9^4f UU'l.'SfQ Wi ')i:'^^i >$ a^ ^Y/OA^ .^^ r^-f 1 V» .; -^'.v ■'%.■* ;i',ssi ^ K/^^ \] \^J hit. \\1-. \.J \^ )¥ /^ >i» 9S<. Ci '■4' (ha^^'^^'° \10 1- e-f CATALOGUE OF Wit iLitirar$ OF ,b>/-^ jr WALTER K. EYTON, Esq. F.S.A.. LOND. & SCOT. COMPRISING ^n ©rttaotntnats Collection OF RIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS; LARGE PAPER COPIES; WORKS PRINTED UPON VELLUM, &c. &c. mwf) toiU tt ^olO &s Auction lY Messrs. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & Co. I^KdUCTI L UCTIONEERS OF LITEllARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS, On MONDAY, 15th of MAY, and Seven following Days, (SUNDAY excepted), AT THEIR HOUSE, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND. iLontion* MDCCCXLVIII. n COMPTOX ANT) HITCHIE, VRIXTEHS, MIDDLE STREET, CLOTH FAIR, LONDON. IrtCTffiTf CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Dispute arise between Bidders, t'le Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. f. No Person to advance less than 6d. ; above Ten Shillings, Is. ; above Five Pounds 2s.. 6d. ; and so on. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in part of payment of the Purchase- money ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer's Expence, immediately after the Conclusion of the Sale; in default of which, Messrs. Sotheby and Co. will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise de- stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the Sale, the Books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expence, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. S. Leigh Sotheby and Co. will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the Sale, when the Purchase- money will be returned, VI. The Sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short Leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the Publication of any subsequent Volume, Supplement, Appen- dix, or Plates. All the Manuscripts, all Magazines and Reviews, all Books in Lots, and all Tracts in Lots or Volumes will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumera- tion of the numbers stated, or errors of Description. VII. No Imperfect Books will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each Book, stating its Imperfections, with the Number of Lot and date of the Sale at which the same was purchased. VIII. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale. IX. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money required and deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re- selling of such books as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington .Street, Strand. 076 CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF JOSEPH WALTER KING EYTON, Esa. FIRST DAY'S SALE. ABBOTSFORD CLUB, Instituted 1835. Complete Collection of the Publications of the Club to the Present Time, PRIVATELY printed FOR THE MEMBERS ONLY. ANCIENT Mysteries, from the Digby Manuscripts preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, edited by Tho. Sharp No. 1, Edinh. ] c. V^ 4 The Romances of Rouland and Vernagu and Otuel, from the Auchinleck Manuscript, edited by Jas. Ma.idment, fi'ontis- pieces hy C. K. Sharpe No. 4, ih. 4to, 1836 Presented by Alex. Nicholson. r^ M^Vl ik / 3 *^ Williams (Sir Jo.) Account of the Monastic Treasures confis- cated at the dissolution of the various Houses in England, edited b^ W. B. D. D. Turnbull No. 5, ib, 4to, 1836 Presented by W. B. D. D. Turnbull. ^ icHATuL'Ui t^ I ^ ^' 4 Abbotsford Club Publications — continued, >r 6 Herries (Lord) Historical Memoirs of the Reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and a portion of the Reign of King James the Sixth, edited by Rob. Pitcairn No. 6, Edinh. 4to, 1836 Presented by Rob. Pitcairn. jtti^t^Uf-tH^^ I ^ 3 -^L ^ 7 Ecclesiastical Records. Selections from the Minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrews and Cupar, 1641-1698, edited bv Geo. R. 'KmXochy facsimiles of autographs No. 7, ih. 4.to, 1837 . Presented by Geo. R. Kinloch. Q^^XUL- *- I 6 » ^ 8 Ecclesiastical Records. Selections from the Minutes of the Synod of Fife, 1611-1687, edited by Charles Baxter, fac- similes of seals and autographs No. 8, ib, 4to, 1837 Presented by Cbas. Baxter. UltTPUi- ^. H> ^ ^ 9 Melros (Thomas, Earl of) State Papers and Miscellaneous Cor- respondence, 2 vol- No. 9, ib,AtOj 1837 Presented by John Hope. -fj^ Lvvi | - 2. v '^10 Mind, Will, and Understanding, a Morality, from the Macro MS. No. 10, i6. 4to, 1837 Printed at the expense of the Club. (v iC/Ku'V^Ia/ «. -X-^-* ■^11 Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club, containing Original Papers, chiefly relating to the History and Literature of Scotland, edited by Jas. Maidment and W. B. D. D. Turnbull, Jive fac' simile plates of autographs, ^c, vol. 1. No. ll,eJ. 4to, 1837 Printed at the expense of the Club. (V idi/MfXXA/^ v I v v »H 12 Arthourand Merlin, a Metrical Romance, now first printed from the Auchinleck MS. and edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, frontispiece by C, K. Sharpe No. 12, ib, 4to, 1838 Printed at the expense of the Club. Xi, l)tt| 1 • ^ » »^ 13 Letters and State Papers during the Reign of King James the V Sixth, chiefly from the Manuscript Collections of Sir Jas. Balfour, of Denmyln, edited by Jas. Maidment, yac-jiW/e* of autographs No. 13, ib. 4to, 1838 Presented by Adam Anderson. (fl^tjt/iL- 1 Q " ^^ 14 Inventaire Chronologique des Documents relatifs a I'Histoire d'Ecosse, conserves aux Archives du Royaume h. Paris, edited by Mons. Teulet, junior No. 14, ib. 1839 Printed at the expense of the Club. ^ 4:^il\juJL^{MA^ ^ ^ ^ v^ 15 Humii (Dav.) de Familia Humia Wedderburnensi Liber ' No. 15, ib.Uo, 1839 Presented by John Miller. i^'Ltu (\ A iL 4to, 184-1 from a MS/ Abbotsford Club Publications— con^mwcc?. •^16 Ecclesiastical Records. Selections from the Registers of the Presbytery of Lanark, 1623-1709, edited by John Robert- son . No. 16, £'c?i«^. 4to, 1839 Presented by John Robertson. vjC^^iv ^ ^ 17 Jacobite Correspondence of the Atholl Family during the Rebel- lion 174'5-1746, from the originals, in the possession of James Erskine, of Aberdona, edited by Jo. H. Burton and David ha.ing, facsimiles of autographs No. IJjJhsAto, 1840 Printed at the expense of the Club. (jHf't^l)'^'^ •^18 The Romances of Sir Guy of Warwick, and Rembrun his Son, now first edited from the Auchinleck MS. by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU, frontispiece by C K. Sharpe No. 18, ih. 4to, 1840 Printed at the expense of the Club. /fLirti-^ Roman des Aventures de Fregus, par Guill. le Clerc, trouvere du XIII Siecle, publie pour la premiere fois par Fr. Michel No. 19, ib^ 4to, 1841 Printed at the expense of the Club. 20 The Legend of St. Katherine of Alexandria, edited in the Cottonian Library by Jas. Morton No. 20, Lond. 4to, 1841 Presented by the Rev. Jas. Morton. *J^ Lvt< 21 Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis Prope Edinburgum, edited by Jas. Maidment No. 21, ib. 4to, 1841 Printed at the expense of the Club. .^,--^__ 22 The Chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores, now first printed from the Original MSS., edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, plates ofsealsi ^c. . No. 22, ib. 4to, 1841 Printed at the expense of the Club. ,.— i — Ixtracta e Variis Cronicis Scocie, from the Ancient Manuscript in the Advocates Library, now first printed, and edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull * No. 23, ib. 4to, 1842 Presented by John Menzies, of Pitfodels. y_ "^ 24 Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, Chief of the Clan Cameron, with an Introductory Account of the History and Antiquities of that Family, and of the Neighbouring Clans, edited by Jas. Macknight, por'trait No. 24, ib. 4to, 1842 Presented by B. Blood and Jas. Macknight Q LlT^^ *^ 25 Liber Officialis Sancti Andree, curie Metropolitane Sancti Andree in Scotia Sententiarum in Causis Consistorialibus que Extant No. 25, ib. 4to, 1845 Presented by Lord Medwyn, ^,t '2_ 6^ ici^ - 13 w lO.k Abbotsford Club Publications — continued. ^ 26 Gardyne (A.) A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers, the Theatre of Scotish Kings, by A. Garden, with Miscellaneous Poems by John Lundie, edited by W. B. D. D. I urnbuU No. 26, Bdinb.Uo, 1845 Presented by Joseph Walter King Eyton. (y (^clt^AA.!/*/, J 27 The Buke of the Order of Knyghthood, translated from the French by Sir Gilbert Hay, from a MS. in the Abbotsford Library . . No. 27, ib. 4to, 1847 Presented by B. Botfield. *^^i^ ^if^h^ v^ 28 An Abbotsford Club Garland, 1836; and Ane Garlande of y« Abbotsforde Clobbe, both by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU, 2 half sheets . . No. 28, ib. 4to, 1836-7 The above twenty-eight Lots form a complete set of the works printed for the Abbotsford Club up to the present time, and are in cloth boards, uncut. ^-f^ - 3 ^ 29 Aberdeene: — Sum Notabill Thinges excerptit frome the Auld Recordes of the Honorabill Citie of Aberdeene, 1565-1635 PRIVATELY PRINTED, AND UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE; dark green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves . (VuiVuui Edinb. 8vo, 1834 "^ 30 Aberdeene: — Another copy, uncut %^bji,^^i\i/U4i^ ib- 8vo, 1834 rJ 31 iELFRic Society's Publications ; VIZ. Homilies of the Anglo- Saxon Church, containing the Sermones Catholici, or Ho- milies of j^lfric, in the Original Anglo-Saxon, with an English Version by Benj. Thorpe, 2 vol. — Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, part 1, containing the Legend of St. Andrew, and Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, Anglo- Saxon and English, by J. M. Kemble, parts 1 and % the 2 vol. halfmor. uncut, and S parts sewed JJvo, 1844-47 The above are all as yet published. (j tA/\\P\*t>AA^^ *2— •- , ^ 32 Affaires (Les) du Conte de Boduel l'an 1568 PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves Edinb. 4to, 1829 Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 28. Presented by Hen. Cockburn, and Tho. Maitland of Dundrennan. (UirtrU^^ %3 v 33 Akenside (Mark) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir by A. Dyce, 2 portraits, one a proof on India paper light morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday (/LM't^*-' v '5- Pickering, small 8vo, 1835 34 Akerman (J. Y.) A Glossary of Provincial Words and Phrases in Use in Wiltshire ; light green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . (}l 1 - 7-^ 8 45 Andrews (Bp. L.) Private Devotions and Manual for the Sick, I translated by Peter Hall, portrait; blue morocco extra^ (' -* ii • li S^^^ leaves^ by Hay day Pickerings small 8vo, 1839 Anglia Christiana Publications. - 1 ^ 4-6 Giraldus Cambrensis de Instructione Principium, Libri III Q'ei^iM/vt^ half morocco, uncut . No. 1, Svo, 184-6 47 Chronicon Monasterii de Bello, nunc primum Typis mandatum /^ half morocco, uncut . No. 2, 8vo, 1846 Hrtirttj 48 Angling. H. Boaz, The Angler's Progress, woodcut, the ori- ginal edition, a broadside, 1789 — The Angler's Progress, a Poem, 12 woodcuts, LARGE TINTED PAPER, only four copies printed ; see the attestation of the publisher and of T. Gosden on the flyleaf, 1820 — The same Edition, woodcuts, small paper, 1820; in 1 vol. green morocco extra, joints, sides and bach emblematically tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 8vo, 1789-1820 A H ^ 49 Angling : — Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings by an old ^(.. ^^ ^^^yi followeth the Copie of the Ressoning which was betuix the J^/^^|rj^^ Abbote of Crosraguell and John Knox in Mayboill con- cerning the Masse ^ black ktter; dark green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by ^ Hayday ib. 1563, Reprinted, 4to, 1812 82 Boswell (Alex.) Observations on the Election Law of Scotland, &c. ttiti^ privately printed ; U7icut . ib. 4to, 1825 •^83 Ane Addicioun of Scottis Corniklis and Deidis, and a short >- (V t- ^ Chronicle of the Reign of James the Second, King of Scots, an Historical Fragment, from a MS. in the Auchin- , leek Library, edited by T. Thomson, fa c- simile r "'■^'■"■" " 12 J ^^ t^^^j^ 84 Babell ; A Satirical Poem on the Proceedings of the t^jilytyf General Assembly in the Year 1692 (printed upon vellum, UNIQUE: supevhly hound in blue morocco, sides and hack exquisitely inlaid with morocco of various colours, heaut'ifnlly harmonized, and most elaborately and richly tooled; joints and broad insides also richly tooled, vellum jly-leaves and linings, with rich borders of jiowers, S^c, beautifully finished in gold and colours, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Edinb. 4 to, 1830 Privately Printed for the Maitland Club, No. 7. Presented by George R. Kinloch. The exceedingly beautiful binding of this magnifi- cent volume must be seen to be appreciated. t- 5^ .t "'85 Bacon (J.) Memoir of Miss Ann Bacon, who died Dec. 24, 1809 (S^tM/i- PRIVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 8vo, 1813 ^ /O, (j x<^^ Bacon (Lord) Novum Organum, in English ft/vvu maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ' Pickering, small 8vo, 1844 i^ (P- t 87 Bacon (Lord) Essavs, and Wisdom of the Ancients, edited by ^JUv, B.Montagu * 7 crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1845 i^, L^ \yt 88 Bagot. Memorials of the Bagot Family, compiled in 1823, with f^ntUfVx^ Pedigrees, portrait, plates of seals, and monuments PRIVATELY PRINTED; maroon morocco extra, sides and hack very richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Blithjield, royal 4to, 1824 i^ ^* O ^9 Bailey (Jas.) the Ascent of Elijah, a Poem ^/^MJJL I'^I'^^TELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrang- f(XV*x^ ^am, with a long letter in the Autograph of the Author . 8vo, 1836 i^ iQ ^^ Baillie of Jerviswood : — His Correspondence, 1702-1708, with itUvi ^^^ cancelled leaf, p, 45 and 46 ^ LARGE PAPER, uncut . Edinb, 4to, 1842 Privately Printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 75. Edited and presented by the Right Hon. the Earl of Minto. 91 Baillie (Marianne) Trifles in Verse /U^jU^tA^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to TFm. Upcott, J with Autograph Inscription, uncut 12mo, 1825 n t*. V" ^^ Baily (Fr.) Account of the Rev. John Flamsteed, compiled from ^ iJ^yMruiXxj^^^ ^^'^ MSS., and other authentic Documents, and his ^British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged, with the Supplement, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; halfcrimson morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hayday royal ^to, 1835-37 (^ 13 0^ 93 Baker (Geo.) Catalogue of his very Choice and Select Library, /[lAjtrtUA^ comprising three Days' Sale, two copies, one with prices and names, Sothebi/, 1825 — Catalogue of the Choice and Select Library of Rob. Grave, comprising two Days' Sale, Sothehy, 1826 FINE PAPER, 2 101 Ballads. Another copy, woodcuts i^ltt. ONLY 40 copies PRINTED; blue morocco extra, sides and ' back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie ib. 4to, 1834 l^i\ (^ 102 Ballads. Selections from the Early Ballad Poetry of England, i\iMUJL by II. J. King ; crimson morocco extra, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday . Pickering, small Svo, 1 842 A i 14 (J ^^ 103 Ballads. A New Book of Old Ballads, by Jas. Maidment (il A cL^ ^107 Poems by Sir David Murray of Gorthy— The Tragicall Death (i^UJ^ of Sophonisba, &c. 161 1-1615 yj^ 72 copies printed . No. 2, i6. 4to, 1823 Presented by the late Tho. Kinnear. lir-^'^OS The Buke of the Howlat, by (Sir Richard) Holland ^'^ ^^^.^ blacfe letter; 70 copies printed No. 3, i6. 4to, 1823 . Edited and presented by David Laing. j . tl? t* 109 Teares for the Death of x-^lex. Earle of Dunfermeling, Lord fli4j\\ijM\t Chancellor of Scotland, by John Lyoun, 1622 v5 copies printed . No. 4, ib. 4to, 1823 Edited and presented by James Maidment. ^ J ^t- 110 Discours particulier d'Escosse Escrit par Commandement et Ifivw ^ li^j/^rdonnance de la Royne Dovariere et Regente par Messires * Jaques Makgill, et Jean Belleudeu, 1 559 52 copies printed . No. 5,ib. 4to, 1824 Edited and presented by Tho. Thomson. ^ 1^ ♦• 111 Robene and Makyne, and the Testament of Cresseid, by Rob. I Q'Mijmi^ Henryson y^i;>4,^Q5 COPIES printed . No. 6, ^6. 4to, 1824 Edited and presented by George Chalmers. 15 J Bannatyne Club Publications — continued, . "3 VK 112 Report by Tho Tucker, upon the Settlement of the Revenues of ycuj 4;v^ Excise and Customs in Scotland, A.D. 1656 W^ 72 COPIES PRINTED . No. l,Edinb. 4to, 1824 Edited and presented by Jo. A. Murray (now the Hon. Lord Murray). '/ Q fc»^^^ Etchings, chiefly of Views in Scotland, by Jo. Clerk, of Eldin, (^uJ^A'VA^ 773 -1779, 28 plates, on India papery etched hy Jo. Clerk 4(V COPIES PRINTED . No. 8, ib.M. 1825 Presented by the Hon. Jo. Clerk, Lord Eldin. i:2_^ 1 14 Auld Robin Gray, a Ballad, by Lady Anne Barnard, frontispiece ^Uu'i\0 designed by C. K. Sharpe f>nr^ 65 COPIES PRINTED . No. 9, i6. 4to, 1825 Edited and presented by Sir Walter Scott. /O- 1>1 ^^ Recit de 1' Expedition en Escosse, I'an 1546, et de la Battayle de /l^^tjU^U^ Muscleburgh par le Sieur Berteville, au Roy Edouard VI 72 COPIES P41INTED . No. 10, ib. 4to, 1825 Presented by David Constable. , \y\ u 116 HectorisBoethii Murthlacensiumet Aberdonensium Episcoporum J'tcu'^w( Vitae [1522] Iterum in lucem Edita; 60 COPIES PRINTED . No. 11, ib, 4to, 1825 Presented by Hen. Cockburn (now the Hon. Lord Cockburn) and Tho. Maitland. ^ Co t' 117 Apology for Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, President of the f oi^vu^ Session, by Himself, 1690 YTH^ 72 COPIES PRINTED . No. 12, ib. 4to, 1825 Presented by Wm. Blair, of Avonton. . (P u 118 The Historic and Life of King James the Sext, being an Account -tttU, of the Affairs of Scotland, from the year 1566 to 1596, with ^ a short continuation to 1617, edited by Tho. Thomson 52 COPIES PRINTED . No. 13, ib. 4to, l^'25 , Printed at the expense of the Club. .\^^ 119 The Discoverie and Historic of the Gold Mynes in Scotland, by \o>^ti\x. Steph. Atkinson, written in 1619 \^^\^ 72 COPIES PRINTED . No. 14, ib. 4to, 1825 Edited and presented by Gilb. Laing Meason, of Lindertis. (L t. 120 Letters of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, 'R^^^^^^j^ with Illustrative Documents, 1678-1689, portraits and facsimiles . No. 15, ib. 4to, 1826 Edited and presented by George Smythe. ^ ^ 121 De Vita et Morte Roberti Rollok, Acad. Edinburgen® Primarii, ^ cu, w- Narrationes ; Auctoribus Geo. Robertson etHen. Charteris, ?V?^ 1599, edited by the Rev. John Lee, D.D. No. 16, t7>.4to,1826 Printed at the expense of the Club. J Bannatyne Club Publications — continued. I - 1^ i- 122 xMemoirs of his Own Life, by Sir James Melville of Halhill, ^tU. 1549-1593, from the Original MS. edited by Tho. Thomson ^ No. 17, Edinh.iio, 1827 Printed at the expense of the Club. t* (6^ *- >«123 The Ealice of Honour, by Gawyn Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld ^u^\x^y^v^/YH\ I^ob. Bell . No. 20, ih. 4to, 1828 Printed at the expense of the Club. t^ CO V 126 Chronicon Coenobii Sanctse Crucis Edinburgensis, Iterum in (SkJiXuX\^ lucem Editum, coloured plate No. 21, ih, 4to, 1828 Edited and presented by Robert Pitcairn. ^ (^ ^ "^127 Siege of the Castle of Edinburgh, 1689 [by W. R.] frontis- _^ ^_ — piece and vignette on India paper No. 22, ih. 4to, 1828 Edited and presented by Robert Bell. P 128 Letters from the Lady Margaret Kennedy [afterwards Burnet] to John, Duke of Lauderdale, portrait and fac-simile No. 23, ib. 4to, 1828 101 copies, printed on ordinary paper, were purchased for the Club, and an additional title-page supplied. {0 ♦^ J 29 Papers relative to the Marriage of King James the Sixth of Scotland with the Princess Anna of Denmark, 1589 ; and the Form and Manner of Her Majesty's Coronation at Holyrood House, 1590; two facsimiles, with duplicates upon vellum . No. 24, ih. 4to, 1828 Edited and presented by Jas. T. Gibson Craig. «^ /3 *^ 130 A Diary of the Proceedings in the Parliament and Privy Council of Scotland, May 21, 1700— March 7, 1707, by Sir David Hume, of Crossrigg, one of the Senators of the College of Justice . No. 25, ih. 4to, 1 828 Presented by John Hope (now the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Clerk.) (2_ t^ "131 Memoirs of his own Life and Times, by Sir James Turner, ' ' ^ 1632-1670, edited by Tho. Thomson No. 26, 2^». 4to, 1 829 101 copies, printed on Club Paper, were purchased for the members. \ 17 Bannatyne Club Publications— cow/mwerf. /Zfi^ 132 Papers relative to the Regalia of Scotland [including a True ^ tUj Account of the Preservation of the Regalia of Scotland, » by Sir Geo. OgiWie, of Barras, Bart., Edinh. 1701], large folded plates . No. 27, Edinh. 4to, 1829 Edited and presented by William Bell. ^ (P (> 133 Les Affaires du Conte de Boduel I'an 1568 No. 2S,ih. 4to, 1829 Presented as the second joint contribution by Hen. Cockburn (now the Hon. (Wwj edited by Jas. Skene, 20 plates, 2 vol. ^ No. 35, ib. 4to, 1828-29 Printed at the expense of the Club. //^^ 141 The Anatomic of Humours; and the Passionate Sparke of a (f^MjL Relenting Minde, by Simion Grahame, 1604-1609, wood- cut . No. 36, ib. 4to, 1830 Presented by Robert Jameson. 18 , Bannatyne Club Publications — continued. ^^ Qji^^ 142 Relation of Proceedings concerning the Affairs of the Kirk of ^^^(yL Scotland from Aug. 1637 to July 1638, by John Earl of ^ Rothes, portrait and facsimiles No, S7,Edinb.4^to,l830 Edited and presented by James Nairne. ^ ^^^US Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland 1577 to 1603, by David ■ f^ . — Moysie, facsimiles . No. 38, ib, 4to, 1830 , Presented by James Dennistoun, of Dennistoun. (^ lA 144 History of Scotland, from the Death of King James the First, in 1436 to 1561, by John Lesley, Bishop of Ross. port, on India paper . No. 39, {&. 4to, 1830 I 101 copies, printed on Club Paper, were purchased for the members. ^ ("^ i* 145 Vitae Dunkeldensis Ecciesia3 Episcoporum, a prima Sedis Fun- Utcit^-^WJ datione, ad annum 1515, ab Alex. My In, editio altera cui ^raccedit Appendix cum norainum et locorum Indice, edited by Cosmo Innes, two illuminated plates and a facsimile I ^ No. 40, ib. 4to, 1831 > iO V l^-e Trial of Duncan Terig, alias Clerk, and Alex. Bane Macdonald, -£jt/ti, for the Murder of Arthur Davis, Serjeant in Gen. Guise's * Regiment of Foot, June 1754 . No. 41, ib. 4to, 1831 Edited and presented as a second contribution by Sir "Walter Scott. ^'iS^ «- I'l'^ Criminal Trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1488 to A.D. 1624, ^iJUinCuj ^o^pi^^^ from the original Records and MSS., with His- ^ torical Notes and Illustrations by Rob. Pitcairn, jo/a^e* and facsimiles, 10 Parts complete in 7 vol. No. 42,4to, 1833 Of this collectionlOl copies, printed on Club Paper, were purchased for the members. ^ -A ^ 148 Hymns and Sacred Songs, by Alex. Hume. Reprinted from -£irLtti the edition of Waldegrave, 1599 V Uaffe letter . No. 43, ib. 4to, 1832 . Presented as a second contribution by Jo. Gardiner Kinnear. ^ ^ ^ 149 Collection of Ancient Scottish Prophecies, in alliterative Verse. _^ Reprinted from Waldegrave's edition 1603, (and collated with Hart's, 1615), edited by Thomas Thomson and David Laing black letter . No. 44, ib. 4to, 1833 i Printed at the expense of the Club. [ I ^ 150 Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents that have passed within .=^,,^^^^^ Scotland since the Death of King James the IVth till 1575, from a MS. of XVI Century, in the possession of Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, Bart, edited by Thomas Thomson, facsimile . No. 45, ib. 4to, 1 833 J Printed at the expense of the Club. ^ j^ ^ 151 Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland, 1689- 1691, by Major-Gen. Hugh Mackay, poo^t. by Barnard, and facsimile . No. 46, ib. 4to, 1833 Edited and presented as a joint-contribution of Jas. Maitland Hog, of Newliston, Patrick Fraser Tytler, and Adam Urquhart. 19 J Bannattne Cltjb PVBhlCATlOSS— continued. iff u 152 The Buik of the most noble and Vailzeand Conquerour Alex- ■Jj(^(^ ander the Great (reprinted in 1831, from the unique Copy » of Arbuthnot's edition, circa 1580, in the possession of the Right Hon. Lord Panmure) No. ^IjEdinh, 4to, 1831 Presented by Wra. Henry Miller, of Craigentinny. ..(fe~v, 153 (The Ragman Rolls) Instrumenta Publica, sive Processus super - — t — -" Fidel itatibus et Horaagiis Scotorum, Domino Regi Angliae Factis, A.D. 1291-1296 . No. 48, ih. 4-to, 1834 Presented as a joint contribution by the Rt. Hon. Wm. Adam, and Sir Samuel Shepherd. 154 Letters and Papers relating to Patrick, Master of Gray, after- -— "t— ^ wards Seventh Lord Gray ^facsimiles No. 49, ib. 4to,1835 -1 t< Presented by the Rt. Hon. Lord Gray. .A u 155 Chronica de Mailros, e Codice unico in Bibliotheca Cottoniana .^L '- ji2(Uilljt/t«ervato, nunc iterum in lucem edita, notulis indiceque, cura '^^ Jos. Stevenson, facsimiles . No. 50, ib, 4to, 1 835 Presented as a joint contribution by Sir Jo. Hay and Alex. Pringle. i-4u* 156 Philotus, a Comedy. Reprinted from the edition of Rob. Char- ^Utj teris, 1603 . No. 51, ib. 4to, 1835 Presented by Jo. Whitefoord Mackenzie. ultt. 157 Memoriales of Transactions in Scotland 1569 to 1573, by — t^ Rich. Bannatyne, Secretary to John Knox, edited by Robert Pitcairn . No. 52, ib. 4to, 1836 101 Copies, printed on Club Paper, were purchased for the members. w. LA,U ^58 Diary of Public Transactions and other Occurrences, chiefly in -— ^^^ Scotland, from Jan. 1650 to June 1667, by John Nicoll, edited by David haing, facsimiles No. 53, ib. 4to, 1836 Printed at the expense of the Club. ^ d ^ 159 Life of Lieut. General Hugh Mackay, of Scoury, by Jo. Mackay, ^ — of Rockfield, portrait No. 54, ib. 4to, 1836 101 Copies, printed on ordinary paper, were purchased for the Club, and an additional title-page supplied. ^160 Excerpta e Libris Domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti Regis Sco- _^__ torum. 1525-1533, /ac-*me7e5 No. 55, t6. 4to, 1 836 Presented as a joint-contribution by the Hon. Lord Mackenzie, Rob. Graham, J and Jas. Mackenzie. ^ ir^ L 161 Davidis Buchanani de Scriptoribus Scotis Libri Duo, nunc primum ^'^ — t:— - Editi, cura Dr. Irving No. 56, ib. 4to, 1837 Printed at the expense of the Club. D i 20 Bannatyne Club Publications— cow/mw^fl?. 3 lO -x^ J 62 Liber Saticte Marie de Melros; Munimenta Vetustiora Monas- \ , ^6l^^ terii Cisterciensis de Melros, edited by Cosmo Innes, plates '^i^ \fi « ; yf^ft^ of seals, facsimiles, ^c. 2 vol. No. 57, Edinb. 4to, 1 837 Presented by His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. -|V<^ turn recentiorum usque ad A.D. 1623, edited by Cosmo Innes, l^ plates of seals, facsimiles, S^c. No. 59, ib, 4to, 1837 Presented as a joint contribution in the names of the late and present Dukes , of Sutherland. J6p Historical Observes of Memorable Occurrents in Church and State, from Oct. 1680 to April 1686, by Sir Jo. Lauder, of Fountainhall, edited by A. Urquhart and D. Laing, por^. No. 60, ib. 4to, 1840 Printed at the expense of the Club. / iL/- w ^^^ Ancient Scotish Melodies, from a Manuscript of the Reign of (S^UJ King James VI, with an Introductory Enquiry illustrative yjr of the History of the Music of Scotland, by Wm. Dauney, '' *^ with 2 titles, one printed in colours, the other in colours and gold . No. 61, ^5. 4to, 1838 101 Copies, printed on Club Paper, were purchased for the members. i (I U J^^^ Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford (by J. G. Cochrane) g^^clcMjCt^ No. 62, ib, 4to, 1838 " To the President and Members of the Bannatyne Club, this Catalogue of the Abbotsford Library is presented by Major Sir Walter Scott, Bart., as a slight return for their liberality and kindness in agreeing to continue to that library the various valuable works printed under their super- intendence." C^^ i^v**\6S Sir Gawayne, a Collection of Ancient Romance- Poems, by f\jf-Jji^ Scotish and English Authors, relating to that celebrated Knight of the Round Table, with an Introduction, Notes, and a Glossary by Sir Fr. Madden, K.H., fac-similes No. 63, Lond. 4to, 1839 y Printed at the expense of the Club. xj^ (0 V 1^9 De Arte Logistica Joannis Naperi Merchistonii Baronis, Libri (\/<^Ajlj{^iJijiSiP^ supersunt, edited by Mark Napier, port, and plate No. 64, Edinb. 4to, 1839 101 Copies, printed on Club Paper, were purchased for the members. •^ ((J M 170 Ferrerii Historia Abbatum de Kynlos ; una cum Vita Thomse ^tA\A /UiJ^^^ys*^^^^ Abbatis No. 65, ib. 4to, 1839 \jF' (f^ J Presented by Sir Alex. Wellesley Leith, Bart. -^(l\ 21 Bannatyne Club Publications— cow^mMerf. The yEneid of Virgil, translated into Scottish Verse, by Gawin (^ Douglas, Bp. of Dunkeld, 2 vol. No. 66, Edinh 4to, 1839 resented as a joint contribution by And. Rutherfurd and Geo. Dundas. A Third volume, containing an Introduction, Glossary, &c. is intended to complete the Work, but has not yet been circulated. ^♦^ ** 172 Chronicon de Lanercost, 1201-1 34-6; e codice Cottoniano VuiuA/uiiunc primum typis mandatum, edited by Jos. Stevenson, ^ vol. . No. 67, ib. 4to, 1839 Presented by Wm. Macdowall, of Garthland. :}^ (ti^, 173 The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland; Acts and Pro- ceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scot- land, from 1560 to 1618, collected from the most authentic Manuscripts, and edited by Tho. Thomson, 3 vol. No. 68, ih, 4to, 1839-45 Printed at the expense of the Club. [(^ u 174' Roman de la Manekine, par Philippe de Reiraes, trouvere du -yCVUi XIII Siecle, public par Fr. Michel No. 69, Par. 4to, 1840 ^ Printed at the expense of the Club. t, 175 The Accounts of the Great Chamberlains of Scotland, and some — t— ^ other Officers of the Crown, rendered at the Exchequer \?>26'\A'52>i facsimiles, 3 vol. No. 70, Edinb. 4to, 1817, dated 1837-45 Edited and presented (in 1836) by Tho. Thomson, and circulated among the members in May 1841 (vol. 1 and 2), and vol. 3 in 1845. 9-.|^al76 The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, A.M. Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1637-1662, edited with Memoir by D. Laing,*3 vol. No. 71, ib. 4to, 1841-2 Printed at the expense of the Club. 1}^ 4^ i. 177 Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Scotia, e Registro Q lDm 183 a Diary of the Public Correspondence of Sir Tho. Hope, of ([X^JUIC Craighall, Bart., 1633-1645, from the Original in the Library at Pinkie House, Edited by Tho. Thomson, facsimiles . No. 78, ib. 4to, 1843 Printed at the expense of the Club. Leven and Melville Papers : Letters and State Papers chiefly addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1689-1691, from the originals in the possession of the Earl of Leven and Melville No. 79, ib. 4to, 1843 Edited and Presented by the Hon. Wm. Leslie Melville. 1 85 Liber Ecclesie de Scon, Munimenta Vetustiora Monasterii Sancte -^ Trinitatis et Sancti Michaelis de Scon, edited by Cosmo Innes, plates and facsimiles No. 80, ib. 4to, 1843 Presented by William Smythe. / - (.0 ** 186 Horn et Rimenhild : Recueil de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs a 5^ul\iA*x^leurs Aventures composes en Francois, en Anglois et en ^Ecossois, dans les XIIP, XIV^ XV«, et XVI"^^ siecles, public d'apres les MSS. de Londres, &c. par Fr. Michel, facsimiles . No. 81, Paris, 4to, 1845 Printed at the expense of the Club. i^ t* 187 Liber S. Marie de Calchou: Registrum Cartarum Abbacie Tiro - VA4i t^jL nensis de Kelso, 1133-1567, edited by Cosmo Innes, ylpf^^ frontispiece, facsimiles, seals, and woodcuts, 2 vol. No. 82, Edinb. 4to, 1846 Presented by the Duke of Roxburghe. / , ( V* 188 Carte Monialium de Northberwic, Prioratus Cisterciensis B. ^ Marie de Northberwic Munimenta Vetusta que supersunt, edited by Cosmo Innes, coloured plates, and facsimiles No. 83, ib. 4to, 1847 Printed at the expense of the Club. 'm^ . IL 23 Bannatyne Club Publications— cow/mwerf. ^,(j ^ 189 Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh, Registrum Cartarum Abbacie ^ti^iMU Premonstratensis de Dryburgh, edited by Cosmo Innes ^^ No. 84, Edinb. 4to, 1847 Presented by John Spottiswoode. |.t-j^^ 190 Liber Insule Missarum Abbacie Canonicorum Regularium B. — t^— Virginis et S. Jobannis de Inchaffery Registrum Vetus, Edited by Cosmo Innes, plate and facsimile No. 85, ib. 4to, 1847 Printed at the expense of the Club. The whole series, including the Club Accounts and Maidment's Notices, are uniformly half bound in morocco, uncut, except Nos. 39, 45, 68, and 70 to 80 inclusive, being whole bound, to match. Nos. 60, 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85, are in boards, uncut, together forming the most complete set ever yet sold. i. 3 b i9l Bannatyne Club. Abstract of the Treasurer's Accounts, 1823 to $i;aui^l846, in 1 vol. and 6 Nos. Edinb. 4to, 1828-46 ilr~ 4^192 Maidment (Jas.) Notices relative to the Bannatyne Club, in- ^'lit, stituted in 1823 ; including Critiques on some of its ' Publications, with a curious Prefatory Notice, and Letters to and from Sir Walter Scott, Notes, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only fifty copies ib, 4to, 1836 BANNATYNE CLUB PUBLICATIONS, IN OCTAVO. ( . »1 i. 193 Correspondance Diplomatique deBertrand deSalignac de laMothe •- J-cti/i| Fenelon, Ambassadeur de France, en Angleterre et en Ecosse pendant le XVI Siecle, 1568-15 75, edited by M . Alex. Teulet, 7 vol. half Club morocco, uncut No. 1, Paris, 8vo, 1838-40 101 Copies of this work, printed on ordinary paper, were purchased for the , Members. ^^((^^194 The Works of John Knox, the Scottish Reformer, Edited by d'tiuvt-^David Laing, woodcut portrait and facsimile, vol. 1 otbth, uncut . No. 2, Edinb. 8vo, 1846 Printed at the expense of the Club. The other volumes are preparing for / the press. *4«- 195 The Poems of George Bannatyne, 1568, edited by D. Laing CU^M: 40 COPIES PRINTED ; sewed, gilt leaves ib. 8vo, 1824 I (f L'^IQG Bannatyne Garlands (9), viz. A Bannatyne Garland Quhairin the tficIlM^^ President speaketh, by Sir Walter Scott, n. d. — The Banna- }' tyne Garland, number second, n. d. — Ane Richt Pithie and I Pleasant Ballat of Bannatyne, eftir the Maner of ane Garland, followis, jocund and mirrie, 1824 — A Bannatyne Garland, Edinb. 1824 — Ane Bannatjme Garlande Brevit Be Maister Patrick, of the Kings Chekar, woodcut title, Dunedin, 1826 — Ane New Bannatyne Garland, 1829 — A New Bannatyne Garland compyht be Doctor Jehan, of the Hall Ryal, Imprentit at Sanct Paulis Wark, 1828 — Ane Merie Conceittit Geste, Rycht, Jocund and Joyous, n. d. — Ane Merrie Conceited Geste Verrie Plesand to be red or sung, ». rf. in 2 vol. complete blach letter ; green morocco, gilt leaves Forty copies only of each printed ib. 8vo, 1824, &c. » 24 Bannatyne Club Publications— cow^mwer/. i» b M 197 Rules of the Bannatyne Club, with List of Members, March 15th, JttiuAv«-y 1823— Rules of the Bannatyne Club, Dec. 1817 ; in 1 vol. ^FORTY COPIES PRINTED ; green mor.g. I. Edinb.Svo, 1823-7 »» 9-.b 198 Catalogue of Works printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 1, ^vAa^ Dec. 1825 ; and Album of the Bannatyne Club, by D. Laing, Nos. 1 and 2, 2 vol. ; one in green morocco, gilt leaves, the other sewed, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1825-6 i^ ^V 199 Bannatyne Memorials, No. 1, viz. The Tymis of the Natiuities T-xiXv, of my Fader, James Bannatyne of the Kirktoun of Newtyld, * and off his Bairnis gottin betuix him and Katheryne Taillefeir, my Moder, &c. complete in 1 sheet PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ib. 4to, 1829 ^ d u 200 Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club Publications, &c. *- — 1 — PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; half purple morocco extra, uncut, by Hayday . ib. 8vo, 1833 ^ I ^ ■ 201 Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club Publications, 1833 and 1841, ^ — t — ■ with the Rules of the Club, 3 Tracts, sewed ib. 8vo, 1833-41 u f^ ■ \) 202 Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club Publications, with a Chrono- — .-t-— logical List of the Members since the institution of the Club in 1823 to March 1846, with a cancelled leaf PRINTED UPON VELLUM : One of only 3 copies; half purple mor. extra, uncut, by Hayday . ib. 8vo, 1846 ^ <^w. 203 Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club Publications, with a Chrono- Ji t^Hi/tOvulogical List of the Members since its institution in 1823, ukut . ib. 8vo, 1846 i/v [ V- ?^^ Bannatyne Club. Abstracts of the Treasurer's Accounts from >tti<. 1823 to 1840, with 7 Circulars, M^zcw^ z^. 4to & 8vo. v. y. t . Q^v. 205 Autographs (118) of Members of the Bannatyne Club, com- .~.^l_^ mencing with SiR WALTER ScOTT, being in many instances their signatures to the Election Circulars, including 18 Franks, &c. mounted in one vol. green mor. g. I. 8vo, n. d. I . I w »• 206 Bannatyne Club. A curious Collection of their Circulars, Album ^ — -C— ^ No. 1, Balloting Papers, Catalogue of Publications, 1 830, &c. ; together with ELEVEN AUTOGRAPH Letters from C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, J. Ivory, Mr. Bain, J. Forshall of the British Museum, David Laing, Hon. Thos. Grenville, J. Nairne, Pat. Walker, Geo. Warrender, &c. 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves Edinb. 8vo, v. y. h ft V, ^^jSG7 Banners, the Book of, a Short Account of the Armorial Bear- nKJO^\\jL^ ings of the Knight Companions of the Garter , PRIVATELY PRINTED ; sewed, gilt leaves Windsor, 12mo, n. d. 9^ t, 208 Banquet (A) of Dainties for Strong Stomachs, edited by Jas. C^VvJt>biH| Vv^^Maidment PRIVATELY PRINTED : and very few copies ; yellow morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Edinb. 12mo, n. d. 'ii^U^ ,0-N 25 i, (I u 209 Barker(Sain.)OfFering8of Parental Love and Conjugal Affection C,|^g^^^^,^jRINTED EXCLUSIVELY yb?' beloved and esteemed Relatives ' awrf Friends ; crimson mor. extras gilt leaves^ hy Hayday Yarmouth, 4to, 1820 /.(o J ^^^ Barker (Tho.) The Art of Angling, wherein are discovered fi(MjAA/h^many rare Secrets, very necessary to be knowne by all that delight in that Recreation UNIQUE, being the only coj^y printed m 4to ; dark green morocco extra, sides and back emblematically tooled^ gilt leaves, by Mackenzie royal 4to, 1653, reprinted at Leeds, 1817 u (?_«/* 2^^ Barksdale (Clem.) Nympha Libethris, or the Cotswold Muse ^ *' ONLY 41 COPIES PRINTED: Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrangham from Sir E. Brydges ; olive morocco extra, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday 12mo, 1816 I. [ ^ 212 Barnes (Amb.) The Life of, sometime Alderman of Newcastle, .^^_ by M. R., edited by Sir C. Sharp LARGE PAPER : One of only 2 copies printed, uncut Newcastle, 4to, 1828 ^ ^ (, 213 Barry (Dr. M.) Ascent to the Summit of Mount Blanc in Sept. icvtvl^lniMJLj 1 834, 2 plates on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, J by Hayday . . 8vo, n. d. c /. t 214 Battle (The) of Floddon Field, edited by W. Garrett . (OoMAjt/-^^^^ PAPER; blacfe letter : One of only 2 copies printed, \^® , uncut . . Newcastle, 4to, 1822 t. (fi^,. 215 Bayly (Tho. Haynes) Fifty Lyrical Ballads ^^^f^ffU^^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrangham, with autograph inscription ; dark red morocco extra, sides richly tooled in blind and gold, gilt leaves, by Hayday ^ Bath, 4to, 1829 ^ q ^ 216 Bayly (T. H.) Psychae, or Songs on Butterflies, attempted in * {{t^jv^Mx^ Latin Rhyme, with a few Additional Trifles, by Fr. Wrangham PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Malfon, 8vo, 1828 V lO Y^l'7 Beattie (Jas.) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir by iuiJjtUi, A. Dyce, 2 portraits, one a proof on India paper light mo7\ extra, g. I. by Hayday Pickering, small Svo, 1831 I ( ^ 218 Beckington (Bp. Tho.) A Journal during his Embassy in 1442 jii Ua, to Negotiate a Marriage between Henry VI and a Daughter ^ of Count Armagnac, with Notes, &c. by N. Harris Nicolas LARGE PAPER: One of only twelve copies printed ; see the publisher's attestation on the fly-leaf ; blue morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, royal 8vo, 1828 LI U -'1 26 219 Beauvois (M.) Essay on the Means of distinguishing Antique (j}f^l\/i^^ from Counterfeit Coins and Medals, translated from the \S4'\ French, with Notes and Illustrations by Jo. Trotter Brockett PRINTED UPON WRITING PAPER : One of only 4 copies^ uncut . Newcastle^ small 8vo, 1819 220 Bedford (Grosvenor) Translation of Musaeus : the Loves of (UjtAttUt. Hero and Leander, Greek and English, with the cancelled leaf, pages S5- 36, printed upon vellum PRIVATELY PRINTED; half bound royal ^to, 1797 ^ }h u. 221 Bedford (Duke of) Catalogue of his Miniature Portraits in fi.4Xt| Enamel, by Hen. Bone, R.A., at Woburn Ahhey, plates ' PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy; red russia extra, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie imperial Svo, 1825 222 Bedford (Jo. Duke of) Descriptive Catalogues of his Collection lidXArJ^>vvi^ *^^ Portraits, and his Collection of Marbles, Bronzes, &c. at Woburn Abbey, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies of the first royal 8vo, 1828-34- C\ t^ X. 223 Bedford. Salictum Woburnense ; or a Catalogue of ^ 'iij^^^^ Willows indigenous and Foreign, in the Collection >of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey, systematically arranged by James Forbes, frontispiece on India paper^ representing Johnson s willow, which was destroyed hy a storm, 2Sth April 1829, and numerous coloured plates from the drawings of R. C. Stratfold PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only SO copies; uncut imperial 8vo, 1829 [t.^-u^224 Bedford. Pinetum Woburnense ; or a Catalogue of Coniferous Plants in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey, systematically arranged by James Forhes, frontispiece and 67 coloured plates, drawn and engraved by E. S. Weddell Sfc. PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies ; Presentation Copy to the Duke of Sussex, with an autograph letter from the Duke of Bedford; cloth, uncut imp. 8vo, 1839 I 4^ p 2i5 Bee (Jacob) His Booke. given him the 29th of August 1681, edited, with Life, by Sir Cuthbert Sharp, woodcuts PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies ; dark red morocco extra, sides tooled in the antique style, gilt leaves, by Hay- day . . 8vo, n. d. \ V* 226 Bell (Dr. Jo.) Fugitive Pieces, written during a Residence in i — j^__ Foreign Parts PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies; hf bd. 8vo, n. d. ^ ^ 227 Bell (John) The Contented Couckould; or a Pleasant New «^t^- Songe, of a Newcastle Man, &c. woodcuts THICK PAPER: and only 30 copies printed ; uncut Newcastle, Jo, Bell, small Svo, 1814 k\\ 27 ^^ I I. 228 Bell (Jo.) The Long Pack, a Northumbrian Tale, an Hundred "^^{a. Years old ( THICK PAPER : Only \0 copies printed^ with the autograph of Jo. Bell, uncut , Newcastle, 12mo, 1817 ^^ I I. 229 Bell (Jo.) Genuine Tom Whittell, part first of his Poetical «^^ Works, all ever printed THICK PAPER : Only 20 copies printed^ uncut . Newcastle, 12mo, 1815 l^^L i^ 230 Bellenden (John) Works, viz. The History and Chronicles of iUfcUl Scotland, by Hector Boece, and the first five books of the Roman History of Titus Livius, translated into the Scot- tish Language, edited, with the Lives of Boece and Bellen- den, by T. Maitland, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER : Only 12 copies printed; blue morocco e:vtra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Edinburgh, royal 4to, 1822 \rl-^^ 231 Beloe (Chas.) Julia, or Last Follies dvi^U^ iv^RIVATELY PRINTED: and a very few copies: Presented to Hen, Beloe, with the Author's autograph inscription, light calf extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie 4to, 1798 t. lU •- ^^^ Beltz ( Geo. Fr.) Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, adjudi- — ->- cated 1803 red morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . . 8vo, 1834- ei 1^ ^.233 Beltz (Geo. Fr.) Memorials of the Order of the Garter from |VtU>tCM/Hf|i|s Foundation, with Biographical Notices of the Knights in the Reigns of Edward HI and Richard II crimson morocco extra, with the badge of the order and motto in coloured leathers, upon both sides, which, together with (he back, are richly tooled, marbled and gilt leaves, by Hay day . Pickering, royal 8vo, 184-1 <2..'3^234' Benedictional (The) of St. iEthelwold, Bp. of Winchester, Xjoj^Ha-s^ an illuminated Anglo-Saxon MS. of the Xth cen- tury, in the Library of the Duke of Devonshire, with a Prefatory Dissertation and Description of the Benedic- tional of Abp. Robert, in the Public Library at Rouen, by John Gage, 33 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER: a7id only 25 Copies, uncut . . folio, 1832 ,, i^u 235 Bensley (B.) Translation of the Speeches of Ajax and Ulysses ^ fc U^ on claiming the Arms of Achilles PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 20 copies; Presentation Copy; crimson morocco extra, sides aiid back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . 8vo, 1815 28 SECOND DAY'S SALE LOT ( . ^ ^ 236 BENTLEIl (R.) et Doctorum Virorum Epistolse, partim Mutuae, ^]ajM^j>M^ accedit Rich. Dawesii ad Joan. Taylorum Epistola Singu- laris, 2 portraits, and 2 plates of facsimiles PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER: and only \ 50 copies ; dark red morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day . royal 4to, 1807 fe~ »^ J^^X Bentley (Dr. Rich.) Works, collected and edited, with Notes, by (yCiAu/vv^A. Dyce, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER: Only 12 copies printed ; light green morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt and marbled 'y Hay day . royal 8vo, 1836-38 BERKSHIRE ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY. ^ . t. 238 Original Letters and other Documents, relating to the Benefac- \JSLfi>^i^^on?, of Archbishop Wm. Laud to the County of Berks, edited by Jo. Bruce, frontispiece cloth, uncut . . small 4to, 1 84 1 5 u 239 Unton (The) Inventories, relating to Wadley and Faringdon, ^ Co. Berks, in 1596 and 1620, with a Memoir of the Family of Unton, by J. G. Nichols cloth, uncut . . small 4to, 1841 rj^ b 240 Chronicle of the Monastry of Abingdon from 1218 to 1304, ftjf-^l^ edited by J. O. HaWivfeW, fac- simile cloth, uncut . Reading, small 4to, 1844 ^. [0 u 241 Berners (Juliana) The Book of St. Albans, containing fCU/L ^^^ Treatises of Hawking, Hunting, Coat Armour, Fishing, \ and Biasing of Arms, edited by Haslewood, numerous woodcuts and shields of arms, most beautifully coloured, and richly heightened with gold ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED; ILLUSTRATED with 3 proofs and variations of the Title, the Original Advertisement, and Specimen of the Orthography of the Boke St. Albans, with collation and coy^rections in the autograph of the Rev, Dr. Bliss. Proofs, with variations of the larger Woodcuts, worked on separate pages, and the device of W. de Worde printed upon vellum. Also VII Interesting Letters re- specting the Work, written by Jos. Haslewood, Jas. Ed- wards, H. Ellis, 2 of Dr. Bliss, Lord Thurlow, and Geo. Ellis, with a leaf of bibliographical notices dark morocco extra, sides and back entirely covered with blind tooling in the antique style, vermilion and gilt leaves, by Hay day . small folio, 1810 {)- 29 Cj.Q^li 24'2_ Be RNERS (Juliana) The Book of St. Albans, hotpressedy ' '^\\, tC with all the woodcuts and arms most beautifully coloured and richly heightened with gold ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED; dark morocco extra^ joints^ sides and back entirely covered with blind tooling., plain broad leather borders inside, vellum Jiy leaves and linings, gilt leaves, by Hayday . small folio, 1810 243 Berwick (Lord) Catalogue of his Library at Attingham, Shrop- *■ 6tiU-£- shire PRIVATELY PRINTED upon one side, uncut folio, 1809 j^ t-(^24'4' Berwick (Lord) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, and Im- [vvm/ia^ portant Collection of Manuscripts, forming 13 days' sale, 2 copies, one ivith prices and purchasers' names neatly written, uncut . Sotheby, 8vo, 1843 ^^ ^ ^ 245 Besly (Dr. J.) Desultory Notices of the Church and Vicarage ^ Lit, of Long Benton, in the Diocese of Durham, collected from * Registers, Traditions, &c. woodcuts LARGE PAPER: Only 18 copies printed; sewed, uncut Newcastle, 4to, 1843 t> L t246 Besly (Dr. J.) Another copy, with the initial letters and arms _.^ ^ illumin a ted LARGE PAPER : Only 6 copies printed of this description ; sewed, uncut . Newcastle, 4to, 1843 9-. 3 t- ^^-T Bewickiana, a Volume so lettered; containing The Portrait J~le-tel: of Tho. Bewick, and View of the Old Church at Newcastle, large Zebra, Elephant, Tiger, and Lion, upon red India paper; Portrait, the Wild Buil, and the other 4 animals, upon white India paper; Portrait, with the Church, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, and Zebra, upon drawing paper, and the same UPON VELLUM ; Brief Memoir, and 3 Portraits of Tho. Bewick, by Burnet, Tho. Ranson, he. proofs upon India paper ; Waiting for Death, the last work of Bewick, a folded plate, with the Description ; The old Church at Newcastle, a large plate folded, with a vignette and coat of arms, by R. Beilby, the Partner of Bewick ; m 1 vol. m.aroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves by Hayday . royal 8vo *. It ^ 248 Bewick (T.) Woodcuts of the Cart Mare, Domestic Cock, Pea- cock, Red Deer, Skylark, and Turkey, 6 fine impressions, printed upon vellum; The Turkey, Black Grouse, Bull- finch, Goldfinch, and two vignettes of a Cottage, Barn, &c. 6 impressions beautifully printed upon white satin; 6 Receipts for i^sop's Fables, all differeyit, two of them tvith autograph signatures; 2 Peacocks, one upon India, and the other \ipon yellow paper ; The Bittern, and 2 large Woodcuts of the Wild Bull, one an original impression, tciththe border, 1 789, the other upon India paper without border, 1819; together 23 woodcuts, rare, if not unique v.y. 30 J (^ '^ n^^^ Bewick. Select Fables, with a Memoir and Descriptive Cata- T-i'lvtvvvt^ogue of the Works of Messrs. Bewick, portrait and woodcuts by Tho. and Jo. Bewick on India paper IMPERIAL PAPER: Only \2 copies printed ; maroon morocco extra^ joints^ sides, back, and broad insides very richly tooled, vellum fly leaves and linings, gilt leaves, by Hay- day Newcastle, imperial 8vo, 1820 1 , 1 fi u 250 Biblia. Holbein, Icones Veteris Testamenti ; Illustrations of 1 ()1 J^vi^'^K^he Old Testament, engraved on wood, from the designs ^ of Hans Holbein, 90 woodcuts PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER; half light blue morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hay day Pickering, Svo, 1830 ^4^Cr PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER: the smallest and lightest edition extant; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Corrall, 32mo, 1816 ^, \S ^ 252 Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica; or a Descriptive Catalogue of a 'fiXit, Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry, by A. ^ F. Griffiths; two frontispieces, coloured and plain, wood- cut portraits, 4'c. LARGE PAPER : Only 50 copies printed ; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday imp. Svo, 1815 ( . t *^ 253 Billyn (W.) Five Wounds of Christ, a Poem, from an Ancient 1 (JuJvivCi/^rParchment Roll, edited by Wm. Bateman; engraved » borders and cuts PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 40 copies-, blacfe letter; dark morocco extra, sides emblematically tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Manchester, 4to, 1814 I . [ Ci V 254 BlOCRAPHiA Presbyteriana : containing the Lives of Peden, OuiTu/, Semple, W^ellwood, Cameron, Cargill, and Smith, by Patrick Walker, the Packman ; James Renwick, by Alex- ander Shields, with some of his Letters and Dying Testi- mony, &c. 2 vol. LARGE PAPER: Only 24 copies printed; blue morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 8vo, 1837 "^^ 1^ 255 BiRNiE (Wm.) The Blame of Kirk-Buriall, tending to >ciAj perswade cemiteriall civilitie, edited by W. B. D. D. ' TurnbuU PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; wood sides, covered with dark red russia, joints, and bruad inside borders tooled with death's heads and cross bones, sides and back very neatly blind tooled, and also emblematically tooled in gold, gilt leaves, and a broad chased silver clasp, with the arrns of TurnbuU and Birnie engraved thereon ib. 4to, 1 833 '■^ 31 ^^ 256 Bishoprick Garland (The), a Collection of Legends, Songs, J'tAAMM^t^^^.llads, &c. belonging to the County of Durham, by Sir C. Sharpe, plates on India paper and woodcuts ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED ; blue morocco extras sides neatly tooled, gilt leavesy by Hayday 8vo, 1 834< (a L\.Q 257 Blackburn (Jo.) Catalogue of his Library at Preston House, (Jtu/w^^^-U. Hants, by C. J. Robson PRIVATELY PRINTED ; hf. bd. Basingstoke, royal 4to, 1816 /. (9^1- 258 Blair-Adam : a Collection of the Plans of the Estates of Blair l^^ii^k^UHmiA^^va, with Observations, Remarks, Introductions, and an Appendix of Illustrative Papers, numerous plates, plans, 8fC. with an autograph note from W. Adam, the Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court ; 6 tracts PRIVATELY PRINTED . Edinb. 8vo, ISS^ ^3 ^-^259 BLAKEWAY (JOHN B.) THE SHERIFFS OF SHROP- jj^^^j^ SHIRE, WITH THEIR Armorial Bearings; and I Notices, Genealogical and Biographical, of their Families, 2v%th upwards of 360 shields of arms, finely coloured PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER Shrewsbury, impl. folio, 1831 *#* This sumptuous specimen of the skill and taste of Mr. Hayday may safely be pronounced unrivalled in this or any other COUNTRY. The volume is superbly bound in deep crimson morocco, joints and broad insides of the same, on which is placed a bold but open border tooled in gold, forming a fine relief to the rest of the inside, which is in purple, elegantly worked all over in hexagons, running into each other in the Venetian style. In each compartment is placed the lion rampant and fleur-de-lis alternately. The fly-leaves are of vellum, orna- mented with two narrow gold lines, and the edges are tooled. The back consists of hexagons, inlaid with purple, containing the lion and fleur-de-lis, somewhat smaller than those in the interior. The design on the outside is a triumphal arch, occupying the entire side, highly enriched with its cornices, mouldings, &c. executed in suitable small ornamental work ; from its columns (which are wreathed with laurel), and other parts of the structure, are suspended the shields of the Sheriffs, seventy in number, the quarterings of which, with their frets, bends, &c., are curiously inlaid indifferent colours of morocco, and, with the ornamental parts of the bear- ings, emblazoned with accuracy on both sides of the volume. When we state that more than 57,000 impressions of tools have been required to produce this wonderful exemplar of ingenuity and skill, some idea may be formed of the time and labour necessary for its execution. i^ 3 t. 260 Blank Books (3), ruled ivith red and blue lines, half bound, t\Mho^wi^ marbled leaves, lettered " MS. Prices and Names" ' narrow folio, n. d, [ k^ ^ 261 Blandford. Arie con Accompagnaraento Coraposte d'al Mar- kjAAArk^.^ chese di Blandford, engraved title, designed by the M. of Blandford, by Turner, most delicately coloured PRIVATELY PRINTED ; yellow morocco extra^ sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday folio, n. d. 32 u lo . t) 262 Blandford (Marquis of) Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliothec^ (JJ^^iw^ Blandfordiensi, reperiuntur, by R. Triphook, 9 parts, with the titles printed in gold. One of 6 copies; and Catalogus, Lib. qui Bib. Blandfordiensi nuper additi sunt PRIVATELY PRINTED ; russia extras gilt leaves, except the I last party which is in sheets 4to, 18 12- 14 V. ^. h 263 Blessington (Countess of) Tour in the Isle of Wight in 1820 ^H4^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; ^WCM^ small 8vo, 1822 ( . (9 V. 264? Blundell (H.) Account of the Statues, Busts, Bass-Relieves, — 1 — Cinerary Urns, and other Ancient Marbles and Paintings at Ince PRIVATELY PRINTED : and very few copies, which were rigidly suppressed; red russia extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie Liverp, 4to, 1803 I - l/^r ^ ^^^ Boaden (Jas.) Inquiry into the Authenticity of the various Por- UipiAnAAXS traits of Shakspeare, 5 portraits, proofs on India paper LARGE PAPER ; crimson morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday royal 4to, 1824 [ . Ci^^ 'i66 Boccaccio (Giov.) II Decamerone, con un Discorso critico da ->-iX^^ Ugo Foscolo, portrait and \0 heauiiful plates from designs hy Stothard, proofs, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER; cloth, uncut Pickering, 8vo, 1825 / ( ^ 267 Boccaccio (Giov.) Decamerone, port7'ait, and 10 heauiiful illus- (Vuf^u-v trations from designs hy Stothard, proofs, 3 vol. in 1 PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER : One of only 25 copies, see the puhlisher's attestation on the fy'leaf; green smooth morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled to a Grolier pattern, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hayday Pickering, 8vo, 1825 y \S> ^ n 268 Boccaccio, Frederic and the Falcon, done into English Verse, iJAtiA\ij*vuLhy Emma Martin half olive morocco extra, top edges gilt, hy Hayday 4to, 1847 / ( '3 V. 269 Bodenham (John) England's Helicon, a Collection of Pastoral J^U/*t^tr and Lyric Poems, first published at the close of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited by Sir F. E. Brydges and J. Haslewood ONLY 120 COPIES PRINTED; dark morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 4to, 1812 ( . tj u 270 Bodoni (G.) Manuale Tipographico, containing Specimens of 0),j^Avvw all the Types used in the Printing Office of Bodoni, po7't. 2 vol. LARGE PAPER; half morocco, uncut Parma, iio, 1818 /t) i^ V 2*71 BOJ^ARDO, Orlando Innamorato, with an Essay on the (J-^l^^^riytvPomantic Narrative Poetry of the Italians; Memoirs and Notes by Ant. Panizzi, 5 vol. PRINTED UPON VELLUM. UNIQUE : see the publishers attes- tation upon theflyleaf; light brown morocco extra, gilt leaves . Pickering, 8vo, 1830-31 33 '2-^272 Bojardo. Orlando Innamorato di Bojardo ; Orlando Furioso di fctiltnAA/ ^ "osto ; with an Essay on the llomantic Narrative Poetry fot the Italians, Memoirs and Notes by A. Panizzi, 9 vol. PRINTED UPON TINTED PAPER : One of only two copies ; (see the publisher'' s attestation on the jiy -leaf )^ the other being in the late Right Hon, Thos. Grenvilles collection now in the British Museiun; light blue morocco extra, joints, sides neatly tooled, vellum fy-leaves and linings, gilt leaves^ by Hay day . Pickering, S\o, \S2>0-^^f 1^1. ^73 Boencourt (M. le Chevalier de) Voyage des Troupes, Francoises ^Ha^ en Pologne — A Narrative of the French Expedition to Dantzig in 1734, with Prefatory Notices, Notes, &c. by Alex. Henderson, engraved title, and etching before the II letters, vignettes, and woodcuts I PRIVATELY PRINTED : and No. 56 of 58 copies only ; pre- I sented to Dr. John Jamieson, with autograph inscription, F dark green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, I by Hay day . Edinb. 4to, 1831 [j^ ^274- Bolland (Baron) Catalogue of his extensive, curious, and valua- Ciu^U-tit^le Library, forming 13 Days* Sale, inlaid in ^to, and interleaved throughovt with ruled writing paper, upon which the prices, purchasers' names, 8fc, are most beau- tifully w7-itten maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves Evans, 4to, 1840 // ^^ 275 Bolland (Baron) Catalogue of his choice and valuable CoUec- (jtwAtvMj^tion of Coins and Medals, forming 6 Days' Sale, three copies, one with prices and purchasers' names, 1841 — • Catalogue of the Library of C. J. Smith, Engraver, with prices and names; and Catalogue of the Books in various Languages on Sale by Payne and Foss, 1840-41 half calf, marbled leaves, uncut . 8vo l^u 276 Booth (G.) Nugaj Canorse quas in Amicorum Gratiam imparl >uAlj fecit Etonensis Vrivately PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrangham, with two long autograph letters of the author ; olive morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day . Oxonii, 4to, 1826 [a ^ 277 Booth by (Sir B.) Sorrows Sacred to the Memory of Penelope, (JCiiuAA^ and Miscellaneous Poems, three fine plates, after Sir f Joshua Reynolds, Fuseli, Sfc. and five vignettes Horace Walpoles Copy, with his book-plate ; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday folio, 1796 'H^ 278 Bourne (Vine.) Poetical Works, Latin and English, edited, ^^^\j^,j^^\Jij^\jlyi\t^ Life of the Author, by Mitford, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, sm. 8vo, 1840 34 (.(h^ 279 BoRDE (Andrew) The Boke of the Introduction of ^ :£i-^Ui Knowledge, edited by W. Upcott, woodcuts PRINTED UPON VELLUM: One of four copies : blacfe Ittttr halfrusslay uncut Wm, Copland^ n, d. 7'eprmted, 4ftOf 181 4< This copy contains an axitograph statement of the publisher [R. Triphook] addressed to the editor, stating the number of copies printed upon vellum and on paper, with the cost per copy of each. I - LO »- 280 Borde, Another copy ^.^l^^ Only 120 copies printed: black Ictttt ; black morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 4to, 1814- ^ i\ i^ 281 Boswell (Sir Alex.) Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect ^h/ticL-dark green mor. extra, g. I, by Hayday Edinb. 8vo, 1803 \^ S~^ 282 Boswell (Sir A.) Clan- Alpine's Vow, a Fragment ^vttii PRIVATELY PRINTED ; dark green morocco ex^tra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib. 8\o, 1811 u I u 283 Boswell (Sir A.) Clan-Alpine's Vow, a Fragment AwtiU^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to A. Chalmers, uncut . 8vo, 1817 t^ (o* ♦• 284 Boswell (James) Biographical Memoir of the late Edmond (UrtUL Malone PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy, with note from the author ; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1814 t - Lo v> 285 Boswell (J.) Catalogue of his entire Library, forming ten (VuuVteM^ Days' Sale FINE PAPER : inlaid in quarto, and interleaved throughout with ruled writing paper, upon which the prices and purchasers names are beautifully written . maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves Sotheby, 4to, 1825 V^•c^o-b 286 Brand (Jo.) Observations on Popular Antiquities; chiefly illus- (JCjliACtAjtrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and ♦Superstitions, with additions by Hen. Ellis, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER ; green mor. extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday royal 4to, 1813 V J vr *- 287 Brathwait (Rich,) BarnabaB Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal, 3-h^>Af^ with Life of the Author, a Biographical Introduction, and Catalogue of his Works, by J. Haslewood ; portrait and monument, with a proof of the latter before the dates, and three copies of the small portrait, two of them proofs before any letters, one of which is 07i India paper, 2 vol. ONLY 125 COPIES PRINTED ; olive morocco extra, lined inside of boards with the same, sides, backs, and insides richly and most elaborately tooled, vellum fly-leaves, ivith narrow bo7'ders painted in gold and colours, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday . square 1 2mo, 1 820 35 tA U u288 Brewer (Tho.) Memoir of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of -([;Ut^'UvvW.^°°^^"' *" ^^® Reigns of Henry V and VI, frontispiece 7 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; red morocco extra^ gilt leaves, hy Hay day . crown 8vo, 1836 ^ (0 i.289 Bright (Benj. Heywood) Catalogue of his valuable Library of (l.f!,iW\TlSare and curious Books, comprising 24' Days' Sale, ^t•^V^ • prices and purchasers names very neatly writteti on the margins LARGE PAPER: Only 25 copies printed ; uncut Sothehy ^ Co, 8vo, 184'5 s^ Vj 1^290 Bright (B.) Another Copy, with the concluding portion of the I — -f,^ 24-th Day's Sale, and the remaining portion of his valuable \J[hYdi\'y , foi-ming 30 Days' Sale, three parts, with prices and purchasers names neatly written; sewed Sotheby, 8vo, 1845 291 Bristol Riots (The), their Causes, Progress, and Consequences, C^\SAi^VM^v^l828 LARGE PAPER: Only 2)0 copies printed ; uncut 4to, 1828 v> I w 311 Brooke (Rich.) Observations, illustrative of the Accounts of OQ.Avu'^Ancient Historical Writers of the Battle of Stoke Field in ' 1487, with a note on page 9 in the author s autography and his book-plate PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half maroou morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Wickwar Liverpool, royal 8vo, 1825 s^h 38 312 Brown (Jo. Wm.) Life of Leonardo da Vinci, with a Critical -^JvU Account of his Works, porti^ait and vignette of the Last I Suppevy upon India paper THICK PAPER: Only 13 copies printed — see the publishers attestation on the jiy-leaf; green morocco extra^ sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, 8vo, 1828 313 Browne (Sir Tho.) Religio Medici, and Christian Morals, by {Vax^^Xxji^ Gardiner blue mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1845 3 J5'c. /314' Browning (W. S.) History of the Huguenots of the XVP^ Cen- UA^UA^^Uvw^ury, 2 vol. ^ LARGE AND THICK PAPER : One of only 2 copies printed — see the publisher s attestation on the fy-leaf; olive mor. extra, sides and backs neatly tooled, joints, with vellum fly-leaves and linings, gilt and may^bled leaves, by Hayday ib. 8vo, 1826 v.^ b 'D 315 Bruce (Jo.) Memoir of Dr. Chas. Hutton, portrait TjfXi, PRIVATELY PRINTED ; olive morocco extra, sides very neatly ^ tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Newcastle, Svo, 1823 ^ /3 ^ 316 Bi-ydges (Sir Egerton) the Lake of Geneva, a Poem, Moral and (l^Ljvt^Utfer Descriptive, portraits and plates, 2 vol. in 1 ^ PRINTED UPON YELLOW PAPER ; blue 7norocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Geneva, small 8vo, 1832 ^ \Z s^ 317 Brydges (Sir E.) Another copy, ports, and plates, 2 vol. in 1 ^^^ — PRINTED UPON BLUE PAPER ; yellow morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1832 ^ ILvv 318 Brydges (Sir E.) Odo, Count of Lingen, a Poetical Tale Y^Sx^ VWtj^^IVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday . ib. square 8vo, 1824 ^ (C^v, 319 Buchanan (Geo.) Epithalamium on the Marriage of Francis £/^K and Mary, Queen of Scots, translated from the Original, *-^^ edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; half purple morocco extra, uncut, by Hayday . Edinb' 8vo, 1845 %r-\\yA^ 320 Buchanan (Geo.) Another copy OWfM^ ONLY 60 COPIES PRINTED ; uncut ib. 8vo, 1845 \ Lt^*^ 321 Buckingham (Duke and Duchess of) Letters addressed A'^IL to King James I, with Biographical Notices, Notes, &c. by * J. H, \Sw\%ov., fac- simile signatures PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; blue morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, g. I. by Hayday ib. 8vo, 1834 9 f , I u 326 Butler (Sara.) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir by J^yHHru^^^' Mitford, 2 ports, one a proof on India paper, 2 vol. red mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1835 ^ ^i^ 327 Butler (Sam., Bp. of Lichfield) Catalogue of his Library ^If-iiilVmN A.TELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER: cloth, uncut 4to, 1824. This catalogue was never completed. It contains the whole of the printed books and one page of the manuscripts. I.'] ^ 328 Butler (Bp.) Catalogue of his Library, Aldine Collection, Ma- firlivi nuscripts and Autographs, 3 parts complete in 1 vol. ^ FINE PAPER : Only 40 copies printed, and parts 1 and 2 small paper, with the prices and purchasers' names neatly writte?i, 3 vol. ; iincut . 8vo, 1 840 |.0 i^ 329 Caldecott (Tho.) Hamlet, and As You Like it, a Specimen of an tiot^vul Edition of Shakespeare PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Dr. Nott ; yelloiv morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . royal 8vo, 1832 ,^ h (j 330 Cambrian Hero (The), or Llewelyn the Great, an Historical ^' jWlL Tragedy PRIVATELY PRINTED ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Egham, 4to, n. d, CAMDEN (THE) SOCIETY, established in 1838. ^^^^,_^31 A COMPLETE Series of the Publications, 40 vol. ^^\^l^,^^'[iiniform in cloth . , 4to, 1838-47 1 Restoration of King Edward IV, edited by Bruce 1838 2 Kynge Johan, by Bp. Bale, bv J. P. CoUier 1838 3 Deposition of Richard II, by Wright . 1838 4 Plumpton Correspondence, by Stapleton 1839 5 Anecdotes and Traditions, by Thorns . 1839 6 Political Songs of England, by Wright 1839 7 Hay ward's Annals of Elizabeth, by Bruce 1840 8 Ecclesiastical Documents, by Hunter . 1840 40 Camden Society Publications— cow^enwec?. 9 Norden's Description of Essex, by Sir H. Ellis IS^O 10 Warkworth's Chronicle, by Halliwell . 1839 11 Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder, by A. Dyce 184-0 12 The Egerton Papers, by Collier . 1840 13 Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, by Gage Rokewode 1840 14 Irish Narratives, 1641-1690, by Croker 1841 15 Rishanger's Chronicle, by Halliwell . 1840 16 Poems of Walter Mapes, by Wright . 1840 17 Travels of Nicander Nucius, by Cramer 1841 18 Three Metrical Romances, by Robson . 1842 19 Diary of Dr. John Dee, by Halliwell . 1842 20 Apology for the Lollards, by Todd . 1842 21 Rutland Papers, by Jerdan . . 1842 22 Diary of Bp. Tho. Cartwright, by Hunter 1843 23 Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men, by Sir H. Ellis 1843 24 Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler by the Bp. of Ossory, by Wright . . . 1843 25 Promptorium Parvulorum sive Clericorum, torn 1, by Way 1843 26 Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries, by Wright 1844 27 Leycester Correspondence, by Bruce 1844 28 French Chronicle of London, by Aungier 1844 29 Polydore Vergil's History of the Reigns of Henry VI, &c. by Sir H.Ellis . . 1844 30 The Thornton Romances, by Halliwell . 1844 31 Verney's Notes of the Long Parliament, by Bruce 1845 32 Autobiography of Sir Jo. Bramston, by Lord Braybrooke 1 845 33 Correspondence of James Earl of Perth, by Jerdan 1845 34 De Antiquis Legibus Liber, by Stapleton . 1846 35 Chronicle of Calais, by Nichols 1846 36 Polydore Vergil's English History, vol. l,bv Sir H. Ellis 1846 37 Relation or True Account of England under Henry VII, by Sneyd . . 1847 38 Documents relating to Middleham Church, by Atthill 1847 39 Camden Miscellany, vol. 1, by Sir H. Ellis, &c. 1847 40 Life of Lord Grey of Wilton, by Sir P. de M. Grey Egerton 1847 ^ I • 3-v^ ^^,^ Cameron. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, Chief •^\)i\^ of the Clan Cameron, with an Introductory Account of the f History and Antiquities of that Family and of the Neigh- bouring Clans, portrait LARGE PAPER ; cloth, uncut Edinb. royal 4to, 1 842 Privately printed, for the Abbotsford Club. No 24. Presented by B. Blood and Jas. Macknight. ^^^ 41 (^ [0. (? 333 Campbell (Tho.) Essay on English Poetry Sl^^U PRINTED UPON BLUE PAPER, UNIQUE : see the publishers at- testation on the fly-leaf; Presentation Copy to Thomas HilU Esq- blue morocco e^'tra^ gilt leaves, by Murton Murray, 1819 u /i^v 334- Campbell (Tho.) Another copy S^i/Sf^st PRINTED UPON STRAW COLOURED PAPER, UNIQUE ; Presen- tation Copy to G. H. Freelingy Esq. with attestation and autograph inscription yellow m or. extra, gilt leaves, by Murton Murray, 8vo, 1819 t-.(/) J335 Cancionero DE Obras de Burlas, Provocantesa Ilisa [V^U^^'RIVATELY PRINTED, UPON VELLUM: One of only 4- cojnes ; yellow morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Madrid, reprinted n. d. This rare Cancionero was unknown to all the Spanish Bibliographers ; it was printed at Valencia, MD.XIX., and recently obtained for the British Museum : the copy is supposed to be unique. j^ ^336 Cancionero, Another copy f^^ll^^^RlVATELY PRINTED, UPON INDIA PAPER: One of only f 2 copies; red morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 8vo, n. d. I . ^ v. 337 Cancionero, Another copy PRIVATELY PRINTED, UPON GREEN PAPER: One of only 6 copies ; vellum, neatly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Hayday small 8vo, n. d. /(j ^ 338 Carew (Reg. Pole) Catalogue of his Beautiful Collection of Slvt^Vc^ Wrangham PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 70 copies : cloth, uncut Malton, 8vo, 1826 V- fe" u 351 Catalogues (30) of the Valuable Libraries of Lord Berwick, Sir ^.f 'JW"^ »^os. Littledale, Edw. Skegg, Geo. Baker of Northampton, ' T. Jolley, J. T. Brockett, J. Holmes, &c. uncut Sotheby, 8fc, 8vo, v. y. //. ^352 Catalogues (15) of the Valuable Libraries of T. Hill, T. Thomas, 5W^ Henry Petrie, Sheffield Grace, Sir G. H. Freeling, R. H. Evans, &c. all with prices and purchasers' names, and 5 duplicates withouty uncut , Evans, 8vo, lSS9-4^4< 9 353 Catalogues (22) of the Valuable Libraries of Geo. Chalmers, /i'Uoi parts 2 and 3 ; the Marquess Wellesley, Rev. Jas. Dallavvay, ^ P. Absalom, J. Delafield Phelps, H. H. Joy, Sir Hudson Lowe, &c. uncut . Evans, 8vo, 1842-4-4 J.[fS54: Catalogues (8) of the Interesting and Valuable Libraries of tiyL\t\^ Geo. Allan, Sir T. F. Heathcote, Sir Thomas Lawrence ; the Emperor Napoleon, from St. Helena; Prince Talley- rand, &C. ALL UPON FINE PAPER, uncut Sothehy, 8vo, 1827-30 (/> tPu 355 Catalogues : — Prices and Purchasers' Names in the Sales of the •iAVi following Collections, viz. Dr. Kloss, 1835 — Jas. Boswell, ^ 1825— Rev. Theodore Williams, 1827— Sir F. Freeling, 1836— Rev. Dr. Valpy, 1832— Jos. Haslewood, 1833— John Townley, 1814-15 — Thos. Jolley, parts 1 and 2, 1843-44— John Morice, 1844— Rob. Southey, 1844— Duke of Sussex, 6 parts, 1844-45— Wm. Upcott, 1846— B. H. Bright, &c. neatly written, in 5 vol. ; half bound, m. I. . . narrow folio *-(fe~u356 Catalogues of Scotish Writers, edited by James Maidment (jij/iiJll, ARGE PAPER: Only 4 copies printed; crimson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . . Edinb, 8vo, 1833 „ l\X) 357 Catulli Carmina, recensuit Jo. Wilkes ; et Theophrasti Characteri (lAjMmi- Graece, cura Jo. Wilkes, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies of the first and 120 copies of the second; red mor. g. I. 4to, 1788-1790 L^(Jt-358 Chalmers (Alex.) Memoir of John Nichols, Esq. Y.^. A. port. (v^^*^'''^'''^*^of Nichols inlaid, and a portrait of A. Chalmers upon ^ India paper, a private plate inserted PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light brown calf extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 4to, 1826 o(^4^359 Chambers (Sir Rob.) Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts "£i^^Ai collected during his Residence in India, with a Brief Me- V moir by Lady Chambers, portrait andfac-similes PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday folio, 1 838 (,.(() ^360 Chanson moult pitoyable des grievouses Oppressions qe la .^-"i, povre Commune de Engletere souffre soubz la Cruelte des Justices de Trayllbastun — Le Flabel du Jongleur de Ely et de Mens"" le Roy de Engletere — Le Dit de la Gageure — Un Chaunt que fust fet sur la Mort e occysion du tres noble Seignour Symon de Mountfort nadgweres Cuens de Leycestre PRIVATELY PRINTED BY SiR F. PaLGRAVE ; and only 25 copies; blach Icttn* ; Presentation Copy ; uncut A^io, 1818 G 44 ^ I C) u ^^^ Charlemagne, an Anglo Norman Poem of the XIP^ Centur)% I f^Cii\^ '^ow fi^'s^ published, with an Introduction and a Glossarial ^ Index, by Fr. Michel PRINTED UPON GREEN PAPER : One of only two copies f see the publisher's attestation on the fly-leaf; maroon morocco extra^ sides and back richly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Hay day Pickering, small 8vo, 1831 t^ [b ^ 362 Charleraont ( Jas. Earl of) Translation of the Select Sonnets of XliM-t^t^ Petrarch, with Notes PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light blue morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Dublin, Svo, 1822 i^ Ibs^ 363 Charles I. Two Copies of Verses on the Meeting of King Q) 'J^^^^^^ha.r\es 1 and his Queen Henrietta- Maria in the Valley of Kineton, below Edge-hill, in Warwickshire, in July 1643, edited by William Hamper PRIVATELY PRINTED : and 07ily a very limited number ; yel- low morocco extra, sides very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Birmingham, ^to, 1822 ( \Cl^j^^ 364 Chatelherault. Factum of the Earl of Arran touch- |fJ^,(/Y/Vw ing the Restitution of the Duchy of Chatelherault, 1685; edited, with a Notice, and an Appendix of curious Illustra- tive Documents, by W. B. D. D. Turnbull PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; half blue morocco extra, uncut, by Hay day . Edinb. 8vo, 1843 v\^i^ 365 Chartulary. Abstract of the Charters and other Papers re- j#UMtCItwvt 373 Christie (J.) Inquiry into the Early History of Greek Sculp- t'^*^*'^iH^ ture, portrait, proof upon India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies; uncut ^ royal 4to, 1833 trlb ♦*574' Chronicon Mirabile seu Excerpta Memorabilia e Registris jJi JUa^k^ Parochialibus Com. Pal. Dunelm., edited by Sir Cuthbert "^ Sharp, the three parts complete PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 30 copies; red morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Sunderland, 8vo, 1819-27 *'^i~w«375 Chronicon Mirabile; or Extracts from Parish Registers, prin- J^-v^l^l/Lcipally in the North of England ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED; olive morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, 1841 46 I- ^^^ 376 Churchill (Chas.) Poetical Works, with Life and Notes by -i ^M of the most celebrated British Libraries, with the Dialogue in the Shades and Rare Doings of Roxburghe Hall, inlaid and inserted, portraits and plates, proofs upon India paper, and duplicate plate to the Dialogue in the Shades, a proof upon India paper before any letters, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER ; blue morocco ejtfra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday imperial 8vo, 1819 ^ ,,y^^ 382 Clerk of Eldin (John) Ninety-one Etchings, chiefly ^f^^ Views in Scotland, tipon India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half green morocco oblong 4to, n. d. This is believed to be a perfect set of these Etchings, wliich are of excessive RARITY. They include the 28 of which 40 copies were printed for and presented by the late Lord Eldin to the members of the Bannatyne Club. /.^p. 383 Clerk of Eldin (Hon. John) Catalogue of his Extensive, Genuine, WhicL^ and highly Valuable Collection of Pictures, Drawings, Prints, and Articles of Vertu, portrait, proof upon India paper, a private plate, and 5 other plates; with the printed prices, ^c. forming 14 days' sale, by Winstanley and Son: PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER : and only 50 copies, 1 833 — Catalogue of the Library of John Clerk, of Eldin, forming 10 days' sale, by C. B. Tait, LARGE PAPER, Only 12 copies printed, 1833 ; and Howell's Account of the I Accident that occurred at the Sale of Lord Eldin's Pictures, plate; 3 vol. in I, half morocco, green edges Edinb. royal 8 vo, 1833 ^ 384 Clifford (Arthur) Collectanea ClifFordiana AumaXm^4^rivately printed : Presentation Copy, with autograph inscription of the author; green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Paris, 8vo, 1817 v.^385 Clifford (Sir Thomas and Arthur) Topographical and His- — -t: — torical Description of the Parish of Tixall, Staffordshire, 2oith pedigrees, portraits and plates PRIVATELY PRINTED ; dark red morocco extra, sides atid 48 <2^^q_ ^^ 386 Clive (R. H.) Documents connected with the History of Ludlow StiA^^4itiiA^ and the Lords Marchers, plates and woodcuts crimson morocco extra^ sides and back richly tooled^ gilt leaves^ hy Hay day , imp. 8vo, 1841 j^ 10-6 387 Clockwork :— Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Com- (^CtMiAj^ V^^y ^^ Clockmakers of the City of London, 1830 — ^ The Charter and Bye-Laws of the Company of Clockmakers, 1825 — Two Statements of the Proceedings of the Com- pany and the Government in relation to the Importation of Foreign Clocks and Watches, 1832-33 — Testimonials re- specting Clocks made by Vulliamy, 1837, &c. ; in 3 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED : halfmorocco royal 8vo, 1825-37 t^ Lb ^ 388 Cobb(Mary), Extracts from her Diary and Letters, p/a^e q/*a?^m* A*vIa- privately printed ; g7'een morocco extra, gilt leaves, ( by Hay day . . 8vo, 1805 ^ ( ^ 389 Cobbold (Mrs. Elizabeth) Cliff Valentines, 1814 — T;^ privately PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Mr. and Mrs. W. Holland, with autograph inscription; half maroon A m^orocco extra, gilt leaves, by WicJcwar Ipswich, 4to. 1814 / . 3 -v- 390 Cock Lorell's Boat, a Fragment, from the Original in the .—-X'^ British Museum, woodcuts PRINTED UPON VELLUM: One of only two copies; blacfe \tiitX ; dark m^orocco extra, with light brown morocco linings and Jly -leaves, the whole of which are 7nost elabo- rately tooled in gold, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie 4to, 1817 Presented to the Roxburghe Club by the Rev. Henry Drury, at the sale of whose collection, in 1841, this copy was obtained. t- I ( 4/^ 391 Cock Robin, the Life, Death, and Burial of, composed and set ()\jtti>^ to Music by the Marquis of Blandford, emblematical title, designed by Hawer and engraved by Bovi PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half yellow morocco, with the arms of J the composer stamped upon the sides imp. folio, n. d. ^ \ ^ 392 Cockle (Mrs.) Elegy on the Death of King George III, J'J^.tJLiU^ PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER; Orie of only three copies; and UPON PINK PAPER, one of only two copies — Garrett (W.) Elegy to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte of Wales, PRIVATELY PRINTED ; One of only six copies, 18\7, folded, uncut Newcastle, Swo, 1817-20 ^ |t"i. J3Q3 Colchester (Lord) Speeches in communicating Thanks of the >iMXv| House of Commons to Military Commanders, &c. 1 807- 1816 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides and bach neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 12rao, 1829 ^ if .\^ 394 Cole (Gulielmo) Oratio de Ridicule, habita Cantabrigise in tuxijLAAik^xJU Scholis Publicis, 1780, accedit etiara, ab eodem Scriptum / Carmen Comitiale PRIVATELY REPRINTED BY THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH ; yellow morocco extra, gilt leaves 4to, 1811 ^ [^ ^^9^Col^(JoimJ^^orks and Publications ; viz. Histrionic Topo- 6 ^^/ , graphy, or the Birth-Places, Residences, and Funeral Z^^^^"*^ Monuments of the most distinguished Actors, 16 plates by Storer, with two additional portraits and a facsimile of D' Gar rich's autograph LARGE PAPER : dark red morocco extra^ gilt leaves^ by Mackenzie . . 8vo, 1818 V C 6^^^ Qo\e (J.) Bibliographical and Descriptive Tour from Scar- _„^^ borough to the Library of a Philobiblist [Archdeacon Wrangham] ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED: with an autograph note from Fr. Wrangham, to John Cole^ franked by the Archbishop of York ; dark red mo7\ extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Scarborough, 8vo, 1824? 397 Cole (J.) History and Antiquities of Ecton, Northamptonshire ^^.t^ ILLUSTRATED,* with a beautiful ORIGINAL DRAWING of Ecton Church, and plate of the same ; View of Ecton House, proof before the letters, and two portraits PRINTED UPON WRITING PAPER: Otie of VI Copies; dark red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie ib. 8vo, 1 825 .[j^^398 Cole (J.) The Scarborough Album of History and Poetry, 1*- — plates, proofs before any letters upon India paper ILLUSTRATED, with six additional plates by C, J. Smithy with his autograph attestation LARGE PAPER : Only 25 copies printed ; green morocco extra, gilt leaves . ib. 8vo, 1825 ,» ( u 399 Cole (J.) Antiquarian Trio, and Finale called the Poets Favour- C^JLlui^ ite Tree, by Fr. Wrangham, 3 plates, 8^c. sewed . . ib. 8vo, 1826 29 (( ^ 400 Cole (J.) Bookselling Spiritualised ^'^^ONLY 60 COPIES PRINTED; dark red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . ib. 8vo, 1826 „l(^ 4-01 Cole (J.) Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character of 2\/>vt^^AAtff ^°^' Hinderwell, with his Fugitive Pieces, plates and I woodcuts PRINTED UPON WRITING PAPER : One of only 24 copies ; dark red mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie ib. 8vo, 1 826 1^4 i^402 Cole (J.) History and Antiquities of Weston Favell, Northamp- !■ ,-— c-*— tonshire, portrait and plates, some upon India paper IB Illustrated with 3 beautiful original drawings, W view of Weston Church, on India paper before any letters, and a portrait ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED ; dark red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . ib. 8vo, 1827 ^403 Cole (J.) History and Antiquities of Filey, in Yov\s\\\vq, plates ^^^t,._ ^ipon India paper, and woodcuts Illustrated with 2 beautiful original drawings of FiLEY Bay in Indian ink, a?id FiLEY Church in bistre, dark red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie ib. 8vo, 1828 50 14 . 6 ^ 404? Cole (J.) The Scarborough Collector, and Journal of the Olden HJliM^^Uvv\lL Time, plates, some proofs on India paper ^ and woodcuts ONLY 150 COPIES FEINTED ; uncut Scarborough, 8vo, 1828 ( u /^4'05 Cole (J.) Four Tracts, viz. Pleasant and Profitable Journey to \j\^J'i^4L London, 1828 — Month's Excursion, 1829 — Reminiscences tributary to the Memory of Thos. Allen ALL PRIVATELY PRINTED, and only 50 copies of each, with his Scarborough Graphic Gqvh^, plates, 36mo, 1829 ih. 8vo and 12mo, 1828-33 - ^ O 406 Cole (J.) Historical Sketches of Scalby, Burniston, and Clough- t{y\4JlA^ ton, Hayburn Wyke, and Stainton Dale, plate and woodcuts PRINTED UPON PINK PAPER : One of only 50 copies ; uncut ih. 8vo, 1829 lO i^ 4'0'7 Col® (J*) Historical Sketches of Scalby, &c. Another copy, Qt^J.^.\^j\^,cloth, uncut . PecArmw^, small 8 vo, 1817 51 ^, ((pu ^^^ Coleridge (Samuel Taylor) Literary Remains, by H, N. Cole- lA^.r-vtvd^ridge, 4 vol. light calf extray sides and hacks richly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Hayday . . Pickering, 1836-39 tr l?\^ 4-15 Coleridge (S. T.) on the Constitution of the Church and State, ».,-^ thii^d edition ; and Lay Sermons, second edition I . blue mor. extra, g. I. by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1S39 V. 6 b 416 Coleridge (S. T.) Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit --'^— maroon uxor, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small Svo, 1 840 (. ^ ^ 417 Coleridge (S. T.) The Friend, edited by H. N. Coleridge, 3 vol. *H — maroon mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib.smdW Svo, IS^^^f I |H v-418 Coleridge (S. T.) Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches ' — -t-^ of my Literary Life and Opinions, edited by Mrs. H. N. Coleridge, second edition, 3 vol. blue mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1847 (.(9,^ 419 Coleridge (S. T.) Poetical and Dramatic Works, 3 vol. — ^ — crimson mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Haydvy ib. sm. Svo, 1847 V I'l ^ 420 Colkelbie Sow (The Tale of), edited by 11. Pictairn 'iAjU^ PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; with a letter to the Editor ' from Sir Walter Scott; half mor. uncut Edinb. 4to, 1821 V I (^v.4'21 Collen (Geo. Wm.) Britannia Saxonica, a Map of Britain during -— -vw- the Saxon Octarchy, a Table of the Contemporary Sovereigns of each State, the Genealogies of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, &c. coloured map and woodcuts ; maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, 4to, 1833 cJ_, 444 Croft (Herbert) An unfinished Letter to the Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt, (|\^^jl^l^ concerning the New Dictionary of the English Language, with the Postscript privately printed ; light hrown calf extra, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie . 8vo, 1788 V- C ^ A^ Croft (Sir James) Memoirs of. Comptroller of the Household of I >-v ^U* Queen Elizabeth ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; Presentation Copy to Lieut.- Col. Barrett; light brown morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . 4to, 1828 J ^ — ^ 446 Qroke (Sir Alexander) The Genealogical History of the Croke ^VtM^"^^ Family, originally named Le Blount, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half blue morocco extra, top edges gilt, hy Hay day . Oxford, 4to, 1823 ^ 55 ^ h [, 447 Cronicon de Lanercost 1201-1346 e Codice Cottoniano ' J uiuo^v^ nunc primum Typis Mandatum, edited by Jos. Stevenson, /2" vol. in 1 LARGE AND THICK PAPER : One of only 10 copies printed ; dark morocco extra^ joints and insides very neatly blind tooledi vellum Jly-leaves and linings, sides and back most elaborately tooled in blind and gold, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday . Edinb. 4to, 1839 Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 67. Presented by Wm. Macdowall, of Garthland. I t^^-c 448 Crosby (Brass) Memoir of, Lord Mayor of London 1770-1771, ^lL portrait upon India paper ; half maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Wickwar , royal 4to, 1 829 t, (V u 449 Cuninghame (Lady Margaret) A Pairt of the Life of, That she XctUi ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ fi^^^ Husband, the Master of Evendale. The V just and true Account thereof, as it was first written with her own hand ; including a Letter to her husband and another to my Lady Marquess of Hamilton, inclosing her last Will. Edited with a Preface and curious Notes by C. K. Sharpe, frontispiece, designed and etched by the Editor PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER: and only S copies; one of which is in the Abbotsford library half morocco, uncut . Edinb. royal 4!to,lS27 l-^i/- 450 Currer (Miss Richardson) Catalogue of her Library at Eshton Hall, Craven, Yorkshire, compiled by Rob. Triphook PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 40 copies; inaroon mor. extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1820 t> i^ V- 4j5,1 Currer (Miss Richardson) Catalogue of the Library collected %^/».|^ by, at Eshton Hall, Craven, Yorkshire, compiled by C. J. Stewart, jo/a^e* upon India paper, with the arms on the title emblazoned PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies ; Presentation Copy to the Duke of Sussex, from the compiler, with autograph inscription; half maroon morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Mackenzie . royal 8vo, 1833 |.(4 w 452 Dacre (Lady) Dramas, Translations, and Occasional Poems, 2 v. Ik'tiU^jiWt^^IVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy, with inscription in her Ladyship's autograph; crimson morocco extra, sides and backs inlaid with va7nous coloured leather, and richly ^ tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Svo, 1821 (. n v-453 Dalgarno of Aberdeen (Geo.) WORKS, with the two additional ^ tyf leaves 7 LARGE PAPER; light blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb, 4to, 1834-36 Privately printed for the Maitland Club, No. 29. Presented by Henry Cockburn and Tho. Maitland. ^it,i'l.t. 56 THIRD DAY'S SALE. LOT U) (L t> ^^^ DALLAWAY (James) Inquiries into the Origin and Progress /I -I < the Science of Heraldry in England, with Explanatory Ob- ^^^^^^servations on Armorial Ensigns, many portraits, plates (^some coloured^ and facsimiles ; dark green morocco extray joints, sides, back, and insides elaborately tooled with heraldic devices, vellum Jiy-leaves and linings, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day Gloucester, royal ^to, 1793 \ ) , 455 Dallaway (J.) Antiquities of Bristow in the Middle Centuries; ^ ' ^AJLx^ including the Topography of William Wyrcestre, and the I Life of Wm. Canynges, plates and woodcuts LARGEST PAPER: One of only \2 copies printed ; blue mor. extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford . ^n'^^o^, elephant 4to, 1834< g 9_i^ ^56 Dallaway (Harriet) Etchings and Views in the Vicarage of Lea- —'X'^ therhead, Surrey, I'i plates upon India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED; light green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday imp. 8vo, 1821 ( • b ^ 4'57 Dames (Les Douze) de Rhetorique publiees pour la premiere '1 fl XwCt^ATfois d'apres les MSS. de la Bibliotheque Royale, avee une Introduction par L. Batissier, et Ornees de Graveurs par Schaal ; half red m^orocco, top edges gilt folio, 1838 L ,.yy^\^ 458 Dance of Death, with a Dissertation on those ascribed to Maca- pC\Xu ber and Hans Holbein, by Fr. Douce, 55 wood engravings NLiARGE PAPER: only 12 copies printed, see the Publishers attestation on the fly-leaf ; red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Pic^mw^, royal 8vo, 1833 *^ ft ^ ft 459 Davidson (John) Notes taken during Travels in Africa, plates I J (I JWi^t^^RIVATELY PRINTED; silk, top edges gilt 4to, 1839 / ^ 460 Davidson (John) Poetical Remains, with a Biographical Account j^W^UvuH^ of the Author by Jas. Maidment, and various Illustrative ' Papers PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by I Mackenzie . Edinb. 8vo, 1829 ^ g ' b 461 Davison (Alex.) Descriptive Catalogue of his Collection of Pic- (Vjl>^vrt>^ tures on subjects selected from the History of England, painted by British Artists PRIVATELY PRINTED; half bound royal 4to, 1807 In this Catalogue are printed the letters from the different artists who painted the pictures, viz. West, Smirke, Wilkie, Northcote, W. Devis, Tresham, Westall, and Copley. 57 / L ^^^^^ Davison (Fr.) The Poetical Rhapsody, with Memoirs and Notes ' "^ "tiLivi by N. H. ^ico\as,J'ac-simile plate of autog7'aphs, 2 voL Ted morocco e.vtray sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Pickering , 8vo, 1826 /. 1^,^463 Decker (Tho.) The Gull's Hornbook, with Notes of Illustra- 0''Vvi^rt tion by Dr. J. Nott, curiously designed initial letters^ en' graved by Bird and Byjieldy upon India paper light brown morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 1609, Bristol, reprinted, 4to, 1812 Ltv \A'^'^ Dent (John) Catalogue of his Library, by Messrs. Payne and pu^^^Foss PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 20 copies ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay- day . . royal 4to, 1825 / (^J^QB Deloney (Tho.) Thomas of Reading ; or Sixe Worthie Yeomen CjjAyH^^ of the West, edited by Sir Walter Scott LARGE PAPER ; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 1632, Edinb. reprinted, 4to, 1812 ^ 3 ^^ 466 Deverell (Rob. P.) Alter et Idem, a New Review, No. 1, for a ^([j'^i^^ummer Month in 11 Qi-, plate ' PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy, with autograph inscription ; half maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Wick war . Beading, 4to, 1794 q_^(,^467 Devill, The Wyll of the, with his X Detestable Commaunde- SlAf86 Dibdin (T. F.) Catalogue of his Library, containing a most (jjl^4jl^ interesting and curious Collection of Bibliography and Lite- rary History, forming 3 days' sale LARGE PAPER, interleaved throughout tvith ruled ivriting paper upon which the prices and purchasers names are beautifully written, with corrections and MS. notes; russia e.vtra, gilt leaves Evans, royal 8vo, 1817 /Jin u4-^7 Dibdin (T. F.), Bibliographical Decameron; or Ten ^\ViSJiAAj ^^y^' Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, ^^'^and subjects connpcted with early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography, ^1 portraits, plates, a7id facsimiles, with numerous vignettes a7id woodcuts, 3 vol. uncut LARGE PAPER ; ILLUSTRATED with an additional Portrait of the Author, by Hodgetts, a private plate, one of only 15 impressions. The Presentation in the Temple, by G. R, Lewis, in 2 states, proofs on India paper. Wm. Bulmer, Printer, on India paper. Portrait of Roger Wilbraham, proof on India paper before any letters. Talleyrand, proof on India paper ; and the Earl Spencer, pro of before any letters, a private plate, one of only 80 impressions . imperial 8vo, 1817 b- v488 Dibdin (T. F.) Fragment of an Intended Tour, July 12, 1819 CuA^-A^lVATELY PRINTED : uncut royal 8vo, 1819 60 ^\AC\ -t~4j89 D1BDIN(T. F.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, L r) • AND PICTURESQUE TOUR IN FRANCE AND "ps^W/l. GERMANY, portraits, plates, vignettes, and ' WOOD engravings, choice proofs, with an extra- ordinary SERIES OF THE PLATES AND THE VIGNETTES IN VARIOUS STAGES OF ENGRAVING, and the same plate very frequently in two, three, and Jour different states, viz.', ETCHINGS, UNFINISHED PROOFS, PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, and impres- sions after the plates tvere cancelled, with the Faience plate coloured from the original drawing : also the Series of Groups illustrating the Physiognomy, Manners, and Character of the People of France and Germany, by Geo. Lewis, 60 Etchings, Proofs on India paper, with numerous duplicates in various stages of engraving, some of which were afterwards altered. And a Statement by George Lewis, respecting the prices he charged for the Sketches and Drawings for this Work, Privately Printed, 3 vol. in 6 imperial 8vo, 1821 large paper: illustrated with a splendid assem- blage of original drawings and tracings, private Plates, Etchings, Portraits, Views, Antiquities, &c. viz. Upwards of 130 Fine original Drawings by the FOLLOWING eminent Artists, viz. 2 in colours, by JV^. JBevan ; 27 in colours, by T. Bury ; 1 in pen and ink, by Coney ; 1 in pencil, by Dr. Dihdin ; 7 in colours, by B. Ferry ; 6 in colours, by G. Jones ; 25 in pencil, pen and ink, chalk, colours, &c. by G. R. Lewis ; with 22 original Tracings, also by Lewis ; 2 Drawings in Colours, by T. Mercer ; 6 in colours, by J. P. Neale ; 1 5 in colours, by W. Price ; 32 in colours, by A. Pugin, jun., with — XII Private Plates, including the Portrait of Dr. Dibdin, by Hodgetts, one of only 75 impressions ; Tour d'Eglise de St. Ouen a Rouen ; the Beautiful Portrait of Diana of Poictiers, by Thomson, a brilliant proof before any letters, one of only 12 impressions, with a fine proof after the letters, in which state the impression was limited to 50 copies, when the plate was destroyed, with one of only three copies struck off in its mutilated state, and a proof on India paper of the reduced copy ; Portrait of Adam de Bartsch, by Worthington ; View of Closterneu- burg Monastery, near Vienna ; Portrait of M. Heerdegen ; Portrait of Dominique Artaria, by Grimm, &c. with the Bayeux Tapestry, 8 plates Also a Collection of about 230 Portraits, Plates, 61 Etchings, &c. including some choice Proofs before any letters, many proofs on india paper, AND OTHER PROOFS, among which are several Plates engraved for the second edition of the Work, as the Portrait of the Author, Portrait of Count Brienne, in 2 states, one a proof before any letters ; and the Prater at Vienna, proofs in three different states, with numerous brilliant and fine impressions, S^c. The WHOLE forming a most magnificent Work, yrom the Library of the late Sir George Henry Freeling ; L. olive morocco extra, joints, sides, backs, and insides, !■ richly tooled, vellum fly-leaves and linings, gilt leaves, by ■■ Charles Lewis Q. 1^4,490 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque J~'J^/t^J(y^^c^^^^^To\^T in France and Germany, numerous portraits, plates, vignettes and woodcuts, the vig7iettes on India paper, very fine im,pressions ; with a Statement by George Lewis re- specting the prices he charged for the Sketches and Drawings for the Work, Privately Printed, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER; uncut . imp. 8vo, 1821 ^^7 10 491 Dibdin (T. F.) Proofs of the whole of the Plates on ^. r^^v India Paper, in his Biographical, Antiquarian, and Pic- /turesque Tour in France and Germany, including those published in the '1 ext, 151 Plates; with the cancelled portrait of Gasp. Ritter, and also of the unfinished plate of the Pilgrimage to the monastery of Gottwic : " / doubt if there are three of these in existence," see pencil note by Sir G. H. Freeling. A private Plate from the Breviaire d'Amors, a MS. of the Xlllth century; The House of Koberger, at Nuremberg, a private plate ; Portrait of Heerdegen, of Nuremberg, a private plate, with the Portrait of Dr. Dibdin by Hodgetts, a private plate, one of only 74 impressions ; together 157 plates, mounted upon drawing paper red morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by C.Lewis . folio, 1821 This unique and matchless Volume was collected and bound for Sir G. H. Freeling, who had a title printed expressly for it, which has the three following important words thereon, " No other copy" f^ L 492 Dibdin (T. F.) Catalogue of the Original Drawings executed AiUn. ^^^ ^^^ Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour • \ and Catalogue of his most interesting and curious Collec- tion of Bibliography and Literary History, forming 4 Days' Sale, with prices and purchase's' names, inlaid, unbound Evans, small 4to, 1817 I With the title " Bibliotheca RosicrusianEe," of which only 24 were printed. See autograph note. 62 (^ (o t> ^-^^ JDibdin (T. F.) Lettre Trenti^rae concernant I'lraprimerie et la (VivlWv Librairie de Paris, traduite, avec des notes, par G. A.Crapelet ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED; uncut Paris, royal 8vo, 1821 ( i^ ^ ^r-^^ Dibdin (T. F.) A Roland for an Oliver ; or brief Remarks ^^i4viA(AJU "P^" *^® Preface and Notes of G. A. Crapelet, attached to his Translation of the Thirtieth Letter of the Biblio- graphical Tour PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 36 copies ; Presentation Copy to R. H. Evans from the author, with autograph inscription, and the following note^ " Mr. Evans is par- ticularly requested NOT to bring this volume down stairs" uncut . royal 8vo, 1821 lA /^-O 4<95 Dibdin (T. F.) Lettre Neuvierae relative a la Bibliotheque (Vv^U^/Zi' Publique de Rouen, traduite avec des notes, par Th. Licquet, uncut . royal 8vo, 1821 {^ (q t- 496 Dibdin (T. F.) Lesne, Lettre d'un Relieur Francais a un (l{/t^Ml^ Bibliographe Anglais, et Epitre a Thouvenin, 2 brocheurs, uncut . Paris, 8vo, 1 822-23 I • lU- *« '^^^ Dibdin (T. F.) The Lincolne Nosegay, beynge a Breefe Table Ql (tMjLAMAA^of certaine Bokes in the possesion of Maister T. F. Dibdin, J Clerk PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 36 copies ; orange morocco extra, joints, lined with light blue morocco, sides, back, and insides richly tooled, gold paper fy-leaves, gilt leaves, by C.Lewis . 8vo, 1822 ^ [o V- ^^98 Dibdin (T. F.) Here begyneth a Little Tome, and hath to name Jj-lrtr-vvc the Lincolne Nosegay PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 36 copies ; see pencil note in the autograph of the author, sewed 8vo, 1822 J^ll ^ 499 Dibdin. Lewis (Geo.) A Series of Groups, illustrating the ^livj Physiognomy, Manners, and Character of the People of *■ France and Germany, 60 plates^ proofs on India paper, with a Statement respecting the Prices he charged the Rev. Mr. Dibdin for the Sketches and Drawings made to accom- pany his Tour PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER ; uncut imperial 8vo, 1823 /. ( ^ 500 Dibdin (T. F.) Library Companion: a Postscript of S6 pages ^Wj/^tii^Af-iHsL. intended for the second edition^ but rigorously suppressed ; it is said only 12 copies were printed, folded, uncut 8vo, 1824 501 Dibdin (T. F.) La Belle Marianne, a Tale of Truth and Woe, O-f-tn^A^ written 1802 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy from the author to Jos. Haslewood, with autograph inscription, and the following curious note added by J. H. " Gifted with the intimation that the narrative grew out of facts' calf gilt leaves, by C.Lewis . 8vo, 1824 1 63 ^.ILv. 502 Dibdin (T. F.) The Library Companion; or the Young Man's Urf ljM?\<^Gruide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library, second edition, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER ; crimson morocco extra, sides and hacks richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day royal 8vo, 1825 J Q >^^^^ Dibdin (T. F.) Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and MtUMaM Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, &c. ' portrait proof on hidia paper inserted, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER ; green morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday imp. 8vo, 1827 !•( Ci v 504? Dibdin (T. F.) The Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated from (1 (J) J\vM.-i^ the Latin Original, ascribed to Thomas a Kempis ; with g an Introduction and Notes, frontispiece, and Jive vignettes on India paper LARGE PAPER : Only 50 copies printed, with an autograph letter from the editor to Archdeacon Wrangham ; cloth, uncut . royal 8vo, 1828 ( ^ ^505 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliophobia : Remarks on the Present Languid "fi^livi ^"^ Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade, ^ plate ofAbp. Parker s salt-cellar on India paper inserted LARGE PAPER: Only \Q0 copies printed ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal {-vo, 1832 u 3 w. 506 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliophobia --X^^^ LARGE PAPER: Only \00 copies printed ; uncut royal 8vo, 1832 (l)\H} t.507 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliophobia: Remarks on the Present ^^ Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade, in a Letter to the Author of the Bibliomania, with Notes, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER: Only 100 copies printed; green morocco, gilt leaves, by Charles Lewis royal 8vo, 1832 Illustrated with an extraordinary and interest- ing ASSEMBLAGE OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, ORIGINAL Drawings by eminent Artists and Amateurs, Pri- vate Plates, Portraits, Plates and Wood En- gravings, Specimens of American Engraving and Printing, and various Typographical Illustrations, &c. &c., viz. VIII Original Autograph Letters and Notes, by Sir Walter Scott, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Dawson Turner, H. F. Scott, T. F. Dibdin, G. H. Freeling, R. H. Evans, he. XVIII Fine Original Drawings, among which are 3 by Stothard, 7 by J. P. Neale (5 of which are finished in colours) : 2 of Flowers, by Fanny Lang ; 1 in colours, by Bevan ; 1 in pencil, by Mrs, Dallaway ; Portrait of Wm. Miller, Bookseller, &c. ; with XVI Fac-similes in Pen and Ink, and Pencil Tracings of curious old Woodcuts, by the Misses Freeling, Sfc. 64 XV Private Plates, viz. Portraits of MVs. Dawson Turner. Thomas Payne, Bookseller, in the ebony spectacles, proof on India paper,, only 20 impressions struck off, when the plate was destroyed. Another Portrait of Thos. Payne, proof on India paper before any lettei^s. I. Reed, by Worthington, proof on India paper before any letters. Rob. Lang, proof. Rev. Dr. Burney, A. von Humboldt, Fr. Douce, C. Konig, and A. J. Valpy, all by Mrs. Dawson Turner. Roger Wibraham ; the Earl Spencer, proof before any letters, one of only 80 impressions. T. F. Dibdin, by Worthington, an unfinished proof unique, the plate having been destroyed by the engraver in a fit of vexation. Bishop Dampier, proof on India paper before any letters, and an Etching ; with about 20 Specimens of Typography, viz. Titles of Books, Verses, &c., including 8 leaves of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, with portrait,^ and 1 leaf of the Pilgrim's Progress, with woodcut printed upon vellum.. Pro- spectus of Dibdin's projected History of Oxford, and Lines addressed to Arthur Duke of Wellington, with autograph corrections, only \1 printed., &c. Also, a rich Assemblage of about 340 Portraits, Plates, Vignettes, and Woodcdts, in various Stages of Engraving, as Etchings, choice Proofs before any letters. Engravers' Proofs on India PAPER, &c.; among the latter will be found, The Blind Fiddler and the Bagpiper, after Wilkie, both PROOFS ON India paper, before any letters. Portraits of Iz. Walton and C. Cotton, ENGRAVER'S PROOFS. 2 Plates and 7 Woodcuts for the Pilgrim's Progress before the letters. An Etching, with 2 Plates before the letters, only 12 copies taken off, and 34 out ofS6 Woodcuts to Major's Edition of Robinson Crusoe, all engraver s proofs, uuique, 2 Por- traits of Walpole, woodcuts designed by Major, but drawn on the blocks by Geo. Cruikshank, engraver's proofs, unique. One Etching and 1 1 Plates for Major's Edition of Hogarth, all engraver s proofs. The Family of Sir Thomas More, and Portrait of King George IV, proofs on India paper before any letters; with numerous other fine proofs both before and after the letters, brilliant im- pressions, S^c. some rare, and many very scarce This admirably illustrated copy is from the Library of the late Sir Goerge Henry Freeling. ((),() 508 Dibdin (T. F.) Catalogue of a Portion of Stanesby Alchorne's ^MjL valuable Library of Rare Books and First Editions printed \ in the XVth Century, &c. forming one day's sale LARGE PAPER: with the prices and purchasers' names very neatly written ; the whole correspondence which led to the sale, consisting of 6 autograph letters of Col. Johnes and 9 of Lord Spencer; Presentation Copy to George H. 65 Freelingt from Dr. Dibdin, with his autograph inscrip- fion, and a curious note, also a printed Letter from the Gentleman s Magazine; morocco extra^ gilt leaves, by C. Smith . Evans, imperial 8vo, 1834? /3.I3 J^^^ DiBDiN (T. F.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, with D - lyT, Index, portrait and plates, with some of the woodcuts ^ \ worked separately on India paper, and the initial letter B highly illuminated in gold and colours, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER ; light brown calf gilt leaves, by C. Lewis imperial 8vo, 1836 Illustrated with XI Autograph Letters and Notes, viz. Dr. Dibdin; Mr. Major, the publisher, curious; Jo. Horseman, witb some Verses; Sir H, Dampier; Mrs. Darapier; the Earl Spencer; La Societe Bibliophiles Francais ; Tho. Stothard ; W. GiflPord ; Fr. Douce ; Tho. Vivares ; and an autograph Bill of Byfield, the wood en- graver VII Original Drawings of the Portraits of Fr. Douce, in pencil; W. Bulmer, Printer, in Indian ink, a fine spirited drawing; Tho. Vivares, a fiiie pencil draw- ing by himself; ' Up-and -be- Doing," a pencil sketch by Dr. Dibdin; Squyre of Lowe Degre, a fine tracing; Child with a Cardinal's Hat, a drawing, &c. 8cc XX Private Plates, including the Portraits of Mrs. Ut- terson, proof before the letters ; Baron Bolland, India proof; Mr. Lang, India proof before the letters; Sir Fr. Freeling, by Mrs. Dawson Turner, proof ; Sir Jos. Banks, by Mrs. Dawson Turner ; Ninon de I'Enclos, India proof ; Earl Spencer, proof before any letters; F. Palgrave ; Lord GrexiviWe, fine proof ; Alex. Chalmers, upon India paper; Right Hon. Tho. and the Right Hon. Geo. Gren- \\\\c, choice proofs ; View of Norton Church, Northamp- tonshire, India proof; The Pepysian Library, India proof; four Plates of Eshton Hall and the Library, en- graved for 3Iiss Currer, on India paper ; Caxton's Houses at Bruges and at Westminster, &c. &c. A FINE Proof of the Bag Piper, after Wilkie, by Smith Also about 50 other Portraits and Plates, mostly FINE PROOFS, or early impressions. Among these are the Portraits of Dr. Dibdin, in three states, viz. etching, proof before the letters on India paper, and proof after the letters; Sir VV. Raleigh, India proof; Jos. Ames, proof before the letters; Duchess of Bedford, by Masquerier; Fr. Douce, in 3 states, viz. etching, the only one taken, and 2 proofs on India paper before and after the letters; VV. Roscoe, India proof; Duke of Roxburghe, proof be- fore any letters; Roger Wilbraham, in 4 states, viz. etching, 2 unfinished proofs, and proof on India paper with the engraver s name mis-spelt, unique; Dr. Mead, proofbefore 66 any letters; Earl of Roscommon. India proof; Dom Brial, proof; Dr. Howley, Bp. of London, India proof before any letters ; Rouen Cathedral, India proof before the letters; Squyre of Lowe Degre, on India paper ; Pip- ing Monkey, India proof; Shrewsbury School, on India paper; Child with a Cardinal's Visit, 2 choice proofs before and after the letters, one on India paper ; with 3 Etchings of the Portraits of the Countess of Sunderland, of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, and John Duke of Marlborough ; together with a printed Advertisement, quite unique This charmingly illustrated copy is from the Library of the late Sir George Henry Freeling. It has an Index of the illustrations, and many notes on the plates, &c. in his autograph ; also several interesting and curious notes, written in pencil on the plates, by the author. /. . & -^u^ - ^^^ Dibdin (T. F.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, with the In- -£^I>|1a, dex, portraits and plates, one of which is beautifully ^ coloured aud heightened with gold, 2 vol. and Index LARGE PAPER; cloth, uncut imperial 8vo, 1836 t^ [5^v. 511 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Pic- CJL^b*^V4LTURESQUE Tour, in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland XLII Portraits and Plates, fine proofs, with duplicates of 15 choice proofs on India paper, and 12 others in 3 different states: also India proofs, viz. Henry VII, Empson and Dudley, an etching and proof before and after the letters; Thos. Bridges and L. Sterne, as Mounte- banks, an etching, with 2 proofs on India paper ; Castle Garth, a proof before and 2 after the letters; Oblique Bridge over the Gelt, a proof before and 2 after the let- ters ; Fac-similes from an Illuminated MS. of the Codex Justinianus, a proof before and 2 after the letters; MS. of the Life of Christ, a proof before, and 2 after the let- ters; Fac-simile from an Illuminated MS. of Boethius, 2 proofs before and 1 after the letters ; From an Illu- minated MS. in the Hunterian Museum, 2 proofs before and 1 after the letters; Statues of G. and T. Hutcheson, an etching with 2 proofs; The Regeneration of the Heart, after Primaticcio, an etching, with proofs before any let- ters and after; St. Andrew's Cathedral, a proof before any letters, one with the engraver' s name only, the other with the letters in full ; Hugh Stewart, a proof before and 2 after the letters; with numerous beautiful Vig- nettes on India paper, 36 of which are in duplicate, choice proofs, also on India paper, worked separately; and 10 others in 3 different states, as etchi^igs, proofs before and after the letters, ^c. ^c. 2 of which are unique, viz., Peterborough Cathedral, and Abbotsford. See the author's notes written upon them in pencil, as also on several of the plates 67 Illustrated with 6 additional Plates, viz. Portrait of Dr. Dibdin, a proof on India paper; Portrait of A. Constable, the Bookseller, an unfinished etchings unique^ see note ; an Etching by Geikie ; a Fragment of a Saxon Tombstone, St. Andrew's, drawn on a stone which was destroyed by accident; Facade of the entrance to Glasgow Cemetry, &c. &c. 3 vol. LARGE PAPER ; crimson morocco extra, joints, sides, backsy and broad insides very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford . imperial 8vo, 1838 £0.^^512 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Pic- '"(Jitlu/uA^TURESQUE Tour in the Northern Counties of Eng- »LAND, and in Scotland, to which are added some ex- ceedingly severe Notes, chiefly correctory, on Dr. Dibdin's Tour through Scotland, inlaid^ 42 beautiful portraits and plates, with numerous vignettes, many of them 07i India paper, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER; dark red morocco extra, joints, lined inside with the same, sides, backs, and insides most sumptuously inlaid with various coloured leathers, superbly and ela- borately tooled, vellum fly-leaves, gilt leaves, by Hay day imperial 8vo, 1838 A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF THE SKILL AND TASTE OF THE BINDER. ij 513 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book-Madness; a Bibliographi- "u^lV? ^^^ Romance, new and improved edition, to which are now yVLlTu^/-(w. added, Preliminary Observations and a Supplement, includ- ing a Key to the assumed Characters in the Drama, en- graved title and numerous woodcuts LARGE PAPER: Only 50 copies printed; half morocco, uncut . imperial 8vo, 184'2 Engravings collected for the Purpose of Illustrating THE Bibliographical Works of the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. ^^ H ^ 514 Portraits of Algernon Sidney and the Duchess of Portsmouth, Jv vtv| by Freeman, both proofs on India paper before any letters ; ^ Mr. Cvsichevode, by Worthington; and Margaret Countess of Lucan, by Freeman, proofs before any letters ; Sir Harry Leigh, by J. Scott, pi^oof before the letters; A Fragment of a Cartoon, by Raphael, engraved by IVor- thington ; and Ninon de I'Enclos, by Scriven, a private plate, and only 15 impressio7is taken, both proofs on India paper ; Col. Jo. Russell, by Worthiiigton ; Henry VIII, Queen Mary, and Will Somers the Jester, by Holl ; and the Masked Ball, by Mitan . 10 s^^ ^ 515 Portrait of Comte de Brienne, proof on India paper, a private 68 t* ["J u. 16 DiBDiN (Rev. T. F.) Six Portraits of him, one by Hodgetts, C\j^ji£j^ proof on India paper, a private plate, 0^ which there were only 75 impressions ; 2 by Hen. Meyer, one a proof, with a broad border ; 2 by Posselwhite, viz. an etching, one of only 3 impressions, and a proof before any letters ; also 1 by Thomson, proof on India paper before any letters 6 A o ^^^ 517 Twenty- six Portraits, Plates, &c. viz. Portrait of Roger Wil- fuM^'VHi^ ^^^^^^i proof on India paper before any letters ; Rev. R. Farmer, proof before any letters ; Henry Drury,jo 7'oq/* before any letter's, a private plate ; Diana of Poictiers, proof on India paper before any letters, the reduced plate; A Chalmers, by Lane, on India paper, a private plate; C. Assey, Sculptor, proof on India paper ; Mr. Miller, proof on India paper before any letters; Rich. Miles, proof on India paper ; Sir M. M. Sykes, in 4 states, viz. etching, proofs on India paper before, and after the letters, Sfc. ; George Baker, by T. Bragg, a private plate ; Wm. Upcott, proof on India paper, a private plate ; Jos. Ritson, Wm. Camden, Lady Jane Gray, proof before any letters; Jo. Frobenius, Typog. by P. Audinet, joroo/*/ The Presentation in the Temple, after F. Veronesi, by G. R. hewis, proof on India paper ; The Device of Be- belius, a woodcut, printed separately upon vellum ; Sixtus IV, Pont. Max. & Mahomet H, by F. C. Lewis, proofs on India paper ; Etching of the Vignette and Initial Letter to the Introduction to the Decameron ; Portrait of Los Rios ; The Assumption, proof before any letters ; A Man Playing at Chess and Arabesque border around him, a woodcut, on India paper, described in the Note, page 250, vol. i of the Decameron as being missing when the work was published . . 26 t. ^ t- 518 Portrait of Comte de Brienne, very fine impression; and the ())f^>\Aj2— Prater at Vienna, by Corbould, on India paper, both pri- vate plates . 2 ( t) 519 The Spanish Dancers, by G. R. Lewis, in various states, viz. -ft/UivvWv/L unfinished proof, proofs before any letters, upon India r paper, and coloured . 4 1/ 9^ t 520 Portraits of Leo X, Pont. Max. & F. Sforza Mediol. Dux, in mHAvj various stages of engraving, viz. etchings, pi^oofs before ^ and after the letters, proofs on India paper, impressions, and 2 in colours . . 12 \\j^sA 521 IV. viz. Portrait of Margaret Daughter of James I, King of ^njjuiAuML Scotland, by C. Picart, an etching on India paper, with a I choice proof on India paper ; Portrait of Ninon de I'En- clos, by F. Scriven, fine proof on India paper, presented by Dr. Dibdin to Tho. Thomas, with a note, ^c. in the au- tograph of the Donor ; and a Portrait of Tho. Thomas, by H. A. Ogg, all private plates . 4? ()9 )22 V The Presentation in the Temple, after F. Veronesi, by G. i\ l/tt, R" Lewis, viz. 3 unfinished proofs, all in different stages \ of engraving, a proof on India paper with letters, and another also on India paper with altered inscription 5 ^7 1^523 IV Portraits of George Leigh, Book Auctioneer, by Swaine, ^ -(^iLAjUMiv^y^n satin : One of 3 impressions only, private plate ; Jas. Christie, Auctioneer, from a Bust by W. Bchnes, en- graved by R. Graves, proof before the letters on India paper, private plate ; Marmaduke Trattle, choice proof on India paper ; and Tho. Burgon, aet. 51, ow India paper 4« ^ -524 XXVI, viz. Portrait of T. F. Dibdin, by Meyer, a proof ^' lS^Ur\/%y^with a broad border ; Duke of Marlborough, by Gillray, in colours ; H. R. Willett, proof on India paper, private plate; 3o.TvoiiQv ^vockQit, on Lidia paper ; F. Chantrey, by Thomson ; A. Chalmers, on India paper, private plate ; Abbe de la Rue, by Wright, 07i India paper ; A. Constable, Bookseller, on India paper ; Horace VVal- pole ; T. Kirgate, and Printing House at Strawberry Hill, on India paper ; the Library at Strawberry Hill ; CaxtoUj with Marks, &c. of English Printers; Jo. Froben; Jo. Duke of Roxburghe ; Col. Stanley, private plate; Dr. R. Farmer; E. Malone ; Geo. Steevens ; C. M. Cra- cherode ; J. Towneley ; Rich. Gough ; 1. Reed ; two of Dr. Gosset, &c. . 26 43^1* L525 XX, viz. Portrait of A. A. Barbier, proof on India paper ; _^.»— - The Duke of Devonshire, proo/*o;i India paper before any letters ; Rogerus Payne, etched by S. Harding ; Dr. Ant. Askew, proof before any letters ; Horace Walpole ; Tho. Kirgate, and the Strawberry Hill Library ; A. Con- stable, Bookseller; Jos. Ritson, joroo/' on India paper ; Sir M. M. Sykes; 2 of Wm. Caxton, Printer; George Baker, private plate ; Geo. Steevens ; E. Malone ; Dr. Gosset, coloured, &c. . 20 ^i^^ 526 Dibdin (T. F.) Three Portraits of, by Thomson; two of Abp. CW:uH|*\^ Parker's Salt Cellar, by Audinet, all proofs on India, paper ; The Tongued Devils, engraved for his Reminis-^ cences, and cancelled, with a Portrait of De Coster, &c. 8 w h v» 527 A Set of Portraits and Plates to the Second Edition of Dibdin's /ytUvUAAAj^ Tour in France and Germany, 19 plates, choice proofs on India paper . impl. 8vo, 1829 fc v- 528 Another Set of \9 portraits and plates, choice proofs on India iA>^MA~- paper . . impl. 8vo, 1829 ••fe"^ jS^^ Cotman (J.) and Mrs. Dawson Turner. A Series of Etchings Oa-fn/^j^ adapted to illustrate Dr. Dibdin's Bibliographical Tour in France and Normandy, 37 plates, proofs on India paper unbound . royal 8vo I ^^_4, 530 An original Drawing in Sepia, by G. Lewis, of a well- .^-^.^^ known Character in Rouen, the Vender of Lemonade, &c. engraved as a vignette in Dibdin's Foreign Tour, vol. i, p. 109 . . 1 Vii; 70 ^531 Drawing of John First Marquis of Blandford, Son to John First Duke of Marlborough, bi/ T. Uwins, highly finished in colours, from a picture hy Sir Godfrey Kneller, at Blenheim . 1 1/ Q_ ^, 532 Drawing of the Hawking Stand, now the Gamekeeper's (jVlW/Vvvu Residence at Althorp, hy Blore, in Sepia^ engraved upon S page xviiiy vol. i, of ♦' i^des Althorpianae" 1 'i . i 6^ V. 533 Digby (Sir Kenelra) His Private Memoirs written by himself, d) Jv/vvl*-^ ^^^'^ ^^ Introductory Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, and the cas- trations, 48 pages, portrait, crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day 8vo, 1827 The Castrations were privately printed, and are very scarce. u 5 ^ 534 Dillwyn (L. W.) Review of the References to the Hortus Ma- lii^-^^'^ labaricus of H. van Rheede van Draakenstein PRIVATELY PRINTED ; wwcM? Swansea, vo^oX S\o, IS^9 / 1 ^ 535 D'Israeli (John) The Illustrator Illustrated, in Answer to Bolton Sw Manners ; with Dissertations on his Clowns, Fools, &c. plates and wood engravings hy Berryman, 2 vol. green morocco evtra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt \ leaves, by Hay day . 8vo, 1807 Ltk~vi ^^9 Douglas, Bp. op Dunkeld (Gawyn), The Palice of tih^UuL. Honour PRINTED UPON VELLUM : One of only four copies : another is in the British Museum. Presentation Copy to TTiomas Thomson, with an autograph note from John G, Kinnear; light blue morocco extra, inlaid with red, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 1579; reprinted, 4to, 1827 Privately Printed for the Bannantyne Club. No. 18. Presented by John Gardiner Kinnear. V. I) 540 Douland (Robert) Musical Banquet, edited by S. W. Singer -£/tyti- PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 25 copies; uncut \ Chiswick, small 8vo, 1817 71 (a Ul) ^^^ Drake (Francis Henry) Life of the Celebrated Sir Francis Drake, ' P^ 1^^ with an Historical and Genealogical Account of his Family, T portrait and plate PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to the Duke of Sussej7f with a long inscription in the autograph of the Editor ; uncut . imp. 8vo, 1828 ((J \h ^54-2 Dramatists, Early English, m'sr. Robert Greene, Works, * vTuAtU" 2 vol.; George Peele, Works, 3 vol.; and John Webster, Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Account of their Lives and Writings, and Notes by Alex. Dyce, 4 vol.; together 9 vol. THICK PAPER: Only \2 copies of each printed ; see the pub- lisher s attestations on the fly-leaves ; uniformly hound in dark green morocco extra^ sides and hacks richly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickerings small 8vo, 1828-39 f. 9 •- ^^^ Drapers' Company. Reports of Deputations of the Drapers' A ^^.^[^^^^^ Company, who visited the Estates of the Company in the r^ County of Londonderry in Ireland in 1817-19-20-27 and 1832, XIV plates, pla7iSi ^c, many on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 4to, 1829-33 /(^. /I ^44 Drummond (Henry) Histories of Noble British Fa- fAu^Un,-v>^IlLIES, with Biographical Notices of the most distinguished Individuals in each ; viz., the Families of Ashburnhara, Arden, Compton, Cecil, Harley, Bruce, Perceval, Dunbar, Hume, Dundas, Drummond, Neville, and De Courcy, nu- merous finely coloured portraits, plates of seals, monu- ments, <^c., the armorial bearings finely emblazoned, 2 vol. bound in 1 half dark' blue morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hayday v4 Pickering, imperial folio, 1846 (jy, I /2-b54^ Drummond, of Hawthornden (Wm.) Voe^s, portraity ixWn^ proof on India paper, engraved title, and facsimile of his autograph LARGE PAPER: Presentation Copy; crimson morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Ebinb. 4^io, 1832 Privately printed for the Maitland Club, No, 18. Presented by William Macdowall. U^46 Drummond (Hon. Wm.) The Genealogy of the most Noble and \4^^'^)4a^ Ancient House of Drummond, edited by David Laing, 2 ' plates of arms, one emblazoned PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER: and one of only 4 copies ; dark red morocco extra, elaborately inlaid with morocco of various colours, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. royal 4to, 1831 ( ^ 547 Drury (Henry) Catalogue of his Extensive and Valuable Li- <^aAv| brary, forming 23 Days' Sale 1 PRINTED UPON WRITING PAPER; One of only ^5 copies ; uncut . Evansi 8vo, 1827 11. 72 4A ib^ ^ 548 Djmry (Hen.) Arundiries Cami, sive Musarum Cantabrigieii- W / ^\j{^ plates^ proofs before the letters ^ 'PRINTED UPON VELLUM: One of only 4 copies; crimson raorocco extra, sides dnd hack richly tooled, gilt leaves Edinh. 4to, 1828 Privately Printed by the Bannatyne Club, No. 22. Edited and presented by Robert Bell. u (i -t 569 Edmondson (Jos.) Historical and Genealogical Account of the ^^oJjttU^ Noble Family of Greville, plates . PRIVATELY PRINTED ; hluemor. gilt leaves royal 8vo, 1766 lA (:? u 570 Edwards (E.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Medals struck in '^itu France and its Dependencies between 1789 and 1830, in the British Museum PRIVATELY PRINTED ; dark green morocco extra, sides and . hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie 8vo, 1837 u Iw «^ . 571 Edwards of Halifax (Thomas) Catalogue of his Splendid and Va- 'watU-vIv* luable Collection of Books, Manuscripts, and Missals, form- ing 9 Days' Sale, with the prices and purchase's' names very neatly written PRINTED UPON PINK PAPER; One of only 12 copies; olive morocco exti^a, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie Stewart ^ Co. royal 8vo, 1828 [ , ^ fc^ 572 Egerton (Lady Francis) Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land, « — I — plates from the drawings of Lord Francis Egerton PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides and hack very neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy HaydayS\o, 1841 ^ (2_,b 573 Ekins (Dr.J.), Poemsby (51aV»M_-PI^IVATELY PRINTED : and only 60 copies ; half green mor. royal 8vo, 1810 1' ( ft V '^^^ Ellis (George) Specimens of the Early English Poets, j^r5/ec?iY«07i I (f^-J[^^^>^ARGE PAPER: ILLUSTRATED with 10 portraits, viz. R. Y Burton, by Le Elon; A. Cowley, hy Eaithorne; Dr. Donne, hy W. Marshall ; Sir John Harington ; Jas. Shirley, hy R. Gay wood ; Suckling, by W. 3Iarshall, S^c. folded, uncut 8vo, 1790 V. 5~ v.^j575 Ely. Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Cathedralis Eliensis jU^i^nl^ adservantur PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; uncut royal 8vo, 1815 t, /^v 576 Emblems (Religious), a Series of Engravings on Wood from t ^jUjU^-t^wo^esigns by J. Thurston, with Descriptions by J. Thomas, 22 tvood engravings, on India paper maroon morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Bay day . 4to, 1810 70 ENGLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. f • Id V. 577 Bedse (Ven.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum et Opera (^^^tetvoA/^ Historica Minora, ad fidem Cod. manuscriptorum recensuit Jos. Stevenson, three plates of facsimiles, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER ; wwcw# . royal 8vo, 1838-41 t* [4 i. 578 Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis de Rebus Gestis Ricardi Primi 1 Regis Anglias nunc Primum Typis raandatum, curante Jos. Stevenson LARGE PAPER ; t^wcw^ . royal 8vo, 1838 i- (P . (j 579 Gildas de Excidio Britanniae ad fidem Cod. MS. recensuit 'fjC\A/\ Jos. Stevenson LARGE PAPER; ?^wcM^ . royal 8vo, 1838 u(? i. 580 Nennii Historia Britonum ad fidem Cod. MS. recensuit Jos. J t^tot/u^A^^Stevenson LARGE PAPER ; «wcM< . royal 8vo, 1838 0-1/^581 Codex Diplomaticus M\i Saxonici, opera John M. Kemble, lO^H-vw plates of facsimiles i 5 vol. LARGE PAPER ; uncut . royal 8vo, 1 839-4-7 / . L V 582 Willelmi Malraesbiriensis Monachi Gesta Regum Anglorum, j^cteA^vw- ^^u® Historia Novella ad fidem Cod. MS. recensuit T. D. Hardy, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER; uncut . royal 8vo, 1840 3-^^.583 Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, sive Floras Historiarura, nunc — t — primum edidit H. O. Coxe, cum Appendice, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER; uncut . royal 8vo, 1841-44 •" ^^ v-^"^ Triveti (Nic.) Annales Sex Regum Angliae, qui a Comitibus *- *>1M>^^M- Andegavensibus Originem Traxerunt A.D. 1136-1307, ^ ad fidem Cod. MS. recensuit Tho. Hog LARGE PAPER ; uncut . royal 8 vo, 1845 ^^ /^^. 585 Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui Temporis, nunc primum ^aXi, P^'" ^^cem annos aucta (1303-1346) cum Eorundem Con- 1 tinuatione ad (1380) a quodam Anonymo ad fidem Cod. MS. edidit et recensuit Tho. Hog LARGE PAPER; uncut . royal 8vo, 1846 586 Chronique de la Traison et Mort de Richart Deux Roy Den- - — \ — . gleterre, raise en Lumiere d'apres un MS. de la Biblio- theque de Paris, avec un Glossaire, par Benj. Williams LARGE PAPER; uncut . royal 8vo, 1846 *' I 3 V. 587 Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum et Ducis Normannorum, ab I, — - A. Duchesne edita, denuo recensuit, notisque illustravit R. C. Sewell LARGE PAPER; uncut . royal 8vo, 1846 A member's Set, containing all the volumes issued by the Society. "?' Erasmi (Des.) Coiicio de Puero . Jesu Olim Pronunciata a Puero in Scholia Jo. Coleti Londini Instituta, cura S. 76 ]g^. g 588 Epithalamia Tria Mariana, Latin and English, translated by t^x^AJL^ Fr. Wrangham PRIVATELY PRINTED ; hrown calf extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Cestrice, 8vo, 1837 tK ~ .. . • Bentley, facsimile of his autograph, portrait inserted Only 100 copies printed for Sale; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 8vo, 1816 I t7 590 Erskine, of Grange (Hon. James), Extracts from the ___„,-, Diary of a Senator of the College of Justice 1717-1718, edited with a Memoir and Notes by Jas. Maidment PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; half blue morocco extra, uncut, by Hayday . Edinb. 8vo, 184-3 h PRODUCTIONS OF THE ETCHING CLUB. ^ 591 Songs of Shakespeare Illustrated by the Etching Club, \0 plates, VlltUvv/^u P'>^oofs on India paper, by Bell, Cope, Creswick, Hors- ley, J. P. Knight, Redgrave, Sfc. sewed folio, 1 84-3 iS^/P -t^ -592 Etch'd Thoughts, consisting of 60 etchings, proofs on India paper, with letter-press descriptions LARGE PAPER : One of only 20 copies printed, in sheets royal folio, IS^I* 10 ,4^ _ 593 Goldsmith (O.) Deserted Village, Illustrated by the Etching J^l^^i;\in,AAx^Club, 40 plates, proofs on India paper LARGE PAPER ; yellow morocco extra, sides and bach richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal folio, 1841 «^^.-t-594 Gray (Tho.) Elegy written in a Country Churchyard, Illustrated Wvwv^'Vu-^2^«^^ 28 original etchings on copper, upon 21 plates, by the Etching Club, proofs on India paper LARGE PAPER : No, 21 of 60 copies signed and numbered, in a portfolio ; half blue morocco, with flaps folio, 1847 A large portion of the impression was unfortunately consumed by fire at Le^ghton's the Bookbinder, June 16th, 1847. 1 "! 595 Evelyn (John) Life of Mrs. Godolphin, now first published and \V.Jvv^'^ edited by Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford, flne portrait by Humphreys ; purple morocco extra, in the antique style, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1847 '1 lA 596 Faceti^, ou Collection de Poesies, Romans, Chroniques, &c. publiee d'apres d'Anciens Manuscrits et d'apres des Editions des XV et XVI Siecles, Savoir — Les Sept Marchans de Naples — Maistre Aliborum q de tout se Mesle — XLI Belles Chansons — Le Romant de Richart filz d'Robert le Diable q fut Due de Norraendie — Moralite tresexcellente a I'hon- ^■s 77 neur de la glorieuse assumption nostre Dame — Les Pro- uerbes Communs, par Jean de la Veprie — Natiuite de lesu Christ — Miracle de nostre dame de Berthe, femme du Roy Pepin — Bigorne qui mange tons les Hommes qui font le comraandement de leurs femmes — Mirouer des femmes ver- tueuses. ensemble la patience Griselidis — Miracle de nostre dame de la Marquise de la Gaudine — Le Mystere de la Vie et Hystoire de Mr. Sainct Martin — Le Songe de la Thoison Dor — L' Hystoire Plaisante & Recreatiue du Noble Syperis de Vineuaulx et ses dix-sept filz — La Guerre et le Debat entre la Langue, les Membres et le Ventre — Le Cheualier delibere — Les Grans regrets et Complainte de Madaraoyselle du Pallais — Listoyre de Pierre de Prouence & de la Belle Maguelonne — Moralite q Sappelle le Temple Donnour — Grandes et inestimables Cronicques du grant et enorme geant Gargantua — Le Testament de Lucifer, numerous woodcuts black letter ; facsimile reprints of curious poetical tracts of the greatest rarity, 21 vol. uncut Paris, square 12mo, 1838-45 A very limited impression of this curious and interesting collection of early poetical pieces is printed, and this series is complete as far as yet published. /.((^597 Faceti^: — La Vie Saint Harenc — La Fontaine Damours, et ^lix la Description — Le Banquet des Chambrieres faict aux \ Estuues, 154*1 — Sermon fort Joyeus & pour lentree de Table, avec Graces fort Joyeuses — Apologie des Cham- berieres qui ont perdu leur Mariage a la Blancque — Lheur & Guain dune Chambriere qji Amis en la Blanque, pour soy Marier — Novvelle Moralite dune pauure Fille Vil- lageoise — Sermon Joyeulx de la Pacience des Femmes Ob- stinees centre leurs Marys — Sermon Joyeulx de la Vie Saint Ongnon — Les Dictz des Bestes & Aussides Oyseaulx — Le Sermon fort Joyeux de Saict Raisin — Le Testament de Taste VI Roy ds Pios, many woodtuts, 12 Tracts; in 1 vol. blaclt letter ; facsimile reprints of a series of curious and very 7'are poetical tracts PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER : and only 40 copies of each; green morocco extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Paris, 12 mo, n, d, Ia I 598 Falconer (Wra.) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir >/i~ ' IA" ^y ^' Mitford, dark red morocco e.i'tra, gilt leaves, hy Hay day . Pickering, small 8vo, 1836 I i» 599 Fanshawe (F.) Viae per Angliam Ferro Stratse Carmen Lati- dii'^wtv num, et B. Jowett, de Etruscorum Cultu Moribus et Legibus Eorumque apud Romanes Vestigiis Oratio two tracts, sewed . O.ionii, 8vo, 1841 \ 78 600 Faustus (Dr. John) The History of the Life and Death of, edited t^rUJ^ by W. J. Thorns * ^ „. . , PRINTED ON WRITING PAPER, UNIQUE : see the publishers attestation on the fly-leaf half morocco, uncut . Pickering, 8vo, 1827 Co t' 601 Fawkes (Walter) Catalogue of his Collection of Water Colour -i,^J[/^ Drdw'mgs, frontispiece ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED, ON INDIA PAPER; green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day ^to, 1819 l^t^ 602 Feltham (Owen) Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political, blue jaaX^ mor. extra, g. I. by Hayday Pickering, sma\\ 8vo, 1840 (p ^ 603 Fenelon (Archev.) Deux Dialogues sur la Peinture 6)ArViUJl PRIVATELY PRINTED, ON BLUE PAPER : One of only 10 copies ; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Ballintine 8f Hy worth, 1 2mo, 1811 I Q 604< Ferguson (Robert, of Raith) Catalogue of Books in his Library ^,yipiJi^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half red morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hayday . Edinb. 4to, 1817 / M 605 Fergussone (Dauid) Ane Sermon Preichit befoir the Regent "" A] , and Nobilitie, upon part of the 3rd Chapter of the Prophet [)\4j^UL^ Malachi, in the Kirk of Leith, at the tyme of the Generall Assemblie, Jan. 13, 1537 A VERY LIMITED NUMBER PRINTED dark morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Imprentit at Sanct Androis, be Hob. Lakpreuik, 1572; repy^inted, 8\o, n. d. /h ^ 606 Fisher (Fr. Geo.) Catalogue of the various Articles contained *- itU'lM-i-' ^^ Clara Fisher's Shakesperian CaibineUlS wood engravi?igs PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light brown calf extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 8vo, 1830 O ^ 607 Flaminio (M. A.) Fifty Select Poems, imitated by E. W. fs I Bernard, and Memoir of the Author by Fr. Wrangham V ti^vu^^^jjLY 50 COPIES PRINTED FOR SALE ; dark olive morocco extra, back richly tooled, gilt leaves Chester, 8vo, 1829 n ^ 608 Fletcher (Mrs.) Elidure and Edward, two Historical Dramatic ' *^ Q^l^ Sketches ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Fr, Wrang- ham, with autograph inscription; crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1825 . U ♦- 609 Flood: — Account of the Great Flood in the River Tyne, ^ . Dec. 30, 1816, with Narratives of the Great Flood in the Rivers Tyne, Tease, and Wear, Nov. 16 & 17, 1771, and of the Eruption of Solway Moss FINE PAPER : Only 24 copies printed, and 118 upon common paper. Presentation Copy to Sir Fr. Freeling, with inscription in the autograph of Emerson Charnley; light brown calf extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Newcastle, 8vo, 1816 ^___ 79 ' /) 610 Florence Miscellany, Poems by Mrs. Piozzi, B. Greatheed, "^^jiXtXA, Robert Merry, and William Parsons PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extras sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day Florence, S\o, 1785 lO u^^^ ^°^^ (Dr. J.) Memoir of Thos. Green, of Ipswich; with a f^^^^M- Critique on his Writings, and an Account of his Family, &c. portrait, by Worthington, proof on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies; uncut Ipswich, royal 4to, 1825 /. 4u^2 Fox (C. J.) Essay upon Wind, with Curious Anecdotes of ^^.y^sXt, Eminent Peteurs PRINTED UPON VELLUM : One of only 12 copies ; blue mor. extra, sides and back blind tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Printed at the office of Peter Puffendorf, Potsdam, 8vo, n. d, (^v. 613"F0X(C. J.) Another Copy ^ jP^^Av, P^^NTED UPON VELLUM: the second of 12 copies; half 7 bound russia, uncut Printed at the office of Peter Puffendorf, Potsdam, Svo, n. d. -* h v« ^^^ ^^^ (^' '^•) Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, late the C ^^ Allan, formerly the Tunstall, or Wycliflfe Museum, plates dark green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Newcastle, 8vo, 1827 •^ ^.(7615 Eraser. Annals of such Patriots of the Family of Eraser, Fry- ^ sell, Sim-son, or Eitz-Simon, as have signalized themselves in the Public Service of Scotland, &c., edited by Col. Eraser. PRIVATELY PRINTED: maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Edinb. royal 8vo, 1 805 (1 .(3 616 Freeling (Sir E.) Catalogue of his curious, choice, and valuable I — Library, forming 10 Days' Sale LARGE PAPER: with prices and purchasers names very . neatly written; cloth, uncut Evans, royal 8vo, 1836 S'l) 617 Friar Bacon: — The History of Friar Bacon, edited by W. J. (j^,^i£y^ Thoms ^^^^ PRINTED ON WRITING PAPER, UNIQUE : seen the publisher's attestation on thejiy-leaf; half morocco, uncut Pickering, 8vo, 1828 80 FROGMORE LODGE PRIVATE PRESS. ^ I ^ 618 A Chronological Abridgement of the History of Spain -i i PRIVATELY PRINTED : on a pack of cards : in a case ■^^ -^ 12mo. 1809 (^ t^ 619 Miscellaneous Poems, by Wm. R. Spencer, Samuel Rogers, — (__ Miss Knight, and others, etching of Frogmore PRIVATELY PRINTED ; red morocco, gilt leaves Frogmore Lodge, Windsor, 4'tOi 1812 ^ h v^ 620 Knight (Miss E. C.) Translations from the German, in Prose I — t— - ^^^ Verse, etching of Frogmore PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 30 copies; red morocco, gilt leaves , ib. 8vo, 1812 1 I ^, 621 Fuller (Dr. Tho.) Holy and Profane State, and History of the ^* inue morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1840 sr // -1^622 Fuller (Dr. Tho.) Good Thoughts in Bad Times, Good Thoughts in Worse Times, and Mixt Contemplations in """^ Better Times blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday ib. small 8vo, 184-1 ^ 13 V. 623 Fuller (Dr. Tho.) Memorials of his Life and Works, by A. T. -^ - Russell, portrait blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib. small 8vo, 1844' i^ \Q s^ 624 Galations, a Dramatic Sketch PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 25 copies; dark green morocco extray sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . small 8vo, n. d, I. *J. [) 625 Gardiner (W.) Catalogue of Antient and Modern Books for (^.^Jl^JUL. 1812 and 1813, containing his dHiique on Dibdin's Hi- bliomania \ half russia, uncut . 8vo, 1812-13 ^ {H ^ 626 Gardyne (Alex.) A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers, and fjCiA^ ^^® Theatre of Scotish Kings, together with Miscellaneous * Poems, by John Lundie LARGE PAPER : One of only 20 copies printed on ROYAL DRAWING PAPER; half morocco, uncut Edinb. royal 4to, 1845 Privately printed for the Abbotsford Club, No. 26. Presented by Joseph Walter King Eyton. ^ I -V- 627 Garland of Bells, wherein each Rings to its Proper Tune, -^ woodcuts THICK WRITING PAPER : Only 20 copies printed ; with an autograph note of J. Bell, and his book-plate Newcastle, J. Bell, \2mo, IS 15 'iA\ 81 _ 628 Garlands. The Custom House Garland, or Nine Pleasant C^ym^ri, Ditties THICK DRAWING PAPER: Only 20 copies printed ; uncut Newcastle, J. Bell, 8vo, 1816 . ^-0 629 Garland. The Jolly Huntsman's Garland, edited by Sir C. -^<-— Sharp, woodcuts PRIVATELY PRINTED : One of only 25 copies ih. 8vo, n. d, lC\ <^ ^'^^ Garlands, &c. Ane Pleasant Garland of Sweet Scented Flowers, X*"iXu only 60 copies printed, Edinb. 1835— Poetical Descrip- t tions of Orkney, 1652, 35 copies printed, ih. 1835 — The Duchess of Portsmouth's Garland; 3 tracts in 1 vol. ALL PRIVATELY PRINTED : dark green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Edinb. 4to, 1835-37 1 t-^631 Geikie (Walter) Etchings Illustrative of Scottish Character and ^j^sAfl Scenery, with Biographical Introduction by Sir T. D. Lauder, SO plates, with 14 additional, both proofs on India paper, and the Second ^dd\\oi\, published by Paton, of\S plates, also on India paper, in 1 vol. LARGE PAPER: Only 50 copies printed of the SO plates, and very few of the \^ -, half morocco, uncut ib.Aio, 1841 ^//c. 632 Genealogy of the Lairds of Ednem and Duntreth, from ft4Xu 1063 to 1699 printed UPON VELLDxM, UNIQUE ; dark morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves Glasgow, 1699, reprinted, Edinb. 8vo, 1834 633 Genealogy, &c. Another copy tyifuA LARGE PAPER: Only 5 Copies printed ; blue morocco extra, sides very neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Glasg. 1699, ib. 1834 ^ (i^ V 634 Gent (Tho.) Life of. Printer of York, 2 ports, viz. an unfinished #^^JL proof on India paper, and a very fine impression ^ 'PRINTED UPON WRITING PAPER: One of 36 copies ; pale brown mor. extra, sides a7id back very neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1832 *» fell) ^^^ George a Green, Pindar of Wakefield, The History of, edited Ur^jLA^ by W. J. Thorns , ' , , , PRINTED ON WRITING PAPER, UNIQUE : see the publishers attestation on the fly-leaf; half morocco, uncut Pickering, 8vo, 1827 (ft ua636 Gianetti (Michelangiolo) Elogio del Capitano Giacomo Cook, »• J uAvLAaa^ with an English Translation by R. Merry, port, on the title /riva TELY PRINTED ; dark green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Firenze, folio, 1785 Q V ^^ Gibbon (Edw.) Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, by ' f^AAA^ Lord Sheffield PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER : and only a very few copies ; Presentation Copy to the late Duke of Sussex, with autograph inscription ; red mor. extra, g. I. 4to, 1814 o\b /I 82 T 5^ t^ 638 Gibson (William Sidney) History of the Monastery founded at .W*^^ ^^^ Tynemouth, in the Diocese of Durham, plates, some finely ^ coloured, with illuminated capitals from ancient MSS,, executed hy Henry Shaw in gold and colours, 2 vol. halfmoT, uncut Pickering, royal 4to, 1846-7 . A Subscriber's copy. iA ^-b 639 Godolphin (Sydney Earl of) Two Fables, and a Third Fable in Ifw^ JU^VW^ Inverse, never before printed, edited by W. Coxe PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only \1 copies 4to, 1817-18 s^ W XT 640 Goethe, Faust, a Dramatic Poem, translated by A. Hayward /,^j^,^,^,/^,»,^RIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation copy, with autograph ' inscription; red mor. extra, g. I. hy Hay day 8vo, 1833 ^ J, 6 641 Goethe (J. W.) Faust, a Tragedy, Part II, as completed in 1831, UXiKtv translated into English Verse ; clothe uncut Pickering, small 8vo, 1842 I ^i/- -u ^^^ Goethe, Lyrischen Gedichten, edited by Dr. Hawtrey Q ^iLjl\mS^^^^^^^^ PRINTED : First Edition ; olive mor. extra, ^^^Z" sides and hack richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, hy C. Lewis . 12rao, 1833 u / I vs 643 Goethe, Lyrischen Gedichten ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED: Second Edition; light green mor, extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Eton, 12rao, 1834 CA [ t^ ^^^ Goethe, Another copy ^-^ — PRINTED ON THICK PINK PAPER : Presentation Copy to H. Drury, with a note in his autograph ; dark green mor. extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . ih. 12mo, 1834 Q ^ ^1^ 645 Goethe, Faust, a Tragedy, rendered into English Verse, 2 vol. X)J^ ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED, and No. 1 of the ^0 for sale ; hlue mor. extra, g. l.hy Clarke and Bedford 8vo, 1838 Ci j^ ^u^ 646 Golagrus and Gawane, The Knightly Tale of, and other Poems, dillu^vul reprinted from the rare edition of 1508, with Notes, &c. by ^» David Laing, woodcuts ftlacfe letttv ; Presentation copy to Tho. Thomson, with au- tograph inscription ; crimson mor. extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves Edinh. 4to, 1827 This very curious collection of the early popular poetry of Scotland, is very rare: only 72 copies were completed after the fire which took place in the Binder's premises, Nov. 1824', and these were more or less damaged, with the exceptio7i of only 2 copies, which were in the hands of the publisher, of which this is one. 1 •» ^-1^ 647 Goldsmith and Parnell, Poems, woodcuts hy Tho. Bewick, very /^U-- fine impressions, Horace TValpoWs copy, with his hook- ^^'^^ plate at the end of the advertisement green mor. extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . royal 4to, 1795 lO 648 Goldsmith (O.j Poetical Works, with Biographical Memoir and ^ lA^i"vU» \jtL ^°^®s by J. Mitford, two portraits, one a proof on India paper ; yellow morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1834 83 !J^^^^649 Goldsmith (O.) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir JX^,r^ ^^^ Notes by Bolton Corney, illustrated with wood en- gravings by members of the Etching Club FINE PAPER : Only 100 copies printed ; clothe top edges gilt 8vo, 1846 M *^ t 650. Good Prior (The), a Fragment of the Middle Ages >^ l^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; cloth . 4tO, 1 842 o/f. 6 651 Gordon, of Invergordon (Sir John) The Correspondence of, on tj^ffyj^/]^ Occasion of the Rebellion, Autumn, 1 745 ; edited by James Maidment PRIVATELY PRINTED : THICK PAPER ; green morocco extra^ sides neatly tooled, g. I. by Hay day Edinb, small 8vo, 1835 /^ 652 Gordon(Sir J.) Correspondence on Occasion of the Rebellion, ^" ijl^tl 1745 PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 30 copies ; uncut ib. small 8vo, 1835 ^^ / ^^ 653 Gordon (Tho.) Description of Ancient Coins from his Cabinet, -ttTUL 14 plates » PRIVATELY PRINTED ; cloth, top edges gilt imp. 8vo, n, d. ^(n 654 Gorham (G. C.) Genealogical Account of the Breton and 7lH<* jU 656 Gough (Richard) History of the Bible, translated from the (JCtAuAxHij ^^^°^^ in 1746, done at twelve and a half years old; Jlvith two autograph letters from Mr. Nichols, the printer, to Archdeacon Wi'angham PRIVATELY PRINTED: One of only 25 copies; dark calf extra, vermilion edges, by Hayday folio, 1747 This was a juvenile production of lliat eminent antiquary, the late Mr. Gough, and is of great rarity. ICi ^ 657 Gough (R.) Account of a Rich Illuminated Missal, executed E^vyUtiv^^ {j/or John Duke of Bedford, afterwards in the possession of { lihe Duchess of Portland, plates and facsimile, with two additional leaves, usually wanting. The Strawberry Hill copy, with 7nanuscript notes by Horace Walpole, and his Bookplate; half morocco, uncut , 4to, 1794 ^[Qu 658 Grace. Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey, Grasagh Aboe, a fj^lJL War Song of the Graces of Courtstown, in Irish, with the V music — Descent of the Family of Grace, and a Letter from the Countess of Nithsdale, &c. with Remarks by Sheffield Grace, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER; ILLUSTRATED with 36 Portraits, Plates, and Maps ; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie royal 8vo, 1820-27 M 84 <^ (D "^ 659 Grace. Descriptive and Architectural Sketch of y/^;(^[^^j^^Ovv5HE Grace Mausoleum, in the Queen's County, and Purvey of Tullaroan or Grace's Parish, in Kilkenny, and Queen's County, with Inscriptions and Translations ; Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey, 1 820 ; a Letter from the Countess of Nithsdale, &c. with Remarks by Sheffield Grace, 1827; and Tables of the Descent of the Grace Family, in 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies Illustrated with upwards of 200 Portraits, Plates of Antiquities, Views, Gems, Maps, Arms, &c. being mostly private plates^ many of which are very scarce. An autograph note by the Author, describing the work, accom- panies the Survey of Tullaroan green morocco^ gilt leaves^ hy Clarke Dublin, 8vo, 1819 This very choicely illustrated copy is from the library of Sheffield Grace, Esq. Oj\ C)^ 660 Grace (Sheffield) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, /uHy( containing also a Survey of Tullaroan, or Grace's Parish, ^ ^ in the Cantred of Grace's Country and County of Kil- kenny, by W. S. Mason, 1819; a Descriptive and Archi- tectural Sketch of the Grace Mausoleum, in the Queen's County, by W. S. Mason, 1819 ; Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey, 1820, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies of the second and third vol., 3 vol. 8vo, inlaid in folio drawing paper, in 2 vol., to which is added a third volume, being A SPLENDID Manuscript, compiled by Philip Absa- lom, Esq., consisting of Genealogical and Heraldic Illustra- tions of the Grace Family, with Pedigrees of the Sovereign, Noble and Distinguished Houses from whom the Grace Family is descended, or with whom connected, beautifully written, and enriched with about 650 shields of arms, emblazoned by Mr. Absalom The whole Illustrated with about 50 original Drawings of Antiquities, Monuments, Tombs, Views, &c. and about 180 Portraits, Plates, Maps, Book Plates of Arms, &c. some proofs, and many on India paper. With Ralphe Holinshed's History of Ireland, woodcuts, I)Iacfe letter, from the first edition of his Chronicles, and various cuttings from other works, ^c. 3 vol. red russia ea;tra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie , royal folio, 1824 ^ 661 Grace. Genealogical Illustrations of the Family of J) i^wtk '^' Mitford, ^portraits, one a proof on India paper olive morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering) small Svo, 1 836 ^.(, > 87 J 1 673 Gray (Thomas) Works, edited by the Rev. John Mitford, 2 ^ (xUjLM^viport7'aits, one on India paper, 5 vol. ifelCK PAPER: Onli/ 20 copies printed — see the publisher's attestation on the fiy-leaf; light green morocco extra, sides and backs neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day Pickering, l2mo, 1836-41 I 10 t\^^^ Gray (T.) Poetical Works, English and Latin, illustrated and •^ — -^ edited by John Moultrie, portrait andplates on India paper blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day Eton, 8vo, IS^S (j. 1)61 5 Gray (T.) Odes, &c. Seven Engravings to the Eton Edition ^l»A-^x^ of Gray, from Drawings by C. W. Radclyffe LARGE PAPER ; Proofs on India paper before letters, in a |. portfolio . ib, folio, 1845 I .(G .6676 Gray Library, at Kinfauns Castle, Catalogue of the, com- (fttXvX*^ piled by D. Morison, 3nx\., portrait, many curious woodcuts, and borders surrounding each page printed in red privately printed : Presentation Copy to Tho. Thomson, with Lord Grays autograph note, and a copy of the Reply thereto ; russia extra, joints, iiarrow inside borders, sides and back richly tooled, vellumjiy-leaves and liiiings, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Printed at the Kinsfauns Press, folio, 1828 *7 4^677 Gregorii (Papse) Epistola Gratulabunda ad Victoriam Reginam ^ ...^f,/— MagnaB Britanniae PRIVATELY PRINTEL : and only 20 copies ; green morocco extra, sides neatly fooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 8vo, 1 838 3 5 678 Green (Thomas) Biographical Memoir of Dr. Edward Pearson, U. j-^^^t^'^TlcMaster of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to ff^m. Upcotty sewed . Ipswich, 8vo, 1819 ci\\) 679 Grenville (Lord) Nugae Metricae ^'tiiLiMS^^^ ^^^^^ PRINTED : Presentation Copy from the author ^^^^ark morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday , royal 4to, 1 824 680 Grenville ; Bibliotheca Grenvilliana; or Bibliographical No- tices of Rare and Curious Books, forming part of the Library of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Grenville, by J. T. Payne and H. Foss, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER; 32 copies printed, of which only 14 were for sale half bound, uncut . imp. 8vo, 1842 681 Greenwich. Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts belonging (J*tC5A^ww to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; uncut . 8vo, 1 827-28 M680 Gb 88 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. LOT I ^^ S82 GRESWELL (P.) The Monastry of St. Werburgh, a Poem, \[/fpi^ with Illustrative Notes PRIVATELY PRINTED; blue morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day royal 8vo, 1823 ,„^^„.-t^ 6S3 Griraston (Hon. Charlotte) History of Gorhambury, 19 plates, JJ^VU with i additional inserted, 3 on India paper » PRIVATELY PRINTED IN LITHOGRAPH ; sewed royal 4to, n. d, [^ l 684 Groat (Alex. G.) Thoughts on Orkney and Zetland, their An- ^^f^ tiquities and Capabilities of Improvement PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 8vo, 1831 ^ [0 u 685 Guest (E.) History of English Rhythms, from the Fifth to the l/<*v.iU^ (y^ ^4^ Fourteenth Century, 2 vol. cloth, uncut Pickering, 8vo, 1838 (0 ^ 6^6 Gunn (Mrs.) Letters written during a Four Days' Tour in fJia^ Holland in 1834, edited by Dawson Turner, woodcuts, f some coloured PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 15 copies; Presentation Copy, with an autograph inscription of Dawson Turner; light brown morocco extra, sides and back very neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 8vo, 1834 tv I ^ ^ 687 Gunning (George) Documents of the Gunning Family .^ — ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; yellow morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Cheltenham, royal 8vo, 1834 c\ ^-^--6^8 Guy Earl of Warwick, the Renowned History of, plates jl^^^^^yLj^AUGE PAPER ; blue morocco extra, sides and back em- blematically and richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Chiswick, royal 8vo, 1821 h fl »/• 689 Gwilt (C. P.) Notices relating to Thomas Smith of Campden, t {aM/u ^"^ ^^ Henry Smith, Alderman of London^ edited by Joseph ^ \ Gwilt, with Appendix of Evidences relating to the Estates of H. Smith, collected by J. Gwilt, plates and woodcuts, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; and of the latter only 25 copies ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1828-36 89 Z,^ 690 Gwilt (Joseph) Collection of Madrigals and Motetts for Four J^J equal Voices, by the most Eminent Composers of the -^ ^ XVI and XVII Century, in Score PRIVATELY PRINTED: and Only 50 copies; tree-marhled calf extra-, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford fol. 1815 ^j, 691 Gwilt (J.) Historical, Descriptive, and Critical Account of the |/V'J44aH''^ Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, B> plates PRIVATELY PRINTED; half crimsoti morocco ea;tra, gilt ■ leaves, by Hay day . royal 8vo, 1823 HAKLUYT SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. * //)i692 Hawkins (Sir Richard) Observations in his Voyage into the ^L.'illiTC^^vigouth Sea in 1593, reprinted from the edition of 1662, edited by C. R. D. Bethune, Captain R.N. cloth, uncut . No. 1, 8vo, 1847 «-(0 i.^^^ Columbus (Christopher) Select Letters of, with other Original — t- Documents relating to his Four Voyages to the New World, translated and edited by R. H. Major cloth, uncut . No. 2, Svo, 1847 ♦.(^v- 694 Halford (Sir H.) Nugae Metricaa ^jA'Ix. privately PRINTED; maroon morocco extra, sides richly ' tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day Svo, 1839 ^ 3 ^695 Hall (Bp. Joseph) A Plain and Familiar Explication of Christ's u p jJ*resence, in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood out of the Doctrine of the Church of England, for the satisfying of a scrupulous Friend, 1631, the title and initial letters printed in colours, cloth, uncut Newcastle, 8vo, 1844 l,/^^696 Halliwell (James Orchard) The Merry Tales of the Wise Men S^Ui^-uAr of Gotham yellow morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by t Hay day J. R. Smith, small Svo, 1840 ^ u 697 Halliwell (J. O.) Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer -tlwu Night's Dream ' orange morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Pickering, Svo, 1841 ^ 698 Halliwell (J. O.) on the Character of Sir John FalstaflF, as ori- yUi. (^ ginally exhibited by Shakespeare light brown morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, I by Hay day . ib. 12mo, 1841 .(; 699 Halliwell ( J. O.) The Archaeologist and Journal of Antiquarian \yS^iJ^MC Science, woodcuts, Nos. 1 to 10, in 1 vol. cloth, uncut . J. R, Smith, Svo, 1842 ^ ^ ; 6 700 Halliwell (J. O.) Account of the Chetham Library, Manchester, 2 copies, sewed . ib. 12mo, 1842 I 90 l-l^i^ '701 Halliwell (J. O.) Account of the only known Manuscript of (S\j}Aji^ Shakespeare's Plays, comprising some important Variations and Corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE: see the publisher's attes- tation on the Jly 'leaf ; light brown morocco extra^ sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edgesy by Hayday J. R. Smith, 8vo, 1843 I, llP 1^ 702 Halliwell (J. O.) Another Copy ■MXai printed upon India paper ; t?vo copies only were printed ^ on this paper ; see the publisher's attestation, both of which are in the present volume ; dark brown morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday ib. Svo, 1843 ^ J A 703 Halliwell (J. O.) Another Copy /jTjjw THICK PAPER: the only copy printed — see the publisher's ^^^^ attestation on the fly-leaf; dark brown morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib, 8vo, 1843 v^lCi u *704' Halliwell (J. O.) The Early History of Freemasonry in Eng- /Ji/W^>^ land, facsimile plate, second edition I PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE : see the publisher's attes- tation on the fly-leaf I half blue morocco extra, uncut ib, 8vo, 1844 1^ 3 .b *7^^ Halliwell (J. O.) Another Copy ^—i^^ PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER: No. 1 of only two copies-^ see the publisher's attestation on the fly-leaf cloth, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1844 ^ h ^ 706 Halliwell (J. O.) Another Copy L iVuwvjbh. THICK PAPER : No. 2 of only six copies printed \cloth, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1844 ^ '^ . ^ 707 Halliwell (J. O.) Another Copy /MAsUUwityHiCK PAPER : No. 3 of only six copies printed cloth, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1844 ^ [t ^ 708 Halliwell (J. O.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Siv^vb Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the XlVth Century, 2 vol. THICK PAPER : No. 2 of only six copies printed — see the publisher's attestation on the fly-leaf cloth, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1847 x^]%' u 709 Hammond (William) Occasional Poems, by Sir E. Brydges lJtf^ilA.Wu ^^Y 61 COPIES PRINTED; light green morocco extra, sides ' and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Bensley, 4to, 1816 9 )^ .\, '710 Hamper (WiUiam) Observations on Certain Ancient Pillars of rUA4*vuU| Memorial, called Hoar-Stones LAI ARGE PAPER : Presentation Copy to J. E, Wilmot, with autograph inscription; dark morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Birmingham, 4to, 1820 91 j /n 71L Hamper (William) Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir "^ >A. CiT Wm. Dugdale, portraits and plates, with a duplicate set of proofs on India paper. Presented to G. Baker, Esq. ONE OF ONLY 12 COPIES — see the authors autograph note on the portrait ; maroon morocco extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday royal 4to, 1827 UO i^^^^ Hanrott (P. A.) Catalogue of his Splendid, Choice, and jT^^^ Curious Library, forming 47 Days' Sale, with the prices and purchasers' names very neatly written upon the margins LARGE PAPER: maroon morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Evans, royal 8vo, 1833-34 u 6^ ()713 Hansard (J. & L.) Biographical Memoir of Luke Hansard, Jf^i/U. Printer to the House of Commons, portrait PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half hound maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Wickwar . royal 4to, 1829 „ L.(j7l4 Hardinge (George) Biographical Anecdotes of Dan. Wray, 1,^ portraits PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; maroon mo- rocco extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . 8vo, 1816 uff^u^lS Hardinge (G.) Biographical Memoirs of Dr. Sneyd Davies, ^^CV4uL portrait PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; maroon morocco extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday 8vo, 1817 .716 Harding (G. P.) Antiquities in Westminster Abbey, Ancient Oil VlAa^ Paintings, and Sepulchral Brasses, with Descriptions by ' Thomas Moule, V2 plates Presentation Copy to Mr. Freeling, with a note in the autograph of the editor ; crimson morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday folio, 1825 [() 717 Hardinge (Judge) The Filial Tribute {Vvi/(»>(yt privately PRINTED; light calf extra, gilt leaves, hy Mac- kenzie . . 12mo, 1807 ^718 Hardinge (Nicholas) Latin Verses, with the 6 cancelled leaves, -'—*■- pp. 57 to 68, said to he wanting in all the copies circulated PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half calf 8vo, 1780 [.,.^719 Hardinge, Another copy, with a few MS. notes in the autograph ~ ^ ^^- of Horace Walpole, hut without the cancelled leaves : from the Strawherry Hill Library, uncut 8vo, 1780 pOHardwick (Thomas) Memoir of the Life of Sir Wm. Chambers, /.♦ \j. portrait PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies ; green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday imperial 8vo, 1825 N ivUt^ L 92 721 Hardwicke (Earl of) Catalogue of his Collection of Manuscripts, by Archdeacon Coxe PRIVATELY PRINTED; olive morocco extras sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday 4u»^,^^^^^aronets, and of Families extinct before and since 1500, &c. 8 leaves, containing 121 shields of arms, finely coloured privately PRINTED . royal 4to, n. d. 95 1/ ^ U lo c- 750 Herbert (George) Complete Works of, in Verse and Prose, VtUtw*^joor#. 2 vol. clothi uncut . Pickering, 8vo, 1846 This edition is very handsomely printed by Whittingham. The Remains contain the Priest of the Temple, Proverbs, and other Prose Works, in- cluding many pieces never before printed, with his Life by Izaak Walton, and also that by his first biographer, Barnabas Oley. ( ^^^ 751 Herbert (William, Earl of Pembroke) and Sir Benjamin Rud- Vc«^ JLa iVi^l^yard, Poems of, written in the Time of King James I and Charles I, edited by Sir E. Brydges, with the three can- celled leaves inserted, and the starred leaves loose ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED ; yellow morocco extra, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hay day Bensley, 12mo, 1817 \ 752-Herrick (Robert) Works, with a Biographical Notice, edited by '^^^ iirtL Thomas Maitland, 2 vol LARGE PAPER : Only 25 copies printed; light green mo- rocco extra, sides and hacks richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day . Edinh. 4to, 1823 ^ ( (, 753 Hett (William) Death of Absalom, a Poem [iiU'CMAJ^I^I'^^TELY PRINTED : and only 100 copies ; Prese7ited and Dedicated to Fr. Wrangham, with an autograph letter from the author ; cloth Doncaster, 4to, 1824 iri( u *7'^4" Hey wood (John) Gentylnes aiid Nobylyte; an Enterlude f^^l ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED; yellow morocco extra^ sides * neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Jo. Rastell, n, d, \ reprinted, n, d. 1^ 755 Heywood (Thomas) The Earls of Derby, and the Verse ^ ** -^-t^ Writers, and Poets of the XVIth and XVHth Centuries, three portraits, proofs on India paper inserted PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 64 copies ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . Jfanchester, 4to, 1825 o n 756 Hibbert (George) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, forming ^jr^l^_ 42 Days' Sale, with the prices and purchasers' names very neatly written upon the margins, plates on India paper, and woodcuts LARGE PAPER: Only 36 copies printed; with portrait of Hibbert, a very spirited Drawing by Ward, after JHoppner ; Presentation Copy to William Upcott, with autograph letter inserted half morocco, uncut . £V«n5, royal 8 vo, 1829 V 757 Higginson (Edmund) Descriptive Catalogue of his Gallery of W(v Pictures at Saltraarsh, with Biographical Notices, &c. by ^ H. Artaria PRIVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1841 ^ 758 Higginson (E.) Another edition -T,^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; maroon morocco extra^ sides richly tooled, gilt leaves f by Hayday . 4to, 1842 11 96 Historical Society of Science. 759 Collection of Letters illustrative of the Progress of Science in jAk England from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of -^ ^ Charles II, edited by J. O. Halliwell cloth, uncut . No. 1, 8vo, 1841 760 Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages, ,_,A^ in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English, edited from the original MSS. by T. Wright clothi uncut . No. 2, Svo, IS^l ^ I ^^[^ 761 Hoare (Richard) A Journal of his Shrievalty in 1740-41; with ^^ Account of the Family of Hoare, 2 pp., and with the Roll of Names and Sums subscribed at Guildhall, London, for the Encouragement of the Soldiers, &c. em- ployed in suppressing the Rebellion of 1745, Sir R. Hoare being Lord Mayor PRIVATELY printed : and only 25 copies ; half calfi marbled leaves, concept the Roll, which is in sheets Bath, royal 4to, 1815 i . [ l? va *^^^ Hoare (Sir Richard Colt) Journal of a Tour in Ireland, A.D. . 1 806, frontispiece LARGE AND THICK PAPER : Only 25 copies printed ; crini' son morocco extra, hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Clarice . royal Svo, 1807 I O 763 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Catalogue of Books relating to the History ^' ^ ^ (\j^^l^-p\^ and Topography of Italy, frontispiece PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 12 copies; crimson mo- rocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie royal 8vo, 1812 ^3- u 764' Hoare (Sir R. C.) Catalogue of Books relating to the History ylviAuAvvYind Topography of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, in his Library at Stourhead, frontispiece PRIVATELY PRINTED; and only 25 copies; Presentation Copy; crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie royal Svo, 1815 v/. lO • I3 "^^^ Hoare (Sir R. C.) Hints on the Topography of Wiltshire lAl^tlt^A^ PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER: No. 7 of only 10 copies; Presented to Archdeacon Coxe, with inscription in the autograph of the author ; crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Salisbury, royal Svo, 1818 97 {.h ^J766 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Hungerfordiana : or Memoirs of the Family ( fluyttui^^^ Hungerford, plates and woodcuts ONLY 100 COPIES VKmT^T> : fifty for sale ; Presentation Copy to G. Baker^ Esq, ; morocco extra^, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, 1823 Ol,^p-^67 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Recollections Abroad during the Years 1785 ^ pi^ to 1791,4 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 25 copies of the first 2 vol. and 50 of the two last; Presentation Copies from the au- thor to A. B. Lambert, Esq. being No. 25, with autograph inscription ; blue morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt and marbled leaves, by Clarke and Bedford Bath, royal S\o, 1815-18 768 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Monastic Remains of the Religious Houses ^"T^wivM-ck^^ VVitham, Bruton, and Stavordale, County Somerset, numerous plates, some on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; Presentation Copy from the author; red russia extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Frome, royal 4to, 1825 /2_ ^769 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Registrum Wiltunense, Sax. et Lat. ab anno -f.^/j Regis Alfredi 892, ad annum Regis Eadwardi 104-5, et icU^ Edithae Regis Edgari filiae Carmen vetus Anglicum, nunc demum in lucem editum, cura G. H. Black, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 1 00 copies ; olive morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . . folio, 1827-30 ^ 770 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Tumuli Wiltunenses ; a Guide to the Bar- dWl/^vHi'iv- rows on the Plains of Stonehenge, 6 plates ' PRIVATELY PRINTED Shaftesbury, 8vo, 1829 W b"t- 771 Hoare (Sir R. C) Account of the Pitney Pavement, discovered (XwuA/Vv* by S. Hassell, Esq. A.D. 1828, 12 plates and plans . ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED; uncut royal 8vo, 1832 v»-^ ( 772 Hoare (William) Amusement of Leisure Hours, in Verse WMi PRIVATELY PRINTED; red morocco, gilt leaves ^to, 1803 u i^i^ 773 Hofland (Mrs.) Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gar- _-A— dens of White-Knights, a Seat of the Duke of Marlborough, 23 plates, by T. C. Hofiand, on India paper, aiid some coloured R PRIVATELY PRINTED ; uncut elephant 4to, n.d. ^ 774 Hofland (T, C.) The British Angler's Manual, 14 plates, Q^^^^itJl, PROOFS ON India paper, and 40 woodcuts, in sheets 8vo, 1839 ^ 775 Hofland (T. C.) The British Angler's Manual, the 1 4^ plates and \^^i liWH^— '^O woodcuts of, proofs on India paper before the letters LARGE PAPER; in 2 portfolios 4to, 1839 98 t^ / / i^ ^^^ Holbein (Hans) Dance of Death, 52 woodcuts engraved hy jLiWA, Thomas and John Bewick maroon morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves^ by Hay day Newcastle, 12rao, 1789 l[)_^^^777 Holbein (Hans) Icones Veteris Testamenti; lllustra- A^^^^.^^^^^^^ tions of the Old Testament, engraved on wood, 90 beautiful y woodcuts by John and Mary Byfield PRINTED UPON VELLUM, BY C. WhITTINGHAM : One of only 6 copies — see the publisher s attestation on the fly- leaf; light brown morocco extra, gilt leaves (Pickering, 8vo, 1830 * I n^ 778i Hollis (Thomas) Memoirs of, containing all the starred pages, "pvlvL which are often wanting, and numerous portraits and \ plates by Bartolozzi, ^c. ; with J. Disney's Memoirs of of the Life of Thomas Brand Hollis, portraits and plates by Bocquet, Bartolozzi, and Basire, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED: with an original drawing by Ci' priani for the title page, 2 portraits of O. Cromwell and Fr. Blackburne, an anecdote in the autograph of J. Disney, and his arms, inserted halfrussia, uncut . royal 4to, 1780-1808 I ^2,,,.^ 779 Holmes (John) Descriptive Catalogue of Books in his Library, ...yi^ with Notices of Authors and Printers, portrait and plate, 4 vol. with the 2 supplements, 6 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; uncut Norwich, 1828-40 ^ I ,^ 780 Holmes (J.) Catalogue of his Extensive and Valuable Library, ^ Ancient Carvings, &c. forming 9 Days' Sale — Lambert (A. B.) Catalogue of his Valuable Botanical Library, form- ing 3 Days' Sale, 2 copies of each, 07ie ivith prices and ^ purchasers' names, uncut Sotheby, 8vo, 184 1-4-2 ^ 10 ir ^^^ HOMERI Ilias ET Odyssea, Gutece, port, diamond edition (J^ uOPRINTED UPON VELLUM, BY C. W^HITTINGHAM : One of ^^^ only 12 copies : see the publisher s attestation on the fly-leaf red morocco extra, uncut, by Hayday ^ Pickering, 32mo, 1831 u n ♦^ 782 Homer, Aliud Exemplar, joor^. 2 vol. "JjMa^ LARGE PAPER; maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay- ^ ^ day . ib. 32mo, 1831 ^ t^t^ "^^^ Homeri, Aliud Exemplar, 2 vol. ^ blue morocco extra, sides and back very neatly tooled, gilt ^ leaves, by Hayday . *6. 48mo, 1831 784 Homeri Ilias Grsece, littera Digamma Restituta ad Metri leges [m^-j^,^,^ redegit et Notatione brevi illustravit T. S. Brandreth, 2 vol. cloth, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1841 ^ V- ^7 V- 785 Horace, The Epistles of, translated into English Verse by C.Lloyd ^ . — 't-^ TRIYATEIjY TRlNTED; dai'k green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Birmingham, small 8vo, 1812 99 L ^^ 786 Horace, The Epodes, Satires and Epistles of, translated by *'* UMi'inO- Francis Howes, clothy uncut Pickerings small 8vo, 1845 ^ Iq 787 Hooker (W. J.) Letter addressed to Dawson Turner, Esq. on / ^ -^^l-tv, ^^e Death of the late Duke of Bedford, in reference to the ' Services of his Grace to Botany and Horticulture, coloured •i PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to A, B. Lambert, with autograph inscription ; olive morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Glasg. imp. 8vo, 1840 ^/A- 788 Home (Thomas Hartwell) Introduction to the Study of Bib- '^^i^LtA*'vvCJ^Oo^^P^y» *° which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients, plates and tvoodcuts, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER: No. 1 of only 50 copies printed ; blue mor. extra, backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1814 ( . ^ ^ 789 Home (T. H.) Catalogue of the Library of Queen's College, Cam- -04.^(4^, bridge, 2 vol. ^ FINE PAPER: Only 6 copies printed ; Presentation Copy to the Duke of Sussex, uncut royal 8vo, 1827 / / 790 Home (T. H.) Outlines for the Classification of a Library, submit- '^ ^*" ^...^t*— ted to the consideration ofthe Trustees of the British Museum PRIVATELY PRINTED; and only 100 copies; Presentation Copy, with a long autograph letter from the author ; dark red morocco, sides richly tooled in the Harleian style, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday royal 4to, 1825 ,^ 791 Home (T. H.) Essay on the History of Liturgies (^^j^/^^i^^^PRlVATELY PRINTED: and only 12 copies; Presentation Copy to Fr, Wrangham, with an autograph letter from the author ; purple morocco extra, sides neatly blind- tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 4to, 1831 (.^^ 792 Household Book (Extracts from the) of Lady Marie Stewart, Daughter of Esme, Duke of Lenox and Countess of Mar ; with a Biographical Notice, and curious Notes by C. K. Sharpe,joor^raiV, View of Mar's Work, Stirling, and two vignettes etched by C. K. Sharpe PRIVATELY PRINTED ; olive morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Edinb. 4to, n. d. l^L-u-^iJ^^ Household Books, viz. The Earl of Northumberland's, edited K.lL by Bp. Percy ; the Privy Purse Expenses of Ehzabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII ; the Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII, by Sir Harris Nicolas ; and the Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, afterwards Queen Mary, by Sir F. Madden, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER : 6 Copies only were printed of the Northum- land H. B., and 12 ofthe other three — see the publisher s attestations on the fly-leaves ; blue morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, royal 8vo, 1827-31 O i.\ 100 I ^_^_J794 Household Book of Mary Queen of Scots. Menu de la Maison '^' (^(c de la Royne faict par Mons. de Pinguillon, 1562, edited by T. Thomson PRIVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, sides and back richli/ tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day Edinb. 4to, 1824 h ^ 795 How the Goode Wif thaught hir Doughter, edited by Sir F. \^ -'I,— ^ Madden, woodcut PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies ; blacfe letter ; half bound, uncut . . 8vo, 1838 (P v^ 796 Howard. A Brief Summary of the Contents of a Manuscript C,{^\IM^ formerly belonging to Lord William Howard, of Na worth, edited by Sir Cuthbert Sharp PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Durham, 8vo, 1819 7ja?^HowARD (Henry) Indication of Memorials, Monu- <9^vvifv(A^-^ENTS, Paintings, and Engravings of Persons of the Howard Family, and of their Wives and Children, and of those who have married Ladies of the Name, and of the Representatives of some of its Branches now extinct, as far as they have been ascertained, portraits, plates, facsimiles, arms, ^c. PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Mr. Baker^ with autograph inscription, cloth, top edges gilt Corby Castle, folio, 1834 u Lt5 ^^ 798 Howard Family — Eight of the Engravings of Monuments, yCO(Wu>i^>^rms, Facsimiles, &c. out of the above Work ^ I t- *799 Hudaart (Capt. Joseph) Memoir of, portrait and plate tt^Ut^ PRIVATELY PRINTED . 4tO, 1821 u 1 - o 800 Hull. Catalogue of the Subscription Library at Kingston-upon- 'ji/^ii^ Hull, established in 1775, compiled by Joseph Clarke, 2 vol. ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER : Presentation Copy to Fr, Wrangham, with a note in the autograph of the compiler, half morocco, uncut Liverpool, imp. 8vo, 1822 2_ t^ -V 801 Hume (Sir David), of Crossrig, Domestic Details by, IVu/l y{^ 821 Grace (Jac.) Annales Hiberniae, Latin and English, translated, «^v— • with Notes by Richard Butler, cloth, uncut No. 2, ib. 4to, 1842 ^ 822 Banquet (The) of Dun na n-gedh, and the Battles of Magh *^ (J/ilV^ Rath, an Ancient Historical Tale, from a MS. Irish and English ; translated with Notes, by J. O'Donovan, cloth, uncut . No. 3, ib, 4to, 1842 U)3 J, 4 ^ 823 Account of the Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, or O'Kelly's Vtkn. Country, from a MS. Irish and English; translated, with ^^^■^^^"^otes, by J. O'Donovan, map, clothe uncut No. 5, Dublin, 4to, 1843 t. /^S^A Book of Obits and Marty rology of the Cathedral Church of the %^^-ij^. Holy Trinity, or Christ Church, Dublin, edited from the f MS. by J. C. Crosthwaite, with an Introduction by J. H. Todd, cloth, uncut . No. 6, ib. 4to, 1844. vCt,{p 825 Registrum Prioratus Omnium Sanctorum juxta Dublin, from a — i- — MS., with Additions and Notes by R. Butler, facsimile plate, cloth, uncut No. 7, ib. 4to, 1845 ^ (/) 826 Genealogies, Tribes, and Customs of Hy-Fiachrach, or O'Dowda s SlpikiL Country, from a MS. Irish and English ; translated, with Notes, by J. O'Donovan, map, and a large genealogical table, cloth, uncut No. 8, ib. 4to, 1 844 ^•[Ou §^^ O'Flaherty (Roderic) Chorographical Description of West or ^^^yi,^^. H — lar Connaught, in 1684, from a MS., with Notes and Illustrations by J. Hardiman, map, facsimile, and genealo- gical table, cloth, uncut No. 9, ib. 4to, 1846 r\ I 828 Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society, viz. an Ancient '^ ?MM^€^ Poem, attributed to St. Columbkille, Irish and English ; trans- ^^^/ lated, with Notes, by J. O'Donovan, and 13 Tracts all re- lating to Ireland, vol. \, cloth, uncut No. 10, ib, 4to, 1846 The preceding nine Lots form a complete set of the valuable Works printed for this Society to the present time. Constitution, and t /O L 829 Irish Society ; a Concise View of its Origin, ^ J?'[[^ Proceedings, from 1607 to 1822 \ ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 8vo, 1822 ¥ (( v» ^^^ Jackson (John) Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and " - ^, Practical, upwards of SOO woodcuts maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt ^ leaves, by Hay day , imperial 8vo, 1839 d ^ 83J Jackson. A Third Preface to his Treatise on Wood Engraving, 1-^ Cc exposing the Fallacies contained in the first, by William A. Chatto, wwcM^ . imperial 8vo, 1839 [p 832 Jadis (H.) Catalogue of his Library, compiled by Mr. Rodd 'f^^LlUA, PRIVATELY PRINTED: uncut royal 8vo, 1826 ( ^ 833 James I (King), The Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of 1^ JViiy- Poesie, and His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at vacant IH Houres, with a Prefatory Memoire, by R. P. Gillies, 2 vol. IH ONLY 92 COPIES REPRINTED; olive morocco extra, sides and IH backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ■ Edi7ib. 4to, 1814 104 i ll)u ^^* James VI, King of Scotland. Ane Declaratiovn of the ^ OJj iust and necessar Causis moving vs of the Nobillitie of ^ MAj Scotland and vthers y^ Kings Faithfvl Subiectis, to repair to his Hienes presence, and to remane with him for resist- ing of the present daingeris appearing to Goddis trew Re- ligion and Professours thairof, and to his Hienes awin Person, Estait, and Croun, &c. Derectif from Striuilingy 1582, edited, with Notes, by James Maidment PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; green morocco extra^ gilt leaves Edinh. reprinted, 8vo, 1 822 ^^ 835 James VI, Another copy /^^y^^^^^p,^^^^^ PRINTED ON PAPER; Presentation Copy; dark green « morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday ib. reprinted, 8vo, 1822 V h t- ^^^ Jardine (Sir Henry) Report relative to the Tomb of King -£j^i/L Robert the Bruce, and the Cathedral Church of Dunferm- l line, 4 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to the Duke of . Sussex; uncut . ib. royal 4to, 1821 ^ h 5 ^^7 Jennings (H. C.) Summary and Free Reflections on several Haajvx^ Interesting Subjects ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; dark green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . . 8vo, 1798 i^ I c /\ ^^^ Jodrell (Rich. P.) Carmina Selecta, turn Grseca, turn Latina W-^^^iv PRIVATELY PRINTED . 8vo, 1810 / 839 John Bon and Mast Person, woodcut \^ r ^lacfe letter : reprinted from a unique copy, half blue mor. ^^^'^ extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday reprinted 4to, n, d. A bitter satire on the Real Presence. ^ ^,[q 840 Johnson (John Mordaunt), A Catalogue of a Select Collection tyifjl/L^ of his Rare Specimens of Early Typography and Ancient MSS., with Account of his Life and Services, and Biogra- phy of Robert Mitford, Esq. by James Weale PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies ; uncut Evans, royal 8vo, 1817 ( . ( t,, 841 Johnston (Alexander) Genealogical Account of the Family of J^b^^*i'l4<^-v^ Johnston of that Ilk, formerly of Caskieben, and of its principal Branches PRIVATELY PRINTED : and Very few copies ; maroon mor, extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mac- kenzie . Edinb. royal 4to, 1832 VA >^ .t 842 Johnstone (Dr. John) Harveian Oration, and other Remains l/V./Vvu.'M'RIVATELY PRINTED; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1837 J . J ^ 843 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Works, with an Essay on his Life and -^/iM^ Genius, portr^ait, India proof, 1 1 vol. LARGE PAPER: Only 1 5 copies printed ; half morocco, uncut Oxford, royal 8vo, 1825 105 / / SM Jolley (Thomas) Catalogue of the four first Portions of his Ex- •Pj^U. tensive Singularly Curious and Valuable Library, forming "^ / 32 Days' Sale, with prices and purchasers' names neatly written^ 4 parts, uncut Sothehyt 8vo, IS^S-'l^ ^ [Oi. 84-5 Jones (Col. John T.) Memoranda relative to the Lines thrown _-t_- up to cover Lisbon in 1810, plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to the late Robert Southey, with an autograph notefroin the author ; dark morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . . 8vo, 1829 t^ ^ i^'^^*^ Jones (Inigo) Sketch Book. " Roma; Altro diletto che im- !VuAiA4^parar nou trouo Inigo Jones, 1614 " PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies; lithographed by G,E. Madeley ; parchment 8vo, 1831 The original interesting volume of Sketches, with numerous remaiks, by Inigo Jones, is the property of the Duke of Devonshire, for whom these admirable fac- similes were executed. The copies are all bound in parchment, in imitation of the original, and were distributed in presents by the Duke, who has written the following upon the fly-leaf of this copy: — "Arch- deacon Wrangham is requested by the Duke of Devonshire to accept this attempted fac-simile of Inigo Jones's Sketch Book." t,^^t,84'7 Jordan (Thomas) The Goldsmith's Jubilee, or Londons Cl^jxj^xn^ Triumphs : a Description of the several Pageants of the Goldsmiths Company for the Entertainment of Sir Robert Vyuer, Lord Mayor of the City of London, Oct. 29th, 1G74 PRIVATELY PRINTED; Presentation Copy to Sir Francis Freeling ; purple morocco extra, sides neatly blind- tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 1674, royal 8vo, 1835 4a v/^ 848 Journal of a very Young Lady's Tour from Canonbury to Ald- W/U^*!/^ borough through Chelmsford, Sudbury, &c. in 1804 PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 24^ copies, with an autograph letter of Nichols the Printer; halfrussia 8vo, 1804 i^.iUh^'^^ JUBINAL (Achille) La Armeria ReAL, ou Collection des ■iJjL Principales Pieces du Musee, d'Artillerie, et la Galerie d'Armes Anciennes de Madrid, dessins par Gaspard Sensi, 80 lithographs beautifully coloured, 2 vol. in 1 crimson morocco ertra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day Paris, royal fol. 1839 \A{t ^ 850 Jubinal, La Armeria Real, &c. 80 lithographs on India paper, --'■/—. 2 ^^^' ^^ ^ 5 da7^k green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. royal fol. 1 839 ^ h M S5^ Junius. A Letter to an Hon. Brigadier General Commander-in- /* /Uww*.^ Chief in Canada, 1760, now first ascribed to Junius ; to ^^^^'^^l which is added, a Refutation of the Letter, &c. by an Officer. &c. edited by N. W. Simons crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Pickering, 12mo, 1841 106 lA IS V* ^^^ Kelly (Thomas Earl of) Minuets and Songs composed by him, /<^ I i now first published, with an Introductory Notice by C. K. {jur^ Sharpe, port, and plates, second edition PRIVATELY PRINTED ON DRAWING PAPER : a7ld only 60 copies / blue morocco extra^ sides richly tooled, gilt . . leaves, hy Hayday Edinh. royal 4-10, 1836 j^ t . () 853 Kelsall (Charles) Poematia Tria Latina C^U-IA, PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies ; green mor. extra, sides neatly tooled, g. I. hy Hayday square 1 2mo, 1 828 h ij 854? Kemble (John Philip) Fugitive Pieces, portrait inserted, with t ' ^^,^ a letter from the author to the late Archdeacon Wrang- ham, and an interesting note in the autograph of the latter; half bound, sprinkled edges York, 12mo, 1780 This volume was rigidly surpressed immediately after its publication by the author, who continued to buy them up, and destroyed all that came into his hands, till his death. £,]5 was given for a copy at King and Lochee's Auc- tion Rooms some years since by the late Jas. Perry, Esq., who bid against the author's commission. V- "o u 855 Kemble (J. P.) Fugitive Pieces, a facsimile rep7'int IvvwvWi^ green mor. extra, gilt leaves York, 1 780, reprinted, 8vo, n. d. L [^ 856 Kemble (J. P.) Macbeth and K. Richard the Third, an Essay in ])tJifl^ Answer to Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare PRESENTATION COPY to Francis Freeling, Esq., with au- tograph inscription ; dark green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie small 8vo, 1817 J _^,_<^ 857 Kenilworth Illustrated, or the History of the Castle, Hufiivijiut-Pi'iory, and Church of Kenilworth, and a Description of *- their present State ; with Laneham's Letter on the Queen's Entertainment at Killing-woorth ; Gascoigne's Princelye Pleasures at Kenilworth Castle ; and the Masques per- formed before Queen Elizabeth, from a Coeval copy in a Volume of manuscript Collections in the possession of William Hamper; with Biographical Notices of Laneham and Gascoigne, \9 fine portraits and plates, proofs onlndia paper, with 10 etchings of the same LARGEST PAPER : One of only 2 copies printed in folio Illustrated, with a large View of the Castle, by \V. Rad- clyflfe ; Dugdale's Account of Kenilworth, 8 leaves, in- cluding a plate ; an Extract from the last Will and Tes- tament of Robert Earl of Leycester, 1587, from a MS. at Penshurst, Kent; and Copy of a Letter of Lord Dunsmere to Sir T. Lyttelton, both concerning Kenilworth half morocco . Chiswick, ioWo, 1821 In this copy is inserted an additional leaf, upon which the following is printed: — " To "William Hamper, Esq. F.S.A., of Deritend House, Bir- mingham, The proprietors of ' Kenilworth Illustrated' present this copy of their work, which (excepting one presented to Mr. Thomas Sharp, of Coventry) is the only copy printed on folio ; in the hope that it may be accepted as an expression of their respect for the distinguished ability 107 and zeal employed by him in the investigation of the antiquities of War- wickshire ; but more especially in grateful acknowledgment of the essen- tial obligations conferred upon them in furtherance of this undertaking by his most able and kind assistance." " Birviiugham, February 18//i, 1822." With the autographs of William Hamper, Thomas Sharp, and William Staunton. /. LO ^^^ Kennedy. Historical and Genealogical Account of the prin- JjtLL cipal Families of the Name of Kennedy, from an original ^ / MS., with Notes and Illustrations, &c. by R. Pitcairn, facsimile; blue morocco extra, sides and back richhj tooled^ gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day Edinb. 4to, 1 830 /^,^_^^ 859 King (Dr. William) Opera, i.e. Miltonis Epistoia ad PoUio- j],^s^(^ nem ; Sermo Pedestris ; Scamnum Ecloga ; Templum Li- bertatis ; Antonietti Epistoia ad Corsos ; Hydra Satira ; Monitor ; Aviti Epistoia ad Perillara Virginem Scotam ; Tres Oratiunculse habita3 in Domo Convocationis Oxon. ; Oratio in Theatre Sheldoniano ; and the Toast, an Heroick Poem, frontispieces and vignettes, with a manuscript Key to the Toast PRIVATELY PRINTED ; calf extra, vermilion edges 4to, 1736-60 The late James Bindley's copy. This work was never published ; and on the death of the author, in 17G3, the whole impression, except 60 copies, was destroyed by his executors. The Toast is a violent satire against the Countess of Newburgh, occasioned by a law-suit which Dr. King had about an estate in Galway, to which he laid claim. Isaac Reed's copy sold for £10.. 10s. ^' l^ u ^^^ Kinloch (George R.) Ancient Scottish Ballads, never before ^ ^Ji/ii^Mo- published, with Notes and an Appendix, containing the Airs of several of the Ballads ; crimson mor'occo extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 8vo, 1827 j A 861 Kirk (Robert) Secret Commonwealth, or an Essay of the Nature {L^^iJiJ and Actions of the Subterranean Invisible People going under the Name of Elves, Faunes, and Fairies-; with F2xtracts from a Treatise on Second Sight, &c. edited by Robert Jamieson ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED : Presentation Copy from Sir Walter Scott to Thomas Thomson, with autograph inscrip- tion ; maroon mor. extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day, 1691 Edinb. reprinted, ito, 1815 «^ "5 i« ^^2 Kirkham (Charles) Philanglus and Astraea, or the Loyal Poem ^Vicrt_ PRIVATELY PRINTED; half bound mar oon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Stamford, folio, 1712 •*^t- ^63 Kirkpatrick (John) History of the Religious Orders and Coni- fl^;^^ munities, and of the Hospitals and Castle of Norwich, edited by Dawson Turner, cloth, uncut . 8vo, 1845 (, day . . royal 8vo, 1813-17 w- I ^ ^ ^ 879 Brydges (Sir E.) Occasional Poems, written in 1811 w\M^uAu\xJl^rimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . . royal 4to, 1814? I ^ ^880 Breton (Nicholas) Longing of a Blessed Heart, which Loathing — ^"^^ the World, doth Long to be with Christ LARGE PAPER ; crimson morocco extra, sides very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday imperial 4to, 1814- v^ 'Uu 881 Breton (N.) Another copy, small paper ^HL light blue morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy ' Hayday . . royal 4to, 1814 I ^ 882 Quillinan (Edward) Dunluce Castle, a Poem "^^^^Ai^u^UJ?^^^^^^ ON India paper, unique, ivith a duplicate copy I on plain paper: and Stanzas, by the Author of Dunluce Castle, 3 vol. in 1 crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by , Hayday . . royal 4to, 1814 lO u 883 Quillinan (E.) Dunluce Castle, a Poem "(Ma, large paper ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly &^ \ tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday imp. 4to, 1814 ^ j^^ 884 Brydges (Sir E.) Select Poems, with a Preface, port, by Nocchi, 'A/\ju^wU\,^^roof on India paper inserted i light green morocco J extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 4to, 1814 I V Q "^ 885 Excerpta Tudoriana, or Extracts from Elizabethan Literature, -^A] with a Critical Preface, 2 vol. in 1 ^\ yellow morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . royal 8vo, 1814-18 ^ ] IJ^u "^886 Drayton (Michael) Nymphidia, the Court of Fairy, with dupli- _-i^,^__ cate Dedication to Mrs. Singer yellow morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1814 I (2__^ ^ 887 Breton (N.) A Divine Poem, divided into two parts, the Ravished riyl '^y^jx. Soul, and the Blessed Weeper \ght blue morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday • . royal 8vo, 1814 Ill Lee Priory Press Publications— continued. 1^/0 888 Brydges (Sir E.) Bertram, a Poetical Tale, woodcuts £.*/ 1 PRINTED ON India PAPER, unique ; cream coloured morocco ' extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, in a case with mor. hack, cloth sides, lined with velvety lock and key . royal 8vo, 1814 l^ u 889 Brydges (Sir E.) Another copy, on plain paper ■L\iitA4i\ii(rimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . royal 8vo, 1814' U /O ^pfi^ Wotton (Sir Henry) Characters of Robert Devereux Earl of l^-^fXAi Essex, and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, com- ' pared and contrasted crimson vnorocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy , Hayday . royal 8vo, 1814 ^ //^^ 891 Davison (Francis and William) Poetical Rhapsody, Sonnets, A]r\X/Y^ Odes, Elegies, Madrigals, and Epigrams, with a Preface, ' 3 vol. in 7 parts, complete LARGE PAPER: Only 12 copies printed, uncut ^ imp. 8vo, 1814-16-17 /_j^^^892 Browne (William) Original Poems never before published, with _A^^ a Preface and Notes, woodcuts ONLY 80 COPIES PRINTED ; green morocco extra, sides . neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 4 to, 1815 ulLx^ 893 Wither (George) Select Lyrical Poems, written about 1622 ^iXJUL*A*^r^^Rl^TEI^ ON TINTED PAPER ; yellow rnorocco extra, sides 1 neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 4to, 1815 I'ib u-^^^ Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth on her Visit to Giles \0'\L.j Brydges, Lord Chandos, at Sudeley Castle, in Gloucester- / shire, with a Preface, portrait and woodcuts yellow morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . royal 4to, 1815 xl^i. ^95 Breton (N.) Melancholike Humours, with a critical preface ■AMv, I'RINTED on INDIA PAPER, UNIQUE ; maroon morocco extra, ' sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves royal 4to, 1815 I 896 Breton (N.) Praise of Virtuous Ladies «- ( I '*"_^.,__ PRINTED ON India paper, unique : with a duplicate copy on plain paper : Only 80 copies printed ; in 1 vol. green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by ^ Hayday . small 8vo, 1815 tr^ V ^^*^ Brathwayte (Richard) Odes, or Philomel's Tears t * dniKi4Ht4)NLY 80 COPIES PRINTED ; green morocco extra, sides neatly I . tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . small 8vo, 1815 p.A b 898 Quillinan (E.) Consolation, a Poem addressed to Lady Brydges 'iXi^A. ONLY 40 COPIES PRINTED FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION ; ' blue morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by 1^ Hayday . royal 8vo, 1815 u 899 Brydges (Sir E.) Desultoria, or Comments of a South- Briton on — u-~ Books and Men ONLY 80 COPIES PRINTED; green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small Svo, 1815 112 Lee Priory Press Publications— continued. ( . 3 ^-^l- ^^^ ^^°°^ (Lord) Life of Sir Philip Sydney, with a Preface, &c. by A l^il^ Sir E. Brydges, a duplicate dedication to Wra. Hammond, ( and Account of the Sydney Family, 3 vol. in 1 green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy . , Hay day . royal 8vo, 1816 (/. m *» 901 Sydney Family, Account of the ^ PRINTED FOR PRESENTS ONLY ; hlue morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day royal Svo, 1816 I . P vs "^902 Wrangham (Francis) A few Sonnets attempted from Petrarch Uuu^M*^^jC in early Life ; yellow morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . royal 4>to, 1817 ^ C| w. '^ 903 Quillinan (Edward) Elegiac Verses addressed to a Lady Xi*Hi yellow morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy ) ^ Hay day . small 4to, 1817 ^ ^ •« ^904? Card (Dr. Henry) The Brother in Law, a Comedy, yellow — i^ morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday small 8vo, 1817 I . ( ^ ^905 Hagthorpe (John) Select Poems "^^^^^^ PRINTED UPON INDIA PAPER: the Contrihution of Sir E. Brydges to the Roxhurghe Club ; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday 4to, 1817 i, I C\ 906 List of Pictures at the Seat of T. B. Brydges Barrett, Esq., at (?U>iuMA*y ^^^ Priory, Kent, with a large View of the House, and p two vignettes ONLY 60 COPIES PRINTED; green morocco extra, sides . neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday royal Svo, 1817 ^ h ^ 907 Broughton (Rowland) The Life' and Death of William Powlett, ^ m. Account of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lincoln's Inn PRIVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . royal Svo, 1835 / 116 ^ / I w- ^^^ Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of f\l^;^,^/u^yt^^^ Lincoln's Inn, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter Privately printed ; green morocco exh^a, gilt leaves^ hy Mackenzie . royal 8vo, 1838 fc- ^ b 931 Linton (W. J.) Bob Thin, or the Poorhouse Fugitive, ^7/^/5^9'a^ef^ J) <|;L with numerous curious woodcuts hy Sibson, Scott, Duncan *^ \ and Linton . PRIVATELY PRINTED; c^ifA . royal 8vo, 1845 ^^ I i) b 932 Lite (Henry) The Light of Britayne, portrait ,--^_ PRINTED UPON VELLUM : No. I of the 2 copies . half green morocco, uncut 8vo, 1588, reprinted 18 \4< ^ to L) 933 Lite (H.) Another copy, portrait l/^J'^^^j^^RlNTED UPON VELLUM : the second of the 2 copies half bound red morocco, uncut 8vo, 1588, reprinted 1814; v- 5^ u 934 Lite (H.) Another copy '^xMA ^^^^^ PAPER: Only 26 copies printed ; dark morocco 7 extra, sides neatly blind tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 1588, r ep7'inted rhjcd 8vo, 1814< i^ 935 Littledale (Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph) Catalogue of his Valuable Li- — .-^_— brary and Law Books, forming 8 Days' Sale, two copies^ one with ponces and purchasers' names. — Morice (John) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, forming 16 Days' Sale ; also with prices and names neatly written ^ Sotheby, 8vo, 1843-4-4 ^936 Lively Oracle (The) Given to us ; by the Author of the whole PRIVATELY REPRINTED Fac-simile of the Edition of 1679 by the Hoys of the Whitechapel Free School ; Presenta- tion Copy to the Duke of Sussex — see autograph letter from Mr. Davis to 3Ir. Offor, and history of the volume wiHtten hy the latter upon the fly-leaf ; russia extra, gilt leaves School Press, Gowers Walk, 1832 1. Q^v- 937 Liverpool (Charles, Earl of) Treatise on the Coins of the I PRESENTATION COPY from the Author, with autograph letter to George Chalmers ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Oxford, 4to, 1805 I ' ( V* v- . 938 Loch (James) Memoir of George Granville, late Duke of Suther- t^sM^*\v^L land, portrait and plate on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to T. Thomson, Esq. ; green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . royal 4to, 1 834 {b t^ A?39 Lochlomond (The) Expedition, 1715; Reprinted and Illustrated ^ from original Documents, by James Dennistoun FINE PAPER: Only 16 copies printed ; morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Glasgow, small 8vo, 1834 %. 117 / //v 940 Lockhart (J. G.) Translation of Ancient Spanish Ballads, His- A/tvliAj torical and Romantic, with Notes and numerous lUustra- ^ tions from Drawings by W. Allan, D. Roberts, 6fc. The borders and oymamental vignettes by Owen Jones, some of the plates finehj coloured and heightened with gold ; yellow morocco extra, sides and back superbly inlaid with purple, joints and broad inside borders richly tooled, crimson watered silk Jiy-leaves and linings, gilt leaves, by Hay day Murray, 4to, 1841 ^ /^o- ^^l Lodge (E.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, ^ Kv| 92 portraits only, very fine impressions ' irapl. 8vo, 1832, &c. b .^(^ 942 Lonsdale (John, Lord) Memoir of the Reign of James II, two ^vU^ plates of facsimiles 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to the Hon. Geo, Nassau, with autograph inscription ; crimson morocco, inlaid ivith 12 ovals of blue, the sides and back most superbly tooled, joints and inside borders very neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day York, royal 4to, 1808 ut[u Sft^ London. Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of the ji^¥^[u^ City of London PRIVATELY VVimTlLD ', green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . royal 8vo, 1828 ^ (y K. 94-4 London Catalogue of Books, with their Sizes, Prices, and Pub- ri^**>Jishers, from 1814 to 1844, 2 vol. cloth 8vo, 1839-44 vh \^ 945 London. Reports relating to the Entertainment of her Majesty *- CUt/tl^iiwiQhe Queen in the Guildhall of the City of London on Lord Mayor's Day, portrait inserted . PRIVATELY PRINTED ; c^//i, ?i ^^^ bound in this volume — see the publisher s attestations on thefly-leaves ; olive morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday ib. 8vo, 181-2 1-^ 118 ^^ (O 950 Lower (M, A.) English Surnames, the Second Edition *^ D ' 1 1 PRINTED ON India paper, unique — see the publishers ^ ^) attestation on the fly -leaf ; half morocco^ uncut J, R. Smith, 8vo, 1 843 [^ Q_v^ 951 Lower (M. A.) The Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations WlVV^M^^w ^^0"^ ^^^ English Writers, numerous woodcuts^ and illu- minated title FINE PAPER; No. 1 of only 6 copies printed— see the pub- lisher s attestation on the fly-leaf cloth, uncut I ib. Svo, 1845 h 1^ t 952 Lowndes (William Thomas) The Bibliographer's Manual of *' "it Ua, English Literature, 4 vol. ' LARGE PAPER : Only 50 copies printed — see the publisher^'s attestation on the fly-leaf; light green morocco extra, hacks richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Pickering, royal Svo, 1834 953 Lucretii Titi Cari de Rerum Natura Libri Sex I » ^ • JPRIVATELY PRINTED BY DR. KEATE ; crimson morocco extra, ^■^\^V/Cgiit leaves . 4to, 1813 H ^ 954 Luke (George Sercombe) Essay towards an Alphabetical List ( (^Ji ^^^ Printed English Historians, and printed Materials JriU^ for English History, from the earliest Period to the Year 1603 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half dark 7'ed morocco, top edges gilt, by Hayday . Exeter, 4to, 1834 ^ b~ kP S^^ Lumesdain (J.) American Memoranda, by a Mercantile Man, (jlit^c. during a short Tour in 1843 PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; cloth, gilt leaves Glasgow, royal 8vo, 1844 11^ 956 Luther (Martin) The Way to Prayer, translated by S. W. Vijr^^^^^v^ Singer, portrait on tinted paper; dark red morocco I ' extra, sides and hack very richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, in the antique style, hy Hayday Pickering, square 8vo, 1846 Id I v u ^K^ Lyndsay. Fac-simile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript, em- "£^4ii blazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount Lyon King ' of Armes, 1542, edited by David Laing, title and 133 plates, containing several hundred shields of arms, S^c. a few of which are heightened with gold ; dark red mo- rocco, back and one side inlaid with light blue, richly tooled with the Fleur-de-lis and Lion Passant, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Edinb. folio, 1822 I • Ic w ^^^ Lyttelton (Hon. W. H.) Account of Napoleon Bonaparte's d\xi, frontispiece, a proof on India paper before the letters, and facsimiles of autographs LARGE PAPER: Only 5 copies printed ; half morocco, uncut Glasgow, 4to, 1830 Privately printed for the Maitland Club, No. 4. (0 u 975 Maitland (S. R.) Index of such English Books printed before Thomson, with an autograph note from the editor No. 8, ib. 4to, 1830 Printed at the expense of the Club. [^^984 Chronicle of the Kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First to ' James the Sixth, in the Year 1611 ONLY 50 COPIES : printed on Club Paper No. 9, ib. 4to, 1830 Presented by John W. Mackenzie. 122 Maitland Club Publications— continued. I (h ^ *^^9S5 Clariodus, a Metrical Romance, printed from a Manuscript of ^ Mi^ the XVI Century (only 50 COPIES: printed on Club Paper ; Presentation Copy to Tho. Thomson, with an autograph note from Edw, Piper . No. 10, Bdinb. 4to, 1830 Presented by Edward Piper. ^^ ^.O 986 Registrum Metallanum, No. 1 J]l^^ ONLY 71 COPIES No. 11, ib.Uo, 1831 Printed at the expense of the Club. j^ I 5 I- 987 Descriptions of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, com- Hl^ IXt- piled about 1710 by Wm. Hamilton, with illustrative Notes f and Appendices, edited by John Dillon and John Fullarton, 6 plates, on India paper ONLY 70 COPIES : printed on Club Paper No. 12, Glasgow, 4to, 1831 Printed at the expense of the Club. u \l^u 988 Inventory of the Ornaments, Reliques, Jewels, Vestments, Books, d^LJ^ &c. belonging to the Cathedral Church of Glasgow, 1432, '^^j with Observations on the Catalogue of Books by John Dillon . No. 13, ib. 4to, 1831 Presented by John Dillon. t* / 1 ti ''*989 Notices and Documents illustrative of the Literary History of -VA/L Glasgow during the greater part of last Century, portrait \ on India paper ONLY 91 COPIES PRINTED No. 14, ib. 4to, 1831 Presented by Richard Duncan. ^ I J ^ ^90 The Moral Fables of Robert Henry son, reprinted from the ^Uni/L Edition of And. Hart, black Ittttv ONLY 68 COPIES PRINTED No. 15, Bdinb. 4to, 1833 Presented by Duncan Stewart. ■ He ^991 Burgh Records of the City of Glasgow, 1573-1581, with Index, -f^W/u plates on India paper ONLY 93 COPIES : printed on Club Paper No. 16, 2*5. 4to, 1832-34 , Edited and presented by John Smith. 3 ^Q >v 992 Registrum Monasterii de Passelet, Cartas Privilegia Conven- /VMi/tt>{/V tiones aliaque Muniraenta Complectens a domo fundata A.D. 1163, usque ad A.D. 1529, edited by Cosmo Innes ONLY 91 COPIES : printed on Club Paper No, 17, ih. 4to, 1832 Presented by the Earl of Glasgow. 123 ^ , Maitland Club Publications— continued. O fj. 993 Poems of William Drummondof Hawthornden, edited by Thomas ' 7 ^ I tiiirv^r^^^^^^Sind, portrait and facsimile oJ^LY 68 COPIES PRINTED No. \8, Edinb. 4to, 1832 Presented by Willidm Macdowall. fl*-.-*^ 994- Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland, compiled from the Original ftv^fLi^ Records and MSS. with Historical Illustrations, &c. 1488- 1624, by Robert Pictairn,;o/a;6'5, 10 parts, complete in 7 vol. ONLY 60 COPIES : printed on Club Paper No. 19, 4to, ib. 1833 Printed at the expense of the Club. /. l^i^ 995 Spalding (John) History of the Troubles and Memorable Trans- •^jlVLx, actions in Scotland and England, from 1624 to 1645, edited M by James Skene, 20 plates, 2 \o\. No. 20, ib. 4to, 1828-29 Fifty copies were purchased for the Members. /.((5 ^ "^996 Memoirs of his own Life, by Sir James Melville of Halhill, 1549- (lVfO{ 1593, edited from the Original MS. by Thomas Thomson, facsimiles ONLY 50 COPIES : printed on Club Paper ; Presentation Copy to T. Thomson, with an autograph note from John Kerr No. 21, ib. 1827, reprinted, 4to, 1833 Reprinted from the Bannatyne Club edition of 1827 at the expense of 48 Sub- scribers, nearly all being Members of the Maitland Club. [1^1^ *^997 Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland, 1689- ^^^^c^ 1691, by Major Gen. Hugh Mackay, with an Appendix of Original Papers, portrait ONLY 50 COPIES : printed on Club Paper^o. 22, ib. 4to, 1833 Edited and presented by P. F. Tytler and A. Urquhart. t^ w V- ^2^ Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents that have passed within the Xi^fXi Country of Scotland since the Death of King James the ^^ Fourth till 1575, edited from a MS. of the Sixteenth Century, in the possession of Sir John Maxwell, by Thomas Thomson, facsimile ONLY 91 COPIES . No. 23, ib. 4to, 1833 Printed at the expense of the Club. I ■^1 Presented by Alexander Campbell r 999 Cartularium Comitatus de Levenax ab initio Seculi Decimi Tertii rtM^t*4^.*Hv usque ad annum 1398, edited by James Dennistoun, jun. ONLY 90 COPIES PRINTED No. 24, ib. 4to, 1 833 "i "iJi and other Documents illustrative of the History and Lite *^ ^^ rature of Scotland, edited by J. Kerr, J. Bain, Dr. Fleming, A. Macdonald, J. W. Mackenzie, John Smith, and Joseph Robertson, facsimiles, 3 vol. and vol. 4, part 1 ONLY 110 COPIES No. 25, 5], & 57. ib. 4to, 1840-47 Printed at the expense of the Club. R n- \ 124 . Maitland Club Publications — continued. 1001 Miscellaneous Papers, principally illustrative of the Events in H^A^ ^^^ Reigns of Queen Mary and King- James VI, edited by *^ ^ W. J. Duncan, facsimile No. 26, Glasgoiv, 4to, 1884' Presented by Andrew Macgeorge. C\ , 6 1002 Records of the Burgh of Prestwick in the Sheriflfdom of Ayr, (Uet/te>tv 1470 1782, with an Appendix and illustrative Notes, edited by John Fullarton, frontispiece on India paper, and fac- simile ONLY 90 COPIES PRINTED . No. 27, ih. 4to, 1834. Presented by John Smith of Swinridgemuir. \ ^ w 1003 Illustrations of Scottish History, from the XII to the XVI Cen- "lMa *"^y' selected from Unpublished MSS. in the British I Museum and the Tower of London, edited by Jos. Stevenson ONLY 91 COPIES PRINTED No. 28, ib. 4to, 1834 Presented by Moses Steven, of Polmadie. 1004 The Works of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen, edited by Thomas MWX, Maitland ONLY 93 COPIES PRINTED No. 29, Edinb. 4to, 1834 Presented by Henry Cockburn and Thomas Maitland. ^, l^c. 1094 The Works of Sir Thomas Urquhart, edited by T. Maitland, with his Translation of the Romance of Gargantua and Pantagruel, from the French of Dr. Fr. Rabelais, edited with an Introductory Notice and Life by Theodore Martin, portraits, and a frontispiece by C. K. Sharpe, 2 vol. ONLY 92 COPIES PRINTED of the Works, and 100 of the Romance No. 30, ib. reprinted ^io, 1834-38 The vol. containing the works was presented to the Club by Sylvester Douglas Sterling, and in the Romance published by Thomas G. Stevenson is in- serted a Portrait, Title, and List of Members, printed to range with the Publications of the Maitland Club. I V ^ 1006 History of Mary Queen of Scots, a Fragment, translated from the original French of Adam Blackwood, edited by Alexan- der Macdonald, the Notice by Thomas Thomson ONLY 96 COPIES PRINTED No. 31, ib. 4to, 1834 Presented by Robert Adam. h ^ I \- 1007 Collections upon the Lives of the Reformers and most Eminent ^ ,,---^^-— Ministers of the Church of Scotland, by the Rev. Robert Wodrow, edited by John Kerr, Dr. Macfarlan, Dr. Fleming, W. J. Duncan, and John Smith, vol. 1 in 2 parts, and vol. 2 part 1, 3 vol. ONLY no COPIES No. 32, Glasgow, 4to, 1834-45 Printed at the expense of the Club. 1005 : Atl, luuo r 125 yj Maitland Club Publications— continued. U lO ^ 1008 Certane Tractatis for Reformation of Doctryne and Maneris in -f^^|l Scotland, by N. Winzet, 1562-156S, with Life of Winzet ^ ^NLT 96 COPIES PRINTED No. 33, Edinh. 4to, 1835 Presented by John Black Grade. y \[\ y^ 1009 Reports on the State of Certain Parishes in Scotland, made to IV^^fii^uthe Commissioners for Plantation of Kirks, &c. April xii^'^ 1627, from the originals, edited by Alexander Macdonald ONLY 96 COPIES PRINTED " No. 34, ih. 4to, 1835 Presented by Alexander Macgrigor. [XO i^ 1010 Letters to King James the Sixth, from the Queen, Prince Os Henry, Prince Charles, the Princess Elizabeth and her ^•^^^^^"^ husband Frederick King of Bohemia, and from their son Prince Frederick Henry, from the originals, edited by A. Macdonald, with 35 lithograph facsimiles of the letters ONLY 82 COPIES PRINTED No. 35, ih. 4to, 1835 ^ Presented by Sir Patrick Walker, of Coates, Knight. k(?-«^ ion Papers relative to the Royal Guard of Scottish Archers in d^ M1| France, from original documents, edited by A. Macdonald, A plate ONLY 93 COPIES PRINTED No. 36, ih, 4to, 1835 Presented by James Dunlop. ^►'m-v. 1012 Cochrane (The) Correspondence regarding the Affairs of (\yjAL^ t Glasgow, 1745-46, edited by James Dennistoun, y^'on^w- piece on India paper y and facsimiles No. 37, Glasgow, 4to, 1836 Presented by James Smith, of Jordanhill. (*^^ ^ "^1013 Catalogue of the Works Printed for the Maitland Club, with L (Tjirvu^ I-^s^s of the Members and Rules of the Club ^^ No. 38, 4to, 1836 Printed at the expense of the Club. V I u 1014 Index to a Private Collection of Notices entituled Memorabilia "£iil/L °^ ^^^ ^^^y of Glasgow, selected from the Minute- Books of I the Burgh, 1587-1750 No. 39, Glasgow, Uo, 1836 Edited and presented by John Smith. /.i/^v— ^^^^ Scalacronica, by Sir Thomas Gray, of Heton ; a Chronicle of ..,-c^- England and Scotland from A.D. 1056 to A.D. 1362, now first printed from the unique MS., with an Introduction and Notes by Joseph Stevenson ONLY 108 COPIES No. 40, £'c?m6. 4to, 1836 J Printed at the expense of the Club. V,/') 1016 Selections from unpublished Manuscripts in the College of ^ (ni»„ivt/vi.Arms and the British Museum, illustrating the Reign of '^^^^^^Mary Queen of Scotland, 1543-1568, edited by Joseph Stevenson No. 41, Glasgow, 4to, 1837 Presented by Kirknian Finlay, of Castle Toward. 126 ^^ Maitland Club Publications— continued. IC ^2 y\ 101*7 The Life and Death of King James the First of Scotland, /O^^^* edited by Joseph Stevenson No. 42, Edinh. 4to, 1837 Presented by George Macintosh. I . ^ 10L8 Ancient Scotish Melodies, from a MS. of the Reign of King pCiA\ James VI, with an Introductory Enquiry illustrative of t the History of Music in Scotland, by William Dauney No. 43, e6.4to, 1838 Purchased for the Members. l I V6 u 1019 Sir Beves of Hamtoun, a Metrical Romance, now first edited <^K^J/ from the Auchinleck MS. frontispiece by C. K, Sharpe, ^'^*^ and facsimile . No. 44, i6. 4to, 1838 Edited and presented by W. B. D. D, Turnbull. I 6' u 1020 Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford, compiled by J. G. {^^fiti^UwJochrane . No. 45, ih. 4to, 1838 Presented by J. G. Lockhart. [to u 10^1 Chronicon deLanercost, 1201-1346, e Codice Cottoniano nunc *f AAa P>^i«ium Typis Mandatum, edited by Joseph Stevenson, ^^^ 2 parts in 1 vol. . No. 46, ib. 4to, 1839 , Presented by Archibald Campbell, of Blythswood. I h ^ 1022 De Arte Logistica Joannis Naperi Merchistonii Baronis, Libri *- Oii^*^^ q^i supersunt, with Introduction by Mark Napier, portrait }^ A and plate . No. 47, ib. 4to, 1839 ^ Printed at the expense of the Club. ( . ^ ^ 1023 The Scottish Metrical Romance of Lancelot du Lak, now first [jV^^vt/^ printed from a MS. of the XVth century belonging to the University of Cambridge, with Miscellaneous Poems from the same volume, edited by Joseph Stevenson No. 48,26. 4to, 1839 Printed at the expense of the Club. 1 ^ . 1 b '^ 1024 Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland. Acts and Proceed- ■f* vf. ings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, ^ collected from the most Authentic MSS. from 1560-1618, with Appendix, containing Historical Illustrations of the Proceedings of the Church of Scotland from 1597-1603, edited by Thomas Thomson, 4 vol. No. 49, ib. 4to, 1839-45 Printed at the expense of the Club. ^1025 Letters to the Argyll Family, from Queen Elizabeth, Mary A Queen of Scots, King James VI, King Charles I and II, ^)-Jtt^\A-^ and others, from the originals, with an Appendix, edited by A. Macdonald, with lithographed facsimiles No. 50, 26. 4to, 1839 Presented by the Duke of Argyll. \ ^ 127 Maitland Club Publications — continued. iriO [a 1026 Rob Stene's Dream, a Poem, printed from a MS. in the Leigh- "^HJIa. ^^^^^^ Library, Dunblane, edited by Dr. Fleming, William \ Motherwell, and John Smith, Jac-simile No. 52, Glasgow, 4to, 1 836 Printed at the expense of the Club. ./ ,1^1027 Narrative of Charles Prince of Wales' Expedition to Scotland ^ — ^ in 174-5, by James Maxwell, of Kirkconnell No. 53, Edinb. 4to, 184.1 Presented by Walter Buchanan. / _^.^ 1028 Documents Illustrative of Sir William Wallace, his Life and /f)*^j^. Times, edited by Joseph Stevenson, yac-^m^Ye Presented by Robert Rodger. 1029 Row (John) Historic of the Kirk of Scotland from 1558 to ^"{jL 1639, with the Coronis ; being a Continuation and addi- ( tional Illustrations, by William Row, 2 vol. No. 55, ih. 4to, 1842 ^ Presented by Beriah Botfield. .(^(i^ 1030 Notices of Original Unprinted Documents, preserved in the ilUni-Vw-, Office of the Queen's Remembrancer and Chapter- House, '^^^^ Westminster, illustrative of the History of Scotland, edited by Joseph Stevenson . No. 56, ib. 4to, 1842 , Printed at the expense of the Club. li^31 The Coltness Collections, 1608-1840, edited by James ^iM.u/>iJUP^^^^^^^^^ . No. 5S, ib, 4to, 1842 Presented by James Bogle. ♦** . . 1032 Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron, of Locheill, Chief of the ^H/1 Clan Cameron, with an Introductory Account of the I History and Antiquities of that Family and of the neigh- bouring Clans, edited by James Md^ckmghi, portrait by Bell No. 59, ib. 4to, 1 842 J Presented by "William Crawfurd and Robert Pitcairn. If ^1033 Analecta: or Materials for a History of Remarkable Pro- ^ — ^- — vidences ; mostly relating to Scotch Ministers and Christ- ians, by the Rev. Rob. Wodrow, edited by Dr. M. Leishman, 4 vol. . No. 60, ib. 4to, 1842-43 Presented by the Earl of Glasgow. "f , i{^^ 1034 Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, Munimenta Ecclesie Me- ' — '^ tropolitane Glasguensis a sede restaurata seculo Ineunte XII, ad Reformatam Religionem, edited by Cosmo Innes, plates of seals, view of the cathedral on India paper, and fac- similes, 2 vol. . No. 61, ib. 4to, 1843 Presented by James Ewing. I Ik v^ 128 Maitland Club Publications - continued. (^ (u lA 1035 Liber Ecclesie de Scon Munimenta Vetustiora Monasterii -Pa-|/ SancteTrinitatiset SanctiMichaelis de Scon, edited byCosrao • Innesy plates and fac- similes No. 62, Edinh. 4?to, 1843 , Presented by William Smythe. *7_. b ^ r- 1036 Registrum Episcopatiis Aberdonensis Ecclesie Cathedralis ^__-Y^^^ Aberdonensis Regesta que extant in unum collecta, edited by Cosmo Innes, 2 plates in gold and colours^ 2 of seals, and numerous facsimiles, 2 vol. No. 63, ih. 4to, 1845 i Printed at the expense of the Club. ^^37 Papers Illustrative of the Political Condition of the Highlands of Scotland, from 1689 to 1696 No. 64, Glasgow, 4to, 1845 Presented by John Gordon. t (^ M 1038 Liber Collegii Nostre Domine Registrum Ecclesie B. V. Marie LAyUh ^* ^' ^""^ ^"^^^ Muros Civitatis Glasguensis, 1549; '^ I accedunt Munimenta Fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu Domus Dominicane apud Glasguenses carte que Supersunt 1 244- 1 549, edited by Wm. Robertson No. 65, ib. 4to, 1 846 . Presented by the Marquis of Bute. (c c. 1039 Inventory, &c. The Pollock Papers.— A Collection of 34 (pj/^/^fL/C Charters, Instruments, Decreets, &c. forming 5 sheets, all printed, half morocco, unout, uniform with the Club books , n, d. These five sheets were printed for the members of the Maitland Club, but afterwards withdrawn and suppressed. 1040 Autographs of Sixty-five Members of the Maitland Club, being l\^,ijAMt\. t^^<^'^ Signatures to the Election Circulars, mounted on Club Paper, half morocco, club binding 4to, v. y. O.i Kr l-^^A-. ^S&^ Malone (Edmond) Account of the Incidents from which the (j|;yN^y(^^ Title and Story of Shakspeare's Tempest were derived, and its true date ascertained, with Appendix PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 80 copies ; Presentation Copy to Thomas Park, with autograph inscription and / note, half blue morocco, top edges gilt 8vo, 1808 Cj^^to -^ A^i£ ManteJl (Sir Thomas) New Editions of Tracts relative to the I (AiuA^u£i"^"® Ports and Coronations from 1771 to 1828 — Cinque Ports Brotherhoods and Guestlings, an Account of the Antiquities thereof, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED : crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day Dover, 4to, 1828 129 \^ (c- 1043 Markland (James Hey wood) Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen, ^.J^^^^^^^^^President of the Society of Antiquaries, on the Expediency ^^y^^^of attaching a Museum of Antiquities to that Institution PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; light brown calf extra, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie . 8vo, 182S (^ (A ^104-4 Markland (J. H.) Sketch of the Life and Character of / ^ -£^ tl^i George Hibbert, Esq. ftllVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Sir H. Free- ling ; maroon morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . 8vo, 1837 «► ( u 1045 Marchant (Nathaniel) Catalogue of One Hundred Impressions j)cvViAj^from Antique Gems, engraved by PRIVATELY PRINTED; sewed . 4t0, 1792 ^Q 1046 Marlborough (George Spencer, Duke of) Gemmarum "'^'"^^^^["^i^NTIQUARUM DELECTUS; ex praestantioribus desumptus, ^quae in Dactyliothecis Ducis Marlburiensis conservantur, frontispieces, and 100 plates engraved by Bartolozzi, ^c. 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; yellow morocco extra, joints, sides, backs, and broad inside borders, most richly tooled, fly- leaves, and linings of watered rose-coloured silk, with narrow gUt borders, and gilt leaves, by Hayday foho, 1780 One hundred copies only were printed of this sumptuous work, for presents. The Latin exposition was written by Jacob Bryant and Dr. Wm. Cole, and the French translation by Messrs. Maty and Dutens. (^ 1047 Marlow (C.) Translation of Certaine of Ovid's Elegies. Epi- wTiaMjiXJ"' grammes and Elegies by I. D. and C. M., edited by T. Maitland FIFTY copies ONLY REPRINTED, 2.5 of which ivere for sale. Presented to Abm. Thomson, with the editors autograph inscription ; yellow morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Midleborough, n. d. Edinb. square 12mo, n. d. I ^.^^,-T_l048 Marriott (Dr. William) Collection of English Miracle- Plays, or gveen morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Basel, 8vo, 1838 ^ 3 (j 1049 Marsh (John) Memoranda of the Parishes of Hursley and flv^i^ North Baddesley, in the County of Southampton, plates PRIVATELY PRINTED; uncut Winchester, royal 8vo, 1808 / (t^ 1050 Marsden (William) Brief Memoir of his Life and Writings, by ^ ^ ^' ^ himself, with Notes from his Correspondence ; and Maon and Moriat, a Tragedy, which is often wanting PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Jer. Harman, Esq, ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 4to, 1838 'U\ 130 /I W'O 1051 Martin (John) Bibliographical Catalogue of Books Privately —0 Hi Printed, including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and ^^ ^ Roxburghe Clubs, and of the Private Presses at Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Strawberry Hill, 2 frontispieces, one coloured, 2 vol. in 1 LARGE PAPER : Onlt^ 50 copies printed ; maroon morocco extra, joints, sides and hack very richly tooled, broad inside borders tooled, vellum fly-leaves with narrow painted . ^ borders thereon, gilt leaves, by Hayday imperial 8vo, 1834 VA I J t4 1052 Mary Queen of Scots, Collections relative to the Funerals of, ^^^ edited, wath Notes and Illustrations, by Robert Pitcairn, frontispiece THICK PAPER: only 25 copies printed ; Presentation Copy ; dark green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, Kgilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. Svo, 1 822 ^^ 1053 Mary Queen of Scots. Catalogue of the Library of Mary ^Yh-Mx/. Q"6en of Scots, and of King James VI, with Notes PRIVATELY PRIJiTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back . richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 4to, n. d. ^' Ih L 1054- Maskell (William) Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae ; L (1)lVA^\a4P'' Occasional Offices of the Church of England according u>-the ancient Use of Salisbury; the Prymer, in English, &c. uwith Dissertations on the Old Service Books, 3 vol. — The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the Mo- dern Roman Liturgy, y^r*^ and second editions of the latter work, 5 vol. purple morocco extra, sides and backs neatly blind-tooled, I i ^ gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, Svo, 1844-47 U ^ (^ 1055 Maskell (W.) History of the Martin Marprelate Controversy ^ ('\vvA'iM>i in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth cloth, uncut . ib. small Svo, 1 845 (\ [j 1056 Masters (Robert) Short Account of the Parish of Waterbeach, ' tW^/\^2^ ^^ ^^^ Diocese of Ely, plate ^n^lVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies ; calf, sprinkled edges . . Svo, 1795 Upcott gives the authorship to the Rev. Tho. Martin ? 1057 Mathias (T. J.) Odes, English and Latin ^^^f^yVVu PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; crimson morocco ) extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . . I2mo, 1798 1058 Maude^John) Visit to the Falls of Niagara in ISOO, plates, Lii/tv, p'i' oofs on India paper \ LARGE PAPER: Only 4 copies printed; blue morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . imperial 8vo, 1826 \) 1059 Meadley (George W.) Memoirs of Mrs. Jebb f|^,^(^PRIVATELY PRINTED ; C^M . Svo, 1812 G 1V| f 131 _1060 Medici (Lorenzo de') Poesie, tratte da Testi a Penna della k / Libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana e finora inedite ^^ (PRIVATELY PRINTED; and only 12 copies; sumptuously bound in green morocco, most chastely inlaid with va^Hous coloured leathers, sides and back most elaborately and richly tooled all over, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday, a superb specimen of binding Liveipool, 1791 Of this edition of the Sonnets of Lorenzo de' Medici, printed by Mr. William Roscoe, of Liverpool, author of the Life of that great man, in 1795. Only twelve copies were printed: this, which is one of them, was given by that gentleman to Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. See MS. note in the Earl of Orford' s autograph underneath his book-plate on the back of the title. ^ *1 u 1061 Meigh (Charles) A Critical and Descriptive Catalogue of his c CAajAu*^*^ Collection of Pictures at Grove House, Shelton, view of the house, proof on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED ; cloth, uncut Hanley, royal 4to, 1 843 ^ ( ( -J1062 Melros :— Chronica de Mailros, e Codice Unico in Bibliotheca jS-ltv, Cottoniana servato, edited with Notes and Index by Joseph -^^'^ ( Stevenson, yffc-5mt7e LARGE PAPER ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday JEdinb, 4to, 1 835 Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 50. Presented by Sir John Hay and Alexander Pringle. I lo j^~ 1063 Melros -.—Liber Sancte Marie DE Melros. Munimenta ''4a*44.vuvi, ^^^"^^^^''^ Monasterii Cisterciensis de Melros, edited by ^ACosmo Innes, 27 plates and vignettes of seals and fac- similes, mostly on India paper, icith a few duplicates co- ,fa ^ loured, as are also some of the other facsimiles, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER : crimson morocco, inlaid with various co- loured leathers, sides and backs sumptuously tooled, joi?its, with crimson morocco linings chastely tooled, vellum fy- leaves, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. royal 4to, 1837 Privately Printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 57. Presented by his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensbury. |. ( 1064 Melville (W. Leslie) Selection of a few Letters concerning Jltf-^iJ. Church Government in Scotland in 1690, from the Col- lection of the Earl of Leven and Melville PRIVATELY PRINTED ; purple morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 8vo, 1840 ^ 1065 Mendip (Lord) Catalogue of his Library and Books at (\^x,uA/\j^ Twickenham BR IVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 4to, 1797 S 132 v^ I4-V* 1066 Meredith (W. G.) Tour to the Rhine, with Antiquarian and -f^-fL other Notices 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED: and No, 13 of 95; Presentation Copy^ uncut . impl. 8vo, 1825 ( . ^ V. 1067 Merivale (John Herman) Poems, Original and Translated, now , — u- first collected, 3 vol. yellow morocco extra, gilt leaves, . . . by Hay day . Ptc^erm^, small 8vo, 1838-4<4 U lW'(^ 1068 Meyrick (Sir Samuel Rush) Painted Illustrations _-iu— OF Ancient Arms and Armour, a Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particu- larly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles II, with a Glossary, &c. ; a new and greatly improved Edition, corrected and enlarged throughout, upwards of 100 plates richly coloured and illuminated, mostly in gold and silver, 3 vol. half red morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hay day H. G, Bohn,ioY\o, 1844* ^ u'-.t- - 1069 Meyrick (Sir S. R.) Heraldic Visitations of Wales, and part ^..^-i,^^ of the Marches between 1586 and 1613, frontispieces, 2 vol. cloth, uncut . Llandovery, for the Welsh MS, Society, royal 4?to, 1846 iA \ ^ 1070 Middleton (Thomas) A Tragi Coomodie called the Witch, (\/>^lJiJtfJii edited by I. Reed No. 25 of 100 PRINTED: Presentation Copy — see 2 notes upon the fly -leaf, the one written by the Editor, the other by Horace ff^alpole, sewed, uncut . 8vo, 1778 L\ 1^ ^ 1071 Middleton (T.) Works, with Life and Notes by Alex. Dyce, S^\\r LQ77 Miscellanea, by J. G., containing Translations of Addison's ^KAAa, Machinae Gesticulantes, & Spheeristerium ; Frowde's Cursus / Glacialis ; Airs from Metastasio ; Tasso's Canzone to the Metaurus ; Select Italian Sonnets, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED : maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 4to, 1818 »» lO 1^ 1078 Moncrieff (W. T.) Poems PRIVATELY PRINTED : crimson morocco, sides and back ^n'L*-^^AiA^\il. richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 12mo, 1829 (^ ^ 1079 Money (R. C.) Journal of a Tour in Persia during 1824-1825, PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to C. W. Le Bas, uncut . 8vo, 1828 t // ^ 1080 Monson (Lord) Journal of a Tour in Germany through the ^4'VC«-i.4vwffl'yrol, Salzkaramergut, the Danube, &c. in 1839 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 8vo, n. d, U^t^ 1081 Montagu (Basil) Inquiry into the Aspersions upon the late 'jj'j I Ordinary of Newgate, with Observations upon Newgate and the Punishment of Death PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . royal 4to, 1815 \.t)^^ 1082 Montagu (B.) Thoughts on Laughter ^ J^l^^o^jlrPRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE — see the publishers attes- tation on the Jiy-leaf; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves Pickering, 12mo, 1830 K^^, 6 1083 Montagu (B.) Thoughts on Laughter OXQJU I'l^INTED ON YELLOW PAPER, UNIQUE ; blue morocCO extra, ^^^ sides very neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. 12mo, 1830 / / 1084 Montagu (J. A.) Guide to the Study of Heraldry, genealogical ^ /UvuAAa^ table, with the arms emblazoned, and woodcuts ci'imson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Pickering, 4to, 1840 (, A 1085 Monteith (Robert) Description of the Islands of Orkney and I ^ J? v/i Zetland, reprinted from the edition of 171 1, published under "^ ^ the superintendence of Sir Robert Sibbald, Knight, M.D, two facsimiles of the exceedingly rare maps PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; half blue morocco extra, uncut, by Hayday , Edinb. 8vo, 1845 h ^ rt)86 w 134 It)86 Monteith (R.) Description of the Islands of Orkney and Zet- land, published by Sir R. Sibbald, 2 maps ^ONLY 14^4 COPIES PRINTED; cloth, uncut Edinh. 8vo, 1845 ^ y] \^ /'^i^7 Monti, Caius Gracchus, a Tragedy, translated by J. H. WifFen C >MA/\- privately PRINTED: and only 50 copies; Presentation J Copy, with inscrijition in the translator' s autograph blue morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1830 ^^^^Vs^-t^ 1088 More (Sir Thomas) Utopia, translated by Raphe Robinson, ^ Qi^^c^with Notes and a Biographical and Literary Introduction by r T. F. Dibdin, portrait, the family of Sir T, More, and woodcuts, 2 vol. in 1 LARGE PAPER: Only 150 copies printed ; blue morocco extra, joints, sides, and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 4to, 1808 ^^ C^ ^^ -^P^^ More (Sir T.) Philomorus, a Brief Examination of the Latin [y^Yi^A^^06"^s of Sir T. More cloth, uncut . Pickering, 12mo, 1842 [. Ij 1090 Mores (Edward Rowe) Dissertation upon English Typographical '^ * Founders and Founderies, with Appendix by Nichols ONLY 100 COPIES of this work were printed, and 80 of the Appendix ; half olive mor. top edges gilt royal 8vo, 1778-9 ^ 3 v^ 1091 Morley (Lady) Account of Lord Boringdon's Accident, and its ,,. — 76.—. Consequences, with Verses to his Memory, portrait, proof on India paper, and monument PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Fr, Wrang- ham, with an autograph note from her Ladyship, uncut 4to, 1818 1 L ^ 1092 Moule (Thomas) Heraldry of Fish, Notices of the Principal I l^r'Jii^^ .Families bearing Fish in their Arras, numerous wood ^Wgravings LARGE PAPER; cloth, uncut Van Voorst, royal 8vo, 1842 l^i^u ^^^^ Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous, with Extracts from a (ilf ^^'^^^ Tourist's Journal (/ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; dark green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, 1839 s^ Ob 1094 Mountmorres (Lord) The Prodigal, or Marriage A-la-Mode, a luyu ly Sl fvs^ci/K Comedy, in Five Acts PRIVATELY PRINTED : with notes upon the title, in the auto- graph of Horace Walpole. Ea74 of Orford 8vo, 1794 tf-v J 095 Mullner (Adolphus) Guilt, or the Anniversary, a Tragedy, \mAV\Ain.translated by R. P. GiUies PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrangham,with inscription in the translator's autograph ; dark morocco extra, sides and back blind tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 4to, 1819 135 ( ,J ^^ 1096 Murray (Lady) Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of the •QMJl^ lit. Hon. Geo. Baillie of Jerviswood, and Lady G. Baillie, 1 edited by Thomas Thomson PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER ; Presentation Copy maroon morocco extra^ sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt I I leaves, hy Hayday . Edinb. 8vo, 1822 c ' ^ ^ 1097 Muss. Etchings to Illustrate Gay's Fables, 33 beautiful plates j)^i^[j1^^^jPRiyATELY PRINTED; half green morocco, gilt leaves, by ^j}Iackenzie . 4to, n. d. In consequence of the death of that excellent artist these etchings were never published. Only a few copies were worked off in his life-time as speci- mens : see note in the autograph of Mr. Haiirott. 9 U^ 1098 Naperi Merchistonii Baronis (Joannis) De Arte LOGISTICA C\ sAA Libri qui supersunt, edited by Mark Napier, portrait and plate, fine proofs LARGE AND THICK PAPER; Presentation Copy to Tho. Thomson, Esq. with autograph inscription ; crimsonmor, ,^ extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Edinb. 4to, 1839 Privately printed for the Maitland Club, No. 47. 1099 Napier (Mark) Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston, his _w^^^_^ Lineage, Life, and Times, with a History of the Invention of Logarithms, portraits and plates crimson morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib, ^to, 1834 Uniform with the preceding work. QrM 1100 Napoleone (II Grande) La Selva Napoleoniana Composizione \l^Ci^.J\rTr Pastorale Opera di T. Grapputo, portrait PRINTED UPON VELLUM ; crimson morocco, Joints, gilt leaves Venezia, royal 8vo, 1809 ^ 1101 Neale (Rev. Cornelius) Memoir of, with his Remains by W. ^If^jL- Jowett PRIVATELY PRINTED ; blue morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt and marbled leaves, hy Clarke and Bedford . 8vo, 1833 j^ J 102 Neve (Philip) Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English /VUivVUu. Poets, particularly Milton PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenxie . 8vo, 1789 ^^1103 Neve (P.) Narrative of the Disinterment of Milton's Coffin, in ^"V*^ August 1790, second edition, with additions crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Svo, 1790 1104 Newbery (Francis) Donum Araicis, Verses on various Occa- ([jmLJ- ^^""^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to Jas. Bindley, Esq. ; green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves . 8vo, 1815 L^.l li 136 1105 Newcastle. Account of the Proceedings in Newcastle-upon- /Tj I ^ Tyne and Gateshead, in Celebration of the Coronations of vJUTvwL George III & IV, woodcuts: Only 6 copies printed — Report of the Trial of Watson v. Carr, for Assault and False Imprisonment, portrait inserted — Stanzas on the intended New Line of Road from Potticar Lane to Leyburn Hole : Only 20 copies printed — Account of the Rebellions in 1715-16, 174-5-46, as they relate to Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle: Only 20 copies printed; 4 Tracts, in 1 vol. LARGE PAPER: uncut Newcastle, royal 8vo, 1822-3 1106 Newcastle. Account of the Death and Funeral Procession of V- pvvwi^JC ^^s Royal Highness Frederick Duke of York ' ONE OF 8 COPIES ONLY : printed upon one side, with 7 broad' sides on the same subject) issued at Newcastle^ portrait in- serted, uncut . ib. Sykes, 4to, 1827 NEWCASTLE TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The following series of publications was commenced in the year 1817 : they were edited by private gentlemen (several of whom afterwards formed themselves into a Typographical Society), and were generally limited in the number of impressions, and in many instances intended only for private dis- tribution. They are uniformly printed in crown octavo, on a yellow laid paper, and form most beautiful specimens of the typographic art, superior to any before executed at Newcastle-upon Tyne. They are illustrated by vignettes, containing the arms of the various editors, cut on wood by the celebrated Bewick and his pupils. This list is given according to the arrangement of the various subjects. Martin's Catalogue of Books privately printed contains many additional particulars ; but they would occupy too much space in a sale catalogue. This is the most complete set ever offered for sale, and comprises several Tracts not mentioned by Martin ; also in one or two instances others that do not strictly belong to the series, comprising 73 vol. uncut. Poetry. ^ . VP w 1 107'^Cheviot, a Poetical Fragment, by R. W., edited by J. Adamson, "JM^*^ 221 copies printed . 1817 I Marriage of the Coquet and the Alwine, edited by Adamson, ^ 225 copies printed . 1817 Lines Addressed to Lady Byron, by Mrs. Cockle X only 20 copies printed . 18 J 7 Reply to Lord Byron's " Fare-thee-well," by Mrs. Cockle only 20 copies printed . 1817 ^ Elegy to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte, by Mrs. Cockle, only 20 copies printed . 1817 Elegy to the same, by Wm. Garret, only 30 copies printed 1817 137 Newcastle Typographical Society Publications — continued. Elegy on the Death of King George III, by Mrs. Cockle, only 20 copies printed . 1820 " Address delivered in the Loyal Northumbrian Social Society, Aug. 28, 1821, by W. G. Thomson, frontispiece \00 copies printed . ' 1822 ^ Verses written at the House of Mr. Henderson at Longleeford, near Cheviot, 130 copies printed 1823 Vicar's (The) Will and Codicil, woodcut^ 200 copies printed 1824? < Lines on the Death of Lord Byron, by W. G. Thomson 1 00 copies printed . . 1 824' /* Poetical Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Burns' Club at Newcastle 1824, by W. G. Thomson 100 copies printed . . 1824? ^ Poetical Address for 182.5, by W. G. Thomson 100 copies printed .• 1825 t^ Stanzas on the intended new Line of Road from Potticar Lane to Leyburn Hole, 100 copies printed 1825 ♦- Lines to a Boy pursuing a Butterfly, by Mrs. S. Hodgson only SO copies printed . . 1826 m Epistle to Prospero, by J. M. de Pando, translated into English by H. Salvini, \00 copies printed . 1828 •^ Cowper's Rose Bushes, edited by J. Fenwick \00 copies printed . 1829 ^ Tynemouth (The) Nun, a Poem, by White, edited by Adamson 200 copies printed . 1829 ** Collier's (The) Wedding, by E. Chicken 1829 ,; Imperii Caput et Rerum Plucherrima Roma, auctore E. H. Adamson, \00 copies printed . 1831 *^ Lay of the Reed Water Minstrel, with Notes by R. Roxby 300 copies printed . . 1832 v Lines suggested by the Death of Vice-Admiral Lord Colling- wood, by W. N Darnell, 250 copies printed 184-2 * On Angling, &c. Angler's (The) Progress, a Poem, by H. Boaz 300 copies printed . 1820 On the Pleasure and Utility of Angling, by W. A. Mitchell, 250 copies printed . . 1824- Tyne (The) Fisher's Farewell to his Favourite Stream on the approach of Winter, by W. G. Thomson 300 copies printed . 1 824* Fisher's (The) Garland for 1821 to 1845 inclusive, by W. G. Thomson, R. Roxby, &c. portrait of T. Bewick^ and woodcuts, 25 tracts, SOO copies of each printed 1821-45 Auld (The) Fisher's Invitation to his Friend, by R. Roxby 1844 138 Newcastle Typographical Society Publications— continued. Biography. ^ Life and Death of Bishop Launcelot Andrewes, edited by J. T. Brockett, onli/ 80 copies printed 1650, reprinted 1817 A Short View of the Long Life and Raigne of Henry III, edited by Brockett, poi^traity 100 copies printed 16'26, reprinted 1817 ^ Remembrance of the Honors due to the Life and Death of Robert, Earle of Salisbury, edited by Brockett, woodcut portrait, 136 copies printed 1612, reprinted 1818 "^ Memoirs of the Public Life of Sir Wra. Blackett, by J. Straker, woodcut portrait, Sfc. 260 copies printed 1819 i^ Memoirs of Marmaduke Tunstall, and George Allan, with Notices of the Works of T. Bewick, by G. T. Fox, portrait and plate of arms : only ^25 copies printed 1827 •;, ',v ^ Life of Ambrose Barnes, Alderman of Newcastle, edited by Sir , C. Sharp, 102 copies printed . 1828 ^ Memoir of Thomas I3ewick, by Brockett, with a Descriptive Catalogue of his Works, portrait and woodcuts only 25 copies printed . 1830 ^ Obituaries of J. Losh, J. Bruce, R. H. Williamson, and the Rev. R. Wansey, by J. Fenwick, portraits * 250 copies printed . 1836 ^ Biographical Sketch of Joshua Marshman, D.D. of Serampore, by Fenwick, \ 50 copies printed 1838 ♦V Obituary-Resolutions of the Committee of the Newcastle-upon- Tyne Bible Society, edited by Fenwick 100 copies printed . 1842 ¥* Biographical Sketch of John Trotter Brockett, by Fen wick, joor^, 250 copies printed . 1 843 / Biographical Notice of the Rev. Wm. Carey, D.D. of Seram- pore, by the Hon. and Rev. W. Herbert, edited by Fenwick, \ 50 copies printed . 1843 ^ Biographical Sketches of Jos. Marshman, D.D. of Serampore, edited by Fenwick, por^raiV, \ 50 copies printed 1843 ♦* Memoir of the Rev. J. Farrer, edited by Fenwick, portrait, 250 copies printed . 1 844 '^ Obituary Notice of Mr. William A. Hails, by Fenwick 1 50 copies printed . 1 845 <> Obituary Notice of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. J. Mack, of Serampore, edited by Fenwick, 150 copies printed 1846 V»^ Memoir of John Trotter Brockett, by Fenwick 100 copies printed . 1846 139 Newcastle Typographical Society Publications — continued. History. Chorographia, or a Survey of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by Wm. G rey, edited by W. Garret, 220 copies printed 1818 Account of the Groat Floods in the Rivers Tyne, Tees, Wear, Eden, &c. in 1771 and 1815, and of the Irruption of Solway Moss, edited by W. Garret, 300 copies pririted \S\S Experimental and Exact Relation of the Siege of Newcastle, in 1644, by Win. Lithgow, edited by Brockett Edinh. 1645; reprinted \S20 His Majesties passing through the Scots Armie, and the Manner of the Scots marching out of Newcastle, edited by Brockett . 1641 ; reprinted 1820 Account of the Rejoicings, Illuminations, he. that have taken place in Newcastle and Gateshead from 1761 to 1821, woodcuts^ 'iOO copies printed . 1821 Battle (The) of Floddon Field, edited by Garret black letter . 1822 Relation of the Taking of Newcastle, and the Manner of Storming the Towne, edited by Brockett 200 copies printed 1644; reprinted \S25 Full Relation of the Scots Martch from Barwicke to New- castle in 1644, edited by Brockett, 200 copies printed 1827 vV -♦4- Coins and Medals. Episcopal Coins of Durham, and the Monastic Coins of Reading, by B. Bartlet; with Notes and Illustrations by Brockett, \05 copies printed . 1817 Essay on the Means of distinguishing Antique from Coun- terfeit Coins and Medals, translated from the French of Beauvais, with Notes, &c. by Brockett 209 copies printed . 1819 Selecta Numismata Aurea Imperatorura Roraanorum ex Museo J. T. Brockett, only 30 copies printed 1822 .s^ Printing. A Memoir on the Origin of Printing ; addressed to John Top- ham, by Ralph Willet, edited by Brockett only 32 copies printed . 1818 A Memoir, the same, Second Edition, \ 50 copies printed 1820 Observations on the Origin of Printing, in a Letter to O. S. Brereton, by R. Willet, edited by John Mnrray only 32 copies printed . 1819 140 Newcastle Typographical Society Pdblications— continued. <^ Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing, translated from the French of M. de la Serna Santander, by T. Hodgson 176 copies py^in ted . 1819 ;ni Biographical Memoirs of Wm. Ged, including a particular Account of his Progress in the Art of Block Printing 160 copies printed . 1819 "^ Essay on the Origin and Progress of Stereotype Printing, including a Description of the various Processes, by Tho- mas Hodgson, 306 copies printed . 1 820 Miscellaneous. v^ Hints on the Propriety of establishing a Typographical Society in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by J. T. Brockett 9,00 copies printed 1818 •^ Essay on the Cultivation of Taste, as a proper Object of Atten- tion in the Education of Youth, by Wm. Enfield only 4« copies printed this size . 1818 SI A Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press "^e*^ of George Allan, at Darlington, by Brockett only 24 copies printed . 1818 ^ Conchological Tables, compiled principally for the Use of Shell Collectors, by Adamson, 100 copies printed 1823 ♦'Letters of the Rev. John Brand to Mr. R. Beilby, of New- castle-upon-Tyne, edited by Fenwick 100 copies printed . 1825 ^ Account of the Statue of King Charles H, formerly on Tyne Bridge, Newcastle, with the Pasquinade on its Removal to the Exchange, and the Reply . 1826 *'^ Bibliotheca Lusitana ; or Catalogue of Books and Tracts re- lating to the History, Literature, and Poetry of Portugal, 1 by John Adamson, 100 copies printed 1836 Lusitania Illustrata: Notices on the History, Antiquities, Literature, &c. of Portugal, with Biographical Sketches of \ the Authors, by Adamson, 2 parts . 1842-46 Letter of the Rev. John Brand to Mr. John Airey, of New- castle-upon-Tyne, edited by G. N. Clark 1 50 copies printed . 184'2 ^ Gathering (The) Ode of the Fenwyke of Northumberland, by W. Richardson, edited by Fenwick, \00 copies printed 1843 t^ Memorial to the Senate of Hamburgh, and Letter to the King of Denmark, edited by Fenwick 150 copies printed, with 10 Duplicate Titles, a plate of arms, and 2 woodcut vignettes , 1 843 141 i/- Cl (o W08 Newton (William) Display of Heraldry, plate and numerous I UjWv^ woodcuts; cloth, uncut . Pickering, 8vo, 1846 ^ to i^ 1109 Nicolas (Sir Harris) Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations, -SxWx^ &c. in the British Museum, Second Edition Ilarge paper ; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . royal 8vo, 1825 i^ ^^ 1110 Nicolas (H.) The Statutes of the Order of the Guelphs 'V^l^j^RIVATELY PRINTED : and only 100 copies; Presentation Copy to the Duke of Sussex ; cloth, uncut Pickering, royal 4to, 1828 x^(^.\o 1111 Nicolas (H.) The Statutes of the Order of the Thistle PRIVATEI^Y PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; Presentation — "^-^^ Copy to the Duke of Sussex ; cloth, gilt leaves «6. royal 4to, 1828 ^ '^ ^ 1112 Nicolas (H.) History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the j\^ivtAvvuExpedition of Henry V to France in 1415, and the Roll of ifthe Men at Arms in the English Army, portrait on India paper, plate, maps, and plans coloured, Second Edition LARGE PAPER; "dark red morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, marbled and gilt leaves, by Hay day royal 8vo, 1832 ^,^ 1113 Nicolas (H.) History of the Orders of Knighthood " lvvHA''uS^ ^^^ British Empire ; of the Order of the Guelphs of ^lanover; and of the Medals, Clasps, and Crosses conferred n)r Naval and Military Services; portrait of Queen Vic- toria, with the additional illustrations of the portraits of P^-ince Albert, Duke of Cambridge, Duke of Sussex, and the King of Hanover, title and many plates, coloured and heightened with gold, woodcuts, and two portraits of the author inserted, one ajjroofon India paper before letters, the other coloured crimson morocco extra, joints, sides, backs, and broad in- sides, sumptuously tooled, light blue watered silk fy leaves and linings with gilt borders and gilt leaves, by Hayday imperial 4to, 1842 1114 North (Sir Dudley) Discourses upon Trade, principally directed O-y^fwC to the Cases of Intrest, Coynage, Clipping, and Increase of Money, edited by Lord Murray privately printed : LARGE PAPER, UNIQUE ; dark green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Wick war 1691, reprinted, Edinb. 4to, 1822 / 1 1 15 North (Roger) Memoirs of Musick, now first printed from the rEiii^ original MS., and edited, with copious Notes by E. F. Rim- 7 bault, portrait, half morocco, uncut 4to, 1846 14^^ 1 116 North of England and Scotland in 1704 flir^^ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED; dark green morocco extra, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Edinb, small 8vo, 1818 142 tA I H^i^ 1117 Northampton (Lady) Irene, a Poem in Six Cantos; and Mis- IVrM^Miii^^l^a'^^oiis Poems PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson movGcco extra, sides and hack richly tooled^ gilt leaves, hy Hay day 8vo, 1833 { '\ "t-- 1118 Northampton. Copies of the Polls taken at the several Elec- Oli/'^llCr tions for Members to represent the County of Northampton in Parliament in the Years 1702-1705-1730-1745-1806, and 1831, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY REPRINTED BY BERIAH BOTFIELD; crimson mor. extra, sides and bach neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Northampton, 4to, 1831-2 h ylO '^^ 1119 Northumberland (C. F., Duchess of) Castles of Alnwick and /^l/WwWt^W'ark worth, ^SJine plates and vignettes on India paper, \vith a plate oj'arms emblazoned PRIVATELY PRINTED ; blue morocco extra, sides and back covered with tooling, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie royal 4to, 1823 The following note, written by Sheffield Grace, at the sale of whose library this copy was purchased, is inserted at the commencement of the work: — " This most splendidly and judiciously illustrated work is wholly compiled by the taste and talents of the noble and accomplished mistress of these venerable structures, which history and poetry have equally contributed to embellish and immortalize. " It is almost unnecessary to add, that tJiis attractive and exquisitely finished volume is privately printed ; and that as the number of copies is extremely limited, and the distribution of them confined to personal pre- sents from the Duchess, scarcely any bibliographical gem of modern art is so highly appreciated by the collector of rare and privately printed works." ^^ y^i^ 1120 Northumberland Household Book — Equipage of the Right ^.-fkcTjyx^ Hon. Henry Earl of Northumberland at the Siege of fur win in France, 5th Henry VIII — Instructions for the Lord Percy in his Trauells, given by Henry, the 9th Earl of Northumberland, from the original MS. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; uncut royal 4to, n, d. ^ t. 1121 Novelle Scelte Rarissime Stampate a Spese di XL Amatori, t^^^Jt^1lA^^>wda S. W. Singer ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED; yellow morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled^ joints, Jiy-leaves and linings of blue watered silk richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Mackenzie small 8vo, 1814 CJ^ \ ^ ^ 1 1 22. Novelle Otto, stampate a Spese de' i Signori Giacomo conte di A v^ L Clanbrassill, Tomo Stanley, e Wogan Brown PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only ^25 copies ; with an auto- graph letter of H. Quin, dated Oct. 23, 1 790 ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back Qieatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . . 4io, 1790 143 £i n 1123 Nugae Derelictae: XVIII Tracts relative to the History, Anti- ^^ £ii\\ q"iti^*s, &c. &c. of Scotland, edited by James Maidment 1 and 11. Pitcairn, lithographed title PRIVATELY PRINTED : blue morocvo e.rti'a, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Edinb. royal 8vo, 1 822 The Tracts collected together in this volume have never been published. Owing to the very limited number of the impressions of many of them, and from the way they have been distributed, it is probable that not more than six co7nplete^sets are in existence. — See preface by J. M. i^i^-^ 1124' Nugae Legales la Festa d'Overgroghi Operetta Seri ^ fyvH^fc^" ^"® ^^*'^' P^^°^® Inglesi-Italiane da Sig. C f edited by James Maidment o.b ria-Comica, Coccalicchi, lited by James Maidment PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 12 copies ; orange morocco extra, sides very richly tooled, gilt leaves, by JMackenzie Edinb. 8vo, 1832 1 1 25 Nugae Poeticae. Select Pieces of Old English Popular Poetry, C\ A I illustrating the Manners and Arts of the XVth Century, ^UfUi^ edited by J. O Halliwell THICK PAPER: No. 1 of only 6 copies printed — see the pub- lisher a attestation on the fly leaf; cloth, uncut J. R. Smith, 8vo, 1844 \ ) h 1126 Nugae Scoticae. Miscellaneous Papers illustrative of Scottish '* t ""^r^^J/^ Affairs 1535-1781, edited by James Maidment, G. R. /" Kinloch, and C. Baxter, portrait of Col. Monro, a blue gown beau A singular Collection of 22 Pieces, of which only 10 com- plete sets were made up for private distribution ; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, I by Mackenzie . Edinb. 8vo, 1829 w ^- O 1127 Nuneham-Courtenay, Description of, in Oxfordshire ^H -tii/lu VRlYATEhY vnm'TEJ) ; calf, sprinkled edges 12mo, 1806 IH/ ^ 1128 Oakley (Benjamin) Letters on Miscellaneous and Domestic ■H |^4W^. 1134' OWAIN Miles, and other Inedited Fragments of ""^-P V/ Ancient English Poetry, edited bv TumbuU and privately printed upon vellum, unique ; dark green morocco extra., sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves Edinh. 8vo, 1837 The only copy printed upon vellum. The work was edited by and printed at the expense of Mr. David Laing and myself: the title-page was illu- minated by Mr. Peimy, being his first attempt in that branch of art. W. B. I). D. TurnbuU, 1838.— ^cc MS. note. (• 'y V, 1 135 Owain Miles, and other Inedited Fragments of Ancient English jlisei^C'W.i.^vx.Poetry, illuminated vignette PRIVATELY PRINTED : rtwc? oTi/^ 35 copies; half green mo- rocco, uncut . ib. small 8vo, 1837 5^1^ ^1136 Owen (Edward Pryce) Etchings, chiefly Architectural, ||-._f^^g7 or /)•«/< and \5 plates, proofs on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED; halfmorocco royal folio, 1826 ** This volume of Etchings deserves to find a place alongside the sketches of modern artists, with which they correspond in size, their style being more in accordance with the etchings of Pinelli {Piranesi), and others of the old school, which Mr. Owen has studied con ainore. As the works of an amateur, they are extraordinary for laborious minuteness and force of execution, combined with a degree of refinement in the production of tone, that is more admirable than the startling efiects. The subjects are chiefly architectural, in which Mr. O. succeeds best, and apparently most delights ; but there are two or three home scenes, with a cottage wall and figures, that recal the etchings of the Flemish landscape painters, and that please us better than the more elaborate and ambitious imitations of Rembrandt's etchings in the twilight, interiors of cottages, and cattle-sheds. " The Welsh Bridge, Salop, with its square gate-tower and machiolated turrets, we regard as the aqjo (Vopera of the collection, both as regards vigour of execution and pictorial skill ; the eflfect of air and distance being rendered with considerable art, and the architectural details richly made out. '* The High-street, Shrewsbury, with its perspective of old-gabled and half- timbered houses ; St. Mary's church and font, the abbey, and the Grey Friar's monastery, are among the more notable plates : the last-mentioned combine some of the rural featiu-es of the landscapes ; and the effect of the slant rays of the declining sun striking on the crumbling ruins of the old pile, gives a mellowing tinge to the scene in harmony with the faded glories of the place." — See Athenaum, 3d Sept. 1842. l^/) w ^^^^ Oxenden (George Chichester) Poems, &c. A-|/ PRIVATELY PRINTED : orange morocco extra, sides and hack I neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day royal 4to, 1829 ir llf}8 Oxford. Narrative of the Proceedings in the Affair between I(I^^.^^i|^ John Swinton and George Baker, of Wadham College, Ox- ford ; also the Proceedings against Dr. R. Thistlethwayte of the same College u 146 ij^ Jj 1139 Oxford and Cambridge University Club, Catalogue of the A\iA\ Library of the IPRIVATELT PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides and - back richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday 8vo, 1840 ^. (^ ip 114<0 Oxford. Account of the Visit of His Royal High- "-U^^ NESS THE Prince Regent, and their Imperial Majesties the Emperor of Russia, and the King OF Prussia, to the University of Oxford in June 1814, plates PRIVATELY PRINTED UPON VELLUM: and one of only 12 copies ; blue onorocco extra, joints, gilt leaves Oxford, ioYio, 1815 " Of this volume, which was not printed for Sale, twelve copies were TAKEN OFF UPON VELLUM, and distributed to the following personages and to the public libraries : 1 . The Prince Regent, afterwards K. George IV. 2. Alexander Emperor of Russia. 3. Frederic William King of Prussia. 4. Louis XVIII King of France. 5. The Prince of Orange*. 6. The Duchess of Oldenburgh. 7. The British Museum. 8. The King's Pri- vate Library, since added to the British Museum. 9. Cambridge Public Library. 10. The Chancellor of Oxford, Lord Grenville. 11. The Bod- leian Library. 12. The RadclifFe Library, Oxford. * "This copy belonged to the Prince of Orange. I purchased it from Messrs. Whitmore and Fenn, Charing Cross, who bought his books before he quitted this country, for which I paid them 15 gtmieas. — London In- stitution, Sept. 6th, 1830. (Signed) William Upcott." The original note of the above will be found in the volume, together with 4 copies of the same which have been printed by C. Whittingham for the present proprietor. L* I 3 c- 1141 PiESTUM : — Short Recollections in a Journey to Paestum; ^;\jiija^ of Pausilippo, Puteoli, Parthenope, and Pompeii, yrow#. PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to J. Holmes, Esq. from Lady Cullum ; green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 12mo, 1828 (, l^_^_ 1142 Painter (William) The Palace of Pleasure, beautified, adorned, /I.. Q^^ well-furnished with Pleasant Histories and Excellent Novels., very requisite for Delight and Profit, edited by Joseph Haslewood, 3 vol. ONLY 250 COPIES PRINTED ; dark red morocco ertra, joints, sides, backs, and insides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 1575; reprinted, 4to, 1813 1143 Paisley (The) Magazine, consisting of Anecdotes, Ancient Ballads, Songs, &c. edited with Notes by Wm. Motherwell, frontispiece red morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Paisley, 8vo, 1828 Cj tc~ ^^ 3144 Palmer (C.J.) History and Illustrations of a House in the -fjiL Elizabethan Style of Architecture in the Town of Great ^^V Yarmouth, Norfolk, portrait proof on India paper, and upwards of 40 plates, by H. Shaw PRIVATELY PRINTED ; blue morocco extra, lined with the same, sides, back, and linings most richly tooled, watered silk fly-leaves, gilt leaves, by Wickwar imp. 4to, 1838 (\^%*»^\r>jifl^ J « 1 Ti^ M. a, '■'I 147 U ^_^ 1145 Pamphlets (12) Wonderful Discoverie of the Witchcrafts of ^-|L Margaret and Philip Flower, 1619, only 250 copies re- f printed — Hand- Book of Taste in Book- Binding — Speeches of Lord Brougham on the Administration of Justice in Ireland — The Corn Laws — The Stamp Duties on News- papers, &c., with a Letter to him by Lord Londonderry, and his Answer, &c. 1839 . "12 1 14'6 Paradise of Dainty Devices, reprinted from a Transcript of the (/(^iJU/tW^^rst Edition, 1576, in the autograph of George Steevens, with Appendix of additional Pieces from the Editions of 1580 and 1600, by Sir E. Brydges ONLY 120 COPIES PRINTED; half olive mordcco e^tra, top edges gilt . 4to, 1810 h ^ 1]4<7 Paris and its Environs, a Series of 200 Picturesque Views, i) J n from original Drawings by Pugin, engraved by C. Heath, J-^ v^yu yvitii Topographical and Historical Descriptions by L. T. Ventouillac, plates, proofs on India paper before the letters, 2 vol. in 1 LARGE PAPER ; half bound red morocco, top edges gilt imp. 4to, 1831 ic^ ^^ 1148 Park (Justice) Memoirs of Wm. Stevens, with the Postscript, — 'C^-—^ 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy ; morocco extra, back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, 1812-23 ff ^ 1149 Parker (Martin) The Nightingale warbling forth her owne \\4kt94x Disaster, or the Rape of Philomela, in English Verse REPRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION, by A. Strettell, Esq. Presentation Copy to Baron Bolland ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, n, d. 1 150 Parkinson, A Legend of the Foundation of Saint Bega's Abbey ^Ifjij/l^ PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 12 copies; half crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday fFhitehaven, 4to, 1826 •(5 1151 Parnell (Thomas) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir (V"i\tcWv ^y *^' Mitford, two portraits, one a proof on India paper, light morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1833 1152 PAYNE (Roger) An Autograph Bill of this Eminent and f'k Eccentric Binder, of which the following is a copy: — ^Jr ♦' Vesalii Humani Corporis Fabrica. The title washed, cleaned, and very neatly mended, The opposite leaf ditto, The Portrate margins cleaned, and the opposite leaf ditto; Fine drawing paper inside, exceeding neat and strong morocco joints ; Fine purple paper inside, very neat ; The outsides Finished with double panes and corner Tools agreablo to The Book. The Back Finished in a very elegant manner with small Tools ; The Boards required peice-ing with strong boards and strong glue to prevent futnro damage to the U 148 corners of the Rook. 2 Cults, new guarded ; The former Book-bhider had mended it very badly as usial. I have done the very Best Work in my Power according to Orders ; / took up a great deal of Time, £0..15s..0d. 1^ ( W v^ 1153 Peck (W.) Topographical Account of the Isle of Axholme, in ^^[JU. Lincolnshire, portrait^ with 3 plates in gold and colours, I and 5 wood engravings, hy Green, vol. I, all published LARGE PAPER : only 20 copies printed ; dark green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Doncaster, royal 4to, 1815 ^^ to V* 1154 Peele (George) Anglorum Feriae : Englandes Hollydayes, cele- ^-^l^^ brated the 17th of Nov. 1595, edited by W. S. Fitch,/rom the original MS. in his possession PRIVATELY PRINTED ON DRAWING PAPER : and one of only 6 copies ; green morocco extra, sides very neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Ipswich, royal 4-to, n. d. I ,<-j^^,^^ 1155 Peel (Sir Robert) Bibliotheca Hibernicana: a Descriptive Ca- (U^y^^i/YAAi. t^^ogue of his Select Irish Library, compiled by W. S. Mason, I 8vo, interleaved throughout with writing paper, in 4to, facsimile PRIVATELY PRINTED: Presentation Copy to Jas. Weale, with autograph inscription; olive rnorocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Dublin, 4to, 1 823 1 156 Peerage Claims. Report of Claims preferred to the House of /] Tji Lords in the Cases of the Cassillis, Sutherland, Spynie, and Glencairn Peerages, by James Maidment PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly ^ tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb, 8vo, 1840 jjt ^ U'^7- Pennant (Thomas) Miscellanies in Verse and Prose, 25 pages, xdU^ complete 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 30 copies ; stitched, uncut Darlington Press, 4to, 178- I t^ 1158 Penn (R.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries of Cuku}^ Fishing, with Maxims and Hints for a Chess Player, wood engravings on India paper LARGE PAPER : Only 25 copies printed ; Presentation Copy from John Murray, the Publisher, to T. Hill, with auto- graph inscription ; green morocco extra, sides emblema - , tically tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, 1833 g , (3 1 159 Percival (Spencer) Letter to the Members of the Privy Council (\i^Z\Jl PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to the Duke of *^^ Sussex, with a note in the autograph of the author; uncut no title printed, 4to, n. d. ^y^—x^ 1160 Percy (Bp. Thomas), John Callander, D. Heard, and others, _,-j,^— Letters to George Paton, with Appendix and Biographical Notices, &c. by James Maidment THICK PAPER: Only 10 copies printed ; maroon morocco extra, sides arid back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mac- kenzie , Edinb. small 8vo, 1830 l^, 149 L ^ 11 Gl Percy. Chronicle of the Family of Percy, edited by Dr. J. Besly, 'f ^/l ^^^ ^^'^^' ^^^^^^^ letters, and borders printed in colours ^ Ilarge PAFER: Onli/ 30 copies printed ; sewed, uncut Newcastle, 4-to, 1844 l^-t^ 1162 Peterborough ( Earl of ) Letters to General Stanhope, in Spain, c.^ from the Originals at Chevening PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies; crimson morocco extra, sides richly tooled , gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo,1834 i*L($~u 1163 Perth (The Book of) an Illustration of the Moral — -t^-. AND Ecclesiastical State of Scotland before and after the Reformation ; with Introduction, Observations, and Notes, by John Parker l^diVison, plates and woodcuts PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE ; half blue morocco extra^ uncut, by Hayday . Edinh. 8vo, 1847 This interesting volume contains Notices of the Monasteries of the Domini- cans or Black-Friars, the Carmelite or White-Friars, and the Carthusians, The Church of St. John the Baptist and its Chapels, The Religious Houses and Chapels, The Demolition of the Monasteries, with Extracts from the Kirk- Session Registers, &c. &c. I (0^ 1164 Petrie (Adam) Rules of Good Deportment, or of Good Breed- U^ilt^^^lv^JjI©' edited, with a Preface, by Thomas Maitland, frontis- piece ly C. K. Sharps PRIVATELY PRINTED ON THICK DRAWING PAPER : and one of only 10 copies ; dark red mor. extra, sides and back richly tooled, g, I. by Mackenzie 1720, Edinb. 4to, 1835 ^ 3 A 1165 Petrie (George) Account of an Ancient Irish Reliquary called ij^CX^ the Domnachairgid, in the posession of the Hon. H. R. ^ Westenra, 5 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER, UNIQUE : Presentation Copy to the Duke of Sussex, with autograph inscription — see note from the author ; cloth, uncut Dublin, imperial 4to, 1 828 / /^ 1166 Phelps (John Delafield) Collectanea Glocestriensia, or Cata- *" fw^viaL_^Oo"6 of Books, Tracts, Prints, Coins, &c. relating to the County of Gloucester, at Chavenage House PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Sir J. Lit- tledale ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday royal 8vo, 1842 i^[.{j 1167 Pignotti (Lorenzo) Robert Manners, a Poem. Italian and .4 1 >^^,^ English, translated by Robert Merry ^^■^ ^PRIVATELY PRINTED ; uncut, from the Strawberry Hill library . Florence, 8vo, 1785 (.^^ 1168 Pickering's Diamond Classics, beautifully printed, the /\Mju/yAM^smallest editions ever published. Latin authors, viz. Ca- ^^tullus TibuUus et Propertius ; Cicero de Officiis, &c. ; Ho- ratius, Terentius, et Virgilius, portraits, ^c. 5 vol. PRINTED ON India paper, a7id uniformly bound in blue rnorocco extra, backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay- day . Picker itig, 4.Hmo, lS2i -26 iHk, 1 150 I' w^ 1169 Pickering's Diamond Classics, Italian authors, viz. Dante, /T^J|i, /f; La Divina Commedia, 2 vol. — Le Rime del Petrarca — Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vol. ; portraits, 5 vol. PRINTED ON India paper ; and uniformly hound in blue morocco extra, hacks richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay- day, uniform with the Latin Classics Pickering, 48mo, 1822 1170 Pindar (The) of Wakefield's Legend, a Poem, 2 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 250 copies; half hound light green morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Svo, 1832 *9 Vl \/ ^^^^ Pinkerton (John) Vitse Antiquae Sanctorum, qui habitaverunt 'S^\/CLA^ in ea parte Britannise nunc Vocata Scotia vel in ejus Insulis, 2 maps ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED; dark morocco extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Svo, 1789 1 172 Pitt (Right Hon. William) Correspondence with Charles Duke /IJy^^^,^^^^ of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1781-87, edited by Lord Mahon PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies; cloth, uncut 8vo, 1842 •^^^^ 1173 Pittilloch (Robert) three Tracts, Legal and Historical, viz. \* The Hammer of Persecution, or the Mystery of Iniquity ; 2. The Setling of the Scottish Judicatories; 3. Oppression under Colour of the Law, edited by James Maidment, 2 tracts, uncut PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER; and only ^ copies 1659-89, Edinb. 4to, 1827 * ( J v^ 1174 Play. A Mery Playe betwene the Pardoner and the Freer, — -e— ^ the Curate and Neybour Pratte ONLY 20 COPIES REPRINTED : blacfe Icttci* ; dark morocco extra, sides neatly blind-tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday 1533, reprinted imperial 8vo, n. d. t^ 6^. b ^^"^^ Plutarch on Music, Greek and English, translated by J. H. fL^tljT jt^Yomhy, frontispiece from the design of Harriet Chesney r^^^f^felVATELY PRINTED; red morocco extra, sides richly . tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Chiswick, Svo, 1822 La u 1176 Plutarch, Another co^y, frontispiece, proof on India paper tA44^ PRINTED ON YELLOW PAPER; uncut ib. Svo, 1822 »^ 3 ,b 1177 Y'\ntBiVc\{, Knoihev co^y, frontispiece, proof on India paper VV; J\i4^RlNTED ON PINK PAPER: One of only 2 copies — see MS. note; uncut . ib. Svo, 1822 %A f ^ I* 1178 Poems: Certaine Worthy e Manuscript Poems of Great Anti- VWilUvX*— ^uitie, reserued long in the Siudie of a Northfolke Gentle- man, and now first published by J. S. ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED ; dark brown morocco e.vtra, in the antique style, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hayday 1597, Edinb. reprinted, square 12mo, 1812 ^ii, 151 ^ f^'u 1179 Poetry. Pieces of Ancient Poetry from Unpublished Ma- ix^\\^ nuscripts and Scarce Books, edited with Notes by ' John Fry, facsimile PRINTED ON BLUE PAPER : One of only 6 copies; yellmv mor. extras sides neatly tooled^ gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Bristol, 4to, ISl* k/7 t. 1180 Poetry. Pieces of Ancient Poetry, edited by J, Fry, Another Mr.tH-^copy ONLY 96 COPIES PRINTED; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. ^to, 1814' 0^L~_^ 1181^ Poetry. English Poets and Poesy, Ancient Critical Essays Tpi tiMAa^pon> by Webster alias Puttenham, Gascoigne, Harvey, Spenser, King James, Webb, Harington, Meres, Campion, Daniel and Bolton. Edited by Joseph Haslewood, with a duplicate title to vol. 1 — the cancelled leaf p. 5 S^ 6 "of the author ;" 2 additional titles, in colonics, to the Arte of English Poesie, and a woodcut portrait of Queen Eliza- beth, printed in red ; 12 copies only worked off, 2 vol. ONLY 220 COPIES PRINTED ; uncut . ^to, 1811 I L^ 1182 Poetry. Early English Poetry, m>. The Nut Brown Maid; tV"JX**%'te~^®"^^ and Carols from a MS. in the British Museum ; Tale of the Basin, and the Frere and the Boy, two early Ballads of Magic ; the Turnament of Tottenham, and the Feest. Edited, with Prefaces, by Thomas Wright, woodcuts, 4 vol. hladx letter ; bound in brown, blue, green, and red morocco extra, sides neatly blind-tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Pickering, square 12mo, 1826 ij^ f ^ 1183 Poetry, Original and Select, written by several Distinguished ■f ^//(/t Characters, edited by N. G. Nevile ^ ' PRIVATELY PRINTED . 8vo, 1828 fc /xt_ 11 84^oetry, Another copy . . 8vo, 1828 t , 1185 Poetry: — Scotish Fugitive Poetry, Various Pieces of, prin- * 7 *^ ^Shn^ cipally of the Seventeenth Century, edited by David Laing ONLY 72 COPIES PRINTED: Presentation Copy; light blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Hayday . Edinb. 8vo, n. d. l^ {y x^ 1186 Poets, Rejoice I Ode to Lord Milton, on hearing that he had fiUUi settled on the Poet, Robert Clare, of Northampton, an ( Annuity, a House, a Garden, and several Acres of Land PRIVATELY PRINTED UPON WHITE SILK; light green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday small 4»2— ^ 1215 Retributive Justice, a Tragedy, in Five Acts J^ji>^cA^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; uncut ^lanchester, 8vo, 1813 /,„j_^^ 1216 Reynard the Fox, a renowned Apologue of the Middle Age, VVi Wj^il^eiproduced in Rhyme, by S. Naylor, tvith a series of 60 illustrative etchings, 56 by A. van Everdingen (a.D. 1621 to 1615) and 4 by S. Fokke (1746), ti7ited plates, 2 vol. cloth, top edges gilt . small 4to, 1 844-45 i2,_^^ 1217 ilhymes of Northern Bards, being a curious Collection of Old lA^jli'tfend New Songs and Poems peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, and Durham, edited by John Bell, frontispiece, 1812 — A Right Merry Garland of Northumberland Heroes, woodcuts, 1814 — Figures in Rhymes, or Metrical Computations addressed to Northumbrians, by H. R. 1814 — The Contented Couckould, or a Pleasant New Songe of a New Castle Man, woodcuts — A Garland of Bells, wherein each Rings to its proper Tune, woodcuts, 1815; 5 vol. in 1 FINE PAPER; No. \ofS copies only printed — see the attes- tation of J.Bell 071 the back of the title ; parchment, uncut Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 12mo, 1812-15 1218 Rhymes of Northern Bards, Another copy SltJuAj- FINE PAPER ; No. 2 ofS copies only printed — see attestation of J. Bell; half red morocco, uncut ib. VZmo, 1812-15 AQ\9 Richardson (Charles) Notices and Extracts relating to the L^\aA^\_, Lion's Head which was erected at Button's Coffee House in \l\S,fron tisp iece LARGE PAPER ; wncw^ . royal 8vo, 1828 , 1220 Richardson (Dr. Richard) Extracts from his Literary and Sci- ^lU4>/li entific Correspondence, by Dawson Turner, portrait and plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy from Miss Currer, with her autograph ; light blue mor. extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Yarmouth, 8vo, 1 835 1221 Richmond (John) Poems to the Memory of Thomson in the yV-J'\u4'frr Temple of the Muses at Dryburgh Abbey PRIVATELY PRINTED, at the expense of the Earl of Buchan : Presentation Copy to A. Constable, with autograph inscription, and Notes . 8vo, 1818 X Ici^ 156 Ci h 1222 Rickman (John) Biographical Memoir of, by William Charles I %^UfJU Rickman ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to R. Sonthei/, with autogi'ciph inscription ; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day . 4to, 184 Robin Hood. The Noble Birth and Gallant Atchievements of ^f-lyA^ -that remarkable Outlaw, to which is added his Life, from ^ a MS. in the British Museum, edited by W. J. Thorns PRINTED ON WRITING PAPER, UNIQUE — see the publishers attestation on the Jiy-leaf ; half morocco, uncut I Pickering, 8vo, 1827 \j 1236 Rodes (C. H. R.) Blbliotheca Rodesiana ; a Catalogue of the _..i^_ Library at Barlborough Hall, 1830 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrang- ham, with autograph inscription Leicester, royal 8vo, 1 830 -^ 1237 Roll (The) of Karlaverok, an Heraldic Poem, enumerating ^\} the Barons, Knights, and Gentlemen who attended King ^ Edward 1st to the Siege of Karlaverok Castle in Scotland, Anno 1300, from a MS. in the British Museum, a free translation from the French; upwards of 100 shields of arms, 7 banners emblazoned, with four initial letters co- loured and heightened with gold FAC-SIMILE MANUSCRIPT beautifully written by P. Absalom; brown morocco extra, sides and back covered with blind tooling, in the antique style, g. I. hy Hayday folio, 1826 ^wl238 Rolls of Arms of the Reigns of Henry III and Edward HI, _,<^^^^__ edited by N. Harris Nicolas LARGE PAPER; crimson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, royal 4to, 1 829 ^ 1239 Roper (William) Life of Sir Thomas More, with his Letters, '^TIvmJ edited by S. W. Singer ; portrait on India paper, and ^^r*' outline plate of the Family of Sir T. More ; also an addi- tional plate of the More family, a choice proof upon vellum before the letters, and etching LARGE PAPER: No. 21 of only 25 copies printed ; red mor. extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Chiswick, royal 8vo, 1817 f I- LI 158 /\ J24i) Roscoe (W. S.), Poems by, cloth, uncut ^ ^ \m\jtx. ' Pickering, small 8vo, 1834 1 ^— 1241 Rose (William Stewart) Rhymes by ' "^ ^ /0--j^r. PRIVATELY PRINTED: Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrang- ^ ^'hamfrom his friend S. Rogers, with autograph inscrip- tion; light blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day Brighton, 12mo, 1837 1242 Ross (William), who was killed in a Duel by Lieut. Reid; ^/\l/yll^ Narrative of his Case, no title ever printed PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to S. Lysons, with his autograph ; green morocco extra, sides and back 4^ / neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Svo, 1790 U • 14- 1243 Roswall and Lillian, The Pleasant History of, in Verse, edited '^'^ 7 ONLY 75 COPIES REPRINTED ; yellow morocco extra, sides I richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 4to, 1822 l\ ^ 1244 Rough (Serj.) Poems, Miscellaneous and Fugitive, now first . — tL"'^ collected on his preparing to leave England PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrang- ham, with autograph inscription; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves^ by Hayday . 12mo, 1816 ROXBURGHE CLUB, Instituted in 1812. A Complete Collection of the Publications of the Club TO 1842 INCLUSIVE. A 10 vv "^1245 Certain Bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis, turned into English Meter ^V^te^t ^y ^^® ^*' Hon. Lorde Henry Earle of Surrey 50 COPIES PRINTED: Macfe Ifttci* No. 1, 4to, 1814 Presented by William Bolland. i^ I ^ V. ^ 1246 Caltha Poetarum, or the Bumble Bee, by T. Cutwode l -^io/U ^^ COPIES PRINTED . No. 2, 4to, 1815 I Presented by Richard Heber. I • I Q^t^ V14i47 The Three First Books of Ovid de Tristibus, translated into rfrPi/'tu English by Thomas Churchyarde ^} 36 COPIES PRINTED : blacfe Utter No. 3, 4to, 1816 Presented by Earl Spencer. II4.V. 1248 Poems, by Richard Barnfield 34 COPIES PRINTED No. 4, Auchinleck Press, 4to, 1816 Presented by James Boswell. L^/^^ 1249 Dolarny's Primerose, or the first Part of the Passionate Hermit ^^..t^ 33 COPIES PRINTED . No. 5, 4to, 1816 Presented by Sir Francis Freeling. My U/i 159 RoxBURGHE Club Publications — continued. (a I fi 1 250 La Contenance de la Table / ^ jliv^/ 3-5 COPIES PRINTED : l)lacfe UttCV, toitJi a facsimile of the ^^ original title in pen and ink ; morocco extra^ antique style, gilt leaves, by Hay day . No. 6, 18mo, 1816 Presented by George Henry Freeling. "This is the Father of the small Roxburghe Club Garlands," — see a Note ' commencing thus in the autograph of G. H. Freeling, from whose Library the volume was purchased. fj 1251 Newes from Scotland, declaring the Damnable Life of Dr. £c\Jl Fian, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough in ' Januarie last, 1591 36 COPIES PRINTED : black Utter, with Bulmer ^ CoJs Bill for printing this Volume and La Contenance de la Table . No. 7, 4to, 1816 Presented by G. H. Freeling. j fO^ 1252 A Proper New Interlude of the World and the Child, other- 4ji^\/) ^ Ai^A^/wt^^able), supposed to have been printed in 1592 or 1594- ^^^ ^ 5(>^C0PIES PRINTED . No. 20, 4to, 1 t^.l. iAXU Presented by Edward Littledale. ^126^5 Chester Mysteries. De Deluvio Noe, de Occisione Innocen- Uj^. >. \\um, frontispiece on India paper ^"^"^^53 COPIES PRINTED . No.5l,4to, 1818 , Edited and presented by James Heywood Markland. 1266 Ceremonial at the Marriage of Mary Queen of Scotts with the \\j^Ci(iXA. Dauphin of France 40 COPIES PRINTED . No. 22, 4to, 1818 J . I Presented by William Bentham. I b VK 1267 The Solempnities and Triumphes doon and made at the Spousells and Marriage of the Kings Doughter, the Ladye Marye, to the Prynce of Castile Archeduke of Austrige black letter . . No. 23, 4to, 1818 Presented by John Dent. I • 2^-w 1268 The Life of St. Ursula. Guiscard and Sigismund, woodcuts fLsJjJ 31 COPIES PRINTED: blacfe Icttcr No.24,4to, 1818 ^^ Presented by the Duke of Devonshire. t 1269 Le Morte Arthur, the Adventures of Sir Launcelot du Lake .in ^^"^^ ^u,^^ with Glosssiry, facsimile t 31 COPIES PRINTED: blacfe letter No. 25, 4to, 1819 , Presented by Thomas Ponton. /I I L i^7^ ^^^ Bookes of Metamorphoseos, in whyche ben conteyned the ^ "Ltl^/H Fables of Ovyde, translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe I by William Caxton, from a MS. in the Pepys Library, Cambridge; woodcuts and fac- simile 43 COPIES PRINTED: blacfe letter No. 26, 4to, 1819 Edited and presented by George Hibbert. J61 ROXBITRGHE Club PUBLICATIONS— continued. p 11^ ^ V21\ CliGuelere Assigne, with a Glossary il"iiL *^^ COPIES PRINTED: blaffe Uttcv No. 27, 4to, 1820 / Edited and presented by Edward Vernon Utterson. »- I (/ v^ 1 272 Two Interludes : Jack Jugler and Thersytes, woodcuts ^^.^^ No. 28, Lee Priory Press, 4to, 1820 Edited and presented by Joseph Haslewood. / ^^7 u *^1273 The New Notborune Mayd. The Boke of Mayd Emlyn, lii'tbC woodcuts 38 COPIES PRINTED: blacfe letter No. 29, 4to, 1820 Presented by George Isted. I*»t0 n--1274' The Book of Life, a Bibliographical Melody, dedicated and rLtAifU^iPresented to the Roxburghe Club by Richard Thomson 5^C()PIES PRINTED ; dark green morocco extra^ sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday ^ No. 30, royal 8vo, 1 820 t^ld *^ 1275 Magnyfycence, an Interlude, by John Skelton ^Ji/iiJ^'SO COPIES PRINTED: l)lacU letter No. 31, 4'to, 1821 Presented by Joseph Littledale. I ylL ^*^1276 Judicium, a Pageant, extracted from the Towneley MS. of An- I juL'i'i^ cient Mysteries, edited by Francis Douce ( 50 COPIES PRINTED: fclaffe letter No. 32, 4to, 1822 Presented by Peregrine Edward Towneley. I ^IS^iy J 277 An Elegiacal Poem on the Death of Thomas Lord Grey, of fij'-fial Wilton, by Robert Marston, from a MS. in the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville 36 COPIES PRINTED . No. 33, 4to, 1822 Presented by Viscount Morpeth. t- / (4^;^ 1278 Selections from the Works of Thomas Ravenscroft, a Musical •P.v^y(- Composer of the time of King James I No. 34, 4to, 1822 Presented by the Duke of Marlborough. ^^ h ^ 1279 Laelii Peregrini Oratio in Obitum Torquati Tassi, editio Se- L ^ /[uA^^A^. cunda, with Remarks on Tasso's Life No. 35, Geneva, 4to, 1822 Presented by Sir E. Brydges. / .( /w\280 The Metrical Life of Saint Robert of Knaresborough, edited fUr^'UL by F. Douce 35 COPIES PRINTED . No. 37, 4to, 1824 Presented by the Rev. Henry Drury. ^' — 1281 Informacon for Pylgrymes unto the Holy Londe S) u/\v^ COPIES PRINTED: blaffe letter No. 38, 4to, 1824 Presei;ted by George Henry Freeling. 162 , RoxBURGHE Club Publications— continued. . I (t) t^ 1282 The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants or the Bearing Down J&ui ' *^® Inne, a Comaedye — The Faery Pastorall or Forrest of \ V^\^^y^ Eiues, by W(illiam) P(ercy), edited by Joseph Haslewood 37 COPIES PRINTED No. 39, 4to, 1824 Presented by John Arthur Lloyd. j^ [ I j^ 1283 The Garden Plot, an Allegorical Poem, inscribed to Queen Elizabeth, by Henry Goldingham, from an unpublished MS., ^^"""^ with some Account of the Author, and a reprint of his Masque, performed before the Queen at Norwich, Aug. 21, 1578, woodcut frontispiece of the armorial hearings of the members of the Club, on India paper 39 COPIES PRINTED: blacfe Ittter No. 40, 4to, 1825 Edited and presented by the Venerable Archdeacon Wrangham. tA I 5~t, 1284 La Rotta de Francciosi a Terroana novamente facta — La Rotta Oa /I ^^ Scocesi, woodcuts \/WUi\^ COPIES PRINTED . No. 41, 4to, 1825 Presented by Earl Spencer. ^ l<~u ^^^^ Nouvelle Edition d'un Poeme sur la Journ^e de Guinegate, VjM^i, ^«^^ note from Earl Spencer live morocco extra^ sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hay day ' No. 42, Paris, 4to, 1 825 1 * I Dedicated and presented to the Roxburghe Club by the Marquis de Fortia. u. I *^ u 1286 Zuleiraa, par Caroline Pichler, Imite de I'Allemand par H. de C. _^.4^ 33 COPIES PRINTED ON PAPIER DE HOLLANDE ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie No. 43, ib. 12mo, 1825 . Dedicated and presented to the Roxburghe Club by H. de Chateaugiron. ^. I U v^ >1^87 Poems, written in English, by Charles Duke of Orleans during 4:y^H}l^ ^^^ Captivity in England after the Battle of Azincourt, I portrait of Philippe le Bon Due de Bovrgorige inserted 44 COPIES PRINTED . No. 44, 4to, 1827 I Edited and presented by George Watson Taylor. ^ 1% \, 1288 Proceedings in the Court Martial, held upon John, Master of (vUiMLtt Sinclair, Capt. Lieut, in Preston's Regiment, for the Murder of Ensign Schaw of the same Regiment, and Captain Schaw of the Royals, 17th Octr. 1708, with Correspondence re- specting that Transaction 52 COPIES PRINTED . No. 45, Edinh. 4to, 1828 J Edited and presented by Sir Walter Scott. U-v ( u> ^ 1289 The Ancient English Romance of Havelok the Dane; ac- Aj^lJ companied by the French Text : with an Introduction, Notes, ^ ^ and a Glossary, by Frederick Madden 61 COPIES PRINTED . No. 46, 4to, 1828 163 / RoxBURGHE Club Publications— continued. U //C\ 1290 Gaufridi Arthurii Monerauthensis Archidiaconi, postea vero /y J4^ . Episcopi Asaphensis, de Vita et Vaticiniis Merlini Calidonii, ^^^^^^"^^ Carmen Heroicum, edited by W. H. Black 42 COPIES PRINTED . No. 47, 4to, 1830 Presented by the Hon. and Rev. G. Neville Grenville, [(..ffi V. 1291 The Ancient English Romance of William and the Werwolf, (fV-M^ edited from an Unique Copy in King's College Library, Cambridge; with an Introduction and Glossary by F. Madden, and two Letters from the Hon. Algernon Herbert, addressed to the Earl of Cawdor, discussing the Subject of Werwolves and the Original Etymology of Werwolf 53 COPIES PRINTED: bUcfe Icttcr No. 48, 4to, 1832 Presented by Earl Cawdor. (, ((J1^^''l292 The Private Diary of William, first Earl Cowper, Lord Chan- mAJ^u cellor of England 7 50 COPIES PRINTED . No. 49, Eton, 4to, 1833 Edited and presented by the Rev. Edward Craven Hawtrey. f . (/ ^1^1293 The Lyvys of Seyntys, translatyd into Englys be a Doctour of ...yi,,^ Dyuynite clepyd Osbern Bokenam, Frer Austyn of the Convent of Stokclare black letter . No. 50, 4to, 1835 Presented by Viscount Clive. /l/)-u-~1294 A Little Book of Ballads ^^„^^_ 36 COPIES PRINTED ; dark morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hayday No. 51, Newport, 8vo, 1836 Edited and presented by E. V. Utterson. ♦. ( b V 1295 The Love of Wales to their Soueraigne Prince, expressed in a ^,-\^ true Relation of the Solemnity held at Ludlow in Salop, 4th Nov. 1616, by Daniel Powel . No. 52, 4to, 1837 Presented by the Hon. R. H. Clive. £ -^ --v- 1296 Sidneiana, being a Collection of Fragments relative to Sir Philip *- — < — - Sidney, Knt. and his immediate Connections, ^c-*«mt7e 44 COPIES PRINTED : blacl^ letter No. 53, 4to, 1837 Edited and presented by Dr. S. Butler, Bishop of Lichfield. I l^]29'7 The Owl and the Nightingale, a Poem of the XII Century, ^ now first printed, with an Introduction and Glossary, edited by Joseph Stevenson . No. 54, 4to, 1838 Presented by Sir Stephen Richard Glynne. Q ill t^^^^^ The Old English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum, edited (\CfMj^Vxx}P^ the first time from MSS., with an Introduction and Notes ^ ^y Sir F. Madden, engraved title, ^c. No. 55, 4to, 1838 Printed for the Club, Y 164 RoxBURGHE Club Publications— continued. I ^ y ^1 ^^ 1299 Illustrations of Ancient State and Chivalry, from MSS. in the ^\ii Ashmolean Museum, with an Appendix, edited by W. H. «(* ^ Black, plates on India papey\ and woodcuts No. 5Q, 4to, 1840 Presented by Benjamin Barnard. [i 0* ^"T— 1^00 Manners and Household Expenses of England in the XIII & ..--i^^ XV Centuries, illustrated from Original Records, mz. I. Household Roll of Eleanor, Countess of Leicester, A.D. 1265. II. Accounts of the Executors of Eleanor, Queen Consort of Edward I, A.D. 1291. III. Accounts and Memoranda of Sir John Howard, first Duke of Norfolk, A.D. 1462 to A.D, 1471, edited with Introduction, by T. Hudson Turner . No. 57, 4to, 1841 Presented by Beriah Botfield. \jL — ^,,-^t,^ 1301 The Black Prince, an Historical Poem, written in French by /U-|^^^ivMiji)if'handos Herald ; with a Translation and Notes by Henry O. Coxe, engraved title, S^c. and facsimile No. 58, 4to, 1 842 Printed for the Club. The preceding 58 Articles, with the exceptions hereafter mentioned, were the copies presented to the late Edward Littledale, and have his name printed in red in the lists of the members. Nos. 6, 7, 30, & 42, were pre- sented to the late Sir George Henry Freeling. Nos. 31, 55, 57, & 58, to the late Rev. Henry Drury, and contain his autograph. No. 54 to the late Sir William Bolland ; and No. 52 to the late Rev. Samuel Butler, Bishop of Lichfield. Those volumes not in the Club Binding (which is half morocco, uncut), but whole bound in morocco, gilt leaves, by Hayday and Mackenzie, are particularly specified. .(9w Works connected with those of the Roxburghe Club. ^302 Vox Populi Vox Dei, a Complaynt of the Comons against ikmn^vTaxes 1^4 COPIES PRINTED: blacfe Utter ; half morocco, uncut, Club binding , 4to, 1821 This work was printed by the late Sir Joseph Littledale for his contribution to the Roxburghe Club ; but for some reason John Skelton's Interlude of Magnyfycence was substituted, and the whole impression, consisting of 104 copies, were sold with his library in 1843. L^^ 1303 Singer (S. W.)Remarks on the Glossary to the Antient Metrical i) JA- Romance of Havelok the Dane, in a Letter to F. Douce *^ ) — Madden (F.) Examination of the Remarks on the Glos- sary to Havelok the Dane, addressed to H. Petrie, in 1 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED; and of the latter only 25 copies ; half morocco, Club binding . 4to, 1829 'LU 1165 Works connected with those of the Roxburghe Club — . continued. .// 1304 Roxburghe Revels, and other relative Papers, including An- ' '^ i^Hl/lv, swers to the Attack on the Memory of the late Joseph Hasle- f wood, with Specimens of his Literary Productions, edited by James Maidment PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; halfmoroccOy ^ uncut, Club binding Edinb. 4iA4>nc^^^j^l^ some Account of the illustrious Family of the Beau- champs ; Four large Genealogical Tables, portraits and plates on India paper, with the large plate of the quar- terings belonging to the Right Hon. George Nevill, Haron Abergavenny, by Joseph Edmondson, inserted PRIVATELY PRINTED ; red russia extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie folio, 1830 I Spa Rowland (Samuel) The Letting of Humours Blood in the Head W(A>i^ Vaine, &c., edited with Notes by Sir Walter Scott ONLY 100 COPIES REPRINTED; dark morocco extra, in the antique style, gilt leaves, by Hayday 1611, Edinb, square 12mo, 1815 O \^\,^ 1310 Roxburghe Ballads (A Book of), edited with Notes by John J^lV^L-Ur Payne Collier, woodcuts dark inorocco extra, gilt and tooled edges in the antique style, by Hayday . 4to, 184-7 I ^ 0^ 1311 Royston (Lord) Translation of the Cassandra of Lycophron, ^ ' ' with Notes PRIVATELY PRINTED ; olive morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis Cambridge, royal 4to, 1 806 n 1311, Ro 167 /.A 131^ Rutland (The Duke and Duchess of), Journal of their Trips i\ ^s\ 1 to Paris in 18 14 and 1815, and a leaf of two verses hy the '^^v^ Duke, only 42 of which were p7inted, with a curious Note to P. A. Hanrotty Esq. ; 2 vol in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED : and very few copies ; half green mor, I top edges gilt . royal ^to, n. d. Q . I? 1/?1-^ Rutland (Duke and Duchess of) Journal of their Trips to ' jWii^vu- Paris in July 1814 and 1815, 2 vol. in 1 PRIVATELY PRINTED; with 13 coloured plates inserted^ , uncut . royal 4to, n. d. D <• 1314 Rutland (The Duke of) Tour through part of Belgium and Y I the Rhenish ProVmces, plates, 2tncut royal 4to, 1822 It- ^ X>\315 Rutland (Duke of) Lines on Eliza, a single leaf PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 42 copies, with a Note in the autograph of his Grace ; half bound 4to, n, d. td u. 1316 Rutland (Duke of) Catalogue of his Library at Belvoir in Ww^ Castle ' ''^^^'^RIVATELY TRISTED ; half morocco, uncut 4to, 1827 i^ 1317 St. Robert:— Life (The Holy) and Death of St. Robert, •/. VA. Hermit of Knaresborough ^ MANUSCRIPT, IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF JOSEPH HASLEWOOD ; a4, I crimson morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . 4to, n. d. " This transcript was made by my dear friend Joseph Haslewood, member of the Roxburghe Club, for me, Irom my original MS. now in the D. of Newcastle's possession." — See Note in the autograph of II. Drury. (^.(^ 1318 St. Ma we (John) Selection from the Papers of /Q/T^^^, PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half red morocco, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . 8vo, 1821 u I (^ 1319 Sandbach (Mrs. H. R.) Poems by, cloth, uncut t^^^*-*^ Pickering, 8vo, 1840 ^ L ^ ^1320 Santander (M, de la Serna) an Historical Essay on the Origin ixiA^^ ^^ Printing, translated from the French by Thomas Hodgson K LARGEST PAPER: One of only 6 copies printed — see the at- testation on the fly-leaf of the Translator and Printer ; uncut . Newcastle, im^. 8vo, 1819 U b t- 1-^2 1 Satyriasis, or Nymphomania ; Extraordinary Case of, Dec. 1 8, (1{\4^ 1621 ; Balle Balfovr's Ladie PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 12 copies; dark green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . " small 4to, n. d. / /(,^ 1322 Saxon Chronicle (The), a Literal Translation of, by Miss ^ ^H^^4/-^ Gurney PRIVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Norwich, i2Tno, 1819 ^ I J 1323 Scafe (John) Poems by, 2 vol. in 1 *^ (ftl^'jAjONLY \ 50 COPIES printed for Subscribers ; light green mo • rocco extrct, giltleaveSf by Hayday Newcastle, 12rao, 1818 tv. 168 ISSi" Scafe (John) King Coal's Levee, or Geological Etiquette ; -P^p^Ui Lay of Isabelle ; Trifles and other Poems, 4? Tracts PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies of the JlrsU and . 30 of each of the other three, sewed Alnwick^ 12mo, 1818 ^^t^ 1325 Scotland. Documents relative to the Reception at Edinburgh (!) t^iJi ^^ *^® Kings and Queens of Scotland, A.D. 1561 to 1650, OlV^liV ^^.^^^ ^y gj^ V2.inc\i Walker . J ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; uncut . Edinh. 4to, 1 822 I b u 1326 Scotland; — Discovrs Particvlier d'Escosse: escritpar Com- mandement et Ordonnance de la Royne Dovariere et Regente, par Messires Jac. Makgill et J. Bellenden, XI Janvier 1559, edited by Thomas Thomson LARGE PAPER ; light blue morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day ib. 4to, 1824? Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 5. Edited and I presented by Thomas Thomson. (0' tP 1327 Scotland: — Historical and Biographical Fragments, XVIII Tracts relative to Scottish Affairs from 1635 to 1664, viz. James Burns' Memoirs of the Civil War, 1644-1661 — Earl of Belcarres' Vindication, &c. 1649-1654— Spreul's Remarkable Passages, he. 1635-1664, &c. &c., edited by James Maidment, 3 vol. boards, uncut ONLY 50 COPIES printed . ib. 8vo, 1832-33 1S28 Scotland: — Analecta Scotica ; Collections illustrative of the History of Scotland, chiefly from original MSS., edited by James Maidment, 2 vol. THICK PAPER: only 6 copies printed-, blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday \ ib. 8vo, 1834-7 u 1329 Scotland: — Reports on the State of certain Parishes in Scotland, made to His Majesty's Commissioners for Plan- "^ — ' tation of Kirks, he. in pursuance of their Ordinance dated April 12, 1627, from the Originals LARGE PAPER: Presentation Copy to Thomas Thomson, by A. Macdonald, with autograph inscription ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib. 4to, 1835 Privately printed for the Maitland Club. No. 34. Presented by Alexander Macgrigor. u n «^ 1330 Scotland :— Royal Visit to Scotland of Queen Victoria in 1842, yV. S^KaaaWA \ 9 lithogn'aph illustrations on India paper, gilt leaves I ib. folio, 1842 ^^ \m^ 1331 Scotish Pasquils (Three Books of), now first printed from the nlfWx«Xt Maidment LARGE PAPER; Only 24 copies printed; cloth, uncut I ib. 8vo, 1842 {^^'O 1334 Scoto-Dramatica, Fragmenta, 1715-1758, edited by James ji^^tLll Maidment ^PRIVATELY PRINTED: uncut . e6. 12mo, 1835 u 0- l^ 1335 Scots Martch (a Full Relation of the), from Barwicke to New- 9ll>tJi^L- castle, edited by J. T. Brockett LARGE PAPER : Only 2 copies printed, uncut Newcastle, 4to, 1827 ^[^^^ 1336 Scott (Alexander) Poems, from a Manuscript written in 1568, -P^iAu edited with Notes by David Laing, engraved title ( PRIVATELY PRINTED : The Dedication Copy to George Chalmers; green mor, extra, g. I, Edinb, 8vo, 1821 ^ Xt-w 1337 Scott (A.) Poems, from a Manuscript written in 1568, edited ,.„^^t— . with Notes by David Laing, engi'aved title PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies; Presentation Copy ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . ib, 8vo, 1821 I /^u 1338 Scott (Sir Walter) Vision of Don Roderick, a Poem /0-,jy PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; the author's copy; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves ib. 4to, 1811 l. (^ u 1339 Scott (Sir W.) The Ettricke Garland, being two excellent L ^ \Xa^ "^^ Songs on the Lifting of the Banner of the House of Buc- ^"^ A. cleuch at the great Foot-Ball Match on Carterhaugh, Dec. 4th, 1815 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to Fr. Freeling light green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib. royal 8vo, 1815 This copy contains a note in the autograph of Sir Walter Scott. I j A 1340 Scott (Sir W.) Memorials of the Haliburtons, yVow^wjotece of ^^^ ^-{ Dryburgh Abbey, on India paper J V lv***^^fgjVATELY PRINTED : a7id only 30 copies ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday . i6. 4to, 1820 This copy contains a note in the autograph of Sir W. Scott to T. Constable. <^ 5«> 1341 Scraps. A Collection of Fourteen Scraps from Books and ;jrJl/(^ Newspapers TRIVATELY PRINTED, BY SiR G. H. FrEELING half bound, uncut . Lisson PresSf 12mo, n. d. j^ ^ 1342 Scraps. The same collection *" ^__^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER : One of only 2 copies ; half bound, uncut . ib. 8vo, w. d. \ 170 134-3 SCROPE AND Grosvenor CONTROVERSY. The Controversev J^cJUM.v*^^tween Sir Richard Scrope and Sir Robert Grosvenor, ^In the Court of Chivalry, A.D. 1385-1390, containing a History of the Family of Scrope, from a MS. Roll in the Tower, with Biographical Notices by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED: a7id only 60 copies ; cloth, uncut imp. 8vo, 1832 This curious work abounds in valuable illustrations of English History, and the state of Society in the XIV Century ; of the Nature and Powers of the Court of Chivalry, and the Battles of Cressy and Poictiers. It also contains the Depositions of the Poet Chaucer, and an account of his being taken prisoner. 1 344- Selections from My Journal during a Residence in the Medi- (/)JJA^ terranean PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half red morocco extva^ gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1 836 134'5 Selwyn (Elizabeth) Journal and Continuation of Journal of \M\\u/\^ Excursions in England, Wales, and Scotland, from 18 J 9 to 1829, 'plates, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy, with autograph inscription ; half crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Kensington, small 8vo, 1830 13i:6/Selden (John) Table Talk, with Biographical Preface and Notes >t C- ^y S. W. Singer, portrait calf extra, in the antique style, vermilion edges, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 184-7 -1347> Sempil (Robert Lord) The Sege of the Castel of \is^iJfj^ Edinburgh, a Poem ^^rinted upon vellum : blarlt letter ; Presentation Copy to George Chalmers, ivith autograph inscription of David Constable ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back inlaid with various coloured leathers, and richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Wickwar Edinb. 1573, reprinted ^io, 1813 ^ -, ^1348 Shaftesbury. An Ancient Confirmation Deed relating to cer- {.'^{A^. tain Lands, formerly possessed by the Abbey of Shaftesbury, \^ in the Co. of Dorset. Copy of an Exemplification of a Decree relating to Broadway in Worcestershire. Copy of an Ancient Deed relating to Broadway and Pershore Fairs, in Worcestershire PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR SiR THOMAS PHILLIPPS dark red morocco extra, sides neatly blind tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Evesham, 4to, 1818-19 "X^, J ^-x ^ 1349 Shaftesbury (Anthony,Earl of) Characteristics of Men, Manners, ---t-^ — Opinions, Times, portrait, ^c. by Gribelin, 3 vol. red morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday , JBaskei^ville, royal 8vo, 177S i (p i- 171 u(?^w, 1350 Shakespeare (William) The True Chronicle History of King -P yjl Leir and his three Daughters ^ jXyA/lj LARGE PAPER: reprint rf the First Edition ; green morocco P extra, sides and hack very neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hay day 1605, reprinted 4to, n, d. / 9 t^ 1351 Shakespeare's Jest Book, the three parts complete, in 1 vol. ^_,^^ light green morocco extra^ sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day , Chiswick, 8vo, 1814 C) 1352 Shakespeare (W.) Flays, portrait and 38 beautiful plates from ^ *" ^ ^^t-*-^ designs by Stothat^d, engraved by Fox, fVorthington, ^c. 9 vol. PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER ; light blue morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 6 Pickering, -l-Smo, 1825 ^.^___ 13^ Shakespeare (W.) Plays and Poems, two portraits, proofs, one ' \yf\^ on India paper ; illustrated with ^S beautiful engravings from, designs by Stothard, engraved by Fox, Worthington, ^c. India proofs, nearly all before the letters, 1 1 vol. PRINTED ON STRAW COLOURED PAPER, and believed to be the only copy ; blue s^nooth morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. 8vo, 1825 Q I ,* 1354' Shakespeare (W.) Dramatic Works, with Glossary, portrait '^AAj-f'i**^ 38 plates from designs by Stothard j^*"*^^ PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER ; green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, with appropriate mottos, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib. 12mo, 1826 t, i^. (j 1355 Shakespeare (W.) Poems, with a Biographical Memoir by A. (IxM^tA^^lDyce, two portraits, one a proof on India paper -Ui^^^^irk red morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday i6. smallSvo, 1837 . Q 1356 Shakspeare (W.) Poems, part 3, Pictorial Edition, and &\\V^xA-. Wivell (A.) Inquiry into the History, Authenticity, &c. of the Shakspere Portraits, two por^ts. 2 Tracts imp. Svo, 1 840 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED in 1840. p A 1357 A CoiviPLETE Series of the Publications, from the - ^^^omraencement to the End of 1845, 29 vol. in 28 WS^^'^riiform in cloth, uncut . ■ 8vo, 1841 to 1845 1. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, Founder of Dulwich College, by J. P. Collier . . 1841 2 & 3. Gosson (S.) School of Abuse, and Heywood (T.) Apo- logy for Actors, with Notes, &c. . ' . 1841 4. Coventry (The) Mysteries, edited by J. O. Halliwell 1841 5. Thynn (Francis) Pride and Lowliness, with Notes, &c. by Collier . 1841 6. Patient Grissill, by T. Dekker, &c. edited by Collier 1841 Z 172 Shakspeare Society Publications — continued. 7. Extracts from Accounts of the Revels at Court in the reign of Elizabeth and James, by P. Cunningham . 1842 8. Jonson (Ben)Conversations withDrummond, by Laing 184-2 9. First Sketch of the Merry Wives of Windsor, &c. by Halliwell . . 184.2 10 Fools and Jesters, with Armin's Nest of Ninnies, by Collier 1842 11. Timon, a Play, edited by A. Dyce . 1842 12. Nash (T.) Pierce Penniless's Supplication, by Collier 1842 13. Hey wood (T.)KingEdw. IV, 2 parts, by Barron Field 1842 14. Northbrooke (John) Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, &c. by Collier . . 1843 15. First Sketches of the 2d and 3d parts of Henry VI, by Halliwell . . 1843 16. Oberon's Vision Illustrated, by N. J. Halpin 1843 17. The Chester Plays, part 1, by T. Wright . 1843 18. The Alleyn Papers, by Collier . 1843 19. Tracts by John Forde the Dramatist, by Collier 1843 20. Tarlton (Richard) Jests and Newes out of Purgatory, by Halliwell . 1844 21. True Tragedie of Richard III, by Barron Field 1844 22. The Ghost of Richard III, by Collier 1844 23. Sir Thomas More, a Play, edited by A. Dyce 1844 24. Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. 1 . 1 844 25. The Taming of a Shrew, by T. Amyot . 1844 26. Illustrations of the Fairy Mvthology of Shakespeare, by Halliwell . " . .1845 27. Shakespeare's Henry IV, by Halliwell 1845 28. Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609, by Collier J 845 29. Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. 2 . 1845 SEVENTH DAY^S SALE. I . 1358 SHAKESPERIANA ; a Catalogue of the Early Editions of f. (L^t-^- Shakespeare's Plays, &c. by J. O. Halliwell ^llftUL PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE — see the printer and pub- lisher's attestation on the Jly-leaf ; c7'imson inorocco extra^ sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday J. R. Smith, 8vo, 184-1 ,,!%.. (^ 1359 Shakesperiana. Another copy c4«>t/4^ j^RINTED ON INDIA PAPER: No. 1 of Only S copies — see the publishers attestation on the Jiy -leaf ; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves^ by Hayday h{)^ ib. 8vo, 1841 J^/T" 1360 Shakespeare. Collier (J. P.) New Facts; New Particulars ^jC\.(f\J^_^ and Farther Particulars regarding the Life and Works of Shakespeare, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER : Only 8 copies printed; half morocco, uncut 4to, 1835-6-39 /■■ , ^ 1361 Shakespeare. Collier (J. P.) Reasons for a New Edition of CtiA^rt«-iyK,^Shakespeare's Works, 1841 — Madden (Sir F.) Observa- tions on an Autograph of Shakespeare, &c. 1838 — Tra- ditionary Anecdotes of Shakespearie, 1838 ; 3 Tracts 8vo, 1838-41 Z " iZ" 1362 Shakespeare's Library: a Collection of the Romances, Novels, "iiijix, ^^^ Histories used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of ^ his Dramas, with Notices by J. P. Collier, 2 vol. THICK PAPER ; green morocco extra, sides and back neatly M I tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1843 i^,0 . b -363 Shakespeare. Another Account of the Incidents from which -i,^iA/t the Title and a part of the Story of Shakespeare's Tempest A were derived, by George Chalmers, joo?'^raiY of the Author by Cooper inserted PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 40 copies ; Presented to Joseph Haslewoody with the Author s autograph inscrip- tion, and a Note by J. H. , 8vo, 1815 Engraved Illustrations to the Works of Shakespeare. A /^' ^ 1364 The Heroines of Shakespeare, comprising the principal Female ly-Ujf'^ Characters in the Plays of the Great Poet *" LARGE PAPER: 45 PORTRAITS, PROOFS, ON INDIA PAPER; engraved under the direction of Charles Heath, in 15 parts, complete . Bogue, imp. 4to, 1848 /oL 174 ,, I (T'' O iS65 Illustrations, a set of 39 plates, after Stotha^^d, hy Fox, ^c. ^Sfl^tv P^^^^S BEFORE THE LETTERS, ON INDIA PAPER / J Pickering, imp. 8vo, 39 .,'i^5*-^ 1366 Shakespeare Portfolio, a Series of Graphic Illustrations of the / 1 ^ ^yfnLL^ Plays of Shakespeare, after Designs by the most eminent \- \J ^ al/^i^ British Artists, including Smirke, Stothard, Cooper, Westall, Corbould, Clint, &c. engraved hy Heath, Finden, Robinson, Engleheart, Armstrong, Rolls, ^c, 96 PLATES, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER in a portfolio folio 1367 Shakespeare (The Union) Portrait, and a Series of Plates ^^1^ after Designs by Briggs, Smirke, Stothard, Craig, B. West, Clint, Hilton, Corbould, Hayter, Fardelle, Cooper, &c. 38 plates engraved hy A. Fox, C. Heath, Bragg, Phelps, Finden, Enson, Smith, 8^c, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, BEFORE THE LETTERS folio, 1826, &c. ./ / 8» • ^ 1 368 Shakespeare, 2 Portraits of, hyC. Picart and Penstone ; and ^^^ 2 without the engraver's names, all proofs on India paper, ^^"^ h ef ore the letters ; 2 hy T. W, Harland and Holl, proofi, one on India paper ; 3 from the Monumental Bust, by Ward, 8^c, one before the letters, and two on India paper, with a View of the Birth- Place of Shakespeare, by A. Baker, proof on India paper , folio, 10 [ ^. I n ^ 1369 Shakespeare, 4 Portraits of, by Trotter, Ward, S^c. ; 7 en- ^^^,1^^ graved for A. Wivell, and 5 for J. Boaden, all proofs on India paper, and 4- Views of Stratford Church, two proofs on India paper . 4to, 20 ,0 ,t b JrS70 ^ Series of 40 Engravings, Illustrative of his Plays, after the ' ' *~iTrtru Designs of Corbould, StephanofF, Smirke, Westall, Wright, '^ J &c. engraved by C. Heath, Bacon, Chevalier, Engleheart, Greatbach, Rolls, 8^c. PROOFS ON India paper, in a portfolio . folio, 40 l( L371 Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick) Portraits by an x\mateur, of n^W/l ^^® ^3lv\ and Countess of Winton, Lady Marie Stewart, ' the Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale, the Duke of Lau- derdale, Viscount and Viscountess Dundee, and Mrae. de Stael PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half bound . 4to, 1 833 1372 Sharp (Sir Cuthbert) Tracts and Works, by -P v/l PRIVATELY PRINTED: and with two exceptions, only 50 ^ J copies of each ; viz. Duke of Wellington's Visit to Sunder- land, frontispiece; the Sunderland Projectors, a new Ballad ; the Hiltons, reprinted from Surtees' History of Durham ; Account of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Pier of Seaham Harbour, only 30 copies printed ; Catalogue of the Manuscript Library of Sir C. Sharp, connected with the County of Durham ; Practice of the 175 Coal Trade at Newcastle, Sunderland, and Stockton ; Sun- land Tracts of other Times, viz. 1. A Skirmish in Nor- thumberland ; 2. The Scots Army in the Bishoprick ; 3. Ballad on the Northern Rebellion ; St. Hilda, a Poem, LARGE PAPER, ^to ; Report of the Special Committee of the Commissioners of the River Wear, presented July 1, 1829 LARGE PAPER: Onli/ 6 Copies printed; two Presentation Copies, 1 1 Tracts, uncut Durham, Newcastle, Sunderland, 8vo & 4to, 1818-42 ». ( «. 1373 Sharp (Sir C.) Chronicon Mirabile seu Excerpta Memorabilia £x^iJL e Registris Parochialibus Com. Pal. Dunelm., 2 parts, ( 1819-25; and Summary of the Contents of a Manuscript formerly belonging to Lord William Howard, of Naworth PRIVATELY PRINTED; 3 Tracts Durham, ^c. 8vo, 1819-25 (s I ^ ]SI± Sharp (Sir C.) Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, portraits^ %itK. plates, and woodcuts LARGE PAPER : crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly C^-lh ^ tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hay day . 4to, 1840 Jj-fr:^ ^ 1375 SHARP (Thomas) Dissertation on the Pageants, or ' -A ^/ Dramatic Mysteries, Anciently Performed at Coventry / by the Trading Companies of that City ; chiefly with re- ference to the Vehicle, Characters, and Dresses of the Actors ; compiled, in a great degree, from sources hitherto unexplored : to which are added, the Pageant of the Shearmen and Taylor's Company, and other Municipal En- tertainments of a public nature, 14^ plates, proofs on India paper, except one which is coloured, and a duplicate thereof, also a duplicate of the frontispiece, proof on India paper before any letters, ivith five woodcuts and initial letters, proofs on India paper worked ojf separately ; to which is added the Portrait of the Author, etched by Cotman, proof on India paper, and four cancelled leaves LARGEST PAPER : one of only 3 copies printed — see the publisher's bill ; with the original agreement for the copy- right in the autograph of T. Sharp, sighted by him and II. Merrideiv, the publisher ; and three letters with bill in his autograph ; also the original receipt for 1 1 copies received by, and a copy of the entry of the work in the Register Book of the Company of Stationers, folded in a po7'tfolio . . Corew^rj/, elephant 4to, 1825 ..2"^ 1376 Sharp (T.) Pageant (The) of the Company of Shearmen and P \IJL Taylors, anciently performed in Coventry, with the original M \y^^ Music and the Songs, as printed in the " Dissertation on the Coventry Mysteries," by Thomas Sharp, with the four plates of 7nusic, printed upon vellum, and a portrait of the Author, etched by Cotman, on India paper, inserted LARGEST PAPER, UNIQUE ; folded, uncut ib. elephant 4to, 1 825 176 „/0"0^ 1377 Sharp (T.) Account of St- John's Hospital and Free School, 0\a M /^ i Coventry, portr^ait of John Hales by Mrs. Dawson ^^y^'^Tm'ner, and one plate a proof hefore any letters^ inter- leaved with a few MS. notes by the Author ; also two letters in his autograph PRIVATELY PRINTED : One of only 6 copies blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day 4to, 1826 A (^ fl'J*^^ Sharpin (E. C.) Death Scenes, extracted from Biographical ^ ii'bvtj and other Works * PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; cloth, uncut Yarmouth, 8vo, ]84'2 f^^.lZ.'V 1379 Shaw (Henry) Dresses and Decorations of the ^^,^^ Middle Ages of the Vllth to the XVHth Centuries, 94- plates, most beautifully coloured and heightened with gold, and numerous woodcuts, many of which are coloured, 2 vol. in 6 parts LARGE paper ; cloth, uncut Pickering, imp. 4to, 1840-41 ^ ,, 1^,'G^ f. 1380 Shaw (H.) Encyclopaedia of Ornament, b^ finely coloured Hix^MTiUu pl(^tes LARGE PAPER : olive morocco extra, sides and back richly - ^ . tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day e6. imp. 4to, 1842 p., I J -'^ 1381 Shaw (H.) Alphabets, Numerals, and Devices of the Middle ^^^m7~\jI J Ages, 48 plates, many of them highly finished in colours, ^"y^l^ and heightened with gold LARGE PAPER ; dark morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day ib. imp. 4to, 1845 [^ ^ ^ J382 S^awe (Master John) Memoirs of his Life, with Notes by J.Oi ,/l/v*t'mJohn Broadley K PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER ; and only 4 copies, and 86 on small paper, many of which were destroyed; Presentation Copy, with two autograph letters from the Editor ; morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday Hull, 8vo, 1824 383 Shirley (Evelyn Philip) Account of the Territory or Dominion of Farney, in the Province and Earldom of Ulster, wood- cuts, cloth, uncut . Pickering, 4to, 1845 3.,^"^ 1384 Shirley. Stemmata Shirleiana; or the Annals of the Shirley ,^,^'y^^^ Family, Lords of Nether Etindon, in the Co. of Warwick, and of Shirley in the Co. of Derby, woodcuts of arms, ^c. ^ 4^ f— PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 100 copies ; uncut 4to, 1841 1<- i.. 1385 Smyth (Capt. W^ H.) Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of *f1rt4V*^t^ Roman Imperial Large-Brass Medals PRIVATELY PRINTED ; crimson morocco extra, sides and . back richly tooled, g. I. by Hayday Bedford, 4to, 1834 ^ 'J b ^86 Smith (Wayland) A Dissertation on a Tradition of the Middle TtWs Ages, from the French of Depping and Michel, with Addi- ^ tions by Singer, and the amplified Legend by Oehlenschlager cloth, uncut . Pickering, small 8vo, 1847 IL^ 177 1387 Sibbald (Dr. Sir Robert) His Autobiography, with some u i Account^ of his MSS. '^^^^^^''^^^'^rT^^D^PON vellum : One of only 2 copies, the other being in the late Right Hon. Thomas Grenvilles Library now in the I3ritish Museum ; red morocco extra, sides and hack 7'ichly tooled, gilt leaves . Edinb. 8vo, 1833 13 u 1388 Sibbald (Dr. Sir R.) His Autobiography, with some Account ._^^ of his MSS., portrait ONLY 35 COPIES PRINTED ; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie ib. 8vo,1837 (^ ^ 1389 Sibbes (Dr. Richard) The Bruised Reed and Smoaking Flax; j|il^^^^^ Fountain Sealed ; and a Description of Christ, blue mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1 838 /O ^ 1390 Sibbes (Dr. R.) Souls Conflict and Victory over itself by Faith, ^.^-^.^ blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1837 , ^ 1391 Sidney (Sir Philip) Correspondence with Hubert Languet, now ^J^ii^x^ first collected and translated with Notes and a Memoir of Sidney by S. A. Pears, portrait, cloth, uncut ib. 8vo, 184'5 ^^ ^^ 1392 Simeonis(Symonis) et Willelmide Worcestre, Itinerariaquibus A^ /^accedit Tractatus de Metro, cur& J. Nasmith LARGE PAPER ; olive morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Cantab, royal 8vo, 1778 uiO^ 1393 Singer (S. W.) Account of the Book printed at Oxford in 14:68, under the title of Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; Presentation Copy to the Duke of Marlborough, with autograph in- scription ; maroon morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1812 ^ '^ 1394^ Singer (S. W.) Researches into the History of Playing Cards, ^ P ix»Jj.w^^^^^ Illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving V on Wood, plates on India paper, and many woodcuts, some coloured ONLY 250 COPIES PRINTED ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 4to, 1816 ^ I f^ J 3^5 Sivright (Thomas) Catalogue of his Extensive and Valuable ^jAA-\ Collection of Books, Pictures, Drawings, Ancient Bronzes, » Terracottas, &c. comprising 17 Days* Sa\e,with two etchings by Bell, and three by Gekie, on India paper LARGE PAPER ; uncut C. B. Tait, Edinb. royal 8vo, 1836 U f 1396 Skegg (Edward) Catalogue of his very Interesting and Valua- / ' \am/\Am^ ble Library, and Collections of Portraits, thick paper, autograph Letters, Historical Documents, and Records, forming 1 3 Days' Sale, 3 parts complete, with prices and purchasers names neatly written; uncut Sotheby, Svo, 1842 ^% 178 I W~ . 1397 Southey (Robert) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, forming V^J^-y/i 16 Days' Sale, with prices and purchasers names neatly j I written; uncut . Sothebi/f 8vo, IS^-i ^ !5"^U ^^^^ Soane (John) Designs for Public Improvements in London ^^-1^ and Westminster, second Impression, with further Improve- ments and Explanatory Illustrations, 54' plates ; Presen- tation Copy to Jeremiah Harman^ with autograph in- I scription ; half boundf uncut . folio, 1 828 j . V 1399 Soane (J.) Civil Architecture: Designs for completing some (1/0 Cu^Cvi^ *^® Public Buildings in Westminster, and for correcting J^ *^ Defects in others, 7 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Jeremiah . , Harman, with autograph insci^iption ; sewed folio, 1 829 (' iT.—'t^ 1400 Soane (J,) Description of his House and Museum in cf^T/ y Lincoln's Inn Fields, \1 plates ^ i^PRlVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to Sir Henry Hardinge, with autograph inscription ; maroon morocco . extra^ gilt leaves^ hy Wickwar . royal 4to, 1 830 [^ Vj ^ 1401 Somerville (William) The Chase, a Poem, woodcuts hy Thomas "^ JrU/Vu.xJ3ewick, veryfine impressions ; green morocco extra^ sides hnd back emblematically and richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . royal 4to, 1796 ^ 1402 Soramers (Dr. John) Account of the Parish of Mid-Calder, ^ *^ ^UlHi^L with Miscellaneous Remarks, plate PRIVATELY PRINTED; Presentation Copy to Thomas Thomson, with autograph inscription ; dark green mo- rocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled^ gilt leaves, by ^ Mackenzie . Edinb. 8vo, 1838 q^ Q^ 1403 Sotheby (S.) The Typography of the XVth Century; being CZhtTyL, Specimens of the Productions of the Early Continental ^ Printers, exemplified in facsimiles from one hundred works, with their water-marks, 8fc. arranged and edited ^ by S. L. Sotheby, half bound vellum, uncut folio, 1 845 ^ tU'w 1404 Sotheby (S. Leigh) Catalogue of the Bibliographical and "f^vAi other Collections of Eminent Literary Men, forming a most Interesting and Curious Series of Sale and Privately Printed Catalogues of Literary Property, from the com- mencement of the last Century to the present Time LARGE PAPER: Only 25 copies printed ; Presentation Copy to the Rev, Mr, Cotton, interleaved throughout with writing paper, upon which the prices and purchasers 7iames are very neatly written ; maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie Sotheby, royal 8vo, 1831 Q^ (0 u 1405 Sotheby (S. L.) Unpublished Documents, Marginal Notes, and ^.yUjiJ Memoranda, in the Autograph of Philip Melanchthon, and ^ ^^^of Martin Luther, with 34} plates of facsimiles, and port, on India paper, and the cancelled title ; dark red mo- rocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day . folio, 1840 .^- 179 / 1406 Sotheby (William) Address to the Dilettanti Society, in Me- -^^lyL mory of their late Secretary, Sir Henry Englefield, with a ^ \ List of his Works, 2 portraits, one a proof before the letters, inserted PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to James Weale, Esq., with autograph inscription on the title ; half blue morocco extra, gilt leaves . royal 8vo, 1822 1407 Sotheby (W.) Lines suggested by the Third Meeting of the ^^-^ British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1833, with a Short Memoir of his Life by G Nicol, port, PRIVATELY PRINTED: Presentation Copy to H. Drury, with his autograph ; light brown morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie 8vo,l 834 SPALDING CLUB PUBLICATIONS: Privately Printed for the Club only. fi. LU /. *Z_u 1408 Gordon (James) History of Scots Affairs from 1637 to 1641, ^jj,^ edited by Joseph Robertson and George Grub, 3 vol. SiA-cJiu/dp^^* '^ncut . Aberdeen, 4to, 1841 c / A /^1409 Miscellany of the Spalding Club, edited by John Stuart, with a ^ -n— fac- simile plate of autographs, ^ \o\. ^ cloth, uncut . ib. 4to, 1841-42-46 1410 Abredoniae Vtrivsque Descriptio. A Description of both _^^ Touns of Aberdeen, by James Gordon, Parson of Rothe- may, edited by Cosmo Innes, map and four plates cloth, uncut . . ib. 4to, 1842 I. 3 1^ 1411 Keith (Field-Marshal James) a Fragment of a Memoir of, by C^ (ji r Himself, 1714-34, c/o^/i, uncut Bdi?ib, ito, 1843 ^ Presented by Thomas Constable. u Ufla 1412 Extracts from the Presbytery Book of Strathbogie A.D. 1631- ^ ^, 1654, edited by John Stuart cloth, uncut . Abe7'dee7h 4to, 1843 ^ A) 14L3 Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen *" Ia^ 1398-1570, edited by John Stuart ^ cloth, uncut . . i5. 4to, 1844 ^ ^.^"1414 Gordon of Ruthven (Patrick) A Short Abridgement of Bri- J.X/t»*^tane's Distemper from 1639 to 1649, edited by John Dunn, L facsimile, cloth, uncut . ib. 4to, 1844 c Lf ^ ^^^5 Blakhal (Gilbert) Breiffe Narration of the Services done to 'n^ Three Noble Ladyes, 1631-1649, edited by John Stuart ^ cloth, uncut . . ib, 4to, 1 844 f^ Py^ 1416 Selections from the Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, £iljLi, ^"^ Synod of Aberdeen, edited by John Stuart ^l cloth, uncut . ' . i6. 4to, 1846 Aa \A 180 1417 Spectator. A Set of Portraits and Plates to Sharpe's Edition -fjJXjL^ of the Spectator ^48 PROOF IMPRESSIONS: LARGE PAPER 8vo, 1803 Q^/)^ HI 8 Spenser (Edmund) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Me- f[hjiy{jLd^ moir by J. Mitford, two portraits^ one a proof on India paper ^ 5 vol. dark green morocco extra^ gilt leaves, hy Hay day Pickering, small 8vo, 1839 v^ M<19 Spenser (E.) Prothalamion, or a Spousall Verse, in Honour of the Double Marriage of the Ladies Elizabeth and Kathe- rine, Daughters to the Earle of Worcester PRIVATELY REPRINTED: and only 20 copies ; half blue mor. extra, gilt leaves, hy Hay day 1596, reprinted 4to, n. d. ^ ^ 9 U- SPOTTISWOODE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, Instituted at Edinburgh in 1843. 1420 Keith (Bp. Robert) History of the AflFairs of Church and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation to 1568, ^-""^^ with Biographical Sketch, Notes, &c. by John Parker Lawson, vol. I and 2 cloth, uncut Nos. 1 and 4, Edinh. 8vo, 1844-45 1421 Sage (Bp. John) Works, viz. Presbytery Examined, and Cy- prianic Age, with Memoir of his Life and Times, and ■^^^ Notes, edited by T. G. Suther, 3 vol. \ cloth, uncut Nos. 2 and 7, ih. 8vo, 1844-46 1422 Spottiswoode Miscellany; a Collection of Original Papers and Tracts illustrative chiefly of the Civil and Ecclesiastical ^ History of Scotland, edited by James Maidment, 2 vol. ^^ cloth, uncut . Nos. 3 and 6,ib. 8vo, 1844-5 1 423 Funeral Sermons, Orations, Epitaphs, and other Pieces on the y _ _ Death of the Right Rev. Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aber- deen, with Biographical Memoir and Notes by C. F. Shand cloth, uncut . No. 5, ih. 8vo, 1845 A complete series as far as published. 19 I [jL V- 1^24 Spruggins Gallery (The). Portraits of the Spruggins Family, y{\fj g arranged by Richard Sucklethumkin Spruggins, Esq. many yy^ humorous portraits and plates lithographed hy the Coun- tess of Mor ley PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light green morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled and lettered, gilt leaves, hy Hayday 4to, 1829 1 H lei 14'25 Stanley (Thomas) Poems by, Reprinted from the Edition of mIJUi ^^^^' ^'^^^ Preface, 8cc. by Sir E. Brydges (1 50 COPIES REPRINTED ; dark morocco extra^ gilt leaves, hy Clarke and Bedford . small 8vo, 181 4- (IL*-^ Li^6_Stany hurst (Richard) The First Four Books of the ^Eneid of J^L^ Virgil, in English Heroic Verse, with other Translations and Poems, edited with Prefatory Notice, &c. by James Maidraent PRIVATELY PRINTED : and onhf 50 copies ; maroon mor. extra, sides and hack neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday I Edinh. 4to, J 836 1^ /4.U A^*^ Statutes of the Realm. Introduction to the Authentic Collec- rv^iy^4\^ tion of the Statutes of the Realm PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half calf . royal 4to, 1810 1428 Staunton (Sir George Thomas) Notes of Proceedings and iXp^^->\j2_ Occurrences during the British Embassy to Pekin in 1816, with his Translation of the Narrative of the Chinese Em- bassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars in 1712-15, by the Chinese Ambassador, map, 2 vol. the first PRIVA.TELY PRINTED : Presentation Copies to T. Murdoch, uncut , Havant Press, Sfc. lS2l-24f ^ / £.. 1^^ Staunton (Sir G. T.) Miscellaneous Notices relating to China, J^tjiZ including Translations from the Chinese Language, with Appendix, 2 vol. vol. 2 PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to T. Murdoch, with a note in the autograph of the translator, uncut . 8vo, 1822-28 U Lfi^ 1430 Staunton (Sir G. T.) Memoir of the Life and Family of the ^\\a\ ^^*^ ^^'^ ^* ^* Staunton, portrait *^ ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Prese?itation Copy to T. Murdoch, with an autograph note from the author, uncut Havant Press, 8vo, I S2S U Su J^-^^ Stephens (George) Dramas for the Stage, 2 vol. drdl^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; cloth, uncut . 8vo, 1846 t^.h U 1432 Stevenson (Robert) Account of the Bell Rock Light House, ( M^^ ^^^^ ^" Historical View of the Institution and Progress of the Northern Light Houses, frontispiece of the Pell Pock Light House during a Storm, after J. 31. JV. Turner, hy Horshurgh, a proof on India paper, and 22 other plates Presentation Copy to the Hon. Baron Clerk Rattray crimson morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt . leaves, hy Hayday Edinh. royal 4to, 1824 u ^^^^ 1433 Stewartiana, containing the Case of Robert II and Elizabeth UcJj L. Mure, and Question of Legitimacy of their Issue, with Reply /r^*^ to Cosmo Innes ; New Evidence conclusive upon the Origin of the Stewarts, 8cc., and Critical Remarks upon Mr. Innes's Prefaces to his recently edited Chartularies, &c. by John Riddell, Advocate ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED; cloth, uncut ib. 8vo, 1843 v^ /- MU^ 182 ^S^ Stirling (James) Poems by, and a Sketch inscribed to E — S — 50 copies of each printed. Arion, a Tale. Familiar Epistles, &c. and Poems, I. a Sketch, and II. the Magazine ; 1 vol. and 4 Tracts PRIVATELY PRINTED; uncut Newcastle, 12mo, 1833-39 ^ U l^SS Stirry (Thomas) A Rot among the Bishops, or a Terrible ^_7^^ Tempest in the Sea of Canterbury, ^owr curious woodcuts dark morocco, sides blind tooled in the antique style, gilt leaves, hy Hay day 1641, reprinted, 12mo, n. d, L\^ 1436 Straker (John) Memoirs of the Public Life of Sir Walter A /| r J^Blackett, of Wallington, with a Pedigree of the Calverleys i^JJLO U^ Wvof Calverley in Yorkshire, and the Blacketts of Newcastle, portrait, plate and woodcuts PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGEST PAPER ; sewed, uncut Newcastle, imp. 8vo, 1819 STRAWBERRY HILL PRESS, Established 1757. Works written by or connected with HoSace Walpole, CHIEFLY printed AT STRAWBERRY HiLL. This Collection of the Works, &c. printed at Strawberry Hill is believed to be the most complete ever yet oiFered to the public. It includes the well- known and entire collection of the late Mr. R. P. Cruden, of Gravesend ; it having been purchased by the present Proprietor previous to the death of Mr. Cruden ; since which five very important additions have been made thereto, viz. Nos. 7, 16, 17, 23, & 38, the latter being one of the two copies printed upon brown paper of Bishop Bonner's Ghost, and are, with only two exceptions, entirely uncut. 3 t^ ^1437 Odes by Mr. Gray, and an Ode to Gray on his Odes, by David ^ J / Garrick, 24 lines ^ '^lOOO COPIES PRINTED, and only 6 of the Ode to Gray; stitched, uncut Strawberry Hill, 4to, 1757 Q_ ^^ 1438 A Journey into England by Paul Hentzner in the year 1598, Latin and English, by Bentley "^t^ 220 COPIES printed: with pencil Notes, ^c. in the auto- graph of Horace Walpole ; boards, uncut ib, 8vo, 1757 3 ^^ 1439 Fugitive Pieces, in Verse and Prose, by Horace Walpole _,,___ 200 COPIES PRINTED ; /o/c?(^c?, uncut ib. 8vo, 1758 I ^^ 1440 A Parallel, in the manner of Plutarch, between a most cele- brated Man of Florence (Magliabechi) and one scarce ever heard of in England (Robert Hill), by the Rev. Mr. Spence 700 COPIES PRINTED; stitched, uncut ib. 8vo, 1758 J t^ 1441 An Account of Russia as it was in the year 1710, by Charles -_-j^ — Lord Whitworth 700 COPIES PRINTED; sewed, uncut ib. 8vo, 1758 183 Strawberry Hill Publications— continued. |h 14-4'2 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, / ^ ^iHy ^'^^ Lists of their Works, and the Postscript folded^ two ^ plates, 2 vol. 300 COPIES PRINTED of the Catalogue, and only 40 of the Postscript ; boards, uncut . Strawberry Hill, 8vo, 1758-86 / V, I 143 Catalogues of the Collections of Pictures of the Duke of De- J'hltiv^vvtvonshire, General Guiso, and the late Sir Paul Methuen ONLY 2 COPIES PRINTED, and on one side only, with many notes in Horace Walpoles autograph ; unbound, but the cut . ib. 8vo, 1760 The following note, also written by II. Walpole, appears upon the fly-leaf: — " This Catalogue was printed from Dodsley's London and the Environs, solely for Mr. Walpole's own use. Farmer, his then Printer, secretly printed another copy, and sold it." (^ /^ t, 1 144' Lucani Pharsalia, cum Notis Hugonis Grotii, et Richardi n iAMj^. Bentleii g/tV ^'^dOl COPIES VB.mTET> ', folded, uncut t6. 4to, 1760 The largest as well as the most beautiful volume executed at Strawberry Hill, the publication of which was superintended by Mr. Richard Cumberland, grandson of the editor. QiO^ 144-5 Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some Account of the principal Artists, and incidental Notes on other Arts, and a Catalogue of Engravers who have been born in or resided in England, digested by Horace Walpole from the MSS. of G. Vertue, to which is added an Account of the Life and Works of the latter, with the Additions from the Second Edition to vol. 2 and 3, and the cancelled Advertisement in vol. 4, 113 plates, containing numerous portraits, bril- liant impressions, together 5 vol. FIRST EDITION 300 COPIES PRINTED of vol. 1, 2, 3, and the Catalogue, and ^ 600 of vol. 4; boards, uncut ib. Mo, 1762-63-71 I' fl.U '1'^^^ ^^^ History of Alcidalis and Zelida, a Tale of the Fourteenth I ^ 4\ Century ^W S"^^^^ morocco e.vtra, joints, inside borders 7ieatly tooled, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis ib. 8vo, 1 763 This is not included by either Baker or Martin in their Catalogues of the Works printed at Strawberry Hill, nor can it be found in any other except Brockett's, sold by Sotheby in December 1823, where it is said to have been surreptitiously printed, and in the Catalogue of Lord Berwick's col- lection, also sold by Sotheby in May 1843, when it was purchased for the present collection. ^/<1^ 144'7 The Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, written by / __^^^ himself, portrait, and the suppressed genealogical table, ; which is very scarce L^OO COPIES PRINTED ; boards, uncut ib. 4to, 1 764- J, / ^^ 14-V8 Herbert of Chirbury (Edward Lord^ Dialogue between a ^^ Tutor and his Pupil, boards, uncut Lond.Bathoc, ito, 1768 ^ 184 Strawberry Hill Publications— continued. I "'^I'lf^Q Poems by Anna Chamber, Countess Temple, and Verses sent \,A \ "-L^ o, i. ^^ Lady Charles Spencer with a Painted Taflfety, portrait I? q/*^Ag Countess ' 100 COPIES PRINTED; stitched, uncut I Strawberry Hilly 4to, 1764« iv I ^u 1450 Poems, Another copy, wo joor^rai^ . -"^ stitched, uncut . ib. 4to, 1764 1451 Cornelie, Vestale Tragedie, par Henault 200 COPIES PRINTED, 150 of which were sent to Paris; . ^"""^"^ boards, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1768 I . 14 i* 1452 The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, by Horace Walpole, with "X,...^ the Postscript ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED ; ^ Wee?, uncut ib. Svo, 1768 ^^ lO^ 1453 The Mysterious Mother, H. Walpole s own copy, with a — u — • Paraphrase ofl lines by Comte de Lally Tolendal, and a long note, both in the autograph of the author, signed " Orford;' and " H. W." V calf gilt, blue edges ib. Svo, 1768 1454 The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, by H. Walpole . 1"— sewed, uncut London, Dodsley, 8vo, 1781 1455 Hoyland (Rev. Mr.) Poems ^^_,,^.j^_ 300 COPIES PRINTED ; sewed, uncut . ^ Strawberry Hill, 8vo, 1769 ^ (j, 1456 Hoyland (Rev. Mr.) Poems, Another Edition I ^"tvv4 l^mo, printed in the year 1769 ^ , [-) '^ 1 457 Reply to the Observations of the Rev. Dr. Milles on the Ward- Jit^Af^ux^y^ ^^^^ Account of 1483, &c. sewed, uncut Strawberry Hill, 4to, 1770 " Not more than six copies were printed in this manner at Strawberry y Hill, at which place there is but one copy left." — T. K(irgate). I ^j^ 1 458 Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par Monsieur le Corate ^'rrUAA/^^^^^^"^ Hamilton ; Nouvelle Edition, augmentee de Notes S4 d'Eclaircissemens necessaires, par Horace Walpole, three portraits by Hall, Chambers, and Powle, with the De- dication a Madame . . . . (du Deffand) ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED, 30 of which were sent to Paris; , boards, uncut . Strawberry Hill, 4to, 1772 A \^ 1459 Memoires du Grammont, with the 3 portraits and the Dedica- ^'^iPL tion a Madame .... (du Deffand) ^^^^^, Illustrated, with a pen and ink Drawing of Summer jf"^^"^ Hill, near Tunbridg^, and 12 portraits, plates, and vignettes, three of which are proofs before the letters, and several long notes in the autograph of Horace Walpole ; calf, with his arms on the sides, blue edges ib 4to, 1772 The Strawberry Hill Copy, containing the following note upon the fly- leaf: — " A Second Edition was published by Dodsley in 1783, with Mr. Walpole's consent ; and the name of Madame du Deffand was prefixed to the Dedication, which her modesty would not allow during her life. — H. W." /. 185 Strawberry Hill Publications— continued. / ^ 1460 Copies of Seven Original Letters from King Edward VI to ^^U, Barnaby Fitz-patrick 200 COPIES PRINTED ; stitched^ uncut Strawberry Hill 4to,1772 "^ 1461 Miscellaneous Antiquities; or a Collection of Curious Papers, — 1:_ either republished from scarce Tracts, or now first printed from Original MSS., Nos. 1 & 2, all published ^ 500 COPIES PRINTED; stitched, uncut ib. 4to, 1772 U It ^ 1462 Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole, at Strawberry- _^i_^ Hill, near Twickenham ; with an Inventory of the Fur- niture, Pictures, Curiosities, &c. and Appendix, Additions, and more Additions, 158 pages, complete LARGE PAPER : Only 6 copies printed ; boards, uncut ^ ib. 4to, 1774 1463 Description of the Villa at Strawberry Hill, 158 pages, com- — ■^__ plete, small paper ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED ; folded, uncut J ib. small 4to, 1774 %*. 3 «- 1464 Description of the Villa. Another edition of 65 pages, com- — -'*— plete; sewed, uncut . lA. 4to, 1774 This edition is stated by Kirgate as hfiving been printed only for the use of . . the servants shewing the house. ^1465 Dorinda a Town Eclogue, by General Richard Fitzpatrick ^^^^ — 300 COPIES PRINTED ; /o/c?ec?, uncut . ib. 4to, 1775 1466 The Sleep- Walker, a Comedy; in Two Acts, translated from Jt^U'v^/vtthe French by Lady Craven, in March 1788 ONLY 75 COPIES WERE PRINTED to oblige her Ladyship : fValpole calls it one of the rarest of the Strawberry Hill ji editions ; folded, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1778 c L *467«ALetter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton, ldA\ by H. Walpole 1^ 200 COPIES PRINTED; sewed, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1779 (^ [ .(j\ 468 The Muse Recalled, an Ode occasioned by the Nuptials of -"t — Lord Althorp and Miss Lavinia Bingham, by William Jones .^ 250 COPIES PRINTED; stitched, uncut ib. 4to, 1781 C^ i^ U 14*69 A Letter from the Hon. Thomas Walpole to the Governor and — O— ^ Committee of the Treasury of the Bank of England 1 120 COVIES vnmTED ; stitched, uncut . 26. 4to, 1781 // 1470 Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole at Strawberry- '"1 J^' iHill, with an Inventory of the Furniture, Pictures, and • rx)uriosities, &c.. Appendix, Additions, and more Additions, 27 Plates, Views, Plans, 8fc. of the Exterior and Interior of the House A 200 COPIES PRINTED; 6 oa»'rf5, wncM^ . «&. royal 4to, 1784 ^n ^,1471 Description of the Villa. Another copy, viz. '"(p4^^ The proof Sheets, with the Corrections by H, Walpole, tM^^'-^-f-'^^ets E and O wanting, 2 plates only, but having a du- plicate title, printed in red and black ; boards, uncut ib, royal 4to, 1784 (k^ L 186 / > Strawberry Hill Publications— com inned. I (3 1472 Essai sur I'Art des Jardius Modernes, par Horace Walpole, ^ * /C\ traduit en Francois, par M. le Due de Nivernois en 1784 (j/M^'>-^00 COPIES PRINTED, 200 of ivhich were sent to France ; folded, uncut . Strawberry Hilly 4to, 1785 C) *^1^ A^^ Hieroglyphick Tales, with the Postscript ^^ jUiv-«U30NLY 7 COPIES PRINTED ; folded, uncut ib. 8vo, 1785 Mr. Baker gave £\Q for this copy at Kirgate's sale. U^ v- L ^/^^t ^^^^op Bonner's Ghost ^ntyONLY 96 COPIES PRINTED ; stitched, uncut ib. 4to, 1789 1 u "^1475 bishop Bonner's Ghost 1».vi yfcf JilJ^TED ON BROAVN PAPER, ONE OF ONLY 2 COPIES ; stitched IM^^^M^ z6.4to, 1789 " This Poem was written at the Bishop of London's, at Fulham, by Miss Hannah More, in June 1789. Only two of these were printed on brown : Miss More had the other. — H. W." The above note on the inside of the cover is in the autograph of Horace » / V Walpole. u n b 1476 Walpole's Works, vol. 1 and 2 ; Vol. 1, containing The Fugitive JlZu^itv^ Pieces, with Title, 1770 — The Mysterious Mother, and the Royal and Noble Authors, with Postscript, Titles, and 2 plates, 1787— Vol. 2. The Castle of Otranto — Account of the Giants — Historic Doubts of the Life and Reign of Richard III, with Supplement — ^des Walpolianse — Reply to the Observations on the Remarks of Dr. Mills — Short Observations on the Remarks of the Rev. Mr. Masters on the Historic Doubts — Nature will Prevail, a Moral Enter- tainment, in one Act, 2 vol. no general titles, all published, in sheets . ib. royal 4to This projected edition of "Walpole's Works from his own .press was began about 1770, but proceeded no further than the above 2 vol. ; the first con- . sisting of 564 and the second of 304 pages. (^ '^2,^4^ 14*77 Laws, Rules, and Orders, belonging to the Amicable and ^^^^^_^ Fraternal Society, held at Mr. Wra. Young's, the Black Dog, in Twickenham, began June 25th, 1779, \5 pages. Strawberry Hill, printed by Thos. Kirgate, this last line in the printers autograph, stitched, uncut 8vo, 1779 s^yO x^ Detached Pieces printed at Strawberry Hill, Folio. > 1478 1. A Copy of a General Order of the Court of Exchequer for the future more regular issuing of Summons of the Pipe, &c. 1758, 2 leaves. 2. Inscription under the Monument of the two first Earls of Waldegrave, by Sir Edward Walpole, with pencil note by Kirgate, 3. Label (on a long strip) " The four Pictures near the Shrine," &c. 4. Another Label, printed in large type, on cartridge paper, " The Shrine," &c. and 5 Title- Pages described in 3Iartins Cata- logue of Books Privately Printed, pp. 507-^ : with " Pros- perity to Houghton," and " Houghton Hare- Hunting," 2 Ballads, not mentioned by Baker or Martin 1 1 Pieces 187 ^ Strawberry Mill Publications— continued. 1^ (,-^^ 14-79 Detached Pieces, in Quarto. Three Title Pages. The rlxiotvA- Magpie and her Brood, a Fable, by H. W. 2 leaves — Verses sent to Lady C. Spencer, 2 copies, one with a variation — Portrait of John Earl of Granville, by H. W., 2 copies, one French and English, the other English only — To the Printing' Press at Strawberry Hill, by Bentley, 1757 — Epitaph on Theodore, King of Corsica, by H. W. — The Press at Strawberry Hill to the Duke of Clarence— The Printing Press at Strawberry Hill to the Earl of Chester- field — The Press, 8cc. to Miss Mary and Agnes Berry — Vers a le Roi de Suede, 1771 — Vers sur cette Expression Ordinaire, Tuer le terns, par Boudier — Rules for obtaining a Ticket to see Strawberry Hill, printed in italics — Rules for taking down and replacing a Book in the Library — Proposals for a Pony Race on Twickenham Common, Sept. Ill 6, printed unknown to H. W.: see note — Cockey's New Year's Address ; Verses by T. Kirgate, 22 lines, 2 copies, in differ e7it type, one with the author's autograph — Verses, by T. Pentycross — Verses, by Miss Ann Prior — Verses to Mrs. Crewe, by Charles Fox — The Disaster : Verses, by S. Harding, on William Bawtree, Engraver — A Song, " There was a little Man, and he woo'd a little Maid" — Verses, by Mrs. Rachel Holmes, 1790 — Verses to Lady Horatia Waldegrave, 2 leaves — The Printer's Farewell to Straw- berry-Hill The above comprise all the pieces mentioned hy Martin, pp. 508-9 ^ 10, except one, viz. Two Verses, printed for Mrs. Cloak. The two following are not in Martinis Catalogue : "A Madame de Boufflers"^-The Prologue and Epilogue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and Johanna Baillie, at the opening of the Theatre, Strawberry Hill, Nov. 1800 The preceding 29 articles are all printed on single leaves, except when other- wise described. Many of them have notes in ink and pencil by T. Kirgate, at whose sale they were purchased by Mr. Baker, at the dispersion of whose collection they passed into that of the late Mr. Cruden. 1 480 Detached Pieces, in 8vo and 1 2mo ; Cards of Address, &c. : — ^ ^ Five Titles, one having a variation — Part of an intended Preface to the Anecdotes of Painting, pp. 8— Verses to Lady Craven, 8 lines — Verses, Tonton to Mme. de Cam- bis, 6 lines — The Press Speaks, for Lady Townsend, 4 lines, 1757 — The Press Speaks, for Lady Rochford, 4 lines, 1 757 — The Press Speaks, for Mrae. de Boufflers, and for Mme. Dusson, 6 lines each — Vers, que Louis XV, 4 lines — Tristes Regrets, &c. ; an Air in French, 4 stanzas of 6 lines each — Verses to Mesdames du Chatelot, de Damas, de Villegagnon, and de la Vaupaliere, and imitated in French, of 4, 6, and 8 lines each — The Master of Bb /.// 188 Strawberry Hill Publications — continued. Otranto to the Fairy Blandina, &c. 8 lines — Questions pro- posed to the Society of Antiquaries — Label for the China Tub in which the Cat was drowned, '' 'Twas on this lofty vase's side," &c. — Label for a Screen made of old Tapestry, 7 lines — Label for the Fishing Eagle, " Non me Praxi- teles finxit, at Anna Damer, 1787, H. W." — A Card — The Ticket to View Strawberry Hill, 10 lines, two copies, 07ie filled up by Horace Walpole — Epitaph on a Woman who sold Earthenware, two copies, one on card — Epitaph on a Canary Bird, by S. Harding, 3 stanzas — Advertise- ment : Stolen or Strayed, a small brown shock Water- Dog, with 7 labels and 9 cards of address, being all but three articles of the octavos, S^c. mentioned by Martin, pages 510-11-12 and 13, with a Card of Kirgate's Address, 127, Pall Mall, not in Martin ; and two duplicates in 4to, viz. Verses sent to Lady C. Spencer, 1 leaf; and the Magpie and her Brood, a Fable, 2 leaves together 43 pieces, many of them with pencil notes, 8fc. written by Kii^gate, and two by H. Walpole Works connected with Horace Walpole. I . ^ ^ 1481 Hasty Productions, by George Lord Orford, &c. (]V^ privately printed : and only 25 copies ; folded, uncut ^^\AA^^ jYorwich, royal 4t.o, 1791 Limited as the impression was, an endeavour was made to suppress them on account of their extremely indecent tendency ; and on the death of Horace Walpole, his executrix, the Hon. Mrs. Damer, finding some copies, committed them to the flames. [ ' ir~VK ^^^82 Walpole (Horace) Reminiscences, written in 1788 for the \jliryl\d^ Amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes Berry privately printed ; and only 25 copies ; sewed, uncut folio, 1805 The above entertaining work by Horace Walpole was printed on this size for illustration, at the expense of Lord Frederick Campbell. v- J »- 1483 Apology for Strawberry Hill, a single leaf, 5 copies, on light ^Pvl /I brown, blue, pink, straw-coloured, and white papers, the I latter before the alterations, all UNIQUE — see the pub- Usher's attestation, 4to, n. d. — Specimen of the Great Sale at Gooseberry Hall, with Puffatory Remarks, 4to, w. d, — Description of the Villa of Mr. H. Walpole at Strawberry- \ 1^ Hill, 8vo, 1842 . 2 Tracts and 5 leaves ^ 1 1 l^ 1484 Notes to the List of Portraits at Woburn Abbey, the Seat of V his Grace the Duke of Bedford, in Bedfordshire, by "^""^ Horace Earl of Orford THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, in the neat autograph of the Author, ^^ finished September 29, 1791;" consisting of 14 pages . small 4to 189 Works connected with Horace Walpole — continued. {/, ^ u- 1485 Notes to the Portraits at VVoburn Abbey, by Horace Walpole jBi4i^ PRIVATELY PRINTED /or illustration, 16 pages ; folded, 1 uncut . imp. 4to, n. d. u ( w- 1486 Baker (George) Catalogue of Books, Poems, Tracts, and ^^^-x^ — small detached Pieces, printed at the Press at Strawberry Hill, belonging to Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 20 copies ; folded, uncut J 4to, 1810 u ^ t) 1487 Kirgate (Thomas) the Strawberry Hill Printer, Catalogue of ^_.„_j^,^ his Collection of Books, Prints, and Curiosities, with the Supplement, forming 1 1 Days' Sale, portrait inserted, with prices and purchasers names neatly written, the Supplement not priced or named LARGE PAPER ; One of only 6 copies printed for the late JMr. Baker ; dark red morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, . gilt leaves, by Hayday King and Lochee, 4to, 1810 I- f 1. 1488 Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press .-)t^4v*t*^f the Hon. Horace Walpole, at Strawberry Hill . PRIVATELY PRINTED ; *eif?erf . 8vo, 1813 c U ^^ 1489 Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry Hill, col- J^AA-^^/vx^^^^^^ by Horace Walpole ; sold by George Robins, April 1842, forming 24 Days' Sale; with the names of purcha- sers, and the prices printed for J. H. JBurn^ portraity on India paper, and woodcuts, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER: Of the names and prices only 25 copies IV ere printed this size ; sewed . royal 4to, 1842 u ^ u 1490 Catalogue. Another copy, with names and prices, 2 vol. ^ Jti^^-*»/tLARGE PAPER ; *eM;ec^ . royal 4to, 1842 ^ A ^ 1491 Catalogue of the Strawberry Hill Collection of Rare Prints ilutLCdiAA^^^ Illustrated Works, sold by George Robins, in June f 1842, forming 10 Days' Sale, tvith purchasers names and prices: Only 50 copies printed for J, H. Burn, 2 vol. 4to, 1842 4^ V 1492 Catalogue. Another copy, wi7A /> Wee*, ^'c. 2 vol. 4to, 1842 ^ /\ 1493 Streatfeild (Thomas) Excerpta Cantiana ; being the Prospectus n*/i of a History of Kent preparing for Publication, portraits { and plates, with numerous woodcuts PRIVATELY PRINTED: Presentation Copy; maroon mor, extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday folio, 1836 3 (6? u ^*^^' Strutt (Joseph) Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiqdi- JtuM^tr-^IES OF ENGLAND ; a new and improved Edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes by J. R. Planche, 12 plates ILLUMINATED IN GOLD, SILVER, AND OPAQUE COLOURS, with a set of plain plates ; half morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hayday . H. G. Bohn, royal 4to, 1 842 190 L (T) I 1495 Strutt CJoseph) a complete View of the Dress and i-Ci\/u Habits of the People of England, from the Esta- 1 blishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present Time, Illustrated by Engravings taken from the most authentic Remains of Antiquity : a new and improved Edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes by J. R. Planche, \4'3 plates ILLUMINATED IN GOLD, SILVER, AND OPAQUE COLOURS, Ofie of 25 copies only executed in this style ; with a set ofplai7i plates, 2 vol. ; half morocco extra^ top edges gilt^ hy Hay day . H. G. Bohn^ royal 4to, 1 842 t * to u '4-?^ Suffolk Garland (The) a Collection of Poems, Songs, Tales, IA^t»^VK'^ Ballads, Sonnets, and Elegies LARGE PAPER: Only 6 copies printed; half morocco^ V uncut . Ipswich, small 4to, 1818 9— u ^'^^1 ^UPPLICACYON FOR THE Beggers, reprinted from the Ori- (J^lV>^^2A4^inal Edition of 1524 PRBNTED UPON VELLUM, BY C. WhITTINGHAM ; One of only 2 copies — see the publisher s attestation on the fiy-leaf; dark brown morocco extra^ sides and back blind-tooled, in the antique style, gilt leaves, by Hayday jk Pickering, 8vo, 1845 i^ Q^va 1498 Supplicacyon. Another copy, upon paper -?j^\^/\^ialf morocco, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1845 \ \0 \^ ^^^ iSurgundo, or the Valiant Christian, a Metrical History of the flp^ehC Feuds and Conflicts of the Gordon Family, with Notes, &c. by C. K. Sharpe, po7^traits and vignette PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; dark green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 4to, 1837 / • ^ u J'i'^Q— Surrey (Henry Howard Earl of), and Sir Thomas Wyatt, 0^1 C£^ Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir by Sir H. ^icoXsi^, four portraits, two proofs on India paper, 2 vol. light morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1831 ( • L M l^Q\ Surrey (Henry Howard Earl of), and Sir Thomas Wyatt, OiVWi Poetical Works, with Original Memoirs by Sir Harris / Nicolas, portraits, 2 vol. ; olive mor extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. small 8vo, 1831 V- (4.I;, 1502 Surtees (W. E.) A Sketch of the Male Descendants of ([t f/*^ Josceline de Louvaine, the Second House of Percy, Earls I of Northumberland, Barons Percy, &c. woodcuts LARGE PAPER : Pri?ited within coloured borders, and only 22 copies ; sewed, uncut . Newcastle, 4to, 1 844 1503 Surtees (W. E.) Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and — w^^,^-^ Eldon, comprising, with additional Matter, some Correc- tions of Twiss's Work on the Chancellor, cloth, uncut 8vo, 1846 ti 191 u ( u 1504 Sussex (Duke of) Addresses, at the Anniversary Meetings of ^jXlM^j^^ the Royal Society 1831-32 PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Archdeacon Butler, with inscription in the autograph of the Duke of Sussex ; half green morocco extra, gilt leaves royal 4to, 1833 (tL^ 1.505 Sussex (Duke of) Catalogue of his Extensive and Valuable .HjLUH^Vlr^i'^i'a^T' forming 61 Days' Sale, portrait, pr^oof on India paper, 6 parts complete ; with p7'ices and purchasers* names vey^y neatly written LARGE PAPER: Only '^O copies printed ; cloth, uncut Evans, Yoy2^.S\o, 1844 (9- (^1^1506 Sutherland (the Duchess of) Views in Orkney, and fiilwuA^^ ^^^ North Eastern Coast of Scotland, 41 plates and •dignettes taken in 1805, and etched in 1807 PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 120 copies; blue morocco extra, sides and back very richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day . folio, 1807 » -6' t^ 1.507 Swift (Jonathan) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir jti'tu— by J. Mitford, 2 portraits, one a proof 07i India paper, 3 vol., light morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, small 8vo, 1833-4 /•/ u 1508 Tales of the Cordelier Metamorphosed, as narrated in a MS. lAAA^AAinrt ^^^™ ^^^ Borromeo Collection, he. with Translations by ^George Hibbert, 1 1 etchings by J. R. Cruikshank, on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 64 copies ; Presentation Copy to G. H. Freeling ; olive morocpo extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday 4to, 1821 9 Tales. Early Metrical Tales ; including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray- Steill, edited by David Laing, plates on India paper THICK PAPER: Only 12 copies printed ; Presentation Copy ; light blue morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Edinb. 12mo, 1826 i s^ 1510 Talfourd (T. N.) Ion, a Tragedy, ^r*^ edition ' A^^^^^^PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to T. Hill, with a note in the autograph of the author ; maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie , 8vo, w. d. (f ^ 1511 Talfourd (T. N.) Ion, Second Edition, to which are added a l-U Avti^ few Sonnets PRIVATELY PRINTED: Presentation Copy to T. Hill ; dark green morocco extra, gilt leaves ■ 8vo, n. d, ^l 1512 Talfourd (T. N.) Glencoe ; or the Fate of the Macdonalds, a (f)^/^i^u^ Tragedy PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to T. Hill, from Mr. Moxon ; dark green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 8vo, 1839 192 1513 Tasso (Torquato) Gerdsalemme Liberata £ Opere, fl l, \AaMvC^^^ Annotazioni, portrait, 4 vol. \k i,. ITED UPON VELLUM ; half russia, uncut Milano, 8vo, 1804-5 /a v> 1514 Taylor (Brook) Contemplatio Philosophica, with his Life by Sir n J i William Young, and Appendix of Original Papers, portrait JA ^4^ PRIVATELY PRINTED, from the Strawberry Hill Library, I with Book-plate ; crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday royal Svo, 1793 1515 Taylor (Edgar) The Suffolk Bartholomeans : a Memoir of the __,^^^ Ministerial and Domestic History of John Meadows, Clk., two portraits by A. Fox, one a proof on India paper ; green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Pickering, royal Svo, 1840 L516 Taylor (Bp. Jeremy) The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living >i fcc ^"^ Dying, portrait by A. Fox, 2 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ib. small Svo, 1840 v^ 5^t, 1517 Taylor (George Watson) The Profligate, a Comedy P A i PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Joseph Jekyll, ^"^ ^"^ with autograph inscription ; yellow tnorocco extra, sides I ' and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 4to, 1 820 t* (H:^ 1518 Taylor (G. W.) Pieces of Poetry, with two Dramas, portrait ^.,,4,^ on India paper, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; yellow morocco extern, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Chiswick, 12mo, 1830 I . O^ 1519 Teraplaria ; Papers relative to the History, Privileges, &c. of _ ^ the Scotish Knights Templar, and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, edited by James Maidment, the 11 Tracts, or 2 parts in 1 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 25 copies ; dark smooth morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb. 4to, 1828 [ <■ *-Lva r52D Temple. Catalogue of the printed Books and Manuscripts in T^^H^JUU Library of the Inner Temple, arranged in Classes ^PRIVATELY PRINTED ; green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . royal Svo, 1833 1521 Terentius. The Andrian, a Comedy; attempted in English Metre by Sir H. Charles Englefield PRIVATELY PRINTED : crimson morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ' small Svo, 1814 U- D u 1522 Testamentum Novum Grsecum, beautiful Plate of the Lord's Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci, by Worthington ; richly bound in silver gilt filagree work, over crimson silk, lettered, lined with watered silk, hinges, gilt and tooled edges Pickering, typis C. Corrall, 48mo, 1828 . (r. i^ -Ui\^ 1 193 1523 Testament (The New), Greek and English, the Greek Text of (j(^ti\v^^Scolz, with the Readings both Texual and Marginal of Griesbach, and the Variations of the Editions of Stephens, 1550; Beza, 1598; and the Elzevir, 1633 LARGE PAPER ; cloth, uncut Bagster^ square 1 2mo, n. d. ^A_^ 1524 Testament (The New), with Critical, Explanatory, and Prac- -PjC^i/l/y. tical Notes by Matthew Henry ( PRINTED IN GOLD, AND ENAMELLED, Ji/ De la RuBy James, and Rudd ; purple morocco, joints, watered silk fly- leaves and linings, sides and hack richly ormamented in gold, gilt leaves . royal 4to, 1836 A magnificent specimen of printing in gold, published at £15.. 15s. ul^'y^ 1525 Thames. A Tour on the Banks of the Thames from London ifUiJiA^ to Oxford in 1829, by a Pedestrian PRIVATELY PRINTED ; U?icut . 12mo, 1834 It 6-t> J -^^erhoms (W. J.) Collection of Early Prose Romances, 3 vol. qT\^ maroon morocco extra^ sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . Pickering, Hvo, \H2S O Q__^ l^^ Thomson (James) Seasons, with Life by Dr. P. Murdoch, ^tt^o^wt/u^dited by Bolton Corney, with lUustratiuns from Designs fl^ T^H^ drawn on Wood, hy Bell, Cope, Creswick, ^c. FINE PAPER: only 100 copies printed ; cloth, top edges gilt 8vo, 1842 l(^^ ^5^§ Thomson (J.) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir f^' q7 by Sir H. Nicolas, two portraits, one a proof on India paper, 2 vol., dark green morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday Pickering, small. 8vo, 1830 t- ^ u A^f^ Thomson (J.) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir by ^ (j^iUtM^i Sir H. Nicolas, port7'ait, 2 vol. Second Edition ; cloth, uncut . ih. small 8vo, 1847 l^ i i^ 1530 Thomson (Thomas) Catalogue of his Valuable and Extensive A-{/| Library, consisting of a Rare Assemblage of Works on ^ History, Antiquities, General Literature, and Law, forming / 13 Days' Sale LARGE PAPER; uncut . Tait, Edinh, royal 8vo, 1841 i- [ ^ 1531 Thomson (T.) Catalogue. Another copy ■ — 't_ LARGE PAPER; uncut . ih. royal 8vo, 1841 u P 1532 Thurlow (E. Lord) Poems on several Occasions ; crimson mor, ^ LkitwyJ-extra, gilt leaves . small 8vo, 1813 >^ tr(\ 1533 Thurlow (E. H. Lord) Carmen Britanicum, or the Song of C\ixl^ Britain ; written in Honour of the Prince Regent cloth, gilt leaves . • 4to, 1814 ^ ^ ^ 1534 Thurlow (E. H. Lord) Select Poems 4-^1,^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; uncut Chiswick, small 8vo, 1821 U ^1^1) \B2>5 Tim Bobbin, Human Passions Delineated in above 120 Figures, L /l4iviA/U^ Droll, Satyrical, and Hiunourous, design'd in the Hogar- (thian Style, portrait and many plates ; half pale russia, vermilion edges . folio, 1773 ^u 194 / Q ISS6 Todd (H.) Catalogue of the Books, Manuscript and Printed, (,- A-4,-*- \L^\ J in the Library of Christ Church, Canterbury ^^^v/pRIVATELY PRINTED ; blue morocco extra^ sides and hack . neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1802 / // . ^ 1537 Todd (H. J.) Account of Greek Manuscripts, chiefly Biblical, of the late Professor Carlyle, now in the Archiepiscopal ""^^ Library at Lambeth Palace PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 200 copies ; Presentation Copy, dark morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday . royal Svo, n. d. I (Tit ]5^i^^ 1538 Todd (H. J.) History of the College of Bonhommes, -fA/lu ^T ASHRIDGE, in the County of Bucks, founded in 1276, /by Edmund Earl of Cornwall; compiled from original Records and other authentic Sources, with a Description of the present Mansion, 31 portraits and plates on India paper PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 200 copies ; blue morocco extra, joints, sides, back, and broad inside borders, richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford imp. folio, 1823 1539 Tom a Lincoln, the Red Rose Knight, the History of, by R. fl J / Johnson, edited by W. J. Thoms I' *mA. PRINTED ON WRITING PAPER, UNIQUE— 5^6 the publisher's attestation on the fly-leaf ; half morocco, uncut /Pickering, 8vo, 1827 l^ 154-0 Topographical Tracts, Kent (3), viz. Baverstock (J. H.) Ac- count of Maidstone, with Genealogical Tables of the Bosville Family, plates, only 100 printed, 1832 — Dunkin (A. J.) Legendse Cantiana; William de Eynsford, the Excommu- nicate, coloured portrait, only 25 printed, 184'2 — Rackett (T.) Description of Otterden Place and Church, and of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Charing, plates I LARGE PAPER, 1832; uncut 3 Tracts, imp. 8vo, 1832-42 ^ ( v^ J 541 Topographical Tracts (2), viz. Cotton (W.) A Graphic and , — ( Historical Sketch of Bodyam Castle, in Sussex, plates on India paper, 1831 — A Survey of Aspeden, Herts, A.D. 1793, H. G. O. PRIVATELY PRINTED in Lithography ; uncut 2 Tracts, imp. 8vo, 1793, &c. ^ ^^ -u^ 1542 Torrent of Portugal, an English Metrical Romance, now first /sV^y^^ published by J. O. Halliwell ^ PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE — see the publisher's attest^ ation on the fly-leaf; dark brown morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday HJ. R. Smith, 8vo, 1842 *v 1543 Torrent of Portugal, 4 copies, in 1 vol. £ J/1 PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER : Nos. 1 , 2, 3, and 5, of 5 copies so •^1 struck ojf- — see the publishers attestations on the fly- leaves ; dark brown morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday ib. 8vo, 1 842 AA 195 [^ (h^ 154-4 Torrent of Portugal, an English Metrical Romance, now first IVtUliA^l^ublished by J. O. Halliwell THICK PAPER; No. 1 of only six copies priiited — see the publisher s attestation on the fly-leaf; dark brown mo- rocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt and tooled ^ edges, by Hayday J, R. Smith, 8vo, 1 84-2 i (J V. 1545 Townshend (George, Marquis of) Miscellaneous Poetry upon ^^yl^ various Subjects and Occasions (privately PRINTED; olive movocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Rainham, printed by Ann Marchioness Townshend, 4to, 1791 & 1807 ^ (q ^ L54^ Townson (Dr. Thomas) Practical Discourses CJha^ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; da7^k morocco extra, sides and back J richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday 8vo, 1828 ^ / 1547 Tracts (6), viz. The Alien-Child's Holy Christ, translated J<.'\^1\ from the German of Riickert, by E. Hodges — Coxe (R. C.) I The Mercy at Marsden Rocks, a True Tale, ivoodcut — The Snow Shroud, or the Last Bairn o' Biddleston Edge ; the initial letters and titles of the above printed in colours, Newcastle, 1843, 44, 46 — Britton (J.) Essay on the Ancient Gate Houses of Norwich, 80 copies printed, 1847 — Lines composed on the Grave of Robert Surtees, Esq., 100 copies privately printed, Newcastle, 1844 — A Collec- tion of Pieces in the Dialect of Zummerzet, edited by Halliwell, only 50 copies printed, 1843 6 Tracts, 8vo 1548 Traherne (John Montgomery)Historical Notices of Sir Matthew Cradock, of Swansea, in the Reigns of Henry VII & VHI, pedigree and two plates ; dark red morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Llandovery, royal 8vo, 1840 V — k 1549 Trial of David Roy, Cook to Colin Eviot, of Balhousie, for a ^,...,^1,^ Rape on the Body of Elspett Eviot, 1st Feb. 1601 ONLY 20 COPIES PRINTED FOR SALE ; maroon morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Edinb Ato,l83\ 4_»L^ 15-50 Trissino (Giang.) LTtalia Liberata da' Goti, riveduta, e cor- ^-^T-^ (/LlNjl>{, retta per I'Abbate Antonini, 3 vol. PRINTED UPON VELLUM ; red morocco, gilt leaves Parigi, 8vo, 1729 The La Valliere copy from the Hanrott collection. Colonel Stanley's sold for £18.. 18s. 1*^,^ L551 Tristan, Recueil de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs a ses fA/l/y Aventures composes en Francois en Anglo-Normand et en ( Grec dans le XII et XIII siecles pubhe par Fr. Michel, 2 vol. PRINTED ON THICK TINTED PAPER : and only 2 copies — see the publisher s attestation on the fly-leaf; light green morocco extra, joints, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Pickering. I2mo. ISS'^ Cc v»^ 1 196 t-i 6' O ^^52 Tuiidale (Visions of); together with Metrical Moral izations l»/_ii and other Fragments of Early Inedited Poetry, Dedicated l^rVKA44i4^ to Joseph Walter King Eyton, by the editor W. B. D. D. TurxihuW, frontispiece designed hy C. K. Sharpe, on India paper LARGE PAPER: Only 2^ copies printed ; cloth, uncut ^ Edinh. 8vo, 1843 [ • t^ vi I'^-^S Turbervile (George) Tragical Tales, and other Poems, re- -A'^A printed from the Edition of 1587; edited, with Prefatory '"^ I Notice, &c. by James Maidment PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies ; blue morocco extra, sides and hack richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib, 4to, 1837 ^^l^^^l^^^t^ 1554 TuRNBULL (W. B. D. D.)Fragmenta Scoto-Monastica : Memoir of what has been already done, and what Materials exist towards the formation of a Scotish Monasticon, eight plates and a woodcut, with the only impressions from two plates, which were cancelled PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE — see the publishers certi- ficate ; half purple morocco extra, uncut, by Hayday I Edinb. T. G. Stevensofi, Swo, 1842 ( • ^^.^t^ 1555 Turnbull (W. B. D. D.) Fragmenta Scoto-Monastica _^ LARGE PAPER : Only 20 copies printed ; cloth, uncut ^^^ ib. royal 8vo, 1842 1556 Turner (Dawson) Muscologiae Hibernicse Spicilegium, 16 ^_^ coloured plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy, with inscription in the autograph of the author ; dark red morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . ^^_^ Yermuthcp, 8vo, 1804 v^ 1 5~\* 1557 Turner (Dawson) Catalogue of the Works of Art in the ' ft/wiAi Possession of Sir Peter Paul Rubens at the time of his ^^'^ Decease ; Second Edition enlarged, with facsimile of an original unpublished letter of Rubens PRIVATELY PRINTED ; light green morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. 8vo, 1 839 10 ^ 1558 Turner (Dawson) Specimen of a Lichenographia Britannica J Jf. PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy; green morocco ^ ^ extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday ib. 8vo, 183y ]1h/v 1559 Turner (Dawson) Catalogue of Engravings, Etching?, and (T\ / Original Drawings, Deeds, &c. collected towards tbj Illus- '^'^'^tAJL tration of the Topography of Norfolk, 3 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy, with auti graph I inscription ; cloth, top edges gilt ib. royal 8v(>, 1841 vv 156p Turner (Dawson) Sketch of the History of Caister Castle, Ji) ^ L near Yarmouth, with Biographical Notices of Sir John tr^ I Fastolfe and the Paston Family ; plates from original drawings, on India paper, cloth, uncut ib. 8vo, 1842 L (D M. 197 l^J2"iy l-Sei Turner (Mrs. Dawson) Etchings, and Lithographed Portraits of eminent Literary and other cele- A. BRATED Characters, some now living, viz. George ' Baker, Henry Baker, Sir J. Banks, Peter Barlow, Sir William Beechy, Bourchier, Lord Berners, Rev. Wm. Betliam, Sir W. Bethara, Rev. Dr. Burney, Charles But- ler, Rt. Hon. G. Canning, Canova, J. G. Children, Wm. Cubitt, James Dickson, L. W. Dillwyn, F. Douce, Edward Edwards, R. A., John Earl of Eldon, Dr. Thomas Forster and his Dog, Ugo Foscolo, R. K. Greville, Henry Hal- lam, James Harrington, Charles Heath, Bishop Heber, Rev. Wm. Holwell Carr, Thomas Hopper, Dr. S.Johnson, Peter Lord King, Thomas Andrew Knight, Longhi, Serg. M^rewether, Major Moor, Horatio Earl Nelson, Mrs. Opie, Sweet Ann Page, Francis Palgrave, Jacob Perkins, T. Phillips, R. A., Rev. Josiah Pratt, John Rickman, F. Rosaspina, Abbe de la Rue, Jos. Sabine, Dom. Serres, Thomas Sharp, Wm. Sharpe, Mrs. Siddons, S. W. Singer, Lady Smith, Dr. D. C. Solander, R. Southey, Mme. de Stael, Sir O. St. John, Dawson Turner, Dr. Jos. Turner, Charles Tyrrell, William Upcott, James Ward, R. A., William Whewell, Rev. Walter Whiter, D. Wilkie, R.A., Brown Willis, Sir Ant. Wingfield, Jos. Wright, Painter, and J. H. Wyttenbach PRIVATE PLATES : together 67 Portraits, unbound 4to, V. y. \\4Cii-0' 1562 Turner (Mrs. Dawson), Fifty Etchings of Portraits ' ' ir~ of Eminent Literary and other Characters, &c. H^^^^'ll^^ viz. The Marquis of Anglesea, John Aubrey, Sir J. Banks, Edw. Bird, R. A., Sir Fr. Blagdon, Dr. Charles Burney, II Cav. Canova, T. W. Coke, J. S. Cotman, Le Baron Denon, Mme. de Stael, Sir H. C. Englefield, Ugo Foscolo, Mrs. Graham, Hudson Gurney, John Hall, James Harring- ton, B. R. Haydon, J. Heath, W. J. Hooker, Mrs. Hooker, John Hoole, Alex, von Humboldt, Dr. S. Johnson, E. H. Langlois, Capt. Manby, Dr. Wm. Mansel, Wm. Marsden, Mrs. Opie, Rev. R. Potter, Dr. Edward Rigby, Richard Roberts, William Roscoe, Lord Stowell, Mrs. Siddons, Dr. John Sims, R. Southey, Henry Tresham, R.A,, Miss H. S. Turner; and eleven after Paintings by Teniers, D. Gurney, Hooker, Mrs. F. Palgrave, E. Langlois, and Mrs. D. Tur- ner, 10 07ili/ of this lot being duplicates of the preceding PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 12 copies; Presentation Copy to Francis Freeling, with inscription in the auto- graph of Dawson Turner; half bound 4to, 1823 2,, (X 1563 Turner (Mrs. Dawson), Fourteen Etchings and Lithographs by J, Mrs. Dawson Turner, and other J\l embers of the Family, ^>t^ from Original Pictures of Brueghel, De Heem, Gerard ' Dow, Guide, Teniers, A. Vander Werf, and other Eminent Ml t4 "I- ^l 2M l\\ 198 Masters, forming part of the Collection of Dawson Turner, Esq., all PRIVATE PLATES, with nine other Etch- ings, uncertain . 20 1564< Turner (Gul.) Avium Praecipuarura, quarum apud Plinium et A J I Aristotelem mentio est, Brevis et Succincta Historia, curA ixU\, G. Thackeray ( PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to Henry Drury^ with note upon the title in his autograph ; yellow morocco extra^ sides and hack richly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Mack- enzie . 1544, Cantab., reprinted, 12mo, 1823 1565 Tusser (Thomas) Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry IV^CvlliiVt/vv?"^ Book of Huswifery, edited with Notes, Glossary, &c. by William Mavor LARGE PAPER: maroon morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 4to, 1812 1566 Tupinier (M.) Observations on the Dimensions of the Ships \\miu/\^<^^ of the Line, and Frigates, in the French Navy '^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Svo, 1 830 1567 Twopeny (William) Etchings of Ancient Capitals, &c. from S^lLu Drawings by, eight plates on India paper ( PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy ; green morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday fol. 1837 1568 Tyers (Thomas) Political Conferences between several great ^__^^^^^ Men in the last and present Century, Second Edition, with Additions, calf, vermilion edges . Svo, 1781 James Bindley's copy, with a note in his autograph, &c. 1569 Tyers (T.) Conversations, Political and Familiar (tAX^4^-^P^IVATELY PRINTED: and only 25 copies; calf, vermilion edges . 8vo, 1784 For a curious account of this hook and its author, see Nichols^ Literary Anecdotes, vol. viii, p. 86. 1570 Tyrrell (John) Suggestions sent to the Commissioners on the -P "-[i Laws of Real Property I PRIVATELY PRINTED ; maroon morocco extra, sides and back \ richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . Svo, 1829 kv 1571 Ubaldini (Petruccio) Descrittione del Regno di Arn^ Scotia printed upon vellum : One of only 2 copies ; crimson morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves Edinborgo, 4to, 1829 Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. 30. Presented hy Andrew Coventry. ^,.-+572 Upcott (William) Catalogue of Original Letters, Manuscripts, ' ILiJ I and State Papers, collected by him, two plates of facsimiles f ***^1A*— pjjjy^rpjjLY PRINTED : and only 200 copies, 80 of which were destroyed; Presentation Copy to B. Blackiston, Esq., with autograph inscription ; green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 4to, 1836 199 / ^ ^ 15.73 Upcott (W.) Catalogue of his Library, Manuscripts, Auto- ^'whU/Vv^^^P^ Letters, Prints, and Drawings, forming 9 Days' Sale, 3 parts complete^ uncut LARGE PAPER ; and a duplicate set on small paper^ with prices and purchasers names neatly written, and both sets of titles . Sotheby, 8vo, 1 846 I'h^ 1574 Utterson (Edward Vernon) Select Pieces of Early Popular / l/^ci^flA^^^^oetryy from Early Printed Copies in the Black Letter, 2 vol. 250 COPIES PRINTED ; dark morocco e:vtra, sides and back . neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hay day 8vo, 18l7 {{ ^ — 1^1575 Utterson (E. V.) Reprints of Rare Poetical Tracts, __^^ AT THE BeLDORNIE PrESS, viz. ^ Rowland (S.) Knave of Harts. Haile Fellow, well met 1613, small 4to, 1840 "^ Rowland (S.) The Knave of Clubbs. Tis merry when Knaves meete . 161 1, small 4to, 1841 ^ Rowland (S.) More Knaues Yet? the Knaues of Spades and Diamonds . n. d. small 4to, 1841 "^ Rowland (S.) Looke to it: For, lie Stabbe ye 1604, small 4to, 1841 v^ Rowland (S.).The Night-Raven, 1620 sq. 12mo, 1841 ^ Rowland (S.) Good Newes and Bad Newes 1622, small 4to, 1841 ^ Rowland (S.) The Melancholic Knight 1615, small 4to, 1841 ^ B'arnefielde (Richard) Cynthia ; and the Legend of Cas- sandra . 1595, square 12mo, 1841 •^ Diella: Certaine Sonnets, by R. L. 1596, sq. 12mo, 184[ v' Hannay (Patricke) Songs and Sonnets 1622, 12mo, 1841 ^A Bastard (Thomas) Chrestoleros. Seuen Bookes of Epi- grames . 1598, square 12mo, 1842 ^ Maynard (John) The XII Wonders of the World: For the VioU de Gambo, the Lute, and the Voyce 1611, square 12mo, 1842 -^ Micro-cynicon, Sixe Snarling Satyres 1599,sq.l2mo,1842 ^ Zepheria [40 Canzonets] 1594, small 4to, 1842 ^ Certain Elegies, done by sundrie Excellent Wits. With Satyrs and Epigrams . 1620, 12mo, 1843 Skialetheia. Or a shadowe of Truth, in certaine Epi- grams and Satyres 1598, square 12mo, 1843 16 vol.; half morocco y uncut . 1840-43 A complete set of these curious poetical pieces, which are most carefully reprinted from unique or exceedingly rare copies, with bibliographical notices by Mr. Utterson. The number printed was from 12 to 16 copies of each, which were entirely for private distribution. ONLY TWO OTHER COMPLETE SETS ARE KNOWN. 200 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. L 1577 1 L LOT %..I^,.U 1576 VANIERII (Jac.) Praedium Rusticum, f7'ontispiece '•reen morocco e.vtra, joints, sides and hack richly tooled, tilt leaves, by Roger Payne ; with his original and very curious Bill for y^ binding, in a blue morocco case Paris, Barhou, 12rao, 1774' 1577 Verses written at the House of Mr. Henderson at Longleeford, near Cheviot, in 1817, 2 copies PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER : One of only 4 copies, and upon Pink Papery one of only 2 copies, folded, uncut Newcastle, 8vo, 1 823 1578 Vicars (John) England's Worthies, under whom all the Civill ^. and Bloudy Warres since anno 1642 to anno 1647 are re- lated, 18 portraits PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER: No. 1 of only 4 copies; see the publisher's attestation on the fly-leaf ; half roan, uncut I J.R. Smith, 8vo, 1845 u '7 . fc 1579 Vicars (J.) Another copy, IS portraits CXuJh thick PAPER : No. 1 of only 6 copies printed ; see the ^^^^I'^^^^ub Usher's attestation on the fly-leaf; half roan, uncut ^ . ib. 8vo, 1845 t • 4 ( v^ 1580 Virgilius. This Boke treateth of the Lyfe of Virgilius, and of <:tTj^ his Deth, and many Maravayles that he did in hys Lyfe- T '**^1aC' tyme, by Whychcrafte and Nygromancye, through the helpe of the Devyls of Hell, edited by E. V. Utterson PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER ; olive morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie reprinted, 8vo, 1812 Only 50 copies were printed on small paper, and very few on large. The only one that I can trace is Lot 1661 in the Catalogue of the Library of the ^ late Joseph Haslewood. 15.81 Virgil. The ^neid of Virgil, translated into Scottish Verse, y-f^y~^s^y\^ by Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld, 2 vol. tt^ARGE PAPER ; uncut . Edinb. 4to, 1 839 Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, No. GQ. Presented by Andrew Rutherfurd and George Dundas. 5/v ^ ^^ CT 1582 Vision (The) of William concerning Peirs Plouhman, and the • -S yJih Visions of the same concerning the Origin, Progress, and ^ l/^ Perfection of the Christian Life, ascribed to Robert Lang- land ; printed from a Contemporary MS., with a Glossary, &c. by T.D.Whitaker: and Pierce the Ploughman's Crede, 2 vol. in 1 black Ittttx : black morocco extra ; joints, sides, hack and insides covered with blind tooling, vellum Jly- leaves and linings, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day 4to, 1813-14 b..l(\..cr -L^ 201 ^ I' (^ J 583 Visions of the Western Railways, in verse 'fjCiAu PRIVATELY PRINTED . royal 8vo, 1838 ;t.(j2-u 1584< /Vivian (George) Some Illustrations of the Architecture of _^,t_-, Claverton, and of the Duke's House at Bradford, &c. 26 plates, on India paper I PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half mor. cloth sides, g. I. fol. 1837 Q,, On u 1585 Voltaire, La Pucelle, or the Maid of Orleans, a Poem, translated by Lady Charleville, with the Author's Preface and Original Notes, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER: Only \2 Copies printed, 7 of ivhich were destroyed, as were all hut 50 of the small paper ; light olive morocco extra, sides and backs richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, hy Hayday . 8vo, 1796 ^/j^ 1586 Vulliamy (B. L.) Some Considerations on the Subject of ^lAX/tvt»ifWl^blic Clocks, particularly Church Clocks, with Hints for their Improvement, and Supplement, 2 Tracts in 1 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED; half morocco . 4to, 1828-30 2.."f . ^ 1 587 Wace (Master) His Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from the Roman de Rou, translated with Notes, &c. by Edgar Taylor, map, tvith numerous coloured illustrations, vignettes^ capitals, Sfc. LARGE PAPER : No. 8 of twelve copies printed — see the publisher''' s attestation on the fy-l^cfi green morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, royal 8vo, 1837 jw» y t^ ^^^ Wake (Dr. William) Enquiry into the Antiquity, Honour, and Jiy-J^ Estate of the Name and Family of Wake, plate ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED ; dark morocco extra, sidesneatly ^ tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Warminster, 8vo, 1 833 igl^ljb. 15^ Walker (Sir Edward) Account of the Preparations for the JUaa^ Coronation of King Charles H, including the Installation of ^ Knights, Creations of Peers, &c. 10 plates, and 1 coloured LARGE PAPER; cloth, uncut . imp. 8vo, 1820 -.4- (^ *- '^^^ Walker (James) and Richardson (M. A.) The Armorial Oiuhtu^^ gearings of the Incorporated Companies of Newcastle- upon-Tyne ; with Notices of the Corpus Christi, or Miracle Plays, and a Glossary, plate with the arms emblazoned LARGE PAPER ; crimson morocco extra, sides emblematically tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Newcastle, royal 8vo, 1 824 ^ ,f^. (T 1591 Waller (J. G. and L. A, B.) A Series of Monumental Brasses, (ir^''/|^»^,>^^xtending from the Reign of Edward I to that of Queen Elizabeth, 64 coloured plates, \6 parts, all published LARGE PAPER; uncut . folio, 1840-46 i,./ 6" ^1592 Walpole (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with J, some Account of the principal Artists, and incidental JUVl\ Notes on other Arts, with considerable Additions by James Dallaway, 88 portraits and plates PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, and numerous woodcuts, 5 vol. cloth, uncut royal 8vo, 1 828 202 / I ^ 1593 Walpole, Anecdotes, the 88 portraits and plates I * "^ A / I PBOOPS ON TNT>TA PAPFR T5FFORF. THF. T-F.TTFR.< 1 dJl PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE THE LETTERS, in 4tO, and 'A ^ a set of the 86 woodcuts complete ; also proofs on India paper, in 9. portfolios 4to & imp. 8vo, 1828 1594- Walton (Izaac) and Cotton (Charles) The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, portraits and ""^ woodcuts ; green morocco extra^ gilt leaves, hy Hayday Pickering, 32mo, 1826 /7.'^" ^ ^^^^ Walton (I.) and Cotton (C.) The Complete Angler, ' ' (f1 edited, with Original Memoirs and Notes, by Sir Harris r*^'V^^^ Nicolas, numerous beautiful engravings from designs hy Stothard and Inshipp, proofs on India paper Illustrated iv'ith 32 additional plates, consisting of Portraits, Monuments, ^c. mostly proofs, some on India paper; and 19 additional plates of Flies, finely coloured, 2 vol. ; light green morocco extra, sides and hack emble- matically and richly tooled, joints and broad insides also richly tooled, vellum fly-leaves and linings, with borders painted thereon in gold and colours, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, imp. 8vo, 1836 »^ l'3 u /\ ^^^^ Walton (I.) and Cotton (C.) The Complete Angler, edited by fv\\\:iAjiy%^^' Major, portraits, plates, and woodcuts LARGE PAPER: Fourth Edition ; uncut . 8vo, 1844 Engraved Illustrations to Walton's Angler. L, l{r\ . 1597 Major's Fourth Edition of the Angler, 1844; 2 Portraits and 9 CjAXlLft^ Plates from Paintings by Absolon, engraved by Willmore and Robinson, choice proofs on India paper before any letters . folio, 11 u I ^ X, X^^ft Another Set, proofs on India paper before the letters ; with a "^lCC1/V| set of 9 Etchings on India paper, and 66 vignette ivood I engravings, also proofs on India paper imp. 8vo, 87 ^ Ci "^ I 1^99 Go&den's Illustrations to Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, I (Jy^h^l^ *'**^1 portraits and plates, proofs on India paper, in a port- folio . 4to, 21 ^ (^ t^ 1600 A Collection of Portraits and Plates to Illustrate Walton's CylrU-Vl- Angler, and Lives, after Howitt, Reinegale, &c. by Scott, Gosden, &c., mostly proofs on India paper, some before ^ the letters, and one Etching . 8vo & 4to, 34 2^ 3.. ^ 1601 Complete Angler, by Sir H. Nicolas ; a Set of the 54 Plates J^l^/s^ijJL-- from Designs by Stothard and Inskipp CHOICE PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE THE LETTERS Pickering, 4to, 54 I [ 1 CT 1602 A Set of 19 Coloured Plates of Flies, «^c. to Illustrate Sir '' ' t«^a^^/^H. Nicolas's Edition . imp. 8vo, 19 / .U I- 1603 Another Set of 19 Coloured Plates of Flies imp. 8vo, 19 o UMjut 203 Engraved Illustrations to Walton's Angler — continued. ^ ( A ^ 1 604 Portraits of Isaak Walton, after Housman, and of Charles Cotton, J^l^i^.liJt' ^^^^^ ^^^ ^' ^^^Y' ^°*^^ engraved by Humphrys. Full length Portraits of Walton and Cotton, after Inskipp, en- graved by Robinson and Humphrys ; proofs on India paper t before letters . PicA-mw^, folio (4), 1832 ^ I ^ Jfi05 Etchings of the four Portraits described in the preceding lot, ^/^,^v^j_^r traits and plates, proofs on India paper LARGE PAPER; uncut " . Major, 8vo, 1825 a [0 ^_^ 1612 Walton (I.) Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and p ^^Sanderson, portraits •^"^LAR^E PAPER ; gi^een morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday Pickering, 48mo, 1827 t* c ^^ 1613 Walton, Lives of Dr. Donne, &c. Major's Edition ; a Set of the (^^^VJL^/i-. 1 1 Portraits and Plates, proofs on India paper before the letters, with a set of the 53 vignette wood engravings, also proofs on India paper, for the same edition imp. 8vo, 64, 1825 u ^.^ ^614 Walton, Lives, Major's Edition, a Set of the 11 Portraits and iHr^^^y^i Plates, engravers' proofs on India paper, before the letters . imp. 8vo, 11, 1825 u h , 1615 Walton, Lives, a Collection of 26 Portraits by Ryall, Fry, [ dyUJyi- ^' Cochran, Robinson, HoU, Sic.,fine impressio7is, to illus- trate Walton's Lives of Dr. Donne, &c. imp. & royal 8vo, 26 4, //^ 1616 Walton (I.) The Life of, including Notices of his Contera- ( ^ /Vu Ayi '^^^^oYSiYiQS by Dr. Zouch, portraits, and \9 plates, proofs on y^ India paper, some of them before any letters LARGE PAPER; half bound, uncut . royal 4to, 1824 l^ h (f 1617 Wardrop (James) Life of Dr. Matthew Baillie, port, with a /I /7j'^^yj^>'^^<'>'?}j |h v> ^618 Waristoun (Jean Livingston, Lady) A Memorial of the Con- l 0^1. version of, with an Account of her Carriage at her Execu- tion, July 1600 (for the Vile and Horrible Murder of her own Husband John Kincaid, of Waristoun), edited with a curious preface by C. K. Sharpe, vignettes PRIVATELY PRINTED: LARGE PAPER; and only 3 copies, one of which is in the Abbotsford Library ; half morocco, uncut . . i5'c?m6. royal 4to, 1827 I ^ (^ j^ 1619 Warner (Richard) History of the Abbey of Glaston, and of the O Ai Town of Glastonbury, plates and woodcuts, with a du- ^^ ^ plicate set on India paper A PRIVATE IMPRESSION OF ONLY 250 COPIES ; Presenta- tion Copy from the author to John Wells, with autograph inscription; blue morocco extra, sides and back richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Bath, royal 4to, 1826 (^ I CA 1^20 Warton (Thomas) Life of Sir Thomas Pope '^^^JW^ THICK PAPER ; green morocco extra, sides and bach richly J tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1772 0,^ 1621 Warton (T.) History and Antiquities of Kiddington first 'P^'AL, published as a Specimen of a History of Oxfordshire, fron- X^ tispiece ; half morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday royal 4to, 1815 ir LP t^ 1622 Warwicke, Strange Newes from, which hapned the 17th of ^.^-n,.^ Nov. 1642, concerning one Jeremiah Stone, a Corporal of Dragooners, &c., with Strange and Miraculous Newes from Coventry PRIVATELY REPRINTED BY WiLLIAM StAUNTON : and only 20 copies; Presentation Copy to Sir J. E. E. Wilmot ; maroon morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hayday 4to, 1642, reprinted 1826 I M l^^^ Warwick. Notices of the Churches of Warwickshire, Deanery ' tJUXc^trViW-Warwick, 20 plates, proofs and many woodcuts, vol. 1, 1 k fl A^\>^^lhpublished ; halfmor. uncut Warwick, royal 8vo, 1837 *- / t^ 'f^^ Watson (George) Equanimity in Death, a Poem 'd/ill/\ PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half dark brown morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday . 4to, 1813 Written, it is believed, by Mr. George Watson Taylor, of Earlstoke, before he succeeded to the property of Sir Simon Taylor, and assumed his name. 1625 Wellesley (Marquis of) Primitiaeet Reliquiae, with the Addenda, Al JU) ^*^^% wanting /'^^^'^''^'^PRIVATELY PRINTED ; Presentation Copy to the late Duke of Sussex, with autograph inscription ; light calf extra, with arms on the sides, gilt leaves, by Hering 8vo, 1 840 " Such verses prove satisfactorily, that Eton knew how to combine literature and religion, and the graces of the mind with the higher duties and loftier aspirations of a christian spirit ; and it is remarkable and gratifying, that these feelings, which dawn so brightly in Lord Wellesley's earliest pro- ductions, shine with increased brilliancy in those of his middle age, and with confirmed splendour in his last." — Quarterly Review. 205 It /O v ]P^^ Wellesley (Marquis of) Primitia) et Reliquiae ^7"^ PRIVATELY PRINTED : Presentation Copy to Fr. Wrung- t^^W^ ham, with autograph inscription, and a translation by the Archdeacon ; maroon morocco extray sides richly tooled^ gilt leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1840 1/ (if V- 1 6^^*7 Weste (Richard) The Booke of Demeanor : from small Poems l/|^tri//Lu U U-^ ^^^-^ Willett (Ralph) A Memoir on the Origin of Printing, ad- fA/^'^^Ypudressed to John Topham, Esq., edited by J. T. Brockett LARGE PAPER : One of only 2 copies printed ; uncut Newcastle, 8vo, 1818 ^ A , L1645 Wilks (John) Bianca, a Fragment, coloured plan fjYtt^ PRIVATELY PRINTED; half crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day . 8vo, 1823 1646 Williams (Hon. Mr. Justice) Literary Trifles, chiefly Greek ^H/| PRIVATELY PRINTED; maroon morocco extra, sides neatly "^"^ ^ tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hayday . 4to, 1842 \fi ^ 1647 Williams (Rev. Theodore) Catalogue of his Splendid and Va- y luable Library, with the Books Omitted, forming [5 Days' Sale LARGE PAPER; uncut Stewart Sf Co. royal 8vo, 1827 1648 Williams (Rev. T.) Catalogue of his Splendid Library, form- __^^_^ ing 15 Days' Sale PRINTED ON YELLOW PAPER: One of only 12 copies; blue morocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by 3Iackenzie . ib. royal 8vo, 1 827 |. / *, 1649 Williams (Rev. T.), Another copy J\'^J^^R1NTED ON PINK PAPER: One of only 12 copies; olive ^'^^orocco extra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . ib. royal 8vo, 1827 |. / 4_^ 165P Willoughby (Lady) So much of the Diary of, as relates to her ^(V^)Vi4rt JDomestic History, and to the Eventful Period of the Reign r^ ^)f Charles I dark morocco extra, sides arid back tooled in the antique style, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day 4to, 1844 1,^ [^ 1651 Wilson (Arthur) The Inconstant Lady, a Play, with an Ap- / XkiA/^ pendix and Notes ^ ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED: crimson morocco extra, sides neatly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday Oxford, 4to, 1814 'h.'^.^IT 1652 Wilson (Thomas) Catalogue Raisonne, of the Select Collec- SLAj..t_ the Bible — Reasons of the Christian's Hope — Specimens of a Version of Horace — Virgil's Bucolics, Latin and Eng- lish — Carmina Quadragesiraalia, &c. — Four Sermons— ^The Soldier's Manual, &c. ; in 1 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED: and of several only 50 copies ; ma- roon morocco ertra, sides and back neatly tooled, gilt . leaves, by Hayday . 8vo, 1820, &c. / () ' O 1674< Wrangham (F.) Translation of the Lyrics of Horace, First Si/uJUiJtr Edition PRIVATELY PRINTED : LARGE PAPER ; and only 25 copies; uncut . York, royal 8vo, 1 82 1 ^ L ^^ 1^5 Wrangham (F.) Translation, &c. Second Edition y€\^/u PRIVATELY PRINTED; half bound, uncut Chester, 4to, 18 — I i^ 1676 Wrangham, Another copy, with a duplicate title within a S1\^CA^ border PRIVATELY PRINTED ; half bound, uncut ib. 4^io, 18 — ■- / u 1^*^*^ Wrangham (¥.)Tra.us]sition, Sicc. Second Edition CJLjL PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only \0 copies ; uncut ^^^t'^"^^^^ Chester, 8vo, n. d. ^ 1678 Wrangham (Fr.) Catalogue of the English Portion of his BiTiXii Library VpRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 70 copies ; cloth, uncut Malton, 8vo, 1826 uv Cl V ^1679 Wrangham (Archdeacon) Catalogue of his Extensive and Va- t \A^^i^^^^^-iU, luable Library, forming 20 Days' Sale, 2 parts, complete, ^2 copies of each, one with prices and purchasers names . neatly written, uncut . Sotheby, 8vo, 184-3 ^ /< t 1^80 Wright (Thomas) Early Mysteries, and other Latin Poems of JJorvvu^ the XII & XIII Centuries: uncut . 8vo, 1838 ^ 3 ^ IfiSl Wright (T.) Anecdota Literaria, a Collection of Short Poems (IX/UVu ii^ English, Latin, and French, illustrative of the Literature 1 and History of England in the XIII Century ONLY 250 COPIES PRINTED ; cloth, uncut 8vo, 1844^ ^ Lv V- 1682 Wright (T.) St. Patrick's Purgatory, an Essay on the Legends P -{k of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current during the *^ ^ Middle Ages THICK PAPER : No. 2 of only 4 copies printed — see the publishers attestation on the fly-leaf ; cloth, uncut J. R. Smith, 12mo, 1844 7- •l 211 (• (9 u '^?^ Wright (T.) Essays on Subjects connected with the Literature, Ul l^VWsL^opular Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle Ages, 2 vol. THICK PAPER : No. 2 of only 6 copies printed — see the pub- lisher's attestation on the fiy -leaf ; clothe uncut J. R. Smith, 8vo, 1 84.6 1684' Wyat (George) Extracts from the Life of the Virtuous Christian ^-|/[^^ and Renowned Queen Anne Boleigne, written at the close ; of the XVI Century, and now first printed, 3 portraits^ one a proof on India paper before any letters PRIVATELY PRINTED: No. 12 of only 27 copies; dark mor. extra, sides neatly blind tooled, gilt and tooled edges, by Hay day . imp. 8vo, 1817 IZf t^ 1685 Wyclyffes Wycket: whych he made in Kyng Rychards Days ^,,,.j^_ the Second, edited by Thomas P. Pantin green morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie . 0;r/brc?, square 8 vo, 1828 ^£86 Wyclyflfe (John) The Last Age of the Church now first printed jlr^^ from a MS. edited with Notes by Dr. J. H. Todd blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day Z)ublin, square 12mo, 1840 |. ( t-, 1687 Wyl Bucke his Testament, the Legacies Palatably Prepared -AM/L for the Legatees, edited by Joseph Haslewood "^ ( PRIVATELY REPRINTED : No. 1 of only 40 copies ; Presen- tation Copy to Sir G. H. Freeling, with a very curious letter in the autograph of the editor; dark red morocco extra, sides richly tooled all over with flowers, gilt leaves, by Hay day . Chiswick, square 8vo, 1827 i'.^TnO' 1688 Yorkshire, the Monastic Ruins of. Illustrated by a Series of General Views, Plans, Sections and Details, from Draw- ^'^""^ ings made expressly for this Work by William Richardson, Architect, with an Introduction by the Rev. Edward Churton, M.A., and Flistorical and Descriptive Notices of each Ruin, 26 plates, lithographed by George Hawkins, many of them superbly coloured in imitation of the original drawings, and mounted upon card-board, woodcuts and initial letters, the latter finely coloured)^ parts, all yet published LARGEST PAPER . York^ imp. folio, 1844-46 Few works of lithographic art have equalled this, and it would be difficult to point out any by which it has been surpassed. The lithographs by G. Haw- kins, after drawings made expressly for the work, are very fine ; they com- bine the finish and the breadth of this style of engraving, if it may be so called, in a very unusual manner ; the tone of them is remarkably chaste and pure, the details of architectural drawing are wrought out with a crispness which, without being wiry in the outline or hard to the eye, pre- serves the peculiarities of the style, and makes the work valuable as a book of scientific and practical architecture. The subject matter can hardly be said to be a local one, because the places illustrated are, in fact, so intimately connected with the general history of England that all Englishmen must feel an interest in what is described. Ee WM^ 212 I ^— ^^1^89 Young (Sir C. G.) Catalogue of Works on the Peerage and I* ^ ^ {]L..i . Baron ------- - brary Baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in his Li- PRIVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies; Presentation Copy ; gi^een morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie J 8vo, 1827 K / ^ (^ lp9g_JYoung (Edward) Poetical Works, with a Biographical Memoir )Li CL by J. Mitford, two portaits, one a proof on India paper, ^ 2 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday I Pickering, small 8vo, 1834' i^ ^ • ^ lfi91 Zouch (Dr.) Memoir of the Life of Dr. John Sudbury, Dean i<^;<^{/li^ of Durham, portrait PRIVATELY PRINTED; boards, uncut Wakefield, folio, 1808 n,,(J'/»^ lfi92 Zouch (Dr. Thomas) Life of Isaac Walton, including Notices (C'tZ^ of his Contemporaries r^ ^^ LARGE PAPER, ILLUSTRATED with upwards of 10 portraits and plates, by W. Faithorne, Houbraken, Loggan, Lombart, Marshall, S. Pass, Schiavonetti, Scriven, ^ Vander Gucht, t^ertue, R, White, ^c. ^c, many proofsrm on India paper, and others before the letters, ^c ^c. half green morocco, top edges gilt . royal 4to, 1823 WORKS OMITTED IN THE ALPHABETICAL ORDER. 1^ J lA 1693 Abbot (George) Essay on the Mines of England; their Im- '^jCvLx. portance as a Source of National Wealth, and as a channel ( for the advantageous Employment of Private Capital ^ PRIVATELY PRINTED , halfmorocco, uncut 8vo, 1 833 . ^ . 1694- Aylett (Robert) a Wife not ready made, but bespoken, a \\fAMj[/^-i^ Poem, portrait, 1847 — Brydges (Sir Egerton) Human ^^ Fate, an Address to the Poets Wordsworth and Southey, 1846 — False Prophets Discovered, being a true Story of the Lives and Deaths of two Weavers of Colchester, Richard Farnham and John Bull, two great prophets, 1844, all printed upon one side only PRIVATELY PRINTED BY CHARLES ClaRK Great Totham Press, 4to and 8vo, 1844-47 CHETHAM SOCIETY, Established March 1843, For publishing the Remains, Historical and Literary, connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester, 2».l^.vC~ 1695 A Complete Series of the Publications, 13 vol. wm*- iy tMMif\.^f,r<^/>J^orm in cloth, uncut Brereton (Sir W.) Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1634-35, edited by Edward Hawkins . No. 1, 4to, 1844 Tracts relating to Military Proceedings in Lancashire during the Great Civil War, edited by G. Ormerod No 2, 4to,1844 218 Chetham Society Publications— continued. Chester's Triumph in Honor of her Prince, as it was performed upon St. George's Day 1610 in the foresaid Citie, edited by Thomas Corser . No. 3, 4to, 1 844? Life of Adam Martindale, by Himself, edited by R. Parkinson No. 4, 4to, 1845 The State of Parties in Lancashire before the Rebellion of 1715, by Samuel Hibbert Ware . No. 5, 4to, 1845 Potts's Discovery of Witches in the County of Lancaster, with Notes, &c. by James Crossley No. 6, 4to, 1845 Iter Lancastrense ; a Poem, written A.D. 1636 by Richard James, with Notes by T. Corser, col. plate No. 7, 4to,1845 Notitia Cestriensis, or Historical Notices of the Diocese of Chester, by Bp. Francis Gastrell, now first printed, with Notes by R. Raines, vol. 1 . No. 8, 4to, 1845 The Norris Papers, edited by T. Heywood No. 9, 4to, 1 846 The Coucher Book, or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, edited by W. A. Hulton, 2 vol. Nos, 10 and 11, 4to, 1847 The Moore Rental, edited by T. Heywood, map No. 1 2, 4to, 1 847 The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington, edited by J. Crossley, vol. 1 . No. 13, 4to, 1847 %j, IQ i^ 1696 Currer (Miss) Catalogue of her Library at Eshton Hall, in the f^y^U^ county of York, compiled by Robert Triphook PRIVATELY PRINTED ; and only 40 copies ; uncut royal 8vo, 1820 t~"^ 1697 Dickinson (Charles) Cyllenius, a Poem P'\L PRIVATELY printed: and only 12 copies; half yellow *^ ^ morocco extra^ top edges gilt, hy Hayday Farley Hill, Berks, 12rao, 1820 " Only twelve copies printed by the author, Charles Dickenson, Esq., of Farley Hill, Berks, who presented this copy to R. V., May 28, 1821." — In the autograph of Dr. R. Valpy. «>f^^ L698jPrummond of Hawthornden (William) Poems and Life, by L ^' \JL Peter Cunningham ; Presentation Copy, with an auto- graph note from the editor to T. Hill maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Hayday 12mo, 1833 ^ / ^ 1699 Fletcher (John) Demetrius and Enanthe, being the Humorous -fxiJU, Lieutenant, a Play, published from a MS. dated 1625, con- I tainiijg Passages never before printed, edited by A. Dyce half morocco, uncut . 8vo, 1830 4. h u. 1700 Halliwell (J. O.) Early History of Free Masonry in England, ( (fi/V^Tliri^ facsimile THICK PAPER: No. 1 of only 6 copies printed — see the pub- lisher's attestation on thefiy-leaf; cloth, uncut J. R. Smith, 8vo, 1844 i-sO ^^^^ Hawkins (Thomas) One Centenary of Sonnets, dedicated to [lY 1i!^vwVf ^"®®" Victoria, half morocco, uncut '^ Pic^erm^, square 8vo, 1841 I. 214 tA Q_ ^^ yi^ Lockhart (J. G.) Life of Robert Burns, portrait, half green Jh'G- morocco extra, top edges gilt, hy Hay day 12mo, 1838 / *.\(r.' 0' J703 Madden (Sir F.) Introduction and Glossary to Syr Gawayne, ^ UA^~fj2;2^a Collection of Ancient Romances relating to that cele- ' brated Knight of the Round Table PRIVATELY PRINTED : and a very few copies separately ; morocco, uncut . 4to, 1839 u iX u 1704 Orkney. Poetical Descriptions of Orkney, 1652 ^//tii^^\A,^IVATELY PRINTED: and only 50 copies for presents ; uncut . Edinh. 4to, 1835 (^ /T^^^ Snow (Robert) Journal of a Steam Voyage down the Danube w\\fy, ly^JiL- to Constantinople, and thence by way of Malta and Mar- seilles to England PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 24 copies ; half morocco, uncut . 8vo, 1842 /^1706 Snow (R.) Observations of the Aurora Borealis, from Sept. ( 1834 to Sept. 1839 ^r 1^ J Jyj J PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 50 copies 8vo, 1842 I ^ Strawberry Hill Press. M VI 707 Fugitive Pieces in Verse and Prose, by Horace Walpole 200 COPIES PRINTED ; half blue morocco extra, top edges J gilt, hy Hay day . Strawberry Hill, 8vo, 1758 t- Lt ^ 1708 Hoyland (Rev. Mr.) Poems, by Xi>iu 300 COPIES PRINTED; crimson morocco extra, top edges 7 gilt, by Mackenzie . ib. 8vo, 1769 I Ll X^^ '^^® Sleep'Walker, a Comedy, in Two Acts, translated from U lU-v^ 4i^y the French by Lady Craven, in March 1788 Tnly 75 COPIES WERE PRINTED to oblige her Ladyship ; Walpole calls it one of the rarest of the Strawberry Hill editions ; boards, uncut . ib. 8vo, 1778 ^ ll \^ y^^O Sussex (Duke of) Catalogue of his Extensive and Valuable ^Ifiili^ Library, forming 61 Days* Sa\e, portrait, proof on India paper, six parts complete LARGE PAPER : Only 40 copies printed ; cloth, uncut Evans, royal 8vo, 1844-5 / 2^ p- 1711 Turnbull ( W. B. D. D.) Fragmenta Scoto-Monastica : Memoir i4^ 1^ of what has been already done, and what materials exist, '•^ ^^-^^nK4owards the formation of a Scotish Monasticon, plates of seals, S^c, ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED ; half blue morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Hay day . Edinb. 8vo, 1842 t"- ^^ 1712 Visions of Tundale, together with Metrical Moralizations and ^ 9^1 other Fragments of Early Poetry, hitherto inedited, edited '^ ^ by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, frontispiece by C. K, Sharpe, on India paper LARGE PAPER: Only 2^ copies printed ; cloth, uncut ib. 8vo, 1843 215 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. ROYAL AND DISTINGUISHED PERSONS. / ^ 1713 George III. Signatures to two Commissions upon Parch- CLiti\yusAtL ™^"^» dated 1765 and 1784-, countersigned Grafton and ^ Sydney, and another mounted, with portrait of Geo. Ill, by Roll . 3 J t- \1\^ George III. Sio^nature to a Commission, countersigned f. CSA h /vv^l^^vtOA^Castlereagli, 1806 — Autograph Letter of Queen Caroline, (wife of George IV, dated from Brandenburgh House, 16th September 1820, and portrait of George III ivhen Blind, by C. Turner^ with a Commission from the Lords of the Admiralty, 1804, signed St. Vincent, Troubridge, &c. . 4 1715 Queen Victoria, and her Father the Duke of Kent, &c. ^ 1810— The Duke of York, &c. 1808— William Frederick, Duke of Clarence, 1820, afterwards King William IV — Ernest, Duke of Cumberland, now King of Hanover — ■ Duke of Cambridge, 1809, with his portrait by Godby, all 6 Franks, and an Autograph Note of the Princess I Sophia, 1822 . 7 ^ ((), 01716 Nelson and Bronte (Lord) his Signature to a Certificate of (7^-^ yi Capt. Sir Richard Strachan, finding a Roll of Fine Cloth containing 50 yards destroyed by Mildew, dated on board the Victory, 16th June 1804- ; countersigned by John Scott, with a portrait of Nelson by Woolnoth . 2 1717 Wellington (Duke of) a Note to Mr. Urquhart, franked . — iw- 1 6th April 1 829 ; and a Letter from the Duke of Richmond &c. to Dr. Herschel, 16th August 1789 . 2 1718 Brougham, Lord Chancellor, his Signature to an Official r \ I Letter to the Duke of Buckingham, 9th April 1833 — J (^\^Mr\\A^ Note of the Hon. T. Erskine, afterwards Lord Erskine, June 26, 1805 — Letter of Lord Eldon, franked Oct. 7, 1823 — Notes of Sir J. S. Copley, now Lord Lynd- hurst, to J. W. Herschel, Esq. 26th Jan. 1826— Lord Scarsdale, with his Frank, 1829 — Earl of Essex, and Letter of the Bishop of Chichester to W. Strong, Esq., with Frank, 1810 . 7 , / A 1719 Cleveland (Duke of) a Note, with Letters of Lord Barrymore, ^ ' 1812— The Hon. J. Campbell, 1812— The Earl of Morton, 1815 — Lord Melbourne and the Duke of Somerset, 1805; the last five relating to the Royal Society, addressed to John Symmons, of Paddington ; and two Letters of the Earls of Uxbridge and Warwick, 1806, the last franked — Lord Henley, 1831 — W. Long Wellesley, 1830 — Sir Herbert Croft, &c. . 12 216 I Autograph Letters— continued. l^< \^ 1120 Canning (lit. Hon. George) Letter to J. Hume, June 10, 1826 Q^ — Fox (C. J.) Signature to W. Pearson's Bill, Messenger W^^^^^ to the Foreign Department, 5th June 1783, with portrait hyJ. JV.Cook — Letters of Henry Grattan, Dublin^ Feb. 3, 1818 — Sir Samuel Romilly to Jas. Asperne, the Publisher, refusing to allow his Portrait to be Engraved, Jan. 16, 1815 —Lord Dudley and Ward, 1781 . 6 L4 u 1 7'2 1 Burdett ( Sir Francis) a Letter, March 24-, 181 1— W. Cobbett, his frank, 1 833, with portrait— Letters of Feargus O'Connor ^^^ — G. F. Muntz to the Editor of the Birmingham Journal, relating to the Disturbances at the Election, in Aug. 1837, a long Letter ; Resolutions of the Birmingham Political Union, 5th Jan. 1836, written and signed by T. Attwood, Chairman ; and Letter of Jos. Scholefield, 1838 6 Q^^ 1722 Legal. Daines Barrington, a Note to Mr. Sewell, 1797 — (l\it\lMi ^.^oughborough. Lord Chancellor, his Signature to a Letter ^^^^^issive, 1798— Letter of Thos. Bryan, 1761, with the Signatures of Lords Gifford, 1826 ; Thurlow, C. 1789; Loughborough, C. 1796; three of Sir W. Grant, Rolls; two of Sir T. Plumer, Rolls, 1820; two of Sir J. Leach, 1794<.5_John Mitford, 1814.— John Scott (Lord Eldon), 26th Feb. 1780— Sir Launcelot Shad well, 1820, &c. 23 1723 Miscellaneous. Letters and Notes of the Hon. Admiral ^kA\uAJ , Dundas, 1834.— Feargus O'Connor, 1838 -Sir Henry ^^^^^^Halford, 1832— Sir C. Hawkins, 1823, franked — Sir (Wm. Johnston to Jas. Seton, with Frank, 1798 — Sam. Marryat, 1828—0. Williams, with his Frank, 1808; and a Curious Anonymous Letter to Sir E. Brydges 8 1724? Mathews, Comedian (Charles), a Note of, 1832 — Madame Vestris, a Note addressed to T. Fawcett, Esq., Theatre Royal, Covent Garden . . 2 Autograph Letters, &c. &c. from various eminent Indi- viduals, CHIEFLY UPON LiTERARY SUBJECTS. 5~ u }X^^ Adolphus (J.) a Letter to J. Haslewood, containing Criticisms )wi(jL °^ ^^^ edition of Brath wait's Barnabee's Journal, June ^n/ v^ 1821 — of J. Y. Akerman— Matthias Attwood, January 1824- Samuel Bagster, 1813— two of E. H. Barker, of Thetford, to T. Hill and Dr. John Johnstone, 1813-33 Belzoni, 1821— R. Bentley, the Publisher, to T. Hill; with the Signatures of J. Bindley, J. Brand, &c. 10 ^l^,^u^ l^726 Banks (Sir J.) Letter of, to John Symmons, of Paddington, ->^,^,^j^^ 1814-— Nicholas Carlisle, 1822— George Hibbert to J. Sym- mons, 3 pagesy 1814- — George Nassau, 1794 — T. Park to Sir E. Brydges, 1815— Mr. Ricardo, 1822; and Sir John Sinclair . . .7 [■y u 217 Autograph Letters — continued. ^ 1727 Boaden (J.) Two Letters of, to T. Hill, 1824, &c.— Baron -^ ^ n ^ J Bolland, 1838— E. W. Brayley to Sir E. Brydges, March •'^^^^^ISIS— J. Britton, Jan. 1824— Sir E. Brydges, a long Let- ter of five columns, to A. R. Brydges, Geneva^ August 1833 — Dr. Burney, 1831 — Nicholas Carlisle to Archdeacon , , Wrangham, ISS'i; and Prince Ciraitile 9 ^. b 1728 Campbell (Thomas) Three Letters to T. Hill, 1814-19, &c.; Q V t v\/ v6 also, Alexander Chalmers and F. Chantrey to the same, 1837; and of George Coleman to E. Dubois, 1817 6 /Dv. 1729 Coleridge (S T.) a Note of— J. Cochrane, Publisher— Bolton {}\t//U.Vv^jCorney, 1839 — Richard Cumberland to James Perry — vVllan Cunningham to T. Hill, concerning his recommenda- tion of a young Sculptor to Sir F. Chantrey, 1835, &c. 7 A /O. ul*7^^ Dibdin (Thomas Frognall) Three Letters of, and a Signature, P ^ji one to Haslewood, commencing " Friend Bernardo," and \J signed " Hawkerius," with a woodcut, 1814 — Another sent to an Editor with a copy of his Poems — J. D'Israeli to Sir E. Brydges, 1816 ; and a Signature of F. Douce 6 1731 Dibdin (T. F.) Two Letters of, to J. Haslewood, accom- ^^^^^^ panying a copy of the Bibliomania, May 21, 1811, and to Sir E. Brydges, 1813; with a Letter from F. Douce to Dibdin containing Criticisms on the " Bibliotheca Spen- ceriana" . . 3 C 4- ^^ W^^ Dickens (Charles) Two Notes to T. Hill, 1839-40— F. Douce C*^^^^^,^ to the Editor of the Mirror, 1801 — Nathan Drake to Sir E. Brydges, 1817 — Letters and Notes of W. Forsyth, John . Fry, ofBristoli 1810, and Octavius Gilchrist, 1815 7 V ( i^ 1733 DTsraeli (J.) Two Notes, 1813 and 1822— An Obligation . signed by Benjamin D'Israeli (father of J. D'Israeli) March 1774 — Two Letters from Sir Henry Ellis to Sir E. Brydges and T. B. Brydges Barrett, 1823-5 — A Portion of a Letter of F. Grose, 1771— Letters of Robert Gooch, 1816 — J. / Haslewood, 1833; and Thomas Hartwell Home 9 (^ ^.bl734 Ellis (Sir Henry) Letter of— Sir F. Freeling, 1814— William ^—X,.^ Gifi*ord to T. Hill, mentioning the new edition of Ben Jon- son's Works, 8cc. 2 pages, 1812 — Lord Grenville, 1831 — W. Godwin, 1813— T. Haynes Bayly, franked, 1828— George Hibbert; and T. Hurst, Publisher 8 «^ 17^5 Haslewood (Joseph) Two Letters to James Perry and T. Hill, 1819-23, and his Signature to an invitation to a banquet on the occasion of the completion of the " Bibliotheca Spenceriana," addressed to " the Rev. Thos. Frognall Dibdin, Kensington,'' printed in blaclt letter, with two ivood- cuts, 1815, and a Duplicate of the same without the signa- ture — W. Hazlitt, with a copy of Verses, *' TTie damned Author's Address to his Reviewers'' and another dated Fonthill, Aug. 12 — Letters of W. Hone and his daughter Matilda, 1814-25 ; and of Theodore Hook, &c. 10 1735 H k-i 218 AuTOjORAPH Letters — continued. Q_^ b 1736 Heber (Richard) a Note to Jas. Perry — T. Hartwell Home, J7iAvvf4vvv-y Note of two pages, 1837 — Henry Hunt to W. Hone, Cand Mr. Dewe, &c. 1825-6--W. Hutton, the Historian of Birmingham, &c. a Verse commencing, '* Ten thousand breaches have I mended " March 23, 1793 — Notes of his Sister Catherine, and Son Thomas, 1837-39— D. G. Knox, 1810 — W. T. Lowndes, J. G. Lockhart, and Benjamin Oakley, 1815, &c. . 16 ^ J 737 Lawrence (Sir Thomas) Two Notes to Jas. Perry, &c. 1811— \yiiLi.^JU Letters of J. Landseer, Lord Lonsdale to Sir E. Brydges, 1810, franked— D.Ly sons, 1831— John Major,! 81 5 6 q1738 Mackintosh (Sir James) Two Notes to Mr. Wright, franked, jj\Hvyif 1816 — Basil Montagu, a severe Note to Jas. Perry, 1812 — Thomas Moore, the Poet, to the President of the Shakespeare Club, 1835 . 4 tA 1739 Mitford (Mary Russell) a long Letter, &c. to T. Hill, 1821— ^ T. J. Martin to the Rev. E. Cartwright, 1831 -Notes of Dr. J. Munro, 1828 — J. Murray, Jun., Publisher, to T. Hill, J. Nichols, 1831— Mrs. Opie to Jas. Perry; J. Pinkerton, 1792 ; and of T. Park, &c. . 12 ^ 1740 O'Conor (Charles) Letters of, to Mr. Seeley, Printer, &c.; _,^ H. Ottley; T. Park, 1818— R. B. Peake to T. Hill, and five long Letters from Wm. Perry to the same, 1 823, &c. ; Miss Porter to T. Hill, respecting Reviews in the Monthly Mirror, &c. . 11 1741 Perry (James) Letters of, to T. Hill, 1819, &c.— Letter in . ^^ French of A. A. Renouard to Sir E. Brydges, 1827 — J. Ritson to Mr. Laing, Bookseller, Edinburgh, 1794 4 1742 Roscoe (William) Ten long Letters, eight to T. Hill, and two v\] A 1 1 *° Vernon and Hood, Publishers, all on Literary Subjects, \) (^^-*-^n^ Liverpool, 1799-1800 - 10 1743 Roscoe (William) Letter of, dated Liverpool, Dec. 14, 1815; and Signature only of W. Wilberforce to a Letter written by another hand, April 9, 1791 . 2 ^. (3 1744 Rutter (John) Letters of, franked, 1823— S. Saunders, Pub- Usher, 1 832 — Thomas Sharp, Editor of the CoventryMyste^ C'^^^^^^^^ ries, 1 832— four of James and Horatio Smith, Authors of the Rejected Addresses, ^c. to T. Hill, 1832— Michael Stace to Sir E. Brydges, 1814 ; and along Letter of ^owr I . pages from A. J. Valpy, &c. . 10 lo- b VJ^^ Scott (Sir Walter) a Letter commencing <* Mr. Scott's com- ii!tii-tyi_ pliments to Messrs. Cadell and Davis, and requests to be favoured with a state of his account with them, on ac- count of the first Edition of the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," &c. Dated Edinb. \S02 . 1 2J9 O g 1746 Scott (Sir Walter) a long Letter of three pages to Mr. Miller, ^^/Y7/% Bookseller, Albemarle-street, st.ating his Terms for editing (j tM^^^Lord Somers' Tracts, viz. 1 00 guineas per volume, with an Account of the Sums he received for editing Swift's Works, Sadler's Letters, &c. dated Edinb. April 11, 1808; an extremely interesting Letter . 1 ^ ( 9. K- 1747 Scott (Sir Walter) Letter to J. Nolan Elmylen, Esq., re- 'ijrjL^^.^j^^^^ turning his best thanks for information respecting objects of curiosity occurring in the course of his late Tour in Ireland, Aug. 16, 1825 . 1 i^/O Q 1748 Sutherland ('Duchess of) Note to G. Chalmers, accompanying (JwvjU acopy of Sir R. Gordon's History, 1813— Mme. de Stael to James Perry, 1814— T. N. Talfourd to T. Hill, 1834— Notes of J. H. Wiffen, 1821— William Upcott, 1834; and G. Woodfall, Publisher of the Letters of Junius, to . Alexander Chalmers, 1812 . 6 ^C^h 1749 Southev (Robert) Notes of, and of William Wordsworth — ' iS^^^LJu^F. Wrangham to Sir E. Brydges, 1817— J. H. Wiffen, 1826— J. Warwick, 1820— Sir C. G. Young, 1834; and of Matthew Young, the Numismatist, 1834 . 7 ^.5^^ 1750 Autographs of Eminent Literary, Legal, and Poli- £i^i4^ TICAL Characters, &c. including Members of the House \ of Commons, about 250 being their Signatures only ; with Four Orders of Admission to the House — the Signatures of the Duke of Sutherland ; Lords Brougham, Newark, Palmerston, Mount Charles, Belgrave, Nugent; Lord Chancellor Harcourt, 1725; Lord Chief Justice Foster; Sirs William Temple, Henry Bunbury, A. Fitzgerald, Thomas Baring; Dr. S. Parr, Capel Lofft, 1761— Isaac Reed, 1790— S. Whitbread, G. Byng, Charles Shaw Lefevre, H. L. Bulwer, J. Walter, J. Grattan, Charles, Maurice and Morgan O'Connell, with many other Irish Members; CharlesLemon,ThomasFrognallDibdin,&c. 257 1,,^/^ 1751 Franks. A large Collection of upwards of One jD^,,^^, Thousand, by Members of both Houses of Parlla.- *^^^ MENT, principally between 1800 and 1840, including those of the following eminent Individuals, viz. The Dukes of Wellington, Sussex, Cleveland, Dorset, Grafton, Marl- borough, Newcastle, Rutland, Somerset, &c. ; Earls of Arundel, Besborough, Egremont, Grey, Hardwicke, Jermyn, Jersey, Liverpool, Malraesbury, Shaftesbury, Spencer, Stamford, Thanet, Winchelsea, &c. ; Marquisses of Bath, Chandos, Donegal, Lansdowne, Northampton, Wellesley, &c. ; Lords Braybrooke, Brougham, Byron, Denman, Dudley, Hill, Holland, Melbourne, Milton, Morpeth, Northwick, Palmerston, &c. ; The Right Hon. W. Pitt, Lord G. Bentinck, G. Byng, Daniel O'Connell, C. Manners Sutton, Sir F. Pollock, Sir J. Newport, J. Rickman, T. Duncombe, Sir T. Frankland Lewis, 8cc. some duplicates Ff VWoM 220 l..t.^(r 1752 Franks. Another Collection of upwards of One Thousand, for the same period, among which are those of the following eminent Individuals, viz. Dukes of Clarence, Sussex, Beaufort, Grafton, Marlborough, New- castle, Portland, and Richmond; the Earls of Albemarle, Bute, Grey, Liverpool, Poulett, Spencer ; Lords Bexley, Brougham, Clive, Cawdor,' Hill, Holland, Lyttelton, Lyne- doch, Milton, Melville, Melbourne, Morpeth, Palnieraton, Ormonde, Sidmouth, &c. ; Lord George Bentinck, Sir E. Brydges, P. J. Thellusson, Samuel Whitbread, Sir F. Burdett, Daniel O'Connell, Sir James Mackintosh, Sir Robert Peel, Sir J. Cam Hobhouse, R. Heber, W. Kus- kisson, George H. Rose, Horace Twiss, Joseph Hume, Sir T. F. Buxton, Sturges Bourne, J. Rickman, Sir Herbert Taylor, &c. some duplicates , v. y. J ,,\\iv(r 1753 Franks. Another Collection of upwards of One ^ ^ Thousand, of the same character as the two preceding ^""'^ Lots, but mostly different, some dvplicates . v. y. ) '. I 3-0" ^*^^^ Franks. Another Collection of upwards of Two r . J Hundred and Twenty, by Members of both Houses, •J AMvVvU*^ chiefly since 1800 : among them are those of the following Royal and Illustrious Personages, viz. Dukes of Clarence, Gloucester and Sussex, WELLINGTON, Beaufort, Cleveland, Dorset, Gordon, Marlborough, Montrose, Manchester, Newcastle, Northumberland, Portland, Queensberry, Rich- mond, Rutland, Somerset, Sutherland, St. Albans ; Lords Althorp, Amherst, Brougham, Beresford, Bute, Castle- reagh, Cardigan, Clarendon, Hill, Melbourne, Palmerston, Liverpool, Lansdowne, Wellesley, with 76 others of Peers, 10 of Law Lords, &c. including Lords Cottenham, Denman, Tenterden, Erskine, &c. 73 of Bishops, viz. of the Sees of Bangor, Bath and Wells, Chester, Carlisle, Chichester, Durham, Exeter, Gloucester, Hereford, London, Lichfield, Llandaff, Limerick, Lincoln, Peterborough, Salisbury, St, Asaph, Winchester, Worcester, and the Archbishops of Canterbury and Yotk^ frequently three or four in sue- cession to one Diocese ; Lords George Bentinck and Jphn Russell, Spencer Perceval, WILLLA.M PiTT, John Wilkes, Sir Robert Peel, George Canning, W. Huskisson, Sir James Mackintosh, Sir Francis Burdett, J. Cam Hobhouse, George Rose, Richard Heber, G. Byng, H. Goulburn, P. Moore, Chas. Abbott, H. Grey Bennet, Horace Twiss, and Sir R. H. Inglis, a very interesting Collection ,,X"^ 1*7-55 Franks. Another Collection, (18), viz. Northumberland pi I (Duke of), 1833— Marquess of Anglesey, 18 18-— Earl of ^^^^^^^'nSUrhara ; Viscount Beresford, 1820 ; and Melbourne, 1832 — Lords Dover, Stowell, 1832 — Tenterden, 1827 — Althorp, and John Russell ; Hon. J. W. Croker, H. Goul- 221 bourn, and G. Lamb, 1831 — Two of Sir James Mackintosh, one dated I9th May 1832, being 11 days prior^ to his Death ; Sirs S. Lushington, Herbert Taylor, and Robert Peel . 18 ENGRAVINGS. Hj^ 1756 Boccaccio, a Series of 10 Plates to the Decameron of, en- l )lUifli}4^ graved by A. Foa:, after the designs of Stothardj choice proofs 071 India paper before any letters 10 t / D u, ^'^^'^ British Families. XV Exterior and Interior Views of Burgh- O ^UL ley House, Compton Winyats, and Theobalds, with Monu- ^ ments of the Burghley Family in various places — View of Castle Ashby, the Seat of the Marquis of Northampton — Two Monuments to Members of the Ashburnam Family, &c. &c. engraved by W, S. Wilkinson and J. Basire 21 |./i.t-x 1758 Byron (Lord), Illustrations for his Life and Works, ^'^V. a ^^.^,^x4,4/V-^ Title and 7 Portraits of him, by Armstrongy JFinden, Meyer, Scriven, Sfc. — Portraits of the Countess Guiccioli, Marguarita Cogni, by Scriven ; Ada, a proof on India paper before any letters; T. Campbell; George IV, by Scriven ; J. P. Kemble ; Lord Melbourne ; two of T. Moore, by Adcock and Finden; Thomas Paine, by Shury ; the Bride of Abydos, by Eyall; Childe Harold and lanthe, by Portbury, mostly proofs, and many on India paper . . 20 ^y^^ 1759 Byron : Illustrations for his Life and Works, viz. a Title and '^AvLy ^ Portraits of him, by Bartolini, Cooper, Reynolds, Robin- ^^"^ \ son, Roffe, Sfc. ; and 30 Plates, by Engleheart, Finden, Chas. Heath, Romney, Warren, <^c. ^c. mostly proofs on India paper, Sfc. and four of them before any letters 39 u ^ J^ 1760 Clarendon. Portraits of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon; j'^l^^^^^.^^^Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, &c. ; with a View of pwallowfield ; and 5 Plates of Fac-similes of various Auto- graphs, by Audinet and Swaine, all proofs on India paper ... 9 t ^1,1 76 1 Inskipp (James) Studies from Nature, 12 Female Heads, en" „— -^j, — graved by C. E. Wagstaff . 12 '- A .0 ^^9? Lawrence (Sir Thomas) ^Master Lambton, engraved by S. , , M^-^l Cousins, 1827, very fine impression . 1 I. /q, 1763 Lawrence (Sir T.) The Girl and Flowers, engraved by ^-^[^ G. T, Doo, 1834 Presentation Proof on India paper before the letters 1 ^ //fi^ 1764- Lawrence (Sir T.) and Stothard (T.) Master Lambton ; the -^ 4^ - Flower Girl ; Shakespeare reading one of his Plays to v^'^*^ S Queen Elizabeth ; with 1 1 others, all after these two cele- brated artists, engraved by Brandard, Ensom, Fox, and Humphrys, all proofs on India paper before the letters 1 4 V 222 1765 Lawrence (Sir Thomas) Portraits after, viz. A Lady, bi/ F. C. P^ I Lewisy proof before the letters; and a Female Head, by /-i U^Y Lane, from a drawing in the collection of Sir T. Law- _ rewcey proof on India paper before any letters 2 ^ I — L^ 1766 Miscellaneous. St. John's Vision in the Isle of Patmos, after Stothard, by Bothwell-^The Study of S. T. Coleridge, "^ and a Roman Gateway, by Ellen Cole, two lithographs, the last private ; and 5 illustrative of Negro Slavery,. «/*^er / S'mirke, by Worthington . 8 . U> u 1767 Portraits of Archibald Constable, Bookseller, by J. Kay, 1823 Cyiij^ji^ — two of Charles Lewis, Bookbinder, by G. JR. Lewis, proofs on India paper , 3 2w^ 1768 Portraits: 2 of John Milton, by W. C. Edwards, proofs on (A\Lh^)fU^^^^^ P^P^^' before the letters — Monument and Bust of ^ W. Shakespeare, a lithograph by Erandard, coloured and heightened with gold; and Chancel of the Parish - 1 Church of Stratford-upon-Avon, by Turnbull, proof 4- 5~'0 '"769 Portraits: Robert Grave, 1820 — Roger Payne, Bookbinder, Xt ^1^7 etched by S. Harding, 1800 — Professor Porson, by Wm. 7 Sharp, a private plate — Rose Ellen Hendricks, litho- I graphed by L. Dickinson . 4 / J. 1770 Portraits: Harris in the Character of Wolsey, proof before (^\^ji\^\.^^^J^tters'-Qi\XQQX\ Victoria, by Dean, proof on India paper; ^ and the Three Sons of the Rev. John Moultrie, by A. Fox, proof on India paper before any letters 3 , 3.'0" 1771 Portrait of C. B. Wollaston, by W, and F. Holl, autograph .^^.-y^ proof — A full-length Portrait of — Palmer, Esq.jjoroo/" before any letters, both on India paper . 2 / 1772 Portraits: Hannah More, proof on India paper before any ^ ^ S) Ji \ letters, with an Etching ; and Sir Humphry Davy, as ^-^ 1-4^ President of the Royal Society, an etchbig, engraved by Worthington . 3 ^73 Portraits : The Duke of York, after Sir T. Lawrence, by G. Vl/iAAi/ T'. ^«o,/?roo/^ — Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, afier Vandyck, by Wm. Sharpe ; and Spanish Officer, after Eubens, by Fittler . . 3 ^774 Portraits: James Keir, Esq. by Worthington, proof on India -H4f^i/l\j paper — Robert Hindley, Esq., and Rob. Whitehead, both etched by Minasi, all private plates 3 O J>775 Portraits: Giovanni Boccaccio, &i/ i?a^ae/^o Morghen, 1822 w^JUon, — Canova, by Worthington, proof on India paper before the letters . . . 2 y^ 9__t^ 1776 Portraits: John Dalton, by Worthington, proof on India J), paper before the letters, with an Etching ; and the Rev. irxr-^^^jl YV. Wilkinson, by Dean, a proof . 3 V- ^0 X^^^ Portraits of Queen Elizabeth, by Fry ; Edward IV ; O. Crom- VMl well, by Scriven ; George IV, an Etching, by C. Warren ; ^^^ Napoleon, by Holl ; Hampden, by Posselwhite ; and Lord Nelson, by T. Woolnoth, 5 of them proofs on India paper ... 7 223 i-d I 1778 Portraits of the Rev. Henry Drury, bi/ Hodgetts, a private /\L\Aan plate s Dr. Sara. Parr, hy W. Skelton; and Voltaire, a lithograph by Engleman, a private print, proof on India ^ paper . . 3 ^0'i, 1779 Portraits of Edw. Du Bois, by Ridley ; T. Hill, by Brown; . and Theodore Hook, by Greatbatch, all proofs on India paper before the letters; W. H. W., a Sketch, on India paper, 1834-; and Mrs. Siddons, by Holl, proof on India paper , . .5 L-d i^ 1780 Portraits of Myles Coverdale, by J. Brain; and W. Tyn- ^__^,^^ dale, by Whittock, proofs on India paper before the letters 2 Q ^ 1781 Portrait of St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits, a ^ATiAAjulilhogi-aph by Brandard, finely coloured, with gold . I borders . . . 1 \^ L\ b 1782 Portraits of Fr. Lord Bacon from his Monument, engraved by -£\VUn G. Cooke, 1815; Sir Richard Colt Hoare, by Meyer, I both proofs on India paper, with an Etching of Sir R. C. Hoare ; W. Camden, by J. Basire, 1789 ; Erasmus, by T, Holloway; and John Stowe, the Antiquary 6 ^J*^ ] 783 Portraits of Wm. Bowyer and John Nichols, Printers, by J. CyiP^XCX, Basire, and C. Heath; John Bowring, by Holl ; T. N. Talfourd, by Holl ; and J. O. Halliwell, a lithograph by . Walton, all except the first proofs on India paper 5 3-' 6 1784' Portraits of two Numismatists, viz. Thomas Thomas, by H, 0\/^jJ-H^fyx^ ^S'S'^ " private plate, and Marmaduke Trattle, by ^ Tomkins, both proofs ; Hogarth, by Mollison ; Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Posselwhite ; and T. Stothard, by Scriven, all ^proofs on India paper 5 ^Qu^ 1785 Portraits of the Duke of Bedford, proof on India paper ri-VU before any letters, from Lodge's Portraits ; and Rubens* ^ Wife, by S. Smith, proof on India paper before the letters ' . . . 2 , <^,.Q 1786 Portraits of Sir George Bowes, by Easton ; Lord Althorp, by {\/uJt-U^Wy§l^^^"^^ > Lord Chatham, by Holl; and Lord Melbourne, by Robinso7i, all proofs on India paper, Jo. Churchill, Marchio de Blandford, a whole length by J. Smith, 1702; Bishops Thomas Ken and George Pretyman Tomline, by Meyer ; and Geo. Henry Law, by Meyer . 8 u iPu ^787 Portraits of Ben Jonson, by Scriven; T. Campbell, by C^^\4JUu Cooper ; Rev. Geo. Crabbe, by Cooper ; John Cleveland, by Rhodes; John Dryden, by Wagstaff; Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, by E. Sinith ; John Milton, by fVoolnoth ; and Horace Walpole, by Co Hard ; all proofs on India paper , 8 Zf^ 1788 Portraits of Sir Julius Caesar, Sir E. Coke, by Posselwhite ; A/\^-l^yj^^^rd Erskine, by Woodman; Sir M. Hale, by Cook; ' Lord Mansfield, by Holl, the last four proofs on India paper ; J. L. Burckhardt, E. D. Clarke, and six various 13 224 [ |^ 1789 Portraits of Boccaccio, hy Hopwood ; Edmund Burke, by ^ ^ djAloj, ^(^gstaff; Edward Gibbon, by Holl ; David Hume, by L^i^CJi^ jJqII. ])j. S.Johnson, by Holl; Sir Harris Nicolas, a private plate; Adam Smith, by Holl; and William Penn, by Posselwhite; all proofs on India paper . 8 I, ,{7* 17S0 Shakespeare: Nine Plates and two Etchings from Boydell's -ijCi/(A^ Edition of Shakespeare, by Bromley, Colly er. Gray, J J as. Heath, Haughtouy Wilson, Refine impressions 1 1 5", 6 1791 Shakespeare, having been detected shooting Deer in Charlecote (] \ I Park, is brought before Sir Thomas Lucy, who, accompanied V vV^iAlL- by his Daughter on Horseback, are returning from Hunting, a lithograph by Nash, coloured in imitation of the ori- ginal dr'awing, and mounted on card board . 1 .. II 'I C 1792 Shakspeare (The Union), Portrait, and a Series of Plates, after the Designs of Briggs, Clint, Corbould, Cooper, Craig, ""^""^ Fardelle, Hayter, Hilton, Smirke, Stothard, B. West, &c. 38 plates, proofs on India paper before the letters, beautifully engraved by A. Fox, C, Heath, Finden, Bragg, Ensom, Phelps, Smith, ^c. folio, 1829, &c. 12$3 Shakspeare. Another set of the same, 38 Plates, proofs ^-finfU^ on India paper, with the letters , folio, 1829 )5".,(r 1794 Shakespeare. A Collection of Eight Portraits of Shakes- (l{fiilP^ peare, by Cochran, Harland, Penstone, Scriven, Fertue, Sfc, Sfc. six fine proofs, two of them on India paper folio and 4to, 8 1795 Shakespeare, ten Portraits of, and four of his Commentators, ClAJttlOx*^^ Cochran, Robinson, C. Knight, Holloway, S^c. ; His Birth-place, Chair, Seal, four of them on India paper. ,)..6 ..i-.b Rolls, Greatbach, Bacon, Engleheart, Chevalier, Sfc. . fine proofs . folio, 40 %*t b ^2^Jt Stothard (Thomas) John Gilpin, by Worthington, a fine proof, V^ and Etching . 1823, 2 / ,, 1 1 ) C' Jl"^^^ Stothard (T.) The Canterbury Pilgrims, engraved by ^l)-\H^^^i Cromek . 1 l9\n C 1899 Stothard (T.) The Canterbury Pilgrims, the small engraving Cu^l^ by Worthington, proof and etching . 2 ^ ^^^(y 1800 Views :— of Abbotsford, by S, W. Reynolds; Fonthill Abbey, ' ' ^^A^l^^y^^^/ *^' ^^ Keux ; two of Kenilworth Castle, by Jeavons and Garner; Warwick Castle, by fFallis ; and Sir F. Chantrey's Monument of the Sleeping Children, in Lich- field Cathedral, four of them, proofs on India paper, and the Sleeping Children before the letters . 6 225 I ,.lx..(r ^^^^ Warwickshire. View of Lawford Hall, taken down 1784, the ^TT~^ A Seat of Sir Theodosius Boughton, who was poisoned by W j/u^ Captain John Donellan ; Portrait of Thomas Sharp, of Coventry, etched hy Cotman, both proofs on India paper, private plates . folio, 2 ,. Vi>U 1802 Warwickshire. The same, two private Plates, and a View of C}j^/\ilru Coventry, by Burnett^ with Etching , three of them on , India paper . 8vo, 4* IJ'f^^ 1803 Drawing. Christ bearing the Cross, a beautiful illuminated (fyitUiA*. Drawing upon vellum, exquisitely and most elaborately finished in colours, heightened with gold and silver, by a foreign artist, a fine specimen of art . 1 u IC . O 1804 Drawing of the Earl Rivers presenting his Book, and Caxton ___^_ his Printer, to King Edward IV, his Queen, and the Prince, from a curious MS. in the Archbishop's Library, at Lambeth, most beautifully finished in colours, richly heightened with gold, by Geo. R. Lewis . 1 ZfO i^ 1805 A Handsome veneered Mahogany Bookcase, with ^'l^^^^^^^^^ornice top, containing a green tammy blind, on a spring roller for the whole front ; 1 feet high, by 8 feet 8, and 14 inches deep ; divided into three compartments, each containing six moveable shelves, with green morocco hangings, and cupboards underneath with one shelf ; solid mahogany ends and frames to the doors and slides, with two locks and keys, and a deal back, complete, with hook for the blind ^.lo 1^1806 A SMALLER BOOKCASE, 10 feet high by 3 feet 10, by the ^*KaAj^_4^same maker; similar in every respect, except that it has, ^^in addition, several moveable uprights in the cupboards, bolt, lock and key. END OF SALE. D-£C 5 1957 \ %^ 'iii^ ^ mm .^/.,,^^ /:^M SfSS; CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT RETUKN ^1 j^ Library TO S (I LOANPERiOD 1 |2 HOME USE All BOOKS ^AAY BE RECAllEO AfTER 7 DAYS ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ .-.!.-,„«. mav be made 4 days P"" Renewols and Recharges may Backs may be Renewed^V^^H-fJl!^ DUEASSll^i^BLO>!^ ! FORAA NO. DD6, ^j;;^^^^^^g;^7^^^^NlA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 g. X. - RA2V ^o.. ^ .CAT._1_ENT. Trom. ^ICY ♦ R^ ■^v,\ K^ t^w ^w^ m\^ ^-^^e 5%^/7 2^0, Oj ^'.> w' ■xM*^^}^- ilUlUlg On -^