UCSB LIBRARY A Itonk of Umlaium By HELEN VAN-ANDERSON Author of " The Right Knock, " "Carrol's Conversion," "Journal of a Live Woman," "Story of Teddy, " "Tem- ple Teachings," "Heart Talks," etc. Mystic in its true meaning is spiritual knowledge: that is, knowledge of spiritual and supersensual things perceived by the spiritual powers of perception. These powers are germinally contained in every human organ- ization . Hartman. Publhhtd by THE NEW YORK MAGAZINE "A Cheer Up Magazine" ^^ N. William Street New York Copyright, 1906, fy THE C. E. ELLIS CO. All Rightt Reserved THE MYSTIC SCROLL CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. The Necessary Preparation for the Mystic Life and the True Found- ation for Health, Happiness and Prosperity .... 9 II. The Unseen Forces . . . 22 III. Your Senses and Their Planes of Activity . . . . 34 IV. The Law of Vibration and the Se- cret of Clairvoyance and Clair- audience .... 46 V. A Lesson on Clairvoyance . . 60 VI. Symbols and Visions and How to Interpret Them ... 80 VII. Concentration; a Means of Mind Training ..... 96 VIII. Meditation or How to Enter the Silence . . . . 1 1 z IX. The Secret of Mystic Power . . 1 26 X. Mental and Physical Conditions for Health ..... 141 XL The Christ Healing . . . 153 XII. Passing into the Beyond . . . 165 XIII. The Law of Prosperity . . .174 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF HEALING TREAT- MENTS with KEY-NOTE FOR EACH I. Treatment for Cutting Off Unde- sirable Influences . . . 193 II. Treatment for Overcoming Secret or Vicious Habits . . . 197 III. Treatment for Cases of Catarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases . . 201 IV. Treatment for Nervousness and Self Consciousness . . . .205 V. Treatment for Indigestion and Con- stipation . . . . .209 VI. Treatment for Failing Eyesight . 213 VII. Treatment for Rheumatism . . 217 VIII. Treatment for Those Addicted to Evil Habits . . . . 223 IX. Treatment for Managing Children and Keeping Them Healthy . 227 X. Treatment for Harmonizing Home Relations . . . .231 FOREWORD C HIS message is sent forth to the faithful hearts and willing ears of those who are eager to be and to do. The Text Book so long promised and so long waited for is now ready for you. It is what you need and what you have earned by your faithfulness. Yes, Beloved, most closely have the silent watchers of your progress looked for the signs that you were ready for farther steps in the knowl- edge of mystic truths. Though some of you have lagged by the wayside and some have murmured at the long delay, yet the majority have been able to stand the test. They have lived prayerfully and carefully keeping in mind and practice the living truth of the Success Club Degrees. Be- cause of this the time has come for more definite and practical instruction that you may still farther advance in the under- standing and practice of the mystic law of life. In a series of plain, simple lessons, simple as to form, yet profound as to con- tents, you will be shown, O, Beloved, the way of blessedness and peace, for in these are the germ seeds that may blossom into the true flowers of health and happiness and prosperity. Heed, you faithful, and be steadfast in perseverance, you that are longing for the Great Guidance. There has been woven into the texture of this book that which will vivify whosoever hath wrought truth into the fabric of his daily life. For this he shall be called one of the weavers of the Great Pattern. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. H. V-A. f t tt " Cling thou to Me ! Clasp Me with heart and mind ! so shall thou dwell Surely with Me on high. But if thy thought Droops from such height ; if thou be 'st weak to set Body and soul upon Me constantly. Despair not ! give Me lower service ! seek To read Me, worshipping with steadfast will ; And, if thou canst not worship steadfastly. Work for Me, toil in works pleasing to Me I For he that laboreth right for love of Me Shall finally attain ! But, if in this Thy faint heart fails, bring Me thy failure! find Refuge in Me 1 let fruits of labor go. Renouncing all for Me, with lowliest heart. So shall thou come ; for, though to know is more Than diligence, yet worship better is Than knowing, and renouncing better still. Near to renunciation very near Dwelleth Eternal Peace. 1 Song Celestial. 5) 310 She U'U'.hfrH of Sib.* fHtiutir uttsaa (Club t!}ts Saok te lamttghj tnorribrii by THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER I The Necessary Preparation for the Mystic Life, and the True Foundation for Health "Happy is lie that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God." Beloved: You have already started in the mystic life, the beginning of which is trnst, and the end, peace. Out of these come all blessings. The Degrees taught you prayers and thoughts for daily and nightly use. Your faith grew and you knew the joy of spiritual son- ship and daughter ship. The Father became a Friend, a Counselor, a Guide and the Center of the great unseen forces. Nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL Into your heart came the sweet whis- per, "0, my Beloved, thee I embrace and enfold, thee I hold and bless to the days everlasting." But still you did not see a reason for the joy, nor know why you were kept day after day for thirty days on one Degree. No more does the child understand the reason for its long lisping and re- peating of the words that shall at last become language. The teaching given in the Degrees is necessary through the years, but at first its main value is as training. He -who -would Did you not grow as the seed unfolds, as the child grows? Listen, Beloved; know this: he who would be as the strongest must first be as the weakest. He who would be the master, must first be servant. To attain the great faith and splendid courage is to be willing to be nothing in order to become all. Here gleams a golden thread from the Ancient Ten THE MYSTIC SCROLL Wisdom. Think over it well and dili- gently. You are a being on the one side, weak, ignorant, dependent on every wind that blows; on the other side, you are on the her d& are strong, ivise strong, wise, intelligent. <_ intelligent The first aspect of yourself you know ; the second, you but vaguely dream of as a possibility. On your weak side you are subject to fears, sorrows and grievous troubles of all kinds, but this side is not that which God gave you, for as Timothy says: "God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind, ' ' and this, Beloved, represents the strong side. It is God who hath given us love, Aioundnind power and a sound mind. You know this to be true because you have had times of loving, of being powerful, and of using good judgment. You know what it is to be loving, you know that in the loving state everything and everybody Eleven THE MYSTIC SCROLL is most pleasing in your sight. You see beauty and goodness everywhere. You are trustful, hopeful, kind, just and true. when you an When you are loving it is easy to do loving unto others as you would have others do unto you, and you know that with this love there is power; the power that makes it possible to overcome tempta- tions, to be strong, instead of weak; power to undertake tasks and perform them ; power to help others to do things that are noble; power to conquer ob- stacles, to meet difficulties of any kind. A sound mind goes with all these, and when you think of this wonderful side of your being you can understand some- GO expectancy receiving from God the peace and joy and faith which the Spirit alone can give. Thirteen THE MYSTIC SCROLL This expectation which causes you to turn to the Source of all good is one of mtude the surest means of increasing your faith. Faith, Beloved, you must have. All things are done through faith. At first it may be but the faith which de- mands only little things, yet with every answer to the faith that inspires the be- lieving prayer, there is an increase of the w . . .t* . <~J X V f Fatth illumined with knowledge faith that is illumined with knowledge. When, through faith, you have been able to stand in the midst of hard and pressing conditions as the victor, you have a deeper, more trustful, more glor- ious faith to meet conditions that op- press you in another form. The experiences of the soul in passing through this world have been fittingly compared to a journey along the high- way of life. Now, you know it is not pos- sible to take a journey of any length without passing through valleys, climb- Fourteen THE MYSTIC SCROLL ing mountains, crossing streams, going through the desert. You know it is not possible to take a journey without meeting obstacles of one kind or an- other and being obliged to face all man- ner of dangers and emergencies. It is the same in this pilgrimage of the P,. * -n T {! j i j-i forces iv hie h become Giver of all good gifts, you develop the J your unieen helferl forces which become your guardian an- gels and unseen helpers. This is true concerning the forces within you and also those without. Through your own will and power of Twenty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL choice, by calling upon God and feeling the presence of God within you, you may give the glory and the power of every- thing you do to this indwelling Pres- ence. You prepare to enter and possess The Promhed Land the land which God intended you to pos- sess and use. Do you wonder what this land is? It is your earth nature, which must be cultivated until it can bring forth the seed and the harvest according to the will of the spirit, who is the true master. How much this means to you! From the time you were a child you longed for happiness. You longed to be under- stood, you longed to be able to overcome every evil condition that was a disad- vantage or an obstacle. Is it not true, indeed, that at any time of your life, if the question had been put to you as to whether you wanted to bring forth the best or the worst, you would have ans- wered, "The best, always; I want to Twenty-six bring forth the best in everything; I want to be the best that I can be." But though this was your wish, many times you were discouraged, and often felt the uselessness of even trying. If you will study this lesson very care- Dhcouragements made n -11 .-ii i 1 it harder for \ou tu fully you will see why your discourage- fress on J ments made it harder for you to press on. You will see why, when you did your best, with every victory you were given more faith and strength for further victories. When you began the study of the Degrees, the one important thing that was given you from first to last in all the teachings of the Degrees and the mes- sages was this ; God, the Father, who is The most important menage both Father and Mother, is also your Friend. Speak to Him often, think of Him, praise Him, put yourself under His guidance, trust in Him, rejoice that He has given you Himself, and do your very best to be worthy of His guidance. This Twenty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL is the corner stone of the Degree teach- ings, is it not? When you began to write in your re- ports as to your experience day by day, you were asked if you had felt the un- seen forces. Now you understand why you were asked that question. If you had been faithful in your Degree work, fervent and constant in your prayerful living, yearning always to keep close to things which were true and holy and of God, it could not be otherwise than that sooner or later you would feel the unseen forces, catch the comforting, inspiring whisperings of the blessed messengers of light who came to you as ministering helpers because you were faithful in acknowledging and praising God. There is an old legend in the Talmud An old legend about Solomon; it is this; he was so powerful that whenever he spoke and desired anything, immediately every- thing in the Universe sprang to do his Twenty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL bidding ; all the forces and powers in all the realms above or below responded to the word of the wise man. Now while this is but a legend there is a really won- derful truth underlying it. The word of The ' word f the -wise the wise is the word of God. The wise soul knows God and knows that what- ever power he has is of God. He recog- nizes the supremacy of God, and that there is not one thing, place, space or condition in the whole universe that is not filled with the power of God. Know- ing this, His word is the utterance of the law, and it becomes a creative word, a quickening power to bring forth, to stir into activity, everything visible or in- visible. To become wise you must speak the word, of truth quicken your mind word of truth. It is that which is true and heart of God the Father and you His child. God is the most high and only Power which is above all other powers. You, His child, receive from Him His life and Twenty-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL power, His love and intelligence. Yes, every attribute which belongs to Him as the Father is in some degree manifest or to be manifested in you, His child. Therefore when you begin to speak words which acknowledge Him as the ecame they art power, because they are words of truth, words of truth -, . , i -i i they quicken your mind and heart, every thing within you, so that you know the truth, and thus become wise and power- ful. Paul said: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God." Jesus said: "If ye continue in my word ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John viii, 31-32. Why? Be- cause when you are wise you are free; you know the law. But He did not mean speaking the word with your lips only, Living at -well He meant living as well as speaking. at tptaking Take these two words: God's love. Think about them. What do they mean! Thirty THE MYSTIC SCROLL The most high, holy, unselfish, far- reaching, impartial, perfect love is of God, yes, is God. Is it not! Keep on saying just those two words: God's love, God's love, God's love, until you really feel that you begin to understand Uttti/yeu ^ ee/ t ,^ the kind of love this is. After you have Z^J spent a few days saying these words for ten or fifteen minutes at a time, then thinking silently "God's love," be- gin to say, "My love is like God's, my love is like God's." Say it many times, then think about it, see what it means, see if it is true. If it is not true, try to make it true. This can only be done by living the love that is just like God's. That is by feeling and acting God's love. If you will be faithful to this for even one week so that you can honestly say you do it with all your heart, just as earnestly and faithfully as possible, you will find a miracle wrought in A miracle -wrought Thirty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL your life. You will begin to feel the un- seen forces within your soul quickening into activity and power. You will know this by the changes that come to you, for these are the evidences of the activity of the unseen forces. You an d precious will have new and precious experiences experiences in meeting people, in having new con- ditions in your life, in the opportunities opening before you. Your words will have a new power because they will be words of the wise one, the one who is open to know the truth concerning God and God's nature. These words: "God's love" and "my in touch -with love is like God's," will put you in touch gr ea t S0 ui, fljj.Qjjgh a jj these wondrous messengers the unseen forces with great souls and wise, who will become your invisible helpers and teachers, for just as soon as you begin to understand and love ac- cording to the love of God, your soul will be linked with all souls who are on that Thirty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL high, pure, holy plane of knowledge and power. There is no greater and no simpler There * and no simpler training that I can give yon, Beloved, training than I have given you in these words concerning love. To say them and live them will bring you to a conscious knowl- edge of the unseen forces and to a close and holy communion with God, the Heav- enly Father, who is around, about, with- in, and above, and in Whom we live and move and have our being. Thirty-three 3 THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER HI Your Senses and Their Planes of Activity "The beginning of all real knowledge is the knowledge of self." As you become conscious of the un- seen forces you realize new powers of the senses. You are able to hear inward- ly and see and feel. The summing up of this quickening of the senses is some- times called clairsentience. It indicates that you are able to function on some other than the purely material plane. The intermediary or psychic plane is that which connects you with the forces that are without and which I spoke of in the last chapter as being good or evil, ac- cording to the polarity of your own soul. By this, Beloved, I mean according to the tendency of your soul toward the g 00( j or e vil. For you must know that in like Thirty-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL the psychic as in the material realm like attracts like and what is strongly pre- dominant within you finds its counter- part without. On the physical plane your body is re- lated to the earth, your eye to the ob- jects which it sees, your ear to the sounds which it hears. On the psychic, or inter- The senses find a mediate plane, the senses find a corres- corresponding rc&lnt ponding realm in which they may be used just as definitely and advantageously as on the physical. This gives you a glimpse of the law by which you can, when you are sufficiently developed, see, hear, and know other planes than the physical. I have already told you that your recognition of God's love and your effort to live the loving life will put m forct > you in touch with the great wise forces ea & r " kel f and intelligences which are always eager and ready to help you. This does not necessarily mean beings THE MYSTIC SCROLL who have lived and passed out of earth life, nor does it necessarily mean angels or beings who have never been in the earth life, though under some circum- stances, it may mean either of these. It may be that you are so strongly intent in your aspiration for truth or knowl- ""your^f edge that you will attract to yourself the love and service of a teacher who lives in some other part of the world, but who through his wonderful faculties of see- ing, hearing and knowing in the middle realm is able to know you and your actions, no matter how much space inter- venes between your bodies. Though you may never have met him or have heard of his existence, though to you he may be entirely undreamed of, yet in this way you may be his pupil and the special ob- . iect of his guardianship. He is able to The tpecial object of J hit guardianship teach you in your sleep, to impress you with his suggestions for guidance and help. He is what is called an adept, or Thirty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL master, or elder Brother and he is such fj c l u ^/ orces and because he has so long and so faithfully consecrated his soul to the love of God and his brothers that all his forces and faculties are attuned to the one grand note of Love, which in him finds fitting Fin d s expression in . , , . , PL Love's ministry expression m the complete and perfect ministry of Love. To be great enough and good enough to attract such a teacher is worth all your efforts, is it not? And yet, Beloved, be not discouraged nor disheartened even though you may have no hint in any outer or even inner sense that you are so honored. Be assured of this : as you grow strong in the development and power of your higher forces you will be able to attract your own from those without. And what is it that will put you in what ;/ that , , -i , i -, -will put you in touch touch with the true adept? -with the true adept? It is your sincerity, your faithfulness, your humility. These are the qualities Thirty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL that will make you as a shining star in the midnight of earthly conditions. You will not only be ministered unto by the sweet whisperings of the Holy Spirit in your own soul, you will not only be favored by the fair wind of opportunity, arid led into the green pastures of re- freshment and beauty, but you will at- Attractyour^ tr&ct to y(mrse lf your own g pec i a l human teacher or Guru as he is named by our Hindu Brethren. The time may come after years of holy living and earnest seeking after the Truth on your part, that you will see him, and it may never come. He may consider it expedient that you never see his face or know him, yet often in your moments of trial or of discouragement he may be very near to you and breathe upon your heart some- thing of that divine peace in which he himself is enshrined. Or he may bring Lwei, friend, 'who in to your life lovely friends who will will advise and - i / . 11 comfort you advise and comfort you, and who uncon- Thirty-eight sciously may be his messengers to you. As you go on putting more and more of your own loving quality and con- sciousness of God's love into your life you will grow near, very near to the con- Near to the scious presence of the Great Teacher, the Christ, and as you yearn earnestly to be- come attuned, both within and without, to this glorious pattern you will find a real communion possible. The signs by which you know this are all in the intermediate or psychic realm. There are many signs some of which Paul describes in the second chapter of Acts. He says: "And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rush- ing mighty wind and it filled all of the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utter- Thirty-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL ance." And in another place Paul had a vision and he saw a man "whether in the flesh or out of it he could not tell." These and many other examples are given in the scriptures of this psychic plane, on which the senses are active when the soul is developed to that point. By all this you will perceive, Beloved, Key to an under- the key to an understanding of many landing ,f mysterious and wonderful. This is the explanation of mediumship and com- munication with the spirit world. Study carefully the lesson on unseen forces wherein we have said and will repeat again, "IF YOU ABE WEAK IN YOUB WILL TO DO BIGHT, SWAYED HITHEB AND THITHEB BY ANY PASSING IMPULSE OB OUTWABD IN- FLUENCE THE FOBCES YOU ATTBACT WILL LEAD YOU INTO CONFUSION AND DABKNESS. ' ' The attitude of your . own -win attract* These forces may be weak, ignorant and deceiving spirits. Beware of them. Strive in every way to let your mind be Forty THE MYSTIC SCROLL as a temple for the purest and holiest thoughts, motives and emotions. If you have, through your ignorance of the law, been weak and vacillating and have at- tracted to yourself forces of this quality, cut yourself from their influence now and forever. The only remedy for dark- ?** o*i y mudy for darkness ness is light. A safeguard from the "*%*' wild beasts of the jungle is light. In the same way you will find that the remedy for your moral weakness is the Light of wisdom; a deliverance from vicious and evil forces is insured only by the strong, active presence of Active presence of spiritual virtues. I wish to emphasize s f iritual *" Vf "" the danger of lingering in the state of indifference or foolish fear, for just as surely as you, Beloved, give yourself up to either of these your mind will be clouded and your heart benumbed be- cause of these encroaching influences which assail you from within and with- out. I would have you free from any- Forty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL thing and everything which can make Free from e-vcryt'iinr n -. i t i i which can hinder you airaid, which can hinder your you spiritual progress. Out with your fears ! Conquer every habit of sloth or indiffer- ence or doubt or fear. Fill your heart with Love and your mind with loving words. Consecrate your senses to right uses both on the physical and psychical planes. Let your will as well as your motive be the guide. Desire to know and appreciate only the beautiful, the true and the good. Let your sense of sight see the beauty that is everywhere about in the physical world. Let your sense of hearing discrim- inate sounds of harmony and loveliness and become responsive to them only. In the same way cultivate the sense of feeling, tasting and smelling. If you are able to do this on the physical plane, Forty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL when the time comes for the use of your sense on the psychical plane, you will be able to discriminate there equally as wisely and well. Bead every sentence of this lesson over and over until you are able to apply umiiyou are a bu to apply tht luiv the law and thus interpret your own ex- perience. You will see that the remedy for all evils lies within yourself and that in the inner as well as the outer world light is the master of darkness. Let your light shine. Let every faculty and force of your being be turned to the good. Be positive in your will as to what you want, and you will more quickly and truly attract it. If you have had dark and unpleasant experiences through forces or influences which are within you or without, take a resolute Takea stand and declare yourself free. You can easily do this when you realize the presence of the great white Light within you shining even in the midst of your Forty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL darkness. This radiates from your real self, the spirit which is the child of God. Let its warmth fill your heart and its light your life. Live in the continuous consciousness of Divine Love. Open Open tvery avenue every avenue of your being so that it may flow forth from you in your thoughts and in your words and in your actions. These same avenues which permit it to go forth to the world to bless the world, will also open to like qualities which will return through them to bless you. The help which you thus receive from every- thing in nature, the sun, the stars, the whole grand universe is incalculable. The aream of Love And SW eetest thought of all, the stream of Love that flows through your heart and out into the world is increased and deepened by the many streams of con- sciousness which flow into it from the great wise loving souls, who like you, are thus through love and loving deeds Forty-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL glorifying the Father by ministering to His children. The pathway from earth to heaven is made by the white light of Love. The The path-way from earth to heaven deliverance from sin, sickness, poverty and death is through the power of Love. When you become Love's minister you also become the receiver of Love's gifts. The riches and beauty and glory of God's kingdom are poured into your lap. No good thing is withheld from you because you have taken your place as master. You may be as a polar star r u may beaia * polar star to many of Life 's mariners. Shine, Beloved, with this wondrous Light that was never on land or sea, yet which lights all worlds through time and eternity. Forty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER IV The Law of Vibration and the Secret of Clairvoyance "Each being or condition in nature denotes a certain state of vibration." The body is like a wonderful instru- ment, capable of responding to every wind of force that may blow upon it, and there are many. These winds of force are called vibrations. In the material realm it is well known that sound is con- veyed to the ear by vibrations or waves in the atmosphere. Light, the wonder worker and illumin- ator of the whole world, travels upon the finer ether at the rate of 186,000 miles per second; its waves or vibrations reaching the earth atmosphere and the retina of the human eye are immediately translated into what we call light. It is Forty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL because of this marvelous sensibility of ff mar loas * bility of mind and the mind and body, that we are able to HF make use of the senses and appropriate the information which they are continu- ally reporting. You are so familiar with the process of seeing, hearing and tasting on the material plane, that it seems very or- dinary and commonplace to say that you are able to see or hear sights and sounds immediately around you. There are people and perhaps you They *, hear, taste , , , ,, , or J "gel in an extra- may be among them who irequently see, ordinary -way hear, taste, or feel in what seems an ex- traordinary way. They report the see- ing of places, persons or conditions that are not apparent at all, even to the person who sits in the same room. They frequently tell you of events that are taking place at a great distance or they may speak of hearing strange voices in conversation between invisible persons. The faculty of seeing in this unusual Forty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL manner is called clairvoyance, of hear- ing, clairaudience. These faculties seem marvelous and greatly to be desired, as they very fre- quently may be of great use to the one , ability to e and possessing them, yet the ability to see hear in thh way ^ j^^ ^ ^ ^^ depend g W h lly Up- on the sensitive organization .and condi- tion of the transmitting instrument, mind and body, consequent upon their re- sponsiveness to the finer ether. In order that you may better understand the pro- cess of what I have termed the winds of force or vibrations, and their cause, you must know something of the differ- ent conditions prevailing in the material AH art ^plained world, all of which are explained accord- according to the . . ,-, * /> law of Oration ^g to the law of vibration. The body as it appears to your eye is solid and yet it is composed of minute particles or atoms which in their finest analysis can be reduced to what Farra- day called spherules of force. As it is Forty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL with the body so it is with every mate- rial thing or object. It appears solid yet in reality there is no solidity about it. The appearance of solidity is caused by the rapid vibration or motion which is continually going on in the ether in- herent in these spherules of force. This accounts for the different ap- AH chan ges brought /. -i . -,1 -I about by the forces pearances in form, also in all changes continually in motion **.* i i i in the ocean of ether which take place under your observa- tion; for instance, the converting of steam into water and water into ice. The formation of snow crystals and their disappearance in the vibration of heat, the converting of food into flesh and blood. All changes, no matter of what kind or into what condition, are brought about by the great force and forces which are in continual motion in the ocean of invisible ether. It was according to this law that the The Great Force Great Force which includes all forces, luf*^ Forty-nine 4, THE MYSTIC SCROLL and a name for another aspect of which, is the Supreme Intelligence or God, created the world and all that it con- tains. He thought of the world, and His thinking produced motion in the vast body of ether which in the Bible lan- guage is called "the face of the deep." This -vibration recited This vibration finally resulted in the materialization of His thoughts, and it was called creation. Take your Bible and read the first chapter of Genesis and from the second to the ninth verses of the second chapter, and you will have the story and process of creation. nc proc ess of ere- This process is going on continually. ation going on _ . - . . , continually Every time you put a seed into the ground you put it into the condition whereby it will be moved upon by the , vibrations of creative force until its physical condition is completely changed. It even goes through what seems to be a process of death which precedes the new life. Fifty THE MYSTIC SCROLL The law that holds the stars in their courses, that causes the life of the seed to manifest in stalk, blossom and fruit, that brings forth the harvest, that weaves for the earth all her beautiful garments, is the same law that creates, The same lavj that preserves and maintains the body. Its ^27" origin is the great Mind of God, its pro- tkt My cess, the unceasing and multitudinous forms of motion, its effects, the uni- verse and all that it contains. In the same way that God created and rw .< peopled the world, and according to the "" same law, you are to create and people your world. God has delegated to you the power of thinking, He has provided the plastic material upon which your thoughts are to act, and by which you are enabled to change conditions. This is the luminous ether. Your thinking power is not separate from His, indeed, it is God's own power, God's own Intel- ligence which you use in every thought, Fifty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL in every action. You may pervert the Power, you may misapprehend or .mis- use the Intelligence, yet within you al- ways is the creative activity. You cannot think a thought of any for beauty or ugliness kind without sending forth vibrations of creative force which make for beauty or ugliness according to the quality of your own conception, for just as God conceived a perfect idea of a perfect world, and perfect beings, thereby caus- ing them to appear, so you conceive the idea of either perfect or imperfect ob- jects or conditions according to your knowledge, and your creation becomes visible. t i m e you think Your mental world consists of your Tt& thought forms, your memories, your imaginations, your plans, your thought images of love, kindness, friendliness, helpfulness, or of their opposites, hatred, anger, fear, etc. Eemember the law. Beloved, every Fifty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL time you think, you are sending forth a vibration that will reach other minds and will create the image of what you are thinking about. The psychic or intermediate realm of which I spoke in the last chapter is filled with the mental pictures of what F>//* ** done, what they are thinking and doing. It is the ability to see into this mental and psychic world, which is clairvoy- ance. If you were born with a sensitive bodily organization you have probably had already the experience of looking into this world of mental forms. This means that your organ of sight, the delicate nerve center in the brain as well as the physical eye is so ready to respond to the vibrations in the mental and psychic realm, that a communica- tion is established and waves of ether communicate through the eye, a picture A communication tstablished of the conditions you see. Fifty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL You may look upon what has already transpired, but which is there and al- ways will be in this intermediate realm. You may see with this faculty of clairvoyance what will happen in the future; this means merely that you are Abh to lock into the able to look into the world of cause and world of cause and . tee the prophetic pic- see the prophetic picture, just as you turf look out at the sky at the threatening clouds and predict a storm. There is nothing supernatural or extraordinary about this faculty. It merely signifies that your eye is able to respond to the vibration of the ether which is identical with that of the object which you see. This is the explanation of thought transference, as when you find yourself know the Q\)]Q to know the thoughts that are in thoughts -which are in the mind the mind of another person even though of another person that person may be hundreds of miles away from you. When there is a per- fect affinity or rapport between two per- sons they are like the transmitter and receiver of the telegraph instrument. Fifty-foitr THE MYSTIC SCROLL This is even more plainly illustrated by wireless telegraphy which permits com- munication without any visible or ma- terial means for carrying the message from the sender to the receiver. So there may be no visible means of p . . ..... * Positive and definite communication between you and the per- c ~" t- ble under right con- son to whom you may send your thought dt " ns or from whom you may receive a thought. Positive and definite communi- cation is possible because your minds re- spond to the same vibration, and your thoughts are communicated on the connecting current in the ether. You will see from all this exactly why you must be so true to your highest con- ceptions of life, so just, so honest, so loving in all your thoughts and motives that you will send forth vibrations that will create corresponding conditions in your body and your world. Every word in this lesson is of the Every word in this greatest importance. You must not let '* greatest Fifty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL one sentence or paragraph go, until you have thoroughly studied and can under- stand it. Paul said, "The kingdom of The remit of har- God is righteousness, peace, and joy in monious consciousness .-. TT ^ n the Holy Spirit. What can be said that will make this great subject plainer? You now know that it lies within your power to unite yourself with influences and conditions of goodness, truth and beauty, or the opposite. 11 By thy thought thou shalt be justi- fied or condemned," said Jesus, which was only another way of saying, IF YOU THINK GOOD PURE THOUGHTS YOU WILL BE JUSTIFIED BY THE VERY CONDITIONS IN YOUR BODY AND ITS ENVIRONMENTS. I? YOU THINK THOUGHTS OF EVIL, ANGER OR FEAR, YOU WILL BE CONDEMNED IN YOUR BODY AND ITS CONDITIONS. The Duality and in- Moreover, by your thinking you are flutnct of your sending vibrations to the minds of those in the world who are open to the quality Fifty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL and influence of your thoughts, whatever they may be. You well know how careful you are in the presence of great danger to keep your voice calm and send forth no thought of alarm or fear to your loved ones, who without your caution might be dangerously frightened. In the same way, knowing that there are so many timid and fearful souls all about you, your constant effort must be to keep your own poise of mind and live ., ~ Necessary t keep your constantly as though your were God's />'/ w ' w representative, His ministering angel. By living in a state of sweet, abiding peace you become as a tower of strength to those who feel your silent influence although they may not know its source. In pursuing your daily journey along the highway of life, have always as your one unceasing aim that of becoming as ^ ur <>f T'Ti i -T? i n unccaiinr altt a Light set upon a mil, shining afar into the darkness, that those who are lost Fifty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL and afraid, may find their way safely back to the path. Put you in .ouch Tnis hol 7 thinking and living will put WM 'vSon, y u in touch with the highest vibrations and you will then naturally and harmon- iously develop the faculty of clairvoy- ance and clairaudience from the very highest plane. You will be able to use them to some good purpose and they will serve you well in helping you to min- ister to those who are in deep trouble, who may need your good counsel, your timely warning and above all the name- irating'injiuenc^thM less, penetrating influence that emanates emanates from your _ . conucratcd being from your consecrated being. Do not let your mind wander into the highways of the curious, but be content to live from day to day as the trustful child, dependent for all things upon its loving parent. You cannot make a bet- ter beginning for the development of every gift which God has given you, than this simple childlike, trustful living. Fifty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL There is a verse in the Vedas, the Hindu Scriptures, which says: "We meditate on the glory of that Being who has pro- duced this universe. May He enlighten our minds." Beloved, let this be the mantram or prayer that shall guide you into the true knowledge. Take a certain time every evening before you retire and say, "7 meditate upon the glory of the Being who has produced this uni- verse. May He enlighten my mind/' Say it until you feel in your very heart of hearts that it is your prayer. "One moment of company with the Holy makes a ship to cross this ocean of life." Fifty-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER V A Lesson in Clairvoyance "External sensual perceptions are necessary to see sensual things; the in- ternal sensual perceptions see internal things." If you have a sensitive organization and a child-like mind, you may cultivate this wonderful faculty of clear seeing, and if you proceed in the right way may do so with marked advantage to yourself and to others, but we warn you, Beloved YOU ai kfor no that you ask for no small thing when you small thing ask for the responsibility, of seeing per- sons and things at a distance or of see- ing things and conditions that are or- dinarily hidden. Ri K kt or -wrtng tt ,e It is o. responsibility in which the pos- in-voi-vct great con- , i j session of any power places an individ- ual and much, yes, everything, depends upon the honor with which you use it, as Sixty THE MYSTIC SCROLL the right or wrong use involves great consequences to you as well as to those who are concerned with you. The good that you can do with this TA< good you can immeasurable gift is immeasurable, because with it you may be able in many cases to know conditions about your friends which are very important for them to understand, and which with your advice may be , wisely dealt with. On the psychic or what is sometimes called the astral or the ethereal plane, clairvoyance enables you to perceive the presence of departed friends, or troubled souls who may need a word of comfort or instruction to free them from earth conditions or attachments. This is the kind of work which Jesus cal- led the ministry to the "spirits in prison." On the still more interior and exalted plane where the vibrations are the result of spiritual consciousness, clairvoyance reveals the work, life, and Sixty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL powers of the soul, and is that marve- of unship lous faculty of seership which knows both past and future, which perceives and defines spiritual ideas, and which enables him who possesses it, to attain to the superconsciousness of Spirit and to say on every plane of his being, "/ know." It is to this last and higher plane, Be- loved, you should aspire, for once able to look from the heights of spiritual con- ? sciousness you will perceive that all be- neath, that which is on the lower planes of consciousness, is illumined from this Light above. nly -win I repeat again and with great em- serite you on all planes phasis aim for the highest. The highest only will serve you on all planes, and enable you to interpret the many myste- ries which would otherwise confuse and entangle you. Many of you who read these pages are already developing this wonderful gift, Sixty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL but you do not know exactly how to in- terpret your experiences or how to learn from them. In this lesson I will give you a few, simple directions which will */"? " mfle directions be most valuable in helping you to ae- velop in the right way, but remember at all times that God your Father is watch- ing you, and gives you strength and knowledge, moment by moment if you will turn to Him with the childlike faith that makes you able to receive His care. With a pure heart then, set aside a Fir *w&_ / clairvoyant training few weeks if you wish, for the develop- ment of clairvoyance. Be whole-hearted and sincere. Be careful and prayerful. For that time at least, that you decide to give yourself to this training, make all interests, aims and occupations secondary. I do not mean by this, to be any less faithful to your regular duties, but make this so important that no caller, no book, no amusement or trivial Sixty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL circumstance will cause you to deviate from your regular and systematic prac- tice of the directions given. See that all conditions are as favor- A healthy body the able as possible. A healthy body, at first consideration , _ ,. least, one free from nervous disease, should be of the first consideration. Never undertake any training of this kind if you are nervously exhausted or out of tune. GENERAL RULES. what to avoid Eat simple wholesome food, eat no meat, greasy food or rich pastries. Avoid all stimulants, tobacco, etc., and even refrain from tea and coffee, unless VERY WEAK. Take the magnetic bath morning and night, THINK AND LIVE IN CHASTITY. Do not mingle in social gath- erings, do not speak of your being in training for clairvoyance, and do not tell your experiences to any one. Do not Avoid me nt a i in- argue on any subject. Avoid mental in- harmony ,/// Sixty-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL to extremes of -emotion such as anger, fear, worry, grief or disappointment. This is particularly important, be- cause every emotion or intense thought Connects you -wit A connects you with the thought currents thought currents made up of all similar thoughts emanat- ing from people everywhere, both in and out of the body. For example, if you in- dulge in grief you are putting yourself en rapport with all other grieving souls. This devitalizes and demagnetizes you. You are thus thrown off your balance Be muter of you thoughts and you and at the mercy of any influence ^m tup your balance stronger than you are. It is as though you have fallen into a swift flowing thought-river in which the current bears you away from yourself until you lose the power of self-control and are borne down under the waters, allowing the cur- rent to take you where it will. This means that not only does your negative mood make you subject to all sorts of Sixty-flv 3 THE MYSTIC SCROLL adverse influences, but empowers you to bring others into the same helpless state. The vital importance of this knowl- edge cannot be overestimated. This is si-void extremes of , T . , . . emotion why 1 say avoid extremes of emotion. Equally potent is the injunction, do not begin, unless you intend to go on with this training, at least for the time you have decided upon. It takes a sensitive mind and body in order to become a clairvoyant. Most clairvoyants without training are negative in their sensitiveness; with the training they may become positive in their sensitiveness. To do a little of the training and that half-heartedly might make you sensitive without mak- ing you positive. This is why you must follow directions not only as to your exercises, but as to thinking and feeling ^'tlt^reatone'in in order to keep yourself keyed to the your keyboard . IT. j e> T of Being purest tone in your keyboard of Being. Sixty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL BE PRAYERFUL. LIVE CLOSE TO GOD and WITH GOD ASKING HIM TO GUIDE and to protect you every step of the way. All this will put you into attune with Him attunth ml and His work, and you will cause a re- sponse that will echo back from the uni- versal atmosphere the sweet tones and qualities that you send forth. In this way you make quality in your vibra- tions and this determines the quality of the vibrations with which you come in touch, the quality of what you see and know. If you love truth and speak truth you will perceive true relations and exact facts through your clairvoyant faculty. What you see can be relied 1-, i . , , T When you are trut upon, generally speaking, because noth- not hin g faix -win f i .,, 7 .. ..- make connection -with ing false will make connection with your your consciousness. On the same principle, the person who has the taste for liquor might pass by a dozen saloons a day, yet have no temptation to enter, having nothing Sixty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL within him correspondent to the charac- ter of which the saloon is an emblem. Nothing of its quality adheres to his consciousness or finds affinity with his thought. Consider a moment what makes real friendship and you will bet- ter understand the law of attraction which enables you to become the magnet which will draw your quality of knowl- edge. Now we are ready for more spe- cific directions which should be practiced regularly every day. Rise early so that you will have no sense of hurry. The first waking thought should be devotional. Praise is like a bugle call to the best in your character and intention and will make your mind a focusing center for the purest quality of thoughts. Praise God for your bless- i n gs, your life, your gifts and your op- call to the best in your character Sixty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL THE MAGNETIC BATH. A quick cold bath is best, though you may have the water tepid if preferred. When all is ready, stand perfectly nude, letting the air and if possible the morn- ing sunlight strike your body. Raise your arms above your head stretching them as far up as you can, with arms and fingers stiff. The breath having been slowly inhaled with the raising of the arms, hold a few seconds while still stretching, then exhale, letting the hands fall to the side. Repeat five times. After the last drop of the hands, rub together briskly, put them in the water and then apply to the body. Do not use a cloth, brush or towel, but the hands only, which, being charged with magnetism completely vivify the whole body. The application of water and the vigorous rubbing until dry with the naked hands gives a magnetic bath Natural i i i n -i i " a healing, rtttor- which not only tones up the whole sys- *//?*> Sixty-nine tern at the time, but in many cases when continuously used cures most obstinate forms of disease. This magnetic bath may be taken at night before retiring without the water. It must be taken quickly, the whole process not taking more than five min- ity essential to utes. The rapidity is essential to the the taking in and . equalling of tht taking in and equalizing of the magnetic magnetic forcet forces. After the bath, and while you are dressing, audibly repeat these words which give direction and balance to the mind. "1 am in the center of the Life which is perfect and the Intelligence which knows all things. I desire to use all my powers for the glory of God and For the glory O f God the benefit of mankind. With this mo- and tht benefit of unkind ft ve / w i$h to be taught, trained and di- rected in the use of the faculty of clair- voyance." You will quickly learn this, and dur- ing the making of your toilet, be able to Seventy THE MYSTIC SCROLL repeat it many times. You will see to it that there is a free circulation of air in the room ; it would be well for a few mo- . iit Open the ivindoivs and ments, to open the windows and let the i et the -wind *%/> through wind sweep through thoroughly. When all is ready, sit down in a chair facing the east holding your spine erect so that it does not touch the chair. Take several . long deep breaths, then either mentally &'><*/* and blessing or audibly send forth a thought of love and blessing to all the world, directing it to the east, south, west and north. You will now have put your body, mind and soul into harmony with the universe. Body, Mind and &/ in harmony -with Your next step is the definite exercise the uni-vme of your perceptive faculties. Take some small object and place it within a range of five or six feet of your eyes ; a glass paper weight or a glass of water is good. Look at it steadily for a few moments, perhaps five, then close your eyes and see it mentally. Do not see anything else and continue looking Seventy-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL mentally at this same object for ten minutes. You may find it difficult at first, but never mind; every time the mind wan- ders, bring it back and compel it to see the object. Put your undivided will, effort, and attention upon this mental object. When your ten minutes are up your special work is over for the morn- ing. Practice this every day at the same hour, making each sitting a little longer, but never sitting more than twenty min- utes. Regularity is -very Be regular in your time of practice. This is very important. During the day often repeat the visualizing or the recall of the object to your mental view. This will assist the memory, also develop your capacity to concentrate. At night about twilight, if possible go to your room, put yourself in the quiet state and repeat the words of the morning. ' ' I am in the center, etc." Then sit in concen- Seventy-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL tration as in the morning seeing the one object. After a day or two you can take another object if you wish, but not until you can call up the first object with great distinctness whenever you Not umii you can ca n up the object with deSire tO dO SO. great distinctness This training is invaluable in the arousing and developing, not only of your perceptive powers, but as a culti- vation of accuracy which is absolutely essential in the use of clairvoyance. It is the vague, disconnected, partial view Accuracy mckvaan . makes accuracy of things which makes untrained clair- in vision voyance so unreliable. AIM FOB DEFINITENESS AND CLEARNESS AS WELL AS QUALITY. This is your first point of achieve- ment, that you be able to see an object so clearly that you can perfectly repro- perfectly reproduc it ... , , . . rrn i" your mental duce it in your mental vision. This is vision the beginning of the clear seeing of later development. As the child must be first trained in the recognition of letters and Seventy-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL words before lie can connect them into YOU *tu*t \>e trained sentences, so must you be trained in the in the faculty of ueing faculty of seeing on the psychic plane before you can make connected or intel- ligent interpretation. In the development of the expression of any gift, method is indispensable, and practice imperative. Be patient, perse- vering and faithful. Puny of Thought, At the end of a week, still continuing Motive and Purpose . , . in essential to successful the general and specific rules, instead ot clairvoyance focusing your attention upon an object in your immediate presence you may enter into a revery which recalls events. This of course, after you have taken your bath, treatment, etc. To mentally recall events, go back in memory and picture forth with every detail outlined, some scene of the past with its attend- ant persons, surroundings, etc. Choose an event which at the time of its occur- rence was vividly impressed upon your Ut '* b " ea Z mind. Let it be something pleasant, with Seventy-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL details of a particularly happy nature, and linger upon it, until the whole scene and its connections are brought clearly before your mental vision. Repeat the process of recall at a number of sittings, Practice frequently then take other scenes or persons you have seen. Practise the recall frequent- ly through the day. Insist upon seeing every detail with perfect accuracy. During your sittings you may see flashes of color or stars or symbols of various kinds. This indicates that you This tndicatetyou an becoming attuned to are becoming attuned to the etheric vi- /** vitrationt brations which enable you to see on the psychic plane. If you have a friend in perfect sym- pathy with you, try at times to see what he is doing at a stated time, and let him report the fact that would corroborate or refute your experience. In all the ex- ercises be firm but relaxed mentally, s e f rm but relaxed having no tension in any way, neither being anxious nor impatient. Seventy-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL Continue the twice daily exercises al- ways before a meal, but never imme- diately after. After the usual time spent in concen- tration upon the object or thought, take ten or fifteen minutes for revery with the mind calmly expectant, awaiting ex- perience. After you have learned to center your for cei ce nter your forces without becoming intense, you will occasionally see glimpses of scenery, persons or objects, often when you are not thinking of it. DO not bt dixouraged j) o not fr Q di sco uraged, even if you see no signs. There is a great difference in people. Some, like flowers, bloom more quickly than others. After a time you may find yourself becoming unusually sensitive to sights, sounds, smells, conditions or persons. Semiti-venets a phate This sensitiveness is a phase of your of your development development. So is your perfect mas- tery of yourself. Be patient. .Continue to realize that God is your Seventy-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL Teacher, Guide and Protector. Keep al- ways in prayerful communion with Him. Live calmly and happily with your thought and desire intent upon the best. This is your protection. Consecrate yourself daily and hourly that you may be pure in motive, thought and deed. This is the only basis on which you should attempt to develop any phases of this remarkable gift of clair- voyance. HERE ARE THREE THINGS TO BE REMEM BERED. FIRST, ALWAYS SIT ALONE. SEC- OND, ALWAYS BELIEVE IN RESULTS. SAY NOTHING OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING, AND NEVER TELL YOUR EXPERIENCES TO UNSYM- PATHETIC PERSONS. More and more as you go on, covet earnestly the best gifts. Ask for that quality in your character which will make vou strong and masterful under all *""* a " d . maiter f ul under all ctrcum- circumstances. Use this clear seeing fac- ulty for the discerning of spiritual Seventy-seven stanc " THE MYSTIC SCROLL J17// truths or for helpful ministry. Never use it except for the most exalted pur- poses. Woe unto you if you do. Beloved, especially do I warn you to refrain from very much discerning of spirits. The reason for this is that when a person lays down his garment of flesh he has been called to another world en to learn lessons there to learn other lessons and to enter and to enter upon other -wort U p n other work. If through his affec- tions and the yearning of his friends he is called back to earthly conditions, he is thus prevented from entering upon those other opportunities and learning those other lessons to which he has been called. If you call him back, you do him an injury, in preventing his progress in the other life. Therefore refrain. Be umGofsbeau- satisfied to know that he is in God's "" & here beautiful world there, as he was here, and that all is well with him. Bid him God-speed and heroically adjust your- Seventy-eipht THE MYSTIC SCROLL self to the loss of communication with him, knowing that it is better so, be- cause it is for his good. Of course, there may be times when you can feel the breath of his presence and perhaps see the beloved form which comes as a sweet reward, for your un- selfish renunciation, but let these times come unsought, and let his visit with you be as the coming of the summer speak the -word . if comfort or dawn, full of peace and blessing. Be inurvtion ready to always speak the word of com- fort or instruction to the spirits in or out of the flesh, and let your aim ever be the consecrated use of your gift of clairvoyance. Seventy-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER VI Symbols and Visions and How to Interpret Them "Forms are symbols of life or thought. Truth is revealed through forms." When the sense of clairvoyance be- gins to develop, you will often see pecu- liar symbols around a person of whom you are thinking, or when you are not thinking of anyone, there may suddenly flash into your mind the picture of a cross or a circle or a beautiful star. These and similar pictures are called symbols. These I have mentioned par- ticularly, are the figures which have been used through all the ages as signi- fying principles of truth, and the fact of your seeing them is a proof that you Signifying principlet of truth are b em g thus taught concerning truth. The circle is a symbol of eternity Eighty THE MYSTIC SCROLL which has no beginning and no ending, and when seen in this way would natu- rally signify some phase of that eternal truth in which you are interested. The five-pointed star is a symbol of the nat- ural man in a state of aspiration, al- though it has many significations. With the single point upward it also signifies the operation of the good forces, and therefore indicates harmony with the Divine will, but with the two points pointing upward it is inverted good, and so means evil, or darkness. The cross is a symbol of crucifixion and of victory. It is the crucifixion of the natural, but the victory of the spirit- ual. You must always turn the light of the TU the light of the Spirit upon spirit, which is your Divine wisdom, these symbols upon these symbols, or whatever sym- bols you may happen to see, (all pic- tures are, in a sense, symbols) and en- deavor to get their spiritual meaning. Eighty-one 6 THE MYSTIC SCROLL For instance, suppose you were in a state of depression, or despondency; you might see a cross. Now if you only read from the dark, or the negative side, you would say that that meant you would have to suffer, that you had some- thing to bear, but if you look for the other side, you will declare that it means a victory. By your word of faith you Declare that it means a -victory bring to pass the reality of what you see. In the seeing of any symbol you will notice there are two ways of interpreta- tion. If you are able to interpret from the standpoint of principle, rather than A* for the -wisdom personality, you will see the positive y pmt good of the symbol, and so get the good out of it. If you can keep in mind at all times that the Holy Spirit, who is to guide you into all truth is teaching you by means of these symbols or pictures, and will ask for the wisdom of the Holy ~^wS Spirit to interpret them for you, you Eighty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL will never need to fear any confusion, or be undecided as to what they mean. I have already told you that the Th, infinite spirit ac - commodatti itself to Spirit accommodates itself to your finite J /our human mind or human mind and teaches you in ex- actly the way that you can best under- stand. So it may show you pictures. If you are living according to the light of the Spirit and believe in the knowledge of the Spirit to guide you, The interpretation will come with the interpretation will come with the the see ' n i seeing. A certain lady who was in deep trouble, but who was very faithful in following what she believed to be this true Guide, in the midst of her perplex- ity, sat down to ask for help. While she waited, there suddenly appeared before her mental vision a brilliant light, white and glorious. Even when she opened her eyes she could still see this light. Clos- she could ,tni M ing them she waited to see what would come next. Presently out of the dark- Eiphty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL ness came a white robed figure. As it drew near to her she recognized the face of Jesus. He came close, and looking at her in a reproachful manner, said : * * Did I not say unto thee, 'Lo! I am with thee Lc! I am lulth tkce a/way alwttt/. ' Then the light and the figure van- ished, but her heart was comforted. Was this not a symbol which appeared to her childlike mind to reassure her of the presence and power of the saving Christ? Because she lived so close to God she had the vision. Because she lived so close, she was able to get the interpretation of it. It pleased and comforted her beyond measure. It gave her courage to go on trying to do her full duty and to see the light on all sides. AII thing t under the Another time a mother, who was guidance of God living constantly in the faith that all things were under the guidance of God, and who believed very strongly in the spirit that never dies, was put to the Eighty-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL test by the sickness of her only child, a boy of eight years. He had met with an accident and was brought home on a stretcher. She sat down beside him to give him healing treatment and to put him in God's care. Suddenly before her eyes appeared a symbol. What do you suppose it was ? A coffin. At the same time that she looked upon this, she heard a bell tolling as for a funeral. Instantly she spoke the words that are true always of the spirit. She said, "I, as spirit, see no death. This, therefore, is not a symbol of death. My He !/>/>//, he u boy is spirit; he lives, and he will live. This is but a symbol of the death of the old conditions; as such I accept it. The old conditions are dead and this is the symbol of a new life." The more she thought of these words, the more strongly she believed them, and gradually as she spoke these strong, Eighty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL The ttrtng Flowing ? - n ,-, words of the spirit glowing words of the spirit, the casket was taken out of her sight, and in its place came beautiful flowers growing fair and lovely as though upon the material earth. These, she interpreted symbol* *f the ^ gy^o^ O f fo e true life. After half true ttjC an hour of this kind of experience, with her heart reassured and her soul strengthened by her acknowledgement of the spiritual truth, and with the great joy of her victory over fear, she found the boy much better; and that was the beginning of his perfect recovery. You see now what I mean by turn- ing the light of the Spirit upon these pictures or visions. If you are afraid, or yield yourself to the suggestions of fear when you look upon a dark picture, you will make conditions worse, but if, speak word, that are on the contrary, you begin to speak the s? irt t wor( j g ^at are true of spirit and speak them until you feel and thrill with the truth of them, you will have conquered both yourself and the condition. Eighty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL The seeing of such pictures as I have described is the faculty of seeing sym- bols which are thrown into your mental- ity in order that you may gain some In rder ' h *y gain some help help or lesson from them by keeping yourself in touch with the Holy Spirit believing it will answer you, and that the interpretation will be given. "With this clairvoyant faculty, there- fore, you can see into the psychic realm around and about you and will often see symbols that refer to general events or conditions, or that have some special reference to the persons of whom you are thinking, or with whom you are in contact. Sometimes you will see a person en- Jgfap* / his aura sphered in a cloud of different colors. This is a glimpse of his aura, which may be of many colors or of one principal color. You do not need to inquire especially into what it means unless there is some reason for you to know, in Eighty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL which case ask the Spirit to reveal it to t with the y 011 always with the motive in your right motive " heart of doing good to the person and for his or her benefit and to make use of the knowledge given. You will soon learn to interpret the general signs of what you see because you will at once discriminate between the good and the evil. For example, you may see about a person a storm. This indicates that he is to pass through some kind of a crisis. Help him to make You can help him to confront it and to /* a benefit make it a benefit instead of a disaster, by declaring for him and with him the truth; by saying for him no storm can affect his spirit, no condition in his environment can make him afraid, be- cause he is spirit; as spirit he is perfect, Abie to come out of and theref ore able to come out of every the experience a conqueror experience a conqueror, more than ever blessed and capable of blessing. You may at times have definite Eighty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL visions of what is to come to you or someone in whom you are interested. Never give yourself to the thought that Never allow the thought that you can- you cannot understand. Never allow <* understand what you tet yourself to be carried away by curiosity or depressed by fear. Remember, no matter what you see, your knowledge of the spirit, your faith in the spirit will enable you to turn the vision to good, to make it beneficent, and not disastrous. I have spoken this about symbols and visions because I know that many are beginning to develop the senses of sight and hearing on the psychic plane Beginning to Je tight and hearing exactly as they would on the physical plane. If what you see is good and beauti- ful, take it as an inspiration, by trying to understand what it means; appropriate what it gives you and then forget it, or just pass it by; do not med- dle with it. For no matter how beautiful it is, you Eighty-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL cannot afford to delay, or waste your time with it. In fact yon mnst learn to deal with the psychic realm exactly as you do Deal with psychic with the physical. In the physical world realm txact'y at with the physical you would not think of stopping if you had a pressing duty to perform, no mat- ter what your eyes might see or your ears hear ; you would straightway go on your way and do it, enjoying in the meantime the pleasant sights and con- TOU -would straight- ditions around you whether the beauty iv^y go on your way of the landscape, the wonder of the sky or whatever came before you. But you would not stop and wonder what this meant or what that meant, no mat- ter how strange or even fascinating it might be. In the same way you are to deal with all these sights and sounds and con- ditions that you meet on this mental and Nothing but objtct psychic plane. They are nothing but tenons object lessons, and by looking at their Ninety THE MYSTIC SCROLL source, at the same time keeping your Keeping your mind open mind open to the wisdom of the Spirit in interpreting them, you can quickly discriminate what will be helpful and what not ; then you will be able to go on your way, taking the good and leaving the other. Here, as you are just beginning to develop the understanding of the gifts that God has given you, you must realize that according to your readiness -%%** l ar y ur to learn each lesson as it comes to you tttekhmm will be the quickness of your promotion into another class. It is not desirable to linger. For this reason it is well for you to be content, even without clairvoy- ance, until you are so firmly estab- lished in your spiritual life that you will be able to make use of the psychic So firmly established sight in such a way as to be benefitted >>/ w//^ by it rather than harmed. There are many people in ignorance Ninety-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL of the significance of the unseen realm today because they do not understand how to meet and deal with these exper- iences on the psychic plane. They see symbols and visions but do not know how to interpret them or where to place them. At present this world is receiving a great impetus in the development of the vtry necessary to un- psychic gifts, and it is very necessary to der stand psychic gifts r * understand how to master them instead of being mastered by them. Until you have a strong, firm hold of the spiritual truth and through it can attain unto spiritual living, it is not safe it is not safe to daily for you to dally with psychic exper- iviih psychic . . expended lences. You are too ignorant and too negative. You can very well understand how it would be to send a little child out into the street where there were all kinds of sights and objects. The child, although having eyes to see, and ears to hear, but Ninety-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL not having judgment, would be terrified and in great danger. Just as you would 7 uit as y" u !* protect a little child protect your little child, you must pro- tect yourself. The moment you have the beginning of the clairvoyant sight or find yourself seeing visions, that moment you must pray most earnestly for the baptism of the Spirit, which shall give you clear, keen judgment, and the power of discriminating as to what is good and what is not good. You must live very close to God, trust- r n -very close to God mg yourself to be guided and informed at every step of the way in this grave matter. Jesus emphasized the impor- tance of this, 'when He said: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His right- eousness and all else shall be added." This really is the only way to come into your inheritance; when you truly desire to know God, and to live as He would have you live, be assured you will n -win be dev and guided be developed and guided in the use of Ninety-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL all your great privileges and spiritual gifts. ONE THING ABOVE ALL OTHEBS PBAY FOE J THAT IS SPIKITUAL JUDGMENT. WlTH THIS, YOU NEED BE AFBAID OF NOTHING ; YOU WILL BE ABLE TO KNOW EXACTLY WHEKE TO PLACE EVERY EXPERIENCE AND QUICKLY LEARN THE LESSON WHICH IT BRINGS. Il IS TRUE YOU OUGHT TO DEVELOP EVERY FACULTY AND MAKE USE OF EVERY GIFT GOD HAS GIVEN, YET IT MUST NOT BE BY A HOTBED PROCESS. IT MUST BE THE CALM, DAY BY DAY UNFOLDMENT THAT WE SEE IN THE GROWTH OF THE CHILD. IT MUST BE THE GROWTH WITHOUT STRAINING OR STRIVING, WITHOUT FEARING OR FLINCHING. IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME EVERY GOOD THING WILL FLOWER FORTH IN ITS PERFECTION ON EVERY PLANE OF BEING. THEN THERE WILL BE MATURITY AND THE BLOOMING FORTH OF THE POWERS OF THE SPIRIT. Ninety-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL "And like the ocean, day by day receiv- ing Floods from all lands, which never over- flows; Its boundary-line not leaping, and not leaving, Fed by the rivers, but unswelled by those ; So is the perfect one ! to his soul 's ocean The world of sense pours streams of witchery ; They leave him as they find, without commotion, Taking their tribute, but remaining sea." Herein, Beloved, will you find the hint of that perfection -toward which your heart yearns. Ninety-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER VII Concentration a Means of Mind Training. "This one thing I do." Paul. "Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left." Proverbs. Having discovered the great powers and possibilities stored away in your being, the next question is how to develop and use them. The first step in attaining this end lies in the control control of o f the mind and the direction of the mind thought. The ordinary person not knowing or realizing the great power and scope of thought would say that he could not con- trol his thinking, that that is entirely involuntary. Doubtless you have said this same thing and yet if you will stop and think Ninety-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL about it, you will realize that whatever you have done in your life that is worth while has been done as a result of a .steady purpose and the right kind of thinking towards its accomplishment. Even in the most trifling matters you TOU know the -value , ,, , , , . ., -,. of mental steadiness know the value of this mental steadiness. " It is as necessary to have a fixed pur- pose in regard to the use of one 's facul- ties towards a given end as it is to have the end in view. Your body, your senses, your facul- The implements -witA which you are ties of mind and soul are the implements e with which you are equipped and by which you can build that most wonder- ful of all structures the mind of man can conceive of the structure of char- acter. The man or the woman of character is the one who has made something of himself through the use of these imple- ments. The well rounded and powerful char- Ninety-seven 7 THE MYSTIC SCROLL acter is an influence in the world, a power going forth and entering into works for the betterment of humanity. A po-wer gomg forth j^ j g the crowning glory of God's handi- for the betterment of humanity W0 rk and man's achievement, for it is the combination of the Divine and the human. It stands forth in the world as a representative and ambassador from heaven itself. Y contain the post- You, as you are this moment, contain m* character the possibilities of this God-like char- acter. As the offspring of God, you are spirit. The lower or human aspect of Spirit is soul. This is the seat of emotions which, translated into thoughts, are formulated in the mind and expressed through the body. The mind is the connecting link between soul and Mind the c^nect. body and should be the guide and mas- ter jof the body. You, spirit soul, must, therefore, see that the mind not only selects and formulates the right kind of thoughts, . Ninety-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL but that it absolutely refuses to hold or express any other kind. As a beginning in this practice of mind- control you must, therefore, resolutely turn out and shut the door upon any 2" thoughts which are detrimental to the m "> tal "> u z hti happiness of the soul or the welfare of the body. The great importance of this was explained in the previous chapter. Never for one moment must you lose sight of the fact that the forces within and without, be they good or evil, are 'dependent upon your thoughts for their Dependent upon your thoughts for their power. The moment you discriminate as to the right kind of thought and decide upon the holding to that kind only, all the angelic forces in your soul are ike an quickened into activity and become magnetically charged to attract their kind of forces from the universal realm. The highest kind of thinking is from Ninety-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL the spiritual side of your being. Pause a moment and consider what naturally turdiy be- belongs to the spirit. Is it not all that long i to the sfirit is true, holy, just, honorable and alto- gether lovely? Nothing that is evil or dark can come from God, and the spirit is the seed of God. Having this seed which is your very being, you have all the attributes of God. When you think about yourself, then, you should think from the stand- point of Spirit which is the standpoint The ttandpoint of tht Unchangeable o f ^Q Unchangeable, the Unlimited, the Perfect. When you say "I" it should be with the thought of what you are as spirit. As spirit you are already whole, wise and perfect. That side of your being which I spoke of in the first chapter as your negative or human side is over-shadowed by the earth and earth conditions, and presents very often the most contrary aspects to One Hundred THE MYSTIC SCROLL that of the spirit. You may wonder why then it seems to have so much more power than the spirit. Because, accept- *&*<*** neg tide more power ing appearances as authority you give it more power. You question why you identify the "I" with the body. Simply because your consciousness is attached to the body rather than the spirit. The consciousness is like a flowing stream, every moment changing and carrying in its current, thoughts which originate in the shadow of the earthly conditions and imperfections, or in the light and truth of the spirit. It is for you, the real master, to decide // is for you to decide whether the consciousness shall cling to the earth, and gather from the earth ; or to the spirit and gather from the spirit. This is the object you now have in view; namely, the control of your Control of your thoughts thoughts. One of the methods which is most effectual and which must be prac- ticed faithfully in order to obtain the One Hundred and One THE MYSTIC SCROLL intending of ail best results, is called concentration. forces to the tnd desired Concentration of purpose is an intend- ing of all forces, faculties and powers to the end desired, and is the underlying motive of the mind. Concentration of attention is an intending or turning of consciousness upon a certain object or idea for a definite or specific time. nu need both You need both. The very fact that you decide to make the most of your self will, if you perse- vere, prove that you have concentrated upon that end. The next step is to decide not only that you have time but that you will take time to concentrate your atten- Taketimeto tion upon the exercises that will be concentrate . 4 *i > given you tor daily practice. In this as in every other work you must be faithful if you wish to be suc- cessful. This is absolutely imperative, as much so as it is necessary for your child to go to school every day in order One Hundred and Two J THE MYSTIC SCROLL to learn his lessons and obtain his edu- cation. To go to school at 9 o'clock one day, at 11 o'clock another day, 3 o'clock the next, and then skip two or three days, would insure his failure as a scholar, would it not? This may give you an idea of the ne- N ""y O f r < ular tty and faithfulness cessity of regularity and faithfulness in this school in which you are starting out to learn the most important of all truths, i e., where you came from, who you are, and what is your destiny. I am, there- fore, purposely dwelling upon the neces- sity of regularity and constancy. I want you to succeed. If possible have a place, either your own bedchamber, or better still, a room which you can set apart for this pur- pose, a place where you will not be in- terrupted, and in which you can be at perfect ease. At the time set apart for the purpose, (early morning is the very best time), go there and begin your prac- tice. One Hundred and Three THE MYSTIC SCROLL At first five minutes may be long enough, but gradually lengthen the time until you can spend fifteen minutes or half an hour. In a very few days you will find your concentration of purpose and your power of concentration of at- four power greatly increased tention greatly increased. To begin with, take a sheet of white paper about six inches square. On this print in black letters the word Love and below it Aum. Around these two words draw a circle. Pin the paper upon the wall within easy range of your eyes. Then place a chair about six feet from the paper. Before seating yourself, stand erect and look earnestly at the paper. Exhale and inhale the breath slowly and thoughtfully three times. "With each inhalation mentally repeat the word "Purify" and with each exhal- ation the word "me." Then sit down with your feet squarely on the floor, your hands, palms up, rest- One Hundred and Four THE MYSTIC SCROLL ing easily upon your knees, your spine straight and without touching the back of the chair. Look steadily at the word Love at the same time realizing that it Reain g that it ., _ . , . , the Supreme Love is the supreme Love in which you are being immersed. Feel the all-pervading tenderness of the Love which is God. Imagine that it is enfolding you, filling you and blessing you in order that you may bless the world. You can repeat *#?* tht rdalw v tc*iv fifties ufttil yo the word aloud a few tunes until you get * into the sfirit of into the spirit of it. After two or three minutes of this, let your eyes rest upon the Aum and, still maintaining the same position, slowly repeat this word in a low musical monotone. Begin with the mouth wide open pronouncing the "A" as in Father, then gradually closing the mouth with the "M" dying away in a long-drawn hum-m-m-m. Do this seven Unt 'l y u [ eel at one with the Power times, then rest until you feel at one with the Power. You will soon be able to One Hundred and Five THE MYSTIC SCROLL concentrate your attention so that fif- teen, twenty, or even thirty minutes will quickly pass and your exercise be over. E-ven though you have Do this in the morning, even though to get up half an hour earlier you have to get up half an hour earlier, and you will be richly rewarded. If you can do it half an hour before re- tiring so much the better, but if you can only do it ten minutes be sure to do that much. Think of it between times when you are walking on the street or in the cars, or in any idle moments. Regularity most The regularity is most important. Do important not miss even one time, especially in the morning, yet if circumstances occur which make it absolutely impossible to conform to this rule, do not spend any time regretting your loss, but do your best and be all the more faithful after- ward. The word Love you will notice, is one it is that -which calls o f the names for God. It is that which forth your highest quality ca n s forth your highest spiritual quality One Hundred and Six THE MYSTIC SCROLL and when with your whole heart you re- spond to its vibrations, you will be a focusing center and distributor of its power. "Aum" is the Hindu word for God, DO not think it is all you can do and the vibration of each letter, as well as the vibration of the word itself, will put you in touch with the universal vibration, both from the human and Divine side. This exercise can be fol- lowed with great benefit for at least a month, or longer, but do not think that it is all that you can do. There will be many words and sentences which, when you hear or read them, will find an an- swering thrill in your heart. If so, select &lect the word or 1' -i , ,.-,. ill sentence "which is the word or sentence which is most help- moa Ae / f j- uJ ful and concentrate upon it by repeating either mentally or audibly as you walk along the street or attend to your busi- - ness. In this way you will soon learn that it is possible to KEEP YOUR MIND OCCUPIED One Hundred and Seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL WITH THE KIND OF THOUGHTS THAT YOU Train your *ind in SELECT, and by vigilance and persistence right kabiu You ^jj t ra { n a { n t ^ e r igfa habits. All this means an increase of mental power and an organization into working order of all your dominant faculties. Your will will be strengthened, your perception made keener, your power of judgment more excellent, and in every way you will be gradually molded ac- cording to the pattern of your ideal. I have spoken about the concentration upon one word. But you will soon find that you can take a sentence and simply repeat it either mentally or audibly Repeat till you enter fa} y QU en f er i n tQ it s quality and feel into ttt quality and y feel in -vibration* fa ^^ations. Be sure to select the word or sentence that will be most up- lifting, most spiritual. The first sentence of the 23rd Psalm is a very good one "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Kepeat this over and over until you feel its One Hundred and Eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL truth, for the feeling or conviction is the proof of its wonderful power. Whenever you feel downcast or lonely whenever you // lonely or discouraged or discouraged you can change your vi- you can C h arige you r brations by taking up this first verse of the 23rd Psalm, or even the whole Psalm. But you will also find many other beautiful texts and sentences which will do the same for you. The change that comes through the repetition of words or sentences, by pro- ducing within you this uplifting and re- assurance, indicates that you have struck the keynote that will attune your n taw struck whole being to its harmony. Herein lies the secret, not only of your power to control the mind, but to change the condition of the body. I will speak more of this later on. With a little practice you will quickly learn that the substitution of a right thought for a wrong one, a cheerful one for a discouraged one, is the clue to con- ? he c i ue to controlling trolling your thoughts. your thwghti One Hundred and Nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL Why should you sit down and mope and groan with discouragement when things have gone wrong, when, by half an hour's speaking of a few sentences anC Mmood you can change your whole mood from one of darkness to one of light? Why, indeed ! You will find, with this kind of think- ing that you are gradually changing in every way. You regard yourself in a different light. Instead of being a vic- tim of circumstances and a football of fate, you come to realize that you are it h you -whoarbi- the mas t er , that it is you who arbitrate tr ate your >' " *** mental door that mental door that was left open. It may " le f f t tn have been through a fit of anger that you brought on the cold, or it may be a disappointment, or possibly it was be- cause you were very tired and allowed yourself to be susceptible to physical conditions. In any event it was a f orgetfulness on your part of ivho and what you are as spirit which made it possible for you to succumb. Or suppose instead of a physi- cal condition you are led to study a cer- tain occurrence or incident in your family. If unpleasant it has its signifi- cance and may have been the cause of If hai ' ?#"* which ytu may COld. discover IF YOUE MIND IS OPEN YOU WILL QUICK- LY DISCERN THE DIRECT OR INDIRECT CAUSE, AND GAIN THE BENEFIT OF YOUR KNOWL- EDGE. Every bit of spiritual knowledge, One Hundred and Thirty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL gives you an intelligent hold upon your spiritual power. A -word about Now, a word about your impulses. your imfu/set You see the necessity of training your- self not to express too much feeling or emotion, for every impulsive efferves- cence robs you of the force which might otherwise keep you firm and strong, both in your mental and physical atmos- phere. Fifth. Decide all questions from a standpoint of principle rather than per- sonality. This is a very important rule and will help you to avoid untold suffer- ing, both for yourself and others when you learn to follow it. Guide your nf e by To guide your life by a principle is a principle ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ for rf^^ gake and not merely because you enjoy doing right, or are afraid of doing wrong. Many things might be easy, but they might not be right and would therefore bring trouble because of their deviation One Hundred and Thirty-four THE: MYSTIC SCROLL from the right. To a person who does not understand even the simple rules of arithmetic, it is not easy to add figures, and yet in paying or receiving money it is necessary to know exactly how much to give or receive. When you begin to live the spiritual life consciously, you must live the mathe- r muaint the mathematical ttfe matical life. Everything must be exact, for you must, indeed, reap what you sow. In all your relations with the world, with people or with yourself, be true, absolutely true. This means, if you are on the street car and the conductor fails to call for your fare you must be true to your principle, as well as to the railway company, and pay your fare, for just as surely as you withhold that j ust ai iure i y ai .,, , , f you -withhold money you will cheat yourself. You may ask, What has all this to do with the secret of mystic power. It has everything to do with it. The least tip One Hundred and Thirty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL of the scales of righteousness towards wrong or injustice robs you of spiritual mystic force. These rules I have given are to help on to increase y OU ^ your daily living to increase and and conserve the tpintuaiforcet conserve the spiritual forces. You must learn self-mastery if you would be a true mystic. If you do not live according to the rules, these forces are being continually diffused instead of conserved, and instead of your being masterful, wise and powerful, you are quite the opposite. There is another reason and a very important one why you should cultivate your self-control. Around about every human being, in- visible to the ordinary eye but plainly seen by the clairvoyant, there is an egg- shaped cloud called the aura. It may be compared to the delicate white lining of an egg, that which lies next to the shell. You can understand what would happen to the egg in the shell if the lining were One Hundred and Thirty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL broken. WHENEVER YOU YIELD YOURSELF TO ANY STRONG EMOTION SUCH AS EXTREME JOY, OR GRIEF, OR FEAR, YOUR AURA IS PUNCTURED, AND THE SOUL FORCE ESCAPES. TAe soul force etcafet This is why you feel so exhausted or weak physically, after a paroxysm of laughter or grief or anger or any ex- treme emotion. Doubtless you have known people to say that they did not dare to give way to their emotions for they were pros- trated after it. This because their aura has been invaded by outside forces as well as broken so as to scatter forces within. In comparing the aura to the lining of the egg I did not mean to imply that it is a substance like that, but that rather it is a protector as the skin is the pro- tector of the soft part of the egg. The aura in reality is more like a firm, enclosing atmosphere than a substance. A /i It is formed by the magnetic and electric One Hundred and Thirty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL vibrations emanating from the thoughts, feelings and qualities of the mind and soul. To the clairvoyant sight this aura is indicates the mood, colored and by its color indicates the condition and quality mood, condition and quality of the per- son it enspheres. The one who is living the sensual life has a very gross or low quality of vibra- tion and a dark, muddy or reddish brown, gray, or a peculiar red looking and repellant aura, but the person who is living a life of purity, truth, and noble aspirations has a most beautiful and attractive aura of golden yellow, blue or opaline tints, etc. A PERSON WITH THESE LATTER COLOR- INGS IS MAGNETIC ; HE IS ABLE TO WIN FOR HIMSELF FRIENDS, OPPORTUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES. His life is a continuous ex- A continuous exhalation halation of the vibrations of love, peace and holiness. It is plain at once that he would be a power for good, even with- One Hundred and Thirty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL out assuming that virtue. He would be able to give wise counsel, to heal the counsel sick and to send forth his word with the power of a master. Can you guess wherein lies his secret? Is it not in that self-control, that in- ward quietude, that spiritual insight, that devotion to the interests of others, that contemplation of the presence of God, (which is the habit always of the true mystic) that makes him the embod- iment of the mystic power? Yes, Beloved, this one is a close fol- lower of the Master whose watchword for all occasions and all conditions was love, whose great commandment was: Whose tvatch'word 11 Love the Lord thy God with all thy f or a " cond "' ons was love heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, and thy neighbor as thyself." In obeying this commandment can you do otherwise than live in the spirit? Beloved, the words of this lesson are One Hundred and Thirty-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL as nuts ; crack them and eat the kernels. In this you will find verily food for the soul. One Hundred and Forty THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER X Mental and Physical Conditions for Health. "// man were in possession of a per- fect knowledge of self he would not need to be sick at all." Words of a Mystic who lived in the sixteenth century. In order to obtain and keep good health it is necessary not only to have high spiritual ideals, but to keep the mind and body in good condition. The soul is the seat of emotions which either T^ *>/ the u< of emotion* upbuild or destroy the fair outlook of the mind. Joy, hope, courage and kin- dred feelings are conducive to the best use of mental as well as physical activi- ties, while their opposites, sorrow, des- pondency, hopelessness, fear or doubt are like black curtains drawn over the windows of your mind shutting out all that is bright and beautiful. THE MOMENT YOU FEEL THE BURDEN OP One Hundred and Forty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL FEAR FALLING UPON YOUE HEART YOU SHOULD SUMMON ALL YOUR FAITH, AND AS- SURANCE TO BANISH IT. This you can do by resolutely turning from the thought of it and all that it sug- ords that 'win U p- gests, to words that will naturally up- lift your hcwt lift your heart and fill your mind with beautiful instead of ugly mental pic- tures. It is so easy to fall into the habit of worrying, of constantly looking on the dark side and imagining all kind of evil conditions, but remember, Beloved, any habit can be broken providing all your faculties for establishing a better condition are brought to bear upon the matter. The mind, the natural mind, or as Paul calls it ''the mind of the flesh," is prone to the seeing of evil. It is this which leads you into all kinds of mental discords and dissipations, but the "mind Mind of the tf irit of the spirit," to quote again from Paul, "leads to life and peace." One Hundred and Forty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL You can see by this that the beginning The beginning of reform of reform in habits of thinking lies in the control of this mind of the flesh. In one sense this mind belonging to the natural man is like a child, and needs dis- cipline and training in order to become obedient to the mind of the spirit which should be the master. Now that you recognize this as your real self you have Only to EDUCATE YOTTB WILL, JUDGMENT, SENSES, AND EMOTIONS, TO CONFORM TO AND OBEY YOUR HIGHER SELF. Whatever habit you wish to correct, can be corrected if you hold steadily to this thought that there is nothing impos- Nothin s */*/ sible to the Divine Power and Will. All that is good within you can be brought into accord with it. All that is evil can be transmuted or destroyed. Now for your habits, what are they? Suppose you have what you call a bad temper; while you have long suffered mentally and physically, yet you say that One Hundred and Forty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL you have never been able to control it. You can do so now if you will heed the Heed suggestion, suggestions given you. Remember first, given that all progress is according to the wise statement of Isaiah when he said: "Line upon line and precept upon precept." The first thought you should have in regard to this matter of temper is this "The spirit is always calm, wise and unchanging. I dm spirit, therefore, I cannot be disturbed by any condition that goes on around me. My thought is of the spirit, and therefore it is filled with peace. I can possess my soul in patience because the soul is subject unto the spirit even as the spirit is subject unto the Father. I am calm, now and always; I am poised, I abide in the cen- Abidt in the center , . .. ter of Peace. If you will learn these words and re- peat them ten or twelve times, the mo- ment you begin to feel impatient or angry, the feeling will soon disappear. One Hundred and Forty-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL By doing this day after day you will r ///*/ habit of calmness finally establish the habit of calmness so that it will be no trouble for you to speak and act accordingly. This serenity of feeling and thought will help to establish not only your health but your happiness. As you learn how to control anger, you will learn how to control all other emotions which lead you into valleys of darkness. THE REMEDY FOB ALL DISCOED IS HAR- MONY. In the spirit you will find harmony. By dwelling in the spirit your conscious- ness will fall as a limpid stream into your mind and from thence be sent forth as beautiful thoughts to be translated Trmttattd into btne into beneficent activities. -You see, there- *""' activities fore, the way to the subjection and con- trol of emotions and thoughts. In regard to health this is very important. You must be optimistic, One Hundred and Forty-five IO THE MYSTIC SCROLL seeing the bright side of everything, looking hopefully to a happy outcome of all conditions whatever they may be. is a nf e of trust The life of the spirit is a life of trust. It recognizes God in you, and God with- out, for is He not the Father of all, who is above all, through all and in all? This is the center and base of all your thought and your habits of living. How can you be otherwise than hopeful even though you can not see the thing hoped for, if you have faith in God and His law? When you have hope you see in your mind's eye, the desirable condition. Hope then is a great factor in the build- ing of health for it gives to your mind the image of the healthy body. It en- abiti you to n-ve ables you to live above time, and to above time count not the period of waiting. Joy, too, is essential. It helps you to see the beauty in everything. It helps you to be interested in life, in nature One Hundred and Forty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL and in persons and things. Physically it keeps your blood circulating. It makes you not only lighthearted but lightfooted. It enables you to draw long deep breaths and to renew your *<**> *" * continually strength continually. We must not underrate courage, for this too is invaluable. It helps you to see beyond obstacles and to overcome . them. It makes you fearless in facing duties and conditions that otherwise might seem hard. All the graces and virtues of the spirit must be put into your daily living for in this way only, Beloved, will you be ABLE TO KEEP SOUL, MIND AND BODY IN PEB- FECT ACCORD. This means health. Should there be This mean, at any time a discord between these three phases of your being, there is sure to be a manifestation called disease. Holiness in the soul, harmony in mind, and health in the body are degrees of One Hundred and Forty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL the same thing, namely wholeness, per- fection. When the three are joined beautiful there cannot be otherwise than a body healthy, beautiful, sound body. You will need only a short period of experience in living these truths I have given you, before you will realize what a wonderful power and scope your thought has. This means you have great responsibilities not only in regard to yourself but in regard to everyone of whom you think with any degree of interest or love. Have you not noticed how quickly you can detect the mood of another? Very often you can tell of what he is thinking. This is because between minds that are be -.ommunica- related there is oneness and may be tion of thought or mood communication of thought or mood. It means even more than this, since time, nor space nor matter offer obstruction to thought. It travels with the speed of lightning to the person or object thought One Hundred and Forty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL about. This I have already referred to in a previous lesson; I wish only to remind you of what a WONDERFUL PRIVI- ^ frtvilege LEGE IS YOUES IN CHOOSING AND THINKING THOUGHTS THAT MAY BE SENT FORTH FOR THE HEALTH AND HEALING OP THE ABSENT ONES. Do you realize what this means? It means that you can send thoughts which are healing vibrations to dear ones or those whom you wish to help, when they are sick. Your good thought is a bless- ing and by good I mean anything and everything that is beautiful and sympa- thetic and cheering. One of the best ways of helping your- self as well as others, is to make a prac- tice every morning and every evening of sending forth your thoughts of love and good will to the world at large. You can put it into a simple statement some- thing like this "I AM HAPPY AND FULL F OF THE JOY OF LIFE. I SEND FORTH MY One Hundred and Forty-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL THOUGHT OF JOY AND GOOD WILL AND PEACE TO ALL THE WORLD." Repeat this until you really feel in your heart the truth of it. You may know then that you are sending forth rays of influence as the sun sends forth rays of light. Living thus with your mind open to the perceiving and the receiving of all that is fair and beautiful, every function of your body will be performed natural- ly and healthfully. ing hat As we believe that everything has its its place place and should be duly respected and cared for, so the body must be properly fed and properly clothed and cared for. As to food, the main thing is to have an understanding of that which is nourish- ing and wholesome and then use your judgment as to what you eat. Plenty of fresh pure water, from two to six pints, says the scientist, the body needs every day. Cereals, milk, eggs, One Hundred and Fifty THE MYSTIC SCROLL vegetables, whole wheat or graham bread, fruit and nuts, with meat occa- sionally for you who feel the need of it, constitute a large enough variety from which you may choose a satisfying and hygienic list of foods. I merely mention these matters in order that you may think enough about them to realize that the food question is an important one, and not to be ignored or trifled with. There are many heal- ers of disease who lay the cause of either health or disease to the food that is eaten, but while I feel that it is im- portant, it is only one of the many fac- tors to be considered. Then there is the question of air. The body requires a great deal of fresh pure air in order that the lungs may do their part in purifying the blood. Exercise is necessary to keep the blood in circula- tion. It is very important to pay attention One Hundred and Fifty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL Keep the body in at to all these matters and thereby keep the perfect a condition body in as perfect a condition as possi- ble that it may perform its duties and manifest the beauty and wholeness of the spirit. There are two words I would like to have you think about earnestly, and they are, common sense. This is one of the most wonderful faculties given to the human being. With it as the balance wheel for every thought and action, and the adjuster of all relations, you cannot go very far astray in the understanding of what pertains to a normal healthy life. In another lesson I will give more explicit directions for exercises in refer- ence to health-building, yet I would em- phasize again and again the necessity of living in the spirit in order to establish in mind and in body that perfect har- health mony which is manifested in perfect health. One Hundred and Fifty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER XI The Christ Healing "The power which enabled the saints to work miracles is still alive, and acces- sible to all. It is the power of the Holy Ghost, and if you live in God, He will overshadow you with that power, and it will teach you the laws of God and you will be guided like other saints, even as the apostles Peter and Paul." Paracelsus The more you meditate upon the power and presence of God, the more faith you will have in the wonderful works He may do through you. For if you can be a child-like channel, willing #> can be * child ~ like channel to receive, willing to obey, you, too, may say with Jesus: "It is not I, but the Father who dwelleth in me, He doeth the works." Through power, concentra- tion, meditation, and the moment-by-mo- One Hundred and Fifty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL ment living, as though in His presence, you will become as a clean, straight channel, through which His power may be manifested. You will notice, Beloved, that this thought, fully realized will make you truly humble and child-like. With this thought you will NEVER GROW ARROGANT, PROUD OR SELF-ASSERTIVE, BUT QUITE THE CONTRARY, AND THUS IT WILL Tour faith will grow COME TO PASS THAT YOUR FAITH WILL deeper and truer GROW DEEPER AND TRUER AS YOU REALIZE THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. Not only is the power of God omni- potent the greatest of all powers in the world, but His wisdom is absolute and all-inclusive, as perfect in its sphere as the perfect love in which there can be in 'which there ii no shadow and no failure. To you, His nojailure child, God has given the body, mind and material environments, together with all that goes with the human person- ality, as your plastic material, to mould and fashion after the pattern that One Hundred and Fifty-four He, as your inward Teacher, known as the Holy Spirit, gives you. To make this illustration very plain and very simple, imagine before you a class of Kindergarten children, each child with the soft clay on the molding board before him. He is given a pat- He ugi a pattern tern, it may be an apple, a potato, a tea- cup, a flower or a house. These models are for him to imitate. The teacher to whom he looks for guidance and instruc- tion overlooks his work and helps him in moulding the clay according to the image of the pattern. You, Beloved, have your clay before YOU hwtywr day , and your pattern you, you have also the pattern, that is, the ideal. You have a pattern for health, that is the ideal body. You have in your mind a pattern of a home, that is your ideal. You have a pattern of right conduct, that, too, is your ideal. You have a pattern for harmonious relationships with the people around One Hundred and Fifty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL you, that, too, is an ideal, and all these ideals, Beloved, together with many more are the patterns which the Great Teacher furnishes to you and which He to mould helps you to mould and fashion if you andfaikion will continually regard His instruction and keep your vision so clear of all imperfections that it may see only the perfect patterns. I have already given you methods by which you may keep yourself so close to the Teacher and so faithfully turned to Him for direction and guidance in everything that you think or say or do, that you cannot fail to grow in grace and favor with Him; this means when you speak to Him concerning what is to be done, relying upon Him to give you wisdom, power and love, your word will be creative, and when it is spoken it will be as though He spoke it. Then that which was discordant and imper- Shall become harmon- i OUI and perfect feet shall become harmonious and per- One Hundred and Fifty-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL feet. For is there anything, any place, any condition which can be in a state of chaos that His word will not trans- form? As to the healing of disease, then, you have only to put the case before your Father and He, through you, will speak the word that shall bring health and n e -word that shall bring htalth and peace. Sometimes you may think you /* have spoken His word, and yet if there is any fear in it, if there is any of your own human anxiety or doubt, it is not His word and it will not bring forth the perfect health. Only according to your ability to be a perfect channel for Him can He use you as an instrument for His mighty works. You are as the glass globe <<* the g i a gioi* through ivhich the through which the light passes. The / crystal, clear glass will transmit the purest ray of light, the pink glass will send forth a pink radiance, the green, a green radiance, and so on. One Hundred and Fifty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL So you, Beloved, so long as your heart has fear or doubt or discouragement, so long will the quality of your words and thoughts be clouded, but when your when your heart heart is free from the sense of burdens, iifree when you are happy, trusting in God's love, YOUR MIND IS AS A SHINING, DIAMOND WHITE CHANNEL THEOUGH WHICH THE RA- DIANT WHITE LIGHT, THE GLORIOUS SPLEN- DOR OF GOD'S WORD, MAY PASS ON ITS WAY TO THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL MANNER OF REDEEMING WORKS. Attend faithfully, then, to your prayers, to your times for concentration and meditation upon holy things, until you are filled and thrilled with this ar-,* faith k th, clean > clear-cut faith in the saving power of the Christ. For know this, Beloved, the working power of God in the human soul is called His Son, the Only Begotten, the Ee- deemer and Saviour, the Christ. When you have passed through that wonder- one Hundred and Fifty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL ful change which makes you give over which makes you over your human all your human faculties and powers, which makes you able even to give your will and your desires, the human in you is born into the new creature in Christ, and in that mystical moment, you, that is, your human personality, will be anointed with the descent of the three- fold power of the God-Head. IN THAT MOMENT THIS UNCTION WILL MAKE YOU A EEPEESENTATIVE OF THE CREA- TIVE POWER OF THE FATHER, THE MANI- FESTING POWER OF THE CHRIST, AND QUICKENING POWER OF THE HoLY SPIRIT. In the consciousness of this power of the Trinity when you speak a word for healing, the power of the Father will go forth into the image of health, the type of which you perceive to be the ideal body of your patient. Into your word will also be sent the manifesting power of the Christ, and the quickening power n .1 tN -i n A ji i T MI -i e eanp -w of the Spirit, so that the healing will be ^ accomplished One Hundred and Fifty-nine The healinp -will THE MYSTIC SCROLL accomplished verily in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. ca you concede of Can conceive of this wonderful this wonderful 9 fower power and possibility as belonging to you, Beloved? Can you clothe yourself thus with the divine atttributes by giv- ing yourself wholly, completely and with all your heart and soul to the doing of God's work? Then BE NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK THE HEAL- ING WORD FOR ALL MANNER OF DISEASES, FOR ALL MANNER OF DISCORDANT AND EVIL CONDITIONS, for they may all be healed. It is not for you to question if this or that which seems impossible to cure, can be cured ; that is not your part ; you are the word-speaker, you are the instru- ment. All that is of the human self must be denied, put away and forgot- r u -will be abu to ten. If you can do this, you will be able to follow the footsteps of the Great Healer, even Jesus, who promised that you and the disciples who were to come One Hundred and Sixty THE MYSTIC SCROLL after Him should do even greater works than He did. He meant by this, that the same Christ working in you, as it worked in Him, would redeem the world from its sin, sickness and death. For it is the Christ, Beloved, the Christ of God, who is the manifestor of God and who is to be manifest as God in you. Now can you not say with Paul, "7 can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." With faith in this truth in your heart and your mind, you rmemndiemymr- . self and your /> o t and mine yours and mine, but there may be a vast difference between her attitude and ours in receiving them. In Nature's heart there was no bitterness that the light had fled, that her beauteous child, the day, was lost. There was harmony, not discord, and thus the Law did its perfect work of refreshing, renewing, regener- ating. So it will for you, if you will only cease grieving, and let the thought of life, not death, possess you. One Hundred and Sixty-seven THE MYSTIC SCROLL ur loved one h as Change, Beloved, is not of the spirit, not changed so your loved one has not changed. Death is but the open door into another mansion of the Father's house. If you really know this to be so, with all the assurance of your heart and soul. do you think you could mourn and weep and give way to despair? Ah, no, Beloved ; you might be sad for a season, as it is quite natural you should miss and long for the presence of the one so dear, but in thinking of her or him as having gone to new scenes and YOU -would toon pleasant work, you would soon rejoice rejoice instead of grieve, and you would come to look upon death as an OPPORTUNITY FOB CONTINUED PRIVILEGES AND JOYS, rather than as the destroyer of life. This view of the matter will change your whole conception of and mental at- titude towards death, and instead of mourning or wearing garments of dull, cheerless black as a symbol of death, One Hundred and Sixty-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL you will want to wear white, or light, T OU win -want to wear Aite, or light joyous colors as token of your belief in jyu /* token of your belief in life life the life everlasting. e ve ri ast in s I know, oh, so well! how the heart yearns, how the days drag, how the nights torture, when one gives way* to the despair of death, but I also know, dear friends, how a mind DETERMINED TO LOOK Determined to look at lift AT LIFE and not death, at reality not seeming, CAN BE THE CONQUEROR, not the conquered. I know, too, how hard it is to break away from thoughts, brooding and ten- der, of the loved one, yet it MUST BE DONE, if you would win the victory, and be the brave helpmeet of God that you should be. For when you can carry out in your faith and life God's great intention con- cerning the BENEFICENCE OF DEATH YOU The beneficence will indeed be as a "light set upon a hill" not only to those who are still walk- ing in the valley of the shadow of death One Hundred and Sixty-nine without His rod and staff, but you will be the means of UNTOLD HELP AND BLESS- ING to your dear departed. Do you wonder how this can be, Be- loved? Because every selfish grief-burdened thought of yours holds your dear one down to earth. For his (or her) sake Toumua be cheerful yOU MUST NOT GRIEVE. You UlUSt be of your not of yourself and think of your T . i i j> i / iwed one, not of chceriul, and joyous and think of his (or her) new and beautiful experiences, rather than yield yourself to dark pic- tures of your own despair. A lady who had lost a darling child mourned deeply over her loss, until one night she had a dream. She dreamed that she was in heaven and that she saw a procession of little children carrying flowers, and singing as they went joyful- ly along the beautiful flower-bordered path. Eagerly she looked for her child, but for a long time she looked in vain. At One Hundred and Seventy last she saw the little one at the very end of the procession, but instead of bearing flowers with happy song, the child was in tears. She was carrying a pitcher filled with something so heavy she could scarcely bear up with the weight of it. Instantly the mother's eyes filled and tears fell fast, yet though she would gladly have gone forward to help her darling, she was unable to do so, not even though the burden seemed growing _. , . The burden seemed every moment heavier, for the overbur- *""""* * Mvier dened child. When the procession had passed the grieving mother turned to a messenger standing near, and in anguish asked the reason her child had the heavy pitcher to carry instead of beautiful flowers as the others. "The pitcher is filled with your tears, and the more you weep, the heavier it TA, mo rey ou -weep becomes," replied the angel, "and the become* One Hundred and Seventy-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL heart of the child is sad, because it is still bound to yours. She weeps because you weep, and she can never be happy or do her part with the others, until you cease from grieving and can rejoice for Iner, and with her." Then the mother awoke and from that time put away her mourning and ceased from her weeping. Can you not see the truth of this teach- ing that was given her in a dream! Heed it, dear ones, for it is for you and all who believe in death rather than life. The body dies, but the spirit lives. To THE SPIRIT THERE IS NO DEATH ! Rejoice, dear heart ! Take in the larger view And know the larger life. Through a jeweled Door hath thy loved one entered into rarer Privilege and surer joy. Fret not against thy loneliness, but lose One Hundred and Seventy-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL Thyself in that great Love in which a perfect Trust unites thee with the One unseen. In this true Love when grief hath faded out As night 'fore day, there is the inter- change Of thought, the mingling of a common joy, The working out of every aspiration, In the wondrous endlessness we call Eternal life. Perchance there may be tunes when thy heart is lonely As when the form was lost to sight, but the change Is in thy consciousness, thy view of life, Thy oneness with the outer world, rather Than the inner Light; or, there may be periods Of silence, but e'en in this, if thou but hold The Light, thy heart remaineth glad, and Faith and Love Twin angels lift thee on their wings, and carry Thee above all clouds of anguished grieving. One Hundred and Seventy-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL CHAPTER XIII The Law of Prosperity "And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God and in the Law, and in the commandments to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered." II. Chron. xxxi, 21. You ought to be prosperous, Beloved, when you naiiy know and when you really know that it is the same law that has brought all your other gifts, you will be. It is this Law that has given you your soul, mind, body, that has provided you with all your wonderful faculties for use and en- joyment. It can provide you with an abundance of all things. You must, therefore, believe that it is possible for you to be prosperous, that it is possible for you to appropriate from the uni- versal store-house, for there is an abun- dance of supply. One Hundred and Seventy-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL The earth and all that it contains is filled with the riches God has provided for His children. So you must believe that there is plenty, not poverty for you. There hpitnty for y tut The question is how will you appro- priate it? Yes, this is the question. I have already told you how to appro- priate health, I have explained the neces- sity of recognizing the strength, the life and all that makes for health as being already yours. The seed of God within you which is your higher self is whole and it can never know sickness. I have told you that by acknowledging this higher self, you begin to attract conditions from the outer world which correspond to that inner reality. You have learned, there- fore, that the ESSENCE OF GOD WITHIN is THE SECBET ATTRACTING POWER THAT WEAVES THE GARMENT OF HEALTH. In the same way this same seed of God, your higher self may attract its May attract iti environments. You ask how? iww* One Hundred and Seventy-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL Listen! Beloved, you remember the Master said, "Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things." He is saying that to you. What does he mean by a "few things?" Does he not mean human weaknesses which beset you, your fears, your doubts, your tempers? Yes, he has given you charge over these conquer youruif and things. When you have learned to rule you may win your -,-,, j-i i over them you will be given the larger kingdom. Can you see the law? It is this. When you have learned to conquer your fears, you will be strong, you will be hopeful, you will have knowl- edge, courage and judgment, and the re- sult will be that FROM YOUR PERSONALITY THERE WILL EMANATE THE VIBRATION THAT WILL INSPIRE CONFIDENCE IN EVERYONE WHO SEES YOU. Your brow will not be wrinkled with care; it will be placid, open and pleas- One Hundred and Seventy-six THE MYSTIC SCROLL ant, your eye will beam with brightness and courage. Whatever you do will be whatever you d tinctured with tinctured with your quality and strength. yr q"iit y Do you not see how this will make you attractive if you are a worker, and need work? Will not those who employ work- ers see you and want you to work for them ? This is the 'beginning of your suc- cess. If you have the qualities within, so plainly written on your face and form, so plainly shown in your conver- sation, YOU CANNOT BE OTHERWISE THAN A great human A GREAT HUMAN MAGNET. magnet How easy to see the fulfillment of the promise that you will be made ruler over many things, because with all these splendid mental and spiritual virtues you will show an exact sense of justice in dealing with your fellow men. You will be known as one who does things according to the Golden Rule. All this means that you will be con- tinually sowing seed and that you will One Hundred and Seventy-seven 12 THE MYSTIC SCROLL be reaping harvests, some thirty, sixty, and an hundred fold, for as you sow, you will reap. This is the eternal law. Can you not see now, how you can de- liberately place yourself in the way of being prosperous! But you must re- member that it is not in small things U must prove the only, that you can prove this law, it is in law in all ivays all ways. You should not only have enough money to supply your crying necessities, but you should have enough to provide even luxuries if you want them. You SHOULD BE ABLE TO COMMAND AND USE ALL THE RESOUKCES THAT YOU DESIRE IN THE MATERIAL, AS WELL AS THE SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL, WORLD. I have already told you how to be- gin, but remember that you are only the th seed sower. It is God who giveth the in- the increau T . . -, . crease. If you sow thoughts or acts which are selfish, you will just as surely have to be shut out of some of the privi- One Hundred and Seventy-eight THE MYSTIC SCROLL leges and possessions in the world, as you have shut others out of privileges which you claimed for yourself. If your thought is loving, you cannot help giving. If you give, you will re- ceive, but if your thought is selfish, keeping what you have and enjoy, shut up within yourself, you will shut the door against the gifts which otherwise might flow your way. You see again this is the law of attraction. The Iaw '/ attraction Whatever is unpleasant without, is the correspondence of something or some quality within yourself. Perhaps you have long feared pov- erty. That has made you afraid to spend the money you have. It has made you small and petty and fretful ; it has made you brood over the possibility of even being without the necessities of life. The natural result of this kind of thinking The natural remit would be poverty, extreme privations. Now let us see if we can trace this One Hundred and Seventy-nine THE MYSTIC SCROLL thought of poverty to its beginning. Here it is. Away back in the begin- ning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Paradise, they were told that they would henceforth have to earn their food by the sweat of their brow. This was the result of their disobedi- ence. In the Garden of Eden they had all things. Nothing was lacking. They walked and talked with God. They knew God was the Source of all, the Provider of all, but when they were driven out They lost memory of they lost this communion with God, and the bounteous supply they lost memory of the bounteous sup- ply. That sense of separation from God is the heritage of the natural man today, as it has been through all the ages. One way change Tn6re is ^J One Wa 7 to change this hn ufa!atiln sense of separation and that is by the word of reconciliation. Jesus came to speak it and to teach One Hundred and Eighty THE MYSTIC SCROLL you and all men to speak it. It is the word of Love, the word of Faith, the word acknowledging God as being still the Father. By the power of that word * tne ivora the first man Adam was changed into the last Adam, a quickening spirit, the Eedeemer. THE CHANGE IN YOU FBOM THE FIRST TO THE LAST ADAM, MEANS THE REDEMP- TION FROM EVERY ILL OF HUMANITY. Now, Beloved, the story of Adam is your story. You talk poverty, disease and failure because you have been living the part of the first Adam. You have inherited the belief that comes from mortality, the belief that you have in- herited poverty, disease and death, but THROUGH THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, YOU MAY FIND THE TOU may find the -way -I-, back to Eden WAY BACK TO EDEN, THE PLACE OF PLENTY, PEACE AND BEAUTY; THE PLACE WHERE YOU MAY TALK WITH GOD AND BE HEIR TO ALL THE RICHES OF His KINGDOM ! One Hundred and Eighty-one THE MYSTIC SCROLL Study carefully the Christ-Gospel, live the Christ life, let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, and no good thing will be withheld from you. This is not mere religious talk, it is the LIVING TRUTH, and only the TBUTH will Tou mua accept SaVC yOU, but YOU MUST ACCEPT AND PRAC- and practice it TICE IT. I have told you throughout all these lessons that you must turn to God and acknowledge Him as the Friend who will never fail, as the Helper who will al- ways help. I mean this literally. I er you mean that whenever you have a need for money, instead of getting worried and distressed, because you see no way to get what you need, GO TO GOD IN PRAYER ; ask Him to open the way for you. Place yourself wholly upon His care at the same time holding yourself ready to receive His counsel. This may come to you directly after you have prayed, or it may not come to you until some other One Hundred and Eighty-two THE MYSTIC SCROLL time, in the middle of the night, or in the morning as you are going to your work, or even later. YOUR PAET IS TO REMAIN CALM, EX- PECTANT, AND HAPPY. You are to do what your hands find to do whatever that may be, but you are at all times to keep your mind towards God. It is this attitude of mind that will remove from you the veil of separation. nam*e from you the veil of separation It is this constant thinking and living in joyous faith that will enable you to enter into the secret place and to refrain from judging according to appearances. What if your supply is exhausted? Your magnificent faith will bring relief the moment you really need it. This has been proven over and over again. Not only have persons who are living the faith life proven this, but many grand works have been done. George Muller on his bare faith built and established a home for orphans in One Hundred and Eighty-three THE MYSTIC SCROLL England. The Rev. Cullis established the Consumptives' Home in Boston through the solely through the prayers of faith. prayert of faith THERE ABE MANY AND COUNTLESS FAITH- FILLED SOULS WHO HAVE PROVEN GOD AS THE KEEPER OP PROMISES, THE GIVER OF ALL GOOD GIFTS. Read carefully and prayerfully the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and then begin to practice all these things for yourself, for the law is just the same now as it has ever been, and as it ever will be. Every day, Beloved, living this faith- filled life will bring you new proofs of the great abundance which is yours, if you will lay hold upon it, not only by By prayer, by acts prayer, by acts, and faith, but by the and the large expectancy i ar g e expectancy which your knowledge of the law will give you. You have never a doubt but that you may have your portion of air which is circulating throughout the earth, and One Hundred and Eighty-four THE MYSTIC SCROLL which is for you to appropriate to any extent that you wish. You have never a doubt of the sunlight that will fall upon your house and through your windows, for you know there is sunshine for all houses that may ever be built. There is nen a sufficient cc. i 11 it.' n iU fP l yf<> rall f to f le a sufficient supply of all things for all people. The earth is filled with riches. Appropriate your share and you will demonstrate the law of prosperity ac- cording to the measure of your faith and your works. THE WAY TO INVITE PKOSPEEITY. (By one who has tried and tested ihis law in the commercial world.) Believe in it ! Look for it I See it ! Practice it! Sing it! That which you give your attention to> multiplies. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, ap- plies to the material things that come A ff n " to the ma - tcrial things to him as much as to the conditions that come to his body as the result of his thinking. Think continually then of the One Hundred and Eighty-five THE MYSTIC SCROLL supply of money, for money in the mate- The great aneriai ria } wor i