^ OF THB University of California. %eceiveLi Jf^I^^^l^. . iSq^ Accession's 'No.^ a /^O- Class N(,. ...,...^lU' ■^^^ \ ;t r^- ) J^.. V. V '^ 'A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofscienOOscierich Btpuviment of 3ktientt anti art of tfie (Eommitite of iS'auncil on (mntaiion* CATALOGUE OF THE SCIENCE LIBRARY IN THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. LONDON: PRINTED BY EYRE AND SP OTTI SW 00 DE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1891. Price Five Shillings, ^/^r PREFACE, In 1854 a special loan exhibition of educational appliances, origin of _, Educational English and Foreign, was held in St. Martin's Hall, Long Acre, collections. under the direction of the Society of Arts. At its close many of the exhibitors of books, school furniture, diagrams, &c. left their contributions at the disposal of the Society, by which they were subsequently hancjed over to the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education, and in 1S57, when the Museum at South Kensington was formed, a portion of the temporary iron buildings was appro- priated for the display of this Collection ; and publishers and manufacturers were invited to add to it by loans, an invitation which was very widely responded to. For ten years the books, school furniture, elementary scientific apparatus, drawing models, and other educational appliances were displayed as one collection, and under the title of the Educational Museum attained con- siderable reputation both at home and abroad. In 1867 portions of the iron buildine^s were removed pre- School fumi- ^ ^ ° ^ ^ ^ ture, fittings, &c. paratory to the erection of new permanent additions to the Art Museum, and space was found for the school furniture, apparatus, &c. first in the corridors and outbuildings of the Museum, and afterwards in the galleries to the south of the Horticultural Gardens, where they remained till, in 1888, other more pressing demands on the space made it necessary to discontinue the exhibition of all except the scientific apparatus, which has been combined with the Collection of Scientific Apparatus for Teaching and Research, formed after the special loan exhibition of Scientific Apparatus held at South Kensington in 1876. {See 36th Report of the Department, p. xxx.) j: 61668. 750.— 3/91. Wt. 2100G, a 2 IV PREFACE. Educational Library. Meanwhile the elementary school books, &c. received from the Society of Arts had been retained in the Museum, and a reading room had been provided for the use of students. The collection was largely augmented by gifts from publishers and from the various exhibitions at home and abroad, and a supply of more advanced text books and works of reference was provided to meet the demands of readers, chiefly students connected with the Science and Art Schools of the Department. To these were added reports and other works bearing on the history and pro- gress of education at home and abroad, together with numerous educational periodicals both English and Foreign. A library of general literature which had been formed for official use of the inspectors, &c. at the central office of the Committee of Council on Education was in 1876 removed here,* and in 1882, after the re-organisation of the science teaching of the Department, it was detei'mined to transfer to South Kensington from the Library of the Museum of Practical Geology in Jermyn Street for the use of the professors and students of the Normal School of Science all the books not required by the staff of the Geological Survey, or by the Mining Class. Bevision of Educjitional Library in 1883. In 1883 a committee of advice and reference which had lately been appointed to examine and report on the educational collections of the South Kensington Museum found that by the accumulations of the past twenty-five years the Library had become larger and more comprehensive than was at first antici- pated, and that it then contained more than 45,000 works (not including duplicates), many of course being small and unim- portant. The reports and recommendations of this committee were considered by the Department, and the following Minute, dated the 19th July 1883, was the result as regarded the Library: — My Lords have before them the reports on the Educational Museum of the Committee of Advice and Ecference who were appointed by Minute of the 9th May 1882. In accordance with the recommendations therein contained, and with those of the Departmental Officers to whom such reports have been ♦ Books from this collection are referred to by C.C.E.L., No. PREFACE. V referred, My Lords have decided to make the following arrangements in regard to the above-mentioned Libraries ; — 1. The books relating to Science in the Educational Library to be amalgamated with the books brought from Jermyn Street, and formed into a Science Library, special facilities being afforded to the Professors of the Normal School to have out on loan such as they require. The books on Art to be added to the Art Library. 2. School and text books, English and Foreign, to be formed into a separate collection and retained with the Educational apparatus for reference and inspection, but not to be used by students as a reading library. 3. Books relating to the history, science, and art of education, English and Foreign ; reports and memoirs relating to public instruction at home and abroad; educational periodicals of all countries; reports, calendars, examination papers, &c. of public educational institutions to be formed into a separate section by themselves. 4. Additions by purchase or otherwise to be only made in future of books falling under one or other of the preceding heads. 5. The books under sections 1, 3, and 4, to be housed for the present in the existing Educational Library rooms, and to be open to the public as at present, so long as there is room after providing for the students of the Normal School of Science. 6. No additions to be made to the other classes of books in the Educational Library ; but those that are already in the possession of the Department to be retained as an Appendix to the Science and Educational Library in the present rooms, and to be open to use by readers therein, as at present. Since that time the additions to the Library have mainly been Science Library, confined to books on science, selected with special reference to the requirements of the professors and students of the Normal School, now the Koyal College of Science. About 9,750 volumes have been received from Jermyn Street, a large proportion of these being Journals and Transactions of Scientific Societies, English and Foreign. At the close of 1884 the present Reading Koom was opened, being the fifth room used for this purpose since 18e57. The following Catalogue, which deals with the Science Library only,"^ is really a tenth edition (with numerous additions, and some omissions) of the science portion of the " Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum," which was first issued in 1857, and of which the ninth edition appeared * A catalogue of books relating to the historj^, science, and art of education, &o, is in preparation. vi PREFACE. in 1876. With some modifications the classification originally adopted in that Catalogue is still adhered to. Some of the more elementary school books have been omitted from the Catalogue, and are kept with the collection of school and text books directed by the above Minute to be available for inspection only. South Kensington Museum, March 1891. vu CONTENTS. Paet 1. — Mathematics: Arithmetical Tables Arithmetic Bookkeeping . - - Algebra "',".' Geometry and Conic Sections Mensuration - - - Trigonometry- Logarithms Differential and Integral Calculus General Treatises - 2. — Geogbaphy and Astronomy: Geography - . - Gazetteers - - - A,tla8es - - - - Maps and Geographical Diagrams Globes - - - - Astronomy ... Navigation - - - Surveying - 3.«_Natdeal Histoey: Geology, Paleontology, Mineralogy, Metallurgy, and Mining ------ Botany - - - - Agriculture . - - . . Zoology : — Protozoa, Coelenterates, Worms, Crustacea, &c Insects - - - - - Molluscs, Conchology, &c. - Fishes - - . , . Keptiles - - - - Birds ------ Mammals - - - - - General Natural History - - - - Ethnography - - - - - Anatomy and Physiology 4.— Chemistry - - - - 6. — Physics : Acoustics ------ Optics ------ Photography - - - - - Heat ------ Meteorology - - - - - Electricity and Magnetism - - - General Treatises - - - - - 6. — Mechanical Science : Mechanics ------ Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics Manufactures and Trades . - - Architecture, Building Construction, and Engineering Military Works -----, Naval Architecture and Mechanism Page 1 3 7 8 11 19 20 21 22 24 30 67 68 71 72 73 83 86 131 160 174 184 194 203 208 211 216 222 262 270 285 315 316 321 323 325 333 341 358 374 077 384 893 395 Vlii CONTEkTii. Pago Paet 7.— Hygiene - - - - - - - 399 8. — Works of Refeeence: EncyclopaBdias, Directories, Calendars, &c. - - 415 Dictionaries ---.-- 420 S. — Scientific Periodical Publications: Transactions and Proceedings of Scientific Societies - 425 Journals ------- 463 Science and Art Department - - - - 480 British Museum ------ 492 Index - - - - -- -.,- 499 ejpgTiS;^^; CATALOGUE OF THE SCIENCE LIBRARY. PART I. MATHEMATICS. ARITHMETICAL TABLES OF MONEY, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. Abbott, W. J. Manual of the Decimal System for the Use of Jewellers, Pawn- brokers, Silversmiths, &c. ; also a Ready Reckoner. (The Weights and Measures' Act, 1878.) post 8vo. cloth. J. & R.Maxwell [1879]. Agriculturist's Calculator. See Works on Ageiculture. Arman, A. Complete Ready Reckoner for the Admeasurement of Land, with a Table showing the Price of Work, from 2s. &d. to 1/. per acre. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1862. Browne, W. H., LL.D. Money, Weights, and Measures of the Chief Commercial Nations in the World, with the British Equivalents. 12mo. cloth, stiff. E. Stanford, 1864. Chambers's Commercial Tables ; consisting of Reckoning, Interest, An- nuity, &c. New edition. 12mo. bound. W. & R. Chambers. Chisholm, H. W. (Warden of the Stan- dards.) On the Science of Weighing and Measuring, and Standards of Mea- sure and Weight, crown 8vo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1877. On Balances (Science Lectures at South Kensington). See Works on Physics {General Treatises). Clapham, J. The Carrier's Improved Ready Reckoner for cwts., qrs., lbs., from 2s. 6rf. to 1405. per ton. oblong post 8vo. cloth. London, 1859. Degrauges, E. Tables ou Calculs tout faits d'luterets. See Works on Book- keeping. E 61668. 750.-8/90. Wt. 21006 Dowliug, C. H. A Series of Metric Tables, in which the British Standard Measures and Weights are compared with those of the Metric System at pre- sent in use on the Continent. See Works on the Metric System (below'). Dowsing, W. Timber Merchant's and Builder's Companion. Tables of the Weight and Measurement of Deals, &c., with Prices. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co, Dunham, Robert Clark. Decimal Key for simplifying all ordinary Arithmet- ical Operations, folio, half bound. London, 1866. East Indian Heady Reckoner ; a Series of Tables showing the Cost of any Number of Articles in Indian Cur- rency. Including Numbers answering to fixed Indian Weights and Measures. By C. D. royal 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1864. Pesting, A. M. Tables for the Con- version of Sterling into Dollars and Cents, and vice versa. 2 parts in one volume, fcp. folio, cloth. Desbarats, Ottawa, 1867. Gumersall, T. B. Tables of Discount or Simple Interest, from 5 to 2^ per cent. ; with Tables of Brokerage or Commission. 9th edition. 8vo. cloth. Effingham Wilson. Haviland, J. The Scientific Adviser ; containing Tables of Specific Gravities of all Substances ; their Superficial and Solid Contents ; Land Measuring ; to- gether with a Computation of the Dif- ferences between Old and New Weights and Measures ; also Prices of the Work of Millwrights, and other Artificers; with Tables of Interest, Discount, &c. 5th edition. 8vo. boards. London, 1826. E. & S. A 2 MATHEMATICS. Erabdk, J. Gemeinnutziges Mathe- matisch-Technisches Tabellenwerk, ins- besondere fur das Metrische und Eng- lische, Oesterreichische und Preussische Maas- und Gewichts-System. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1876. Inwood, W. Tables for the Purchasing of Estates, Annuities, &e. 1 7th edition , -with Additions, by Mons. Eedor Thoman. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1 859. Kelly, Dr. P. The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. 2nd edi- tion. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1826. KnpfEer, A. T. Travaux de la Com- mission pour fixer les Mesures e.t les Poids de I'Empire de Russie. 2 vols. With Atlas. 4to. half calf. St. Petersburg, 1841. mCcCnlloll, K. S. A Manual contain- ing Tables to be used by the Revenue Officers of the United States, small 12mo. bound. "Washington, 1849. metric System, Works on the. See next Section. Millers' (The), Merchants* and Far- mers' Ready Reckoner, with the Ap- proximate Values of Millstones and Millwork, &c. (Weale's Series.) 12rao. cloth, stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1861. Richardson, W. Packing Case Tables, showing the Number of Superficial Feet in Boxes, &c. oblong post 4to. cloth, stiff. C. Lockwood & Co., 1864. Tate, W. The Modern Cambist; a Manual of Foreign Exchanges ; with Tables of Foreign Weights and Measures, and their Equivalents in English and French. 9th edition, brought down to the Present Time. 8vo. cloth. Effingham Wilson, 1858. Thoman, F. Theory of Compound Interest and Annuities, with Logarithmic Tables. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1859. Warren, Rev. I. Table and Formula Book. sq. 24mo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1889. Wheeler, J. Appraiser, Auctioneer, House Agent, and House Broker's Pocket Assistant for Valuation, &c. 2nd edition, royal 32mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co. Wood's Discount Tables, calculated from \d. to 200/. at from \ to 90 per cent. 24mo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1851. Woolhonse, W. S. B. Measures, Weights, and Moneys of all Nations, &c. 12mo. cloth. J. Weale, 1856. I III! I ■ ■ 6th edition. l2mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1881. METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND COINAGE. American Metrological Society. Proceedings. See Transactions^ New York. jBonn, Prof. Great Britain's New Pro- posed Decimal Albert System of Weights, Measures, and Coins, compared, with the French Metric System, &c. 8vo. sewed. London, 1869, Bowring, Sir J. The Decimal System in Numbers, Coins, and Accounts, crown 8vo. cloth. N. Cooke, 1854. post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1872. British Decimal System (A) of Weights and Measures. Described by Abacus. 8vo. sewed. G. Graham, Edinburgh, 1872. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. Travaux et Memoires. See Transactions— Paris. Dowling, C. H. A Series of Metric Tables, in which the British Standard Measures and Weights are compared with those of the Metric System at present in use on the Continent. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1864. Handbook to accompany the Synoptic Table of Measures and Weights of the Metric System. By J. Yates, post 8vo. cloth, limp. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1864. Dunham, E. C. Decimal Key for Sim- plifying all ordinary Arithmetical Opera- tions. See Arithmetical Tables, &c. International Association for obtaining a Uniform System of Measures, Weights, and Coins (British Branch), &c.. Various Pam- phlets published by the. In one vol. 8vo. half roan. 1855-66. Jackson, L. d'A. Modern Metrology ; a Manual of the Metrical Units and Systems of the Present Century, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Levi, Leone. The Theory and Practice of the Metric System of Weights and Measures, fcp. 8vo. sewed. 1871. ■ 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Griffith and Farran, 1871. Rickard, W. Manual of the Metric Sys- tem, fcp. 8vo. sewed. G. Philip & Son, 1872. Boss, W. S. Text-Book of the Metric System and Decimal Coinage. New edition, fcp. 8vo. sewed. T. Laurie ARITHMETIC. Saigfey, M. Traite de Metrologie, An- cienne et Moderne, suivi d'un precis de Chronologic et des Signes Numer- iques, &c. See Works on Arithmetic (^Foreign). Spain. Comision Internacional del Metro. See* Transactions — Madrid : Instituto Geogrdfico. Taylor, H. Decimal System as applied to the Coinage and Weights and Mea- sures of Great Britain. 12mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. For other Works on the Metric System and Decimal Coinage, see in following Section : — Browne, W. A. Arithmetical Ex- amples. Bryce, J. The Arithmetic of Decimals. Colenso, Bishop. Arithmetic for Schools. Kavanagh, J. W. Arithmetic. (/n the Science Galleries of this Museum will be found a Collection of Weights, Measures, Coins, with Diagrams, illustrating the different Systems adopted in various parts of the World, ire.) ARITHMETIC. ENGLISH TREATISES. Alingham, W. New Treatise of Arith- metick. 12mo. calf. London, 1705. Ars bene Numerandi, or a Small Tract of Arithmetick, &c. , By T. E. CT. Kichards ?) 18mo. calf. London, 1702. Ayres, J. Arithmetick Made Easie, with a Treatise on Book-keeping by C. Snell. Revised by E. Hatton. 17th edition. 18mo. bound. T. Norris, London, 1726. Babbage's Calculating Engines. Being a Collection of Papers relating to them ; their History and Construction, 4to. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1889. [^Babhage's Difference and Analytical Engines are in the Science Collections of this Museum.'] Baker, Humph. The Well-Spring of the Sciences ; teaching the perfect Work and Practice of Arithmetic. I8mo. bound. S. Brewster, London, 1657. Bayley,W.H. Hand-Book of the Slide Rule, showing its Applicability to I. — Arithmetic (including Interest and Annuities). II. — Mensuration (Super- ficial and Solid, including Land Survey- ing). New edition. 12mo. cloth. G, Bell & Sons, 1876. Bridges, Noah. Lux Mercatoria; Arith- metic, Natural and Decimal, royal 18mo. calf. T. Johnson, London, 1661 « Browne, W. A., LL.D. Arithmetical Examples for Military and Civil Service ; a Complete Treatise on Arithmetic, con- sisting of Questions given at Military and Civil Service Examinations, &c. ; with an Account of Money, Weights, and Measures, and a Sketch of the Metric System. 12mo. cloth. 1864. Arithmetical Questions on the 8th Civil Service Report, with Answers and Solutions. 12mo. stitched. 1864. Civil Service Tests in Arithmetic. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Army Tests in Arithmetic ; with Answers. 12mo. cloth, limp. E. Stanford, 1871. Bryce, J. The Arithmetic of Decimals, adapted to a Decimal Coinage. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1860. Bsrme, Oliver. Dual Arithmetic. A new Art. New issue, with a complete Analysis. 8vo. cloth. 1864. Part 2. The Descending Branch of the "Art " and the " Science " of Dual Arithmetic. 8vo. cloth. 1867. The Young Dual Arithmetician, or Dual Arithmetic. A new Art, de- signed for Elementary Instruction, &c. 12mo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1866. Christie, J. A. The Constructive Arith- metic ; developing a new method of teaching the Science and Art of Com- putation. With 8,000 Examples for practice. 12mo. cloth. Virtue Brothers & Co., 1865. Cocker's Arithmetick ; being a plain and familiar Method, suitable to the meanest Capacity, for the full Understanding of that incomparable Art. Perused and published by John Hawkins. 45th edition, carefully corrected and amended by George Fisher. 12mo. in roan case. (Imperfect.) London, n.d. ' Perused and published by John Hawkins. 12mo. calf. Printed by R. Holt, 1688. By John Hawkins, and George Fisher. 49th edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1738. Decimal Arithmetic. By J. Haw- kins. 4th edition. 12mo. bound. R. Wellington, London, 1713. Colenso, Bishop. Arithmetic for Schools, with a Chapter on Decimal Coinage. New edition. 12mo. boards. 1853. Key to, by S. Maynard. 3rd edition. 12mo. boards. 1854. — — — ' New edition, revised, with Notes and Examination Papers. 12mo. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1864. A 2 MATHEMATICS. GolensOi Bishop. Arithmetic for Schools, with Chapter on Decimal Coinage. Key, adapted to the revised edit, of 1864. By the Rev. J. Hunter, M.A. 12mo. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1864. Com well and Fitch's Science of Arith- metic. 4th edition. 12mo. cloth. 1858. 15th edition. 12mo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1874. De Morgan, A. Arithmetical Books and Authors, from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time, post 8 vo. cloth. Walton & Maherly, 1847. Elements of Arithmetic. cloth. post 8vo. 1857. " — 6th edition. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1876. Dilworth, T. The Schoolmaster's As- sistant ; being a Compendium of Arith- metic, both Practical and Theoretical. 14th edition. ]2mo. bound. London, 1767. 17th edition. 8vo. bound. 1772. 22nd edition. 12mo. bound. 1784. ■ 23rd edition. 12mo. sheep. {^Brooke Collection.) London, 1787. Donald, J. Commercial Arithmetic ; comprising Proportion and its applica- tion to Interest, Exchange, Stocks, Profit and Loss, &c., according to a New Method, &c. crown 8vo. cloth. Simpkin & Co. Hvers, H. Arithmetic in Theory and Practice. With Answers, post Bvo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1876. Oalbraith, Rev. J. A., and Haugh- ton, Rev. S. Manual of Arithmetic. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855. .— — New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1868. Girdlestone, Rev. W. H. Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. crown 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1867. ... 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, crown 8vo. half morocco. cloth. School edition, fcp. 8vo. Rivingtons, 1870. Goyen, P. Higher Arithmetic and Ele- mentary Mensuration, post Bvo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1888. Gray, J. G., and Lawson, G. The Elements of Graphical Arithmetic and Graphical Statics. See Works on Mechanics. Hatton, E. The Merchant's Magazine ; or. Tradesman's Treasury. 5th edition. post 4to. old calf. London, 1707. Hatton, Ed. An Intire System of Arith- metic ; or Arithmetic in all its parts, small 4to. calf. London, 1721. Hill, J. Arithmetick, both in Theory and Practice. With Preface by H. Ditton. post 8vo. sheep. (No title.) (Brooke Collection.) 1712. Arithmetick, both in the Theory and Practice, Made Plain and Easie. 2nd edition ; with the addition of Alge- braical Questions, post 8vo. old calf. London, 1716. 1 5th edition. 1 2mo. bound. Edinburgh, 1780. Hind, Rev. John. The Principles and Practice of Arithmetic, comprising the Nature and Use of Logarithms, with the Computations employed by Artificers, Gangers, and Land Surveyors, with a New Appendix of Miscellaneous Ques- tions. 12mo. boards. Key to; with an Appendix, consisting of Questions for Examination in all the Rules of Arithmetic. 12mo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1856. Hipsley, W. Equational Arithmetic applied to Questions of Interest, Life Assurance, &c. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1854. Part 2. 12mo. cloth stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1858. Hoare, C. The Slide Rule and How to Use it. With a Slide Rule in tuck of cover. 4th edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1881. Hodder, J. Decimal Arithmetick. 18mo. old calf. London, 1668. Arithmetick ; or, that necessary Art Made Most Easie. 20th edition, revised by H. Mose. 18mo. bound. London, 1697. Hunter, Rev. J. The Art of Solving Problems in Higher Arithmetic, post 8vo. cloth. 1884. Key to. post Bvo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1 884. Hntton, C. The Schoolmaster's Guide, or a Complete System of Practical Arithmetic and Book-keeping. 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1771. — — A Complete Treatise on Practical Arithmetic and Book-keeping. 6th edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1781. Arithmetic and Book-keeping. Edited by Ingram and Trotter. New edition. 12mo. bound. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1857. ARITHMETIC. Johnston, R. Civil Service Arithmetic, containing 1,300 Questions proposed by the Civil Service Commissioners, with Solutions of some of the most difficult. . 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. ■ ■■ 14th edition. 12mo. cloth. 1879. — — ^ A Key to. 12mo. cloth. 1879. , ■• 1 5th edition j with Exami- nation Papers given in 1879, their ' Answers, &c. Longmans & Co., 1880. Eavanagh, J. W. Arithmetic, its Principles and Practice. 5th edition, . with an Appendix on Coins and Coinage, Decimal Money, &c. 12mo. cloth. C. Dolman, 1857. Lardner, Dr. A Treatise on Arith- metic, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Jjeyboum, W. Arithmetical Recrea- tions; or Enchiridion of Arithmetical Questions, &c. 24mo calf. London, 1667. -^ Arithmetick t Vulgar, Decimal, ' Instrumental, Algebraical. 5th edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1684. XjUpton, W. M. Arithmetic. 2nd edi- tion. 12mo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1867. Key to. By C. R. Lupjon. • 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1877. Merrifield, C. W. Technical Arith- metic and Mensuration. post 8vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1872. — 2nd edition. post 8vo. 1873. cloth. cloth. — New edition, post Svo. 1882. Key to, by Rev. J. Hunter. post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. Morland, Sir S. The Description and Use of Two Arithmetick Instruments. Together with a Short Treatise, Ex- plaining and Demonstrating the Or- ' dinary Operations of Arithmetick. As likewise, a Perpetual Almanack, and several Useful Tables, fcp. Svo. calf. London, 1673. {The Calculating Machine adapted to Trigonometrical Computations, and ' Constructed by Sir Samuel Morland in ' 1664, is in the Science Collections of this Museum.'} Mnnn, D. The Theory of Arithmetic, post Svo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sous, 1871. ITesbit, A. A Practical Treatise on Arithmetic. Part I. 4th edition. 12mo. bound. 1850. Key to. Part II. 12mo. boiind. 12mo. bound. Key to. 12mo. bound. Longmans & Co., 1846. O'Goxrman, D. Intuitive Calculations. 25th edition, corrected and enlarged by J. R. Young. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1879. Fedley, S. Examples in Arithmetic, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co. , 1879. Piper, T. W. Advanced Arithmetic for Schools and Colleges, crown Svo. cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1874, Potts, R. Elementary Arithmetic, with brief Notices of its History. Sections 1 to 12. In one vol. Svo. half calf. National Society's Depository, 1876. Record, R., M.D. Arithmetick; or the Ground of Arts, &c. Afterwards augmented by John Dee, and since enlarged, with a third part of Rules of Practice, &c. by John Mellis, corrected by Ro. Hartwell. 12mo. bound. London, 1673. Rickard, W. The Miner's Manual of Arithmetic and Surveying. See Works on Geology. " Routledge " Engineers' Improved Slide Rule, Instructions for Using the. fcp. Svo. sewed. Birmingham, 1867. Sang, E. Elementary Arithmetic, post Svo. cloth. 1856. Answers in. post Svo. sewed. to the Exercises 1856. Higher Arithmetic. post Svo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1857. Scott, W. Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra, for the Use of the Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst. Svo. bound. Longmans & Co., 1851. Sellers, John. A Pocket Book, con- taining several choice Collections in- Arithmetic, Geometry, &c., &c. 18mo, bound. ' London, 1685. Slide Rule, Works on the. See Bay- ley, W. H.— Hoare, C— " Routledge." Smith, Rev. Barnard, M.A. Arithmetic for Schools. New edition, post Svo. cloth. 1859. Key to. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1860. ' New edition, post Svo. half roan. 1877. Key to. New edition. crown 8vo, half roan. Macmillan & Co., 1876. 6 MATHEMATICS. Smith, Rev. Barnard, M.A. Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Application. 6th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1859.. . 14th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1876. — — — Exercises in Arithmetic, crown Svo. cloth, limp. 1860. School Class Book of Arithmetic. Parts 1, 2, & 3. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. 1864. — — Key to. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1865. Smith., J. Brook. Arithmetic in Theory and Practice for Advanced Pupils. Part I. post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1860. Smith, J. H. Treatise on Arithmetic, fcp. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1872. ■■ • 2nd edition, fcp, 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1873. Sonnenscheiu, A., & Nesbitt, H. A. The Science and Art of Arithmetic. 3 parts, in one vol. crown 8vo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1870. 3 parts, in one vol. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1879. Vyse, C. The Tutor's Guide, being a Complete System of Arithmetic. 7th edit. 12mo. bound. London, 1790. The Ladies' Accomptant, and the Scholar's best Accomplisher. 2nd edi- tion. 12mo. bound. London, 1789. Walkingame, P. The Tutor's Assist- ant, being a Compendium of Arithmetic, and a Complete Question Book. 21st edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1785. Improved by Crosby and Maynard. New edition. 12mo. bound. 1856. Key to, by S. Maynard. 12mo. bound. Longmans & Co., 1854. ■ Tutor's Assistant, improved by Rev. T. Smith. 12rao. bound. Allman & Son, 1856. Revised by W. Birkin. 12mo. bound. Key to, by W. Birkin. 12mo. bound. J. & C. Mozley, Derby. ^ To which is added a Course of Mental Arithmetic. By E. Mac- kenzie. 18mo. complete, cloth, and sewed, also in 2 parts, sewed. R. Hardwicke. Wingate, E. The Use of the Rule of Proportion in Arithmetic and Geometry. 2nd edition. 18mo. bound. London, 1658. Wingate, E. Arithmetick. Inlarged, also carefully revised, &c. by John Ker- sey, 14th edition, with New Supplement, &c. (1719), by George Shelley, post Svo. old calf. London, 1720. 19th edition, with Addi- tions and Emendations by J. Kersey, G. Shelley, and J. Dodson. Svo. calf. (^Brooke Collection.') London, 1760. Wingate, W. H. The Parallel Arith- metic ; a Collection of Examples com- posed and arranged on a new Plan. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1865, Wrigley, A., MA. Arithmetic for the Use of Schools and Colleges, fcp. Svo. cloth. Deighton & Co., Cambridge, 1862. ARITHMETIC. FOREIGN TREATISES. Bertrand, J. Traite d'Arithmetique, avec des Exercices. Svo. 1851. Solutions Raisonnees. Par MM. Gros and Prouhet. Svo. With the above (as Key) in 1 vol. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1850. Condillac. La Langue des Calculs. Svo. half calf. Basle (Paris, An. vii.). ■ ' ■ New edition. 12mo. half roan. Sandoz & Fishbacher, Paris, 1877. Degranges, E. Arithm^tique Com- merciale et Pratique, contenant : tons les Developpements utile dans la Pratique, les Procedes nouveaux, les Methodes en usage dans la Commerce, le Systeme Metrique developpe, &c. 6th edition. Svo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1857. Ijenpold, J. Theatrum Arithmetic© - Geometricum. See Works on Me- chanics (^Foreign'). Saigey, M. Traite de Metrologie, Ancienne et Moderne, suivi d'un precis de Chronologic, et des Signes Num^r- iques. 12mo. sewed. 1834. Poids et Mesures du Systeme Me- trique, 12mo. sewed. 1852, La Pratique des Poids et Mesures du Syst.^me Metrique. l6mo. sewed. 1841. Probl^mes d'Arithmetique et Ex- ercices de Calcul. 8th edition. ISmo. half calf. 1854. M. Sonnet. Solutions Raisonnees. Par ISmo. half calf. 1852. — — Ajithmetique Th^orique. 18mo. sewed, Hachette & Co., 1853. BOOK-KEEPING. Stagey, M. Probl^mes d'Arithmetique et Exercices de Calcul du Second Degre, avec les Solutions raisonnees. 18mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1859. Sardou, A. L. Le9ons et Exercices sur les Poids et Mesures Metriques. 1 Smo. sewed. New edition. 1 Smo. sewed. Dezobry & Co., Paris. Sardou, M. L. Arithmetique— Geo- metrie— Physique. 12mo. sewed. Paris, 1862. Sonnet, H. Problemes et Exercices d'Arithmetique et d'Algebre sur les principales questions usueUes relatives au Commerce, h la Banque, aux Fonds Pub- lics, aux Sciences Appliquees, &c. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1858. Tarnier, E. A. Elements d'Arithme- tique Theorique et Pratique. 4th edition. 12mo. boards. Hachette & Co., 1858. Tombeck, H. E. Traite d'Arithmetique a r Usage des Classes de Sciences, des Lycees, et des Candidats au Baccalau- r^at es Sciences, et aux Ecoles du Gou- vernement. 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1861. BOOK-KEEPING. Bryant, H. B., Stratton, H. D., and Packard, S. S. National Book-keep- ing ; an Analytical and Progressive Treatise on the Science, royal Svo. cloth. Ivison, Phinney, & Co., New York, 1860. Bryce, J. Treatise on Book-keeping by Double and Single Entry. New edition, enlarged. 12mo.'>loth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1860. Civil Service Book-keeping; its Principles Popularly Explained, and the Theory of Double Entry Analysed, fcp. Svo. cloth. ' 1869. — — 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1S77. Cory, I. P. Practical Treatise on Ac- counts, Mercantile, Partnership, Soli- citors, &c. 2nd edition. Svo. boards. W. Pickering, 1839. ■ Practical Treatise on Accounts, Mercantile, Private and Official ; exhi- biting the manner in which Double Entry may be applied to the Accounts of Government, with proposals for the introduction of a uniform and cen- tralized System of Accounts in all the Public Offices. Svo. boards. W. Pickering, 1840. Cracroft, B. The Investor's Record of Purchases and Sales, with Calculation Tables adapted to every Investment, oblong folio, half roan. Effingham Wilson, Degranges, E. La Tenue des Livres, ou Nouveau Traits de Comptabilite Generale. 25th edition. Svo. sewed. 1857. Tables ou Calculs tout faita d'lnterets. 4to. sewed. Elements de la Tenue des Livres en Partie Simple et en Partie Double. 12mo. boards. Hachette & Co. Tenue des Livres de Maltres de Forges et des Usines k Fer, Fenderies, Toleries, Trefileries, etc., ou Compta- bilite en Partie Simple et Double, appli- cable aux Usines en general. 2nd edi- tion. Svo. sewed. Langlois & Leclercq. Traite de Comptabilite Agricole. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. 1857. Traite des Comptes en Participa- tion, precede de la Tenue des Livres generalisee. 4th edition. Svo. sewed. Langlois & Leclercq, Paris. Farm Account Books. See Works on Agbicultube. Foster, B. F. Book-keeping by Double Entry Elucidated. 6th edition, post 4to. cloth. Bell & Daldj, 1855. The Counting-house Assistant ; comprising a Series of Tables, &c., re- specting Bills of Exchange ; a Synopsis of Book-keeping, and an Explanation of Commercial Terms, post Svo. cloth. Aylott & Co., 1857. Fulton, L. S., and Eastman, G. W. A Practical System of Book-keeping, crown Svo, half bound. ' A set of three books adapted to. fcp. 4to. sewed. Barnes & Co., New York, 1854. Gibbs, H. Book-keeping by Double Entry, containing a Miniature Set of Books, showing the Transactions of Thos. & J. Williams, oblong fcp. 4to. sewed. Simpkin & Co. Gilbart, J. W. History and Principles of Ancient Commerce. 12mo. Longmans & Co., 1853. ( With Works on Commerce.) Gonjon et Sardou. Cours Complet de Tenue des Livres et d'Operations Commerciales. 3rd edition. Svo. sewed. 1860. Solutions des Exercices. Hachette & Co. Svo. sewed. Hamilton, B. G. C, and Ball, J. Book-keeping, fcj). Svo. cloth, limp. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1868. 8: MATHEMATICS. Hnnter, Rev. J. Examination Ques- tions in Book-keeping by Double Entry. (For Civil Service Examinations.) 12mo. cloth. 1863. • i • • '• Progressive Exercises in Book- keeping by Double Entry, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiflF. Longmans & Co., 1864. Key to. 12mo. cloth. 1871. •* Studies in Double Entry Book- keeping, post 8vo. cloth. 1878. ■ > Supplementary Book-keeping by Double Entry, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1883. Hutton, C. Practical Book-keeping. Edited by Ingram & Trotter. 12mo. half bound. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1856. ' A set of ruled paper books adapted ' to Book-keeping by Single Entry. Two . books, post folio, sewed. ■ Double Entry. Two books, post folio, sewed. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Jackson's Complete System of Book- keeping. By Marcus Trotter. 8vo. cloth. M'Glashan & Gill, Dublin, 1860. Eaiu, G. J. Solicitor's Book-keeping, by Two Methods, Single Column and Double Column. Svo. cloth. Waterlow & Sons, 1865. ±elly, P., LL.D., The Elements of Book-keeping, vnth an Appendix on Exchanges, Banking, &c. 12th edition. Svo. bound. Simpkin & Co., 1847. Maclean, J. D. Book-keeping for the Class-room and Counting-house, by Double and Single Entry. 6th edition. ' fop. 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1875. Manly, H. The Principles of Book- keeping by Double Entry. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. 1868. ■ 4th edition, revised by H. W. Manly, 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1875. Manual of Book-keeping, by an Expe- rienced Clerk. 8th edition. 12mo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1856. Michelsen, E. H. The Merchant's Polyglot Manual in Nine Languages. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1860. (^With Works of Rkfekence.) Monrison, C. Complete System of Practical Book-keeping, &c. 8th edi- tion. Svo. half calf. W. Tegg & Co., 1849. Kelson, J. Book-keeping by Double Entry, exemplified in a simple set of . Books, principally for Retailers, &c. post Svo. cloth. J. Men/ies & Co., Edinburgh, 1871. Thornton, J. First Lessons in Book- keeping, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1880. Tolmie, D. Elementary Treatise on Book-keeping by Double Entry, &c., to- which are appended Rules for Rapid and Concise Methods of Calculation, post Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 18S5. Wagner, C. F. A. Treatise on Double Entry — Book-keeping, &c. In English; and German. Arranged according to Marsh's Method of Book-keeping. Svo. cloth. Leipzig, 1871. Woodman, J. M. Book-keeping for Farmers and Estate Owners. See Works on Agkiculiure. ALGEBRA. ENGLISH TREATISES. Atkins, Rev. E. Algebra to Quadratic Equations, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1875. Elements of Algebra for Middle Class Schools and Training Colleges. post 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1876, Baily, F. The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities, Analytically Investigated and Explained. 4to. boards. London, 1808. The Doctrine of Life-Annuities. and Assurances, Analytically Investi- gated and Explained. Svo. half calf. London, 1810. Appendix, pp. 1-64, con- taining a New Method of Calculating the Value of Life Annuities. Svo. half calf. London, J. Richardson, 1813. Bland, M. Algebraical Problems. Svo. half calf. Rivingtons, 1816. Bonnycastle, J. Introduction to Algebra. Revised by S. Maynard. 12mo. bound. Simpkin & Co., 1849. Adapted to the System pursued in the Universities and Military. Colleges, by W. Galbraith and Dr. W. Rutherford. 12mo. bound. 1853. Key to. 12mo. bound. Maclachlan & Co., Edinburgh, 1859. A new edition, by the Rev. E. C. Tyson and Dr. Rutherford. 12mo. bound. 1859. Key to. 5th edition, by the Rev. E. C. Tyson. 12mo. bound. W. Tegg, 1847. Introduction to Algebra. Re- vised by J. Ryan and J. F. [Jenkins royal 12mo. bound. W. E. Dean, New York, 1846 ALGEBRA. 9 Buruside, W. S., and Fantou, A. W. ' The Theory of Equations ; -with an • Introduction to the Theory of Binary ' Algebraic Forms. 8vo. cloth. (Dublin University Press Series.) ' Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Dublin, 1881. Clurystal, G. Algebra. 2 parts. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, 1889. Qoleuso, Bishop. Elements of Algebra. Adapted for Teachers and Students in the University. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1855. ■ I Elements of Algebra. 18mo. cloth, ' stiff. 1855. ■ Key to. 1 8mo. cloth, stiff. 1853. •7 Miscellaneous Examples in Al- ] gebra. 12mo. stiff wrapper. 1851. ^. Elements of Algebra, for Schools. Parts I. and II. 12mo. boards. 1856-7. , Key to. Parts I. and II. - 12mo. In 1 vol. half calf. 1856. • Algebra, Part I., Examination ' Questions on. By Rev. J. Hunter. 12mo. boards. Longmans & Co., 1863. ■ The Student's Algebra. Edited by Rev. J. Hunter, post 8vo. cloth. 1878. ' Key, by Rev. J. Hunter. ' post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. Colenso, Bishop, and Hunter, Rev. J. • An Introductory Algebra, fcp. 8vo. • cloth. 1872. Key to, by Rev. J. Hunter. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. l>alt0U, Rev. T. Rules and Examples in Algebra. Part II. 18mo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. De Morgan, A. An Essay on Proba- bilities and on their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. New edition, post 8vo. calf. (Cabinet of Natural Philosophy.) (C. C. E. Z., No. 912.) London, 1841. Ellis, A. J. Algebra identified with Geometry ; in a series of Five Tracts. 8vo. swd. C. F. Hodgson & Son, 1874.. Enler, L. Elements of Algebra. Trans- lated from the French ; with the Notes of M. Bernouilli, &c., and the Additions of M. de la Grange. By the Rev. J. Hewlett. 3rd edition. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Life and Character of Euler, by the late Francis Horner. 8vo. half calf. London, 1822. . 5th edition. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 947.) London, 1840. Galbxraith, Rev. J. A.,& Hanghton, Rev. S. Manual of Algebra. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1868. Galbraith, Rev. J. A., & Hanghton, Rev. S. Manual of Algebra, Part I. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1864. — — — ' New edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1869. Graham, R. Elementary Algebra. With numerous Examples and Exer- cises, post Bvo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1889. Griffin, Rev. W. N. The Elements of Algebra and Trigonometry, post 8vo. cloth. (Text Books of Science.) 1871. ■ 3rd edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1875. 5th edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1882. Notes on the Elements of Algebra and Trigonometry, with Solutions, post 8vo. cloth. (Text Books of Science.) (2 copies.) Longmans & Co., 1872. Gross, E.J. Algebra. Part 11. (Supple- ment to J. H. Smith's " Elementary Algebra.") post 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1874., Hall, H. S., and Knight, S. R. Ele- mentary Algebra for Schools. With An- swers. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1889. Higher Algebra. Sequel to the above, fcp. Bvo. cloth. 1887. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Hard^, P. A New and General Notation for Life Contingencies. 8vo. cloth. London, 1840. Kensley, L. The Scholar's Algebra, post 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1875. Hind, John. The Principles and Prac- tice of Arithmetical Algebra, Illustrated by Examples, post 8vo. boards. The Elements of Algebra. 8vo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1855. Hunter, Rev. J. Key to Colenso's Student's Algebra. See Colenso, Bishop. Examination Questions on Colenso's Algebra. See Colenso, Bishop. Hymers, J. Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 965.) Cambridge, 1840, Kelland, Rev. P. The Elements of Algebra. 8vo. cloth. 1839. For the use of Schools and Junior Classes in Colleges. 12mo.- cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1860. Knight, Dr. W. T. Algebraic Factors ; How to Find them and How to Use them. . post 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son. w MATHEMATICS; Knight, Dr. W. T. Algebraic Factors : How to Find them and How to Use them. Enlarged edition. To which is added Factors in the Examination Room, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son [1888]. Lacroix's Elements of Algebra. Trans- lated by W. H. Spiller. 12mo. cloth. C. H. Law, 1835. Lund, Rev. T. Solutions of Two Thou- sand Questions and Problems in Algebra, forming a Key to Wood's Algebra. post8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1860. Companion to Wood's Algebra. See Wood, Rev. J. Lupton, W. M. Test Papers in Algebra for the Army, Navy, and Matriculation Examinations. 12mo. cloth, limp. Longmans & Co., 1887. Maclauriu, C. Treatise on Algebra. 8vo. bound. London, 1779. Murphy, Rev. R. Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. cloth. London [1838]. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 963.) London, 1839. Peacock, Dr. G. Treatise on Algebra. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 943,944.) Cambridge, 1845. 1. Arithmetical Algebra. 2. On Symbolical Algebra and its Application to the Geometry of Position. Potts, R. Elementary Algebra, with brief Notices of its History. 12 sections, in one vol. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1879. Raxuchliudra. Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima, solved by Algebra. 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1850. IU)nse, E. P., and Cockshott, A. Exercises in Algebra, post 8vo. cloth. (Eton Mathematical Series.) J. Murray, 1887. Salmon, Rev. G. Lessons Introductory to the Modern Higher Algebra. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) Hodges, Smith, & Co., Dublin, 1866. Sannderson, Prof. Select Parts of his Elements of Algebra. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1761. Smith, Rev. B. Algebra. See Works on Akithmetic. Smith, C. Elementary Algebra, fcp. 8vo. cloth 1886. ■ Treatise on Algebra, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1888. Smith, J. H. Elementary Algebra. With Answers. New edition, revised. fcp. 8yo. half roan. Kivmgtons, 1872. Smith, J. H. Elementary Algebra. With Answers. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1873. • Without Answers. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1873. Elementary Algebra. Part II. See Gross, E. J. ■ Exercises on Algebra, crown 8vo. cloth, stifiP. 1870. ■ ■ Exercises on Algebra, with An- swers, crown 8vo. cloth, stiff. 1871. ■ Without Answers, crown 8vo. cloth, stiff. Rivingtons, 1871. TodhxLUter, I. Algebra for the Use of Colleges and Schools. crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1858. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1860. ■ 3rd edition. crown 8vo» cloth. 1862. New edition, crown 8vo, half roan. 1877. Key to Algebra for Schools and Colleges. 3rd edition, crown 8vo. half roan. 1874. An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations, with a Collection of Examples, crown 8vo. cloth. 1861. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1867. 4th edition. post 8vo. 1880. cloth. •^——^ Algebra for Beginners, with numerous Examples, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1863. ■ New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1880. Whitworth, W. A. Choice and Chance, an Elementary Treatise on Per- mutations, Combinations, and Proba- bility, with Exercises. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1886. Wood, Rev. J. The Elements of Al- gebra. 16th edition, revised and en- IsLTgedi by Rev. Thos. Lund. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1861. " ■ 17th edition, re-modelled, &c. by Rev. T. Lund, post 8vo. cloth. 1876. Companion to. By Rev. Thos. Lund. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1860. —— 4 th edition. post 8vo. cluth. Longmans & Co., 1878. Key to. -See Lund, Rev. T. Tonug, J. R. Course of Mathematics : Algebra and Plane Trigonometry, 12mo. cloth. G. Routledge, 1855. GEOMETEY, ETC, ir AL6EBBA. FOREIGN TREATISES. Bertraud, J. Traite d'Algebre. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. 1855. Vol. I. (5« edition). Vol. II. (4«' edition;. Tar J. Bertrand et H. Garcet. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1866-7. — Calcul des Probabilit^s. imp. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. B^ZOUt. Cours de Mathematiques. 3« Partie, contenant I'Algebre ct I'Appli- cation de I'Algebre h. la Geometric, avec des notes explicatives par A. A. L. Reynaud. 8 vo. half calf. Paris, 1812. —- Elements d'Algebre. Par M. Saigey. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1848. Bos, H. Elements d'Algebre. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1879. Cirodde, P. L. Lemons d'Algebre. 3rd edition, 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1860. Clairaut. iSlemens d'Algebre. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Courcier, Paris, 1801. Conrnot, A. A. Exposition de laTheorie des Chances et des Probabilites. 8vo. ■ sewed. Hachette & Co., 1843. ■ De rOrigine et des Limites de la Correspondance entre I'Algebre etjla Geometric. With Plates. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1847. Echegaray, J. Memoria sobre la Teoria de las Determinantes. 4to. stitched. Madrid, 1868. Iiaplace. Theorie Analytique des Pro- babilites. See Works on Astronomy. Ritt, G. Problemes d'Algebre et Exer- cices de Calcul Algebrique, avec lea Solutions. 5th edition. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1860. Problemes d' Application de I'Algebre h, la Geometric, avec les Solutions developpees. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1857. Sonnet, H. Algebre Elementaire, avec de nombreuses Applications ^ la Geo- metric et aux Questions les plus simples de Physique, de Mecanique, &c. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. Hachette, 1854. Tarnier et Dieu. Elements d'Algebre. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1860. GEOMETRY, CONIC SECTIONS, ANB QUATERNIONS. ENGLISH TREATISES. Adams, W. M. Outlines of Geometry ; or the Motion of a Point, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1869. Aldis, W. S. Elementary Treatise on Solid Geometry. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1865. Association for the Improvement of Geometrical TeacJhing. i3th and 14th General Eeport. 8vo. sewed. W. J. Robinson, Bedford, 1887-8. Atkins, Rev. E. Elements of Geometry, based on Euclid. Books I.-III. post 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1876. Benson, L. S. Geometrical Disqui- sitions. 8vo. stitched. Saunders, Otley, & Co., 1864. Besant, W. H. Conic Sections, treated Geometrically, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1869, Bland, M. Geometrical Problems de- ducible from the first Six Books of Euclid, arranged and solved. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth boards. (C C.E. Z., No. 1029.) London, 1842. Bootll, Dr. J. A Memoir on the Trigo- nometry of the Parabola and the Geometrical Origin of Logarithms. 8vo. sewed. Taylor & Francis, 1856, Treatise on some New Greomet- rical Methods. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873-7. Byrne, O. Elements of Euclid, the First Six Books, in which Coloured Diagrams and Symbols are used instead Letters, for the greater ease of learners, post 4to. half calf. W. Pickering, 1847. Casey, Dr. J. Sequel to the First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, con- taining an Easy Introduction to Modem Geometry. With Examples, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1881. The First Six Books of the Ele- ments of Euclid, with Annotations and Exercises, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Hodges & Co., Dublin, 1882. Treatise on the Analytical Geo- metry of the Point, Line, Circle, and Conic Sections, containing an Account of its most recent Extensions. With Examples, post 8vo. cloth. (Dublin University Press Series.) Hodges & Co., Dublin, 1885. Chambers's Solid -and Spherical Geometry, with Conic Sections, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1858, 12 MATHEMATICS. Clairaut, A. C. Elements of Geo- metry. Translated by J. Kaines. post 8vo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1881. Cockshott, A., and Walters, Rev. F. B. A Treatise on Geometrical Conies, in accordance with the Syllabus of the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. post 8vo. cloth. Macraillan & Co., 1889. Prob- 1846. Coleuso, Bishop blems of Euclid. Geometrical 18 mo. cloth. ^ With Key. 18mo. cloth. 1846. — ^— Elements of Euclid, ISmo. cloth. 1856. With Key. 18mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1856. Cremona, L. Elements of Projective Geometry. Translated by C. Leudes- ~ dorf. royal 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1885. Cnthbertson, P. Euclidian Geome- try, fcp. 8vo. cioth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. .* Primer of Geometry. An Easy Introduction to the Propositions of Euclid. 4th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1880. Day, Rev. H. G. Properties of Conic . Sections, proved Geometrically. Part I. The Ellipse, with Problems, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1868. Dodgson, C. L., M.A. A Syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry, Systemat- ically Arranged, with formal Defini- " tions, Postulates, and Axioms. Part I., containing Points, Right Lines, Recti- linear Figures, Pencils, and Circles. Svo. cloth. J. H. & J. Parker, 1860. Euclid, Book V. proved Alge- braically so far as it relates to Com- mensurable Magnitudes, &c. 8vo. cloth. J. Parker & Co., 1874. .■ Euclid and his Modern Rivals. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. 1885. — Supplement to " Euclid and His Modern Rivals," containing a Notice of • Henrioi's Geometry, together with - Selections from the Reviews, post 8vo. sewed. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Drew, Rev. W. H. A Geometrical ' Treatise on Conic Sections, with a copious Collection of Examples, crown 8vo. cloth. 1857. 4th edition, crown 8vo. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Solutions to Problems in. cloth. crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1862. Dyer, J- M. Exercises in Analytical geometry, post Hvo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1881. Eagles, T. H. Constructive Geometry of Plane Curves. With Examples, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Elliot, J. Complete Treatise on Prac- tical Geometry and Mensuration, with numerous Exercises. Svo. cloth. 1861. Key to. 8vo. cloth. 1850. ' Practical Geometry and Mensura- tion for Schools. 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth. 1861. Key to. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. James Gordon, Edinburgh, 1857» ElHs, A. J. Algebra identified with Geometry. See Works on Algebra. Enclide of Megara. The Elements of Geometric of the most auncient Philosopher. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe Toung, by H. Billingsley. With a very fruitfull Prseface made by M. J. Dee, specifying the [chiefe Mathematical! Scfeces, what they are, &c. folio, calf. J. Daye, 1570. Enclidis Elemeuta Geometrica. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, demonstrated after a new method. 24mo. calf. London, 1666. Enclidis Elementorum, Sex Libri Priores, cum Notis. Cura T. Elrington. Svo. calf. (^Brooke Collection,^ Dublin, 1793. Euclid, Books I.-IV., Geometrical Deductions, Riders, and Exercises, based upon. See Geometrical Deductions. Ferrers, Rev. N. M. Elementary Treatise on Triliuear Co-ordinates, the Method of Reciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Projections. 3rd edition, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Frost, P. Elementary Treatise on Curve Tracing. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., IS72. Solid Geometry. New edition, revised and enlarged, of the Treatise by Frost and Wolstenholme. Vol. I. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1875. Frost, P., and Wolstenholme, J. A. Treatise on Solid Geometry. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1S63. Galbraith, Rev. J. A., and Haugh- ton. Rev. S. Manual of Euclid. Books 1 and 2. fcp. Svo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1856. Books 1, 2, and 3. fcp. Svo. cloth. 1857. - Another edition, fcp. Svo. 1868. Books 4, 5, and 6. 4th thousand, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1859. cloth. GEOMETRY, ETC. 13 Galbraith, Rev. J. A., and Haugh- ton, Rev. S. Manual of Euclid. Books 4-6 and Propositions 1-21 of Book II. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co. Geometrical Deductions, Riders, and Exercises, based upon Euclid, Books I.-IV. With Examination Papers, &e.— Also Books I.-IV. With Notes by F. Harrison. In one vol. post 8vo. cloth. W. Stewart & Co. Geometry, Plane, Solid and Spherical. By Morton. (Library of Useful Know- ledge.) 8ro. cloth. E. Law. Gregory, D. F., and Walton, W. A. Treatise on the Application of Analysis to Solid Geometry. 8vo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1852. Crrifin, R. W. The Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola, treated Geometrically, post 8vo. cloth. (Dublin University Press Series.) Hodges & Co., Dublin, 1879. Hall, H. S., and Stevens, F. H. A Text Book of Euclid's Elements, for the Use of Schools. Part I. containing Books I. and II. post 8vo. cloth. 1888. ■ ■ Parts I. and II. containing Books I.-VI. post 8vo. cloth. 1888. — — — Books I.-IV. post 8vo. cloth. 1889. , A Text Book of Euclid's Elements. Book I. post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Hall, Rev. T. G. Elements of Descrip- tive Geometry ; chiefly intended for Students in Engineering. 12mo. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1841. Halstead, G. B. The Elements of Geometry, royal 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1886. Hamilton, Rev. H. P. An Analytical System of Conic Sections. 5th edition. Svo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 958.) Cambridge, 1843. Hamilton, Sir W. R. Lecture on Quaternions : containing a Systematic Statement of a new Mathematical Method. . Svo. cloth. Hodges & Smith, Dublin, 1853. Elements of Quaternions. Edited by his Son, W. E. Hamihon. Svo. half morocco. Longmans & Co., 1866. Life of. Including Selections from his Correspondence, and Miscellaneous Writings, &c. By the Rev. R. P. Graves. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. (Dublin Univ. Press Series.) Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Dublin, 1882-9. Hann, J. Analytical Geometry and Conic Sections. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1850. Harrison, F. Conic Sections, treated Geometrically ; together with an Ele- mentary Treatise on Analytical Geo- metry, post Svo. cloth, stiff. (Local Examination Series.) W. Stewart & Co. — The Book of Euclid. Books I.-IV. With Notes, post 8vo. cloth, stiff. (Local Examination Series.) W. Stewart & Co. Haslam, S. H., and Edwards, J. Conic Sections, treated Geometrically. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. Heather, J. F. An Elementary Treatise on Descriptive Geometry, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. Atlas of Plates I. to XIV., complete, post 4to. sewed. J. Weale, 1851. Henrici, O. Elementary Geometry. Congruent Figures. 18mo. cloth. (Lon- don Science Class Books.) Longmans & Co., 1879. Heppel, G. Aids to Analytical Geometry. The Conic Sections. With Solutions of Questions in London University and other Examination Papers, fcp. Svo. sewed. Bailliere & Co. Hnnter, Rev. J. An Easy Introduction to the Higher Treatises on the Conic Sections. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1866. Hymers, J. Treatise on Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions, con- taining the Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature. 3rd edition, altered and revised. 8vo. boards. Macmillan & Co., 1848. Ingram, A., and Trotter, J. Euclid's Plane Geometry. With the Elements of Plane Trigonometry. New edition. 12mo. bound. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1857. Jackson, J. S. Geometrical Conic Sections, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. Jardine, A. Practical Geometry ; being a Solution of the Problems most useful to the Practical Draughtsman and Surveyor. [Orr's Circle of th^ Sciences.] crown Svo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1855. Helland, P., and Tait, P. G. Intro- duction to Quaternions, with Examples, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1873. Eempe, A. B. How to Draw a Straight Line. See Works on Mechanics. Hincaid, Rev. S. B. Conic Sections. The Method of Projections, post Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1877. Hirkman, Rev. T. First Mnemonical Lessons in Geometry, Algebra, and Trigonometry. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1852. V^ Of rHB^. 14 MATHEMATICS. l^agfont, E. Fundamental Takimetrj: Concrete Geometry in Three Lessons, &c. Translated by D. W. Gwynne. 8vo. sewed. 1877. — Takimetry. Translated by D. W. Gwynne. On sheet, 30 in. by 26 in. Mounted on roller and varnished. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Lagrange, F. de. Catalogue of a Col- lection of Models of Rul^ Surfaces in the South Kensington Museum. See Science and Art Department Publications — South Kensington Museum : Catalogues of Collections. QThe Models re/erred to are in the Science Galleries of the Museum.') iLardner, Rev. Dr. Treatise on Geo- metry and its Application to the Arts. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1840. Law, H. The Elements of Euclid, with an Introductory Essay on Logic. Parts I.-II., in 1 vol. containing the First Six, Eleventh, and Twelfth Books. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1855. 5th and 6th editions, in one vol. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1873-76. Layng, A. E. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, Book I., II., III., IV. With Notes, Examples, and Exercises, post 8vo. cloth. 1887-88. ■ ■ in one vol. post 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1888. Le Clerc, S. Practical Geometry, from the French. 4th edition, with 80 plates, fcp. 8vo. calf. T. Bowles, London, 1742. Lund, Rev. T. Elements of Geometry and Mensuration. Parti. "Geometry as a Science." 12mo. roan. 1854. Part 2. " Geometry as an Art." 12mo. sewed. 1855. . ■ Part 3. " Geometry com- bined with Arithmetic " (Mensuration). 12mo. cloth, stifE. 1859. — — . Parts 1 and 2, in one vol. boards. 1855. ■ Geometrical Easy Exercises, with their Solutions, forming a Key to all the Exercises in Parts 1 and 2 of the Elements of Geometry. 12mo. cloth, limp. Lcmgmans & Co., 1859. nCackay, J. S. The Elements of Euclid. Books I.-VI. With Deduc- tions, Appendices, and Historical Notes, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1884. ■ Key. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1885. Martin, J. The Elements of Euclid. Books I.-VI. , the parts of XI. and XII. usually read at the Universities. With Geometrical Problems, post 8vo. cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1874. Manlt, A. Natural Geometry. An Introduction to the Logical Study of Mathematics. With Explanatory Models. Based on the Tachymetrical Works of E. Lagout. 18mo. cloth. (Models (113), in box.) Macmillan & Co., 1877. IBCillar, J. B. Elements of Descriptive Geometry, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1878. Morell, J. R. The Essentials of Greo- metry. Plane and Solid, as taught in French and German Schools; with Shorter Demonstrations than in Euclid, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Griffith & Farran, 1871. Euclid Simplified, fcp. 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1875. Mnlcahy, J. Principles of Modern Geometry, with numerous Applications to Plane and Spherical Figures, and an Appendix, containing Questions for Exercise. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 969.) 1852. — — — 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Hodges & Smith, Dublin, 1862. Newman, F. W. The Difficulties of Elementary Geometry. 8vo. boards. London, 1841. O'Brien, Rev. M. A Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometrv. Part I. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 971.) Cambridge, 1844, Fardies, I. G. Elements of Geometry. Translated from the French by J, Harris. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. calf. London, 1717. Fasley, C. W. A complete Course of Practical Geometry. 8vo. cloth. London, 1822. Course of Instruction (Vol. 1). Practical Geometry. 8vo. half calf. London, 1813. Fotts, Robert. Euclid's Elements of • Geometry, with Notes ; and a Selec- tion of Geometrical Exercises from the Senate House and College Examination Papers, &c. University Edition. 8vo. cloth. 1845. • 2nd edition, corrected and improved. 8vo. cloth. J. W. Parker, 1861. ' School edition. 5th edi- tion, with Supplement. 12mo. bound. 1864. - ' Brief Hints for Solution of Problems in above. 12mo. sewed. 1847. Longmans & Co., & J. W. Parker. Price, C. J. C. Treatise on Trilinear Co-ordinates, post 8vo. cloth. J. H. & J. Parker, 1866. GEOMETRY, ETC. 15 Proctor, R. A. Treatise on the Cycloid and all forms of Cycloidal Curves, and on the use of such Curves in dealing with the Motions of Planets, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. — — — First Steps in Geometry : of Hints for the Solution of Geometrical Problems, with Notes on Euclid, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1887. Pnckle, G, II. An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections and Algebraic Geometry, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1856. Ztenshaw, S. A. The Cone and its Sections, treated Geometrically, royal 8vo. cloth. Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1875. Reynolds, E. M. Modern Methods in Elementary Geometry, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1868. Richardson, Rev. G. Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Conic Sections, with Problems, crown 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1873. IRnssell, J. Scott. Geometry in Modern Life. Two Lectures at Eton. 8vo. cloth. Williams & Son, Eton, 1878. Salmon, G. Treatise on Conic Sections. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 974.) 1848. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. — — Treatise on the Higher Plane Curves : intended as a Sequel to " Treatise on Conic Sections." 8vo. cloth. 1852. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Hodges & Smith, Dublin, 1873. Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Hodges, Smith, & Co., Dublin, 1865. Sang, E. Progressive Lessons in Applied Science. — Solidity, Weight, and Pres- sure. See Works on Mathematics (^General Treatises). Scott, Rev. W. Elementary Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry, crown Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1853. Simson, R. The Elements of Euclid. 14th edition. Svo. sheep. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1809. — — Elements of Euclid ; the First Six and Eleventh and Twelfth Books. New edition, by Dr. Rutherford. 18mo. bound. W. Tegg, 1860. Simson, R. Euclid, Books I. to VI., XI. and XIII. Edited in the Symbolical Form by R. Blakelock. New edition. 18mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1860. Smith, C. An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1885. An Elementary Treatise on Solid Geometry, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Smith, J. H. Elements of Geometry ; Part L, containing the First Two Books" of Euclid, with Exercises and Notes, fcp. Svo. cloth, stiflF. 1871. Elements of Geometry; contain- ing the First Four Books of Euclid, with Exercises and Notes, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1872. Elements of Geometry ; contain- ing Books I. to VI., and portions of Books XL and XII. of Euclid, with Exercises and Notes, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1872. Corrected by Rev. F. P. Pocock, 18mo. bound. Allman & Son. Book of Enunciations for Author's Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Statics, and Hydrostatics, fcp. Svo. sewed. Rivingtons, 1875. Sparkes, A. L. Co-ordinate Geometry of the Straight Line and Circle. See Works on Mathematics (General Treatises). Syllabns of Plane Geometry. (Coi>- responding to Euclid, Books I.-VI.) Pre- pared by the Association for the Im- provement of Geometrical Teaching. 4th edition, revised, post Svo. sewed. Macmillan & Co., 1883. Tait, p. G. An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Cambridge University Press (1S73). Tate, T. Principles of Geometry, Men- suration, &c. 8th edition. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1858. Taylor, C. Geometrical Conies, in- cluding Anharmonic Ratio and Projec- tion, with numerous Examples, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1863. — Introduction to the Ancient and Modern Geometry of Conies. Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1881. Todhunter, I. A Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry, as applied to the Straight Line and the Conic Sections, crown Svo. half morocco. 1858. cloth. 3rd edition, crown Svo. 1862. Examples of Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1858. 16 ^MATHEMATICS. Todhnnter, I. Examples of Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1864. Elements of Euclid, Books I.- VI. and portions of XI., XII. With Notes, an Appendix, and Exercises. 18mo. cloth. 1862. New edition. 18mo. cloth. 1864. -^— ^ New edition. 18mo. cloth. Macmillan 8p Co., 1879. Townsend, Rev. R. Chapters on the Modern Geometry of the Point, Line, and Circle ; Lectures delivered in the University of Dublin. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Hodges, Smith, & Co., Dublin, 1863-65. Vince, Rev. S. The Elements of the Conic Sections. See Works on Trigo- nometry. Vyvyan, Rev. T. G. Elementary Analytical Geometry. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1875. Walton, Rev. W. Problems in Illustra- tion of the Principles of Plane Co-ordi- nate Geometry. 8vo. cloth. Deighton & Co., Cambridge, 1851. Ward, G. S. The Fifth Book of Euclid proved Algebraically, post 8vo. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1862. Watson, H . W . The Elements of Plane and Solid Geometry, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1871. 2nd edition. cloth. post 8vo. 1872. ■ 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1884. Watson, H. W., and Burbury, S. H. Treatise on the Application of Gene- ralised Co-ordinates to the Kinetics of a Material System. See Works on Mechanics. "Watson, W. Course of Descriptive Geometry, for the Use of Colleges and Scientific Schools. Text, sewed ; Plates (35). 4to. In portfolio, lettered. Longmans & Co., 1874. Wand, Rev. S. W. A Treatise on Alge- braical Geometry. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8 vo. cloth. E'. Law, 1858. Whewell, W. Conic Sections ; their principal Properties proved Geometri- cally. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1855. White, Rev. J. Elementary Manual of Co-ordinate Geometry and Conic Sec- tions. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. C. F. Hodgson & Son, 1878. Whitworth, Rev. W. A. Trilinear Co-ordinates and other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1866. Williams, Rev. ,J. M. The Elements of Euclid : First Six Books and First Twenty-one Propositions of the Eleventh - Book. (Symbolical Euclid.) New edition. 8vo. cloth. London, 1838. 9th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. L., No. 2061.) D. Bogue, 1854. Williams, W. New Mathematical Demonstrations of Euclid, rendered clear and familiar to the Minds of Youth, with no other mathematical instruments than the triangular pieces commonly called the Chinese Puzzle. 12rao. bound. London, 1817. Wilson, J. M. Elementary Geometry. Parts I. and II. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. 1868. ■'■ Elementary Geometry. Books I.- v., containing the subjects of Euclid's First Six Books ; following the Syllabus of Geometry prepared by the Geometri- cal Association. 4th edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1878. ■ Solid Geometry and Conic Sections, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. WooUey, Rev. Dr. The Elements of Descriptive Geometry ; being the First Part of a Treatise on Descriptive Geo- metry, and its Application to Ship-Build- ing. 2 vols. Text. 8vo. Plates. 4to. cloth. J. W. Parker, 1850. Wormell, R. An Elementary Course of Plane Geometry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. An Elementary Course of Solid Geometry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. T. Murby. Wright, R. P. The Elements of Plane Geometry. With a Preface by T. A. Hirst, crown Svo. cloth. (2 copies.) Longmans & Co., 1868. ■ — Lessons on Form, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1882. Young, J. R. Plane Geometry. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences.] crown Svo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1856. GEOMETRY. GREEK AND LATIN TEE A TISES. Archimedis Opera Omnia. Greek Text, with Latin Translation. 3 vols., in one. 12mo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1880. Barrow, Is. Euclidis Elementorum Ijbri.XV., breviter demonstrate 12mo. bound. J. Redmayne, London, 1678. OEOMETEY, ETC. 17 Euclidis Opera Omnia. In Greek, > with Latin Translation, &c., by Heiberg and Meno:e. Books 1-4. post 8yo. sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1 883-6. Tacqnet, A. Elementa Euclidea Geometriae Planae ac Solidae ; et Selecta ex Arehiraede Theoremata; Plurimis . Corollariis a G. Whiston. Trigono- metria Sphaerica R. J. Boscovich, et Sectiones Cooicse G. Grandi; Anno- tationibus O. Cameti explicatse. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Rome, 1745. GEOMETRY. FOREIGN TREATISES. Adh^mar, J. Traite de Geometric Descriptive. 2 vols. 4th edition. Text, 8vo. Plates, folio, half morocco. A. Colin, Paris, 1870. ' Another copy. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1859-63. Axniot, A. iSleraents de Geometric. 8th edition. Svo. sewed. Tandou & Co., Paris, 1864. Sabinet, J. lElements de Geometrie Descriptive. Text and Plates. 2 parts in one vol. Svo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1850. Becker, J. K. Die Elemente der Geo- metrie auf neuer Grundlage. Part L 8vo. sewed. Weidmann, Berlin, 1877. Biot, J. B. Traite Analytique des Courbes et des Surfaces du Second ' Degre. post Svo. half calf. Paris, 1802. Bonrg'Ogxie, Monseigneur le Due de. J^lemeus de Geometrie. RevAe, corrigee, et augmentee d'un Traite des Logarithmes, par M. de Malezieu. Avec I'Introductional Application de I'Alg&bre h la Geometrie. 3rd edition. Svo. calf. Ganeau, Paris, 1735. Bretschueider, C. A. Die Geometric und die Geometer vor Euklides. Svo. half calf. Teubner, Leipzig, 1870. ^/hasles. Aper9u Historique sur rOrigine et le Developpement des Methodes en Geometrie, particuli^re- ment de celles qui se rapportent a la Geometrie Moderne, suivi d'un Memoire de Geometrie sur Deux Principes Geuer- aux de la Science, la Dualite et I'Homo- graphie. 2ud edition. 4to. half morocco. 1875. Traite de Geometrie Superieure. 2nd edition, royal Svo. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. .Cirodde, P. L. Le9ons de Geometrie. With plates. 3rd edition. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1858. E 61668. Clebsch, A. Vorlesungen liber Geo- metrie. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. F. Lindemann. Mit einem Vorworte von F. Klein. Band I. Geo- metrie der Ebene. royal Svo. half morocco. Teubner, Leipzig, 1876. Coumot, A. A. De rOrigine et des Limites de la Correspondance entre I'Alg^bre et la Geometrie. See Works on Algebra (^Foreign). Cramer, G. Introduction h I'Analyse des Lignes Courbes Algebriques. 4to. old calf. Geneva, 1750. Bechalles, C. F. M. Les Elemens d'Euclide. 12mo. half bound. Paris, 1690. De Ponrcy, L. Traite de Geometrie Descriptive; Precedee d'une Introduc- tion qui renferme la Theorie du Plan ejt de la Ligne droite considere dans I'Espace. 4th edition. 2 vols. Svo. half morocco. Paris, 1842. ■ 6th edition. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1864. Bncatel, A. Notions de Geometrie, redigees conformement aux Programme? du . 2 AoUt, 1880, pour les Classes de Huitieme, Septieme, Sixieme, et Cin- qui^me. 12mo. boards. G. Masson, Paris, 1882. Dupin, C. Geometrie et Mecanique des Arts et Metiers et des Beaux- Arts. See Works on Mechanics (JForeigii) . Tavaro, A. Le9ons de Statique Graphique. Geometrie de Position. See Works on Mechanics (^Foreign). Gaffer, A. Leitfaden fur den practi- schen Unterricht in der Raumlchre. Svo. half calf. H. Ritter, Wiesbaden, 1852. EiSBS, J. Traite l^lementaire de Geometrie Descriptive. 1® Partie. A I'usage des Classes de Mathematiques Elementaires et des Candidats an Baccalaureat hi Sciences. 2 vols. Text and Plates, 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. 2« Partie. A I'usage des Classes de Mathematiques Speciales et des Candidats h, I'jScole Normale Superieure et h, I'^ficole Polytech- nique. 2 vols. Text and Plates. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1867. Eoehler, J. Exercices. de Geometrie Analytique et de Geometrie Superieure, a r Usage des Candidats aux £coles Poly technique et Normale et a I'Agre- gation. Questions et Solutions. Parts 1 and 2. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1886-88. Lacroiz, S. F. Elements de Geometrie. 18« edition. Redigee conformement aux Programmes de I'Enseignement Scienti- fique des lyeees, par M. Prouhet. Svo. , sewed. 1868. B 18 MATHEMATICS. ILacroix, S. F. Essais de Geometrie sur les Plans et les Surfaces Courbes. (j^le- mens de Geometrie Descriptive.) 7th edition, revised and corrected. 8vo. sewed. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1840. £a Goumeriey J. de. Traite de Geometrie Descriptive. Text, 3 parts in one vol., and Atlas, 3 parts in one vol. 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1860-64. — ^— Resume du Cours de Geometrie Descriptive. Sommaire du Cours de Ster^otomie, 1863-66. (Lithographed.) 2 parts in one vol. 4to. half morocco. I Traite de Geometrie Descriptive. 6 parts, Text and Plates, in one vol. 4to. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1862-73. Legendre, A. M. Elements de Geo- metric, avec Additions et Modifications, par A. Blanchet. 11th edition. 8vo. half morocco. Didot & Co., Paris, 1868. , _— 13th edition. 8vo. sewed. Didot Bros. & Co., Paris, 1870. Lexoy, C. F. A. Analyse appliquee k la Geometrie des Trois Dimensions. 4th edition. 8vo. half calf. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1854. — Traite de Geometrie Descriptive, suivi de la Methode des Plans cotes et de la Theorie des Engrenages cylin- driques et coniques. Text and Plates. 8th edition, by M. E. Martelet. 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1867. jjettau, H. Die Raumlehre verbunden mit Zeicbnen undRechnen. 3rd edition, post 8vo. boards. Peter, Leipzig, 1878. Leupold, J. Theatrum Arithmetico- Geometricum. See Works on Me- chanics {Foreign), Mallett, A. M. La Geometrie Pratique. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. Anisson, Paris, 1702. Mannheim, A. Cours de Geometrie Descriptive de r:ficole Polytechnique, comprenant les l^lements de la Geo- metric Cinematique. royal 8vo. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. Margerie, C, and Bacine, E. Traite de G^om^trie Descriptive, a I'usage des ]lSl&ves des Classes de Math^matiques ]lSlementaire8, et des Candidats aux iScoles du Gouvemement. Suivi d'un Expose de la Th6orie des Plans cotes par J. Cantagrel. Text and Atlas. 2 vols, royal 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1883. Monge, G., Geometric Descriptive, suivie d'une Theorie des Ombres et de la Perspective, par M. Brisson. 7th • •dition. 4to. half morocco. Bachelier, Paris, 1847. Fardies, I. G. 12 mo. calf. Fenther, J. 2nd edition. iSleraens de Geometrie, Paris, 1671. F. Praxis Geometrise. fcp. folio, half bound. Wolff, Augsburg, 1738. Fohlke, K. Darstellende Geometrie. Text, 2 parts, 8vo. Plates, 2 parts, 4to. sewed. Gaertner, Berlin, 1876. Foncelet, J. V. Traite des Proprietes projectives des Figures. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1822. Applications d' Analyse et de Geometrie, qui ont servi de principal fondement au " Traite des Proprietes projectives des Figures." 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1862-4. FottS, Robert, M.A. Sammlung Geo- metrischer Aufgaben und Lehrsatze fur den Schulgebrauch und zum Selbstunter- richt. Aus der Englischen Ausgabe des Euklides ins Deutsche tibersetzt von Hans H. v. Aller. 8vo. half roan. Hahn, Hanover, 1860. Bitty G. Problemes de Geometrie Analytique, avec les Solutions devel- oppees. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1859. Problemes de Geometrie et de Trigonometric, avec la Methode a suivre pour la Resolution des Problfemes de • Geometrie, et les Solutions. 4th edition. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1857. Problemes d'Application de TAlgebre a la Geometrie. See Works on Algebka (Foreign'). Serret, P. Des Methodes en Geometrie. Bvo. half morocco. 1855. Theorie Nouvelle Geometrique et Mecanique des Lignes a Double Cour- bure. Bvo. half morocco. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1860. Songaylo, E. Traite de Geometrie Descnptive. Part I. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1882. Sonnet, H. Geometric Theorique et Pratique. 2 parts. Text and Plates. 4th edition. 8vo. in one vol. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1853. Sonnet, H., et Frontera, G. Ele- ments de Geometrie Analytique, rediges conformement au Programme d' Admis- sion k TEcole Polytechnique et a I'Ecole Normale Superieure. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1854. Steiner, J. Vorlesungeniiber Synthet- ische Geometrie. Die Theorie der Kegelschnitte. Auf Grund von Unl- versitatsvortragen imd mit Benutzun^ hinterlassener Manuscripte Jacob Stei- ner's, bearbeitet von Dr. C. F. Geiser und Dr. H. Schroter. 2nd edition. 2 parts. 8vo. sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1875-6. MENSURATION. 10 'Tresda, H. Traits Elementaire de G^o- metrie Descriptive. Redige conforme- ment au, dernier Programme d' Admis- sion h I'Ecole Polytechnique, d'apres les Ouvrages et les Le9on3 de T. Olivier. 2 vols. 8to. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1852. Unger, Dr. E. S. Practische Anleitung zur Auflosung geometrischer Aufgaben. 8vo. half bound. Erfurt, 1843. Valine, L. L. Traite de la Geometrie Descriptive. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Text and Plates. 4to. boards. Paris, 1825. Vernier, H. Geometric ]6lementaire. 13th edition. 12mo. boards. Hachette & Co., 1860. Weissenbom, Dr. H. Grundztlge der Analytischen Geometrie der Ebene. 8vo. sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1876. MENSURATIOir. Baker, T. Rudimentary Treatise on Mensuration. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1857. New edition, revised by [ 2mo. cloth, stiff. ( Weale's C. Lockwood & Co., 1878. E. Nugent. Series.) Bayley, W. H. Handbook of the Slide Rule. -See Works on Arithmetic. Bonuycastle, J. Introduction to Men- suration and Practical Geometry. 21st edition. Revised by S. Maynard. 12mo. bound. Simpkin & Co., 1856. New edition. Revised by E. C. Tyson and Dr. Rutherford. 12mo. bound. 1860. — — — Key to, by the above. New edition. 12mo. bound. W.Tegg, 1858. Boucher, Rev. J. S. Mensuration, Plane and Solid ; specially adapted for Self-instruction. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. 1858. . Key to. 12mo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1871. Coggeshall, H. Art of Practical Measuring by the Slide Rule. Whereto is added. The Use of Scamozzi's Lines. By J. Ham. A Compendium of Practical Geometry and the Prin- ciples of Plain Trigonometry. By G. Thomson. 5th edition. 12mo. sheep. (Brooke Collection.) London, 1732. Bmerson's Doctrine of Combinations, Permutations, and Compositions of Quantities, clearly demonstrated — Chronology — Calculation, Libration, and Mensuration. — The Art of Survey- ing, or Measuring Land. In one vol. 8vo. calf. London, 1770. HawkingS, Jas. The Tradesman's Guide to Superficial Measurement, &c. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1865. Hutton, C. Treatise on Mensuration. 6th edition. 12mo. bound, London, 1807. Ingram, A. Concise System of Men- suration. 12mo. bound. 1822. Mensuration. Revised by J. Trotter. 12mo. bound. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. Lagont, E. Takimetry. See Works on Geometry, &c. Leybonm, W. The Line of Proportion of Numbers, commonly called Gunter's Line, made Easie. Also, How to per- form the same by a Line of Equal Parts, drawn from the Centre of a Two- Foot-Rule. Whereunto is added, the Use of the Line of Proportion, &c. 9th edition, carefully corrected, and other New Ways of Measuring added. 18mo. sheep. (Brooke Collection.) London [1726]. Lund, Rev. T. Mensuration. See Works on Geometry. Mandey, Venterus. Marrow of Mea- suring, &c., with some choice Principles and Problems of Geometry, post 8vo. bound. London, 1682. Merrifield, C. W. Mensuration. See Works on Arithmetic. Moore, B. T. Elementary Treatise on Mensuration. (Cambridge Text Books.) 12mo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1863. Nesbit, A. A Treatise on Practical Mensuration. New edition. 12mo. bound. 1857. Key to. New edition. 12mo. bound. Longmans & Co., 1853. Tebay, S. Elementary IMensuration for the Use of Schools. AVith numerous Examples, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1868. Todhunter, I. Mensuration for Be- ginners, with numerous Examples, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Twisden, Rev. J. F. Mensuration. See Works on Trigonometry. Toung, J. R. An Introductory Treatise on Mensuration, in Theory and Prac- tice. 12mo. bound. J. & C. Mozley, 1853. B 2 20f MATHEMATICS. TBI€K>NOMETBT. Airy, Prof. G. B. Treatise on Trigono- metry. New edition, revised by Hugh Blackburn, M.A. crown 8vo. cloth. R. Griffin & Co., 1855. Beasley, R. D. An Elementary Treatise on Plane Trigonometry ; with anumerous Collection of Examples, crown 8vo. cloth, limp. 1858. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, crown Svo. cloth, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1865. Casey, J. Treatise on Spherical Trigo- nometry and its Application to Geodesy and Astronomy. With Examples, post Svo. cloth. Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Dublin, 1889. Cirodde, P. L. Elements de Trigono- metric Rectiligne et Spherique. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1847. Colenso, Bishop. Plane Trigonometry. Parts I. and II. 12mo. boards. 1856-8. Key to. Parts I. and U. 12mo. sewed, Longmans & Co., 1854-6. Parley, G. A System of Popular Trigonometry, both Plane and Spherical. 2nd edition. 12mo. half bound. London, 1835. De Morgan, A. Elements of Spherical Trigonometry. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. sewed E. Law. Dodd, J.B. Elements of Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical, with Applications to Heights and Distances, the Areas of Polygons, Surveying, Navigation, and the Solution of Astronomical Problems, crown 8vo. sheep. Pratt, Oakley, & Co., New York, 1859. Elliot, J. Logarithms and Plane Tri- gonometry. See Works on Loga- BITHMS. Evers, H. Practical and Theoretical Trigonometry, for general use. 8vo. cloth. W. Scott, 1887. Galbraith, Rev. J. A., and Hangh- ton. Rev. S. Manual of Plane Trigono- metry. 2 copies, fcp. Svo. sewed, and cloth. Ix>ngmans & Co., 1857. — — — New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpm, 1868. Oamett, W. The Book of Trigono- metry and Mensuration. post 8vo. cloth, stiff. (Local Examination Series.) W. Stewart & Co. Grif5.n, Rev. W. N. The Elements of Algebra and Trigonometry, &c. See Works on Algebra. Hall, Rev. T. G. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 12mo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1855. Henchie, J. Manual of Plane Trigo- nometry, fcp. Svo. cloth. T. Murby, 1877. Hind, Rev. J. The Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with the Nature and Properties of Logarithms, and the Construction and Use of Mathe- matical Tables. 12rao. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1855. Hopkins, W. Elements of Trigono- metry. &V0. calf. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) (C. C. E. Z., No. 973.) London, 1833. Elements of Trigonometry. New edition . (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. sewed. E. Law, 1858. Hudson, T. P. Elementary Trigono- metry, with a Collection of Examples. (Cambridge Text Books.) 12mo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1862. Lock, Rev. J. B. Treatise on Elementary Trigonometry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1882. Treatise on Higher Trigonometry. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1887. McClelland, W. J., and Preston, T. A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry, with Applications to Spherical Geometry. Part I. 2nd edition. Part II. In one vol. post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1886-87. Ozanam, M. La Trigonometric Recti- ligne et Spherique, avec les Tables des Sinus, Tangentes, et Secantes, et les Tables des Logarithmes des Sinus et des Tangentes. New edition. Svo. calf. Jombert, Paris, 1741. Finkerton, R. H. Elementary Text- Book of Trigonometry, fcp. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1884. Sang, E. Progressive Lessons in Ap- plied Science — Trigonometry, &c. See Works on Mathematics (^General Treatises). Smith, J. H. Elementary Trigonometry. New edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1873. Snowball, J. C. The Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry : with the Construction and Use of Tables of Logarithms, both of Numbers and of Angles. 7th edition. Svo. half calf. (C. C.E. L.y No. 961.) University Press, Cambridge, 1848. LOGARITHMS, ETC. 21 Snowball, J. C. The Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: with the Construction and Use of Tables of Logarithms, both of Numbers and of Angles. 9th edition. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1857. !l!llomson, Dr. James. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with • the First Principles of Analytic Geo- metry. 5th edition. Svo. cloth. Simms & Mclntyre, Belfast, 1851. Todhunter, I. Plane Trigonometry for the Use of Colleges and Schools ; with numerous Examples, crown Svo. doth. (2 copies.) 1859. 3rd edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1864. cloth. New edition, crown Svo. 18S2. Key to Plane Trigonometry, post Svo. half roan. 1874. Spherical Trigonometry. crown Svo. cloth. 1859. cloth. 2nd edition. post Svo. Macmillan & Co., 1863. Twisden, Rev. J. F. Plane Trigono- metry, Mensuration, and Spherical ' Trigonometry. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) crown Svo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1855. Vince, Pev. S. Treatise on Plane and * Spherical Trigonometry ; with an In- troduction explaining the Nature and * Use of Logarithms. 2nd edition. — The Principles of Fluxions. 3rd edition. — The Elements of the Conic Sections. , 3rd edition. — The Principles of Hydro- statics. 3rd edition. In one vol. Svo. calf. LTniversity Press, Cambridge, 1805-6. Walmsley, J. An Introductory Course of Plane Trigonometry and Logarithms. 10th edition, post Svo. cloth. F. Hodgson, 1887. Wilson, J., and S. R. Graduated Exer- cises in Plane Trigonometry, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. Toung, J. R. Course of Mathematics. Plane Trigonometry. See Works on Algebka . LOGARITHMS, ETC. Angust, Dr. E. F. VoUstandige Loga- rithmische und Trigonometrische Tafeln. 11th edition, revised by Dr. F. August, fcp. Svo. sewed.. Veit & Co., Leipzig, 1876. Babbage, C. Table of Logarithms of the Natural Numbers, from 1 to 108,000 royal Svo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1872. Barlow's Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, to Reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000. post Svo. cloth. 1856. - Another edition, post Svo. Walton & Maberly, 1866. - Another edition, post Svo. E. & F. N. Spon, 1873. cloth. cloth. Bottomley, J. T. Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tables for Approximate Calculation. New edition, post Svo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1876. Four Figure Mathematical Tables: comprising Logarithmic and Trigono- metrical Tables, and Tables of Squares, Square Roots, and Reciprocals. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1S87. Callet, F. Tables Portatives de Loga- rithmes, contenant les Logarithmes des Nombres depuis 1 jusqu'a 108,000. En- tierement revues et corrigees par M. Saigey. Svo. half morocco. Didot, Paris, 1866. Chambers's Mathematical Tables, con- sisting of Logarithmic, Nautical, and other Tables. New edition. 12mo, cloth. 1867. ■ New edition. 12mo. cloth. Mathematical Tables, consisting of Logarithms of Numbers 1 to 108,000, Trigonometrical, Nautical, and other Tables. Edited by J. Pryde. New edi- tion. 12mo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1885. Christison, J. Mathematical Tables. Svo. cloth. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1848. Elliot, J. Elementary Course of Ma- thematics. Part 3. Logarithms and ' Plane Trigonometry. 12 mo. cloth. Sutherland & Knox, Edinburgh, 1856. Complete Practical Treatise on the Nature and Use of Logarithms, and- on Plane Trigonometry. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. 1861. Key to. 2nd edition. Svo. 1855. cloth. ■ Logarithms and Plane Trigono- metry, for Schools. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. J. Gordon, Edinburgh, 1861 . 22 MATHEMATICS. Elliot, J. Logaiithms and Plane Tri- gonometry, for Schools. Key. 12mo. cloth. James Gordon, Edinbiu-gh, 1856. IiVers, H. Nautical and Mathematical Tables, post 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) W. CoUins, Sons, & Co., 1876. Filipowski, H. E. A Table of Anti- Logarithms. 8vo. cloth. Bell&Daldy, 1851. Galbraith, Bev. J. A., and Han^h- ton. Rev. S. Manual of Mathematical Tables. New edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. .. 4th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Cassell & Co. Gallatly, W. The Elements of Loga- rithms. With the Sandhurst and Wool- wich Questions for 1880-87. post Svo. cloth, limp. F. Hodgson, 1888. JolLUStone, Rev. W. H. An Elemen- tary Treatise on Logarithms, illustrated by carefully selected Examples. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1868. Jjalande, J. de. Tables de Logarithmes h Cinq Decimales. Disposees h Double Entree, revues et augmentees par Pro- fesseur Dupuis. 2nd stereotype edition. 18mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1860. Law, H., and Young, J. R. Mathe- matical and Nautical Tables ; with a Treatise on Logarithms. New and re- vised edition. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1879. ITamiir, A. Tables de Logarithmes h, 12 Decimales, jusqu'^ 434 milliards, avec Preuves. Precedees d'une Intro- duction Theorique et d'une Notice sur I'Usage des Tables, par P. Mansion. Svo. sewed. Hayez, Brussels ; Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1877. Siddle, J. Tables of Logarithms of Numbers, and of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, to Six Places of Decimals. 8vo. cloth, limp. E. Law, 1857. Sang, E.' Five Place Logarithms. 4Smo. sewed. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1859. m. New Table of Seven-place Loga- rithms of all numbers continuously up to 200,000. 2nd issue, imp. 8vo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1883. Sherwin's Mathematical Tables, with their Construction and Use. By Mr. Briggs, Dr. Wallis, Mr. Halley, Mr. Ab. Sharp. 8vo. old calf. T. Page, 1726. Snowball, J. C. Construction and Use of Tables of Logarithms. See Works on TRIGONOMETRY. Specimens of Tables, Calculated, Stereo-moulded, and Printed by Ma- chinery made by G. and E. Scheutz. royal 8vo. cloth, stiff. (^Presented by Chas. Bahbage, Esq.) Longmans & Co., 1857. Tables of Logarithms, to Five Places, Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 12mo. cloth, limp. 1854. — — — Another edition. Walton & Maberly, 1860. Tarnier, E. A. Nouvelle Theorie des Logarithmes. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1853. Todd, C. A Series of Tables of Circles, Spheres, Squares, &c. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1853. Trotter, J. Logarithms and Practical Mathematics. 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth.^ Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1856. Vega, G. Thesaurus Logarithmorum Completus, ex Arithmetica Logarith- mica, et ex Trigonometria Artificiali Adrian Vlacci. Introduction in Latin and German, fcp. folio, half vellum. Leipzig, 1794. Vega, Baron von. Logarithmic Tables of Numbers and Trigonometrical Func- tions ; translated from the fortieth, or Dr. Bremiker's revised edition. By W. L. F. Fischer, M.A. 8vo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1857* Willich, C. M. Popular Tables. 7th edition. Edited by M. Marriott, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1871. Woodward, C. J. ABC Five Figure Logarithms ; or Logarithms with Dif- ferences, on a new and simple plan., fcp. 8vo. In half bound case. Simpkin & Co. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN - TREATISES. Airy, G. B. An Elementary Treatise on Partial Differential Equations. With Diagrams, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1866. Bertrand, J. Traite de Calcul Dif- ferential et de Calcul Integral. 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1864-70. CALCULUS. 23 Boole, G. A Treatise on Differential Equations, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1859. 2nd edition, revised, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1865. — — — A Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Diflferences. 2nd edition. Edited by J. F. Moulton. crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. Carll, L. B. Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, royal Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Oayley, A. Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions. Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Camhridge, 1876. Couruot, A. Traite Elementaire de la Theorie des Fonctions et du Calcul Infinitesimal. With plates. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1857. Cox, H. A Rudimentary Treatise on Integral Calculus. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1852. Davies, Dr. C. Elements of the Dif- ferential and Integral Calculus. Svo. bound. Barnes & Co., New York. De Morgan, A. The Differential , and Integral Calculus. Svo. cloth. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) London, 1842. Dnhaxtiel. ]Slements de Calcul Infi- nitesimal. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Svo. half morocco- Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1860-1. Earnshaw, S. The Doctrine of Germs ; or, the Integration of certain Partial Differential Equations which occur in Mathematical Physics. Svo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1881. Edwards, J. Differential Calculus, with Applications and numerous Examples. An Elementary Treatise, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1886. Perrers, Rev. N. M. Elementary Treatise on Spherical Harmonics and subjects connected with them, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. First Lessons in Differential and . Integral Calculus. Svo. calf. (C C. E. X., No. 962.) Cambridge, 1836. Porsyth, A. R. Treatise on Differential Equations. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Greenhill, A. G. Differential and In- tegral Calculus, with Applications, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1886. Gregory, D. F. Examples of the Pro- cesses of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2nd edition, edited by W. Walton. Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1846. Haddon, J. Examples and Solutions in the Differential Calculus. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1851 Hall, T. G. A Treatise on the Differen- tial and Integral Calculus, and the Cal- culus of Variations. 6th edition, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. Hann, J. Examples in the Integral Calculus. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1850. Hemming, G. W. An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2nd edition, with Corrections and Additions. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1852. Hirsch, M. Integral Tables ; or, a Collection of Integral Formulae. Svo. half morocco. W. Baynes & Son, 1823. Millar, W. J. An Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus. With Examples of Application to Mechanical Problems, fep. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son. Miller, Rev. T. A Treatise on the Differential Calculus. Svo. cloth. Maclachlan & Co., Edinburgh, 1854. Price, B. Treatise on Infinitesimal Cal- culus; containing Differential and In- tegral Calculus ; Calculus of Variations, Analytical Mechanics, &c. 2nd edi- tion (Vols. 1 and 2). 4 vols. Svo. cloth. University Press, Oxford, 1856-65. Proctor, R. A. Easy Lessons in the Differential Calculus: indicating from the outset the utility of the Processes called Differentiation and Integration, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1887. lUce, J. M., and Johnson, W. W. An Elementary Treatise on the Dif- ferential Calculus founded on the Method of Rates or Fluxions. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1883. Serret, J. A. Cours de Calcul Differ- entiel et Integral. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1868. Sloman, Dr. H. Leibnitzens Ansprach auf die Erfiudung der Differenzialrech- nung. post 4to. sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1857. The Claim of Leibnitz to the In- vention of the Differential Calculus. Translated from the German, with con- siderable Alterations and new Addenda, by the Author, post 4to. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1860. 2C MATHEMATICS. Sloman, Dr. H. Versuch die Differenz- ialrechnung auf andre als die bisherige Weise zu begrunden. 8vo. sewed. Glaeser, Paris, 1866. Tate, T. Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus Simplified. 1 2mo. bound. Longmans & Co., 1849. Taylor, J. M. Elements of the Dif- ferential and Integral Calculus, with Examples and Applications. 8vo. cloth. Ginn & Co., Boston (Mass.), 1885. Todlmnter, I. A Treatise on the Dif- ferential Calculus and the Elements of the Integral Calculus. With numerous Examples. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1855. ■ ■' 4th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1864. ■ ' 10th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. — — A Treatise on the Integral Calculus and its Applications, with numerous Examples, crown 8vo. cloth. 1857. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1862. 7th edition. cloth. crown Svo. 1883. History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations during the Nine- teenth Century. 8vo. cloth. 1861. Elementary Treatise on Laplace's Functions, Lame's Functions, and Bes- sel's Functions, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1875. Weisbacll, J. Die ersten Grundlehren der Hoheren Analysis ; oder der Dif- ferenzial- und Integralrechnung. See Works on Mechanics (^Foreign). Williamson, B. Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus ; containing the Theory of Plane Curves ; with Ex- amples. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. 1873. ■ ■ • ■ 4th edition. post Svo. cloth. ISSO. . Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus, containing Applications to Plaae Curves and Surfaces; with Ex- amples, post Svo. cloth. 1875. 8rd edition. post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1880. Woolhonse, W. S. B. Elements of the Differential Calculus. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1854. MATHEMATICS. GENERAL TREATISES. ENGLISH. Airy, Sir G. B. Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories, Figure of the Earth, &c. Svo. clothe 1858. On the Algebraical and Numerical Theory of Errors of Observations and the Combination of Observations. 2nd. edition, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1875. A Treatise on Magnetism. See Works on Electkicity. Atkins, Rev. E. Pure Mathematics, 2 vols, post Svo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1874-5. Babba^e, C, Catalogue of the Ma- thematical and Scientific Library of. Svo. sewed. 1872. Ball, W. W. R. A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1S8S. A History of the Study of Mathe- matics at Cambridge, post Svo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1889. Barnard, J. G. Problems of Rotatory Motion presented by the Gyroscope, the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the Pendulum. (Smithsonian Con- tributions to Knowledge, Vol. 19.) See Transactions— Washington. Bashforth, Rev. F. Description of a Machine for Finding the Numerical Roots of Equations, and Tracing a variety of Useful Curves. Read before the British Association in 1845. Lithographed MS. This machine is adapted for the performance of the same kind of calculations as the Tide Predicters of Sir W. Thomson and Mr. E. Roberts. Svo. sewed. Cambridge Senate House Prob- lems, Solutions of the : — By FeiTers and Jackson, 1848-51. Svo. cloth. 1851. By F. J. Jameson (Riders), 1848-51. Svo. cloth. 1851. By Walton and Mackenzie, 1854. Svo. cloth. 1854. By Campion and Walton, 1857. Svo. cloth. 1857. By Watson and Routh, ISCO. Svo. cloth. 1860. By the Moderators and Examiners, 1864. Svo. cloth. 1864v Macmillan & Co. Campin, F. Treatise on Mathematics, as applied to the Constructive Arts. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. GENEBAL TREATISES. 25 Cape, Rev. J. A Course of Mathe- matics : princii)ally designed for the Use of Students in the East India Company's Seminary at Addiscombe. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8to. calf. (C. C. E. Z., Nos. 966-7.) London, 1847. Carr, G. S. A Syaopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathe- • matics : containing Propositions, For- mulae, and Methods of Analysis, with abridged Demonstrations. Vol. 1, in 2 parts, royal 8vo. cloth. F. Hodgson, 1880-6. Carr, Rev. J. Synopsis of Practical Philosophy, Alphabetically Arranged. Containing Theorems, Formulae, and Tables in various branches of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy, &c. 2nd edition. 18mo. cloth. J. Weale, 1843. Cayley, A. The Collected Mathematical Papers of. 2 vols. 4 to. half vellum. University Press, Cambridge, 1889. Challis, Rev. J. Remarks on the ] Cambridge Mathematical Studies, and their Relation to Modern Physical Science. 8vo. cloth. G. Bell & Sons, 1875. diambers's Practical Mathematics. fcp. 8vo. cloth. ■ Key to. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh. — Mathematical Tables. See Works on Logarithms. Cliapxiiaxi, J. On Mathematical Scales, for the Use of those who are preparing ' for the Military Examinations, post 4to. stiff wrapper. Hamson, 1861. Cheyne, C. H. H. The Earth's Motion of notation, including the Theory of Precession and Nutation. — An Elemen- tary Treatise on the Planetary Theory, with a (collection of Problems. See Works on Astronomy. Christie, J. R. A Collection of Ele- mentary Test Questions in Pure and Mixed Mathematics ; with Answers and Appendices on Synthetic Division, and on the Solution of Numerical Equations by Horner's Method, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1866. Clifford, W. K. Mathematical Frag- ments, being Facsimiles of his un- finished papers relating to the Theory of Graphs . fcp . folio, cloth . 1881. ■i' Mathematical Papers. Edited by • R. Tucker, with an Introduction by H. J. S. Smith. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Clifford, W. K. The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1885. Davidson, J. System of Practical Mathematics, to which are annexed accurate Tables of Logarithms, &c. 7th edition. 8vo. cloth. Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh, 1857. Davies, Dr. C. The Logic and Utility of Mathematics, with the best Method of Instruction, Explained and Illus- trated, crown 8vo. cloth. 1851. Practical Mathematics, with Drawing and Mensuration, applied to the Mechanic Arts. 12mo. bound. New York, 1853. De Morgan, A. A Bundle of Para- doxes, royal 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. Diophantos of Alexandria; a Study in the History of Greek Algebra. By T. L. Heath. See Heath, T. L. Dodgson, C. L. Elementary Treatise on Determinants; with their applica- tion to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraical Geometry, post 4to. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1867. Edwards, Rev. L. C. Formulae in Pure and Mixed Mathematics, designed for the Use of Students intending to compete at the Examinations for Ad- mission to the R.M. Academy, Wool- wich, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. Harrison, 1861. Evans, Rev. J. H. Newton's Principia, the First Three Sections, with an Appendix ; and the Ninth and Eleventh Sections. See Newton. Frost, Rev. A. H. Magic Squares. Invention of Magic Cubes, &c. On the Construction and Properties of Nasik Squares and Cubes of any dimensions, with a Description of a Glass Model of such cubes presented to the S.K.M. ; , Two Simple Methods of Tracing the Ejiight's Path over Squares and Cubes of any dimensions, &c. General Solu^ tion and Extension of the Problem of the 15 School Girls. In one vol. 8vo. half calf. [T'Ae Glass Models illustrating above are in Science Galleries of the Mu- seum.'} Galilei, Galileo. Opere. See Works on Astronomy (Foreign). Godfray, H. An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, with a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. See. Works on Astronomy. Goodwin, Rev. H. An Elementary Course of Mathematics, designed prin- cipally for Students of the University of Cambridge. 5tn edition. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1857. !^ MATHEMATICS. Goodwin, Rev. H. A Collection of Problems and Examples adapted to the " Elementary Course of Mathematics." With an Appendix, containing the Ques- tions proposed during the first Three Days of tlie Senate-House Examination in 1848, 1849, 1850, and 1851. 8vo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1851. Gow, J. A Short History of Greek Mathematics, royal 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1884. Gregory, O., and Law,H. Mathema- tics for Practical Men. 4th edition, revised by J. R. Young. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1862. Halliwell, J. O. Eara Mathematica. See Kara. Heath, T. L. Diophantos of Alex- andria ; a Study in the History of Greek Algebra, royal 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1885. Heather, Rev. J. F. A Treatise on Mathematical Instruments. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. 12th edition. 12mo. cloth. stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1874. Heppel, G. Curiosities of Mathema- tics. Papers and Lectures at the Col- lege of Preceptors, 1885-7. In one vol. 8vo. half bound. C. F. Hodgson & Son, 1885-7. Honlston, W. The Circle secerned from the Square, and its Area gauged in terms of a Triangle common to both, &c. 4to. sewed. Simpkin & Co., 1862. Hntton, Dr. Select Amusements in Philosophy and Mathematics, from the French of Despiau. 12mo. bound. G. Kearsley, London, 1801. Hutton, Ozanaxn, and Moutucla. Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1803. rbbetson, W. J. An Elementary Trea- tise on the Mathematical Theory of Perfectly Elastic Solids, with a short Account of Viscous Fluids. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1887. Ingram, A. Mathematics. Revised by James Trotter. 12th edition. ]2mo. bound. 1861. . A Key to, by James Trotter. 7th edition. 12mo. bound. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1861. Jolly, J. B. F. An Elementary Course of the Sciences and Philosophy. Mathe- matics. 2 vols. 8to. half calf. London, 1806. Journals relating to Mathematics : — Messenger of Mathematics. Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. See Journals (Ca^talogue op Scientific Periodicals). Kentish, T. A Treatise on a Box of Instruments, and the Slide Rule. 12mo. cloth. Relfe Brothers, 1847. Hincaid, Rev. S. B. Introduction to Lunar Theory. See Works on Astko- NOMY. Hnight, Dr. W. T. Mathematical Wrinkles for Matriculation and other Exams, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1886. DLongmans' Commercial Mathematics. Part I. Arithmetic including Foreign Moneys, &c. PartTI. Algebra. One vol. post 8vo. cloth. 1888. ■ Elementary Mathematics. Spe- cially adapted to meet the Require- ments of the Science and Art Depart- ment, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1889. Martin, B. Young Student's Memorial Book, or Pocket Library : Logarithms, Theorems, Canons, Tables, &c. 12mo. bound. London, 1736* Mathematical Miscellany. l2mo. bound. London, 1751. Mathematical Questions, with their Solutions, from the " Educational Times." (^With Works on Teaching.) Edited by W. J. C. Miller. Vols. I.- XVII. 8vo. boards. C. F. Hodgson & Son, 1864-72. Mathematicall Recreations; or, a Collection of sundrie Problemes, ex- tracted out of the Ancient and Moderne Philosophers, &c. Most of which were written first in Greeke and Latine, lately compiled in French, by Henry Van Etten, Gent. And now delivered in the English Tongue, fcp. 8vo. old calf. London, 1633. Mathematics. 2 vols. 8vo cloth. (Librarj* of Useful Knowledge.) (C C. E. L., Nos. 1023-24.) London, 1835-36. Mathematics, An Elementary Course of, prepared for the use of the Royal Military Academy. Vols. 2 and 8. royal 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. Z., Nos, 2995 to 2097.) J. Weale, 1853. Merriman, M. Elements of the Method of Least Squares, crown 8vo, cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. — — — Text Book on the Method of Least Squares. 8vo. cloth. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1884, OENEBAX TREATISES. 27 Milbnrn, R. M. Mathematical Form- ulsB. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1880. Mors^au, H. A. A Collection of Problems and Examples in Mathematics, selected from Jesus College Examina- tion Papers, with Answers, crown 8vo. . cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1858. Newth, S. Mathematical Examples ; a Graduated Series of Elementary Examples in Arithmetic, Algebra, Lo- • garithms. Trigonometry, and Mechanics, complete, with Answers, crown 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1859. Hewtoui (Isaaci). Opera quae exstant Omnia. Newton's complete works, with Notes by Dr. Samuel Horsley. 5 vols. 4to. morocco. London, 1779-85. ■ ' Commentaries on. royal 8vo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1846. Vewton's Principia. The First Three Sections, with an Appendix; and the Ninth and Eleventh Sections. Edited by Rev. J. H. Evans. 4th edition. 8vo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1855. Sections I., II., III. With Notes and Illustrations. Also a Collec- tion of Problems. By P. Frost. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1863. — Principia. Reprinted for Sir Wil- liam Thomson and Hugh Blackburn, from the 3rd edition, published in 1726. 4to. cloth. Maclehose, Glasgow, 1871 ; Macmillan & Co. ■ Philosophy, View of, by H. Pem- berton. See Pemberton, H. ■ ■I Opticks; or a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, &c. of Light. Also Two Treatises of the Species and Magnitude of Curvilinear Figures. See Works on Optics. Orr's Circle of the Sciences. The Mathe- matical Sciences. By J. R. Young, and others, crown 8vo. cloth. Griffin & Co., 1854. Pemberton, H. A View of Sk Isaac Newton's Philosophy. 4to. calf. London, 1728. Pirie, Rev. G. Lessons on Rigid Dyna- mics. See Works on Mechanics. Pratt, Archdeacon. A Treatise on Attractions, Laplace's Functions, and the Figure of the Earth. 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1865. Pratt, J. The Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, and their appUcation to the Theory of Universal Gravitation. See Works on Mechanics. Rara Mathematica ; or, a Collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited Manuscripts. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo. boards. J. W. Parker, 1839. Sabine, J. Practical Mathematician. 12mo. boards. London. Sang, E. Progressive Lessons in Applied Science. 3 parts, post 8vo. cloth: — 1 . Geometry on Paper. 2. Solidity, Weight, and Pressure. 3. Trigonometry, Vision, Surveying Instruments. E. & F. N. Spon, 1875. Scott, R. F. Treatise on the Theory of Determinants and their applications in Analysis and Geometry. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1880. Snowball, J. C. The Cambridge Course of Elementary Natural Philoso- phy. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Sparkes, A. L. Guide to the Study of Mathematics. For Matriculation Exa- mination in the London University, post 8vo. cloth, limp. ■ Part II. Co-ordinate Geometry of the Straight Line and Circle, post 8vo. cloth. W. Stewart & Co., 1881. Stokes, G. G. Mathematical and Phy- , sical Papers. Vols. I. and II. 8vo. cloth. Cambridge University Press, 1880-83. Thomson, Sir W. Mathematical and Physical Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Cambridge University Press, 1882-4. Todhunter, I. History of the Mathe- matical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth, from the Time of Newton to that of Laplace. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) 1873. ' History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability, from the Time of Pascal to that of Laplace. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1865. Transactions, &c. relating to Mathe- matics : — New York. — American Metrological Society. Paris. — Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. See Transactions cCatalogub op Scientific Periodicals). Ward, J. The Young Mathematician's Guide. Being a Plain and Easie Intro- duction to the Mathematicks. 2nd edi- tion. 8vo. sheep. (^Brooke Collection.') Loudon, 1718. 2H MATHEMATICS. Win te r, S . H . Mathematical Exercises : comprising 3,500 Examples, &c. 12mo. cloth. 1864. ' New edition. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1877. Wolstenholme, J. A Book of Mathe- matical Problems on Subjects included in the Cambridge Course, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1867. Wrigley, Rer. A. Examples and Pro- blems in Pure and Mixed Mathematics, with Answers and occasional Hints. 2nd edition, corrected. 8vc. boards. Longmans & Co., 1847. Companion to ; being Illus- trations of Mathematical Processes and Methods of Solution. By J. Platts and Rev. A. Wrigley. 8vo. boards. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1861. Young, J. R. A Course of Elementary Mathematics. royaJ 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1861. ■■ Course of Mathematics. See Works on Algebra. MATHEMATICS. GENERAL TREATISES. FOREIGN. Anselmi, C. Quadratura del Circolo. 4to. sewed. Bertola Bros., Piacenza, 1867. Bernoulli, Johannis. Opera Omnia. Vols. I.-IV. 4to. old calf. Lausanne & Geneva, 1742. Bertrand, J. Le9ons sur la Theorie ' Mathematique de I'Electricite. See Works on Electricity. - Rapport sur les Progr^s les plus recents de I'Analyse Mathematique en France, imp. 8vo. Paris, 1865. With Reports, &c. on Education — France — Lettres. Cantor, M. Vorlesungen liber Ge- schichte der Mathematik. Band I. • Von den Aeltesten Zeiten bis zum Jahre 1200 n. Chr. royal 8vo. half calf. Teubner, Leipzig, 1880. Conmot, A. Recherches sur les Prin- cipes Mathematiques de la Theorie de Richesses. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1838. Enc; scJ tik. der Natnrwissen- laften. Handbuch der Mathema- See Schlomilch, Prof. Dr. Essai d'Etude Comparative sur la valeur TT, ou Rapport du Diametre a la Circon- , ference dans I'Antiquite et de nos Jours. royal 8vo. stitched. Caen, 1869. Faye, H. Cours d'Astronomie de I'EcoIe Polytechnique. See Works on Astro- nomy (^Foreign). Gerhardt, C. J. Geschichte der Ma- thematik in Deutschland. 8vo. half morocco. (Geschichte der Wissenschaft- en in Deutschland.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877. 'sGravesande, W. J. Physices Ele- menta Mathematica, experimentis con- firmata. Sive Introductio ad Philoso- phiam Newtonianam. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 4to. half bound. Leyden, 1742. Ctnnther, Dr. S. Vermischte Unter- suchungen zur Geschichte der Mathema- tischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1876. Hnygens, Christiaan. CEuvres Com- pletes. Publiees par la Societe HoUand- aise des; Sciences . V ol . I ., and onwards . 4to. half morocco. M. Nijhoff, The Hague, 1888, &c. Journals relating to Mathematics (Foreign) : — Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques et Astronomiques. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques. Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik uni Physik. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Jouve, C. J. Compositions de Math^-, matiques et de Physique. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1855. Laplace. CEuvres Completes. See Works on Astronomy. LiiSka, Dr. W. Sammlung von Formeln " der reinen und angewandten Mathe- matik. Lief. 1-3. 8vo. sewed. • F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1888-9. Lucas, E. Recreations Mathematiques. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1882. Marie, M. Histoire des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques. Tomes I.-XII. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1883-88. Mathematische und Naturwis- senschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. See Transactions — Buda- PESTH. Foincar^, H. Le9ons sur la Theorie Mathematique de la Lumi^re. See Works on Optics. Poinsot. Reflexions sur les Principes Fondamentaux de la Theorie des Nom- bres. 4to. calf. (From the Journal de Mathematiques Pures and Appliquees.) (C. C. E. Z., No. 872.) . [1845.} Foisson, S. D. Theorie Mathematique de la Chaleur. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1835, GENEBAL TREATISES. 29 Quetelet, A. Histoire des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques chez les Belgeg. 8vo. half calf. Hayez, Brussels, 1864. Sesal, H. Physique Mathematique. filectrodynamique, Capillarite, Chaleur, ifilectricite, Magnetisme, ]^lasticite. 4to. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1884. Saint-Mesmin, E. M. de. Probl^mes de Mathematiques et de Physique, avec les Solutions raisonn^es. 8vo. sewed. ,Hachette & Co., 1857. . ■■ 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1862. Scheffler, Dr. H. Die Naturgesetze und ihr Zusammenhang mit den Prin- zipien der Abstrakten Wissenschaften. See Works on Physics {General Trea- tises), Schldmilch, Prof. Dr. Handbuch der Mathematik. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. (Encyklopsedie der Natur- ■mssenschaften.) E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1879-81. Sonnet, H. Dictionnaire des Mathe- matiques Appliques, royal 8vo. calf. Hachette & Co., 1867. Snter, Dr. H. Geschichte der Mathe- matischen Wissenschaften. 2 vols., in one. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. Fiissli & Co., Zurich, 1873-5. Wesrrauch,, J. J. Aufgaben zur Theorie Elastischer Korper. 8 vo . sewed. Teubner, Leipzig, 1885. 30 PART II. GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. OEOGBAFHY, rBTCLUDING TBAVELS, TOFOGBAFHI- CAL WORKS, &c. ENGLISH, COLONIAL, AND AMERICAN. Abel, C. Narratire of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that Country, in the years 1816-17. 4to. half bound. London, 1818. Abyssinia, Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to, during the years 1520-1527. By Father Francisco Alvarez. Trans- lated from the Portuguese, and edited, ^vith Notes and an Introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 8vo. cloth. (No. 64.) Hakluyt Society, 1881. Acerbi, J. Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798-99. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1802. Acosta's Natural and Moral History of the Indies. Reprinted from the English Translated edition of Edward Grimston, 1604. Edited, with Notes and Intro- duction, by C. R. Markham. 2 vols. With Map. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 60, 61.) Hakluyt Society, 1F80.^ See also Spanish Works in present section. Adams, A. L. Wanderings of a Natu- ralist in India, the Western Himalayas, and Cashmere. 8vo. cloth. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1867. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer « Blake " in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Sampson Low & Co., 1888. Agassiz, L., and Mrs. L. A Journey in Brazil. 8vo. cloth. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, 1868. Alcock, Sir Rutherford. The Capital of the Tycoon ; a Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. Amazons, Expeditions into the Valley of the, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. 8vo. cloth. (No. 24.) Hakluyt Society, 1Q69, America, Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of. Collected by R. Hakluyt. Edited, with Notes, by J. Winter Jones. 8vo. cloth. (No. 7.) Hakluyt Society, 1850. Andagoya's Narrative of the Pro- ceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces of Tierra Firme, &c. Trans- lated and edited by C. R. Markham. 8vo. cloth. (No. 34.) Hakluyt Society, 1865. Anderson, B. Narrative of a Journey to Musardu, the Capital of the Western Mandingoes. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami ; or. Explorations and Discoveries during Four Years' Wanderings in the Wilds of South-western Africa, royal 8vo. cloth. Hurst & Blackett, 1856. Anson's Voyages. See Thomas, P. ; Walter, R. ; Universal Library. Ansted, D. T. Physical Geography. 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1868. — 4th edition, crown 8vo. W. H. Allen & Co., 1870. — • Water and Water-Supply, chiefly in reference to the British Islands. — Surface Waters. 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1878. Physiography. See Physiography. See also Manual of Geographical Science. Ansted, D. T., and Latham, R. G. The Channel Islands. Illustrated, roy, 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1862. Antes, J. Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, &c. See Paterson, Lieut. W. Arctic and Antarctic Explor- ation, including the North-West Passage. See — English Works. Arctic Expedition. Arctic Experiences. Back, Capt. Baffin, W. Barents. Barrington, Hon. D. Barrow, J. Belcher, Admiral Sir E. Bent, S. cloth. . GEOGRAPHY : ENGLISH WORKS. 31 Arctic and Antarctic Explora- tion — cont. See^ English TTor^s— cont. Cook, Capt. J. Franklin, Sir J. Frobisher. Hayes, I. I. Kane, E. K. Knight, Capt. J. Koldewey, Capt. M'Clintock, Capt. Markham, C. R. Milton, Lord, and Cheadle, Dr. Nares, Capt. Nordenskiold, A. E. North Polar Expedition (U.S.S. '* Polaris ")• O'Reilly, B. Parry, Capt. W. E. Payer, J. Pennant, T. Polar Expeditions. Rae, J. Richardson, Sir J. Ross, Capt. Sir J. C. Ross, Sir J. Royal Geographical Society's Publi- cations. Rundall, T. Scoresby, Capt. Seemann, B. Spitzbergen and Greenland. Weddell, J. Zeno, N. and A. French Works. Edmond, C. Pages, De. German Works. Polarforschung, Die Internationale. Arctic Expedition of 1875, Manual and Instructions for the. The Natural History, Geology, and Physics of Greenland and the Neighbouring Regions, &c. Edited by T. B,. Jones. 8vo. boards. (2 copies.) H.M. Printers, 1875. Arctic Views (104). Photographs taken during the Expedition, 1875-6, under Captain Nares. On mounts, each 11| in. by 13^ in. London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co., Lim. Arctic Experiences : containing Capt. G. E. Tyson's Drift on the lee-Floe, History of the Polaris Expedition, &c. Edited by E. V. Blake, royal 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1874. Armstrong, J. The History of the Island of Minorca. 2nd edition. 8vo. bound. London, 1756. Atkinson, T. W. Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor, and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China, imp. 8vo. cloth. Hurst & Blackett, 1 860. Baber, E. C. Travels and Researches in Western China. (R. Geographical Society's Supp. Papers, Vol. I.) See Transactions— London : JRoi/al Geographical Society. Back, Captain. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833- 35. With Plates. 8vo. half calf. London, 1836. Baedeker's Egypt. Handbook for Travellers. Part I. Lower Egypt, with the Fayum and the Peninsula of Sinai. With Maps, Views and Vignettes. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. K. Baedeker, Leipzig, 1885. Baffin, W., The Voyages of, 1612-1622. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by C. R. Markham. 8vo. cloth. (No. 63.) Hakluyt Society, 1881. Baikie, R. Observations on the Neil- gherries ; including an Account of their Topography, Climate, Soil, and Pro- ductions ; and of the Effects of the Climate on the European Constitution. Coloured Illustrations and Maps, royal 8vo. half calf. Calcutta, 1834. Bailv, J. Central America j describing each of the States of Guatemala, Hon- duras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 8vo. cloth. London, 1850. Baker, Sir S. W. The Albert N'yanza Great Basin of the Nile, and Explora- tions of the Nile Sources. New edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1870. Ismailia ; a Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Bakewell, R. Travels, &c. in the Tarentaise, and various Parts of the Grecian and Pennine Alps, and in Switzerland and Auvergne, in the Years 1820-22. Coloured Illustrations. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. London, 1823. Balbi and Malte-Brnn. System of Universal Geography. .See Malte-Brun. Balfour, E. Barometrical Sections of India, showing the Approximate Altitudes of the Localities through which they are drawn. Edited by the Committee of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society. With a Description of the Physical Features of the Country and of its Civil and Military Divisions, royal folio, bound. American Mission Press, Madras, 1853. Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Commercial, Industrial, and Scientific. 3rd edition. Svo. B. Quaritch, 1885. ( With Works of Reference.) 32 GEOGRAPHY, ASTBONOMY, ETC. Ball, V. Jungle Life in India ; or, the Journeys and Journals of an Indian Geologist. lUustrdted. 8vo. cloth. T. De la Rue & Co., 1880. Banks, J., Solander, Dr., &c. Voyage to Iceland, 1772. See Troil, U. von. Barbaro's and Contarini's Travels to Tana and Persia. Translated by W. Thomas and S. A. Roy. Edited by Lord Stanle}' of Alderley. — Narl^tive of other Italian Travels in Persia, in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Translated and edited by C. Grey. 8vo. cloth. (No. 49.) Hakluyt Societyy 1873. Barbosa's Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the Beginningof the 16th Century. Trans- lated, with Notes, by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. 8vo. cloth. (No. 35.) Hakluyt Society, 1866. Barents's Three Voyages to the Arctic Regions, by Gerrit de Veer. 1st edition, edited by C. T. Beke. 2nd edition, with Introduction, by Lieut Koolemans Beynen. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 13, 54.) Hakluyt Society, 1853 and 1876. Germany. See Baring-Gould, S. Foreign Countries. Barnard, Major J. G. The Isthmus of Tehuautepec; being the Results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. With a resume of the Geology, Climate, Fauna, and Flora, &c. of these regions. Arranged, &c. by J. J. Williams. Blustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1852. Barrington, Hon. D. The Possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted. ' New edition. With Appendix, by Colonel Beaufoy. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. London, 1818. Barrington, G. The History of New South Wales; including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, and all its Dependencies. 8vo. half calf. London, 1810. Barrow, J. An Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, in the 3'ears 1797-98. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. London, 1801-4. A Voyage to Cochin China, in the years 1792-93. With Account of a Journey in 1801-2 to the Residence of the Chief of the Booshuana Nation. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. half calf. London, 1806. A Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions ; undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a North-east, North-west, or Polar Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo. calf. London, 1818. Bates, H. W. Central Ajmeriea, &c. See Stanford's Compendium, &c. Beaufort, F. Karamania ; or, a brief Description of the South Coast of Asia Minor, and of the Remains of Antiquity. With Plates. 8vo. calf. London, 1817. Beanxnont, A. Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps. With Remarks on the Course of the Rhone, &c. Plates, folio, half bound. London, 1806. Belcher, Admiral Sir E. Narrative of a Voyage round the World, performed in H.M.S. " Sulphur," during the years 1836-42; including details of Naval Operations in China. With Appendix : The Regions of Vegetation, by R. B. Hinds. Plates, and Maps, in pocket. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1843. Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Samarang," during the years 1843-46, employed in surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago. With Notes on the Natural History, by Arthur Adams. Plates, and 3 Maps, in pocket. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1848. [The Zoological portion of the above " Narratives " will be found with Works on Mollusc A, &c., under Hinds, R. B., and General Na- tural History, under Adams, A.] The Last of the Arctic Voyages ; being a Narrative of the Expedition in H.M.S. " Assistance," in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1852- 54. With Notes on the Natural His- tory, by Sir J. Richardson (Fish), Prof. Owen (Ichthyosaurus), T. Bell (Crustacea), J. W. Salter (Carboni- ferous Fossils), and Ix)vell Reeve (Shells). Illustrated. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve, 1855. Bell, J. System of Geography, Popular and Scientific. With Maps, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth. (C C. E. L., Nos. 851-6.) London, 1850. Bennett, F. D. Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe, from the year 1833 to 1836; with the Natural His- tory of the climates visited. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1840. Bennett, G. Wanderings in New South Wales, &c., being the Journal of a Naturalist in those countries during 1833-34. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . London, 1834. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Bent, S. Thermal Paths to the Pole. Address before the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association, Jan., 1872. Bro. cloth, limp. St. Louis, Missouri, U.S., 1 872. geography: ENGLISH WORKS. 33 Benzoni's History of the New World, shewing his Travels in 1541-1556. Translated and edited by Eear-Admiral W. H. Smyth. 8vo. cloth. (No. 21.) Hakluyt Society, 1857. Benuudaes, or, Summer Islands, His- torye of the. Edited by General Sh- J. H. Lefroy. 8vo. cloth. (No. 65.) Hakluyt Society, 1882. Betagh, W. A Voyage round the World. Begun in 1 7 1 9, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean. 8vo. calf. London, 1728. Bevan, Rev. W. L., and Phillott, Bev. H. W. Mediaeval Geography. An Essay in Illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mundi. Svo. sewed. E. Stanford, 1873. [^This Map is in Science CollectionSy S. K. M.-] Blackburn, H. Normandy Picturesque, post 4to. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1869. Blackie, C. A Dictionary of Piace- Names, giving their Derivations. With an Introduction by J. S. Blackie. 3rd edition, post Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1887. Bligh's Mutiny of the Bounty. See Universal Library. Blofeld, J. H. Algeria, Past and Pre- sent. Svo. cloth. London, 1844. Bonny castle, Sir R. H. Newfound- land in 1S42. A Sequel to "The Canadas in 1841." Map in pocket. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. London, 1842. Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its Palaces. The Discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to the Elucidation of Holy Writ. Svo. cloth. Ingram & Co., 1853. Bontier's and Le Verrier's Canarian ; or, Book of the Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians in 1402, by Messire Jean de Bethencourt. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. Svo. cloth. (No. 46.) Hakluyt Society, 1872. Bongainville, Voyages of. See Par- kinson, S. Bowdich, T. E. Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, during the autumn of 1823, while on his third voyage to Africa. To which is added, by Mrs. Bowdich, a Narrative of the Continuance of the Voyage to its completion ; and Appendix : containing Zoological and Botanical Descriptions, &c. Plates. 4to. half morocco. London, 1825. Brazil, The Empire of, at the Universal Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia. Svo. sewed. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. E 61668. Brenchley, J. L. Jottings during the Cruise of H.M.S. " Cura9oa " among the South Sea Islands in 1865. Plain and Coloured Illustrations, imp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. Brighthelmstone and the Adjacent Country, Guide to, and Description of 12mo. sewed. (^Brooke Collection.) Brighthelmstone, 1800, Brown, R. The Earth and its Story : A Popular Treatise on Physical Geo- graphy. Plates. 3 vols. 4to. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1887-89. Browne, P. The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. With Plates, folio, bound. London, 1 789 . Browne, W. G. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798. 4to. calf. London, 1799. Bmce, J. (of Kinnaird). Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768-73. Plates and Maps. 5 vols. 4to. half morocco. (Vol. V. Appendix : Select Specimens of Natural History collected in the " Travels, &c. in Egypt, Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nu- bia.") Edmburgh, 1790. Account of the Life and Writings of. By A. Murray. With Plates and Maps. 4to. half morocco. Edinburgh, 1808. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. Buchanan, F. Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Ca- nara, and Malabar, to investigate the state of Agriculture, Arts, Religion, Manners, the History, Natural and Civil, and Antiquities, &c. With Plates. 3 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1807. Buff, H. Familiar Letters of the Physics of the Earth. Edited by A. W. Hoffmann, post Svo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 890.) Taylor, Walton, & Maberly, 1851. Bulkeley, J., and Cummins, J. A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the years 1740-41. post Svo. calf. London, 1743. Bunbury, C. J. F. Journal of a Resi- dence at the Cape of Good Hope ; with Excursions into the Interior. 12mo. cloth. London, 1848. Bunbury, E. H. History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans, from the Eariiest Ages till the Fall of the Roman Empire. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1879. Burton, R. F., and Drake, C. F. T. Unexplored Syria. 2 vols, royal Svo. cloth. Tinsley Brothers, 1872. 34 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC, Byron^ The Hon. J. Narratire ; con- taining an account of the great Dis- tresses suffered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, from the year 1740, to their arrival in England, 1746. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. London, 1768. See also Hawkesworth, J. ; and Parkinson, S. Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. With Map in pocket. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Daldy, Isbister,& Co., 1877. Cape of Good Hope, History, Pro- ductions, and Resources of the. Edited by J. Noble. Svo. morocco. Cape Town, 1886. (^Witk Works on Exhibitions, Colonial and Indian.') Carnarvon, The Earl of. Portugal and Galicia; with a Review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces. 3rd edition, post Svo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 727.) London, 1848. Carteret, Capt. Account of the Voy- ages for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. See Hawkes- worth, J. ; and Parkinson, S. Casseirs Historical Educator, comprising Ancient Voyages and Travels, &c. 2 vols, crown 4to. cloth. J. Cassell, 1854. Catalogue of the York Gate Geo- graphical and Colonial Library. Svo. vellum. J. Murray, 1882. Cathay and the Way Thither. A Col- lection of Medieval Notices of China. Translated and edited by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. (Nos. 36, 37). Hakluyt Society, 1866. " Challenger " Voyage during 1873- 76, Reports of Scientific Results of. See Works on General Natural History ; also Spry, W. J. J., Thomson, Sir C. W., in present section. Chambers, Robert. Ancient Sea- Margins, as Memorials of Changes in the Relative Level in Sea and Land. Svo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1848. Champlain's Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, in 1599-1602. Trans- lated by A. Wilmere. Edited by N. Shaw. Svo. cloth. (No. 23.) Hakluyt Society , 1859. Chappe d'Auteroche, Abbe. A Jour^ ney into Siberia. 4to. calf. London, 177o! Charnock, R. S. Local Etymology ; a Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names. Svo. cloth. Houlston & Wright, 1859. Chesney, Lieut.-Colonel F. R. The Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris ; carried on in 1835-37. Illustrated. Vols. 1 and 2. royal Svo. cloth. With Maps, &c. in royal Svo. cloth case. London, 1850. Chester, Rev. G. J. Transatlantic Sketches in the West Indies, South America, Canada, and the United States, post Svo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1869. China. Keport by Mr. Baber on the Route followed by Mr. Grosvenor's Mission between Tali-Fu and Momein. (With Itinerary and Map of Road from Yiinnan-Fu.) fcp. folio, sev/ed. H.M. Printers, 1878. Chisholm, G. G. The Two Hemispheres : a Popular Account of the Countries and Peoples of the World. Illustrated. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1882. Handbook of Commercial Geo- graphy. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1889. Europe. See Stanford's Com- pendium, &c. Cieza de Leon's Travels, 1532-1550. The First and Second Parts of the Chronicle of Peru. With Map. Trans- lated and edited by C. R. Markham. Svo. cloth. (Nos. 33, 60, 68.) Hakluyt Society, 1864-83. Clarke, E. D. Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. With Plates and Maps. 2nd edition. 6 vols. 4to. calf. London, 181 1-23. Clarke, R. Sierra Leone. A Descrip- tion of the Manners and Customs of the Liberated Africans ; with Observa- tions upon the Natural History of the Colony. Svo. cloth. London, 1843. Clavijo's Embassy to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, 1403-6. Trans- lated, with Notes, &c., by C. R. Mark- ham. Svo. cloth. (No. 26.) Hakluyt Society, 1859. Clerke, Capt., Voyages of. See Parkin- son, S. Coats's Geography of Hudson's Bay. Remarks in Voyages between 1727 and 1751. Edited by J. Barrow. Svo. cloth. (No. 11.) Hakluyt Society, 1852. Cocks, R., Cape -Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, Diary of, with Correspondence. Edited by E. M. Thompson. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. (Nos. 66 and 67.) Hakluyt Society, 1883. Collins, D. An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales. With particulars of New Zealand, &c. Plates and Maps. 2 vols. 4to. half bound. London, 1798-1802. Colonial Year Book for 1890. By A. J. R. Trendell. With Introduction by J. R. Seeley. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1890. Columbus, C, Select Letters of, re- lating to his Four Voyages to the New World, Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 2 and 43.) Hakluyt Society, 1848 & 1870, GEOGRAPHY: ENGLISH WORKS. 35 Cook, Capt. James. A Voyage round the World, in H.B.M. Sloop « Resolu- tion/' during the years 1772-75. By G. Forster. 2 vols. 4 to. russia. With royal folio Atlas of Plates and Maps, half bound. London, 1777. ' A Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, performed in H.M.SS. "Resolution" and "Adven- ture,"^ in the years 1772-75. With Captain Furneaux's Narrative. Plates and Maps. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1777. See also Hawkesworth, J. ; and Par- kinson, S. ■ and King", Capt. J. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken for * making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, in H.M.SS. " Resolution " and " Discovery," in the years 1776-80. 2nd edition. With Plates and Maps. 3 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1785. The Voyages of. With Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8vo. calf. (C C. E. Z., Nos. 875 and 876.) London, 1846. Cooke, Capt. Edward. A Voyage to the South Sea, and round the World ; per- formed in the years 1708-11. 2 vols. 8vo. old calf. London, 1712. Cooley, W. D. Physical Geography, or, the Terraqueous Globe and its Phenomena. 8vo. cloth. Dulau & Co., 1876. Cooper, T. T. The Mishmee Hills. An Account of a Journey made in an At- tempt to penetrate Thibet from Assam to open New Routes for Commerce, post 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1873. Cordiner, Rev. J. A Description of Ceylon ; with Narratives of a Tour round the Island in 1800, the Campaign in Candy in 1803, and a Journey to Ramisseram in 1804. With Plates. 2 vols. 4to. half bound. London, 1807. Cortes, H., Fifth Letter of, to the Em- peror Charles V., containing an Account of his Expedition to Honduras in 1525-6. Translated by Don P. de Gayangos. 8vo. cloth. (No. 40.) Hakluyt Society, 1868. Crantz, D. The History of Green- land ; containing a Description of the Country and its Inhabitants ; and par- ticularly a Relation of the Mission carried on by the Unitas Fratrum. With Plates. 2 vols. Bvo. calf. London, 1767. Crawford, J. Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava. With Description of Fossil Remains, by Prof. Buckland and Mr. Clift. With Plates. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1834. CrawAird, J. A Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent Countries. 8vo. cloth. London, 1856. Croker, T. C. A Walk from London to Fulham, revised and edited by T. F. D. Croker, with additional Illustrations by F. W. Fairholt. post 8vo. cloth. W. Tegg, 1860. Cnuniugham, A. The Ancient Geo- graphy of India. I. The Buddhist Period, including the Campaigns of Alexander, and the Travels of Hwen- thsang. 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1871. Cunningham, C. D., and Abney, Capt. W. de W. The Pioneers of the Alps. 4to. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1887. Cunningham, P. Two Years in New South Wales. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1828. Cunynghame, Lieut.-GeneralSir A. T. Travels in the Eastern Caucasus during the Summer of 1871. Illustrated by H. H. Cunynghame. With Maps. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1872. Dalboquerque, Afonso, Commen- taries of the Great. Translated from the Portuguese edition of 1774. With Notes and Introduction by Walter de Gray Birch. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 53, 55, 62, 69.) Hakluyt Society, 1875-84. Dampier, Capt. W., Voyages of, 1697- 1704. With Maps and Plates. 5 vols. 8vo. old calf. London, 1703-7. Vol. 1. A New Voyage round the World. Vol. 2. Supplement. Two Voyages to Campeachy. A Discourse of Trade Winds. Vols. 3 and 4. A Voyage to New Holland, &c. in 1699. Vol. 5. Expedition into the South Seas, &c. By W. Funnel!. Darwin, C. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle" round the World. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1860. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Davis, C. H. Narrative of the North Polar Expedition- U.S. Ship " Polaris." See North Polar Expedition. Davis, Rev. E. J. Anatolica ; or, the Journal of a V^isit to some of the An- cient Ruined Cities of Caria, Phrygia, Lycia, and Pisidia. 8vo. cloth. Grant & Co., 1874. Davis, John, the Navigator, The Voyages and Works of. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by A. H. Markham. With Map. 8vo. cloth. (No. 59.) Hakluyt Society, 1880, c 2 36 GEOGKAPHT, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Davis, Sir J. F. The Chinese : a general Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. 2 vols, fcp. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., Nos. 712 and 7 1 3 .) London, 1 849 . Davy, J. -An Account of the Interior of Ceylon, and of its Inhabitants ; with Travels in that Island. Illustrated. 4to. calf. London, 1821. Notes and Observations in the Ionian Islands and Malta ; with Re- marks on Constantinople and Turkey. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1842. De Costa, B. F. Cabo de Baxos, or, the Place of Cape Cod in the Old Cartology, &c. 8vo. sewed. T. Whittaker, New York, 1881. De Luc, J- A. Geological Travels. 3 vols. Svo, half calf. London, 1810-11. ( With Works on Geology.) Digby, Sir Kenelm. Journal of a Voyage into the Mediterranean, a.d. 1628. Edited from the Autograph MS. in the possession of William Watkin E. Wynne, Esq., by John Bruce, post 4to. cloth. (No. 96.) Camden Society, 1868. Dixon, Lieut.-Col. C. J. Sketch of Mair wara ; giving a brief Account of the Origin and Habits of the Mairs, &c. With Maps and Plates. 4to. cloth. London, 1850. Dixon, W. Hep worth. The Holy Land. 4th edition, post Svo. clcth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. Dobrizhoffer, M. An Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1822. Domesday Book, or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror, A.D. 1086. A Facsimile reproduction by the Photozincographic process under the direction of Colonel Sir Henry James, R.E., &c., at the Ordnance Survey OflBce. 2 vols. imp. 4to. and royal 4to. morocco. 1863. Also separately, in counties ; cloth : — Bedfordshire. Lincolnshire. Berkshire. Middlesex. Buckingham. Norfolk. Cambridge. Northampton. Cheshire and Lan- Nottingham, cashire. Oxfordshire. Cornwall. Shropshire. Derbyshire. Somersetshire. Devonshire. Staffordshire. Dorsetshire. Suffolk. Essex. Surrey. Gloucestershire. Sussex. Hampshire. Warwickshire. Herefordshire. Wiltshire. Hertfordshire. Worcestershire. Huntingdonshire. Yorkshire. . Leicestershire and Rutland. Ordnance Survey OflBice, Southampton, 1862-1864. DooUttle, Rev. J. Social Life of the Chinese. A Daguerreotype of Daily Life in China. Edited and revised by the Rev. P. Hood. Illustrated, post 8vo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1868. D'Orleans's History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China. With Witsen's Father Pereira's Journey into Tartary. Translated by the Earl of EUesmere. With Introduction, by R. H. Major. Svo. cloth. (No. 17.) Hakluyt Society, 1854. Douglas, J. Sketch of the First Prin- ciples of Physiography. See Physio- graphy. Drake, Sir F., The World encompassed by. Collated with F. Fletcher's unpuV lished MS. With Appendices, &c., by W. S.W.Vaux. 8vo. sewed. (No. 16.) Hakluyt Society y 1854. Draper, L, C. Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin : its Growth, Progress, Cwi- dition. Wants, and Capabilities. 8vo. half calf. Madison, 1857. Dmmmond, H. Tropical Africa. Svo. cloth. Hodder & Stoughton, 1888. Eden, C. H. West Indies. See Foreign Countries, &c. Ednmnds, F. Tra<}es of History in the Names of Places. With a Vocabulary of the Roots out of which Names of Places in England and Wales are formed, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1869. Edwards, W. H. A Voyage up the River Amazon, including a Residence at Para, post Svo. calf. (C C. E. X., No. 725.) London, 1847. Egede, H. A Description of Green- land ; shewing the Natural History, &c. Svo. half calf. London, 1745. Ellis, Rev. W. Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee. With Plates and Maps. 2nd edition. Svo. half calf London, 1827. Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. With Plates and Maps. 2nd edition. 4 vols, fcp. Svo. cloth. London, 1831. Three Visits to Madagascar during the years 1853-56, including a Journey to the Capital. With Plates. Svo. cloth. London, 1831. English Cyclopaedia. Conducted by C. Knight. — Geography. 4 vols. 4to. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1854-56. ( With Works op Reference.) English Pilot, The. Describing the Sea-coasts, Capes, Headlands, &c. in the whole Mediterranean Sea. See Works on Navigation. geography: ENGLISH WORKS. 37 Ermau, A. Travels in Siberia ; includ- ing Excursions Northwards, down the Obi, to the Polar Circle, and South- wards, to the Chinese Frontier. Trans- lated from the German, by William Desborough Cooley. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1848. See also Joamals: ArchivfiirWis- senschaftliche KundevonRussland. ZSrskiue, J. E Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific; including the Feejees and others inhabited by the Polynesian Negro Races With Maps and Plates. 8vo. cloth. London, 1853. Eyre, E. J. Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1 ; including an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Aborigines. With Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. (C C. E. Z., Nos. 847 and 848.) London, 1845. Falkner, T. Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America ; and some particulars relating to Falkland's Islands. 4to. calf. Hereford, 1774. [With an Account, in MS., of the Author — Extract from Capt. J. Eol- nitt's Voyage to the South Seas.] Favenc, E. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888. Com- piled from State Documents, Private • Papers, and the most authentic Sources of Information, royal 8vo. cloth. Griffith, Farran, & Co. [1888]. Featherstouhaugh, G. W. Ex- cursion through the Slave States, from Washington on the Potomac to the Frontier of Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. ■ A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. Fiudlatei:, A. Physiography. See Physiography. Fitzgerald, J. E. V. Australia. See Foreign Countries, &c. Flinders, M. Voyage to Terra Australis, in the years 1801-3. Illus- trated. 2 vols. imp. 4to. With Atlas, broad folio, half calf. London, 1814. Footprints of Travellers in Europe, Asia, Africa, America. 2 vols, in one. 12mo. cloth. J. Cassell, 1850. Forbes, Alex. California; a History of Upper and Lower California, from their First Discovery to the Present Time, &c. With an Appendix relating to Steam Navigation in the Pacific. 8vo. cloth, London, 1839. Forbes, A. G. Africa : Geographical Exploration and Christian Enterprise, post 8V0. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1874. Forbes, H. O. A Naturalist's Wandetr ings in the Eastern Archipelago. A Narrative of Travel and Exploration from 1878-1883. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1885. {With Works on General Natural History.) Forbes, Major J. Eleven Years in Ceylon; comprising Sketches of the Field Sports and Natural History of that Colony, &c. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. London, 1841. Foreign Countries and British Colonies. Edited by F. S. Pulling. With Maps, crown Svo. cloth : — Australia. By J. F. V. Fitzgerald. 1881. Austria-Hungary. By D. Kay. 1880. Denmark and Iceland. By E. C. Otte. 1881. Egypt. By S. Lane Poole. 1881. France. By Author of " The Atelier du Lys" (Miss M. Roberts). 1881. Germany. By S. Baring-Gould. 1883. Greece. By L. Sergeant. 1880. Japan. By S. Mossman. 1880, Peru. By C. R. Markham. 1880. Russia. By W. K. Morfill. 1880. Spain. By Rev. W. Webster. With a chapter by an Associate of the School of Mines. 1882. Sweden and Norway. By Rev. F. H. Woods. 1882 West Indies. By C. H. Eden. 1880. S. Low & Coi Forster, G. Voyage round the World in H.B.M. Sloop "Resolution," com- manded by Capt. James Cook, during the years 1772-5. See Cook, Capt. James. France. By the Author of " The Ate- lier du Lys." See Foreign Countries^ &c. Franklin, Sir J. Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819-20-21-22 ? with a Brief Account of the Second Journey in 1825-26-27. With Plates. Vols. 2, 3, 4. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. L.y Nos. 709-711.) London, 1829. Franklin Expedition. See Kane, E. R. ; M'Clintock, Capt. ; Richardson, Sir J., Seemann, B. Freeman, E. A. The Historical Geo- graphy of Europe. Text and Maps. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. Frezier, M. A Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712-14. With a postscript, by Dr. E. Halley. Plates 4to. calf. London, 1717. 38 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMT, ETC. Friar Jordauus's Wonders of the East. Translated from the Latin, etc., by Col. H. Yule. 8 vo. cloth. (No. 31.) Hakluyt Society, 1863. Frobislier's Three Voyages in Search of a Passage to Cathaia and India by the North- West, 1576-8. Edited by Rear- Admiral B. Collinson. 8vo. cloth. (No. 38.) Hakluyt Society, 1867. Funnell, W. Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas, &c. See Dampier. Fumeaux's (Capt.) Narrative of his Proceedings in lie " Adventure " during the separation of the Ships " Adventure " and " Resolution." See Cook, Capt. James. GclCfe, T. New Survey of the West Indies ; or the Spanish American his Travel by Sea and Land. Third edition, post 8vo. half calf. London, 1677. Galton, F. The Art of Travel; or. Shifts and Contrivances available in Wild Countries. 7th edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1883. [/w connexion with the above work, a series of models, illustrating the arts of camp life, 8fc., is in the Science Collections, S. K. M."] Galvano's Discoveries of the World, from their First Original unto 1.555. Corrected, &c., by R. Hakluyt. Edited by Vice- Admiral Bethune. 8vo. cloth. (No. 30.) Hakluyt Society, 1862. Garcilasso de la Vega's Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. Trans- lated and edited by C. R. Markham. 2 vols. With Map. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 41, 45, 60.) Hakluyt Society, 1869-71. Gantier, T. Wanderings in Spain, crown 8vo. cloth. N. Cooke, 1853. Geikie, A. Elementary Lessons in Physical Georgraphy. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Gentleman's (The) Pocket Com- panion for Travelling in Foreign Parts, &c. 12mo. sewed. (^Brooke Collection.') London, 1772. Geographical Names, Works on. jSee Blackie, C. ; Charnock, R. S. ; Ed- munds, F. ; Taylor, Rev. I. Gifford, T. Historical Description of the Zetland Islands. Supplement to Pennant's " Arctic Zoology." 4to. London, 1787. {With Works on Geneeal Natdjsal History, under Pennant.) Gill, Mrs. Six Months in Ascension. An Unscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition, post 8to. cloth. J. Murray, 1878. Gill, T. Bibliography of South Aus- tralia. 8vo. cloth. 1886. ( With Works on Exhibitions, Colonial and Indian.) Gilliss, J. M. The United States Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years 1849-52. With Maps, Plates, coloured and plain. 2 vols. 4to. half calf : — I. Chile: its Geography, Climate; Mineral, &c. Resources. II. The Andes and Pampas : Minerals, Indian Remains, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Dried, &c. Plants, Fossil Mammals, &c. Washington, 1855u Godet, T. L. Bermuda; from the EarUest Period to the Present Time, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1860. Goldsmid, Col. Sir F. J. Telegraph and Travel. A Narrative of the For- mation and Development of Telegraphic Communication between England and India, with incidental Notices of the Countries traversed by the lines. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Gordon, P. Geography Anatomized: or the Geographical Grammar. Being a short and exact Analysis of the whole Body of Modern Geography after a cie^ and curious Method. 5th edition. 8vo, calf. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1708. Greece. Parliamentary Papers relating to the Establishment of the Kingdom of Greece, 1826-32. (Translations.) fcp, folio, sewed. Map of Greece, in wrapper, fcp. foh'o. H.M. Printers, 1878. Green, W. L. Vestiges of the Molten Globe, as exhibited in the Figure of the Earth, Volcanic Action and Physio- graphy. Part I. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1875. Grey, G. Journals of Two Expedition* of Discovery in North-west and Western Australia, during the years 1837-39. Illustrated. Map in pocket. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1841, Gnillemard, F. H. H. The Cruise of the "Marchesa" to Kamschatka and New Guinea, with Notices of Formosa, Liu-Kiu, and various Islands of the Malay Archipelago. Maps and Wood- cuts. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1886. Gompach, J. von. The Tnie Figure and Dimensions of the Earth, &c. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 186^g|, Guppy, H. B. The Solomon Islands ; their Geology, General Features, and Suitability for Colonization, imp. 8vo. cloth. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1887. GEOGRAPHY : ENGLISH WORKS. 39 % H. B. The Solomon Islands and fheir Natives, imp. 8vo. cloth. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 18S7, Gutzlaff, Rev. C. China Opened ; or, a Display of the Topography, History, Customs, Manners, Arts, &c. of the Chinese Empire. Revised by the Rev. A. Reed, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1838. Guyot, A. Comparative Physical Geo- graphy, or the Earth in relation to Man, translated from the French by Prof. C. C. Felton. 12mo. cloth. E. Gover. " 6th edition, with Correc- tions, Index, and 12 Maps and Plates. 12mo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1863. — — — Physical Geography. 4to. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1873. Guzman, Don Alonzo Enriquez de, Life and Acts of, 1518 to 1543. Translated, with Notes, by C. R. Markham. 8vo. cloth. (No. 29. ),IIaklui/t Society, 1862. Habel, S. The Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala. With an account of Travels in Central America and on the Western Coast of South America. (Smithsonian Con- tributions to Knowledge, Vol. 22.) See Transactions — Washington. Haeckel, E. Visit to Ceylon. Trans- lated by Clara Bell, post Svo. cloth. K. Paul & Co., 1883. Sakluyt, R. The Principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, Traffiques, and Dis- coveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or Overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeres. 3 vols, in 2. folio, calf. London, 1599-1600. Haklnyt Society's Publications. See separate Works; also List in Transactions — London. Hans Stade's Captivity in 1547-1555, among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. Translated by A. Tootal, and annotated by R. F. Burton. 8vo. cloth. (No. 51.) Hakluyt Society, 1874. ;2arris, J. Navigantium atque Itiner- antium Bibliotheca ; or, a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels. To ■which is prefixed an Account of Ancient Shipping, successive improvements, together with Invention and Use of the Magnet, &c. With Maps, Plates, and Portraits. 2 vols, folio, calf. London, 1705. Harris, Major W. C. The Highlands of Ethiopia. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Svo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., Nos. 837-839.) London, 1844. Harrison, W. J., and Wakefield, H. R. Earth-Knowledge. See Physio- graphy. Hartwig, G. The Polar World; a Popular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1869, {With Works on General Natural History.) Hasselquist, F. Voyages and Travels in the Levant, 1749-52. (Translation of "Iter Palaestinum.") Edited by C. Linnajus. post 8vo. calf. (Let- tered " Linnajus.") London, 1766. For original Text of above, see Swedish Works in present section. Haughton, Rev. S. Six Lectures on Physical Geography. Svo. cloth. (Dub- lin University Series.) Longmans & Co., 1880. Hawkesworth, J. An Account of the Voyages undertaken for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commo- dore Byron, and Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. From the Papers of Joseph Banks, &c. With Maps and Plates. 3 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1773. Hawkins, Sir R. Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. Edited by Capt. C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. 8vo. cloth. (No. 1.) Hakluyt Society, 1847. Hawkins' Voyages (The) during the Reigns of Henry VIIL, Queen Elizabeth, and James L Edited by C. R. Markham. Svo. cloth. (No. 57.) Hakluyt Society, 1878. Hawks, F. L. Narrative of the Expe- dition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan (1852-54), under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry. With Observations on the Zodiacal Light, by George Jones. Illus- trated, imp. Svo. cloth. New York, 1856. See also Perry, Commodore M. (i Hayden, Prof. North America. See Stanford's Compendium, &c. Hayes, Dr. I. I. The Open Polar Sea. A Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, in the Schooner "United States." New edition. Illua- trated. post Svo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1867. Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 15.). See Trans- actions — Washington. Hector, J. Handbook of New Zealand. With Maps and Plates. 4th edition. Svo. cloth. Wellington, 1886. ( With Works on Exhibitions, Colonial and Indian.) 40 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Hedges, W., The Diary of, during his Agency in Bengal, as well as on his Voyage out and return overland (1681- 1687). Transcribed and edited, with Notes, by R. Barlow and Colonel H. Yule. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 74, 75.) Hakluyt Society, 1887-8. Henderson, E. Iceland ; or, the Journal of a Residence in that Island, during the years 1814-15. Illustrated. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1819. Henderson, G., and Hume, A. O. Lahore to Yarkand. Incidents of the Route, and Natural History of the Countries traversed by the Expedition of 1870, under T. D. Forsyth, Esq. Heliotype and Coloured Illustrations, royal 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1873. Henderson, J. History of the Brazil ; comprising its Geography, Commerce, Colonization, Aboriginal Inhabitants, &c. Illustrated. 4to. half calf. London, 1821. Herberstein's Notes upon Russia (Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii). Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 10, 12.) Hakluyt Society, 1851-2. Her IMCajjesty's Colonies. A series of original papers issued under the Authority of the Royal Commission. Compiled and edited by A. J. R. Trendell. With Introduction by J. R. Seeley. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. W. Clowes & Sons, 1886. {With Works on Exhibitions, Colonial and Indian.') Herodotus, History of. A New English Version, edited with copious Notes and Appendices, By George Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry Rawlinson, and Sir J. G. Wilkinson. With Maps and Illustrations. 4 vols. New edition. 8vo. cloth. J.Murray, 1862. ( With Greek Classics.) Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Physical Geography, crown 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1861. Heylyn, Peter. Microcosmos. A Little Description of the Great World, small 4to. calf. (^Brooke Collection.') Oxford, 1625. Hodgkinson, C. Australia, from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay ; with de- scriptions of the Natives, the Geology, Natural Productions, &c. Plates. 8vo. morocco. London, 1845. Holland. East Indies. Colonial Pos- sessions, 1887. fcp. folio, sewed. (Ad- miralty, Naval Intelligence Department, No. 128.) [H.M. Printers, 1888.] Hooker, Sir W. J. Journal of a Tour in; Iceland, in the Summer of 1809. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. London, 1813. Hopkins, Evan. Cosmogony, or the Principles of Terrestrial Physics » crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1865. Hue, M. Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, during 1844-5-6. Trans- lated from the French, by W. Hazlitt. 2nd edition. 2 vols, crown 8vo. cloth. N. Cooke. Hudson, Henry, the Navigator. The Original Documents, collected, etc. by G. M. Asher. 8vo. cloth. (No. 27.) Hakluyt Society, 1860. Hilgel, K. von. Travels in Kashmir and the Pan jab. With Notes, by Major T. B. Jervis. Map in pocket, royal 8vo. cloth. London, 1845. Hull, E. Mount Seir, Sinai and Western Palestine. Being a Narrative of a Scientific Expedition. With Maps,; &c. 8vo. cloth. R. Bentley & Son, 1885. Text Book of Physiography. See Physiography. Humboldt, A. von. Researches con- cerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America : with Descriptions and Views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cor- dilleras. Translated from the French,, by Helen Maria WiUiams. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. calf. London, 1814. Personal Narrative of Travels in the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent during the years 1799-1804. By Alexander de Humboldt, and Aime Bonpland ; with Maps, Plans, &c. Translated from the French, by Helen Maria Williams. 5 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1814-21. Another copy. 8 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1819-29, Aspects of Nature, in different Lands and different Climates ; with Scientific Elucidations. Translated by Mrs. Sabine. 2 vols, in one. crown 8vo. 2 copies. calf and cloth. (C C. E.L., No. 729.) London, 1850. Cosmos : Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. Trans- lated under the Superintendence of Lieut. Col. E. Sabine. 3 vols, post 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. X., Nos. 730-732.) London, 1847-52. Cosmos, a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, translated from the German by E. C. Otte. fi vols, post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1849-58. GEOGRAPHY: ENGLISH WORKS. 41 Hamboldt, A. von. Views of Nature, or Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Creation, with Scientific Illustrations, translated from the German by E. C. Otte and H. G. Bohn. post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1850. Hutchinson, T. J. Two Years in Peru; with Exploration of its Anti- quities. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1873. Huxley, T. H. Physiography. See Physiography. Ides, E. Ysbrandts. Three Years' Travels from Moscow over-land to China, containing an exact Description of the Extent of the Countries traversed, and Customs of the Barbarous In- habitants, &c. To which is annexed, an accurate Description of China, by Dionysius Kao. "With Plates. 4to. calf. London, 1706. Illustrated Travels; a Record of Discovery, Geography, and Adventure. Edited by H. W. Bates. 5 vols, royal 4to. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. India. Abstract of the Reports of the Surveys and of other Geographical Operations, for 1869-70, and 1874-5. 2 vols, royal 8vo. sewed. W. H. Allen & Co., 1871-77. ■■ Catalogue of Maps of the British Possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 2 parts, imp. Svo. sewed. W. H. Allen & Co., 1870-72. India in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by R. H. Major. 8vo. cloth. (No. 22.) Hakluyt Society, 1857. India and Ej comprising from Calcutta to England, &c. royal 12mo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1841. Egypt, Hand-Book for, the Narrative of a Journey Irving, W. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus ; together with the Voyages of his Companions. 3 vols. 8 vo. calf. ( C. C. E. L., Nos. 800-802 .) London, 1849. Jackson, J. G. An Account of the Empire of Marocco, and the Districts of Suse and Tafilet; with an account of Timbuctoo, &c. 2nd edition. 4to. half calf. London, 1811. Jackson, J. R. Chartography. See Manual, &c. Jackson, Lady. Fair Lusitania. royal Svo. cloth. R. Bentley, 1874. Jamaica, Handbook of, for 1885-86 : comprising Historical, Statistical, and General Information concerning the Island. By A. C. Sinclair and L. R. Fyfe. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1885. Japon, Memorials of the Empire of : in the XVI. and XVII. Centuries. Edited by T. Rundall. 8vo. cloth. (No. 8.) Hakluyt Society, 1850. Jenkinson, A., and other Englishmen, Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia by. With some Account of the first Intercourse of the English with. Russia and Central Asia by way of the Caspian Sea. Edited by E. D. Morgan and C. H. Coote. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. (Nos. 72, 73.) Hakluyt Society, 1886, Jervis, Capt. Whyte. The Ionian Islands during the Present Century, post Svo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1863. Johnson, Lieut.-Colonel J. Journey from India to England, through Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland, and Prussia, in the year 1817. Illustrated. 4to. half vellum. London, 1818. Johnston, Keith. Physical, Historical, and Descriptive Geography. With Maps and Illustrations, crown Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1880, - -—^ School Physical and Descriptive Geography. With Maps, post Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1881. Africa. See Stanford's Compen- dium, &c. Jordan, W. L. The Ocean ; its Tides and Currents, and their Causes. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. Remarks on the Recent Oceanic Explorations and the Current-Creating Action of Vis Inertiae in the Ocean. Svo. cloth. Hardwicke and Bogue, 1877. ( With Works on IVIeteorology.) Journals, Geographical:— Geographical Magazine. Ocean Highways. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Eaempfer, E. The History of Japan : giving an Account of its Temples, &c. ; of its Metals, Minerals, Plants, Animals, &c. ; together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam. To which is added. Part of a Journal of a Voyage to Japan, made by the English in the Year 1673. With Copper Plates. Translated by J. G. Scheuchzer. 2 vols, in one. folio, russia. London, 1728. Account of Japan. See Universal Library. Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations. The Second Grinnell Expedition in search of Sh- John Franklin, 1853-55. Illustrated. 2 vols, royal Svo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. Kao, D. An accurate Description of China. See Ides, E. Ysbrandts. Eay, D. Austria-Hungary. See Foreign Countries, &c. 42 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Keating', W. H. Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., in 1823. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating, and Colhoun. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. London, 1825. Eexmedy, E. B. Expedition for the Exploration of the Cape York Peninsula. See Macgillivray, J. iCiepert, H. Manual of Ancient Geo- graphy. Authorised Translation from the German, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1881. "Klngf Captain P. P. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 1822. With Appen- dix containing various subjects relating to Hydrography and Natural History. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1826. Knight, Capt. J. Voyage to seek the North- West Passage. See Lancaster, Sir J. EoM, J. G. Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, Riga, Odessa, the German Provinces on the Baltic, the Steppes, the Crimea, and the Interior of the Empire. (C. C. E. L., No. 858.) 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. ' Ireland, Scotland and England. . Svo. cloth. (C. C. E,L., No. 859.) London, 1844. Austria, Vienna, Prague, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube, Galicia, Styria, Moravia, Bukovina, and the Military Frontier. Svo. cloth. (C C. E. X., No. 860.) London, 1843. Koldewey, Capt. The German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70, and a Narrative of the wreck of the " Hansa " in the ice. Translated by Rev. L. Mercier and H. W. Bates, royal 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1874. Eotzebne, O. von. A New Voyage round the World, in the years 1823-26. 2 vols. 12mo. boards. London, 1830. Kmsenstern, Capt. A. J. von. Voyage round the World, in the years 1803-6. Translated by R. B. Hoppner. 2 vols, in one. 4to. boards. London, 1813. Labillardidre. Voyage in Search of "LaPerouse" (1791-94). WithPlates and Maps. 4to. russia. London, 1800. Laing, J. Voyage to Spitzbergen ; con- taining an account of that country, of the Zoology of the North ; of the Shet- land Isles ; and of the Whale Fishery. 3rd edition. 12mo. half calf. Edinburgh, 1820. Laing, S. Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the Present Century. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. (C C. E. L., No. 842.) London, 1842. Observations on the Social and Political State of the European People in 1848 and 1849; being the Second Series of the " Notes of a Traveller." 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 821.) Longmans & Co., 1850, Iia Motraye, A. de. Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa j with proper Cuts and Maps. A curious Collection of Things particularly Rare, both in Nature and Antiquity, &c. 2 vols, folio, calf. London, 1723. [A 3rd vol. (folio 1723) was after- wards added : Voyages in Prussia, Russia, Poland, &c. Translated from the French.] Ziancaster, Sir James. Voyages to the East Indies, also Voyage of Capt. John Knight, 1606, to seek the North-West Passage. Edited by C. R. Markham. 8vo. cloth. (No. 56.) Hakluyt Society, 1877. luane, E. W. Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. 2 vols, crown 8vo. cloth. London, 1836. Lang, J. D., D.D. An Historical and Statistical Account of New South Wales. 2 vols. 12mo. morocco. Longmans & Co., 1852. Ijapland, A Spring and Summer in ; by an Old Bushman. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Son, 1871. (JVith Works on General Natural History.) Iia Rochefoncault - Lianconrt, Duke de. Travels through the United States of North Ajnerica, the Country of Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795-97. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1799. Latham, R. G. Norway and the Nor- wegians. 2 vols, in one. 12mo. cloth. London, 1840. Langhton, J. K. Physical Geography in its Relation to the Prevailing Winds and Currents, post 8vo. cloth. J. D. Potter, 1870. Lavall^e, Th. Physical, Historical, and Military Geography. From the French. Edited, with additions and cor- rections, by Captain Lendy. crown 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1868. Map of the Natural Features of France and Germany, between Paris and Berlin ; illustrating the Mountain Systems and River Basins, according to the above. Size, 30 in. by 22 in. Mounted on cloth, in post Svo. case. E. Stanford. Lawson, W. Physiography. Physiography. See geography: English works. 43 Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Re- mains : with an Account of a Visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil- Worshippers ; and an Enquiry into the Manners and Acts of the Ancient Assyri^s. 7th thou- sand. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., Nos. 835,836.) London, 1849. ILeake, W. M. Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor ; with comparative remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of that Country. 8vo. calf. London, 1824. Travels in the Morea. With a Map and Plans. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E, L., Nos. 861-863.) London, 1830. Leckie, D. R. Journal of a Route to Nagpore in 1790. See Paterson, Lieut. W. Le Comte, L. Memoirs and Observa- tions, Topographical, Physical, Mathe- matical, Mechanical, Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical, made in a late Journey through the Empire of China. 2nd edition, 8vo. calf. London, 1698. l^iuuseTLS, C. Lachesis Lapponica ; or, a Tour in Lapland. Now first pub- lished from the original MS. journal. By J. E. Smith. 8vo. half calf. Loudon, 1811. ( With Works on Botany.) Linschoten, J. Huyghenvan. Voyage to the East Indies. From the Old English Translation of 1598. Edited by A. C. Burnell and P. A. Tiele. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 70, 71.) Hakluyt Society, 1885. ILLster, M. Journey to Paris in the Year 1698. 8vo. half bound. London, 1699. Livingstone, D. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa ; in- cluding a sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. half calf. J. Murray, 1857. Livingstone, D., and C. Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries ; and of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa. Illus- trated. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1865. Lobo, J. A Voyage to Abyssinia. With fifteen dissertations on various sub- jects relating to the Natural History, &c. by M. Le Grand. Translated by Samuel Johnson. 8vo. calf. London, 1789. Lockyer, J. N. Physiography. See Physiography. Lord, J. K. The Naturalist in Van- couver Island and British Columbia. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. R. Bentley, 1866. {With Works on General Natural History.) Lucas, C. P. Historical Geography of the British Colooieg. Vol. 1. post 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888. M'Clintock, Captain. The Voyage of the "Fox," in the Arctic Seas. A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Com- panions. With Appendix: Geological Account of the Arctic Archipelago, by Rev. S. Haughton, F.R.S. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1859. McCnUoch, J. R. A Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Em- pire. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854.- Macg^Uivray, J. Narrative of the Voyage of H. M.S. «' Rattlesnake," com- manded by the late Captain Owen Stanley, during the years 1846-50. In- cluding Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea, &c. With Account of Mr. E. B. Kennedy's Expedition for the Exploration of the Cape York Peninsula. Illustrated. Appendices : Polyzoa and Sertularian Zoophytes collected during the Expedition. By G. Busk. — Catalogue of the Birds of the North-East Coast of Australia and Torres Strait. — Mollusca collected during the Voyage. By Prof. E. Forbes. New Species of Annulosa collected. By A. White. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. T. W. Boone, 1852. McGregor, J. British America. With Maps. 2 vols. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., Nos. 833-834.) London, 1833. Macgregor, J. A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe, on Rivers and Lakes of Europe. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1867. The Rob Roy on the Baltic : a Canoe Cruise through Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Sleswig, Holstein, the North Sea, and the Baltic. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1867. ■ The Voyage alone in the Yawl " Rob Roy," from London to Paris, and back by Havre, the Isle of Wight, South Coast, &c. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1868. The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth, &c. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1870. Mackay, Rev. A. Physiography. See Physiography. Mackenzie, A. Voyages from Mon- treal, on the River St-LaAvrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in the years 1789 and 1793. With account of the Fur Trade. 4to. calf. London, 1801, Mackenzie, Sir G. S. Travels in the Island of Iceland, during the summer of the year 1810. With Plates, some coloured. 2ud edition. 4to. half russia. Edinburgh, 1812. 4f4 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. SEackinnoil, L, B. Some Account of the Falkland Islands, from a Six Months' Residence, in 1838-39. 8vo. half calf. London, 1840. ]M[cQueen, J- Geographical and Com- mercial View of Northern Central Africa ; containing a particular Account of the Course and Termination of the Great River Niger in the Atlantic Ocean. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 840.) Edinburgh, 1821. Geographical Survey of Africa, its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Populations, &c. With Map. Svo. cloth. (C. C. E. L., No. 841.) London, 1840. Magellan's First Voyage round the World. Translated from the Accounts of Pigrafetta, &c., with Notes, &c., by Lord Stanley of Alderley. Svo. cloth. (No. 52.) Hakluyt Society^ 1874. Major, R. H. The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed " the Navigator," and its Results : comprising the Dis- covery, within one century, of Half of the World, &c. 8vo. cloth. Asher & Co., 1868. Malte-Brun, M. Principles of Mathe- matical, Physical, and Political Geo- graphy. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. (C C. E.L., No. 845.) I Edinburgh, 1834. Malte-Brun and Balbi. System of Universal Geography. 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1849. . New edition, revised and corrected, with Alphabetical Indices of 13,500 Names. 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1851. Mangin, A. The Mysteries of the Ocean. 8vo. cloth. T.Nelson & Sons, 1874. {With Works on General Natukal History.) Manual of Geographical Science, Mathematical, Physical, Historical, and Descriptive : Mathematical Geography, by Rev. M. O'Brien; Physical Geo- graphy, by D. T. Ansted; Charto- graphy, by J. R. Jackson ; Theory of Descriptive and Geographical Termino- loev, by Rev. C. G. Nicolay. Svo. cloth. J.W.Parker & Son, 1852. . Atlas to, engraved by J. W. Lo-wry, under the direction of D. T. Ansted and the Rev. C. G. Nicolay. imp. 4to. In printed wrapper. ^ J. W. Parker & Son. Maritime and Inland Discovery, The History of. 2 vols. fcp. 8yo. calf (C. C. E. X., No8. 715 and 716.) London, 1830-48. Markkam, C. R. Travels in Peru and India, while superintending the Collec- tion of Chinchona Plants and Seeds in South America, and their Introduction into India. Illustrated. Svo. half calf. J. Murray, 1862. Markham, C. R. The Threshold of the Unknown Region. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1873. Peru. See Foreign Countries, &c. Marsden, W. The History of Sumatra ; with a description of the Natural Pro- ductions, &c. Plates. 3rd edition. 4to. half calf. London, 1811. Marsh., G. P. Man and Nature, or Physical Geography as modified by Human Action. Svo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Marston, 1864. The Earth as modified by Human Action. New edition of above, royal Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1874. Maury, M. F. The Physical Geography of the Sea. With Dlustrations, Charts, and Diagrams, royal Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1855. . New edition, with Ad- denda, post Svo. cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1859. Physical Geography of the Sea, and its Meteorology. 9th edition. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1860. 16th edition, with New and Complete Index, post Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1877. May, Col. John, of Boston, Journal and Letters of, relative to Two Journeys to the Ohio Country in 17S8 and '89. With Biographical Sketch, &c., by Rev. R. S. Edes and W. M. Darlington, royal Svo. cloth. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati, 1874. Maynarde's Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1593. Edited by W. D. Cooley. Svo. cloth. (No. 4.) Hakluyt Society, 1849. Mendoza's Historic of the Kingdom of China. Edited by Sir G. T. Staunton, Bart. With Introduction, by R. H. Major. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. (Nos. 14, 15.) Hakluyt Society, 1858-4. Michanx, F. A. Travels to the West- ward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, &c. Translated by B. Laaibert. Svo. bound. London, 1805. Michelet. The Mountain. Translated from the French. Svo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1872. Michelet, Madame. Nature ; or, the Poetry of Earth and Sea. Translated from the French. Svo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1S72. Middleton's Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. Edited by B. Corney. Svo. cloth. (No. 19.) Hakluyt Society, 1855. Miller, S. H., and Skertchly, S. B.J. The Fenland, Past and Present, royal Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. geography: ENGLISH WORKS. 45 Milner, Rev. J., and Brierley, O. W. The Cruise of H.M.S. " Galatea," Captain H.R.H. tho Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., in 1867-1868. With Plates, royal 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1869. Milton, Lord, and Cheadle, Dr. The North-west Passage by Land. 7th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Mitchell, Lieut.-Col. Sir T. L. Three Exi)editions into the Interior of Eastern Australia ; with descriptions of Aus- tralia Felix and of New South Wales. Plates. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1839. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia, in search of a Route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria. 8vo. cloth. London, 1848. Molina, Abbe Don J. I. The Geogra- phical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili. 2 vols. 8vo. bound. Middletown, Conn., 1808. Monte Rosa. A Lady's Tour round Monte Rosa ; with Visits to the Italian Valleys of Angasca, Mastalone, &c., in 1850, 1856-58. crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1859. Russia. See Foreign MorfiU, W. R. Countries, &c. Morga's Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, &c., at the close of the 16th Century. Translated by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. 8vo. cloth. (No. 39.) Hahluyt Society, 1868. Mossman, S. Japan. See Foreign Countries, &c. Monhot, H. Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos, during the years 1858-60. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1864. Mnller, G. F., and Pallas, P. S. Conquest of Siberia, by the Chevalier Dillon ; and the History of the Wars, &c., carried on between Russia and China. Preliminary Observations on Kamtchatka, &c. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. London, 1843. Murray, Hugh. Encyclopaedia of Geo- graphy. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1844. Murray's Handbooks, post 8vo. red cloth. English. England and Wales, Alphabetically arranged. 1878. Berks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire. 1872. Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicester- shire, and StaflFordshire. 1874. Murray's Handbooks— con^ English — cont. Devon and Cornwall. 1872. Durham and Northumberland. 1873. Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridge- shire. 1870. Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire. 1872. Kent and Sussex. 1868. London, Modern. 16mo. 1874. London, Environs of. By J. Thome. 2 parts. 1876. Northamptonshire and Rutland. 1878. Shropshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire. 1870. Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight. 1865. Westmorland, Cumberland, and the Lakes. 1869. Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Somerset shire. 1869. Yorkshire. 1874. Wales, North and South. 2 parts. 1874, 1870. Ireland. Scotland. 1871. 1873. Foreign. Algeria. 1874. Denmark, with Sleswig and Holstein. 1875. Egypt. 1873. France. 2 parts. 1873. Paris. 16mo. 1874. Holland, Belgium, Rhenish Prussia, &c. (Handbook for Travellers on the C ontinent. Part I. ) 1873. Germany, North, from the Baltic to the Black Forest, &c. (Handbook for Travellers on the Continent. Part II.) 1874, Germany, Southern. Greece, Ionian Islands, &c. India. Part I. — Madras. Part II. — Bombay. Bengal Presidency. Account of Calcutta City. Panjab, Western 1873. 1872. 1859. 1859. With an 1882. Rajputana, Kashmir and Upper Sindh. 1883. Italy, Central. 1875, Northern. 1874. Southern, Naples. 1874. Rome and its Environs. 1873. Mediterranean. 1882. Norway. 1874. Portugal. 1864. Russia, Poland, and Finland. ] 863. SicUy. 1864. Spain. 2 parts. 1869. Sweden. 1877. Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. 1874. Syria and Palestine. 1875. Turkey in Asia, Constantinople, &c. J. Murray. 46 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Nares, Capt. Sir G. S. The Official Report of the Recent Arctic Expedition. 8vo. sewed. J. Murray, 1876. — Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6. With Notes on the Natural History, edited by H. W. Feilden. 2 vols. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1878. : For Photographs taken during the above Expedition, see Arctic Ex- pedition, 1875. New South Wales, The Wealth and Progress of, 1887-88. By T. A. Coghlan. 2nd issue. 8vo. cloth, limp. Sydney, 1889. Nicander Nucius, of Corcyra, The Travels in England of. In the original Greek. Temp. Henry VIII. Edited by the Rev. John Antony Cramer, D.D. post 4to. cloth. (No. 17.) Camden Society j 1841. Nicolay, Rev. C. G. Principles of Physical Geography, being an Inquiry into Natural Phenomena and their Causes, royal 12mo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1858. — Theory of Descriptive and Geo- graphical Terminology. See Manual, &c. Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik,' The Arctic Voyages of, 1858-1879. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. The Voyage of the "Vega" round Asia and Europe.^ With a His- torical Review of previous Journeys along the North Coast of the Old World. Translated by A. Leslie. With Maps, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1881. UTordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands, royal 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1874. Norman, Capt. W. H., and Mtls- grave, T. Journals of the Voyage and Proceedings of H.M.C.S. "Victoria," in Search of Shipwrecked People at the Auckland and other Islands. 8vo. sewed. J. Eerres, Melbourne [1865] . North Polar Expedition, Narrative of the. U.S. Ship " Polaris," Capt. C. ■p. Hall commanding. Edited under the direction of the Hon. G. M. Robeson, by Rear-Admiral C. H. Davis, U.S,N. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1876. " Novara" Expedition, 1857-59. Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate «* Novara ." U ndertaken by order of the Imperial Government in the years 1857- 59. By Dr. Karl Scherzer. Vols. I. • and II. royal 8vo. cloth. Saunders, Otley & Co., 1861-2. [Full Reports of this Voyage are with Foreign Works on General Natural History.] O'Brien, Rev. M. Mathematical Geo- graphy. See Manual, &c. Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom, Account of the Methods and Processes adopted for the Produc- tion of the Maps of the, drawn up by OflBcers of Royal Engineers employed under Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. James, R.E., &c. 4to. cloth. H.M. Stationery Office, 1875. Report of the Progress of the, to December 31st, 1873, and onwards. With Key Maps, &c. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1874, &c. Also Reports for 1859 and 1860. fcp. folio, sewed. [Report for 1882 contains an account of the Past History of the Survey.] O'Reilly, B. Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the North- West Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a Voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817. With Plates. 4to. calf. London, 1818. [Contains Chapters on the Natives of Greenland and Arctic Zoology.] Osbeck, P. Voyage to China and the East Indies ; together with a Voyage to Suratte, by O. Toreen, and an Account of Chinese Husbandry, by Capt. C. G. Eckeberg ; to which are added a Faunula and Flora Sinensis. Translated from the German, by J. R. Forster. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1771. Ott6, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. See Foreign Countries, &c. Owen, J. A. From San Francisco to New York, May 1869. post 8vo. sewed. J. Dean, Burslem, 1878. Owen's New Book of Roads in Great Britain. 6th edition. With Map. 12mo. sewed. (^Brooke Collection.') London, 1792. Falgrave, W. G. Personal Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, 1862-3. 5th and cheaper edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Park, M. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, in the years 1795- 97. With Geographical Illustrations of Africa, by Major Rennell. Plates. 4to. calf. London, 1799. Another copy. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 879.) The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the year 1805. With Life of Mr. Park, and other Documents relating to the same Mission. 2 vols. in one. 4to.boards. London, 1815. ■ Another (C. C. E. L.y No. 880.) copy calf. GEOGRAPHY : ENGLISH WORKS. 47 Farkiuson, S. Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in H.M.S. the "Endeavour." With Remarks on the Preface, by J. Fothergill ; and an Account of the Voyages of Commodore Byron, Captains Wallis, Carteret, Cook, Gierke, and M. Bougainville. With Plates and Maps. 4to. calf. London, 1784. Parry, Capt. W. E. Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North- west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1819-20, in H.M. SS. "Hecla" and "Griper." With Appendix containing the Scien- tific and other Observations. Plates and Maps. 2nd edition. 4to. half calf. London, 1821. ■ « Second Voyage ; performed in the years 1821-23, in H.M. SS. "Fury" and " Hecla." With Plates and Maps. 4to. half calf. London, 1824. I Third Voyage ; performed, in the years 1824-25, in H.M. SS. "Hecla" and "Fury." With Appendix : Zoology, by Lieut. J. C. Ross ; Botany, by Prof. Hooker ; Geology, by Prof. Jameson, including Notes on Specimens collected during the former Voyages to the Polar Regions. With Engi-avings and Charts. 4to. half calf. London, 1826. Paterson, Lieut. W. Narrative of Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffraria, in the years 1777-79. — (Great Fish River :) Journal of a Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope in 1790-91, by J. van Reenen, with • Additional Notes and a Map by Capt. E. Riou. — Journal of a Voyage performed in the "Lion" extra Indiaman from Madras to Columbo and Da Lagoa Bay, with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabit- ants of Da Lagoa Bay, by Mr. White. — Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, the over- flowing of the Nile, &c., by J. Antes. — Journal of a Route to Nagpore in 1790 ; with an Account of Nagpore, &c., by D. R. Leckie. In one vo). With Plates. 4to. half calf. London, 1789-1800. Paterson's Roads ; being an entirely original and accurate Description of all the Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales, with part of the Roads of Scotland, &c. With Maps. 18th edition. By E. Mogg. 8vo. calf. CC. C. E. X., No. 857.) London [1829]. Payer, J- New Lands within the Arctic Circle. Narrative of the Dis- coveries of the Austrian Ship " Tegett- hoff " in the years 1 872-74. Translated from the German. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. A Series of Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by John Ball. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1859. Pennant, T. Arctic Zoology. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1784. Supplement. With Bb'S' torical Description of the Zetland Islands. By T. Gifford. 4to. London, 1787. [These vols, include an Account of the Geography, &c. of Great Britain, &c., as well as of the Arctic Regions.] {With Works on General Natural History.) Percival, R. An Account of the Island of Ceylon ; to which is added, the Journal of an Embassy to the Court of Candy. 4to. half morocco. London, 1803. Perry, Commodore M. C. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in 1852, '53, and '54 ; compiled by Francis L. Hawks . Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1856, Vol. 1. Narrative. Vol. 2. Reports, Papers on Natural History, &c. Vol. 3. Observations on the Zodiacal Light, by Rev. George Jones. Peru, Reports on the Discovery of. Translated and edited by C. R. Mark- ham. 8vo. cloth. (No. 47.) Hakluyt Society, 1872. Petroff, I. Alaska : its Population, In- dustries, and Resources. With 2 Maps. 4to. cloth. (United States Tenth Census, Vol. 8.) Washington, 1884. {With Works on Statistics.) Pfeiffer, Mad. Ida. Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy. Translated from the German by H. W. Dulcken. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1853. A Woman's Journey round the World. Translated from the German. 4th edition, crowrn 8vo. cloth. 1854. A Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North. Translated from the German. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1853. Phillip, A. Voyage to Botany Bay. With an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. Plates (some coloured). 4to. calf. London, 1789. Physiography, Works on :— Ansted, D. T. Elements of Physio- graphy, fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. H. Allen & Co., 1877. Douglas, J. A Sketch of the First Principles of Physiography, post 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1889. Findlater, A. Elementary Physio- graphy, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 188L 48 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Physiography, Works on — cont. Findlater, A. Physiography. Ad- vanced Course. fcp.Svo. cloth. 1883. W. & R. Chambers. Harrison, W. J., and Wakefield, H. R. Earth-Knowledge. Ele- mentary and Advanced. 2 vols, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1888. Hull, E. A Text Book of Physio- graphy or Physical Geography, being an Introduction to the Study of the Physical Phenomena of our Globe. With Coloured Plates, Maps, &c. post 8vo. cloth. C. W. Deacon & Co., 1888. Huxley, T. H. Physiography : An Introduction to the Study of Nature. crovrn 8vo. cloth, limp. (2 copies.) Macmillan & Co., 1877. Notes of 12 Lectures on Phy- siography. Delivered at the South Kensington Museum, 1869. post 8vo. stitched. Lawson, W. Outlines of Physio- graphy. 2 parts, fcp. 8vo. cloth. . New edition. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1883. Lockyer, J. N. Outlines of Physio- graphy. The Movements of the Earth, post 8vo. sewed. Macmillan & Co., 1887. Mackay, Rev. A. Physiography and Physical Geography. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1877. Skertchly, S. B. J. The Physical System of the Universe, post 8vo. cloth. Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1878. Thornton, J. Elementary Physio- graphy, post 8vo. cloth. 1888. Advanced Physiography, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1890. Williams, J. Physiography, Ele- mentary and Advanced. Part I. fcp. 8vOc cloth. W. Stewart & Co. Curtambert, E. Physiographic ; ou Description Generale de la Nature. 12mo. half calf. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1836. Finkertou, J. General Collection of the best and most interesting Voj'ages and Travels in all parts of the World. With Plates. 17 vols. 4to. russia. London, 1808-14. Europe, Vols. 1-6 ; Asia, Vols. 7-10 ; Asiatic Islands, Vol. 11 ; North America, Vols. 12-13; South America, Vol.14; Africa, Vol. 15- 16 ; Supplement (General Index and Catalogue of Books on Voyages and Travels, &c.). Vol. 17. Polar Expedition (International) to Point Barrow, Alaska, 1881-3, Re- port of the. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1885. [Parts 3 and 4 contain Ethno- graphical Sketch of Natives and Natural History of Point Barrow.] Polar Expeditions (International), 1882-83, Observations (Meteorological and Magnetical) of the. Fort Rae, Great Slave Lake. 4to. cloth. Loudon, 1886. (^Wtth Wbr As on Meteorology.) "Polaris," U.S. Ship. North Polar Expedition. See North Polar Expedi- tion ; Arctic Experiences. Polo, Ser Marco, the Venetian, The Book of. Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly translated and edited by Col. H. Yule, C.B. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1871. See also Italian Works in present section — Marco. Poole, S. Lane. Egypt. See Foreign Countries, &;c. Patz, W. Survey of the Geography and History of the Middle Ages, a.d. 476- 1492. Translated by Professor Stigell. 12mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons. P3rrard, F., of Laval. The Voyage to the East Indies, the Maldives, Moluccas, and Brazil. Translated and edited by H. Gray andH. C. P. Bell. Vols. 1 and 2, Part 1. 8vo. cloth. (Nos. 76 and 77.) HaMuyt Society, 1887-8. Quatrefages, A. de. The Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. Translated by E. C. Otte. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1857. (^With Works on General Natubal History.) Queensland ; Its Resources and Insti- tutions. Essays, edited by Price Fletcher. 8vo. half calf. W. Clowes & Sons, 1886. ( With Works on Exhibitions, Colonial and Indian.) Rae, J. Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea, in 1846 and 1847. 8 vo. cloth. London, 1850. [Contains Lists of Mammalia col- lected during the Expedition.] Baffles, Sir T. S. The History of Java. 2 vols. With Map and Plates. 4to. half vellum. London, 1817. ■ Memoir of the Life and Public Services of ; particularly iu the Govern- ment of Java, 1811-1816, and of Ben- cooleu and its Dependencies, 1817- 1824 ; with Details of the Commerce and Resources of the Eastern Archipelago. By his Widow. With Plates. 4to. half calf. London, 1830. [Contains Catalogue of Zoological Specimens collected in Sumatra, by Sir T. S. Raffles.] geography: English works. 49 Ralegh's Discovery of Guiana, &c. in 1595. Edited by Sir R. H- Schomburgk. 8vo. cl. (No. 3.) Hakluyt. Society, 184S. Bamond de Carbonuidres, L. F. E. Travels in the Pyrenees ; containing a Description of the principal Summits, Passes, and Vallies. Translated by F. Gold. 8vo. half calf. London, 1813. -' For French edition, see French Works in present section. Ran wolf. Dr. L. Journey into the Eastern Countries, viz., Syria, Pales- tine, &e. See Ray, J. Sawlinson, Major-Gen. Sir H. Eng- land and Russia in the East. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1875. Ray, J. Travels through the Low- Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, with Catalogue of Plants growing in those parts ; An Account of the Travels of F. Willughby through Spain ; A Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages : containing Dr. L. Rauwolfs Journey into the Eastern Countries, viz.: Syria, Palestine, &c. ; Travels into Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, &c., with three Catalogues of such Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs as grow in the Levant. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1738. Reclus, E. The Earth ; a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Translated by the late B. B. Woodward, and Edited by H. Woodward. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1871. ■ The Ocean, Atmosphere and Life. Translated by the late B. B. Woodward, and Edited by H. Woodward. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1873. The History of a Mountain. Translated from the French by Bertha Ness and J. Lillie. imp. 16mo. cloth. S. Low&Co., 1881. The Universal Geography. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Dlustrated by Engravings and Maps. 13 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth : — Vol. I. Southern Europe. II. France and Switzerland. III. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Nether- lands. IV. The British Isles. V. The North Atlantic, Scan- dinavia, Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe, &c. VI. Asiatic Russia. VII. East Asia. VIII. India and Indo-China. IX. South-Western Asia. X. North-East Africa. XI. North- West Africa. XII. West Africa. XIII. South and East Africa. J. S. Virtue & Co. For French edition of above, see French Works in present section, E 61668. Reenen, J. van, and Riou, Capt. E. (The Great Fish River : ) A Journal of a Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope in 1790-91. See Paterson, Lieut. W. Reicheubach, Count O. Regularity in the Configuration of the Earth and the Evolution of its Mechanical Causes. Revised edition. 8vo. sewed. Williams & Norgate, 1877.. On some Properties of the Earth. With Supplement, 8vo. cloth. London, 1880. On some of the Remarkable Features in the Evolution of the Earth. A Lecture. 8vo. stitched. Wertheimer, Lea, & Co., 1884. Law in the Face of the Earth. 8vo. stitched. Rein, J. J. Japan : Travels and Re- searches. Undertaken at the cost of the Prussian Government. Translated from the German. With Illustrations and Maps. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. Hodder & Stoughton, 1888. The Industries of Japan. Together with an Account of its Agriculture, Forestry, Arts, and Commerce. From Travels and Researches undertaken at the Cost of the Prussian Government. With Illustrations and Maps. Hodder & Stoughton, 1889, Rendu's Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy. Translated by A. Wills. To which are added the Original Memoir ; and Supplementary Articles by P. G. Tait and J. Ruskin. Edited by G. Forbes. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Rennell, Major. Geographical Illus- trations of Africa. See Park, M. R^vy, J. J. Hydiaulics of Great Rivers. The Parana, the Uruguay, and the La Plata Estuary. See Works on Hydro- statics, &c. Richardson, Sir J. Arctic Searching Expedition ; a Journal of a Boat- Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in search of the Discovery Ships under conunand of Sir John Franklin. With Appendix on the Physical Geo- graphy of North America. Coloured plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1851. Rink, Dr. H. Danish Greenland ; its People and its Products. Edited by Dr. R. Brown, crown 8vo. cloth. H.S.King & Co., 1877. Ritter, C. Comparative Geography. Translated by W. L. Gage. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1865. Robinson, E., D.D. Physical Geo- graphy of the Holy Land, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1865. D 50 GEOGKAPHY, ASTRQNOMT, ETC. Sochefort, De. The History of the Carriby-Islands. With a Carribian Vo- cabulary. Rendered into English by John Davies. Illustrated with several pieces of Sculpture, representing the most considerable Rarities therein de- scribed. 4to. calf. London, 1666. For French edition of above, see French Works in present section. Aogers, Capt. W. A Cruising Voyage round the World, first to the South Seas, thence to the East Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope, 1708-11. With an Account of Alex- ander Selkirk. 8vo. calf. London, 1712. Ross, Capt. Sir Jas. Clark. A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, during the Years 1839-43. With Plates, Maps, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. Ross, Sir John. Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions, during the years 1829-33. Including the Reports (on Natural History, &c,) of Captain James Clark Ross, &c., and the Discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole. With Coloured Illustrations and Engravings. 4to. half morocco. London, 183.5. Royal Geographical Society's Publications. See Transac- tions — London. Rndler, F. W. Europe. 5^ee Stanford's Compendium, &c. Rnndall, T. Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West, in Search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496-1631. 8vo. cloth. (No. 5.) Hakluyt Society, lBi9. Rnssell, A. The Natural History of Aleppo. Illustrations. 2nd edition. With Notes by P. Russell. 2 vols. 4to. russia. London, 1794. Rnssia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century, comprising Fletcher's " The Russe Common Wealth," and Horsey's Travels. Edited by E. A. Bond. 8vo. cloth. (No. 20.) Hakluyt Society y 1856. Sailings over the Globe ; or the Pro- gress of Maritime Discovery. 2 vols, m one. 12mo. cloth. J. Cassell, 1850. Salil-Ibn-Razik's History of the Im^ms and Seyyids of 'Omsln, from 661-1856. Translated and edited by G. P. Badger. 8vo. cloth. (No. 44.) Hakluyt Society, 1871. Sargeannt, Capt. R. A. Notes on the Climate of the Earth, Past and Present, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1875. Saner, M. An Account of a Geo- graphical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia, in 1785-94 ; under the command of Com modore J. Billings. With Plates. 4to. russia. London, 1802. Sannders, T. Mountains and River Basins of India, imp. 8vo. sewed. W. H. Allen & Co., 1870., Scherzer, Dr. K. Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate " Novara." See " Novara " Expedition. Schiltberger, J., The Bondage and Travels of, 1396-1427. Translated by Commander J. B. Telfer. With Notes by Prof. P. Bruun, &c. 8vo. cloth. (No. 58.) Hakluyt Society, 1879. Schliemann, Dr. H. Troy and its Remains; a Narrative of Researches and Discoveries made on the Site of Ilium and in the Trojan Plain. Trans- lated and edited by P. Smith, royal 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1875. Schmitz, Dr. L. Manual of Ancient Geography, post 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1857. Schombnrgk, Sir Robert H. A Description of British Guiana, Geo- graphical and Statistical. 8vo. sewed. London, 1840. See also German Works in present section. Scbonw, J. F. The Earth, Plants, and Man. Popular Pictures of Nature, and Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom; by F. Von Kobell. Translated by A. Henfrey. post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1852. Scoresby, Capt. The Arctic Regions and the Northern Whale Fishery. 18mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Scoresby, W., junior. An Account of the Arctic Regions with a History and Description of the Northern Whale Fishery. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. (C C. E.L.,Nos.S3\, 832.) Edinburgh, 1820. Scoresby, Rev. W. Journal of a Voyage to Australia, and round the World, for Magnetical Research. See Works on Navigation. Seemann, B. Narrative of the Voyage ofH.M.S. "Herald," during the year 1845-51 ; under the command of Captain H. Kellett; being a Circum- navigation of the Globe, and three Cruizes to the Arctic Regions in Search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1853. [Containing Fauna and Flora of Isthmus of Panama, Behring's Straits, &c.] GEOGRAPHY : ENGLISH WORKS. 51 Selwyn, A. R. C. North America. See Stanford's Compendium, &c. Sergeant, L. Greece. See Foreign Countries, &;c. Shaw, Rev. T. Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. With Maps and Plates. folio, bound. Oxford, 1783. [Containing Essay towards the Natural History, &c., of Algiers, Tunis, Egypt, Syria, &c., Excerpta e Veter- ibus Geographis, &c.. Specimen Phy- tographige Africanse, Catalogi Fossil- ium, Piscium, Conchy liorum, etc.] Shelvocke, Capt. G. A Voyage round the World, by the way of the Great South Sea, performed, in the years 1719-22, in the "Speedwell," &c. With Plates. 8vo. calf. (2 copies.) London, 1726. Sibree, J., jun. Madagascar and its People. Notes of a Four Years' Resi- dence, crown Svo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Sidney, S. The Three Colonies of Australia : New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia ; their Pastures, Copper Mines, and Gold Fields. Svo. cloth. ! (C. C. E. Z., No. 2107.) Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1853. Skertchly, S. B. J. The Physical System of the Universe. See Physio- graphy. Skinner, J. The Present State of Peru ; comprising its Geography. Topography, Natural History, Mineral- ogy, &c. With Coloured Plates. 4to. half calf. London, 1805. Skioldebrand, A. F. A Picturesque Journey to the North Cape. Trans- lated from the French. Svo. half calf. London, 1813. Sleigh, Capt. A. W. Preliminary Treatise on the Resources of Ancient Mauritania, or the Territory of Western Zahara-Suz. Svo. cloth. London, 1851. Sloane, Sir H. A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers, and Jamaica ; with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds, Insects, Reptiles, &c. folio, russia. London, 1707-25. (With Works on General Natukal History.) Smith, G. Assyrian Discoveries : an Account of Explorations and Dis- coveries on the Site of Nineveh during 1878 and 1874. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1875. Smith, Dr. W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Walton & Maberly. (TFtVA Classical Dictionakibs.) Smith, Professor. Journal. See Tuckey, Capt. J. K. Smithers, H. Observations made during a residence in Brussels, and several Tours through the Netherlands, &c. 3rd edition. Svo. half calf. Brussels. Somerville, Mary. Physical Geo- graphy. New edition. 2 vols. fcp. Svo. calf. (C C. E.L., Nos. 736 and 737.) London, 1849. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. 1851. 6th edition, thoroughly revised, by H. W. Bates, post Svo. cloth. 1870. ■^—— 7th edition, post Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1877. Sonnini, C. S. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. With Engravings, con- sisting of Views, Plans, Antiquities, Plants, Animals, &c., drawn on the spot. Translated from the French. 4to. calf. London, 1800. Sorbiere, S. A Voyage to England, containing many things relating to the State of Learning, Religion, and other Curiosities of that Kingdom. Trans- lated from the French. With Observa- tions on the same Voyage by Dr. T. Sprat. In one vol. post Svo. boards. London, 1708-9. Soto, Don F. de, Discovery and Con- quest of Terra Florida by. Translated by R. Hakluyt. Edited by W. B. Rye. Svo. cloth. (No. 9.) Hakluyt Society y 1851, Spitsbergen and Greenland, Col- lection of Documents on. Edited by A. White. Svo. cloth. (No. 18.) Hakluyt Society, 1855. Sprat, Dr. T. Observations on Sor- biere's Voyage to England. See Sor- biere, S. Spratt, Capt. T. A. B. Travels and Researches in Crete. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1865. Spratt, Lieut. T. A. B., and Forbes, Prof. E. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1847. Spruce, R. Notes on the Valleys of Piura and Chira, in Northern Peru; and on the Cultivation of Cotton therein. Svo. half calf. H.M. Printers, 1864. , W. J. J. The Cruise of H.M.S. hallenger.*' 2nd edition. Svo. cloth, S. Low & Co., 1877. ^^^, D 2 JS2 .GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. Based on Hellwald's " Die Erde iind ihre Volker." Translated by A. H. Keane. With Maps and Illus- trations. 8vo. cloth. Africa. Edited and extended by Keith Johnston. "With Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1878. Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Edited and extended by H. W. Bates. With Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1878. Australasia. Edited and extended by A. R. Wallace. With Ethnological Appendix by A. II. Keane. 1879. Asia. Edited by Sir Richard Temple, Bart. With Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1882. North America. Edited and enlarged by Professors Hayden and A. R. C. Selwyn. 1883. Europe. By F. W. Rudler and G. G. Chisholm . Edited by Sir A. C. Ram- say. With Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. E. Stanford, 1885. Stanley, Dean. Sinai and Palestine. With Maps and Plans. New edition. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1868. Stansbnry, H. An Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah : including Description of its Natural History, Minerals, &c. Also, a Recon- naisance of a New Route through the ■ Rocky Mountains. With Atlas. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1852. Stedman, Capt. J. G. Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from 1772-77; describing its Produc- tions, viz. : Quadrupeds, Trees, &c., with an Account of the Indians of Guiana, &c. Coloured Plates. 2 vols. 4to. half russia. London, 1796. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yu- catan. With Plates. Vol. I. New edition. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. L.,No. 843.) London, 1842. Notes of Travel in Egypt and Nubia. Revised and enlarged, with an Account of the Suez Canal, post 8vo. cloth. Marcus Ward & Co., 1876. See also Universal Library. Stem, Rev. H. A. Wanderings among the Falashas in Abyssinia, together vrith a Description of the Country and its various Inhabitants. 8vo. cloth. Wertheim & Co., 1862. Stoney, Capt. H. B. Victoria ; with a Description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong ; and Remarks on the Present State of the Colony, &c. . royal 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1856. Strabo's Geography. Translated, with Notes, by W. Falconer, M. A., and H. C. -Hamilton, Esq. With Index, giving the Ancient and Modem Names. 3 vols. 12mo. half calf. (Bohn's Classical Library — With Greek Classics.) Bell & Daldy, 1854-7. Strachey, Lieut.-Gen. R. Lectures on Geography, delivered before the Uni- versity of Cambridge during the Lent Term,' 1888. post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan& Co., 1888. Strachey's Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. Edited by R. H. Major. 8vo. cloth. (No. 6.) Hahluyt Society, 1849. Start, Capt. C. Narrative of an Ex- pedition into Central Australia, during 1 844-6, together with a notice of the Pro- vince of South Australia. With Plates. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. London, 1849. [Containing Appendix: Animals, Specimens of various Rocks ; Botanical Index, by R. Brown.] Tavernier, J- B. Travels in India. Translated from the original French edi- tion of 1676. W^ith Biographical Sketch of Author, &c., by V. Ball. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Taylor, Rev. Isaac. Words and Places: or Etymological Illustrations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. 2nd edition, or. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1865. Tennent, Sir J. E. Ceylon. An Account of the Island, Physical, His- torical, and Topographical. With Maps, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. [Part II. con- taining the Zoology of Ceylon.] Longmans & Co., 1859. Teonge, Rev. H., The Diary of, Chaplaiti on board H.M. SS. " Assistance," " Bris- tol," and " Royal Oak," 1675-79. 8to. boards. London, 1825. Terra Australis (Australia). Early Voyages to, from the Beginning of the 16th Century to the time of Capt. Cook. Edited by R. H. Major. 8vo. cloth. (No. 25.) Hakluyt Society, 1859. Thomas, P- A True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, and round the Globe in H.M.S. "Cen- turion," under the command of Commo- dore G. Anson, 1740-1744. 8vo. calf. London, 1745. Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. The Voyage of the "Challenger." The Atlantic : a preliminary Account of the general Results of the Exploring Voyage during the year 1873 and the early part of 1876. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. Report on Scientific Results of Voyage of H.M.S. " Challenger." See Works on General Natural History, under " Challenger." geogeaphy: English works. 53 Thompson, Sir C. Wyville. On the • Conditions of the Antarctic Eegions : • Lecture at Glasgow, Nov. 1876. fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1877. Thomson, T. Travels in Sweden, during the Autumn of 1812. With Maps (chiefly Geological)-. 4to. boards. London, 1813. Thomson, T. Western Himalaya and Tibet ; a Narrative of a Journey through the Mountains of Northern India during 1847-8. 8vo. cl. L. Reeve & Co., 1852. Thomson, W. M. The Land • and the Book, crown 8vo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1874. Thornton's Physiography. See Physiography. Thnnberg, C. P. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made betwieen the years 1770 and 1779. With Plates. ■ 3rd edition. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 179.5-96. [Vols. 3 and 4 containing Voyage to Japan, and Travels in that Empire in 1775-6.] Tilley, H. A. Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific ; with Notices of other • Places, comprised in a Voyage of Circumnavigation in the Imperial . Russian Corvette " Rynda," in 1858-60. royal 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1861. Tonsberg, Chr. Norway. Illustrated Handbook for Travellers, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christiania, 1875. l!oreen, O. Voyage to Suratte. See ' Osbeck, P. Tournefort, P. de. A Voyage to the Levant : containing the Ancient and Modern State of the Islands of the Archipelago ; also of Constantinople, Armenia, the Frontiers of Persia, &c. 'With Plans of Towns, Copper-Plates of Uncommon Plants, Animals, &c. With ■ Life of Author. 3 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1741. For French edition, see French Works in present section. Townson, R. Travels in Hungary, with a short Account of Vienna, in the year 1793. With Appendices : Ento- mologia and Regnum Vegetabile, and Plates. 4to. half calf. London, 1797. Tozer, Rev. H. F. Researches in the Highlands of Turkey. 2 vols, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1869. -^— Lectures on the Geography of Greece, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1873. The Islands of the JEgean. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1890. Transactions, &c., of Geo- graphical Societies: Bombay — Bombay Geographical Society. London — Hakluyt Society. Transactions, &c. — cont. London — Royal Colonial Institute. „ Royal Geographical Society. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals; . Travellers' Uannals:— Admiralty Manual of Scientific In- quiry. See Works on Astronomy. Arctic Expedition of 1875-6, Manual and Instructions for the. See Arctic Expedition. Baedeker. Egypt. See Baedeker. Galton. The Art of IVavel. See Galton. Kaltbrunner. Manuel du Voyageur. See French Works in present section. Murray's Guides. See Murray. Natural History for Travellers, by Adams, &c. See Works on Gene- ral Natural History. Neumayer. Anleitung zu wissen- schaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen. See German Works in present section. Notes and Queries on Anthropology. See Works on Ethnography. Richthofen, F. F. von. Fiihrer fiir Forschungsreisende. See German Works in present section. Royal Geographical Society's Hints to Travellers. See Transactions — London. Tonsberg's Norway. Sec Tonsberg. Trench, Capt. F. The Russo-Indian Question, Historically, Strategically, and Politically considered, &c. crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Tristram, Rev. H. B. The Land of Israel : a Journal of Travels in Pales- tine, undertaken with special Reference to its Physical Character. 2nd edition. Bvo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1866. The Topograpliy of the Holy Land, post 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. The Land of Moab. With Chapter on the Persian Palace of Mashita, by J, Ferguson, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1873. Troil,U.von. Letters on Iceland: con- taining Observations on the Natural , History, Antiquities, Volcanoes, &c. made, during a Voyage undertaken in the year 1772, by Joseph Banks, as- sisted by Dr. Solander and Dr. J. Lind, &c. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. London, 1780. Tromholt, S. Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis ; in the Land of the Lapps and Kvoens. Original edition, edited by C. Siewers. Illustrated. 2 vols. Bvo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1885. H GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Tackey, Capt. J. K. Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. To which is added, the Journal of Professor Smith ; and an Appendix containing the -Natural History of that part of the Kingdom of Congo through which the Zaire flows. With Plates. 4to. half calf. (Pub- lished by permission of the Lords ojf the Admiralty.) London, 1818. Tnrnbllll, D. Travels in the West. Cuba ; with Notices of Porto Rico and the Slave Trade. 8vo. half calf. London, 1840. Tumbull, J. A Voyage round the World, iu the years 1800-4; in which the Author visited Madeira, the Brazils, the principal Islands of the Pacific Ocean, &c. 2nd edition. 4to. bound. London, 1813. Tylor, E. B. Anahuac ; or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern. Svo. cloth. (^Presented by Sir H. Cole, K.C.B.) Longmans & Co., 1861. Tyudall, J. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. 3rd edition, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. United States :— General Land Ofl&ce, Reports of Com- missioner, 1849, 1866, and 1871- 75. 7 vols. 8vo. cloth and half morocco Washington, 1849-75. Sketches accompanying the Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, 1851. royal 4to. cloth. Instructions to the Surveyors General of Public Lands. 8 vo. cloth. 1871. Brief Description of the Public Lands. Svo. sewed. 1873. Interoceanic Canals and Railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Report on, by C. H. Davis. Svo. cloth, limp. South Pass Improvements of the Mouth of the Mississippi River, Report of the Inspection of the, June 9, 1876. By C. B. Comstock, Svo. sewed. Washington, 1876. Medals to the American Arctic Ex- plorers, Kane, Hayes, Hall, Reports of Foreign Societies on awarding. Svo. cloth, limp. U.S. Naval Observatory, 1876. New Albany, Indiana. By C. W. Cottom. Svo. sewed. New Albany, 1873. North Polar Expedition, Narrative of the U.S. Ship "Polaris." See North Polar Expedition. Geographical and Political Atlas of the States and Territories of the United States of Ajnerica, &c. By S. S. Burdett. See Atla8k&— United StateK. .. 'olo .o>a United States— cow<. Map of the United States and Terri- tories, 1875. By S. S. Burdett. See Maps— United States. Geographical and Geological Surveys. See Works on Geology, &c. — United States. Universal Library. "Voyages and Travels." Containing Anson's Voyage round the World ; Koempfer's Account of Japan ; Stephens's Travels in Egypt, Arabia, &c. ; and Bligh's Mutiny of the Bounty, royal Svo. cloth. N. Cooke, 1852. Universe (The) Displayed; or a Survey of the Wonderful Works of Creation, and of the Various Customs and Inventions of Men. Maps and Plates. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Svo. half sheep. {Brooke Collection,) London, 1764. Ursna's and Aguirre's Expedition in Search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-61. Translated from Simon's " Sexta Noticia Historical," by W. Bol- laert. With Introduction by C. R. Markham. Svo. cloth. (No. 28.) Hakluyt Society, 1S61. Umguay, The Republic of. The Country in the Paris Exhibition, General Description and Statistical Data, 1888-89. 4to. sewed. Liverpool, 1889, ( With Works on Exhibitions — Paris, 1889.) Van de Velde, C. W. M. Memoir to accompany the Map of the Holy Land. Svo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1859, [The Map referred to is in Science Collections, S. K. M.} Varenius, B. Compleat System of General Geography. Improved by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Jurin. Trans- lated from the Latin by Mr. Dugdale, and revised by P. Shaw. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. calf. London, 1736. Varthema's Travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, &c., 1503 to 1508. Translated by J. Winter Jones, and edited by G. P. Badger. Svo. cloth. (No. 32.) Hakluyt Society, 1863, Vasco da Gama's Three Voyages and his Viceroyalty. From Correa's *' Len- das da India." Translated by the Hon, H. E. J. Stanley. Svo. cloth. (No. 42.) Hakluyt Society, 1869. Verne, J. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the French. Svo. cloth. (Celebrated Travels and Travellers.) S. Low & Co., 1880. Victoria, Australia, Illustrated Hand- book of. imp. Svo. boards. Melbourne. ( With Works on Exhibitions — Colonial and Indian.') geogbaphy: English wokks. 56 Victorian Government Prize Essays, i860. Collection and Storage of Water, by F. Acheson ; Agriculture, •with reference to its Climate Advantages, and the Geological and Chemical Character of its Soils, by W. Story; Origin and Distribution of Gold in Quartz Veins, &c., by H. Rosales ; Economical Development of the Re- sources of the Colony, &c., by C. Mayes, royal 8vo. cloth. Melbourne, 1861. Vincent, Dr. W. The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. Containing an Account of the Navigation of the Ancients, &c. With Maps. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. London, 1800-5. [With Appendix : Articles of Com- merce mentioned in the " Peri- plus," the Adulitick Inscription, and Ancient Maps of the World.] — 'I'he Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. With Maps. 2 vols. 4to. russia. London, 1807. [Containing the Voyage of Nearchus, the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, &c.] Voyages and Travels, A Collection of; some now first printed from original MSS., others now first published in English. With general Preface, giving an account of progress of Trade and Navigation, from the First Beginnmg. Illustrated with Maps and Cuts, con- taining Views of Countries, &c. ; also Birds, Trees ; with the Habits of different Nations, &c. 8 vols, folio, calf. London, 1752. Voyages round the World. See — English Works. Anson. See Thomas P.; Walter, R.; and Universal Library. Belcher, Admiral Sir E. Bennett, F. D. Betagh, W. "Challenger" Expedition. (^With Works on GenbrjLL Natural History.) Cook, Capt. J. Cooke, Capt. E. Dampier, Capt. W. Darwin, C. Kotzebue, O. von. Krusenstern, Capt. A. J. von. Magellan. Milner, Rev. J., and Brierley, O. W. Rogers, Capt. W. Seemann, B. Shelvocke, Capt. G. Spry, W. J. J. Thomas, P. Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. TurnbuU, J. Walter, R. Voyages round the World— cont. See— French Works, Beauvoir, Comte de. Duperrey, L. I. DuPetit-Thouars, A. iWith Works on General Natural History.) Hiibner, Baron de. Pages, De. Vaillant. (^With Works on Gesbkxl Natural History.) German Works, *' Novara " Expedition. Russian Works. Travels round the World, 1868-1874. Voyages, Collections of, See- English Works. Hakluyt, R. Hakluyt Society's Publications. Harris, J. Hawkes worth, J. Illustrated Travels. Pinkerton, J. Ray, J. Sailings over the Globe. Universal Library — Voyages and Travels. Verne, J. Voyages and Travels. French Works, Gravi^re, J. de la. German Works. Embacher, Dr. F. Wallace, A. R. Australasia. See Stanford's Compendium. - The Malay Archipelago : the Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. (JiVith Works on General Natural History.) Wallis, Capt. Account of the Voyages for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, &c. See Hawkesworth, J. ; Parkinson, S. Walter, R. A Voyage round the World, in the years 1740-44; under the com- mand of Commodore G. Anson. With Plates. 4to. calf. London, 1748. 6th edition. With Charts. 8vo. calf. London, 1749, Washington, F. P. On the Mapping of a District with reference to a Central ' Meridian. 8vo. sewed. Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 1879. ►^ nir nrm."^ OF THX UIfI7EllSTTtrl 56 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC* Webster, Rev. W. Spain. See Foreign Countries, &c. Webster, W. H. B. Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, in the years 1828-3C, performed in H.M. Sloop "Chanticleer," under the command of the late Captain Henry Foster. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. London, 1834. [Contains Observations on the Natural Productions of the places visited.] Weddell, J. Voyage towards the South Pole, performed in the years 1822-24. With Charts. 8vo. half calf. London, 1825. Wells, Rev. E., D.D. Historical Geo- graphy of the Old and New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. (Brooke Collection.') Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1801. White, G. P. Tour in Connemara ; with Remarks on its great Physical Capa- bilities. 12mo. cloth. J. McGlashan, Dublin, 1851. White, J. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. With 66 plates (coloured) of Non-descript Animals, Birds, Lizards, curious Cones of Trees,^and other natural productions . 4to . half rassia . London, 1790. White, W. Journal of a Voyage per- formed in the " Lion " extra Indiaman from Madras to Columbo and Da Lagoa Bay, with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants of Da Lagoa Bay. See Paterson, Lieut. W. Whittlesea, C. On Fluctuation of Level on the North American Lakes. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol . 1 2 .) See Transactions— Washington. Wild, J. J. Thalassa ; an Essay on the Depth, Temperature, and Currents of the Ocean. 8vo. cloth. M. Ward & Co., 1877. Wilde, W. R. Nan-ative of a Voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe, and along the Shores of the Mediterranean, including a Visit to Algiers, Egypt, Palestine, &c. With Observations on the Climate, Natural History, &c. of the countries visited, and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Dublin, 1840. Wilkins, W. Australasia: a Descrip- tive and Pictorial Account of the Australian and New Zealand Colonies, Tasmania, and the adjacent Lands, post 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1888. Williams, J. Physiography. See Physiography. Williams, W. The Traveller's and Tourist's Guide through the United States of America and Canada. 18mo. eloth. Philadelphia, 1851. Willnghby, F. Travels through Spain-. See Ray, J. Wood, Capt. J. A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. New edition, with an Essay on the Geography of the Valley of the Oxus by Col. H. Yule. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1872. Woods, Rev. F. H. Sweden and Norway. See Foreign Countries, &c. Wordsworth, Bishop. Greece; Pic- torial, Descriptive, and Historical. Also a History of the Characteristics of Greek Art, by G. Scharf. 5th edition, royal 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1868. Yncas, Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. 8vo. cloth. (No, 48.) Hakluyt Society, 1873. York (The) Guide. With a Plan of the City, and 3 Views of the Minster. 12mo. stitched. (Brooke Collection.) York, 1787. Young, Arthur. Tour in Ireland; with General Observations on the Present State of that Kingdom : made in the years 1776, 1777, and 1778, and brought down to the end of 1779. 4to. calf. (C. C. E, Z., No. 883.) London, 1780. Tour through the Southern Counties. 3rd edition. 8vo. calf. London, 1772. Tour through the North of England. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1770. Tour through the East of England. 4 vols. 8vo. half bound. London, 1771. Travels through France in 1787, 1788, and 1789. 2 vols, in one. 2nd edition. 4to. half calf. London, 1 794. The five preceding with Works on Agriculture. Zehden, Dr. C. Commercial Geo- graphy : based on the Latest Researches and Statistical Returns. Translated by F. Muirhead. post 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1889. Zeno, N. and A. The Voyages of the Venetian Brothers to the Northern Seas, in the XlVth Century. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 8vo. cloth. (No. 50.) Hakluyt Society, 1873. IThe Zeni Maps: North Sea and Lands, as printed at Venice in 1588 to accompany the Northern Voyages of the Brothers Nicola and Antonio Zeno. — Body of Zeni Map, 1380, exhibiting an identifi- cation ofFrisland, Sfc.—North Sea and Lands as known in 1877, iden- tifying Frisland, Sfc. of the Zeni Map and Voyages, 1380, by G. JE. Emery, are in Science Collections^ S. K. -ftf.] GEOGRAPHY ; FRKNOH WORKS. 57 Zincke, Rev. F. B. Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Khediv^. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1873. Zomlin, R. M. Recreations in Physical Geography, or the Earth as it is. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1855. ■ The World of Waters, or Recrea- tions in Hydrology. 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1855. LATIN AND GREEK WORKS. Cellarins, C. Notitia Orbis Antiqui, give Geographia Plenior, ab ortu Re- rumpublicarum ad Constantinorum tem- • pora Orbis terrarum faciem declarans. 2 vols. 4to. old calf. CantabrigisB, 1703-6. Clnverins, P. Germanise AntiqueE5 - libri tres. folio, old vellum. Lugd. Bat., 1616. Ksempfer, E. Amoenitatum Exotica rum politico-physico-medicarum fasciculi quinque. With Maps, Views, and Bo- tanical Plates. 1 vol. post 4to. calf : — Fasc. I., II., II r. Relationes de Aulas Persica; statu hodierno, &c. Fasc. IV. Relationes Botanico-His- toricae de Palma Dactylifera, in Perside crescente. Fasc. V. Plantae Japonicae. (The earliest account of Japanese and Chinese Flora.) Lemgoviae, 1712. ^anrenberg, J. Graecia Antiqua. Edidit S. Puffendorf. With Maps, post Svo. vellum. Amsterdam, 1661. Maginus, J. A. Geographiae, turn • Veteris, tum Novae, volumina duo. 4to. vellum. Arnhemi, 1617. Fausanias. Description de la Gr^ce. . With the Greek Text opposite, collated with the MSS. of the Imperial Library, by Clavier. 6 vols. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1814-21. {With Greek Classics.) !Pliny (the Elder). Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII. (Lemaire's Classical Library.) 2 vols. 8vo. sewed: — I. Cosmology. Edited by Alexandre. II. Geography. Edited by F. Ansart. Hachette & Co. (With Latin Classics.) FRENCH WORKS. Ansart - Deusey, A. Th^orie des Monuments de 1' Atmosphere et de rOcean. royal Svo. half roan. Bertrand, Paris, 1887. (JVith Works on Metsoboloqt.) Aadouiu, V., and Edwardes, H. M. Recherches pour servir k I'Histoire Naturelle du Littoral de la France. Voyage a Granville, &c. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Paris, 1832-4. {With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Azuni, D. A. Histoire Geographique, Politique, et Naturelle de la Sardaigne. 2 vols. Svo. calf. Paris, 1802. Bardin, The late M. Four Pamphlets relating to the Raised Plans and Draw- ings by M. Bardiii. Also, a Biogra- phical Notice, by W. Huber. 4to. Beanvoir, Comte de. Voyage autour du Monde. 6ch edition. 3 vols. 12mo. sewed. H. Plon, Paris, 1872. B^langer, C. Voyage aux Indes- Orientales par le Nord de I'Europe, pendant les Annees 1825-29, &c. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1834. {With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Voyage dans les Quatres Principales lies des Mers d'Afrique, 1801-2. 3 vols. Svo. Atlas, royal 4to. calf. Paris, 1804. Bougier, L. Precis de Geographic, Physique, Politique, et Militaire. 12mo. sewed. G. Baillieie & Co., Paris, 1882. Bonsg^net, G. Le Japon de nos jours et les Echelles de I'Extreme Orient. 2 vols, in one. Svo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1877. Broch, Di. O. J. Le Royaume de Norvege et le Peuple Norvegien, ses Rapports Sociaux, Hygiene, Moyen d'Existence, Sauvetage, Moyens de Communication et iSeonomie. Report prepared for the " Exposition d'Hygiene et de Sauvetage" at Brussels, 1876. Svo. sewed. 1876. Another edition, prepared for the Paris Exhibition, 1878. Svo. sewed. P. T. Mailing, Christiania, 1878. BrOSSes, C. de. Histoire des Naviga- tions aux TeiTes Australes. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1 ^'56. Caspari, E. Cours d'Astronomie Pratique. Application a la Geographic et a la Navigation. See Works on Astronomy. Castelnan, F. de. Expedition dan* les Parties Centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro h Lima, et de , Lima au Para: pendant les annees 1843-47. 6 vols. Svo. 7 vols. 4to., and 2 vols, folio, half morocco. Paris, 1850-57. 1. — Histoire du Voyage. 6 vols. 2. — Vues et Scenes. 1 vol. 8.— Antiquites des Incas, &c. 1 vol. 58 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Castelnau, T'. de—cont. 4. — Itineraires et Coupe G^ologique. 1 vol. 5. — Geographie. 1 vol. 6. — Botanique. (Chloris Andina, par H. A. WeddeU.) 2 vols. 7. — Zoologie. 3 vols. Chappe d'Anteroche, Abbe. Voy- age en Californie, pour rObservation du Passage de Venus sur le Disque du Soleil, le 3 Juin 1769. — Observations Astronomiques faites au Village de S. Joseph. — Histoire abregee de la Parallaxe du Soleil. 4to. calf. Paris, 1772. Chevigny. La Science des Personnes de la Cour. Geographie, Chronologie, &c. With Maps and Plates. 2 vols. small 12mo. calf. Amsterdam, 1710. Congres International des Sci- ences G^ographiques. 2^ Ses- sion, Paris, 1875. Catalogue General des produits exposes, &c. 5th edition. 8vo. sewed. Paris, 1875. Cortambexrb, E. Physiographic. See English Works in present section — Physiography. » Delnc, J. A. Relation de differents Voyages dans les Alpes du Faucigny. 12mo. half calf. Maestricht, 1776. D^midoff, A. de. "Voyage dans la Eussie Meridionale et la Crimee par la Hongrie la Valachie et la Moldavia, execute en 1837. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. morocco. Plates, 2 vols. imp. folio, calf. Paris, 1840-42. Dnmont d'Urville, J. Voyage de Decouvertes de la Corvette "I'Astro- labe," execute pendant les annees 1826-29. 13 vols. 8vo. and 4to. calf. Paris, 1830-34. Botanique. Par MM. Lesson et A. Richard. 2 vols, in one. Faune Entomologique de I'Ocean Pacifique. Par le Dr. Boisduval. 2 vols, in one. Histoire du Voyage. 5 vols. Par M. Dumont d'Urville. Observations Nautiques, &c. 4to. Philologie. Par M. d'Urville. Zoologie. Par MM. Quoy et Gai- mard. 4 vols. Atlases. 4 vols, royal folio, calf. Paris, 1833. Botanique. I Hydrographie. Histoire. | Zoologie. Dnperrey, L. I. Voyage autour du Monde, execute sur la Corvette '* La Coquille," pendant les annees 1822-25. 8 vols. 4to. calf. Paris, 1826-9. Histoire du Voyage. 1 vol. Hydrographie et Physique. Par L. I. Duperrey. 1 vol. Botanique. Par MM. d'Urville, Bory de St. Vincent «t A. Brongniart. 2 vols. Duperrey, L. l.—cont. Zoologie. Par MM. Lesson, Gamot et F. E. Guerin Meneville. 4 vols. Atlases. 4 vols, royal folio, calf. Paris, 1826. Botanique. I Hydrographie. Histoire. | Zoologie. Dn Petit - Thenars, A. Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregate " La Venus." — Zoologie. 2 vols. 8vo. and folio, half russia. Paris, 1846-55. (^With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Dn Tertre, J. B. Histoire Generale des Isles de S. Chiistophe, de la Guade- loupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans I'Amerique. With Maps. 4to. calf. Paris, 1654. lEdmond, C. Voyage dans les Mers du Nord a bord de la Corvette " La Reine Hortense." Notices Scientifiques. Maps and Illustrations, imp. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1857. [Partie geologique. — Les Mines de Newcastle, Geologic de I'lsland, Geologic du Groenland, par E. B. de Chancourtois et Ferri-Pisani.] Fermin, P. Description Generale, Historique, Geographique et Physique de la Colonic de Surinam. With Plates. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. calf. Amsterdam, 1769. Fignier, L. La Terre et les M«rs. royal 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1866. (^With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Fonvielle, W. de. Le Pole Sud. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1889. Fortis, L'Abbe. Voyage en Dalmatie. With Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Berne, 1778. Freycinet, L. Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes. See Peron, F. Ganthier-de-Iiapeyronie. Voyage en Islande, fait par ordre de S. M. Danoise. Contenant des Observations sur les Moeurs, &c., des Habitants ; une Description des Glaciers, Volcans, des diverses especes de Terres, Fossiles, des Animaux, Poissons et Insectes, &c. Traduit du Danois. 5 vols. 8vo. with 4to. Atlas (2 copies), calf. Paris, 1802. For German edition of the above, see German Works in present section — Olafsen. Germain, A. Traite de Projections des Cartes Geographiques. 8vo. sewed. A. Bertrand, Paris. Gervaise, N. Histoire Naturelle et Politique du Royaume de Slam. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1789. GEOGRAPHY : FRENCH WORKS. 59 Gravidre, J. de la. Les Marins du XV« et du XVI" Si^cle. 2 vols. 12mo. sewed. Plon & Co., Paris, 1879. • La Marine des Anciens. 2 vols. 12mo. sewed. I. La Bataille de Salamine et I'Expe- dition de Sicile. II. La Revanche des Perses ; les Ty- rans de Syracuse. Plon & Co., Paris, 1880. Guyot, A. Geographic physique com- paree, consideree dans ses Rapports avec I'Histoire de I'Humanite. Avec une Preface de V. de Saint-Martin, post 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1888. Hnbner, Baron de. Promenade autour du Monde, 1871. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1873. Humboldt, A. von. Essai Politique sur le Royaurae de la Nouvelle-Espagne. 2 vols. imp. 4to. boards. With broad folio Atlas (Geographique et Physique), sewed. Paris, 1811-12. Jacottet, H, Les Grandes Fleuves. post 8vo. sewed. (^Bihliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1887. Joanne, A. Itineraire descriptif et historique du Dauphine. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, limp. (Collection des Guides- Joanne.) Hachette & Co., 1862-63. Journals, Geographical (French). Annee Geographique. Revue de Geographic. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Ealtbrunner, D. Manuel duVoyageur. 8vo. cloth. Zurich; Reinwald & Co., Paris, 1879. Aide-Memoire du Voyageur. Notions generales de Geographie ma- thematique, de Geographie physique, de Geographie politique, de Geologic, de Biologic, et d' Anthropologic. 8vo. cloth. Wurster & Co., Zurich, 1881. Klaproth. Tableau Historique, Geo- graphique, Ethnographique et Politique du Caucase, et des Provinces limitrophes entre la Russie et la Perse, post 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1827. La Marmora, Le Comte Albert de. Voyage en Sardaigne ; ou Description Statistique, Physique et Politique de cette ile. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. 1. Statistique. 2. Antiquites. 3 and 4. Description Geologique. A. Bertrand, Paris, 1839-57. Ziesbazeilles, E. Les Merveilles du Monde Polaire. post 8vo. sewed. (^Bihliothhque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1881. Maillet, B. de. Telliamed : ou Entre- tiens d'un Philosophe Indien avec un Missionaire Fran9ois sur la Diminution de la Mer. 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. The Hague, 1755. (With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Malte-Brun, V. A. Geographic Uni- verselle ; ou Description de toutes les parties du Monde. 5* edition. Revue par J. J. N. Huot. With Plates. 6 vols, royal 8vo. calf. Paris, 1841-45. Maury, L. F. A. La Terre et I'Homme ; ou, Apergu historique de Geologic, de Geographie et d'Ethnologie gene- rales. 12mo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1857. Mercator, G. Sa Vie et ses (Euvres, par Dr. J. van Eaemdonck. imp. 8vo. half morocco. E. Dalschaert-Praet, St. Nicholas, 1869. Meunier, S. Les Sources, post 8vo. sewed. (Bibliothkque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1886. Monconys, B. de. Voyages. 4 vols, small 12mo. calf. Paris, 1695. Morhange, S. }Stude sur I'Australie, 1862-69. 8vo. half calf. H. Tarlier, Brussels, 1869. Pagds, De. Voyages autour du Monde, et vers les Deux Poles, par Terre et par Mer, pendant les annees 1767-76. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1782. Piron, F. Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, execute pendant les annees 1800-1804. Continue par M. Louis Freycinet. Vols. 1, 2 (Histor- ique), 3 (Navigation et Geographie). 4to. With two folio Atlases, cloth. Paris, 1807-16. Raemdonck, Dr. J. van. Gerard Mer- cator, sa Vie et ses (Euvres. See Mercator. Ramond de Carbonnidres, L. F. tl. Observations faites dans les PyrenegS* 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1789. ■ ■■- ■ Voyages et Observations faites dans les Pyrenees, post 8vo. calf. Liege, 1792. For English Translation, see English Works in present section, Heclus, E. La Terre. Description des Phenomenes de la Vie du Globe. 2 vols, imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1868-9. 60 GEOGBAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Reclus, E. Nouvelle Geographic Univer- selle. With Maps and Illustrations. 15 vols. imp. 8vo. half morocco : — I. L'Europe Meridionale (Gr6ce, Turquie, Italic, Espagne ct Portugal, &c.). 1876. II. La France. 1877. III. L'Europe Centrale (Suisse, Austro-Hongrie, et Allc- magne). 1878. IV. L'Europe du Nord Quest (Bel- gique, Holland, tics Britan- niques). 1879. V. L'Europe Scandinave et Russe. 1880. VI. L'Asie Russe (Caucase, Tur- kestan et Japon). 1881. VII. L'Asie Orientale (Empire Chi- nois, Coree et Japon). 1882. VIII, L'Inde et I'Indo-Chine. 1883. ^ IX, L'Asie Antericure (Afghan- ' " istan, Perse, Turquie d' Asie, Arabic, &c.). 1884. X. L'Afrique Septentrionale. Par- tie 1. BassinduNil. 1885. XI. L'Afrique Septentrionale. Par- tie 2. Tripolitaine, Tunisie, Algerie, etc. 1886. XII. L'Afrique Occidentale. Archi- pcls Atlantiques, &c. 1887. XIII. L'Afrique Meridionale. 1888. XIV. Ocean et Terres Oceaniques. 1889. XV. Amerique Borealc. 1889. .. Hachette & Co. For English Translation, see English Works in present section. Rochefort, De. Histoirc Naturelle et • Morale des lies Antilles de rAmerique. ' Avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. With Plates. 2nd edition. 4to. calf. Rotterdam, 1665. Rochon, L'Abbe. Voyage k Mada- gascar et aux Indes Orientales. 8vo. ■ calf. Paris, 1791. Siaixit-Martiu, V . de. Histoire de la Geographic et des Decouvcrtes Geo- graphiqucs, dcpuis Ics temps les plus - recules jusqu'k nos jours, imp. 8vo. half morocco. ^— Atlas dresse pour. Con- sisting of 13 Maps, folio, half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1873. f ... ~. Nouveau Dictionnairc de Geo- graphic Universelle. See Gazbtteebs. Santi, G. Voyage au Montamiata et dans les Siennois. Contenant des Obser- vations nouvelles sur la Formation des Volcans, I'Histoire geologique, mineralo- giqiie et botanique de cette partie de I'ltalie. With Plates. 2 vols, post 8vo. half bound. Lyon, An. 10 (1802). Sestini, L'Abbe D. Lettrcs ecrites k ses amis en Toscane, pendant le cours de ses ■ Voyages en Italic, en Sicile et en Turquie. Traduites de Tltalien par M. Pingeron. '8 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1789. I Sonnerat, P. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee, dans lequel on trouve la de- scription des lieux, des details relatifs k I'Histoire Naturelle dans le Rfegne Animal et le R^gne Vegetal. With Plates. 4to. calf. Paris, 1776. Voyage aux Indes Orientales et a la Chine, fait depuis 1774 jusqaen 1781; dans lequel on traite des Moeurs, de la Religion, des Sciences et des Arts des Indiens, des Chinois, des Pegouins et des Madegasses, &c. et des recherches sur I'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays. With Plates. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Paris, 1782. Spallanzani, L. Voyages dans les Deux Siciles et dans quelques parties des Appennins. Avec una Relation de r:firuption du Vesuve, le 15 Juin 1794. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. Berne, 1795-96. Suez Canal :— Alvin, L. Jj^gjTpte aper9ue k travers I'Inauguration du Canal du Suez. (Lecture on Modern Egypt, delivered at the Belgian Academy of Fine Arts on the occasion of a visit to witness the Inauguration of the Suez Canal.) 8vo. stitched. Brussels, 1870. Lesseps, F. de. Conference de, k Nantes sur le Canal Maritime de Suez. 8th Dec. 1866. 8vo. sewed. — a Lyon. 8vo. sewed. Chaix & Co., Paris, 1865-7. Talabot, P. Canal de Suez. Extract from the " Revue des Deux Mondes," May 1855. royal 8vo. sewed. Paris, 1855. Temmiuck, C. J. Coup-d'ceil general sur les Possessions Neerlandaises dans rinde Archipelagique. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Leyden, 1 84 6-49 . Tissandier, G. L'Eau. post 8vo. sewed. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. Tonmefort, P. de. Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, contenant I'Histoire Ancienne ct Moderne dc plusicurs Isles de I'Archipcl, dc Constantinople, de I'Armenic, des Frontieres de Perse, &c. Avec Figures de Plantes rares, de divers Animaux, &c. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Paris, 1717. For English Translation, see English Works in present section. " Travailleur " et "Talisman," Expeditious Scientifiques du, pendant les Annees, 1880-83. Ouvrage pubHe sous la direction de A. Milne-EdwardS. 4to. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1888. {With Foreign Works on General Natural Histobt.) oeogeaphy: German works. 61 Univers, L'. Histoire et Description de tous les Peuples. 8vo. calf. (C C. E. X., Nps. 508 to 537.) Algerie — Etats Tripolitains — Tunis. (508.) 1850. lies de I'Afrique. (509.) 1848. Etats-Unis d'Amerique. (510.) Histoire des Antilles et des Colonies Fran9aises, Anglaises, Danoises, et Suedoises— Suite des Etats-Unis, depuis 1812 jusqn'^ nos Jours — Possessions Anglaises dan I'Ameri- que du Nord — Les Califomies. (511.) 1849. Arabie. (512.) 1847. Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, &c. — lies diverses des trois Oceans et Re- gions circompolaires. (513.) 1850. Espagne— Espagne, depuis I'Expul- sion de Maures jusqu'^ I'Annee 1847 — Sardaigne — Corse. <514 and 537.) 1844-47. France. AnnalesHistoriques. (515 and 516.) 1843. France. Dictionnaire Encyclopedique. (517 to 528.) 1847. Inde. (529.) 1845. Italic Ancienne — Italic — Sicile. (530 and 531.) 1847-50. Mexique, &c. — Perou. (532.) 1843. Portugal. (533.) 1846. Senegambie, &c. — Nubie — Abyssinie. (534.) 1847. Tartarie, Beloutchistan et Nepal — Afghanistan. (535.) 1848. Turquie. (536.) Paris. Urville. See Domont d'Urville. Vaillant, Le Capitaine. Voyage autour du Monde (1836-37) sur la Corvette *' La Bonite." — Zoologie, &c. 2 vols. A. Bertrand, Paris, 1841-52. (With Foreign Works on Genekjll Natural History.) Verne, J. Histoire Generale des Grandes Voyages et des Grandes Voyageurs. — Les Navigateurs du XVIII. Si^cle. 2 vols. 12mo. sewed. Hetzel & Co., Paris. Vogel, C. Le Monde Terrestre au point actuel de Civilisation. Nouveau Precis de Geographic Comparee, Descriptive, Politique et Comraerciale, &c. Tome I.- III., in 5 parts. 8yo. half morocco. C. Reinwald & Co., Paris, 1877-84. Weddell, H. A. Voyage dans le Nord de la Bolivie, et dans les parties voisines du Perou ; ou Visite au District Auri- ftre de Tipuani. 8vo. half calf. A. P. Bertrand, Paris, 1853. GERMAN WORKS. Bastian, A. Die Voelker des Oestlichen Asien. Studien und Reisen. — Die Geschichte der Indochinesen, Reisen iu Birma, 1861-2, Reisen in Siam, 1863. 3 vols. 8vo. O. Wigand, Leipzig, 1866-7. (With Works on Ethnography.) Bayberger, F. Der Inngletscher von • Kufstein bis Haag—Geographisch- geologisehe Studien aus dem Bohmer- walde. (Petermann's Mitteilungen, Erganzungshefte, Nr. 70, 1882 and Nr. 81, 1886.) See Journals— Mix- theilcngbn. Bedexuar, V. Reise nach dem Hohen- Norden durch Schweden, Norwegen und Lappland, in den Jahren 1810-14, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. half calf. Frankfurt a. M., 1819. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Ab- handlungen aus dem Geographischen Seminar der Universitat Strassburg. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. G. Gerland. Vol. I. 8vo. sewed. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1887; Blom, G. P. Das Konigreich Norwegen ; statistisch beschrieben. Mit einem Vor- wort von Carl Ritter. 8vo. half calf. Leipzig, 1843. Boas, Dr. F. Baffin-Land. Geographische Ergebnisse einer in den Jahren 1883 und 1884 ausgefiihrteu Forschungsreise. (Petermann's Mittheilungen, Erganz- ungsheft, Nr. 80, 1885.) See Jour- nals — ^Mittheilungen. Boie, F. Tagebuch gehalten auf einer Reise durch Norwegen im Jahre 1817. Mit Anmerkungen von H. Boie. post 8vo. half calf. Schleswig, 1822. Breitung, H. Mathematische Greo- graphic. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1878. Bronn, H. G. Ergebnisse meiner Naturhistorisch-oconomischen Reisen. Briefe aus der Schweiz, Italien und Siidfrankreich. 2 vols, half calf. Heidelberg, 1826-31. (With Foreign Works on Gbnerai. Natural History.) Burkart, J. Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico, in den Jahren 1825 bis 1834. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. J. N5g- gerath. With Maps. 2 vols, in one. Bvo. half calf. Stuttgart, 1836. Credner, Dr. G. R. Die Deltas. (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 56, 1878.) See Journals^ Mittheilungen. , 62 GJEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Credner, Dr. R. Die Reliktenseen. Ein physisch-geographische Mono- graphic, Theil I. (Petermann's Mit- Sieilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 86, 1887.) See Journals — Mit- THEILUNGEN. Deckeu, Baron C. C. von der. Reisen ■ in Ost-Afrika in den Jahren 1859-61. Bearbeitet von Otto Kersten. Mit Vorworte von Dr. A. Petermann. Coloured Illustrations, Maps, &e. 4 vols, in 6. 4to. cloth. Crustaceen — Von F. Hilgendorf. Gliederthiere — Von A. Gerstaecker. Holothurien — Von C. Semper. MoUusken, Seesterne und Seeigel. Von E. V. Martens. Saugethiere und Amphibieo. Von W. C. H. Peters. Vogel — Von J. Cabanis, O. Finsch und G. Hartlaub. C. Winter, Leipzig, 1869-70. Decken, F. von der. Philosophisch — historisch — geographische Untersuch- ungen iiber die Insel Heligoland, oder Heiligeland, und ihre Bewohner. 8vo. boards. Hanover, 1826. iDiesty W. von. Von Pergamon iiber den Dindymos zura Pontus. (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 94, 1889.) See Joumals— Mittheilungen. Embacher, Dr. F. Die wichtigeren Forschungsreisen des Neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts in synchronistischer Uebersicht. 4to. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1880. Etzel, A. von. Gronland geographisch und statistisch beschrieben. Aus Dan- ischen Quellschriften. 8vo. half calf. J. G. Gotta, Stuttgart, 1860. Fiusch., O. Neu-Guinea und seine . Bewohner. 8vo. half calf. C. E. Miiller, Bremen, 1865. Freese, A. G. F. Reise-Handbuch durch Schweden und Norwegen. 12mo. boards. Berlin, 1844. Fritsclie, Dr. H. Ein Beitrag zur Geographic und Lehrc vom Erdmag- netismus Asiens und Europas, (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 78, 1885.) See Journals— Mittheilungen. Georgy C. Die Reiseliteratur Deutsch- lands aus den Jahren 1871 bis 30 April 1877. post 8vo. sewed. Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1877. Georgi, J. G. Bemerkungen einer Reise im Russischen Reiche im Jahrc 1772-74. 2 vols. 4to. boards. St. Petersburg, 1775. Gerland, Prof. Dr. G. Beitrage zur Geophysik. See Beitrage. Gobel, F. Reise in die Steppen des Siidlicheu Russlands. Mit Chemischen Untersuchungen der Salzseen und Salz- fliisse der transwolgaischen Steppen und der Krym, u.s.w. 2 vols, in one. 4to. half calf. Dorpat, 1837-38. Giinther, S. Lehrbuch der Geophysik und Physikalischen Geographic. 2 vols, royal 8vo. sewed. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1884-5. Hahn, J. H. von. Reise durch die Gebiete des Drin und Wardar, unter- nommen im Jahre 1863. 4to. half calf. C. Gerold, Vienna, 1867. Hann, Dr. J. Handbuch der Klimato- logie. 8vo. half morocco. J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart, 1883. (With Works on Metborology.) Helm, Dr. A. Handbuch der Gletscher- kimde. 8vo. sewed. J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart, 1885. Hellwald, Fr. von. Die Erde und ihre Volker. 3rd edition, royal 8vo. boards. Spemann, Berlin, 1884. Hemprich, W. F., und Ehrenberg, C. G. Naturgeschichtiiche Reisen durch Nord-Afrika und West-Asien. 4to. cloth. Berlin, 1828. (With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Hochstetter, F. von. Neu-Seeland. Illustrated, imp. 8vo. cloth. (" Novara " Expedition.) J. G. Cotta, Stuttgart, 1863. Hofmann, E. Der Nordliche Ural und das Kiistengebirge Pae-Choi. Unter- sucht und beschrieben von einer in den Jahren 1847-50 durch die k. Russische Geographische Gesellschaft ausgeriist- eten Expedition. Vol. 2. With Plates. 4to. half calf. Keyserling. Bestimmungen der durch die Ural-Expedition gesammelten Versteinerungen, &c. Brandt. Bemerkungen iiber die Wir- belthiere des Nordlichen Europtu- ischen Russlands. Ruprecht. Flora Borcali-Uralensis. Ueber die Verbreitung der Pflanzen im Nordlichen Ural. St. Petersburg, 1866. Hugel, K. von. Der Stillc Ocean und die Spanischen Besitzungen im Ostind- ischen Archipel. 8vo. cloth. Vienna, 1860. Sumboldt, A. von. Vorwort und einige wichtige Punkte der Geographie Guyana's. See Schomburgk's (R. H.) Reisen in Guiana, &c. Jager, B. Reise von St. Petersburg in die Kj-im und die Lander des Kaukasus im Jahre 1826. 8vo. half calf. Leipzig, 18S0* GEOGRAPHY : GERMAN WORKS. 63 Jagor, F. Reisen in den Philippinen. Ueber alte und neue Schadel von den Philippinen, von Rud. Virchow, &c. Illustrated, royal 8vo. cloth. Weidmann, Berlin, 1873. Journals, Geographical (Ger- man) : Geographisches Jahrbuch. Hertba. Mittheilungen (Petermann's) . See Journals (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Jnnghuhn, F. Die Battalander auf Sumatra. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Berlin, 1847. Junker's (W.)ReiseninZentral Afrika, 1880-8.5, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse von. (Erganzungshefte, Nr. 92 und 93 zu Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1888.) See Journals — Mittheilungen. Kant's Physische Geographic. Heraus- gegeben von J. H. von Kirchmann. post 8vo. half roan. (Philosophische Bibliothek.) Koschny, Leipzig, 1877. iKiepert, H. Lehrbuch der Alten Geo- grapliie. 8vo. half morocco, D. Reimer, Berlin, 1877-78. II Leitfaden der Alten Geographic fiir die mittleren Gymnasialclassen. 8vo. half morocco. D. Reimer, Berlin, 1880. Elein, Dr. H. J. Lehrbuch der Erdkunde. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1880. Klein, Dr. H. J. Physische Geographic. Nach dem gegenwartigen Standpunkte der Wissenschaft. (Die Erde und ihr organisches Leben, Band I.) 8vo. half morocco. Spemann, Stuttgart, n.d. Klein, Dr. H. J., und Thorns, Dr. O. W. Die Erde und ihr organisches Leben, Band II. — Thier- u. Pflanz«n-Geo- graphie. Nach der gegenwartigen Ver- breitung der Thiere und der Pflanzen, sowie mit auf deren Beziehung zum Menschen. 8vo. half morocco. Spemann, Stuttgart, n.d. Kocb., A. C. Reise durch einen Theil der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- amerika in den Jahren 1844-46. 8vo. half calf. Dresden, 1847. Kotzebue's Reisen um die Welt, 1823- 26, Eschscholtz's Zoologischer Atlas, enthaltend Abbildungen neuer Thierart- en, wahrend. folio. Berlin, 1829-33. QWith Foreign Works on General Natural History — Eschscholtz, F.) Lendenfeld, Dr. R. v. Der Tasman- Gletscher und seine Umgebung. — For- schungs-reisen in den Australischen Alpen. (Petermann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungshefte, Nr. 75-1884 und 87- 1887.) See Journals— Mitthbil- tlNOEK. Leasing, C. F. Reise durch Norwegen nach den LofEoden durch Lappland und Schweden. Nebst einem Botanisch- geographischen Anhange. 8vo. half calf. Berlin, 183 1. Iiingg, F. Erdprofil der Zone von 31° bis 65° N. Br. im Massverhaltniss 1 : 1 Million. Sheet 105 inches long, by 20 inches broad, folded in cloth cover, with Text, &c. 8 pp. Piloty & Loehle, Munich, 1886. Lorenz von Liburnau, Dr. J. R. Ritter. Wald, Klima und Wasser. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Natur- krafte.) R, Oldenbourg, Munich, 1878. Martens, E. von. Die Preussische Ex- pedition nach Ost-Asien, 3 vols, royal 8vo. R. von Decker, Berlin, 1866-76. {With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Mayer, E. Die Hilfsmittel der Schif- fahrtskunde zur Zeit der Grossen Landerentdeckungen. See Works on Navigation. Maximilien, Prinz von Wied-Neuwied See Wied-Neuwied. Michaelis, H. Von Hankau nach Sutschou (Reisen im mittlern und west- iichen China, 1879-81. Petermann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 91, 1888.) See Journals— Mittheil- ungen. Middendorff, A. T. von. Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibirieng wahrend der Jahre 1843-44. 4 vols. 4to. St. Petersburgh, 1848-75. (^With Foreign Works on General Natural History.) Mohn, H. Die Norwegische Nordmedf- Expedition. (Petermann's MittheD- ungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 63, 1880.) — Die Stromungen des Europaischen Nordmeeres. (Petermann's Mittheil. ' Erganzungsheft, Nr. 79, 1885.) See Journals — Mittheilungen. ITeuniayer, G., &c. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichon Beobachtungen auf Reisen. Mit besonderer Riichsicht auf die Bediirfnisse der Kaiserlichen Marine. 8vo. half calf. 1875. 2nd edition. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. half calf. R. Oppenheim, Berlin, 1888. " Novara ".. Expedition, 1857-9. Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte *• Novara " um die Erde, in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wxillerstorf- Urbair. Beschreibender Theil. Nauti«ch- Physikalischer Theil. {With Foreign Works on General Natural His- tory ; see also Hochstett«r, F. von, in present Bection.} 04 QEOGRA.PHY, ASTRONOMT, ETC. Oesterreichische (Die) Polar- station Jan Maj'en. See Polarfor- schuDg. Olafsen, E. Des Vice-Lavmands ' Eggert Olafsens und des Landphysici Biarne Povelsens Reise durch Island. Au8 dem Danischen xibersetzt. Anhang : 1. Flora Islandica, von Zoega. With Map and Plates. 2 vols, in one. 4to. half calf. Kopenhagen & Leipzig, 1774-5. [Contains an account of the Natural Productions of the island, &c.] For French edition of above see Gauthier-de-Lapeyronie (^French Works in pi'esent section.') Otte, F. W. Reise durch Norwegen im Sommer 1832. Mit Riicksicht auf die natiirliche Beschaffenheit, auf Land- wirthschaft, Bergbau, &c. des Landes. 8vo. half bound. Berlin, 183.5. Parrot, G. F. Reise zum Ararat. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. half calf. Berlin, 1834. Partsch, Dr. J. Die Insel Leukas. (Petennann'sMittheilungen,Erganzuugs- heft, Nr. 95, 1889.) See Journals — MlTTHEILUNGEN. J?eschely O. Geschichte der Erdkunde bis auf Alexander von Humboldt und Carl Ritter. 2nd edition, enlarged by Prof. Dr. S. Ruge. 2 parts in one vol. Svo. half morocco. (Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877. ■■ Neue Probleme der Vergleichenden Erdkunde als Versuch einer Mor- phologic der Erdoberflache. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. - . Physische Erdkunde. Herausge- geben von G. Leipoldt. 2nd edition. Vols. I. and II. 8vo. sewed. Duncker & Humboldt, Leipzig, 1884-5. Pfaff, Dr. F. Das Wasser. fcp. Svo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) 1870. ■ Die Naturkrafte in den Alpen ; Oder Physikalische Geographic des Alpengebirges. fcp. Svo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877. PMlippi, R. A. Reise durch die Wiiste Atacama, in 1853-54. Illustrated. 4to. boards. E. Anton, Halle, 1860. Polarforsclmng, Die Inter- nationale, I882783. Die Oester- reichische Polarstation Jan Mayen ausgeriistet durch H. Wilczek, geleitet von E. von Wohlgemuth. Beobachtungs- Ergebnisse. Herausgegeben von K. Akaderai** der Wissenschaften. 5 parts. 4to. sewed : — Band I. Astronomic, Beschreibung der Insel Jan Mayen, Meteorologie, l(C. Polarforschnng, Die Inter- nationale, 1882-83— cowf. Band II. Abth. I. Polarlicht und Spectral Beobachtungen. Band II. Abth. II. Magneti Handy Royal Atlas of Modem Greography. New edition, folio, half morocco. 1880. Cosmographic Atlas of Political, Historical, Classical, Physical, and Scrip- tural Geography and Astronomy. With Indices and Descriptive Letterpress, imp. folio, cloth. 1884. Johnston, A. K. Atlas of Skeleton Charts for the Direction and Force of Winds and Currents, and other Pheno- mena in the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the Persian Galf, and Bay of Bengal. With a Preliminary Notice by Dr. George Buist. Size 16| by 14 in. stiffened covers. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1854. Index Geographicus. See Gazkt- TKERS. Nichols, Priestley, and Walker's New Map of Inland Navigation, Canals and Railroads, with situations of Mineral Productions in Great Britain. 3 maps, mounted on linen, folded in boards, 26 in. by 17 in. London, 1830. Fetermann and Milner. Atlas of Physical Geography, Avith Descriptive Letter-Press, embracing a General View of the Physical Phenomena of the Globe, imp. 4to. cloth. Ward & Lock, 1857. Philip and Son's Atlases :— General Atlas of the World, compre- hending 74 Maps and Charts. With a Consulting Index, imp. folio, half morocco, gilt edges. 1869. Classical, Historical, and Scriptural Atlas, illustrating the Ancient Classics, Historians, and Poets. A series of 51 Maps. imp. folio, half morocco, gilt edges. 1855. Handy General Atlas, containing 39 Maps, illustrating Modern, Historical, and Physical Geography, crown 4to. half morocco. 1 874 . Atlas of the Counties of England, reduced from the Ordnance Survey. By E. Weller, F.R.G.S. imp. 4to. half morocco. G. Philip & Son, 1 865. Proctor, R. A. The Students' Atlas, in Twelve Circular Maps. With 2 Index Maps. Intended as a Vade-Mecum for the Students of History, Travel, Geo- graphy, Geology, &c. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1889. Sharpe, J. Corresponding Atlas, com- prismg 54 Maps, with Index, large folio, half bound. Chapman & Hall. Smith, Dr. W., and Grove, Sir G. Atlas of Ancient Geography, Biblical and Classical. 43 Maps, Indices and Descrip- tive Text, broad folio, half morocco. J. Murray, 1874. Smith's (C.) New English Atlas, broad folio, half bound. London, 1804. Switzerland and the Adjacent Coun- tries, The Alpine Club Map of, on the Scale of 4 miles to the inch. Edited by R. C. Nichols. In four sheets, mounted to fold in 12mo. size. cloth wrappers. Longmans & Co. Taylor and Skinner's Maps of the Roads of Ireland, surveyed in 1777 and corrected to 1783. imp. 8vo. half calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1783. GEOQEAPHT, ASTRONOMY, ETC. United States of America :— Atlas, Geographical and Political, of the States and Territories in whicli Public Land Surveys are now in operation. By S. S. Burdett. 28 in. by 35 in. In wrapper. Washington, 1876. Colorado and portions of adjacent Terri- tory, Geological and Geographical Atlas of the. By F. V. Hayden. broad folio. Washington, 1877. {With Works on Geology.) Geological and Topographical Atlas. By C. King. 34 in. by 24 in. Washington, 1876. {With Works on Geology.) Maps of the States. See Canada — Standard Atlas. Useful Knowledge Society's Atlas of Modern Geography, accompanied by a complete Series of Star Maps, and Alphabetical Index. In all 150 Maps, large 4to. half morocco. E. Stanford, 1861. Useful Knowledge Society's Family Atlas, containing 80 Maps, and Alphabetical Index, large 4to. half morocco, gilt edges. E. Stanford, 1870. Wells, Edw. A new Set of Maps, both of Ancient and Present Geography. folio, half bound. Bonevicke, London, n.d. FOREIGN ATLASES. Andree, E., and Scobel, A. Karte von Afrika. 3 ft. by 2 ft. 7 in. Mounted on canvas. In 4to. cardboard cover. Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld, 1884. Berghaus, Prof. Dr. H. Physikalischer Atlas. Pt. 1 and onwards, as far as issued, oblong royal folio, in paper wrapper. Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1886, &c. Sianco, Andrea. Atlas prepared by him at Venice, dated 1436. A Photo- graphic Fac-Simile, from the original preserved in the Library of St. Mark, at Venice. In 1 sheets, of the size of the original. oblong crown folio, cloth wrapper. With Letterpress, in Ger- man, by Oscar Peschel. 4to. sewed. Miinster, Venice, 1869. Cassini. Cartes de la France. Com- prising 44 Maps, about 36 in. by 23 in., folded and contained in 10 cases. 8vo. calf, lettered. 1756-59. Presented hy Lewis Cubitt, Esq^ Castorius, Weltkarte des, genannt die Peutinger'sche Tafel (cir. 1507). In den Farben des Originals, herausgegeben I und eingeleitet von Dr. K. Miller. Folded in imp. 8vo. boards. Text. 8vo. sewed. 0. Mftier, Ravensburg, 1888. De la Cruz Canoy Olmedilla. Mapa Geografico de America Me- ridional. Mounted on canvas to fold in. folio case. London, 1775. De venter, J. de. Atlas des Villes de la Belgique au XVI« Si^cle. Cent Plans executes sur les Ordres da Charles-Quint et de Philippe II. Re- produced in Chromographic Fac-simile. Text prepared under the direction of Ch. Ruelens. Part I. and onwards, as £a,r as issued, royal folio. Sheets in printed wrapper. Institut National de Geographic, Brussels. Droysen, Prof. J. G. Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas in 69 Karten, mit erlauterndem Text, ausgefiihrt unter Leitung von Dr. Richard Andree. folio, half calf. Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld, 1886. Hgypte (1')? Carte Hydrographique, &c. de. By Linant de Bellefonds. Mounted in 6 sheets, each 3 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. 6 in., on calico, to fold in 8vo. cloth case. Published by the French War Depart- ment, 1854-1866. E. Stanford. Fra Mauro's Map of the World, prepared in the year 1457. A Photo- graphic Fac-SimUe, from the original preserved in the Library of St. Mark, at Venice. On 4 sheets, in portfolio, crown folio. Miinster, Venice. Handtke, F. Special-Karte der Euro- paischen Txirkei. 20 sheets, 18 in. by 22 in. In one vol. half calf. C. Flemming, Glogau. Hartleben, A. Volks-Atlas. Enthalt- end 72 Karten in 100 Kartenseiten. Mit Tollstandigem Register, imp. 4to. cloth. A. Hartleben, Vienna. Japan, Atlas von. 7 Blatter imMasstabe von 1 : 1,000,000. Von B. Hassenstein. Parts I. and II. broad folio, sewed. J. Perthes, Gotha, 1885-7. Koristka, Carl. 2 General Maps of the Kingdom of Bohemia. 1 Map of the Mountain Ranges in Bohemia, mounted on linen and folded, royal Bvo. c^oth. (Austrian Collection^ Ohnutz & Vienna, 1862. Ijange, Dr. H. Atlas der Geographic. Maps, 4to. Text, by O. Uhle, oblong 4to. 2 vols, half calf. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1875. Leuzinger, R. Carte Physique et Geo- graphique de la France. Size 22| in. by 21^ in. To fold in post 8vo. wrapper. J. Wurster & Co., Zurich, 1885. Xuddecke, R. Afrika, in 6 Blattern. Mit voUstandigen Namenverzeichnis. In folio cloth boards. J. Perthes, Gotha, 1890. GEOGRAPHY AND MAPS. 71 Peutinget'sche Tafel, Die. See Castorius. Saint-Kartin, V. de, and Schrader, F. Atlas Universelde Geographie An- cienne, Moderne, et du Moyen Age. With Text. Part I. and onwards, as far as issued, royal folio, sewed. Hachette & Co., 1877, &c. Scheda. General-Karte von Europa. 25 sheets, mounted on canvas to fold in royal 8vo. size. In case, lettered. Vienna, 1845-7. Schweiz, Topographischer Atlas der. With Letterpress and Index Maps, as far as issued, broad folio. In printed ■wrapper. Asher & Co. Sommer, Adolf. Two General Maps of the Margraviate of Moravia. 1 Map of the Mountain Ranges in Moravia, mounted on linen and folded, royal 8vo. cloth. (^Austrian Collection.) Olmiitz & Vienna, 1861. Sonklar, C, Edlen von. Karte der Hohen Tauern. Map of Mountainous District and Glaciers comprising parts of Tyrol, Carinthia, and Salzburg. On sheet, to fold in 8vo. boards. A. Holder, Vienna, 1875. Stieler, A. Hand- Atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde, und iiber das Weltgebaude. 90 Karten. folio, half bound. J. Perthes, Gotha, 1876. Karte des Deutschen Reichs und der Nachbarlander. 25 coloured sheets. New edition (1876), revised by Dr. H. Berghaus. In one vol. oblong royal folio, half calf. J. Perthes, Gotha. Stlllpnagel, F. von, und Bar, J. C. Karte von Europa. 8th edition, revised by Dr. A. Petermann. Mounted on canvas to fold in 4to. portfolio. J. Perthes, Gotha, 1877. Villes de la Belgique au XVI« Si^cle Atlas des. See Deventer, J. de. MAPS. Anstralia. — Victoria. Map showing the Distribution of Forest Trees. 2 sheets, 26 in. by 19 in. Australia.— Victoria, Maps of, in sheets : — Continental Australia. 5 sheets, 2 ft. 3 in. and 15 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. each. Victoria, showing Boundaries of Municipalities. 4 sheets, 2 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 5 in. each. Victoria, showing portions of adjacent colonies. 2 sheets, 3 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. each (Oct. 1876). Victoria, showing Alienation and Occupation of Lands, Sept. 1874. 8 sheets, 24 in. by 19 in. each. Australia.— Victoria, Maps of— cent' Victoria. 4 sheets, 24 in. by 19 in. each. View of Melbourne from the South Side of the Yarra-yarra. 1 sheet, 12 in. by 19 in. (^Presented by the Minister of Lands and Agriculture, Vic- toria, per Col. Sir Herbert Sandford, B.A.) Melbourne, Map showing the site of, and the position of the huts and buildings previous to the Founda- tion of the Township by Sir R. Bourke, in 1837. Size 30 in. by 22 in. (^Presented by the Public Library and National Gallery of Vic- toria^ Melbourne.') Leuzinger. R. Relief-Karte der Schweiz. One sheet, 25 in. by 32 in. J. Wurster & Co., Zurich, 1884. Old Maps, Collection of, presented by the Marquis of Kildare. In sheets. Sizes from 13 in. by 17 in. to 38 in. by 28 in. : — British Channel. London, 1775, Dublin, City and Suburbs, City and Environs and County. By Rocque. 6 Maps. London, 1756; Dublin, 1757, Guadeloupe. Plan of attack against Basseterre, 22nd January, 1759. Against Fort Louis (now Fort George), Point k Pitre. 14th February 1759. By Rycaut. London, 1760. Kildare, County. By Noble and Kaenan. Dublin, 1752. Minorca. Plan of St. Philip's Castle. By J. Ao-mstrong. Rocque, 1 756, Champagne, La. By Robert de Vaugondy. Paris, 1783. Cordouan, Le Tour de. Paris. Corse. By De S. Angelo. Paris, 1768. Couronnes, Les, du Nord ; Le Dane- marck, la Norw^ge, &c. 2 sheets. Paris, 1792. Lion, Plan de. By Rocque. 1746. Lorraine, La. By Delamarche. 1792. Napoli, Pianta della Citt^. Pays Bas, Theatre de la Guerre dans les, 1690-1694. Paris, 1792. Possessions (Les) Anglaises et Francoises du Continent de FAmerique Septentrionale, 1755. Roma, Nuova Pianta, de G. Nolli. 21 sheets, including Index, &c. Rome, 1748, &c. Stato Ecclesiastico. Da Maire and Boscovich. 3 sections. Vesuvio nell' Eruzione, Prospetti del, 1631 (2); 1756; 1754; 4 views J 1751; 1754; 1759 j 1760; 5 viewB. 72 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. United States and Territories, 1875. Map by S. S. Burdett. Size 4 ft. 4 in. by 6 ft. 8 in. In 6 sheets. Washington. Colorado, Drainage Map of. (With Works on Geology, &c. United States.) "STeats, J. Chart : Principal Caravan and other Routes of Eastern Commerce. {With Works on Political, &c. Economy.) THE GLOBES. TREATISES ON. Butler, W. Exercises on the Globes, interspersed with some Historical, Biographical, Chronological, Mytho- logical, and Miscellaneous Information, &c. 4th edition. 12mo. bound. (^Brooke Collection.') London, 1808. • Exercises on the Globes. 5th edition. 12mo. sheep. London, 1811. De Morgan, A. The Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1854. Penning, D. New and Easy Guide to the Use of the Globes, and the Ele- ments of Geography. 9th edition. 12mo. bound. Loudon, 1809. Field, Rev. W. Introduction to the Use of the Globes, with Questions for Examination. 5th edition. l2mo. bound. London, 1815. New edition, revised by G.Eaton. 18mo. bound. AUman & Son, 1851. Greig, J. Introduction to the Use of the Globes. 3rd edition, small 12mo. bound. London, 1816. Hardcastle, W. Eleven Hundred Questions on the Use of the Globes. 12mo. cloth. Key to. 12mo. cloth. Relfe Brothers. Harris, «Jos. The Description and Use of the Globes and the Orrery. 10th edition. 8vo. sheep. (^Brooke Collec- tion^ London, 1768. Hues, R. Tractatus de Globis et eorum Usu. A Treatise descriptive of the Globes constructed by Emery Moly- neux, and published in 1592, &c. 8vo. cloth. (No. 79.) Hakluyt Society, 18S9. Keith, T. New Treatise on the Use of the Globes. 4th edition. 12mo. bound. 1815. 5th edition. 12mo. bound. 1818. New edition. 12mo. cloth. 1855. a Key to. By J. Middle- ton. 12mo. cloth, stiff. Longmans & Co., 1854. a Key to. By C. Vines. 12mo. cloth. Simpkin & Co. New edition. By T. Atkinson. (Scott's Series.) fcp. 8vo. stiff cover. E. Law, 1858. New edition, enlarged and improved by the Rev. C. N. Wright. 12mo. bound. W. Tegg, 1860. Linnington, R. T. A Companion to the Globes, comprising an Astronomical Introduction, &c. 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1829. Molinenx, T. Concise Introduction to the Knowledge of the Globes. 5th edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1809. ■ 7th edition. 12mo. bound. London, 1821. Newton, W. The Use of the Globes, with a Familiar Introduction to the Science of Astronomy. 12mo. cloth. Newton & Co., 1854. Finnock, W. H. Familiar and Practical Treatise on the Use of the Globes, &c. 12mo. cloth. James Wyld, 1838. Thackwray, W. Practical Treatise on the Use of the Globes. 12mo. bound. London, 1810. Wyld, J. Treatise on the Use of the Globes, Terrestrial and Celestial; and the Construction of Maps. 12mo. cloth. J. Wyld, 1852. ASTRONOMY, 73 ASTRONOMY. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WORKS. See also Works on Meteorology. Admiralty Manual of Scientific Inquiry (Astrouomy, &c.), prepared for the use of Officers in H.M. Navy and Travellers in general. Originally edited by Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart. 3rd edition, superintended by the Rev. Robt. Main, M.A. post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1859. Aiiry, Sir G. B. Description of the Transit Circle of the Royal Observatoiy, Greenwich, forming the first Appendix to the Greenwich Observations, 1852. royal 4to. sewed. — — — Six Lectures on Astronomy, de- livered at the Ipswich Museum. 4th edition, royal 12mo. cloth. Simpkin & Co. Popular Astronomy ; a series of Lectures, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1866. cloth. — 10th edition. fcp. 8vo. Macmillan & Co., 1881. ■ Gravitation ; an Elementary Ex- planation of tbe Principal Perturbations in the Solar System. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Alexander, Dr. S. Certain Harmonies of the Solar System (Smithsonian Con- tributions to Knowledge, Vol. 21.) See Transactions, &c. — Washington. AragO, P. Popular Lectures on Astro- nomy. Translated, with Notes, by W. K. Kelly. 4th edition revised by the Rev. L. Tomlinson. fcp. Svo. boards. Routledge & Co., 1854. .. ■ . ' ■ Popxilar Astronomy. Translated and edited by Admiral Smyth and R. Grant. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855-58. Astrolabes, Treatises on. SccMorley, W. H. {English Works') ; also Alfonso X. (D.) de Castilla ; Mayer, E. ; Saavedra, E. {Foreign Works). Baily, P. Experiments with the Torsion Rod for determining the Mean Density of the Earth. (Forming Vol. XIV. of the Memoirs oi the Royal Astronomical Society.) 4to. half calf. London, 1843. BaU, R. S. 8yo. cloth. The Story of the Heavens. Cassell & Co., 1885. i. Elements of Astronomy. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1883. Ball, R. S. Glimpse through the Cor- ridors of Time. Lecture at the Midland Institute, Birmingham, Oct. 1881. Svo. sewed. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Barnard, J. G. Problems of Rotatory Motion presented by the Gyroscope, the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Pendulum — On the Internal Structure of the Earth considered as affecting the Phenomena of Precession and Nutation. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol. 19, 23.) See Transac- tions — Washington. Bazley, T. S. The Stars in their Courses. A two-fold series of Maps. With a Catalogue, showing How to Identify, at any time of the year, all Stars down to the 5 • 6 Magnitude, in- clusive of Heis, which are clearly visible in English Latitudes. With Points of the Compass and Degrees of Latitude, on three separate sheets, folio, cloth. Trubner&Co., 1878. Beckett, Sir E., Bart. Astronomy without Mathematics. 6th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1876. Birmingham, J. The Red Stars : Observations and Catalogue. (From the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. XXVL, August 1877.) 4to. sewed. Dublin, 1877. Breen, H. Practical Astronomy. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences.] crown Svo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1856. Breen, J. The Planetary Worlds ; the Topography and Telescope Appearances of the Sun, Planets, Moon, and Comets. 12mo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1854. Brinkley's Astronomy. Revised and partly re-written, with Additional Chap- ters, by J. W. Stubbs and F. Briinnow. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. Broome, Rev. J. H. The Astral Origin of the Emblems, the Zodiacal Signs, and the Astral Hebrew Alphabet. With plate of Astral Hebrew Alphabet and a Planisphere, size 24 in. by 19 in., in pocket. 4to. cloth. E. Stanford, 1881. Bnmet's (Dr.) Theory of the Earth, Examination of. See Keill, J. Carpenter, W. B. Mechanical Philo- sophy, Horology, and Astronomy, post Svo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1857. {With Works on Mechanics.) Carrington, R. C. Observations of the Spots of the Sun from Nov. 9, 1853, to March 24, 1861, made at Redhill. 4to. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1863. 74' GEOGRAPHY, ASTEONOMY, ETC. Challis, Rev. J. Ijectures on Practical Astronomy and Astronomical Instru- ments. 8vo. cloth. Deighton & Co., Cambridge, 1879. Chaxnbers, G. F. Handbook of De- scriptive and Practical Astronomy, post Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1861. ■ Descriptive Astronomy, royal 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1867. ■ " Handbook of Descriptive Astro- nomy. 3rd edition (of above). 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1877. ■ Handbook of Descriptive and Practical Astronomy. Vol. I. The Sun, Planets, and Comets ; II. Instruments, &c.; III. The Starry Heavens. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1889-90. Cheyne, C. H. H. An Elementary Treatise on the Planetary Theory, with a Collection of Problems, crown 8vo. cloth. 1862. ■ ■ The Earth's Motion of Rotation, including the Theory of Precession and Nutation, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1867. Clark, L., and Sadler, H. The Star- Guide : a List of the most remarkable Celestial Objects Visible with Small Telescopes, with their Positions for every tenth day in the year, and other Astronomical Information, royal Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1886. Gierke, Agnes M. Popular History of Astronomy during the Nineteenth Cen- tury. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1885. Cofiin, J. H. The Orbit and Phenomena of a Meteoric Eire-Ball, seen July 20, 1860. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 16.; See Trans- actions — Washington. CroU, J. Stellar Evolution and its Re- lations to Geological Time. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1889. De la Rue, Warren. Address on the Presentation of the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society to J. C. Adams, Esq., MA. Svo. stitched. London, 1866. Drew, J. Manual of Astronomy. A Popular Treatise on Descriptive, Phy- sical, and Practical Astronomy. fcp. Svo. cloth. Bell& Daldy, 1853. Dnnkin, E. The Midnight Sky; Fa- miliar Notes on the Stars and Planets. With Thirty-two Star Maps, &c. 4to. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Eclipse (Total) of the Sun, August 7th, 1869. Svo. sewed. - — — Suggestions for Observing -^ J 8vo. Bewed. Wa^ngton, 1869. Eclipse (Total) of the Sun, Aug. 7th, 1869, Reports on Observations of the. royal 4to. cloth. Washington, 1869. Ferguson, J. Astronomy, explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles. To which are added a plain Method of Finding the Distances of all the Planets from the Sun, by the Transit of Venus over the Sun's Disc, 1761, &c. With Plates. 7th edition. Svo. calf. London, 1 785. Lectures on Select Subjects, &c. With the Use of the Globes ; the Art of Dialing ; and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and FuU Moons, &c. Svo. London, 1825. (^With Works on Mechanics.) Pleming, Sandford. Time Reckoning for the Twentieth Century. With Map on Mercator's Projection, showing the 24-hour Meridians for Regulating Standard Time. 4to. sewed. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada.) Dawson Brothers, Montreal, 1886. Plight, W. Chapter in the History of Meteorites. See Works on Geology, Mineralogy, &c. Forbes, G. The Transit of Venus, crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1874. Galbraith and Haughton. Manual of Astronomy. 2nd thousand. fcp. Svo. sewed. 1856. cloth. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. Longmans & Co., 1 857. Manual of Astronomy. 2nd edi- tion, fcp, Svo. cloth. 1868. ■ New and enlarged edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. Manual of Tides and Tidal Cur- rents. New edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1868. 4th edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1870. Galilei, Galileo. The Sidereal Messenger (Venice 1610), and part of the Preface to Kepler's Dioptrics, containing the original account of Galileo's Astrono- mical Discoveries. A Translation, with Introduction and Notes, by E. S. Carlos. Svo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1880. ' ■ Sidereus Nuncius, magna . . . spectacula pandens, . . . quae, Perspi- cilli . , . beneficio, sunt observata in Lunae facie, fixis innumeris, lacteo circulo, stellis nebulosis, apprime ver5 in quatuor planetis circa Jovis stelfam, quos Autor . . . Medicea Sidera non- cupaudos decrevit i Lon.dini, 1682. See GassenduSjP. ASTRONOMY : ENGLISH WORKS. 75 Gassendus, P. Institutio Astronomica, juxta Hypotheseis tarn Veterum quam Recentiorum (Copernici et Tychonis). Cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nun- cius Sidereus, et Johannis Eepleiri Dioptrice. Tertia editio prioribus cor- rectior. With Cuts, post 8vo. calf. London, 1682-3. Gill, Mrs. Six Months in Ascension. An Unscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition. See Works on Geo- GKAPHY. Godfiray, H. An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, with a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem before Newton. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1859. i^ 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1871. - Treatise on Astronomy. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1866. I ■■ ■' 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Goodwin, Rev. H. Elementary Chap- ters in Astronomy, from the " Astro- nomic Physique " of Biot. 8vo. sewed. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1850. Grant, R. History of Physical Astro- nomy, from the Earliest Ages to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. Comprehending a detailed Account of the Establishment of the Theory of Gravitation by Newton, &c. ( C C. E. L ., No. 2062.) 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1852. Groombridge, S. Catalogue of Cir- cumpolar Stars, reduced to Jan. 1, 1810. Edited by G. B. Airy. 4to. boards. J. Murray, 1838. Guide to the Stars, in Twelve Planispheres, for every Night in the Year. New edition. 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1857. Gnillemin, A* The Heavens. An Il- lustrated Handbook of Popular Astro- nomy. Edited by J, N. Lockyer. 4th edition. Revised by R. A. Proctor. 8vo. cloth. R. Bentley, 1871. The World of Comets. Translated and edited by J. Glaisher. royal 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1877. Gnmniere, J- Elementary Treatise on Astronomy, with Practical Problems, &c. 8vo. bound. Philadelphia, 1822. Hall, Rev. Father F. Explication of the Pyramidical Dyal set up in his Majesty's Garden at White-Hall, 1669. See Holwell, J. ; also Leyboum, W. Hall, A., and Harkness, W. Reports on the Observations of Encke's Comet during its return in 1871. 4to. sewed. ;:sr .jjrru-r Washington, 1872. Halley, E. Astronomical Tables ; with Precepts, both in English and Latin, for computing the Places of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and Comets. 4to. calf. London, 1752. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of Astronomy. 9th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1867. Treatise on Astronomy, fcp. 8vo, cloth. Longmans & Co., 1851. ■ The Telescope. (From the En- cyclopsedia Britannica.) fcp. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1861. Herschel, Sir W. His Life and Works. By E. S. Holden. post 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1881. Hill, G. W. On the part of the Motion of the Lunar Perigee which is a Func- tion of the Mean Motions of the Sun and Moon. 4to. sewed. (Acta Mathe- matica, No. 8.) Stockholm, 1886. Hind, J. R. An Introduction to Astro- nomy, to which is added an Astronomical Vocabulary, containing an Explanation of Terms in use at the present day, 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) Bell & Daldy. ■ The Comets; a Descriptive Treatise upon those Bodies, &c. crown 8vo. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. Holden, E. S. Index Catalogue of Books and Memoirs relating to Nebulse and Clusters, &c. (Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections, Vol. 14.) See Transactions— Washington. Holwell, J. Clavis Horologise; or, a Key to the whole Art of Arithmetical Dyalling. Thereunto is annexed an Ap- pendix, being the Explication of the Pyramidical Dyal set up in his Majesty's Garden at White-Hall, 1669. By Rev. Father F. HaU (1685). post 4to. calf. London, 1686. Horrox, Rev. J., Memoir of the Life and Labors of the ; to which is appended a Translation of his celebrated Discourse upon the Transit of Venus across the Sun. By the Rev. A. B. Whatton. post 8vo. cloth. Wertheim & Co., 1859. Hymers, J. The Elements of the Theory of Astronomy. 2nd edition. 8vo. boards. (C. C. E. L., No. 2090.) Cambridge, 1840. Johnson, Rev. S. J. Eclipses, Past and Future, post 8vo. cloth, stifi". J. Parker & Co., 1874. Johnston, A. K. Atlas of Astronomy. New and enlarged edition, with an Elementary Survey of the Heavens, by B. Grant, imp. 8vo. half bound. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1869. New and enlarged edition, imp. 8vo. half bound, v^jl eLvJ: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1877. 7G GEOGRAPHY, ASTKONOMY, ETC. Jones, Rev. 'G. Observations on the Zodiacal Light. See Works on Geo- graphy — Perry, Commodore M. C. Journals, Astronomical : Nautical Almanac, &c. Observatorj-, The. See Journals (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Eane, E. K. Astronomical and Tidal Observations in the Arctic Seas. (Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vols. 12 and 13.) See Transac- tions — Washington. Eeill, J. Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth ; with some Re- marks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth, &c. 2nd edition. To the whole is annexed a Dissertation on the different Figures of the Celestial Bodies, &c. By Mons. de Maupertuis. 8vo. boimd. London, 1734. Elepler, J- Dioptrice; praemissae Epis- tolae Galilsei de iis quae post editio- nem Nuncii Siderei, ope Perspicilli, in coelo deprehensa sunt; item Examen Praefationis Joanni Penae in Optica Euclidis, de usu Optices in Philosophia ; Londini, 1682. See Gassendus. EimTier, T. Elementary Astronomy : containing those portions of the Subject required for the B.A. and B.Sc. passes in the University of London, with the entire series of Questions set at these examinations. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1884. Kincaid, Rev. S. B. Introduction to Lunar Theory, post 8vo. cloth. J. Hall, Cambridge, 1879. Elein, Dr. H. J. Star Atlas : contain- ing Maps (18) of all the Stars from 1 to 6 • 5 Magnitude between the North Pole and 34° South Declination, and of all Nebulae and Star Clusters in the same region which are visible in telescopes of moderate power. With Explanatory Text. Translated by E. McCIure. 4to. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1888. ]&ardner, Dr. Handbook of Astronomy. 2nd edition, revised and edited by Edward Dunkin,F.R.A.S. post Bvo. cloth. 1860. 3rd edition . post 8 vo . cloth . James Walton, 1867. . 4th edition, revised and edited by E. Dunkin. post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1875. Popular Astronomy. 1st and 2nd Series. 12mo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1856-7. Ledger, Rev. E. The Sun : its Planets and their Satellites. A Course of Lec- tures upon the Solar System, read in Gresham College, London, 1881-82. Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1882. Leybonm, W., &c. Dialing : Plain, Concave, (]!onvex, Projective, Reflective, Refractive, shewing How to make all such Dials, and to adorn them with all useful Furniture, relating to the Course of the Sun, performed Arithmetically, Geometrically, Instrumentally, and Me- chanically. With a Brief Explication of the Pyramidical Dial, which was set up in the King's Majesty's Privy Garden at White-Hall, 1669. fcp. folio, calf. London, 1682. Lockyer, J. N. Elementary Lessons in Astronomy, fcp. 8 vo. half roan. 1868. 6th edition. fcp. Svo. 1876. cloth. Stereotyped edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1886. Questions on, by J. Forbes Robertson. ISmo. cloth, limp. 1870. Contributions to Solar Physics. 8vo. cloth. 1874. izing: Past and Present. 8vo. cloth. 1878. The Chemistry of the Sun. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1 887 . Recent Researches into the Chemical Constitution of the Sun ; Lecture at Glasgow, Dec. 1875. fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1876. Loomis, Elias. Introduction to Practical Astronomy. 5th edition, royal 8vo. bound. Harper & Brothers, New York, 1863. Lynn, W. T. Celestial Motions : a Handy Book of Astronomy. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1885. ■ 6th edition, revised and rearranged, fcp. Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1889. Main, Rev. R. Rudimentary Astro- nomy. 3rd edition, revised by W.T.Lynn. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Manpertnis, Mons. Dissertations on the different Figures of the Celestial Bodies, &c. Svo. See Keill, J. Molesworth, Rev. W. N. Plain Lectures on Astronomy, crown Svo. stiff wrapper. Simpkin & Co. Moon (The) is the Image of the Earth, and is not a Solid Body. By "The Longitude'* (Maj. General Bulstrode Bygrave). 5 Pamphlets in one vol. Svo. half roan. Calcutta, 1856-8. ASTRONOMY : ENGLISH WORKS. 77 IflCoore, Francis. Vox Stellarum: or, a Loyal Almanack for the Year of Human Redemption MDCCLXXXIU. fcp. 8vo. stitched. {Brooke Collection.) Printed for the Stationers Company. mCorland, Sir S. The Poor Man's Dyal, with an Instrument to Set it. Made applicable to any place in England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. 4to. boards. (Reprint.) 1689. Morley, W. H. Description of a Planispheric Astrolabe, constructed for Shkh Sultan Husain Safawi, and now- preserved in the British Museum ; com- prising an Account of the Astrolabe generally, with Notes Illustrative and Explanatory ; to which are added con- cise Notices of Twelve other Astrolabes, Eastern and European, hitherto unde- scribed, broad foHo. sewed. Williams & Norgate, 1856. jDflCoseley, Rev. H. Lectures on Astro- nomy, delivered at King's College, London. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1854. — — Astro-Theology. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. A. Varnham & Son, 1851. ■ . 3rd edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Nasmyth and Carpenter. The Moon ; considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite. 4to. cloth. J. Murray, 1874. KTeisoxi, E. The Moon, and the Con- dition and Configurations of its Surface. Illustrated. 8to. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. S. Popular Astronomy. 1878. . 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1883. Newcomby S. On the Right Ascen- sions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars. 4to. sewed. Washington, 1872. Investigation of Corrections to Hansen's Tables of the Moon, &c. 4to. sewed. Washington, 1876. Investigation of the Orbit of Uranus, with General Tables of its Motion. — General Integrals of Planetary Motion. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vols. 19, 21.) -See Transactions — Washington. liTewton, Sir I. Principia. 5ee Works on Mathematics (^General Treatises). Nichol, J. P. The Architecture of the Heavens. 9th edition. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. L., No. 850.) H. Bailliere, 1851. Norton, W. A. An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy, designed as a Text Book in Colleges, royal Svo. bd. J. Wiley, New York, 1852. Newcomb, 8vo. cloth. Observational Astronomy and Guide to the Use of the Telescope. Edited by J. T. Slugg. post 8vo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1862. Observatories, List of the various. See Transactions— Washington— Smithsonian Institution — Report for 1886. Pt. I. p. 367. Oliver, J. A. W. Astronomy for Amateurs. A Practical Manual of Telescopic Research in all Latitudes, adapted to the powers of Moderate Instruments, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1888. Feck, W. The Coming Transit of Venus on Dec. 6, 1882. Illustrated with Charts and Diagrams, royal 8vo. sewed. Archibald 8s Peck, Edinburgh, 1882. Penrose, F. C. On a Method of Pre- dicting by Graphical Construction Occultations of Stars by the Moon and Solar Eclipses, for any given place, &c. folio, cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Fhipson, T. L. Meteors, Aerolites and Falling Stars, post 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1867. Flayfair, J. Outlines of Natural Philo- sophy — Astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814-16. (JViih Works on Physics — General Treatises.) Plurality of Worlds, Of the ; An Essay. Also, a Dialogue on the same Subject. [By W. Whewell.] Fourth edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1855. Proctor, R. A. Half-Hours with the Telescope, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1868. Half-Hours with the Stars. 4th edition. 4to. boards. R. Hardwicke, 1873. Saturn and its System. 8vo. cloth. 1865. Hand Book of the Stars, &c. Illustrated by Maps and Diagrams, post 8vo. cloth. 1866. Other Worlds than Ours ; the Plurality of Worlds Studied under the Light of Recent Scientific Researches, crown 8vo. cloth. 1870. The Sun ; Ruler, Fire, Light, and Life of the Planetary System. 8vo. cloth. J 87 1. — — New Star Atlas, in Twelve Circu- lar Maps. Intended as a Companion to Webb's " Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes." Svo. cloth. 1872. Essays on Astronomy. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. 78 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Proctor, R. A. The Moon ; her Mo- tions, Aspect, Scenery, and Physical Condition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1873. .. The Transits of Venus, post 8vo. cloth. 1874. ■ I . The Universe and the Coming Transits. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. . . The Expanse of Heaven. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1874. — -^— Our Place among Infinities. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1876. ■ The Border Land of Science, crown 8vo. cloth. 1873. ■ I II. ■ Science Byways, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1875. cloth. Easy Star Lessons. post 8vo. 1881. — — — — The Universe of Suns, and other Science Gleanings, post 8vo. cloth. Chatto & Windus, 1884. — ■ Light Science for Leisure Hours. 3 vols. 8vo. Longmans & Co., 1871-83. (With Works on Physics — General Treatises.') » Treatise on the Cycloid and all forms of Cycloidal Curves and on the use of such curves in dealing with the Motions of Planets, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. {With Works on Geometry.) Xlambaxit, A. A Note on some Japanese Clocks lately purchased for the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. See Works on Mechanics. Bambosson, J. Astronomy. Trans- lated by C. B. Pitman. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1875. Reddie, Jas. The Mechanics of the Heavens. 8vo. sewed. R. Hardwicke, 1862. Beicliexibach, O. Two Planets beyond Neptune and the Motion of the Solar System. A Speculation. 8vo. stitched. Wertheimer & Co., 1875. Robertson, J. E. Questions on Lockyer's "Elementary Lessons in Astronomy." See Lockyer, J. N. Sollwyn, J. A. S. Astronomy, Simpli- fied for General Reading, with New Explanations and Discoveries in Spec- trum Analysis, &c. 8vo. cloth. W.Tegg [1870]. Smyth, Admiral W. H. The Cycle of Celestial Objects continued at the Hart- well Observatory to 1859, with a notice of recent discoveries, including details from CEdes Hartwellianse. 4to. cloth. J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1860. Sm3rth, Professor C. Piazzi. On a Simplification of the Instruments employed in Geographical Astronomy. Extract from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, January 17th, 1853. 8vo. stitched. Spectrum Analysis, Treatises on. See Works on Optics. Tebbutt, J. History and Description of Mr. Tebbutt's Observatory, Windsor, New South Wales. 8vo. sewed. J. Cook & Co., Sydney, 1887. Tennant, Lieut. -Col. J. F. Report on Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on Dec. 11-12, 1871. Made by order of the Government of India at Dodabetta, near Ootacamund. (From the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 42, 1875.) 4to. sewed. Spottiswoode & Co., 1875. Tides, The. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Todhunter, I. History of the Mathe- matical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Macmillan & Co., 1873. (With Mathematics — General Trea^ Uses.") Tomlinsou, Rev. C. Recreations in Astronomy. 6th edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1858. Transactions, &c., of Astro- nomical Societies : Edinburgh. — Royal Observatory. London. — Royal Astronomical So- ciety. See Transactions (Catalogub or Scientific Periodicals). Transit of Venus in 1874, Papers relating to the. 2 parts. 4to. sewed. Washington, 1872. Transit of Venus Expedition, 1874-5, Account of the Petrological, Botanical, &c. Collections made in Ker- guelen's Land and Rodriguez during the, (Royal Society's Transactions, Vol. 168.) See Transactions — London. United States Naval Observatory, Patent Office and Smithsonian Institu- tion Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, &c. See Works on Meteorology. Webb, Rev. T. W. Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1868. ' '■ 3rd edition. post 8to. cloth. 1873. — — — 4th edition, post 8vo. eloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. — — — Star Atlas to Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. See Proctor, R.A. ASTRONOMY: FOREIGN WORKS. 79 Whewell, W., D.D. Astronomy and General Physics, considered with refe- rence to Natural Theology. 3rd edition. 8vo. half calf. (The Bndgewater Treatise.) London, 1834. » ___— — New edition with new Preface, fcp. Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1865. ■ Original edition. (^With Works on General Natural His- tory — Bridge water Treatises.) Whiston's (Mr.) New Theoiy of the Earth, Remarks on. See Keill, J. Wilcocks, A. An Essay on the Tides ; Theory of the Two Forces, fcp. Svo. half bound. 1855. — — — Thoughts on the Influence of Ether in the Solar System, royal 4to. sewed. 1864. — Reflections upon the Nature of the Temporary Star of the year 1572. An application of the Nebular Hypothesis, crown 4to. sewed. Philadelphia, 1860. Wilson, Dr. G. Electricity, &c.— The Chemistry of the Stars, &c. Svo. Longmans & Co., 1854. (^With Works on Electricity.) Win^, "Vincent. Harmonicon Coeleste : or the Coelestiall Harmony of the Visible World : containing an absolute and entire Piece of Astronomic, sm. folio, calf. (Imperfect.) (^Brooke Collec- tion.) London, 1651. WoUaston, F. Fasciculus Astro- nomicus, containing Observations of the Northern Circumpolar Region; together with some account of the instrument with which they were made : and a new set of Tables. 4to. half calf. London, 1800. 701Ulg, C. A. The Sun. post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1882. — — — Text-Book of General Astronomy. Svo. half bound. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1888. FOBEIGN TBEATISES. Alfonso X. (D.) de Castilla. Libros del Saber de Astronomia. A Reproduction of the Astronomical Works of King Alfonso X. of Castile : An Account of the Constellations, Astronomica,l Instru- ments, and Science of the 13th Century. Annotated by Don Manuel Rico y Sinobas. 5 vols, broad folio, boards. Madrid, 1863-7. Angstrom, A. J. Recherches sur le Spectre Solaire. 4to. half calf. W. Schultz, Upsal, 1869. Becker, E. Die Sonne und die Planeten. post 8vo. cloth. (Das Wissen der Gegenwart.) G. Freytag, Leipzig, 1883. Berthoud, F. Histoire de la Mesupe du Temps par les Horloges. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1802. {With Foreign Works on Manu- factures, &c.) Bioty J. B. Traite Elementaire d' Astro- nomic Physique. Additions relatives h. I'Astromie Nautique, par M. de Rossel. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Svo. half calf. Klostermann, Paris, 1810. Caspari, E. Cours d' Astronomic Pra- tique. Application h, la Geographic et a la Navigation. 2 parts. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1888-89. Chabirand, B., and Branlt, L. Traite d' Astronomic et de Meteorologie appliquees a la Navigation. See Works on Navigation. Ckappe d'Auteroche, Abbe. Voyage en Califomie, pour I'Observation du Passage de Venus sur le Disque du Soleil, le 3 Juin 1769.— Observations Astronomiques. —Histoire abregee de la Parallaxe du Soleil. See Works on Geography {French). Chanlnes, Le Due de. Instruments de Mathematique et d' Astronomic (Arts et et Metiers, Vol. XXI.). foho. Paris. (With Foreign Works on Manu- factures, &c.) Cortambert, E. Elements de Cosmo- graphie. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1859. Physiographic. See English Work* on Geography, under Physiography. Conlvier-Gravier et Saigey. Re- cherches sur les Etoiles Filantes. royal Svo. sewed Hachette & Co., 1847. Delannay, M. Rapport sur les Progrfes de I'Astronomie en France, imp. Svo. Paris, 1867. {With Reports, &c. on Education — France — Lettres, &c.) Faye, H. Cours d'Astronomie de TEcole Poly technique. Parts I. and II. royal Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1881-3. Fajre, M. LcQons de Cosmographie. With Plates. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1854. Flammarion, C. Les Merveilles Celestes, post Svo. {Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. Astronomic Populaire. With Plates, imp. Svo. half roan. 1880. Les :6toiles et les Curiosites du Ciel. Supplements to above. With Plates, imp. Svo. half roan. Marpon & Flammarion, Paris, 1882. Francoenr, L. B. Uranographie, ou Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie. Svo. half calf. Bechet, Paris, 1812 80 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Galilei, Galileo. Opere. In questa nuova editione insiemi raccolte e di varij trattati non piu stampati accre- sciuti. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Bologna, 1655-6. [This copy once belonged to Buffon, and bears his autograph on the half title of Vol. 1 and the title of Vol. 2. It was bought at Mira- beau's sale.] Cfarcet, M. H. Lemons nouvelles de Cosmographie. 8vo. calf. Dezobry, Paris, 1853. Gnericke (Ottonis de) Experimenta Nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de Vacuo Spatio. — De Systemate Mundi Planetario, etc. See Works on Physics — General Treatises. Guillemin, A. LaLune 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. 1868. . Le Ciel: Notions elementaires d' Astronomic physique. With Plates. -- 5th edition, revised and enlarged, imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1877. • Elements des Cosmographie. 12nio. Hachette & Co., 1868. {With Works on Physics — General Treatises.') Haan, F. G. Die Gestirne. The Stars of the Northern and Southern Hemi- spheres, represented on two sheets. Leipzig, 1853. Hassenfratz, J. H. Cours de Phy- sique Celeste. 8vo. half ca f. Paris, 1803. Eevelins, J. Selenographia : sive, Lunae Descriptio; In qu4 simul caste- rorum omnium Planetarum nativa facies, variseque observationes, prse- sertim autem Macularum Solarium, &c. folio, vellum. Gedani (Dantzig), 1647. Hirn, G. A. Constitution de I'Espace Celeste. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. Hoiizeau, J. C, and Lancaster, A. Bibliographic Generalede I'Astronomie; ou, Catalogue Methodique des Ouvrages, des Memoires, et des Observations Astronomiques publics depuis I'Origine de I'Imprimerie jusqu'en 1880. imp. 8vo. half morocco. Tome I. Ouvrages imprimes et Manu- scrits. Parties 1« et 2« (Avec Notes Biographi- ques de J. C. Houzeau.) 1887-9. II. Memoires et Notices. Parties l«et 2«. 1882. F. Hayez, Brussels. Journals, Astronomical (Foreign): Astronomic (L'). Revue d' Astro- nomic Populaire, &c. Astronomische Nachrichten. Bulletin Astronomique. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques et Astronomiques. See Journals, &c. (Catalogue or Scientific Periodicals). Earn, Dr. N. M. Catalog von Sternen deren Orter durch selbstandige Meridian- Beobachtungen bestimmt worden sind, aus Band 1 bis 66 der Astronomischen Nachrichten, reducirt auf 1855.0. 4to. sewed. J. Miiller, Amsterdam, 1885. Eonkoly, N. von. Praktische Anleitung zur Anstellung Astronomischer Beobacht- ungen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Astrophysik. Nebst einer Modemen Instrumentenkunde. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1883. ■ Practische Anleitung zur Himmels- photographie, u.s.w. 8vo. W. Knapp, Halle a. S., 1887. ( With Works on Photogkaphy.) Laplace, (Euvres Completes de, publiees sous les Auspices de I'Academie des Sciences, par MM. les Secretaires perpe- tuels. Tomes I.-VII. 4to. halfjmorocco. Tomes I.-V. Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 4« edition, re- imprimee d'apres I'edi- tion princeps de 1798- 1825. 1878-82. VI. Exposition du Systeme du Monde. 6* edition. 1884. VII. Theorie Analytique des Probabilites. 3* edi- tion. 1886. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1878-86. Le Monnier. Instruments d' Astro- nomic (Arts et Metiers, Vol. 21.) folio. Paris. (JVith Foreign Works on Manu- factures, &c.) Madler, Dr. Astronomic (Die gesamm- ten Naturwissenschaften, Vol. III.) 8vo. Badeker, Essen, 1877. (J¥ith Works on Physics — General Treatises.) Margolin et Zurcher. Les Meteor- ites. 3rd edition, post 8vo. {Biblio' thhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. Mayer, E. Die Hilfsmittel de Schif- fahrtskunde zur Zeit der Grossen Land- erentdeckungen. See Works on Navi- gation. Meucci, F. La Sfera Armillare di Tolomeo costruita da Antonio Santucci. On the Armillary Sphere to illustrate the Ptolemaic System of Astronomy, constructed by A. Santucci in 1588, and now preserved in the Museo di Fisica e di Storia Naturale, Florence. 8vo. sewed. Florence, 1876. ASTRONOMY I FOREIGN WORKS. 81 BCuller, J. Lehrbuch der Kosmischen Physik. 2 vols. 8vo. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1883. (^With Works on Physics — General Treatises.^ Obsexrvatoire de Paris. Rapport Annuel, pour I'annee, 1884-1888. Par M. le Contre-Amiral Mouchez. 5 parts. 4to. sewed. 1885-89. ■ Atlas Meteorologique de, 1872-74. broad folio, sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1875. Bulletin Astronomique. See Journals. Palermo, Boyal Observatory of. Publications of the : Piazzi, G. Delia Specola Astro- noniica de' Regj Studj di Palermo. 1 vol. folio, boards. Palermo, 1792-1806. — Catalogus. Prsecipuarum Stellarum Inerrantium Positiones Mediae ineunte Seculo XIX., ab anno 1792 ad annum 1802. folio, cloth. Palermo, 1803. Cacciatore, N. De redigendis ad unicam seriem comparabilem me- teorologicis ubique factis observa- tionibus conventio proposita et tabulae supputataj. 4to. half bound. Palermo, 1832. Bullettino Meteorologico del Reale Osservatorio di Palermo. Anno VII. Vol. VII. 1871. 4to. boards. Palermo. Perrotin, J. Visite k divers Observa- toires d'Europe. Notes de Voyage. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1881. Petchoriu. Astronomical Atlas. In Russian, post 4to. boards. (From the Pedagogical Museum^ St. Petersburg.) St. Petersburg, 1862. PlessiXy H. L' Astronomic de la Jeunesse. 12mo. sewed. E. Plon & Co., Paris, 1878. Polarforschung, Die Interna* tionale, 1882-1883— Astrono- mic; Polarlicht, &c. See Works on Geography (^German). Quetelet, A. Elements d* Astronomic. 3rd edition. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1847. Saavedra, E. Astrolabios Arabes. Memoirs on the Arabic Astrolabes pre- served in the National Archeological Museum, Madrid, fol. sewed. (" Museo Espanol de Antigiiedades.") Madrid, 1876. [^JReproductions of these Astrolabes are in the Science Collections, S. K. M.} B 61668. St. Galler Kantonsschule, Ueber die Astronomisch-Geographische Saule im Hofe der. royal 4to. St. Gallen. (^With Repokts on Education — Switzerland.) Sainte-Prenve, B. Notions de Cos- mographie. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1857. Sawicki, S. I. Idees NouveUes sur la Creation, la Vie, et la Mort des Corps Celestes, &c. 8vo. sewed. Cahors, 1873. Schoedler, Dr. F. Das Buch der Natur. Astronomic, &c. See Work$ on Physics — General Treatises. Secchi. A. Le Soleil. Text, 2 Parts, royal 8vo. Atlas (to Part I.), 4to, 2nd edition, sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1875-7. SisoJGf. Astronomical Atlas. (In Rus- sian.) oblong 4to. sewed. (From the Pedagogical Museum^ St. Petersburg.) St. Petersburg, 1875. Tisserand. F. Traite de Mecanique Celeste. Tome I. Perturbations des Plan^tes d'apres la Methode de la Variation des Constantes arbitraires. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. Transactions, &c. of Astrono- mical Societies (Foreign) :— Leipzig. — Astronomische Gesell- schaft. O'Gyalla. — Astrophysikalisches.Ob- servatorium. Paris. — Bureau des Longitudes. An- nuaire. Turin. — R. Osservatorio del R. Uni- versity. See Transactions, &c. (Cata- logue OF Scientific Periodicals), Tschermak, G. Die mikroskopische Beschaffeuheit der Meteoriten, erlautert durch photographische Abbildungen. Lieferung, 1, 2, 3. Photographs on mounts, with Text, in sheets. In three lettered portfolios, royal 4to. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1883-5. Tychonis Br ahe Opera: Astronomies Instauratse Progymnasmata. 2 vols. 1610.— De Mundi iEtherei Phaeno- menis liber II., 1603 — Epistolarum As- tronomicarum libri, 1610. Together, 4 vols, post 4to. old calf. Uranienburg. Wolf, R. Geschichte der Astronomie. 8vo. half morocco. (Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1 877. ■. ■ Handbuch der Astronomie ; ihrer Geschichte und Litteratur. Vol. 1. Bvo. sewed. Zurich, 1890. 82 GEOGRAPHY, ASl^RONOMT, ETC. Wolff, J. T. Photometrische Beobacht- ungen an Fixsterneu aus den Jahren 1876 bis 1883. imp. 8vo. boards. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1884. Zech, Br. Himmel und Erde. fop. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) E. Oldenbcurg, Munich, 1870. Zenger, K. W. Die Meteorologie der Sonne und ihres Systemes. 8vo. sewed. A. Hartleben, Vienna, 1886. Zolluer, J. C. F. Ueber die Natur der Cometen. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1872. Solar Physics Collection : — Actinometric Observations at Leh. Note on preliminary observations by J . B. N. Hennessey. 4to. sewed. [1884.] Adelaide Observatory, Meteorological Observations made at the, during 1879, under the direction of C. Todd. fcp. folio, stiff covers. Adelaide, 1881. Ball, R. S. Determination of the Annual Parallax of 6 Cygni B = 2 2486. 4to. stitched. (Reprinted from " Copernicus," Vol. II.) A. Thom & Co., Dublin. Bureau des Longitudes. Annuaire pour I'an 1879. Notice sur les Progres recents de la Physique solaire. Par J. Janssen. fcp. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. Finley, J. P. Report on the Character of Six Hundred Tornadoes. (Pro- fessional Papers of the Signal Service, No. VII.) 4to. sewed. Washington, 1882. Tornado Studies for 1884. (Professional Papers of the Signal Service, No. XVI,) 4to. sewed. Washington, 1885. Greenwich, Royal Observatory, Ap- pendix to Observations, 1836. By Sir G. B. Airy, Containing I. Bes- sels' Refraction Tables ; II. Table of Factors for converting Errors of Right Ascension and North Polar Distance into Errors of Longitude and Echptic Polar Distance, royal 4to. cloth. J, Murray, 1837. Appendix to Observations, 1884, Diagrams representing the Diurnal Change in Magnitude and Directiim of the Magnetic Forces in the Horizontal Plane, for each month of the several years 1841 to 1876, By SirG, B. Airy. 4to, boards. Solar Physics Collection— com^ Greenwich Royal Observatory, Me- teorological Reductions, 1847-1873, Reduction of Twenty Years' Photo- graphic Records of the Barometer (1854-1873) and Dry Bulb and Wet-Bulb Thermometers (1849- 1868) and Twenty Seven Years' Observations of the Earth Ther- mometers (1847-1873), 4to,cloth. H.M. Printers, 1878. Spectroscopic and Photogra- phic Results, 1882-86. 5 parts. 4to, boards. Hazen, H, A. Thermometer Ex- posure, (Professional Papers of the Signal Service, No, XVHI,) 4to. sewed. Washington, 1885. Hongkong Observatory. Observa- tions and Researches, 1884-1888. By W, Doberck. 5 parts, fcp. folio, sewed. Noronha & Co., Hongkong, 1885-89. India, Meteorological Department of the Government, Report on the Administration in 1879-80. imp. 4to. sewed. Government Central Press, 1880. Jones, J. The Sun a Magnet, post 8vo. cloth. J. Leng & Co., Dundee, 1880. - Undulation of the Sun's Magnetic Nucleus, post 8vo. sewed. J. Leng & Co., Dundee, 1880. Madras Observatory (Hon, East India Company's), Magnetical Observations made at the, under the Superintendence of W. S. Jacob, in the years 1851-1855. 4to. cloth. Madras, 1884. Madras, Government Observatory, Telegraphic Determinations of the Difference of Longitude between Karachi, Avanshi, Roorkee, Pondi- cherry, Colombo, Jaffna, Muddapur and Singapore and the. By N. R. Pogson. 4to. cloth. Madras, 1884. Madras, Government Observatory. Results of Observations of the Fixed Stars made with the Meridian Cu-cle, in the years 1862-67. Under the direction of N. R. Pog- son. 2 vols, 4to, cloth. Madras, 1887-8. Magnetical Observatory (Hon. East India Company's) at Singapore. Magnetical Observations, by Capt, C, M, Elliot, in the years 1841- 1845, 4to. board?, Madras, 1851, Mauritius, Royal Alfred Observatory, Annual Report of the Director for the year 1886 and 1887. 2 parts, fcp. folio, sewed. Meteorological Results for 1886, 1887, and 1888, 3 parts, fcp. folio, stitched. NAVIGATION. 83 Solar Physics Collection— conf. Meldrum, C. Weather, Health, and Forests : a Report on the In- equalities of the Mortality from Malarial Fever and other Diseases, in Mauritius, considered in relation to the Inequalities of Temperature, Humidity and Rainfall ; on a possible Periodicity of Mortality related to the Eleven-Year Periodi- city of Solar Activity ; and on the Climatic and other eflfects of forests, fcp. folio, sewed. Mauritius, 1881. l^ice, L'Observatoire de. Annales. Par M. Perrotin. Tome II. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1887. Perry, S. J. Notes on the Solar Surface of 1887. 8vo. sewed. [1888.] Prague, K. K. Sternwarte. Astro- nomische Beobachtungen, 1884-7, enthaltend Originalzeichungen des Mondes. Herausgegeben von Pro- fessor Dr. L. Weinek. 2 vols. 4to. boards. Prague, 1886-90. Magnetische und Meteorolo- gische Beobachtungen, im Jahre 1883 und 1886. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. L. Weinek. 2 parts. 4to. sewed. Prague. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents for 1882 and 1886. Part 1. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1884-9. Smyth, Prof. P. Notice of the Com- pletion of the New Rock Ther- mometers at the Royal Observa- tory, Edinburgh, and what they are for. (Rock Thermometers and Solar Cyclical Seasons at Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 1836-80.) 4to. sewed. Solar Physics Committee, appointed by the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. First and Second Report. 8vo. sewed. H.M. Printers, 1882, 1889. Stonyhurst College Observatory. Results of the Meteorological and Magnetical Observations, 1885- 1887. By the Rev. S. J. Perry. 3 parts, post 8vo. sewed. Roehampton, 1886-88. Stewart, Professor B. Preliminary Report to the Solar Physics Com- mittee on a Comparison for Two Years between the Diurnal Ranges of Tilagnetic Declination, as recorded at the Kew Observatory, and the Diurnal Ranges of Atmospheric Temperature, as recorded at the Observatories of Stonyhurst, Kew, and Falmouth. 8vo. stitched. On an Instrument for Mea- suring the Direct Heat of the Smi. 8vo. sewed. Taylor & Francis,1877. Solar Physics Collection— con^ Thalen, R. Sur le Spectre du Fer obtenu k I'Aide de I'Arc Electrique. 4to. sewed. Upsala, 1885. Trieste. Osservatorio Marittimo. Rapporto annuale, 1884, 1885, & 1886. OsservazioniMeteorologiche, Mareognifiche e Fenologiche, &c. Redatto da F. Osnaghi. 4to. sewed. Trieste, 1886-89. United States. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secre- tary of War, for 1880. 2 parts. 8vo. sewed. Washington, 1881. See also Finley, J. P., and Hazen, H.A. Vienna. K. K. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmag- netismus. Jahrbiicher. Jahrgange 1881-87. Neue Folge. Band XVm.-XXIV. 4to. sewed. Vienna, 1882-88. Magnetische Beobachtungen. 1879-1882. 2 parts. 4to. stitched. Wilna Observatory Report, 1871. In Russian. 8vo. sewed. (For translation of portion bear- ing on Solar Phenomena, see First Report by Committee on Solar Physics, Appendix D.) NAVIGATION. See also Naval Architecture. Bergen, W. C. Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 4th edition, royal 8vo. bound. 1 876. Seamanship. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. Simpkin & Co., 1876. Bethnne, Admiral. Handy Book of Navigation. 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1877. Bowditch, N. The New American Practical Navigator ; with an Appendix. royal 8vo. bound. Washington, 1868. Brady, W. The Kedge- Anchor ; or Young Sailor's Assistant. 9th edition, royal 8vo. cloth. New York ; S. Low & Co., 1857. Bntler, E. Tables for the Use of Beginners in Trigonometry and Naviga- tion. 12mo. sewed. A Thorn, Dublin, 1867. Caspari, E. Cours d'Astrcnomie Pratique. Application k la Geographie et k la Navigation. See Works on Astronomy — Foreign. Chabirand, G., and Branlt, L. Traits d'Astronomie et de Meteorologie ap- pliquees k la Navigation. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. A. Bertrand, Paris, 1877-8. F 2 84 GEOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. Deutsche Seewarte. Segelhandbuch fiir den Atlantischen Ozean. imp. 8vo. cloth. 1885. ■ — Der Kompass an Bord. Ein Handbuch fiir Fiihrer von Eisernen Schiffen. imp. 8vo. cloth. L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg, 1889. English Pilot, The. Describing the Sea-Coasts, Headlands, Bays, Roads, Rivers and Ports ; together with the Soundings, Sands, Rocks, and Dangers in the whole Mediterranean Sea ; the Setting of the Tides and Currents, and Prospects of Land, &c. Miche- lott, H. Directions for the Mediter- ranean Pilot. Translated from the French, by J. Adams, 1795. In one vol. royal folio, half roan. London, 1786. £vaus, F. J. Elementary Manual for the Deviations of the Compass in Iron Ships, royal 8vo. cloth, limp. J. D. Potter, 1870. Evans, F. J., and Smith, A. Admir- alty Manual for the Deviation of the Compass. 3rd edition, royal 8vo. cloth, limp. J. D. Potter, 1869. Evers, H. Navigation ; with Great Circle Sailing, and Examples and Exercises. New edition. 18mo. cloth, «tiff. (Gleig's School Series.) 1866. ■ New edition. 18mo. cloth, Longmans & Co. stiff. — — — Theory and Practice of Navigation, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) 1873. — — Navigation in Theory and Prac- tice, post 8vo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) 1875. — — ' — Elementary Treatise on Nautical Astronomy, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Ele- mentary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1873. Paye, H. Cours d'Astronomie de I'Ecole Polytechnique. — Navigation, &c. See Works on AsTROKOMY (^Foreigti). Galbraith and Hanghton. Manual of Tides and Tidal Currents. See Works on Astronomy. Gravidre, J. de la. Les Marins du XV* etdu XVP Siecle. La Marine des Anciens. See French Works on Gbogkaphy, &c. Greenwood, J. Rudimentary Treatise on Navigation, with Directions for Great Circle Sailing, &c. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth, stifE. J. Weale, 1856. — 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth, J. Weale, 1857. stiff. Greenwood, J., and Rosser, W. H. The Sailor's Sea-Book. A Rudimentary Treatise on Navigation. New edition. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1879. Harbord, Rev. J. B. Glossary of Navigation, post 8vo. cloth. 1863. — — Definitions in Astronomy and Navigation Made Easy, post 8vo. cloth, limp. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1865. Harris, J- Navigantium atque Itiner- antium Bibliotheca; or, a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels. To which is prefixed an Account of Ancient Shipping, successive improvements, together with Invention and Use of the Magnet. See Works on Geography. Hanghton, Rev. S. On the Tides and Tidal Currents of the Irish Sea and English Channel. 8vo. sewed. University Press, Dublm, 1858. Henessey, E. J. Manual for the Use of Candidates requiring a Certificate of Competency as Mates and Ordinary Masters. 8vo. cloth. Leslie & Maule, Aberdeen, 1859. Inman, Rev. J. Navigation and Nau- tical Astronomy for the use of British Seamen. 9th edition, royal 8vo. half bound. (C. C. E. L., No. 2021.) Rivingtons, 1854. Nautical Tables, designated for the Use of British Seamen. New edition, revised by the Rev. J. W. Inman. royal 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1870. Jeans, H. W. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1853. ■ Navigation and Nautical Astro- nomy. 2 parts, post 8vo. cloth, Longmans & Co., 1858-9. Law and Young. Mathematical and Nautical Tables. 12mo. C. Lockwood & Co., 1879. (With Works on Logarithms.) IiUCas, W. Tables for Finding the Longitude by the Meridian Altitude at Sea, Without the Aid of a Chronometer, royal 8vo. cloth. Journal Ofiice, Swansea, 1864. Mayer, E. Die Hilfsmittel der Schif- f ahrtskunde zur Zeit der Grossen Land- erentdeckungen. 8vo. sewed. Ceroid, Vienna, 1879. Mayne, Capt. R. C. Practical Notes on Marine Surveying and Nautical As- tronomy. 8vo. cloth. J. D.Potter, 1874. Merrifield, J. Magnetism and Devia- tion of the Compass. 18mo. cloth, limp. 1872. Treatise on Navigation, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1883. — — — Treatise on Nautical Astronomy for the Use of Students, post Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1886. NAVIGATION, 85 Merrifield, J., and Evers, H. Navi- gation and Nautical Astronomy (Prac- tical, Theoretical, Scientific), for the use of Students and Practical Men. 8vo. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1868. Michelott. Directions for the Mediter- ranean Pilot. See English Pilot. JTares, Capt. Sir G. S. Seamanship. 6th edition, revised by Lieut. A. C. B. Bromley. 8vo. cloth. Griffin & Co., Portsmouth, 1882. If autical Almanac and Astronomical ,, Ephemeris for the Years 1855 and 1861 and onwards. See Joiiruals. Navigation and Nautical Astro- nomy, Kules and Formulse in. (For the Use of the Cadets of Training Ship "Worcester," Erith.) 4 pp. on card. 8vo. Longmans & Co. New-House, Capt. Dan. The Whole Art of Navigation, &c., in a Dialogue between a Tutor and his Scholar. 3rd edition, post 4to. bound. London, 1708. Parson, G. Elementary Magnetism, and the Local Attraction of Ship's (jom- passes, adapted for the Use of Navi- gators, &c. post 8vo. stiff wrapper. Simpkin & Co. Pryde, J. Navigation, post 8vo. cloth. W. & E. Chambers, 1867. Raper, Lieut. H. Practice of Naviga- tion and Nautical Astronomy. 6th edition, royal 8vo. bound. J. D. Potter, 1857. Hiddle, J. Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 7th edition. 8vo. cloth. — — ' Tables to. 8vo. cloth. E. Law, 1859. Rios, J. de Mendoza. Complete Collec- tion of Tables for Navigation and Nau- tical Astronomy. 2nd edition. 4to. calf. London, 1809. Robinson, Rev. J. L. Treatise on Marine Surveying. Prepared for the Use of Younger Naval Officers. With Questions for Examination and Exercise, principally from the Papers of the Royal Naval College, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. IlOSS, Sir J. Treatise on Navigation by Steam. 4to. 2nd edition. J. Weale, 1837. (JVith Works on Naval Archi- tecture.) Bosser, W. H. Mariner's Daily Assist- ant and General Guide to Navigation and Nautical Astronomy for Short Voyages, with all the requisite Tables. New edition, royal 8vo. bound. 1865. ■ " Nautical Logarithmic and Astro- nomical Tables. 8vo. cloth, stiff. J. Imray 8c Son, 1865. Sailing Directions for the Naviga- tion of England, and for a Voyage to the Straits of Gibraltar. (From a 15th century MS.) Edited by J. Gairdner ; and a Glossary by E. D. Morgan. 8vo. cloth. (No. 79). HakluT/t Societi/,18S9. Savery, T. Navigation Improv'd : or, the Art of Rowing Ships of all Rates, in Calms, with a more Easj', Swift, and Steady Motion, than Oars can. Also, a Description of the Engine that per- forms it, &c. 4to. half vellum. (Re- print.) London, 1698. Scoresby, Rev. W. Journal of a Voy- age to Australia, and round the World, for Magnetical Research. Edited by A. Smith. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1859, Sellers, J. Pocket-Book, &c.— Navi- gation. 18mo, London, 1685. (^With Works on Arithmetic.) Thompson, C. W. Manual of the Sextant. Containing Instructions for its use in Determining Time, Latitude and Longitude, and the Variation of the Compass. 8 vo. cloth. J.Bumpus, 1887. Thomson, D. Lunar and Horary Tables, for New and Concise Methods of performing the Calculations neces- sary for ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations or Chronometers ; with Directions for acquiring a know- ledge of the principal Fixed Stars, and Finding the Latitude by them. 49th edition, royal, Svo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1855. Thomson, Sir W. Lecture on Navi- gation, November 1875, at Glasgow, post 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1876. Tides, The. See Works on Astronomy. Towson, J. T. Practical Information on the Deviation of the Compass ; for the Use of Masters and Mates of Iron Ships, royal Svo. sewed. H.M. Printers, 1863. United States Lighthouse Board. Report. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1852, Yonge's History of the British Navy, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo. R. Bentley, 1863. {With Works on History of England.) Tonng, J. R. The Theory and Prac- tice of Navigation and Nautical Astro-, nomy. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences.] cr. Svo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1856. Navigation and Nautical Astro- nomy. 12mo. cloth, limp. 1858. ' Tables to. 12mo. cloth, limp. J. Weale, 1859. 86 GEOGRAPHTi ASTRONOMY, ETC. SUBVETING. Aiuslie, J- Treatise on Land Survey- ing. New edition, embracing Railway, Military, Marine, and Geodetical Sur- veying, by W. Galbraith. 8vo. cloth. Plates, oblong 4to. cloth. (C C. E. X., No8. 1030, 1031.) W. Blackwood & Sons, 1849. An.dr6f G. G. The Draughtman's Handbook of Plan and Map Drawing, &c. 4to. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1874. Arman's Ready Reckoner for the Ad- measurement of Land. See Abith- METiGAL Tables. Baker, T. Elementary Treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying. 18mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1857. Siot, J. B. Tables Barometriques Portatives, donnant les DiflFerences de Niveau par une simple soustraction. 8vo. sewed. St. Petersburg, 1811. Bolui, C. Die Landmessung. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch. 8vo. half morocco. J. Springer, Berlin, 1886. Brees's Introduction to the Present Practice of Surveying and Levelling; with Plans, Sections, and Diagrams, &c. 8vo. cloth. London, 1846. Briot et Vacquant. Arpentage, Leve des Plans et NiveTlement. With Figures in the Text, and Plates. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1859. Brough, B. H. Tacheometry, or Rapid Surveying. 8vo. sewed. (From Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, Vol. XCI. (1887- 88), Part I.) London, 1887. Burr, G. D. Instructions in Practical Surveying, Topographical Plan Draw- ing, and Sketching Ground without In- struments, 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth. J. Murray, 1858. Castle, H. J. Elementary Text-Book for Young Surveyors and Levellers, with copious Field Notes, Plans, and Diagrams, crown 8vo. bound. Sirapkin & Co., 1856. Clarke, Col. A. R. Geodesy. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1880. Draysou, Major. Practical Military Surveying and Sketching, with the use of the Compass and Sextant, Theodolite, Mountain Barometer, &c. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. l)tiplessis, J. Traite du Leve des Plans et de TArpentage. 8vo. sewed. [1877.] •^ Traite du Nivellement. 8vo. sewed. J. Baadry, Paris, 1877. Eckstein, C. New Method for Repro- ducing Maps and Drawings. 4to. sewed. Printed for private circulation only. Fenwick, T., and Baker, T. Ele- mentary and Practical Treatise on Sub- terraneous Surveying. 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth, Ump. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1861. Subterraneous Surveying. With and Without the Magnetic Needle. New edition. 12mo. cloth, stifiF. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1877. Graham, A. J. S. Manual of Earth- work. 1 8mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1863. Gnmmere, J. Treatise on Surveying, containing the Theory and Practice, &c. 2nd edition. 8vo. bound, Philadelphia, 1817. Haskoll, W. D. Engineers', Mining Surveyors', and Contractors' Field Book ; a Series of Tables, &c. 12mo. red morocco tuck. 1864. Land and Marine Surveying ; with Description and Use of Surveying Instru- ments, royal Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1868. Hudson, R. Land Valuers' best Assist- ant, being Tables for calculating the Value of Estates, New edition, royal 32mo. bound. Simpkin & Co. HnnaeilS, Dr. G. C, K. Lehrbuch der Praktischen Geometric. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed, C, Rumpler, Hanover, 1868. Jackson, L. d' A. Aid to Survey- . Practice. With Tables, Illustrations, and Records, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1880. Eraijenhof, Baron. Precis historique des Operations Geodesiques et Astrono- miques, faites en Hollaude, pour servir de base a la Topographic de cet Etat. (Communique a la Premiere Classe de rinstitut des Sciences, de Belles Lettres, et des Arts h Amsterdam.) 4to. half morocco. Koninklijk-Nederland- sche Instituut van Wetenschappen. The Hague, 1827. ILamotte, L, Tableaux d' Arpentage. folio. In wrapper, The Manual to accompany the Tables. 12mo. sewed. 1837. ■ Traite Elementaire d' Arpentage, &c. With Plates. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1859. Lehagre, A. Cours de Topographic. Operations Trigonometriques, Lever de la Triangulatiou, Nivellement, &c. imp. Svo. sewed. Paris, 1880. SURVEYING. 87 SflCarine Surveying, Treatises on. See Works on Navigation — Mayne, Capt. R. C. ; Robinson, Rev. J. L. Mine Surveying, Treatises on. Works on Geology. See Meddles de Dessin et de ILavis. Plates of Plotting and Drawing Plans, &c. 1st and 2nd Series, folio. Hachette & Co. (^Witk Drawing Books, &c. — Foreign.^ ITesbit, A. Complete Treatise on Prac- tical Land Surveying, with the Field Book, 16 pp. loth edition. Revised by T. Baker. With Plane Trigonometry and Railway Engineering, &c. 8vo. cloth. 1855. — Also 9th edition. Svo. Longmans & Co., 1847. cloth. Fenther, J. F. Praxis Geometrise, worinnen nicht nur alle bey dem Feld- Messen vorkommende Falle, mit Staben, dem Astrolabio, der Boussolle und der Mensul, in Ausmessung eintzeler Linien, Flachen und gantzer Revier, welche, wenn deren etliche angrantzende zusam- men genommen, eine Land-Karte ausmachen, u.s.w. deutlich erortert, sondern auch treulich communiciret wer- den. fcp. folio. Wolff, Augsburg, 1738. (^With Works on Geometky — Foreiffn.) Fierce, J. The Economic Use of the Plane-Table in Topographical Sur- veying. Svo. sewed. (From Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, Vol. XCII. (1887-88), Pt. 2.) London, 1888. Quested, J. Art of Land Surveying. 12mo. cloth. Relfe Brothers. Reid's Young Surveyor's Preceptor, &c. 4to. Simpkin & Co., 1859. (^With Works on Architectubb AND Engineering.) Rickard, W. Mine, &c. Surveying. See Works on Geology, &c. Sang, E. Progressive Lessons in Ap- plied Science — Trigonometry, Vision, Surveying Instruments, post 8vo. E. & F. N. Spon, 1875. (^Wiih Works on Mathematics — General Treatises). Scott, Major R. E. Observations on the Representation of Ground, royal Svo. sewed. Woolwich, 1863. Scott, J. Agricultural Surveying. 12mo. (Weale's Series.) C. Lock wood & Co., 1884. (^With Works on Agriculture.) Sellers, J. Pocket-Book, &e.--Sur- veying. 18mo. London, 1685. {With Works on Arithmetic.) Simms, F. W. Treatise on the Prin- ciples and Practice of Levelling, &c. Svo. C. Lockwood & Co., 1856. (JVith Works on Architecture and Engineering.) Smith, J. A. Treatise on Land Sur- veying in Theory and Practice. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1869. Spain, Geodetical Works relating to, published by the " Instituto Geografico y Estadistico de Espana." See Trans- actions — Madrid. Thompson, W. M. Improved Systems of Chaining for Land and Engineering Surveys. (From Proc. Inst. Civil En- gineers, Vol. XCII. (1887-88), Pt. 2.) London, 1888. Thornton, R. Elementary Treatise on Land Surveying and Levelling, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. XTsill, G. W. Practical Surveying, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Son, 1889. Vincent, Lieut. C. E. H. Elementary Military Geography, Reconnoitring, and Sketching. 1 6mo. H. S. King & Co., 1873. {With Military Works.) Williams, J. Butler. Practical Geo- desy, containing Chain Surveying and the Use of Surveying Instruments, Levelling, and Tracing of Contours, &c. 3rd edition. Svo. boards. (C C. E.L.y No. 1030.) J. W. Parker, 1855. 88 NATURAL HISTORY. PAET III. NATURAL HISTORY. GZSOLOGY, FALJEONTOLOGY, MINERALOGY, METALLURGY, AND MINING. *^* Many standard works on these sub- jects which do not appear here are in the Jermyn Street Library, and are available for the use of the Professors of the Normal School of Science. ENGLISH, COLONIAL, AND AMERICAN. Adam, W. First Lessons in Geology ; with a special Article on the Toad- stones of Derbyshire, &c. 18mo. sewed. J. & C. Mozley, Derby, 1857. Adams, E. Notes on the Geology, Min- eralogy, and Springs of England and Wales, with Glossarial Appendix, &c. royal 18mo. sd. Longmans & Co., 1860. Adams, L. The Fossil Elephants. 4to. Palceontographical Society, 1877-81. Adams, W. H. D. Beneath the Sur- face ; or, the Wonders of the Under- ground World, post 8vo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1876. Admiralty Manual of Scientific In- quiry (Geology, Mineralogy, and Earthquake Phenomena). See Works on Astronomy. Agassiz, L. Geological Sketches. First and Second Series. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. Boston, Mass., 1866-76. Anderson, J. W. The Prospector's Handbook : a Guide for the Prospector and Traveller in Search of Metal-Bear- ing and other Valuable Minerals, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 0. Lockwood & Co., 1886. -'■ 4th edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Son^ 1889. Andr6, G. G. Practical Treatise on Coal Mining. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. E. &F.N. Spon, 1875-6. Ansted, D. T. An Elementary Course of Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography, post 8vo. cloth. 1850. ■ 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1856. ■ Geological Science ; (Orr's Circle of the Sciences), crown 8vo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1855. Ansted, D. T, The Applications of Geology to the Arts and Manufactures. Six Lectures delivered before the So- ciety of Arts. fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1865. The Earth's History; or. First Lessons in Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth, stiff. W. H. Allen & Co., 1869. In Search of Minerals. (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on Genekal Natckal History. Artillery Institution (Royal), Woolwich, Catalogue of Fossils in the Museum of the. royal 8vo. stitched. Woolwich, 1864. Attwood, G. Practical Blowpipe As- saying, post 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1880. Australian Museum. Descriptive Catalogue (with Notes) of the General Collection of Minerals. By A. F. Ratte. 8vo. boards. T. Richards, Sydney, 1885. (^With Works on Museums.} Bakewell, F. C. Geology for Schools and Students. 8vo. cloth. Jarrold & Sons. Balfour, J. H. Introduction to the Study of Palseontological Botany. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1872. Ballaarat School of Mines {afterwards Ballarat School of Mines, Industries and Science in the University of Mel- bourne). Annual Reports 1881, 1882 (2nd edition), 1887, 1888, and 1889. post 8vo. sewed. Ballarat, 1882-90. Science Lectures. First Series, 1882. post 8vo. sewed. Ballaarat, 1883. Baily, W. H. Figures of Characteristic British Fossils, with Descriptive Re- marks. Vol. 1 — Palajozoic. 8vo. half morocco. J. Van Voorst, 1875. Banks, J. See Dryander, J. Barnes, C. L. Rock History. A con- cise Note-Book of Geology, having spe- cial reference to the English and Welsh Formations. With Maps of Strata, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1884. GEOLOGY, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS. 89 Barrett, Rev. W. G. Geolo^cal Facts ; or, the Crust of the Earth, What is it, and What are its Uses. fcp. 8vo. cloth. A. Hall & Co., 1855. Bauerman, H. Treatise on the Metal- lurgy of Iron ; containing Outlines of the History of Iron Manufacture, Me- thods of Assay, and Analysis of Iron Ores, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Virtue & Co., 1868. ■ M 5th edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. ■ Text-Book of Systematic Miner- alogy, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1881. Text-Book of Descriptive Miner- alogy, post 8 vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1884. " Beagle," The Geology of the Voyage of the, 1832-36. See Darwin, C. Bell, R. The Mineral Resources of the Hudson's Bay Territories. (From the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.) Svo. stitched. Montreal, 1886. Bell, T. The Fossil Malacostracous Crustacea. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1867, &c. Berzelius, J. J. An Attempt to estab- lish a pure Scientific System of Min- eralogy, by the Application of the Electro-Chemical Theory and the Chemi- cal Proportions. Translated from the Swedish by J. Black, post Svo. boards. London, 1814. Bigsby, J-J- Thesaurus Siluricus. The Flora and Fauna of the Silurian Period. With Addenda. 4to. boards. J. Van Voorst, 1868. Bischof, Dr. G. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. Translated from the Manuscript of the Author, by B. H. Paul and J. Drummond. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. Cavendish Society^ 1854-59. Blake, J. F. Monograph of the British Fossil Cephalopoda. Part I. Intro- duction and Silurian species. 4to. boards. J. Van Voorst, 1882. Blanford, W. T. Observations on the Geology aud Zoology of Abyssinia, made during the Progress of the British Expedition to that Country in 1867-68." Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. ( With Works on General Natural History.) Blowpipe Analysis, Treatises on : Attwood, G. Practical Blowpipe As- saying. Brush, G. J. Determinative Miner- alogy, &c. Also, with Works on Chemistry : — Landauer, J. Die Lothrqhranalyse and English Translation.- Blowpipe Analysis, Treatises on — cont. Plattner, C.F. Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre. Ross, W. A. The Blowpipe in Che- mistry. Blozam, C. L. Metals ; their Properties and Treatment, post Svo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) 1870. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth, (Text-Books of Science.) 1875. New edition, partially re- written and augmented by A. K. Hunt- ington, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1882. New edition, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Bonney, T. G. Geology, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1874. Boyd, R. N. Coal Mines Inspection; its History and Results. Svo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1879. Bradley, L. An Inquiry into the De- position of Lead Ore in the Mineral Veins of Swaledale, Yorkshire, royal Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1862. Brady, G. S., Crosskey, Rev. H. W., and Robertson, D. The Post-Ter- tiary Entomostraca. 4to. PalcBontographical Society y 1874. Brady, H. B. The Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the genus Fusa- lina excepted). 4to. PalcBontographical Society, 1876. Brande, W. T. Outlines of Geology ; being the substance of a Course of Lec- tures delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Institution in 1816. Svo. morocco. J. Murray, 1817. Branns, D. Geology of the Environs of Tokio. See Transactions — TOKIO. Brighton Museum, Catalogue of the Cretaceous Fossils in the. 4to. half morocco. Brighton, 1871. Bristow, H. W. Glossary of Mineral- ogy, crown Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1861. Bristow, H. W., and Etheridgfe, R. Table of British Sedimentary and Fos- siliferous Strata. In post 4to. wrapper. E. Stanford. British Fossils (Characteristic), Stratigraphically Arranged, Tabular View of. Mounted to fold in wrapper, post 4to. E. Stanford. — Mounted to fold in cloth wrapper, post 4 to. Christian Knowledge Society. fUirXVBllSITTii 90 NATURAL HISTORY. Britisli Museum Collections of Fossils, Minerals, &c.. Catalogues of. See British Museum Publications. Brodie, Rev. P. B. History of the Fossil Insects in the Secondary Rocks of England. 8vo. cloth. London, 1845. Brough, B. H. Treatise on Mine- Surveying, post 8vo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1888. Brown, A. The Philosophy of Physics, or Process of Creative Development. 8vo. cloth. Redfield, New York, 1854. Brush, G, J. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, with an Introduction on Blow-pipe Analysis. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. J. Wiley & Son, New York, 1875. Bryce, J. The Geology of Arran and the other Clyde Islands. With an Account of the Botany, Natural History, and Antiquities, &c. 4th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1872. Buckland, Rev. Dr. W. Reliquiae Diluvianee ; or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena, attesting the action of an universal Deluge. 2nd edition. 4to. half calf. London, 1824. — — Geology and Mineralogy con- sidered with Reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (Bridge- water Treatise — Original edition.) W. Pickering, 1836. (^With Works on General Natural History — Bridgewater Treatises.) ■ With Additions by Prof. Owen, Prof. Phillips, and R. Brown. 4th edition. Edited by F. T. Buckland. • Text, post Svo. Plates, oblong 4to. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1869-70. Burmeister, H. The Organisation of Trilobites, deduced from their living Affinities. Edited by Professors BeU and E. Forbes. 4to. boards. : Ray Society, 1846. Burr, F. Introduction to the Study of Geology, more particularly as applied • to the Internal Structure of Great Britain. Svo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1836. Busk, G. The Polyzoa of the Crag. 4to. Palceontographical Society, 1859. Byrne, E. On the Separation of Copper and Iron by Ammonia. See Pamphlets. California State Mining Bureau Reports. See Transactions— Sackahento. Gallon, J. Lectures on Mining deliv- ered at the School of Mines, Paris. Translated by C. Le Neve Foster and W. Galloway. Text, 3 vols, royal 8vo. Atlas, 3 vols. 4to. half calf. Dulau & Co., 1876-86. Canada, Geological and Natural History Survey (and Museum) of, Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Director :— Report of Progress, 1853-56. 8to. cloth. With Plans of various Lakes and Rivers between Lake Huron and the River Ottawa, to accom- pany Report. 4to. half bound. J. Lovell, Toronto, 1857. 1879-84. 3 vols, royal Svo. sewed. With Maps to accompany Reports. In royal Svo. envelopes. Dawson Bros., Montreal, 1881-5. New Series. Vol. I. (1885) and onwards, royal Svo. sewed. With Maps in royal Svo. envelope. 1886, &c. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part I. PolypetalsB. Part II. Gamo- petalse. Part III. Apetalae. Part IV. Endogens. By J. Macoun. royal Svo. sewed. 1883-88. Comparative Vocabularies of the Indian Tribes of British Columbia. By W. F. Tolmie and G. M. Dawson, royal Svo. sewed. 1884. Contributions to Canadian Palaeont- ology. Vol. I. Parts 1, 2. By J. F. Whiteaves. royal Svo. sewed. 1885. Contributions to Micro-Palaeontology of the Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Canada. Part II. royal Svo. sewed. 1889. Descriptive Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada. By A. R. C. Selwyn and G. M. Dawson, royal Svo. sewed. Dawson Bros., Montreal, 1884. Map of the Dominion of Canada, Geologically Coloured. From Sur- veys made by the Geologists' Corpg. 1842-1882. Size 5 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in., in 2 sheets. Folded in royal Svo. size. Chambers's Rudiments of Geology. (By D. Page.) New edition. I2mo. cloth. 1857. ' Geology in Outline. 16mo. stiff ■wrapper. (Useful Hand Book Series.) W. & R. Chambers [1866]. Clarke, Rev. W. B. Researches in the Southern Gold Fields of New South Wales. 12mo. morocco. Reading & Wellbank, Sydney, 1860. Clement, Dr. E. Tabular View of the Geological Systems, with their Litho- logical Composition and Palseontological Remains, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. W. S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1882. GEOLOGY, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS. 91 Coal in the United Kingdom, Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into several Matters relating to. 3 vols, in one. fop. folio, half calf. H.M. Printers, 1871. Coal Mines, Article on, from the , "Quarterly Review," Oct. 1861. See Pamphlets. Cochran-Fatrick, R. W. Early Records relating to Mining in Scotland. 4 to. half morocco. D. Douglas, Edinburgh, 1878. Collins, J. H. First Book of Mineralogy, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) ' 1873. Principles of Metal Mining, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) 1875. ■ '■ '- Principles of Coal Mining, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) 1876. ' Handbook to the Mineralogy of . Cornwall and Devon. With Instruc- tions for their Discrimination, &c. 8vo. cloth. 1876. Mineralogy. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1878-83. ■■ First Book of Mining and Quarry- ing, with the Sciences connected there- with. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth, stiflf. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Son, 1888. •^ On the Successive Mining Schools of Cornwall. See Pamphlets. Comstock, J. L., M.D. An Introduc- tion to Mineralogy, crown 8vo. bound. Pratt & Co., New York, 1851. Conrad, T. A. Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America. Eocene and Oligocene. 8vo. sewed. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 7.) See Transactions— Wasuington. Coomber, T. Mining Schools. See Pamphlets. Cope, E. D. The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formations of the West. See United States Geological and Geographical Surveys, Monograph, Vol. II. Costa, E. M. da. A Natural History of Fossils. Vol.1, pt. 1. 4to. half bound. London, 1757. Cotta, Bemhard von. Rocks Classified and Described. A Treatise on Litho- logy. English edition by P. H. Law- rence, crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1866. Crew, B. J. A Practical Treatise on Petroleum ; comprising its Origin, Geo- logy, Geographical Distribution, His- tory, Chemistry, Mining, Technolc^y, Uses, and Transportation, &c. With an Appendix on the Product andExhaustion of the Oil Regions, and the Geology of Natural Gas in Pennsylvania and New York. By C. A. Ashburner. imp. Svo. cloth. H. C. Baird & Co., Philadelphia, 1887. CroU, J. Climate and Time in their Geological Relations. A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's Climate. 8vo. cloth. Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1875. Discussions on Climate and Cos- mology, post 8vo. cloth. A. & 0. Black, Edinburgh, 1885. Crookes, W., and Bdhrig, E. Prac- tical Treatise on Metallurgy, adapted from the last German edition of Pro- fessor Kerl's Metallurgy. With Sup- plement of Papers on Metallurgical Subjects by Bell, Day, Whitwell, and others. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1868-70. Crystallography, Treatises on. See — English Works. Crystallological Society. {With Transactions.) Dana, E. S., & J. D. Griffin, J. J. Gumey, H. P. Jordan, J. B. Milne, J. Mitchell, Rev. W. Foreign Works. Fock, A. Goldschmidt, V. Groth, P. Haiiy. Rammelsberg, C. F. Rose, G. Wyrottboff, G. Damon, R. Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth and the Isle of Portland. With Notes of the Natural History of the Coast and Neighbourhood, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Supplement to. Consist- ing of 9 Lithographic Plates of Fossils. Drawn by C. R. Bone. 8vo. cloth, limp. E. Stanford, 1860. ■ Geology of Weymouth, Portland, and Coast of Dorsetshire, from Swanage to Bridport-on-the-Sea ; with Natural History and Archaeological Notes. New and enlarged edition, post 8vo. cloth. R. F. Damon, Weymouth j E. Stanford, 1884. Dana, E. S., and J. D. Text-Book of Mineralogy. With an extended Trea- tise on Crystallography and Physical Mineralogy, royal 8va. cloth. J. Wiley & Sons, New York ; S. Low & Co., 1877. 92 NATURAL HISTORY. Dana, J. T>. System of Mineralogy, comprising the most recent Discoveries, &c. 4th edition. 2 vols, in one. royal 8vo. cloth. 1855. Dana, J. D.,and Brush, G.J. System of Mineralogy. Descriptive Mineral- ogy, comprising the most recent Dis- coveries. 5th edition, re-written, en- larged and illustrated. With Appen- dices by G. J. Brush and E. S. Dana, royal Svo. cloth. Triibner 8c Co., 1883-4. Dana, J. D. Rudimentary Treatise on Mineralogj\ 3rd edition. (By D. Var- ley.) With a Treatise on Rocks. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. ' Manual of Mineralogy, including Observations on Mines, Rocks, Reduc- tion of Ores, and the Application of the Science to the Arts. New edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1860. Text Book of Geology, crown Svo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1864. ■■■ Manual of Geology. With special reference to American Geological His- tory. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. Ivison & Co., New York [1874]. Characteristics of "Volcanoes, with Contributions of Facts, &c. from the Hawaiian Islands. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co. [1890]. Darwin, C. The Structure and Dis- tribution of Coral Reefs. (Geology of the Voyage of the "Beagle," 1832-36, Part 1.) Svo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 789.) London, 1842. ■ 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. London, 1874. ■ '■ 3rd edition. With an Ap- pendix by Prof. T. G. Bonney. post Svo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1889. Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands, visited during the Voyage of the " Beagle," together with some IBrief Notices on the Geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope. (Geology of the Voyage of the " Beagle," 1832-36, Part 2.) Svo. cloth. (Another copy, calf, C. C. E. L., No. 790.) London, 1844. — — Geological Observations on South America. (Geology of the Voyage of the « Beagle," 1832-36, Part 3.) Svo. calf. iC.C.E.L.,No.l9\.) London, 1846. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Vovage of H.M.S. "Beagle" round the World. Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1860. (^With Works on Gen^jralNa-TuralHistort.) — — The Fossil Cirripedes. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1851-54. Davidson, T. The Fossil Brachiopoda. Vols. I.-IV., &c. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1851, &c. Davies, D. C. Treatise on Metal- liferous Minerals and Mining, post Svo. cloth. ] 880. — - Treatise on Slate and Slate Quar- rying, crown Svo. cloth. 1878. cloth. 2nd edition. post Svo. 1880. '— Treatise on Earthy and other Minerals and Mining, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1884. Davis, Dr. W. S. First Book of Geo- logy, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1873. Dawkins, W. Boyd. Cave Hunting, Researches on the Evidence of Caves respecting the early Inhabitants of Europe. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Dawkins, W. Boyd, & Sanford, W.A. The Pleistocene Mammalia. 4to. PalcBontographical Society, 1866, &c. Dawson, Sir J. W. The Story of the Earth and Man. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Hodder & Stoughton, 1873. ' The Geological History of Plants, post Svo. cloth. (International Scienti- fic Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1888. Day, St. John V. Evidences as to the very Early Use of Iron, and on certain Old Bits of Iron in particular. Svo. sewed. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1871. De la Beche, Sir H. T. Geological Manual. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. London, 1833. Selection of Geological Memoirs contained in the " Annales des Mines," written by Brongniart, Humboldt, Von Buch, and others. Translated, with Notes and Additions. Svo. half calf. London, 1836. Report on the Geology of Corn- wall, Devon, and West Somerset. See Science and Art Department Publications — Geological Survey. ■ The Geological Observer. Svo. cloth. 1851. . ■ 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1858. De Luc, J. A. Geological Travels. Translated from the French. 3 vols. Svo. half calf: — Vol. 1. Travels in the North of Europe. Vols. 2, 3. Travels in England. London, 1810-11. GEOLOGT, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS. 93 Dexter, T. E. Minerals and Metals used in the Arts and Manufactures, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Dixon, F. The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Forma- tions of Sussex. With Plates. 4to. cloth. London, 1850. Draysou, Lieut .-Col, On the Cause, Pate, and Duration of the Last Glacial Epoch of Geology, and the probable Antiquity of Man. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1873. Dryander, J. Catalogus Bibliothecse Historico-naturalis Josephi Banks. 7 vols. 8vo. half bound. London, 1798-1800. (^With Works on Genekal Natural History.) Dutton, C. E. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs). Xiconomic Minerals of Canada. Descriptive Catalogue of Collection of the. By A. R. C. Selwyn. 8vo. sewed. London, 1886. ( With Works on Exhibitions, Colonial and Indian.^ Ede, G. The Management of Steel. 4th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. W. Tweedie, 1866. Edwards, F.E., and Wood, S.V. The Eocene Mollusca : Cephalopoda and Univalves. Vol. 1. 4to. Palao7itographical Society, 1849-77. Edwards, H. Milne, and Haime, J. The Tertiary, Cretaceous, Oolitic, Devonian, and Silurian Corals. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1850-54. Egleston, T. The Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury in the United States. Vol. I. Silver, royal 8vo. cloth. « Engineering " Office ; New York, 1887. .1. I Catalogue of Minerals with their Formulas, &c. (Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, Vol. 7.) See Transactions — Washington. Electro-Metallurgy, Treatises on. See Works on Electricity. Eley, Rev. H. Geology in the Garden ; or, the Fossils in the Flint Pebbles, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1859. Elsden, J. V., and Lowe, W. B. Lec- ture Notes on Physical Geogranhy and Geology. Parts I. -III. With blank pages for Notes. 8vo. cloth. 1884. — Part IV. Historical Geo* logy. 8vo. stifE wrapper. A. P. Smith, Rugby, 1883. Emmons, E. Manual of Geology, for Colleges and Academies. 2nd edition. 8vo. half bound. Barnes & Burr, New York, 1860. Etheridge, R. Fossils of the British Islands, Stratigraphically and Zoologi- cally Arranged. Vol. I. Palaeozoic, comprising the Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian Species. With Supplementary Appen- dix brought down to the end of 1886. 4to. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888. Stratigraphical Geology and Palee- ontology. See Phillips, J. Evans, H. S. Geology Made Easy, imp. 16mo. sewed. Read & Co. Experiments on Mild Steel — Ex- periments on Steel : Memoranda issued by the Board of Trade for the Use of their Surveyors. See Works on Archi- tecture and Engineering. Fairbairn, W. Iron ; its History, Properties, and Processes of Manufac- ture. See Works on Architecture AND Engineering. Penwick, T., and Baker, T. Ele- mentary and Practical Treatise on Sub- terraneous Surveying, with and without the Magnetic Needle. See Works on Surveying. Piguier, L. The World before the Deluge. Newly edited and revised by H. W. Bristowe. crown 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1872. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Pire-Damp, On the Influence of Fluctuations of Atmospheric Pressure on the Evolution of. Report of Experi- ments carried on in the Archduke Al- bert's Coal Mines near Karwin in Austrian Silesia. Translated from the 2nd German edition by G. G. Bagster. 4to. cloth. C. Prochaska, Vienna & Teschen, 1886. Pisher, Rev. O. Physics of the Earth's Crust. 8vo. cloth. 1881. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Plight, W. A Chapter in the History of Meteorites. 8vo. cloth. Dulau & Co., 1887. Porbes, Prof. The Tertiary Echino- dermata. 4to. Pal aonto graphical Society, 1852. Porster, W. Treatise on a Section of the Strata from Newcastle upon-Tyne to Cross Fell, with remarks on Mineral Veins; also Tables of the Strata in Northumberland, Durham, &c. ; to which is added a Treatise on the Dis- covery, &c., of Lead Mines, and the Dressing and Smelting of Lead Ores. 3rd edition, revised and corrected by the Rev. W. Nail, with a Memoir of the Author's Life. 8vo. cloth. A. Reid, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1883. u NATURAL HISTORY. Galloway, R. L. History of Coal Mining in Great Britain, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Gardner, J. S., and Ettiagshansen, Baron. The Eocene Flora. Vol. I., &c. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1879, &c. Gee, G. E. The Practical Gold-Worker. post 8vo. cloth. . The Silversmith's Handbook, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1877. Geilde, A. The Story of a Boulder, or Gleanings from the Note-Book of a Field Geologist post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1858. Outlines of the Geology of the British Isles, to accompany Johnston's Geological Map (m Science Collections, S.K.M.). post 8vo. cloth, limp. 1864. . Geological Map of Scotland. Topography by T. B. Johnston. Mounted on canvas to fold in 8vo. cloth wrapper. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1876. Geology, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Primers.) 1874. . 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1875. New edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison, Bart. With Notices of his Scientific Contemporaries, and a Sketch of the Rise and Growth of Palaeozoic Geology in Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1875. Mountain Architecture : Lecture at Glasgow, January 1876. fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1877. Outlines of Field-Geology. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1879. Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad. 8vo. cloth. 1882. Text-Book of Geology. Svo. cloth. 1882. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. 1885. Class-Book of Geology, post Svo. cloth, limp. 1886. The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connexion with its Physical Geology. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1887. Geikie, J. The Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man. With Map. Svo. cloth. AV. Isbister & Co., 1874. . Geology, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Ele- mentary Science Manuals.) 1875. .- Historical Geology, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science Manuals.) W. & R. Chambers, 1876. Geikie, J. Prehistoric Europe. A Geo- logical Sketch. With Maps and Illus- trations. Svo. cloth. 1881. Outlines of Geology. Svo. cloth. 1886. '■ 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1888. Geological Primer, in Verse; with a Poetical Geognosy ; to which is added a Critical Dissertation on " King Coal's Levee." Svo. boards. London, 1820. Geological (Boyal) Society of Cornwall. Reports, &c. -See Pam- phlets. Geological Survey of England and Wales. Publications. iSee Science ^nd Art Department Publications — Museum of Practical Geology. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Instructions for the Guidance of the Ofl&cers of the Irish Branch, royal Svo. stitched. A. Thorn, Dublin, 1867. Geological Survey. British Isles : Londonderry, Tyrone, and Fermanagh (parts of). By J. E. Portlock. See Portlock. Geology, The Progress of. Article from the "Quarterly Review," July 1860. See Pamphlets. Giberne, A. The World's Founda- tions, crown Svo. cloth. Seeley & Co., 1882. Gibbons, J. Remarks on the Puddling and Blast Furnace. Svo. cloth. London, 1844. Giesecke, Sir C. L. Descriptive Cata- logue of a New Collection of Minerals in the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society. See Transactions— Dublin — Royal Dublin Society. Gilbert, G. K. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains. See United States Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Gillies, Hon. D. Annual Report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply (Victoria), folio, sewed. Melbourne. Gold and Silver Wares, A new Touch-Stone for. Directing all Buyers of Large Plate, &c. how to know whether they buy or wear such as are of the lawful Standard- Alloy, &c. And also discovering the principal matters of the Goldsmiths and Cutlers Trades. 2nd edition. To which is added, the useful and easie Tables of Mr. J. Rey- nolds, of the Mint, (with a Key to the same) plainly shewing how to ca^t up and make all sorts of Gold and Silver true Standard, post Svo. sheep. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1708. GEOLOGY, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS. 95 tk>SS, H. The Geological Antiquity of Insects. 8vo. sewed. J. Van Voorst, 1880. Gosse, P. H. Omphalos. An Attempt to untie the Geological Knot. 12mo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1857. Gower, A. R. An Elementary Text Book of Practical Metallurgy, post 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1888. Crraham, W. Brass, Tin, and Zinc Working (British Manufacturing In- dustries). See Works on Manufac- tures, &c. thray, W. On the Geology of the Isle of Portland. Reprinted from the Trans- actions of the Geological Society. 8vo. sewed. (Privately printed.) Green, A. H. Geology for Students and General Readers. Physical Geology, post 8vo. cloth. Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1876. — — — New edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1880. 3rd edition. 8to. cloth. Rivingtons, 1882. Green, Miall, Thorpe, Bncker, and Marshall. Coal; its History and Uses. Edited by Prof. Thorpe. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1878. Green, W. L. Vestiges of the Molten Globe, as exhibited in the Figure of the Earth, Volcanic Action and Physio- graphy. See Works on Gbographt. Greenwell, G.C. Practical Treatise on Mine Engineering. 2nd edition, royal 4to. half morocco. E. & F. N. Spon, 1870. Greenwood, Col. G. Rain and Rivers ; or Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all Comers. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1866. Greenwood, W. H. Manual of Metal- lurgy. Vol. I. Fuel, Iron, Steel, &c. post 8vo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) 1874. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1885. ■ Vol. II. Copper, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Gold, &c. post 8vo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1875. ■ Steel and Iron. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Technology.) Cassell & Co., 1884. .Greg, R. P., and Lettsom, W. G. . Manual of the Mineralogy of Great . Britain and Ireland. 8vo. cloth, J. Van Voorst, 1858. Gresley, W. S. Glossary of Terms used in Coal Mining, post 8vo. cloth. E; & F. N. Spon, 1883. Griffin, J. J. System of Crystallo- graphy, with its Application to Miner- alogy. 8vo. cloth. Griffin & Co., 1841. Griffith, Sir R. Notice respecting the Fossils of the Mountain Limestone of Ireland, as compared with those of Great Britain, and also with the Devonian System. 4to. sewed. Dublin, 1842. Grover, J. W. Conversations with Little Geologists on the Six Days of Creation, illustrated with a Geological Chart. 4to. sewed. E. Stanford, 1878. Gmner, M. L. Studies of Blast Fur- nace Phenomena. Translated, with an Appendix, by L. D. B. Gordon. 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1873. Gnrney, H. P. Crystallography, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Christian Knowledge Society. Chvinnell, W. F. Geology in System- atic Notes and Tables, for the Use of Teachers and of Taught. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. All man & Son. Haast, J. von. Geology of the Pro- vinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand. 8vo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1879. Hag[ue, A., and Emmons, S. F. De- scriptive Geology. See United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Hall, J. Geology of New York. See New York. Palaeontology of New York. See New York. Hall, T. M. The Mineralogist's Direc- tory ; a Guide to the principal Mineral Localities in the United Kingdom, post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1868. Hampe, J. H. An Experimental System of Metallurgy. With Portrait, folio, calf. London, 1777. Harker, A. The Bala Volcanic Series of Caernarvonshire and Associated Rocks. Being the Sedgwick Prize Essay for 1888. 8 vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1889. Harrison, W. J. Geology of the Coun- ties of England. (Reprinted from Kelly's Post Office Directories.) 8vo. cloth, limp : — Six Home Counties and Cheshire. West Riding of Yorkshire. 1878. • Geology of the Counties of England and of Nortii and South Wales. 8vo. cloth. Kelly & Co., 1882. Report of the Excursion of the Geologists' Association to Leicestershire. May 21 and 22, 1877. 8vo. sewed, n.p. 96 NATUBAL HISTORY> Harrison, "W. J. Outlines of the Geo- logy of Northamptonshire, Huntingdon- shire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, post 8vo. cloth, limp. n-p. ■ ■ On the Quartzite Pebbles contained in the Drift, and in the Triassic Strata of England; and on their Derivation from an Ancient Land Barrier in Cen- tral England. With a Note by J. J. H. Teall. 8vo. sewed. Birmingham. ■ ■ Practical Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Stewart & Co. — — — An Elementary Text-Book of Geology : intended as an Introduction to the Study of Rocks and their Con- tents, post 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1889. Hartwigf, Dr. G. The Subterranean World. See Works on General Na- tural History. Haughton, Bev. S. Manual of Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Galbraith and Haugh- ton's Scientific Manuals.) Longmans & Co., 1865. . Arctic Geology. -See Works on Geography— M'Clintock, Capt. Hay den, E. V. United States Geo- logical, &c., Surveys, &c. See United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Heatherington, A. Practical Guide for Tourists, Miners, and Investors, and all persons interested in the develop- ment of the Gold Fields of Nova Scotia, post 8vo. cloth. J. Lovell, Montreal, 1868. — — The Mining Industries of Nova Scotia. Svo. sewed. Trtibner & Co., 1874. Heer, Prof. The Primaeval World of Switzerland. Edited by J. Heywood, F.R.S. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. Henwood, W. J. The Metalliferous Deposits of Corn-wall and Devon. See Transactions — Penzance . Hilgard, E. W. On the Geology of Lower Louisiana and the Salt Deposit of Petite Anse Island. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 23.) See Transactions— Washington. Hind, H. Y. Papers on the Gold Fields, &c. of Nova Scotia. See Nova Scotia. Hind, H. Y., and Bailey, L. W. Ee- ports on the Geology of New Brunswick, and on the Distribution of the " Quebec Group," in the Province, &c. royal Svo. half calf. Fredericton, 1865. Hiorns, A. H. Practical Metallurgy and Assaying, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1888. II A Text Book of Elementary Me- tallurgy, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1888. Hiorns, A. H. Iron and Steel Manu- facture, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Hitchcock, Eev. E. Elementary Geo- logy. With an Introductory Notice, by J. Pye Smith, D.D. 12mo. bound. Newman & Ivison, New York, 1853. Hitchcock, Rev. E., and C. H. Ele- mentary Geology. New edition, crown Svo. half bound. Ivison, Phinney, & Co., New York, 1860. Holdsworth, J. Geology, Minerals, Mines, and Soils of Ireland, crown Svo. cloth. 1857. — A Battle with the Basalts, post Svo. sewed. Houlston & Wright, 1855. On the Extension of the English Coal Fields beneath the Secondary Formations of the Midland Coimties. Also, Does Coal exist near London? Geologically considered. Svo. cloth. R. Middleton, 1866. Hopkins, E. On the Connexion of Geology with Terrestrial Physics. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. Taylor & Francis, 1855. Hopton, W. Conversation on Mines, crown Svo. cloth. 1864. 6th edition. post Svo. cloth. A. Heywood & Son, Manchester, 1875. Howorth, H. H. The Mammoth and the Flood. An Attempt to confront the Theory of Uniformity Avith the Facts of Recent Geology. Svo. cloth. Sampson Low & Co., 1887. Hull, Edw. Coal Fields of Great Britain ; their History, Structure, and Resources. With Notices of the Coal Fields of other Parts of the World. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1861. '■ 3rd edition, embodying the Reports of the Royal Coal- Commission, with Map. Svo. cloth. 1873. ■ 4th edition. With Descrip- tions of the Coal Fields of our Indian and Colonial Empire, &c. Map of British Coal Fields, in pocket. Svo. cloth. 1881. — — The Physical Geology and Geo- graphy of Ireland, post Svo. cloth. 1878. — — Contributions to the Physical His- tory of the British Isles. With a Dis- sertation on the Origin of Western Europe and of the Atlantic Ocean. Illustrated bv 27 Coloured Maps. Svo. cloth. ' E. Stanford, 1882. Sketch of Geological History ; being the Natural History of the Earth and of its Pre-Human Inhabitants, post Svo. cloth. C. W. Deacon * Co., 1887. GEOLOGY, ETC. : ENGLISH WORKS. 97 Xnll, Edw. Treatise on the Building and Ornamental Stones of Great Brit- ain and Foreign Countries, arranged according to their Geological Distri- bution and Mineral Character. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. (^With Works on Architbctukb and Engineering.) •' Lecture at the Royal College of Science for Ireland, Session 1869-70. See Pamphlets. Humboldt, A. Geognostical Essay on i.»the Superposition of Rocks, in both Hemispheres; from the French. Bvo. cloth. London, 1823. Sunt, R. British Mining. A Treatise on the History, Discovery, Practical Development and Future Prospects of Metalliferous Mines in the United King- dom, royal Bvo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1884. Hunt, T. S. Mineral Physiology and Physiography. A Second Series of Chemical and Geological Essays, with a General Introduction. 8vo. cloth. S. E. Cassino, Boston, Mass., 1886. Hutton, F. W. Class-Book of Elemen- tary Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1875. Ibbetson, Capt. L. L. B. Notes on the Geology, &c. of the Isle of Wight. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1849. Ixrving, Dr. A. Chemical and Physical Studies in the Metamorphism of Rocks, based on a Thesis (with Appendices) written for the Doctorate in Science in the University of London. Bvo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1889. Jameson, Prof. R. Geology (Parry's Journal of Voyage for Discovery of N.W. Passage). See Works on Geo- graphy. Jeans, J. S. Steel : Its History, Manu- facture, Properties, and Uses. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1880. Jexrvis, W. P. The Anthracitic Coal of Demonte, near Cuneo, in the Italian Alps. Bvo. sewed. London [1876]. — ^— — The Mineral Resources of Central Italy. 8vo. sewed. E. Stanford, 1868. Jewesbury, F. N. Mineralogical Tables. fcp. Bvo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby, 1873. Johnston, J. F. W., and Cameron, C. A. Elements of Agricultural Chem- istry and Geology. See Works on Chemistry. Jones, T. R. South Africa and its Dia- monds. -See Pamphlets. , Jones, Prof. T. R. The Cretaceous Entomostraca. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1849. E 61668. Jones, Prof. T. R. The Tertiary Ento- mostraca. 4to. Palaontographical Society , 1856. The Fossil Estheriae. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1862. Jones, Prof. T. R., Kirkby, J. W., and Brady, G. S. The Carboniferous Entomostraca. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1874, &c. Jones, Prof. T. R., Parker, W. K.,and Brady, II. B . The Crag Foraminifera. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1866, &c. Jones, W. Physiological Disquisitions ; or Discourses on the Natural Philosophy of the Elements. See Works on General Physics — General Treatises. Jordan, J. B. Elementary Crystallo- graphy, fcp. Bvo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby, 1873. »-— — Geological Section shewing the Order of Superposition and Approxi- mate Thickness of Sedimentary Strata in the British Isles. Sheet to fold in royal 8vo. paper wrapper. E. Stanford, 1879. Journals, Geological, Mineral- ogfical, &c. :— American Geologist. American Journal of Science. Colliery Guardian. Geological Magazine. Geological Record. Geologist, The. Iron. London Geological Journal. Mining Journal. Mining Magazine. See Journals (Catalogue of Scien- tific Periodicals). Judd, J. W. Volcanoes. What they are, and What they Teach, post %yo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. K. Paul & Co., 1881. Jukes, J. Beete. Popular Physical Geo- logy, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1853. The Student's Manual of Geology. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1857. New edition, with Lists and Figures of Characteristic Fossils, crown 8vo. cloth. 1862. — — The School Manual of Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1863. ■ 3rd edition, revised by A. J, Jukes-Browne, fcp. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1876, Address to Geological Section of British Association. Oct., 1862. See Pamphlets. G 98 NATUEAL HISTORY Jukes-Browne, A. J. l^e Student-^ Handbook of Physical Geology, post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) 1884. . The Student's Handbook of His- torical Geology. post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) 1886. The Building of the British Isles : a Study in Geographical Evolution, post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) G. Bell & Sons, 1888. » Palaeontology. See Penning, W. H. Einaliaxi, G. H. Handy-Book of Eock- Names, with brief Descriptions of the Rocks, fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1873. * Valleys and their Relation to Fis- sures, Fractures, and Faults, post 8vo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1875. ' Manual of the Geology of Ireland, post 8vo. cloth. C. K. Paul & Co., 1878. King, Clarence. Systematic Geology. See United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, &c. King, Prof. The Fossils of the Permian Formation. 4to. Palctontographical Society y 1860. Eirkal^, D. Results of an Experi- mental fnquiry into the Tensile Strength and other Properties of various kinds of Wrought Iron and Steel. Svo. 1866. (J¥ith Works on Engineering, &c.) ———..Experimental Inquiry into the Properties of Essen and Yorkshire Wrought Iron Plates. 4to. 1876. {With Works on Engineering, &c.) See also Experiments on Mild Steel, &c. Eobell, F. von. Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. 12 mo. H. G. Bohn, 1859. {With Works on General Natural History — Schouw, J. F.) Soxiinck, L. L. de, and Dietz, E. Practical Manual of Chemical Analysis and Assaying. Edited with Notes, by R. Mallet, post 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1872. Erakatoa, The Eruption of, and sub- sequent Phenomena. Report of the Krakatoa Committee of the Royal So- ciety. Edited by G. J. Symons. 4to. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1888. — — ■ • Atmospheric Phenomena attributed to the. Works on. Sre Works on Mbteobologt. Krefft, G. Australian Vertebrata, Fossil and Recent. See Wprks on Mammals. ExLXLZ, G. F. Mineralogical Pamphlets. Svo. cloth. Washmgton, 1885--88. Slirr, Dr. J. G. The Mineral Kingdom. With Coloured Illustrations of the most important Minerals, Rocks, and Petri- factions, folio, half bound. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1859. -Ziambom, Dr. R. W. Tr^tise tm ffte Metallurgy of Copper. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1860. . ■■ 6th edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1875. Treatise on the Metallurgy of Silver and Lead. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1861. • 5th edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1874. Lardner, Dr. Popular Geology. 12mo. cloth. Walton & Maberiy, 1856. ILavis, H. J. Johnston. Monograph of the Earthquakes of Ischia, a Memoir dealing with the Seismic Disturbances in that Island from remotest times, with Special Observations on those of 1881 and 1883, and some Calculations by th^ Rev. S. Haughton. With Plates and Photographs. 4to. cloth. London(Dulau & Co.), & Naples, 1885. Lee, J. E. Note- Book of an Amateur Geologist. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. Leidy, J. Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. See United States Geological, &c. Surveys of the Territories. Leifchild, J. R. On Coal at Home and Abroad, &c. post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. Lesquereux, L. Fossil Flora of the Western Territories — Cretaceous Flora. See United States Geological, &c. Sur- veys of the Territories. Le Vaux, G. W. V. The Twin Records of Creation ; or Geology and Genesis ; their perfect Harmony and wonderful Concord, fcp. Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1867. Lintem, W. The Mineral Surveyor and Valuer's Complete Guide ; com- prising a Treatise on improved Mining Surveying and the Valuation of Mining Properties, with New Traverse Tables. 2nd edition, with an Appendix on Mag- netic and Angular Surveying, with records of the Peculiarities of Needle Disturbances. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Son, 1887. Liversidge, A. Minerals of New South Wales. Svo. sewed. 1876. ■ 2nd edition. 4 to. sewed. Sydney, 1882. ■ The Minerals of New South Wales, etc. With Map. royal Svo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1888. GEOLOGY, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS. IiObley, J. L. Mount Vesuvius. X Descriptive, Historical, and Geological Account of the Volcano and its Sur- roundings. 8vo. cloth. Roper & Drowley, 1889. ' ■ Hampstead Hill : its Structure, Materials, and Sculpturing. With Flora, by H. T. Wharton ; Insect Fauna, by the Rev. F. A. Walker ; and Birds, by J. E. Harting. 4to. cloth. Roper & Drowley, 1889. Lock, A. G. Gold : its Occurrence and Extraction. With a Bibliography of the Subject ; and a Glossary of English and Foreign Technical Terras, imp. 8vo. cloth. IS. & F. N. Spon, 1882. Loudon Geological Field Class; Excursions for the Study of the Country round London, under the direction of Prof. H. G. Seeley, during the Summer of 1886 and onwards. 8vo. sewed. G. Philip & Son, 1887, &c. Lowry, J. W. Chart of the Charac- teristic Tertiary Fossils, Stratigraphi- cally Arranged. Mounted to fold in a book, post 4to. E. Stanford. ■ ■ Mounted on linen, in cloth wrapper. 8vo. J. Tennant. Lycett, J. The Cotteswold HiUs. Handbook introductory to their Geology and Palaeontology, post 8vo. cloth. London, 1857. The Fossil Trigonise. 4to. Palceonfographical Society y 1872-83. Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of Geo- logy ; or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, considered as illustrative of Geology. 7ih edition. 8vo. cloth. 1847. 10th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867-68. cloth. cloth. 11th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. J. Murray, 1872. — — A Manual of Elementary Geologj' : or, the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, as illustrated by Geological Monuments. 3rd edition. 8vo.calf. (C. C.^.Z.,i^o. 986.) 1851. 6th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1865. ■ The Student's Elements of Geo- logy, post 8vo. cloth. 1871. - 2Dd edition, post 8vo. 1874. cloth. 8vo. cloth. 3rd edition, revised, post 1878. 4th edition, revised by P. Martin Duncan, post 8vo. cloth. J.Murray, 1885. Lyell, Sir Charles. The Geologica Evi- dences of the Antiquity of Man ; with Remarks on Theories on the Origin of Species by Variation. 3rd edition, re- vised. 8vo. cloth. 1863. " 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1873. Life, Letters and Journals. Edited by his Sister-in-law, Mrs. LyeU. 2 v cyris.WV Geological Diagrams, targe Series, Prepared under the superintendence of John Morris. On 9 sheets, coloured, each 55 by 20 inches, in wrapper, J. Reynolds. GEOLOGY, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS. 107 IRhindj W. The Age of the Earth con- sidered Geologically and Historically, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1838. — -— Elements of Geology and Physical Greography. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1839. Richardson, G. F. Introduction to Geology, and its Associate Sciences, Mineralogy, Fossil Botany, and Palaeont- ology. New edition, revised by Thos. Wright, M.D. post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1855. Also edition dated 1851 (C7. C.E. L., No. 926.) Richardson, W. The Chemical Prin- ciples of the Metallic Arts ; with an Account of the Principal Diseases in- cident to the different Artificers ; the Means of Prevention and Cure ; and a concise Introduction to the Study of Chemistry. 8vo. half calf. Birmingham, 1790. (^With Works on Chemistry.) Rickard, W. The Miner's Manual of Arithmetic and Surveying, with a Com- pendium of Mensuration, and a Course of Mine Surveying, Levelling, and Land Surveying. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1859. Robinson, Rev. T. New Observations on the Natural History of this World of Matter and this World of Life, in two parts, being a Philosophical Dis- course founded upon the Mosaick System. To which are added, some thoughts concerning Paradise, &c. fcp. 8vo. calf. London, 1696. Rodwell, G. F. Etna: a History of the Mountain and of its Eruptions, post 8vo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Rosenbnsch, H. Microscopical Phys- iography of the Rock-making Miner- als ; an Aid to the Microscopical Study of Rocks. Translated and abridged by J. P. Iddings. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co. [1888]. ■■ Petrographical Tables, an Aid to the Microscopical Determination of Rock-forming Minerals. Translated and edited by Dr. F. H. Hatch. 4to. cloth,limp. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Ross, Lieut.-Col. W. A. The Blowpipe in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, containing all known Methods of Anhyd- lous Analysis, &c. .; C. Lockwood & Co., 1884. {With Works on Chemistry.) Rntley, F. Mineralogy, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Science Series.) 1874. — — - 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo» doth. (Science Series.) T. Murby [1887]. Rntley, F. The Study of Rocks. An Elementary Text Book of Petrology. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) 1881. ■ 3rd edition.' post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1884. •- Rock-forming Minerals. 8vo. sewed. T. Murby, 1888. Sacramento. Californian State Min- ing Bureau. Annual Reports. See Transactions—SACRAMENTo. Salter, J. W. A Catalogue of the Col- lection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils in the Geological Museum of Cambridge. With a Preface, by the Rev. A. Sedg- wick ; and a Table of Genera and Index by Prof. Morris. 4to. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1873. -The Trilobites of the Cambrian, Silurian, and Devonian Formations. 4to. Palaontographical Society ^ 1864-83. Arctic Carboniferous Fossils. See Works on Geography — Belcher, Sir E., Last of Arctic Voyages. See also Science and Art Depart- ment Publications — Memoirs of the Geological Survey, S/'c, Salter, J. W., and Woodward, H. Chart of Fossil Crustacea. In post 4to. wrapper. E. Stanford. Mounted on linen, in cloth wrapper, post 4to. With Descriptive Catalogue. J. Tennant. Scepticism in Geology and the Rea- sons for it. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1878. Schoedler, F. Elements of IVIineralogy and Geology. Edited from the 5th German edition, by H. Medlock. crown 8vo. cloth, stiff. J. J. Griffin & Co., 1851. Science in Scripture, Revelation of. Three Lectures. By " Investiga- tor." crown 8vo. sewed. Haughton & Co., 1875. Scientific Apparatus, Special Loan of, 1876, Conferences held in connection with the. — Geology, Mineralogy. See Science and Art Department Publi- cations. Scoffem, Dr. See Metals. The Useful Metalf . Scrope, G. P. The Geology and Ex- tinct Volcanoes of Central France. 2nd .edition. With Maps, royal 8 vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1858. 108 NATI3BAL BISTORT. Scrope, G. P. Volcanos. The Character of their Phenomena, their Share iu the Stracture and Composition of the Surface ' of the Globe, and their Relation to its Internal Forces. With a Descriptive ' Catalogue of all known Volcanos and Volcanic Formations. 2nd edition, re- * vised and enlarged. With a Map of the Volcanic Areas of the Globe. 8vo. cloth. 1862. "■ 2nd edition. With Pre- fatoiy Remarks and a List of Recent Earthquakes and Eruptions ; also a Map, &c. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. Sedgwick, Rev. A. A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palaeozoic ' Rocks. With a Systematic Description of the British Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum at Cambridge, by F. McCoy. 4to. calf. London & Cambridge, 1855. Life and Letters of, by J. W. Clark and T. N. Hughes. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1890. — — Preface to Catalogue of the Col- lection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils in the Geological Museum of Cambridge, &c. See Salter, J. W. Seeley, H. G. Physical Geology and Palaeontology. See Phillips, Prof. J. Selwyu, A. R. C. Notes and Obser- vations on the Gold Fields of Quebec ■ and Nova Scotia. See Nova Scotia. Selwyn, A. R. C, and Dawson, G. M. Descriptive Sketch of the Phys- ical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada. See Canada, Geological, &c, Sm-vey. Sexe, S. A. On the Rise of Land in - Scandinavia. To accompany the " In- dex Scholarum " of the University for 1872. 8vo. sewed. {Norwegian Col- lection.) Christiania, 1872. Sharp, S. Rudiments of Geology, crown 8vo. cloth. 1875. ■ 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1876. Sharpe, D. The Upper Cretaceous Cephalopoda. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1853-56. Siemens, Sir C. W., The Scientific • Works of. Vol. 1 . — Heat and Metallurgy. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Silversmith, Julius. Practical Hand- Book for Miners, Metallurgists, and Aesayers, &c. post Svo. cloth. New York, 15^66. - Simonin, L. Underground Life ; or, Mines and Miners. Translated, adapted to the present State of British Mining, and edited by H. W. Bristow. imp. Svo. half bnd. Chapman & Hall, 1869. " Simpson, M. Guide to the Geology of " the Yorkshire Coast, &c. See Pamphlets. Skertchly, S. B. J. Geology. 4th edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby. Sketches of Geology, fcp. svo. cloth. W. Pickering, 1848. Smiles, S. Robert Dick, Baker, of Thurso, Geologist and Botanist. 10th thousand, post Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1878. Smith, J. Pye. The Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science. 5th edition, with a short Sketch of the Literary Life of the Author, by J. H. Davies. post Svo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) H. G. Bohn, 1854. Smjrth, R. B. The Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria, with Notes on the Modes of Occurrence of Gold and other Metals and Minerals. 4to. cloth. Melbourne, 1869. Smyth, Warrington W. Coal and Coal- Mining. post Svo. cloth. Strahan & Co., 1S69. Rudimentary Treatise on Coal and Coal-Mining. 5th edition. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1880. Sopwith, T. Description of a Series oT Geological Models, illustrating the Nature of Stratification, Valleys of Denudation, Succession of Coal Seams in the Newcastle Coal Field, &c. post Svo. boards. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1841. Sonthall, J. C. The Enoch of the Mammoth and the Apparition of Man upon the Earth, post Svo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1878. Sowerby, H. Popular Mineralogy; comprising a Familiar Account of Min- erals and their Uses. Coloured Plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1850. Sowerby, J- The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain ; or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells. Continued by J. D. C. Sowerby. Text. Vols. 1-6, in 3. Plates, 3 vols. Vol. 7 (as far as published. Letter-press, Plates, and Index). Svo. half morocco. London, 1812-1840. Spretson, N. E. Practical Treatise on Castmg and Founding. Svo. cloth. E. &F. N. Spon, 1878. Staffordshire (South) Coalfields ; Geology, &c. of the. See Works on Manufactures, &c. — Birmingham. Strickland, H. E., and Melville, A. G. The Dodo and its Kindred ; or, the History, Affinities and Osteology of the Dodo, Solitaire, and other Extinct Birds of the Islands Mauritius, Rod- riguez, and Bourbon, folio, cloth. London, 1848. GEOLOGY, ETC. : ENGLISH WOEKS. 109 Stadnitz, A. von. Gold : Legal Regu- lations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Wares in different Countries of the World. Translated and abridged, by Mrs. Brewer. With Notes, &c. by E. W. Streeter. 2nd edition. postSvo. . cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1877. Swank, J. M. History of the Manu- facture of Iron in all Ages, and par- ticularly in the United States for three hundred years, from 1585-1885. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1884. Symonds, Rev. W. S. Old Bones, or Notes for Young Naturalists, fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1861. Records of the Rocks ; or, Notes of the Geology, Natural History, and Antiquities of North and South Wales, Devon, and Cornwall, crown 8vo. clotli. J. Murray, 1872. Tate, R. Class-Book of Geology, Phys- ical and Historical, fcp. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1872. Tate, R., and Blake, J. F. The York- shire Lias. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1876. Taylor, Rev. I. The Mine. With En- gravings. 5th edition. 16mo. half roan. (Little Library.) J. Harris, 1834. The Mine, or Subterranean Won- ders. With Corrections and Additions by Mrs. Loudon. 16mo. cloth. Griffith & Farran. Taylor, J. E. Geological Stories ; a Series of Biographies in Chronological Order, fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1873. . Our Common British Fossils, and Where to Find them, post Svo. cloth. Chatto & Windus, 1885. ., Mountain and Moor — Under- ground. 2 vols. (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on General Natural History. Teall, J. J. H. British Petrography ; with Special Reference to the Igneous Rocks, imp. Svo. cloth. Dulau & Co., 1888. Teunant, J. Catalogue of Fossils found in the British Isles ; to which is appended a List, of the Principal Geo- logical Books, Maps, &c. 12mo. cloth, limp. J. Tennant, 1859. The Imperial State Crown. See Pamphlets. Teunant, J., and Mitchell, Rev. W. Mineralogy and Crystallography. See Mitchell, Rev. W., &c. Thompson, B. The Middle Lias of Northamptonshire considered : 1 . Strati- graphically. 2. Palaeontologically. 3. Economically. 4. As a Source of Water Supply. 5. As a Mitigator of Floods. Svo. cloth. Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. [188S]. Townson, R. Tracts.— Sketch of the Mineralogy of Shropshire. See Works on General Natural History. Transactions, &c. of Geological, Mineralogical, &c. Societies : — London— Crystallological Society. Geological Society. ' Geologists' Association. Iron and Steel Institute. Mineralogical Society, Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the. Palaeontographical Society. Penzance— Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Sacramento — California State Min- ing Bureau. Sydney — Department of Mines. See Transactions (Catalogue OP Scientific Periodicals). Traquair, Prof. The Fishes of the Carboniferous Formation. Palaoniographical Society^ 1S77, &c. Trimmer, J. Practical Geology and Mineralogy, with Instructions for the Qualitative Analysis of Minerals. Svo. cloth. (C. C. E. i., TVo. 2141.) J. W.Parker, 1S41. United States. President's Message to Congress. Part 3. Geological and Mineralogical and Indian Affairs, Re- ports. Svo. half bound. Washington, 1849. United States Geological Sur- veys :— reports, Sfc. by State Geologists: — Alabama, 1874, 1875. By E. A. Smith. 2 parts. Svo. sewed. Montgomery, 1875-76. Arkansas, Northern Counties of, 1857 and 1S5S. By D. D. Owen, royal Svo. sewed. Little Rock, 185S. Arkansas, Southern and Middle Counties of, 1S59-60. By Dr. D. D. Owen, royal Svo. sewed. Philadelphia, 1860. Indiana. 1 st to 1 0th Reports (1869 -78). By E. T. Cox. With Maps in pockets. 7 vols. Svo. cloth. Indianapolis, 1869-79. Iowa. By J. Hall and J. D. Whit- ney. In 2 parts, imp. Svo. cloth. Dfes Moines, 1S5S. By C. A. White. 2 vols. imp. Svo. cloth. Des Moines, 1870. 110 NATURAL HISTORY. United States Geological Sur- veys — cont. Reports f Sfc. hy State Geologists — cont. Kentucky. By D. D. Owen. Vols. 2 and 3. With Maps. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Frankfort, Ky., 1857. Michigan, hy C. T. Jackson. 8vo. half roan. Washington, 1849. Michigan, Upper Peninsula, 1869 -1873. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. New York, 1873. Atlas to, 23 in. by 29 in. In wrapper. New York. Minnesota, Geological and Na- tural History Survey of, 1875. By N. H. Winchell and M. W. Harrington. 8vo. sewed. St. Paul, 1876. . Belle Plaine, Scott County. 8vo. sewed. St. Paul, 1872. . Freeborn County, Geolo- gical and Natural History Sur- vey. By N. H. Winchell. 8vo. sewed. St. Paul, 1875. Metalliferous Region bord- ering on Lake Superior. By H. H. Fames. 8vo. sewed. St. Paul, 1866. Missouri. By G. C. Swallow, royal 8vo. cloth. Jefterson City, 1855. Nevada. State Mineralogist's Bi- ennial Reports, 187 1-74. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New Jersey. By G. H. Cook, royal 8vo. cloth. Newark, 1868. .- Maps (8) to accom- pany. In 4to. portfolio, cloth. . Annual Reports,', 1869 to 1875. 7 parts. 8vo. sewed. ^ Trenton & New Brunswick. Northern , Geological Map of. In 8vo. envelope, lettered. 1874. Report of the Clay Deposits of Woodbridge, South Amboy and other places, together with their iUses for Fire Brick, Pot- tery, &c. With Map of Clay Dis- trict of Middlesex Co., in pocket. 8vo. cloth. Trenton, 1878. Ohio. Report of Progress in 1869 and 1870. By J. S. Newberry, &c. royal 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1871. m . Report of Survey. Geo- logy. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1873. , . Palaeontology. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1873-5. Maps (5) of Grouped Sections. 1870. In 8vo. enve- lope, lettered. Maps (8) to accom- pany Report, 1874. Vol.2. In 8vo. envelope, lettered. Oregon, 1874. 8vo. sewed. Salem, 1874. TTxiited States Geological Sur- veys — cont. Reports, Sfc. hy State Geologists^-cont. Pennsylvania, Second Geological Survey, 1874-78. 28 vols. 8vo. cloth and sewed. Harrisburg, 1875-79. ■ Historical Sketch of Geo- logical Explorations in Pennsyl- vania and other States. By J. P.Lesley. With Appendix, (a) 1876. Mineralogy of Pennsylvania. By F. A. Genth. With Appen- dix on the Hydro-carbon Com- pounds, by S. P. Sadtler. (b) 1875. District of York andAdama Counties ; with Maps, &c., show- ing the Iron Ore Belts and Indi- vidual Mines, &c. — Counties of York, Adams, Cumberland, and Franklin. By P. Frazer, jun. 2 vols, (c) 1876-77. ■ Brown Haematite Ore Ranges of Lehigh County, &c. Brown Haematite Deposits of the Siluro-Cambrian Limestones of Lehigh County. By F. Prime. 2 vols, (d) 1875-78. Trap Dykes and Azoic Rocks of Pennsylvania. By T. S. Hunt. Pt. I. Historical In- troduction, (e) 1878. Juniata District, the Fossil Iron Ore Beds of Middle Penn- sylvania, By J. H. Dewees. With Report on Aughwick Val- ley, &c. By G. A. Ashburner. (F) 1878. Bradford and Tioga Coun- ties, (g) Clearfield and Jefferson District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of W. Pennsylvania. — Cambria and Somerset District of ditto. Pt. I. Cambria ; Pt. II. Somerset. — Indiana County. By F. and W. G. Piatt. 4 vols, (h) 1875-78. Venango County District. Oil Well Records and Levels. By J. F. Carll. — Geology around Warren. By F. A. Randall. 2 vols. (I) 1875-77. Petroleum of Pennsylvania, its Production, &c. By H. E. Wrigley, &c. (j) 1875. Greene and Washington District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of W. Pennsylvania. — Fayette and Westmoreland Dis- trict of ditto. Part I. Eastern Alleghany County, &c. Part II. The Ligonier Valley. By J. J. Stevenson. 3 vols, (k) 1876-78. GEOLOGY, ETC.: ENGLISH WORKS, 111 TTnited States Geological Stlt- veys — cont. Reports^ ^c. by State Geologists — cont. Coke Manufacture of the Youghiogheny Kiver Valley in Fayette and Westmoreland Counties. With Geological Notes of the Coal and Iron Ore Beds. By F. Piatt, &c. (l) 1876. ■■ Report of Progress in the Laboratory of the Survey at Har- risburg. By A. S. McCreath. 2 vols, (m) 1875-79. Elevation above Tide-Level of the Railroad Stations, Sum- mits and Tunnels, &c., in and around Pennsylvania. By C. Allen, (n) 1878. Catalogue of the Geological Museum. By C. E. Hall. Pt. I. Collections of Rock Specimens, (o) 1878. Atlas to the Coal Flora of Pennsylvania and of the Carboni- ferous Formation throughout the United States. By L. Lesque- reux. (p) 1879. Beaver River District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania . — Geology of Lawrence County. By I. C. White. 2 vols, (q) 1878. Northern Townships of But- ler County and Special Survey made in 1875 along the Beaver and Sheuango Rivers. By H. M. Chance, (v) Harrisburg, 1879. Texas. First and Second Geolo- gical and Agricultural Surveys. By S. B. Buckley. 2 parts. 8to. sewed. Houston, 1874-76. Wisconsin. By E. Daniels. 8vo. sewed. Washington, &c., 1854. By J. Hall and J. D. Whit- ney. Vol. I. imp. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1862. Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. By D. D. Owen. — Crinoidea, by B. F. Shumard.— Botany, by C. C. Parry. — Ornithology, by H. Pratten. With Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. TTnited States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, Geo- logist- in-Charge : — Monographs : — Vol. I. Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. By J. Leidy. 4to. half morocco. 1873. II. Vetebrata of the Cretace- ous Formations of the West. By E. D. Cope. 4to. half morocco. 1875. V. Acrid idse of North America. By Dr. C. Thomas. 4to. half morocco. 1873. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, Geo- logist-in-Charge — cont. Monographs — cont. Vol. VI. Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. Part I. The Cretaceous Flora. By L. Lesquereux. 4to. half morocco. 1874. IX. Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils of the Upper Missouri Country. By F. B. Meek. 4to. cloth. 1876. X. Geometrid Moths ; or Phalajnidse of the United States. By A. S. Packard, junr. 4to. cloth. 1876. XII. Fresh Water Rhizopods of North America. By J. Leidy. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1879. Annual Reports^ ^c. : — Colorado, 1873. By F. V. Hayden. 8vo. morocco. 1874. and parts of adjacent terri- tories, 1874 and 1875. By F. V. Hayden. 8vo. morocco and cloth. 1876. Atlas, Geological and Geographical of. By F. V. Hayden. broad folio, half morocco. 1877. Drainage Map of. By J. T. Gardner, A. D. Wilson, G. R. Bechler, H. Gannett, G. B. Chitten- den, and S. B. Ladd. One sheet, 3 ft. by 2 ft. 3 in. March, 1877. Colorado and New Mexico. Pre- liminary Field Report. By F. V. Hayden. Washington, 1869. Idaho and Wyoming. 11th and 12th Reports, 1877, 1878. 4 vols., including Map and Panoramas, 1 vol. By F. V. Hayden. 8vo. cloth. 1879-83. Montana and portions of adjacent territories. By F. V. Hayden. 8vo. morocco. 1872. ■ ■■ Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, Portions of, 1872. By F. V. Hayden. 8vo. morocco. 1873. - ' ■ ■ ' Nebraska and portions of the adjacent territories, 1867. 8vo. morocco. 1872. Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico, 1867, 1868, and 1869. By F. V. Hayden. 1 vol. 8vo. morocco. 1873. Wyoming and portions of contiguous territories, 1870. 8vo. morocco. 1871. Atlas, Geographical and Political, of the States and Territories in which Public Land Surveys are now in operation. By S. S. Burdett. 28 in. by 35 in. In wrapper. Washington, 1876. 112 NATURAL HISTORY. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, Geo- logist-in-Charge — cont. Annual Reports, Sfc. — cont. Map of the U. States and Territojies, 1875. By S. S. Burdett. Size 4 ft. 4 in. by 6 ft. 8 in. Mounted on linen ; also in 6 sheets, unmounted. Photographs of the principal points of interest in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Montana. From negatives taken from 1869-75, by W. H. Jackson, Photographer to the Survey. In 1 vol. folio, half bound. Washington. Another Collection (164), Mounted. Sizes rauging from 6^ in. by 7 in. to 25 in. by 30 in. Mostly framed and placed in Science Collections, S. K. M. ■Miscellaneous Publications : — No. S . Birds of the North-west ; a Hand- book of the Ornithology of the Region drained by the Missouri River and its Tributaries. By E. Coues. 8vo. morocco. 1874. 4. Synopsis of the Flora of Colorado. By T. C. Porter and J. M. Coulter. 8vo. sewed. 1874. 5. Descriptive Catalogue of the Photographs of the Survey, 1869-1875 (inclusive). 2nd edition. W. H. Jackson, Photographer. 8vo. sewed. 1875. 7. Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. By W. Matthews. 8vo. cloth. 1877. 8. Fur-bearing Animals; a Monograph of. North American Mustelidae. By E. Coues. 8vo. cloth. 1877. 9. Descriptive Catalogue of Photographs of North American Indians. By W. H. Jackson. 8vo. sewed. 1877. 10. Bibliography of North Ameri- can Invertebrate Paleont- ology, including the West Indies and Greenland. By C. A. White and H. A. Nicholson. 8vo. sewed. Washington, 1878. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. No. 8. Session 1873-4, containing Prof. Hayden's Address on " Our Great West." 8vo. sewed. New York. Bulletin of the Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories. Vol. 1, 1874-75. 8vo. morocco. Washington, 1876. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, Geo- logist-in-Charge — cont. Miscellaneous Publications — cont. Catalogue of the Publications of the Survey. 8vo. sewed. 1874. Preliminary Report of the Field Work of the Survey for the season of 1877. 8vo. sewed. 1877. Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Surveys. 8vo. sewed. Washington, 1877. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Second ]3ivision. J. W. Powell, Geologist-in-Charge : — Uinta Mountains (Eastern portion), and a region of the country adjacent thereto. Report by J. W. Powell. 4to. cloth. 1876. Atlas to accompany. By J. W. Powell. 26 in. by 18 in. sewed. Washington, 1876. United States Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, &c. J. W. Powell, in charge : — Contributions to North American Ethnology. Vol. 3. Tribes of California.- By S. Powers. 4to. cloth. Map in pocket. 1877. Vol. 5. Lapidarian Sculpture in the Old World and in America, by C. Ran. Prehistoric Trephining by R, Fletcher. — Manu- script Troano, by C. Thomas, &c. 4to. cloth. 1882. Colorado River of the West and its Tributaries, explored in 1869-72, under the Direction of the Smith- sonian Institution. With 2 maps in pocket. By J. W. Powell. 4to. cloth. 1875. Henry Mountains, Report on the Geology of the. By G. K. Gilbert. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1877. United States Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, in charge of Capt. G. M. Wheeler : — Progress — Report, 1872. 4to. cloth. 1874. Annual Reports, 1874-79, 1881. 8vo. cloth and sewed. 1874-81. Topographical Atlas to ac- company the above. 20 in. by 25 in. In wrapper. 1874. Topographical (and Land Classification) Atlas Sheets, to ac- company above Reports for 1876- 79. ^ach in 8vo. cloth cases. GEOLOGT, ETC. : ENGLISH WORKS. 113 United States Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th llleriaian, in Charge of Capt. G. M. Wheeler — cont. Special Reports. 4to. cloth : — Vol. II. Astronomy and Barometric Hypsometry. For years 1871-75. 1877. III. Geology. 1875. III. Geology — Supplement. With 3 Maps, in pocket. 1881. IV. Palaeontology. 1877. V. Zoology. Chapters 1-16^ in 6 parts, sewed and cloth. 1875. VI. Botany. 1878. VII. Archaeology. 1879. Geological Atlas. 19| in. by 25 in. In wrapper. 1874. Topographical Atlas, 19^ in. by 25 in. In wrapper. 1878. Astronomical Co-ordinates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, Deter- mination of the, 1872-1873. 4to. half morocco . 1874. Catalogue of the Mean Declination of 2018 Stars between Oh. to 2h., and 12h. to 24h. Right Ascension, and 10° to 70° of North Declination for January 1, 1875. 1879. List of Reports and Maps of the Survey. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. Washington, 1881. United States Geological Explo- ration of the Fortieth FaraUel. Clarence King, Geologist-in-charge : — Reports : — Vol. I. Systematic Geology. By Clarence King. 4to. cloth. 1878. II. Descriptive Geology. By A. Hague and S. F. Em- mons. 4to. cloth. 1877. IV. Palaeontology, by F. B. Meek, J. Hall, and R. P. Whitfield; Ornithology, by R. Ridgway. 1877. VI. Microscopical Petrography. By F. Zirkel. 4to. cloth. 1876. VII. Odontornithes : a Mono- graph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. By O.C. Marsh. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1880. Geological and Topographical Atlas, accompanying the Report of the Geological Exploration, &c. By Clarence King. 24 Maps, 34 in. by 24 in. In lettered wrapper. Washington, 1876. E 61669. United States Geological Sur- vey. Clarence King ; subsequently, J. W. Powell, Director. Annual Reports. First to Sixth, imp.* 8vo. sewed, and cloth. 1880-85. Monographs : — Vol. II. Tertiary History of the Grand Caiion District. By C. E. Dutton. 4to. With Atlas, imp. folio, cloth. 1882. X. Dinocerata. A Monograph of an Extinct Order of Mammals. By O. C. Marsh, royal 4to. half morocco. (Unofficial edi- tion.) 1884. Bulletin. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. half roan. Washington, 1883, &c. Mineral Resources of the United States. By A. Williams. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1883-86. United States Mining Laws, Indus- tries, &c. (United States Tenth Census, 1880.) (With Works o?i Statistics.) Statistics and Technology of the Precious Metals. (United States Tenth Census, 1860.) (With Works on Sta- tistics.) Production, Technology and Uses of Petroleum, &c.. Building Stones of the U.S. and Statistics of the Quarry Industry. (United States Tenth Census, 1880.)- (With Works on Statistics.) Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 6th edition. Edited by Robert Hunt, F.R.S. 3 vols. 8vo. Longmans & Co., 1867. (With Works of Reference.) Urqnhart, J. W. Electro-plating. See Works on ELECTRiciTr. • ■- Electro-typing. See^ Works on Electricity. Varley*S Mineralogy. See Dana, J. D. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. London, 1845. 5th edition. 8vo. cloth. London, 1846. Explanations : A Sequel to. 8vo. cloth. London, 1845. Victoria. Annual Report of the Secre- tary of Mines, on the Working of the • Regulation and Inspection of Mines and Mining Machinery Act during the year 1888. fcp. folio, sewed. Melbourne, 1889. Victoria, Geological Survey of. Pro - dromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria. By F. McCoy. See McCoy, F. Victoria, Mineral Statistics of. See Pamphlets. • Victorian Government Prize Essay on the Origin and Distribution of Gold in Quartz Veins, &c., by H. Rosales. See Works on Geography. 114 NATURAL HISTORY. Volcanoes ; their History, Phenomeaa, and Causes. 18mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Volcanoes, Treatises on. See — English Works. Dana, J. D. Judd, J. W. Krakatoa. Lobley, J. L. Phillips, J. Rodwell, G. F. Scrope, G. P. Zurcher and Margolle, Foreign Works, Helland, A. Instituto, Nacional. Montessus de Ballore, F. de. Pfaff, Dr. F. Santi, G. Scrope, G. P. Spallanzani, L. Wallace, A. R. The Geographical Dis- tribution of Animals. With a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas, as elucidating the past Changes of the Earth's Surface. See Works on General Natural History. " Island Life; or, the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a Revision and At- tempted Solution of the Problem of Geological CUmates. See Works on General Natural History. Wallace, W. The Laws which regulate the Deposition of Lead Ore in Veins ; Illustrated by an Examination of the Geological Structure of the Mining Districts of Alston Moor. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1861. Ward, J. C. Elementary Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1872. Wardle, T. On the Geology of Shut- lingslow (Cheshire) and District. 8vo. sewed. 1881. Watherston, J. H. The Gold Valuer : being a Table for Ascertaining the Value of Gold; with an Explanation of the Art of Assaying Gold and Silver, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1852. Watt, A. The History of a Lump of Coal, from the Pit's Mouth to a Bonnet Ribbon, post 8vo. boards. A. Johnston, 1882. Wanchope, Admiral. Proofs of the Probable Cause and Recent Date of the Boulder-Drift. See Pamphlets. Whelpley, J. D., and Storer, J. J. New Method of separating Metals from Sulphurets and other Ores. With brief Description of Furnace and Machinery employed. 8vo. half calf. Boston, 1866. Wllincopp, W. Discoveries which have led to the Elucidation of the Deposit of Flint Instruments in France and Eng- land. Sea Pamphlets. Whitaker, W. Guide to the Geology of London and the Neighbourhood. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. (Geological Sur- vey of England and Wales.) H.M. Printers, 1880. ' Geology of London and of part of the Thames Valley. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey.) See Science and Art Department Publications. On the Chalk of the Southern Part of Dorset and Devon. 8vo. sewed. List of Works on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology of Devon- shire. 8vo. sewed. Pamphlets on Geological Subjects 8vo. half roan : — On Subaerial Denudation, and on Cliffs and Escarpments of the Chalk and Lower Tertiary Beds. 1867. On the Chesil Bank, Dorset ; Raised Beach at Portland. 1869. On Geology and Consumption. 1869. On the Chalk of the Isle of Thanet, of Buckinghamshire, and of the Isle of Wight. 1865. On the " Lower London Tertiaries " of Kent. 1866. On the Succession of Beds in the *' New Red " on the South Coast of Devon, and on the Locality of a new Specimen of Hyperodapedon. 1869 Note on the Surface- Geology of Lon- don ; with Lists of Wells and Borings showing the Thickness of the Superficial Deposits. 1867, London, 1865-69. White, C. A., and Nicholson, H. A. Bibliography of North American In- vertebrate Paleontology, &c. See United States Surveys under Hayden ; Miscel- laneous Publications. Whitney, J. r>. The Metallic Wealth of the United States, described and compared with that of other Countries, royal 8vo. cloth. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1854. Triibner & Co. Whittlesey, C. Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior. 4to. sewed. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 12.) See Trans- actions — Washington. Williamson, Prof. W. C. Coals and Coal Plants. Lecture at Glasgow, Nov. 1875. post 8vo. sewed. 1876. The Ice Age. Lecture at Glasgow, Jan. 1877. fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1877. Winchell, Prof. A. Report of the Geological and Industrial Resources of the Counties of Antrim, Grand Traverse, &c., in the lower peninsula of Michigan. 8vo. stitched. Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S., 1866. GEOLOGY, ETC. : FOREIGN WORKS. lU Witham, H. T. M. Observations on Fossil Vegetables, accompanied by Re- presentations of their Internal Structure, as seen through the Microscope. 4to. boards. Edinburgh, 1831. The Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables found in the Carboniferous and Oolitic Deposits of Great Britain. 4to. boards. Edinburgh, 1833. Wood, S. V. The Eocene Bivalves. Vol. 1 and Supplement. 4to. PaJaoniographical Society^ 1861-77. ■■ The Mollusca of the Crag. Vols. 1, 2, 3 (Supplement), and Supplements 2 and 3. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1848-82. Woodward, A. Smith, and Sherboru, C. D. Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrata. 8vo. cloth. Dulau & Co., 1890. Woodward, H. The Fossil Merostom- ata. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1866-78. — — — The Carboniferous Trilobites. 4to. Palctontographical Society, 1883, &c. Woodward, H. B. The Geology of England and Wales, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. ' The Geology of England and Wales : with Notes on the Physical features of the Country. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1887. Woodward, S, Synoptical Table of British Organic Remains. Accompanied by a Lithograph of the Fossil Turtle in in the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) London, 1830. Wright, Mrs. Our World; its Rocks and Fossils. A Simple Introduction to Geology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Jarrold & Sons. Wright, C. R. A. Metals and their chief Industrial Applications. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1878. Wright, Dr. T. The Oolitic Echino- dermata. Vol. 1. Echinoidea. Vol. 2. Asteroidea. 4to. Palaontographical Society ^ 1857-80. m The Cretaceous Echinodermata. Vol. 1. Echinoidea. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1864-82. The Ammonites of the Lias. 4to. Palaontographical Society, 1878, &c. Young, J. R. Science Elucidative of Scripture, and not Antagonistic to it. fcp. 8vo. C. Lockwood & Co., 1863. ( With Works on Theology.) Zirkel, F. ^Microscopical Petrography. See United States Geological Explora- tion of the Fortieth Parallel. Zomlin, R. M. Recreations in Geology, 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Parker & Son, 1852. ' Outlines of Geology. 12mo. sewed. Parker & Son,, 1852. Zarcher and Margolin. Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Translated by Mrs. N. Lockyer. 8vo. cloth. R. Beutley, 1868. FOREIGN P UBLICA TIONS. Agassiz, L. Description des Echino- dermes fossiles de la Suisse, 1839-40. — Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephae of North America, 1849. — The Classification of Insects from Embryological Data, 1850. In one vol. 4to. half calf. Neuchatel, &c. Aldrovandus, U. MusaBum Metalli- cum in libros IV. distributum. See Works on General Natural History {^Foreign^. Arche, Dr. A. Die Gewinnung der Metalle und der Producte der Chem- ischen Grossindustrie nach den Arbeiten und Methoden der hervorragendsten Hiitten und Fabriken des Nordlichen Europas. Heft 1. Die Gewinnung und Darstellung des Bleies und seiner Producte. 4to. sewed. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1888. Archiac, A. d'. Paleontologie de la France, imp. 8vo. sewed. (Recueil de Rapports sur les Progres des Lettres et des Sciences en France.) Paris, 1868, (With Reports, Sfc. on Education — France — Lettres, &c.) Archaic, Le Vicomte d', et Haime, J. Description des Animaux Fossiles du Groupe Nummulitique de I'Inde: pre- cedee d'un Resume Geologique et d'une Monographic des Nummulites. 4to. half morocco. Gide & Baudry, Paris, 1853. Armengaud, Aine. Metallurgie. post 8vo. cloth. (Manuels Armengaud, Aine.) Librairie Technologique, Paris. Baden. Beitrage zur Statistik, &c. (1852-73.) 11 vols. Carlsruhe, 1855- 73 : — Geologische Beschreibung der Umgebungen (mit Profilentafeln) von: Badenweiler (1858), Ueberlingen (1859), Gegend von Baden (1861), Baden Glotherthal und Suggenthal (1862),Renchbader(1863),Kinzigthaler Berghau (1865), Waldshut, Lahr und OfEenburg, Mohringen und Mosskirch (1867), Friberg und Donausschingen (1872), Forbach und Ettlingen (1873). {With Works on Statistics.) Badin, A. Grottes et Cavemes. post 8vo. (Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. H 2 116 NATUBAL JIISTOEY. Balling, C. Manuel Pratique de I'Art de TEssjayeur. Guide pour I'Essai des Minerals, des Produits Metallurgiques, et des Combustibles. Traduit de I'Alle- mand par le Dr. L. Gautier. 8vo. half calf. Savy, Paris, 1881. Balling, C. A. M. Die Metallhiitten- kunde. Gewinnung der Metalle und Darstellung ihrer Verbindungen auf den Hiittenwerken. royal 8 vo. half morocco. J. Springer, Berlin, 1885. " Fortschritte im Probirwesen. (Umfassend die Jahre, 1879-86.) 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1887. Baxrrande, J. Parallele entre les Depots Siluriens de Boheme et de Scandinavie. 4to. sewed. (Aus den Abhand. der Konigl. bohm. Ges. der Wiss. V. Folge, 9 Bd.) Prague, 1856. Systeme Silurien du Centre de la Boheme. 1" Partie. Kecherches Paleontologiques.' Vols. 1 to 3, in 9 parts. 4to. cloth. Prague, 1852-67. Baner, M. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. 8vo. sewed. J. Guttentag, Berlin, 1886. Bayberger, P. Geographisch-geolo- gische Studien aus dem Bohmerwalde. (Petermann's Mittheilungen, Ergan- zungsheft,Nr. 81, 1886.) >See Journals — Mittheilungen. Beanmont, L. E. de. Rapport sur les Progres de la Stratigraphie. imp. 8vo. sewed. (liecueil de Rapports sur 1' iStat des Lettres et les Progres des Sciences en France.) Paris, 1869. ( With Reports, Sfc. on Education — Fkance — Lettres, &c.) Beckert, Th. Leitfaden zur Eisen- hiittenkunde. Ein Lehrbuch fiir den Unterricht an Technischen Lehran- Btalten sowie fiir Meister und Unter- beamte auf Hiittenwerken. 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1885. Beer, A. H. Lehrbuch der Mark- scheidekunst. royal 8vo. roan. {Aus- trian Collection.') Prague, 1856. - Erdbohrkunde. royal 8vo. roan. (^Austria?t Collection.') Prague, 1858. Beitrage znr Geologie und Fal- aontologie. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. G. Bornemann. 4to. sewed: — Heft 1. Ueber der Buntsandstein in Deutschland. G. Fischer, Jena, 1889. Bellardi, L. Piedmontese Fossils. See Sismonda and Bellardi. Beneden, P. J. van. Description des Ossements Fossiles des Environs d'Anvers. See Transactions— Bbusselb — Musee Royal, &c. Beneden, P. J. van, and Gervais, P. Osteographie des Cetaces vivants et fossiles. See Works on Mammals. Berlin, Das Mineralogische Museum der K. Technischen Hochschule. Von Hirschwald. See Hirschwald, Dr. J. Berthier, P. Traite des Essais par la Voie Sfeche ; ou des Propriet^s, de la Composition et de I'Essai des Substances metalliques et combustibles. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1834. Bidermann, G. I. Das Eisenhiitten- Gewerbe in Ungarn. 8vo. cloth, (^ms- trian Collection.) Pesth & Gratz, 1857. Blanckenhorn, M. Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse von Afrika. (Petermann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 90, 1888.) See Joumals-^Mittheilungen. Bollev und Birnbaum. Handbuch der Chemischen Technologic. Vol. VIII. Die Metallurgie. 8vo. Brunswick, 1863. ( With Works on Chemistkt.) Bosquet, J. Notice sur quelques Cirripedes recemment decouverts dans le Terrain Cretace du Duche de Lim- bourg. 4to. half calf. Loosjes, Haarlem, 1857. Botella y de Homos, F. de. De- scripcion Geologica — Minera de las Provincias de Murcia y Albacete. royal folio, sewed. Madrid, 1868. Boub^e, N. Cours de Geologie Agri- cole, Theorique et Pratique. 8vo. half, calf. Eloffe & Co., Paris, 1852. Bourguignat, J. R. Souvenirs d'une Exploration Scienti6que dans le Nord de I'Afrique — Etudes Geologique et Paleontologique des Hants Plateaux de 1' Atlas entre Boghar et Tiharet. — Djebel Thaya et les Ossements Fossiles recueillis dans la grande Caverne de la Mosquee. royal 4to. calf. Challamel, Paris, 1868-70. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Brauns, Dr. D. Die Technische Geologie ; oder die Geologie in Anwend- ung auf Technik, Gewerbe, und Landbau. 8vo. sewed. Schwetschke, Halle, 1878. Bredberg, B. G. Metallurgiska An- teckningar. 8vo. half calf. L. J. Hierta, Stockholm, 1868. Breithaupt, Prof. A. Die Paragenesis- der Mineralien. Svo. half calf. Freiberg, 1849. Brezina, A., and Cohen, E. Die Structur und Zusammensetzung der Meteoreisen, erlautert durch Photogra- phische Abbildungen geatzter Schnitt- flachen. Lief 1, 2, 3. In 4to. portfolios. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1886-7. Briart, A. Principes Elementaires de Paleontologie. Svo. sewed. Manceaux, Mons ; J. Baudry, Paris, 1883. GEOLOGY, ETC. : FOREIGN WORKS. 117 Brocchi, G. B. Conchiologia Fossile Subapennina ; con Osservazioni Geolo- • giche sugli Apennini e sul suolo adja- • cente. With Plates. 2 vols. 4to.half calf. Milan, 1814. Brogger, W. C. Die silurischen Etagen . 2 und 3 im Kristianiagebiet und auf Eker. imp. 8vo. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection^ Universitats programm, 1882.) Christiania, 1882. Brongniart, A. Histoire Naturelle deis Cru8tac6s fossiles, sous les rapports zoologiques et geologiques; Bavoir, les • Trilobites — Les Crustaces proprement dits, par A. G. Dumarest— Memoire sur . les Terrains de Sediment Superieurs . Calcares — Trappeens du Vipentiu, &c., . par A. Brongniart. In one vol. With • Plates. 4to. half calf . Paris, 1822-3. • Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles. With Plates. Vol. 1, half calf ; vol. 2. , 3 parts of. 4to. sewed. Paris, 1828-38. .— — — Recherches sur les Graines Fossiles Silicifiees. With a Notice of the Author's Works, by J. B. Dumas. royal 4to. sewed. Paris, 1881. Buch, L. von. Recueil de Planches de Petrifications remarquables. folio, stiff ' boards. Berlin, 1831. ' tJber Cystideen, 1845— tJber Goniatiten und Clymenien in Schlesien, • 1839 — tJber Productus oder Leptaena, 1842— tJber Grauit und Gneuss, 1844 — • tJber Sphaeroniten und einige andere Geschlechter, aus welchen Crinoideen entstehen, Marz, 1840— Ueber die Echino-Encrinen und die Identitaet des contractilen Theiles ihres Stieles mit dem Cornulites Serpularius, von Dr. A. Volborth — tJber die Anne der bisher . zu den Armlosen Crinoiden gezahlten Echino-Encrinen, von Dr. A. Volborth. In one vol. With " Gedsechtniss-Rede: Leopold von Buch " and " Gedachtniss- feier fiir L. von Buch," 6 Ap. 1853 und 19 Marz," 1853. 4to. half calf. Berlin. Bnrat, A. Geologie Appliquee. Traite du Gisement et de la Recherche des Mineraux Utiles. 5th edition. 2 vols. Svo. half morocco. Gamier Bros., Paris, 1870. CalderOUy Don S. Resefia de las Rocas ' de la Isla Volcanica Gran Canaria. 8 vo. sewed. Madrid, 1876. Carranza, A. El Aiustamieto i" Pro- porcion de las Monedas de Oro, Plata i Cobre, i la Reduccion distos Metalles a 8u Debida Estimacion. folio, old vellum. Madrid, 1629. Castelnan, F. de. Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para ; pendant les annees 1 843-47. • Itineraires et Coupe Geologique. See • Works on Geography {French). Chapnis, F., and Dewalqne, G. Description des Fossiles des Terrains Secondaires de la Province de Luxem- bourg. 4to. stiff boards. Hayez, Brussels, 1853. Chemin, O., and Verdier, F. La Houille et ses derives. See Works on Chemistry. ■ Cohen, E. Sammlung von Mikrophoto- graphien zur Veranschaulichung der Mikroskopischen Structur von Minera- lien und Gesteiaen. 80 mounts with 4 photographs each. 2nd edition. In lettered wrapper, royal 4to. E. Schweizerbart, Leipzig, 1884. CoUini, C. Journal d'un Voyage, qui contient differentes Observations Miner- alogiques ; particulierement sur les Agates et le Basalte. Avec un detail sur la maniere de travailler les Agatesw With Plates, post Svo. half calf. Mannheim, 1776. Columua, F. Dissertatio de Glossope- tris. See Scilla, A. Corpi Stereometrico-MineralO; gici, Sviluppo di alcuni. Sistemi di Dufrenoy, Haiiy, Rose, e Neumann. MS. by E. Dworzak, Venice. Tn port- folio, 13 in. by 10 in. Cotta, Bernard von. Die Lehre von den Erzlagerstatten. 2nd edition. Svo. half morocco. Engelhardt, Freiberg, 1859-61. Cottean. Echinides irreguliers et reguliers (Terrains Cretaces et Jurassi- ques). See Paleontologie Fran9aise. Cramer, J. A. Anfangsgrunde der Metallurgie. Illustrated. 3 parts in one vol. folio, half bound. Blankenburg & Quedlingburg, 1774-7. Credner, Dr. H. Elemente der Geo- logie. 3rd edition. Svo. sewed. 1876. 5th edition. Svo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1883. Dames, W. Ueber Archgeopteryx. — Die Ganoiden des Deutschen Muschel- kalkes. See Palaeontologische Abhand- lungen. Dames, W., and Kayser, E. Palseont- ologische Abhandiungen. See PalaBon- tologische Abhandiungen. Danbr^e, A. Etudes Synthetiques de Geologie Experimentale. 2 parts in one vol. royal Svo. half morocco. Dunod, Pai-is, 1879. •: Les Regions Invisibles du Glob'j et des Espaces Celestes: Eaux Souter- raines, Tremblements de Terre, Meteor- ites., post Svo. cloth. (Bibliotheque Scientifique Internationale.) F. Alcan, Paris, 1888. 11$ NATURAL HISTORY. Daubree, A. Rapport sur les Progr^s de la Geologie Experiraentale. imp. 8vo. sewed. (Recueil de Rapports sur les Progr^s des Lettres et des Sciences en France.) Paris, 1867. {With Reports, ^c. on Education — Feance — Lettres, &c.) Deiduuiiller, Dr. J. V. Die Insecten aus dem lithographischen SCliiefer im Dresdener Museum. 4to. sewed. (Mttheilungen aus dem K. Mineralo- gisch-Geologischen und Praehistorischen Museum in Dresden. Heft. 7.) T. Fischer, Cassel, 1886. Delafosse, G. Notions Elementaires d'Histoire Naturelle. — Mineralogie. Nouvelle edition. 18mo.' half calf. Hachette & Co., 1846. Another copy, sewed. Rapport sur les Progres de la Mineralogie. imp. 8vo. sewed. (Recueil de Rapports sur les Progres des Lettres et des Sciences en France.) Paris, 1867. (^With Reports, ^c. on Education — France — Lettres, &c.) De IiUC, J. A. Lettres Physiques et Morales sur les Montagues et sur I'Histoire de la Terre et de I'Homme. 8vo. sewed. (^Brooke Collection.) En Susse, 1778. Des Cloiseaux, A. Manuel de Miner- alogie. Vols. 1 and 2. Part 1. With Atlas. 8vo. half morocco. Dunod, Paris, 1862-74. Deshayes, G. P. Description des Coquilles Fossiles des Environs de Paris : Conchiferes-Mollusques. 2 vols, and Atlas. 4to. boards. Paris, 1824-37. Dienlafait, L. Diamants et Pierres Precieuses. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1871. Dollfas, A., and Mont-Serrat, E. de. Voyage Geologique dans les Re- publiques de Guatemala et de Salvador. See Mission Scientifique au Mexique. Domeyko, I. Tratado de Ensayes tanto por la Via Seca como por la Via Humeda. 3rd edition. 8vo. half bound. Santiago de Chile, 1873. Drapiez. Guide Pratique de Mineral- ogie Usuelle. 8vo. sewed. E. Lacroix, Paris. DTUUOnt, A. H. Memoire sur les Ter- rains Ardennais et Rhenau de I'Ardenne, du Rhin, du Brabant, et du Condros. 4to. half calf. (Extrait du Tome XX. des Memoires de I'Academie Royale de Belgique.) Brussels, 1848. Sdmond, C. Voyage dans les Mtrs du Nord a bord de la Corvette " La Reine Hortense." Notices Scientifiques. Par- tie Geologique. See Works on Gbo- OBAPHY (^French}. Edwards, H. Milne, and Comte, A. Cahiers d'Histoire Naturelle. III. Cahier — Geologie. New edition. 12mo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1867. Zihreuwerthy J. von. Das Eisenhiit- tenwesen Schwedens. 8vo. sewed. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1885. ZZicllwald, E. von. Sur le Syst^me Si- lurien de I'Esthonie. — Geognostischer Umriss des Nord — Westlichen Ehst- lands. Von Major A. v. Osersky. In one vol. 8vo. half calf . St. Petersburg, 1840-44. Encyclop^die Chimique. Publiee sous la Direction de M. Fremy. Vols. 3 and 5. Les Metaux et Metallurgie. 8vo. Paris. ( With Works on Chemistry, under Fremy.) Encyklopsedie der Natnrwis- seuscliaften. Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeonto- logie. See Kenngott, &c. Escher von der Liuth, A., and Heer, O. Geologische Bemerkungen liber das nordliche Vorarlberg und einige angrenzenden Gegenden. 4to. half calf. Zurich, 1853. Ettiugshausen, Dr. Con. von. Das Australii-che Florenelement in Europa. 4to. sewed. Leuschner & Lubensky, Graz, 1890. FalsaxL, A. La Periode Glaciaire, etu- diee principalement en France et en Suisse. 8vo. cloth. (Biblioth^que Scientifique Int(;rnationalol) F. Alcan, Paris, 1889. Fignier, L. La Terre avant le Deluge. See Works on General Natural His- Fischer, H. Nephrit und Jadeit nach ihren Mineralogischen Eigenschaften sowie nach ihrer Urgeschichtlichen und Ethnographischen Bedeutung. 2nd edi- tion. 8vo. sewed. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1880. Fock, Dr. A. Einleitung in die Che- mische Krystallographie. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1888. Fonvielle, W. de. Le Petrole. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1888. Fonaui, F., and Ii6vy, A. M. Minera- logie Micrographique : Roches Erup- tives Franyaises. Text, 4to. Atlas, royal 4to. half morocco. (Memoires pour servir k TExplication de la Carte Geo- logique detaillee de la France.) A. Quantin, Paris, 1879. Fonmety J. Geologie Lyonnaise. 8vo. sewed. Barret, Lyons, 1861. GEOLOGY, ETC.: FOREIGN WORKS. 119 Prance. Statistique de rindustrie Mi- nerale et des Appareils h Vapeur en France et en Algeria pourl'Annee 1884, 1885 et 1887. Avec un Appendice con- cernant la Statistique Minerale Interna- tionale. 4to. sewed. Paris, 1885-1888. Freeh, F. Die Cyathophylliden und Za- phrentiden des Deutschen Mitteldevon. See Palseontologische Abhandlungen. Fromental, De. Zoophytes (Terrains Cretaces). See Paleontologie Fran- ^aise. and Perry. Zoophytes (Ter- rains Jurassiques), See Paleontologie Fran9aise. Pnchs, C. W. C. Anleitung zum Bestim- meu der Mineralien. 3rd edition, by A. Streng. 8vo. sewed. Giessen, 1890. Gaetzschmann, M. F. Die Aufbereit- ung. Text, 2 vols, in one, 8 vo. Atlas, 4to. half morocco. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1864-72. Galon. L'Art de convertir le Cuivre en Laiton, &c. (Arts et Metiers, Vol. 22.) folio. Paris, 1773. (^Wtth Foreign Works on Manu- factures, &c.) Gamier, J. Le Fer. post 8vo. (-B^6- liotheque des Mervetlles.) Hachette & Co., 1874. Gandry, A. Les Ancetres de nos Ani- mauxdans les Temps Geologiques. post 8vo. sewed. J. B. Bailli^re & Son, Paris, 1888. Geinitz, H. B. Das Quadersandsteinge- birge oder Kreidegebirge in Deutsch- land. 8 vo. half calf. Freiberg, 1849. Geinitz, H. B., andLiebe, K.T. Ueber ein Aequivalent der Takonischen Schiefer Nordamerikas in Deutschland, und dessen Geologische Stellung. 4to. sewed. Blochmann, Dresden, 1866. Gervais, P. Zoologie et Paleontologie Generales. Nouvelles Recherches sur les Animaux Vertebres vivants et fos- siles. First Series. Text and Plates, in one vol. 4to. half morocco. 1867-9. ■. Second Series. Nos. 14, 1.5, and 16, in 2 parts. 4to. sewed. A. Bertrand, Paris, 1876. ■. Cours Jfilementaire d'Histoire Na- turelle — Geologie, &c. See Works on General Natural History (JPo- reign). Goldfnss, A. Petrefacta Germanise. Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Petrefacten Deutschlands und der an- grenzenden Lender, unter Mitwirkung des Grafen Georg zu Munster. 2 vols. . royal folio, half morocco. Dusseldorf, 1826-44. Goldschniidt, Dr . V . index der Krys- tallformen der Mineralien. Vols. 1, 2, and 3, in parts, as far as issued, royal 8yo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1886, &c. ' Ueber Projection und graphische Krystallberechnung. royal 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1887. ' Ueber Krystallographische Demon- stration, mit Hilfe von Korkmodellen mit farbigen Nadelstiften. royal 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1887. Goppert, H. R., &c. Silesian Fossils and Natural History : Zur Flora des Quadersandsteins in Schlesien, and va- rious Reports of Sections of the " Schle- sische Gesellschaft fur Vaterlandische Kultur," from 1837-50, &c. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Die Gattungen der fossilen Pflan- zen verglichen mit denen der Jetzwelt und durch Abbildungen erlautert. (In German and French.) oblong 4to. half calf. [Lettered : " Genera of Fossil Plants."] Bonn, 1841. Die fossile Flora des Uebergangsge- birges. With Plates. (Nova Acta Academiae Csesarese Leopoldino-Car- olinae Naturae Curiosorum, Vol. 22, Supplement.) — Ueber die Bernstein- Flora, Berlin, 1853. In one vol. half calf. Breslau and Bonn, 1852. Ueber die fossile Flora der Silu- rischen, der Devoniscben und Unterer Kohlenformation, oder des sogenannten Uebergangsgebirges. (Nova Acta Aca- demiaj Csesarese Leopoldino-Carolinse Naturae Curiosorum, Vol. 27.) With Plates. 4to. boards. Jena, 1860. Gosselet, J. L'Ardenne. 4to. half morocco. (Memoires pour servir h I'Explication de la Carte Geologique de- taillee de la France.) Baudry & Co., Paris, 1888. Groth, P. Physikalische Krystallo- graphie. 8vo. sewed. 1876, 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1885. Grundriss der Edelsteinkunde. Ein allgemeinverstandlicher Leitfaden zur Bestimmung und Unterscheidung roher und geschliffener Edelsteine. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1887. Tabellarische tjbersicht der Miner- alien nach ihren krystallographisch- chemischen Beziehungen. 3rd edition. 4to. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1889. Gnettier, A. La Fonderie en France. Traite General de ses Precedes de Fabrication et de ses Applications a Wndusirie. New edition. Text, 5 vols, in two, royal 8vo. Atlas, 4to. half morocco. E. Bernard & Co., Paris, 1883. 120 NATURAL HISTORY. 'Gnrlt, Dr. A. Bergbau- und Hiitten- kunde (Die gesammten Naturwissen- Echaften, Vol. 3). 8vo. Badeker, Essen, ia77. (^With Works on Thy SIC8 — General Treatises.) Haas, Dr. U. J. Die Leitfossilien. Synopsis der geologisch wichtigsten Formen des vorweltlichen Tier- und Pflanzenreichs. 8vo. sewed. Veit & Co., Leipzig, 1887. 'Haidinger, W. Handbuch der bestim- menden Mineralogie, &c. 8vo. half calf. Vienna, 1850. Haixne, J. Description des Animaux Fossiles, &c. See Archiac. Ssbuer,, F., Ritter von. Geologische Karte von Oesterreich-Ungam. 2nd edition. On sheet, to fold in 8vo. boards. 1875. Mit Bosnien-Hercegowina and Atlas.) und Montenegro. 4th edition. On sheet, to fold in 8vq. boards. A. Holder, Vienna, 1884. Hauer, J. von. Die Huttenwesens- Maschinen. 8vo. half calf. Tendler & Co., Vienna, 1867. 2nd edition. 2 vols. (Text 8vo. half calf. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1876. Eauy, L'Abbe. Traite de Cristallo- graphie. 2 vols. 8vo. With Atlas, oblong 4to. half calf. 1822. Tiaite de Mineralogie. 2nd edi- tion. 4 vols. 8vo. With Atlas, oblong 4to. half calf . Paris, 1822. Seer, O. Die Ihsektenfauna der Ter- tiargebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Theil 1-3. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1847-53. Heer, O., and Escher von der ^inth, A. Geologische Bemerkungen • uber das nordliche Vorarlberg und einige angrenzenden Gegenden. See Escher von der Linth, A . Hellaud, A. Forekomster af Kise i Visse Skifere i Norge. Edited by E. B. Miinster. (^Norwegian Collection. Uni- versitetsprogram, 1873.) Christiania, 1873. Lakis kratere og lavastromme. 4to. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection. Universitetsprogram, 1885.) Christiania, 1886. Hellot, M. De la Fonte, des Mines, des Fonderies, &c. See Schliiter, C. A. Helmhacker, R. Die Mineralogie und Geognosie. 8vo. scAved. * Gerold, Vienna, 1876. Hermann, B. F. J. v. Naturgeschichte des Kupfers, oder Anleitung zu dessen Kenntniss, Bearbeitung und Gebrauch. Theil 1. 8 vo. half calf. St. Petersburg, 1793. Hintze, Dr. C. Handbuch der Minera- logie. Lief 1, 2. 8vo. sewed. Veit & Co., Leipzig, 1889-90. Hirschwald, Dr. J. Das Mineralo- gische Museum der Koniglichen Tech- nischen Hochschule, Berlin. Guide, with Plans, &c. 8vo. sewed. R. Friedlander & Son, Berlin, 1885. Hisinger, W. Lethsea Suecica, sen Petrificata Suescise, Iconibus et Char- acteribus illustrata. 4to. half calf. Holmia;, 1837. Hochstetter, F. von. so Geologische Bilder der Vorwelt und der Jetzwelt. (Bilder zum Auschauungs-Unterricht.) fcp. folio. J. F. Schreiber,Esslingen, 1879. Hochstetter, Dr. F. von, and Bisching, Dr. A. Leitfaden der Mineralogie und Geologic. Svo. half morocco. A. Holder, Vienna, 1876. Hoernes, Dr. R. Elemente der Palae- ontologie (Palaeozoologie). Svo. sewed. Veit & Co., Leipzig, 1884. Holm, G. Ueber die innere Organisa- tion einiger Silurischer Cephalopoden. -See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Hnssak, Dr. E. Anleitung zum Be- stimmen der Gesteinbiidenden Minera- lien. 8vo. sewed. W. Englemann, Leipzig, 1885. Institute Nacional de Guate- mala, Informe de la Comision Cientifica del, para el Estudio de los Fendmenos Volcanicos en el Lago de Ilopango de la Republica del Salvador, royal 8vo. sewed. Guatemala, 1880. Irgens, M., and Hiortdahl, Th. Om de geologiske Forhold paa Kyststraek- ningen af nordre Bergenhus Amt. H- lustrated. 4to sewed. {Norwegian Col' lection. Univergitets program, 1864.) Christiania, 1864. Italy. Relazione sul Servizio Minerario • nel 1877, 1879, 1881. ^ee Journals — Annali di Agricoltura. Jacobs, H., and Chatrian, N. Mono- graphic du Diamant. 8vo. sewed. L. Legros, Antwerp ; J. Seppre, Paris, 1880. Jager, G. F. Ueber die fossile Repti- lien welche in Wiirtemberg aufgefunden worden sind. 4to. half calf. Stuttgart, 1828. GEOLOGY, ETC. : FOREIGN WORKS. 121 4^agnanz, K. Traite de Mineralogie appliquee aux Arts, k ^Industrie, au Commerce, et k I'Agriculture. royal , 8vo. sewed. O. Doin, Paris, 1885. Jannetaz, E. Les Roches: Description et Analyse au Microscope de leurs Ele- ments Mineralogiques et de leur Struc- ture. 2nd edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limiJ. J. Rothschild, Paris, 1884. Jervis, G. I Tesori Sotterranei dell' Italia. 3 vols. 8vo. sewed. E. Loescher, Turin, 1873-89. ' Sul giacimento di Carbon Fossile Antracitico di Demonte. 8vo. sewed. Milan, 1875. — — Dell' Oro in Natura. La sua Storia presso i popoli antichi e moderne, la sua distribuzione geografica, le sue relazioni geologiche, mineralogiche ed economiche. post 8vo. sewed. Roux & Favale, Turin, 1881. Jordan, S. Album du Cours de Metal- lui-gie professe a I'Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. Text, royal 8vo. Plates, 4to. half morocco. J. Baudry, Paris, 1874-75. Journals, Geological, Mineral- Ogical, &c. (Foreign) : — Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi och Mineral ogi. Annales de Geologic et'de Paleont- ologie. Annales des Sciences Geologiques. Annuaire Geologique Universel. Bericht liber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten Technik. Journal de Geologic. Mineralogische und Petrographische MittheiluDgen. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. Revue de Geologic. Stahl und Eisen. Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Miner- alogie. (Zeitschrift fiir Minera- logie, &c.) See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Ealkowsky, Dr. E. Elemente der Lithologie. 8vo. sewed. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1886. Kaltbrunner, D. Aide-Memoire du , Voyageur. See Works on Geo- graphy {French). ' Manuel du Voyageur. See Works on Geography (^French). Karsten, H. Geologic de I'Ancienne . Colombie, Bolivarienne, Venezuela, Nouvelle-Grenade et Ecuador. 4to. sewed. R. Friedlander & Son, Berlin, 1886. Kayser, Dr. R. Untersuchungen iiber natiirliche Asphalte, mit Beriick- - sichtigung ihrer photochemischen Eigen- schaften. 8vo. sewed. F. Korn, Nuremberg, 1879. Eeilhau, B. M. Gaea Norvegica. 2 parts in one vol. folio, half bound. Christiania, 1850. Eenngott, Prof. Dr., Von Lasaulx, A., and ILolle, F. Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeon- tologie. . Vols. 1, 2, 3 as far as issued, royal 8vo. half morocco. (Encyklo- paidie der Naturwissenschaften.) E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1882-85. Eerpely, A. R. von. Die Anlage und Einrichtung der Eisenhiitten. Vol 1. Text, 8vo. With 4to. Atlas. 2 vols, half morocco. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1884. Ungarn's Eisensteine und Eisen- hiitten-Erzeugnisse. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der wichtigsten che- mischen und physikalischen Eigen- schaften des Eisens. 4to. half calf. Lehmann & Wentzel, Vienna, 1877. • Ueber Eisenbahnschienen. (Ver- suche und Studien). 4to. half calf. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1878. Eisen und Stahl auf der Welt- Ausstellung in Paris im Jahre 1878. Bericht das K. Ungar : Finanzminis- terium. 4to. half calf. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1879. See also Journals — Bericht ii. d. Fortschritte d. Eisenhiitten- Technik. Xjerulf, T. Veiviser ved geologiske Excursioner i Christiania Omegn. With a Coloured Map, and several Woodcuts. 4to. sewed. {Norwegian Collection. Universitets program, 1865). Christiania, 1865. Om Skuringsmscrker, Glacial- formationen og Terrasser. With Geo- logical Map of South Norway. Parts 1- and 2. 4to. sewed. {Nortvegian Col- lection. Universitets program, 1870, 1872). Christiania, 1871-3. Om Stratificationens Spor. 4to. sewed. {Norwegian Collection.) Jensen, Christiania, 1877. and Dahll, T. Geologisk Karte over det Sondenfjeldske Norge. Geo- logical Map of South Norway, 1858-65. On 10 sheets, with three sections and Handbooks (in Norwegian and French). 8vo. stitched. In wrapper. {Norwegian Collection.') Christiania. See also Diagrams in present section under Dahll, Elatzo, G. Ueber die Constitution der Beryllerde. 8vo. half calf. C. Mattiesen, Dorpat, 1868. Elipstein, A. von. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Geologic und Palaeont- ologie. — Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntniss der Ostlicheu Alpen. 4to. calf. Giessen, 1845. Kobell, F. von. Geschichte der Miner- alogie, Ton 1650-1860. 8vo. half morocco. (Geschichte der Wjssen- schaften in Deutschland.) J. G. Cotta, Munich, 1864. in NATURAL HISTORY. Koken, E. Ueber fossile Saugethiere aus China. — Die Dinosaurier, Croco- dilien, u. s. w. des Norddeutschen Weal- den See Palseontologische Abhand- lungen. TmSl SCanuora, Le Comte Albert de. Voyage en Sardaigne ; ou Description Statistique, Physique et Politique de cette ile, &c. — Description geologique. See Works on Geography (^French ). ^apparent, A. de. Cours de Miner- alogie. 8vo. half morocco. 1884. . Traite de Geologic. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. half morocco. F. Savy, Paris, 1885. ILasaulx, A. von. Einfuhrung in die Gesteinslehre. post 8vo. cloth, limp. E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1886. Lannay, J. B. Fondeur (Manuels- Roret.) See Foreign Works on MA^fU- PACTDRES, &c. Ledebur, A. Die Verarbeiiung der Metalle auf mechanischem Wege. Lehrbuch der mechanisch-metallurgi- Bchen Technologic. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1877. . Die Metallverarbeitung auf che- misch-physikalischenWege. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1882. . Die Metallurgie. Band II. Metall- verarbeitung. (BoUey's Chemische Technologic, Band VIII., Abth. 1.) See Works on Chemistry. Xiefebvre, E. Le Sel. (^BibUothhque des MerveillesS) post 8vo. Hachette & Co., 1882. -. Premiers Elements des Sciences Experimentales, et Notions d'Histoire Naturelle des Pierres et Terrains. See Works on Physics (^General Trea- tises'). ]Leger, A. Les Travaux Publics, les Mines et la Metallurgie aux Temps des Romains. La Tradition Romaine jusqu'a DOS jours. Text and Atlas, imp. 8vo. half morocco. J. Dejey & Co., Paris, 1875. (^With Works on Architecture and Engineering.) I^ellinaiiUyDr. J. Untersuchungen liber die Entstehung der Altkrystallinischen Schiefergesteine, mit besondere Bezug- nahme auf das Sachsische Granulitge- birge, Erzgebirge, Fichtelgebirge und Bairisch-Bohmische Grenzgebirge. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. imp. 4to. In half bound portfolios. Hochgiirtel, Bonn, 1883-4. ILeibxiiz, G. W. Protogsea ; sive de prima facie TeUuris et antiquissimse historise vestigiis in ipsis naturae monu- mentis dissertatio. In lucem edita a Christiano Ludovico Scheidio. 4to. calf. Goettingse, 1749. Leonhard, Dr. G. Grandziige der Geognosie und Geologic. 4th edition, by R. Hoernes. Parts 1-4. 8vo. sewed. C. F. Winter, Leipzig, 1885-9. l^vy, A. M. Structures et Classification des Roches ^ruptives, 8vo. sewed. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1889. l^yy, A. M., and Lacroix, A. Les Mineraux des Roches. 1. Application des Methodes Miner- alogiques et Chimiques K leur Etude Microscopique. Par . A. M. Levy. 2. Donnees Physiques et Optiques. Par A. M. Levy et A. Lacroix. In one vol. 8vo. sewed. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1888. — — Tableaux des Mineraux des Roches. 4to. boards. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1889. Xieyxnerie, A. Elements de Geologic. Elements de Mineralogie et de Litho- logie. 2 parts, in one vol. 3rd edition. I2mo. ha& morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1878. Liebe, K. T., and Geinitz, H. B. Ueber ein Aequivalent der Takonischen Schiefer Nordamerikas in Deutschland, &c. See Geinitz, H.B. Linkenbach., C. Die Aufbereitung der Erze. imp, 8vo. cloth. J. Springer, Berlin, 1887. lister, M. Historise Animalium Ang- liae tres tractatus — de Lapidibus ejusdem Insulse ad Cochlearum quandam imagin- em figuratis. See Works on Mol- luscs, &c. Loriol, — de. Crino'ides (Terrains Juras- siques). See Paleontologie Fran5aise. Marcon, J. Explication d'une Seconde Edition de la Carte Geologique de la Terre, 4to. sewed. Wurster & Co., Zurich ; Stanford, London, 1875. [^The Map to which this work refers is in Science Collections, S,K.M.'\ Marsson, Th. Die Bryozoen der weis- sen Schreibkreide der Insel Riigen. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. SEassalong^Oi A. Synopsis Florae Fos- silis Senogalliensis. 8vo. half calf. Veronae, 1858. Meunier, S. Histoire Naturelle des Pierres et des Terrains— Geologic. Classe de Quatrieme. Programmes d'AoAt, 1880. 12mo. boards. G. Masson, Paris, 1882, Meyer, H. von. Zur Fauna der Vor- welt. 4 vols, in two. royal folio, half calf:— 1. Fossile Saeugethiere, Voegel und Reptilien aus dem Molasse-Mer- ^el von Oeningen. 1845. 2. Die Saurier des Muschelkalkes. 1847-55. GEOLOGY, ETC.: FOREIGN WORKS. 128 Meyer, H. von. Zur Fauna der Vor- welt — cont. 3. Saurier aus dem Kupfetschiefer der Zechstein-Formation. 1856. 4, Reptilien aus dem Lithograph- ischen Schiefcr des Jura in Deutschland und Frankreich. 1860. H. Keller, Frankfurt-am-Main. Michand, G. Description des Co- quilles Fossiles decouvertes dans les Environs de Hauterive (Drome). 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. half calf. Lyons, 1855-62. Mischler, P. Das Deutsche Eisen- hiittengewerhe von Standpunkte der Staatswirthschaft. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. J. G. Cotta, Stuttgart, 1852-54. Mission Scientifique au Mexi- qne et dans I'Am^rique Cen- trale. Geologie. Voyage Geologique dans les Republiques de Guatemala et de Salvador. Par MM. A. Dollfus et E. de Mont-Serrat. 4to. sewed. Paris, 1868. (TTiY/i Works on General Natural History — Foreign.^ Montessus de Ballore, F. de. Tremblements de Terre et Irruptions Volcaniques au Centre- Amerique depuis la Conquete Espagnole jusqu' k nos jours. 4to. sewed. E. Jobard, Dijon, 1888. Morand. Les Mines de Charbon de Terre. (Arts et Metiers, Vols. 1 and 2.) folio. Paris, 1761-6. {With Foreign Works on Manu- factures, &c.) Moro, A. C. De' Crostacei e degli altri Marini Corpi che si truovano su' monti. 4to. vellum. Venezia, 1740. [" This curious work contains a new opinion concerning the origin of Petrefactions found in the Earth, which has been hitherto ascribed to the Universal Deluge." Phil. Trans. Abstr. IX., 133. Burnet's Theory of the Earth (see Works on Astronomy — Keill), also J. Woodward's Essay towards Nat, Hist, of the Earth, are discussed in this work.] Mnnster, G. Graf zu. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde. Mit Tafeln. Heft I.-IV. In 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Bayreuth, 1839-43. Nathorst, A. G. Zur fossilen Flora Japan's. See Palaeontologische Ab- handlungen. Xfaiunann, Dr. C. F, Elemente der Mineralogie. royal Svo. half calf. 1859, « 10th edition, revised by Dr. F. Zirkel. royal Svo. half morocco. 1877. — — — — 12th edition, revised by Dr. F. Zirkel. royal 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1885. Naumanu, Dr. E. Der Erscheinungen des Erdmagnetismus in ihrer Abhangig- keit vom Bau der Erdrinde. Svo. sewed, F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1887. (With Works on Magnetism.) Nenmayry Dr. M. Erdgeschichte. 2 vols, royal Svo. half bound. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig, 1886, ITivoit, E. Geologie appliquee k I'Art de ringenieur. 2 vols, royal 8vo. sewed. (Encyclopedic des Travaux Publics.) Baudry & Co., Paris, 1887-89. lOToetling, F. Die Fauna der balti- schen Cenoman-Geschiebe. See Palaeon- tologische Abhandlungen. Noggerath, Dr. J. Geognosie und Geologie. (Die gesammten Naturwis- eenschaften. Vol. 3.) Svo. Badeker, Essen, 1S77. (With Works on Physics — General Treatises.^ "Wovara." Expedition, 1857-59. Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte " No- vara " um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1S58, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf- Urbair. Geologischer Theil. See Works on General Natural History (^Fo- reign). Oken, L. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fiir alle Stande. Mineralogie und Geog- nosie. 13 vols, 8vo., and Atlas, 4to. half calf. Stuttgart, 1833-42. (With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Orbigny, A. d'. Voyages dans 1' Amer- ique Meridionale. Tome III. 3« Partie.— Geologie. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1842. Prodrome de Paleontologie Strati- graphique Universelle des Animaux MoUusques et Rayonnes. Vols. 1 and 2, in one. 12mo. morocco. V. Masson, Pari?, 1S50. Cephalopodes— Gasteropodes — La- mellibranches — Brachiopodes — Bryo- zoaires — ^chinides irreguliers. (Terrains Cretaces.) Cephalopodes — Gastero- podes. (Terrains Jurassiques.) See Paleontologie Fran9aise. Osersky, Major A. von. Geognostischer Umriss des Nord-westlichen Ehstlands. See Eichwald, E. von. Paleontologie Frangaise ; ou. Description des Fossiles de la France. Svo. calf and sewed. Paris, 1842-86. 1'* Serie. — Animaux Inverthbres Fos^ siles. Terrains Cretaces :— Vol. 1. Cephalopodes. Par A. d'Or- bigny. With Atlas. (In one vol.) 1840-42. 124 NATURAL HISTORf. Fal^ontolog^e Pran^aise— con^. Terrains Cretaces — cont. ■ Vol.2. Gasteropodes. ParA.d'Orbigny. With Atlas: (In one vol.) 1842-43. 3. Lamellibranches. Par A. d'Or- bigny. With Atlas. 1843-47. 4. Brachiopodes. Par A. d'Or- bigny. With Atlas. (In one vol.) 1847-51. 5. Bryozoaires. Par A. d' Orbigny. ^ With Atlas. -1850-52. 6. Echinides irreguliers. Par A. d'Orbigny. With Atlas. 1853-55. 7. fichinides irreguliers et reguliers. Par M. Cotteau. With Atlas. 1862-67. 8. Zoophytes. Par M. de Fromen- tal. As far as issued. 1861, &c. Terrains Jurassiques : — Vol. 1. Cephalopodes. Par A. d'Or- bigny. With Atlas 1842-49. 2. Gasteropodes. Par A. d'Orbigny. With Atlas. 1850. 3. Gasteropodes. Par M. Piette. As far as issued. 1864, &c. 6. Brachiopodes, Par M. Deslong- champs. As far as issued. [1862]-85. 9. Echinides irreguliers. Par M. Cotteau. With Atlas. 1867-74. 10. Pt. 1. Echinides reguliers. Par M. Cotteau.' With Atlas. 1875-80. Pt. 2. Echinides reguliers. Par M. Cotteau. With Atlas. 1880—85 11. Pt. 1. Crinoides. Par M. de Loriol. With Atlas. 1882-84. Pt. 2. Crinoides. Par M. de Loriol. With Atlas. 1884-89. 12. Zoophytes. Par MM. de Fro- mental et Ferry. As far as issued. (Feuilles 11-12 ; PI. 37-48, wanting.) 1865-69. Terrains Tertiaires : — Vol. 1. Eocene, Echinides. Par M. Cotteau. As far as issued. 1885, &c. 2* Serie.— • Vegetaux Fossiles. Terrains Jurassiques : — Vol. 1. Algues,Equisetacees,Characee8, Foug^res. Par le Comte G. de Saporta. With Atlas. 1873. 2. Cycadees. Par le Comte G. de Saporta. With Atlas. 1875. 3. Conif^res ou Aciculariees. Par le Comte G. de Saporta. With ^ Atlas. . 1876-84. 4. flphedrees : Spirangiees et Types Proangiospermiques. Par M. le Marquis de Saporta. As far as issued. 1886, &c. Gustave Massoii, &c., Paris. Palaeontologische Abhandlnn^r^ en. Herausgegeben von W. Dames und E.Kayser. 4to. half morocco & sewed: — Vol. 1 . Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss des oberen Jura und der Wealden- bildungen der Umgegend von Hannover. Von C. Struckmann. — Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Fundstellen fossiler Saugethier- Knochen in Ecuador, Ueber eine fossile Saugethier-Fauna von Punin bei Riobambain Ecuador. Von W. Reiss und W.Branco. — Ueber Dino- therium giganteum Kaup. Von O. Weinsheimer.— Beitrage zur Ter- tiar-Flora Siidwest-Russlands. Von J. Schmalhausen. 1882-83. Vol. 2. Die Fauna des Neocomsand- steins im Teutoburger Walde. Von O. Weerth. — Die Coniferenformen des Deutschen Kupferschiefers und Zechsteins. Von H. Graf zu Solms-Laubach. — Ueber Archae- opteryx. Von W. Dames.— Die Fauna der baltischen Cenoman- Geschiebe. Von F. Noetling. — Lethaea erratica. Von F. Roemer. 1884-85. I Vol. 3. Ueber die innere Organisation einiger Silurischer Cephalopoden. Von G. Holm. — Ueber fossile Saugethiere aus China. Von E. Koken. — Die Cyathophylliden und Zaphrentiden des Deutschen Mittel- devon. Von F. Freeh. — Die Flora des Rothliegenden im Nordwest- lichen Sachsen. Von J. F. Sterzel. Die Dinosaurier, Crocodilien, &c., des Norddeutschen Wealden. Von E. Koken. 1885-88. Vol. 4. Die Bryozoen der weissen Schreibkreide der Insel Riigen. Von Th. Marsson. — Die Ganoiden des Deutschen Muschelkalkes. Von W. Dames. — Zur fossilen Flora Japan 's. Von A. G. Nathorst. — Ueber eine durch die Haufigkeit Hippuriten-artigerChamidenausge- zeichnete Fauna der oberturonen Kreide von Texas. Von F. Roemer. —Die Versteinerungen der senonen Ejeide von Konigslutter im Herzog- ihum Braunschweig. Von O. Grie- penkerl. G. Reimer, Berlin,! 888-89. Vol. 5 (Neue Folge, Vol. .1). Die Ctphalopoden-fuhrenden Kalke des unteren Carbon von Erdbach- Breitscheid bei Herborn. Von E. Holzapf el.— Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora einiger Inseln des SiidpacijBschen und Indischen Oceans. Von L. Crie. G. Fischer, Jena, 1889. Pander, C. H. Monographic der fos- silen Fische des Silurischen Systems der Russisch-Baltischen Gouvemments. 4to. sewed. With oblong 4to. Atlas (8 sheets of Plates). St. Petersburg, 1856. GEOLOQY, ETC. : FOREIGN WORKS. 126 Pander, C. H. Ueber die Placodermen des Devonischen Systems. 4to. (Plates wanting.) St. Petersburg, 1857. ■ Ueber die Ctenodipterinen des Devonischen Systems. 4to. With 9 Plates. St. Petersburg, 1858. •^ Ueber die Saurodipterinen, Dendrodonten, Gljptolepiden und Cheirolepiden des Devonischen Systems. Plates (17) only. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1860. Passy, A. Description Geologique du Departement de la Seine-Inferieure. Text and Atlas, in one vol. 4to. half calf, Rouen, 1832. Fencati, G. M. Corsa pel Bacino del Rodano, e per la Liguria d' occidente ; contiene la Orittografia del Monte Coiron. With Plates. 8vo. half calf. Vicenza, 1806. P^roche, J. Les Vegetations Fossiles dans leurs Rapports avec les Revolutions Polaires et avec les Influences Therm- iques de la Precession des l)quinoxes. 8vo. sewed. F. Alcan, Paris, 1886. Petzholdt, A. Verarbeitung der Metalle. Die Erzeugung der Eisen-und Stahl- schienen. (BoUey's Chemische Tech- nologic, Band VIII. Abth. 2.) See Works on Chemistry. Pfaff, Dr. F. Die Vulkanischen Erscheinungen. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1871. Grundriss der Geologie. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1876. Philippi, Dr. R. A. Die Tertiaren und Quartaren Versteinerungen Chiles. With Plates. 4to. half morocco. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1887. Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae cum viventium tum in tellure tertiaria fossilium, quae in itinere suo observavit. 4to. half calf. Berolini, 1836. ( With Works on Molluscs.) Pictet, F. J. Description de quelques Poissons Fossiles du Mont Liban. 4to. boards. Geneva, 1850. -< Traite de Paleontologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Fossiles, consideres dans leur Rapports Zoolo- giques et Geologiques. 2nd edition. 4 vols. 8vo. sewed. With 4to. Atlas, boards. J. B. Balliere, Paris, 1853-57. Piette. Gasteropodes (Terrains Juras- siques). See Paleontologie Fran9aise. Pini, E. Memoria Mineralogica suUa Montagna e sui Contorni di S. Gottardo. post 8vo, half calf. (Author's autograph on title page.) Milan, 1783. Plattner's, C. F. Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre, oder vollstandige Anleitung zu qualitativen und quanti- tativen Lothrohr-Untersuchungeri. 5th edition by Prof. Dr. Th. Bichter. 8vo. half morocco. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1878. ( With Works on Chemistry.) Pozzi Txrivellati in Italia, Su alcuni reeenti Studi e Tentativi di. See Journals — Annali di Agricoltura. Pnsch, G. G. Poleus Palaontologie, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der vorziiglichsten und der noch unbe- schriebenen Petref akten aus den Gebirgs- formationen in Polen, Volhynien und der Karpathen. 4to. half calf. Stuttgart, 1837. Qnenstedt, F. A. Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands: — Cephalopoden. Text,8vo. Atlas, folio, half calf. Tubingen, 1849. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 3rd edition. 8 vo. half morocco. 1877. Handbuch der Petref aktenkunde. 3rd edition. Text and Atlas. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. Laupp, Tubingen, 1885. Mineralogie (Die gesammteu. Naturwissenschaften. Vol. 3.) 8vo. Badeker, Essen, 1877. (^With Works on Physics — General Treatises.^ Radan, R. La Constitution Interieure delaTerre. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. Baimondi, A. El Departamento de Ancachs y sus Riquezas Minerales. With Map in pocket. 4to. cloth. Lima, 1873. Bammelsber^, C. F. Elemente der Krystallographie fiir Chemiker. 8vo. sewed. 1883. Die chemische Natur der Minera- lien. Systematisch zusanunengestellt. 8vo. sewed. C. Habel, Berlin, 1886. Baulin, V. l^lements de Geologie. (Geologie de la France.) 12mo. boards. Hachette & Co., 1868. Bi^amnr, R. A. F. de. L'Art de convertir le Fer Forge en Acier et I'Art d'adoucir le Fer Fondu. With Plates. 4to. calf. Paris, 1722. Beiss, W., und Branco, W. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Fund- stellen fossiler Saugethier-Knochen in Ecuador.— Ueber eine fossile Saugethier — Fauna von Punin bei Riobamba in Ecuador. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Benanlt, B. Cours de Botanique Fossile, fait au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. First to Fourth Year. 4 vols, royal 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1881-5. 126 NATURAL HISTORY. Reusch, H. H. Silurfossiler og pressede Konglomerater i Bergen s-skifrene. imp. 8vo. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection. Universitets program, 1883.) A. W. Broegger, Christiania, 1882. Reyer, Dr. E. Theoretische Geologic. 8vo. sewed. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1888. Iteynand, J. Histoire iSlementaire des Mineraux Usuels. post 8vo. (^Biblio- theque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1867. RibaiLCOUrt, De. Elemens de Chimie Docimastique, k 1 'usage des Orf^vres, Essayeurs, et Affineurs. Svo. half calf. Paris, 1786. Rocce, Istruzione Popolare sulle Prin- cipali ; ossia, sulle Pietre e Terre piu' comuni del Cantone Ticino. 12mo. cloth. Lugano, 1849. Xtoemer, F. Die Kreidebilduogen von Texas und ihre organischen Ein- schliisse. 4to. boards. A. Marcus, Bonn, 1852. ■■■. Die Siluriscbe Fauna des west- lichen Tennesee. With Plates. 4to. cloth. E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1860. . Lethaea erratica, oder Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der in der Norddeut- Bchen Ebene vorkommenden Diluvial- Geschiebe nordischer Sedimentar-Ges- teine. — Ueber eine durch die Haufig- keit Hippuriten-artiger Chamiden aus- gezeichnete Eh una der oberturonen Kreide von Texas. See Palaeontolo- gische Abhandlungen. Roexner, E. A. Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Oolithen-gebirges. With Plates. 4to. half calf. Hanover, 1836. Rolirig und Becker. Worterbuch in Englischer und Deutscher Sprache fiir Berg und Hiiitentechnik. 2 vols, post 8vo. Felix, Leipzig, 1881. {With German Dictionaries.) Sose, G. Elements de Cristallographie. Traduit de I'Allemand par V. Regnault. With Atlas. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1834. Sosen'basch, H. Mikroskopische Physiographic der Mineralien und Gesteine. Ein Hulfsbuch bei mikro- skopischen Gesteinsstudien. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Svo. half morocco : — Vol. 1. Petrographischwichtige Miner- alien. 1885. Vol. 2. Massige Gesteine. 1887. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. (For translation of above, see English Works in present section,) Bosenbusch, H. Hulfstabellen zur mikroskopischen Mineralbestimmung" in Gesteinen. 4to. boards. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1888. (For translation of above, see English Works in present section.) Boussille, A.^ Cours de Mineralogie ^ r usage des flleves des Ecoles d* Agri- culture, royal Svo. sewed. Larose, Paris, 1880. Sandberger, Prof. Dr. F. v. tJber die Entwickelung der unteren Abtheilung des Devonischen Systems in Nassau, verglichen mit jener in anderen Landern. Nebst einem Palaontologischen Anhang. Svo. sewed. J. F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1889. Santi, G. Voyage au Montamiata et dansles Siennois. Contenant des Obser- vations nouvelles sur la Formation des Volcans, I'Histoire geologique, minera- logique et botanique de cette partie de 1 'Italic. See Works on Gbogbaphy {French). Saporta, Le Marquis de. Les Or- ganismes Probiematiques des Anciennes Mers. 4to. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1 884. Demi^res Adjonctions k la Flore Fossile d'Aix-en-Provence. Precedees de Notions Stratigraphiques et Paleou- tologiques appliquees k I'Etude du Glse- ment des Plantes Fossiles d'Aix-en- Provence. Svo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1889. '■ Vegetaux Fossiles des Terrains Jurassiques. See Paleontologie Fran- Sars, Dr. M. Om de i Norge forekom- mende fossile Dyrelevniuger fra Qvar- taerperioden, et Bidrag til vor Faunas Historic. With 4 lithographed plates. 4to. sewed. {Norwegian Collection. Universitets program, 1864.) Christiania, 1865. Schafhautl, C. E. Geognostische Untersuchungen des Siidbayerischen Alpengebirges. Svo. cloth. Munich, 1851. Schenk, A. Die fossile Flora der Grenzschichten des Keupers und Lias Frankens. Lieferung 1. Text and Plates. In folio lettered wrapper. C. W. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1867. Handbuch der Botanik. Vol. 4. Die fossilen Pflanzenreste. Svo. sewed. (Encyklopsedie der Naturwissenschaft- en.) E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1888. {With Works on Botany — Foreign.) Handbuch der Palaeontologie. See Zittel, K. A, GEOLOGY, ETC. : FOREIGN WORKS. 127 Schimper, W. P. Handbuch der Palacontologie. See Zittel, K. A. Schlosser, M. Die Affen, Lemuren, Chiropteren, Insectivoren, Marsupialier, Creodonten und Camivoren des Euro- paischen Tertiars und deren Bezieh- ungen zu ihren lebenden und fossilen aussereuropaischen Verwandten. Theil I. 4to. sewed. A. Holder, Vienna, 1887. ScUuter, C. A. De la Fonte, des Mines, des Fonderies, &c. Traduit de I'AUemand. Le tout augmente de plusieurs Precedes et Observations, &c., par M. Hellot. 2 vol. 4to. calf. Paris, 1750-53. Schmalliansexi, J. Beitrage zur Tertiar. Flora Sudwest — Russlands. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Scllltlidt, Dr. J. F. J. Stttdien fiber Erdbeben. royal 8vo. sewed. Leipzig, 1875. Schoedler, Dr. F. Das Buch der Watur. — Mineralogie, Geologic, u.s.w. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1853. (JWith Works on Physics — General Treatises.") [Also French edition, 1872-79.] Sclirenk, A. G. von. Eeise nach dem Nordosten des Europaischen Russlands, durch die Tundren der Samojeden, zum Arktischen Uralgebirge im Jahre 1837. [Containing Orographisch-geognos- tische Uebersicht des Uralgebirges, &c.] See Works on Geography (^German), Scilla, A. De corporibus Marinis Lapidiscentibus quae defossa reperiuntur ; addita dissertatione Fabii Columnse de Glossopetris. With Plates. 2nd edition. 4to. boards. Komse, 1759. Scrope, G. P. Memoire sur le Mode de Formation des Cones Volcaniques et des Crat^res. Traduit de I'Anglais par Endymion Pieraggi. 8vo. sewed. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1860. Scudder, S. H. Handbuch der Palaeont- ologie. See Zittel, K. A. Selle, A. de. Cours de Mineralogie et de Geologic. Vol. 1, with Atlas. 1 vol. royal 8vo. half morocco. Dejey & Co., Paris, 1878. Seuft, Dr. F. Fels und Erdboden. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1876. Servizio Minerario nel 1882-1886, Relazione sul. Estratto dagli " Annali di Agricoltura " (5ee Journals.) 5 vols. 8vo. sewed. Florence & Rome, 1884-8. Seae, C. de. Le Neve de Justedal et ses Glaciers. Edited by S. A. Sexe. With Maps and Photographs, &c. 4to. sewed. {Norwegian Collection, Pro- gramme de rUniversite, 1870.) Christiania, 1870. Sexe, S. A. MsBrker efter en listid i Omegnen af HardangerQorden. With a Map and several Woodcuts. 4to. sewed. (Universitets program, 1866.) Christiania, 1866. Le Glacier de Boium en Juillet 1868. In Norwegian and French, royal 4to. sewed. (Programme de rUniversite, 1869.) Christiania, 1869. Jsettegryder og Gamle Strandlinier i Fast Klippe. On " Giants' Cauldrons," &c. In English and Norwegian. {Norwegian Collection. Universitets program, 1874.) 4to. sewed. Christiania, 1874. Simoniu, L. La Vie Souterraine, ou les Mines et les Mineurs. imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1867. -— ^— English edition. See Eng- lish Works on Geology. Les Pierres. Esquisses Mineral© giques. imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1869. ' Les Merveilles du Monde Souter- rain. post 8vo. {Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) 1869. L'Or et I'Argent. post 8vo. {Bib- liothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1877. Sismouda, E., and Bellardi, L. Piedmontese Fossils. 4to. half calf. Description des Cancellaires Fossiles des Terrains Tertiares du Piemont. Par L. Bellardi. Appendice alia Monographia degli Echinidi Fossili del Piemonte. Del Dottore E. Sismonda. Memoria Geo-Zoologica sugU Echin- idni Fossili del contado di Nizzi. Del Dottore E. Sismonda. Descrizione dei Pesci e dei Crostacei Fossili nel Piemonte. Del Dottore E. Sismonda. Synopsis Methodica Animalium In- vertebratorum PedemontiFossilium. Auctore E. Sismonda. Monografia delle Pleurotome Fossili del Piemonte. Di L. Bellardi. Turin, 1841-47. Soetbeer, Dr. A. Edelmetall Produc- tion. (Petermann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft,1879.) See Jonruals — Mittheilungen. Soldani, A. Saggio Orittografico, ovvero Osservazioni sopra le Terre Nautilitiche ed Ammonitiche della Toscana. 4to. half calf. Siena, 1780. 128: NATURAL HISTORY. Solms-Lanbach, H. Graf zu. Einleit- ung in die Palaophytologie vom Botanischen Standpunkt aus. 8vo. sewed. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1887. — — — Die Coniferenformen desDeutschen Kupferschiefers und Zechsteins. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Spada, J. J- Corporum Lapidefactorum Agri Veronensis Catalogus. — Catalogus Marmorum Agri Veronensis. In one vol. 4to. vellum. Veronae, 1744. Spallauzani, L'Abbe L. Voyages dans les Deux Siciles et dans quelques Parties des A^pennins. Avee une Relation de I'Eruption de Vesuve arrivee le 15 Juin 1794. See Works on Geography (French). Steinmaun, Dr. G., and Doderlein, Dr. L. Elemente der Palaontologie. 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1890. Steiuriede, Dr. F. Anleitung zur Min- eralogischen Bodenanalyse unter An- wendung der neueren Petrographischen Untersuchungsmethoden, insbesondere zur Bestimmung der abschlarambaren Teile des Bodens. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1889. Sterzel, J. T. Die Flora des Rothlie- genden im Nordwestlichen Sacbsen. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. StockliolilL. Museum Tessinianum^ Lapides, etc. folio. Holmiae, 1753. ( With Works on Museums.) Stolzel, Dr. C. Die Metallurgie. Band I. Gewincung der Metalle. (BoUey's Chemische Technologic, Band VII.) See Works on Chemistry. Stoppani, A. Les Petrifactions d'i^sino, ou Description des Fossiles appartenant au Dep6t Triassique Superieur des En- virons d'Esino en Lombardie. Avec une Carte Geologique et les figures lithograph iees d'apr^s nature. 4to. cloth. J. Bemardoni, Milan, 1858-60. StmckmaniL, C. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss des oberen Jura und der Wealdenbildungen der Umgegend von Hannover. See Palaeontologische Ab- handlungen. Taramelli, T., and Mercalli, G. Re- lazione sulle Osservazioni fatte durante • un viaggio nelle regioni della Spagna colpite dagli ultimi Terremoti. royal 8vo. sewed. (Rendiconti della R. Accad. dei Lincei.) Rome, 1885. Tissaudier, G. LaHouille. postSvo. (^Bibliotheqiie des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1869. ^ Les Fossiles. post 8vo. (^Biblio- . thiqve des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1875. Transactions, &c. of Geological, Mi-^ neralogical, &c. Societies (Foreign) : — Berlin. — Deutsche Geologische Ge- sellschaft. K. Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt und JBerg- akademie. Zeichnnngs - Commission des Vereins " die Hiitte." BuDA-PESTH.--Magyarhoni Foldtani Tarsulat. Dresden. — Gesellsehaft fiir Miner- alogie. Gra-tz. — Geognostisch - Montanist- ischer Verein fiir Steiermark. Innsbruck. — Geognostisch -Montan istischer, Verein fur Tirol und Vor- arlberg. Kiel. — Mineralogisches Institut der Universitat. Madrid. — Comision del Mapa Geo- logico de Espana. Milan. — Societa Geologica residents in Milano. OuRO Preto. — Escola de Minas. Paris. — iScoles des Hautes jStudes. Bibliotheque. Section des Sciences Naiurelles. Societe Geologique de France. Societe Mineralogique de France (Societe Fran- 9aise de Mineralogie). Regensburg. — Zoologisch-Mineralo- gischer Verein. St. Petersburg. — Comite Geolog- ique. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Tschermak, Dr. G. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. royal 8vo. half morocco. A. Holder, Vienna, 1884. Unger, F. Synopsis Plantarum Fossi- lium. (Interleaved.) 8vo. calf. Lipsiae, 1845. Vanqnelin, Gay - Lussac, and d'Arcet. Essayeur. (INIanuels-Roret.) small 12mo. Paris, 1836. ( With Foreign Works on Manufac- tures, &c.) V^lain, Ch. Conferences de Petro- graphic. Fascicule 1. royal 8vo. sewed. (Cours de la Faculte des Sci- ences de Paris.) G. Carre, Paris, 1889. Velenovsky, Dr. J. Die Gymnosper- men der Bohmischen Kreideformation. 4to. boards. F. Rivnac, Prague, 1885. Vogt, C. Lehrbuch der Geologic und Petrefactenkunde. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1879, Volborth, Dr. A. Ueber die Echino- Encrinen, &c. See Buch, L. von, Uber Cystideen, u.s.w. GEOLOGY, ETC.: DIAGRAMS. 129 Walther, J. Die Korallenriflfe der Sinaihalbinsel, geologlsche und biolo- gische Beobachtungen. (Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physischen Classe der K. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wis- senschafteD. Vol. 14.) See Transac- tions — Leipzig. Wedding, H. Die Darstellung des Schmiedbaren Eisens in Praktischer und Theoretischer Beziehung. 8vo. half morocco. 1875. ' Erste Erganzungsband. Der Basische Bessemer- oder Thomas- Process. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1884. Grundriss der Eisenhiittenkunde. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. Ernst & Korn, Berlin, 1880. Weerth, O. Die Fauna des Keocom- sandsteins im Teutoburger Walde. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Weinsheimer, O. TJeber Dinothe- rium giganteum Kaup. See Palgeonto- logische Abhandlungen. ■^^rouboff, G. Manuel Pratique de Cristallographie. 8vo. sewed. . Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. Zaengerle, Dr. M. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie unter Zugrundelegung der neueren Ansichten in der Chemie. 2nd edition. 8vo. half roan. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1876. Zirkel, Dr. F. Die Umwandlungs- processe im Mineralreich. 8vo. sewed. C. G. Liideritz, Berlin, 1871. Zittel, K. A. Aus der Urzeit. Bilder aus der Schopfungsgeschichte. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) E. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1875. Zittel, K. A., Schimper, W. P., Schenk, A., and Scndder, S. H. Handbuch der Palseontologie. 8vo. half morocco and sewed : — Abtheil. I. Palaeozoologie. VonK. A. Zittel. Band I., II., and III. as far as issued. 1876, &c. II. Palaeophytologxe. Von A. Schenk. Lief. 1, and onwards, as far as issued. 1879, &c. R. Oldenbourg, Munich. Znrcher et Margolin. Volcans et Tremblements de Terre. post 8vo. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1868. E 61668. I DIAGRAMS, ^c. Atkinson, J. Forest of Dean. Chart of the North and South Section of the Mineral Basin in Her Majesty's Forest of Dean. Size 5 ft. by 1 ft. 8 in., mounted on canvas and roller. East and West Section of ditto. Size, 4 ft. by 1 fl. 6 in Australian Geological Maps, Plans, &c. : — Australia, including Tasmania. 2 sheets, 26 in. by 13 in. each. Victoria. 8 sheets, 2 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. each. Cape Otway District, 2 sheets, 22 in. by 25 in., and Section, 1 sheet, 20 in. by 25 in. Gipps Land, 4 sheets, 24 in. by 20. in. Ballarat Gold Field, 2 sheets, 26 in. by 19 in. 2 Sections and notes, 3 sheets, 21 in. by 17 in. Sandhurst Gold Field, 2 sheets, 26 in. by 20 in. — Plan showing underground working of Garden Gulley Line of E-eef, 7 parts, 22 in. by 28 in. Ararat Gold Field, 2 sheets, 20 in. by 25 in. Section 16 in. by 28 in. Stawell Gold Field, 2 sheets, 20 in. by 25 in. Notes, 1 sheet, 15 in. by 20 in. -^-^— Plan showing underground workings in the principal mines at. 6 sheets, 29 in. by 19 in. Creswick Gold Field, 2 sheets, 15 in. by 24 in. Russell's Creek Gold Field, 1 sheet, 19 in. by 21 in. Beechworth Gold Field, 1 sheet, 26 in. by 20 in. Mitchell River District, 1 sheet, 26 in. by 20 in., and 1 Section, 1 sheet, 12 in. by 19 in. Plan showing Extension of Quartz Reefs north of Eaglehawk, 1 sheet, 35 in. by 22 in. Plan showing Underground Workings at Hustler's Line of Reef, 1 sheet, 22 in. by 7 ft 1 in. Australia. — Victoria. Geological Survey, in 58 sheets, 2 in. to One Mile, size of each 16 in. by 23 in. Bonb^e, N. Tableau de I'Etat du Globe h. ses differens ages : resume synoptique du Cours de Geologic. 4th edition. On a sheet 28 in. by 22 in. Tableau Figuratif de la Structure Minerale du Globe: resume synoptique du Cours de Geognosie. 3rd edition. On a sheet 28 in. by 22 in. Coupes detaillees des Terrains avec leurs Etages successifs et leurs Fossiles Caracteristiques. On a sheet 9 ft. 6 in. by 14 in. Eloffe & Co., Paris. lao NATURAL HISTORY. Bristow, H., and Etheridge, R. Table of British Sedimentary and Fossili- ferous Strata. See English Works on Geology, &c. Dahll, T. Geologisk Kart over Nord- lige Norge. One sheet, 34 in. by 20 in. Christiania, 1866-79. See also Foreign Works under Kjerulf, T. Dnhamel, A. Carte geologique du Departement de la Haute-Marne. In 4 sheets, each 2 ft, 3 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. Mounted on canvas. Paris, 1857-60. Fraas, Dr. O. Wandtafeln zur Geolo- gic und Prahistorie. 2nd edition. 5 sheets, 23 in. by 29 in. In printed wrap- per. Text, 8yo. sewed. E. Ulmer, Stuttgart, 1880. Geikie, A. Geological Map of Scotland. See English Works on Geology, &c. Geological Survey Maps (England and Wales). See Science and Art Department Publications— Geo- logical Survey. Geological Survey of New Jer- sey. Topographical Map of a part of Northern New Jersey, 1 882. In 2 sheets, ^ach 37 in. by 20 in. By G. W. Howell and C. C. Vermeule. 1882. Hauer, P. Ritter von. Geologische Karte von Oesterreich-Ungarn. See Foreign Works on Geology, &c. Netherlands, Geological Map of the Kingdom of the. No. 7. Oostergoo. No. 21. Walcheren. No. 22. Kempen. No. 27. Limburg. No. 13. Index sheet of the whole series. No. 25, showing the districts below the sea-level, and those inundated at the highest possible rise of the rivers. Sizes, 11 in. by 13 in. and 21 in. by 14 in. With Texts (2), by W. C. H. Staring, in Dutch and French, fcp. 8vo. sewed. United States Geological At- lases and Maps (United States Surveys, &c.). ' ■ ■ 10th edition, revised by T. Moore, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1865. Exhibition (International), Horti- cultural, and Botanical Congress, held in London, May 22nd to 31st, 1866. Report of Proceedings, &c. 2 vols. Svo. and royal Svo. half bound. London. ( With Works on Exhibitions.) Fern Manual, The; being a De- scription of all the best Stove, Green- house, and Hardy Ferns, cultivated in British Gardens, &c. post Svo. cloth. "Journal of Horticulture " Office, 1863. Ferns, British, Works on. 5'ec— Babington, C. C. Bellairs, N. Bentham, G. Bosanquet, Rev. E. British Ferns. Fern Manual. Hooker and Arnott. Lowe, E. J. Moore, T. Newman, E. Seemann, Dr. B. Smith, J. Sowerby, J. E. Figuier, L. The Vegetable World; being a History of Plants, with their Botanical Descriptions and Peculiar Properties. New and revised edition. crown Svo. cloth. Cassell & Co. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Finchley Manuals, No. 2. Grarden- ing. 24mo. cloth. J. Masters, 1856. Fluckiger, F. A., and Hanbury, D. Pharmacographia. A History of the principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin, met with in Great Britain and British India. Svo. half bound. Macmilian & Co., 1874. Forsyth, W. (juu.). A Botanical Nomenclator ; as described in the New edition of Linuajus's Systema Naturae, by Dr. Gmelin of Gottingen. post Svo, calf. London, 1794. Fruit and Flower Garden. 1 8mo. sewed. Dean & Son. Fruit-Walls improved by inclining them to the Horizon : or, a way to build Walls for Fruit Trees, whereby they may receive more Sunshine and Heat than ordinary, post 4to. half calf. London, 1699. Fungi, Works on. See — Badham, C. D. Berkeley, Rev. M. J. Cooke, M. C. Smith, W. G. Saccardo, P. A. (^Foreign Works.) Garden (The) that Paid the Rent. post Svo. boards. Chapman & Hall,1860. Gardening, Elementary Catechism of. 18mQ. sewed. Groombridge & Sons, ISSO. 136 Natural history. Geography of Plants, ismo. cloth. Religions Tract Society. Gerarde, J- The Herball; or, Generall Historic of Plantes. Edited by T. Johnson, folio, calf. London, 1633. Goebel, Dr. K. Outlines of Classifica- tion and. Special Morphology of Plants. A New edition of Sachs' " Text Book of Botany," Book II. Translated by H. E. F. Garnsey. Revised by I. Bayley Balfour, imp. 8vo. half morocco. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887. Gray, Asa. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Revised edition ; arranged according to the Natural System. With 6 Plates, illus- trating the Genera of Ferns, &c. 8vo. half bound. 1857. " " First Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology. 8vo. hlf . bd. 1859. • How Plants Grow ; a simple Intro- duction to Structural Botany. 5th edition, fcp. 4to. half bound. New York, 1860. - Introduction to Structural and Systematic Botany, and Vegetable Physiology. 5th and revised edition of the " Botanical Text Book." 8vo. cloth. Ivison & Co., New York, 1878. »■ Scientific Papers of. Selected by C. S. Sargent. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. ■ Synoptical Flora of North America. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 31.) See Transactions— Washington. Gray, Br. J. E. Handbook of British Waterweeds, or Algae. The Diatomacese, by W. Carruthers. 12mo. cloth, limp. R. Hardwicke, 1864. Gray, S. F. A Natural Arrangement of Bntish Plants. With an Introduction to Botany. 2 vols. Svo. boards. London, 1821. Gray, S. O. British Seaweeds; an In- troduction to the Study of the Marine Algae of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands, crown Svo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1867. Ctrew, N. An Idea of a Phytological History propounded. Together with a Continuation of the Anatomy of Vege- tables, particularly prosecuted upon Roots. With Plates, post Svo. calf. London, 1673. ■■ The Comparative Anatomy of Trunks; together with an Account of their Vegetation. With Plates, post Svo. calf. London, 1675. ' The Anatomy of Plants, with an Idea of a Philosophical History of Plants. ' And several other Lectures, read before the Royal Society. With Plates, folio, old calf. London, 1682. Grif5.th, W. Icones Plantarum Asiati- carum. Part 4. Dicotyledonous Plants. Arranged by John McClelland, royal 4to. half calf. (Posthumous Papers bequeathed to the Honourable the East India Company.) A. B. Coshan, Calcutta, 1854. — Notulse ad Plantas Asiaticas. Part 4. Dicotyledonous Plants. Ar- ranged by J. McClelland. Svo. half calf. (Posthumous Papers bequeathed to the Honourable the East India Com- pany.) C. A. Serrao, Calcutta, 1854. Grisebach, Prof. Reports on Geo- graphical and Systematic Botany. See Reports, &c. on Botany. Gmgeon, A. Botany, Structural and Physiological. Revised edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby, 1874. Hales, S. Vegetable Staticks : or, an Account of some Statical Experiments on the Sap in Vegetables. Also, Speci- men of an Attempt to Analyse the Air by Chymico-Statical Experiments. Svo. calf. London, 1727. Statical Essays ; containing Vege- table Statics, or an Account of some Statical Experiments on the Sap in Vegetables, &c. Vol. 1. 4th edition. Svo. calf. London, 1769. Statical Essays ; containing Hsemastatics, or an Account of some Hydraulic and Hydrostatical Experi- ments on the Blood and Blood-vessels of Animals, &c. Vol. 2. 3rd edition. Svo. calf. London, 1769, Hanbury, D. Science Papers, chiefly Pharmacological and Botanical. Edited, with Memoir, by J. Ince. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Harvey, W. H. Phycologia Brit- annica; or, a History of British Sea- weeds, containing Coloured Figures, Generic and Specific Characters, Syn- onymes, and Descriptions of all the Species of Algae inhabiting the Shores of the British Islands. 4 vols. Svo. calf. Reeve & Benham, 1846-51. Manual of the British Marine Algae, &c. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1849. Nereis Boreali- Americana ; or. Contributions towards a History of the Marine Algae of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of North America. Coloured Illustrations. 3 parts in one vol. 4to. calf. Washington, 1851-58. Hehn, V., and Stallybrass, J. S. The Wanderings of Plants and Animals from their First Home. Svo. cloth. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1885, (^With Works on Gbnbral Natural HiSTOBT.) BOTANY : ENGLISH . WOBKS. 137 Hemsley, W. B. Botany of Bermudas — Islands of Atlantic and Southern Oceans — Juan Fernandez— South Eastern Mor luccas, and Admiralty Islands. (" Chal- lenger "Report, Botany, Vol. 1.) With Works on General Natural History. See also Biologia Centrali- Americana — Botany. Henfrey, A. Outlines of Structural , and Physiological Botany, fcp. 8vo. calf. 1847. — — — The Vegetation of Europe, its Conditions and Causes, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1852. ' Elementary Course of Botany ; StructuraljPhysiological, and Systematic. crown 8vo. cloth. 1857. 2nd edition. By M. T. Masters, crown 8vo. cloth. 1870. ■^— 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1878. ■ 4th edition. By M. T. Masters and A. W. Bennett, crown 8vo. cloth. 1884. < Rudiments of Botany. 2nd edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1858. w ' ■ Principles of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Vegetable Cell. See Mohl, H. von. - The Micrographic Dictionary. ( With Works on Optics, under Griffith.) See also Schleiden. ■ Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. Svo. Bay Society, 1853. See also Vegetable Kingdom, Tabular View of the, and Journals — Scientific Memoirs. Eenslow, Rev. G. Floral Dissections, illustrative of Typical Genera of the British Natural Orders, oblong 4to. boards. 1879. " Botany for Children, post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1880. - The Origin of Floral Structures through Insect and other Agencies, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1888. Henslow, The Rev. Prof. J. S. Illus- trations to be employed in Practical Lessons on Botany, adapted to Beginners of all Classes. Prepared for the South Kensington Museum, post Svo. sewed. Chapman & Hall, 1858. »' Dictionary of Botanical Terms, post Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons. i Memoir, Publications, &c. of the. See Jenyns (Blomefield), Rev. L. — — — Systematic Botany. See Oliver, D. Henslow, The Rev.Prof .,and Skepper, E. Flora of Suffolk ; a Catalogue of the Plants (indigenous or naturalized) found in a Wild Slate in the County of Suffolk. 12mo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1860. Hereman, S. Blight on Flowers ; or. Figures and Descriptions of the Insects infesting the Flower Garden ; including various means for destroying those which by their depredations occasion many of the Diseases of Plants, &c. Svo. cloth. London, 1840. ( With Works on Insects.) Hibberd, S. The Amateur's Greenhouse and Conservatory, post Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1873. ' Familiar Garden Flowers. Figured by F. E. Hulme. First to Fifth Series. With Coloured Plates, post Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, n.d. Riggins, Rev. H. H. On the Micro- scopic Characters of the Cotton of Com- merce. Svo. sewed. Liverpool, 1S72. Hinds, R. B. The Regions of Vegeta- tion. (Belcher's Voyage of the "Sulphur.") See Works on Geo- graphy. Hitt, Thos. Treatise of Fruit Trees. 2nd edition. Svo. calf. QBrooke Collection.^ London, 1757. Hobkirk, C. P. Synopsis of the British Mosses. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1884. Hoblyn, E. D. Treatise on Botany. New edition. (Scott's Series.) fcp. Svo. stiff wrapper. 1859. British Plants. (Scott's Series.) fcp. Svo. stiff wrapper. E. Law, 1859. Hofineister, W. On the Germination, Development, and Fructification of the Higher Cryptogamia, and on the Fructi- fication of the Coniferae. Translated by F. Currey. Svo. cloth. Bay Society y 1862. Hogg, R. British Pomology; or the History, Description, Classification, and Synonymes of the Fruits and Fruit Trees of Great Britain. Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Hooker, Sir J. D. The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M.SS. " Erebus" and "Terror" (1839-43). With Coloured Plates. 6 vols. 4to. calf. Flora Antarctica. 2 vols. 1844-47. Flora Novae Zelandiae. 2 vols. 1853-55. Flora Tasmanise. 2 vols. 1860. L. Reeve & Co. The Student's Flora of the British Islands, post Svo. cloth. 1870. 3rd edition. post Svo. cloth. 1884. Botany, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Primers.) 1876. ■ — — 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. MacmiUan & Co., 1877. 138 1^ AT URAL HISTORY. Hooker, Sir J. D., and Bentham, G. Genera Plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in Herbariis Kewensibus ser- vata definita. See Bentham, G. Hooker, Sir J. D., and Thomson, T. Flora Indica. Vol. 1. With an Intro- ductory Essay. (No more published.) 8vo. cloth. W. Pamplin, London, 1855. Hooker, Sir W. J. A Compendium of the English Flora of Sir J. E. Smith. 2nd edition, post Bvo. cloth. London, 1836. The British Flora. 2 vols. Com- prising the Phaenogamous Plants and the Ferns. 5th edition. 8vo. sewed. London, 1842. 7th edition, by Sir W. J. Hooker and G. A. W. Arnott. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855. See also Sowerby, J. Botany — Parry's Journal of Third Voyage for Discovery of N.W. Passage. See Works on Geography — Parry, Capt. W. E. Kew Gardens. See Kew Gardens. ISoustou, D. Practical Botany for Elementary Students, post 8vo. cloth. W. Stewart & Co. Illustrations to. See Bar- nard, Mrs. R. C. Hndsou, W. Flora Anglica. 8vo. half russia. London, 1798. Hnlme, F. E. Familiar Garden Flowers. See Hibberd, S. India OfB.cer's aild Trader's Pocket- Guide in purchasing the Drugs and Spices of Asia and the East Indies; with practical Directions for the choice of Diamonds, &c. ]2mo. bound. London, 1789. Insects Injurious or Beneficial to Plants, &C., Treatises on. See Works on Insects ; also Hereman, S., in present section. Irving, C. Catechism of Botany. 18mo. sewed. Aylott & Co., 1852. 11th edition, by R. J. Mann. 18mo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1879. Jackson, B. D. Guide to the Litera- ture of Botany, post 4to. cloth. Published for the Index Society: Longmans & Co., 1881. Jensrns (Blomefield), Rev. L. Memoir of the Rev. J. Stevens Henslow, late Rector of Hitcham and Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1862. Johns, Rev. C. A. The Forest Trees of Britain. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Flowers of the Field. 4th edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Johns, Rev. C. A. Botanical Rambles. 16mo. cloth. •^ Rambles in the Four Seasons. 16mo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. ■ First Steps to Botany. 18mo. stitched. National Society Johnson, C. British Poisonous Plants. Coloured plates. • crown Bvo. cloth. J. E. Sowerby, 1856. Johnson, C. P. Useful Plants of Great Britain: a Treatise upon the principal Native Vegetables capable of application as Food, Medicine, or in the Arts and Manufactures. Illustrated by J. E. Sowerby. royal 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke. Johnson, C. P., and Sowerby, J. E. British Wild Flowers, Illustrated and Described, with Introduction, &c. Re- issue, with Supplement containing 180 Figures of lately discovered Flowering Plants, by J. W. Salter, and Ferns, Horsetails, and Club Mosses, by J. E. Sowerby. royal 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1876. Johnson, G. W. Cottage Gardener's Dictionary. 7th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1863. Johnston, G. Flora of Berwick-upon- Tweed. 2 vols, in one. 12rao. boards. Longmans & Co., 1829. Jones, Rev. J. P., and Kingston, J. F. Flora Devoniensis. Arranged both according to the Linnaean and Natural Systems, &c. royal 8vo. boards. Longmans & Co., 1829. Journals, Botanical : Annals of Botany. Floral World and Garden Guide. Gardener's Chronicle. Journal of Botany. Journal of Forestry and Estates Management. Kew, Royal Gardens, Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Magazine of Zoologj' and Botany. Paxton's Magazine of Botany. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Kemp, Edw. Handbook of Gardening. 11th edition. ISmo. cloth, stiff. 1855. How to Lay Out a Garden; n- tended as a General Guide in Choosing, Forming, or Improving an Estate. 3rd edition, illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1864. Kerner, Dr. A. Flowers and their Un- bidden Guests. The Translation revised and edited by W. Ogle. And Prefa- tory Letter by Charles Darwin, post Bvo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Kew, Royal Gardens at. Maps (2) of the, dated 1851 and 1852. Sizes, 26 in. by 48 in. and 28 in. by 37 in. Mounted on canvas and folded to fcp. folio size. BOTANY : ENGLISH WORKS. 13^ Kew Gardens, Report on the Pro- gress and Condition of the, during 1877-82. 8vo. stitched. UM. Printers. Eew Gardens ; or, a Popular Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew. By Sir W. J. Hooker. 16th edition. . post Svo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1858. Kew Museums, Official Guide to the. By D. Oliver. 6th edition, with Addi- tions by J. R. Jackson, post Svo. sewed. J. R. Jackson, Kew, 1875. Eirby, M. and E. Plants of the Land and Water. 18mo. cloth. Jarrold & Sons. Kitchener, F. A. A Year's Botany. . fcp. 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1874. Knaiip, F. H. The Botanical Chart of British Flowering Plants and Ferns. 8vo. cloth. Bath, 1846. Landsborough, Rev. D. Popular British Seaweeds. Coloured Plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1851. Laukester, Mrs. Wild Flowers Worth Notice, being a Selection from the British Flora of some of our Native Plants. Blustrated by J. E. Sowerby. fcp. Svo. cloth. Coloured Plates. R. Hardwicke, 1861. iLanrie's Elementary Botany, by Dr. W. A. Snaith. 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Central School Dep6t. ILee, J. An Introduction to Botany. Extracted from the Works of Dr. Linnaeus. With Plates. 3rd edition. Svo. calf. London, 1776. Leighton, W. A. The British Species . of Angiocarpus Lichens, elucidated by their Sporidia. Svo. cloth. Ray Society, 1851. iLe Maout, E.,and Decaisne, J. Gene- ral System of Botany. Translated by . Mrs. Hooker. Arranged after the Method followed in the Universities and Schools of Great Britain, &c. ; with Additions, &c., by Dr. J. D. Hooker, C.B. 4to. half caif. Longmans & Co., 1873. Lindley, J. An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany. Svo. half calf. London, 1830. A Synopsis of the British Flora, arranged according to the Natural Orders ; containing Vasculares or : Flowering Plants. 2nd edition. 12mOi . boards. London, 1835. ^— -— The Vegetable Kingdom ; or, the Structure, Classification, and Uses of Plants, illustrated upon the Natural - System. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1853. Xiindley, J. School Botany and Veget- able Physiology. New edition. Svo. stifE wrapper. 1856. 12th edition. Svo. cloth. 1862. Descriptive Botany. 6th edition. Svo. sewed. n.d. Medical and Economical Botany, Svo. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1856. Botany ; Structural, Physiological Systematic, and Descriptive. Svo. cloth. E. Law, 1858. Symmetry of Vegetation; an Outline of the Principles to be observed in the Delineation of Plants, post Svo. sewed. Chapman & Hall, 1854. Theory and Practice of Horti- culture. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855. See also Treasury of Botany. Lindsay, W. L. Popular British Lichens ; their Structure, Reproduc- tion, Uses, Distribution, and Classifica- tion. Coloured Plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1856. Link, H. F. Progress of Physiological Botany — Report on Physiological Bot- any — Report on Botany. See Reports, &c. on Botany. Ijinnseus, C. Reflections on the Study of Nature, and a Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants. Translated by J. E. Smith. Svo. calf, London & Dublin, 1786. Lachesis Lapponica; or, a Tour in Lapland. Now first published from the original MS. Journal. By J. E.- Smith. 2 vols, in one. Svo. calf. London, 1811. Portrait and Memoir of. (Natu- ralists' Library — Ornithology, Vol. 1.) See Works on General Natural History. ■ Botanical Nomenclator; as de- scribed in Linnseus's " Systema Naturee." See Forsyth, W. (jun.) ' General View of the Writings of. See Pulteney, R. Life. With a List of his Works and a Life of his Son. See Stoever, D. H. Liversidge, Prof. A. Disease in the Sugar Cane, Queensland, post Svo. sewed. Sydney. Loudon, J. C. Suburban Gardener and Villa Companion. Svo. half russia. London, 1838. Arboretum et Fructicetum Bri- tannicum ; or, the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, &c. 2nd edition. 8 vols. (4 letterpress and 4 plates.) Svo. cloth. London, 1844. 140 NATURAL HISTORY. London, J. C. Hortus Britannicus. A Catalogue of all the Plants, Indigenous, Cultivated in, or Introduced to Britain. Part I. The Natural Arrangement. Part II. The Linnaean Arrangement, &c. 1 vol. New edition. Edited by- Mrs. Loudon, assisted by "W. H. Baxter and D. Wooster. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. Z., No. 991.) 1850, - Encyclopaedia of Plants. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855. London, Mrs. The First Book of Botany. 18mo. cloth, limp. London, 1841, Modem Botany ; or a Popular In- troduction to the Natural System of Plants, according to the Classification of De Candolle. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1851. The Amateur Gardener's Calendar. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1857. Lowe, E. J. Ferns ; British and Exotic. Illustrated. 8 vols, royal Svo. cloth. 1868. Our Native Ferns ; or, a History of the British Species and their Varieties. Illustrated. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. 1865-7. — — A Natural History of New and Kare Ferns ; amongst which are the new Hymenophyllums and Trichomanes. Illustrated, royal Svo. cloth. 1868. Beautiful Leaved Plants. Illus- trated, royal Svo. cloth. 1868. A Natural History of British Grasses. Illustrated, royal Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1868. Lnbbock, Sir J., Bart. On British Wild Flowers considered in Relation to Insects, crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) 1875. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) 1875. Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves. crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1S86. On certain Relations between Plants and Insects : a Lecture delivered at Glasgow, Jan. 1878. fcp. Svo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1878. ( With Works on Insects.) ■ . . Scientific Lectures. On Flowers and Insects, &c. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co. {With Works on Insects.) CAlpine, D. The Botanical Atlas. A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants. 2 vols, in one. imp. 4to. half morocco. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1883. M 'Alpine, D. Biological Atlas ; a Guide to the Practical Study of Plants and Animals. See Works on Genbrai* Natural History. Macgillivray, P. H. Flora of Aber- deen. 12mo. cloth, limp. J. A. Wilson, Aberdeen, 1853. MacgiUivray, W. Manual of Botany, comprising Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, with Remarks on Classifi- cation, &c. 2nd edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. A. Scott, 1853. Withering's British Plants. The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged according to the Linnaean System. 10th edition, royal 12mo. cloth. E. Law, 1858. M'Intosh, C. Book of the Garden. 2 vols. Vol. 1. "Structural." Vol.2. " Cultural." royal 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1853-65. Macmillan, Rev. H. Footnotes from the Page of Nature, or the First Forms of Vegetation, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1861. ■ First Forms of Vegetation. 2nd edition of above, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. McNab, W. R. Botany. Outlines of Classification of Plants. ISmo. cloth, (London Science Class Books.) 1878. Botany. Outlines of Morphology and Physiology. ISmo. cloth. (London Science Class Books.) Longmans & Co., 1878, Malpiglli, M. Anatome Plantarum; cui subjungitur Appendix de Ovo in- cubate. With Plates, folio, calf. Londini, 1675. Marcet, Mrs. Conversations on Vege- table Physiology ; comprehending '^the Elements of Botany, with their Appli- cation to Agriculture. 3rd edition, fcp, Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1839. Markliani, C. R. Travels in Peru and India, while superintending the Collec- tion of Chinchona Plants and Seeds in South America, and their Introduction into India. See Works on Geo- graphy. Masters, M. T. Vegetable Teratology ; an Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants. Svo. cloth. Ray Society ^ 1869. Mawe, T., and Abercrombie, J. The Universal Gardener and Botanist. 4to. bound. London, 1778. Mawe, T., and Abercrombie, J., &c. Every Man his own Gardener. 9th edition. 12mo. sheep. {Brooke CoU lection.^ London, 1782, BOTANY: ENGLISH WORKS. 141 SCenegfhini, G. Diatomese. See Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. ICesser, F. A. New and Easy Method of Studying British Wild Flowers by Natural Analysis ; being a complete Series of Illustrations of their Natural Orders and Genera, Analytically Ar- ranged. 8vo. cloth. D. Bogue, 1880. Meyeu, F. J. F. A Report on the Progress of Vegetable Physiology during the year 1837. Translated by W. Francis. 8vo. half calf. London, 1839. •-' Outlines of the Geography of Plants. Translated by Margaret John- ston. 8vo. cloth. Bay Society, 1846. Mogg^ridge, J. T. Contributions to the Flora of Mentone and to a Winter Flora of the Riviera, including the Coast from Marseilles to Genoa, imp. 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1871. SEohl, H. von. Principles of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Vege- table Cell. Translated by A. Henfrey. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1 852. — — Structure of the Palm-stem. Reports, &c. on Botany. See Moore, D. Handbook for the Botanic Gardens of the Royal Dublin Society, Glasnevin. 4th edition. 18mo. stitched. W. Leckie & Co., Dublin, 1865. Notices of a Botanical and Horti- cultural Tour through Germany, Hol- land, and Belgium in the Autumn of 1860 ; together with a Report on the Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, 1860. Svo. sewed. — — — Notes on a Botanical and Horti- cultural Tour through Parts of Scandi- navia, Germany, and Belgium in 1863. Svo. sewed. On the "Nardoo" Plant Eastern Australia. Svo. sewed. of .. . Botanical and Horticultural Notes, made on a Journey through parts of the South of France, Spain, and Portugal, during the Autumn of 1867. Svo. stitched. ■ . Botanical and Horticultural Notes made when passing through portions of Belgium, Prussia, and Russia, to the Botanical Congress, held at St. Peters- burg, 1869. Svo. stitched. Moore, D., and More, Alex. G. Coq- tributions towards a Cybele Hibernica ; being Outlines of the Geographical Dis- tribution of Plants in Ireland, crown Svo. cloth. Hodges, Smith, & Co., Dublin, 1866. Moore, T. Handbook of British Ferns. 16mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. Moore, T. Popular History of the British Ferns and Allied Plants. Coloured Plates by Fitch, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1855. The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland. Edited by Dr. Lindley and Nature-Printed by Henry Bradbury, imp. folio, morocco. 1855. Nature-Printed British Ferns ; being Figures and Descriptions of the Species and Varieties of Ferns found in the United Kingdom. Nature-Printed by Henry Bradbury. 2 vols, royal Svo. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1863. British Ferns and their Allies. New edition, fcp. Svo. boards. Routledge & Sons, 1866. British Wild Flowers. Familiarly Described in the Four Seasons. A new edition of *' The Field Botanist's Com- panion." Svo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1867. See also Treasury of Botany. Mudie, R. Botanic Annual. General Principles — Coniferse. post Svo. bound. London, 1832. Mueller, F. Analytical Drawings of Australian Mosses. 1 Fascicle. Svo. cloth, limp. (2 copies.) 1864. — — — The Vegetation of the Chatham Islands. Svo. cloth, limp. 1864. Fragmenta Phytographiae Austra- lise. 6 vols. Svo. cloth. 1858-68. The Plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria. Text and Plates. 2 vols, royal 4to. cloth. Melbourne, 1860-65. Muller, Prof. H. The Fertilization of Flowers. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson. With a Preface by C. Darwin. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1883. Murch^, V. T. Botany, fcp. Svo. cloth. Also in 3 parts, cloth, limp. Blackie & Son. Nageli, C. Vegetable Cells— Utricular Structure. See Reports and Papers on Botany. Napier, C. O. G. Lakes and Rivers, post Svo. cloth. (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on Genekal Natural History. Nave, J. Handy-Book to the Collection and Preparation of Freshwater and Marine Algae, Diatoms, Desmids, Fungi, &c. With Instructions for the Forma- tion of an Herbarium. Translated and edited by the Rev. W. W. Spicer. fcp. Svo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1867. H2 NATURAL HISTORY. If ewmau, E. History of British Ferns. 4th or School edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1866. Oliver, Daniel. Lessons in Elementary Botany. The part on Systematic Botany based upon Material left in Manuscript by the late Professor Henslow. royal 18mo. cloth. (2 copies.) 1864. 3rd edition. 18mo. cloth. 1870. New edition. 18mo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. ■ First Book of Indian Botany. l8mo. cloth. (2 copies.) Macmillan & Co., 1869. Notes of 10 Lectures on Botany, delivered at the South Kensington Museum, 1870. post 8vo. stitched. Illustrations of the Natural Orders of the Vegetable Kingdom. Prepared for the Science and Art Department, oblong 4to. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1874. Osbeck, P- Voyage to China and the East Indies ; together with a Voyage to Suratte, by O. Toreen, and an Account of Chinese Husbandry, by Capt. C. G. Eckeberg ; to which are added a Faunula and Flora Sinensis. See Works on Geography. Parkinson, John. Theatrum Botani- cum : the Theater of Plants ; or, an Universall and Compleate Herball. Numerous woodcuts of plants ; and an engraved title-page by Marshall, folio, calf. London, 1640. Another copy; engraved title-page defective. (^Brooke Collec- tion.') Parry, C. C. Botany of Wisconsin, &c. (United States Geological Surveys ; Reports by State Geologists, Wisconsin.) See Works on Geology, &c. Parsons, J. Philosophical Observa- tions on the Analogy between the Pro- pagation of Animals and that of Vege- tables. 8vo. 1752. See Works on General Natural History. Pazton's Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants. See Journals. Pereira, J. The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849-53. ( With Works on Hygiene.) Petiver, J. Opera Historiam Natural em Spectantia : containing several thousand Figures of Birds, &c., also of Trees, &c. 8vp. London, 1695-1703. ( With Works on General Natural History.) Phillips, W. Manual of the British Discomycetes, with Descriptions of all the Species of Fungi hitherto found in Britain, included in the Family, and Illustrations of the Genera. 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1887. Plant-Life. Popular Papers on the Phenomena of Botany, post 8vo. cloth. Marshall Japp & Co., 1881. Plants and Trees of Scripture. 18mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Plo Wright, C. B. A Monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilaginese. 8vo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1889. Pines, M. British Ferns ; an Introduc- tion to the Study of Ferns, Lycopods, and Equiseta indigenous to the British Isles. With Chapters on the Structure, Propagation, &c., of Ferns, crown 8vo. cloth. 1866. British Grasses ; an Introduction to the Study of the Graminese of Great Britain and Ireland, qrown 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1867. Popular Geogfraphy of Plants ; or, a Botanical Excursion round the World. By E. M. C. Edited by Professor Daubeny. Tinted chromo-landscapes. royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1855. Porter, G. R. The Nature and Pro- perties of the Sugar Cane. 2nd edition, with an Additional Chapter on the Manufacture of Sugar from Beet-root, royal 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1843. Porter, T. C, and Conlter, J. M. Synopsis of the Flora of Colorado. (United States Surveys. Miscellaiieous Publications.) See PTor^s on Geology, &c. Prantl, Dr. K. An Elementary Text- Book of Botany. Translated from the German. Revised by S. H. Vines. 8vo. cloth. 1880. Edited by S. H. Vines. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. W. S. Sonnenschein, 1885. Pratt, Anne. The Poisonous, Noxious, and Suspected Plants of our Fields and Woods, royal 16mo. cloth. Wild Flowers. Coloured Plates. 2 vols. 16mo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Preston, T. A. Flora of Marlborough ; with Notices of the Birds, and a Sketch of the Geological Features of the Neigh- bourhood. 12mo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1863. botany: ENGLISH WORKS. 145 Prior, R. C. A. On the Popular Names of British Plants, being an Explanation of the Origin and Meaning of the Names . of our indigenous and most commonly cultivated Species, crown 8vo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1863. '■'■ 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. F. Norgate, 1879. Pnlteney, R. A General View of the Writings of Linnaeus. 8vo. half calf. London, 1781. Quekett, J. Lectures on Histology, 1850-52. Elementary Tissues of Plants, &c. Svo. London, 1852. ( With Works on Anatomt, &c.) Salfs, J. The British Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns ; arranged on the Linnsean System, &c. post Svo. cloth. London, 1839. ■ Xtay, J. Historia Plantarum. Accessit Eustoria Stirpium Insulae Luzonis et reliquarum Philippinarum a Revd. Patre G. J. Camelio, S. J., &c. 3 vols. folio, calf. London, 1686-1704. ■ Methodus Plantarum, emendata et aucta. Accedit Methodus Graminum, Juncorum et Cyperorum Specialis. Svo. half bound. London, 1703. — — — Portrait and Memoir of. (Natu- ralist's Library, Entomology, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural His- tory. — ^— Catalogue of the Plants of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy and France : also, three Catalogues of such Trees, Shrubs and Herbs as grow in the Levant. See Works on Geography. — — — Memorials and Correspondence of. Edited by E. Lankester. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Bay Society, 1846 & 184S. Reports and Papers on Botany : 1. Morphology of the Coniferae, by Dr. Zuccarini ; 2. Geographical and System- atic Botany, by Prof. Grisebach; 3. Vegetable Cells, by C. Nageli ; 4. Report on Botany, by H. F. Link ; 5. Structure of the Palm-stem, by H. von Mohl ; 6. Utricular Structure, by C. Nageli ; Report on Physiological Botany, by H. F. Link. Translated by G. Busk, &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Bay Society, 1846-49. Reports on the Progress of Zo- ology and Botany, 1841-44. i. State of Zoology in Europe, by C. L. Bonaparte ; 2. Progress of Zoology in Europe in 1842-43, by A. Wagner, F. H. Troschel, W. F. Erichson, C. Th. v. Siebold; 3. Progress of Physiological Botany in 1841, by H. F.Link. Trans- lated by G. Busk, &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Bay Society, 1845-47. Reynolds's Pictorial and Descriptive Atlas of the Vegetable Kingdom. Coloured Plates. 8vo. sewed. James Reynolds. Robinson, J. Check List of the Ferns of North America — North of Mexico. Svo. half calf. Salem, Mass., 1873. Roget, P. M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (Bridge- water Treatises.) W. Pickering, 1834. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Rothrock, J. T. Reports upon the Botanical Collections made in Nevada^ Utah, &c., during 1871-1875. (United States Geographical, &c.. Surveys, West of 100th Meridan; Special Reports: Vol. 6.) See Wor-ks on Geology. Royle, Dr. J. F. Essay on the Produc- tive Resources of India, royal Svo. cloth. London, 1840. The Fibrous Plants of India fitted for Cordage, Clothing, and Paper ; with an account of the Cultivation and Pre- paration of Flax, Hemp, and their sub- stitutes. Svo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1855. Sachs, J. von. Text-Book of Botany, Morphological and Physiological. Trans- lated and Annotated by A. W. Bennett, assisted by W. T. Thiselton Dyer, royal Svo. half morocco. 1875. : — 2nd edition, Edited, with an Appendix, by S. H. Vines, royal Svo. half morocco. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1882. Book II. New edition. See Goebel, Dr. K. Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. Translated by H. Marshall Ward, royal Svo. half morocco. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887. History of Botany (1530-1860). Translation by H. E. F. Gamsey. Re- vised by I. B. Balfour. Svo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1S90. Schleiden, Dr. M. J. The Plant ; a Biography. In a series of Popular Lectures.- Translated by A. Henfrey. With Coloured Plates, &c. Svo. cloth. 1848. ■ ■ 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. H. Bailli^re, 1853. ' Principles of Scientific Botany ; or, Botany as an Inductive Science. Trans- lated by Edwin Lankester, M.D. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1849. Schoedler, F. Elements of Botany. Translated from the 6th German edition by H. Medlock. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth, stifi". Griffin & Co., 1854. School Gardening, Manual of. 12mo. cloth, stiff. National Society. Schntzenberger, P. On Fermenta- tion. See Works on Chemistry. 144 NATURAL HISTORY. Scofferu, Dr. J. Outlines of Botany. See Cassell. Seasons, The Four ; a Short Account of the Structure of Plants, imp. 16mo. cloth. Griffith & Farran, 1865. Seemanu, Dr. B. Popular History of Palms and their Allies. Tinted chromo- landscapes. royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1856. ■ The British Ferns at One View. Folded to 8vo. size, in cloth case. J. Van Voorst, 1860. Selby, p. J. History of British Forest Trees. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1842. SliaWy G. Cimelia Physica. Figures of Rare and Curious Quadrupeds, Birds, &c., together with several of the most elegant Plants, folio. London, 1796. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Sb-Ore, T. "W. Elementary Practical Biology — Vegetable. 8vo. cloth. J. A. Churchill, 1887. Sloane, Sir Hans. A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbadoes, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica; with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, &c. 2 vols, folio. London, 1707-25. (^With Works on General Natural History.) Smee, A. My Garden : Its Plan and Culture, together with a general De- scription of its Geology, Botany, and Natural History. Illustrated. 2nd edit, imp. 8vo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1872. Smith, E. Structural and Systematic Botany. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) crown 8vo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1855. Smith, Gerard E. Catalogue of Rare or Remarkable Phsenogamous Plants col- lected in South Kent, with descriptive notices and observations. 8vo. half roan. London, 1829. Smith, Sir J. E., Compendium of the English Flora of, by Sir W. J. Hooker. See Hooker, Sir W. J. English Botany, &c. See Sowerby, J.; and Foreign Works on Botany — Linnseus. Smith, John. Ferns ; British and Foreign, their History, Organography, Classification, and Enumeration ; with a Treatise on their Cultivation, &c. crown 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1866. .. Domestic Botany. An Exposition of the Structure and Classification of Plants; and of their Uses for Food, Clothing, &c. post 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve, 1871. — I Historia Filicum ; an Exposition of the Nature, Number, and Organo- graphy of Ferns, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1875. Smith, J. Dictionary of Popular Names of the Plants which furnish the Natural and Acquired Wants of Man, in all matters of Domestic and General Economy. Their History, Products, and Uses. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Sm.ith, W. G. Mushrooms and Toad- stools. British Edible and Poisonous Fungi. On 2 sheets, 2 6| in. by 20| each, mounted on canvas, to fold in cloth case. With Handbook. 16mo. sewed. R. Hardwicke. Snaith's Elementary Botany. See Laurie. Sole, W. Mentha) Britannicse. Being a new Botanical Arrangement of all the British Mints. With Plates, fcp. folio, half calf. Bath, 1798. Som.erville, Mary. On Molecular and Microscopic Science. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1869. (With Works on General Natural History.) Sowerby, J. English Botany; or. Coloured Figures of British Plants. With occasional remarks, by J. E. Smith. 36 vols, and Index. 8vo. half calf. London, 1790-1814. Supplement. 5 vols. Edited by Sir W. J. Hooker, J. W. Salter, &c. 8vo. half calf. London, 1831-63. Third edition, re-arranged according to the Natural Order, and entirely revised. Edited by J. T. B. Syme, F.L.S. Vol. 1. — Ranunculaceae to Crucifera). Vol. 9. — Typhacese to Lilia- ceae. Vol. 10. — Juncacese to Cyperaceae. Vol. 11. — Gramina. royal 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1863-72. Sowerby, J. E. The Ferns of Great Britain. The Descriptions, Synonyms, &c., by C. Johnson, Esq. Coloured Illustrations, royal 8vo. cloth. J. E. Sowerby, 1855. Illustrations to " Useful Plants of Great Britain." See Johnson, C. P. and Johnson, C. P. British Wild Flowers. See Johnson, C. P. Spruce, R. Notes on the Valleys of Piura and Chira, in Northern Pera ; and on the Cultivation of Cotton therein. See Works on Geography. Stark, R. M. Popular British Mosses ; their Structure, Fructification, &c. Coloured Plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1854. Steele, W. E. Handbook of Field Botany : comprising the Flowering Plants and Ferns indigenous to the British Isles, arranged according to the Natural Species, &c. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. McGlashan &Co., Dublin, 1851. BOTANY: ENGLISH WORKS. 145 Steeustrnp, J. J. S. On the Alterna- tion of Generations. Translated from the German Version of C. H. Lorenzen, by G. Busk. 8vo. cloih. Ray Society, 1845. Stoever, D. H. The Life of Sir Charles Linnaeus; -with a List of his Works, and a Life of his Son. Translated by J. Trapp. 4to. calf. London, 1794. Strasburger, E. Handbook of Prac- tical Botany, for the Botanical Labo- ratory and Private Student. Edited from the German, by W. Hillhouse. 8vo. cloth. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1887. Swaaby S. L, Fibrous Substances, Indi- genous and Exotic ; their Nature,'^^Varie- ties, and Treatment considered, with a view to render them further useful for textile and other purposes. 8vo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1864. Swayne, Rev. G. Gramina Pascua ; or, a Collection of [dried] specimens of the common Pasture Grasses. Arranged in the order of their Flowering, &c., with Linnaean and English names, &c. folio, boards. Bristol, 1790. Taylor, J. Arbores Mirabiles : or, a Description of the most Remarkable Trees, Plants and Shrubs, in all parts of the World. 12mo. boards. London, 1812. Taylor, J. E. Flowers; their Origin, Shapes, Perfumes, and Colours. Coloured Figures by Sowerby, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Hardwicke & Bogue, 1878. - Mountain and Moor, post 8vo. cloth. (Natural History Rambles.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1879. (^With Works on General Natukal History.) Tegetxneier, W. B. First Lines of Botany, comprising the Structure of Plants and the Tribes of Plants. 18mo. cloth. Darton & Co. Thom^, 0. W. Text-Book of Struc- tural and Physiological Botany. Trans- lated and edited by A. W. Bennett, post 8vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) 1877. — -^ 5th edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Thompson, Robt. Gardener's Assist- ant; Practical and Scientific, royal 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son. Thomson, Dr. S. Wanderings among Wild Flowers, post 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. Thomson, T., and Hooker, Sir J. D. Flora Indica. See Hooker, Sir J. D. E 61668. Thomson, W. Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine. 4th edition. Svo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1865. Thornton, R. J. New Family Herbal. 258 Woodcuts of the Plants, drawn from Nature by Henderson, engraved by Bewick. 8vo. boards. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1810. 2nd edition. The Cuts Coloured. 8vo. boards. (^Brooke Col- lection.) London, 1814. Toumefort, P. de. A Voyage to the Levant: containing the Ancient and Modern State of the Islands of the Archipelago, &c. ; Copper-Plates of Un- common Plants, &c. See Works on Geography. . Townson, R. Travels in Hungary. With Appendices : Entomologia and Regnum Vegetabile. See Works on Geography. Transactions, &c. of Botanical So- cieties : — London. — Linnean Society. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Treasury of Botany. A Popular Dictionary of the Vegetable Kingdom, &c. Edited by John Lindley, Ph.D., and T. Moore, F.L.S. In 2 parts, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1866. Tree, The Life of a : being a History of the Phenomena of Vegetation from the Seed to the Death of the Plant.. 16mo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1849. Tronessart, E. L. Microbes, Fer- ments, and Moulds, post Svo. cloth. (Intematioual Scientific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1886. Turner, W. Herbal : three parts col- lected and enlarged ; also a Book of the Baeth in England, and A most excellent andperfecte Homish Apothecarye (1561). Translated by J. HoUybush. folio, calf. Collen, 1568. Twining, E. Short Lectures on Plants, for Schools and Adult Classes, post 8vo. cloth. D. Nutt, 1858. Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants, with Groups and Descriptions. 2 vols, royal Svo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Marston, 1868. Tyas, Rev. R. Facts about Flowers. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Richardson & Best. Tyndall, J. Essays on the Floating- matter of the Air in relation to Putre- faction and Infection, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. . Fermentation. See Works on Chemistry. K 146 NATURAL HISTORY. XTnited States (ITortherii), A Manual of the Common Native Trees of the. 8vo. sewed. Bureau of Education, Washington, 1877. Useful Plants. Pictures for Elemen- tary Instruction, consisting of Coloured Plates, broad folio, sewed. With de- scriptive Text, 12mo. sewed. A. N. Myers & Co. Uslar, M. von. Chemico-Physiological Observations on Plants. Translated by G. Schmeisser. 8vo. calf. Edinburgh, 1795. Vegetable Eiugdom, Tabular View of the. Arranged according to the Natural Orders. [By A. Henfrey.] Mounted on canvas and folded in a book, small 4to. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. — — — Unmounted. To fold in small 4to. paper wrapper. E. Stanford. Vegetable Physiologfy, Introduction to, with reference to the Works of De Candolle, Lindley, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Small Books on Great Subjects.) W. Pickering, 1845. Vines, S, H, Lectures on the Physio- logy of Plants. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1886. » Lecture on tbe Apparatus relating to Vegetable Physiology. (Science Lec- tures at South Kensington.) See Works on Physics (^General Treatises^. Ward, H. M. Diseases of Plants, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Komance of Science Series.) Christian Knowledge Society. ■ Timber and some of its Diseases, post 8vo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1889. Watson, J. Forbes. Index to the Native and Scientific Names of Indian and other Eastern Economic Plants and Pro- ducts, imp. 8vo. half morocco. India Museum, 1868. Watson, S. Bibliographical Index of N. American Botany. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 15.) See Transactions — Washington. Wild Garland, The ; or Prose and Poetry connected with English Wild Flowers. 12mo. boards. London, 1827. Wilkinson, Lady. Weeds and Wild Flowers; their Uses, Legends, and Literature, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1858. Wills's Companion to Practical Botany. With Coloured Plates, post 8vo. cloth. Wills & Wotton. Wilson, A. Introduction to the Study of Flowers, fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. & R. Chambers, 1880. Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of Botany. 18mo. sewed : — No. 1. Structure of Plants. No. 2. Tribes of Plants. Darton & Co. Withering, W. A Botanical Arrange- ment of all the Vegetables natur^Sly growing in Great Britain. With De- scriptions of Genera and Species accord- ing to the system of Linnseus, the Uses as Medicines, &c., and an Easy Intro- duction to the Study of Botany. With Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1776. Withering's British Plants, by W. Macgillivray, LL.D. See Macgilliv- ray, W. Wittstein, Dr. G. C. The Organic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances and their Chemical Analysis. Translated from the German by Baron F. von Mueller. 8vo. half roan. McCarron, Bird, & Co., Melboume,1878. ( With Works on Chemistry.) Wood, A. Class Book of Botany : The Elements of Botanical Science ; The Natural Orders. Illustrated by a Flora of the Northern, Middle, and Western States. 41st edition, crown 8vo. half bound. Moore & Nims, Troy, N.Y. • ■ Class Book of Botany, being Out- lines of the Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants. Part 1. 8vo. cloth. Barnes & Burr, New York, 1860. Wood, H. C, jun. Contribution to the History of the Fresh- Water Algae of North America. (Smithsonian Contri- butions to Knowledge, Vol. 19.) See Transactions— Washington. Wood, Rev. J. G. Lane and Field, post 8vo. cloth. (Natural History Rambles.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1879. ( With Works on Genebal Natueal History.) Woodland Gleanings, being an Account of British Forest Trees. 12mo. cloth. E. Law, 1853. Woods, J. The Tourist's Flora. 8vo. cloth. Reeve & Benham, 1850. Wright, Dr. E. P. Notes on the Flora of the Islands of Arran, West of Ire- land; On Irish Sponges. 8vo. sewed. University Press, Dublin, 1868. - ' ■ Six Montlis at the Seychelles. A Letter to A. Searle Hart, LL.D. 8vo. stitched. Privately printed, 1868. Youmans, E. A. The First Book of Botany. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1872. ZtLCCarini, Dr. Morphology of the Coniferaj. See Reports and Papers on Botany. BOllANY: FOREIGN WORKS. TM BOTAITT. FOREIGN. Aldrovandus, U. Dendrologise, natu- ralis scilicet Arborum Historise, libri 11. See Works on Geneual Natukal History. Alpinus, P. De Plantis Exoticis libri duo, studio et opera Alpini fil. 4to. half bound. Venice, 1629. Anderssou, Prof. N. J. Skandinaviens Vaxter beskrifne och analytiskt afbil- dade. 2 parts in one vol., 8vo., and Plates, royal 8vo. half calf. (^Swedish Collection.) Stockholm, 1849-52. — — — Plantse Scandinaviae Descriptae et Delineatae. 2 parts in one vol., 8vo., and Plates, royal 8vo. half calf. (^Swedish Collection.) Stockholm, 1849-52. ' Atlas ofver den Skandinaviska Florans, naturliga Familjer. 29 Plates, with letter-press descriptions. 8vo. half calf. (^Swedish Collection.) Stockholm, 1849. ■. Femhundra Afbildningar af mera allmant forekommande Svenska Vaxter. Text and Plates, one vol. royal 8vo. bound. {Swedish Collection.) Stockhohn, 1870. Areschong, F. W. C. Sk&nes Flora, innefattande de Fanerogama och Ormbunkartade Vaxterna. 8vo. bound. (^Swedish Collection.) C. W. K. Gleerup, Lund, 1866. Aristotelis de Plantis Libri duo. See Constantinus. BailloXL, H. Dictionnaire de Botanique. Vol. 1 and onwards, as far as issued. 4to. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1876, &c. Baltet, C. L'Art de Greffer les Arbres, Arbrisseaux et Arbustes Fruitiers Forestiers, etc. Suivie d'un Appendice sur le Retablissement de la Vigne par la Greffe. 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1880. Baxry, A. de. Die Mycetozoen (Schleim- pilze). Ein Beitrag zur Kentniss der Niedersten Organismen. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1864. ■ Botanik. fcp. 8vo. boards. (Natnr- wissenschaftliche Elementarbiicher.) Triibner, Strasburg, 1878. ■' Vergleichende Morphologic und Biologic der Pilze, Mycetozoen und Bacterien. 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1884. Bary* A. de. Vorlesungen uber Bacterien. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1885. Die Pilze, Flechten und Myx- omyceten. — Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane der Gefasspflanzen. See Hofmeister, W, Baster, J. Katuurkundige Uitspann- ingen behelzende eenige waarneemingen over Bommige Zee-Plantcn en Zee- Insecten. — Opuscula Subseciva. Obser- vationes miscellanese de Animalculis et Plantis. Haarlem, 1762-5. ( With Works on Protozoa, &c.) Beanvais Baseau. Indigotier. (Arts et Metiers, Vol. 7.) ( With Works on Manufactures, &c.) BehrenSy W. Hilfsbuch zur Ausfiihrung Mikroskopischer Untersuchungen im Botanischen Laboratorium. 8vo. sewed. Schwetschke & Son, Brunswick, 1883. Bernardin. Classification de 250 Fecules. 8vo. sewed. Ghent, 1876. Bernascoui, G. Lezloni d'Orticultura. 2nd edition. 16mo. cloth. Lugano, 1861. Berthold, Dr. G. Bangiaceen — Cryp- tonemiaceen (Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel). See Works on General Natural History (Foreign), Bibliotheca Botauica. Abhandlung- en aus den Gesammtgebiete der Botanik. Herausgegeben von Dr. O. Uhlworm und Dr. F. H. Haenlein. 4to. : — 1. Schenck, H. Vergleichende Ana- tomie der submersen Gewachse. 1886. 2. Zopf, Dr. W. t^ber die Gerbstoff- und Anthocyan-Behalter der Fumariaceen und einiger anderen Pflanzen. 1886. 3. SchifEQer,Dr.V. L"''eber Verbascum- Hybriden und einige neue Bas- tarde des Verbascum pyramida- tum M.B. 1886. 4. Vochting, Dr. H. tjber die Bildung der Knollen. ^^ 1887. 5. Dietz, Dr. S. Ueber die Entwicke- lung der Bliithe und Frucht von Sparganium Tourn und Typha Tourn. 1887. 6. Schenk, H. Fossile Pflanzen aus der Albourskette, gesammelt von E. Tietze. 1887. 7. Reess, Dr. M., and Fisch, Dr. C. Untersuchungen iiber Bau und Lebensgeschichte der Hfrsch- triiffel, Elaphomyces. 1887. 8. Buchtien, Dr. O. Entwickelungs- geschichte des Prothallium von Equisetom. 1887. 9. Huth, Dr. E. Die Klettpflanzen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Verbreitung durch Thiere. 1887. K 2 148 NATURAL HISTORY, Bibliotheca Botanica— con^ 10,17. Schulz, A, Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bestaubungseinrichtungen und der Geschleclitsvertheilung bei den Pflanzen. 3 parts. 1888-9. 11. Wigand-Dennert. Nelumbium speciosum W. Eine monograph- ische Studie. 1888. 12. Stenzel, Dr. G. Die Gattung Tubicaulis Cotta. 1889. 13. Geheeb, A. Neue Beitrage zur Moosflora von Neu-Guinea. 1889. 14. Oltmanns, F. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Fucaceen. 1889. 15. Schumann, Dr. C. R. G. Anato- mische Studien iiber die Knos- penschuppen von Coniferen und dicotylen Holzgewachsen. 1889. 16. Bucherer, £. Beitrage zur Mor- phologie und Anatomie der Dioscoreaceen. 1889. 18. Walter, Dr. G. Ueber die braun- wandigen, sklerotischen Gewerbe- elemente der Fame, &c. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1890. Bischoff, Dr. Carl. Gnindriss der Naturgeschichte. Erste Abtheilung. Botanik. 8vo. sewed. Berlin, 1852. Bocq.uillon, H. La Vie des Plantes. post 8vo. {Bihliotheque des Merveilles.') Haehette & Co., 1868. Bornet, E., and Thuret, G. Notes Algologiques. Recueil d' Observations sur les Algues. Fasc. 1 and 2, in one vol. royal 4to. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1880. Bory de St. Vincent, Brongniart, A., and Dumont d'Urville. Voyage autour du Monde sur "La Coquille." — Botanique. See Works on Geo- GRJLPHT — Duperrey, L. I. Botanique de la Jeunesse. 30 Coloured Plates. 18mo. sewed. (^Brooke] Col- lection. ^ Paris, 1812. Braun, A. Algarum Unicellularium genera nova et minus cognita. 4to. half calf. Lipsise, 1855. Breslau (Universitat), Der Konig- liche Botanische Garten der. Von H. R. Gdppert. See Goppert, H. R. Breynii (Jacobi) Exoticarum aliar- umque minus cognitarum Plantarum Centuria Prima ; with Appendix. Illus- trated, folio, old calf. Gedanum (Dantzig), 1678. Brongniaxrt, A. Rapports sur les Progres de la Botanique Phytographique en France, imp. 8vo. Paris, 1868. {With Reports, &c. on Education — Fbance — Lettres, &c.) Brongniart, A.,Bumont d'XTrville, and Bory de St. Vincent. Voyage autour du Monde sur " La Coquille." — Botanique. See Works on Geo- graphy (French) — Duperrey, L. I. Browallins, J. Examen Epicriseos Siegesbeckianse in Systema Plantarum sexuale. See Linnaeus. Bnitenzorg, Annales du Jardin Botani- que de. Publiees par M. Treub, &ci See Transactions — Buitenzorg. Candolle, A. de. La Phytographie, ou I'Art de Decrire les Vegetaux, consideres sous difPerents points de vue. 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1880. Castelnan, F. de. Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, &c. — Botanique. See Works on Geography {French'). Castracane degli Antelminelli, F. Diatomacese. (" Challenger " Expedi- tion, Botany, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural History. Catesby, M. Piscium, Serpentum, In- sectorum aliorumque nonnullorum Animalium nee non Plantarum quarun- dam Imagines, royal folio- Nuremberg, 1777. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Canvet, D. Cours iSlementaire de Botanique. 12mo. sewed. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1879. Clans, Dr. C. Ueber die Grenze des Thierischen und Pflanzlichen Lebens. 4to. Leipzig, 1863. {With Works on Protozoa, &c.) Colnmna, F. Minus Cognitarum Rarior- umque nostro coelo Orientium Stirpium EK«I»PA2I2. 4to. Rome, 1616. {With Works on General Natural History.) Commelin, C. Prseludia Botanica ad publicas Plantarum Exoticarum demon- strationes. His accedunt Plantarum Rariorum et Exoticarum, in Praeludiis Botanicis recensitarum, Icones et De- scriptiones. 4to. old calf. Lugd. Bat., 1703. — Icones Plantarum quaqua-versum prsesertim ex Indiis collectarum. Also "Prailudia Botanica" (above), dated 1715, bound up with this vol. 4 to. old calf. Lugd. Bat., 1716. Congrds International de Bota- nique et d'Horticulture, reuni h, Am- sterdam les 7, 8, 10 et 11 Avril 1865 en coincidence avec I'Ex position Univer- selle d'Horticulture, Bulletin du. 8vo. sewed. Rotterdam, 1866. BOTANY: FOREIGN WORKS. 149 Coustantinus, C. Geoponika (rEfi- nONIKA). De Re Rustica selectorum libri XX., Grseci, Constantino quidem Csesari nuncupati item Aristotelis de Plantis libri duo. fcp. 8vo. . old calf. Basileae, 153y. Gordus, V. Stirpium Descriptionis . liber quintus. See Gesner, C., Opera Botanica. Comevin, C. Des Plantes Ven^neuses et des Empoissonnements qu'elles de- terminent. 8vo. sewed, (Biblioth^que de I'Enseignement Agricole.) F. Didot & Co., Paris, 1887. Comil, A. v., and Babes, V. Les Bacteries, &c. 3rd edition. 2 vols, royal Bvo. sewed. F. Alcan, Paris, 1890. Cotone, Memorie e Relazioni intomo la Coltivazione del. Parte 1. Published by the Royal Commission for the First National Exhibition of Italian Cottons, in 1864. 8vo. sewed. Turin, 1864. Cri^y L. Nouveaux Elements de Bota- nique, contenant I'Organographie, I'Anatomie, la Morphologic, la Physio- logic, la Botanique Rurale (Phanero- games et Cryptogames), et des Notions de Geographic botanique et de Botanique fossile. 12mo. sewed. O. Doin, Paris, 1884. Decaudolle, A. P., and Iiamarck, J.B.dc. Flore Fran^aise. See Lamarck, J.B. de. Delafosse, G. Notions Elementaires de Histoire Naturelle — Botanique. New edition. 18mo. half calf. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1853. Deniker, J. Atlas Manuel de Botanique. Illustrations des Families et des Genres des Plantes Phanerogames et Crypto- games : Caract^res, Usages, Origines, Distribution Geographique. Introduc- tion par D. Cauvet. 200 planches coloriees au pinceau. fcp. folio, half morocco. J. B. Bailli^re & Son, Paris [1889]. Detmer, Dr. W. Das Pflanzenphysio- logische Prakticum. Anleitung zu Pflanzenphy siologischen Untersuchung- en. imp. Svo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888. De-Toxii, Dr. J. B. Sylloge Algarum Omnium hucusque Cognitarum. Vol. 1. Sects. I. II. Chlorophycese. 8vo. sewed. Patavii, 1889. Dictionnaire (Nouveau) d'His- toire Naturelle appliquee aux Arts, principalement k I'Agriculture et ^ rficonomie Rurale, &c. See Worhs on GbneralNatural History (^Foreign). Dillenins, J. J. Catalogus Plantamm sponte circa Gissam nascentium. fcp. 8vo. old vellum. Francof. a M., 1719. Dippel, Dr. L. Botanik. (Diegesamm- ten Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 3.) 8vo. G. D. Badeker, Essen, 1887. iWilh Works o?» Physics— Genera/ Treatises.') Dioscorides. Pedacii Dioscoridse Ana- zarbei simplicium Medicamentorum Reique Medicae libri sex. 8vo. Basilese, 1532. ( With Works on Hygiene.) Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbaei opera quae extant omnia, ex nova interpretatione J. A. Saraceni. Gr. et Lat. folio. [Francofurti] 1598. ( With Works on Hygiene.) Dodel-Fort, Dr. Arnold. Biologische Fragmente. Beitrage zur Entwicklungs- geschichte der Pflauzen. imp. 4to. boards. T. Fischer, Cassel & Berlin, 1885. Dodel-Fort, Dr. Arnold and Carolina. Anatomisch-Physiologischer Atlas der Botanik. Parts 1-7. Coloured Plates, 35 in. by 26 in. Text, 7 parts in one vol., 4to. half bound. J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen, 1878-83. ■ Handbooks (English edition of Text), translated and edited by D. M' Alpine, 7 parts, post 8vo. sewed. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1880-83. Draakenstein, H. van E. van. Hortus Malabaricus. See Dillwyn {English Works). Drude, Dr. O. Die Florenreiche der Erde. (Petermann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 73, 1884.) See Jonrnals — Mittheilungen . Duchartre, P. £:iements de Botanique. 8vo. cloth. J. B. Bailli^re & Son, Paris, 1867. 2nd edition. 8vo. half morocco. J. B. Bailli&re & Son, Paris, 1876-77. Rapport sur les Progr^s de la Botanique Physiologique en France, imp. 8vo. Paris, 1868. (TFiYA Rbpobts, &c. on Education — France — Lettrcs, &c.) Duhamel da MouceaTi, H. L. La Physique des Arbres, oh. il est traite de I'AjQatomie des Plantes et de I'Economie Vegetale. With Plates. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Paris, 1758. Dumont d'XIrville, Bory de St. Vincent, and Bronffniart, A. Voyage autour du Monde sur "La Coquille." — Botanique. See Works on Gbogbaphy (French)— Duperrey, L.I. ISO NATUEAL HISTORY. Durand, Th. Index Generum Phanero- gamorum, usque ad finem Anni 188^ promulgatorum, inBenthami etHookeri " Grenera Plantarum '* fundatus, cum numero Specierum Synonymis et Area lica. 8vo. sewed. Brussels: Dulau & Co., 1888. Dntrochet, H. Recherches Anatam- iques et Physiologiques sur la Structure Intime des Animaux et des Vegetaux, et sur leur Motilite. See Works on General Natdkal History — (^Foreig7i). • ' L' Agent Immediat du Mouvement Vital, de voile dans sa Nature et dans son mode d' Action chez les Vegetaux et chez Ics Animaux. See Works on Geneual Natural History. Eble, Dr. B. Die Lehre von den Haaren in der gesammten Organischen Natur — ^Pflanzenhaare. 8vo. Vienna, 1831. (^With Works on Anatomy and Physiology.) Edwards (Milne) and Comte, A. Cahiers d'Histoire Naturelle. 2« Cahier. — Botanique. New edition. 12mo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1872. Eichler, Dr. A. W. Bluthendiagramme. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1875-8. ISichler, G. Handbuch des Gartner- ischen Planzeichnens. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. Wiegandt & Co., Berlin, 1880. Elements de Botanique. Classification et Usages des Plantes. 12mo. boards. Hachette & Co., 1868. Emery, H. Cours de Botanique. His- toiredes Principales Families. Ouvrage redige conformement aux Programmes d'Aout, 1880, pour la Classe de Qua- trieme. 12mo. boards. G. Masson, Paris, 1 883. Encyklopsdie der Naturwisseu- SChaffcen. Handbuch der Botanik. See Schenk. Handworterbuch der Pharmako- gnosie des Pflanzenreichs. See Witt- stein. Endlicher, S. Genera Plantarum secimdum Ordines Naturales disposita. imp. 8vo. calf. Vindobonaei, 1836-40. Mantissa Botanica sistens Generum Plantarum supplementum secundum, imp. 8vo. half calf. Vindobonse, 1842. Enchiridion Botanicum exhibens Classes et Ordines Plantarum. Accedit Nomenclator Generum et Officinalium vel Usualium Indicatio. 8vo. half calf. Leipzig, 1841. Eueroth., O. Handbok i Svensk Pomo- logi. Introduction to the Description of Fruit Trees and their Fruit, with .coloured Plates, royal Bvo. cloth. (^Swedifh CoU lection.) n.p., n.d. Engler, A., and Prantl, K. Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten ins- besondere den Nutzpflanzen. Lief. 1 and onwards. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1887, &c. Ettiugshansen, Dr. C. von. Das Australische Florenelement in Europa. See Works on Geology, &c. (^Foreign)* Ettingshansen, Dr. C. von, and Po- korny, A. Physiotypia Plantarum Austriacarum. Der Naturselbstdruck in seiner Anwendung auf die Gefass- pflanzen des Oesterreichischen Kaiser- staates, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Nervation in den Flachen- organen der Pflanzen. royal 4to. half morocco. Vienna, 1856. Fenzl, E. Illustrationes et Descriptiones Plantarum Novarum Syriae et Tauri occidentalis. post 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843. (J^ith Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Fermond, Ch. Phytogenie,ou Theorie mecanique de la Vegetation. 8vo. half calf. G. Bailliere, Paris, 1867. Ferrarins, J. B. Flora ; seu de Florum Cultura : libri IV. Editio nova. With plates. 4to. calf. Amstelod, 1646. Fignier, L. Histoire des Plantes. royal 8vo. Hachette & Co., 1865. ( With Works on General Natural His TORY — Foreign.) Fischer, T. Die Dattelpalme. (Peter- mann's Mittheilnngen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 64, 1881.) See Jotirnals— Mitt- HEILUNGEN. Porwerg, M, Blattformen. A syste- matic and comparative View of Leaves in their Natural Sizes. 8 sheets, 2 J in. by 17 in. In printed wrapper. Meinhold & Sons, Dresden. Potirmer, E. Eecherches Botaniques. Part I. Cryptogamie. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Mission Scientifique au Mexique, &c. Fraenkel, D. C, and Pfeijffer Dr. B, Mikrophotographischer Atlas der Bak- terienkunde. Lief 1 and onwards. 8vo. sewed. A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1889, &c. I'ries, E. Sveriges Atliga och Giftiga Svampar, tecknade efter Naturen. With Text. One vol. 4to. cloth. {Swedish Collection.) P. A. Norstedt & Sons, Stockholm, 1861. 23 Coloured Plates— 19, 4to. and 4 folio. In portfolio. Fritscli, G., and MiUler, O. Die Sculptur und die feineren Structur-ver- haltnisse der Diatomaceen, mit vorzugs- weiser Berucksichtigung der als Probe- objecte benutzten Species. Photographic iUustrations. Abtheil 1 (all published). 4to. half calf. MiiUer, Berlin, 1870 botany: foreign works. 151 Pritsch, K. Kalender der Flora des Horizontes von Prag. Entworfen nach zehnjahrigen Vegetations-Beobachtun- gen. 8 vo. half calf. n.p., J852. Fncns, L. Histoire generale des Plantes, avec leurs Proprietez et Vertus. 32mo. half bound. Rouen, n.d. F'Omrohr, Dr. A. E. Naturhistorische Topographie von Regensburg : Die Flora. 8vo. Regensburg, 1838-9. ( With Works on Genkral Natural History — Foreign.) Gallesio, G. Teoria della Riproduzione Vegetale — Pomona Italiana. Parte Scientifica. Fascic. Primo. 8vo. half calf. Pisa, 1816-20. "Gazelle" (S. M. S.). Die Forsch- ungsreise, in den Jahren 1874 bis 1876. — Botanik. See Works on General. Natural History (^Foreign). Gellerstedt, J. D. Nerikes Flora. 2nd edition. Edited and enlarged by C. O. Hamnstrom. 12nio. sewed. (Swedish Collection.) N. M. Lindh, Orebro, 1852. G^rardin, L. Le9on8 de Choses — Les Plantes. 12mo. boards. G. Masson, Paris, 1881. Gervais, P. Cours Elementaire d'His- toire Naturelle — Botanique. post 8vo. Hachette & Co., 1878. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Gesuer, C. Opera Botanica; vitam Gesneri et Operis historiam, V. Cordi Stirpium liber quintum cum adnotation- ibus ex Gesneri codice, etc. ; nunc pri- mum in lucem edidit et prsefatus est C. C. Schmiedel. 43 plates, one coloured, folio, calf. Norimbergse, 1753. Gesner, J. Dissertationes de Partium Vegetationis, Structura, Differentia et Usu. See Linnaeus, C. Girard, J. L^s Plantes etudiees au Microscope, post 8vo. sewed. (^Biblio- theque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1873. Givotovsky. Botanical Atlas (Pt. I.). In Russian, fcp. folio, boards. (JFrom the Pedagogical Museum, St. Petersburg.) St. Petersburg, 1871. Goebely Dr. K. Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen. Theil I. 8vo. sewed. N. G. Elwert, Marburg, 1889. Goppert, H. R. Der Konigliche Bota- nische Garten der Universitat Breslau. post 8yo. half calf. Remer, Gorlitz, 1857. Grisebach, A. La Vegetation du Globe d'apr^s sa Disposition suivant les Climats. Esquisse d'une Geographic comparee des Plantes. Traduit de I'Allemand par P. de Tchihatchef, avec des Annotations du Traducteur. 2 vols, imp. 8vo. half morocco. J. B. Bailli^re, Paris, 1877-8. Haberlandt, Dr. G. Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1884. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Function und Lage des Zellkernes bei den Pflanzen. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1887. Das reizleitende Gewebsystem der Sinnpflanze. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1890. Hallier, E. Gahrungserscheinungen. Untersuchungen liber Gahrung, Faulniss und Verwesung, mit Beriicksichtigung der Miasmen und Contagien sowie der Desinfection. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1867. Parasitologische Untersuchungen beziiglich auf die pflanzlichen Organis- men bei Masern, Hungertyphus, Darmty- phus, Blattern, Kuhpocken, Schafpocken, Cholera Nostras, &c. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1868. Hartman, 0. Landskapet Nerikes Flora, post 8vo. bound. {Swedish Col- lection.) N. M. Lindh, Orebro, 1866. Hartman, C. J. Svensk och Norsk Excursions-Flora. Phanerogamer och Ormbunkar. 3rd edition. 12mo. sewed. 1860. — 4th edition, with Correc- tions, by C. Hartman. fcp. 8vo. half bound. Z. H8eggstrom,^Stockholm, 1866. Handbok i Skandinaviens Flora, till och med Mossoma. 8th edition, with Corrections and Additions, by C. Hartman. 8vo. sewed. Stockholm, 1861. 2 parts, 9th and 10th editions, in one vol. 8vo. bound. (^Swedish Collection.) Z, Hseggstrom, Stockholm, 1866-70. Hedwig, R. A. Aphorismen iiber die Gewachskunde. See Works on Gbo- GRATHY (^German) — Weber, F., and Mohr, D. M. H. Hildebrand, Dr. Fr. Die Lebensver- haltnisse der Oxalisarten. imp 4to. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1884. Sochstetter, C. F. Populare Botanik, oder fassliche Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Pflanzen. 4th edition by W. Hoch.> stetter. 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. I. Allgemeine Botanik. (1875.) 152 NATURAL HISTORY. Hochstetter, C. F.—cont. II. Specielle Botanik, oder Besch- reibung der in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz •wildwachsenden phanerogam- ischen und einiger am haufigsten vorkommenden cryptogam- ischen Pflanzen-Anleitung zum Selbstbestimmen der Pflanzen. (1876-7.) III. Angewandte Botanik. (1877.) Schickhardt & Ebner, Stuttgart. Hoffmann, G. F. Vegetabilia in Her- cynise Subterraneis CoUecta, Iconibus Descriptionibus et Observationibus illustrata. royal folio, half calf. NorimbergsB, 1811. Hofmeister, W., Bary, A. de, and Sachs, .T. Handbuch der Physiolo- gischen Botanik. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. half morocco. I. Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle und AUgemeine Morphologie der Grewachse, von Hofmeister. II. Die Pilze, Flechten und Myxomy- ceten, von de Bary. III. Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane der Gefass- pflanzen, von de Bary. IV. Handbuch der Experimental- Physiologic der Pflanzen. Untersuchungen iiber die All- gemeinsten Lebensbedingungen der Pflanzen und die Function- en ihrer Grgane, von Dr. J. Sachs. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1865-77. Hovelacaue, M. Recherches sur I'Ap- pareil vegetatif des Bignoniacees, Rhinanthacees, Orobanchees et Utricu- lariees. imp. 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1888. Hneppe, F. Die Methoden der Bakte- rien-Forschung. 3rd edition, royal 8vo. sewed. C. W. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1886. Hnseiuann, A. and T. Die Pflanzen- stoffe in Chemischer, Physiologischer, Pharmakologischer und Toxikologischer Hinsicht royal 8vo. cloth. J. Springer, Berlin, 1871. Jacob, K. Die Pflanzenkunde in Ver- bindung mit den Elementen den Land- wirthschaft, Obstbaumzucht, und Forst- kultur. 8vo. half bound. Berne, 1849. Jamain, H., and Forney, E. Les Roses. Histoire — Ciulture — Description. Pre- face par C. Naudin. Coloured plates. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. half morocco. J. Rothschild, Paris, 1873. Jardinier (Le) des Fen^tres, &c. 18mo. sewed. (^Brooke Collection. } Paris, 1823. Journals, Botanical (Foreign) :— Annales des Sciences Naturelles — Botanique. Archives de Botanique. Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen. Botanisches Centralblatt. Botanische Jahrbucher. Botanische Zeitung. Botanischer Jahresbericht (Just's). Botanischer Jahresbericht (Reperto- rium der Botanischen Literatur aller Lander) . CeUule, La. Flora. Jahrbucher ftir Wissenchaftliche Bo- tanik. Revue Generale de Botanique. See Journals (Catalogue op Scibk- TiFic Periodicals). Ksempfer, E. Amoenitatum Exoti- carum politico-physico-medicarum fasci- culi quinque. Relationes Botanico-His- toriese de Palma Dactylifera in Perside crescente ; Plantae Japonicse, &c. With Plates. See Works on Geogba- PHY (^Latin). Ealtenbach, J. H. Die Pflanzenfeinde aus der Klasse der Insekten. 8vo. Hoffmann, Stuttgart, 1874. ( With Works on Insects.) Easthofer, Ch. Le Guide dans les Forets. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Porrentruy, 1838. " Abrege de Sylviculture. Traduit de I'AUemand sur la 2^ edition par F. Briatte. post 8vo. sewed. A. Michod, Lausanne, 1848. Compendio di Selvicoltura. Volto in Italiano, con Note, da G. Sandrini. 12mo. sewed. Bellinzona, 1850. 'Cemervon Marilaun, A. Pflanz- enleben. Band I. Gestalt und Leben der Pflanze. Coloured and Plain Plates, imp. 8vo. cloth. Leipzig, 1887. Eirchner, Prof. Dr. O., and Bloch» mann. Dr. F. Die mikroskopische Pflanzen und Thierwelt des Siisswassers. Bevorwortet von Prof. Dr. O. Biitschli. 2 vols. 4to. boards. Theil I. Die mikroskopische Pflan- zenwelt des Siisswassers, von Dr. O. Kirchner. „ II. Die mikroskopische Thier- welt des Siisswassers, von Dr. F. Blochmann. Haering, Brunswick, 1885-86. botany: fobeign works. 153 ICoch, W. D. J. Synopsis Florae Germa- nicsB et Helveticae. Editio 2*. 8vo. calf. Francof. a M., 1843. Eoxrbhals, P. W. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Neder- landsch Overzeesclie Bezittungen. — Bo- tanie. 3 vols. Leyden, 1839-44. ( With Works on General Natubal History (^Foreign) — Temminck, C. J.) JLmXLBt G. Gmndlinien zu einer Phys- iologic des Gerbstoffs. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1889. Kutziug, F. T. Die Kieselschaligen Bacillarien oder Diatomeen. 4to. half calf. FSrstemann, Nordhausen, 1865. Lamarck, J. B. de, and Decandolle, A. P. Flore Fran^aise. 3rd edition. 6 vols, royal Svo. half bound. Paris, 1815. Lanessan, J. L. de. La Botanique. post Svo. sewed. (Biblioth^que des Sciences Contemporaines.) C. Reinwald, Paris, 1883. Laurent, P. Etudes Physiologiques sur les Animalcules des Infusions Vege- tales, compares aux Organes Elemen- taires des Vegetaux. Tome I. Des Infusoires. 4to. half calf. Gonet, Nancy, 1854. Lecoq,, H. !^tudes sur la Geographic Botanique de I'Europe, et en particulier sur la Vegetation du Plateau Central de .la France. 2 vols. Svo. J. B.Bailliere, Paris, 1854. Lecoq., H., and Lamotte, M. Cata- logue Raisonne des Plantes Vasculaires du Plateau Central de la France. Svo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1847. Lefdvre, A. Les Pares et les Jardins. post Svo. sewed. {Bibliotheque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1867. Le Mounier, G. Anatomic et Physiologic Vegetales, redige con- formement aux Programmes de 2 AoAt 1880, pour la Classe de Philosophic. 12mo. boards. J. B. Bailli^re, Paris, 1882. Lessiug, Chr. Fr. Reise durch Nor- wegen nach den Loffoden durch Lapp- land und Schweden. Nebst einem Botanisch - Geographischen Anhange. See Works on Geography (^German^. Lesson, A., and Richard, A. Botanique (Voyage de " L' Astrolabe "). See Works on Geography {French) — Dumont d'Urville, J. Lennis, Dr. J. Schul-Naturgeschichte — Botanik. 6th edition. Svo. boards. HahD, Hanover, 1869. Liebstadt, Georgi Marcgravi de, Historise rerum naturalium Brasiliae libri octo. folio. Lugd. Batav., 1648. (^With Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Piso, G.) Lilja, N. Flora ofver Sveriges Odlade Vexter. With Supplement. 2 parts. Svo. sewed. (Swedish Collection.} Stockholm, 1839-40. Linnaeus, C. Critica Botanica, seu Fundamentorum Botanicorum pars quarta : accedit J. Brcwallii, de neces- sitate Historise - Naturalis Discursus. 8vo. calf. Lugd. Bat., 1737. Classes Plantarum, seu Systema Plantarum. Fundamentorum Botani- corum pars secunda. Svo. calf. Lugd. Bat., 1738. Fundamenta Botanica. 3rd edition. Svo. calf. Amstel., 1741. Fundamentorum Botanicorum, pars prima et secunda. 3 vols. Svo. calf. Colonise-Allobrogum, 1786-87. - " - Flora Lapponica. Svo. calf. Amstelodami, 1737. — '. 2nd edition. Aucta etc. cura J. E. Smith. Svo. calf. London, 1792. — Genera Plantarum. Svo. calf. Lugd. Bat, 1737. 2nd edition. Aucta et emendata. Svo. calf. Lugd. Bat, 1742. 2nd edition. Nominibus Plantarum Gallicis locupletata. Svo. calf. Parisiis, 1743. — — 5th edition. Svo. calf. Holmise, 1754. 6th edition. Svo. calf. Hohniae, 1764. Editio novissima. Curante ,T. J. Reichard. Svo. calf. Francof. a M., 1778. 8th edition. Curante J. C. D. Schreber. Francof. a M., 1789. 8th edition. Curante T. Haenke. Svo. calf. Vindobonae, 1791. — — Hortus Cliffortianus. folio, calf. Amstelodami, 1737. Oratio de Necessitate Peregrina- tionum intra Patriam. Elenehus Anima- lium per Sueciam observatorum ; accedunt Johannis Browallii examen epicriseos Siegesbeckiana} in Systema Plantarum sexuale ; et J. Gesneri Dissertationes de Partium Vegetationis Structura, Differ- entia et Usu. Svo. calf. Ludg. Bat., 1743. SkSnska Resa, &r 1749. Svo. calf. Stockholm, 1751. — Bibliotheca Botanica. 2nd edition. Svo. calf. Amstelodami, 1751. 154 NATURAL HISTORY. XinnssTis, C. Flora Suecica. 8vo. calf. Lugd. Bat., 1745. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. Stockholmiae, 1755. Hortus Upsaliensig. Vol. 1. Stockholmiae, 1748. Liber primus de Holmiae, 1749. Curante J. C. calf. Svo. calf. ■■ Materia Medica Plantis. 8vo. calf. ■' 5th edition. D. Schrebero. Svo. calf. Lipsiae & Erlangse, 1787. ■ Philosophia Botanica. Svo. calf. Stockholm & Amsterd., 1751. Another edition. Svo. calf. Vindobonae, 1770. ■ 3rd edition. Cura C. L. Willdenow. Svo. calf. Berolini, 1790. 4th edition. Cura C. Spengel. Svo. calf. Halse ad Salam, 1809. — — Species Plantarum, exhibentes Plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, &c. 2 vols. Svo. calf. Holmise, 1753. -^— ■ 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Holmise, 1762-63. — 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Vindobonae, 1764. -. ■ 4th edition. Adjectis vegetabilibus hucusque cognitis. Curante C. L. Willdenow. 5 vols, in 10 parts. Svo. calf. Berolini, 1797-1810. — — Decas prima et secunda Plantarum rariorum Horti Upsaliensis ; cui accedit Plantarum rariorum fasciculus primus, folio, calf. Stockholmiae & Lipsiae, 1762-67. Mantissa Plantarum : Generum editionis 6, et Specierum editionis 2. Svo. calf. Holmiae, 1767. — — Altera. Svo. calf. Holmiaj, 1771. Systema Vegetabilium. Editio 13 a J. A. Murray. Svo. calf. Gottingae & Gothae, 1774. ...-^. 14th edition. Svo. calf. Gottingae, 1784. .... 15th edition. Procurata a C. H. Persoon. calf. Gottingae, 1797. calf. — 15th edition. Svo. vellum. Parisiis, 1798. ... . ■ Supplementum Plantarum Syste- matis Vegetabilium editionis 13®, Generum Plantarum editionis 6», et Specierum Plantarum editionis 2'*». Svo. calf. Brunsvigae, 1781. ■ • Auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, Physik und Arzney- irissenschaft. 3 vols, in one. Svo. half bound. Leipzig, 1776-8. Linnaeus, C. Termini botanici Classium methodi sexualis Generumque Plantarum caracteres compendiosi. Svo. calf. Hamburgi, 1787. — — - Collectio Epistolarum : accedunt opuscula pro et contra virum immor- talem scripta. Ed. D. H. Stoever. Svo. calf. Hamburgi, 1792. Praelectiones in ordines naturales Plantarum. Ed. P. D. Giseke. Svo. calf. Hamburgi, 1793. Museum Tessinianum. Holmise, 1753. (^With Works on Museums — Stock" holm.^ Systema Naturae in quo Naturaa Eegna Tria, &c. Stockholmise, 1740. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Fauna Suecica. Stockholmiae, 1746. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign .) Museum Ludovicae Ulricae Eeginae Suecorum, &c. Holmise, 1764. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Amcenitates Academicae. Erlangse, 1789-90. (^With Works on General Natural History —Foreign.) • Ipsa Linnaei Conchylia, .&c. Svo. London, 1855. (JVith Works on Molluscs.) Eeflections on the Study of Nature, and a Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants. See English Works in present section. Lachesis Lapponica; or a Tour in Lapland. See English Works in present section. Linn^, Caroli A., In Memoriam. Photo- graphic Album in commemoration of Linnaeus. 15 Photographs : his Portrait, Statue, Summer and Winter Eesidences, &c. Mounted. 14 in. by 10 in. In portfolio, cloth, lettered. {Swedish Collection.') Linnsens and Pries. Linne's och Fries' Systemer. Svo. sewed. (^Swedish Collection.) Z. Haeggstrom, Stockholm, 1854. See also Loefling, P. (below), and Artedi, P. {With Works on Fishes.) liOeflingy P. Iter Hispanicum, eller Eesa til Spaniska Landerna uti Europa och America (1751-56), med Beskrif- ningar och E5n ofner de Markvardigaste Vaxter, Utgifven af Carl Linnaeus. Svo. bound. Stockholm, 1758. botant: foeeign works. 155 Louicerns, A., M.D. Kreuterbuch, Kiinstliche Conterleytunge der Baume, Stauden, Hecken, Kreuter, Getreyde, Gewiirtze. Mit eigentlicher Beschrei- bung derselben Namen, in sechserley Spraachen, nemlich, Griechisch, Latin- iscb, Italianisch, Frantzosisch, Teutsch, und Hispanisch, und derselben Gestalt, natiirlicher Kraft und Wirckung. Sampt kunstlichem und artlichem Bericht des Distillierens. Item von fiirnembsten Gethieren der Erden, Vogeln, und Fischen. De!»sgleichen von Metallen, Ertze, Edelgesteinen, Gummi, und gestandenen Safften. Frankfort, 1582. — Kreutterbuch darinn die Kreutter des Teutschenlands, aus dem Liecht der Natur, nach rechter art der himmelischen einfliessungen beschriben. Strasburg, 1576. Illustrated. In one vol. fcp. folic, vellum. [With MS. notes.] Loret, V. La Flore Pharaonique d'apres les Documents Hieroglyphiques, &c. 8vo. sewed. J. B. Bailli^re & Son, Paris, 1887. Lnben, August. Die Hauptformen der aussern Pflanzenorgane. 8vo.sewed,with Illustrations, consisting of 78 Figures, on 14 Sheets, broad folio. Leipzig, 1 846. Anweisung zu einem methodischen Unterricht in der Pflanzenkunde. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Halle, 1851. Marion, F. Les Merveilles de la Vegetation. (^Bibliothhque des Mer- veilles J) post 8vo. Hachette & Co., 1868. SflCartens, E. von. Die Preussischen Ex- pedition nach Ost-Asien. — Botanischer Theil. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreigii). Martins, C. F. P. von. Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen America. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign^. Massalougo, A. Synopsis Florae Fossilis Senogalliensis. See Works on Geology (^Foreign). Mat Lafvar, VSra basta. Kortfattad anvisning att igenkanna insamla och till fodoamne bereda nS,gra af v&ra allman- aste Lafvar. With 6 natural specimens. (^Swedish Collection.') post 8vo. half bound. 1868. Published by the Patriotic Society, Stockholm. Meyer, E. H. F. Geschichte der Botanik. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. K5nig8berg, 1854-57. Middendorff, A. T. von. Eeise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens ■wahrend der Jahre, 1843-44— Botanik. 6 vols. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1848-75. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Mission Scientifiqne an Mexiqne et dans I'Amerique Centrale — Recher- ches Botaniques. imp. 4to. Paris, 1872, &c. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Mnller, Dr. N. J. C. Handbuch der Botanik. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. half morocco. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1880. Miiller, O., and Pabst, G. Cryptoga- men-Flora, enthaltend die Abbildung und Beschreibung der vorziiglichsten Cryptogamen Deutschlands : — Flcchten. 12 sheets, with Text, 18 pp. in lettered portfolio, boards. 1874. Die Pilze. folio, cloth. 1875. Die Moose. — Lebermoose. In lettered wrapper. Griesbach, Gera, 1877. Nageli, C. Beitrage zur Wissenschaft- lichen Botanik. Parts 1 to 4, in one vol. royal 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1858-68. Netto, L. Apontamentos relativos §, Botanica applicada no Brasil. Svo. half calf. Laemmert, Rio de Janeiro, 1871. ITovara Expedition, 1857-59. Eeise der Osterreichischen Fregatte "Novara" um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des .Commo- dore B. von Wiillestorf-Urbair. Botan- ischer Theil. (^With Works 071 General Natubjii. History — Foreign.) Nyman, C. F. Praktisk Handbok i Botanik. 8vo. sewed. (^Swedish Collec- tion.) P. A. Norstedt & Sons, Stockholm, 1858. Sylloge Florae Europaeae, seu Plantarum Vascularium EuropsB Indi- . genarum Enumeratio. royal 8vo. half bound. (^Swedish Collection.) N. M. Lindh, Orebro, 1854-55. Utkast till Svenska Vaxternas Na- turhistoria ; ellerSverigesFanerogamer. 2 vols. 8vo. bound. (^Swedish Collec- tion.) N. M. Lindh, Orebro, 1867-8. Oken, L. Botanik. (Allgemeine NTatur- geschichte.) 4 vols. Stuttgart, 1833-42. QWith Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Pabst, G. Cryptogamen-Flora, u. s. w. See Miiller and Pabst. Peters, W. C. H. Naturwissenschaft- lichelleise nach Mossambique — Botanik. 4to. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1864. (^With Works on General His- tory — Foreign.) Piso, G. De Medicina Brasiliensi libri quatuor, et Georgi Marcgravi de Iiiebstadt Historiae rerum naturalium Brasiliae libri octo. foho. Lugd. Bat., 1648. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) 1:56 NATURAL HISTORY. Pokorny, Alois. Natargeschichte des Pflanzenreiches. 8vo. sewed. Vienna, 1853. Porta, J. B. Phytognomica ; nova methodus plantarum, animalium, metal- lorum, etc., abditas vires assequendi. post 8vo. vellum. Francofurti, 1591. [This work contains woodcuts of Plants and Animals, grouped together to show similarity of structure and appearance.] Prantl, Dr. K. Lehrbuch der Botaoik. 2nd edition. 8vo. half roan. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1876. Pringsheim, N. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Bildung der Pflanzen- zelle. Part I. (? all published). 4to. half calf. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1854. Pritzel, G. A. Thesaurus Literaturse Botanicae omnium gentium. New edition. 4to. half morocco. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1872. Habenliorst, Dr. L. Die Susswasser- Diatomaceen (Bacillarien). FurFreunde der Mikroskopie. 4to. half calf. E. Kummer, Leipzig, 1853. Radde, G. Berichte iiber die biologisch- geogi-aphischen Untersuchungen in den Kaukasuslaudern. — Katalog der Kau- kasischen Pflanzen. See Works on Geography (^Germati). Radlkofer, L. Der Befruchtungspro- cess im Pflanzenreiche und sein Ver- haltniss zu dem im Thierreiche. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1857. Rambosson, J. Histoire et Legendes des Plantes Utiles et Curieuses. Illus- trated, royal 8 vo. half morocco. F. Didot & Co., Paris, 1868. Reess, M. Botanische Untersuchungen iiber die Alkoholgahrungspilze. 8vo. half calf. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1870. Reichenbacli, L. Flora Germanica Excursoria ex affinitate Regni Vegeta- bilis Naturali disposita.— Reichenba- chianse Florae Germanicae Clavis Synonymica. In 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lipsiae, 1830-33. Reiuke, J. Algenflora der westlichen Ostsee deutschen Antheils. (From " 6**' Bericht der Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere, in Kiel, 1887-89." Heft 1.) Atlas folio, sewed. 1889. — Atlas deutscher Meeresalgen. Heft 1. Atlas folio, sewed. P. Parey, Berlin, 1889. Senanlt, B. Cours de Botanique Fossile, fait au Museum d'Histoire Na- turelle. -See Works on Geology. Sdndu, V. Botanique, ou Histoire Naturelle des Plantes. New edition. 12ino. sewed. Ange, Paris, 1838. Beuss, Dr. G. C. Pflanzenblatter in Naturdruck. Mit der Botanischen Kunstsprache fur die Blattformen. Sheets. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1869. (^With Works on Political Economy — Wurttemburgische Cen- tralstelle, &c.) Richard, A. Botanique. See Lesson, A. Roster, Dr. G. II Pulviscolo atmo- sferico ed i suoi Microrganismi, studiato dal Lato Fisico, Chimico e Biologico. Origine, Natura e Quantita dei vari elementi del Pulviscolo ; loro Azione su 1* Organism© umano ; modi di Raccog- lierli, Esaminarli e Valutarli. 8vo. hsdf morocco. G. Civelli, Florence, 1885. Rudolph, L. Die Pflanzendecke der Erde. Populare Darstellung der Pflanz- »engeographie. 8vo. half calf. Nicolai, Berlin, 1853. Ruprecht, F. J. Flora Boreali-Ural- ensis. Ueber die Verbreitung der Pflanzen im Nordlichen Ural. See Works on Gbogbaphy (^German) — Hofmann, E. Saccardo, P. A. Sylloge Fungoram omnium hucusque cognitarum. Vols. 1-8 et Addimenta ad Vols. 1-4. 9 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Patavii, 1882-90. Sachs, J. Lehrbuch der Botanik, nach dem gegenwartigen Stand der Wissen- schaft. royal 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1868. Geschichte der Botanik vom 16 Jahrhundert bis 1860. 8vo. half morocco. (Geschichte der Wissen- schaften in Deutschland.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1875. Vorlesungen iiber Pflanzen -Phy- siologie. 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1882. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1887. Handbuch der Experimental-Phys- iologic der Pflanzen. See Hofmeister, W., &c. Saldanha da Gama Filho, J. de. Configura^ao e Descrip^ao de todos os Orgaos Fundamentaes das Principaes Madeiras de Cerne e Braucas da Pro- vincia do Rio de Janeiro e suas Applica^oes na Engenharia, Industria, Medicina e Artes. Vol. 1. 8vo. sewed. Rio de Janeiro, 1865. Santi, G. Voyage au Montamiata et dans les Siennois. Contenant des Obser- vations nouvelles sur la Formation des Volcans, THistoire geologique, &c. et botanique. See Works on Geography (^French'). Scheuck, Dr. H. Die Biologie der Wassergewaechse. 8vo. sewed. M. Cohen & Son, Bonn, 1886. BOTANY: FOEEIGN WOEKS. 157 Schenk, Dr. A., &c. Handbuch der Botanik. Part I. and onwards. 8vo. half morocco. (Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaften.) E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1879, &c. Schimper, Dr. A. F. W. Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen. Svo. sewed : — 1. Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Pflanzen und Ameisen im tropi- schen America. 2. Die epiphytische Vegetation Amerikas. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888. Schimperi W. Ph. Synopsis Muscorum Europseorum, prsemissa Introductione de Elementis Bryologicis Tractante. 2nd edition. 2 vols, in one. Svo. half morocco. Koch, Stuttgart, 1876. Schleideu, M. J. Grundziige der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, nebst einer methodologischen Einleitung als Anlei- tung zum Stadium der Pflanze. 4th edition. Svo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1861. Schmidt, A. Atlas der Diatomaceen- Kunde. Heft I and onwards, folio, sewed. E. Schlegel, Aschersleben, 1877, &c. Schoedler, F. Le Livre de la Nature. — J^lements de Botanique. Traduit sur la 18' ;6dition Allemande, par H. Welter. Svo. sewed. C. Reinwald & Co., Paris, 1877. See also Works on Physics ( General Treatises^ . Schomburffk, Richard. Eeisen in Britisch-Guiana in den Jahren 1840-44. — Versuch einer Fauna und Flora von B.-G. imp. Svo. Leipzig, 1848. ( With Works on Genekal Natural History— JFom^rn.) Schrenk, A. G. von. Reise nach dem Nordosten des Europaischen Russlands, &c. im Jahre 1837, &c. [Containing Enumeratio Plantarum, &c.] See Works on Geography (^German^. Schubeler, Dr. F. C. Die Pflanzenwelt Norwegens. Ein Beitrag zur Natur- und Culturgeschichte Nord-Europas. Allge- meiner und Specieller Theil. 2 vols. 4to. sewed. {Norwegian Collection. Uni- versitets Program, 1871, 1875. A. W. Brugge, Christiania, 1873-75. — — — Viridarium Norwegica. Norges Vaextrige et Bidrag til Nord-Europas Natur- og Culturhistorie. Band I. Hefte 1,2 ; 11. Hefte 1, 2, 3 vols. 4to. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection. Uni- versitets Program, 1885-87.) W. C. Fabritius & Sons, Christiania, 1885-88. ' Vsextlivet i Norge, med sserligt Hensyn til Plantegeographien. 4to. sewed. {Norwegian Collection. Fcstskrift til Kj^benshavns Universitets 400 Aars Jubileum.) W. Fabritius, Christiania, 1879. Schiibeler, Dr. F. C. Pflanzengeo- graphische Karte iiber das Konigreich Norwegen. On one sheet, 3 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 3 in. Christiania, 1873. ■ ■ Another edition in 4 sheets. (Norwegian Collection.^ Christiania, 1875. Schnbert. Botanical Atlas. In Russian, fcp. folio, boards. St. Petersburg, 1870. From the Pedagogical Museum, St. Petersburg. Sclltimanil, Dr. C. Kritische Unter- suchungen iiber die Zimtlander. (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 73, 1883.) See Jonrnals— Mit- theilungen. Sendtner, O. Die Vegetations-Ver- haltnisse Siidbayems. 8vo. cloth. Munich, 1854. Die Vegetations-Verhaltnisse des Bayerischen Waldes. Svo. cloth. Munich, 1860. Sivotowsky, H. Botanical Atlas. In Russian. Part II. 4to. sewed. St. Petersburg, 1887. Souuerat, P. Voyage k la Nouvelle Guinee, dans lequel on trouve la de- scription des lieux, des details relatifs k I'Histoire Naturelle dans le Regne Animal, et le Regne Vegetal. See Works on Geography {French). Sorauer, Dr. P. enkrankheiten. Svo. cloth. Handbuch der Pflanz- 2nd edition. 2 parts. P. Parey, Berlin, 1886. Atlas der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Coloured Plates, 1-24, in 3 port- folios, boards. With Text. Svo. stitched. P. Parey, Berlin. Spallanzani, L. Opuscules de Physique, Animale et Vegetale. 2 vols. Svo. Geneva, 1777. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Dissertazioni di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile. 2 vols. Svo. Modena, 1780. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Steeger, J- A. Ansichten aus dem Pflanzenreiche. post Svo. half calf. Danzig, 1822 Stendel, E. T. Nomenclator Botanicus. Enumerans Nomina atque Synonyma, tum generica, tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scrip- torum plantis phanerogamis imposita. 2nd edition. 2 vols. imp. Svo. half calf. J. G. Cotta, Stuttgart, 1840-41. Strasburger, Dr. E. Snr la Formation et la Division des Cellules. Traduite de I'Allemand par J. J. Kickx. royal Svo. half morocco. Dabis, Jena ; Williams & Norgate, 1876. 158 NATURAL HIS TOEY, Strasburger, Dr. E. Ueber den Bau und das Wachsthum der Zellhaute. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1882. « Die Controversen der indirecten Kemtheilung. 8vo. sewed. M. Cohen & Son, Bonn, 1884. ■ Das Botanische Practicum. An- leitung zum Selbstudium der Mikroskop- ischen Botanik. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1884. .. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Befruchtungsvorgang bei den Phanero- gamen, als Grundlage fxir eine Theorie der Zeugung. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1884. — — — Ueber Kern- und Zelltheilung im Pflanzenreiche,nebst einem Anhangiiber Befruchtung. (Histologische Beitrage. Heft I.) 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888. . Ueber das Wachsthum vegeta- bilischer Zellhaute. (Histologische Beitrage. Heft II.) 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1889. Sxtringar, W. F. E. De Sarcine (Sarcina Ventriculi, Goodsir). Onder- zoek naar de Plantaardige Natuur, den Ligchaamsbouw en de Ontwikkelings- wetten van dit Organisme. 4to. half calf. Suringar, Leeuwarden, 1865. See Goodsir's Anatomical Memoirs (with Works on Anatomy, &c.). Temminck, C. J. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Neder- landsch Overseesche Bezittungen. — Botanic. See Works on General Natukai. Histobt (Foreign'). ThoUL^, Dr. O. W. Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenleben. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1874. Thnret, G. Etudes Phycologiques ; Analyses d'Algues Marines. With Plates, royal folio, half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1878. TieglieUL, P. van. Traite de Botanique. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. F. Savy, Paris, 1884. Tieghem, P. van, and Douliot, H. Eecherches comparatives sur I'Origine des Membres Endogenes dans les Plantes Vasculaires. With plates, royal 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1889. Tiselius, G. A. Fodervaxter och Akero- gras. Herbarium containing Natural Specimens, with Description, of Plants used as Fodder, the most Common Swedish Grasses, together with the Poisonous Species. 2 vols. fcp. folio. In book box, lettered. (Swedish Collec' tion.) Transactions, &c. of Botanical Socie- ties : — Abbeville et Amiens. — Societe Linneenne du Nord de la France. Berlin. — Deutsche Botanische Gesell- schaft. BuiTENZORG. — Jardin Botanique. Vienna.— K. K. Zoologiseh-Bota- nische Gesellschaft. WiJRZBURG. — Botanisches Institut. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Triana, J. Les Melastomacees. From the Transactions of the Linnsean Society of London, 21st March, 1867. 4to. morocco. London, 1876. Tyndall and Pasteur. Les Microbes Organises. 12mo. sd. Paris, 1878. linger, F. Vextemas Anatomi och Physiologi i Sammandrag. Translated, with Additions and Notes, by Prof. N. J. Andersson. 8vo. sewed. (Swedish Collection.) Stockholm, 1852. Verlot, B. Les Plantes Alpines. Coloured plates. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. sewed. J. Eothschild, Paris, 1873. Vesque, J. Traite de Botanique Agricole et Industrielle. 8vo. cloth. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1885. Ville, G. Recherches Experimentales sur la Vegetation, imp. 4to. boards. V. Masson, Paris, 1853. Vimorin< AndrieiLx et Cie. Les Flears de Pleine Terre. Comprenant la Description et la Culture des Fleurs An- nuells, Vivaces, et Bulbeuses de Pleine Terre. Suivies de Plans de Jardin, etc. 3rd edition, post 8vo. boards. 1870. 2nd edition. Paris, 1866. Atlas of Flowers. English edition of the above, containing Illustrations of Flowers and Foliage-Plants suitable for English Gardens, post 8 vo. cloth. 1870. Description des Plantes Potag^res. 16mo. cloth. Vilmorin-Andrieux & Co., Paris, 1856. Album Vilmorin. See Diagrams, on next page. Virgin, C. A. Kongliga Svenska Fre- gatten " Eugenics " resa omkring jorden, firen 1851-53.— Botanik. 4to. Stockholm, 1857-61. ( With Works on General Natural History — Foreign.) Wandtafeln fur den Naturge- schich.tliclLen Anschanungs— Unterricht.— Banme. Edited by A. Hartinger. See Works on General Natural History (Diagrams). Weddell, H. A. Chloris Andina. Seei Works on Geography (French) — Castelnau, Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, &c. Wiesner, J. Elemente der Anatomic und Physiologic der Pflanzen. 2nd edi- tion. 8vo. swd. A. Holder, Vienna,1885 botany: diagrams. 159 Winclder, E. Geschichte der Botanik. post 8vo. half calf. Frankfort-on-Maine, 1854. Wittstein, Prof. Dr. G. C. Handw5rter- buch der Pharmakognosie des Pflanzen- reichs. Vol. 1 and onwards, royal 8vo. half morocco. (Encyklopaedie der Natur- wissenschaften.) E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1882, &c. Zippell, H. AusJandische Handels- und Nahrpflanzen, zur Belehrung fiir das Haus und zum Selbstunterrichte. Co- loured plates, roj'al 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885. Zippell, H., and Bollmauu, C. Aus- landische Culturpflanzen. Coloured Il- lustrations of Foreign Plants cultivated for Food, Condiments, &c. Characteristic portions in detail. On 22 sheets, 23 in. by 29 in. In 2 portfolios, lettered, each with Descriptive Text. 4to. sewed : — Parts L, II., and III. 1876-89. ■ ■ Keprasentanten Einheimischer Pflanzenfamilien. Coloured Illustra- tions of the Native Plants of Germany. 5 Parts, each containing 1 2 sheets, 23 in. by 29 in., in lettered portfoho, with De- scriptive Text. 8vo. sewed: — Part I. Cryptogamia. 1879. Part II. Phanerogamia. Sections 1-4. r. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1880-82. Zoega. Flora Islandica. See Works on Geography (^German) — Olafsen, E. Zopf, W. Die Pilze. See Schenk, Dr. A., &c. BOTANY. DIAGRAMS, Sfc, ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Allies, Dr. W. Botanische Wandtafeln Botanical Diagrams, showing the Form of the Cell, Tissue, and Blossom, &c. 8 sheets, each 27 in. by 22 in. On black ground. Mounted on canvas. In port- folio, lettered. With Hand-book. 8vo. sewed. 1873. ■ ■ Wandtafeln der Pflanzenkrank- heiten. 4 Diagrams, showing the Dis- eases of Plants, 23 in. by 27 in. each. Mounted on canvas. In portfolio, let- tered. With Hand-book : " Vier Feinde der Landwirthschaft." 8vo. sewed. E. Ulmer, Eavensburg, 1874. ^bTUU Vilmorin. Lithographed Plates of Vegetables, Bulbous Plants and Flowers, painted from Nature by Cham- pion and Coutance : — Vegetables. Nos. 1 to 24. 25 in, by 193 in. Bulbous Plants. Nos. 1 to 14. 25 in. by 19|in. Flowers. Nos. 1 to 22. 17^.in.byl3^in. Grasses. Nos. 1 to 6. „ „ „ Plate from " Revue Horticole." Ta- getes signata priinita. post 4to. Presented by Messrs. Vilmorin-Andrieux 4* Co.y Paris. Algae, Natural Specimens of. Mounted on sheets. In portfolio. 4to. Select Specimens of. Mounted, ' 12 Specimens of, Botanically Arranged, mounted on a sheet, folded to 16mo. size. — — 20 Specimens of, mounted on tinted paper, forming a volume. Small 4to. half bound. ■ Specimens of, mounted on blue paper. Vol. 1, large 4to. Vol. 2, 4to. Anatomized Leaves, mounted on 7 cards. Prepared by Mrs. K. Mackin- tosh, Mountmellick, Queen's County. In 4to. paper wrapper. Andersson, Prof. N. J. Waggtaflor for AskSdningsundervisningen i Botanik. 4 parts, in printed wrappers. 2 ft. 5 in. by 1 ft. 9 in. {Swedish Collection.) ■ '■ 20 sheets with black ground. Mounted on millboard, 2 ft. 5 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. with Lists (4), mounted on mill- board, 13 in. by 10 in. In portfolio, lettered. (^Swedish Collection.) Corallines. Specimens of dried Coral- lines, mounted on sheets (some loose). In stiff wrapper. 4to. Presented by Miss Winter. Flowers and Plants, coloured. Speci- men Plates (22) of Illustrations to " Les Promenades des Paris." Size of sheets, 25 in. by 18 in. J. Rothschild, Paris. French Botanical Plates (21), plain, royal 8vo., mounted on millboard, size 13 in. by 10 in. Fries, E. Sveriges Atliga och Giftiga Svampar, &c. See Foreign Works in present section. Kenfrey, A. Set of 5 Botanical Dia- grams, lithographed by Vincent Brooks. Size 29 in. by 21 in., coloured. Prepared for the Science and Art Department. J. Van Voorst. Herbaria. See- Algae. Corallines. Herbarium. Russian Collection. Wild Flowers of Switzerland. Winslow, A. P. British Ferns. With Books (English). British Wild Flowers. With Books (English). Tiselius, G. A. With Books (Foreign), 160 NATURAL HISTOEY. Herbarium. Collection (2,280 Speci- mens) of Dried Flowers and Plants. 6 vols, folio. Sassian Collection. Dried Plants. 50 Specimens, mounted on paper. In portfolio, 21 in. by 14 in. Coloured Diagrams (7), 21 in. by 27 in., mounted on millboards. (^From the Pedagogical Museum, St. Peters- burg.) Smitt, J. W. Skandinaviens Fornamsta Atliga och Giftiga Svampar. One sheet, 2 ft. by 2 ft. 11 in., mounted on roller and varnished. With Text. Text to the above. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. (^Swedish Collec- tion.) P. A. Norstedt & Sons, Stockholm, 1867. Wild Flowers of Switzerland, gathered during the year 1870. 4 sheets on one mount, framed. Arranged and presented hy Miss Sharman Crawford. Winslow, A. P. 100 Svenska Vaxter. Herbarium containing 100 Specimens from the Vegetable Kingdom of Sweden. In one book box. (Swedish Collection.) AGBICXJLTUBE, FOBESTBY, &c. ENGLISH, COLONIAL, AND AMERICAN. Ablett, W. H. Roland's Farming for Pleasure and Profit. See Roland. Agricultural and Dairy Schools, Report of Departmental Commission on, 1887. fcp. folio, stitched. 1888. Minutes of Evidence, with Appendix, fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1888. Agricultural Chemistry, Treatises on. See — (^With Works on Chemistry.) English Works. Fownes, G. Frankland, Dr. P. F. Fresenius, Dr. C. R. Grandeau, Dr. L. Johnson, C. W. Johnston, J. F. W. & Cameron, C. A. Kensington, E. T. Liebig, J. Nesbit, J. C. Petzholdt, A. Porter, J. A. Pott, Dr. R. Sibson, A. Stockhardt, Dr. J A. Tate, T. Agricultural Chemistry— conf. English Works -^cont. Trimmer, J. Wilson, Rev. T. Also Church, A., in present section. Foreign Works. Encyclopedie ChSmique. Mayer, Dr. A. Munin. Peligot, E. Schwackhofer, F. Strumpf, F. L. Agricultural Class Book, or ho\\^ Best to Cultivate a Small Farm and Garden, together with Hints on Domes- tic Economy. 21 mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1858. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (^Commi8sio7iers of National Education^ Ireland.) A. Thom, Dublin, 1875'. Agricultural Department, Privy Council Office {now Board of Agriculture). Publications, royal 8vo. sewed: — Agricultural Adviser, First and Second Annual Reports of the, 1887 and 1888. (Insects and Fungi in- 3urious to the Crops of the Farm, the Orchard, and the Garden.) royal 8vo. sewed. 1888, Agricultural Produce Statistics, Great Britain. Tables showing the Extent in Statute Acres, and the Estimated Average Produce per Acre of the Principal Crops for the Year 1885 and onwards, royal 8vo. stitched. 1885, &c; Agricultural Returns of Great Britain, with Abstract Returns for the United Kingdom, British Posses- sions, and Foreign Countries, 1885 and onwards, royal 8vo. sewed. 1885, &c. Allotments detached from and at- tached to Cottages, and of Agri- cultural Holdings in Great Britain, Reports of the Number of. royal 8vo. sewed. 1886. Annual Report for 1883. With an Appendix, royal 8vo. sewed. 1884. Contagious Diseases, Inspection and Transit of Animals, Annual Report on the. With an Appendix. For 1884 and 1885, and onwards, royal 8vo. sewed. 1885, &c. Diseases of Animals in the United States of America, Further Cor- respondence relating to. With an Appendix, royal 8 vo . sewed. 1884. Eruptive Diseases of the Teats and Udders of Cows in relation to Scarlet Fever in Man, Report on. By Professor Brown. Withan Ap- pendix, royal 8vo. sewed. 1888. AGRICULTURE : ENGLISH WORKS. 16L AgricTLltiiral Department, Privy Council OfS.ce. Publications — cont. Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Copy of Circular relating to, issued by the French Ministry of Agriculture, with a Translation, royal 8vo. stitched. French Agricultural Schools, Eeport on. By Major P. G. Craigie. royal 8vo. stitched. 1888. Grants to Agricultural and Dairy Schools in Great Britain, Reports on Distribution of, 1889-90. royal Svo. 1890. Hessian Fly, Report on the, giving its Life, History, and Methods of Pre- vention, and Remedies. By C. Whitehead. 1886. royal 8vo. stitched. 1887. Hessian Fly in Great Britain, Report of Commissioners to enquire into the present Visitation of the, on Corn Crops, royal 8 vo. sewed. 1887. Copies of Circulars which have been issued relating to the. royal 8vo. sewed. 1887. Home and Foreign Animals, Statis- tical Tables relating to, 1883. royal 8vo. sewed. 1884. Insects Injurious to Hop Plants, Corn Crops, and Fruit Crops in Great Britain, Reports on. By C. White- head, royal Svo. sewed. 1. Insects Injurious to Hop Plants. 1885. 2. Insects Injurious to Com, Grass, Pea, Bean, and Clover Crops. 1886. 3. Insects Injurious to Fruit Crops. 1886. Insects Injurious to Root and certain other Crops in Great Britain, Re- ports on. By C. Whitehead, royal 8vo. sewed. 1887. Silos and Ensilage, Return of the Re- plies to Questions relating to, put by the Department to Persons who have Silos in Great Britain ; with their Observations thereon, royal 8vo. sewed. 1885. Swine Fever in Great Britain, Report on. By Professor Brown, royal Svo. sewed. 1886. H.M. Printers, 1884, &c. Agricnltnral Statistics, Ireland, 1886. royal Svo. stitched. Dublin, 1886. Agricnltural Surveys of the United Kingdom, drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture. By Arthur Young and others. 28 vols. Svo. half calf : — Argyle, Rev. J. Smith. 1805. Berkshire, W. Mavor, LL.D. 1809. Berwick, Robt. Kerr. 1809. Buckinghamshire, Rev. St. John Priest. 1810. E 61668. Agricultural Surveys— con<. Clydesdale, J. Naismith. 1806. Devonshire, C. Vancouver. 1808. Durham, J. Bailey. 1810. Essex, 2 vols., A. Young. 1S07. Gralloway (Stewartry of Kirkcudbright and Wigtonshire), Rev. S. Smith. 1810. Gloucester, T. Rudge. 1807. Hertford, A. Young. 1804. Inverness, Rev. J. Robertson. 1808. Kent, J. Boys. 2ud edition. 1805. Leicester and Rutland, in 1 vol., W. Pitt, and R. Parkinson. 1809. Lothian (East), R. Somerville. 1805. Middlesex, J. Middleton. 2nd edition. 1807. Norfolk, A. Young. 1804. Northumberland, J. Bailey and A. Culley, and Westmoreland, A. Pringle. 1 vol. 3rd edition. 1805. Oxford, A. Young. 1800. Ross and Cromarty, Sir G. S. Mac- kenzie. 1810. Roxburgh and Selkirk, Rev. R. Douglas. 1798. Shropshire, Rev. J. Plymley. 1803. Somersetshire, J. BiJlingsley. 3rd edition. 1798. Surrey, W. Stevenson. 1809. Sussex, Rev. A. Young. 1808. Yorkshire, N. Riding, J. Tuke. 1800. W. Riding, Robt. Brown. 1799. R. Phillips, London, 1798-1810. Agriculture of England and Wales, Memoir on the, prepared under the Direction of the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England for the International Agricul- tural Congress, Paris, 1878: — 1. Caird. General View of British Agriculture. 2. Clifford and Foote. English Land Law. 3. Craigie. Taxation as affecting the Agricultural Interest. 4. Squarey. Farm Capital. 5. Clarke. Practical Agriculture. 6. Morton and Carrington. Dairy Farming — Pastoral Husbandry. 7. Whitehead. Cultivation of Hops, Fruit, and Vegetables. 8. Little. The Agricultural Labourer. 9. Voelcker. Influence of Chemical Discoveries on the Progress of English Agriculture. 10. Jenkms. The Royal Agricultural Society of England. See Transactions — London — Royal Agricultural Society of England, Journal, Vol. 14. Second Series. 162 NATURAL HISTORY. Agriculture, Boyal Commission on. 4 vols. fcp. folio, half calf and sewed: — Vol. 1. Preliminary Report from H.M. Commissioners, 1881. — Report from H.M. Com- missioners, 1882 — Reports of the Assistant Commis- sioners, with Appendix, 1880. — Preliminary Report of the Assistant Commissioners for Ireland. — Reports of the Assistant Commissioners : Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, and Somerset, by W. C. Little, with Appendix, 1882. — Beds, Bucks, Cambridge- shire, Derbyshire, Herts, &e.,byS.L. B. Druce, 1882. —Wales, &c., by A. Doyle, 1882. — Denmark and the North of France, by H. M. Jenkins,1882. — ^Northumber- land, Lancashire, and Che- shire, by J. Coleman, 1882. — American Agriculture, by Mr. Clay, junr., 1882. 2. Minutes of Evidence. Vol. 1. 1881. 3. Minutes of Evidence. Vols. 2-3. 1881-82. 4 . Digests of Minutes of Evidence, Appendices — Reports by Assistant Commissioners, 1881-82. H.M. Printers, 1880-82. Agriculturist's Calculator ; a Series of Tables for the Use of all engaged in Agriculture or the Manage- ment of Landed Property. 12mo. bound. Blackie & Son, 1860. Allnutt, H. Wheat Diagrams, showing the Fluctuation in Average Prices of Wheat, annually, from 1641 to 1864. Size, 3 ft. 4 in. by 12|in. ; also, the Weekly Averages, size, 2 ft. 3 in. by 12| in. The above, folded in a volume, royal 8vo. cloth. , Catalogue of Books, Instruments, &c. relating to Agriculture, post 8vo. cloth. H. Allnutt, 200, Fleet Street. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary Treatise on Agricultural Engineering. 3 vols, in one. 12mo. cloth. J. Weale, 1852. Baldwin, T. Introduction to Practical Farming. 18mo. canvas, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1875. Balfour, E. The Agricultural Pests of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Vegetable and Animal, Injurious to Man and his Products, post 8vo. doth. B. Quaritch, 1887. Barbados, Dodd's Reformatory, Report of the Results obtained on the Experi- mental Fields at. By J. B. Harrison and J. R. Bovell. fcp. folio, sewed. Bridgetown [1888]. Bayldon and Baker. The Art of Valuing Rents and Tillages, and Claims of Tenants upon Quitting Farms. 9th edition, describing the Principles and Mode of Valuing Freehold, &c. Estates and Land and other Property for Parochial Assessment and Enfranchise- ment of Copyholds under the recent Acts of Parliament, &c., by J. C. Morton. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. Bell, R. The Forests of Canada. See Pamphlets. Blackie's Principles of Agriculture, fcp. 8vo. cloth ; also in 3 parts, cloth, limp. Blackie & Son. Blacklock, A. Treatise on Sheep. 18mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. Blundell, T. Inorganic Manures, &c. See Pamphlets. Board of Agriculture. See Agri- cultural Department. BousfLeld, W. R. On Implements and Machinery for Cultivating Land by Horse Power. See Pamphlets. Bowick, T., Buckman, J., Car- rington, W. T., Morton, J. C, Murray, G., Scott, J. The Crops of the Farm (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. Brown, G. T. Life on the Farm — Animal Life. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. Brown, Rev. Dr. J. C. Forests and Moisture; or. Effects of Forests on Humidity of Climate. 8vo. cloth. 1877. The Schools of Forestry in Europe. 8vo. sewed. 1877. Forestry in Norway : with Notices of the Physical Geography of the Country, post 8vo. cloth. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1884. Browne, P. Field Friends and Forest Foes, post 4to. Cassell & Co. {With Works on Mammals.) Buchanan, F. A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, to investigate the state of Agriculture, Arts, Religion, Manners, the History Natural and Civil and Antiqui- ties, &c. See Works on Geography. Buckmaster, J. C, and Willis, J. J. The Elementary Principles of Scientific Agriculture, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Simpkin & Co. Burn, R. S. The Lessons of my Farm ; a Book forAmateur Agriculturists, fcp. Byo. cloth. C. Lockwood.& Co., 1862. AGEICULTURE : ENGLISH WORKS. 163 Burn, R. S. Year Book of Agricultural Facts for 1861. post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1862. — — — Outlines of Modern Farming, with Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) : — Vol. 1. Soils, Manures, Crops. 2. Notes on Farming and Farm- ing Economy. 3. Cattle, Sheep, Horses. 4. The Dairy, Pigs, Poultry. Virtue Brothers & Co., 1863-4. 5. Utilization of ToAvn Sewage, Irrigation, Reclamation of Waste Land. 3rd edition. C. Lockwood & Co., 1874. Outlines of Landed Estates Management. 2nd edition. 12mo. half bound. C. Lockwood & Co., 1880. Cameron, C. A. The Stock-Feeder's Manual. The Chemistry of. Food in relation to the Breeding and Feeding of Live Stock, crown 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Better, & Galpin, 1868. Campbell, Alex. The Farmers' and Cottagers' Guide. 5th edition. 12mo. sewed. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. — — — Also 4th edition, 1852. Campbell, F. Treatise on the Cultiva- tion of Flax and Hemp. 4th edition. 8vo. calf, limp. Sherriff & Downing, Sydney. Canada, Minister of Agriculture for. Report for 1885. 8vo. sewed. Ottawa, 1886. Carey, A. Principles of Agriculture. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby, 1880. Carrington, W. T., &c. The Live- stock of the Farm. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. ChaiLveau, A. The Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals, royal 8vo. J. & A. Churchill, 1873. ( With Works on Anatomy and Phy- siology.) Chnrch, Prof. A. H. Chemistry and Agriculture ; an Introductory Lecture delivered at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, August, 1863. fcp. 8vo. stitched. E. Baily, Cirencester. Examples of Quantitative Analysis, for the Use of Students in the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, post 8vo. sewed. Not published, 1864. The Laboratory Guide for Students of Agricultural Chemistry, post 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1864. 3rd edition. 1874. 4th edition. 1877. 5th edition. 188^. — — . 6th edition. J. Van Voorst, 1888. Clements, H. The Fields of Great Britain. A Text-Book of Agriculture. Adapted to the Syllabus of the Science and Art Department. With an Intro- duction by H. Kains-Jackson. fcp. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1881. Coleman, J., &c. The Cattle of Great Britain : their History, Management, &c. 4to. cloth. « The Field " Office, 1875. Cook, M. The Manner of Raising, Ordering, and Improving Forest-Trees ; also. How to Plant, Make, and Keep Woods, Walks, &c. 4to. half calf. London, 1676. Corrigan, A. Theory and Practice of Modem Agriculture, to which is added the Breeding, Management, and Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, and Poultry. 2nd edition. 12mo. stiff wrapper, and cloth. Purdon Brothers, Dublin, 1858. -— Grasses. Illustrating a few of the most useful Grasses; from the above. On a sheet, 18 in. by 7 J in. Placed in above work. Cottage Farming, Elementary Cate- chism of. 18mo. sewed. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Crookes, W. On the Manufacture of Beet-root Sugar in England and Ireland. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans &Co., 1870. {With Works on Chemistry.) Curr, E. M. An Essay on Scab in Sheep. 8 vo.. stitched. Melbourne, 1865. Curtis, J. Farm Insects, imp. 8vo. Blackie & Son. (^With Works on Insects.) Darwin, C. The Formation of Vege- table Mould, through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits, post 8vo. J. Murray, 1881. {With Works on Genebal Natural History.) Davy, Sir H., Bart. Elements of Agri- cultural Chemistry. 8vo. London, 1814. {With Works on Chemistry.) Dean, G. A. The Culture, Manage- ment, and Improvement of Landed Estates, with Illustrations : those of Grasses and Insects taken from Nature, imp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. Dempsey, G. D. Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage and Sewage of Towns and Buildings. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. 1854. — Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of Districts and Lands. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. (2 copies.) J. Weale, 1854. Donaldson, Professor J. Cultivated Plants of the Farm, post 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. A Rudimentary Treatise on Ciay Lands and Loamy Soils. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1852. L 2 164 NATURAL HISTORY, Donaldson, Prof. J. Agricultural Bio- graphy ; containing a Notice of the Life and Writings of the British Authors on Agriculture, from the Earliest Date in 1480 to the present time, royal 8vo. stitched. London, 1854. Dowling, J. Comparative Value of the different Feeding Substances for Horses. See Pamphlets. Doyle, Martin. Village Lesson Book. 1 8mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1 8.55. Dun, F. American Farming and Food, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. ZSckeberg, C. G. An Account of Chinese Husbandry. See Works on Geography— Osbeck, P. Edwards, J. Book-keeping for Far- mers. A set of three engraved Books. (^With hlauk books.') fcp. folio, sewed. Relfe Bros. Emmexricli, Lieut.-Col. A. The Culture of Forests. With an Ap- pendix, in which the State of the Royal Forests is considered. 8vo. half calf. London, 1789. Ensilage Commission. Reports, &c. 3 parts, fcp. foho. sewed : — Part 1. Preliminary Report and Minutes of Evidence. „ 2. Documentary Evidence and Appendix. „ 3. Final Report, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. H.M. Printers, 1885-86. Swart, J. The Agriculturist's Assist- ant ; a Notebook of Principles, Rules, and Tables, adapted to the Use of all engaged in Agriculture or the Manage- ment of Landed Property, fcp. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1857. Swing, R. Handbook of Agriculture. With a Preface by Prof. J. Scott, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. W. S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1884. Falkner, F. The Muck Manual, for the use of Farmers. New edition, with a Glossary of Chemical Terms, &c. fcp. 8vo. stiff wrapper. London, 1846. Farm Account Book, for the use of Agricultural Schools. 4to. half bound. (^Commissioners qf National Education^ Ireland.) Groombridge & Sons. Farm and Garden Essays. 1 2mo. sewed, each : — 1. Cultivation of Arable Land. 2. Rearing of Poultry. 3. Annuals for the Flower Garden. 4. The Horse. 5. Fruit Trees, and Fruit-bearing Shrubs. 6. Cattle, 7. The Garden Frame. 8. The Greenhouse. Groombridge & Sons. Farm (Our) of Four Acres, and the Money we made of it. 14th edition, post 8vo. boards. Chapman & Hall, 1860. Forestry, Report from the Select Com- mittee on; together with the Proceed- ings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix, 5 Aug. 1885, with Index; Sept. 1886 and Aug. 1887, with Index, fcp. folio, sewed. H. M. Printers [1885-87]. Forestry Exhibition (Inter- national), Edinburgh, 1884: Special No. of « Forestry " (in Vol. 9) ; beingi Notices of the Exhibits. Illus- trated. See Journals. Forestry, Works on. See — English. Bell, R. Brown, Rev. Dr. J. 0. Emmerich, Lieut.-Col. A. Forestry, Report. Forestry Exhibition, &c. Forests of N. America. Journal of Forestry (Journals). Wood, S. Foreign. Albert, J. Breymann, K. Fraas, C. Hecke, W. Jacob, R. Kohler, W. Land- und Forstwirthschaft. Land- und Forstwirthschaftliche Unterrichts - Zeitung (Jour- nals). Lesbazeilles, E. Micklitz, R. Ratzeburg, Dr. J. T. C. Tassy, L. Forests of North America (ex- clusive of Mexico). By C. S. Sargent. (United States, Tenth Census, 1880.) 4to. Washington, 1884. ( With Works on Statistics.) Fream, Prof. W. The Rothamsted Ex- periments on the Growth of Wheat, Barley, and the mixed Herbage of Grass Land. post. Svo. cloth. H. Cox, " The Field " Office, 1888. Agricultural Cauada : a Record of Progress, post Svo. sewed. Canadian Government Department of Agriculture, 1889. Fyfe, W. W. Large-Type Catechism of Agricultural Science as applied in Practice, for use of Ordinary Country Schools, &c. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1862. ■ The Book of Agriculture. (Lessons 1-41 of above.) post Svo. cloth, stiff. W. Stewart & Co. agriculture: English works. 165 Cralloway, R. On the Valuation of Soils and Nutrition of Plants. Read before the Royal Dublin Society, 1859. See Pamphlets. Gaxngee, J. Our Domestic Animals in Health and Disease, crown 8vo. Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh, 1875. (^With Works on Anatomy and Physiology.) Gibbs, W. A. On Harvesting Com in Wet Weather. Prize Essay. See Pamphlets. ■Halse, E. The Liver-Fluke and the Kot in Sheep, fcp. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1887. Handbook of the Farm Series. Edited by J. C. Morton, post 8vo. cloth : — Chemistry of the Farm, by R. Warmgton. 1881. The Crops of the Farm, by T. Bo wick, J. Buckman, W. T. Carrington, J. C. Morton, G. MuiTay, J. Scott. 1882. Live-Stock of the Farm, by W. T. Carrington, &c. 1882. The Soil of the Farm, by J. Scott and J. C. Morton. 1882. Life on the Farm— Plant Life, by M. T. Masters. 1883. The Dairy of the Farm, by J. Long and J. C. Morton. 1885. Life on the Farm — Animal Life, by G. T. Brown. 1886. Labour on the Farm, by J. C. Morton. 1887. Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. Bome, D. M. Agricultural Schools and Experimental Farms. 2nd edition. See Pamphlets. Sosk3rilSf C. W. Short Inquiry into the History of Agriculture, in Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Times, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1849. Hutchlnsoxii S. Practical Instructions on the Drainage of Land, &c. See Pamphlets. India, Madras Presidency. Reports of Model Farms, &c. See Madras. Unglis, W. Farm Book-Keeping. post 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers. Insects, Injurious or Beneficial to Crops, Flowers, Forests, Trees, &C., Treatises on. See Works on Insects ; also Agricultural Depart- ment, Balfour, E., Kirk, T., and Wood, T. in present section. Institute of Agrricultnre, South Kensington. Lectures on Agricultural Science and other Proceedings of the Institute, 1883-4. See Lecture?. Jenkins, H. M. Report on Agricultural Education in N. Germany, F'rance, Den- mark, Belgium, Holland, and the United Kingdom. (Second Report of Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruc- tion, Vol. 2.; royal 8vo. H.M. Printers, 1884. (With Rbpobts on Education — British Islands.) Jobson, D. W. An Essay on Pleuro- pneumonia, its Symptoms and Treat- ment. 8vo. sewed. J. Ferres, Melbourne. Johnson, C. W. Cottage Farmer's Assistant. 12mo. sewed. J. Ridgway. Johnson, S. W. How Crops Grow. A Treatise on the Chemical Composition, Structure, and Life of the Plant, for Agricultural Students. With Illustra- tions and Tables of Analyses. Re- vised, with Additions, and Adapted for English Use by A. H. Church and W. T. T. Dyer, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. How Crops Feed. A Treatise on the Atmosphere and the Soil as related to the Nutrition of Agricultural Plants, post 8vo. cloth. Judd & Co., New York. Jones, Dr. J. First Report to the Cotton Planters' Convention of Georgia, on the Agricultural Resources of Georgia. 8vo. sewed. Augusta, 1860. Journals, Agricultural :— Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette. Journal of Forestry and Estates Management. See Journals (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Kirk, Prof. T. Fruit Blights and Diseases of Fruit-Trees. 8vo. sewed. Sydney, 1889. Lavergne, L. de. The Rural Economy of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Translated from the French, with Notes by a Scottish Farmer. 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1855. Lawrence, Rev. J. The Clergjman's Recreation, shewing the Pleasure and Profit of the Art of Gardening, post 8vo. calf. London, 1714. Lawrence, W. T. Principles of Agri- culture, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1883. Lawson, W. A New Orchard and Garden, &c., 1631. See Markham, G. Lawson and Son. Synopsis of the Vegetable Pi-oducts of Scotland. VoL 1. fcp. 4to. sewed. P. Lawson & Son, Edinburgh, 1851. Lectures on Agricultural Science, and other Proceedings of the Institute of Agriculture, South Kensington, London, 1883-4. post 8vo. sewed. Chapman & Hall, 1884. 166 NATURAL HISTORY. Liebig, J- Familiar Letters on Che- mistry in its relations to Commerce, Physiology, and Agriculture. 8vo. London, 1851. ( With Works on Chemistry.) Lloyd, F. J. The Science of Agricul- ture. 8vo. cloth. Longmans &Co.,1884. IiOng, J. Farming in a Small Way. post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1881. — —— and Morton, J. C. The Dairy of the Farm. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. Loudon, J. C. An Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. 3rd edition. 8vo. parchment back. Longmans & Co., 1835. 5th edition. Svo. calf. (C. C. E. X., No, 989.) Longmans & Co., 1844. ' Suburban Gardener, &c. See Works on Botany. London, Mrs. The Amateur Gardener's Calendar. See Works on Botany. Low, D. The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands, folio. Longmans & Co., 1842. (^With Works on Mammals.) Madras Presidency. Government Farms, Agricultural College, &c. Re- ports, &c. : — Experimental and Model Farms. Report for year ending March 1872. fcp. folio, sewed. 1873. Government Farms. Reports for years ending March 1873, 1874. 2 parts, fcp. folio, sewed. 1874-5. Neilgherry District. Report on the Agricultural Conditions, Capabili- ties and Prospects. By W. R. Robertson, fcp. folio, sewed. Madras, 1875. Madras Agricultural College, Saidapet. Report of the Eighth Anniversary. Reprinted from the " Madras Times." Svo. sewed. ■ ■ ' Report for Official Year, ending 30th June, 1884, 1885 (with Question Papers), 1886, 1887. folio, stitched. (Proceedings of the Director of Public Instruction.) (Madras.) • Calendar 1887. Svo. boards. Madras, 1887. Markham, Gervase. 1. Cheape and Good Husbandry for the well ordering of all Beasts and Fowles, for the generall Cure of their Diseases. 5th edition, 1634. 2. On Hunting, Hawking, &c. 4th edition, 1631. 3. The English Housewife. 1631. 4. The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent, 1631. 5. Farewell to Husbandry. 1631. Also, Lawson, W. A New Orchard and Garden, or the best Way for Planting, &c. 1631. In 1 vol. small 4to. calf. (^Brooke Collection.') London. Markham, Gervase. A Way to get Wealth. 1. Cheap and Good Husbandry for the well-ordering of all Beasts, &c. 12th edition, 1668. 2. Farewell to Hus- bandry. 1688. (3. A New Orchard and Garden. By W. Lawson.) 4. Country Contentments, or the Husbandman's Re- creations. 1668. 5. The English House- wife. 1668. 6. The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent. 1668. In 1 vol. small 4to. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London. Maister-Piece, containing all knowledge belonging to Smith, Farrier, or Horse-leech. Also the Compleat Jockey. 17th impression. 1 vol. small 4to. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1710. Marshall, W. The Rural Economy of the West of England, &c. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1796. The Rural Economy of Gloucester- shire, &c. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (Brooke Collection.^ London, 1798. The Rural Economy of the Southern Counties. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1798. The Rural Economy of the Mid- land Counties. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. (^Brooke Collectiofi.) London, 1790. The Rural Economy of Norfolk. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (Brooke Collection.) London, 1797. The Rural Economy of Yorkshire. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1798. Masters, M. T. Life on the Farm. — Plant Life. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. Millers' (The), Merchant and Farmers* Ready Reckoner, with the Approximate Values of Millstones and Millwork, &c. 12mo. cloth. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1861. (With Works on Arithmetical Tables.) Morton, J. C. Cyclopaedia of Agricul- ture, Practical and Scientific. 2 vols, imp. Svo. half calf. Blackie & Son, 1856. The Prince Consort's Farms. 4to. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1863. ■ Hand-Book of Farm Labour. New edition.— Cameron, C. A. The Stock- Feeder's Manual. In one vol. crown Svo. half bound. Cassell, Better, & Galpin, 1868. ■ Handbook of Dairy Husbandry. 3rd thousand, post Svo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1S76. Dairy of the Farm, &c. (Hand- book of the Farm Series.) See Hand- book. AGKICULTURE : ENGLISH WORKS. 167 Murphy, E. Agricultural lustructor ; J, or Young Farmer's Class Book. 12mo. sewed. McGlashan & Gill, Dublin. National Museums (Our), Present Condition of, and the Claims of Agri- culture to be better represented in them. Extract from the " Journal of Agriculture," July, 1865. See Pamph- lets. ITevile, G. Farms and Farming, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1884. iHTew Brunswick, Report on Agricul- ture for the Province of, for the year 1886. 8vo. sewed. Fredericton, 1887. Ontario, Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works for the Province of. Report for 1873. royal 8vo. cloth. Toronto, 1874. Ormerod, E. A. Insect Life. Guide to Methods of 1884. — — — Manual of Injurious Insects. Reports on Observations of Inju- rious Insects, 1878 and onwards. .1 Three Lectures : Turnip Fly, In- jurious Insects, Effects of Weather on Insects, 1882. ■ Notes and Descriptions of a few Injurious Farm and Fruit Insects of South Africa. 1889. (^All the above with Works on Insects.) Pamphlets. In one vol. 8vo. half roan : — Bell, R. The Forests of Canada. Montreal, 1886. Blundell, T. Inorganic Manures con- sidered in relation to Soils, and the better economising of Farmyard Manure. Wisbech, 1845. Bousfield, W. R. On Implements and Machinery for cultivating Land by Horse Power. (Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, October, 1880.) Cirencester, Agricultural College. Prospectus, January, 1876. Dowling, J. On the Comparative Value of the different Feeding Sub- stances for Horses. (R. Dublin Society's Journal, 1860.) Galloway, R. On the Valuation of Soils and the Nutrition of Plants. (From " Natural History Review," October, 1859.) Gibbs, W. A. On Harvesting Com in Wet Weather. Bell & Daldy, 1868. Home, D. M. Agricultural Schools and Experimental Farms. 2nd edition. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1874. Pamphlets— con^ Hutchinson S. Practical Instructions on the Drainage of Land, on Hy- draulic and Pneumatic Principles. Grantham [1851]. National Museums, Present Con- dition of our, ■ and the Claims of Agriculture to be better represented in them. [1865.] Smith, R. A. A Study of Peat. Part I. Taylor & Francis, 1876. Smith, R. Bringing Moorland into Cultivation. From " Bath and West of England Agricultural Journal." 1875. Tanner, Prof. H. Introductory Ad- dress upon the Principles of Agriculture, delivered to Science Teachers at South Kensington, July 2, 1879. Woods, H. Ensilage: its Influence upon British Agriculture; also Southdown Sheep: their History, Breeding, and Management. Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1884. Wrightson, J. Technical Instruction in Agriculture. Lecture at Normal School of Science, South Kensing- ton, October, 1882. Pilley , J. J. The Elements of Scientific Agriculture. Adapted to the Syllabus of the Science and Art Department, post 8vo. cloth. G. Gill & Sons, 1881. Potato ^ Crop, Report from the Par- liamentary Select (Committee on ; with Minutes of Evidence, &c. fcp. foUo. half calf. 1880. Pung, S. A., and Dodds, S. J. V. The Story of our Little Farm and some other Farming, fcp. 8vo. boards. The Authors, King's Lynn, n.d. Bham, Rev. W. L. The Dictionary of the Farm. Revised by W. and H. Raynbird. crown 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) Routledge & Co., 1863. Rogers, J. E. T. History of Agricul- ture and Prices in England, from the year after the Oxford Parliament (1259) to the commencement of the Con- tinental War (1793). 6 vols. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1866-87. Roland, A. Farming for Pleasure and Profit. Edited by W. H. Ablett. 8vo. cloth : — 1. Dairy Farming, &c. 2. Poultry Keeping. 3. Tree Planting. 4. Stock Keeping and Cattle Rearing. 5. The Drainage of Land, Manures, &c. 6. Root Growing and the Cultivation of Hops. 7. The Management of Grass Lands, &c. 8. Market-Garden Husbandry. By W. H. Ablett. Chapman & HaU. 1879*81. 168 NATURAL HISTORY. SannderSi W. Insects Injurious to Fruits. 8vo. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1883. (^With PFor^s on Insects.) Scott, J. Agricultural Surveying. A Practical Treatise on Land Surveying, Levelling, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) 1884. Barn Implements and Machines. 12mo. cloth, stiflT. (Weale's Series.) 1884. Draining and Embanking. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) 1883. Farm Buildings. With Plans and Estimates. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) 1884. Farm Roads, Fences, and Gates. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) 1883. Field Implements and Machines. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) 1884. Irrigation and Water-Supply. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1883. Scott, J., and Morton, J. C. The Soil of the Farm. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. Seller, W., and Stephens, H. Physiology at the Farm, in aid of Rear- ing and Feeding the Live Stock. 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1867. Sheldon, J. P., &c. Dairy Farming: beipg the Theory, Practice, and Methods of Dairying. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. Cassell, Petter, Galpin, & Co. Sidney, Rev. E. The Field and the Fold ; or, a Popular Exposition of the Science of Agriculture. 18mo. cloth. Blights of the Wheat, and their Stebler, Dr. F. C, and Schroter, Dr. C. The Best Forage Plants, fully Described and Figured. With a com- plete Account of their Cultivaiion, Economic Value, Impurities and Adulterants, &c. Translated by A. N. McAlpine. Coloured Plates. 4to. boards. D. Nutt, 1889. Stephens, H. Catechism of Practical Agriculture, post 8vo. cloth. 1856. 19th thousand, post 8vo. cloth, limp. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1873. Remedies. 18mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Simmonds, P. L . Tropical Agriculture. A Treatise on the Culture, Preparation, Commerce, and Consumption of the Principal Products of the Vegetable Kingdom. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1877. Smith, R. Bringing Moorland into Cultivation. See Pamphlets. Smith, R. A. Study of Peat. Part I. See Pamphlets. Smith, W. G. Diseases of Field and Garden Crops, chiefly such as are caused by Fungi, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Speed, A. Adam out of Eden ; or an Abstract of Experiments in Husbandry. 18mo. sheep. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1659. The Book of the Farm. 3rd edition. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half bound. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1871. Physiology at the Farm, &c. See Seller, W. Tanner, Prof. H. Jack's Education; or, How he learnt Farming. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1879. First Principles of Agriculture. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. The Abbott's Farm ; or. Practice with Science, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1880. The Alphabet of the Principles of Agriculture, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. 1881. Further Steps in the Principles of Agriculture, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1881. Elementary Lessons in the Science of Agricultural Practice, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1881. Holt Castle ; or, the Three-Fold Interest in the Land. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1882. Introductory Address upon the Principles of Agriculture, delivered to the Science Teachers at South Kensing- ton, July 2, 1879. See Pamphlets. Taylor, W. C. An Agricultural Note- Book, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. Thndicnm, J. L. W. Cantor Lectures on the Diseases of Plants, with special regard to Agriculture and Forestry. Delivered before the Society of Arts, January and February 1887. 8vo. sewed. W. Trounce, 1887. Thndicnm, J. L. W., and Dupr^, A. A Treatise on the Origin, Nature, and Varieties of Wine ; being a complete Manual of Viticulture and QBnology. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. Tomlinson, Mrs. C. Sketches of Rural Affairs, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. agriculture: ENGLISH WORKS. 169 Transactions, &c. of Agricultnral Societies : — Bath.— Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Agi iculture. Edinburgh. — Highland and Agricul- tural Society of Scotland. London. — Royal Agricultual So- ciety. United States. — Boards of Agricul- ture. See Transactions, &c. (Cata- logue OF Scientific Periodi- cals). Tmsler, Rev. Dr. J. Practical Hus- bandry; or, the Art of Farming, &c. 4th edition. 8vo. stitched. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1799. — The Way to be Rich and Respec- table. 7th edition. 8vo. stitched. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1796. United States, Boards, &c. of Agri- culture. Reports. -See Transac- tions — United States. Victorian Government Prize Essay on Agriculture, with reference to the Climate Advantages, and the Geological and Chemical Character of the Soils of the Colony, by W. Story. See Works on Geography. Ville, G. On Artificial Manures. Translated and edited by W. Crookes. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1879. Ward and Iiock's Book of Farm Management and Country Life. 8vo. half roan. Ward, Lock, & Co. Waring, G. E. Elements of Agricul- ture, a Book for Young Farmers, with Questions, crown 8vo. cloth. Appleton & Co., New York, 1854. Warington, R. Chemistry of the Farm. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Handbook. Whitehead, C. See Agricultural De- partment. Wilson, J. Our Farm Crops ; being a popular Scientific Description of the Cultivation, Chemistry, Diseases, Re- medies, &c. of the various Crops culti- vated in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth. Blackie&Son, 1859. British Farming : A Description of the Mixed Husbandrj- of Great Britain, royal 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1862. Wilson, S. The Angora Goat; with an Account of its Introduction into Victoria. ia, sive Vitis viniferae ejusque partium consideratio physico - philologico - historic© - medico- chymica. Lipsise, 1661. — TafifiapoKoyiay sive Garomarorum vulgo Cancrorum consideratio. In one vol. post 8vo. vellum. Francofurti & Lipsiae, 1665. Sagnier, H. Dans les Champs. Lectures pour les Cultivateurs et les !l^coles rurales. post 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1882. Schribanx and Nanot. !^lements de Botanique Agricole, a I'usage des Ecoles d'Agriculture, &c. post 8vo. sewed. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1882. Schwackhofer, F. Lehrbuch der Landwirthschaftl.-Chemischen Techno- logic. 2 vols. 8vo. G. P. Faesy, Vienna, 1883-4. {With Works on Chemistry.) Situation Agricole et Indns- trielle, des dix-neuf Districts du Canton de Vaud, Tableau de la. 8vo. sewed. A. Michod, Lausanne, 1852. Soraner, Dr. P. Handbuch der Pflanz- enkrankheiten. See Works on Botany {Foreign). agriculture: foreign works. 173 Stmmpf, F. L. Die Fortschritte der angewandten Chemie. In ihrer Anwend- ung auf Agrikultur und Physiologie. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. T. C. F. Enslin, Berlin, 1853. ( With Works on Chemistry.) Tassy, L. L'Amenagement des ForSts. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. O. Doin, Paris, 1887. Tavanti, G. Trattato Teorico-pratico complete sull' Ulivo. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. half calf. Florence, 1819. Transactions, &c. of Agricultural Societies (Foreign) : — Brunn. — K. K. Mahrisch — Schles- ische Gesellschaft zur Beforderung des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Landeskunde. Lyons. — Societe d' Agriculture. Transactions, &c. 'of Agricultural Societies (Foreign) — cont. Nice. — Societe Centrale d'Agricul- ture, d'Horticulture et d'Acclimata- tion de Nice et des Alpes-Mari- times. Perpignan. — Societe Agricole, Scientifique, &c. des Pyrenees Orientales. See Transactions (Catalogue OP SCIENTLFIC PeRIODICAJLS). Wolff, E. Aschen-Analysen von land- wirthschaftlichen Producten, Fabrik- Abfallen und wildwachsenden Pflanzen. 4to. half calf. Wiegandt & Hempel, Berlin, 1871. Zalokar, Janez. Umno Kmetovanje in Gospodarstvo. Slavonian Manual for the Instruction of Agriculturists in Camiola. 8vo. cloth. (^Austrian Col- lection.') Laibach, 1854. 174 NATURAL HISTORY. ZOOLOGT. Protozoa, Coelenterates, Worms, Crustacea, &c. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN WORKS. Adams, A., and "White, A. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang." — Crustacea. See Works on General Natural History — Adams, A. Agassiz, A. Echinoidea. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 3.) See Works on General Natural History. Agassiz, A., and E. C. Seaside Studies in Natural History. Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay. — Radiates. 8vo. cloth. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, 1865. AldrovaudtLS, U. De reliquis Ani- malibus Exanguibus, libri IV., nempe de Mollibus, Crustaceis, Testaceis et Zoophytis. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign), Allman, G. J. Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. 4to. boards. Ray Society, 1871-72. Hydroida. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vols. 7 and 23.) See Works on General Natural History. Icones Zootomicse. See Cams, J. V. Andres, Dr. A. Die Actinien. See Works on General Natural His- tory (Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Andouin, V., and Edwards, H. Milne. Recherches pour servir ^ I'Histoire Naturelle du Littoral de la France. Vol. 2. Annelides. See Works on General Natural History (JForeign). Anstralian Museum. Catalogue of Echinodermata. — Hydroid Zoophytes, — Australian Stalk- and Sessile-Eyed Crustacea, &c. (With Works on Museums.) See also Lendenfeld, R. von. Baird, W. The Natural History of the British Entomostraca. 8vo. cloth. Ray Society, 1850. Baker, H. An Attempt towards a Natural History of the Polype. With cuts, post 8vo. calf. London, 1743. Baster, J. Natuurkundige Uitspan- ningen, behelzende eenige waarneem- ingen over sommige Zee-Planten en Zee-Insecten. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. half bound. Haarlem, 1762-65. - ■ Opuscula Subseciva. Observationes miscellanese de Animalculis et Plantis. 2 vols., in one. 4to. half bound. Haarlem, 1759-62. Bate, C. Spence. Crustacea Macrura, (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 24.) See Works on General Natural History. Beddard, F. E. Isopoda. ("Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 11 and 17.) See General Natural His- tory. Benedeu, P. J. van. Recherches sur I'Anatomie, la Physiologic et I'Em- bryogenie des Bryozoaires et Tubulaires qui habitent la C6te d'Ostende, 1844-45. — Les Bryozoaires Fluviatiles de Belgique, 1848. — Histoire Naturelle des Polypes composes d'Eau Douce. Par B. C. Dumortier et P. J. van Beneden. 1850. (In one vol. lettered " Memoires.") 4to. half calf. Brussels, 1844-50. Recherches sur la Faune Littorale de Belgique. — Polypes ; Turbellaries ; Vers Cestoides ; Crustaces. 4 vols. 4to. half calf. Hayez, Brussels, 1850-66. Blainville, H. M. D. de. Manuel d'Actinologie, ou de Zoophytologie. Text and Plates (mostly coloured). 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Paris, 1834. Blanchard, E. Metamorphoses, McDurs, et Instincts des Insectes — Crustaces. See Works on Insects. ■ Recherches sur I'Organisation des Vers. See Edwards, H. Milne, Quatre- fages, A. de, and Blanchard, E. Blanchard, E., Edwards, H. Milne-, and Quatrefages, A. de. Re- cherches Anatomiques et Zoologiques. See Edwards, H. Milne, &c. Bosc, li. A. G. Histoire Naturelle des Vers, contenant leur Description et leursMoeurs. (Suites ^ Buffon.) With Plates. 3 vols, small 12mo. half bound. Paris, an X. (1802). Boveri, Dr. Th. Zellen-Studien. Heft 1.2. BildungjU.s.w., bei Ascaris. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Bowerbauk, J, S. Monograph of the British Spongiadae. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. Ray Society, 1864-82. Brady, G. S. Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Ray Society, 1878-80. — — Copepoda. — Ostracoda. (" Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 8 and 1.) See Works on General Natural His- Brady,H. B. Foraminifera. ("Challen- ger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 9.) See Works on GtEneral Natural His- tory. ZOOLOGY — PROTOZOA, ETC. 175 Brandt, J. F. Prodromus Descriptionis Animaliuin ab H. Mertensio in orbis terrarum circumnavigatione observa- torum. Fascic. I. Polypos, etc. 4to. half calf. Petropoli, 1835. Brandt, Dr. K. Koloniebildende Eadiolarien (Sphaerozoeen). See Works on Genekax Natural His- tory (^Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Brehms Thierleben : Wirbellose Thiere — See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign), British Museum : Eadiated and Crustaceous Animals, Catalogues of the. See British Museum Publications. Bronn's (H. G.) Klassen und Ordnung- en des Thier-Reichs. — Protozoa, &c. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Brook, G. Antipatharia. ("Challen- ger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 32.) See Works on General Natural His- tory. Brooks, W. K. Handbook of Inverte- brate Zoology. For Laboratories and Seaside Work. 8vo. cloth. S. E. Cassino, Boston, 1882. Bniguiere, Be Lamarck, and Deshayes, G. P. Histoire Naturelle des Vers. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign) — Ency- clopedic Methodique. Buckley, A. B. Life and her Children. Glimpses of Animal Life from the Amoeba to the Insects. 5th thousand, post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1881. Burmeister, Dr. H. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfiisser. (Cirripedia.) 4to. half calf. Berlin, 1834. Busch, Dr. W. Beobachtungen iiber Anatomic und Entwickelung einiger wirbellosen Seethiere. 4to. half calf. A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1851. Busk, G. Polyzoa. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 10 & 17.) See Works on General Natural History. See also Waters, A. W. Polyzoa and Sertularian Zoophytes collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattlesnake." See Works on Geo- graphy — Macgillivray, J. Carpenter, P. H. Crinoidea. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vols. 11 and 26.) See Works on General Natural History. Carpenter, W. B. Orbitolites. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 7.) See Works on General Natural History. Carus, J. V. Icones Zootomicse. Mit Originalbeitragen der G. J. AUman, C. Gegenbaur, T. H. Huxley, A. Kolliker, H. Miiller, M. S. Schultze, C. T. E. von Siebold und F. Stein. Pt. 1. Plates 1-23. royal folio, calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1857. Cassell's Articulata, Coelenterata, and Protozoa. See Works on General Natural History. Chiereghini, S. Descrizione de' Cros- tacei, de' Testacei e de' Pesci che abitano le lagune e golfo Veneto. See Nardo, G. D. Chun, Dr. C. Ctenophorae. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Clapardde, E. Recherches Anatom- iques sur les Oligoch^tes. 4to. half calf. H. Georg, Geneva, 1862. Beobachtungen iiber Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte wirbel- loser Thiere an der Kiiste von Normandie. folio, half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1863. Les Annelides Chetopodes du Golfe de Naples. With Supplement. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. H. Georg, Geneva, 1868-70, Observations sur les Rotateurs, &c. — Des Progres recents dans I'Etude des Infusoires. See Works on Insects. Clapardde, E., and Lachmann, J. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizo- podes. Vol. 1. 4to. half calf. Kessmann, Geneva, 1859-59. Clark, H. J. Lucernerise and their Allies. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 23.) See Tran- sactions —Washington. Claus, Dr. C. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entomostraken. Heft 1. 4to. half calf. N. G. Elwert, Marburg, 1860. Ueber die Grenze des thierischen und pflanzlichen Lebens. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1863, Die freilebenden Copepoden. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Fauna Deutschlands, der Nordsee und des Mittelmeeres. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1863. Beobachtungen fiber Lerngeocera, Peniculus und Lernaea. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Lemaeen. 4to, half calf. N. G. Elwert, Marburg, 1 868. • Ueber Euplectella Aspergillum (/?. Owen). Ein Beitrag zur Natur- geschichte der Kieselschwamme. 4to. half calf. N. G. Elwert, Marburg, 1868, 176 NATURAL HISTORY. Clans, Dr. C. Untersuchungen zur Er- forschung der Genealogischen Grund- lage des Crustaceen- Systems. Ein Beitrag zur Descendenzlehre. 4to. boards. C. Gerold, Vienna, 1876. Untersuchungen liber die Organi- sation und Entwicklung der Medusen. 4to. sewed. G. Freytag, Leipzig, 1883. Cobbold, T. S. Entozoa; an Intro- duction to the Study of Helminthology, with reference, more particularly, to the Internal Parasites of Man. With Sup- plement. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1864-69. Cooke, M. C. Ponds and Ditches. (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on General Natural History. Cuvier, G., Les Vers et les Zoophytes decrits et figures d'apr^s la Classifica- tion de. Mise au courant des Progr^s de la Science. Coloured Plates. 8vo. sewed. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1869. Dana, J. D. Corals and Coral Islands, royal 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1872. D'Anvers, N. Lowest Forms of Water Animals : an Illustrated Natural His- tory Reader, fcp. 8vo. stiff covers. (Science Ladders.) S. Low & Co., 1881. Darwin, C. Monograph of the Sub- Class Cirripedia. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Itai/ Society, 1851-54. The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. See Works on Geology, &c. -— The Formation of Vegetable Mould, ' through the Action of Worms, with Observ^ations on their Habits. See Works on General Natural History. Davaine, C. Traite des Entozoaires et des Maladies Vermineuses de I'Homme et des Animaux Domestiques. 8vo. half calf. ,T. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1860. Delle Chiaje, S. Descrizione e No- tomia degli Animali Invertebrati della Sicilia Citeriore, osservati vivi negli Anni 1822-1830. — Echinodermi, Acalefi, Polipi. See Works on Molluscs, &c. Deshayes, G. P. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertfebres. See ' Lamarck, J. B. de. Desmarest, A. G. Considerations generales sur la Classe des Crustaces, et Description des especes de ces ani- maux, qui vivent dans la mer, sur les ' c6te8, ou dans les eaux douces de la France. Plates. 8vo. half calf. Paris 1825. Lacep^de, CEuvres. Nouvelle Edition. See Works on General Na- tural History (Foreign) — Lacep^de. Diesing, C. M. Systema Helmintham. 2 vols., in one. 8vo. half calf. Vindobonae, 1850*51. Dohrn, A. Untersuchungen iiber Ban und Entwicklung der Arthropoden. 2 parts. 8vo. stitched. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1870. Dnjardin, F. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. Infusoires, comprenant la Physiologic et la Classification de ces Animaux, et la maniere de les etudier a I'aide du Microscope. (Suites k Buffon.) Coloured Illustrations. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1841. Histoire Naturelle des Helminthes, ou Vers Intestinaux. (Suites k Buffon.) Coloured Illustrations. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1845. and Hnp€, H. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. — Echinodermes. (Suites k Buffon.) Coloured Illustrations. 8vo. half calf. Roret, Paris, 1862. Dnncan, Prof. P. M. The Sea-Shore. (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on General Natural History. Eberth, Dr. C. J. Untersuchungen iiber Nematoden. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1863. Edwards, A.M. Xiphosures et les Crus- taces. See Works on General Na- tural History (Foreign) —Mission Scientifique au Mexique, &c. Edwards, H. Milne. Histoire Natu- relle des Oustaces ; comprenant 1' Ana- tomic, la Physiologic et la Classification de ces Animaux. (Suites k Buffon.) 3 vols, and Atlas. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1834-40. Zoophytes — Annelides — Crustaces. (Le R^gne Animal.) See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). — Cuvier, G. ' Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vert^bres. See Lamarck, J. B. de. Edwards, H. Milne, and Haime, J. Histoire Naturelle des Coralliaires, ou Polypes proprement dits. 2 vols., and Atlas, in one. (Suites k Buffon.) Co- loured Plates. Svo. half calf. Roret, Parvi, 1857. Edwards, H. Milne, Qnatrefages, A. de, and Blanchard, E. Re- cherches Anatomiques et Zoologiques faites pendant un Voyage sur les C6tes de la Sicile, et sur divers points du Lit- toral de la France. 3 vols. 4to. calf. 1. Voyage en Sicile, le Developpe- ment des Annelides, &c. Par H. Milne Edwards. 2. Memoire sur I'Histologie du Bran- chiostome ou Amphioxus. Etudes sur les Types Inferieurs de I'Em- branchement des Anneles, &c. Par A. de Quatrefages. 3. Recherches sur 1 'Organisation des Vers. Par JE. Blanchard. V. Masson, Paris, 1845. ZOOtOGY-^PEOTOZOA, ETC. 177- Sillers, E. Die Borstenwiirmer (Anne- lida Chactopoda), nach systematischen lind anatomischen Untersuchungen. Vol. I. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1864-68. iShlers, E., and Keferstein, W. Zoo- logische Beitrage gesammelt im Winter 1859-60 in Neapel und Messina. See Keferstein, W. Elirenberg, C. G. Die Infusionsthier- chen als vollkommene Organismen. With Atlas, one vol. Coloured Plates, royal folio, calf. Leipzig, 1838. £ichwald, E. von. Beitrag zur Infusor- ienkunde Russland's. 8vo. half calf. Moscow, 1844-49. Eisigf, Dr. H. Die Capitelliden (Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel). • See Wo}-ks on General Natural History (^Foreign). Ellis, J. An Essay towards a Natural History of the Corallines, &c. commonly found on the Coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. With Plates. 4to. calf. London, 1755. " The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, col- lected from various parts of the Globe ; Systematically Arranged and Described by Dr. Dan. Solander. With Plates. 4to. calf. London, 1786. Eschscholtz, Dr. F. System der Acalephen. Eine Ausfiihrliche Be- schreibung aller Medusenartigen Strahl- thiere. 4to. half calf. Berlin, 1829. Fewkes, J. W. On the Development of the Pluteus of Arbacia. See Trans- actions — Salem (Mass.) — Peabody Academy of Science, Figuier, L. La Vie et les Moeurs des Animaux. Zoophytes et Mollusques. See Works on General Natural ' History {Foreign). Filhol, H. La Vie au Fond des Mers. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign'). Fol, H. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger Rip- penquallen. folio, half calf. W. Buxenstein, Berlin [1870]. Forbes, E. Monograph of the Bntish Naked-Eyed Meduste. 4 to. boards. Ray Society, 1848. Fraipont, Prof. J. Polygordius (Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel). See Works on General Natural His- tory (^Foreign). Fromentel, E. de. Etudes sur les Mi- •crozoaires ou Infusoires proprement dits. 4to. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1874. E 61668. Gansius, J. L. Corallorum Historia. ISmo. vellum. Francofurti, 1630. Cregenbanr, Dr. C. Beitrage zur nah- eren Kenntniss der SchwimmpolypeQ' (Siphonophoren). 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1854. Icones Zootomicae. See Carus, J. V. Gesner, C. Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium. See Works on Fishes. ^ Giebel, Dr. C. G. Die Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs.— Bauchthiere, Glieder- thiere, Wiirmer, &c. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Goeze, J. A. E. Versuch einer Natur- geschichte der Eingeweidewurmer thierischer Korper. Plates. 4to. half calf. Blankenberg, 1782. -^ — — Erster Nachtrag. Heraus- gegeben von J. G. H. Zeder. 4to. half l^ound. Leipzig, 1800. Gosse, P. H. History of the British Sea Anemones and Corals. Coloured Illustrations. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1860. Gould, A. A. Report on the Inverte- brata of Massachusetts. — Crustacean- Annelida — Radiata. See Works on Molluscs, &c. Graff, L. von. Myzostomida. (" Chal- lenger " Report, Zoology, Vols. 10 and 20.) See Works on General Natural History. Grassi, Dr. B. Die Chaetognathen. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Greene, Prof. J. R. Manual of the Animal Kingdom. Part I. Protozoa. New edition. Part II. Coelenterata. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1863. Grube, A. E. Die Familien der Anne- liden mit Angabe ihrer Gattungen und Arten. 8vo. half calf. Nicolai, Berlin, 1851. Gnaltier, N. Index Testarum Conchy- liorum. See Works on Molluscs, &c. Haan, W. de. Crustacea [of Japan]. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign) — Siebold, P. F. von., Fauna Japonica Haeckel, E. Beitrage zur Naturge- schichte der Hydromedusen. Heft T. Text, 8vo., and Plates (6), in 4to. envelope. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1865. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Siphonophoren. 4to. half calf. Van der Post, jr., Utrecht, 1869. M 1:78 NATURAL HISTORY. Haeckel, E. Die Kalkschwamme. 2 vols, and Atlas, imp 8vo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1872. ■ ■ Deep-Sea Medusae. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 4.) See Works on GfiNEBAJi Natural History. Radiolaria. (" Challenger " Re- * port, Zoology, Vol. 18.) See Works on General Natural History. — — — Siphonophorse. (" Challenger " Re- port, Zoology, Vol. 28.) See Works on General Natural History. ' Deep-Sea Keratosa. (" Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 32.) See Works on General Natural . History. Hagelberg's (W.) Zoologischer Hand- Atlas. — Vermes, Echinodermata, Coelen- terata, et Protozoa. See Works an . General Natural History (Foreign). Hagenow, F. v. Ueber Fossile Scler- opoden und Thallopoden, aus der Abtheilung der Bryozoen oder Moosko- rallen, und deren Vertheilung in Gruppen. royal 8vo. half calf. Dresden, 1846. Haime, J. Histoire Naturclle des Co- ralliaires. See Edwards, H. M. Halse, E. The Liver-Fluke and the Rot in Sheep. See Works on Agriculture. Haxnaxm, Dr. 0. Beitrage zur His- tologic der Echinodermen. 4 parts (complete). 8vo. sewed : — 1. Die Holothurien. 2'. Die Asteriden. 3. Anatomic und Histologic der Echiniden und Spatangiden. 4. Aoiatomie und Histologic d,cr Ophiuren und Crinoiden. G. Fischer, Jena, 1884-89. Hartwig, Dr. G. The Sea and its Living ^\''onders. See Works on General Natural History. Hatscliek, Dr. B. Studien iiber Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Annelidcn. Bin Beitrag zur Morphologic der Bi- latericn. 8vo. half calf. A. Holder, Vienna, 1878. Heckeirty Dr. G. A. Untersuchungen tiber die Entwicklungs- und Lebens- geschichte des Distomum macrosto- mum. See Works on General Na- tural History (Forei^m)— Bibliotheca Zoologica. Henderson, J. R. Anomura. (" Chal- lenger" Reports, Zoology, Vol. 27.) See Works on General Natural History. HerTsst, J. F. W. Versuch einer Na- turgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse. 3 vols, in one. 4to. with Atlas (Coloured Plates), oblong royal folio, boards. Berlin, 1782-1804. Hertwig, R. Actiniaria. ("Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 6 and 26.) See Works on General Na- tural History. Hilgendorf, F. Crustaceen Ost-Af- rikas. (Decken's Reisen.) See Works on Geography (German) — Decken, Baron C. C. v. d. Hincks, T. History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1868. Hoek, P. P. C. Cirripedia. ("Chal- lenger" Reports, Zoology, Vols. 8 and 10.) See Works on General Natural History. moeven, J. van der. Recherches sur r Histoire Naturelle et 1' Anatomic des Limules. folio, half calf. Leyden, 1838. Hnbrecht, Dr. A. A. W. Nemertea. ("Challenger" Report, Zoolbgy, Vol. 19.) See Works on General NAr tural History. Hudson, C. T., and Gosse, P. H. The Rotifera ; or Wheel- Animalcules. With Coloured Plates. 2 vols., in one. 4to. half calf. 1886. — Supplement. 4to. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1889. Hnp€, H., and Dujardin, F. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. — ^Echino- dermes. See Dujardin, F. Huxley, T. H. The Oceanic Hydro- zoa; a Description of the CalycophoridsB and Physophoridse observed during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Rattlesnake," in 1846-50. 4to. boards. Baj/ Society, 1859. Notes on the Invertebrata. A Course of Lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh. (From the " Medical Times.") 4to. half calf. London, 1874-75. Icones Zootomicae. See Carus, J.V. Manual of the Anatomy of Inver- tebrated Animals. See Works on General Natural History. Elements d' Anatomic Comparee des Animaux Invertebres. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). The Crayfish. See Works on General Natural History. (See also Works on General Na- tural History — Bastian, H. C.) Johnston, G. History of the British Zoophytes. 2 vols. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. Eeferstein, W., and Ehlers, E. Zoologische Beiti'agc gesammelt im Winter 1859-60 in Neapel und Messina. 4to. calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1861. ZOOLOGY — PROTOZOA, ETC. I7t Kent, W. Saville. Manual of the In- fusoria. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. half morocco. D.Bogue, 1880-82. Eingsley, Rev. C. Glaucus ; or, the Wonders of the Shore. 5th edition, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1873. Kingsley, J. S. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Holothurians. See Transactions — Salem (Mass.) — Peabody Academy of Science. Eirchner, O., and Blochmauny F. Die mikroskopische Pflanzen- und Thierwelt des Siisswassers. See Works on Botany (JForeign). Klein, J. T. Naturalis Dispositio Echi- nodermatum ; ed. a Nat. Godof. Leske. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. 4to, half bound. Lipsiaj, 1778. Kleinenberg', N. Hydra. Eine anatom- isch-entwickelungsgeschichtiiche Un- tersuchung. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1872. Koch, G. von. Die Gorgoniden (Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel). See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign). Eolliker, A. von. Die Pennatulide umbellula und zwei neue Typen der Alcyonarien. Festschrift zur Feier des 25^° Bestehens der Physikalisch-medi- cinischen Gesellschaft in Wiirzburg. 4to. half calf. Stahel, Wurzburg, 1872. Pennatulida. (" Challenger '* Re- port, 2Joology, Vol. 1.) See Works on General Natural History. ■ Icones Zootomicse. See Cams, J. V. Erabbe, H. Recherches Helmintho- logiques en Danemark et en Islande. 4to. boards. G. E. C. Gad, Copenhagen, 1866. Enchenmeister, F. Ueber Cestoden in allgemeinen und die des Menschen insbesondere. 8vo. half calf. W. Pahl, Zittau, 1853. Iiacaze-Duthiers, H. Histoire Na- turelle du Corail ; Organization — Re- production — Peche en Algerie — Indus- trie et Commerce. Coloured Illustra- tions, royal 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1864. Lachmann, J., and Clapardde, E. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizo- podes. See Claparede, E. Lamarck, J. B. de. Systeme des Ani- maux sans Vertebres. 8vo. half bound. Paris, An IX— 1801. « I Histoire Naturelle des Animaax sans Vertebres. 2nd edition. Par G. P. Deshayes and H. Milne Edwards. II vols. 8vo. calf. Parisj 1835-46. Lamarck, J. B. de. Recueil de Co- quilles decrites par Lamarck dans son " Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres " et non encore figureej. Public par M. B. Delessert. Coloured Plates, royal folio, calf. Paris, 1841. An Epitome of Lamarck's arrange- ment of Testacea. A free Translation of that part of his work " De THistQirg Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres." "With illustrative Observations, by CJharles Dubois. 8vo. half calf. London, 1824. Lamonronx, J. V. F. Exposition Methodique des Genres de I'Ordre des Polypiers. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1821. Corallina ; or, a classical arrange- ment of Flexible Coralline Polypidoms. 8vo. half calf. London, 1824. LandsborOTlgh, Rev. Dr. Popular British Zoophytes. Coloured Plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell ReeVe, 1852. ILanessan, J. L. de. Traite de Zoo- logie — Protozoaires. royal 8vo. sewed. (2 copies.) O. Doin, Paris, 1882. Lang^, Dr. A. Die Polycladen. See Works on General Natural History (i^orcif^n)— Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Latreille, P. A. Crustacees, &c. See Works on General Natural History (JForeign) — Cuvier, G. (Le Regue Ani- mal), and Works on Insects. Laurent, P. Etudes Physiologiques sur les Animalcules des Infusions Vege- tales compares aux Organes Elemen- taires des Vegetaux. See Works on Botany {Foreign^. Leidy, J. Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America. (United States Geo- logical Survey of the Territories, Vol. XII.) See Works on Geology, &c. Lendenfeld, R. von. Descriptive Catalogue of the Medusae of the Austra- lian Seas in the Australian Museum. With Works on Museu3IS. Lerebonllet, A. Memoire sur les Crus- taces de la Famille des Cloportides qui habitent les environs de Strasbourg. 4to. half calf. Strasburg, 1853. Recherches d'Embryologie com- paree sur le Developpement du Brochet, de la Perche et de I'Ecrevisse. See Works on Fishes. Lesson, R. P. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. — Acal^phes. Coloured Illus- trations. (Suites a Buffon.) 8vo. half calf. Roret, Paris, 1843. Lenckart, F. S. Neue Wirbellose Thiere des Rothen Meeres. See Rup- pell, E. Lenckart, R. Zoologische Untersuch- ungen. — Siphonophoren — Salpen — Ceph- alophoren. 3 parts in one vol. 4to. half calf. Gieseen, 1853-54. M 2 180 NATURAL HISTORY. Leuckalrb, R. Zur nahem Kenntniss der Siphonophoren von Nizza. 8vo. half calf. Nicolai, Berlin, 1854. Bau und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pentastomen. Nach Untersuchung- en besonders von Pent. Tsenioides und P. Denticulatum. 4to. half calf. Leipzig, 1860. " " Die menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herriihrenden Krank- heiten. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. C. F. Winter, Leipzig, 1863 & 1876. ■ The Parasites of Man, and the Diseases which proceed from them. Translated from the German, by W. E. Hoyle. Natural History of Parasites in general. Systematic Account of the Parasites infesting Man. Protozoa- Cestoda, royal 8vo. cloth. Y. J. Pentland, Edinburgh, 1886. Leydigf, F. Ueber den Bau und die systematische Stellung der Raderthiere. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1854. Naturgeschichte der Daphniden (Crustacea Cladocera). 4to. half calf. H. Laupp, Tubingen, 1860. Lilljeborg, W. De Crustaceis ex Ordin- ibus Tribus : Cladocera, Ostracoda et Copepoda, in Scania occurrentibus. 4to. half calf. Lund, 1853. Unckins, J- H. De Stellis Marinis liber singularis. With Plates, folio, calf. Lipsiae, 1733. Linstow, Dr. O.von. Entozoa. ("Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 23.) See Works on General Natural History. Liverpool Maxrine Biology Com- mittee's Reports upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay and the Neighbouring Seas. See Works on General Na- tural History. Loreuz, L. Ueber die Organisation der Gattungen Axine und Microcotyle. 8vo. half calf. A. Holder, Vienna, 1878. Lutken, C. F. Oversigt over Gron- lands Echinodermata. 8vo. half calf. Reitzel, Copenhagen, 1857.^ Lyman, T. Ophiuroidea. (" Chal- lenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 5.) See Works on General Natural His- tory. Macalister, A. Zoology of the Inver- tebrate Animals. See Works on Gene- ral Natural History. Mcintosh, W. C. Observations and Experiments on the Carcinus Mcenas. 8 vo. half calf. Williams & Norgate, 1861. " ' Monograph of the British Anne- lids. Parts 1 and 2. 4to. cloth. Ray Society, 1873-74. Mcintosh, W. C. Cephalodi$cns Dode- calophus — Phoronis Buskii. (••.Challen . ger " Report, Zoology, Vols. 80 and 27.) See Works on General Natural History. iVCan, Dr. J. G. de. Die, frei in der reinen Erde und im sussen Wasser lebenden, Nematoden der Niederland- ischen Fauna, folio, boards. E. J. Brill, Leyden, 1884. Mantell, G. A. Thoughts on Animal- cules : or, a Glimpse of the Invisible Word revealed by the Microscope, crown 8vo. cloth. London, 1846. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Journal of the. See Transactions — Lon- don. Martins, C. Eine biographische (J. B. de Lamarck's) Einleitung. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Lamarck, J. B. de — Zoolo- gische Philosophie. Mayer, Dr. P. CaprelHden. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Mortens, H. Prodromus Descriptionis Animalium in orb is terrarum circum- navigatioue observatorum. See Brandt, J. F. Metschnikoff, E. Embryologische Studien an Medusen. Ein Beitrag zur Genealogie der Primitiv-Organe. Text,- royal Svo. With 4to. Atlas, sewed. A. Holder, Vienna, 1886. Meyen, F. J.,F. Beitrage zurZoologie. gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. Ueber das Leuchten des Meeres, Poly- ■ pen, &c. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign'). Miers, E. J. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.SS. "Erebus" and *' Terror" — Crustacea. See Works on General Natural History— Richardson, Sir J., and Gray, J. E. ■ Brachyura. (" Challenger " Re- port, Zoology, Vol. 17.) See Works on General Natural History. Morch, O. A. L. Catalogus Conchy- liorum quae reliquit D. Alphonso d'Aguirra et Gadea. See Works on Molluscs, &c. Moseley, H. N. Corals. ("Challen- ger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural History. Miiller, H. Icones Zootomicse. See Cams, J. V. Miiller, Johannes. Ueber Synapta Digitata und iiber die Erzeugung von Schnecken in Holothurien. royal 4to. half calf. G. Reimer, BerHn, 1852. ZOOLOGY — PROTOZOA, ETC. 181 Mnller, Johannes, and TrOSChel, F. . H. System der Asteriden. 4to. half . calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1842. 'MuUer, O. F. Von Wiirmern des siissen und salzigen Wassers. With Plates. 4to. half bound. Copenhagen, 1771. Vermium terrestrium et fluviati- lium, seu Animalium Infusoriorum, Hel- minthicorum et Testaceorum, non mar- inorum, succinta historia. 2 vols. 4to. half vellum. Havnise et Lipsiae, 1773-74. Zoologia Danica. See Works on General Natural History {Fo- reign.^ Zoologiae Danicse Prodromus. ^ See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign). ITardo, G. D. Sinonimia moderna delle specie registrafe nell' Opera intitolata : Descrizione de' Crostacei, de' Testacei, et de' Pesci che abitano le lagune e golfo Veneto, di Stephano Chiereghini. 8vo. half calf. Venice, 1847. Observing Eye, The ; or Lessons to Children on the Three Lowest Divisions of Animal Life, Radiated, Articulated, and. Molluscous. 3rd and 4th editions. 18mo. cloth. Jarrold & Sons. Olivi, G. Zoologia Adriatica ; ossia, Catalogo ragionato degli Animali del Golfo e delle Lagune di Venezia ; ' preceduto da una Dissertatione suUa Storia fisica e naturale del Golfo; e accompagn^to da Memorie. — Strange, G. Descrizione di alcune Spugne del Mare Mediterraneo in Italia. — Vio, G. Delia natura delle Spdngie di Mare, nel Golfo di Smirne. With Plates. 1 vol. 4to. vellum. Bassano, 1792. Owen, R. Crustacea. (Beechey's Zoolog}' of a Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, in H.M.S. "Blossom," 1825-28.) See Works on General Natural History, Beechey, Capt. F. W. Pagenstecher, H. A. Trematodenlar- ven und Trematoden. Helmintho- logischer Beitrag. 4to. boards. J. C. B. Mohr, Heidelberg, 1857. Pallas, P. S. Elenchus Zoophytorum, sistens Generum adumbrationes general- iores et Specierum Cognitarum suc- cinctas descriptiones. 8vo. half vellum. Hagse-Comitum, 1766. Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, aus dem Lateinischen. iibersetzt von C. F. WilkenSj und herausgegeben yon J. F. W Herbst. 2 vols. 4to. calfc Nuremberg, 1787. Pallas, P. S. Miscellanea Zoologica. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Pennington, A. S. British Zoophytes : an Introduction to the Hydroida, Actin- ozoa and Polyzoa found in Great Britain, Ireland,, and the Channel Islands, post 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1886. PMpson, Dr. T. L. The Utilization of Minute Life ; being Practical Studies on Insects, Crustacea, MoHusca, Worms, Polypes, Infusoria, and Sponges, crown 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1864. Pol^jaeff, N. Calcarea. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 8.)— Keratosa. (Zoology, Vol. 11.) See Works on General Natural History. Pollen, F. P. L., and Dam, D. C. van. Recherches sur la Faune de Madagas- car et de ses Dependances. — Crustaces. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Pritchard, A. A General History of Animalcules. Illustrated by 500 en- graved drawings. 8vo. half calf. Whittaker & Co., 1851. Qnatrefages, A. de. Histoire Natur. elles des Anneles Marins et d'Eau Douce. (Suites k Buffon.) 3 vols. With Atlas. 8vo. half calf. Roret, Paris, 1 865. Qnatrefages, A. de, Blanchard, E., and Edwards, H. Milne. Recherches Anatomiques et Zoologiques. See Edwards, H. Milne. Qnekett, J. Lectures on Histology, 1850-52. Structure of the Skeleton of Invertebrate Animals, &c. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Qnelch, J. J. Report on the Reef Corals collected by H.M.S. " Challenger" 1873-76. (« Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 16.) See Works on Gbne^ial Natural History. Itapp, W. von. Ueber die Polypen im Allgemeinen und die Actinien insbeson- dere. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. half calf. Weimar, 1829. Rathke, H. Beitrage zur Fauna Norwegens. 4to. half calf, n.p., 1840. Renard, L. Poissons, Ecrevisses et Crabes, etc. See Works on Fishes. Renier, S. A. Osservazioni postume di Zoologia Adriatica. Pubblicate del Prof. G. Meneghini. folio, boards. Venice, 1847. ■ Hidley, S. C, and Dendy, A. Mon- axonida of the " Challenger " Expedi- tion. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 20.) See Works on Genbrai, . Natural History. lat NATUBAL HTSTOKY. Romanes, G. J. Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea Urchins. Being a Research on Primitive Nervous Systems, crown 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1885. Rondelet, G. Libri (xviii.) de Piscibus Marinis. See Works on Fishes. Rudolph, C. A. Entozoorum, sive Verraium Intestinalium historia natura- lis. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Amstelaedami, 1808-10. Bnppell, E., and Iieuckart, F. S. Neue Wirbellose Thiere des Rothen Meeres. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Sachs, P. J. Tafi/xapohoyia, sive Gam- marorum vulgo Cancrorum Consideratio, etc. See Works on Agriculture (Foreign). Sars, G. O. Norges Ferskvandskrebs- dyr. Forste Afsnit — Brachiopoda. 1 . Cladocera Ctenopoda. With 4 plates. (The Prize Edition, 1862 — Universitets- Program, 1863.) 4to. sewed. Christiania, 1865. Another copy. (Norwegian Collection.') — ' — Histoire Naturelle des Crustaces d'Eau Douce de Norv^ge. With Plates. Liv. 1. 4to. cloth. Christiania, 1867. Another copy. (Norwegian Collection.) On some Remarkable Forms of Animal Life, from the Great Deeps ofE the Norwegian Coast. II. Researches on the Structure and Affinity of the genus Brisinga, based on the Study of the new Species, Brisinga coronata. 4to. sewed. (Norwegian Collection.) Christiania, 1875. Schizopoda. (" Challenger " Re- port, Zoology, Vol. 13.) See Works on General Natural History. Cumacea and Phyllocarida. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 19.) See Works on General Natural History. Sars, M. Beskrivelser og lagttagelser over nogle maerkelige eller nye i Ha vet ved den Bergenske Kyst levende Dyr af Polypernes, Acalephemes, Radia- temes og Molluskernes Classer. 4to. half calf. Bergen, 1835. ■ ■ Oversigt af Norges Echinodermer. 8vo. half calf. BrSgger & Christie, Christiania, 1861, ■ Beskrivelse over Lophogaster typi- cus. 4to. half calf. (Universitets pro- gram for andet halv aar, 1862.) Christiania, 1863. Sars, M. Memoires pour servir h, la connaissance des Crinoides vivants. Avec 6 planches. 4to. half calf. (Pro- gramme de rUniversite.) Brogger & Christie, Christiania, 1868. Bidrag til Kundskab om Christia- niafjordens Fauna. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. J. Dahl, Christiania, 1868-73, Sars, M., EorexL, J., and Danielssen, D. C. Fauna Littoralis Norvegise, oder Beschreibung und Abbildungen neuer oder wenig bekannten Seethiere, nebst Beobachtungen iiber die Organisation, Lebensweise und Entwickelung dersel- ben. (In German, Norwegian, French, and English.) Parts 1-3, in 2 vols, folio, half calf and boards. Christiania & Bergen, 1846-77. Sanssure, H. de. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Naturelle du Mexi- que, des Antilles, et des Etats Unis. Vols. 1, 2 (Part 1). 4to. half bound:— I. Crustaces Nouveaux du Mexique et des Antilles — Faune dea Myriopodes du Mexique — Orthopteres de I'Amerique Moyenne. [For completion of Memoire sur les Orthopteres, see Works on General Natural History (Foreign). — Mission Scienti- fique au Mexique, etc. Re- cherches Zoologiques, 6"* paitie.] II. 1. Synopsis des Mantides Ameri- cains. H. Georg, Geneva & Bale, 1858-71. Savigfny, J. C. Memoires sur les Animaux sans Vertebres. With Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1816, Schaffer, J. C. Der krebsartige Kief en- fuss mit der kurzen imd langen Schwanzklappe. Regensburg, 1756. — Epistola de Musca — Cerambyce, seu Cerambyce spurio. Norimbergae, 1753. With Coloured Plates. In one vol. 4to. boards. Abhandlungen von Insecten. See Works on Insects. Schmarda, L. K. Neue wirbellos Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde (1853-57). — Neue Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden. Coloured Plates, and wood- cuts. Vol. 1, in two parts. 4to. cloth. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1859-61. Schmidt, E. O. Die rhabdocolen Strudelwiirraer (Turbellaria rhabdo- ccela) des siissen Wassers. 8vo. half calf. Jena, 1848. Schmidt, 0. Die Spongien des Adriat- ischen Meeres, With Three Supple- ments. In one vol. imp. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1862-68. ZOOIiOGY — PROTOZOA, ETC. 18S Schmidt, 0. Grundziigre elner Spon- gien. Fauna des Atlantischen Gebietes. folio, half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1870. See also Works on General Na- tural History (^Foreign) — Brehm's Thierleben. Schneider, A. Monographie der Ne- matoden. 4to. half calf. G. Reiraer, Berlin, 1866. Schultze, M. S. Beitrage zur Natur- geschichte der Turbellarien. Part I. (All published.) 4to. half calf. Griefewald, 1851. Die Hyalonemen ; ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Spongien. 4to. half calf. A. Marcus, Bonn, 1860. / i. Untersuchungen iiber die zusam- mengesetzen Augen der Krebse und Insecten. folio, boards. M. Cohen & Son, Bonn, 1868. — — — Icones Zootomicae. See Carus, J. V. Schulze, Dr. F. E. Hexactinellida of the " Challenger " Expedition. (" Chal- lenger" Reports, Vol. 21.) See Works on General Natural History. Semper, Dr. C. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen ; Sipunculiden ; Holo- thurien ; Seewalzen. See Works on General Natural History (^For- eign). Holothurien Ost Afrikas (Deck- en's Reisen). See Works on Geo- graphy ( German) — Decken, Baron C. C. von der. Sherborn, C. D. A Bibliography of the Foraminifera, Recent and Fossil, from 1565-1888. With Notes explana- tory of some of the rare and little- known Publications. 8vo. cloth. Dulau & Co., 1888. Shnmard, B. F. Crinoidea. (United States Geological Surveys, Wisconsin, &c.). See Works on Geology, &c. Siebold, C. T. von. Ueber die Band- und Blasenwiinner ; nebst einer Ein- leitung iiber die Entstehung der Einge- weidewiirmer. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1854. — — — Beitrage zur Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden. See Wo7ks on Insects. ■■■■ Icones Zootomicse. See Carus, J. V. ■■ Progress of Zoology in 1842-43 — Annelides, &c. See Transactions — London — Bay Society, Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841- 44. Siebold, C. T. von, und Stannius, H. Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Ana- tomic. WirbelloseTbiere. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Simmonds, P. L. The Commercial Products of the Sea. See Works on Fishes. Slack, H. J. Marvels of Pond Life, or a Year's Microscopic Recreations among the Polyps, Infusoria, Rotifers, Water Bears, and Polyzoa. crown 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1861. Sladen, W. P. Asteroidea. ("Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 30.) See Works on General Natural History. Smith, A. Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa — Invertebratae. See Works on General Natural His- tory. Solander, D. -See Ellis, J. Sollas, W. J. Tetractinellida. (" Chal- lenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 25.) See Works on General Natural History. Solms-Lanbach, Prof. Graf. von. Coral lina. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign)— Yanna. und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Stebbing, Rev. T. R. R. Report on the Amphipoda. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 29.) See Works on General Natural History. Steenstrnp, J. J. S. On the Alterna- tion of Generations. See Transac- tions — London — Bay Society. Stein, F. Die Infusionsthiere, auf ihre Entwickelungsgeschichte untersucht. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1854. ' Der Organismus der Infusions- thiere nach eigenen Forschungen in systematischer Reihenfolge bearbeitet. 3 vols, in 4. folio boards. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1859-83. Icones Zootomicse. See Carus, J. V. Strange, G. Descrizione di alcune Spugne del Mare Mediterraneo in Italia. See Olivi, G. Stnder, Prof. T. Alcyonaria. ("Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 31 & 32.) See Works on General Natural History. Tabnlar View of the Orders and Leading Families of Myriopoda, Arach- nida, Crustacea, Annelida, andEntozoa. Mounted to fold in a book, post 4 to. E. Stanford. Th^el, H. Holothurioidea. ("Chal- lenger " Report, Zoology, Vols. 4 and 14.) See Works on General Natural History. Thompson, D'Arcy W. Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, and Worms, including also the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, and Tunicata, for the years 1861-1883. 8to. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1885. 184 NATUBAL HISTORY, Thompson, J. V. Zoological Re- searches and Illustrations ; or, Natural History of nondescript or imperfectly known Animals. 4 parts in one yol. 8vo. half calf. Cork, 1828-30. Troschel, F. H., and Muller, J. . System der Asteriden. See Miiller, J. VaUante, R. Die Cystoseiren. See - Works on General Natural History . (^Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes Ton Neapel. Vanhoffeu, Dr. E. Untersuchungen tiber semaostome und rhizostome Medu- sen. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign) — Bibliotheca Zoo- logica. Vejdovsky, Dr. F. System und Mor- phologie der Oligochaeten. imp. 4to. boards. (Published through the K. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Vienna.) F. Rivnac, Prague, 1884. Verrill, A. E. Corals and Polyps of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition ; with Descriptions of other Pacific Ocean Species. 8vo. half calf. (From the Pro- ceedings of the Essex Institute.) Salem, 1865-6. Report upon the Collections of Fresh- water Leeches made in Nevada, Utah, &c. during 1872-1874. (United States Geographical, &c. Surveys, West of 100th Meridian : Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Vio, G. Delia Natura . delle Spongie di Mare, nel Golfo di Smirne, &c. See Olivi, G. Wageuer, G. R. Beitrage zur Entwick- lungs-GeschichfederKingeweidewiirmer. 4to. half calf. Loosjes, Haarlem, 1857. "Waters, A. W. Polyzoa — Supplement. (" Challenger " Report, Zoologj-, Vol. 31.) See Works on General Natural History. See also Busk, G. White, A. New Species of Annulosa collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. . " Rattlesnake." See Works on Geo- graphy — Macgillivray, J. Williamson, W. C. On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. 4to. boards. Bay Society, 1858. Wright, E. P., and Studer, Th. Alcjonaria. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 31.) See Works on General Natural History. Zenker, Dr. W. Anatomisch-Systema- tische Studien iiber die Krebsthiere (Crustacea). 8vo. half calf. Nicolai, Berlin, 1854. Insects.' ENGLISH AND FOREIGN WORKS. Albin, E. A Natural History of Spider* and other Curious Insects. 4to. old calf. London, 1736. Aldrovandus, U. De Auimalibu? Insectis, libri VII. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign). dAIttun, Dr. B. Forstzoologie.-Insecten. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign). Andr^, E. Les Fourmis. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1885, AndoTiin, V., and Edwards, H. Milne. Precis d'Entomologie, ou d'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articules. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1829. Audouin, &c. Insectes. (Le R^gne Animal.) -See Works on General Na- tural History (^Foreign) — Cuvier, Q. Bedel, L. Faune des Coleopteres du Bassin de la Seine. Tome 1 and 6. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1881 & 1888. Bees, A short History of Bees, Natural and ".Enigmatical. 18mo. half bound. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1800. Bethune, Saunders, and Reed, &c. Reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario, including Reports on some of the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the Province. See Ontario Reports. Bevan, E. The Honey Bee: its Natural History, Physiology and Management. Revised and Illustrated by W. A. Munn. cr. 8yo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1870. Blackwall, J. History of the Spiders in Great Britain and Ireland. 4to. boards. Ray Society, 1861-64. Blanchard, E. Metamorphoses, Mceurs, et Instincts des Insectes. (Insectes, Myriapodes, Arachnideg, Crustaces.) Ouvrage illustre de 200 ^figures intercalees dans le texte, et de 40 planches tirees a part, royal 8vo. half calf. G, Bailliere, Paris, 1868. •■ The Transformations (or Meta- morphoses) of Insects. (Insecta, Myriapoda, Arachnida, and Crustacea.) And a Compilation from the Works of Newport, Darwin, &c. By P. M. Dun- ■ can. royal 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co. Blanchard, &c. Insectes. (LeRegne Animal.) See Works on General Na- tural History {Foreign) — Cuvier, G. Boisduval, Dr. Essai sur I'Entomologie Horticole, comprenant I'Histoire des Insectes Nuisibles k I'Horticulture, avec I'Indication des Moyens propres ^ les eloigner ou k les detruire, et I'Histoire des Insectes et autres Animaux Utiles aux Cultures. 8vo. half bound. E. Ponnaud, Paris, 1867. ZOOLOGY — IN SECTS. 185 3oisduval, J. A. Faune Eutomoiogique de I'Ocean Pacifique (Voyage de • "T Astrolabe"). See Works on Geo- graphy {French) — Dumont d'Urville. Boisdnval, J. A., and Gu6n6e, — . Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. (Tome 1.) — Lepidopt^res Heteroc^res. (Suites k Buffon.) With Coloured Plates. Part 1. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Roret, Paris, 1874. Borck, J. B. von. Skandinaviens Ratvingade Insekters Natural-Historia. Coloured Plates. Bvo. half calf. Lund, 1848. Braner, F. Monographic der Oestriden. . Bvo. half calf . Vienna, 1863. British Museum : Catalogues of the Insects in the. -See British Museum Publications. Brooks, W. K. Report on the Stoma- * topoda collected by H.M.S. « Chal- lenger" 1873-76. ("Challenger" Re- port, Zoology, Vol. 16.) See Works on General Natural History. Buckler, W. The Larvae of British ' Butterflies and Moths. Edited by H. T. Stainton. Vol.1. 8 vo. cloth. ; Bay Society, 1886. Buckley, A. B. Life and her Children. See Works on Protozoa, &c. .Buckton, G. B. Monograph of the British Aphides. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. cloth. Bay Society, 1876-82. , Burmeister, Dr. H. Manual of Entom- . ology. Translated by W. E. Shuck- ard. 8vo. calf. London, 1836. i^- Uebersicht der Brasilienischen Mutillen — Bermerkungen iiber den AUgemeinen Bau und die Geschlechts- unterschiede bei den Arten der Gattung Scolia. See Works on Birds — Bur- meister, H., Naturgeschichte des ' Seriema. Butler, A. G. Lepidoptera Exotica, or Descriptions and Illustrations of Exotic Lepidoptera. Coloured Plates. 4to. half morocco. E. W. Janson, London. Butler, A. G., and White, A. The Zoology of the Voyages of H.M.SS. ** Erebus " and " Terror " — Insects. • See White, A. Cameron, P. Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. . 3 vols. Bvo. cloth. Bay Society, 1882-90. * Carus, J. V. Icones Zootomicse. See Woi-ks on Protozoa, &c. > Chapuis, F., and Canddze, E. Cata- logue des Larves des Coleopt^res. — His- 1 toire des Metamorphoses de quelques .' Coleopt^res Exotiques. Bvo . half calf. Liege, 1861, &c. Chatel, V. DegAts causes aux Vegetaux par lea Acarus. See Claparede, E. Cheshire, F. R. Bees and Bee-Keep- ing ; Scientific and Practical. ' 2 vols, crown. Bvo. cloth. L. Upcott Gill [1886]. Clapardde, E. Studien an Acariden. Observations sur les Rotateurs, &c. Note sur la Reproduction des Tucerons. Des Progres recents dans I'Etude des Infusoires. — Fum.OUze, Z. A., and Robin, C. H. Memoire Anatomique et Zoologique sur les Acariens des • genres Cheyletus, Glyciphagus et Tyro- glyphus, &c. Recherches Zoologiques et Anatomiques sur les Glyciphages k Polls palmes ou plumeux. Observa- tions sur une nouvelle espeee d' Acariens du genre Tyroglyphus. — Marignac. Recherches sur la Reduction du Niobium et du Tantale.— Studer, M. B. Re- cherches Geologiques dans les parties de la Savoie, du Piemont et de la Suisse voisines du Mont Blanc. — Chatel, V. Degats causes aux Vege- taux par les Acarus. In one vol. Bvo. half calf. Leipzig, 1861-75. [Contains also a MS. letter from E. Claparede, dated ] 1th April 1868.] ' Recherches sur I'Evolution des Araignees. 4to. half calf. C. van der Post, Utrecht, 1862. Cooke, M. C. The Woodlands. (Na- tural History Rambles.) See Works on General Natural H? story. " Costa, A. Additamenta ad Centurias Cimicum Regni Neapolitani. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. half calf. n.p. 1860. Cresson, E. T. Report upon Collec- tions of Hymenoptera made in Nevada, Utah, &c. during 1872-74. (United States Geographical, &c. Surveys, West of 100th Meridian. Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Curtis, J. Farm Insects : being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects Injurious to the Field Crops of Great Britain and Ireland, and also those which infest Barns and Granaries. With Suggestions for their Destruction. Coloured Illustrations, imp. Bvo. cloth. li Blackie & Son [1859]. , ■ Observations on various Insects, Snails, Slugs, &c. affecting the Clover- Crops and Pasture Lands. See Niet- ner, J. Darwin, C. Insectivorous Plants. See Works on Botany. De la Blanchdre, H. Les Rava- geurs des Vergers et des Vignes,avec une Etude sur le Phylloxera. 1 8mo. boards. J. Rothschild, Paris, 1B76. 186 NATURAL HISTORY, De la Blanchdre, H., and Robert, Dr. E. Les Ravageurs des For^ts et des Arbres d'Alignement. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4th and 5th editions. 18mo. boards. J. Rothschild, Paris, 1876. Depuiset, A. Les Papillons. See Musee. Dohm, A. Pantopoda. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Douglas, J- C. Handbook of Bee- keepiag for India, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1884. Douglas, J. W., and Scott, J. The British Hemiptera. 8vo. cloth. 7?ay Society, 1865. Doydre, &c. Insectes. (Le Regne Animal.) See Works on General Natural History (JForeign) — Cuvier, G. Dubois, A. Traite d'Entomologie Hor- ticole, Agrieole et Forestiere. FiXpose Methodique des Insectes Nuisibles et Utiles. Coloured Illustrations, royal 8vo. cloth. n.p., 1864. Dngds, A. Arachnides. (Le R^gne Animal.) See Works on General Na- tural History (^Foreign) — Cuvier, G. Dnncau, J. Introduction to Ento- mology ; Beetles ; British Butterflies ; British Moths, Sphinxes, &c. ; Foreign Butterflies ; Bees ; Exotic Moths. See Works on General Natural History — Naturalists' Library, Entomology. Duncaxi, P. M. The Transformations of Insects, &c. 5ee Blanchard, E. Duseigneur-El€ber. Le Cocon de Soie. Histoire de ses Transformations. Descriptions des Races Civilisees et Rustiques, Production et Distribution Geographiques. Maladies des Vers k Soie. Physiologic du Cocon et du Fil de Soie. 2nd edition. royal 8vo. boards. J. Rothschild, Paris, 1875. Edwards, H. Milne. Precis d'Entomo- logie. See Audouin. Edwards, H. M., &c. Insectes. (Le Regne Animal.) See Works on Gene- ral Natural History (^Foreign') — Cuvier, G. Exnertou, J. H. The Structure and Habits of Spiders, post 8vo. cloth. Cassino, Salem, Mass., 1878. Entomologia Agraria di Firenze, 1877-78. See Journals— ^nnaZi di Agricoltura. Erichson, W., and Burmeister, H. Insekten. See Works on Gensral Natural History (Foreign) — Meyen, F. J. F. Fippiier, L. Les Insectes. 2nd edi- tion. See Works on General Natural Figpiier, L. The Insect World ; being a Popular Account of the Orders of Insects. 4th thousand, revised and corrected by E. W. Jansou. See Works on General Natural History. New edition, revised and •^- History (^Foreign). corrected by P. M. Duncan. See Works on General Natural His* Fitcll, A. Essay upon the Wheat -Fly ; The Hessian Fly ; The American Currant Moth ; Winter Insects of Eastern New York. First and Second Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects, of the State of New York, &c. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1846-56. Third to Ninth Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects of the State of New York. Made to the State Agricultural Society. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1859-65. Fonvielle, W, de. Les Merveilles du Monde Invisible. 2nd edition, post 8vo. ( Bibliotheque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1867. Fnmoiize, Z. A., and Robin, C. H. Memoire Anatomique et Zoologique sur les Acariens des genres Cheyletus, Glyciphagus et Tyroglyphus, &c. See Claparede, E. Fiirstenberg, M. H. F. Die Kratz- milben der Menschen Tind Thiere. folio, half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1861. Gerstaecker, A. GHederthiere Ost- Afrikas (Decken's Reisen). See Works on Geography (^German') — Decken, Baron C. C. v. d. Giebel, Dr. C. G. Die Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs — Insekten (Glieder- thiere). See Works on General Natural History {Foreign'). Girard, J. Les Metamorphoses des Insectes. 2nd edition. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. Girard, M. Etudes sur les Insecteg Carnassiers Utiles a introduire dans les Jardins, &c. See Insectologie (d')Agri- cole. Bulletin. Go&S, H. The Geological Antiquity of Insects. See Works on Geology, &c. Goureau, C. Les Insectes Nuisibles aux Forets et aux Arbres d' Avenues. 8vo. half calf. V. Masson & Son, Paris, 1867. Graber, Dr. V. Die Insekten. 2 vols, fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Natur- krafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877-79. Gray, G. R. Notices of Insects that are known to form the Bases of Fungoid Parasites. 22 pp., with 6 plates. 4to. stitched. (Privately printed, and signed " G. R. G.") 1858. ZOOLOGY — INSECTS; 187 Gray, G. R. Insects, Museum Publications. See British Gn^n^e, — , and Boisdaval, J. A. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. See Boisduval, J. A. Haan, W. de. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Neder- landgch Overzeesche Bezittungen — Insecta. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreigti) —Tem- minck, C. J. Hagelberg's (W.) Zoologischer Hand- Atl-dii — Articulata. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign^. Hagen, H. Synopsis of the described Neuroptera of N. America. (Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 4.) See Transactions — Washington. Dr. H. A. Report upon Col- lections of Neuroptera and Pseudo- Neuroptera made in Colorado, New- Mexico, &c., duriug 1872-1874. (United States Geographical, &c. Sur- veys West of 100th Meridian : Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Harris, T. W. Treatise on some of the Insects of New England which are injurious to Vegetation. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1852. — — — Entomological Correspondence. Edited by S. H. Scudder. royal 8vo. cloth. (Occasional Papers of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History, Vol. 1.) Boston, 1869. Hartig, Dr. T. Die Familien der Blattwespen und Holzwespen, nebsteiner allgemeinen Einleitung zur Naturge- schichtederHymenopteren. New edition. 8to. half calf. Haude & Spener, Berlin, 1860. Eentz, N. M. The Spiders of the United States. Edited by E. Burgess. (Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. 2.) See Transactions— Boston. Eereman, S., &c. Blight on Elowers ; or. Figures and Descriptions of the Insects infesting the Flower Garden, Diseases of Plants, &c. Coloured Illus- trations. 8to. cloth. London, 1840. Serold, M. Entwickelungsgeschlchte der Schmetterlinge, anatomisch und physiologisch bearbeitet. 4to. half calf. Cassel, 1815. ' Exercitationes de Animalium Vertebris carentium in Ovo formatione. Pars Prima. De generatione aranearmn in ovo. (In Latin and German.) folio, half calf. Marburgi, 1824. Steroid, M. Disquisitiones de Animalium Vertebris carentium in Ovo formatione, De generatione Insectorum in Ovo. Descriptio et explanatio tabularum senearum. (In Latin and German.) folio boards. Frankfurt-a-M., 1838. History of Insects. i6mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Hoek, P. P. C. Pycnogonida. (" Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 3.) See Works on General Natural History. Hofmann, Dr. E. Die schadlichen Insekten des Garten und Feldbaues. Coloured Plates, fop. folio, boards. J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen, 1881. Honigbiene (Die) von Bninn. See Transactions— Brunn — K. K. Mah- risch-Schlesische Gesellschaft. Horkel, J., Brischke, C. G. A., Zaddach, G. Tenthredinidse : Be- schreibung neuer oder wenig bekannter Blattwespen aus dem Gebiete der Preussischen Fauna. — Beobaehtungen liber die Arten der Blatt- und Holz- wespen. 1 vol. Coloured Plates. 4to. cloth. Konigsberg, &c., 1854-63. Horsfield, T., Annulosa Javanica; or, an Attempt to illustrate the Natural AflBnities and Analogies of the Insects collected in Java by. See Macleay, W. S. Hnber, F. Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1814. -^— Observations on the Natural His- tory of Bees. New edition, post 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. X., No. 924.) London, 1841. Portrait and Memoir of. See Works on General Natural History — Naturalist's Library, Entomology, Vol. 6. Hnber, P. Recherches sur les Mceurs des Fourmis indigenes. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1810. Hnmpbreys, H. Noel. The Butterfly Vivarium, or Insect Home. Coloured Illustrations, royal 16mo. cloth. W. Lay, 1858. Hnzley, T. H. Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. See Works on General Natural History. Elements d'Anatomie Comparee des Auimaux Invertebres. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign'). Imhoff, L. Versuch einer Einfiihrung in das Studium der Koleoptern. royal 8vo. half calf. Schweighauser, 1856. Injurious Insects, Notes of Observa- tions of. Reports, ISZSan^ on-vrardfl. See Ormerod, E. A. •wnuiW .188 NATURAL HISTORT, SCnsectologie (d') Agricole, Bulle- tin. Journal Mensuel de la Societe Centrale d' Agriculture et d'Insectologie. 1876. — Exposition des Insectes. Docu- ments. 1865, 1868. — Abrege d'Entomo- logie Appliquee; ou, Description des Insectes Nuisjbles h THomme, aux ' Animaux, et aux Plantes — Girard, M. * ]&tudes sur les Insectes Carnassiers . Utiles a introduire dans les Jardins, &c. In one vol. 8vo. half calf. Paris, &c. Insects and their Habitations. 18th edition. 18mo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1857. Insects Injurious or Beneficial to Crops, Flowers, Forests, Trees, «C., Works on. See — Agricultural Department. (^Works on Agriculture.) A4tum, Dr. B. Balfour, E. ( Works on Agricul- ture.) Beneden, P: J. van. (Works on General Natural History.) Boisduval, Dr. Claparede, E. Curtis, J. De la Blanchfere, H. Dubois, A. Fitch, A. Girard, M. Goureau, C. Gray, G. R. Harris, T. W. Hartig, Dr. T. * • Hereman, S., &c. Hofmann, Dr. E. Horkel, J., &c. Insectologie (d') Agricole, Bulletin. Insectologie (L') Agricole. ( Jonr- nals.) Kaltenbach, J. H. • Kerner, Dr. A. Kirchner, Dr. O. (Works on Agri- culture.) Kirk,T. ( Wo rAs on Agriculture.) Koch, C. L. Lyonet, P. Mayr, Dr. G. L. Murray, A. Nietner, J. Ontario Reports. Ormerod, E. A. Packard, A. S., junr. Passerini, Dr. C. Ratzeburg, J. T. C. Reaumur, R. A. F. de ' Rendu, V. Rennie, J. Riley, C.V. Saunders, W. Taschenberg, Dr. E. L. Thomas, Dr. C. Trimble, I. P. Ward, H. M. (Works on Botany.) Whitehead, C. (Works on Agri- culture, under Agricultural De- partment.) Winnertz, J. , Wood, Rev. J. G. (Works on General Natural History.) Wood-Mason, J. Ysabeau, A. Jonston, J. Historia Naturalis de Insectis. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Journals, Entomological :— Berichte : Entomologie — Insekten. Entomologist. Insectologie (L') Agricole. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Kaltenbach, J. H. Die Pflanzenfeinde aus der Klasse der Insekten. 8 vo. half morocco. Hoffmann, Stuttgart, 1874. Eerner, Dr. A. Flowers and their Unbidden Guests. See Works on Botany. Eirby, Rev. W. Fauna Boreali- Ameri- cana. Insects. See Works on General Natural History — Richardson, Sir J. Kirby, Rev. W., and Spence, W. An Introduction to Entomology; or. Ele- ments of the Natural History of Insects. With Plates. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1815-26. - 7th edition, post 8vo. Longmans & Co., 1857. cloth. Eleemann, C. F. C. Der monatlich herausgekommenen Insecten Belusti- gungen. Der Eeytrage zur Natur- oder Insecten GeschichtCy Theil 1. With Coloured Plates, post 4to. half bound. Nuremberg, 1761. [Vol. lettered : " Rosel's Insecten- Belustigung, 5 Th. "] See also Rosel von Rosenhof : Insecten- Belustigungen. Eoch, C. L. Die Pflanzenlause — Aphid- en. Coloured Illustrations. Part I. 8vo. half morocco. Nuremberg, 1854. Lardner, Dr. The Bee and White Ants : their Manners and Habits, with Illustrations of Animal Instinct and Intelligence. 12mo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Latreille, P. A. Considerations Gene- rales sur rOrdre Natural des Animaux composant les Classes des Crustaces, des Arachnides et des Insectes. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1810. Cours d'Entomologie ; ou de des THistoire Naturelle des Crustaces, Arachnides, des Myriapodes et des Insectes. Prenfi^re annee. ' Text and Atlas. In one vol. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1831. Insectes, &c. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign) — Cuvier, G., and Encyclopedic Metho- dique. ■ Portrait and Memoir of. See General Natural History — Natura- Jist's ^ Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vols. 3 and 16 (2nd edition).) See Transactions— Washington. ■ Monographs of the Diptera of iNorth America. Part IV. (Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 8.) See Transactions— Wash- ington. For previous Monographs see Loew, H. Ondemans, J. T. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Thysanura und Collembola. 4to. sewed. F. L. Dames, Berlin. Packard, A. S. Kecord of American Entomology for the years 1868-70. 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Salem, 1869-71. Packard, A. S., jun. Guide to the Study of Insects, and a Treatise on those Injurious and Beneficial to Crops. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. 1870. ■■ ' Our Common Insects, post 8vo. cloth. Salem, 1873 ; Triibner & Co. >— — Monograph of the Geometrid Moths or rhalsenidae of the United States. (United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territor- ies, Vol. 10.) See Works on Geology, &c. :' Embryological Studies on Diplax, Perithemis aiid the Thysanurous Genus Isotoma.— Embryological Studies on Hexapodous Insects. See Transac- tions — Salem (Mass.) — Peahody Academy of Science. Directions for Collecting and Pre- serving Insects. (Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections, Vol. 11.) See Transactions — Washington. Pagenstecher, H. Beitrage zur Anatomic der Milben. 2 parts. 4to. boards. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1860-61. Palm^n, J. A. Ueber Paarige Aus- fiihrungsgange der Geschlechtsorgane bei Insecten. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1884. Pascoe, F. p. The Student's List of British Coleoptera, with Synoptic Tables of the Families and Genera, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Taylor & Francis, 1882. Passerini, Dr. C. Notizie relative ad Insetti Nocivi. Eight Papers on In- jurious Insects, &c. read before the "Accademia de Georgofili," Florence. In one vol. 8vo. cloth. Florence, 1838-51. P^rez, J. Les Abeilles. post 8vo. (JSihliothhque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1889. Perris, Ed. Histoires des Insectes da Pin Maritime. Tome I., Coleopteres. 8vo. half roan. Buquet, Paris, 1863. Peters, W. C. H. Naturwissenschaft- liche Reise nach Mossambique. — In- secten und Myriopoden. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign^, Petiver, J. Opera Historiam Natural- em Spectantia : containing ^everal thousand figures of Birds, Beasts, &c. See Works on General Nat oral History. Pollen, F. P. L., and Dam, Dr. C. van. Recherches sur la Faime de Madagascar et de ses Dependances Insectes, &c. See Works on General Natural His- tory (Foreign). Batzebnrg, J. T. C. Die Forst-In- secten ; oder Abbildung und Beschreib- ung der in den Waldem Preussens und der Nachbarstaaten als schadlich oder nutzlich bekannt gewordenen Insecten. 3 parts. 4to. boards. 1839-44. ■ ■ Die Ichneumonen der Forstin- secten in forstlicher und entomolog- ischer Beziehung. Ein Anhang zur Abbildung und Beschreibung der Forst- insecten. 3 vols. 4to. boards. Berlin, 1844-52. Die Waldverderbniss, oder dauern- der Schade, welcher durch Insekten- frass, Schalen, Schlagen und Verbeissen an lebenden Waldbaumen entsteht. See Works on Agriculture and Forestry (^Foreign). Reaumur, R. A. F. de. Memoires pour servir k I'Histoire des Insectes. With Plates. 6 vols. 4to. calf. Tome 1 & 2. Chenilles, PapiUons. „ 3. Vers mineurs des feuilles, TeigneSjPucerons, ennemis des Pucerons, Galles des Plantes et leurs Insectes. „ 4. Gallinsectes, Progallinsectes et Mouches a deux ailes. „ 5. Mouches k deux ailes, Mouches h, scies, Cigales, Abeilles. „ 6. Mouches a quatre atles et supplement des Mouches k deux alles. Paris, 1722. Redi, F. Experimenta circa Genera- tionem, Insectomm. With Plates, small 12mo. calf. Amstelodami, 1671. Redtenbacher, L. Fauna Austriaca: Die Kafer. 8vo. half calf. C. Ceroid, Vienna, 1849. Illustrationes et Descriptiones Coleopterorum Novorum Syriae. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign) ~-¥enz\, E., Redtenbacher,L., and Heckel, J. J. 192 NATUBAL mSTORY. &eildll, V. Les Insectes Nuislbles h 1' Agriculture, aux Jardins, et aux Forets de la France. 12ino. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1876. Rennie, J- Insect Architecture; to which are added, Miscellanies on the Kavages, the Preservation for Purposes of Study, and the Classification of Insects. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray 1857. Biley, C. V. Annual Reports (1st to 7th) on the Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects, of the State of Missouri. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Jefferson City, 1869-75. The Locust Plague in the United States: being more particularly a Trea- tise on the Rocky Mountain Locust, or so-called Grasshopper, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Rand, McNally, & Co., Chicago, 1877. Bosel von Boseuhof, A. J. Der monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten — Belustigung. Coloured Plates. 4 vols. 4to. calf. Nuremberg, 1746-61. [Theil IV. edited, with obituary notice, after Rosel's death, by C. F. C. Kleemann.] Nachtrag : Der Beytrage zur Natur- oder Insecten-Geschichte. See Kleemann, C. F. C. Rye, E. C. British Beetles; An Intro- duction to the Study of our Indigenous Coleoptera. crown 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1866. Saxnnelsoxi, J-, and Hicks, J. B. Humble Creatures, crown 8 vo. cloth : — Part I. The Earthworm and the Common Housefly. 2nd edition. Part II. The Honey Bee ; its Natural History, Habits, Anatomy, &c. J. Van Voorst, 1860. Saunders, W. Insects injurious to Fruits. 8vo. cloth. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1883. Sanssnre, H. de. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Naturelle du Mexiqiie, des Antilles et des fetats Unis. Faune des Myriapodes du Mexique, Orthopt^res de I'Amerique Moyenne, &c. See Works on Pkoxozoa, &.c. Synopsis of American Wasps — Solitary Wasps. (Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, Vol. 14.) See Transactions — Washington. Sanssnre, H. de, and Hnmbert, A. Les Myriapodes Insectes (Orthopt^res). See Works on General Natukal H18TORT {Foreign) — Mission Scienti- fique au Mexique, &c. Scenes of Indnstry displayed in the Bee-hive and the Ant-hill. With Plates. 12mo. boards. J. Harris. Schafifer, J. C. Abhandlungen von Insecten. With Coloured Plates. 3 vols. 4to. half bound. Regensburg, 1764-7&. Epistola de Musca— Cerambyce, seu Cerambyce Spurio. See Works on Protozoa, &c. Schrenck, L. von. Reisen und Forsch- ungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-56. — Zoologie : Lepidopteren— Coleopteren. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Sclinltze, M. S. Untersuchungen uber die zusammengesetzen Augen der Krebse • und Insecten. See Works on Protozoa, &c. Scndamore, E. Treatise on the Pro- • duction of Early Swarms of Bees by Artificial Means, &c. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. Longmans & Co., 1848. Scndder, S. H. Revision of the Large, • Stylated; Fossorial Crickets. See Transactions — Salem — (Mass.)— Peabody Academy of Science. Catalogue of the Orthoptera of North America described previous to 1867. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, Vol. 8.) See Transactions — Washington. Semper, Dr. C. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen — Die Tagfalter — Rho- palocera. See Works . on General Natural History {Foreign). Shnckard, W. E. British Bees; an Introduction to the Study of the Natural History and Economy of the Bees indi- genous to the British Isles, crown 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1866. Siebke, H. Enumeratio Insectormn Norvegicorum. Fasciculi I.-V. (Univ. Program for 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1880.) 8vo. sewed. {Norwegian Collec- tion.) Christiania, 1874-80. Siebold, C. T. E. von. On a True Parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees. A Contribution to the History of Repro- duction in Animals. Translated by W. S. Dallas. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1857. Beitrage zur Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1871. Snellen van Vollenhoven, S. C. Laatste Lijst van Nederlandsche Schild- vleugelige Insecten. (Insecta Coleop- tera.) 4to. half calf. E. Loosjes, Haarlem, 1870. Spence, W., and Kirby, Rev. W. An Introduction to Entomology. See Kirby, Rev. W. Stainton, H. T. Manual of British Butterflies and Moths. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, J. Van Voorst, 1857-59. ZOOLOGY — INSECTS. 193 Staintou, H. T. British Butterflies and Moths; an Introduction to the Study of our Native Lepidoptera. Coloured Illustrations, crown 8vo. cloth. Reeve & Co., 1867. The Educational Sheet of Butter- flies, adapted for Schools. E. Newman. Staveley, E. F. British Spiders ; an Introduction to the Study of the Ara- neidse of Great Britain and Ireland. Coloured Plates, crown 8vo. cloth. 1866. British Insects. Coloured Plates. crown 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1871. Stein, F. Yergleichende Anatomic und Physiologic der Insecten. Part 1. Die Weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane derKafer. ' 4to. half calf. Berlin, 1847. Stein, Dr. J. p. E. F., and Weise, J. Catalogi Coleopterorum Europae. 2nd edition. 8vo. half roan. Strieker, Berlin, 1877. Stretch, R. H. Report upon New Species of Zygsenidse and BombycidsB collected in California and Arizona during 1871-1873. (United States Geo- graphical, &c. Surveys, West of 100th Meridian ; Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Snndevall, C. Die Thierarten des Aristoteles von den Klassen der Sauge- thiere, Vogel, Reptilien und Insekten. See Works on General Natukal History {Foreign). Swammerdam, J. Bybel der Natuure . . . Biblia Naturae, sive Historia Insectorum lingua Batava conscnpta; accedit prsefatio, in qua Vitam auctoris descripsit Hermaunus Boerhaave. Lati- nam versionem adscripsit Hieronymus David Gaubius. 2 vols, folio, calf. Leydge, 1737-38. (2nd vol. contains Plates with Ex- planations and Index.) — Memoir of. See Works on General Natural History — Natu- ralist's Library, Entomology, Vol. 1 ; also Foreign Works — Baer, Dr. K. E. v. Tabular View of the Orders and Leading Families of Insects. Mounted to fold in a book, post 4to. E. Stanford. Taschenberg, Dr. E. L. Entomologie fiir Gartner und Gartenfreunde ; oder Naturgeschichte der dem Gartenbau schadlichen Insekten, Wiirmer, etc., so wie ihrer natiirlichen Feinde, nebst Angabe der gegen erstere anzuwend- enden Schutzmittel. 8vo. half bound. Kummer, Leipzig, 1871. E 61668. Taschenberg, Dr. E. L. Praktische Insekten-Kunde. 5 vols. 8vo. sewed : — I. Einfuhrung in die Insekten- Kunde. II. Die Kafer und Hautfliigler. III. Die Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Zweifliigler, Netzfliigler, und Kaukerfe. V. Die Schnabelkerfe, Fliigellosen Parasiten, u.s.w. Heinsius, Bremen, 1879-80. Die Insekten nach ihrem Schaden und Nutzen. post 8vo. cloth. (Das Wissen der Gegenwart, Vol. 4.) G. Frcytag, Leipzig, 1882. See alsoWorks on General Natural History {Foreign') — Brehm's Thierleben. Taylor, H. The Bee-Keeper's Manual ; or. Practical Hints on the Management and complete Preservation of the Honej^- Bee, &c. 6th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1860. Taylor, J. E. Mountain and Moor. — tfnderground. (Natural History Ram- bles.) See Works on General Natural History. Thomas, Prof. C. Report upon Col- lections of Orthoptera made in Nevada, Utah, &c. during 1871-1874. (United States Geographical, &c. Surveys, West of 100th Meridian : Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Synopsis of the Acrididse of North America. (United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Townson, R. Travels in Hungarj'. With Appendices : Entomologia and Regnum Vegetabile. See Works on Geography. Transactions, &c. of Entomo- logical Societies :— Brijnn. — K. K. Mahrisch-Schlesische Gesellschaft. Die Honigbiene. Paris. — Societe Eutomologique de France. Sydney. — Entomological Society of New South Wales. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Treviranus, G. R. Ueber den innern Bau der Arachniden. Heft I. 4to. boards. Herausgegeben von der Phy- sikalisch-Medicinischen Societat in Er- langen. Nuremberg, 1812. Trimble, I. P. Treatise on the Insect Enemies of Fruit and Fruit Trees. — The Curculio and the Apple Moth. Coloured illustrations. 4to. cloth. Wood & Co., New York, 1865. TThler, Prof. P. R. Report upon Col- lections of Hemiptera made in Nevada, Utah, &c. during 1871-1874. (United States Geographical, &c. Surveys, West of 100th Meridian : Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. 194 NATURAL HISTORY. XJlke, H. Report upon Collections of Coleoptera made in Nevada, Utah, &c. during 1871-1874. (United States Geographical, &c. Surveys, West of 100th Meridian : Special Reports, Vol. 5.) See Works on Geology. Van Bruyssell, E. The Population of an Old Pear-tree ; or Stories of Insect Life. From the French. Edited by the Author of "The Heir of Redclyfife." crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. Viallaues, H. Recherches sur I'His- tologie des Insectes. (Biblioth^que de I'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Vol. 26.) See Transactions — Paeis — Ecoles des Hautes Etudes. Virgin, C. A. Kongliga Svenska Fre- gatten " Eugenics *' resa omkring jorden, Iren 1851-53 — Insecta. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Weismann, A. Die Entwicklung der Dipteren. Ein Beitrag zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte dcr Insecten. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1864. Westwood, J. O. An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects ; founded on the natural Habits and corresponding Organisation of the different Families. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) London, 1839-40. — — — Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the British Museum. See British Museum Publications. Wllite, A. New Species of Annulosa collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Rattlesnake." See Works on Geo- graphy — Macgillivray, J. White, A., and Butler, A. G. The Zoology of the Voyages of H.M.SS. " Erebus " and " Terror " — Insects. -See Works on General Natural History — Richardson, Sir J., and Gray, J. E. White, F. B. Pelagic Hemiptera. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 7.) iSee Works on General Natural History. Winnertz, J. Beitrag zu einer Mono- graphic der Gallmiicken (" Cecido- myia ")• — Beitrag zu einer Mono- graphic der Sciarinen (" Sciara")« In I one vol. 8vo. half morocco. Vienna, 1867. Wise, J. C, Smith, W., and Whit- man, A. The Grasshopper ; or Rocky Mountain Locust, and its Ravages in Minnesota. Special Report to the Hon. C. K, Davis. 8vo. sewed. St. Paul, 1876. Wollaston, T. V. On the Variation of Species with especial reference to the Insecta. See Works on General Natural History. Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects of Madeira, &c. See British Museum: Publications. Wonderfcil Insects. 8 coloured plates, in a portfolio. 4to. Groombridge & Sons. Wood, Rev. J. G. Insects at Home ; being a Popular Account of British Insects ; their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. - Insects Abroad. A Popular Ac- count of Foreign Insects, their Struc- ture, Habits, &c. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. Common British Insects, crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1882. Lane and Field. (Natural His- tory Rambles.) .See Works on General Natural History. Wood, T. The Farmer's Friends and Foes. iSee Works on Agriculture. Wood, W. Index Entomologicus ; or, a complete Illustrated Catalogue, con- sisting of upwards of 2,000 accurately Coloured Figures of the Lepidopterous Insects. New and revised edition, with Supplement, by J. O. Westwood. imp. 8vo. half morocco. G. Willis, 1854. Wood-Mason, J. Report on the Tea- Mite, and the Tea-Bug of Assam. Coloured Plates, royal 8vo. cloth, limp. Taylor & Francis, 1884. Ysabean, A. boards. Insectes Utiles. 12mo. Insectes Nuisibles. 2 parts. 12mo. boards. Dezobry, Paris, 1860. Zaddach, G. Untersuchungen xiber die Entwickelung und der Bau der Glieder- thiere. 4to. boards. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1854. Molluscs, Conchology, Tunicates, &c. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN WORKS. Adams, A., and Beeve, Lovell. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang." — Mollusca. With Works on General Natural History — Adams, A. ZOOLOGr — MOLLUSCS, ETC. 195 Adams, C. B. Catalogue of Shells col- lected at Panama ; with Notes on their Synonymy, Station, and Geographical Distribution. 4to. half calf. Craighead, New York, 1852. Adams, H., and A. The Genera of Recent Mollusca ; arranged according to their Organization. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1858. Adanson. Histoire Naturelle du Sene- gal. — Coquillages. 4to. half bound. Paris, 1757. Albers, I. C. Malacographia Made- rensis, sive Enumeratio Molluscorum quse in Insulis Maderse et Portus Sancti aut viva exstant aut fossilia reperiuntur. 4to. half bound. Berolini, 1854. Die Heliceen. 8vo. half bound. • Enslin, Berlin, 1850. 2nd edition. By Eduard von Martens. 8vo. half bound. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1860. Albert ler., Le Prince de Monaco. Kesultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son Yacht. — Contri- butions h la Faune Malacologique des A9ores. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Alder, J., and Hancock, A. Mono- graph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. 4to. boards. Ray Society y 1 845. Allman, G. J. Monograph of the Fresh- water Polyzoa. 4to. boards. Ray Society, 1856. Baudon, A. Essai monogi-aphique sur les Pisidies Fran9aises. 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere & Co., Paris, 1857. Beddard, F. E. Isopoda (Serolis). ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 11 and 17.) See Works on General Natural HisTORr. Benoit, L. Illustrazione Sistematica, Critica, Iconographica de' Testacei Estramarini della Sicilia Ulteriore e delle Isole circostanti; aggiuntavi la descri- zione di alcuni Testacei Marini nuovi del Mediterraneo, di Nicola Tiberi. 4to. half calf. [All published.] G. Nobile, Naples, 1857-62. Bergen, C. A. von. Classes Conchy- liorum. 4to. calf. Norimbergae, 1760. Bergh, R. Report on the Marseniadac collected by H. M.S. « Challenger," 1873- 76. (" Challenger" Report, Vol. 15.) See Works on General Natural History. <■» Nudibranchiata. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 1.) See Works on General Natural History. Betta, E. de. Malacologia Terrestre e Fluviatile della Valle di Non, nel Tirolo Italiano. Part L (all published). 8vo. half calf. G. Antonelli, Verona, 1852. Binney, A. and W. G. The Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks of the United States and the adjacent Territories of North America. Plates, some coloured. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Little & Brown, Boston, 1851-59. Binney, W. G. A. A. Mollusca. See Gould, Bibliography of N. American Conchology, &c. (Smithsouian Miscel- laneous Collections, Vols. 5 and 9.) See Transactions — Washington. Binney, W. G., and Bland, T. Land and Fresh-Water Shells of North America. Parts 1, 2, 3. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vols. 7 and 8.) See Transactions — Washington. See also Tryon, G. W., and Prime, T. Blainville, H. M. D. de. Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie. Text and Plates (mostly coloured). 2 vols. 8vo. boards. (2nd copy, Plates plain, half calf.) Paris, 1825-27. Boettger, Dr. O. Clausilienstudien. See Novitates Conchologicaj. Book of Shells, containing the Classes Mollusca, Conchifera, Cirrhipeda, Annu- lata, and Crustacea. 5th edition. 18mo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1853. Born, L von. Testacea Mussei Caesarei Vinjiobonensis, Coloured Illustrations, folio, calf. Vindobonse, 1780. See also Vienna. BOSC, L. A. G. Histoire Naturelle des Vers. See Works on Protozoa, &c. Bourgnignat, J. R. Etude Synonym- ique sur les Mollusques des Alpes Maritimea, publics par A. Risso en 1826. 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1861. Testacea Novissima quae cl. De Saulcy in Itinere per Orientem annig 1850 et 1861 collegit. Svo. J. B. Bailliere, Lutetiae, 1852. Catalogue Raisonne des Mollus- ques Terrestres et Fluviatiles, recueillis par M. F. De Saulcy, pendant son voyage en Orient. 4to. half calf. J. Baudry, Paris, 1853. Malacologie de la Grande-Chart- reuse. Plates, some coloured. 8vo. half calf. F. Savy, Paris, 1864. Malacologie de TAlgerie. With Plates. 2 vols. imp. 4to. calf. Chalamel atne, Paris, 1864. See also Foreign Works on General Natural History. N 2 iSiT r 196 NATUilAL HISTOEY. Bourgnignat, J- K. Histoire Malaco- logique de la Regence de Tunis. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign)— Souvenirs d'une Exploration Scientifique, &c. Brard, C. P. Histoire des Coquilles Terrestres et Fluviatiles qui vivent aux environs de Paris. Plates, plain and coloured. 12 mo. half bound. Paris, 1815. British Museum Collection of Molluscous Animals and Shells, Cata- logue, &c. of. See British Museum Publications. Broderip, W. J. Monograph of the genus Cymba. See Sowerby, G. B. — Species Conchyliorum. Brown, (/apt. T. The Elements of Conchology ; or. Natural History of Shells, according to the Linnajan System, post 8vo. half calf. London, 1816. The Conchologist's Text-Book, embracing the arrangements of Lamarck and Linnaeus. With a Glossary. Plates. 12mo. half calf. Glasgow, 1833. Bruguiere, De Lamarck, and Deshayes, G. P. Histoire Naturelle des Vers (Coquilles, Mollusques, et Polypiers). -See Wo7'ks on General Natural Histort {Foreign) — Ency- clopedic Methoclique. Buckley, A. B. Life and her Children. See Works on Protozoa, &c. Busk, G. Polyzoa. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 10 and 17.) See Works on General Natural His- tory. Caillaud, F. Memoire sur les Mol- lusques Perforants. 4to. half calf. Loosjes, Haarlem, 1856. Carpenter, P. P. The Mollusks of Western North America. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 10.) See Transactions — Washington. Carpenter and others. Check Lists of the Shells of N. America. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 2.) See Transactions— Washington. Cassell's Mollusca, &c. See Works on General Natural History. Catlow, Agnes. Popular Conchology, or the Shell Cabinet arranged according to the Modern System. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. Catlow, A., and Beeve, L. The Con- chologist's Nomenclator ; a Catalogue of all the Recjnt Species of Shells in- cluded under the Sub-Kingdom " Mol- lusca." 8vo, half calf. London, 1845. Chenu, J. C. Le9ons l&lementaires d'Uistoire Naturelle, &c. ; et un Traite de Conchy liologie. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Columna, F. Opusculum de Purpura, Romse primum An. 1616 editum, nunc iterum luce editum opera Joh. Dan. Major, cujus acces.annotationes : Doc- trinse de Testaceis, et Dictionarium Os- tracologicum. 4to. old calf. Kilise, 1675. Costa, E. M. da. Elements of Con- chology ; or, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Shells. 8vo. calf. London, 1776. Costa, O. G. Catalog© Sistematico e Ragionato de' Testacei delle Due Sicilie. 4to. half calf. Naples, 1829. Risultamenti del Viaggio per le Coste deir Adriatico e del lonio nella Primavera del 1830. 4to. half calf. Naples, 1843. Curtis, J. Observations on various Insects, Snails, Slugs, &c. affecting the Clover-Crops and Pasture-Lands. See Works on Insects — Nietner, J. Cuvier, G. Memoires pour servir h I'HistoJre et k I'Anatomie des Mol- lusques. Plates. 4to. half bound. Paris, 1817. Daudebard de F^russac. See Fe- russac. Davidson, T. Brachiopoda. (" Chal- lenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 1.) See Works on General Natural His- tory. Davila. Catalogue Systematique — Coquilles. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Delle Chiaje, S. Descrizione et No- tomia degli Animali Invertebrati della Sicilia Citeriore, osservati vivi negli anni 1822-30. 8 vols., in 3. imp. 4to. . half calf. [Vols. 6 and 7, Plates.] Naples, 1841-44. Deshayes, G. P. Catalogue des Mol- lusques de rile de la Reunion (Bourbon). Coloured Illustrations, royal 8vo. half calf. Dentu, Paris, 1863. Catalogue of Conchifera. See British Museum Publications. Mollusques. (Le R^gne Animal.) See Works on General Natural History {Foreign)— Cuyier, G. Deshayes, G. P., and Edwards, H. Milne. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. See Woi'ks on Pro- tozoa, &c. — Lamarck, J. B. de. Deslongchamps, E. E. Recherches sur rOrganisation du Manteau chez les Brachiopodes Articules, et principale- ment sur les Spicules Calcaires contenus dans son interieur. 4to. half calf. F. Savy, Paris, 1864. Des Moulins, C. Etudes sur les Echin- ides. Part 1. 8vo. half calf. Bordeaux, 1835-37 ZOOX-OGY — MOLLUSCS, ETC. 197 Dewhnrst, H. W. The Natural His- tory of the Cetacea and the Oceanic In- habitants of the Arctic Regions. See Works on Mammals, &c. Donai, Museum cle, Molhisques et Co- quilles du. See Potiez, V. L. V., and Michaud, A . L. G. Draparuand, J. P. R. Histoire Na- turelle des MoUusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles de la France. With Plates. 4to. half calf. Paris, an xiii. Dronet, H. Enumeration des MoUus- ques Terrestres et Fluviatiles Vivants de la France Continentale. 8vo. half calf. H. Dessain, Liege, 1855. ■ Essai sur les MoUusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles de la Guyane Fran9aise. 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1859. Dtimortier, B. C, and Beuedeu, P. J. van. Histoire Naturelle des Polypes composes d'Eau Douce, ou des Bryo- zoaires Fluviatiles. See Beneden, P. J. van (^With Works on Protozoa, &c.). Duncan, Prof. P. M. The Sea-Shore. . (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on General Natural History. Danker, W. Index Mollascorum, quae in Itinere ad Gumeam Inferiorem col- legit Georgius Tarns, Med. Dr. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. calf. Casselis Cattorum, 1853. Mollusca Japonica descripta. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. half calf. Stuttgartiae, 1861. • ■ Mollusca Marina. See Novitates Conchologicse. Dnpuy, L'Abbe. Histoire Naturelle des MoUusques Terrestres et d'Eau Douce que vivent en France. 4to. calf. Auch, 1847. Eyton, T. C. A History of the Oyster and the Oyster Fisheries. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1858. F^rnssac, Daudebard de. Essai d'une Methode Conchyliologique. NouveUe edition. Par J. Daudebard fils. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1807. Fignier, L. The Ocean World. See Works on General Natural His- tory. — — La Vie et les Moeurs des Animaux. Zoophytes et MoUusques. See Works on General Natural History — (^Foreign). Fischer, P., and Crosse, H. Mol- lusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles. See Works on General Natural His- tory (^Foreign) — Mission Scientifique au Mexique, &c. Folin, L. de. Les Meleagrinocoles, especes nouvelles. 8vo. half calf. Lepelletier, Havre, 1867. Forbes, Prof. E. Mollusca collected durinjf the Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattle- snake." See Works on Geography — Macgiliivray, J. Forbes, E., and Hanley, S. History of British Mollusca and their Shells. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1853. Forel, F. A. Einige Beobachtungen liber die Entwickelung des zelligen Mus- kelgewebes. Beitrage zur Entwickel- ungsgeschichte der Najaden. 8vo. half calf. A. Stuber, Wxirzburg, 1866. Friele, J. Norske Land- og Fersk- vands-MoUusker, som findes i Omegnen af Christiania og Bergen. 8vo. half calf. Feilberg & Landmark, Christiana, 1853. Gassies, J. B. Faune Conch) liologique Terrestre et Fluvio-lacustre de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Part 2. Coloured Plates. 8vo half naif. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1871. Gegenbaur, Dr. C. Untersuchungen liber Pteropoden und Heteropoden. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic und Entwick- lungsgeschichte dieser Thiere. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1855. Geven, N. G. Belustigung im Reiche der Natur: Conchiliologie. Red. von J. D. Schultze. (In German and French.) Vol. 1. Coloured Plates. 4to. half calf. Hamburg, 1790. Giebel, Dr. C. G. Die Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs. — Bauchthiere. See. Works on General Natural His- tory (Foreign). Gill, T. Arrangement of the Family of MoUusks. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 10.) See Trans- actions — Washington. Gmelin, Das MoUuskengeschlecht " Venus." See Roemer, E. Gosse, P. H. Natural History, Mol- lusca. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1854. Gould, A. A. Report on the Inverte- brata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. (Lettered " Shells of Massa- chusetts.") 8vo. cloth. Cambridge, U.S., 1841. 2nd edition, comprising the Mollusca. Edited by W. G. Binney. royal 8vo. cloth. Wright & Potter, Boston, 1870. Gratelonp, J- P* S. Essai sur la Dis- tribution Geographique, Orographique et Statistique des MoUusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles Vivants du departement do la Gironde. 8vo. half calf. T. I.af argue, Bordeaux, 1858. 198 NATUEAL HISTOEY. Gray, J. E. Reptiles and Molluscous Animals. See Works on General Na- tural History — Beechey's Zoology of a Voyage to the Pacific, &c. 1825-28. See also British Museum Publica- Gray, M. E. Figures of Molluscous Animals, selected from various Authors. Etched for the use of Students. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1842-57. Gnaltier, N. Index Testatum Conchy- liorum quae adservantur in Museo N. Gualtieri. royal folio, half calf. Florentiae, 1742. Haddon, A. C. Report on the Poly- placophora collected by H.M.S " Chal- lenger," 1873-76. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 15.) See Works on General Natural History. Ealdexnan, S. S. A Monograph of the Freshwater Univalve Mollusca of the United States, including Notices of Species in other parts of North America. Various Nos. in one vol. Some Coloured Plates. 8vo. calf. Philadelphia, 1842-44. Hanley, S. The Conchological Mis- cellany. 40 plates. 4to. half calf. WiUiaras & Norgate, 1854-58. ■ An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Bivalve Recent Shells. Parts 1, 2, text, and 1-3, plates. 8vo. cloth. W. Wood, 1856. Ipsa Linnsei Conchylia. See Linnseus, C. Hartmanu, J. D. W. Erd- untt Siiss- wasser-Gasteropoden der Schweiz. Mit Zugabe einiger merkwiirdigen Exotischen Arten. Coloured Illus- trations, royal 8vo. half calf. St. Gall, 1844. Herdman, W. A. Tunicata. (« Chal- lenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 6. and 14.) See Works on General Natural History. Herrxnannseu, A. N. Indicis genenim Malacozoorum primordia. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Cassellis, 1846-49. Supplementa et Corrigenda. 1 vol. 8vo. calf. Cassellis, 1852. Eiucks, T. History of the British Marine Polyzoa. 2 vols. (Text and Plates.) 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1880. Hinds, R. B. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Sulphur," under the command of Capt. Sir E. Belcher during the years 1836-42. Vol. II! Mollusca. With Coloured Illustrations.* 4to. calf. London, 1844. Hoyle, W. E. A Catalogue of Recent Cephalopoda. 8vo. sewed. Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh, 1886. ' Report on the Cephalopoda col- lected by H.M.S. "Challenger," 1873- 76. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 16.) See Works on General Natural History. Jay, J. C. A Catalogue of the Shells, arranged according to the Lamarckian System, contained in his Collection. With Supplement. 4th edition. 4to. cloth. R. Craighead, New York,1850-52. Jeffreys, J. G. British Conchology ; or, an Account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding Seas. 5 vols, post 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1862-69. Johnston, G. Introduction to Concho- logy. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1850. Journal de Conchyliologie. See Journals. Seber, G. A. F. Beitrage zur Ana- tomic und Physiologic der Weichthiere. 8vo. half calf. Borntrager, Konigsberg, 1851. Klein, J. T. Tentamen Methodi Ostra- cologicae, sive Dispositio naturalis Cochlidum et Concharum ; cui accedit Lucubratiuncula de Formatione Tes- tarum, etc. 4to. half calf. Lugd. Bat., 1753. Enorr, G. W. Vergniigen der Augen und des Gemiiths, in Vorstellung einer allgemeinen Sammlung von Conchylien, welche im Meere, im siissen Wasser, und auf dem Lande gefiinden werden. Coloured Illustrations. 2nd edition. 6 vols., in 3. 4to. half bound. Nuremberg, 1784-92. Eobelt, Dr. w., and Bossmassler, E. A. Iconographie der Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken, &c. See Ross> massler, E. A. Erauss, Dr. F. Die Siidafrikanischen Mollusken. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss derMollusken des Kap- und Natallandes, &c. Coloured Illustrations. 4to. half calf. Stuttgart, 1848. Iiamarck, J. B. de. An Epitome of Lamarck's Arrangement of Testacea. See Works on Protozoa, &c. Recueil de Coquilles decrites par Lamarck dans son " Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vert^hres." See Works on Protozoa, &c. ■ Histoire Naturelle des Vers (Co- quilles, Mollusques et Polypiers). See Works on General Natural History {Foreign') — Encyclopedia Me- thodique. Lea, I. A Synopsis of the Family of Naiades. 3rd edition. 4to. half calf. Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia, 1852. ZOOLOGY — ^MOLLUSCS, ETC. 199 ]Lea, I. A Synopsis of the Family Unio- nidse. 4th edition. 4to. boards. H. C. Lea, Philadelphia, 1870. Lessons on Shells, as given to Children between the Ages of Eight and Ten in a Pestalozzian School, at Cheam, Surrey. (By Miss Mayo.) fep. 8vo. cloth. Seeley &Co., 1846. Leuchs, J. C. Vollstandige Naturge- schichte der Ackerschnecke. post 8vo. half calf. Nuremberg, 1820. Linnaeus, C. Ipsa Linnsei Conchylia. The Shells of Linnajus, determined from his Manuscripts and Collection. By Sylvanus Hanley. Coloured Illustra- tions. Also an exact reprint of the " Vermes Testacea " of the " Systema Naturae " and " Mantissa." 8vo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1855. " Museum Ludovicae Ulricse Reginse Suecorum. Insecta et Conchylia. See Works on General Natural His- tory (^Foreign). Lischke, C. E. Japanische Meeres- Conchylieu. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mollusken Japan's, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die geographische Ver- breitung derselben. Coloured Plates. Parts I., II. 2 vols. 4to. calf. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1869-71. Lister, M. Historiaj Animalium Anglise tres tractatus — 1. de Araneis ; 2. de Cochleis ; 3. de Cochleis Marinis ; quibus adjectus est 4. de Lapidibus ejusdem Insulae ad Cochlearum quandam imaginem figuratis. With Plates, post 4to. half calf. Londini, 1678. Historise Conchyliorum liber primus qui est de Cochleis Terrestiibus ; liber secundus, qui est de Turbinibus et Bivalvibus aquae dulcis. 1 vol. folio, calf. . Londini, 1685-6. — — — — Historise sive Synopsis methodicae Conchyliorum et Tabularum Anatomi- carum editio altera. Rencensuit et indicibus auxit Guilielmus Iluddesford. folio, half calf . Oxonii, 1770. [This work is the " Historia Conchy- liorum" ; libril.-lV., with Appen- dix, London, 1685-8, and Title- page as above.] ■■ Original Drawings for Lister's Conchology. post 8vo. calf. Conchyliorum Bivalvium utrius(jue aquae Exercitatio Anatomica tertia ; huic accedit Dissertatio Medicinalis de Calculo humano. With Plates, post 4 to. calf. Londini, 1696. Lovell, M. S. The Edible Mollusks of Great Britain and Ireland, with Recipes for Cooking them. Coloured Plates, crown 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1867. Mcintosh, W. C. Annelida Polychseta (*' Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vol. 12.) See General Natural His- tory. Malakozoologische Blatter. See Zeitschrift fiir Malakozoologie. Hffalzine, F. de. Essai sur la Faune Malacologique de Belgique. 8vo. half calf. . G. A. van Trigt, Brussels, 1867. Martens, E. von. Die Heliceen. See Albers, J. C. Mollusken, Seesterne und Seeigel Ost-Afrika's. See Works on Geo- graphy {German) — Decken's Reisen. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. — Zoologischer Theil (Die Landschnecken). See Works on Gen- eral Natural History (Foreign). Ueber Vorderasiatische Conchy- lien, nach den Sammlungen des Prof. Hausknecht. See Novitates Concho- logicae. Martini, F. H. W., and Chemnitz, J. H. Systematisches Conchylien- Cabiuet. Fortgesetzt von G. H. v. Schuberth und J. A. Wagner. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. H. C. Kiister. Ampul- laria-Unio. Coloured Illustrations. 3 parts. 4to. boards. Bauer & Raspe, Nuremberg, 1851. Martjrn, T. Figures of Nondescript Shells, collected in the different Voyages to the South Seas, since the year 1764. folio, half calf. London, ] 789. Meyen, F. J. F. Beitrage zur Zoologie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. — tJber die Salpen. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreig7i). Meyer, H. A., and Mobins, K. Fauna der Kieler Bucht. — Opisthobranchia, Prosobranchia, und Lamellibranchia. Coloured Illustrations. 2 vols, folio, half calf and boards. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1865-72. Middendorff, A. T. von. Beitrage zu einer Malacozoologia Rossica, 3 parts in one vol. 4to. calf. (Memoires, Sciences Naturelles, VI^ Serie, Tome VI. de I'Academie Imp. des, Sciences.) St. Petersburg, 1847-49. Montfort, D. de. Conchyliologie Sys- tematique et Classification Methodique des Coquilles. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1808-10. Moqnin-Tandon, A. Histoire Na- turelle des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles de France. With Plates. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1855. 200 NATURAL HISTOEY. Morch, O. A. L. Catalogus Conchy- liorum quae reliquit D. Alphonso d'Agnirra & Gadea, comes de Yoldi. 2 Fasciculi in one vol. — Cephalophora, Acephala, Annulata, Cirripedia, Echino- dermata. 8vo. half calf. Hafniae, 18.'>2-53. Morelet, A. Testacea novissima In- sulae Cubanse et Americas Centralis. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailli^re, Paris, 1849-51. KCTiller, O. F. Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilum. See Works on Protozoa, &c. Kapler, C. O. G. Lakes and Kivers. (Natural History Rambles.) -Sec Works on General Natcral History. Novitates Concliologicse. With Coloured Illustrations. 12 vols. 4to. calf. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1853-82. Boettger, Dr. O. Clausilienstudien. (Supp. 6.) 1877. Dunker, W. Index Molluscorum, quae in Itinere ad Guineam In- feriorem collegit Georgius Tarns. (Supp. 2.) 1853. Bound up with Romer's Mono- graphic. (Supp. 1.) - Mollusca Marina. Beschreib- nng und Abbildung neuer oder wenig gekanuter Meeres-Conchy- lien. (Series II., Vol. 1.) 1858-70. - Index Molluscorum maris Japonicae. (Supp. 7.) 1882. Lischke, C. E. Japanische Meeres- Conchylien. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mollusken Japan's, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die geographische Verbreitung der- selben. Parts I., II., III. In one vol. (Supp. 4.) 1869-74. Martens, Dr. E. von. UeberVorder- asiatische Conchylien, nach den Sammlungen des Prof. Hausknecht. (Supp. 5.) 1874. Pfeiffer, L. Mollusca Extramarina. Descriptions et Figures de Co- quilles Extramarines nouvelles ou peu connues. (First Series, Vols. 1-5.) 1854-79. Romer, E. Monographic der Mol- luskengattuog Dosinia, Scopoli, (Artemis, Poli). (Supp. 1.) 1863. " ■ Monographic der Mollus- kengattung Venus, Linne; Sub- genus Cytherea, Lamarck. (Supp. 3, Vols. 1 and 2, and Lief. 22-35.) 1869-72. Owen, R. Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius, Linn.) 4to. cloth. London, 1832. Memoir on the Spirula. See Works on General Natural His- tory — Adams, A., Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang." Fanceri, P. Gli Organi e la Secrezione deir Acido Solforico nei Gasteropodi ; con un' Appendice relativa ad altre Glandole dei medesimi. 4to. half calf. Fibreno, Naples, 1869. Felseneer, P. Anatomy of the Deep- Sea Mollusca. (" Challenger " Reports, Zoology, Vol. 27.) See Works on General Natural History. Pteropoda. ("Challenger" Report, Zoology, Vols. 19 and 23.) See Works on General Natural History. Pfeiffer, L. Monographia Heliceorum viventium, sistens descriptiones syste- maticas et criticas omnium hujus fa- miliae generum et specierum hodie cognitarum. 8 vols. Svo. half calf. F. A. Brockhaus, Lipsiae, 1848-77. ' Monographia Pneumonopomorum viventium, sistens descriptiones syste- maticas et criticas omnium hujus ordinis generum et specierum hodie cognitarum, accedente fossilium enumeratione. 8vo. half calf. T. Fischer, Cassellis, 1852. Supplement. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. T. Fischer, Cassellis, 1858-76. Monographia Auriculaceorum vi- ventium. Svo. half calf, T. Fischer, Cassellis, 1856. Mollusca Extramarina. vitates Conchologicae. See No- Catalogue of Phaneropneumona in the British Museum. See British Museum Publications. Fhilippi, R. A. Enumeratio Mollus- corum Siciliae cum viventium tum in tellure tertiaria fossilium, quae in itinere suo observavit. 4to. half calf. Berolini, 1836. " Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer oder wenig gekannter Conchylien, unter Mithiilfe mehrerer Deutscher Conchyliologen. Coloured Plates. 3 vols. 4to. calf. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1845-51. ■- Handbuch der Conchyliologie und Malacozoologie. 8vo. half calf. E. Anton, Halle, 1853. .Pollen, F. p. L., and Dam, Dr. C. van, Recherches sur la Fauue de Madagascar et de ses Dependances. — Mollusques. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Potiez, V. L. v., and Michaud, A. L. G. Galerie des Mollusques, ou Catalogue Methodique, Descriptif et Raisonne des Mollusques et Coquilles du Museum de Douai. 2 vols. With Atlas. 8vo. half calf. Paris 1838-44. ZOOLOGY — MOLLUSCS, ETC. 201 Prime, T. Monograph of American Corbiculadse (Recent and Fossil). (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol.7.) See Transactions— Wash- ington. Futon, E. Essai sur les MoUusqucs Terrestres et Fluviatiles des Vosges. royal 8vo. half calf. Epinal, 1847. Bang, P. C. A. L., and Sonleyet. Histoire Naturelle des MoUusques Pteropodes. Coloured Plates. 4to. boards, cloth back. J. B. Baillifere, Paris, 1852. Beeve, L. Elements of Conchology. Coloured illustrations. 2 -vols, royal 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve, 1860. — Account of Shells collected by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, North of Beechey Island. See Workfi on Geography — Belcher, Admiral Sir E. — Last of the Arctic Voyages. Beeve, L., and Catlow, A. The Conchologist's Nomenclator ; a Cata- logue of all the Recent Species of Shells included under the Sub - kingdom " Mollusca." See Catlow, A. Bisso, A. Les Mollusques des Alpes Maritimes (Histoire Naturelle des Prin- cipales Productions de I'Europe Meridio- nale, &c.)- See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Bobertson, J. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Perforating Instru- ments of the "Pholas Dactylus." 22 pp. post Svo. stitched. W. Pearce, Brighton, 1859. Boemer, E. Kritische Untersuchung der Arten des MoUuskengeschlechts " Venus," bei Linne und Gmelin, mit Berucksichtigung der spater beschrieb- enen Arten. Svo. half calf. J. G. Luckhardt, Cassel, 1857. .. Monographic der Molluskengattung Dosinia, Scopoli (Artemis, Poli). Coloured Plates. 4to. cloth. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1862. Monographic der Molluskengattung Venus, Linne ; Subgenus Cytherea, Lamarck. See Novitates Concholo- gicse. Bossmassler, Prof. E. A. Icono- graphie der Land- und Susswasser- MoUusken, mit vorziiglicher Beruck- sichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht abgebildeten Arten. Fortzesetzt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Coloured Illustrations. 7 vols. Svo. calf. Leipzig & Wiesbaden, 1835-80. _^ New Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. half calf. C. W. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1884, &c. Sander-Bang. Manuel de I'Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques et de leurs Coquilles. small 12mo. half calf. Roret, Paris, 18i9. Sars, Dr. G. O. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Arktiske Fauna. I. Mollusca Regionis Arcticse Norvegia;. Svo. sewed. (Universitets Program, 1878.) Christiania, 1878. Sars, Dr. M. Om Siphonodentalium Vitreum, en ny Slsegt og Art af Den- talidernes Familie. With 3 lithographed plates, imp. Svo sewed. (^Norwegian Collection. — Universitets Program for 1861.) Christiania, 1867. Say, T., The Complete Writings of, on the Conchology of the United States. Edited by W. G. Binuey. Coloured Illustrations. Svo. half calf. H. Bailliere, New York, 1858. Schmidt, A. Der Geschlechtsapparat der Stylommatophoren in taxonomischer Hinsicht. Mit 14 lithog. Tafeln. (Aus dem B. I. d. Abhand. d. Naturw. Vereines f. Sachsen u. Thiiringen in Halle.) 4to. half calf. Berlin, 1855. Die kritischen Gruppen der Europaischen Clausilien. 4to. boards. H. Costenoble, Leipzig, 1857. Scholtz, H. Schlesien's Laud- und Was- ser-MoUusken. post Svo. half calf. Breslau, 1843. Schreibers, K. F. A. von. Versuch einer voUstandigen Conchylien-Kennt- niss nach Linnes System. 2 vols., in one. Svo. half calf. Vienna, 1793. Schrenck, L. von. Reisen und For- schungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-1856.— Zoologie: Mollusken. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign) . Schumacher, C. F. Essai d'un Nou- veau Systeme des Habitations des Vers Testaces. 4to. half calf. Copenhagen, 1817. Selenka, E. Gephyrea. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vol. 13.) See Works on General Natural History. Sellins, G. Historia naturalis Teredinis seu Xylophagi, marini, tubulo-con- choidis speciatim Belgici. Cum tabulis ad vivum coloratis. 4to. bound. Traject. ad Rhenum, 1733. Semper, C. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ampullaria polita (Deshayes). NebstMittheilungen iiber die Entwickel- ungsgeschichte einiger andern Gastero- poden aus den Tropen. 4to. half calf. C. van der Post, Utrecht, 1862. Reisen im Archipel der Philip- pinen : Malacologische Untersuchungen- Landmollusken. See Works on General Natural lilisTOViY (Foreign). Shells and their Inmates. 16mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. 202 NATURAL HISTORY. Shuttleworth, R. J. Notitiae Mala- cologicse, oder Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der Molhisken. 2 parts. 8vo. half calf and sewed. (Part II., with Text in French, Leipzig, n.d.) Bern, ]856. Smith, E. A. Lamellibranchiata — Heter- opoda. (" Challenger " Report, Zoo- logy, Vols. 13 and 23.) -See Works on General Natural History. Smith, E. A. The Zoology of the Voyages of H.M.SS. "Erebus" and " Terror." — Mollusca. See Works on General Natural History — Richard- son, Sir J., and Gray^ J. E. Sowerby, G. B. A Catalogue of the Shells contained in the Collection of the late Earl of Tankerville. With De- scriptions of many New Species. With Coloured plates. 8vo. half calf. G. B. Sowerby, 1825. ■ Species Conchylicrum ; or. Concise Original Descriptions and Observations, accompanied by Figures (coloured) of all the Species of Recent Shells : Vol. 1, part 1 , containing a Monograph of the Genus Cymba, by W. J. Broderip ; and Monographs of the Genera Ancillaria, Ovulum, and Pandora. In one vol. 4to. half calf. G. B. Sowerby, 1830. ■ Thesaurus Conchyliorum ; or, Monographs of Genera of Shells. Coloured plates. 4 vols.. Text, 4 vols. Plates ; and Parts 37-44, in one vol. imp. Svo. calf. G. B. Sowerby, 1847-87. Popular British Conchology ; the Molluscs and Shells inhabiting the British Isles. Coloured plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1854. ■■ Shells. (Beechey's Zoology of a Voyage to the Pacific, &c., 182.'5-28.) See Works on General Natural History — Beechey, Capt. F. W. gpeyer, O. W. C. Zootomie der Palu- dina vivipara. 4to. half calf. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1855. Stein, J. P. E. F. Die lebenden Schneckcn und Muscheln der Umgegend Berlins. Svo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1850. Steuart, J. An Account of the Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon. 4to. half calf. Ceylon, 1843. Stimpson, Dr. W. Researches upon the Hydrobiinaj and Allied Forms ; chiefly made from materials in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- tions, Vol. 7.) -Sec Transactions— Washington. Swainson, W. Treatise on Mala- cology- ; or Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-Fish. fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Swammerdam, J. Bybel der Natuure Biblia Naturae, sive His- toria Insectorum lingua Batava con- icripta, &c. -See Works on Insects. Tabular View of the Orders and Families of Mollusca. To fold in a book, post 4to. E. Stanford. Taschenberg, Dr. E. L. Entomologie fur Gartner und Gartenfreunde, &c. — Cuvier, G. 218 NATUEAL HISTORY. Eschricht, D. F. Zoologlsch-anato- miscli - physiologische Untersuchungen uher die nordischen Wallthiere. Vol. 1. 4to. half calf. Leipzig, 1849. Eschriclit, Reinhardt/and Lillje- borg. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. Edited by W. H. Flower. 4to. boards. Ray Society, 1866. Fatio, v. Les Campagnols du Bassin du Leman. (Association Zoologique du Leman.) Coloured illustrations. 8vo. half calf. Georg, Basle, 1867. . Histoire Naturelle des Mammi- feres [de la Suisse]. See Works on General, Natural History {Foreign) — Fatio, v., Faune, &c. Fignier, L. Mammalia. See Works on General Natural History. Les Mammiferes. See Works on General Natural History (JPorce^rw). Fitzinger, L. J. Wissenschaftlich- populare Naturgeschichte der Sauge- thiere in ihren sammtlichen Haupt- formen. 6 vols. 8vo. half calf. With 4to. Atlas (Coloured illustrations), half calf. Vienna, 1860. Flower, W. H. An Introduction to the Osteology of the Mammalia, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. 2nd edition, revised, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. 3rd edition, revised, with the assistance of Hans Gadow. crown 8vo. cloth, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Gamgee, J. Our Domestic Animals in Health and Disease. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Gegenbaur, Dr. C. Zur Kenntniss der Mammarorgane der Monotremen. 4to. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1886. Geo£Eroy-Saiut-Hilaire, I., and Cuvier, F. Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes. Coloured Illustrations. 7 vols., in 4. royal folio, half roan. Paris, 1824-42. Gervais, P. Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes. With Illustrations. 2 vols, imp. Bvo. half calf. L. Curmer, Paris, 1854-55. ■ :6lements de Zoologie. Notions Generales et Histoire des Mammiferes. 12mo. boards, Hachette & Co., Paris, 1868. Gervais, P., and Beneden, P. J. van. Osteographie des Cetaces vivants et fossiles. See Beneden, P. J. van. Gesner, C. Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium. See Works on Fishes. The Historic of Foure-footed Beastes. -See 'I'opsell, E. Giebel, Dr. C. G. Die Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs. — Saugethiere. See Works on General Natural History — (Foreign). Gill, T. Arrangement of the Families of Mammals. (Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, Vol. 11.) See Transactions — Washington. Goldfuss, A. Die Saugethiere in Ab- bildungen nach der Natur. See Schreber, J. C. D. von. Gosse, P. H. Natural History. — Mam- malia, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1848. Graba, J. A. Elaphographia (EAA*0- rPA*IA), sive Cervi Descriptio Physico- Medico-Chymica. Svo. half calf . Jense, 1668. Gray, J. E. The Zoology of the Voy- age of H.M.SS. " Erebus " and " Ter- ror." — Mammalia. See Works on General Natural History — Rich- ardson, Sir J., and Gray, J. E. Hagelberg's (W.) Zoologischer Hand- Atlas. — Mammalia. See Works on General Natural History {Fo- reign), Hamilton, R. Amphibious Carnivora, including the Walrus and Seals ; also of the Herbivorous Cetacea, &c. See Works on General Natural His- tory — Naturalist's Library, Mammalia. Hartmann, R. Anthropoid Apes, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scien- tific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1885. Jar dine. Sir W, Monkeys— The Fe- linse — Ruminantia — Pachydermata — Ordinary Cetacea. See Works on General Natural History — Na- turahst's Library, Mammalia. Jerdon, T. C. The Mammals of India: a Natural History of all the Animals known to inhabit Continental India, royal Svo. cloth. J. Wheldon, 1874. Jonston, J. Theatrum Universale Om- nium Animalium Quadrupedum. — His- toria Naturahs de Cetis. -S'ee Works on General Natural History {Fo- reign). Eeyserling, A. Graf von, and Blasius, J. H. Die Wirbelthiere Europa's. Svo. half calf. Brunswick, 1840. Eranss, Dr. F. Das Thierreich in Bild- ern nach Familien und Gattungen. 1 Saugethiere. imp. 4to. cloth. Stuttgart & Esslingen, 1851. Erefft, G. The Mammals of Australia. Illustrated, folio, sewed. Sydney, 1871. Australian Vertebrata, Fossil and Recent. Svo. stitched. Sydney, 1871. ZOOLOGY — MAMMALS. I 219 Kukenthal, Dr. W. Vergleichend- Anatomische und Entwickelungsge- schichtliche Untersuchungen an Wal- thieren. Theil I. (Denkschriften der Medicinisch — Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Band III. Abth. 1.) royal. 4to. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1889. Lac^pdde, B. G. :e. D., Comte de. (Euvres.— Cetaces. See Works on General Natural History (Forezgrn). !La Fontaine, A. de. Faune du Pays de Luxembourg. — Mammiferes. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign). Laing, J. A Voyage to Spitzbergen, containing an account of that Country, of the Zoology of the North ; of the Shetland Islands; and of the Whale Fishery. See Works on Geography. Lanrillard, &c. Mammiferes. (Le Regne Animal.) See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Cuvier, G. ILeopold, Dr. J. F. Relatio Epistolica de Itinere suo Suecico nuper facto. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. Londini, 1727. Lesson, R. P. Manuel de Mammalogie. small 12mo. half calf. Paris, 1827. Lilljeborg, W. Systematisk ofrersigt af de gnagande Daggdjuren, Glires. 4to. half calf. Upsala, 1868. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. See Eschricht, &c. IiOW, D. The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands. 2 vols, (in one). Coloured illustrations, broad folio, morocco. Longmans & Co., 1842. ILupton, J. I. The Anatomy of the Bixirse. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Macalister, A. Zoology of the Ver- tebrate Animals. See Works on General Natural History. Macgillivray, W. British Quadru- peds. S'ee Wor^s on General Natural History — Naturalist's Library. Martin, W. C. L. Popular Introduc- tion to the Study of Quadrupeds, or of the Class Mammalia ; illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Meckel, J- F. Ornithorhynchi Paradoxi descriptio anatomica. royal foUo. half calf. Lipsise, 1826. Menageries, The. Quadrupeds. De- scribed and Drawn from Living Sub- jects. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. 1847-8. The Natural History of Monkeys, Opossums, and Lemurs. 12mo. cloth. Nattali & Bond, 1850. Meyen, F. J. F. Beitrage zur Zoologie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. — Saugethiere. See Works on General Natural History (Fore/^rn). Mivart, St. George. The Cat. An In- troduction to the Study of Backboned Animals, especially Mammals. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1881. Morgan, L. H. The American Beaver and his Works. With Plates, royal 8vo. cloth. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1868. Miiller, S., and Schlegel, H. Ver- handelingen over de Natuurlijke Ge- schiedenis der NederlandschOverzeesche Bezittungen. — Mammalia. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Temminck, C. J. Murray, A. The Geographical Distri- bution of Mammals. 4to. cloth. Day & Son, 1866. Ifapier, C. O. G. Lakes and Rivers. (Natural History Rambles.) See Works on General Natural His- tory. Nathnsius, H. von. Vorstudien fur Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere, zunachst am Schweineschadel. imp. 8vo. With Atlas, oblong 4to. half calf. Wiegandt & Hempel, Berlin, 1864. Natterer's (Johann) Reisen in Brasilieii, Resultate von. — Brasilische Saugethiere. See Pelzeln, A. von. Owen, J. Natural History for Beginners. — Mammalia. See Works on General Natural History. Owen, R. On the Classification and Geographical Distribution of the Mam- malia. (Reade Lecture.) To which is added, An Appendix ' * On the Gorilla," and " On the Extinction and Transmu- tation of Species." 8vo. cloth. J. W. Parker, 1859. On the Anatomy of the Verte- brates. Vols. 2 and 3. Mammals. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Felzeln, A. von. Brasilische Sauge- thiere. Resultate von Johann Natterer's Reisen in den Jahren 1817 bis 1835. Heraupgegeben von der K. K. Zoolo- gisch-Botauischen Gesellschaft. Svo. sewed. A Holder, Vienna, 1883. Pennant, T. Arctic Zoology. — Qua- drupeds (Hoofed). See Works on General Natural History. Peters, W. C. H. Naturwissen- schaftliche Reise nach Mossambique — Saugethiere. See Works on General Natural History (Foreign). Saugethiere Ost-Afrikas. (Deck- en's Reisen.) See Works on Geo- graphy (German') — Decken, Baron, C. C. V. d. Petrns, G. C. Elephantographia curiosa, sen Elephanti Descriptio, ador- nata multis selectis observationibus. With Plates. 4to. calf. Erfordige, 1716 220 NATURAL HISTORY. Pi^trement, C. A. Les Che vaux dans ies Temps Prehistoriques et Historiques. 8vo. half morocco. Germer Bailliere & Co., Paris, 1883. Pollen JF. P. L. Contributions k I'Histoire Naturelle des Lemuriens. Liv. 1. broad folio, sewed. Leyden, 1867. Pollen, F. P. L., and Dam, Dr. C. van. Kecherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses Dependances. — Mammiferes. See Works on General Natural His- tory (^Foreign). Ramon de la Sa^ra. Mammiferes de rile de Cuba. See Works on General Natdral History (Foretgrn). Itapp, W. von. Anatomische Unter- suchungen iiber die Edentaten. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Reiuhardt. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. See Eschricht, &c. Rengger, J. R. Naturgeschichte der Saugethiere von Paraguay. 8vo. half calf. Basle, 1830. Richardson, Sir J. Fauna Boreali- Americana. Quadrupeds. See Works on General Natural History. Mammalia. See Works on Gene- ral Natural History — Beechey's Zoology of a Voyage to the Pacific, &c., 1825-28. Rondelet, G. Libri (xviii.) de Pisc- ibus Marinis. See Works on Fishes. Ronlin, &c. Mammiferes. (Le Regne Animal.) See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Cuvier, G. Riippell, E. Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehorig. — Saugethiere. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign^. Schinz, H. R. Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Saugethiere. 2nd edi- tion, folio, half roan. Zurich, 1827. Schmidt, M. Zoologische Klinik. Handbuch der vergleichenden Patho- logic und Pathol ogischen Anatomic der Saugethiere und Vogel. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Schmidt, O. The Mammalia in their Relation to Primaeval Times, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1885. Schreber, J. C. D. von. Die Sauge- thiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur. Fortgesetzt von A. Goldfuss und J. A. Wagner. 7 vols., in 4. With 3 vols, of Plates (coloured). 4to. half calf. [Vols 1 and 2 belong to the original edition, 1775 ; the remainder to the re-issue in 1826.] Erlangen, 1774-1846. ■ Supplement. 5 vols., in 3. 4to. half calf. [Vol. 5 lettered " Wag- ner."] Erlangen, 1840-56. Schrenck, L. von. Reisen und For- schungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-56. — Saugethiere. See Works on General Natural His- tory (^Foreign). Selys-Longchamps, E. de. Etudes de Micromammalogie. — Revue des Mu- saraignes, des Rats et des Campagnols ; suivie d'un Index Methodique des Mammiferes d'Europe. 8vo, Paris, 1839. Faune Beige. — Mammiferes. See Works on General Natural His- tory {Foreign^ Shaw, G. Cimelia Physica. Figures of Rare and Curious Quadrupeds, &c. See Works on General Natural History. Siebold, C. T. von, and Stannins, H. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomic — Wirbelthiere. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Smith, A. Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. — Mammalia. iSee Works on General Natural His- Smith, Lieut.-Col. C. H. Dogs — Horses — Introduction to the Mammalia. See Works on General Natural History — Naturalist's Library. Smuts, J. Dissertatio Zoologica, enu- merationem Mammalium Capensium continens, 4to. half calf. Leidae, 1832. Snndevall, C. Die Thierarten des Aristoteles von den Klasssen der Sau- gethiere, &c. See General Natural History (Foreign Works). Swainson, W. Natural History, and Classification of Quadrupeds. See Works on General Natural His- tory. Tabular View of the Orders and Families of Mammalia. Mounted to fold in a book, post 4to. E. Stanford. Taschenberg, Dr. E. L. Entomologie fiir Gartner und Gartenfreunde, u. s w. See Works on Insects. Taylor, J. E. Mountain and Moor — Underground. (Natural History Ram- bles.) See Works on General Natural History. Temminck, C. J. Monographies de Mammalogie, ou Description de quel- ques genres de Mammiferes, dont les Espfeces ont ete observees dans les differens Musees de I'Europe. With Plates (Osteologie) — complement aux Notices sur les Animaux vivants de G. Cuvier ('* Recherches sur les Osie- meuts fossiles ")• 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Paris & Leyden, 1827-41. ZOOLOGY — MAMMALS. 221 Temminck, C. J. Mammif^res [of Japan]. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign) — Siebold, P. F. von, Fauna Japonica. Tiedemann, F. Icones Cerebri Simi- arum et quorundam Mammalium rari- orum. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Topsell, E. The Historie of Foure- footed Beastes. Describing the true and lively figure of every beast, -with a Discourse of their several Names, Con- ditions, Kindes, Vertues, &c. Collected out of all the volumes of C. Gesner and other writers to the present day. — The Historie of Serpents (1608). In one vol. folio, calf. London, 1607. Turner, Sir W. Bones of Cetacea — Seals. (" Challenger " Report, Zoology, Vols. 1 and 26.) See Works on Gbneral Natural History. Vasey, G. Delineations of the Ox Tribe ; or, the Natural History of Bulls, Bisons, and BuflPaloes. 8vo. cloth. G. Biggs, 1851. Veance, le Baron de. De TElevage du Cheval des Courses. 8vo. half calf. Moulins, 1848. Wagner, J. A. Die Saugethiere in Ab- bildungen nach der Natur. See Schreber, J. C. D. von. Walton, E. The Camel ; its Anatomy, Proportions, and Paces, royal folio, cloth. Day & Son, 1865. Waterhoase, G. R. A Natural His- tory of the Mammalia. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1846-48. Marsupialia, or Pouched Animals. See Works on General Natural History — Naturalist's Library. White, A. Popular Mammalia ; com- prising a Familiar Account of their Classification and Habits. Coloured plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1850. Wilson, S. The Angora Goat; ^rith an Account of its Introduction into Vic- toria, &c. 8vo. cloth. Melbourne, 1873. Wood, Rev. J. G. Lane and Field. (Natural History Rambles.) — Illustrated Natural History : Mammalia. See Works on General Natural His- tory. 222 NATURAL HISTORY. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. ENGLISH, COLONIAL, AND AMERICAN WORKS. Adams, A. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang " under the Com- mand of Captain Sir E. Belcher in 1843-46. 4to. russia. London, 1848-50. Crustacea. By A. Adams and A. White. Fishes. By Sir J. Richardson. MoUusca, including a Memoir on the Spirula, by Prof. Owen. By A. Adams and L. Reeve. Vertebrata. By A. Adams and J. ' E. Gray. .1 Notes from a Journal of Research into the Natural History of the Coun- tries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang " under the Com- mand of Captain Sir E. Belcher. 8vo. cloth. London, 1848. [This work is a portion of Vol. 2 of Belcher's ** Narrative of Voyage of H.M.S. 'Samarang' during 1843- 46." The complete work is with books on Geography.] Adams, A., Baikie, W. B., and Barron, C. Manual of Natural History, for the Use of Travellers, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1854. Adams, A. L. Wanderings of a Naturalist in India, the Western Himalayas, and Cashmere. 8vo. cloth. Edmonston & Douglas, 1867. Adams, H. G. Wild Flowers, Birds, and Insects of the Months Popularly and Poetically described, square fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Hogg & Sons. ...■ Sea-side Lesson Book. 18mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1856. Admiralty SEauxial of Scientific Inquiry. (Zoology, &c.) See Works on Astronomy. JElianns, C. De Natura Animalium, Libri XVII. GrsBce et Latine, cum animadversionibus C. Gesneri et D. W. Trilleri, curante Abr. Gronovio. 2 vols. 4to. bound. Londini, 1744. Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer "Blake" in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. See Works on Gbogiuphy. Agassiz, L. Lectures on Embryology. Bead before the Lowell Institute. (Newspaper Report. — Imperfect.) fcp. folio, cloth. 1848-49. " Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. Monographs 1-2. 4 vols. 4to. cloth. Little, Brown, & Co., Boston, 1857-62. Methods of Study in Natural Historj-. post 8vo. cloth. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, 1863. The Structure of Animal Life. 8vo. cloth. C. Scribner & Co., New York, 1866. His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Elizabeth Gary Agassiz. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Commemorative Notice of, by T. Lyman. From the Annual Report of the Council of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for 1873. 8vo. sewed. Memoir of H. Miller. See Works on Geology, &c.— Miller's "Foot' prints of the Creator." Allen, G. The Colour-Sense. An Essay in Comparative Psychology. 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1879. (^With Works on Mental, &c. Philo- sophy.) Animals, their Food and Instincts, with Engravings. 16mo. cloth. Ward & Co. Aristotle. History of Animals. In 10 Books. Translated, with Notes and Index, by Richard Cresswell, M.A. 12mo. half calf. (Bohn's Classical Library.) 1862. ( With Greek Classics.) See also Foreign Works in present section. Baird, W. Cyclopaedia of the Natural Sciences. With Map and Illustrations. 8vo. cloth. R. Griffin & Co., 1858. Balfonr, E. The Agricultural Pests of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Vegetable and Animal, &c. See Works on Agriculture. Balfour, F. M. Treatise on Com- parative Embryology. 2 vols, royal Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1880-81. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 223 Balfour, F. M. The Works of. Me- morial edition. Edited by M. Foster and A. Sedgwick. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. half morocco. 1. Separate Memoirs. 2, 3. Treatise on Comparative Em- bryology. 4. Plates. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Ball, V. On the Identification of Animals and Plants of India which were known to Early Greek Authors. 8vo. sewed. (From Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy, 2nd Series, Vol. 2.) University Press, Dublin, 1885. Bancrofb, E. An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana, in South America ; together with an Account of the Religion, Manners, &c. of its Indian Inhabitants. 8vo. half roan. London, 1769. Banks (Josephi) Catalogus Bibliothecse Historico-Naturalis. See Dryander, J. Barnard, Major J. G. The Isthmus of Tehuan tepee. With a resume of the Geology, Climate, Fauna and Flora, &c. of that region. See Works on Geography. Bastian, H. C. The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms ; including a Dis- cussion of the Experiments of M. Pasteur, and a Reply to some state- ments by Professors Huxley and Tyndall. crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1871. — — — — The Beginnings of Life. 2 vols, crown 8vo. cloth. 1872. ■ ' Evolution and the Origin of Life. crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. ■ ■ The Brain as an Organ of Mind. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the River Amazons. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1873. Batty, J. H. Practical Taxidermy : together with General Information for Sportsmen, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Orange Judd Co., New York, 1880. Bayle, F. The General Systeme of the Cartesian Philosophy. See Des Fourneillis. Beale, L. S. Bioplasm ; an Introduc- tion to the Study of Physiology and Medicine, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1872. ■ Protoplasm ; or, Matter and Life. 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1874. Beechey, Capt. F. W. The Zoology of a Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, performed in H.M.S. " Blossom " in 1825-28. Coloured plates by G. B. Sowerby. 4to. cloth. Crustacea. By Richard Owen. Fishes. By G, T. Lay and E. T. Bennett. Geology. By the Rev. W. Buckland, Mammalia. Bj Sir J. Richardson. Ornithology. By N. A. Vigors. Reptiles and Molluscous Animals. By J. E. Gray. Shells. By G. B. Sowerby. London, 1839. Beeton's Book of Home Pets, showing how to Rear and Manage them. Coloured illustrations, post 8vo. half calf. S. O. Beeton, 1862. Bell, H. G. Selections of the Most Remarkable Phenomena of Nature. 18 mo. half bound. Constable & Co., Edinburgh, 1827. Belt, T. The Naturalist in Nicaragua, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1874. Beneden, P. J. van. Animal Parasites and Messmates, post 8vo. cloth. (In- ternational Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1876. Bennett, F. D. Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe, &c. See Works on Geography. Bennett, G. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China ; being the Jour- nal of a Naturalist in those countries during 1833-34. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1834. Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia ; being Observations prin- cipally on the Animal and Vegetable Productions of New South Wales, New Zealand, and some of the Austral Islands. Coloured plates. 8vo. morocco. J. Van Voorst, 1860. Biologia Central! - Americana ; or, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. Edited ])y F. D. Godman and Osbert Salvin. Coloured plates. 4to. half morocco and sewed. (/n progress.) I. Zoology : — Mammalia. By E. R. Alston. Aves. By O. Salvin and F. D. Godman. Reptilia. ") Amphibia. |»By Dr. A. Giinther. Pisces. J Mollusca (Land and Freshwater). By Dr. E. von Martens. Crustacea (Freshwater Malacos- traca). By Prof. T. H. Huxley. Arachnida Araneidea. By Rev. 0. P. Cambridge. 224 NATURAL HISTORY. Biologp-a Centrali-Americana— cont. I. Zoology — cont. Arachnida Acaridea. By Dr. O. Stoll. Coleoptera. By J. S. Baly, H. W. Bates, G. C. Champion, ReT. H. S. Gorham, M. Jacoby, E. W. Janson, Dr. D. Sharp, A. Matthews, G. Lewis, G. H. Horn, and C. O. Waterhouse. Hymenoptera. By P. Cameron. Lepidoptera : — Rhopalcera. By F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. Heterocera. By H. Druce. Diptera. By Baron C. R. O. Sacken and F. M. Van der Wulp. Neuroptera. By R. McLachlan. Orthoptera. By H. de Saussure. Rhynchota. By W. L. Distant. TI. Botany. By W. B. Hemsley. 5 vols. R. H. Porter, 1879-90. Birds' Eggs, Shells, &Cm in N. America. Instructions for Collecting. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 2.) See Transactions— Wash- ington. Blackwall, J. Researches in Zoology, illustrative of the Structure, Habits, and Economy of Animals. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1873. Blake, Dr. C. Carter. Zoology for Stu- dents. With a Preface by R. Owen, post 8vo. cloth. Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1875. Blake, Rev. J. F. Catechism of Zo- ology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. Blanford, W. T. Observations on the Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia made during the progress of the British Expedition in 1867-68. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. Bonaparte, C. L. (Prince). State of Zoology in Europe. See Reports on the Progress of Zoology, &c. Bowden, Rev. J. The Naturalist in Norway; or. Notes on the Wild Ani- mals, &c. Plates. 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve, 1869. Bowdich, T. E. Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, 1823, with Zoological and Botanical Descriptions. See Works on Gbogbaphy. Bree, C. R. Species not Transmutable, nor the Result of Secondary Causes. Being a critical Examination of Mr. Darwin's Work, entitled " Origin and Variation of Species." 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1860. Brenchley, J. L. Jottings during the Cruise of H.M.S. "Cura^oa" among the South Sea Islands in 1865. See Works on Geoobafht. Bridgewater Treatises, The. Ori- ginal edition. 13 vols. 8vo. calf; — Chalmers, Rev. T. On the Adapta- tion of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. 2 vols. 1833. Kidd, J. On the Adaptation of Ex- ternal Nature to the Physical Con- dition of Man. 1833. Whewell, Rev. W. On Astronomy and General Physics. 1833. Bell, Sir C. On the Hand. 1833. Roget, P. M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 2 vols. 1834. Buckland, Rev. W. Geology and Mineralogy. 2 vols. 1836. Kirby, Rev. W. On the History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals. 2 vols. 1835. Prout, W. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion. 1834. Babbage's Ninth Bridgewater Trea- tise. 2nd edition. Pickering, &c., 1838. Another copy (excepting Kirby, " On Instincts")- 10 vols. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 809-818.) London, 1834-45. British Musenm Publications on Natural History. -See British Museum Publications. Brongham, Lord. Dialogues on In- stinct, and Dissertations on Fossil Os- teology. 5'ee Paley's Natural Theology. Brown, Capt. T. The Taxidermist's ;RIanual ; or the Art of Collecting, Pre- paring, and Preserving Objects of Natural History. 19th edition. I2mo. cloth. A. FuUarton & Co. Browne, P. The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. See Works on Geography. Bruce, J. (of Kinnaird). Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nnbia, to discover the Source of the Nile. Select Specimens of Natural History col- lected. iSee Works on Geography. Bnckland, F. T. Curiosities of Natural History. 1st and 2nd series. 7th and 4th editions, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1863. ' 3rd series. 2 vols, crown 8vo. cloth. R. Bentley, 1866. Notes and Jottings from Animal Life. 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1882. — ■ Life of, by G. C. Bompas. 6tb edition, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1885. GENERAJi NATUEAL HISTORY, 225 Snckley, A. B. Winners in Life's Race ; or, the Great Backboned Family. 5th thousand, post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1883. Buffon, Count de. Natural History, General and Particular. Translated, with Notes and Observations, by W. * Smellie. New edition, corrected and enlarged, &c., by W. Wood. 20 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1812. Bnller, W, Papers on the Natural History of New Zealand. With Plates. (From the " Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.") 1 vol. 8vo. half . calf. 1870. Carpenter, Dr. W. B. Zoology. New edition, revised by W. S. Dallas. 2 vols. • post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1857-8. Cassell's Popular Natural History. Illustrated. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt edges : — Vols. I. and II. Maromalia. ' Vol. III. Birds. Vol. IV. Reptiles, Fishes, MoUusca, Articulata, Ccelenterata, and Pro- tozoa. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Cassell's Natural History. Illus- trated. Edited by P. M. Duncan. 6 vols. 4to. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1883-4. Hand-Book about our Domestic Pets. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1862. Catalogue (Collection) for Naturalists. A Ruled Book for keeping a permanent Record of Objects in any branch of Natural History, with Appendix and lettered pages for general Index. 4to. half roan. R. Hardwicke. Catlow, M. E. Popular Scripture Zo- ology ; containing a Familiar History of the Animals mentioned in the Bible. Coloured plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Lovell Reeve, 1852. Chadbourne, P. A. Lectures on Natural History ; its Relation to Intel- lect, Taste, Wealth, and Religion, post 8vo. cloth. Barnes & Burr, New York, 1860. " Challenger." Report on the Scien- tific Results of the Voyage round the World of H.M.S. "Challenger," during the years 1873-76, under the command of (japtain Sir G. S. Nares and Captain F. T. Thomson, prepared under the superintendence of Sir C. Wyville Thomson and John Murray. 4to. cloth :— Narrative. Vol. 1, in two parts. 1885. Vol. 2. Meteorological and Magnetical Observations. —Ther- mometer Errors. By P. G. Tait. — Petrology of St. Paul's Rocks. By A. Renard. 1882. £ 616S8. "Challenger" Report — cont. Zoology. Vol. 1. Brachiopoda. By T. Davidson. — Pennatulida. By A. von Kolliker. — Ostracoda. By G. S. Brady. — Bones of Cetacea. By W. Turner.— Green Turtle. By W. K. Parker.— Shore Fishes. By A. Giinther. 1880. Vol. 2. Corals. By H. N. Moseley. — Birds. . By P. L. Sclater. 1881. Vol. 3. Echinoidea. By A. Agassiz. — Pycnogonida. By P. P. C. Hoek. 1881. — — Vol. 4. Anatomy of the Pe- trels. By W. A. Forbes. — Deep- Sea Medusae. By E. Haeckel. — Holothurioidea (Elasipoda). By H. Theel. 1882. Vol. 5. Ophiufoidea. By T. Lyman. — Marsupialia. By D. J. Cunningham. 1882. Vol. 6. Actiniaria. By R. Hertwig. — Tunicata (Ascidiae Sim- plices). By W. A. Herdman. 1882. Vol. 7. Anatomy of Spheni- scidse. By M. Watson.— Pelagic Hemiptera. By F. B. White. — Hydroida (Plumularida;). By G. J. AUman.— Orbitolites. By W. B. Carpenter. 1883. Vol. 8. Copepoda. By G. S. Brady. — Calcarea. By N. Pole- jaeff. — Cirripedia. ' (Systematic part.) By P. P. C. Hoek. 1883. — ' — Vol. 9 (in two parts). Fora- minifera. By H. B. Brady. Vol. 10. Nudibranchiata. . By R. Bergh. — Myzostomida. By L. von GraflF. — Cirripedia (Anatomical part) . By P. P. C. Hoek.— Human Crania. By Sir W. Turner. — Polyzoa. By G. Busk. 1884. Vol. 11. Keratosa. By N. Polejaeflf.— Crinoidea. By P. H. Carpenter.— Isopoda (Serolis). By F. E. Beddard. 1884. — - Vol. 12. Annelida PolychsBta. By W. C. Mcintosh. 1885. — Vol 13. LameUibranchiata. By E. A. Smith.— Gephyrea. By E. Selenka.— Schizopoda. By G. O. Sars. 1885. Vol. 14. Tunicata (Ascidiae Compositae). By W. A. Herdman. — Holothurioidea (Second part). By H. Theel. 1886. Vol. 15. Marseniadae. By R. Bergh. — Scaphopoda and Gas- teropoda. By Rev R. B. Watson. — Polyplacophora. By A. C. Haddon. 1886. Vol. 16. Cephalopoda. By W. E. Hoyle.— Stomatopoda. By W. K. Brooks.— Reef Corals. By J. J. Quelch. — Human Skeletons, &c. By Sir W. Turner. 1886. NATURAL HISTORY, " Challenger." Report, &c.— oon<. Zoology. Vol. 17. Isopoda. Part 2. By F. E. Beddard.— Brachyura. By E. J. Miers.— Polyzoa. Part 2. By G. Busk. 1886. Vol. 18. Radiolaria. By E. Haeckel. 2 vols., and Plates. 1887. ——Vol. 19. Nemertea. By Dr. A. A. W. Hubrecht. — Cnmacea. By Professor G. O. Sars.— Phyl- locarida. By Professor G. O. Sars. — Pteropoda. Part 1. By P. Pelseneer. 1887. . Vol. 20. Monaxonida. By S. O. Ridley and A. Dendy. — Myzos- tomida (Supplement). By Dr. L. von Graff. — Cephalodiscus Dode- calophus. By W. C. Mcintosh. 1887. Vol. 21. Hexactinellida. 2 vols. Text and Atlas. By Dr. F. E. Schulze. 1887. Vol. 22. Deep-Sea Fishes. By A. Giinther. 1887. Vol. 23. Pteropoda. Part 2. Thecosomata. Part 3. Anatomy. By P. Pelseneer. — Hydroida. Part 2, Tubularinse, &c. By Prof. G, J. Allman.— Entozoa. By Dr. O. von Linstow. — Heteropoda. By E. A. Smith. 1888. ——Vol. 24. Crustacea Macrura. By 0. Spence Bate. 2 vols. Text and Atlas. 1888. Vol. 2.5. Tetractinellida. By W. J. SoUas. 1888. Vol. 26. Crinoidea. Part 2. The Comatulae. By P. H. Carpenter. —Seals. By Sir W. Turner.— Actiniaria. Supplement. By Prof. R. Hertwig. 1888. — Vol. 27. Anomura. By Prof. J. R. Henderson. — Anatomy of Deep -Sea MoUusca. By Prof. P. Pelseneer. — Phoronis Buskii. By Prof. W. C. Mcintosh.— Tunicata. By Prof. W. A. Herdman. 1888. — ■ Vol. 28. Siphonophorae. By B. Haeckel. 1888. — — Vol. 29. Amphipoda. By Rev. T. R. R. Stabbing. 1888. — Vol. 30. Asteroidea. 2 vols. Text and Atlas. By W. P. Sladen. 1889. — — Vol. 31. Alcyonaria. By E. P. Wright and T. Studer.— Pelagic Fishes. By A. Giinther. — Polyzoa (Supplement). By A. W. Waters. 1889. — - Vol. 32. Antipatharia. By G. Brook. — Alcyonaria (Supple- ment). By Prof. T. Studer. Deep- Sea Keratosa. By Prof. E. Haeckel. 1889. " Challenger." Report, &c.—con<. Botany. Vol. 1. Introduction, — ^Bo- tany of Bermudas. — Islands of Atlantic and Southern Oceans.— Juan Fernandez, South-Eastem Moluccas, aud Admiralty Islands. By W. B. Hemsley. 1885. Vol. 2. Diatomaceae. By F. Castracane degli Antelminelli. 1886. Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 1. Composition of Ocean- Water. By W. Dittmar. — Specific Gravity of Ocean-Water. By J. Y. Buchanan. — Deep-Sea Temperature Observa- tions of Ocean- Water. 1884. ■ Vol. 2. Physical Properties of Water. By P. G. Tait.— Atmospheric Circulation. By Dr. A. Buchan. — Magnetical Results. By Staff-Commander E. W. Creak. — Petrology of Oceanic Islands. By Prof. A. Renard. 1889. Her Majesty's Printers. Photographs taken during the Expe- dition. Mounted and bound in two vols. imp. 4to. morocco. J. Horsburgh, 131, Princes Street, Edinburgh. "Challenger," The Voyage of the. The Atlantic : a Preliminary Account of the General Results of the Exploring Voyage of H.M.S. " Challenger " during the Year 1873 and the early part of the Year 1876. By Sir C. Wyville Thom- son. See Woiks on Geography— Thomson, Sir C. W. ; also Moseley, H. S., in present section. Chambers's Rudiments of Zoology. 12mo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers. Clark, H. J. Mind in Nature ; or, the Origin of Life, and the Mode of De- velopment of Animals. 8vo. cloth. Appleton & Co., New York, 1865. Clarke, B. New Arrangement of the Classes of Zoology, founded on the position of the Oviducts and Ovaries, including a New Mode of Arranging the Mammalia. 2nd edition. 4to. cloth. Williams & Norgale, 1881. Clarke, R. Sierra Leone. A Descrip- tion of the Manners and Customs of the Liberated Africans ; with Observations upon the Natural History of the Colony. See Works on Geogkaphy. Clans, Dr. C . Elementary Text Book of Zoolo^. Translated and edited by A. Sedgwick, with the assistance of F. G. Heathcote. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. General Part and Special Part : Pro- tozoa to Insecta. Special Part : Mollusca to Man. W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1884-85. Collecting and Preserving Natural History Objects, Notes on. See Taylor, J. E., &c. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 227 CollingWOOdy C. Rambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1868. Curiosities of Animal Life, with the Recent Discoveries of the Microscope. 12mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Cuvier, Baron. The Animal Kingdom. With additions by W. B. Carpenter and J. O. Westwood. Coloured plates, imp. Svo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1863. ■ Notice of J. Ray. See Ray, J. Dallas, W. S. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom, crown Svo. cloth. R. Griffin & Co., 1860. - Zoology. Invertebrated and Ver- tebrated Animals. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences. Vols. 2 and 3.) See Works on Physics (General Treatises). Dalyell, Sir J. G. The Powers of the Creator displaced in the Creation ; or, Observations on Life amidst the various forms of the humbler tribes of animated nature : with Practical Comments and Illustrations. Coloured plates. 3 vols. 4to. boards. J. Van Voorst, 1851-58. Darwin, Charles. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle " round the World. 10th thousand. post 8vo. cloth. I860. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. 1868. — — 2nd edition. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. 1885. Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. 5th edition, with Additions and Corrections, post 8vo. half calf. 1869. 6th edition, with Additions and Corrections to 1872. post Svo. cloth. 1885. Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. Illustrated. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. 1871. 2nd edition, post 8vo, cloth. 1882. The Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals, crown 8vo. cloth. 1872. The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits. 5th thousand, post 8vo. cloth. 1881. The Life and Letters of, including an Autobiographical Chapter. Edited by his son, Francis Darwin. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1887. Memorial Notices reprinted from "Nature." post Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1882. Darwinian Theory (The) of the Transmutation of Species examined. By a Graduate of the University of Cambridge. Svo. cloth. J. Nisbet & Co., 1867. Darwinian Theory, For other works on the, See — English. Bree, C. R. Species not Trans- mutable. Freke, H. Origin of Species, &c. Haeckel, E. The History of Creation. Lankester, E. R. Degeneration. Mivart, St. G. The Genesis of Species. Owen, R. Classification and Geogra- phical Distribution of Mammalia — Appendix. (With Works on Mam- mals.) Schmidt, O. The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. Tuttle, H. Origin and Antiquity of Physical Man. (With Works on Ethnography.) Wallace, A. R. Darwinism. Foreign. BischoflP, T. L. Verschiedenheit in der Schadelbildung des Gorilla, &c.; nebst einer Bemerkung iiber die Darwinische Theorie. (With Works on Anatomy, &c.) Du Bois- Reymond, E. Darwin y. Galiani. Faivre, E. La Variabilite des Esp^ces. Fee, A. L. A. Le Darwinisme. Flourens, P. Examen du Livre sur I'Origine des Especes. Giiycki, G. von. Philosophische- Consequenzen der Lamarck-Dar- win'schen Entwickelungs-theorie. Haeckel, E. Histoire de la Creation. Hartmann, C. E. R. Darwinismus. Huber, J. Die Lehre Darwin's kritisch betrachtet. Jaeger, G. In Sachen Darwin's. Meyer, A. B. Charles Darwin und Alfred Russel Wallace. Miiller, F. Ftir Darwin. Quadri, A. Note alia Teoria Dar- winiana. Quatrefages, A. de. Charles Darwin. Ronay, H. On the Origin of Species. (In Hungarian.) Rossi, D. C. Le Darwinisme et ies Generations Spontanees. Riitimeyer, L. Die Grenzen der Thierwelt. Spengel, J. W. Die Darwinische Theorie. Verzeichniss der tiber dieselbe in Deutschland, England, &c., erschienenen Schriften und Aufsatze. Wagner, M. Die Danvin'sche Theorie. p 2 22B NATURAL HISTORY. Davies, J. B. The Practical Naturalist's Guide ; containing Instructions for Col- lecting, Preparing and Preserving Specimens of all Departments of Zoology, fcp. 8vo. cloth, stiiBF. Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh, 1858. Derham, W. Physico-Theology ; or, a Demonsti-ation of the Being and Attri- butes of God, from His Works of Creation. (Boyle Lectures, 1711-12.) 4th edition. 8vo. old calf. London, 1716. Des Ponrneillis. A Discourse show- ing that the Systeme of Des Cartes, and particularly his Opinion concerning Brutes, does contain nothing dan- gerous ; with the General Systeme of the Cartesian Philosophy, by F. Bayle. Englished out of French, royal 32mo. old calf. London, 1670. Dick, Dr. A. H. Outlines of Natural History, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. ColHns, Sons, & Co., 1874. Dictionary of Natural History ; or. Complete Summary of Zoology, con- taining a Full and Succinct Description of all the Animated Beings in Nature. Plates. 16mo. half roan. London, 1802. Dillwyn, L. W. Materials for a Fauna and Flora of Swansea and the Neigh- bourhood, royal 8vo. sewed. Swansea, 1848. Directions for Collecting, Preserving, and Transporting Specimens of Natural History. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 2.) See Trans- actions — Washington. Dryander, J. Catalogus Bibliothecae Historico-naturalis Josephi Banks. In- terleaved. 7 vols. 8vo. half bound. London, 1798-1800. Dumas, J- B., and Boussingault, J. B. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature. See Works on Chemistry. Dnnman, T. Glossary of Biological, Anatomical, and Physiological Terms, .post 8vo. cloth. Griffith & Farran, 1879. (With English Dictionaries.) Dnnster, Rev. H. P. The Young Col- lector's Handybook of Recreative Science, fcp. 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1872. Ecker, T^r. A. The Anatomy of the Frog. Translated, with numerous An- notations and Additions, by G. Haslam. See Foreign Biological Memoirs. Zidwards, G. Essays upon Natural History and other Miscellaneous Sub- jects. With a Catalogue, in Generical Order, of the Birds, Beasts, &c., con- tained in Mr. Edwards' Natural History. 8vo. half calf. London, 1770. Edwards, Milne. Manual of Zoology, translated by R. Knox, M.D. fcp. 8vo. cloth. H. Benshaw, 1856. Egede, H. Description of Greenland; shewing the Natural History, &c. See Works on Geography. English Cyclopaedia. Natural His- tory. Conducted by Charles Knight. 4 vols. 4 to. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1854-6. Erichson, W. F. Progress of Zoology in 1842-43. See Reports on the Pro- gress of Zoology, &c. Fauna of Liverpool Bay, and the Neighbouring Seas, Reports upon the. See Liverpool Marine Biology Com- mittee. Figuier, Louis. The World before the Deluge. Revised and enlarged by H. W. Bristow. Illustrated. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. Newly edited and revised by H. W. Bristow. crown Svo. half calf. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1872. The Vegetable World ; being a History of Plants, with their Botanical Descriptions and Peculiar Properties. Illustrated. 4th thousand. With a Glossary of Botanical Terms by C. O. Groom Napier. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. -. New and revised edition. crown 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. The Ocean World; being a De- scription of the Sea, and its living In- habitants. The Chapters on Conchology revised and enlarged by C. O. Groom Napier. Illustrated. 4th thousand. Svo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1868. New edition, revised by E. P. Wright, M.D. crown Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. The Insect World ; being a Popular Account of the Orders of Insects. Illustrated. 4th thousand, revised and corrected by E. W. Janson. Svo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. New edition, revised and corrected by P. M. Duncan, crown Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Reptiles and Birds. A Popular Account of their various Orders. Edited and Adapted by Parker Gillmore. Illustrated. Svo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1870. New edition, revised by P. Gillmore. crown Svo. cloth. Cassell & Co. The Human Race. Newly edited and revised by R. Wilson, crown Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. ■ Mammalia ; their various Forms and Habits. Adapted from the French, by E. P. Wright, crown Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 229 •Flemingf, J. The Philosophy of Zo- ology ; or, a General View of the Struc- . ture, Functions, and Classification of Animals. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Edinburgh, 1822. Forbes, H. O. A Naturalist's Wan- derings in the Eastern Archipelago. A . Narrative of Travel and Exploration . from 1878-1883. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Sampson, Low, & Co., 1885. Forbes, Major. Eleven Years in Ceylon ; comprising Sketches of the Field Sports and Natural History of that Colony. See Works on Geography. Foreign Biological memoirs, Translations of. 8 vo. cloth.: — 1. Memoirs of the Physiology of Nerve, of Muscle, and of the Elec- trical Organ. Edited by J. B. Sanderson. 1887. 2. The Anatomy of the Frog. By Dr. A. Ecker. Translated, with numerous Annotations and Addi- tions, by G. Haslam. 1889. 4. Essays upon Heredity and kindred Biological Problems. By Dr. A. Weismann. Translation, [edited by E. B, Poulton, S. Schonland, and A. E. Shipley. 1889. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Forster, J. R- Enchiridion Historise Natural! inserviens. Secundum Metho- dum Systematis Linnaeani. 2nd edition, post 8vo. calf. Edinburgh, 1794. Foster, M., and Balfour, F. M. Ele- ments of Embryology. Part I. post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan &, Co., 1874. 2xid edition, edited by A. Sedgwick and W. Heape. crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan Sf Co., 1883. Fraser, Rev. R. W. Seaside Divinity. With Illustrations, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Hogg & Sons, 1861. Fridol, A. (Tandon, M.) The World of the Sea. Translated and enlarged by the Rev. H. M. Hart. Coloured plates, imp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Freke, H. On the Origin of Species by means of Organic Affinity. 8vo. cloth, limp. Longmans & Co., 1861. Crilliss, J. M. The United States Naval * Astronomical Expedition to the Southern - Hemisphere, during the years 1849-52 : Chile, its Mineral Resources,. &c. ; the - Andes and Pampas, Minerals, Mammals, Birds, Dried, &c. Plants, Fossil Mam- mals, &c.. See PTorA^ on Geography. tSodman, F. Du Cane, &c. Natural History of the Azores, or Western ' Islands. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1870. See also Biologia Centrali-Ameri- cima. Gompertz, L. Moral Inquiries, on the Situation of Man and of Brutes. 12mo. cloth. London, 1824. Fragments in Defence of Animals, &c. 12mo. cloth. London, 1852. Goode, G. B. The Beginnings of Natural History in America. Address delivered at 6th Anniversary Meeting of the Biological Society of Washington. 8vo. sewed. Washington, 1886. Gosse, P. H. Text Book of Zoology, for Schools. 12mo. cloth. 1851. The Ocean, crown 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1855-6. Tenby ^ , - Sea-Side Holiday. Coloured plates. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1856. The Aquarium ; an Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea. Coloured plates. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1856. Handbook to the Marine Aquarium , 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1856. -; A Year at the Shore. Coloured illustrations, post 8vo. cloth. Alex. Strahan, 1865 Gray, J. E. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang " — Vertebrata. See Adams, A. Grey, G. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-west and Western Australia, during the years 1837-39. See Works on Geography. Haddon, A, C. An Introduction to the Study of Embryology. 8vo, cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1887. Haeckel, E. The History of the Crea- tion ; or the Development of the Earth and its Inhabitants by the Action of Natural Causes. A popular Exposition of the Doctrine of Evolution in general, and that of the Darwin, Goethe, and La- marck in particular. The Translation from the German revised by Prof. E: Ray Lankester. 2nd edition. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1876'. Harbison, M. Elements of Zoology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1874. Harting, J. E. British Animals Exr tinct within Historic Times, with some Account of British Wild White Cattle. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1880. Hartwig, G. The Sea and its Living Wonders. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. 1860. — — - ■ 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1866. 230 NATURAL HISTORY. Hartwig, G. The Tropical World ; a Popular Scientific Account of the Natural History of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms in the Equatorial Regions. Illustrated, 8vo. cloth. 1863. — The Harmonies of Nature. Illus- trated. Svo. cloth. 1866. The Polar World ; a Popular De- scription of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe. Illustrated. Svo. cloth. 1869. — ■ The Subterranean World. Illus- trated. Svo. cloth. 1871. — The Aerial World. Hlustrated. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. Hanghton, Rev. S. The Three King- doms of Nature, briefly described, post Svo. cloth. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. HehxL, V. The Wanderings of Plants and Animals from their First Home. Edited by J. S. Stallybrass. Svo. cloth. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1885. Heilprin, A. The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals, post Svo. cloth. (International Scien- tific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1887. Henderson, G., and Hnme, A. O. Lahore to Yarkand. Incidents of the Route, and Natural History of the Countries traversed. See Works on Geogkaphy. Henslow, Rev. G. The Theory of Evo- lution of Living Things, and the Appli- cation of the Principles of Evolution to Religion, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1873. Sibberd, S. The Book of the Aqua- rium ; the Fresh-water and Marine. New edition, in one vol. fcp. Svo. cloth. 1860. — The Water Cabinet, fcp. Svo. sewed. — ■ ' Fresh-water Aquarium, fcp. Svo. sewed. ■■. Marine Aquarium, fcp. Svo. sewed. Groombridge & Sons, 1856. Siggins, Rev. H. H. Synopsis of an Arrangement of Invertebrate Animals in the Free Public Museum of Liverpool ; with Introduction, post Svo. sewed. Liverpool, 1874. Bill, Sir J. Essays in Natural History and Philosophy ; containing a Series of Discoveries by the Assistance of Micro- scopes. Svo. half calf. London, 1752. Hodgkinson, C. Australia, from Port Maccjuarie to Moreton Bay ; with De- scriptions of the Natives, the Geology, Natural Productions, &c. See Works on Qeoobapht. Hoeven, J. van der. Handbook of Zoo- logy. Translated from the 2nd Dutch edition, by Rev. W. Clark. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. University Press, Cambridge, 1856-58. Holiday Excursions of a Naturalist ; forming a Guide-Book to the Natural History of the Inland and Littoral, crown Svo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1867. Hooke, R. Micrographia ; or, some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses. See Works on Optics. Hooker, Sir W. J. Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809. See Works on Geography. Hooker, Dr. W. The Child's Book of Nature. Part I. Plants ; II. Animals ; III. Air, Water, Heat, Light, &c., in one vol. royal 16mo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1857, Horrebow, N. The Natural History of Iceland, folio, half calf. London, 1758. Horsfield, T. Zoological Researches in Java and the neighbouring Islands. With Coloured plates. 4to. russia. London, 1824. See also Works on Insects — Mac- leay, W. S. ; also India Museum, in present section. Hongliton, Rev. W. Gleanings from the Natural History of the Ancients, post Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Howes, G. B An Atlas of Practical Elementary Biology. With a Preface by Professor Huxley. 4to. cloth. MacmiDan & Co., 1885, Hnnt, R. The Poetry of Science. See Works on Physics (^General Trea- tises). Hnnter, J. Essays and Observations on Natural History, Anatomy, Physio • logy. Psychology, and Geology. With Introductory Lectures on the Hunterian Collection of Fossil Remains, March 1855, by R. Owen. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1861. Huxley, T. H. Lectures on Natural History, at the Royal College of Sur- geons, &c. (From the "Medical Times.") 4to. half bound. London, 1856-64. . Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. 3rd thousand. Svo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1864. "' An Introduction to the Classifica- tion of Animals. Svo. cloth. (2 copies.) J. Churchill & Sons, 1869. I ■ Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. Svo. cloth. 1870. — i— ..i.— . 5th edition. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874 GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 231 Huxley, T. H. Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, fcp. 8vo. half calf. J. & A. Churchill, 1871. ' Manual of the Anatomy of Verte- brated Animals, crown 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1880. . Critiques and Addresses. Svo. cloth. 1873. — — American Addresses, with a Lec- ture on the Study of Biology. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. .. Manual of the Anatomy of Inver- tebrated Animals, fcp. Svo. half calf. J. & A. Churchill, 1877. ■ The Crayfish ; an Introduction to the Study of Zoology, post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1880. — — — Science and Culture and other Essays. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 18S1. Huxley, T. H., and Martin, H. N. Practical Instruction in Elementary Biology, post Svo. cloth. 187.5. ■ Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology. New edition, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1 883. II ■ Eevised, extended, and edited by G. B. Howes andD. H. Scott. With a Preface by Prof. Huxley, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1888. India Museum. Catalogue of the Museum of the Hon. East-India Com- pany. 5 vols. Svo. cloth : — Birds. By T. Horsfield and F. Moore. 2 vols. Lepidopterous Insects. By T. Hors- field and F. Moore. 2 vols. Mammalia. 1 vol. Cox, Allen, & Co., 1851-59. Introduction, An Easy, to the Study of the Animal Kingdom, according to the Natural Method of Cuvier. fcp. Svo. cloth. T. Varty. Jesse, E. Scenes and Occupations of Country Life ; with Eecollections of Natural History. 12mo. cloth. 1853. ■I Gleanings in Natural History. 10th edition. 12mo. cloth. J. Murray, 1861. Jones, T. R. The Natural History of Animals ; being the substance of three Courses of Lectures delivered before the Boyal Institution of Great Britain. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1845-52. Jones, T. R. The Aquarian Naturalist. A Manual for the Sea-Side. Coloured plates, crown Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1858. ■■ ' ■ General Outline of the Organiza- tion of the Animal Kingdom and; Manual of Comparative Anatomy. 4th edition. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1871. ■ The Animal Creation, royal 1 6mo. cloth. F. Warne & Co. Josselyn, John. New England's Rari- ties discovered ; in Birds, Beasts, &c. of that Country. Curious cuts, small 12mo. sheep. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1672. Journals, &c. on General Natural History (English and American) : — American Naturalist. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Calcutta Journal of Natural History. Edinburgh Journal of Natural History. Hardwicke's Science Gossip. Intelleetual Observer. Journal of Morphology. Journal (Quarterly) of Science. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. Microscopical Journal (Monthly). Midland Naturalist (TransaC* tions — Bi£mingham). Natural History Review. Naturalist. Naturalist's Note Book. Naturalist's Pocket Magazine. Nature. Nature Notes. Popular Science Review. Quarterly Journal of Microscop- ical Science. Record of Zoological Literature. Recreative Science. Scientific American. Scientific Memoirs — Natural History. Student and Intellectual Observer. Zoological Journal. Zoologist. See Journals (Catalogue of SCIKNTIFIC PekIODICALS). Joyce, Rev. J. Catechism of Nature. From the Dutch of Dr. Martinet. 20th edition. ISmo. cloth, stiff. W. Tegg, 1860. Kssmpfer, E. The History of Japan: giving an Account of its Metals, Minerals, Plants, Animals, &c. See Works on GEOaBAPHT. 232 NATURAL HISTORY. Keating, W. H. Narrative of an Ex- pedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the ' Woods, &c. in 1823. See Works on , Geography. Eelaaxrt, E. F. Prodromus Faunae Zeylanicse. Being Contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon. 8vo. cloth. Ceylon, 1852. Kidder and Cones. Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 13.) -See Transac- tions — Washington. King, Capt. P. P. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 1822. With Appendix containing various subjects relating to Hydrography and Natural History. See Works on Geography. Eirby, M., and E. The Sea and its Wonders, small 4to. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1875. Enoit, A. E. Autumns on the Spey. post 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1872. Iiabels (Descriptive), Specimens of, used in the Free Public Museum, Liverpool, 1867. 4to. half morocco. Labillardiere. Voyage in Search of " La Perouse " (1791-94). See Works on Geography. Lacepede. The Wonders of Animated Nature, ponsisting of Descriptions at large, &c. of the principal Animals and Birds. Illustrated. post 8vo. half bound. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1810. ILaing, J. A Voyage to Spitzbergen, containing an Account of that Country, of the Zoology, of the North, &c. See Works on Geography. Iiankester, Dr. Edwin. The Aquavi- varium. Fresh and Marine ; being an Account of the Principles and Objects involved in the Domestic Culture of ■ Water Plants and Animals. Plates, plain and coloured,, copy of each. fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1856. — ^ — ^ Lectures on the Uses of Animals in relation to the Industry of Man, being a Course of Lectures delivered at the South Kensington Museum, crown 8vo. R. Hardwicke, 1860. Lankester, E. R. On Comparative Longevity in Man and the Lower Animals, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. Lankester, Prof. E. R. Degeneration. A Chapter in Darwinism, crown 8vo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1880, Lapland, A Spring and Summer in, by an Old Bushman. Coloured plates. (Birds). 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1871. Leach, W. E. The Zoological Mis- cellany ; being Descriptions of new, or interesting Animals. Illustrated with coloured figures, drawn from nature, by R. P. Nodder. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1815. Lee, Mrs, R. Familiar Natural History, royal 16rao. cloth. 1853. Elements of Natural History. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1856. Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Animals. 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth. Griffith & Farran, 1861. Letoumean, Dr. C. Biology. Trans- lated by W. Maccall. 8vo. cloth. (Library of Contemporary Science.) Chapman & Hall, 1878. Lewes, G. H. Studies in Animal Life, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1862. Aristotle ; a Chapter from the History of Science, including Analysis of Aristotle's Scientific Writings. 8vo. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1864. (^With Greek Classics.) Lewis, W. G. Catechisms of Natural History. 18mo. sewed : — Man, Beasts (2 parts), Birds (2 parts). Amphibious Animals, Insects. Aylott & Co., 1834-57. Liverpool Marine Biology Com- mittee. First and Second Reports upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay and the neighbouring Seas. Edited by W. A. Herdman. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. L. M. Biology Committee, Liverpool, 1886-9. Lloyd, W. A. A List, with Descrip- tions, Illustrations, and Prices, of what- ever belongs to Aquaria, post 8vo. sewed. W. A. Lloyd, 1858. Lord, J. K. The Naturalist in Van- couver Island and British Columbia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. R. Bentley, 1866. Loudon, Mrs. Facts from the World of Nature, Animate and Inanimate, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Griffith & Farran, 1854. '■'■ Glimpses of Nature, and Objects of Interest described, during a Visit to the Isle of Wight. 16mo. cloth. Griffith & Farran, 1848. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. Lowne, B. T. The Philosophy of Evolution. (An Actonian Prize Essay.) 12mo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1873. Lubbock, Sir J. On the Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals, with special Reference to Insects. 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. R. Paul & Co., 1888. Lncretius Cams, Titus. De Reram Natura libri sex. Edited by T. Creech. 4to. Glasgow, 1759. C With Latin Classics.) SlCacalistery * A. Introduction to Animal Morphology and Systematic Zoology. Part I. Invertebrata. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. Introduction to the Systematic Zoology and Morphology of Vertebrate Animals. 8vo. cloth. (Dublin Uni- versity Press Series.) Hodges, Foster, & Co., Dublin ; Longmans & Co., 1878. Zoology of the Invertebrate Animals, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (London Science Class -Books, Elementary Series.) 1878. .. Zoology of the Vertebrate Animals, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (London Science Class-Books, Elementary Series.) Longmans & Co., 1878. M'Alpine, D. Zoological Atlas (in- cluding Comparative Anatomy), with Practical Directions and , Explanatory Text. Vertebrata. Coloured plates, oblong 4to. cloth. 1881. Invertebrata. Coloured plates, oblong 4to. cloth. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1881. M' Alpine, D., and A. N. Biological Atlas ; a Guide to the Practical Study of Plants and Animals. Coloured plates. With accompanying Text. 4to. cloth. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1880. McCoy, F. Natural History of Victoria. Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria ; or. Figures and Descriptions of the Living Species of all classes of the Victorian Indigenous Animals. Vol. I. fDecades I. to X.) Coloured plates, royal 8 vo. half calf. 1885. Decades XI. and onwards. royal 8vo. sewed. Melbourne, 1886, &c. ICacgillivray, J. Narrative of the Voyage of JI.M.S. "Rattlesnake," during the years 1846-50. Including Discoveries and Surveys in New • Guinea, &c. See Works on Geo- • GKAPHT. MacGinley, T. C. Introduction to the Study of General Biology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1874. Mackenzie, Sir G. S. Travels in the Island of Iceland, during the Summer of the year 1810. See Works on Geography. Macvicar, J. G. A Sketch of a Philosophy. 4 parts in 3, vols. 8vo. half calf. Part 1 . Mind, its Powers and Capa- cities. Part 2. Matter and Molecular Mor- phology. Part 3. The Chemistry of Natural Substances. Part 4. Biology and Theodicy. Williams & Norgate, 1868-74. Mangin, A. The Desert World. Translated from the French. New edition, royal 8vo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1872. The Mysteries of the Ocean. Translated from the French and enlarged by W. H. Davenport Adams. New edition, royal 8vo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1874. Marcet, Mrs. Lessons on Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals. 18mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1846. Marey, E. J. Animal Mechanism, &c. crown 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) IT. S. King & Co., 1874. Marlborough College Natural History Society. Reports for the years ending Christmas 1886 and 1887. (Nos. 35 and 36.) 8vo. sewed. C. Perkins, Marlborough, 1887-8. Marsden, W. The History of Sumatra ; with a Description of the Natural Productions, &c. See Works on Geography. Maunder, S. Treasury of Natural History. 4th edition. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. • — — — ■■ 5th edition. 12mo. cloth. 1858. ■ 6th edition, revised and corrected, with an extended Supplement, by T. S. Cobbold, M.D. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1862. Menault, E. Wonders of Animal Instinct. With Illustrative Anecdotes. Translated from the French. crown 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co. Microscope and Microscopical Science, I'reatises on the. See Works on Optics. Mitchell, Lieut.-Ck)l. Sir T. L. Three Ex- peditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia; with Descriptions of Aus- tralia Felix and New South Wales. ' See Works on Geoorapht. 234 NATURAL HISTORY. Mivart, St. George. On the Genesis of Species. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1871. ■■ Lessons from Nature, as mani- fested in Mind and Matter. 8vo. cloth, cloth. J. Murray, 1876. Molina, Abbe Don J. I. The Geo- graphical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili. See Works on Geogbapht. Morell, .T. R. Scientific Guide to Switzerland, crown 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1867. Morse, E. S. First Book of Zoology, post 8vo. cloth. H. S. King& Co., 1876. Moseley, H. N. Notes by a Naturalist on the "Challenger," 1872-76. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. Motley, J., and Dillwyn, L. L. Con- tributions to the Natural History of Labuan, and the adjacent Coasts of Borneo. Coloured plates. Part 1. (All published.) 8vo. half calf. .London, n.d. Murray, Rev. T. B. Zoological Sketches, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1859. Natural History Rambles, fcp. 8vo. cloth : — Lakes and Rivers. By C. O. Groom Napier. 1879. Lane and Field. By Rev. J. G. Wood. 1879. In Search of Minerals. By D. T. Ansted. 1880. Mountain and Moor. By J. E. Taylor. 1879. Ponds and Ditches. By M. C. Cooke. 1880. The Sea-Shore. By Prof. P. M. Duncan. 1879. Underground. By J. E. Taylor. 1879. Woodlands. By M. C. Cooke. 1879. Christian Knowledge Society. Naturalist's (The) Library. Conducted by Sir W. Jardine, Bart. Coloured Blustrations. 40 vols, post 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1833-43. Mammalia. Vol. 1. Monkeys. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Buff on.) 1833. 2. The Felinse. By Sir W. Jar- dine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of G. Cuvier.) 1834. 3. Ruminantia. Part 1. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Por- trait and Memoir of Camper.) 1835. 4. Ruminantia. Part 2. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Por- trait and Memoir of John Hunter.) 1836. Naturalist's (The) Library— con<. Mammalia — cont. Vol. 5. Pachydermes. By Sir W. Jar- dine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Sir Hans Sloane.) 1836. 6. Ordinary Cetacea, or Whales. (With Portrait and Memoir of Lacepede.) 1837. 7. British Quadrupeds. By W. Macgillivray. (With Portrait and Memoir of Aldrovandus.) 1838. 8. Amphibious Oarnivora, including the Walrus and Seals; also of the Herbivorous Cetacea, &c. By R. Hamilton. (With Portrait and Memoir of Per on.) 1839. 9. Dogs. By Lieut.- Col. C. H. Smith. (With Portrait and Memoir of Pallas.) 1839. 10. Dogs. By Lieut.-Col. C. H. Smith. (With Portrait and Memoir of Don Felix d'Azara.) 1840. 11. Marsupialia, or Pouched Ani- mals. By G. R. Waterhouse. (With Portrait and Memoir of Barclay.) 1841. 12. Horses. By Lieut.-Col. C. H. Smith. (With Portrait and Memoir of Gesner.) 1841, 13. Introduction to the Mammalia. By Lieut.-Col. C. H. Smith. ("With Portrait and Memoir of Dru Drury.) 1843. Ornithology. 1. Humming Birds. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Linnseus.) 1833. 2. Humming Birds. By Sir W, Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Pennant.) 1836. 3. Gallinaceous Bu-ds. By Sir W, Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Aristotle, by A. Crichton.) 1834. 4. Gallinaceous Birds. — Game Birds. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Sir T. S. Raffles.) 1834. 5. Gallinaceous Birds. — Pigeons, By P. J. Selby. (With Por- trait and Memoir of Pliny, by A. Crichton.) 1835. 6. Parrots. By P. J. Selby. (With Portrait and Memoir of Bewick, by Rev. Mr. Turner.) 1836. 7. Birds of Western Africa. By W. Swainson. (With Portrait and Memoir of Bruce, by A. Crichton.) 1837. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 235 Naturalist's (The) Library— con<. Ornithology — cont. Vol. 8. Birds of Western Africa. By W. Swainson. (With Portrait and Memoir of Le Vaillant, by A. Crichton.) 1837. 9. Birds of Great Britain and Ire • land. Part 1. Birds of Prey. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With a Portrait and Memoir of Sir R. Sibbald, Bart.) 1838. 10. Flycatchers, or Muscicapidae. By W. Swainson. (With Por- trait and Memoir of Baron Haller.) 1838. 11. Birds of Great Britain and L-e- land. Part 2. Insessores. By «ir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of W. Smellie.) 12. Birds of Great Britain and Ire- land. Part 3. Rasores and Grallatores. By Sir W. Jar- dine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of J. Walker.) 1842. 13. Nectariniadse, or Sun-Birds. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of F. Willughby.) 1843. 14. Birds of Great Britain and Ire- land. Part 4. Natatores. By SirW. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Wil- son.) 1843. Ichthyology. 1. The Perch Family. By Sir W. Jardine, Bart. (With Portrait and Memoir of Sir J. Banks.) 1835. 2. Fishes ; particularly their Struc- ture and Economical Uses. By J. S. Bushnan. (With Portrait and Memoir of Sal- viani.) 1840. 3. Fishes of Guiana. Part 1. By R. H. Schomburgk. (With Portrait and Memoir of the Author.) 1841. 4. British Fishes. Part 1. By R. Hamilton. (With Portrait and Memoir of Rondelet.) 1843. 5. Fishes of Guiana. Part 2. By R. H. Schomburgk. (With Portrait and Memoir of Burck- hardt.) 1843. 6. British Fishes. Part 2. By R. Hamilton, (With Portrait and Memoir of Humboldt.) 1848. Entomology. 1. Introduction to Entomology. By J. Duncan. (With Por- trait of De Geer and Memoirs of Swammerdam and De Geer.) 1840. Naturalist's (The) Xtibrary-— eon/. Entomology — cont. Vol. 2. Beetles. By J. Duncan. (With Portrait and Memoir of Ray.) 1835. 3. British Butterflies. By J. Dun- can. (With Portrait and Me- moir of Werner.) 1837. 4. British Moths, Sphinxes, &c. By J. Duncan. (With Portrait and Memoir of Madame Merian.) 1836. 5. Foreign Butterflies. By J. Dun- can. (With Portrait and Me- moir of Lamarck.) 1837. 6. Bees. (With Portrait and Me- moir of Huber.) 1840. 7. Exotic Moths. By J. Duncan. (With Portrait and Memoir of Latreille.) 1841. Newton, A. Zoology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1874. Newton, E. T. The Typical Parts in the Skeletons of a Cat, Duck, and Cod- fish. Being a Catalogue with Compara- tive Descriptions arranged in a Tabular Form.* 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1875. * Skeletons arranged to illustrate the above are in the Science Collec- tions, S.K.M. " A Classification of Animals ; being a Synopsis of the Animal Kingdom, with especial Reference to the Fossil Forms. 8vo. sewed. G. Philip 8c Son, 1887. Nicholson, H. A. Advanced Text- Book of Zoology, for the Use of Schools, post 8vo. cloth. 1870. cloth. 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1873. — 3rd edition. post 8vo. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1878. — — Text-Book of Zoology, for Junior Students. 4th edition of the "Ad- vanced Text-Book." post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1886. Manual of Zoology ; with a General Introduction on the Principles of Zoology, crown 8vo. cloth. 1870. ' 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1875. — — ■ 7th edition, rewritten and enlarged Svo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1887. Introductory Text-Book of post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1871. 2nd edition, 1875 ; 5th edition, 1881. $m NATURAL HISTORY. Ificholson, H. A. An Introductory Text -Book of Zoology. 6th edition, post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1887. Introduction to the Study of Biology, crown 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1872. Examinations in Natural History. post 8vo. sewed. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1872. Outlines of Natural History for * Beginners, post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1873. "Novara" Expedition round the ; World in 1857-9, Keports of the. See Foreign Works in present section, Noyce, E. Outlines of Creation, with Engravings hy Dalziel. post 8vo. cloth. Ward & Lock, 1858. O'Brien, Charlotte. Simple Catechism of the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms. 18 mo. stiff wrapper. Relfe, Brothers. Ocean, The ; a Description of Wonders * and Important Products of the Sea. 2nd edition. 16mo. cloth. Griffith & Farran. Ogilvie, G. The Master-Builder's Plan ; . or the Principles of Organic Architec- ture, as indicated in the Typical Forms of Animals, crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1853. Oken, L. Elements of Physio-philosophy. From the German by A. Tulk. 8vo. cloth. JRay Society^ 184.7, O'Reilly, B. Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the North-west Passage to the Pacific Ocean, &c. See Works on Geography. Orton, Dr. J. Comparative Zoology, Structural and Systematic. 8vo. cloth. Harper & Bros., New York, 1876. Osbeck, P. Voyage to China and the East Indies ; together with a Voyage to Suratte, by O. Toreen, and an Account . of Chinese Husbandry, by Capt. C. G. Eckeberg ; to which are added a Faunula and Flora Sinensis. See Works on Geogbaphy. Owen, J. Stepping Stone to Natural * History. Vertebrate or Back-boned * Animals. Parts 1 and 2 ; also the two parts in 1 vol. 18mo. cloth. • a - Natural History for Beginners. ' Mammalia. Parts 1 and 2. 18 mo. sewed. (Gleig's School Series.) Longmans & Co., 1859. Owen, p. On the Kxteut and Aims of a National Museum of Natural History. 8to. cloth. Saunders oc Co., 1862. Packard, A. S., jun. Life Histories of Animals, including Man ; or, Outlines of Comparative Embryology.* royal 8vo. cloth. Holt & Co., New York, 1876. Zoology. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Holt & Co., New York, 1880. Palaeontology, Works on. See Works on Geology, &c. Paley's Natural Theology. With Notes by Lord Brougham and Sir Charles Bell. 3 vols. ISmo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co. Parsons, J. Philosophical Observations on the Analogy between the Propagation of Animals and that of Vegetables ; with Explanation of the manner in which each piece of a divided Polypus becomes another perfect Animal of the same Species. 8vo. calf. London, 1752. Pascoe, F. P. Zoological Classification, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1877. Paterson, H. S. Studies in Life, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Hodder & Stoughton, 1880. Patterson, K. First Steps to Zoology. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Simms & M'Intyre, Belfast, 1860. — — — 5th edition, post 8vo. half bound. W. Mullan, Belfast, 1873. Introduction to Zoology. 23rd thousand, post 8vo. cloth. Simms & M'Intyre, Belfast, 1857. ■ 36th thousand, post 8vo. half roan. W. Mullan, Belfast, 1872. Invertebrate and Vertebrate Animals. The figures convey an idea of form but not of comparative size. On two sheets, size 27 in. by 24 in. Simms & M'Intyre, Belfast. Another copy. W. Mullan, Belfast. Pennant, T. Arctic Zoology. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1784. Supplement. With His- torical Description of the Zetland Is- lands. By T. Gifford. 4to. calf. London, 1786-87. [These vols, include an account of the Geography, Climate, Soil, Anti- quities, &c. of Great Britain, Flanders, &c., as well as of the Arctic Kegions.] Perry, Commodore, M. C. United States Japan Expedition. — Natural History , Papers, &c. See Works on Geo- GBAPHY. Petiver, J. Opera Historiara Naturalem Spectantia : containing several thousand figures of Birds, Beasts, Fossils, &c., also of Trees, &c., from all parts, adapted to Ray's History of Plantr. To which are now added seventeen curious Tracts. The additions corrected by J. Empson. With Plates. 2 vols, folio, calf. London, 1767. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 237 PettigreWy J. B. Animal Locomotion, with Dissertation on Aeronautics. 2nd , edition. crown 8vo. cloth. (Inter- national Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1874. Phillip, A. Voyage to Botany Bay. With an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. See Works on Gbo- Philosophical Society of New South Wales, Transactions of the, 1862-65. 8vo. morocco. Reading & Wellbank, Sydney, 1866. Phipson, T. L. Phosphorescence ; or, the Emission of Light by Minerals, Plants, and Animals, fcp. 8vo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1870. Picture Natural History, including Zoology, Fossils, and Botany. By Mary E. C. Boutell. Edited by the Rev. C. Boutell. post 4to. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Plinins Secundns, C. Pliny's Natural History, in thirty-seven books. A Translation on the Basis of that by Dr. Philemon Holland. Edition 1601. With Critical and Explanatory Notes. Edited by the Wernerian Club. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. (^With Latin Classics.) London, 1847-49. [^Texts and other Translations are with Latin Classics ; also see Foreign Works in present section.'] I Portrait and Memoir of. See Naturalist's Library — Ornithology, Vol. 5. Polar Expedition (International) to Point Barrow. — Natural History. See Works on Geography. Pontoppiddaii,Right Reverend E. The Natural History of Norway. With plates. 2 parts in one vol. folio, calf. London, 1755. [Contains a MS. note about the Kraken, by John Wickham.] Pouchet, F. A. The Universe: or, the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little. 8th edition, royal 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1885. Ponlton, E. B. The Colours of Animals ; their meaning and use. post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1890. Pratt, Anne. Chapters on the Common Things of the Sea Coast, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Pront, W. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgwater Treatise.) 8vo. cloth. London, 1834. Qnatrefa^es, A, de. The Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. Translated by E. C. Ottei 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1857. Hae, J. Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea, in 1846 and 1847. Lists of Mammalia, &c. Collec- ted. See Works on Geogkaphy. Raffles, Sir T. S. Memoir of the Life and Public Services of. With Catalogue of Zoological Specimens collected by him in Sumatra. See Works on Geography. Portrait and Memoir of See Naturalist's Library — Ornithology, Vol. 4. Say, J., Memorials of. Consisting of his Life, by Dr. Derham; Notices, by Sir J. E.Smith, Cuvier, Dupetit-Thouars, &c. Edited by E. Lankester. Sro. cloth. Bat/ Society, 1846. Correspondence of. Edited by E. Lankester. 8vo. cloth. Rat/ Society^ 1848. Reason Why. Natural History. Illus- trating the Natural History of Man and the Lower Animals. 12th thousand, post 8vo. cloth. Houlston & Wright, 1869. Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841-44. 1. State of Zoology in Europe by C. L. Bonaparte ; 2. Progress of Zoology in 1842-43, by A. Wagner, F. H. Troschel, W. F. Erichson, C. Th. v. Siebold; 3. Progress of Physiological Botany in 1841, by H. F. Link. Trans- lated by G. Busk, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Ray Society, 1845-47. Rhind, W. Elements of Zoology ; em- bracing a View of Life as manifested in the various Gradations of Organized Beings, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1839. Richardson, Sir J. Fauna Boreali- Americana ; or, the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America. Assisted by William Swainson and Rev. William Kirby. 4 vols, 4to. half calf. Vol. 1. Quadrupeds. By Sir J. Richardson, Vol. 2. Birds. By W. Swainson and Sir J. Richardson. Vol. 3. Fishes. By Sir J. Richardson. Vol. 4. Insects. By Rev. W. Kirby. London, 1829-37. 238 NATURAL HISTORY. RicliardsoiL, Sir J., and Gray, J. E. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.SS. "Erebus" and "Terror," under the command of Capt. Sir James Clark Boss, during the years 1839-42. Coloured plates. 2 vols. 4to. calf. I. Summary of the Voyage, by J. D. Hooker. Mammalia, by J. E. Gray. Birds, by G. R. Gray ; Appendix, by R. B. Sharpe. n. Reptiles, by G. R. Gray and A. Giinther. Fishes, by Sir J. Richardson. Crustacea, by E. J. Miers. Insects, by A. White and A. G. Butler. Mollusca, by E. A. Smith. E. W. Janson, 1844-75. Ridge, B. Principles of Organic Life. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1875. Bfippingliam, J. Natural History, ac- cording to the Linnsean System, ex- plained by Familiar Dialogues in Visits to the London Museum. 4 vols. 18mo. half roan. (^Brooke Collection.') London, 1815. Roberts, Mary. Domesticated Animals considered with reference to Civilization and the Arts. 7th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1854. — — Wild Animals, their Nature, Habits, and Instincts, with incidental Notices of the Regions they inhabit. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1854. Rochefort, De. The History of the Carriby Islands, with a Carribian Voca- bulary. See Works on Geography. Roffet, P. M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. See Bridgewater Treatises. Rolleston, G. Forms of Animal Life, being Outlines of Zoological Classifi- cation based upon Anatomical Investi- gation. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1870. ■ Forms of Animal Life. A Manual of Comparative Anatomy, with Descrip- tions of selected Types. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged by W. H. Jackson. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888. — — — Scientific Papers and Addresses. Arranged and edited by W. Turner. With a Biographical Sketch by E. B. Tylor. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1884. Romanes, G. J. Animal Intelligence, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scien- tific Series.) C. K. Paul, Trench, & Co., 1882. Romanes, G. J. The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution, crown 8 vo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1882. Ross, Capt. J. C. Zoology. (Parry's Journal of Third Voyage for Discovery of N.W. Passage.) See Works on Geography— Parry, Capt. W. E. •^— — Reports. Natural History. (Ross*s Narrative of a Second Voyage, N.W. Passage, &c.) See Works on Geo- graphy — Ross, Sir J. Royal Society. Account of the Petrological, Botanical, and Zoological Collections made in Kerguelen's Land and Rodriguez during the Transit of Venus Expedition, 1874-5. (Philoso- phical Transactions, Vol. 168.) See Transactions — London. Russell, A. The Natural History of Aleppo. See Works on Geography. Schmidt, O. The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism, post 8vo. cloth. (Inter- national Scientific Series.) 1875. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1875. Schoedler, F. Elements of Zoology. Translated from the 6th German edition by H. Medlock, 2nd edition, crown 8 vo. cloth, stiff. Griffin & Co., 1 8 54. Schouw, J. F. The Earth, Plants, and Man. Popular Pictures of Nature, and Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom by F. von Kobell. Translated and edited by A. Henfrey. 12 mo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) H. G. Bohn, 1859. Scientific Apparatus, Special Loan of, 1876. Conferences held in connection with the. — Biology. See Science and Art Department Publications : South Kensington Museum, Cata- logues of Loans. Scripture Natural History; being an Account of Animals, Trees, Plants, and Precious Stones mentioned in Scripture, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Scrijpture Natural History ; con- taining a Description of the Quadrupeds, Birds, &c., mentioned in Scripture. 12mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Scripture Quadrupeds; being a Description of the Animals mentioned in the Bible. Coloured illustrations, imp. 1 6mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons. Scndder's (S. H.) Catalogue of Scien- tific Serials, 1633-1876. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises'). GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 239 Seemann, B. Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Herald " during the years 1845-51. [Containing Fauna and Flora of Isthmus of Panama, Behring's Straits, &C.J See Works on Geography. Senrper, K. The Natural Conditions of Existence as they affect Animal Life, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. K. Paul & Co., 1881. Shaw, G. Cimelia Physica. Figures of Rare and Curious Quadrupeds, Birds, &c., together with several of the most elegant Plants. Engraved and coloured from the objects themselves by J. F. Miller, folio, calf. London, 1796. Shaw, Key. T. Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. [Containing Essay towards the Natural History, &c., of Algiers, Tunis, &c.] See Works on Geo- GBAPHY. Sidney, Rev. E. Philosophy of Food and Nutrition in Plants and Animals. 12mo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Siebold, C. T. von. Progress of Zoology in 1842-43. See Reports on the Progress of Zoology, &c. Simxnouds, P. L. Dictionary of Useful Animals and their Products, fcp. 8vo. E. & F. N. Spon. (^With Works of Reference.) Waste Products and Undeveloped Substances ; or, Hints for Enterprize in neglected Fields. See Works on Manufactures, &c. Skinner, J. The Present State of Peru ; comprising its Geography, Topography, Natural History, Mineralogy, &c. See Works on Geography. Sloane, Sir Hans. A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica ; with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds, Insects, Reptiles, &c. Illustrated with Figures of the things described ; in large copper-plates as big as the Life. 2 vols, folio, russia. London, 1707-25. ■ Portrait and Memoir of. See Naturalist's Library — Mammalia, Vol. 5. Smee, A. My Garden ; with a general Description of its Geology, Botany, and Natural History. See Works on Botany. Smellie, W. The Philosophy of Natural History. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. Edinburgh, 1790-99. — — - Portrait and Memoir of. See Naturalist's Library — Ornithology, Vol U. Smith, A. Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa ; consisting chiefly of Figures and Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History collected during an Expedition in the years 1834-36 ; fitted out by " The Cape of Good Hope Asso- ciation for exploring Central Africa." With coloured illustrations. 5 vols. 4to. cloth. London, 1849. Mammalia. Aves. Reptilia. Pisces. Invertebratae. Somexrville, Mary. On Molecular and Microscopic Science. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1869. Sopwith, T. Address to the Members of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, May 23, 1855. 8vo. sewed. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1855. Sowerby, G. B. The Aquarium. A Popular Account of Marine and Fresh- water Animals and Plants. Coloured plates, royal 16mo. cloth. Routledge & Co., 1865. Spallanzani, L. Tracts on the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables. Translated by J. G. Daly ell. 2nd edition, Vol.1. 8 vo. half calf. Edinburgh, 1803. Spencer, H. The Principles of Biology. 2 vols. 8vo. Williams & Norgate, 1869. {With PTorAs on Mental AND Moral Philosophy.) Spencer, T. On the Origin and Repro- duction of Animal and Vegetable Life on the Globe. 8vo. sewed. E. Wilson, 1885. Stansbnry, H. An Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah ; including Description of its Natural History, &c. See Works on Geo- graphy. Stedman, Capt. J. G. Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana from 1772-77 ; describing the Produc- tions, &c. See Works on Geography. Steenstrup, J. J. S. On the Alterna- tion of Generations. Translated from the German Version of C. H. Lorenzen, by G. Busk. 8vo. cloth. Bay Society, 1845. Stormonth, Rev. J. Manual of Scientific Terms ; chiefly comprising Terms in Botany, Natural History, Anatomy, Medicines, and Veterinary Science, fcp. 8vo. Maclachlan & Stewart, 1879, (^With English Dictionaries.) Streets, T. H. Contributions to the Natural History of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islands and Lower California, 1873-5. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 13.) See Transac- tions- Washington. 240 NATUKAL HISTORY. StlLxrb, Capt. C. Narrative of an Expe- dition into Central Australia, during 1844-6. [Containing Appendix : Ani- mals, Specimens of various Bocks, &c.] See Works on Geography. Swainson, W. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1834. Natural History, and Classification of Quadrupeds. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. - Taxidermy ; with the Biography of Zoologists, and Notices of their Works, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals. fcp. 8vo. cloth. On the Habits and Instincts of Animals, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Animals in Menageries, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Ssrmonds, Rev. W. S. Old Bones ; or, Notes for Young Naturalists. See Works on Geology. Tandon, M. See Fredol, A. Taylor, J. E. Half-Hours at the Sea^ side. Coloured illustrations, fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1872. Half-Hours in the Green Lanes. fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1873. The Aquarium ; its Inhabitants, Structure, and Management, post 8vo. cloth. Hardwicke & Bogue, 1876. Nature's Byepaths: a Series of Recreative Papers in Natural History, crown 8vo. cloth. D. Bogue, 1880. Taylor, J. E., &c. Notes on Collecting and Preserving Natural History Objects, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Hardwicke & Bogue, 1876. Tegetmeier, W. B. Tabular View of the Classification of Animals and Vege- tables, after Cuvier and De Candolle. 3rd edition. On a sheet, 27 in. by 20 in. Darton & Co. Tennent, Sir J. E. Ceylon. An . Account of the Island, Physical, His- torical, &c. See Works on Geo- graphy. Tenuey, Sanborn, A. M. Natural History. Illustrated, crown 8vo. cloth. Scribner & Co., New York, 1865. Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. The Depths of the Sea. royal 8vo. cloth. 1873. 2nd edition. royal 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. .' The Voyage of the " Challenger." See Works on Geography, also present section — Challenger. Toumefort, P. de. A Voyage to the Levant : containing the Ancient and Modern State of the Islands of the Archipelago, &o. Copper-plates of UnQommon Plants, Animals, &c. See Works on Geography. Towuson, R. Tracts and Observations in Natural History and Physiology. With Plates. 8vo. half calf. London, 1799. [Contains Sketch of the Mineralogy of Shropshire.] Transactions, &c. of Natural History Societies (English and American): — Birmingham. — Midland Union of Natural History Societies. — The Midland Naturalist. Boston.— Boston Society of Natural History. Charleston. — Elliott -Society of Natural History. London. — Acclimatisation Society. Linnean Society. Ray Society. Royal Society. Zoological Society. , Minnesota. — Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Nevs^ York. — American Museum of Natural History. Lyceum of Natural History. State Cabinet {afterwards Museum) of Natural History. Philadelphia. — Academy of Natural Sciences. Plymouth.— Marine Biological Asso- ciation. Salem. — Essex County Natural History Society. Peabody Academy of Science. San Francisco. —Calif ornia Academy of Natural Sciences. See Transactions (Catalogue OF Scientific Periodicals). Tristram, Rev. H. B. Natural History of the Bible. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1873. Troil, U. von. Letters on Iceland : containing observations on the Natural History, &c. See Works on Geo- graphy. Troschel, F. H. Progress of Zoologj- in 1842-43. See Reports on the Pro- gress of Zoology, &c. Tnckey, Capt. J. K. Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire. Appendix containing the Natural History of that part, &c. See Works on Geography. Twining, T. Science made Easy — Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal King- doms. See Works oti Physics (^General Treatises^. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 2tX Tyudall, J. Essays on the Floating Matter of the Air in relation to Putre- faction and Infection. See Works on BOTANF. Fermentation. See Works on Chemistry. Ullathome> G. S. Systematic List of British Vertebrate Animals, being a Catalogue of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. 12mo. sewed. Bichardson & Co., Durham, 1861. Victoria, Natural History of. Prod- romus of the Zoology of Victoria. By F. McCoy. See McCoy, F. Virchow, Dr. R. The Freedom of Science in the Modem State. Dis- course at Munich, Sept. 1877. With new Preface. Translated from the German, fcp. 8vo. sewed. J. Murray, 1878. Wagner, A. Progress of Zoology in 1842-43. See Reports on the Progress of Zoology, &c. Wallace, A. R. The Malay Archipe- lago ; the Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. ■ Conti-ibutions to the Theory of Natural Selection. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. 1875. ^te Geographical Distribution of Animals. With a Study of the Rela- tions of Living and Fxtinct Faunas as elucidating the past Changes of the Earth's Surface. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. (2 copies.) 1876. ■ Tropical Nature, and other Essays. Svo. cloth. 1878. Island Life ; or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a revision and at- tempted solution of the Problem of Geological Climates. Svo. cloth, Macmillan & Co., 1880. Darwinism ; an Exposition of the * Theory of Natural Selection, with some of its Applications. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Watson, Rev. J. S. The Reasoning Power in Animals. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. L. Reeve & Co., 1870. Webster, W. II. B. Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, in the years 1828-30, performed in H.M. Sloop " Chanticleer." [Contains observations on the Natural Productions of the Places visited.] See Works on Geography. E 61668. Weismann, Dr. A. Studies in the Theory of Descent. With Notes and Additions by the Author. Translated and edited, with Notes, by R. Meldola. With Prefatory Notice by Charles Darwin. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1882. Essays upon Heredity and kindred Biological Problems. Translation, edited by E. B. Poulton, S. Schonland, and A. E. Shipley. See Foreign Biological Memoirs. Wellington College Natural Science Society. Reports for 1SS2 and 1884. Svo. sewed. Wellington College, 1883 & 1885. White, A. D. The Warfare of Science. With Prefatory Note by Prof. Tyndall. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1877. WMte, C. An Account of the Regular Gradation in Man, and in diflferent Animals and Vegetables ; and from the former to the latter. With Passages from Professor Soemmering's Essaj' on the Comparative Anatomy of the Negro and European. 4to. half calf. London, 1799. White, Rev. G. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. Edited by Sir W. Jardine, Bart, crown Svo. cloth. N. Cooke, 1853. ■ Edited by T. Bell. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1877. With Notes by Frank Buck- land. A Chapter on Antiquities by Lord Selborne, and New Letters. Illustrated by P. H. Delamotte. crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1880. Arranged for Young Per- sons. New edition, with Notes and Woodcuts, crown Svo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. White, J. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. With 65 plates (coloured) of Nondescript Animals, &c. See Works on Geography. Wilde, W. R. Narrative of a Voyage to Madeira, TenerijQfe, &c. ; with Obser- vations on the Climate, Natural History, &c. of the Countries visited. See Works on Geography. Wilson, Alex. Some Observations relative to the Influence of Climate on Vegetable and Animal Bodies. Svo. half calf. London, 1780. Wilson, Andrew. The Student's Guide to Zoology, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1874. ■ ■ Zoology ; a Description of Types of Animal Structure, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science Manuals.) W. & R. Chambers, 1877. 242 NATURAL HISTORY. Wollaston, T. V. On the Variation of Species, with especial reference to the Insecta ; followed by an inquiry into the Nature of Genera. 12mo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1856. Wood, Rev. J. G. The Illustrated Natural History. 12mo. cloth. Routledge & Co., 1853. . Boy's Own Book of Natural His- tory, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Routledge & Co., 1860. . Illustrated Natural History. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth: — Mammalia. Birds. Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusks, &c. Routledge & Sons, 1863-5. — — Homes Without Hands; being a Description of the Habitations of Animals classed according to their principle of construction. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1865. . Bible Animals; being a Descrip- tion of every Living Creature mentioned in the Scriptm-es, from the Ape to the Coral. Illustrated. 8vo. half calf. 1869. ., Strange Dwellings ; being a De- • scription of the Habitations of Aiymals. Abridged from "Homes Without Hands." crown 8vo. cloth. 1871. — — Out of Doors: a Selection of Original Articles on Practical Natural History, crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. . Trespassers. 8vo. cloth. Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 1874. . ■ Man and Beast Here and Here- after. 2 vols, crown 8vo. cloth. Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1874. ■ Our Garden Friends and Foes, post 8vo. cloth. G. Routledge & Sons, 1882. See also Natural History Rambles. Wood, T. The Farmer's Friends and Foes. See Works on Agkicultdre. Wood, W. Catalogue of Works on Natural History. 8vo. boards. London, 1824. Woodward, B. B. The Natural His- tory of the Year. 18mo. cloth. Ward & Co. World of Wonders, The ; a Record of Things Wonderful in Nature, Science, and Art. 4to. cloth. Cassell, Fetter, & Galpin. Yonng, Kev. J. Scripture Natural History, royal 16mo. cloth. I ■ New edition. 18mo. cloth. Dean & Son. GENERAL STATURAL HIS- TORY. FOREIGN PUBLICATIONS. Agassiz, L. De I'Espece et de la ClaS' sification en Zoologie. Traduction par Felix Vogeli. 8vo. half calf. Germer Bailliere, Paris, 1869. Albert I©*", Le Prince de Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son Yacht. Publies sous s& direction avec le concours de M. le Baron J. de Guerne. Fascl. Contribu- tion a la Faune Malacologique des lies A9ores. Coloured plates, royal 4to. sewed. Monaco, 1889. Albmair, T. I Quattro Elementi spie- gati in venticinque discorsi. 4to. half calf. Florence, 1668. Aldrovandns, U. Ornithologiae, hoc est de Avibus Historise, libri XII. 3 vols, folio, vellum. Bononise, 1637-46. (Colophon date, 1640 and 1645.) De Animalibus Insectis, libri VII. folio, vellum. Bononise, 1638. (Col. 1644.) — De reliquis Animalibus Exangui- bus, libri IV., post mortem ejus editi, nempe de MoUibus, Crustaceis, Testa- ceis et Zoophytis. folio, vellam. Bononise, 1642. . De Piscibus, libri V., et de Cetis, liber unas. folio, vellum. Bononiffi, 1638. (Col. 1644.) De Quadrupedibus Soli4ipedibu8, volumen integrum, folio, vellimi. Bononise, 1649. (Col. 1639.) ___. — Quadrupedum omnium Bisulconim Historia. foho. vellum. Bononise, 1621. (Col. 1641.) ■ — De Quadrupedibus Digitatis Vivi- paris, libri III., et de Quadrupedibus Digitatis Oviparis, libri II. folio, vellum. Bononise, 1645. ■ Serpentium et Draconum Historiae, libri II. folio, vellum. Bononise, 1640. (Col. 1639.) Monstrorum Historia, cum Para- lipomenis Historise omnium animaliimi. folio, vellum. Bononise, 1642. — Musseum Metallicum in libros IV. distributum. folio, vellum, Bononise, 1648. Dendrologisc, naturalis scilicet Ar- borum Historise, libri II. folio, vellum. Bononia;, 1668. (Col. 1667.) [These works are arranged in the order in which they originally appeared. Only the first three were published during the Au- thor's life, the others being edited from the materials left by him, by the -various men whose names are given on the respective title- pages.] GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 243 Aldrovandns, U., Portrait and Memoir of. See English Works in present sec- tion — Naturalist's Library, Mammalia, Vol. 7. Alix, E. L'Esprit des nos Betes, royal 8vo. sewed. J. B. Baillike & Son, Paris, 1890. AjBniHCKin Mipi. The Alpine World, royal 8vo. cloth. St. Petersburg, 1873. Altunij Dr. B. Forstzoologie. 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco : — Vol. I. Saugethiere. 2nd edition. II. Vogel. 2nd edition. III. Inseeten. J. Springer, Berlin, 1874-80. Areudts' Naturhistorischer Schul Atlas. With Letterpress. 3rd edition, by Dr. F. Traumiiller. oblong 4to, sewed. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1880. In Eussian. oblong 4to. sewed. St. Petersburg, 1873. ■' Dutch Edition of this work. See Burgersdijk, Coster, &c. Aristotle. Histoire des Animaux. Traduite par M. Camus. With Greek Text. 2 vols, half bound. (Vol. 2. Notes sur 1' Histoire par Camus.) Paris, 1783. ■ De Animalibus Historiae, libri X. Grajce et Latine ; edente Jo. Gottlob Schneider. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lipsise, 1811. ■ Aristoteles' Vier Bucher iiber die Theile der Thiere : Griechisch u. Deutsch. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Frantzius. 12mo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1853. Aristoteles Thierkunde ; Grie- chisch u. Deutsch. Von Dr. H. Aubert u. Dr. Fr. Wimmer. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1868. ' Thierkunde, von J . B. Meyer. See Meyer, J. B. ■ Portrait and Memoir of, by Andrew Crichton. See English Works in present section. — Naturalist's Library, Ornithology, Vol. 3. Die Thierarten des, von den Klassen der Saugethiere, Vogel, Eepti- lien und Insekten, von Sundevall. See Sundevall, C. Aristotelis Historiam Animalium, Ob- servationes Zoologicae Criticse in. See Wiegmann, A. F. A. Audoiiiu, v., and Edwards, H. Milne. Recherches pour servir k I'Histoire Naturelle du Littoral de la France, ou Recueil de Memoires sur I'Anatomie, la Physiologic, la Classifica- tion et les Moeurs des Animaux de nos Cdtes. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Tome I. Voyage k Granville, aux ties Chausey et k Saint-Malo. Intro- duction. Tome II. Ann^lides. fPart 1.) Paris, 1832-4. Azuni, D. A. Histoire Geographique, Politique, et Naturelle de la Sardaigne. See French Works on Geography. Baeuitz, Dr. C. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 8vo. half calf. A. Stubenrauch, Berlin, 1876. Baer, Dr. K. E. von. Reden gehalten in Wissenschaftlichen Versammlungen und kleinere Aufsatze vermischten Inhalts. 3 Parts in one vol. 8vo. half morocco : — I. Swammerdam's Leben und Ver- dienste imi die Wissenschaft, etc. II. Studien aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissensch af ten. III. Historische Fragen mit Hiilfe der Naturwissenschaften beant- wortet. St. Petersburg, 1864-76. B^langer, C. Voyage aux Indes- Orientales, par le Nord de I'Europe, pendant les annees, 1825-29. — Zoologie, par C. Belanger, I. Geoff roy-Saint- Hilaire, R. P. Lesson, A. Valenciennes, G. P. Deshayes et F. E. Guerin. Text, 8vo. Atlas of Coloured Plates, 4to. half calf. Paris, 1834. Bert, P., and Blanchard, R Ele- ments de Zoologie. post 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1885. Bianconi, G. G. Specimina zoologica Mosambicana. 4to. calf. Bononise, 1850. Bibliotheca Zoologica. The Litera- ture of Zoology, which has appeared in Periodicals, Transactions, &c., and of the books published from 1846 to 1860. By J. V. Cams and W. Engelmann. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. W. Engelmann, Leipzig ; Williams & Norgate, 1861. II. Verzeichniss der Schriften liber Zoologie welch e in den periodischen Werken enthalten vom Jahre 1861-1880 selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Ein- schluss der Allgemein-naturgeschicht- lichen periodischen und palaeontolog- ischen Schriften. Bearbeitet von Dr. O. Taschenberg. Lieferung I. and onwards. 8vo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1886, &c. Bibliotheca Zoologica. Original- Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Zoologie. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. Leuckart und Dr. C. Chun. 4to. sewed : — Heft. i. Chun, Dr. C. Die pelagische Thierwelt in ^rosseren Meerestiefen und ihre Beziehungen zu der Ober- fiachenfauna. 1888. Q 2 2U NATURAL HISTOKY. Bibliotheca Zoologica. Original- Abhandlungen, &c. — cont. Heft 2. Strubell, Dr. A. Unter- suchungen xiber den Bau und die Entwickelung des llubennema- toden Heterodera Schachtii Schmdt. 1888. Heft 3. Vanhoffen, Dr. E. Unter- sucbungen liber semaostome und rhizostome Medusen. 1889. Heft 4. Heckert, Dr. G. A. Unter- sucnungen iiber die Entwicklungs- und LebensgeschicbtedesDistomum macrostomum. 1889. Heft 5. SchewiakofiF, Dr. W. Bei- trage zur Kenntniss der holotricben Ciliaten. Th. Fischer, Cassel, 1889. Bischoff, G. W., Blum, J. R., Bronn, H. G., Leonhard, K. C. v., and Leuckart, F. S. Naturge- schicht e der drei Reiche. 1 5 vols., in 20. Svo. half calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 766- 785.) Stuttgart, 1832. Blainville, H. M. D. de. Principes de Zooclassie, ou Classification des Animaux. Svo. half calf. Roret, Paris, 1863. Blanchard, E. L' Organisation du Regne Animal, imp. 4to. (AH pub- lished) : — Mammiferes. Liv. 1-3. Oiseaux. Liv. 1-4. Reptiles. Liv. 1-10. Mollusques Acephales. Liv. 1-3. Arachnides. Liv. 1-18. In 2 boxes. V. Masson, Paris. Blumenbach, J. F. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 4th edition. 12mo. half calf. Gottingen, 1791. Bdhner, Dr. A. N. Leben and Weben der Natur. A^olksausgabe des Kosmos fiir gebildete Familien. Coloured plates. 3rd edition. Svo. half morocco. Riimpler, Hanover, 1879. Bonaparte, C. L. (Prince). Icono- grafia della Fauna Italica per le quattro classi degli Animali vertebrati. Coloured illustrations. 3 vols, folio, half mo- rocco. 1. Mammiferi-Uccelli. 2. Amfibi. 3. Pesci. Rome, 1832-4J. Boas, J. E. V. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. royal 8vo. served. G. Fischer, Jena, 1890. Bonnet, C. CEuvres d'Histoire Na- turelle et de Philosophie. Plates. 18 vols. 8vo. bound : — Insectologie. Vols. 1, 2. Memoires d'Histoire Naturelle. Vol. 3. Recherches sur I'usage des Feuilles. Vol. 4. Corps Organises. Vols. 5, 6. Bonnet, C. CEuvres d'Histoire Na- turelle, Sec— cont. Contemplation de la Nature. Vols. 7-9. Ecrits et Lettres d'Histoire I?'aturelle. Vols. 10-12. Les Facultes de I'Ame. Vols. 13, 14. La Palingenesie Philosophique. Vols. 15, 16. Essai de Psjchologie. Vols. 17, 18. Neuchatel, 1779-83. Lettres. See Spallanzani, L. Bonrdean, L. Conquete du Monde Ani- mal. 8vo. sewed. (Histoire des Arts Utiles.) F. Alcan, Paris, 1885. Bourgnignat, J. R. Souvenirs d'ane Exploration Scientifique dans le Nord de TAfrique. Coloured plates, royal 4to. calf. Monuments Symboliques de I'Algerie. Etudes Geologique et Paleontologique des Hants Plateaux de I'Atlas entre Boghar et Tiharet. Histoire Malacologique de la Regence de Tunis. Monuments Megalithiques de Roknia. Djebel — Thaya et les Ossements Fossiles recuellis dans la grande Caverne de la Mosquee. Challamel, Paris, 1868-70. Boveri, Dr. Th. Zellen-Studien. Heft 1, 2, 3. 8vo. sevved. G. Fischer, Jena, 1887-90. Brandt, J- F. Bemerkungen iiber die Wirbelthiere des Nordlichen Europa- ischen Russlands. See Works on Geo- graphy (^Germaii) — Hofmann, E. Brehm, A. E. lUustrirtes Thierleben. Eine allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs. (6. Band, von E. L. Taschenberg und Oskar Schmidt.) 6 vols. Svo. half calf. Hildburghausen, 1864-69. Thierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs. Grosse Ausgabe. 2nd edition. 10 vols. imp. Svo. half mo- rocco. 1-3. Saugethiere. 1876-77. 4-6. Vogel. 1878-79. 7-8. Kriechthiere, Lurche, und Fische. 1878-79. 9-10. Wirbellose Thiere. Von E. L. Taschenberg und O. Schmidt., Leipzig, 1877-78. Broca, P. Memoires d' Anthropologic Zoologique et Biologique. See Works on Ethnography. Brocchi, P. Traite de Zoologie Agri- cole, comprenant des; Elements de Pisci- culture, d' Apiculture, de Sericiculture, d'Ostreiculture, &c. Svo. cloth. J. B Bailli^re PA2I5 item de Aquatilibus aliisque nonnuUis Animal- ibus libellus. 3 vols., in one. 4to. bound. Romse, 1616. Costa, A. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della Reale University di Napoli. See Transactions— Naples. Costa, O. G. Fauna del Regno di Napoli. 4to. (In five packets, imperfect.) Coste, P. Histoire generale et particu- lifere du Developpement des Corps Organises. Fascic. 1-4 (All published). Text, 4to. Plates (4 parts), broad folio. V. Masson, Paris, 1847-59. Carti, G. Storia Naturale, disposta con Ordine scientifico. 8vo. half bound. Meyer, Lucerne, 1846. Cnvier, F. Des Dents des Mammif^res, considerees comme Caract^res Zoolo- giques. 8vo. half morocco. Strasburg & Paris, 1825. Cnvier, G. Tableau J^lementaire de I'Histoire Naturelle des Auimaux. 8to. calf. Paris, an VI. (1798), GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 247 Cuvier, G. Recueil des Eloges Histor- iques. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Strasburg & Paris, 1819-27. Histoire des Progrfes des Sciences Naturelles, depiiis 1789 jusqu'k ce Jour. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1826-8. Le Regne Animal, distribue d'apr^s son Organisation. (Crustaces, Arach- nides et Insectes, par M. Latreille.) New edition. 5 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1829-30. .^— Le Regne Animal distribue d'apr^s son Organisation pour servir de base h I'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introiuction h 1' Anatomic Comparee. ;6dition accompagnes de Planches gravees par une Reunion de Disciples de Cuvier- 18 vols. 8vo. calf. Mammif^res. Par MM. Milne Edwards, Laurillard et Roulin. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Oiseaux. Par M. A. d'Orbigny. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Poissons. Par M. A. Valenciennes. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Reptiles. Par M. Duvernoy. Text and Atlas. In one vol. Insectes. Par M. Audo uin, Blanchard, Doyere et Milne Edwards. Text and Atlas. 4 vols. Arachnides. Par M. A. Dug^s. Anne- lides. Par M. A. Milne Edwards. Text and Atlas. 2 vols., in one. Mollusques. Par M. Q. P. Deshayes. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Crustaces. Par M. Milne Edwards. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Zoophytes. Par M. Milne Edwards. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Paris, [1836-49]. .. LcQons d'Anatomie Comparee. 2nd edition. 9 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1835-46. . Anatomic Comparee. Recueil de Planches de Myologie. Publie sous la direction de MM. Laurillard et Mercier. 2 vols, broad folio, calf. Paris, 1849. .. ■■ ■ Le Baron Georges, Me moires de. Par Mrs. Lee. Traduites par Th. Lacordaire. 8 vo. half calf. Paris, 1833. See also English Works : Natural- ists' Library, Mammalia, Vol. 2. Darlnc. Histoire Naturelle de la Pro- vence. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Avignon, 1782-86. Dairwinische Theorie (Die). Ver- zeichniss der uber dieselbe in Deutsch- land, England, Amerika, Frankreich, Italien, Holland, Belgien und den Skandinavischen Reichen erschienenen Schriften und Aufsatze. See Spengel, J.W. For other Foreign Treatises on the Darwinian Theory, see English Works in present section. Danbenton, L. J. M., and Boffon, G. L. Le C. Histoire Naturelle, Gener- ale et Particuliere ; avec la Description du Cabinet du Roi. See Buffon, G. L. LeC. Davila. Catalogue Systematique et Raisonne des Curiosites de la Nature et de I'Art. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Paris, 1767. Delafosse, G. Notions Elementaires d' Histoire Naturelle : Botanique.-Minera- logie. See Works on Botany ; also Geology, Minebalogy, &c. (^Foreign^. Zoologie. Nouvelle edition. 18mo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1851. Another copy, sewed. Precis Elementaire d'Histoire Naturelle. 8th edition. 12mo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1858. Delam^tlierie, J. C. Considerations sur les Etres Organises. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1804-6. [Vol. 3 has a second title : "De la Perfectibilite^ et de la Degener- escence des Etres Organises."] De la Nature des Etres Existans, ou Principes de la Philosophic Naturelle. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. half calf. (Bound as Vol. 4 of above work.) Paris, 1805. Desclianel, A. P., and Pocillon, A. Dictionnaire General des Sciences Theoriques et Appliquees. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Sandon & Co., Paris. (^With WoKKS OP Refekence.) Descourtilz, E. Voyages d'un Natu- raiiste, et ses Observations faites sur les Trois Regnes de la Nature, dans plusieurs ports de Mer Franijaise, en Espagne, au Continent de I'Araerique Septentrionale, h Sant-Yago de Cuba, et Jl St. Domingue, &c. With Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1809* Dictionnaire des Sciences Natu- relles ; suivi d'une Biographic des plus celebres Naturalistes. Par plusieurs Professeurs du Jardin du Roi, &c. 60 vols. With 8 vols, of Plates. 8vo. half calf. [Vols. 1-6 have each a Supple- ment.] Strasburg & Paris, 1816-30. Dictionnaire (Ifouvean) d'His- toire Naturelle appliquee aux Arts, principalement k I'Agriculture et k I'Ecouomie Rurale et Domestique. With Plates. 24 vols. 8vo.calf. Paris, 1803-4. Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle dirige par C. d'Orbigny. Text, 13 vols.. Atlas, 3 vols. 8vo. calf. Zoologie generale, &c.,par Humboldt, Geoffroy-Sainte-Hilaire, &c. Mammif^res et Oiseaux, par Geoff.- Ste.-Hilaire, Quatrefages, &c. ^4B NATURAL HISTOBY. Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle — cont. Reptiles et Poissons, par Bibron et Valenciennes. Mollusques, par A. d'Orbigny, Dujar- din, Milne-Edwards, &c. Articules, par Milne-Edwards, &c. Zoophytes, par A. d'Orbigny, Dujar- din et Milne-Edwards. Botanique, par Brongniart, Decaisne, &c. Geologic, &c., par Ch. d'Orbigny, Dela- fosse, &c. Chimie, Physique et Astronomic, par Arago, Becquerel, Dumas, Riviere, &c. Paris, 1847-49. Du Bois-Reyxnoxid, E. Untersuchung- en iiber thierische Elektricitat. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1848-9. I ■ Darwin versus Galiani. 8vo. half calf. A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1876. Dn Petit-Thouars, A. Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregate ** La Venus." — Zoologie : Mammiferes, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Poissons. 8vo. half russia. With folio Atlas. Baudry, Paris, 1846-55. ■ Notices of J. Ray. See English Works in present Section, under Ray. Dutrochet, H. Recherches Anatom- iques et Physiologiques sur la Structure intime des Animaux et des Vegetaux, et sur leur Motilite. 8vo. calf. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1824. L' A gent immediat du Mouve- ment Vital, devoile dans sa Nature et dans son Mode d'Action chez les Vegetaux et chez les Animaux. (Im- perfect.) 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1826. Dtivaly M. Atlas d'Embryologie. 4to. cloth. G. Masson, Paris, 1889. Edwards, A. Milne. Elements de I'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. Programmes d'AoAt, 1880. 12mo. boards : — Part 1. Zoologie methodique et de- scriptive. Pour la Classe de Cinquieme. Part 2. Anatomic et Physiologic Animales. Pour la Classe de Philo- sophic. G. Masson, Paris, 1882. ■■ Recherches sur la Faune des Regions Australes. ^ (Biblioth^que de l'!Ecole des Hautes Etudes — Section des Sciences Naturelles. Tomes XIX., XXI., XXV.) See Transactions— Paris. Edwards, H. Milne. ^Elements de Zoologie ; ou Lemons sur I'Anatomie, la Physiologic, la Classification, et les Mceurs des Animaux. royal 8vo. cloth. With Atlas, boards. Brussels, 1837. Edwards, H. Milne. Cours Elemen- taire d'Histoire Naturelle — Zoologie. 12th edition. 12mo. half calf. G. Masson, Paris, 1877. n Rapport sur les Progres Recents . des Sciences Zoologiques en France. See Reports, &c. on Education— Fkance — Lettres, &c. Edwards, H. Milne, and Comte, A. Cahiers d'Histoire Naturelle. 1 er . Cahier — Zoologie. New edition. 12mo. sewed. V. Masson & Son, Paris, 1870, Ehrenberg, C. G., and Hemprich, W. F. Naturgeschichtliche Reisen durch Nord-Afrika und West-Asien, in den Jahren 1820-25. See Hemprich, W. F. Eichwald, E. von. Fauna Caspio- Caucasia nonnullis obscrvationibus novis. Plates. (Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Imperialc des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tome VII.) 4to. half calf. Petropoli, 1841. Encyclop^die Methodique ; ou par ordre de Matieres, par une Societe Gens de Lettres, &c. : — Histoire Naturelle des lusectes. Par MM. Mauduyt, Olivier, Latreille et Godart. Text, 7 vols. Plates, 1 vol. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1789-181*9. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1787. Histoife Naturelle des Vers (Coquilles, Mollusques, et Poly piers). Par M. Bruguiere, De Lamarck et G. P. Deshayes. Text and Plates. 6 vols. 4to. half bound. Paris, 1792-1832. Ichthyologie. Par INI. I'Abbe Bon- naterre. Text and Plates (one- vol.). 4to. half calf . Paris, 1788. Encyklopsedie der Naturwissen- SCliaften. — Handworterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologic, und Ethnologic. See Jager, Prof. Dr. G., and Reichenow, Prof. Dr. A. Erhard, Dr. Faima der Cykladen.- Part I. 8vo. half calf. Voigt & Giinther, Leipzig, 1858. Eschscholtz, F. Zoologischer Atlas, enthaltend Abbildungen und Beschreib- ungen neuer Thierarten, wahrend des Flottcapitains von Kotzebue Zwciter Reisc um die Welt, 1823-26. Coloured illustrations. Parts 1-5, in one vol. folio, half calf. (Part 5, edited by D. M. H. Ratke.) Berlin, 1829-33. Eydonx and Sonleyet. Voyage autour du Monde (1836-37) — Zoologie. See Vaillant, Le Capitaine. Fabricius, O. Fauna Groenlandica, systcmatice sistens Animalia Groerlan- dise Occidentalis. post 8vo. vellum. Hafniffi et Lipsi-^ 1780. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. ^4(>^ Faivre, E. La Variabilite des Esp^ces et ses Limites. 12ino. half calf. G. Bailli^re, Paris, 1868. Fatio, V. Faune des Vertebres de la Suisse. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. half • calf and sewed. Vol. I. HistoireNaturelle des Mammi- feres. III. Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles et des Batraciens. IV.-V. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. [Vol. 3 contains an Appendix to Vol. 1 , and Vol. 4 a Supplement to Vol. 3.] Vol. 2, Oiseaux, is in preparation. H. Georg, Geneva & Basle, 1869-90. Fanna und Flora des Golfes von ITeapel und der angreuzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Herausgegeben von der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. With Plates. 4to. sewed and half morocco : — Monographic. , I. Ctenophorae. Von Dr. C. Chun. 1880. II. Fierasfer. (In Italian.) Von Dr. C. Emery. 1880. III. Pantopoda. Von Dr. A. Dohm. 1881. IV. Corallina. Von Prof. Graf zu Solms-Laubach. 1881. V. Die Chaetognathen. (In Italian.) Von Dr. B. Grassi. 1883. VI. Caprelliden. Von Dr. P. Mayer. 1882. VII. Die Cystoseiren. (In Italian.) Von R. Valiante. 1883. VIII. Bangiaceen. Von Dr. G. Ber- thold. 1882. IX. Die Actinien. (In Italian.) Von Dr. A. Andres. Pt. 1. Coloured plates. 1884. X. Doliolum. Von Dr. B. Uljanin. 1884. XI. Die Polycladen. Von Dr. A. Lang. 2 parts. Coloured plates. 1884. XII. Cryptonemiaceen. Von Dr. G. Berthold. Coloured plates. 1884. XIII. Koloniebildende Radiolarien (Sphaerozoeen). Von Dr. K. Brandt, 1885. XIV. Polygordius. Von Prof. J. Frai- pont. 1887. XV. Die Gorgoniden. Von G. Koch. 1887. XVI. Die Capitelliden. Von Dr. H. Eisig. 2 parts. 1887. XVII. Caprelliden. Nachtrag von Dr. P. Mayer. 1890. R. Friedlander & Son, Berlin. F6e, A. L. A. Le Darwinisme ; ouExa- men de la Theorie relative k I'Origine des Especes. 8vo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1864. Feuzl, E., Bedteubacher, L., and • Heckel, J. J. Abbildungen neuer und seltener Thiere und Pflanzen in Syrien und im westlichen Taurus gesammelt von Th. Kotschy. In one vol. post 8vo. half calf. Stuttgart, 1843. lUustrationes et Descriptiones Plan- tarum Novarum Syriae et Tauri Occidentalis. Auct. E. Fenzl. lUustrationes, etc., Coleopterorum^ Novorum Syriae. Auct.L. Redten- bacher. Die Fische Syriens, Persiens und Egyptens, von J. J. Meckel. (Aus Russegger's " Reisen.") Fignier, L. Ouvrages Illustres. royal . 8vo. half morocco : — Histoire des Plantes. 1865. La Terre avant le Deluge. 5th edi- tion. 1866. La Terre et les Mers, ou Description Physique du Globe. 3rd edition. 1866. La Vie et les Moeurs des Animaux. Zoophytes et MoUusques. 1866. Les Mammiferes. 1869. Les Insectes. 2ud edition. 1869. Les Poissons, les Reptiles, et les Oiseaux. 2nd edition. ' 1869. L'Homme Primitif . 2nd edition. 1870. Le Savant du Foyer ; ou Notions Scientifiques sur les Objets Usuels de la Vie. 5th edition, royal 8vo. sewed. 1870. Les Races Humaines. Hachette & Co., 1872. The Insect World. (In Russian.) royal Svo. cloth. St. Petersburg, 1869. The Vegetable World. (In Rus- sian.) royal 8vo. cloth. St. Petersburg, 1870. Les Grandes Inventions Auciennes et Modemes. See Works on Me- chanics {Foreign). Filhol, H. La Vie au Fond des Mers. Les Explorations sous-marines et les Voyages du " Travailleur " et du " Talis- man." Illustrated. Svo. sewed. (Biblio- th&que de la Nature.) G . Masson, Paris. Finsch, O. Neu Guinea und seine Bewohner. See Works on Geography {German). Fischer, Dr. Sig. Gasp. Compendio di Storia Naturale. 12mo. boards. Vienna, 1848. Fleischer, Dr. H. E. Lehrbuch der Zoologie fair Landwirtschaftsschulen. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1884, Flonrens, P. Examen du Livre de M. Darwin sur I'Origine des Especes. 12mo. half calf. Gamier Bros., Paris, 1864. 250 NATURAL HISTORY. Ponvielle, W. de. Les Merveilles du Monde Invisible. post 8vo. sewed. (^JBibliotheque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1867. o Forskal, P. Descriptiones Animaliam, A"vium, Amphibiorum, Piscium, Insect- orum, Vermium, quae in itinere orientali observavit. 4to. half calf. HaunisB, 1775. Fredericq, L. La Lutte pour I'Exis- tence chez les Animaux Marins. post Svo. sewed. (Bibliotheque Scientifique Contemporaine.) J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1889. Fr^dol, A. Le Monde de la Mer. Coloured illustrations, imp. Svo. sewed. 1865. 2nd edition, imp. Svo. half Hachette & Co., 1S66. morocco. Fnxmrolir, Dr. A. E., &c. Naturhis- toriache Topographic von Regensburg. 3 vols., in one. post Svo. half calf. Regensburg, 1838-40. Band 1. Der Geschichtliche, Klimato- logische und Geognostiche Theil. 1838. 2. Die Flora von Regensburg. 1839. 3. Die Fauna von Regensburg. 1840. Ganthier-de-Iiapeyronie. Voyage en Islande. Avec une Description des diverses especes de Terres, Fossiles, des Animaux, Poissons, et Insectes, &c. See Works on Geography (^French). " Gazelle, "^ S. M. S., Die Forschungs- reise, 1874-1876. 5 vols. 4to. sewed. E. S. Mittler & Son, Berlin, 1889-90. Gegenbaur, Dr. C. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomic der Wir- belthiere. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, I. de Zoologie Generale. (Suites a BufFon.) Svo. half calf. Paris, 1841. ■ Domestication et Naturalisation des Animaux Utiles. Rapport. 3rd edition. 12mo. half calf. Dusacq, Paris, 1854. Georgi, J. G. Bemerkungen einer Reise imRossischenReiche im Jahre 1772-74. See Works on Geography (^German). Gerstaecker, A., and Cams, J. V. Handbuch der Zoologie. See Carus, J.V. Gervaise, N. Histoire Naturelle et Politique du Royaume de Siam. See Works on Geography (^French). Gervais, P. Elements de Zoologie, comprenant 1' Anatomic, la Physiologic, la ClasKification et I'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. 2nd edition. Svo. half calf. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1871. Gervais, P. Cours Elementaire d'His- toire Naturelle, contenant les Mati^res indiquees par les Programmes officiels du 23 Juillet, 1874. 3 parts in one vol. fcp. Svo. half roan : — I. Zoologie. 2nd edition. 1877. II. Botanique. 2nd edition. 1878. III. Geologic. 1877. Hachette & Co., Paris. Zoologie et Paleontologie Gene- rales. See Works on Geology, &c. (Foreig7i). Gesner, C, and Trillerus, D. W. See JElianus (^English Works). Giebel, C. G. Die drei Reiche der Natur. Erste Abtheilung : Die Natur- geschichte des Thierreichs : Saugethiere, Vogel, Amphibien, Fische, Gliederthiere, Bauchthiere. Illustrated. 5 vols. 4to. half calf. O. Wigand, Leipzig, 1859-64. Another copy. 5 vols, in 2. half morocco. Girod, Dr. P. iftanipulations de Zo- ologie. Guide pour les Travaux Pra- tiques de Dissection. — Animaux Inver- tebres. Svo. cloth. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1889. Giiycki, G. von. Philosophische Con- sequenzen der Lamarck-Darwin'schen Entwicklungstheorie. Svo. half calf. C. F. Winter, Leipzig, 1876. Goppert, H. R. Silesian Fossils and Natural History, &c. See Works on Geology (^Foreign). Grafe, Dr. H. Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche. 2 '\ ols. Svo. half calf. CC. C. E. X., Nos. 786-787.) W. Hermes, Berlin, 1841. Gn^rin (jalso Gu^rin-M^neville), F. E. Iconographie du Regne Animal. Plates. Svo. half morocco. [Paris, 1829, &c.] Gn^riu-M^neville, F. E., Iiesson, A., and Garnot. Zoologie — Mammi- feres, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Poissons. See Works on Geography {French) — Duperrey, L. I. Gnettard. Memoires sur Differentes parties de I'Histoire Naturelle des Sciences et Arts. 5 vols. 4to. calf. Paris, 1768-83. Haeckel, E. Generelle Morphologic der Organismen. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1866. Natiirliche Schopfungsgeschichte. Svo. half calf. 1868. 2nd edition. Svo. half calf. 1870. 6th edition. Svo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1875. Ueber die Entstehuhg und den Stammbaum des Menschengeschlechts. Svo. half calf. C. G. Liideritz, Beriin, 1868. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 251 Haeckel, E. Anthropogenic ; oder Ent- wickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1874. Ziele und Wege der heutigen Entwickelungsgeschichte. 8vo. half calf. H. Duffi, Jena, 1875. Die Perigenesis der Plastidule, Oder die Wellenzeugung der Lebens- theilchen. 8vo. half calf. G. Keimer, Berlin, 1876. Histoire de la Creation des litres Organises d'apr^s les Lois Naturelles. Conferences Scientifiques sur la Doc- trine de r;fivolutiou en general et celle de Darwin, Goethe, et Lamarck en par- ticulier. Traduites de I'Allemand par le Dr. C. Letourneau, et precedees d'une Introduction Biographique par C. Mar- tins. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Eeinwald, Paris, 1877. Haeckelismus (Der) in der Zoologie. Von C. Semper. -See Semper, Dr. C. Hagelberg's (W.) Zoologischer Hand- Atlas. Coloured illustrations. 4to. boards : — A. Mammalia. B. Aves. C and D. Reptilia, Amphibia, et Pisces. E. Articulata. F. and G. Vermes, Echinodermata, CoBlenterata et Protozoa. F. Diimmler, Berlin. Hannou^ Dr. J. Traite Elementaire de Zoologie. (Encyclopedic Populaire.) 12mo. half calf. Brussells, n.d. Harting, P. Leerboek van de Grond- beginselen der Dierkunde in haren geheelen omvang. 3 vols., in 6, and 3 parts. 8vo. half calf and sewed. H. C. A. Campagne, Tiel, 1862-74. Hartmaun, C. E. R. Darwinismus und Thierproduktion. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1876. Hasselquist, F. Iter PalsBstinum, eller Resa til Heliga Landet (1749-52) ; Med Beskrifningar, Ron, Anmirkningar ofVer de M^rkvardigaste Naturalier. Utgifven af C. Linnaeus. See Works on Geography (^Swedish). For English Translation, see English Woi-ks on Geography. Katschek, Dr. B. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Eine Morphologische t)ber- sicht des Thierreiches zur Einfiihrung in das Studium dieser Wissenschafl. Lief. 1, 2. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888-9. Hayek, Dr. G. von. Handbuch der Zoologie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. half morocco. Gerold, Vienna, 1874, &c. — — Grundriss der Zoologie. 8vo. sewed. Gerold, Vienna, 1876. Heller, Dr. A. Die Schmarotzer. fcp 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich & Leipzig, 1880. Hemprich, W. F., and Elirenberg, C. G. Naturgeschichtliche Reisen durch Nord-Afrika und West-Asien, in den Jahren 1820-25. Part 1. 4to. cloth. Berlin, 1828. Hertwig, O. Lehrbuch der Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. royal 8vo. half morocco. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888. Experimentelle Studien am tier- ischen Ei vor, wahrend und nach der Befruchtung. Teil 1. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1890. Hess, Dr. W. Das Susswasseraquarium und seine Bewohner. Ein Leitfaden fiir die Anlage und Pflege von Siiss- wasseraquarien. 8vo. sewed. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1886. Hinterwaldner, J. M. Wegweiser fur Naturaliensammler. Eine Auleitung zum Sammeln und Conservieren von Thieren, Pflanzen und Mineralien jeder Art, sowie zur rationellen Anlage und Pflege von Terrarien, Aquarien, Voli^ren, &c. 8vo. sewed. A. Pichler's Widow & Son, Vienna, 1889. His, W. Untersuchungen iiber die erste Anlage des Wirbelthierleibes. Die erste Entwickelung des Hiihnchens im Ei. 4to. calf. Vogel, Leipzig, 1868. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ent- wickelungsgeschichte fiir die AufFassung der organischen Natur. 8vo. half calf. Vogel, Leipzig, 1870. HoeveXL, J. van der. Handbuch der Zoologie. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. L. Voss, Leipzig, 1850-56. For English Translation, see English Works in present section. Tabula Regni Animalis, secundum alteram Enchiridii sui Zoologici edi- tionem in auditorum usum. One sheet folded in 8vo. half calf covers. Lugduni Batavorum, 1856. ■ ' Philosophia Zoologica. 8vo. half calf. Lugd. Bat., 1864. Huber, J. Die Lehre Darwin's kritisch betrachtet. post 8vo. half calf. J. J. Lentner, Munich, 1871. Huxley, I*rof . T. H. Elements d'Ana- tomie Comparee des Animaux Inverte- bres. Traduit de 1' Anglais par le Dr. G. Darin. Avec une Preface, des Notes, et une Chapitre sur les Principes gene- raux de la Biologic par le Professeur A. Giard. 12mo. half calf. Delahaye, Paris, 1877. Jager, Dr. G. Zoologische Briefe. 8vo. half calf. W. Braumiiller, Vienna, 1876, In Sachen Darwin's insbesondere contra Wigand. 8vo. half calf. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1874, 2Si NATURAL HISTORY. Jager, Prof. Dr., and Beicheuow, Prof. Dr. A. Handworterbuch der Zoo- logie, Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Vol. 1 and onwards, royal 8vo. (Ency- klopaedie der Naturwissenschaften.) E. Trewendt, Breslau, 1879, &c. Jonstou, J. Theatram Universale Om- nium Animalium Quadrupedum. With ' Plates. Francof. a.M., 1755. — Historia Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis libri • quinque. With Plates. Francof. a.M., ' 1767. In one vol. folio, calf. — i Historia Naturalis de Insectis, libri tres. With Plates. Francof. a.M., 1653.— Historise Naturalis de Serpentibus libri • duo. With Plates. Francof. a.M., 1653. In one vol. folio, calf. journals, &c. oh General Natural His- tory (Foreign): — Allgemeine Deutsche Naturhistorische Zeitung. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Annali di Storia Naturale. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. Archiv fiir Zoologie und Zootomie. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale. Archivio per la Zoologia, I'Anatomia e la Fisiologia. Arsberattelse om Zoologiens Framsteg under Sren, 1840-52. Bericht iiber die Wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Niederen Thiere. Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen . Biologisches Centralblatt. Cellule (La). Humboldt. Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Magasin de Zoologie. Magazin fiir die Naturkunde Helve- tiens. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Nature (La). Naturforscher, Der. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift. Naturwissenschaftliche Wochen- schrift. Niederlandisches Archiv fiir Zoologie. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenska- berne. Revue Biologlque du Nord de la France. Revue Zoologique. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Natur- wissenschaften. Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenkunde. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoo- logie. Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Zoologische Jahresberichte. Zoologischer Anzeiger. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Ealtbrunner, D. Aide-Memoire du ' Voyageur. — Manuel du Voyageur. See Works 071 Geography {French). Keller, Dr. C. Grundlehren der Zoo- logie. 8vo. sewed. C. F. Winter, Leipzig, 1880, Eerville, H. G. de. Les Animaux et les Vegetaux Lumineux. post 8vo. sewed. (Bibliotheque Scientifique Con- temporaine.) J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1890. Eircher, A. Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis, &c., quam ex operibus A. Kircheri extraxit J. S. Kestler. See Works on Physios (^General Treatises). Klein, J. T. Quadrupedum Dispositio brevisque Historia Naturalis. 4to. half vellum. Lipsiae, 1751. Kner, R. Lehrbuch der Zoologie, zum . Gebrauche fiir hohere Lehranstalten. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. L. W. Seidel, Vienna, 1855. Koch, G. von. Grundriss der Zoologie. royal 8vo. half morocco. Dabis, Jena, 1876. Kolliker, A. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren Thiere. 8vo. calf. 1861. 2nd edition. 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1879. Korschelt, E., and Heider, K. Lehr- buch der vergleichenden Entwicklungs- geschichte der wirbellosen Thiere. Specieller Theil. Heft 1. royal 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1890. Kossman, R. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in die Kiistengebiete des Rothen Meeres. Halfte 1. 2, 1"* Lief. 2 parts. 4to. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1877-80. Kotschy, Th. See Fenzl, E., &c. Lac^pdde, B. G. E. p., Comte de. (Euvres. Nouvelle edition, dirigee par A. G. Desmarest. 11 vols, and 1 vol. plates (coloured) . royal 8vo. half calf. Vol. 1. Discours. 2. Cetaces. 8. Quadrupedes ovipares. 4. Serpents. 5-11. Poissons (1-7). Paris, 1826-33. La Fontaine, A de. Faune du Pays de Luxembourg. 4 vols. 8 vo. half calf. Oiseaux. Mammif^res. 1« Partie. (All pub- lished.) Reptiles. Poissons. V. Buck, Luxembourg, 1865-72. Jjamarck, J. B. de. Zoologische Philo- sophic. Nebst einer biographischen Einleitung von Charles Martins. Ueber- setzt yon Arnold Lang. 8vo. half calf. H. Dabis, Jena, 1876. GENERAL NATUR.VL HISTORY. 25?. Lambert, E. Zoologie a I'usage des Lycees, &c. 12mo. half calf. F. Savy, Paris, 1865. Laudois, Dr. H. Thierstimmen. 8vo. sewed. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1874. Laudrin, A. Les Plages de la France. 2nd edition, post Svo. sewed. {Biblio- t1f,eque des Merveilles.^ 1867, Les Moustres Manns, post Svo. sewed. (^Bibliothkque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. Laugf, A. Ueber den Einfluss der fest- sitzenden Lebensweise auf die Thiere und iiber den Ursprung der unge- schlechtlichen Fortpflanzung durch Theilung und Knospung. Svo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888. Leenwenhoek, A. van. Ontleedingen en Ontdekkingen . . . vervat in ver- scheide Brieven an de Koninglijke Socie- tat tot Londen. Vervolg (1-7) der Brie- ven. Send-Brieven (1-46). 5 vols, post 4to. vellum. Leyden, Delft, 1696-1718. Deal I. contains Ontleedingen, &c. Missive 28-52, dated 1679-1686. Deel II. contains Ontleedingen, &c.. Missive 53-83, dated 1687-1694. (Vervolg 1-4). Deel III. contains Ontleedingen, &c., Missive 84-107, dated 1694-1696 (Ven-olg 5-6). Deel IV. contains Ontleedingen, &c. Missive 108-146, dated 1697-1702 (Vervolg 7). Deel V. Send-Brieven (1-46), dated 1712-1717. -^ Epistolse (93-146) ad Societatem Regiam Anglicam. post 4to. half calf. Lugd. Bat., 1719. Arcana Xaturse detecta. Editio novissima. post 4 to. calf. Lugd. Batav., 1722. Leroy, M. D. L'Evolution des Esp^ces Organiques. 12mo. sewed. Perrin & Co., Paris. Lesson, A., Garnot, Guirin- M^ueville, F. E. Voyage autour du Monde sur " La Coquille."— Zoologie : Mammif^res, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Poissons. See Works on Geography (French) — Duperrey, L. I. LesSOna, Prof. M. Gli Acquari. 12mo. stiff cover. Turin, 1864. Letourneau, Dr. C. La Biologic. (Bibliothfeque des Sciences Contem- poraines.) fcp. Svo. cloth. Reinwald & Co., Paris, 1876. Lenckart, F. S. Allgemeine Einleitung in die Naturgeschichte. Svo. half calf. Stuttgart, 1832. Leuuis, J- Nomenclator Zoologicus. Eine Etymologische Erklarung der • vorziiglichsten Gattungs- und Axt- • Namen des Thierreichs. Svo. half calf. Hahn, Hanover, 1866. L^veq,ae, C. Les Harmonies Providen- tielles. post Svo. sewed. {Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1872. Liebstadt, Georg Marcgrav von. See Piso, G. Linnaeus, C. Systema NatursB in quo Naturae Regna Tria, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species systematic^ proponuntur. Editio 2^^*. Svo. calf. Stockholmiae, 1740. 10th edition. Reformata. 2 vols. Svo. calf. Holmiae, 1758-59. 12th edition. Reformata. 3 vols, (in 4). Svo. calf. Holmiae, 1766-68. 13th edition. Aucta, Re- formata. Cura J. F. GmeHn. 9 vols. Svo. calf. Lipsiae, 1788-93. Fauna Suecica. Svo. calf. Stockholmiae, 1746. 2nd edition. Svo. calf. Stockholmiae, 1761. Museum Ludovicae Ulricae Reginac Svecorum, etc. In quo Animalia rariora, exotica imprimis Insecta et Conchylia describuntur et determinantur. Svo. calf. Holmiae, 1764. ' Amoenitates Academicae curante J. C. D. Schrebero. 10 vols. Svo. calf. Erlangae, 1789-90. Another set, made up from various editions. 10 vols. Svo. calf. Lugd. Batav., Amstel. et Erlangae, 1749-90. ' Elenchus Animalium per Sueciam observatorum. See Works on Botany, (^Foreign) — Linnaeus, Oratio, &c. Auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, Physik, und Arzney- wissenschaft. See Works on Botany (^Foreign). Lachesis Lappouica ; or a Tour in Lapland. See Works on Botany (English). Lioy, p. II Museo di Storia Naturale a Vicenza. 12mo. sewed. Rovereto, 1665. Lorenz, J. R. Physicalische Verhalt- nisse und Vertheilung der Organismen im Quarnerischen Golfe. Svo. half calf. Vienna, 1863. iiuben, August. Naturgeschichte fiir Kinder in Volksschulen. Kursus 1, Thierkunde. Kursus 2, Pflanzenkunde. Kursus 3, Mineralieukunde. In 1 vol, 12mo. half roan. Halle, 1846-53. 3 parts. 9th edition. 12mo. Halle, 1873. sewed. Leitfaden zu einem methodischen Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte. 4 parts, in 1 vol. 12mo. half calf. Leipzig, 1852-4. 254 NATURAL HISTORY, Maillet, B. de. Telliamed ; ou Entretiens d'un Philosophe Indien avec un Mis- sionaire Francois sur la Diminution de la Mer. New edition (with Life of the Author). 2 vols, small 12mo. half calf. The Hague, 1755. Mangin. Men and Animals. (In Russian.) royal 8vo. cloth. St. Petersburg, 1872. SflCaxrfcens, E. von. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Zoolo- gischer und Botanischer Theil. Plates. 3 vols, royal Svo. half calf. R. von Decker, Berlin, 1866-76. Martins, C. F. P. von. Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen America. 4to. cloth. With 4 plates, in oblong broad folio paper wrapper. Munich, 1831. Masins, Dr. H. Zoologie. (Die ges- ammten Naturwissenschaften. Vol. 2.) See Work* on Physics (^General Treatises') — Naturwissenschaften. Menanlt, E. L'lnteUigence des Ani- maux. post Svo. sewed. (^Bihliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1869. M^XL^tries, F. Catalogue raisonne des Objets de Zoologie, recueillis dans un Voyage au Caucase. 4to. half calf. St. Petersburg, 1832. Meunier, V. Les Grandes Chasses. 2nd edition, post 8vo. sewed. (^Bihliothhque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1869. Meyeu, F. J. F. Beitrage zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. 4to. boards. Breslau, 1884. 1. tJberdie Salpen. 2. Saugethiere. 3. Menschen-Ra9en. 4. Vogel. 5. tjber das Leuchten des Meeres und Beschreibung einiger Poly pen und anderer Niederer Thiere. 6. Insekten. Bearbeitet von W, Erichson und H. Burmeister. Meyer, A. B. Charles Darwin und Alfred Russel Wallace. Ihre ersten Publicationen tiber die " Entstehung der Arten." Nebst einer Skizze ihres Lebens, und einem Verzeichniss ihrer Schriften. Svo. half calf. E. Besold, Erlangen, 1870. Meyer, J. B. Aristoteles Thierkunde : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologic und alten Philosophic. Svo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1855. Middendorff, A. T. von. Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens wahrend der Jahre 1843-44. With plates. In 6 vols. Text and Atlas. 4to. calf. Band 1. Klimatologie, Geognosie, Botanik. Band 2. Zoologie. 2 vols. (Lief. II. Theil 2 wanting.) Middendorf, A. T. von. Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten-Sibiriens, &c. — cont. Band 4. Uebersicht der Natur Nord- und Ost-Sibiriens. Die Eingeboren- en Sibiriens. 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1848-75. Millet, C. Les Merveilles des Fleuves et des Ruisseaux. post Svo. sewed. (^Bibliothbgue des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1871. Milne-Edwards. and H. M. See Edwards, A. Mission Scientifique an Mexiqne et dans l'Am6nqne Centrale. imp. 4 to. half morocco ; and in parts : — Geologic. Voyage Geologique dans les Republiques de Guatemala et de Salvador, par A. Dollfus et E. de Mont-Serrat. 1868. Linguistique. Manuscrit Troano. Etudes sur le Systeme Graphique et la Langue des Mayas, par Bras- seur de Bourbourg. 2 vols., in one. 1869-70. Recherches Botaniques. Par E. Fournier : — Partie 1'*. Cryptogamie. Livrai- son 1. 1872. Partie 2". Graminees. 1886. Recherches Zoologiques : — Partie l'^. Anthropologic du Mexique. Par E. T. Hamy. Livraison 1. 1884. Partie S"'^. Reptiles etBatraciens. Par A. Dumeril et Bocourt. Livraisons 1-11. 1870-88. Partie 3"«. Section 2«. Batra- eiens. Par Dr. Brocchi. Liv- raisons 1-3. 1881-83. Partie 4"*. Poissons. ParL.Vail- lant et Bocourt. Livraisons 1-3. 1874-83. Partie 5"*. Tome I. Xjphosures et les Crustaces de la Region Mexicaine. Par A. Milne- Edwards. 1881. Partie 6™«. Myriapodes et In- sectes (Orthopteres). Par H. de Saussure et A. Humbert. 1870. Partie 7"^. MoUusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles du Mexique et du Guatemala. Par P. Fischer et H. Crosse. Tome I., 1878 ; II., Livraisons 8-10, 1880-88. Recherches Historiques et Archeolo- giques : — Partie 1'^. Histoire. Introduc- tion par E. T. Hamy. Memoires sur la Peinture Didactique et I'Ecriture Figurative des An-: ciens Mexicains. Par J. M. A. Aubin. Livraison 1. Paris, 1886. GENEBAL NATURAL HISTORY. 255 Blojsisovics, A. von. Systematisclie Uebersicht des Thierreiches. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Leuschner & Lubensky, Gratz, 1882. Montmahou, C. de. Cours d'Histoire Naturelle; Zoologie, Botanique, Geo- logic. 2nd edition. 12mo. boards. Delagrave & Co., Paris, 1867. Miiller, F. Fur Darwin. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1864. Mnller, O. F. Zoologise Danicse pro- dromus. 12mo. half bound. Havniae, 1776. . Zoologia Danica, seu Animalium Danise et Norvegise rariorum ac minus notorum,Descriptiones etHistoria. Text, 4 vols, in one, and Atlas. (Coloured plates.) 2 vols, folio, half calf. Havniae, 1788-1806. Nageli, C. Entstehung und Begriff der Naturhistorischen Art. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. Munich, 1865. Natnur, Leesboek voor Kinderen over de. 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. Groningen, 1852. ITatxiTirleven, Schetsen uit het. Naar het Hoogduitsch door B. Brugsma. 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. Groningen, 1850. Neumayer, G., &c. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Keisen. Mit besonderer Ruchsicht auf die Bediirfnisse der Kaiserlichen Marine. See Works on Geography {German). Nicolsou, Le Pere. Essai sur I'His- toire Naturelle de I'lsle de Saint- Domingue. With Plates. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1776. Nierexnberg, J. Eusebius. Historia Naturae, maxime peregrinac, libris xvi. distincta. folio, calf. Antverpiae, 1635. Nilsson, S. Skandinavisk Fauna i Daggdjuren, Foglarna, Amfibierna, Fis- karna. 2nd and 3rd editions. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. C W. K. Gleerup, Lund, 1847-1860. "Novara" .Expedition, 1857-9. Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte " Novara " um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillestorf- Urbair. Illustrated. 24 vols. 4to. and royal 8vo. half calf, cloth, and sewed. Vienna, 1861-77. Beschreibender Theil : von K. Scherzer. 3 vols, royal 8vo. 1861. Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate " Novara." (Translation of the above.) 2 vols. See Works on Geography {English), " Novara " Expedition— conf. Viaggio della " Novara " intorno al Globo. 3 Specimens of the Italian Translation of the Voyage of the "Novara." royal 8 vo. Anthropologischer Theil : I. Cranien von E. Zuckerkandl; II. Korper- messungen, von K. Scherzer, &c. ; III. Ethnographic, von F. Miiller ; IV. Linguistischer Theil, von F. Mtiller. 4 vols. 1867-75. Botanischer Theil : Sporenpflanzen. von E. Fenzl. 1 vol. 1867. Geologischer Theil : Vol. 1. Parts 1 and 2. Vol. 2. Parts 1 and 2 in 1 vol. 1864-7. Charts (7) to accompany : Island of St. Paul (1), Nicobar Islands (6), 31 inch, by 22 inch. Medizinischer Theil, von E. Schwarz. 1 vol. 1861. Nautisch-Physicalischer Theil. 1 vol. 1862-5. Statistisch-Commercieller Theil, von K. Scherzer. 2 vols. 1864-5. Zoologischer Theil : I. Saugethiere, von J. Zelebor ; Vogel, von A. von Pelzeln ; Reptilien und Amphibien, von F. Steindachner, Fische von R. Kner. II. — 1. Coleoptera von L. Redtenbacher ; Hymenoptera, von H. de Saussure und J. Sichel, Formicidae von G. L. Mayr ; Neur- optera, von F. Brauer ; 2. Diptera, von J. R. Schiner; Hemiptera, von G. L. Mayr ; 3. Lepidoptera, von C. und R. Felder, und A. F. Rogen- hofer. Text and Atlas ; 4. Crus- taceen, von C. Heller, Anneliden, von E. Grube ; Mollusken, von G. R. von Frauenfeld. 5 vols. 1864-9. Dbersichtliche Darstellung der erschienenen Publicationen, zusam- mengestellt von J. Spitzka. 1 part, sewed. 1877. Outline of the Principal Aims and General Scientific Results of the. 8 pp. royal 8vo. Collection of 70 Woodcuts, illustrating the Descriptive Part of the Voyage of the "Novara," from the Xylo- graphical Establishment of Jos. Boyer von Berghof, in Vienna. In case, royal 4to. 1861. See also Works on Geography {German) — Hochstetter, F. von. Oken, L. Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Jena & Stuttgart, 181. 5-1 6. - Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fiir alle Stande. 13 vols. 8vo. and Atlas 4to. half calf. Stuttgart, 1833-42. Botanik. 4 vols. Mineralogie und Geognosie. Thierreich. 7 vols. Universal Register. 25d NATUBAX^ HISTORY. Olafsen, E. Des Vice-Lavmands Egbert Olafsens und des Landphysici Biarue Povelsens Eeise durch Island. See Works on Geography (^Germaii). Orbigny, C. d'. Dictionnaire Uuiversel d'Histoire Naturelle. See Dictionnaire Universelle. PagenStecher, H. A. AUgemeine Zoologie, oder Grundgesetze des thier- ischen Baus und Lebens. Parts I. — IV. 8vo. sewed. Wiegandt, Hempel, &c., Berlin, 1875-81. Pallas, p. S. Miscellanea Zoologica, quibus novse imprimis atque obscurse Animalium" Species describuntur. 4to. half calf. Hagae Comitum, 1766. Spicilegia Zoologica, quibus novse imprimis et obscurse Animalium Species iconibus, descriptionibus atque com- mentariis illustrantur. 4to. boards. Berolini, 1767-80. Perrier, E. Traite de Zoologie. Ease. I. and onwards. 8vo. sewed. F. Savy, Paris [1890]. Perty, M. Vorschule der Naturwissen- scbaft. Leichtfassliche Uebersicht der Haupt-Formen und Erscheinungen. 8vo. half calf. J. B. Miiller, Stuttgart, 1853. Peters, W. C. H. Naturwissenschaft- liche Keise nach Mossambique in den Jahren 1842-1848. Coloured plates. 5 vols. 4to. half calf. Zoologie (Saugethiere, Amphibien, Flussfische, Ipsecten und Myriopo- den). 4. vols. Botanik. 1 vol. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1852-82. Reisen in Ost-Afrika — Saugethiere und Amphibien. See Woi'ks on Geo- graphy (^Gertnan) — Decken, Baron C. C. von der. Philippi, R. A. Eeise durch die Wuste Atacama, in 1853-54. See Works on Geography (^German). Piso, G. De iMedicina Brasiliensi libri quatuor, et Geprgi Marcgravi de Iiiebstadt Historise rerum naturalium Brasilise libri octo, cum Appendice de Tapuyis et Chilensibus. Joannes de Laet in ordinem digessit et annotationes addidit, &c. In one vol. folio, vellum. Lugd. Bat. et Amstelodami apudLud. Elzevirium, 1648. Plateau, F. Zoologie Elementaire. 12mo. sewed. J. Baudry, Paris, 1880. Plinins Secuudus, C. Historise Naturalis libri xxxvij, quos interpreta- tione et notis illustravit J. Harduinus. 2nd edition. 3 vols, folio, calf. Parisiis, 1723. Plinius Secundus, C. Histoire Naturelle de Pline. Traduction nouvelle par M. Ajasson de Grandsagne. Avec Texte latin en regard. Annotee par MM. Beudant, Brongniart, Cuvier, &e. 20 vols. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1811-33. Poey, p. Memorias sobre la Historia Natural de la isla de Cuba. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half calf. Havanna, 1851-58. Pokorny, Alois. Naturgeschichte des Thierreiches. 8vo. sewed. Vienna, 1854. Polarforschung, Die Inter- nationale, 1882-1 883— Zoologie ; Botanik; Mineralogie. See Works on Geography (^German). Pollen, F. P. L., and Bam, Dr. C. van, &c. Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses Dependances. With plates. 4 vols, (incomplete). 4to. boards and sewed. Vol. I. Relation de Voyage. Liv. 1-5. II. Mammiferes et Oiseaux. IV. Poissons et Peches. V. Insectes, Crustaces, Mollus- ques, &c. Liv. 1-3. J. K. SteenhofE, Leyden, 1864-74. Porta, J. B. Phytognomica. See Works on Botany {Foreign). Poucliet, F. A. Nouvelles Experiences sur la Generation Spontanee et la Resistance Vitale. 8vo. half calf. Victor Masson & Son, Paris, 1864. L'Univers. Les Infiniment Grands et les Infiniment Petits. Coloured plates. 2nd edition, imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1868. Une lettre de. See Rossi, D. C. Qnadri, A. Note alia Teoria Dar- winiana. 8vo. half calf. G. Vitali, Bologna, 1869, Qnatrefages, A. de. Physiologic com- paree. Metamorphoses de I'Homme et des Animaux. 12mo. half calf. J. B. Baillifere & Son, Paris, 1862. ' Charles Darwin, et ses Precurseurs Francjais. Etude sur le Transformisme. 8vo. half calf. G. Bailli^re, Paris, 1870. Quoy and Gaimard. Zoologie. (Voyage de " L'Astrolabe.") See Works on Geography (^French) — Dumont d'Urville, J. Ramon de la Sagra, D. Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de I'lle de Cuba, royal 8vo. With folio Atlas. (Coloured plates.) calf. Ornithologie. Par A. d'Orbigny. Mammiferes. Par Ramon de la Sagra. Reptiles. Par Cocteau et Bibron. ' A. Bertrand, Paris, 1839-43. GENERAL NATUBAL HISTORY. 257 lELatllke, H. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere. See Works on Anatomy, &c. IRedi, F. Esperienze intorno a diverse Cose Xaturali, e particolarmente a quelle che ci son portate dall' Indie. 4to. half vellum. Florence, 1671. ■ Experimenta circa Res Diversas Naturales, cui accedunt : Observationes de Viperis ; Epistola ad aliquas opposi- tiones circa Yiperas ; de Ave Diomedea Dissertatio ex Museo F. Lachmund, Hildesheim. small 12mo. half roan. Amstelodami, 1674-5. Semak, R. Untersuchungen liber die Entwickelung der Wirbelthiere. royal folio, half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1851-53. Rijkens, R. G. De Kleine Buffon. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. sewed. Groningen, 1846. ' Natuurlijke Historic. 6th edition. 12mo. sewed. Groningen, 1849. ilisSO, A. Histoire Naturelle des Princi- pales Productions de 1' Europe Meri- dionale, et particulierement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. With Plates. 5 vols. 8vo. vellum. Paris, 1826. Sochefort, De. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. See Woi'ks on Geography (^French). H6nay, H. Fajkeletkezes. On the Origin of Species, Man's Place in Nature, and the Antiquity of Man. (In the Hungarian language.) 8vo. cloth. Pest, 1864. Rossi, D. C. Le Darwinisme et les Generations Spontanees ; ou Reponse aux Refutations de MM. P. Flourens, De Quatrefages, Leon Simon, Chauvet, &c, Suivie d'une Lettre de M. le Dr. , F. Pouchet. 12mo. half calf. C. Reinwald, Paris, 1870. Rothe, Dr. C. Naturgeschichte. Stufe, 1, 2, 3. 8vo. sewed. Pichler & Son, Vienna, 1876-8. Boussean, L., and Dev^ria, A. Photographic Zoologique, ou Represen- tation des Animaux Rares des Collec- tions du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Livraison 1, 2. In one vol. fcp. folio, cloth. Masson, Paris, 1853. Riippell, E. Atlas zu der Reise im nordlichen Afrika. Coloured Plates. 3 vols, folio, boards. Reptilien. Von C. H. G. von Heyden. Neue wirbellose Thiere des Rothen Meeres. Von E. Ruppell und F. S. Leuckart. [In one vol. with above.] Saugethiere und Vogel. '2 vols. Von J. Cretzsohmar. Frankfort-on-Maine, 1826-28. E 61668. Ruppell, E. Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehorig — Sauge- thiere — A mphibien — Vogel — Fische des Rothen Meeres. Coloured Plates, royal folio, half calf. Frankfort-on-Maine, 1835-40. Riitim^er, L. Die Grenzen der Thier- welt. Eine Betrachtung zu Darwin's Lehre. 8vo. half calf. H. Richter, Basle, 1868. Saudmeier, M. Lehrbuch der Natur- kunde, methodisch behandelt fiir die verschiedenen Stufen der Volksschule. 2nd edition. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Aarau, 1850-1. Sarasin, Drs. P. and F. Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon in den Jahren 1884-86, Band I. Heft. 1-3. Band II. Heft. 1-3. royal 4to. In lettered port- folios. C. W. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1887-89. Scherrer, J. Der Angehende Mikro- skopiker. See WQrks on Optics. Schmarda, L. K. Die geographische Verbreitung der Thiere. 8vo. half calf. C. Gerold & Son, Vienna, 1853. Zoologie. 2nd edition. 2 vols., in one. 8vo. half morocco. W. Braumiiller, Vienna, 1877-8. Schneider, Dr. A. Zoologische Beitrage. See Zoologische Beitrage. Schoedler, Dr. F. Le Livre de la- Nature — Elements de Zoologie, d' Ana- tomic et Physiologic. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Schomburgk, Richard. Reisen in Britisch-Guiana in den Jahren 1840-44. Theil 3. — Versuch einer Fauna und Flora von Britisch-Guiana. imp. 8vo. cloth. J. J. Weber, Leipzig, 1848. Schreuck, L. von. Reisen und Forsch- ungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-1856. Im Auftrage der K. Akad. d, Wissenschaften zu Petersburg ausge- fuhrt. With Coloured Plates and Maps. One vol. in 6 parts. 4to. calf, and sewed. I. Saugethiere und Vogel. 2 parts. II. Zoologie : Lepidopteren, Coleop- teren, Mollusken. III. Die Volker. Part 1. IV. Meteorologische Beobachtungen, u.s.w. 2 parts. St. Petersburg, 1858-81. Schnbert. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. (In Russian.) folio, boards. St. Petersburg, 1869. Schnltz-Schultzenstein, C. H. Die Verjiingung im Thierreich als Schop- fungsplan der Thierformen, nebst Mit- theilungder Entdeckung einer sichtbarea Selbstbewegung der Muskelfasern. 8vo. half calf. A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1854. 258 NATUEAL HISTOBYriilXai^^ Selenka, Dr. E. Studien iiber Entwick-^ elungsgeschichte der Thiere. Parts 1-4. royal 4to. sewed. C. W. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1883-7. Selys-IiOUgchamps, E. de. Faune Beige. Premiere Partie. Indication 'Methodique des Mammif^res, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Poissons observes jusqu'ici enBelgique. (All published.) 8vo. half calf. H. Dessain, Liege, 1842. Semper, Dr. C. Reisen im Archipel der PhiHppinen. Theil II. Wissenschaft- liche Resultate. With Plates, some coloured. 4to. half calf and sewed. C. W. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1868-89. Band I. Holothurien. 1868. Band II. Malacologische Untersuch- ungen von Dr. R. Bergh. 1 Halfte. 1870-75. 2 Halfte. Heft 11-17, and Er- ganzungsheft 1-4. 1877-90. Band III. Landmollusken. Heft 1-7, and Erganzungsheft. 1870-85. Band IV. Abtheil. I. Die Sipuncu- liden von Dr. E. Selenka, &c. 2 parts. 1883-84. Abtheil. II. Die Landdeckel- schnecken von Dr. Kobelt. 1886. Abtheil. III. Die Seewalzen von Dr. Kurt Lampert. 1885. • Band V. Lief. 1-4. Die Tagfalter— Rhopalocera von G. Semper. 1886-89. - . Der Haeckelismus in der Zoologie. 8vo. half calf. Mauke, Hamburg, 1876. Sestini, L'Abbe D. Lettres ecrites h, ses amis en Toscane, pendant le cours des ses voyages en Italic, &c. See Works on Geography (^French). Sicard, H. Elements de Zoologie. royal . 8vo. cloth. J. B. Baillike & Son, Paris, 1883. Siebold, P. F. von. Fauna Japonica. Text in French and Latin. Coloured Plates. 5 vols, folio, calf. Lugduni Batavorum, 1833-50. Aves. 1850. Crustacea. Par W. de Haan. 1850. Mammiferes. Par C. J. Temminck. 1842. Pisces. 1842. Reptiha. Par C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel. 1833. Souneraty P. Voyage h la Nouvelle Guinee, dans lequel on trouve la descrip- tion des lieux, des details relatifs h I'Histoire Naturelle dans le Rfegne Ani- • mal, &c. See Works on Geography {French). ■II Voyage aux Indes Orientales et h la Chine, fait depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1781 ; dans lequel on traite des Moeurs, &c. des Indiens, &c. Et des recherches sur I'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays. See Works on Geography (^French). Sonrel, L. Le Fond de la Mer. . post. 8vo. sewed. (B ibliotheque des Mer- veilles.) Hachette & Co., 1868. Spallanzaui, L. Opuscules de Phy- sique, Animale et Vegetale. Traduits par Jean Senebier. On y a joint plu- sieurs Lettres par M. C. Bonnet, &c. , 2 vols. 8vo. bound. Geneva, 1777. Dissertazioni di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Modena, 1780. Spengel, J. W. Die Darwinsche Theorie. Verzeichniss der iiber dieselbe in Deutschland, England, Amerika, Frankreich, Italien, Holland, Belgien und den Skandinavischen Reichen erschienenen Schriften und Aufsatze. . 2nd edition, royal 8vo. half calf. Wiegandt & Hempel, Berlin, 1872. Suudevall, C. Die Thierarten des . Aristoteles von den Klassen der Sauge- thiere, Vogel, Reptilien und Insekten. 8to. half calf. Samson & Wallin, Stockholm, 1863. Taschenberg, E. L. See Brehm, A. E. Taschenberj^, Dr. O. Die Verwand- lungen der Tiere. post 8vo. cloth. (Das Wissen der Gegenwart.) G. Freytag, Leipzig, 1882. Texnminck, C. J. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Neder- landsch Overzeesche Bezittungen. Coloured Illustrations. 3 vols, folio. half calf. Leyden, 1 839-44. Zoologie : Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Pisces ; by S. Miiller and H. Schlegel. — Insecta, by W. de Haan. — Botanic, by P. W. Korthals. Thom^, Dr. O. W. Lehrbuch der Zo- ologie. 8vo. half roan. Brunswick, 1872. Transactions, &c. of Natural History Societies {Foreign) -. Aarau. — Aargauische Natmforsch- ende GeseUschaft. AuTUN. — Societe Eduenne. Batavia. — K. Natuurkundige Ver- eeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie. Berlin. — Berlinische GeseUschaft Naturforschender Freunde. Bremen. — Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Brussels. — Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Danzig. — Naturforschende GeseU- schaft. Dorp AT. — Dorpater Naturforscher GeseUschaft. Dresden. — NaturwissenschaftUche GeseUschaft " Isis." Zoologisches Museum. Erlanqbn. — Zoologisches Institut. Frankfurt- AM-MAiN.—Senckenberg- ische Naturforschende GeseUschaft. GENERAL NATUBAL HISTORY. 259 Transactions, &c. of Kataral History Societies (Foreign)— eon^. Fbeiburg - im - Breisgau. — Natur- forschende Gesellschaft. Genoa. — Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. GoRLiTz. — Naturforschende Gesell- schaft. Halle. — Naturforschende Gesell- schaft. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Sachsen und Thtiringen. Hamburg. — Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Jena. — Medicinisch - naturwissen- schaftliche Gesellschaft. Marseilles. — Musee d'Histoire Naturelle. Moscow. — Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes. Naples. — Reale University — Museo Zoologico. Zoologische Station. Paris. — Ecoles des Hautes Etudes. Mus,eum d'Histoire Naturelle. Societe de Biologic. Societe d*Histoire Naturelle. Societe Imperiale Zoologique d'Ac- climatation. PoMERANiA. — Naturwissenschaft- licher Verein von Neu-Poinmem und Riigen. Stockholm. — Biologiska Forening (Biologischer Verein). Strasburg. — Societe d'Histoire Na- turelle. Stuttgart. — Verein fur Vaterland- ische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg. Switzerland. — Allgemeine Schweiz- erische Gesellschaft (Societe Hel- vetique des Sciences Naturelles). Versailles. — Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Seine-et-Oise. Vienna. — Embryologisches Institut der K. K. Universitat. K. K.Naturhistorisches Hofinuseum. K. K. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft. Wiener Museum der Naturge- schichte. Zoologisches Institut der Univer- sitat Wien. Wiesbaden. — Nassauischer Verein ftir Naturkunde. WiJRZBURG. — Zoologisch-Zootom- isches Institut. Yokohama. — Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur und Volkerkunde Oeta- siens. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). " Trayailleur " et " Talisman." Expeditions Scientifiques pendant les Annees 1880-83. Ouvrage publie sous la direction de A. Milne-Edwards.-«- Poissons par L. Vaillant. 4to. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1888. Troschel, F. H. Handbuch der Zoologie. 6th edition. 8vo. half calf. C. G. Luderitz, Berlin, 1864. Tschndi, F. von. Das Thierleben der Alpenwelt. With Plates. 7th edition. 8vo. half calf. J. J. Weber, Leipzig, 1865. Tsrndall and Pasteur. Les Microbes Organises ; leur R61e dans la Fermen- tation, la Putrefaction, et la Contagion. See Works on Botany {Foreign). Vaillant, Le Capitaine. Voyage autour du Monde (1836-37) sur la Corvette " La Bonite." — Zoologie par MM. Eydoux et Souleyet. 2 vols. 8vo. With folio Atlas, half calf. A. Bertrand, Paris, 1841-53. Virgin, C. A. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten "Eugenics" resa omkring jorden, Sren 1851-53. 3 vols. 4to. half calf and sewed. Zoologi — Insecta. Fysik. Botanik. P. A. Norstedt, Stockholm, 1858-74. Voigt, F. S. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 6 vols. 8vo. With 4to. Atlas, half calf . Stuttgart, 1835-40. Wagner, A. Sechs Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der NaturAvissenschaften. 8vo. half calf. L. Voss, Leipzig, 1862. Wagner, M. Die Darwin'sche Theorie una das Migrationsgesetz der Organis- men. 8vo. half calf. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1868. Reisen in der Regentschaft Algier in den Jahren 1836-38. Coloured Plates. (Natural History). See Works on Geography {Germaii). . Naturwissenschaftliche Reisen im tropischen Amerika. See Works on Geography {German). Waldeyer, W. Eierstock und Ei. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic und Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Sexualorgane. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1870. Wallace. MajaHCKiii ApxHoejan. (The Malay Archipelago), royal 8vo. cloth. St. Petersburg, 1872. Weber, F., and Mohr, D. M. H. Naturhistorische Reise durch einen Theil Schwedens, &c. See Works on Geography {German). B 2 26Q NATURAL HISTORY. Weisiuann, A. Ueber den Einfluss der Isolirung auf die Artbildung. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1872. Wied-Neuwied, Maximilian Prinz zu. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte von Bra- silien. Verzeichniss der auf einer Reise zwischen dem 13»«° und 23»*»'» Grade Siidlicher Breite im ostlichen Brasilien beobachteten Amphibian (Vol. 1), Saugethiere (Vol. 2), V8gel (Vols. 3, 4). 4 vols. Svo. haH calf and Atlas (coloured plates), folio, half morocco. Weimar, 1825-33. See also Works on Geography {German). Wiegmaxuii A. F. A. Observationes Zoologicse Criticse in Aristotelis Histo- riam Animalium. 4to. half calf. Lipsise, 1826. Wiegmaun, A. F. A., and Buthe, J. F. Handbuch der Zoologie. 3. Auflage. Verbessert von F. H. Troschel und J. F. Kuthe. 8vo. half calf. Berlin, 1848. Wolfringy M. C. Verhaltniss des Organ- ischen zum Anorganischen, oder Grundlinien der vergleichenden Physio- logie und Physik. Svo. half calf. Erlangen, 1848. Wotton, E. De Differentiis Animalium libri decern, folio, old calf. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1552. Zeisingy A. Xeue Lehre von den Pro- portionen des Menschlichen Korpers, aus einem bisher unerkannt gebliebenen die ganze Xatur und Kunst durchdring- enden morphologischen Grundsetze entwickelt. Svo. half calf. R. Weigel, Leipzig, 1844. ■ Das Normalverhaltniss der Chem- ischen und Morphologischen Propor- tionen. 8vo. half calf. R. Weigel, Leipzig, 1856. Zoologische Beitrage. Edited by Dr. A. Schneider. Band I. Heft 1, 2, 3; II. Heft 1. Svo. sewed. J. U. Kern, Breslau, 1883-87. Wandtafeln fiir den Natnrge- schichtlichen Anschauuugs Uuterricllt an Volks- und Biirger- schulen, auf Grundlage der Lesebiicher : In Lieferungen, each with sheet giving names in 5 languages. Lettered wrappers, 33 inches by 26 inches. I. Abtheilung : Zoologie. Lieferung 1-13. 1880-88. II. Abtheilung : Botanik. Lieferung 1, 2, 3. 1882-84. III. Abtheilung : Baume. Lieferung 1, 2. 1880-89. Gerold, Vienna Working Men's Educational Union : Diagi-ams of Natural History : — Class I. — Mammat.ta. 1. Order 1. Bimana. Man. [262.] 2. Skeletons of Bimana and Quad- rumana. 1, Man; 2, Chim- panzee ; 3, Orang-outan. [263.] 3. Order II. Quadrumana. 1, Chiaip&nzee(^troglodj/tes niger); 2, Mandrill, or Variegated Baboon (cynocephalus maimon) ; 3, Howler (mycetes ursintLs) ; 4, Silky Monkey (colobus guereza). [264.] 4. Order III. Camaria. Sub-order 1. Cheiroptera. 1, Fox-bat (pteropus ruficollis) ; 2, 3, Leaf-nosed Bat (vespertillio phyllos). [265.] 5. Sub-order II. Insectivora. 1, Bomean Pen-tail (Jtupaia ptilocercits) ; 2, Tanrec (jcentetes ecaudatus) ; 3, Watershrew {crossopus fodiens) ; 4, Mole (Jalpa europcea) ; 5, Hedgehog {erinaceus europaeiis). [266.] 6. Sub-order III. Carnivora. l,Lion ifelis lea); 2, Tiger (felts tigris) ; 3, Jaguar (leopardus mica) ; 4, Wah (dilurus fulgens). [267.] 7. Sub-order III. Carnivora, 1, Polar Bear (thalass-arctos maritimus) ; 2, Wolf (cams lupus) ; 3, Fox (cams vulpes) ; 4, Alpine Mastiff. [268.] 8. Order IV. Marsupialia. 1, Merian's Opossum (didelphis dorsigera) ; 2, Virginian Opos- sum (didelphus virginiana) ; 3, Kangaroo (macropus). [269.] 9. Order V. Rodentia. 1, Flying Squirrel (pteromys volucella) ; 2, African Jumping - hare (helamys caffer) ; 3, Porcupine (hystrix cristata) ; 4, Beaver (castor fiber) ; 5, Hare (lepus timidus) ; 6, Rabbit (lepus cunt' cuius). [270.] 10. Order VI. Edentata. 1, Duck- billed Platypus (omithorkyn- chus paradoxus) ; 2, Sloth (hradypus torquatus) ; 3, Ant- eater (myrmecophaga jubata) ; 4, Armadillo (dasypus sex- cinctus). [271.] 11. Order VII. Pachydermata. 1, Elephant (elephas indicus) ; 2, Rhinoceros (r. unicornis) ; 3, Cape Hyrax (hyrax Capensis). [272.] GENi;RA.L NATURAL HISTORY. 261 Working Men's Educational Union— cow <. Diagrams of Natural History — conL 12. Order VII. Pachydermata. Sub- order Solidungula. 1, Zebra (e^MMS Burchellii) ; 2, Quagga iasinus quagga) ; 3, Ass (^equus asinus) ; 4, Horse (equus cahallus). [273.] 13. Order VIII. Ruminantia. 1, Springbok, female (jtntelope euchore) ; 2, Red Deer, male (^cervus elaphus) ; 3, Bison (60s Americanus) ; 4, Buffalo (hos bubalus) ; 5, Bull (60s taurus). [274.3 Working Men's Edncational Union — cont. Diagrams of Natural History— cowf. 14. Order VIII. Ruminantia. Giraffe (^cameleopardalis gtraffa"). [275.3 15. Order IX. Cetacea. 1, Whale (halcena mysticetus) ; 2, Sperm Whale {catodon macro- cephalus) ; 3, African Manatus, or Sea-cow {manatus Senegal- ensis) ; 4, Dolphin {delphinus delphis). [276.3 (Now issued by The Religious Tract Society.) 262 ni' Tr^ATURAL HISTORY. ETHNOGBAPEY. '^^^ (Including Anthropology.^ ENGLISH AND FOREIGN, Adxniralty Manual of Scientific In- quiry (Ethnology). See Works on Astronomy. Agassiz, L. Types of Mankind; or, Ethnological Researches, &c. See Morton, S. G. Antes, J. Manners and Customs of the Egyptians. See Works on Geo- graphy — Paterson, Lieut. W. Anthropometric Apparatus, De- scriptive List of, consisting of Instru- ments for Measuring and Testing the Chief Physical Characteristics of the Human Body. Designed under the Direc- tion of Mr. F. Galton. 8vo. sewed. Cambridge, 1887. Argyll, The Duke of. Primeval Man. An Examination of some Recent Specu- lations. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. Strahan & Co., 1869. Aubin. Memoires sur la Peinture Di- dactique et I'Ecriture Figurative des Anciens Mexicains. See Works on General Natural History (^Foreign) — Mission Scientifique au Mexique, &c. Baer, K. E. von. Crania Selecta ex Thesauris Anthropologicis Academise Imperialis Petropolitanse, Iconibus et Descriptionibus. 4to. Petropoli, 1859. L^eber Papuas und Alfiiren. Ein Commentar zu den beiden ersten Ab- schnitten der Abhandlung : "Crania Selecta," &c. 4to. (Bound with "Crania Selecta.") half calf. (Me- moires, 6* Serie, Tome, VIIL, de 1' Academic Imyeriale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg.) St. Petersburg, 1859. . Vorlesungen iiber Anthropologic, fiir den Selbstunterricht. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Bancroft, E. An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana, in South America ; together with an Account of the Re- ligion, Manners, &c. of its Indian In- habitants. See Works on General Natural History. Bastian, A. Die Voelker des Oestlich- en Asien. Studien und Reisen— Die Geschichte der Indochinesen, Reisen in Burma, 1861-2, Reisen in Siam, 1863. 8 vols. Svo. half calf. S. Wigand, Leipzig & Jena, 1866-7. , Das Bestandige in den Menschen- rassen und die Spielweite ihrer Verand- erlichkeit. 8vo. half calf. D. Reimer, Berlin, 1868. 1. Ethnologische Forschungen. 2 Tols. 8vo. half calf. H. Costenoble, Jena, 1871-3. Bell, R. The "Medicine Man*^ or, Indian and Eskimo Notions of Medicine. (Reprinted from the " Canada Medical and Surgical Journal.") Svo. sewed. Montreal, 1886. Blad^, J. F. Etudes sur I'Origine des Basques. Also, Defence des " fltudes." One vol. royal Svo. half calf. A. Franck, Paris, 1869. Blnmenbacli, J. F. Decades CoUec- tionis suae Craniorum diversarum Gen- tium illustratae. 4 to. half calf. Gottingae, 1790-1828. — Anthropological Treatises. Trans- lated by T. Bendysche. With the In- augural Dissertation of John Hunter on the Varieties of Man. See Trans- actions — London : Anthropological Society. Blnmentritt, F. Versuch einer Ethnographic der Philippinen. (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Erganzimgsheft, Nr. 67, 1882.) See Journals— Mittheilungen. Bonomi, J. The Proportions of the Human Figure, according to the Ancient Greek Canon of Vitruvius. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. Chapman & Hall, 1857. Project of an Instrument for the Identification of Persons, &c. Svo. sewed. Longman & Co., 1872. Bourbonrg, B. de. Manuscrit Troano. Etudes sur le Systeme Graphique et la Langue des Mayas. See Works on General Natural History (Fo- reign') — Mission Scientifique au Mexique, &c. Bonrgnigptiat, J. R- Monuments Symboliques de I'Algerie — Monuments Megalithiques de Roknia. See Work» on General Natural History (Foreign). Brace, C. L. The Races of the Old World, post Svo. cloth. J.Murray, 1863. Bransford, J. F. Archaeological Re- searches in Nicaragua. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 25.) See Transactions — Washington. Broca, P. Memoires d' Anthropologic. 5 vols. Svo. cloth. 1871-88. Memoires d' Anthropologic Zoo- logique et Biologique. Svo. half morocco. C. Beinwald & Co., Paris, 1877. Brown, J. A. Palaeolithic Man in N.W. Middlesex. The Evidence of his Existence and the Physical Conditions under which he lived in Ealing and its Neighbourhood, illustrated by the con- dition and culture presented by certain existing savages. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1887. . tMU ETHNOGRAPHY. 263 Btichauauy F.- A Journey from Madras tlirough the Countries of My- sore, Canara, and Malabar, to investi- gate the state of Agriculture, Arts, Religion, Manners, the History Natural and Civil, and Antiquities, &c. See Works on Geography. Camper, P. Dissertation Physique sui* les Differences reelles que presentent des Traits du Visage chez les Hommes de diff6rents Pays et de differents Ages. Traduite du Hollandois par Denis Ber- nard Quatremere d'Isjouval. 4to. half calf. Utrecht, 1791. The Works of ; on the Connexion between the Science of Anatomy, and the Arts of Drawing, Painting, Statuary, &c. Containing a Treatise on the Natural Difference of Features in Per- sons of Different Countries and Periods of Life, and on Beauty, as exhibited in Ancient Sculpture, &c. Translated from the Dutch by T. Cogan, M.D. 4to. half calf. London, 1794. Candolle, A. de. Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux siecles, pre- cedee et suivie d'autres iStudes sur des sujets scientifiques, en particulier sur I'Heredite et la Selection dans I'Espece Humaine. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. H. Georg, Geneva, 1885. Cartailhac, E. La Prance Prehistorique, d'apres les Sepultures et les Monu- ments. 8vo. cloth. (Bibiiotheque Scientifique Internationale.) F. Alcan, Paris, 1889. Casteluau, F. de. Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, &c. — Antiquites des Incas, &c. See Works on Geography (^French). CatlixL, G. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. 7th edition. 2 vols, royal Svo. calf. (C C. E. L.y Nos. 877 and 878.) London, 1847. Christy Collection. Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient and Modern Stone Implements, and of other Weapons, Tools, and Utensils of the Aborigines of vax'ious Countries, in the possession of Henry Christy, F.G.S. Svo. cloth. Privately printed, 1862. ■ Guide to the. See British Museum Publications — Guides. Clarke, H. Memoir on the Compara- tive Grammar of Egyptian, Coptic, and Ude. 8vD. sewed. Tnibner & Co., 1873. -El ■ The Khita and Khita-Peruvian Epoch : Khita, Htamath, Hittite, Ca- Qaanite, Etruscan, Peruvian, Mexican, h: Svo. cloth. Tnibner & Co., 1877. Clarke, R. Sierra Leone. A Des The Causes and Treatment of Deafness, post 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1873. Hidd, J. On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man ; principally with Reference to the Supply of his Wants, and the Exercise of his Intellectual Faculties. 6th edition. 12mo. cloth. (Bridgewater Treatise — Bohn's Scientific Library.) H. G. Bohn, 1852. Hingzett, C. T. Animal Chemistry See Works on Chemistry. Kirkes, W. S. Hand- Book of Physio- logy. 8rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1856. 278 NATURAL HISTORY. Eirkes, W. S. Handbook of Physio- logy. 8th, 9th, and 10th editions. By W. Morrant Baker, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1872, 1876, & 1880. — 11th edition. By W. M. Baker and V. D. Harris, post 8vo. cloth. 1884. - ^ 12th edition. post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1888. EHein, E. Elements of Histology. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1884. Xlein, E., Bnrdou-Sanderson, J-, Poster, M., and Brunton, T. L. Handbook for the Physiological Labora- tory. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1873. Klein, E., and Smith., E. N. Atlas of Histology. 4to. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1880. EnOX, R. Man : his Structure and Physiology popularly explained and demonstrated. With movable dissected Coloured Plates and woodcuts, post 8vo. cloth. H. BaiUi^re, 1857. Eolliker, A. von. Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. 3rd edition. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1859. 6th edition. Vol. 1. 8vo. sewed. AY. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1889. ■ ■ A Manual of Human Microscopic Anatomy. 8vo. half calf. J. W. Parker & Son, 1860. Icones Histiologicse, oder Atlas der vergleichenden Gewebelehre. Ab- theil. 1, 2 (Erstes Heft). 4to. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1864-66. . Festschrift zur Feier seines Sie- benzigsten Geburtstages. Gewidmet von seinen Schiilern. 4to. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1887. ■■ Vorwort - Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere. See Rathke, H. Eollmauu, Dr. J. Mechanik des menschlichen Korpers. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1874. EraXLSe, C. F. T. Handbuch der mensch- lichen Anatomic. 3rd edition by W. Krause. Vols. 1-3, in 2. 8vo. half morocco. Hahn, Hanover, 1876-81. Erause, W. Die Anatomic des Kanin- chens in topographischer und operativer Riicksicht. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1868. " Die Motorischen Endplatten der quergestreifteu Muskelfasern. 8vo. half calf. Hahn, Hanover, 1869. Eiilme, W. On the Photochemistry of the Retina and on Visual Purple. Trans- lated from the German. Edited, with Notes, by Michael Foster. 8vo. stifE boards. Macmillan & Co., 1878. Landois, Dr. L. Text-Book of Human Physiology, including Histology and Microscopical Anatomy ; with special reference to the Requirements of Prac- tical Medicine. Translated from the 5th German edition. With Additions by W. Stirling. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1886. [Contains a general and special Biblio- graphy.] IiaxLg, Dr. A. Lehrbuch der vergleich- enden Anatomic, zum Gebrauche bei vergleichend anatomischen und zoolo- gischen Vorlesungen. 9th edition of E. O. Schmidt's " Handbuch der vergleich- enden Anatomic." Abtheilung I. II. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1888-89. Lankester, Dr. E. Practical Physio- logy ; being a School Manual of Health. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1872^ Iiardner, Dr. Animal Physics ; or the Body and its Functions familiarly ex- plained, post 8vo. cloth. 1857. Animal Physiology for Schools. post 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1858. Ziaurie's Rudiments cf Animal Physio- logy, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. ■ Structure and Functions of the Human Body, post 8vo. cloth, stiff. Central School Dep6t. Iiawreuce, W. Lectures on Compara- tive Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man. New edition. 12mo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1866. lie Cat. Traite de la Couleur de la Peau Humaine en general, de celle des Negres en particulier, et de la metamor- phose d'une de ces couleurs en I'autre. 8vo. half morocco. Amsterdam, 1765. ILe Coute, J. Sight : an Exposition of the Principles of Monocular and Bino- cular Vision. 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1881. IjehmanxiL, C. G. Physiological Che- mistry. See Works on Chemistry. Lepelletier de la Sarthe, A. Traite complet de Physiologic, a I'usage de gens du monde et des lycees. 2 vols., in one. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1876. ]Le Pileur, A. Le Corps Humain. 2nd edition, post 8vo. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1869. Wonders of the Human Body. From the French, post 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1871. ANATOMY AXD PHYSIOLOGY. 279 !Leret)Otillei, A. Eecherches surTAna- tomie des Organes G^nitaux des Ani- maux Vertebres. 4to. half calf. E. Weber, Breslau & Bonn, 1851. Ijenuoyez, Dr. M. Etude Experimen- tale sur la Phonation. 8vo. sewed. O. Doin, Paris, 1886. Lenret, F., and Gratiolet, P. Ana- tomic Comparee du Systeme Nerveux, consider e dans ses rapports avec I'ln- telligenee. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. With folio Atlas (Coloured plates), half calf. J. B. Baillifere & Son, Paris, 1839-57. Lenckart, B., and Bergmanu, C. Anatomisch-physiologische Uebersicht des Thierreichs, &c. See Bergmann, C. Iieydig, F. Lehrbuch der Histologic des Menschcn und dcr Thiere. 8vo. half calf. Meidingcr, Frankfort-on -Maine, 1857. Vom Bau des thierischen Kor- pers. Handbuch dcr vergleichenden Anatomic. Band l,Halfte 1. Text and Atlas. Svo. and 4to. half calf. H. Laupp, Tubingen, 1864. • Zellc und Gcwebe. Neue Bei- trage zur Histologic des Thierkorpcrs. royal Svo. boards. E. Strauss, Bonn, 1885. Leyh, F. A. Handbuch der Anatomic dcr Hausthicre ; mit besonderer Be- nicksichtigung des Pferdes. Svo. half calf. Ebncr & Seubert, Stuttgart, 1850. Jjiebig, J. Animal Chemistry. Chemistry and Physics in relation to Physiology and Pathology. Familiar Letters on Chemistry in its relation to Physiology, &c. Die Chemic in ihrcr Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physiologic. See Works on Chemistry. List of Titles of Works and Papers of Physiological Interest published during 1877 and onwards. Taken from the " Journal of Physiology." Svo. stitched. TiOnget, F. A. Traite dc Physiologic. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1860-61. Lord, P. B. Popular Physiology. 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1855. Lupton, J. I. The Anatomy of the External Form of the Horse. With 1 4 Plates, and Descriptive Text, broad folio, half calf. H. Bailli^re, 1866. Lnys, J. The Brain and its Functions, post Svo. cloth. C International Scien- tific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1881. M'Eendrick, J. G. Animal Physio- logy, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science Manuals.) W. & R. Chambers, 1877. General Physiology of the Nervous System. Lecture at Glasgow, fcp. Svo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1879. A Text Book of Physiology. In- cluding Histology by P. Stohr. In 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Vol. I. General Physiology : includ- ing the Chemistry and Histology of the Tissues and the Physiology of Muscle. 1888. 11. Special Physiology. 1889. J. Maclehose & Sons, Glasgow. Magendie, F. Le9ons sur les Pheno- mencs Physiques de la Vie. Svo. half calf. Paris, 1836. Malpighi, M. Anatome Plantarum; cui subjungitur Appendix dc Ovo in- cubato. See Works on Botany. Mann, R. J. Guide to the Knowledge of Life, Vegetable and Animal ; being a Comprehensive Manual of Physiology, viewed in relation to the Maintenance of Health. 2nd edition. ISmo. cloth. [1856.] 3rd edition. ISmo. cloth. Jarrold & Sons. Mapother, E. D. Manual of Physio- logy, and of the Principles of Disease. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Fannin & Co., Dublin, 1864. Animal Physiology. ISmo. cloth. limp. (Gleig's School Series.) Longmans & Co., 1871. iniEarey, E. J. La Methode Graphique dans les Sciences Experimentalcs, et principalement en Physiologic et en Medicine, royal Svo. half morocco. [1878.] Physiologic Experimentale. Tra- vaux du Laboratoire dc M. Marcy, 1875- 79. 4 vols., in two. Svo. half morocco. 1876-80. Le Vol des Oiseaux. Physiologic du Mouvemcnt. Svo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1890. Animal Mechanism. Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion. See Works on General Natural His- tory. Marshall, A. M. The Frog: an Introduction to Anatomy and Histology, post Svo. cloth. (Owen's College Course of Elementary Biology, Part I.) Smith, Elder, & Co., 1882. Marshall, A. M. The Frog : an Introduction to Anatomy and Histology. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. 1885. 280 NATURAL HISTORY. Marshall, A. M. The Frog : an Intro- duction to Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology. 3rd edition, revised and illustrated, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1887. Marshall, A. M., and Hurst, C. H. Junior Course of Practical Zoology, crown 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1887. Marshall, J-, F.R.S. A Description of the Human Body, its Structure and Functions. Illustrated by 9 Physio- logical Diagrams. Vol. 1, Text, 4to. cloth. Vol. 2, 9 Plates, 15 in. by 8 in., in a portfolio. Day & Son [I860]. — — — Description of the Human Body. Illustrated by 11 Physiological Dia- grams. 3rd edition. Vol. 1, Text, 4to. cloth. Vol. 2, Plates, 1 5 in. by 8 in., in portfolio. 1875. 4th edition. Vol 1, Text 4to. cloth. Vol. 2, Plates, 15 in. by 8 in., in a portfolio. 1882. — — — Anatomy for Artists, imp. 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1878. Outlines of Physiology, Human and Comparative. 2 vols, crown 8vo. half morocco. Longmans & Co., 1867. Martin, H. N., and Moale, W. A. Handbook of Vertebrate Dissection. 1. Chelonian; 2. Bird; 3. Rodent. 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1881-84. Matteuci, C. Lezioni sui Fenomeni Fisico-Chimici dei Corpi Viventi, &c. 2nd edition. Sur 1' Action chimique du Courant Voltaique. 5* et 6* Memoire. In one vol. 8vo. half calf. Pisa, 1846. Meckel, J- F. System der vergleichend- en Anatomic. 7 vols. 8vo. half calf. Halle, 1821-33. Metcalf, S. L. Caloric ; its Mechanical, Chemical and Vital Agencies in the Phenomena of Nature. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Meyer, G. H. von. The Organs of Speech and their Application in the Formation of Articulate Sounds, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) Kegan Paul & Co., 1883. Mihalkovics, V. v. Entwickelungs- geschichte des Gehims, nach Unter- suchungen an hbheren Wirbelthieren und dem Menschen. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1877. Miklncho-Maclay, N. von. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Neurologic der Wirbelthiere. 4to. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1870. Mivart, St. G. Lessons in Elementary Anatomy. 18mo. cloth. MacmiUan & Co., 1873. MiUer, Mrs. F. 'Fenwick. Animal Physiology for Elementary Schools. Stages T., II., III. 3 parts, fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Atlas of Anatomy, in 24 Coloured Plates. With Descriptive Letterpress, fcp. folio, boards. E. Stanford, 1879. Moitessier, A. Elements de Physique- appli(iuee h la Medecine et a la Physio- logic.— Optique. .See Works on Optics. Monro, A. The Structure and Physio- logy of Fishes. Explained and com- pared with those on Man and other Animals. See Works on Fishes. Morel, C. Compendium of Human Histology. Translated by W. H. van Buren. With Plates. 8vo. cloth. Bailliere Bros., New York, 1861. Morgan, C. L. Animal Biology. An Elementary Text-Book, post 8vo. cloth. 1887. 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1889. Morrell, G. H. The Student's Manual of Comparative Anatomy, and Guide to Dissection. Part I. Mammalia. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. Muhlreiter, E. Anatomic des Mensch- lichen Gebisses. Mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Bediirfnisse der Zahnersatzkunde. Svo. half calf. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1870. Mnrche, V. T. Animal Physiology. A specific Subject of Instruction in Public Elementary Schools. 3 parts in one. fcp. Svo. cloth. In 3 parts, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Blackie & Son. ITasm3rth, A. Researches on the De- velopment, Structure, and Diseases of the Teeth. Svo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1849. ITewton, E. T. Introduction to Animal Physiolog}', with Directions for Prac- tical Work. 6th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby, 1878. ISTuhn, Dr. A. Lehrbuch der vergleich- enden Anatomic. 2 parts in one vol. Svo. half morocco. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1878. ITunneley, r. On the Organs of Vision : their Anatomy and Physiology. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1858. Odling, W. Practical Chemistry, ar- ranged for the Use of Medical Students. See Works on Chemistry. Ont^d, C. G. Verhandeling over het verschil tns?chen de algemeene Grond- krachten der Natur en de Levenskracht. See Works on Chemistry. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 281 Orr's Circle of the Sci'^nces. Vol. 1. Principles of Physiology, &c. See Works on Physics {General Trea- tises). Owen, R. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Inver- tebrate Animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, in 1 843. 8vo. calf. 1843. ■ 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855. — — Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Inver- tebrate Animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, in 1843. — On the Vertebrate Animals, delivered in 1844 and 1846. Part I.— Fishes. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., Nos. 793, 794.) Longmans & Co., 1843-49. On the Nature of Limbs. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1849. ' On Parthenogenesis ; or, the Suc- cessive Production of Procreating Indi- viduals from a single Ovum. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1849. — — — On the Anatomy of the Vertebrates. Vols. 1 (Fishes and Reptiles), 2 (Birds and Mammals), 3 (Mammals). 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1866. ■ ■ Structure of the Skeleton and Teeth. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences, Vol. 1.) See Works on Physics (General Treatises). Pander, Dr. C, and Alton, Dr. E. d'. Die vergleichenden Osteologie. Abtheil. I. Die Skelete der : Riesen — Faulthiers (Bradypus Giganteus — Pachydermata — Raubthiere — Wiederkauer — Nagethiere (2 parts) — Vierhander — Zahnlosen Thiere — Robbeii undLamantine — Cetaceen — Beutelthiere — Chiropteren und In- sectivoren (von Dr. E. d' Alton, d. A., und Dr. E. d' Alton, d. J.) In one vol. oblong folio, half calf. Abtheil IL Die Skelete der : Straus- sartigen Vogel— Raubvogel. 2 parts, oblong broad folio, sewed. Bonn, 1821-38. Panum, P. L. Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der Missbildungen zu- nachst in den Eiem der Vogel. Svo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1860. Parker, T. J. Course of Instruction in Zootomy. (Vertebrata.) post Svo. cloth, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Parker, W. K. Monograph of the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-Girdle and Sternum in the Vertebrata. 4to. boards. Ray Society, 1868. Parker, W. K., and Bettany, G. T. The Morphology of the Skull, post Svo. doth, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1877. Paterson, H. S. The Human Body and its Functions, fcp. Svo. cloth. Hodder & Stoughton, 1880. Pemberton, R. The Natural Method of Teaching the Technical Language of Anatomy, fcp. Svo cloth. 1852. on Cards, in a Box, with the Book. Euphonic Institution, 33, Euston Square. Pettigrew, J. B. The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Phrenologfy, Works on. See Bridges, F., and Turner, H . Physiological Laboratory, Hand- book for the. By Klein, Burdon- Sanderson, Foster and Brunton. See Klein, E., &c. Physiologfy for Practical Use. By various Writers. Edited by James Hinton. 2 vols, crown Svo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1874. Pilley, J. J. The South Kensington Elementary Physiology, and Introduction to the Study of Hygiene, adapted to the requirements of the Science and Art Department, post Svo. cloth. G. Gill & Son [1884]. Pilter, W. T. First Principles of Human Physiology, fcp. Svo. cloth. ,T. Kempster & Co. Ponchet, G., and Toumenx, F. Precis d'Histologie Humaine et d'Histo- genie. 2nd edition, royal Svo. half morocco. G. Mason, Paris, 1878. Preyer, W. Elemente der allgemeinen Physiologic. Svo. half morocco. 1883- Specielle Physiologic des Embryo. Svo. half morocco. Th. Grieben, Leipzig, 1885. Pront, W. Chemistry, I\leteorology, and the Function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology. See Works on General Natural His- tory — Bridgewater Treatises. Quain, J. Elements of Anatomy. 7th edition. Edited by W. Sharpey, A. Thomson, and J. Cleland. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. J. Walton, 1867. Qnekett, J. Lectures on Histology, delivered at the Royal College of Sur- geons, 1850-52. — Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals ; Structure of the Skeleton of Plants and Invertebrate Animals. 2 vols., in one. Svo. half calf. H. Bailliere, 1852-54. Badcliffe, C. B. Vital Motion as a Mode of Physical Motion, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Sanke, J. Das Blut. fcp. Svo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1878. 282 NATURAL HISTORY. Ztankey J. Der Mensch. See Works on Ethnography. Rapp, W. von. Anatomische Untersuch- ungen iiber die Edentaten. 2nd edition. 4to. half calf. L. F. Fues, Tubingen, 1852. Rathke, H. Entwickelungsgeschlchte der Wirbelthiere. Mit einem Vorwort von A. Kolliker. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1861. ■ ■ ■■ Vortrage zur vergleichenden Ana- tomic der Wirbelthiere. Mit einem Vorwort von C. Gegenbaur. 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1862. ■' Untersuchungen iiber die Entwick- elung und der Korperbau der Kroko- dile. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm von Wittich. 4to. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1866. See also Burdach, K. F. Reclam, K. Grundziige der Physiologie (Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 2.) See Works on Physics (^General Treatises) — Naturwissen- schaften. Reil, J- C. Exercitationum Anatomi- carum fasciculus primus : de Structura Nervorum, royal folio, half calf. Hallse Saxonum, 1796. Ilobertsou, J. M'Gregor. An Elemen- tary Text Book of Physiology. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Science Text-Books.) Blackie & Son, 1888. Robin, C. Lemons sur la Substance Organisee et ses Alterations, post 8vo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1866. Rosenthal, Prof. I. General Physio- logy of Muscles and Nerves, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. K. Paul & Co., 1881. Riickert, Dr. J. Der Pharynx als Sprach und Schluckapparat. imp. 8vo. sewed. T. Iliedel, Munich, 1882. Saint-Ange, G. J. M. Etude de I'Appareil Reproducteur dans les Cinq Classes d'Animaux Vertebres, au point de vue anatomique, physiologique et zoolo- gique. 4to. half calf. (Memoires pre- sentes par divers savants h I'Academie des Sciences de I'lnstitut Imperial de France.) Paris, 1856. Sanders, Rd. Physiognomic, and Chiromancie, Metoposcopie, &c. Curious woodcuts, small folio. (Brooke Col- lection.') London, 1658. Saunders, Rd. Physiognomic, and Chiromancie, Metoposcopie, &c. 2nd edition, enlarged. Portrait, and curious woodcuts, small folio, calf. (Brooke Collection.) London, 1671; Sanderson, Dr. Burdon, and Bmn- ton. Dr. L. Apparatus for Physio- logical Investigation and Physiological Chemistry. (Science Lectures at South Kensington.) See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Sappey, P. C. Recherches sur I'Ap- pareil Respiratoire des Oiseaux. 4to. half calf. * G. BaiUiere, Paris, 1847. Sanvage, H. ^. Recherches sur I'Etat Senile du Crane. 8vo. half calf. F. Savy, Paris, 1870. Scbafer, E. A. Course of Practical Histology, crown 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co. 1877. The Essentials of Histology, De- scriptive and Practical. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. Schenk, Dr. S. L. Grundriss der Nor- malen Histologic des Menschen. royal 8vo. half roan. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna, 1885. Schmidt, E. O. Handbuch der ver- gleichexiden Anatomic. 9*^ ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage See Lang, Dr. A. Schmidt, J. H. Zwolf Biicher iiber Morphologic uberhaupt und vergleich- ende Noso - Morphologic insbeson- dere. 2 vols., in one. 8 vo. half calf. Berlin, 1831. Schmidt, M. Das Skelet der Hausvogel in geometrischen Zeichuungen auf 15 lithographirten Tafeln dargestellt. royal folio, half calf Sauerlander, Frankfort-on-Maine, 1867. Zoologische Klinik. Handbuch der vergleichenden Pathologic und Patho- logischen Anatomic der Saugethiere und Vogel. Parts 1, 2. 8vo. sewed. A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1870-72. Schmidt, O. Die Entwickelung der vergleichenden Anatomic. 8vo. half calf, F. Frommann, Jena, 1855. Schoen, D. W. Beitrage zur Dioptrik des Auges. See Works on Optics. Schnltze, M. S. Untersuchungen iiber Gehirn und Riickenmark des Menschen und der Saugethiere. See Deiters, O. Shea, John. Manual of Animal Phy- siology, for the Use of Non-medical Students ; with an Appendix of Ques- tions for the B.A. London, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth, J. Churchill & Sons, 1863. Siebold, C. T. von, and Stannius, H. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomic. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Theil I. Wirbellose Thiere, von Siebold. Theil II. Wirbelthiere, von Stannius. ■■ — ■ — 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. calf. Berlin, 1846-48. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 283 Siebold, C. T. von, &c. Handbuch der Zootomie. II. Theil: Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Erstes Bach, Die Fische. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. Veit & Co., Berlin, 1854. — ^ — Comparative Anatomy. Trans- lated by W. J. Burnett. Vol. 1. 8vo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1854. Sxnith, Dr. Southwood. Treatise on Animal Physiology. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. sewed. E. Law, late R. Baldwin. Sons, Dr. G. Traite d'Optique consideree dans ses rapports avec I'examen de Tceil. 2nd edition. 8vo. half morocco. O. Doin, Paris, 1881. Spiz, J. B. Cephalogenesis, sive Capitis Ossei Structura, formatio et significatio per omnes Animalium classes, familias, genera ac setates digesta, &c. broad folio, half calf. iVIonachii, 1815. Stein, S. T. Das Licht im Dienste Wis- senschaftlicher Forschung — Theil III. Das Licht und die Lichtbildkunst in ihrer Anwendung auf Anatomische, &c. Untersuchungen. See Works on Optics. Steiner, Dr. J. Die Functionen des Centralnervensystems und ihre Phylo- genese. 8vo. sewed. Abth. I. Untersuchungen iiber die Physiologic des Froschhirns. 1 885. Abth. II. Die Fische. 1888. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick. Stirling, W. Text-Book of Practical Histology. With Outline Plates. 4to. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1881. Outlines of Practical Physiology : being a Manual for the Physiological Laboratory, including Chemical and Experimental Physiology, with reference to Practical Medicine, crown 8vo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1888. Stohr, Dr. P. Lehrbuch der Histologic und der mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen, mit Einschluss der mikro- skopischen Technik. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1889. Histology. See M*Kendrick, J. G. Strieker, S., &c. Handbuch der Lehre von dem Geweben des Menschen und der Thiere. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half calf. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1871-72. Swedenborg, E. (Economia regni ani- malis in transactiones divisa, quarum haec tertia de fibra, de tunica arachnoidea, &c. agit, anatomice, physice et philo- sophice perlustrata. Nunc primum edidit J. J. G. Wilkinson. 8vo. cloth. W. Newbery, London, 1847. Thomson, A. Structure and Develop- ment of the Brain: Lecture at Glasgow, fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1879. Thomson, Dr. S. The Structure and Functions of the Eye, illustrative of the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God. crown 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Tiedemann, F. Anatomie und Natur- geschichte des Drachens. 4 to. half calf. Nuremberg, 1811. Icones Cerebri Simiarum et quorundam Mammalium rariorum. folio, half calf. Heidelbergse, 1821. Physiologic des Menschen. Band 1, 8vo. half calf. Darmstadt, 1830. Todd, R. B. Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. 5 vols, in 6. 8vo, calf. London, 1835-59. [Vol. 5. Supplement.] Toldt, Dr. C. Lehrbuch der Gewebe- lehre. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. sewed. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1884. Townson, B. Tracts and Observations in Physiology, &c. See Works on General Natural History. Transactions : Cambridge. — Morphological Labora- tory. Jena. — Medicinisch - naturwissen- schaftliche Gesellschaft. London. — Physiological Society. Paris. — Societe de Biologic. Stockholm. — Biologiska Forening. Vienna. — Embryologisches Institut der K.K. Universitat. WiJRZBURG. — Physikalisch - Medi- cinische Gesellschaft. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Treviranns, G. R., and L. C. Ver- mischte Schriften anatomischen und physiologischen Inhalts. Band 1-4, in one vol. 4to. calf. Gottingen & Bremen, 1816-21. Trinchese, S. Memoria suUa Struttura del Sistima Nervoso dei Cefalopodi. 4to. half calf. Florence, 1868. Tnlk, A., and Henfrey, A. Ana- tomical Manipulation, or the Methods of pursuing Practical Investigations in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, &c. post 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. Tnrner, H. Phrenology, its Evidences and Inferences, with Criticisms upon Mr. Grant's recent Lectures. 2nd edition. 8vo. stitched. J. Robertshaw, Sheffield, 1858. Tyson, E. The Anatomy of a Pygmy, compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape and a Man, &c. Philological Essay concerning Pygmies, &c. of the Ancients ; Anatomy and Description of the Rattle- snake, &c. With Plates. 2nd edition. 4to. half calf. London, 1751» 284 NATIJKAL HISTORT. Verheyen, P. Corporis humani Ana- tomise liber primus. With Plates. Editio 2^*. post 4to. half calf. Brussels, 1710. Vivisection. See Commission, &c. — Cyon, E. Vogt, Prof. C. Lettres Physiologiques. C. Reinwald & Co., Paris, 1875. Vogt, C, and Tun^, E. Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleichenden Anatomic. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885, &c. WSigner, Dr. H. Maassbestimmungen der Oberflache des grossen Gehiras. See Wagner, R., Vorstudien, &c. Wagner, R. Icones Zootomicae. Hand- atlas zur vergleichenden Anatomic, nach freraden uud eigenen Untersuch- ongen. folio, half calf, L. Voss, Leipzig, 1841. — — • HandwSrterbuch der Physiologic ; mit Riicksicht auf physiologische Pathologie. 4 vols., in 5 parts. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1842-53. Vorstudien zu einer wissenschaft- lichen Morphologic Hud Physiologic des menschlichcn Gehims als Seele- organ. 2 parts, with Appendix : Maass- bestimmungen der Oberflache des grossen Gehims. Von Dr. H. Wagner. In one vol. 4to. half calf. Dieterich, Gottingen, 1860-64. Zoologisch-anthropologische Un- tersuchungen. Theil I. Die Forschung- en liber Him- und Schadelbildung des Menschen in ihrer Anwendungen auf einige Problemc der allegemeinen Natur- u. Geschichtswissenschaft. [All published.] 4to. half calf. Dieterich, Gottingen, 1861. See also Funke, O. Welcker, H. Untersuchungen liber Wachsthum und Bau des menschlichcn Schadels. Part T. (all published). 4to. boards. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1862. Wheeler, J. A. Hand-book of Anatomy for Students of the Fine Arts. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. S. Highley. White, C. An Account of the Regular Gradation in Man, &c. See Works on General Natukal History. Wiedersheim, R. Grnndriss der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wir- belthiere. 8vo. sewed. G. Fischer, Jena, 1884. ■ Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. Adapted from the German, by W. N. Parker. With Additions by the Author and Translator, royal 8vo. cloth. Macraillan & Co., 1886. Wilson, Dr. G. The Five Gateways of Knowledge. 7th edition, post 8vo. cloth. MacmiUan & Co., 1881. Wilson, Dr. G. Researches on Colour Blindness. See Works on Hygiene. Witt, G. A Compendium of Osteology, oblong 4to. half calf. London, 1833. Wolfring, M. C. Verhaltniss des Organiscnen zum Anorganischen, oder Grundlinien der vergleichenden Physio- logic und Physik. See Works on General Natural History {For- eign). Wnndt, Dr. W. Lehrbuch der Physio- logic des Menschen. 4th edition, royal Svo. half morocco. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1878. Wurtz. Traite de Chiraic Biologique. See Works on Chemistry. Yeo, G. F. A Manual of Physiology. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1887. Zoologische Beitrage. See Works on General Natural History( For- eign). Cutter's District School Series of 10 Anatomical Plates. See page 273. Marshall's Physiological Diagrams. See page 280. Working Men's Educational Union: Physiology in Relation to Health. A Series of Diagrams : — 1 . 2. Human Skeleton ; with two views of skulls, hip-joints, knee-joints, and two cervical vertebrae (double size, 6 ft. by 4 ft.). [54-55.] 3. Organs of Mastication, Degluti- tion, &c. (5ee Chambers's Animal Physiology.) [56.] 4. Organs of Digestion, &c. {See Chambers's Animal Physiology.') [57.] 5. Organs of Circulation. [58.] 6. Organs of Circulation and Respira- tion. — The Heart, Lungs, and Bronchi. [59.] 7. Organs of Sensation. — The Brain and Nerves. [60.] 8. The Skin, its Structure and Appen- dages, highly magnified. [61.] 9. Effects of Tight Lacing : Half figure of Venus de' Medici, show- ing nature's outline of female figure, with the bones in their un- compressed state. Half figure of female deformed by tight lacing, showing effects upon the interior structure. [62.] 10. Effects of Intemperate Use of Alcoholic Liquors : — a. The Stomach, showing interior coats in healthy state ; b. The Stomach inflamed by intemperance; c. Liver in healthy state; d. Cir- rhosed or gin-drinker's liver. [63.] (Now issued by The Religious Tract Society.) CHEMISTRY, 286 PAET IV. CHEMISTRY. CHEMISTBT. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Abel, F. A., and Bloxam, C. L. Hand- book of Chemistry, Theoretical, Practi- cal, and Technical. With a Preface by Dr. Hofmann. 8 vo. cloth. (C. C.^.X., No. 994.) 1854. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1858. Adrian, H. Scalella Chemica. A Series of Aids for Beginners in Chemistry. Part I. Analysis of Simple Salts. 8vo. sewed. H. K. Lewis, 1887. Alchemy. Arcanum der anderen Uni- versal-Medicin, &c. MS., in German, fcp. 8vo. half calf. See also Becher, J. J. ; Lacinius, J. Alexis of Fiemont. The Secretes by hym collected out of divers excellent Aucthours, and newely translated out of Frenche by Willyam Ward. 8vo. old calf. London, 1559. (First part imprinted by H. Sutton, Goth. Title missing, but the binder has prefixed the title to Part 2, 1560, printed by Thom. Kyngston. In Part 2, Riemont is given instead of Piemont. Part 3 is wanting. A Portrait of Alexis is pasted on fly-leaf.) Alkali, &c. Works Regulation Act, 1881. Reports. (Local Government Board Publications.) See Works on Hygiene. Allen, A. H. An Introduction to the Practice of Commercial Organic Analysis. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1879-82. — — Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol. 3, Parti. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1889. And^S, L. E. Die trocknenden Oele, ihre Eigenschaften, Zusammensetzung und Veranderungen. See BoUey's Chemische Technologic, Neue Folge, Lief. 4. Andrews, Dr. T., The Scientific Papers of the late. With a Memoir by P. G. Tait and A. Crum Brown. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Ansted, D. T. Water and Water Supply. See Works on Geography. Apjohn, Dr. Jas. Manual of the Metalloids, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Galbraith & Haughton's Scientific Manuals.) Longmans & Co., 1864. Arendt, Dr. R. Technik der Experi- mentalchemie. 2 vols., in one. 8vo. half morocco. L. Voss, Leipzig, 1881. Armstrong, H. E. Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry. The Chemistry of Carbon and its Com- pounds, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1874. ■ ■ 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1880. 4th edition. post 8vo. Longmans & Co., 1884. cloth. Artificial iLi^ht, Chemistry of, in- cluding the History of Wax, Tallow, and Sperm Candles, and the Manufac- ture of Gas, &c. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) crown 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) Griffin & Co., 1856 & 1860. Arts et Metiers, Secrets con- cernans les. Vol. 2. Le Teinturier Parfait. See Works on Makufac- tdkes, &c. (^Foreign). Attfield, J. Chemistry; General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical ; including the Chemistry of the British Pharma- copoeia. 4th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1872. ——— 9th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1881. 11th edition, crown 8vo. J. Van Voorst, 1885. cloth. August, E. F., &c. Handworterbuch der Chemie und Physik. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. M. Simion, Berlin, 1842-50. Barff, F. S. Elementary Chemistry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Better, & Galpin. Elementary Chemistry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford 1875. Introduction to Scientific Chem- istry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1869. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1871. 286 CHEMISTRY. Barruel, G. Traite de Chimie technique appliquee aux Arts et k rindustrie, k la Pharmacie et k 1' Agri- culture. 7 vols. 8vo. half calf. F. Didot, Paris, 1856-63. Bandxrimout, A. Traite de Chimie generale et experimentale. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1844-46. Becher, J. J. Chymischer Eosen- Garten ; samt einer Vorrede und kurtz gefassten Lebens-Beschreibung, von Friedrich Roth-Scholtzen. — Catalogus von Chymischen Buchern in der Koth- Scholtzischen Bibliotheque ; samt einigen Lebens-Beschreibungen veriihm- ter Philosophorum. — Dexnocritus. De Rebus Sacris,Naturalibus et Mysticis, &c. fcp. Svo. half vellum. Nuremberg, 1717-27. Bec^nerel, A. C. fllements d'Electro- Chimie appliquee aux Sciences Natur- elles et aux Arts. See Works on Electricity. Bec^nerel, E. Des Forces Physico- Chimiques, et de leur Intervention dans la Production des Phenomenes Naturels. See Works on Electricity. Beilstein, F. Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Translated by W. Eamsay. fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1873. ' Handbuch der Organischen Chemie. 2nd edition. 3 a'oIs. Svo. half morocco. L. Voss, Hamburg, 1885-90. Benedikt, Dr. R., and Enecht, E. The Chemistry of Coal-tar Colours. Translated from the German, post Svo. cloth. (Technological Handbooks.) 1886. ■■ — — — 2nd edition. post Svo. cloth. G. Bell & Sons, 1889. Benoity 'E. Traite fllementaire et Pratique des Manipulations Chimiques et de I'Emploi du Chalumeau, avec Tableaux Synoptiques des Proprietes des Corps; suivi d'un Dictionnaire descriptif des Produits de I'lndustrie susceptibles d'etre analyses. Svo. half calf. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1854. Beurath, Dr. H. E. Die Glasfabrikation. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic, Neue Folge. Lief. 2. Bergman, T. An Essay on the Useful- ness of Chemistry, and its Application to the various Uses of Life. Svo. calf. Loudon, 1784. ■' Physical and Chemical Essays. Translated by Edmund Cullen, M.D. ; with Notes and Illustrations. 3 vols. Svo. half calf. London, 1788-91. Bemays, A. J. First Lines in Chemis- try : a Manual for Students, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1855. Household Chemistry ; or Rudi- ments of the Science applied to Every- day Life. 3rd edition. 12mo. cloth. S. Low & Son, 1854. The Science of Home Life. (Based on the 3rd edition of " House- hold Chemistry.") royal 12mo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1862. The Student's Chemistry. Being the 7th edition of "Household Che- mistry." crown Svo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1869. Notes for Students in Chemistry. 5th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1870. Chemistry. fcp. Svo. cloth. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1874. Bemonlli, J. De Effervescentia et Fermentatione. See Works on Ana- tomy, &c.— Borelli, J. A. Bernthsen, A. Text-Book of Organic Chemistry. Translated by G. M'Gowan. post Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1889. Bexrbhelot. ^Essai de Mecanique Chim- ique, fondee sur la Thermochimie. 2 vols, royal Svo. half morocco. I. Calorimetrie. II. Mecanique. Dunod, Paris, 1879. — — - Introduction a I'Etude de Ja Chimie des Anciens et du Moyen-^ge. Svo. sewed. G. Steinheil, Paris, 1889. La Revolution Chimique-Lavoisier. Svo. cloth. F. A lean, Paris, 1890. Berthollet, C. L. Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. Trans- lated by Dr. M. Farrell. Svo. half calf. London, 1804. Berzelins, J. J. Traite de Chimie. Nouvelle edition entierement refondue d'apres la 4">« edition allemande, publiee en 1838, par B. Valerius. 3 vols, royal Svo. calf. {C.C.E.L., Nos. 867- 869.) Brussels, 1839-41. ' Lehrbuch der Chemie. 5th edition. 5 vols. Svo. half calf . Dresden, 1843-48. Bidlake, J. P. Text Book of Elemen- tary Chemistry, fcp. Svo. cloth. Allman & Son, 1858. Birney, J. On the Solubility of Granite in Solutions of the Ammonia- cal Salts. See Pamphlets. Bischof, G. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. Translated by B. H. Paul and J. Drummond. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. Cavendish Society ^ 1854-59. Blake, Dr. C. C. Sulphur in Iceland. See Pamphlets. OHEMISTRT. 287 Blowpipe Analysis, Treatises on. /Sec— Landauer, J. Die Lothrohranalyse and English Translation. Plattner, C. F. Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre. Eoss, W. A. The Blowpipe in Chemistry, &c. Also (with Works on Geologt, Metallurgy, &c.) : — Attwood, G. Practical Blowpipe Assaying. Brush, G. J. Determinative Minera- logy, &c. Bloxam, C. L. Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic ; with Experiments, and a Comparison of Equivalent and Mole- cular Formulae. 8vo. cloth. 1867. » 4th and 5th editions. 8vo. 1880-83. cloth. ■■ 7th edition. Revised by J. M. Thomson and A. G. Bloxam. 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1890. ■ Laboratory Teaching ; or. Pro- gressive Exercises in Practical Chem- istry, crown Svo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1869. Bockmanu, Dr. F. Chemisch-tech- nische Untersuchungsmethoden der Gross -Industrie, der Versuchstationen und Handelslaboratorien. 2 vols., in one. Svo. half morocco. 1884. ■ 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1888. Boerhaave, H. Elementa Chemise. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1733. Bolley, Dr. P. A. Altes und Neues aus Farbenchemie und Farberei. 8vo. half calf. Berlin, n.d. ^1. Das Beleuchtungswesen. See BoUey's Chemische Technologic. Band I. Gruppe II. Abth. I. Bolley, Dr. P. A., Bimbanm, Dr. K., and jSngler, Dr. C. Handbuch der Chemischen Technologic. 8vo. In bound vols, and parts : — Band I. Gruppe I. \_See Neue Folge. Liefer- ung3.] Gruppe II. :— Abtheil. I. Das Beleuchtungs- wesen. Von Dr. P. Bolley. Nebst einem Anhang iiber electrische Beleuchtung von Dr. G. Wiedemann. [In one vol.] 1862. Abtheil. II. Die Industrie der Mineralole. Theil I. Die Erddl- Industrie, von H. Hofer and F. Fischer. Lief. I. Das Erd5l (Petroleum) und seine Ver- wandten* Von H. Hofer. 1888. Bolley, Dr. P. A., Birnbaum, Dr. K., and Bugler, Dr. C. Handbuch der Chemischen Technologic — cont. Band I. — cont. Gruppe III. Die Chemische Techno- logic der Brennstoffe : — Abth. I. Von Dr. F. Fischer. 1880. Abth. II. Die Industrie der Steinkohlentheer - Destination und Ammoniakwasser-Verar- beitung. Von Dr. G. Lunge. [Gruppe III. in one vol.] 1882. BandIL Gruppe I. Abtheil. I. Die Technologic der chemischen Producte, welche durch Grossbetrieb aus unorgan- ischeu Materialien gewonnen werden. Von Dr. P. Schwarzen- berg. [In one vol.] 1865. ■ Handbuch der Soda-Industrie und ihrer Nebenzweige fur Theorie und Praxis. Von Dr. G. Lunge. Band I., II., in one vol. 1879. Abtheil. II. Handbuch der Kali-In- dustrie. Von Dr. E. Pfeiffer. [In one vol.] 1887. Gruppe II. [See Neue Folge. Liefer- ung 1.] Band III. [See Neue Folge. Lieferung 2.] Band IV. Gruppe I. Die Bierbrauerei, die Branntweinbrennerei und die Li- queur-fabrikation. Von Dr. F. J. Otto. 1865. Gruppe II. Die Essigfabrikation, die Zucker-und Starke Fabrikation, die Fabrikation des Starkegummis, Starkesyrups und Starkezuckers, sowie die Butter- und Kase-Bereit- uug. Von Dr. F. J. Otto. 1867. Gruppe III. Der Weinbau und die Weinbereitungskunde. Von F. Mohr. • 1865. [Gruppe I., II., III. in one vol.] Band V. Gruppe I. Die Chemische Verarbereit- ung der Pflanzen- und Thierfasem. Die Spinnfasern und die im Pflanzen- und Thierkorper vorkommenden FarbstoflFe. Die kiinstlich erzeugten organischen FarbstoflFe. Der Theer, &c. Von Dr. P. A. Bolley, Dr. E. Kopp, and Dr. R. Meyer. [In one vol.] 1867-83. Gruppe II. Chemische Technologic der Gespinnstfasern, ihre Ge- schichte, &c. Lief. 1. Von Dr. O. N. Witt. 1888. 288 CHEMISTRY. BoUey, Dr. P. A.,Birxibaiim, Dr. K., and Bngler, Dr. C. Handbuch der Chemischcn Technologic — cont. Band V. — cont. Gruppe III. Die Fabrikation des Busses und der Schwarze aus Ab- fallen und Nebenproducten. Von Dr. H. Koliler. 1889. Band VI. Gruppe I. Die Chemische Technologic der Baumaterialien und Wohnungs- einrichtungen. [In one vol.] : — Abtheil. I. Chemische Technolo- gic des Holzes als Baumaterial. Von Dr. .4. Mayer. 1872. Abtheil. II. Chemische Tech- nologic der Mortelmaterialien. Von Dr. G. Feichtingcr. 1885. Gruppe II. Die DarsteUung der Scifen, Parfiimerien und Cosmetica. Von Dr. C. Deite. 1867. Gruppe III' Die Schicsspulver, die Zxindhutchen und Ziindwaaren Fabrikation : — Abtheil. I. Das Schicsspulver, dessen Geschichtc, &c. Von Dr. J. Upmann. 1874. Abtheil. II. Die Explosivkorpcr und die Feuerwerkerei. Von Dr. E. von Meyer. 1874. Abtheil. III. Die Ziindwaareu- Fabrikation in ihrer gegen- wartigen Ausbildung. Von W. Jettel. 1871. Gruppe IV. : — Abtheil. I. Grundzxige der Lcder- bereilung. Von Dr. C. Hein- zerling. 1882. Abtheil. II. Die Fabrikation der Kautschuk- und Guttapercha- waaren, sowie des Celluloids un. Fasc. 2. Soufre. Selenium. Tellure. Phosphore. Arsenic. Carbone. Cyanogene. Bore. Silicium. Par Margottet, G. Lemoine, Urbain, J. Ogier- Joannis, A. Joly, et J. Curie. In one vol. 1 883-84. Fasc. 3. (Complement.) Charbon de Bois. Noir de fumee. Com- bustibles Mineraux. Diamant. Par Urbain S. Meunier et E. Boutan. In one vol. 1885-86. Fasc. 4. (Appendices.) Repro- duction Artificielle des Miner- aux. Meteorites. Par L. Bourgeois et S. Meunier. In one vol. 1884. Tome III. Chimie Inorganique. Metaux. 1884, &c. Fasc. 1.. (Cahier 1-3.) Proprietes generales des Metaux et des Sels. Potassium. Sodium. Rubidium. Caesium. Lithium. Ammonium. Par G. Rousseau, De Forcrand, et Villiers. In one vol. 1884-87. Fasc. 2. (Cahier 4-6.) Baryum. Strontium. Calcium. Mag- nesium. Aluminium. Metaux Terreux (Rares). Zinc. Cad- mium. Thallium. Par Nivoit, Margottet, Cleve, Lecoq de Boisbaudran, P. Sabatier. In one vol. 1884-85. Fasc. 3. (Cahier 7-9.) Niobium. Tantale. Tnngst^ne. Molyb- dene. Vanadium. Titane. Fer. Chrome. Par A. Joly, Parmentier, Joannis, H. Moissan. In one vol. 1884-88. Fasc. 4. (Cahier 10-12.) Man- ganese. Uranium. Etain. Antimoine. Cobalt. Nickel. Par H. Moissan, A. Ditte, Guntz, J. Meunier. In one vol. 1884-89. Fasc. 5. (Cahier 13-14.)Bismutb. Cuivre et Mercure. Par L. Godefroy, G. Rousseau et Joannis. (In progress.) 1885, &c. Fasc. 6. (Cahier 15, &c.) Argent. Or. Par R. de Forcrand, E. Cumenge, E. Fuchs. (In progress.) 1888, &c. CHEMISTRY. 295 Fremy, E. Encyclopedic Chimique — cont. Tome IV. Chimie Inorganique. Analyse Chimique. (In progress.) 1885, &c. Tableaux d' Analyse Qualitative. Analyse des Gaz. Methodes analytiques appliquees aux Substances agricoles. Par Carnot, L. Prunier, J. Ogier, A.Mtintz. 1885, &c. Tome V. Chimie Inorganique. Appli- cations. 1882, &c. Section I. Produits Chimiques : — Soufre et ses Derives directs: Acide Sulphurique, &c. Saltpetre. Acid Nitrique. Sel Marin. Sel Gemme. Industrie de Stassfiirt. Sulfate de Sonde. Acide Chlorhydrique. Sonde, Generalites. Chlorures de Chaux. Phosphates de Chaux. Superphosphates. Aluns. Chlorates. Par E. Sorel, E. Fremy, Kolb, Nivoit, E. Pommier et Pechiney. In one vol. 1882-84. Section II. Industries Chimiques : — Ptie. 1. Mortier et Ciments. Par Duquesnay. Verre et Cristal, et Atlas. Par J. Henrivaux. Porcelaine. Par Debreuil. Eclairage Elec- trique. Par VioUe. Photo- graphic. Par Pabst. (In progress.) 1883-89. Ptie. 2. Metallurgie. Principes Generaux. Par L. Gruner. Cuivre. Par L. Gruner et C. Eosway. Eonte et Eer. Par G. Bresson. Aciers. Par G. Bresson. Argent. Par C. Koswag. Desargen- tation de^Minerais dePlomb. ParC. Roswag. Or. ParE. Cumenge et E. Euchs. (In progress.) 1882-89. Tome VI. (on Tome I. de la) Chimie Organique. 1883-85. Ease. 1. Generalites. Carbures d'Hydrogene. Par Villiers et Bourgoin. In one vol. 1883. Ease. 2. Alcools et Phenols. Par Prunier. In one vol. 1885. Tome VII. Chimie Organique. 1884-89. Ease. 1. Aldehydes. Carbonyles. Quinons. Aldehydes k fonction niixte. Par E. Bourgoin. In one vol. 1884-85. Ease. 2. Ethers. Par E. Leidie. In one vol. 1886. Ease. 3. Acides Organiques. Par E. Bourgoin et J. Riban. In one vol. 1888-89. Fremy, E. Encyclopedie Chimique — cont. Tome VIII. Chimie Organique. 1883, &o. Ease. 1. Alcalis Organiques Arti- ficiels. Par E. Bourgoin. In one vol. 1886-87. Ease. 2. Alcalis Organiques Alcaloides Naturels. Par Chas- taing. In one vol. 1885. Ease. 3. Partiel. Amides. Serie Grasse. Par P. Chastaing. In one vol. 1888. Partie2. Amides. Serie Aro- matique. Par P. Chastaing. In one vol. 1889. Ease. 4. Radicaux Organometal- liques. Essai sur I'lsomerie de Position. Par P. Chastaing et A. Colson. (In progress.) 1883, &c. Tome IX. Chimie Organique. Chimie Biologique et Physiologique. 1883-88. Ease. 1. Chimie Biologique. Par Duclaux. In one vol. 1883. Ease. 2. Chimie des Vegetaux. Analyse Chimique des Liquides €t des Tissus de I'Organisme. Par E. Eremy, Dr. Gamier, et Dr. E. Schlagdenhauffen. 1888. Tome X. Chimie Organique. Appli- cations. (In progress.) 1883, &c. Mati^res Colorantes. Serie Aro- matique. Par C. Girard et A. Pabst. 1883. Industrie des Produits Ammo- niacaux. Par C. Vincent. 1884. Chimie Agricole. Nutrition de laPlante. ParDeherain. 1885. Chimie Agricole. Par L. Schloe- sing. 1885. Analyse Chimique des Vegetaux. Par Dr. G. DragendorfE et Dr. E. Schlagdenhauffen. 1885. Teinture et Apprets des Tissus de Coton. Par L. Lefevre. 1887. Eabrication des Couleurs. Par C. E- Guignet. 1888. Le Sucre. Par P. Charpentier. 1889. Les Bois. Par P. Charpentier. 1890. Les Textiles. Par P. Charpentier 1890. Le Papier. Par P. Charpentier. 1890. Gelatines et Colles. Par P. Char- pentier. O. Dunod, Paris, 1890. Fremy, E., and Felouze, J. Cours [Traite] de Chimie Generale. Notions Generates de Chimie. See Pelouze, J. Fremy, E., and Terreil, A. Le Guide du Chimiste. Repertoire de Documents Theoriques et Pratiques k I'usage des Laboratoires de Chimie Pure et de Chimie Universelle. royal 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1885. 296 » CHEMISTRY. Fresenius, Dr. C. R. Lehrbuch der Chemie fur Landwirthe, Forstmanner und Cameralisten. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1847. Precis d' Analyse Chimlqtie Quali- tative. Edition Fran^aise publiee sur la 3""* edition Allemande par le Dr. Sacc, fils. 12mo. half calf. Paris, 1845. Anleitung zur Qualitativen Chem- ischen Analyse. Mit einem Vorworte von J. von Liebig. 8th edition. 8vo. half morocco. 1853. 9th edition. 8vo. half calf. 1856. edition. 8vo. half 1874. edition. 8vo. half 14th 15th morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885. — — Anleitung zur QuantitativenChem- ischen Analyse. 5th edition. 8vo. half call; 1862. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1875-89. Instruction in Chemical Analysis (Qualitative). With a Preface by Pro- fessor Liebig. Edited by J. L. Bullock. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. (C. C. E. L., No. 992.) J. Churchill, 1850. Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 7th edition. Edited by A. Vacher. 8vo. cloth. 1869. 10th edition. Translated from the 15th German edition, and edited by C. E. Groves. 8vo. cloth. 1887. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 5th edition. Edited by A. Vacher. 8vo. cloth. 1870. 7th edition. Vol. I. Trans- lated by A. Vacher. Svo. cloth. Vol. II. Part 1, and onwards. Translated by C. E. Groves. 8vo. sewed. J. & A. Churchill, 1876, &c. Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie. See Journals. Prey, H. Traite d'Histologie et d'Histo- chimie. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. .Friedlaender, Dr. P. Fortschritte der Theerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter Induslriezweige 1877—1887. An der Hand der systematisch geordneten und mit kritischen Anmerkungen versehenen Deutschen Reichs-Patente dargestellt. imp. 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1888. Fritsch., J., and Guillemin, E. Traite de la Distillation des Produits Agricoles et Industriels. Svo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1890. Fuchs, Dr. J. N. von. On the Mantt facture, Properties, and Application of Water-Glass (Soluble Alkaline Silicate), including a Process of Stereochromic Painting. Translated from the German. 8vo. sewed. Printed for private circulation, 1859. Fnrueaux, W. S. Elementary Chem- istry, Inorganic and Organic. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1888, Galloway, R. Manual of Qualitative Analysis. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1858. 4th edition, revised and enlarged, post 8vo. cloth. 1864. First Step in Chemistry. A New Method for teaching the Elements of the Science. 2nd edition, re-written, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1856. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1868. Second Step in Chemistry ; or, the Student's Guide to the higher branches of the Science, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1864. Introductory Lecture to the Course of Organic Chemistry, Royal College of Science, Dublin, March 1878. 8vo. stitched. Hodges, Foster, & Co., Dublin, 1878. Treatise on Fuel, Scientific and Practical. 8vo. cloth. Trubner & Co., 1880. The Fundamental Principles of Chemistry, Practically Taught, by a new Method, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1888. Gamgee, Dr. A. Text-Book of the Physiological Chemistry of the Animal Body. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Gange, Dr. C. Lehrbuch der ange- wandten Optik in der Chemie. See Works on Optics. Gay, J. Henri Sainte-Claire Deville. Sa Vie et Ses Travaux. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. Gerhardt, C. Traite de Chimie or- ganique. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. F. Didot & Co., Paris, 1853-56. Geubel, H. C. Grundziige der wissen- schaftlichen Chemie der unorganischen Verbindungen. 8vo. half calf. Frankfort-on-Maine, 1847. Gibsone, Rev. B. W. Chemical Ad- denda; being a brief exposition of the salient features of Modern Chemistry. See Pamphlets. Gill, C. H. Chemistry for Schools. An Introduction to the Practical Study of Chemistry, post 8vo. cloth. James Walton, 1869. ■ - 3rd edition. crown 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1875. CHEMISTRY. 297 Gill, G. H. Sugar Eefining. (British Manufacturing Industries.) See Works , on Mancfactdres, &c. Girard, C, and De Laire, G. Traite des Derives de la Houille applicables k la Production des Mati^res Colorantes. 8vo. half calf. G. Masson, Paris, 1873. Girardin, J. Manuel de Chimie Ap- pliquee. 12mo, half calf. (Biblioth^que Industrielle, No. 6.) G. Stapleaox, Brussels, 1851. Le9ons de Chimie Elementaire appliquee aux Arts Industriels. 5th edition. 5 vols., in 2. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1872-5. Supplement (to the 6th edition). 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 18801 Gmelin, L. Handbuch der Chemie. , 4th and 5th editions. With 2 vols, of Supplement and 2 of Register. (Edited by Karl List, Karl Kraut, &c.) 13 vols. 8vo. half calf. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1848-70. Crxnelin-Eraut's Handbuch der Chemie. Anorganische Chemie. 6th edition. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. K. Kraut. Vols. 1, , 2 (in course of issue), 3. 8vo. half , calf. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1872, &c. Gmelin, L. Handbook of Chemistry. Translated by H. Watts. 18 vols. Svo. . cloth. Cavendish Societr/j 1848-71. Goebel, F. Beise in die Steppen des Siidlichen Russlands. Mit Chemischeu • Untersuchungen der Salzseen nnd Salz- fltisse der trans-wolgaischen Steppen und der Krym, &c. See Works on Geography (^German). Gonip-Besanez'Lehrbuch der Chemie. Vol. 1. Anorganische Chemie. 7th edition. Edited by A. Rau. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885. Gottlieb, Dr. J. Chemie und Chem- ische Technologic. (Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Vol. 2.) See Works on Physics ( General Treatises^ — Naturwissenschaften. Grahajoi, T. Chemical Reports and Memoirs. 1 vol. Svo. cloth. 1, 2. Volumes of Bodies and their Atom- ic Weights. By Prof. Otto and M. Filhol. 3. Endosmosis. By J. Vogel. 4. Isomorphism. By Prof. Otto. 5. Dyeing. By M. Chevreul. 6. Latent Heat of Steam at different Pressures. By V. Regnault. 7. Artificial Formation of Alkaloids. By M. E. Kopp. 8. Pseudo - Volcanic Phenomena of Iceland. By R. Bunsen. Cavendish Society , 1848. Graham, T. Elements of Chemistry, including the Applications of the Science in the Arts. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. H. Bailliere, 1850-5a- Chemical and Physical Researches Preface and Analytical Contents by Df» R. Angus Smith, royal 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1876. Graham-Otto's Ausfiihrliches Lehr- buch der Chemie. 5 vols., in 8. 8vq. half morocco : — Band I. Physikalische und Theoret- ische Chemie. VonDr. A.Horsf- mann, H. Landolt und A. Winkelmann. Dritte Auflage. Abtheil. I. Physikalische Leh- ren, von Dr. A. Winkelmann. Abtheil. II.Theoretische Chem- ie einschliesslich der Thermo- chemie, von Dr. A. Horst- mann. In one vol. 1885". II. Anorganische Chemie. Von Dr. A. Michaehs. Fiinfte Auflage. Abtheil. I.-IV. 4 vols 1878-8J. III. Organische Chemie. Von Dr. H. Kolbe. Band I. Zweite Auf- lage, von Dr. E. von Meyer. 1880. IV. Organische Chemie. Von Dr. H. Kolbe. Band II. Zweite Auflage.. Von Dr. E. von Meyer. 1884. V. Organische Chemie. Von Dr. H. Kolbe. Band III. Abtheil. I., von Dr. E. von Mever and Dr.A.Weddige. Abtheil. IL. von H. von Fehling. 1868-78. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick. Grandean, Dr. L. Handbuch fiir Agriculturchemische Analysen. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. W. Henneberg. post 8vo. sewed. Wiegandt & Co., Berlin, 1879. Gray's Operative Chemist. See Porter, A.L. Gregory, Dr. W. Eleinentary Treatise on Chemistry. 12mo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1855. Handbook of Organic Chemistry. 4th edition, post Svo. cloth. 1S56. Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1857. ■ Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. 4th edition, in one vol. post Svo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1856-7. Greu, F. A. C. Systematisches Hand- buch der gesammten Chemie. 3 vols, post Svo. boards. Halle, 1787-90. Crriffin, J. J. Chemical Recreations. First Division, Elementary Experiments. 10th edition, crown Svo. cloth. J. J. Griffin & Sons, 1854. 298 CHEMISTRY. GrifS.!!, J. J. Chemical Eecreations Second Division, Nonmetallic Elements. 10th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1860. Divisions I. and one vol. crown 8vo. cloth. try II., in 1860. The Radical Theory in Chemis- post 8vo. cloth. . 1858. Art of Centigrade Testing, crown 8vo. sewed. 1860. Chemical Testing of Wines and Spirits, crown 8vo. cloth. 1866. Chemical Handicraft ; a Classified and Descriptive Catalogue of Chemical Apparatus. 8vo. cloth. 1866. 8vo. cloth. 1877. ■ Scientific Apparatus for Use in Schools, Manufactured by. 8vo. sewed. 1868. ■ New editions. 8vo. sewed. 1875 & 1877. ' Scientific Handicraft; a Descrip- tive, Illustrated, and Priced Catalogue of Apparatus suitable for Elementary Experiments in Physics. Vol. 1. Me- chanics, &c. post 8vo. cloth. J. J. Grifl&n & Sons, 1873. Grif5.ths, T. Chemistry of the Four Ancient Elements : Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1851. — Recreations in Chemistry (Non- Metallic Elements), fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1850. ■ ' Outlines of Chemistry. 18mo. sewed. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1852. • ■ Chemistry of the Four Seasons, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1853. Grixnaux, E. Chimie Organique Ele- mentaire. 2nd edition. 12mo. half roan. 1878. ■ Chimie Inorganique Elementaire. 2nd edition. 12mo. half roan. G. Bailliere & Co., Paris, 1879. ' Lavoisier, 1743-94, d'apr&s sa Correspondance, ses Manuscrits, ses Papiers de Famille et d'autres Docu- ments inedits. royal 8vo. sewed. F. Alcan, Paris, 1888. Groves, C. E., and Thorp, W. Chem- ical Technology ; or, Chemistry in its Applications to Arts and Manufactures. With which is incorporated Richardson and Watts' Chemical Technology, imp. 8vo. cloth : — Vol. 1. Fuel and its Applications. By E. J. Mills and F. J. Rowan. J. & A. Churchill, 1889. Gnldberg, C. M., and Waage, P. Etudes sur les AflBnites Chimiques. 4to. 2 copies, sewed and half calf. (^Nor- wegian Collection. — Programme de rUniversite, 1867.) Christiania, 1867. Hales, S. Vegetable Staticks : or, an Account of some Statical Experiments on the Sap in Vegetables. Also, Speci- men of an Attempt to Analyse the Air, by Chymico- statical Experiments. Se6 Works on Botany. Hands, T. Numerical Exercises in Chemistry, post 8vo. cloth. Sampson Low & Co., 1884. Haudworterbuch der Chemie und Physik. Von E. F. August, &c. See August, E. F. Harcoxirt, A. G. V., and Madan, H. G, Exercises in Practical Chemistry. Series I. Qualitative Exercises. post8vo. cloth. 1869. 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1872. — Vol. I. Elementary Exer- cises. 4th edition, revised by H. G. Madan. post 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887. Hardwich's Photographic Chemistry. See Works on Photography. Hare, R. A Compendium of the Course of Chemical Instruction in the Medical Department of the University of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. half calf. Philadelphia, 1828. Hart, Rev. H. M. Elementary Chemistry, post 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Hartley, W. N. Air and its Relations to Life, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1875. Hasenclever R. Ueber die Beschad- igung der Vegetation durch saure Gase. See Works on Agricultuke, &c. (Foreigji). Haushofer, Dr. K. Mikroskopische Reactioneu. EineAuleitung zur erkennen verschiedener Elemente und Verbindung- en unter dem Mikroskop : als Supple- ment zu den Methoden der Qualitativen Analyse. Svo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885. Heinzerling, Dr. C. Abriss der Chem- ischen Technologic, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Statistik und Preisver- haltnisse. Svo. half morocco. T. Fischer, Cassel, 1888. Grundziige der Lederbereitung. See BoUey's Chemische Technologic. Band VL, Gruppe IV., Abtheil. I. Die Fabrikation der Kautschuk und Guttaperchawaaren, sowie des Cellu- loids und der wasserdichten Gewebe. See Bolley^s Chemische Technologic. Band VL, Gruppe IV., Abtheil. IL Hellot, L'Art de la Teinture des Laines. 12mo. calf. Paris, 1750. Hempel, Dr. W. Neue Methoden zur Analyse der Gase. Svo. sewed. 1880. —- Gasanalytische Methoden. 2nd edition (of above). 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1890. CHEMISTRY. 299 Henry, W. The Elements of Experi- mental Chemistry. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1810. Heumanu, Dr. K. Anleitung zum Experimentiren bei Vorlesungen iiber Anorganische Chemie. 8vo. half morocco. 1876—78. Die Anilinfarben - und ihre Fabri- kation. Theil I. Triphenylmethau- Farbstoffe. 8vo. sewed. F. Vie-weg & Son, Brunswick, 1888. Hicks, Rev. J. W. Inorganic Chem- istry, post 8vo. cloth, stifE. (Local Examination Series.) W.Stewart & Co., 1877. Higgins, "W. Experiments and Obser- vations on the Atomic Theory, and Electrical Phenomena. 8vo. boards. Dublin, 1814. Hinrichs, G. The Elements of Chem- istry and Mineralogy, demonstrated by the Student's own Experiments. 8vo. bound. Davenport, Iowa, U.S., 1871. Hoblyu, R. D. Treatise on Chemistry. (Scott's Series.) 12mo. stiff wrapper. E. Law, 1860. Hodges, Dr. J. F. The First Book of Lessons in Chemistry, in its Relation to Agriculture. 12mo. cloth. 1853. 9th thousand. 12mo. cloth. Simms & M'Intyre, 1856. Hoefer, Dr. F. Histoire de la Chimie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a notre epoque. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1842-43. Classification "Nomenclature et Chimiques. 12mo. half calf. Paris, 1845. Hofer, H. Das Erdol (Petroleum) und seine Verwandten. See BoUe/s Che- mische Technologic. Band I., Gnippe II., Abtheil. II. Hoff, J. H. van 't. Etudes de Dynam- ique Chimique. 8vo. sewed. F. Muller & Co., Amsterdam, 1884. . Dix Annees dans I'Histoire d'une Theorie. 2nd edition of " Le Chimie dans I'Espace." post 8vo. sewed. P. M. Bazendijk, Rotterdam, 1887. Hoffmann, R. Sammlung aller wichtigen Tabellen, Zahlen und Formeln fiir Chemiker. 8vo. boards. J. Springer, Berlin, 1861. Hofmann, Dr. A. W. Introduction to Modern Chemistry, Experimental and Theoretic, crown 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1865. Bericht iiber die Entwickelung der Chemischen Industrie wahrend des Letzteii Jahrzehends. Pa^ts I.-III. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1875-77. Hofinann, Dr. A. W. The Life- Work of Liebig. The Faraday Lecture for 1875. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Zur Erinnerung an Vorangegang- ene Freunde. Gesammelte Gedachts- nissreden. 3 vols. 8vo. sewed. F, Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1889. Liebig's und Wohler's Brief wech- sel, 1829-1873. See Liebig, J. Horsley, J. Catechism of Chymical Philosophy; being a Familiar Exposi- tion of the Principles of Chymistry and Physics, in their Application to the Arts, and Comforts of I^ife. post 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1856. Howard, J. Practical Chemistry. Adapted to the Revised Syllabus of the Science and Art Department, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) 1873. New and revised edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. New and enlarged edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Ca [1881]. Hoyer, E. Die Fabrikation des Papiers, nebst Gewinnung der Fasern aus Ersatzr stoffen. See Bolley's Chemische Technologie. Band VI., Gruppe V., Abtheil. I. Hudson, Feamside. Inorganic Chem- istry for Science Classes, post 8vo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1865. Hughes, S. Treatise on Gasworks, and the Practice of Manufacturing and Distributing Coal Gas. 12 mo. cloth, stiflEl J. Weale, 1853-. The Construction of Gas-Works, and the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas. 6th edition, re-written, by W. Richards. 12rao. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1880. Hume, G. L. Chemical Attraction ; an Essay in Five Chapters. With an Historical Introduction. 8vo. boards. Deighton & Co., Cambridge, 1835*. Husemann, A., and T. Die Pflanzen- stoffe in Chemischer, Physiologischer, Pharmakologischer, und Toxikologischer Hinsicht. See Works 07i Botany (^Foreign). Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry. With references to the Works of Davy, Brande, Liebig, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Pickering, 1843. Irving's Catechism of Chemistry. By W. Maugham. New edition, revised by R. J. Mann. 18mo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1876. 300 CHEMISTRY. JagO, W. Inorganic Chemistry, Theo- retical and Practical. Designed pri- marily for Students of Science Classes . connected with the Science and Art Department, post 8vo. cloth. 1881. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1882. , With an Introduction to the Principles of Chemical Analysis, Inorganic and Organic. 9th edition, re-written and enlarged, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Manuals.) 1888. An introduction to Practical In- organic Chemistry. (Elementary Science Manuals.) fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1888. Jettel, W. Die Ziindwaaren-Fabrika- tion in ihrer gegenwartigen Ausbildung. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic. Band VI., Gruppe III., Abtheil. III. Johnson, C. W. Agricultural Chemistry for Young Farmers. 5th edition. 12mo. sewed. J. Ridgway, Johnston, J. F. W. Lectures on Agri- cultural Chemistry and Geology. 2nd • edition. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., i^o. 760.) 1847. 'i Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. 1856. New edition, revised and brought down to the Present Time, by ■ A. H. Church, post 8vo. cloth. 1879. Catechism of Agricultural Chem- istry and Geology. 43rd and 47th edition, post 8vo. cloth, limp. 1856 & 1857. 73rd and 75th thousand. Revised by Dr. A. Voelcker. post 8vo. cloth, limp. 1873 & 1875. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 7th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1856. Also, 2nd, 1842, and 6th edition, 1852. W.Blackwood & Sons. Johnston, J. F. W., and Cameron, C. A. Elements of Agricultural Che- mistry and Geology. 10th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1877. 15th edition, post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1889. Jones, F. The Owens College Junior Course of Practical Chemistry. With Preface by Prof. Roscoe. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. 18mo. cloth. 1875. ■ For previous edition, see Roscoe, Sir H. C, and Jones, F. -^-— Questions on Chemistry. A Series of Problems and Exercises in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. 18mo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. Jones, H. C. Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Hughes, 1881. Journals, &c., relating to Chemistry (English) :— Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry. Annual Report of the Progress ot Chemistry and the Allied Sciences, Chemical News. Journals, &c., relating to Chemistry (Foreign) : — Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi, och Mineralogie. Annalen der Physik und Chemie (PoggendoriTs). Annales de Chimie. Annuaire de Chimie. Chemiker-Zeit ang. Chemische Annalen fiir die Freunde der Naturlehre, &c. Chemisches Archiv. Chemisches Journal fiir die Freunde der Naturlehre, &c. Chemisch-Technische Mittheilungen. Chemisch-Technisches Repertorium. Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Fort- schritte auf den Gebieten der Physik und Chemie. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Chemie. Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte (und Leistungen) der Chemischen Technologie. Journal fxir Chemie und Physik. Journal fiir Praktische Chemie. Journal fur Technische und Oekonom- ische Chemie. Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Medicinish-Chemische Untersuch- ungen, &c. Neuesten Entdeckungen (Die) in der Chemie. Rapports Annuals surles Progresde la Chimie. Technisch-Chemisches Jahrbuch. Vierteljahresschrift iiber die Fort- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs und Genussmittel. Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir Physikalische Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir Physikalisehen und Chemischen tluterricht. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Pekiodicals) . Joyce, Rev. J. Dialogues in Chemistry. 2 vols. 18mo. half roan. (^Brooke Col- lection.^ London, 1809. Juncker. l&lemens de Chymie, suivant les principes de Becker et de Stahl. Traduit du Latin, avec des Notes, par M. Demachy. 6 vols. 12mo. calf. Paris, 1757. Kastner, K. W. G. Chemie zur Eriaut- erung der Experimentalphysik. 8vo. half calf. F. Euke, Erlangen, 1850. CHEMISTRY. 301 Eayser, Dr. R. Untersuchungen iiber natiirliche Asphalte. 8vo. sewed. Korn, Nuremberg, 1879. Keknl^, A., Auschiitz, B,., and Schiiltz, G. Chemie der Benzolderi- vate Oder der aromatischen Substanzen. Vols. 1 and 2. royal 8vo. half calf. F. Enke, Erlangen, 1867-82. Kemshead, Dr. W. B. Inorganic Chemistry, fep. 8vo. cloth. (Elemen- tary Science Series.) 1873. .. ■ 20th thousand, revised. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) Enlarged edition, fcp. 8vo. 1877. cloth. Enlarged edition, revised and extended, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. (1880). Kensington, E. T. Chemical Com- position of Foods, Waters, Soils, Minerals, Manures, and Miscellaneous Substances, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1877. EilgOUr, H. Nitrogen shown to be Carbonic Oxide in an AUotropic State. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1865. Eingzett, C. T. Animal Chemistry; or, the Relations of Chemistry to Phy- siology and Pathology. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. Knapp, Dr. F. Lehrbuch der chem- ischen Technologic. 3rd edition. Band I., II., Abth. I., Lief. 1, 2. Svo. half morocco and sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1865, &c. — L'Historique de I'Eclairage au Gas. See Schilling, N. H. Eohler, F. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 7th edition. Svo. half calf. G. W. F. Mtiller, Berhn, 1854. Kohler, Dr. H. Die Fabrikation des Busses und der Schwarze aus Abfallen und Nebenproducten. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic, BandV., Gruppe III. Eollbe, Dr. H. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chemie. 2nd edition. Band I. Anorgan- isqhe Chemie. Svo. half roan. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1884. — . Short Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Translated and edited by T. S. Humpidge. post Svo. cloth. 1884. — 2nd edition. post Svo. Longmans & Co., 1888. Ausfiihrliches Lehr- und Handbuch Kopp, Dr. H. Geschichte der Chemie. 4 vols., in 2. Svo. half calf. Brunswick, 1843-47. Die Entwickelung der Chemie in cloth. der organischen Chemie. 3 vols. See .Graham-Otto. der neueren Zeit. Svo. half morocco. (Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1873. Kuchler, F. N. Manuel de I'Eclairage par le Gaz d'Huiles Mineralcs et des Huiles k Gaz. 4to. boards. P. Oldenbourg, Munich ; Lacroix, Paris, 1879. Enlllmann, F. Experiences Chimiques et Agronomiques. Svo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1847. ■■ On the Application of Water-Glass (Soluble Alkahne Silicate) in the Arts. Translated from the French. Svo. sewed. Printed for private circulation, 1859. Recherches Scientifiques, et Publi- cations diverges, imp. Svo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1877. EiUine, Dr. W. On the Photochemistry of the Retina and on Visual Purple. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Iiacinius, Janus. Pretiosa Margarita novella de Thesauro, ac pretiosissimo Philosophorum Lapide. Artis hujus divinae typus et methodus. Collectanea ex Arnaldo, Rhaymundo, Rhasi, Alberto, et Michaele Scoto ; nunc primum in lucem edita. fcp. Svo. vellum. Venetiis ap. Aldi filios, 1546. Ladenbnrg, Prof. Dr. Handworter- buch der Chemie. Vols. 1-6, and on- wards, royal Svo. half morocco. (Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaft- en.) E.Trewendt, Berlin, 1882-88, &c. Lalanne, L. Abaque des Equivalents Chimiques. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. Hachette & Co., 1851. Lalanne, L., and Lemoine, G. Sur les Formules atomiques des principaux corps simples et composes, et sur 1' Ap- plication des Precedes graphiques aux Calculs numeriques des diverses com- binaisons. See Wurtz, A. Dictionnaire de Chimie — Supplement. Lamborn, Dr. R. H. Treatises on the Metallurgy of Copper, Silver, and Lead. See Works on Geology, Mineualogy, &c. Landaner, J. Die Lothrohranalyse. post Svo. sewed. Haering & Co., Brunswick, 1876. ■ English edition, by J. Taylor and W. E. Kay. fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan-& Co., 1879. Laudolt, Dr. H., and Bomstein, Dr. R. Physikalisch-Chemische Tabel- len. imp. Svo. cloth. J. Springer, Berlin, 1883^ 302 CHEMISTRY. Iianger, T. Lehrbuch der Chemie, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Gahr- ungsgewerbe. 8vo. sewed. Gebhardt, Leipzig, .1878. Larduer, I>r. Chemistry for Schools. 12mo. cloth. "Walton & Maberly, 1859. Laubeuheixner, Dr. A. Gmndzuge der Organischen Chemie. royal 8vo. sewed. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1884. Laurent, Auguste, Chemical Method, Notation, Classification, and Nomen- clature. Translated by W. Odling. 8vo. cloth. Cavendish Society^ 1855. Lavoisier, A. L. Elements of Chemis- try in a new Systematic Order, con- taining all the modern discoveries. Translated by Eobert Kerr. 2nd edition. 8vo. halt* calf. Edinburgh, 1793. Lavoisier, CEuvres de. Complete edition of Lavoisier's Works, published under the direction of the French Minister of Public Instruction. 4 vols, royal 4to. half morocco. I. Traite Elementaire de Chimie. II. Memoires de Chimie et de Physique. III. & IV. Memoires et Eapports sur divers sujets de Chimie et de Physique. Paris, 1862-68. Lavoisier, 1743-1794. ^ee Grimaux, E. Lefort, J. Chimie des Couleurs pour la Peinture a I'Eau et ^ I'Huile. 12mo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1855. Lehmann, C. G. Vollstandiges Tasch- enbuch der theoretischen Chemie. 6th edition. 16mo. half calf. Renger, Leipzig, 1854. Physiological Chemistry. Trans- lated from the 2nd German edition by Dr. G. E. Day. 3 vols. 8vo. With Atlas, 4to., by Dr. O. Funke. cloth. Cavendish Society , 1851-54. Lellmauu, Dr. E. Principien der or- ganischen Synthese. 8vo. half morocco. R. Oppenheim, Berlin, 1887. Lexnery, N. Cours de Chymie ; oder, der voUkommene Chymist, welcher die in der Medicin gebrauchlichen chym- ischen Processe auff die leichteste Art machen lemt, &c. Aus der 9" Franz- dischen Ed. des 1697 iibersetzet. post 8vo. vellum. Dresden, 1698. '■ New Curiosities in Art and Na- ture ; or, a Collection of the most valuable Secrets in all Arts and Sciences. 8vo. calf. London, 1711. Levy, Dr. S. Anleitung zur Darstel- lung Organischen Praparate. 8vo. cloth, limp. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1887. Lewis, W. Neumann's Chemical Works, Abridged, &c. See Neumann, C. Liebig, J. Handworterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Von J. von Liebig, J. C. Poggendortf, F. Wohler, &c. 9 vols, and 1 Supplement. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1842-64. ^ Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff, Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausgegebenen "Hand- worterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie." Bearbeitet und redigirt von Dr. H. V. Fehling und Dr. C. Hell. Vol. 1 and onwards, as far as issued. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1871, &c. — I Animal Chemistry ; or. Chemistry in its application to Physiology and Pathology. Edited by W. Gregory. 2nd edition. 8 vo. cloth. London, 1843. Researches on the Chemistry of Food. Edited from the Manuscript of the Author, by W. Gregory. 8vo. calf. (C C. E.L., No. 761.) London, 1847. Chemistry and Physics in relation to Physiology and Pathology. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. {C.C.E.L., No. 762.) London, 1847. Chemische Briefe. 3rd edition. post 8vo. half calf. C. F. Winter, Heidelberg, 1851, ——^ Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and its relation to Commerce, Phy- siology, and Agriculture. Edited by J. Gardner. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. 2nd Series. Edited by J. Gardner, fcp. 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. Familiar Letters on Chemistry in its Relations to Physiology, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce, and Political Economy. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Taylor, Walton, & Maberiy, 1851. ' 4th edition. Edited by John Blyth, M.D. crown 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1859. — — Anleitung zur Analyse organischer Korper. 2nd edition. Svo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1853. Hand Book of Organic Analysis. Edited by A. W. Hofmann. post 8to. 2 copies, cloth and half calf. Walton & Maberly, 1853. Die Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physiologic. 9th edition, by Dr. Ph. Zoller. 8vo. hatf morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1876. CHEMISTRY. 303 Liebigy «T. Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Edited by Dr. Lyon Playfair and Dr. Gregory. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1847. ■■ Principles of Agricultural Chem- istry. With Special Eeference to the late Eesearches made in England, post Svo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1855. — — — Reden und Abhandlungen. 8yo. half calf. C. F. Winter, Leipzig, 1874. i Annual Report of the Progress of Chemistry and the Allied Sciences. (In conjunction with H. Kopp and others.) See Journals. — Annalen der Chemie. See JotLT- nals. Liebig's (Aus Justus) und Fried- rich Wohler's Briefwechsel in den Jahren 1829-1873. Unter Mitwirk- ung von Fraulein E. Wohler, heraus- gegeben von A. W. Hoftnann. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. ■*" F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1888. Lilley, H. T. Bench Book for Test Tube Work in Chemistry, post 8vo. sewed. Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Jjimpricht, H. Grundriss der Organ- ischen Chemie. Svo. half calf. 1855. 1. Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie. Svo. half calf. Schwetschke & Son, Brunswick, 1862. ^ippmann, Dr. E. O. von. Geschichte des Zuckers. Svo. sewed. M. Hesse, Leipzig, 1890. IJOCkyer, J. N. The Chemistry of the Sun. See Works on Astronomy. XiOtb, Dr. J. Die Anorganische Chemie auf Grundlage methodisch geordneter Versuche. Svo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1876. IjUUge, G. Treatise on the Distillation of Coal-Tar and Ammoniacal Liquor, and the Separation from them of Valuable Products. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1882. ■ I Die Industrie der Steinkohlentheer- Destillation und Ammoniakwasser- Verarbeitung. See BoUey's Chemische Technologic. Band I., Gruppe III., Abtheil. II. ■.I Die Industrie des Steinkohlentheers und Ammoniaks. 3rd edition. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic, Neue Folge, Lief. 5. . Handbuch der Soda-Industrie und ihrer Nebenzweige fiir Theorie und Praxis. See Bolley's Chemische Tech- nologic. Band II., .Gruppe I., Abtheil. I. XiUpton, S. Elementary Chemical Arithmetic, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Lupton, W. M. Chemical Tables, for the Separation of one Acid and one Base. Part 1. royal Svo. cloth. C. Bean. Macadam, S., Ph.D. The Chemistry of Common Things, post Svo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1866. — — - Practical Chemistry. See Cham- bers. M'Gauley, Rev. J. W. Chemistry and Chemical Analysis. See Works on Physics {General Treatises). McLeod, Prof. On Eudiometers. (Science Lectures at South Kensington.) See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Macquer. Dictionnaire de Chimie. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1778. Elements of the Theory and Prac- tice of Chymistry. 4th edition. 2 vols. Svo. calf. London, 1787. Teinture en Soie. See Works on Manufactures, &c. (^Foreign) — Arts et Metiers, Teinture, &c. Macvicar, J. G. A Sketch of a Philosophy. The Chemistry of Natural Substances. See Works on General Natural History. Madan, H. G. Tables of Qualitative Analysis. 4to. sewed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1881. Magnier, D. Eclairage au Gaz. See Works on Manufactures, &c. (^Foreign) — Manuels-Roret. Malaguti, M. J. Legons Elementaires de Chimie. 2 parts. 12mo. half calf. Dezobry, Paris, 1863. Malaguti & Fabre. Notions de Chimie. 12mo. boards. Delagrave & Co., Paris, 1868. Mann, R. J. Air, the Food as well as the Breath of Life. Svo. cloth, limp. Jarrold & Sons. Marcet, Mrs. Conversations on Chem- istry. 16th edition. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1853. Maugham, W. Catechism of Chemis- try. ISmo. sewed. Aylott & Co. Maumen^, E. J. Theorie Generale de I'Action Chimique. Svo. half roan. Dunod, Paris, 1880. Mayer, Dr. A. Lehrbuch der Agrikul- turchemie in vierzig Vorlesungen. Theil I. und II. 2nd edition.— Lehrbuch der Gahrungschemie in elf Vorlesungen, als Einleitung in die Technologic der Gahrungsgewerbe im Anschluss an sein "Lehrbuch der Agrikulturchemie." In one vol. Svo. half calf. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1 874-76. Lehrbuch der Agrikulturchemie in vierzig Vorlesungen. 2nd edition, Svo. half morocco. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1876. 304 CHEMISTRY. Mayer, Dr. A. Chemische Technologie des Holzes als Baumaterial. See BoUey's • Chemische Technologie. Band VI., Gruppe I., Abtheil. I. IffecLicns, Dr. L. Kurze Anleitung zur Qualitativen Analyse. Svo. sewed. Tubingen, 1878, Meissas, A. Notions Elementaires de Chimie. 2nd edition. 18mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1850. Melanges Physiques et Chim- iqnes. See Transactions— St. Petersbueg : Academie Imperiale des Sciences. Meldola, R. Inorganic Chemistry: the Non-Metallic and Metallic Elements. New edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Series.) T. Murby, 1874. Mendelejeff, D. Grundlagen der Chemie. Aus dem Russichen iibersetzt von L. Jawein und A. Thillot. Lief. 1 - and onwards. C. Ricker, St. Petersbarg, 1890. Metallurgy, Treatises on. See Works on Geology, Mineralogy, &c. Meyer, Dr. E. von. Geschichte der Chemie von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Zugleich Einfiihrang in das Studium der Chemie. 8vo. sewed. Veit & Co., Leipzig, 1889. Die Explosivkorper und die Feu- erwerkerei. See Bolley's Chemische Technologie. Band VI., Gruppe III., Abtheil. II. Meyer, F. Die Bayerische Bierbrauerei in alien ihren Theilen. 4th edition. Svo. half calf. Nuremberg, 1847. Meyer, Dr. L. Die Modemen Theorien der Chemie uud ihre Bedeutung fiir die Chemische Statik. 3rd edition. 8vo. half morocco. Maruschke Breslau, 1876. Modern Theories of Chemistry. Translated from the German (5th edition) by P. P. Bedson and W. C. Williams. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1888. Meyer, Dr. V. Die Thiophengruppe. Svo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1888. Millar, J. Elements of Chemistry; with its Application to explain the Phenomena of Nature, and the Pro- cesses of Arts ard Manufactures. Svo. boards. Edinburgh, 1820 Miller, N. H. J. Ueber Condensa tionen der Diketone mit Aceton. Svo sewed. Wuerzburg, 1884 Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry ; Theoretical and Practical. 3 parts 4th edition, with Additions. 8vo. cloth viz. : — Part I. Chemical Physics. II. Inorganic Chemistry. III. Organic Chemistry. Longmans & Co., 1867-69 Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry. 3 parts. 6th edition, with Additions. Svo. cloth, viz. : — Part I. Chemical Physics. Revised by H. McLeod. II. Inorganic Chemistry. Revised by C. E. Groves. III. Organic Chemistry. Section 1. Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, &c. Revised by H. E. Arm-- strong and C. E. Groves. Longmans & Co., 1877-80. Introduction to the Study of Inorganic Chemistry, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1871. New edition, with Ques- tions for Examination, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1874. New edition, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Millon, E. Elements de Chimie Or- ganique, comprenant les Applications de cette Science a la Physiologic Ani- male. 2 vols. Svo. calf. J. B. Baiiliere, Paris, 1845-48. Mills, E. J., and Rowan, F. J. Fuel and its Applications. See Groves and Thorp's Chemical Technology. Mills, J. Alternative Elementary Chemistry : being a Course of Lessons- adapted to the Requirements of the New Syllabus of Chemistry recently in- stituted by the Science and Art Depart- ment. With a Preface by Prof. Thorpe, post Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1888. Mitscherlich, £. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. [Vol. 1 is 3rd edition ; Vol. 2 is 2nd edition.] Berlin, 1837-43. Mixter, W. G. An Elementary Text- Book of Chemistry. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Mohlau, Dr. R. Organische Farbstoffe, welche in derTextilindustrieVerwendung finden. Lief. 1. Svo. sewed. J. Bloem, Dresden, 1890. Mohr, F. Lehrbuch der Pharmaceut- ischen jTechnik. Svo. half calf. 1847. ' Lehrbuch der Chemisch-Analyt- ischen Titrirmethode. Neu bearbeitet von Dr. A. Classen. 6th edition, royal Svo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1886. Der Weinbau und die Weinbereit- ungskunde. See Bolley's Chemische Technologie. Band IV., Gruppe III. Molescliott, Prof. Die Lehre der ' Nahrungsmittel. Translation by E. Bron- ner. See Bronner, E., and Scoffern, J^ Morley, H. F. Outlines of Organic . Chemistry, post Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1886. CHEMISTRY. 305 Morris, D. Class Book of Inorganic Chemistry ; with Tables of Chemical Analysis, and Directions for their Use. crown 8vo. cloth. 1870. — — ■ New edition, crown 8vo. cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1880. MiULlhailser, Dr. O. Die Technik der Eosanilinfarbstoffe. Entwicklungsge- schichtlich dargestellt und fiir Praxis und Wissenschaft bearbeitet. imp. Sro. cloth. J. G. Cotta, Stuttgart, 1889. Muir, M. M. Pattison. Practical Chemistry for Medical Students. 18mo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1878. Treatise on the Principles of Chemistry. 8vo. cloth. 1884. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1889. Mnir, M. M. P., and Carnegie, D. Practical Chemistry. A Course of Laboratory Work. A Companion Volume to Pattison Muir and Slater's "Elementary Chemistry." post 8vo. clotb, hmp. University Press, Cambridge, 1887. Muir, M. M. P., and Slater, C. Ele- mentary Chemistry. A Companion Volume to Pattison Muir and Carnegie's " Practical Chemistry." post 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1887. Muir, M. M. P., and Wilson, D. M. Elements of Thermal Chemistry. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. Miiller, A. E. Lehrbuch der Ober- und Untergahrung des Bieres. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1845. Munin. Chimie Experimentale et Theorique, appliquee aux Arts Indus- triels et Agricoles. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1845. Mnnroe, C. E. Index to the Litera- ture of Explosives. Part 1. 8vo. sewed. J. Friedenwald, Baltimore, 1886. Mnspratt, Dr. S. Chemistry, Tlieoret- ical. Practical, and Analytical, as applied and relating to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half calf. W. Mackenzie. Muspratt's Theoretische, praktische und analytische Cbemie in Anwendung auf Kunste und Gewerbe. (Ency- klopadisches Handbuch der Tech- nischen Chemie.) Frei bearbeitet von F. Stohmann und B. Kerl. 4th edition. Vols. I. and II. 4to. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1888-90. ITapier, J. Manual of Dyeing and Dyeing Receipts. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1875. XTaq^net, A. Principes de Chimie, fon- dee sur les Theories modernes. 12mo. half calf. F. Savy, Paris, 1865. £ 61668. ITesbit, J. C On Agricultural Chemis- try, and the Nature and Properties of Peruvian Guano. 4th edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co. [1856], Neumann, C. Chemical Works. Abridged, &c., by W. Lewis. 4to. calf. London, 1759. Nicholson, W. A Dictionary of Chemistry. 2 vols. 4to. calf London, 1795. Nickel, Dr. E. Die Farbenreactionen der KohlenstoflFv^erbindungen. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. H. Peters, Berlin, 1890. Nietzki, Dr. R. Chemie der Organ- ischen Farbstofife. post Svo. cloth. J. Springer, Berlin, 1889. Noad, H. M. Chemical Manipulation and Analysis, Qualitative and Quanti- tative. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Svo. cloth. (C. C. E. Z., No. 993.) London, 1848. — Manual of Chemical Analysis. Part I. Qualitative. Part II. Quanti- tative, crown 8vo. cloth. Lovell Reeve & Co., 1863-4. Normandy, A. Commercial Hand- book of Chemical Analysis ; or Practical Instructions for the determination of the Intrinsic or Commercial Value of Substances used in Manufactures, &c. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1865. New edition, by H. M. Noad. crown Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1875. Northcote, A. B., and Church, A. H. Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analy- sis, crown Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1858. Odlin^, W. A Course of Practical Chemistry, arranged for the use of Medical Students. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1865. 5tb edition, crown Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. Course of Six Lectures on the Chemical Changes of Carbon. Re- printed from " The Chemical News," with Notes by W. Crookes. crown Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1869. Outlines of Chemistry ; or, Brief Notes of Chemical Facts, crown Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1870. Ontijd, C. G. Verhandeling over het verschil tusschen de algemeene Grond- krachten der Natur en de Levenskracht. Svo. half calf. (Uitgegeven door de Eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk- Nederlandsche Instituut van Weten- schappen, &c.) Amsterdam, 1840. Ostwald, Dr. W. Lehrbuch der AUge- meinen Chemie. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1885-7. — ^ Outlines of General Chemistry. Translated by Dr. J. Walker. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1890. 306 CHEMISTRY. Ottley, W. C. A Dictionary of Chemis- try, and of Mineralogy as connected with it. 8vo. half calf. London, 1826. CHtOi F. J. Anleitung zur Ausmittelung der Gifte. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1856. Die Bierbrauerei, die Branntwein- brennerei und die Liqueurfabrikation. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic. Band IV., Gruppe I. Die Essigfabrikation, die Zucker- und Starke Fabrikatiou, die Fabrikation des Starkegummis, Starkesyrups, und Starkezuckers sowie die Butter- und Kase-Bereitung. See Bolley's Chem- ische Technologic. Band IV., Gruppe II. Isomorphism. See Graham, T. Ozone (L'). Ce qu'il est ; ses Proprietes Physiques et Chimiques, &c. fcp. 8vo. iewed, (Actualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1878. Pamphlets. In one vol. 8vo. half roan ; — Biruey, J. Solubility of Granite in Solutions of the Ammonical Salts. Blake, Dr. C. C. Sulphur in Iceland. Condy, H. B. Purification of Water, &c. Crum, W. Manner in which Cotton unites with Colouring Matter. Gibsone, Rev. B. W. Chemical Ad- denda. Reynolds, Dr. J. E. Certain Absorp- tion Spectra. Apparatus for Estimation of Carbonic Acid, &c. New Spectroscope for Examin- ation of Minerals. New Group of Colloid Bodies containing Mercury, &c. Wonfor, W. J. Complex Cyanide of Iron, Copper and Potassium. Wonfor, W. J., and Pontifex, S. R. Amount of Tannin in some Astrin- gent Substances, &c. 1844-73. Tarkes, S. Catechism of Chemistry. Revised and enlarged by W. Barker, M.D. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Edward Law, 1858. Faxmell, E. A. Elements of Chemical Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative. 8vo. cloth. London, 1845. Patterson, R. H. Gas and Lighting. (British Manufacturing Industries.) See Works on Manufactures, &c. Pay en, A. Precis de Chimie Indus- trielle. 2nd edition. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1851. 3rd edition. Text and , Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1855. 6th edition, by C. Vincent. With Atlas. 8 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Hftcbette & Co., Paris, 1877-78. Payen, A. Industrial Chemistry. Based on a Translation (partly by Dr. T. D. Barry) of Stohmann and Engler's Ger- man edition of the *' Precis de Chimie Industrielle." Edited throughout, and supplemented with Chapters on the Chemistry of Metals, &c., by B. IL Paul, royal 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. Peligot, E. Traite de Chimie Analyt- ique apphquee a I'Agriculture. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1883. Rose's Traite Pratique d' Analyse Chimique. See Rose, H. Pelonze, J., and Premy, E. Cours [Traite] de Chimie Generale. Tex4 and Atlas. 4 vols. Svo. half calf. 1848-50. 2nd edition. 6 vols., and Atlas. 1854-7. 3rd edition. (Traite de Chimie Generale, Analytique, Indus- trielle, et Agricole.) 6 vols., in 7. 8vo. calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1860-5. Notions Generales de Chimie. 8vo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1853. Pennetier, Dr. G. Le9ons sur les Mati^res Premieres Organiques. Ori" gines, Provenance, Caracteres, Com- position, Sortes Commerciales, Altera- tions Naturelles, Falsifications etMoyens de les reconnattre, Usages. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1881. Percy's Metallurgy, &c. See Works on Geology, Mineralogy, &c. Pereira, J. The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. See Works on Hygiene. Persoz, J. Traite Theorique et Pratique de ITmpression des Tissus. 4 vols. 8vo. With 4to. Atlas, calf. (Biblio- theque des Arts Industriels— Arts Chimiques.) V. Masson, Paris, 1846. Petzholdt, A. Lectures to Farmers on Agricultural Chemistry, post Svo. calf. ( C. C. E. Z., No. 933.) London, 1844. Pfeiffer, Dr. E. Handbuch der Kali Industrie. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic. Band II., Gruppe I., Ab- theil. II. Pictet, A. La Constitution Chimique des Alcaloides Vegetaux. 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1888. Pink and Webster. Course of Ana- lytical Chemistry (Qualitative and Quan- titative). 12mo. cloth. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1874. Piria, Prof. P. Due Lezioni sulle Fer- mentazioni. 12mo. stiff cover. Turin, 1864. Pisani, F. Traite Pratique d' Analyse Chimique, Qualitative et Quantitative. 12mo. sewed. Bailli^re & CJo., Paris, 1890. CHEMISTRY. 307 Plattuer, C. F. Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre. 5th edition, by Th. Richter. . 8vo. half morocco. Barth, Leipzig, 1878. Pooley, T. A. Brewing and Distilling. (British Manufacturing Industries.) See Works 07i Manufactukes, &c. Fopoff, Prof. A. Researches in the Chemical Laboratory of the Imperial University of Warsaw, 1870-1876. On the Law of the Oxidation of Ketones. The Hydro-Carbons. 3 pamphlets, in Russian. 8vo. sewed. Warsaw, 1872-6. Porter, A. L. The Chemistry of the Arts ; being a Practical Display of the Arts and Manufactures which depend on Chemical Principles. On the basis of Gray's Operative Chemist, adapted to the United States, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. • cloth. Philadelphia, 1830. Porter, J. A. Principles of Chemistry ; embracing the most recent Discoveries in the Science, and the Outlines of its AppUcation to Agriculture and the Arts, post 8vo. half bound. Barnes & Co., New York, 1859. Pott, J. Dissertations Chjmiques. Traduites par M. Demachy. 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Paris, 1759. Pott, Dr. R. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie fiir Landwirthe. 8vo. sewed. Wiegandt & Co., Berlin, 1878. Frechtl, J. J. Technologische Ency- klopadie ; oder alphabetisches Hand- buch der Technologic, der technischen Chemie und des Maschinenwesens. See Works OH Manufactures, &c. (^Foreign). Priestley, Dr. J. Experiments and Observations on different kinds of Air, • and other branches of Natural Philoso- phy. With Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf, Birmingham, 1790. Pront, W. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatises.) See Works on General Natural History. 3rd edition 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. £., No. 814.) J. Churchill, 1845. Bammelsber^^, C. F. Elemente der Krystallographie fiir Cbemiker. Works on Geology, &c. See Ramsay, W. Experimental Proofs of Chemical Theory, for Beginners, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Raspe, Dr. F. Heilquellen-Analysen . fur Normale Verhaltnisse und zur Mineralwasserfabrikation. imp. 8vo. . half morocco. W. Baensch, Dresden, 1885. Ztan, A. Die Grundlage der modernen Chemie. Eine historisch-philosophische Analyse. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1877. Reess, M. Botanische Untersuchungen liber die Alkoholgahrungspilze. See Works on Botany (^Foreign), Regliaillt, V. Cours Elementaire de Chimie. 3rd edition. 4 vols, 12mo. calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1851. Premiers Elements de Chimie. 2nd edition. 12mo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 1918.) V. Masson, Paris, 1853. Latent Heat of Steam at different Pressures. (Graham's Chemical Re- ports and Memoirs.) See Graham, T. Reissert, Dr. A. Das Chinoliu und seine Derivate. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1889. Reissig, Dr. W. Handbuch fur Holz- und Torfgas-Beleuchtung und einigen verwandteu Beleuchtungsarten. Anhang zum "Handbuche der Steinkohleugas- Beleuchtung," von N. H. Schilling. 4to. boards. R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1863. See also Schilling, N. H. Remsen, I. The Principles of Theo- retical (yhemistry, with special reference to the Constitution of Chemical Com- pounds. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Bailli^re, Tindall, & Cox, 1885. Introduction to the Study of the Compounds of Carbon ; or. Organic Chemistry, crown 8vo. cloth, limp. 1885. An Introduction to the Study of Chemistry, crown 8vo. cloth, limp. 1886. The Elements of Chemistry. A Text-Book for Beginners, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1887 Inorganic Chemistry. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 188a.' Renwick, J. First Principles of Chem- istry. 18mo. half bound. Harper, New York, 1852. Reynolds, Dr. J. E. Experimental Chemistry for Junior Students. 4 parts, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881-87. Pt. 1. Introductory. 1881. ,, 2. Non-Metals. 1882. „ 3. Metals and Allied Bodies. 1884. „ 4. Chemistry of Carbon Com- pounds or Organic Chem- istry. 1887. Notes on certain Absorption Spectra. See Pamphlets. Apparatus for the Estimation of ) Carbonic Acid, &c. See Pamphlets. U 2 808 CHEMISTEY. Reynolds, Dr. J. E. New Form of Spectroscope for Examination of Miner- als. See Pamphlets. — — — New Group of Colloid Bodies con- taining Mercury, &c. See Pamphlets. Ribauconrt, De. Elemens de Chimie Docimastique h. I'usage des Orfe\Tes, Essayeurs, et AflSneurs. See Works on Geology, Metallurgy, &c. Rich, Sidney W. The New and the Old Notation of Chemistry ; in a complete set of Tables, &c. Folded to imperial 16mo. size, in wrapper. Jackson & Townson, London, 1866. Richards, W. Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas. 4to. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1877. Richardson, W. The Chemical Prin- ciples of the Metallic Arts, with an Account of the principal Diseases inci- dental to the different Artificers, &c. ; the Means of Prevention and Cure ; and a concise Introduction to the Study of Chemistry. 8vo. half calf. Birmingham, 1790. Richardson and Watts. Chemical Technology ; or. Chemistry in its Appli- cations to the Arts and Manufactures. 2nd edition. Vol. I., in five parts. 8vo. cloth : — Parts 1 and 2. Fuel and its Appli- cations. Parts 3, 4, and 5. Acids, Alkalies, and Salts, their Manufacture and Applications. H. Bailli&re, 1855-57. See also Groves, C. E., and Thorp, W. Richter, Dr. V. von. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie, oder der Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen. post 8vo. half morocco. Cohen & Son, Bonn, 1876. -^ Chemistry of the Carbon Com- pounds ; or, Organic Chemistry. Trans- lated by E. F. Smith from the 4th German edition, post 8vo. cloth. P. Blakiston & Co., Philadelphia, 1886. - ■ Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. 5th edition, crown 8vo. sewed. M. Cohen & Son, Bonn, 1886. ■ Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Authorised Translation of 3rd German edition, by E. F. Smith, post 8vo. cloth. H. Kimpton, 1884. Ridsdale, C. H. Chemical Percentage Tables and Laboratory Calculation, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Riffanlt and Versfnaud. Fabricant de Couleurs et de Vernis. See Works on Manufactures, &c. {Foreign) — Manuels-Roret. Rigg, Rev. A. Easy Introduction to Chemistry, crown Svo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1873. H.igg, Rev. A., and Goolden, W. T. Easy Introduction to Chemistry. New edition, post Svo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1875. Rodwell, G. F. The Birth of Chem- istry, crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1874. Roscoe, Sir H. E. Lessons in Elemen- tary Chemistry, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1866. Inorganic and Organic. New edition, fcp, Svo. cloth. 1869. — — New edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1875. fcp. Svo. cloth. 1887. Chemistry. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Primers.) 1872. cloth. 5th edition, fcp. Svo. Macmillan & Co., 1876. The History of the Chemical Ele- ments. Lecture at Glasgow, Jan. 8, 1875. fcp. Svo. sewed. W. CoUins, Sons, & Co., 1875. Description of the Chemical La- boratories at the Owens College, Man- chester, from the Plans of A. Water- house, A.R.A. 3rd edition. 4to. sewed. J. CoiTiish, Manchester, 1881. Technical Chemistry (Science Lec- tures at South Kensington). See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Jones, F. The ()wens College Junior Course of Prac- tical Chemistry. ISmo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872. For later edition, see Jones, F. Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Russell, W. J. Outline of Experiments suitable for illustrating Elementary Instruction in Chemistry. Prepared by Direction of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education, for the Assistance of Teachers of Science Schools and Classes. Svo. sewed. 1882. - Another edition. Svo. sewed. Her Majesty's Printers, 1885. Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Schorlcm- mer, C. Treatise on Chemistry. 3 vols., in 8. Svo. half calf and cloth :— I. The Non-Metallic Elements. 1877. II. Metals. Parts 1 and 2. 1878-79. III. Organic Chemistry. Parts 1- 5. 1881-89. Macmillan & Co. CHEMISTRY. 309 Boscoe, Sir H. E., & Schorlem- mer, C. Treatise on Chemistry. New edition. 8vo. cloth. I. The Non-MetaUic Elements. 1888. II. Metals. Part 2. 1889. III. Organic Chemistry. Part 2. 1890. Macraillan & Co. Rose, F. Untersuchungen uber am- moniakalische Kobalt-Verbindungen. 8vo. half calf. C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1871. Rose, H. Traite Pratique d'Analyse Chimiqae. Traduit par A. J. L. Jour- dan. Accompagne de Notes, &c., par E. Peligot. 2 vols. 8yo. bound. J. B. Bailli^re, Paris, 1843. Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der Ana- lytischen Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1851. . .——. 6th edition. Completed by R. Finkener. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1867-71. Traite complet de Chimie ana- lytique. 2 vols, royal Svo. half calf. V. Masson, Paris, 1859-62. ■ I. Nachtrag zu dem " Handbuche der Analytischen Chemie." See Weber, R. SosSy W. A. Pyrology, or Fire Chem- istry, royal Svo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1875. Alphabetical Manual of Blowpipe Analysis, showing all known Methods, Old and New. post 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1880. — — — The Blowpipe in Chemistry, Miner- alogy, and Geology ; containing all known Methods of Anhydrous Analysis many working Examples and Instruc- tions for making Apparatus, post 8vo. cloth. 1884. — ^— — 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Son, 1889. Roster, G. II Pulviscolo atmosferico ed i suoi Microrganismi. See Works on Botany (^Foreign). Rothen, G. A Synopsis, or Short Ana- lytical View of Chemistry. Translated from the High-Dutch, by Alexander Macbean. With MS. Additions (incom- plete). Svo. half calf. London, 1743. Rnnge, F. F. Grundriss der Chemie. 2 parts, in one vol. Svo. half calf. Munich, 1846-7. St. Galler Eautousschule, Ueber einige neue Chemische Apparate des Laboratoriums der, u.e.w. 4to. sewed. St. Gallen, 1882. (^With Reports on Education — Swit- zerland.) Saiute-Preuve, B. Notions de Phys- ique et de Chimie. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Salt. The Natural History of Common Salt, its Manufacture, Appearance, Uses, and Dangers in various parts of the World. 16mo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1850. Sattler, A. Leitfaden der Physik und Chemie. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises'), Scheele, C.W. Chemical Essays. Trans- lated, by T. Beddoes, from the Transac- tions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm ; with Additions. Svo. half calf. London, 1786. Scheerer, Dr. T. An Introduction to the Use of the Mouth Blowpipe. With a Description of the Blowpipe Characters of the more important Minerals. Trans- lated and compiled by H. J. Blandford. 12mo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1856. Scherer, A. N., and Jager, C. C. F. Ueber das Leuchten des Phosphors Im atmospharischen Stickgas. Svo. half calf. Weimar, 1795. ScMlIiug, N. H. Traite d'Eclairage par le Gaz de Houille. Precede d'un Historique de I'Eclairage au Gaz par le Professeur Dr. F. Knapp. Traduit de I'Allemand par E. Servier. 2nd edition. Text and Atlas. 2 vols., in one. half calf. R. Oldenbourg, Munich ; Lacroix, Paris, 1879. ■ ■ Appendix to, German edition. See Reissig's ** Handbuch fiir Holz- und Torfgas-Beleuchtuug." Schmidt, E. Einwirkung der Halo- genschwefelverbindungen auf Anilin, u.s.w. Inaugural Address for Author's Degree of Ph.D. of the Marburg Univer- sity. 8vo. sewed. Marburg, 1878. Schoedler, F. Elements of Chemistry. 2nd edition. Translated from the 6th German edition by H. Medlock. crown Svo. cloth, stiff. J. J. Griflin & Co., 1853. Schorlemmer, C. Manual of the Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. The Rise and Development of Or- ganic Chemistry, post Svo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1879. See also Roscoe, Sir H. E. Schnbarth, E. L. Handbuch der tech- nischen Chemie. 3rd edition. 3 vols., in 2. Svo. With oblong 4to. Atlas, half calf. Berlin, 1839-40. 4th edition. 3 vols. Svo. With 4to. Atlas, half .calf. Berlin, 1851. 310 QHEMISTBY. Schnbert, F. Lehrbuch der tech- nischen Chemie. 8vo. half calf. F. Enke, Erlangen, 1854. Sclixiltz, Dr. G. Die Chemie des Stein- kohlentheers, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der kiinstlichen Organischen Farbstoffe. 2ud edition. Band I. Die Kohmaterialien. Band II. Die Farb- stofiFe. Svo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1886-90. Schnltz, Dr. G., and Julius, P. Tabellarische Ubersicht der kiinstlichen Organischen Farbstoffe. 4to. cloth. K. Gaertner, Berlin, 1888. Sch-atzenberger, P. On Fermenta- tion, post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1876. Traite de Chimie Gen^rale, Com- prenant les principales Applications de la Chimie aux Sciences Biologiques et aux Arts Industriels. Vols. 1-6. Svo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1 880-90. Schwackhofer, F. Lehrbuch der Landwirthschaftl-Chemischen Techno- logic. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. I. Technologic der Warme, des Wassers und der Kohlehydrate. II. Part 1. Die Gahrung und die Technologic des Weines, von E. Mach. G. P. Faesy, Vienna, 1883-4. Fuel and Water. See Works on Mechanics. Schwarz, H. Ueber die Maassanalysen, besonders in ihren Anwendung auf die Bestimmung des technischen Werthes der chemischen Handelsproducte. Svo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1850. Schwarzenberg, Dr. P. Die Techno- logic der chemischen Producte, welche durch Grossbetrieb aus unorganischen Materialien gewonnen werden. See Bolley's Chemische Technologic. Band II., Gruppe I., Abth. 1. Scientific Apparatus, Special Loan of, 1876. Conferences held in connection with the.— Chemistry. See Sciencb AND Art Department Publications. Scoffern, Dr. J. Chemistry of the Inorganic Bodies ; their Compounds and Equivalents. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) crown 8vo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1856. — Chemistry no Mystery. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. A. Hall & Co. [1848]. ■ The Chemistry of Food, and the Chemistry of Artificial Illumination. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences, Vol. 7.) See Works on Phtsics (^General I Treatises). Sebelieu, J. Beitrage zur Geschichto der Atomgewichte. Svo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son. Brunswick, 1884. Sexton, A. H. Elementary Inorganic Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. With a Course of Chemical Analysis, and a Series of Examples in Chemical Arithmetic, fcp. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1889. Shuttleworth, U. J. Kay. First Prin ciples of Modern Chemistry ; a Manua of Inorganic Chemistry, crown Svo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1868. Sibson, A. Agricultural Chemistry. With Preface by Dr. A. Voelcker, and Appendix on the Present Condition of Artificial Manures, &c. fcp. Svo. boards. G. Routledge & Sons.' Siegmund, F. Die Wunder der Physik und Chemie. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Silversmith, J. Handbook for Metal- lurgists, &c. See Works on Geology, Mineralogy, &c. Sims, T. Dyeing and Bleaching. (British Manufacturing Industries.) See Works on Manufactures, &c. Slater, J. W. The Manual of Colours and Dye Wares. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1882, Slatter, G. W. Outlines of Qualitative Analysis, post Svo. cloth. T. Murby. Smith, R. A. Air and Rain. The Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1872. Snaith, W. A. Inorganic Chemistry for Elementary Classes. 8th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Central School Dep6t. Solly, E. Rural Chemistry. 2nd edition, revised, fcp. Svo. calf (C. C. E. Z., No. 899.) London, 1846. Spectrum Analysis, Sec, Treatises on. See Works on Optics. Spencer, J. Manual of Qualitative Analysis, post Svo. cloth, (Laboratory Practice, Part 2.) T. Murby. Spons' Encyclopaedia of the Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Commercial Products. 5 vols, royal Svo. half morocco. E. & F. N. Spou, 1879-82. iWith Works of Reference.) Stammer, K. Antworten und Auflos- ungen zu der Sammlung von Chemischen Rechenaufgaben. post Svo. half calf F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1855. Steggall, J. First Lines for Chemists and Druggists preparing for Examin- ation before the Board of the Pharma- ceutical Society. 3rd edition. ISmo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1869. CHEMISTRY. 311 Stockhardt, Dr. J. A. Die Schule der Chemie ; oder erster Unterricht in der Chemie versinnlicht durch einfache Ex- perimente. 3rd edition. Timo. half calf. 1847. — 18th. edition. l2rao. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1876. —— — The Principles of Chemistry, illus- trated by Simple Experiments. Trans- lated from the 5th German edition by C. H. Peirce. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) 1852. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1855. Familiar Exposition of the Chem- istry of Agriculture. Translated from the German by A. Henfrey. With a Paper on Irrigating with Liquid Manure by J. J. Mechi. post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1855. Storer, F. H. First Outlines of a Dic- tionary of Solubilities of Chemical Sub- stances, imp. 8vo. cloth. Cambridge, U.S., 1864. Strecker, A., and Wisliceuus, Dr. J. Kurzes Lehibuch der Organischen Che- mie. 6th edition. 12mo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1874. Short Text-Book of Or- ganic Chemistry. Translated and edited, with extensive Additions, by W. R. Hodgkinson and A. J. Green- away. 8vo. cloth. C. Keg an Paul & Co., 1881. Struxnpf, F. L. Die Fortschritte der Angewandten Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf : — 1. In ihrer Anwendung auf Agri- kultur und Physiologic. 2. In ihrer Anwendung auf Gewerbe, Kiinste und Pharmacie. C. F. Enslin, Berlin, 1853. Sutton, F. Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis ; or, the Quantita- tive Estimation of Chemical Substances, by Measures, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1863. .. ' or Quantitative Estimation of Chemical Substances by Measure, applied to Liquids, Solids, and Gases. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. 1871. ' ■ 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. .J. & A. Churchill, 1876. Tate, T. Outlines of Experimental Chemistry; being a familiar Introduc- tion to the Science of Agriculture. 12mo. cloth, stiff. 1850. I Experimental Chemistry for Beginners. (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1857. Tate, T. Experimental Chemistry for Beginners. New edition. 1 8mo. cloth, limp. (Gleig's School Series.) Longmans & Co., 1870. Tlieuard,^Le Baron L. J. Traite de Chimie Elementaire, Theorique et Pratique. 5th edition. 5 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1827. Thomsen, J. Thermochemische Un- tersuchungen. 4 vols. Svo- cloth : — I. Neutralisation und verwandte Phanomene. II. Metalloide. III. Wassrige Losung und Hydrat- bildung. Metalle. IV. Organische Verbindungen. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1882-86. Thomson, J. J. Application of Dynam- ics to Physics and Chemistry. See Works on Physics (General Treatises). Thomson, K 12mo. cloth. D. School Chemistry. Longmans & Co., 1848. Cyclopaedia of Chemistry, with its Applications to Mineralogy, Physiology, and the Arts, crown Svo. cloth. R. Griffin & Co., 1854. Thomson, T. A System of Chemistry. 6th edition. 4 vols. Svo. calf. London, 1820. An Attempt to establish the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiment. 2 vols. Svo. boards. London, 1825. Thorpe, Dr. T. E. Manual of Inorganic Chemistry, post Svo. cloth. (Ad- vanced Science Series.) 1874. . Vol.1. The Non-Metals ; Vol. 2. The Metals. New edition, with Examination Questions and Exer- cises, post Svo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) 1877. . ■■.. New edition, post Svo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., n.d. Series of Chemical Problems, with Key. Adapted for the Preparation of Students for the Government Science, and Society of Arts Examinations. With a Preface by Professor Roscoe. 5th edition. ISmo. cloth. 1877. New edition. 18mo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1878. . Quantitative Chemical Analysis, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) (2 copies.) 1873. -. 6th edition, post 8to. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. — — A Dictionary of Applied Chemis- try. (In 3 vols.) Vol. 1. 8to. half morocco. LongmanB & Co., 1890. 312 CHEMISTRY. Thorpe, T. E., and Muir, M. M. P. Qualitative Chemical Analysis and Laboratory Practice, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1874. — 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1886. Thndicnm and Dupr€. Treatise on the Origin, Nature, and Varieties of Wine. See Works on Agbiculture. Tidy, C. M. Handbook of Modern Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic. 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1878. Tilden, W. A. Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy. The Principles of Theoretical and Systematic Chemistry, post Svo. cloth. (Text Books of Science.) 1876 - 3rd edition. "With An swers to Problems, post Svo. cloth, (Text-Books of Science.) 1884 Practical Chemistry. The Prin ciples of Qualitative Analysis. 5th action, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1887. Transactions, &c., of Chemical Societies (English) : — Bradford. — Society of Dyers and Colourists. London. — Cavendish Society. Chemical Society. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Society of Chemical In- dustry. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Transactions, &c., of Chemical Societies (Foreign) : — Berlin. — Deutsche Chemische Ge- sellschaft. Paris. — Societe Chimique. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Trimmer, J. Practical Chemistry for Farmers and Landowners, fcp. Svo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1842. Turner, E. Elements of Chemistry. 3rd edition. Svo. 2 copies. half calf and boards. London, 1831. — — — ' 4th edition. Svo. boards. London, 1833. 5th edition. Svo. cloth. London, 1834. 6th edition. Edited by J. Liebig and W. G. Turner. Parts I., II., III., No. 1. 3 parts (imperfect). Svo. sewed. London, 1837-39. Tyndall, J. Fermentation and its Bearings on the Phenomena of Disease : Discourse at Glasgow, Oct. 1876. fcp. 8yo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1877. United States, The Manufacture of Coke in the. By J. D. Weeks. (United States, Tenth Census, 1880, Vol. 10.) 4to. cloth. Washington, 1884. (With Works on Statistics.) XTpmann, Dr. J. Das Schiesspulver, dessen Geschichte, u.s.w. See BoUey's Chemische Technologic. Band VL, Gruppe III., Abtheil. I. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures* and Mines. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1875-8. {With Works of Reference.) Uslar, M. von. Chemico-Physiological Observations on Plants. See Works on Botany. Valentin, W. G. A Laboratory Text Book of Practical Chemistry ; or, Intro- duction to Qualitative Analysis. Svo. cloth. 1871. Introduction to Inorganic Chem- istry. Svo. cloth. 1872. A Course of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. 1873. ■■ 4th edition. Svo. cloth. 1876. 5th edition. Revised and corrected by W. R. Hodgkinson. Svo. cloth. 1880. 6th edition. Revised and corrected by W. R. Hodgkinson and H. M. Chapman. Svo. cloth. 1884. Tables for the Qualitative Chem- ical Analysis of Simple and Compound Substances, both in the Dry and Wet Way. Svo. cloth, limp. J. & A. ChurchiU, 1873. Twenty Lessons in Inorganic Chemistry ; embracing the Course of In- struction in Chemistry required for the First Stage or Elementary Classes of the Science and Art Department, post Svo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1879. Van 't Hoff. See Hoff. Vinter, A. Tables for the Analysis of a Simple Salt, post Svo. cloth, limp. Longmans & Co., 1880. Vogel, Dr. H. W. Practische Spectral- analyse irdischer StofFe. Anleitung zur Benutzung der Spectralapparate in der qualitativen und quantitativen chem- ischen Analyse organischer and unorgan- ischer Korper. Svo. sewed. Beck, Nordlingen, 1877. 2nd edition. Theil I. Qualitative Spectralanalyse. Svo. sewed. R. Oppenheim, Berlin, 1889. Wagner, Julius. Tabellen der im Jahre 1882 bestimmten physikalischen Con- stanten chemischer Korper. Svo. sewed. J. A. Bartb, Leipzig, 1884. CHEMISTRY. 313 Wagner, R. Handbook of Chemical Technology. Translated and edited from the 8th German edition, with Additions, by William Crookes. 8vo. cloth. J. & A. ChurchiU, 1872. Ward, T. First Lessons in Inorganic Chemistry, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Hey wood, Manchester. Outline Facts of Chemistry, with Exercises. Parts I., and. 11. 1vol. l2mo. cloth. Simpkin & Co,, 1866. Waringfton, R. Chemistry of the Farm. (Handbook of the Farm Series.) See Works on Agriculture. Watt, A. The Art of Soap Making, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1884. •■•' Scientific Industries Explained. See Works on Manufactures, &c. Watts, H. Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of other Sciences. Founded on that of the late Dr. lire. Vols. 1-5, and Supplement. Svo. cloth. 1863-72. New edition. 9 vols. (with First, Second, and Third Supple- ments, Parts 1, 2). Svo. cloth. 1872-81. Revised and entirely re- written by H. Foster Morley and M. M. Pattison Muir. (In 4 vols.) Vols. 1 and 2. Svo. hal£ bound. Longmans & Co., 1888-89. Manual of Chemistry. Vol. 1. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. (13th edition of " Fownes' Chemistry.") post Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1883. Manual of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. Vol. 1. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. 2nd edition (14th edition of Fownes). By W. A. Tilden. post Svo. cloth. 1889. Vol. 2. Chemistry of Carbon-Compounds, or Organic Chemis- try. 2nd edition (13th of Fownes). By W. A. Tilden. post Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1886. Watts, Dr. W. M. Organic Chemistry. fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science • Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1873. Weber, R. Atomgewichts-Tabellen zur Berechnung der bei analytisch- chemischen Untersuchungen erhaltenen Resultate. Svo. half calf. [Nachtrag zu dem " Handbuche der Analytischen Chemie," von H. Rose.] F. Vieweg & Son, Brimswick, 1852. Weideufeld, J. S. De Secretis Adept- orum, sire de usu Spiritus Vini Lul- liani Libri 4. 4to. half calf. London, 1684. Wells, D. A. Principles and Applica- tions of Chemistry. 5th edition, crown Svo. half bound. Ivison & Co., New York, 1860. White, A. H. Scott. Chemical Analy- sis for Schools and Science Classes. QuaUtative. — Inorganic, fcp. Svo. cloth. T. Laurie. Williams, C. G. Handbook of Chemi- cal Manipulation, crown Svo. cloth. 1857. Supplement to. crown Svo. sewed. J. Van Voorst, 1879. WilUams, C. Wye. Elementary Trea- tise on the Combustion of Coal and the Prevention of Smoke. New edition. 12mo. cloth, stiflf. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1858. Williams, W. M. Explosive Com- pounds. — Oils and Candles. (British Manufacturing Industries.) See Works on Manufactures, &c. William,SOXl, Prof. A. W. Chemistry for Students, post Svo. cloth. 1865. New edition, with Solu- tions to the Problems, post Svo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1868, Wilson, G. Chemistry. See Chambers. Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of Agri- cultural Chemistry. By W. B. Teget- meier. 18mo. sewed. Darton & Co. Winkler, C. Handbook of Technical Gas-Analysis, containing concise In- structions for carrying out Gas-Analy- tical Methods of proved utility. Trans- lated, with Additions, by G. Lunge. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1885. Witt, Dr. O. N. Chemische Techno- logic der Gespinnstfasern, ihre Ge- schichte. Lief. 1. See Bolley's Che- mische Technologic. Band V., Gruppe IL Wittstein, Dr. G. C. The Organic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances and their Chemical Analy- sis. Authorised Translation from the German Original, &c. by Baron Ferd. von Mueller. Svo. half roan. Melbourne, 1878. Wohler, F. Practische Uebungen in der Chemischen Analyse. Svo. half calf. Dieterich, Gottingen, 1853. ■ Handbook of Inorganic Analysis. Edited by A. W. Hofmann. post Svo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1854. Handworterbuch der Chemie, u.s.w. See Liebig, J. Briefwrechsel (Aus J. Liebig's und F. Wohler's). See Liebig, J. — — Traite de Chimie Organique. See Fittig, Dr. R. 314 CHEMISTRY. Wonfor, W. J. On a complex Cyanide of Iron, Copper and Potassium. See Pamphlets. Wonfor, W. J., and Pontifex, S. R. ■ Amount of Tannin in some Astringent Substances. See Pamphlets. Wood, Dr. T. Chemical Notes for the Lecture Boom, on Heat, Laws of Chem- ical Combination, and Chemistry of the Non-Metallic Elements. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. 1868. ■ " Notes on the Metals ; being a Second Series of Chemical Notes for the Lecture-Eoom. crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1868. Woodward, C. J. Arithmetical Chem- istry ; or, Arithmetical Exercises for Chemical Students. Parts I. and II. post Svo. cloth. Questions in Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, given at the Matri- culation Examination, London Uni- versity, 1864 to January 1882. New edition. With Answers, post 8vo. cloth. (All the above in one cover, half bound.) Simpkin & Co., 1882. Arithmetical Chemistry. Part I. (Book A.). New edition, post Svo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1890. Wright, H. E. Handbook for Young Brewers, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1877. Wurtz, Ad, History of Chemical Theory, from the age of Lavoisier to the Present Time. Translated and edited by Henry Watts, F.R.S. crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Wurtz, Ad. Dictionnaire de Chimie Pure et Appliquee. 5 vols, royal Svo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1874-78. Supplement (avec Ap- pendice sur les Formules atomiques des principaux Corps simples et composes, et sur 1' Application des Procedes gra- phiques aux Calculs numeriques des diverses combinaisons. Par. L. Lalanne et G. Lemoine). 2 vols, royal Svo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., n.d. Deuxi^me Supplement. Ease. I. and onwards. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., [1890.] Lemons Elementaires de Chimie Modeme. 4th edition. 12mo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1879. Elements of Modern Chemistry. Translated and edited by W. H. Greene, post Svo. cloth. Sonnenschein & Allen, 1880. La Theorie Atomique. Svo. cloth. G. BaiUiere & Co., Paris, 1879. The Atomic Theory. Translated by E. Cleminshaw. post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) Kegan Paul He Co., 1880. Traite de Chimie Biolo^que. Parts 1 and 2, in one vol. Svo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1880-85. Tonmans, Dr. E. L. Class-Book of Chemistry. New edition, post Svo. half bound. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1864. Zaengerle, Dr. Max. Lehrbuch der Chemie nach den neuesten Ansichten der Wissenschaft. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885. 315 PAET V. PHYSICS. ACOUSTICS. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. See also General Treatises on Physics^ page 341. The Library also contains a Collection of Works on Music, not included in this Catalogue. Airy, Professor G. B. On Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations, with the Ma- thematical Elements of Music, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1868. ■ 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1871. Blaserna, P. The Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music, post 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1876. Brewer, Rev. Dr. Sound and its Phe- nomena. ISmo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. Broadhouse, J. Musical Acoustics. (The Student's Helmholtz.) post Svo. cloth. W. Reeves, 1881. Bnckmaster, J. C. The Elements of Acoustics, Light, and Heat. 7th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1875. The Elements of Sound, Light, and Heat. 8th edition. Revised by C. A. Buckmaster, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1879. Cook, J. Sound and the Physical Basis of Music, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1877. Curwen, J. Tract on Musical Statics. 8vo. sewed. London. Donkin, W. F. Acoustics, Theoretical. Part I. crown 8vo. cloth. 1870. ■ 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1884. Ellis, A. J. Description of Appunn's Treble, Tenor, and Bass Tonometers, formerly in the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus of 1876, now in the Science Collections of the South Kensington Museum. MS. 4to. June 1880. Everett, J. D. Vibratory Motion and Sound. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1882. Gardiner j A. Sound, Light, and Heat. Parti. Elementary Stage. 13th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Science Manuals.) J. Heywood, Manchester, 1881. Gavarret, J. Phenomfenes Physiques de la Phonation et de I'Audition. Svo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1877. Helmholtz, H. L. F. On the Sensa- tions of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. Translated, with Notes, &e., by A. J. Ellis. Svo. cloth. 1875. 2nd English edition. Trans- lated, thoroughly Revised and Corrected, rendered conformable to the Fourth (and last) German Edition of 1877, with Additional Notes and New Addir tional Appendix, bringing down infor- mation to 1885, &c. By A. J. Ellis, royal Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. Eircheri Athanasii Musurgia Univer- salis, si\e Ars Magna Consoni et Dissoni. 2 vols, small folio, old calf. Rome, 1650. {With Works on Music.) IiOes, W. Acoustics, Light, and Heat, post Svo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) 1877. ^— New and enlarged edition. post Svo. cloth. \V. Collins, Sons, & Co. ■ Elements of Acoustics, Light, and Heat. New and enlarged edition. With Questions and Solutions, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1881. Martinean, C. A. Chapters on Sound. For Beginners, fcp. Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1875. Mayer, A. M. Sound : A Series of Simple, Entertaining, and Inexpensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Sound, &c. crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1879. Piper, T. W. Acoustics, Light, and Heat, post Svo, cloth. G. Philip & Son, 1880. Hadan, R. L'Acoustique. post Svo. {JBibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. ' Wonders in Acoustics. Translated from the French. Revised by R. Ball, crown Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. 316 PHYSIOS. iRadail, E. Die Lehre vom Schall. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) E. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1875. Hayleigh, Baron (John William Strutt). The Theory of Sound. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Macmillan 8e Co., 1877-78.. Smitb., T. E. Treatise on the Acoustics of Public Buildings. See Works on Architecture and Engineering. Stone, Dr. W. H. Elementary Lessons on Sound, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. Taylor, S. Sound and Music ; a Non- Mathematical Treatise on the Physical Constitution of Musical Sounds and Harmony, including the chief Acoustical Discoveries of Prof. Helmholtz. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1873. TyndaU, J. Sound. Memoranda of Juvenile Lectures on Sound, Christmas, 1865. See General Treatises in present section. Vierordt, K. von. Die Schall- und Tonstaerke und das Schalleitungs-ver- moegen der Koerper. Physikalische und Physiologische Untersuchungen. Herausgegeben von Dr. H. Vierordt. Svo. sewed. H.Laupp, Tubingen, 1885. Wormell, E. Sound. See Works on Hydrostatics. Wright, M. E. Sound, Light, and Heat. post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1887. OPTICS, &c. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. See aha General Treatises on Physics^ page 341. Airy, Prof. G. B. On the Undulatory . Theory of Optics. New edition, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. Airy, Osmund. Geometrical Optics, adapted to the use of the Higher Classes in Schools, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. Aldis, W. S. Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Optics, fcp. Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1872. Angstrom, A. J. Eecherches sur le Spectre Solaire. See Works on As- tronomy (^Foreign). Awdry, Mrs. W. Easy Lessons in Light, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Easy Lessons in Science.) Macmillan & Co., 1880. Beale, L. S. How to Work with the Microscope. A Course of Lectures, crown Svo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1861. 4th edition. Svo. cloth. Harrison, 1868. Beale, L. S. How to Work with the Microscope. 5th edition. Svo. cloth. Harrison, 1880. Beck, E. Treatise on the Construction, &c. of Smith, Beck, and Beck's Achro- matic Microscopes, imp. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1865. Becqnerel, E. La Lumiere ; ses Causes et ses ElBFets. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Didot, Paris, 1867-68. Beer, Dr. A. Einleitung in die hohere Optik. Svo. half calf. 1853. 2nd edition. Svo. half roan. F.Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1882. Brewster, Sir D. Treatise on Optics. 12mo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 891.) 1849. New edition. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1853. ■■ The Kaleidoscope, its History, Theory, and Construction, with its Ap- plication to the Fine and Useful Arts. 2nd edition, crown Svo. cloth. 1858. ■■ The Stereoscope, its History, Theory, and Construction, with its Ap- phcation to the Fine and Useful Arts, and to Education, crown Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1856. Bnckmaster, J. C. The Elements of Sound, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. Carpenter, Dr. W. B. The Microscope and its Eevelations. 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1862. 5th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1875. 6th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1881. Chambers's Microscope and its Won- ders. IGmo. stiff wrapper. (Useful Hand-book Series.) W, & E. Chambers. Optics, fcp. Svo. cloth. W. & E. Chambers, 1850. Chevalier, C. Des Microscopes et de leur Usage, royal Svo. half calf. Paris, 1839. Clarke, L. Lane. Objects for the Micro- scope. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1863. Codding^on, H. An Elementary Treatise on Optics. Svo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 799.) Cambridge, 1823. System of Optics. 2 vols. Svo. calf and boards. (C. C. E. L., Nos. 797 and 798.) Cambridge, 1829. Colef A. C. Studies in Microscopical Science. With Coloured lithographed Plates. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Bailli^re, Tindall, & Cox, 1883-4. DaviSy G. E. Practical Microscopy. Svo, cloth. D. Bogue, 1882. OPTICS, ETC. 317 Dick, T. The Telescope and Microscope. 18mo. 2 copies, cloth and sewed. Religious Tract Society. Dippel, Dr. L. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. 2 parts, in one vol. 8ro. half morocco. 1872. ' ' Grundzxige der allgemeinen Mik- roskopie. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1885. Dove, H. W. Darstellung der Farben- lehre und optische Studien. 8vo. half calf. G. W. F. Mtiller, Berlin, 1853. Draper, H. On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope, Fifteen and a half inches in aperture, and its Use in Celestial Photography, (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 14.) 4to. sewed. Washington, 1864. Duval, M., and Lerebonllet, L. Manuel du Microscope dans ses Applica- tions au Diagnostic et k la Clinique. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Ernecke, F. 150 Optische Versuche zur Veranschaulichung der Grundlehren der Ausbreitung, Spiegelung und Brechung des Lichtes. Nach Angaben von Dr. H. Zwick, unter Benutzung einer Sammlung einfacher und zweck- massiger Schulapparate. 8vo. sewed. R. Gaertner, Berlin, 1889. Ferguson, J. Lectures on Select Sub- jects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneu- matics, and Optics. See Works on Mechanics. Fraucotte, Dr. P. Manuel de Tech- nique Microscopique applicable k I'Histologie, 1' Anatomic Comparee,l'Em- bryologie et la Botanique. 8vo. sewed. J. LebSgue & Co., Paris. Frannhofer's (Joseph von) Gesam- melte Schriften. Im Auftrage der Mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der K. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Herausgegeben vonE.Lommel. 4to. sewed. Munich, 1888. Frey, Dr. II. The Microscope and Microscopical Technology. Translated from the German and edited by Dr. G. R. Cutter, royal 8vo. cloth. W. Wood & Co., New York, 1872. Galbraith, Rev. J. A., & Haughton, Rev. S. Manual of Optics, fcp. 8vo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1856. «— — — — — — New edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Fetter, & Galpin, 1868. Gauge, Dr. C. Lehrbuchder angewandt- en Optik in der Chemie. Spectral- analyse, Mikroskopie, Polarisation. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1886. Gardiner, A. Sound, Light, and Heat See Works on Acoustics. Gerland, E. Licht und Warme. post 8vo. cloth. (Das Wissen der Gegenwart.) G. Freytag, Leipzig, 1883. Giles, Bev. Dr. First Lessons in Optics. New edition. 18mo. sewed. E. Stanford, 1857. Glazebrook, R. T. Physical Optics. post 8 vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1883. Goblet, H. F. Theory of Sight ; or, How we See, and What we See. 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. Goethe's Theory of Colours ; translated from the German ; with Notes by C. L. Eastlake. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1840. Geschichte der Farbenlehre. (Goethe's Sammtliche Werke, Band 39.) square 16mo. Cotta, Stuttgart, 1840. (^With German Miscellaneous Reading.) Gosse, P. H. Evenings at the Micros- cope ; or. Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life.' crown 8vo. cloth. 1 859. New edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1874. GrifBin, W. N. Treatise on Optics. 2nd edition. 8vo. boards. (C C jE. L.^JSo. 2091.) Cambridge, 1842. Griffith, J. W. Elementary Text Book of the Microscope, crown Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1864. Griffith, J. W., and Henfrey, A. The Micrographic Dictionary; a Guide to •the Examination and Investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. 2nd edition. Text and Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1860. 3rd edition. Edited by J. W. Griffith, M. Duncan, Rev. M. J. Berkeley, and T. R. Jones. Text and Plates. 1vol. Svo. cloth. 1875. 4th edition. By J. W.^ Griffith, Rev. M. J. Berkeley, and T. R. Jones. Text and Plates. In one vol.- royal Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1883. Harrington, G. F. Systematic Philo- sophy, and New Theories of Light and Heat, royal Svo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1857. Harting, P. Das Mikroskop. Theorie, Gebrauch, Geschichte, und gegenwar- tiger Zustand desselben. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. W. Theile. 2nd edition. 3 vols., in one. Svo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1866. Heath, R. S. A Treatise on Geometrical Optics. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1887.J ■ An Elementary Treatise on Geo- metrical Optics, post Svo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1888. 318 PHYSIOS. Helmholtz, H. von. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik. 2nd edition. See Woj'ks on Anatomy and Physiology. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. The Telescope. See Works on Astronomy. Hogg, J. The Microscope, its History, Construction, and Applications. 8vo. cloth. N. Cooke, 1854. Hooke, R. Micrographia ; or, some Phj'siological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses. With Plates, folio, calf. (Ordered to be printed by Council of the Eoyal Society.) London, 1667. See also Transactions — London : Royal Society. Sunt, R. Researches on Light in its Chemical Relations ; embracing a con- sideration of all the Photographic Pro- cesses. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. Three Chapters on " Light." (Tyndall's " Lessons in Natural Philosophy.") See General Treatises in present section. Hnygens, Christiaan.CEuvres Completes See Works on Mathematics (^General Treatises — Fo reig n) . Journals relating to Optics : — Microscopical Journal and Structural Record. Monthly Microscopical Journal. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie, &c. See Journals (Catalogue op SciENTEFic Periodicals). Joyce, Rev. J. Dialogues on the Microscope. With Plates. 2 vols. ISmo. half roan. (^Brooke Collection.^ London, 1812. Eepler, J. Dioptrice. See Works on Astronomy — Gassendus and Galilei. Kirchb.ofE', G. Researches on the Solar Spectrum, and the Spectra of the Chemical Elements. Translated from the Transactions of the Berlin Academy for 1861 and 1862, by H. E. Roscoe. . 2 parts. 4to. stifE boards. Macmillan & Co., 1862-3. Kitton, F. On the Polariscope. See Lankester, Dr. E. Eonkoly, N. v. Handbuch fur Spectroscopiker im Cabinet und am Fernrohr. 8vo. sewed. W. Knapp, Halle-a-S., 1890. Kqvesligethy, Dr. R. v. Gmndztige einer theoretischen Spektralanalyse. 4to. sewed. H. W. Schmidt, Halle-a-S., 1890. Landolt, H. Handbook of the Polari- scope and its Practical Applications. Adapted from the German edition, by D. C. Robb and V. H. Veley. With an Appendix by I. Steiner. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Lankester, Dr. E. Half-Hours with the Microscope ; illustrated from Nature by Mr. Tuffen West. fcp. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1859. New edition, with a chapter on the Polariscope, by F. Kitton. fcp. 8vo. cloth. E. Hardwicke. Le Conte, J. Sight. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Lees, W. Acoustics, Light, and Heat. 5ee Works on Acoustics. « Lewis, W. G. Catechism of Optics. 18mo. sewed. Aylott & Co., 1837. Light ; its Nature, Sources, Effects, and Applications, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Lloyd, Rev. Dr. H. Elementary Treatise on the Wave-Theory of Light. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E.Z., No. 2262.) 1852. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1873. Lockyer, J. N. The Spectroscope and its Applications, crown 8vo. cloth. (Na- ture Series.) 1873. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1873. Studies in Spectrum Analysis. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Inter- national Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Lommel, Dr. E. Optics and Light. The Nature of Light, with a general Account of Physical Optics. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1875. Marion, F. L'Optique. post 8vo. (^Bihliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1869. The Wonders of Optics. Trans- lated from the French, and edited by C. W. Quin. fcp. 8vo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1868. Martin, J. H. Manual of Microscopic Mounting, with Notes on the Collection and Examination of Objects, royal 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1872.' Mascart, E. Traite d'Optique. Tome L 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. Mayer, A. M., and Bernard, C. Light : a Series of Simple, Entertaining, &c. Experiments in the Phenomena of Light. crowD- 8vo. cloth. (Naturg Seriof.) Macmillan & Co., 1S78. OPTICS, ETC. 319 Merkel, Dr. F. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) B. Oldenbourg, Municli, 1875. Microscopes and Microscopical Science, Works on : — Beale, L. S. Beck, R. Carpenter, Dr. W. B. Chambers. Chevalier, C. Clarke, L. L. Cole, A. C. Davis, G. E. Dick, T. Dippel, Dr. L. Duval, M., and LerehouUet, L. Francotte, Dr. P. Frey, Dr. H. Griffith, J. W. Griffith, J. W., and Henfrey, A. Harting, P. Hogg, J. Lankester, Dr. B. Martin, J. H. Merkel, Dr. F. Nageli, C, and Schwendener, S. Pelletan, Dr. J. Pereira, J. Quekett, J. Robin, C. Schacht, Dr. H. Scherrer, J. Suflfolk, W. T. Trutat, E. Van Heurck, Dr. H. Vogel, Dr. J. Willkomm, Dr. M. Wythe, J. H. Moitessier, A. Elements de Physique appliquee k la Medecine et k la Phy- siologic. — Optique. fcp. Bvo, cloth. G. Masson, Paris, 1879. La Lumi^re. post 8vo. (^Bihlio- theque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1876. Nageli, C, and Schwendener, S. Das Mikroskop. Theorie und Anwend- ung desselben. 2nd edition. 8vo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1877. The Microscope in Theory and Practice. Translated from the German. 8vo. cloth. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1887. Newiion, Sir Isaac. Opticks; or, a Treatise on the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions, and Colours of Light. Also, Two Treatises of the Species and Magnitude of Curvilinear Figures. 4to. calf. London, 1704. ITewton's (Sir I.) Philosophy explained for the Use of Ladies. In Six Dialogues on Light and Colours. From the Italian of Sig. Algarotti. 2 vols. 12mo. calf. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1739. •— ^— Optics. (Opera quae exstant omnia. Vol. 4.) See Works on Mathe- matics (^General Treatises}. NxLgentt E. Treatise on Optics, Theo- retically and Practically Treated ; with the Application to Fine Art and In- dustrial Pursuits, post 8vo. cloth. Virtue & Co. Optics. 8vo. cloth. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Loudon, 1830. Parker, R. G. Optics. 12mo. cloth. Allman & Son, 1855. Parkinson, S. Treatise on Optics. 2ud edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1866. Pelletan, Dr. J. Le Microscope. Son Emploi et ses Applications, royal 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1876. Pendlebury, C. Lenses and Systems of Lenses, treated after the Manner of Gauss. 8vo. clota. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1884. Pereira, J. Lectures on Polarized Light; with a Lectui'e on the Micro- scope. Edited by the Rev. Baden Powell, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. Piper, T. W. Acoustics, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. Pisko, Dr. F. J. Licht und Farbe. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1876. Poincar€, H. Le9ons sur la Theorie Mathematique de la Lumi^re. Pro- fessees pendant le premier semestre 1887-1888.— Cours de la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. 8vo. sewed. G. Carre, Paris, 1889. Popular Treatise on Optics. By a Member of the Ursuline Community, Blackrock, Cork. 12mo. cloth. McGlashan & GiU, Dublin, 1864. Potter, R. Elementary Treatise on Optics. Parts 1, 2nd edition, and 2. 8vo. cloth. 1851. Physical Optics, or the Nature and Properties of Light. 8vo. cloth. Walton & Maberiy, 1856. Preston, T. The Theory of Light. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1890. Priestley, Dr. J. The History and Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours. With Plates and Biographical Chart of Dis- coverers in Vision, Light, and Colours. 4to. rusiia. London, 1772 320 PHYSIOS. Froctor, R. A. The Spectroscope and its Work. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1877. Half-Hours with' the Telescope. See Works on Astronomy. Qnekett, J. A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope, including the different Methods of Preparing and Examining Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Structures. Svo. cloth. (Lib- rary of Illustrated Standard Scientific Works.) 1848. — — — 2nd edition. Svo. calf. (C. C. E. Z., No. 1005.) H. BaiUiere, 1852. Badan, R. Actinometrie. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1877. Rand, C. Description and Use of his Patent Military and Naval Telescope. 8vo. morocco. London, 1799. Sobiu, C. Traite du Microscope ; son Mode d'Emploi; ses Applications a I'Etude des Injections ; a I'Anatomie humaine, &c. 8vo. cloth. J. B. BaiUiere & Son, 1871. Rood, O. N. Modern Chromatics, with Applications to Art and Industry, post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1879. Boscoe, Sir H. E. Spectrum Analysis. Six Lectures delivered in 1868 before the Society of Apothecaries of London. Coloured Plates, &c. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. 1873. 4th edition. Revised, &c. by the Author and A. Schuster. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. B>OSSe, The Earl of, The Monster Tele- scopes erected by, at Parsonstown; with an Account of the Manufacture of the Specula, and full Descriptions of all the Machinery connected with these Instru- ments. Svo. cloth. Parsonstown, 1844. Salet, G. Traite lEl^mentaire de Spec- troscopic. Ease. I. Svo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1888. Sang, E. Progressive Lessons in Applied Science. — Vision. See Works on Mathematics (^General Treatises). Schacht, Dr. H. The Microscope, and its Application to Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology. Edited by F. Currey. 2nd edition. 8to. cloth. S. Highley, 1855. Schellen, Dr. H. Spectrum Analysis in its Application to Terrestrial Sub- stances, and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies, Translated from the second German edition by Jane and Caroline Lassell. Edited, with Kotes, by W. Huggins, LL.D. With AngstrSms and Kirchhoff's Maps. Svo. cloth. ^ Longmans & Co., 1872. Die Spectralanalyse in ihrer An- wendung auf die Stoffe der Erde und die Natur der Himmelskbrper. 3rd edition. Text, 2 vols., 8vo., and Atlas, 4to. half morocco. G. Westermann, Brunswick, 1883. Translated from the Third enlarged and revised German edition, by J. and C. Lassell. Edited, with Notes, by Captain W. de W.^Abney, R.E., F.R.S. 2nd edition. With Angstrom's andComu's Maps. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. Scherrer, J. Der Angehende Mikros- kopiker ; oder das Mikroskop im Dienste der Hohem Volks- und Mittelschule. Svo. sewed. At the Author's, Speicher, 1 885. Schoen, Dr. W. Beitrage zur Dioptrik des Auges. imp. 4to. boards. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1884. Sous, Dr. G. Traite d'Optique consideree dans ses Rapports avec I'Examen de rCEil. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Spectrum Analysis, Works on. See Angstrom, A. J. (^With Works on Astronomy.) Fraunhofer, J. von. kirchhoff, G. Konkoly, N. v. Kovesligethy, Dr. R. v. Lockyer, J. N. Proctor, R. A. Roscoe, H. E. Salet, G. Schellen, Dr. H. Tuckerman, A. Vogel, Dr. H. W. ( With Works on Chemistry.) Watts, W. M. Zech, Dr. P. Spottiswoode, W. Polarisation of Light, crown Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1874. The Polarisation of Light. Lecture at Glasgow, Dec. 1877. fcp, Svo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1878. Polarised Light. (Science Lectures at South Kensington.) See General Treatises in present section. Stein, S. T. Das Licht im Dienste wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Hand- buch der Anwendung des Lichtes, der Photographic und der optischen Projek- tionskunst, in der Natur- und Heilkunde, in den graphischen Kunsten und dem Baufache, im Kriegswesen und bei der Gerichtspflege. 2nd edition. 2 vols., in one. Svo. half morocco, W. Knapp, Halle a. S., 1884-88. OPTICS, ETC.^— PHOTOGKAPHT. 321 Stokes, Sir G. G. On Light. Burnett Lectures, delivered at Aberdeen, Nov. 1883, Dec. 1884, and Nov. 1885. 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth. Ist Course. On the Nature of Light. 2nd Course, On Light as a Means of Investigation. 3rd Course. On the Beneficent Effects of Light. Macmillan & Co., 1884-87. Lectures: Absorption of Light and the Colours of Natural Bodies ; Fluorescence. (Science Lectures at South Kensington.) See General Treatises in present section, Suffolk, W. T. On Microscopical Manip- ulation. 2nd edition. crown 8vo. cloth. H. Gillman, 1875. Tait, P. G. Light, post 8vo. cloth. 1884. 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1889. Tarn, E. W. Light. An Introduction to the Science of Optics. 12mo. cloth. (Weale's Series). C. Lockwood & Co., 1890. Thal^n, R. Sur le Spectre du Fer obtenu a I'Aide de I'Arc Electrique. See Works on Astronomy — Solar Phy- sics Collection. Thomas, W. Cave. The Revised Theory of Light. Section I. The Principles of the Harmony of Colour, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1875. Thomson, Dr. S. The Structure and Functions of the Eye, &c. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Thomson, SirWm. Notes of Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light. See Works on Me- chanics, Transactions, &c. of Societies relat- ing to Optics : — Postal Microscopical Society. Quekett Microscopical Club. Royal Microscopical Society. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals), Trntat, E. Traite Elementaire du Microscope, 1« Partie. Le Microscope et son Emploi, (Actualites Scientif- iques.) 8vo, sewed, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1883, Tuckerman, A, Index to the Litera- ture of Ihe Spectroscope. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 32.) See Transactions — Washington. Tyndall, J. Six Lectures on Light. See General Treatises in present section. E 61668. Tyndall, J. Notes of a Course of 9 Lectures on Light. See General Treatises in present section. Van Heurck, Dr. H. Le Microscope. Sa Construction, son Maniement, et son Application k I'Anatomie Vegetale et aux Diatomees. 3rd edition. 8vo. half morocco. Ramlot, Brussels ; Baudry, Paris, 1878. Vogel, Dr. H. The Chemistry cf Light and Photography. See Works on Pho- tography. Vogel, Dr. H. W. Practische Spectral - analyse irdischer StoflFe. See Works on Chemistry. Vo^el, Dr. J, Das Mikroskop, und die Methoden der mikroskopischen Uuter- suchung in ihren verschiedenen Anwend- ungen. 2nd edition. 8vo. half roan. Berlin, 1877. Watts, W. M. Index of Spectra. With an Introduction on the Methods of Measuring and Mapping Spectra. Re- vised edition. 8vo. cloth. A. Hey wood & Son, Manchester, 1889. Willkomm, Dr. M. Die Wunder des Mikroskops. 4th edition. 8vo. half morocco. O. Spamer, Leipzig, 1878. World of Wonders, revealed by the Microscope, imp. 16mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Wright, L. Light ; a Course of Ex- perimental Optics, chiefly with the Lan- tern, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1882. Wright, M. R, Sound, Light, and Heat, See Works on Acoustics. Wythe, J. H, The Microscopist : a Manual of Microscopy and Compen- dium of the Microscopic Sciences, 3rd edition, 8vo, cloth, Philadelphia: & J, & A. Churchill, 1877, Zech, Dr. P. Das Spektrum und die Spektralanalyse. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1875. FHOTOGBAFHY. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Abney, Capt. W. de W. Treatise on Photography, post 8vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) 1878, — — — 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1885. — — — 5th edition, revised and enlaiged. post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co,, 1888, Instruction in Photography. 7th edition. post 8vo, half roan. Piper & Carter, 1886. 822 PHYSICS. Abney, Capt. W. de W. Lectures : Photography. (Science Lectures at South Kensington.) See General Treatises in present section ; also Eder, Dr. J. M. Abney, Capt., and Robiuson, H. P. The Art and Practice of Silver Printing. 2nd edition, post 8vo. sewed. (Photo- graphic Handy Books.) Piper & Carter, 1888. Anderson, E. The Skylight and the Dark-room ; a Complete Text Book on Portrait Photography, &c. 4to. cloth. Benerman & Wilson, Philadelphia, 1872. Anbert, C. N. Traite Elementaire et Pratique de la Photographic au Charbon. 12mo. half roan. (Actualites Scientif- iques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1878. Bede, C. (Rev. E. Bradley). Photo- graphic Pleasures : Popularly Portrayed with Pen and Pencil. 8vo. cloth. J. C. Hotten, 1859. Bigelow, L. G. Artistic Photography and How to Attain it. Benerman & Wilson, Philadelphia, 1876. Cassell's Catechism of Photography, including simple Instructions for per- forming all the various Operations connected with the Art. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1859. How to Colour a Photograph ; or Lessons on the Harmony and Contrast of Colours, principally in their Appli- cation to Photography, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1859. Clement, R. Methode Pratique pour determiner exactement le Temps de Pose en Photographic. 12mo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. Delamotte, P. H. The Oxymel Process in Photography, post 8vo. sewed. Chapman & Hall, 1856. Donnelly, Maj.-Gen. J. F. D. Outline of the Chemical Theory of Photography. For the Use of Non-commissioned Officers and Sappers of the Royal Engineers. 24 pp. royal 8vo. boards. Privately Printed, London, 1859. Eder, Dr. J. M. The Chemical EflFect of the Spectrum. Translated and edited by Capt. W. de W. Abney. post 8vo. stiff cover. (Reprinted from the "Photo- graphic Journal," 1881 and 1882.) Harrison & Sons, 1883. ■' Ausfuhrliches Handbuch der Photographic. New edition, Part 1 and onwards. 8vo. sewed. W. Knapp, Halle a. S., 1890, &c. Fabre, C. La Photographic sur Plaque S^che. 12mo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. Foster, P. Le Neve. Photography. (British Manufacturing Industries.) See Works on Manufactures, &c. Fremy. Encyclopedic Chimique. (Tome V.) — La Photographic, par Pabst. See Works on Chemistry. Halleur, Dr. G. C. H. The Art of Photography. Translated from the German by Dr. Strauss. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1854. Hardwich, T. F. Manual of Photo- graphic Chemistry, including the Practice of the Collodion Process. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, I85d. Harrison, W. J. Notes on a Proposed Photographic Survey of Warwickshire. 8vo. sewed. Birmingham, 1890. Heisch, Chas. Elements of Photo- graphy, fcp. 8vo. stitched. Murray & Heath, 1863. Hennah, T. H. The Collodion Process, post 8vo. sewed. G. Knight & Co., 1857. Himes, C. F. Leaf Prints : or Glimpses at Photography. 4to. cloth. Benerman & Wilson, Philadelphia, 1868. How, J. On the Production of Positive Proofs from Waxed Paper, Collodion, and other Negatives, post 8vo. sewed. G. Knight & Co., 1855. Huberson, G. Formulaire Pratique de la Photographic aux Sels d' Argent. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1878. Hunt, R. A Popular Treatise on the Art of Photography, including Daguer- reotype. (Novelties in Science.) 8vo. half roan. Glasgow, 1845. Manual of Photography. 5th edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Encyclo- psedia Metropolitana.) R. Griffin & Co., 1857. Researches on Light in its Chemical relations ; embracing a consideration of of all the Photographic Processes. See Works on Optics. Jeserich, Dr. P. Die Mikrophoto- graphie auf Bromsilbergelatine bei natiirlichem und kxinstlichem Lichte unter ganz besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Kalklichtes. 8vo. cloth. J. Springer, Berlin, 1888. Jones, C. An Introduction to the Science and Practice cf Photography, post 8vo. cloth. Iliffe & Son, 1888. Journals, Photographic :~ Photographic Art Journal. Photographic News. (In Art Library.) See Journals ((Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Honkoly, N. von. Practische Anleitung zur Himmelsphotographie, nebst einer Kurzgefassten Anleitung zur modernen photographischen Operation und der Spectralphotographie im Cabinet. 8vo. sewed. W. Knapp, Halle a. S., 1887. HEAT. 323 Le Gray, Gustave. The Waxed Paper Process ; with a Supplement by James How. post 8vo. sewed. G. Knight & Co. Long, C. A. On Photography. « The Dry Collodion Process." post 8vo. sewed. Bland & Long, 1857. Marktanuer-T-arneretscher, G. Die Mikrophoto^raphie als Hilfsmittel Naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Svo. sewed. W. Knapp, Halle a. S., 1890. Meldola, R. The Chemistry of Photo- graphy, post Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1889. MouckllOVexL, D. V. Traite General de Photographic. S""* edition, comprenant un Chapitre special sur les Agrandisse- ments Photographiques. Svo. half morocco. V.Masson& Sons, Paris, 1865. — 6th edition. Svo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1873. 7th edition, suivi d'un Chapitre special sur le Gelatino-bromure d' Argent. Svo. half morocco and half calf. (2 copies.) G. Masson, Paris, 1880. Traite d'Optique Photographique, comprenant la Description des Objectifs et Appareils d'Agrandissement. post Svo. half roan. V. Masson & Sons, Paris, 1866. Nauck, Dr. E. Photographic. (Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften.) See General Treatises in present section — Naturwissenschaften. Ott^, J. Landscape Photography, fcp. Svo. cloth. R. Hardwicke. Price, Lake. Manual of Photographic Manipulation, treating of the Practice of the Art ; and its various Applications to Nature. 2Dd edition, crown Svo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1868. Radau, R. La Photographic et ses Applications scientifiques. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 187S. Scamoni, G. Handbuch der Helio- graphie nebst praktischem Wegweiser im Gebiete der beziiglichen Gravirkunst, Metall-Aetzung und Vergoldung, Gal- vanoplastik, Photosculptur, &c. Svo. sewed. St. Petersburg, 1872. The above, in Russian. Svo. sewed. St. Petersburg, 1872. Stein, S. T. Das Licht im Dienste wis- senschaftlicher Forschung. See Works on Optics. Thomas, R. W. Modern Practice of Photography. Svo. stiff cover. Harrison, 1866. Tissandier, G. Les Merveilles de la Photographic, post Svo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1874. Tissandier, G. History and Handbook of Photography. Translated from the French. Edited by J. Thomson. 2nd edition. With an Appendix by the late H. F. Talbot, crown Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1S7S. Transactions, &c., of Photographic Societies : — London. — Camera Club. Photographic Society, &c. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Vogel, Dr. H. The Chemistry of Light and Photography, in its application to Art, Science, and Industry. (International Scientific Series.) post Svo. cloth. 1875. New edition, post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1876. HEAT. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. See also General Treatises on Physics, page 34 1 . Basrnes, R. E. The Book of Heat. post Svo. cloth, stifi". (Local Examina- tion Series.) W. Stewart & Co. Lessons on Thermodynamics, post Svo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1878. Beirbhelot. Essai de Mecanique Chi- mique, fondee sur la Thermochimie. — Calorimetrie. 5ee Works on Chem- istry. Bertin. Rapport sur les Progres de la Thermodynamique en France. (Recueil de Rapports sur les Progres des Lettres et des Sciences en France.) imp. Svo. Paris, 1867. ( With Reports, 8fc. on Education — — France — Lettres, &c.) Bertrand, J. Thermodynamique. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1887. Box, T. Practical Treatise on Heat, as applied to the Useful Arts. 2Dd edition. post Svo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1876. Bnckmaster, J. C. Elements of Sound, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. Carl, Dr. P. Die Warme. Nach dem Franzosischen des Prof. Cazin in Paris. fcp. Svo. half morocco. (Die Natur- krafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1870. Camot, N. L. S. Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat, &c. Edited by R. H. Thurston, post. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1890. Cazin, A. LaChaleur. 2nd edition, post Svo. (^Bibliotheque des Mei'veilles.) Hachette & Co., 1868. The Phenomena and Laws of Heat. Translated and edited by Elihu Rich. fcp. Svo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1868. X 2 324< PHYSICS. Clarke, F. W. The Constants of Nature. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 14.) See Transactions— Washisgtox. Clansins, K- Abhandlungen liber die me- chanische Warmetheorie. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1864-7. • The Mechanical Theory of Heat. Edited by T. A. Hirst. With Introduc- tion by Professor Tyndall. Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, 1867. Conrtin, A. J. La Chaleur, et ses Applications aux Machines k Air Chaud, aux Machines a Air Com prime, et aux Machines a Vapeur. Svo. sewed. Manceaux, Mons, 1876. Crawford, A. Experiments and Obser- vations on Animal Heat and the Inflam- mation of Combustible Bodies. 2nd edition. Svo. boards. London, 1788. Desains, P. Eapport sur les Progres de la Theorie de la Chaleur (Recueil de Rapports sur les Progres des Lettres et des Sciences en France), imp. Svo. Paris, 1868. {With Reports, Sfc. o» Education — France — Lettres, &c.) Dixon, Rev. R. V. A Treatise on Heat. Parti. Svo. cloth. Dublin, 1849. Dnrrant, R- G. Laws and Definitions connected with Chemistry and Heat. See Works on Chemistry. Ferrini, R. Technologie der Warme, Feuerungsanlagen, Kamine, Oefen, Heizung und Ventilation der Gebaude, &c. See Works on Abchitecture AND Engineering. Fourier, J. B. J. Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur. 4to. half calf. Paris, 1822. The Analytical Theory of Heat. Translated, with Xotes, by A. Freeman. Svo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1878. Gardiner, A. Sound, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. Gamett, W. An Elementary Treatise on Heat. 3rd edition, post Svo. cloth. Deighton, Bell & Co., Cambridge, 1884. Gerland, E. Licht und Warme. See Works on Optics. Gordon, J. E. H. An Elementary Book on Heat. Intended chiefly for the Use of Candidates for the General Examina- tion for the ordinary B.A. Degree, crown Svo. cloth. Macmillau & Co., 1875. GrahAm, J. C. Elementary Treatise on Steam, and the Use of the Indicator. See Works on Mechanics. Gnillanme, C. E. Traite Pratique de la Thermometrie de Precision. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1889. Guthrie, F. The Elements of Heat and of Non-Metallic Chemistry, post Svo. cloth. J. Van Voorst, IS 68. Hall, T. The Scientific Questioner. Part I. On Heat, and the various Phenomena in Nature and Art depend- ing on its agency. l2mo. sewed. J. B. Bateman. Harrington, G. F. Systematic Philo- sophy, and New Theories of Light and Heat. See Works on Optics. Irving, Rev. A. Short Manual of Heat, for the Use of Schools and Science Classes, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1875. Lam6, G. Le9ons sur la Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur. Svo. half morocco. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1861. Larden, W. School Course of Heat. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. Sampson Low & Co., 1884. Lees, W. Acoustics, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. iieslie, J. An Experimental Inquiry into the Nature and Propagation oF Heat. Svo. half calf. J. Mawman, 1804. — Report of Debate, &c. in General Assembly respecting Mr. Leslie's Elec- tion to the Mathematical Chair in Edinburgh University. Svo. 1805. — Account of Experiments and Instru- ments depending on the Relations of Air to Heat and Moisture. Svo. 1813. In one vol. half calf. Edinburgh. Slacgill, W. Inductive Lessons in Science. Part I. Heat. 12mo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1872. Madan, H. G. An Elementary Treatise on Heat, post Svo. cloth, limp. Rivingtons, 1889. ]KEartineau, C. A. Easy Lessons in Heat. fcp. Svo. cloth. (Easy Lessons in Science.) Macmillan & Co., 1880. Matteucci, C. Cinque Lezioni sulla Teoria Dinamica del Calore. 12mo. stiff cover. Turin, 1864. Maxwell, J. C. Theory of Heat. 8th edition, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Mayer, J. B. Die Mechanik der Warme in gesammelten Schriften. Svo. half calf. J. G. Cotta, Stuttgart, 1867. Mouchot, A. La Chaleur Solaire et ses Applications Industrielles. Svo. sewed. Paris, 1869. Moutier, J. Elements de Thermody- namique. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites • Scientifiques.) 1S72. HE AT-r-ME TEOROLOQ Y. 325 KEontier, J. La Thermodynamique et ses principales Applications. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Viliars, Paris, 1885. Murby's High School Series. — Heat, post Svo. cloth, limp. T. Murby, 1879. 0]?]ue, T. A. An Introduction to the Science of Heat. fcp. Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1869. Feabody, C. H. Thermodynamics of the Steam-Engine and other Heat-En- gines. See Works on Mechanics. F^clet, F. Traite de la Chaleur, con- sideree dans ses Applications. Avec Supplement. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Plates, oblong folio, half calf. Hachette & Co., 1843-53. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. G. Masson, Paris, 1860. Synthase de la Chaleur. H. Georg, Geneva, 1879. Acoustics, half calf. Pictet, R. 8vo. sewed. Piper, T. W. Acoustics, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. Radau, R. Actinometrie. See Works on Optics. Saint-Robert, P. de. Principes de Thermodynamique. 2ud edition. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Viliars, Paris, 1870. Schwackhofer, F. Fuel and Water. See Works on Mechanics. Sbauu, G. Elementary Treatise on Heat inre lation to Steam and the Steam- Engine. crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. Siemens, C. W. On the Utilisation of Heat and other Natural Forces. Lecture at Glasgow, March 1878. fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. CoUins, Sons, & Co., 1878. Smith, J. H. An Introduction to the Study of Heat. 6th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Eivingtons, 1879. Stewart, B. An Elementary Treatise on Heat. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1866. 5th edition. post 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888. Tait, P. G. Sketch of Thermodynamics. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. D. Douglas, Edinburgh, 1877. m Heat, post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1884. Thermodynamics. Works on. See — Camot, N. L. S. Baynes, R. E. Bertin. Bertrand, J. Moutier, J. Peabody, C. H. Saint-Robert, P. de. Tait. P. G, Williamson, B., and Tarleton, F. A. WormelUR. Thomson, Sir W. Elasticity and Heat- 4to. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1880. Tyndall, J- Heat considered as a Mode of Motion. See General Treatises in present section. On Radiation. See General Treatises in present section. Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat. See General Treatises in present section. Verdet, E. Theorie Mecanique de la Chaleur. Publiee par MM. Prudhon et Violle. 2 vols., in one. royal 8vo. half morocco. V. Masson & Son, Paris, 1868-72. See also General Treatises in present section. Williamson, B., and Tarleton, F. A. An Elementary Treatise on Dynamics, containing Applications to Thermo- dynamics. See Works on Mechanics. Wormell, R. Thermodynamics, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (London Science Class- Books, Elementary Series.) Longmans & Co., 1877. Wright, M. R. Sound, Light, and Heat. See Works on Acoustics. METEOROLOGY. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. See also Wo7-ks on Astronomy. Abercromby, Hon. R. Weather. A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Day. post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul, Trench, & Co., 1887. Adelaide Observatory, Meteorolo- gical Observations made at the. See Works on Astronomy — Solar Physics Collection. Admiralty Manual of Scientific Inquiry. — (Meteorology.) See Works on Astronomy. Allnutt, H. Meteorological Tables for 1856. 4to. sewed. H. Allnutt, Dublin, 1857. Ansart-Densy, A. Theorie des Mouvements de I'Atmosphere et de rOc^an. royal 8 vo. half roan. Bertrand, Paris, 1877. Atmosphere, Book of the. 16mo. cloth. Boston, Mass., 1838. 326 PHYSICS, Austrian Meteorology, Graphical and Comparative Monthly Tables of, for the years 1859 to 1861 inclusive, by Ferdinand Pohl, Student in the Gymna- sium, Teschen, Austrian Silesia, oblong royal 4to. sewed. Another Copy, by Henry J. Stanick, Student of the Catholic Gymnasium, Teschen, Silesia, oblong royal 4to. sewed. Graphical and Comparative Monthly Tables of, constructed by Dr. Gabriel, Gymnasiarch, Teschen, Austrian Silesia. 4 leaves, oblong royal 4to. sewed. Teschen. Bache, A. D. Magnetic and Meteoro- logical Observations made at Girard College Observatory, &c., Philadelphia. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol. 13.) See Transactions — Washington. Barometer, How to use the; with a Calendar for 1865. post 8vo. stiff wrapper. Bemrose & Sons. Bebber, Dr. "W. J. van. Handbuch der Ausiibenden Witterungskunde. Gc- schichte und gegenwartiger Zustand der Wetterprognose. 2 parts. 8vo. sewed. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1885-6. Bemdt, Dr. G. Der Alpenfohn. (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 83, 1886.) See Journals— Mittheilungen. Blasius, W. Storms: their Nature, Classification, and Laws, &c. post 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia: Lockwood&Co. [1875.] Bouant, E. Les Grands Froids. post 8vo. (^Bihliotheque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1880. British Colonial Majg^etic Obser- vatories. Observations on Days of unusual Magnetic Disturbance, 1840-44. Vol. 1, Part 2. 4to. cloth. London, 1851. Brocklesby, J. Elements of Meteor- ology, with Questions for Examination, post 8vo. cloth. Pratt & Co., New York, 1849. Brussels, Academic Eoy ale des Sciences et Belles Lettres. Observations des Phenomenes Periodiques pendant les annees 1863 ct 1869. 4to. sewed. (Extraits des Tomes XXXVI. et XXXIX. des " Memoires.") Brussels,Observatoire Royale. Annales Meteorologiques. 2 vols. 4to. sewed. Brussels, 1869-70. Buchan, A. Introductory Text-Book of Meteorology, post 8vo. cloth. W. Blackwood & Sons, 1871. ■ Atmospheric Circulation. ("Chal- lenger " Report, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural History. Canada (Upper). Forms (4) for Meteorological Returns. On sheets, post folio. Lovell & Gibson, Toronto. Cape of Good Hope. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observatory, 1841-46. Vol. 1. Magnetical Observations, royal 4to. cloth. London, 1851. Caswell, A. Meteorological Observa- tions made at Providence, Rhode Island. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol. 12.) See Transactions — Washington. Chabirand, G., and Brault, L. Traite d' Astronomic et de Meteorologie appliquees ^ la Navigation. See Works on Navigation. " Challenger " Meteorological and Magnetical Observations. (" Challen- ger " Reports, Narrative, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural History. Chambers's Meteorology, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1851. Cleaveland, P. Results of Meteorolo- gical Observations made at Brunswick, Maine, between 1807 and 1859. (Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 16.) See Transactions — Washington. CofS.n, J. H. Psychometrical Table for determining the Force of Aqueous Va- pour, &c. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 1.) See Trans- actions — Washington. The Winds of the Globe. (Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 20.) See Transactions— Washington. Colladon, D. Contributions Jt I'Etude de la Grele et des Trombes Aspirantes. 8vo. sewed. H. Georg, Geneva, 1879. Creak, Staff-Com. E. W. Magnetical Results. (" Challenger " Report, Phy- sics and Chemistry, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural History. Dallas, W. L. Memoir on the Winds and Monsoons of the Arabian Sea and North Indian Ocean, royal 4to. sewed. Calcutta, 1887. Dalton, J. Meteorological Observations and Essays. 2nd edition. 8vo. 2 copies, cloth and boards. Manchester, 1834. Daniell, J. F. Meteorological Essays and Observations. 8vo. half calf. London, 1823. Davy, H. M. Meteorologie Generale. Les Mouvements de 1' Atmosphere et les Variations du Temps. 8vo. half calf. G. Masson, Paris, 1877. Dellmann, F. On Atmospheric Elec- tricity. (From London, &c. Philoso- phical Magazine and Journal of Science, Dec. 1859.) 8vo. stitched. METEOROLOGY. 327 Deep-Sea Temperature Observa- tions of Ocean-Water, Report on the, taken by the Officers of the Expedition, during the years 1873-76. (" Challen- ger " Report, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 1.) See Works on General Natural History. De Feuniuff, G. Meteorology and the Laws of Storms, &c. 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1864. Dick, Dr. T. The Atmosphere and At- mospherical Phenomena. ISmo. half calf. Religious Tract Society. Directions for Meteorological Observa- tions. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 1.) -See Trans- actions — Washington. Dove, H. W. The Law of Storms con- sidered in connection with the ordinary movements of the atmosphere ; 2nd edi- tion, translated with the Author's sanc- tion and assistance, by R. H. Scott, M.A. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1862. Dnmont d'XTrville, J. Voyage de Decouvertes de la Corvette *'L' Astro- labe." — Observations Nautiques, Meteor- ologiques, Hydrographiques et de Physique. See Works on Geography {French). Dnperrey, L. I. Voyage autour du Monde sur "La Coquille " — Hydro- graphie et Physique. -See Works on Geography (French) — Duperrey. Dyason, J. S. The Chromatics of the Sky. Svo. sewed. (From the Pro- ceedings of the AthenaBum Society.) [1885.] Edlnnd, E. Sur I'Origine de r:filectri- cite Atmospherique, du Tonnerre et de I'Aurore Boreale. -See Works on Elec- tricity, &c. Elliot, C. M. Magnetic Survey of the Eastern Archipelago. 4to. cloth. (From the Philosophical Transactions, Part 1, 1851.) R. Taylor, 1851. Espy, J- P« Meteorology. Second to Fourth Reports. With Weather Charts, &c., 1843-52. 2 vols. 4to. and oblong, cloth. A. O. P. Nicholson, Washington, 1850-57. Finley , J. P. Tornado Studies for 1884, &e. -See Works on Astronomy— Solar Physics Collection. Fischer. Ueber das Klima der Mittel- meerlander. (Petermann's Mittheilung- en, Erganzungsheft,Nr. 58, 1879.) See Journals — Mittheilungbn. Flammarion, C. L'Atmosph&re ; De- scription des grands Phenomfenes de la Nature. Illustrated, imp. Svo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1872. Flammarion, C. The Atmosphere. Translated from the French. Edited by J. Glaisher. royal 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1873. ■ . . ■ In Russian, royal 8vo. St. Petersburg. cloth. Fonvielle, W. de. Eclairs et Tonnerre. (Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) With English Translation. -See ^fVorks on Electricity, &c. Forster, T. Annals of some remark- able Aerial and Alpine Voyages includ- ing those of the Author ; to which are added, Observations on the Partial Deaf- ness to which Aerial and Mountain Travellers are liable, and an Essay on the Flight and Migration of Birds, the whole being intended as Supplementary to " Researches about Atmospheric Phe nomena." 8vo. sewed. London, 1832. France. Departement de la Seine. L'Observatoire de Montsouris. Rap- ports par Marie- Davy. 4to. sewed. Paris, 1878. Atlas Meteorologique de I'Obser- vatoire de Paris. See Works on Astro- nomy (Foreign) — Observatoirede Paris. Galton, F. Meteorographica, or. Me- thods of Mapping the Weather, &c. oblong 4to. sewed. Macmillan & Co., 1863. Gastrell, Col. J. E., and Blanford, H. F. Report on the Calcutta Cyclone of the 5th October 1864. royal 8vo. cloth. O. T. Cutter, Calcutta, 1866. Glaisher, J. Report of the Meteoro- logy of London, and its Relation to the Epidemic of Cholera, 1853-4. royal 8 vo. sewed. H. M. Stationery Office, 1855. Glaisher, Flammarion, Fon- vielle, and Tissandier. Travels in the Air. In Russian, royal 8vo. cloth. St. Petersburg. Greenwich, Boyal Observatory. Reports of the Astronomer-Royal, G. B. Airy, to the Board of Visitors, 1854, 1857, 1865 (in one vol.). — Photographic Records of the Barometer, &c. With Works on Astronomy — Solar Physics Collection. Gnldberg, C. M., and Mohn, H. Etudes sur les Mouvements de I'Atmos- phere. Part 1 and 2. 4to. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection — Programmes de I'Universit^, 1876 and 1880.) Christiania, 1876, 1880. Gnyot, A. Meteorological and Physical Tables. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 1.) -See Transac- tions — Washington. Hann, Dr. J. Handbuch der Elimato- logie. Svo. half morocco. (Bibliothek geographischer Handbilcher.) J. Engelhom, Stuttgart, 1883, 328 PHYSICS. Hansteen, C, and Due, Lieut. Ee- sultate Magnetischer, Astronomischer und Meteorologischer Beobachtungen auf einer Eeise nach dem ostlichen Sibirien. 1828-30. With Maps, &c. 4to. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection.') Christiania, 1863. Harris, Sir W. Snow. On the Nature of Thunderstorms, &c. See Works on Electricity and Magnetism. Hartwig, Dr. G. The Aerial World. See Works on General Natural History. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Meteorology. (From the Encyclopsedia Britannica.) fcp. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, 1861. Hildreth, S. P. Results of Meteoro- logical Observations made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859, inclusive. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol. 16.) See Transactions — Washington. Hobarton. Observations made at the ;Magnetical and Meteorological Observa- tory, 1841-48. Vols. 1-3. royal 4to. cloth. London, 1850-53. Hopkins, T. On Atmospheric Changes ' which produce Rain and Wind, and the Fluctuations of the Barometer. 8vo. cloth. J. Weale, 1854. India: Bay of Bengal and adjacent Sea north of the Equator, Charts shewing the Specific Gravity, Temperature, and Currents of the Sea Surface, oblong royal 4to. sewed. Bay of Bengal and adjacent Sea north of the Equator, Charts shewing the Mean Pressure, Winds, and Currents in each Month of the Year, oblong royal 4to. cloth. Bay of Bengal, Cyclone in the, June 1872. Report by W. G. Willson. 8vo. stitched. ■ Handbook of Cyclonic Storms in the. By. J. Eliot. Royal Svo. boards. Calcutta, 1890. Bengal Government. Meteorological Abstracts of Meteorological Re- porter, 1867-74. By H. F. Blan- ford and W. G. Willson. 7 vols, folio, cloth. Calcutta, 1867-75. Bombay Government Obser\'atory. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, made in the years 1865-70. In one vol. folio, cloth. Bombay, 1872. Bombay Presidency, Brief Sketch of the Meteorology of the, in 1881. By A. N. Pearson. 8vp. sewed. India — cont. Bombay Presidency, Meteorology of the. By C. Chambers. Text, 4to. Diagrams and Maps, broad folio, cloth. H.M. Printers, 1878. Views taken from the Colaba Observatory, 1877. oblong post 4to. sewed. (To accompany above.) Cyclone Memoirs, Part I. Bay of Bengal Cyclone of May 20th-28th, 1887. Part II. Cyclone of Aug. 21-28, 1888. royal Svo. sewed and stiflF covers. Calcutta, 1888-90. Indian Meteorological Memoirs. Published under the Direction of H. F. Blanford. Vol. 1 and onwardfi. folio, cloth and sewed. Calcutta, 1876, &c. Indian Meteorologist's Vade-Mecum. By H. F. Blanford. 2 parts. Svo. cloth. Calcutta, 1876-77. Madras Observatory, Meteorological Observations made at the Hon. East India Company's, under the Superintendence of W. S, Jacob, in the years 1851-1855. 4to. cloth. Madras, 1874. Meteorological Department in India, Copies of Despatches on the Or- ganization of a. fcp. folio, cloth. (Parliamentary Paper.) London, 1874. Meteorological Department of the Government of India, Reports on the Administration of the, in 1875 and onwards, folio, and 4to. sewed. Calcutta. See also Works on Astronomy — Solar Physics Collection. Meteorological Bungalow on Doda- betta. Meteorological Observations made at the, in the years 1847-48. Under the Direction of T. G. Taylor, royal 4to. sewed. Madras, 1848. Meteorological Observations recorded at Six Stations in India in the years 1879 to 1886. Published under the Direction of H. F. Blanford. In monthly parts, royal 4to. sewed. Calcutta, 1881-87. Meteorological Observations recorded at Seven Stations in India in the year 1887 and onwards. Published under the Direction of H. F. Blan- ford. In monthly parts, royal 4to. sewed. Calcutta, 1888, &c. Meteorology of India, Report on the, in 1875 (First Year) and onwards. By H. F. Blanford and J. Eliot, folio, stiff covers. Calcutta, 1877, &c. Midnapore and Burdwan Cyclone, 15-16 October, 1874, Report of the. By W. G. Willson. fcp. folio, cloth. Calcutta, 1875. METEOROLOGY. 32yt India — cont. Punjab. Annual Report on Meteor- ological Observations, 1867. By A. Neil, folio, cloth. Lodiana, 1868. Tables, Collection of. Astronomical, Meteorological, and Magnetical, also, for Determining the Altitudes of Mountains ; comparison of French and English \V'eights and Measures, &c. Computed under Direction of Lieut.-Col. I. T. Boileau. 4to. sewed. Umballa, 1850. Tables for the Reduction of Meteoro- logical Observ^ations in India. By H. Blanford. 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1876. Vizagapatam and Backergunge Cyclones of October 1876. Report by J. Eliot, folio, sewed. Calcutta, 1877. Johnston, A. K. Atlas of Skeleton Charts for the Direction and Force of Winds and Currents, and other Pheno- mena, in the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and Bay of Bengal. With Preliminary Notice, by Dr. G. Buist. imp. 4 to. sewed. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1854. Jordan, J. B. The Glycerine Baro- meter. 8vo. sewed. E. Stanford, 1881. [A Glycerine Barometer, hy Mr. Jordan, isi nthe Science Collections of this Museum.'] Jordan, W. L. The Winds and their Story of the World. 8vo. cloth. 1877. " Remarks on the Recent Oceanic Explorations, and the Current- Creating Action of the Vis-inertise in the Ocean. 8vo. cloth. Hardwicke & Bogue, 1877. Journals, Meteorological :— Annalen fiir Meteorologie, &c. Scientific Roll. See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Eamtz, L. F. Vorlesungen iiber Meteorologie. 8vo. cloth. Halle, 1840. Kane, E. K. Magnetical Observations in the Arctic Seas. (Smithsonian Con- tributions to Knowledge, Vol. 10.) See Transactions — Washington. Eew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, The History of the. By R. H. Scott, 8vo. sewed. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) 1885. ■ ■ ■ Report of the Kew Committee, for the Year ending Oct. 31, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1889. With Appendices containing Results of Magnetical, Meteorological, &c. Observations made at the Observatory. 8vo. sewed. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) Harrison & Sons, 1885, &c. Eiesslingf, J. Untersuchungen uber Dammerungserscheinungen zur Er- . klarung der nach dem Krakatau-Aus- bruch Beobachteten atmospbarisch- optischen Stoning. With Coloured Plates, &c. 4to. cloth. L. Voss, Hamburg & Leipzig, 1888. Erakatoa, The Eruption of, and sub- sequent Phenomena. Report of the Krakatoa Committee of the Royal Society. See Works on Geology, &c. ; also Kiessling (above). Landrin. Les Inondatious. post 8vo. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1880. Lecomte, A. Sur la Nature de la Grele, et les principales Circonstances qui accompagne ce Phenomene Atmos- pherique. 8vo. sewed. Brussels, 1868. Lemstrom, S. L'Aurore Boreale. Etude Generale des Phenomenes pro- duits par les Courants Electriques de I'Atmosphere. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1886. Lessona, Prof. M. L'Aria. 12mo. stiff cover. Turin, 1864. Lommel, Dr. E. Wind und Wetter, fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Natur. krafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1873. Loreuz von Liburnau, Dr. J. R. Ritter. Wald, Klima und Wasser. See Works on Geography {German). McClintock, Sir L. Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol. 13.) See Transactions — Washington. Maker Stoun, in Scotland, Observa- tions in Magnetism and Meteorology made at, in 1 844, at the Observatory of Gen. Sir T. Makdougall Brisbane, Bart. Discussed and Edited by J. A. Brown. (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. 18.) 4to. boards. Grant & Son, Edinburgh, 1848. Mann, R. J. The Physical Properties of the Atmosphere. See Modem Meteorology, Margolin and Zurcher. LesMeteores. 2nd and 3rd editions. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheqtce des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867 & 1869. Maury, M. F. Notice to iMarmers. 2nd edition, 1850.— Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts, 1851. — Ex- planations and Sailing Directions, &c. 4th edition, 1852. In one vol. 4to. half calf. Washington, 1850-52. -■ — -. — Explanations and Sailing Direc- tions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts. 5th edition. 4to. half calf. Washington, 1853. 330 PHYSICS. Maury, M. F. Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts, approved by Capt. D. K. Ingraham, Chief of the Bureau of Ord- nance and Hydrography, and published by Authority of Hon. Isaac Toucy, Secretary of the U.S. Navy. 8th edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 4to. sewed. Washington, U.S., 1858-9. Wind and Current Charts to accompanj': — Series A. — North Atlantic, Nos. 1-8 in- clusive. South Atlantic, Nos. 1-4 in- clusive. North Pacific, Nos. 2-11 in- clusive. South Pacific, Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10. Indian Ocean, Nos. 4-11 in- clusive. Series B.— Trade Wind Chart of the At- lantic Ocean. Monsoon and Trade Wind Chart of the Indian Ocean. Series C — Pilot Charts, North Atlantic, Nos. 1-2. South Atlantic, Nos. 1, 2. Coast of Brazil. Cape Horn, Nos. 1 , 2. North Pacific, Nos. 1 to 6. South Pacific, Nos. 1, 2, 3, .5, 6. Indian Ocean, North, 1 sheet, Nos. 1, 2. Indian Ocean, South, Nos.l, 2,3. Series D. — Wind and Current Charts, South Atlantic, Nos. 1 to 4. Ditto, Thermal Sheets, Nos. 1 to 8. Series E. — Storm and Rain Chart, North Atlantic. South Atlantic. North Pacific, Sheet 1. Series F.— Wind and Current Charts, Whale Sheets, Nos. 1 to 4. Chart showing the Resort of the Sperm and Right Whale. Presented by the Board of Trade. The Physical Geography of the Sea, and its Meteorology. See Works on Geography. Meldrum, C. Weather, Health, and Forests, &c. See Works on Astbo- NOMT— Solar Physics Collection. Mendenhall, T. C. Reports of the Meteorology of Tokio, Japan. (Tokio Daigaku Memoirs.) See Transac- tions—ToKio. Meteorologiske lagttelser, paa fem Telegrafstationer ved Norges Kyst. Reducerede og Sammenstillede af J. J. Astrand. Forste og Anden Aargang. Udgivne af det K. Norske Frederiks Universitet. oblong folio, sewed. (^Norwegian Collection.) Christiania, 1866. Meteorologiske Zagttelser det Sydlige Norge. 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. Udgivne af det K. Norske Frederiks Universitet ved det Norske Meteorologiske Institut. oblong folio, sewed. (Norwegian Collection.') Christiania, 1867. Norske Meteorologiske Institut, Publi- cations of the. See TrausaC' tions — Chbistiania. Methven, Capt. R. Narratives written by Sea Commanders, illustrative of the Law of Storms, and of its practical Application to Navigation. No. 1. Blenheim's Hurricane of 1851. royal 8vo. cloth, limp. ,T. Weale, 1851. Modern Meteorology, Six Lectures, delivered under the Auspices of the Meteorological Society, by R. J. Mann, J. K. Laughton, R. Strachan, Rev. W. C. Ley, G. J. Symons, and R. H. Scott, in 1878. post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1879. Mountain Barometer Tables, calculated and stereoglyphed by Messrs. Scheutz's Calculating Machine, No. 2, and printed by machinery. Size 6| in. by 2 in. 20 pp. cloth, stiff. (^Presented by C. Babbage, Esq.) London, 1859. Monreanx, Th. Determination des Ele- ments Magnetiques dans le Bassin de la Mediterranee. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1889. Nanmann, E. Die Erscheinungen des Erdmagnetismus. See Works on Eleo- TEICITYAND MAGNETISM. Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Jaarboek voor 1869 (Deel 2) en 1870 (Deel 1 ). Uitgegeven door het K. Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. oblong 4to. sewed. Utrecht, 1870. Osservatorio Marittimo di Trieste, Rapporto Annuale dell*, 1884. See Works on Astronomy — Solar Physics Collection — Trieste. Osservazioni Meteorologiche. Studj sul clima di Firenze neUa Seeonda Metk del Secolo XVII,, &c» (R.Istituto di Studi Superiori di Firenze.) See Transactions — Florence. Ozone (L'). See Works on Chemistky. Palmieri, L. Lois et Origines de TElectricite Atmospherique. See Works on Electricity. Plnmandon, J. N. Formation des principaux Hydrometeores ; Brouillaxd, Bruine, Pluie, Givre, Neige, Gresil. Nouvelle Theorie de la Grele. 12mo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1885. Poey, A. Comment on Observe les Nuages pour Prevoir le Temps. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1879 METEOROLOGY. 331 Polar Expeditious (International), 1882-83, Observations of the, Fort Rae, Great Slave Lake. 4to. cloth. H.M. Printers, 1886. Folarforschungf, 1882-1883. Dielnter- nationale. — MagnetischeBeobachtungen, Meteorologie, &c. See Worhs on Geo- graphy {Germaii). Power, R. E. Proposed Modification of the Mechanism at present in use for reading Barometers so that the Third Decimal Place may be obtained abso- lutely. 8vo. sewed. (From " Q. Jour- nal of Meteorological Society"), 1875. * " An Improved Form of Mercurial Barometer. 8vo. sewed. (From " Q. Journal of Meteorological Society"), 1877. Prout, W. Chemistry, Meteorology and the Function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatises.) See Works on General Natural History. Radau, R. Le R61e des Vents dans les Climats Chauds. 12mo. sewed. (Ac- tualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. Reid, Lieut.-Colonel W. Progress of the Development of the Law of Storms, and Variable Winds, etc. imp. 8vo. cloth. London, 1849. ReiSy Dr. P. Physik und Meteorologie. (Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 1.) See General Treatises in present section — Naturwissenschaften. Reynolds, Prof. The Formation of Raindrops, Hailstones, and Snowflakes. Lecture at Glasgow, Feb. 1878. fcp. 8vo. sewed. (2 copies.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1878. Roster, G. Il Pulviscolo Atmosferico ed i suoi Microrganismi. See Works on Botany (^Foreign). Rowell, G. A. Brief Essay on Meteoro- logical Phenomena, and on Electricity as the Expansive Force of Steam, &c. Bvo. stitched. Oxford, 1875. — — Papers on the Cause of Rain, Storms, the Aurora and Terrestrial Magnetism. 8vo. sewed. Williams & Norgate, 1871. Royal Encrineers Stations. Ab- stracts of Meteorological Observations. Edited by Sir H. James, 1853-54, 1860-1. 4to. half calf and stitched. London, 1855, 1862. Saint Helena, Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Ob- servatory, 1840-49. 2 vols, royal 4to. doth. Loudon, 1847-60. Sanssnre, H. B. de. Essais sur I'Hy- grometrie. 4to. calf. Neuchatel, 1783. Schott, C. A. Tables, Distribution, and Variations of the Atmospheric Tem- perature in the United States and some adjacent parts of America. (Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 21.) See Transactions— Washington. Schreiber, Dr. P. Die Bedeutung der Windrosen. (Petermann's Mittheilung- en, Erganzungsheft, Nr. 66, 1881.) See Journals— MiTTHEILUNGEN. Schrenck, L. von. Reisen und Forsch- ungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-1 856. — Meteorologische Beobacht- ungen, &c. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Scientific Apparatus, Special Loan of, 1876, Conferences held in connec- tion with the. — Meteorology. See Science and Art Department Publications— South Kensington Museum : Catalogues of Loans. Scoffem, J. B., and Lowe, J. K Practical Meteorology ; being a Guide to the Phenomena of the Atmosphere, and a Practical Use of Instruments for Registering and Recording Atmospheric Changes. (Orr*s Circle of the Sciences.) cr. 8vo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1860. Scott, R. H. Weather Charts and Storm Warnings, post 8vo. cloth. H. S. King & Co., 1876. Elementary Meteorology. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Interna- tional Scientific Series). Kegan Paul & Co., 1883. Scott, R. H., and Curtis, R. H. On the Working of the Harmonic Analyser at the Meteorological Office. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1886.) 8vo. sewed. Sene, C. de. Windrosen des sudlichen Norwegens.4to. sewed. {Norwegian Col' /cc/io»— Uni versitatsprogram, 1 8 76 .) Christiania, 1876, Sxnith, N. D. Meteorological Observa- tions made near Washington, Arkansas. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge, Vol. 12.) See Transactions— Washington. Smith, R. A. Air and Rain. The Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology. See Works on Chemistry. Smyth, J. On the Ozonometer, for the observation of Ozone with an Aspirator, &c. 8vo. sewed. 1869. Stewart, B. An Account of certain Experiments on Aneroid Barometers, made at Kew Observatory, at the Ex- pense of the Meteorological Committee. Bvo. stitched. 1868, 332 PHYSICS. Strachau, R. Principles of Weather Forecasts and Storm Prevision. 8vo. sewed. Williams & Strahan, London, 1868. Symons, G. J. British Rainfall, 1878 and onwards. 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1879, &c. -■ Rain, Snow, Hail, and Atmos- pheric Electricity. See Modern Me- teorology. Tait, P. G. Thermometer Errors. (" Challenger " Report, Nan:ative, Vol. 2.) See Works on General Natural History. Tissandier, G. Observations Meteor- ologiques en Ballon. Resume de 25 Ascensions Aerostatiques. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites Scientifiques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1879. Tomliuson, C. The Dew-Drop and the Mist ; an Accomit of the Phenomena and Properties of Atmospheric Vapour in various Parts of the World, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. History of the Modern Theory of Dew. See General Treatises in pre- sent section. • The Thunderstorm. See Works on Electricity, &c. Toronto, Canada. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory, 1840-48. 3 vols, royal 4to. cloth. London, 1845-57. TOWSOU, J. T. Icebergs in the Southern Ocean, royal Svo. sewed. T. Brakell, Liverpool, 1859. Transactions of Societies, &c. relating to Meteorology. Berlin. — ^Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft : Meteoro- logische Zeitschrift. Christiania. — Norske Meteorologisk Institut. Florence. — Museo di Fisica e Storia Natural! : Archivio Meteorologico Centrale Italian o. R. Instituto di Studi Superiori di Firenze. London. — Meteorological Depart- ment of the Board of Trade. Meteorological Council of the Royal Society. Turin. — R. Osservatorio del R. Uni- versity. BoUetino Meteo- rologico ed Astronomic©. See Transaction.s (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Tyndall, J. The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers. See General Treatises in present , section. United States : Naval Observatory, Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the, during 1866-75. 10 vols. 4to. sewed and cloth. 1867-78, 1870. Appendix L Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis. By W. Harkness. 4to. sewed. 1872. 1874. Appendix IL Report on Difference of Longitude between Washington and Ogden, Utah. By J. R. Eastman. 4to. sewed. 1876. Instruments and PubHcations of the, 1845-76. 4to. cloth. Report of Superintendent for year ending June 30, 1889. Svo. sewed. Washington, 1889. Report of the Chief Signal Officer, War Department, 1872 and 1873. 2 vols, 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1873-4. Finley, J. P. Charts of Relative Storm Frequency for a Portion of the Northern Hemisphere. 4to. sewed. Washington, 1884. Patent Office and the Smithsonian Insti- tution, Results of Meteorological Observations made under the Direction of the, from 1854-59. 5ee Trans- actions — Washington: Smith- sonian Institution Publications. Vienna: Central- A.nstalt (K.E.) fur Meteorologie und Erdmag- netismus, Jahrbiicher del". See Works on Astronomy — Solar Physics Collection. Victoria, The Colony of. Resuhs of the Meteorological Observations taken in the Colony of Victoria during the years 1859-1862 ; and of the Nautical Observations Collected and Discussed at the Flagstaff Observatory, Melbourne, during the years 1858-1862. By G. Neumayer. royal 4to. cloth. J. Ferres, Melbourne, 1864. Weyher, C. L. Sur les Tourbillons, Trombes, Tempetes, et Spheres tour- nantes. Etude et Experiences. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1889. Woodhead, G. Atmosphere; a philo- sophical work. 8vo. cloth. H. Bailli^re, 1852. Zantedeschi, Prof. Delle Nebbie, Nebbioni, Pioggie con Sabbie, Caligini osservate nell' atmosfera d'ltalia nel 1869, &c. 8vo. sewed. Venice, 1870. Znrcher et Margolin. Les Glaciers, post 8vo. {Bibliothhque des Mer. veilles.) 1868. Trombes et Cyclones, post 8vo. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1876. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. S33 ISLECTBICITY AND MAGNETISM. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Adams, G. An Essay on Electricity. 5th edition. With Corrections by W. Jones. 8vo. boards. London, 1799. Airy, G. B. Treatise on Magnetism, crown 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1870. Alglave, ^Em., et Bonlard, J. La Lumiere Electrique ; son Histoire, sa Production, et son Emploi dans I'Eclair- age public ou prive, les Phares, les Theatre?, I'lndustrie, les Travaux pub- lics, les Operations militaires et mari- times. 8vo. half morocco. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1882. Angfell, J. Elements of Magnetism and Electricity, fop. 8vo. cloth. (Elemen- tary Science Series.) 1875. Enlarged edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co ., 1 8 7 7 . Ayrton, W. E. Practical Electricity, post 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1887. Bailie, J. L'Electricite. post 8vo. (^Bihliothhque des Merveilles .") Hachette & Co., 1869. Baker, W. G. Magnetism and Elec- tricity. Parts 1 and 2. fcp. 8vo. stiff covers. (Elementary Text-Books.) 3 parts in one vol. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Text- Books.) Blackie & Son. * Bakewell, F. C. Electric Science ; its History, Phenomena, and Applications. crown 8vo. cloth, Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1853. Manual of Electricity, Practical and Theoretical, crown 8vo. cloth. Griffin & Co., 1857. Bauer, F. Dissertatio experimentalis de Electricitatis Theoria et Usu. 8vo. calf. Viennse, 1767. Becqnerel, A. C. Elements d'Electro- chimie appliquee aux Sciences Naturelles et aux Arts. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1864. Becqnerel, A. C, and E. Trait6 d'Mectricite et de Magnetisme. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf 1855-56. . Eesume de I'Histoire de I'Electri- cite et du Magnetisme. 8vo. half calf. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1858. Becauerel, E. Des Forces Physico- Chimiques, et de leur Intervention dans la Production des Phenom^nes Naturels. Text 8vo. Atlas, imp. 4to. half calf. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1875. Bell, A. G., The Multiple TelegrapK invented by. 8vo. sewed. Boston, 1876. Bernstein, A. Die Electrische Be- leuchtung. 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1880. Bertrand, J. Legons sur la Theorie Mathematique de I'Electricite. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars & Son, Paris, 1890. Bois, V. La Telegraphic Electrique. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1855. Bond, R. Handbook of the Telegraph; being a Manual of Telegraphy, Telegraph Clerks' Kemembrancer, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. Virtue Brothers & Co., 1862.- Bregnet, A. La Machine de Gramme. 12mo. sewed. (Actualites Scientif- iques.) Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1880. Bregnet, L. Manuel de Telegraphic Electrique. 4th edition. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1862. Bnckmaster, J. C. The Elements of Magnetism and Electricity. Revised by C. A. Buckmaster, &c. 8th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Sintpkin & Co. Cabens, N., S. J. Philosophia Magnet- ica, in qua Magnetis Natura penitus explicatur. Multa quoque dicuntur de Electricis, et aliis Attractionibus, et eorum causis. Additis figuris variis. folio, old calf. Colonise, 1629. Carl, Dr. p. Die Electrischen Natur-- krafte. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1871. Cavallo, T. A Complete Treatise on Electricity in Theory and Practice ; with Original Experiments. 3rd edi- tion. 3 vols. 8vo. bound. London, 1786-95. ■■ A Treatise on Magnetism, in Theory and Practice ; with Original Experiments. 8vo. boards. London. 1787. Cavendish., Hon. H. Electrical Re- searches, written between 1771 and 1781. Edited from the Original MSS., by J. C. Maxwell. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cambridge, 1879. Cazin, A. L'Etincelle Electrique. post 8vo. {Bibliothcque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1876. Chambers's Electricity, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1854.- Cook, J. Magnetism and Electricity, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Science Manuals.) W. & R. Chambers, 1876.' 334 PHYSICS. Cooke, Rev. T. F. Authorship of the Practical Electric Telegraph of Great Britain. 8vo. cloth. R. E. Peach, Bath, 1868. ■ Invention of the Electric Tele- graph. Charge against Sir Charles Wheatstone of "Tampering with the Press," &c. 8vo. sewed. Simpkin & Marshall, 1869. Cnlley, R. S. Handbook of Practical Telegraphy. 6th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1874. . 8th edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. Cumxning, J. A Manual of Electro- Dynamics. Chiefly translated from the French of J. F. Demonferrand. See ' Demonferrand, J. F. Cummillg, L. Introduction to the Theoiy of Electricity, with Examples, post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Electricity treated Experimentally. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1887. Day, R. E. Exercises in Electrical and Magnetic Measurement. 3rd edition. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. De la Rive, A. Traite d'Electricite, theorique et appliquee. 3 vols. 8vo. calf. J. B. Bailhere, Paris, 1854-58. — Treatise on Electricity, in Theory and Practice. Translated by C. V. Walker. 3 vols. 8vo. calf. Longmans & Co., 1853-58. i Notice Biographique, par. J. L. Soret. 8vo. half roan. Geneva, 1877. Demonferrand, J. F. A Manual of Electro-Dynamics. Chiefly from the French, with Notes and Additions, by J. Gumming. 8vo. half calf. Cambridge, 1827. Douglas, J. C. Manual of Telegraph Construction. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1877. Dredge, J., &c. Electric Illumination, by C. Cooke, J. Dredge, M. F. O'Reilly, S. P. Thompson, and H. Vivarez. Chiefly compiled from "Engineering." With Abstracts of Specifications having reference to Electric Lighting, prepared by W. Lloyd Wise. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. el. Offices of " Engineering," 1882-85. Dn Bois-Reymond, E. Untersuch- ungeu liber thierische Elektricitat. See Works on General Natural His- tory {Foreign). Dn Moncel, Le Vicotnte Th. Expose des Applications de I'Electricit^. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1853-57. Notice sur I'Appareil d'Induction Electrique de Ruhmkorff. 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1855. ■ ■ 4th edition. 8vo. half calf. Lacroix & Baudry, Paris, 1859. Dn Moncel, Th. Revue des Applica- tions de 1' Electricite en 1857 et 1858. 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1859. Le Telephone, le Microphone et le Phonographe. post8vo. (^Bibliothkque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1878. The Telephone, Microphone, and Phonograph, post 8vo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1879. L'Eclairage Electrique. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1879. Electric Lighting. Translated from the French by R. Routledge. post 8vo. cloth. G. Routledge & Sons, 1882. Le Microphone, le Radiophone, et le Phonographe. post 8vo. sewed. (^Bihliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1882. Elements of Construction for Electro-Magnets. Translated from the French, by C. J. Wharton, post 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1883. Dn Moncel, Th., and Geraldy, F. L'Electricite comme Force Motrice. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Mer- veilles.') Hachette & Co., 1883. Electricity as a Motive Power. Translated and edited, with Additions, by C. J. Wharton, post 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1883. Edlnnd, E. Sur I'Origine de I'Electri- cite Atmospherique, du Tonnerre et de I'Aurore Boreale. 8vo. sewed. Norstedt, Stockholm, 188-^. Electric Telegraph, Invention of the. See Cooke, Rev. T. F. Electrical Conference at Fhila- delphia, September 1884, Report of the. 8vo. 2 copies, sewed, and cloth. Washington, 1886. flectriciens, Congres International des, Paris, 1881. Comptes Rendus des Travaux. imp. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1882. ]^lectricit^. Exposition Internationale d', Paris, 1881. Administration — Jury Rapports. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1883. Catalogue General Officiel. Svo. half morocco. Paris. Revue d'. Production et Applications de I'Electricite. Par J. Boulard. royal 8vo. half morocco. « Le Genie Civil" Office, Paris, 1882. Electro - Magnetic Telegpirapli, Proceedings respecting the, &c. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 2.) See Transacfcions — Washington. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 335 Elektricitats - Ausstellung, In- ternationale, verbunden mit Elektrotechnischen Versnch- en im K. Glaspalaste zu Miinchen, 1882, Offizieller Bericht uber die. 4to. cloth. Munich. Elektrische Ausstellung (Inter- nationale), Wien, 1883:— Bericht liber die von der Wissen- schaftlichen Commission an Dyna- momaschinen und Elektrischen Lampen ausgefiihrten Messungen. royal 8vo. sewed. A. Holder, Vienna, 1886. Internationale Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift und Bericht iiber die Elek- trische Ausstellung. Eedaction : J. Kramer und Dr. E. Lecher. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. A. Hartleben, Vienna. ^lectrodynamiqne (!'), Memoires sur. See Transactions — Pabis: SociiU Frangaise de Physique. Exhibitions of Electrical Appli- ances, Electrical Conferences, &c., See- Electrical Conference at Philadelphia. !|llectriciens, Paris. Electricite, Exposition International d\ Paris, 1881. Elektricitats-Ausstellung, Miinchen, 1882. Elektrische Ausstellung, Wien, 1883. Parville, H. de. Exner, Dr. F. Vorlesungen uber Elektricitat gehalten an der Universitat zu Wein. imp. 8vo. sewed. F. Deuticke, Leipzig, 1888. Fable, J. A. On Magneto- and Dynamo- Electric Machines. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. Fabie, J. J. History of Electric Tele- graphy to the year 1837. crown 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. Faraday, M. Experimental Researches in Electricity. Reprinted from the "Philosophical Transactions" of 1831- 1843, 1846-1852. With other Elec- trical Papers from the " Quarterly Journal of Science," " Philosophical Magazine," and "Proceedings of the Royal Institution." 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1839-55. .—^ 3 vols. (Vol. 1, 2nd edi- tion.) 8vo. cloth. London, 1849-55. See also Tyndall, J. Feilitzscb, Dr. Frh. V. Die Lehre von den Fernewirkungen des galvanischeu Stromes. royal 8vo. half calf. (Allge- meine Encyklopadie der Physik, Band XIX.) L. Voss, Leipzig, 1865. Fein, W. E. Elektrische Apparate, Maschinen und Einrichtungen. imp. 8vo. sewed. J. HoflFmann, Stuttgart, 1888. Fergfnson, R. M. Electricity, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1868. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1873. ■ ■ New edition, revised and extended by J. Blyth. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1882. Fleming, Dr. J. A. The Alternate Current Transformer, in Theory and Practice. Vol. 1. 8vo. cloth. London, 1889. Fontaine, H. Eclairage a I'Electricite. Renseignements Pratiques. 2nd edi- tion. 8vo. sewed. 1879. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. 1888. '■ Transmissions fllectriques. 8vo. sewed. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1885. Eclairage ' Electrique — Exposition Universelle de 1889. 4to. boards. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1890. Fonvielle, W. de. Eclairs et Tonnerre. post 8vo. (^Bibliothkque des Mer- veilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1869. Thunder and Lightning. Trans- lated from the French, and edited by Dr. T. L. Phipson. fcp. 8vo. cloth. S. Low, Son,& Co., 1868. Forbes, G. A Course of Lectures on Electricity. Delivered before the Society of Arts. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1888. Francis, G. W. Electrical Experi- ments, illustrating the Theory, Practice, &c. 8vo. cloth. J. Allen, 1855. Franklin, B. Experiments and Ob- servations on Electricity ; to which are added Letters and Papers on Philo- sophical Subjects. 4to. boards. London, 1769. Complete Works. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8to. half calf. London, n.d. Froblicb, Dr. I. AUgemeine Theorie des Electrodynamometers. Ein Beitrag zur An wen dung und zur Integration der Differentialgleichungen der Electro- dynamischen Induction. 4to. boards. R. Friedlander & Son, Berlin, 1888. FroUcb, Dr. O. Handbuch der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1887. Gladstone, J. H., and Tribe, A. The Chemistry of the Secondary Batteries of Plante and Faure. crown 8to. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1883. Goldsmid, Col. Sir F. J. Telegraph and Travel, See Works oji Geography. Gordon, J. E. H. Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1880. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1883. -^— — School Electricity. post 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1886. 336 PHYSICS. Gore, G. Theory and Practice of Electro-Deposition, including every known mode of depositing Metals, pre- paring Metals for immersion, taking Moulds and rendering them conducting. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) crown 8vo. cloth. Houlston & Co., 1856. The Art of Electro-Metallurgy, in- cluding all known processes of Electro- deposition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) 1877. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1834. Gould, B. A. On the Velocity of the Galvanic Current in Telegraph Wires, royal 8vo. stitched. B. L. Hamlen, New Haven, U.S., 1851. Graetz, Dr. L. Die Elektricitat und ihre Anwendungen zur Beleuchtung, &c. 8vo. sewed. J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart, 1 883. Graufeld, A. E. Die Mehrfach- Telegraphie auf einem Drahte. 12mo. sewed. (Elektro-teehnische BibHothek.) A. Hartleben, Vienna, 1885. Gray, A. Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1889. .. The Theory and Practice of Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. Vol. 1. post 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1888. Gnthrie, F. Magnetism and Electricity. 15th thousand, post 8vo. cloth. (Ad- vanced Science Series.) 1876. 20th thousand. New and revised edition. With Supplementary Chapter by C. V. Boys, post 8vo. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Hansteen, C. Untersuchungen liber den Magnetismus der Erde. Trans- lated by P. T. Hanson. Part I. 4to, half morocco. With Atlas, oblong atlas folio, stitched . (Norwegian Collection.') Christiania, 1819. £tansteeu, C, and Due, Lieut. Ke- sultate Magnetischer, Astronomischer und Meteorologischer Beobachtungen auf einer Reise nach dem ostlichen Sibirien, 1828-30. With Maps, &c. 4to. sewed. (^Norwegian Collection.) Christiania, 1863. Harding, E. H. Magnetic and Elec- trical Laws, with Notes, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Harris, Sir W. Snow. On the Nature of Thunderstorms, and on the means of protecting Buildings, &c., against . Lightning. 8vo. cloth. London, 1848. Harris, Sir W. Snow. Rudimentary Magnetism. 2 vols., in one. 12mo. cloth; (2 copies.) J. Weale, 1850-52. -^ Rudimentary Electricity. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. 1851. 4th edition, including Extracts from the Cavendish Papers, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. 1854. Rudimentary Treatise on Galvan- ism, and the General Principles of Animal and Voltaic Electricity. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. Treatise on Frictional Electricity, in Theory and Practice. Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by C. TomHnson. 8vo. cloth. Virtue & Co., 1867. Hoarder, J. N. Miscellaneous Pamph- lets on Electricity and Magnetism, &c. 8vo. roan. 1856, &c. Henry, Joseph, and the Magnetic Telegraph. Address by E. N. Dicker- son, delivered at Princeton College, June 16, 1885. 8vo. sewed. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1885. Higgins, W. Experiments and Ob- servations on the Atomic Theory and Electrical Phenomena. See Works on Chemistry. HiggS, Dr. P. The Electric Light in its Practical Application. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1879. Highton, E. The Electric Telegraph ; its History and Progress. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1852. Hopkins, E. On the Connexion of Geology with Terrestrial Physics. 3rd edition. See Works on Geology, &c. Hospitalier, E. Formulaire Pratique de I'Electricien. Premiere Annee, 1883, and onwards, fcp. 8vo. cloth. G. Masson, Paris. ' The Modern Applications of Electricity. Translated and enlarged by J. Maier. 8vo. cloth. 1882. 2nd edition, revised. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1883. Les Compteurs d'Energie Elec- trique. 8vo. sewed. 1889. Traite Elementaire d'Energie lElectrique. Vol. 1. 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1890. Honston, E. J. Dictionary of Elec- trical Words, Terms, and Phrase?, post 8vo. cloth. W. J. Johnston & Co., New York, 1889. Jenkin, F. Precis of a Lecture on the Construction of Telegraphic Lines, delivered at the R. E. Establishment, 2nd Jan. 1863. 8vo. cloth. R. E. Establishment, Chatham. Electricity and Magnetism, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 187^^. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 337 Jenkin, F. post 8vo. ■ Science.) cloth. Electricity, &c. 6th edition. cloth. (Text-Books of 1881. 8th edition, post 8vo. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Electricity. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Christian Knowledge Society. Jonbert, J. Traite Elementaire d'Elec- tricite. post 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1889. Journals of Electricity and Mag- netism : — Annalen fxir Meteorologie, Erdmag- netismus, &c. Annals of Electricity, Magnetism and Chemistry (W. Sturgeon) . Annee Electrique. Electrician. Fortschritte der Electrotechnik. Lumiere filectrique. La. Revue Internationale de I'Electricite. Telegraph Journal and Electrical Review. See Journals (Catalogue op Scientific Pkriodicals). Jiillig, M Die Kabeltelegraphie. post 8vo. sewed. (Electro-technische Bib- liothek.) A. Hartleben, Vienna, 1884. Kem^e, H. R. Handbook of Electrical Testmg. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1887. The Electrical Engineer's Pocket- Book. oblong 32 mo. roan. C. Lockwood & Son, 1890. Eircher, Athanasius. Magnes, sive de Arte Magnetica, opus tripartitum. See General Treatises in present section. Eittler, Dr. E. Handbuch der Elec- trotechnik. Vol. 1, 2 parts; 2. Part 1. royal 8vo. sewed. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1885-90. Kleyer, Dr. A. Lehrbuch des Magnet- ismus und des Erdmagnetismus. Nebst einer Sammlung von gelosten und ungelosten Aufgaben. 8vo. sewed. (Kleyer's Mathematisch - Technisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Encyklopadie.) J. Maier, Stuttgart, 1885. Kreil, K. Anleitung zu den magnet- ischen Beobachtungen. 2nd edition. 8vo. half calf. K. Gerold, Vienna, 1858. Lardner, Dr., and Walker, C. V. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and ' Meteorology. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Laurie's Elements of Magnetism and Electricity, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Central School Dep6t. Lewis, W. G. Catechism of Electricity. 18mo. sewed. 1867. ■ Catechism of Magnetism. 18mo. sewed. Aylott & Co., 1857. E 61668. Lloyd, H. Treatise on Magnetism, General and Terrestrial, royal 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. Lodge, O. J. Modem Views of Elec- tricity, post Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1889. Ludewig, J. Elektrische Messkunde. Ein Handbuch zum Selbstunterrichte, sowie zum Gebrauche fiir Telegraphen-! beamte und Elektriker. Svo. sewed. W. Baensch, Dresden, 1878. Maravigna, C. Del Galvanismo e della Elettricit^ MetaJlica. 8vo. half calf. Catania, 1811. Mascart, E. Traite d'Electricite Statique. 2 vols., in one. Svo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1876. Mascart, E., and Joubert, J. Le9ons sur I'Electricite et le Magnetisme. 2 vols. Svo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1 882-6. Treatise on Electricity and Mag- netism. Translated by E. Atkinson. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. T. De la Rue & Co., 1883-5. IMTathieu, E. Theorie^ du Potential et ses Applications h. TElectrostatique et au Magnetisme. 2 vols. 4to. sewed. P Partie. Theorie du Potential. 2« Partie. Electrostatique et Mag- netisme. 1885-86. Theorie de TElectrodynamique. 4to. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1888. Matteucci, C. Delia Pila Volta, della Corrente Elettrica, &c. 12mo. stifif cover. Turin, 1864. — Lezioni sui Fenomeni Fisico- Chimici dei Corpi Viventi ; sur 1' Action Chimique du Courant Voltaique. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Maxwell, J. C. Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. 1873. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1881. An Elementary Treatise on Elec- tricity. Edited by W. Garnett. Svo. cloth. 1881. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888. Meidinger, Prof Dr. H. Einige merk- wiirdige Blitzschlage. Svo. sewed. n.p. [1888.] Mendenhall, T. C. A Century of Electricity, post Svo. cloth. (Nature Series.) Macmillan & Co., 1887. Merling, A. Die Telegraphen-Technik der Px'axis im ganzen Umfange. Toy&\ Svo. sewed. Meyer, Hanover, 1879. Die elektrische Beleuchtung in system atischer Behandlung. 2nd edition. , Svo. sewed. (Elektrotechnische Biblio- thek.) F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1884 338 PHYSICS. Merlingfy A. Die elektrischen Uhren. 8vo. sewed. (Elektrotechnische Biblio- thek.) F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1884. IlCerrifield, J. IVIagnetism and Devia- tion of the Compass. See Works on Navigation. MiuchiUy G. M. Treatise on Statics, containing the Fundamental Principles of Electrostatics, &c. -See Works on Mechanics. Munro, J., & Jamieson, A. Pocket- Book of Electrical Rules and Tables for the Use of Electricians and Engineers. 6th edition, oblong 32mo. roan. C. Griffin & Co., 1889. Marby's High School Series. — Magnet- ism, post Svo. cloth, limp. T. Murby, 1879. Napier, J. Manual of Electro -Metal- lurgy. 5th edition, post Svo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1876. TSfaXLck, Dr. E. Electrische Telegraphic, u.s.w. (Die gesammten Naturwis- senschaften. Vol. 1.) See General Treatises in present section — Natur- wissenschaften. XTaxuiiaxiXly E. DieErscheinungen des Erdmagnetismus in ihrer Abhangikeit vom Bau der Erdrinde. Svo. sewed. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1887. Niaudet, A. Traite ]&lementaire de la Pile Electrique. Svo. sewed. 1878. 2^^ edition. Svo. sewed. 1880. 3™« edition, revue par H Fontaine, et suivie d'une Notice sur les Accumulateurs, par E. Hospitalier. royal Svo. sewed. J. Baudry, Paris, 1885. Machines Electriques h Courants Continus. Systemes Gramme et con- 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. J. Baudry, Paris, 1881. IToad, H. M. Manual of Electricity, including Galvanism, Magnetism, &c. 4th edition. Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1859. The Improved Induction Coil; being a Popular Explanation of the Elec- trical Principles on which it is constructed, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. W. Ladd, 1861. ■ The Student's Text-Book of Elec- tricity, crown Svo. cloth. 1867. ' — . ■ ■ New edition, with Intro- Falmieri, L. Lois et Origines de r^Slectricite Atmospherique. Traduit de ritalien, par P. Marcillac et A. Brunet. Svo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1885. Parker, R. G. Electricity. (Educa- tional Course.) 12mo. bound. Allman & Son, 1855. FarviUe, H. de. L'Electricite et ses Applications. Exposition de Paris. 12mo. cloth. G. Masson, Paris, 1882. Peck, A. Catechism of Electricity. ISmo. sewed. Relfe Brothers, 1848. Plants, G. Recherches sur I'Elec- tricite. Svo. cloth. Paris, 1883. Ponthidre, H. Applications indus- trielles de I'Electricite. Principes et Electrometrie. Svo. sewed, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1885. Peyser, A. W. Magnetism and Elec- tricity, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1889. Preece, W. H., and Maier, J. The Telephone, post Svo. cloth. (Specialists' Series.) Whittaker & Co., 1 889. Preece, W. H., and Sivewright, J. Telegraphy, post Svo. cloth. /Text- Books of Science.) ' 1876. 2nd edition, post Svo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) 1876. 5th edition, post Svo. cloth. duction and Additional Chapters, by W. H. Preece. crown Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1 879. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1884. Prescott, G. B. Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. 5th edition. Svo. cloth. Appleton & Co., New York, 1882. Priestley, Dr. J. The History and Pre- sent State of Electricity, with Original Experiments. With Plates. Also Speci- men of Author's New Chart of History and Biography. 2nd edition. 4to. calf. London, 1769. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. calf. London, 1775. Quet, M. De I'Electricite, du Magnet- isme et de la Capillarite. imp. Svo. (Recueil de Rapports sur les Progr^s des Lettres et des Sciences en France.) Paris, 1867. (^With Reports, Sfc. on Education — France— Lettres, &e.) Reis, Dr. P. Neue electrische Ma- schinen, insbesondere die magnet-elec- trischen Maschinen und deren Anwend- ungen. Svo. sewed, Quandt & Handel, Leipzig, 1877. Beynier, E. Traite Elementaire de I'Accumulateur Voltaique. Svo. sewed. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1888. Biess, P. T. Die Lehre von der Reib- ungselektricitat. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1853. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 339 So get, P. M. Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro - Magnetism. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. cloth. (C. C. E. L., No. 1021.) London [1831]. Ronalds, Sir F. Description of an Elec- trical Telegraph. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1871. ■ Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity, Magnetism, the Electric Telegraph, &c., including the Ronalds Library. With a Biographical Memoir. Edited by A. J. Frost. Li- brarian's Edition (printed on one side of leaf), royal 8 vo. sewed. Ordinary edition. 8vo. sewed. E. & F. N. Spon, 1880. Rowett, W. The Ocean Telegraph Cable ; its Construction, the Regulation of its Specific Gravity, and Submersion explained. 8vo. cloth. S. Low, Son, &Marston, 1865. Sabine, R. Telegraphy. (British Manu- facturing Industries.) See Works on Manufactures, &c. Sawyer, W. E. Electric Lighting by Incandescence, and its Application to Interior Illumination. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1881. Schellen, H. Der elektromagnetische Telegraph in den einzelnen Stadien seiner Entwicklung. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1850. — — Die magnet- und dynamo-elek- trischen Maschinen, ihre Entwicklung, Construction, und praktische Anwen- dung. 8vo. sewed. 1879. Die neuesten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Elektrischen Beleuchtung und der Kraftiibertragung. Ein Anhang zu dem Werke desselben Verfassers : " Die magnet- und dynamo-elektrischen Maschinen, u.s.w." 8vo. sewed. Du Mont-Schauberg, Cologne, 1880. Scoresby, Rev. W. Journal of a Voyage to Australia and round the World, for Magnetical Research. See Works on Navigation. Shaffner, T. P. The Telegraph Manual, royal 8vo. cloth. Pudney & Russell, New York, 1859. Sboolbred, J.N. Electric Lighting and its Practical Application, post 8vo. cloth. Hardwicke & Bogue, 1879. Sidney, Rev. E. Electricity ; its Phe- nomena, Laws, and Results. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Siemens, Sir C. W. Einige Wissen- schaftlich-technische Fragen der Gegen- wart : Einige Methoden den elektri- schen Strom zu messen, &c. ; Elektrische Beleuchtung ; Elektrische Schmelzofen, &c. See General Treatises in present section. Siemens, Sir C. W. Scientific Works, Vol. 2, Electricity, &c. See General Treatises in present section. Singer, G. Elements of Electricity and Electro-Chemistry. 8vo. calf. London, 1814. Spencer, T. Instructions for the Mul- tiplication of Works of Art in Metal, by Voltaic Electricity. 8vo. stitched. Glasgow, 1840. Spragne, J. T. Electricity : its Theory, Sources, and Apphcations. post 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1875. Stewart, L. M. The Electrophorus, with Experiments, post 8vo. sewed. E. G. Wood, London. Swinton, A. A. C. The Elementary Principles of Electric Lighting. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Son, 1889. Tarn, H. C. Magnetism and Electricity. Parts 1, 2. fcp. 8vo. sewed. Also 2 parts in one vol. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1884-86. Tate, T. Electricity. (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. stiff wrapper. Magnetism, Voltaic Electricity and Electro - Dynamics. (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. stiff wrapper. Longmans & Co., 1854. Taylor, W. B. Henry and the Tele- graph. (Smithsonian Publications — Re- port for 1878.) See Transactions — Washington. Ternant, A.- L. Les Telegraphes. post 8vo. (^Bihliotheque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1881. Thompson, S. P. Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1881. 3rd edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1882. 28th thousand, fcp. 8vo. Macmillan & Co., 1887. cloth. Dynamo-Electric ^Machinery : a Manual for Students of Electrotechnics. 2ud edition, royal 8vo. cloth. 1886. 3rd edition, royal 8vo. E. & F. N. Spon, 1888. cloth. Thomson, Sir W. Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and ^Magnetism, royal 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1872^ Tomlinson, C. The Thunder Storm. An Account of the Properties of Light- ning and of Atmospheric Electricity in various parts of the World, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, y 2 340 PHYSICS. Transactions of Societies relating to Electricity : — Leipzig. — Magnetischer Verein. London. — Electrical Society. Society of Telegraph En- gineers and Electricians (Institution of Electri- cal Engineers). Paris.— Societe Frangaise de Phy- sique : Memoires sur I'Electrodynamique. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Pjbriodicals). Treglohan, J. P. Frictional Elec- tricity, fcp. 8vo. sewed. 1886. Voltaic Electricity, f cp.Svo. gewed. Longmans & Co., 1888. Tumlirz, Dr. 0. Das Potential und seine Anwendung zu der Erklarung der elektrischen Erscheinungen. (Elektro- tecbnische Bibliothek.) post 8vo. sewed. A. Hartleben, Vienna, 1884. Tyudall, J. Faraday as a Discoverer. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1884. Lessons in Electricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6. See General Trea- tises in present section. Researches on Diamagnetism and Mague-Crystallic Action. See General Treatises in present section. Notes of a Course of Seven Lec- tures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, April 28— June 9, 1870, at the Royal Institution. See General Trea- tises in present section. Urbanitzky, Dr. A. Ritter von. Die Elektricitat im Dienste der Menschheit. Fine populare Darstellung der magnet- ischen und elektrischen Naturkrafte und ihrer praktischen Anwendungen. 8vo. cloth. A. Hartleben, Vienna, 1885. Electricity in the Service of Man : a Popular and Practical Treatise on the AppUcations of Electricity in Modern Life. Translated from the German and edited by R. Wormell. With an Intro- duction by J. Perry. 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1886. XTranliart, J. W. Electro-Plating, &c. post 8vo. cloth. 1880. Electro-Typing, post 8vo. cloth. 1881. I Electric Light Fitting, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1890. Volpicelli, P. Sugli Elettrometri. 4to. half calf. Gennaro, Rome, 1858. Volta, Conte A. Opere. 3 vols., in five. 8vo. half calf. Florence, 1816. Walker, C. V. Electric Telegraph Manipulation. 12mo. sewed. 1850. Electrotype Manipulation. Part 2. 12ino. sewed. Knight & Sons, 1855. Watkins, F. A Popular Sketch of Electro-Magnetism or Electro-Dynamics. 8vo. half calf. London, 1828. Watson, H. W., and Burbury, S. H. The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth- Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1885-89. Watt, Alex. Electro-Metallurgy, Prac- tically Treated. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1860. 6th edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. 1877. 7th edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. 1880. 8th edition, with Additional Matter, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. C. Lockwood & Co., 1883. Electro-Deposition ; A Practical Treatise on the Electrolysis of Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, &c., and several Chapters on Electro-Metallurgy, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1886. Weber, Dr. H. Elektrodynamik. Mit Beriicksichtigung der Thermoelektri- citat, der Elektrolyse und der Thermo- chemie. 8vo. sewed. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1889. Weidenbach, L. Compendium der Elektrischen Telegraphic. 8vo. half morocco. Wiesbaden, 1877. Wheatstone, Sir C. The Universal Telegraph, Description, &c. 8vo. stitched. Wiedemann, G. Die Lehre von der Elektricitat. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1882-5. Wilson, Dr. G. Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. — The Chemistry of the Stars, &c. In one vol. post 8vo. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1854. Wormell, Dr. R. Magnetism and Elec- tricity, post 8vo. cloth. T. Murby. Zacbarias, J. Die Unterhaltung und Reparatur der elektrischen Leitungen. post 8vo. sewed. (Elektro-technische Bibliothek.) A. Hartleben, Vienna, 1884. Zetzche, Prof. Dr. K. E., ProMich, Dr. 0., &c. Handbuch der elektrischen Telegraphie. 4 vols. 8vo. half mo- rocco: — 1. Geschichte der elektrischen Tele- graphie. 1877. 2. Die Lehre von der Elektricitat und dem Magnetismus. 1878. 3. Die elektrische Telegraphen im engereu Sinne. I. Halfte. 1887. 4. Die elektrischen Telegraphen fiir besoudere Zwecke. I. J. Springer, Berlin, 1881. GENERAL TREATISES. a4i PHYSICS. GENERAL TREATISES. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Agrippa, H. C. De Occulta Philosophia libri tres. folio- bound. 1533 (? Cologne). Arndtseu, A. Physikalske Meddelelser. Udgivne af Christopher Hansteen. 4to. half calf. Christiania, 1858. Arnott, Dr. Neil. Elements of Physics. 2 parts. 6th edition. 8vo. cloth. 1864-5. 1.1 7th edition, edited by A. Bain and A. S. Taylor, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. August, E. F., &c. Handworterbuch ' der Chemie und Physik. See Works on Chemistry. Aveling, Dr. E . B. Natural Philosophy, • for London University Matriculation. • post Svo. cloth. W. Stewart & Co. Bacon, Lord. Scripta Universali Philosophia. in Naturali et 32mo. bound. Elzevir, 1653. &c. Edited by cloth. (Bohn's t. Novum Organum by J. Devey. 12mo. ; Scientific Library.) Bell & Daldy, 1868. {With Works on Moral, &c. Philo- sophy.) Badoureau, A. Les Sciences Experi- mentales en 1889. 8vo. cloth. (Biblio- theque des Sciences et de ] 'Industrie.) Maison Quantin, Paris [1889]. Bakewell, F. C. Philosophical Con- versations, fcp. Svo. cloth. A. Hall & Co., 1850. Ballaarat Science Lectures. Delivered at the School of Mines and Industries, Ballaarat, Victoria, Australia. See Works on Geology, &c. Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Part 1 , Mechanics ; Parts 2 and 3, Acoustics, Optics. 2 vols, royal Svo. cloth. Barnes & Co., New York, 1851-2. Bashforth, F. An Attempt to Test the Theories of Capillary Action by com- paring the Theoretical and Measured Forms of Drops of Fluid. With an Explanation of the Method of Integra- tion employed in constructing the Tables which give the Theoretical Forms of such Drops, by J. C. Adams. 4to. cloth. Cambridge University Press, 1883. Bauxngartuer, Dr. A. Element! di Fisica. Parts 1 and 2. Svo. half roan. Principi Fondameutali. di Fisica. Parts 1 and 2. Svo. half roan. ^ Grundriss der Naturlehre. 2 parts, in one vol. Svo. half roan. n.p.,n.d. Baumgartuer, Dr. A. Die Naturlehre nach ihrem gegemvartigen Zustande, mit Riicksicht auf mathematische Be- griindung. (C. C. E. X., No. 759.) Svo. half calf. Vienna, 1845. Beckett, Sir E., Bart. On the Origin of the Laws of Nature, fcp. Svo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society, 1879. Becanerel, E. Des Forces Physico- Chimiques, et de leur Intervention dans la Production des Phenomenes Naturels. See Works on Electricity. Beetz, Dr. W. von. Leitfaden der Physik. 7th edition. Svo. sewed. Grieben, Leipzig, 1 883. Bergman, T. Physical and Chemical Essays. See Wo7'ks on Chemistry. Berliner Gewerbeausstellnng im Jahre 1879, Bericht iiber die Wissen- schaftlichen Instrumente auf der. See Wissenschaftlichen Instrumente, &c. Bird, Golding. Elements of Natural Philosophy ; being an Experimental In- troduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences. Revised, crown Svo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1848. Bird, Golding, and Brooke, Chas. Ele- ments of Natural Philosophy, or an Introduction to the Physical Sciences. 5th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1860. Blair, Rev. D. Grammar of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. New edition. 18mo. bound. {Brooke Col- lection.') London, 1814. ISmo. bound. London, 1816. Bohn, Dr. C. Ergebnisse Physikalischer Forschung. 3 parts, in one vol. Svo. half morocco. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1877-8. Bohner, Dr. A. N. Leben und Weben der Natur. See Works on General Natural History {Foreign). Boutan, A., and D' Almeida, J. Ch. Cours Elementaire de Physique, suivi de Problemes. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. half morocco. Dunod, Paris, ISPT'. Boutet de Monvel, B. Notions de Physique. 5th edition. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1861. Bowman, F. H. The Intermediate Text- Book of Physical Science, fcp. Svo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1882. Brande's Dictionary of Science and Art. 3 vols. Svo. Longmans & Co., 1866-7. (With Works of Reference.) Bryan, Margaret. Lectures on Natural Philosophy. With Appendix : con- taining Astronomical and Geographical Problems, &c. Plates. 4to. half calf. " London, 1806. 342 PHYSICS. Buckley, A. B. Short History of Natural Science, and of the Progress of Discovery from the Time of the Greeks to the Present Day. post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1876. ■ M , — ^ 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. 1879. ■ 4th edition, post 8vo. E. Stanford, 1888. cloth. The Fairy Land of Science. 6th thousand, post 8vo. cloth. E. Stanford, 1879. Bnckmaster, J. C. Experimental Physics, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1864. 2nd edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans 8c Co., 1869. Bndde, Dr. E. Lehrbuch der Physik. 8vo. sewed. Wiegandt & Co., Berlin, 1879. Buiguet, H. Manipulations de Physique, royal 8vo. cloth. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1876. Cabart, C. Le9ons de Physique et de Chimie. Text and Plates. 2 parts. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1853. Candolle, A. de. Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux siecles, pre- cedee et suivie d'autres JEtudes sur des Bujets scientifiques, &c. See Works on Ethnogeaphy. Carpenter, W. L. Energy in Nature, being, with some Additions, the Sub- stance of a Course of Six Lectures upon the Forces of Nature and their Mutual Eelations. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1884. CaSSell's Science Popularly Explained. By D. A. Wells, A.M. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Hand-Book of Natural and Ex- perimental Philosophy, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Cazin, A. Les Forces Physiques. 2nd edition, post 8vo. (^Bihliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1868. Cech, Dr. C. O. Die Internationale AusstellungWissenschaftlicherApparate zu London. See Science and Art Department Publications — South Kensington Museum : Catalogues of Loans. Challis, Bev. J. Eemarks on the Cam- bridge Mathematical Studies, and their Kelation to Modern Physical Science. See Works on Mathematics {General Treatises') . Crlianibers's Introduction to the Sciences. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & B. Chambers. Chambers's Introduction to the Sciences. New edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1856. — Edited by D. M. Reese, A.M. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Bameg & Co., New York, 1853. ■' Laws of Matter and Motion, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1857. Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. fep. Svo. cloth : — Vol. I. Matter and Motion, Me- chanics and Machinery, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Acoustics. Vol. II. Optics, Astronomy, Elec- tricity, and Meteorology. W. & R. Chambers. Child, G. C. Benedicite ; or, Song of the Three Children. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1868. Class-Book of Modem Science, fcp. Svo. cloth. Simpkin & Co. [1868]. Class-Book (Smaller) of Modern Science. By the Authors of " Class- Book of Modern Science." fcp. Svo. clotb. Simpkin & Co. [1869], Comstock, Dr. J. L. System of Natural Philosophy. Stereotyped from the 53rd edition. 12mo. bound. Robinson, Pratt, & Co., New York, 1842, System of Natural Philosophy. Stereotyped from the 143rd edition, re- vised and enlarged. 12mo. bound. 1852. Primary Lessons in Natural Philo- sophy. 16mo. half bound. Pratt & Co., New York, 1851. Comstock, Dr. J. L., and HEoblyn, R. D. Heat, Light and Optics, and Electricity. (Scott's Series.) 12mo. stiff paper cover. E. Law, 1859. Manual of Natural Philosophy. 6th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. E. Law, 1859. Manual of Natural Philosophy. With Questions for Examination and Appendix of Problems. Edited by R. D. Hoblyn, A.M. fcp. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1860. Core, T. H. Questions on Stewart's " Lessons in Elementary Physics." fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1883. Coulomb, Memoires de. See Trans- actions — Paris : SocUti Frangaise de Physique. Dalton, R. Syllabus of Lectures on Pneumatics, Electricity and Astronomy, delivered in 1810 and 1816. fcp. Svo. stitched. Daniell, A. Text Book of the Prin- ciples of Physics. 2nd edition, royal Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1885. GENERAL TREATISES. 343 Davies, John. The History of Magick, by way of Apology for all those emin- ent persons who have unjustly been reputed Magicians. The original, in French, by Gabriel Naudens. post 8vo. calf. Title wanting. {Brooke Collec- tion.) London, 1657. Davy, Sir H., Bart. Six Discourses de- livered before the Royal Society at their Anniversary Meetings. 4to. boards. London, 1827. Delevean, P. La Matiere et ses Trans- formations, post 8vo. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1882. Des-Cartes, R. Principia Philosophise : Specimina Philosophise, seu Dissertatio de Methodo, &c. Dioptrice et Meteora: Passiones, sive Affectus Animse. 4to. boards. Amstelodami, 1650. Des Cartes, Discourse showing that the Systeme of, does contain nothing dan- gerous, &c,, by Des Fourneillis. See Works on General Natural History — Des Fourneillis. (Eavres completes. Edited by M. Victor Cousin. 1 1 vols. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1824-26. (^With Works on Moral and Mental Philosophy, &c.) Deschanel, A. Privat. Traite Elemen- taire de Physique, royal 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1869. -■ ■ I ■ Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Translated and edited, with extensive additions, by J. D. Everett, D.C.L. 4th edition, royal Svo. cloth. 1877. , With extensive Modifica- tions, by J. D. Everett. 6th edition, royal 8vo. cloth. 1882. 8th and 9th editions. royal 8vo. half calf and cloth. In 4 parts. 1885, 1886. 8vo. cloth, limp : — 1. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics. 9th edition. 2. Heat. 10th edition. 8. Electricity and Magnetism. 9th edition. 4. Sound and Light. 10th edition. Blackie & Son, 1887-88. Devic, M. Petite Physique. 2 parts in one vol. 18mo. half roan. Hachette & Co., 1880. DiekxnanXL, H. Die Naturlehre in kate- chetischer Gedankenfolge. 5th edition. Svo. half bound. Leipzig, 1852. Digby, Sir K. Two Treatises ; in the one of which, the Nature of Bodies ; in the other, the Nature of Man's Soule is looked into, &c. post 4to. calf. London, 1645 & 1665. (^With Works on Moral, &c. Pbilo- SOPHY.) Draper, J. W. Scientific Memoirs : being Experimental Contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy. 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1878. - History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. 14th edition, post Svo. cloth. (International Scien- tific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1880. Dufet, H. Cours Elemcntaire de Physique. Conformement aux Pro- grammes du 2 Aout, 1880. Classe de Philosophic. — Notions de Mecanique Physique, &c. 12mo. boards. 1882. Classe de Seconde.— Acoustique — Optique. 12mo. boards. Classe de Troisi^me.- Pesanteur — Equilibre des Liquides — Chaleur. 12mo. boards. G. Bailli^re & Co., Paris. Earl, A. G. The Elements of Laboratory Work. A Course of Natural Science. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1890. Edelmaun, M. Th. Neuere Apparate fur naturwissenschaftliche Schule und Forschung. Parts 1, 2, 3. Svo. sewed. Stuttgart, 1879-82, ■ Untersuchungen uber die Bestim- mung der Erdmagnetischen Inclination vermittelst des Weber'schen Erdin- ductors. Svo. sewed. Munich, 1881. —— — Apparat zur Bestimmung des Specifischen Gewichtes von Gasen. (From Carl's " Repertorium fiir Experi- mental-Physik 1881.") Svo. sewed. Encyklopsedie der Natnrwissen- scnaften. Handbuch der Physik. See Winkelmann, Dr. A. Ettingshanseu, A. von. Anfangs- griinde der Physik. 4th edition. Svo. half calf. K. Gerold, Vienna, 1860. Ziiller, L. Lettres k une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers Sujets de Physigue et de Philosophic. Precedees de I'Eloge d'Euler par Condorcet, et annotees par A. A. Cournot. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1842. Everett, J. D. Illustrations of the Centimetre-Gramme- Second (C. G. S.) System of Units. Svo. cloth. (Phy- sical Society's Publications.) Taylor & Franeis, 1875. Units and Physical Constants. post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. Elementary Text-Book of Physics. fcp. Svo. cloth. 1878. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1883. — — 4th edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. -^— Outlines of Natural Philosophy, fcp. Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1886. 344 PHYSICS. Everett, J. D. Outlines of Natural Philosophy. Enlarged edition. fcp. • 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1888. • See also Deschariel, A.P. Fabre, J. H. Notions Preliminaires de Physique. (Cours complet d'Enseigne- ment Secondaire Special, 1'* Annee.) 12mo. boards. Delagrave & Co., Paris, 1867. Paraday, Prof. Course of Six Lectures on the Various Forces of Matter, and theii- Eelations to each other, fcp. 8vo. cloth. E. Griffin & Co., 1860. Fauvelle, Dr. La Physico-Chimie, son R61e dans les Phenomenes Naturels, Astronomiques, Geologiques et Biolog- iques. Preced^e d'une lettre de I'auteur h, M. Berthelot sur I'Unite de la Science, post 8vo. sewed. (Bibliotlieque des Sciences Contemporaines.) . C. Reinwald, Paris, 1889. Fecliner, G. T. Ueber die physikal- ische und philosophische Atomenlehre. 8vo. half calf. H. Mendelssohn, Leipzig, 1855. Fernet, E. Cours de Physique. 8vo. half morocco. G. Masson, Paris, 1875. Fick, A. Die Medicinische Physik. • See Works on Anatomy, &c. Fignier, L. Vies des Savants Illustres, depuis I'Antiquite jusqu' au 19™« Si&cle. 5 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. Hatchett & Co., 1870. Flieduer, Dr. C. Lehrbuch der Physik. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1876. Frick, Dr. J. Physikalische Technik, Oder Anleitung zur Anstellung von physikalischen Versuchen und zur Herstellung von physikalischen Apparat- en. 8vo. half calf. 1850. — 3rd edition. 8vo. half calf. 1864. — — 6th edition, by Dr. O. Lehmann. Vol. 1. 8vo. sewed.- F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1890. Fullcm, S. W. The Marvels of Science, and their Testimony to Holy Writ, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. Gallatly, W. Examples and Examina- tion Papers in Elementary Physics. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell,& Co., Cambridge, 1888. Ganot, Prof. Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied. Translated and edited from the 9th edition. By E. Atkinson, Ph.D. post 8vo. cloth. 1863. • 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, post 8vo. half calf. H. Bailli^re, 1866. • 6th and 8th editions. 8vo. cloth and half calf. 1873-77. ' ' 10th and 11th editions. 8vo, cloth. 1881, 1883. ' 12th edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co», 1886. Gauot, Prof. Traite Elementaire de Physique. 19""^ edition, par G. Maneuv- rier. 12mo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1884. — — — Natural Philosophy for General Readers and Young Persons. Trans- lated and edited by E. Atkinson, crown 8vo. cloth. 1872. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. 1875. — 4th edition, crown 8vo. 1881. - 6th edition. crown 8vo. Longmans & Co., 1887. cloth. cloth. cloth. Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. 18mo. sewed. J. Cornish. Glazebrook, R. T., and Shaw, W. N. Practical Physics, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Gore, G. The Art of Scientific Dis- covery, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1878. 'sGravesande, W. J. Physices Ele- menta Mathematica, experimentis confirmata. See Works on Mathe- matics (^General Treatises— Foreign). Gren, F. A. C. Grundriss der Natur- lehre. post 8vo. boards. Halle, 1788. GrifS.n, J. J. Scientific Handicraft. See Works on Chemistry. Grove, Sir W. R. Lecture on the Progress of Physical Science, since the opening of the London Institution, delivered Jan. 19th, 1842. royal 8vo. stitched. Privately printed, 1842. The Correlation of Physical Forces. 8vo. half calf. London, 184&. 3rd edition. Svo. cloth. (C. C. E. Z., No. 2173.) 1855. 5th edition, followed by a Discourse on Continuity. 8vo. cloth. 1867. 6th edition. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. Guericke (Ottonis de) Experimenta Nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de Vacuo Spatio. Quibus accesserunt simul certa qusedam de Aeris Pondere circa Terram ; de Virtutibus Mundanis, et Systemate Mundi Planetario ; sicut et de Stellis Fixis, ac Spatio illo Ln- menso, quod tam intra quam extra eas funditur. folio, half russia. Amstelodami, 1672. Guillemiu, A. Elements de Cosmo- graphie. 2nd edition, post Svo. boards. Hachette & Co., 1868. Les Phenomenes de la Physique. Illustrated, imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1868. GENERAL TREATISES. 345 Gnillemin, A. The Forces of Nature. A Popular Introduction to the Study of Physical Phenomena. Translated from ' the French by Mrs. Norman Lockyer ; and edited, with Additions and Notes, by J. Norman Lockyer. Illustrated, royal 8vo. cloth. 1872. " 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1873. Les Applications de la Physique aux Sciences, k I'lndustrie et aux Arts. Illustrated, imp. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1874. ' The Applications of Physical Forces. Translated from the French by Mrs. Norman Lockyer ; and edited, with Additions and Notes, by J. Norman Lockyer. Illustrated, royal 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. •■■ ■ Le Monde Physique. Illustrated. imp. 8vo. half morocco ; — Vol. 1. La Pesanteur et la Gravitation Universelle — Le Son. 1881. Vol. 2. La Lumiere. Coloured Il- lustrations. ^ 1882. Vol. 8. Le Magnetismeet I'Electricite. Coloured Elustrations. 1883. Vol. 4. La Chaleur. 1884. Vol. 5. La Meteorologie — La Phy- sique Moleculaire. 1885. Hachette & Co. Gnilloud, J. J. V. Physique appliquee aux Arts et Metiers. See Works on Manufactures, &c. (^Foreign) — Manuels — Roret. Gnthxrie, F. Notes of 15 Lectures on Physics, delivered at the South Kensing- ton Museum, 1870. post 8vo. stitched. ' On Approach caused by Vibration. By Dr. J. Guyot, K. H. Schellbach, and Sir W. Thomson. (From the " Philo- sophical Magazine," June 1871.) 8vo. sewed. — ■ An Introduction to Physics, post 8vo. cloth, stiff. (Local Examination Series.) • W. Stewart & Co. ' Practical Physics — Molecular Physics and Sound. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (London Science Class-Books, Elemen- tary Series.) Longmans & Co., 1878. ■■ Outline of Experiments and De- scription of Apparatus and Material suitable for illustraticg Elementary Instruction in Sound, Light, Heat, Magnetism, and Electricity. Prepared by Direction of the Lords of the Com- mittee of Council on Education, for the Assistance of Teachers of Science Schools and Classes. 8vo. stitched. 1877. - Other editions. 1881 & 1888. Her Majesty's Printers. Guv, John. Catechism of Natural . Philosophy. 1 8 mo. stifif wrapper. AUman & Son, 1855. Hands, J. New Views of Matter, Life, Motion, and Resistance. Part I. (June 1879), II., III. 8vo. sewed. E. W. Allen. Hanghton, Rev. S. Natural Philosophy, Popularly Explained, crown 8vo. cloth. 3rd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Eauy, L'Abbe. Traite Elementaire de Physique. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1821. Heath, D. D. Elementary Exposition of the Doctrine of Energy, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1874. Heller, A. Geschichte der Physik von Aristoteles bis auf die Neueste Zeit. 2 vols., in one. 8vo. half morocco. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1882-4. Hellmuth, J. H. Elementar-Naturlehre fur den wissenschaftlichen Unterricht an hoheren und mittleren Lehranstalten, u.s.w. Bearbeitet vou E. Reichert. Mit iiber 1000 Aufgaben. 18th edition. 8vo. half morocco. 1877. ' — ' 8vo. half calf. 12th edition. (C. C. E. L., No. 1970.) F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1846. Helmholtz, H. Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Translated by E. Atkinson. With an Introduction by Professor Tyndall. 8vo. cloth. 1873. Second Series, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1881. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1882-3. Herschel, Sir J. F. W., Bart. A Pre- liminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1851. Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects, crown 8vo. cloth. Strahan, 1867. Hinrichs, G. The Elements of Physics. Demonstrated by the Student's Own Experiments. 8vo. bound. Griggs & Co., Davenport, Iowa, 1870. Hofmaun, A. W. Bericht iiber die Wissenschaftlichen Apparate auf der Londoner Internationaleu Ausstellung im Jahre 1876. See Science aud Abt Department PuBLICATIO^ s — South Kensington Museum : Catalogues of Loans. Hogg, J. Elements of Experimental and Natural Philosophy. 8vo. cloth. Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1-853. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) H. G.Bohn, 1861. Holland, Sir H., Bart. Fragmentary Papers on Science and other subjects. Edited by his Sou^ Rev. F. J. Holland. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1875. 346 PHYSIOS. Hooper, Dr. W. Rational Recreations, in which the Principles of Knmbers and Natural Philosophy are clearly eluci- dated by a series of Experiments. 3rd edition. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1787. Sotze, C. L. First Lessons in Physics, post 8vo. hlf bd. St. Louis, U.S., 1875. Hugewils, J. B. Les Saisons. Recueil de Connaissances Scientifiques. 2 parts. 12mo. sewed. Tircher, Brussels, 1861. Hunt, R. The Poetry of Science, or, Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature, post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scien- tific Library.) London, 1848. ■■ 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) H. G. Bohn, 1854. Elementary Physics : an Intro- duction to the Study of Natural Philo- sophy, post 8vo. cloth. Reeve, 1851. Huxley, Prof. Science Primers — Intro- ductory, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1880. — — — Physiography. See Works on Geography. Imponderable Agents, Chemistry of, including the Principles of Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) crown Svo. cloth. R. Griffin & Co., 1855. Jamin, J. Cours de Physique de I'Ecole Polytechnique. 3 vols. 2nd edition. Svo. half morocco. 1863-9. ■ 3"*^ edition, augmentee et entierement refondue, par J. Jamin et E. Bouty. 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1878-83. Jones, Br. B. The Royal Institution : its Founder and its First Professors, post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1887. Jones, D. E. Examples in Physics, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1888. Jones, Rev. W. Physiological Disqui- sitions ; or. Discourses on the Natural Philosophy of the Elements. 4to. calf. London, 1781. Joule, J. P., The Scientific Papers of. Published by the Physical Society of London. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Taylor & Francis, 1884-87. Journals relating to Physics : — Afhandlingar 1 Fysik, Kemi och Mineralogie. American Journal of Science, Annalen der Physik. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Annalen fiir Meteorologie, Erdmag- netismus, &c. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Annals of Electricity, Magnetism and Chemistry. Annals of Philosophical Discovery. Ann^e (L') Electrique. Electrician. Fortschritte der Physik. Journals relating to Physics— conf. Intellectual Observer. Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Fort- schritte auf den Gebieten der Physik und Chemie. Jahresbericht xiber die Fortschritte der Physik. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physischen Wissenschaften. Journal de Physique. Journal de Physique, Theorique et Appliquee. Journal fiir Chemie und Physik. Lumiere Electrique (La). Microscopical Journal and Structural: Record. Monthly Microscopical Journal. Nature. Nature, La. Opuscoli Scientifici. Parville, H. Causeries Scientifiques. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Repertorium der Physik. Repertorium fur Physikalische Tech- nik (afterwards Repertorium der Physik). Revue Internationale de I'Electricite et de ses Applications. Scientific Memoirs, — Natural Philo- sophy. Scientific Roll and Magazine of Systematized Notes. Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review. Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik. Zeitschrift fiir den Physikalischen und Chemischen Unterricht. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie. See Journals (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Joyce, Rev. J. Scientific Dialogues. New edition. 6 vols. 18mo. half roan. (Brooke Collection.) London, 1812. Scientific Dialogues ; with Addi- tions by C. V. Walker. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1853. A Companion to. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1847. ISmo. cloth. Darton & Co. New edition, with Ques- tions for Examination, &c., by W. Pin- nock and J. W. Griffith, M.D. post 8vo. cloth. H. G. Bohn, 1855. Haltbrunner, D. Manuel du Voyageur, &c. See Works on Geography (French). Heill, J. Introduction to Natural Philo- sophy, or Lectures on Physics read in the University of Oxford, in the year 1700. Translated from the Latin. 12mo. bound. Dunlop & Co., Glasgow, 1776. GENERAL TREATISES. 347 Kelland, Prof. Lessons on Physics. Reprinted from Constable's " Scienti- fic Reading Book." post 8vo. cloth, stiff. T. Laurie. Kircher, Athanasius. Magnes, sive de Arte Magnetica, opus tripartitum. Editio 3\ With Plates, folio, calf. Romae, 1654. « Physiologia Kircheriana experi- mentalis, &c., quam ex operibus A. Kircheri extraxit J. S. Kestler. With Plates, folio, calf. Amstelod., 1680. Klein, Dr. H. Theorie der Elasticitat, Akustik und Optik. Svo. sewed. Quandt & Handel, Leipzig, 1877. Eohlratisch, Dr. F. An Introduction to Physical Measurements, with Appen- dices on Absolute Electrical Measure- ment, &c. 2nd edition. Translated from the 4th German Edition by T. H. Waller and H. R. Procter. 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1883. Erebs, Dr. G. Die Erhaltung der Energie. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877. Krebs, Prof. Dr. G., &c. Die Physik im Dienste der Wissenschaft, der Kunst und des praktischen Lebens. 8vo. half roan. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1884. Kunzek, Dr. A. Lehrbuch der Experi- mental-Physik. 6th edition. 8vo. half calf. W. Braumiiller, Vienna, 1858. Lam^, G. Cours de Physique de I'Ecole Polytechnique. 2nd edition. Svo. half morocco. (C .C. E. Z., Nos. 2156 to 2158.) Paris, 1840. Xiardner, Dr. Popular Lectures on Science and Art ; delivered in the prin- cipal Cities and Towns of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. ■I I . Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneu- . matics. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1852. ■ I Treatise on Heat. fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1853. The Museum of Science and Art. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. 12 vols., in 6. post 8vo. cloth : — 1. The Planets; are they inhabited Worlds ? — Weather Prognostics. — Popular Fallacies in Questions of Physical Science. — Latitudes and Longitudes. — Lunar In- fluences.— Meteoric Stones and Shooting Stars. — Railway Acci- dents. — Light. 2. Air. — Locomotion in the United States. — Cometary Influences. — Water.—The Potter's Art.— Fire. 3. Locomotion and Transport, their Influence and Progress. — The Moon.— The Earth. — Terrestrial Heat.— -The Sun.— Electric Tele- graph. Larduer, Dr. The Museum of Science and Art — cont. 4. Electric Telegraph (^concluded). — Earthquakes and Volcanoes. — The Barometer.— Safety Lamp. — Whitworth's Micrometric Appa- ratus. — Steam. 5. Steam Engine.— The Eye. — The Atmosphere. — Time. — Pumps. — Spectacles. — Kaleidoscope. 6. Clocks and Watches. — Microscopic Drawing and Engraving. — Lo- comotive. —Thermometer. — New Planets. — Leverrier and Adams' Planet. — Magnitude and Minute- ness. 7. The Almanac. — Colour. — Optical Images. — The Looking Glass.— Tides. — How to Observe the Heavens.— Stellar Universe. 8. The Stellar Universe. — Man. — Magnifying Glasses. — Instinct and Intelligence. — Solar Micro- scope. — Camera Lucida. — Magic Lantern. — Camera Obscura. 9. The Microscope The White Ants ; their Manners and Habits. -—The Surface of the Earth, or First Notions of Geography. — Science and Poetry. 10. The Bee.— Steam Navigation. — Thunder, Lightning, and the Aurora Borealis. —Electro-Mo- tive Power. 11. The Printing Press.— The Crust of the Earth, or First Notions of Geology. — The Stereoscope.— Comets. 12. ThePre-AdamiteEarth.—Eclipses. — Sound. — General Index to the 12 volumes. Walton . Extracts from the Second Edition of *' Principles of Mechanism." Describing Models selected by the Department of Science and Art for teaching of Applied Mechanics. 8vo. sewed. Rigg's Technical Education Appliances, Limited, 1888. Wilson, W. p. Treatise on Dynamics. 8vo. boards. Macmillan & Co., 1850. Wilson, R. Treatise on Steam Boilers. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1879. Winton, J. G. Modem Workshop Practice. 12mo. cloth, limp. (Weale's Series.) Strahan & Co., 1870. Winton, J. G., and Millar, W. J. Modern Steam Practice and Engineering ; a Guide to approved Methods of Con- struction and the Principles relating thereto. With Examples, Practical Rules, and Formulae. 8vo. half morocco. Blackie & Son, 1884. Workshop Receipts, for the Use of Manufacturers, Mechanics, and Scien- tific Amateurs. See Works on Manu- FACTUEES, Trades, &c. Wormell, R. An Elementary Course of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, fcp. Svo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1869. cloth. — 2nd edition. fcp. Svo. Groombridge & Sons, 1871. The Principles of Dynamics, fcp. Svo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1876. Wylson, James. The Mechanical In- ventor's Guide. 12mo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1859. Toung, J. R. Elementary Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, and Pneumatics, crown 8vo. cloth. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences.) R. Griffin & Co., 1860. Toung, Dr. T. A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. See Works on Physics (General Treatises'). £ 61668. Young Mechanic, The. A Book for Boys. Containing Directions for the Use of all kinds of Tools, and for the Construction of Steam Engines and Mechanical Models, &c. By the Author of *' The Lathe and its Uses." imp. 16mo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1871. Zeuner, Dr. G. Treatise on Valve- Gears, with special consideration of the Link-Motions of Locomotive Engines. Translated from the German by M. Miiller. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1869. MECHANICS. FOREIGN WORKS. Aachen, Konigl. Rheinisch- Westphalische Technische Hochschule in. Maschinentech- nische Excursionen. Bericht liber die Studienreisen der Studirenden det Techn. Hochschule im Studienjahre 1 884-85. 62 Blatter Maschinen-Skizzen von Anlagen im Rheinland, in West- phalen und Belgian. Unter Leitung voa Prof. A. Riedler. Bearbeltet von M. F. Gutermuth. In fcp. folio printed case. Aachen, 1886. Armengaud, atne. Publication Indus- trielle des Machines, Outils et Appareils les plus perfectionees et les plus recents. Text, 28 vols, royal 8vo. Atlases, 28 vols, oblong folio, half bound. Armengaud, aine, Paris, 1848-82. Traite Theorique et Pratique des Moteurs k Vapeur. Text, 2 vols., in one. 4to. Atlas, oblong folio, half morocco. Armengaud, Paris, 1861-2. Le Yignole des Mecaniciens. Essai sur la Construction des Machines. Text, 4to. Atlas, folio, half morocco. Morel & Co., Paris, 1863-5. Traite Theorique et Pratique des Moteurs Hydrauliques. See Works on Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, &c. Armengaud, Ch., jeune. L'Ouvricr- Mecanicien. Guide de Mecanique Pra- tique. 8th edition. 12mo. half morocco. Armengaud, Paris, 1867. Auer, A. Eigenthums-Streit bei neuen Erfindungen insbesondere bei dem in der K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei zit Wien entdeckten Katurselbstdrucke. 8vo. stitched. Vienna, 1853. Bauschinger, J. Elemente der Graph- ischen Statik. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. stiff covers. In lettered wrapper. R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1871. A A 870 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Belanger, J. B. Traite de la Dynam- ique d'un Point Materiel. 8vo. half morocco. Dunod, Paris, 1864. Bocqiiet, J. A. Cours Elementaire de Mecanique Appliquee. 2 parts, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Enseignement Technique.) Baudry & Co., Paris, 1885. Boiir, E. Cours de Mecanique et Ma- chines. Cinematique. Atlas de 30 planches. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1865. BoussineSj^, J. Application des Poten- tiels h I'Etude de I'Equilibre et du Mouvement des Solides :Slastiques, avec des notes etendues sur divers points de Physique Mathematique et d' Analyse. imp. 8vo. half calf. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1885. Bresse. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee, professe k r:Scole Imperiale des Ponts et Chaussees. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco : — Vol. I. Eesistance des Materiaux, etc. II. Hydraulique. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1866-8. ■ Cours de Mecanique et Machines professe a I'Ecole Poly technique. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 18^85. Burg, Adam. Element! de Meccanica. Versione di Vincenzo Gallo. 12mo. boards. Vienna, 1849. -— — Lehrhuch der Mechanik. 8vo. boards. Vienna, 1854. CoUignon, E. Traite de Mecanique. 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco : — I. Cinematique. II. Statique. III., IV. Dynamique. Hachette & Co., 1873-80. « Les Machines, post 8vo. (^Biblio- thkque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1873. Combes, Phillips et ColHgnou. Expose de la Situation de la Mecanique Appliquee en Erance. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1867. (With Reports, &c. on Education — France — Lettres, &c.) Coutaxnin, V. Cours de Resistance Appliquee. See Works on Akchitec- TDRE AND ENGINEERING. Coste, H., and Maniquet, L. Traite Theorique et Pratique des Machines h, Vapeur au point de vue de la Distribu- tion, &c. 2nd edition. Text, royal 8vo. BBwed. Atlas, folio, boards. Baudry & Co., Paris, 1886. Courtin, A. J. La Chaleur, et ses Applications aux Machines k Air Chaud, aux Machines k Air Comprime,etaux Ma- chines k Vapeur. See Works on Heat. Dehanxie, E. Les Merveilles de la Locomotion, post 8vo. (Bibliothhque dsM Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1874. Delaiinay, Ch. Traite de Mecanique Rationnelle. 4th edition. 8vo. half morocco. V. Masson & Son, Paris, 1866. Cours Elementaire de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee. 8th edition. 12mo. half morocco. G. MassoD, Paris, 1873. See also Schellen, Dr. H. Duhamel, M. Cours de Mecanique. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. (C. C. £. Z., Nos. 2146 a7id 2147.) Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1853-4. Bulos,^ P. Cours de Mecanique a I'usage des Ecoles d'Arts et Metiers et de I'Enseignement special des Lycees. 4 vols., in 2. 8Vo. half morocco. Part 5. sewed Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1875-83. Dupiu, Baron C. Geometric et Mecan- ique des Arts et des Metiers et des Beaux-Arts. 3 vols, post 8vo. half bound. Bachelier, Paris, 1825-6. Bngerth, W. Bildliche Darstellungen von Maschinenbestandtheilen in isomet- rischer Projection, &c. 12 Plates. In wrapper. Vienna. Favaro, A. Lemons de Statique Graph- ique. Traduites de I'ltalien par P. Terrier. Parti. Geometric de Position. Part 2. Calcul Graphique, avec Appen- dices et Notes du Traducteur. royal 8vo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1879-85. Piguier, L. Les Grandes Inventions Ancienneset Modernes dans les Sciences, rindustrie, et les Arts. 4th edition, royal 8vo, half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1867. ■ L'Annee Scientifique et ludus- trielle. See Journals — Annee Scien- tifique. Pr^minville, A. de. Etude sur les Machines Compound. 4to. half roan. A. Bertrand, Paris, 1878. Grashof, Dr. F. Die Festigkeitslehre, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Bedxirfnisse des Maschinenbaues. 8vo. half roan. R. Gaertner, Berlin, 1866. " Theorie der Elasticitat und Festig- keit. 2nd edition, enlarged, of '* Festig- keitslehre." 8vo. sewed. R. Gaertner, Berlin, 1878. ■ ' Theoretische Maschinenlehre. 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Vol. I. Hydraulik, Mechanische War- metheorie, Heizung. II. Theorie der Getriebe und der Mechanischen Messinstru- mente. III. Theorie der KraftmaschiDcn. L. Voss, Hamburg fk Leipzig, 1875-90. Guillemin, A. Les Chemins de Fer. post 8vo. (Bihliothhque des Mer- veilles.') Hachette & Co., 1867. MECHANICS. 371 Guillemiu, A, LaVapeur. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.') Hachette & Co., 1873. Hartig, Dr. E., and Weiss, Dr. T. Atlas der Mechanischen Technik. oblong 4to. half morocco. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1875. Sauptfleisch, H. Messwerkzeuge und Instrumente fiir gewerbliche und wissenschaftliche Zwecke. 33 Plates, 17^ in. by 24 in., in stiff wrapper. Text, royal 8vo. sewed, A. Holder, Vienna, 1884. Heusinger von Waldegg, E., &c. Handbuch fiir specielle Eisenbahn — Technik : Eisenbahn - Wagenbau — Locomotivbau. See Works on Archi- tecture AND ENaiNEERING. XCirn, G. A. Les Pandynamometres. Theorie et Application. 12mo. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1876. Soyer, E. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Mechanischen Technologic, royal 8vo. half morocco. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1878. Journals (Foreign) relating to Me- chanics : — Annee (L') Scientifique et Indus- trielle, Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Genie Civil, Le. Jahrbuch der Erfindungen. Parville. Cauaeries Scientifiques. Zeitschrift ftir Instrumentenkunde. See Journals (Catalogue of Scien- tific Periodicals). Xarmarsch, K. Geschichte der Technologic seit der Mitte des Acht- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo. half morocco. (Geschichte derWissenchaften in Deutschland.) K. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1872. Kirchner, W. Ueber die Bewegungs- widerstande der Schiffe — Robinson's Odontograph — Ueber die Ausstellung Wissenschaftlicher Apparate in London. See Science and Art Department Publications — South Kensington Museum — Catalogues of Loans. lie Chatelier, L., Flachat, E., 'Petiet, J., and Polonceau, C. Guide du Mecanicien Constructeur et Conducteur de Machines Locomotives. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. P. Dupont, Paris, 1859. Iieclert, E. Cours de Mecanique. Les Principes et les Machines. 12mo. boards. Delagrave & Co., Paris, 1867. iLedebur, A. Die Verarbeitung der Metalle auf mechanischem Wege. See Works on Geoloqt (JFoi'eign'). IiBupold, J. Theatrum Machinarum Generale. Schau-Platz des Grundes Mechanischer Wissenschafften. — Theat- rum Pontificiale, oder Schau-Platz der Briicken. With Plates, in one vol. Theatrum Machinarium. Oder : Schau-Platz der Heb-Zeuge. — Theatrum Machinarum Hydro- technicarum. Schau-Platz der Wasser-Bau-Kunst. With Plates. In one vol. Theatrum Machinarum Hydraulic - arum. Oder : Schau-Platz der Wasser-Kunste. 2 parts. With Plates. In one vol. Theatrum Staticum. Das ist : Schau- Platz der G«wicht-Kunst und Waagen. 4 parts. With Plates. In one vol. Theatrum Arithmetico-Geometricum, das ist : Schau-Platz der Rechen und Mess-Kunst. — Theatri Machin- arum Supplementum. Das ist : Zusatz zum Schau-Platz der Mas- chinen und Instrumeuten. With Plates. 2 vols., in one. Together, 5 vols, folio, old calf. Leipzig, 1774. livy, M. La Statique Graphique et ses Applications aux Constructions. 2nd edition. Texts and Atlases, in 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1886-7. Marey, E. J. La Methode Graphique dans les Sciences Experimentales, &c. See Works on Anatomy and Physio- logy. Marion, F. Les Ballons et les Voyages Aeriens. post 8vo. (^Bibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1867. Mathieu, E. Theorie de I'Elasticite des Corps Solides. 2 parts. 4to. sewed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1890. Meulen, M. de. La Locomotive. Le Materiel Roulant et I'Exploitation des Voies Ferrees. imp. 8vo. sewed. Firmin-Didot & Co., Paris, 1889. Moll, C. L. Die Dampfmaschine. (Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Vol. 1.) See Works on Physics (^General 7>eafise«) — Naturwissenschaften. Moller, A. Die Theorie der gebrauch- lichsten Schiebersteuerungen und ihre Anwendung. 8vo. sewed. Miiller, Holzminden, 1876. Morin, General A. Nouvelles Experi- ences sur le Frottemeut, faites h, Metz en 1831, en 1832, en 1833. 3 Memoires, in one vol. 4to. half morocco. Paris. * Nouvelles Experiences sur I'Ad- herence des Pierres et des Briques, posees en bain de mortier ou scellees en platre, le Frottement des Axes de Rotation, &c., faites ^ Metz en 1834. 4to. half morocco. Paris, 1838. A A 2 372 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Morin, General A. Experiences sur le Tirage des Voitures, faites en 1837 et 1838. 4to. half morocco. Paris, 1839. Le9ons de Mecanique Pratique, a I'usage des Auditeurs des Cours du Con- servatoire des Arts et Metiers, et des Sous-officiers et Ouvriers d' Artillerie. 3 parts. 8vo. calf. {C.C.E.L., Nos. 953-955.) 1. Notions Fondamentales et Don- nees d'Experience. 2. Hydraulique, 3. Des Machines a Vapeur. Paris, 1846. Lemons de Mecanique Pratique. 8vo. half morocco Notions Fondamentales de Mecanique et Donnees d'Experience. 2nd edition. 1855. 3rd edition . Hachette & Co., 1860. Hydraulique. 2nd edition. 1858. 3rd edition. Hachette & Co., 1865. Notions Geometriques sur les Mouve- ments et leurs Transformations; ou Elements de Cinematique. 2nd edition. 1857. 3rd edition. Hachette & Co., 1861. Resistance des Materiaux. half calf. 1853. 2nd edition. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Hachette & Co. 1857. . 1862. .. ■ Aide-Memoire de Mecanique Pra- tique. 4th edition. 8vo. half morocco. 1858. 5th edition. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1864. Des Machines et Appareils desti- nes a I'Elevation des Eaux. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1863. Morin, General A., and Tresca, H. Mecanique Pratique. Des Machines ^ Vapeur. Tome I. Production de la Vapeur. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1863. . Dessins Colories pour I'Enseigne- ment de la Mecanique. 30 Plates, each 28 in. by 20. Composed, by M. Tresca. Published by order of the Minister of Public Instruction : — 1 . Organes de Transmission de Moure- ment, 12 plates. 2. Roues Hydrauliques et autres Re- cepteurp. 6 plates. 3. Machines Hydrauliques. 7 plates. 4. Machines ^ Vapeur. 5 plates. (2 copies.) Hachette & Co. Mnller, E. La Machioe k Vapeur. Son Histoire et eon R61e. 12mo. half roan. Hachette & Co.. 1879. Oertling, A. Beschreibung einer Kreis- Theilmaschine. royal 4to. cloth ; and, ■with extra plates, royal broad folio, cloth. Berlin. 1850. Fambour, F. M. G. de. Theorie des Machines ^ Vapeur. 2nd edition. With an Appendix. Text, 4to. Atlas, oblong royal folio, half morocco. Paris, 1844. Fassy, F. Les Machines et leur In- fluence sur le Developpement de I'Hu- manite. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1866. Fohlig, J. Eine Sammlung von Zeich- nuugen der wichtigsten Maschinentheilfr mit erlauterndem Text und den nothig- Bten Berechnungen. 2nd edition. To fold in fcp. folio wrapper, lettered. Gebhardt, Leipzig, 1877. Foinsot, L. Elements de Statique. loth edition. 8vo. half roan. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1861. Foisson, S. D. Traite de Mecanique. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco- Paris, 1833. Foncelet, J- V. Resume des Lemons du Cours de Mecanique Industrielle. Edited by Captain Gosselin. Lithographed, fcp. folio, boards. Paris, 1827-28. Traite de Mecanique Industrielle, exposant les difFcrentes Methodes pour Determiner et Mesurer les Forces Mo- trices, ainsi que le Travail Mecanique des Forces. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Liege, 1844. Introduction k la Mecanique In- dustrielle, Physique ou Experimentale. 3rd edition. 8vo. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1870. Ramelli, A . Le Diverse et Artificiose Machine. In Italian and French. With Plates by Leonard Gaultier. folio, calf, gilt. Paris, 1588. Redtenbacher, F. Das Dynamiden- System. Grundziige einermechanischen Physik. 4to. half calf. F. Basserman, Mannheim, 1857. Resultate fiir den Maschinenbau. 4th edition. 2 vols. Text and Atlas. Svo. half morocco. F. Bassermann, Mannheim, 1860. Ileiche, H. von. Die Gesetze des Tur- binen-Baues. royal Svo. sewed. Felix, Leipzig, 1877. Resal, H. Traite de Cinematique Pure. 8vo. half morocco. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1862. Traite de Mecanique Generale, comprenant les Le9ons professees i. I'Ecole Polytechnique et a I'Ecole Na- tionale des Mines. Vols. 1-7, in 4. 8v<>. half morocco. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1887-89. MECHANICS. 373 ^euleaux, F. Briefe aus Philadelphia. 8vo. half morocco. 1877. Der Constructeur. Ein Handbuch zum Gebrauch beim Maechinen-Entwerf- en. Fiir Maschinen- und Bau-Inge- nieure, Fabrikanten, und Technische Lehranstalten. 3rd edition. 8vo. half morocco. 1872. 4th edition. 8vo. half 1882-89. Theoretische Kinematik. Grund- ziige einer Theorie des Maschinen- wesens. Text and Atlas, in one vol. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1875. Hitter, Dr. A. Lehrbuch der Analyt- ischen Mechanik. 8 vo. half calf. 1873. Lehrbuch der Technischen Me- chanik. 3rd edition. 8vo. half calf. C. Riimpler, Hanover, 1874. Hittinger, P. Die allgemeine In- dustrie- Ausstellung zu London im Jahre 1862. Kurze Mittheilungen iiber die Berg- und Hiittenwesens-Machinen und Baugegenstande. 8vo. cloth. Vienna, 1862. Hobiuet. Cours Complet de Dessin des Machines. Series of 150 Plates, Avith Explanatory Text, royal folio. In portfolio. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1842. PvUhlmaun, Dr. M. Allgemeine Ma- schinenlehre. 2nd edition. 4 vols., in 2. 8vo. half morocco. Schwetschke & Son, Brunswick, 1875-77. Vortrage iiber Geschichte der Technischen Mechanik und der damit in Zusammeuhang etehenden Mathemat- ischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. cloth. Baumgartner, Leipzig, 1885. Salzenberg, W. Vortrage iiber Ma- schinenbau. 4to. sewed. Berlin, 1842. Schacht, Dr. H. Die Priifung der im Handel vorkoramenden Gewebe durch das Mikroskop und durch chemische Reagentien. 8vo. half roan. G. W. F. Mtlller, Berlin, 1853. Schellen, Dr. H. Die Schule der Ele- mentar-Mechanik und Maschinenlehre. Zum Theil nach Delaunay's " Cours ^lementaire de Mecanique." 4th edition. 2 parts in 1 vol. post 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1879. SchoU, E. F. Der Fiihrer des Ma- ohinisten. 5th edition, post 8vo. boards. 1860. 9th edition, revised by F. Reuleaux. post 8vo. half Prof morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Bninswick, 1875. SchwallU, G. G. Lehrbuch der Prak- tischen Miihlenbaukunde. 60 Plates, size, 22^ in. by 16^ in., and Letterpress. 2 vols, royal 4to. half morocco. Berlin, 1847-52. Sciama, G. Etude Elementaire des Moteurs Industriels, de leur Travail, et de ses Transformations. 12mo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1881. Sonnet, H. Premiers Elements de Mecanique Appliquee. 2nd edition. 12mo. half calf. Hachette, Paris, 1854. Dictionnaire des Mathematiques Appliquees. See Works on Mathema- tics (^General Treatises — Foreign). Stehle, Dr. A. Die Schiebersteuerungen und ihre Diagramme. Ein Leitfaden bei dem Vortrage iiber Schiebersteuer- ungen an hoheren technischen Lehran- stalten, sowie zum Selbstudium der Steuerungverhiiltnisse. 8vo. cloth. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1876. Technologisches Wdrterbnch. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. E. Rohrig, C. Dill, &c. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. K. Karmarsch. 4th edition. 8vo. J. F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1887-91. {With Gebman Dictionaries.) Thermodynamics, Treatises on. See Works on Heat. Tissandier, G. La Navigation Aeri- enne, &c. {Bihliothbque des Mer- veilles.) Hachette & Co., 1886. Transactions, &c., relating to Me- chanics (Foreign) : — Brussels. — Travaux Publics. Hague. — Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Liege. — Association des Ingenieurs sortis de I'Ecole des Arts. Palermo. — Real Instituto Tecnico. Paris — Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. ;&cole Polytechnique. Societe des Anciens El^ves des Ecoles Imperiales d'Arts et Metiers. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Van der Burg, P. Belangrijke Onder- werpen uit de Natuur -en Werktuig- kunde. 3rd edition. 12mo. sewed. Amsterdam, 1850. Verdet, E. Theorie Mecanique de la Chaleur. See Works on Heat. Weisbach, J. Lehrbuch der Ingenieur- und Maschinen-Mechanik. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8 vo. half calf. 18r)5-60. Supplement : Die ersten Grundlehren der Hohem Analysis ; oder der Differenziai- und Integralrechnung. 8vo. half calf. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1860. ' Anleitung zum axonometrischen Zeichnen. 8vo. half calf. J. G. Engelhardt, Freiberg, 1857. 374 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Weitzel, C. G. Unterrichtshefte fur den gesammten Maschinenbau. Die Maschinen-Elemente, Mathematlk, Dar- stellende Geometrie, und Mechanik. 2nd edition. 5 parts, in one vol. royal 8vo. half morocco. Schafer, Leipzig, 1878. Wiebe, F. K. H. Die Lehre von den einfaclien Maschinentheilen. Parts 1 to 4. 8vo. sewed. '■ '■■■ ■ Atlas. Parts 1 to 3, con- taining 24 plates, folio. In wrapper. Berlin, 1853-54. Zech.Dr.P. Mechanik. (Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 1.) See Wo7'ks on Physics ( General Treatises') — Naturwissenschaften. HYDROSTATICS, HYDRAULICS, AND PNEUMATICS. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Ansted, D. T. Water and Water- Supply, chiefly in reference to the British Islands. See Works on Geo- Armengaud, aine. Traite Theorique et Pratique des Moteurs Hydrauliques. New edition. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. Armengaud, Paris, 1858. Basset, A. B. A Treatise on Hydro- dynamics. With Examples. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1888. ' Elementary Treatise on Hydrody- namics and Sound. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1890. Beardmore, Nat. Manual of Hydro- logy. Containing Hydraulic and other Tables, &c. 8vo. cloth. Part I. 8vo. morocco. Waterlow & Sons, 1862. Becker, M. Der Wasserbau in seinem ganzen Umfange. Text, royal 8vo. ; Atlas, imp. 4to. half bound. C. Macken, Stuttgart, 1856. Belidor, B. Architecture Hydraulique. See Works on Architecture and Engineering. Besaut, W. H. Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 8vo. cloth. 1859. - ■ Elementary Hydrostatics. (Cam- bridge Text-Books.) small 12mo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1863. ■ A Treatise on Hydromechanics. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1867. Bornemaun, K. E. Hydrometrie; Oder Praktische Anleitung zum Wasser- messen. post 8vo. half calf. Freiberg, 1849. Bottomley, J. T. Hydrostatics; or. Theoretical Mechanics. Part II. fcp. Bvo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1882. Bresse. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee — Hydraulique. See Works on Me- chanics {Foreigii). Buruell, G. R. Rudiments of Hydraulic Engineering. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1858. See also Law, H. (Works on Archi- tecture AND Engineering). Canals and Inland Navigation, Report of the Conference on, May 1888. See Works on Architecture ani> Engineering. Cautley, Col. Sir P. T. Report on the Ganges Canal Works. See Works on Architecture and Engineering. Cavallo, T. Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, and other per- manently Elastic Fluids, &c. See Works on Chemistry. Chambers's Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1854. Clare, M. The Motion of Fluids, Natural and Artificial ; in particular, that of Air and Water, &c. Plates. 8vo. calf. London, 1735. Colburn, L., and Maw, W. H. The Waterworks of London, together with a Series of Articles on various other Waterworks. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1867. Craig, T. Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Fluid Motion. — Wave and Vortex Motion. 18mo. boards. D. Van Nostrand, New York, 1879. D'Alembert, J. le Rond. Traite de I'Equilibre et du Mouvement des Fluides. 4to. calf. Paris, 1744. Essai d'une Nouvelle Theorie de la Resistance des Fluides. 4to. calf. Paris, 1752. D'Auria, L. New Principles of Hy- draulics. 8vo. sewed. Kildare, Philadelphia, 1878. Downing, S. The Elements of Practical Hydraulics. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1861. Dwyer, J. The Principles and Practice of Hydraulic Engineering. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. McGlashan & Co., Dublin, 1852. Fairbaim, J. Handbook of Natural Philosophy: Hydrostatics. 12mo. cloth, limp. — — — ■ ■■■ Hydraulics. 12mo. cloth, limp. W. & A. K. Johnston. HYDEOSTATICS, ETC. 375 Ferguson, J. Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics. See Works on Mechanics. Frisi, Paul. Treatise on Rivers and Torrents, with the Method of Regulating their Course and Channels, with an Essay on Navigable Canals. Translated by Major-General J. Garstiu. New edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1861. Galbraith, Rev. J. A., and Haughton, Rev. S. Manual of Hydrostatics. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. sewed and cloth. Longmans & Co., 1855. ■■ 3rd edition. fcp. Bvo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1859. Glynn, J. Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water. 12mo. cloth, stifE. J. Weale, 1853. Goslin, S. B. The Relative Advantages of Wind, Water, and Steam, as Motive Powers, compared with each other, and a Description of the Motors most suited for Utilising them. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. J. Warner & Sons, 1881. Graeff, A. Traite d'Hydraulique, precede d'une Introduction sur les Principes Generaux de la Mecanique. 3 vols., in one. imp. 4to. half morocco. I. Partie Theorique. II. Partie Pratique. III. Tables Numeriques, Notes, Errata, Planches. Paris, 1882-3. Guericke. Experimenta Nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de Vacuo Spatio. See Works on Physics {General Treatises). Haudbuch der Ingenierrwissen- SChaften. Der Wasserbau. See Works on Architecture and Engineering. Harcourty L. F. Vernon. Treatise on Rivers and Canals. — Harbours and Docks. See Works on Architecture AND Engineering. Heineuiann, H. Die Rational-Theorie der Bewegung des Wassers als Lehrbuch der Hydrodynamik. 8vo. half calf. O. Hammerschmidt, Hagen, 1872. Hughes, S. A Treatise on Waterworks for the Supply of Cities and Towns. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. Jackson, L. d'A. Hydraulic Manual and Statistics. 8vo. cloth. W. H. Allen & Co., 1875. Lamb, H. Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids. 8vo. cloth. University Press, Cainbridge, 1879. Lardner, Dr. Hand-book of Hydro- statics, Pneumatics and Heat. See Works on Physics {General Treatises). Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. See Works on Physics {General Treatises'). Leupold, J. Theatrum Machinarum Hydrotechnicarum et Hydraulicarum. See Works on Mechanics {Foreign). Lewis, W. G. Catechisms. 18mo. sewed : — Hydrostatics. Hydraulics. Pneumatics. Aylott & Co. Lodge, O. J. Elementary Mechanics, including Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. See Works on Mechanics. M'Gauley's Hydrostatics, Pneumatics. See Works on Physics {General Treatises). Magnus, Sir P. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (London Science Class-Books.) Longmans & Co., 1878. Martin, B. Philosophia Britannica. See Works on Mechanics. Marzy, E. L'Hydraulique. post 8vo. {Bioliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1868. Morin, A. Experiences sur les Roues hydrauliques K Aubes planes, et sur les Roues hydrauliques k Augets, &c. See Poncelet, " Memoire sur les Roues hydrauliques, &c." Des Machines et Appareils destines a I'Elevation des Eaux — Mecanique Pratique. — Hydraulique. See Works on Mechanics {Foreign). Neville, J. Hydrauhc Tables, Co- efficients and Formulae, for finding the Discharge of Water from Orifices, Notches, Weirs. &c. 3rd edition, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1875. Parker, R. G. Hydrostatics, &c. (Educational Course.) 12mo. cloth. AUman & Sons. 1855. Fhear, J. B. Elementary Hydrostatics. With numerous Examples. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (2 copies.) Macmillan & Co., 1857. Finkerton, R. H. An Elementary Text-Book of Dynamics and Hydro- statics. See Works on Mechanics. Foillon, L. Traits Theorique et.Pratique des Pompes et Machines h, elever les Eaux. Text, 2 vols., royal 8vo. sewed ; Atlas, 2 vols. 4to. boards. E. Bernard & Co., Paris. 1885-88. 376 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. ■Poncelet. Memoire sur les Eoues hydrauliques h Aubes courbes, mues par-dessoiis. Nouvelle edition, aug- mentee d'un Second Memoire, &c., 1827. — imCorixi, A. Experiences sur les Roues hydrauliques a Aubes planes, et sur les Roues hydrauliques k Augets, 1836 ; Experiences sur les Roues hydrauliques k axe vertical appelees Turbines, 1838. In one vol. 4to. half morocco. Thiel, Metz, 1827-38. Poncelet and LesbrOS. Experiences Hydrauliques sur les Lois de I'^Ecoule- meut de I'Eau. (Extrait des Memoires de I'Acaderaie Royale des Sciences, 16 Nov. 1829.) 4to. half morocco. Paris, 1832. Prony, R. Recherches Physico-Mathe- matiques sur la Theorie des Eaux Courantes. 4to. half morocco. Paris, An XII. (1804.) Ramelli, A. Le Diverse et Artificiose Machine. See Works on Mechanics (^Foi-eign). Reiche, H. von. Die Gesetze des Turbinen-Baues. See Works on Mechanics {Foreign'). Reid, Hugo. Natural Philosophy, "Pneumatics." 12 mo. cloth, Oliver & Boyd, 1841. It^vy, J. J. Hydraulics of Great Rivers. The Parana, the Uruguay, and the La Plata Estuary, crown 4to. cloth. E. & E. N. Spon, 1874. Bones hydranliqnes.— Tnrbines. Qpe sheet (of set of 8). Basset, Paris. Bnssell, J. S. The Wave of Translation in the Oceans of Water, Air, and Ether. New edition. 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1885. Sanderson, F. W. Hydrostatics for Beginners, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1889. Schadeberg, J. Technisches Hilfs- und Handbuch fiir Gewerbtreibende. Eine Sammlung geometrischer und trigonometrischer Hilfstafeln und der Erfahrungen iiber die Festigkeit der technischen Materialien, sowie iiber die Berechnung der Wasserkrafte. Theil II. 8vo. half calf. Halle, n. d. Siemens, C. W. Description of his Improved Air-Pump. post 8vo. sewed. G. Knight & Sons. Skertchly, J. A. Natural Philosophy. Parts II. III.-Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics. See Works oji Mk- Smith, J. H. Elementary Hydrostatics. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1870. — — — New edition. post 8vo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1872. Stanley, W. F. Experimental Re- searches into the Properties and Motions of Fluids. With Theoretical Deduc- tions therefrom. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1881. Swindell, J. G. Rudimentary Treatise on Well-digging, Boring, and Pump Work. 3rd edition. Revised by G. R. Burnell. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1854. Tate, T. Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics. (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. stiff wrapper. Longmans & Co., 1851. Thomson, J. J. Treatise on the Motion of Vortex Rings. See Works on Me- chanics. Tomlinson, C. Pneumatics for the Use of Beginners. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (2 copies.) J. Weale, 1854. Tredgold, T. Tracts on Hydraulics. With Notes. 2nd edition. 8vo. boards. E. & F. N. Spon, 1862. Vince, Rev. S. The Principles of Hydrostatics and Fluxions. See Works on Trigonometry. Water-Power of the United States, Reports on the. (United States Tenth Census, Vol. 16.) 4to. Washington, 1885. (JVith Works on Hygiene.) Walker, Rev. R. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. See Works on Mechanics. Walton, W. A Collection of Problems in Illustration of the Principles of Theoretical Hydrostatics and Hydro- dynamics. 8vo. cloth. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge, 1847. Webster, T. The Principles of Hydro- statics ; an Elementary Treatise on the Law of Fluids, and their practical appli- cations. 4th edition, crown 8vo. cloth. J. W. Parker, 1856. Weisbach, J. Die Experimental- Hydraulik. 8vo. half calf. J. G. Engelhardt, Freiberg, 1855. Manual of the Mechanics of Engineering, &c. — Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. See Works on Mechanics. Wormell, R. An Elementary Course of Hydrostatics and Sound, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1870. Young, J. R. Elementary Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, and Pneumatics. See Works on Me- chanics. MANUFACTURES AND TRADES. 377 MANUFACTURES AND TRADES. ENGLISH WORKS. Aitken, W. C. Guns, Nails, Locks, Electroplate, &c. See British Manufac- turing Industries. Archer, Prof. Paper. — Wool and its Application. See British Manufacturing Industries. AmOUX, L. Pottery. See British Manufacturing Industries. Art Manufactures. See Science AND AllT DePABTMENT PUBLICATIONS : Catalogues and Handbooks. Arts, Handmaid to the. 2 vols. 8vo. bound. London, 1764. Ashenhurst, T. R. Design in Textile Fabrics, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Technology.) Cassell & Co., 1883. Barjff, Prof. Glass and Silicates. See British Manufacturing Industries. — Pot- tery, &c. Beckett (E. B. Denison), Sir E., Bart. Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks and Watches and Bells. 7th edition, re- vised and enlarged. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1883. See also Denison, E. B. Sevan, G. P. The Industrial Classes and Industrial Statistics, post 8vo. cloth : — Mining, Metals, Chemicals, &c. 1 876. Textiles and Clothing, Food,&c. 1877. E. Stanford. British Manufacturing Industries. See British, &c. Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District, Resources, Products, and Industrial History of; Reports collected by Local Industries Committee of British Association at Birmingham, 1865. Edited by S. Timmins. 8vo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1866. Black, J. Gas Fitting : a Practical Handbook. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1880. British Manufacturing Indus- tries. Edited by G. Phillips Bevan. fcp. 8vo. cloth : — Acids, Alkalies, &c., by Prof. Church ; Oils, Candles, by W. M. Williams ; Gas and Lighting, by R. H. Patterson. Guns, Nails, Locks, Electroplate, &c., by W. C. Aitken ; Pens, Ammuni- tion, Anchors, Chain-Cables, &c., by G. Lindsey. (Birmingham Trades.) 1876. 2nd edition. 1 878. Hosiery and Lace, by W. Felkin ; Car- pets, by C. Dresser ; Dyeing and Bleaching, by T. Sims. (2 copies.) British Manufacturing Indus- tries — cont. Iron, Steel, by W. M. Williams ; Copper Smelting, by J. A. Phillips ; Brass Founding, Tin PJate and Zinc Working, by W. Graham. (2 copies.) Jewellery, by G. Wallis ; Goldwork- ing, by Reverend C. Boutell; Watches and Clocks, by F. J. Britten ; Musical Instruments, by E. F. Rimbault; Cutlery, by F. Calhs. Metallic Mining, Collieries, by W. W. Smyth; Coal, by A. Galletly ; Building Stones, by Prof. Hull; Explosive Compounds, by W. M. Williams. Paper, by Prof. Archer ; Printing and Bookbinding, by J. Hatton; En- graving, by S. Davenport ; Photo- graphy, by P. Le Neve Foster; Toys, by G. C. T. Bartley. Pottery, by L. Arnoux; Glass and Silicates, by Prof. Barff ; Furniture and Woodwork, by J. H. Pollen. (2 copies.) Salt, Preservation of Food, by J. J. Manley ; Sugar Refining, by C. H. Gill; Butter and Cheese, by M. Evans; Brewing, Distilling, by T. A. Pooley. 1876. Sea Fisheries, by E. W. H. Holds- worth; Salmon Fisheries, by A. Young. Shipbuilding, by Capt. B. Pim ; Tele- graphy, by R. Sabine ; Agricultural Machinery, by Prof. Wrightson ; Railways and Tramways, by D. K. Clark. 2nd edition. 1877. Tobacco, by J. Dunning ; Hides, Leather, Guttapercha, Indiarubber, by J. CoHins ; Fibres and Cordage, by P. L. Simmonds. Wool, by Prof. Archer ; Flax, Linen, by W. T. Charley ; Cotton, by I. Watts ; Silk, by B. F. Cobb. E. Stanford, 1876. The Industrial Classes and Industrial Statistics, by G. P. Bevan. See Bevan, G. P. Britten, F. J. Watches and Clocks. See British Manufacturing Industries — Jewellery, &c. Buchan, W. P. Plumbing ; with Supple- mentary Chapters on House Drainage, embodying the latest Improvements. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. 1880. •■ 4th edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale'a Series.) 1883. 5th edition. post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1889. Callis, F. Cutlery. See British Manu- facturing Industries — Jewellery, &c. Charley, W. T. Flax and Linen, Sae British Manufacturing Industries — Wool, &c. 378 MECHAKIOAL SCIENCE. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. Edited by C. W. Vincent. Tor this and other Treatises on Applied Chemistry, see Works on Chemistky. City and Guilds of London Insti- tute for the Advancement of Technical Education, Publications of. With Works on Teaching — Examination Papers. Cobb, B. F. Silk. See British Manu- facturing Industries — Wool, &c. CollingS, G. Practical Treatise on Handrailing. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Circular Work in Carpentry and Joinery. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1886. Collins, J. Hides, Leather, &c. See British Manufacturing Industries — Tobacco, &c. Crane, W. J. E. The Sheet-Metal Worker's Guide. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) 1883. The Smithy and Forge. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1883. Creswell, F. O. Handrailing and Stair- casing, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell Petter, Galpin, & Co., 1882. Crookes, W. Manufacture of Beet-root Sugar — Dyeing and Tissue Printing — Practical Handbook of Dyeing andCalico- Printing. See Works on Chemistry. Davidson, E. A. Practical Manual of House Painting,- Graining, Marbling, and Sign- Writing. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1876. See also Works on Architecture, &c. Davies, P. J. Standard Practical Plumb- ing : being a Complete Encyclopaedia for Practical Plumbers and Guide for Archi- tects, Builders, Gas Fitters, &c. Vol. 1. 4to. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1885. Denison, E. B. Rudimentary Treatise on Clock and Watch Making. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1850. •See also Beckett, Sir E. Dickson, W. E. Practical Organ-Build- ing. 2nd edition, revised, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Dodd, G. Dictionary of Manufactures, Mining, Machinery, and the Industrial Arts, post Svo. cloth. Virtue & Co. Dresser, C. Carpets. See British Manu- facturing Industries — Hosiery, &c. Electro - Metallurgy, Electro- Deposition, &c.. Treatises on. See Works on Electricity. Exhibition of Apparatus for the Utilization of Gas, Electricity, &C. held under the auspices of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Reports. Svo. 1880. ( With Works on Exhibitions.) Felkin, W. Hosiery and Lace. See British Manufacturing Industries. Fleming, G. Horse-shoes and Horse- shoeing; their Origin, History, Uses, and Abuses. Svo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1869. Gee, G. E. Practical Goldworker.— The Silversmith's Handbook. See Works on Geology, Metallurgy, &c. Glasgow, D. Watch and Clock Making, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Manuals of Techno- logy.) Cassell & Co., 1885. Graham, W. Brass Founding, Tin Plate and Zinc Working. See British Manufacturing Industries — Iron, Steel, &c. Great Industries of the United States ; being an Historical Summary of the Origin, Growth, and Perfection of the chief Industrial Arts of this Country. By H. Greeley, L. Case, E. Howland, &c. Illustrated, royal Svo. cloth. Burr & Hyde, Hartford, U.S, 1872. S. Low, Marston, Low, & Searle. Greenwood, T. Turners' and Fitters' Handbook, on Wheel and Screw Cutting, Taps and Die-making, Boring and Turn- ing, Speeding, &c. 18mo. cloth. T. Greenwood, Halifax, Yorkshire. Hasluck, P. N. The Watch Jobber's Handybook. A Practical Manual on Cleaning, Repairing, and Adjusting, &c. post Svo. cloth. (HandybooTiS for Handicrafts.) C. Lockwood & Co., 18S7. Herring, R. Practical Guide to the Varieties and relative Values of Paper, illustrated with Samples of nearly every description ; to which is added a History of the Art of Paper-making, royal 4to. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1860. Hofmann, C. Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Paper in all its Branches. 4to. cloth. Baird, Philadelphia. S. Low & Co., 1S73. Hunter, C. Mechanical Dentistry, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1878. Journals relating to Manufactures, Trades, &c. : — Artizan. Civil Engineer and Architect's Jour- nal. Design and Work and Mechanical Worid. Engineer. Engineering. English Mechanic. Industrial Art. Industries. MANUFACTURES AND TEADES 379 Journals relating to Manufactures, Trades, &c.: — cont. Invention. Iron. Journal of Applied Science. Magazine of Science and School of Arts. Mechanical World. Mechanics' Magazine. Mining Journal. Patents. Practical Magazine. Scientific American. Scientific Opinion. Scientific Review. Technologist. Work. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art. See Journals (Catalogue of Scien- tific Periodicals). Lindsey, G. Pens, Ammunition, Anchors, Chain- Cables, &c. See British Manufacturing Industries — Guns, &c. McLaren, W. S. B. Spinning : Woollen and Worsted, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Technology.) Cassell & Co., 1884. Marsden, R. Cotton Spinning: its Development, Principles, and Practice, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Technological Hand- books.) G. Bell & Sons, 1884. Metal, Manufactures in. See page 363. Morrall, M. T. History and Description of Needle-Making. 12mo. sewed. M. T. Morrall, Manchester. Munsell, J. Chronology of Paper and Paper-making. 4th edition, royal 8vo. cloth. Albany ,U.S.: Triibner &Co.,1870. ilTapier, J. Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, with especial reference to Bible History, post Svo. cloth. Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1874. Nelthropp, Rev. H. L. Treatise on Watch-Work, Past and Present, post Svo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1873. Newlands, J. The Carpenter and Joiner's Assistant : being a comprehen- sive Treatise on the Selection, Prepara- tion, and Strength of Materials, and the Mechanical Principles of Framing, &c. ; also a Complete Treatise on Lines ; and an illustrated Glossary of Terms used in Architecture and Building, royal 4to. half morocco. Blackie & Son. Overman, F. The Moulder's and Founder's Pocket Guide. See Works on Geology, Metallurgy, &c. Paper-making, The Art of. Being a Compilation from the best known French, German, and American Writers, royal Svo. cloth. Kent & Co., 1874. Paper-making, Printing, and Bookbinding, The History of. 1 8mo. sewed. London, 1809. Pollen, J. H. Furniture and Woodwork. See British Manufacturing Industries — Pottery, &c. Porcelain and Glass, A Treatise on the Progressive Improvement and Present State of the Manufacture of. fcp. 8vo. calf. (C. C. E. L., No. 908.) Longmans & Co., 1832. New edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1852. Powell, H. J., Chance, H., and Harris, H. G. Glass-Making, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Technological Handbooks.) G. Bell & Sons, 1883. Pressor, R. B. Birmingham Inventors and Inventions, post 8vo. half roan. Printed for Private Circulation, Birmingham, 1881. Samuel's Wool and Woollen Manu- factures of Great Britain ; a Historical Sketch of its Rise, Progress, and present Position. Svo. cloth. Piper & Co., 1859. Shaw, G. Revived Guild Action, with history of movement for registration of Plumbers. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1889. Silk Manufacture, Treatise on. fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Simmonds, P. L. Waste Products and Undeveloped Substances ; or, Hints for Enterprise in Neglected Fields, post Svo. cloth. 1862. ■ Waste Products and Undeveloped Substances. A Synopsis of Progress made during the last quarter of a cen- tury at home and abroad, post Svo. cloth. 1873. Science and Commerce ; their In- fluence on our Manufactures, fcp. Svo. cloth. R. Hardwicke, 1872. Fibres and Cordage. See British Manufacturing Industries — Tobacco, &c. Spons' Encyclopaedia of the Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Commercial Pro- ducts. Edited by G. G. Andre. 5 vols, royal Svo. cloth. 1879-82. Mechanics' Own Book : a Manual for Handicraftsmen and Amateurs. Svo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1885. Technical Dictionaries. With English and other Dictionaries. Tomlinson, C. The Useful Arts and Manufactures of Great Britain. First Series : Textile Fabrics, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. Second Series ; Metals, Chemical Manufactures, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. ' Illustrations of Useful Arts and Manufactures. 4to. cloth, limp. Illustrations of Trades. 4to. cloth, limp. Also in one vol. with above. 4to. cloth. Christian Knowledge Society. Rudimentary Treatise on the Con- struction of Locks. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 18.53. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures. 3 vols, royal Svo. half calf. J. S. Virtue, 1862-66. 380 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Transactions, &c. relating to Manu- factures, Trades, &c. : — Bradford — Society of Dyers and Colourists. London — British Horological Insti- tute. Society of Arts. Society of Chemical Industry. See Transactions (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). United States. National Association of Wool Manufactures, Bulletin, Vols. 1 to 5 and 6., Nos. 1, 3. 8vo. cloth, and sewed. Boston, 1869-76. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 7th edition. Edited by K. Hunt and F. W. Rudler. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1875-78. (With Works of Reference.) Urqiuliart, J. W. Sewing Machinery, being a Practical Manual of the Sewing Machine, &c. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1881. Useful Arts employed in the Pro- duction of Food. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1857. employed in the Construction of Dwelling Houses, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1851. employed in the Production of Clothing, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1851. Vegetable Substances, Materials of Manufactures ; with Illustrations, fcp. 8vo. calf. (C. a B. L., No. 909.) Nattali & Bond. Vulliamy, B. L. On the Construction and Theory of the Dead Escapement for Clocks. 8 vo. half calf. London, 1846. Warn, R. H. The Sheet Metal Worker's Instructor ; for Zinc, Sheet Iron, &c.. Workers. 8vo. cloth. R. H. Warn, London, 1869. Watt, A. Scientific Industries Explained, showing How some of the important Articles of Commerce are Made. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth. Mechanical Industries Explained, showing How many Useful Ajts are Practised, post 8vo. cloth. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1881. The Art of Paper-making, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Son, 1890. Weeks, J. D. Report on the Manu- facture of Glass. 4to. half morocco. D. Williams, New York, 1883. Workshop Beceipts for the Use of Manufacturers, Mechanics, and Scientific Amateurs, fcp. 8vo. cloth : — First Series. By E. Spon. 1883. Second Series, ByR.Haldane. 1883. Third and Fourth Series. By C. G. W. Lock. E. & F. N. Spon, 1885. Young, C. T. Fires, Fire Engines, and Fire Brigades; Remarks on Fire-proof Dwellings, &c. royal 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1866. MANUFACTURES AND TRADES. FOREIGN WORKS. Arts et Metiers. Descriptions des Arts et Metiers, faites ou approuvees par Messieurs de I'Academie Royale des Sciences. 29 vols, folio, calf. Amidonnier. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 11.) A.ncres (Fabrique des). Par MM. de Reaumur et Duhamel. (Vol. 3.) Ardoisier. Par M. Fougeroux de Bondaroy. (Vol. 6.) Bourrelier et Sellier. Par M. de Garsault. (Vol. 27.) Brodeur. Par M. de Saint-Aubin. (Vol. 12.) Cartier. Par M. Duhamel du Mon- ceau. (Vol. 23.) Cartonnier. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol.23.) Chamoiseur. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 5.) Chandelier. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 11.) Chapelier. Par M. I'Abb^ Nollet. (Vol. 12.) Charbon de Terre, I«s Mines de. Par M. Morand. (Vols. 1 and 2.) Charbpnnier. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. With Additions. (Vol. 1.) Chaufournier. Par. M. Fourcroy de Ramecourt. (Vol. 22.) Cirier. Par M. Duhamel de Monceau. (Vol. 11.) Colles (L'Art de faire les). Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 23.) Cordonnier. Par M. de Garsault. (Vol. 12.) Corroyeur. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 5.) Coutelier. Par M. Jean-Jacques Ferret. (Vols. 20, 21.) Couvreur. Par M. Duhamel du Mon- ceau. (Vol. 6.) Criblier. Par M. Fougeroux d'An- gerville. (Vol. 4.) Cuirs dores ou argentes (Art de travailler les). Par M. Fougeroux de Bondaroy. (Vol. 5.) Cuivre (L'Art de convertir le) en Laiton, &c. Par M. Galon. (Vol. 22.) Distillateur d'Eaux-fortes, &c. Par M. Demachy. (Vol. 22.) Drapier. Par M. Duhamel du Mon- ceau. (Vol. 7.) Enclumes (Forge des). Par M. Du- ^ hamel du Monceau. (Vol. 3.) Epinglier. Par MM. de Reaumur, Duhamel du Monceau et Perronet. ^ (Vol. 4.) Etoffes de Laine. Par MM. Duhamel du Monceau et Roland de la Pla- ti^re. Vols. 7, 27-29.) fitoffes de Soie. Par M. Faulet. (Vols. 34-26.) MANUFACTURES AND TRADES. 381 Arts et Metiers— con^ Fer en Fil (Fil d'Archal). Pdr M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 4.) Fer fondu (L'Art d'adoucir le). Par M. de Reaumur. (Vol. 3.) Fer (Forges et Fourneaux). Far MM. de Courtivron and Bouchu. With Traite du Fer. Par M. Swedemborg. (Vol. 3.) Hongroyeur. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 5.) Indigotier. Par M. de Beauvais Raseau. (Vol. 7.) Instruments d'Astronomie. Par M. le Monnier. (Vol. 21.) Instruments de Mathematique et d'Astronomie. Par M. le Due de Chaulnes. (Vol. 21.) Layetier. Par M. Roubo. (Vol. 29.) Lingere. Par M. de Garsault. (Vol. 12.) Maroquinier. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 5.) Mature (L'Art de la). Par M. Romme. (Vol. 28.) Megissier. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 5.) Menuisier. Par M. Roubo. (Vols. 13-15.) Meunier, Vermicelier et Boulanger. Par M. Malouin. (Vol. 1 1 .) Microscope (Description d'un). Par M. le Due de Chaulnes. (Vol. 2 1 .) Montres (Kessorts de). Par W. Blakey. (Vol. 4.) Orgues (Facteur d'). Par D. Bedos de Celles. (Vols. 8, 9.) Papeterie. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 23.) Parcheminier. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 5.) Paumier-Raquetier. Par M. de Gar- sault. (Vol. 4.) P^ches (Traite General des). Par MM. Duhamel du Monceau et De la Marre. Vols. 16-19.) Peinture sur Verre et de la Vitrerie. Par M. le Vieil. (Vol.11.) Perruquier. Par M. de Garsault. (Vol. 12.) Pipes a fumer le Tabac. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 6.) Plombier et Fontainier. Par M . . . (Vol. 10.) Porcelaine. Par M. de Milly. (Vol. 6.) Potier de Terre. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 6.) Rafinage du Sucre. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 22.) Relieur. ParM. Dudin. (Vol. 23.) Savonnier. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 11.) Serrurier. Par M. Duhamel du Mon- ceau. (Vol. 10.) Tailleur. Par M. de Garsault. (Vol. 12.) Tanneur. Par M. de la Lande. (Vol. 6.) Arts et Metiers— con^ Tapis de la Savonnerie. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau. (Vol. 7.) Teinture en Soie. Par M. Macquer. (Vol. 7.) Tonnelier. Par M. Fougeroux de Bondaroy. (Vol. 4.) Tourneur Mecanicien. Par M. Hulot. (Vol. 29.) Tuilier et Briquetier. Par MM. Du- hamel, Fourcroy, et Gallon. Suite» par M. Jars. (Vol. 6.) Vaisseaux (Construction des). Par M. Frederic de Chapman. (Vol.28.) Velours de Coton. Par M. Roland de la Platiere. (Vol. 27.) Voilure (L'Art de la). Par M. Romme. (Vol. 29.) Paris, 176 1-82 » Arts et Metiers, Secrets concemans les. New edition. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. bound. Nancy, 1721. [Vol. 2. Le Teinturier Parfait.] Berthoud, F. Essai sur I'Horlogerie ; dans lequel on traite de cet art, relative- ment a I'usage civil, a I'Astronomie et h la Navigation, en etablissant des principes confirmes par I'experience. Plates. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Paris, 1786. Histoire de la Mesure du Temps par les Horloges. 2 vols. 4to. half half bound. Paris, 1802. BoUey, Dr. P. A. Altes und Neues aus Farbenchemie und Farberei. See Works on Chemistry. Castel, A. Les Tapisseries. post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1876. Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. Catalogue des Collec- tions, par A. Morin. 5th edition. 12mo. sewed. Paris, 1870. Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers. Catalogue des Col- lections. 7th edition. 12mo. sewed. Paris, 1882. Falcot, p. Traite Encyclopedique et Methodique de la Fabrication des Tissus. 2nd edition. Text and Atlas. 2 vol&. 4to. half calf. Elbeuf, 1852. Pougeroux de Bondaroy. L'Art du Coutelier en ouvrages communs. folio, boards. Paris, 1772. France. Statistique de I'lndustrie Minerale et des Appareils k Vapeur en France et en Algerie pour I'Annee 1884,. &c. See Works on Geology, Minbk- A LOGY, &c. (^Foreigri). Fremy. Encyclopedic Chimique— Ap- plications. Tome V. and X. See Works on Chemistby. Gronvelle et Jannez. Guide da Chauffeur et du Proprietaire des Ma- chines h Vapeur. Part II. 4th edition. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lacroix & Baudry, Parig, 1859. ^m MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Hart, J. Die Werkzeugmaschinen der Maschinenfabriken zur Metall- und HolzbearbeituDg. 8vo. half calf. (Atlas wanting.) F. Bassermann, Heidelberg, 1867. Hoyer, E. DieFabrikation desPapiers. (Bolley and Birnbaum's " Handbuch der Chemischen Tecbnologie." Band VI.) See Works on Chbmistkt. Jacquemart, A. Les Merveilles de la Ceramique. 3 parts, post 8vo. (^Bib- liotheque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1868-9. Sarmarscli, K., and Heereu, Dr. F. Tecbuisches Worterbuch^ oder Handbuch der Gewerbkunde in Alpha- betischer Ordnung. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. half bound. Prague, 1854-57. Journals relating to Manufactures, &c. (Foreign) : Annee (L') Scientifique et Indus- trielle. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Genie Civil, Le. Jahrbuch der Erfindungen. Moniteurs des Interets Materiels. Parville. Causeries Scientifiques. Propriete (La) Industrielle. Wochenschrift des Nieder-osterreich- ischen Gewerbe-Vereins. See Journals (Catalogue or Scientific Periodicals). Knapp, Dr. F. Lehrbuch der Chem- ischen Technologic. See Works on Chemistry. Lami, E. O., and Tharel, A. Dic- tionnaire Encyclopedique et Biogra- phique de I'lndustrie et des Arts ludus- triels. 8 vols. 4to. half morocco. Paris, 1881-8. Ijasteyrie, E. de. Histoire de I'Orfev- rerie. postSvo. (^Bibliotheque des Mer- veilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1875. iLeguidre, P. Premiers Elements d'ln- dustrie Manufacturiere. 18mo. boards. Dezobry, Paris, 1850. Machines h Vapeur. Reglement de Police et Instructions. 8vo. half calf. B. J. van Dooren, Brussels, 1864. Manuels-Roret. 49 vols, small i2mo., 5 vols. 4to., and two folio Atlases, half calf. Acides Gras Concrets employes dans les Arts, des Bougies Steariques, &c. Par F. Malepeyre. 1849. Artificier Poudrier et Salpetrier. Par A. D. Vergnaud. Nouvelle edition. 1852. Bottier et Cordonnier. Par J. Morin. 1831. Broderie. Par Mme. Celnart. With Atlas, oblong fcp. 4to. 1840. Cartonnier. Par M. Lebrun. 1845. Manuels-Roret— cow^ Chamoiseur,Pelletier-Fourreur,Maro- quinier, Megissier et Parcheminier. Par M. J. de Fontenelle. 1841. Chandelier, Cirier et Fabricant de Cire a cacheter. Par M. L. Seb. Le Normand. Nouv. edition. Par M. F. Malepeyre. 1851. Chapeaux. Par MM. Cluz et F et M. J. de Fontenelle. 1830. Charpentier. Par MM. Biston, Bou- tereau, et Hanus. Nouv. edition. 1848. Chaudronnier. Par C. E. Jullien et O. Valerio. 1846. Chaufournier. Par V. Biston. Nouv. edition. Par D. Magnier. 1850. Constructeur en General. Par M. Lagarde. 1850. Cordier. Par M. Boitard. 1839 Coupe des Pierres. Par C. J. Tous- saint de Sens. With Atlas, folio. 1845. Coutelier. Par H. Landrin. 1835. j^clairage au Gaz. Par D. Magnier. 1849. Escaliers en Bois. Par C. Boutereau. With Atlas, 8vo. 1844. Essayeur. Par MM. Vauquelin, Gay Lussac et d'Arcet, Nouv. edition. Par A, D. Vergnaud. 1836. Fabricant de Couleurs et de Vernis. Par MM. Riffault et Vergnaud. Nouv. edition. Par M. Toussaint de Sens. 1850. Facteur d'Orgues. Par M. Hamel. 3 vols. With Atlas, folio. 1849. Ferblantier et Lampiste. Par MM. Lebrun et F. Malepeyre. Nouv. edition. 1850. Filateur. Par C. E. Julien et E. Lorentz. 1 843. Fondeur. Par J. B. Launay. Nouv. edition. Par A. D. Vergnaud, Vergnaud fils et F. Malepeyre. 2 vols. 1854. Graveur. Par A. M. Perrot. Nouv. edition. Par F. Malepeyre. 1844. Horloger. Par MM. Seb. Le Nor- mand et Janvier. Nouv. edition. Par D. Magnier. 1850. Ingenieur Civil. Par MM. E. Schmitz, C. E. Julien et E. Lorenz. 2 vols. With Atlas. 1845. Maitre de Forges. Par H. Landrin. 2 vols. 1829. Mecanique appliquee a I'lndustrie. Par A. D. Vergnaud et M. Janvier. 2 vols. 1838. Physicien-Preparateur. Par le Doc- teur Fau et C. Chevalier. 2 vols. With Atlas, 8vo. 1853. Physique appliquee aux Arts et Me- tiers. Par J. J. V. Guilloud. Nouv. edition. Par M. Terrien. n.d. Ponts et Chaussees. Par J. D. Gay- ffier. 3« edition. 2 vols. 1850-52. MANUFACTURES AND TRADES. 383 Manuels-Roret— con^ Porcelainier, Faiencier, Potier de Terre, Briquetier, Tuilier. Par M. Boyer. 2 vols. 1846. Savonnier. Nouv. edition. Par Mme. Gacon Dufour, MM. J. de Fonte- nelle, Thillaye et Malepeyre. 1852. Serrurier. Par MM. B . , . et G. . . ., de Gr. et G. A. Tous- saint. Nouv. edition. Par M. Paulin-Desormeaux. 1853. Tourneur. Par E. de Valicourt. 3 vols. With Atlas, 8vo. 1848. Verrier. Par MM. J. de Fontenelle et F. Malepeyre. 2 vols. 1854. Vinaigrier et Moutardier. Par M. J. de Fontenelle. Nouv. edition. Par M. Fr. Malepeyre. 1854. Roret, Paris, 1829-54. Meissuer, G. Die Werkzeug- und Holzbearbeitungs-Maschinen, deren Dimensionen, Formen- und Preisver- haltnisse aus verscHedenenWerkstatten. Text, 8vo. Plates, oblong 4to. sewed. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1876. Merling, A. Die elektrischen Uhren. See Works on Electricity. Moynet, J. L'Envers du Theatre; Machines et Decorations, post 8vo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveillesf) Hachette & Co., 1875. Payen, A.,Vigreux, L., Prouteaux, A., Orioli, R., and Eaeppelin, D. La Fabrication du Papier et du Carton. 3rd edition. 8vo. sewed. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1881. Perret, J. J. L'Art du Coutelier. Part I. Part IL L'Art du Coutelier expert en Instruments de Chirurgie. Sections 1 and 2. folio, boards. (Arts et Metiers.) n.p., 1771-72. Petersen, Z. Fortegninger til Brug ved Underviisningen i HaandvcErksteg- ning. Plates and Explanations in port- folio. . Parti. For Wheelwrights and Coach- builders, royal folio ; and Explana- tion, post 4to. sewed. Part 2. For Locksmiths, royal folio ; and Explanation, post 4to. sewed. Part 3. For Carpenters, royal broad folio. Copenhagen, 1847. Portal, C, and Graffigny, H. de. Les Merveilles de THorlogerie. post Bvo. (^Bibliotheque des Merveilles^ Hachette & Co., Paris, 1888. Prechtl, J. J. Technologische Ency- klopadie, oder alphabetisches Handbuch der Technologic, der technischen Chemie, . und des Maschinenwesens. Vols. 1-14. (ABD— SEIL). 8vo. Atlas, Parts 1-13 (2 vols.), oblong 4to. half calf. Stuttgart, 1830-46. Raxnbal, J. Enseignement Theorique de I'Horlogerie. Vol. 1. Notions Gen^r- ales (Cours Preparatoire) suivies d'une Annexe Historique des Progres accom- plis dans la Mesure du Temps. 8vo. sewed. Geneva, 1889. Sauzay, A. La Verrerie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'^ nos jours, post Bvo. {Bibliotheque des Merveilles.^ Hachette & Co., 1868. ScllTlbarth, Dr. Repertorium der Tech nischen Literatur, 1823 to 1853. Bvo. half morocco. Berlin, 1856. ■■ ■■ ' Reference Index of Subjects named in, with corresponding References to Woodcroft's Subject-matter Indexes of Patents of Inventions, royal Bvo. sewed. H.M. Printers, 1 856. Schnmaclier, Dr. W. Die keramischen Thonfabrikate. 5th edition. Bvo. Atlas, 4to. sewed. F. Voigt, Weimar, 1 BB4. StoUe, Dr. E. Industrie- Atlas : Zucker- production ; Riibenzucker-Indus trie ; Eisen-Production ; Wein- und Tabaks- bau. 4 maps. In one vol. Bvo. half russia. F. A. Herbig, Berlin, 1853-5. Transactions relating to Manufac- tures, &c. (Foreign) : — Paris. — Conservatoire Imperial des ^ Arts et Metiers. Ecole Polytechnique. Societe des Anciens Elfeves des Ecoles Imperiales d'Arts et Metiers. Vienna. — Nieder - Osterreichischer Gewerbe-Verein. See Transactions (Catalogue op Scientific Periodicals). Wagner (neveu), J. Memoire sur le Pendule et le Balancier consideres comma Regulateurs des Instruments k Mesurer le Temps, &c. royal Bvo. sewed. Ch. Marecha], Paris, 1867. Weiss, J. B. Atlas osterreichischer Werkzeuge furHolzarbeiter. Containing 700 Figures of Tools, and a View of the Manufactory, folio, morocco, in cloth case, lettered. Vienna, 1861. Werkplaatsen, Twintig Platen voor- Btellende de. 20 Plates representing Workshops, Tools, and Trades, post folio, boards, with Explanation, Bto. sewed. From the German. Groningen, 1849. DIAGRAMS. Cowper's Mechanical Diagrams, &c. Collection formed by the late Professor Cowper, acquired in 1853 : — Bank Note Machinery. Bridges. Calico and Silk Printing. Carving and Sculpture. Clocks and Chronometers. Cotton Spinning. Electric Telegraphs. 884 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Cowper's Mechanical Diagrams, &c, — cont. Engineers' Tools. Exhibition Building. Gasworks. Glass. Iron and Brass Founding. Lace Making. Lighthouses. Paper Making. Pottery. Printing. Railway Contrivances. Rolling find Stamping Metals. Rope Machinery. Self-Registering Instruments. Signals. Steam Engines and Propellers. Teeth of Wheels. Telegraphs. Telescopes. Type Founding. Waterworks. Weaving. Diagrams of Mechanics. See Works on Mechanics. Jackson's Educational Diagrams ; size, 34 in. by 23 in., on sheet, coloured : — No. 1. Sugar Manufactory. No. 2. Agricultural Engine. W. R. Jackson, Brixton. Machinery, Diagrams of. Set, Coloured. Nos. 1-30. 2 ft. lin. by 1ft. 1 in. Mounted on millboards. Hachette & Co., Paris. 4 Coloured Diagrams of Paper - making and Spinning. 4 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 7 in. Coloured Diagrams, with Descrip- tions at foot of each. Nos. 4-12. 2 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 7^ in. Basset, Paris. ■ &c. Inventions et Decouvertes dans les Sciences et les Arts. 1 Diagram, plain, 2 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 9 in. Mounted on millboard. Basset, Paris. Minazi's Mechanical Diagrams, for the Use of Lecturers and Schools, comprising 15 Sheets, 2 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft., coloured : — 1, 2. Composition of Forces. 3. Equilibrium. 4, 5. Levers. 6. Steelyard, Brady Balance, and Danish Balance. 7. Wheel and Axle. 8. Inclined Plane. 9. 10, 11. Pulleys. 12. Hunter's Screw. 13, 14. Toothed Wheels. 15. Combination of Mechanical Powers. Walton & Maberly. Perrot, A. M. Tableau Elementaire de la Charpenterie, h, I'usage des Entre- preneurs de Btttimens, des Ouvriers, &c. A sheet as specimen. Basset, Paris. Science and Art, Pictorial Illustra- tions of, with Explanatory Notes, printed on Sheets 22 in. by 28 in. : — 1. Mechanic Powers. 2. Machinery. 3. Watch and Clock Making. 4. Elements of Machinery. 5. Motion and Force. 6. Steam Engine. 7. Hydrostatics. 8. Hydraulics. 9. Pneumatics. Walton & Maberly. Tableau du Constructeur d'Esca- liers en Charpente et Menuiserie. A sheet as specimen (the set of 8). Basset, Paris. Tableau £l^mentaire de Mecanique Industrielle. A sheet as specimen (the set of 8). Basset, Paris. Working Men's Educational Union : Mechanical Powers : — The Lever and its Application [101]. The Pulley, and Wheel and Axle [102]. The Inclined Plane, Wedge, and Screw [103]. (Now issued by the Religious Tract Society.) ABCHITECTUBE, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND ENGINEERING. *^* ( The Art Library contains 7iumerous Works on these subjects.) ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Adams, H. Notes in Mechanical En- gineering, post 8vo. cloth. 1883. Strains in Ironwork. A Course of Eight Elementary Lectures delivered before the Society of Engineers, 1882-3. post 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and Lightships. New edition, post Svo. cloth. T. Nelson & Sons, 1875. Allejn, B. Rudimentary Treatise on Cottage Building. 12mo. cloth, limp. J. Weale, 1854. Anderson, J. The Strength of Materials and Structures, post 8 vo. cloth. (Text- Books of Science.) 1872. •■ 8th edition. post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1885. Armengaud, Ch., jeune. Formulaire de ringenieur-Constructeur. 12mo. half morocco. Armengaud, Paris, 1 865. ARCHITECTURE, ETC, 385 Ang^, L. Les Tombeaux. post 8vo. (^Sibliothhque des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1879. Sarlow, P. Treatise on the Strength of Materials, &c. New edition, revised by P. W. and W. H. Barlow. Edited by W. Humber. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1867. Sarry, J. W. Railway Appliances, post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) (2 copies.) Longmans & Co., 1876. - 4th edition. post 8vo. cloth. (Text-Books of Science.) Longmans & Co., 1884. Seeker, M. Allgemeine Baukiinde des Ingenieurs. Text, royal Bvo. Atlas, imp. 4to. half calf. C. Macken, Stuttgart, 1856. Der Wasserbau in seinem ganzen Umfange. See Works on Hydko- BTATICS, &c. Selgium. Chemin de Fer. Compte Rendu des Operations pendant I'Exer- cice, 1857-1873. 8 vols. fcp. folio, half calf. Brussels, 1858-74. Selidor, B. Architecture Hydraulique, ou I'Art de conduire les Eaux pour les differens besoins de la vie. (Vignettes and Frontispiece by Rigaud, and Plates.) 2 vols. 4to. old calf. Paris, 1737-39. Architecture Hydraulique; 2^partie, qui comprend I'Art de diriger les Eaux . . . . a I'ayantage de la Defense des Places, &c. (With Portrait of Author, Frontispiece by Rigaud, and Plates.) 2 vols. 4to. old calf. Paris, 1750-53. Serlepscll, H. A. Die Gotthard-Bahu. (Petermann's Mittheiluugen, Erganz- ungsheft, Nr. 65, 1881.) See Journals — Mittheilunqen. Siblio^aphie des Ingenieurs, des Architectes, &c., by Eugene Lacroix. 2nd and 3rd Series 1857-64. 2 parts. 8vo. stitched. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1862-3. Slagrove, G. H. Shoring and its Ap- plication. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1887. Bow, R. H. Economics of Construction in relation to Framed Structures. Pre- liminary Parts : I. Classification of Structures. II. On Diagrams of Forces. In one vol. 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1873. Sox, T. Practical Treatise on Heat as applied to the Useful Arts. See Works on Heat. Srees, S. 0. Railway Practice ; a Col- lection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the Public Works of the most Celebrated Engineers. Text. 4to. Plates, foho. half morocco. E. & F. N. Spon, 185». £ 616S8. Sresse. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee, professe h I'Ecole Imperiale des Fonts et Chaussees. See Wo7'ks on Mechan- ics (Foreign). Brooks, S. H. Treatise on the Erection cf Dwelling Houses, with Specifications, Modes of taking out Quantities. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1860. Building Construction, Notes on. Arranged to meet the requirements of the Syllabus of the Science and Art Department. 3 parts, royal 8 vo. cloth: — I. Elementary Course. (2 copies.) 1875. II. Advanced Course. 1876. III. Materials. 1879. Rivingtons. Builder's (The) and Contractor's Price Book for 1865. Revised by G: R. Buruell. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1865. See also Laxton. Burgoyne, Gen. Sir J. F. Rudimen- tary Treatise on the Blasting and Quarry- ing of Stone. 3rd edition. V2mo, cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. Rudiments of the Art of Construct- ing and Repairing Common Roads, &c. 3rd edition. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. cloth, stifl: J. S. Virtue, 1861-63. Burn, R. S. Building Construction. — Brick, Stone, and Slate Work. Text and Plates. 2 parts, fcp. 8vo. cloth, (Elementary Science Series.) 1873. Timber, Lead, and Iron Work. Text and Plates. 2 parts, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1874. Building Construction ; showing the employment of Brickwork and Ma- sonry in the Practical Construction of Buildmgs. Vol. 1. Text, post 8vo. Vol. 2. Plates. 4to. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) 1877. Building Construction ; showing the Employment of Timber, Lead, and Iron Work in the Practical Construction of Buildings. Vol. 1. Text, post 8vo. Vol. 2. Plates. 4to. cloth. (Advanced Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1877. Bumell, G. R. Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, &c. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. Burrell, E. J. Elementary Building Construction and Drawing, post 8vo. cloth. (Elementary Science Manuals.) Longmans & Co., 1889. Campin, F. Materials and Construc- tion: a Theoretical and Practical Trea- tise on Strains, Designing, and Erection of Works of Construction. 12 mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1881. B B 386 MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Canals and Inland Navigation, Report of the Conference, held in May 1888, at the Society of Arts. With Mop of English Canals, royal 8vo. sewed. W. Trounce, 1888. Carpenter's New Guide, The ; or, the Book of Lines for Carpenters, Geo- metrically Explained. New edition, founded on that of the late P. Nicholson's Standard Work ; revised by A. Ashpitel, with Practical Rules on Di-awing by G. Pyne. 4to. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1857. Cantley, Colonel Sir P. T. Report on the Ganges Canal Works. 3 vols. 8vo. and 4to. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 18G0. Chalmers, J. B. Graphical Determin- ation of Forces in Engineering Struc- tures. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1881. Chambers, W. Dwelling-houses for the Humble and other Classes in Cities, ■with Plans, imp. 8vo. sewed. \y. & R. Chambers, 1855. Christy, W. J. Practical Treatise on the Joints made and used by Builders. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Clark, D. K. Manual of Rules, Tables, and Data for Mechanical Engineers. 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1877. • Railways and Tramways. (British Manufacturing Industries — Shipbuild- ing, &c.) See Works on Manufac- tures, &c. See also Law, H. Clarke, Lieut. G. S., and McLeod, Prof. H. New Method for Determining and Investigating Velocities of Rotation. 8vo. sewed. December 1876. School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Contamin, V. Cours de Resistance Appliquee. royal 8vo. half morocco. Dejey, Paris, 1878. Cresy, E. Encyclopaedia of Civil En- gineering, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical. New impression. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1880. Davidson, E. A. The Amateur House Carpenter, royal 8vo. cloth. Chapman ik Hall, 1875. ' Technical Manuals, fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp : — Drawing for Bricklayers. Drawing for Cabinet-Makers. Drawing for Carpenters and Joiners. Drawing for Machinists and Engineers. 4th edition. Drawing for Stonemasons. Elements of Building Construction •tad Architectural Drawing. 4th edition. Gotliic Stonework. Drawing for Metal-Plate Workers. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Davis, T. H. Notes on the Corrosion of Iron and Steel, and Means adopted for their Preservation and Protection, with Special Reference to the Protection of Iron and Steel Ships. 8vo. stiff" cover. W. U. Tyerman. Liverpool, 1886. Dawson, G. J. C. Street Pavements. 8vo. sewed. A. Russell, Liverpool, 1876. Dempsey, G. I). Tubular and other Iron Girder Bridges, particularly de- scribing the Britannia and Conway Tu- bular Bridges. 12 mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage and Sewage of Towns and. Buildings. See Works 07i Agricul- ture. Denton, J. B. Sanitary Engineering. Lectures given before the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, 1876. royal 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon, 1877. Dobson, E. Rudimentary Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1850. Rudimentary Treatise on Founda- tions and Concrete Works. 12mo. cloth, stiff. 1850. Rudiments of the Art of Building. 12mo. cloth, stiff. 1854. Rudimentary Treatise on Masonry and Stone Cutting. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1856. Pioneer Engineering. Treatise on the Engineering Operations connected with the Settlement of Waste Lands in New Countries. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1880. The Student's Guide to the Prac- tice of Measuring and Valuing Artificers' Works. 5th edition, revised, &c., with new Chapter on Dilapidations, Repairs, and Contracts. By E. W. Tarn, post Svo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1884. Donaldson, T. L. Architectural Maxims and Theorems. Svo. cloth. London, 1847. Downing, S. Elements of Practical Construction. Part I. Structures in Direct Tension and Compression. Text, Bvo. cloth. Plates, broad folio, sewed. Longmans & Co., 1875. Du Bois, A. Jay. The Elements of Graphical Statics and their Application to Framed Structures; together with Methods of Calculation, Practical For- mulae, and Examples, &c. 2nd edition. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1877. Eassie, W. Sanitary Arrangements for Dwellings, post Svo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1874. ARCHITEOTUEE, ETC. 387 Engineer's (The), Architect's, and Contractor's Pocket Book, post 8vo. roan tuck. C. Lockwood & Co., 1865. Evans, A. J., and Grenville, A. Chemistry of Building Materials. See Works on Chemistry. Experiments on Steel and on Mild Steel. Memoranda issued by the Board of Trade for the Use of their Surveyors. Two parts. 8vo. stitched. H.M. Printers, 1885. Pacey, J. W.,jun, Elementary Decora- tion, as applied to Dwelling-Houses, &c. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1882. Practical House Decoration, With some Remarks upon the Nature and Properties of Pigments. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) C. Lockwood & Co., 1886. Faija, PI. Portland Cement for Users. postSvo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1881. Fairbairn, Sir W. Useful Information for Engineers ; being a Series of Lectures dehvered to the Working Engineers of Yorkshire and Lancashire. With Ap- pendices containing the Results of Ex- perimental Inquiries into the Strength of Materials, the Causes of Boiler Ex- plosions, &c. royal 8vo. cloth. 1856. Useful Information for Engineers. 3 Series, crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1860-66. On the Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. J. Weale, 1857-58. 3rd edition. With a Short Treatise on Wrought-Iron Bridges, &c. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1864. Iron ; its History, Properties, and Processes of Manufacture. New edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, Edmburgh, 1865. Favaro, A. Le Bagfinsky, Dr. A. Handbuch der Schul-Hygiene. 8vo. half morocco. Denicke, Berlin, 1877. Baker, Thos. Laws relating to Public Health, Sanitary, Medical, Protective, &c. crown Svo. cloth. W. Maxwell, 1865. Bardwell, W. Healthy Homes, and how to Make them, royal 8vo. cloth. Dean & Son. Barker, Lady. First Lessons in the Principles of Cooking, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1874. Bamett, Mrs. S. A. The Making of the Home. A Reading-book of Domes- tic Economy for School and Home use. post Svo. cloth, Cassell & Co. Barthds, Dr. E. Manuel d'Hygiene Scolaire, k 1' Usage des Instituteurs, des Lycees, Colleges, etc. post 8vo. sewed. 6. Rongier & Co., Paris. 400 HYGIENE. Beeton, IMrs. Isabella. The English- woman's Cookery Book. post 8vo. cloth wrapper. S. O. Beeton, 1863. Beeton's Book of Household Manage- ment. Edited by Mrs. Isabella Beeton. 12mo. half calf. S. O. Beeton, 1861. Handy Book of Games. By Capt. Crawley. 12mo. half calf. S. O. Beeton. BeggS, T. Home Accommodation of the People in relation to their Domestic and Social Condition, etc. 20 pp. 8vo. stitched. Beleze, G. Dictionnaire Universel de la Vie Pratique a la Ville et a la Compagne. See page 415. Bell, J. The Analysis and Adulteration of Foods. Part 1. Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar, &c. — The Chemistry of Poods. Part 2. Milk, Butter, Cheese, Cereal Poods, Prepared Starches, &c. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth. (South Kensington Museum Science Handbooks.) Chapman & Hall, 1881-83. Bellows, A. J. The Philosophy of Eating. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. 1869. How not to be sick. A Sequel to the above, post 8vo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1869. Beutley, J. Health Made Easy for the People. 6th edition. 1 Brno, stiff wrap- per. Beruays, A. J. 3rd edition, fcp. Simpkin & Co., 1851. Household Chemistry. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Son „ Pood. of Health.) fcp. Svo. cloth. . 1854. (Manuals Christian Knowledge Society. Berners, J. First Lessons on Health. 6th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1876. Bevan, G. Phillips. The Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland and Ireland. See Johnston. Binet, A., and P^r^, C. Animal Magnetism, crown Svo. cloth. (Inter- national Scientific Series.) C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1887. Birnbanm, K., and Grimm, J. Atlas voQ Photographien mikroskopischer Praparate der reinen und gefalschten Nahrungsmittel. Part 1. Mehlpriifung. 16 sheets, in portfolio. 4to. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1886. Black, Mrs. Superior Cookery, post 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Blyth, A. W. Dictionary of Hygiene and Public Health, comprising Sanitary Chemistry, Engineering, and Legislation, the Dietetic Value of Foods, and the Detection of Adulterations. Svo. half calf. C. Griffin & Co., 1876. Blyth, A. W. Foods: their Composition and Analysis. With an Introductory Essay on the History of Adulteration, crown Svo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co., 1882. ■ Manual of Public Health. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1890. Bonnet, V. Precis d' Analyse Micros copique des Denrees Alimentaires. — Caracteres. — Procedes d'Examen. — Alterations et Falsifications. Avec une Preface par L. Guignard. post Svo. cloth. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1890. Bordier, Dr. A. La Geographic Medi- cale. Cartes Explicatives. 2 vols. 12mo. sewed. (Bibliotheque des Sciences Contemporaines.) C. Reinwald, Paris, 1884. Boiichardat, A. Rapport sur les Pro- gres de I'Hygiene en France, imp. Svo. niecueil de Rapports sur les Progresdes Lettres et des Sciences en France.) Paris, 1867. [With Reports, &c., on Education. — France. — Lettres et Sciences.] Bonrdon, I. Notions d'Hygiene Pra- tique. 2nd ed., with Figures in Text. 18mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1S60. Boy's (The) Own Book, a Com- plete Cyclopaedia of all the Diversions, Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth. New edition, revised and enlarged. royal 16mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1870. Boy's (The Little) Own Book of Sports and Pastimes. 2nd edition. 16mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1860. Braun, Brouwers & Docx. Gym- nastique Scolaire en Holland, en Alle- niagne et dans les Pays du Nord. Suivie de I'Etat de I'Enseignement de la Gymnastique en France. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1874. Brighton Health Congress, 1881, Transactions of the. With Maps, &c. Svo. cloth. E. Marlborough & Co. British Fisheries, Reports, &c. See Works on Fishes. Brock, J. H. E. Solutions to Questions at May Examinations of the Science and Art Department, 1884-86 — Hygiene, fcp. Svo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1 889. Brown, Dr. J. Plain Words on Health. Addressed to the Working People. 20th thousand. Icp. Svo. sewed. Strahan & Co., 1864. Browne, J. H. B. Water Supply. post Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1880. Buchan, W. P. Plumbing. See Works on Manufactures, &c. Buckton, C. M. Health in the House, post Svo. cloth. 1875. '■ 6th edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. HYGIENE. 401 Buouaccorsi di Fistoja, Adolf, Graf von. Schwimmkunst gestiitzt auf natur- wissenschaftliche Principien und die Gesetze der Physiologie und Hygiene, mit einem vorausgeschickten geschicht- lichen Abrisse. imp. 8vo. half roan. C. Gerold, Vienna, 1879. Burn, R. S. Sanitary Science : as ap- plied to the Healthy Construction of Houses in Town and Country, post 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1872. Campbell, J. Elemeots of Hygiene for Schools and Colleges, fcp. Svo. boards. M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin, 1885. Cape of Good Hope : — Sources of Revenue of the Colony. 8vo. sewed. 1884. Statistical Register of the Colony for the year 1886 and onwards, folio. half bound. 1887, &c. W. A. Richards & Sons, Cape Town. Carey, A. Principles of Hygiene : ex- pressly adapted to the Requirements of the Syllabus of the Science and Art De- partment. Revised edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. T. Murby. Carpenter, Dr. A. Health at School, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Hughes, 1882. Carter, R. B. Eyesight in Schools. A Paper read before the Association of Medical Officers of Schools, on April 15th, 1885. post Svo. sewed. Harrison & Sons, 1885. Carter, S. The Frugal Housewife, or. Complete Woman Cook. l2mo. stitched. (^Brooke Collection.) London, 1805. Cassell's Hand-Book of Domestic Re- cipes ; including Cookery, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. 1862. Hand-Book for Emergencies, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Hand-Book of Health and Physi- ology, fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. CatlO'W, J. P. On the Principles of Esthetic Medicine. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1867. Census—Great Britain, 1831 :— Enumeration Abstract : Bedford, Som- erset, Southampton, Wigtown. Parish Register Abstract, England and Wales. 3 vols. fcp. folio, boards. H.M. Printers, 1833. 1851 Official Reports and Tables, in a con- densed form. With Analytical Index, royal Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. England and Wales, 1861:- Official Reports. 4 vols. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1862-3. Census— England and Wales, 1871 : - Official and Preliminary Reports. 4 vols. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1873. Digest of, by J. Lewis, royal Svo. sewed. E. Stanford, 1873. Scotland, 1871 : — Official Reports. 2 vols. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1872-74. Ireland, 1871 :— Official Report. Vol. I. Nos. 1 and 2. fcp. folio, sewed. 1872. Province of Munster. Part 1. Nos. 1- 6,and Summary of Tables, fcp. folio. sewed. H.M. Printers, 1873-74. England and Wales, 1881 Preliminary Report and Tables of the Population and Houses enumerated in England and Wales and in the Islands in the British Seas, on 4th April 1881. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1881. Instructions to Clerks employed in Classifying the Occupations and Ages of the People. 4to. boards. 1885. Official Reports, fcp. folio, sewed : — I. II. Area, Houses and Population. 1883. III. Ages, Conditions as to Mar- riage, &c. 1883. IV. General Report. 1883. Islands in the British Seas : Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, and adjacent Islands, fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1883 Scotland, 1881 :— Tables of the number of the Popu- lation, of the Families, of Houses, and of Rooms with Windows, in Scotland and its Islands, on 4tli April 1881. fcp. folio, sewed. Neil & Co., Edinburgh, 1881. Ireland, 1881 :— Preliminary Report, with Abstract of the Enumerator's Summaries, fcp folio, stitched. Thom & Co., Dublin, 1881. Victoria, New South. Wales, 1881 General Report, with Summary Tables, Diagrams, and Map. Bj H. H. Hayter. 4to. half morocco. Melbourne, 1883. Census— United States (Tenth) 1880 :— Official Reports. Svo. and 4to. cloth : — Compendium of the Tenth Census (June 1, 1880). Parts 1 and 2. 1883. Statistics of Agriculture, with spe- cial Reports on the Cereals, Flour- Milling, Tobacco, and Meat Pro- duction. 1883. Population. 1883. E 61668. C C 402 -HYGIENE. Census— United States (Tenth) 1880— conf. Statistics of the Manufactures of the United States. ]883. IV. Transportation : Railroads, Steam Navigation, Canals, Telegraphs and Telephones. 1883. V. VI. Cotton Production. Parts 1 and 2. By E. VV. Hilgard. 1884. VII. Report on Valuation, Taxation, and Public Indebtedness. By R. P. Porter. 1884. VIII. Newspaper and Periodical Press. By S. N. D. North. Alaska: its Population, &c., by I. Petroff and H. W. Elliott ; Ship-building In- dustry, by H. Hall. 1384. IX. Report on the Forests of North America (exclusive of Mex- ico). By C. S. Sargent. With 16 Maps in portfolio, 28 in. by 19 in. 1884. X. Production, Technology, and Uses of Petroleum and its Products. By S. F. Peck- ham. The Manufacture of Coke. By J. D. Weeks. Building Stones of the United States, and Statistics of the Quarry Industry for 1880. 1884. XI. Report on the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the United States. By J. S. Billings. Part 1. 1885. XII. Part 2. 1886. XIII. Statistics and Technology of the Precious Metals. By S. F. Emnions and G. F. Becker. 1885. XIV. The United States Mining La-ws and Regulations there- under, and State and Terri- torial Mining Laws. Com- piled under the direction of Hon. Clarerce King. 1885. XV. Report on the Mining Indus- tries of the United States (exclusive of the Precious Metals), with Special Inves- tigations into the Iron Re- sources of the Republic and into the Cretaceous Coals of the North-West. By R. Pumpelly. 1886. XVI. Reports on the Water-Power of the United States. Part 1. 1885. XVir. Part 2. 1888. XVIII. Social Statistics of Cities. By G. E. Waring, jun. Part 1. 1886. XIX. Part 2. 1887. Census— United States (Tenth) 1880 — co7it. XX. Report on the Statistics of Wages in Manufacturing In- dustries ; with Supplement- ary Reports on the Average Retail Prices of the Neces- saries of Life. By J. D. Weeks. 1886. XXI. Report on the Defective, De- pendent, and Delinquent Classes. By F. H. Wines. 1888. XXII. Report on Power and Ma- chinery employed in Manu- factures. By Prof. W. P. Trowbridge. Also Report on the Ice Industry of the United States. Washington, 1B8S. Census— Buenos Aires, .1887, Censo General de Poblacion, Edification, Comercio e Industries de la Ciudad de. Levantado en los dias 17 de Agosto, 15 y 30 de Setiembre de 1887. Tomo 1. imp. 8vo. cloth. Buenos Aires, 1889. Cerise, Dr. L. Le Medecin des Sa les d'Asile, ou Manuel d'Hyglene et d'Educatlon physique de I'Enfance. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1857. Chambers, T. K. Manual of Diet in Health and Disease. 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1876. Chambers, W. Dwelling-houses for the Humble and other Classes in Cities. With Plans. See Works on Ancni- TECTDKE AND EnGINEERIICG. Chambers's Domestic Economy. Adapti'd to the Code of 1880. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 1880. Domestic Economy. Adapted to the Code of 1883. Parts 1, 2, 3. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 1883. Useful Hand-books, square 18mo. stiff wrapper : — Chess. Cricket. By Capt. Crawley. Croquet and Troco. By Capt. Crawley. Draughts, Backgammon, and Domi- noes. Gymnastics, Golf, Curling. Yachting and Rowing. W. & R. Chambers. Charity Organization Society. Dwellings of the Poor. Report rf the Dwellings Committee, Aug. 1881. With a Minority Report. 8vo. stitched. Longmans & Co., 1881. Chaumont, Dr. F. S. B. F. de. The Habitation in Relation to Health, fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Health.) Christian Knowledge Society, 1879. HYGIENE, 403 Child, Mrs. Girl's Own Book. New edition, by Mrs. R. Valentine; illus- trated. 16 no. cloth. W. Tegg, 1861. Ohiosso, Capt. J. Remarks on Physical Education, post 8vo. sewed. London, 1845. ■ Gymnastics, an Essential Branch of National Education. Svo. sewed. 1854. Gymnastic Polymacliinon. Svo. cloth. Walton & Maberly, 1855. Churcll, A. H. Food, some Accounts of its Sources, Constituents, and Uses. New edition, post 8vo. cloth. (South Kensington Museum Science Hand- books.) 1889. •■' Plain "Words about Water. New edition. post Svo. sewed. (South Kensington Museum Science Hand- books.) Chapman & Hall [1877]. Churchod, H. Essai Theorique et Pratique sur la Cure de Raisins, etudiee plus specialement a Vcvey, &c. Svo. sewed. Schweighauser, Vevey, 1860. Clias, Capt. P. H. Gymnastique Ele- mentaire. Svo. half calf. Paris, 1819. - Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises, with Plates. Svo. boards. 1823. 4th edition. Svo. half calf. London, 1825. Cohn, H. Die Schulhygiene auf der Pariser Weltausstellung 1878. Svo. sewed. Morgenstern, Breslau, 1879. Colliueau, A. La Gymnastique : Notions Physiologiques et Pedagogiques ; Applications Hygieniques et Medicales. Svo. half morocco. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1884. Collins' Domestic Economy. Parts 1, 2, 3. fcp. Svo. sewed. . Domestic Economy for Training Colleges. First Year. Clothing ; Food ; Laundry ; the Home. fcp. Svo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Compleat (The) Housewife; or Accomplished Gentlewoman's Com- panion: Being a Collection of Receipts in Cookery, &c. By E. S. 2nd edition. 8vo. calf. {Brooke Collection.) Ix)ndon, 1728. Cookery and Domestic Economy for Young Housewives. New edition. 12mo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers. Cookery for th'e Working Classes. 18mo. sewed. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Re- ceipts, &c. See WoKKS of Refkrekce. Copley, E, A Word to Parents, Nurses and Teachers on the Rearing and Management of Children. ISmo. cloth. 1849. ' Catechism of Domestic Economy. 18mo sewed. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. - Cottage Cookery. 18mo boards. W. Wesley. Copley, E. Domestic Life ; or Hints for Daily Use. ISmo. cloth. Religious Tract Society. Corfield, Dr. W. H. Health, post Svo. cloth. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 18S0. The Laws of Health. 3rd edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. (The London Science Class-Books.) Longmans & Co., 1884. Coruevin, C. Des Plantes Veneneuses et des Empoissonnements qu'elles deter- minent. Sec Works on Botant. Crawley, Capt. The Book of Manly Games for Boys, crown Svo. cloth. W. Tegg. See also Beeton. Cromjough, J. K. A. Beknopte Hand- leidiug voor de Gymnastick. 2nd edition. Svo. stiff wrapper. Amsterdam, 1853. Cnlpeper, N. Last Legacy: contain- ing sundry admirable Experiences in several Sciences, more especially in Chyrurgery and Physick : with two paiticular Treatises ; the one of Feavers, the other of Pestilence, &c. 5th im- pression, whereunto is added 200 Choice Receipts, &c. fcp. Svo. calf. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1671. Dalton, J. C. Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene. See Works on Anatomy, &c. Barton, T. G. British Statistics for the Half Century 1801 to 1851. On a sheet mounted and folded in Svo. cloth case. A. Darton. Statistical Tables of Population, Mortality, Food, &c., &c., 1801 to 1851. Svo. cloth, stiff. Longmans & Co., 1854. De Ziasp6e, Henry. Calisthenics, or the Elements of I'odily Culture on Pestalozzian Principles imp. Svo. cloth. Darton & Co. Dempsey, G. D. Drainage and Sewage of Towns and Buildings. See Works on Agriculture. Depping, G. Mervcilles de la Force et de I'Adresse. post Svo. {B ibliotheqne des Merveilles.) Hachette & Co., 1871. Wonders of Bodily Strength and Skill, in all Ages and Countries. Translated from the French by C. Russell. cro^ATi Svo. cloth. Cassell, Better, & Galpin. Dioscorides. Pedacii Dioscoridse iSnazarbei Simplicium Medicamen- torum, Reique Medicai libri sex. post Svo. old calf, with clasp. Basilesc, 1532. Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbtci opera qua; extant omnia, ex nova inter- pretatione J. A. Saraceni. Gr. et Lat. folio, old calf. [FrancofurliJ, 1538. CO 2 UHI7BRSIT7I 404 HYGIENE. Doeveren, G. van. Dissertatio Phy- sico-medica inauguralis de Vermibus Intestinalibus Hominum, 1753. — De Imprudenti Ratiocinio ex Observationi- bus et Experimentis Medicis, 1754. — De Erroribus Medicorum sua utilitate non carentibus, 1762. — De Sauitatis Gron- inganorum Praesidiis, ex urbis Natural! Historia derivandis, 1770. — De Recen- tiorum Inventis Medicinam hodiernam veteri praestantiorem reddentibus, 1771. 4to. calf. Lugduni Batavorum & Groningse. Domestic Economy. XGleig's School Series.) 18mo. stifE wrapper. Longmans & Co. Domestic Economy for Girls. Edited by Eev. E. T. Stevens. 3 Books, fcp. 8vo. cloth: — i. Food and Clothing. (Fourth Standard.) II. Furniture and Appliances of the House. (Fifth Standard.) III. House and the Household. (Sixth Standard.) Longmans & Co., 1876-7. Dothie, Mrs. H. Health in the Home, post 8vo. stitched. Orr, Pollock, & Co., Greenock, 1886. Dukes, C. Health at School, considered in its Mental, Moral, and Physical Aspects. New and enlarged edition, post 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1887. Durant, Dr. L. Hygiene Sociale et Privee, &c. post 8vo. sewed. Lacroix & Co., Brussels. Ernst, F. G. Manual of Exercises, arranged for Self-instruction in the L^se of the Portable Gymnasium, post 8vo. cloth. London, 1861. Etiologia dell' Infezione Malarica (Annali di Agricoltura, 1889). See Journals (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Exhibitions of Hygienic, &c. Apparatus :— International Medical and Sanitary, South Kensington, 1881. (Parkes' Museum of Hygiene.) Catalogue. AUgemeine Deutsche Ausstellung auf dem Gebiere der Hygiene und Rettungswesen, Berlin, 1882-3. Bericht. 3 vols. ExMbition, International Health, London, 1884, Publi- cations. 19 vols. 8vo. cloth. Of which the following relate to Health. Other volumes deal with Education, &c.: — Vols. 1-3. Health in the Dwell- ing: — Vol. 1. Handbooks: — Health in the Village. By Sir Henry W. Dyke-Acland. — Healthy Nur- ■eries and Bedrooms. By Mrs. Exhibition, International Health, London, 1884, Publi- cations—con^, Gladstone.— Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country. By W. Eassie. — Healthy Furniture and Decoration. By \\. W. Edis.— Healthy Schools. By Charles E. Paget. — Health in the Workshop. By J. B. Lakeman.— Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting for Domestic Use. By Capt. Douglas Galton, C.B., F.R.S. Vol. 2. Conferences. Vol. 3. Lectures. Vols. 4-6. Health in Diet :— Vol. 4. Handbooks : — Physiology of Diges-' tion and the Digestive Organs. By Arthur Gamgee. — The Principles of Cooking. By S. Berdmore. — Diet in Relation to Health and Work. By A. W. Blyth.— Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids. By Miss Wood. — Water and Water Supplies ; and Unfer- mented Beverages. By J, Attfield. — Salt and other Condiments. By J. J. Manley. — Alcoholic Diinks. By J. L. W. Thudichum. Vol. 5. Conferences. Vol. 6. Lectures. Vols. 7-9. Health in Relation to Civic Life:— Vol. 7. Hand- books: — " Our Duty " in Relation to Health. By G. V. Poore.— Infec- tious Disease and its Prevention. By Shirley F. Murphy. — Accidental Injuries: Their Relief and Imme- diate Treatment. How to prevent Accidents becoming more Serious. By James Cantlie. — Ambulance: Organisation, Equipment, and Transport. By Surgeon-Major G. J. H. Evatt.— Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and large Cities. By W. B. Scott.— Fires and Fire Brigades. By Capt. E. M. Shaw. — Legal Obligations in respect to Dwellings of the Poor. By Harry Duff. Schools of Art: Their Origin, History, Work, and Influence. By J. Sparkes. Vol. 8. Conferences. Vol. 9. Lectures. Vols. 10-12. General Hygiene: Vol. 10. Handbooks: — Athletics, or Physical Exercise and Recreation. Part 1 . By Rev. E. Warre. Part 2. By Hon. Edward Lyttleton and G. F. Cobb. — Dress and its Relation to Health and Climate. Bj E. W. Godwin. — Fermentation. By Dr. C. Duclaux. — Public Health in Laboratory Work. By W. W. Cheyne, W. H. Corfield, and C. E. Cassall. — London Water Supply. By Col. Sir F. Bolton. Vol. 11. Conferences. Vol. 12. Lectures. Vol. 18 contains Official Catalogue and Jury Awards. HYGIENE. 405 Falsifications des IMCatidres Ali- mentaires et sur les Travaux du Laboraroire Municipal, Documents sur les. 4to. sewed. (Republique Fran9aise. Prefecture de Police.) Paris, 1882. 2™« Rapport. Nouveau Tirage. 4to. sewed. G. Masson, Paris [1887]. Parquharson, R. School Hygiene and Diseases incidental to School Life, post 8vo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1885. Piguier, L. Le Savant du Foyer ; ou. Motions Scientifiques sur les Objets Usuels de la Vie. -S'ee Woi-ks on General Natural History {Foreign'). Plint, J. Manual of Health, or Easy Lessons on Sanitary Matters. 12mo. cloth, stiff. Simpkin & Co. Plligge, Dr. C. Lehrbuch der Hygien- ischen Untersuchungsmethoden. 8vo. sewed. Veit & Co., Leipzig, 1881. Podor, Dr. J. von. Das gesunde Haus und die gesunde Wohnung. Aus dem Ungarischen iibersetzt. 8vo. sewed. 1878. Hygienische Untersuchungen uber Luft, Boden, und Wasser, insbesondere aufihre Beziehungen zu den Epidem- ischen Krankheiten. 2 parts, in 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco. F. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1881. Pood. Diagram showing the chief Chemical Ingredients in twenty- three of the most important Articles of Food. Size 35 by 78 inches. Coloured to ehow per-centages. Mounted on cloth. J. J. Griffin. Pood. Diagram of National Dietaries. Coloured to show the chief Chemical Ingredients of the Food in ounces per week. Size 35 by 26 inches. Mounted on cloth. J. J. Griffin. Pood. What to Buy and How to Cook it. 2nd edition, fcp. 8vo. boards'. W. W. Gardner. Pood Journal, The ; a Review of Social and Sanitary Economy, and Monthly Record of Food and Public Health. See Journals (Catalogue OF Scientific Periodicals). Poods, Pood Analyses, Adultera- tions, &c.. Works on. See : — ■ In present section ;— Acton, E. Bell, J. Bernays, A. J. Birnbaum and Grimm. Blyth, A. W. Bonnet, V. Church, A. H. Exhibition, &c. Falsification des Mati^res Alimen- taires, &c. Hassall, Dr. A. H. Heraud, Prof. A. Poods, Pood Analyses, Adultera- tions, &c. — cont. In present section — cont. Hilger, A. Klencke, Dr. H. Knapp, Dr. F. 0. Konig, Dr. J. Lankester, Dr. E. Lefebvre, E. Letheby, Dr. H. Mitchell, J. Moeller, Dr. J. Pavy, F. W. Payen, A. Pereira, Dr. J. Playfair, Dr. L. Ranke, J. Science, &c. Sharpies, C. H. Smith, E. Soyer, A. Twining, T. Wanklyn, J. A. Willoughby, E. F. Wilson, E. With Works on Chemistry : — Bernays, A. J. The Science of Home Life. 1862. Bronner, E., and Scoffern, J. The Chemistry of Food and Diet. 1860. Frankland, E. Water Analysis for Sanitary Purposes. 1880. Johnston, J. F. W. Chemistry of Common Life. 1879. Kensington, E. T. Chemical Com- position of Foods, Waters, Soils, &c. 1877. Liebig, J. Researches on the Chem- istry of Food. 1847. Macadam, S. The Chemistry of Common Things. 1866. Pennetier, Dr. G. Lemons sur les Mati^res Premieres Organiques. 1881. Prance :— Statistique de .I'lndustrie h, Paris, crown folio, sewed. Paris, 1864. Statistique de la France, crown 4to. sewed. Strasburg, 1864. Hygiene (I') de Paris, Rapport sur I'Emploi de la Subvention munici- pale applicable k TEtude de. Par M. Davy. 4to. sewed. Paris, 1878. Rapport sur le Service muni- cipal de Climatologie appliquee k. Par M. Davy. 4to. sewed. Paris, 1880. Annuaire Statistique de la Ville de Paris, 1880, 1882, 1883, and 1884. imp. 8vo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1881, &c. Frederick, Mrs. Hints to Housewives on several points. 2nd edition, post 8vo cloth. MBcmillan & Co., 1880, 406 .HYGIENE. Gairduer, Dr. W. T. Public Health iu relation to Air and Water, post 8vo. cloth. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1862. Galloway, R. Plan for Eendeiing Salted Meat more Nutritious, thereby Preventing Scurvy. 2nd edition. Svo. Btitched. Hodges, Foster, & Co., Dublin, 1877. Gamgee, J. On Fresh Meat Preserva- tion. Svo. stitched. K. HardAvicke, 1869. Giaxa, Dr. V. de. Igiene della Scuola. Malattie della Scuola, Edificio Scolastico, Arredi della Scuola, Igiene Pedagogica, Sorveglianza Igienica delle Scuole. Svo. half roan. U. Hoepli, Milan, 1 880. Glaisher, J. Report of the Meteoro- logy of London, and its relation to the Epidemic of Cholera, 1853-4. See Works on Meteorology. Glasse, Mrs. The Art of Cookery. New edition. Svo. sheep. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1796. Godwin, G. Town Swamps and Social Bridges. The Sequel of " A Glance at the Homes of the Thousands." Svo. half calf. Eoutledge & Co., 1859. Good Health ; the Possibility, Duty, and Means of Obtaining and Keeping it. 18mo. cloth. Religions Tract Society. Gordon, Margaret M. Household Economy; a Manual intended for Female Training Colleges and the Senior Classes of Girls' Schools. (Con- stable's Educational Series.) 4th edition, post Svo. cloth. J. Gordon, Edinburgh, 1861. Griffiths, T. The Modern Fencer; with the most recent Means of Attack and Defence, fcp. Svo. cloth. Warne & Co., 1868. Gnillaume, Dr. L. Hygiene des Ecoles. Conditions Architecturales et Economiques. Svo. sewed. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1874. Gny^tant, Dr. Le Guide Medical des Maltres et Maitresses de Pension, Cures, Dames de Charite, etc. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1S42. G3r2unastic Apparatus for Schools,. &c. (Combes's Report on the Lighting, Heating, and Ventilation of School Buildings in Great Britain, the Con- tinent of Europe, and America, &c.) (Wi7A Works on School Buildings.) GTmnastic Exercises, Instruction m all Kinds of. By a Military Oificer. 870. bds. London, 1823. Gymnastics, Works on. See Alexan- der, A., American Colleges, Boy's Own Book, Braim, &c., Buonaccorsi, &c.. Chambers, Child, Mrs., Chiosso, Capt., Clias, Capt., Collineau, A., Crawley ,^ Capt., Cromjongh, J. K. A., De Laspee, H., Depping, G., Ernst, F. G., Exhibi- tion (Health), Griffiths, T., Hamilton, G.,. Howard, J. J., Kloss, Dr. M., Kuborn,, &c., Lagrange, F., Laisne, N., Lewis, Dio.,Ling, P. H., Lofving, C, Maclaren, A., Norlander and Martin, Physical Training, Rijkens, R. G., Riofrey, Dr. A- M., Roland, G. and J., Root, N. W. T., Roth, Dr. M., Salzmaun, C. G., Schenstrom, R., Schmitz, P., Schreber, Dr. D. G, M., Skater's, &c., Spiess, A., Techow, G., Westhall, C. Gymnastiqne, Etablissements de,Reg- lement sur I'lJtilisation des. On a sheet, post broad folio. Fribourg, 1850, Hall, W. W. How to Live Long ; or, Health Maxims, Physical, Mental, and Moral. 3rd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1876. Sallier, E. Gahrungserscheinungen. Untersuchungen tiber Gahrung, Faulniss und Verwesung, mit Beriicksichtigung der Miasmen und Contagien sowie der Desinfection. Parasitologische Untersuchungen bezulich auf die pflaiizlichen Organ- ismen bei Maseru, Hungertyphus, Darmtyphus, Blattern, Kuhp'ocken, Schafpocken, Cholera Nostras, &c. See Works on Botany (^Foreign). Halton, R. J. Short Lectures on Sanir tary Subjects. 8vo. cloth. Bailliere, Tindall, & Cox, 1874. Hamilton, G. Elements of Gymnastics for Boys and Calisthenics for Young Ladies. ISmo. bound. London, 1838. Handy Book of Medical Information and Advice. By a Physician, fcp. Svo. cloth. J. Hogg & Sons. Hare, T. Thoughts on the DwelHngs of the People, Charitable Estates, &c. fcp. Svo. stiff wrapper. S. Low & Co., 1S62. Hartley, W. N. Water, Air, and Disinfectants, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Manuals of Health.) Christian Knowledge Society. Air and its Relations to Life. See Works on CuEMiSTitY. Hassall, Dr. A. H. Food and its Adulterations, &c. 8vo. cloth. 1855. Food : its Adulterations, and the Methods for their Detection, post Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1876. Hassell, J. Lessons in Domestic Economy for Elder Girls, fcp. Svo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1873. HYGIENE. 407 Hasselly J. Domestic Economj'. Parts 1-3. fcp. 8vo. sewed. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1880. Haviland, A. Climate, Weather, and Disease. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 18.05. Health. Lectures for the People — Edinburgh. Series 1-9, 1880-89. post 8vo. sewed and cloth, limp. (Edin- burgh Health Society.) Macniven & Wallace, Edinburgh, 1883-89. Health Itectures for the People — Manchester. Series I-ll, 1875- 88. post 8vo. sewed and cloth. J. Hey wood, Manchester, 1878-88. Heinzerling', Dr. C. Abriss der Che- mischen Technologie, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Statistik und Preisver- haltnisse. See Works on Chemistky. H^raud, Prof. A. Les Secrets de I'Alimentation h, la Ville et a la Campagne. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Bibliotheque des Con- naissances Utiles.) J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1890. Herbals. See Works on Botany : Gerarde, Parkinson, Thornton, and Turner. Hilger, A. Vereinbarungen betreffs der Untersuchung und Beurtcilung von Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln sowie Gebrauchsgegenstanden. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Freien Vereinigung Bayerischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie. royal 8vo sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1885. Hirt, Dr. L. System der Gesundheits- pflege. 8vo. sewed. Maruschke & Berndt, Breslau, 1876. Holland, G. C. The Vital Statistics of Sheffield. 8vo. half calf. London, 1843. Home and its Duties ; a Practical Manual of Domestic Economy for Schools and Families. New edition, fcp. 8vo. stifE wrapper. T. Laurie. Honours (The) of the Table, with the whole Art of CarTing,&c. 12mo. boards. London, 1788. Hood, C. A Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings by Hot Water, Steam, and Hot Air. Ou Ventilation, &c. (C. C. E. L., No. 942.) Whittaker & Co., 1844. 5th edition. 8vo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1879. How to make Home Unhealthy. Reprinted from the "Examiner." fcp. 8vo. sewed. Chapman & Hall, 1852. Howard, J. J' Gymnasts and Gym- nastics. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, crown 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1868. Hurel, Dr. A. Les Ecoles de Village dans un Canton de Normandie. Etude d'Hygi&ne. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1879. Husband, H. A. Sanitary Law: a Digest of the Sanitary Acts of England and Scotland, fcp. 8vo. cloth. E. & S. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1883. Znman, W. S. Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on Ventilation, Warming, and Transmission of Sound. Abbreviated, with Notes. 8vo. cloth. London, 1836. Johnston, J. F. W. The Chemistry of Common Life. See TFor^5 on Chemistry. Johnston's Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Containing 45 Maps, with Text. Edited by G. Phillips Bevan. royal folio, half morocco. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1882. Judge, M. H. Sanitary Arrangements of Dwelling Houses. Notes in con- nection with the Sanitary Exhibits at the International Health Exhibition, 1884. 8vo. cloth. Sanitary Assurance Association, 1884. Key, Axel. Redogorelse for den Hygienska Undersokningen. 2 vols, 8vo. and 4to. — Die Gesundheits verhaltnisse in den Schulen Schwedens. 8vo. [With Reports, Sfc. on EDUCATION — Sweden.] Elencke, Dr. H. Illustrirtes Lexikon der Verfalschungen der Nahrungsmittel und Getranke. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. half bound. J. J. Weber, Leipzig, 1879. Eloss, Dr. M. Anleitung zur Ertheilung des Turnunterrichtes. 8vo. sewed. Dresden, 1863. Enapp, Dr. F. C. Die Nahrungsmittel in ihren chemischen und technischen Beziehungen. 8 vo. half calf. Brunswick, 1848. Konig, Dr. J. Chemie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Theil I. Chemische Zusammensetzung der men- schlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. J. Springer, Berlin, 1889. Huborn, Droixhe, and Blandot. Hygiene Scolaire.-^Lo Batiment et la Gymnastique. L'Eleve et le Maitre. (Report prepared for the " Assemblee Nationale Scientifique d'Hygiene et de Medecine Publique de 1880." 8vo. sewed. H. Vaillant-Carmanne, Liege, 1880. Labourers' Homes. Labourers' Friend, November, 1854. — Report of the Committee on Dwellings, to the Society of Arts, 1865. — Report of Special Com- mittee on the Statisticts of Dwellings Improvement in the Metropolis, to the Society cf Arts, 1864.— Labourers; Homes ; a paper by the Fincham Association. — Labourers' Cottages ; from the "Times," 19th B'ebruary 1864.— Report (4th) on Improvement of Dwell- ings of Agricultural Labourers in Scot- land, 1858. 1 vol. 8vo. hf. roan. 1854-65. 408 HYGIENE. Lagrange, F. Physiology of Bodily Exercise. post 8vo. cloth. (Inter- national Scientific Series.) Kegan Paul & Co., 1889. liaisn^, N. Gymnastique Pratique. Illustrated. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. J. B. Bailliere & Son, Paris, 1879. Iiauchester, H. J. A few Notes upon the means of Making a House Healthy and Comfortable, fcp. 8vo. cloth. F. Harvey. Laukester, Dr. E. On Food. Being Lectures delivered at the South Ken- sington Museum. 1st and 2nd Course in in 1 Tol. crown 8vo. cloth. 1st Course, crown 8vo. cloth, limp. R. Hardwicke, 1861. ■ ■' ■ " The Uses of Animals in Relation to the Industry of Man ; being a Course of Lectures delivered at the South Kensington Museum. See Works on General Natural History. Laurie, J. W. Home and its Duties. New edition, fcp. 8vo. boards. T. Laurie. La Varenne. The French Cooke. 24mo. calf. (Title-page wanting.) (^Brooke Collection.') Leeds, L. W. Treat se on Ventilation 3rd edition. 8vo. cloth. Wiley & Sons, New Tork, 1882. Lees, F. S. Handbook for Hospital Sisters. Edited by H. W. Acland. post 8vo. cloth. TV.Isbister& Co., 1874. Lefebvre, E. Les Aliments. 8vo. sewed. CBibliotheque des Ecoles et des Families.) Hachette & Co., 1882. Lehmann, Dr. K. B. Die Methoden der praktischen Hygiene. Anleitung zur Untersuchung und Beurtheilung der Aufgaben des taglichen Lebens. 8vo. sewed. J. F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1890, Le Roy de M^ricourt, A. Rapport sur les Progres de I'Hygiene Navale en France, imp. 8vo. Paris 1867. (J^^ith Reports, &c. on Education — France — Lettres et Sciences.) Letheby, Dr. H. On Food ; its Varie- ties, Chemical Composition, Nutritive Value, Comparative Digestibility, Physiological Functions and Uses, Preparation, Culinary Treatment, Adulterations, &c. Four Cantor Lec- tures deli^'ered in January and February 1868. post 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1870. ■■ ■ 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. Bailliere, Tindall, & Cox, 1872. Leuckart, R. The Parasites of Man, and the Diseases which proceed from them. See Works on Protozoa, &c. L^vy, M. Rapport sur les Progres de I'Hygiene Militaire en France, imp. 8vo. Paris, 1867. With Reports, &c. ON Education — France — Lettres. Lewis, Dio. New Gymnastics, 300 illustrations. From the 6th American edition, with an Introduction by M. C. Tyler, post 8vo. cloth. W.Tweedie,1864. Libro del Popolo, ossia Trattatello d'lgiene, &c. 12mo. stiff cover. S. Franco, Turin, 1864. Liebreich, R. Two Lectures: School Life, its Influence on Sight and Figure. 8vo. sewed. J. & A. Churchill, 1878. Ling, P. H. Gymnastic Free Exercises. Translated, with Additions, by M. Roth, M.D. 12mo. cloth. 1853. Four Sheet Tables illustrative of Educational Rational Gymnastics. Groombridge & Sons. Local Government Board Publi- cations:— Alkali, &c. Works Regulation Act, 1881. Reports (Sixteenth), 1879, and onwards, royal 8vo, 1880, &c. Annual Reports and Supplements, containing Reports of the Medical Officer, (Tenth), 1881, and onwards. royal 8vo. Digest of Statutes relating to : — Rural Sanitary Authorities, royal 8vo. 1873. Urban Sanitary Authorities, royal 8vo. 1873. " ■ 2nd edition, royal 8vo. 1875. Metropolitan Workhouses, Reports of the Committee appointed to consider the Cubic Space of. fcp. folio, sewed. 1867. Pollution of Rivers : — Commission (1868). Reports, First to Sixth, fcp. folio. 1870-74. Prevention Act 1876. Reports (2) by Dr. R. A. Smith, royal 8vo. 1882-84. (Scotland). Report byA. E.Fletcher, royal 8vo. 1888. Best means of Preventing. Com- missioners' Second Report (River Lee). 2 parts, fcp. folio. 1867. (River Lee.) Report and Index, fcp. folio. 1886. River Thames. Reports, fcp. folio. 1870. Purification of River Clyde. Report by Hawkshaw. fcp. folio. 1876. — — Loch Long and Loch Goil. Report, fcp. foho. 1888. Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, England and Wales. Annual Reports, Abstracts, and Supplements (Forty-third), 1880, and onwards, royal 8vo. — — — Scotland, Annual Reports, &(J. (Twenty-sixth), 1880, and OLwards. royal 8vo. HYGIENE. 409 Local Government Board Fnbli- cations — cont. Kegistrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Ireland. Annual Eeports,&c. (Twenty -fourth), 1887, and onwards, fcp. folio. Sewage Disposal Committee. Eeport. royal 8vo. 1876. Small-Pox at Sheffield, 1887-8. Keport hy Dr. Barry, fcp. folio. H.M. Printers, 1889. IiOtving, C. On Physical Education, and its Place in a Rational System of Education. post 8vo. cloth. (^With Works on Teaching, English, &c.) W. Swan Sonnenschein. IiOndon, T. Hygiene. Elementary Course, fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1884. Maccnllocll, J., M.D. Remarks on the Art of making Wine. 4th edition. 12mo. cloth. London, 1829. Maclareu, A. A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical, fcp. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869. Maisons Ouvridres de rimprimerie Paul Dupont, Notes sur les. fcp. folio, sewed. Paris, 1867. Manchester Congress on Domestic Economy and Elementary Education, Report of, 1878. royal 8vo. cloth. Society of Arts (G. Bell & Sons), 1878. Maun, R. J. Book of Health. New- edition. (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. stiff wrapper. Longmans & Co., 1 858. Mann, R. J- Domestic Economy and Household Science, fcp. 8vo. cloth. E.Stanford, 1878. Guide to the Knowledge of Life, &c. See Works on Anatomy and Physiology. Air the Food as well as the Breath of Life. See Works on Chemistry. Mapother, E. D. Manual of Physio- logy, and of the Principles of Disease. See Works on Anatomy and Physio- logy. Maudsley, H. Responsibility in Mental Disease, crown 8vo. cloth. (Interna- tional Scientific Series.) 1874. . 2nd edition, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1874. Mayne, R. G. Expository Lexicon of Medical Terms, &c. See Works of Reference. Mayr, Dr. G. Die Gesetzmassigkeit im Gesellschaftsleben. Statistiche Studien. post 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877. Medicinalweseu im Eoni^reich Sachsen auf das Jahr 1875, Siebenter Jahresbericht des Landes — Medicinal — Collegiums liber das. royal 8vo. sewed. Vogel, Leipzig, 1877. Meldmm, C. On the Relations of Weather to Mortality and on the Climatic Effects of Eorests. See Works on Astronomy — Solar Physics Col- lection. Menschelijke Leven te Verlengen, Kunst om het, op Gezondheidsleer. From the German of Dr. G. O. Piper. 12mo. sewed. Oomkens, Groningen, 1843. Meteorology as affecting Hy- giene, Observations on. See Local Government Board Publications — Regis- trar-General's Reports. Metropolitan Building Act, passed August 14, 1856, with Notes, &c., by D. Gibbons and R. Ilesketh. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1859. Metropolis Local Management Act, &c. 5th edit. 12mo. cloth, stiff. (Weale's Series.) J. S. Virtue, 1862. New edition. 12mo. cloth. Stiff. (Weale's Series.) Virtue & Co., 1868. See also Blyth's Dictionary of Hygiene, &c. Middleton, J. Five Hundred New Receipts in Cookery, &c. Revised by H. Howard. 8vo. sheep. {Brooke Collection.') London, 1734. Milton, J. L. On the Modified Turkish and Vapour Bath and its Value in cer- tain Diseases of the Skin. 8vo. boards. R. Hardwicke. Mining and Mineral Statistics. See Works on Geology, &c. Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom. Parts 1. to 10. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1857-79. Mitchell, J. Treatise on the Falsifi- cations of Food, and the Chemical Means employed to detect them, post 8vo. cloth. H. Bailliere, 1848. Moeller, Dr. J. Mikroskopie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche. royal Bvo. sewed. J. Springer, Berlin, 1886. Mondesir and Lehaitre. Communi- cation relative k la Ventilation par I'Air Comprime. Extrait des Memoires de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils. 8vo. sewed. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1867. Moore, W. J. Health in the Tropics ; or, Sanitary Art applied to Europeans in India. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1862. Morin, A. Etudes sur la Ventilation. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1863. 410 HYGIENE. Morris, D. J. Germinal Matter and the Contact Theory. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1867. Morselli, H, Suicide, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul & Co., 1881. Mnrphy, S. F., &c. Our Homes, and How to make them Healthy. 8vo. cloth. Cassell & Co., 1883. Napper, A. The Advantages derivable to the Medical Profession and the Public from the establishment of Village Hos- pitals, &c. 3rd edition. 8vo. stitched. H. R. Lewis, 1866. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. See Transactions — London (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals) . National Training School for Cookery, The Official Handbook for the. post 8vo. cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1877. Neison, F. G. P. Contributions to Vital Statistics ; being a development of the rate of Mortality and the Laws of Sickness, &c. 3rd edition. 4to. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1857. Neuman, R. A. Home-Nursing, post 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1886. Newsholme, Dr. A. Hygiene : A Manual of Personal and Public Health, post 8yo. cloth, limp. G. Gill Sc Sons, 1884. New South Wales in 1881 : being a brief Statistical and Descriptive Ac- count of the Colony up to the end of the year. Compiled by T. Richards. Second issue, royal 8vo. sewed. T. Richards, Sydney, 1882. New South Wales. The Wealth and Progress of, 1887-88. By T. A. Coghlan. Svo. cloth, limp. C. Potter, Sydney, 1888. Nicati, Dr. W. Rechcrches d'Hygi^ne Scolaire faites k Marseille. P Fascicule. 6tude des Bancs d'Ecole. Svo. sewed. G. Masson, Paris, 1 879. Niemayer, Dr. P. Gesundheitslehre des menschlichen Korpers. fcp. Svo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1876. Nightingale, Florence. Notes on Nursing, royal Svo. cloth, limp. Harrison & Sons. Norlander,C.,and Martin, E.Manuel de Gymnastique rationnelle Suedoise. Svo. boards. Delahaye & Lecrosnier, Paris, 1883. Nuisance ICemoval and Diseases Prevention Act, Smoke Nuisance and Lodging House Acts, -with Notes. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. S. Virtue, 1855. See also Blyth's Dictionary of Hy- giene, &c. Palmberg, Dr. A. Traite de I'Hygiene Publique d'apres ses Applications dans differents Pays d']lSurope. Preface de M. le Prof. Brouardel. 8vo. sewed. O. Doin, Paris, 1891. Farkes, E. A. Manual of Practical Hygiene, prepared especially for use in the Medical Service of the Army. Svo. cloth. IS 64. 6th edition. Edited by F. S. B. F. de Chaumont. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1883. On Personal Care of Health. 20th thousand, fcp. Svo. cloth. (Manuals of Health.) Christian Knowledge Society. Paul, A. Notions Ilygieniques appli- cables aux J^tablissements d'Instruction de la Jeunesse. Svo, sewed. L. Hehbelynck, Ghent, 1863. Pavy, F. W. Treatise on Food and Dietetics, Physiologically and Thera- peutically Considered. Svo. cloth. 1874. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1875. Pay en, A. Precis Theorique et Pra- tique des Substances Alimentaires, &c. 4th edition. Svo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1865. Pennetier, Dr. G. Le9ons sur les Matieres Premieres Organiques. Ori- gines. Provenance, Caracteres, Compo- sition, Sortes Commerciales, Alterations Naturelles, Falsifications et Moyens de les reconnaitre, Usages. See Works on Chemistry. Penot, A . Les Cites Ouvrieres de Mul- house et du Departement du Haut- Rhin. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de la Description des Bains et Lavoirs etablis a Mulhouse. imperial Svo. sewed. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1867. Les Institutions Privees du Haut-Rhin. imp. Svo. sewed. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1867. Pereira, Dr. J. Treatise on Food and Diet, &c. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1843. The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1849-53. Physical Training in Schools, in a Series of Gj^mnastic Exercises, illus- trated with Engravings of the different Positions, &c. 32 pp. Svo. stitched. Toronto, 1852. HYGIENE. 411 Physiologfy for Practical Use. See Works on Anatomy and Physio- Physiologfy in Relation to Health, Diagrams on. (Working Men's Educa- tional Union.) See Works on ANAToyiY AND Physiology. Play fair. Dr. Lyon. The Food of Man in relation to his Useful Work. A Lec- ture delivered at the Royal Society, Edinburgh; and at the Royal Institu- tion, London, in April 1865. 8vo. stitched. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1865. Poole, B. Statistics of British Com- merce, being a Compendium of the Productions, Manufactures, Imports and Exports of the United Kingdom. 8vo. W. H. Smith & Son, 1852. Prideanx, T. Symes. On the Economy of Fuel. 12mo. cloth, stiflF. J. Weale, 1853. PrOTLSt, Dr. A. Elements d'Hygiene. 12mo. boards. (Enseignement Secondaire des Jeunes Filles, 3^ Annee.) G. Masson, Paris, 1883. public Health. The Journal of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Edited by A. W. Blyth. Vol. 1 and onwards. See Joxirxials (Catalogue OF Scientific Periodicals). Public Health, Lectures on, delivered in the Hall of the Royal Dublin Society. See Transactions— Dub- lin : Royal Dublin Society. Public Health, Sewage, &c.. Re- ports on. The General Board on Public Health Act, from 1848 to 1854. — On the Deodorization of Sewage by Dr. Hofmann and Dr. Frankland, ordered by Metropolitan Board of Works, May 1859.— On the Sewage of Towns, 1860. — Dr. Lankester on recent Sanitary Legislation in the Metropolis, 1 86 1 .— Tite, W. On Mortality of Lon- don and Paris, 1864. In 1 vol. Bvo. half roan. 1854-64. Balfe, Dr. C. H. School Hygiene. A Lecture delivered at the request of the Council of the Parkes Museum of Hy- giene, July 12, 1883. £vo. sewed. Longmans & Co., 1883. I&anke, J. Die Ernahrung des Mensch- en. fcp. 8vo. half morocco. (Die Naturkrafte.) R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1876. Haspail, F. V. Domestic Medicine ; or Plain Instructions in the Art of Pre- serving and Restoring Health. Edited by Dr. Strauss. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1853. Heid, D. B. Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of VentilatiDn. royal 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. Rembold, Dr. S. Schulgesundheits- pflege. post 8vo. sewed. H. Laupp, Tubingen. Reynolds, J. R. A System of Medicine Vols. 1, 2, 3. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1871-76. Riant, A. Hygiene Scolaire. Influence de I'EcoIe sur la Same des Enfants. post 8vo. half roan. 1874. L' Hygiene et I'Edacation dans les Intemats, Lycees, Colleges, Pensionnats, Maisons d'Education, Ecoles Normales, Ecole.s Speciales, Universites, &c. post 8vo. half roan. Hachette & Co., 1877. Le Surmenage Intellectuel et les Exercices Physiques. {With Works on Teaching, French, &c.) Ribot, Th. Diseases of Memory, post 8vo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) K. Paul, Trench, & Co., 1882. Rice, E. Domestic Economy. Parts 1-3. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. Text -Book of Domestic Economy. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son. Richardson, Dr. B. W. On Health and Occupation. fcp. 8vo. cloth. (Manuals of Health.) Christian Knowledge Society " Health and Life, post Svo. cloth. Daldy, Isbisler, & Co., 1878. Drink and Strong Drink, fcp. Svo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1882. Richardson, W. The Chemical Prin- ciples of the Metallic Arts, with an Account of the principal Diseases inci- dental to the different Artificers, &c. See Works on Chemistry. Riikens, R. G. Handleiding voor Ligchaams-oefeningen, 8vo. stiff wrap- per. Groningen, 1843. Riofrey, Dr. A. M. Treatise on Phy- sical Education, especially adapted to Young Ladies. 2nd edition, enlarged, with Plates. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1838. Ritche, R. Treatise on Ventilation, Natural and Artificial. 8vo. cloth. C. Lock wood & Co., 1862. Robins, E. C. Technical School and College Building : being a Treatise on the Design and Construction of Applied Science and Art Buildings, and their suitable Fittings and Sanitation, &c. With Works on Teaching, English, &c. 412 HYGIENE. IRolaud, G. An Introductory Course of Gymnastic Exercises. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. cloth. 1854. An Introductory Course of Fencing. 2nd edition, royal Svo. cloth. Oliver & Boyd. Roland, J. The Amateur of Fencing. Svo. boards. London, 1809. Root, N. W. T. School Amusements. Eules for Military and Gymnastic Ex- ercises ; with Engravings, crown Svo. cloth. Barnes & Burr, New York, 1860. Ross, G. On the Ventilation of Schools, Hospitals, Law Courts, and other Pub- lic Buildings. Svo. sewed. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 1S74. Roster, G. II Pulviscolo Atmosferico ed i suoi Microrganismi. See Works on Botany (^Foreign). Roth, Dr. M. Movements or Exercises, according to Dr. Ling's System. Svo. sewed. 1852. A Letter to the Earl Granville on Gymnastics. Svo. stitched. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. 'Rumford's (Count) Complete Works : Economy of Fuel, Construction of Kitchen Fire-places and Utensils, various Processes of Cookery, Management of Fires in closed Fire-places, Food, Salubrity of Warm Rooms, Warm Bathing, Coffee, &c., &c. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Salzxnanu, C. G. Gymnastics for Youth. With Plates. Svo. half calf. London, 1800. Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, Parliamen- tary Report on the. Svo. cloth. London, 1842. Sanitary Engineering. See Works on Architecture, &c. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, Report of the 3rd Congress, held at Croydon, October 1879 ; being Vol. 1 of the Transactions; and on- wards. See Transactions —London (Catalogue of Scientific Perio- dicals). Schaible, Dr. C. H. First Help in Accidents ; being a Surgical Guide, &c. ISmo. cloth. R. Hardwicke. Schenstrom, R. Reflexions sur I'Edu- cation Physique et les Mouvements Corporals. Svo. sewed. V. A. Delahaye, Paris, 1880. Schmitz, P. Traite de Gymnastique ele- mentaire et raisonnee, h. I'usage des Ecoles Primaires. 2n(i edition, post Svo. sewed. 1870. . .... - Traite de Gymnastique d' Applica- tion, post Svo. sewed. Liege, 1871. School of Popular Cookery. One Hundred and Forty Recipes, selected from various Authorities. Svo. sewed. London International Exhibition, 1873. Schre"ber, Dr. D. G. M. Kallipadie, Oder Erziehung zur Schonheit. royal Svo. cloth. Fleischer, Leipzig, 1858. • Illustrated Medical In-door Gym- nastics; or a System of Medico-Hy- gienic Exercises. Translated from the German by Henry Skelton. royal Svo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1856. Science (The) of Food. A Text- Book specially adapted for those who are preparing for the Government and other Examinations in Domestic Eco- nomy. With Examination Questions. By L. M. C. Svo. cloth. G. Bell & Sons, 1883. Scoffern, Dr. J. Philosophy of Com- mon Life, or the Science of Health, post Svo. cloth. Ward & Lock, 1857. Chemistry of Food. (Orr's Circle of the Sciences. Vol. 7.) See Works on Physics {General Treatises). Sewage Process, The ABC. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. E. Stock. Sharpies, C. H. Food and its Adul- terations. Svo. sewed. Greenail, Preston, 1879. Shaw's Medical Remembrancer; or, Book of Emergencies, &c. 5th edition, rewritten, &c., by J. Hutchinson. 32mo. cloth, limp. J. Churchill & Sons, 1867. Shipton, J. Pharmacopoeia Bateana. In qua, Octingenta circiter Pharmaca, pler- aque omnia e Praxi Georgii Batei ex- cerpta, Ordine Alphabetico concis^ ex- hibentur. Huic accessit Orthotonia Medicorum Observata : Annexa item est in Calce Tabula Posologica. small 12mo. calf. {Brooke Collection.) London, 1688. Skater's (The) Pocket Com- panion. 32rao. half morocco. Dean & Munday. Smith, Dr. Edw. Practical Dietary for Families, Schools, and the Labouring Classes, crown Svo. boards. Walton & Maberly, 1864. Foods, crown Svo. cloth. (Inter- national Scientific Series.) 1873. 4th edition, post Svo. cloth. (International Scientific Series.) H. S. King & Co., 1876. Smith, R. Angus. Air and Rain. See Works on Chemistry; also Local Go- vernment Board Publications in present section. Smoke Preventing (Abatement) Appliances, Exhibition, Inter- national, of, 1881-2 : Descriptive Catalogue, Nov. 1881. Svo. sewed. W.H.&L. Collingridge. Bericht an das K. Sachsische Minis- terium des Innern, in dessen Auf- trage erstattet, von F. Siemens. Svo. sewed. Springer, Berlin, 1882. HYGIENE, 413 Smoke Abatement Committee, 1882, Report of the. With Reports of the Jurors of the Exhibition at South Kensington, and Reports of the Testing Engineer, to which are added the Official Reports on the Manchester Exhibition, &c. demy 4to. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1883. South, J. F. Household Surgery ; or Hints on Emergencies. 4th edition, with a Chapter on Poisons by Dr. Gladstone, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1859. Soyer, A. The Pantropheon, or History of Food and its Preparation, from the Earliest Ages of the World, royal 8vo. cloth. Simpkin & Co., 1853. Spiess, A. Die Lehre der Turnkunst. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. Basel, 1840-46. Turnbuch fiir Schulen. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Basel, 1847. Statesman's Year-Book. See Works or Reference. Statistical Abstract for the United Kingdom — British India — Colonies — Principal and other Foreign Countries. Current Number. 8vo. sewed. H.M. Printers. See also Statesman's Year-Book. Statistical Congress. Papers on Statistical Methods, &c., read in the Sixth Section. By Dr. Guy, Messrs. R. Valpy, S. Brown, and J. Winter Jones, imp. 4to. sewed. 1860. Statistical Society of London, Journal of the. See Transactions — London (Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals). Statistics, Vital, Works on. See : — Census of Great Britain, 1831-1881. Census (Tenth) of the United States, 1880. Holland, G.C. The Vital Statistics of Sheffield. Johnston's Statistical Atlas. Neison, F. G. P. Contributions to Vital Statistics. Walker, F. Staub, A. Description de la Cite ()uvriere et des Institutions qui s'y rat- tachent de MJVI. Staub & Cie. k Kuchen, pres Geislingen, en Wxirtemberg. Text. 4to. sewed. Atlas, oblong folio, boards. Stuttgart, 1868. Taylor, A. S. Manual of Medical Juris- prudence. 8th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1866. Techow, Gustav. Manual of Gymnastic Exercises for the Use of Schools and at Home. Svo. cloth. Melbourne, 1866. Tegetmeier, W. B. A Manual of Domestic Economy. 4th edition. 12mo. cloth. Groombridge & Sons, 1858. ■ The Handbook of Household Management and Cookery, compiled at the request of the School Board for London. 2nd edition, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1877. Tobacco Question considered, by J. B. Budgett, M.D., 1857.— Death in the Pipe,'by J. L. Milton, 1857. In 1vol. 8vo. half roan. G. Philip & Son, 1857. Tomlinson, C. A Rudimentary Treatise on Warming and Ventilation. 12mo. cloth, stiff. J. Weale, 1 850. Traces du Magnetisme. Svo. sewed. (^Brooke Collection.) The Hague, 1 784. Training Schools of Cookery. (United States Circulars of the Bureau of Education, 1879.) See Reports on Education — United States. Twickenham Economic Museum, Papers (3) on. 4to. stitched. {With Works on Museums.) Simpkin & Co. Twining, T. Science for the People : a Memorandum on various Means of Propagating Scientific and Practical Knowledge among the Working Classes, &c. Svo. cloth. C. Goodman, 1870. Suggestions for Developing the Elements of the Science of Daily Life in the Primary Schools of the People, with the Aid of the " Science Made Easy " Course. Svo. sewed. Economic Museum, Twickenham, 1880. Familiar Lessons on Food and Nutrition. Intended to serve as a Hand- book to the Food Department of the Parkes Museum of Hygiene. Part 1. post Svo. cloth. D. Bogue, 1881. Science made Easy : Elements of Scientific Knowledge most required in Daily Life. See Works on Physics — {General Treatises). Tyndall, J. Essays on the Floating- Matter of the Air in relation to Putre- faction and Infection. See Works on Botany. Fermentation and its Bearings on the Phenomena of Disease. See Works on Chemistry. Tyndall and Pasteur. Les Microbes Organises ; leur R61e dans la Fermenta- tion, la Putrefaction et la Contagion. See Works on Botany {Foreign). Uffelmann, Dr. J. Darstelluug des auf dem Gebiete der OeflFentlichen Gesundheitspflege in Ausserdeutschen Landern, &c. Svo. sewed. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1878. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Reports, &c. See Works on Fishes. United States Sanitary Com- mission. " Bulletin," Nos. 1 to 40. 3 vols., in one. royal 8vo. sewed. " Documents," Nos. 1 to 95. In 2 vols. roy. Svo. sd. New York, 1866. United States Statistical Atlas, by F. Walker. See Walker. Useful Arts employed in the Production of Food and Clothing, and Construction of Dwelling-Houses. See Works on Manufactures and Trades. 414 HYGIENE. Vaccination Commission. First, Second and Third Reports of the Eoyal Commission on Vaccination; with Minutes of Evidence. 3 vols. fcp. folio, sewed. H.M. Printers, 1889-90. V^ron, E. Les Institutions Ouvrieres de Mulhouse et des Environs. 8vo. sewed. Ilachette & Co., 1866. Victorian Year-Book. See Works OF Reference. Walfordy C. The Insurance Cyclo- paedia. See Works of Reference. Walker, E. Statistical Atlas of the United States, hased on the results of the Ninth Census, 1870, with Contri- butions from many eminent Men of Science, large 4to. half bound. [Washington], 1874. Wallace, M. S. Study and Work at the Kensington School for Cookery. 12mo. sewed. Mozley & Smith, 1877. Wanklyn, J. A. Milk- Analysis : a Practical Treatise on the Examination of Milk and its Derivatives, Cream, Butter, and Cheese, post 8vo. cloth. 1874. Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa : a Prac- tical Treatise on the Analysis of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate, Mate ( Para- guay Tea), &c. post 8vo. cloth. 1874. Wanklyn, J. A., and Chapman, E. T. Water Analysis : a Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water. 4th edition, rewritten by J. A. Wanklyn. post 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1876. Ward, E. O. Moyen de creer des Sources Artificitlles d'Eau pure pour Bruxelles et pour d'autres grandes Villes d'apres le nouveau procede Anglais, royal 8vo. sewed. A. Decq, Brussels, 1853. Ware, Martin, jun. Handy Book of Sanitary Law. 12mo. stiff wrapper. Bell & Daldy, 1866. Warnings to Householders; I30 Hints and Precautions concerning Safety, Health, and Comforts in Our Dwellings. Svo. sewed. Vizetelly & Co. Water and Water-Supply. See Works on Hydrostatics, H ydr s , &c. See also Ward, F. O. (above). Westhall, C. Modem Method of Training for Running, Walking, &c. 18mo. cloth, limp. S. O. Beeton. Wilson, A. Manual of Health Science, fcp. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1885. Wilson, Erasmus. On Food; as a means of Prevention of Disease. 2nd edition. 12mo. stitched. J. Churchill & Sons, 1865. Wilson, Dr. G. Researches on Colour Blindness. With a Supplement on the Danger attending the Present System of Railway and Marine Coloured Signals. 8vo. cloth. Sutherland & Cox, Edinburgh, 1855. Handbook of Hygiene and Sani- tary Science. 5th edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1883. Willonghby, E. F. Dietetics ; or, the Nature, Functions, and Comnosition of Food. fcp. 8vo. cloth. W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Hj-giene : its Principles as applied to Public Health, post 8vo. cloth. (^Advanced Science Series.) W. Collins, Sons, & Co. Win slow, F. On the Obscure Diseases of the Brain, and Disorders of the Mind. 4th edition, revised, post 8vo. cloth. J. Churchill & Sons, 1868. Wood, H. C. Fever ; a Study in Morbid and Normal Physiology. (Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. Vol.23.) ^ee Transactions — Washington. Wright, C. E. G. School Cookery Book, fcp. Svo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1879. Youmans, E. L. Hand-Book of House- hold Science. A Popular Account of Heat, Light, Air, Aliment, and Cleansing, in their Scientific Principles and Do- mestic Applications. With Illustrative Diagrams, crown Svo. cloth, D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1860. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. R. Koch uud Dr. C. Flxigge. See Journals (Catalogue OF Scientific Pbriodicals). Zerffi, Prof. G. G. Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism. A Treatise on Dreams, Second Sight, Somnambulism, Magnetic Sleep, Spiritual Manifestations, Hallucinations, and Spectral Visions, crown Svo. cloth. R. Hardvvicke, 1871. Zippel, H. Auslandische Handels- und Nahrpflanzen. See Works on Botany {Foreign). Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenknnde. See Journals (Catalogue of Scien- tific Periodicals). Zeitschrift fiir Scbulgesund- heitspflege. See Journals (Cata- logue OF Scientific Periodicals). \_At the Bethnal Green Branch of this Museum there is a Collection ( formed in 1857) illustrating Foods, their Classifications, Adulterations, with 'Chemical Analyses, Sfc. Several Works on this subject have bein published by the Science and Art Department. See separate List at end."] 415 PART VIII. WORKS OF EEFERENCE. I.-EWCYCLOPiEDIAS, DIBECTOBIES, CALEN- DARS, &c. ♦^* Encyclopcedias, Sfc, relating to Special Subjects, e.g. Watts's Dictionary of Chemistry, Fremy^s Encyclopedie ChimiquCy Baillon^s Dictioiinaire de Botanique, Sfc, will be found in their respective divisions. AUibone, S. A. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, Living and Deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1859-7 L American Cyclopaedia, The New, a Popular Dictionary of General Know- ledge. Edited by Geor^'e Kipley and Charles A. Dana. 16 vols, imperial 8vo. cloth. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1860-63. Annual Register (Dodsley's). Com- plete set from its commencement, 1758, to 1870 ; with Index 1758 to 1819. 114 vols. 8vo. half russia. J. Dodsley. New Series. 1871 and onwards. Svo. cloth. Eivingtons. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Edited by J. G. Wilson and J. Fiske. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1887-9. Army List, The Official, for the current quarter, royal Svo. cloth. And Monthly for current date. fcp. Svo. sewed. H.M. Stationery Office. Art (Ii') de Verifier les Dates des Faits Ilistoriques, des Chartes.desChro- niques, et autres Anciens Monumens de- puis la Naissauce de Notre- Seigneur. By a Benedictine Monk of the Congre- gation of Sr. Maur. 3rd edition. 3 vols, folio, calf. Paris, 1783-7. Salfonr, E. Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Com- mercial, Industrial, and Scientific ; Products of the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, Useful Arts and Manufactures. By Surgeon-General E. Balfojir. 3rd edition, 3 vols, royal Svo. cloth. B. Quaritch, 1885. Beleze, G. Dictionnairo Universel de la Vie Pratique h. la Ville et a la Cam- pagne. 3rd edition, royal Svo. calf. Hachette & Co., 1867. Blackie's Modem CyclopsBdia of Uni- versal Information. Edited by C. Annandale. S vols, crown Svo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1889-90. Blair, Dr. Chronological and Historical Tables, royal Svo. half roan. Longmans & Co., 1851. Bohn, H. G. Polyglot of Foreign Pro- verbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish, with English Translations, and a General Index. 12mo. cloth. (Bohn's Antiquarian Librarj'.) Bell & Daldy, 1867. Bond, John J. Handy Book of Rules and Tables for Verifying Dates of Historical Events, and of Public and Private Documents; giving Tables of Regnal Years of English Sovereigns, with leading dates from the Conquest to the Present Time, 1066 — 1866. crown Svo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1866. Bonillet, M. N. Dictionnaire Uni- versel des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts. New edition, revised and cor- rected, royal Svo. calf. Hachette & Co., 1869. Brande, W. T. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. 3r(J edition. 8vo. cloth. 1853. New edition, by Rev. G. W. Cox. 8 vols. Svo. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1866-7. Brewer, Dr. E. C. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin, of Common Phrases, Allusions, &c. 3rd edition, crown Svo. half roan. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. British Almanack (The) and Com- panion, 1864 and onwards. 12mo. cloth. Stationers' Company. British Encyclopedia. By William Nicholson. Engravings by Lowry and Scott. 6 vols. Svo. calf. London, 1809. Brockhans' Conversations-Lexikon . 12th edition. 15 vols. imp. Svo. half bound. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1875-79. Calendars of Universities, &c. for current year : — Aberdeen University. Birkbeck Institution. Bradford Technical College. Cambridge University. City of London College. Coimbra, Universidade de. College of Preceptors. 416 WOEKS OF REFERENCE. Calendars of Universities — cotit. Cooper's Hill Royal Indian Engineer- ing College. Dublin University ; and Examination Papers. Durham University. Edinburgh University. Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Glasgow University. Japan, Imperial University of. King's College (London). London University. Mason's Science College (Birming- ham). Owens College (Manchester). Oxford University. Queen's College (London). Royal University of Ireland ; * Re- ports ; Examination Papers. St. Andrew's University; including L.L.A. and Local Examinations. Science and Art Department Sydney, New South Wales, Univer- sity. Sydney Technical College. Trinity College (London). University College (Bristol). University College (London). University College (Nottingham). University College of South Wales and Monmouth (Cardiff). Victoria University (Manchester). Yorkshire College (Leeds). Cape of Good Hope Ci-^il Service List, 1889. 8vo. cloth. Cape Town, 1889. Cas sell's Biographical Dictionary. Containing original Memoirs of the Most Eminent Men and Women of all Ages and Countries. 4to. cloth. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. Cates, W. L. R. A Dictionary of General Biography, with a Classified and Chronological Index of the Principal Names. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1867. Chambers, E., and Rees, A. Cyclo- paedia ; or, an universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. With Supplement by Abraham Rees. 5 vols, folio, calf. London, 1779-91. Chambers's Encyclopaedia ; a Dic- tionary of Universal Knowledge for the People, illustrated with maps and wood engravings. 10 vols. imp. Svo. cloth. 1860-68. ■ Revised edition. 10 vols. 1874. Vol. 1 and imp. Svo. half calf. ■ New edition. onwards, imp. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers, 1888, &c. Information for the People. 5th edition. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half mo- rocco. W. & R. Chambers, 1874-5. Chambers's Book of Days, a Miscel- lany of Popular Antiquities in connec- tion with the Calendar. Edited by Robert Chambers. 2 vols. imp. Svo. half morocco. W. & R. Chambers, 1864. Cyclopaedia of English Literature : a History of British Authors, from the Earliest to the Present Times. 2 vols, imp. Svo. half calf. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Cheruel, A. Dictionnaire Historique des Institutions, Moeurs, et Coutumes de la France. 2 vols. 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1865. Clergy List for current year. Svo. cloth. Kelly & Co. Clinton, H. F. Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the Earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus. 3 vols. 4to. cloth. 1834-41. Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Con- stantinople, from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Heraclius. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. University Press, Oxford, 1845-50. Colonial Year Book for 1890. By A. J. R. Trendell. With Introduction by J. R. Seeley. Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1890. Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Re- ceipts, Processes, and Collateral Infor- mation in the Arts, Manufactures, Pro- fessions, and Trades, including Medi- cine, Pharmacy, Hygiene, and Domestic Economy. 6th edition, revised and greatly enlarged by R. V. Tuson. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. J. & A. Churchill, 1880. Cooper, T. New Biographical Dic- tionary, post Svo. cloth. G. Bell & Sons, 1873. Crockford's Clerical Directory for cur- rent year. imp. Svo. cloth. H. Cox, Wellington Street. Cruden's Concordance to the Old and New Testament, to which is added, a Concordance to the Apocrvpha. 1 3th edition. 4to. cloth. (C C. E. Z., No. 2367.) London, 1859. Cushing, W. Initials and Pseudonyms. A Dictionary of Literary Disguises, royal Svo. cloth. S. Low & Co., 1886. Daremberg and Saglio. Diction- naire des Antiquites Grecques et Ro- maines. Part 1 and onwards. 4to. sewed. Hachette & Co., 1874, &c. Darling, J. Cyclopaedia Bibliogi-aph- ica : a Library Manual of Theolo- gical and General Literature. "Au- thors." super royal Svo. cloth. 1854. •ENCYOLOPiEDlAS, ETC. 417 X)arlixig, J. Cyclopaedia Bibliograph- ica : a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature. " Subjects, Holy Scriptures." super royal 8vo. cloth. J. Darling, 1859. Deschanel, A. Privat, et Focillon, Ad. Dictionnaire General des Sciences Theoriques et Appliquees. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half calf. Tandou & Co., Paris, &c., 1864-69. Dictionary (A New) of Quota- tions from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Languages, post Bvo. cloth. J. F. Shaw, 1858. Dictionary of National Biogra- phy. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. half morocco. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1885, &c. Dictionnaire des Sciences Fhilo- S0ph.ig.ues. Prepared under the direction of Ad. Franck. 2nd edition. royal Bvo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1875. Sncyclopsedia Americana. A Supplemental Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, J. M. Stoddart, New York, 1883-89. Uncyclopaedia Britannica ; or, a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences and General Literature. 7th edition. 21 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1842. I 8th edition. 21 vols. 4to. half roan. With Supplement to Vol. 1, and Index. A. & C. Black, 1853-60. . • 9th edition. 24 vols, and Index. 4to. half calf. A. &. C. Black, 1875-89. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. 25 vols., with 3 vols, of Plates and General Index. 4to. half calf. Vols. 1 and 2. — Pure Sciences. Vols. 3- 8 — Mixed Sciences. Vols. 9-13. — History and Biography. Vols. 14-25. — Miscellaneous and Lexi- cographical. London, 1845. Snc^clop^die ; ou Dictionnaire uni- versel raisonne des connaissances humaines ; mis en ordre par M. de Felice. 42 vols. 4to. calf. 1770-75. Supplement. 6 vols. 4to. calf. 1775-76. Planches. 10 vols. 4to. calf. Yverdon, 1775-80. Xncyklopaedie der Natnrwissen- schaften :— Botanik, See Schenk, p. 157. Chemie. See Ladenburg, p. 301. Mathematik. See Schlomilch, p. 29. Mineralogie, Geologic, &c. See Kenngott, &c., p. 121. Pbarmakognosie des Pflanzenreichs. See Wittstein,p. 159. Physik. See Winktlmann, p. 356. Zoologie, .-Vnthropologie, &c. See Jager, &c., p. 252. £ 61668. English Catalogue of Books, January 1835 and onwards. Compiled by Sampson Low. royal 8vo. half morocco and sewed. - S. Low & Co., 1864, &c. English Cyclopaedia, The. Con- ducted by C. Knight. 23 vols. 4to. cloth : — Biography, 6 vols. Arts and Sciences, 8 vols. Geography, 4 vols. Natural History, 4 vols. Index. Bradbury & Evans, 1856-62. Every Man's Own Lawyer. A Handy Book of the Principles of Law and Equity ; comprising the Rights and Wrongs of Individuals. By a Barrister. 28th edition, post 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Son, 1891. Familiar Quotations, Handbook of ; chiefly from English Authors. 3rd edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1859. See also Friswell, J. H., Henderson, A. (Latin), and Truths Illustrated. F^tis, F. J. Histoire Generale de la Musique, depuis les Temps les plus Auciens jusqu'a Nos Jours. 5 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. 1869-76. . Biographic Universelle des Musi- ciens et Bibliographie Generale de la Musique. 2nd edition. 8 vols., in 4. half morocco. Firmin-Didot & Co., Paris, 1866-73. Supplement et Complement, par A. Pougin. Vols. 1-2. (in one). royal 8vo. half morocco. 1 878-80. Firmin-Didot & Co., Paris. Friswell, J. Hain. Familiar Words : an Index Verboram, or Quotation Handbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, post 8vo. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Marston, 1866. Gazetteers. See page 67. Globe Encyclopaedia of Universal Information. Edited by J. M. Ross. 6 vols. 4to. cloth. Jack, Edinburgh ; Nimmo and Bain, London, 1879. Grove, G. Dictionary of Music and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1889). With Appendix, edited by J. F. Maitland. 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Macmillan & Co., 1879-89. Index. By Mrs. E. R. Wodehouse. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1890. Halkett and Iiaing. Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. 4 vola. royal 8vo. cloth. W. Paterson, Edinburgh, 1883-8. D D 418 WORKS OF REFERENCE. Haydn's Dictionary of Biography, Past and Present, brought down to Sept. 1877. By B. Vincent, royal 8vo. cloth. E. Moxon, Son, & Co., 1877. — — — Dictionary of Dates and Uni- versal Information, relating to all Ages and Nations. 19th edition, con- taining the History of the World to the Autumn of 1889. ByB. Vincent, royal Svo. cloth. Ward, Lock, & Co., 1889. — — — Book of Dignities ; containing Lists of the Official Personages of the British Empire, &c. Continued by H. Ockerby. Svo. half roan. W. H. Allen & Co., 1890. Henderson, A. Latin Proverbs and Quotations. With Translations, Paral- lel Passages, and English Index, post 4to. cloth. S. Low, Son, & Marston, 1869. Hume, Rev. A. The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom. 8vo. cloth. G. Willis, 1853. Imperial Bible Dictionary. Edited by Rev. P. Fairbairn, D.D. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half morocco. Blackie & Son, 1870. Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, by various Writers. Edited by J. F. Waller, LL.D. 6 vols, (in 3). imperial 8vo. calf. W. Mackenzie, 1865-66. Irving, J. The Annals of Our Time. From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Jubilee, June 20, 1887. 1 vol. and 3 Supplements. 8vo. cloth. Macmillan & Co., 1869-89. Hitto, Rev. Dr. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. A new edition, edited by the Rev. W. L. Alexander, D.D. 3 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. A. & C. Black, 1862-66. Latin Q^^^^'^^O^^' Dictionary of. 12mo. half calf. (Bohn's Classical Library.) Bell & Daldy, 1860. See also Dictionary, Henderson, A. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, corrected by Prof. Anthon, E. H. Bar- ker, and Rev. Dr. Giles. Svo. calf. Whittaker & Co. Jjow's Handbook to the Charities of London. 54th Year. 1890. fcp. Svo. sewed. S. Low & Co. Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. 3 vols. Svo. half calf. London, 1834. IS'Callocll, J. R. A Dictionary, Prac- tical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, illustrated with Maps and Plans. New edition. By H. G. Reid. Svo. cloth. 1871. Supplements 1 and 2, in one Tol. 8vo. half roan. Longmans & Co., 1875-77. Mayne, R. G. An Expository Lexicon of Medical Terms, &c. Svo. cloth. J. Churchill, 1860. IMCendel, H. Musikahsches Conversa- tions-Lexikon. Eine Encyklopadie der gesammten musikalischen Wissen- schaften. 11 vols, and Erganzungsband von H. Mendel und Dr. A. Reissmann, bound in 6 vols. Svo. half morocco. Heimann & Oppenheim, BerUn, 1870-83. Michelsen, E. H. The Merchant's Polyglot Manual, in Nine Languages, chiefly extracted from the Tariffs of all Nations. Svo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1860. Murray's Handbooks. See page 45. Naval Annual. See Works on Naval Architectuke. Navy List, The Monthly. Current issue, post Svo. sewed. H.M. Stationery Office. Newspaper Press Directory, and Advertisers' Guide. Current issue, imp. Svo. stiff wrapper. C. Mitchell & Co. Nicolas, Sir Harris. Historic Peerage of England. Revised, corrected, and continued to the present time, including all recent creations, extinctions, deaths, &c. By W. Courthope, Esq. Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1857. Chronology of History. 12mo. cloth. Longmans & Co. Noel, Er. Dictionnaire de la Fable, ou Mythologie Grecque, Latine, Egypti- enne, Geltique, Persane, Syriaque, Indienne, Chinoise, . Mahometane, Slavone, Scandinave, Africaine, Ameri- caine, Iconologique, Rabbinique, Caba- listique, &c. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Paris, 1823. Dictionnaire Historique des Person- nages celebres de I'Antiquite. Avee I'Etymologie et la Valeur de leur Noms et Surnoms, precede d'un Essai sur les Noms propres chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes. 2nd edition. Svo. sewed. Paris, 1S24. O'Byme, W. R. A Naval Biographical Dictionary ; comprising the Life and Services of every Living Officer in Her Majesty's Navy, from the Rank of Admiral of the Fleet to that of Lieu- tenant, inclusive, royal Svo. cloth. J. Murray, 1849. Phillips, L. B. The Dictionary of Biographical Reference ; together with a Classed Index of the Biographical Literature of Europe and America, royal Svo. half morocco. S. Low, boD, and Marston, 1871. ENCYCLOriEDIAS, ETC. 419 Foole, W. F. An Index to Periodical Literature. 3rd edition brought down to January 1882, with the assistance, as Associate Editor, of W. J. Tleteher, &c. imp. Svo. cloth. J. R. Osgood & Co., Boston, 1882. • First Supplement, from Jan. 1, 1882, to Jan. 1, 1887. imp. Svo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1888. Post Office Directories. With imp. Svo. cloth : — Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire, and Northamptonshire. 1885. Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Ox- fordshire. 1887. Birmingham, with Suburbs. 1890. Birmingham, Staffordshire, Warwick- shire, and Worcestershire. 1888. Bristol, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, and Herefordshire. 1885. Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk. 1888. Cheshire. 1878. Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Notting- hamshire, and Rutland. 1888. Devonshire and Cornwall. 1889. Durham and Northumberland. 1879. Essex, Herts, Middlesex, 1890. Kent, Surrey, Sussex. 1891. Lancashire. 1864. Lincolnshire. 1876. London Directory for current year. London Suburban. 1888. Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Glou- cestershire, with Bristol. 1879. Somersetshire, with Bristol. 1875. Somersetshire and Gloucestershire, with Bristol. 1889. Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Hamp- shire. 1885. Yorkshire, West Riding. 1889. ,, North and East Ridings, with the City of York. 1879. European Directory. 1866. Kelly & Co. Postal Guide (British), current issue. post 8vo. sewed. Her Majesty's Printers. Proverbs, Handbook of, com- prising an entire republication of Ray's Collection, &c., with large additions by H. G. Bohn. 12mo. cloth. Bell& Daldy, 1866. See also Bohn, H. G., and Truths Illustrated. Pnblic General Acts, 1879 and on- wards, royal 8 vo. cloth. H.M. Printers. See also Statutes. Rose, Rev. H. J. New General Bio- graphical Dictionary. 12 vols. Svo. half calf. T. Fellowes, 1857. Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, Year -Book of the. With List of the leading Scientific Societies throughout the world. Ist Annual Issue, 1884, and onwards. Svo. cloth. C. Griffin & Co. Scudder, S. H. Catalogue of Scientific Serials of all Countries, including the Transactions of Learned Societies in the Natural, Physical, and Mathematical Sciences, 1633-1876. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). Shakspere, Complete Concordance to. By Mrs. Cowden Clarke. New edition, imp. Svo. cloth. W. Kent & Co. Shakespeare-Lexicon. A complete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases, and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. By Dr. A. Schmidt. 2 vols. imp. Svo. cloth. Reimer, Berlin ; Williams & Norgate, 1874-5. Simmonds, P. L. Dictionary of Trade Products, Commercial, Manufacturing and Technical Terms, &c. 12mo. half bound. G. Routledge & Co., 1858. Dictionary of Useful Animals and their Products. Including a Glossary of Trade and Technical Terms, &c. post 8vo. cloth. E. & F. N. Spon. Smith, Dr. W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Svo. half calf. J. Murray, 1856. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. Svo. half calf. J. Murray, 1853-56. ^ Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography. Svo. half calf. J. Murray, 1853. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. J. Murray, 1856-57. Concise Dictionary of the Bible. Svo. half calf. J. Murray, 1865. Sonnenschein, W. Swan. The Best Books. A Reader's Guide to the Choice of the Best available Books (about 25,000; in every department of Science, Art, and Literature, with the Dates of the First and Last Editions, and the Prices, Sizes, and Publisher's Name of each Book. A Contribution towards Classified Bibliography. With a copious Index, royal Svo. cloth. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1887. Spou's Encyclopffidia of the Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Commercial Products. See Works on Manufac- tures, &c. Statesman's Year Book. Statis- tical, Genealogical, and Historical An- nual of the States and Sovereigns of the Civilised World for the Year 1865, and onwards. Edited by F. Martin and J. Scott Keltic, post Svo. cloth, limp. Macmillan & Co., 1S65, &c: Statutes, The. Revised edition. Vols. 1-lS (A.D. 1235-1878). imp. Svo. cloth. (For continuation, see Public General Acts.) H.M. Printers, 1872, &c. D D 2 420 WORKS OF REFERENCE. Statutes, The. Chronological Table and Index. 6th edition. imp. 8vo. cloth. H.M. Printers, 1880. Taylor, J. Antiquitates Curiosse ; the Etymology of many remarkable Old Sayings, Proverbs, and Singular Cus- toms, fop. 8vo. half calf. London, 1818. Thom's Irish Almanac and OflBcial Directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the cur- rent year. 8vo. cloth. A. Thom, Dublin. Times Newspaper, Index (Palmer's) to the. From 1842 and onwards, post 4to. cloth. S. Palmer. Townsend, G. H. The Manual of Dates, a Dictionary of Reference of the Most Important Facts and Events in the History of the World. 5th edition, entirely remodelled and edited by F. Martin. 8vo. half bound. F. Wame & Co., 1677. Tmths Illustrated by Great Authors. A Dictionary of Quotations of Maxims, Proverbs, &c., in Prose and Verse, compiled from Shakespeare and other Writers. 1 1th edition, fcp. 8vo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1861. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 6th edition. Edited by Robert Hunt, E.R.S. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1867. 7th edition. Edited by R. Hunt and F. W. Rudler. 4 vols 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1875-8. Vaperean, G. Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporains. 4th edition, royal 8vo. calf. Hachette & Co., 1870. ■ Dictionnaire Universel des Lit- t^iratures. royal 8vo. half morocco. Hachette & Co., 1876. Victorian Year Book. By H. H. Hayter, 1879-80, 1882-3, 1887-8, 1888-89. 8vo. sewed. Melbourne, 1880, &c. Walford, C. The Insurance Cyclo- paedia : being a Dictionary of Terms ; a Biographical Summary ; a Biblio- graphical Repertory; an Historical Treasury ; and a detailed Account of the Rise and Progress of Insurance in Europe and in A.merica. Vols. 1-5 (a-han). royal 8vo. cloth. Laytou, Fleet Street, 1871-80. Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction. 12mo. cloth. Bell & Daldy. Whitaker's Almauack for the current year, post 8vo. cloth. J, Whitaker. Woodward, B. B., and Gates, W. L. R. Encyclopaedia of Chronology, His- torical and Biographical, royal 8vo. cloth. Lougmans & Co., 1872. II.— DICTIONARIES. ENGLISH. Dunmau, T. Glossary of Biological, Anatomical, and Physiological Terms, post 8vo. cloth. Griffith and Farran, 1879. Encyclopaedic Dictionary : a New and Original Work of Reference to all the words in the English Language, with a full account of their Origin, Meaning, Pronunciation, and Use. By Robert Hunter, &c. 14 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Cassell, Fetter, & Galpin, 1879-88. Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the 14th cent. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. R. Smith, 1865. Imperial Dictionary of the English Language : a Complete Encyclopedic Lexicon, Literary, Scientific and Techno- logical. By J. Ogilvie, LL.D. New edition. Edited by C. Annandale. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Blackie & Son, 1882-83. Johnson, Dr. S. Dictionary of the English Language, in which the Words are deduced from their Originals, and illustrated in their different Significa- tions by Examples from the best Writers. With a History of the Language and English Grammar. 1st edition. 2 vols, folio, calf. London, 1755. Iiatham, R. G. A Dictionary of the English Language. Founded on the Dictionary of Dr. Samuel Johnson, as edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd. With numerous Emendations and Additions. 4 vols., in 2. 4to. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1866-70. Murray, Dr. J. A. H., &c. New English Dictionary on Historical Prin- ciples ; founded mainly on the Materials collected by the Philological Society. Vol. I and onwards. 4to. half morocco. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1884, &c. If ares, Robt. Glossary : Words, Phrases, &c. thought to require illustration in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. New edition by J. O. Halliwell and T. V/right. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. J. R.Smith, 1859. Richardson, Dr, C. A New Dictionary of the English Language, combining Explanation with Etymology. 8vo. cloth. 1856. Dictionary of the English Lan- guage, combining Explanation with Etymology ; and Illustrated by Quota- tions from the best Authorities, Arranged Chronologically, from the Earliest Period to the Beginning of the Present Century. New edition. 2 vols. 4to. half russia. Bell & Daldy, 1863. DICTIONARIES. 421 Skeat, Rev. W. W. Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, arranged on an Historical Basis. 4to. half morocco. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1879-80. Storxnouth, Eev. J. Dictionary of the English Language. Library edition, imp. 8vo. half morocco. W. BlackAvood & Sons, 1884. I Manual of Scientific Terms, fcp. 8vo. half calf. Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh, 1879. Technological Dictionary: Eng- lish — German — Trench. See German Dictionaries. Weale, J. Dictionary of Terras used in Architecture, Building, Engineering, Mining, Metallurgy, &c. Edited by K. Hunt. 5th edition. 12mo. cloth. C. Lockwood & Co., 1876. Webster, Dr. N. Universal Pronounc- ing and Defining Dictionary of the English Language, with numerous Syno- nyms, by C. A. Goodrich, D.D. 8vo. cloth. Ward & Lock, 1857. Complete Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language, thoroughly revised and improved by C. A. Goodrich, D.D., and Noah Porter, D.D. 4to. calf. Bell & Daldy. Illustrated Dictionary of the English Language, thoroughly revised and improved by C. A. Goodrich, D.D., and N. Porter, D.D. 4to. calf. Bell & Daldy. Wedgwood, H. Dictionary of English Etymology. 2nd edition, with an Intro- duction on the Origin of the Language, royal 8vo. cloth. Triibner & Co., 1872. Worcester, Dr. J. E. A Dictionary of the English Language. royal 4to. half calf. Hickling, Boston, U.S. ; S. Low & Co., Ih60. ANGLO-SAXON. Bosworth, Rev. J. Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. royal 8vo. half calf. Longmans & Co., 1838. GAELIC. M'Donald, Alex. A Galick and Eng- lish Vocabulary, with an Appendix of the Terms of Divinity in the said Lan- guage. 8vo. calf. K. Fleming, Edinburgh, 1741. IRISH. O'Brien, J. Focaldir Gaoidhilge-Sax- Bhearla ; or an Irish-English Dic- tionary. 4to. calf. Paris, 1768. MANX. Kelly, Rev. Dr. ,1. Manx-English and English-Manx Dictionary. 8vo. cloth. (Manx Society's Publications, Vol. XIII.) Douglas, 1866. WELSH. Fughe, W. Owen. Dictionary of the Welsh Language, explained in English, &c. 2nd edition. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. T. Gee, Denbigh, 1832. Spnrrell, W. English - Welsh Pro- nouncing Dictionary. 2nd edition. 12mo. cloth. Carmarthen, 1861. LATIN. Facciolati et Porcellini Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Edid. J. Bailey, A.M. 2 vols, royal 4to. russia. London, 1828. Lewis, C. T., and Short, C. Latin Dictionary. Founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary, revised, &c. imp. 8vo. calf. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1879. Riddle, Rev. J. E. English-Latin and Latin-English Dictionary. 8vo. calf. 1854 English-Latin. 8vo. cloth. 1851. Latin-English. 8vo. cloth. 1853. Longmans & Co. niddle and Arnold. A Copious Eng- lish-Latin Lexicon ; founded on the German-Latin Dictionary of Dr. C. E. Georges. 8vo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1854. Smith, Dr. W. Latin-English Dic- tionary, based upon the Works of Forcellini and Freund. royal 8vo. calf. 1855. Smaller Latin-English, abridged from the above, imp. 16mo. calf. 1855. Smaller English -Latin Dictionary. Abridged from the Larger Dictionary of Dr. W. Smith and T. D. Hall, by J. Robson. 7th edition, imp. I6mo. cloth. J. Murray, 1878. White, Rev. J. T., and Kiddie, Rev. J. E. Latin-English Dictionary, imp. 8vo. calf. 1862. Latin-English Dictionary for the use of Junior Students, imp. 16mo. calf. Longmans & (^o., 1866. GREEK. Iiiddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon. 7th edition, revised and augmented throughout, demy 4to. half calf. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1883.. Greek-English Lexicon, abridged.. imp. 16 mo. calf. University Press, Oxford, 1852. 422 WOEKS OF EEFERENCE. Youge^ C. D. English-Greek Lexicon. crown 4to. cloth. 1856. . English-Greek Lexicon, abridged. New edition, square 12iuo. cloth. Longmans & Co., 1867. FRENCH. Andr^eff, P. Dictionnaire Techno- logique : Frangais — Russe, &c. See Russian Dictionaries. Brachet, A. An Etymological Dic- tionary of the French Language. Trans- lated by Rev. G. W. Kitchin. crown 8vo. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1873. Burn, Colonel. A Naval and Military Technical Dictionary of the French Language. French-English, and Eng- lish-French, in one volume. 4th edition, post 8vo. cloth. J. Murray, 1868. Dictionnaire Techuologique : Frangais — Allemand — Anglais. See German Dictionaries. Hamilton, Legros, and Smith. The International French-EngUsh and English-French Dictionary. 2 vols., in one. royal 8vo. half calf. Fouraut, Paris, 1865. Littre, E. Dictionnaire de la Langue Frangaise. 4 vols. 4to. cloth. 1 863-73. Supj)lement. Sulvi d'un Dictionnaire ^^tymologique de tous les Mots d'Origine Orientale. Par Marcel Devic. 4to. cloth. Hachette & Co., 1877. Noel et Carpentier. Dictionnaire l^tymologique, Critique, Historique, Anecdotique Litteraire, contenant un choix d'Archaismes, de Neologismes, d'Euphemismes, d'Expressions figurees ou poetiques, &c., pour servir a I'His- toire de la Langue Frangaise. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1831. B)Oq.nefort, J. B. B. Glossaire de la Langue Romane. 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1808-20. Spiers, A. Nouveau Dictionnaire General, Anglais-Fraugais, et Frangais- Anglais. 29th edition, by H. Witcomb. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. « S. Low & Co., 1884. Tarver, J. C. The Royal Phraseolo- gical English- French, French-English Dictionary. 3rd edition. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half calf. Dulau & Co., 1858. GERMAN. B^er, G. Technologieches Worterbuch in Englischer und Deutscher Sprache. Revised and enlarged by O. Brandes. Parts 1, 2, in one vol. royal 8vo. half morocco. Vie wag & Son, Brunswick, 1882-4. Fliigel's Dictionary of the German and English Languages. By C. A. Feiling, A.'Heimann, Ph.D., and John Oxenford. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Whittaker & Co., 1861. Fuchs, p. Taschenworterbuch der Russischen, Deutschen, Englischen und Franzosischen Sprache. German and English Parts (in one vol.). 18mo. morocco. Russian and French Parts. (in one vol.). 18mo. morocco. NefF, Stuttgart. Lucas, N. I. Dictionary of the English and German Languages, adapted to the present state of Literature, Science, Commerce, and Arts. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. calf. Schiinemann, Bremen, 1854-68. Longmans & Co. BiOhrig, Dr. E. Worterbuch in Eng- lischer und Deutscher Sprache fur Berg und Hiittentechnik. post 8vo. cloth: — Vol. I. English- German, with a Col- lection of Mining Terms compiled by the late Mr. Becker. 11. German-English. Felix, Leipzig, 1881. Technologisches Worterbuch. 3 vols, royal 8vo. : — Vol. I. German - English - French. Edited by W. Unverzagt. 2nd edition. 18G9. Vol. IL English - German - French. By Prof. Dr. Franke. 1870. Vol. IIL French - German - English. Edited by C. Rumpf & O. Mothes. 1868. Bound in 1 vol. half morocco. Kreidel, Wiesbaden. 4th edition. By Dr. E. Rohrig, C. Dill, E. von Hoyer, &c. With Preface by Dr. K. Karmarsch. 3 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. Vol. 1. German-English-French. 1887. II. English-German-French. 1891. III. French - Grerman - English. 3rd edition. 1887. Bergmann, Wiesbaden. SPANISH. Blwes, A. Dictionary of the Spanish- English and English-Spanish Languages. 2 vols., in 1. 12mo. calf. J. Weale, 1854. Fonseca, J. da. Dictionnaire Fran^ais- Espagnol et Espagnol-Fran9ais. royal 8vo. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1858. Neumann and Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and Enghsh Languages. New edition, revised by M. Seoane. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1867. DICTIONARIES. 423 Velasquez, M. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 12mo. boards. Triibner & Co., 1856. PORTUGUESE. Vieyra. Novo Diccionario Portatil das Linguas Portugueza e Ingleza. 2 vols. New edition, revised and enlarged, by J. P. Aillaud. 18mo. bound. J. P. Aillaud & Co., Paris, 1867. ITALIAN. Saretti's Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages. By J. Davenport and G. Comelati. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Whittaker & Co., 1873. £lwes, A. Dictionary of the Italian English and French Languages. 3 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. calf. J. Weale, 1855. Millhouse, J. English and Italian Pronouncing and Explanatory Diction- ary. 2 vols, crown 8vo. half calf. Millhouse, Milan. Triibner & Co., 1857. DUTCH, Bomhoff's English-Dutch and Dutch- English Dictionary. 2 vols. 12mo. boards. J. F. Thieme,Nijmegen, 1832. Kramers, J., jun. Technologische Woordentolk in Vier Talen. 8vo. calf. Gouda, 1875. FLEMISH. CoUoquia et Dictionariolum Septem Liuguarum, Belgicae, Anglicse, Teutonicse, Latinse, Italicaj, Hispanicge, Gallicse. oblong ISmo. half bound. J. Paetsius, Ley den, 1593. ICELANDIC. Cleasby and Vigfasson. Icelandic- English Dictionary. With Introduction by G. W. Dasent 4to. half russia. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1874. DANISH. Perrall and Repp. Dausk-Engelske OrdlDog. By W. Mariboe and S. Rosing, royal 16mo. calf. Copenhagen, 1861-3. SWEDISH. Ohrlander, C. N., and Leffler, 0. E. Tetraglott-Lexikon. Swedish, German, French, and English Dictionary. 4to. calf. Stockholm, 1852. OrcLbok. Vocabulary of all the Names of Goods and Commercial Articles in the Swedish, Danish, German, Dutch, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian Languages, sq. 18mo. half cloth. Stockholm. HUNGARIAN. Magyar €s KT^met Zsebsz6tdr. Magyar-German Pocket Dictionary. Part 1. post 8vo. half morocco. Royal University Press, Buda, 1838. ROUMANIAN. Antouescu, G. M. Nou Dictlonarili Francesu-Romanii gi Romanii-Francesu. 2 vols (in one). New edition. l2mo. half morocco. Bucharest, 1884. RUSSIAN. Andr^eff, P. Dictionnaire Techno- logique : Fran9ais - Russe - Allemand- Anglais. French Part. 8vo. half calf. St. Petersburg, 1881. Pocket-Dictionary of the Russian and English Languages. 18mo. roan. Tauchnitz, Leipzig. TURKISH. Redhouse, J. W. English-Turkish, and Turkish-English Dictionary, crown 8vo. cloth. B. Quaritch, 1856. Sanerweiu, G. Pocket Dictionary of the English and Turkish Languages. 18mo. cloth, stiflf. Williams & Norgate, 1855. PERSIAN. Ricliardson, J. Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. New edition by C. Wilkins. 2 vols. 4to. boards. London, 1806-10. Tucker, W. T. Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian, crown 8vo. cloth. J. Madden, 1850. ARABIC. CatafagO, J. English and Arabic Dictionary. 2nd edition. royal 8vo. cloth. B. Quaritch, 1873. Freytag, G. W. Lexicon Arabico- Latinum, praesertim ex Djheuarij Firu- zabadiique et aliorum Arabum Operibus, adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum Libris, confectimi. 4 vols., in 2. royal 4to. half calf. Hachette & Co., 1830, Lane, E. W. Arabic- English Lexicon. Book I. Parts 1-7 ; 8. Fasciculus 1-3. imperial 4to. cloth and sewed. Williams & Norgate, 1863-89. Panlmier, Ad. Dictionnaire Fran9ai8- Arabe. French- Arabic Dictionary, con- taining : 1. All the Words in General Use in Algeria. 2. Their Pronunciation in French Characters. 3. Their Plural Forms. 4. Their Gender. 12mo. calf. Hachette & Co., 1860. 424 WOEKS OF REFERENCE. SANSKBIT. Compendious Vocabulary of Sans- krit, in Divanagari and Roman Charac- ters. Preceded by a full Transliteration of the entire Alphabet. 4 to. half roan. HaU& Co., 1885. Dictionary of Sanskrit Roots, in Sans- krit and Marathi. With a List of Common Roots, and an Appendix. By Vishnu Parashuram Shastri Pandit. 8vo. half bound. Bombay, 1865. Williams, Monier. Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Etymologically and Philo- logically arranged. 4to. cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1872. EAST INDIAN LANGUAGES. English-Bengalee Dictionary, for the use of Schools. 12mo. cloth. Serampore, 1865. Garrett, J. A Manual Canarese- English and English-Canarese Dic- tionary. 2 parts, post 8vo. cloth. Bangalore, 1863-5. Forbes, D. Hindustani and English Dictionary, royal 8vo. cloth. Allen & Co., 1848. Crawfurd, J. A Grammar and Dic- tionary of the Malay Language, with a Preliminary Dissertation. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1852. Brjdgnell, Rev. W. School Dictionary, Singhalese and English. 18mo. cloth. Colombo, 1847. Percival, Rev. P. Anglo-Tamil Dic- tionary in the Roman as well as the. Tamil Character, post 4 to. cloth. Madras, 1861. . Fercival, Rev. P. English and Tamil Dictionary, for the use of Schools. 3rd edition, royal 8vo. boards. Madras. 1865. Tamil Dictionary. royal Svo. cloth Madras, 1860. Brown, C. P. Telugu and English Dictionary, explaining the Colloquial Style used in Business, and the Poetical Dialect, with Explanations in English andTelugu. 4to. sewed. Madras, 1852. Dictionary of the Mixed Dialects and Foreign words used in Telugu, &c. royal 8vo. bound. Madras, 1854. Percival, Rev. p. Anglo Telugu Dic- tionary, with the Telugu Words printed in the Roman as well as in the Telugu Character, royal 16mo. cloth. Madras, 1861. Polyglot Vocabulary, in the English, Teeloogoo, and Tamil Languages. 8vo. half bo und. Madras, 1851. 2nd edition. 8vo. cloth. Madras, 1862. JAPANESE. Hepburn, J. C. Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. 2nd edition, imp. 8vo. half bound. Shanghai, 1872. ZULU KAFIR. Dobne, J. L. Zulu Kafir Dictionary Etymologically Explained, with copious Illustrations and Examples, preceded by an Introduction on the Zulu Kafir Lan- guage, royal 8vo. half calf. Cape Town, 1857. 425 PAET IX. SCIENTIFIC PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 1.— TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, INCLUDING MUSEUMS, &c. AARAU. Aarganische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Mittheiluugen. Part 1 and onwards. 8vo. Aarau, 1878, &c. Mittelschweizerische Geograph- isch-Commercielle Gesell- schaft. Fernschau. — Jahrbuch. Band 1 and onwards. Svo. Aarau, 1886, &c. ABBEVILLE. Soci^t6 d'i^mnlation. Memoires. 12 vols. 8vo. Abbeville, 1833-69. 3* Serie. Vol, 1 and 2. Svo. Abbeville, 1873-8. Soci^te Liuu^euue da Nord de la France. Bulletin. Vol 1. 8vo. Abbeville, 1840-45. [All published.] See also AMIENS. AIX. Soci^t6 des Amis des Sciences. Recueil de Memoires. 3 vols. 8vo. Aix, 1819-27. ALBANY. Albany Institute. Transactions. 7 vols. Svo. Albany, 1830-72. State Cabinet of Natural His- tory and State Library. See NEW YORK. AMERICA. American Academy. See BOSTON. American Agricnltnral Boards, &C. See UNITED STATES. American Association for the Advancement of Science. See PHILADELPHIA. American Association. — Ameri- can Metrological Society. — American Museum of Na- tural History. See NEW YORK. American Philosophical Society. See PHILADELPHIA. AMIENS. Soci^t^ Linn6enne du Nord de la France. Memoires. Annee 1866-77, in 4 vols. Svo. Amiens, 1867-77. Bulletin. Tome 1-4, 5 (Jan.- Aug.). Svo. Amiens, 1872-81. See also ABBEVILLE. AMSTERDAM. Honinklijke Akademie van We- tenschappen. Verhandelingen Deel 1-9. 4to. Amsterdam, 1854-61. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Deel 1, 2. 4to. Amsterdam, 1858-63. Verslagen en Mededeelingen : Afdeel- ing Natuurkuude. Deel 1-11. Svo. Amstersdara, 1853-61. 2de Reeks. Deel 1-20. Svo. Amsterdam, 1866-84. Sde Reeks. Deel 1 and onwards. Amsterdam, 1885, &c. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Deel 1-3. 1 vol. Svo. Amsterdam, 1856-58. Honinklijk-Nederlandsche In- stituut van Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse van bet Hollandsch Instituut. Deel 1. 4to. Amsterdam, 1812. Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Insti- tuut. Deel 2-7. 4to. Amsterdam, 1816-25. NieuM-e Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse. Deel I -IS. 4to. Amsterdam, 1827-48. Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse (3* Reeks). Deel 1-5. 4to. Amsterdam, 1849-52. Verhandelingen der Tweede Klasse. Deel 1-8. 4to. Amsterdam, 1818-43. Verslag van de Werkzaamheden der Eerste Klasse. 8 vols, in 1. 4to. 1809-16. Gedenkschriften van de Derde Klasse. Deel 1-5. 4to. Amsterdam, 1817-56. Commentationes Latinae Tertiae Classis. Vol. 1-6. 4to. Amstelod., 1818-36. Proces — Verbaal van de (1-22) alge- meene Vergadering. 3 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1808-29. 426 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. AMSTERDAM— con^ Kouinklijk-Nederlandsche, &c.— cont. Verslag van de (1-12) openbare Ver- gadering der Eerste Klasse. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1817-39. Verslag van de openbare Vergadering der Tweede Klasse. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1817-40. Verslag van de (1-13) openbare Ver- gadering der Vierde Klasse. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1817-41. Prijsverhandelingen uitgegeven door Derde Klasse. 4to. Amsterdsim, 1822. Verhandelingen door R. G. Kiesewetter en F. J. Fetis, bekroond door de Vierde Klasse. 4to. Amsterdam, 1829. Nieuwe Reeks van Verhandelingen der Tweede Klasse. Deel 1-2. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1850-51. Spiegel Historiael of Rijmkronijk van J. van Maerlant. Met Aanteekenin- gen door J. A. Clignett en Jan Steenwinkel. 4 vols. 8vo. Leyden and Amsterdam, 1784-1849. ■ Aanteekeningen op bet Vierde Deel. Door J. H. flalbertsma. 8vo. Deventer, 1851. Uitlegkundig Woordenboek op de Wer- ken van P. K. Hooft. 4 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1825-38. Het Instituut of Verslagen en Mede- deelingen, uitgegeven door de vier Klassen. 6 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1841-46. Jaarboek, 1847-51. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1847-52. Beschouwingen over den Aard en der Werkkring van het K. Nederl. Insti- tuut. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1849. Souinklijk Zoologisch Genoot- schap, "Natura Artis Ma- gistra." Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Deel 1 en 2, Aflevering 7-9. 4to. Amsterdam, 1848-69. ANGERS. Soci^t^ Linn^ene dn D€parte- ment de Maine-et-Loire. Annales. 12 vols. 8vo. Angers, 1854-70. ARCUEIL. S oci^t^ d'Arcueil. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807-17. AUTUN. Soci^t^ fduenne. Memoires d'Histoire Naturelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Autun, 1865-66. AUXERRE. Soci^t^ des Sciences Histor- icmes et Naturelles de rxonne. Bulletins. 3 vols. 8vo. Auxerre, 1847-49. BALTIMORE. Johns Hopkins University. Circulars. No. 1 (Dec. 1879) and on- wards. 4to. Baltimore, 1882, &c. Annual Report, Third, Tenth, and on- wards. 8vo. Baltimore, 1878, 1885, &c. Register, 1884-90. 6 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1885-90. Studies in Historical and Political Science. 8vo. : — 2nd Series. Institutions and Eco- nomics. Pts. 1-12. Baltimore, 1884. Srd Series. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington. Pts. 1-12. Baltimore, 1885. 4th Series. Municipal Government and Land Tenure. Pts. 1-12. Baltimore, 1886. 5th Series. Municipal Government, History, smd Politics. Pts. 1-12. Baltimore, 1887. 6th Series. The History of Co- operation in the United States. Pts. 1-12. Baltimore, 1888. 7th Series. Social Science. Muni- cipal and Federal Government. Pts. 1-9. Baltimore, 1889. 8th Series. History, Politics, and Education. Pt. 1 and onwards. Baltimore, 1890. BATAVIA. Eoninklijke Natnurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch -Indie. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift. I'-S* Serie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. (Vols. 22, 32-38 wanting, and 29 and 31 im- perfect.) 8vo. Batavia, 1851-89. Verhandelingen (Acta). Deel 1-6. 4to. Batavia, 1856-59. Catalogus der Bibliotheek. 8vo. Batavia, 1884. BATH. Bath and West of England Society and Southern Coun- ties Association for the Encouragement of Agricul- ture, &c. Journal. New Series. Vols. 1-16. 8vo. London, 1852-68. Third Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1869, &c. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 427 BERLIN. Berlinische Gesellschaffc^Natnr- forschender Freunde. Schriften. 6 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1780-86. Neue Schriften. 4 vols. 4 to. Berlin, 1795-1803. Sitzungs-Berichte (1865-73). 2 vols. 4to. and 8vo. Berlin, 1866-73. Festschrift zur Feier des hundertjahr- igen Bestehens der Gesellscliaft. 4to. Berlin, 1873. Deutsche Botauische Gesell- schaft. Berichte. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1883, &c. Deutsche Chemische Gesell- schaft. Berichte. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1868, &c. General Register, 1868-1877, 1878- 1887. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1880-88. Deutsche Geographentage. Verhandlungen. 8to. Berlin, 1882, &c. 1. Berlin, 1881. 2. Halle, 1882. 3. Frankfurt am Main, 1883. 4. Miinchen, 1884. 5. Hamburg, 1885. 6. Dresden, 1886. 7. Karlsruhe, 1887. 8. Berlin, 1889. Deutsche Geologische Gesell- schaft. Zeitschrift. Vol. 36 and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1884, &c. Register zu dem 26 bis 40 Bande, 1879-88. Berlin, 1S90. Deutsche Meteorologische Ge- sellschaft. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Redigirt von Dr. J. Hann und Dr. W. Koppen. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1884, &c. [From 1886 amalgamated with the " Zeitschrift der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie."] Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Monatsberichte iiber die Verhandlungen. Redigirt von J. Lehmann und W. Mahlmann. Jahrgang 1-4 (1839-43). 8vo. Berlin, 1840-43. Neue Folge. Redigirt von W. Mahhnann, &c. Vol. 1-10. (Jahrg. 5-14.) Svo. Berlin, 1844-53. Zeitschrift fiir Allgemeine Erdkunde. Mit Unterstiitzung der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, &c. He- rausgegeben von T. E. Gumprecht. 6 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1853-56. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von K. Neumann (und W. Koner). Band 1-19. Svo. Berlin,1856-65. Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde— con «. Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von Dr.W. Koner. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1866, &c. Verhandlungen. (Previously issued with ** Zeitschrift.") Vol 1 and on- wards. Svo. Berlin, 1875, &c. Eonigliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incre- mentum Scientiarum, ex scriptis Soc. Reg. Sci. exhibitis edita. 7 vols. 4to. Berolini, 1710-43. Histoire de I'Academie Roy ale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, avec les Memoires tirez des Registres, 1745-69. 25 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1746-71. Nouveaux Memoires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, avec I'Histoire, 1770-1786. 17 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1772-1788. Memoires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, aved'His- toire, 1787-1804. 13 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1792-1807. Sammlung der Deutschen Abhandlungen welche in der K. Akademie vorgelesen worden, 1788-1803. 6 vols, in 3. 4to. Berlin, 1798-1806. Abhandlungen der Physikalischen Klasse ; (then,) Physikalische Ab- handlungen; (and finally,') Abhand- lungen der K. Akademie. 1804 and onwards. 4to. Berlin, 1815, &c. Supplement-Band, 1 and 2, 1854. 2 vols, folio and 4to. Berlin, 1856-9. Verzeichniss, 1710-1870. Svo. Berlin, 1871. Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen. 6 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1836-39, 1852-55. Monatsberichte. 26 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1856-82. Register, 1859-81. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1875, 1884. Sitzungs-Berichte, 1882 and onwards. 4to. Berlin, 1882, &c. Sonigliche Preussische Geo- logische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie. Jahrbuch. Vol. 1 (1880) and onwards, imp. Svo. Berlin, 1881, &c. Physikalische Gesellschaft. Verhandlangen. Band 1 and onwards. imp .Svo. Berlin, 1882, &c. Fortschritte der Physik. See Journals. Zeichnungs - Commission des Vereins "die Hiitte." Notizen zur Sammlung von Zeich- nungen fiir " die Hiitte." Jahrgang 1857-63. 7 vols. oblong folio. Text, 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1858-64. 428 TKANBACTIONS, ETC. BIRMINGHAM. Institution of Meclianical EngpLneers. Proceedings. 1861 and onwards. 8vo. Birmingham & London, 1861, &c. General Index to, 1847-84. 2 vols. 8vo. Birmingham & London. Library Catalogue, May 1881. Subject Index of Papers in the Proceedings, 1847-80. 1 vol. 8vo. Birmingham & London. Library Catalogue, June 1887. Sub- ject Index of Papers, &c. in the Pro- ceedings, 1847-1887. 8vo. London [1887]. Midland Union of Natural His- tory Societies. The Midland Naturalist. The Journal of the " Midland Union of Natural History Societies," with which is in- corporated the entire Transactions of the Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society. Edited by E. W. Badger and W. J. Harrison. Vol. I and onwards. 8vo. Birmingham, &c., 1878, &c. BLOIS. Soci6t6 des Sciences et Lettres de la Ville de Blois, afterwards Loir-et-Cher. Memoires. Tome 1-7. 8vo. Blois, 1833-67. BOHEMIA. Bohmisclie Gesellschaft der Naturforscher. See DRESDEN. Koniglicli - Bohmische Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften. See PRAGUE. BOLOGNA. Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istitnto. Deir Origine e de' Progressi dell' Isti- tuto. Da Giuseppe Gaetano BoUetti. Svo. Bologna, 1769. Collezione delle Opere del Prof. L. Gal- vani. 4to. Bologna, 1841. Memorie. 5 vols. 4to. Bologna, 1850-54. BOMBAY. Bombay Geographical Society. Transactions. Vol. 10, 12, 13. Svo. Bombay, 1852-57. Boyal Asiatic Society (Bombay Branch). Journal. Vol. 1-5, 6 (imperfect), 8 to 16. Svo. Bombay, 1844-85. BONN. Academia Natures Cnriosomm. See DRESDEN. BORDEAUX. Soci^t^ des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Memoires. 10 vols. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1854-75. 2« Serie. 5 vols. Svo. Bordeaux, 1876-83. 3* Serie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1884, &c. BOSTON. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. New Series. Vol. 1 and on- wards. 4 to. Boston & Cambridge, 1833, &c. [Vol. 5 is accompanied by a Plan of Ravages of the Tornado, Aug. 22, 1851. Bound uniformly with series.] Proceedings. S vols. Svo. Boston & Cambridge, 1848-73. New Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Boston, 1874, &c. Rumford's Complete Works. Pubhshed by the Academy. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises^. Boston Society of Natural His- tory. Boston Journal of Natural History. Vol. 1,2,3, 7. Svo. Boston, 1837-63. Memoirs : being a New Series of the "Journal." Vol. 1, 2. 4to. Boston, 1869-75. Proceedings. Vol. 1-23. (Vol. 5 wanting, and Vols. 19, 20, 21, and 23 imperfect.) Svo. Boston, 1844-85. Annual Reports. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1865-69. Occasional Papers. 3 vols. Svo.: Entomological Correspondence. By T. W. Harris. Spiders of the United States. By N. M. Hentz. Geology of E. Massachusetts. By W. O. Crosby. Boston, 1869-80. BRADFORD. Society of Dyers and Colourists. Journal. Vol. 1 and onwards, imp. Svo. Bradford, 1885, &c. [Proceedings of the Inaugural and Second Meetings heM in the Tech- nical College, Bradford, May 14th and June 12th, 1884, and a List of Members and Associates of the Society. Bound with Vol. 1.] Manchester, 1884. BREMEN. Naturwissenschaftlicher Ver- em. Abhandlungen und Jahresberichte, 1864, &c. Band 1 and onwards. Svo. Bremen, 1868, &c. TKANSACTIONS, ETC. 429 BRESLAU. Acadexnia Naturse Curiosomm. See DRESDEN. Schlesische Gesellschaft fur Vaterlandische Cultur. Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Verander- ungen, 1824-49, including Jahresbe- richte, 1850-51. 6 vols. 4to. Breslan, 1825-51. Jahresberichte, 1852-60. 2 vols. 4to. Breslau, 1852-60. Jahresberichte (und Abhandlungen (Imperfect) to 1872-3). From 1861 and onwards. 8vo. Breslau, 1861, &c. Erganzuugsheft zum 63 Jahresbericht (Rhizodendron Oppoliense Gopp. Beschrieben von Dr. K. G. Stenzel. Svo. sewed. Breslau, 1886. [Bound with vol. for 1885.] Erganzungsheft zum 64 Jahresbericht (Allert's Tagebuch, 1627). Breslau, 1887. [Bound with vol. for 1886.] Denkschrift zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjah- rigen Bestehens. 4to. Breslau, 1853. Verzeichniss der Schriften, 1804-76. 8vo. Breslau. BREST. Soci^t6 Acad^miqne. 3« Serie. Tome 4 (1876-77). Svo. Brest, 1878. BRUNN. S. EI. Mahrisch - Schlesische Gesellschaft zur Beforder- ung des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Iiaudeskunde. Erster Schematismus der Gesellschaft. 12mo. Briinn, 1815. Mittheilungen, 1821 and onwards. 4to. [The years 1822, 1823, 1826, 1838, 1839, and 1842 are incomplete; the years 1830, 1834, and 1843-46 are wanting] Briinn, 1821, &c. Alphabetisch-geordnctes In- halts-Verzeichniss, 1821-51. 4to. Briinn, 1821-51. Obst- Wein- und Gartenbau Verein. Kataloge, Jahresberichte, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Briinn, 1805-35. Katechismus der Obstbaumzucht. 1 vol. 8vo. Briinn, 1817. Obst- Wein- und Gartenbau Section. Monats-Berichte. 1868 and onwards. Svo. Briinn, 1868, &c. Landwirthschaftliche Gartenbau. Von Strobal, Wildt und Kroczak, 1859.— Verhandlungen der Landwirthschaft- lichen Section, 1858. — Skizzirte Dar- stellung der Verhandlungen iiber Schafzncht und WoUwesen, 16 und 17 Mai, 1825. Von Lauer, 1826. — Oekonomisches Vademecum. Ein Handjournal zur zweckmassigen und Lequemen Aufzeichung aller Wirth- schaftsgegenstande und Arbeiten. Von Kasalowsky, 1844. In 1 vol. 8vo. Briinn and Olmiitz. E. K. Mahrisch, 8cc.—cont. Die Waldbodenstreu und ihre Ersatz- mittel fiir landwirthschaftlichen Diin- ger. VonL. Koller. 8vo. (Gekronte Preisschrift.) Brunn, 1877. Deutsche Land- und Forstwirthe. Amts- bericht, 1840. Svo. Briinn, 1840. Franzens-Museum, Das. Beschrieben von A. Heinrich, 1853.— Catalog der Bibliothek, Alphabetischer Theil, von M. Trapp, 1868. — Kundmachung. Errichtung eines Mahrisch-Schlesi- schen Landesmusaums mit der Be- nennung, Franzensmusaum, Janner, 1829, &c. In 1 vol. Svo. Bninn. Catalog der Bibliothek, Alpha- betischer und Fachlicher Theil. 2 vols. Svo. Briinn, 1868 & 1879. Beschrieben von M. Trapp. 8vo. Briinn, 1882. Historisch-Statistische Section. Schrift- en, 1 854 and onwards, royal Svo. Briinn, 1854, &c. Notizenblatt, 1855 and onwards. 4to. Briinn, 1855, &c. Quellen- Schriften zur Geschichte Mahrens und Oesterr. Schlesiens. 1 Sektion : Chroniken u. dgl. Pt. 1. Svo. Briinn, 1861. •■ Chlumecky's Carl von Zierotin und seine Zeit, 1564-1615. 2 vols. Svo. Briinn, 1862-79. Das Iglauer Handwerk in seinem Thun und Treiben von der Begriindung bis zur Mitte des IS"" Jahrhunderts. Von F. Ruby. Svo. Briinn, 1887. - ■■ ■ " ' Neu Briinn, wie es enstanden und sich gebildet hat. Von C. Bitter d'Elvert. Theil 1. -• Katalog der Bibliothek der His- torisch - Statistischen Section. Von W. C. Schram. Svo. Briinn, 1885. Chronik der Orte Seelowitz und Pohr* litz und ihrer Umgebung, von J. Eder. Svo. Briinn, 1859. Monumenta Rerum Bohemico-Moravi- carum et f^ilesiacarum. Sectio II. Liber II. Liber Informationum et Sententiarum, cili Nauceni Brnen- skd, 1447-1509, &c. Die ruko- pieu Hradistskeho vydal I. Tkac. Svo. Hradisti, 1882. Liber III. Ueber das Olmiitzen Stadtbuch dts Wenzel von Iglau. Von VV. Saliger. Svo. Briinn, 1882. Historische Literatur - Geschichte von Mahren und Oesterreichisch-Schles- ien. Von C. d'Elvert. Svo. Briinn, 1850. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Vormund- schraftsrechtes in Mahren. Von Dr. J. Edler von Ruber. 8vo. Briinn, 1883. Preisschriften, 1831, 1833, 183.5, 184Q, 1S43. 2 vols. Svo. 430 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. BRUNN -con^ K. K. Mahrisch, Scc—cmt. Naturwissenschaftliche Section. Jahr- esberichte, 1857-59. 1 vol. 8vo. Briinn, 1857-59. Die Fische unserer fliessenden Gewasser. Von F. Zila. 8vo. Briinn, 1830. Werner - Verein zur Geologischen Durchforscliung von Mahren und K. K. Scblesien. Statuten, Jahres- Berichte, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Briinn, 1854, &c. Geologische-Karte der Mark- grafschaft Mahren und des Herzog- thumes Schlesien. Von F. Foetterie. Mounted on canvas, folded 8vo. size. Die Honigbiene von Briinn (Vcela Brnenska) . Organ der Bienenfreunde Mahrens, 1876-79. 8vo. Briinn, 1876-79. Kniha Tovacovska, Statuten der Gesell- schaft,&c. 1vol. 4to. Brne, 1858. Besidka Hospodarska, 1863-64. 1 vol. 4to. Brne, 1863-64. Kolnik, 1864 and onwards. 4to. Brne, 1864, &c. Zpravy. Organ cis. kral. moravsko- slezske spolecnosti ka zvelebeni orby, pfirodoznalstvi a vlastivedy v Brne. 1884 and onwards. 4to. Briinn, 1884, &c. BRUSSELS. Acad^mie Boyale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts de Belgique. Bulletins. 2« Serie. Tome 37-49 (1876-80). 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874-80. 3* Serie. Tome 1-17 (1881-89). 8vo. Bruxelles, 1881-89. Annuaire. 41"*-55™«' Annee (1875-89). post 8vo. Bruxelles, 1875-89. Centieme Anniversaire de Fondation (1772-1872). 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872. Notices Biographiques et Bibliograph- iques concemant les Membres, &c. 1874, 1886. post 8vo. Bruxelles, 1875, 1887. Mus^e Royal d'Histoire Natu- relle de Belgique. Annales : Ossemeuts Fossiles des Envi- rons d'Anvers. Par J. P. van Bene- den. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Pinnipedes. folio. With oblong Atlas. Bruxelles, 1877. Vol. 4, pt. 2. Cetaces. folio. With oblong Atlas. Bruxelles, 1878-80. I Faune du Calcaire Carbonif^re de la Belgique. Par de Kon- inck: Vol. 2, pt. 1. PoisBons. folio. With Atlas. Bruxelles, 1878. Mus6e Royal d'Histoire Natu- relle de Belgique— con^ Annales — cont. Vol. 5, pt. 2. Genres : Gyroceras, &c. folio. With Atlas. Bruxelles, 1880. Vol. 6, pt. 3. Gasteropodes. folio. With Atlas. Bruxelles, 1881. Travaux Publics. Annales. 32 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1843-74. BUDA-PESTH. Magyarhoni Foldtani Tiirsulat (Ungarische Geologische Gesellschaft). Foldtani Kozlony (Geologische Mit- theilungen). Vol. 9 (1879) and on- wards. 8vo. Budapest, 1879, &c. Magyar Kir^lyi Foldtani In- tezet. Evkonyve. Vol. 1-4 (pt. 2). 8vo. Pest, 1871-75. Magyar Tudom^nyos Atad^mia. Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Kozlemenyek. Vol. 7-16. 8vo. Pesten, 1869-81. Almanach, 1874-78. 5 vols. 8vo. Budapesten, 1874-78. Repertoriuma. Termeszettudomanyi es Mathematika. 1 vol. 8vo. Budapest, 1876. Ertesitoje. 24 parts. 8vo. Budapest, 1874-75. Nev-es Targymutatd (Index), 1867- 74. 1vol. 8vo. Budapest, 1875. ]Srtekezesek a Termeszet Tudomanyok Korebol. Vol. 3-10. (Imperfect.) 8vo. Budapest, 1873-80. firtekezesek a Mathemat. Tudomanyok Korebol. Vol. 2-7. (Imperfect.) 8vo. Budapest, 1873-76. jfivkonyvei. Vol. 14-16. (Imperfect.) 4to. Budapest, 1875-79. Icones selectae Hymenomycetum Hun- gariae per Stephanum Schulzer et Carolum Kalchbrenner observatorum et delineatorum. Parts 2, 3, 4. folio. Budapestini, 1874-77. Jegyzeke a M. Tud. Akademia altal kiadott Konyveknek jelentekenyen leszallitott arakon, 1875. Budapesten. A Dunai Trachytcsoport Jobbparti Res- zenek (Sz.-Endre - Visegrad - Eszter- gomi Hegyesoport) Foldtani Leirasa. Dr. AntalKoch. 8vo.Budapest, 1877. Literarische Berichte aus Ungarn. He- rausgebeben von P. Hunfalvy. 4 vols. 4to. Budapest, 1877-80. Continued as the — Ungarische Revue. Herausg. von P. Hunfalvy. Pt. 1-3 (1881). 8vo. Leipzig & Wien, 1881. Continued as — Mathematische und Naturwissenschaft- liche Berichte aus Ungarn. Redigirt von J. Frohlich. Vol. 1 (1882-1883) and onwards. 8vo. Berlin, 1882, &c. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 43X BUITENZORG. Jardin Botanique. Annales. Publiees par Dr. R. H. C. C. Scheffer et Dr. Melchior Treub. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Batavia & Leyden, 1876, &c. CALCUTTA. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Asiatick Researches. (Printed from the Calcutta edition.) 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1801-18. Journal. Edited by J. Prinsep, &c. Vol. 1-41. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-72. Appendix to Journal. — Useful Tables, by J. Prinsep ; and Generic Characters in Roxburgh's Flora Indica, by H. Piddington. Svo. Calcutta, 1832-40. Proceedings. 8 vols. Svo. Calcutta, 1866-72. See also Jouxmals — Gleanings in Science. CALIFORNIA. California Academy of Natural Sciences, ^ee SAN FRANCISCO. California State Mining Bureau. See SACRAMENTO. CAMBRIDGE. Morphological Laboratory. Studies. Edited by F. M. Balfour, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Cambridge, 1880, &c. CANADA. Boyal Society of Canada. See MONTREAL. CAPE TOWN. South African Philosophical Society. Transactions. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Cape Town & Cambridge, 1878, &c. CATANIA. Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali. Atti. Tomo 1-7. 4to. Catania, 1825-33. CHARLESTON. Elliott Society of Natural His- tory. Journal. Vol. 1. 4to. Charleston, 1859-60. Proceedings. Vol. 1. 1853-58. Svo. Charleston, 1859. CHERBOURG. Soci6t6 des Sciences Naturelles (^afterwards, Soci^te des Sciences Naturelles et Math^ma- tiques). Memoiriis. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Cherbourg, 1852, &c. [Second Series begins with Vol. 11 ; a Third, with Vol. 81.] CHRISTIANIA. Norske Meteorologiske Institut. Norsk Meteorologisk Aarbog, 1867-72. Aargang, 1-6. 4to. Christiania, 1868-73. Jahrbuch, 1882-84. Herausgegeben von Dr. H. Mohu. 4to. Christiania, 1883-85. Storm-Atlas. AfDr. H. Mohn. folio. Christiania, 1870. CONNECTICUT. Connecticut Academy. 'S'eeNEW HAVEN. COPENHAGEN. Eongelige Danske Videnska- bernes Selskab. Naturvidenskabelige og Mathematiske Afhandlinger. Deel 1-12. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1824-46, Femte Rsekke. Deel 1-12. (Deel 10 and 12 incomplete.) 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1849-80. Sjette Rsekke. Deel 1 and on- wards (incomplete). 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1880, &c. Oversigt over det Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers-Arbeider. 1842 and onwards. (1873 and 1880 in- complete.) Svo. Kjobenhavn, 1843, &c. Soci^t^ Boyale des Antiquaires du Nord. Memoires. 1845-49. Svo. Copenhagen. DANZIG. Naturforschende Gesellschaffc. Schriften. Neue Folge. Vol. 1 and on- wards. Svo. Danzig, 1866, &c. DIJON. Academic des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Memoires. 2« Serie. 16 vols. Svo. Dijon, 1852-71. 3« Serie. 10 vols. Svo. Dijon, 1873-88. 4« Serie. Vol. 1 (1888-89) and on- wards. Svo. Dijon, 1SS9, &c. DORPAT. Dorpater Naturforscher Gesell- schaffc. Archiv fxir die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehit- und Knrlands : — II. Serie. — Biologische Natur- kunde. Vol. 1-7 and onwards. (Vol. 9 and 10, imperfect.) Svo. Dorpat, 1859, &c. 432 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. DRESDEN. Academia ITaturae Curiosornm (Kaiseriiche Leopoldino-Ca- rolinisclie Deutsche Aka- demie der Naturf or seller). Acta Physico-medica Acad. Caes. Leop. j Carol. Naturae Curiosorum exhi- bentia Ephemerides, sive Observa- tiones, Historias, et Experimenta. 10 vols. 4to. Norimbergae, 1725-54. Nova Acta Physico-medica Naturae Curiosorum. Vol. 9-19. (Verhand- lungen. Band 1-11.) 4to. Erlangen, Bonn, Breslau, 1818-43. Nova Acta. Vol. 20 and onwards. (Vol. 39 wanting.) (Verhandlungen. Band 12 and onwards.) 4to. Bonn, Breslau, Dresden, Halle, 1843, &c. Supplements. 7 vols. 4to. Breslau, 1836-54. Bohmische Gesellschafb der Naturforscher. SammluDg Physikalischer Aufsatze. Von J. Maypr und F. A. Reuss. 4 vols. (Vol. 1. wanting.) 8vo. Dresden, 1792-98. Gesellschafb fiir Mineralogie. Auswahl aus den Schriften der unter Werner's Mitwirkung gestifteten Gesellschaft. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Leipzig, 1818-19. Gesellschafb fiir Natur-nnd Heilkunde. Jahresberichte und Sitzungsberichte 1858-60, 1863, and onwards. (Im- perfect.) 8vo. Dresden, 1861, &c. Naturwissenschafbliche Gesell- schaft "Isis." Sitzungs-Berichte (und Abhandlungen, from 1881). Jabrgang 1861 and onwards. 8vo. Dresden, 1862, &c. Denkscbriften. Festgabe zur Feier ihres 25*" Bestebens. 8vo. Dresden, 1860. Festschrift zur Feier ihres 50" Beste- bens. 8vo. Dresden, 1885. See Journals — Allgemeine Deut- sche Naturuistorische Zeitdng. Verein fur Erdkunde. Jabresbericbt 1 and onwards. (13, 14, and 17 wanting.) 8vo. Dresden, 1865, &c. Nacbtrag zum XVII. Jabresbericbt. Wissenscbaftlicbe Theil. 8vo. Dresden. [Jabresbericbt 22 is a " Festschrift zur Jubelfeicr des 25 jabr" Bestehens des Vereins."] Zoologisches Museum. Mittheilungen. llerausgegeben von Dr. A. B. Meyer. Heft 1, 2, 3. folio. Dresden, 1875-78. DRONTHEIM. Drontheimische Gesellschaft. Schriften, aus dem Danischeniibersetzt. 4 vols. 8vo. Kopenhagen and Leipzig, 1765-70. [In Vol. 4 the Society is called Die E. Norwegische Gesell- schaft.] DUBLIN. Dublin Microscopical Club. Pro- ceedings and Index to Proceedings, 1865-80. 5eeJournals:— Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Royal Dublin Society. Proceedings. 41 vols. 8vo. Dubbn, 1820-61. [Vol. for 1825-6 missing.] Journal. 7 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1858-78. Scientific Proceedings. (New Series, in continuation of the *' Journal.") Vol. 1 (1877) and onwards. 8vo. Dublin, 1877, &c. Scientific Transactions. (New Series.) Vol. 1 (1877) and onwards. 4to. Dublin, 1877, &c. Lectures on Public Health delivered in the Lecture Hall in April and May, 1873. 8vo. Dublin, 1874. Descriptive Catalogue of a New Col- lection of ^Minerals in the Museum of the Society. By Sir C. L. Giesecke. 8vo. Dublin, 1832. Analysis of the Report and Epitome of the Evidence taken before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, 1836, on the Royal Dublin Society. 8vo. Dublin, 1836. Reports of the Proceedings of the Meetings held for discussion of Sub- jects connected with Practical Science and Art, 1848-18.55. 8vo. Dublin. Catalogue of Articles of Manufacture, Produce, and Invention, exhibited at the Royal Society's House, July 8*'", 1850. 8vo. ' Dublin, 1850. Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. Dublin, 1850. Supplemental. 8vo. Dublin, 1858. 1731-1859. 8vo. Dublin, 1860. 1859-62. 8vo. Dublin. 1862. Report upon the Royal Dublin Society, the Museum of Irish Industry, and the System of Scientific Instruction in Ireland, Oct. 1862. 8vo. Dublin, 1863. Royal College of Science, Science and Art Museum, &c. See Science and Art Department Publications, separate List at end. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 433 [ DUNDEE. University College Museum of Zoology. Studies. Edited by D'Arcy W. Thom- son. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Dundee, 1888, &c. DUSSELDORF. Verein Deutscher EisenhtLtteu- leute. Stahl und Eisen. See Journals. EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. See Science and Akt Department Publications, separate List at end. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Fourth Series. Vol. 1-20. 8vo. Aberdeen & Edinburgh, 1866-88. Fifth Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889, &c. Boyal Observatory. Astronomical Observations made . . . byT. Henderson, 1834-47. Vol. 1-10. 4to. Edinburgh, 1838-52. [Vol. 6-10 reduced and edited by C. P. Smyth.] made .... byC. P. Smyth, 1849-77. Vol. 11-14. 4to. Edinburgh, 1857-77. Boyal Society. Transactions. Vol. XVIII. (Observa- tions in Magnetism and Meteorology made at Makerstoun in Scotland, in the Observatory of General Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., in 1844. Discussed and edited by J. A. Broun, Esq.) 4to. Edinburgh, 1848. Scottish Meteorological Society. Journal. 6 Nos. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863-68. ERLANGEN. Academia Naturae Curiosorum. See DRESDEN. Zoologisches Institut. Ein Stuck aus der Geschichte der Uni- versitat, 1743-1885, bei Gelegenheit der Einweihung des Neuen Zoolo- gischen Instituts. Von Dr. F. Will, Dr. C. Fisch, and R. Kraushaar. 4to. Wiesbaden, 1885. ESSEX COUNTY (MASS.). Essex County Natural History Society — Essex Institute. See SALEM (MASS.). Peabody Academy of Science. See SALEM (MASS.). E 61666. FLORENCE. Accademia del Cimento. Saggi di Naturali Esperienze. 8'* edition. 4to. Firenze, 1841. Museo di Fisica e Storia Natu- rale di Firenze. Annali. 2 vols. 4to. Firenze, 1808-10. Nuova Serie. Vol. 1 (1865). 4to. Firenze, 1866. Archivio Meteorologico Centrale Itali- ano. Prima Pubblicazione. 8vo. (2 copies.) Firenze, 1858. Collections Botaniques (Les) du Musee, au Printemps de 1874. Par P. Parla- tore. royal 8vo. Florence, 1874. B. Istituto di Studi Superiori di Firenze. Memorie del R. Osservatorio ad Arcetri. Tomo T. Num. 1. Sul modo con cui si propagarono i Fenomeni Luminosi delle Grande Aurora Polare osservata nella notte dal 4 al 5 Febbraio, 1872. 4to. 1873. Archivio Meteorologico. Studj sul Clima di Firenze nella seconda Meti del Secolo XVII. 4to. (2 copies.) FRANCE. Association Francaise. See PARIS. See also ABBEVILLE, AIX, AMIENS, ANGERS, ARCUEIL, AUTUN, AUXERRE, BLOIS, BORDEAUX, BREST, CHER- BOURG, DIJON, LYONS. MAR- SEILLES, NANCY, NICE, PER- PIGNAN, TOULOUSE, VER- SAILLES. FRANKFURT AM MAIN. Fhysikalischer Verein. Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung Naturwissen- schaftlicher Kenntnisse fiir das Jahr 1831. 8vo. Frankfurt am Main. Jahresbericht, 1845-1885. 8vo. Frankfurt am Main. Senckenberg^sche Naturforsch- ende Gesellschaft. Museum Senckenbergianum. Band 1-3. 4to. Frankfurt a. M., 1834-35. Supplement zu Band 1. H. von Meyer: Die fossilen Zahne und Knochen. Abhandlungen. Band 1 and onwards. 4to. Frankfurt a. M., 1854, &c. FREIBURG-IM-BREISGAU. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Beiichte iiber die Verhandlungen. Band 1-8. 8vo. Freiburg i. B., 1858-85. Berichte. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Freiburg i. B., 1886, &c. Festschrift der 56 Versammlung Deutsch- er Naturforscher und Arzte. Ge- widmet von der Gesellschaft. 8vo. Freiburg i. B.,and Tubingen, 1883. E E 484 TRANSACTIONS, ETO. GENEVA. Institnt National Genevois. M emoires. Tome 1 (1853) and onwards. 4to. Geneve, 1854, &c. GENOA. Mnseo Civico di Storialfatnrale. Annali. Pubblicati per cura di Giacomo Doria, &c. Vol. 1-20. 8vo. Genova, 1870-84. Serie 2". Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Genova, 1884, &c. Heale University,. Atti. Vol. 1. 8vo. Genova, 1869. GERMANY. Dentsche Naturforsclier nnd Aerzte Verein. Amtlicher Berichte iiber die Versamm- lungen: 32 Wien, 1856; 33 Bonn, 1857 ; 34 Cailsruhe, 1858. 3 vols. 4to. 1858-59. Festschrift fiir die 59 Versammlung. Die naturwissenschaftlichen und medi- cinisehen Staatsanstalten Berlins, imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1886. See also BERLIN, BREMEN, BRES- LAU, DANZIG, DRESDEN, ER- LANGEN, FRANKFURT, FREI- BURG, GIESSEN, GORLITZ, HALLE, HAMBURG, JENA, LEIPZIG, MARBURG, METZ, MUNICH, NUREMBERG, OF- FENBACH, rOMERANIA, RE- GENSBURG, STETTIN, STRAS- BURG, STUTTGART, TUBINGEN, WIESBADEN, WtJRZBURG. GIESSEN. Oberhessische Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde. Berichte. Vol. 1 and onwards. (Vol. 18 wanting.) 8vo. Giessen, 1847, &c. GLASGOW. Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Vol. 1 (imperfect) and onwards. 8vo. Glasgow, 1844, &c. GORLITZ. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Gorlitz, 1827, &c. GRATZ. Geognostisch - Montanistischer Verein fur Steiermark. Berichtf. 1-12 (3 wanting). 2 vols. 8vo. Grata, 1852-63. HAARLEM. Bataafsche Maatschappii der Wetenschappen. NatuurkuudigeVerhandelingen. Deell, Stukl,2. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1799-1801. HoUandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. Tweede Verzam. Deel 1-25. 4to. Haarlem, 1841-68. Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter Bevordering van Nijver- heid. Resolutien en Handelingen, 1778-1872. 9 vols. 8vo. Haarlem, 1778-1872. Tijdschrift. Door A. H. van der Boon Mesch, &c, 15 vols. 8vo. Haarlem, 1833-52. Tweede Reeks. 7 vols. 8vo. Haarlem, 1853-59. Derde Reeks. 17 vols, in 9. 8vo. Haarlem, 1860-76. Vierde Reeks. 3 vols. 8vo. Haarlem, 1877-79. Algemeen Register op het Tijdschrift, Vol. 1-30. 8vo. 1868. Algemeen Register op de Prijsvragen, Medailles en Premieu. 8vo. Verslag van de Commissie tot Over- weging van het Plan ora Amsterdam door een open Zeegat aan de Noordzee te verbinden. 8vo. Haarlem, 1868. Algemeene beschrijvende Catalogus der Houtsoorten van Nederlandsche Oost- Indie. 8vo. Haarlem, 1872. Proeve van eene Ichthyologische Biblio- graphic. Door Dr. M. Bosgoed. 8vo. Haarlem, 1871. Het Rundvee. Door G. J. Hengeveld. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Haarlem, 1865. Het Bouwen van Arbeiderswoningen. Door Dr. S. S. Tresling. Text, 8vo. Plates, folio. Haarlem, 1873. Naamlijst der Leden. 8vo. Haarlem, 1877. Oost-Indische Vetten, door Dr. D. de Loos. (0 vergedrukt uit het Tiidschrift. DI. 41. Stuk 6.) 8vo. Netherland Society for the Promotion of Industry (Account of the). 8vo. Haarlem, 1876. Museum van Kunstnijverheid. Kort Overzicht van de Wording van het Museum. 1880. HAGUE. Eoninklijk Instituut van Inge- nieurs. AlgemeenVerslag van de werkzaamheden en notulen der Vergaderingen. Insti- tuuts-jaar 1847-48. 8vo. 'sGravenhage, 1847-48. Verhandelingen. Stuk 1-3. 8vo. 'sGravenhage, 1848-49. HAINAUT. Soci^t^ des Sciences. 5ceM0NS JTRANSAOTIONS, ETC. 435 HALLE. Academia NatursB Curiosorum. See DRESDEN. Hatiirforschende Gesellschaft. Abhaudlungen. Band 1 and onwards. 4to. Halle, 18.54, &c. Festschrift zur Fcier des lOOjahrigen Bcstehens der Gesellschaft. 4to. Halle, 1879. ITatnrwisseiischaftlicher Verein fiir Sachsen und Thiiringeu. Jahresbericht. Jahrgang 1-5. (Im- perfect.) 8vo. Berlin, 1850-53. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Natur- wisseuschaften. See Journals. — Zeitschkift j". d. g. Naturwissen- sciiaften. HAMBUKG. Hamburg ische Wissenschaft- liche Anstalteu. Jahrbuch. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. 8vo. Hamburg, 1884, &c. Museum Godeffroy. Ethnographisch-Anthropologische Ab- theilung. Ein Beitrag zur Kunde der Siidsee-Volker, von J. D. E. Schmeltz und Dr. K. Krause. 8vo. Hamburg, 1881. Album of Anthropological Types as found in the Islands of the Pacific Ocean. 175 Subjects, on 28 mounts, in case, with Explanatory Text and Map. 4to. Hamburg, 1881. Journal. See Journals — Museum GODEFFROT. [" The large Zoological collection known as the ' Museum Godeffroy * has just been purchased by Mr. Damon (Weymouth). The Ethno- logical portion was sold a short time since to the Leipzig Museum." See "Nature" (Journals), Vol. 34, page 174.] Naturwissenschaftlicher Ve- rein. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Vol. 1 and omvards. [Vols. 6, 6, and 7 incom- plete.] 4to. Hamburg, 1846, &c. [Vol. 10 is the Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens des Vereins.] HELSINGFORS. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Acta. Toraus 1 and onwards. 4to. Helsingforsiae, 1842, &c. Bihang. — Notiser ur Siillskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Forhand- lingar. Haftet 1-4. 4to. Helsingfors, 1848-57. Ny Serie. Haftet 1-4. 8vo. Helsingfors, 1858-67. HERMANNSTADT. Siebenbiirgischer Verein fur Naturwissenschaften. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungeu. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. 8vo. Hermannstadt, 1850, &c. INDIA. See BOMBAY, CALCUTTA, MADKAS. ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY (LON- DON). INNSBRUCK. Geognostisch - Montanistischer verein fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Erlauterungen zur Geognostischen Karte Tirols, und Schlussbericht der administrative Direction. 4to. Innsbruck, 1853. ITALY. Scienzati Italiani (Riunione degli). Atti. 8 vols. 4to. 1840-47. 1. Pisa, 1839. 5. Lucca, 1843. 2. Torino, 1840. 6. Milano, 1844. 3. Firenze, 1841. 7. Napoli, 1845. 4. Padova, 1842. 8. Genova, 1846. See also BOLOGNA, CATANIA, FLORENCE, GENOA, MILAN, MODENA, NAPLES, PADUA, PALERMO, PISA, ROME, TURIN, VENICE. .JAPAN. See TOKIO, YOKOHAMA. JENA. Anatomische Gesellscliaft. Verhandlungen, 1887, &c. See Jour- nals. — Anatomischer Anzeigeb, 1887 and onwards. Medicinisch-naturwissenscliaft- liche Gesellschaft. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Band 1 and on- wards. 8vo. Leipzig and Jena, 1864, &c. Sitzungsberichte. See the " Zeitschrift." KIEL. Mineralogisches Institut der Universitat. Mittheilungen. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. Lehmann. Baud 1 and on- wards. Svo. Kiel and Leipzig, 1888, &c. TJniversitat. Schriftin. Band 16, 18-20, 22. 4to. Kiel, 1870-76. LEICESTER. Literary and Philosophical Society. Transactions. 1835-1885. Svo. Leicester, 1876-85. E E 2 436 TBANSAOTIONS, ETC. LEICESTER— con^ Literary and Philosopliical Society— cont. Reports of tlie Council, 1878-1886. 8vo. Leicester, 1878, &c. New Quarterly Series of Transactions, together with the Reports of the Council, 1886 and onwards. SYq. Leicester, 1886, &c. Inaugural A-ddress delivered by G. Shaw on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Formation of the Society. 8vo. Leicester, 1885. LEIPZIG. Astronomische Gesellschaft. Vierteljahrsschrift. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866, &c. 1. Supplementheft (Jahrg. 3). Von Asten, Hxilfstafeln zur Reduction der in der Hist. Cel. Fran9. enthaltenen Beobacht- ungen. 8vo. 2. Supplementheft (Jahrg. 4). Tafeln zur Reduction von Fixstern-Beobachtungen, 1726- 50. 8vo. 3. Supplementheft (Jahrgang 14). Bruhns, Catalog der Bibliothek. 8vo. Purstlich-JablonowsM'sche Ge- sellschaft. Abhandlungen bei Begriindung der K. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften am Tage der zweihun- dertjahrigen Geburtsfeier Leibnizens. Svo. Leipzig, 1846. Eoniglich Sachsisclie Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Mathematisch - Phys- ische Classe. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Leipzig, 1852, &c. Abhandlungen. Philologisch - His- torische Classe. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Leipzig, 1852, &c. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen. Mathematisch-Physische Classe. 1870 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870, &c. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen. Philologisch-Historische Classe. 1876 and onwards. Svo. Leipzig, 1876, &c. Berichte iiber die Schriften. 1 vol. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. Register zu den Jahrgangen, 1846- 1885 der Berichte iiber die Verhand- lungen und zu den Banden I. — XII. der Abhandlungen der Mathematisch- Physische Classe. Svo. Leipzig, 1889. ntagnetischer Verein. Resultate aus den Beobachtungen im Jahre 1840, 1841. Herausgegeben von C. F. Gauss and W. Weber. 2 vols, in one, with Atlas. Svo. Leipzig, 1841-43. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Sitzungsberichte. Jahrgang 1 (1874) and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875, &c. LIEGE. Association des Ing€nieurs sortis de I'Ecole des Arts, &c. Memorial du XXV« Anniversaire de la Fondation de I'Association. Svo. Liege, 1873. Society Royale des Sciences. Memoires. 20 vols. Svo. Liege, 1843-66. 2^ Serie. Tome 1 and onwards. Svo, Liege and Bruxelles, 1866, &c. University. Liber Memorialis. L'Universite de Liege depuis sa fondation. Par Alphonse Le Roy. Svo. Liege, 1869. LISBON. Academia Real das Sciencias. Memorias. Tomo 1-12. folio. Lisboa, 1797-1837. Historia e Memorias. 2" Serie. Tomo 1-3, in 6 vols. 4to. Lisboa, 1843-56. Memorias. Classe de Sciencias Mathe- maticas, Physicas e Naturaes. Nova Serie. Tomo 1-5, in 9 vols. 4to. Lisboa, 1854-75. Annas das Sciencias e Lettras : Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas, Historico- naturaes e Medicas. Tomo 1-2. Svo. Lisboa, 1857-59. LOIR-ET-CHER. Soci€t€ des Sciences. See BLOIS. LONDON. Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies. Annual Reports, Fourth and Fifth. Svo. London, 1864-5. Amateur Mechanical Society. Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-3 and 4. Nos. 25 and 26. Svo. London, 1871-86. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. London, 1872, &c. Anthropological Society. Memoirs read before the Society, 1863- 69. Vol. 1-3. Svo. London, 1865-70. Journal of Anthropology. Vol. 1. Svo. London, 1870-71. Anthropological Review ; containing the Transactions and Journal of the Society. 8 vols. Svo. London, 1863-71. TRANSACTIONS, ETC, 437 LONDON— con^. Anthropological Society— cowf. Anniversary Addresses, Jan. 1864, 1865, and 1866. 3 parts. 8vo. Waitz, Dr. Th. Introduction to Anthro- pology. Edited by J. F. CoUingwood. 8vo. London, 1863. Broca, Dr. P. On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo. Edited by C. Carter Blake. 8vo. London, 1864. Vogt, Dr. C. Lectures on Man. Edited by J. Hunt. Svo. London, 1864. Blumenbach and Hunter. Anthropolo- gical Treatises. Translated and edited from the originals, by T. Bendysche. Svo. London, 1865. Gastaldi, B. Lake Habitations and Prehistoric Remains in the Turbaries and Marl-Beds of Northern and Central Italy. Translated and edited by C. H. Chambers. Svo. London, 1865. Pouchet's Plurality of the Human Race. Translated and edited from the 2nd edition by H. J. C. Beavan. Svo. London. Hunt, J. Letter to the Members of the British Association on the desirability of appointing a special section for Anthropology. 8vo. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Anthropological Society, up to July 1867. Svo. London, 1867. List of Fellows of the Anthropological Society. Svo. London, 1867, 1875. Bethnal Green Museum. See Science and Akt Depaktment, separate List at end. Board of Trade. See Meteor- ological Department. British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Reports of Meetings. 1. York, 1831. 2. Oxford, 1832. 3. Cambridge, 1833. 4. Edinburgh, 1834. 5. Dublin, 1835. 6. Bristol, 1836. 7. Liverpool, 1837. 8. Newcastle, 1838. 9. Birmingham," 1839. 10. Glasgow, 1840. 11. Plymouth, 1841. Svo. London, 1833, &c. 12. Manchester, 1842. 13. Cork, 1843. 14. York, 1844. 15. Cambridge, 1845. 16. Southampton, 1846. 17. Oxford, 1847. 18. Swansea, 1848. 19. Birmingham, 1849. 20. Edinburgh, 1850. 21. Ipswich, 1851. 22. Belfast, 1852. British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science—con^ Reports of Meetings — cont. 23. Hull, 1853. 42. Brighton, 24. Liverpool, 1872. 1854. 43. Bradford, 25. Glasgow, 1873. 1855. 44. Belfast, 1874. 26. Cheltenham, 45. Bristol, 1875. 1856. 46. Glasgow, 27. Dublin, 1857. 1876. 28. Leeds, 1858. 47. Plymouth, 29. Aberdeen, 1877. 1859. 48. Dublin, 1878. 80. Oxford, 1860. 49. Sheffield, 31. Manchester, 1879. 1861. 50. Swansea, 32. Cambridge, 1880. 1862. 51. Y'ork, 1881. 33. Newcastle- 52. Northampton, on-Tyne, 1882. 1863. 53. Southport, 34. Bath, 1864. 1883. 35. Birmingham, 54. Montreal, 1865. 1884. 36. Nottingham, 55. Aberdeen, 1866. 1885. 37. Dundee, 1867. 56. Birmingham, 38. Norwich, 1886. 1868. 57. Manchester, 39. Exeter, 1869. 1887. 40. Liverpool, 58. Bath, 1888. 1870. 59. Newcastle- 41. Edinburgh, on-Tyne, 1871. 1889. Index to the Reports and Transactions, 1831-1860. Svo. London, 1864. Lithographed Signatures of the Mem hers who met at Cambridge, June, 1833, with a Report of the Pro- ceedings at the Public Meetings during the Week. 4to. Cambridge, 1833. British Astronomical Associa- tion. Journal. Vol.1. No. 1, October, 1890, and onwards, royal Svo. London. British Horological Institute. Horological Journal. Vol. 8-13, in 2 vols, and part of Vols. 14, 20-23. 8vo. London, 1866-80. British Museum. See separate List at end. Camera Club. Journal. Vol. 1 (1886-87) and on- wards. Svo. London [1887], &c. Cavendish Society. Publications. 28 vols. Svo. London, 1848-71. Cavendish, Hon. Henry, Life and Works of. By George Wilson. London, 1851. Bischof, Gustav. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. Translated by B. H. Paul and J. Drummond. 3 vols. London, 1854-59. 438 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. LONDON—COM^ Cavendish Society— con/. Dalton, John. Memoirs of his Life and Scientific Researches. By Dr. W. C. Henry. London, 1854. Gmelin, Leopold. Handbook of Chemistry. Translated by Henry Watts. 18 vols. London, 1848-71. Graham, Thomas. Chemical Reports, and Memoirs. 1 vol. London, 1848. 1. "I Volumes of Bodies and their Y Atomic Weights. By Prof. 2. J Otto and M. Filhol. 3. Endosmosis. By Julius Vogel. 4. Isomorphism. By Prof. Otto. 5. Dyeing. By M. Chevreul. 6. Latent Heat of Steam at different Pressures. By V. Regnault. 7. Artificial Formation of Alkaloids. By M. E. Kopp. 8. Pseudo Volcanic Phenomena of Iceland. By R. Bunsen. Laurent, Auguste. Chemical Method, Notation, Classification, and No- menclature. Translated by William Odling. London, 1855. Lehmann, C. G. Physiological Che- mistry. Translated from the second edition by Dr. G. E. Day. 3 vols. With Atlas, 4to., by Dr. Otto Funke. London, 1851-54. Chemical Society. Journal. New Series. Vol. 14 and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1876, &c. Crystallological Society (Pre- decessor of the miner alogical Society). Proceedings. Parts 1 and 2 (all pub- lished). 8vo. London, 1877, 1882. £ast India Association. Journal. Vol. 6 and onwards. (Imper- fect.) 8vo. London, 1872, &c. Electrical Society. Transactions and Proceedings, from 1837-1840. 4to. London, 1841. Proceedings during the Sessions 1841- 43. Edited by C. V. Walker. 8vo. London, 1843. Ethnolog^ical Society. Transactions. Vols. 1-7 (Vol. 1, Part 1 only). 8vo. London, 1859-69. Journal. Vols. 1, 2 (Vol. 1, No. 1 missing). 8vo. London, 1869-70. Geological Society. Transactions. Vols. 1-5. 4to. London, 1811-21. 2nd Series. Vols. 1-7. 4to. London, 1824-.o6. Proceedings, 1826-45. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1834-46. Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1845, &c. Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings, and Q. Journal, to end of 1889. 2 parts. 8vo. London, 1870-90. Geological Survey. See under SciENCB AND Art Department, separate List at end. Geologists' Association. Proceedings. Vol. 1 (1859) and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1865, &c. Supplement to Vol. 1, containing Papers published separately between the years 1859 and 1870. 8vo. London. Hakluyt Society. Pubhcations. 8vo. London, 1847, &c. 1. Sir R. Hawkins's Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. Edited by Capt. C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. 1847. 2. Select Letters of Columbus. Edited by R. H. Major. See No. 43. 3. Ralegh's Discovery of Guiana, &c. in 1595. Edited by Sir R. H. Schomburgk. 1848. 4. Maynarde's Sir Francis Drake his Voyage, 1595. Edited by W. D. Cooley. 1849. 5. Randall, T., Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West, in Search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496-1631. 1849. 6. Strachey's Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. Edited by R. H. Major. 1849. 7. Divers Voyages touching the Dis- covery of America. Collected by R. Hakluyt. Edited, with Notes, by J. Winter Jones. 1850. 8. Memorials of the Empire of Japon: in the XVI. and XVII. Cen- turies. Edited by T. llundall. 1850. 9. Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don F. de Soto. TranslatedbyR. Hakluyt. Edited by W. B. Rye. 1851. 10, 12. Herberstein's Notes upon Russia (Rerum Moscoviticarum Com- mentarii). Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 2 vols. 1851-2. 11. Coats's Geography of Hudsou's Bay. Remarks in Voyages be- tween 1727 and 1751. Edited by J.Barrow. 1852. 12. See No. 10. 13. Veer's Three Voyages by the Dutch in the North- East, 1594, 1595. Edited by C. T. Beke. See No. 54, which supersedes this vol. 14,15. Mendoza's Historie of the King- dom of China. Edited by Sir G. T. Staunton, Bart. With Intro- duction, by R. H. Major. 2 vols. 1853-4. 16. The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. Collated with F. Fletcher's unpublished MS. With Appendices, &c. by W. S. W. Vaux. 1854. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 439 LONDON— co«^ Hakluyt Society— cont. 17. D'Orleans's History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China. With Witsen's Father Pereira's Journey into Tartary. Translated by the Earl of Ellesmere. With Introduction, by K. H. Major. 1854. 18. Collection of Documents on Spitz- bergen and Greenland. Edited by A. White. 1855. 19. Middleton's Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. Edited by B. Corney. 1855. 20. Eussia at the Close of the Six- teenth Century, comprising Fletcher's " The Russe Common Wealth," and Horsey's Travels. Edited by E. A. Bond. 1856. 21. Benzoni's History of the New World, showing his Travels in 1541-1556. Translated and edited by Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth. 1857. 22. India in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by R. H. Major. 1857. 23. Champlain's Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, in 1599-1602. Translated by A. Wilmere. Edited by N. Shaw. 1859. 24. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. 1859. 25. Early Voyages to Terra Australis (Australia) from the Beginning of the 1 6th Century to the Time of Capt. Cook. Edited by R. H. Major. 1859. 26. Clavijo's Embassy to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, 1403-6. Translated, with Notes, &c., by C. R. Markham. 1859. 27. Henry Hudson the Navigator. The Original Documents, collected, etc., by G. M. Asher. 1860. 28. Ursua's and Aguirre's Expedition in Search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-61. Translated from Simon's "Sexta Noticia Historical," by W. Bollaert. With Introduction by C. R. Markham. 1861. 29. Life and Acts of Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman, 1518 to 1543. Translated, with Notes, by C. R. Markham. 1862. 30. Galvano's Discoveries of the World, from their First Original unto 1555. Corrected, &c., by B. Hakluyt. Edited by Vice- Admiral Bethune. 1862. 31. Friar Jordanus's Wonders of the East. Translated from the Latin, etc., by Col. H. Yule. 1863. Hakluyt Society— cow^ 32. Varthema's Travels iu Egypt, Syria, Arabia, &c., 1503 to 1508. Translated by J. Winter Jones, and edited by G. P. Badger. 1863. 33. Cieza de Leon's Travels, 1532- 1550, contained in the First Part of his Chronicle of Peru. Trans- lated and edited by C. 11. Mark- ham. 1864. 34. Andagoya's Narrative of the Pro- ceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces of Tierra Firme, &c. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. 1865. 35. Barbosa's Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Mala- bar in the Beginning of the 16th Century. Translated, with Notes, by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. 1866. 36, 37. Cathay and the Way Thither. A Collection of Medieval Notices of China. Translated and edited by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols. 1866. 38. Frobisher's Three Voyages in Search of a Passage to Cathaia and India by the North-West, 1576-8. Edited by Rear-Admiral R. Collinson. 1867. 39. Morga's Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Slam, &c., at the close of the 1 6th Century. Translated by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. 1868. 40. Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V., con- taining an Account of his Expedition to Honduras in 1525- 6. Translated by Don P. de Gayangos. 1868. 41,45. Garcilasso de la Vega's Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham, 2 vols, 1869-71. 42. Vasco de Game's Three Voyages and his Viceroyalty, From Correa's " Lendas da India." Translated by the Hon. H, E. J. Stanley, 1869. 43. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus relating to his Four Voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R, H. Major. 2nd edition, 1870. 44. Salil-Ibn-Razik's History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman, from 661-1856, Translated and edited by G. P. Badger. 1871. 45. See No. 41. 46. Bontier's and Le Verrier'a Canarian ; or, Book of the Con- quest and Conversion of the Canarians in 1402, by Messire Jean de Bethencourt. Trans- lated and edited by R. H. Major. 1872 440 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. LONDON— con^ Haklnsrt Society— conf. 47. Keports on the Discovery of Peru. Translated and edited by C. B. Markham. 1872. 48. Narratives of the Kites and Laws of the Yncas. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. 1873. 49. Barbaro's and Contarini's Travels to Tana and Persia. Translated by W. Thomas and S. A. Roy. Edited by Lord Stanley of Al- derley. — Narrative of other Italian Travels in Persia, in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Trans- lated and edited by C. Grey. 1873. 50. Voyages of the Zeni to the North- ern Seas in the 14lh Century. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 1873. 61. Hans Stade's Captivity in 1547- 1555, among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. Translated by A. Tootal, and annotated by R. F. Burton. 1874. 52. Magellan's First Voyage round the World. Translated from the Accounts of Pigrafetta, &c., with Notes, &c., by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 1874. 53, 56, 62, 69. Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque. Trans- lated from the Portuguese edi- tion of 1774. With Notes and Introduction by Walter de Gray Birch. 4 vols. 1875-84. 54. Barents's Three Voyages to the Arctic Regions, by Gerrit de Veer. First edition, edited by C. T. Beke. 2nd edition, with Introduction, by Lieut. Koole- mans Beynen. 1876. 56. Afonso Dalboquerque's Commen- taries. Vol. 2. See No. 53. 56. Voyages of Sir James Lancaster to the East Indies ; also Voyage of Capt. John Knight, 1606, to seek the North-West Passage. Edited by C. R. Markham. 1877. 57. The Hawkins' Voyages during the Reigns of Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth, and James I. Edited by C. R. Markham. 1878. 58. The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, 1396-1427. Translated by Commander J. B. Telfer. With Notes by Prof. P. Bruun, &c. 1879. 69. The Voyages and Works of John Davis the Navigator. Edited, »^ith an Introduction and Notes, by A. H. Markham. 1880. Hakluyt Society— cont. Map of the World, A.D. 1600. To illustrate the Voyages of Jokn Davis. To fold in wrapper. 8vo. 1880. 60, 61. Acosta's Natural and Moral His- tory of the Indies. Reprinted from the English Translated edition of Edward Grimston, 1604. Edited, with Notes and Introduc- tion, by C. B. Markham. 2 vols. 1880. Peru, Map of. To illustrate the Travels of Cieza de Leon, 1532- 50 (No. 33) ; The Royal Com- mentaries of Garcilasso de la Vega, 1609 (Nos. 41, 45) ; and Acosta's Work. To fold in 8vo. cloth cover. 62. Afonso Dalboquerque's Commen- taries. Vol. HI. See No. 53. 63. The Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-1622. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by C. R. Markham. * 1881. 64. Narrative of the Portuguese Em- bassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-27. By Father Francisco Alvarez. Translated from the Portuguese, and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 1881. 66. Historye of the Bermudaes, or. Summer Islands. Edited by General Sir J. H. Lefroy. 1882. 66, 67. Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape- Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, with Cor- respondence. Edited by E. M. Thompson. 2 vols. 1883. 68. Cieza de Leon. The Second Part of the Chronicle of Peru. Trans- lated and edited by C. R. Mark- ham. 1883. For First Part see No. 33. 69. Afonzo Dalboquerque's Commen- taries. Vol. IV. See No. 53. 70, 71. Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies. From the Old English Transla- tion of 1598. Edited by A. C. Bumell and P. A. Tiele. 2 vols. 1885. 72, 73. Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia by Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen. With some Account of the first Intercourse of the English with Russia and Central Asia by way of the Caspian Sea. Edited by E. D. Morgan and C. H. Coote. 2 voli. 1886. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 441 LONDON -cont, Haklnyt Society— con^ 74, 75, 78. The Diary of William Hedges, Esq., during his Agency in Ben- gal ; as well as his Voyage out and Eeturn Overland (1681- 1687). Transcribed by R. Barlow, Esq., and illustrated by copious Extracts from unpublished records by Col. H. Yule. 3 vols. 1887-89. 76, 77, 80. The Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Translated and edited by A. Gray and H. C. P. Bell. Vol. 1 and 2, in 3 vols. 1887-90. 79. Tractatus de Globis et eorum usu. A Treatise of the Globes con- structed by E. Molyneux, and published in 1592 by R. Hues. Edited by C. R. Markham. Sail- ing Directions for the Circum- navigation of England, and for a Voyage to the Straits of Gib- raltar (from a 15th Century MS.). Edited by J, Gairdner. And a Glossary by E. D. Morgan. In one vol. London, 1889. Historical Society of Science. Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages. Edited by Thomas Wright. 8vo. London, 1841. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Register of Fellows and Associates. 8vo. London, 1879 & 1887. Institution of Electrical Engi- neers. See Society of Tele- graiph Engineers and Elec- tricians. Institution of Mechanical En> gineers. See BIRMINGHAM. Iron and Steel Institute. Journal. 1884 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1884, &c. Linnean Society. Transactions. Vol. 1-30. 4to. London, 1791-1875. General Index to Vol. 1-30. 4to. London, 1867-76. Second Series. Zoology. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, 1879, &c. Botany. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, 1875, &c. Proceedings. 1838 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1849, &c. [From 1855-59 the Proceedings are bound up with the Journal : Botany, Vols. 1-2, and from 1859-75 with the Journal : Zoology, Vols. 5-12.] Journal of the ]*roceedings : Botany. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1857, &c. Linnean Society— ^^onf. Supplements to Vols. 1, 4, 5. In one vol. 8vo. London, 1859, &c. General Index to the First Twenty Vols, of the Journal (Botany), and the Botanical portion of the Proceedings. Nov. 1838 — June 1886. London, 1888. Journal of the Proceedings : Zoology. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1857, &c. List of Members, 1876, &c. 8vo. Meteorological Committee (after- wards Cfouncil) of the Royal Society. Antarctic Regions, Contributions to our Knowledge of the. 4to. London, 1873. Arctic Regions, Contributions to our Knowledge of the Meteorology of the. 4 parts. 4to. London, 1879-85. Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, Chart showing the Surface Tempera- ture of the. folio. London, 1884. Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, Charts showing the Mean Barometric Pressure over the. folio. London, 1887. Supplement. Mean Barometrical Pressure and Range of Mean Barometrical Pressure for the Year. (1887.) One sheet. Atlantic lying North of 30° N., Meteo- rology of the, for 11 days ending February 8th, 1870. With Charts and Diagrams. 2 parts. 4to. London, 1872. Atlantic, North, and the Adjacent Con- tinents, Synchronous Weather Charts of the, for every day from 1st August 1882 to 1st August 1883. Parts 1-4. (1st August 1882— 3rd September 1883.) In wrappers, 24 in. by 19 in. London [1886-88]. Atlantic, North, during August, 1873, illustrating the Hurricane in that month. By Capt. H. Toynbee. 4to. Synchronous Charts, oblong 4to. London, 1878. Atlantic Ocean, North, from the Equator to Latitude 40° N., Currents and Surface Temperature of the. 4to. London, 1872. •^— — between the parallels 40° and 50° N., &c., by Captain H. Toynbee. 8vo. London, 1869. Barometer Manual. Board of Trade. By R. H. Scott. 8vo. London, 1871. Barometer Manual, Coast or Fishery. Board of Trade. By R. H. Scott. 8vo. London, 1871. Barometer Manual for the use of Sea- men. 8vo. London, 1884. 442 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. LONDON- Meteorological Committee, &c. — cont. British Isles, Meteorological Atlas of the. 4to. London, 1883. Eainfall Tables of the, 1 866-80. Compiled by G. J. Symons. 8vo. London, 1883. Cape Horn and the West Coast of South America, Contributions to our Know- ledge of the Meteorology of. 4to. London, 1871. Cape of Good Hope, Gales experienced in the Ocean District adjacent to the. (Between Lat. 30° and 50° S. and Long. 10° and 40° E.) By Capt. H. Toynbee. 4to. London, 1882. Meteorological Charts for. oblong folio. With Explana- tory Eeniarks. 4to. London, 1882. Charts of Meteorological Data, for Square 3. Latitude 0°-10° N. Longi- tude 20°-30° W. folio. London, 1874. ■' Remarks to accompany. 4to. Charts of Meteorological Data for 9 Ten degree Squares. Lat. 20° N. to 10° S., Long. 10° to 40° W. oblong folio. -' Remarks to accompany the ; with best Routes across the Equator. 4to. London, 1876. Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, &c., Notes on the Forms of. By C. Meldrum. Svo. London, 1873. Forecasting, Principles of, by means of Weather Charts. By the Hon. R. Abercromby. 8vo. London, 188.5. Hourly Readings, 1881 and onwards. 4to. London, 1882. Isobaric Curves, Report on the use of, &c. By Capt. H. Toynbee. 8vo. London, 1869. Japan, Contributions to the Meteor- ology of. By Staff-Commander T. H. Tizard. 4to. London, 1876. Kerguelen Island, Report on the Meteo- rology of. By Rev. S. J. Perry. 4to. London, 1879. Meteorological, International, Com- mittee, Report of Meeting at Berne, 1880. 8vo. London, 1881 Report of Meeting at Copenhagen, August 1882. Svo. London, 1883. Report of the Third Meeting at Paris, 1885. Svo. London, 1887. . Report of the Fourth Meeting at Zurich, 1888. 8vo. London, 1889. Meteorological Conference at Leipzig. Report of Proceedings, Svo. London, 1873. Meteorological Committee, &c. — cont. Meteorological Conference at Vienna, Report of Proceedings. 8vo. London, 1874. Meteorological Congress, First Inter- national, at Vienna. Report of the Permanent Committee for the year 1874. Meetings at Vienna and Utrecht, 1873, 1874, and 1878. 2 parts. Svo. London, 1875-79. Report to the Permanent Committee on Atmospheric Electri- city, &c. Svo. London, 1878. Meteorological Congress, Second Inter- national, at Rome. Report of the Proceedings. Svo. London, 1879. Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second • Order, for 1878 and onwards. 4to. London, 1880, &c. Meteorological Observations at the Foreign and Colonial Stations of the Royal Engineers and the Army Medical Department, 1852-1886. 4to. London, 1890. Meteorological Observations made at Sanchez (Samana Bay), St. Domingo, 1886-88. By the late Dr. W. Reid. 4to. London, 1890. Meteorological Telegraphy, Station In- structions for. Svo. London, 1862. Reports of the Meteorological Com- mittee, 1867 and onwards. Svo. London, 1867, &c. Storm of October, 13-14, 1881, Report on the. 8vo. London, 1882. Strong Winds and Barometric Diffe- rences, Report of an Inquiry into the connexion between. By R. H. Scott. Svo. London, 1868. Summary of Observations made at Sta- tions included in Daily and Weekly Reports. [Bound up with these.] Sunshine Records of the United King- dom for 1881. Svo. London, 1888. Weather, Aids to the Study and Fore- cast of. By W. C. Ley. Svo. London, 1880. Weather Reports, Daily. From July 1872 and onwards, folio. London, 1872, &c. Weather Reports, Weekly. 1880 and onwards. 4to. London, 1880. [These are bound up with the Daily Weather Reports up to 1884 ; afterwards, separately.] Weather Reports, Monthly, 1884 and onwards. 4to. London, 1884, &c. Weather Reports, Quarterly, 1869 and onwards. [Part 2 (March-June) 1S74 missing.] 4to. London, 1869, &c. Weather Telegraphy and Storm Warn- ings, Report on, presented to the Meteorological Congress at Vienna, by a Committee appointed at the Leipzig Conference. Svo. London, 1874 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 443 LONDON— cow*. Meteorological Department Board of Trade. of Charts showing the Surface Temper- ature of the South Atlantic Ocean in each month of the Year, folio. 1869. Circular on Deviation. 8vo. 1856. Deviation of the Compass, Instructions for Correcting the. Edited by Archi- bald Smith, royal 8vo. 1857. Fitzroy, Admiral. Notes on Meteoro- logy. Board of Trade, 1859. royal 8 vo. Barometer Manual. Board of Trade. 3rd edition and 7th edition. Svo. 1863. Barometer and Weather Guide. Board of Trade, 1859. 3rd edition, with Additions. 8yo. Passage Table and General Sailing Directions. Board of Trade. Svo. 1859. Swinging Ship for Deviation. Board of Trade, 1857 and 1859. 8vo. Great Circle Sailing, post Svo. ■ Coast or Fishery Barometer Manual. Board of Trade. 5th edition. Svo. 1864. Arrangements for the Meteoro- logic Telegraph. 3rd edition. Svo. IS64. Liverpool Compass Committee, First and Second Reports to the Board of Trade, 1855 and 1856 ; with Letters from the Astronomer-Royal thereupon. 1 vol. folio. 1857. Third Report, 1857-60. folio. Marine Barometer, adopted by Her Majesty's Government and the United States Navy ; with the Method of Testing Marine Meteorological Instru- ments. 8vo. 1856. Meteorological Papers, published by authority of the Board of Trade, Nos. 1 to 14 (Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 4to., and Nos. 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 8vo.), and Maps to No. 10. 4to. 1857-1862. Meteorological Register kept by the Earl of Gilford in his yacht "Fair Rosamond." 4to. 1857. Eeport of the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade, 1857, 1858, 1862, 1863, 1864. Svo. Weather Book. Abstract Log and Meteorological Register, folio. Weather Book. Register. Board of Trade. New edition, folio. Instructions. Board of Trade. New edition, folio. Meteorological Department of Board of Trade— con^ Wind Charts, 1855-67, on 16 large Sheets, in a case, printed for the Board of Trade. ^*^, The figures on these charts show the results of many observations collected by Maury. London. Wind and Weather Charts of the North Atlantic Ocean, &c. 16 Sheets in case ; size, 30 by 22 inches. London. See also Works on Meteorology — Maury, M. F. Meteorological Society. Modern Meteorology. A series of 6 Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Meteorological Society in 187S. Svo. London, 1879. Microscopical Society of Lon- don. See Royal Microscopical Society of London. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. London and Truro, 1877, &c. Museum of Practical Geology. See Science and Art Department, separate List at end. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions 1857 to close. 8vo. London. 1S57, Birmingham. 1871, Leeds. 1858, Liverpool. 1872, Plymouth. 1859, Bradford. 1873, Norwich. 1860, Glasgow. 1874, Glasgow. 1861, Dublin. 1875, Brighton. 1862, London. 1876, Liverpool.' 1863, Edinburgh. 1877, Aberdeen. 1864, York. 1878, Cheltenham. 1865, Sheffield. 1879, Manchester. 1S66, Manchester. 1880, Edinburgh. 1867, Belfast. 1881, Dublin. 1868, Birmingham. 1882, Nottingham. 1869, Bristol. 1883, Huddersfield. 1870, Newcastle- 1884, Birmingham. on Tyne. Natural History Museum. See British Museum. Palaeontographical Society for Illustrating and Describing British Fossils. Publications. Comprising (a) the Monographs (some still incomplete) which originally formed Vols. 1-17, and (^b) Vol. IS and onwards, as far as issued. 4to. London 1848, &c. (a.) Monographs. Bell, Prof. — Fossil Malacostracous Crus- tacea. 2 parts. 1857-62. Busk, G.— Crag Polyzoa. 1859. Darwin, C— Lepadidae ; Balanidae and Verrucidae. In 1 vol. 185 1-4, 444 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. LONDON— con^ Palaeontographical Society, &c. — cont. Davidson, T. — Brachiopoda. Vol. 1 and 2 and Part 6 Cist portion). 1851-64. Duncan, P. M. — Corals. (2nd Series.) Part 4, No. 1. (Supplement to the British Fossil Corals by Edwards and Haime.) 1867. Edwards, F.E. — Eocene Mollusca. Parts 1-3. 1849-56. Edwards, H. M., and Haime, J.— British Fossil Corals : Tertiary, Cretaceous, &c. 1850-54. Forbes, E. — Tertiary Echinodermata. 1852. Jones, T. R. — Cretaceous Entomostraca, 1849; Tertiary Entomostraca, 1856; Fossil Estheriae, 1862. King, W. — Permian Fossils. 1850. Morris, J., and Lycett, J. — Oolitic Mol- lusca. 2 parts. 1853-54. Supplement. 1863. Owen, R. — Cretaceous Reptilia. 1851. ■■ Oolitic and Liassic Reptilia. Part 1 of each. In 1 vol. 18^1, 1865. Wealden and Purbeck Reptilia. 1853. . and Bell, Prof. — London Clay Reptilia. 2 parts. 1849-50. Phillips, J.— Belemnitidse. 1865. Salter, J. W.— Trilobites. 1864. Sharpe,D. -Chalk Mollusca. Parts 1,2. 1853-54. Wood, S. v.— Crag Mollusca. 2 vols. 1848-56. • • " Eocene Mollusca. Part 1. 1861. Wright, T. — Oolitic Echinodermata. 4 parts. 1860-62. Cretaceous Echinodermata. Vol. 1, Parti. 1864. (6.) Volumes 18 to 43, contain- ing : — A. Complete Monographs : — Adams, Prof. L. Fossil Elephants. (In Vols. 31, 33, 35.) Brady, H. B. Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the Genus Fusulina excepted). (In Vol. 30.) Brady, G. S., Crosskey, H. W., and Robertson, D. Post-Tertiary Ento- mostraca. (In Vol. 28.) Busk, G. Polyzoa of the Crag. (In " Monographs.") Darwin, C. Fossil Cirripedes (Lepa- didae). (In " Monographs.") Davidson, T. Fossil Brachiopoda (Tertiary, Cretaceous, Oolitic and Liassic). Vol. I. (In "Mono- graphs.") Palaeontographical Society, &c. cont. Davidson, T. Fossil Brachiopoda (Per mian and Carboniferous). Vol. 11. (In " Monographs.") ■ Fossil Brachiopoda (Devonian And Silurian). Vol.111. (In "Mono- graphs," and Vols. 19, 20, 22, 24.) - " Fossil Brachiopoda. Vol. IV. Supplements : Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian and Carboniferous. (In Vols. 27, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36.) Fossil Brachiopoda. Vol. V. Supplements : Devonian and Silurian (In Vols. 36, 37, 38.) Davidson, T., and Dalton,W. H. Biblio- graphy of the Brachiopoda. (In Vol. 39.) Edwards, F. E., and Wood, S. V. Eocene Cephalopoda and Univalves. Vol. I. (In " Monographs " and Vol. 31.) Edwards, H. M., and Haime, J. Ter- tiary, Cretaceous, Oolitic, Devonian, and Silurian Corals. (In "Mono- graphs.") Forbes, Prof. Tertiary Echinodermata. (In " Monographs.") Gardner, J. S., and Ettingshausen, Baron. Eocene Flora. Vol. I. (In Vols. 33, 34, and 36.) Gardner, J. S. Eocene Flora. Vol. II. (In Vols. 37, 38, 39.) Jones, Prof. T. Rupert. Cretaceous En- tomostraca. (In " Monographs.") Tertiaiy Entomostraca. (In " Monographs.") Fossil Estherise. (In "Mono- graphs.") Jones, Prof. T. Rupert, Kirkby, J. W., and Brady, G. S. Carboniferous Entomostraca. (In Vols. 28 and 38.) King, Prof. Fossils of the Permian Formation. (In " Monographs.") Lycett, Dr. Fossil Trigonise. (In Vols. 26, 28, 29, 31, and 33.) Supplement to the Fossil Trigo- niae. (In Vols. 35 and 37.) Morris, Prof., and Lycett, Dr. Great Oolite Mollusca, and Supplement. (In " Monographs.") Owen, Prof. Reptilia of the Liassic Formations. (In " Monographs" and Vols. 23, 35.) Reptilia of the Kimmerid^e Clay. (In "Monographs" (Liassic Reptilia), and Vols. 22 and 42.) Reptilia of the Mesozoic Forma- tions. (In Vols. 27, 29, 31, and 42.) ■ Fossil Mammalia of the Meso- zoic Formations. (In Vol. 24.) Reptiles of the Cretaceous For- mations. (In " Monographs " and Vol. 18.) TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 445 LONDON— con^ Falaeontographical Society, &c. — cont. Owen, Prof. Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations. (In "Mono- graphs " and Vol. 18.) — — Reptilia of the Wealden Forma- tion (Supplements). (In Vols. 25, 27, 30, 32, 33, and 42.) Cetacea of the Crag. (In Vols. 23 and 42.) Owen, Prof., and Bell, Prof. Reptilia of the London Clay. (In "Mono- graphs" and Vols. 18 and 34.) Salter, J. W. Trilobites of the Cam- brian, Silurian, and Devonian Forma- tions. (In '* Monographs " and Vols. 18, 20, and 37.) Sharpe, D. Cretaceous Cephalopoda. (In " Monographs.") Williamson, W. C. Morphology and Histology of Stigmaria Ficoides. (In Vol. 40.) Wood, S. V. Eocene Bivalves. Vol. I. (In « Monographs " and Vol. 24.) Supplement to the Eocene Bi- valves. (In Vol. 31.) Mollusca of the Crag. Vol. I. Univalves. (In " Monographs.") Mollusca of the Crag. Vol. II. Bivalves. (In "Monographs" and Vol. 27.) Mollusca of the Crag. Vol. III. Supplement. (In Vols. 25 and 27.) Second Supplement to the Mol- lusca of the Crag. (In Vol. 33.) Third Supplement to the Mol- lusca of the Crag. (In Vol. 36.) Woodward, H. Fossil Merostomata. (In Vols. 19, 22, 25, 26, and 32.) Carboniferous Trilobites. (In Vols. 37 and 38.) Wright. Dr. Oolitic Echinodermata. Vol. 1. Echinoidea. (In "Mono- graphs " and Vol. 32.) Oolitic Echinodermata. Vol. II. Asteroidea. (In " Monographs " and Vols. 18 and 34.) Cretaceous Echinodermata. Vol. 1. Echinoidea. (In "Mono- graphs " and Vols. 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, and 36.) Ammonites of the Lias. (In Vols. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39.) S. Monographs in course of publication. Bell, Prof. Fossil Malacostracous Crustacea. (In " Monographs.") Buckmann, S. S. Inferior Oolite Am- monites. (In Vols. 40, 41, 42, and 43.) Falaeontographical Society, &c — cant. Dawkins, W. Boyd, and Sanford, W. A. Pleistocene Mammalia. (In Vols. 18, 21, 22, 25, 32, and 40.) Duncan, Dr. Supplement to the Fossil Corals. (In " Monographs " and Vols. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26.) Hinde, G. J. Fossil Sponges (lu Vols. 40 and 41). Hudleston, W. H. Jurassic Gastero- poda. (In Vols. 40, 41, 42, and 43). Jones, T. R., and Hinde, G. J. Creta- ceous Entomostraca. Supplement. (In Vol. 43.) Jones, T. Rupert, Parker, W. K., and Brady, H. B. Crag Foraminifera. (In Vol. 19.) Jones, T. R., and Sherborn, C. D. Tertiary Entomostraca. Supplement. (In Vol. 42.) Jones, T. R., and Woodward, Dr. H. Palajozoic Phyllopoda. (In Vol. 41.) Miall, Prof. Sirenoid and Crossoptery- gian Ganoids. (In Vol. 32.) Nicholson, H. A. Stromatoporoids. (In Vols. 39 and 42.) Phillips, Prof. Belemnites. (In " Mono- graphs" and Vols. 20, 22, 23.) Powrie, J., L^nkester, E. Ray, and Traquair, Prof. Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone. (In Vols. 21, 23.) Traquair, Prof. Fishes of the Carboni ferous Formation. (In Vol. 31.) Whidborne, C. G. Devonian Fauna of the South of England. (In Vols. 42 and 43.) Patents, Specifications, &c. See Journals. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transac- tions. Second Series. 11 vols. 8vo. London, I8GO-70. Third Series. Vol. 1-7. 8vo. London, 1871-77. Calendar, 1867-8. 8vo. London, 1867. Photographic Society of London. (afterwards of Great Britain). Journal, containing the Transactions of the Society and general Record of Photographic Art and Science. Edited by A. Henfrey, &c. Vol. 1-14. 8vo. London, 1854-69. Journal and Transactions. New Series. Vol. 9. No. 4, January 1885, and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1885, &c. Physical Society. Proceedings. Vol. 1 (1874) and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1876, &c. Physical Memoirs, selected and trans lated from Foreign Sources. Vol. I . Pt. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1888-90. Table of Hyperbolic Cosines and Sines. 8vo. London, 1890. 446 TRANSACTIOlfS, ETC. LONDON— con^ Physiological Society. Proceedings. See Journals — Jour- nal OF Physiology. Postal Microscopical Society. Journal (afterwards called " The Jour- nal of Microscopy and Natural Sci- ence.") Vol. 1-6. 8vo. London, 1882-87. New Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1888. &c. [From Jan. 1890 the words " and the Wesley Naturalists' Society "; and from Jan. 1891 "Inter- national" are added to title.] ^nekett Microscopical Club. Journal. Vol. 1-fi (with General Index to Vols. 1-6), 1868-1881. 8vo. London [1868-82]. Series II. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London [1882, &c.]. Hay Society. Publications. London, 1845, &c. Alder, J., and Hancock, A. Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mol- lusca. 4to. London, 1845. AUman, G. J. Monograph of Fresh- water Polyzoa. 4to. London, 1856. — Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. 4to. London, 1871-72. Baird, W. The Natural History of the British Entomostraca. 8vo. London, 1850. Blackwall, J. History of the Spiders in Great Britain and Ireland. 4to. London, 1861-64. Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. Edited by A. Henfrey. 8vo. London, 1853. 1. Rejuvenescence in Nature. By A. Braun. Translated by A. Henfrey. 2. Diatomese. By G. Meneghini. Translated by C. Johnson. 8. Protococcus Pluvialis. By F. Cohn. Translated by G. Busk. Bowerbank, J. S. Monograph of the British Spougiadse. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1864-82. Brady, G. S. Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1878-80. Brown, E. Miscellaneous Botanical Works. Edited by J. J. Bennett. 2 vols. 8vo. With folio Atlas. London, 1866-68. Buckler, W. The Larvaj of British Butterflies and Moths. Edited by H. T. Stainton. Vol. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1886-89. Buckton, G. B. Monograph of the British Aphides. Vol. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1876-82. Ray Society— conf. Burmeister, H. The Organisation of Trilobites, deduced from their living Affinities. Edited by Professors Bell and E. Forbes. 4to. London, 1846. Cameron, P. Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1882-90. Carpenter, W. B., Parker, W. K., &c. See Williamson, W. C. Darwin, C. Monograph of the Sub- Class Cirripedia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851-54. Douglas, J. W., and Scott, J. The British Hemiptera. 8vo. London, 1865. Eschricht, Reinhardt, and Lilljeborg. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. Edited by H. W. Flower. 4to. London, 1866. Forbes, E. Monograph of the British Naked-eyed Medusae. 4to. London, 1848. Giinther, A. C. L. G. The Reptiles of British India. 4to. London, 1864. Hofmeister, W. On the Germination, Development, and Fructification of the Higher Cryptogamia, and on the Fructification of the Coniferas. Translated by F. Currey. 8vo, London, 1862. Huxley, T. H. The Oceanic Ilydrozoa ; a Description of the Calycophoridae and Physophoridae observed during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattlesnake," in 1846-50. 4to. London, 1859. Leighton, W. A. The British Species of Angiocarpous Lichens, elucidated by their Sporidia. 8vo. London, 1851. Lubbock, Sir J., Bart. Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. 8vo. London, 1873. Mcintosh, W. C. Monograph of the British Annelids. Part 1 in 2 vols. 4to. London, 1873-74. Masters, M. T. Vegetable Teratology ; an Account of the Principal Devia- tions from the Usual Construction of Plants. 8vo. London, 1869. Meyen, F. J. F. Outlines of the Geo- graphy of Plants. Translated by Margaret Johnston. 8vo. London, 1846. Michael, A. M. British Oribatida;. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1884-88. Nitzsch, C. L. Pterylography. Trans- lated from the German. Edited by P. L. Sclater. 4to. London, 1867. Oken, L. Elements of Physio-philo- sophy. From the German by A. Tulk. 8vo. London, 1847. Parker, W. K. Monograph of the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-Girdle and Sternum in the Vertebrata. 4to. London, 1868. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 447 LONDON— con^ Bay Society— co7i^ Bay, J., Memorials of. Consisting of his Life, by Dr. Derham ; Notices, by Sir J. E. Smith, Cuvier, Dupetit Thouars, &c. Edited by E. Lan- kester. 8vo. London, 1846. Correspondence of. Edited by E. Lankester. 8vo. London, 1848. Keports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841-44. Translated by G. Busk,*A. H. Ilaliday, E. Lankester, W. B. Maedonald, H. E. Strickland, and A. Tulk. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 . State of Zoology in Europe. By C. L. Bimaparte. 1. Progress of Zoology in 1842- 43. By A. Wagner, F. H. Troschel, W. F. Erichson, C. Th. V. Siebold. 3. Progress of Physiological Bo- tany in 1841. By H. F. Link. Edinburgh and London, 1845-47. Reports and Papers on Botany. Trans- lated by G. Busk, W. B. Maedonald, A. Henfrey, and J. Hudson. 2 vols. 8vo. 1. Morphology of the Coniferse. By Dr. Zuccarini. 2. Reports on Geographical and Systematic Botany. By Prof. Grisebach. (3 Reports.) 3. Vegetable Cells. Parts 1, 2. By C; Nageli. 4. Report on Botany. By H. F. Link. 5. Structure of the Palm-stem. By H. von Mohl. 6* Utricular Structure. By C. Nageli. 7. Report on Physiological Botany. By H. F. Link. London, 1846-49. Steenstrup, J. J. S. On the Alternation of Generations. Translated from the German Version of C. H. Lorenzen, by G. Busk. 8vo. London, 1845. Williamson, W. C. On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. — Car- penter, W. B., Parker, W. K., Jones, T. R. Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera. 4 to. London, 1858, 1862. Boyal Agricultural Society of England- Journal. Vol. 1-25. 8vo. London, 1840-64. General Index to 1" Series. 8vo. London, 1865. 2"'' Series. Vol. 1-25. 8yo. London, 1865-89. General Index to 2"'* Series. 8vo. London, 1890. 3'^ Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1890, &c. International Agricultural Exhibition held in London ( Kilburn) . Catalogue of Agricultural Implements, &c., &c. 8vo. " London, 1879. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. 20 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-63. New Series. Vol. 1-20. (Vol. 15 in- complete.) 8vo. London, 1865-88. [Index to both Series in Vol. 20.] New Series. Vol. 21 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1889, &c. See also BOMB AY 5: CALCUTTA. Royal Astronomical Society. Memoirs. Vol. 41 (1879) and Vol. 42 (1873-5) and onwards. 4to. London, 1875, &c. Monthly Notices, containing Abstracts of Papers, and the Reports of the Proceedings. Vol. 38 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1878, &c. Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings. Vol. 1 (1869) and on- wards. (Vols. 3 and 5 wanting.) 8vo. London, 1870, &c. Royal Engineers, Corps of. Professional Papers. 9 vols. 4to. London and Woolwich, 1837-47. Another copy. 10 vols. 4to. [Vol.1, 2nd edition.] London and Woolwich, 1844-4?. New Series. Vol. 1-23. 4to. London and Woolwich, 1851-76. Index from commencement to 20th vol. of New Series (1837-72). 4to. London, 1872. Professional Papers. — Royal Engineer Institute's Occasional Papers. Vol. 5 (1880) to 12. 8 vols. 8vo. London and Chatham, 1880-86. Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences. See Military Works. Royal Geographical Society. Journal. Vol. 1-50. 8vo. London, 1832-80. Index to Vol. 1-40. 4 vols. 8vc. London, 1844-81. Proceedings. Vols. 1-22. 8vo. London, 1857-78. Proceedings and Monthly Record of Geography. New Monthly Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1879, &c. Supplementary Papers. Vol. 1 and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1882, &c. Selection of Papers on Arctic Geogra- phy and Ethnology. Reprinted and Presented to the Arctic Expedition of 1875, by the President, Council, and Fellows of the Royal Geogra- phical Society. 8vo. London, 1875. Catalogue of Exhibition of Appliances used in Geographical Education. 8vo. London, 1885. Report of Proceedings of the Society in reference to the Improvement of Geographical Education ; including Lectures and Discussion at the Exhi- bition of Educational Appliances ; with Catalogue, &c. 8vo. J. Murray, 1886. 448 TKANSACTIONS, ETC. LONDON—con^ Boyal Geographical Society- cow ^ Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General. Edited by D. W. Freshfield and Capt. W. J. L. Wharton. 6th edition, fcp. 8vo. London, 1889. Catalogue of the Library, to Dec. 1870. 8vo. London, 1871. Boyal Institute of British Archi- tects. Papers read at the Sessions of 1853-78. 21 vols. 4to. London, 1854-78. Boyal Institution of Great Bri- tain. Notices of the Proceedings at the Meet- ings of the Members, with Abstracts of the Discourses delivered at the Evening Meetings. Vol. 1 (1851- 54) and onwards. 8vo. London, 1854, &c. The Royal Institution, its Founder and its First Professors. By Dr. Pence Jones. See Works on Physics (^General Treatises). List of Members, Officers, and Profes- sors, July 1887. 8vo. London, 1887. Hoyal Microscopical Society (formerly Microscopical Society of London). Transactions. 3 vols, royal 8vo. London, 1844-52. Monthly Microscopical Journal : Trans- actions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by H. Lawson. 1 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1869-77. Journal. Vol. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1878-80. 2°^ Series. Containing Transactions and Proceedings. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1881, &c. [For Transactions 1853-1868 and Index, see Journals — Quar- terly Journal of Micro- scopical Science ; and for Proceedings, 1841-42, see Microscopical Journal.] Boyal School of Naval Archi- tecture and Marine Engin- eering. Annual. Nos. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1871-73. Boyal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions ; giving some Accompt of the present Under- takings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious in many considerable parts of the World (1665-1775). Vol. 1- 65. 4to. London, 16G7-1775. Philosophical Transactions. Vol. 66 and onwards. 4to. London, 1776, &c. Boyal Society of London— cow <. General Index to the Philosophical Transactions from the 1st to the end of the 70th volume. By P. H. Maty. 4to. London, 1787. Continuation to the Alphabetical Index from Vol. 71 to Vol. 110 (1781-1820). 4to. London, 1821. Continuation to the Alphabetical Index from Vol. Ill to Vol. 120 (1821-30). 4to. London, 1833. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions, from 1800- 1830. Vol. 1, 2. 8vo. London, 1832-33. Abstracts of the Papers, 1830-54 (Pro- ceedings. Nos. 1-102). Vols. 3-6. 8vo. London, 1837-54. Proceedings, 1854 and onwards. Vol. 7, &c. 8vo. London, 1856, &c. Report of the Committee 'of Physics and Meteorology relative to the Observa- tions to be made in the Antarctic Expedition, and in the Magnetic Ob- servatories. 8vo. London, 1840. Account of the Petrological, Botanical, and Zoological Collections made in Kerguelen's Land and Rodriguez during the Transit of Venus Ex- peditions in the years 1874-5. See '* Philosophical Transactions " (above). Vol. 168. Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-73. Compiled and published by the Royal Society of London. 8 vols. 4to. London, 1867-79. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library. 8to. Pt. 1 . Transactions, Journals, &c. London, 1881. Pt. 2. General Science. London, 1883. Histoiy of the Royal Society of London, for the Improving of Natural Know- ledge, by T. Sprat, post 4to. London, 1667. History of the Royal Society from its Institution to the end of the Eigh- teenth Century, by T. Thomson. 4to. London, 1812. Lectiones Cutlerianas, or a Collection of Lectures made before the Royal Society, 1674-1682, and Philosophical Collections, Nos. 1-7, by Robert Hooke. post 4to. London, 1679, &c. Meteorological Committee of Royal Society. See Meteorological Committee. Polar Expeditions (International), 1 882- 83, Observations of the, Fort Rae. See Works on Meteorology. Boyal Statistical Society. Journal. Vol. 1 (1838) and on-wards. 8vo. London, 1839, &c. Index to Vol. 1-50. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1854-87. Jubilee Volume, June 22-24, 1885. Svo. liOndon, 1885. TBANSACTIONS, ETC. 4^ LONDON—con^ Royal United Service Institu- tion. Journal. Vol. 1-7. 8vo. London, 1858-64. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Transactions. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1880, &c. Science and Art Department. See separate List at end. Societ^r for Philosophical Ex- periments. Minutes. 8vo. London, 1795. Society of Arts. Journal. Vol. 13 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1864, &c. Index to Vol. 1-30. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1863-84. [Earlier portions of the Journal and the Transactions are in Art Library.] Society of Chemical Industry. Journal. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Manchester and London, 1882, &c. Society of Medical Officers of Health. Journal. See Journals — Public Health. Society of Teleg[raph Engineers and Electricians ifrom January 1889, Institution of Electrical Engineers). Journal. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1872, &c. Index to Journal, Vols. 1-10, 1872- 1882. Compiled by A. J. Frost. 8vo. London, 1882. Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity, Magnetism, the Electric Telegraph, &c., including the Ronalds Library. Compiled by Sir F. Ronalds. See Works on Electricity. South Kensington Museum. See Science and Art Department, separate List at end. Victoria Institute or Philoso- phical Society of Great Britain. Journal of the Transactions. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1866, &c. Wesley Naturalists' Society. See Postal Microscopical Society. Zoological Society. Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence. Parts 1 and 2. One vol. 8vo. London, 1830-32. Proceedings. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8to. London, 1833, &c. Index. 1848-80. 3 vols. London, 1863-82. £ 61668. Zoological Society— con<. Transactions. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, 1835, &c. Index to Vol. 1-10. 4to. London, 1881. Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. 1872. Supplement, Additions to Aug* 1883. 8vo. 1883- List of the Fellows. Corrected to June 1889. 8vo. London. Zoological Record. See Journals. LUND. XXniversitas Lundensis.o Acta ( = Lund8 Universitats Ars-skrift). 7 vols. (Wanting Vol. 6.) 4to. Lund, 1864-71. LYONS. Academic des Sciences. Memoires. Tome 14 and onwards. Svo. Lyon & Paris, 1864, &c. Soci^t^ d' Agriculture. Annales. 3^ Serie. Tome 9-11. Svo. Lyon, 1865-67. Soci6t^ Linn€enne. Annales. Tome 18. Svo. Paris, 1870-71. MADRAS. Literary Society. Journal of Literature and Science. Edited by J. C. Morris, &c. Vol. 1-16. Svo. Madras, 1834-50. New Series. 6 vols. Svo. Madras, 1857-62. Third Series. 2 Nos. in one vol. Svo. Madras, 1864-66. MADRID. Comision del Mapa Geol6gico de Espana. Memorias, 3 vols. Svo. Madrid, 1874-75. Boletin. Tome 1, 2. Svo. Madrid, 1874-75. Institute Geogr^fico y Estadis- tico de Espana. Memorias. Vol. 1. royal Svo. Madrid, 1875. Experiences faites av«c I'Appareil k Mesurer les Bases appartenant h la Commission de la Carte d'Espagne. Svo. Paris, 1860. Memoria sobre la Compensacion general de los Errores en la Red Geodesica de Espana. Por Don J. Barraquer & Don F. Cabello. Svo. Madrid, 1874. Comision Internacional del Metro. Re- Bumen de los Trabajos. 3 parts. Svo. Madrid, 1872-75. E»tudios Bobre Nivelacion Geodesica. Por Don C. I. e Ibanez. 8vo. Madrid, 1864. F F 450 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. MADRID— con<. Institnto Geogr^fico, &c.— con^ Base Centrale de la Triangulation Geo- desique d'Espagne. Por Don C. I. e Ibafiez, Dr. F. Saavedra Meneses, &c. 8vo. , Madrid, 1865. Descripcion Geodesica de la Islas Baleares. Por Don C. I. e Ibanez. 8vo. With Map. Madrid, 1871. Coleccion de Instrucciones para los Trabajo? Geodesicos. 18mo. Madrid, 1872. Comparacion de la Regla Geodesica par- teneciente al gobierno de S. A. El. Virey de Egypto con la que sirvid para la Medicion de la Base Centrale del Mapa de Espana, 1863. Por J. EfEendy & Don C. I. e Ibanez. 8vo. Madrid, 1863. Junta General de Estadistica. Ensayo de Descripcion Geogndstica de la Provincia de Terruel. Por J. Vilanova y Piera. 4to. Madrid, 1863. Descripcion Fisica y Geoldgica de la Provincia de Santander. Por A. Maestre. 4to. Madrid, 1864, Real Academia de Ciencias. Memorias. Vols. 1-6. 4to. Madrid, 1850-68. [The "Memorias" are divided into 3 Series : — Series 1, Ciencias Exactas (Vol. 2). Series 2, Cien- cias Fisicas (Vols. 3, 6). Series 3, Ciencias Naturales (Vols. 1, 4, 5).] Madrid, 1850-68. Resumen de las Actas de la Academia Real de Ciencias en el ano academic© de 1847 a 1862 leido en la Session del dia 6 de Octubre, etc., por Dr. Don Mariano Lorente, etc. 8vo. Madrid, 1848-63. Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Natu- rales en la recepcion publica de Exmo. Sr. D. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. 8vo. Madrid, 1878. MANCHESTER. Society of Cliemical Industry. See LONDON. Society of Dyers and Colourists. • See BRADFORD. MARBURG. Oesellscliaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwis- senschaften. Schriften. Vol. 1-9, 10, 11 (imperfect), and 12, Pts. 1-3. 8vo. Marburg, Leipzig, & Cassel, 1823-89. Supplements to Vol. 9 (1), 10 (1), 11 (2). 4to. Marburg, Leipzig, & Cassel, 1866-79. MARSEILLES. Acad€mie de Marseille, afterwards Acad^mie des Sciences, &c. Memoires. 12 vols. 8vo. Marseille, 1803-1814. Memoires. Annee 1846-82. 8vo. Marseille, 1848-82, Mus6e d'Histoire Naturelle. Annales. Zoologie. Travaux du La- boratoire de Zoologie Marine. Tome 1 and 2. 4to. Marseille, 1882-85. METZ. Soci^t6 des Lettres, Sciences et Arts. Seances et Memoires. Annee 1-9. 8vo. Metz, 182l-28> Continued as — Acad6mie. Memoires. Annee 10-33. 8vo. Metz, 1829-52, 2« Serie. Annee 34-52. 8vo. Metz, 1853-72. 3* Serie. Annee 53 and onwards (Vol. 58 wanting). 8vo. Metz, 1873, &c. Tables, 1819-71. Par J. Thilloy. 8vo. Metz, 187.^. MILAN. Imperiale Regio Istituto del Regno Iiombardo-Veneto. Memorie. 5 vols. 4to. Milano, 1819-38. I. R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti {after- wards Reale Istituto). Memorie. Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Milano, 1843, &c. Society. Geologica residente in Milano. Atti. Vol. 1. 8vo. Milano, 1859. Continued as the — Society Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Atti. Vol. 2-13. 8vo. Milano, 1860-70. MINNESOTA. Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Constitution and By-Laws ; with Address of President. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1873. Bulletin ; with Reports of the Commit- tees, 1874-1882. 1vol. and 6 parts (imperfect). Vol. 3. No. 1. Pro- ceedings, &c. 1883-86. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1874-89. Minnesota Historical Society. Annual Reports, 1868-69. 8vo. St. Paul, 1869-70. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of the Society. 8vo. ' St. Paul, 1868. JRANSAOTIONS, ETC. 451 MODENA. Beale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Memorie. 2 vols. 4to. Modena, 1833-58. Society Italiana delle Scienze. Memorie di Matematica e Fisica. Tome 1-25. 4to. Verona and Modeua, 1782-1855. Serie 2. Tomo 1, 2. 4to. Modena, 1862-66. Serie 3. Tomo 2. 4to. Firenze, 1869-76. MONS. Soci^t^ des Sciences, &c. da Hai- naut. Memoires et Publications: 1« Serie. 10 vols. 8vo. Mons, 18<0-52. 2« Serie. 10 vols. 8vo. Mons, 1853-65. 3* Serie. 10 vols. 8vo. Mons, 1867-75. 4« Serie. Tome 1-6. 8vo. Mons, 1876-83. 5« Serie. Tome 1. Mons, 1889. MONTREAL. Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and Transactions. Vol. 1. and onwards. 4to. Montreal, 1883, &c. MOSCOW. Societas Pliysico-Medica apud Universitatem Mosquensem. Commentationes. Vol. 2, pt. 1. 4to. Mosquae, 1817. Soci^td Imp^riale des Natu- ralistes. Memoires. Seconde edition. Tome 1. 4to. Moscou, 1811. [First edition dated 1806.] Tome 2-5. (Tome 3 wanting.) 4to. Moscou, 1809-17. — Tome 7 and onwards (Nou- veaux Memoires, Tome 1 and on- wards). [Tome 11-15 (Nouveaux Memoires, 5-9) wanting, and of Tome 20 (Nouveaux Memoires 14) onlj Livraisons 1, 2, and 4]. 4to. Moscou, 1829, &c. Bulletin. Tome 1-62. 8vo. Moscou, 1829-86. Beilage zu" Bulletin " (Meteorologische Beobachtungen). 1882 and onwards. (Bound up with " Bulletin.") Moskau, 1882, &c. Bulletin. New Series. Tome 1 and onwards. 8vo. Moscou, 1887, &c. Table Generale et Systematique des Matieres contenues dans les premiers 56 volumes (annees 1829-1881) du Bulletin. Dressee par E. Ballion. 8vo. Moscou, 1882. MUNICH. Eoniglicli-Bayerisclie Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen der Churfurstlich-Baier- ischen Akademie. Band 1-9. 4to. Miinchen, 1763-75. Neue Philosopbische Abhandlungen. 7 vols. 4to. Miinchen, 1778-97. Physikalische Abhandlungen, 1801-5. 1vol. 4to. MuQchen, 1802-6. Denkschriften. 9 vols. 4to. Miinchen and Sulzbach, 1809-25. Abhandlungen der Matheraatisch-physi- kalischen Classe. Vol. 1. and on- wards. 4to. Miinchen, 1832, &c. Gelehrte Anzeigen. Herausgegeben von Mitgliedern. Vol. 1-50. 4to. Miinchen, 1835-60. Almanach. 12mo. Miinchen, 1855, 1859, 1871. Sitzungsberichte. Mathematisch-phy- sikalische und Philosophisch-philo- logische und Historische Classe. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Miinchen, 1861, &c. Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1860-85. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Miinchen, 1872-86. Festreden und Abhandlungen, 1843-74. 2 vols, and 5 parts. 4to. Miinchen. Schwabisch-Augsburgisches "Worter- buch. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Birlinger. 8vo. Miinchen, 1864. NANCY. Soci^t^ des Sciences. Memoires. 13 vols. 8vo. Nancy, 1836-50. Acad^mie de Stanislas {continua- tion q/ Soci^te des Sciences). Memoires. 3« Serie. 1851-66. 8vo. Nancy, 1852-67. (^For previous vols, of 3rd Series see Societe des Sciences, above.) Tables. Serie l«-3<=. 1750-1866. 8vo. Nancy, 1867. 4* Serie. 15 vols. 8vo. Nancy, 1868-83. 5« Serie. Vol. 1 (1883) and on- wards. 8vo. Nancy, 1884, &c NAPLES. Accademia delle Scienze (Society. Beale). Atti. 5 vols. 4to. Napoh, 1819-43. Tomo 1-5. 4to. Napoli, 1863-73. Heal Istitnto d' Incorraggia- mento alle Scienze Naturali. Atti. 4 vols. 4to. Napoli, 1811-28. Beale University— Mnseo Zoo- logico. Annuario. Per A. Costa. Anno 1-6. 4to. Napoli, 1862-71. F F 2 462 TRANSACTIONS, ETa NAPLES— cont. Zoologische Station. Mittheilungen, zugleich eiu Repertorium fiir Mittelmeerkunde. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig and Berlin, &c., 1879. Zoologische Jahresbericlite. See Journals, &c. Fauna und Elora des Golfcs von Neapel. Herausgegeben vonder Zoo- logischen Station. See Works on General Natural History (,For- eign). NEW HAVEN. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions. Vol. 1, 2, and 4 (Part 1). 8to. New Haven, 1866-78. NEW SOUTH WALES. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Australian Museum. Department of Mines. Entomological Society. Boyal Society. See SYDNEY. NEW YOEK. American Association. Journal of Social Science, containing the Transactions of the American AESociation. No. 1. 8vo. New York, 1869. American Metrological Society. Proceedings. Vol. 1 and 2 (1873-79). Svo. New York, 1880. American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. New York, 1881, &c. Annual Eeport. Thirteenth and on- wards. 8vo. New York, 1882, &c. Columbia College. Catalogue of the Governors, Trustees, &c., from 1754-1864. 8vo. New York, 1865. Lyceum of Natural History; afterwards (in 1876) New York Academy of Sciences. Annals. 11 vols. 8vo. New York, 1824-76. Proceedings. Series 1, 2. (Imperfect.) Svo. New York, 1870-74. Annals (New York Academy of Sciences). Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. New York, 1879, &c. TranBactions. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. New York, 1881, &c. State Cabinet of Natural His- tory (afterwards New York state Museum of Natural History). Annual Reports, 14th to 16th, and 20th to 28th. (1861-1874.) 12 vols. Svo. Albany. State Library. Reports. Svo. Albany, 1868-69. NICE. Soci^t6 Centrale d' Agriculture, d'Horticulture, et d'Accli- matation de Nice et des Alpes-Maritimes. 2me Periode Decennale. Bulletin 77. 8vo. Nice, 1879. 3me Periode Decennale. Bulletins 81, 83, 86, 91, 92, 94, 95 ; also 1886, &c. various Nos. Svo. Nice, 1880, &c. NUREMBERG. Academia Naturae Curiosorum. See DRESDEN. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. Abhaudiungen. Band 1-7 (Jubilaums- schrift zur Feier des 80 jahriges Be- standes). Svo. Ntimberg, 1858-81. OFFENBACH AM MAIN. Offenbacher Verein fur Natur- kunde. Berichte. 1-7. Svo. Offenbach am Main, 1860-66. O GYALLA. Astropbysikalisches Observa- torium. Beobachtungen. Herausgegeben von N. von Koukoly. Vol. 1 and on- wards. 4to. Halle, 1S79, &c. OHIO. Ohio Mechanics' Institute. Scientific Proceedings. Vol. 1, 2 (in- complete). 8vo. Cincinnati, 1882-3. OURO PRETO. Escola de Minas. Annaes. Collec9oes de Memorias e de Noticias sobre a Mineralogia a Geo- logia e as Explora9oes das Minas no Brazil. No. 1. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1881. . PADUA. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Saggi Seientifici e Letterarj. 4 vols. 4to. Padova, 1786-94. Nuovi Saggi della Cesareo-Regia Acca- demia. Tomo 1-5. 4to. Padova, 1817-40. Memorie. 4to. Padova, 1809. TEA.NSACTIONS, ETC. 453 PALERMO. Accademia di Scieuze e Lettere. Atti. Tomo 1-3. 4to. Palermo, 1845-59. Real Istituto Tecnico. Giornale di Scienze Natural!. Tomo 1-5. 4to. Palermo, 1866-69. PARIS. Acad^mie Royale des Sciences. Histoire depuis son etablissement en 1666 jusqu'^ 1699. Tome 1, 2. 4to. Paris, 1733. Memoires depuis 1666 jusqu'k 1699. Tome 3-11. 4to. Paris, 1729-34. Histoire avec les Memoires de Mathe- matique et de Physique 1699 (3™« edition) — 1790. Tome 12-104. (Tome 86 and 100 wanting.) 4to. (Tome 31 (1718) and 53 (1740) have each a Supplement.) Paris, 1732-97. Table Alphabetique des Matieres con- tenues dans I'Histoire et Memoires de I'Aeademie. Tome 1-4 (1666-1730), par M. Godin; Tome 5 (1731-40), par M. P. Demours ; Tome 10 (1781- 90), par M. Cotte. 4to. Paris, 1734-47, 1809. Nouvelle Table des Articles contenus dans les volumes de I'Aeademie depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1770, dans ceux des Arts et Metiers, et dans la Col- lection Academique. Par I'Abbe Rozier. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1775-76. Memoires de ITnstitut National des Sci- ences et Arts : Sciences Mathemati- ques et Physiques. Tome 1-5. 4to. Paris, An. VI.-An. XII. (1798-1804). Memoires de I'lustitut des Sciences. Lettres et Arts. Tome 6. 4to. Paris, 1806. Memoires de la Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques de rinstitut de France (1806-15). 12 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806-18. Memoires de I'Aeademie Royale des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France. Tome 1-38. 4to. Paris, 1818-73. Atlas to Vol. 33. Par Chevreul. 4to. Paris, 1861. Memoires presentes par divers Savans : Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques. Tome 1, 2. 4to. Paris, 1805-11. Memoires presentes par divers Savants : (ou Collection des Memoires des Savans Etrangers) Sciences Mathema- tiques et Physiques. Tome 1 and onwards. 4to. Paris, 1827, &c. [On title-page of Vol. 25 the term ♦* Sciences Mathematiques et Phys- iques" has been dropped and " Deuxi^me Serie " adopted.] Regiae Scientiarum Academiae Historia ; autore Joanne-Baptista du Hamel. 4to. Parisiis, 1698. Academie Boyale des Sciences- con^. Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris epitomized ; with the Lives of the late iM embers of that Society, &c. 2nd edition. By J. Chamberlayne. 8vo. London, 1721. Machines et Inventions approuvees par I'Aeademie depuis son etablissement jusqu'^ present, avec leur Description. Dessinees et pubHees par M. Gallon. Tome 1-6. 4to. Paris, 1735. Philosophical History and Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences ; or, an Abridgement of all the Papers relating to Natural Philosophy. Translated by J. Martyn and Cham- bers. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1742. L' Academie des Sciences pendant la Siege de Paris. By G. Grimaud de Caux, 12mo. Paris, 1871. [The old " Academie des Sciences " was founded December 1666, recon- stituted in 1699, and met for the last time December 1792. In 1795 the " Institut de France " was founded (to replace the old Academy) and, like its predecessor, installed at the Louvre. It was composed of three classes : Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques, Sciences Morales et Politiques, Litte- ratm-e et Beaux- Arts. The " Institut " was reconstituted in 1803 into four classes : 1, Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques ; 2, La Langue et Litterature Fran9aise ; 3, Histoire et Litteraiure Ancienne ; 4, Beaux- Arts. After the Restoration, March 1816, Class 1 formed the "Academie Royale des Sciences " ; Class 2 the " Aca- demic Frauijaise " ; Class 3 the "Aca- demic Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres " ; Class 4 the " Aca- demic Royale des Beaux-Arts." In 1833 a fifth Academy ("Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques ") was added to the " Institut." Numerous Series of Transactions,&c., Scientific and Literary, of each of the above have been issued in addition to those in this Library — some of which, including the " Comptes Rendus," are in the Jermyn Street MuseumLibrary.] Association Franpaise pour I'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes-Keudus. Session 1 and on- wards. 8vo. Paris, 1873, &c. 1. Bordeaux, 1872. 10. Alger, 1881. 2. Lyon, 1873. 11. La Rochelle, 8. Lille, 1874. 1882. 4. Nantes, 1875. 12. Rouen, 1883. 5. Clermout-Fer- 13. Blois, 1884. rand, 1876. 14. Grenoble, 6. Le Havre, 1877. 1885. 7. Paris, 1878. 15. Nancy, 1886. 8. Montpelier, 16. Toulouse,1887. 1879. 17. Oran, 1888. 9. Reims, 1880. 18. Paris, 1889. 454 .TRANSACTIONS, ETC. PARIS— conf. Bnrean des Longitudes. Annuaire. Avec des Notices Scienti- fiques. 1796 and onwards. 12mo. Paris. [The first two vols, are called " An- nuaire de la Republique Fran- ^aise."] Bureau International des Foids et Mesures. Travaux et Memoires. Publics sous I'Autorite du Comite International par le Directeur du Bureau. Tome 1-5. 4to. Paris, 1881-86. Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. Annales, publiees par les Professeurs, sous la Direction do Ch. Laboulaye. Vol. 1-10, 11, Part I. Svo. Paris, 1860-79. £coles des Hautes £tudes. Bibliotheque. Publiee sous les Auspices du Ministere de I'lnstruction Pub- lique. Section des Sciences Naturelles. Tome 1 and onwards. Svo. Paris, 1869, &c. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques et Astronomiques. See Journals. £cole Polytecliniq.ue. Journal, ou Bulletin du Travail. Tome 1-24. 4to. Paris, 1795-1865. Faculty des Sciences. Theses, Nos. 174-368. 4to. and 8vo. Paris, 1854-75. Znstitut de France. See Aca- d6mie Boyale des Sciences. Museum d'Histoire Ifaturelle. Annales. Tome 1-20. 4to. Paris, 1802-13. Tome 21, contenant Table des Auteurs suivi d'une Table Generale et Analytique des Matieres. 4to. Paris, 1827. Memoires. Tome 1-20. 4to. Paris, 1815-32. Nouvelles Annales. Tome 1-4, 4to. Paris, 1832-35. Archives. Tome 1-10. 4to. Paris, 1839-61 Nouvelles Archives. Tome 1-10. 4to. Paris, 1865-74. 2* Serie. Tome 1-4. 4to. Paris, 1878-81. Rapport au Nom de la Commission Speciale institutee pour etudier les questions qui se rattachent, soit h. I'Administration, soit k I'Enseigne- ment. Par M. Corne. (MS.) 4to. 1850. 8oci6t^ Chimiq^ue. Le9on8 de Chinue professees en 1860- 1869. Par MM. Pasteur, Cahours, Wurtz, Dumas, Deherain, &c. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1861-70. Soci^t^ Cuvierienne. See Jour- nals — Revde Zoologique. Soci^t6 d'Anthropologie de Paris. Memoires. Tome 1-3. Svo. Paris, 1860-68. 2« Serie. Tome 1, 2. Svo. Paris, 1873-75. Soci6t6 de Biologle. Comptes-Rendus des Seances et Me- moires. Svo. Paris, 1850-80. 1« Serie, 5 vols., 1849-53. 2" Serie, 5 vols., 1854-58. 3"= Serie, 6 vols., 1859-63. 4« Serie, 5 vols., 1864-68. 5« Serie, 5 vols,, 1869-73. 6« Serie, Vols. 1, 2, 3 (fasc. 1-3), 5 vols., 1874-78. Soci^t^ d'Histoire Naturelle. Actes. Tome 1, partie 1. folio. Paris, 1792. Memoires. 1vol. 4to. Paris, An VII. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1823-34. Soci^t^ de Fharmacie. Concours sur I'Acetification de I'Alcool. Rapport. Svo. Paris, 1832. Soci^t^ des Anciens Aleves des ilScoles Imp^riales d'Arts et Metiers. Annuaire, 1866. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Soci^t6 Entouiologique de France. Annales. 5"'« Serie. Tome 1- 10. Svo. Paris, 1871-80. 6"** Serie. Tome 1 and on- wards. Svo. Paris, 1881, &c Tables generales de 1861 k 1880 in- clusivement. Svo. Paris, 1885. Soci6t^ Frangaise de Physique. Seances 1873 and onwards. Svo. Paris, 1873, &c. Collection de Memoires relatifs k la Physique. Publics par la Societe. Svo. ^ Paris, 1884, &c. Tome 1. Memoires de Coulomb. Paris, 1884. 2, 3. Memoires sur Eiectro- dynamique. Pts. 1 and 2. Paris, 1885-87. 4. Memoires sur la Pendule, precedes par un Bibliographic. Paris, 1889. Soci^t^ G^ologique de France. Bulletin. 2* Serie. Tome 24-29. Svo. Paris, 1866-72. 3* Serie. Tome 1 and on- wards. Svo. Paris, 1872, &c. Memoires. 2* Serie. Tome 8-10. 4to. Paris, 1868-77. 3« Serie. Tome 1-3. 4to. Paris, 1877-84. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 455 PABIS— con^ Soci^t^ Imp^riale Zoologique d'Acclimatation. Bulletin. Tome 1-10. 8vo. Paris, 1854-63. 2« Serie. Tome 1-10. 8vo. Paris, 1S64-73. 3« Serie. Tome 1-6. Svo. Paris, 1874-78. Soci^t^ M^t^orologique de Annuaire. Tome 4, 5, 7,9, 10. (Tomes 1-3, 6, 8, 11, 12, imperfect.) Svo. Paris, 1853-64. Soci^t6 Min^ralogique de France {from 1886 Societe FranQaise de Min^ralogie). Bulletin. V^ol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1878, &c. Premiere Table Decennale des Ma- tieres, 1-10. Svo. Paris, 1888. PENZANCE. Hoyal Geological Society of Cornwall. Transactions. Vol. 5 and 8, 2 parts. (Henwood, W. J. The Metalliferous Deposits of Cornwall and Devon, East and W. Indies, &c., Subter- ranean Temperature.) 8vo. Penzance, 1843, 1871. PERPIGNAN. Soci6t6 Agricole Scientifiqne et Iiitteraire des Pyrenees- Orientales. Bulletin. Vol. 23. 8vo. Perpignan, 1878. PESTH. See BUDA-PESTH. PHILADELPHIA. Academy of Natural Sciences. Journal. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-42. Second Series. Vol. 1-7. 4to. Philadelphia, 1847-69. Notice of the Academy. 3rd edition, 1836. — 4th edition, 1837. — Another edition, by S. W. S. Ruschenberger. Svo. Philadelphia, 1852. Proceedings, 1841-43 (imperfect), 1848- 49, 1856-70 (1868 imperfect), 1881- 82. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841-83. Act of Incorporation and By-Laws. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. Catalogue of Human Crania in the Col- lection of the Academy. By J. Ait- ken Meigs. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8lBt Meeting at Montreal, Canada, 1882. 2 parts. 8vo. Salem, 1883. American Philosophical Society for Promoting Useful Enow- ledge. Transactions. Vol. 1-6. 4 to. Philadelphia, 1789-1809. New Series. Vol. 1-15. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818-81. Proceedings. Vol. 1 and onwards. (Vols. 1 , 7, and 10 imperfect.) Svo. Philadelphia, 1840, &c. Early Proceediugs, 1744-1838. Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. Register of Papers published in the Transactions and Proceedings. By H. Phillips, Jr. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. Report of Committee on International Language. Svo. 1888. Report of Committee to assist the Com- mission on Amended Orthography. Svo. 1889. Rules and Regulations of the H. M. Phillips Prize Essay Fund. Svo. 1888. Rules and Regulations of the Magellanic Premium. Svo. Subject Register of Papers published in Transactions and Proceedings. Com- piled by H. Phillips, Jr. Svo. 1889. Supplemental Register of written Com- munications in Transactions, 1881-89. Compiled by H. Phillips, Jr. Svo. 1889. List of Deficiencies in the Library of the Societ}'. Part 1. Svo. 8 pp. 1889. List of Surviving Members, 1880. Svo. Philadelphia, 1880. Catalogue of Library. [Title-page want- ing.] Svo. Wagner Free Institute of Science. Announcement for collegiate year, 1858- 59, 1870-71, 1883. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1858-83. Transactions. Vol. 1 and 3. Svo. Philadelphia, 1887, 1890. PISA. University Toscane. Anuali. 2 vols, and 2 parts of Tomo 3 Svo. and 4to. Pisa. 1846-53. PLYMOUTH. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal. Nos. 1 and 2. Svo. London, 1887-88. New Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Plymouth, 1889, &c. Treatise on the Common Sole (Solea vulgaris) considered both as an organism and as a commodity. Prepared by J. T. Cunningham. 4to. Plymouth, 1890. 456 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. POMERANIA. Waturwissenschaffcliclier Verein von Neu-Pommern und Rii- gen. Mittheilungen. Von Prof. v. Feilitsch, &c. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. 8vo. Berlin, 1869, &c. PRAGUE. Oesellschaft des Vaterland- ischen Mtiseums in Bohmen. Verhandlungen. One vol. 8vo. Prag, 1833-35. Koniglicli-Bohmische Gesell- scnaft der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen : — 6. Folge. 14 vols. 4to. Prag, 1841-66. 6. Folge. 12 vols. 4to. Prag, 1868-85. 7. Folge. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Prag, 1886, &c. Sitzungsberichte. Jahrgang 1875 and onwards. 8vo. Prag, 1876, &c. -See- a/50 DRESDEN. QUEBEC. Literary and Historical Society. Transactions. Vol. 3, parts 2, 3. 8vo. Quebec, 1833-35. REGENSBURG. Zoologisch - Mineralogisclier Verein. Abhandlungen. 7 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Regensburg, 1849-56. ROME. Accademia Fontificia de' liTuovi Lincei. Atti. Tomo 1-23. 4to. (Vols. 2, 3, 8. 9, 20 wanting.) Roma, 1851-70. Programma pel Premio Carpi. 4to. Roma, 1865 & 1868. Intorno alia Necessity di stabilire un BuUettino per lo Studio del Vulcanismo Italian© e Programma del Medesimo. Nota del Cav. Prof. M. Stefano de Rossi. (Estratto dagli *• Atti.") 4to. Roma, 1874. Periodo Sismico Italiano del 1873. Me- moria del Cav. Prof. M. Stefano de Rossi. (Estratto dagli " Atti.") 4to. Roma, 1874. Beale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti. 3' Serie. Memorie. Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Natu- rali. Tome 1-19. (Tomo 3-8 wanting.) 4to. Roma, 1877-84. Transunti. Tomo 1-8. (Im- perfect.) 4to. Roma, 1877-83. HiCale Accademia dei Lincei— cont. Atti. 4» Serie. Memorie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Roma, 1885, &c. Rendiconti. Tomo 1 and onwards. 4to. Roma, 1885, &c. Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte al R. Osservatorio del Campidoglio. (Es- tratto dagli " Atti.") 4to. Roma, 1885. SACRAMENTO. California State Mining Bureau. Annual Reports. Third and onwards. 8vo. Sacramento, 1883, &c. SAINT LOUIS. Academy of Science. Transactions. Vol. 1 and onwards. (Vol. 4 imperfect.) 8vo. St. Louis, 18,60, &c. ST. PAUL. Minnesota Historical Society. See MINNESOTA. ST. PETERSBURG. Imp^riale des Acad^mie Sciences. Commentarii Acadeniias Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, 1726-46. 14 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1728-51. Novi Commentarii, 1747-75. 20 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1750-76. Acta, 1777-82. 6 vols. 4 to. Petropoli, 1778-1806. Nova Acta, 1783-1802. 15 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1787-1806. Memoirs, in Russian. 5 vols. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1808-19. St. Petersburg, 1821-23. Memoires. 9 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1809-24. Memoires. 6^ Serie (Sciences Mathema- tiques. Physiques et Naturelles). 10 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1831-S9. Memoires. 6^ Serie (Sciences Politiques, Histoire et Philologie). 9 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1832-59. Memoires. 7^ Serie. Tome 1 and onwards. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1859, &c. Memoires des Savants ^fitrangers (Memoires presentes par divers Savants). Tome 7, 8, 9. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1854-59. Compte-Rendu, pour les annees 1844- 45, 1852-57. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1845-58. Bulletin Scientifique. 10 vols, in 8. 4to. 1836-42. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 457 ST. PETERSBURG— conf. Acad^mie Imp^riale des Sciences— con^ Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathe- matique. 17 vols, in 6. 4to. 1843-59. Bulletin de la Classe Historico-Philo- logique. 16 vols, in 7. 4to. 1844-59. Bulletin de I'Academie. Tome 1 and onwards. 4to. St. Petersbourg et Leipzig, 1860, &c. Melanges Physiques et Chimiques, tires des Bulletins de I'Academie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1854, &c. Recueil des Actes de la Seance Publique du 29 Decembre 1844. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1845. Tableau General des Matieres contenues dans les Publications. Svo. St. Petersbourg, 1872. Das Zoologiscbe Museum der Akademie in seinem 50-jahrigen Bestehen. Bericht iiber die Entstehung, Ver- grosserung und den gegenwartigen Zustand desselben. Von Dr. A. Strauch, Director. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1889. See also Journals — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, &c. Comiti G^ologiqne. (Publications in Russian.) Memoires. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. St.' Petersburg, 1883, &c. Bulletins, avec Supplements. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1883, &c. Carte Geologique Generale de la Russie d'Europe publiee par le Comite geo- logique. Feuille 56. Yaroslawl, &c. Par S. Nikitin (Memoires, 1.2). „ 71. Kostroma, &c. Par S. Nikitin (Memoires II. 1). „ 93. Kamyschin, &c. Par I. Sintzow (Memoires II. 2). Observatoire Physique Central de Biussie. Compte-Rendu Annuel. Par A. T. Kupffer. Annee 1852-54, 1858-63. 3 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1853-55, 1858-64. SALEM (MASS.). American Association, &c. See Philadelphia. Essex County Natural Sistory Society. Journal. Svo. Salem, 1852. Essex Institute. Proceedings. 6 vols. 8vo. 1856-70. Bulletin. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Salem, 1870, &c. Essex Institute— con<. Charter and Bye-Laws, with a List of the Officers and Members. To-day : a paper printed during the Fair of the Essex Institute, 1870. 4to. Salem. Visitor's Guide to Salem. 8vo. Salem, 1880 & 1888. Peabody Academy of Science. Annual Reports (1-6) of the Trustees. 8vo. Salem, 1869-74. Memoirs. Vol. 1. No. 1-6. 4to. Salem, 1869-81. Vol. 1. No. 1. Revision of the Large, Stylated, Fossorial Crickets. By S. H. Scudder. 1869. No. 2. Embryological Studies on Diplax, Perithemis, and the Thysanurous Genus Isotoma. By A. S. Packard, Jr. 1871. No. 3. Embryological Studies on Hexapodous Insects. By A. S. Packard, Jr. 1872. No. 4. Fresh-Water Shell Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida. By J. Wyman. 1875. No. 5. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Holothu- rians. By J. S. Kingsley. 1881. No. 6. On the Development of the Pluteus of Arbacia. By J. W. Fewkes. 1881. SAN FRANCISCO. California Academy of Natural Sciences. Proceedings. Vol. 1-6 and 7, Part 1. (Vol. 3 and 4, Part 1, wanting). 8vo. San Francisco, 1854-77. Second Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. San Francisco, 1889, &c. Bulletin. Vol. 1. No. 4. Vol. 2. Nos. 5, 6, 7. 8vo. San Francisco, 1886-7. SEINE-ET-OISE. Soci^t^ des Sciences N aturelles. See VERSAILLES. SENCKENBERG. Senckenbergische Naturforsch- ende Gesellschaffc. See FRANK- FURT AM MAIN. SKANDINAVIA. Skandinaviske Naturforskere. Forhandlinger. 8vo. Christiania, 1847. STETTIN. Entomologischer Verein. Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae. 5th edition. 8vo. Stettin, 1855. 458 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. STOCKHOLM. Biologiska Foreniug (Biolog- ischer Verein). Forhandlingar (Verhandlungen). Band 1, 1888-1889, and onwards. 8vo. Stockholm (Leipzig), 1889. Eongliga Sveuska Veteuskaps Akademie. Handlingar, 1739-79. 40 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1741-79. Register. 3 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1755-80. Nya Handlingar. 33 vols. Svo. Stockholm and Strengnas, 1780-1812. Handlingar, 1813-54. 42 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1813-56. Ny Foljd. Band 1 and onwards. 4to. Stockholm, 1858, &c. Atlas till Band 21. folio. Stockholm, 1887. Bihang. Band 1 and onwards. Svo. Stockholm, 1872, &c. o o Arsbeiattelse. See Journals — Ars- berattelse. Museum Tessiuianum, Opera Dom. Car. Gust. Tessin Col- lectum. folio. Holmiae, 1753. [This Catalogue was arranged and edited by Linnaeus : it is very rare, a few copies only having been printed for private circula- tion.] STRASBURG. Soci^t6 d'Histoire I^aturelle. Memoires. Vol. 1, liv. 1 ; 6, liv. 1. 4to. Paris and Strasbourg, 1830, 1866. STUTTGART. Verein fur Vaterlandische Naturkunde in "Wurttem- berg. Jahreshefte. Herausgegeben von H. v. Mohl, &c. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. Svo. Stuttgart, 1845, &c. SUABIA. Vaterlandische Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Naturforscher Schwabens. See TUBINGEN. SWITZERLAND. Allgemeine Scbweizerische Gesellschaft (Soci^te Helv^- tique (Suisse) des Sciences Naturelles). Verhandlungen (Actes, Atti, Compte- Rendu). Jahresversammlung 1 and onwards. 8vo. Zurich, St. Gallen, &c., 1817, &c. [From 1862 onward the German title is " Schweizerische Natur- forschende Gesellschaft."] See also AARAU, GENEVA, ZURICH. SYDNEY. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of the Meetings. Svo. 1. Sydney, 1888. Sydney, 1890. Australian Museum. Report of Trustees for 1871-2, 1881. fcp. folio. Report of Trustees for 1882 and on- wards, with Supplements : Reports of the Technological, Industrial, and Sanitary Museum, fcp. folio. Catalogue of the Australian Stalk- and Sessile-Eyed Crustacea. By W. A. Haswell. Svo. Sydney, 1882. Catalogue of the Australian Hydroid Zoophytes. By W. M. Bale. 8vo. Sydney, 1884. Catalogue, Descriptive, (with Notes) of the General Collection of Minerals. By A. F. Ratte. royal 8vo. Sydney, 1885. Catalogue of the Echinodermata. Part 1. Echini. Desmosticha and Petalosticha. royal Svo. Sydney, 1885. Catalogue, Descriptive, of the Medusae of the Australian Seas. Scyphome- dusaj and Hydromedusse. By R. von Lendenfeld. Svo. Sydney, 1887. Catalogue of the Fishes. Parti. Recent I'alaeichthyan Fishes. By J. D. Ogilby. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. Catalogue, Descriptive, of the Nests and Eggs of Birds found breeding in Australia and Tasmania. By A. J. North. Svo. Sydney, 1889. Catalogue of Australian Birds. Part II. Striges. By E. P. Ramsay. 1890. Catalogue of the Australian Accipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey. Supple- ment. By E. P. Ramsay. 1890. Guide to the contents of the Museum. Svo. Sydney, 1890. Records of the Museum. Vol. I., No. 1 and onwards. Edited by the Curator. Svo. Sydney, March, 1890, &c. Department of Mines, New South Wales. Annual Report, 1876-85. 4to. and folio. Sydney, 1877-86. Maps to accompany Annual Report for 1879. In 4to. case. Sydney, 1880, &c. First Annual Report upon the Occupa- tion of Crown Lands, Stock and Brands, and Roads, Streets and Gates Branches for 1879. 4 to. Sydney, 1880. Mineral Products of New South Wales, by H. Wood ; Notes on the Geology of N. S. W., by C. S. Wilkinson ; Description of the Minerals of N. S. W., by A. Liversidge ; Cata- logue of Works, &c. on the Geology, &.C. of the Australian Continent and Tasmania, by R. Etheridg^ and R. L. Jack. In one vol. 4to. Sydney, 1882. TRANSACTIONS, ETC. 459 SYDNEY-con<. Department of Mines, New South Wales— con^ Mines and Mineral Statistics of New South Wales, and Notes on the Geo- logical Collection of the Department of Mine?, by the Hon. J. Lucas ; also Kemarks on the Sedimentary Forma- tions of N. S. Wales, by the Rev. W. B. Clarke ; and Notes on the Iron and Coal Deposits, Wallerawang, and on the Diamond Fields, by Prof. Liversidge. In one vol. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. Entomological Society of New South Wales. Transactions. Vol. 1. Svo. Sydney, 1866. Boyal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings. Vol. 12 and onwards. Svo. Sydney, 1879, &c. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Society. Part 1. General Catalogue. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. TOKIO. Tokio Daigaku (University of Tokio). Memoirs of the Science Department. 8vo. : — Vol. l,pt. 1. Shell Mounds of Omori, by Morse. Tokio, 2539 (a.d. 1879). Ft. 2. Mining and Mines in Japan, by Netto. Tokio, 2539 (a.d. 1879). 4. Geology of Environs of Tokio, by Brauns. Tokio. 2541 (a.d. 1881). 5. Measurements of the Force of Gravity at Tokio &c., by Mendenhall. Tokio, 2541 (a.d. 1881). 6. Chemistry of Sake- Brewing, by Atkinson. Tokio, 2541 (a.d. 1881). 7. Reports of Meteorology of Tokio for year 2540 (1880), by Mendenhall. Tokio, 2541 (a.d. 1881). 11. System of Iron Railroad Bridges for Japan, by Waddell. 2 vols. (Text and Plates.) Tokio, 2545 (a.d. 1885). 12. Leukoskop, von Kitao. Tokio, 2545 (a.d. 1885). TOULOUSE. Acad^mie des Sciences, &c. Histoire et Memoires. 4 vols. 4 to. Toulouse, 1782-90. Histoire et Memoires, depuis son Reta- blissement en 1807. 6 vols, (each in 2 parts). Vol. 4, pt. 2 wanting. Svo. . Toulouse, 1827-48. Acad^mie des Sciences, Scc.—cont. Memoires. Serie 3. Tome 1. Svo. Toulouse, 1844. Serie 5. Tome 4, 6. Svo. Toulouse, 1860-62. Serie 6. Tome, 2, 4-6. 8vo. Toulouse, 1866-68. TRANSYLVANIA. Siebenbiirgischer Verein. See HERMANNSTADT. TRENTON, N.J. Bntger's Scientific School. Annual Reports, Sixth and Seventh. Svo. Trenton, N.J., 1870-71. TRIESTE. Zoologische Station. Sec VIENNA: Zoologisches Institut. TUBINGEN. Botanisches Institut. Untersuchungen. Herausgegeben von Dr. W. Pfeffer. Band 1 and onwards. Leipzig, 1881, &c. Vaterlandische Gesellschafb der Aerzte und Naturforscher Schwabens. Denkschriften. Band 1. Svo. Tubingen, 1805. TURIN. Beale Accademia delle Scienze. Miscellanea Philosophico-mathematica Societatis privatae Taurinensis. Tomus 1. 4to. Augustse-Taurinorum, 1759. Tomus 2-5. (Melanges de Philo- sophic et Mathematique.) 4 vols. 4to. Turin, 1760-73. Memoires de I'Academie Royale de« Sciences. Annee 1784-1800. 6 vols. 4to. Turin, 1786-1801. Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences, Litterature et Beaux-Arts. — Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques. 5 vols. (Vols. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 of series.) 4to. Turin, 1804-13. Litterature et Beaux Arts. 5 vols. (Vols. 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 of series.) 4to. Turin, 1804-13. Memoires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences pour les annees 1813-14. 4to. Turin, 1816. Memoire della Reale Accademia delle Scienze. Tomo 23-40, 4to. Torino, 1818-38. Serie Seconda. Tomo 1 and on- wards. 4to. Torino, 1839, &c. Atti. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Torino, 1866, &c. II Primo Secolo della R. Accademia delle Scienze. Notizie Storiche e Bibliografiche. (1783-1883.) 1 vol. 4to. Torino, 1888. 460 TBAIfS ACTION 8, ETC. TURIN— con<. Beale Accademia delle Scienze — cont. Annuario, 1877-78. 1 vol. 8vo. Torino, 1878. Sunti dei Lavori Scientifici letti e dis- cuss! nella Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, 1859-65. Da G. Gorresio. 8vo. Torino, 1868. L' Ottica di Claudio Tolomeo, da Eu- genio, del Secolo XII, ridotta in Latino sovra la Traduzione Araba di un Testo Greco imperfetto, ora per la prima volta, conforme a un codice della Biblioteca Ambrosiana, pub- blicata da Gilberto Govi. 8vo. Torino, 1885. Atlanta di Carte Celesti e Catalogo delle Stelle per I'Anno 1880. oblong 4to. Torino, 1880. B. Osservatorio del "R, Univer- sity. Bolletino Meteorologico ed Astrono- mico. Anno 5 and onwards. (Anno 13 wanting.) oblong 4to. (After 1887 changed to " Osservazioni Meteorologiche." 8vo.) Torino, 1871, &c. TUSCANY. University Toscaue. See PISA. TYROL. Geognostisch - Montanistischer Verein. See INNSBRUCK. UNITED STATES. Boards, &c. of Agriculture : American Agricultural Association. Journal. Vol. 1. No. 1. 8vo. . New York, 1881. California State Agricultural Society's Transactions, 1859. 8vo. Sacramento, 1860. Connecticut Board of Agriculture. Re- port for 1873-74. 8vo. Hartford. Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular No. 4. 2nd edition. 8vo. Middletown. Indiana State Board of Agriculture. Report for 1875. 8vo. Indianapolis. Kansas State Board of Agriculture. Report for 1874 and 1875. With complete Census of the State. 2 vols. 8vo. Topeka. Maine Board of Agriculture. Report for 1876, 1877-8. 8vo. Augusta. Massachusetts Board of Agriculture. Report for 1841 (by Colman) and 1874. 8vo. Boston, 1841 and 1875. Michigan Board of Agriculture. Re- ports, 1873-5. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1875-76. Boards,&c. of Agriculture— con^. New York Board of Agriculture. Me- moirs. Vol. 2, 3. 8vo. Albany, 1823-26. State Agricultural Society. Transactions, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricul- tural Societies. Vol. 20. 8vo. Albany, 1861. Ohio, State Board of Agriculture, Annual Reports. 23 vols. 4to. and 8vo. Columbus, 1851-72, 1878. Washington Board of Agriculture. An- nual Reports. 8 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1867-72. Monthly Reports, 1866-68. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1867-68. Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. Transactions, 1860 and 1875-6. 8vo. Madison, 1861, 1876. [Some of the American State Reports on Agriculture were published with those of the American Patent Office.] See also ALBANY, AMERICA, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, CALI- FORNIA, CHARLESTON, MIN- NESOTA, NEW HAVEN, NEW YORK, OHIO, PHILADELPHIA, SACRAMENTO, SAINT LOUIS, SALEM, SAN FRANCISCO, TRENTON, WASHINGTON, WIS- CONSIN. UPSALA. Begia Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Acta, ad ann. 1740-43, 1750. 5 vols. in 1. 4to. Stockholmise, 1744-49, 1751. Acta Literaria Sueciae, 1720-29. Vol. 1 and 2. 4to. Upsal and Stockholm. Continued as the — Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae, 1730-39. Vol. 3-4. 4to. UpsalisB, 1738-42. Nova Acta. 14 vols. 4to. Upsalise, 1773-1850. Series Tertia. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Upsalise, 1855, &c. UTRECHT. Academia Rheno-Trajectina. Annales. 22 vols. 8vo. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1818-37. VENICE. I. B. Institute Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti ^afterwards Reale Istituto). Memorie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Venezia, 1843, &c. VERONA. Society Italiana delle Scienze. See MODENA. TBANSACTI0N8, ETC. 461 VERSAILLES. Soci^t€ des Sciences Natnrelles de Seine-et-Oise. Memoires et Compte-Kendu des Tra- vaux. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Versailles and Paris, 1835, &c. VIENNA. Anthropologische Gesellschaffc. Mittheilungen. Eedigirt von F. Hitter von Hauer, Carl Langer, &c. Band 1-10. 8vo. Wien, 1871-81. Neue Folge. Band 1 and onwards. 4to. Wien, 1881. Supplement 1. Erhebungen ueber die Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut bei den Schulkind- ern Oesterreichs. Von G. A. Schimmer. 4to. Wien, 1884. Supplement 2. Die Herzegoviner, &c. 4to. Wien, 1889. Etbnographisclie Fragebogen der Gesell- scbaft. 1 . Siidslaven. Von Dr. F. S lirauss. post 8to. Wien, 1884. Sitte und Brauch der Siidslaven. Von Dr. F. S. KrauBS. 8vo. Wien, 1885. Emlbryologisches Institut der K. K. Universitat. Mittheilungen. Von Dr. S. L. Schenk. Band 1, 2. 8vo. Wien, 1877-84. Neue Folge. Von Dr. S. L. Schenk. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wien, 1885, &c. K. K. Natnrhistorisclies Hof- mnseum. Annalen. Band 1. (Jahresbericht fiir 1885) and onwards. Redigirt von Dr. F. Ritter von Hauer. 8vo. Wien, 1886, &c. See also " Wiener Museum." K. K. Zoologisch-Botauische Ge- sellschaft. Verhandlungen. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wien, 1852, &c. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfundzwan- zigjahrigen Bestehens. 4to. Wien, 1876. Personen- Ort- und Sachregister der dritten zehnjahrigen Reihe (1871-81) der Sitzungsberichte und Abhand- lungen. Von A. Wimmer. Svo. Wien, 1884. Mnseum Csesareum Vindobo- uensis. Index rerum naturalium. Pars Prima : Teetacea (Lat. et Germ.) ab Ignatio a Born. With Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Vindobona;, 1778. [Lettered : Born's Testacea.] Nieder - Osterreichisclier Ge- werbe-Verein. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen. 1862-64. Svo. Incomplete. Wien, 1862-64. Wochenschrift. 1865 and onwards. (Incomplete.) Wien. Gewerbe-Kunstblatt. Vol. 1. folio. Wi«n, 1858. Oesterreichische Gesellschaffc fur Meteorologie. Zeitschrift. Band 21 and onwards. See BERLIN : Deutsche Meteoro- logische Gesellschaft. Wiener Museum der Naturge- schichte. Annalen. 2 vols. 4to. Wien, 1836-40. Zoologisclies Institut der Uni- versitat Wien und die Zoo- logische Station in Triest. Arbeiten. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. Glaus. Tome 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wien, 1878, &c. VORARLBERG. Geognostisch - HSontauistisclier Verein. See INNSBRUCK. WASHINGTON. Anthropological Society. Abstract of Transactions, with Annual Address of the President, for First and Second Years, 1 880-8 1 . Prepared by J. W. Powell. One vol. 8vo. Washington,. 1881. National Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Washington, 1866, &c. Proceedings. Vol. 1, Pt. 2, and on- wards. Svo. Washington, 1884, &c. Reports. 1883 to 1886. Svo. Washington, 1884-87. Biographical Memoirs. Vol. 2. Svo. Washington, 1886. Philosophical Society of Wash- ington. Bulletin. Vol. 1-9 and Index (1871- 88). See Smithsonian Insti- tution. — Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 20, 25, and 33. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. Vol. 10 and onwards. 4to. Washington, 1860, &c. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Washington, 1862, &c. Annual Reports of the Board of Re- gents. 1852 (7th), 1857 and on- wards. 8vo. Washington, 1853, 1858, &c. Portraits of North American Indians. Painted by J. M. Stanley. ' Catalogue and Description. Svo. Washington, 1852, 462 TRANSACTIONS, ETC. WASHINGTON— conf. Smithsonian Institntion— con ^ Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States. By F. E. Melsheiiner- Revised by S. S. Haldeman and J. L. Le Conte. 8vo. Wasliington, 1853. Results of Meteorological Observations made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and the Smith- sonian Institution, from the year 1854 to 1859, inclusive. Vol. 1. 4to. Washington, 1861. ■ Vol. 2. Part 1. Observations upon Periodical Phenomena in Plants and Animals from 1851 to 1859, with Tables of the Dates of Opening and Closing of Lakes, Storms of 1859, &c. 4to. Washington, 1864. Henry, Joseph, Memorial of. imp. 8vo. Washington, 1880. List of Foreign Correspondents of the Institution, corrected to January 1882. 8vo. Washington, 1882. [Documents relative to the Origin and History of the Institution. See Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vols. 17 and 21.'] [Catalogues of Publications of Societies and of other Periodical Works in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution. See Smithsonian Miscellaneoics Col- lection, Vols. 3, 5, 7, 9, ^c] Bureau of Ethnology. First Report (1879-80), and onwards. By J. W. Powell, imp. 8vo. Washington, 1881, &c. Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages with Word Phrases and Sentences to be collected. By J. W. Powell. 2nd edition. With Charts (Ji) in pocket. 4to. Washington, 1880. Various Papers. 1887 and onwards. 8vo. Washington, 1887, &c. United States National M asenm. Proceedings and Bulletins. See Smith- sonian Institution. — Miscel- laneous Collections, Vols. 19,22-24, Sfc. Annual Reports. See Smithsonian Institution. — Annual Reports. WELLINGTON. New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings. Vol. 1 (2nd edition), 5 and onwards. 8vo. Wellington, 1873, &c. Index to Vols. 1-8. 8vo. Wellington, 1877. WIESBADEN. Nassauischer Verein fur Natur- kunde. Jahrbuch. Herausgegeben von C. Thoma, F. Sandberger and C. L. Kirschbaum. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1844, &c. WISCONSIN. State Historical Society. Reports. Vol. 1, 2. 8vo. Washington, 1855-56. WtJRTTEMBERG. Verein fur Vaterlandische Na- turkunde. See STUTTGART. WURZBURG. Botanisches Institut. Arbeiten. Herausgegeben von J. Sachs. Band 1 (1871-74) and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874, &c. Physikalisch-Medicinische . Ge- sellschaft. Wiirzburger Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Redigirt von H. Miiller, &c. Band 1-6. 8vo. Wiirzburg, 1860-67. Verhandlungen . Neue Folge. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wiirzburg, 1869, &c. Sitzungsberichte. 1884 and onwards. 8vo. Wiirzburg, 1884, &c, Zoolo^sch - Zootomisches In- stitut. Arbeiten. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. Semper. Vol. I and onwards. 8vo. Wiirzburg & Wiesbaden, 1874, &c. YOKOHAMA. Deutsche Gesellschaffc fiir Na- tur und Volkerkunde Ost- asiens. Mittheilungen. Vol. 1 and onwards, 4to. Yokohama, 1873, &c. YONNE. Soci^t^ des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles. 5eeAUXERRE. ZURICH. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Meteorologisehe Beobachtungen. 4to. Zurich. 1837. 463 II.-JOURNALS AND OTHER, SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS. Academy, The. A Fortnightly (after- wards Weekly) Record of Literature, Learning, Science, and Art. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, 1869, &c. Acta Eruditorum. 49 vols. 4to. Lipsiae, 1683-1 73 L Supplementa. Vol. 4-9. 4to. Lipsiae, 1711-1729. Indices generales auctorum et rerum. 5 vols. 4to. LipsisB, 1693-1733. Nova Acta Eruditorum. 11 vols. 4to. Lipsiae, 1732-42. Supplementa. Vol. 1-3. 4to. Lipsiae, 1735-1739. Afhandlingar i Fysik, Eexui, och Miner alogie. Utgifne af W. Hisin- ger och J. Berzelius, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1806-18. AUgemeine Deutsche Naturhis- torisclie Zeitxin^. Im Auftrage der Gesellschaf t " Isis." Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von A. Dreehsler. Vol. 1-3. 8vo. Hamburg & Dresden, 1855-57. American Chemical Journal. Edited by I. Remsen. Vol. 1 (1879-80) and onwards. 8vo. Baltimore. General Index of Vols. 1-9 (1879- 1888). 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. American Chemist. Vol. II., Nos. 7, 9-11. Vol. III., Nob. 1-4. In 1 vol. 4to. New York, 1872. American Geologist. A Monthly Journal of Geology and Allied Sciences. Vol. 1 (1888) and onwards. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1888, &c. American Journal of Science. Established by B. Silliman in 1818. Third Series. Edited by J. D. and E. S. Dana. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. New Haven, 1871, &c. Index to Third Series, Vols. 21-30. 8vo. New Haven, Conn., 1886. American Naturalist; a popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History. Vol. 10 and onwards. 8vo. New York, 1876, &c. Analyst ; a Monthly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Fine Arts. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-40. [In Vol. 3 " Monthly " is altered to " Quarterly."] Anatomischer Anzei^er. Central- blatt fur die gesamte wissenschaftliche Anatomie. Amtliches Organ der Ana- tomischen Gesellschaft. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. K. Bardeleben. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. 8vo. Jena, 1886, &c. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Erganz* ungsheft zum IV. Jahrgang 1889.^ — Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Ge- sellschaft, Berlin, Oct. 1889. Annalen der Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde. See " Hertha." Annalen der Fharmacie. Heraus- gegeben von R. Brandes, J. Liebig, &c. Vol. 1-32. 8vo. Lemgo 8c Heidelberg, 1882-39. Continued as the — Annalen der Chemie und Fharmacie. Von F. Wohler^ J. Liebig, &c. Vol. 33-168. Svo. Heidelberg & Leipzig, 1840-73. Then became — Justus Liebig's Annalen, &C. Herausgegeben von F. Wohler, H. Koflf, &c. Vol. 169 and onwards Svo. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 1873, &c. [^A New Series, numbered afresh^ began with Vol. 77 (1851).] Supplementband. Vol. 1-8. Svo. 1861-72. Register. Vol. 1-40. 8vo. 1843. (von Th. Rieckher). Vol. 41-76. Svo. 1855. (von G. C. Wittstein). Vol. 101-116. 8vo. 1861. (vonF.Carl). Vol. 117- 164, and Supple- ments, Vol. 1-8. Svo. 1874. « (vonF.Carl). Vol. 165- 220. Svo. 1885. Leipzig & Heidelberg. Annalen der Fhysik. Angefangen von F. A. C. Gren ; fortgesetzt von L. W. Gilbert. 30 vols. 8vo. Halle, 1799-1808. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von L. W. Gilbert. 30 vols (31-60). Svo. Leipzig, 1809-19. Neueste Folge. 16 vols. (61-76). Svo. Leipzig, 1819-24. Annalen der Fhysik und Chemie. [Continuation of Gilbert's "Annalen."] Herausgegeben von J. C. PoggendorflF. Vol. 1-160. (Vols. 62, 54 wanting.) Svo. Leipzig, 1824-77. 464 JOURNALS, ETC. Annaleu der Fhysik uud Chemie — cont. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von G. Wiedemann. Vol. 1 and on- wards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877, &c. Erganzungsband. Vol. 2-8. 8vo. (Vol. 1 wanting.) 1845-78. Jubelband. 8vo. 1874. Register. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845-75. Poggendorf 'sche Folge, Sacbre- gister zu den. Band 1-160, Er- ganz. 1-8 und Jubelband. 1824- 1877. Von F. Strobel. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. Namenregister zum 1-35 Band. (Neue Folge, 1877-1888.) Von J. Klug. 8vo. Leipzig, 1889. Beiblatter. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877, &c. Annaleu fur Meteorologie, Erd- maguetismus und verwandte Ge- genstande. Redigirt von Grunert, Kqller, Rreil, Lamont, Plieninger, Stieffel. Herausgegeben von J. Lamont. Jahrgang 1842-44. 3 vols. 8vo. Miinchen, 1842-44. Annales de Chimie ; ou Recueil de Memoires concernant la Chimie et les Arts qui en dependent {afterwards Annales de Chimie et de Phy- sique). Par De Morveau, Lavoisier, Monge, Berthollet, De Fourcroy, De Dietrich, Hassenfratz, Adet, &c. 96 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1789-1815. Index to Vol. 1-60. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801, 1807. 2« Serie. Par Gay-Lussac, Arago, Berthollet, Biot, &c. 75 vols. 8vo. Paris, 181G-40. Index to Vol. 1-75. 8vo. Paris, 1881-41. 3* Serie. Par Gay-Lussac, Arago, Chevreul, Savary, Dumas, Pelouzo, Bous8ingault,Regnault,&c. 69 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-63. Index to Vol. 1-69. 8vo. Paris, 1851-66. i« Serie. Par Chevreul, Dumas, Pe- louze, Boussingault, Regnault, Wurtz, Verdet, &c. Vol. 1-30. 8vo. Paris, 1864-73. 5* Serie. Par Chevreul, Dumas, Boussingault, Regnault, Wurtz et Bertin. Vol. 1-30. 8vo. Paris, 1874-83. 6« Serie. Par Chevreul, Dumas, Boussingault, Wurtz, Berthelot, Pasteur et Bertin. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1884, &c. Annales de G^ologie et de Pal^- ontologie. Publiees sous la Direction du Marquis Antoine de Gregorio. 4to. Liv. 1, Gregorio, Marquis A. de. Mo- nograpbie des Fossiles de Ghelpa da sous-Horizon Ghelpin de Greg. 1886. Annales de G6ologie, &c.—cont. Liv. 2. Gregorio, Marquis A. de. Monographie des Fossiles de Val- pore (Mont Grappa) du sous-Hori- zon Grappin de Greg. 1886. Liv. 8. Fossiles Tithoniques des Stramberg Schichten du *'Bian- cone" de " Rovere di Velo " des Alpes de Verone. 1886. Liv. 4. Essai Paleontologique k propos de certains fossiles second- aires de la contree Casale-Ciciu. 1886. Liv. 5. Monographie des Fos- siles de S. Vigilio du sous-Horizon Grappin de Greg. 1886. Liv. 6. ' Iconografia Conch- iologica Mediterranea vivente e terziaria. I. Studi sul Genere Seal- aria. 1889. Liv. 7, 8. -; Monographie de la Faune Eocenique de 1' Alabama et Burtout de celle de Claiborne de V^tsige Parisien. 2 parts. Palerme, 1890. Annales des Sciences G^olog- iq.ues. Publiees sous la direction de MM. Hebert et A. Milne Edwards. Vol. 5 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1874, &e. Annales des Sciences Natur- elles. Comprenant la Physiologic ani- male et .vegetale, 1' Anatomic comparee des deux Regnes, la Zoologie, la Botan- ique, la Mineralogie et la Geologic. Par MM. Audouin, Brongniart et Dumas. 30 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1824-33. Atlas to Vols. 1-12. 4to. Paris, 1824-27. Table Generale. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Revue Bibliographique, pour servir de Complement aux Annales. Annee 1829-31. 8vo. Paris. Zoologie. Par ]MM. Audouin et Milne Edwards. 2* Serie. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-43. Table Generale. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 3* Serie. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844-53. Table Generale in Vol. 20. 4« Serie. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-63. Table Generale in Vol. 20. 6* Serie. Zoologie et Paleonto- logie. Par Milne Edwards. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864-74. Table Generale in Vol. 20. 6* Serie. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874-86. Table Generale in Vol. 20. 7* Serie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1887, &c. JOURNALS, ETC. 465 Annales des Sciences, Scc.—cont. Botanique. Par MM. A. Brong- niart, J. Decaisne, &c. 2® Serie. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-43. 3* Serie. 20 vols. Svo. Paris, 1844-53. 4« Serie. 20 vols. Svo. Paris, 1854-63. 5« Serie. 20 vols. Svo. Paris, 1864-74. 6« Serie. 20 vols. Svo. Paris, 1875-1884. 7* Serie. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Paris, 1885, &c. Annali di Agricoltura. Svo. :— K. Stazione di Entomologia Agraria di Firenze, Relazione intorno ai lavori della, per gli Anni 1877-78. Per A. T. Tozzetti. Roma, 1879. Servizio Minerario, Relazione sul, nel 1877, 1879, 1881. Roma, 1879, 1882, 1883. Consiglio d* Agricoltura, Atti del. Roma, 1879. Consiglio Superiore di Agricoltura. Ses- sione 1882, 1883, 1884. Roma, 1883, 1885. Coltivazione di Tabacchi, Esperienze di eseguite dalle Stazioni Agrarie. Roma, 1879. L'Industria del Tabacco. Pt«. 1». La Produzione. Milano, 1879. La Pellagra in Italia. Roma, 1880. La Pellagra in Italia. Provvedimenti e Statistica. Parte 1, 2, 1880-84. Roma, 1885. Scuole Agrarie e Colonie Agricole in Italia, Notizie e Documenti suUe. Roma, 1880. Produzione del/ Formaggio detto Parmi- giano. Notice intorno alia, raccolte per cura del dottore F. del Prato. Roma, 1880. Commissione Consultiva per i Provvedi- menti da prendersi contro la Fillos- sera, Atti della. Roma, 1880. La Fillossera in Italia. Roma, 1881. Congresso Fillosserico Internazionale, Atti del. Roma, 1885. Istituto Forestali di Vallombrosa, Ordi- namento dell', ed indicazione del Ma- teriale Scientific© di cui I'lstituto Btesso e provveduto. Roma, 1880. Esposizione Internazionale di Bordeaux del 15 Giugno, 1882. Relazione dell' Ing. P. Selleti sui Vini Italiani, Liquori, Vermouths, Birre, &c. Roma, 1883. Concorsi Internazionali di Macchine Agrarie, Apparecchi e Macchine Eno- logiche. Roma, 1883. Esperienze sulla Diffusione nel terreno dei Vapori di Solfuro di Carbonio di D. F. Ravizza. Roma, 1883. Avifauna Italica. Dal Dottore E. H. Giglioli. Firenze, 1886. E 61668. Annali di Agricoltura— con/. Pozzi Trivellati in Italia, Su alcuni recente studie tentativi di. Roma, 1886. Legislazione sulla Pesca. Roma, 1887. Concorsi Agrari Regionali. Concorsi di Arezzo, 1882. Roma, 1888. La Razza Bovina Macchiata rossa del Cantone di Berna. Relazione del Prof. Dr. C. Ohlsen. Roma, 1888. Esperienze ed Applicazioni del Metodo curativo col Solfuro di Carbonio nei Vigneti filosserati in Italia. Roma, 1888. Educazione Agraria Britannica. Re- lazione di I. Giglioli. Roma, 1888. Atti della Commissione consultiva per la Pesca. Sessione Octobre, 1888. Roma, 1889. Sull' Etiologia dell' Infezione Malarica. Memoria dei professori A. Celli e G. Guarneri. Roma, 1889. II Forno Rurale Cooperativo. Note Tecniche Amministrative del Rag. A. Labadini. Roma, 1889. La Pesca suUe Spiagge Atlantiche del Sahara. Roma, 1890. Annali di Storia Naturale. 4 vols. 8vo. Bologna, 1829-30. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 4th Series. Conducted by C. C. Babington, J. E. Gray, W. S. Dallas, and W. Francis. Vol. 13-20. Svo. London, 1874-77. 5th Series. By A. C. L. Giinther, W. Carruthers, &c. 20 vols. Svo. London, 1878-87. 6th Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. London, 1888, &c. Annals of Botany. Edited by I. B. Balfour, S. H. Vines, and W. G. Farlow. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Oxford, 1887, &c. Annals of Electricity, Mag- netism and Chemistry; and Guardian of Experimental Science. Conducted by W. Sturgeon. Vol. 1-10. Svo. London, 1837-43. Annals of Philosophical Dis- covery and Monthly Reporter of the Progress of Practical Science. Con- ducted by W. Sturgeon. No. 1-6. Svo. London, 1843. Ann^e G^ographique ; Revue An- nuelle des Voyages de Terre et de Mer, des Explorations, Missions, Relations et Publications, diverses relatives aux Sciences Geographiques et Ethnogra- phiques. 2« Serie. Par C. Maunoir et H. Duveyrier. Tome 1-3 (1876-78). 12mo. Paris, 1878-80. a 6 466 JOURNALS, ETC. Ann^e (L') ^lectrique ; ou, Expose Annuel des Travaux Scientifiques, des Inventions, et des principaux Applica- tions de rEIectricite a I'lndustrie et aux Arts. Par Ch. Delahaye. l^''^ Annee and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1885, &c. Ann^e (L') Scientifique et In- dustrielle ; ou Expose Annuel des Travaux Scientifiques, des Inventions et des principales Applications de la Science a I'lndustrie et aux x\rts qui ont attire I'attention publique en France et a I'Etranger. Par L. Eiguier. 16« Annce (1872) and onwards. Also Tables, 1857-76. (One vol.) post Bvo. Paris, 1873, &c. Annuaire de Chimie. Par E. Millon, J. Keiset, F. Hoefer, et J. Nickles. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-51. Annuaire du Bureau des Longi- tudes. 5'ee Transactions— Paris: Bureau des Longitudes. Annuaire G^ologique Universel et Guide du Geologue autonr de la terre, dans les Musees, les Principales Collec- tions et les Gisenients de Fossiles et de Mineraux. Par le Dr. Dagincourt, L. Carez, and H. Douville. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1885, &c. [In Vol. 3 title becomes: Annuaire Geologique Universel : Revue de Geologic et Paleontologie.] Annual Register (Dodsley's). Com- plete set from its commencement, 1758 to 1870; with Index 1758 to 1819. 114 vols. 8vo. London. New Series. 1871 and onwards. 8vo. London. Annual Report of the Frog^ress of Chemistry and the Allied Sciences. By J. Liebig and H. Kopp, &c. Edited by A. W. Hofmanu and W. De la Rue, &c. Vol. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1849-53. See also *' Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der Reinen, Pharma- ceutischen und Technischen Che- mie," &c. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della Reale University, di Wapoli. See Transactions— Naples : Reale Universita. Anthropological Review. See Transactions — London : Anthro- pological Society. Arcana of Science and Art. Vol. 7-11. 8vo. London, 1834-38. [Continued under the title of " Year Book of Facts," &c.] Archiv fiir Anatomie, Fhysio- logie und wissenschaftliche lUIediciu. Herausgegeben von J. Miiller, C. B. Reichert & E. Du Bois Beymoud. Jahrgang 1834-70. 8vo. Berlin & Leipzig, 1834-76. Verzeichniss (1834-76). 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. Continued as — Archiv fiir Anatomie und Phy^ siologie. Herausgegeben von VV. His^ W. Braune, & E. Du Bois Reymond. Jahrgang 1877 and onwards. {Now divided into Anatomische Abtheilung and Physiologischc Abtheilung.") 8vo. Leipzig, 1877, &c. ArcMv fiir Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschiclite. See Archiv fiir Anatomie und Phy- siologie — Anatomische Abtheilung. Archiv fiir die gesammte Na- turlehre. Herausgegeben von K. W. G. Kastner. 27 vols. 8vo. I Niirnberg, 1824-35, Archiv fiir die gesammte Phy- siologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Herausgegeben von E. F.- W. Pfliiger. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo> Bonn, 1868, &c. Register zum 1-30 Band. 8vo. Bonn, 1885. Archiv fiir Mikroskopische Ana- tomie. Herausgegeben von M, Schultze, La Valette St. George, und W. Waldeyer, Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Bonn, 1865, &c. Register zu Band 1-30. (vou L. Schirmeyer). 2 vols. Bonn, 1884-88. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte. He- rausgegeben von A. F. A. Wiegmann. Jahrgang 1-6. 8vo. Berlin, 1835-40. Herausgegeben von W. F. Erichson. Jahrgang 7-14. 8vo. Berlin, 1841-48. Herausgegeben von F. H. Troschel. Jahrgang 15-48. 8vo. Berlin, 1849-82. Herausgegeben von Dr. E, von Martens. Jahrgang 49-51. 8vo. Berlin, 1883-85. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Hilgendorf. Jahrgang 52 and onwards. 8vo. Berlin, 1886, &c. Register, Jahrgang 1-25. 8vo. Berlin, 1860, Archiv fiir Wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Heraus- gegeben von A. Erman. 25 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1841-67. Archiv fiir Zoologie und Zootc- mie. Herausgegeben von C. R. W. Wiedemann. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin und Braunschweig, 1800-5. Archives de Botanique ; ou Recueil Mensuel de Memoires Originaux, d'Extraits et Analyses Bibliographiques d'Annonces et d'Avis divers concernant cette Science. Sous la direction de A. J. Guillemin. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Archives de Zoologie Exp6ri- mentale et G6n6rale. Publiees sous la direction de H. de Lacaze- Duthiers. Vol. 1-10. 8vo. Paris, 1872-82. 2* Serie. Vol. 1 ai\d onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1883, &c. JOURNALS, ETC. 467 Archivio per la Zoologia, I'Ana- tomia e la Pisiologia. Pubblicato per cura del Prol'. G. Canestrini. 3 vols. 1861-65; part 1, 1866. 8vo. Geneva e Modena. Serie 2. Pubblicato per cura dei Proff. T. Richiardi e G. Canestrini. Vol. 1, 1869; part 1, 1870. 8vo. Torino e Firenze. o Arsberattelse (or Berattelse) om Zoologiens Framsteg under aren 1840-52. Af. C. J. Sunde- vall, C. H. Boheman och S. Loven 4 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1843-54. Artizan; a Monthly Journal of the Oper- ative Arts. Edited by the Artizan Club. 23 vols. (Parts for Dec. 1844- Oct. ]846 and Vols for 1866 and 1868 wanting.) 4to.- London, 1844-69. Astronomie (L') ; Revue d' Astronomic Populaire, de Meteorologie et de Phy- sique du Globe, &c. Publiee par C. Flammarion. P« Annee (1882) and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1883, &c. [With the 4^ Annee is incorporated " L'Almanach Astronomique Flam- marion."] Astronomisclie Nadirichten. Be- griindet von II. C. Schumacher. Her- ausgegeben von Prof. C. A. F. Peters, C. F. W. Peters, and A. Krueger. Band 84 and onwards. 4to. Kiel, 1874, &c. Athenssiim, The. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts. From January 1858 and onwards. 4t(>. London, 18.58, &c. [There is a complete set from 1828 in the Art Library, S. K. M.] Beitrage zur Biologie der Ffianz- en, Herausgegfben von F. Cohn. Band 1 (1870) and onwards. 8vo. Breslau, 1 875, &c. Beitrage siir Kenntniss des Russisclien Reiches und der angrenzenden Lander Asiens. Herausgegeben, auf Kosten der K. Aka- demie der Wissenschaften, von K. E. von Baer und Gr. von Helmcrsen. 26 vols. 8vo. With Atlas. St. Petersburg, 1839-71. Zweite Fclge. Herausgegeben von G. Helmersen und L. v. Schrenck. 9 vols. 8vo. With Atlas to Vol. 5. St. Petersburg, 1879-86. Dritte Folge. Herausgegeben von L. V. Schrenck und C. J. Maxi- mowicz. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1886, &c. Bericht ubcr die Portschritte der Eisenliutten-Technik. Von A. Ritter von Kcrpely und Dr. B. Kosmann. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. Leipzig, 1866, &c. [New Series begins with Vol. 21.] Bericht iiber die Wissenschaft- lichen Leistungen im Gebieto der Bntoniologie wahrend der Jahre 1865-68. Von Dr. A. Gerstaecker und F.Brauer. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1868-71. Bericht iiber die Wissenschaffc- lichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Haturgeschichte der In- sekten wahrend dcs Jahres 1869. Von F. Brauer. 8vo. Berlin, 1871. Bericht iiber die Wissenschaft- lichen Leistungen in der Na- turgeschichte der Niederen Thiere wahrend der Jahre 1866-67, 1870-7 1 , 1872-79, 1880-83 (incomplete). Von Dr. R. Leuckart, &c. 4 vols, and 2 parts. 8vo. Berlin, 1869-85. Bibliotheque XJniverselle des Sciences, Belles - Lettres et Arts ; faisant suite a la Bibliotheque Britannique. 13 vols. Svo. Geneve, 1816-20. Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen. Verzameld door H. C. van Hall, W. Vrolik, en G. J. Mulder. 7 vols. Svo. Amsterdam, 1826-32. Biologisches Centralblatt. He- rausgegeben von Dr. J. Rosenthal, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Erlangen, 1882, &c. BoUetino di Notizie Agrarie. Various parts from 1879 and onwards. 8vo. Roma, 1879, &c. Boston Journal of Natural His- tory. See Transactions — Boston :. Boston Society of Natural History. Botanische Jahrbiiclier fiir Sys- tematik, Ptlanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. Herausgegeben von A. Engler. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881, &c. Botanische Zeitung. Herausgegeben von H. Mohl, D. F. L. von Schlech- tendal, A. de Bary und L. Just. Jahr- gang 1 and onwards. 4to. Berlin, 1843, &c. Botanischer Jahresbericht ; Sys- tematisch geordnetes Repertorium der Botanischen Literatur aller Lander. Herausgegeben von L. Just. Jahrgang 1 (1873) and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1874, &c. [From Jahrgang 11 (1883) called Just's Botanischer Jahres- bericht. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. Koehne und Dr, Th. Geyler.] Botanisches Centralblatt. Referir- endes Organ fiir das Gesaramtgebiet der Botauik des In- und Auslandes. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. O. Uhlworm, &c. Erster Jahrgang (1880) and onwards. 8vo. Cassel, 1880, &c. G G 2 468 JOURNALS, ETC. British Almanack (The) and Com- panion, 1864 and onwards. 12mo. London, 1864, &c. Bnlletin Astronomique. Publie sous les auspices de I'Observatoire de Paris, par M. F. Tisserand, &c. Tome 1 (1884) and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1884, &c. Bulletin des Sciences Math^ma- tiqnesetAstronomiques. Redige par G. Darboux, &c. ^ (Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des Hautes Etudes.) 11 vols. Svo. Paris, 1870-76. Deuxieme Serie. Tome 1 (12 of com- plete series) and onwards. Svo. Paris, 1877, &c. [After Tome 8 called "Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques."] Calcutta Journal of Natural History. Conducted by J. M'Clelland, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1841-48. Cambridge University Reporter. Published, by Authority, every Wednes- day during Term. 1870 and onwards. 4to. Cambridge & London, 1870, &c. Carnoy, J. B,, Gilson, G., and Denys, J. La Cellule. See " La Cellule." Chemical News. With which is in- corporated the "Chemical Gazette." Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, I860, &c. Chemiker-Zeitung. Central Organ f-iir Chemiker, Apotheker, Techniker, Ingenieure, Fabrikanten. Und Supple- ment: ChemischesEepertorium. Heraus- geber und verantwortlicher Eedacteur Dr. G. Krause. 1881 (Jahrgang 5) and onwards. 4to. Coethen, 1881, &c. Chemische Annalen fur die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzneygelehrtheit, Haus- haltungskunst, und Manufacturen. Yon .L. Crell. 33 vols. Svo. Helmstadt, &c., 1784-1801. Bey trage zur Erweiterung der Chemie. Von L. Crell. 4 vols. 8vo. Helmstadt, &c., 1786-91. Beytrage zu den Chemischen Annalen. Von L. Crell. Theil 3-5. 3 vols. 8vo. Helmstadt, &c., 1788-94. Chemische s Archiv. Von L. Crell. 2 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1783. Neues Chemisches Archiv. Von L. Crell. 3 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1784-85. Chemisches Journal Mr die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzneygelehrtheit, Haushaltungskunst, und Manufacturen. Entworfen von L. Crell. 3 vols. Svo. Lemgo, 1778-81. Ohemisch-Technische Mittheil- ungen der Neuesten Zeit. Von Dr. L. Eisner. Parts 1-20 (1846-71) in 11. Svo. Berlin, 1849-72. Sach -Register, 1846-71. Svo. Berlin, 1873. Chemisch-Technische Mittheil- ungen der Neuesten Zeit — cont. Neue Folge. Von Dr. L. Eisner. 4 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1873-80. (Part 1 is bound up with First Series.) 3* Folge. Gegrundet von Dr. L. Eisner. Fortgefuhrt von F. Eisner, W. Knapp, &c. Vols. 1-9. Svo. and 4to. Leipzig and Berlin, &c., 1881-S6. Chemisch- Tsclmisches Reper- torium. Von E. Jacobsen. 1862 (Vol. 1) and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1876, &c. General Eegister zu Jahrgang 1-25 (1862-1886). 4 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1867-89. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Vol. 20-29. 4to. London, 1857-66. Cohn, F. Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen. See " Beitrage," &c. CoUezione d' Opuscoli Scientifici e Letterarj ed Estratti d' opere in- teressanti. 22 vols, (in 5). Svo. Firenze, 1 807-1818. Colliery Guardian, The, and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. Vol. 28 (from July to December, 1874) and onwards, folio. London, Design and Work and Mechani- cal World : for all interested in Applied Science, New Inventions, Ma- chinery, Manufactures, &c. Vol. 10-11. folio. London, 1881. [For continuatiorif see "Mechanical World."] Deutsches Archiv fiir diePhysio- logie. Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. 8 vols. 8vo. Halle and Berlin, 1815-23. Dingler's Polytechnisches Jour- nal. See " Polytechnisches Journal." Edinburgh Journal of Natural History and of the Physical Sciences. Conducted by W. Macgillivray. 2 vols, folio. [Vol. 2 bears the title " The Animal Kingdom."] Edinburgh, 1835-40. Edinburgh Review, from the com- mencement, October 1 802, and onwards. Svo. London, 1802, &c. Index to Vols. 1 to 149, in 5 vols. Svo. London, 1813-74. Electrician : a Weekly Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electricity and Chemical Physics. Vol. 1 (1878) and onwards, folio. London. jl^lectricien, L/. See "Revue In- ternationale de I'EIectricite." Engineer. Vol. 1 (1856) and onwards, folio. London, 1856, &c. Working Drawings. In 2 portfolios. 1868-74. JOURNALS, ETC. 469 Engineering : an Illustrated Weekly Journal. Conducted by Z. Colburn, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards, folio. London, 1866, &c. English Mechanic and Mirror (^afterwards World) of Science. Vol. 1 and onwards, folio. London, 1 865, &c. Entomologist. Conducted by E. New- man, J. T. Carrington, &c. Vol. 2 and onwards. (Vols. 1, 5,6, 7 wanting.) 8vo. London, 1864, &c. Flora, Oder Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung. Herausgegeben von der Konigl. Bayer. Botanischen Gesellschaft zu Regensburg. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Regensburg, 1818, &c. [New Series began with Vol. 26, (1843).] Literaturblatter. Vols. 1-3 (1828-29). 8vo. Niirnberg, 1828-29. Literaturberichte. Vols. 1-11 (1831- 41). 8vo. Regensburg, 1831-41. Repertorium der periodischen Litera- tur, 1864-72. Jahrgang 1-9. 8vo. Regensburg, 1865-73. SyllogePlantarum. Vols. 1-2 (1824- 28), in 1 vol. Svo. Regensburg, 1824-28. Floral World and Garden Guide. Edited by S. Hibberd. 15 vols. Svo. London, 1866-80. [From 1877 called " Floral World, Garden Guide, and Country Com- panion."] Food Journal, The ; a Review of Social and Sanitary Economy, and Monthly Record of Food and Public Health. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1870-74. Forestry ; a Magazine for the Country. See *' Journal of Forestry." Fortschritte der Elektrotechnik. Vierteljahrliche Berichte iiber die neueren Erscheinungen auf dem Ges- ammtgebiete der angewandten Elektrici- tatslehre, mit Einschluss des elektrischen Nachrichten- und Signalwesens. He- rausgegeben von Dr. K. Strecker, &c. Jahrgang 1 (1887) and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1888, &c. Fortschritte der Fhysik. Darges- stellt von der Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Redigirt von G. Karsten, &c. Jahrgang 1 (1845) and onwards. Svo. Berlin, 1847, &c. Register. Jahrgang 1-20, 1845-64. Svo. Berlin, 1872. Fresenius, C. Zeitschrift fiir Analy- tische Chemie. See " Zeitschrift," &c. Gardener's Chronicle. From 1841- 73. 33 vols, folio. London, 1841-73. [From 1844-73 called also "Agricul- tural Gazette."] New Series. Vol. 1-7. folio. London, 1874-77. Gelehrte Anzelgen. Herausgegeben von Mitgliedern der K. Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften. See Transac- tions — Munich : Koniglich-Bayer. ische Akademie der Wissenschaften. G^nie Civil, Le. Revue Generale des Industries Fran^aises et Etrangeres. Vol. 1 (1880-81) and onwards, folio. Paris, 1880, &c. Geographical Magazine. Edited by C. R. Markham. Vol. 1-5. 4to. London, 1875-78. IFor continuation see Transac- tions — London : Royal Geo- graphical Society, Proceedings. New Monthly Series.] Geographisches Jahrbuch^ Her- ausgegeben von E. Behm, and H. Wagner. Vol. 1 (18C6) and onwards. Svo. Gotha, 1866, &c. Geological Magazine ; or. Monthly Journal of Geology. With which is in- corporated " The Geologist," Edited by T. Rupert Jones, H. Woodward, J. Morris, and R. Etheridge. Vols. 1-10. Svo. London, 1864-73. New Series. Decade IL Vol. 1-10. Svo. London, 1874-83. New Series. Decade III. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. London, 1884, &c. Geological Record. An Account of Works on Geology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology published during the year. Edited by W. Whitaker. Vol. 1 (1874) and onwards. Svo. London, 1875, &c. Geologfist, The ; A Popular Monthly Magazine of Geology. Edited by S. J. Mackie. 7 vols. Svo. London, 1 858-64. \_See also " Geological Magazine."] Gleanings in Science. [Edited by J. Prinsep.] 3 vols. Svo. Calcutta, 1829-31. [5ee also Transactions — Cal- cutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal.'] Kardwicke's Science Gossip ; an Illustrated Medium of Interchange and Gossip for Students and Lovers of Nature. Edited by M. C. Cooke and Dr. J. E. Taylor. Vol. 1 and onwards, imp. Svo. London, 1866, &c. Classified Index to Vols. 1-12 (1865- 76). Svo. London, 1877. [Bound up with Vol. fur 1888.] Hertha. Zeitschrift fur Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde. Von H. Berghaus, K. F. V. Hoflftnann, und A. von Hum- boldt. 13 vols. Svo. Stuttgart & Tubingen, 1825-29. Continued as — Annalen der Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde. Heraus- gegeben von H. Berghaus. Vol. 3, 5-12 (imperfect). Svo. Berlin, 1881-35. 8. Reihe(Fortsetzung der "Hertha"). Vol. 1-5. Svo. Berlin, 1836-38. 470 JOUKNALS, ETC. Horological Journal. See Trans- actions — London : Bj-itish Horolo- gical Institute. Humboldt : Monatschrift fiir die gesam- ten Naturwissenschaften. Herausgeg^e- ben von Dr. G. Krebs. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. Stuttgart, 1882, &c. Industrial Art : a Monthly Eeview of Technical and Scientific Education at Home and Abroad. 2 vols., in one. 4to. London, 1877-78. Industries : a Journal of Engineering, Electricity, and Chemistry for the Me- chanical and Manufacturing Trades. Vol. 1 and onwards, folio. London, 1886, &c. Insectologie (L') Agricole. Jour- nal traitant des Insects Utiles et de leurs Produits, des Insects Nusibles et de leurs Degats, et des Moyens Pratiques de les ;^viter. Annee 1-3. 8vo. Paris, 1867-69. Institut. Journal Universel des Sci- ences et des Societes Savantes en France et k r^tranger. Vol. 25-38, 40. 4to. Paris, 1857-72. Nouvelle Serie. Vol. 1-4. 4to. Paris, 1873-76. Intellectual Observer : Review of Natural History, Microscopic Research and Recreative Science. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1862-68. [For co7itinuation see " Student."] Internationale Monatsschrift fur Anatomic und Histologic. See "Monthly International Journal, &c." Introduction aux Observations sur la Physique, &c. See " Journal de Physique.'' Invention. Current numbers. Irish Textile Journal. Current numbers. Iron. The Journal of Science, Metals, and Manufactures. (A New Series of the "Mechanics' Magazine.") Vol. 1 and onwards, folio. London, 1873, &c. Isis, Oder Sncyclopadische Zeit- Ung. Von Oken. 25 vols. 4to. Jena, 1817-32. Jaarboeken der Wetenschappen en Kunsten in liet Koningryk Holland, 180S-7. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Amsterdam, 1809-10. Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik. See " Journal fiir Chemie, &c." Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Portschritte auf den Gebieten der Physik und Chemie. flerausgegeben von H. Gretschel, G. . Wunder, &c. Jahrgang 12 (1875) and onwarda. 12mo. Leipzig, 1876, &c. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalt- en. See Transactions— Hamburg : Hcmburgische Wissen- schaftliche Anstalteii. Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnissc. See Transactions — Ekankfcrt am Main: Physika- lischer Verein. Jahrbiicher fiir Wissenschaffc- liche Botanik. Herausgegeben von N. Pringsheim. Vol. 1 and on- wards. 8vo. Leipzig & Berlin, 1858, &c. [Namen und Sachregister von Band 1-20. In V^ols, 10 and 21.] Jahresbericht iiber die Port- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Chemie. Herausgegeben von W. Staedel, Dr. L. Medicus, &c. Jahrgang 1 (1873-9). 8vo. Tubingen, 1874-83. Jahresberichtc Tiber die Port- schritte der Anatomie und Physiologic. Herausgegeben von F. Hofmann und G. Schwalbe. Band I (1872) and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873, &c. General Register zu Band 1-10 in Bd. 13. Jahresbericht iiber die Port- schritte der Physik. Von Friedrich Zamminer. 8vo. Giessen, 1 858. Jahres Bericht iiber die Port- schritte der Physischen Wiss- enschaften. Von J. Berzelius. 29 vols, and Index (to Vols. 1-25). 8vo. Tiibingen, 1822-50. Jahresbericht uber die Port- schritte der Reinen, Pharma- ceutischen und Technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologic {also Jahres- bericht iiber die Portschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile andcrer Wissen- SChafben). Herausgegeben von J. Liebig, H. Kopp, H. Will, A. Strecker, A. Naumann, A. Laubenheimer, F. Fittica, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Giessen, 1847, &c. Index, 1847-76. 3 vols. 8vo. Giessen, 1858-76. [For English Translation of Re- ports for 1847-50, see "Annual Report, &c."] Jahres-Bericht iiber die Port- schritte (und Iieistungen) der Chemischen Technologic, mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Gewerbestatistik. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. von Wagner, &c. Band 1 and onwards. (Vol. 16 begins a New Series.) 8vo. Leipzig, 185G, &c. General Register iiber Band 1-30. 3 vols. Von F. Gottschalk und F. Fischer. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866-89. JOURNAL?, ETC. 471 Jahresbericht iiber die Leis- tungen und Fortschritte in der Anatomie nnd Physiologic. Herausgegeben von 11. Virchow und A. Hirsch. Jahrgang 1875 and on- wards. 4to. Berlin, 1876, &c. Jeuaische Zeitschrift fur Medi- cin und Naturwissenschaft. See Transactions — Jena: Medi- cinisch-naturwissenschaflliche Gesell- schaft. Journal de Conchyliologie, com- prenant I'ifitude des Animaux, des Coquilles Vivantes et des Coquilles Fossiles. Par MM. Petit de la Saussaye, Crosse, Fischer, &c. Vols. 1-27. 8vo. Paris, 1850-79. Journal de G^ologie. Par MM. A. Boue, Jobert et Kozet. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-31. Journal de 1' Anatomie et de la Physiologie Normales et Path- ologiques de rHomme et des Ani- maux. Par C. Robin. Vol. 1-15. 8vo. Paris, 1864-79. Journal de la Physiologie de I'Homme et des Animaux. Public sous la direction du Dr. E. Brown-Sequard. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858-73. Journal de Litt^rature, des Sciences et des Arts. See " Memoires." Journal de Physique. Introduction aux. Observations sur la Physique, sur I'Histoire Naturelle et sur les Arts. Par I'Abbe Rozier. 2 vols. 1771-72. 4to. Paris, 1777. Observations et Memoires sur la Physique, &c. Par I'Abbe Rozier, J. A. Mongez (le jeune), J. C. Lametherie (afterwards Delametherie), H. M. Ducrotay de Blainville, &c. 4to. 96 vols, in 52. Paris, 1773-1822. [From Tome 44 a New Series, called Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Natu- relle, commenced. Vols. 10, 29, and 57 contain Indexes from com- mencement to 1802.] Journal de Physique Th^orique et Appliquee ; public par J. C. d' Almeida, &c. Tome I-IO. 8vo. Paris, 1872-81. 2" Serie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1882, &c. Journal des Beaux-Arts et des Sciences. See " Memoires." Journal fiir Chemie und Physik. Herausgegeben vom Dr. J. S. C. Schweigger (und Dr. Meinecke, vol. 27). 30 vols. 8vo. Nurnberg, 1811-20. Vol. 31-44 (Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik, Band 1-14). Nurnberg und Halle, 1821-25. Journal fur Chemie und Physik — cont. Vol. 45-60. Herausgegeben von J. S. C. Schweigger und F. W. Schweigger-Seidel (Jahrbuch, Band 15-30). 8vo. Halle, 1825-30. Vol. 61-69. Herausgegeben von F. \V. Schweigger - Seidel (Neues Jahrbuch, Band i-9). 8vo. Halle, 1831-33. [United in 1834 with the Journal fiir Technische und Oekono- mische Chemie and continued under the title : Journal fur Praktische Chemie.] Journal fiir Praktische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Otto Linne Erd- mann, F. W. Schweigger-Seidel, &c. 108 vols, and Index. Leipzig, 1834-69. New Series. Edited by H. Kolbe, and E. von Meyer. Vol. 1 and onw^ards. 8vo, Leipzig, 1870, &c. Journal fur Technische und Oekonomische Chemie. (Die Neuesten Forschungen ^^ im Gebiete der Technischen und Okonomischen Chemie.) Herausgegeben von Otto Linne Erdmann. 18 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1828-33. Sach- und Namen register zu den 18 Banden. 8vo. [Bound up with Index to Vols. 1-108 of "Journal fiir Praktische Chemie."] Leipzig, 1837. [ Continued as — Journal fiir Praktische Chemie (above).] Journal of Anatomy and Physio- logy. By G. M. Humphry, &c. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1867. Second Series. Vols. 1-19 (2-20 of whole series). 8v(>. London, 1868-86. New Series. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. London, 1887, &c. [From Vol. 13. "Normal and Pathological " added to title.] Journal of Anthropology. See Transactions — London : Anthrc- pological Society. Journal of Applied Science and Record of Progress in the Industrial Arts. Edited by P. L. Simmonds, 12 vols, folio. London, 1870-82. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. New Series. Edited by H. Trimen, S. Le M. Moore, and J. Britten. Vol. 6 and onwards. Svo. Loudon, 1877, &c. Journal of Forestry and Estates Management ; a Monthly Illus- trated Magazine devoted to the Science and Practice of Arboriculture and the general Management of Estates (called Forestry : a Magazine for the Country, from Vol. 7). Vol. 1 (1877) -11 (April 1886). Svo. London, 1878-86. 472 JOURNALS, ETC. Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply, and Sanitary Improve- ment. Current numbers. Journal of Microscopy and Na- tural Science. See Transac- tions — London: Postal Microscop- ical Society. Journal of Morphology. Edited by C. O. Whitman and E. P. Allis, jun. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1887, &c. Journal of Physiology. Edited by M. Foster. Vol. 1 and onwards. In- cluding Proceedings of the Physiological Society. 8vo. London & Cambridge, 1878, &c. Journal of Science. See " Quarterly Journal of Science." Journal of Social Science. See Transactions — New Yokk : American Association. Journal of the Indian Archi- pelago and Eastern Asia. Vol. 1. 8vo. Singapore, 1847. Just's Botanischer Jahres- bericht. See "Botanischer Jahres- bericht." Eew, Royal Gardens. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1887, &c. La Cellule. Eecueil de Cytologie et d'Histologie Generale. Publie par J. B. Carnoy, G. Gilson et .T. Denys. Tome 1 and onwards. 8vo. Lierre & Gand [1885], &c. Land-und Porstwirthschaftliche Unterrichts - Zeitung. Kedigirt im Auftrage des K. K. Ackerbau- Ministeriums von F. Bitter von Zimmerauer. Jahrgang 1 und 2. Bvo. Wien, 1887-88. Landwirthschaftliche Jahr- biicher. Zeitschrift fiir Wissen- schaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des K. Preussischen Landes- Oekonomie- Kollegiums. Herausgegeben von H. v. Nathusius, C. v. Salviate, &c. Band 1 and onwards, with Supplements. 8vo. Berlin, 1872, &c. Liebig's (Justus) Annalen. See " Annalen der Pharmacie." Liebig (Justus), &c. Annual Re- port, &c. See " Annual Report." London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. See " Philosophical Magazine." London Geological Journal and Record of Discoveries in British and Poreign Palaeon- tology. September 1846 — May 1847. 8 parts. Bvo. (All published.) London, 1846-47. London Physiological Journal. Edited by S. J. Goodfellow and E. J. Quekett. 8vo. London, 1843. Lumiere ]^lectri^ue (La) ; Journal Universel d'Electricite. Hebdomadaire. 8"^ et 9« Annee (Tome 19-26). 4to. Paris, 1886-87, Madras Journal of Literature and Science. See Transactions — Madras : Literary Society. Magasin de Zoologie, 1831-38. Par E. E. Guerin-Meneville. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1889. 2* Serie. (Called "Magasin de Zoologie, d'Anatomie Com- par^e et de Palseonto- logie.") 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839-49. Magazin fiir die Naturkunde Helvetiens. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Hopfner. Vol. 3 & 4. 8vo. Zurich, 1788-89. Magazine of Science and School of Arts. 15 vols. 8vo. London, 1840-52. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. Conducted by Sir W. Jar dine, P. J. Selby, and Dr. Johnston. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837-38. Malakozoologische Blatter. See Zeitschrift fiir Malakozoo- logie. Mechanical World and Journal of Scientific Industry, &c. Vol. 12-21. folio. London, 1882-6. New Series. Nos. 1 and 2. folio. Manchester and London, 1887. IFor previous vols, see "Design and Work."] Mechanics' Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal and Gazette. jiidited by R. A. Brooman, E. J. Reid, and J. C. Robertson. 69 vols. 8vo. London, 1823-58. New Series. Vols. 1-28. 4to. & folio. London, 1859-72. [Continued as " Iron."] Medicinisch-Chemische Unter- SUChungen aus dem Laboratorium zu Tubingen. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Hoppe-Seyler. 8vo. Berlin, 1866-71. M^moires pour I'Histoire des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts. 280 vols. 12mo. (Parts of years 1701, 1720, 1742-4, wanting.) Trevoux et Paris, 1701-67. Continued as the — Journal des Beaux-Arts et des Sciences. 32 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1768-75. Supplement. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1774-75. JOURNALS, ETC. 473 Continued as the — Journal des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts. i4vol8. i2ino. Paris, 1776-78. Then as the — Journal de Litt^rature, des Sciences et des Arts. 30 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1779-83. Messenger of Mathematics. New Series. Edited by W. A. Whitworth, C. Taylor, W. J. Lewis, R. Pendlebury, J. W. L. Glaisher . Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Cambridge, 1872, &c. [For previous series see " Oxford,&c.] Meteorologische Zeitschrift. See Transactions — Berlin : Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft. Microscopical Journal and Structural Record, for 1841. EditedbyD. Cooper. For 1842. Edited by D. Cooper and G. Busk. 8vo. London, 1841-42. [For continuation, see Transactions — London : Boyal Microscopical Society.'] Midland Naturalist. See Trans- actions — Birmingham : Midland Union of Natural History Societies. Mineralogical Magazine. See Transactions — Lqndon : Mineral- ogical Society. Mineralogische und Petrograph- ische Mittheilungen. Heraus- gegeben von G. Tschermak. Neue Folge. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wien, 1878, &c. Register zu Band 1-10. 8vo. Wien, 1890. Mineralogisches Taschenbuch fiir die Jahre 1818-24. See "Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie." Mining Journal, Railway, and Commercial Gazette. Vol. 45 and onwards, folio. London, 1876, &c. Mining Magazine and Review; a Monthly Record of Mining, Smelting, Quarrying, and Engineering. Edited by Nelson Boyd. Nos. 1 to 7. 8vo. London, 1872. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt iiber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammt- gebiete der Geographic. Von Dr. A. Petermann. Band 24 und Erganzungs- Hefte. 4to. Gotha, 1878. Continued as — Dr. A. Fetermann's Mit- theilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. Behm, Dr. M. Lindeman, &c. Vol. 25, with Erganzungshefte, and on- wards. 4to. Gotha, 1879, &c. Mittheilungen, Scc-cont. Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1875-1884. (10 Jahresbande und 8 Erganzungs- bande.) Nebst 4 Karten. 4to. Gotha, 1886. Mondes (Lea). Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences et leurs Applications aux Arts et a Tlndustrie. Par M. I'AbbS Moigno. Vol. 1-50. 8vo. Paris, 1863-79. Moniteurs des Int^rets Ma~ t^riels. Vol. 7-30. foUo. Bruxelles, 1857-80. Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Internationale Monatsschrifb fur Anatomie und Histologie). Conducted by E. A. Schafer, L. Testut, W. Krause, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, Berlin, Paris, 1884, &c. [In vol. 4 the title is changed to ** Monthly Journal of Anatomy and Physiology."] Monthly Journal of Science. See *' Quarterly Journal of Science." Monthly Microscopical Journal. ^ee Transactions — London: Boyal Microscopical Society. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickel- ungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben von C. Gegenbaur. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876, &c. Museum GodefEroy. — Journal. Geographische, Ethnographische und Naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. Vol. 1, 2, and 7 parts. 4to. Hamburg, 1873-81. Natural History Review. A Quarterly Journal ; including the Transactions of the Bel- fast Natural History and Philosophical Society, &c. Vol. 1. 8vo. Dublin, 1854. ■ ' ■ Published Quarterly ; including the Proceedings of the Irish Natural History Societies for the Sessions 1854-56. Vol. 2-3. 8vo. London, 1855-56. A Quarterly Journal of Zoology, Botany, Geology, and Palaeon- tology. Conducted by A. H. Hahday, W. H. Harvey, S. Haughton, &c. Vol. 4. 8vo. London, 1857. — — Quarterly Journal of Science. By A. H. Haliday, W. H. Harvey, S. Haughton, A. R. Hogan, and E. P. Wright. Vol. 5-7. 8vo. London, 1858-1860. A Quarterly Journal of Bio- logical Science. Edited by G. Busk, W. B. Carpenter, T. H. Huxley, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1861-65. 474 JOUKNALS, ETC. iHTatliralist. Illustrative of the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms. Con- ducted by B. Maund, W. HoU, and Neville Wood. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1837-39. Naturalist's Note Book ; a Monthly Record of Anecdotes, Theories, and Facts relating to Natural Science. 3 vols . 4to. London, 1867-70. Naturalist's Pocket Magazine; or, Compleat Cabinet of the Curiosities and Beauties of Nature. 7 vols. 12mo. London, 1798-1802. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, 1870, &c. Nature (La). Revue des Sciences. Redacteur en chef, Gaston Tissandier. 1* Annee and onwards, imp. 8vo. Paris, 1873, &c. Tables des Matiferes des dix premieres Annees (1873-1882). imp. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Nature Notes. The Selbome Society's Magazine. No. 1, Jan. 1890, and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1890, &c. Naturforscher (Der). 30 vols, post 8vo. Halle, 1774-1804. Naturforscher (Der). Wochenblatt zur Verbreitung der Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Dr. W. Sldarek and Dr. O. Schu- mann. Jahrgang 9-23. 4to. Berlin'& Tubingen, 1876-88. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift. Ud- givet af Henrik Kroyer. 4 vols. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1837-43. 2nd Series. 2 vols. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1844-49. Naturwissenschaftler (Der). Allgemein verstandliche Wochenschrift fiir samtliche Gebiete der Naturwis- senschaften. Redaktion: Dr. C. Rie- mann. Jahrgang I. Nos. 1-22. 4to. Berlin, 1887-88. Continued as the — Naturwisseuschaftliche Woch- enschrift. Redakteur : Dr. H. Poto- nie. Jahrgang 1. No. 23 and onwards. 4to. Berlin, 1888, &c. Nautical Almanac and Astro- nomical Ephemeris for the Year 1855 and 1861 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1861, &c. Naval Annual. See Works on Naval Akcuitecture. Naval Science: a Quarterly Maga- zine for Promoting the Improvement of Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Steam Navigation and Seamanship. Edited by E. J. Reed, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1872-75. Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Fhysik. See "Journal fur Chemie und Physik." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Falaeontologie. Herausgegeben von G. Leonhard, H. B. Geinitz, E. W. Benecke, C. Klein, und H. Rosenbusch, &c. Jahrgang 1870 and onwards. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1870, &c, Beilage. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1881, &c. Repertorium fiir die Jahrgiinge 1880-84 und die Beilage Biinde I. und II. Ein Personen-, Sach-, und Orts- Ver- zeichniss fiir die darin enthaltenen Abhandlungen, Briefe und Referate. Zusammengestellt von Dr. L. von Werveke. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1885. Neuesten Entdeckungen(Bie) in der Chemie. Gesamelt von L. Crell. 12 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1781-84. Niederlandisches Archiv fiir Zoologie. Herausgegeben von Emil Selenka und C. K. Hoffmann. 5 vols. 8vo. Haarlem & Leipzig, 1871-82. Supplement-Band I., enthaltend die Zoologischen Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1878 und 79 mit Schoner " Willem Barents " unternommenen Arktischen Fahrten. Leiden & Leipzig, 1881-82. Notes and Queries. Second Series (1856-1861). 12 vols, small 4to. London, 1856-61. Third Series (1862-67). 12 vols. small 4to. London, 1862-67. Fourth Series (1868-73). 12 vols, small 4to. Loudon, 1868-73. Fifth Series (1874-1879). 12 vols, small 4to. London, 1874-79. Sixth Series (1880-1885). 12 Tols. small 4to. London, 1880-1885. Seventh Series. Vol. 1 (1886) and onwards, small 4to. London, 1886, &c. General Indexes. First to Sixth Series. London, 1856-1886. {The First Series is in Art Library. ') Nouvelles Anuales de Mathema- tiques. Journal des Candidats aux iEcoles Polytechnique et Normale, redige par MM. Gerono et Ch. Brisse. Troisieme Serie. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1882, &c. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Na- turali. Pubblicati dai Sigg. Ales- sandrini, Bertoloni, &c. 10 vols. 8vo. Bologna, 1838-43. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Na turali, e Rendiconto delle Sessione della Soc. Agraria, &c. Serie 2. 10 vols. Svo. Bologna, 1844-48. JOURNALS, KTC. 475 ITnovi Annali delle Scienze Na- turali, e Rendiconto dei lavori delle Scienze dell' Istituto, &c. Serie 3. 10 vols. 8vo. Bologna, 1850-54. Nyt Magazin for Naturviden- skaberne. Udgivet af den Physio- grapliiske Forening i Christiania. Vol. 1 (Pt. 4 only) and onwards. 8vo. Christiania, 1838, &c. [After Vol. 6, edited by Chr. Lang- berg, M. Sars, &c.] Observations et M^moires sur la J-'hysique, &c. See * Journal de Phy- sique." Observatory (The). A Monthly Re- vievr of Astronomy. Edited by W. H. M. Christie, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. With Companion. 8vo. London, 1878, &c. Ocean Highways : the Geographical Record. Vol. 2 (1872-73). folio. London, 1873. the Geographical Review. Edited by C. R. Markham. New Series. Vol. 1. imp. 8vo. London, 1874. [^For continuation, see " Geographical Magazine.''] Opnscoli Scientifici. Tomo 1-4. 4to. Bologna, 1817-23. Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics. A Journal supported by .Junior Mathema- tical Students, and conducted by a Board of Editors composed of Members of the three Universities. 5 vols. 8vo. London & Cambridge, 1862-71. \For continuation, see " Messenger of Mathematics."] Oxford University Gazette. Pub- lished, by Authority, every Tuesday during Term. 1870 and onwards. 4to. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1870, &c. Parville, H. de. Causeries Scientif- iques. 1867 to 18S6. 12mo. Paris. Patents. The Specifications issued under Authority of H.M. Commis- sioners of Patents and Comptroller- General. Complete Series, with Indexes, Journals, Abridgments, &c. from 1617 to present date : — Specifications and Drawings : Old Law, 1617-1852 (Oct. 1). 408 vols, each, imp, 8vo. and folio. New Law, 1852 (Oct. 1)- 1858 (May 7). 279 vols. each, imp. 8vo. and folio. New Law, 1858 (May 7)- 1883 (Dec. 31). 2,818 boxes, imp. 8vo. Act, 1883, Jan. 1, 1884, and onwards. In volumes and boxes, imp. 8vo. Alphabetical Indexes, 1617 and on- wards, imp. 8vo. Patents he— cent. Subject-Matter Indexes, 1617 and onwards, imp. 8vo. Chronological and Descriptive In- dexes, 16 J 7-1875. 27 vols. imp. 8vo. Abridgments (in Classes and Chrono- logically arranged) of all Specifica- tions of Patented Inventions, from the Earliest Enrolled to the present time. Class 1 and onwards, post 8vo. Commissioners of Patents' Journal, 1852-1883. 45 vols. imp. 8vo. Official Journal of the Patent Office, 1884 to 1888. imp. 8vo. Illustrated Journal of Patented Inven- tions, 1884 (Nov.) to 1887. imp. 8vo. Illustrated Official Journal (Patents), 1889 and onwards, imp. 8vo. Abridgments, 1888 and on- wards, imp. 8vo. Trade-Marks Journal, 1876 and on- wards. 4to. and 8vo. Reports of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Cases. Vol. 1 (1884) edited by T. M. Goodeve; Vol. 2 and onwards by J. Cutler, imp. 8vo. 1884, &c. Digest of Patent Cases, 1883-1888. By J. Cutler. 8vo. Catalogue of the Patent Office Library. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. In addition to these, there are several Copies of the various Acts and Rules. [All Patent Office Publications before Jan. 1, 1884, were published by the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions. Since that date they have been pub- lished by the Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks.] Paxton's Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-49. Petermann's Mittheilungen. See *' Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt." Pharmaceutical Journal. See Transactions— London : Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, The London, Edin- burgh, and Dublin. Conducted by Sir D. Brewster, R. Taylor, R. Phillips, Sir R. Kane, and W. Francis. Fourth Series. Vol. 35-44, 45 (imperfect), 49- 50. 8vo. London, 1868-1873, 1875. Fifth Series. By Sir R. Kane, Sir W. Thomson, and W. Francis, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1876, &c. Photographic (The) Art Journal. Illustrated. No. 1 to 6. 4to. London, 1858» 476 JOURNALS, ETC. Photographic Journal. See Transactions — London : Photo- graphic Society. Photographic News. Current num- bers. [Complete set in Art Library.] Poggendorff's Annalen. Sec " An- nalen der Physik und Chemie." Polytechnisches Journal. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. J. Gottfried Dingier. (Also by Dr. Emil M. Dingier, Dr. J. H. Schultes, J. Zeman and Dr. F. Fischer.) Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. (4to. from Jan. 1891.) Stuttgart, &c., 1820, &c. Index to Vol. 119-198. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1861-1871. Popular Science Review : a Quar- terly Miscellany of Entertaining and In- structive Articles on Scientific Subjects. Edited by J. Samuelson and H. Lawson. Vol. 1-15. 8vo. London, 1862-76. New Series. Edited by W. S. Dallas. Vol. 1-5. (Entire Series, 16-20.) 8vo. London, 1877-81. Practical Magazine : an illustrated Cyclopaedia of Industrial News, Inven- tions, &c. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1873-77. Pringsheim, N. Jahrbiicher fur Wis- senschaftliche Botanik. See " Jahr- biicher," &c. Propri^t6 (La) Industrielle ; Or- gane oflBciel du Bureau InterHational de I'Union pour la Protection de la Pro- priete Industrielle. Premiere Anuee, 1885, and onwards. 4to. Berne, 1885, &c. Public Health. The Journal of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Edited by A. W. Blyth. Vol. 1 and onwards. 4to. London, 1888, &c. Quarterly Journal of Microsco- pical Science. (Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London.) Edited by E. Lankester and G. Busk, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1853-60. New Series. Edited by E. Lan- kester, G. Busk, J. F. Payne, E. Kay Lankester, W. T. Thiselton Dyer, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1861, &c. Index to the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1853-88; to the Transactions of the Micro- scopical Society, 1844-1852, 1853- 1868, and to the Proceedings of the Dublin Microscopical Club, 1865-1880. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1889. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Edited by J. J. Sylvester. October 1861 and March and June 1862, and Vols. 9-11. 8vo. London, 1861-62 & 1868-70. Quarterly Journal of Science. Edited by W. Crookes, J. Samuelson, &c. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1864-70. New Series. Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 1-8. 8vo. London, 1871-78. During 1879 issued Monthly under the title of" Monthly Journal of Science" (except the Jan. No.). But with the completion of the 16th Vol. (with which the Third Series commences), it is called the Journal of Science. Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 1-7. 8vo. ' London, 1879-85. Quarterly Review, from the com- mencement, February 1809, and on- wards. 8vo. London, 1809, &c. Index to Vols. 1-159. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1820-84. Rapports Annuels sur les Pro- gres de la Chimie (1844-46). Par J. Berzelius. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-47. Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by A. C. L. G. Giinther, &c. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. London, 1865, &c. [From Vol. 7 called "Zoological Record."] Recreative Science: A Monthly Record and Remembrancer of Intellec- tual Observation. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1860-62. [^Continued as " The Intellectual Observer."] Repertorium der Physik. Heraus gegeben von H. W. Dove and L. Moser. 8 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1837-49. Repertorium fur Anatomie und Fhysiologie. Von G. Valentin. 8 vols. 8vo. Berlin, &c,, 1836-43. Repertorium fiir Experimental Physik, &C. See " Repertorium fiir Physikalische Technik." Repertorium fiir Physikalische Technik, fur Mathematische und Astronomische Instru- mentenkunde. Herausgegeben von Ph. Carl und F. Exner. Band 1 (Text and Atlas) and onwards. 8vo. Miinchen & Leipzig, 1866, &c. [From Vol. 4-18 called "Reper- torium fiir Experimental Physik, fiir Physikalische Technik, &c." Vol. 19 and onwards, called Repertorium der Physik.] General-Register zu Band 1-15. Svo. Miinchen & Leipzig, 1881. Supplement zu Band 13. Hiilfi- tafeln fiir Barometrische Hohen- messungen. Von L. Neumayer. Svo. Miinchen, 1877, JOURNALS, ETC. 477 Repertorium fur Fhysikalische Technik, &c,—cont. Supplement zu Band XV. Hilfsta- feln fiir Messungen Elektrischer Leitungswiderstande vermittelst der KirchhofE-Wheatstone'schen Drahtcombination. Von E. Obach. 8vo. Miinchen, 1879. Bevue Biologique du Nord de la France. Vol. l and onwards. Svo. Lille, 1884, &c. Bevue de G^ographie. Dirigee par L. Drapeyron. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Paris, 1877, &c. Table dresse par H. Stein. Vol. 1-13 (1877-83). Svo. Paris, 1887. Bevue de G€ologie. Par MM. De- lesse, Laugel et de Lapparent. Vol. 1-1 6. 8vo. Paris, 1861-80. Bevue des Deux Mondes. From January 1874 and onwards. 8vo. Paris, 1874, &c. Table, 1874-85. Svo. Paris, 1887. Bevue des Cours Scientifiques de la France et de I'iStranger. Annee 1-7. 4to. Paris, 1863-70. Continued as — Bevue Scientifique de la France et de I'Etranger. (" llevue des Cours Scientifiques." 2* Serie.) Annee 1-10. 4to. ^ Paris, 1871-80. 3* Serie. Anuee 1 and onwards. 4to. Paris, ISSl, &c. Bevue des Mathematiques Speciales. No. l (Oct. 1890) and onwards. 4to. Paris, 1890, &c. Bevue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliqu^e. See " Revue Zoologique." Bevue G^n^rale de Botanique. Dirigee par G. Bonnier. Tome 1 and onwards. Svo. Paris [1889, &c.]. Bevue Internationale de r£lec- tricite et de ses Applications. Vol. 1-9. 4to. Paris & Bruxelles, 1885-90. Afterwards — Ii'£lectricien. Vol. l and on- wards. 4to. Paris, 1891. Bevue Scientifique et Indus- trielle. Sous la direction du Docteur Quesneville. Serie 3. 8 vols. Svo. Paris, 1848-50. Bevue Zoologique. Par la Societe Cuvierienne. Publie sous la direction de F. E. Guerin-Meneville. 11 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838-48. 2« Serie (Bevue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliqu^e) . Par F. E. Guerin-Meneville. 23 vols. Svo. Paris, 1849-72. 3« Serie. Vol. 1—6. Svo. Paris, 1873-78. Science. Vol. l and onwards. 4to. Cambridge (Mass.), 1883, &c. Science and Art. A Journal for Teachers and Students. Monthly. Vol. 1 and onwards, imp. Svo. London, 1887, &c. Science Gossip. •S'ee" Hardwicke." Scientific American : an Illustrated Journal of Art, Science, and Mechanics. Vol. 50 and onwards, folio. New York, 1884, &c. Supplement. Vol. 17 and on- wards, folio. New York, 1SS4, &c. Scientific Memoirs ; selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies, and from Foreign Journals. Edited by R. Taylor. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1837-52. Natural History, Edited by A. Hen- frey and T. H. Huxley. Svo. London, 1853. Natural Philosophy. Edited by J. Tyn- dall and W. Francis. Svo. London, 1853. Scientific News. Nos. l (March 1877) to 26 (Dec. 1888). 4to. London. Scientific Opinion ; a Weekly Record of Scientific Opinion at Home and Abroad. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1869-70. [Afterwards incorporated with the " English Mechanic."] Scientific Beview, and Journal of the Inventors' Institute. 5 vols, folio. London, 1866-70. [ Vol. 5 called " Scientific Review, Record of Progress in Arts, In- dustry and Manufactures and Jour- nal of the Inventors' Institute."] Scientific Boll and Magazine of Systematized Notes. Conducted by A. Ramsay. Climate. Vol. 1 . Svo. London, 1880-84. Silliman's American Journal of Sci- ence. See " American Journal," &c. Specifications. See Patents. Stahl und Eisen. Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Eisenhiittenleute. (Afterwards Zeitschrift fiir das Deutsche Eisenhiittenwesen.) Jahrgang 1 and onwards, royal Svo. Diisseldorf, 1881, &c. Steamship (The) ; an illustrated Jour- nal of Progress in Marine Engineering, Steamship Building, Steam Navigation, &c. Edited by H. Holt-Butterfill. 3 vols, folio. London, 1883-85. Student and Intellectual Ob- server of Science, Literature, and Art. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1868-71. [For previous vols, see " Intellectual Observer " and " Recreative Science."] 478 JOURNALS, ETC. Taschenbuch fur die gesammte Mineralogie, mit Hinsicht auf die Neuesten Entdeckungen. Herausgege- ben von R. C. Leonhard. Jahrgang 1-11. 12mo. Frankfurt- ara-Main, 1807-17. Taschenbuch, &c. Jahrgang, 12-18. (Mineralogisches Taschen- buch fur die Jahre 1818-24.) l2mo. Frankfurt-am-Maiu, 1818-24. Taschenbuch, &c. Jahrgang 19-29. (Zeitschriffc fiir Mineral- ogie.) 8vo. Frankfurt-a.M. u.Heidelberg, 1825-29. Technisch - Chemisches Jahr- buch. Herausgegeben von R. Bieder- mann. Jahrgang 4 and onwards. 8vo. Berlin, 1883, &c. Technologist; a Monthly Record of Science Applied to Arts and Manu- factures. Edited by P. L. Simmonds. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 18G1-66. Telegraphic Journal and Elec- trical Kieview. Vol. l and onwards. 8vo. and folio. London, 1872, &c. Ulster Journal of Archaeology. 9 vols. 4to. Belfast, 1853-62. Vierteljahresschrift iiber die Portschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, der Gebrauchsge- genstande, sowie derhierher gehorenden Industriezweige. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Hilger, Dr. J. Konig, Dr. R. Kayser, Dr. E. Sell, &c. Jahrgang 1 (1886) and onwards. 8vo. Berlin, 1887, &c. Wochenschrift des Nieder-Os- terreichischen Gewerbe-Ver- eines. See Transactions— Vienna: Nieder - Osterreichischer Gewerbe- Verein. Work. An Illustrated Magazine of Practice and Theory for all Workmen, Professional and Amateur. Edited by F. Young. Vol. 1 (1889-90). 4to. London [1890]. Wiirzburger Naturwissen- schaftliche Zeitschriffc. See Transactions — Wijuzbuko : Phy~ sikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, Edited by J. Timbs. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1861-73. [In 1862 there is an extra vol. " The International Exhibition."] 2nd Series. Edited by C. W. Vincent and J. Mason. 7 vols. (1874-80). 8vo. London, 1875-80. Year Book of Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. See Works of Reference —Scientific, &c. Zeitschriffc fur AUgemeine Erd- kunde. See Transactions — Berlin: Ge- sellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Zeitschriffc fiir Analsrfcische Che- mie. Herausgegeben von C. R. Frese- nius. Vol. 1 and onwards. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1862, &c. Index to Vol. 1-20. 2 vols. ByW. Casselmann, &c. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1872, 1881. Zeitschriffc fiir Chemie. Archiv fiir das Gesammtgebiet der Wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von F. Beilstein, R. Fittig, und H. Hiibner. Jahrgang 9-14 (Neue Folge 2-7). 8vo. Leipzig, 1866-71. Zeitschriffc fiir ^Len Physikal- ischen und Chemischen Unter- richt. Herausgegeben von Dr. Fritz Poske. Vol. 1 and onwards, imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1887, &c. Zeitschriffc fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaffcen. Heraus- gegeben von dem Naturwiss. Vereine fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen in Halle, redigirt von C. G. Giebel, W. Heintz, und M. Siewert. 34 vols, (in 17). 8vo. Berlin, 1853-69. [Vol. 20 contains Index to Vols. 1-20.] Originalabhandlungen und Mon- atliches Repertorium der Litteratur der Astronomic, &c. Redigirt von C. G. Giebel und M. Siewert. K'eue Folge. Vols. 1-14 (in 7). 8vo. Berlin, 1870-76. Originalabhandlungen und Be- richte. Redigirt von C. G. Giebel. 3te Folge. Vol. 1-6 (in 5). 8vo. Berlin, 1877-81. 4te Folge (Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften). Redi^ girt von Dr. Brass. Vol. 1 and on- wards. 8vo. Berlin & Halle, 1882, &c. [5te Folge begins with Vol. 63.] Zeitschriffc fiir Hygiene. Heraus gegeben von Dr. R. Koch und Dr. C. Fliigge. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886, &c. Zeitschriffc fiir Instrumenten- kunde. Organ fiir Mittheilungen auR dem gesammten Gebiete der Wissen- schaftlichen Technik. Herausgegeben von E. Abbe, &c. Jahrgang 1 and onwards. 4to. Berlin, 1881, &c. Zeitschriffc fiir Malakozoologie. Herausgegeben von K. T. Menke und L. Pfeifter, &c. Jahrgang 1-10. 8vo. Hannover, Cassel, &c., 1844-53. JOURNALS, ETC. 479 Continued as — Malakozoologisclie Blatter. Herausgegebeu von K. T. Menke und L. Pfeiffer, W. Kobelt (und S. Clessin). Band 1-25. 8vo. Cassel, 1854-78. [Title-page of Band 21 bears " Organ der Deutschen Mala- kozoologischen Gesellschaft."] NeueFolge. Herausgegeben von S. Clessin. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Cassel, 1879, &c. Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Fhysik. Herausgegeben von O. Schlomilch, B. Wirzel, E. Kahl und M. Cantor. Jabrgang 1 and onwards. Svo. Leipzig, 1856, &c. Zeitschrift fur Mineralogie. See " Taschenbuch fiir die gesaramte Mine- ralogie." Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissen- SChaften. See " Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften." Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenkunde. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. Hallier und Dr. E. A. Zurn. 4 vols. Svo. Jena, 1869-75. Zeitschrift fiir Physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und VerwandtSChafbslehre. Heraus- gegeben von W. Ostwald und J. H. van 'tHofF. Band 1 and onwards. Svo. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1887, &c. Zeitschrift fiir Physiologic. Her- ausgegeben von F. Tiedemaun, G. R. Treviranus, und L. C Treviranus. 5 vols. 4to. Heidelberg, Darmstadt, &c., 1824-35. Zeitschrift fur Schulgesund- heitspflege. Redigiert von Dr. L. Kotelmann. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. Hamburg, 1888, &c. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaffc- liche Mikroskopie und fur Mikro- skopischa Technik. Herausgegeben von W. J. Behrens. Band 1 and onwards. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1884, &c. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft- liche Zoologie. Herausgegeben von C. T. von Siebold und A. KoUiker. Band land onwards. 8vo. Leipzig, 1829, &c. Namen und Sachregister iiber Band 1-45. 3 vols. 8vo. 1868-88. Supplements. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875 & 1878. Ziva Casopis Prirodnicky. Edited by Professors J. Purkyne and J. Krejtc. 8 vols. roy. Svo. (Vol. for 1857 want- ing.) Prague, 1853-6K Zoological Journal. Conducted by Thomas Bell, J. G. Children, J. de Carle Sowerby, G. B. Sowerby, N. A. Vigors, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1825-35. Zoological Record. See "Record of Zoological Literature." Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Zeit- schrift fiir Systematik, Geographie und Biologic der Thiere. Herausgegebett von Dr. J. W. Spengel. Band 1 and onwards, including Supplements. Svo. Jena, 1886, &c. lAfter Vol. 2 divided into two parts .- (1) Systematik, Geographie und Biologic der Thiere, (2) Anatomic und Ontogenic der Thiere] Zoologische Jahresberichte. Her- ausgegeben von der Zoologischen Sta- tion zu Neapel. Vol. 1 (1879) and onwards. Svo. Leipzig & Berlin, 1880, &c. [ See also Transactions— Naples r Zoologische Station.'} Zoologischer Anzeiger. Heraus- gegeben von J. V. Cams. Jabrgang I. and onwards. Svo. Leipzig, 1878, &c. Register. Jahrgang 1-10. Herausge- geben von J. V. Cams. Svo. Leipzig, 1889. Zoologist ; a Popular Miscellany of Natural History. Conducted by E. Newman. 23 vols. Svo. 1843-65. 2nd Series. 11 vols. Svo. London, 1866-76. 3rd Series. Edited by J. E. Harting. Vol. 1 and onwards. Svo. London, 1877, &c. 480 III.-SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. PARLIAMENTAEY REPORTS, ETC. ON DEPARTMENT. School of Design, Report on the Con- stitution and Management of the. fop. folio. 1849. Practical Art, Department of. First Report (1852). 8vo. Science and Art Department. Annual Reports, 1853 and onwards. 8vo. 1854, &c. Calendar and General Directory of the Department for 1884 and onwards, being Supplements to Annual Reports. 8vo. 1884, &c. Directory, with Regulations for Esta- blishing and Conducting Science and Art Schools and Classes. (Superseding separate Science and Art Directories.) 1886 and onwards. 8vo. 1886. South Kensington Museum, Re- port from the Select Committee on the ; with Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix, fcp. folio. 1860. South Kensington Museum, Re- port of the Commission on the Heating, Lighting, and Ventilation of the ; with Minutes of Evidence and Appendix, royal 8vo. 1869. Schools of Art, Report on the Con- stitution and Working of. fcp. folio. 1864. Circulation of Art Objects on Loan for Exhibition, Report on the System of, as carried on by the Department from its first establishment to the present time. fcp. folio. 1881. National Science Collections, Re- port of the Interdepartmental Com- mittee on the. fcp. folio. [1886.] Science Collections at South Kensington, Report of the Com- mittee appointed to Inquire into the ; with Appendix, Index, and Minutes of Evidence, fcp. folio. 1889. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. CATALOGUES OF COLLECTIONS. Ancient Mosaics, Coloured Draw- ings and Engravings of. Collected by the late Dr. R. Woollaston. 8vo. 1870. Anglo-Saxon and other Antiquities, bequeathed by W. Gibbs, Esq. By C. Roach Smith. 2 editions. 8vo. 1871-3. Animal Products. 8vo. 2nd edition. 1860. Art, Library of the Division of, at Marl- borough House, An Account of the ; with a Catalogue of the principal Works, Classified. By R. N. Wornum. 8vo. 1855. Art Library, S. K. Robinson. 8vo. M. By J. C. 1862. Art Library, S. K. M. Additions, Jan. to June 1866. fcp. folio. Art (National) Library. Special Catalogues. 8vo. : — Anatomy. 1886. Architecture of the Rennaissance and Later Periods to the close of the 18th Century. 1888. Armour and Weapons. 1883. Biographies of Artists and of others connected with the History of Art. 1887. Coins and Medals. 1889. Construction, Engineering, and Ma- chinery. 1889. Costume. 1881. Drawing, Geometry, and Perspective. 1888. Furniture. 1878. 2nd edition. 1885. Gems. 1886. Glass. 1887. Gold and Silversmiths' Work and Jewellery. 2nd edition. Heraldry. ■■ 2nd edition. Lace and Needlework. Metal Work. Ornament. 2nd edition. Painting. 2nd edition. Papers and Periodicals. Pottery and Porcelain. 2nd edition. Sculpture. 2nd edition. Seals. Textile Fabrics: Lace work. 1882. 1887. 1880. 1884. 1879. 1883. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1883. 1881. 1875. 1885. 1882. 1886. 1886. and Needle- 1888. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. 481 British Fine Art Collection. Catalogue of Pictures, &c. at South Kensington, chiefly the Gift of J. Sheep- shanks, Esq. 2 copies. 8vo. 1857, 1859. British Pine Art Collection, in- cluding the Gifts of John Sheepshanks, Esq., Mrs. Ellison, and the Rev. C. H. Townshend. Editions 1859-70. 1 vol. 8vo. British Art, National Gallery of. With Supplement, containing Works by Modern Foreigu Artists and Old Masters. New edition. 8vo. 1874 & 1876. New edition. 2 parts. 1. Oil paintings. 2. Water colours. Svo. 1884. I New edition. 2 parts, in one vol. Svo. 1888. Bronzes, of European origin, in the S. K. M. With an Introductory Notice by C. D. E. Fortnum. royal 8vo. 1876. Chinese Art Objects. By C. Ala- baster. 8vo. 1872. Circulating Collection, Historical Series, First and Second, of Water- colour Paintings, illustrative of the Rise and Progress of the Art in England from 1710. Selected from the National Gallery of British Art. 2 parts. 8vo. 1881. Circulating Collection, Works of Art. Editions March 1855 to May 1863. 1 vol. Svo. Classed Catalogue of Objects in the Art Division of the Museum, for the years 1852 to the end of 1870. Divi- sions 1, 3 to 15. fcp. folio. 1874. Construction and Building Materials. Editions 1859-1862. 1 vol. 8vo. New edition. 8vo. 1876. Divisions of the Museum Collections. In one vol. Svo. 1860. Dyce Collection. Paintings, Minia tures, Drawings, Engravings, Rings, and Miscellaneous Objects, royal Svo. 1874. — — — Manuscripts and Printed Books. 2 vols, royal 8vo. 1875. Educational Division, including Library. Editions 1857-1875. 9 vols. Svo. Scientific Periodical Publications in the Science and Education Library. Svo. 1886. Food Museum. By Dr. E. Lan- kester, &c. Editions 1859-1869. 1 vol. Svo. £ 61668. Forster Collection. A Catalogue of the Printed Books bequeathed by J. Forster, Esq. With Index, royal Svo. ISSS. Furniture and Woodwork, Ancient and Modem. By J. H. Pollen, royal Svo. 1874. Gems and Precious Stones, be- queathed by the Rev. C. H. Towns- hend. By James Tennant. Svo. 1870. Glass Vessels. By A. Nesbitt. royal Svo. 1878. Gold and Silversmith's Work, Ancient and Modern. By J. H. Pollen, royal Svo. 1878. Indian Art. By Lieut. H. H. Cole. With Map of India, showing the Locali- ties of various Art Industries. Svo. 1874. India Museum. Inventory of the Collection of Examples of Indian Art and IV^nufactures, transferred to the South Kensington Museum, fcp. folio. ISSO. Inventory of Art Objects. Provisional classification. Editions, 1856-63. In one vol. Svo. Inventory of Art Objects. Vol. 1. 1852-1881. 3 vols, royal Svo. 1868, &c. 1882 and onwards, in separate parts, royal Svo. Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages, and Period of the Revival of Art. By J. C. Robinson, royal Svo. 1862. Ivories, Ancient and Mediaeval. By William Maskell, M.A. royal Svo. 1872. Jones Bequest. Svo. 1882. Lace and Embroidery. By Mrs. Bury Palliser. Svo. 1870. Lace, Descriptive Catalogue of the Col- lection of. By the late Mrs. Bury Palliser. Illustrated. 3rd edition, by A. S. Cole. Svo. 1881. Lagrange's (M. Fabre de) Models of Ruled Surfaces, with Appendix by C. W. Merrifield. Svo. 1872. ; Another copy. With Il- lustrations. Svo. 1872. Machinery, Drawings, Tools, &c., Models of. Svo. 1875, 1880. Machinery Models, &c. in the Machinery and Inventions Division of the South Kensington Museum. With Descriptive and Historical Notes by E. A. Cowper. Svo. 1890. Maiolica, &c. By C. Drury E. Fort- num. royal Svo. 1873. Munitions of War, &c. Svo. 1875. H H 482 SCIENCE AND AKT DEPARTMENT. Mnsical Instruments. By Carl Engel. 8vo. 1870. 2nd edition, royal 8vo. 1874. Naval Models, with Short Introduc- tion. 1 vol. 8vo. 1865-69. Naval Models, Mercantile Marine, &c. Svo. 1874. Ornamental Art, Catalogues of Museum of. Editions, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, with Appendix. In one vol. Svo. Persian Objects. First edition. 8vo. 1876. Schreiber Collection— English Por- celain, Earthenware, Enamels, &c. Svo. 1885. Ship Models and Marine En- gineering. 8vo. 1878. Another edition. 8vo. 1889. Soulages Collection, Marlborough House. By J. C. Robinson, royal 8vo. 1856. Spanish Art Objects. By Senor Juan F. Riano. 8vo. 1872. Swiss Coins. By R. S. Poole, royal ^ 8vo. 1878. Tapestry and Embroidery, De- scriptive Catalogue of the Collections of. By A. S. Cole. 8vo. 1888. Tapestry-Woven and Embroid- ered Egyptian Textiles in the South Kensington Museum. Descrip- tive Catalogue. By A. S. Cole. 8vo. 1887. Textile Fabrics. By the Very Rev. Dr. Rock, royal 8vo. 1870. Water-colour Paintings, Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Historical Col- lection of, ^ith an Introductory Notice by Samuel Redgrave, royal Svo. 1876. Water-colour Paintings, the Gift and Bequest of W. Smith, Esq., 1871 and 1876. 8vo. 1877. Wild Silks of India, Handbook of the Collection illustrative of the, Indian Section, with a Catalogue of the Collec- tion and Hlustrations. By T. Wardle. 8vo. 1881. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. CATALOGUES OF REPRODUC- TIONS. Architecture and Monumental Sculp- ture in the South-East Court, Descrip- tion of the. By. J. H. Pollen. Svo. 1874. Carved Ivories, Priced Inventory of. 8vo. 1876. Casts from the Antique. Descriptive Catalogue. By W. C. Perry. Svo. 1884. ' "-^nd edition. Svo. 1887. Casts from the Antique, List of those acquired in the years 1882 to 1884 Svo. 1885. Labels for the. Svo. 1885. Christian Mosaic Pictures. By Dr. J. W. Appell. 8vo. 1877, Electrotype and Plaster, in 1876, 1880, 1886, 1887, 1888. 5 parts. Svo. 1877-89. Electrotype Reproductions of Works of Art, Illustrated. 4to. 1873. Fictile Ivories. With an Account of the Continental Collections of Classical and Mediaeval Ivories. By J. O. West- wood, royal Svo. 1876. Fictile Ivory, A Priced Inventory of the Casts in. 8vo. 1890> List of Objects of Art, reproduced in Metal by various processes. Part I. Examples of which copies may be sup- plied by the Electrotypists. Svo. 1881 & 1888. Medals, Medallions and Plaques, re- produced in Metal, List of. Svo. 1889, mietal. Inventory of Reproductions in. Comprising, in addition to those avail- able for sale to the public. Electrotypes bought or made specially for the use of the South Kensington Museum, by permission of the respective owners, fcp. folio. 1883. Metal, List, Classified and Priced, of Objects reproduced in. Svo. 1872. Another edition. Svo. 1876. Metal, Plaster, and Fictile Ivory, Chromolithography, Etching, and Photography. Svo. 1869-71. in 1869 to 1873. Svo. 1871-1874. Ornamental Casts of th^e Renais- sance Styles. By K. N. Wornum. royal Svo. 1854. Photographs of Paintings and Draw- • ings. Classified List of. 8vo. 1878. Photographs, Classified List: Works of Decorative Art in the South Kensing- ton Museum and other Collections. Svo. 1887. Photography, Electrotyping, &c.. Price List of lieproductions by means of. 2 parts. 1859-60. Plaster Casts, in various styles. In- ventory of, including the Antique and the Renaissance. Svo. 1874. Trajan Column, Description of the. By J. H. Pollen. 8vo. 1874. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. 483 SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. CATALOGUES OF LOANS. Art Objects lent during 1870, and on- wards. 8vo. 1871, &c. Carpenter's (Mr. W.) Water- colour Drawings of Indian Views, Groups, &c,, lent for Exhibition in the Museum. 8vo. 1881. Grace Collection. Catalogue of the Maps, Plans, and Views of London and Westminster, lent by J. G. Grace. Collected by Mr. F. Grace. 8vo. 1879. Cutlery, Ancient, lent by M. Achille Jubinal. Illustrated. 4to. 1874. Dnke (The) of Edinburgh, H.R.H. Collection made during five years' Cruise round the World in H.M.S. '* Galatea." Catalogue and Guide, the various editions. half morocco. Also the Guide, with Illus- trations. 8vo. 1872. Enamels oa Metal. 8vo. 1874. Enamels on Metal. Illustrated. 4 to. 1875. Fans of all Countries. 8vo. 1870. Fans, with Illustrations. 4to. 1870. Government School of Design, Somerset House. Catalogue of the Drawings, Paintings, Modellings, and ! Designs of Students, exhibited Jan. 1850. 8vo. Jewellery, Anoient and Modern, and Personal Ornaments. Illustrated. 4to. 1873. Loan Exhibition of 1862, Special, edited by J. C Robinson, royal 8vo. 1863. Me3rrick Armour and Miscellaneous Art Objects lent by Col. Meyrick. With Introduction by J. R. Plauche. 8vo. 1869. Midland Counties Museum, Nottingham, Objects from S. K. M., lent to the, 1872-4. 8vo. 1872, 1873. Mulready's Pictures, Drawings, Sketches, &c. small 4to. 1864. Musical Instruments, Ancient, with Illustrations. 4to. 1873. National Porti^ait Exhibitions, 1866, 1867, 1868. :i vols, post 4to. 18G6, Galleries and Bays of the. 77 Photographs, oblong 4to. J867 and 1868, Classified List of Photographs taken for the Science and Art Department. 8vo. Needlework, Decorative Art, before 1800. Illustrated. 4to. 1874. North's (Miss) Studies in Oil Colour of the Botany and Landscapes of various countries. 8vo. 1877. Pictures in the National Gallery (British School), Now temporarily exhibited at South Kensington. By R. N. VVornum. 8vo. " 1862. Pictures of Dutch and Flemish Schools belonging to Mrs. H. T. Hope. 8vo. 1868. Portrait Miniatures, royal 8vo. 1865. Scientific Apparatus, Special Loan Collection of, 1876. 2nd edition. 8vo. 1876. 3rd edition. 8vo. 1877. German edition. By Dr. R. Biedermann. 8vo. 1877. OTHER WORKS RELATING TO THE LOAN COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC APPARA TVS :— Conferences held in connection with the special Loan of Scientific Apparatus : — Chemistry, Biology, Physical Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, and Meteorology. Physics and Mechanics. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. Free Evening Lectures. 8vo. Handbook to the Special Loan Col- lection. 8vo. Guide Theorique pour I'Expositioa . d'Appareils Sci«;ntifiques, 1876- (French edition of the above).. Svo. Ilandbuch enthaltend Aufsfi,tze iiber die Exacten Wissensv;haften und ihre Anwenduugen (German edi- tion of the above). Svo. 1876. Bericht iiber die Wissenschaftlichen Apparate auf der Londoner Inter- nationalen Ausstellung im Jahre 1876. Herausgegeben von A. W. Hofmann. Svo. Braunschweig, 1878. Cech, Dr. C. O. Die Internationale Ausstellung Wissenschaftlicher Ap- parate zu Loudon. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1878. Kirchner, W. Papers on the Special Loan Collection. 4to. : — 1. Ueber die Bewegungswider- stande der Schiffe. 2. Robinson's Odontograpb. 3. Ueber die Ausstellung Wis- senschaftlicher Apparate, in London. Sky Sketches from September 1883 to September 1886, by W. Ascroft, Catalogue of. Illustrating OpticpJ Phenomena attributed to the Eruptiori at KrakatoR in the Java Straits, Aug. 27, 1883. Svo. 1888. H H 2 48-l( SCIENCE AND AET DEPARTMENT. Sonth Kensington Art Students' Exhibition of Works of Art-Manufac- ture, with G. Wallis's Introduction, royal 8vo. 1858. Spanish and Portuguese Art, 1881. Edited by J. C. Robinson. Large paper edition. 4to. Sykes, Godfrey, Special Exhibition of Oil Paintings, Water-colour Drawings, &c., June 1866. 8vo. Wedding Presents of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, exhibited April 1863. 8vo. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. Action of Light on Water Colours, Report to the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council of Education on the. 8vo. 1888. Addresses by Sir H.Cole, K.C.B., C.B., and R. Redgrave, R.A., on the Facilities afforded by the Department of Science and Art for acquiring Art Education, post 8vo. 1853. Addresses on the Science and Art Department, Six Introductory, delivered in the Theatre of the Museum, South Kensington, November and December 1857. I vol. post 8vo. 1857-8. Apparatus suitable for Lectures and Class Instruction, for which grants of money are made by the Department to aid in their purchase, Catalogue of. Current issue. 8ro. Art Directory. Editions from Nov. 1854 and onwards to 1885. 8vo. Art Industries at South Kensington. Reprinted from ♦' The Times." 2 Nos. post 4to. 1872-3. Art (National) Library, Notes on the. No. 1. 8vo. 1869. Astronomical Physics, Demonstra- tions and Practical Work, in the Normal School of Science. 8vo. 1889. Babbai^e's Calculating Machine, Description of. 8vo. 1872. Calendars of Science and Art Depart- ment (Broadsides), 1858-81. 1 vol. broad folio. Drawing in Elementary Schools. Illustrated Syllabus of the Course of In- structi(5Ti in Drawing as a Class Subject under the English and Scotch Codes for 1885. fcp. folio. 1885. Illustrated Syllabus of the Course of Instruction in Drawing under the Department of Science and Art, and as a class subject, under the Scotch Code of 1887. fcp. folio. 1887. 8rd edition, fcp. folio. 1889. Early Christian Art, Monuments of. Sculptures and Catacomb Paintings. By Dr. J. W. Appell. 8vo. 1872. Engravers of Ornament, Hand- book of. By J. Marshall. 8vo. 1869. Examination Papers :~ For Science Certificates, held at South Kensington, November 1859-1866. 2 vols. Svo. For Science Schools and Classes, held at South Kensington, May 1866 and onwards. Svo. Results of the Examination of Science Schools and Classes, May 1868-70. Svo. Third Grade for Art Master's Certifi- cates for Advanced Instruction, &c., Feb. 1880-4. 8vo. and fcp. folio. Training Colleges, 1878 and onwards. Each Svo. Reports of the Examiners on the Results of the Science Exami- nations, 1878 and onwards. Each Svo. Glass Cases in the S. K. M., Drawings of, with Suggestions for the Arrange- ment of Specimens, imp. Svo. 1876. Lace, Notes on the History of. By Mrs. Bury Palliser. Svo. 1872. Lecture (Introductory) on the Museum of Ornamental Art of the Department, by J. C. Robinson. Svo. 1854. Lectures, Heads of, on the Articles in the Museum of the Department. By Owen Jones. Svo. 1855. Lectures addressed to Teachers on Preparation for obtaining Science Certificates, and the Method of Teach- ing a Science Class, delivered at the South Kensington Museum : — Science Instruction by the Depart- ment of Science and Art, On the Promotion of, by Capt. Donnelly. Geometrical Drawing, &c., by Prof. Bradley. Mechanical Physics, by Rev. B. M. Cowie. 2 Lectures. Experimental Physics, by Prof. Tyndall. Zoology, by Prof. Huxley. Mineralogy and Mining, by W. W. Smyth. 2 Lectures. Botany, by E. Lankester. 2 Lectures. Chemistry, by A. W. Hofmann. Geology, by Prof. Ramsay. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, by J. Riddle. Physical Geography, by Dr. Kinkel. The above in 1 vol. Svo. 1860-62. Local Metropolitan Museums, Report of Proceedings at South Ken- sington, May 6, 1865, on the proposed establishment of. Svo. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. 485 Mural, &c. Decorations in England previous to the middle of the Sixteenth Century, List of Buildings having. 8vo. 1872. -'■ ■ — 3rd edition, with Historical Introduction, &c., by C. E . Key ser. 8 vo. 1883. National Art Training School, Current Prospectus of the. 8vo. Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines {after- wards the Royal College of Science), Prospectus of the, for the years 1881 to 1890. 8vo. 1881-90. Syllabus of Course of Practical Instruction in Physics at the. 8vo. 1885, 1888, 1890. Outlines of Experiments, and De- scription of Apparatus suitable for il- lustrating Elementary Instruction in Acoustics, Light, Heat, Magnetism, and Electricity. Prepared by Prof. Guthrie. Svo. 1877, 1881, 1883. ■ Another edition. Revised by Prof. Riicker. Svo. 1888. Outline of Experiments suita,ble for illustrating Elementary Instruction in Chemistry. Prepared by H. E. Roscoe and W. J. Russell. Svo. 1882. -■■ Another edition. Svo. 1885. Principal Libraries in Europe and the United States of America, List of the. royal Svo. 1866. Raphael's Cartoons and other "Works, Notes on. By C. Ruland. 4to. 1866. Science and Art Schools and Classes, List of Committees of. 2nd edition. Jan. 1871. Svo. 1871. Science Directory. Editions from March 1859 and onwards to 1885. Svo. Solar Physics Committee. Report. Svo. 1882. 2nd Report. Svo. 1889. South Kensington Museum. Description of the Building erected to receive the Sheepshanks Collection of Paintings. By Capt. Fowke. royal Svo. 1866. Spirit Fresco Painting. An Ac- count of the Process. By T. Gambier Parry, post 4to. 1880. 2nd edition. 4to. 1883. Strength of British Colonial and other Woods, exhibited at the International Exhibition 1862, &c.. Tables of the Results of a series of Experiments on the. Svo. 11;67. Whitworth's Scholarships for Mechanical Science, Prospectus of. Editions 1868 and onwards. Svo. Universal Art Inventory. Con- sisting of brief Notes of Works of Fine and Ornamental Art executed before A.D. 1800. Svo. : — Part I. Mosaics and Stained Glass. 1870. Part II. Goldsmith's Work, &c. 1876. [Parts I and 2 bound together.] Part III. Metal Work, &c. 1876. Part IV. Wood Carving, &c. 1879. Universal Catalogue of Books on Art, First Proofs of the. Compiled for the use of the National Art Library and the Schools of Art in the United King- dom. 2 vols. fop. 4to. 1870. Supplement, fcp. 4to. 1875. WORKS ISSUED UNDER AUTHO- RITY OF THE DEPARTMENT. Chromolithographs from Coloured Drawings, made by Students in the School of Art, of the principal objects of Art in the South Kensington Mu- seum. With Description to each plate. 4 parts, large folio. 1868-75. Part 1. Cup and Coyer, silver gilt. English, dated 1611. Delia Robbia Roundel, Ja- nuarius. Italian, about 1465. Pastoral StaflP, gilt metal and ivory. French, 14th Cen- tury. Rock Crystal Ewer. Byzan- tine, 10th Century. Part 2. Carved Ivory Box. (From Veroli). 11th Century. Silver Casket, Limoges enamel. French, 16th Century. Silver Casket (The Lid). Limoges enamel. French. 16th Century. Delia Robbia Roundel, Feb- ruarius. Italian, about 1465. Part 5. Ivory Triptych. Venetian, 15th Century. Plaque of Limoges Enamel. French, 16th Century. Ivory Cofiret. Byzantine, 12th Century. Agate Goblet, mounted in silver gilt. Enghsh, 1567. Part 4. SoltikofiE Chasse. Rhenish Byzantine, 12th Century. Gloucester Candlestick. English, 12th Century. Altar Cross. Byzantine, 12th Century. Monstrance. Italian, 15th Century. 486 SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. Etchings, Books of. Done by Students of the Etching Class in training as Art Teachers, directed by the late R. J. Lane, A.R.A. 5 series, each consisting of 50 Etchings, imp. 4to. 1867-70. Photographs, Books of : Architecture of Ancient Delhi. By Lieut. H. H. Cole, RE. imp. 4to. 1872. Arundel Society's Classified List of Pho- tographs. 8vo. 1867. Chatsworth Raphaels. Twenty perma- nent photographs of the Drawings in the Collection of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, imp. 4to. 1872. Corporation and College Plate. Photo- graphs of Twenty Examples. 4to. 1869. Decorative Furniture, French. Twenty photographs of French Cabinets, Coffers, State Chairs, &c. 4to. 1871. Decorative Furniture, English, Italian and German. Twenty photographs of Cabinets. 4to. 1871. Decorative Plate. Chiefly Portuguese, German, and Italian, imp. 4to. 1869. Designs for Silversmiths. Twenty-four photographs of original designs for Vases, Ewers, &c., from the collection in the Art Library, imp. 8vo. 1871. Ecclesiastical Metal Work of the Middle Ages. Twenty photographs of Reli- quaries, Pastoral Staves, Pyxes, Chalices, Triptychs, &c., from the original works. 4to. 1868. Fans of all Countries. Twenty photo- graphs of Spanish, French, German, Itahan and English Fans. 4to. 1871. Henri Deux Ware. Twenty photo- graphs of Tazzas, Ewers, &c., in Museums and private collections. With a brief account of the manu- facture of this remarkable ware. 4to. 1868. Holbein's Portraits of Celebrated Per- sons of the Court of Henry VIII. Reproduced in eighty autotype plates from the original drawings in the pos- session of Her Majesty at Windsor. 5 vols. 4to. 1877. Indian Architecture, Fifteen photo- graphs illustrating the various styles of. 2nd edition. 8vo. 1870. Italian Jewellery, as worn by the Pea- sants of Italy. 4to. 1868. Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages. Twenty photographs from the origi- nals in the South Kensington Museum. 4to. 1869. Mantegna's (Andrea) Drawings. Set on 26 mounts. Size, 14J in. by 12 in. In portfolio. Musical Instruments in the South Ken- sington Museum. 4to. 1869. Photographs, Books of — cont. Portico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostella in Spain. Twenty photographs, imp. 4to. 1868. Rome, Arcades at, chiefly of the Renais- sance Period, imp. 4to. 1869. Rome, Fountains and Garden Architec- ture in. imp, 4to. 1869. r?culpture of Batalha. The Sculptured Decorations of the Monastery of Batalha in Portugal, Shown in twenty large photographs, imp. 4 to. 1858. Terra Cotta Columns, Photographs of, modelled for the Lecture Theatre at the South Kensington Museum by Godfrey Sykts. 4to. 1866. Treasure of Petrossa, Roumauia. Twenty photographs of Ancient Gold Vessels, Fibula;, &c. imp. 4to. 1869. "The South Kensington Mu- seum." 176 Examples of the Works of Art in the Museum and of the Deco- rations of the Building. With brief Descriptions. Vols. 1, 2, (1880-81). fcp. folio. S. Low & Co. Treasury of Ornamental Airb, Photographed by F. Bedford, with Descriptive Notices, by J. C. Robinson, royal 8to. South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks. Published for the De- partment by Messrs. Chapman and Hall, Limited, post 8vo. : — Art of the Saracens in Egypt. By Stanley Lane-Poole. 1886. Bronzes. By C. D. E. Fortnum. College and Corporation Plate. By W. J. Cripps. 1881. Dyce and Forster Collections. With Engravings and Facsimiles. Early Christian Art in Ireland. By Margaret Stokes. J 887. English Earthenware. By A. H. Church. 1884. English Porcelain. By A. H. Church. 1885. French Pottery. By P. Gasnault and E. Garnier. 1884. Furniture and Woodwork. By J. H. Pollen. Glass. By A. Nesbitt. Gold and Silver. By J. H. Pollen. Industrial Arts (The). Historical Sketches. By W. Maskell. Industrial Arts (The) of Denmark. By J. J. A. Worsaae. 1882. Industrial Arts (The) of India. By Sir G. C. M. Birdwood, 2 vols. [Also Large Paper Edition.] Industrial Arts (The) of Scandinavia in the Pagan Time. By Hans Hildebrand. 1883. Industrial Arts (The) in Spain. By J. F. Riano. 1879*. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. 4S7 South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks— co/i^ Ivories. ByW. Maskell. Japanese Pottery. Edited by A. W. Franks. 1880. Jones Collection. 1883. Manual of Design, compiled from the Writings of R. Redgrave, R.A. By G. R. Redgrave. Maiolica. By C. D. E. Fortnum. Musical Instruments. By C. Engel. Persian Art. By Major Murdoch Smith, R.E. 2nd edition, enlarged. Precious Stones. By A. H. Church. 1883. Russian Art and Art Objects in Russia. By A. Maskell. 1884. Tapestry. By A. de Champeaux. 1878. Textile Fabrics. By the Very Rev. Dr. Rock. 1876. South Kensington Museum Science Handbooks. Published for the Depai'traent by Messrs. Chap- and Hall, Limited, post 8vo. : — Analysis and Adulteration of Foods. By J. Bell. Part I. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, &c. 1881. „ II. Milk, Butter, Cheese, Cereal Foods, &c. 1883. Animal Products; their Preparation, Commercial Uses and Value. By P. L. Simmonds. 1877. Economic Entomology. — Aptera. By A. Murray. Economic Entomology. List of the Contents of the Collection of. Bethnal Green Branch Museum. By A. Murray. 1877. Food. By A. H. Church. 1876. New edition. 1889. Food Grains of India. By A. H. Church, royal 8vo. 1886. Handbook to the Special Loan Col- lection of Scientific Apparatus. See. Catalogue of Loans. Marine Engines and Boilers. By G. C. V. Holmes. 1889. Plain Words about Water. By A. H. Church. 1877. Catalogue of Modern Works on Science and Technology. Clas- sified. Current Issue. 8vo. Chapman & Hall, Limited. Guide to the South Kensington Museum. With Plans and Wood Engravings. 8vo. 1865. . Another edition. 8vo. Almanack of Science and Art, 1856. post 8vo. 1856. DIAGRAMS. Anderson, Prof. J. Mechanical Powers. 8 sheets, 2 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 8 in. : — Lever, Safety Valve for Steam Boiler. Inclined Plane. P parallel to plane. Wheel and Axle. Handworked Crane with wooden jib. Side View. Wheel and Axle. Capstan. Wheel and Axle. (No. 26.) Pulley. First System. Set of 4 pulleys. Pulleys. 3 sheaves. P : W : : 1 : 6. Screw. (No. 68.) Fittings for Chemical (4) and Metallurgical (1) Laboratories, Lithographic Drawings of. 5 sheets, 25 in. by 16 in. Glenny, W. J. Diagrams of Building Construction. 10 imperial sheets, one of which is fully coloured, Goodeve, T. M., and Shelley, C. P. B. Diagrams of the Steam Engine. 41 subjects on 51 sheets, 40 in. by 27 in. : — History of the Steam Engine. 11 sheets (S.a. 1-11). Valves and Valve Motion. 16 sheets (S.b. 1-13). Feed Apparatus. 3 sheets (S.c. 1-3). Governors. 3 sheets (S.d. 1-3). Expansion of Steam and Indicators. 6 sheets (S.e. 1-6). Details of Working Parts. 3 sheets (S.f. 1-3). Propellers. 2 sheets (S.g. 1-2). Oliver, Prof. Illustrations of the prin- cipal natural Orders of the Vegetable Kingdom. 70 imp. sheets, with examples of dried plants. (Framed and glazed.) Tanner, Prof. H. Diagrams showing the Composition as Food and the Chemical Analysis of Wheat, Barley, and Oats, under different conditions of growth. 50 imp. sheets, framed and glazed, with specimens of grains enclosed. Un win's (Professor) Examples of Machine Details. 16 sheets, 21^ in. by 28^ in. (Framed and glazed.) THE BETHNAL GREEN MUSEUM. CATALOGUES, &c. Animal Products, Brief Guide to the. 8vo. 1872. Anthropological Collection, lent by Col. Lane Fox, Catalogue of the. By Col. Lane Fox. Parts 1 and 3 (in one). 8vo. 1874. 488 SCIENCE AND -ART DEPARTMENT. Anthropological Collection, Prin- ciples of the Classification adopted in the Arrangement of the. By Col. A. Lane Fox. 8vo. Bute Collection of Paintings, Catalogue of the. By J. P. Kichter. 8vo. 1883. Commercial Products of the Animal Kingdom employed in the Arts and Manafactures shown in the Collection of the Bethnal Green Museum; briefly described by P. L. Simmonds. 4to. 1880. Food Collection, Brief Guide to the. First issue. 8vo. 1872. 8vo. 1874. Food Collection. Inventory. Furniture, Catalogue of a Special Loan Collection of. With Introduction by G. Wallis. 1st and 2nd editions. 8vo. 1878. Guide to the Bethnal Green Branch of the South Kensington Museum. 8vo. 1872. Guide, Brief, to the various Collections. By C. H. Derby. Svo. 1890. Hertford Collection of Paint- ings, &c., lent by Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., Catalogue of. By C. C. Black. 8vo. 1872. - ■ - ' 9th edition, royal 8vo. 1875. Japanese Art, Catalogue of a Col- lection of Articles of, lent by W. J. Alt. 8vo. 1876. Official Record of Opening on 24th June, 1872. post 4to. Oil Paintings, Water-colour Draw- ings and Engravings, Enamel Paintings, Sculpture, Bronzes, &c., bequeathed by the late Joshua Dixon, Esq. 2nd edition. Svo. 1887. 3rd edition. Svo. 1890. Oriental Porcelain and Pottery, Catalogue of a Collection of, lent by A. W. Franks, Esq. Svo. 1876. 2nd edition. Svo. 1878. Pictures andSciilpturesand Works of Decorative Art in the Bethnal Green Museum. By F. G. Stephens. Svo. 1876. Waste Products, Descriptive Cata logue of the Collection Illustrating the Utilization of. Svo. 1875. EDINBURGH MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART. Catalogue of the Industrial Depart- ment. 2 editions. Svo. 1867-69. Directory of the Industrial Museum of Scotland, and of the Natural History Museum, Edinburgh. 8vo. 1858. Guide to the Loan Collection of Objects connected with Use of Tobacco and other Narcotics. Svo. 1880. Mineral Collection, Catalogue of the. Svo. 1877, 1882. Lists of Books, &c. relating to Archi- tecture in the Library. Svo. 1888. Catalogue (General) of Books in the Library. 8vo. 1889. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM, MUSEUM OF IRISH INDUSTRY, &c., DUBLIN. Catalogue of the Library, Royal Col- lege of Science, royal Svo. cloth. 1872. Catalogue of the Library, Royal Col- lege of Science. Supplement, cor- rected to Sept. 1876. royal Svo. 1876. Descriptive Guide (General) to the Museum of Irish Industry. Svo. 1858. Descriptive Notice (General) of the Museum of Irish Industry and Govern- ment School ©f Science applied to Mining and the Arts. Svo. 1861. Directory for the Sessions 1876-1880, 1883-4 and onwards. Royal College of Science. Svo. Earthenware, Porcelain, &c., in the Museum of Irish Industry, In- ventory Catalogue of. Svo. 1861. Examination Papers, Reports, &c. Science and Art Department, Com- mittee of Lectures, Dublin Castle, 1856- 60. 1 vol. Svo. Examination(Sessional) Papers, 1875 to 1883, 1884-5 and onwards. Royal College of Science. Svo. Fossil Fishes in the Science and Art Museum, Catalogue of the Collec- tion of. By J. W. Davis. 8vo. 1888. Fossil Mammalia of Ireland, On the Collection of, in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. By V. Ball. 4to. (From the Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, Vol. III. Ser. 2.) Fossil Mammals, Birds, Rep- tiles, and Amphibians, Catalogue of, in the Science and Art Museum. By R. Lydekker. Svo. 1891. 80IBNCB AND ART DEPARTMENT. 489 Irish, British, and Foreign Rocks in the Museum of Irish In- dustry, Inventory Catalogue of. 8vo. 1862. Irish, British, and Foreign Coal and Peat Fuel Deposits in the Museum of Irish Industry, Inventory Catalogue of. 8vo. 1862. Irish Birds, List of, showing the Species contained in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. By A. G. More. 8to. 1885. Palaeozoic Plants in the Museum, Catalogue of the. By R. Kidston. 8vo. 1888. Programme of Educational Arrange- ments for the Sessions 1859-1860, 1862- 1863, Museum of Irish Industry ; 3 881-82, 1884-6, &c., Royal College of Science. 8vo. Royal Botanic Gardens, Glas- nevin, Guide to the. By the late D. Moore, revised by Prof. McNab. 8vo. 1885. See also Transactions— Dublin : Royal Dublin Society, MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. GUIDES AND CATALOGUES OF COLLECTIONS. British IMEarbles, Alabasters, &c., in the Vestibule and Hall of the Museum, Arrangement of the. royal 4to. Fossils and Rock Specimens in the Galleries of the Museum, Arrangement of the. royal 4to. 1853. Guide, Descriptive, to the Museum. By R. Hunt. 2nd and 4th editions, crown 8vo. 1859-77. Library, Catalogue of the. By H. White and T. W. Newton, royal 8vo. 1878. Mining Record Office, Catalogue of the Contents of the. By R. Hunt and R. Meade, crown 8vo. 1858. Models in the Museum, Geological, Mining, and Metallurgical, Descriptive Catalogue of the. By H. Bauerman. 8vo. 1865. Palseontological Collection in the Museum, Explanatory Catalogue of the. crown 8vo. Rock Specimens in the Museum, Descriptive Catalogue of the. By A. C. Ramsay," &c. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. 1859. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Memoirs of the Geological Sur- vey of Great Britain, &c. royal 8vo. : — Vol. I., II. (in 2 parts). 1846-48. Vol. III. The Geology of North Wales. By A. C. Ramsay. With an Appendix on the Fossils, by J. W. Salter. Revised, &c. by R. Etheridge. 2nd edition. 1881. Vol. IV. Geology of the London. Basin. Part I. By W. Whitaker. 1872. New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1889. British Organic Remains, Figures and Descriptions illustrative of. Decades I.-XIII. By E. Forbes, J. W. Salter, T. H. Huxley, &c. 1849-72. Monograph I. II., 2 parts. Genus Pterygotus and Structure of the Belemnitidae. By T. H. Huxley and J. W. Salter. 8vo. Plates, 2 parts. 4to. 1859-64. Monograph III. The Croco- dilian Remains found in the Elgin Sandstones, with Remarks on the Ichnites of Cummingstone. By T. H. Huxley. Text, 8vo. Plates, folio. 1877. Monograph IV. The Chimaeroid Fishes of the British Cretaceous Rocks. By E. T. Newton. 4to. 1878. Brent Tor and its neighbourhood, The Eruptive Rocks of. With In- troductory Remarks on the Appli- cation of the Microscope to Petro- logical Research. By F. Rutley. 1878. Burnley Coalfield, and the Country around Clitheroe, Blackburn, &c. By E. Hull, J. R. Dakyns, &c. 1875. Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. By H. De laBeche. 1839. Felsitic Lavas of England and Wales, with an Introductory Description of the chief characters of this group of rocks. By F. Rutley. 1885. Fenland, Geology of the. By S. B. J. Skertchly. royal 8vo. 1877. Isle of Wight, The Tertiary Fluvio- Marine Formation of the. By Prof. E. Forbes. 1856, 1876. By H. W. Bristow. 2nd edition revised bv C. Reid and A. Strahan. ' 1889. Iron Ores of Great Britain. Parts II. (South Staffordshire), III. (South Wales), IV. (Shropshire Coal Field and North StaflTordshire). 1858-62. Leicestershire, Part of. By W. T. Aveline and H. H. Howell. 1860. London and the Neighbourhood, Guide to the Geology of. By W. Whitaker. 3rd edition. 1880. ' ' • 4th and 5th editions. 1884-90. 490 SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. Memoirs of the Geological Sur- vey of Great Britain, Sic.—cont. Manufacture of Gun Flints, Methods of Excavating for Flint, the Age of Palaeolithic Man, &c., by S. B. J. Skertchly. 1879. Midland Counties of England. The Triassic and Permian Rocks of the. By E.Hull. 1869. Pliocene Deposits of Great Britain . By C. Eeid. 1890. Vertehrata of the Forest Bed series of Norfolk and Suffolk, by E. T. New- ton. 1882. Warwickshire Coalfield and the Per- mian Rocks and Trias of the sur- rounding district. By H. H. Howell. 1859. Weald, The (parts of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hants). By W. Topley. 1875. Yorkshire Coalfield, Part of. By A. H. Green, J. R. Dakyns, and J. C. Ward. 1869. Yorkshire Coalfield, The Geology of the. By A. H. Green, R. Russell, &c. royal 8vo. 1878. Geology of various districts, illustrating Maps of the Survey. 8vo. : — Attleborough, Watton, and Wymond- ham. By F. J. Bennett. 1884. Banbury, Woodstock, Bicester, and Buckingham. By A. H. Green. 1864. Barnaley, The neighbourhood of. By A. H. Green. 1878. Berwickshire, Eastern. By A. Geikie. 1864. Blackpool, Poulton, and Fleetwood. By C. E. De Ranee. 1875. Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire. By E. Hull. 1862. Bradford and Skipton, tbe Country between. By J. R. Dakyns, E. Fox- Strangways, R. Russell, and W. H. Dalton. 1879. Cambridge, The Geology of the neigh- bourhood of. By W. H. Penning and A. J. Jukes-Browne, with a Palajontological Appendix, by R. Etheridge. 1881. Cheltenham, Country around. By E. Hull. 1857. Chester, The Geology of the neigh- bourhood of. By A. Strahan. 1882. Cheviot Hills (English Side). 1888. Cleveland (North). By G. Barrow. 1888. Colchester, Neighbourhood of. By W. H. Dalton. 1880. Derbyshire (North) and adjoining parts of Yorkshire, Carboniferous Limestone, Yoredale Rocks, &c., of. By A. H. Green, &c. 1869. I 2nd edition. 1887. Memoirs of the Geological Sur- vey of Great Britain, Scc.—cont. Dewsbury, Huddersfield, and Halifax. By A. H. Green, &c. 1871. Diss, Eye, Botesdale, and Ixworth. By F. J. Bennett. 1884. East Dereham. By J. H. Blake, &c. 1888, Eskdale, Rosedale, &c. By C. Fox- Strangways, C. Reid, and G. Barrow. 1885. Essex, Eastern end of. (Walton-on- Naze and Harwich.) By W. Whitaker. 1877. Essex, N.W. part of, and N.E. part of Herts, with parts of Cambridge- shire and Suffolk. By Whitaker, Penning, Dalton, and Bennett. ]878. Fakenham, Wells, and Holt. By H. B. Woodward. 1884. Flint, Mold, and Ruthin. By A. Strahan, &c. 1890. Folkestone and Rye, Country between, including Romney Marsh. By F. Drew. 1864. Fumess District in North Lancashire, Southern part of. By W. T. Aveline. 1873. Halesworth and Harleston. By W. Whitaker and W. H. Dalton. 1887. Harrogate, Country N. and E. of. By C. Fox-Strangways. 1873. Ipswich, Hadleigh, and Felixstowe, Geology of Country around. By W. Whitaker. With Notes by W. H. Dalton and F. J. Bennett. 1885. Ingleborough,with Parts of Wensley- dale and Wharfedale. By J. R. Dakyns, R. H. Tiddeman, W. Gunn, and A. Strahan. With Notes by C. Fox-Strangways and J. G. Goodchild. 1 890. Kendal Sedbergh, Bowness, and Tebay. By W. T. Aveline and T. McK. Hughes. 1872. Kirkby Lonsdale and Kendal, Neigh- bourhood of. By W. T. Aveline, &c. 1872. Lake District, English, Northern part of. By J. 0. Ward. 1876. Lancashire, South West, The Super- ficial Geology of the Country ad- joining the Coasts of. By C. E. De Ranee. The List of Fossils re- vised by R. Etheridge. 1877. Leicestershire Coalfield and the Coun- try around. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. By E. Hull. 1860. Lincoln. By W. E. Ussher, A. J. Jukes-Browne, and A. Strahan, &c. 1888. Lincolnshire (Part of East), including the Country near the towns of Louth, Alford and Spilsby. By A, J. Jukes-Browne. 1887. Lincolnshire (Parts of North) and South Yorkshire. By W. A. E. Ussher, &c. 1890. SCIENCE AND AET DEPARTMENT. 491 Memoirs of the Geological Sur- vey of Great Britain, &c. — cont. Liverpool and Southport, Country between. By C. E. De llance. 1869. Lothian, East, &c. By H. H. Ho\rell, A. Geikie, and J. Young. 1866. Malton, The Geology of the Oolitic and Liassic Rocks to the North and West of. By C. Fox -Strang ways, The Lists of the Fossils revised by R. Etheridge. 1881. Middlesex, Herts, Bucks, Berks, and Surrey. By W. Whitaker. 1864. Northallerton and Thirsk, The Geology of the Country around. By C. Fox-Strangways, A. G. Cameron, and G. Barrow. 1886. Northampton, Part of. By W. T. Aveline and R. Trench. 1860. Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire, Parts of. By W. T. Aveline. 2nd edition. 1880. Nottingham, Geology of the Country around. By W. T. Aveline. 2nd edition. 1880. Oldham, including Manchester and Suburbs, Country around. By E. Hull. 1864. Otterburn and Elsdon. By H. Miller, with Notes by C. T. Clough. 1887. Plashetts and Kielder. By C. T. Clough. Notes on the Cumber- land portion by H. Miller. 1889. Prescot, Lancashire, '\ he Geology of the Country around. By E. Hull. 2nd edition. 1865. 8rd edition. 1882. Rutland, and parts of Lincoln, Lei- cester, Northampton, Huntingdon, and Cambridge. By J. W. Judd. 1875. Scarborough, South of. The Oolitic and Cretaceous Rocks, By C. Fox- Strangways. Lists of Fossils re- vised by R. Etheridge. 1880. Somerset (East) and the Bristol Coal- fields. By H. B. Woodward. 1876. Southport, Lytham, and South Shore. By C. E. De Ranee. 1872. Southwold and Suffolk Coast from Dunwich to Covehithe. By W. Whitaker. 1887. Stockport. Macclesfield, Congleton, and Leek. By E. Hull and A. H. Green. 1866. Stowmarket, The Geologyof the neigh- bourhood of. By W. Whitaker, &c. 1881. Wakefield and Pontefract, The neigh- bourhood of. By A. H. Green and R. Russell. 1879. Wigan, Country around. By E. Hull. 2nd edition. 1862. Memoirs of the Geological Sur- vey of Great Britain, &c.— conf. Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, Parts of. By A. C. Ramsay and W. T. Aveline, &c. 1858. Woodstock, Oxfordshire, Country around. By E. Hull. 1859. Yarmouth and Lowestoft. By J. H. Blake. 1890 York, North-East of, and South of Malton. By C. Fox-Strangways. 1884. Maps, illustrating the Geological Surrey of England and Wales, Solid and Drift Geology, with Horizontal and Vertical Sections, the Coal-fields of Lancashire, &c,, and Index Maps, as far as issued, with current Catalogue. Colonial Surveys:— British Guiana, Reports on the Physical, Descriptive, and Economic Geology of. By C. B. Brown and J. G. Sawkins, with Map in pocket. 1875. Jamaica, Reports on the Geology of, By J. G. Sawkins, &c. 1869. Trinidad, Report on the Geology of. By G.P. Wall and J. G. Sawkins. 1860. Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1853-6, 1858 (Part II.) 1 859 ; 1866-81. By R. Hunt. 8vo. 1882. Continued as "Mineral Statistics," afterwards. Mining and Mineral Statistics, prepared by H.M. In- spectors of Mines. (^Placed with Works on Geology, Sfc, in Science and Education Library.) School (Royal) of Mines : Introductory Lectures of Sessions 1851- 54. 8vo.: — Playfair, L. National Importance of Studying Abstract Science with a fiew to the Healthy Progress of Industry. 1851. Industrial Instruction on the Continent. 1852. Forbes, E. Educational Uses of Museums. 1853. Records of the, and of Science applied to the Arts. Vol. I. (in 4 parts). royal 8vo. 1852-3. Prospectus of Sessions, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th to 11th, 1.5th, 2l8t to 23rd, and 27th to 30th. royal 8vo. 1853-80. Examination Papers, &c. Session 1870-1. royal 8vo. For further Prospectuses of this School, see Miscellaneous Puhlica- tions of the Science and Art Depart' ment — Normal School of Science, 492 IV.~BRITISH MUSEUM. Other Publications of the British Museum relating to Antiquities^ SfC. are to be found in the Art Library. PRINTED BOOKS, MSS., &c. New Reading Room and Libraries. A brief Description. 2 editions, fcp. 8vo. 1864 and 1867. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the British Museum. Vol. 1. A. — Azzuri- nius. folio. 1841. Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum, as far as issued, royal 4to. 1881 and onwards. Subject Index of the Modem Works added to the Library in the years 1880- 1885. Compiled by G. K' Fortescue. 4to. 1886. List of Bibliographical Works in the Keadiog Room. 2nd edition. 8vo. 1889. List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room. 1st edition. 8vo. 1859. 2nd edition, revised. 1871. 3rd edition. 1889. Catalogue of the Manuscript Music, royal 8vo. 1842. Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topo- graphical Drawings. 2 vols, royal 8vo. 1844. Catalogue of Printed Maps, Plans, and Charts. 2 vols. imp. 4to. cloth. 1885. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c. forming the Geographical and Topographical Collection attached to the Library of his late Majesty King George III. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829. Homer, Fragments of the Iliad of, from a Syriac Palimpsest, by Rev. Dr. Cure- ton, large paper imp. 4to. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Books, by Dr. Ernst Haas. 4to. 1876. Catalogue of the Turkish MSS. By C. Rieu. 4to. 1888. Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books. By J, F. Blumhardt. 4to. 1889. List of Additions to the Manuscripts in the Years 1836-40 and 1841-45. royal 8vo. Index to the Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum, 1854-75. imp. 8vo. 1880. Catalogue of Additions to the Manu- scripts in the British Museum in the years 1876-81, 1882-87. 2 parts, imp. 8vo. 1882, 1889. Catalogue of Romances in the Depart- ment of Manuscripts, By H. C. D, Ward. Vol. 1. royal 8vo, 1883. GUIDES. Guide to the Printed Books exhibited to the public, post 8vo. 2 editions. 1869-70. Guide to the Autograph Letters, Manu- scripts, Original Charters, and Royal, Baronial, and Ecclesiastical Seals, ex- hibited to the public in the Department of Manuscripts, post 8vo. 1870. Guide to the Exhibition Rooms of the Departments of Natural History and Antiquities. 8vo. 4 editions. 1866-77. Guide to the Christy Collection of Pre- historic Antiquities and Ethnography. Temporarily placed at 103, Victoria Street, Westminster, post 8vo. 1868. General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History). With Plans, &c. 8vo. 1887. Guide to the Galleries of Mammalia (Mammalian, Osteological, Cetacean), in the Department of Zoology. 8vo. 1885. Guide to the Galleries of Reptiles and Fishes in the Department of Zoology. 8vo. 1887. Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, Echinodermata, Vermes) in the Department of Zoology. 8vo. 1887. Guide to the Collection of Fossil Fishes in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology. 8vo. 1885. Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the Department of Geology and Palaeon- tology. 4th edition. 8vo. 1886. — — Part 1. Fossil Mammals and Birds. Part 2. Fossil Reptiles, Fishes and Invertebrates. 8vo. 1890. Guide to the Collection of Minerals. 8vo. 3 editions. 1862-70. Guide to the Mineral Gallery. 8vo. 1889. Synopsis of Contents of the B. M. 43rd and 44th editions. 12mo. 1841-2, BRITISH MUSEUM. 493 DONATIONS, ADDITIONS, &c. Annual List of Donations and Be- quests to the British Museum in 1828, 1829, and 1830. 3 vols. 4to. Ijist of Additions to the Collections, in the Years 1831 to 1835. 5 vols, royal 8vo. NATURAL HISTORY. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, during the voyage of H.M.S. "Alert," 1881-2. 8vo. 1884. MAMMALS. List of Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 12mo. 1843. Catalogue of the Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., Sec- Part 1. Cetacea. 12mo. With Plates. 1850. Part 2. Seals. 12mo. With Wood- cuts. 1850. Part 3. Hoofed Quadrupeds. Sec- tion 1. (Ungulata furcipeda.) With Plates of Genera. 12mo. 1852. Catalogpie of Carnivorous, Pachyder- matous, and Edentate Mammalia. By J.E.Gray. 8vo. 1869. Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 8vo. cloth. 1870. By Catalogue of Seals and Whales. Dr. J. E. Gray. 2nd edition. 8vo. 1866. Supplement to the Catalogue of Seals and Whales. By Dr. J. E. Gray. Bvo. 1871. Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus). By Dr. J. E. Gray. 8vo. 1872. Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia. 8vo. 1862. Hand List of Edentate, Thick-skinned and Ruminant Mammals. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 8vo. 1873. Catalogue of the Chiroptera. By G. E. Dobson. 8vo. 1878. List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological Department. By W. H. Flower. 8vo. 1885. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata. By Oldfield Thomas. 8vo. Ifi88. MAMMALS, BIRDS, Sfc. Catalogue of Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., and G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 8vo. With Figures. 1859. Catalogue of the Specimens and Draw* ings of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nepal and Tibet, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. 1863. List of Osteological Specimens. . By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c., and G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. 1847. BIRDS. Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean. By G. R. Gray. 8vo. 1859. Catalogue of Genera and Subgenera of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. 1855. Hand List of Genera and Species of Birds, distinguishing those contained in the British Museum. By G. R. Gray. 8vo. : — Part 1. Accipitres, Fissirostres, Tenuirostres, and Dentirostres. 1869. Part 2. Conirostres, Scansores, Co- lumbse, and Gallinae. 1870. Part 3. Struthione.s, Grallse, and Anseres. 1871. List of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S.,&c. 12mo. : — Part 3. Sect. 1. Ramphastidae. 1855. Sect. 2. Psittacidae. 1859. Sect. 3 & 4. Capitonidaj ^ and Picidffl. 1868. Part 4. Columbae. 1856. Part 5. Gallinae. 1867. Catalogpie of Birds. By R. B. Sharpe, &c. 8vo. : — Vol.1. Accipitres. 1874. Vol. II. Striges or Nocturnal Birds of Prey. 1875. Vol. III. Passeriformes, or Perch- ing Birds. — ColiomorphsB, contain- ing the Families Corvidae, Paradi- seidae, &c. 1877. Vol. IV. Passeriformes. — Cichlo- morphae. Part 1, containing the Families Campophagidae and Musci- capidse. 1879. Vol. V. Passeriformes.— Cichlo- morphae, Part 2, containing the Family Turdidae. By H. Seebohm. 1881. Vol. VI. Passeriformes. — Cichlo- morphae. Part 3, and First Portion of Family Timeliidse. 1881. Vol. VII.' Passeriformes. — Cichlo- morphac. Part 4, and concluding part of Timeliidse. 1883. Vol. VIII. Passeriformes. — Cichlo- morphae. Part 5, and Certhio- morphae, &c. By Hans Gadow. 1883. Vol. IX. Passeriformes.—Cinnyri- morphac, containing the Families Nectarinidae, Meliphagidae. By Hans Gadow. 1884. 494 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of Birds — cont. Vol. X. Passeriformes. — Fringilli formes, Part 1, containing the Families Dicoeidae. 1885. Vol. XI. Passeriformes. — Fringilli- formes, Part 2, containing the Families Ccerebidae, &c. By P. L. Sclater. 1886. Vol. XII. Passeriformes. — Fringilli - formes. Part 3, containing the Family FringillidaB. By R . Bowdler Sharpe. 1888. Vol. XIII. Passeriformes — Sturni- formes, containing the Families Artamidse, &c. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. 1890. Vol. XIV. Passeriformes. — Oligo- myodae. By P. L. Sclater. 1888. Vol. XV. Passeriformes. — Tracheo- phonse. By P. L. Sclater. 1890. Vols. XVI. and XVII. in preparation. Vol. XVIII. PicarisB Scansores, con- taining the Family Picidge. By E. Hargitt. 1890. FISHES. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian Fishes. By Dr. A. Gunther. Vols. 1-8. [Vol. 5 and onwards called " Catalogue of Fishes."] 8vo. 1859-70. List of Specimens of Fish. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 1. Chondropterygii. 12mo. With Two Plates. 1851. Catalogue of Fish, collected and de- scribed by L. T. Gronow. 12mo. 1854. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish. By Dr. J. J. Kaup. 12mo. With Plates. 1856. Catalogue of Fish, By Dr. J. J. Kaup. Part 1. Apodes, &c. Svo. With many Plates. 1S56. HEP TILES AND BATRACHIANS. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. : — Part 1. Testudinata (Tortoises), royal 4 to. With Figures of all the new species, and of the skulls of the different genera. 1855. Supplement to. With Figures of the skulls of 36 genera. 4to. 1870. Appendix to. 4to. 1872. Part 2. Emydosaurians, Rhynchoce- phalia, and Amphisbaenians. royal 4to. . 1872. Catalogue of Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., &c. l2mo. :— Part 1. Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbseuians. 1844. Part 2. Lizards. 1845. Part 3. Snakes (Crotalidse, Viperidae, Hydridae, and Boidffi). 1849. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes, and Appendix to Part 1. By Dr. Albert Gunther. 12mo. 1858. Catalogue of Amphibia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. :— Part 2. Batrachia Gradientia, with Plates of the Skulls and Teeth. 12mo. 1850. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia By Dr. A. Gunther. With Plates. 8vo- 1858. Hand List of Shield Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray. Svo. 1873. Gigantic Land Tortoises (Living and Extinct). By A. C L. G. Gunther. 4to. 1877. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia, s. Ecaudata. 2nd edition. By G. A. Boulenger. 8vo. 1882. Catalogue of the Batrachia Gradientia, s. Caudata and Batrachia Apoda. 2nd edition. By G. A. Boulenger. Svo. 1882. Catalogue of Lizards. 2nd edition. By G. A. Boulenger. 3 voh. Svo. 1885-87. Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhyncho- cephalians and Crocodiles. New edition. By G. A. Boulenger. Svo. 1889. INSECTS. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects (with characters of new species). 12mo.: — Part 1. Cucujidae, &c. 1851. Part 3. Buprestidae. By A. White, F.L.S. 1848. Part 4. Cleridae. By A. White, F.L.S. 1849. Part 5. Cucujidae. By F. Smith, M.E.S. 1851. Part 6. Passalidae. By F. Smith, M.E.S. 1852. Part 7. Longicornia. By A. White, F.L.S. Part 1. With Plates. 1853. Part 8. Longicornia. Part 2. WMth Plates. 1855. Part 9. Cassididce. By C. II. Bohe- man. 1856. Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects of Madeira. By T. V. Wollaston, F.L.S. 8vo. 1857. Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries. By T. V. Wollaston. 8vo 1864. Catalogue of Halticidae. By Rev. Hamltt Clark, M.A. Part 1. Physa- podcs and CEdipodes. Svo. 1860. Catalogue of Hispidae. By J. S. Baly, M.E.S. Part 1. Svo. With Plates. 1858 BRITISH MUSEUM. 495 Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Coleoptera. Part 1. Lycidae. By C. O. Waterhouse. 8vo. 1879. Catalogue of Dipterous Insects. By F. Walker, F.L.S. 12mo.: — Part 1. Proboscidese. 1848. Part 2. Proboscidese. 1849. Part 3. Proboscidese. 1849. Part 4. Proboscidese. 1849. Parts. Supplement I. 1854. Part 6. Supplement II. 1854. Part 7. Supplement III. 1855. Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects. By W. S. Dallas, F.L.S., &c. 12mo.: — Parti. With Plates. 1851. Parts. 1852. Catalogue of the Specimens of Hete- ropterous-Hemiptera. 8 parts. By F. Walker. 8vo.: — Part 1. Scutata. 1867. Part 2. Scutata. 1867. Part 3. Scutata. 1868. Part 4. Supericornia. 1871. Part 5. Supericornia, Infericornia, and Cecigena. 1872. Part 6. Bicellula, Ductirostra. 1873. Part 7. Ductirostra and Nudirostra. 1873. Part 8. Nudirostra, &c. 1873. Catalogue of Homopterous Insects. By F. Walker, F.L.S., with Plates. 12mo.: — Part 1. Cicadina. 1850. Part 2. Cicadina. 1851. Parts. Cicadina. 1851. Part 4. Phytophthires. 1852. Supplement. 1858. Iiist of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. Walker. F.L.S. 12mo.: — Part 1 . Chalcididse. 1846. Part 2. Additions to Chalcididae. 1848. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects, with Plates. By F. Smith, M.E.S. 12mo.: — Part 1. Andrenidac, &c. 1853. Part 2. Apidse. 1854. Part 3. Mutillidsc and Pompilidae. 1855. Part 4. Sphegidse, &c. 1856. Part 5. Vespidffi. 1 857. Part 6. Formicidse. 1858. Part 7. Dorylidce, &c. 1859. Descriptions of New Species of Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. 8vo. 1879. list of Hymenoptera. Vol.1. Tenthre- dinidae and Siricidae. By W. F. Kirby. 8vo. 1882. Catalogue of Lepidoptera. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Part 1. Papilionidae, with coloared figures of the new species, royal 4to. 1852. Specimen of a Catalogue of Lycsnidse. By W. C. Hewitson. royal 4to. 1862. Catalogue of Diumal Lepidoptera, de- scribed by Fabricius. By A. G. Butler. 8vo. ; 1869, Catalogue of Diumal Lepidoptera of the Family Satyridse. By A. G. Butler. 8vo. 1868. List of Lepidopterous Insects : — Part 1. Papilionidffi, &c. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. 1856. Part 2. Erycinid8e,&c. By E. Double- day, F.L.S. 12mo. 1847. Part 3. Appendix to Papilionidae, Erycinidae, &c. 12mo. 1848. Xiist of Lepidopterous Insects, with De- scriptions of new species. By Francis Walker, F.L.S. 12mo. Parts 1 to 30. 1854-64. Parts 31 to 35 (Suppt. parts 1 to 5). 12mo. 1865-66. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera. By A. G. Butler. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 4to. 1877-89. [Part 4. North American Tortricidac. By Lord Walsingham. 1879.] Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By F. Walker, F.L.S. 12mo.:-- Part 1. Phryganides, Perlides. 1852. Part 2. Sialidae, Nemopterides. 1853. Part 3. Termitidae, Ephemeridae. 1853. Part 4. Odonata. 1853. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By Dr. Hagen. Part 1. Termitina. 12mo. 1858. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects. By J. O. Westwood, F.L.S., &c. Part 1. Phasmidse. royal 4to. With numerous Plates. 1859. Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariac. By F. Walker. 8vo. 1868. Catalogue of the Dermaptera Saltatori^ and Supplement to the Blattariae. By F. Walker. 8vo. 1869. Catalogue of the Specimens of Derma- ptera Saltatoria. By F. Walker. Parts 2, 3, 4, and 5. 8vo. 1869-71. CRUSTACEOUS ANIMALS. Catalogue of Myriapoda. By G. New- port, F.R.S., &c. Part 1. Chilopoda. 12mo. 1856. Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphi- podous Crustacea. By C. Spence Bate, F.E.S., &c. 8vo. 1862. Catalogue of Crustacea. By T. Bell, V.P.R.S., Pres. L.S., &c. Part 1. Leucosiadae. 12mo. 1855. List of Crustacea, with Synonyma. By A. White. 12mo. 1847. 496 BRITISH MUSEUM. MOLLUSCOUS ANIMALS AND SHELLS. Guide to the Systematic Distribution of the Collection of Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Part I. 8vo. 1857. Catalogue of the Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. 12mo.:-- Part 1. Cephalopoda Antepedia. 1849. Part 2. Pteropoda. 1850. Part 4. Brachiopoda Ancylopoda. Figures of genera. 1853. Catalogue of Bivalve Mollusca. By Dr. J. B. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Part 1. Placentadse and Anomiadae. 12mo. 1850. Catalogue of Phaneropneumona or Ter- restrial Operculated Mollusca. By Dr. Louis PfeifEer and Dr. J. E. Gray. 12mo. 1852. Catalogue of Conchifera. By M. Des- hayes. Part 1. Veneridae, &c. 12mo. 1853. Part 2. Petricoladae. Corbiculadae. 12mo. 1854. Catalogue of Pulmonata. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer and Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1855. Catalogue of Auriculidse, &c. By Dr. L. Pfeiffer. 12rao. 1857. Iiist of the Shells of the Canaries, described by M. D'Orbigny. 12mo. 1854. Iiist of the Shells of Cuba, described by M. D'Orbigny. 12mo. 1854. List of the Shells of South America, described by M. D'Orbigny. 12mo. 1854. List of the Mollusca and Shells collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet. 12 mo. 1855. Catalogue of the Collection of Mazatlan Shells. By P. P. Carpenter. 12mo. 1857. List of Mollusca. "By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 2 parts. 12mo.:-— Part 1. Volutidse. 1858. Part 2. Olividae. 1865. Nomenclature of Mollusca. By Dr. W. Baird, F.L.S., &c. Part 1. Cyclo- phoridae. 12mo. 1850. RADIATED ANIMALS. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. By G. Busk, F.R.S.: — Part 1. Cheilostomata. 12mo. With Plates. 1852. Part 2. Cheilostomata. 12mo. With Plates. 1854. Part 3. Cyclostomata. 8vo. 1875. Catalogue of Entozoa. With Plates. By W. Baird, M.D., &c. 12mo. 1853. Catalogue of the recent Echinida. By Dr.J. E.Gray, F.R.S. Parti. Echinida . Irregularia. 12mo. With Plates. Catalogue of Polypes and their Corals. By Dr. J. E. Gray :— Part 1. Sea-Pens, or PennatulariidaB. 8vo. 1870. Part 2. Lythophytes, or Stony Corals. 8vo. 1870. BRITISH ZOOLOGY. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera. By F. Smith, M.E.S. Part 1. Apidae. 12mo. 1855. - 2nd edition. AndrenidaG and Apidae. 8vo. 1876. Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymen- optera, Formicidae, and Vespidae. By F. Smith, V.P.E.S. 12mo. 1858. Catalogue of British Formicidae, Sphe- gidae, and Vespidae. By F. Smith, V.P.E.S. 12mo. Catalogue of British Tchneumonidae. By Thomas Desvignes, M.E.S. 12mo. 1856. List of British Curculionidae, with Sy- nonyma. By John Walton, F.L.S., &c. 12mo. 1856. List of the British Animals, with Synony- ma, references to original authorities, &c. 12mo. : — Part 1. Radiata. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 1848. Part 2. Sponges. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 1848. Part 3. Birds. By G. R. Gray. 1850. Part 4. Crustacea. By A. White. 1850. Part 5. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. 1856. Part 6. Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. 1851. Part 7. Mollusca Acephala and Bra- chiopoda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 1851. Part 8. Fish. By A. White. 1851. Part 9. Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. Gray. 1852. Part 10. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. Stephens. 1852. Part 11. Anoplura or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. 1852. Part 12. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. Stephens. 1852. Part 13. Nomenclature of Hymenop- tera. By F. Smith. ' 1853. Part 14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By A, White. 1853. Fart 15. Nomenclature of Diptera. By A. White. 1853. Part 16. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. Stanton, M.E.S. 1854. Part 17. Nomenclature of Anoplura, Euplexoptera and Orthoptcra. By A. White. 1855. BBITISH MUSEUM. m Catalogue of the Non-Parasitical Worms in the British Museum. By G. Johnston. 8vo. 1865. List of British Diatomaceae. By Rev. "W. Smith, F.L.S., &c. 12mo. 1859. Catalogue of British Birds. By G. R. Gray. 1863. FOSSILS. "List of Casts of Fossils reproduced from Specimens in the Department of Geo- logy. 8vo. 1885. FOSSIL MAMMALS. Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia. By B. Lydekker. 8vo. : — Part 1. Primates, Chiroptera, &c. 1885. Part 2. Ungulata. — Artiodactyla. 1885. Part 3. Ungulata. — Perissodactyla, &c. 1886. Part 4. Ungulata. — Proboscidea. 1886. Part 5. Tillodontia.— Sirenia, Cetacea, &c. 1887. FOSSIL REPTILES. Catalogue, Descriptive and Illustrative, of the Fossil Reptilia of South Africa. By R. Owen, F.R.S. 4to. 1876. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia. By R. Lydekker. 8vo.: — Part 1. Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Fquamata, Rhyncho- cephalia, and Proterosauria. 1888. Part 2. Ichthyopterygia and Sauro- pterygia. 1889. Part 3. Chelonia. 1889. Fart 4. Anomodontia, Ecaudata, Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia. 1890. FOSSIL FISHES. Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes. Part 1. Elasmobranchii. By A. Smith Wood- ward. 8vo. 1889. FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES. Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea with their Synonyms and the range in time of each genus and order. By H. Woodward. 8vo. 1877. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda. Part 1. Nautiloidea. By A. H. Foord. 8vo. 1888. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department. By R. Ethe- ridge and P. H. Carpenter. 4to. 1886. Catalogue of the Fossil Sponges. By G. J. Hinde. 4to. 1883. FOSSIL PLANTS. Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology. By R. Kidston. 8vo. 1886. MINERALS. Catalogue of Minerals, with references to the Table Cases in which the Species to which they belong are exhibited. 8vo. 2 editions. 1863 & 1865. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteor- ites. One Sheef. post 4to. 5 editions. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteor- ites exhibited in the Mineral Depart- ment, to June 12, 1871. 8vo. Index to the Collection of Minerals, wit!) reference to the Table Cases in which the species to which they belong are exhibited in the British Museum. 8vo. 3 editions. 1866-78. Introduction to the Study of Meteor- ites, with a List of the Meteorites re- presented in the Collection. 8vo. 1886. UNOFFICIAL WORKS RELA- TING TO THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Jerrold, W. B. How to See the British Museum. 18mo. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Nichols, T. Handbook for Readers at the British Museum, crown 8vo. Longmans, 1866. A Handy-book of the British Museum for Every-day Readers. 8vo. Cassell & Co., 1870. £ 61668. i i 57 499 INDEX. Acoustics . - - Acts, Public General Aeronautics - 237, 327, Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Surveys Agriculture - - - Alchemy . - - Algae. See Botany. Algebra - - - Amphibians - - - Anatomy , » - Animal Magnetism - - 399, Anthropology - 262, 436, Anthropometric Apparatus - Architecture Arctic and Antarctic Exploration Arithmetic - - - Arithmetical Tables Assaying. See Geology, &c. Astrolabes, Treatises on Astronomy - - - Atlases and Maps in Book-form Babbage's Calculating Engines Bacteriology, &c. - Bashforth Chronograph Bethnal Green Museum Biographical Dictionaries - Birds Blowpipe Analysis - Book-keeping Botany . - - Bridgewater Treatises British Fishes and Fisheries British Museum Building Construction Calculating Machines Calculus Calendars - Canada, Geological, &c. Survey Cape of Good Hope, Statistics Census Returns, &c. « Challenger " Report Chemistry - - - Chronology Classical Dictionaries 363 Page 315 419 371 160 161 160 285 8 208, 494 - 270 400,414 454, 461 - 262 - 384 - 30 3 1 - 73 - 73 - 68 3,358 - 131 - 393 - 487 - 415 211, 493 89, 287 7 - 131 - 224 203, 204 - 492 - 384 - 3,5 - 22 - 415 - 90 - 401 - 401 - 225 - 285 - 415 - 415 Clothing - - - Ccelenterates Colonial Geological Surveys Colour Blindness (Wilson) - Conchology - - - Conic Sections Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers Cookery. See Hygiene. Corallines - Crustacea, &c. Crystallography Page - 399 - 174 - 491 - 414 194, 496 - 11 372, 381 - 159 174, 495 - 91 Darwinian Theory . - - 227 Decimal System - - - 2 Diagrams, Architectural, &c. - 392 Diagrams, Botanical - - 159 Diagrams, Geological, &c. - 129, 491 Diagrams, Mechanical - - 383 Diagrams, Natural History - - 260 Diagrams, Physiological - - 284 Diagrams, Science and Art Depart- ment - - - - 487 Dictionaries _ - - 420 Differential Calculus - - 22 Differential, &c. Equations - - 22 Directories - - - - 419 Domesday Book - - - 36 Dvmiestic. See Hygiene. Drainage, &c. - - - 899 Dublin Museum of Science and Art 488 Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art - - - - 488 Electrical Appliances, &c. Exhibi- tions - - - 334, 335 Electricity - - - - 333 Encyclopaedias - - - 415 Engineering- _ - - 384 Ethnography - - - 262 Examination Papers, Science and Art Department - - - 484 Falconry Ferns, British Fishes - 215 - 135 203,491 500 INDEX. Page Food, Adulterations, Analyses, &c. 293, 405 Forestry - - - - 164 Fungi - - - - 135 Galvanism. See Electricity. Gazetteers - - - - 67 General Natural History - 222 Geographical Names - 38 Geography - - - • - 30 Geological Survey Publications 94 489 Geology - 88 Geometry - - - - 11 Globes - - - - 72 Gymnastics - - - - 406 Health Exhibition - . 404 Heat - 823 Herbals - _ 407 Herbaria - - - - 159 Hydraulics - - 374 Hydrostatics - 374 Hygiene - 399 Inch Measuring Machine - - 868 Insects - - - 184,494 Insects, Injurious or Beneficial to Crops, &c. - - - 188 Integral Calculus - - - 22 Journals 463 Kew Gardens - - 139, 472 Kew Observatory - - - 329 Krakatoa, The Eruption of • 98, 329, 483 Land Surveying - - - 86 Light - - - - 316 Local Government Board Publications 408 Logarithms - - - - 21 Magnetism - - - - 333 Mammals - - - 216,493 Manufactures - - - 377 Maps - - - - 71 Maps, Geological - - 129, 491 Marine Surveying - - - 87 Mathematical Scales, Instruments, &c. 25, 26 Mathematical Tables - - 21 Mathematics. General Treatises - 24 Mechanical Science - 358 Page 358 408 399 19 100 441 Mechanics - - Medical Officers of Health. Eeports Medicine. See Hygiene Mensuration ... Metallurgy - . - - Meteorology - - 325 Metric System of "Weights and Mea- sures - - . - 2 Microscopes and Microscopical Sci- ence - - - - 319 Military Works - - - 393 Mineralogy - - - - 68 Mining, &c. Mine Engineering - 101 Miscellaneous Statistics - - 409 Molluscs - - - 194, 496 Murray's Handbooks - - 45 Museum of Irish Industry - 432, 488 Museum of Practical Geology - 489 Museums, Various. See Transac- tions, &c. - . - 425 Natural History - - - 88 Natural History, General • - 222 Natural History Kambles - - 234 Naturalist's Library - - 234 Nautical Astronomy - - 83 Naval Architecture - - - 395 Naval Mechanism - - - 395 Navigation - - - - 83 "Novara" Expedition, 1857-59 46, G3, 255 Optics, &c. - - - - 315 Ordnance Survey - - - 46 Palaeontology - - 88, 443, 497 Patents - - - - 475 Photography - - - 321 Physical Training. See Gymnastics 399 Physics - - - - 315 Physics. General Treatises - 341 Physiography - - - 47 Physiology - - - - 270 Pneumatics - - - - 374 Polar Expeditions - - 30, 48, 330 Population Returns. See Census 399, 401 Proceedings of Scientific Societies - 425 Protozoa - - - - 174 Proverbs - - - - 419 Public General Acts - - 419 Public Health. See Hygiene. Quaternions Quotations - 11 417 INDEX. 501 Page Railway ConBtruction. See Engineer- ing. Registrar-General's Reports (Local Government Board Publications) - 408 Reptiles - - - 2O8, 494 Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin - 489 Royal College of Science, Dublin - 488 Royal College of Science, London - 485 Ruled Surfaces (Lagrange) - - 14 Sanitary Science. See Hygiene. Science and Art Department - 480 Science Handbooks (Science and Art Department) - - - 487 Scientific Apparatus, Loan Ct)llectiou 483 Scientific Periodical Publications - 425 Scientific Societies - - - 425 Sea-Weeds. See Botany. Sea- Weeds, British - Slide Rule, Works on the - Smoke Abatement - Solar Physics Collection Sound - - - South Kensington Museum - Specifications Spectrum Analysis - Statistics - - _ Statutes Revised Steam, Steam Engines, &c. Mechanics. Surveying, Land, Marine, Subter- raneous, and Military - - 86 - 133 - 5,26 412, 413 - 82 - 315 - 480 - 475 - 320 413 419 399, Sci Page and 1 14,86 325, 367 - 78 Tables of Money, Weights Measures Tacheometry (Takimetry) - Thermodynamics Tides Topographical Works, &c. - - 30 Trades - - - - 377 Transactions, &c. of Scientific Societies, including Museums - 425 Travellers' Manuals - - - 53 Travels - - - - 30 Trigonometry - - - 20 Tunicates, &c. - - - 194 United States Geological, &c. Surveys 1 09 United States (Tenth) Census - 401 United States Naval Observatory - 332 Ventilation - - - - 399 Vital Statistics - - - 413 Volcanoes - - - - 114 Voyages, Collections of - - 55 Voyages round the World - - 55 Water and Water Supply - - 414 Weights, Measures, and Coinage - 1,2 Workshop Receipts - - - 380 Works of Reference - - 415 Worms - - - - 174 Zoology - 174 [IJFI7BIISIT71 London: Printed by E y ii e and SroTxiswoonK, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [2100G.— 750— 3/91.] X RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAIVIPED BELOW WAR 04 7334 AilTODiSf^nF^ ^Fi )Um UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES 1 CD^al^^bEl