'■:iL''"-~-y^ ■■■•■■ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE RAISONNE ; OU CLASSIFIED ARRANGEMENT OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. INSTITUTED, 1737. EDINBURGH : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY BALFOUR AND JACK. 1837. PREFACE. The Medical Society of Edinburgh was instituted in the year 1737 for the purpose of reading and discussing Essays on ]\Iedicine and the collateral Sciences. The zeal of its earlier members having soon raised the Socie- ty to a position which admitted of an extension of its views to other objects, the formation of a library was undertaken, and with such success, that this has since become one of the most prominent advantages afforded by the Institution. The Society has existed for one hundred years, during which period, the extension of its reputation as an arena for dis- cussion, and the increase of its Library have raised it to its pre- sent prosperous condition. The collection of books now consists of upwards of 12000 volumes, embracing the most approved works in Medicine, Science, and Literature. Of these a catalogue has long existed, arranged according to the authors' names in alphabetical order, with references to the position of the books on the shelves of the Society. But though perfectly adapted to facilitate the labours of the Librarian, it is obvious that to the Student, such a cata- logue does not afford any means of ascertaining what sources of information the Society has to offer him, or what are the standard 85S5G^ IV PREFACE. works on any subject to which he may wish particularly to direct his attention. To supply this deficiency, the formation of a Catalogue Raisonne has been attempted on various occasions since the commencement of the present century, by members of the Socie- ty, but from causes which it is difficult to trace, and which it would be useless to particularize if known, the undertaking hitherto has always been unsuccessful. In the winter of 1835 a few members of the Society renewed the attempt, and the Society, anxious to render its Library as much as possible available to the Students of the Medical School, strenuously encouraged the design, and at length re- solved that the Catalogue Raisonne should be printed at the expense of the Society. Though the Society trust that the arrangements adopted have insured for the Catalogue Raisonne a very considerable degree of accuracy, still they cannot doubt that many deficien- cies may be found in a work of this kind, completed for the first time ; it is therefore to be desired that inaccuracies may be pointed out, and alterations that may seem advisable sug- gested, with a view to its improvement in a future edition. It is then proposed to extend the present plan of the Catalogue, by incorporating with it many valuable papers on subjects con- nected with ISIedicine and the collateral Sciences, which are to be found scattered through the various British and Foreign peri- odical works in the possession of the Society. With a view to facilitate reference to particular subjects, the general plan of the Catalogue has been printed at the com- mencement, which will show the system of classification adopt- ed. It seems, therefore, unnecessary here to enter further into detail, than to state that the books have been arranged under four great divisions, Medicine, Science, Literature, and Miscel- lanies. Under Part I. Medicine, are arranged works on Anatomy, PKEFACE. V Human and Comparative ; Physiology ; Materia Medica and Pharmacy, including Hygiene and Therapeutics ; General Pathology and Practice of Physic ; Surgery ; INIidwifery, and Diseases of Women and Children ; Medical Jurisprudence and Medical Police ; and Medical Literature. Under Part II. Science, are arranged works on Natural Philosophy, including Mechanical Philosophy and Chemistry ; Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, and Mineral Waters ; and the Science of the JNIind, including Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, and General Education. Under Part III. Literature, are arranged works on General Literature ; Classical Literature ; General Biography ; His- tory ; Antiquities ; Geography ; Voyages and Travels ; and the Arts. Lender Part IV. Miscellanies, are arranged works on Veteri- nary Medicine and Agriculture ; Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias; Transactions of Societies, &c. ; Catalogues and Valuable Lists, &c. ; and Journals, Reviews, &c. In conclusion, the Society hopes, that from the extent and character of its Library, this Catalogue may prove useful, not only to its members, but to the medical profession generally. Edinburgh, 1836. CONTENTS. PART I. MEDICINE. Chapter I. ANATOMY, including HUMAN and COMPARA- TIVE ANATOMY, HUMAN ANATOMY. I. General Anatomy, A. Systematic Works, a. Bone, h. Muscle, c. Membrane, d. Brain and Nerve, e- Lungs, / Gland, . . . g. Epidermis, II. Descriptive Anatomy, A. Systematic Works, B. Works on Particular Organs, 1. Organs of Locomotion, a. Bones, h. Muscles, c. Ligaments and Bursse Mucosae, 2. Organs of Digestion, a. Teeth, . b. Salivary Apparatus, c. Gullet, Stomach, and Intestines, d. Liver, c. Spleen and Thymus Gland, 3. System of the Absorbent Vessels, 4. Organs of Circulation and Respiration, a. Heart, h. Arteries and Veins, 5. Urinaiy and Generative Organs, a. Male Organs, b. Female Organs, c Organs common to Male and Female, 5 5 5 5 6 6 G 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 VIU CONTENTS. 6. Organs of the Nervous System, . a. The Nervous System in General, b. The Nervous System in Particular, • a. The Brain, • b. The Spinal Cord, • c. The Nerves, • (/. Organs of Sensation, * * a. Eye, * * b. Ear, . * " c. Nose, * * d. Tongue and Skin, III. Surgical Anatomy. A. Systematic Works, B. Works on Particular Regions of the Body, IV. History and Bibliography of Anatomy, V. Anatojhcal Nomenclature, VI. The Art of Making Anatomical Preparations, VII. Catalogues of Museums, Page. 13 13 13 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Collective Works on Comparative I. General and Anatomy, . . . . .20 II. Works on the General Doctrines of Comparative Anatomy, Physiology of Animals, &c. . 21 III. Works on various parts of the Structure of Animals, 21 IV. Works on the Structure of different Classes of Animals, .... 22 A. Vertebrata, . . . . .22 a. Mammalia, .... 22 b. Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes, . . .23 B. Invertebrata, .... 23 a. MoUusca, . . . .23 b. Articulata, .... 24 c. Entozoa, . . . . .24 d. Zoophytes, .... 25 Chapter II. PHYSIOLOGY. I. Elementary and Systematic Treatises, . . 29 II. Works on particular departments of Physiology, 31 A. General Physiology, ... 31 1. Life, Organization, the Zoonomia, &c. . . 31 2. General Physiology illustrating Natural Theology, 33 3. Physical and Moral History of Mankind, and varieties of the Human Species, ... 33 4. Temperament, Constitution, Hereditaiy Peculiarities, &c. 34 CONTENTS. IX Page. 5. Relation of Climate and Physical Agents to the Animal Functions, including Animal Heat, Electricity, &c. 34 6. Animal Mechanics, or Animal Physics, . . 35 7. Animal Chemistry applied to Physiology, . 35 8. Properties of the Animal Textures, Microscopic Observa- tions upon them, &c. . . ,36 E. Special Physiology, . . . 36 1. Nutritive Functions, . . . .36 a. Nutritive Functions in General, . . 36 b. Particular parts of the Nutritive Functions, . 37 • a. Circulation of the Blood, Functions of the Heart and Bloodvessels, ... 37 § The Pulse, . . .38 • b. Properties of the Blood, . . 38 • c. Respiration, . . , .39 • • a. Mechanism and Chemical Changes, 39 • * 6. Asphyxia and Recovery of Drowned Per- sons, ... 40 " d. Nutrition and Properties of the Textures, 40 § Regeneration of the Textures, . 41 " e. Secretion ; Properties of the Fluids of the Ani- mal Body, . . . .41 • f. Digestion, including Saliva, Deglutition, &c. 42 § Vomiting, ... 43 § Aliment, • . . .43 • g. Absorption and Sanguification, . 43 § Absorption of Poisons, . . 44 2. Reproductive Functions, ... 44 a. Reproductive Functions Generally, . . 44 6. Functions of the Adult Reproductive Organs, 44 § Gravid Uterus, Parturition, . . 45 c. Foetal Development and Nutrition, . 45 3. Animal Functions, . . . .46 a. Animal Powers Generally, Sensibility and Irrita- bility, .... 46 b. Functions of the Nervous System, including Phre- nology and Mental Physiology, . . 46 § The Passions, Expression, &c. . 48 c. Sleep, Torpidity, Somnambulism, and Animal Mag- netism, .... 49 d. Functions of different Cercbro- Spinal Nerves, 49 * a. Nerves of common Sensation and Motion, 49 * h. Nerves of special Sensation, . . 49 * * a. Sense of Vision, . 49 " * b. Senses of Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch, . . .50 e. P\mctions of the Sympathetic System of Nerves, 51 /. Nervous Sympathy, . . . 51 b CONTENTS. (]. Muscular Motion, h. The Voice, Chapter III. MATERIA MEDICA and PHARMACY, in- cluding HYGli:NE AND THERAPEUTICS. I. Hygiene, Dietetics, and Regimen, 1. Hygiene, A. General Treatises, B. Naval and Military Hygiene, 2. Dietetics, A. General Treatises, B. Works on particular Articles of Diet, . 3. Regimen, § Bathing, II. Materia Medica, A. General, Elementary, and Systematic Treatises, ' . B. Works on particular departments of the Materia Medica, Page. 51 52 1. 2. 3. III. a. B. Vegetable Materia Medica, Materia Medica of particular Countries, Individual Remedies and Classes of Medicines, a. Individual Remedies, b- Classes of Remedies, c. Mineral Waters, Pharmacy, .... General and Elementary Treatises, Works on Particular departments of Pharmacy, a. Medicinal Preparations, 6. Pharmacopoeias, Dispensatories, &c. • a. Of known Authors, " b. National Pharmacopoeias, § Commentaries on the Pharmacopoeias, c. On the Adulteration of Medicines, Therapeutics, .... A. General Therapeutics, B. Special Therapeutics, a. General Treatises, b. Works on the Use of particular Remedies, c. Works on the Use of particular Classes of Remedies, c. On the Art of Prescribing, Chapter IV. GENERAL PATHOLOGY and PRACTICE or PHYSIC. I. Hygiene, . . . . • II. Morbid Anatomy, .... A. Morbid Anatomy Generally, •B. Morbid Anatomy of particular Parts, IV. 55 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 58 60 60 60 61 61 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 69 69 69 75 77 81 81 81 82 CONTENTS. XI Page, -c. Monstrosities and Malformations, . . 84 D. Catalogues of Museums, . . . .84 III. Pathology, .... 84 A. General Pathology, . . . .84 1. Systematic Treatises, ... 84 2. Works on particular departments of General Pathology, 85 a. Etiology, ... .85 § Contagion, . . . .86 b. Semeiology or Symptomatology, . . 87 " a. Diagnosis, . . . .87 * * a. Diagnosis in General, . 87 * " 6. Diagnosis of particular Parts, . 88 • • * a. Diagnosis of Organs of Nervous System, . . 88 " * * 6. Diagnosis of Organs of Respir- ation, . . .88 • " * c. Diagnosis of Organs of Circu- lation, ... 88 * i. Prognosis, ... 89 c. Nosology, . • . .89 B. Special Pathology, or Practice of Physicj . 89 1. Elementary and Systematic Treatises, . . 89 2. Collective Works, ]\Iedical Essays, Reports, Cases, &c. 93 3. Diseases of Particular Countries and Places, . 102 4. Diseases of the Army and Navy, . .105 a. Diseases of the Army, . . 105 h. Diseases of the Navy, . . . 106 5. Works on General Diseases, . . 106 a. Fever, .... 106 a. Fever Generally, . . 106 h. Individual Fevers, . . .109 * * a. Continued Fever, . . 109 " • i. Intermittent Fever, . . Ill * * c. Remittent Fever, . . Ill • * • «. Remittent Fever Generally, 111 • * * h. Remittent Fevers in Particular, 112 * * « * a. Yellow Fever, . 112 * * * * 6. Infantile Remittent Fever, 1 13 * • * * c. Hectic Fever, . 113 * • rf. Fevers with Eruption, . .113 a. Exanthemata Vera, . 113 Rubeola, . . 113 Scarlatina, . . 113 Variola, . . 113 Varicella, . . 115 Vaccinia, . . 115 Simple Eruptive Fevers, IIG Erysipelas, . . 116 • « « s xu CONTENTS. Page. • Miliaria, . . 116 riague, . . 116 b. Inflammation, . . . .116 c. Dropsy, . . . . 117 iL Fluxes, . . . .117 e. Hacnr.orrhages, . . • 117 / Gout, . . • . .117 y. Rheumatism, . . • HO //. Scorbutus, . . . .119 J. Scrofula, . • . . 119 j, Scirrhus, .... 120 k. Melanosis, • • . 120 /. Fungus Haematodes, • . .120 6, Works on Diseases of Particular Organs, . 121 a. Diseases of the Skin, . . .121 • a. Diseases of the Skin Generally, , 121 • b. Particular Diseases of the Skin, . .121 b. Diseases of the Nervous System, . . 122 " a. Diseases of the Nervous System in General 122 • b. Diseases of particular Parts of the Nervous System, . . .122 * * a. Diseases of the Brain, . 122 * " • a. Diseases of the Brain Generally, 1 22 * " " b. Diseases of the Brain in Par- ticular, , , .123 • • * • «. Affections of the Mem- branes, . . 123 • • * • • a. Meningitis, . 123 • • • • • i. Hydrocephalus, 123 • • " • • c. Delirium Tremens, 123 • " • " t. Apoplexy and Paralysis, 124 • " • * c. Mental Diseases, . 124 § Melancholia and Hypochondriasis, 123 » * 6. Diseases of the Spinal Marrow, including Diseases and Distortions of the Spine, 126 * • c. Diseases of the Nerves, . 126 * * d. Anomalous Diseases of the Nervous System, 127 Catalepsy, . . .127 Chorea, ... 127 Epilepsy, . . .127 Hydrophobia, . . 127 Hysteria, . . .128 Shaking Palsy, . . 128 Tetanus, . . .128 c. Diseases of the Respiratory System, . 128 • a. Diseases of the Respiratory System Generally, 128 " b. Particular Diseases of the Respiratory System, 129 Asphyxia, . . . .129 CONTENTS. XIU Page. Astbnia, . • • 129 Bronchitis, including Catarrh and Influenza, 129 Bronchocele, . . .129 Croup, . . . 129 Emphysema, . • .130 Hydrotborax, . . • 130 Pertussis, . . . ,130 Phthisis, ... 130 Pleuritis and Pneumonia, . . 131 d. Diseases of the Circulatory Organs, . 131 • a. Diseases of the Circulatory Organs Generally, 131 • b. Particular Diseases of the Circulatory Organs, 132 • * a. Particular Diseases of the Heart, 132 Angina Pectoris, . .132 Carditis, . . .132 * * b. Diseases of the Arteries and Veins, 132 e. Diseases of the Digestive Organs, . 132 • a. Diseases of the Digestive Organs Generally, 132 • b. Particular Diseases of the Digestive Organs, 133 * * a. Diseases of the Mouth, . .133 • • 6. Diseases of the Throat and Gullet, 133 " " c. Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines, 134 Ascites, . . 134 Cholera, . . .134 Colica Pictonum, . . 135 Constipation, . . -.135 Dysentery, . . 135 Gastro-Enteritis, . . 136 Haemorrhoids and Diseases of the Rectum, 136 Indigestion, . . 136 Marasmus, . , . 137 Peritonitis, . . 137 Tympanitis, . , .137 Worms, . . . 137 * ' d. Diseases of the Liver, . . I37 " " e. Diseases of the Spleen, . 138 /. Diseases of the Absorbent System, . . 1 38 g. Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs, 139 Diabetes, . • . , 139 Nephritis, . , , .139 Chaptee V. SURGERY. I. General AVorks ox Surgery, . . 143 A. Elementary and Systematic Works, . .143 B. Collective Works, Surgical Essays, Reports, Cases, &c. 144 II. Military and Naval Surgery, . .. 147 III. Obstetric Surgery, and Diseases of the Female Organs of Generation', . . . 147 XIV CONTENTS. IV. Surgical Anatomy, V. Works on Particular Departments of SuugerY; A. General Surgical Diseases, 1. Inflammation and its Consequences, a. Inflammation, . . • b. Suppuration, c. Ulceration and Ulcers, d. Gangrene and Hospital Gangrene, 2. Wounds, a. Wounds Generally, b. Poisoned Wounds, c. Gunshot Wounds, 3. Tetanus, .... 4. Constitutional Irritation, 5. Tumors, .... a. Tumors Generally, 0. Particular Tumors and Morbid Growths, • a. Scirrhus and Cancer, " b. Encysted Tumours, • c. Fungus Hsematodes, " d. Melanosis, • e. Naevi, '". • f. Neuroma and Subcutaneous Tubercle, 6. Scrofula, B. Surgery of Particular Parts of the Body, 1. Surgical Diseases of Skin and Cellular Tissue, a- Burns, .... b. Er}'sipelas, c. Carbuncle and Boil, 2. Surgery of Blood- Vessels, a. Haemorrhage, b. Diseases of Arteries, including Aneurism, § Aneurism, c. Diseases of Veins, 3. Injiu'ies of the Head, 4. Injuries, Diseases, and Malformations of the Spine, 5. Surgical Diseases and Injuries of Nerves, 6. Ophthalmic Surgery, a. Works on Diseases of the Eye in General, b. Works on Diseases of the Eye in Particular, • a. Ophthalmia, • b. Iritis, • c. Diseases of the Pupil, • d. Cataract, " e. Amaurosis, § Hemeralopia, » /. Venereal Diseases of the Eye, • y. Diseases of the Eyelids, Page. 147 147 147 147 117 148 148 149 149 149 149 149 150 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 151 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 154 154 154. 154 155 155 155 155 156 156 156 157 157 CONTENTS. XV Page. • /i. Fistula Lachrymalis, . . 157 7. Surgery of Nose, Mouth, Throat, Larj-nx, and Ear, 157 o. Surgery of Nose, . • . 157 b. Surgery of Mouth and Teeth, . .157 c. Surgery of (Esophagus, . . . 158 d. Surgery of Larynx and Thyroid Gland . . 158 e. Surgery of Ear, . . . 158 8. Diseases of the ]\Iamma, . . . 1 58 9. Surgery of Intestines, . . . 159 a. Wounds of Intestines, . . .159 b. Hernia, . . . • 159 • a. Hernia Generally, . . .159 • b. Particular Species of Hernia, . 160 • * a. Inguinal Hernia, . .160 • * b. Femoral Hernia, . . 160 • • c. Umbilical Hernia, . .160 c. Diseases of Rectum and Anus, . . 160 10. Surgical Diseases and Injuries of Bones, . . 161 a. Diseases of Bones, . . • 161 • a. Diseases of Bones Generally, . . 161 " b. Particular Diseases of Bones, . 161 § Necrosis, . . .162 b. Injuries of Bones, including Fractures and their Conse- quences, .... IL Surgical Diseases and Injuries of Joints, . a. Diseases of Joints, b. Injuries of Joints, including Dislocations, 12. Diseases of Generative and Urinary Organs, a. Diseases of Generative and Urinary Organs Generally 6. Diseases of Generative and Urinary Organs in Par- ticular, .... • a. Diseases of Testes and their Coverings, " • a Diseases of Scrotum, * * b. Hydrocele, * • c. Diseases of Testes, and Spermatic Cord, • b. Diseases of Urinary Organs, " * a. Diseases of Bladder, * ' b. Diseases of Urethra, including Stricture, § Stricture, " c. Diseases of Penis, • d. Stone, Gravel, and their Means of Cure, § Lithontriptics, 13. Venereal Diseases, Syphilis, its Consequences and Treatment, • a. Syphilis Generally, * b. Consequences of Syphilis, • • «. Syphilitic Pains, * * b. Venereal Eruptions, 162 163 163 163 164 16i 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 165 166 166 167 168 168 168 168 171 171 171 XVI CONTENTS. * c. Treatment of Syphilis, * • a. Use of Mercury in Syphilis, ' * b. Use of Acids, Sarsaparilla, &c. b. Diseases resembling Syphilis, * a. Pseudo- Syphilis, . * b. Sibbens, Yaws, Radesyge, &c. c. Gonorrhoea, 14. Operative Surgery, a. General Works on Operative Surgery, b. Works on Particular Operations, " a. Amputation, * " a. Amputation Generally, " • 6. Particular Amputations, * b. Excision of Joints, * c. Lithotomy, * d. Operations on the Eye, 15. Surgical Instruments and ]\Ieans of Cure, a. Instruments and Bandages, b. Surgical Means of Cure, - • a. Cupping, * b. Cautery, including Moxa, * c. Caustic, * d. Bougies, in Page. 171 171 Syphilis, 171 171 171 172 172 172 172 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 174 174. 174 174 174 174, 174 Chapter VI. MIDWIFERY and DISEASES of WOMEN and CHILDREN. I. Obstetiiic Anatomy and Physiology, . . 177 A. Anatomy of Female Organs, . . .177 B. Anatomy of Fcetus, . . . 177 c. Physiology of Gravid Uterus and Fcetus, . .177 II. Works on Midwifery and the General Management of Lying-in Women, . . . . 178 A. General and Systematic Treatises, . .178 B. Works on Particular Departments of Midwifery, . 179 1. Pregnancy, its Diagnosis, Sic. . . 173 2. Preternatural Labour, including Diseases and Accidents of Pregnancy, . . . . 180 a. Abortion, .... 180 b. Bladder, Affections of, in Pregnancy, . 180 c. Convulsions, Puerperal, . . . 180 d. Difficult Labour, . . . 180 e. Hteniorrbagc, Uterine, . . .180 /. Placenta and Funis, Management of, . 181 y. Rupture of the Uterus, . . . 181 h. Turning of the Fcetus in Utero, . . 181 3. Obstetric Surgery, .... 181 a. Caesarian Section, . . . 181 CONTENTS. XVU Page. b. Sigaultian Operation, • • ■ 181 c. Obstetric Instruments, their Use, &c. 181 4. Medico-Legal Obstetricy, • • • 182 III. Works on the Diseases of Women, 182 A. General and Systematic Works, • • • 182 B. Particular Diseases of Women, 183 a. Amenorrhcea, 183 b. Catalepsy, 183 c. Hysteria, 183 d. Leucorrlioea, 183 e. ]VIamma, Diseases of. 183 /• Ovarian Disease, 183 9- Phlegmasia Dolens, 184 h. Puerperal Fever, 184 i. Sterility, • • • 184 3- Uterus, Inversion and Retroversion of, 184 IV. Works on the Diseases and Management of Children, 185 A. General and Systematic Works, • • • 185 B, Works on Particular Diseases of Children, 186 a. Convulsions, • • • 186 b. Croup, • • 186 c. Dentition. • 186 d. Fever, Infantile Remittent, • • 186 e. Hydrocephalus, • 186 /' Marasmus, . 186 9- Measles, * ■ • 186 k. Pertussis, , 186 i. Rickets, • 186 J- Scarlatina, . 187 k. Stomach, Diseases of. • 187 I Worms, , • 187 Chapter VII. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE and MEDICAL POLICE. I. Medical Jurisprudence, A. General, Elementary, and Systematic Works, 191 191 B. Works on particular Departments of Medical Jurisprudence, 192 1. Works relating to the Subject of Reproduction, a. Signs of Virginity and Pregnancy, b. Abortion, c. Impotency, 2. Infanticide, 3. Wounds, and IMurder thereby, . 4. Insanity and Lunatic Asylums, a. Insanity, b. Lunatic Asylums, 5. Toxicolog)', 192 192 192 192 192 193 193 193 193 194 XVIU CONTENTS. Page. a. General Works on Poisons, . . 194< 6. Works on Particular Poisons, . .194 c. Criminal Trials for Poisoning, . . 195 G. Asphyxia and its Treatment, . . . 195 7. On the Certainty of the Signs of Death and the Dan- ger of Premature Interment, . . 196 8. Judicial post-mortem Examinations, . . 196 II. Medical Police, . . . . 196 A. General Works, . . . .196 B. Works on Particular Departments of Medical Police, 197 1. On Quarantine Laws and Disinfecting Agents, 197 a. Quarantine Laws, . . . 197 b. Disinfecting Agents, . . .197 2. On the Effects of Choak-Damp and Miasmata, 198 3. On the Management and Diseases of Public Institutions, 198 a. Hospitals, Prisons, and Workhouses, . 198 h. Lunatic Asylums, . . . .199 4. Feigned, Dissembled, and Imputed Diseases, . 199 5. On Population, Longevity, and Rate of Mortality, 199 Chapter VIH. MEDICAL LITERATURE. I. General Works on Medical Literature, • 203 II. History of Medicine, . • • 204 III. Medical Education and Duties of Medical Men, 206 IV. Medical Institutions, including Universities, Hospi- tals, &c. . . . . . 207 V. Medical Biography, .... 209 VI. Occasional Lectures, Orations, and Addresses, 210 VII. Controversies, . . . • 211 VIII. Dictionaries, Cyclop.^dias, &c. . . 212 PART II. SCIENCE. Chapter I. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ; including MECHANI- CAL philosophy and CHEMISTRY. 3IECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. I. General, Elementary, and Systematic Works, . 217 II. Works on Particular Departments of Mechanical Philosophy, .... 219 a. Mechanics, .... 219 CONTENTS. XIX 1. Mechanics in General, 2. Particular Departments of Mechanics, a. Statics, b. Dynamics, . . . . Hydro-dynamics, 1. Hydro-dynamics in General, 2. Particular Departments of Hydro-dynamics, a. Hydrostatics, h. Hydraulics, c. Pneumatics, d. Acoustics, Optics, . . ■ . 1. Optics in General, 2. Particular Departments of Optics, a. Nature, Properties, and Sources of Light, b. Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye, c. Optical Instruments, D. Caloric, .... 1 . On Heat and Cold Generally, including Nature, Propaga- tion, and Effects of Heat, 2. On the Sources of Heat and Cold, a. Friction, b. Chemical Action, c. Change of State of Aggregation, d. Animal Heat, 3. On the Economy and Economical Uses of Heat E. Electricity, ... 1. Electricity in General, 2. Galvanism, F. Magnetism, III. Astronomy, . . • A. Systematic and General Works, B. Physical Astronomy, c. Practical Astronomy, D. History of Astronomy, IV. Meteorology, A. Meteorology in General, B. Particular Departments of IMeteorology, 1. Atmospheric Evaporation, 2. Dew, Winds, Climate, and Barometrical Observations, V. History and Objects of Mechanical Philosophy, Appendix. Works on Mathematics, . P.-lge. 219 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 221 221 221 222 222 222 222 223 223 223 223 224 224 224 224 221 225 223 225 226 226 227 227 227 228 228 228 228 229 229 229 229 230 CHE3IISTRY. I. Elementary and Systematic Works, II. Collective Works, Essays, &c. 231 233 XX CONTENTS. Page. III. General DocTuiNEs OF Chemistry, . . 234 A. Chemical Affinity, . • . . 234 B. Theory of Definite Proportions, . . 235 c Diffusion of Gases, .... 233 u. Combustion, .... 235 E. Calorie, ..... 235 F. Electricity and Galvanism, . . . 235 IV. Chemical Nomenclature, . . . 236 V. Works on Special Departments of Chemistry, 236 a. Inorganic Cheniistiy, .... 236 1. General Works on Inorganic Chemistry, . 236 2. Works on Particular Departments of Inorganic Chemistry, 236 a. Non-Metallic Substances, . . 236 b. Metals and their Compounds, . • . 237 B. Organic Chemistry, . . . 238 1. General Works on Organic Chemistry, . . 238 2. Works on Particular Departments of Organic Chemistry, 238 a. Animal Chemistry, . . . 238 b. Vegetable Chemistr}', . , . 238 VI. Works on Practical and Analytical Chemistry, . 2.38 A. General Works, .... 238 li. Works on Chemical Analysis in Particular, . , 239 1. Analysis of Animal Substances, . . 239 2. Analysis of Vegetable Substances, . . 239 3. Analysis of Minerals, . . . 239 4. Description and Uses of Chemical Apparatus, . 240 VII. Applications of Chemistry to the Arts, Agriculture, &c. . . . . . 240 VIII. Works on Alchemy, . . . 240 IX. History and Objects of Chemistry, including Chemical Controversy, . . . . 241 Chapter II. NATURAL HISTORY; including ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, and MINER- AL WATERS. I. General and Collective Works on Natural History, 245 II. Natural History of Particular Countries and Places, 248 III. Particular Departments of Natural History, . 219 a. Zoology, .... 249 1. General Works on Zoology, . . . 249 2. Works on the Zoology of Particular Countries and Places, 251 3. Works on Particular Classes of Animals, . 251 a. Vertebrata, . . . .251 • a. Vertebrata Generally, . . 25 f • b. Particular Classes of Vertebrata, . 252 CONTENTS, XXI * * a. Mammalia, * • b. Birds, * • c. Reptiles, " * d. Fishes, b. Iiivertebrata, * a. Invertebrata Generally, * b. Particular Classes of Invertebrata, * * a. MoUusca, including Conchology * * b. Articulata, * • c. Entozoa, " * d. Zoophytes, B. Botany, .... 1. General, Elementary, and Systematic Works, 2. Collective Works, Essays, &c. 3. Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, a. General Works, b. Works on Particular Departments of Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, * a. Anatomy and Physiology of Particular Parts of Plants, .... * b. Anatomy and Physiology of Particular Plants and Classes of Plants, * c. Works on Particular Doctrines in Vegetable Physiology, . . . • 4- Descriptive Botany, a. General Floras, .... b. Floras of Particular Countries and Places, * a Floras of Britain, " * a. British Flora Generally, * * 6. Descriptions of Particular Classes of Bri- tish Plants, * * c. Floras of Particular Parts of Britain, * b- Floras of Foreign Countries, c. Descriptions of Particular Classes or Families of Plants, and of Individual Genera and Species, . * a. Classes or Families of Plants, * b- Individual Genera and Species, 5. Medical Botany, a. General Works, .... b. Particular Classes, Genera, and Species of Medical Plants, .... 6. Diseases and Anomalies of Plants, 7. Geographical Distribution of Plants, . 8. Catalogues of Plants, 9. Botanical Nomenclature, 10. Fossil Botany, .... 11. History of Botany; including Botanical Biography and Bibliography, . . , . 12. Agriculture and Gardening, Page. 252 253 254 255 256 256 256 256 257 260 261 262 262 263 264 264 265 265 265 266 267 267 268 268 268 269 269 270 272 272 274 277 277 277 278 279 279 280 281 281 281 xxu CONTENTS. c. Geology, 1 . General, Elementaiy, and Systematic Works, 2. Collective AV^orks, Essays, &c. 3. Geology of Particular Countries, a. British Isles, h- Foreign Countries, 4. Alines and Mining Operations, 5. Volcanoes and Earthquakes, 6. Fossil Remains, . . D. Mineralogy, .... 1. General, Elementary, and Systematic Works, 2. Mineralogical Essays, Reports, &c. 3. Works on the Mineralogy of Particular Countries Places, .... 4.. Treatises on Individual Minerals, 5. Works on Crystallography, 6. Mineralogy Applied to the Arts, 7. Analysis of Minerals, E. Mineral Waters, 1. Works on Mineral Waters Generally, 2. Works on Particular Mineral Waters, a. British, 6. Foreign, .... and Page 282 282 282 283 283 286 287 288 289 290 290 291 292 293 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 296 Chapter III. SCIENCE of the MIND; including METAPHY- SICS and MORAL PHILOSOPHY, POLITICAL ECO- NOMY, AND GENERAL EDUCATION. I. Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy. II. Political Economy, III. General Education, .... 299 301 302 PART III. LITERATURE. Chapter L GENERAL LITERATURE, Chapter IL CLASSICAL LITERATURE, Chapter IIL GENERAL BIOGRAPHY, 305 309 311 CONTENTS. XXUl Page. Chapter IV. HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES, GEOGRA- PHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. I. History and Antiquities, . , . 313 II. Geography, . . . . .314 III. Voyages and Travels, . . . 315 Chapter V. The ARTS, . . . .318 PART IV. MISCELLANIES. Chapter I. AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE, and VETERINARY MEDICINE. I. Agriculture and Horticulture, . . 321 II. Veterinary Medicine, .... 322 Chapter IL DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPEDIAS. I. General Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias, . 324 II. Dictionaries of various Languages, . . 325 HI. Bibliographical Dictionaries, . . 325 IV. Dictionaries of Natural History, . . 326 V. Dictionaries of Medical Science, . . 326 A. Practical Medicine and Medical Science Generally, 326 B. Particular Branches of Medical Science, . . 327 VI. Miscellaneous, . . • . 327 Chapter III. TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, &c. of SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, and other ASSOCIATIONS. I. Societies with General Scientific Objects, . 328 lit Societies for Cultivating Medical Science, . 331 III. Societies for Cultivating Natural History, 332 IV. Literary and Philosophical Societies, . 333 Chapter IV. CATALOGUES, VALUABLE LISTS, &c. I. Catalogues of Books, . . . 334 XXIV CONTENTS. Page. A. General BibliograpLy, and Lists of Books on Particular Sub- jects, ..... 334 B. Catalogues of Particular Libraries, . . 335 n. Catalogues of Collections of Natural History, 835 III. Catalogues of Collections of Anatomical Phepaha- TI0N8, ..... 336 Chapter V. JOURNALS, REVIEWS, &c. I. Medicine, . .... 337 A. Medical Science Generally, . . . 337 B. Particular Branches of Medical Science, . . 339 IL Chemistry, .... 339 III. Mining, . . . , .339 IV. Natural History, General Science, and Geography, 310 V. General Literature, . . . 341 VI. More than one of the above Subjects conjoined, 342 PART I. MEDICINE. Chapter I. Anatomy ; including Human and Co31pabative Anatomy. II. Physiology. III. Materia Medica and Pharmacy ; including Hygiene, and Therapeutics. IV. General Pathology, and Practice of Physic. V. Surgery. \'I. iNIiDwiFERY, and Diseases of Women and Children. VII. Medical Jurisprudence, and Medical Police. \ III. Medical Literature. CHAPTER I. INCLUDIKG HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE A TT A T O M Y. ^ HUMAN ANATOMY. 1. GENERAL ANATOMY. A. SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Bayle (A. L. J.) Manuel d'Anatomie Generale, 12mo, Paris, 1827. Beclard (P. A.) Ele'mens d'Anatomie Generale, Svo, Paris, 1823. The same Book, translated by Dr. Knox, 8vo, Edin. 1830. Additions a I'Anatomie Generale de Xav. Bicliat, Svo, Paris, 1821, Bicliat (Xavier) Anatomie Generale, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1801. Chevalier (T.) Lectures on the General Structure of the Human Body, &c. Svo, Lond. 1823. Craio^ie (D.) Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy, Svo, Edin. 1828. f2 copies. J Elements of General, Special, and Comparative Anatomy, 4to, Edin. 1831. Dutrochet (M. H.) Kecherches Anatomiques et Physiologiques sur la Structure intime des Auimaux et des Vege'taux, et sur leur Motilite, Svo, Paris, 1824. Gordon (John) System of Human Anatomy, vol. L Svo, Edin. 18 15. Grainger (R. D.) Elements of General Anatomy, Svo, Lond. 1829. Mascagni (Paul.) Prodromo della Grande Anatomia, fol. Firenze, 1819. Tavole Figurate di alcune Parti Organiche esposte nel Prodromo della Grande Anatomia, fol. Firenz. 1819. Meckel (J. F.) Manuel d'Anatomie Generale, Descriptive et Patholo- gique, 3 tomes, Svo, Paris, 1825. B. WORKS ON PARTICULAR TEXTURES. a. Bone. Gagliardus (Dominus) Auatome Ossium, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1723. Havers (Clopton) Osteologia Nova, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1691. Kerckringius (Theod.) De" Osteogenic Foetuum, 4to, Amstel. 1670. Idem Liber ext. in Op. Om. Anatom. 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1729. Knolle (J. F.) De Ossium Ortu et Structura, 1760, ext. in Thesaur. Sandifort. Tom. H. Scarpa (Anton.) De Penitiori Ossium Structura, 4to, Lips, 1799. De Anatome et Pathologia Ossium Commentarii, 4to, Ticini, 1827. b. Muscle. Muys (W. G.) Musculorum Artificiosa Fabrica, 4to, Lugd, Bat. 175i. Prochaska (Georg.) De Came Musculari, Svo, Viennce, 1778. HUMAN ANATOMY. Steno (Nicolaus) De Musculis et Glandulis, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1GS3. Stuart (Alexander) De Structura et Motu Musculari, 4to, Load. 1738. c. Membrane. Bichat (X.) Traite des Membranes, 8vo, Paris, 1800. Bonn (A.) De Continuationibus Membranarum, 1763, ext. in Thesaur. Saudifort. Bordeu (Theoph. de) Recherches sur le tissu Muqueux, 12mo, Paris, 1767. Le meme CEuvre, ext. in CEuvres Complets par Richerand, Tom. L 8vo, Paris, 1818. Panizza(B.) SuUe Membrane Mucose, ea,^ in Osservaz. Antrop. Zootom. Fisiolo^. p. 83, fal. Pavia, 1830. d. Brain and Nerve. Barba (Anton.) Mikroskopische Beobachtungen iiber das Gehirn, 4to, Wiirzburg, 1829, Glasserus (Jo. H.) de Cerebro, cura Staehelin, 18mo, Basil, 1680. Gordon (John) on the Structure of the Brain, with an Estimate of the Claims of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, &c. 8vo, Edin. 1817. Lobstein (J. F,) De Nervi Sympathetici Humani Fabrica, Usu, et Mor- bis Coramentatio, 4to, Paris, 1823. Mayo (Herbert) on the Structure of the Brain, Cerebellum, Spinal Cord, and Nerves, 8vo, Lond. 1822, Series of Engravings on the Structure of the Brain and Spinal Cord in Man, fol. Loud. 1827. Pfeffinger (Jo.) De Structura Nervorum, ext. in Ludwig. Script, Neu- rolog. Tom, I. Reil (J. C,).De Structura Nervorum, fol. Halse, 1796. Schiinberg (J. J.) Mikroskopische Beobachtungen iiber das Gehirn, &c. 4-to, Wiirzburg, 1829. Weuzel (Jos. et Car.) De Penitiori Structura Cerebri Hominis et Bru- torura, fol. Tub, 1812. Willis (Th.) Cerebri Anatome, 4to, Lond, 1664, i Idem liber ext, in Op, 2 tom. 4to, Genev, 1680. Wutzer (Car, G.) De Corporis Humani Gangliorum Fabrica atque Usu, 4to, Berol, 1817. e. Lungs. Reisseisen (F, D.) De Fabrica Pulraonum Comraentatio, fol. Berol. 1822. f. Gland. Mueller (Johannes) De Glandularum Secernentium Structura Penitiore earumque prima Formatione in Homine atque Animalibus, fol. Lipsiae, 1830, Nuck (A.) Adenographia, 12mo, Lugd, Bat, 1722, Steno (N.^ De Glandulis, i2mo, Lugd. Bat. 1683, Wharton (Tho.) Adenographia, 12rao, Lond. 1656, Idem Iiber, 12mo, Noviomagi, 1664, g. Epidermis. Mayo (H.) On the Structure of Hoof, Horn, and Cuticle, Svo, Lond. 1822, Panizza (B.) Sulla Cuticola, ext, in Osservaz. Antrop, Zootom. Fisiolog, p. 83, fol. Pavia, 1830, HUMAN ANATOMY. II. DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. A. SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Aiken (John) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1786. Albinus (Bernard Siegfried) Explanation of his Anatomical Plates, with an account of the Work, 4to, Lond. 1754. f2 copies. J Tabularum Anatomicarum Eustachii Explicatio ; et Tabularum Ed. Nova, fol. Leid. 1744. Annotationum Academicarura, lib. 8, 2 torn. 4to, Leid. 1 754-64. Avicenna (Abu-Ali-Ibn-Tsiua) Observationes Anatomicse, ext. in Op. Med. cura Costaei et Mougii, fol. Venet. 1564. Barclay (J.) Introductory Lectures on Anatomy, with his Life, by Sir G. Ballingall, 8vo, Edin. 1827. f2 copies.) Bartliolinus (The.) Anatomia Reformata, ex Caspar. Bartholin. Parent. Institut. 8vo, Hag. Comit. 1660. Bell (John and Charles) Anatomy of the Human Body, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 179.3—1804. The same Book, Vol. H. Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Ed. 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1829. Bell (Sir Charles) System of Dissections, 3 vols. fol. Edin. 1798—1803, Bianchi (J. B.) Orationes Anatomicae, &c. 2 tom. 4to, Genev. 1725. Bichat (X.) Anatomic Descriptive, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1801. Bidloo (Godfried.) Anatomia Humani Corporis, fol. Amstel. 1685. Blasius (Gerard.) Anatomia Hominis, 12mo, Amstel. 1673. Bordeu (Theoph. de) Recherches Anatomiques, &c. par Richerand, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1818. Boyer (M. le Baron) Traite complet d' Anatomic, 4me Edit. 4 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1815. Caldani (L. M. A.) Icones Anatomicae, 3 tom. (in 4 compact.) fol. Venet. 1801-13. Iconum Anatomicarum Explicatio, 5 tom. fol. Venet. 1802-14. Cheselden (Wm.) Anatomy of the Human Body, llth Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1778. Cloquet (J. H.) Traite d'Anatomie Descriptive, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1816. The same Book, translated by Dr. Knox, 8vo, Edin. 1828. Cloquet (Hip.) Traite Complet de I'Anatomie de THomme, comparee a celle des Animaux, 8 Livraisons, 4to, Paris, 1825-28. (unfinished. J Collins (Sam.) System of the Anatomy of Man, and other AnimaJs, 2 vols. fol. Savoy, Lond. 1685. Cooper (B. B.) Lectures on Anatomy, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1829-32. The Same Book, Vol. I. Craigie (D.) Elements of General, Special, and Comparative Anatomy, 4to, Edin. 1831. " Cruveilhier (J.) Anatomic Descriptive, 4 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Diemerbroeck (Job.) Anatome Corporis Humani, 4 to, Genev. 1680. Opera Omnia Anatomica et Medica, fol. Ultraj. 1C85. Drake (James) System of Anatomy, 2d Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1717. Eustachius (Berth.) Opuscula Anatomica, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1707. Tabulae Anatomicae cum explicatione Albini, folio, Leidae, 1744. Idem liber, Leidae, 1761. Conimontarii in Tabulas Anatomicas, auctore G. Martinio, 8vo, Edin. 1755. 8 HUMAN ANATOMY. Fabriciiis (Hierouyimis ab Acjiia l^eiidente) Opera Anatoniica, folio, Patav. 1625. Fallopiiis ((tabriel.) Opera Omnia, folio, Francof. Io84. Observationes Anatoinicie, ext. in Vesal. Oper. Tom. II. p. 685. Idem liber. Fyfe (And.) Compendium of Anatomy, 2 vols. 12mo, (bound in one,) Edin. 1800. A System of Anatomy, 3 vols. 4to, Edin. 1800. f2 copies. J Fyfe (A.) Plates to illustrate the Anatomy of the Human Body, 4to, Editi. 1830. Description of Anatomical Plates, 8vo, Edin. 1830. Haller (A. Von) Disputationes Anatomicae Select*, 7 torn. 4to, Goett. 1750. ■ Icones Corporis Humani, fol, Goett. 1736-82. Explicatio earundem, fol. Heister (Laur.) Compendium Anatomicum, 12mo, Amst. 1733. Compendium of Anatomy, 8vo, Loud. 1752. L'Anatomie du Corps Humain,3 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1753. /^2 copies, J Hunter (William) Lectures Introductory to Anatomy, 4to, Lond. 1784. Jenty (A. N.) Lectures on the Human Structure and Animal Economy, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1756. Laurentius (A.) Anatomia Humani Corporis, folio, Paris, 1600. Historia Anatomica Humani Corporis, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1623. Leber (F.) Prselectiones Anatomicse, 8vo, Vindob. 1778. Idem liber, cura Wilson, 8vo, Edin. 1790. Lieutaud (Joseph) Essais Anatomiques, 8vo, Paris, 1766. Lizars (John) System of Anatomical Plates, 5 vols. fol. Edin. 1823-26. Explanation of the Plates, 5 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1823-26. Loder (J. C.) Tabulae Anatomicae, 3 tom. fol. Vinarae, 1797. Lyserus (M.) Culter Anatomicus, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1731. Mangetus (Jo. J.) Bibliotheca Anatomica, 2 tom. fol. Genev. 1699. Marjolin (J. N.) Manuel d' Anatomic, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1815. Martinius (Georg.) Commentarii in Eustachii Tabulas Anatomicas, 8vo, Edin. 1755. Meckel (Jo. Fr.) Manuel d' Anatomic Generale, Descriptive et Patholo- gique, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1825. Monro (Alex. Tertius^ Outlines of the Anatomy of the Human Body, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin, 1813. Elements of the Anatomy of the Human Body, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1825. Morgagni (Jo. Bapt.) Adversaria Anatomica, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1723, Nisbett (William) View of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body, ext. in Edinburgh School of Medicine, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1802. Northcote (William) Anatomy of the Human Body, 8vo, Lond. 1772, Oribasius (Sard.) Opera Omnia, Amst. 1553, ext. in, Med, Art. Princ. Tom. I. Anatomia ex Libris Galeni, 4to, Lugd, Bat, 1735. Person (M.) Elements of Anatomy, and of the .Animal Economy, by Simmons, 8vo, Lond. 1775. Portal (Le Baron) Cours d'Anatomie Medicale, 5 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1803. Quain (Jones) Elements of Descriptive and Practical Anatomy, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Kiolanus (Joann.) Opuscula Anatomica Nova, 4to, Lond. 1649. Sabatier (11. B.) Traite d'Anatomie, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1781. Sandifort (Gerard.) Tabular Anaton)ica', fol. Lugd. Bat. 1801. Santorinus (J. D.) Observationes Anatomic*, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1739. HUMAN ANATOMY. 9 Santorinus (J. D,) Tabulse Anatomicas, cum aliis Mich. Girardi de Stnic- tuni Mamiiiarum, et de Tunica Testis Vag-inali, 4to, Parmie, 177.5. Soemmerrinrr (S, T.) De Corporis Humani Fabrica, G torn, (in 5 compact.) 8vo, Traject. ad Moenum, HO^. Spigelius (Adrian) De Corporis Humani Fabricu libri 10, 4to, Fran- cof. 163-2. Sylvius (F. de Le Boe) Dictata ad Casp. Bartholiui Institutiones Ana- tomicas, ext. in Op. Omn. 4to, Amstel. 1680. Vaugban (W.) Exposition of the Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1791. Verheyen (P.) Anatomia Corporis Humani, 2 tom. 8vo, Amstelod. 1731. Vesalius (And.) Anatomia Corporis Humani, fol. Amst. 1617. Idem Liber ext. in Op. Omu. cura Boerhaavii et Albini, 2 tom. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1725. Vesslingius (J.) Syntagma Anatomicum, 4to, Traject. ad Rhen. 1695. Vicq D'Azyr (F.) Traite' d' Anatomic et de Physiologic, Tom. 1. foL Paris, 1786. CEuvres, 6 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1805, Planches au meme, 4to, Paris, 1805. Winslow (J. B.) Anatomy of the Human Body, trans, from the French, by Douglas, 4to, Lond. 1732. The same book, 5th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1763. B. M'ORKS ON PARTICULAR ORGANS. 1. ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION, a. Bones. Albinus (Bernard. Siegfried.) De Ossibus Corporis Humani, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1726. Icones Ossium Fcetils Humani, cum Brevi Osteogenise Historia, -ito, Lugd. Bat. 1737. Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body, fol. Lond. 1749. ^— Tabulae Ossium Humanorum, fol. Leid. 1753. — — De Sceleto Humano, 4to, Leid. 1762. Bell (John) Engravings of the Bones, Muscles, and Joints, 4to, Edin. 1794. Bernhold (J. G. J.) De Ossibus et Ligamentis Corporis Humani, 12mo, Norimb. 1794. Gordon (John) Engravings of the Human Skeleton, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Kerckringius (Theod.) De Osteogenia Foetuum, 4to, Amstel. 1670. Idem Liber, ext. in Op. Om. Anatora. 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1729. Mitchell (Edward) Engravings of the Human Skeleton, and of those of some of the lower Animals, with Explanations by Dr. John Barclay, Parts L and II. 4to. Edin. 1819-20. The Same Book, New Edition by Dr. Knox,4to, li.(l\a. 1829. (2copies.) Monro (Alex. PriwMs) Anatomy of the Human Bones and Nerves, &c. 5th edit. 12mo, Edin. 1750. The same Book, ext. in Op. Om. edited by his Son, 4to, Edin. 1781- The same Book, with Notes, &c. by Jeremiah Kirby, 12mo, Edin. 1817. Paaw (Pelrus) De Humani Corporis Ossibus, 4to, Amst. 161S, B 10 HUMAN ANATOMY. b. Muscles. Albiims (B. S.) Tabulie Musculorum Hominis, fol. Lond. 1747-50. Tables of the Skeleton and IMuscles of the Human Body, fol. Lond. 1749. Bell (John) Engravings of tlie Bones, Muscles, and Joints, 4to, Edin. 1794. Browne (John) Myofrraphia Nova, cum Iconibus, fol. Amstel. 1694. Cassibohm (J. F.) Methodus secandi et contemplandi Corporis llumani Muscnlos, limo, Halae Magdeb. 1740. Cowper (Wm.) On the Muscles, fol. Lond. 1784. Innes (John) On the Muscles, L2mo, Edin. 1776. Mitchell (Edward) Engravings of the Muscles of the Human Body, with Descriptions by Dr. Knox, 4to, Edin. 1832. (2 copies.) Sandifort (Ed.) Descriptio Musculorum Hominis, 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1781. Tuson (Ed. Wm.) Myology, fol. Lond. 1825. Supplement to the same, fol. Lond. 1828. c. Ligaments and Burste Mucosae. Bell (John) Engravings of the Bones, Muscdes, and Joints, 4to, Edin. 1794. Bernhold (J. G. J.) De Ossibus et Ligamentis Corporis Humani, 12mo, Norimb. 1794. Cooper (B. B.) A Treatise on the Ligaments, 4to, Lond. 1825. {"2 copies. J Koch (C. M.) De Bursis Tendinum Mucosis, 8vo, Lips. 1785, ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. X. p. 140. Lizars (Alex. J.) Essay on the Knee Joint, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Mitchell (E.) Engravings of the Ligaments of the Human Body, M'ith Descriptions by Dr. Knox, 4to, Edin. 1834. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Description of all the Bursse Mucosae of the Human Body, &c. with Tables, foL Edin. 1788. Schwencke (Th.) Haematologia, necnon De Ligameuto Acetabuli In- terno, 8vo. Hagaj, 1743. Weitbrecht (Jos.) Syndesmologia, 4to, Petrop. 1742. ■ Le meme livre, traduit par Durand, 12mo, Paris, 1752. 2. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. a. Teeth. Bell (Th.) Anatomy, &c. of the Teeth, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Blake (Rob.) On the Structure and Formation of the Teeth, 8vo, Dub. ISOl. Delabarre (C. F.) Traite de la Seconde Dentition, 8vo, Paris, 1819. Fox (Joseph) On the Natural History of the Human Teeth, 4to, Lond. 180.3. Hunter (John) Natural History of the Human Teeth, 4to, Lond. 1771. Koecker (L.) Principles of Dental Surgery, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Parmly (L. S.) Lectures on the Natural History and Management of the Teeth, 8vo, Lond. 1820. Ruspini (B.) Treatise on the Teeth, 12mo, Lond. N. D. b. Salivary Apparatus. Bartholinus (Caspar) De Ductu Salivali, 12mo, Ultraject. 1685. Nuck (Ant.) Sialographia, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1690. Idem liber, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1723. Vaterus (Ah.) De Ductibus Excretoriis Salivse, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1723. HUMAN ANATOMY. c. Gullet, Stomach, and Intestines. 11 Bleuland (Janus) Observationes Anatomico-Medica; de Oesophagi Struc- tura, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1785. Claussen (Laur.) De Duodeni Intestini Situ et Nexu, Lips. 1757, ext. in Sandif. Thes. Tom. III. Glisson (F.) De Ventriculo et lutestinis, 12mo, Amstel. 1769. Hare, (Thomas) A View of the Structure, Functions, and Disorders of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1821. LevelinfT (H. P.) Dissertatio Anatomico-Physiologica de Pyloro, Argent. 1764', ext. in Sand. Thesaur. Tom. III. Ludwig (C.F.) I cones Cavitatum Thoracis et Abdominis, foi. Lips- 1789. Sandifort (Ed.) Tabuke Duodeni, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1780. d. Liver. Bianchi (J. B.) Historia Hepatica, et Orationes Anatoraicse, 2 torn. 4to, (ienev. 172o. Glisson (F.) Anatomia Hepatis, 12mo, Lond. 1654. Idem liber, 12mo, Amst. 1665. Idem liber, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1691. Wainewrifjht (J.) Treatise ou the Anatomy and Diseases of the Liver, 8vo, Lond. 1737. e. Spleen and Thymus Gland. Cooper (Sir Astley) The Anatomy of the Thymus Gland, -ito, Lond. 1832. Stukely (W.) on the Spleen, fol. Lond. 1723. 3. SYSTEM OF THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. Albinus (B. S.) Tabulae Vasis Chyliferi cum Vena Azyga Vicinisque Partibus, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1 757. Bartholinus (Tho.) De Lacteis Thoracicis in Horaine Brutisque, 12mo, Paris, 1653. Vasa Lymphatica nuper Hafuite Inventa, et Hepatis Exsequi*, 12mo, Paris, 1653. Betheder (P. de) Sur la Sanguification et la Circulation du Sang, avec un Traite sur les Vaisseaux Lymphatiques, 12mo, Paris, 1666. Cruikshank (Wm.) Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels, 4to, Lond. 1780. f'3 copies.) Same Book, 2d Edit. 1790. Fohmann (Vine.) Das Saugadersystem der Wirbelthiere, Erst. Th. Das Saugadersystem der Fische, Ileidelb. u. Leipz. 1827. Haassius (Jo. Gottl.) De Vasis Cutis, ct Intestinorura Absorbeutibus, fol. Lips. 1786. Hewson (Will.) Experimental Enquiry into the Properties of the Blood, 3d Edit, with a Treatise on the Lymphatic System, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1780. Hunter (Wm.) On the Origin and Use of the Lymphatic Vessels, ext. in Medical Commentaries, 2d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1777. Mascagni (Paul.) Vasorum Lymphaticorum Corporis Humani Historia et Ichnographia, folio, Seuis, 1787. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Examination of Dr. Hunter's Claim to some Discoveries relative to the Lymphatics, 8vo, Edin. 1758. 12 HUMAN ANATOMY. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Do Venis Lympliaticis Valviilosis et de earum imprimis Originc, Ed. altera, 12mo, Ediii. 1770. f2 copies. J Noble (C. Le) Observationes de Lacteis Mesentericis et Thoracicis, 8vo, Paris, IGGo. Pauizza (B.) Sul Systema Linfatico, &c. ezL in Osservaz. Antrop. Zootom. Fisiolojr. fol. Pavia, lb.30. Sheldon (John) History of the Absorbent System, 4to, Lond. 1784. 4. ORGANS OP CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. a. Heart. Behrends (Jo. B. J.) Dissertatio qua demonstrator Cor Nervis carere, &c. Moount. 1792, ext. in Lud. Script. Neurol. Tom. 111. p. 1. Folius (Cecilius) Vise Sanguinis a dextro in sinistrum Cordis Ventricu- lum defluentis Delineatio, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1723. Lower (Robert) De Corde, 12mo, Amstel. 1669. Idem liber, item de Motu, Colore, et Transfusione Sanguinis, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1728. Ludwig (C. F.) Icones Cavitatis Thoracis, &c. fol. Lips. 1781. Senac (Pierre) Traite de la Structure du Cceur, de son Action, et de ses Maladies, 2 tom. 4to, Paris, 1 749. Vaust (J. F.) Recherches sur la Structure et les Mouvemens du Cceur, 8vo, Liege, 1821. Zereuer (T. N.) De Nervis Cordis, ext. in Ludwig. Script. Neurolog. tom. IV. p. 1. b. Arteries and Veins. Barclay (John) Description of the Arteries of the Human Body, I2mo, Edin. 1812. ^2 copies. J Bell (Sir Charles) Engravings of the Arteries, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Breschet (Gilb.) These sur les Veines du Rachis, 4to, Paris, 1819. Douglas (Jac.) Accountof the Blood- Vessels and Nerves, 8vo, Edin. 1773. Fergusson (Wm.) On the Arch of the Aorta, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Harrison (Robert) The Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, 2 vols. 12mo, Dublin, 1824-25. Janke (J. G.) De Ratione Venas Corporis Humani angustiores imprimis cutaneas ostendendi Prolusio, 17G2, ext. in Thesaur. Sandif. Tom. H. Kirtland (J.) Diagram of the Blood-Vessels of the Head. Macfarlane (Henry B.) On the Obturatrix Artery, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Mitchell (Edward) Engravings of the Arteries of the Human Body, with Descriptions by Dr. Knox, 4to, Edin. 18ai. (2 copies.) Murray (Ad.) Descriptio Arteriarum Corporis Humani in Tabulas re- dacta, 4to, Lips. 1799. — — The same book, translated by A. Scott, 8vo, Edin. 1801.|^2 copies. J Tiedemanii (F.) Tabula? Arteriarum Corporis Humani, folio, Carlsr. 1822. Explicationes Tabul. Arteriarum, 4to, Carlsrubje, 1822. Turner (Thos.) Practical Treatise on the Arterial System, 8vo, Loud. 1825. (2 copies. J Walter (J. (4.) De Venis Capitis et Colli, &c. fol. Berol. 1775. 5. URINARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. a. Male Organs. Bosscha (H.) Dissertatio de Vesicular Seminalis Sinistiae Defcctu, &c. 4to, LeidiH, 1813. HUMAN ANATOMY. 13 Cooper (Sir Astley) On Diseases of the Testes, 4to, Lond. 1830. Girardi (Mich.) Tabulae de Tunica Testis Vaginali, ext. in. Santorini Tabul. Anatom. 4to, Parmac, 1773. Graaf (R. de) De Virorura Organis Generatioui Inservientibus, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1668. Guthrie (G. J.) On the Anatomy and Diseases of the Neck of the Blad- der and of the Urethra, 8vo, Lond. 18.34. Lano^enbeck (C. J. M.) De Structura Peritonaei, Testiculorum Tunicis "eorumque Descensu, ad illustrandam Herniarum indolem, 8vo, Goet- tin, 1825. Atlas, folio. HUMAN ANATOMY.- 15 Boelimer (J. F. G.) De Nono Pari Nervorum Cerebri, Gott. 1777, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. I. p. 279. Douglas (Jac.) Account of the Blood- Vessels and Nerves, 8vo, Edin. 177j. Fischer (Jo. L.) Descriptio Anatomica Nervorum Lumbalium, Sacralium, et Extremitatnm Inferiorum, f'ol. Lipsije, 1791. Frotscher (G. C.) De Medulh'i Spinali ej usque Nervis, ext. iu Lud wig-. Scrip. Neur. Tom. IV. p. 70. Girardi (Mich.) De Nervo Intercostali, Flor. 1791, ext. iu Ludwig. Script. Neurolog. Tom. III. p. 78. Haassius (J. G.) Cerebri Nervorumfjue Anatome, 8vo, Lips. 1781. De Gangliis Nervorum, ext. in Ludwig. Script. Neurol. Tom. 1. De Nervis Narium Internis, ext. in Lud. Scrip. Neur. Tom. IV. De Nervo Phrenico dextri Lateris Duplici, Parisque Vagi per Collum Decursu, ext. in Lud. Scrip. Neur. Tom. III. De Plexibus CEsophageis Nervosis Parisque Vagi per Pectus De- cursu, ext. in Ludvv. Scrip. Neurol. Tom. III. Hirsch (A. B. R.) De Quinto Pari Nervorum, ext. in Ludwig. Scrip. Neurolog. Tom. I. p. S^i. Isenflaram (J. F.) De Vasis Nervorum, Erlangse, 1768, ext. in Lud. So. Neur. Tom. IIL p. 162. I\vanofF(D.) De Origine Nervorum Intercostallum, Arg. 1780, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. III. p. 89. Joerdens (Jo. Hin.) Descriptio Nervi Ischiadici, fol. Erlangie, 1788. Klint (Jac. Jo.) De Nervis Brachii, Goetting. ns-l, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. IU. p. 122. Krliger (Eph.) De Nervo Phrenico, Lips. 1758, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. III. Lobstein (J. F.) De Nervis Durse Matris, Argent. 1772, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Torn. I. p. 89. — — De Nervo Spinali ad Par Vagum Accessorio, Arg. 1760, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. II. p. 219. Idem liber, ext. in Thes. Sand. Tom. I. Lobstein (J. F.) De Nervi Sympathetici Humani Fabrica, Usu, et Morbis Commentatio, 4to, Paris. 1823. Ludnio- (C. F.) Scriptores Neurologici Minores Select!, 4 torn. 4to, Lips. 17'91. Luduio- (C. T.) De Plexibus Nervorum Abdominalium atque Nervo Intercostali Duplici, Lips. 1772, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. IIL p. 105. Manec (P. J.) Analytical Anatomy of the Great Sympathetic and Cere- bro-Spinal Nerves, Tab. I. II. Lond. 1830. Meckel (J. F.) De Quinto Pari Nervorum Cerebri, ext. in Ludvv. Scrip. Neur. Tom. I. De Nervo Faciei, ext. ibidem. Tom. II. Metzger (Joann. Dan.) Nervorum Primi Paris Historia, Argentinje, 1766, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. HI. Idem liber, ext. in Lud. Scr, Neur. Tom. IV. Mitchell (Edward) Engravings of the Nerves of the Human Body, with Descriptions by Dr. Knox, 4to, Edin. 1829. (2 copies.) Monro (Alex. Primus) Anatomy of the Human Bones and Nerves, 5th Edit. 12rao, Edin. 1750. Same book with Notes by Kirby, 12mo, Edin. 1817. Murray (Ad.) De variationibus in Parte Cervical! Nervi Intercostalis, Upsal, 1772, ext. in Lud. Scrip. Neur. Tom. I. p. 242. Paletta (J. B.) De Nervis Crotaphitico et Buccinatorio, 1784, ext. iu Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. IIL p. 63. — — Idem liber, ext. in Roem. Op. Tom. I. p. 111. IG HUMAN ANATOMY. Peipers (G. F.)) Norvoriim Cervicaliura Descriptio, ext. in Lud. Script. Keur. Tom. IV. p. 18. Scarpa (Anton.) De Nervornm GanJumeiibach (J. F.) Short System of Comparative Anatomy, trans, by Lawrence, 8vo, Lond. 1 807. The same Book, 2d Edit, by Coulson, 1827. Buffon (Le Comte de) CEuvres. ( Vid. Part II. chap. 2. Natural History.) Cams (C. G.) Comparative Anatomy, translated by Gore, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1827. * ^' -^ Plates to the same, 4to. Traite Elementaire d'Anatomie Comparee, suivi de Recherches d'Anatomie Philosophique ou Transcendante, trad, de I'AUem. par Jourdan, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1835, avec Atlas in 4to. Cloquet (Hip.) Traite' Complet de I'Anatomie de THorame Compare'e ^ celle des Animaux, 8 Livraisons, 4to, Paris, 1825-28. (uiifinished.J Collins (Samuel) System of the Anatomy of the Body of Man, and other Animals, 2 vols. fol. Savoy, Lond. 1685. Craigie (D.) Elements of General, Special, and Comparative Anatomy, .4to,Edin. 1831. ' i > i ^ Cuvier (George) Lepons d'Anatomie Comparee, 5 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1799- 1805. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, translated by Ross, 2 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1802. Hist, des Progres des Sciences Naturelles, depuis 1789 jusqua ce jour, 4. tom. 8vo, Paris, 1826-28. Edwards (H. Milne) Ele'mens de Zoologie, Parts I. H. and IIL 8vo, Paris, 1834-35. Fyfe (And.) Compendium of Comparative Anatomy, 8vo, Edin. 1813. Galenus (Claudius) Opera Omnia, 5 tom. fol. Basil. 1538. Operum Epitome, fol. Basil. 1551. Opera Omnia, ex 8va Juntarum Editione, 4 tom. fol. Ven. 1609. Grant (R. E.) Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, Parts I. II. and III. 8vo, Lond. 1835-36. Home (Sir Everard) Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, 6 vols. 4to, Lond. 1814-28. Kirby (Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise ; on the Instincts of Animals, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1835. Meckel (J. F.) Traite Gt'ne'rale d'Anatomie Compare'e, trad, de I'Alle- mand, par Riester et Sanson, Tom. I.— VI. 8vo, Paris, 1828. Monro (Alex. Primus) Treatise on Comparative Anatomy, new Edit. published by his Son, 8vo, Edin. 1783, (2 copies. J COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 21 Oribasius (Sard.) Anatomia ex libris Galeni, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1735. Roget (P. M.) Bridgewater Treatise ; on Animal and Vegetable Physi- ology, 2 vols. 8vo, Load, 1834-. II. WORKS ON THE GENERAL DOCTRINES OF COiMPARA- TIVE ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS, &c. Aristoteles, Historia Aniraalium, (Graece,) Tom. III. 8vo, Venet. 1553. Opera Orauia quae extant, (Graect^ et Latine,) cura Dii Val. 4 torn. fol. Paris, 1619. Cuvier (George) Introduction to the Study of the Animal Economy, trans, by Allen, 8vo, Edin. 1801. Dume'ril (A. M. C.) Zoologie Analytiqne, 8vo, Paris, 1806. Fleming (Rev. John) The Philosophy of Zoology, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1822. Grant (R. E.) On the Study of the Animal Kingdom, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Lamarck (J. B.) Philosophie Zoologique, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1809. Laurence (Wm.) Introduction to Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Roget (P. M.) Introductory Lecture on Human and Comparative Physi- ology, 8vo, Lond. 1826. St. Hilaire (Geoff.) Principes de Philosophie Zoologique, 8vo, Paris, 1830. Smellie (W.) Philosophy of Natural History, 4to, Edin. 1790. ■ The same Book, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1799. Tiedemann (F.) Traite' de la Physiologic de 1' Homme, Tom. I. et IL, 8vo, Paris, 1831. White (Charles) on the Regular Gradation in Man and other Animals, 4to, Lond. 1799. in. WORKS ON VARIOUS PARTS OF THE STRUCTURE OF ANIMALS. Bland (R.) On Human and Comparative Parturition, 8vo, Lond. 1794. Borellus (J. A.) De Motu Aniraalium, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1710. Cuvier (G.) Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, Nouv. Edit. 5 torn. 4to, Paris, 1821-24. Douglas (Jac.) Myographiae Comparatae Specimen, 8vo. Edin. 1775. Ebel (J. G.) Observationes Neurologicae ex Anatome Comparatae, Tra- ject. ad Viadrum, 1788 ; ext. in Ludwig. Script. Neurol. Tom. III. p. 148. Magendie (F.) et Desmoulins (A.) Anatomie des Systeraes Nerveux des Animaux a Vertebres, 2 vols. 8vo, avec Atlas in 4to, Paris, 1825. Malpighius (Marc.) Opera Omnia, fol. Lond. 1686. Opera Posthuma, fol. Lond. 1697. Panizza (Bartol.) Sul Corpo Cavernoso dell' Uretra, e Sul Sistema Lin- fatico degli Aniraali, ext. in Osservaz, Antrop. Zootora. Fisiolog. fol. Pavia, 1830. 22 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. St. Hilaire (Geoff.) Philosophie Anatomique, Part I. Oiganes Re- spiratoires, 8vo, avec Planches in 410, Paris, 1818. Scarpa (Anton.) Disquisit. Anatoni. de Audita et Olfactii, fol. Ticin. 1780. Serres (E. R. A.) Anatomie Coraparee du Cerveau, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1824-26, avec Planches in 4to. Se^'mour (Ed. J.) On the Structure of the Ovaries in different Animals ; ext. in Work on the Diseases of the Ovaries, 8vo, with Atlas of Plates, fol. Lond. 1830. Sharpey (William) On Cilia and Ciliary Motions, 8vo, Lond. 1836. Spallanzani (Lazaro) Opuscules de Physique Animale et Vegetale, trad, par Sendbier, 2 torn. 8vo, Geneve, 1777. On the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables, translated from the Italian, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1784. Tracts on the Nature of Animals and Veo^etables, trans. 8vo, Edin. 1799. Swan (Joseph) Illustrations of the Comparative Anatomy of the Nerv- ous System, Part I. 4to, Lond. 183i. (unfinished. J Tiedemann (F.) Anatomie und Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns ira Foetus des Menschen, &c. 4to, Nuremberg, 1816. The same Work, in French, by Jourdan, 8vo, Paris, 1823. «— — The same Work, in English, by Bennet, 12mo, Edin. 1826. Townson (Robt.) Tracts and Observations in Natural History and Phy- siology, 8vo, Lond. 1799. Vimont (J.) Traite de Phrenologie Humaine et Comparee, 2 tomes, 4to, Paris, 1833-35, avec Atlas in i'olio. Weber (E. H.) Anatomia Comparata Nervi Sympathetici, 8vo, Lipsiae, 1817. De Aure et Auditu Hominis et Animalium, 4to, Lipsiae, 1820. Wenzel (Jos. et Car.) De Penitiore Structura Cerebri Hominis et Bru- torum, fol. Tub. 1812. IV. WORKS ON THE STRUCTURE OF DIFFERENT CLASSES OF ANIMALS. A. VERTEBRATA. a. Mammalia. Aldrovandus (Ulysses) De Quadrupedibus Solipedibus, cura Uterverii, fol. BonoD. 1639. Brandt (J. F.) De Mammalium quorundam praesertim Quadrumanorum Vocis lustrumento, 4to, Berol. 1816. Camper (P.) Description Anatomique d'un Elephant Male, fol. Paris, 1802. Grant (R. E.) On the Paca of Brazil, 8vo, Edin. Hart (John) A Description of the Skeleton of the Fossil Deer of Ireland, Cervus Megaceros, 8vo, Dublin, 1830. Knox (R.) On the Wombat of Flinders, 8vo, Edin. Meckel (J. F.) Ornithorynchi Paradoxi Descriptio Anatomica, fol. Lips. 1826. Peyer (J. C.) De Ruminautibus et do Ruminationo, 4to, Basil. 1683. (2 copies.) COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 23 Tiedemann (F.) Icones Cerebri Simiarum et Quorundam Mammalium Ilarioriini, f'ol. Heidelb. 1821. White (Chas.) Natural History of the Cow, relating to the Production of Milk, 8vo, Warrington, 1785. Zimmerraann (E. A. G.) Description d'ua Enabryon d'Elephant, 4;to, Erlang-, 1783. (For Works on the Anatomy of the Horse, Vid. Part IV. ch. 1. Veterinary Medicine.) b. Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. Agassiz (Louis) Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, 5 Livraisons, 4to, Neuchatel, 18.33, avec Atlas de Planches in fol. fiirifiaislied.) Aldrovandus (Ulysses) Serpentum et Draconura Historia, cura Ambrosini, fe>l. Bonon. 1640. Craigie (D.) On the Anatomical Peculiarities of the Sturgeon, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Fohmatin (Vincenz) Das Saugadersystem der Wirbelthiere, Erster Theil, Das Saugadersystem der Fische, fol. Heidelb. und Leipzig, 1827. Grant (R. E.) On the Viscera, and on the Eye of the Common Sword Fish, 8vo, Edin. Humboldt et Bonpland, Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Ana- tomie Comparee dans I'Ocean Atlantique, &c. 2 tom. 4to, Paris, 1805 ; containing among others, Cuvier (G.) Recherches sur les Reptiles douteux. Klein (J. T.) De Sono et Audita Piscium, 4to, Lipsiae, 1746. Lacepede (Le Comte de) Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupedes Ovipares, des Serpens, et des Poissons, 5 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1819. English translation of a former Edition of the same, by Kerr, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1802. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Comparative View of the Structure and Phy- siology of Fishes, with figures, fol. Edin. 1785. Reaumur (M. de) L'Art de faire e'clorre et d'elever des Oiseaux Domes- tiques, 3 tom. Paris, 1751. Rusconi (Mauro) Descrizione Anatomica degli Organi della Circolazione delle Larve delle Salamandre Acquatiche, 4to, Pavia, 1817. Monografia Del Proteo Anguino di Lanrenti, 4to, Pavia, 1819. Sur le Developpement de la Grenouille commune, 4to, Milan, 1826. Townson (R.) Observationes Physiologicae de Respiratione et Absorp- tione Amphibiorum, 4to, Goett. 1794. B. INVERTKBRATA. a. Mollusca. Cuvier (G.) Memoires pour Servir ii I'Histoire et a TAnatomie des Mollusques, 4to, Paris, 1817. Grant ( II. E.) On the Cilia in the Young of the Gasteropodous Mollusca, and the Causes of the Spiral Turn in Univalve Shells ; On the Oc- topus Ventricosus, 8vo, Edin. On the Anatomy of Loligopsis Guttata and Sepiola Vulgaris, 4to, Lend. 1833. Heide (A. de) Anatorae Mytuli, 12mo, Amst. 1684- Lister (Martin.) Exercitatio Anatomica de Cochlcis, maximo Tcrrcstri- bus et Limacibus, 8vo, Lond. 1694, (2 copies.) 24 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Lister (Martin) Exercitatio Altera De Buccinis Fluviatilibus et Marinis, Lond. 1695. Exercitatio Tertia de Conchy liis Bivalvibus, 4to, Lond. 1696. b. Articulata. Baglivi (Georg.) Anatome, &c. Tarantulae, ext. in Op. Ora. Dissertat. VL -ito, Antwerp, 1715. Caputi (Nich.) De Tarantulae Anatome et Morsu, Lycii, \ll\. Desniarest (A. G.) Conside'rations sur les Crustace's, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Fabricius (Jo. C.) Pbilosopbia Entomologica, Bvo, Hamburg. 1788. Gaedartius (Jo.) De Insectis, cum notis IVlart. Lister, 8vo, Lond. 1685. Grant (R. E.) On the Ova of the Pontobdella Muricata, 8vo, Edin. Huber (Fran.) On tlie Natural History of Bees, 2nd Edit. Edin. 1808, Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis Indigenes, 8vo, Paris, 1810. Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1814. Johnson (J. R.) On the Medicinal Leech, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Kirby (W.) and Spence (W.) Introduction to Entomology, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1815. Malpighius (Marc.) De Bombyce, 4to, Lond. 1669. Reaumur (M. de) Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des Insectes, 6 tom. 4to, 1784. Redus (Franc.) Experimenta circa Generatiouem Insectorum, 12mo, Arast. 1686. Swammerdam (J.) Biblia Naturae, sive Historia Insectorum, 2 tom. fol. Leidae, 1737-38. Wildmau (Thomas) On the Management of Bees, 3d Edit. Bvo, Lond. 17SS. c. Entozoa. Andry (Nic.) Sur la Ge'neration des Vers dans le Corps de THomme, 12mo, N. D. Bremser (M.) Traite Zoologique et Physiologique, sur les Vers Jntes- tinaux de I'Homrae, 8vo, Paris, 1824 j avec Atlas in fol. Clerc (Dan. le) Historia Latorum Lumbricorum, 4to, Genev. 1715. Cloquet (J.) Anatomic des Vers Intestinaux, &c. 4to, Paris, 1824. Coulct (Steph.) Tractatus Historicus de Ascaridibus et Lumbrico Lato, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1729. Grant (R. E.) On the Lerntea Elongata, 8vo, Edin. Murray (Jo. And.) De Vermibus in Lepra obviis, et de Lumbricorum Setis, 12mo, Gott. 1769. Pallas (P. S.) De Tnfestis Viventibus inter Viventia, Lugd. Bat. 1760, ext. in Sand. Thesaur. Tom. I. Phelsum (M. Van) Historia Physiologica Ascaridum, 8vo, Leovardiae, 1762. Redus (Franc.) De Animalculis vivis quae iu Corporibus Animalium Vivorum reperiuntur, 12mo, Amstel. 1708. Retzius (And. J.) De Vermibus Intestinalibus, 8vo, Holm. 1786, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. 1. Rhind (Wm.) Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Intestinal Worms of of the Human Body, Bvo, Lond. 1829. Rudolphi (C. A.) Entozoorum sive Vermium Intestinalium Historia Naturalis, 2 tom. in 3, Amstel. 1808-10. Werner (P. C. F.) De Vermibus Intestinalibus, Bvo, Lips. 1782-B6. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 25 d. Zoophytes. Easterns (Jobus) De Animalculis et Plantis Quibusdara Marinis, Tom. I, 4to, Haarlemi, 1762. Ellis (Jean) Sur I'Histoire Naturelle des Corallines, &c. 4to, La Have, 1756. Grant (R. E.) Two Memoirs on the Structure and Functions of the Sponge and Spongilla Friabilis, 8vo, Edin. 1826. On the Structure and Generation of the Virgularia Mirabilis et Pen- natula Phosphorea; on the Spontaneous Motions of the Ova of vari- ous Zoophytes; on a new Zoophyte (^ C/io?ia CelataJ from the Firth of Forth ; on the Structure of some Silicious Sponges ; on the Struc- ture of some Calcareous Sponges ; on the Structure and Nature of Flustrae, Svo, Edin. (From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal.) Millar (J. S.) Natural History of the Crinoidea, or Lily-Shaped Animals, 4to, Bristol, 1821. Schweigger (Prof.) On the Anatomy of the Corallina Opuntia and some other species of Corallines, Svo, Edin. Trembley (A.) Histoire d'un genre de Polypes d'Eau douce, 4to, Leyd. 1744. CHAPTER II. i^mm^ioiom^ PHYSIOLOGY. I. ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC TREATISES. Abernethy (Johnj Surgical and Physiological Essays, Parts I. — III. 8vo, Lond. ll9:i-97. Physiological Lectures, 8vo, Lond. 1817. (2 copies.) Hunterian Oration for 1819, Lond. 1819. Adelon (N. P.) Physiologie de rHomme, 4 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1823-4. Adams (Joseph) Memoirs of the Life and Doctrines of the late John Hunter, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Aiken (John) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1786. Alison (W. P.) Outlines of Physiology, 8vo, Edin. 1831. The same book, 2d Edition, 1833. Supplement to the same, 1836. Aristoteles. — Historia Animalium, (Graeoe,) Tom. III. 8vo, Veuet. 1553. Opera Omnia quse extant, (Grsece et Latine',) cura Du Val. 4 torn. folio, Paris, 1619. Begin (L. J.) Principes Generaux de Physiologie Pathologique, 8vo, Paris, 1823. Bell (John and Charles) Anatomy of the Human Body, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1793-1804. The same book, Vol. II. Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Ed. 3 vols, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Blainville (H. M. Ducrotay de) Cours de Physiologie Generate et Com- paree, 3 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1833. Bluraenbach (J. F.) Institutiones Physiologiae, 8vo, GottingiB, 1786. Institutions of Physiology, 8vo, Lond. 1815. The same book, 2d Edit.'8vo, Lond. 1817. ■ The same book, by Elliotson, Svo, Lond. 1820. Boerhaave (Hermann.) Institutiones Medicse, r2mo, Lugd. Bat. 1727. Praelectiones Academicse in Institutiones Rei Medicae, cura Haller, 7 torn. 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1758. (2 copies.) Bostock (John) An Elementary System of Physiology, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1824-27. (2 copies.) Buisson (M. F. R.) De la Division la plus Naturelle dcs Pheuomenes Physiologitjues, &c. Svo, Paris, 1802. Combe (Andrew) The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preserva- tion of Health, and the Improvement of Phvsical and IMoutal Educa- tion, 12mo, Edin. 1834. Crcmadell (D. Franc.) Nova Pliysiologise Elcmenta, 12mo, Halse, 1795. 30 PHYSIOLOGY. CuUeii (William) Institutions of Phj sioloffy, l'2mo, Ediu. 1777. Works, with additions from MS. Lectures by Dr. Thomson, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1827. Dumas (C. L.) Principcs do Physiologie, 4 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1800. Le meme livre, Sde Edit. Paris, 1800. Duncan (Andrew, Se7i.) Heads of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic, Svo, Edin. 1789. EUiotson (John) System of Human Physiology, Part L 8vo, Lond. 1835. Flemying (Mil.) Introduction to Physiology, 8vo, Lond. 1759. Fletcher (John) Rudiments of Physiology, 8vo, Ediu. 1836. Galenus (Claudius) Opera Omnia, 5 torn, folio, Basil. 1538. Operum Epitome, 1551. Opera Omnia, ex 8va Juntarum Edit. 4 tom. fol. Venetiis, 1609. Gordon (John) Outlines of Lectures on Human Pliysiology, 8vo, Edin. 1817. Gregory (James) Conspectus Medicinae Theoreticte, 2 tom. Svo, Edin. 1790. Idem liber, Tom. I. Idem liber, Svo, Edin, 1813. Idem liber, Svo, Edin. 1815. Grimaud (J. C. M. G. de) Cours Complet de Physiologie, 2 tom, Svo, Paris, 1818, Haller (Albert Von) Elementa Physiologise, 8 tom. 4to, Laus. 1757-66. f2 copies. J Opera Minora, 3 tom. 4to, Laus. 1762. Primie Linese Physiologise, Edit. 2da, 8vo, Edin. 1767. Lectures on Physiology, Vol. I, Svo. First Lines of Physiology, 3d Edit, Svo, Ediu. 1801, Hambergerus (G. E.) Elementa Physiologic Medicse, 12mo, Jenaj, 1757. Hunter (John) on the Animal Economy, 4to, Lond. 1786. The same book, 4to, Lond. 1772. Hutiu (Ph.) Manuel de la Physiologie de I'Homme, 12rao, Paris, 1826. Lieutaud (Joseph) Elementa Physiologise, Svo, Amst. 1749. Linden (Jo. A. Vander) Medicina Physiologica, 4to, Amst. 1653. Ludwig (Christ. Gott.) Institutiones Physiologise, Svo, Lips. 1752. Magendie (F.) Precis Elementaire de Physiologie, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1816-17. f2 copies. J Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1825. The same book, Vol. I. translated, Svo, Lond. 1816. The same book, translated by Dr. Milligan, Svo, Edin. 1823. The same book, 2d Edition, Svo, Edin. 1826. The same book, 3d Edition, Svo, Edin. 1831. Martinius (Laurent,) Elementa Physiologijc, Aug. Taurin. Svo, 1821. Mayo (Herbert) Anatomical and Physiological Commentaries, Svo, Loud. 1822. Outlines of Human Physiology, Svo, Lond. 1827. The same book, 2nd Edit. Svo, Lond. 1829. The same book, 3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1834, Mojon (Benoit) Laws of Physiology, by Skene, Svo, Lond. 1827. Pemberton (Henry) Course of Lectures on Physiology, Svo, Lond. 1773. Person (M.) Elements of Anatomy, and of the Animal Economy, by Sim- mons, 8vo, Lond. 1775. Petit-Radel (Ph.) Institutions de Medecine, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1801. Hicherand (Anthelme) Elemens de Physiologie, 3me Edit. 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1804. The same book, 1st Edit, translated by Kerrison, Svo, Lond. 1803. The same book, 5th Edit, translated by De Lys, Svo, Lond. 1812, PHYSIOLOGY. 31 Rudolplii (C. A.) Elements of Physiology, translated by How, Vol. 1. 8vo, Lond. IP 23. Sauniarez (Richard) New System of Physiology, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Principles of Physiological and Physical Science, 8vo, Lond. 1812. Thomson (Allen) Syllabus of Lectures on Physiology, 8vo, Edin. 1835. Tiedemann (F.) Traite de Physiologie de THomme, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1831. A Systematic Treatise on Comparative Physiology, translated by Gully and Lane, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1834. Vau"hau (W.) Exposition of the Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, % vols. 8vo, Lond. 1791. Vicq D'Azyr (F.) Traite d'Anatomie et de Physiologie, Tom. I. fol. Paris, 1786. CEuvres, 6 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1805, avec Atlas in 4to. II._WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSIOLOGY. A. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY. 1. LIFE, ORGANISATION, THE 200N0MIA, SfC. Actuarius (Jo.) De Spiritu Animali, ext. in Med. Art. Princ. Tom, II, p. 1. Bacon (Francis) Historia Vitse et Mortis, ext. m Works, Vol. IV. p. 457, 4to, Lond. 1778. Barclay (John) Inquiry into the Opinions, Ancient and Modern, concern- ing Life and Organization, 8vo, Edin. 1822. 2 f copies. J Introductory Lectures on Anatomy, with his Life by Sir G. Ballin- gall.Svo, Edin. 1827. (2 copies.) Bichat (X.) Sur la Vie et la Mort, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1802. Le meme livre, 4me Edit. Paris, 1822. Researches on Life and Death, translated by F.Gold, 8vo, Lond. N.D. Bonnet (Ch.) Contemplation de la Nature, 2 torn. 8vo, Amsterdam, 1764. Le meme livre, 3 torn. 8vo, Hamb. 1782. Sur les Corps Organises, 3me Edit. 2 tomes, 8vo, Amst. 1776. Bordeu (Theoph. de) CEuvres Completes, par Richerand, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1818. Brown (Thomas) Observations on the Zoonomia, 8vo, Edin. 1798. Cuvier (G.) Introduction to the Study of the Animal Economy, translat- ed by Allen, 8vo, Edin. 1801. Histoire des Progres des Sciences Naturelles depuis 1789 jusqu'a ce jour, 4 tom. 8vo, Paris, 182C-28. Darwin (Erasmus) Zoonomia, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1794-96. f2 copies. J Temple of Nature, 4to, Lend. 1803. Edwards (W. F.) De I'lnfluence des Agens Physiques sur la Vie, 8vo, Paris, 1824. Fletcher (John) Rudiments of Physiology, 8vo, Edin. 1836. Fryer (Ed.) De Vita Animantium et Vegetantium, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1785. Gardiner (John) Observations on the Animal Economy, 8vo, Edin. 1784. f2 copies. J Girou (Ch.) Philosophie Physiologique, Politique et Morale, 8vo, Paris, 1828. 32 PHYSIOLOGY. Garnett (Thomas) Popular Lectures on Zoonomia, 4to, Loud. 1804. Geuns (M. Vau) De eo quod iu Corpore Aniraali Vitam constituit, Grou. 1758, cxt. iu Sandifort. Tlicsaur. Tom. III. Good (J. INI.) The Book of Nature, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 182G. Harrington (Robert) On the Principles of Animal and Vegetable Life, 8vo, Lond. 1781. Herdmau (John) On the Causes and Phenomena of Animal Life, 8vo, Edin. 1796. Holland (G, C.) An Experimental Inquiry into the Laws which regulate the Phenomena of Organic and Animal Life, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Hunter (John) On the Animal Econom}% 4to, Lond. 1786. The same book, 4to, Lond. 1792. Hunter (^William) Lectures Introductory to Anatomy, 4to, Lond. 1784. Jenty (A. N.) Lectures on the Human Structure and Animal Economy, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1756. Lamarck (J. B.) Philosophic Zoologique, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1809. Lawrence (William) Introduction to Comparative Anatomy and Physi- ology, 8vo, Lond. 18 IG. Magnassius (Jos.) De Motu Cordis et Cerebri, et de Finibus Corporis et Spiritus, 4to, Piiris, 1G73. Metherie (M. De La) Sur I'Organization Animale et Vegetale, 12mo, Paris, 1780. Michelitz (A.) Scrutinium Hypotheseos Spirituum Animalium, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. III. p. 209. Morgan (Sir T. C.) Sketches of the Philosophy of Life, Svo, Lond. 1818. NichoU (Whit.) Sketch of the Economy of Man, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Park (J. R.) Inquiry into the Laws of Animal Life, Part L 8vo, Lond. 1812, Philip (A. Wilson) Experimental Inquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, with Practical Applications, Svo, Lond. 1817. The same book, 3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1826. Prichard (J. C.) Review of the Doctrine of a Vital Principle, Svo, Lond. 1829. Pring (Dan.) General Indications relative to the Laus of Organic Life, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Robinson (Bryan) On the Animal Economy, Svo, Dublin, 1734. Roget (P.M.) Introductory Lecture on Human and Comparative Physi- ology, Svo, Lond. 1826. Rush (Benj.) On Animal Life, Svo, Philadelphia, 1799. Saint Hilaire (Geoff.) Principes de Philosophie Zoologique, Svo, Paris, 1830. || St- Pierre (J. H. B. de) Etudes de la Nature, 2 torn. Svo, Lond. 1803. ' Smellie (VV.) Philosophy of Natural History, 4to, Edin. 1790. Philosophy of Natural History, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1799. Smith (W.) On the Laws of Animal Life, Chap, II. 4to, N. D. . Spallanzani (Lazaro) On the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables, { &c. trans, from the Italian, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1784. Tracts on the Nature of Animals and Vegetables, trans. Svo, Edin. 1799. Thelwall (John) Essay towards a Definition of Animal Vitality, 4to, Lond. 1793. Tiedemann f F.) Traite de la Physiologic de 1' Homme, 2 tomes, Svo, Paris, 1831. White (Charles) On the regular gradation in Man and other Animals, 4to, Lond. 1 799. Yates (W.) and Maclean (C.) View of the Science of Life, on the Prin- ciples of John Brown, Svo, Philad. 1797. PHYSIOLOGY. 33 2. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY ILLUSTRATING NATURAL THEOLOGY. Bell (Sir Charles) Bridgevvater Treatise; The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing Design, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Chalmers (Thomas) Bridgewater Treatise; On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Nature of Man, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1833. Derham (W.) Physico-Theology, 5th Edit. Lond. 1720. Kidd (John) Bridgewater Treatise ; On the Adaptation of External Na- ture to the Phjsical Condition of Man, Svo, Lond. 1831. Kirhy (Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise ; On the History, Habits, and In- stincts of Animals, 2 vols, Svo, Lond. 1835. Paley (William) Natural Theology, Svo, Lond. 1805. Prout (Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise ; Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural The- ology, Svo, Lond. 1834. Ray (John) The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Crea- tion, 9th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1727. Roget (P. M.) Bridgewater Treatise ; Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1834. 3. PHYSICAL AND MORAL HISTORY OF MANKIND, AND VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. Blumenbach (J. F.) CoUectionis Craniorum diversarum Gentium de- cades lma,2da, 3tia, et 4ta,— 4to, Gottingse, 1790, 1793, 1795, et 1800. De Generis Humani Varietate Nativa, Svo, Gottingse, 1795. Boyne (L. S.) Physical and Moral History of the Human Species, Svo, Lond. 1815. Cabanis (P. J. G.) Rapports du Physique et du Moral de THorame, 2 tomes, Svo, Paris, 1802. f2 copies. J Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 2 tomes, Svo, Paris, 1805. Combe (George) On the Constitution of Man, 12mo, Edin. 1828. Descartes (Kenatus) De Homine, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1664. Gregory (John) Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man with those of the Animal World, Svo, Lond. 1767. Hancock (Th.) Essay on Instinct, and its Physical and Moral Relations, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Hartley (David) Observations on Man, Ito, Lond. 1791. Herder (J. G.) Outlines of the Philosophy of the History of Man, 4to, Lond. 1800. Kaimes (Lord) Sketches of the History of Man, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1774. Kay (Jas. P.) On the Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes employed in the Cotton INIanufacture in Manchester, Svo, Lond. 1832. Lawrence (William) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man, Svo, Lond. 1819. f2 copies. J Lignac (De) Physical View of Man and Woman, translated from the French, 2 vols. Svo. Luc (J. A. De) Lettres Physiques et Morales sur I'Histoire de la Terre et de I'Homme, 6 torn. Svo, La Haye, 1779. Moreau (J. L.) Histoire NaturcUe dc la Ferame, 3 tom. Svo, Paris, 1803. NichoU (Whit.) Sketch of the Economy of Man, Svo, Lond. 1819. 34 PHYsioLooy. Prichard (J. C.) Researcliea into the Physical History of Man, 6vo, Lond. 1813. (2 copies.) The same book, 2d Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1826. Snieliie (W.) Philosophy of Natural History, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1790-99. The same book, Vol. I. Smith (Rev. S. S.) On the Varieties of the Human Species, with Stric- tures on Lord Kaimes' Discourse, Svo, Edin. 1788. Viroy (J. J.) Histoire NatureUe du Genre Humain, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1801. Winterbottom (Thomas) Account of the Africans at Sierra Leone, Svo, Lond. 1803. 4. TEMPERAMENT, CONSTITUTION, HEREDITARY PECULIARITIES, S^C. Adams (Joseph) Treatise on the Hereditary Peculiarities of the Human Race, 2d Edition, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Jameson (T.) On the Changes of the Human Body at different Ages, 8vo, Lond. 1811. Thomas (F.) Physiologic des Temperamens ou Constitutions, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1826. 5. RELATION OF CLIMATE AND PHYSICAL AGENTS TO THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS; INCLUDING ANIMAL HEAT, ELECTRICITY, SfC. Alexander (W.) Experimental Essays, Svo, Lond. 1768. Bartholinus (Thomas) De Luce Animalium, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1647. Beaupr^ (M.) Treatise on the EflFects and Properties of Cold, translated by Clendinning, Svo, Edin. 1826. Brown (Gustav. Ricard.) De Ortu Animalium Caloris, Svo, Edin. 1768. Chossat (C.) Sur I'lnfluence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Chaleur Ani- male, •ito, Paris, 1820. Crawford (A.) On Animal Heat, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1788. (2 copies.) Ebermaier (J. C.) Commentatio de Lucis in Corpus Humanum vivum praeter Visum Efficacia, 4to, Gottingse, 1797. Edwards (W. F.) De I'lnfluence des Agens Physiques sur la Vie, Svo, Paris, 1824. The same book, translated by Drs. Ilodgkiu and Fisher, with an Appendix, Svo, Lond. 1832. Fourcroy (M. de) La Medecino eclaire'e par les Sciences Physiques, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1761. Le meme livre, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1791-92. Fowler (Rich.) Experiments on Animal Electricity, Svo, Lond. 1798. Hales (Stephen) Statical Essays, 3d Edit. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1738. Humboldt (Alex, von) Experiences sur le Galvanismeet sur I'lnitabilite, par J. F. N. Jadelot, Svo, Paris, 1799. Leslie (P. D.) On Animal Heat, Svo, Lond. 1788. Martinius (Georg.) De Similibus Auimalibus, et Animalium Calore, Svo, Lond. 1740. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Experiments on the Nervous System, relative to the Nature and Effects of Animal Electricity, 4to, Edin. 1793. ^2 copies.) PHYSIOLOGY. 35 Morgan (W.) Examination of Dr. Crawford's Theory of Heat, 8vo, Lond. 1781. Pelletan (P. H.) Traits El^raentaire de Physique Generale et M^dicale, Tom. I. Bvo, Paris, 1829. Pitta (N. C.) On the Influence of Climate on the Human Species, 8vo, Lond. 1812. Rigby (Edward) On the Theory of the Production of Animal Heat, 8vo, Lond. 1785. Robertson (Henry) Natural History of the Atmosphere, with an Essay on the Causes of Epidemical Diseases, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1808. Senebier (Jean) Sur I'lnfluence de la Lumiere Solaire pour Modifier les Etres des Trois Regnes de la Nature, et surtout ceux du Regne Ve- getal, 3 torn. 8vo, Geneve, 1782. Stock (J. E.) On the Effects of Cold as a Remedy, and Experiments to ascertain the Effects of Cold Water on the Pulse, 8vo, Lond, 1805. Valli (E.) Experiments on Animal Electricity, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Wrisberg- (Hen. Aug.) De Respiratione Prima, Nervo Phrenico, et Calore Animali, Go^t, HGi, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. II. 6. AMMAL MECHAXICS, OR ANIMAL PHYSICS. Arnott (N.) Elements of Physics, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1827. The same book, 2d Edit. 1828. The same book. Vol. IL part 1. 1829. Borellus (J. A.) De Motu Animalium, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1710. Brewster (Sir David) Letters on Natural Magic, 12rao, Lond. 1834. Delius (Henric. Fred.) Adversaria Argumenti Physico-Medici, 3 torn. ito, Erlang. 1780. Duncan (M.) Explication Mechanique des Actions Animales, 12mo, Paris, 1678. Hales (Stephen) Statical Essays, 3d Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1738. The same book, 4th Edit. 1769. Keill (James) Essays on Several Parts of the Animal Economy, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1717. Teutaraina Medico-Physica, cum Medicina Static^ Britannica, Svo, Lond. 1718. Pelletan (P. H.) Traite' Elementaire de Physique Gendrale et Medicale, Tom. L Svo, Paris, 1829. Quincy (Joannes) Medicina Statica ex Sanctorio et Keill, &c. Edit. 4ta, Svo, Lond. 1728. Sanctorius (S.) Commentarii in Galenum, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1632. ^2 copies. J Medicina Statica, cum Commentario Lister, 12nio, Lugd. Bat. 1703. Idem liber, cum Staticomastice Obicii et Responsione Sanctorii, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1713. The same book, 4th Edit, translated by John Quincy, Svo, Lond. 1728. 7- ANIMAL CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO PHYSIOLOGY. Battie (Gnl.) De Principiis Animalibus, 4to, Lond. 1752. Baumes (J. B. T.) Systeme Chimique de la Science de THomrae, 8vo, Nisraes, 1798. Borzelius (J. J.) Progress and Present State of Animal Chemistry, trans- lated from the Swedish by G. Brunmark, 8vo, Lond, 1813. 36 rHVSIOLOGY. Bcrzelius (J, J.) Traitt< de Chimie, Tomes V. et VI. 8vo, Paris, 1831-32. (Cbiinie Vej^etale et Aniniale.) Fourcroy (M. de) La Medecine eclairee par les Sciences Physiques, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1791. Le nieme livre, 4 toni. Svo, Paris, 1791-2. Gnieliii (Leopold) Chimie Org-anique appliquee a la Physiologic et la Medecine, Svo, Paris, IS23. Johnson (W. B.) History of Animal Chemistry, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1803. Raspail (F. V.) Nouveau Systeme de Cliimie Or<>;anique, Svo, Paris, 1833. The same book, translated by Dr. Henderson, Svo, Lond. 1834. Widmcrus (Georg-.) Chemia Corporis Animalis, 4to, Argent. 1752. Yeats (G. D.) On the Claims of the Moderns to some Discoveries in Chemistry and PJiysiology, Svo, Lond. 1798. (For further Works on tliis Subject, Vid. Organic Chemistry, under Chemistry, Part II. Chap. 1.) 8. PROPERTIES OF THE ANIMAL TEXTURES ; MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS UPON THEM, d. Bat. 17hG. Caille (iM. L'Abbe de la) Leeons d'Optique, 8vo, Paris, 1766. Cat (Claud. Nitol. Ic) Physical F.ssay on the Senses, trans. 8vo, Lond. 1750. Elliot (J.) On Vision and Hearinj>-, 8vo, Lond. 1780. Fontana (Felice) Dei Moti del' Iride, 8vo, Lucca, 1765. Hovius (Jac) De Circulatione Humorum Oculi Huraani, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1716. Janin (IM.) Observations Anatomiques, Physiologiques et Physiques sur rOiil, 8vo, Lyon, 1772. Mariotte, Q^uvres, 2 toni. (relies en 1,) 4to, Leid. 1717. Monro (Alex. Secund.) On the Brain, Eye, and Ear, with Tables, 4to, Edin. 1797. Ivewton (Sir Isaac) Optics, 8vo, Lond. 1718. Opera Omnia, cura Horsley, 5 torn. 4to, Lond. 1785. Noethi;4 (Fr. Nic.) De Decussatione Nervorum Opticorum, ext. in Lud- wig. Script. Neurolog. Tom. L Porterlield (William) Treatise on the Eye, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1759. Priestley (Joseph) On Vision, Light, and Colours, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1772. Smith (Robert) System of Optics, 2 vols. 4{o, Cambridge, 1738. Soemmerring (D. W.) De Oculorum Hominis Animaliumque Sectione Horizontali, fol. Gott. 1818. Soemmerring (S. T.) De Decussatione Nervorum Opticorum, Mogunt. 1786, ext. in Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. I. p. 127. Abbildungen des Menschlichcn Auges, fol. Frank. 1801. Watson (Alex.) On the Physiology of Vision, ext. in Work on Diseases of the riunian Eye, 8vo, Edin. 1822. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1830. Anatomical Description of the Human Eye, 4to, Edin. 1828. Wells (W. C.) On Single Vision with Two Eyes, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Works, 8vo, Lond. 1818. * * b. Senses of Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch. Bellini (Laurent.) De Gustils Organo, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1711. Breschet (G.) Sur I'Organe de I'Ouie et sur TAudition dans I'Homme et les Aniniaux Vertebres, 2de Edit. 4to, Paris, 1836. Buchanan (Thos.) Physiology of Hearing, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1828. Caldani (L. M. A.) De Chordae Tympani officio, &c. 1784, ext. in Roeraer. Delect. Tom. L p. 159. Elliot (J.) On Vision and Hearing, 8vo, Lond. 1780. Haassius (J. G.) De Nervis Narium internis, ext. in Lud. Script. Neur. Tom. IV. Itard (J. M. G.) Traite' des Maladies de I'Oreille, et de I'Audition, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1821. Metzger (J. D.) Nervorum Primi Paris Historia, Argentin. 1766, ext. in teandifort. Thesaur. Tom. HI. Idem liber, ext. in Lud. Scrip. Neur. Tom. IV. Monro (Alex. Secund.) On the Brain, Eye, and Ear, with Tables, 4to, Edin. 1797. Saunders (J. C) Anatomy of the Human Ear, fol. Lond. 1806. PHYSIOLOGY. 51 Scarpa (Anton.) De Structura Fenestrse Kotundse Auris, Mutinse, 1772, ext. in Roemer. Delect. Tom. I. p. 1. Disquisition. Anatom. de Auditii et Olfactu, fol. Ticin. 1780. Stewart (Dug^ald) Account of a JBoy born Blind and Deaf, 4to, Edin. 1813. Valsalva (Anton. Maria) De Aure Humana, 4to, Traject. 1707. Verney (Dn. du) De Org-ano Auditus, 4to, Nuremberg-. lG8-i. Weber (E. H.) De Aure et Auditu Hominis et Auimalium, 4to, Lipsiie, 1820. Wood (Wm.) Ou the Structure and Functions of the Skin, 8vo, Edin. 1832. {Vid. also Organs of Sensation, under Anatomy, Part. I. Chap. 1. p. 16.) e. Functions of the Sympathetic System of Nerves. Brachet (J. L.) Recherches Experimentales sur les Fonctions du Systeme Nerveux Ganglionnaire, 8vo, Paris, 1830. Johnstone (James) On the Use of the Ganglions, 8vo, Shrewsbury, 1771. The same book, translated into German, 8vo, Stettin, 1787. Lobstein (J. F.) De Nervi Sympathetic! Humani Fabrica, Usu, et Morbis Commentatio, 4to, Paris, 1823. Meckel (J. F.) De Gangliorum Nervorum Utilitate,Berolin. 1765, ext. in Lud. Script. Neur. Tom. IV. p. 7. Scarpa (Anton.) De Nervorum Gangliis et Plexibus, 4to, Ticin. 1792. Weber (E. H.) Anatomia Comparata Nervi Sympathetic!, 8vo, Lips. 1817. Wutzer (Car. G.) De Corporis Humani Gangliorum Fabrica atque Usu, 4to, Berol. 1817. f. Nervous Sympathy. Bausnerus (Bartholom.) De Consensu Partiura Humani Corporis, 12rao, Amstelodam. 1556. Idem liber, 12mo, Amstelodam. 1656. Jackson (S. H.) Treatise on Sympathy, 8vo, Lond. 1781. (2 copies.) Lambert (C.) Examen Medical des Sympathies, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1825. Platnerus (Ern.) De Causis Consensus Nervorum Physiologicis, ext. iu Lud. Scr. Neur. Tom. H. p. 266. Rahn (J. H.) De Miro inter Caput et Abdominis Viscera Commercio, Gott. 1771. ext. in Ludwijj. Script. Neurolog. Tom. IV. p. 266. Whytt (Robt.) On Nervous, Hypochondriacal, and Hysterical Disorders, and on Nervous Sympathy, 3d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1767. g. Muscular Motion. Barclay (John) On the Muscular Motions of the Human Body, 8vo, Edin. 1808. Barthez (P. J.) Nouvelle Mechanique des Mouvemens de THomme et des Animaux, 4to, Carcassone, 1798. Bernouillius (Joann.) Meditationes Mathematicae de Motu Musculorum, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1710. Dissert. Physico-Mechan. 4to, Veuet. 1721. 52 PHYSIOLOGY. Blane (Sir G.) Croonian Lecture on Muscular Motion, 4.to, Lond. 1790. Borellus (J. A.) De Motu Animaliura, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1710. Broen (John) De Duplici Vi Veterum, 12rao, Lugd. Bat. 1685. Farr (Samuel) Inquiry into the Nature of Animal Motion, 8vo, Load. 1771. Mercurialis (Hieron.) De Arte Gyninastica, 4to, Amstelod. 1672. Michelottus (Pet. Ant.) Aniniadversiones in Tentam. Jacob. Keill, de Motu Musculari, 4to, Venet. 1721. Responsio Defensioni Juriniana?, 4to, Venet. 1724, Monro (Alex. Secund.) Observations on the Muscles, &c. 4to, Edin. 1794'. f2 copies.) Mueller (G. H.) Series Experimentorum de Musculis et Nervis Ani- malium, Bvo, Stuttgart. 1793. Pugh (John) On the Utility of the Science of Muscular Action, 4to, Lond. 1794. Steno (Nic.) De Musculis et Glandulis, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1683. Stuart (Alex.) De Structura et Motu Musculari, 4to, Lond. 1738. h. Voice. Brandt (J. F.) De Manimalium Quorundam praesertim Quadruman- orum Vocis instrument©, 4to, Berolini, 1816. Rush (Jas.) The Philosophy of the Human Voice, embracing its Physio- logical Principles, 8vo, Philadelphia, 1827. CHAPTER III. i^lateria i^letrtca anti ^^fjannacj), INCLUDING ?gaQiem anil ^ftcrapctitu^. MATERIA M E D I C A, I. HYGIENE, DIETETICS, AND REGIMEN. 1. HYGIENE. A. GENERAL. TREATISES. Aikin (J.) Essay on Armstrong's Art of Preserving' Health, 12mo, Lond. 1795. Andry (Nicolas) L'Orthope'die, 2 torn. 12mo, Bruxelles, 1743. Anonymous — Medical Extracts on the Nature of Health, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1796. Armstrong (J.) Art of Preserving Health, 4to, Lond. 1744, The same book, 12mo, Lond. 1795. Beddoes (Thomas) On the Constitution and Management of the Human Body, 2d Edit. 8vo, Bristol, 1798. Hygeia,— Essays Moral and Medical, 3 vols. 8vo, Bristol, 1802-3. Bellinage (H.) The Sources of Health and Disease in Communities, or Elementary Views of Hygiene, r2mo, Lond. 1832. Boxberger (J. C.) Media sine Medicamentis Sanitatem Conservandi, 12mo, Franc, et Lips. 17(:9. Cadogan (W.) On Nursing and Management of Children, 8vo, Lond. 1772. Cheyne (G.) E.ssay on Health and Long Life, 7th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1725. Idem liber, Editio Latina, 8vo, Lond. 1726. Combe (A.) The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and the Improvement of Mental and Physical Education, 12mo, Edin. 1834. Duffin (E. W.) On the Influence of Physical Education on Deformity, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Fuller (Franc.) Medicina Gymnastica. 8vo, Lond. 1711. Gaienus (Claud.) Materia Sanitatis, Edit. 8va, fol. Venet. 1609. Hufeland (C. W.) Art of Prolonging Life, translated from the German, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797. Lommius (J.) De Sanitate Tuenda, Edit. 3tia, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1734. Londe (Chas.) Nouveaux Elemens d'Hygiene, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1827. . Gymnastique Medicale, 8vo, Paris, 1821. Mackenzie (James) History of Health and Art of Preserving it, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1756. Mediolano (Jo. de) Schola Salernitana, 12mo, Paris, 1625. Idem liber, ex recensione Sylvii, r2mo, Roter. 1657. Mercurialis (Hieron.) De Arte Gymnastica, 4to, Amstelod, 1672. Moreau (J. L.) Esquisse d'un Cours d'Hygiene, 8vo, Paris, N. D. Parkinson (James) Medical Admonitions, 2 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1799. Ramazzini (B.) Health Preserved, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1750. 56 MATERIA MEDICA. Robert (L. J. M.) Manuel de Saiite, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1805. Kollo (John) on Preserviiij>- and Restoring- Health in the West Indies, 12mo, Loud. 1783. Rostan (L. N.) Cours Elementaire d'llygiene, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1822. Sinclair (Sir J.) Code of Healtli and Lonfrevity, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1807. Smith (S.) The Philosophy of Health, Vol. 1. 12mo, Lond. 1835. Tissot (S. A. D.) Avis au Peiiple sur sa Sante, 2 torn. 12nio, Paris, 1763. Tourtelle (Etienne) Elemens d'Hygieiie, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1802. Tralles (B. L.) De Vita Longa et Sana Portanda, 4to, Vratislav. 17C7. Wainenright (J.) Mechanical Account of the Non-Naturals, 8vo, Lond. 1737. B. NAVAL AND MILITARY HYGIENE. Bell (Dr. J.) Ou the Diseases of the Army in the West Indies, 8vo, Lond. 1791. Hunter (Dr. J.) On the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, 8vo, Lond. 1788. Kirckhoff (J. R. L. de) Hygiene Militaire a I'usage des Armees de terre, 8vo, Anvers, 1823. Lind (J.) On Fevers and Infection, M'ith Essays on the Health of Sea- men, and on the Jail Distemper, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1779. Luscombe (E. T.) Practical Observations on the Means of Preserving the Health of Soldiers, 8vo, Edin. 1820. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1821. Monro (Donald) Diseases of the British Military Hospitals in Germany, 17G1-3, with an Essay on Preserving the Healtli of Soldiers, and on Military Hospitals, 8vo, Lond. 1764. Le meme livre, trad, et augment, par M. Le Begue de Presle, 2 torn. &V0, Paris, 17G9. Portio (Luc. Ant.) De Militum in Castris Sanitate Tuenda, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1741. (For further Works on .Subjects connected with Hygiene, Vid. Medical Police, Part I. Chap. 7.) 2. DIETETICS. A. GENERAL TREATISES. Accura (F.) On Adulterations of Food and Culinary Poisons, 12rao, Lond. 1820. Arbuthnot (J.) On the Nature of Aliments, 8vo, Lond. 1731. The same book, 4th Edit. 8v(), Lond. 175G. Combe (A.) The Physiology of Digestion considered w ith relation to the Principles of Dietetics, 8vo, Edin. 18.3(5. Lorry (A. C.) Essai sur les Alimens, 2 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1754-57. Moffat (T.) Ou the Nature and Method of Preparing Foods, 12mo, Lond. 1746. Mundy (H.) De Aere Vitali, Esculentis et Potulentis, 8vo, Oxon. 1680. Kisbet (W.) Practical Treatise on Diet, ]2mo, Lond. 1801. Paris (J. A ) Treatise on Diet, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Pearson (R.) Synopsis of the Materia Alimentaria and Materia Medica, 8vo, Lond. 1808. Plenck (J. J.) Bromatologia,seu Doctrinade Esculentis et Potulentis, 8vo, Viennie, 1783. Roberton (J.) On Medical Police, Diet, Regimen, &c., 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1809. MATERIA MEDICA. 57 Robinson (B.) On the Food and Discliarcc. of Medicines, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Carthenser (J. F.) Fundamonta Matcriic Mcdicie, 2 tom. 8vo, Franc, ad Viadr. 175(». MATERIA MEDICA. 59 Chapman (N.) Discourses on the Elements of Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 2 vols. 8vo, Philadelph. 1817-19. Cullen (W.) Lectures on Materia Medica in 1761, Ito, Edin, 1773. (2 copies.) Treatise on the Materia Medica, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1789. (2 copies.) Dale (Sam.) Pharmacolojjia, 4to, Luird. Bat. 1739. Delias (Henric. Fred.) Adversaria Argumenti Physico-Medici, 3 tom,4to, Erlaug. 1780. Dioscorides (P,) De Materia Medica, 8vo, Venet. 1518. De eadera, Libri 5, fol. Colon. 1529. Edwards (Milne) and Vavasseur (P.) Manual of Materia Medica and Phar- macy, translated by Davies, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Fourcroy (M. De) L'Art de connoitre les Medicamens, 2 tom. 12mo, Paris, 1785. Fursteuau (D. J. H.) Desiderata Materiae Medica?, ext. in Desiderat. Med. 12mo, Lips. 1727. Gaubius (H. D.) Adversaria, 4to, Leidse, 1771. Geotfroy (S. F.) Tractatus de Materia Medica, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1741. Gmelin (J. F.) Apparatus Medicaminum, Pars II. Regnum Minerale cora- plectens, 2 tom. 8vo, Gott. 1795. Gray ( S. F.) A Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia, and Treatise on Phar- macology in General, 8vo, Lond. 1832. Hermannus (D. P.) Cynosura Materiae Medicaj, curante Jo. Boeclero, 4to, Argent. 172G. Hill (J.) History of the Materia Medica, 4to, Lond. 1751. Hofmann (Casp.) De Medicamentis Officiiialibus, 4to, Jense, 1686, Home (F.) Methodus Materiaj Medicse, 12mo, Edin. 1770, (2 copies.) Kirby (Jer.) Tables of the Materia Medica, 12mo, Edin. 1805. (2 copies.) Lemery (N.) Diction naire des Drogues Simples, 4to, Rotterd. 1727. Lewis (W.) Experimental History of the Materia Medica, 4to. Lond. 1761. The same book, 2d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1768, The same book, 4th Edit, by Aikin, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1791. Linnaeus (C.) Materia Medica, 8vo, Holm. 1749. Ludwig (C. F".) Dissertationes Botan. et Medic. 4to, Lips. 1743, Marabelli (F.) Apparatus Medicaminum, 8vo, Viennffi, 1801, Marcellus de Medicamentis Empiricis, Physicis et Rationalibus, fol, Basil. 1536, Idem liber, ext. in Med. Art, Princ. Tom. II. Marggravius (C.) Materia Medica contracta, 4to, Amst. 1682. Matthiole (P. A.) Commentarii in Dioscoridem, fol, Venet. 1558, Le meme livre, traduit par M. Pinet, Lyon, 1680. Apologia Ad versus Amatum Lusianum, fol, Venet. 1558. Monro (D.) On Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Materia Medica, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1708. Moore (J.) Elssay on the Materia Medica, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Murray (J. A.) Apparatus Medicaminum, 6 torn. Svo, Gott. 1776. Murray (J.) Alateria Medica and Pharmacy, 2 vols. Svo, Edin, 1804. The same book, 2d Edit. 2 vols. Svo, Edin. 1810. The same book, 5th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1828. Paris (J, A.) Pharmacologia, 12mo, Lond. 1812. The same book, 5th Edit. 2 vols. Svo, Lond, 1822. Pearson (R.) Synopsis of the Materia Alimentaria, and Materia Medica, Svo, Loud. 1808. Thesaurus Medicaminum, Svo, Lond, 1794. The s.ame book, Svo, Lond. 1804. The same book, 4th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1810. 60 MATERIA MEDIC A. Robinson (B.) On the Virtues and Operations of Medicines, 8vo, Lend. 17o2. Kutty (J.) Materia Medica Repurtjata, 4to, Roterod. 1785. Sclile<;el (J. C. T.) Thesaurus Materiie Meditie, 2 torn. 8vo, Lips. 1793. Schwiloue (C. J. A.) Traite de Matiere MedicaU', 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1818. Spuiito'.uis (J. B ) Roniediorum Centurea, 4to, Romie, 1648. Swediaur (F.) Materia Medica, 12mo, Hamb. 1800. Tauvry (INI. 1).) Traite' des Medicanieus avec des Formules, Nouv. Edit. 8vo, Paris, 17-22. Tliomson (A. T.) Elements of Rlateria Medica and Therapentics, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832-33. Tournefort (J. P.) Materia Medica, 8vo, Lond. 1708. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 17 IG. Venel (M.) I'recis dc Matiere Medicale, Augraente de Notes, &c. par Carrere, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1787. Vogel (R. A.) Historia Materiie Medica^, 12mo, Francof. 1760. Wedelius (G. W.) Amceuitates Materia^ Medicte, 4to, Jenje, 1684. R. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF THE MATERIA MEDICA. 1. VEGETABLE MATERIA MEDICA. Bergius (P. G.) Materia Medica e Regno Vegetabili, 2 torn, in 1 com- pact. 8vo, Stockholm, 1778. Decandolle (A. P.) Sur les Proprietes Medicales des PJantes, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1816. Duncan (Andrew, Jwn.) Catalogue of Medicinal Plants, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Graves (G.) and Morries (J. D.) Hortus Medicus, 4to, Edin. 1834. Reid (Hugo) Outlines of Medical Botany, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Retzius (A. J.) Pharmacologia Regni Vegetabilis, 12mo, Lipsiae, 1783. Richard (A.) I3otanique Me'dicale, Part I. 8vo, Paris, 1823. Eleniens d'Histoire Naturelle Medicale, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1831. Stephenson (J.) and Churchill (J. M.) Medical Botany, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Woodville (William) Medical Botany, with Supplement, 4 vols. 4to, Lond. 1790-93. The same book, 2d Edit. 4 vols. 4to, Lond. 1810. 2. MATERIA MEDICA OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES. Ainslie (Sir Whitelaw) Materia Indica, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1826. Costa (C. A.) De Medicamentis lndia> Orientalis, 8vo, Antverp. 1393. Kinder (Jo. dc) et Wint ((iul. de) Nucleus Belgicus Materia^ Medicse, 12mo, Bruxelles, 1719. f2 copies. J Monardes (N.) Dei Simplici Aroniati ed altre Cose che vengono portate dair Indie Orientali ed Occideutali, pertinenti all' Use della Medici- na, 8vo, Veniz. 1589. De Medicamentis ex Novo Orbe delatis, Edit. 3tia, Svo, Antverp. 1593. MATERIA MEDICA. Gl Shannon (R.) On the Medicines used in the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates, 8vo, Philadelph. 1794. ZoUikoffer (Wni.) Materia Medica of the United States, ISmo, Baltimore, 1819. 3. INDIVIDUAL REMEDIES, A\D CLASSES OF MEDICINES. a. Individual Remedies. Acetum. — Oostordyk (N. G.) De Aceto, Traj. ad Rhen. 17G2, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. III. Acid, Carbonic. — Dobson (M.) Medical Commentary on Fixed Air, Bvo, Chester, 1779. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1787. Henry on Fixed Air, Vid. Magnesia. Acid, Hydrocyanic. — Manzoni (J. A.) De Proecii)uis Acidi Prussici et Aquaj cohobataj I^aurocerasi Medicis Facultatibus, 4to, Patav. 1818. Aconitum. — Vid. Stramonium. Antimony. — Kerckringius (T.) Commentarius in Currum Triumphalem Antimonii, 12mo, Amstelod. 1671. ■■ Suchten (A. Van.) Secrets of Antimony, 18rao, Lond. 1670. Aqua Calcis. — Vid. Uva Ursi. Arsenic. — Marshall (J.) On Arsenic, considered as a Poison and as a Me- dicine, &c., 8vo, Lond. 1817. Bark, Angustura. — Brande (A. E.) Experiments and Observations on the Angustiira Bark, 8vo, Lond. 1783. Belladonna. — Timmerman (T. G.) Periculnra Medicum Belladonuae, Rin- tel. 176j ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. IIL Camphor. — Kosegarten (D. A. F. G.) De Camphora, Gott. 1785. ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. III. p. 27. Cantharides. — Forsten (R.) De Cantharidum Historia Chemicaet Medi- ca, 8vo, Argentor. 1775. Greenfield (J.) Treatise on the Internal Use of Cantharides, 8vo, Lond. 1706. Roberton (J.) On the Powers of Cantharides when used Internally, 8vo, Edin. 1806. Cassia. — Colladon (L. T. F.) Histoire Katurelle et Medicale des Casscs, et des Se'ues employes en Medecine, ito, Montpel. 1816. Castor. — Francus (J.) Castorologia, 12mo, Aug. Vind. 1685. Marius (J.) Castorologia, a J. Franco Edit. Aug. Vindel. 1685. China Radix. — Brassavolus (A. M.) De Morbo Gallico, Qusestiones de Ligno Sancto, et de Rad. Chinas Usu, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 658. . Cardanus (H.) De Chinse Radice, ext. ibid. p. 755. Vesalius (A.) De Radice Chinse, ext. ibid. p. 206. — — De Modo Propinandie Chinje, ext. ibid. p. 580. Cicuta. — Storck (A.) Libellus Secuudus de Cicuta, 8vo, Virid. 1761. Wepfer (J. J.) Historia Cicutaj Aquaticaj, 4to, Basil. 1676. Idem liber, 4to, Basil. 1716. Cinchona. — Cocchius (Ant.)Vindici£e Corticis Peruvianse, Bvo, Lugd. Bat. 1750. Gravenhorst (J. A. C.) De Cinchona; Corticibus, Gott. 1791. ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Gott. Tom. I. Part IIL Irving (R.) On the Red and Quill Peruvian Bark, 8vo,Edin. 1785. f2 copies. J Lambert (A. B.) On the Genus Cinchona, 4to, Lond. 1797. Mautt (J. F.) Dissertatio de Cortice Peruviano, Lugd. Bat. 1768. ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I. ()2 MATERIA MEDICA. CmcAoHa.— Relph (J.) On the Yellow Bark, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Skeete (T.) On the qiiiiled and Red Bark, 8vo. Loud. 1786. Clematis. — Storck (A.) De Flanunula Jovis, sive Clemutide Erccta, et de Diotamno Albo, 8vo, Vindob. 17G9. Creosote. — Cormack (J. II.) A Treatise on the Chemical, Medicinal, and Physioloj^ical I'ropei ties of Creosote, 8vo, Edin. 1836. Mii;uet (E.) Recherches Chiraiques et Medicales sur la Creosote, 8 vo^ Paris, 1834. Dictamnus — Vicl. Clematis. Difjitalis. — Ferriar (J.) On the IMedical Properties of the Digitalis Pur- pnrea, 8vo, Mancliester, 1799. Hamilton (W.) On Difritalis, 8vo, Lond. 1807. ISIorries (J. D. ) Observations on the Chcmital and Ph)^siological Properties of the Empyreumatic Oils of Foxglove, Henbane, and To- bacco, 8vo, Edin. (2 copies.) Withering (W.) Account of the Foxglove, and some of its Medical Uses, 8vo, Birmingham, 178a. Elaterium. — Worries (J. D.) On the Analysis of Elateriura and its Ac- tive Principle, 8vo, Edin. Eupatorium. — Anderson (J.) On the Eupatorium Perfoliatum of Lin- naeus, 8vo, New York, 1813. Guaiacum. — Brassavolus (A. M.) Vid. China; Radix. Ferrandus (C.) De Ligno Guaiaco, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 355 et 358. Ferrius (A.) De Ligno Saucto, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 404. Gallus (A.) De Ligno Sancto, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 455. Helminthocorton. — Schwendimann (P. J.) Historia Helminthocorti, 8vo, Argent. 1780. ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XII. p. 208. Hemlock. — Gataker (T.) On the Use of Hemlock, ext. in Essays on Me- dical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764. Hirudo. — Johnson (J. R.) On the Medicinal Leech, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Hyoscyamus. — Vid. Strarnonium, Stiirck (A.), and Digitalis, Morrics (J. D.) Ice. — Schroeder (J. G.) De Glacie Medicamine, Gott. 1789. ext. in Brose Collect. Dissertat. Gott. Tom. I. Part. III. Iodine. — Gairdner (W.) Essay on the Effects of Iodine on the Human Constitution, 8vo, Lond. 1824. /roH.— Mindererus (R.) De Calcantho, 4to, Aug. Viud. 1617. Lead. — Goulard (VV.) On Lead, 12mo, Lond. 1775. Lamb (W.) On the Properties of Spring Water, with Medical Cau- tions against the Use of Lead, 8vo, Lond. 1803. Lime. — Vid. Magnesia. Lime Water. — Vid. Uca Ursi. Magnesia. — Glass (T.) Examination of Mr. Henry's Strictures on Glass' Magnesia, 8vo, Lond. 1784. Henry (T.) On Magnesia, Quicklime, Fixed Air, &c. 8vo,Lond. 1773. Mercury. — Francis (J. W.) On Mercury, 8vo, New York, 1811. Gataker (T.) On the Use of Corrosive Sublimate, ext. in Essays on Medical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764. Hoya (A. de) De Quibusdam Mercurii Pra?paratis, Gott. 1791. ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Gott. Tom. I. Part. HI. Hey (G.) On the Effects of Mercury, 8vo, Lond. 1747. Maywood (R.) Essay on the Operation of Mercury, Svo, Lond. 1787. Philip (A. P. W.) On the Influence of Minute Doses of Mercury, 12mo, Lond. 1834. MATERIA MEDICA. 63 Mercury. — Plenck (J. J.) New Mode of giving- Mercury, 8vo, Lond. 1768. Misletoe. — Vid. Visciim. Morphia. — Robertson (M.) On the Medicinal EflFects of the Salts of Morphia, with tlie Method of Preparing them, 8vo, Edin. Moxa. — Boyle (J.) On the Application of Moxa, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Larrey (Le Baron D. J.) On the Use of the Moxa, translated, with a History of the Substance, by K. Dunglisson, 8vo, Lond. 18-2-^. Valentinus (M. B.) Historia Moxa cum Meditationibus de Podagra, I2mo, Lugd. Bat. 1()8G. Wallace (W.) On the Action of Moxa, 8vo, Dublin, 1827. Oil. — Trinder (W. INI.) On the Application of Oil to the Human Body, 8vo, Lond. 1797. Opium. — Crump (S.) On the Nature and Properties of Opium, 8vo, Lond. 1793. De Quincv (T.) Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1823. Jones (J.) Mysteries of Opium revealed, 8vo, Lond. 1701. Philip (A. W.) Experimental Essays on the Action of Opium, 8vo, Edin. 1795. Tralles (B. L.) De Usu Opii, 4to, Vratislav. 1757. Young (G.) Treatise on Opium, 8vo, Lond. 1753. Oxygen. — Alvon, Essai sur les Proprietes Medicinales de I'Oxigene, 8vo, Pan's, 1796. Phosphorus. — Barchwitz (M. A.) De Phosphori Urinarii Usu Medico Interno, Halse Magd., ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. L p. 159. Pulsatilla. — Stiirck (A.) De Pulsatilla Nigricante sive Anemone Pra- tensi, 8vo, Vindobon. 1771. (2 copies.) Ranunculus. — Krapf (C.) Experinienta de Kanunculorum Venenata Qualitate, 12n]o, Vieunae, 1766. Hhus. — Alderson (J.) On the Rhus Toxicodendron, 8vo, Hull, 1793. Salix. — Wilkinson (G.) On the Salix Latifolia, 8vo, Newcastle, 1803. Sangui)iaria Bird (F.) On the Sanguinaria Canadensis of Linnieus, 8vo, New York, 1822. Scorzonera. — Fehr (J. M.) Anchora Sacra, 12mo, Jenje, 1670. Senna. — Vid. Cassia. Solanum — Gataker (T.) On the Use of Solanum, 8vo, Liverpool, 1757. Essays on Medical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764. Stramonium. — Storck (A.) On the Use of Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, and Aconitum, trans, from the Latin, 8vo, Lond. 1763. Experinienta et Observationes circa Nova sua Medicamenta, 8vo, Vindobon. 1765. Succinum. — Neuforn (J. G. S. de) De Succino, Lugd. Bat. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I. ^S-M^/a?-.— Mosely (B.) On Sugar, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1800. RoUo (J.) Two Cases of Diabetes Mellitus, with Observations on the Use of Acid.s, &c. in Lues Venerea, and on Sugar, by W. Cruick- shank, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797. The same book, 2d. Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Tar Water. — Berkeley ((i. Bp. of CUoyne) Siris — or an Inquiry into the Virtues of Tar Water, 8vo, Lond. 174L Crichton (A.) Relation de quelques Experiences avec la Vapeurdu Goudron dans le Traitement de la Phthisic Pulmonaire, trad, de r Anglais, 8vo, St. Petersbourg, 1817. Tobacco. — Morries (J. D.) Vid. Birji talis. Neander (J.) Traite dc Tabac, de sa Preparation, et dc son Usage, traduit par B. Vincent, bvo, Lyon, 1625. 64 MATERIA MEDICA. Tobacco. — Tatliam (VV.) Essay on Tobacco, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Uva Ursi. — Girardi (M.) De Uva Ursi, cjusque et Aquae Calcis Vi Lithontriptica, 12mo, Patav. 1764'. (2 copies.) Viper. — 8puiitomis (J. B.) Coiiechidnclogia, Piilv. Viper. Discursus, 4to, Romie, 1648. Viscum. — Colbatch (Sir J.) On tlie Misletoe, 8vo, Lond. 1725. Xantliorrcca. — Kite (C.) Essay on Submersion, and on the Yellow Resin of Botany Bay, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1795. b. Classes of Ilanedies. Acids. — Farr (S.) On the Medical Virtues of the Acids, 8vo, Lond. 1769. Airs, Factitious. — Beddoes (T.) and Watt (J.) On Factitious Airs, in 5 parts, 3 vols. 8vo, Bristol, 1794-96. The same book, parts 1 and 2, 2d Edit. 8vo, Bristol, 1795. Cavallo (T.) On the Medicinal Properties of Factitious Airs, 8vo, Lond. 1798. • Pearson (R.) On the Medicinal Properties of the Different Kinds of Air, 8vo, Birraing^ham, 1795. Antiseptics. — Boissieu (M. de) Sur le Antiseptiques, 8vo, Dijon, 17G9. Bordenave (M.) Sur le Antiseptiques, 8vo, Dijon, 1769. Godart — Sur les Antiseptiques, Svo, Dijon, 1769. Antispasmodics. — Godar (G. L.) Dissertation sur les Antispasraodiques, Hvo, Paris, 1764. Aromatics. — Garcia (D.) Dei Simplici Aromati pertinenti all' uso della Medicina, Svo, Venet. 1589. Disinfectants. — Alcock (T.) On Chlorurets of Soda and Lime, as Disin- fecting Ao-ents, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Henry (W.) Experiments on the Disinfecting Powers of Increased Temperatures, 8 vo, Lond. 1831. — — Smyth (J. C.) Experiment to determine the Effect of Nitrous Acid in Destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1796. On the Effect of Nitrons Vapour in Preventing and Destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1799. Enemata. — Meyer (J. C.) De Clysmatibus, Svo, Gott. 1786, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. 146. Idem liber, ext. in Brose Collect. Diss. Gott. Tom. IL part L Read (J.) On the Utility of the Improved Patent Syringe, Svo, Lond. 1824. — A Vindication for his Patent Syringe, Svo, Lond. 1826. Litliontriptics. — Home (R.) On the ElBcacy and Innocency of Solvents, Svo, Lond. 1783. Purgatives. — Hamilton (J.) Observations on Purgative Medicines, Svo, Edin. 1805. The same book, 3d Edit. Svo, Edin. 1809. Ruffus (E.) De Medicamentis Purgantibus, &c. ext. in Med. Art. Princip. Tom. L Specifics. — Boyle (Hon. R.) Experimenta circa Mechanicum particu- larium qualitatuni originem, et de Remediis Specificis, 12mo, Lond. 1692. Stimuli. — Wood (J.) On the Effects on the Human Body of the Appli- cation and Abstraction of Stimuli, Svo, Lond. 1793. c. Mineral Waters. fVtd. Natural History, Part II. Chap. 2.) MATERIA MEDICA. 6o III. PHARMACY. A. GENERAL AND ELEBIENTARY TREATISES. Baume (A.) Elemens de Pharmacie Theorique et Pratique, 8vo, Paris, 1762. Brande (W.) Manual of Pharmacy, 8vo, Lond. 1825. Dale (S. ) Pharmacologia, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1739. Dossie (R.) Chirurgical Pharmacy, 8vo, Lond. 1761. Edwards and Vavasseur (MM.) Manual of Materia Medica and Phar- macy, translated by Davies, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Falopia ( — ) Secret! Diversi et Miracolosi, 12mo, Venet. 1585. Fee (A. L. A.) Cours d'Histoire Naturelle Pharmaceutique ; ou Histoire des Substances usitees dans la Therapeutique, les Arts, et rEcouoraie Domestique, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1828. Keup (J. B.) Manuale Pharmaceuticum, 8vo, Stend. 1793. Lagrange (B.) Cours d'Etude Pharmaceutique, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1795. Monro (D.) On Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Materia Medica, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1708. Murray (J. A.) Apparatus Medicarainum, 6 torn. 8vo, Gott. 1776. Murray (J.) Materia Medica and Pharmacy, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1804. The same book, 2d Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1810. The same book, 5th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1828. Nisbet (VV.) Edinburgh School of Medicine, 4 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1802. Orfila (M. P.) Elemens de Chimie Me'dicale, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1817. Paris (J. A.) Pharmacologia, 12mo, Lond. 1812. The same book, 5th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1822. Elements of Medical Chemistry, 8vo, Luad. 1825. Scribonius (L.) De Compositione Medicameutorum, ext. in Medic. Art. Princ. Tom. II. Wallerius (J. G.) Disputatioues Academicae, 8vo, Holm. 1780. Wedelius ((x. W.) Pharmacia Acroamatica, 4to, Jenaj, 1686. Willis (T.) Pharmaceutica Rationalis, Pars H. 12mo, Hagie, 1677. (For Journals, Dissertations, &c. connected with this subject, Vid. Part IV. Chap. 6.) B. WORKS ON PARTICULiAR DEPART3IENTS OF PHARMACY. a. Medicinal Preparations. Anonymous Remarks on Dr. Henry's Improved Method of Preparing Magnesia Alba, Svo, Lond. N. D. Deschamps (M.) Memoire sur les Extraits, 8vo, Paris, 1799. Deusingius (A.) Pulveris Sympathetici Examen, 12mo, Groning. 1662. Ferriiis (A.) De Vino ex Ligno Saucto, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 446. Gausbrand (J. F.) Do Acidorum Dulciiicatione, Svo, Helm. 1782, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. 11. p. 217. Grisberg (J. O.) De Spiritu Vini IMoicuriali, Upsal. 1760, ext. in Sandi- fort. Thcsaur. Tom. II. 66 MATERIA MEDIC A. Hoya (A. De) De Qiiibusdam Mcrcurii Praeparatis, Gott. 1791, cxt. in Brose Collect. Dissertat. Tom. I. Part. III. Jones (E. G.) On the Eau Medicinale d'llusson in the Cure of Gout, 12nio, Lond. 1810. Linden (W.) Letter to Dr. P. Shaw, concerning' an Improvement in the Black P]pileptical Po^vders, 8vo, Lond. 1746. Robertson (M.) On the Medicinal Effects of the Salts of Morphia, with the Method of Preparing them, 8vo, Kdin, 1830. Weber (J. C.) Liquor Stypticus, 12mo, Vrutislav. 1689. Witting (C. F.) De Tartaro Eraetico, Gott. 1788, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIL b. Pharmacopoeias, Dispensatories, S^c. * a. Of Known Authors. Berkenhout (J J I'harmacopoeia Medici, 8vo, Lond. 1782. Duncan (A.) Edinburgh New Dispensatory, 8vo, Ediu. 1816. The same book, 11th Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1826. The same book, 12th Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1830. Supplement to the Edinburgh Dispensatory, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Fox (E.) FormuliB Medicamentorum Selectse, 8vo, Lond. 1777. Gaubius (H. D.) De Formulis Medicamentorum, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1752. Haden (C. T.) Translation of Magendie's Formulary for the Preparation and Employment of several New Remedies, 12mo, Lond. ISai. Herwigius (C. P.) Selectus Medicamentorum, 12mo, Jente, 1771. Hofmann (C.) De Medicamentis Officinalibus, 4to, Jense, 1686. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Pharmacopee Universelle, 8vo, Paris, 1828. Junckerus (J.) Conspectus Formularum Medicarum, 4to, Magd. 1730. Klein (D. G. L.) Selectus Rationalis Medicaminum, 12mo, Francof. 1782. Lagrange (J. L.) Dispensaire Pharmnco-Chimique, 8vo, Paris, 1813. Mons (Van) Pharmacopee Manuelle, Svo, Bruxelles, 1801. Page (J.) Receipts for Preparing the Principal Medicines made use of by the late Mr. Ward, Svo, Lond. 1763. Pemberton (H.) Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians in London, Svo, Lond. 1751. Phillips (R.) Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians in London, Svo, Lond. 1824. Quin (J. F.) Pharmacopoeia Homceopathica, Svo, Lond. 1834. Quincy (J.) Dispensatory, 11th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1739. Ratier (F. S.) Formulaire Pratique des Hopitaux civiles de Paris, 12mo, Paris, 1825. Rotheram (J.) New Edinburgh Dispensatory, Svo, Edin. 1797. Schroeder (J.) Pharmacopoeia Medico-Chemica, Edit. 4ta, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1656. Idem liber, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1672. Scientia (G.) Maravigliosi Secreti di Medicina et Chirurgia, &c. 12mo, Venet. 1586. Spens (T.) Pharmacopceia Nosocomii Regii Edinensis, 12mo, Edin. 1810. Spuntonus (J. B.) Rcraediorum Centuria, 4to, lloma% 1648. Theobald (J.) New Dispensatory, Svo, Lcmd. 1749. Thomson (A. T.) London Dispensatory, Svo, Lond. 1815. The same book, 5th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1830. Conspectus of the Edinburgh, Loudon, and Dublin Pharmacopoeias, 12nio, Lond. 1816. MATERIA MEDICA. 67 Trillerus (D. W.) Dispensatorium Pharraaceuticum Universale, 4to, Francof. 1764. Vitet (M.) Pharmacope'e de Lyon, 4to, Lyon, 1778. Znelfer (J.) Pharmacopoeia Augustana Reformata cum variis Appeudici- bus, 4to, Dordrecht, 1672. * b. National Pharmacopoeias. Pharmacopoeia Austriaco-Provincialis emendata, 8vo, Vienn. 1794. Pharmacopoeia Bavarica, 8vo, Monachii, 1822. Pharmacopoeia Borussica, 4to, Berolin. 1799. Pharmacopoeia CoUegii Regalis Medicorura Edinensis, 8vo, Roterod. 1755. Idem liber, 8vo, Edin. 1783. 8vo, Edin. 1792. 8vo, Edin. 1803. 12mo, Edin. 1813. 8vo, Edin. 1817. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, 4to, Lend. 1746. Idem liber, 4to, Lond. 1788. 18mo, Loud. 1809. 8vo, Lond. 1815. 8vo, Lond. 1824, Pharmacopoeia Danica, 4to, Hafnise, 1805. Pharmacopoeia Genevensis, 8vo, Genev. 1780. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, fol. Lond. 1650. Pharmacopoeia Parisiensis, 4to, Paris, 1748. Pharmacopoeia Rossica, 8vo, Petrop. 1803. Pharmacopoeia Suecica, 8vo, Holm. 1775. Idem liber. Edit. 3tia, Holm. 1784. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America, 8vo, Boston, 1820. § Commentaries on the Pharmacopceias. Barker (F.) and Montgomery (W. F.) Observations on the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, 8vo, Dublin, 1830. Browne (R.) Prosodia Pharmacopoeorum, 12mo, Lond. 1685. Phillips (R.) Examination of the London Pharmacopoeia, 8vo, Lond. 181 1. Remarks on the Editio Altera of the same Work, and on Dr. Powell's Translations and Annotations, 8vo, Lond. 1816. c. On the Adulteration of Medicines. Benancius (L ) Declaratio Fraudum et Errorum apud Pharmacopoeios cura, Thorn. Bartholin. 12mo, Franc. 1671. Fourcroy (M. De) L'Art de connoitre les Medicamens, 2 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1785. Sande (J. B. V.) La Falsification des Medicameus Devoilee, 8vo, La Haye, 1784. 68 MATERIA HIEDIf A. IV. THERAPEUTICS. A. GENERAL THERAPEUTICS. Actuarius (Jo.) De Methodo Medendi, &c. ext. in Medic. Art. Princ. Tom. 11. p. 1. Alexander (W.) Experimental Essays, 8vo, Lond. 1768. Alibert (J. L.) Nouveaux Elemens de Therapeutique ct de Matiere Medicale, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1817. Bayle (A. J. L.) Bibliotheque de Therapeutique, 3 torn. Svo, Paris, 1828-35. Carl (J. S.) Praxeos Medicse Therapia, 4to, Halse, 1718. Carthenser (J. F.) Fundamenta Pathologise et Therapiae, 2 torn. 8vo, Franc, ad Viadr. 1785. Chapman (N.) Discourses on the Elements of Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 2 vols. Svo, Philadelphia, 1817-19. Damascenus (J.) De Arte Curandi, Libri 7, Basil. 1713. Duncan (A.) Elements of Therapeutics, Svo, Edin. 1770. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Edin, 1773. Frank (J. P.) De Virtutibns Corporum Naturalium determinandis, Ticini, 1789, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VII. p. 189. Ejusdem Dissertationis Pars Altera, ext. ibid. Tom. VIII. p. 177. Giraudy (C.) Traite de Therapeutique Generale, Svo, Paris, 1816. Hahnemann (S.) Organon de I'Art de Guerir, traduit par Brunuois, Svo, Dresde, 1824. Home (F.) Medical Facts and Experiments, Svo, Lond. 1759. Clinical Experiments, Dissections and Histories, Svo, Lond. 1784. Ingenhousz (J.) Miscellanea Physico- Medica, cura Scherer, Svo, Viennae, 1795. Junckerus (J.) Conspectus Thcrapeise Generalis, 4to, Hal. Madg-. 1736. Ludvvig (C. J.) lustitutiones Therapeiae, Svo, Lipsise, 1754. Macbride (D.) Experimental Essays on Medical and Philosophical Sub- jects, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1767. Merat (F. V.) et De Lens (A. J.) Dictionnaire Universel de Matiere Medicale, et de Therapeutique Generale, 6 torn. Svo, Paris, 1829-34. Paradys (N.) De Therapeutices Studio, 4to, Lu<;d. Bat. 1784. Parry (C U.) Elements of Patholog'y and Therapeutics, Vol. I. Svo, Bath, 1815. f 2 copies. J Piso (H.) Methodus Medendi, 4to, Patav. 1726. Schelhamcrus (G. C.) Ars Medendi Universa, 3 torn. 4to, Wismar. 1747. Schleg-el (J. C T.) Thesaurus Pathologico-Therapeuticus, Tom. I. Svo, Lips. 1789. Thomson (A. T.) Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1832-33. MATERIA MEDICA. Gi) B. SPECIAL THERAPEUTICS. a. General Treatises. Lo Bon (J.) Therapeia Puerperarurn, ext. in Spach. Gynaec. p. SO't. Qiiarin (J.) De Curandis Febribus et Inllammatiouibus, 8vo, Vicnnse, 1781. Tommasini (G.) Del Metodo di curare dell' Inseofnamento Mcdico- Clinico, e di Alciuii Stabilimenti di Pubblica Beneficonza, osservati in Inghiltcrra, Svo, Bolog-n. 1821. Torti (F.) Therapeutice Specialis, 4to, Lipsiss, 1750. Idem liber, 1756. b. Works on the Use of Particular Remedies. Acid, Carbonic. — Dobson (M.) Medical Commentary on Fixed Air, 8vo, Chester, 1779. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1787. — — Ewart (J.) History of two Cases of Cancer of the Mamma, treat- ed by Carbonic Acid, 8vo, Bath, 1794. Hi/drocyanic. — Elliotson (J.) On the Efficacy of Hydrocyanic Acid in Affections of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1S20. Granville (A. B.) Further Observations on the Internal Use of the Hydrocyanic Acid in Pulmonary Complaints, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Mao;endie (F.) Sur I'emploi de I'Acide Prnssique dans le Traite- ment des Maladies de Poitrine, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Manzoni (J. A.) De Prsecipuis Acidi Prussici et Aquae coho- batae Laurocerasi Mcdicis Facultatibus, 4to, Patav. 1818. . Nitrous. — Beddoes (T.) Collection of Testimonies Respecting the Treatment of the Venereal Disease, by Nitrous Acid, 8vo, Lond. 1799. Communications on the Use of Nitrous Acid in Syphilis, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Aconitum. — Vid. Stramonium. Affusion, Cold. — Jackson (R.) On Cold Affusion, Cold Drink and Ges- tation in Fevers, 8vo, Edin. 1808. Antimony. — Kerckringius (T.) Commentarius in Currum Triumphalem Antimonii, 12mo, Amstelod. 1071. — — Suchten (A. Van) Secrets of Antimony, 18mo, Lond. 1670. Aqua Calcis. — Vid. Ova Ursi. Arnica. — Collin (J.) Arnicse in Febribus et aliis Morbis putridis Vires, Pars 5ta, 8vo, Viennse, 1775. Arsenic. — Fowler (T.) Medical Reports on the Effects of Arsenic in the Cure of Agues, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1780. Marshall (J.) On Arsenic, considered as a Poison and as a Medicine, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1817. Aurantii Folia. — Hannes (C. R.) De Epileptico Aurantii foliis servato. Lips. 1766, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. HL Bark, Angustura. — Brande (A. E.) Experiments and Observations on the Angustura Bark, 8vo, Lond. 1783. Bath Waters. — Falconer (VV.) Dissertation on Ischias, and on the Effects of the Bath Waters on this Disease, 8vo, Lond. 1805. 70 MATERIA MEDICA. Belladonna. — IMiinch (B. F.) De Belladonna Efficaci iu Rabie Cauina Rcmedio, Gott. ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. I. Tininiemian (T. G.) Pericnlum Modicum Belladonnoe, Riutel. 1763, ext. in Sandifort. Thosaur. Tom. III. Buxton Water. — Denman (T.) On the Eflects of Buxton Water in Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Camphor. — Bell (B.) On the Use of Camphor and Hyoscyamus in Gonorrhoea, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Further Remarks on the Use of Camphor and Hyoscyamus in Affections of the Bladder, &c. 8vo, Edin. Kosegarten (D. A, F. G.) Do Camphor^, Gott. 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. III. p. 27. Lysons (D.) On the Use of Camphor and Calomel in Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1771. The same book, 2d Edit. 1783. Cantharides. — Forsten (11.) De Cantharidura Historia Chemica et Medi- ca, 8vo, Argentor. 1775. Greenfield (J.) Treatise on the Internal Use of Cantharides, 8vo, Lond. 170G. Roberton (J.) On the Powers of Cantharides when used internally, 8vo, Edin. 18()G. Cassia. — Colladon (L. T. F.) Histoire Naturelle et Medicale des Casses, et des Sene's employes en Medecine, 4to, Montpel. 1816. Castor. — Francus (J.) Castorologia, 12mo, Aug. Vind. 1685. Marius (J.) Castorologia, a J. Franco edit. Aug. Vindel. 1685. Caustics. — Gataker (T.) On the Use of Caustics in Cancer, ext. in Essays on Medical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764). Cautery, Actual. — Valentin (L.) Me'moires sur les bons Effets du Cau- tere Actual, 8vo, Nancy, 1815. Begbie (J.) On the Actual Cautery, 8vo, Edin. 1822. China Radix. — Brassavolus (A. M.) De Morbo Gallico, Qusestiones de Ligno Sancto, et de Rad. Chinaj Usu, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 658. Cardanus (H.) De Chinae Radice, ext. ibid. p. 755. Vesalius (A.) De Radice Chinse, ext. ibid, p 206. De Modo Propinandse Chinse, ext. ibid. p. 580. Chlorine. — Wallace (W.) Researches respecting the Medical Powers of Clilorine, particularly in Diseases of the Liver, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Cicuta. — Gataker (T.) On the Use of Hemlock, ext. in Essays on Me- dical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764. Rouppe (L.) De Morbis Navigantium et de Extracti Cicutae Effectu in Cancro, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1764. (2 copies. J • Stihck (A.) Libellus Sccuudus de Cicuta, 8vo, Virid. 1761. Wepfer (J. J.) Historia Cicutae Aquaticae, 4to, Basil. 1676. Idem liber, 4to, Basil. 1716. Cinchona. — Blegny (N. de) Le Remede Anglois pour la Guerison des Fievres, 12mo, Paris, 1683. Cocchius (Ant.) Vindiciae Corticis Peruvianae, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1750. Gravenhorst (J. A. C.) De Cinchonae Corticibus, Gott. 1791, ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Gott. Tom. L Part HL Irving (R.) On the Red and Quill Peruvian Bark, Svo, Edin. 1785. f2 copies. J Lambert (A. B.) On the Genus Cinchona, 4to, Lond. 1797. Mautt (J. F.) Disscrtatio de Cortice J*eruviano, Lugd. Bat. 1768, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I. Rclph (J.) On the Yellow Bark, Svo, Lond. 1792. MATERIA MEDICA. 7^ Cinchona. — Rigby (E.) On the Use of Red Peruvian Bark in Intcrmit- tents, 8vo, Lond. 1783. . Saunders (W.) On the Efficacy of Red Peruvian Bark in the Cure of Agues, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1783. Skeete (T.) On the Quilled and Red Bark, 8vo, Lond. 1786. Clematis. — Storck (A.) De Flammula Jovis, sive Clematide Erecta, etde Dictamno Albo, 8vo, Vindob. 1769. Climate. — Clark (J. G.) On the Influence of Clinaale in Curing Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Gregory (J.) Disscrtatio Inanguralis de Morbis Cceli mutatione Medendis, 12mo, Edin. 1778. Mansford (J. G.) Inquiry into the Influence of Situation on Pul- monary Consumption and on the Duration of Life, 8vo, Lond. J 8 18. Colchicum. — Jones (E. J.) On the Eau M^dicinale d'Husson in the Cure of Gout, 12mo, Lond. 1810. Compression. — Balfour (W.) Observations on a New Mode of Curing Rheumatism, &c. 8vo, Edin. 1816. Butter (J.) On the Effects of Nitre and on the Compression of Cancerous Breasts, Bvo, Edin. 1820. Kellie (G.) Medical Effects of Compression by tbe Tourniquet, 8vo, Edin. 1797. Cowhage. — Chamberlaine (W.) On the EflScacy of Cowhage in Worms, 8vo, Lond. 1784. Creosote. — Cormack (J. R.) A Treatise on the Chemical, Medicinal, and Physiological Properties of Creosote, 8vo, Edin. 1836, Miguet (E.) Recherches Chiniiques et Medicales sur la Creosote, 8vo, Paris, 18.34. Dictamnus — Vid. Clematis. Digitalis. — Beddoes (T.) Observations on the Management of the Con- sumptive, on Digitalis Purpurea, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1801. Ferriar (J.) On the Medical Properties of the Digitalis Purpurea, 8vo, Manchester, 1799. Hamilton (W.) On Digitalis, 8vo, Lond. 1807. Morries (J. D.) Observations on the Chemical and Physiological Properties of the Empyreuraatic Oils of Foxglove, Henbane, and To- bacco, 8vo, Edin. (2 copies.J Quin (C. W.) On Dropsy of the Brain and on the Use of Digitalis in Dropsies, 8vo, Lond. 1790. Withering (W.) Account of the Foxglove, and some of its Medical Uses, 8vo, Birmingham, 1785. Elaterium. — Morries (J. D.) On the Analysis of Elaterium and its Active Principle, 8vo, Edin. Electricity. — Birch (J.) On the Use of Electricity in Amenorrhcea, Svo, Lond. 1780. Eupatorium. — Anderson (J.) On the Eupatoriura Perfoliatum of Lin- naaus, Svo, New York, 1813. Friction. — Bacot (J.) Observations on the Use and Abuse of Friction, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Galvanism. — Philip (A. W.) Experimental Enquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, with practical Applications, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1817. The same book, 3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1826. Gold. — Niel (J. G.) Sur les Effets des Preparations d'Or dans plusieurs Maladies et notamment dans les Maladies Syphilitiqucs, publ. par J. A. Chrestion, Svo, Paris, 1821. Guaiacnm. — Brassavolus (A. ]\1.) Vid. Chinee Radix. 72 MATERIA MEDICA. Guaiaaim. — Ferrandus (C.) De Ligno Guaiaco, cxt. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 3jj et 3j8. Ferrius (A.) De Morbis a Capita ad Calcera per Lignum Sanc- tum Curandis, ext. iu Luis. Aphrod. p. 415. De Ligno Sancto, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 404. Gallus (A.) De Ligno Sancto, ext. in Luis. Aphrod. p. 455. Helminthocorton. — Schwendimann (P. J.) Historia Helminthocorti, 8vo, Argent. 1780. ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XII. p. 208. Hirudo. — Johnson (J. R.) On the Medicinal Leech, &vo, Lond. 1816. Hyoscyamus. — Bell (B.) Vid. Camphor. Storck (A.) Vid. Stramonium. Ice. — Schroeder (J. G.) De Glacie Medieamine, Gott. 1789. ext. in Brose Collect. Dissertat. Tom. L Part III. Injection. — Butter (W.) Method of Cure for the Stone by Injections, 12mo, Edin. 1754. Cribb (W.) On the Use of Injections in Gonorrhoea, 8vo, Lond. 1773. Foote (J.) Cases of Success of the Vesicce Lotura iu Diseases of the Bladder, 8vo, Lond. 1798. Warren (J.) Nouvelle Methode pour Guerir la Gonorrhee, 12mo, Paris, 1771. Iodine. — Gairdner (W.) Essay on the Effects of Iodine on the Human Constitution, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Lugol (M.) Essays on the Effects of Iodine in Scrofulous Dis- eases, translated by O'Shaughnessy, 8vo, Loud. 1831. Manson (A. ) Medical Researches on the Effects of Iodine in Bron- chocele, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1825. Iron. — Mindererus (R.) De Calcantho, 4to, Aug. Vind. 1617. Iron, Carbonate of. — Carmichael (R.) On the Effects of Carbonate of Iron upon Cancer, 8vo, Dublin, 1806. Zeuf/.— Goulaid (W.) On Lead, ]2rao, Lond. 1775. Lamb (W.) On the Properties of Spring Water, with Medical Cau- tions against the Use of Lead, 8vo, Lond. 1803. Lichen. — Regnault (J. B. ) On the Use of the Lichen Islandicus in Pul- monary Consumption, 8vo, Lond. 1802. Lime Water. — Vid. Uva Ursi. Medicines. — Pearson (J.) On the Use of Various Medicines in Lues Venerea, 8vo, Lond. 1800. The same book, Svo, Lond. 1807. Shanon (R.) On the Medicines used in the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates, 8vo, Philadelph. J 794. Mercury. — Butter (J.) Observations on the Action of Mercury in the Cure of Vencical Diseases, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Curry (J.) Examiriation of the Prejudices against Mercury, 2d Edit, Svo, Lond. 1810. Duncan (A. Sen.') On the Operation of Mercury in Syphilis, 12mo, Edin. 1772. Ehrmann (J. F.) Dissertatio de Ilydrargyri Pra>paratorum Inter- norum in Sanguinem Effectibus, Argent. 17G9, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I. Francis (J. W.) On Mercury, 8vo, New York, 181 1. Gataker (T.) On the Use of (Corrosive Sublimate, ext. in Essays on Medical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764. Hamilton (J.) On the Use and Abuse of Mercurial Medicines in various Diseases, 8vo, Edin. 1819. Hey (G.) On the Eftects of Mercury, Svo, Lond. 1747. I MATERIA MEDICA. 'JS Mercury. — Iloulston (T.) Oa Poisons and on the Use of Mercury in Dy- sentery, 8vo, Edin. 1787. Hoya (A. de) De Quibusdam Mercurii Prseparatis, Gott. 1791, exf. in Brose Coll. Diss. Tom. I. I'art III. •^— Lysons (D.) Vid. Camphor. Maywood (R.) Essay on the Operation of Mercury, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Philip (A. P. W.) On the lulluence of Minute Doses of Mercury, 12mo, Lond. 1834. Plenck (J. J.) New Mode of g^ivlng' Mercury, 8vo, Lond. 17G8, Wade (J. P.) On the EtFects of Emetics, Purgatives, Mercurials, and how Diet, in the Disorders of Bengal, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Misletoe. — Vid. Viscum. Morphia. — Robertson (M.) On the Medicinal Effects of the Salts of Morphia, with the Method of Preparing' them, 8vo, Edin. Moxa. — Boyle (J.) On the Application of Moxa, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Larrey (Le Baron D.J.) On the Use of the Moxa, translated, with a History of the Substance, by R. Dunglisson, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Valentinus (M. B.) Historia Moxse cum Meditationibus de Podagra, 12rao, Lujrd. Bat. 1686. Wallace (W.) On the Action of Moxa, 8vo, Dublin, 1827. Music. — Mojon (B.) Sur I'Utilite de la Musique, traduit par Mii^etti, 8vo, Paris, 1603. Nitre. — Butter (J.) Vid. Compression. O//.— Trinder (W. M.) On the Application of Oil to the Human Body, 8vo, Lond. 1797. Opium. — Crump (S.) On the Nature and Properties of Opium, 8vo, Lond. 1793. — — De Quincy (T.) Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1823. . Jones (J.) Mysteries of Opium revealed, 8vo, Lond. 1701. Kirkland (T.) Thoughts on Amputation, with an Essay on the Use of Opium in Gangrene, 8vo, Lond. 1780. — — Philip (A. W.) Experimental Essays on the Action of Opium, 8vo, Edin. 1795. Schaertlich (J. J.) De Usu in Opii in Fcbribus Intei'mittentibus, Gott. 1783, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. I, Tralles (B.L.) De Usu Opii, 4to, Vratislav. 1757. Wall (M.) Clinical Observations on the Use of Opium in Low Fevers, 8vo, Oxford, 1786. (3 copies. J Young (G.) Treatise on Opium, 8vo, Lond. 1753. Oxygen. — Alyon, Essai sur les Proprietes Medicinales de I'Oxige'ne, 8vo, Paris, 1796. Phosphorus. — Barchwitz (M, A.) De Phosphori Urinarii Usu Medico Interno, Halje Magd., ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. L p. 159. Potassa. — Brandish (J.) On the Use of the Caustic Alkali in Scrofula, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1811. Ptdsatilla. — Stcirck (A.) De Pulsatilla Nigricante sive Anemone Pratensi, 8vo, Vindobon. 1771. (2 copies.) Ranunculus. — Krapf (C.) Experimenta de Ranunculorum Venenata Qualitate, 12mo, Viennae, 1766. Rhus. — Alderson (J.) On the Rhus Toxicodendron, 8vo, Hull, 1793. Salivation. — Glogguer (C. A.) De Salivationis Usu in Morbis Venereis, Gott. 1793, ext. in Brose Collect. Dissertat. Tom. H, part 1. Salix. — Wilkinson (G.) On the Salix Latifolia, 8vo, Newcastle, 1803. Sanguinaria. — Bird (F.) On the Sanguinaria Canadensis of Linnaeus 8vo, New York, 1822. K 74 MATERIA MEDICA. Scorzonera. — Fehr (J. M.) Anchora Sacra, 12mo, Jena*, 1670. Sea Voyages. — Gilchrist (E.) The Use of Sea Voytigcs \\\ Medicine, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1757. (2 copies.) The same book, Lond. 1771. Senna. — Vid. Cassia. Seton. — Cramer (C.) De Paralysi et Setaceoriim ad versus earn cximio Usii, Gott. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I, Silver, Nitrate of. — Hig-ginhottom (J.) An Essay on the Application of Lunar Caustic, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Solamtm. — Gataker (T.) On the Use of Solanum, 8vo, Liverpool, 17i>7. Essays on Medical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 176i. Stramonium. — 13e<>bie (J.) Cases Illustrative of the Sedative Powers of the Datura Stramonium, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Storck (A.) On the Use of Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, and Aconi- tum, trans, from the Latin, 8vo, Lond. 1763. ■ Experimenta et Observationes circa Nova sua Medicamenta, 8vo, Vindobon. 1765. Strappii}g.—R&y\iioi\ (T.) New Method of Treating Old Ulcers of the Legs, 8vo, Bristol, 1797. Succimtm. — Neuforn (J. G. S. de) De Succino, Lugd. Bat. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. L iSM^an— Moseley (B.) On Sugar, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1800. RoUo (J.) Two Cases of Diabetes Mellitus, with Observations on the Use of Acids, &c. in Lues Venerea, and on Sugar, by W. Cruick- shank, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1797. The same book, 2d. Edit. Svo, Lond. 1798. Swinging.— ^myih (J. C.) On the Use of Swinging in Phthisis Pulmon- alis, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Tar Vapour. — Crichton (A.) Relation de quelques Experiences avec la Vaj)eur du Goudron, dans le Traitement de la Phthisic Pulmonaire, trad, de I'Anglais, Svo, St. Petersbourg, 1817. Tar Water. — Berkeley (G. Bp. of Cloyne) Siris — or an Inquiry into the Virtues of Tar Water, Svo, Lond. 1744.. Tobacco. — Fowler (T.) On the Effects of Tobacco in Dropsies, Svo, Lond. 1784. Morries (J. D.) Vid. Digitalis. Neander (J.) Traite' de Tabac, de sa Preparation, et de son Usage, traduit par B. Vincent, Svo, Lyon, 1625. Tatham (W.) Essay on Tobacco, Svo, Lond. 1800. Uva Ursi. — Bourne (R.) On the Effects of Uva Ursi in Consumption, Svo, Lond. 1805. Girardi (M.) De Uva Ursi, ejusque et Aquae Calcis Vi Lithontrip- tica, i2rao, Patav. 1764. (2 copies.) Venesection. — Bellini (L.) De Urinis et Pulsibus, De Missione Sanguinis, &c. Edit. 2da, 4to, Francof. et Lips. 1698. Idem liber cum Prtefatione Hermann. Boerhaavii, Edit. 5ta, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1711. Fowler (T.) On the Effects of Bloodletting, &c. in the Cure of Rheumatism, Svo, Lond. 1795. Frank (J. P.) De Vena^sectionis apud Puerperas Abusu, Ticini, 1787, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IV. Gattenhoff(G. M.) Venaesectionis Verse Indicationes, Ileidelb. 1771, ext. ibid. Tom. III. — - Gross (C. J.) De Veniesectione, Svo, Heidelb. ext. ibid. Tom. III. Hall (M.) Researches relative to the Morbid and Curative Effects of Loss of Blood, Svo, Lond. 1830. MATERIA MEDICA. 7^ Venesection, — Hawkridge (J.) On Fevers, Consumption, the Pulse, and Bleeding:, 8ve, York, 1764. Mackintosh (J.) Cases of Intermittent Fever in which Venesection was employed, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Mills (T.) On the Utility of Blood-letting in Fever, 8vo, Dublin, 1819. Rotterdam (J. Van) On Blood-letting in Fever, translated from the French by Taylor, Svo, Lond. 1818. — — Rulandus (M.) De Phlebotomia, de Scarificatione, et de Ortu AnimsB, 12rao, Budae, 1680. ■ Vieusseux (G.) De la Saignee et de son Usage dans la plupart du Maladies, Svo, Paris, 1815. — — Walther (A. F.) De Scarificatione Occipitis Capitis Morbis Auxilio, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. V. Lips. 1741. Wardrop (J.) On Bloodletting, 12mo, Lond. 1835. Welsh (B.) On the Efficacy of Bloodletting in the Epidemic Fever of Edinburgh, 8vo, Edin. IS 19. Vipej: — Spuntonus (J. B.) Conechidnelogia, Pulv. Viper. Discursus, 4to, Roma;, 1648. Viscum. — Colbatch (Sir J.) On the Misletoe, 8vo, Lond. 1725. Water. — Brown (A.) New Cure of Fevers, I2mo, Edin. 1691. " Currie {i.) On the Effects of Water in Fevers, Svo, Liverpool, 1797. Dauter (N. E.) De Usu Aquae Frigidse externo topico, 4to, Gott. 1780. . Jackson (R.) On Cold Affusion, Cold Drink, and Gestation in Fevers, Svo, Edin. 180S. Heyden (H. V.) On the Virtues of Cold Water in Gout, Svo, Lond. 1724. Smith (J.) On the Use of Common Water in cuiing Diseases, Svo, Lond. 1724. Stock (J. E.) On the Effects of Cold as a Remedy, and Experiments to ascertain the Effects of Cold Water on the Pulse, Svo, Lond. 1805. XantJiorrcea. — Kite (C.) Essay on Submersion, and on the Yellow Resin of Botany Bay, &c. Svo, Lond. 1795. c. Works on the Use of Particular Classes of Remedies. Acids. — Farr (S.) On the Medical Virtues of the Acids, Svo, Lond. 1769. Rollo (J.) Two Cases of Diabetes Mellitus; with Observations on the Use of Acids, &c. in Lues Venerea, &c. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1797. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1798. Airs, Factitious. — Beddoes (T.) and Watt (J.) On Factitious Airs, in 5 parts, 3 vols, Svo, Bristol, 1794-96. The same book. Parts L and IL 2d Edit. Svo, Bristol, 1795. Cavallo (T.) On the Medicinal Properties of Factitious Airs, Svo, Lond. 1798. Pearson (R.) On the Medicinal Properties of the Different Kinds of Air, Svo, Birmingham, 1795. Antiseptics. — Boissieu (M. de) Sur les Antiseptiques, Svo, Dijon, 1769. Bordenave (M.) Sur les Antiseptiques, Svo, Dijon, 1769. — — Godart~Sur les Antiseptiques, Svo, Dijon, 1769. 76 MATERIA MEDICA. Antispasmodics. — Godar (G. L.) Dissertation sur les Antispasmodiques, 8vo, Paris, VtdA'. Aromatics. — Garcia (D.) Dei Siniplici Aromati pertiucnti all' uso dcUa Medicina, 8yo, Venet. 1589. Disinfectants. — Alcoek (T.) On Chlorurets of Soda and Lime as Disin- fecting- Aofents, Bvo, Lond. 1827. ■ Henry (W.) Experiments on the Disinfecting Powers of Increased Temperatures, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Smyth (J. C.) Experiment to determine the Effect of Nitrous Acid in Destroying- Contagion, 8vo, Lond. 1796. On the Effect of Nitrous Vapour in Preventing and Destroying Contagion, 8vo, Lond. 1799. Diuretics. — Kuhlewein (J. H.) De Diurcticorum temere adhibitorum Noxii in Hydrope, Gott. 1786, ext. in Brose Collect. Dissertat. Tom. J. Part. III. Emetics. — Hossack (D.) On the Use of Emetics in Constipation of the Bowels, Bvo, New York, 1822. Wade (J. P.) On the Effects of Emetics, Purgatives, Mercurials, and Low Diet in the Disorders of Bengal, Bvo, Lond. 1792. Enemata. — Meyer (J. C.) De Clysmatibus, 8vo, Gott. 1786, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. 146. Idem liber, ext. in Brose Collect. Diss. Gott. Tom. II. Part. L ■ Read (J.) On the Utility of the Improved Patent Syringe, 8vo, Lond. 1824. A Vindication for his Patent Syringe, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Lithontriptics. — Blackrie (A.) On Medicines that Dissolve the Stone, Bvo, Loud. 1771. Hales (S.) Experiments and Observations on Mrs. Stephens' Medi- cine for Dissolving the Stone, Bvo, Lond. 1740. Hartley (D.) View of the Present Evidence for and against Mrs. Stephens' Medicine as a Solvent for the Stone, Bvo, Lond. 1739. Home (R.) On the Efficacy and Innocency of Solvents, 8vo, Lond. 1783. ■ Leroy (J.) Expose des divers Procedes pour guerir de la Pierre sans avoir recours a I'Operation de la Taille, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Rutty (J.) Observations on Mrs. Stephens' Medicine for the Stone, &c., Bvo, Lond. 1742. Purgatives. — Anderson (J.) Medical Remarks on Evacuations, Bvo, Lond, 1787. . Brendelius (J. G.) De Seriori Usu Evacuantium in quibusdum Morbis Acutis, Bvo, Gott. 1754, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII. Friend (J.) De Purgantibus in Variola adhibendis, 12mo, Roterod. 1720. Hamilton (J.) Observations on Purgative Medicines, Bvo, Edin. 1805. The same book, 3d Edit. Bvo, Edin. 1809. Ruffus (E.) De Medicamentis Purgantibus, &c. ext. in Med. Art. Princip. Tom. I. Wade (J. P.) Vid. Emetics. llevulsives. — Fletcher (J.) On the Action of Remedies reputedly Revul- sive in the Cure of Inflammation, Bvo, Edin. 1829. Jenner (E.) On the Influence of Artificial Eruptions in Certain Diseases, 4to, Lond. 1822. Specifics. — Anonymous — State of the Evidence against Le Fevre's Spe- cific for the Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1770. MATERIA MEDICA. 77 specifics. — Boyle (Hon. R.) Experimenta circa Mechanicum particu- lariiim qualitatum origiDena, et de Remediis Specificis, 12mo, Lond. 1692. Marshall (E.) Probability of M. Le Fevre having Discovered a Specific for the Gout, Svo, Cant. 1770. Stimuli. — Wood (J.) On the Effects on the Human Body of the Applica- tion and Abstraction of Stimuli, Svo, Lond. 171)3. Tonics. — Pears (C.) Cases of Phthisis Pulraoualis Cured by Tonics, Svo, Lond 1801. C. ON THE ART OF PRESCRIBING. Eberhardus (J. P.) Methodus Conscribendi Formulas Medicas, 12rao, Hala;, 17j4. Northcote ( W.) Methodus Prsescribendi secundum Varias Pharmacopoeias, Svo, Lond. 1772. Pareati (A. P.) De Dosibus Medicamentorum, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 17G1. CHAPTER IV fflrtneral paUjoIOQn AND ^^lactice of pi&jiiSic. GENERAL PATHOLOGY PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. I. HYGIENE. iVid. Materia Medica, Part I. Chap. 3. page 55, and Medical Police, Part I. Chap. ?.) II. MORBID ANATOMY. A. MORBID ANATOMY GENERALLY. Andral (G.) Precis d'Anatomie Pathologique, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829. Treatise on Pathological Anatomy, translated by West and Towns- end, 2 vols. 8vo, Dublin, 1829-31. Baader (Joseph) Observationes Medicse Inoisionibns Cadaverum Anato- micis illustratae, 1762, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. III. p. 1. Baillie (Matthew) Morbid Anatomy of the Human Body, 8vo, Lond. 1793. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1807. The same book, jth Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1818. Engravings to illustrate Morbid Anatomy, 4to, Loud. 1799-1802. Bell (Sir C.) Engravings from Specimens of Morbid Parts, fol. Lond. 181.3. Bichat (X.) Anatomie Pathologique, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Bonetus (Theoph.) Sepulchretum Anatomicum, 2 torn. fol. Gen. 1G79. Bruns (J. C.) Observationes Anatomicse et Medicse, Gott. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. HI. Camper (Pierre) Demonstrationum Anatomico-Pathologicarura libri duo, fol. Amstel. 1760. Carswell (Rob.) Illustrations of Pathological Anatomy, 10 Fasciculi, 4to, Lond. 1833-36. ( unfinished. J Craigie (D.) Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy, 8vo, Edin. 1828. f 2 copies.) Cruveilhier (Jean) Sur I'Anatomie Pathologique, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1816. 82 MORBID ANATOMY. Criiveilhier (Jean) Anatomic Pathologique du Corps Humain, 23 Liv- raisons, fol. Paris, 1828-3G. fnnjinished.j Haller (Albert von) Patholo<>icaI Observations, 8vo, Lond. 1750. Hamilton (James, Jtin.) On the Causes and Seats of Diseases, illustrated by the Dissections of Morgagni, 8vo, Edin. 1795. Hope (J.) Principles and Illustrations of Morbid Anatomy, 8vo, Lond. 18.34. Howship (John) Practical Observations in Surg'ery and Morbid Anatomy, 8vo, Loud. 1816. Kerckringius (Theod.) Spicilegium Anatomicum, 4to, Amstelod. 1G70. Kueppelbout (C. J.) Sectiones Cadaverum Pathologicae, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1805. Lieutaud (Jos.) Historia Anatomico-Medica, 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1767. f2 copies.) Lobstein (J. F.) Traite d'Anatomie Pathologique, Tom. I. 8vo, Paris, 1829. Louis (P. C. A.) Meraoires ou Kecherches Anatomico-Pathologiques, 8vo, Paris, 1826. Meckel (Jo. Fr.) Handbuch der Pathologischen Anatomic, 2 band. 8vo, Leipzig, 1812-16. Manuel d'Anatomie Generale, Descriptive et Pathologique, 3 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Morgagni (Jo. Bapt.) De Sedibus et Causis Morborum per Anatoraen indagatis, fol. Venet. 1761. Idem liber, 3 torn. 4to, Ebrodun. 1779. The same book, translated and abridged, with Notes, by W. Cooke, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1822. Otto(Adolph Wilhelm.) Compendium of Human and Comparative Pa- thological Anatomy, trans, by J. F. South, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Ribes (F.) Anatomie Pathologique, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1834. Rose (Dr.) Manuel d'Autopsie Cadaverique Medico-Legale, par C. C. H. Marc, 8vo, Paris, 1808. Schroeder van der Kolk (J. L. C.) Observationos Anatomes Pathologicae, Fasciculus L 8vo, Amstel. 1826. Sandifort (Edv.) Observationes Anatomico-Pathologicae, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1777. Schoenmezel (Franc.) De Sectione Anatomica Cadaverum de Autochiria Suspectorura, 8vo, Heidelberg, 1766, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. L p. 65. Serres (E. R. A.) Recherches d'Anatomie Transcendante et Pathologi- que, 4to, Paris, 1832, avec Atlas in fol. Tacheron (C. F.) Recherches Anatomico-Pathologiques sur la Me'deciue Pratique, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1823. B. MORBID ANATOMY OF PARTICULAR PARTS. Armstrong (John) The Morbid Anatomy of the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, Fascic. L H. and HL 4to, Lond. 1828. Billard (C.) Recherches d'Anatomie Patiiologicjue sur la Membrane Muqueuse Gastro-Intestinale, Svo, Paris, 1825. Blculand (Janus) Observationes Anatomico-Medicae de CEsophagi Struc- tural 4to, Lugd.Bat. 1785. MORBID ANATOMY. 83 Clark (D.) Ou the Morbid Anatomy of the Urinary Bladder, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Faleti (J. B.) De abdita Morbi causa per Anatomen indicata in Muliere iufcecunda, 1788, ext. in Roemer. Opusc. Tom. I. p. 205. Harrison (Ed.) Pathological and Practical Observations on Spinal Dis- eases, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Hodgson (Joseph) Engravings to Illustrate some of the Diseases of the Arteries, &c. fol. Lond. 1815. Hooper (Rob.) The Morbid Anatomy of the Human Brain, 4to, Lond. 1823. Lalleraand (F.) Recherches Anatomico-Pathologiques sur I'Encephale et ses de'pendences, 2 torn, bvo, Paris, 1820. Louis (P. C. A.) Recherches Anatomico-Pathologiques snr la Phthisic, 8vo, Paris, 1825. The same book, translated by C. Cowan, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Recherches Auatomico-Pathologi(jues sur la Gastro-Enterite, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829. Marshall (A.) Morbid Anatomy of the Brain in Mania and Hydrophobia, 8vo, Lond. 1815. f2 copies. J Monro (Alex. Tertius) Morbid Anatomy of the Human Gullet, Stomach and Intestines, 8vo, Edin. 1811. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, 1830, (2 copies.) Morbid Anatomy of the Brain, Vol. L 8vo, Edin. 1827. Wadd (Jas.) On the Malformations and Diseases of the Head, 4to, Lond. 1819. Wardrop (James) Morbid Anatomy of the Human Eye, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. and Lond. 1808-18. C. MONSTROSITIES AND MALFORMATIONS. Beale (Lionel) On the Distortions and Deformities of the Human Body, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1833. Bosscha (H.) De Vesiculae Seminalis Sinistrae Defectu, &c. 4to, Leidse, 1813. Curtius (C. W.) De Monstro Humano, Lugd. Bat. 1762, ext. in Saudifort. Thesaur. Tom. II. Everardus (Ant.) De Visceribus Monstrosi Partus, 12mo, Medisburg. 1669. Farre (J. R.) Pathological Researches, — Essay I. On Malformations of the Human Heart, 8vo, Lond. 1814. Fergusson (W.) Case of Imperforate Anus, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Fried (G. A.) De Foetu Intcstinis plane nudis extra Abdomen propenden- tibus nato, Argeutor. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I. Jouard (J.) Des Moustruosite's et Bizarreries de la Nature, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1808. Licetus (F.) De Monstris, 4to, Patav. 1634. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Description of a Human Male ^Monster, 4to, Edin. 1792. Okes (T.) De Fojtuum Deformitatibus, 8vo, Cant. 1770. Paget (John) On the Congenital Malformations of the Heart, 8vo, Edin. 1831. (2 copies.) Schiinberg (J. J. Alb. von) Ueber eine Hochst Merkwiirdige Bildung des Geschlechtstheile, 4to, Innsbruck, 1823. 84 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. St. Ililaire (Ceoffroy) Philosophic Anatomique des Monstruosites IIu- niaiues, 8vo, Paris, 18"^2, avec Atlas in 4to. St. Hilaire (Isidore Geoffroy) Histoire Genc^rale ct Particuliere de.s Ano- malies de rOrganization chez rHomme et les Animaux, Tom. I. 8vo, Paris, 1834-. Scarpa (A.) Sui Piedi torti congeniti dei FaueiuUi, &c. 8vo, Pavia, 1806. Serres(E. R. A.) Recherches d'Anatomie Transcendante et Pathologique, 4to, Paris, 1832, avec Atlas iu folio. Sheldrake (T.) Ou the Club-foot, 8vo, Loud. 1798. Wadd (W.) On the Malformations and Diseases of the Head, 4to, Loud. 1819. ». CATALOGUES OF MUSEUMS. {Vid. Part IV. Chap. 4.) in. PATHOLOGY. A. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 1. SYSTEMATIC TREATISES. Alison (W. p.) Outlines of Pathology, 8vo, Edin. 1633. Argenterius (Joan.) Opeia Omnia Medica et Philosophica, fol. Hanov. 1610. Begiu (L.J.) Principes Ge'neraux de Physiologie Pathologique, 8vo, Paris, 1823. Caillot (L.) Elemens de Pathologic Generale, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Caldani (L. M. A.) lustitulioues Pathologicne, 8vo, Batav. 1772. Dyckman (J.) On the Pathology of the Human Fluids, 8vo, New York, ISM. Gaubius (H. D.) Institutiones Pathologiae Medicinalis, 8vo, Lugd. 1758. Idem liber, 1763. Junckerus (Jo.j Conspectus Pathologise et Semeiologise, 4to, Halae, 1736. Ludvvig (Christ. Gott.) Institutiones Pathologise, 8vo, Lips. 1744. Martinet (L.) Manual of Pathology, trans, by Quaiu, 12mo, Lond. 1826. Mayo (Herbert) Outlines of Human Pathology, 8vo, Lond. 1833-6. Kietzki (D. A.) Elementa PathologijB Universe, 8vo, Halie, 1776. f2 copies. J Parry (Caleb Ililliar) Elements of Pathology and Therjipeutics, Vol. I. 8vo, Bath, 1815. f2 copies. J Pring (Dan.) Exposition of the Principles of Pathology and of the Treat- ment of Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1823. f2 copies.) Roche (L. C.) et Sanson (L. J.) Nouvcaux Elemens de Pathologic Me- dico-Chirurgicale, 5 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1828. Sauvagps (F. B. de) Pathologia Methodica, Edit. 3tia, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1759. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 85 2. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF GENERAL PATHOLOGY'. a. Etiology. Adams (Joseph) Inquiry into the Laws of Epidemics, 8vo, Lend. 1809. Alexander (W.) Inquiry into the Causes of Putrid Diseases, &vo, Lond. 1771. Aretseus (Cappadox) De Causis, Signis et Curatione Morborum, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1735. Idem liber, ext. in Med. Art. Princ. Tom. I. Aurelianus (Cajlius) De Acutis Passionibus, 12mo, Paris, 1533. Balfour (Francis) On Sol-Lunar Influence in Fevers, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1795. (2 copies.) Collection of Treatises on the same Subject, 3d Edit. 8vo, Cupar, 1815. Beaupre' (M.) Treatise on the Effects and Properties of Cold, translated by Clendinning, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Bruce ( — ) Inquiry into the Cause of the Pestilence, Svo, Edin, 1759. Caillard (T. L.) Sur les Dangers des Emanations Mare'cageuses, &c. Svo, Paris, 1816. Clutterbuck (H.) On the Prevention and Treatment of the Epidemic Fever at present prevailing, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Falconer (W.) Remarks on the Influence of Climate, &c. on Mankind, 4to, Lond. 1781. On the Influence of the Passions on Disorders of the Body, 12mo, Lond. 1796. Galenus (Claudius) Materia Sanitatis, Edit. 8va, fol. Venet. 1G09. Hamilton (James, Jiin.) On the Causes and Seats of Diseases, illustrated by the Dissections of Morgagni, 8vo, Edin. 1796. Hancock (Th.) Researches into the Laws and Phenomena of Pestilence, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Hawley (R. M.) Morborum Definitiones Causaeque, &c. quibus accedit Toxicologia, 8vo, Edin. 1827. Hofman (Fred.) On Diseases arising from Climate, 12rao, Lond. 1750. Johnson (James) On the Influence of Tropical Climates, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1813. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1818. On the Influence of the Atmosphere, with Practical Researches on Gout and Rheumatism, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Essay on the Morbid Sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels as the cause of Indigestion, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Luc (J. A. De) Recherches sur les Modifications de I'Atmosphere 2 torn. 4to, Geneve, 1772. Maclean (Charles) On the Source of Epidemic Diseases, Svo, Philadelph. 1797. Macculloch (John) Essay on the Production and Propagation of Malaria, Svo, Lond. 1827. Marees (C. G. H. de) De Animi Perturbationum in Corpus Potentia, Gotting. 1775, ext. in Ludwig. Script. Neurolog. Tom. IV. p. 344. Morgagni (Jo. Bapt.) De Sedibus et Causis Morborum per Anatomen iudagatis, fol. Venet. 1761. Idem liber, 3 tom. 4to, Ebrodun. 1779. The same book, translated and abridged, with Notes, by W. Cooke, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1822. 86 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Miiller (Jo. G.) De Dispositione ad Moibos Htcreditaria, Gott. lldi, ext. in BroseColl. Diss. Tom. II. Part II. Pitta (N. C.) On the I ntluence of Climate on the I^Iuman Species, 8vo, Loud. 1812. PoIjI (J. E.) et Menz (C. C. F.) De Varicc interno Morboriim causa, Lipsi:e, l78o, ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. VIII. p. 269. Quincy (John) On tiic Diiferent Causes of Pestilential Diseases, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1720. Robertson (Henry) Natural History of the Atmosphere, with an Essay on the Causes of Epidemical Diseases, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1808. Schnurrer (F.) Materiaux pour servir a uue Doctrine g^ne'rale sur les Epidemics, &c. bvo, Paris, 1815. Thackrah (C. Turner) Effects of the principal Arts, Trades, and Pro- fessions, &c. on Health and Longevity, 8vo, Lond. 1831. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1832. Thomson (Alexander) De Effectibus Pathematum in Corpus, 8vo, Edin, 1754. Trotter (Thos.) Essay on Drunkenness, 8vo, Lond. 1804. Wood (Jas.) On the Application and Abstraction of Stimuli on the Hu- man Body, Svo, Lond. 1793. § Contagion. Alder (Thomas) On the Impropriety of Attributing Fever to Contagion, Part I. 4to, Lond. 1805. Alderson (John) On the Contagion of Fevers, Svo, Hull, 1788. Blackburne (W.) On Scarlet Fever and Acute Contagions, Svo, Lond. 1803. Brera (Val. L.) Dei Contagi, 2 tom. Svo, Padova, 1819. Brownrigg (W.) On the Means of destroying Contagion, 4to, Lond. 1771. Francis (J. W.) On Febrile Contagion, Svo, New York, 1811. Hamilton (Robert) On the influence of Panic in propagating Contagious Diseases, Svo, Edin. 1823. Haygarth (John) On the Prevention of Infectious Fever, Svo, Bath, 1801. /^2 copies. J Hossack (David) On the Laws of Contagion, 4to, New York, 1815. Johnstone (J.) Reply to Dr. Carmichael Smyth, respecting the discovery of a power of the Mineral Acids in destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1805. Lind (J.) On Fevers and Infection, Svo, Lond. 1763. ^2 copies. J The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1779. Maclean (Charles) Evils of Quarantine Laws and non-existence of Pes- tilential Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1824. Marx (C. F. H.) Origines Contagii, Svo, Caroliruh£e et Badse, 1827. Additamenta ad Origines Contagii, Svo, ibid. 1826. Morveau (Guyton) On the Means of purifying Infected Air, trans, by Hall, Svo, Lond. 1802. Palloni (D. G.) Se la Febbre Gialla sia o no un Contagio, Svo, Livorno, 1824. Smyth (J. Carmichael) Experiment to determine the effect of Nitrous Acid in destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1796. On the effect of Nitrous Vapour in preventing and destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1799. 2 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 87 Srayth (J. Carraichael) Letter to Mr. Wilberforce on Chaptal's Report, and on Morveau's claim to the discovery of the power of Acid Gases on Contagion, 8vo, Lond. 1805. Stanger (C) On suppressing Contagious Fever in the Metropolis, 12mo. Lond. 1802, b. Semeiologi/ or Si/mptomatologi/ . * a. Diasrnosis. CD * * a. Diagnosis in General. Aretaeus (Cappadox) De Causis, Signis et Curatione Morborum, fol. Lujrd. Bat. 1735. Idem liber, ext. in Med. Art. Princ. Tom. L Battie (W.) Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis nonnnllis, ad Principia Aninialia accommodati, 4to, Lond. 17G0. Berkenhout (Joann) Symptomatology, 8vo, Lond. 1784. f2 copies. J Boerhaave (Hermann.) Aphoj-ismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis, Edit. 6ta, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1758. Buchan (A. P.) Symptomatology, or the Art of detecting Disease, 12mo, Lond. 1824. Camereri (J. G.) De Signis Mortis Diagnosticis, 8vo, Argent. 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIIL p. 107. Claudius (T. C.) Empirica Rationalis, 2 torn, folio, Bononiae, 1653. Darwin (Charles) Experiments establishing a Criterion between Muca- ginous and Purulent Matter, 8vo, Litchfield, 1780. Duncker (F. J.) De Typo Morborum, Gott. 1789, ext. in Brose Collect. Diss. Tom. L Part. L Filler (J. T.) De Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis Acutis, 8vo, Amstelod. 1766. Frank (Jo. Petr.) De Signis Morborum ex Corporis Situ Partiumque Positione petendis, Ticini, 1788, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VI. Hall (Marshal) On Diagnosis, Svo, Lond. 1817. /^2 copies. J The same book, 2d Edit. 2 vols, (bound in one,) 8vo, Lond. 1834. Helian (M.) Dictionnaire du Diagnostic, 12mo, Paris, 1771. Junckerus (Jo.) Conspectus Pathologiae et Semeiologia>, 4to, Halae, 1736. Lambert (Christ.) Examen Medical des Sympathies, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1825. Landre-Beauvais (A. T.) Semeiotique, ou Traitedes Signes des Maladies, 8vo, Paris, 1813. Mercurialis (Hieron.) Prselectiones Patavinje de Cognoscendis et Curandis humani corporis Affectibus, &c. Studio Guliel. Athenii, fol. Venetiis, 1627. Piorry (P. A.) De' la Percussion Mediate, Svo, Paris, 1828. Du Procede Operatoire a suivre dans 1 Exploration des Organes par la Percussion Mediate, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1831. Piso (Nic.) De Cognoscendis et Curandis pra?cipue Internis Humani Corporis Morbis, cum pra?fat. Boerhaavii, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1736. Raciborski (A.) Manuel d' Auscultation et de Percussion, 12mo, Bruxel- les, 1835. Salmuth (J. C. H.) De Diagnosi Puris, Svo, Gott. 1783, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. III. p. 378. Sanionicus (Quint. Seren.) De Medicina Praecepta Saluberrima, cura Keuchenii, 12mo, Arast. 1662. Spittal (R.) On Auscultation as a means of Diagnosis, Svo, Edin. 1830. 88 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. * * b. Diagnosis of Particular Parts. • " • a. Diagnosis of Organs ofJVervoiis Sgstem. Brendelius (J. G.) De Cognatione Paraphrenitidis et Febriiim Malig- naruni, 8vo, Gott. 1752, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII. p. 71. • " * b. Diagnosis of the Organs of Respiration. Avenbrugger (Leop.) De Percussione Thoracis, 8vo, Vindob. 1761. Le merae livre, traduit et commente, par J. N. Corvisart, 8vo, Paris, 1808. Collin (V.) Des Diverses Methodes d'Exploration de la Poitrine, 8vo, Paris, 182*. F"orbes (J.) Original Cases illustrating the use of the Stethoscope and Percussion, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Laennec (R. T. H.) De 1' Auscultation Mediate, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Le merae livre, 2de Edit. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1826. The same book, translated by Forbes, 8vo, Lond. 1821. The same book, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Scudamore (Sir Charles) Observations on Laennec's Method of forming a Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Chest, by means of the Stethoscope, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Spittal (Robt.) A Treatise on Auscultation, 8vo, Edin. 1830. Stokes (W.) Introduction to the Use of the Stethoscope, 12mo, Edin. 1825. Williams (C. J. R.) A Rational Exposition of the Physical Signs of the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1833. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1835. • * * c. Diagnosis of (he Organs of Circulation. Abercrombius (David) De Variatione ac Varietate Pulsus, 12rao, Lond. 1685. Cox (Daniel) On the Intermitting Pulse, 8vo, Lond. 1725. Elliotson (John) On the Recent Improvements in the Diagnosis of Dis- eases of the Heart, fol. Lond. 1830. Falconer (W.) Observations on the Pulse, 8vo, Lond. 1796. The same book, 8vo, Bath, 1798. Floyer (Sir John) Physician's Pulse Watch, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1707. Laennec. — Vicl. Supra under Diagnosis of Organs of Respiration. Nihcll (J.) Predictions of Various Crises by the Pulse, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1750. Wetsch (.L J.) Medicina ex Pulsu, 12mo, Vind. 1770. Williams. — Vid. Supra under Diag. of Organs of Respiration. (For further Works on the Pulse, I'id, page 38.) SPECIAr, PATHOLOGY. 89 * h. Pros:notis. Alpimis (Prosper) De Prsesagienda Vitfi et Morfe ^grotaiitiiim, 4to, Lijod. Bat. 1710. Iclenj liber, 4to, Liigd. Bat. I73.'i. Hippocrates (Cons) Prognostics and ProrrheticSjb}'^ Moffat, 8 vo.Lond. 1788. Jsiiiell (James) Predictions of Various Crises by the Pulse, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 17.50. c. N^osologjj. Boisseau (F. G.) Nosographie C)rgani({ue, 2 torn. 8vo, I'aris, 1828. Broussais (F. J. V.) Exanien des Doctrines Medicales et des Systemes de Nosologie, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1821. Le naerae livre, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1829-.34. CuJIen (William) Synopsis Nosologic Methodicie, 8vo, Edin. 17Gf). ('2 copies. J Idem liber, 1772. ^2 copies. J Idem liber, 2 torn. Svo, Edin. 1792. The same book, by Dr. J. Thomson, Svo, Ediu. 18 14. Cyrillo (Dom.) Nosologia; Methodicte Kudimenta, Svo, Neap. 1780. Dawson (G. P.) Nosological Practice of Physic with I^hysiologv, Svo, Lond. 1824. Diez (Imm. Carl.) Rudimenta ]\IethodologiiE Medicte, 12nio, Tubing. 179j. Frank (Jo. Petr.) De Circumscribeudib Morborum Plistorils, 1791, e.\t. in Frank. Delect. Tom. X. p. 36.3. Good (J. M.) Physiological System of Nosology, Svo, Lond. 1817. Hawley (R. M.) Morborum Definitiones Causaeque, &c. Svo, Edin. 1827. Nemnich (Phi). And.) Lexicon Nosologicura Polyglotton, fol. Hanib. 1801. Nichol (Whit.) Tentamen Nosologicum, Svo, Lond. *Pinel (Ph.) Nosographie Philosophique, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1798. Le meme livre, 4me Edit. 3 tom. Svo, Paris, 1810. Razoux (M.) Tables Nosologiques et Me'teorologiques, 4to, Basle, 1707. Sagar (Jo. B. M.) Systema Morborum Symptomaticum, Svo, Vienn. 1770. f2 copies. J Sauvages (F. B. De) Nosologia Methodica, 5 tom. Svo, Amstelodam. 17G3. Idem lilier, 2 tom. 4to, Amst. 1768. f2 copies. J Idem liber, cura F. C. Daniel, 5 tom. Svo, Lips. 1797. Swedianr (F.) Novum Nosologiie Methodica? Systema, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1812. Young (Thos.) Introduction to Medical Literature, and Practical Noso- logv, Svo, Lond. 1813. f2 copies. J The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1823. B. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY, OR PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. 1. ELEMESTARY yiSD !iySTEMATIC TREATISES. Abercrombius (David) Nova Medicinae Clavis, 12rao, Lond. IG85. Opuscnla Medic3, 12mo, Lond. I(i87. M TA) SPECIAL PATHOLOC.Y. jEginota (l\uiliis) Dc IJe iMedicii, interprete Jan. Cornario, ext. in Mt>d. Art. I'riiic. Tom. I. Commeiitarius MS. in Paiili Lib. VI. N. D. INIediral Works, trans, uith a , 4to, Ilalaj Magd. 1731. Bedddcs (Thomas) Contributions to Pli^'sical and Medical Knowledge, Svo, Bristol, 1799. Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, on the Causes and Removal of the Im- perfections of Medicine, Svo, Lond. 1808. Hygeia, — Essays, Moral and Medical, 3 vols. Svo, Bristol, 1802- 1803. Bellini (Laurent.) De Urinis et Pulsibus, de Missione Sanguinis, de Febribus, de Morbis Capitis et Pectoris, Edit. 2da, 'Ito, Franco!', et Lips. 1G98. Idem liber, cum Prrefat. Hermann. Boerhaavii, Edit. 5ta, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1730. Berryat (J.) Kecueil de Pieces Academiqnes concernant la Medecine, la "Physique, &c. 9 torn. 4to, Dijon, 1754-1765. Bisset (C.) Medical Essays and Observations, with a Supplement in MS. of 4G0 pages, Svo, Newcastle, 17G6. Black (Sam.) Clinical and Pathological Reports, Svo, Newry, 1819. Black (W.) Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, Svo, Lond. 1788. Analysis of the Diseases and Mortality of the Human Species, Svo, Lond. 1789. Blane (Sir Gilb.) Select Dissertations on several subjects of Medical Science, Svo, Loud. 1822. Blundell (Jas.) Researches, Physiological and Pathological, &c. Svo, Lond. 1824. Boerhaave (Hermann.) Methodus Studii Medici, cura Haller, 2 torn. 4to, Amstelod. 1751. f2 copies. J Prselectiones Academicse in Institutiones Rei Medicae, cura Haller, 7 tom. 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1758. f2 copies. J — — Consultationes Medicte, Tom. 1. 12mo, Lond. 1744. Borden (Theoph. de) Qiuvres completes, i)ar Richerand, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1818. Borelhis (Petrus) Observationes Medico-Physicae, Svo, Francof. 167G. Bouillaud (J.) Essai sur la Philosophie Medicale et sur les Generalitcs de la Cliiiique Medicale, Svo, Paris, 1836. Bourges (Joseph) Tables des Matieres contenues dans Ics dix-sept pre- miers volumes du Journal Geisc'ral de Medecine, et dans les deux volumes de supplement, Svo, Paris, 1803. Brassavolus (Ant. M.) Index Operura (ialeni in Editione Junctarum Con- tentorum, fol. Venet. 1609. Bravo (Gaspar) Resolutiones ac Consultationes Medica^, 4to, Colonise Agrippinse, 1674. Brera(Val. L.) Memorie Medico-Cliniche, Svo, Padova, ISIC. (2copics.) — — Prospetti de' Kisultamcnti ottenuti nella Cliiiica Medica dell I. R. Universita di Padova, &c. Svo, Padova, 1816. (2 copies.) Brewer(Le C.) BibliothequeGermanique Medico-Chirurgicale,ou lixtrails des Meilleurs Ouvrages de Mddecinc et de Chirurgie publie'es en Allomagno, S tom. Svo, Paris, 1799. Bright (R.) Reports of Medical Cases, &c. 2 voLs. 4to, Lond. 1827-31. SPECIAL I'ATHOLOGV. 9.J Brisbane (John) Cases in tlie Practice of Medicine, 8vo, Loud. 1772. Brose (Jo. D. G.) Collectio Dissertat. Medic. Acadcjm. Gottiiii;'. 2 torn. (in I compact.) 4to, Gott. 1790-95. Bronssais (F, J. V.) Histoire des Phlegmasies, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1808. Histoire des Phlegmasies Chroniques, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1822. — — Examen des Doctrines Medicales, et des Systemes do Nosologie, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1821. Le meme livre, 4- torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829-34'. Brown (Joseph) Medical Essays, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Bruns (J. C.) Observationes Anatomicm et Medicae, Gott. 17G0, ext. in Sandil'ort. Thesaur. Tom. III. Burne (J.) An Oration on the Practice of Medicine, 4to, Lond. 1828. Cadog-an (VV.) Dissertation on the Gout and Chronic Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1771. Caldani (L. M. A.) Institutiones Pathologicae, 8vo, Bataviae, 1772. Caldwell (C.) Medical and Physical Memoirs, 8vo, Philadelphia, 1801. Cappivaccius (H.) Opera Omnia, fol. Franc. 1603. Cattierus (Isaac) Observationes Medicales, 8vo, Franc. 1G70. Chesneau (Nicolas) Observationes Medicie, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1743. Collin (J. H.) Observationes circa Morbos Acutos et Chrouicos, Pars L 8vo, Vind. 1765. CoUomb (B.) CEuvres Medico-Chirurgicales, 8vo, Paris, 179S. Coste (Joan. Fran.) Oratio de Antiqua Medica Philosophia, Lugd. Bat. 1783. Coxe (J. R.) Philadelphia Medical Museum, 2 vols. 8vo, Philad. 1805- 1806. Craton (J.) Consilia Medica, 3 tom. 12mo, Francof. 1671. Cullen (William) An Account of his Life, Writings, and Lectures, by Dr. Thomson, Vol. L 8vo, Edin. 1832. Currie (Jas.) Medical Reports, 2 vols. 8vo, Liverpool, 1804. Memoir of his Life and Writings, by his sou William W^. Currie, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Deckers (Fred.) Praxis Barbettiana, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1G69. Delius (Henric. Fred.) Adversaria Argumenti Physico-Medici, 3 tom. 4to, Erlang. 1780. Deusingius (Ant.) Fasciculus Dissertationum, 12mo, Groningse, 1600. Diemerbroeck (Job.) Opera Omnia Anatomica et Medica, fol. Ultraj. 1685. Donatus (Marcellus) De Medica, Historia Mirabili, Libri 6, 4to, Mantuoe, 1586. Dover (Thos.) Ancient Physician's Legacy, 8vo, Lond. 1762. The same book, Sth Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1771. Drelincurtius (Car.) Opuscula Omnia Medica, 4to, Hag. Com. 1727. Dube (M.) Le Medecin et le Chirurgien des Pauvres, 12mo, Paris, 1713. Dumas (C. L.) Doctrine des Maladies Chroniques, 8vo, Paris, 1812. Duncan (And. Sen.) Medical Cases and Observations, 8vo, Edin. 1777. Medical Commentaries, 10 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1778-88. The same book. New Series, 10 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1788-95. Heads of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic, 8vo, Edin. 1789. Annals of Medicine, 5 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1796-1800. The same book, New Series, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1800-1804. Duncan (And. Jan.) Reports of Practice in the Clinical Wards of the Royal Intirraarv of Edinburgh, in the years 1817-18, 8vo, Edin. 1818. 9() SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Diirolus (Ludov.) Commciitariiis in Ilollerii dc Morbis Internis libros, 4to, Paris, llJlO. Piwnotioiuim Ilippocratis luterpretalio, fol. Genev. 1665. I'.ttmullcnis (Midi.) Opera Omnia, ciira Fraud, 2 toni. folio, Lynd. 1G88. Opera Omnia in Conipendinm redacta, 8vo, Amst. 1702. Falopius (Gabriel) Opera Omnia, fol. Francof. 1584-. F^antoni (Jo.) Opuscnla Medica et Pliysiolo<»^ica, 4to, Genev. 1738. Ferriar (Jobn) Medical Histories and Keilections, 3 vols. 8vo, Warrington, 1792-98. Tlie same book, 4 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1810. Ferris (S.) On the Establishment of Medical Science in England, 8vo, Lond. 1795. Fevre (J. F. Le) Opera, 2 torn. 4to, Vesunt. 1737. Fizes (Ant.) Opera Medica, 4to, Monspel. 1742. Flecliy (M. Fechet de) Observations sitr la Medecine, la Cliirurgie, I'Art d"Accouchement, et les Maladies Veueriennes, 12rao, Paris, 1760. Fletcher (11.) Medico-Chirurgical Notes and Illustrations, Part I. 4to, Lond. 1831. Floyer (Sir J.) Comment on 42 Histories described by Hippocrates, in the First and Third Books of his Epidemics, &c. Svo, Loud. 1726. Fodera(M.) Histoire de quehiues Doctrines Medicales comparees a celles du Docteur Broussais, 8vo, Paris, 1821. Examen des Observations Critiques du Dr. Broussais, Svo, Paris, 1822. Forestus (Petrus) Observat. et Curat. Medicinalium Libri 18, viz. ab Svo ad 20mum, et a 28vo ad 32dum, 3 tom. 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1 590- 1600. Fothergill (John) Works, edited by Lettsoni, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 178.3. Works, 4to, Lond. 1784. FVacapinus (And.) Opuscula Physiologico-Pathologica, 4to, Verona», 1763. Fracastorius (H.) Opera Omnia, 4to, Venet. 1584. Opera Phiiosophica et Medica, 12mo, Genev. 1637. Frank (Jo. Petr.) Observationes Medico-Chirurgic:e, Moguiit. 1783, e.\t. in Frank. Delect. Tom. V. p. 179. De Instituendo ad Praxim Medico, Gott. 1784,ext. ib. Tom. HI. p. 1. Observationes Medico-Chirurgicie, Gott. 1784, ext. ib. Tom. VI. p. 187. De Institutis Clinicis, Ticini, 1785, ext. ib. Tom. VI H. p. 323. Delectus Opusculorum Medicorum Germania editorura, 12 tom. Svo, Ticini, 1785-95. De Circumscribendis Morborum Ilistoriis, Ticini, 1791, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. X. p. 363. De Periodicarum Affectionum ordinandis familiis, 1791, ext. ib. p. 383. De Vertcbralis Columnje in Morbis Dignitatc, e.\t. ib. Tom. XI. p. I. De Medicis Peregrinationibus, 1792, ext. ibid. Tom. XI. p. 359. De Convalescentium Conditione ac Prosperitate tuenda, Ticini, 1793, ext. ib. p. 303. Frank (Jos.) Ratio Instituti Clinici Ticinensis, Svo, Viennie, 1797. Acta Instituti Clinici Universitatis Vilneusis, Svo, Lips. 1808, Friend (Jo.) Opera Omnia, fol. Lond. 1733. Idem liber, 3 tom. ISnio, Lugd. Bat. 1750. Furstenau (D. G. H.) Desiderata Medica, 12mo, Lips. 1727. Galenus (Claudius) Opera Omnia, 5 tom. fob Basil. 1538. Operum Epitome, fol. Basil. 1551. Opera Omnia, ex 8va Junctarum Editione, 4 tom. fol. Venetiis, 1 009. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 97 Galenus (Claudius) Materia Sauitatis, Edit. 8va, fol. Venet. 1609. Galeuus et Hippocrates, Opera, 13 torn, (iu 10 compact.) curii Hen. Cliar- terii, fol. Paris, 1609. Gataker (Thos.) Essays ou Medical Subjects, 8vo, Liverpool, 1764. Gattenhoff (G. M.) Disscrtatio luflaniraationum fallacias exliibens, 8?o, Heid. 1786, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VI. p. 211. Gaubius (H. D.) Adversaria, 4to, Leidai, 1771. De JRegimine Mentis quod Medicorum est, Serra. II. Acadera, Edit. 3tia, l^mo. Argent. 1776. Gesner (Conrad.) Epistolaj Medicinales, Svo, Tiguri, 1577. Gianella (Carol.) De Successione Morborum, Batav. 1742, ext. in Scblegel. Thesaur. Gibert (Con.) Manuel des Maladies Speciales, 12mo, Paris, 1834, Gortcr (Jo. de) De Certitudine Praxeos Medicae Repurg-atw, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1731. De Medicinii Hippocratica, 4to, Arastelod. 1755. Goupil (J. M, A.) Exposition des Principes de la Nouvelle Doctrine Me'dicale, 8vo, Paris, 1824. Grainger (E. ) Medical and Surgical Remarks, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Gregory, (John) Duties of a Physician, Svo, Lond. 1770. The same book, 8vo, Edin. 1805. Gullifer (Jos. Wm.) On the Philosophy of Medicine, Svo, Edin. 1809. Haen (Ant. de) Praelectiones in Boerhaavii lustitutiones Pathologicas, 5 torn. 8vo, Vienn. 1780. Opuscula, 2 tom. 8vo, Vind. 1795. Hahnemann (S.) Doctrine et Traitenient Homoeopathique des Maladies Chroniques, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1832. Halford (Sir H.) Essays and Orations, Svo, Lond. 1831. Haller (Albert von) Pathological Observations, Svo, Lond. 1756. Disputationes Medico- Practicae, 7 tom. 4to, Laus. 1757-58. Opera Minora, 3 tom. 4to, Laus. 1762. (2 copies.) Bibliotheca Medico-Practica, 3 tom. 4to, Berne, 1776. Harveius (Gul.) Opera Omnia, 4to, Lond. 1767. Haygarth (John) Clinical History of Diseases, Svo, Lond. 1805. Heberden (William) On the Increase and Decrease of different Diseases, 4to, Lond. 1801. Heide (A. de) Centuria Observationum Medicarum, r2mo, Arast. 1684. Heister (Lawr.) iNIedical, Chirurgical, and Anatomical Observations, trans, by Wirgnian, 4to, Lond. 1755. Heister (E. F.) De Principum Cuni circa Sanitatem Subditorum, Helmst. 1738, ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. HI. Helmont (Jo. B. Van) Opuscula Medica Inaudita, 12nio, Colonic Agrip- pina;, 1644. Ortus Medicinre, cura Filii, 4to, Amstel. 1652. Helvetius (C. A.) CEuvres, 5 tom. Svo, Paris, 1794. Henriquez (Fran.) Opera Medica, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1670. Heurnius (Jo.) Opera Omnia, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1658. Hildebrand (Joann. Valent. Nobab.) Initia Institutionnm Clinicarum, Svo, Vienn. 1807. Hildenbrand (V. N.) lustitutiones Practico-Medicaj, 4 tom. (in 3 com- pact.) Svo, Vienn. 1816. Hippocrates (Cons) Prognostics and Prorrhetics, by Moffat, Svo, Lond. 1788. Des Airs, des Eaux, et des Licux, par Corav, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1800. N 98 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Hippocrates et Galenus, Opera Omnia, 13 torn, (in 10 compact.) fol. Paris, 1679. lloimann (Fred.) Opera Omnia PIiysico-Medica, 6 torn. fol. Genev. 1740. Idem liber, G torn, (in 3 compact.) fol. Genev. 1761. Ejusdem libri Sii])plt>menta, 3 tom. fol. (ienev. 1754-68. Oil Diseases arisiii, Lond. 1791. Bissct (C.) Medical Constitution of Great Britain, 8vo, Lond. 1762. The same book, with a Supplement in MS. of 66 pages. Bontius (Jac.) De Medicina Indorum, 4to, Paris, 1645. The same book, translated, 8vo, Lond. 1769. Campet (Pierre) Traitt? des Maladies Graves de la Zone Torride, 8vo, Paris, 1802. Chalmers (Lionel) Account of the Diseases and Weather of South Caro- lina, 8vo, Lond. 1786. Chisholm (C.) Maiiu.l of the Climate and Diseases of Tropical Coun- tries, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Clark (John M.D.) On the Diseases in Long Voyages to Hot Climates, especially those of the East Indies, Svo, Lond. 1773. The same book, 2d Edit, with an Account of the same Diseases as they appear in Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1792. Clark (Thomas) Observations on Fevers and Diseases of the East and West Indies, and of America, Svo, Edin. 1801. Cleghorn ((ieo.) On the Diseases of Minorca, 8vo, Lond. 1762. The same book, .3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1768. Conringins (Herman.) De Hermetica iEgyptiorum vetere, et Paracelsi- corum nova Medicina, 4to, Helmes. I64S. Curtis (Charles) On the Diseases of India, Svo, Edin. 1807. Dancer (T.) On the Practice of Physic in Jamaica, 4to, Kingston, 1801. Dieuxivoye (B. S.) Quaestio Medica de Aere Parisino, 4to, Paris, 1684. Douglass (John) Medical Topography of Upper Canada, Svo, Lond. 1819. Fellovves (Sir J.) On the Pestilential Disorders of Andalusia, Svo, Lond. 1815. Gallup (Joseph A.) Sketches of the Epidemics of Vermont, Svo, Boston, 1815. Girdlestone (T.) On Hepatitis, and the Spasmodic Aftections of India, Svo, Lond. 1787. Good (J. M.) On the Diseases of Prisons and Poor-houses, Svo, Lond. 1795. Granger (James) On the more common West Indian Diseases, 2d Edit. Svo, Edin. 1802. Grant (J. P.) and Ward (T. iNI.) Medical Statistics of Malacca, &c. folio, Pinang, 1830. Hiien (Ant. de) Ratio Medendi in Nosocomio Vindobonensi, 4 torn. Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1761. Ejusdem libri Partes V. et VL Svo, ibid. 1761. Ejusdem libri Continuatio, Svo, Vienn. 1781. Haller (Albert Von) Historia Morborum Vratislavensium, 4to, Laus. 1746. Hendy (James) On the Glandular Disease of Barbadoes,8vo, Lond. 1784. Vindication of Opinions and Facts respecting the Barbadoes Leg, Svo, Lond. 1789. Hennen (John) Sketches of the Medical Topography of the Mediter- ranean, Svo, Loud. 1830. 10 J SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. IliM-hoUlt (J.D.) Observatio de Affectibiis Morbosis Virginis Havniensis, Svo, llavuire, 182-^. HilliU'v (Wni.) Oil the Cliaiiges of the Air, ami Diseases of Barbadoes, 2d Edit. Svo, Loud. 17(JG. fS copies. J Irvine (\Vm.) On the Diseases of Sicily, Svo, Lond. 1810. Jackson(Il()b.) On tlie Fevers of .lamaic.i, Svo, Lond. ITfll. On Febrile Diseases, more particularly in the West Indies, Svo, Stockton, 1817. On the Epidemic Yellow Fever of the South Coasts of Spain, Svo, Lond. 1821. Johnson (James) On the Influence of Tropical Climates, &c. Svo, Lond. 1813. Lachaise (C.) Topographic Medicale de Paris, Svo, Paris, 1822. Lantter (J. F.) Histt>ria Medica Biennalis Morbornm Ruralinra Luxem- bnrgi, 8vo, Vindob. 17GI. Lind (J.) On the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates, Svo, Lond. 1768. Marshall (Henry) Notes on tlie Medical Topography of the Interior of Ceylon, &c. Svo, Lond. 1821. Menuret (J. J.) Lettres sur I'llistoire Medico-Topographiqne d'llambourg, Svo, Harab. 1797, Millar (John) On the Prevailing- Diseases of (ireat Britain, 4 to, Lond. 1770. ('2 copies. J Moseley (Benjamin) On Tropi.al Diseases, and the Climate of the West Indies, Svo, Lond. 1787. The same boi k, 3d Edit. Lond. 1792. Piso ((iul.) De Medicinti Brasiiiensi, fol. Lngd. Bat. et Amstel. 1648. Pitta (N. C.) On the Influence of Climate on the Human Species, Svo, Lond. 1812. Account of the Island of Madeira, Svo, Lond. 1812. Kollo (John) On Preserving and Restoring Health in the West Indies, 12mo, Lond. 17b3. Iionviere (Audin) Topographie Physique et Medicale de Paris, 8vo, Paris, 1794.. Knssel (Alex.) History of Aleppo, 4to, Lond. 17aG. liutty (Joseph) History of the Weather and Diseases of Dublin, Svo, Lond. 1770. Sarcone (Michele) Istoria Raginata dei Mali osservati in Napoli, nelT intero corso dell' Anno 1704, Svo, Napoli, 1765. Schoeler (Lndovic.) De Morbis Surinamensibus, Gott. 1781, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. H. j). 173. Stoll (Maximil.) Ratio Medendi in Nosocomio Vindoboncnsi, 5 toni. Svo, Vienn. 1777. Swieten (Gerard. Van) Constitutiones Epidemicae, et Morbi potissimum Lngduni Batavorum observati, cura Stoll, 2 torn. Svo, Vind. et Lips. 1 782. Teniient (John) On the Epidemical Diseases of Virginia, 12mo, Edin. 1742. TytlerfRob.) On Morbus Oryzeus, Svo, Calcutta, 1820. Valentin (Lonis) Vox'age Medicale en Italic en 1820, 8vo, Nantes, ISI.j. Wade (J. P.) Evidences of a Successful Method of treating- Fever and Dysentery in Benjral, 8vo, Lond. 179J. On the Eflects of Emetics, Purgatives, Mercurials, and Low Diet, in the Disorders of Bengal, Svo, Lond. 179-2. Ward (T. M.) and (irant (J. P.) Medical Statistics of Malacca, &c. foi. Pii'.ang-, 1830. 1 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 105 Willan (Rob.) Reports on Diseases of London, 12mo, Lond. 1800. Williams (John) On the Climate of Great Britain, 8vo, Lond. 180G. Williamson (John) Medical and Miscellaneous Observations relative to the West India Islands, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1807. Wilson (John) Memoirs of West Indian Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1827. 4. DISEASES OF THE ARMY AND NAfY. a. Diseases of the Army. Ballingall (Sir George) On Fever, Dysentery, &c. as they occurred among- the Troops in India, 8vo, Edin. 1818. (2 copies.) Introductory Lectures on Military Surgery, 8vo, Edin. 1830. Outlines of Lectures on Military Surg-ery, 8vo, Edin. 1833. Bell (Dr. John) Inquiry into the Diseases of the Army in the West Indies, 8vo, Lond. 1791. Belloste (M.) Le Chirurgien d'Hopital, 12rao, Amst. 1708. Blane (Sir Gilb.) Account of the Battle of 12th April 1782. Brocklesby (Richard) Economical and Medical Observations on Military Hospitals, and on Camp Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 176-t. Desgenettes (R.) Histoire Me'dicale de TArrae'e de I'Orient, 8vo, Paris, 1802. Dewar (Henry) On the Dysentery in the British Array during 1701, 8vo, Lond. 18U3. Hamilton (Robert) Duties of a Regimental Surgeon, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1787. Hennen (John) On Military Surgery, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Hunter (Dr. J.) On the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, 8vo, Lond. 1788. Jackson (Rob.) System of Arrangement and Discipline for the Medical De- partment of Armies, 8vo, Lond. 1805. KirckhofF(J. R. L.) Observations Medicales faites pendant les Campagnes de Russie et d'Allemagne en 1812-13, 8vo, Maest. 1814'. f'2 copies.) Hygiene Militaire a I'usage des Armees de terre, 8vo, Anvers, 1823. Larrey (Le Baron) Relation de I'Expe'ditioa de I'Armee d'Orient en Egypte, 8vo, Paris, 1803. Me'moires de Chirurgie Militaire, 4 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1812-17. Le meme livre, Tom. I. II. et HI. The same book, trans, by Waller, Part I. 8vo, Lond. 1815- Lempriere (Wm.) On the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1779. Luscombe (E. T.) Practical Observations on the Means of Preserving the Health of Soldiers, 8vo, Edin. 1820. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1821. M'Grigor (Sir James) Medical Sketches of the Expedition to Egypt, 8vo, Lond. 1804. Maclean (Hector) On the Mortality of the Troops at St. Domingo, 8vo, Lond. 1797. Marshall (Henry) Hints on the Examination of Recruits, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Monro (Donald) Diseases of the British Military Hospitals in Germany, 1761-3 ; with an Essay on Preserving the Health of Soldiers, and on Military Hospitals, 8vo, Lond. HCi. o 106 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Monro (Donald) Le nieme livre, trad, et augment, par M. le Begue de Presle, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1769. Pare (Arab.) Opera Chirurgica, cxt. in UfFenbach. Thesaur. Whole Works, by Johnston, t'ol. Lond. 1678. Portio (L. A.) De Milituniin Castris Sanitate tuenda, 8vo,Lngd.Bat. 1741. Priugle (Sir John) On the Diseases of the Army, bvo, Lond. 1764'. The same book, 1768. f2 copies. J Ravatou (M.) Chirurgie d'Armee, on Traite des Plaies d'Armes a Feu, 8vo, Paris, 17CS. Reide (J. D.) On the Diseases of the Array, 8vo, Lond. 1793. EoUo (J.) On the Diseases of the Army at St. Lucia, 12rao, Lond. 1781. Screta (Henric.) De Febre Castrensi Maligna, 8vo, Scafusii, 1686. Sutton (Thos.) Account of a Remittent Fever frequently occurring amonjr the Troops in this Climate, 8vo, Canterbury, 1806. f2 copies. J Thomson (John) Observations made in the British Military Hospitals in Belg^ium after the Battle of Waterloo, 8vo, Edin. 1816. f 2 copies. J Willius (J. V.) De Morbis Castrensibus luternis, 8vo, Hafniae, 1776. Wiseman (Richard) Chirurgical Treatises, fol. The same book, fol. Lond. 1676. The same book, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1719. b. Diseases of the Navy. Blane (Sir Gilb.) On the Diseases of Seamen, 8vo, Lond. 1789. The same book, 3d Edit. 1799. (2 copies.) Gillespie (Leonard) On the Diseases of the Leeward Fleet in 1793, Svo, Lond. 1809. Hunter (W.) On the Diseases of Indian Seamen, fol. Calcutta, 1804. Liud (J.) On Fevers and Infection, 2d Edit, with Essays on the Health of Seamen, and on the Jail Distemper, 8vo, Lond. 1779. Northcote (William) Marine Practice of Physic and Surgery, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1770. Rouppe (L.) De MorbisNavigantium,&c.8vo, Lugd. Bat. \1G^. (2 copies.) Sherwen (John) Cursory Remarks on the Marine Scurvy, 4to, Lond. 1782. Trotter (Thos.) Medicina Nautica, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797-99. (For Works on Scurvy, Vid, p. 119.) 5. WORKS ON GENERAL DISEASES, a. Fever. * a. Fever Generally. Baela (H. X.) Comparative View of the Theories and Practice of Drs. Cullen, Brown, and Darwin, in the Treatment of Fever and Acute Rheumatism, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Balfour (Francis) On Putrid Intestinal Remitting Fevers, with the Laws of the Febrile State and of Sol-Lunar Influence, 8vo, Edin. 1790. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 107 Balfour (Francis) On Sol-Lunar Influence in Fevers, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1795. (2 copies.) Collection of Treatises on the same subject, 3d Edit. 8vo, Cupar, 1815. Beddoes (Thos.) On Fever, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1793. Researches concerning- Fever as connected with Inflammation, 8vo, Lond. 1807. Bellini (Laurent.) De Febribus, &c. Edit. 2da, 4to, Francof. et Lips. 1698. Idem liber cum Prafat. Hermann. Boerhavii, Edit. 5ta, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1730. Blegny (Nic.de) Le Remede Anglois pour la Guerison des Fievrcs, 12mo, Paris, 1683. Boehraer (P. A.) De Eventu Febrium Malignarum, &c. ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. X. p. 95. Boisseau (F. G.) Pyretologie Physiologique, ou Traite des Fievres, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1824-. Bouillaud (J.) Traite des Fievres dites Essentielles, 8vo, Paris, 1826. Broussais (F. J. V.) Histoire des Phlegmasies, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1808. Examen des Doctrines Medicales et des Systemes de Nosologic, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1821. Brown (A.) New Cure of Fevers, 12mo, Edin. 1691. Brown (Will.) Attempt to estimate the Power of Medicine in controlling Fever, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Butter (John) Remarks on Irritative Fever, commonly called the Ply- mouth Dock- Yard Disease, 8vo, Devonport, 1825. Caignou (E. De) et Quemont (A.) Lemons du Dr. Broussais sur les Phlegmasies Gastriques, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Calvert (Robert) Reflections on Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Chalmers (Lionel) On Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1768. Chauffard (H.) Traite sur les Fievres pretendues Essentielles, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1825, Clark (John, M.D.) On Fever Wards, 12mo, Newcastle, 1802. Clutterbuck (Henry) An Inquiry into the Nature and Seat of Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1807. Collin (J. H.) Arnicse in Febribus et aliis Morbis putridis Vires, Pars 5ta, 8vo, Vienn. 1775. Currie (James) On the EflFects of Water in Fevers, 8vo, Liverpool, 1797. Denman (Thos.) Ou the Effects of Buxton Water in Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Duges (Ant.) Essai Physiologico-Pathologique sur la Natnre de la Fievre, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1823. Elsacker (Petrus Van) De Febribus Remittente, Continua, Eiliosa et Putrida, 8vo, Antverp, 1774'. Fontanus (N.) Origo Febrium, 12mo, Amst. 1654. Fordyce (Geo.) Dissertations on Fever, (bound in 4 vols.) 8vo, Lond. 1794-1802. Fracassinus (A.) Opuscula Pathologica de Febribus, &c. 4to, Lips. 1 758. Tractatus Theoretico-Practicus de Febribus, 4to, Veron. 1766. Gattenhoff (G. M.) Frigoris Febrilis Examen, 8vo, Heidelb. 1776, est. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VII. p. 1. Caloris Febrilis Examen, 8a'o, Heid. 1776, ext. ib. Tom. \\\. p 63. Gianniui (Giuseppe) Delia Natura delle Febbri, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, iMilano, 1805. Gibson (John)' On Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1769. Glass (Thos.) On Fevers, translated by Peters, 8vo, Lond. 1752. Grant (Wra.) On the Fevers most common in London, 8vo, Lond. n7I. 108 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Grimaud (J. C. M. G. De) Cours de Fievres, par De Morcy-Dellettre, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1815. Hawkridfje (John) On Fevers, &c. 8vo, York, 1764-. Herculanus (J.) De Febribiis in Avicenu. IVti Canonis Fen Primam Ex- plicatio, fol. Ven. 1560. Huxham (John) On Fevers, &c. 2d p:dit. 8vo, Lond. 1750. Jackson (Kob.) On the History and Cure of Fever, Endemic and Con- tajfious, 8vo, Edin. 1798. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1808. On Cold Aflf'usion, Cold Drink, and Gestation in Fevers, 8vo, Edin. 1808. On Febrile Diseases, more particularly in the West Indies, 8vo, Stockton, 1817. Lettsom (J. C.) On the Cure of Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1772. (2 copies.) Lind (J.) On Fevers and Infection, 8vo, Lond. 1763. (2 copies.) The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1779. Lobb (Theo.) Rational Methods of Curing- Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1734. Medical Practices in Curintr Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1735. Lucas (C. E.) The Principles of Inflammation and Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Lysons (Daniel) On the Use of Camphor and Calomel in Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1771. The same book, 2d Edit. 1783. Essays on Fevers, &c. 8vo, Bath, 1772. The same book, 2d Edit. 1783. Mills (Thomas) On the Utility of Bloodletting in Fever, 8vo, Dublin, 1819. Morton (Ricard.) De Febribus Inflammatoriis Universalibus, 8vo, Lond. 1690. Park (J. R.) The Pathology of Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Parker (Thomas) Treatise on Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Peschel (G. H. L.) De Cura Convalescentium ex Febribus Acutis, Lips. 1775, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VI. p. 259. Petit-Radel (Ph.) Pyretologia Medica, 8vo, Paris, 1808. Philip (A.Wilson) Treatise on Febrile Diseases, 4 vols. 8vo, Worcester, 1799—1804. The same book, 3d Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1813. Essays on the Nature of Fever, 8vo, Worcester, 1807. Ploth (Jer. fSam.) De Proxima Febrium causa, Gott. 1790, ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Tom. I. Part IF. Quarin (Jos.) De Curandis Febribus et Inflamniationibus, 8vo, Vienn. 1781. Raynaud (Fran ) Traite des Fievres Malignes, 12mo, Brnxelles, 1695. Reich (G. C.) On Fever, translated from the German by C. H. Parry, 8vo, Bath, 1821. Riollay (Francis) Critical Introduction to the Study of Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1788. Robertson (Robert) On Jail, Hospital, and Ship Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1789. Essay on Fevers, 8vo, Lond. 1790. Rotterdam (J. Van) On Bloodletting in Fevers, translated from the French by Taylor, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Selle (C. G.) Rudimenta Pyretologia; Methodicse, 8vo, Berolini et Hagae, 1773. (2 cojties.) Smith (South wood) Treatise on Fever, 8vo, Lond, 1830. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 109 Stadt (H.F. Vander) De Saliibritate Febris, 8vo, Gandav. 17G8. Idem liber, ext. in Scblei^el. Thesaiir. Stoker (Wm.) Treatise ou Fever, with Observations on the Practice of the Dublin Fever Hospital, 8vo, Lond. 1815. On Fever, ext. in Patholo<,ncal Observations, 8vo, Dublin, 1823-30. Sydenham (Thos.) Schedula Monitoria de Novae Febris Ingressu, Edit. 2da, 8vo, Lond. 1688. Thaer (Albrecht) De Actione Systeraatis Nervosi in Febribus, Gott. 1774-, ext. in Ludwig Script. Neurolog. Tom. III. p. 140. Thomson (Fred.) On Scurvy and Fever, 8vo, Lond. J 790. Tweedie (A.) Clinical Illustrations of Fever, 8vo, Lond. 18.30. Wade (J. P.) Evidences of a Successful Method of Treating Fever and Dysentery in Bengal, 8vo, Lond. 1791. Wall (Martin) Clinical Observations ou the Use of Opium in Low Fevers, 8 vo, Oxford, 1786. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Oxford, 1786. Weisz (Joan.) Pyretologise Practicse Tentamen, Edit. 2da, 8vo, Vienn. 1783. Wood (Jas.) Remarks on Fever, more particularly on that which lately appeared at Newcastle, 12m0j Newcastle, 1803. d. But. 1080. ('neurtelius (And.) Do Podagra Cnrata, 12mo, Amst. 164."5. Coste (M.) Traite Pratique sur la (loutte, 12mo, Paris, 1704'. Drake (R.) On the Discovery of a Specific for the Gout, 8vo, Lond. 1771. Falconer (W.) Observations on Dr. Cadogan's Treatise on the Gout, Bvo, Lond. Forbes (Murray) Treatise on Gout and Gravel, Bvo, Lond. 179,3. (iardiner (John) On the Nature, Cause, and Cure of the Gout, 8vu, Lond. 119 2. Hamilton (Robert) Letters on the Gout, 8vo, Lynn Reo^is, 1806. Heyden (H. V.) On the Virtues of Cold Water in Gout.'Svo, Lond. 1724'. Hume (Gustavus) Observations on the Gout, &c. Bvo, Dublin, 180-}-. Jay (J.) Reflections and Observations on the Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1772. Jeans (T.) On Gout, Bvo, Southampton, 179i'. Johnson (James) Ou the Influence of the Atmosj)here, with Practical Researches upon Gout and Rheumatism, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Jones (E. G.) On the Eau Medicinale d'Hussou in the Cure of Gout, 12mo, Lond. 1810. Kinoflake (Robert) Dissertation on the Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1804'. Latham (J.) On Rheumatism and Gout, Bvo, Lond. i79G. Liger (C. L.) Traite de la Goutte, Bvo, Paris, 17.52. Lister (Martin.) De Artliritide, &c. Bvo, Lond. I()94'. f2 copies. J Lobb (Theo.) On the Cure of Gout and Stone, Bvo, Lond. 17.39. Loubet (I\L) Sur la Maladie de la Goutte, 12mo, Paris, 1760. Marshall (E.) Probability of M. Le Fevre having- discovered a Specific for the Gout, Bvo, Cant. 1770. Murray (Jo. And.) De Materia Arthritica ad vorenda aberrante, Bvo, Gott. 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. 11. p. 1. Musgrave (Gul.) De Arthritide Anomala sive Interna, 8vo, Exon. 1707. Parkinson (James) On Gout, 8vo, Lond. 1805. Rennie (A.) Observations on Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1825. Rhyne (Wilh. Ten.) De Arthritide, &c., 8vo, Lond. 1085. Ring (John) On the Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1811. Rowley (Will.) On Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1792. Rush (Benjamin) On Gout, &c. Bvo, Philadelphia, 1798. Scot (John) Inquiry into the Origin of Olout, od Edit. Bvo, Lond. Scudamore (Sir Charles) Treatise ou Gout, Rheumatism, and Gravel, 8vo, Lond. 1810. The same book, 2d Edit. Bvo, Lond. 1817. The same book, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1823. Sutton (Thos.) On Gout, &c. Bvo, Lond. 181.3. Sydenham (Thos.) Tractatus de Podagn'i et Hydrope, 12ino, Lngd. Bat. 1084-. VaIentinus(M. B.) Historia Moxae, cum Meditatione de Podagra, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1080. Wallis (George) on the Gout, 8vo, Lond. 1798. Warner (Ferdinand) On the Gout, Bvo, Lond. 1772. Wenzel (Joseph.) De Ossium Arthriticorum Indole, Bvo, Mogunt. 1791, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom XII. p. .341. Williams (T.) Advice fo (ilouty People, 8vo, Lond. 1774. Wilson (C ) Observations on the Gout and Acute Rheumatism, 12mo, Lond. 181.5. SPECIAL PATHOLOGV. 119 g. RheuiHutism. Baeta (H. X.) Comparative View of the Theories and Practice of Drs. CuUen, Brown, and Darwin, in the Treatment of Fever and Acute Rheumatism, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Balfour (WilHam) Observations on a New Mode of Curing Rheumatism, &c. 8vo, Edin. 1816. Bouillaud (J.) Nouvelles Recherches sur le Rhumatisme, 8vo, Paris, 183C. Cox (Thos.) Observations on Acute Rheumatism, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Dumoulin (M.) Sur le Rhumatisme, et les Vapeurs, l2mo, Paris, 1791. Fowler (Thos ) On the Effects of Blood-letting, &c. in the Cure of Rheu- matism, Lond. 1795. Johnson (James) Practical Researches on Gout and Rheumatism, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1818. Latham (J.) On Rheumatism and Gout, Svo, Loud. 1796. Scudamore (Sir Charles) Treatise on Gout, Rheumatism, and Gravel, Svo, Lond. 1816. The same book, 2d Edit. 1817. The same book, 4th Edit. 1823. Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Rheumatism, Svo, Lond. 1827. Wilson (C.) Observations on the Gout and Acute Rheumatism, ]2mo, Lond. 1815. h. Scorbutus. Beddoes (Thos.) On Sea Scurvy, &c. Svo, Lond. 1793. Bisset (C.) On the Scurvy, with a Supplement in MS. of 44 pages, Svo, Lond. J 755. Lind (J.) On the Scurvy, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1757. The same book, 3d Edit, 1772. Lister (Martin.) De Scorbuto, &c. Svo, Lond. 1694. (2 copies. J Macbride (David) Historical Account of a New Method of Treating the Scurvy at Sea, Svo, Lond. 1 767. Milmau (Francis) On Scurvy and Putrid Fevers, Svo, Lond. 1783. Paterson (D.) On the Scurvy, Svo, Edin. 1795. Sherwen (John) Cursory Remarks on the Marine Scurvy, 4to, Lond. 1782. Thomson (Fred.) On Scurvy and Fever, Svo, Loud. 1790. Trotter (Thomas) On the Scurvy, Svo, Lond. 1792. Willis (Th.) De Scorbuto, 12mo, Arastelod. 1668. i. Scrofula. -}- Ayre (Joseph) Ou the Nature and Treatment of Marasmus, &c. Svo, Lond. 1818. Baron (John) On the Tuberculated Acretions of Serous Membranes, &c. Svo, Loud. 1819. Rlustrations of the Enquiry respecting Tuberculous Diseases, Svo, Lond. 1823. ]3aumes (J. B. T.) Recherches sur le Carrcau, Svo, Nismes, 1788. t Under this head are included Tubercles and Diseases of the Glandular System. 120 SPECIAL rATHOLOGY. Becker (F. W.) Do GlamUilis Thoracis Lynipliaticis atque Thyrao speci- men pathoiogicum, 4to, Berol. I82G. Beddoes (Thos.) Observations on the Cure of Scrofula, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1801. Bennett (Christoph.) Tabidorum Thcatruni, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1714. Brandish (Joseph) On the Use of Caustic Alkali in Sjcrofula, &c. Bvo, Loud. 1811. BroMue (John) Treatise of King's Evil Swelling's, tog'ether with the Ivoyal Art of Healing', 12mo, Lond. IGSi, Caroiiohael (11.) On Scrofula, 8vo, Lond. 1810. (^2 copies.) Clark (James) Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Farr (Will.) On the Nature and Origin of Scrofula, Svo, Lond. 1820. Frank (Jo. Petr.) De Rachitide Acuta et Adultorum, Ticini, 1788, est. in Frank. Delect. Tom. V. p. 304. Gautierus (Joseph.) Observationes de Struma et Cretinismo, Svo, Viudcl. 1794. Glisson (F.) De Rachitide, Svo, Lond. 16o5. Hamilton (Robert) On Scrofulous Affections, &c. 12mo, Lond. 1791. Hendy (James) On the Glandular Disease of Barbadoes, Svo, Lond. 178t. Hufeland (C. G.) Traite' de la Maladie Scropliuleuse, Svo, I'aris, 1821. Kortum (C. G. T.) De Vitio Scrofuloso, 2 tom. Svo, Lemgov. 1798. Lloyd (E. A.) Treatise on the Nature and Treatment of Scrophula, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Lombard (H. C.) Essai sur les Tnbercules, 4to, Paris, 1827. Lugol (M.) Essays on the Effects of Iodine in Scrofulous Diseases, trans- lated by O'Shaiighnessy, Svo, Lond. 1831. Manson(A.) Medical Researches on the Effects of Iodine in Bronchocelc, &c. Svo, Lond. 1825. Mossman (George) On Scrofula and Glandular Consumption, Svo, Brad- ford. Nisbet (Wm.) On the Nature and Treatment of Scrofula and Cancer, Svo, Edin. 1795. Rogers (Nathaniel) Essay on Tubercles, Svo, Edin. 1832. Russel (James) Treatise on Scrofula, Svo, Edin. 180S. Russel (Richard) On the Economy of Nature in Acute and Chronic Dis- eases of the Glands, Svo, Lond. 1755. White (Thomas) Treatise on Scrofula, Svo, Lond. 1784. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1787. j. Scirrhus. (t'id. Surgery, Part I.JChap. 5.) k. Melanosis. Fawdington (Thos.) A Case of INIelanosis, with Observations on the Pathology of the Disease, Svo, Lond. 1826. \. Funsus HfPmalodcs. ( Vid. Surgery, Part I. Chap, .5.) SrPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 121 6. PrORKS 0\ DISEASES OF PARTICULAR ORGANS. a. Diseases of the Skin. * a. Diseases of the Shin Generality. Alibert (J. L.) Precis Theorique et Pratique sur les Maladies de la Peau, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1818. Monographie des Dermatoses ou precis Theorique et Pratique des Maladies de la Peau, 4to, Paris, 18.32, Bateraan (Thomas) Practical Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 181.3. The same book, 6th Edit. 1824. The same book, 7th Edit. 1829. Delineations of Cutaneous Diseases, 4to, Lond. 1817. f2 copies.) Cazenave (A.) et Schedel (H. T.) Abre'ge pratique des Maladies de la Peau, 8vo, Paris, 1828. Giroud (Louis) Considerations sur les Maladies Cutanees, 4to, Paris, 1832. Lorry (A. C.) De Morbis Cutaneis, 4to, Paris, 1777. Paget (John) An Essay on the Comparative Merits of Artificial and Natural Classification as applied to the Diseases of the Skin, 8vo, Edin. 1833. Plenck (Joseph. Jac.) De Morbis Cutaneis, 8vo, Vienn. 1783. Plumbe (Sam.) On Diseases of the Skin, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Rayer (P.) Traite Theorique et Pratique des Maladies de la Peau, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1826, avec Atlas in 8vo. The same book, trans, by Willis, 8vo, Lond. 18.35, with Atlas in 4to. Thomson (Anthony Todd) Atlas of Delineations of Cutaneous Eruptions, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Turner (Daniel) On the Diseases of the Skin, 8vo, Lond. 1736. Willau (R.) On Cutaneous Diseases, Vol. L 4to, Lond. 1808. (2 copies.) * b. Particular Diseases of the Skiti. Alley (George) On an Eruptive Disease occasioned by Mercury, 8vo, Dublin, 1804. On the Hydrargyria, 4to, Lond. 1810. Caignou (E. De) et Quemont (A.) Lemons du Docteur Broussais sur les Phlegmasies Gastriques et Cutanees Aigues, 8vo, Paris, 1819. Hamilton (Robert) On Leprosy, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1801. Hill (James) Cases in Surgery, including an Account of the Disease call- ed Sibbens, 12rao, Edin. 1772. Jansen (W. X.) De Pellagra, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1787, ext. in Frank. De- lect. Tom. IX. p. 325. Macilvvain (George) On the Constitutional Origin of the various Forms of Porrigo, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Mosely (Ben.) On Yaws, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1800. Murray (Jo. And.) De Vermibus in Lepra obviis et de Lumbricorura Setis, 12mo, Gott. 1769. Schillingius (G. G.) De Lepra, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1778. Titius (S. C.) De Pellagrje morbi inter Austriie Incolas grassantis Patlio- Jogia, Viteberg. 1792, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XIL p. 121. Q 122 SPECIAL TATHOLOGY. b. Diseases of the N^crvous System. * a. Diseases of the Nervous System in General. Aberororabic (John) On Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord, 8vo, Edin. 1828. The same book, 2d Edit. 1830. Le nieme livre, trad. 8vo, Paris, 1832. ■ The same book, a new Edit. 12mo, 1834-. Cheyne (George) The English Malady, or a Treatise of Nervous Diseases, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1 734. Cooke (John) On Nervous Diseases, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1820-23. Duges (Ant.) Essai Physiologico-Pathologique sur la nature des princi- pales Nevroses, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1823. Garf ia (J. M.) Theorie Nouvelle sur Ics Maladies Cancereuses, Nerveuses, &c. 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1772. Hall (M.) On the Nervous System and its Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1836. Lallemand (F.) Recherches Anatomico-Pathologiques sur TEncephale et ses de'pendences, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1820. Prichard (J. C.) Treatise on Diseases of the Nervous System, Part L 8vo, Lond. 1822. Reid (John) Essays on Hypochondriacal and other Nervous Affections, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Rowley (Will.) On Various Diseases, Nervous, Hysterical, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1778. Swan (Joseph) On the Nervous System, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Thaer (Albrecht) De Actione Systematis Nervosi in Febribus, Gott. 1774', ext. in Ludwig. Script. Neurolog. Tom. III. p. 140. Travers (B.) On the Pathology of the Nervous System, &c. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1835. Whytt (Robt.) On Nervous, Hypochondriacal, and Hysterical Disorders, and on Nervous Sympathy, 3d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1767. Willis (Th.) Pathologia Cerebri et Nervosi Generis, 12mo, Amstelod. 1668. * b. Diseases of Particular Parts of the Nervous System. • * a. Diseases of the Brain. * ♦ • a. Diseases of the Brain Generally. Bayle (A. L. J.) Sur les Maladies du Cerveau, &c. Svo, Paris, 1826. Bellini (L.^ De Morbis Capitis, &c. Edit. 2da, 4to, Francof. et Lips. 1698. Bouillaud (M. J.) Traite Cliuique et Physiologique de I'Eucephalite, Svo, Paris, 1825. Duffin (E. W.) Essay on Injuries of the Head, Svo, Edin. 1822. Haguenot (Dom.) Tractatus de Morbis Capitis, 12mo, Aven. 1751. Kloekhof (C. A.) De Morbis Animi ab iufirmato tenore Medulla; Cerebri, 8vo, Traject. 1735. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 123 Lazermo (J.) De Morbis Internis Capitis, 12mo, Liigd. Bat. 17j6. Mills (Thos.) lurjiiiry into the effects produced on the Brain, Lungs, &c. by Diseases of the Liver, 8vo, Dublin, 1819. Monro (A. Teriius) Morbid Anatomy of the Brain, Vol. L8vo,Edin. 18-27. Ploucquet (G. G.) et Baur (C. L.) De Cephalalgia in species digesta, ext. in Lud. Script. Neur. Tom. III. p. •;d94. Rostan (L. N.) Recherches sur le Ramollissement du Cerveau, Svo, Paris, 1820. Sablairoles (J.) Sur I'influence des Organes Digestifs des Enfans sui- le Cerveau, 8vo, Paris, 182G. Schneiderus (C. V.) De Morbis Capitis, 4to, Vittenb. 16G9. Tissot (S. A. D.) De Cephalaja, &c. Laus. 17G0, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. X. Vaughau (Walter) Essay on Headaches, Svo, Lond. 1825. VVadd (W.) On Malformations and Diseases of the Head,4to, Lond. 1819. Wepferus (Jo. Jac.) De Aifectibus Capitis, 4to, Scaph. 1727. * * * b. Diseases of the Brain in Particular. a. Affections of the Membranes. ■ * « * » a. Meningitis. s • • • Balfour (J. H.) Case of Peculiar Disease of the Skull and Dura Mater, 8vo, Edin. 1834. Brendelius (J. G.) De Cognatione Paraphrenitidis, &c. 8vo, Gott. 1752, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VI II. p. 71. Duchatelet (P.) Sur I'lndammation de I'Arachnoide, 8vo, Paris, 1825. » « ♦ » • b. Hydrocephalus. Coindet (J. F.) Meraoire sur I'Hydrence'phale, 8vo, Paris, 1817. Craigie (D.) Case of Chronic Hydrocephalus, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Ekmark (Cav.) Dissertatio exhibeus Hydrocephalum Internum Anno- rura XLV. Upsal. 1763, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. II. Gaudelius (Jo.) De Hydrocephalo, Gott. 1793, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XII. p. 96. Golis (L. A.) Treatise on the Hydrocephalus Acutus, translated from the German, by Gooch, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Quin (C. W.) On Dropsy of the Brain, Svo, Edin. 1768. Smyth (James Carmichael) On Hydrencephalus, Svo, Lond. 1814. Whytt (Hobt.) On Dropsy of the 'Brain, Svo, Edin. 17r8. Yeats (G. D.) On the early symptoms which lead to Water in the Brain, Svo, Lond. 1815. Appendix to the same book, Svo, Lond. 1819. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Loud. 1823. » ♦ * » * c. Delirium Tremens. Lind (Janus Georgius) De Delirio Tremente, 12mo, Haunise, 1822. Sutton (Thomas) On Delirium Tremens, Peritonitis, and some other In- ternal Inflammatory Affections, and on Gout, Svo, Lond. 1813. 124 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. * * " " b. Apoplexy and Paralysis. Calmeil (L, F.) De la Paralysie considere'e chez les Alicnes, 8vo, Paris, 1826. Cheyne (John) Cases of Apoplexy and Lethargy, 8vo, Lond. 1812. Cramer (C.) De Paralysi, et Setaceorum adversus earn eximio usu, Gott. 17G8, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. I. Kirkland (Thomas) On Apoplectic and Paralytic Affections, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Kortnm (C. G. T.) De Apoplexia Nervosa, Gott. 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VL p. 1. Idem liber, ext. in Lud. Script. Neur. Tom. IV. Parkinson (James) On the Shaking Palsy, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Pereboora (Corn.) De Paralysi imprimis Nervea, Hornse, 1773, ext. in Schleg. Thes. Portal (Le Baron) Sur I'Apoplexie et sur les moyens de la prevenir, 8vo, Paris, 1811, Pott (Percival) Sur la Paral3'sie, &c. trad, par M. Beerenbrok, 8vo, Brux. 1779. Rochoux (J. A.) Recherches sur I'Apoplexie, 8vo, Paris, 1814. Schneiderus (C. V.) De Apoplexia, Leipopsychia, et Paralysi, 4to, Franc. 1672. Tissot (S. A. D.) De Apoplexia, &c. Lond. 1761, ext. in Sandifort. The- saur. Tom. ll. Wepferus (Jo. Jac.) Historise Apoplecticorum, &c. 12mo, AmsteL 1724. Zulianus (F.) De Apoplexia praesertim Nervea, 8vo, Lips. 1780. * * " * c. Mental Diseases. Arnold (T.) On Insanity, 2 vols. 8vo, Leicester, 1782-86. Bakewell (Thomas) Letter to the Chairman of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Mental Derangement, Svo, Stafford, 1815. Battie (W.) Treatise on Madness, 4to, Lond. 1758. Bose (E. G.) De Morbis Mentis delicta excusantibus, 8vo, Lips. 1774, ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. IX. p. 93. Burrows (G. M.) Inquiry into certain Errors relative to Insanity, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1820. Commentaries on Insanity, Svo, Lond. 1828. Calmeil (L. F.) De la Paralysie consideree chez les Alienes, 8vo, Paris, 1826. Combe (Andrew) On the Effects of Ii! juries of the Brain upon the Mani- festations of the Mind, Svo, Edin. "lS24. Observations on Mental Derangement, Svo, Edin. 1831. ConoUy (John) An Inquiry concerning the indications of Insanity, Svo, Lond. 1830. Cox (J. M.) Dissertatio Inauguralis de Mania, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1787. ■ Practical Observations on Insanity, Svo, Lond. 1804. Crichton (Alex) On Mental Derangement, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1798. Crovvther (Bryan) Practical Remarks on Insanity, Svo, Lond. 1811. Crowther (C.) Observations on the Management of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Wakefield, Svo, Wakefield, 1830. Daquin (Jos.) La Philosophic de la Folic, Svo, Paris, 1792. Dcwar (Henry) Essay on Insanity, 4to, Edin. 1818. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 125 Faulkner (B.) Observations on the Treatment of Insanity, 8vo, Lond. 1790. Fodere (F. E.) Traite' du Delire, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1817. Traite du Cretinisrae, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1800. Georget (M.) De la Folic, 8vo, Paris, 1820. Hallaran (W. S.) On the Causes and Cure of Insanity, 8vo, Cork, 1818. Halliday (Sir Andrew) General View of the Present State of Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums in Great Britain and Ireland, Svo, Loud. J 828. Letters to Lord Robert Seymour, with a Report of the ruimber of Lunatics and Idiots in England and Wales, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Haslam (John) On Madness and Melancholy, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1809. Illustrations of Madness, 8vo, Lond. 1810. Oa the Moral Management of Insane Persons, 8vo, Load. 1817, Medical Jurisprudence as it relates to Insanity according to the law of England, 8vo, Lond, 1817, Hill (George Nesse) Essay on Insanity, 8vo, Lond, 1814. f2 copies. J Johnstone (John) On Madness, Svo, Birmingham, 1800. Kloekhof (C. A.) De Morbis Animi ab infirmato tenore Medullaj Cerebri, 8vo, Traject, 175.3. Knight (P, S.) On the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Derange- ment of the Mind, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Marshall (A.) Morbid Anatomy of the Brain in Mania and Hydrophobia, Svo, Lond. 1815. f2 copies.) Monro (John) Remarks on Dr. Battle's Treatise on Madness, Svo, Lond. 1775. Morrison (Alexander) Outlines of Lectures on Mental Diseases, Svo, Edin, 1825. ■ The same book, Svo, Paris, 1826, Perfect (W.)' Select Cases of Insanity, Svo, Rochester, 1787. Pinel (Ph.) Traite' Me'dico-Philosophique sur I'Alienation Mentale, Svo, Paris, 1801. The same book, translated by Davies, Svo, Sheffield, 1806, Le meine livre, 2de Edit, Svo, Paris, 1809, (3 copies.) Prichard (Jas. Cowley) A Treatise on Insanity and other Disorders af- fecting the Mind, Svo, Lond. 1835. Spurzheim (F. G.) Observations on Insanity, Svo, Lond. 1817. Voisin (F.) Des Causes Morales et Physiques des Maladies Mentales, Svo, Paris, 1 826. Willis (Francis) Treatise on Mental Derangement, Svo, Lond. 1823. § Melancholia and Hypochondriasis. Blackraore (Rich.) On Hypochondriacal and Hysterical Affections, Svo, Loud. 1725, Dubois (F.) Histoire Philosophique de I'Hypochoudrie et de I'Hysterie, Svo, Paris, 1833, Falret (J, P.) De I'Hypochondrie et du Suicide, Svo, Paris, 1822. Flemyng (Mil.) De Morbis Hypochoudriacis et Hystericis Poema, Svo, Eborac. 1740. Fracassinus (Ant.) Opuscula Pathologica de Malo Hvpochondriaco, &c. 4-to, Lips. 1758, Morbi Hypochondriaci Mechanica Investigatio, 4to, Verouae, 1764. Gattenhoff (G. M.) De Ilypochondriasi, Heideib. 1709, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom, I. p. i, Haslam (John) On Madness and Melancholy, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1809, 126 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Long (A. C.) De Melaucholiii et Morbis Melancholicis, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1765. Mandeville (B.) On the Hypochondriac and Hysteric Diseases, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1730. Wilson (A.) On Hysteria and Hypochondriasis, 8vo, Lond. 1777. Woodlorde (J.) Treatise on Dyspepsia, with Observations on Hypochon- driasis and Hysteria, Svo, Lond. and Sherborne, 1821. * * b. Diseases of the Spinal Marrow, including Diseases and Distor- tions of the Spine. Bampfield (R. W.) An Essay on Curvatures and Diseases of the Spine, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1824. Baynton (Thomas) Account of a Successful Method of treating Diseases of the Spine, bvo, Loud. 1813. Bell (Sir C.) Observations on Injuries of the Spine, &c. 4to, Lond. 1824. Earle (Sir James) On the Cure of Curved Spine, 8vo, Loud. 1799. Frank (Jo. Pet.) De Vertebralis Columnje in Morbis Diguitate, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XI. p. 1. Harrison (Edward) Pathological and Practical Observations on Spinal Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Knox (K.) On the Treatment of the Lateral Curvature of the Spine, 8vo, Ediu. 1825. f2 copies. J Macartney (James) On Curvatures of the Spine, 4to, Dublin, 1817. Newbigging (P. S. K.) On Spina Bifida, 8vo, Edin. 1834. Ollivier (C. P.) De la Moelle Epiuiere et ses Maladies, 8vo, Paris, 1824. Pott (Percival) Sur la Paralysie, &c. trad, par M. Beerenbroek, 8vo, Brux. 1779. Shaw (John) On the T^^ature and Treatment of Distortions of the Spine, 8vo, Loud. 1823, with Atlas iu folio. Further Observations on the same Subject, 8vo, Loud. 1825. Ward (W. T.) On Distortions of the Spine, &c. 8vo, Lond. 18^2. * * c. Diseases of the Nerves. Boerhaave (Hermann.) Prsplectiones Academicaj de Morbis Nervorum, 2 torn. 1 2mo, Lugd. Bat. 1 7G 1 . Cottunnius (D.) De Ischiade Nervosa, Neapoli, 17G4, ext. in Thesaur. Sandifort. Tom. II. Idem liber, Svo, Vicnn. 1770. Coopman (Geo.) Neurologia, &c. Svo, Franequer. 178G. Criisen (C. B.) De Tensione Nervorum, Gott. 17G5, ext. in Lud. Script. Neur. Tom. IV. p. 189. Domeier (W. Fr.) Ueber den Sclilaglluss vorzuglich der Nerven, 8vo, Hanover, 1791. Duval (J. L.) Sur quelques Affections Douloureuses de la Face, Svo, Paris, 1814. Falconer (W.) Dissertation on Ischias, and on the Effects of the Bath Waters in this Disease, Svo, Lond. 1805. Heiueken (Jo.) De Morbis Nervorum eorumque frequentistima ex Abdo- mine origine, ext. iu Ludwig. Script. Neuorolog. Tom. II. p. 291. Hutchinson (Benjamin) Cases of Neuralgia Spasmodica or Tic Doul- oureux successfully treated, Svo, Lond. 1822. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 127 Kirkland (T.) Two Dissertations on the Nerves, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1774. Muso-rave (Samuel) On the Nerves, 8vo, Lond. 177G. Swan (Joseph) On Diseases and Injuries of the Nerves, 8vo, Lond. 1834;. Teale (T. P.) A Treatise on NeuraJgic Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Wood (W.) On the Painful Subcutaneous Tubercle, 8vo, Edin. 1812. (2 copies J Further Observations on the same Subject, 8vo, Edin, 1828. Observations on Neuroma, 8vo, Edin. 1828. * * d. Aiiomalous Diseases of the Nervous S^stern. Catalepsy. Fabri (G. L.) Tractatus de Catalepsi, 8vo, Halae, 1780. Chorea. Andree (John) Cases of St. Vitus' Dance, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1746. Epilepsy. Andree (John) Cases of Epilepsy, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1746. Epps (J.) Epilepsy, a Case of 20 years standing cured, 8vo, Lond. 1834. Portal (Le Baron) Observations sur la Nature et le Traitement de I'Epi- lepsie, 8vo, Paris, 1827. Threlful (W.) On Epilepsy, 8vo, Lond. 1772. Wenzel (J.) Observations sur leCervelet,et sur les Di verses Parties du Cer- veau dans les Epileptiques, traduites par M. Breton, 8vo, Paris, 1811. Hydrophobia. Arnold (T.) Case of Hydrophobia successfully treated, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Bardsley (J. L.) De Rabie Canina, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Bardsley (Samuel) Medical Reports, ^>ith an enquiry into Canine Mad- ness, 8vo, Lond. 1807. (2 copies.) Breithaupt (Lud.) De Hydrophobia, 1794, est. in Brose CoU. Diss. Gott. Tom. 11. Part. II. Desault (Pierre) Sur la Rage, 12mo, Bourdeaux, 1733. Hamilton (Robert) On tlie means of obviating the Effects of the Bite of a Mad Dog, 8vo, Ipswich, 1785. Lalouette (J. F. A.) Sur la Rage, 8vo, Paris, 1812. Lettsom (J. C.) On the Bite of Mad Dogs, and other Rabid Animals, 8vo, Philadelphia, 1793. Lipscomb (George) On Canine Madness, 8vo, Lond. 1809. Lister (Martin.) De Hydrophobia, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1694. (2 copies.) Mease (J.) On the Diseases produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog or other Rabid Animal, with an Appendix by Dr. Lettsom, 8vo, Lond. 1793. (2 copies.) Nugent (C.) On Hydrophobia, 8vo, Lond. 1753. Parry (Caleb Hilliar) Cases of Rabies Contagiosa, &c. 8vo, Bath, 1815. Ridley (H.) De Hydrophobia, &c. 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1750. Rush (Benj.) On Hydrophobia, &c. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1798. Savarin-Marestan (J. M.) Sur les Hydropisies Articulaires, avec un Me- moire sur la Rage, 8vo, Paris, 1803. White (Robert) Doubts of Hydrophobia as a Specific Disease being com- municated by the Bite of a Dog, 8vo, Lond. 1826. 128 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Us/tteria. Andree (John") Cases of Epilepsy, Hysteric Fits, St. Vitus' Dance, &c. 8vo, Loud. 174G. Dubois (F.) Ilistoire Philosophique de rHvpochondrie et de I'Hysterie, 8vo, Paris, 1833. Woodforde (J.) Observations on Hysteria, &c. 8vo, Lond. and Sherborne, 1821. Shaking Palsy. Parkinson (James) On the Shaking- Palsy, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Tetanus. Dazille (M.) Observations sur le Tetanos, 8vo, Paris, 1788. Morrison (John) Treatise on Tetanus, 8vo, Newry, 181G. Parry (Cal. Hil.) Cases of Tetanus and Kabies Contagiosa, &c. 8vo, Bath, 1815. Schaw (D.) Essay on Tetanus, 8vo, Edin. 1817. Trnka (Wen.) Conimeutarius de Tetano, 8vo, Vindob. 1777. c. Diseases of the Respiratory Systevi. * a. Diseases of the Respiratory System Generally. Alder (Thomas) Outlines of a Treatise on the Disordered States of the Lungs, 8vo, Lond. 1804. Bellini (Laurent.) De Morbis Pectoris, &c. Edit. 2da, 4to, Francof. et Lips. 1698. •^— Idem liber, cum Prsefat- Hermann. Boerhaavii, Edit. 5ta, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1730. Bree (Robert) On Disordered Respiration, 8vo, Birmingham, 1797. The same book, .5th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1815. Cloquet (Jules) De ITnfluence des Efforts sur les Organes renfermes dans la Cavite Thoracique, 8vo, Paris, 1820. Galenns (Claudius) Dissertatio de Respirationis Causis, Utilitate, Diffi- cultate, &c. fol. Basil. 1536. Granville (A. B.) Further Observations on the internal use of the Hydro- cyanic Acid in Pulmonary Complaints, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Herholdt (J. D.) Ucber die Lungenkrankheiten und insbesondere die Lungenschvvindsucht, von Dr. J. J. Alb. von Schonberg, 8vo, Nurnberg, 1814. Magendic (F.) Sur I'Emploi de I'Acide Prussique dans le Traitement des Maladies de Poitrine, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Miller (Thos.) Inquiry into the EflFects produced on the Brain, Lungs, &c. by diseases of the Liver, 8vo, Dublin, 1819. Laennec (R. T. H.) De I'Auscultation Mediate, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1826. The same book, translated by Forbes, 8vo, Lond. 1821. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 129 * b. Particular Diseases of the Respiratory System. Asphyxia. Kay (J. P.) The Physiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Asphyxia, 8vo, Lond. 1834. Lyon (Pat.) De Asphyxiae causis et rations, Svo, Edin. 1819, Aithma. Bree (Robert) On Disordered Respiration, Svo, Birrning-ham, 1797. The same book, 5th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1815. Floyer (Sir John) Treatise on Asthma, Svo, Lond. I745. Millar (John) On Asthma aud Hooping-Cough, 8vo, Lond. 1769. C2 copies. J Ridley (H.) De Asthmate et Hydrophobia, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1750. Ryan (Mich.) On Asthma, Svo, Lond. 1793. Simson (Jac.) De Asthmate Infantum Spasmodic©, Svo, Univ. And. 1761. Withers (T.) Treatise on the Asthma, Svo, Lond. 1786. Bronchitis, including Catarrh and Influenza. Badham (Charles) On the Inflammatory Affections of the Mucous Mem- brane of the Bronchite, 12mo, Lond. 180S. Baker (George) De Catarrho et de Dysenteria Loudinensi Ann. 1762 Epidemica, 4to, Lond. ITe^. Beddoes (Thos.) On Catarrh, &c. Svo, Lond. 1793. Cheyne (John) Pathology of the Larynx and Bronchiae, Svo, Edin. 1809. Grant (Wm.) On the Influenza which appeared in London in 1775 and 1782, Svo, Lond. 1782. Hastings (Cha.) Treatise on Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of the Lungs, Svo, Lond. 1820. Mudge (John) On Catarrh, &c. 12mo, Lond". 1782. Pearson (Rich.) On the Influenza, Svo, Loud. 1803. Schneiderus (C. V.) De Catarrhis, &c. 5 torn. 4to, Vittemb. 1660. Bronchocele. Fodere (F. E.) Traite du Goitre, et du Cretinisme, Svo, Paris, 1800. Inglis (Arch.) Essay on Bronchocele, Svo, Edin. 1825. Manson (A.) Medical Researches on the Effects of Iodine in Bron- chocele, &c. Svo, Lond. 1825. Mosely (Benj.) On Bronchocele, &c. Svo, Lond. 1800. Wilraer (B.) On Bronchocele, Svo, Lond. 1779. Croup. Albers (J. A.) Commentatio de Tracheitide Infantum vulgo Croup vocata, 4to, Lipsise, 1816. Alexander (D.) On Croup, Svo, Huddersfield, 1794. Cheyne (John) Pathology of the Larynx and Bronchiae, Svo, Edin. 1809. Cletus (Aetius) De Morbo Strangulatorio, 12mo, Romae, 1637. R 130 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Desruelles (II. M. J.) Traite du Croup, 8vo, Paris, 1821. Double (F.J.) Traite du Croup, 8vo, Paris, 1811. Home (F.) Inquiry into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of Croup, 8vo, Edin. 1765. Michaelis (C. F.) De Anginu Polyposa, 8vo, Gott. 1778. Porter (W. H.) Observations on the Surgical Pathology of the Larynx and Trachea, 8vo, Dublin, 1826. Valentin (Louis) Recherches Historiques et Pratiques sur le Croup, 8vo, Paris, 1812. Wilcke (II. C. D.) De Angina Infantum in Patria recentioribus annis observata, Upsal. 1761, ext. in Thesaur. Sandifort. Tom. II. Emphysema. Halliday (Sir Andrew) On Emphysema, 8vo, Lond. 1807, Hffdrothorax. Maclean (L.) On Hydrothorax, 8vo, Sudbury, 1810. Pertussis. Butter (W.) On the Kinkcough, 8vo, Lond. 1773. Harrison (Jo.) De Pertussi, 4to, Gott. 1793. Millar (John) On Hooping-Cough and Asthma, 8vo, Lond. 1769. f2 copies. J Strack (Carolus) De Tussi Convulsiva Infantum, Svo, Mogunt. 1777, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. III. p. 218. Watt (Robert) On Chincougli, Svo, Glasgow, 1813. P?tt/nsis. Armstrong (John) Practical Illustrations of Pulmonary Consumption, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1818. The same book, 2d Edit. Lond. 1818. Baron (John) On the Tuberculated Accretions of Serous Membranes, &c. Svo, Lond. 1819. Illustrations of the Enquiry respecting Tuberculous Diseases, Svo, Lond. 1823. Bayle (G. L.) Recherches sur la Phthisic Pulmonaire, Svo, Paris, 1810. Beddoes (Thos.) Essay on Consumption, for the use of Parents and Preceptors, Svo, Bristol, 1799. On Calculus, Sea-Scurvy, Consumption, Catarrh, Fever, &c. Svo, Lond. 1793. Letter to Dr. Darwin, on a New Mode of treating Consumption, &c. Svo, Bristol, 1793. (^2 copies. J Bennet (Christoph.) Tabidorum Theatrum, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1714. Bourne (Robert) On the Effects of UvaTJrsi in Consumption, Svo, Lond. 1805. Clarke (Jas.) A Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption, Svo, Lond. 1835. Crichton (Sir Alex.) Relation de quelques Experiences avec la Vapcur du Goudron dans le Traitemeut de la Phthisic Pulmonaire, trad, de r Anglais, Svo, St. Petersbourg, 1817. Desault (Pierre) Sur les Maladies Venerienncs, la Rage et la Phthisic, 12nio, Bordeaux, 1733. Duncan (Andrew, Sen.) On Consumption, Svo, Edin. 1813. Granville (A. B.) Further Observations on the Internal Use of the Hydrocyanic Acid in Pulmonary Complaints, Svo, Lond. 1819. Special pathology. 131 tTawkridg-e (John) On Consumption, &c. 8vo, York, 11 Gi. Hunter (A.) On Phthisis Pulmonalis, 8vo, York, 1792. Leijrh (C.) Phthisiologia Lancastriensis, necnon de Mineralibus Aquis, 12mo, Lond. 1694. Lombard (H. C.) Essai sur Ics Tubercules, J to, Paris, 1827. Louis (E. C. A.) Recherchcs Anatoraico-Pathologiqucs sur la Phthisic, 8vo, Paris, 1825. The same book, translated by Charles Cowan, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Examen de I'Examen de M. Broussais re'lativement a la Phthisic et a I'AfFection Typhoide, 8vo, Paris, 1834. Mansford (John G.) Inquiry into the Influence of Situation on Pulmon- ary Consumption, and on the Duration of Life, 8vo, Lond. 1818. May (W.) Essay on Pulmonary Consumption, &c. 8vo, Plymouth, 1792. Pears (Charles) Cases of Phthisis Pulmonalis cured by Tonics, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Raulin (M.) Traite' de la Phthisic Pulmonaire, 8vo, Paris, 1782. Rcgnault (J. B.) On the Use of the Lichen Islandicus in Pulmonary Consumption, 8vo, Lond. 1802. Reid (Thomas) On the Nature and Cure of Phthisis Pulmonalis, 8vo, Lond. 1782. Robinson (N.) On the Method of Treating Consumptions, 8vo, Lond. 1727. Rogers (N.) Essay on Tubercles, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Ryan (Mich.) On Consumption of the Lungs, 8vo, Dublin, 1787. Sanders (James) Remarks on the Opinions of Dr. Rush, 8vo, Edin. 1806. On Pulmonary Consumption, 8vo, Edin. 1808. Simmons (S. F.) On the Treatment of Consumptions, 8vo, Lond. 1780. Smyth (J. Carmichael) On the Use of Swinging in Phthisis Pulmonalis, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Southey (H. 11.) On Pulmonary Consumption, 8vo, Lond. 1814. Watt (Robert) Cases of Diabetes and Consumption, 8vo, Paisley, 1808. Young (Thos.) On Consumptive Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Pleuritis and Pneumonia, Huxham (John) On Peripneumony, &c. 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1750. Wendt (Fr.) De Pleuritide et Peripneumonia, Gott. 1762, ext. in Sandi- fort. Thesaur. Tom. II. d. Diseases of the Circulatory Organs. * a. Diseases of the Circulatory Organs Generally. Bertin (R.J.) Traite' des Maladies du Coeur et des Gros Vaisseaux, 8vo, Paris, 1824. Bouillaud (J.) Traite Clinique des Maladies du Coeur, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1835. Biirns (Allan) On Diseases of the Heart, 8vo, Edin. 1809. (2 copies.) Corvisart (J. N.) Sur les Maladies du Coeur, 8vo, Paris, 1811. The same book, translated by Hebb, 8vo, Lond. 1813. Cox (Daniel) On the Intermitting Pulse, 8vo, Lond. 1725. EUiotson (John) On the recent Improvements in the Diagnosis of Dis- eases of the Heart, fol. Lond. 1 830. Gattenhoff ((i. M.) De Plethora, Heidelb, 1779, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. 249. 132 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Hope (J.) A Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart, 8vo, Lond. 1832. Laeunec (R. T. H.) De I'Auscultation Mediate, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819. The same book, translated by Forbes, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Le nieme livre, 2de Edit. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1826. The same book, trans, by Forbes, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Matani (Ant.) De Aneurismaticis Prsecordiorum Morbis, 4to, Lib. 17G1. Keeder (F.) On Diseases of the Heart, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Senac (Pierre) Traite de la Structure du Cceur, de son Action, et de ses Maladies, 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1749. Testa (A. G.) Delle Malattie del Cuore, loro cagioni, specie, segui, e cura, 2da Ed. 3 torn. 8vo, Firenze, 1823. Warren (J. C.) On Organic Diseases of the Heart, 8vo, Boston, 1809. * b. Particular Diseases of the Circulatory Organs. • " a. Particular Diseases of the Heart. Angina Pectoris. Butter (VV.) On Angina Pectoris, 8vo, Lond. 1791. Desportes (E. H.) De I'Angine de Poitrine, 8vo, Paris, 1811. Hume (G.) Observations on the Angina Pectoris, &c. 8vo, Dublin, 1804. Jurine (L.) Sur I'Angine de Poitrine, 8vo, Paris, 1815. Parry (Caleb Hilliar) On the Causes and Cure of Syncope Anginosa, 8vo, Bath, 1799. Carditis. Davis (J. F.) On Carditis, 12mo, Bath, 1808. • * b. Diseases of the Arteries and Veins. Hodgson (Joseph) On the Diseases of Arteries and Veins, 8vo, Lond. 1815, with Atlas in folio. — Traite des Maladies des Arteres, et des Veines, traduit par G. Bres- chet, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Matani (Ant.) De Aneurismaticis Prjecordiorum Morbis, 4to, Lib. 1761. Monro (Alex. Ttrtius) Ou Aneurism of the Abdominal Aorta, 8vo, Edin. 1827. Pohl (J. E.) et Menz (C. C. F.) De Varice interuo Morborum Causa, Lips. 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII, p. 269. Turner (Thomas) Practical Treatise on the Arterial System, 8vo, Lond. 1825. (2 copies. J e. Diseases of the Digestive Organs. * a. Diseases of the Digestive Organs Generally. Abercrombie (John) Researches on the Pathology of the Intestinal Canal, Parts I. II. and III. 8vo, Edin. 1820. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 133 Abercrombie (Johu) On Diseases of the Abdominal Viscera, 8vo, Edin. 1828. The same book, 2d Edition, 1830. Armstrong (John) The Morbid Anatomy of the Bowels, Liver and Sto- mach, Fascic. I. II. III., 4to, Lond. 1828. Barry (Sir E.) On the Three Dio-estions and Discharg-es of the Human Body, and the Diseases of their Principal Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1759. Billard (C.) Recherches d'Anatomie Pathologique sur la IMerabraue Muqueuse Gastro-Intestinale, 8vo, Paris, 182.5. Caignou (E. De) et Quemont (A.) Le9ons du Docteur Broussais sur les Phlegmasies Gastriques et Cutanees Aigues, 8vo, Paris, 1819. Hare (Thos.) A View of the Structure, Functions, and Disorders of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Johnson (James) Essay on the Morbid Sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels as the Cause of Indigestion, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Matthiei (J. C. G.) De Plethora? Abdominalis Causis et Sequelis, 1790, ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Gott. Tom. I. Part. II. Monro (Alex. Tertius) Morbid Anatomy of the Human Gullet, Stomach, and Intestines, 8vo, Edin. 1811. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, 1830. (2 copies.) O'Beirne (J.) New Views of the Process of Defecation, 8vo, Dub. 18.33. Pemberton (C. R.) On the Diseases of the Abdominal Viscera, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1807. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1814. Rees (G.) Practical Observations on Disorders of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1810. Wedekind (G. C. T.) De Morbis Primarum Viarum, 4to, Norimb. 1792. Wilson (Andrew) On Autumnal Disorders of the Bowels — on Sudden Deaths at the same season — on the Natural Causes of the Bile's Putrescency — and on Spasms, 8vo, Newcastle, 1765. * b. Particular Diseases of the Digestive Organs. * * a. Diseases of the Mouth. Arnaud (Georg.) De Aphthis Commentatio, 8vo, Getting. 1787. Arnemann (Justus) Commentatio de Aphthis, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. V. p. 319, Berdmore (Thomas) On the Disorders and Deformities of the Teeth and Gums, 12mo, Lond. 1770. Gariot (J. B.) Traite des Maladies de la Bouche, 8vo, Paris, 1805. Jourdain (M.) Traite des Maladies de la Bouche, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1778. Leutinus (L. F. B.) De Aphthis, 8vo, Lips. 1789, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XI. p. 273. Plenck (Jo. Jac.) De Morbis Dentium, 8vo, Viennae, 1778. (For further Works on the Teeth, Ftd. p. 10. Ktd. also Surgery of Mouth and Teeth, under Surgery, Part \. Chap. 5.) * * b. Diseases of the Throat and Gullet. BarthoHnus (Thomas) De Angina puerorura Campanise Siciliseque Epi- demica, 12mo, Paris, 1646. 134 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Bleiilaiicl (Janus) Obseivationes Anatomico-lNIedicaj de CEsophagi struc« tiira,4-to, Liiod. Bat. 1785. Bretonneau (P.) Des Inflammations Speciales du Tissu Muqiieux, et en particulier do la Diphtherite, 8vo, Paris, 1826. Home (^ir Everard) Practical Observations on the Treatment of Stric- tures in the Urethra and CEsophagus, 2d Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1805. Huxham (John) On the Malignant Ulcerous Sore Throat, 8vo, Lond. 1757. Monro (Ale.v. Tertius) On Spasms of the Canals for the Food, Bile, and Urine, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Pina (Geronimo Gily de) Tratado de la Curacion del Garrotillo, 12rao, Zarago^a, 1636. Tamayo (Andreas De) Tratados de Algebra, y Garrotillo, 12mo, Valen. 1621. Wilcke (H. C. D.)De Angina Infantum in Patria recentioribus aunis ob- servata, Upsal. 1764, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. II. * * c. Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines. Ascites. (Vid. Dropsy, p. 117.) Cholera. Abercrombie (John) Suggestions on the Malignant Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Ainslie (Sir Whitelaw) On the Cholera Morbus of India, 8vo, Lond. 1825. Allison (E. D.) Letters on the Early Interment of Persons -who die of Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Becker (F .W.) Letter on the Cholera in Prussia, 8vo, Lond. 1832. Bell (Geo. H.) Letter to Sir Henry Ilalford on the Tendency of the pro- posed Regulations regarding Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Treatise on Cholera Asphyxia or Epidemic Cholera, 8vo, Edin. .1831. ■ The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1832. Blane (Sir Gilbert) Warning to the British Public on the Cholera of India, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Christie (A. T.) On Cholera, &c. 8vo, Edin. 1828. On the Epidemic Cholera, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Clanny (W. R.) On Hyperanthraxis, or the Cholera of Sunderland, 8vo, Lond. 1832. Craigie (D.) Account of the Cholera in Newburn, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Observations, Pathological and Therapeutic, on the Epidemic Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Deville (J. J.) Memoire et Observations sur I'Epidemie de CholeVa Mor- bus qui a regne an Bengal pendant I'ete de 1818, 8vo, Paris, 1819. Dieffenbach (J. F.) Physiologisch-Chirurgische Beobachtungen bei Cholera-kranken, 8vo, Berlin, 1832. Hamilton (W.) Observations on the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Cholera Morbus, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Hawkins (Bisset) History of the Epidemic Spasmodic Cholera of Russia, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Keir (James) On Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 135 Kennedy (Jas.) History of the Contagious Cholera, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Kirchhove (J. R. L. de) Considerations sur la Nature et Traitement du Cholera Morhus, 8vo, Anvers, 1833. Lavvrie (Janoes A.) Essay on Cholera, founded on Ohservations of the Disease made in various parts of India, &c. 8vo, Glasgow, 1832. Le Fevre (Geo. Wra.) Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Cholera Morbus in St. Petersburg, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Lizars (John) Substance of the Investigations regarding Cholera Asphyxia, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Marshall (J.) Observations on Cholera as it appeared at Port-Glasgow in 1831, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Moir (D. M.) Practical observations on Malignant Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Molison (Thos.) Remarks on the Cholera as it occurred at Newcastle, 8vo, Edin. 1832. The same book, 2d Edit. The same book, 4th Edit. Moreau de Jonne's (Alex.) Rapport au Conseil Superieur de Sante sur le Chole'ra Morbus Pestilentiel, 8vo, Paris, 1831. Morris (Fred. W.) Remarks on Spasmodic Cholera, 8vo, Halifax, 1832. Orton (Reginald) Essay on the Epidemic Cholera of India, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Quin (Fredericus F.) Du Traitement Horaoeopathique du Chole'ra, 8vo, Paris, 1832. Searle (Charles) On Cholera, its Nature, Cause, and Treatment, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Tweedie (Alex.) A Practical Treatise on Cholera, 8vo, Lond. 1832, Wilkinson (John) On Cholera, Bvo, Edin. 1832. — — Outlines for a proper Theory and Cure of Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832. CoUca Pictomim. Fourage (J. P.) De Colica Pictonum, 8vo, Herb. 1777, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IlL p. 2b6. Hardy (James) On the Colic of Pictou and Devonshire, 8vo, Lond. 1786. Huxham (John) De Morbo Colico Damnoniorura eoque maximc Epi- demico Anno 1724, 8vo, 1738. Constipation. Hossack (David) On the Use of Emetics in Constipation of the Bowels, 8vo, New York, 1822. Dt/senterif' Akenside (Marcus) De Dysenteriii Commentatio, 8vo, Lond. 17G4. Idem liber, ext. in Schlegel. Thesaur. Tom. I. Part. II. p. 277. Assalini (P.) Observations sur la Flux Dysenterique, &c. 2de Edit. 12mo, Paris, 1805. (^2 copies. J Baker (Georg. ) De Dysenteria Londinensi Ann. 1762 Epidemica, -ito, Lond. 1764. Idem liber, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. II. p. 36.3. Ballingall (Sir Geo.) Ou Fever, Dysentery and Liver Complaints, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Bampfield (R. VV.) On Tropical Dysentery, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1819. Bancroft (E. N.) On Dysentery, &c. 8vo, Lond. 181 1. (^2 copies.) Bay (William) Ou Dysentery, 8vo, New York, 1797. 136 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Deg-ener (J. Hart) De Dysenteriu Biliosii Contagiosa, 8vo, Traj. ad Rhen. 17o4. Dewar (Henry) On the Dysentery in the British Array during 1701, 8vo, Lond. 1803. Harty (W.) Observations on Dysentery, 8vo, Lond. Houlston (Thomas) On Poisons, and on the Use of Mercury in Dysentery, 8vo, Edin. 1787. Somei-s (E. S.) De Dysenteria, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1816. Medical Suggestions for the Treatment of Dysentery, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Wade (J. P.) Evidences of a Successful Method of treating Fever and Dysentery in Bengal, 8vo, Lond. 1791. Wilson (Andrew) On the Autumnal Dysentery, 8vo, Lond. 17G1. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1777. Zimmerman (John George) On Dysentery, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1774. Go stro-En teritis. Broussais (F. J. A.) Histoire des Phlegmasies, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1808. Examen des Doctrines Medicales, et des Systemes de Nosologic, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1821. Histoire des Phlegmasies Chroniques, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1822. Gairdner (John) On Perforation of the Stomach of Infants after Death, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Case of Disorganisation of the Stomach of an Infant, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Louis (P. C. A.) Recherches Anatomico-Pathologiques sur la Gastro- Euterite, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829, Hemorrhoids and Diseases of (he Rectum. (Vid. Surgery, Part I. Chap. 5.) Indigestion, Daubenton (M.) On Indigestion, trans, hy Buchan, 12mo, Lond. 1813. EUiotson (John) On the Efficacy of Hydrocyanic Acid in Affections of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1820. Forrest (G.) De Ventriciili Concoctione laesa, 8vo, Edin. 1705. Hare (Thomas) A View of the Structure, Functions, and Disorders of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Johnson (James) Essay on the Morbid Sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels as the Cause of Indigestion, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Philip (Alex. Wilson) Treatise on Indigestion and its consequences, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1822. On the Treatment of the more protracted Cases of Indigestion, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Rees (G.) Practical Observations on Disorders of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1810. Stone (Arthur) Pi'actical Treatise on Diseases of the Stomach, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Uwins (David) Treatise on Diseases directly or indirectly connected with Indigestion, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Woodforde (J.) Treatise on Dyspepsia, 8vo, Sherborne, 1820. The same book, 2d Edit, witii Observations on Hypochondriasis and Hysteria, 8vo, Lond. and Slicrborne, 1821. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 137 Marasmus. Ayre (Joseph) On the Nature and Treatment of Marasmus, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1818. Mossman (George) On Scrofula and Glandular Consumption, 8vo, Bradford. Peritonitis. Sutton (Thos.) On Peritonitis, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1813. Tympanitis. Trnka (Wen.) Historia Tympanitidis, 8vo, Vindob. 1788. fVorms. Andry (Nicolas) Sur la Ge'neration des Vers dans le Corps de THorame, 12mo. Bosch (J. J. Vanden) Historia Constitutionis Epidemics Verminosee aunorum 1760-63, 8vo, Luofd. Bat. 1769. f2 copies. J Bradley (Thomas) Treatise on A¥orms, 12mo, Lend. 1813. Bremser (J. G.) Traite Zoologique et Fhysiologique sur les Vers Intestin- aux de I'tlomme, 8vo, Paris, 1824, avec Atlas in 4to. Icones Helminthum, &c. fol. Viennse, 1824. Brera (Val. L.) Treatise on Verminous Diseases, translated bv Coffin, 8vo, Boston, 1827. Chamberlaine (Wm.) On the Efl&cacj- of Cowhage in Worms, 8vo, Lond. 1784. Clerc (Dan. Le) Historia Latorum Lumbricorum, 4to, Genev. 1715. Coulet (Steph.) Tractatus Historicus de Ascaridibus et Lumbrico Lato, 8vo, Lngd. Bat. 1 729. Murray (Jo. And.) De Vermibus in Lepra obviis et de Lumbricorum Setis, 12mo, Gott. 1769. Pallas (P. S.) De Infestis Viventibus inter Viventia, Lugd. Bat. 17G0, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. L Phelsum (M. Van) Historia Physiologica Ascaridum, 8vo, Leovardiifi, 1762. Retzius (And. J.) De Vermibus Intestinalibus, 8vo, Holm. 1786, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. I. Rhind (Wm.) Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Intestinal Worms of the Human Body, 8vo, Loud. 1829. Rudolphi (C. A.) Entozoorum sive Vermium Intestinalinm Historia Naturalis, 2 torn, (in 3 compact.) 8vo, Amst. 1808-1810. ■ Entozoorum Synopsis, 8vo, Berolin. 1819. Werner (P. C. F.) De Vermibus Intestinalibus, 8yo, Lips. 1782-86. * * d. Diseases of the Liver. Armstrong (John) Morbid Anatomy of the Boo'els, Stomach, and Liver Fascic. I. II. III. 4to, Lond. 1828. Bianchi (J. B.) Historia Hepatica, &c. 2 torn. 4to, Genev. 1725. s 138 _ SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Coe (T.) Ou Biliary Concretions, 8vo, Lond. 1757. Crawford (J.) Essay on a Disease of the Liver common in Hot Climates, 8vo, Lond. 1772. • Delins (H. F.) De Cholelithis, 4to, Erlani^. 1782. Faithorn (John) On Liver Complaints and Bilious Disorders, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1820. Frank (Jo. Pet.) De Larvis MorUorum Biliosis, 8vo, Gott. 1784, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. L p. 179. Girdlestone (T.) Essay on Hepatitis, and the Spasmodic Affections of India, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Griffith (C.) On Hepatitis, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Haassius (Jo. Gottl.) De Abscessibns Hepatis, Lipsise, 1776, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. V. Lj^sons (Dan.) Essays on Diseases of the Liver, &c. 8vo, Bath, 1772. The same book, 2d Edit. 1783. P.Iills (Thomas) Enqniry into the effects produced on the Brain, Lungs, &c. by Diseases of the Liver, 8vo, Dublin, 1819. Monro (Alex. Tertius) On Spasm of the Canals for the Bile, Food, and Urine, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Noeldecke (G. J. F.) De Pathologia Phthiseos Hepatic*, Gott. 1794, ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Tom. H. Part. II. Portal (Le Baron) Sur la Nature et le Traitemeut des Maladies du Foie, 8vo, Paris, 1813. Powell (Richard) On the Bile and its Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Richter (Gul. Mich.) Experimenta et Cogitata circa Bills Naturam, ac- cedit FI. F. Delii de Bile Humana Epistola, &c. 4to, Erlang-. 1788. Saunders (William) On the Liver, 8vo, Lond. 1793. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. i795. (2 copies.) Soemmerrinw (S. T.) De Concrementis Biiariis, 8vo, Traject. 1797. Wallace (Wm.) Researches respecting- the Medical Powers of Chlorine, particularly in Diseases of the Liver, Svo, Lond. 1822. Wilson (And.) On the Natural Causes of the Bile's Putrescency, &c. Svo, Newcastle, 1765. * * e. Diseases of the Spleen. Drelincurtius (Car.) De Lienosis, 12mo, Ln-jd. Bat. 1711. Schmidt (C. H.) Ccmmentatio de Pathologia Licnis, 4to, Gott. 1816. f. Diseases of the Absorbent Si/stem. Eecker (F. W.) De Glandulis Thoracis Lymphaticis atque Thyrao Speci- || men Pathologicnni, 4 to, Bcrol. 1826. Goodlad (W.) On the Diseases of the Absorbent System, Svo, Lond. 1814. Russel (Richard) On the Economy of Nature in Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Glands, 8vo, Lond. 1755. Soemmerring (S. T.) De Morbis Vasorum Absorbcnfium, 8vo, Traject. 1795, SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. 139 g. Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Orgaris.'f Diabetes. Girdlestoue (T.) Case of Diabetes, 8vo, Yarmouth, 1799. Latham (J.) Facts and Opinions concerning Diabetes, 8vo, Lond. 1811. Lister fMartin.) De Diabete, &c. Load. 1694. ^2 copies.) Prout (W.) On Diabetes, &c. 8vo, Loud. 1825. Rollo (John) Two Cases of Diabetes Mellitus, with Observations on the Use of Acids, &c. in Lues Venerea, and on Sugar, by W. Cruick- shank, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Notes of a Diabetic Case, 8vo, Deptford, 1797. Trnka (Wen.) Commentarius de Diabete, 8vo, Vienn. 1778. Venables (Robert) On Diabetes, 8vo, Lond. 1825. Watt (Robert) Cases of Diabetes and Consumption, 8vo, Paisley, 1808, , Nephritis. SchmoUer (F. H.) De Nephritide, ito, Jenre, 1680. t The principal works on this subject are inserted under Surgery, Part I. Chap. 5.__Diabete3 and Nephritis nave been retained here as being purely Medical Diseases. I CHAPTER V. Surfierj)^ SURGERY. I. GENERAL WORKS ON SURGERY. A. ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Aiken (John) Elements of the Theory and Practice of Physic and Surger}^ 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1782. Allan (Robert) System of Pathological and Operative Surgery, 3 toIs. 8vo, Edin. 18'l9-27. Bell (Benjamin) System of Surgery, 6 vols. 8vo, (with a Duplicate of Vol. I. J Edin. 1783-88. The same book, 7th Edit. 7 vols. Svo, Edin. 1801. Bell (John) Principles of Surgery, 3 vols. 4to, (bound in 4,) Edin. 1801-1808. The same book, new Edit, by Sir Charles Bell, 4 vols. Svo, Lond. 182G. Boyer (M. le Baron) Traite'des Maladies Chirurgicales, 9 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1818-24. Burns (John) Principles of Surgery, Vol. L Svo, Lond. 1829. Callisen (Hen.) Institutiones Chirurgise, 8vo, Hafuiie, 1777. Principia Chirurgise Hodiernaj, 2 tom. Svo, Hafnise, 1 788. Systema Chirurgiae HodieniEe, Edit. 4ta, 2 torn. Svo, Hafnia?, 1815-17. Chopart (M.) et Desault (P. J.) Traite des Maladies Chirurgicales, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1796. Cloquet (Jules) Pathologic Chirurgicale, 4to, Paris, 1831. The same book, trans, by Garlic and Copperthwaite, 12mo, Lond. 1832. Cooper (Sir Astley) Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, with Notes and Cases by F. Tyrrel, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1824. Cooper (Sam.) First Lines of the Practice of Surgery, 5th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1820. Surgical Dictionary, Svo, Lond. 18'>9. The same book, 3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1818. The same book, Gth Edit. Svo, Lond. 1830. Cortesius (Jo. Baptista) In Universam Chirurgiam absoluta Ins'iitulio, 4to, Messanse, 1C33. Delpecii (J.) Precis Elementaire des Maladies Chirurgicales, 3 tom. Svo, Paris, 1816. 144 SURGERY. Desault (P. J.) Qiurres Chirurgicales, par Bichat, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1801. (2 copies.) et Chopart, Traite des Maladies Chirurgicales, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 179G. The same book, trans, by TurnbuU, Vol. I. Svo, Lond. 1797. Fabricius (Ab Aqnapendeute) Opera Chirurgica, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1723. Gorter (Jo. de) (Jliinirgia Repurgata, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1742. Hebenstreit (D. J. E.) Dissertatio de Fonte Auxiliorum Chirurgico, 4to, Lips. 1753. Heister (Laur.) Tnstitutiones Chirurgia?, 2 torn. 4to, Amst. 1739. Lassus (P.) De la Medecine Operatoire, 2 torn. Svo, l^aris, 1795. Latta (J.) Practical System of Surgery, 3 vols. Svo, Edin. 1794. Leveille (J. B. F.) Isouvelle Doctrine Cliirurgicale, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1812. Liston (Robert) Elements of Surgery, Svo, Lond. 1831. Monteggia (G. B.) Instituzioni Chirurgiche, Edit. 2da, 8 torn, in 4, Svo, Milano, 1813-16. Morand (M.) Opuscules de Chirurgie, 2 torn. 4to, 1768-72. Pare (Anib.) Opera Chirurgica, ext. in Uifenbach. Thes. Whole Works, by Johnston, fol. Lond. 1678. Pearson (John) Principles of Surgery, Part L Svo, Lond. 1788. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1808. Petit (J. L.) Traite des Maladies Chirurgicales, 3 torn. Svo, Pan's, 1783. Platnerns (Jo. Zacch.) Institutiones Chirurgise Rationalis, Svo, Lips. 1758. Read (Dr.) Whole Practice of Chirurgery, Svo, Lond. 1687. Richerand (Anthelme) Nosographie Chirurgicale, 2de Edit. 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1808. Richter (A. G.) Anfangsgriinde der Wundarzneykunst, 6 Bande, Svo, Goett. 1799. Roche (L. Ch.) ot Sanson (L.J.) Nouveaux Elemens de Pathologic Me'dico-Chirurgicale, 5 tom. Svo, Paris, 1828. Roux (P.J.) Nouveaux Elemeus de Medecine Operatoire, Tom. L en 2 Parties, Svo, Paris, 1813. Sabatier (H. B.) La Medecine Operatoire, 3 tom. Svo, Paris, 1796. Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 3 tom. Svo, Paris, 1811. Sharp (Samuel) Treatise on the Operations in Surgery, Svo, Lond. 1751. Syme (James) Principles of Surgery, Svo, Edin. 1831. Turner (Daniel) The Art of Surgery, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1736. Vclpeau (Alph.) Nouveaux Elemens de Medecine Operatoire, 3 tom. in 2, Svo, Paris, 1832, avec Atlas in 4to. Vcrduc (J. B.) Pathologic de Chirurgie, 2 tom. 12mo, Paris, 1710. Vesalius (And.) Chirurgia Magna, Svo, Ven. 1509. Vidius (Vidus) Chirurgia, fol. Paris, 1544. Wildberg (C. F. L.) Lehtbucli der (ierichtlichon Arzneyvvissenschaft, 7.\\m Gebrauch Academischer Vorlesungen, Svo, Erfurt. 1824. n. COLLECTIVE WORKS, SURGICAL ESSAYS, REPORTS, CASES, &C. Alernethy (John) Surgical Works, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1811. Surgical and Physiological Essays, Parts L — IIL 8vo, Lond. 1793-97. Surgical Observations, Parts L and H. Svo, Lond. 1804-180G. o SURGERY. 145 Academic Roy ale de Chirurgie, 3Iemoires de V, 5 tonics, 4to, Paris, 1 743-74. Alix (M. F.) Observata Chirnrgica, 4 fascic (in 1 torn, compact.) 12mo, Altenburg-. et Francof. ad Ma>n. 1774-78. Arand (F.) Observationes Medico-Chiriirgica;, 12mo, Gott. 1770. Aniaud (Georj>e) Memoires de Chirurgie, 2 tomes, 4to, Londres, 1768. Ballino:ail (Sir George) Clinical Lecture on Surgery, 4to, Ediu. 1827. Clinical Lectures for ^Jarch and July 1828, and February 1829, 4to, Ediu. Barlow (James) Essays on Surgery and Midwifery, 8ro, Lond. 1822. Bassius (H.) Observationes Anatomico-Chirurgico-Medicie, 4to, Halse Magd. 1731. B(5gin (L. J.) Application de la Doctrine Physiologique a la Chirurgie, 8vo, Paris, 1823. Bell (Sir Charles) Surgical Observations, or Quarterly Report of Cases, Vol. L 8vo, Lond. 1816. The same book. Vol. IL Part L 8to, Lond. 1818. Blondus (ISIich. Ang,) Opera Chirurgica, ext. in Uffenbach. Thesaur. fol. Francof. IGIO. Bologninus (Ang.) Opera Chirurgica, ext. ibid. Bromfield (W.) Chirurgical Observations, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1773. Clare (P.) Ou the Cure of Lues, on Abscess, and other Observations in Surgery, 12rao, Loud. 1780. Cocchius (Ant.) Gnecorum Chirurgici Libri, fol. Floreut. 1754. Conriugius (Herman.) De Prsecipuis Chirurgiae Controversiis, 4to, Francof. 1649. Cooper (Sir A.) and Travers (B.) Surgical Essays, Parts L and IL 8vo, Lond. 1818-19. The same book. Part L Cooper (Bransby B.) Surgical Essays, tlie result of Clinical Observa- tions at Guy's Hospital, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Delius (Henric. Fred.) Adversaria Argumenti Phj-sico-Medici, 3 torn. 4to, Erlang. 1780. Delpech (J.) Chirurgie Clinique de Moutpellier, 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1823-28. Desault (P.J.) Journal de Chirurgie, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1791-92, Dondi (Jac.) Opera Chirurgica, 1610, ext. in Uffenbach. Thesaur. Chirurg. Dran (Henry Le) Observations in Surgery, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1758. Surgical Consultations, 8vo, Lond. 1766. Dublin Hospital Reports, 5 vols. 8vo, Dublin, 1818-30. Dupuytren ( Le Baron) Lecons orales de Clinique Chirurgicale, Tom. L IL et HL 8vo, Paris,' 1832. Earle (Henry) Practical Observations in Surgery, 8vo, Lond. 1823. Ferrius (Alphons.) Opera Chirurgica, 1610, ext. in Uffenbach. Thesaur. Chirurgia;. Fienus (Thomas) Libri Chirurgici XH. 4to, Francof. 1649. Flechy (M. Fechet de) Observations sur la Medecine, la Chirurgie, I'Art d'Accouchement, et les Maladies Veneriennes, 12mo, Paris, 1760, Fletcher (K.) Medico-Chirurgical Notes and Illustrations, Part L 4to, Lond. 1834. Forestus (Petrus) Observationum et Curationum Chirurgicarum Libri no vera, Lugd. Bat. 1604. Frank (J. P.) Observationes Medico-Chirurgicse, Mogunt. 1783, ext. in Frank. Dolect. Tom. V. p. 179. Observationes Medico-Chirurgicse.Gott. 1784, ext. ib. Tom. VI. p. 187. De Chirurgo Medicis auxiliis iudigente, Ticiui, 1787, ext. ib. p. 304. T 1^ SURGERY. Frank (J. P.) Dolectiis Opusculonun T>le Edin. 1819. Pott (Percival) Ou Injuries of the Head, with Remarks on Fractures and Dislocations, 8vo, Lond. 1768. Turner (J. W.) Essay on Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint, 8vo, Edin. 1812. 12. DISEASES OF GENERATIVE AND VRINARY ORGANS. a. Diseases of Generative and Urinary Organs Generallij. Lallemand (F.) Ohservations sur les Maladies des Organes Genito-uri- uaires, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Protit (W.) On Gravel, Calculus, and other Diseases connected with a deranged operation of the Urinary Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1821. — — On Diabetes, Calculus, and Affections of the Urinary Organs, Svo, Lond. 1825. Titley (J. M.) Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Genitals of the Male, Svo, Lond. 1829. Wilson (James) Lectures on the Male Urinary and Genital Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1821. b. Diseases of Generative and Urijiari/ Organs in Particidar. * a. Diseases of Testes and their coverings. * * a. Diseases of Scrotum. Murray (Ad.) In Gangrsenam Scroti Observatio, Upsal. 1783, ext. ia Frank. Delect. Tom. X. p. 2G1. Wadd (William) Cases of Diseased Prepuce and Scrotum, 4to, Londv 1817. * * b. Hydrocele. Andree (John) Account of an Elastic Trochar for Hydrocele, &c. Svo, Lond. 1781. Bell (Benj.) On Hydrocele and other Diseases of the Testes, 8vo, Edin. 1794.. Douglas (John) On the Hydrocele, Svo, Lond. 1755. Earle (Sir Jas.) Treatise on Hydrocele, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1796. " Appendix to a Treatise on Hydrocele, Svo, Lond. 1793. Else (J.) On the Cure of Hydrocele, Svo, Lond. 1810. Frank (J. P.) De Haematomate, et de interna Hydrocelis Causa, Ticini, 178G, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. HI. p. 239. Hay (Thomas) Sur les Differentes Methodes employe'es pour gue'rir I'Hydrocele, 12mo, N. D. SUHGEBY. 165 Pott (Percival) On Hydrocele, 8vo, Lond. 1762. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1767. # * c. Diseases of Testes, and Spermatic Cord. Bell (Bcnj.) On Hydrocele and other Diseases of the Testes, 8vo, Edin. 1794. Cooper (Sir A.) On Diseases of the Testes, 4to, Lond. 1830. Murray (Ad.) De Cirsocele, Upsal. 1784, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. X, p. 302. Idem liber, ext. in Schlegel. Thesaur. Ramsden (Thomas) On Sclerocele, &c. Lond. 1811. Russell (James) On the Testicles, 8vo, Edin. 183.3. Wadd (W.) Cases of Diseased Bladder and Testicle, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Warner (Joseph) On the Testes and their Diseases, 8vo, Lond. 1779. * b. Diseases of Urinary Organs. * * a. Diseases of Bladder. Bell (Benj. Jwra.) Further "Remarks on the Use of Camphor and Hyos- cyamus in Affections of the Bladder, &c. 8vo, Edin. Bell (Sir Charles) Treatise on Diseases of the Urethra, Vesica Urinaria, Prostate, and Rectum, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Bingham (Rob.) Practical Essay on Diseases and Injuries of the Bladder, 8vo, Lond. 1822. F"oote (Jesse) Cases of Success of the Vesicae Lotura in Diseases of the Bladder, 8vo, Lond. 1798. Frank (J. P.) De Vesica Urinali ex vicinia morhosa segrotaute, Ticini, 1786, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. II. Sherwen (John) Observations on the Diseases of the Bladder and Rec- tum, 8vo, Lond. 1799. Sinclair (Martin) On Ischuria Vesicalis, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Soemmerring (S. T.) Traite des Maladies de la Vessie et de TUretre, trad, par Hoilard, 8vo, Paris, 1824. Theophilus, De Exacta Retriraeutorum Vesicae Cognitione, ext. in Med. Art. Princ. Tom. I. Wadd (William) Cases of Diseased Bladder, &c. 4to, Lond. 1815. Weldon (W.) On Puncturing the Bladder, 8vo, Southampton, 1793. ♦ * b. Diseases of Urethra^ including Stricture. Abernethy (John) On Diseases resembling Syphilis, and on Diseases of the Urethra, 8vo, Lond. 1810. On Diseases of the Urethra, ext. in Surgical Observations, 8vo, Lond. 1804-1806. Bell (Sir Chas.) On Diseases of the Urethra, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Brodie (Sir B. C.) On Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1832. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1835. Chopart (M.) Des Maladies des Voies Urinaires, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1791. Daran (Jacques) On Disorders of the Urethra, by Tomkins, 8vo, Lond. 1750. 1C6 SURGERY. Guthrie (G. J.) On tlie Anatomy and Diseases of the Neck of the Blad- der and Urethra, 8vo, Lond. 1834. Home (Sir E.) Komarks on Gouty Attacks in the Urethra, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1821. On Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Vol. I. II. 8vo, Lond. 1811-13. HoH'sliip (John) On the Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1816. On some of the most im|>ortant Complaints that affect the Secretion and Excretion of the Urine, 8vo, Lond. 1823. § Stricture. Arnot (James) On Stricture in the Urethra, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Cooper (8ir A.) On Unnatural Apertures in the Urethra, ext. in Cooper and Travers' Sur- (Jo. Sam.) Dissertatio de Urina Cretacea, Lipsiae, 1761, ext. in Saudit'ort. Tiiosaur. Tom. 1. Plancus (Joanii.) Epist. de Urina cum Sedimcnto Cseruleo, Arimini, 1750, e.xt. in Schlegel. Thesaur. Front (W.) On Gravel, Calculus, and other Diseases connected with a deranjred operation of the Urinary Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1821. (2 copies. J On Diabetes, Calculus, and Affections of the Urinary Organs, 8vo, Lond. 1825. Sanson (L.J.) Des Moyens de parvenir a la Vessie par le Rectum, 8vo, Paris, 1S2I, Scarpa (Ant.) INIemoir on the Cutting- Gorget of Hawkins, trans, by Wishart, 8vo, Edin. 1816. Scudamore (Sir Charles) Treatise on Gout, Rheumatism, and Gravel, 8vo, Lond. 1816, The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1817. The same book, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1823. Stanley (Ed.) Account of the Mode of Performing the Lateral Operation of Lithotomy, 4to, Lond. 1809. Thomson (John) Observations on Lithotomy, 8vo, Edin. 1808. Appendix to the same, Svo, Edin. 1810. Thomson (W.) On the Extraction of Calculi from the Urinary Bladder, 8vo, Edin. 1825. Trye (diaries Brandon) On Lithotomy, 8vo, Lond. 1811, § Lithontriptics. (P-W. p. 7G.) 13. VENEREAL DISEASES. a. Syphilis, its Consequences and Treatment. * a. Syphilis Generally. Almcnar (Joann.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 359. Amatus (Lusitan.) De Morbo (iallico, &c. ext. in Luisin, Aphrod. p. 651. Andree (John) Observations on the Theory and Cure of the Venereal Disease, 8vo, Lond 1779. Afjuilanus (S.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 1, Armstrong (J,) Synopsis of the History and Cure of Venereal Diseases, 8vo, Lon(l. 1737. Astruc (Jean) De Morbis Venereis, 4to, Paris, 1730. Idem liber, 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1740. The same book translated, 4to, Lond. 1754. 3 SURGERY. 169 Bacot (John) Treatise ou Syphilis, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Ballinofall (Sir George) Essay oii Syphilis, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Bell (Btjnj.) On Gonorrhtea Viruleiita and Lues Venerea, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1793. (2 copies.) Benedictus (Joann.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisini Aphrodisiaco, p. 1G7. Benivenius (Ant.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. .399. Bertiu (M.) Traite' de la Maladie Venerienne, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1810. Blair (W.) Essays on the Venereal Disease, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Blegny (Nicholas de) L'Art de Gue'rir les Maladies Veneriennes, 3 tomes, 12rao, Paris, 1783. Boerhaave (Hermann.) Prtelectiones Academicse de Lue Venerea, 12rao, Franequeraj, 1751. Borg-arutius (Prosp.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisini Aphrodisiaco, p. 1118. Botallus (Leonard.) Luis Venereae curandae Ratio, ext. ibid. p. 859. Brassavolus (Ant. M.) De Morbo Gallico, Qusestiones de Ligno Saucto, et de Radicis Chinas Usu, ext. ibid. p. 658 — 711. Brocardus (Mar.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 960. Buchan (W.) Ou the Venereal Disease, Svo, Loud. 1796. Cateneus (Jac.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 139. Chalmeteus (Ant.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 850. Clare (P.) On the Cure of Lues, &c. l2mo, Lond. 1780. Clutterbuck (Henry) Remarks on Mr. Hunter's Opinions respecting the Venereal Disease, Svo, Lond. 1805. Cyrillo (Dom.) Osservazioni Prattiche intorno alia Lue Venerea, Svo, Neapoli, 1783. Desault (Pierre) Sur les Maladies Ve'ne'riennes, &c. 12mo, Bordeaux, 1733. Evans (James) On Ulcerations of the Genital Organs, Svo, Lond. 1819. Falck (N. D.) On the Venereal Disease, Svo, Lond. 1772. Fallopius (Gabriel) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisini Aphrodisiaco, p. 762. Fernelius (Joan.) De Lue Venerea Dialogus, ext. ibid. p. 6iO. Ferrerius (Aufrer) De Pudendagra, ext. ibid. p. 906. Ferrius (Alphons.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 434. Flechy (M. Fechet de) Observations sur la Medecine, &c. et les Maladies Ve'neriennes, 12mo, Paris, 1760. Fontana (Alex.) Qusestiones de Morbo Gallico et Ligno Sancto, ext, in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 706. Foote (Jesse) on John Hunter's Opinions on the Venereal Disease, Svo, Lond. 1787. On Lues Venerea and Obstructions in the Urethra, 4to, Lond. 1792. Fordyce (W.) Review of the Venereal Disease, Svo, Lond. 176S. Fracantius (Ant.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 831. Fracastorius (H.) De Morbo Gallico Poema, ext. ibid. p. 173. De Morbo Gallico Prosaica Lucubratio, ext. ibid. p. 199. Frizimelica (Franc.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 980. De Detluvio Pilorum, ext. ibid. p. 998. Fucbsius (Leon.) De Morbo Gallico, est. ibid. p. 598. Geoghe{fan (Ed. ) On the Treatment of the Venereal Disease, Svo, Lond. 1814.. Gilinus (Conr.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 342. Haschardus (P.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 930. lleins (Nic. de) Nouvelle Methodepour guerirles Maladies Veuerienncs, 12mo, Anist. 1706. lyO SURGERY. Hock (Wendel.) Dc Moibo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 310. Howard (J.) Observations on the Venereal Disease, 3 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1794. The same book, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1806. Hunter (John) On the Venereal Disease, 4^to, Lond. 1786. f2 copies. J Hntten (Ulrich de) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aplirod. p. 275. Lagneau (L. V.) Sur la Maladie Veuerienne, Svo, Paris, 1815. Landing (J.) De Morbi Gallic! Tnberibus, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 903. Leonicemns (N.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 15. Leonis (De) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 903. Lister (Marfiu.) De Hydrope, Diabete, Hydrophobia, Lue Venerea, &c. Svo, Lond. 1694. f2 copies. J Lobera (A.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod, p. 15. Luisinus (Aloysius) Aphrodisiacus, sive Collectio Auctorum de Lue Venerea, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1728. Macchellus (Nup.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 730. Majf^ius (Bart.) De Morbo Gallico Curando, ext. ibid. p. 1155. Massa (N.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 39. Matthiole (P. A.) De Morbo Gallico, ext, ibid. p. 24G. Maynardus (Pet.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 390. Monardis (Joann.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 599. Montagnana (Barth.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 958. Montanus (J. B.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. pp. 554 et 566. Montesaunus (Nat.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. IH. Nisbet (William) On the Theory and Practice in Venereal Diseases, 8vo, Ediu. 1787. ('2 copies. J Paschal (Joann.) De Morbo Gallico, ext, in Luisin, Aphrod. p. 219. Paschal (M. J.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 1114. Pearson (John) On the Use of various Medicines in Lues Venerea, Svo, Lond. 1800. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1807. Petronius (Alex. Traj.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 346. Phrisius (Laur.) De Morbo (iallico, ext. ibid, p. 346. Plenck (J. J.) De Morbis Venereis, Svo, Vienn, 1779. Polio (Nic.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 241. Rees (G.) On Lues Venerea, Svo, Lond. 1802. Ilinnius (B.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 971. Rondeletius (Gul.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 935. Rowley (W.) On the Treatment of Venereal Affections, Svo, Lond. 1800. Savvrey (S.) On the Effects of the Venereal Poison on the Human Body, Svo, Lond. 1802. Scanarolus (Ant.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 123. Schmaus (Leon.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 383. Schvvediauer (J.) On Obstinate Venereal Complaints, 8vo, Lond. 1784. Strutius (Joseph.) De Morbi Gallici Pulsibus, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 955. Swediaur (F.) Traite complet sur les Symptomes, les Effets, la Nature et le Traitement des Maladies Syphilitiqucs, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1798. The same book, 7th Edit, trans. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1819. Sylvius (Joann.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 1107. Thine (D.) Sulla Storia de' Mali Venerei Lettere, Svo, Venezia, 1823. Tomitanus (Ben.) De Morbo Gallico, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 1015. Trapolinus (Petrus) De Morbo Gallico, ext. ibid. p. 100:^. Travcrs (Benj.) On the Pathology of Venereal Affections, 8vo, Lond, 1S30. Turner (Daniel) On the Venereal Disease, Svo, Lond. 1724. SUROERY. 171 Victoi'ius (B.) De Morbo Gallico, ext, in Luisin. Aphrofl. p. 615, ♦ b. Consequences of Syphilis. * * a. Syphilitic Pains. Bayrus (Petrus) De Doloribiis Musculorum ex Morbo Gallico, ext. ia Luisin. Aphrod. p. 849. Fontaninus (Dion.) De Cephalalgia a Morbo Gallico, ext, ibid. p. 954. * * b. Venereal Eruptions. Butter (W.) On the Venereal Rose, 8vo, Lond. 1799. * c. Treatment of Syphilis. * * a. Use of Mercury in Syphilis. Becker (F. W.) Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis ohne Quecksilber, &c. 8vo. Butter (John) Observations on the Action of Mercury in the Cure of Venereal Diseases, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Duncan (And. Sen.) On the Operation of Mercury in Syphilis, 12mo, Edin, 1772. Ologgner (Car. Ant.) De Salivationis usu in Morbis Venereis, Gott. 1793, ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Tom. II. Part. I. * * b. Use of Acids, Sarsaparilla, 8fc. in Syphilis. Beddoes (Thos.) Reports concerning the Use of Nitrous Acid in Syphilis, 8vo, Bristol, 1797. Collection of Testimonies respecting the treatment of the Venereal Disease by Nitrous Acid, 8vo, Lond. 1799. Communications on the Use of Nitrous Acid in Syphilis, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Ferrius (Alphons.) De Ligno Sancto, ext. in Luisin. Aphrod. p. 404?. Fontana (Alex.) Qusestiones de Morbo Gallico et Ligno Sancto, ext. ibid. p. 70G. Niel (J. G.) Sur les effets des Pre'parations d'Or dans plusieurs Maladies, et notammeut dans les Maladies Syphilitiques, public par J. A. Chrestien, 8vo, Paris, 1821. RoUo (John) Two Cases of Diabetes Mellitus ; with Observationson the Use of Acids, &c. in Lues Venerea, and on Sugar, by W. Cruick- shank, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1798. b. Diseases resemhliyig Syphilis. * a. Pseudo-Syphilis. Abernethy (John) On Diseases resembling Syphilis, 8vo, Lond. 1810. The same book, ext. in Surgical Observations. 172 SURGERY. Carniichacl (R.) On tlie Venereal Diseases which have hecn confounded with Syphilis, 4to, Dublin, ISli. Hamilton (R.) Essay on some Diseases reputed Venereal, 8vo, Edin. 1820. * b. Sibbeyis, Yaws, Radesyge, Sfc. Hill (James) Cases in Surgery, including an Account of the Disease call- ed Sibbens, 12mo, Edin, 1772. Hoist (Fred.) Coramentatio de Morbo Radesyge Vocato, 12mo, Christian. 1817. Mosely (Bcnj.) Medical Tracts on Sugar, Cow-Pox, Yaws, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1800. c. Gonorrhoea. Andree (John) On the Theory and Cure of the Venereal Gonorrhoea, &c. 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1781. Bell (Benj.) On Gonorrhoea Virulenta and Lues Venerea, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1793. (2 copies.) Bell (Benjamin, Jun.) On Blenorrhagia Venerea, 8vo, Edin. 1823. On the Use of Camphor and Hyoscyamus in Gonorrhoea, 8vo, Edin. 182G. Cockburn (Wm.) On Gonorrhoea, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1715. Cribb (W-) O" t^^^ Use of Injections in Gonorrhoea, 8vo, Lond. 1773. Ellis (W.) On Gonorrhoea and Gleets, 12mo, Lond. 1771. Warren (J.) Nouvelle IMethode pour guerir la Gonorrhee, 12rao, Paris, 1771. Whately (Thomas) On the Cure of Virulent Gonorrhoea, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Wilkinson (Charles) New Method of Curing Gonorrhoea, 8vo, Lond, 1801. 14. OVERATIVK SURGERY. a. General Works on Operative Snrgeri/. Bell (Sir Charles) System of Operative Surgery, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807—1809, f2 copies.) Illustrations of the Great Operations of Surgery, fol. Lond, 1821, Bertrandi (A.) Trattato dell' Opcrazioni di Chirurgia, 8vo, Nizz. 1763. Charie're (Jos.de la) Nouvelles Operations de Chirurgie, 12mo, Pans, 1692. , ^ Chevalier (T,) Introduction to a Course of Lectures on the Operations of Surgery, 8vo, Lond, 1801, Coster (J.) Manuel des Operations Chirurgicales, 12mo, Pans, 1823. Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 12mo, Paris, 1824-. The same book, translated by Dr. Fife, 12mo, Edin. 1831. Dionis (P.) Cours d'Opdrations de Chirurgie, 18mo, Paris, 1714-. Course of Sur-^ical Operations, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1733. Garengeot (R. J. C. dc) Traite des Operations de Chirurgie, 2de Edit, Tom. III. 12rao, Paris, 1731. SURGERY. 173 Nuck (Ant.) Operationes Chirurgicae, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1733. Sharp (Samuel) Treatise on the Operationa ia Surgery, 8vo, Lond. 1751. b. Works on Particular Operations. * a. Amputation. * * a. Amputation Generally. Alanson (Ed.) On Amputation, 8vo, Lond. 1782. Hammick (Sir S.) Practical Remarks on Amputations, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Hutchison (A. Copland) Further Remarks on the proper period for Am- putation in Gunshot Wounds, 8vo, Lond. 1807. Kirkland (Thomas) Thoughts on Amputation, 8vo, Lond. 1780. O'Halloran (Silvester) New Method of Amputation, 8vo, Lond. 1765. Pott (Percival) Sur la Paralysie et sur I'Amputation, traduit par M. Beerenbrok, 8vo, Brux. 1779. Verduin (P. C.) Sur I'Amputation ^ Lambeau, trad, par Massuet, 8vo, Paris, 1756. * * b. Particular Amputations. Dahl (P. H.) De Humeri ex Articulo Amputatione, Gott. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Thesaur. Tom. L Evans ( G. F. D.) On Cataract, &c. and on the Amputation of the Arm at the Shoulder Joint, 8vo, Wellington, 1815. Lisfranc (J. De St. Martin) Sur I'Amputation du Pied dans son Articu- lation Tarso-Metatarsienne, 8vo, Paris, 1815. — ^— et Champesme (J.) Sur TAraputatiou du Bras dans son Articulation Scapulo-Humerale, 8vo, Paris, 1815. * b. Excision of Joints. Moreau (P. F.) On Carious Joints, 8vo, Liverp. 1806. Park (H.) Letter to Mr. Pott on a new Method of treating Diseases of the Knee and Elbow Joints, 8vo, Lond. 1783. —— The same book, with P. F. Moreau's cases of the Excision of Carious Joints, and Observations by Dr. JefFray, 8vo, Glasg. 1806. Syme (James) On Excision of Diseased Joints, 8vo, Edin. 1831. * c. Lithotomy. (Fid. p. 167.) * d. Operations on the Eye. IVid. p. 154—157.) 174 SURGERY. 15. SURGICAL ISSTRUMENTS A\D MEANS OF CURE. a. Instruments and Bandages. Brambilla (J. A.) Instrunientarium Chirurgicura Militare Austiiacum, fol. Vind. 1782. Cliapnian (H. T.) Description of Surgical Apparatus intended to accom- pany a series of delineations of the most important Mechanical Aux- iliaries of Surgery, 8vo, Lond. 1832, with Atlas in 'ito. Formy (Sam.) Traicte Chirurgical des Bandes, Laqs, Emplatres, Astel- les, Compresses, et des Bandages en particulier, r2mo, Montp. 1651. Jardine (William) On the Improvement of Surgical Instruments and Operations, 8vo, Edin. 18 14. Scultetus (Joann.) Armamentarium Chirurgicum, 2 torn. Bvo, Amst. 174-1. Thillaye (J. B. J.) Traite des Bandages et Appareils, 3me Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1815. Weiss (J.) Acconnt of his Inventions and Improvements in Surgical In- struments, 8vo, Lond. 1831. b. Surgical means of Cure. * a. Cupinng. Maplesou (Thos.) On the Art of Cupping, 12mo, Lond. 1813. * b. Cautery, including Moxa, Begbie (James) On the Actual Cautery, Bvo, Edin. 1822. Boyle (Jas.) Treatise on the Application of Moxa, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Larrey (The Baron) On the Use of the Moxa, trans, with a History of the Substance, by R. Dunglisson, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Percy (M.) Pyrotechnie Chirurgicale Pratique, 12mo, Paris, 1811. Valentin (Louis) Mdmoires sur les bons effets du Cautere Actuel, 8vo, Nancy, 1815. Valentinus (M. B.) Historia Moxse, &c. Lugd. Bat. 1686. * c. Caustic. Higginbottom (John) An Essay on the Application of Lunar Caustic, 8vo, Lond. 1820. * (1. Bougies. Smyth (W.) On Flexible Metallic Bougies, 6th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1802. CHAPTER VI. iWiHtotftrs ▲MS Wi^m&t^ of Wlonxm ana (Kl&iHrten. MIDWIFERY, AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. I. OBSTETRIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. A. ANATOMY OF FEMALE ORGANS. {Vid. p. 13.) B. ANATOMY OF THE FffiTUS. Albinus (B. S.) Icones Ossiiim Foetus Hu;riani, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1737. JefFray (J.) Observations on tlie Heart, and on the Peculiarities of the Foetus, 8vo, Glasgow, 1835. Scassi (O. A.) De Foetu Humano, 8vo, Edin. 1792. Soenamerring- (S. T.) Icones Embryonuni Humanorura, fol. Francof. ad Moenuin, 1789. Tiedemann (F.) Anatomie und Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns im Foetus des Menscheus, &c. 4to, Nurnberg, 1816. Le meme livre, par Jourdau, 8vo, Paris, 1823. The same book, by Bennet, 12rao, Edin. 1826. (For Works on Monstrosities, Vid. p. 83.) C. PHYSIOLOGY OF GRAVID UTERUS AND FffiTUS. Hunter (William) On the Gravid Uterus, 4to, Lond. 1794. Noortwyk (G.) De Utero Humano Gravido, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1743. (For Works on the Physiology of the Fcetus, Vid. p, 45.) 178 3IIDWIFERY. II. WORKS ON MIDWIFERY AND THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF LYING-IN-WOMEN. A. GENERAL AND SYSTEMATIC TREATISES. Aiken (J ) Principles of Midwifery, 8vo, Edin. 1784. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1785. Amard (L. V. F.) Association Intellectuelle, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1821. Astruc (J.) L'Art d'Accouclier, 12nio, Paris, 1766. Barlow (J.) Essays on ISurgery and Midwifery, 8vo, Lond. 1S22. Baudelocf|ue (A. C.) L'Art des Accouchemens, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1781. System of Midwifery, trans, by John Heath, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1790. Bland (R.) On Human and Comparative Parturition, Svo, Lond. 179L Blundell (J.) The Principles and Practice of Obstetricy, Svo, Lond. 1834.. Burns (J.) Principles of Midwifery, Svo, Lond. 1809. The same book, 3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1814. The same book, 6th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1824. The same book, 8th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1832. Burton (J) Essay on Midwifery, 8v:>, Lond. 17,51. Campbell (W.) Introduction to the Study and Practice of Midwifery, Svo, Edin. 1833. Capuron (J.) Cours Theoriqiie et Pratique d'Accouchemens, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1816. Clark (J.) On Lying'-in Women, Svo, Lond. 1793. Collins (K.) A Practical Treatise on Midwifery, Svo, Lond. 18.35. Conquest (.1. F.) Outlines of Midwifery, 5th Edit. J2rao, Lond. 1831. Uuvis (D. D.) Elements of Operative Midwifery, 4to, Lond. 1825. The Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine, 4to, Lond. 18.32-36. Denman (T.) Introduction to the Practice of Midwifery, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1788-95. The same book, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1801. The same book, 7th Edit, by C. Waller, Svo, Lond. 1832. Deventer (H.) Novum Lumen Obstetricantibus, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1725. Dewees (\\^ P.) System of Midwifery, Svo, Lond. 1825. Flechy (M. F. de) Observations sur la Medecine, la Chirurgie, I'Art d'Accouchement, &c. 12mo, Paris, 1760. Gardien (M.) Traite d'Accouchemens, &c. 4 torn, Svo, Paris, 1816. Hamilton (A.) Treatise on Midwifery, Svo, Edin. 1781. The same book, 2d Edit. 1 784. Letter to Dr. Osborne, occasioned by his Essay on the Practice of Midwifery, Svo, Edin. 1792. Hamilton (.J.) Select Cases in Midwifery, Svo, Edin. 1795. Outlines of Midwifery, Svo, Edin. 1826. Practical Observations on Midwifery, Part I. 8vo, Edin. 1836. llogben (.1.) Obstetric Studies, 4to, Lond. 1812, with Atlas in fol. MIDWIFERY. 179 Johnson (R.) System of Midwifery, ito, Lond. 1709. Lachappelle (Mme.) Pratique des Accoucheraens, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1821-25. Le Bon (J.) Therapia Puerperarum, ext. in Spachii Gyniec. Levret (A.) Essai sur I'Abus des Regies Genei-ales des Accouchemens, Svo, Paris, 17(36. De I'Art des Accouchemens, Svo, Paris, 1767. Malins (S.) Introductory Lecture on Midwifery, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Mercatus (L.) Gyiiieciorura Lib. 4, ext. in Spachii Gyna?c. Mercurialis (H.) Opuscuk Aurea Selectiora, fol. Venet. 164+. Motte (De La) Traite Complet des Accouchemens, 4to, Leyden, 1729. Osborne (W.) Essaj's on the Practice of Midwifery, Svo, Lond. 1792. Pen (M.) Pratique des Accouchemens, 8vo, J^iris, 1694. Piuaeus ( S.) De Vir:CE. PloiK'k (Joseph. Jac.) Elemeiita Medicinse et Cbirurgise Forensis, 8vo, \'iciui. 1 ?h6. Roth (J. A.) Adversaria Medico-Forensia et Clinica, 4to, Erlatig'. 1775, ext. in Dolii Adversaria Aroumcnti Physico-Medici, Tom. I. Ryan (INI.) A Manual of" Medical Jurisprudence, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Smith (J. G.) Principles of Forensic Medicine, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Analysis of Medical Evidence, 8vo, Lond. 1825. Wildberg- (C. F. L.) Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Arzneyvvissenschaft, zuni Gebrauch Academischer Vorlesungen, 8vo, Erfurt, 1824. Zacchias (Paul.) Qucestiones Medico- Legales, fol. Aveuon. 1657. B. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1. WORKS RELATIXG TO THE SUBJECT OF REPRODUCTION. a. Sigiis of Virginity and Pregnane^/. Biesterus (J. P.) De Notis Gravidarum, 4to, Jenae, 1G90. Capuron (J.) La Medecine Legale relative a I'Art des Accouchemens, 8vo, Paris, 1821. Kennedy (Every) Observations on Obstetric Auscultation, with an Ana- lysis of the Evidences of Pregnancy, 12mo, Dublin, 1833. Lejumcau de Kergaradec (M. J. A.) Me'moire sur 1' Auscultation appli- quee a I'e'tude de la Grossesse, 8vo, Paris, 1822. Lyall (Robert) Medical Evidence relative to the duration of Human Pregnancy, delivered in the case of the Gardner Peerage, 8vo, Lond. 1827. Pinajus (Sever.) De Virginitatis Notis, de Graviditate, et de Partu; ac- cedit Lud. Bouaciolus de Conformatioae Fcetiis, 12nio, Lugd. Bat. 1650. b. Abortion. Burns (John) On Abortion, 8vo, Lond. 1806. Chaussier (M. F.) Memoire Me'dico-Ldgal sur la viabilite de Teufant naissant, 8vo, Paris, 1826. c. Impotcncy. Sontag (Mich.) De Causis Tmpotcntia; in sexu potiori, Jense, 1774, e.\t. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VII. p. 299. 2. INFANTICIDE. Arrowsmith (Ilobt.) Medico-Legal Essay on Infanticide, 8 vo, Edin. 1828. Frank (Jo. Pet.) I'rogramma Puerperaj de Infanticidio suspectai Defen- sionem cxhibeus, Ticini, 1793, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. XII. p. 177. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 193 Hutchinson (Wm.) A Dissertation on Infanticide, 8vo, Lond. 1621. Joluison (C.) On the Signs of Murder in Ne^v-Born Children, 8vo, Lancaster, 1813. Mahon (P. A. O.) On the Signs of Murder in New-Born Children, trans- lated hy C. Johnson, Svo, Lancaster, 1813. Ploncquet (G. G.) Nova Pulmouum Docimasia, Tubing. 1782, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII. p. 205. Sinison (James) On Infanticide, Svo, Edin. 1825. 3. WOUNDS, AND MURDER THEREBY. Falret (J. P.) De I'Hypochondrie et du Suicide, Svo, Paris, 1822. Platnerus (Ern.) De Discriraine Laesionum necessario et fortuito Le- thalium Paradoxa quaedam, 4to, Lips. 1810. Held, Robert, Report of Trial of, for Murder of his Wife, Svo, Edin. 1835. Remarks on Trial of, by Dr. Fletcher, Svo, Edin. 1835. (2 copies.) Wachsmuth (Geo. Giil.j De Letalitate Vulnerum rite dijudicanda, Gott. 1790, ext. in Brose Coll. Diss. Tom. I. Part. 11. 4. INSANITY AND LUNATIC ASYLUMS. a. Insanity/. Bakewell (Thomas) Letter to the Chai; aian of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Mentd Derangement, Svo, Stafford, 1SI5. Bose (E. G.) De Morbis Mentis delicta excusantibus, Svo, Lips. 1774', ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. IX. p. 93. Browne (W. A. F.) Observations on Religious Fanaticism, as illustrated by the History of Patients in the Montrose Lunatic Asylum, Svo, Edin. 1835. Farther Observations on the same Subject, Svo, Edin. 1836. Halliday (Sir Andrew) Letter to Lord Robert Seymour, with a Report of the Number of Lunatics and Idiots in England and Wales, Svo, Lond. 1829. Haslam (John) Medical Jurisprudence as it Relates to Insanity, accord- ing to the Law of England, Svo, Lond. 1817. Hoffbauer (J. G.) Medecine Legale relative aux Alieues et aux Sourds- Mue'ts, Svo, Paris, 1827. b. Lunatic Asylums. Browne (W. A. F.) Reports of Montrose Lunatic Asylum for 1835 and 1836, Svo, Montrose, 1835-6. Bushnan (John S.) Letter regarding Lunatic Asylum in Dumfries, Svo, Dumfries, 1831. 2ij 194; MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. CroHther (C.) Observations on the Management of the Pauper Lunatic Asyhim at Wakefield, 8vo, Wakefield, 1830. Duacan (Andrew Sen.) Address couccriiing^ a Lunatic Asylum, 4to, Ediii. 1807. ^2 copies.) Observations on Lunatic Asylums, 4to, Edin. 1809. Letter on Lunatic Asylums, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Halliday (Sir Andrew) General View of the Present State of Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums in Great Britain and Ireland, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Madhouses, Observations on the Structure of, includiufr Treatise by Dr. A. Duncan, and Report of Select Committee of House of Commons upon, 4to, Edin. 18:^9. Report of Committee of the House of Coramous respecting-, Svo, Lond. 1815. Tuke (S.) Description of the Retreat, an Institution for Insane Persons, near York, 4to, York, 1813. O. TOXICOLOGY. a. General Works on Poisons. Christison (R.) Treatise on Poisons, Svo, Edin. 1829. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1832. The same book, 3d Edit, bvo, Edin. 1835. De Salle (Eusebe) A Synoptical Table of the Mineral and Vegetable Poisons, Nos. I. XL Dioscorides (Pedacius) De Venenis Liber L fol. Colonise, 1529. Fontana (Felice) Sur les Poisons et sur lo Corps Animal, 2 torn. 4to, Florence, 1781, (^2 copies.) Iloulston (Thomas) On Poisons, &c. Svo, Edin. 1787. Mead (Richard) Essay on Poisons, Svo, Lond. 1747. Mercurialis (Hieron.) De Morbis Venenosis et Venenis, ext. in Opuscul. Aur. Select, fol. Venet. 1644. Orfila (M. P.) Toxicologic Generale, 2 tomes en 4 parties, Svo, Paris, 1814-15. The same book translated, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1815-17. Le raeme livre, 2de Edit. 2 tom. Svo, Paris, ISIS. Secours a douner aux Personnes Empoisonuees ou Asphyxiees, 12mo, Paris, 1818. Traite' des Poisons, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1826. Plenck (Joseph. Jac.) Toxicologia, Edit. 2da, Svo, Vienn. 1801. Kamesay (W.) Treatise on I^oisons, 12mo, Lond. 1061. b. Works on Particular Poisons. Accnm (Fred.) On Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons, 12mo, Lond. 1820. BuUiard (M.) Histoire des Plantes Veneneuseset Suspectes de la France, fol. Paris, 1784. Le menie livre, 2de Edit. Svo, Paris, 1798. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 195 Christison (R.) and Coindet (C.) Experimental Inquiry on Poisoning by Oxalic Arid, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Deo-ener (J. Hart.) De Morte per Mercurium Subliraatum emplastro applicatum inducta, Svo, Traj. Rhen. ITo^. Fortbergill (A.) Cautions respecting tbe Poisons of Lead and Copper, Svo, Bath, 1790. Gurisch (AI.) Consideratio Physico-^IedicoForensis de Saliva Humana, 4to, Lips. 1729. Janin (M.) Nouvelles Experiences sur TAntiraephitisme; sur la Mort d'uu Homme a THotel de Grenade, Svo, Vienii. et Geiiev. 17S4. Johnstone (John) Essay on Mineral Poisons, Svo, Evesham, 1795. Lamb (William) On the Properties of Spring Water, with Medical Cau- tions against the Use of Lead, Svo, Loud. 1803. Marshall (John) On Arsenic, considered as a Poison and as a Medicine, &c. Svo, Lond. 1817. Platnerus (Ern.) De Veneficio per Arsenicum Observatio, 4to, Lips. 1805. c. Criminal Trials for Poiso7iing. Bostock (John) Vindication of his Opinion in Miss Burns' Case, Svo, Liverpool, 1808. Carson (J.) Remarks on the Vindication of Gerard, Bostock, and Hay, Svo, Liverpool, 1808. Donellan, John, Esq. Trial of, for the Wilful Murder of Sir Theodosius E. A. Boughton, 3d Edit. fol. Lond. 1781, reported by Gurney. Gerard (James) Vindication of his Opinion in Miss Burns' Case, Svo, Liverpool, ISOS. Hay (J. F.) Vindication of his Opinion in Miss Burns' Case, Svo, Liverp. 1808. Jones ( VVm. Jun ) Trial of C. Angus, for the Murder of Margaret Burns, Svo, Liverpool, 1808. Rutter (John) Vindication of his Opinion in Miss Burns' Case, Svo, Liverpool, 1808. Mackintosh (John) Reply to Prof. Christison respecting Mrs.^ Smith's Case, Svo, Edin. 18--^7. 6. ASPHYXIA ASD ITS TREATMENT- Clanny (W. R.) Lecture upon tlic Zopuron, 4to, Sunderland, 1626. Fuller (John) Hints on the Recovery of Persons apparently Dead, Svo, Lond. 178L (For further Works on this Subject, I'id. j). 4".) 396 MEDICAL POLICE. 7. ON THE CERTAINTY OF THE SIGNS OF DEATH AND THE DANGER OF PREMATURE INTERMENT. Allisou (E. D.) Letters on the Early Interment of Persons who die of Cholera, 8vo, Edin. 1832, Camereri (J. G.) De Sia^nis Mortis Diagnosticis, Svo, Argent. 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII. p. 107. Davis (J. B.) Projet de Reglement concernant les Deces, Svo, Verdun, 1806. Louis (Antoine) Lettres sur la Certitude des Signes de la Mort, 12mo, Paris, 1753. Taylor (Joseph) On the Dauger of premature Interment, 12niO, Lond. 1816. 8. JUDICIAL POST MORTEM EXAMINATIONS. Chaussier (M. F.) Recueil de Me'moires de Medecine Legale, Svo, Paris, 1826. Orfila et Lesueur (MM.) Traite des Exhumations Juridiques, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1831. Rose (Dr.) Manuel d'Autopsie Cadaverique Me'dico-L^gale, par C. C. H. Marc, Svo, Paris, 1808. Schoeiimezel (Franc.) De Scctione Anatomicti Cadaverum de Autochiria Suspectorum, Svo, Heidelberg. 1766, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. I. p. 65. IL MEDICAL POLICE. A. GENEBAL WORKS. Danilensky (J. L.) De Magistratu Medico felicissimo, Gott. 1784', ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. V. Frank (Jo. Pet.) Epistola Invitatoria ad Eruditos, de Communicandis quae ad Politiam Medicam spectant Principum ac Legislatorum Dc- cretis, Gott. 1776, ext. ibid. Tom. I. p. 329. jMEdical police. 197 Frank (Jo. Pet.) De Populorura Miseria Morborura Genitrici, Ticini, 1790, ext. ibid. p. 341. Idem liber, ext. ibid. Tom. IX. p. 305. Geuiis (M. Van) Orationes duae de Civium Valetudine, Hardervici Gebr. 4to, 1791. Heberden (William) On the Increase and Decrease of different Diseases, -Ito, Lond. 1801. Heister (E. F.) De Principum Ciira circa Sanitatem Subditorum, Ilelmst. 1738, ext. in Frank. Del. Tom. III. Hossack (David) On the means of improving^ the Medical Police of the City of New York, ea-t in Essays on Various Subjects, Vol. II. p. 1. 8vo, New York, 1824'. Mahon (P. A. O.) Me'decine Legale, et Police Me'dicale, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1801. Roberton (John) On Medical Police, Diet, Regimen, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin, 1809, B. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF MEDICAL POLICE. 1. ON QUARANTINE LAWS AND DISINFECTING AGENTS. a. Quarantine Laws. Bell (Geo. H.) Letter to Sir Henry Halford on the Tendency of the pro- posed Regulations regarding Cholera, Svo, Edin. 1831. Maclean (Charles) Evils of Quarantine Laws, and non-existence of Pesti- lential Contagion, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Tolon (Maur, de) Le Capuciu Charitable, Svo, Lyon, 1721. b. Disinfecting Agents. Alcock (T.) On Chlorurets of Soda and Lime as Disinfecting Ao-enis, Svo Lond. 1827. Alexander (W.) Experimental Essays, 8vo, Lond. 1768. Boissieu (M. de) Sur les Antiseptiques, Svo, Dijon, 1769. Bordenave (M.) Sur les Antiseptiques, Svo, Dijon, 1769, Brownrigg (William) On the Means of destroying Contagion, 4to, Lond. 1771, Henry (W.) Experiments on the Disinfecting Powers of Increased Tem- peratures, Svo, 1831. Johnstone (John) Reply to Dr. Carmichael Smith respecting the Dis- covery of a Power of the Mineral Acids in destroving Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1805. Morveau (Guyton) On the Means of Purifying Infected Air, translated by Hall, Svo, Lond. 1802. Smyth (Jas. Carmichael) Experiment to Determine the Effect of Nitrous Acid in destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond, 1796. — - On the Effect of Nitrous Vapour in preventing and destroying Contagion, Svo, Lond. 1799. 2 198 MEDICAL POLICE. Smj'tli (J. Carmichael) Letter to Mr. ^Vilbprforcc on Cliaptal's Heport, and on Morvoau's Claim to the Discovery ot" the Power of Acid Gases on Contai>ion, 8vo, Lond. 1805. Stang-er (C.) On Suppressing Contagious Fever in the Metropolis, 12mo, Lond, 1802. Tolon (Maur. de) Le Capucin Charitable, 8vo, Lyon, 1721. 2. ON THE EFFECTS OF CHOAK DAMP AND MIASMATA. Caillard (J. L.) Sur les Dangers des Emanations Marc'cageuses, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1816. Dewar (Henry) Letter to Dr. Trotter on his Proposal for destroying the Fire and Choak- Damps, Svo, Manchest. Martin (M.) Lettre sur un Accident occasione par la Vapeur du Char- bon, Svo, Paris, 1 775. Portal (Le Baron) Sur les EfFets des Vapeurs Mephitiques, Svo, Paris, 1775. Trotter (Thos.) Proposals for destroying the Fire and Choak Damps of Coal Mines, 8vo, Newcastle, 1805-0. 3. ON THE MANAGEMENT AND DISEASES OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. a. Hospitals, Prisons, and Workhouses. Blizard (Sir W.) Suggestions for the Improvement of Hospitals, Svo, Lond. 1790. Vorschliige zur Verbesserung dcr Hospitaler, &c., aus dem Engl. mit Zusjitzen von Dr. Albers, Svo, Jena, 1799. Clark (.lohn, M. D.) On Fever Wards, 12rao, Newcastle, 1802. Dewar (Henry) Essay on Medical Charities, 4to, Edin. 1818. Good (J. M.) On the Diseases of Prisons and Poor-Houses, 12mo, Lond. 1795. Ilighmore (A.) Pietas Londinensis, or an Account of the Various Public Charities in and near London, Svo, Lond. 1814. Howard (John) On the State of Prisons in England and Wales, 2 vols. 4to, Warring. 1777. Account of Lazarettoes, 4to, Lond. 17S9. Ibcrti (M.) Observations C'eneralcs sur les Hopitaux, Svo, Londres, 1 788. Sylvester (Chas.) The Philosophy of Domestic Economy, as exemplified in the Arrangements adopted in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, 4to, Nottingham, 1819. Tolon (Maur. de) Le Capucin Charitable, Svo, Lyon, 1721. MEDICAL POLICE. 199 VVardrop (A.) Address to the Royal Collejife of Surgeons, on the regulation of the Surgical Department of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 4to, lidin. ISOO. b. Lunatic Asj/lums. (Kid. p. 193.) 4. FEIGSED, DISSEMBLED, AND IMPUTED DISEASES. Henderson (Alexander) Examination of the Impostor Anne Moore^ 8vo, Lond. 1813. Renwick (Thomas) Narrative of the Case of Miss Margaret M'Avoy, &c. Lond. 1817. Continuation of the Narrative of the Case of Miss M. M'Avoy, 8vo, Lond. 1820. 5. ON POPULATION, LONGEVITY. AND RATE OF MORTALITY. Black (W.) Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, 8vo, Lond. 1788. Analysis of the Diseases and Mortality of the Human Species, 8vo, Lond. 1789. Cheyne (Geo.) Essay on Health and Long Life, 7th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1725. Idem liber, Editio Latina, Anglica multo auctior et limatior, 8vo, Lond. 1726. Fischer (Jo. Bern.) De Senio, 8vo, Erford. 1750. Malthus (T. R.) Essay on the Principle of Population, 4to, Lond. 1803. The same book, 4th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807. Additions to the 4th and former editions, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Mansford (John G.) Inquiry into the Influence of Situation on Pulmon- ary Consumption, and on the Duration of Life, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Sadler (M. T.) The Law of Population, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Sinclair (Sir John) Code of Health and Longevity, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1807. Tralles (Balth. Lud.) De Vita Longa et Sana Portanda, 4to, Uratislav. 1767. MEDICAL LITERATURE. I. GENERAL WORKS ON MEDICAL LITERATURE. Anatomie et Physiologie, Dictionnaire Raisonne de, 2 tomes, 12mo, Paris, 1766. Anecdotes, Medical, Chemical, and Chirurgical, 2 vols, (bound in 1,) 12mo, Lend. 1816. Alder (Thomas) On the Difficulties and Imperfections of Medicine, 4to, Lond. 1685. Barker (John) Essay on the Agreement betwixt Ancient and Modern Physicians in Acute Diseases, 8vo, Lond. IT'iS. Bartholinus (Thomas) De Medicis Poetis, ]2mo, Hafnise, 1669. Beddoes (Thomas) Letter to Sir Joseph Banks on the Causes and Re- moval of the Imperfections of Medicine, 8vo, Lond. 1808. BInne (Sir Gilbert) Elements of Medical Lop;ic, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Bouillaud (J.) Essai snr la Philusophie Me'dicale, et sur les Generalites de la Cliniijiie Medicale, 8vo, Paris, 1836. Brewer (C.)Bibliotheque Germanique Medico-Chirurgicale, 8 tomes, Bvo, Paris, 1799. Brown (John) Observations on the Old System of Physic, Bvo, Edin. 1787. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire, &c. 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1814. Cabanis (P. J. G.) Sur la Certitude de la Me'dccine, 8vo, Paris, 1803. Revolutions of Medical Science, trans. 8vo, Lond. 1806. Catalogus Librorum ad Rem Medicam spcctautium in Bibliotheca Ac- ademic Edinburgensis, 8vo, Edin. 1798. Copland (James) IMedical Bibliography, ext. in Medical Dictionary, Parts I. II. III. 8vo, Lond. 1832-35. (unfinished.) Douglas (Jac) Bibliographiae Anatomicae Specimen, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1734. Forbes (J.) Select Medical Bihliography, ext. in Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, 4 aoIs. &vo, Lond. 1832-35. Girou (Charles) Philosophie Physiologique, Politique, et Morale, 8vo, Paris, 1828. Gulliier (Jos. Wm.) On the Philosophy of Medicine, 8vo, Edin. 1809. Ilaller (Albert von) Bibliotheca Botauica, 2 tom. 4to, Loud. 1771. Bibliotheca Anatomica, 2 t(im. 4to, Tigur. 1774. Bibliotheca Mcdioo-Practica, 3 toui. 4to, Bern. 1776. 2o 204 MEDICAL LITERATURE. Harle (Jon.) On the State of Physic in the Old and New Testament, 8vo, Lend. 1729. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Dictionnaire Raisonne Etymologique, Synonymique, et Polyjilotte, des Termes usites dans les Sciences Katurelles, 2 tomes, 8voi Paris, 1834. Kuhn (D. C. G.) Bibliotheca IMedica, Tom. I. 8vo, Lipsiac, 1794. Lettsom (J. C.) Hints to promote Beneficence, Temperance, and Medical Science, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 18 IG. Linden (Jo. A. Vander) De Scriptis Medicis, 4to, Amst. 1662. Linnaeus (Car.) Bibliotheca Botanica, 12mo, Amst. 1736. Macfarlan (J. F.) Catalogus Methodicus Dissertat. ad Rem Medicam Spectantium in Bibliotheca Societatis Medicse Edinburg-ensis, MS. Mangetus (Jo. J.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Mcdicorum, 4 tom. fol. Genev. 1731. Morgan (T.) Philosophical Principles of Medicine, 8vo, Lond. 1725. Percival (Thomas) Medical Ethics, 8vo, Manchester, 1803. f2 copies. J The same book, I2mo, Lond. 1827. Ploucquet (G. G.) Initia Bibliotheca^ Medico-Practicse, et Chirurgicae, 8 tom. 4to, Tubing. 1793-97. Siipplementa Initiorum Bibliothecse Medico-Practicae, 2 tom. 4to, Tubing. 1799-1800. Literatura Medica digesta, 4 tom. 4to, Tubing. 1808-9. Literaturse Medicae digestae Supplementum L 4to, Tubing. 1814. Keinesius (Thomas) Epistolae de Variis Scriptoribus, 4to, Jenor, 1767. Richerand (Anthelme) Des Erreurs Populaires relatives a la Medecine, 8vo, Paris, 1812. Roullier (Auguste) Essai sur la Philosophic Medicale, 8vo, Paris, 1813. Sutherland (Alex.) Attempts to revive Ancient Medical Doctrines, 8vo, Lond. 1762. Turton (W.) Medical Glossary, 4to, Lond. 1797. Watt (Robert) Bibliotheca Britannica, a General Index to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols. 4to, Edin. 1824. Young (Thomas) Introduction to Medical Literature, and Practical Nosology, 8vo, Lond. 1813. f2 copies. J The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1823. II. HISTORY OF MEDICINE. Alison (\V. P.) History of Medicine in the present Century, ezt. in Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832-35. Alpinus (Prosper) De Medicina ^Egyptiorum, 4to, Paris, 1645. f2 copies.) Artis MediccB Principes post Hippocratem et Galeuum, a Stephano, 2 tom. fol. Francof. 1567. Bartholinus (T.) De Medicina Domestica Danorum, 12mo, Hafniae, 1666. Becker (F. W.) Uebcr die Medicinalanstalten, &c. in Gross-Britannieu, 8vo, 1826. Black (W.) History of Medicine and Surgery, 8vo, Lond. 1782. Bontius (J.) De Medicina Indorum, 4to, Paris, 1645. The same book, translated, 8vo, Lond. 1769. CHAPTER VIII. i^elrical %iUvatmXi MEDICAL LITERATURE. 207 Turner (Thos.) On the Medical Profession, and the Elementary Edu- cation of the Student, 8vo, Lond. 1825. IV. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS, INCLUDING UNIVER- SITIES, HOSPITALS, &c. Aikin (John) Thoughts on Hospitals, 8vo, Lond. 1771. Allison (E. I).)On instituting a Friendly Association of the Medical Profession, 8vo, Ediu. 1826. Blizard (Sir W.) Suggestions for the Improvement of Hospitals, 8vo, Lond. 179G. Vorschlage zur Verhesserung der Hospitaler, &c. aus dem Englisch. mit Zusatzen von Dr. Albers, 8vo, Jena, 1799. Bell (Benjamin) Observations on the Mode of Attendance of the Sur- geons of Edinburgh on the Royal Infirmary, 4 to, Edin. 1800. Bower (Alex.) History of the University of Edinburgh, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1817-30. Brocklesby (Richard) Economical and Medical Observations on Military Hospitals and on Camp Diseases, Svo, Lond. 1764. Bushnan (J, S.) Letter regarding a Lunatic Asylum in Dumfries, Svo, Dumfries, 1831. Carter (H. W.) Short account of some of the principal Hospitals of France, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, &c. Svo, Lond. 1819. Clark (John, M.D.) On Fever Wards, 12mo, Newcastle, 1802. Crawfurd (T. H.) History of the University of Edinburgh from 1580 to 1646, Svo, Edin. 1808. Cross (J.) Sketches of the Medical Schools at Paris, Svo, Lond. 1815. Crowther (C.) Observations on the IManagement of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Wakefield, Svo, Wakefield, 1830. Dewar (Henry) Essay on Medical Charities, 4to, Edin. 1818. Duncan (Andrew, Sen.) Address concerning a Lunatic Asylum, 4 to, Edin. 1807. f2 copies.) Observations on Lunatic Asylums, 4to, Edin. 1809. Letter on Lunatic Asylums, 4to, Edin. 1818. Letter on the Lock Hospital, Svo, Edin. 1825. Short Account of the Buildings belonging to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, with the Addresses of Drs. Duncan, Parry, and Blane, Svo, Edin. 1819. Frank (Jo. Pet.) De Institutis Clinicis, Ticini, 1785, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII. p. 323. Halliday (Sir A.) General view of the present state of Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums in Great Britain and Ireland, Svo, Lond. 1828. Highmore (A.) Pietas Londinensis, or an Account of the various Public Charities in or near London, Svo, Lond. 1814. Howard (John) On the State of Prisons in England and Wales, 2 vols. 4to, Warrington, 1777. 208 MEDICAL LITERATDRE. Howard (John) Account of Lazarettoes, 4to, Lond. 1789. Hunter (A.) Account of York Hospital, 8vo, N. D. lujirmart/, Ko3'al, of Edinburgh. History and Statutes of, 4to, Edin. J 778. Account of Dispute between the Students of Medicine and the Managers of, 4to, Edin. 1783. The same in MS. 8vo. Report of Committee appointed to inquire into its State by the General Court of Contributors held on the 5th of January 1818, fol. Edin. 1818. Two letters to the General Court of Contributors by a Contributor, with various reports relative to the Inquiry into its state, 8vo, Edin. J818. Ibcrti (M.) Observations Gene'rales sur les Hopitaux, 8vo, Londres, 1788. Johnson (J.) Guide to the Edinburgh Students of Medicine, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Madhouses, Observations on the Structure of, including a Treatise by Dr. A. Duncan, and Report of Select Committee of House of Com- mons upon, 4to, Edin. 1823. Report of Committee of House of Commons i-especting, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Mosely (Benj.) Medical Tracts — On Hospitals, Prisons, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1800. Murray (T. A.) Remarks on the Situation of the Poor, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Nisbet (Wm.) Edinburgh School of Medicine, 4 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1802. Ophthalmic Hospital, Report from the Select Committee on the, 8vo, Lond, 1821. Physic, Schools of, Dublin and Edinburgh, comprehensive view of, 8vo, Dublin, 1818. Roux (P. G.) Narrative of a Journey to London in 1814, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Russell (James) Remarks concerning the Professorship of Surgery, 8vo, Edin, 1827, Storer (John) Hints on the Constitution of Dispensaries, 12mo, Lond. 1832. Surgery, Professor of. Facts respecting the appointment of the, 8vo, Edin, 1806. Sylvester (Charles) The Philosophy of Domestic Economy as exemplified in the Arrangements adopted in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, 4to, Nottingliam, 1819. Thomson (John) On the Surgical Department of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 8vo, Edin, 1800. Tolon (Maur. de) Le Capucin Charitable, 8vo, Lyon, 1721. Tuke (S.) Description of the Retreat, an Institution for Insane Persons near York, 4to, York, 1813. University of Edinburgh, Answer to several Attacks which have lately been made upon the, 8vo, Edin. 1819. Valentin (Louis) Voyage Medical en Italie Ann. 1820, 8 vo, Nancy, 1822. Vetch (John) Letter to Lord Palmcrston on the Ophthalmic Institution for Chelsea Pensioners, 4to, Lond. 1819. Wardrop (Andrew) Address to the Royal College of Surgeons on the re- gulation of the Surgical Department of the Royal Infirmary of Edin- burgh, 4to, Edin. 1800. Whally (Lawson) Vindication of the University of Edinburgh, Bvo, Lan- caster, 1816, MEDICAL LITERATUKE. 205 Bostock (John) History of Medicine, ext. in Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832-35. Catalogus Scriptorura Stahlii et Stahlianorum, a J. C. Goetz, 4to, Norim- berg. 1729. Chartier (Renat.) De Ortu et Principiis Medicinae, ito, MS. N. D. Clerc (Dan. Le) Histoire de la Me'decine, 4to, La Haye, 1729. Couringius (Herman.) De Hermetica iEgyptiorum Vetei'e, et Paracelsi- corum Nova Mediciuti, 4to, Helmes. 1648. Ferris (S.) On the Establishment of Medical Science in England, 8vo, Lond. 1795. Freind (John) History of Physic, from Galea to tl;e beginning of the 16th Century, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1725. Hamilton (W.) History of Medicine, Surgery, and Anatomy, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1831. Helmont (Jo. B. van) Ortus Medicinse, cura Filii, 4to, Amstel. 1652. Kerrison (R. M.) On the Present State of the Medical Profession, in Great Britiiin, Ireland, and ou the Continent of Europe, 8to, Loud. 1814. Kirkland (Thomas) Enquiry into the Present State of Medical Surgery, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1786. Kurella (D. E.) Fasciculus Dissertationura ad Historiara Medicam, speci- atim Anatomes, spectantium, ISmo, Berolini, 1754. Lettsom (J. C.) History of the Origin of Medicine, 4to, Lond. 1778. Maclean (Charles) Practical Illustrations of the progress of Medical Im- provement for the last Thirty years, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1818. Medicorum apud Veteres Romanos Conditione, Responsio ad Conyer. Middleton Dissertationem de, 8vo, Lond. 1727. ("2 copies.) Millar (Richard) History of Medicine, 8vo, Edin. 1811. Moir (D. M.) Outlines of the Ancient History of Medicine, 12mo, Edin. 1831. New York, Present State of Medical Learning in, 6vo, New York, 1797. Northcote (Wm.) Concise History of Anatomy, 8vo, Lond. 1772. Piso (Gul.) De Medicina Brasiliensi, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1648. Portal (Le Baron) Histoire d'Anatomie et de Chirurgie, 12mo, Paris, 1770-73. Pultuey (Richard) Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1790. Richerand (Anthelme) Histoire des Progres Recens de la Chirurgie, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Schulzius (H. J.) Historia Medicinaj, 4to, Lipsiai, 1729. Sharp (Samuel) Critical Enquiry into the Present State of Surgery, 8vo, Lond. 1754. Sprengel (Kurt) Historia Rei Herbariae, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1808. Histoire de la Medecine, 9 tomes, trad, par Jourdan, 8vo, Paris, 1815-32. Stewart (Leonard) On the Present State of the Medical Profession, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Walker (Richard) Memoirs of Medicine, Svo, Lond. 1799. 206 MEDICAL LITERATURK. III. MEDICAL EDUCATION, & DUTIES OF MEDICAL MEN. Boerhaave (A. Kaau") De iis qu£e Virum Medicum perficiunt et exornant, Serm. Academ. Petropol. 1750, 12mo, Argentorat. 1776. Boerhaave (Hermann.) Methodus Studii Medici, cura Haller, 2 torn. 4to, Arastel. 1751. Burdin (J.) Course of Medical Studies, translated, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1803. Clark (J. G.) Observations on the Mode of Teaching- Clinical Medicine in Edinburgh, &c. Svo, Lond. 1827. Clendinning (J.) Observations on the Medical School of Dublin, Svo, Dublin, 1817. Cross (John) Sketches of the Medical Schools at Paris, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Duncan (A. Sen.) On the Office of a Faithful Teacher, and on the Duty of an Attentive Student of Medicine, Svo, Edin. 1823. Edgeworth (R. L.) Essays of Professional Education, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1812. Frank (Jo. Pet.) De Instituendo ad Praxim Medico, Gotting. 1784-, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. III. p. 1. Gregory (John) Duties of a Physician, Svo, Lond. 1770. The same book, Svo, Edin. 1805. Harrison (Edward) On Medical Education and Practice, Svo, Loud. 1810. Hossack (David) Introductory Lecture on Medical Education, Svo, New York, 1801. Johnston (David) View of the Present System of Public Education in France, Svo, Edin. 1827. Louis (E. C. A.) On Clinical Instruction, trans, by P. Martin, Svo, Lond. 1834. Lucas (J.) Inquiry into the Duties and Qualifications of a Surgeon- Apothecary, Svo, Bath, 1800. Matthaeis (A. J. de) Ratio Instituti Clinici Romani, &c. 4to, Romae, 1816. Observations on the Duties and Offices of a Physician, Svo, Lond. 1770. (Anon.) Parkinson (James) Medical Admonitions, 2 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1799. Hospital Pupil, 12rao, Lond. 1800- Staluta Solcmna de Doctoratus in Medicina Gradu Capessendo, et nomi- na eorum qui gradum doctoralera in Medicina adepti sunt ab Anno 1705 usque ad 1836, 8vo, Edin. Thomson (John) Observations on the preparatory Education of Candi- dates for the Desrree of Doctor of Medicine in the Scottish. Univer- sities, Svo, Edin. 1826. Remarks on a Communication from the Senatus Academicus to tlie Patrons of the University of Edinburgh, Svo, Edin. 1831. Turner (Thomas) Outlines of a System of iVledico-Chirurgical Educa- tion, Svo, Loud. 1824. 2 MEDICAL LITERATURE. 209 V. MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY. Armstrono; (John) INIemoir of his Life and Medical Opinions, by Francis Boolt, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1833. Artis Medicce Priucipes post Hippocratera et Galenum, a Stephano, 2 torn. fol. Francof. 15G7. Baillie (Matthew) Testimony of Veneration for the Memory of, by Dr. A. Duncan, Sen. 8vo, Edin. 1825. Banks (Sir Joseph) Short Account of the Life of, by Dr. A. Duncan, Sen. 8vo, Edin. 1821. Barclay (John) Introductory Lectures on Anatomy, with his Life by Sir G. Ballingall, 8vo, Edin. 1827. (2 copies.) Bateman (Thomas) His Life and Character, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Beddoes (Thomas) Life of, by J. E. Stock, 4to, Lond. 1811. Boerhaave (Herman.) Account of his Life and Writings, by W. Burton, 8vo, Lond. 1746. Brown (John) Elements of Medicine, trans, by Beddoes ; with a Preface on the Character and Writings of the Author, 2 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1795. Works of, with a Biographical Account of the Author, by his Son W. C. Brown, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 180-J. Brownrigg (Wm.) Literary Life of, by Joshua Dixon, 8vo, Whitehaven, 1801. Cartesii (R.) Vita, auctore Petro Rosello, 8vo, Francof. 1676. Clark (Dr. John) Life of, by J. R. Fenwick, 8vo, Newcastle, 1806. (^2 copies.) CuUen (William) An Account of his Life, Writings, and Lectures, by Dr. John Thomson, Vol. I. 8vo, Edin. 1832. Currie (James) Memoir of his Life and Writings, by his Son William W. Currie, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Cuvier (G.) Recueil des Eloges Historiques, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819-30. — Sketch of his Life and Writings, 8vo, Lond. 1830. Davy (Sir Humphrey) Account of his Life by Dr. Paris, 4to, Lond. 1831. Memoirs of his Life, by his Brother John Davy, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1836. Duncan (A. Sen.) A Tribute of Respect to the Memory of, being the Ilarveian Oration for 1829, by R. Huie, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Good (J. M.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Dr. Gregory, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Gordon (John) Memoir of the Life and Writings of, by Daniel Ellis, 12mo, Edin. 1823. Hey (W.) Life of, by John Pearson, 6vo, Lond. 1822. Hunter (John) Memoirs of the Life and Doctrines of, by Joseph Adams, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Hutchinson (Benj.) Biographia Medica, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1799. Jenner (Edward) Life of, by Dr. Baron, 8vo, Lond. 1827. 2 u 210 MEDICAL LITERATURE. Liunajus (Car.) General View of the Writings of, by Richard Pnltney, 8vo, Lond. 1781. Monro (Alex. Primus) Account of the Life and Writings of, by A. Dun- can, Sen. 8vo, Edin. 1780. f2 copies. J Wiiole Works, with an Account of his Life by his Son, 4to, Edin. 1781. Monro (Alex. Secundus) On the Life and Writings of, bv A. Duncan, Sou 8vo, Edin. 1818. Osiandri (F. B.) Meraoria Commendata, auctore J. F. Blumenbach, 4to, Gotting. 1822. Pitcairne (Dr.) Account of, by Charles Webster, 8vo, Edin. 1781. Priestley (Josepli) Memoirs otj by himself, continued from 1795 by his Son, with Observations by Cooper and Christie, Vols. L and II. 8vo, Lond. lSOj-7. An Estimate of the Philosophical Character of, by W. Henry, 8vo, York, 1832. Smitli (Sir J. E.) Memoirs and Correspondence of, edited by Lady Smith, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832. Troja (Michel) Biographic de, par Dr. Albrecht von Schonberg, 4to, Erlangen, 1828. Warren (John) Eulogy on the Character of, by James Jackson, 8vo, Boston, 1815. Williamson (Hugh M.D.) Biographical Memoir of, by David Hossack, 8vo, New York, 1824. Wright (Wm.) Memoir of, 8vo, Edin. 1828. VL OCCASIONAL LECTURES, ORATIONS, AND ADDRESSES. Abercrombie (John) Address delivered in the Hall of the Marischal College Aberdeen, 8vo, Aberdeen, 1835. Abernethy (John) Hunterian Oration for 1819, 4to, Lond. 1819. Blane (Sir G.) Address to the Medical Society of Edinburgh, 8vo, Edin. 1775. Crooiiian Lecture on Muscular Motion, 4to, Lond. 1790. Blizard (Sir W.) The Hunterian Oration, 4to, Lond. 1815. Buriie (J.) An Oration on the Practice of Medicine, 4to, Lond. 1828. Carlisle (Sir Antliony) Hunterian Oration, 4to, Lond. 1820. Coste (J. F.) Oratio de Antiqua Medicti Philosophia, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1 783. Drelincurtius (Car.) Libitinte Tropaea, Edit. 3tia, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1G89. Emmet (Thos.) Oratio coram Societate Physica Edinensi, 8vo, Edin. 1784. Frank (Jo.Pet.) Discursus Academicus de Institutis Clinicis, Ticini, 1785, est. in Frank. Delect. Tom. VIII. p. 323. Gordon (Jas. A.) Introductory Lecture on Clinical Medicine, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Halford (Sir Henry) Essays and Orations, 8vo, Lond. 1834. Huie (K.) Harveian Oration for 1829, being a tribute of respect to the Memory of Dr. A. Duncan, Sen. 8vo, Edin. 1829. MEDICAL LITERATURE. 211 Kuhn (D. C G.) ProcancclJarius Paneg'. Medic, de Caelio Aiireliano, 4:to, Lips. 1816. Malins (Sam.) Introductory Lecture on Midwifery, 8vo, Lond. 18.31. Monro (Donald) Prselectiones Medicae ex Croouii instituto. An. 1774—75, et Oratio Annua Harveiensis An. 177.3 habita in Theatro CoUegii Regii Medicorura Londinensis, 8vo, Loud. 1776. Rogers (Nat.) Address to the Members of the Hunterian Medical Society of Edinburgh, 8 vo, Edin. 1831. Roget (P. M.) Introductory Lecture on Human and Comparative Physio- logy, 8vo, Lond. 1826. Romayne (Nic.) Address delivered at the commencement of the Lectures in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, 8vo, New York, 1808. f2 copies. J Rush (Benjamin) Oration before the American Philosophical Society, 4to, Philadelphia, 1786. Schlacht (Joan. Oosterdyk) Oratio de Arcanis Medicorum non celandis, 4to, Traject. ad Rhen. 1767. Thackrah (C. Turner) Introductory Discourse delivered to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 4to, Leeds, 182 L VIL CONTROVERSIES. Bell (John) Answer to the Memorial of Dr. Gregory, 8vo, Edin. 1800. Carson (J.) Remarks on the Vindication of Gerard, Bostock, and Hay, 8vo, Liverpool, 1808. Cheek (H. H.) Answer to Mr. YaUYs address to the Members of the Wernerian Society, 8vo, Edi.i. 1830. Combe (Andrew) Observations on Dr. Barclay's Objections to Phreno- logy, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Combe (Geo.) Answer to Observations ou the Phrenological Develope- ment of Burke and Hare by Thos. Stone, Esq. 8vo, Edin. 1829. Conringius (Herman.) De Prsecipuis Chirurgiae Controversiis, 4to, Fran- cof. 1649. Duncan (A. Seii.) Opinion delivered in the College of Phvsicians, on a Charge of Falsehood against Dr. Jas. Gregory, 4to, Edin. 1808. Letter to Dr. Jas. Gregory, occasioned by some Hand-Bills distri- buted by him, 8vo, Edin. 1811. Speech delivered at a INIeeting of the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh, 2d November 1824, 8vo, Edin. 1824. C2 copies. J Speech accusing Dr. J. Hamilton, 8vo, Edin. Glass (Thomas) Examination of Mr. Henry's Strictures on Glass's Mag- nesia, 8vo, Lond. 1784. Glover (Wm.) Exposure of Unfounded Statements respecting the Death of J. D., Esq. &c. 8vo, Edin. 1828. Greg'ory (J.) Answer to Dr. James Hamilton, Junior, 8vo, Edin. 1793. Memorial addressed to the Managers of the Royal Infirmary, 4to, Edin. 1800. Additional Memorial, 4to, Edin. 1803. 212 MEDICAL LITERATURE. Hamilton (Alex.) Letter to Dr. Osborne occasioned by his 8ssay on the Practice of Midwifery, 8vo, Edin. 1792. Ilnll (John) Observations on Mr. Simmons' detection, &c. 8vo, Man- chester, 1793. Jurin (Jac.) Dofensio contra Michelotti Aniniadversiones, 4to, Venct. 1724-. Lauder (W. P.) Statement of Facts respecting- him, by Dr. Carnegie, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Z//e, Examination of the Controversy concerning, carried on by Law- rence, Abernethy, Kennel, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1823. Listen (Rob.) Letter to the Contributors to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 8vo, Edin. 1822. Mackintosh (John) Reply to Notes on his Treatise on Puerperal Fever by Mr. Moir, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Reply to Professor Chiistison respecting' Mrs. Smith's Case, 8vo, Edin. 1827. Marggravius (Christian.) Detectio Ignorantije Jacobi Le Mort, 12mo, Lngd. Bat. 1687. Michelottus (Pet. Anton.) Animadversiones in Tentamina Jacobi Keill de Motu Muscalari, 4to, Venet. 1724. ' Responsio Defensioni Jurinianie, 4to, Venet. 1724. Moir (James) Notes on Dr. Mackintosh's Treatise on Puerperal Fever, 8vo, Edin. 1822. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Examination of Dr. Hunter's Claim to some Discoveries relative to the Lymphatics, 8vo, Edin. 1758. Examination of the Claim to the Operation of Paracentesis Thora- cis, and to the Discovery of the Absorbents in Oviparous Animals, 8vo, Edin. 1770. Neill (Pat.) Address to the Members of the Wernerian Natural History Society, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Supplement to the same, 8vo, Edin. 1830. Reid (D. B.) Exposure of Misrepresentations in an Attack upon the Author's Elements of Practical Chemistry contained in the I'hiloso- phical Magazine for December 1830, 8vo, Edin. 1831. (2 copies. J Sanders (James) Critical Remarks on the Opinions of Dr. Rush, 8vo, Edin. 1806. Stone (Thomas) The Evidences against Phrenology, 8vo, Edin. 1828. Observations on the Phrenological Developement of Burke and Hare, 8vo, Edin. 182.3. Rejoinder to Mr. Combe's Answer to the above, 8vo, Edin. 1829. Thomson (J.) Remarks on a Communication from the Senatns Academi- cus to the Patrons of the University of Edinburgh, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Thomson (Thomas) Reply to the Edinburgh Reviewers, 8vo, Edin. 1804. Wood (William) Correspondence with Dr. Monro respecting- his Essay on Crural Hernia, &vo, Edin. 1827. (For Works on the Vaccine Controversy, Vid. p. 11,5.) VHI. DICTIONARIES, CYCLOPAEDIAS, &c. (Kirf. Part IV. Miscellaneous.) PART II. SCIENCE. Chapter I. Natural Philosophy ; Including Mechanical Philosophy, and Chemistry. II. Natural History ; including Zoology, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, and Mineral Waters. III. Science of the Mind ; including Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, and General Education. CHAPTER I. Katui-al m)i^oso»f)n INCLUDING Mttijmml ^\)i\o^opl)}} antr CDnnistri). MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. I. GENERAL, ELEMENTARY, AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Adams (George) Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1794.. Alembert (M. d') Opuscules Mathematiques, 8 torn. 4to, Paris, 1761-80. Arnot (N.) Elements of Physics, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1827. The same book, 2d Edit. Lond. 1828. The same book. Vol. II. Part I. 8vo, Lond. 1829. Eacon (Francis, Lord Verulam) Philosophical Works, abridged by Shaw, 3 vols. 4to, Loud. 173.3. Whole Works, 5 vols. 4to, Lond. 1778. Bacon (Roger) Opus Majus ex Codice Dubliniensi MSS. cura Jebb, fol. Lond. 1733. Berkeley (George Bp. of Cloyne) Works, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1784. Biot (J. B.)Traite de Physique Experimentale et Mathematique, 4 tomes, Svo, Paris, 181 G. Precis Elementaire de Physique, &c. 2 tomes, Svo, Paris, 1817. Blair (R.) Scientific Aphorisms, Svo, Edin. 1827. Boscovich (P. R. J.) Theoria Philosophise Naturalis, 4to, Venetiis, 1763. Boyle (Hon. Robert) Tentamina Physiologica, 12mo, Amst. 1G67. ■ Tracts, Svo, Lond. 1672. Whole Works, 6 vols. 4to, Lond. 1772. Philosophical Works, abridged by Shaw, 2d Edit. 3 vols. 4to, Lond. 1738. Brewster (Sir David) Letters on Natural Magic, 12mo, Lond. 1834. Brisson (M.) Traite Elementaire de Physique, 3 torn. Svo, Paris, 1789. Cavallo (Tiberius) Natural Philosophy, 4 vols. Svo, Lond. 1803. Cook (John) Clavis Natune, Svo, Loud. 1733. Desaguiliers (J. F.) Course of Experimental Philosophy, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1763. Descartes (Renatus) Opera Philosophica, 4to, Amstelod. 1670. Lettres sur la Morale, la Physique, la Medecine, et les Mathema- tiques, 6 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1724. Diderot (iNI.) O^uvres Philosophiques et Dramatiques, 6 torn. 12mo, Amsterdam, 1772. 2 E 218 MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, Elliot (J.) Elements of the Branches of Natural Philosophy connected With Medicine, 8vo, Lond. 1782. Enfield (Will.) Institutes of Natural Philosophy, 2d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1799. Eulcr (Leon.) Conjectura Physica, 4to, Berolini, 17o0. ■ Lettres a une Princesse d'AUemagne sur divers sujets de Physique et de Philosophic, 3 torn. Bvo, Geneve, 1775. Ferguson (James) Lectures on Select Subjects in Natural Philosophy, 4to, Lond. 17G4. — — Lectures on Natural Philosophy, edited by Brewster, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1806. Franklin (Benjamin) Whole Works, 3 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1806. Gravesande (Jac.) Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1747. Hamilton ( — ) Introductory Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 12mo, Dub. 1774. Hartsoecker (Nic.) Recueil de Plusieurs Pieces de Physique, 12rao, Utreclit, 1772. Haiiy (M. I'Abbo) Traile de Physique, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1806. Natural Philosophy, translated by Gregory, 2 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1807. Hutton (James) Dissertations on different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, 4to, Edin. 1792. Jones (W. A.) Essay on the First Principles of Natural Philsophy, 4to, Oxford, 1762. Keill (John) Introduction to Natural Pihlosophy, 5th Edit, translated from the Latin, Bvo, Lond. 1758. Lectures, Introductory, on Natural Pliilosophy, 8vo, Dublin, 1774. Leibnitz (G. G.) Opera Omnia, 7 tom. 4to, Geiiev. 1768. Leslie (Sir J.) Elements of Natural Philosophy, Vol. I. 8vo, Edin. 1823. Library of Useful Knowledge, — Natural Philosophy, Vols. I. II. III. Bvo, Lond. 1829-35. Lovett (Andrew) Philosophical Essays, Bvo, Worcester, 1766. Mariotte, CEuvres, 2 tom. (relie's en 1.) 4to, Leid. 1717. Maupertuis (Moreau de) CEuvres, 4 tom. Bvo, Lyon, 1768. Musschenbroek (Pet. Van) Physicae Exj)eriraentales et Geometricae Dis- sertationes, cum Ephemer. Meteorol. 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1729. Essai de Physique, 2 tom. 4to, Leyde, 1739. Introductio ad Philosophiam Naturalem, 2 tom. 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1762. Newton (Sir Isaac) Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematica, 4to, Lond. 1726. Opera Omnia, cura Horsley, 5 tom. 4to, Lond. 1785. Nicholson (Will.) Introduction to Natural Philosophy, 2 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1782. Nollet (J. A.) Le9ons de Physique Experiraentale, 6 tom. 12mo, Amst. 1754-55. Le meme livre, 6me Edit. 6 tom. 12mo, Paris, 1767. Peart (E.) On the Elementary Principles of Nature, %so, Gainsborough, 17S9. Pelletan (P. H.) Traite Elementaire de Physique Generalc et Medicale, Tom. L Bvo, Paris, 1829. Pictet (Marc. Auguste) Essais de Physique, Bvo, Geneve, 1790. Playfair (J.) Outlines of Natural Philosophy, 2 vols. Bvo, Edin. 1812-14. Porta (J. Bap.) Magia Naturalis, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1644. Priestley (Joseph) Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philo- sophy, Bvo, Lond. 1794. MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. 219 Robins (Benjamin) Mathematical Tracts, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. I7GI. Robison (John) Elements of Mechanical Philosophy, Vol. I. containing' Dynamics and Astronomy, 8vo, Edin. ISO'i. Rohault (Jacob.) Tractatus Physicus, cura Boneti, 12mo, Genev. 1G74. Idem liber, cum animadversionibus Ant. le Grand, 12mo, Lond. 1682. Rowning' (J.) Natural Philosophy, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1799. Rumford (Benj. Count) Essays Economical and Philosophical, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1797. — — Philosophical Papers, Vol. L 8vo, Lond. 1802. Somerville (Mary) On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences, 12rao, Lond. 1834. Sturmius (J. C.) Collegium Experimentale, 4to, Norimberg. 1G76. Walker (Alex.) System of Familiar Natural Philosophy, 4to, Lond. 1799. Wells (William Charles) Works, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Whewell (Rev. Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise ; On Astronomy and General Physics, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Young (Thomas) Syllabus of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, Mathe- matics, Hydro-dynamics, and Physics, 8vo, Lond. 1802. Lectures on Natural Philosophy and Mechanical Arts, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1807. Miscellaneous Works, printed as an Appendix to the Lectures, Vol. IL II. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. A. MECHANICS. MECHANICS IW GENERAL. Emerson (W.) Principles of Mechanics, 4th Edit. 4to, Lond. 1794. Gregory (Ol.) Mechanics, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807. Kater (Capt. H.) and Lardner (Rev. D.) Treatise on Mechanics, 12rao, Lond. 1831. Parkinson (Thos.) System of Mechanics, 4to, Cambridge, 1785. System of Mechanics and Hydrostatics, 4to, Lond. 1789. Wood (James) Principles of Mechanics, 8vo, Cambridge, 1803. 220 31ECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. 2. PAIiTICULAH DEPARTMSyTS OF MECHASICS- a. Statics. Faiinius (Quintus Rhemnius) De Ponderibus et Mensuris, ext. in Metl. Art. Princip. Tom. II. b. Dynamics, Alembert (M. d') Traite de Dynamique, 4to, Paris, 1796. Anstice (Robert) Inquiry into the Laws of Falling Bodies, 8 vo, Lond. 1794.. Giriird (P. S.) Traite Analytique de la Resistance des SoUdes, 4to, Paris, 1798. B. HYDHO-DYNAMICS. HYDRO-DYNAMICS IN GENERAL. Alembert (M. d') Traite de I'Equilibre ct du Mouvement des Fliiidcs, 4to, Paris, 1770. Attraction, Capillary, Examination of La Place's Theory of, 8vo, Lond. 1S09. Bossut (Charles) Traite d'Hydro-Dynamique, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1775. Le meme livre, nouvelle Edition, 1796. La Place (P. S.) Supplement a la Theorie de 1' Action Capillaire, 4to, Paris, 1807. 2. PAUTlCVhAR DEPARTMENTS OF HYDRO-DYNAMICS. a. Hydrostatics. Boyle (lion. Robert) Paradoxa Hydrostatica, 12mo, Roter. 1670. (2 copies.) Brisson (M.) Pesanteur specifique des Corps, 4to, Paris, 1787. Cotes (Roger) Hydrostatical and Pueumatical Lectures, 8vo, Cambridge, 1747. Lardner (Rev. D.) Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 12mo, Lond. 1831. Parkinson (T.) System of Mech;;;:i« and Hydrostatics, 4to, Lond. 1789. MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. 221 Ramsdea (James) Experiments on the Specific Gravities of Fluids, 4to, Lond. 1792. Vince (S.) Principles of Hydrostatics, 3d Edit. 8vo, Cambridge, ISOG. b. Hydraulics. Alembert (M. d') Nouvelle The'orie de la Resistance des Fluides, 4to, Paris, 1752. Buat (M.le Chevalier de) Principes d'Hydraulique, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1786. Coulomb (M.) Recherches sur les Moyens d'executer sous I'Eau les Tra- vaux Hydrauliques, Svo, Paris, 1770. Prony (R.) Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique, 2de Partie, 4to, Paris, 1796. c. Pneumatics. Boyle (Hon. Robert) New Experiments, Physico-Mechanical, on the Spring and Weight of the Air, 4to, Oxford, 1669. The same book, 3d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1682. Tractatus quatuor de Aere, l2mo, Lond. 1671. De vi Aeris Elastica, 12mo, Roter. 1699. Defensio Doctrinse suae de Aere adversus Objectiones Lini, 12mo, Roterod. 1769. Cavallo (Tiberius) On Air, and other Elastic Fluids, 4to, Lond. 1781. History of the Practice of Aerostation, Svo, Lond. 1785. Cotes (Roger) Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures, Svo, Cambridge, 1747. Lardner (Rev. D.) Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 12mo, Lond. 1831. Rumford (Benj. Count) Experiments on Gunpowder, (Essay L of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) Experiments to determine the Force of Fired Gunpowder, (Essays n. an4 HL of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) d. Acoustics. Cat (Claude Nicol le) Physical Essay on the Senses, translated, Svo, Loud. 1750. Elliot (J.) On Vision and Hearing, Svo, Lond. 17S0, Euler (Leon.) Tentaraina Novae Theoriae Musicse, 4to, Petrop. 1739. Hales (Gul.) Sonorum Doctrina Rationalis et Experimentalis, 4to, Dub. 1778. Klein (J. T.) De Sono et Auditu Piscium, 4to, Lips. 1746. Mojon (Be'noit) Sur I'Utilite' de la Musique, trad, par Muggetti, Svo , Paris, 1603. Weber (E. IL) De Aure et Auditu Homiuis et Animalium, 4to, Lipsia;, 1820. Young (Matthew) On the Phenomena of Sounds and Musical Strings, Svo, Dub. 1784. 222 MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. Yoiinfr (Thomas) Outlines of Experiments and Inquiries respecting Sound and I.iglit, (Essay II. of Miscellaneous Essays.) Letter to Mr. Nicholson respecting Sound and Light, (Essay VI. of Miscellaneous Essays.) An Essay ou Music, (Essay IV. of Miscellaneous Essays.) (For Works on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear, fid. vp. 17, and u(i.) C. OPTICS. OPTICS IN GENERAL. Brewster (Sir David) Treatise on Optics, 12mo, Lond. 1833. Cailk" (M. I'Abbc' de la) Lecons d'Optique, 8vo, Paris, I7GG. Emerson (W.) Elements of Optics, 8vo, Lond. 17G7. Euler (Leon.) Dioptrica, 3 tom. 4to, Petropol. 1771. Newton (Sir Isaac) Optics, 8vo, Lond. 1718. Smith (Robert) System of Optics, 2 vols. 4to, Camb. 1738. Wood (James) Elements of Optics, 8vo, Cambridge, 1799. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Cambridge, 1801. Young (Thomas) Experiments and Calculations relative to Physical Optics, (Essay IX. of Miscellaneous Essays.) 2. PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF OPTICS. Nature, Properties, and Sources of Lights Anstruther (A.) On Heat, Electricity, and Light, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Boyle (Hon. R.) Experiments, &c. touching Colours, 12mo, Lond. 1664. Noctiluca Aeria et Glacialis, 12mo, Lond. 1682. Brewster (Sir David) Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments, with Experiments on Light and Colours, 8vo, Edin. 1813. Davy (Sir H.) On Heat, Light, and the Combinations of Light, ext. in Beddoes' Medical Contributions. Hutton (James) On Light, Heat, and Fire, 8vo, Edin. 1794. Priestley (Joseph) On Vision, Light, and Colours, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1772. Rumford (Beuj. Count) Account of Experiments made to determine the relative intensities of Light emitted by Luminous Bodies, (Essay VII. of his Philosophical Essays.) Account of some Experiments on Coloured Shadows, (Essay VIII. of his Philosophical Essays.) Conjectures respecting the Principles of the Harmony of Colours, (Essay IX. of his Philosophical Essays.) MECHANICAL I'HILOSOPHY. 223 Kumfurd (Benj. Count) Enquiry conccrniu<»- the Chemical Properties which have been attributed to Lijjht, (Essays X. and XI. of his I'liilosophical Essays. Young- (Thomas) Experiments and Inquiries respecting- Sound and Light, (Essay II. of his Miscellaneous Essays.) Letter to Mr. Nicholson respecting Sound and Light, (Essay VL of his Miscellaneous Essays.) On the Theory of Light and Colours, (Essay VII. of his Miscel- laneous Essays.) Account of some Cases of the Production of Colours not hitherto Described, (Essay Vlil. of his Miscellaneous Essays.) b. Anatomj/ and Physiology of the Eye. (Vid. pp. 16, and 40.) c. Optical Instruments. Adams (George) Essays on the Microscope, 4to, Lond. 1787, with Atlas in fol. Baker (Henry) On Microscopes and the Discoveries made thereby, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1785. Brewster (Sir David) Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments, with Experiments on Light and Colours, 8vo, Edin. 1813. C CALORIC. 1. OH BEAT AND COLD GENERALLY, INCLUDING NATURE, PROPAGATION, AND EFFECTS OF HEAT. Anstruthcr (Alex.) On Heat, Electricity, and Light, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Boyle (Hon. Robert) Experiments touching Cold, 12mo, Lond. 1665. Experimenta circa Mechanicam particulariura qualitatum originem, et de Remediis Specificis, l2rao, Lond. 1692. Conradus (Israel) De Frigoris Natura et Effectibus, 12mo, 1G77. Davy (Sir Humphrey) On Heat, Light, and the Combinations of Light, ext. ill Beddoes' Contributions to Physical and Medical Knowledge, 8vo, Bristol, 1799. Harrington (Rob.) On the Erroneous Principles of the French Theory of Heat, 8vo, Lond. 1798. Heat, Inquiry into the General Effects of, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1770. Hillary (Will.) On the Nature and Properties of Fire, Svo, Lond. 1760. Hopson (C. R.) Essay on Fire, Svo, Lond, 1781. Hutton (James) On Light, Heat, and Fire, Svo, Edin. 179i. 224! MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. Irvine (Will.) Essays on Chemical Subjects, (containing- Essays on Heat,) 8vo, Lond. ISOo. Lamarck (J. B.) Sur les Causes ties Faits Physiques, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1794, (Tom. I. Sur la Feu.) Lardner (D.) Treatise on Heat, ISmo, Lond. 1833. Leslie (Sir John) Experimental Enquiry into the Nature and Propaga- tion of Ilcat, 8vo, Lond. 1804. Martine (G.) On Thermometers, and on the Heating and Cooling of Bodies, Svo, Edin. 1792. Pictet (Marc. Auguste) Sur la Feu, ext. in Essais de Physique, Svo, Genev. 1790. Prevost (Pierre) Recherches sur la Chaleur, Svo, Geneve, 1792. Rumford (Benj. Count) On the Propagation of Heat in Fluids, (Essay VII. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) On the Propagation of Heat in various Substances, (Essay VIII. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) Enquiry concerning the Weight or Ponderability which has been ascribed to Heat, (Essays XII. and XIII. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) Sclieele (Ch. W.) Chemical Observations on Air and Fire, translated from the German by Forster, with Notes by Kirwau, Svo, Lond. 1780. Socquet (J. M.) Sur le Calorique, Svo, Paris, 1801. Stark (James) On the inliuence of Colour on Heat and Odours, 4to, Edin, 1833. Thomson (Thomas) On Heat and Electricity, Svo, Edin. 1830. 2. ON THE SOURCES OF HEAT AND COLD. a. Friction. Rumford (Benj. Count) Enquiry concerning the Source of the Heat which is excited by Friction, (Essay IX. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) b. Chemical Action. Fulhame (Mrs.) Essay on Combustion, Svo, Lond. 1794'. Maclean (John) Two Lectures on Combustion, Svo, Philadelphia, 1797. c. Change of State of Aggregation. Walker (Richard) On the Production of Artificial Cold, Svo, Oxford, 179G. d. Animal Heat. (Hrf. p. 34.) MECHANICAL FHILOSOPHY. 225 d. OX THE ECONOMY ASU ECONOMICAL VSES OF HEAT. Rumford (Benj. Count) Oa Fuel and Heat, 8vo, Lond. 1797. On Fire-places and Kitchen Utensils, 8vo. The same, (published as Essay X. ot" his Economical and Philoso- phical Essays.) On Chimney Fire-places, (Essays IV. and IX. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) On the Management ol" Fire, and the Economy of Fuel, (Essays VI. and XIV. ot" his Economical and Phlosophical Essays.) Observations on the iSahibrity of Warm Baths in Cold Weather, (Essay XIJ. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) Observations on the Salubrity of Warm-bathinif, and of the princi- ples ou which Warm Baths siiould be constructed, (Essay XIII. of his Economical and Pliilosophical Essays) — — Of the Use of Steam as a Vehicle for transporting- Heat, (Essay XV. of his Economical and Philosophical Essays.) E. ELECTRICITY. 1 . ELECTRICITY IN GENERAL. Adams (Geortje) On Electricity v.v.d Magnetism, 8vo, Lond. 1784-. .aipinus (F. V. T.) De Similituuiiie vis Electrices et Magneticte, 4to, Petropol. I7a8. Ampere (A.M.) Theorie des Pheuomenes Electro-Dynamiques, 4to, Paris, 1826. Anstruther (Alex.) On Heat, Electricity, and Light, 8vo, Lond. 1800. Beccaria (G.) Ou Artificial Electricity, 4:to, Lond. 177G. Becket (J. B.) Essay Introductory to the Study of Electricity, 8vo, Bristol, 1773. Bennet (Abraham) Isew Experiments oa Electricity, &c. 8vo, Derby, 1789. Bertholon (M. I'Abbe) Sur I'Electricile des Ve'getaux, 8vo, Paris, 1783. Cavallo (Tiberius) On Electricity, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond, 1781. On Medical Electricity, &vo, Lond. 1781. Cuthbertscn (J.) Practical Electricity and Galvanism, 8vo, Lond. 1807. ElectriciU Medicate, Recueil sur 1', 2 tom. 12mo, Paris, 1763. (2 copies.) Ferguson (James) Introduction to Electricity, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1784. Fowler (Kichard) Experiments on Animal Electricity, 8vo, Loud. 1798. Franklin (Benj.) On Electricity, 4to, Lond. 17(iO. The same book, Lond. 1769. (2 copies.) Gilbertus (Gul.) De Magnete, cura Lochmans, 4to, Sedini, 1633. Jallabert (M) Experiences sur I'Electricile, 8vo, Geneve, 1748. JMahon (Cli.) Ou Electricity, 4to, Lond. n?9. Milner (Thomas) Experiments and Observations on Electricity, 8vo, Loud. 1783. 226 MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. Monro (Alexander, Seamdus) Experiments on the Nervous System, relative to the Natnre and Effects of Animal Electricity, ^to, Edin. 1793. f2 copies. J Morjjan (G. C.) Lectures on Electricity, 2 vols. 12mo, Norwich, 1794. Peart (E.) On Electric Atmosi)heres, 8vo, Cainsb. 1792. Priestley (Joseph) History of Electricity, 4to, Lond. 176G. The same book, 4to, Lond. 17G9. —— Introduction to Electricity, 4to, Lond. 1768. Singer (G. J.) Elements of Electricity and Electro-Chemistry, Svo, Lond. 1814. Swinden (J. II. Van) Recueil des Memoires sur I'Analogie del'Electricite et du Magnetisme, 3 torn, (relies en 2,) 8vo, La Haye, 1784. Thomson (Thomas) On Heat and Electricity, 8vo, Edin. 1830. Valli (E.) Experiments on Animal Electricity, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Watson (W.) Account of a New Electrical Machine, with Experiments, Svo, Lond. 1747. Wilson (Benjamin) On the Phenomena of Electricity, Svo, Lond. 1746. 2. GALVANISM. Bostock (John) History and Present State of Galvanism, Svo, Lond. 1818. Creve (C. C.) Epistola ad Societatem Medicam, quie Edinburgi est, de Galvanismo, MS., 4to. Cuthbertson (J.) Practical Electricity and Galvanism, Svo, Lond. 1807. Donnovau (M.) On Galvanism, 8vo, Dublin, 1816. Galvanisme, Compte rendu par une Commission a I'lnstitut National des premieres Experiences sur, 4to, Paris, 1797. Humboldt (Alexander von) Experiences sur le Galvanisme et sur I'lrri- tabilite, par J. F. N. Jadelot, Svo. Paris, 1799. Lvic (J. A.de) Sur le lluide Electro-Galvanique, Svo, Paris, 1804. Nauche (J.) Journal de Galvanisme et de Vaccine, &c. 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1803. Sue (P.) Histoire du Galvanisme, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1802. Wilkinson (Charles) Elements of Galvanism, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1804. (2 copies. J F. 3IAGNETISM. Adams (George) On Electricity and Magnetism, Svo, Lond. 1784. .yEpinus (F. V. T.) De Similitudine vis Electrica,' et Maguetica', 4to, IMropol. 175S. MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. 227 Cavallo (Tiberius) On Magnetism, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1795. GJlbertus (Gul.) De Magncte, cura Lochmans, 4to, Sedini, 1633. Prevost (P.) De rOrigine des Forces Magnutiqiies, 6vo, Geneve, 1788. Swinden (J. H. Van) Recueil de Memoires sur I'Analogie de rElectricite et du Magnetisme, 3 torn, (relies en 2,) 8vo, La Haye, 1784. III. ASTRONOMY. A. SYSTEMATIC AND GENERAL WORKS. Bonnycastle (John) Astronomy, Svo, Lond. 1796. Emerson (W.) System of Astronomy, Svo, Lond. 17G9. Ferguson (James) Astronomy, with Notes and Supplementary Chapters by Brewster, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1811, with Atlas in 4to. Hassenfratz (J. H.) Cours de Physique Celeste, Svo, Paris, 1803. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Treatise on Astronomy, 12mo, Lond. 1833. Lalande (Jerome le Francois de) Astronomic, 3me Edit. 3 torn. 4to, Paris, 1792. Laplace (P. S.) Exposition du Systeme du Monde, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1796. ■ Le meme livre, 3me Edit. 4to, Paris, 1808. The same book, translated by Pond, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1809. — — Traits de Me'chanique Celeste, 5 torn. 4to, Paris, 1799-1805. Manilii (M.) Astronomicon, ex Edit. Bentleiana; cum Notis in usura Delphini, Svo, Lond. 1828. Vince (S.) Principles of Astronomy, Svo, Cambridge, 1799, Whewell (Rev. W.) Bridgewater Treatise; On Astronomy and General Physics, Svo, Lond. 1833. B. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Arago (M.) The Comet. Scientific Notices of Comets in General, and of the Comet of 1832 in Particular, 12mo, Lond. 1833. Boscovich (P. R. J.) De Solis ac Lunse Defectibus, 4to, Lond. 1760. Vince (S.) Observations on the Hypothesis of Gravitation, Svo, Cam- bridge, 1806. Wallace (Wm.) Astronomical and Mathematical Geography, ext. in Murray's Encyclopaedia of Geography, Svo, Lond, 1834. 228 MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. C. PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. Condamiiie (M. de la) Journal dii Voyag-e a I'Equateur pour faire mesurc des 3 proniiers De'u^re's du Meridien, Ito, I'aris, 1751. Saupr (Martin) Acciiunt of a (ieo;iTaphical and Astronomical Expedition to Nortliern Russia by J. Billings in 1785-91, 4to, Lond. iy()2. Vinoe (S.) Treatise ou Practical Astronomy, 4to, Cambridge, 1790. D. HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. JBaillv (M.) Histoire de I'Astronomie Ancienne, 2de Edit. 4to, Paris, "l 78 1 . Ilistoire de I'Astronomie Moderne, 3 torn. 4to, Paris, 1785. Small (Hobert) Account oi" the Astronomical Discoveries of Kepler, 8vo, Lond. 1SU4. IV. METEOROLOGY. A. METEOROLOGY IN GENERAL. Daniell (J. F.) Meteorological Essays, 8vo, Lond. 1S23. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1827. Forstcr (Thos.) On Atmospheric Phenomena, 8vo, Lond. 1815. f2 copies. J The same book, 3d Ldit. &vo, Lond. 1823. Luc (J. A. de) Rcclierches sur les Modifications de I'Atmosphere, 2 torn. 4to, Geneve, 1772. Ide'es sur la Meteorologie, 2 torn. 8vo, Lond, 1786. Le nienie livre, Tom. L ]\Ietherie (M. de la) Essai Analytique sur I'Air pur, 8vo, Paris, 1785. Mills (J.) Essay on the Weather, 8vo, Lond. 1770. Prout (Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise ; On Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to ^<'atural Theo- logy, 8vo, Lond. 1834. Robertson (Henry) Natural History of the Atmosphere, with an Essay on the Causes of Epidemical Diseases, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1805. Rutty (Josejdi) History of the Weather and Diseases of Dublin, Bvo, Lond. 1770. MECHANICAL PHILOSOrHY. 229 B. PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF METEOROLOGY. 1. ATMOSPHERIC EVAPORATION. Bayle (M.) Sur la Cause de la Suspension des Vapeurs dans I'Air, 4'to, Paris, lG8i. Irvine (Wm.) Essays on Chemical Subjects, 8vo, Lond. 1805, (Essay III. beino' on Evaporation.) Leslie (Sir John) Ou the relations of Air to Heat and Moisture, 8vo, Edin. 1813. Saussure (H. B. de) Sur rilygrometrie, 8vo, Neufchatel, 1783. 2. DEW, WINDS, CLIMATE, AND BAROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS. Capper (J.) Observations on Winds and Monsoons, 4to, Lond. 1801. Falconer ( VV.) Remarks on the Influence of Climate, &c. on Mankind, 4to, Lond. 1781. vSchlogl (Guar.) Tabulje pro Reductione Statuum Barometri, 4to, Ingol- stadii, 1787. Wells (W. C.) Essay on Dew, Svo, Lond. 1814. (For further Works on Climate, Vid. pp. ai, and 85.) V. HISTORY AND OBJECTS OF MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. Boyle (Hon. Robert) Of the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philo- sophy, 2 vols. 4to, Oxford, 16G3. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Discourse ou the Study of Natural Philoso[)hy, l-2mo, Lond. 1833. Maclaurin (Colin) Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Discoveries, 4to, Loud. 1748. Pemberton (Henry) View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, fol. Lond. 1773. Thomson (Anthony Todd) On the Study of Experimental Philosophy, and the Utility of Chemistry, Svo, Lond. 230 MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. a[ppcntri.r. WORKS ON MATHEMATICS. Agnesi (Donna M. G.) Analytical Institutions, translated from the Italian by the Rev. J. Colson, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1801. Bezout (M.) Cours des Mathematiquos, 6 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1794. Bossut (John) History of Mathematics, 8vo, Lond. 1803. Brendelius (J. G.) Opusculi Mathematici et Medici Argumenti, 3 torn. 4to, Gott. 1775. Condillac (M. I'Abbe de) La Languc des Calculs, 8vo, Paris, 1798. Euler (Leon.) Elemens d'Algebre, 2 torn. 8vo, Lyons, 1795. Lagrange (Jos. Louis) Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques, 4to, Paris, 1797. Lardner (Rev. D.) Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, 8vo, Lond. 1825. Larkin (N. J.) Introduction to Solid Geometry, and to the Study of Crystallography, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1820. Legendre (A. M.) Elemens de Geometric, 8vo, Paris, 1809. Leslie (Sir John) Elements of Geometry, Svo, Edin. 1809. The same book, 2d Edit. Edin. 1811. Library of Useful Knowledge, Geometry, Svo, Lond. 1830. Maclaurin (Colin) Treatise on Fluxions, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1742. Montucla (J. F.) Histoire des Mathematiques, 4 torn. 4to, Paris, 1792- 1802. (2 copies.) Vluce (S.) Elements of Conic Sections, 2d Edit. 8vo, Cambridge, 1800. Treatise on Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, &c. 2d Edit. Svo, Cambridge, 1805. Principles of Fluxions, 3d Edit. Svo, Cambridge, 1805. Wood (James) Elements of Algebra, Svo, Cambridge, ]801. Young (Thomas) Essay on Cycloidal Curves, (Essay III. of his Miscel- laneous Essays.) CHEMISTRY. I. ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Accum (Fred.) System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1803. Aikin (A. and C. R.) Dictionary of Chemistrv and Mineralogy, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1807. Appendi.K to the same, 4to, Lond. 1814. Allen (Matthew) Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Chemical Philo- sophy, 12mo, Lond. 1819. Baume' (Antoine) Manuel de Chymie, 12mo, Paris, 1765. Chymie Experimentale et Raisonnee, 3 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1733. Beguinns (Joann.) Tyrocinium Chymicum, cum commentario Blasii, Edit. 2da, l-mo, Amst. 1669. Berzelins (J. J.) Traite de Chimie, 8 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829-33. Black (Joseph) Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, edited by Robi- son, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1803. Boerhaave (Hermann.) Eleraenta Chemiae, 2 torn. 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1732. Brande (W. T.) Manual of Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Chaptal (J. M.) Ele'raens de Chimie, 3 tom. 8vo, Montpel. 1790. . The same book, trans, by Nicholson, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1791. Chemiu Rationalis et Praxis Chymiatrica Rationalis, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1690. (2 copies, J Chemistry, Conversations on, by a Lady, 2 vols. 12rao, Lond. 1813. Chimie, The'orique et Pratique, Elenieus de, pour servir aux cours publics de TAcademie de Dijon, 3 tom. 12mo, Dijon, 1777-78. Dalton (J.) New System of Chemical Philosophy, Vol. I. and Part L of Vol. 11. 8vo, Manchester, 1808-27. Davy (Sir Humphrey) Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1804. Elements of Chemical Philosophy, Part L of Vol. L 8vo, Lond. 1812. (2 copies.) Dictionnaire de Chimie, 2 tom. 8vo, I*aris, 1766. (2 copies.) The same book, translated, with additions, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1777. Dossie (R.) Experimental Chemistry, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1759. 2 232 CHEMISTRY. Fouteiiflle (M. Julia) Mamiol de Chiinie Mcdifale, l2mo, Paris, 18-21. Fourcroy (M-de) Lecoiis Klemoiitaiies d'Histoire Naturelle et de Cbiniie, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1782. The same bocd<, translated, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1790. The same book, trans, by Dr. Thomson, with Notes, 3 vols, 8vo, Edin. 1798. The same book, 5th Edit. Edin. 1800. J^^ysteme des Connoissances Chimirjues, 10 tom. avec une Table des Matieres, 8vo, Paris, 1801. Fyfe (A.) Elements of Chemistry, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1827. Garnett (Thomas) Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry, Svo, Liverpool, 1797. Geber (Arab.) Chemia, Hornio eniendata, 12mo, Lugd. 1760. Gren (C. F.) Principles of Modern Chemistry, trans, from the German, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1800. Henry (William) Epitome of Chemistry, 12mo, Loud. ISOl. The same book, 4th Edit. Svo, Edin. 1806. Elements of E.\perimental Chemistry, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1810. The same book, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1815. The same book, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1823. Hojjsou (C. R ) Treatise on Chemistry, 4to, Lond. 1789. Jacquin (J. F.) Elements of Chemistry, trans, from the German by fetutzer, Svo, Loud. 1799. Junckerus (Jo.) Conspectus Chemiaj Theoretico-Practicye, 2 tom. 4to, Halte, 1744. Keir (John) First part of a Dictionary of Chemihtry, 4-to, Birmingham, 1789. Klaproth et Wolff (MM.) Dictionnaire de Chimie, trad, par Lagrange et Vogel, 4 tom. Svo, Paris, 1810. Lagrange (B.) Manual of Chemistry, translated, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1800. Lavoisier (J. C.) Traite Elemeutaire de Chimie, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1789. fZ copies. J The same book, trans, by Kerr, Svo, Edin. 1793. Lemery (N.) Cours de Chimie, Svo, Leyde, 1716. Le meme livre, Svo, Bnix. 1744. Macquer (M.) Ele'mens de Chimie Pratique, 3 torn. Svo, Paris, 1751. The same book, translated, 3 vols. Svo, Edin. 17C8. Dictionnaire de Chimie, 2 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1760. (^2 copies. J The same book, translated, 3 vols. b\o, Lond. 1777. Mangetus (Jo. J.) Bibiiotheca Chemica Curiosa, 2 tom. fol. Genev. 1752. Morveau, Maret, et Durandc, Eleniens de Chimie, 3 tom. 12mo, Dijon, 1777-8. Murray (John) Elements of Chemistry, 2 vols. Svo, Jidin. 1801. The same book, 2d Edit. 2 vols. Svo, Edin. IS 10. System of Chemistry, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1800. The same book, 3d Edit. 4 vols. Svo, Edin. 1812. The same book, 4th IMit. 4 vols. Svo, Edin. 1819. Supplement to the 1st Edit. Svo, Edin, 1809. Supplement to the 2d Edit. Svo, Edin. 1812. f2 copies. J Sui)j)lement to the 3d Edit. Svo, Edin. Nicholson (\\ illiam) First Principles of Chemistry, Svo, Lond. 1790. . Dictionary of Chemistry, 2 vols. Ito, Lond. 1795. Ortila (M.P.) Elemens de Chimie Medicale, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, IS 1 7. Paris (J. A.) Elements of Medical Chemistry, Svo, Lond. 1825. I'arkes (Samuel) Chemical Catechism, Svo, Lond. 1816. CHEMISTRY. 233 Pembertoii (Henry) Course of Lectures on Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1781. Prout (W.) Bridji^ewater Treatise; On Chemistry, Meteorolofry, and the function of IJigestion, considered with reference to Natural Theolo- gy, 8 to, Lond. 1834. Ileid (D. B.) Academical Examinations on the Principles of Chemistry, 2 vols. I2mo, Edin. 1825. (2 copies.) Elements of Practical Chemistry, 8vo, Edin. 1830. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1832. Shaw (Peter) Principles of Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1730. Chemical Lectures, 8vo, Lond. 1732. Stahlius (Georg. Ernest.) Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemis- try, trans, and drawn up by Dr. Shaw, 8vo, Lond. 1730. Thenard (L.J.) Traite de Chimie, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1813-16. Thomson (Thos.) System of Chemistry, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1802. The same book, 2d Edit. 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1804. The same book, 3d Edit. 5 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1807. The same book, 4th Edit, a vols. 8vo, Edin. 1810. The same book, 5th Edit. 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1817. Elements of Chemistry, 8vo, Edin. 1810. First Principles of Chemistry, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1825. Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Trommsdorff (J.) Bibliothek Allgemeine Chemische, 3 biinde, 8vo, Erfurt, 1801-3. Turner (Ed.) Elements of Chemistry, 8vo, Edin. 1827. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1828. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1831. The same book, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1833. The same book, 5th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1834. (2 copies. J Ure (And.) Dictionary of Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1821. The same book, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Vogel (R. A.) lustitutiones Chemicae, 12rao, Francof. 1702. Wasserberg (Franc, de) Institutiones Chemiae, 3 torn. 8vo, Vindob. 1778. Wolff et Klaproth (MM.) Dictionnaire de Chiraie, trad, par Lagrange et Vogel, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1810. IL COLLECTIVE WORKS, ESSAYS, &c. Bay en (Pierre) Opuscules Chimiques, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1797. Beddoes (Thos.) Analysis of Mayow's Chemical Opinions, 8vo, Oxford , 1790. Bergman (T.) Opuscula Physica et Chemica, 5 torn. 8vo, Holm, et Lips. 1779-1788. (2 copies.) BerthoUet (C. L.) Chemical Statics, translated by Lambert, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1804. Bohnius (J.) Dissertationes Chemico-Physicse, 4to, Lipsise, 1G85. 2g 234 CHEMISTRY. Boyle (Hon. Rob.) Whole Works, 6 vols. 4to, Lond. 1772. Brisson (M. J.) Physical Princi!)les of Chemistry, trauslutetl from the Freuch, Svo, Lond. 1801. Crell (Dr.) Chemical Journal, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1791-93. Gay-Lussac et The'uard, (^LM.) Recherches Physico-Chimiques, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, IS 11. (2 copies.) Harrino'ton ( Kob.) Elucidation and Extension of the Ilarring^tonian Sys- tem of Chemistry, Svo, Lond. 1819. Hierne (Urban.) Acta Chemica ilolmiensia, anuot. J. G. Waller, Tom. L Svo, Holm. 1753. Higg^ins (Bryan) Experiments on Various Subjects in Chemical Philo- sophy, Svo, Lond. 1786. Irvine (William) Essays on Chemical Subjects, Svo, Lond. ISOo. Jacquia (Nic. Jos.) Miscellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, Chemiam, et Historiam Nuturalem spectautia, 2 torn, (in I compact.) 4to, Viudob. 1778-81. Lavoisier (J. C.) Essays Physical and Chemical, translated by Henry, Svo, Lond. 1776. Marjjraf (M.) Opuscules Chimiques, 2 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1762. Morley (Charles) Collectanea Chemica Leydensia, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1684. Keumann (Gasper) Chemical Works, abridged by Lewis, 4to, Lond. 1759. Parkes (Samuel) Chemical Essays, 5 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1815. Pelletier (Bertrand) Observations de Chimie, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1798. Pott (J. H.) Observationes et Animadversiones Chemicse, 4to, Berol. 17.39. Dissertations Chimiques, 4 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1759. Scheele (Chas. W.) Chemical Essays, translated from the German, by Beddoes, Svo, Lond. 1786. Stahlius (Geo. Ernest.) Experimenta et Observationes Chemicse et Phy- sicse, Svo, Berol. 1739. Theatrum Chemicum, praecipuos Selectorum Auctorum tractatus con- tinens, 5 tom. 12mo, Argentorat. 1613-22. Trotter (Thomas) Medical and Chemical Essays, Svo, Lond. 1795. Wallerius (J. Gottsch.) Annotationes in Acta Chemica Hafniensia, Svo, Holm. 1753. Disputationes Academicse, Svo, Holm. 1780. Watson (Bp. Richard) Chemical Essays, 5 vols. 12mo, Cambridge, 1781. (For ChemicalJournals, Encyclopedias, Sue. Vid. Part IV. Miscellanies.) HI. GENERAL DOCTRINES OF CHEMISTRY. A. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Bergman (T.) On Elective Attractions, translated from the Latin, Svo, Lond. 1785. Berthollet (C. L.) Chemical Statics, translated by Lambert, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1804. . Laws of Chemical Affinity, Svo, Lond. 1804. Le Sage (G. L.) Essai de Chimie Mechanique, 4to, Geneve, 1761. CHEMISTRY. 235 E. THEORY OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS. Daubeny (Clias.) Introduction to the Atomic Theory, 8vo, Oxford, 18.31. Macneven (W. J.) Exposition of the Atomic Theory of Chemistry, with an Appendix of Chemical Exercises, 8vo, New York, 18 ly. Turner (Ed.) Introduction to the Laws of Combination, and the Atomic Theory, ]2rao, Edin. 1825. C. DIFFUSION OF GASES, Graham (Thos.) On the Law of the Diffusion of Gases, 4to, Edin. 1832. D. COMBUSTION. Fulhame (Mrs.) Essay on Combustion, with a New Art of Dyeing- and Painting, 8vo, Lond. 1794, Henry (W.) On the Action of finely-divided Platinum on Gaseous Mixtures, &c. -ito, Lond. 1824'. Higgins (William) Comparative View of the Phlogistic and Antiphlo- <;istic Theories, 8vo, Lond. 178!). Kirv.an (Richard) Essay on Phlogiston, and the Constitution of Acids, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Le meme livre, traduit en Fi-an^ais, avec observations par MM. Lavoisier, Fourcroy, BerthoUet, de I\I«rveau, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1788. The same book, witii Kirwan's replies, Svo, Lond. 1789. Maclean (John) Two Lectures on Combustion, Svo, Philadelph. 1797, Priestley (Joseph) Doctrine of Phlogiston Established, Svo, Northum- berland, 1800, E. CALORIC. (Fid. p. 223.) F. ELECTRICITY AND GALVANISM. (Tid. pp. 225 and 226.) 236 CHEMK^TRY. IV. CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. Chenevix (R.) Remarks on Chemical Nomenclature, 12rao, Lond. 1802. Dickson (Stephen) On Chemical Nomenclature, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Goris (Gerard.) Chymia Restituta, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1671. Kirwan (Richard) On Chemical Nomenclature, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, et Fourcroy, (MM.) Methods de Nomen- clature Chimique, 8vo, Paris, 1787. Pearson (George) Translation of the French Chemical Nomenclature, 4to, Lond. 1799. Sadler (John) Explanation of Terms used in Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1804'. V. WORKS ON SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. A. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1. GENERAL WORKS ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Thomson (Thomas) Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1831. 2. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a. Non-Metallic Substances. Beddoes (Thomas) and Watt (James) On Factitious Airs, in 5 parts, 3 vols. 8vo, Bristol, 1794-96. The same book, Parts I. and II. 2d Edit. 8vo, Bristol, 1795. Cavallo (Tiberius) On Air and other Elastic Fluids, 4to, Lond. 1781. Davy (Su" Humphrey) Researches chiefly on Nitrous Oxide, 8vo, Lond. 1800. f2 coitus. J On the Generation of Oxygen, ext. in Beddoes' Medical Contribu- tions, 8vo, Bristol, 1799. CHEMISTRY. 237 DcH'ar (Henry) Letter to Dr. Trotter on his proposal for destroying the Fire and Choak-damps, 8vo, Manchester. Fire-damp, Reply to Dr. Trotter's Second Pamphlet respecting the Means of destroying, 8vo, Lond. 1806. Gay-Lussac et Thenard, (MM.) Sur la decomposition de I'Acide Bora- cique, ext. in Recherches Physico-Chymiques, Tom. I. p. 276. Sur les Acides Fluorique, Muriatique et Muriatique Oxigene, ext. ibid. Tom. II. p. 1. Henry (William) Experiments on Carhuretted Hydrogen Gas, 4to, Lond. 1797. On the action of finely-divided Platinum on Gaseous Mixtures, &c. 4to, Lond. 1824. Lavoisier (J. C.) Essays on the Effects produced by various processes on Atmospheric Air, translated by Henry, 8vo, Warrington, 1783. Priestley (Joseph) Directions for Impregnating Water with fixed Air, 8vo, Lond. 1772. Experiments and Observations on Air, 3 vols. 8vo, Birmingham, 1790. Experiments and Observations on Air, including remarks on other branches of Natural Philosophy, 6 vols. Svo, Lond. 1776. On the Generation of Air from Water, Svo, Lond. 1793. (2 copies. J Experiments on Air and Water, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Scheele (C. W.) Chemical Observations on Air and Fire, translated from the German by Foster, with notes by Kirwan, &vo, Lond. 1780. Trotter (Thomas) Proposals for destroying the Fire and Choak-Damp of Coal Mines, Svo, Newcastle, 1805-6. b. Metals and their Compounds. Agricola (G.) De re Metallica, &c. folio, Basil. 1657. Davy (Sir Humphrey) On the Decomposition of the Fixed Alkalis, 4to, Lond. 1808. Gay-Lussac et Thenard, (MM.) Sur la preparation Chiroique et les Pro- prietes de Potassium et Sodium, ext. in Recherches Physico-Chi- raiqueSjTom I. p. 74. ■ Sur la Nature de Potassium et Sodium, ext. ibid. Tom. II. p. 206. Glass (Thomas) Examination of Mr. Henry's Strictures on Glass's Magnesia, Svo, Lond. 1774. Goulard (W.) On Lead, 12mo, Lond. 1775. Henry (Thomas) On Magnesia, Quick Lime, Fixed Air, &c. Svo, Lond. 1773. Hope (T. C.) Account of the Strontian Spar, 4to, Edin. 1793. Reaumur (M. de) L'art de convertir le Fer Forge en Aeier, et d'adoucir le Fer Fondu, 4to, Paris, 1722. Wallerius (J. G.) Eleraenta Metallurgica, Svo, Holm. 1767. 238 CHEMISTRY. B. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1. GENERAL WORKS ON ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Gmelin (Leopold) Chimie Org-anique appHquee a la Pliysiolog-ie et la Me- decine, 8vo, Paris, 1823. Raspail (F. V.) Nouveaii Systeme de Chimie Organiqne, Svo, Paris, 1833. Tlie same book, trans, from the French, by W. Henderson, M.D. Svo, Lond. 1834.. 2. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a. Animal Chenu'stri/. Berzelius (J. J.) Progress and Present State of Animal Chemistry, trans. from the Swedish by (t. Brunraark, 8vo, Lond. 1813. Chevreul (M. E.) Recherches Chiraiques sur les Corps gras d'Origine Animale, Svo, Paris, )82.3. Forster (R.) De Cantharidum Histoi'ia Chemica et Medica, Svo, Ar- geutorat. 1775. Johnson (W. B.) History of Animal Chemistry, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1803. Midermus (Georg.) Chemia Corporis Animalis, 4to, Argentorat. 1752. (For Works on Calculi, J-'id. p. 167.) b. Vegetable Chemistry. Graham (Thos.) An Account of the Formation of the Alcoates, 4to, Edin. 1828. Kosegarten (D. A. J. F.) De Caraphora, Gott. 1785, ext. in Frank. De- lect. Tom. HL p. 27. VL WORKS ON PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. A. GENERAL WORKS. Accum (Fred.) Practical Essay on Chemical Re-Agents or Tests, 12mo, Lond. 1816. Chemical Amusement, Svo, Lond. 1817. CHEMISTKY. 239 Cliildren (J. G.) An Essay on Chemical Analysis, 8vo, Load. 1819. D.jssio (R.) Experinieutal Chemistry, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. l7o9. Faraday (M.) Essay on Chemical Manipulation, 8vo, Loud. 1827. Gray (S. F.) The Operative Chemist, 8vo, Lond. 1828. Macquer (M ) Ele'mens de Chimie Pratique, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1707. The same book, trans. 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1768. Payen (A) Traite Eleraentaire des Reactifs, Svo, Paris, 1822. Keid (D. B.) Elements of Practical (Jhemistry, 8vo, Ediu. 1830. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1832. Rose (Henry) Manual of Analytical Ch.emistry, trans, by Griffin, Svo, Lond. 1831. Thenard (L. J.) On the General Principles of Chemical Analysis, trans. by A. Merrick, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Vauquelin (M.) IManuel d'Essayeur, 8vo, Paris, 1798. B. WORKS ON CHEMICAL ANALYSIS IN PARTICULAR. 1. ANALYSIS OF ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. Link (H. F.) De Analysi Urina? et Origine Calculi, ito, Gotlin-;-^ 1788. Schonberir (J. J. A. von) Ueber einige in Pompeji gefuudene Knochen und ihre Analyse, 4to, Erlangen, 18 28. 2. ANALYSIS OF VEGETABLE SVBSTASCES. Gay-Lussac et Thenard, (MM.) Sur I'Analyse Vegetale et Miuerale, ext. in Rechercbes Physico-Cbiniiques, Tom. 11. p. 265. 3. ANALYSIS OF MINERALS. Accum (Fred.) Analysis of Minerals, 12mo, Loud. 1804. Cramerus (J. A.) Elomenta Artis Docimasticae, 2 torn. Svo, Lv.gd. Bat. 1739, idem liber, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1644.. Ehrsnanu (M.) Essai d'uu Art de Fusion a I'aide de I'Air Vital, 8vo, Strasbourg-, 1787. G.iy-Lussac et The'uard, (M^I.) Sur I'Analyse Vegetaie et Mir.erale ext. in Rechercbes Physico-Chimiques, Tom. II. p. 205. Klaproth (M. H.) Analysis of Mineral Substances, trans, from the Ger- man, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. iSOl. 240 CHEMISTRY. 4'. DESCRIPTION AND USES OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS. Berzelius (J. J.) The Use of the Blow-Pipe in Chemical Analysis, &c. trans, by Children, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Clark (E. D.) On the Gas Blow-Pipe, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Gottling- (J. F. A.) Description of a Portable Chest of Chemistry, 12mo, Lond. 1791. Griffin (John) On the Use of the Blow- Pipe, 12rao, Glasgow, 1827. VIL APPLICATIONS OF CHEMISTRY TO THE ARTS, AGRICULTURE, &c. Bancroft (Edward) On the Philosophy of Permanent Colours, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 179-1. The same book, enlarged, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1813. Berthollet (M.) Ele'raens de I'Art de la Teinture, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1791. The same book, translated by Kerr, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1791. Born (M. de) Methode d'Extraire les Metaux parfaits, Uo, Paris, 1788. Chaptal (J. M.) Chiraie appliquee aux Arts, 4 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1807. The same book in English, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807. Charmes (Pajot des) Art of Bleaching, translated from the French, Svo, Lond. 1799. Davy (Sir Humphrey) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, 4to, Lond. 1813. Dundonald (Earl of) On the Connexion between Agriculture and Che- mistry, 4to, Lond. 1795. Fulhame (Mrs.) Essay on Combustion, with a New Art of Dyeing and Painting, Svo, Lond. 1794. Higgins (Bryan) On Calcareous Cements, 8vo, Lond. 1780. Leather, Art of Currying, Tanning, and Dyeing, published by the Dublin Society, 12mo, Lond. 1780. Lewis (William) Commercium Philosophico-Techuicum, 4to, Lond. 1763. ("2 copies. J Neri, Merret, et Kunckel, (MM.) L'Art de la Verrerie, 4to, Paris, 1752. Reaumur (M, de) L'Art de Convertir le Fer Forge en Acier, et d'adou- cir le Fer Fondu, 4to, Paris, 1722. Saussure (Theodore de) Recherches Chiraiques sur la Vegetation, 8vo, Paris, 1804. Uslar (Von) Chemico-Physiological Observations upon Plants, trans. by G. Schmeisser, Svo, Edin. 1795. Wallerius (J. G.) Eleraenta Metallurgica, Svo, Holm. 1767. VIII. WORKS ON ALCHEMY. Alchemistical Philosophers, Lives of, Svo, Lond. 1815. CHEMISTRY. 241 Combachius (Liid.) Tractatus de Vero Sale Secreto Philosopliorum et do Universali Mundi Spiritn, 1-^mo, Casselis, 1651. Faber (J. P.) Propugnaculum Alcliemiie, 12nio, Tolos. IGlo. Geber (Arab.) Chemia, Hornio Emendata, 12mo, Lugd. 1760. Glauber (Jo. Rudolph) Works, trauslated by Parke, folio, Lond. 1G89. Hanneman (J.) Tantalus Chemicus, 4to, Hamb. 1714. Nebo Chemicus, 4to, Kilon. 1714. Lana (Francesco) Prodromo all' Arte Maestro, folio, Brescia, 1670. Libavius (A.) Praxis Alchemic, 12mo, Frank. 1604. LuUius (K.) Opera, 8vo, Ar^rent. 1617. Magistere Ilermetique, Traite de, ou la Pierre Philosophale Victorieuse, trad, du Latin, 12mo, Amst. 1689. Suchten (Alex. Van) Secrets of Antimony, 12mo, Lond. 1670. Valentinus (Basil) Of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, trans, by Cable, ISmo, Lond. 1670. Wedelius (G. W.) Introductio ad Alchemiam, 4to, Jente, 1705. Wolfg-ang- (G.) Introductio ad Alchemiam, 4to, Jense, 1705. IX. HISTORY AND OBJECTS OF CHEMISTRY, INCLUDING CHEMICAL CONTROVERSY. Beddoes (Thomas) Analysis of Mavow's Chemical Opinions, 8vo, Oxford, 1790. Bergman (T.) On the Usefulness of Chemistry, Svo, Lond. 1783. Fourcroy (M. de) Philosophy of Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1795. Goris (Gerard.) Chemia Restituta, 12ino, Lugd. Bat. 1671. Harrington (Robert) The Death Warrant of tlie French Theory of Chemistr)', Svo, Lond. 1804. Elucidation and Extension of the Harringtonian System of Che- mistry, Svo, Lond. 1819. Henry (William) On the Nature and Objects of Chemistry, Svo, Man- chester, 1799. Lamarck (J. B.) Refutation de la Theorie Pneumatique, Svo, Paris, 1796. Marggravius (Christian.) Detectio Ignorantiie Jacobi Le Mort, 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1687. Reid (D. B.) Exposure of Misrepresentations in an Attack upon the Author's Elements of Practical Chemistry contained in Philo- sophical Magazine for December 1830, Svo, Edin. 1831. (2 copies.) Thomson (A. T.) On the Study of Experimental Philosophy, and the Utility of Chemistry, Svo, Lond. Thomson (Thomas) Reply to the Edinburgh Reviev.ers, Svo, Edin. 1804. Yeats (G. D.) On the Claims of the Moderns to some Discoveries in Chemistry, and Physiology, Svo, Lond. 1798. 2 H CHAPTER II. Natiual mi^iots ; INCLUDING Zodlogi), 33otanj), <3to\oQih i^innalofii), autr iWineval Matns, NATURAL HISTORY. I. GENERAL AND COLLECTIVE WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. Aphonin (M.) Usus Historiaj Naturalis, ext. in Linnsei Arnoen. Acad. Tom. Vn. p. 409. Bacon (Francis Lord Verulam) Sylva Sylvarum, or a Natural Histor}^ in Ten Centuries, ext. in Works, Vol. L p. 133. De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum Libri IX. ext. in Works, Vol. IV. p. 17. Novum Organum, sive Indicia vera de Interpretatione Naturae, ext. in Works, Vol. IV. p. 257. Account of his Novum Organon Scientiarum, or New Method of Studying the Sciences, ext. in Library of Useful Knowledge, 8vo, Lond. Parasceve ad Historiam Naturalem et Experimentalem, &c. ext. in Works, Vol. IV. p. 385. Baglivi (Georg.) Opera Omnia, 4to, Antverp. 1715. Bailly (M.) Lettres sur I'Origine des Sciences, et des Peuples de I'Asie, 8vo, Paris, 1777. Barton (Eenj. S.) On some Parts of Natural History, &c. Part I. Bvo, Lond. N. D. Bertrand (E.) Recueil de divers Traites sur I'Histoire Naturelle de la Terre, &c. 4to, Avig. 1766. Biberg (J. J.) CEconomia Naturie, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 1. Bicheno (L. E.) On Systems and Methods in Natural History, ext. in Linnean Transact. Vol. XV. p. 479. Blumenbach (J. F.) Manuel d'Histoire Naturelle, par Artaud, 2 tom. Svo, Metz, 1803. The same book, 10th Germ. Edit, translated by Gore, Svo, Lond. 1825. Specimen Historine Naturalis Antiquae artis operibus illustrata;, &c. 4to, Gott. 1808. Specimen Historite Naturalis ex Classicis auctoribus illustratse, &c. 4to, Gott. 1816. 246 NATURAL HISTORY. Boniare (M. V.) Dictionnaire raisoiiiie universel d'Histoirc Naturelle, 15 torn. 8vo, tyon, 1791. British Association for the Advancement ot" Science, Reports of, Svo, Lend. 1833-30. Brookes (R.) System of Natural History, 6 vols. 12mo, Lond. 17(j.'i. Buffon (M. le Comte de) Ilistoire Is'aturelle Generale et Particulicre, avec un Description du Cabinet du Roi par Daubenton, 31 tomes (relies en 20), 12mo, Paris, 1750-1708. The same book, translated by Smellie, 8 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1780. Supplement an 5me tome de I'tlistoire Naturelle, 4to, Paris, 1788. CEuvres complets, par INI. le Comte de Lacepede, 12 torn. 8vo, I'aris, 1817-18. Camper (Pierre) QZuvres, (jui ont pour objet I'llistoire Naturelle, &c. 3 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1803, avec Atlas in folio. Crabb (George) Universal Technological Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1823. Cuvier (G.) Histoire des progres des Sciences Naturelles depuis 1789 jusqu'a ce jour, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1820-28. Recueil des Eloges Historiques, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1819-30. Sketch of his Life and Writings, by Dr. Grant, Svo, Lond. 1830. Darwin (Erasmus) Temple of Nature, 4to, Lond. 1803. Daubenton (M.) Description du Cabinet du Roi, coutenue dans I'His- toire Naturelle de Buffon, 25 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1750-78. Derham (W.) Physico-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his Works of Creation, 5th Edit. Svo, Loud. 1720. Deusingius (Ant.) Fasciculus Dissertationum, 12mo, Groningse, 1000. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 5 torn. Svo, Paris, 1804-1800, avec Atlas in 4to. Duhamel (Jo. B.) Ilistoria Academise Regiae Scieutiarum, Edit. 2da, 4to, Paris, 1701. Dryander (Jonas) Catalogus Bibliothecse Historico-Naturalis Dom. Jo- sephi Banks, 4 torn. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Forster (J. R.) Manuel de 1' Histoire Naturelle, par Leveille, Svo, Paris, 1790. Fourcroy (M. de) Le9ons Ele'mentaires d'Histoirc Naturelle et de Chimie, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1782. The same book, translated, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1790. The same book, tianslated by Dr. Thomson, with Notes, 3 vols. Svo, Edin. 1798. The same book, 5th Edit. Edin. 1800. Gavoty et Tonlouzan, (MM.) Histoire de la Nature, 3 torn. Svo, Paris, 1815. Goguet (M.) De I'Origine des Loix, des Sciences, et des Arts, 3 tomes, 12mo, La Haye, 1758. Good (J. M.) The Book of Nature, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1S2G. Graves (George) Naturalist's Pocket-book, &c. Svo, Lond. 1818. Gregory (Rev. George) Economy of Nature, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1790. Hill (John) Essays on Natural History, &c. relating chielly to Botany and Entomology, Svo, Lond. 1752. Histoire Naturelle, Me'thode de preparer et de conserver les Curiosites de r, Svo, Lyon, 1758. Hultman (D.) Instructio Musei Rernm Naturalium, c.\t. iu Linuwi Am. 440. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Dictionnaire Raisonnc, Etyraologique, Synonymique, et Polygiotte, des Termes usite's dans les Sciences Naturelles, 2 tomes, Svo, Paris, 1834. NATURAL HISTORY. 247 LaccpeJe (Le Comte do) Discours d'Ouveiture et de Cloture du Cours d'Histoire Naturelle doiine an Museum d'Hist. Nat. en 1798, +to, Paris, 1789. Vue fjeuerale des progres de plusieurs branches des Sciences Natu- relles depuis la niort de Buffbn, Svo, Paris, 1818. Lettsom (J. (.).) Naturalist's Companion, Svo, Lond. 1799. Linnean Society, Transactions of, Vol. I. -XVI. 4t0; Lond. 1791 — 183.3. Linna;us (Car.) Araoenitates Academicie, G torn. Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1748. Idem liber, 9 torn. Svo, Holm. Lugd. Bat. et Erlang. 1749-85. Systema Naturae, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1736. Idem liber, Tom. II. Edit. lOma, Holm. 17j9. Idem liber, Tom. UL llalie, 1770, Idem liber, 4 tom. Vindob. 1767-1770. The same book, translated by W. Turton, 4 vols. Svo, Lond. 1802. On the Study of Nature, trans, from the Latin, Svo, Lond. 17Sj. Ludu'ig (Christ. Fred.) Delectus Opusculorum ad Scientiam Naturalem spectantium, Tom. I. Svo, Lips. 1790. Malpighius (Marc.) Opera Omnia, 2 tom. (in 1 compact.) fol. Lond. 16SG. Martyn (John) and Chambers (E.) The Philosophical History and Me- moirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris, j vols. Svo, Lond. 1742. Memoire Instructif sur la maniere de rassembler, conserver, et d'envoyer les diverses Curiosites d'Histoire Naturelle, Svo, Paris, 1758. Millia (A. L.) Ele'mens d'Histoire Naturelle, 2de Edit. Svo, Paris, 1797. Miiseum Naturalium Academiae Upsalensis, Partes VIII. 1787-89, ext. in Diss. Inaug. Acad. Upsal. 2 tom. 4to, 1779-89. Nemnich (Phil. And.) Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicou der Natur- geschichtc, 5 torn. 4to, Hamb. 1793-95. Norblad (E. A.) Instructio Peregrinatoris, ext. in Linnaji Amoeu. Acad. Tom. V. p. 298. Plinius (C. Sec.) Historia Naturalis, fol. Hag. 1518. Idem liber, 3 tom. Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1668. Idem liber, cur. et impr. A. J. Valpy, 14 tom. Svo, Lond. 1826. Pultney (Richard) General View of the Writings of Linnaeus, Svo, Lond. 1781. Ray (John) The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Crea- tion, 9th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1727. Richard (A.) Elemens d'Histoire Naturelle Medicale, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1831. Robinet (J. B.) De la Nature, 5 torn. Svo, Amst. 1766-68. Saint-Pierre (J. H. B. de) Etudes de la Nature, 2 torn. Svo, Lond. 1803. Senebier (Jean) Sur I'influence de la Lumiere Solaire pour Moditier les Etres des trois Regnes de la Nature, et surtout ceux du Regne Ve'getal, 3 tom. Svo, Geneve, 1782. Smellie (W.) Philosophy of Natural History, 4to, Edin. 1790. The same book, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1799. Smith (Sir J. E.) Tracts relating to Natural History, Svo, Lond. 1798. Sketch of a Tour on the Continent, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1807. On the Rise and Progress of Natural History, ext. vi Linn. Trans. Vol. Lp. 1. Soderberg (O.) Curiositas Naturalis, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. I. p. 429, Stark (John) Elements of Natural History, 2 vols. Svo, Edin. 1828. Sulivan (R. J.) A View of Nature, in Letters to a Traveller on the Alps, with Reflections on Atheistical Philosophy, 6 vols. Svo, Lond. 1794. 248 , NATURAL HISTORY. Swainson (Wm.) A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural His- tory, 12mo, Lond. 183+. Toulouzan et Gavoty, (MM.) Histoire de la Nature, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1S15. Townson (Robert) Tracts and Observations in Natural History and Physiology, 8vo, Lond. 1799. Turner (Sharon) The Sacred History of the World displayed in the Creation and subsequent events to the Deluge, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 18:33. Wilcke (H. C. D.) Politia Naturse, ext. in Linnrei Amo^n. Acad. Tom. VI. p. 17. II. NATURAL HISTORY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES AND PLACES. Alps. — Barry (Martin) Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc in Sep- tember 1834, 8vo, Edin. 1830. (2 copies.) Dolomieu (De'odat de) Journal de son dernier Voyage aux Alpes, par Bruun-ueer-jo^aard, 8vo, Paris, 1802. Saussurc (H.B.de) Voyages dans les Alpes, 8 tora.8vo, Geneve, 1787. Ainerica. — Humboldt (Alex, von) Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, trans, by Miss H. M. Williams, 7 vols, (in 0,) 8vo, Lond. 1814-29. Barbadoes. — Hughes (Griffith) Natural History of Barbadoes, fol. Lond. 1750. Brazil. — Marcgravius (Geo. de Leibstad) Ilistoria Rerum Naturalium Brasilia*, cura De Laet, fol. Lugd. Bat. et Amst. 1648. Spix (J. B. von) and Martins (C. F. P. von) Travels in Brazil in 1817-20, Vols. I. IL 8vo, Lond. 1824. Britain. — Saintfond (B. F. de) Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1799. Edinhurcjh. — Rhind (Wm.) Excursions illustrative of the Natural His- tory of the Environs of Edinburgh, 12mo, Edin. 1833. Iceland. — Mackenzie (Sir G. S.) Natural History of Iceland, cxt. in Travels in Iceland, 4to, Edin. 1811. India. — Rediis (Franc.) Experimenta circa varias Res Naturales, prieser- tim illas qua; ex India afferuntur, 12mo, Amst. 1G85. Jamaica. — Browne (Patrick) Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, fol. Lond. 1756. Jar at — Razouniowsky (M. le Comte G. de) Ilistoire Naturelle du Jarat et de ses Environs, &c. 2 tom. 8vo, Lausanne, 1789. Lapland. — Linnieus (Car) Lachesis Laponica, a Tour in Lapland, edited by Sir J. E. Smith, Svo, Lond. 1811. ZOOLOGY. 249 Maddfjascar. — Copland (Samuel) Natural History of Madagascar, ext. in History of tlie Islaud of Madagascar, p. 287-331-, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Madeira. — Pitta (N. C) Natural History of Madeira, e.vt. in Accouut of the Island of Madeira, 8vo, Lond. 1812. New South Wales, China, Sfc. — Bennett (Geo.) Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, China, &o. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. IS-Si. Norway. — Touning (H.) Rariora Norvegiye, ext. in Linnjei Amoen. Acad. Tom. VII. p. 466. Pennsylvania. — Barton (B. IS.) Fragments of the Natural History of Penn- sylvania, Part 1. fol. Philadelphia, 1799. Polynesia. — Ellis (Wm.) Polynesian Researches during a residence of nearly 8 years in the Society and Sandwich Islands, 2d Edit. 4 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1831-33. Pompeii. — Schonberg (J. J. Alb. von) Ueher einen neuen Naturhistori- schen Fund in Porapeji, Svo, Nurnberg, 1827. Pyrenees. — Ramond ( — ) Observations faites dans les Pyrenees, Svo, Paris, 1789. Russia. — Karamyschew (A. de) Necessitas Historise Naturalis Rossise, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. VII. p. 438. Selborne. — White (Gilbert) The Natural History of Selborne, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1825. Sweden. — Linnaeus (Car.) De Peregrinationibus intra patriam, ext. in Amoen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 40"^. Tristan da Cunka. — C'armichael (D.) History of the Island of Tristan da Cunha, ext. in Linnean Trans. Vol. XII. p. 483. (For Journals, Encyclopaedias, and Dictionaries of Natural History, and Transactions of Natural History Societies, Vid. Part IV. MLscellanies.) III. PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY. A. ZOOLOGY. GENERAL tVORKS ON ZOOLOGY. Aristoteles. — Historia Animalium (Graece,) Tom. III. Svo, Venet. 1553. Opera Omnia quie extant (Graece et Latine,) cura Du Val, 4 torn. fol. Paris, 1619. Bailly (M.) Lettres a M. Le Roi sur la question si les Auimaux sont en- tierement prives d' Imagination, ext. in Discours et Memoires, Tom. II. p. 109, Svo, Paris, 1790. Balk (L.) Museum Adolpho-Fiidericianum, est. in Linneei Amceo. Acad. Tom. I. p. 556, Bingley (W.) Animal Biography, 3 vols, Svo, Lond. 1803. 2 I 250 ZOOLOGY. Blaiuville (H. M. Ducrotay de) Cours de Physiologie Generale et Cora- pare'e, 3 toin. 8vo, Paris, 1835. Blumeubach (J, F.) Short System of Comparative Anatomy, trans, by Lawronce, Svo, Loud. 1807. The same book, 2d Edit, by Coulson, 8vo, T-ond. 1827. Cains (Joannes) De Hariorum Aiiimalium Historia, &e. 18mo, Lond. 1570. Camper (Pierre) Qiuvres, qui ont pour objet I'Histoire ISaturelie, I'An- atomie Comparee, &c. 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1803, avec Atlas in folio. Cuvier (It.) Tableau de I'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, 8vo, Paris, 1798. Introduction to the Study of the Animal Economy, trans, by Allen, 8vo, Edin. ISOI. Le Regne Animal distribue d'apres son Organisation, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1817. The same book, trans, by H. M'Murtrie, Svo, Lond. 1834-. Deusinoius (Ant) De Ratione et Loquela Brutorum Animautium, ext, in Fascic. Dissert, p. 187, 12mo, Groningsc, 1600. Dumeril (A. M. C.) Zoologie Analytique, 8vo, Paris, 1806. Dutrochet (M. H.) Recherchos Anatomiques et Physiologiques sur la Structure intinie des Animaux et des Vegetaux, et sur lour Motilite, Svo, Paris, 1824. Edwards (H. Milne) Elemens de Zoologie, Parties I. II. st III. 8vo, Paris, 1834-35. Faber (Hon.) De Plantis, et de Generatione Animalium, 4to, Paris, 1066. Fleming (Rev. John) The Philosophy of Zoology, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1822. Fryer (Ed.) De Vita Animantiura et Vegetantium, Svo, Lu^d. Bat. 1785. Gesuer (Conrad.) Historia Animalium, fol. Tiguri, 1551. Grant (R. E.) On the Study of the Animal Kingdom, Svo, Lond. 1829. Haller (Albert von) On the Sensible and Irritable parts of Animals, trans, Svo, Lond. 1755. Sur la Nature Sensible et Irritable des Parties du Corps Animal, 3 tom. 12mo, Laus. 175G. Jenyns (Leonard) Report on the recent Progress and present State of Zoology, ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting of British Associa- tion, p. 14.3, Svo, Lond. 1835. Kirby (Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise; On the History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1835. Lamarck (J. B.) Philosophic Zoologique, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1809. Langrish (B.) Physical Experiments upon Brutes, Svo, Lond. 1746. Lawrence (William) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man, Svo, Lond. 1819. f2 copies. J Martinius (Georg.) De Similibus Aniraalibus, et Animalium Galore, Svo, Lond. 1740. Metherie (iM. De La) Sur I'Organisation Animale ct Ve'getale, 12mo, Paris, 1780. Nicholas (P. F.) Methode de Preparer et Conserver les Animaux, Svo, Paris, 1801. Pallas (P. S.) Miscellanea Zoologica, 4to, Haga?, !7r,6. Saint- Llilaire (GeofFrov) Principes de Philosophic Zoologique, Svo, Paris, 1830. Shaw (George) General Zoology, Vols. I— XL Svo, Lond. J'-OO-IO. Spallanzani ( Lazaro) Opuscules de Physique Anirnale et Vegctale, trad. par Senebier, 2 tom. Svo, Geneve, 1777. On the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables, trans, from tlie Italian, &c. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1784. Tracts on the Nature of Animals and Vegetables, trans. Svo, Edin, 1799. ZOOLOGY. 251 Stewart (Charles) Elements of the Natural History of the Animal King- dom, 2 vols. 8vo, Kdin. 1817. f 2 copies. J Swainson (W.) On Zoology and the Distribution of Animals, ext, in Murray's Encyclojiaedia of Geography, 8vo, Lond. IS.34. — — A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals, 12mo, Lond. 1835. Wilson (James) Illustrations of Zoology, fol. Edin. 1831. Zoological Societj of London, Transactions of. Vol. L 4to, Lond. 1834-35. (For other Works on Comparative Anatomy, I'id. p. 20, et seq.) 2. WORKS 0\ THE ZOOLOGY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES AND PLACES. Arctic Regions, Zoology of, e.rt. in Appendices to Parry's Journals and Narrative, 4to, Lond. 1821-28, Zoology of, by Dr. Richardson, ext. in Appendix to Back's Narra- tive, p. 475, 8vo, Lond. 183G. Fleming (John) History of British Animals, 8vo, Edin. 1828. Humboldt (Alexander von) ct Bonpland (A.) Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie Comparee dans I'Ocean Atlantique, &c. 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1805. Linna?us (Car.) Fauna Suecica, 8vo, Holm. 1761. Pennant (Thomas) British Zoology, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1749. — — Arctic Zoology, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1778. Raffles (SirT.S.) Descriptive Catalogue of a Zoological Collection made in Sumatra, ext. in Linn. Trans. VoL XI IL p. 239. Richardson (John) and Swainson (Wm.) Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1829-31. Sundius (P.) Surinamensia Grilliana, ext. in Lianaei Amcen. Acad. Tom. L p. 489. 3. WORKS ON PARTICULAR CLASSES OF ANIMALS. a. Vertehrata. * a. Vertehrata Generally. Jenyns (Leonard) A Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, 8vo, Cam- bridge, 1835. Magendie (F.) et Desmonlins (A.) Anatomie des Systemes Nerveux des Animaux a vertebres, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1825, avec Atlas in 4to. Thomson (Allen) On the Development of the Vascular System in the Foetus of Vertebrated Animals, 8vo, Edin. 1830. 252 ZOOLOGY b. Particular Classes of Vertchrata. * * a Mammalia. Adam (Walter) On the Osteological Symmetry of the Camel, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XVI. p. 525. Aldrovaiulus (Ulysses) De Qiiadnipedibus Solipedibus, cura Uterverii, fol. Bonoii. 1G39. Bell (Tlios.) On the Bradypus Tridactylus or Three-Toed Sloth, ext. in Zooloff. Trans Vol. I. p. II. 'j. Bennett (E. T.) On the MMiorr Antelope, ext. in Zoolog. Trans. Vol. I. On the Chinchilhda;, a Family ot Herbivorous Rodentia, ext. ibid. pp. 35 and 331. On Cryptoprocta, a new Genus of Viverridse, ext. ihid. p. 137. ■ On Macropus Parryi, a Species of Kangaroo, ext. ibid. p. 295. Bennett (Geo.) On the Natural History and Habits of the Ornithoryn- chus Paradoxus, ext. ibid. p. 229. Bowdich (T. K.) Analysis of the Natural Classifications of Mammalia, 8vo, Paris, 1821. Brandt (.J. F.) De Mammalium quorundam praesertim Quadrumanorura Vocis instrumento, 4to, Berolini, 1816. Caius (Joannes) De Canibus Britannicis, 18mo, Lond. 1570. Camper (Pierre) Desciiptiou Anatomiqne d'un Elephant Male, fol. Paris, 1802. Le meme livre, ext. in Qiuvres, Tom. II. p. 21. Grant (R. E.) On the Paca of Brazil, Svo, Edin. Hart (John) Description of the Skt 'u-ton of the Fossil Deer of Ireland, (Cervus Megaceros), Svo, Dublin. 1830. Hoffberg- (C. F.) Cervus Tarandus, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom, IV. p. 114. Knox (R.) On the Wombat of Flinders, 8vo, Edin. Lindecrantz (E. M.) De Cane Farailiari, ext. in Linnsei Aracen. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 43. Lindli (J.) Sus Scrofa, ext. ibid. Tom. V. p. 46 1. Meckel (J. F.) Grnithorynchi Paradoxi Descriptio Anatomica, fol. Lips, 1826. Morgan (John) On the Mammary Organs of the Kangaroo, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XVI. pp. 61 and 455. Nauman (1. J.) Mus PorccUus, ext. in Linnaji Amcen. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 190. Ogilby (W.) On Cynicti.s, a new genus of Carnivora, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 29. Owen (Richard) On the Anatomy of Felis jubata or tlic Cheetah, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 129. On the Young of the Ornithorynchus Paradoxus, ext. ibid.]). 221. On the Osteology of the Chimpanzee and Ourang Utan, ext. ibid. p. 343. Palmaeus (J.) De Ove, ext. in Linnrei Amoon. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 169. Pennant ( Fhos.) S3'nopsis of Quadrupeds, 8vo, ('best. 1771. Peyerus (J. C.) De Runiinantibus et de Runiinatione, 4to, Basil. 1685. f2 copies. J ZOOLOGY. 253 Rav (John) Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupcduni, &c. 8vo, Lond. UnKi. Richardson (John) On the Quadrupeds of the Arctic Regions, ext. in Ap])endix to I'.irry's Second Journal, p. 285, 4to, Lond. 1825. and Swainson (Win.) Fauna Boreali-Americana, Part I. Quadru- peds, 4to, Lond. 1829. Ross (J. C.) INLimiTialia of Arctic Regions, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Third Journal, p. 92, 4to, Lond. 1826. Mammalia of Arctic Regions, cxf. in Appendix to Parry's Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole in 1827, p. 190, 4to, Lond. 1828. Sabine (E.) Mammalia of Arctic Regions, ext. m Appendix to Parry's First Journal, p. 183, 4to, Lond. 1821-24. Sraee (Walter) Account of the Maneless Lion of Guzerat, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. Lp. 165. Swainson (W.) On the Natural History and Classification of Quadru- peds, 12mo, Lond. 1835. Tiedemann (F.) Icones cerebri Simiarum et quoruudam Maramalium rariorum, fol. Heidelb. 1821. Valentin (G.) On the Human Ovum, with a Comparative View of the Development of the Ova of Mammalia and Birds, trans, by Martin Barry, Svo, Edin. 1836. White (Charles) Natural History of the Cow relatively to the Production of Milk, 8vo, Warrington, 1785. Ziramermann (E. A.G.) Specimen Zoologite Geographies Quadrupedum, 4to, Lugd. 1777. (2 copies. J Description d'un Embryon d'Elephant, 4to, Erlang. 1783. (For Works on the Horse and other Domestic Animals, lid. Part IV. Chapter 1.) * * b. Birds. Biickman (A. P.) Fundamenta Ornithologica, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom VIL p. 109. Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vols. Svo, Newcastle, 1816. Boyle (Hon. Robert) A Way of Preserving Birds taken out of the Egg, ext. in Works, Vol. HL p. 138. Bowdich (T. E.) An Introduction to the Ornithology of Cuvier, Svo, Paris, 1821. Buffon (M. le Comte de) Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 9 torn. 4to, Paris, 1770. Ekmarck (C. D.) Migrationes Avium, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 565. Forster (Thomas) On the Natural History of Swallows, Svo, Lond. 1817. Gould (John) On a new genus in the family Corvidse, ext, in Zool. Trans. \'ol. I. p. 87. On Eurylaimus lunatus, ext. ibid. p. 175. Haller (Albert von) Sur la Formation du Coour dans le Poulet, 12mo, Laus. 1758. Seconde Me'moire sur le mems sujet, 12mo, Laus. 1758. Hor*field (T.) Description of Birds from Java, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XI II. p. 133. 254 ZOOLOGY. Latham (John) On the Trachea* of various kinds of Birds, with plates, (xt. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IV. p. 90. MacGillivray (Wm.) Description of the Rapacious Birds of Great Bri- tain, 12mo, Edin. 18.36. MacLeay (W. S.) Ou certain Birds of Cuha, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. xvr. p. 1. RIarkuick (W.) On the iNIigration of Birds, with a table, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. L p. 108. Catalofiue of Birds found in Sussex, with a table showinor their mi* grations, ext. ibid. Vol. IV^. p. 1. Montanfu (George) Ornithological Dictionar)^, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1802. Supplement to the same, Svo, Lond. 1813. On Falco cyaneus and pygargus, &c. ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IX. p. 182. Owen (Rich.) On the Anatomy of the Buccros cavatus or concave Horn- bill, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. L p. 117. Pennant (Thos.) (lenera of Birds, Svo, Edin. 1773. Purkinje (J. E.) Observationes nonnuUae ad Ovi Avium Historiara ante Luubationcm, 4to, Vratisl. 182o. Reaumur (M. de) L'Art de faire eclorre et d'elever des Oiseaux Domes- tiijues, 3 tom. Paris, 175L Richardson (John) and Swainson (W.) Fauna Boreali-Americana, 2 vols, 4to, Loud. 1829-31, Part II. The Birds. Richardson (John) On the Birds of the Arctic Regions, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Second Journal, p. 34-2. Ross (J. C.) On Arctic Birds, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Third Journal, p. 9G. On same subject, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Narrative, p. 193. Sabine (E.) Ou Arctic birds, ext. in Appendix to Pariy's First Journal, p. 193. On the Birds of Greenland, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 527. Sheppard (Revett) and Whitear (W.) Catalogue of Norfolk and Suffolk Birds, with Remarks, ext, in Linn. Trans. Vol. XV. p. 1. Temminck (C J.) On the Genera Psittacus and Coluraba, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIII. p. 107. Valentin (G.) Comparative View of the Development of the Ova of Birds, &c. trans, by M. Barry, 8vo, Edin. 1836. Vigors (N. A.) and Ilorsfield (T.) On Australian Birds, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XV. p. 170. Yarrel (W.) On the Tracheae of Birds, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XV. p. 378. On the Organs of Voice in Birds, with plates, ext. ibid. Vol. XVL p. 305. On the Laws which appear to Influence the Assumption and Changes of Plumage in Birds, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 13. * * c. Reptiles. Acrell (J. G.) Morsura Serpentum, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. VI. p. 197. Aldrovandus (Ulysses) Serpentum ct Draconum Historian, cura, Ambro- sini, fol. Bonon. 1640. Buffon (M. le Comte de) Natural History of Oviparous Quadrupeds and Serpents, translated by Kerr, 4r vols. Svo, Edin. 1802. 2 ZOOLOGY. 255 Charas (Moyse) Nouvelles Experiences sur la Vipere, avcc une suite pour servir de replique a M. F. Kedi, 8vo, Paris, 1672. Cuvier((T.) Heclierches sur les Reptiles doiiteux, ext. in Humboldt et Bonpland Recueil d'Observatioiis de Zoologie, &c. 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1805. _ _ • _ _ Hart (B. R.) Amphibia Gyllenborgiana, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. I. p. 520. Lacepede (Le Comte de) Histoire Naturelle des Qiiadriipedes Ovipares, des Serpens et des Poissous, suite et complement des CEuvres de Buifon, 5 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1819. English Translation of a former Edition of the same, by Robert Kerr, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1802. Oesterdam (A.) Siren Lacertina, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. VH. p. 311. Owen (Rich.) On the Structure of the Heart in the Perennibranchiate Batrachia, ext. in Zoo!. Trans. Vol. 1. p. 213. Ray (John) Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadiupedum ct Serpea- tini Generis, 8vo, Lond. 1693. Redus (Franc) Observationes de Viperis, est. in Experiment, circa varias Res Naturales, &c. pp. 153 et 249. Ruscoui (Mauro) Descrizicne Anatomica degli Orgaui della Circolazione delle Larve della Salamandre Acquatiche, 4to, Pavia, 1817. Monogratia del Proteo Anguino di Laurenti, 4to, Pavia, 1819. Sur le Developpement de la Grenouille Commune, 4to, Milan, 182G. Sheppard (Revett) On the British Lizards, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VIL p. 49. Townson (Robert) Observationes Physiologicse de Respiratioue et Ab- sorptione Amphibiorum, 4to, Gott. 1794. * * d. Fishes. Agassiz (L ) Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, 6 Livraisons, 4to, Neuchatel, 1333-36, avec Atlas in folio, (unfinished.) On the diflFerent Species of the Genus Salmo which frequent the various Rivers and Lakes of Europe, ext. in Report of Fourth Meet- ing of British Association, p. 617, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Ahl (J. N.) De iilurseua et Ophichtho, ext. in Dissertat. Inaug. Acad. Upsal. 1789. Bainbridge (Geo. C) The Fly Fisher's Guide, with plates, 8vo, Liver- pool, 1816. Boyle (ilon. Robert) Concerning the Relation between Light and Air in Shining Fish, ext. in Works, Vol. HI. p. 157, 4to, Lond. 1772. Conjecture concerning the Bladder of Air in Fishes, ext. in Works, Vol. IV. p. 202. Broussonet (M.) Ichthyologia, 4to, Lond. 1782. Couch (Jonathan) On the Fishes found in Cornwall, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIV. p. 69. Craigie (D.) On the Anatomical peculiarities of the Sturgeon, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Davy (Sir Humphrey) Salmonia, or days of Fly- Fishing, with some Ac- count of the Habits of Fishes belonging to the Genus Salmo, 3d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1832. Grant (R. E.) On the Viscera, and ou the Eye of the Common Sv.ord Fish, (Xiphias gladius,) 8vo, Edin. 256 ZOOLOGY. Klciu (J. T.) De Sono ct Audita Pivsciuni, 4to, Lips. 1746. Lacciiede (Le Conite de) Histoire Naturelle dcs Poissoiis, &c. 5 tomes, 8vo, Paris, IS 19. Lowe (K. T.) On Alepisaurus Ferox, a new Aoanthopterygian Fish, ext. in Zoo). Trans. V^ol. I. pp. \2S and 395. Monro (Alex. Secundus) Comparative View of the Strncture and Phy- siolo<>y of Fishes, with phites, f'ol. Edin. 1785. Ross (J. C.) On Arctic Fishes, ext. in Ai)pendix to Parry's Third Journal, p. 109, and App. to Narrative, p. 199. Sabine (E.) On Arctic Fishes, ext. in Appendix to Parry's First Journaly p. 211. Shaw (G.) Description of Stylepliorus Cordatiis, a new Fish, with a plate, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. L p. 90. b. Invertebrata. * a. Invertebrata Generalh/. Lamarck (J. B.) Ilistoire Naturelle des Animaus sans vertebres, 7 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1815-22. Ross (J. C.) On Arctic Invertebrata, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Third Journal, p. 112, and in App. to Narrative, p. 201. Sabine (E.) On Arctic Invertebrate Animals, ext. in Appendix to Parry's First Journal, p. 219. * b. Particular Classes of Invertebrata. * * a. 31olhi6ca, including Conchohgy. Blainville (M. H. M. Ducrotay de) Manuel de Malacologie et Concby- liologie, 8vo, Paris, lb2t, avec Atlas in Svo, 1827. Bowdich (T. E.) Elements of Conchology, Part I. &vo, Paris, 1821. Broderip (W.J.) On Cuvier's Family of Brachiopoda, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 141. On some New Species of Calyptraeidse, ext. ibid. p. 193. — — On Clavagella, ext. ibid. p. 26 1 . On the Genus Charaa, ext. ibid. p. 301. Brookes (Samuel) Introduction to Conchology, 4to, Lond. 1815. Brown (Capl. Thomas) Elements of Conchology, Svo, Loud. 1816. Dillwyn (Lewis Weston) A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1817. Cuvier (U.) Mdmoires pour servir a I'Histoire, et a I'Anatoraie des Mol- lusques, 4to, Paris, 1817. Grant (R. E.) On the Cilia in the Young of Gasteropodous Mollusca, and the Causes of the Spiral Turn in Univalve Shells, 8vo, Edin. On the Octopus ventricosus, Svo, Edin. On the Anatomy of Loligopsis guttata, and Sepiola vulgaris, 4to, Lond. 1833. The same work, ext. in Zool. Traiis. Vol. \. \\t. 21 and 77. Gray (J. E.) On Arctic Conchology, ext. in Appendix to Parry's First Journal, p. 240. ZOOLOGY. 257 lleide (A. de) Anatome Mytuli, l2mo, Anrisl. 1684. .Teffreys (J. G.) Synopsis of the Testaceous Pncumonobranchoiis Mol- lusca of Great Britain, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XV'I. pp. 32.3 and 505. Lister (Martin.) Exercitatio Anatomica de Cochleis raaxime Terrcstribus et Liniacibus, 8vo, Lond. IGfJi. (2 cojnes.J Exercitatio Anatomica Altera de Buccinis Fluviatilibus et Marinis, 8vo, Lond. 1695. Exercitatio Anatomica Tertia de Conchyliis Bivalvibus, 4to, Lond. 1696. Maton (VV. G.) and Rackett (T.) Historical Account of Testaccological Writers, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VIL p. 119. Descriptive Catalogue of the British Testacea, cxt. ibid. Vol. VIIL p. 17. Montagu (G.) Account of Marine Animals found on the South Coast of Devonshire, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VIL p. 67, Vol. VIIL p. 81, and Vol. XL p. I. On some rare British Shells, with plates, ext. ibid. Vol. XL p. 179. Murray (A.) Fundamenta Testaceologiie, ext. in Linusei Aracen. Acad. Tom. VIIL p. 107. Owen (Rich.) On the Anatomy of Brachiopoda, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. L p. 141. On the Anatomy of Calyptroeidse, ext. ibid. p. 207. On the Anatomy of Clavagella, ext. ibid. p. 269. Riippell (E.) Description d'un Nouveau Genre de Mollusques, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 259. Sheppard (Revett) Account of the Land and Freshwater Shells of Suffolk, ext. in Linn. Trans. VoL XIV. p. 148. Wood (VV.) General Conchology, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1815. On the Hinges of British Bivalve Shells, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. VoL VI. p. 154. * b. Articidata. Afzellus (Adam) On the Genus Pausus, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I V. p. 243. Avelin (G. E.) Miracula Insectorum, ext. in Linntei Amoen. Acad. Tom. III. p. 213. Baeckner (M.) Noxa Insectorum, ext. ibid. p. 335. Baglivi (Georg.) De Anatome, Morsu et Effectibus Tarantulse, ext. in Oper. 6ta Dissertatio, p. 599. Becklin (P. E.) Insecta Suecica, Pars 11. 4to, Upsal. 1771. Bell (Thos.) On the Genus Cancer, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 335. Blackwall (J.) On the Structure and Economy of Spiders, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XVL p. 471. On the Pulvilli of Insects, ext. ibid. p. 487. Bladh (A. J.) Fundamenta Entomologia?, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. VII. p. 129. Bondsdorff (G.) et Borgstrom (L. G.) Historia Naturalis Curculionum Suecia?, ext. in Diss. Inaug. Acad. Upsal. 1785. et Norlin (P. A.) De eodem, ext. ibid. Borgstrom (J.) Insecta Suecica, ext. ibid. 1784. Caputi (Nicli.) De Tarautuke Anatome et Morsu, 8vo, Lycii, 1741. Castrora (S. ]M.) Insectorum Novio Species, ext. in Dissertat. Upsal. 1781. 2K 258 ZOOLOGY. Children (J. G.) Cataloocue of Arctic Aiadinitla and Insects collected by iNIr. King-, ext. in Appendix to Back's Narrative, p. 53::^. Clark (Bracy) On tlie Geuns CEstrus, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol- III. p. -289. Curtis (John) On a New Genus of the Fanaily INIelolonthida', ext- in Zool. Trans. Vol. 1. p. 307. — — On a .Moth found in the Galls of a Plant near Monte Video, ext. ibid. j). 311. Curtis (VV.) On the Natural History of Curculio Lapathi, and Silplia grisea, ext. in Linn, Trans. Vol. I. p. 86. On Aphides as the Cause of Blight in Plants, ext. ibid. Vol. VI. p. 7j. Desniarest (A. G.) Considerations sur les Crustaces, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Ekelund (J. iM.) Insectorum Novse Species, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1783. Engstrora (C. P.) Insectorum Novse Species, ext. ibid. 1784. Fabricius (Jo. C.) Systema Entomologiie, 8vo, Lipsise, 1775. Species Insectorum, 2 torn. 8vo, Hafniae, 1781. — — Mantissa Insectorum, 2 torn. 8vo, Hafuiaj, 1787. Philosophia Entomologica, 8vo, Hamburg-. 1788. Index Alphabeticus in Entoraologiam Systematicani, 8vo, Hafniae, 1796. Forsten (R.) De Cantharidum Historia Chemica et Medica, 8vo, Argen- torat. ] 775. Giorna (Esprit) On a singular Conformation in the Wings of some Species of Moths, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 135. Goedartius (Jo.) De Insectis, cum notis Mart. Lister, 8vo, Loud. 1G85. Grant (R. E.) On the Ova of Pontobdella muricata, 8vo, Edin. Harderus (Joan.) Apiarium, 4to, Basil. 1G87. Harris (Moses) Exposition of English Insects, 4to, Lond. 1782. Hope (F. W.) On several New Coleopterous Insects, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 91. Huber (Fran.) On the Natural History of Bees, 2d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1808. Recherches sur les Moeur.s des Fourmis Indigenes, 8vo, Paris, 1810. Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1814. Huber (P.) On several Species of the Genus Apis known by the Name of Humble Bees, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VI. p. 214. fin French.) Hubner (Jacob) Der Sammlung Europaischer Schmetterlinge, (His- toria Natnralis Pyralidnm,) 4to, Augsburg, 179G. Johnson (J. R.) On the Medicinal Leech, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Johansson (B.) Centuria Insectorum, ext. in Linnaei Amcen. Acad. Tom. VI. p. 384. Kirby (W.) and Spence (W.) Introduction to Entomology, 4 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1815. Kirby (W.) On Amraophila, a new Genus of Insects in the Class Hymenoptera, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. iV. p. 195. On Tipula Tritici, or the Wheat Insect, ext. ibid. p. 230, and Vol. V. p. 96. Observations on the Insects that prey upon Timber, &c. ext. ibid. Vol. V. p. 246. On Herbst's Genus Apion, ext. ibid. Vol- IX. p. 1, and Vol. X. p. 347. On Strepsiptera, a new order of Insects, ext. ibid. Vol. XI. pp. 86 and 233. A Century of Insects, ext. ibid. Vol. XII. p. 375. Description of New Holland Insects collected by R. Brown, ex/, ibid. p. 454. ZOOLOGY. 259 Kirby (VV.) On the Insects of tlie Arctic Kegions, cit. in Appendix to Parry's First Jonrnal, p. 2H'. Latreille (P. A.) (jienera Crustaceorura et Insectorum, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1806-9. Leach (W. E ) On the Genus Meloe, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XI. pp 33 and 2-!-2. On the Arranjrement of the Crnstacea, ext. ibid. p. 306. Lenajus (C. A.) Meliie Vesicatorius, ext. in Liunaji Amcen. Acad. Tom. VI. p. ]-62. Lesser (M.) Tlieologie des Insectes, tradnit de rAllcmand, 2 torn. Svo, La Haye, 174--2. Linntens (C) Oratio de Memorabilibus in Insectis, ext. in Liunsei Anioen. Acad. Tom. II. p. .388. Lichtenstein (Henry) On two Natural Genera hitherto confounded under the name of INlantis, trans, from the German by T. Young-, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VI. p. 1. Lundabl (D.) Insectorum Novaj Species, ext. in Diss. Upsal. ITSl. Lyman (J.) Phaliena Bombyx, ext. in Linuiei Amoen. Acad. Tom, IV. p. 553. MacLeay (W. J.) On the Laws re<;ulatino- the Distribution of Insects and Fungi, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIV. p. 46. On the Genera Urania and Mygale, ext. in Zoolog^. Trans. Vol. I. p. 179. Malpif^hius (Marc.) De Bombyce, 4to, Loud. 1669, Idem liber, ext. in Oner. ()m. fol. Lond. 1686. De Gallis, ext. ibid. torn. II. p. 17. Marsham ("Thomas) Entomologia Britannica, Tom. I. Svo, Lond. 1812. On the Phalaana Bombyx Lubricipeda of Linnajus, and some other Moths allied to it, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 67, Norceus (J. O.) NoVcTb Insectorum Species, ext, in Diss, Upsal. 1789. Reanmur (M. de) Memoires pour servir a I'llistoire des Insectes, 6 torn. 4to, Paris, 1784. Redus (Franc.) Experimenta circa Generatiooem Insectorum, 12mo, Amst. 1686, Ross (J. (J.) Arctic Entomology, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Third Journal, p. 112, and Appendix to Narrative, p. 201, Roxbnrirh (W.) Account of the Silk-Worms of Bcng-al, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. Vil. p. .33. Rydbcck (E. O.) Pandora Insectorum, ext. in Linna?i Amoen. Acad. Tom. V. p. 232, Samouelle (Geo.) Introdnction to the Knowledge of British Insects, Svo, Lond. 1819. Schreibers (diaries} Description of some Singular Coleopterous Insects, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans, Vol. VI. p. 165, Shaw (G.) Description of the Hirado Viridis, with a plate, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. 1. p. 93, On the Cancer Stagnalis of Linnaeus, ext, in Linn, Trans, Vol. L p. 103. Siiderberg (D. H.) Pandora Rybyeusis, ext, in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Vol. VIII. p. 75. Spcnce (W.) Monograph of the Genus Choleoa, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XI. p. 123, Swammerdam (Joann.) Biblia Natura;, sive Historia Insectorum, 2 tom. fol. Leidaj, 1737-38. Torner (S.) Characteres Generum Insectorum, ext. in Diss. Upsal, 1789, 260 ZOOLOGY. Well (J.) Qiia'dam ad Eutomologiam spectantia, cdt. in Jacquiu Miscel- lau. Austiiac, &c. Tom. II. p. 380. Weser (D.) Hiriido Mediciiialis, ext. in Liniiaji Amreii. Acad. Tom. VIL p. 42. Westwood (J. O.) On the Paussida', a Family of f'oleopterons Insects, e.vt. in Liiin. Trans. V^ol. XVI. p. GOT. ■ On Nycteribia, a Genns of Winged Insects, c.it. in Zool. Trans. Vol.1, p. -270. Wildmau (Thomas) On the Management of Bees, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1788. Yeats (T. P.) Institntes of Entomology, 8vo, Lond. 1797. * * c. Entozou. Andry (Nicolas) Sur la Generation des Vers dans le Corps de I'Homme, &c. 12mo, Amst. 1701. Blainville (M. H. M. Dncrotay de) Vers Intestinau.\, ext. in Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, Tom. LVII. p. 501. Catalogue des principan.x Auteurs (iiii ont ecrit snr les Vers, ext. ibid. p. 012. Bremscr (J. F.) Traite Zoologique et Physiologique sur les Vers Intesti- naux de THomme, 8vo, Paris, 1824, avec Atlas in folio. Icones Helminthium, &c. fol. Vienn. 1824. Bruce (N.) On the Dracunculus or Guinea Worm, ext. in Edin. Med. and Surg. Jouru. Vol. II. p. 145. Carlisle (Sir Anthony) On the Structure and Economy of Tajnise, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. II. p. 247. Clerc (Dan. le) Historia Latorum Lumbricorura, 4to, Genev. 1715. Cloquet (Jules) Anatomic des Vers Intestinaux, &c. 4to, Paris, 1824. Coulet (Steph.) Tractatus Ilistoricus de Ascaridibus et Lumbrico Lato, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1729. Dubois (G.) Dissertatio de Taenia, ext. in Linnssi Amoen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 59. Grant (R. E.) On the Lernaea Elongata, 8vo, Edin. Ingenhousz (Joan.) De Vermibus, ext. in Miscellan. Physico-Medic. p. 109, 8 vo, Viennie, 1795. Laennec (Theoph.) Sur les Vers Intestinau.x, ext. in Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales, Tom. LVII. p. 211. Ludwig (C. G.) De Lumbricis intestina penetrantibus, ext. in Dissertat. Botan. et Med. 4to, Lips. 1743. Murray (Jo. And.) De Vermibus in Lepra Obviis et de Lumbricorum Setis, 12mo, Gott. 1769. Owen (Rich.) On a Microscopic Entozoon infesting the Muscles of the Human Body, with plates, ext. in Zoolog. Trans. Vol. I. p. 315. On the Anatomy of Linguatula Toenioides, ext. ibid. p. 325. On Distoma clavatura, ext. ibid. p. 381. On Tieuia lamelligera, ext, ibid. p. 386. Remarks on the Entozoa, ext. ibid. p. 387. Pallas (P. S.) De Infestis Viventibus inter Viventia, Lugd. Bat. 1760, ext. in Sandifort. Tliesaur. Tom. I. Phelsum (M. van) Historia Physiologica Ascaridura, 8vo, Leovardise, 1762. Redus (Franc.) De Animalculis Vivis quic in Corporibus Animaliurn Vivorum reperiuntur, 12mo, Amstel. 1708. ZOOLOGY. 261 Rctzius (A. J.) De Vermibus Intcstinalibiis, 8vo, Holm. 178G, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. 1. llhind (VVm.) Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Intestinal Worms of the Human Body, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Richard (M. A.) Des Vers lutestinanx de THommc, ext. in Elemens d'Histoire Naturelle Mc-dicale, Tom. I. p. 211. Rudolphi (C. A.) Entozoorum sive Vermiiim Intestinaliura Historia Naturalis, 2 torn, (in 3 compact.) Amstelodarai, 1808-10. . Entozoorum Synopsis, 8vo, Berolin. 1819. Tyson (Ed.) Lumbricus latus, or a Discourse of the Jointed Worm, ext. in Philos. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 113, 4to, Lond. 1683. Lumbricus teres, or some Anatomical Observations on the Round Worm bred in Human Bodies, ext. ibid. p. 153. Werner (F. C. F.) De Vermibus Intestinalibus, 8vo, Lips. 1782-86. * * d. Zooplnjles. Basterus (Jobus) De Animalculis et Plantis quibusdam Marinis, Tom. I. ^ 4to, Haarlemi, 1 762. Dalyell (Sir J. G.) On the Planariie, Svo, Edin. 1814. (2 copies.) On the Propagation of certain Scottish Zoophytes, ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting- of British Association, p. 598, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Ellis (Jean) Sur I'Histoire Naturelle des Corallines, &c. ito, La Haye, 1756. Fougt (H.) De Coralliis Balticis, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. I. p. 177. Grant (R. E.) On the Structure and Functions of the Sponge, Svo, Edin. 1826. On the Structure and Nature of the Spougilla friabilis, 8vo, Edin. 1826. On the Spontaneous Motions of the Ova of Zoophytes ; on a New Zoophile, ( Cleone Celala,) from the Firth of Forth ; on the Struc- ture of some Silicious Sponges ; on the Structure of some Calcareous Sponges ; on the Structure and Functions of the Sponge, Svo, Edin. — On the Structure and Natiue of Flustrae, (2 memoirs ;) On the Generation of Lobularia Digitata, 8vo, Edin. On the Structure and Generation of the Virgularia Mirabilis and Pennatula Phosphorea, 8vo, Edin. (From the Edinburgh New Phi- losophical Journal. J On the Nervous System and Organs of Motion of Beroe pileus, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. 9. Lamouroux (J. V. F.) Histoire des Polypiers Coralligenes Flexibles, 8vo, Caen, 1816. Millar (J. S.) Natural History of the Crinoidea, or Lily-Shaped Animals, 4to, Bristol, 1821. Pallas (P. S.) Eleuchus Zoophytorum, Svo, Hagse, 1766. Schweigger (Prof.) On the Anatomy of the Corallina Opuntia, and some other species of Corallines, Svo, Edin. Trembly (A.) Histoire d'un Genre de Polypes d'Eau Douce a bras en forme de cornes, 4to, Leyd. 1 744. (Tor Works on Fossil Animals, J'icl. Geology.) 2G2 BOTANY. li. UOTANY. 1. GESERAL, ELEMENTARY, A\D SYSTEMATIC IVORKS. Botany, Elementary Treatise on, ext. in Library of Useful Knowleclj>e. Bulliard (M.) Dittiouiiaire Ele'mentaire de la Botanique, fol. Paris, 1783. Caesalpinus (Andreas) De Plantis, Libri XVI. 4to, Morentise, 1583. Curtis (NV.) Lectures on Botany, 3 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1803. Darxvin (Erasmus) Botanic Garden, Part II. Loves of Plants, 4to, Lond. 1791. Decandolle (Aug-. Pyr.) Tbe'orie Elementaire de Botanique, 2de Edition, 8vo, Paris, 1819. Duppas (M.) On the Classes and Orders of the Linnseau System, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1816. Faber (Hon.) De Plantis, &c. 4to, Paris, 1666. Henslow (J. S.) Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany, 12nio, Lond. 1835. Hager (J. C.) Demonstrationes Plantarum, ext. in Liunrei Amcen, Acad. Tom. in. p. 394. Hossack (David) Syllabus of Lectures on Botany, 8vo, New York, 1795. Hull (John) Botany, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, Manch. 1800. (2 copies. J Lee (James) Introduction to Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1760. The same book, 8vo, Lond. 1810. Lindley (John) Introduction to the Natural System of Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1830. Introduction to Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1832. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1835. Linnaeus (Car.) Fundaraenta Botanica, Pars I. I2mo, Amst. 1730, (cum Bibliotheca Botanica compact.) Classes Plantarum, 8vo, Hal. 1737. Philosophia Botanica, in qua explicantur Fundamenta Botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, &c. 8vo, Amst. 1751. On the Sexes of Plants, trans, by Smith, 8vo, Lond. 1786. Prselectiones in Ordines Naturales Plantarum, ex MSS. Fabricii ct Giseke, 8vo, Hamburg. 1792. Ludwig- (Christ. Gott.) Institutiones Ilistorico-Physicffi Regni Vegctabi- lis, 8vo, Lips. 1742. Idem liber. Edit. Altera, ]2mo, Lipsiae, 1757. Martyn (Thomas) Plates with Explanations for illustrating Linnseus' System of Vegetables, 8vo, Lond. 1788. Mirbel (C. F. B.) Elemens de Botanique, &c. 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1815, avcc Atlas in 8vo. Nisbet (Wm.) Botanical Guide, or the Principles of Botanical Philosophy and Arrangement, ext. in Edin. School of Medicine, Vol. IV. Ray (John) Methodus Plantarum Nova, l2mo, Lond. 16&2. Idem liber, 8vo, Lond. 1703. Reid (Hugo) Tabular View of Botanical Classifications, 12rao, Edin. 1833. BOTANY. 263 Richard (A.) Noiivoaux Elemens cle Botanique ct de Physiologic Vege- tale, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1822. Tlie same book, trans, by Clinton, 8vo, Dublin, 1829. The same book, trans, by Macgillivray, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Roscoe (W.) On Artificial and Natural Arrangements of Plants, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XI. p. 50. Rotheram (J.) Vindication of the Sexes of Plants, 8vo, Edin. 1790. Rousseau (J. J.) Letters on Botany, trans, from the French by Warlyn, 8vo, Lond. 1785. The same book, 8th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1815. Sauvages (F. B. De) Methodus Foliorum, 8vo, Hagse, 1751. Smith (Sir J. E.) Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1807. The same book, 3d Edit. Syo, Lond. 18 14. The same book, by Hooker, 8vo, Lond. 183.j. Grammar of Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Thomson (Antliony Todd) Lectures on the Elements of Botany, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1832. Tournefort (Joseph. Pitton) Institutiones Rei Herbarise, 3 torn, •ito, Paris, 1700, (Tom. II. et 111. contin. Icones.) Idem liber, Edit. 3tia, 4to, Paris, 1719. Ventenat (E. P.) Principes de Botanique, 8vo, Paris, 1812. Willdenow (D. C.) Principles of Botany and of Vegetable Physiology, 8to, Edin. 1805. The same book, new Edit. 8vo, Edin. 181 1. 2. COLLECTIVE WORKS, ESSAYS, c^'C. Blair (Pat.) Botanic Essays, 8vo, Lond. 1720. Brugmanns (S. I.) Oratio de Accnratiori Plantarura Indigenarum notitia maxime commendanda, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1787. Darwin (Charles) Botanic Garden, 4to, Lond. 1791. Zoonomia, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1794-96. f2 copies. J Graelin (Phil. Frid.) Otia Botanica, 4to, Tubing. 1700. Haller (Albert, von) Opuscula Botanica, 12mo, Gott. 1749. De Methodo studii Botanices absque prseceptore, ext. in Opusc. Bot. p. 35. Oratio de Botanices utilitate, ext. ibid. p. 153. Jacquin (Nic. Jos.) Miscellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, &c. spectantia, 2 torn, (in 1 compact.) 4to, Vindob. 1778-81. Ludwig (Christ. Gott.) Dissertatioues Botanicse et Medicse, 4to, Lips. 1743. Malpighius (Marc.) Opera Omnia, 2 torn, (in 1 compact.) fol. Lond. 1C86. Nauclerus (Sam.) Hortus Upsalensis, ext. in Linniei Amcen. Acad. Tom. I. p. 20. Smith (Sir J. E.) Tracts relating to Natural History, 8vo, Lond. 1798. Spallanzani (Lazaro) On the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables, translated from the Italian, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1784. Tracts on the Isature of Animals and Vegetables, translated, Svo, Edin. 1799. Wollrath (J. G.) Horticnltura Academica, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 210. 264 BOTANY. 3. VKGETAIiLE ASATOMV ^.\D PHYSIOLOGY. t a. General Works. Aristoteles.— De Plantis Libri II. ext. in Oper. Om. Tom. IV, p. 1008, folio, Paris, 1619, Botany, I'hysiolog'y of, ext. in Library of Useful Knowledge, Article Bo- tany. Csesalpinus (Andreas) De Plantis Libri XVI. 4to, Florentioe, 1583, Darwin (Charles) On the Economy of Vegetation, ext. in Botanic Garden, Part L Canto IV. On Vegetable Animation, ext. in Zoonomia, Vol. I. p. 101. Decandolle (Aug. Pyr.) and Sprengel (K.) Philosophy of Plants, trans. 8vo, Edin. 1821. Decandolle (Aug, Pyr.) Organographie Vege'tale, ou Description raison- ne'e des Organes des Plantes, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1827. ■ Physiologic Vegetalc, ou Exposition des Forces et des Fonctions Vitales des Vegetaux, 3 torn, 8vo, Paris, 1832. Dutrochet (M.) Recherches Anatomiques et Physiologiques sur la Struc- ture des Vegetaux, 8vo, Paris, 1824?. Faber (Hon.) De Plantis, &c. 4to, Paris, 1606, Fryer (Ed.) De Vita Animantium et Vegetantium, 8vo, Lugd. Bat, 1785. Grew (N.) Anatomy of Plants, folio, Lond. 1682. Harrington (Robert) On the Principles of Animal and Vegetable Life, 8vo, Loud. 1781. Henslow (J. S.) Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany, 12mo, Lond. 1835. Home (F.) Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation, 12mo, Lond. 1776. Ingenhousz (Jean) Experiences sur les Vegetaux, 2 tom,8vo, Paris, 1787. Keith (P.) System of Physiological Botany, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1810. Kieser (D. G.) Sur I'Orgauisation des Plantes, 4to, Haarlem, 1816. Liudley (John) Introduction to Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1832, The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1835. Linna>us (Car.) Philosophia Botanica, 8vo, Anist, 1751. Malpighius (iMarc.) De Anatonie Plantarura, ext. in Oper. Om. Tom. I. p. 1, et Append, p. 13. Metherie (M. De La) Sur I'Organisation Animale et Vegetale, 12mo, Paris, 1780, Mirbel (C, F. Brisseau) Traite d'Anatomie et de Physiologic Vege'tales, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1802. Elemens de Physiologic Ve'getale et de Botanique, 2 tom. Svo, Paris, 1815, avec Atlas in 8vo. Plenck (Joseph. Jac.) Physiologia et PathologiaPlantarum, Svo, Vienna?, 1794. Richard (A.) Nouvcaux Elemens de Botanique et de Physiologic Vege'- tale, 2de Edit. Svo, Paris, 1822, The same book, translated I)y Clinton, Svo, Dublin, 1829, The same book, translated by Macgillivray, Svo, Edin. 1831. Rogct (P.M.) Bridgewater Treatise; On Animal and Vegetable Physi- ology considered with reference to Natural Theology, Sa'o, Lond. 1834. (2 copies.) BOTANT. 265 Scaliger (Julius Coesar) Commentarii in sex libros Theophrasti tie Causis Plantarum, et in duos libros Aristotelis de Plantis, fol, Anchprie, 1366. Senc^bier (Jean) Physiologic Ve^etale, 5 torn. 8vo, Geneve, ISOO. Smith (Sir J. E.) Introduction to Physioloirical Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1807. The same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. ISli. The same book, by Hooker, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Spallanzani (Lazaro) Opuscules de Physique Aniraale et Ve^etale, trad. par Senebier, 2 torn. 8vo, Geneve, 1777. Uslar (Von) Chemico-Physiological Observations ou Plants, translated by G. Schmeisser, 8vo, Edin. 1795. Willdenow (D. C.) Principles of Botany and of Vegetable Phj'siology, 8vo, Edin. 1805. The same book, new Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1811. b. Works on particular Departinents of Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology. * a. Anatomj/ and Physiology of particular Parts of Playits, Agardh (Prof.) On the Originary Structure of the Flower and the Mutual Dependency of its Parts, ext. in Report of Third Meeting of Bri- tish Association, p. 433,. 8vo, Lond. 1834. Berger (A. M.) Calendarium Florae, ext. in Linnaei Amojn. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 387. Bonnet (C.) Recherches sur I'Usage des Feuilles dans les Plantes, 4to, Gott. 1754-, Duhamel (Jo. B.) De I'Exploitation des Bois, 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 17Gt. Gaertner (Joseph.) De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum, 3 tom. 4to, Lips. 1801-1805, cum 2 tom. Iconum in 4to. Graberg (J. M. ) Fundamenta Fructiiicationis, ext. in Linnfei Amoeu. Acad. Tom. VI. p. 279. Hall (B. tr.) Nectaria Florum, ext. ibid. p. 263. Hedwig (D. S.) De Fibrse Animalis et Vegetabilis ortu, 4to, Lips. 1790. Hill (John) The Construction of Timber from its early Growth, explain- ed by the Microscope, fol. Lond. 1770. Keith (P.) On the Development of the Seminal Germ, ext. in Linu. Trans. Vol. XL p. 252. On the Origin of Buds, ext. ibid. Vol. XVI. p. 424. Lolling (P.) De Gemmis Arborum, ext. in Liunsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. IL p. 182. Malpighius (Marc.) De Semiaum Vegetatione, ext. in Oper. Ora. Tom. II. p. 1. De Radicibus Plantarum, ext. ibid. p. 54. Martyn (Thomas) On the Flowering of certain Plants, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IV. p. 158. * b. Anatomy and Physiology of Particular Plants, and Classes of Plants. AlgcB. — Velley (Thomas) On the Nature and Propagation of Marine Plants, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. V. p. 145, 2 L 266 BOTANY. AsclepiacIccB. — Brown (R.) On the Orpfans of Fcciuidation in Asclcpiadese, with plates, ext. in I.inn. Trans. Vol. XVI. p. (iS.'i. Comjwsita;. — Berkhej' (J. Le Francq. van) ILxpositio Characteristica Structural Florum qui dicuntur Compositi, Diss. Inau, 1814. Hooker (Sir W. J.) Descriptions of British Lichens, ext, in Vol. H. Part I. of British Flora, Svo, Lond. 1833. Smith (Sir J. E.) Descriptions of Lichens collected in the South of Europe, with Figures, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 81. Musci. — Bridcl (Sara. E.) Muscologia ad normam Hedwigii, 4to, Got- tinga;, 1797. Brown (R.) Observations on some Mosses, ext. in Linnean Trans. Vol. XH. p. 560. ■^— Hedwig (J.) Fundamentura Historioe Naturalis Muscorum Fron- dosorum, 2 Part, (in 1 torn, compact.) 4to, Lipsiae, 173i. Hooker (Sir W. J.) Musci Nepalenses, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IX. p. 307. Descriptions of British Musci, ext. in Vol. H. Part L of British Flora, Svo, Lond. 1833. — — Hooker and Taylor (T.) Muscologia Britannica, Svo, Lond. 1818. Svvartz (Olaf.) Methodus Muscorum lllustrata, ext. in Diss. Inaug. Acad. Upsal. 1781. Myrti. — Smith (Sir J. E.) Botanical Characters of some Plants of the Natural Order Myrti, ext.in Linn, Trans. Vol. ill. p. 255, and VI. 299. 2 M 274 BOTANY. Plants used in Dyeing. — Jorlin (E.) PlaiiUu Tiiictorii«, cxt. in Liiniuii Amopii. Acad. Tom. V. p. 311. Poisonous Plants. — Vid. p. 5^78. PomacecE. — Liiidley (J.) On the Pomacea?, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XUI. p. 88. ProteacciB. — Brown (11.) On the Proteaceie of Jnssieu, with Fig'ures, cxt. in Linn. Trans. Vol. X. p. 15. Scitaniincce. — Roscoe (W.) On the Scitaminea;, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. Vin. p. 330. * b. Individual Genera and Species. Acrostichum. — Heiligtag- (J. B.) Dissertatio Botanica de Acrosticho, cum Iconibus, ext. in Linniei Anioen. Acad. Tom. I. p. IW. Alepidea. — Vid. Erynjrium. AUiinn. — Ilaller (Albert von) De Allio, ext. in Opusc. Botan. p. 321. Aloe. — Haworth (A. II.) A New Arrangement of the Genus Aloe, ex^ in Linn. Trans. Vol. VIL p. I. Alstrccmeria. — Faick (J. P.) De Alstroemeriaj ext. in Linnasi Amoen. Acad. Tom. VI. p. 247. Ammo7iiacmn. — Vid. p. 277. Anandria. — Tursen (E. Z.) Dissertatio Botanica de Anandria, ext. in Liuniei Amcen. Acad. Tom. I. p. 161. Anemone. — Vid. Pulsatilla, p. 63. Arabis. — Velley (Thomas) Description of Arabis stiicta^ ext. in Work on Marine Plants of England, fol. Bath, 1795. Arbutus.— Vid. Uva Ursi, p. 64. Astragalus — De'candoUe (Aug. Pyr.) Astragalogia, iconibus illustrata, fol. Paris, 1802. Begonia. — Dryander (Jonas) On the Genus Begonia, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 155. Betula. — Klase (L. M.) Dissertatio Botanica de Betula nana, ext. in Linniei Amosn. Acad. Tom. I. p. 333. Bromus. — Smith (Sir J. E.) On the British Species of Bromus, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IV. p. 276. Buxbaumia. — Martin (A. R.) De Busbaumia, ext. in Linnaei Araoen. Acad. Tom. V. p. 78. Cardamomuni. — Vid. p. 277. Carex. — Goodenough (Sam.) On the British Species of Carex, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. II. p. 12G, and Vol. III. p. 76. Smith (Sir .1. E.) On Five new British Species of Carex, ext, ibid. Vol. V. p. 264. CaryojyhijUus. — Vid. p. 277. Cassia. — Vid. p. 6 1. Cichoriiim. — Ilowison (W.) Account of the Russian Chiccory Plant, and of tlie Artificial Coffee prepared from its Root, and those of the Common Dandelion, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Cicuta. — Vid. p. 61. Cinchona. — Vid. p. 277. Clematis. — Vid. ]>. 62. Cocos. — Marshall (Henry) Contribution to a Natural and Economical History of the Coco-Nut Tree, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Combretum. — Don (George) On the Genus Corabrctum, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XV. p. 412. BOTANY. 275 Cramhe. — Szent-Miklds (A. S. de) De Crambe Tartarica, cxt. in Jac- qiiin Miscell. Anstriac. Tom. II. p. 274. Cypripedium. — Salisbury (R. A.) Description of Four Species of Cypri- pedium, with plates, cxt. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 76. Dianthus. — Smith (Sir J. E.) On the Genus Dianthus, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IL p. 292. Dictamnus. — Vid. Clematis, p. 62. Digitalis. — Vid. pp. 62 and 278. Dtllenia. — Thunberg (C. P.) On the Genus Dillenia, ext. in Linn. Trans. VoL L p. 198. Ehrharta. — Swartz (Olaf) On the Genus Ehrharta, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VL p. 40. Erica. — Dahl>?ren (J. A.) De Erica, ext. in Linnaei Araoen. Acad. Tom. VIII. p. 46. Salisbury (R. A.) On the Species of Erica, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VL p. .316. Struve (J. B.) De Erica, cum fignris, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1785. (2 copies.) Eryngium. — Delaroche (F.) Eryugiorum necnon Generis novi Alepidese Historia, fol. Paris, 1808. Eiipatoriiim. — Vid. p. 62. Euphorbia. — Wiman (J.) De Euphorbia, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom. III. p. 100. Ficus. — Gedner (E.) De Ficu, ext. in Dissertat. Upsal. 1786. Heg-ardt (C.) Historia Naturalis Ficus, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. L p. 213. Gardenia. — Djupedius (P.) De Gardenia, ext. in Diss. Inaug. Acad. Upsal. 1780. Gladiolus. — ^jmelseus (C.) De Gladiolo, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1784. (2 copies.) Hehninthocorton. — Vid. p. 62. Hieraciurn. — Smith (Sir J. E.) On the British Species of Hieracium, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IX. p. 225. Hypericum. — Hellenius (C. N.) De Hyperico, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. VIII. p. .318. Iris. — Ekman (O. J.) De hide, ext. in Diss. Inaug. Acad. Upsal. 1783. Ixia. — Rung (J. D.) De Ixiii, ext. ibid. (2 copies.) Juglans. — Plappart (J. F.) Juglans nigra, ext. in Jacquin Misc. Aust. Tom. II. p. 1. Juncus. — Bicheno (J. E.) On the Linniean genus Juncus, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 291. Lathroea. — Bowman (J. E.) On Lathrsea squamaria, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XVI. p. 399. Lavandula. — Lundmark (J. D.) De Lavandula, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1780. Ledum. — Westring (J. P.) Ledum palustre, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom. VIII. p. 268. LindscBa. — Dryander (Jonas) On Lindsaea, a new Genus of Ferns, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. III. p. 39. Lycoperdon. — Woodward (T. Jenkinson) Essay towards a History of British Stellated Lycoperdons, cxt. in Linn. Trans. Vol. II. p. 32. Melastoma. — Jack (W.) On the Species of Melastoma and other Malay Plants, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIV. pp. 1 and 114. 3Ienispermum. — Colebrooke (H. T.) On the Indian Species of Menisper- nium, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIII. p. 44. Mentha. — Smith (Sir J. E.) On the British Species of Mentha, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. V. p. 171. 276 BOTANY. Moi'cpa. — CoUiauder (Z.) Dc Moriea, est. in Diss. Upsal. 1787. Morns. — Serres (Oliver de) Methode de Travaillcr I'Ecorce du Meurior Blanc, ext. in Opuscules par Broussoiiet, 8vo, Paris, 1785. 3Ii/ristica. — Vid. p. 278. Nauclca.— Vid. p. 278. Nicotiana. — Vid. Tobacco, p. 63. Orchis. — Bicheuo (J. E.) ()n the Orchis Militaris of Linuaeus, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 28. Orohanchc. — Smith (Sir .T. E.) On some Foreign Species of Orobanche, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IV. p. 1G4. Sutton (Charles) Description of five British Species of Orobanche, vith a plate of O. elatior, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IV. p. 173. Oxalis. — Hast (H. P.) De Oxalide, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1781. Pceonia. — Anderson (George) On the Genus Pseonia, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 248. Passiflora. — Hallmann (J. G.) Dissertatio Botanica de Passiflora, ext. in Linnpei Amoen. Acad. Tom. I. p. 24'4. Peloria. — Rudbergius (D.) Dissertatio Botanica de Peloria, ext. ibid. p. 280. Pinus. — Howison (W.) Account of the Manufacture of Turpentine from the Pinus Sylvestris, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Polytrichurn. — Menzies (Arch.) On the Genus Polytrichum, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IV. pp. 63 and 303. Proteu. — Gevalin (J. E.) De Protea, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1781. Rafflesia. — Brown (R.) On the Genus Rafflesia, with figures, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIII. p. 201. Ranunadus. — Vid. p. do. Restio. — Lundmark (P.) De Restione, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1788. Rhus. — Vid. p. 63. Rosa. — Woods (Joseph) On the British Species of Rosa, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 159. Salix. — Smith (Sir .J. E.) On some British Species of Salix, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VI. p. 110. Wilkinson (G.) On the Salix Latifolia, 8vo, Newcastle, 1803. Sanguinaria. — Vid. p. 63. Saxifraga. — Don (David) Monograph on the Genus Saxifraga, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIII. p. 341. Solanum. — Vid. pp. 63 and 278. Spigelia.— Vid. p. 278. Splachmim. — Montiu (L.) De Splachno, ext. in Linnaji Amoen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 263. Tofieldia. — Smith (SirJ. E.) On the Genus Tofieldia, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XII. p. 235. Trifolium. — Afzelius (Adam) The Botanical History of Trifolium alpes- tre, medium, and pratense, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 202. Ulva. — Woodward (T. J.) On the Generic Characters of Ulva, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. III. p. 46. Veronica. — Smith (Sir J. E.) On the Genus Veronica, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 189. Viola.— Vid. p. 278. Viscurn. — Vid. p. G4. Woodsia. — Brown (R.) On Woodsia, a new Genus of Ferns, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XI. p. 170. BOTANY. 277 5. MEDICAL BOTANY. a. General Works. Bergius (Pet. Jon.) Materia Meclica e Regno Vegetab. 2 torn, (in 1 corap.) 8vo, Holm. 1778. DecandoUe (Aug. Pyr.) Sur les Proprietes Medicales des Plantcs, 2de Edit. Svo, Paris, 1816. Duncan (Andrew, Jmh.) A Catalogue of Medicinal Plants, Svo, Edin. 1826. Gahn (N.) Plantse Officinales, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom. IV. P-1- ... Gesner (Conrad.) Opera Botanica, cura. Schraiedel, fol. Norimberg. 1754.. Graves (G.) and Morries (J. D.) Hortus Medicus, or Figures and De- scriptions of the more important Plants used in Medicine, 4to, Edin. 1834-. Reid (Hugo) Outlines of Medical Botany, 12mo, Edin. 1832. Retzius (And. J.) Pharmacologia Regiii Vegetabilis, 12mo, Lipsiae, 1783. Richard (A.) Botanique Medicale, Part. I. Svo, Paris, 1823. Eleraens d'Histoire Naturelle Me'dicale, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1831. Stephenson (John) and Churchill (J. M.) Medical Botany, 4 vols. Svo, Lond. 1831. Woodville (William) Medical Botany, with Supplement, 4 vols. 4to, Lond. 1790-93. The same book, 2d Edit. 4 vols. 4to, Lond. 1810. Wright (Wm.) Account of Medicinal Plants growing in Jamaica, ext, in Memoir of his Life, p. 183, Svo, Edin. 1828. b. Particular Classes, Genera and Species of Medical Plants. Aloe. — Hesselius (A.) De Aloe, ext. in Diss. Tnaug. Acad. Upsal. 1785. Ammoniacmn. — Don (David) On the Plant which yields Gum Ammoni- acum, ext- in Linn. Trans. Vol. XVL p. 599. Anemone. — Vid. Pulsatilla, p. 63. Arbutus. — Vid. Uva Ursi, p. 64. Canella. — Swarta (Olaf) Botanical History of the Canella Alba, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. I. p. 96. Cai'damomum. — White (D.) On the Natural History of the Malabar Car- damom, with a plate, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. X. p. 229. Caryophyllus. — Hast (F. R.) De Caryophyllis Aromaticis, ext. in Diss. Inaug. Upsal. 1788. Cassia. — Vid. p. 61. Cicuta. — Vid. p. 61. Cinchona. — Lambert (A.B,) On the Genus Cinchona, 4to, Lond. 1797. Clematis. — Vid. p. 62. Dictamrius. — Vid. Clematis, p. 62. 278 BOTANY. Digitalis. — Beddoes (Thomas) On Digitalis Purpurea, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1801. Vid. also p. 62. Eupatoriinn. — Vid. p. 62. Ficus. — Hegardt (C.) Ilistoria Naturalis et INIedica Ficus, ext. in Linna>i Amopn. Acad. Tom. I. p. 213. Hehninthocorton. — F?V/. p. 62. i»iy;7s#2ca.— Radloff (F. V.) De Myristica, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1788. Nauclea. — Hunter (W.) On tlic Nauclea Gambir, ert. in Linn, Trans. Vol. IX. p. 218. Nicotiana. — Vid. Tobacco, p. 63. Nutritive Plants. — Parmentier (A.) Recherches sur les Vegetans Nour- rissans, 8vo, Paris, 1781. Poisonous Plants. — jEjmelaeus (C.) De Arbore Toxicana Macassariensi, ext. in Diss. Upsal. 1788. Brugmanns (S. I.) Dissertatio de Plantis inutilibus et venenatis, 8vo, Groningse, 1783. Bulliard (M.) Histoire des Plantes Veneiieuses et Suspectes de la France, fol. Paris, 1784. Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1798. De Salle (Eusebe) A Synoptical Table of the Mineral and Vegeta- ble Poisons, Nos. I. 11. Krapf (Carol.) Experiraenta de Ranunculorum Venenata Qualitate, 12mo, Viennse, 1766. Vid.nho Toxicology, p. 194. Polygala. — Kiernander (J.) De Radice Senega, cum Descriptione Plan- tjs, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 126. Ranunculus. — Vid. p. 63. Rheum. — Ziervogel (O.) Dc Rhabarbaro, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom. III. p. 212. Rhus.— Vid. p. 63. Salix.— Vid. p. 63. Sanguinaria. — Vid. p. 63. ScitaminecB. — Vid. p. 274. Solanum. — Hallenberg (G.) De Solano Dulcamara, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. VIII. p. 63. Vid. also p. 63. Spigelia. — Colliander (J. G.) De Spigelia Anthclmia, ext. in Liunaji Amojn. Acad. Tom. V. p. 133. Strf/chnos. — Balfour (J. H.) De Strychnia, cum Historia Botanica Generis Strychni, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Darelius (J. A.) De Ligno Colubrino et de Arbore mule obtinetur, ext. in Linnjci Amoen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 100. Viola. — Wickman (D.) De Viola Ipecacuanha, ext. in Linna?i Amoen. Acad. Tom. VIII. p. 238. Viscum. — Vid. p. 64. 6. DISEASES AND ANOMALIES OF PLANTS. Curtis (VV.) On Aphides as the Cause of Blight in Plants, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VI. p. 75. BOTANY. 279 Curtis (John) On a Moth found in the Galls of a Plant near Monte Video, ext. in Zool. Trans. Vol. I. p. .311. Forsskahl (J. G.) Hospita Insectorum Flora, ext. in Linntei Amojn. Acad. Tom. III. p. 271. Haartman (J.) De Plantis Hybridis, ext. ibid. p. 28. Hopkirk (Thomas) General View of the Anomalies in the Vegetable Kingdom, 8vo, Glasg. 1817. Keith (P.) On the Diseases of Plants, ext. in Physiological Botany, Vol. II. p. 484. Kirby (W.) On Parasitic Fungi on Wheat, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. V. p. 112. and Spence (W.) On the Diseases and Deformities of Plants caused by Insects, ext. in Entomolooy, Vol. I. p. 168, et seq. Malpighius (Marc.) De Gallis, ext. in Oper. Omn. Tom. II. p. 17. Plenck (J. J.) Physiologia et Pathologia Plantarum, 8vo, Viennae, 1794. Reaumur (M. de) Des Galles des Plantes et des Arbres, et des Produc- tions qui leur sont Analogues, &c. ext. in Memoires sur les Insectes, Tom. III. p. 413. Smith (Sir J. E.) On the Diseases of Plants, ext. in Introduction to Botany, by Hooker, p. 170. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. Barton (J.) Lecture on the Geography of Plants, 12mo, Lond. 1827. Flygare (J.) Colonise Plantarum, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom, VIIL p. 1. Hedenberg (A.) De Stationibus Plantarum, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 64. Hooker (Sir W. J.) On the Distribution of Plants, ext. in Murray's En- cyclopaedia of Geograpliy, 8vo, Lond. 1834. Humboldt (Alexander vou) De Distributione Geographica Plantarum, 8vo, Paris, 1817. Lindley (J.) On the Distribution of Plants upon the Surface of the Globe, ext. in Introduction to Botany, 2d Edit. p. 473. Macleay (W. J.) On the Laws regulating the Distribution of Fungi, &c. ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XIV. p. 46. Trevellyan (W. C.) On the Distribution of the Phsenogamous Plants of the Faroe Islands, ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting of British As- sociation, p. 598, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Watson (H. C.) On the Geographical Distribution of Plants in Great Britain, 12mo, Edin. 1832. 8. CATALOGUES OF PLANTS. Belleval (P. R.) Onomatologia sen Nomonclatura Stirpium in Ilorto Regio Monspeliensi, ext. in Opuscules par Broussonet, 8vo, Paris, 1785. 280 BOTANY. Catalogus Stirpiiim in exteris regionibus, &c. 6vo, Lond. 1673. Catalogue of British Plants, distiii^aiishinn: those fonnd in the neighbour- hood of Edinburgh, published by the liotiiuical Society of Edinburgh, 8vo, Edin. 1836. Dillwyn (L. W.) Catalogue of rare Plants found near Dover, cxt. in Linn. Trans. Tom. VI. p. 177. Donn (J.) Hortus Cantabrigiensis, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Duncan (Andrew Jun.) A Catalogue of Medicinal Plants, Svo, Edin. 18-26. Morrison (Robert) Hortus Regius Blesensis, 12mo, Lond. 1669. Nauclerus (Sam.) Hortus Upsalensis, ext. in Linnjei Amcen. Acad. Tom. L p. 20. Sloane (Sir Hans) Catalogus Plantarum quae in Insula Jamaica, &c. crescunt, 12mo, Lond. 1G96. Soderberg (D. H.) Flora Rybyensis, ext. in Linnaji Amoen. Acad. Tom. VHL p. 75. Teesdale (Robert) Planta; Eboracenses, or Catalogue of Wild Plants found near Castle Howard, Yorkshire, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. IL p. 103, and Vol. V. p. 36. Woodforde (James) Catalogue of Plants growing in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, 12mo, Edin. 1824'. 9. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. Berkenhout (Joann.) Clavis Anglica Linguae Botanicae, 12mo, Lond. 1764- Crabb (George) Universal Technological Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1823. Elmgren (J.) Termini Botanici, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. VL p. 217. Hull (John) On Botanical Nomenclature and Terminology, ext. in Bo- tany, Vol. L p. 1. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Dictionnaire Raisonne, Etymologique, Synonymique et Polyglotte, des Termes usites dans les Sciences Naturelles, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1834. Lee (James) Dictionary of Botanical Terras, Svo, Lond. 1813. Lloyd (G. N.) Botanical Terminology, 12mo, Edin. 1826. Martyn (Thomas) Language of Botany, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Millar (l^hilip) On the Technical Terms used in Botany, with figures^ ext. in Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, Vol. L p. 96. Smith (Sir Jas. E.) Grammar of Botany, Svo, Lond. 1821. (Explanations of Botanical Terms are found also in most Elementary Works on the Science BOTANY. 281 10. FOSSIL BOTANY. Bertrand (E.) Recueil dc Divers Traites sur I'Histoire Naturelle de la Terrc et des Fossiles, Avig. 1766. Buckland (W.) On Cycadeoidea;, a Family of Fossil Plants found in the Oolite Quarries of the Isle of Portland, ext. in London Geolog. Trans. 2d Series, Vol. II. p. 3jj. Macculloch (J.) On Vegetable Remains preserved in Chalcedony, ezt. in Loud. Geol. Trans. 1st Scries, Vol. II. p. 510. Nicol (W.) On the Anatomical Structure of Recent and Fossil Woods, ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting of British Association, p. 660, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Scheuchzerus (J. J.) Herbarum Diluvianarum CoUectio, fol. Tiguri, 1709. Witham (Henry) Observations on Fossil Vegetables, 4to, Ediu. 1831. (For further Works on Fossils, Vid. Geology.) 11. HISTORY OF BOTASY, INCLUDING BOTANICAL BIOGRAPHY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. Biuur (J.) Incrementa Botanices, ext. in Linntei. Amcen. Acad. Tom. Ill, p. 377. Ilaller (Albert von) Bibliotheca Botanica, qua Scripta ad Rem Herba- riam facientia a rerum initiis rccensentur, 2 torn. 4to, Lond. 1771. Linnaeus (Car.) Bibliotheca Botanica, recensens libros plus mille de Plantis hue usque editos, 12mo, Amst. 1736. Loo (A.) Auctores Botanici, ext. in Linnaei Amoen. Acad. Tom. V. p. 273. Ludwig (Christ. Gott.) Institutiones Historico-Physics Regni Vege- tabilis, 8vo, Lips. 1742. Idem liber. Edit, altera, 12mo, LipsiiE, 1757. Pultuey (R.) General View of the Writings of Linnaeus, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1790. Smith (Sir J. E.) Biographical Memoirs of several British Botanists, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. VII. p. 295. ■ Memoir and Correspondence of, edited by Lady Smith, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832. Sprengel (Kurt.) Historia Rei Herbaria?, 2 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1808. Tournefort (Joseph. Pitton) Institutiones Rei Herbariie, 3 tom. Ito, Paris, 1700. Idem libei-. Edit. 3tia, 3 tom. Ito, Paris, 1719. 12. AGRICULTURE AND GARDENING. (f'irf. Partly. Clia;). 1.) 2 N 282 GEOLOGY. C. GEOLOGY. 1. GENERAL, ELEMESTARY, AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. BakewcU (Robert) Introduction to Geology, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1815, The sp.me book, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 18.33. Brando (Wni. Thomas) Outlines of Geology, 8vo, Lond. 1817. Buckland (W.) Bridgeuater Treatise; On Geology and Mineralogy, con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond, 1S3G. Burnet (Tho.) Theory of the Earth, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1719. Cuvier (G.) ()n the Theory of the Earth, translated by Kerr, with Notes by Jameson, 8vo, Edin. IS 1.3. the same book, 3d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1817. Daubuisson (J. F.) Traite de (ieognosie, 2 torn. 8vOj Paris, 1819. De la Beche {H. T.) Geological Manual, 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1832. Geological Sections, 4to, Loud. 1832. Tabular View of the Superior, Supermedial, and Medial Rocks, Lond. Geolofjy, Comparative View of the Huttonian and Neptunian Sjnstems of, 8vo, Edin. 1802. (2 copies.) Greenougli ({i. B.) Critical Examination of the First Principles of Geo- logy, 8vo, Lond. 1819. Hutton (James) Theory of the Earth, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1795. Jameson (11.) On Geology and the Distribution of Minerals, ezt. in Murray's Encycloptedia of Geography, 8vo, Lond. 1834'. Lyell (Charles) Principles of Geology, 3 vols. Bvo, Lond. 1830-32. The same book, 4th Edit. 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1835. MaccuUoch (John) Geological Classitication of Rocks, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Metherie (M. de la) The'orie de la Terre, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1797. Le meme livre, Tom. III. Penn (Granville) A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Supplement to the same book, 8vo, Lond. 1823. Playfair (John) Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory, 8vo, Edin. 1802. Thomson (Thomas) Outlines of Geology and Mineralogy, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, Lond. 183G. Ure (And.) New System of Geology, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Whitehurst (J.) On the Original State and Formation of the Earth, 3d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1792. 2. COLLECTIVE WORKS. ESSAYS, SfC. Bcchcrus (Jo. J.) Physica Subterranea, 1 2mo, Francof. 1669. Idem liber, cum Supplemcntis, &c. curJv Georg. Ernest. Stahl, 4toy Lips. 1738. GEOLOGY. 283 Bertrand (E.) Memoires sur la Structure Interieure de la Terro, ext. in Recueil de divers Traites sur I'Histoire Naturelle de la Tene et des Fossiles, p. 1.4to, Avig. 1766. Buokhuid (W.) On the Excavation of Valleys by Diluvian Action, &c. cxt. in (ieoloj^ical Trans, of Lond. 2d Series, Vol. I. p. 95. Catalogue, Descriptive, of the British Specimens in the Geological Collection of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Svo, Lond. 181G. Conybeare (W. D.) Report on the Progress, Actual State, and Ulterior Prospects of Geological Science, ext. in Report of Second Meeting of British Association, p. 365, Svo, Lond. 1833. Geoloyical Society of London, Transactions of, First Series, 5 vols. 4to, Lond. 181 1-21, with plates and maps in 4to. ■ Second Series, Vol. l.-IIL 4to, Lond. 1822-32, mth plates and maps in ¥to. Geoloiiical Society of Cornwall, Transactions of. Vol. I. II. 8vo, Lond. IS 18-22. Herschell (J. F. W.) On the Astronomical Causes which may influence Geological Phenomena, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 2d Series, Vol. III. p. 293. Humboldt (Alexander von) Essai Geognostique snr le gisement des Roches dans les deux Hemispheres, Svo, Paris, 1826. Kidd (J.) On the Imperfect Evidence in support of a Theory of the Earth, 8 vo, Oxford, 1815. Kirwan (Richard) Geological Essays, Svo, Lond. 1799. Knight (William) Facts and Observations towards forming a new Theory of the Earth, Svo, Edin. 1818. Liunseus (Car.) De Tellmis Habitabilis incremento, ext. in Linnisi Amoen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 430. Luc (J. A. de) Lettres Physiques et Morales sur I'Histoire de la Terrc et de I'Homme, 6 torn. 8vo, La Haye, 1779. Geological Travels, Vol. I. Svo, Lond. 1810. Taylor (John) Report on Mineral Veins, ext. in Report of Third Meeting of British Association, p. 1, Svo, Lond. 1834. 3. GEOLOGY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES. a. British lales. England- — Aikin (A.) On the Great Coal-field of Shropshire, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. I. p. 191. • Berger (J. F.) On the Physical Structure of Devonshire and Corn- wall, ext. ibid. p. 93. Sketch of the Geology of some parts of Hampshire and Dor- setshire, ext. ibid. p. 249. Boase (H.) On the Submersion of part of Mount's Bay, Cornwall, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. 11. p. 129. Bright (R.) On the Strata in the Neighbourhood of Bristol, cxt. in Lond. Geolog. Traus. 1st Series, Vol. IV. p. 193. 284 GEOLOGY. JEngland.—BucklanA (VV.) On the Plastic-Clay Formation at Reading-, Berks, &c. ext. ibid. p. 277. Ou the Quartz Rock of the Lickey Hill in Worcestershire, ext. ibid. Vol. V. p. 50G. On the Excavation of Valleys hy Diluvian Action, as illus- trated by Valleys in the South of Dorset and Devon, ert. ibid. 2d Series, Vol. I. p. 95. and Couybeare (W. D.) On the South -Western Coal District of England, ext. ibid. p. 210. Game (Joseph) On the Mineral Troductions and the Geology of the Parish of St. Just, Cornwall, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. 11, p. 290. Conybeare (W. D.) and Phillips (W.) Outline of the Geology of England and Wales, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Cumberland (G.) On the Strata near Bristol, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 1st Series, Vol. V. p. 9j. Davy (Sir Humphry) Hints on the Geology of Cornwall, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. I. p. 38. De la Beche (H. T.) On the Geology of the South Coast of Eng- land, ext. in Lond. Geolog. Trans. 1st Series, Vol. L p. 40. On the Geology of Tor and Babbicombe Bays, Devon, ext. ibid. 2d Series, Vol. HI. p. 161. Forbes (John) On the Geology of the Land's-End District, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. H. p. 242. — — Hailstone (J.) On the Geology of Cambridgeshire, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. IIL p. 223. Hawkins (J.) On the Study of Geology in Cornwall, ext. in Corn- wall Geol. Trans. Vol. H. p. 1. On the Cornish Rocks, &c. ext. ibid. p. 145. Holland (H.) On the Cheshire Rock-Salt District, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 1st Series, Vol. L p. 38. Holmes (J. H. H.) On the Coal Mines of Durham and Northumber- land, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Horner (L.) On the Geology of the South- Western Part of Somer- setshire, ext. in Loud. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. HI. p. 338. Lonsdale (W.) Ou the Oolitic District of Bath, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 2d Series, Vol. HI. p. 241. Macculloch (John) Account of Guernsey and the other Channel Islands, ext. ibid. First Series, Vol. I. p. 1. On the Granite Tors of Cornwall, ext. ibid. Vol. H. p. G6. Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including that of the Isle of Man, &c. 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1819, with plates and maps in 4to. Mantell (Gideon) On the Geology of the South-East of England, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Paris (J. A.) On the Geological Structure of Cornwall, ext. m Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. I. p. 168. • Parkinson (J.) On the Strata and Fossil Remains near London, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. I. p. 324. Phillips (W.) Outline of the Geology of England and Wales, 12rao, Lond. 1818. On the Veins of Cornwall, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. H. p. 110. On the Chalk Cliffs near Dover, ext. ibid. Vol. V. p. IG. Phillips (J.) Illustratioub of the Geology of Yorkshire, 2 Parts, Ito, Lond. 1835-36. GEOLOGY. 285 England. — Rogere (J.) On the Serpentine District of Cornwall, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. II. p. 410. Saintfond (B. F. de) Travels in England, Scotland, and the He- brides, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1799. Sedgwick (A.) On the Geological Relations and Internal Structure of the Magnesian Limestone in sevei"al English Counties, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 2d Series, Vol. III. pp. 37 and 2.39. Smith (William) Memoir to the Map of the Strata of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, 4to, Lond, 1815. Watson (White) Delineation of the Strata of Derbyshire, 4to, Sliertield, 1811. Weaver (Thomas) Geological Observations on Part of Gloucester- shire and Somersetshire, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 2d Series, Vol. I. p. 316. Webster (T.) On the Fresh-Water Formations of the Isle of Wight and the Strata over Chalk in the South-East part of England, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. II. p. IGl. Winch (N. J.) On the Geology of Northumberland and Durham, ext. ibid. Vol. IV. p. 1. On the Geology of the Eastern part of Yorkshire, ext. ibid. Vol. V. p. 545. Yates (J.) On the Structure of the County of Salop, &c. ext. in Lond. Geol. Ti-ans. Second Series, Vol. II. p. 237. Ireland. — Berger (J. F.) On the Geological Features of the North-Eas- tern Counties of Ireland, ext. in Load. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. III. p. 121. On the Dykes of the North of Ireland, ext. ibid. p. 223. Fitton (W.) On the Geology of the Vicinity of Dublin, ext. ibid. Vol. I. p. 2G9. Weaver (T.) On the Geological relations of the East of Ireland, ext. ibid. Vol. V. p. 1 17. Scotland. — Bone (A.) Essai Geologique sur I'Ecosse, 8vo, Paris, N.D. Hibbert (S.) Description of the Shetland Islands, 4to, Edin. 1822. Lyell (C.) On the Fresh- Water Limestone in Forfarshire, ext. in Loud. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. II. p. 73. MaccuUoch (John) On the Geology of various Parts of Scotland, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. II. p. 388. On Quartz Rock in Scotland, ext. ibid. p. 450, Vol. IV. p. 2G4, and Vol. I. of 2d Series, p. 53. On Staffa, ext. ibid. First Series, Vol. II. p. 501. On the Geology of Glen Tilt, ext. ibid. First Series, Vol. III. p. 259, and 2d Series, Vol. I. p. 61. On the Mountain Cruachan in Argyleshire, ext. ibid. First Series, Vol. IV. p. 117. On the Hill of Kinnoul, Perthshire, ext. ibid. p. 220. On the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, ext. ibid. p. 314. On the Geology of the Western Islands of Scotland, and of the Isle of Man, ext. in Description of the Western Islands of Scot- land, including that of the Isle of Man, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1819, with plates and maps in 4to. Milne (David) On the Geology of Berwickshire, ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting of the British Association, p. 624, 8vo, Lond. 1835. Murchison (R. I.) On the Coal Field of Brora in Sutherlaudshirc, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 2d Series, Vol. II. p. 293. Supplementary Remarks on the state of the Oolitic Scries in Suthei'laud, Ross, and the Hebrides, ext. ibid. p. 353. 286 GEOLOGY. Scotland. — Rhind (Wm.) Excursions illustrative of the Geology of the Environs of Edinburgh, 12mo, Edin. 1833. Saintfond (B. F. dc) Travels in England, Scotland, and the He- brides, 2 vols. 8vo, LoikI. 1799. ' Sedj;\vi(;k (A.) and Murchison (R. I.) On the Geological Rela- tions of the Secondary Strata in the Isle of Arran, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. III. p. 21. On Deposits contained between the Primary Rocks, and the Oolitic Series in the North of Scotland, ext. ibid. p. 125. Smith (Wm.) jNIemoir to the Map of the Strata of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, 4to, Lond. 1815. Wales. — Conybeare (W. D.) and Phillips (W.) Outline of the Geology of England and Wales, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Dc la Beche (H. T.) On the Geology of Southern Pembrokeshire, ext. ill Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. IL p. 1. Smith (William) Memoir to the Map of the Strata of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, 4to, Lond. 1815. Yates (J.) On the Structure of the Border County of Salop and North Wales, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. IL p. 237. b. Foreign Countries. Alps. — Sedgwick (A.) and Murchison (R. L) On tlie Structure of the Eastern Alps, with Sections and a Map, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. IIL p. 301. America. — Bigsby (J. J.) On the (Geology of Lake Huron, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. L p. 175. Rogers (D.) Report on the Geology of North America, Part \. ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting of British Association, p. 1, &vo, Lond. 1835. Antiffua. — Nugent (N.) On the Geology of the Islands of Antigua and Barbuda, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. V. p. 459. Arctic Regions. — Fitton (W. H.) Geology of Arctic Regions, ext. in Appendix to Back's Narrative, p. 543. Jameson (R.) t)n the Geology of the Arctic Regions, ext. in Ap- pendix to Parry's Third Journal, p. 132. On the same subject, ext. in Appendix to Parry's Narrative, p. 223. Konig (C.) On the Geology and Mineralogy of the Arctic Regions, ext. in Appendix to Parry's First Journal, p. 246. Barbadoes. — Skey (J.) On the Geology of 13arbadoes, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Vol. III. p. 236. liarhiida. — Vid. Antigua. France. — De la Beche (H. T.) On the Geology of Part of France, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. 1. p. 73. Holland. — Brugmanns (S. I.) Oratio de Natura Soli Frisici, 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1787. Huncjary. — Beudant (F. S.) Voyage Mineralogique ct Geologique en Hongrie pendant I'Annee 1818, 3 toui. 4to, Paris, 1822, avec Atlas in 4to. India. — Adam (J.) On the Geology of the Banks of the Ganges, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. 1st Series, Vol. V. p. 340. GEOLOGY. 287 India. — Babinirton (B.) On the (Jeology of the Country between Telli- chcrry and Madras, cxt. in Lond. (tcoI. Trans. 1st Series, Vol. V. p. 328. Colebrooke (H. T.) On the Geologiy of the North-casteru Border of Benj^al, ext. ibid. Second Series, Vol. I. p. 132. Davy (J.) On the Geology and Mincralof^y of Ceylon, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. V. p. 31 [. Fraser (J.) On the Himalay Mountains, ext. ibid. p. 60. — — Franklin (J.) On the Geolog'y of a portion of Buudelcund, Boghel- cund, and the Districts of Sauf>or and Jubulpore, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. II L p. 191. Italt/. — Brogniart (Alex.) Menioire sur les Terrains de sediment su- perieurs Calcareo-Trappeens du Vicentin, et sur quelques Terrains d'ltalie, de France, et d'AUemagne qui peuvent se rapporter a la raerae Epoque, 4to, Paris, 1823. De la Beche (IL T.) On the Geology of the Environs of Nice, and the Coast thence to Vintimiglia, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Se- cond Series, Vol. III. p. 171. Scrope (G. P.) On the Volcanic District of Naples, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. II. p. 337. Jamaica. — De la Beche (H. T.) Geology of Jamaica, ext. ibid. p. 143. Lipari Islands. — Dolomieu (Deodat De) Voyage aux Isles de Lipari fait en 1781, 8 to, Paris, 1783. Madagascar. — Buckland (W.) On the Geology of Madagascar, ecot. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. V. p. 476. Madeira. — Beunet (H. G.) On the Geology of Madeira, ext. ibid. Vol. I. p. 391. Ponza Islands. — Dolomieu (De'odat de) Memoire sur les Isles Ponees, et Catalogue raisonne des Produits de I'Etua, 8vo, Paris, 1788. Scrope (G. P.) On the Geology of the Ponza Isles in the Mediter- ranean, ext. in Loud. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. II. p. 19-5. Russia. — Strangu-ays (W. F. H. F.) On the Geology of the Environs of St. Petersbnrgh, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Fu-st Series, Vol. V. p. 392. On the Geology of Russia, ext. ibid. Second Series, Vol. I. p. 1. Saxony. — Daubuisson (J. F.) Account of the Basalts of Saxony, trans- lated by P. Neill, 8vo, Edin. 1814. Sicil'/. — Dolomieu (Deodat de) Catalogue Raisonne' des Produits de I'Etna, 8vo, Paris, 1788. Spain. — Traill (T. S.) On the Salt Mines of Cardona, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. III. p. 404. Smnatra. — Jack (W.) On the Geology of the Island of Sumatra, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. I. p. 397. Teneriffe. — Bennet (H. G.) On the Island of TenerifFe, ext. in. Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. II. p. 286. Trinidad.— Nugent (N.) On the Pitch Lake in the Island of Trinidad, ext. ibid. Vol. I. p. 63. 4. MINES AND MINING OPERATIONS. Account of Tin and Copper raised in Cornwall, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. II. p. 424. 2 288 GEOLOGY. Agricola (O.) De Re Mctallica, &c. fol. Basil. Ifi57. Boaso (Honry) On the Introduction of tlie Steam Engine to the Peru- vian Mines, ext. in Cornwall Gool. Trans. Vol. I, p. 212. Carnc (Jos.) On the Discovery of Silver in the Mines of Cornwall, ext. ibid. p. 1 18. • On the Veins of Corn^^all, ext. ibid. Vol. II. p. 49. Forbes (John) On the Temperatnre of Mines, ext. ibid. p. 159. Fox (II. W.) On the Temperature of Mines, ext. ibid. p. 14. Hawkins (John) On Submarine Mines, ext. ibid. Vol. I. p. 127. On the Lodes of Polr>ooth Tin Mine, ext. ibid. p. 143. (hi Tin-Floors, ext. ibid. Vol. II. p. 29, On tlie Intersection of Lodes, ext. ibid. p. 225. Mines, Annales des, Tom. I. II. 8vo, Paris, 1817. Journal des, Tom. III.-XXXVIII. Svo, Paris, 1794-1815. Moyle (M. P.) On the Temperature of the Cornish Mines, ext. in Corn- wall Geol. Trans. Vol. II. p. 404. Paris (J. A.) On tlie Safety Bar, and the Accidents which occur in the Cornwall Mines, ext. ibid. Vol. I. p. 78. Phillips (W.) On the Veins of Cornwall, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. IL p. 110. Taylor (John) Report on Mineral Veins, ext. in Report of Third Meeting of Ijritish Association, p. 1, Svo, Lond. 1834. Traill (T. S.) On the Salt Mines of Cardona, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. III. p. 404. Vivian (J. H.) Sketch of the Plan of the Mining Academies of Freyberg ' and Schemnitz, ext. in Cornwall Geol. Trans. Vol. I. p. 71. On the Salt Mines of Wielitska in Poland and Salzburg in Ger- many, ext. ibid. p. 154. Wulfen (F. X.) Minera Plumbi Spatosa Carinthiaca, ext. in Jacquin Mis- cell, Austriac. Tom. II. p. 139. 5. rOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES. Baglivi (Georg.) De Terrse-motu Romano et Urbium Adjacentium Anno " 1703, ext. in Oper. Om. p. 523, 4to, Antverp. 1715. Bailly (M.) Dn Feu Centrale, ou de la Chaleur propre ct interieure du Globe, ext. in Lettres sur I'Origine des Sciences, &c. p. 269, Svo, Paris, 1777. Bertrand (E.) Me'moires Historiques et Physiques sur les Trcmblemens de Terre, ext. in Recucil de divers Traites sur I'Histoire Naturelle, &c. p. 221, 4to, Avignon, 176G. Dolomieu (De'odat de) Voyage aux Isles de Lipari fait en 1781, 8vo, Paris, 1783. Memoires sur les Isles Ponces, ct Catalogue raisonne des Produits de I'Etna, Svo, Paris, 1788. Graham (Mrs.) Account of Earthquakes in Chili, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. I. p. 413. Kastner (K. W. G.) Nachrichten von den Erdbeben Sud-Italiens in den Ictzen Jahren, von Dr. Alb. von Schonbcrg, 12rao, Nuruberg, 1828. Mackenzie (Sir G.) On the Volcanoes of Iceland, ext. in Travels in Ice- land, 4to, Edin. 1811. GEOLOGY. 289 Saintfond (B. F, de) Mineralogie des Volcans, 8vo, Paris, llSi. Scrope (G. Poulett) Considerations on Volcanoes, 8vo, Lond. 1825. . On the Volcanic District of Naples, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol. II. p. 337. FOSSIL REMAINS. Agassiz (L.) Recberches sur les Poissons Fossiles, 6 Livraisons, 4to, Neucliatel, 1835-3G, avec Atlas in fol. f unfinished. J On the Fossil Fishes of Scotland, ext. in Report of Fourth Meeting of British Association, p. 646, Svo, Lond. 183.5. Agricola (G.) De Nutura Fossilium, ext- in Op. de Re Metallica, p. 569, fol. Basil. 1657. Bausch (J. L.) De Unicornu Fossili, ext. in Fehr Anchora Sacra, p. 169, 12mo, Jerice, 1670. Bertrand (E.) Essai d'une distribution methodique des Fossiles, ext. in Recueil des Meoioires sur I'Histoire Naturelle, &c. p. 381,4to, Avig- non, 1766. Blumenbach (J. F.) Specimen Arcbteologiae Telluris, 4to, Gott. 1803. Specimen Alterum, 4to, Gott. 1816. Born (JNI. de) Catalogue Raisonne de la Collection des Fossiles de M. de Raab, 2 tomes, Svo, Vienne, 1790. Brongniart (Alex.) Description de plusieurs des Corps Organises Fossiles renfermes dans les Terrains de Sediment superieurs, ext. in Meraoire sur les Terrains du Vicentin, &c. p. 51, 4to, Paris, 1823. Buckland (Rev. W.) Reliquise Diluviana? ; or Observations on Organic Remains attesting the Action of an Universal Deluge, 4to, Lond. 1823. On the Megalosaurus, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. Second Series, Vol, I. p. 390. On the Bones of the Mastodon, &c. from Ava, ext. ibid. Vol. II. p. 377. On the Cycadeoidete, a Family of Fossil Plants found in the Oolite Quarries of the Isle of Portland, ext. ibid. p. 395. On the discovery of Pterodactylus Macronyx in the Lias at Lyme Regis, ext. ibid. Vol. III. p. 217. On the discovery of Coprolites or Fossil Faeces in the Lias at Lyme Regis, ext. ibid. p. 223. On Fossils, ext. in Bridgewater Treatise, Vol. I. p. 106 et seq. Camper (Pierre) Conjectures sur les Petrifications trouvees dans la Montague de St. Pierre pres de Maestricht, ext. in CEuvres, Tom. 1. p. 355. Clift (W.) On the Fossil Remains of two new Species of Mastodon and of other Animals found on the left Bank of the Irawadi, ext, in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. II. p. 369. Conybeare (Wm. D.) On the discovery of an almost perfect Skeleton of the Plesiosaurus, ext. ibid. Second Series, Vol. I. p. 381. Costa (S. Mendez da) Natural History of Fossils, 4to, Lond. 1737. Cumberland (G.) On some new Fossil Encrini and Pentacrini near Bris- tol, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. V. p. 87. 20 290 MINERALOGY. Cuvier (G.) Recherclies sur les Osseraens Fossiles, nouvelle Edition, 5 tomes, 4to, Paris, 1821-24'. De laBecbe(H. T.) and Conybeare (W. D.) On Plesiosaurus, a new Fossil Animal, ^.r^ i7i Lend. Geol. Trans. First Scries, Vol. V, p. 539. Additional Notes on Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus, by Conybeare, cxt. ibid. Second Series, Vol. I. p. 103. Hart (John) A Description of the Fossil Deer of Ireland, Cervus Mega- ceros, 8vo, Dublin, 18o0. Lambert (A. B.) On a Fossil Alcyouium from the Chalk Strata near Lewes, with plates, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. XI. p. 401. Macculloch (J.) On Vegetable Remains preserved in Chalcedony, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. II. p. 510. Mantell (Gideon) Tabular Arrangement of the Orrs, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1779. Paul (N.) Account of his Artilicial Mineral Waters, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1802. Poramerau (E.) Traite des Eaux Minerales, 12mo, Orle'ans, 1676. Rochas(H.de) Observations Nouvelles sur la Vrai Connaissancc des Eaux Miiie'rales, 12mo, Paris, 1634. Le meine livre, I2mo, Paris, 1636. Rotheram (J.) Inquiry into the Nature and Properties of Water, 8vo, Newcastle, N. D. Saunders (William) On the Chemical History and Medical Po^vers of Mineral Waters, 8vo, Lond. 1800. The same book, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1805. MINERAL WATERS. 295 2. Vf^ORKS ON PARTICULAR MINERAL WATERS. a. British. Bagnigge. — Bevis (J.) On the Waters of Bagnigge Wells, 8vo, Loud. 1760. ^a^A.— Falconer (VV.) On the Bath Waters, 12mo, Loud. 1770. Dissertation on Ischias and on the effects of the Bath Waters in this Disease, 8vo, Lond. 1805. Sutherland (Alex.) Attempts to ascertain and extend the Virtues of Bath and Bristol Waters by Experiments and Cases, 12mo, Lond. 1764.. Bristol. — Carrick (A.) On the Properties of the Bristol Hot-Well Water, 8vo, Bristol, 1791. Sutherland (Alex.) On the Virtues of Bristol Waters, 12rao, Loud. 1764. Burton. — Denman (Thos.) On the Effects of Buxton Water in Fever, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Pearson (George) On Buxton Waters, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Cheltenham. — Forthergill (A.) On the Nature and Qualities of Chelten- ham Water, 8vo, Bath, 1785. The same book, 2A Edit. Bath, 1788. Droitwich. — Horner (Leonard) On the Brine Springs at Droitwich, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. II. p. 94-. Dunse. — Home (F.) On the Dunse Spa, 8vo, Edin. 1751. Fir- Hill— Taylor (John) On the Virtues of the Fir-Hill Well, 8vo, Aberdeen, 1800. Harrowgate. — Hunter (Adam) On the Mineral Waters of Ilarrowgatc and its Vicinity, 12mo, Lond. 1830. Ireland. — Ryan (Mich.) On the Mineral Waters of Ireland, 8vo, Kil- kenny, 1824'. Isle of Wight. — Marcet (A.) Account of an Aluminous Chalybeate Spring in the Isle of Wight, ext. in Lond. Geol. Trans. First Series, Vol. L p. 213. Leamington Spa. — Loudon (Charles) On the Waters of Leamington Spa, 8vo, Leamington Spa, 1831. Malvern. — Malvern Waters, Experiments and Observations on, 8vo, Lond. N. D. Nottingham. — Graves (Robert) On the Mineral Waters of Nottingham, 8vo, Sherbourne, 1792. Perthshire. — Horsley (W.) On the Mineral Waters of Perthshire, 12mo, Edin. 1814. St. Bernard's Well. — Taylor (John) On the Virtues of the Water of St. Bernard's Well, 8vo, Edin. 1790. Tilbury. — Andree (John) Account of Tilbury Water, 8vo, Lond. 1740. Tunbridge. — Rouse (Lewis) Directory to Tunbridge Wells, 8vo, Lond. 1725. Scudamore (Sir Charles) Analysis of the Mineral Water of Tun- bridge Wells, 8vo, Lond. 1816. T^Fa/toH.— Johnstone (James) Account of the Walton Water, 8vo, Wor- cester, 1787. 296 MINERAL WATERS. b. Foreign. Aix-la-Chapelle. — Ash (John) On the Waters of Aix-la-Chapelle aud St. Aniand, I'^rao, Lond. 1788. Berne. — Bertrand (E.) Essai de Minerographie, &c. du Canton de Berne, ext. in Recueil de divers Traites sur I'llistoire Naturelle, p. 435. Caldas da Itainha. — Witheriiij^ (William) Chemical Analysis of the A\'ater at Caldas da Kaiuha, ( Enqllsk and Portuguese,) 8vo, Lis- bon, 1795. Eger. — Osann (C.) and Tronimsdorflf (B.) Die Mineralquellen zu Kaiser- Frauzenbad bey Efjer, Svo, Berlin, 1822. Enghien. — Fourcroy (M. de) Analyse Chiraique de I'Eau Sulfureuse d'Eng-hien, Svo, Paris, 1788. France. — Clos (Sieur Du) Sur les Eaux Minerales de France, 12mo, Paris, 1G75. Iceland. — Mackenzie (Sir G. S.) On the Mineral Waters of Iceland, ext. in Travels in Iceland, p. 39 G. Lucca. — Franceschi (G.) Igea dei Bagni e piu particolarmente di quelle di Lucca, Svo, Lucca, 1815. Madagascar. — Copland (Samuel) On the Mineral Waters of Madagas- car, ext. in History of Island of Madagascar, p. 335, 8vo, Loud. 1822. Naples. — Atturaonelli (Michele) Delle Acque Minerali di Napoli, &c. Svo, Napoli, 1808. Pisa. — Cocchi (A.) Trattato dei Bagni di Pisa, 4to, Firenze, 1750. Rome. — Lapi (J. II.) De Acidula ad Ripam Tyberis, Rorase, 1754, ext. in Roemer. Opusc. Tom. I. p. 229. Sicily. — Borch (Comte de) Mineralogie et Minerhydrologie Sicilienne, Svo, Turin, 1780. Spa. — Heers (Hen. ab) Fons Spadanus Descriptus, 18mo, Lugd. Bat. 1645. Williams (J.) On the Mineral Waters of the German Spa, Svo, Loud. 1773. St. Amand. — Vid. Aix-la-Chapelle. (For Works on Baths, Vid. p. 58.) CHAPTER III. Science of tfjt ifWrna ; INCLUDING JJditiral (BtonmWi anlj (Btntval (^timation. 2P SCIENCE OF THE MIND. I. METAPHYSICS AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Abercrombie (John) On the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth, 8vo, Edin. 1830. The same book, 2d Edit. 1831. The same book, 3d Edit. 1832. — — The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, 8vo, Lond. 1833. Alibert (J. L.) Physiologic des Passions, 2 torn, 8vo, Paris, 1825. Alison (A.) Essays on Taste, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 183L Beattie (James) Essay on Truth, 8vo, Lond. 1812. Beddoes (Thomas) On the Nature of Demonstrative Evidence, 8vo, Lond. 1793. Belsham (T.) Elements of the Philosophy of the Mind, and of Moral Philosophy, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Berkeley (George Bp. of Cloyne) Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher, 8vo, Dublin, 1755. Bonnet (C.) Essai de Psychologic, 12mo, Lond. 1754. Sur les Facultes de I'Ame, ito, Copenhagen, 1760. (2 copies.) Palingenesie Philosophique, 2 torn. 8vo, Geneve, 17G9. Boync (L. S.) Physical and Moral History of the Human Species, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Brown (Thomas) Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 4 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1820. Sketch of tlie Philosophy of the Human Mind, Part I. compre- hending the Physiology of the Mind, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect, 3d Edit. 8vo, Edin. 1818. On the Doctrine <5f Hume concerning Cause and Effect, 8vo, Lond. 1806. Bruckerus (Jacob.) Historia Critica Philosophise, G torn. 4to, Lipsise, 1767. Buffier (P.) On First Truths, 8vo, Lond. 1780. Burke (Edmund) On the Sublime and Beautiful, 8vo, Lond. 1798. Burton (Rob.) Anatomy of Melancholy, 9th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1800. 300 METAPHYSICS AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Cabaiiis (P. J. G.) Rapports du Physique et du Moral de I'Homme, 2 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1802. {'2 copies. J Le meme livre, 2de Edit. 1805. Ciialmers (Tiios.) Bridgewater Treatise; On the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of iSIan, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1833. Cogan (T.) Philosophical Treatise on the Passions, 8vo, Bath, 1800. Ethical Treatise on the Passions, 8vo, Bath, 1810. Combe (George) On the Constitution of Man, 12mo, Edin. 1828. Condillac (M. I'Abbe de) CEuvres, 3me Edit. 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1777. Condorcet, Sur les Progres de I'Esprit Humain, Svo, Paris, 1797. Degerando (J. M.) Dcs Signes, et de I'Art de Penser, 4tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1800. Histoirc Comparee des Systemes de Philosophic, 3 tomes, 8vo, Paris, 1804. Descartes (Renatus) Opera Philosophica, 4to, Amstelod. 1G70. Lettres sur la Morale, la Physique, la Mcdecine, et les Mathema- tiqiics, G tomes, I2mo, Paris, 1724. Meditations Metaphysiques, 2 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1724. Desmortier (U. R. T. le Bouvyer) Sur les Sourds-Muets de Naissance, 8vo, Paris, 1800. Dewar (Henry) On the Education of J. Mitchell, 4to, Edin. 18IG. Enfield (W.) History of Philosophy, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1791. Epee (L'Abbe 1") Method of Educating the Deaf and Dumb, translated from the French, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Ferguson (Adam) Principles of Moral and Political Science, 2 vols, ^to, Edin. 1792. F'erriar (John) Theory of Apparitions, 12rao, Lond. 1813. Girtanner (Christ.) Ueber das Kantische Prinzip fur die Naturgeschichtc, Svo, Goetting. 1796. Gisborne (Thos.) Moral Philosophy, Svo, Lond. 1790. Gregory (James) Philosophical and Literary Essays, 2 vols. Svo, Edin. 1792. Gregory (John) Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man Mith those of the Animal World, Svo, Loud. 17G7. Guillie ( — ) Sur I'lnstruction des Aveugles, 2de Edit. Svo, Paris, 1819. Hancock (Th.) Essay on Instinct, and its Physical and Moral Relations, 8vo, Loud. 1824. Harris (James) Three Treatises concerning Art, Music, Painting, Poetry, and Happiness, Svo, Lond. 1792. Philosophical Arrangements, Svo, Lond. 1799. Hartley (David) Theory of the Human Mind, abridged by Priestley, Svo, Lond. 1790. Observations on Man, 4to, Lond. 1791. Haslam (John) Contributions to the Natural History and Physiology of the iluman Intellect, Svo, Lond. 1819. Herder (J. (t.) Outlines of the Philosophy of the History of Man, 4to, Lond. 1800. Hibbert (Sara.) Sketches of the Philosophy of Apparitions, 12mo, Edin. 18:^4. Hobbes (Thos.) Opera Philosophica Omnia, 4to, Amstelod. 1GG8. Hume (David) Essays on Various Subjects, 2 vols. Svo, Edin. 1800. Hutton (Jas.) On the Principles of Knowledge, 3 vols. 4to, Lond. 1794. Kant (Iniin.) Opera ad I'hilosophiam Criticam pertinent, cura Born, Tom. I. Svo, Lips. I79G. Philosophic par Ch. Villiers, Svo, Metz, 1801. ^ The xMetaphysic of Ethics, trans, by J- W. Semple, Svo, Edin. 1836, POLITICAL ECOMOMY. 301 Locke (John) On the Human Understanding-, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1753. ]\Ialebranche (Nicolas) Recherche de la Verite, 2 torn. 12mo, Paris, 1G78. Mettrie (Julien Offray de la) CEuvres Philosophiques, nouvelle Edit. 2 torn. 8vo, Berlin, 1774. Nitsch (F. A.) View of Kant's Philosophy, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Paley (William) Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1803. Prevost (Pierre) Des Signes envisages relativement a leur influence sur la formation des Idees, 8vo, Paris, 1799. Essai de Philosophic ou Etude de I'Esprit Humain, 2 tomes, 8vo, Geneve, 1801. Priestley (Joseph) On Hartley's Theory of the Human Mind, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1790. lleid (Thomas) Inquiry into the Human Mind, 3d Edit. 12mo, Dublin, 1779. On the Intellectual Powers of Man, 4to, Lond. 1785. On the Active Powers of Man, 4to, Edin. 1788. Sicard (L'Abbe' R. A.) Corn's d'Instruction d'un Sourd-Muet, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1803. Smith (Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments, 6th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1790. The same book, 11th Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1808. Steuart (Sir J.) Works, Political, Metaphysical, and Chronological, 6 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1803. Stewart (Dugald) Philosophy of the Human Mind, 3 vols. 4to, Lond. and Edin. 1792—1827. Philosophical Essays, 4to, Edin. 1810. Outlines of Moral Philosophy, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1818. The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1828. Sulivan (L. J.) A view of Nature, with reflections on Atheistical Philoso- phy, 6 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1794. Thomassen a Thuessink (E. J.) De Analogia Cognoscendi Praesidio, 4to, Harderv. 1782. Wardrop (James) History of James Mitchell, a Boy born Blind and Deaf, 4to, Lond. 1813. Watson (Joseph) On the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 8vo, Lond. 1809. Young (John) Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy, 8vo, Glasgow, 1835. (For Works on Phrenology, Vid. pp. 46, 47, and 48.) II. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Colquhoun (P.) On the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire, &c. 4to, Lond. 1814. Ferguson (Adam) Principles of Moral and Political Science, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1792. 302 GENERAL EDUCATION. Ferguson (Adam) Essay on the History of Civil Society, 8vo, Loud. 1793. • Tlie same book, 8vo, Ediu. ISli. Goguet (M.) De I'Origine des Loix, des Sciences et des Arts, 3 tomes, 12mo, La Haye, 17.jS. Kay (Jas. P.) On the Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes employed in the Cotton ftlannfacture in Manchester, 8vo, Lond. 1832. Malthas (T. R.) Essay on the Principle of Population, 4to, Lond. 1803. The same book, ith Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807. Additions to the 4th and former editions, 8vo, Lond. 1817. INIillar (John) Origin of the Distinction of Ranks, with an Account of his Life and Writings by John Craig, 4th Edit. 8vo, Edin. 180G. Montesquieu, CEuvres completes, 3 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1820. Murray (T. A.) Remarks on the Situation of the Poor, 8vo, Lond. 1801. ISewenham (Thomas) On the Population of Ireland, 8vo, Lond. 1805. Raynal (Juil. Tho.) Histoire du Commerce et des Etablisscmens des Europeens dans les deux Indes, 7 tom. 8vo, La Haye, 1774. Sadler (M. S.) On the Law of Population, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Scotland, New Statistical Account of, 11 Parts, 8vo, Ediu. 1834-36. (unfinished.) Sinclair (Sir John) Statistical Account of Scotland, 21 vols. 8 vo, Edin. 1791-99. Smith (Adam) Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1809. HL GENERAL EDUCATION. Darwin (E.) On Female Education in Boarding Schools, 4to, Derby, 1797. Deaf and Dumb Children, Reports of the National Institution in Ireland for the Education of, from 1816-21, 12mo, Dublin, 1817-21. Dewar (Henry) On the Education of J. Mitchell, 4to, Edin. 1816. Edge worth (R. L.) Essays on Professional Education, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1812. Epc'e (L'Abbe 1') Method of Educating the Deaf and Dumb, translated from the French, 8vo, Lond. 1801. Guillie ( — ) Sur I'lnstruction des Aveugles, 2de Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1819. Russell (Rev. M.) View of the System of Education pursued in the Schools, &c. in Scotland, 8vo, Edin. 1813. Remarks and Explanations connected with the same Work, 8vo, Edin. 1815. Sicard (L'Abbe R. A.) Cours d'Instruction d'un Sourd-Muct, 2dc Edit. 8vo, Paris, 1803. Simpson (James) Necessity of Popular Education, 12mo, Edin. 1834. Spurzheim (J. G.) View of tlie Elementary Principles of Education, 12mo, Edin. 1821. Watson (Joseph) On the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 8vo, Lond. 1809. 2 PART III. LITERATURE. Chapter I. General Literature. II. Classical Literature. III. General Biography. IV. History and Antiquities, Geography, Voyages and Travels. V. The Arts. CHAPTER I. GENERAL LITERATURE. Adair (J. M.) Defence of tbe Slave Trade, 8vo, Lond. Alembert (M. d') Melanges de Literature, d'Histoire et de "Philosophie, 5 torn. 12rao, Amsterdam, 1767. — — Qiluvres Posthumes, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1799. Americains, Recherches Philosophiques sur les, 3 torn, (relies in 1.) ]2mo, Berlin, 1770. Anecdotes, Medical, Chemical, and Chirurgical, 2 vols, (bound in I.) 12mo, Lond. 18IG. Arnot (Hugo) Essay on Nothing, 8vo, Lond. 1776. Bailly (M.) Lettres sur I'Origine des Sciences, et des Peuples de I'Asie, Svo, Paris, 1777. Discours et Me'inoires, 2 torn. Svo, Paris, 1790. Bain (N.) Account of the Battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, Waterloo, &c. 12mo, Edin. 1816. (2 copies.) Balfour (Francis) The Forms of Herkern, translated from the Persic, 4to, Calcutta, 1781. Bartholinus (Thomas) De Medicis Poetis, 12mo, Hafnise, 1669. Beckmann (John) History of Inventions and Discoveries, translated by Wm. Johnston, 4 vols. Svo, Lond. 1797. Beddoes (Thomas) Hygeia, — Essays, Moral and Medical, 3 vols. Svo, Bristol, 1802-1803. Bentley (Richard) Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1697. Bielfield (Baron de) L'Erudition Universelle, 4 tom. I2mo, Berlin, 1768. Birch (Thomas) History of the Royal Society of London, 4 vols. 4to, Lond. 1736. Blair (Hugh) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 5th Edit. 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1793. Blane (Sir Gilb.) Account of the Battle of 12th April 1782. Boethius (A. M. T. S.) De Consolatione Philosophise, Libri Quinqne, Svo, Lond. 1823. Bower (Alex.) History of the University of Edinburgh, 3 vols. Svo, Edin. 1817-30. 2 Q 30G GENERAL LITERATURE. Bnickeriis (Jacob.) Ilistoria Critica Philosophic?, G torn. 4to, Lips. 1767. Bniiiet (J. C.) Manuel dii Libraire, &c. 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1814. Briiyere (J. de la) Characteros, 2 torn. 12nio, IJarabourg, 179G. Burton (Robert) Anatomy of Melancholy, 9tli Edit. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1800. Byron (Lord) Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IV. 8vo, Lond. 1818. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Cagnazzi (L. S.) Ueber den Werth der Maassen und Gewiohte der Alten Romor, aus dem Italien. von Schonberg, 8vo, Copenliag. 1828. Campbell (George) Philosophy of Rhetoric, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1776. Canning (G.) Speech on the Defence of Portugal, 8vo, Edin. 1826. Collins (W.) Poetical Works, 12mo, Lond. 1765. Condillac (M. I'Abbe de) Cours d'Etude, IG tom. 12mo, Geneve et Lyon, 1789. Crawford (Thos.) History of the University of Edinburgh from 1580 to IGiG, 8vo, Edin. 1808. Currau (J. P.) Speeches, 8vo, Dublin, 1805. Darwin (Erasmus) Botanic Garden, 4to, Lond. 1791. Temple of Nature, 4to, Lond. 1803. Davis (J. B.) Ancient and Modern History of Nice, 8vo, Lond. 1807. INIore Subjects than One, principally connected with France and the French People, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807. Davy (Sir Humphry) Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher, 12mo, Lond. 1831. Salmonia, or the Days of Fly Fishing, 12mo, Lond. 1832. Descartes (Renatus) Lettres sur la Morale, la Physique, la Medecine, et les Mathematiques, 6 tom. 12mo, Amsterdam, 1724'. Dewar (Henry) On Universal Grammar, 4to, Edin. 18 IG. Diderot (M.) CEuvres Philosophiques et Draraatiques, 6 tom. 12mo, Amsterdam, 1722. Essay on Blindness, translated from the French, 8vo, Lond. 1773. Duhamel (Jo. B.) Historia Academise Regise Scientiarum, Edit. 2da, 4to, Paris, 1701. Duncan (Andrew Sen.) Elogiorura Sepulchralium Edinens. Delectus, 8vo, Edin. 1815. Miscellaneous Poems, 8vo, Edin. 1818. Dutcns (L.) Recherches sur I'Origine des De'couvertes attribuees aux Modernes, 2 tom. (rel. en 1.) 8vo, Paris, 1766. Emmet (T.) Oratio coram Societate Physica Edinensi, 8vo, Edin. 1784. Enfield (Will.) History of Philosophy, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1791. Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter, 8vo, Exeter, 179G. Essays on the Formation and Propagation of Opinions, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1826. Essays, Physical and Literary, by a Society in Edinburgh, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1754-71. (2 copies.) Euler (Leon.) Tentamcn novaj theoriae Musica?, 4to, Petrop. 1739. Gisborne (Thos.) Remarks on the Slave Trade, 8vo, Lond. 1792. Goguet (M.) De I'Origine des Loix, des Sciences, et des Arts, 3 tom. 12mo, La Haye, 1758. Halford (Sir Henry) Essays and Orations, 8vo, Lond. 1831. Harris (James) Philological Inquiries, 8vo, Lond. 1802. Hermes, Gth Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1806. Humboldt (Alexander von) Essai Politique sur le Royaumc do la Nou- velle Espagne, 5 torn. 8vo, Paris, 181 1. The same bo(d<, translated by J. Black, 2 vols, with a vol. of plates, 8vo, Lond. 1811. GENERAL LITERATURE. 307 Humboldt (Alex, von) Kesearches concerning the Ancient Inhabitants of America, &c. translated by Miss H. M. Williams, 2 vols. 8vo, Lend. 1815. Hume (David) Essays on Various Subjects, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1800. Jebb (J.) Works, Theological, Medical, Political, and Miscellaneous, by Disney, 3 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1787. Jefferson (T.) On the State of Virginia, 8vo, Lond. 1787. Labaume (Eugene) Narrative of the Russian Campaign in 1813, trans- lated from the French by Boyce, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Litcratur Zeitung, Allgemeine, 5 torn, -ito, Jena und Leipzig, 1S02-3. Lettsora (J. C.) Hints to promote Beneficence, Temperaucc, and Medical Science, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1816. Macnish (Robert) Anatomy of Drunkenness, 8vo, Glasgow, 1827. Philosojihy of Sleep, 2d Edit. 12mo, Glasgow, IHa-t. Madden (II. R.) The Infirmities of Genius, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1833. Malvezzi (Virgilio) II Romulo, 11 Tarquinio Superbo, U Davide Perse- guitato, ed II Politico Christiano, 12mo, Milano, 163j-3G. Martyn (Jolin) and Chambers (E.) The Philosopliical History and Me- moirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris, o vols. 8vo, Lond. 1742. Massey (Rev. E.) Sermon against the Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculation, I2mo, Loud. 1722. Matlack (T.) Oration before the American Philosophical Society, 4to, Philadelphia, 1780. Millar (John) Origin of the Distinction of Ranks, 8vo, Edin. 1806. Montesquieu, Qiuvres Completes, 5 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1820. Ode sur le Retablissement de I'Orgue et du Jube de la Cathedrale de Rouen, 4to, 1683. O'Meara (Barry E.) Exposition of Transactions at St Helena, 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1819. Opium Eater, Confessions of an English, 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1823. Oriental Translation Fund, Report regarding the, Svo, Lond. 1829. Phillips (Charles) Speeches, 8vo, Lond. 1817. —— Letters to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, Svo, Lond. 1818. Plinius (C. Sec.) Epistolse, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1069. Panegyricus, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1G75. Remesius (Thomas) Epistoloe de Variis Scriptoribus, 4to, Jenze, 1767. Rennell (Rev. Tlio.) Remarks on Scepticism, 5th Edit. Svo, Lond. 1821. Robinson (R.) Juvenile Poems, 8vo, Belfast, 1806. Rogers (S.) Pleasures of Memory, 12rao, Lond. 1803. Rubus (J. L.) Epistolaj Edinburgense, 12mo, Edin. 1819. Scaiiger (J. C.) Poetices Libri VII. fol. Anchor. 1651. Senebier (Jean) Histoire Litte'raire de Geneve, 3 torn. Svo, Geneve, 1800. Shadow of the Past, a Vision, Svo, Edin. 1828. Shakspeare (William) Dramatic Works, edited by Chalmers, 9 vols. Svo, Lond. 1811. Sprat (Thos.) History of the Royal Society of London, 4to, Lond. 1667. Steuart (Sir J.) Works, Political, iMetaphysical, and Chronological, 6 vols. Svo, Lond. 1803. Stroud ( W.) History of the Medical Society of Edinburgh, Svo, Edin. 1821. Sulivan (R. J.) A Vieu' of Nature with Reflections on Atheistical Philo- sophy, 6 vols. Svo, Lond. 1794. Thackrah (C. Turner) Introductory Discourse delivered to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 4to, Leeds, 1S21. Thomson (Thomas) History of the Roval Society of London, 4to, Lond- 1812. 308 GENERAL LITERATURE. Tooke (John Home) Diversions of Purley, 2 vols.4to, Lontl. 1798-1806. Townsend (Joseph) Ou the Character of Moses as an Historian, 2 vols. 4to, Bath, 1813. Troil (Uno von) Letters on Iceland, 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1780. Tucker (Abraham) Light of Nature, edited by Sir J. Mildmay, 7 vols. Svo, Lond. 1805. Turner (Sharon) Sacred History of the World from the Creation to the Deluge, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1833. Wilson (Sir Robert) On the Russian Army, Avith a Sketch of the Cam- paigns in Poland iu 1S06-7, 4to, Lond. 1810. "Wotton (Will.) Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning, Svo, Lond, 1694. CHAPTER II. CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Apuleius, Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 4 torn. 8vo, Lond. 1825. Ausouius (D. Magnus) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 torn. 8vo, Lond. 1823. Caesar (C. J.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 torn. 8vo, Lond. 1819. Catullus (C. V.) Opera Omnia cur. et imp. A.J. Valpy, 8vo, Lond. 1822. Cicero (M. T.) De Officiis, 8vo, Edin. 1738. Opera, ex editione Ernesti, cum notis et interpret, in usum Delphini, 16 torn. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Claudianus (C.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1821. Curtius (Q.) De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1823. Dictys Cretensis, Dares Phrygius, et Joseplms Iscanus, de Bello Trojano, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1823. Eutropius, Breviarium Historiae Romanse, cur. et imprim. A. J. Valpy, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Flaccus (M. Verr.) et Sex. Pomp. Festus, de Verborum significatione, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 torn. 8vo, Lond. 1826. Florus (L. Annaeus) Epitome Rerum Romanarum, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1822. Gellius (Aulus) Noctes Atticte, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1824. Homerus, Opera Omnia, ex recensione et cum notis Samuelis Clarkii, 3 tom. Svo, Glasguse, 1814. Horatius (Q. F.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 tom. 8x0, Lond. 1823. Justinus, Historije Phiilippicte, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1822. Juvenalis (D. J.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1820. Livius (T.) Historiarum libri qui supersunt, ex Edit. G. A. Ruperti, cum notis, &c. in usum Delphini, 18 tom. 8vo, Loud, 1828. 310 CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Lucretius (T.) De Rerum Natura, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 4 torn. 8vo, Loud. 1823. Manilius (M.) Astrouomicon, ex Edit. Bentleiana, cum notis in iisura Delphini, Svo, Lond. 1828. Martialis (M. Yal.) Epigramniata, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 torn. Svo, Lond. 1823. Maximus (Valerius) Factorum DictorunKjue INIomorabilium libri novcm, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 torn. Svo, Lond. 1823. Ovidius (P. N.) Opera Omnia, cur. et impr. A. J. Valpy, 9 torn. Svo, Lond. 1821. Panegyi'ici Veteres, ex Edit. Sclnvarzii et Arntzeniorum, cum uotis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, 4- torn. Svo, Lond. 1S28. Persius (A. F.) Opera Omnia, cur. et impr. A. J. Valpy, Svo, Lond. 1820. Pliaidrus (Aug. L.) Fabulse ^Esopise, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 torn. Svo, Lond. 1822. riautus (M. Accius) Comcedire, 4 torn. Svo, Lond. 1829. ^ riinius (C. Sec.) Historia Naturalis, fol. Hag-. 1518. Idem liber, 3 torn. Svo, Lugd. Bat. 16GS, Idem liber, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 14 torn, Svo, Lond. 1826. Epistolie, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1GG9. Panegyricus, Svo, Lugd. Bat. 1675. Propertius (S. A.) Opera Omnia, cur. et impr. A. J. Valpy, Svo, Lond. 1822. Prudeutius (Aurelius) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 torn. Svo, Lond. 1824. Sallustius (C. C.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 torn. Svo, Lond. 1820, Statins (P. Papinius) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 4 torn. Svo, Loud. 1824. Suetonius (C.) Opera Omnia, cur. et impr. A. J. Valpy, 4 torn. Svo, Loud. 1826. Tacitus (C. C.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 9 tom. Svo, Lond. 1821. Tibullus (Alb.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, Svo, Lond. 1822. Virgilius Maro (P.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 8 tom. Svo, Lond. 1819. CHAPTER Tir. GENERAL BIOGRAPHY. Alchemistical Philosophers, Lives of, 8vo, Lond. 1815. Armstrong (John) Memoir of his Life and Medical Opinions, by Francis Boott, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1833. Banks (Sir J.) Short Account of his Life and Writings, by Dr. Duncan, Sen. 8vo, Edin. 1821. Barclay (John) Introductory Lectures on Anatomy, with his Life, by Sir G. Ballintrall, 8vo, Edin. 1827. (2 copies. J Brownrig-g (Dr. Wm.) Literary Life of, by J. Dixon, 8vo, Whitehaven, 1801. Cartesii (R.) Vita, auct. Pet. Borello, Svo, Francof. 1676. Charlemont (Lord) Life of, by Francis Hardy, 4to, Lond. 1810. Cook (Capt.) Life of, by Andrew Kippis, 4to, Lond. 1788. Cullen (Wm.) An Account of his Life, Writings, and Lectures, by Dr. Thomson, Vol. I. Svo, Edin. 1S32. Curran (J. P.) Life of, by W. H. Curran, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1819. Cuvier (G.) Kecueil des Eloges Historiques, 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1819-30. Sketch of his Life and Writings, Svo, Lond. 1830. Davy (Sir H.) Life of, by Dr. Paris, 4to, Lond. 1831. Memoirs of his Life by his Brother, John Davy, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1836. Diogenes (Laertius) De Vitis, Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus clarorum Pliilosophorum, 4to, Amstelod. 1G92. Eminent Persons, Lives of, ext. in Library of Useful Knowledge, Svo, Lond. 1833. Good (J. M.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Dr. O. Gregory, Svo, Lond. 1828. Harris (James) Account of the Life and Character of, by the Earl of Malmesbury, Svo, Lond. 1803. Linnsus (Car.) General View of the Writings of, by R. Pultney, Svo, Lond. 1781. Millar (John) Account of his Life and W^-itings, by John Craig, Svo, Edin. 1806. 312 GENERAL BIOGRAPHY. TN'avarnis (J.) Tentamen de Arcliytie Tarcntini Vita atque Oporibiis, Pars I. 4 to, Hafnire, 1819. Newton (Sir Isaac) His Life, by Sir David Brewster, 12mo, Lond. 1836. Priestley (Joseph) INIemoirs of, by Himself, continued from 1795 by his Son, with Observations by Cooper and Christie, Vol. I. H. 8vo, Loud. 1805. Estimate of his Philosophical Character, by Dr. Henry, 8vo, York, 1832. Raeburn (Sir H.) Tribute of Regard to his Memory, by Dr. Duncan, Se7i. 8vo, Edin. 1824. f2 copies. J Reid (Dr.) Account of the Life and Writings of, by Dugald Stewart, 4to, Edin. 1803. Rubini (P.) Elogio Storico di, 8vo, Parma, 1822. Smitli (Sir Jas. Edward) Memoir and Correspondence of, edited by Lady Smith, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832. Thomas (General G.) Military Memoirs of, compiled and arranged by W. Francklin, 8vo, Lond. 1805. (For Works on Medical Biography, Vid. p. 209.) CHAPTER IV. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. I. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. Barton (Benj. S.) On some parts of Natural History, and on certain American Antiquities, Part I. 8vo, Lond. Belzoni (G.) Narrative of his Operations and Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1822, with a vol. of plates. Browne (Patrick) Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, fol. Lond. 1756. Bryant (Jacob) Observations relative to Ancient History, &c. 4to, Cam- bridge, 17G7. Caesar (C. J.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 5 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1819. Cagnazzi (L. S.) Ueber den Werth der Maassen und Gewichte der alteu Riimer, aus dem Italien. von Schonberg, 8vo, Copenhag. 1828. Collins (Lieut. Col.) Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 4to, Lond. 1801. Copland (Samuel) A History of the Island of Madagascar, Svo, Lond. 1822. Curtius (Q.) De rebus gestis Alexandri Magui, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 3 tom. 8vo, Lond. 1825. Davis (J. B.) More Subjects than one, principally connected with France and the French people, 2 vols, Svo, Lond. 1807. Edwards (Bryan) History of the West Indies, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1801. 2 R 314 GEOGRAPHY. Eutropius, Breviariiim Historias Roinanre, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 8vo, Lond. 1821. Floriis (L. Aniijeiis) Epitome Reriim Romanarum, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 torn. Svo, Lond. 1822. France, History of, ext. in Library of Useful Knowledge. Gibbon (E.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 12 vols. Svo, Loud. 1815. Greece, History of, ext. iii the Library of Useful Knowledge, Svo, Lond. 1829. Halliday (Sir A.) Present State of Portugal, and of the Portuguese Army, Svo, Edin. 1812. Humboldt (Alex, von) Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, 5 tom. Svo, Paris, 1811. The same book, translated by J. Black, 2 vols, with a vol. of plates, Svo, Lond. 1811. —— Researches concerning the Ancient Inhabitants of America, &c. translated by Miss H. M. AFilliams, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1815. Jefferson (T.) On the State of Virginia, Svo, Lond. 1787. Ksempfer (Engelbert) History of Japan, translated by J. C. Scheuchzer, 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1728. Kolben (Peter) On the Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, 2 vols. Svo, Lond. 1738. Livius (T.) Historiarum libri qui supersunt, ex Edit. G. A. Ruperti, cum notis, &c. in usum Delphini, 18 tom. Svo, Lond. 1828. Pernety (Don.) Sur rAme'rique et les Americains, 12mo, Berlin, 1770. Pinckard (George) Notes on the West Indies, 3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1806. Russel (Alex.) History of Aleppo, 4to, Lond. 1756. Sallustius (C. C.) Opera Omnia, cur. et imp. A. J. Valpy, 2 torn. Svo, Lond. 1820. Savary (M.) Lettres sur I'Egypte, 3 tom, Svo, Paris, 1786. Lettres sur la Grece, Svo, Paris, 1788. Southey (R.) History of Brazil, 3 vols. 4to, Lond, 1810-19. Spain and Portugal, History of, ext. in Library of Useful Knowledge, Svo, Lond. 1833. Tripoli, Narrative of a few years residence at, by the Sister-in-Law of R. Tully, Esq. the British Consul, 2d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1817. Volney (C. F.) View of America, Svo, Lond. 1804. Wentworth (W. C.) Description of the Colony of New South Wales, Svo, Lond. 1791. Wnnterbottom (Thos.) Account of the Africans at Sierra Leone, Svo, Lond. 1803. IL GEOGRAPHY. Anvillc (M. D') Complete Body of Ancient Geography, fol. Lond. 1764-71. 3 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 315 Hibbcrt (Sam.) Description of the Shetland Islands, 4to, Edin. 1822. Kitchin (T.) General Atlas, tbl. Lond. 1787. MaccuUoch (John) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, in- cluding that of the Isle of Man, &c. Vol. I. II. 8vo, Lond. 1819, Avith a vol. of plates and maps in 4to. Malte-Brun (M.) Universal Geography, 10 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1822-33. Murray (Hugh) Encycloptedia of Geography, 8vo, Edin. 1834. Niebuhr (R.) Description de 1' Arabic, 4to, Copenhag. 1773. Pitta (N. C.) Account of the Island of Madeira, 8vo, Lond. 1812. Playfair (James) Ne\v General Atlas, fol. Edin. 1824. Sanson (Nic.) Tables de la Geographic Ancienne et Nouvelle, fol. Paris, 1691. Sauer (Martin) Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to Northern Russia in 1785-94, by J. Billings, 4to, Lond. 1802. in. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Anson (Lord) Voyage round the AVorld in the Years 1730-44, 1.3th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1780, with Atlas of plates in 4to. Back (Capt.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1836. Barrow (John) Travels in China, 4to, Lond. 1804. Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa during the years 1797-98, 2 vols. 4to, Loud. 1801-1804. Barry (Martin) Account of his Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc in 1834, 8vo, Edin. 1836. Batuta (Ibn.) Travels, translated by the Rev. Samuel Lee, 4to, Land. 1828. Beechey (Capt. F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Strait, in 1825-28, 2 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1831. Beunet (George) Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China, 2 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1834. Beudant (F. S.) Voyage Mineralogique et Geologique en Hongrie pend- ant I'Annee 1818, 3 torn. 4to, Paris, 1822, avec Atlas in 4to. Bligh (W.) Voyage to the South Sea, 4to, Lond. 1792. Born (M. de) Voyage Mineralogique en Hongrie, 8vo, Paris, 1780. Broiighton (W. R.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, 4to, Lond. 1804. Brown (W. G.) Travels in Africa, Egvpt, and Syria, from 1792 to 1798, 4to, Lond. 1799. Bruce (James) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, 5 vols. 4to, Edin. 1790. Brunn-neer-gaard (J. C.) Journal du Dernier Voyage du Dolomieu dans les Alpes, 8vo, Paris, 1802. Buch (L. von) Ti'avels through Norway and Lapland, 4to, Lond. 1813. 31G VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Biirckhardt (J. L.) Travels in Niibia, 4to, Loncl. 1819. Burucs (Lieut. Alex.) Travels into Bokhara, 3 vols. 8vo, Lend. 1834. Byoo® (Tlios.) Travels in the French Republic, translated by Dr. Jones, l-2rao, Lond. 1800, Caldcleuo-h (A.) Travels in South America during the years 1819-21, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1825. Chardiu (Jean) Voyages en Perse et autres Lienx de I'Orieut, par Lan- ges, 10 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1811, avec Atlas in fol. Clapperton (H.) and Denham (D.) Travels in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822-24, 4to, Lond. 182G. Records of his late Expedition to Africa, by Richard Lander, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Clark (E. D.) Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, G vols. 4to, Camb. and Lond. 1810-23. Condamine (M. de la) Journal du Voyage a I'Equateur pourfaire mesure des 3 premiers Degres du Meridicn, 4to, Paris, 1751. Cooke (James) Voyage to the South Pole and round the World in 1772-75, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1784. and King (J.) Voyage to the Pacific Ocean in 1776-80, 3 vols. 4to, Lond. 1785, with plates in folio. Cook (John) Vovages and Travels in Russia, Tartary, and Persia, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1770. Dolomieu (Dc'odat de) Voyage aux Isles de Lipari, fait en 1781, 8vo, Paris, 1783. Journal de son Dernier Voyage aux Alpes, par Brunn-neer-gaard, Svo, Paris, 1802. Ellicot (And.) Journal, with Remarks on the Countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico, 4to, Philadelph. 1803. Ellis (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay in the years 1746-47, Svo, Lond. 1784. Ellis (Wm.) Polynesian Researches during a Residence of nearly 8 years in the Society and Sandwich Islands, 4 vols. 12mo, Lond. 1831. Eustace (John C.) Classical Tour through Italy in 1802, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1817. Ferber (Jo. Ja.) Travels through Italy in the 5^ears 1771-72, translated from the German by R. E. Raspe, 8vo, Lond. 1776. (2 copies.) Franklin (Sir John) Narrative of a .Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 2J, and 22, 4to, Lond. 1823. Hall (Basil) Voyage to the Eastern Seas, 3 vols. 12mo, Edin. 1827. Hasselquist (Fred.) Voyages and Travels in the Levant, 8vo, Lond. 1766. Hawkesn'orth (J.) Account of Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1773. Herriot ((lieo.) Travels through the Cauadas, 4to, Lond. 1807. Holland (Henry) Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, &c. 4to, Lond. 1815. Horneman (Fred.) Journal of his Travels from Cairo to Mourzook, 4to, Lond. 1802. Humboldt (Alex, von) Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, translated by Miss II. M. Williams 7 vols, in 6, 8vo, Lond. 1814-29. James (Ed.) Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains in 1819-20,3 vols. Svo, Lond. 1823. Kerr (Robert) General History of Voyages and Travels, 17 vols. Svo, Edin. 1811-16. Lander (Richard and John) Journal of an Expedition to explore the Course and Termination of the Niger, 3 vols. 12nio, Lond. 1832. VOYAGKS AND TRAVELS. 317 Levaillant (F.) Second Voyage dans I'lntericur do I'Afrique, 3 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1795. Lichtenstein (Henry) Travels in Africa, translated from the German by Anne Pluraptre, 2 vols. 4 to, Lond. 1812-15. The same book. Vol. II. 4to, Lond. 1815. LinnaMis (Car.) Lachesis Lappouica, a Tonr iu Lapland, edited by Smith, 8vo, Lond. 1811. Mackenzie (Sir George Stuart) Travels in Iceland, 4to, Edin. 1811. M'Leod (John) Voyage of the Alceste along the Coast of Corea to the Island of Le\vche\v, 8vo, Lond. 1818. Macculloch (J.) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, includ- ing that of the Isle of Man, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1819, with a vol. of plates and maps in 4to. Madden (R. R.) Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, and Palestine, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1829. Martius (C. F. P. von) and Spix (J. B. von) Travels in Brazil in 1817-20, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1824. Mulgrave (Phipps Lord) Journal of a Voyage towards the North Pole, 8vo, Lond. 1775. Niebuhr (R.) Description de 1' Arable, 4to, Copenhag. 1773. Pallas (P. S.) Voyages en Russie, et dans I'Asie Septentrionale, 1768-74, trad, par M. Gauthier de la Peyronie, 5 torn. 4to, Paris, 1789-93, avec un tome de planches. Park (Mungo) Travels in Africa in 1795-96-97, 2d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1799. Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa in 1805, with an Ac- count of his Life, 4to, Lond. 1815. Parry (Sir W. E.) Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in the years 1819-20, with Appendix and Supplement, 4to, Lond. 1821-24. Second Voyage, in 1823-24 and 25, 4to, Lond. 1825. — — Appendix to the Journal of a Second Voyage, 4to, Lond. 1825. Third Voyage, 1824-25, 4to, Lond. 1826. — — Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole in the year 1827, 4to, Lond. 1828. Pe'rouse (J. F. G. de la) Vovage round the World in 1785-86-87 and 88, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1798" Pinkerton (W.) General Collection of Voyages and Travels, 17 vols. 4to, Lond. 1808-14. Ray (John) Observations made in a Journey through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, 8vo, Lond. 1673. Ross (Sir John) Narrative of a Second Voyage in search of a North- West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the years 1829 to 1S33, 4to, Lond. 1835. Saintfond (B. F. de) Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1799. Saussure (H. B. de) Voyages dans Ics Alpes, 8 torn. 8vo, Geneve, 1787. Scoresby (Will. Juyi.) Account of the Arctic Regions, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1820. Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, 8vo, Edin. 1823. Shaw (Thomas) Travels in Barbary and the Levant, fol. Oxford, 1738. Smith (Sir Jas. E.) Sketch of a Tour on the Continent, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1807. Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Egypt, trans, from the French by Hunter, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1799. 318 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. • Spallanzani (Lazaro) Travels in the two Sicilies, &c. trans, from the Italian, 4 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1798. Sparmann (Andrew) Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and round the World, but chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffres, 1772-76, 2 vols. 12nio, Perth, 1789. Thunberof (Car. Petr.) Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 17901. Tournefort (Joseph Pitton) Voyage into the Levant, trans, by Ozell, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1718. Tuckey (Capt. J. K.) Narrative of an Expedition in 181G to explore the River Zaire in South Africa, 4to, Lond. 1818. Volney (C. F.) Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1799. Wallace (James) Voyage to India, 8vo, Lond. 1824. Weddel (James) Voyage towards the South Pole in the years 1822-24, 8vo, Loud. 1825. Wittman (William) Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, &c. 4to, Loud. 1803. Young (Arthur) Travels through France in 1787-89, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1797. CHAPTER V THE ARTS. Bell (Sir C.) On the Anatomy of Expression in Painting, 4to, Lond. 1806. Camper (Pierre) On the Connexion between Anatomy, Drawing, Paint- ing, &c. trans, by Dr. Cogan, 4to, Lond. 1794. Euler (Leon.) Tentamen Nova; Theoria? Musicae, 4to, Petrop. 1739. Grapaldus (Fr. Mar.) Lexicon do Partibus iEdiuni, 12mo, Lugd. 1535, So\>crby (James) New Elucidation of Colours, &c. 4to, Lond. 1809. PART IV. MISCELIiANIES. Chapter I. Agriculture and Horticulture, and Veter- inary Medicine. II. Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias. III. Transactions of Societies, Laws, &c. IV. Catalogues, Valuable Lists, &c. V. Journals, Reviews, &c. CHAPTER I. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE, AND VETERINARY ]\[EDICINE. I. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. Agriculture, Communications to the Board of, Vol. L-VII. 4to, Lond. 1804-13. of Westei'n Islands of Scotland, ext. in Macculloch's Description of them, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1819. and Gardening', Chronological List of Authors, principally English, who have written upon, ext. in Millar's Gardener's Dictionary, &c. Vol. I. p. 19. Bonardo (G. M.) Le Richezze dell' Agricoltura, 12mo, Venetia, 1590. Bryant (Charles) History of Esculent Plants, 8vo, Lond. 1783. Darwin (Erasmus) Phytologia, or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gar- dening, "ito, Lond. 1800. f2 copies.) Davy (Sir Humphrj') Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, 4to, Lond. 1813. Duhamel (Jo. B.) La Physique des Arhres, 4to, Paris, 1758. De I'Exploitation des Bois, 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1782. Traite des Arbres Fruitiers, 3 torn, 8vo, Paris, 1782. Duncan (And. Sen.) Discourse at the Annual Election Meeting of the Caledonian Horticultural Society in 1818, 8vo, Edin. 1819. Discourse read at the same Meeting in 1820, 8vo, Edin. 1820. Discourse read at the same Meeting in 1823, 8vo, Edin. 1823. 2S 322 VETERINARY MEDICINE. Dundonald (Earl of) On the Connection between Agriculture and Che- mistry, 4to, Loud. 1795. Evelyn (John) Sylva, M-ith Notes by Dr. A. Hunter, 2 vols. 4to, York, 1786. Fordyce (Geo.) Elements of Agriculture, 8vo, Lond. 1796. Hesselgren (N. L.) Pan Suecus, (Account of the Plants eaten by differ ent Animals in Sweden,) ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. II. p. 225. Iliort (J.) Plantae EsculentiB patriae, ext. in Linna?i Amcen. Acad. Tom. III. p. 74. Holland (Henry) Agriculture of Cheshire, 8vo, Lond. 1808. Home (F.) Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation, 12mo, Lond. 1776. Low (David) Elements of Practical Agriculture, 8vo, Edin. 1834. Millar (Philip) The Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, by Martin, 2 vols, (in four parts) fol. Lond, 1807. Mundy (H.) De Aere Vitali, Esculcntis et Potulentis, 8vo, Oxon. 1080. Naisniith (John) Elements of Agriculture, 8vo, Lond. 1807. Parmcntier (A.) llecherches sur les Vegetaux Nourrissans, 8vo, Paris, 1781. Sur la Culture et I'Usage des Pommes de Terre, 8vo, Paris, 1789. Phillips (II.) Companion for the Kitchen Garden, or History of Culti- vated Vegetables, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Plenck (Joseph. Jac.) Bromatologia, seu Doctrina de Esculentis et Potu- lentis, 8vo, Viennse, 1783. Scotland, Agriculture of, ext. in Statistical Account of Scotland, by Sir John Sinclair, 2t vols. 8vo, Edin. 1791-99, and New Statistical Ac- count of Scotland, 11 Parts 8vo, Edin. 1834-36. (unfinished.) Sinclair (Sir John) Account of the Systems of Husbandry in Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1813. Tenborg (J. C.) Hortus Culinaris, ext. in Linnsei Amcen. Acad. Tom. VII. p. 18. Weston (Richard) Universal Botanist and Nurseryman, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1770. H. VETERINARY MEDICINE. Blaine (D.) Outlines of the Veterinary Art, Svo, Lond. 1826. On the Diseases of Dogs, &c. Svo, Lond. 1824. Brocklesby (Richard) On the Mortality among Horned Cattle, Svo, Lond. 1746. Caius (Joannes) De Canibus Britannicis, ISmo, Lond. 1570. Clark (J.) On the Prevention of Diseases incidental to Horses, Svo, Edin. 1785. Clark (Bracy) On the Genus Oistrus, ext. in Linn. Trans. Vol. HI, p. 189. Coleman (Ed.) On the Foot of the Horse, Vol. II. 4to, Lond. 1802. VETERINARY MEDICINE. 323 Frank (Jo. Potr.) De Morbis Pecudum, Ticiiii, 1790, ext. in Frank. Delect. Tom. IX. p. 231. Idem liber, ext. iu Roemer. Opusc. Tom. I. p. 24<1. Horse, Anatomy and Diseases of the, ext. in Library of Useful Know- ledg^e, 8vo, Lond. 18.31. Lindecraiitz (E. M.) De Cane Familiari, ext. iu Linna^i Amoen. Acad. Tom. I V. p. 4,3. Mackenzie (Sir Geo. Stuart) On the Diseases and Management of Sheep, 8vo, Edin. 1809. Palmjeus (J) De Ove, ext. in Linnsei Amoen. Acad. Tom. IV. p. 1G9. Percival (W.) A Systematic Treatise on the Disorders and Lameness of the Horse, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1834. Peyerus (J. C.) De Ruminantibus, &c. 4to, Basil. 1685. (2 copies.) Snape (And.) Anatomy of the Horse, fol. Lond. 1683. Taplin (Wm.) Complete System of Farriery, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1791-93. Veterinary College, Transactions of, No. I. on Wounds of the Joints, 8vo, Lond. 1801. White (Charles) Natural History of the Cow relatively to the Produc- tion of Milk, 8vo, Warrington, 1785. CHAPTER II. DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPAEDIAS. I. GENERAL DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPEDIAS. Crabbe (George) Universal Technological Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1823. Dide'rot et d'Alembert, Encyclopedic, 17 torn. fol. Paris et Neufchatel, 1751-65. Recueil des Planches au raeme Ouvrage, Tom. I.-XI. Encyclopmdia Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 10 vols. 4to, Edin. 1778-83. Supplement to the 3d Edit. 2 vols, (bound in 3,) 4to, Edin. 1801. New Supplement, edited by Napier, Vol. I.-VI. 4to, Edin. 1815-24. The same book, 7tli Edit, edited by Napier, 78 Parts, 4to, Edin. 1830-3G. (unfinished.) Encyclvpoidia, Edinburgh, edited by Brewster, 18 vols. 4to,Edin. 1805-30. Pantulof/ia, a New Cyclopaedia, by Good, Gregory, and Bosvvorth, with engravings, 12 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1813. Rees (Dr. A.) New Cyclopaedia, 39 vols. 4to, Lond. 1819. Plates to the same book, 6 vols. 4to, Lond. 1819. — — Catalogue and Analysis of the plates. DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPAEDIAS. 325 II. DICTIONARIES OF VARIOUS LANGUAGES. Ainsworth (Robert) Dictionary of the Latia Language, by Morell, 4to, Lond. 1808. Baretti (Joseph) Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1771. Chambaud (Louis) Nouveau Dictionnaire Fran9ais, &c. 2 torn. 4to, Lond. 1805. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran9aise, 5me Edit. 2 torn. 4to, Paris, 1814. Gesner (J. M.) Thesaurus Linguae LatiniE, 4 torn, (in 2 compact.) folio, Lipsiie, 1789. Hedericus (Benj.) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, 4to, Loud. 1803. Jamieson (John) Dictionary of the Scottish Language, 2 vols. 4to, Edin. 1808. Johnson (Samuel) Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1785. Ludwig (C.) A Dictionary, German, English, and French, 2 vols. 4to, Leipsic, 179 J. Meursius (Joann.) Glossarium Grseco-Barbarum, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1614. III. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES. Bayle (Peter) Dictionary, Historical and Critical, 2d Edit. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1734. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire, &c, 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1814. Chaufepie (J. G. de) Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, pour servir de Supplement a celui de Bayle, 4 tom. fol. Anist. 1750-56. Watt (Robert) Bibliotheca Britannica, a General Index to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols. 4to, Edin. 1824. (For Works on Medical Bibliography, Vid. pp. 203.4. 32C DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPAEDIAS. IV. DICTIONARIES OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bomare (M. V.) Dictionnaire Raisoune Universel d'Histoire Naturelle, 15 torn. 8vo, Lyon, 1791. BuUiard (M.) Dictionnaire Elementaire de la Botanique, fol. Paris, 1793. Montajru (S.) Ornithological Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1802. Supplement to the same, 8vo, Lond. 1813. Nemnich (Phil. And.) AUgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Natur- geschichte, 5 torn. 4to, Hamb. 1793-93. Sciences Naturelles, Dictionnaire des, 5 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1804-G. Atlas au meme Ouvrage, Li v. I. II. ^to. V. DICTIONARIES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. A. PBACTICAL MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCE GENERALLY Blancardus (Steph.) Lexicon Medicum Renovatum, 8vo, Lugd. Bat. 1757. (2 copies.) Copland (James) Dictionary of Practical Medicine, Parts I. II. and III. 8vo, Lond. 1832-35. Cyclopcedia of Practical Medicine, by Forbes, Tvveedie, and ConoUy, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1832-35. Doloeus (J.) Encyclopedia Medicince Theoretico-Practicre, 4to, Amstelod. 1686. EncyclopCdie Methodique, Pharmacie, Chimie, et Metallurgie, 3 toni. 4to, 1786-96. Chirurgie, 3 torn. 4to, Paris, 1790-99. Medecine, 7 torn. 4to, Paris, 1787-9S. Helian (M.) Dictionnaire dii Diagnostic, 12mo, Paris, 1771. Hooper (Robert) Medical Dictionary, 5th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1825. Medecine, Dictionnaire de, 2 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1821-28. Medecine et Chirurgie Pratique, Dictionnaire de, 13 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829-36. 2 DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPEDIAS. 327 Motberby (G.) Medical Dictionary, fol. Lond. 1775. Nemnicb (1'. A.) Lexicon Nosologicum-Polyglottum, fol. Hamb. 1801. Nysten (P. H.) Dictionnairc de Me'decinc, 8vo, Paris, 1814. Parr (B.) London Medical Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1809. Sciences MMicales, Dictionnairc des, 60 vols. Bvo, Paris, 1812-22. Turton (W.) Medical Glossary, 4to, Lond. 1797. B. PARTICULAR BRANCHES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Aikin (A. and C. R.) Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1807. Appendix to the same, 4to, Lond. 1814. Anatomic et Physiologic, Dictionnairc Raisonne de, 2 torn. 12rao, Paris, 1766. Cooper (Sam.) Surgical Dictionary, 8vo, Lond. 1809. The same book, 3d Edit. 1818. The same book, 6th Edit. 1830. Drogues, Dictionnairc des, 5 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1827-29. Keir (J.) First Part of a Dictionary of Chemistry, 4to, Birraiug. 1789. Klaproth et Wolff, Dictionnairc dc Chimie, trad, par Lagrange et Vogel, 4 tom. 8vo, Paris, 1810. Lemery (N.) Dictionnairc des Drogues Simples, 4to, Rotterdam, 1726. Macquer (M.) Dictionnairc de Chimie, 2 tom. 12mo, Paris, 1766. (2 copies.) The same book, translated, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1777. Merat (F. V.) et Dc Lens (J. A.) Dictionnairc Universel de Matiere Medicale, 6 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1829-36. Ure (A.) Dictionary of Chemistry, 8vo, Lond. 1821. The same book, 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1831. VL MISCELLANEOUS. Grapaldus (Fr. Mar.) Lexicon de Partibus Aedium, 12mo, Lugd. 1535. Huttou (C.) Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1796. Millar (Philip) The Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, by Martyn, 2 vols, in 4 parts, folio, Lond. 1807. CHAPTER III. TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, &c. OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. I. SOCIETIES WITH GENERAL SCIENTIFIC OBJECTS. Academia Caesarea Naturae Curiosorum: Miscellanea Curiosa Medico- Physica, sive Ephemerides Germanicae, Decuria I. Anni 1-10, 7 torn, 4to, Lips. Jen. Francof. Vratisl. et Bregie, 1G70-80. Ejusdem libri Dec. II. Anni 1-9, 7 torn. 4to, Norimb. 1683-91. Academia Electoralis Theodoro-Palatina. Historia et Comment. Scientiarura et Elegantiorum Literarum, Tom. l.-II. 4to, Manhcm. 1766-70. Tom. III.-V. Pars Historica, 1773-83. Tom. III.-V. Pars Physica, 177.5-84. Academia Scientiarmu Imperialis Petropolitana. Comraentarii, Ann. 1726-46, 16 torn. 4to, Pctropol. 1728-51. Novi Commentarii, Ann. 1747-71, 16 torn. 4to, 1750-72. Acta Ann. 1777-81, 10 tom. 4to, 1778-85. Academia llcrjia Scientiarum Tuurinensis. Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica, Societ. Privat. Taurin. Tom. I. 4to, Aug. Taur. 1759. Melanges de Pliilosophie et de Mathematiqiie do la Soc. ^oy, de Turin, tom. II-III, 4to, Turin, 1760-65. TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, &C. OF SOCIETIES. 329 Meraoires dc I'Acad. Roy. des Scicn. de Turin. Tom. I-IV. 4to, Turin, 1784-89. Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Letlres de Berlin. Miscellanea Berolinensia, 4 torn, in 2, 4-to, Berol. 1710-27. Memoires, Annees 1744-G9, 10 torn. 12mo, Avignon et Paris, 1768-74. Nouveaux Me'moires, Annees 1777-9G, 14 torn. 4to, Berlin, 1779-99. Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris. Ilistoire et Memoires de 1', Annees 16G6-1774, 144 tomes, 12mo, Paris et Amsterd. 1706-79 : Tom. I-XLIV. Annees 1666-1731. Tom. XLV-XCVI. Ann. 17.31-53. Tom. XCVII-CXLIV. Ann. 1754-74. Le meme livre, Annees 1775-90, 16 tomes, 4to, Paris, 1778-97. Table Geuerale des Matieres, Ann. 1699-1734, 3 torn. 12mo, Amsterd. 1741. Tom. IV. pour les Annees 1735-51, 12mo, Amsterd, 17G0. Tom. v.— VI. Ann. 1751-60, 1761-70, par Demours, 12rao, Paris, 1779. Philoso])hical History and Memoirs of, or Abrido;ement of all the Papers relating to Natural Philosophy published by Members, 1699-1719, by Martin and Chambers, 5 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1742. Memoires de ITnstitut National des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts; Sciences Morales et Politiques, Tom. I-V. 4to, Paris, 1798-1804. Litterature et Beaux Arts, Tom. I-V. ib. Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, Tom. I-XIV. 1798-1818. Histoires et Memoires de I'lnstit. Royal de France; Classe d'Histoire et de Litterature Ancienne, Tom. I-IV. 4to, Paris, 1815-18. Acad, des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Tom. V-VI. 1821-22. Tom. VI I- VII I. 1824-27. Memoires de I'Acad. Roy. des Scien. de ITnstitut de France, pour les Anne'es 1810-32, Tom. I-XI. 4to, Paris, 1818-32. Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, pre'sentes par divers Savans a I'Acad. Roy. des Scien. Anr.ees 1750-86, 11 torn. 4to, Paris. f2 copies. J Mem. par div. Savans, 2 tom. 4to, Paris, 1805-11. Me'm. par div. Savans, Tom. I-III. 4to, Paris, 1827-32. Academie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm. Medical Cases and E.xperiments communicated to the Academy, trans. 8vo, Lond. 1758. Memoires, abreges et traduits par M. de Keralio, 4to, Paris, 1772. Academie Royale de Medecine, Memoires de 1', Tom. I-IV. 4to, Paris, 182S-.35. Academy, American, of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs of, Vol. I. 4to, Boston, 1785. Academy, Royal Irish, Transactions of the, Vol. I-XII. 4to, Dublin, 1787-1815. Acta Academiar. vel Societ. Vide Academia vel Societas. Acta Eruditorum Lipsiensium, 29 tom. 4to, Lips. 1682-1710. Idem liber, Anni 1682-83; 1685-92; et 1708; 11 tom. 4to. Supplementa, 3 tom. 4to, 1692-1702. Eorund. libr. Indices Generales, 2 torn. 4to, Lips. 1693-1704. Acta Nova, 4to, Lips. 1746. Asiatic Researches, Vol. I-XF, 8vo, Lond. 1798-1812. 9 T 330 TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, ScC OF SOCIETIES. British Association, Report of tlic 1st, 2d, 3d, and -Itli Meetings of the, Vol. I.-llI. Rvo, Loud. 1833-36. Societas Regia Scientiarum Gottingensis : Commentarii, Ann. 1751-54, 3 torn. 4to, Gottin^r. 1 752-54. Novi Commentarii, Ann. 1770-77, 8 torn. 4to, Gotting-. et Goth. 1771-78. Commentationes, Ann. 1778-82, 5 torn. 4to, Gotting. 1779-83. Idem liber, deficiente Tom. II. Societas Taurinensis. Vide Acadeinia. Societas Regia Scieniiannn Upsaliensis : Nova Acta, 4 torn, (in 2 com- pact.) 4to, Upsal. 1773-8i. Socit'tt' fVAi-cueil : Memoires de Physique et de Chimie, Tom. I. -111. 8vo, Paris, 1807-17. Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, Me'moires de, Tom. I. 4to, Geneve, 1821. Societe des Sciences Physiques de Lausanne, Memoires de, Ann. 1783- 88, 3 tom. 4to, Lausanne, 1784-90. Societe Royale des Sciences de Montpellier : Histoire, avec Mem. de Mathemat. et de Physique, Tom. I. 4to, Lyon, 1766. Society, American Philosophical, Transactions of. Vol. I.-V. 1769-97, 4to, Philad. 1771-1802. Society, Cambi-idge Philosophical, Transactions of. Vol. 1. 4to, Cambridge, 1822. Society, Royal of Edinburgh, Transactions of, Vol. I-XIIl. 4to, Edin. 1788-1836. Society, Royal, of London. Philosophical Transactions, published by the various Secretaries of the Society, 4to, Lond. Vol. 1.— III. 16G5-66. Vol. v.— X. 1670-75. Vol. XII. 1683. Vol. XIV. 1684. Vol. XV.— XVI. 1685-86. Vol. XXXI.— XXXIII. 1720-25. Vol. XXXVI. 1729-30. Vol. XLI.-XLIII. 1739-45. Pliilosophical Transactions, now first published under the Direction of the Society, 4to, Lond. Vol. XLVII.— LXIII. 1751-73. Vol. LXIV.— XCIV. 1774-1804. Vol. XCV.— CXIX. 1805-29. Abridgement of Philosophical Transactions, Vol. I. — III. 1665-1700, by Lowthorp, 2d Edit. 4to, Lond. 1733. Vol. IV.— V. 1700-20, by Jones, 4to, Lond. 1721. Vol. VI, 1720-32, by lleid and Gray, 4to, Lond. 1733, (bound in 2.) Vol. X. 1743-50, by Martyne, 4to, Lond. 1756, (bound in 2.) Abridgement of Philosophical Transactions, from the year 1665-1800, by Hutton, Shaw, and Pearson, 18 vols. 4to, Lond. 1803-9. Medical Essays and Observations, abridged from the Philosoph. Trans. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1745. Index to the Medical Papers, &c. in the Phil. Trans, from their commencement to 1814, 4to, Lond. 1814. The same book, to the year 1817, 4to, Lond. 1818. History of, by Thomas Sprat, 4to, Lond. 1667. History of, by T. Birch, 4 vols. 4to, Lond. 1780. History of, by Thomas Thomson, 4to, Lond. 1812. TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, &C. OF SOCIETIES. 331 Society for Philosophical Experiments and Conversations, Minutes of, 8vo, Lond. 1795. Society, Yorkshire Philosophical, Report of, &c. 8vo, York, 1826. II. SOCIETIES FOR CULTIVATING MEDICAL SCIENCE. Academic Royale de Chirurgie de Paris, Menaoires de 1', 5 torn. 4to, Paris, 1743-74. Acta Medicorum Suecicorum, Tom. I. Svo, Upsal. Holm, et Abo, 1783. Apothecaries, Associated, of England and ^Vales, Transactions of, Svo, Lond. 1823. Association, Provincial Medical and Surgical, Transactions of, Vol. I.— IV. 8vo, Lond. 1833-36. College, Kings and Queen's, of Physicians in Ireland, Transactions of Fellows of. Vol. I.— V. Svo, Dublin, 1817—28. The same book, new Series, Vol. I. Part I. Svo, Dublin, 1830. College of Physicians in Philadelphia, transactions of, Vol. I. Part I. Svo, Phil. 1793. College, Royal, of Physicians in London, Medical Transactions, Vols. ].-— VL Svo, Lond. 1768-1820. Vols. I. II. IV. and V. Svo, Lond. 1768-1815. Vol. III. (imperfect) 1775. College, Royal, of Surgeons in London, Bye-laws, Rules, and Ordin- ances of, Svo, Lond. 1817. College, Royal, of Physicians in Edinburgh, Laws, &c. of, Svo, Edin. 1829. College, Royal, of Surgeons in Edinburgh, Laws, &c. of, Svo, Edin. 1831. College, Royal, of Surgeons in Ireland, Extracts from Bye-laws of, 12mo, Dublin, 1829. College, Veterinary, Transactions of, No. I. On Wounds of the Joints, Svo, Lond. ISOl. Societe de Mcdecine, Chirurgie, et Pharmacie de Bruxelles, Actes de, Tom. I. Svo, Bruxelles, 1797-99. Societe de Santi de Lyon, Recueil des Actes de, depuis 1792-96, Svo, Lyon, 1798. Societe de Medecine Pratique de Montpellier : Annales Cliuiques, 44 torn. Svo, Montpellier, 1803-17. Le meme livre, lime serie, 9 torn. Svo, Moutp. 1818-20. Annales Cliniques Nouvelles, Tom. I. — III. 8vo, Montp. 1822. Histoire et Actes, 1804-6, 4to, Moutp. 1804-7. Hist, et Me'moires, 8vo, Mont. 1816. Societe Medicate de la Nouvelle- Orleans, Pre'cis Analytique des Ti-avaux de la, par J. G. Taillefer, Svo, Nouv.-Orleans, 1818. Societe Medicate d'Enmlation de Paris, Mcmoires de, 5 tom. Svo, Paris, 1798-1803. 332 thansactions, laws, &c. of societies. SocicL' de 3Iedecine de Paris : Recueil Periodiqiie on Journ. General do Medecine, de Chirurgie, et de Pliarmacie, Tom. I. — XXXV. 8vo, Paris, 179G-1809. Recueil Periodiqiie de Litterature Medicale Etrangere, ou Supple- ment au nienie, Tom I. — II. 8vo, Paris, 1799. Table dos Matieres couteuues dans les 17 premiers volumes, et dans les 2 de Supplement, par J. Bourges, 8vo, Paris, 1803. Societc Royale de Mcdccine de Paris; Histoire et Memoires, Ann. 1776-88, Tom. I.— IX. le 6me manq. 4to, Paris, 1779-90. Le meme livre, Memoires, 2de partie du tome pour I'Aun. 1783, 4to, Paris, 1780. Le meme livre, Hist, et Mem. Society, BIcdical and Plufsical of Calcutta, Transactions of. Vol. I. — V. 8vo, Calcutta, 1825-31. Society, Medical of Edinburgh ; Commentaries on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, MS. 4 vols. fol. 1707-98. Dissertations on Medical and Philosophical subjects, MS. fol. Vol. I.— XCIX. 1751-1830. Alphabetic Index to Names of Authors, MS. Alphabetic Index to Subjects treated of, MS. Laws of, 8vo, Edin. 1832. List of Members of, 8vo, Edin. 1S35. History of, by W. Stroud, M. D. 8vo, Edin. 1821. (2 copies.) Alphabetical Catalogue of its Library, 8vo, Edin. 1832. Catalogue Raisonne of its Library, 8vo, Edin. 1837. Society, Medical of London ; Memoirs, 6 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1787-1805. The same book, Vol. II. Transactions, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1810-17. Society, Medical and Chirurgical of London ; Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. I.— XIX. 8vo, Lond. 1812-35. The same book. Vol. I.— IX. dup. Vol. VI. Society of Physicians in London, Medical Observations and Inquiries by, 3d Edit. vols. 8vo, Lond. 1763-84-. Society, Medico-Chirurgical of Edinburgh, Transactions of. Vol. I — III. 8vo, Edin. 1824-29. Society in Edinburgh, Medical Essays and Observations by a, 4th Edit. vols. 12mo, 1752. The same book, 5th Edit. 1771. Society, Massachusetts Medical, Communications to, 2 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1808-13. Society for Lnproving Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge, Transac- tions of. Vol. I.— in. 8vo, Lond. 1793-1812. Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge ; Medical Communications, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1784-90. III. SOCIETIES FOR CULTIVATING NATURAL HISTORY. Museum d'llistore Nuturelle, Annales du, 20 torn. 4to, Paris, 1802-13. Museum d' Histoire Naturclle, Memoires du, 19 torn. 4to, Paris, 1815-30. TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, &C. OF SOCIETIES. 333 Society, Royal Geological, of Cornwall, Transactions of, Vol. I. — II. 8vo, Lond. 1818-22. Society, Geological of London; Transactions, 1st Series, 5 vols. 4to, Lond. 181 1-21, with 5 vols, of plates and maps in 4to. The same book, 2d Series, Vol. I. — 111. 4to, Lond. 1821-35. Society, Linneun, Transactions of, Vol. L — XVI. ito, Lond. 1791-183.3. Society, Plinian, of Edinburgh, Abstract of Proceedings of, 8vo, Edin. 1828. Society, Wernerian of Edinburgh, Transactions of. Vol. I. — VI. 8vo, Edin. 1808-32. Society, Zoological of London, Transactions of, Vol. I. 4to, Lond. 1835-36. IV. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES. Society, Literary and Philosophical of Manchester, Memoirs of the, 5 vols, in 7, 8vo, Manchest. 1785-1802. The same book, second series, Vol. I.-II. 1805-13. Society, Philosophical in Edinburgh, Physical and Literary Essays and Oltservations by a, 3 vols. 8vo, 1754-71. (2 copies.) Society, Phrenological of Edinburgh, Report of its Proceedings, 8vo, Edin. 1821, Transactions, Vol. I. Edin. 1824. Society, Phrenological of Paris, Prospectus of, 8vo. CHAPTER IV CATALOGUES, VALUABLE LISTS, &c. I. CATALOGUES OF BOOKS. A. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LISTS OF BOOKS ON PARTICULAR SUBJECTS. Bayle (Pet.) Historical and Critical Dictionary, 2d Edit. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1734. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire, &c. 4 torn. 8vo, Paris, 1814. Fabricius (J. A.) Bibliotheca Latina, Ed. Ernesti, 3 torn. Svo, Lipsise, 178.3. Goetz (J. C.) Catalogus Scriptorum Stahlii et Stalilianorum, 4to, Korim- berg-. 17-29. Haller (Albert, von) Bibliotheca Botanica, 2 torn. 4to, Lond. 1771. — — Bibliotheca Anatomica, 2 torn. 4to, Tigur. 1774. Bibliotheca Medico-Practica, 3 torn. 4to, Bern. 177G. LinnKus (Car.) Bibliotheca Botanica, 12mo, Amst. 1736. Ploucquet (G. G.) Initia Bibiiothccae Medico-Practicae et Chirurgica>, 8 torn. 4to, Tubing. 1793-97. Supplementa luitiorum Bibliothecae Medico-Practicae, 2 torn. 4 to. Tubing. 1799-1800. ■ Literatura Medica Digesta, 4 torn. 4to, Tubing. 1808-9. — — Literature Med. Digest. Supplementum I. 4to, Tubing. 1814. CATALOGUES, LISTS, &C. 335 Watt (Robert) Bibliotheca Britannica, or General Index to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols. 4to, Ediii. 1824'. Young (Tlios.) Introduction to Medical Literature and Practical Noso- loo-y, 8vo, Lond. 1813. f2 copies. J The same book, 2d Edit. 1823. B. CATALOGUES OF PARTICULAR LIBRARIES. Academia; Jac. VI. Edinensis, Catalogus Librorum ad Rem Medicam spectantium in Bibliotheca, 8vo, Edin. 1798. Advocates, Faculty of, Catalogue of their Library, 3 vols. fol. Edin. 1742-1807. Banks (Sir J.) Catalogus Bibliothecte ejus Historico-Naturalis, a Drj'an- der, 4 torn, 8vo, Lond, 1798. Collegii Reg. Med. Edinensis, Catalogus Bibliothecse, 8vo, Edin. 1793. CoUegii Reg. Med. Londinensis, Catalogus Bibliothecse, 8vo, Lond. 1757. Institution, Roj'al, of Great Britain, Catalogue of the Library of, by W. Harris, 8vo, Lond. 1809. Society, Medical, of Edinburgh, Catalogue of its Library, Svo, Edin. 1832. Catalogue Raisonne of the same, Svo, Edin. 1837. Catalogue of Inaugural Dissertations in the Library of, arranged ac- cording to the names of Authors, 4to, MS. Catalogus Method. Dissert, ad Rem Medicam spectantium in Bibl. Societ. Med. Edin. MS. auctore J. F. M'Farlane. IL CATALOGUES OF COLLECTIONS OF NATURAL HISTORY. Institution, Royal, of Great Britain, Descriptive Catalogue of British Specimens in its Geological Collection, 8vo, Lond. 1816. Daubenton (M.) Description du Cabinet du Roi, contenue dans I'llistoire Naturelle de Buffon, 25 tom. 12mo, Paris, 1750-78. Raab (M. de) Catalogue Raisonne' de la Collection des Fossiles de, par Born, 2 tom, Svo, Vienne, 1790. 33G CATALOGUES, LISTS, &C. III. CATALOGUES OF COLLECTIONS OF ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS. Army Medical Department, Chatham, Catalogue of the Museum of, Svo, Lend. 1833. Bartholometv s Hospital, London, Catalogue of Preparations in the Museum of, 4to, Lond. 1831. Bonn (A.) Descriptio Thesauri Ossium Morbosorum Hoviaui, fol. Amste- lod. N. D. Guy''s Hospital, Loudon, Catalogue of Anatomical Museum of, by T. Hodgkiu, 8vo, Lond. 1829. Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Account of, by J. Laskey, Svo, Glasgow, 1813. Hunterian Collection in the Musuem of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, Catalogue of, 3 vols. 4to, Lond. 1830-36. University of Edinburgh, Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of, 8vo, Edin. 1831. Musei Anatom. Ruyschiani Catalogus, 4to, Amst. 1091, cxt. in Ruysch. Obs. Anat. Chirurg. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Catalogue of their Museum, Part I. Pathology, 8vo, Edin. 1835. Worm (Olaus) Museum Wormianum, cura Filii, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1G55. CHAPTER V JOURNALS, REVIEWS, &c. I. MEDICINE. A. MEDICAL SCIENCE GENERALLY. Annali Universali di Medicina, compilati da Signer Dottore Omodei, Vol. LXXVIII.-LXXIX. 8vo, Milaoo, 1836, Annals of Medicine, hy Drs. Duncan, Sen. and ./wn. 8 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1796-1801. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, Vols. I.-II. for 1816-17, 8vo, Lond. 1817-18. Archives Generales de Me'decine, Tom. I.-XXX.8vo, Paris, 1823-32. Le merae livre, lime Serie, Tom. I.-XI. 8vo, Paris, 1833-36. Bulletins de I'EcoIe de Medecine de Paris, Tom. I.-VI. Svo, Paris, 1804-19. Commentaries, Medical and Philosophical, by Dr. A. Duncan, 20 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1773-95. Dublin Hosjntal Reports and Communications in Medicine and Surgery, Vol. I.-V. 8vo, Dublin, 1818-30. Ephemerides Medicales de Montpellier, Tom. I.-IX. Svo, Montpellier, 1826-28. Guy's Hospital Iteports, No. I.-III. Svo, Lond. 1836. Gaxette Saiutaire, 4to, Bouillon, 1780-83. Gazette de Sante, 4to, Paris, 1780-81. Gazette, the London Medical, Vol. I— XVIII. Svo, Lond. 1827-36. 2u 338 JOURNALS, revIews, &c. Juurnal, the Dublin, of Medical aud Chemical Science, Vol. I. — X. 8vo, Dublin, 1832-3G. Journal Complementaire du Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales, Tom. I.— XXXVII. 8vo, Paris, 1818-30. Journal, the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical, Vol. I. — XLVI, 8vo, Edin. 1805-30. Index to the 19 drst vols, of, 8vo, Edin. 1824. Journal, the Edinhurrih, of Medical Science, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1826-27. Journal, the Glasgow Medical, 4 vols. 8vo, Glasn'ow, 1828-31. Journal, the London Medical, II vols. 8vo, Loud. 1781-90. Journal, the New London Medical, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1792-93. Journal, the London Medical and Physical, Vol. I. — LXII. 8vo, Lond. 1799-1829. Journal, the London Medical and Surgical, Vol. I. — III. 8vo, Lond. 1828-29. Journal, ou Recueil Periodique d'Observations de Medecine, de Chirur- g'le, et de Pharniacie, par Vandermoude, Koux, Dumangin, et Baclier, Tom. I.— XXXV^ 12mo, Paris, 1745-71. Le memelivre, Tom. L[II,—XCILl2mo, Paris, 1780-92. Journal de Medecine, Chirurgie, Pliarmacie, &c. par Corvisart, Leroux, et Boyer, Tom. 1.— XL. 12mo, et 8vo, Paris, 1803-17. Journal Nouveau de Medecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, &c. par Beclard, Chomel, Cloquet, Magendie, Orlila, et Rostan, Tom. I. — XV. 8vo, Paris, 1818-22. Journal des Progre's des Sciences et Institutions Medicales en Europe et Amerique, &c. Ire Serie, 18 torn. (I'elies en 9), 8vo, Paris, 1827-29. Le meme livre, Ilme Serie, Tom. I. — III. 8vo, Paris, 1830. Journal and Review, the Medico- Chirurgical, by Shearman, Johnson, and Palmer, 4 vols. 8vo, Lend. 181G-17. The same book, new series, by Johnson, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1818-20. The same book, analytical series, Vol. I. — XIII. 8vo, Lond, 1821-28. The same book. Vol. XIV.— XXV. 1829-36. Journal, the New England, of Medicine and Surgery, No. II. of Vol. V. 8vo, Boston, IS 16. Journal, the Quarterly, of Foreign Medicine and Surgery, &c. Vol. I. 11- 8vo, Lond. 1818-20. Lancet, The, Vol. I.— XXIX.8vo, Lond. 1824-36. Magazin, fiir die gesammte Heilkunde, von Dr. J. N. Rust, Band XVI.— XXVII. 8vo, Berlin, 1824-29. Repertoire, Generale d' Anatomic et de Physiologic Pathologiques, &c. Tom. I.— VIII. 4to, Paris, 1826-29. Repertoriiim, Allgemeines der gesammten Deutschen Medizinisch-Chi- rurgischen Journalistik, herausgeg. von C. F. Kleinert, Jahrgang II.— X. 1828-36, mit Supplement-Heft fiir 1829, und General Regis- ter. Leipzig. ^ Extrablatt, iibcr Cholera Orientalis, 4 Hefte, Leipzig, 1831-32. Repository, London Medical, Vol. I. — XX. 8vo, Lond. 1814-23. The same book. New Series, 1824-25, 3 vols. The same book, New Series, 1825-28, 6 vols. Repository, ^IgAxcA of New York, Vol. I.— IV. 2d Edit. 8vo, New York, 1800. Review, Foreign Medical, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1779. Review and Magazine, London Medical, Vol. I. — VIII. 8vo, Lond. 1799- 1802. Review, London Medical, Vol. I. — V. 8vo, Lond. 1808-12. 5 JOURNALS, REVIEWS, &C. " 339 Review, Medical and Chirurgical, Vol. I. — III. 8vo, Lond. 1795-97. Review, Medico- Chirurgical, Vid. supra Journal and Review, the Medico- Chirurgical. Review and Register, Annual Medical, by a Society of Pliysicians, Vol. I.-II. Svo, Lond. 1809-10. Revue Medicale, Historique, et Philosophique, Tom. I. — VI. Svo, Paris, 1820-21. Review, British and Foreign Medical, Vol. I. — II. Svo, Loud. 18.35-36. B. PARTICULAR BRANCHES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Journal de Physiologie, jmr Magendie, Tom. I. — X. Svo, Paris, 1821-30. Zeitschrift t'iir Physiologie, von F. Tiedemann, Band I. — V, 4to, Heidelb. uud Leipzig, 1824-3G. Journal de Chirurgie, par Desault, 4 torn. Svo, Paris, 1791-92. Journal de Pharmacie et des Sciences Accessoires, Tom. I. — XXII. Svo, Paris, 1815-36. Journal du Galvanisme, de la Vaccine, &c. redigd par Nauche, Tom. I.— II. Svo, Paris, 1S03. Gazette, the Cholera, Nos. I.— VI. Svo, Lond. 1832. II. CHEMISTRY. Annates de Chimic, Tom. I.— XCVI. Svo, Paris, 1789-1815. Table geue'rale des Matieres et des Auteurs dans les 30 premiers volumes, Svo, 1801. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Tom. I. — LXI. Svo, Paris, 1816-36. Journal, the Chemical, by Crell, trans, from the German, Vol. I. — III. Svo, Lond. 1791-93. Journal, the Dublin, of Medical and Chemical Science, Vol. I. — X. Svo, Dublin, 1832-36. III. MINING. Annales des Mines, Tom. I. — II. Svo, Paris, IS 17. Journal des Mines, Tom. HI.— XXXVllI. Svo, Paris, 1794-1815. 340 JOURNALS, REVIEWS, &C. IV. NATURAL HISTORY, GENERAL SCIENCE, AND GEOGRAPHY. Annates des Sciences Natwelles, Tom. I. — XXX. 8vo, Paris, 1824-36, Le meme livre. He Serie, Zoologie, Tom. I. — V. 8vo, Paris, 1834<-36. Botauique, Tom. I.-V. 8vo, Paris, 1831-36. Annals of Philosophy, by Dr. Thomson, Vol. I. — XVI. 8vo, Lond. 1813-20. New Series, by R. Philips, Vol. I.— XII. 8vo, Lond. 1821-26. Vid. Philosophical Magazine infra. Journal, the American, of Science and Arts, by Silliman, Vol. XII. — XXX. 8vo, New-Haven, 1827-36. Journal, the Dublin Philosophical, 2 vols. 8vo, Dublin, 1825-26. Journal, the Edinburgli, of Natural and Geographical Science, 3 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1830-31. Journal, Edinburgh Philosophical, edited by Brewster and Jameson, H- vols. 8vo, Edin. 1819-26. Journal, Edinburgh New Philosophical, edited by Jameson, Vol. I — XXI. 8vo, Edin. 1826—36. Journal, the Edinburgh of Science, by Brewster, 1st Series, 10 vols. 8vo, Edin. 1824-29. New Series, 6 vols.*8vo, Edin. 1829-32. Journals of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1802. Journal oi the Royal Institution, Vol. I. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Journal, Nicholson's, of Natural Philosophy, &c. 3 vols. 4to, Lond. 1797-1802. The same book, New Series, 36 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1802-13. Magazine, Philosophical, by Tilloch. Vol. I.— LVIIL 8vo, Lond. 1798-1821. Vol. III. 1799. The same book, New Series, or Annals of Philosophy, by Taylor and Philips, Vol. I-.— X. 1827-31. The same book, New Series, by Brewster, Taylor, and Philips, Vol. I.— X. 8vo, Lond. 1832-36. Naturalist's Miscellany, Vol. I.— XXL 8vo, Lond. 1790. JOURNALS, REVIEWS, &C. 341 V. GENERAL LITERATURE. Athenceum, by Aitkin, Vol. IIL— IV. 8vo, Loud. 1808. Efemeridi Litterarie de Roma, No. I. — XLVII. Ito, Roma, 1780. Journal, the Literary, 2d Series, Vol. I. — II. 8vo, Lond. 1806. Journal, the Phrenological, Vol. I. — X. 8vo, Edin. 1824-36. Magazine, Blackwood's Edinburgh, Vol. I. 8vo, Edin. 1817, Magazine, Monthly, or British Register, Vol. XXXVII.— XL. 8vo, Lond. 1814-15. Revieiv, American, of History and Politics, Vol. I. — III. 8vo, Lond. 1812. Review, Analytical, Vol. L— XXVIII. 8vo, Lond. 1788-98. Review, Annual, by Aikin, Vol. I.— -VIL 8vo, Lond. 1803-9. Review, Critical, or Annals of Literature. . Vol. XXXI.— XL. 8vo, Lond. 1771-75. Vol. XLIX.— LXX. 8vo, Lond. 1780-90. The same book, New Series, Vol. I.— XLV. 8vo, Lond. 1791-1805. Review, the Edinburgh, Vol. I.— LXIII. 8vo, Edin. 1803-36. General Index to above, from Commencement to the end of Vol. XX. 8vo, Edin. 1813. Review, Edinburgh Monthly, for January 1819. Review, English, Vol. IX.— XXVIII. Review, Monthly, or Literary Joiu-nal, Vol. XLIV. — LIV. (wanting LIII.) 8vo, Lond. 1771-76. Vol. LXIL— LXXXI. 8vo, Lond. 1780-89. Index to the above, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1786-96. The same book, New Series, Vol. I. — LXXXI V. 8vo, Lond. 1790—1817. Review, New Monthly, by H. Maty, Vol. III.— IX. 8vo, Lond. 1783-85. Review, New, or British Critic, Vol. XI.— XII. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Review, North American, Vol. VII. 8vo, Boston, 1818. Review, the Quarterly, Vol. I.— LVII. 8vo, Lond. 1809-36. Index to the first 19 vols, of the above. Review, the Foreign Quarterly, Vol. I.— XVIIL 8vo, Lond. 1827-36. Zeitung, Allgemeine Literatur, 5 band. 4to, Leipzig, 1802-3. 34(2 JOURNALS, REVIEWS, ScC. VI. MORE THAN ONE OF THE ABOVE SUBJECTS CONJOINED. Bihliothcqiie Britannique, Agriculture, Tom. I. et III. 8vo, Geneve, 1796-98. Litterature, 12 tomes, 1796-99. Sciences et Arts, 12 tomes, le Xme manq. 1796-98. Bibliotheque Universelle. Sciences, Arts, et Litterature, Tom. I. — VI. 8vo, Geneve, 1816-17. Sciences et Arts, Tom. VII.— XLII. 1818-29. Agriculture, Tom. I.— XIV. 1816-29. Giornale di Fisica, Chimica, Storia Naturale, Medicina, ed Arti, del Con- figliachi et Brugnatelli, decade II. Tom. II. — III. 4to, Pavia, 1819-20. Journal, Quarterly, of Literature, Science, and the Arts, edited by T. Brande, 22 vols. 8vo, Loud. 1816-27. The same book. New Series, 7 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1827-30. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, et d'Histoire Naturelle. Observations sur la Physique, sur I'Histoire Naturelle, et sur les Arts, par M. I'Abbe Rozier, Tom. I.— II. 1771-72, 4to, Paris, 1777. Observations et Memoires, &c. par M. I'Abbe' Rozier, Tom. I. — IV. 4to, Paris, 1773-74. Tom. XV. — XLIII. par Rozier, Mongez, et Lame'therie, 4to, Paris, 1780-93. Tom. XLIV. — LXXXIII. (Journ. de Physique, &c.) par Lame'therie, 4to, Paris, 1793-1816. Tom. LXXXIV. par Lame^therie, et Ducrotay de Blainville, 1817. Journal de Physique. Obs. et Mem. Tom. LXXXV.— XCVI. par Ducrotay de Blain- ville, 1818-23. Table generale des Articles contenues dans les 26 tomes depuis 1787 jusqu'en 1802, par L.-Cotte, 4to. Journal de VEcole Poly technique, 6 torn. 4to, Paris, 1793-1804. Register, American, Medical and Philosophical, by Hosack and Francis, 2d Edit. 4 vols. 8vo, New York, 1814. Revue Midicale, Historique et Philosophique, Tom. I. — VI. 8vo, Paris, 1820-21. riMS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50jn-7, '54(5990)444 IXNIVERSif Y OF CALIFORNI* Z Ledical Society 6676 of Edinburgh. !k'li6c Library - Catalo.^ue raisonne Z 6676 Lli6c