m JL mm mm Wl sity of Cain thern Regiof Drarv Facili 1 iffli II Jn 9D? mp, &&& l / THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES I N DUSTRIA L HOUSING jllllllplllllllllll^ Ilk, QrawJ/ili 'Book (h. 7m PUBLISHERS OF BOOKS FOPo Coal Age v Electric Railway Journal Electrical World v Engineering News-Record American Machinist v Ingenierfa Internacional Engineering & Mining Journal ^ Power Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Electrical Merchandising INDUSTRIAL HOUSING With Discussion of Accompanying Activities; Such as Town Planning— Street Systems— Development of Utility Services — and Related Engineering and Construction Features. BY MORRIS KNOWLES BOMETIME SUPERVISING ENGINEER, CAMP MEADE, MARYLAND, AND CAMP m'i'LELLAN, ALABAMA; AND CHIEF ENGINEER, DIVISION OF PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING, EMEP.GENCY FLEET CORPORATION, UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD; MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS; MEMBER AMER- ICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS; MEMBER AMERICAN CITY PLANNING INSTITUTE; MEMBER INTERNATIONAL GARDEN CITIES AND TOWN- PLANNING ASSOCIATION; MEMBER TOWN PLANNING INSTI- TUTE (GT. BRIT.); MEMBER NATIONAL HOUSING ASSOCIA- TION; DIRECTOR, DEPT. OF MUNICIPAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH. First Edition McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. NEW YORK: 239 WEST 39TH STREET LONDON; (i & 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 4 19 20 Copyright, 1 ( .)20, uy the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. T 11 K M X V I . ir I • I* i: H S V I I M K 1 ■ I\ I R( »DI < I l< »\ Thi* book h author and I of the in the developmei town plan and in the up-build- ing i Unusual and m U 'I with and tak<- |»:irt u :il worker*. Th( i -I from the < oompi :iiil' for man- <.f smaller mining groups of ill— r»- — • •* t..i -ii.ni!!. a. They also from the beginning of investigations for determinii g fnl til In i( housing pi Pint — followini workmen during t h«- livii . at Ira I surroundji and ham i mmunit} All of tl ■urroundii I vi INTRODUCTION planned for economy and efficiency, but also the utilities and facilities that go to make up the town and its business and social life. The author and his organization had the good fortune to participate in the early months of our entrance into the war, in the creation of quarters for troops at one of the National Army cantonments, and one of the National Guard tent camps, built dining 1917. Later, being called to assist in the building of towns for the housing of ship workers, it was his good fortune to sit in on the consideration of the plan and scope of the program for this purpose. Both were unique experiences and intensified the belief (if this were necessary) that no one profession is com- petent to cope with the difficulties of housing. Gathered together from all parts of the country were men from all walks of life; imbued with the idea of helping to build homes, to attract to ship yards, to build ships, to send the troops and supplies to France, to help win the war. Many had never heard of each other and several only knew of the other's reputation in his chosen line. Most of the recruits were strong individualists, had done things worth while; and many had not, at least for years, worked under the direction of others or in multiple harness. What wonder, then, that it took some time to settle down and get up speed, which later so characterized the work as to win the commendation of the Senate Committee, which was called upon to investigate these activities of the Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion of the United States Shipping Board. The writer would not have missed this opportunity for service, nor this development of new experience, for all of the chapters in his life which had gone before. He deems it a stroke of good fortune that he had the privilege of associating with the pioneers who were the leaders in the pro- gram and who, with all the background of personal accomplish- ments, sank personality in the common purpose. Early and always then- wns an appreciation by all that team work, esprit de corps, fitting of endeavors as well as of abilities together, were Deeded to bring about the result. And the result was achieved. Witness Hie home-like communities from Maine to the Gulf, along the Atlantic and OD the< rreal hakes and even on the Pacific, which testify to the wisdom and excellence of the program. It is also a tribute to the far-sightedness of the planning and the per- sonal magnetism of the leaders of the organization. comi i . ■ able • l>iit 1.. N will t will ! I I viii INTRODUCTION the author is a practicing engineer himself, this book is not writ- ten solely for the engineer or from his point of view alone; neither is it a tn-atisc on technical practice. It has been written in the realization of a fad now generally acknowledged that, in addi- tion to the architect, who is first thought of because we are thinking in terms of houses and homes, there must be present the town planner, the landscape gardener, the engineer, the sani- tarian, the utility designer, the constructor, the realtor, the civi- cist ami the public spirited business representative. To all of these and to city officials — particularly the City Managers, Directors of Public Works and Municipal Engineers and Architects- this book is dedicated, with an earnest hope that it will appeal as filling a need where no adequate treatise has heretofore existed. Pittsburgh, Penna., Morris Knowles. August, 1920. \i K \< t\\ I I I x , \| i \ I - | i o | ■ I > P P. M ■ \ III ind M. M 3 i w B \ 0ONTEN1 S ( I! Ml I l: I H I » . i ■ i i . I I I I! ( IIM-I I R II \ "(iamrntal Prrlimin . 11 xii CONTENTS Page Cost of Modern Industrial Towns 16 Elements Considered 16 Hypothetical Example 17 Another Example 10 Average of I. S. Housing ( orporation 20 Lorain, Emergency Fieri Corporation 20 Marginal Deficit or Necessity for Subsidy 21 Statement of Requirements ■■ 21 Income Available for Kent 22 Means to Meel Deficit 23 Procedure of Organization and Finance 25 Policy as to Home Ownership 25 Company-Owned Houses 25 Privately Owned Houses 26 Cooperatively Owned Houses 27 Forms of Building Organizations 27 Loan and Realty Associations 28 Housing Corporation - >s - Company Housing Bureau : >0 Technical Program : *0 ycc<\ for a Program 31 Preliminary Work 32 Number and Types of Houses Required 32 Selection of Site 32 Projected Development of the Site W Budget and Program ;i;{ Design and Construction 33 Building Staff 34 CHAPTER 111 Selection of Site Introduction 36 Hot m no Site in Relation to Industrial Location 30 Industrial and Economic Requirements of Planl 37 Housing a* a Factor in Planl Location 38 [DERATIONS AFFECTING ToWNSlTE LOCATION 40 Distance Between Planl and Town 40 Factors which Relieve Distances 10 Map Showing Area of Choice Advantages of Town and Planl Adjacent . . . . .11 Di ^vantages of Town and Planl Adjacent 42 Decision Rests upon Many Factors 42 Urban Versue Rural 'Towns '-' Policy of Home Ownerships '- I nidion and Maintenance Considerations ,: < D advantages of Company Towns *3 1 I I Mi ' i l i \i-i I i: l\ i » i > i : ■ xiv CONTENTS Page Improvements 75 Playgrounds 76 Location and Area 76 Improvements 77 Athletic Fields 77 Cemeteries 78 The Street System 79 Types of Street Systems 79 Rectangular or Gridiron 79 Radial or Diagonal 81 Formal or Geometrical 81 Irregular or Haphazard 82 Contour Streets 82 Rational Layout of Streets 84 Classification of Streets 85 Arterial Streets or Main Thoroughfares 85 Subarterial or Secondary Streets 87 Residential Streets 88 Business Streets 89 Streets with Car Tracks 90 Parkways and Boulevards 90 Alleys 91 Details of Street. Design 93 Width of Roadway 93 Sidewalks 95 Court Streets 95 Orientation 96 Intersections 97 Profile and Grade 97 Easements 190 Location of Street Railways 191 Utility Location a Factor 192 Cost of Utilities Affected by Lot Sizes 193 Sr.M.M Aitv of Procedure 197 Topographical Survey and Map 198 Regional Maps 199 Site Investigation 199 Preliminary Town Plan 119 Final Plan of Development H9 Detail and Working Plans Ill Recent CoMMxrNin Developments Ill Ojibway, Ontario m Loveland Farms 113 Yorkship Village u4 ( II \l-l I \vi CONTENTS CHAPTER \ I Water Supply Page Preface 160 Quantity of Water Reqi [red . . 150 Influences Affecting Consumption 150 Metering 160 Detection of Leakage .-111(1 Waste 151 Other Factors 152 Consumption of Water for Various Purposes 153 Domestic Use 153 Commercial Use 153 Public Use 155 Loss and Waste 155 Total Consumption 156 Variations in Consumption 157 Standards of Quality 157 General 157 Sanitary Quality 158 U. S. Treasury Standard 158 Classification of Great Lakes Water 158 General Standard 158 Physical Quality 158 Color 158 Turbidity L59 Odor 159 Chemical Quality 159 Organic 160 Mineral 160 Selection op Source of Supply 161 Extensions of Existing Supply 161 Quantity 161 Quality 161 Pressure 161 New Supply System 162 Ground Water Supplies 162 Surface Water Supplies 163 Summary of Factors Affecting Choice of Supply 166 Purification Systems 166 Preface L66 Plain Sedimentation 167 Results 167 Filtration 167 Slow Sand Filters 168 Rapid Sand Filtera 168 < Coagulation 169 Sterilization .... I"" I W ATKM < H M-i I i: \ II Sr»rii,;r an 1 DrainaRP > i n M - D ■ \\. II Putnpt .m-«l ndard Pin Si Minim un H . -i . tut ■ Pip Pipe La) iiik ... I IN X ' 181 xviii CONTEXTS Page Quantity of Domestic Sewage 193 Flow from Commercial and Industrial Districts 194 Leakage or Infiltration 195 Design of System 196 General Considerations 1^6 Rate of Flow to Provide 197 Details of Computations 199 Velocities and Grades 20 ° Minimum Sizes -"- Depth and Location 202 Appurtenances ^ "* House Connections 204 Manholes 206 Joints and Fillers 208 Flush Tanks and Manholes 208 Inverted Siphons 209 Foundations 209 Pumping Stations 209 Storm Drainage Systems 219 General Considerations 21U Rainfall and Run-off 21 ° Rates to Provide for 211 Run-off 212 Extent of System '• • ■ 214 Roof Water 214 Street Water 215 Details of Design 216 Discharge Formula 21 ^ Velocities and Grades 217 Minimum Size 217 Depth and Location **• Joints and Filler ' .217 House Connections "*' Manholes 2l8 Catch Basins and Inlets 218 2 1 'i Location Combined Sewers 219 Quantity and Capacity 220 Velocities and Grade 220 Depth and Location 221 Catch Baeins 221 Sewage Treatment and Disposai - >J1 General Considerationfl • -- Purposes of Sewage Disposal "** Character and Constituents of Sewage 224 Decomposition of Sewage ~~ Disposal by Dilution and Diffusion -'-'' 1 227 Authoritative Opinions I n I > < ii \ri i R \ in IB i I xx CONTENTS Page Reduction 252 Incineration it,u Type Required 253 Capacity 253 General Purposes zo ° Rubbish Only 254 Station Design 254 Summary and Conclusions 254 CHAPTER IX Gas and Electric Service Gas Service 256 Introduction . 256 Advantages of Gas Service 256 Supply op Gas — Character and Sources 257 Natural Gas 257 Artificial Gas 257 Coal Gas 257 Water Gas 258 Producer Gas 258 Coke Oven Gas 258 Source of Supply 258 Public Service 258 Industrial Supply 259 By-Product Ovens 259 Utilization of Gas 259 Heating 26 ° Cooking 26 ° Lighting 26 ° Amount of Gas Used 261 Average and Maximum 261 Allowance for Artificial Gas 261 Transmission Pressures • Pipe Sizes 2 ^ 2 Kind of Pipe 263 Drips 264 Regulators 264 Distribution System Low Pressure Distribution 265 Regulators. 2( J 5 Size of Mains 2( J 6 High Pressure Distribution 2 ^ 7 Design of Distribution ■ 267 General 268 Slope and Drips 268 CONTENTS xxi Valves and Bags Depth of Laying 269 Size of Pipes. 268 Services . . 269 Tapping Main . 269 Si/.- 269 Curl. Cooks 270 Slope and I hip . . 270 Plans and Specificul ion - 270 Plans .... -'7n 271 Steam Plants 274 Internal < Jombusl ion I nil i Hydro-Electric Units . 27 1 Capacity -7 1 I i; IN8MIS8K >M 275 Righl of Way .... 275 Voltage ... 275 Line ( !ons1 rucl ion 276 1 tasTRmi itoh Ststi i 276 Substations 276 Simple Transfoi iner. 276 Rotary < Converter, 276 Primary 1 nstribution 277 Voltage ami Phase 277 Location 277 Overhead or I ndergrounii -" Overhead . • 278 Underground . . ( Sombination ' lircuits 279 i I distribution Voltage 280 Pb Lint 280 I nderground 281 Ben ices. 281 Illustration of Types of Distribution 281 Noreg V Qlage 28 1 I I II 1/ ITION ....... . ■ i Lighting Histon. Methods < Sonst in' * i.i kiii ! 28 '• xxii CONTENTS Page Spacing 284 Poles 285 Transformers 285 Residence Service 285 Lighting 285 Power Application 286 Miscellaneous Service 286 Fire and Police Call 286 Telephone and Telegraph 286 Plans and Specifications 287 Instruction for Plans 287 Specifications 287 Illustrations of Installations 288 Buckman Village 288 Atlantic Heights 290 Loveland Farms 292 CHAPTER X Houses for Families Introduction 293 Standards and Requirements 293 Basis for Standards 293 Permissible Rental 294 Cost a Factor 294 Other Influences on Standards 295 Standards from Experience 295 Number of Rooms 296 Furniture Requirements 297 Minimum Room Sizes 297 Recommendations of Authorities 298 Veiller's Views 299 Groben's Recommendations 299 Allen's Ideas 299 Kilham's Opinions 300 U. S. Dept. Labor Standards 300 Albany Health Dept. Regulations 300 Ontario Housing Committee Objects 300 Data of U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 301 Recommended Minimum Requirements 302 Grading of Houses 304 Types and Grouping of Houses and Accessories 308 Types of Houses 308 Effect on Cost 308 Explanation of Types 308 Grouping of Types 314 The Garage 316 CONTENTS xxiii Paoi Sing Garage ... . :;ic, 3 1 7 1 ■ I onsl ruction :; 1 7 Hi ii in -... I i i ii m... i i 317 318 Building Materials ;!1 s 1 .ii \ ir< m iin-n t. .... ;;h I Maintenance Persona] Preferei ..^n I • ■ ( Joncrcte I [ouae ... Del if Cons! ruction ... 321 of Materials in < kmstrucl ion Tabulation of House Costi 324 I )| i ERMIN ITION Ol \' I I IMKOD \ I [ON R i Ql I K i .' • I orec i ted Pa) roll Number and < !rad< 1 1 • Requin <\ 327 Quarters Required for Single Workmen . ;;js Quarters for \\ omen and Minors Summary II tusesand Rooms Required CHAPTEH XI Buildings Other Than Houses Introduction ( !haract< r of Special Buildings Building Materials :;:::: i ■ ir Single Mem Boarding Bouses Small Boarding Houses • r Boarding 1 1 uremente I at i !rades I .7 1 ide F Buildings . . Grade E Buildings . . Ie 1) Buildings . . Qfl \l. ~ M magemenl of Boarding 11" -• Boarding Ho 341 Storm wi> Atari mints . .; 1 1 liremente of Store Rooms :\ 13 Ri quirements of Apartmi nl I prior Appearance . 344 nbined Building l..iiiin!r\ Capacity Baker) Vrrangemenl Plant II ispital. . . . Hi ii ;• xxiv CONTENTS Page Churches 350 School Houses 350 Theatres 352 Community House 352 CHAPTER XII Administration and Supervision of Construction Organization and Planning 354 Character and Scope 354 Group Management 354 Executive Control 354 Organization Chart 355 Method of Procedure 355 Elements of Program 357 Necessity for Budget 358 Suggested Contents 358 Construction Policies 359 Force Account 360 Contract 360 Selection of Contractor 362 Contract and Specifications 363 Purpose of Contract 363 General Provisions 363 Specifications 364 Supervision of Construction 364 Construction Problems 364 Program 365 Yards and Delivery of Materials 365 Sanitation 366 Fire Protection 366 Temporary Water Supply 367 Construction Roads 367 Progress and Cost Reports 368 Record Plans and Reports 369 CHAPTER XIII Management of Industrial Towns Types of Towns 370 Company-controlled Towns 370 Isolated Company Towns .' 371 Suburban Industrial Towns 371 Isolated Industrial Towns 372 Usually Company Towns 372 Supposed Advantages 373 COM' I \'T. I tuque < umlii i • - 1 1 I ui venal rcuauti « )im- I. uidlord Identity of Landlurd tuid Km ploy er. 1*1 1 1 1 • 1 1 »1< - •>! I OW I, \| im:i|_'i -Mil-Ill . . ill III III I I 'I.I II I . . . Supporting Functions of Town Management 1'iililn- Ben ices. . . . II'. nin 1 nmcrcial In'- rpria - Policing I Protection il >-. -i. in in.. nil Activities, . . . Town Managership Suburban Industrial Towns . . . . Usually Independent Mi-i hods nf Belling Houses. Revenue- Producing Non-Revenue-Producinj S < Mint- Public Activities BlBLIOGB \i'in - - [NDUSTRIAL HOUSING CHAPTER I HISTORICAL REVIEW Origin oi Industrial Housing Examples oj I rial Hoi bing Tb i Pri sen r Pr< »bli m ORIGIN OF INDUSTRIAL HOUSING The housing problem is as old as the human race, for it has its origin in that "first law <>f nature" self preservation. Food, Bhelter and raiment are essential bo the satisfaction of this primi- tive instinct, and ever since the firsl man sought Bhelter in his cave, the housing problem has been a vital part of the human life. Si \ 1 1. mi \ r OP PrOBLI U I ',ut the need for Bhelter is only the origin of the problem. The Dormal man has other healthy instincts; for work — t ho chance to express himself in creative activity; for play -the opportunity to re-create himself during the leisure hours when he is free from mployment; for love and the making of a home in which he can express his affections and his devotion to his wife and in the raising of his children; and for religion the establishment of a righl relation between himself and his Creator. Somuchofthe time of the man and of the members of his family is Bpent in the home, that the latter reacts upon the satisfaction of all of these instincts, and the housing problem thus becomes the home prob- lem, the problem of surrounding the home with an environment conducive to a full and healthy lit''-. Moreover, the housing problem is not one of the house alone. Man is a Bocial animal, and early exchanged his normal life for a gathering in settlements, the growth of which hae the most marked characteristics of the growth of civilisation. The environment of the home, therefore, includes the homi other human beings, the methods of passing to and from them, i 2 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING and to and from the working places of their occupants. And so the housing problem has become related to a vast complexity of other problems, all of which must be taken into account in its solution. The Individualistic Era. — Prior to our present industrial age, the provision of houses, and the determination of whether they and their environment should fulfill the requirements outlined above or not, depended largely upon the intelligence, energy and thrift of the individual. During, and for a long time after the primi- tive age and the period of serfdom, the family supplied all of its own needs — food, raiment, and shelter. And later, even when specialization began to be well developed, production was car- ried on in small units. Men were largely capitalists as well as workers, house builders as well as home makers, so that any man of energy and thrift could have the opportunity of exercising a measure of control over his destiny. The Factory System. — The invention of the steam engine and the development of the factory system, however, completely changed the housing problem, as they likewise altered all the other factors in life. Specialization has been carried to a point where some of our workers spend their working hours re- peating, times without number, a single mechanical operation. And out of the wages he receives for devoting his energies to this single function in the supply of the wants of the social organism, he must provide for himself and for his family food, clothing, shelter, recreation and all the needs which once were provided within the family itself, and which must be fulfilled in-order to promote a normal family life. At the same time, specialization applies to all the other ele- ments in production. One man devotes himself to the designing of the machines, which permit the workman, by his thousands of repetitions of a single task, to vastly increase his output. Still another tends the boilers, which supply the force to the machines; a separate group mine the coal to operate the boilers; others supply the skill in management, which co-ordinates the efforts of the workers and still others control and direct the use of capital and credit, which supply the life blood of the whole industrial organism. Therefore, even though wages were sufficient to meet the legiti- mate needs of the worker and his family, and even though he should be thrifty enough to save the cost of providing himself HISTORICAL /.'/.l //.'ii witli a home, the factory system and its specialization do not conduce to the development of his initiative and activity along lines bo far removed from the j"l> which In- knows, as i- house building. House design and construction, and t In- plannij groups of houses have themselves become highly specialized have all the building trades and supply lines, as well as the i \ '\n \ l ni | \i»i 8TR1 \l. I I"i SING The recognition of the existence of this problem came early in the history of tin- factory system. Hut . as frequently happens, Buch recognition was sporadic .• t r » < 1 partial, and no! Lrn lt« - » • •■ 1 city area; and railroad facilities and proximity to markets and labor supply, holding industrj in the ueighborh I of urban oent< The effect of this lasl tendency has been to open up an entire, new field of opportunity in designing industrial vill.m.-. down to the last detail; thus they may best serve the needs of the human elements, and of the industry through which these latter make their economic contribution to society. Construction and Prevention. — The present the movement for better housing may be described as one of pre- ventive, constructive and economic activity. The value of the proverbial ounce of prevention has been recognized and the criticism of existing conditions is being com Lined with the results of academic studies and with the practical lessons learned from pioneer attempts al improvement. < >n this basis, the solution of the indust rial housing problem is being sought in the co-ordina- tion <>f the industrial, civic, municipal, and national agen< o bring about the construction of sanitary and attractive homes, grouped in convenient and healthful t< under conditions which will permit the workingman to rent or buy a home within the limits of his resoui • "Satellite < 'itii ." 1915. 6 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING EXAMPLES OF INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Before the War The earliest examples of industrial housing were of two types, the mill tenements and boarding houses, and the mining "camps." Mill Tenements. — The first textile mills were established in towns, where a labor supply existed and could be drawn upon. As congestion led to bad conditions, men like Robert Owen, at New Lanark in Scotland, and Francis Cabot Lowell, in Massa- chusetts, endeavored to improve conditions by constructing "model" mill tenements and boarding houses; "model," that is, for those days, about the beginning of the nineteenth century. They would not compare favorably with one of our modern in- dustrial villages. Thus these earliest examples were primarily philanthropic in origin. Mining Camps. — The mining industry, however, differs from others in that it usually is carried on in isolated, uninhabited localities where, just as on construction jobs, some type of shelter for the labor force must necessarily be provided. Under these conditions, and without the ideals that were back of the first mill tenements, the first mining villages (and many of the later ones) grew up as garish groups of shanties, without adequate sanitary facilities; and absolutely devoid of comfort, attractive- ness and opportunity for recreation. Such villages have been deservedly called "camps" and "patches," and whether they have existed at mines or factories, they have done incalculable damage to the spirit of American industrial labor. Early Industrial Towns. — During the latter part of the nine- teenth century, and at the beginning of the twentieth, industrial concentration and the movement of factories to the suburbs had progressed far enough, so that industrial housing experiments began to appear on a more important scale than the early mill villages and mining camps. Pullman, constructed between 1880 and 1885, and Gary, started about 1906, are typical as well as two of the most impor- tant examples. In each case, a great industrial corporation created, out of undeveloped nature, a complete city, where va- cant fields had been before. And in each case failure to solve the human problem and to promote sound conditions resulted at Pullman, because of the unwise paternalism of I lie company's HISTORH AL HI. \ II. ll 7 attitude toward its employees; and al Garj because there was left i«> exploiting speculators the most difficult pari of the problem, the housing of the unskilled worker, and because nothing adequate was done to relieve the monotony <»t" the [ndiana Band dunes. Other equally effective examples could readily be cited, but as the object of this review is to trace the history of the develop- ment of the industrial housing problem and its solution and no! to catalogue the experiments thai have been tried, these typical examples w ill serve i he purpo The Garden City Movement. During the period when these early experiments were being tried, the garden city movement in England and on the continenl was gaining headway, and began to make its influence felt in America. Such attractive develop- ments as rlampstead, Bounville, Harbourne and Letchworth were widely pictured to our industrial companies and town planners as models. Impetus was thus given i«> the idea of planning industrial villages in their entirety, and to the accen- tuation <>i' attractiveness as an element in prompting healthy life and a productive industrial spirit. At 1 1 1< - same time, the example of Port Sunlight strengthened the recognition that paternalism could not succeed in democratic America. The organization and growth of Co-partnership Tenants Limited, in England, however, brought out in a >>.- tiv<- way the possibility of making use of cooperative methods of organization. Newer Industrial Towns. Under the influence of all these examples and forces, the early mistakes were followed, in the early pari of i he t went iel li century, by ot her towns which showed progressive growth toward higher and better ideals in industrial housing. The United States Steel Corporation has built at Fairfield, Alabama, a town which still stands as an ex- ample, in many ways, of the attractive possibilities of town building under centralized control and intelligent planning. . at Morgan Park, Minnesota, the Bame corporation built an equally attractive development, and at the beginning of the \\ ar plans had been completed ' I city at » >jibway, ye1 built). All of these represent the best efforts id f the best trained town planners, engineers and archi- in the country, and give promise of results which will p> far toward the solution of the housing problem. 8 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING The work of this greatest of industrial corporations has been more important, and has resulted in the development of a more comprehensive program than that of any other company. But many others have taken part in the movement, and before the War there were already many attractive developments, lo- cated in all sections of the country. Complete lists will be found in the bibliography in the Appendix, but the later develop- ments of some of the villages of the New England textile mills and of the Ohio rubber industries are particularly notable. Effect of the Great War No field of human endeavor escaped the profound effect of the great cataclysm of the Great War, and the industrial hous- ing movement was entirely altered and made over by it. Cantonment Construction. — The most pressing housing need, upon our entrance into the War, was the provision of shelter for the millions who were to be called to the colors during their period of training. The construction of the National Army can- tonments and the National Guard camps resulted; the greatest building construction program ever undertaken. While the work of the Construction Division of the Army can- not properly be considered as a part of the industrial housing movement, nevertheless, it could not fail to exercise an important influence upon the latter. For it gave us, a new experience in comprehensive planning and organization, and demonstrated anew the fundamental character and advantage of large scale production and many of the principles upon which the modern art of housing and town planning are founded. Governmental Housing. — The most direct influence of the War upon industrial housing, however, grows out of the house and town construction undertaken by the Government itself. Equally important with the training of our soldiers was re-or- ganization of our industries, so as to increase vastly the produc- tion of those things which are most needed for the supply of troops in modern warfare. The effect of this imperative necessity was deep seated. Workmen had to be concentrated in the vicinity of mills and factories and shipyards, and removed from sections where the}' were established in less essential industries. Huge additions had to be built to existing and new plants, and shipyards were HISTORICAL i;i:\ JEW thrown up over night in nru localities, many of them <»f a size er the imagination. The distribution of materials of all kind-, and the control of transportation had to be taken i by the central Government, in order i<» make possible the carry- ing out of this stupendous program. Under these circumstances, 1 1 * « - ordinary machinery for sup- plying dwellings for workingmen and their families, through private initiative and through the activity of industrial corpora- tions, could nut but break down. The Government, then compelled to undertake house and town construction in order to provide for this unprecedented shift in population. The United States Housing Corporation and the Housing Division of the Emergency Fleet Corporation were the result. The former planned 128 towns or groups, an estimated co whirl, was si 12,000,000, which contained 19,100 dwellings, suffi- cient to house a total of 21,000 families. The latter made a total expenditure of about $71,000,000 and built 27 towns, containing 8,841 houses, with a total capacity of 9,493 families. Mistakes were made, of course, by both organizations, as mistakes were made by every agency which worked under the lire of tlie conditions created by the Great War. and i were greater than they would have been in construction carried out under more normal conditions. Hut in general, the work of the United State- Sousing Corporation and the Emergency Fleet Corporation cannot fail to have a lasting and beneficial effect upon industrial housing in America. For, taking advan- of the experience '«» which reference has been made above, both of these services called to their aid skilled archit engineers, town planners, landscape developers, realtors and members of all the other professions, whose work i- involved in industrial housing. The result has Keen that these developm< scattered throughout the country, have set standards for compari- son which will doom to failure any less carefully planned housing project ill t he flit life. The House Famine. — However, it i- not only by these in- structive experiences that the War has affected industrial housing. The< rovernment program was only just begun when the Armistice i rigned, and only a fraction of it was carried to completion. H en if it had been entirely completed, there would Ktill have been a shortage of homes. As it is. the famine has >l>read to every city and town in the land, and it i- estin 10 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING that there is a deficiency below actual needs of about 2,000,000 homes in the country today. The causes of this situation are evident. First, the shifting of population, incident to the industrial reorganization during the War, was only partly temporary. Our shipyards are con- tinuing to build for our New Merchant Marine, and many munitions plants have been converted into peace-time industrial plants. A permanent increase in the population of our industrial cities has therefore resulted. At the same time, the construction of dwellings, even including the Government construction, far from being sufficient to meet this abnormal increase in demand, did not even keep pace with the normal, peace-time increase in requirements, and in fact, for three years, was practically at a standstill. A serious deficit therefore exists, as is evidenced by the dis- tress of home-seekers in all parts of the country, by the countless industries being forced into the housing field, and by the nu- merous "housing corporations" being organized all over the land. Construction Costs. — A further effect of the War, and the financial upheaval accompanying it, has been the great increase of construction costs above all previous levels. The inflation of currency and the expansion of credit, together with other influences affecting the supply of and the demand for goods and labor, have decreased the purchasing power of the dollar to a fraction of that before the War. Prices have thus risen to a point that has practically destroyed the usefulness of all past experience in construction costs, and that has introduced an element of uncertainty which tends to retard all influences look- ing to the restoration of normal supply of dwelling houses. At the same time, the lag which always accompanies changes in price levels, and the unwillingness of tenants to pay increased rents, coupled with the readiness to single out the landlord who increases rents as a "profiteer," have combined to destroy the incentive to private builders to build, while making financially more difficult the carrying out of housing programs by industries and housing corporations. Governmental Aid. — The breakdown of the usual economic machinery for securing the construction of houses had led to an increasing pressure on Governments, both here and abroad to subsidize house construction by tax exemption, by loans at low HISTORICAL I: l VII H I 1 rate of interest, and in other ways. In tlii- country, "home loan bank" legislation haw been introduced and strongly ui upon Congn Both in G Britain and in Canada, funds have been provided and loans for the construction of low priced houses have been aut horized. THE PRESENT PROBLEM Ai the present time, therefore, ili«' industrial housing problem promises to reach its full developmenl . A general, acute Bhoi of li(.mr<, and the price situation, have made impossible tne solution of the probU'm \>\ indivi dual action, and have made large scale house produ ctio n by specialized agents] nbl only desirable, but absolut ely necessarj . c of experience has evinced the value to industry of a supply of homes qoI only sufficient in quantity bul satisfactory in quality. The beneficent eflfeel thereof on the stability, con- tentment and loyalty of labor is well known. In solving these problems, the incomes, habits and desires of the employees; the requirements of the industry and the interests of the community and the Btate all must be taken into account. Subsidy by industry, philanthropy, or by the Govern- ment may possibly be helpful agencies, but in any case industry vitally interested, it must achieve Borne successful solution in order to attract and keep suitable labor. The numerous experiments that have been made, and the experience during i • • War, have demonstrated that in order to fulfill these require- ments, full consideration musl 1"' given to the health, comfort, convenience and amenity, and finances of the prospective occupants. The present day problem of industrial housing, therefore, - organize the necessary professional services,— together with the employer, the employee, the municipality, the state and the natioi to secure the construction of homes for our work- men, of such kind, in Buch surroundings and on such terms as \\ ill promote their loyalty, and as will cultivate an industrial spirit that will lead to the increased production which is the need of our country and of tin- world. CHAPTER II FUNDAMENTAL PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS Advantages of Modern Industrial Housing — Cost of Modern Industrial Towns — Marginal Deficit or Necessity For Subsidy — Procedure of Organization and Finance — Technical Program Introduction. — The industrial housing question may be con- sidered to have two phases; one in connect ion with urban indus- tries and one for rural industries. By far the greatest number of industries have been established in existing communities and the housing of workmen in such circumstances has followed channels which have been largely undirected and uncontrolled by the promoters of the industry. Frequently, in connection with modern plants, correct lighting, ventilation and sanitary facilities have been installed, in order to maintain efficiency and health among the workers. Thus working conditions within the plants have improved constantly and steadily, while housing conditions of the families in the adjoining communities have been forgotten and too frequently have grown steadily worse. Private enterprise and personal effort have failed to create wholesome or adequate homes and living conditions for workers and their families; large concerns, therefore, now generally realize that the housing of employees must be considered a problem of industrial development. It cannot be evaded or solved by merely establishing the industry within an existent community. It is incumbent upon the management to see that satisfactory homes are available for the workmen, if not by independent agencies, then by the assistance or initiative of industrial executives. In the second classification, the industry is to be situated in a rural or isolated section and hence demands the creation of a new community with all of its multifarious details. It has some of the elements of the foregoing situation but in many features is peculiar to itself. 12 II NDAMENTAL PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 13 Certain ind or yean have boused their workmen in isolated "company towns." In man} cases these towns have consisted of a garish group of houses, withoul adequate sanitary, recreational or livable facilities. They have frequently and deservedly been called "camps." To. infuse the vital brea th of 111',.; to convert patches of houses into a community of homes; to make the ft* 1 * 1 p u town; t hi- i.- tin.- sucond phase of thejndus- uial housing problem. ADVANTAGES OF MODERN INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Does It Pay. — No new enterprise will meril favorable re* nition until the eminently practical and sensible question- it pay? — is given consideration. Whatarethei andwhal are the returns on modern industrial housing? Unfortunately, like many influences dealing with human be- ingBj the returns from wh obso me hous ing cannol be accurately expressed in dollars and cents. The stresses and strains of hu- man nature follow no exact law, as do those in concrete and steel. i-.- returns are immeasurablej however, does not indicate thai they are nol real. Favorable influences and reactions resulting from good housing are easily discerned by those who seek them. Many a community may al firsl wonder why, accordu the Fourteenth Census, it takes a place lower in the rank of populations than formerly accorded to it. As a result there may possibly l>e a more general re lization of the discriminating elimination by labor of such places as do not provide comfortable and convenient homes, plea-am surroundings, adequate trans- portation, | mi a Me water, ami educational and recreative facilities. and why labor, therefore avoids unsatisfactory living conditions, insofar ae possible. This reaction of labor to environment is none the less real 1 ause it may be only vaguely felt rather than ronscioush reasoned. Plant and Town Compared. — An illustration of the need of wholesome living conditions maj be exhibited by a comparison Of the number Of hour- -pent in the plant by the worker-, with the number of hours spent in the community by the family. Assuming an eight-hour working day and •'!<•<> working da} year, it can be Computed that the in.lu-trial worker i- in the plant only L'7.1 per cent, of hi- time. M if in the a\ 14 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING family of five, we assume that l}i members are engaged at the plant, it is seen that only 8.2 per cent, of the entire family's time is spent in the plant. The remainder, or 91.8 per cent., is spent under influences considered under the subject of "Industrial Housing." To the average man the most interesting and important con- sideration in life is himself and his immediate family. He works for a wage simply that he may be enabled to obtain the neces- sities of existence and enjoy the pleasures of life. The wage it- self is merely the medium in the barter. It is true that while the workman derives his all important livelihood while at the plant, the expenditure of this income on house rent, food, clothes and recreation is directly affected by townsite conditions. And surely the conditions under which the income is expended to obtain the necessities and pleasures that are demanded should be as carefully considered as are those under which the pay is ob- tained. While the plant is the mean of livelihood, the home and the^town are th e tangible means~oT~ expressing life; whatever improves living conditions reacts upon the individual as potently as do improved working surroundings. Labor unrest is not due entirely to lack of sufficient ^yrijutrin many cases to the psy- chological effect of the laborer's family upon himself, due to poor living conditions. Labor Turnover. — Wholesome living conditions have gen- erally been highly effective as an aid in preventing or reducing labor turnover, with its enormous costs. The recent experiences of our war industries convincingly proved that unsatisfactory and inadequate housing was one of the principal causes of the enormous labor turnover, which in the early stages of the work, so interfered with their productive efficiency. Even unusually high wages failed to hold the workers, and as a consequence the United States Government was forced to appropriate $190,000, 000 to provide good houses for the workers. Alexander, in 1913, found no fewer than five distinct elements of cost in hiring and training new employees. These were: — cleri- cal work in connection with the hiring process; instruction of new employees by foremen and assistants; increased wear and tear of machinery and tools by new employees; reduced rate of pro- duction during early period of employment; increased amount of spoiled work by new employees. // WDAMENTAL PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 1 ". The same in studied emplo i hired in t of hiring a m-w man was bel • 00. , in 1914, made i aew employees were hired to main tail 00 : i j :i t « -« 1 the cost of hiring to bi er man en In L918, the cost of bi est [mated to Im- fri 1 1 50) by the ( rem impany. The I ord < iompany, turnover of U6 per cent., and I this turnover was said to b< 000. During 1916, a rubber company in Ohio, employing 16,000 men, found thai it had a turnovi r i f 31 md thai v cent, of these were single men, between 21 and 30 - . and mostly Americans. [f the same position must be refilled three times in one year n<>t .-Hi unusual turnover at the < 240 per year, these changes would constitute a loss licit would pay the int< on an investment <>!' ■ t,000, a sum which would go far toward supplying a satisfactory house. Regulated Payrolls. -A modern industrial town, planned in proper relation with the plant, permits a conscious control over the selection of the ■ : employees, impossible of attain- ment when the town is uot "buill to order." industrial n :m<> well that tin- percentag pn arried i<> single rn< n carried on the payroll js often affected by the , casual a\ ir houses in the nei ghborhood . The correct percentage can be maintained by providing the right proportion of houses and rooms. I :ewise tTie penvi skill ed to unskilled workers ; the to native workers, the aumber of women workers and minors can be regulated to produce maxim un ciency, by building tlie tmvn to suit tin- plant. The modern industrial town has all the ad^ of the home built compared with ili<- house purchased ready built. This 9< rikinglj show n l>y an example given in < 'hap' where the method of computing the Dumber and i\ ouses and rooi cusse I. Loyalty and Efficiency. The value of long service <>ii the part of employees i- only partly i ted by the I of labor i urno> er. The skill I loy- 16 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING alty that accompany long steady service-are of inestimable value to the industry. The contentment that results from wholesome living condi- tions goes far toward producing plant efficiency, and in promoting that esprit de corps which is so indispensable to any properly functioning organization. No matter how well organized the industry or how modern the e quipment, successful operation de- pends largely on the attitude of mind of the invididual worker. An ounce of loyalty is worth a ton of time clocks^ Bad living conditions have their greatest effect on the work- man's family; but the discontent, ill health , and irritability of his family surely react upon the wage earner himself, who gene- rally thus becomes thoroughly infected with dissatisfaction, and frequently resentful at the entire environment which caused it, and no workman in such a frame of mind can really be an effec- tive producer or an harmonious part of the organization. Many a disagreement culminating at the plant had its origin and nurture in the unsatisfactory living conditions outside of the plant. Health. — Clean and comfortable living quarters unquestion- ably conserve the health of the worker. Pure water, efficient sewerage, means for maintaining clean streets and premises, and hygienic houses are essential. A cheerful, healthy, virile and effi- cient community will not develop out of the filth and disease of an insanitary environment. Modern Practice and Aims. — Aside from the above elements, what more practical evidence is needed than the fact that our largest and most successful business concerns are investing large sums of money in modern industrial housing; though the return on such invested capital cannot be segregated and expressed in dollars and cents. Big business has given birth to big conceptions as to the pur- pose and province of large industrial enterprises. Its service concept, as well as its role as an instrument of profit, is now re- cognized as a worth-while motive for large corporate under- takings. COST OF MODERN INDUSTRIAL TOWNS Elements Considered.— Though the returns on good housing are indefinite, the estimated investment can be expressed in dol- lars and cents. Every industrial executive should know the // VDAMENTAL PRELIMIS Iff] CONSIDERATIONS 17 approximate outlay required to gauge intelligently the wisdom of the expendil lire. A modern industrial townsite is more than a group of houses; a vital, breathing community of homes. Tin- physical elements contributing to Buch a community are the land; the houses; the buildings other than houses, a£ quarters for Bingle men, Bchools, Btores, clubs, churches, etc.; the utilities, Buch as water supply, Bewerage, drain • electrical and transporta- tion systems; the Btreet improvements; and, finally, tin- parks, playgrounds and reserval ions. Figures relative to the <•"-' of these various items are of limited value without full information concerning the given project. To afford an approximate conception, however, estimates for Beveral modern towns are given in the following paj Hypothetical Example. The author recently (1920 computed the cos! of an hypothetical town in which the following conditions were assumed: A site of approximately 130 acres, with flat topography in the vicinity of but no! immediately adjacen! to a city: 1000 detached houses, 22 ft. wide and 26 ft. deep; lots, 12 ft. fron! by LOO ft. deep, with 1") ft . of set-back. Main streets, 50 ft. wide, improved with 26 ft. wide, water-bound, macadam roadway,with concrete curbs, :i ti-ft. planting strip, and a I'-j-ft. concrete sidewalk on each side <>t' tin- -tint. Minor Btreets, l<> ft. wide, with i- r-bound, macadam roadway, furnished with concrete curbs, ."> • _» - f t . planting strip and ;i 1-ft. concrete sidewalk on each side of the street. Gridiron street systems, with no alleys. Length of each block, 588 ft., width 200 ft., with 28 houses in each block. \ filtration plant and pumping station were assumed, two mile- distanl from the townsite; a sewage disposal plant lot one niilr away; an electric transmission line two milt- Long, ami a •link feeder one and one-half miles long, each considered t<> derive it- Bupprj from an existing plant. With this assumed town Bite ami using unit prices current in January, L920, the following relative costs of house ami improve- ments per house were computed. The cos! of Land was arbitra- rily fixed • -<- built U The itemized est im I in' he follov table, together wit h the | h item. 18 / A I) [ *,S TBI A L HO USING Table 1. — Estimated Cost of Improved House and Lot in an Hypothe- thetical Town Xos. Items Cost per house and lot Per cent, of total cost Per cent, including overhead 1. House (average cost) 2. Land in lot 3. Land in streets 4. Lot improvements 03,500.00 105 . 00 35.18 264.71 308 . 27 149.44 19.31 74.67 162 . 96 125 . 60 63.4 1.9 0.6 4.7 5.6 2.7 0.3 1.3 3.0 2.2 8.6 5.7 73.7 2.2 0.7 5.6 6.5 6. Water supply and distribution . . 7. Electrical lines and lighting .... 8. Gas supply and distribution .... 9. Sewers (storm and sanitary) .... 10 House connections 3.2 0.4 1.6 3.5 2.6 11. Supervision and engineering, @ 10 per cent 12. Interest during construction, @ $4,745.14 474 . 51 313.18 $5,532.83 100.0 100.0 Summarizing the foregoing, it will be noted that the house is 78.5 per cent, of the total cost, including a distribution of overhead; land with lot improvements is 8.3 per cent.; street improvements, with land for these, are 7.7 per cent.; water, electrical, gas and sewer improvements with house connections constitute 11.5 per cent.; engineering, supervision and interest charges, which are distributed in these statements, are 14.3 per cent, of the whole. The foregoing estimated t otal cost of $5,532 .83 is to be con- sidered the gross co st of land and all imp rovements. The net cost will depend on local conditions and may be arrived at, by- deducting from the gross, such costs as are borne by public utility companies and paid for in rates or assumed by munici- palities and paid for by them out of general taxation. Local custom is this regard differs; generally public utility companies are required to extend service, providing the return warrants; municipalities frequently pay for the entire water supply and dis- tribution s stem, for sewer outfalls, approximately ten percent. of sower and storm drains; from 10 to 15 per cent, of cost of pavements, and the entire cost of sewage disposal plants. FUNDAMEh TAL PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS LO Another Example. The author, during L919, planned a new- semi-industria] town in Eastern Pennsylvania. The Bite, with Blightly sloping topography, contained LOO acres, and was divided into 263 lots and four Industrial sites. The principal streets were 50 ft. wide; minor sheets, !() ft. wide The lots varied in wi.Ii h from H» to 50 H ., wit h an average depl h of 150 ft.; average area of lots aboul 0.000 sq. ft. The lengths of the blocks were about 600 ft. Alleys were omit ted. Electrical and gas utilities were not included. Table 2. — Cost of House, Land \\i> I'tiutiks (Number designation is the same as in Table 1). No8. [terns Basis of estimate i Per cent, house of ;iiid lot total cos! 1. Eouse 2. Land 5. Street grading ."). Si reel paving 5. Sidewalks . . . 6. Water works 9. Sanitary sew- er system 9. Storm sewers 11. 12 Werage for medium paid workers. Based <>n cosl plus carrying charges for three years; no improvements. . Based on cost of excavation and fil- ling to sub-grade Based on tar-bound macadam Based on concrete walk 4 '-i feet a\ erage width, on both sides of si reet Based on wells, pumping station, e|c\ ated steel storage tank, and 1, (i and 8-inch cast iron pipe distribu- iilt ion system Based on 8-inch tile pipe, at depl b of 9 feet, with manholes, and sewage disposal works Based on 15-inch tile pipe, with :> feet cover, discharge at edge of town $4,000 '.10 90 210 100 170 150 60 Sub-total S4,S70 Supervision and engineering, (" to per cent 487 Sub-total $5,351 Interest during construction. (" 6 per cent 32] Total J5.768 70.0 1.6 1.6 3.7 1.7 3.0 2.6 1.1 8.6 5.7 100 no 20 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Average of U. S. Housing Corporation. — The following table presents a summary of the estimated costs per family for 97 housing projects planned by the United States Housing Corpora- tion during 1917-1918. Only 22 of these were built. These 97 projects included accommodations for 21,005 families, and were situated all over the United States, most of these being east of the Mississippi River. As a general rule, the houses were designed for the higher paid skilled workers. The layouts include detached, semi-detached, terrace or row, and apartment houses. Table 3. Cost of Housing per Family Average 97 Projects — U. S. Housing Corporation (Number Designation same as used in Table 1. Based on Assumed Unit Costs) Xos. Iter Cost -per family Per cent, of total cost 1 House \-a Other buildings 2 & 3 Land 4 Lot improvements 5 & 10 General improvements. $4,374.70 185.85 192.14 147 . 80 497 . 62 Total $5,398.11 81.0 3.4 3.6 2.8 9.2 100.0 (The above figures were obtained from Page 434, Vol. 2, of the Report of the United States Housing Corporation published June 21, 1919.) Lorain, Emergency Fleet Corporation.— A typical example of the industrial housing developments built by the Emergency Fleet Corporation, Division of Passenger Transportation and Housing, is given in the following table, which presents the approximate itemized cost of the village of the American Ship- building Company, completed in 1919 at Lorain, Ohio. The total area of the project was 43.8 acres; it contained 133 detached houses, 44 semi-detached houses, 2 apartment houses and 2 stores. All were of frame construction. While the village was built within the municipal limits of the City of Lorain, it included a complete' layout of streets, all lateral and distrib- uting utility lines, but no feeders, trunks or main transmission lines. Ii VDAMENTAL PRELIMINAR] CONSIDERATIONS 21 I Mill. I AtPPBOXI \1 \ I 1 ' li \Ml.llli AN' Shipbuilding Company, Lobain, Ohio. I House Land :> eel improvements '. \\ iter supply : i r 1 • t distribute Q Sew era Banitary and storm 3 ( leneral improvements -S.I I I K»H II 1 The mi cos) i- somewhal less, owing t<> paymenl by the municipality for it> iicirmiil Bhare of municipal improvements. MARGINAL DEFICIT OR NECESSITY FOR SUBSIDY Statement of Requirements. A consideration of elements affecting the oosl of a modem industrial town at once presents the concrete question Wh.it conjjliiiites a. house? The mater- ials of construction; the oumber and Bjze of the comas; tin* number of families under one roof and finally the exteni of the improvements and conveniences pmvirlftd to guarantee health and comfort ; all of t hese affect t he cost . In Chapter X there are given various views upon the features ami requirements of a satisfactory house, expressed by men who have devoted much time and thought to the subject. It is perhaps only natural that there should be a wide divergen opinion upon such a topic, since, in common with most other typically human questions, it is incapable of exact computation. However, do doubt .-ill will agree th&l the house should be Bjichas to coj Jtli f safety and welfare of its occupants . The features making for the t wo former objects are distinctively technical, capable of more or less exact analysis in thepn state of the art, and therefore are relatively easy of specification. It i- concerning the question of welfare that the greatest differ- ence of opinion occurs. Included in such desideratum arc the more obscure factors in home production, such as attractive amenities, comfort, provision for amusement and helpful Bocial intercourse, and constructive or preventative measures, both in house construction and in town building, making for b moral standards of living. While the - 22 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING various items will no doubt depend upon the comprehension or bias of the judge, such have, at least to a reasonable degree, a direct bearing upon health, and consequently may be considered in the class of the necessities. It is a comparatively simple task to talk about what should and what should not be considered essential and desirable features of a workman's house. A more difficult task is to devise ways and means whereby these features may be obtained and still keep the house within the rent and purchase price that can be afforded by the occupant. Before reaching any final conclusions on the necessary and desirable features of a workman's house, one should investigate, as a basic starting point, the question — What can the workman afford to pay for rent? — assuming that it is neces- sary for the house with its improvements to yield a reasonable return on the investment. Income Available for Rent. — The United States Department of Labor made investigations on the cost of living in the United States, from July 31, 1918, to February 28, 1919, and reported these results in detail in the Monthly Labor Review, for the months of May, June and July, 1919, in Volumes 7, 8 and 9. Nearly thirteen thousand family schedules were obtained in 92 localities, in the different geographical sections of the country, for family incomes ranging from less than $900.00 to $2,100.00 and more. The information thus secured was by personal inter- view, and in many instances by a review of daily expense accounts, which many housewives were prevailed upon to keep over a period of not less than five weeks. The expenditures were subdivided into — food; clothing; rent; fuel and light; furniture; miscellaneous expenditures and surplus. The following table, showing only the percentage of income spent on rent, was prepared from the statistics given in the re- ports mentioned above. Table 5. — Per Cent, of Income Spent on Rent (1918-1919) From Monthly Labor Review — Volumes 7, 8 and 9. Annual income Under $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 S1.S00 to $2,100 $2,100 and over Per cent, spent on rent . . Number of families in- vestigated 19^4 488 13.65 2769 13.12 4152 12.64 2751 12.52 1622 10.36 1062 / I SDA Ml. \ TAL VltELl MINAPA ( ON, IDERA TW The average percentage of income paid i ■nt., while 75 per cent. <»f thi mily im< >m«- was from the earnings o? tEe principal breadwinner. Thei obtain the approximate percen the principal breadwinner's wage that may be available f<>r rent, the figure directly conni wi'.li the v \:i^i aid I"- 18.2 per cent. 1 rge industriea have found by actual experience that when hou jold to the workers, a larger proportion of the income is available for the purch te house than for the rental of the house. This i I do
  • ul>i by the extra frugality stimulated by the desire for home ownership. < Mm- large industry recently developed its housing project <>n the that 17 per cent, of the wort rould be av ailable for houses Wi- 1 l:iic«I for rental purposes, whereas 25 per cent, could be dej <-iii|i-iI upon foi i«li were fo Be sold. genera] purposes, howeve^20 per cent, of the wage income i- a fair figure to use in estimating the amount of wage availabli With the percentage ot wage available for rent, and knowing the wage rate; the amount of money that can be invested in a house and appurtenances that could be self-financed is readily computed. It immediately becomes apparent that forthelo priced wage earner this amount is insufficient to build a - factory house with the presenl day cost of land, building materials and labor. A marginal deficit exis V this point we arc brought \:i>- t - to face with the mosl diffi- cult feature of the industrial housing problem. Stripping it <<\ its Don-essentials, the problem is exemplified by the following three financial statements: 1. With its minimum requirements, a detached five-roon u nli proper yard room and air Bpace and with all appurtenj cannot be built in most part- of the Unit 3 - than 2. With a lo per cent, return on the maintenance and depreciaton, this house mu month. 8. Wit! at. of tin- woi I require 1210 per month, oi v a un- skilled worker. Means to Meet Deficit. The resources to meet thet are 24 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING 1. To increase the wages or income of the family. 2. To subsidize the cost of the house, either in capital, account, or by accepting less than the legal rate of interest in return. 3. To reduce the cost of the house by quantity production, by group- ing and by intensified development, such as the use of row houses or other type of multiple family dwellings. All three are questions of inter-related expenditures. The first two are matters of company policy and bookkeeping. The last is a question of judicious town building, savings in which can be achieved only by the careful, experienced, economical consideration of the design, construction and maintenance of the industrial town. It should clearly be understood that the foregoing is based on renting a detached house to the lower paid wage earners. If a selling plan is adopted, then about 25 per cent, of the worker's income may safely be assumed to be available for reduction of principle, interest and ordinary maintenance of the house. In this case, the proposed five-room, minimum house could be pur- chased by a breadwinner, making about $6.50 per day. Impor- tant progress toward a solution of the difficulty may be gained by the use of row or terrace houses, duplex and other multiple family dwellings, or of the older, partly depreciated houses which have been vacated by a more productive worker; upon the basis that the needs of the minimum wage earning class may be satisfied by the minimum space allotments dictated by sanitation and hygiene. Such dwellings, although requiring a high order of designing skill, not only reduce building costs, but conserve land and lessen the cost of utilties per family unit. The gravity of the financial problem presented by industrial housing has caused it to assume transcendent importance in the program of industrial developments. Once considered a side issue, it is now in the fore-front of the important questions, moulding the policies and procedures of industrial expansion. The new attitude, essential to an economical procedure and now fully realized, allows town builders wider latitude and affords greater opportunities for successfully solving the problem than ever before. Often decided advantages may be obtained for the town with no consequent disadvantage to the plant, if final policies regarding the plant location are formulated only after townsite possibilities are carefully investigated and considered. PUNDAMBNTA1 PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS PROCEDURE OF ORGANIZATION AND FINANCE Policy as to Home Ownership. The policy of ownership and town control is one of the moel far-reaching considerations which MllM be faced in the development of a modern industrial town, affecting as il does the entire scheme of financing, the selection of the Bite, the design of the houses, the order of the construc- tion program, and the administration of the town. Three dis- tincl systems are practised in industrial towns, the third being a compromise of the other two. In one a company, either the manufacturing concern or a special charter organization subsidiary thereto, maintains <\- clusive ownership of the houses and improvements. 1,, the second, the ownership of thehoua intothe j npn of the workers, with or without the financial assistance of the company by some cooperative Bales arrangement. In the third Bystem the houses are owned cooperativejy by ,1„. tenanj and landlord through the medium of :. copartner- ship, or, more commonly, a corporation. Company-owned Houses.— This is distinctively 9 arrangement. Under it. the. housea are financed, built, owned, maintained and operated whoUy l>y the company , and out a ppropriations from company funds, together with Buch asf , alll ,. j^ ,,m be. gained from the rentals. Ordinarily, when large amount of unskilled labor is involved, the development can- not be financed entirely from these rentals. . (I „i if the housing development be a separate com- munity, the entire scheme of operation, including policing, health regulations, fighting, fire protection, etc. must remain the burden of the company. En order to escape Borne oi thes Bponsibilities, as well as in order to conform to a more democratic .vernment, it has been customary to incorporate Buch company towns and to adininister operation by a regularly constituted public government. In this Bystem the selection of the type or Bites and the dev< menl thereof, is not affected materially by the Baleabilil the houses. M • - of construction and general design ol the house Bhould be such as to reduce maintenance and operation plusthefixedcl toaniinimum. The irresponsibility ,. character of interior finish and fixl The changeability of tenants calls for designs and improvements acceptable to general, rather than to individual tai 26 IX DC ST RIM, HOUSING The organization can control directly the designs and stages of construction throughout the development, utilizing therefore an efficient town building organization, whereby all the advan- tages of quantity and standardized production methods may be realized. The system affords freedom and easy mobility to the workers. Privately Owned Houses. — By this sytem, while the company or an entirely separate corporation bears the financial burden of initiating the project, it is eventually reimbursed by the sale price of the house paid in installments extending over a period of years. The maintenance, taxes, and assessments become the burden of the owner upon receiving title to the property. The selection of site in connection with this class of house ownership is affected by the saleability of houses. More money as a rule can be invested in the single "houses under this system, as the buyers will devote a higher percentage of their wages to the purchase of a house than to the rental of one. Individual, rather than group tastes must be catered to, in order to improve the selling value, a requirement which generally results in a more liveable home. The prospective purchaser is generally allowed some latitude in choice of location, and in the choice of one from among several standard types and sizes of house. Some organi- zations permit the purchaser to select an original design for his house. Occasionally the lot is simply purchased from the company and the purchaser employs his own architect and con- tractor. Either of these latter two methods of operation tends to reduce the savings which results from standardization and quantity production methods. The development of the townsite may be placed in the hands of an independent realty company or privately formed housing company. In this case certain restrictions should be enforced to prevent building speculation which will work a hardship upon the workers. This plan has the distinctive advantage of avoiding paternalism, with all of its attendant evils. It removes a large share of the expense and burden of overhead from the company, and, by reason of its democratic and fundamentally sound econo- mics, has a tonic effect upon the entire community which it fosters. Where a company assumes the dual role of employer and of landlord or real estate agent, it has generally been found that the worker, unable or unwilling to give fine discrimination, takes // VDAMENTAL PRELIMINAR] >i.l:\il<>\- 27 advantage of the rather complex situation, by balancing vancee as an employee againsl demands ae a purchaser or tenant (or vice ad will thus insist on far 1 1 1« » r< - than his just due. Indeed, there are numerous instances where 'In- company has had to maintain and repair houses for ; er they I sold and paid for. No matter what good intentions both parties have, differences frequently arise in the process of build ii paying for the house which, with company control, ma permanently discontented worker. The construction program, in connection with a non-company o\ ned townsite, however, may and often does follow the same course as with company controlled town-, the Bales policy being initiated at the completion of the first house. Cooperatively Owned Houses. < ^operative house ownership is the result of an endeavor to solve the housing problem, avoid landlordism and paternalism and share the burdens and tx ■ of ;i house renting business by providing Bexvice-at-cost living quarters to the members of the organization The idea has had its fullesl development in England, although some example* to be found in thi> conn! py. This (vpfi of organization conducts a strictly renting busii it may and often doc- operate partially on borrowed c.,; giving mortg; ■■.. cunt y. 1 he system is particularly app ble to Bmall housing developments where apartment or multiple family houses predominate, and. in fact it loses much ol advantage where detached houses are the rule. The more important technical considerations are similar to th< ribed for " ( 'otnpativ owned 1 louses. " When applied in industrial housing, the industry generally hold- the majority of the stock and receives therefor divid< in the form of rentals. It has the advantage of relit industry of a considerable part of the burden of fin operation, holds a somewhat better pron returning adequate rate of interest, and in addition it. has son advantage in promoting a more wholesome independei self-reliance among the tenant- than in the i ompany- ow ncd houst Forms of Building Organizations. Bu nisation is here taken to mean that financial agency which initiates and i< •onsible for the construction of the housii . The Bchemee and * that ha 28 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING to finance and promote real estate housing developments are manifold as to details of execution and operation. However, for the purposes of industrial housing, they are represented by not over three fundamental types. Loan and Realty Associations. — This form of organization l oans money to individuals for building purposes or for the purchase of land only, up to a specified percentage of the total value of the property either unimproved, improved, or about to be improved, taki ng as security therefor either first or second mortgages, or both. The more usual procedure begins with a borrower who has his land paid for and who desires to erect a dwelling thereon. In this case the borrower would obtain a loan from a bank, or from an ordinary building and loan association, secured by a first mortgage on his property. The realty corporation would then make the borr- ower a loan upon his second mortgage, for the difference between the cost of the proposed dwelling and the amount of the first mortgage, the second mortgage to be paid in monthly installments, or, payable at the end of a term of years, maturing when the first mortgage is sufficiently reduced to absorb the second. As an alternative, the realty corporation may make a loan for the full value of the house, taking as security a first and second mortgage on the lot and proposed building, the first mortgage being payable at the end of a term of years and of such form as to render it easily marketable, the second mortgage being payable in monthly installments. The corporation then liq- uidates its mortgages to the fullest extent, as fast as received, and uses the money thus obtained as a revolving fund to continue operations. Its invested capital will thus amount to between 10 and 25 per cent, of the total value of mortgages held. The stock of the corporation may be held wholly or in part by the parent industry or industries, although the latter is the more customary procedure. Responsibility for carrying on building operations generally rests with the borrower. However, in order fully to protect its interests, such an organization should exercise a watchful supervi- sion over construction work, even to the extent of supplying technical skill, approval of plans and inspection of workmanship. Housing Corporation. — This is essentially a building organiza- tion. A chartered corporation is organized with a stock issue so proportioned as to finance the required rate of building houses. PUXDAMEN1 i/. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIOy Stock i- taken by the Industrial concerns interested, by public- Bpirited organizations, if anj are involved, and to thi extent possible by the public al large. The charter of the corporation Bhould contain a limited dividend clause. With the capital thus obtained, a group of houses is built under the ad- ministration of the corporation. These bouses are sold to men of good health and Btanding regularly employed by the industry or industries concerned, and of proven integrity. Bales are made on a cash payment of a specified per cent . of the sales price, such price including .-ill of the expense whatsoever or the allocation thereof necessary to produce and deliver the house; n would comprise interesl charges, administration, overhead, taxes and insurance, proper allowance for guarantees to public Bervice <•< ir| >< .el i ii .11- . etc. Ai the time of sale the purchaser executes two morgages in behalf of the housing corporation; the first mortgage for 50 to 70 per cent, of the sale price and the Becond mortgage for a face value which is the difference between the total Bale price and the Bum of the first mortgage and the initial cash payment. The purchaser further pays a specified sum per month, usually about one per cent., to cover interest and insurance, (fire and life), the balance being applied to the reduc- tion of i he mortgage. The corporation then negotiates the first mortgage and liqui- date- the Becond mortgage, insofar as possible, using the funds thereby obtained to continue building operations. As a varia- tion, in large housing corporations, mortgage bonds may be is- sued against the first mortgages and sold to the public in small denominations, thus distributing and absorbing the financial burden. A typical plan of this sort was outlined in :i Bulletin issued by the 1'. S. Department of Labor, Information and Education nee, May 19, 1919. "The plan involves an incroporated company with a capib Slid) workmen as can pay down 10 per house and lot will be loaned 50 per cent, by banket and the remaining l<> per cent, will be provided bj pany, which will take a cond mi i [on have agreed to loan the company funds up of the Becond mort the company tied up in any one prop of the value of that property and the capital rill l»e 30 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING .adequate for the promotion of homes up to the value of $250,000. In the meantime, those who build (or purchase) the houses pay off their indebtedness at the rate of one per cent, per month. Thus, the com- pany will have availabe additional funds for further operations." Company Housing Bureau. — In this case a housing organiza- tion, generally a corporation, is formed by the parent industry which owns or controls all stock in such organization. It may be chartered with powers broad enough not only to deal in real estate, but to build, sell, rent and to operate. Where the house enterprise must be subsidized, either directly by capital invest- ment or by acceptance of a rate of return less than a legal rate of interest, this type of organization is generally the only practi- cable one. Such an organization sometimes has been employed as a loan and realty corporation, through which the company will offer to loan money, up to as much as 90 per cent, of the proposed value of a house and lot, to any one of its employees who is a prospective builder and borrower. It has been found however, in practically every instance where tried, that this plan encourages purchase of houses already existing, rather than the building of more homes to relieve housing shortage which is the real object of the plan. In case houses were actually to be built at the borrower's ini- tiative, under this plan, the same reservations as described under "Loan and Realty Associations" should be exercised by the company housing bureau. In conclusion it may be stated that the tendency is away from rather than toward a close control over the housing corporation by the parent industry, for the reason that too close a relation- ship between the industry and its subsidiary organisation in- volves complexities which lessen the advantages of separate organizations as discussed in Chapter XIII. TECHNICAL PROGRAM The broader practical considerations in the initiation of a housing enterprise should receive proper attention early in the initial stage of the project. In fact, the preliminary surveys for the project should be contemporaneous with, or even precede, the equally important matters of policy having to do with methods of organization and finance and with house ownership. This phase of the procedure will require special attention to the following: — // WDAMBNTA1 PRBLIMINAR] CONSIDERATIONS 31 An inquiry into the type and Dumber of houset required with an estimate «'f the range and proper Belling prices and An investigation "t" location! and rites suitable f< r housing purp A plan for economically developing the rite ■ rthy estimate of cost and budgel of expenditure, t>.ii«-t ln-r with ut least an approximate program for construction, which will serve for a basil of financing the propostion. Need for a Program. The procedure to be followed in estab- lishing a modern ami industrial town cannot be haphazard. Too much i- at -take to permit a community to plunge into it. without careful ami searching inquiry. The issue is not only thr expense «>i tin- initial outlay for houses ami towns, but is one of re paramount importance having to <1«» with the smooth functioning of the development throughout it< life in relation to the plant. bo that both may achieve the purpose for which i hey are intended. It has been unfortunate that many industrial concerns h built workingmen's houses, not only without mature thought an. I Btudy <>n 'he part of executives, hut- also without any ade- quate assistance from those whose experience has fitted them to give it. Without doubt it' an industrial corporation were to inaugurates new system in the manufacture of it- product or were to institute a new department in its work, this would be done only after a due Btudy, in which specialists on the installation oi the improvements in question would be called upon for the bene- fit of advice ami judgement . In many actual instances however, when the only hope <»t ob- taining men to work in the plant lay in providing them with pro- per living quarters, it has happened t hat officials whoshowed common sense in matters pertaining to their own business, the intricacies of which they well understood, have rushed into the problem of housing, a prey to unscrupulous or incompetent buildi Lb a result they have had foisted upon themselves and their communities nondescript development-, which later have failed signally to achieve the desired results. In some cases, the fact that all of the new dwellings were occupied, immediately after completion, led to the erroneous belief that an ideal village had at last been built; hut a- discontent later became mai ami it grew apparent that the only reason for occupancy of the houses was that they offered the only shelter available, tl ■ responsible charge awakened to the fact that somewhi 32 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING thing was wrong. In the careful investigations which have followed such instances, much valuable information has been developed, which has raised the standards of later developments built by the organizations concerned, while the experience thus gained has proved valuable to others. The lessons of experience, at least in connection with the house, as a unit, have been learned fairly well, but the importance of study and careful planning of the housing enterprise as a com- prehensive and completely unified project, has yet to be fully appreciated. Preliminary Work. — Number and Types of Houses Required. — The existing or prospective payroll, together with the number of satisfactory houses available will furnish the basis for determining, with a hi gh degree of assurance, the requirements as to number and types o f hou ses and the range of satisfactory selling or rent- i ng prices. The proportion of skilled to unskilled labor and the most desirable ratio of married to single men may be ascertained by an analysis of the needs of the various departments, based either upon the recommendations and opinions of the depart- ment managers, or upon a study of the kind of labor and labor processes best adapted to each. The percentage of women to be employed will determine the necessity or extent of women's dormitories. The nativity and racial characteristics of the prospective working force will, when learned and forecasted, be one of the governing features in selecting the type of house and in district- ing the site. The mountaineer of Kentucky will require different treatment from the native of a Massachusetts city; the Mexicans of Arizona and New Mexico will demand accommodations and conditions different from those required by the Slavs and Swedes of Minnesota; the Italians of California have customs to be satis- fied contrasting with those of the Negroes of Alabama. Knowing the number of the various classes of employees, the ranks and standings, and something of their personal character- istics, the number and type of living quarters may be fixed. The wage scale will obviously affect if not control the total cost of the several types of houses as well as the total capital investment of the enterprise. This subject is presented as a definite problem in Chapter X. Selection of Site. — If the industry is not established and if essential requirements do not fix the location, so that widest ii \ DA Ml. \ / 1/ -"/.'// / Ml\ ARY < ONSIDERA I TONS latitude is allowed, tin- subject requires great breadth of vision and ability of a high order. < Ilimatic, political and labor condi- tions existing in the different Btates and regions must be known and weighed, in connection with the special requirement* of the industry. The cost of living and wages, the ■■ »n, trans- portation and health conditions must be known. I g in- dustries and the law of attraction of Bimilar industries Bhould l«- considered. Whether the town is to be .- 1 1 1 urban addition or an isol rural community greatly affects the choice of site. iphy inn! soil conditions, pleasing vistas, freedom from local nui- sances, Buch as mosquito Bwamps, factory smoke etc. land, political boundries, ownership of sites; nearness to existing communities, accessibility to and from the plant, transporta- tion facilities; highways; availability and cost of developing water, sewerage, drainage, gas and electrical utilities; all must be given due weight and adequate conclusions drawn. Projected Development oj the Site.— A preliminary develop- ment of the site -elected Bhould next be undertaken, for the purpose of determining more carefully the number of building lots and various types available, the approximate districtu the land, the location or relocation of thoroughfares and arterial streets, the availability and location of area- for park-, recreation and civic center- and the availability or location of the principal utilities. This stage of the woik will serve to outline the nature and the most economical disposition of the housing development, and will form an adequate basis for the preparation of a budget and a practical program. Budget and Program. -The final Btage of the preliminary work should be tit*- preparation of a budget of cost and a program of expenditure. The budget will l>e based upon a preliminary estimate of the cost of the project, a knowledge of the met! i financing, the amount of money that is or may be made available and the program of construction. The program of expenditure will be correlated with the program of construction and the si sequence and periods in which the various Bections of develop- ment aie to l.<- completed will in turn depend upon the demand for home-. Design and Construction. The preliminaries concluded, policies determined, budgets made up and fund- procun appropriated, the project may then logically enter m 1 ' Btructioi 34 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING It cannot be emphasized too strongly, however, that construc- tion should be preceded by the preparation of detailed plans and specifications, a precept which seems obvious enough, but which nevertheless is too frequently disregarded. The funda- mental reason for planning any undertaking is obviously economy and the assurance of actually accomplishing the desired end. Perhaps nowhere in the construction field are there more fertile opportunities for accomplishing better results, frequently at an astonishing saving in expenditure, through planning, than in the construction of the large scale housing development with its manifold needs and activities, and therefore its manifold oppor- tunities for waste. Coordination of these various building activities, organization methods as applied to the construction program and the main- tenance of an effective liaison can be made to yield returns, in savings, well worth while. For example, the relation between street and lot grading; the use of specialized squads of workmen successively, in house construction; the opportunities for sav- ing in utility construction by use of a common trench and many other details; quantity purchases and the correct routing of materials; and in short the avoiding of all the mistakes of hap- hazard, time-to-time building. Building Staff— Town building, in its entirety, requires the services of various professions. No one of these can properly function without the cooperation of the others. In connection with its war housing work, the United States Government found it necessary to organize the services of in- dustrial managers, engi neers, architects, town planners, trans- portation experts, realtors, sociologists and contractors, in order- to achieve its purpose. All the phases represented by these different professions must be carefully coordinated and balanced, if an economical, comfortable, attractive, hygienic town is to result. All too often it has been found, even in recently con- structed industrial towns, that certain phases have been over- weighted to the detriment of the project as a whole. Until very recently no town building organizations, containing men trained in the various professional branches essential to successful town construction, have been available. It has usually been necessary to engage independent specialists who in spite of a desire to cooperate, often worked at cross purposes; frequently causing delays, duplication of efforts, and unnecessary expense. // WDAMENTAL PBELIMINAR] CONSIDERATIONS 35 Industrial managere can readily understand the complications inherent in such an arrangement. Elappily, especially during the War, the complexity of town building has been recognised; and comprehensive town building organizal ions have been formed which include, in their varied personnel, men trained in the particular branches essential to successful and economical town building. The field ifi large and the appreciation of th<- problem and of the advantages of Buch codrdinated Bervice u growing. CHAPTER III SELECTION OF SITE Housing Site in Relation to Location of Industries — General Considerations Affecting Town Site Loca- TION — Investigations and Studies Preliminary to Site Selection Introduction. — The success which attends the solution of the industrial housing problem will depend in a great measure upon the character and location of the site selected for the building operations. Irrespective of the merits of the housing policy which the company is desirous of following, that which may actually be accomplished will be determined in many wa ys by ,the restrictions andjmiitations imposed by the site7"~The selection oTthis i must, therefore, receive very careful consideration and it should not be made until the general policies have been con- sidered and the chief requirements for housing formulated. HOUSING SITE IN RELATION TO INDUSTRIAL LOCATION The selection of the building site may be subject to a variety of controlling and limiting conditions. It may arise as one of the elements assoc'ated with and related to other factors which deter- mine the definite selection of a plant site; or, in very broad terms, housing conditions and opportunities for their expansion, may be a factor in regional location for an industry. The two general conditions under which housing sites are usu- ally selected are; first, where the industry itself is a p roject ed on e a.nrl n. spW .inn for its location lias_.not_beeiLJnad.e, and second, where housing is to be provided for going and established plants. The investigation which should precede site selection in tEeTfirst instance is more involved and complex than in the latter, since there are more cond tions, often conflicting, to be satisfied. When a new industrial plant is to be located, the housing of the industrial workers must receive just as careful consideration at the outset as the other factors which affect or concern the loca- 36 SELEi TIOS "I SITE 37 < t i, ,11 of the plant and the problems of operation and production. The opportunity is then present to Bolve the housing problem in a satisfactory manner. It' left to chance, or to later determina- tion, this may prevent the development or successful operation of the industry in its illy chosen location; or, it may make the i housing very expensive. Housing is therefore to be «•<•"- sidered as one of the important factors concerned in plant loca- t ions .- 1 r i < 1 in product ion. Industrial and Economic Requirements of Plant. Theseleo-i Ition of the region, the vicinity, and finally the definite site, in which the proposed plant is to be built, involves in man the fulfillment of certain requirements peculiar to that industry, and conformity to various economic and business conditions that! enter in varied measure into the operation of all industries. Special requirements for certain industries will operate to limit the location, either to definite situations or to regions r> g peculiar requirements which are absolutely oecessary for the londuct of that industry. Mining plant-, for instance, are necessarily restricted to those districts where the ore or mineral deposits are found; the shipbuilding industry musl perforce be located on a site possessing a navigable water fronl ot sufficient depth and width. For certain industries, using large quantit of water in it- processes, the plant site must be adjacent to a suffi- cient body of water. <>r to economical possibilities for the develop- ment of a sufficient water supply. Tl ^e cheapness and availabi lity o f fuel or power will exerl a Btrong influence and be a deter- / mining factor in the -election 67 BlMJH fuVuiany mdustnes. In- dustries which are hazardous in their nature, or productive of unavoidable odors, noxiouc and other auisances will seek ►sullied locat lolis. I conomic locat ion with regard to transportation of raw ma- terial roduct, will be the detennining factor in the selection of the location of many industries. As to whether n earness 1 of raw ma- terial, or location at point- favorable for distribution will pre- dominate, will depend upon the nature of the industry, and be largely influenced by the form and hulk of the product manu- factured. Industries inherently reductive in their pi iquiring hulk of raw material which becomes greatly reduced in weight and volume in process of manufacture, will have - dency to locate in proximity to the boui rial.! 38 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Where raw materials of several kinds are used in bulk, the loca- tion may be made at any one of the sources of supply, or at points where convenient transportation facilities are available for all of them. In any event transportation and terminal facili- ties will be most important considerations. In some industries climatic conditions, the amount of rainfall, *Jhumidity, the extremes and variations of temperature will have /an important influence on the plant operation and will so affect ^j the choice of site. The location of many manufacturing industries, particularly those where skilled workmanship enters into the final manufac- ture and assembling of the finished product, will be to a great extent controlled by labor conditions. This factor is perhaps best expressed as that of the operation of the law of "The Attrac- tion of Similar Industries." This may be a controlling factor even chough conditions in the locality are not otherwise relatively ■ as favorable as others for economic production. The location of ,0 S* the New England cotton manufacturing industry, in a region far removed from the source of supply, is a well known early instance of the operation of this law. It therefore follows that where a section has become a leading industrial center for a given kind of manufacture, the availability of specialized and skilled labor at that point will continue to attract new enterprises of the same or related kind. The particular requirements of an industry, which determine the definite selection of its site will depend upon the nature of the works and the size and capacity of the plant. The require- ments as to the topography of the site and its size, shape, and the possibility of future extension must be fully considered. Where the requirements are such as to demand location immedi- ately on the line of a railroad, or where there must be opportuni- ties for convenient and cheap disposal of waste product, these conditions must be met. Housing as a Factor in Plant Location. — Housing has been re- cognized as one of the factors which must, of necessity, enter into the selection of the location of the industry. The problem is to select such a location for the industry as will fulfill the indus- trial and economic requirements of the industry itself and at the same time make ample provision for a supply of efficient and loyal workmen. There are a number of ways in which this may be accomplished. SELEi TWh 01 SITE The more oommon method, prior to the present day conditions, was to Locate the industrj in or close to a populated district, under conditions in which the housing requirements would take care of themselves bj becoming merged with those of the com- munity. This policy can be followed only where there is either a sufficient Dumber of suitable houses available for occupancy . or where building and business conditions are Buch afi to insure eonstruction by individuals. I Such a plan conveys do assurance of satisfactory housing conditions and failure of realization may react to the detriment of the industry^ \' other plan is to locate the plant in a district where many of t,*the utihties and aecessities and community advantages are available, and ran be in part used, and then to build either di- rectly, or in conjunction with other manufacturers, suitable housing facit [lit The third plan which has been followed in recent years by several of the larger industries, has been to select a site in a rural region, bo far removed from existing facilitii i constitute the devel- opment of an isolated site. Whatever may be the plan adopted for housing, the underlying factors of the housing problem will include consideration for requisite area; suitable topography; accessibility to the plant and to any Deighboring communities, whose facilities for recrea- tion and religion are to be depended upon: the possibilit tablishing proper health conditions and of providing a reasonable measure of amenity and attractivem The requirements of a site suitable for housing are hereafter dis- cussed in some detail and it is proposed to point out in thi> chapter only the chief requirements as to housing, which must be considered conjointly with the other factors when the selection of the Bite of the plant, i^ made. These fundamental factors will include the ( . thfi land, t he the develop ment of the BJtfiJvith all improvements ami utilities ami the erection thereon of building ami the cost of transportation; the extent to which mmunity facilities, such as schools, chuxebj ttion pla He must 1"' provided, will also have an important bearing. The if providing housing, as comprehended by the foregoing classification, together with other of industrial con- truction Bhould he weighed for possible location in ordei determine that which i- best adaptable and u omical to const ruct . »tt 40 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AFFECTING TOWNSITE LOCATIONS Working conditions within the plant and living conditions within the town greatly affect the stability of labor. Phases dealing with such working conditions : as hours of labor, wages, bonuses, piece payments, labor saving devices, safety devices, elimination of disagreeable tasks, etc., all lie within the sphere of the indus- trial engineer and plant expert, as do all the previous considera- tions heretofore mentioned. Factors affecting living conditions — as houses, stores, other buildings, sanitation, utilities, and re- creational and educational facilities, etc. — are phases which call for the consideration of town building specialists. The selection of a town site is both a technical and economic problem ; it is complex because of the number and interrelation- ship of the various factors involved; and there is just as much necessity for the exercise of skill and experience in the deter- mination of the site as in any of the many problems of produc- tion or operation of industry which require the services of specialists for their proper solution. Distance Between Plant and Town. — The location of the plant, fixed either by technical plant considerations, commercial advan- tages, climatic conditions or presence of similar industries, may be established either in or adjacent to a town, or in an isolated location. The choice of a site for the industrial town, to serve either of the above plant locations, is limjled by.ajinje^zone, any area within which is within a certain time distance from the plant. The town preferably sjiould not be more than 15 to 20 minutes walking distance from the plant, or not more than 30 to 40 minutes3y convenient and dependable transportation service. Factors which Relieve Distances. — The allowable distance from the plant to the worker's home will be affected by conditions other than the time it takes to cover it in walking. When access to the plant from the home may be made in a comfortable, agree- able and convenient manner, the lessening of fatigue will tend to minimize the effect of distance. Tliere should, jheref ore, be providedwe lt planne d routesleadi ng fro m the homes to the plant, where walking conditions will be good, safe "and convenient. Where approach paths or roadways are provided, they should be laid out in easy grades, be well drained and surfaced and grade crossings should be avoided. / / - / i<>\ OP si 1 1: I i Bhower bathe at the plan! alleviate the fatigue of long tripe home and many companies have now established modern wash- ing and kitliin^ facilities for thie reason. Most workmen nowaday - like to go to and from their work dry and 'Iran. Such self-respect ie commendable and should !"■ encouraged by provid- ing Buitable means whereby it. may !»<• satisfied. In addition to i<- cleansing effect the Bhower bath refreshes the tired workman, bo that he makce the journey home after a hard day'e work in a iih ire agreeable frame of mind. Many companies, employing large numbers of women woi I have facilitated the movement between homes and the plant by allowing the women to quit work before the men. Thia avoids much of the rush and jostle for women workere at the plan' ■-. hen t he w hist Ie blow b. In isolated town- t fye compam should gee, where transportati on a ccomi lations are necessary, thai they are provided at inable cost, ami are adequate an3 comionablc; tabor trains have frequently Been neglected feuturea; tJiupluyweiil will be made more attractive it' measures are taken to insure cleanliness and protect overcrowding. Map Showing .1 l With the plant site fixed and knowing the time limits between plant and townsite, an area can be Bhown which will include tin' limiting possibilitii choice for the tow osite. The size and Bhape of this area will 1 c affected, not only by the topography, but by the type and charac- ter of the transportation facilities thai exisl or that may l< economically developed. The distance from the plant to th< outer limits may vary from one to fifteen miles, according to th< mean- ■>!" t tan-it. After ascertaining the limiting area for town site possibilitie by means of the map. a general question to be considered, i • the particular site for the town is Belected, is whether or nol it is expedient and advisable t < » locate the plant and town adjacenl i o each < it her or to have ' hem apart . Advantages of Town and Plant Adjacent. A town buill close to the factory permits the empl to walk to and from their work. It reduces the cost of living, as it cuts out daily transportation expense. Jt eliminates, <>n the part ol t !»»• company, the necessity of building or meddling with transit facilities, rtjpermits the woi to their homes for their mid-day meal, thereby saving and perhape securing 42 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING more to their tastes. It obviates the necessity of conducting lunch rooms for most of the men at the plant. It provides that workmen are close at hand in case of 'accidents, breakdowns or other emergencies. It may permit less costly construction, as erection of the town and plant at one location simplifies the shipment and hauling of building materials and may reduce the cost of supervision. The proximity of the town to the plant will generally reduce somewhat the cost of lighting, heating and fire protection for the town and other utilities. It permits the company to have all its holdings contiguous, possibly simplifying the acquirement of land. Disadvantages of Town and Plant Adjacent. — Such proximity restricts the choice of sites. Frequently land suitable for an industry may be unsuitable for the town, or at least much more adaptable, and attractive spacious townsite areas may be ac- quired if the choice is not so restricted. Adjacency permits the atmosphere of the plant to pervade the home. It fails to furnish the daily break between working and living which is so advantageous to both. Many of the dangers and nuisances and necessarily unsightly features incident to the factory are not escaped. Noise, smoke and odors from the plant may make the town less attractive. Decision Rests upon Many Factors. — No definite general recommendation can be made in regard to this question of proxi- mity. The decision must depend upon the character of the plant, the nature of the plant site, the character of the country within suitable distance of the factory, and the status of the transporta- tion facilities. Both possibilities should be carefully investigated with an open mind. While first costs should be kept in mind, economical and agreeable living conditions throughout the life of the town are of greater importance. As a general rule, a townsite reasonably removed from the plant is conducive to the best and most wholesome living conditions. Urban versus Rural Towns. — There may be a choice of build- ing the industrial townsite in such a position that it may be annexed to a growing city; or of establishing the town in an isolated location, so that it will remain a strictly self contained, separate town. Policy of Home Ownership. — The decision in this matter hinges largely upon whether or not the policy of the company ELECTION OF SITE !■' i- to maintain ownership of the houses or to -'-II them. An urban or Buburban development lends itself more favorably Bale's policy, because Buch a Bite affords diverse occupations to members of the workingman's family. Moreover, the urban rite provides a wider opportunity for greater social and recreational activities, and less expense to the local community. < nstruction tut'l Maintenance Consider aliot . h spite of higher land value, the cost of developing within or adjacent to an existing community will generally be less than that of an Isolated town, it occasions less expenditures for Bchools, churches, theatres, hot* etc. The installation of (Ik- utilities such as water Buppry, sewerage, gas, and electrical ser- . can be carried out as a rule less expensively. Mon the upkeep and maintenance cost of municipal utilities may be assumed, if within it- limits, by the municipality. Disadvantages of Company Towns. — If the houses are sold to the workers and the industrial housing project is within or i- later annexed to an established community, the company is relit of all the trouble connected with the administration of th<- town. At its best the duty «>t" managing an Industrial town is an onerous one; it complicates rather than simplifies plant administration; it gives rise to a multitude of situations involving not only the workman hut his family. It multiplies points of contact a hundred fold, and unfortunately these an- productive of friction rather than good will; the dual role of landlord and employer in large industries is a difficult on.- to till; it brings the plant. atmosphere into the home. It i- perhaps the very reason why so many industries have held aloof from the whole question of in. In-trial town-. "Enough difficulties iur in the plant." •In- Manager, "without adding to our trial-.*' i he above reasons it will be found advisable to select i arnl follow a policy that will guarantee wholesome living condi- tion- for the workers, with the smallest possible amount of company intervention. This can be ami ha- been done bu fully; it generally mean- the establishment of a subsidiary land or real estate company, whose functioning ami officials an arable from the industry. Generally speaking, other conditions being favorable, ami urban or suburban industrial townsite, is to be preferred, [solated n iM be chosen only a- a matter of necessity. 44 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING INVESTIGATIONS AND STUDIES PRELIMINARY TO SITE SELECTION With the limiting area for sites of the town established and when such questions as the advisability of building an urban addition or an isolated town, and of location relative to the plant have been considered, other factors affecting the details of selec- tion of a definite site follow in consideration. It may well be that the determination as to the above will not be settled finally until data on a number of sites are presented. Thus it may prove advisable to consider a site best suitable for an urban addition; another in a location most suitable if the town is to be close to the plant; and, finally, a third, most adapt- able for an isolated town site. Necessary Acreage. — To determine the area necessary, the number and types of houses to be built, and the requirements as to size of lot, must be known; the quarters necessary for single men, the number and size of public buildings, stores, parks, etc., must be approximately predetermined and to the area thus found there must be added the space necessary for reasonable future expansion. Knowing these facts the minimum area required for a complete townsite is found. So much for minimum acreage required. General Statement. — Irrespective of the acreage actually neces- sary, the acquisition of additional land is generally advisable. Future unforeseen developments are thus protected. The general tendency is for such land to increase in value and it may be sold later at a profit if advisable. It protects the develop- ment from undesirable conditions growing up at its borders. A practical procedure to follow is to determine the minimum acreage required and then to acquire as much more as possibilities of future expansion warrant and as can be conveniently obtained and financed. Government Examples. — As a suggestion in determining the minimum acreage, interest attaches to the average building density per acre provided for in the 128 town site projects origin- ally planned by the United States Housing Corporation which was 5.6 families per acre of gross area. The type of houses built affect the density per acre; thus rows of group houses furnish a larger number of families per acre than semi-detached or single detached houses. < ll<>\ OF SITE !.-> Tabl 6 and 7 give the details for some of the proji built by the United States Shipping Board, Emergency Flee! CorporatioD and the United States Housing < Jorporation. Tabu 6. Btai ,\. r,,. i 1 1 1 . i ..i Typi "i l >\\ i ii-i"- Miu.it ri.it A. BE 1 ). \ . I Dumb) r . umber Bath, M< Camden, V .1. Dundalk, Md. ( Sloucestcr, N , I Lorain, < >hio. Newburgh, N. , > mouth, N. 11 Bun Mill. Cheater, Pa Wilmington, 1 >el lotti . Mich 1.. I ! L80 1,386 70 9 529 ' 711 ii II I 17 2 :,7 1 l:; 1 :, i 3 117 22] Q 1_'7 it 271 270 1.-, :, 1 .". 24 3 60 i ii ii 9. 1 i. o 1 L 00 84 . S 21 8 _'s :; 37 5 17 2 -1 J 1 1 i) it ii 394 6 22.] :\7.r> II '» 7 7 'J II i) .".-• N 9 1 36 U 78 1 II in 1 6. l 5 l 6 B L2 1 7. 1 i [ncludi >pen Bpacea and area devoted to Bchool and re- onal purpo The following Btatemenl ia quoted from the Ontario Housing ( '.,1111111! tee's Reporl . issued in 1918. iving ample allowance for Btr< i te and open Bpaces, 12 houses j er acre would permit lota of 2500 Bq. ft. In comparison it i- interesting to note that tin- Federal (Canadian) Standard* minim u m l<>t ,,i' L800 Bq. ft. in cities an. I towns, an. I 1500 Bq. ft. in villagi Allowing tin- area required for the streets, lots and parks in tin- residenl ial Beotion of an industrial town, the fore-going allow- ances will result in a density of from eight to families per built-up acre. \ ! twelve families per occupied acre will nut necessarily cause i i conditions. Table 8 denotes the average distribution of area in tern percentage of total area of various townaite projects planned by the United - i i rnment during the recent '• 46 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING 97 contemplated by the United States Housing Corporation and 12 of those built by the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Table 7. — Statistics of Some United States Housing Corporation Developments Showing Effect of Type of Dwellings on Number per Acre Project Devel- oped area Total number of dwellings Per cent, of types of houses De- tached Semi- detached Rows Number of houses per devel- oped acre. Aberdeen, Md Alliance, Ohio Butler, Pa Charleston, S. C Charleston, W. Va Elizabeth, N. J Lylcs, Tenn Muskegon, Mich New Brunswick, N. J. . New Castle, Del New London, Conn .... New Orleans, La Newport, R. I Newport News, Va .... Niagara Falls, N. Y . . . Niles, Ohio Quincy, Mass Rock Island, 111., District Average 51.3 26.5 71.4 21.5 30.6 16.3 19.0 61.1 50.8 43.0 14.7 23.2 42.9 9.4 192.5 53.2 25.3 62.1 161.1 80.0 265.0 167.0 136.0 87.0 204.0 125.0 278.0 397.0 46.0 188.0 209.0 78.0 1,015.0 401.0 117.0 398.0 997.0 287.1 81.3 100.0 17.4 100.0 54.0 0.0 100.0 100. 10.3 43.5 10.7 100.0 12.8 30.2 24.3 88.0 82.1 82.4 57.6 0.0 0.0 82.6 0.0 46.0 50.1 0.0 0.0 38.1 22.1 89.3 0.0 87.2 30.7 20.5 12.0 17.9 17.6 28.6 18.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.9 0.0 0.0 51.6 34.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.1 55.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.8 3.9 6.3 10.3 8.0 9.6 15.0 6.7 8.1 7.8 5.1 11.8 7.7 12.0 9.9 12.7 6.5 9.7 9.4 8.9 Table 8. — Subdivision of Acreage — Governmental Housing Projects Per cenl . of area E. F. C. U. S. H. C. Residential lots 55.1 5.2 26.8 12.9 62.3 2.2 Streets and alleys 25.5 Public grounds 10.0 Total 100.00 100.0 SEl ECTION OF SITE 17 Shape and Costs. Having determined, from a study of the requirements tentatively considered as controlling, the area needed for the development, the nexl question arising undi lection of aite us to compare different possible areas on the basis of shape i.e., adaptabilit} I, cost to secure and possible method of aoquisil ion. Boundaries. The suitability of a possible Bite may be les- sened bj reason of the Bhape of the available tract which can cquired. The boundaries may be determined by the ability to make reasonable purchase bo thai the development of the tract may l>e carried <>ve thai the ngular or regular shaped piece of ground is most economical or desirable in all cases, as many other factors affect the decision and some of the physical characteristics mentioned in the next Beet ion play & greater pari . ' ' of LandJ Cosl of securing land is an important fa lnit again not controlling, as thai which i- cheap in first may be expensive to develop and to provide the facilities required t herefor. Land in isolated, rural territory is generally less expensive than that adjacent to cities, particularly if purchased b knowledge of the location of the industry has Keen made public. Method I [*wo methods of acquiring land pn them one in which opt ions upon or purchase of ground are obtained before announcmenl of factory location; second, by codperative action and pooling of interests in land for the common good, in order to secure the establishment of an industry. The first is the common, well-known method of optioninj purchasing through an agent and so getting control of sufficient land at reasonable and normal pi the identity and 48 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING intent of the future promoter is revealed. In the second, the possibility of competition of sites both for factory and town is held out to the people and owner, and thus an interest stimulated to combine interests and present the favored grouping of lands for consideration at the most reasonable price. Physical Characteristics. — The natural conditions of the ground affect profoundly the relative desirability of sites, not only as to first cost and up-keep, but also as to comfort and con- venience. Topography. — It has been stated previously that rugged hills and like barriers may control a development and it is well known that the utilization of river bank and bottom land for factories has frequently left only the hills and gullies as a chance for houses, and added much to the expense and unpleasantness of life. On the other hand monotonously level ground is not ideal, either from the investment or attractive point of view. A slightly rolling area permits of less expensive drainage than one with a generally flat surface, as well as affording more variety in treat- ment of allotment and division into streets, lots and open spaces. Soil Conditions. — The kind and depth of soil available affects the beautification of the town and horticultural developments of lawns, playgrounds and parks. The depth to rock and the char- acter and stability of the earth will greatly affect the cost of utilities, site grading and building cellars and foundations. The depth of water table not only affects cost of trenching and laying pipes, but involves the added costs of sub-drainage of building foundations, and other precautions to obviate wet cellars. It also is a large factor in infiltration into sewer systems and may thus affect not only the cost of treatment works but also the maintenance thereof. Climatology. — The average and extreme ranges of temperature and precipitation determine to a large extent the character of house required. It is readily appreciated that the materials of house construction in Canada differ from those of the Tropics, but it is' also quite as true that use of shutters and overhanging of eaves also varies with amounts and frequency of precipitation. Other items of climate affect location. The prevailing direction of winds, especially in connection with the subject of nuisance, frequently plays an important part in the desirability of a site. The topography affects this also, as ravines or steep hillsides may and frequently do cause accumulation of smoke and fog banks, so as to render unavailing fifj I l.i I h>\ 01 SITE 19 the ordinary currents of air which dissipate and break up such objectionable features. The availability and frequency of sun- light are important, as ii adds to tin- cheerfulni . Vegetation, Bomewhal akin to this Bubject, may affect the location to an I , a~ heavily wooded areas add to 1 li<- expei >f the aecessity of clearing. Bui Borne woods and retention of such as will not interfere with construction, are an advantagi breathing parks and residential Btreets. The existing types of plant life indicate those which will grow easily in tin- on. Demography. The recorded -n ! I avoid this. Social and religious and political cus- toms of the people must be considered. For exam pie; the strong religious feelings of the Kentucky mountaineers and their aversion for work on Sundays in the coal mines recently developed there, is in contrast with the indifferent attitude of the miners in Borne of the western states. Preference for house types, frequently unexplainable except l>v custom of peoples or community must be reckoned with and planned for; the California bungalows, the Philadelphia rows or groups, the New England cottage, seem to | local attract ion not common everyw here. Surroundings. Care must be exercised in passing upon the suitability of a given Bite to insure that the attractiveness and value of the property, and the living and social condition of the inhabitants will not be diminished by the nature of the sur- roundings. The existence of nearby 1 milt -up districts of undesir- able character is to be particularly avoided as detrimental to attractive rmanency of value and as neutralizing efforts to maintain good Bocial and moral conditions. / iws and /,' Building restrictions, plumbing and health regulations, etc., frequently control the construction details of ho. metimes to an unnecessary and expensive degree. This may In- bo onerous in certain incorporated com- munities as to dictate a location outside of their political bound- aries. Legal powers, permitting the accomplishment of certain aims in ti„. development of housing plan- and utilities are favor- able in some place- and not so well adapted in others, thus 52 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING vitally influencing the decision between different locations. Local customs and business restrictions may often cause con- struction to be unduly expensive. Conclusions. — The selection of a town site for housing industrial workers is a many sided problem. It should neither be decided precipitously without taking in account all of the factors, nor should the location of the proposed plant be decided without a study and a determination conjointly made where labor is to be housed. With a given type of plant and number of workers, character of product. and market conditions, and kinds of labor required, the general range of locations can be found. The next group of determinations cover those coming under the head of urban or rural selection and those like adjacency and remoteness. These two are affected by policies of ownership and renting which must be decided at the same time. Then come the various detail factors that should be con- sidered and weighed in the balance of judgment in selecting an industrial site. Too often in the past decisions have rested upon the influence of too few, sometimes even upon whims and aesthetic tastes, much to the increase of final cost and occasionally with the result of complete failure of the project. The definite selection of the site should be based upon some- thing more than mere weight of opinion. The relative advan- tages of the available sites should be compared by means of preliminary estimates of the comparative cost of their develop- ment combined with the cost of purchase. This will involve making estimates, necessarily hurried and incomplete, but, suffi- ciently close and dependable to indicate true comparisons. It must be realized that there are large differences in cost of developing various sites, in excavating cellars, installing utilities, etc. ; that some sites will require much more to transform into a community than others. The cheaper land will not always be the most economical in the end as the amount saved in its pur- chase may be absorbed in expenditures which better located and more expensive land may not require. It is the hope and expectation that the remaining chapters of this book will not only show the need of studying all factors but the probable weight needed to be given to each; with the result that a happy and judicious decision will result in any given case after a review of all the conditions. ( ii \ i • ri i: i\ DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN Allotment "i Areas The Btbbbt Btstem— Summabt <•» I 1 ,;,,, i ix ki Ki I i.m I "\imi M n I )ia BLOPMENT8 Introduction. While a well developed town plan i- the omrmtinl in the preparation <'i" a definite program for a project, M i,-li a plan ,-an be worked <>nt ami finally adopted "iily after many underlying problems and relationships have been con- sidered ami solved. A completely evolved town plan will ordinarily include the following main feat n Division of the ares into districts according to character of use. (6) Bystem «>!' main or arterial Btreets. oondary or Bub-arterial, business, and residential e trei (,h Bub-division of the blocks into building ! Transportation facilities; including Btreet and trunk railway.-, and railroad Btations, or both. (/) Parks, playgrounds, civic or community centers, Bchools, public i i-i >■ 1 1 >1 i< - buildings and Bpecial featun [uired, Buch a- 1.. ea- tions for public utility structures. (,i) Gardens or yard developments, either in rear yards or allotn The extent "> which the various foregoing features are U introduced into the plan <>i" a housing development will depend very largely upon its mse and its location relative t<> other ami adjoining communities. The various elements ami their under- lying requirements heretofore noted are more <"• less interrelated; their incorporation in a town plan i» a problem of codrdination and adaptation. Too much emphasis cannot be laid upon the importance "i" consistent and coordinated planning, upon the for careful consideration <>i' the essentials of each ••le- nient «»r feature; an- 1 upon the merging <>i" the whole into a well balanced program. The simple, hut often neglected, relationship 1" 54 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING grading and house location will serve as an illustration of the interdependence between different items of the plan. Thus streets should not only be located and graded so as to fulfill the requirements of traffic, access and drainage — their prime func- tions — but also should be fixed, with proper regard for economic and desirable house location, particularly to minimize the cost of lot grading. The surplus or deficiency of materials in street excavation may well be a factor in the development of designs for lot grading. Also the use of alleys, with their attendant expense of construction and maintenance, will depend very largely upon the type and grouping of the buildings. Illustrations, such as the foregoing, could be multiplied indefinitely, showing the necessity and the practical benefits to be gained by the working out of a carefully considered and comprehensive town plan. There is an opportunity for accomplishment in the planning of an entirely new community which is not presented by ordinary municipal subdivisions or real estate developments. Many of the factors, such as the character of buildings, or the amount and movement of traffic which are frequently problematical in the latter instances, can be made determinate in the planning of an independent, industrial town. The new community can, there- fore, be intelligently planned to meet definite requirements and conditions, and again, the problems and the order of their con- sideration will be quite different than in the revision or re- planning of older communities. On account of the great variance in the physical, economic and other conditions vitally affecting the town plan, it is im- possible to lay down hard and fast rules for general application. There are, however, certain criteria which may be applied and certain standards which must be met. The street system must be so planned that it will answer the every-day requirements of traffic, business and access to the houses. The physical well being and health of the community must be assured by providing sufficient light, open space and air, and by arrangements and utilities which will promote good sanitary conditions. The limitations of cost and financial return must be kept in mind, and the expenditure so proportioned be- tween the various requirements that it will be most effective in promoting the health, convenience, amenity and contentment of the inhabitants. In other words the plan must make complete and economical provision for all needs of the residents. DB\ ELOPME \ 1 OF THE TOW a PLAN ALLOTMENT OP AMI General. The initial Btep in the development of the plan, after securing the topographical and other fundamental information, i- the division of the area into districts according to characb Suitable areas must be reserved for industrial, commercial and residential developments, for parks, schools and other recreational and community purposes, and Bites must be sel< for public and Bemi-public purposes such as the civic center and its buildings, railroad stations and public worl I,, such districting, topography, elevation and existing or projected transportation lines, will exerl grea1 influence. The Bhape and location of the various districts will often depend, to a considerable extent, upon the development of a satisfactory -n of arterial Btreets for through traffic and connection with other areas or communities. The work of division must, there- fore, 1"' carried oul in close connection with the arrangement of the arterial Btreel system. Districting and Zoning. -The number and kind of districts and residential Bub-districts which will be required will be controlled by the contemplated size of town ami variety in type of industries and houses, the required size and Bhape of 1"'-. and the cost of land. Districting consists, primarily, in utilizing the various portions of the town and parcels of land in Buch manner as b rve the health, welfare and f the the community tothe besl purpose. [1 furthermore should include definition of restrictions or zoning, to establish the districting policy and to insure permanency in the use of property. It is necessary, aot only to make the most effective use of the property and to build on the most, adaptable ground, but also bo protect tin- future purchaser. Zoning regulations should be promulgated and enforced from the beginning, and Bhould ict, among ether thjngs, the percentage of 1"' occupied, the height of buildings and the use and occupancy of buildings. This will detine the development of districts for many ;• to come. Such regulations ate uow being enforced in a Dumber of American cities and are l»inL r upheld by the courts. They insure that the purposes of the development will be attained and at the Bame time protect the inter the community and the individual. Buch regulations while an ex< the police power mu the first place, mn-sirily be based upon careful designing 56 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING study of probable use. The separation between various districts should not be made too evident, in order to avoid the creation of a prejudice against the property of lower value. A water course, ridge line, woodland strip, park or other topographical feature may be employed for the purpose. The various resi- dential districts should preferably be contiguous to each other, thereby reducing the outlay for schools, fire protection and, generally, the cost of utilities. The more expensive houses will naturally be built where the values will be affected the least by nuisances from the plant, such as noise, smoke or odors. The relative advantages of exposure, prevailing winds and similar physical factors should also be taken into account in selecting areas adaptable for the various types of houses. If the plant is adjacent, its relation to the several residential districts deserves serious consideration. The proximity of the various districts to the main lines of transit, railroad or street railways, or both, must also be taken into account; especially the latter, if transportation must be used by the workers to reach the plant. In making this study, an important consideration is the time required to walk from the work to the homes. The higher paid employees will generally be found willing to travel a considerable distance to obtain a more attractive home and en- vironment. The growing extensive use of the automobile by the well paid is also to be considered. On the other hand, the unskilled workman prefers to live as close to the plant as possible. It is preferable that the walking distance from the houses of the the lower paid men, particularly the laborers, should not exceed fifteen minutes. Districting is an essential element of the town plan, and is inti- mately related to the arrangement, width and character of the streets. Sub-division of Property. — Property sub-division embraces the determination of the shape, size and proportions of the lot and block, and also the division into sub-areas, according to the character of the proposed improvements. In deciding upon the best use to which the various parts of the area may be assigned, topography and physical conditions of the ground must be fully taken into account. These affect the grades of the streets and cost of site grading for buildings. For instance, detached or semi-detached dwellings can be built DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 57 frequently on land which may be unduly expensive to develop for row or group buildings, or for business blocks. Extension to adjoining areas of suitable ground should also be considered, in locating the various sub- districts, particular study being given to the probability and extent of such future developments. Where conditions are such as to make immediate improve- ments inadvisable or unduly costly, the disposition of such parts of the area as are unsuitable for building purposes should be determined when the tract is districted. These conditions may obtain upon account of inaccessibility, rough topography with ledges or rock strata close to the surface; or the presence of low lying ground, swampy, difficult to drain, or subject to flooding. Examples of making such areas available for use include the filling Of low land from surplus street, trench and cellar excava- tions, or by hydraulic fill from an adjacent river, and drainage of swampy ground by trenching. Allowance per House. — The net cost of the land required for each building lot and improvements must necessarily be a governing consideration in determining the size of the lot. This can be determined only after all allowances and deductions have been made for land used for non-return purposes and for that which is unsuitable for improvements. It will be helpful, in studying the problem, to form an idea of the extent and rea- sons for such deductions. The area reserved for streets and alleys will vary with the topography and the depth and length of the blocks, and will depend upon the depth of the individual lot and hence upon the type and grouping of the proposed buildings. In this connection, the statistics of eleven typical villages planned and constructed by the Emergency Fleet Corporation, as given in Table 8, Chap. Ill, will be of interest. It will be noted that the percentage of the area devoted to streets and alleys in these projects ranges from 20.1 to 44.2 per cent., and that the average for all projects was 26.8 per cent. The average of twenty town plans, selected as typical from those made by the United States Housing Corporation indicate that 25.5 per cent, of the area was set aside for streets and alleys. Provision must also be made for parks and open spaces, and for schools, churches and other public and semi-public buildings. The area set aside for these purposes will vary widely depend- ing to some extent upon the isolation of the new development 58 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING and upon the degree to which facilities for recreation and diver- sion, especially large park areas, are afforded by adjoining com- munities. An average of 14.3 per cent, was set aside for such purposes in the above mentioned Emergency Fleet Corporation towns, while about 9 per cent, was reserved in the towns laid out by the United States Housing Corporation. It will gener- ally be found advisable to set aside from eight to twelve per cent, of the total area for parks, open spaces, playgrounds and similar purposes. The land devoted to these purposes should not be considered as a loss of saleable property. This is par- ticularly true, when land unsuitable for building purposes is taken, but in any event, this cost is often more than compen- sated for by the enhancement in value of the adjacent property and by better living conditions. After all deductions have been made and the unsaleable por- tion excluded, from 60 to 65 per cent, of the original area of the tract will constitute the saleable lot area for building use. This will indicate, in general terms, the extent to which the acreage cost will have to be increased to cover the net cost of the land when subdivided into building lots. Densities. — The number of dwellings per acre, or the building density, is of general interest, as its shows the degree to which the property can be occupied and affords a common basis of compari- son. The number of houses per acre is therefore the measure- ment of the saturation of the plan and also an index of housing conditions. This is best expressed as the number of families housed per gross acre, including the street area, but excluding parks and open spaces. In any particular case, the greater the number of families housed per acre, the less the cost per unit will result from the plan. But a high density, brought about by crowding a large number of families on small lots with nar- row streets and lack of open spaces, is poor economy. It leads to undesirable living conditions, the correction or prevention of which is the object of industrial housing and a necessity of our industrial system. An allotment of less than six families per gross acre, unless the topography is unusually difficult, or an especially expensive development is planned, will generally indicate a wasteful subdivision of the land and a lot size in excess of ordinary re- quirements. On the other hand, a compactness of over twelve families per gross acre, unless some are housed in rows or apart- DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 59 ments, will indicate too intensive use of the land and unfavorable conditions, on account of insufficient light, air and open space. Density will be influenced by the type and grouping of the houses, the width of the street, and the space allowed for front yard, back yard, and between houses, rows or groups of buildings. A comparison of building densities will indicate the real situation only in a general way, as the disposition of the open space pro- vided and the degree in which it is useful is as important as the amount. Detached houses, placed too close together, may afford a greater amount of open space than row houses, but the side yard space may not be useful in adding to the convenience and in providing necessary light and air, — in fact it may be detrimental. When the cost of land is high, the number of families housed per acre must be increased, and this can best be done by building row houses, apartments, or two or four-family flat houses, rather than by crowding detached or semi-detached houses upon small lots. Group or row houses may frequently present developments equally as attractive as single or twin houses,, as shown in Chapter X. Residential Districts. — Dimensions of Blocks. — The shape and dimensions of residential blocks will depend partly on the influence exerted by topography and traffic requirements upon street locations and partly upon the depth which is best suited or required for the houses and yards. It is therefore essential, in laying out streets and thus fixing the shape, length and depth of the blocks, that they be located in such manner that the block can be subdivided into the proper size lots without waste of land. Unless there is an important reason, such as allotment gardens or playgrounds in the interior of the block, the depth of the block should be that required by the normal depth of the lots, with an allowance for an alley or easement.. The principal dimension, or length of the block, will then be on the main street and, if advantage of the topography is taken, the ui< >s1 favorable and economic locations for buildings will be afforded. In this way, the necessity for building on the cross streets, which will be undesirable and expensive if their grades are excessive, will be avoided and the cost of utilities will be reduced. The layout of Buckman Village (see Fig. 1) is a good example of this arrangement. The length of the block will be determined by the frequency 60 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING BLOCK PL AN FiQ. 1. — Plan of the Buekman Village Project of the Emergency Fleet Cor- poration at Chester, Pa, DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 61 with which cross streets must be located, in conformity with the traffic or topographical requirements. The minimum and maxi- mum lengths will be regulated by economical considerations and by that of convenience of access. A block length of from 600 to 800 feet will be found desirable, when topographic con- ditions permit. If the blocks are shorter, the area of the land taken for street purposes, and hence the cost of lots, will be increased, as will be the cost of street improvements and utility installations. If the blocks are too long, access from one main street to another becomes inconvenient and the street system will fail in one of its main requisites, that of affording reasonably good and convenient access to and from the houses. When long blocks are used of necessity, as in hillside locations, where cross streets cannot be provided at sufficient intervals on account of topographical difficulties and the cost of improvements, the situation may in part be relieved, as far as pedestrians are concerned, by providing cross walks, with flights of steps where necessary, leading across the block from one street to the other. An example of this solution is shown in the plan of Loveland Farms, Fig. 2. There is a further objection to abnormally long blocks, in that the appearance is likely to become monotonous, particularly if the streets are straight, and the houses are small and located close to the street line. Cross streets, particularly where the intersections are carefully planned, both with regard to the streets themselves and to the grouping of the houses at the intersections, add interest and variety and hence enhance the attractiveness. This will be observable in the illustration (see Fig. 43) of the Yorkship Village project built by the Emergency Fleet Corporation at Camden, N. J. Attractive results were obtained by providing a small park space at an intersection and by effective grouping of the buildings which are of the row type. The length of the block, as well as the size and shape of the lots, should be adapted to the character of the residential dis- trict. Where the building density is low, as it will be in the better class residential districts, the block lengths may be in- creased with less likelihood of congestion and inconvenience. In districting residence areas in accordance with the grades of houses, three general types will be considered: (a) The more expensive detached and semi-detached houses, usu- ally occupied by the salaried employees and the higher paid skilled 62 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING It ^S ! ! | IT "O w^y v \ c \ fit t^^'YAV-^/* # Fig. 2. — Plan of the Loveland Farms Development of the Buckeye Land Company (Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company) at Youngstown, Oliio, illustrat- ing the development of a hillside site with contour streets. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 63 mechanics and clerical force, which will generally require larger lots than the other types. (b) Two and four-family houses and the better class of row houses, where the requirements of the prospective occupants and the antici- pated returns will warrant a lot somewhat in excess of the minimum. (c) Row and group houses, where compactness is desirable, in order to reduce the cost of land and improvements. There may be a further subdivision of the area according to the proposed disposition of the property. For instance it may be found desirable to group together houses to be sold, similarly those to be rented and again those to be handled upon a coopera- tive plan. It may further be desirable to segregate hotels, boarding houses and apartments. Residence Lots. — The residential lot is the unit of the town plan, and much depends, both as to the effectiveness of housing and the living conditions which will be established, upon pro- viding building lots of suitable size and shape. Bad housing has been due frequently to wasteful use of land in the original subdivision of the property, which has laid a heavy burden of increased cost upon the development. If the lots are too deep, the property at the rear is wasted and there is a natural tendency to make the lots narrow and to fail to provide sufficient space between houses, thus preventing proper living conditions. On the other hand, if the lots are of insufficient depth, the frontage must be necessarily increased, and this, as will be hereafter demonstrated, will greatly increase the cost of street improvements and utility installation. The size and proportions of the lot will depend upon a number of factors but should meet certain minimum conditions. The general requirements should be studied and decided upon be- fore the street layout is made; and the subdivision of the property in the block should conform thereto as closely as to- pography and other factors influencing the location of streets will permit. The dimensions will be affected by the following: («) The cost of land. (b) The type and dimensions of the house, the location of the house on the lot, and the grouping of the house units. (c) The required set-hack in the front and the distance back of the houses, to answer the requirements of light, air and open space. (rf) The required clearance between the sides of houses or the ends of rows of houses. 64 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING (e) Rear yard requirements for household purposes, for kitchen gardens and for garages. (/) The cost of street improvements and utilities. (g) The cost of lot improvements, such as grading, house walks, planting, fences and hedges. Cost of Land. — The influence of the cost of land upon the size of lot, and its relation to the housing problem has hitherto been mentioned, and attention called to the relation between the gross and the net saleable acreage. Even where land in acreage is comparatively cheap, much of it may be unsuitable for build- ing, on account of soil or foundation conditions, or by reason of topography. After deductions have been made for the street area, open spaces, and for special purposes, the saleable portion will be considerably less than the general average of 60 per cent, of the gross area. This condition will increase the cost of the usable land. The Sun Village development of the Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion was located on expensive land within the City of Chester and adjoining the built-up section. Although nearly twenty-two families were housed per net acre of block area (exclusive of all streets and open spaces and undeveloped territory included with the tract), the number of families housed per gross area of the developed tract was about twelve families per acre. About 86 per cent, of the dwellings were of the row type, the balance being semi-detached houses. Although the individual lots generally have 20 feet frontage and 75 feet depth, or an area of about 1500 square feet, the actual average area of the lots, due to loss of land chiefly on account of topographical reasons, is in excess of 2,000 square feet. It is evident, therefore, that topographical features frequently render it impossible to develop the building intensity of the standard block. Where land values are high, the type and dimensions of the house will necessarily have to be subordinated to the economic size and dimensions of the lot. This will ordinarily lead to the adoption of row houses built on comparatively shallow lots. The appearance of overcrowding will be avoided by providing streets of ample width, and by allowing a moderate set-back from the street line to the house front. The effects of the size of the lot on saleability must fully be taken into account. Preferences and requirements in regard to size of lots vary widely, and are largely dependent on local custom DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 65 and the habits of different classes. If the lots are smaller than the usual custom of the locality, the full value of the improved property may not be realized. The size of the lot must therefore be adjusted to conform to the purchasing power and the pre- ferences of the people for whom homes are built. Requirements of House. — The type and character of the house, particularly the number, size and arrangement of the rooms, will to a great extent determine the size and proportions of the lot. These must be fixed to meet the requirements of frontage and depth of the building in such manner as to provide sufficient open spaces about the building. Row dwellings will require from 16 to 20 feet, semi-detached dwellings from 20 to 25 feet and detached dwellings from 25 to 30 feet of house frontage. Requirements of Light, Air and Access. — Reasonably good hous- ing standards command the observance of the following minimum requirements : The area of the lot in no event should be less than 1,000 square feet, and should preferably be at least 1,500 square feet. The distance between houses should not be less than 16 feet for two- story dwellings, and it is preferable to make the side yard space at least 20 feet. For higher buildings, this distance should be proportionally increased. The foregoing minimum spacings would apply also to the distance between the ends of row houses, although 20 or 25 feet is preferable in such cases. The distance between fronts of houses should not be less than 50 feet, and 60 feet is preferable. There should be a space in the rear of at least 50 feet between houses. The foregoing distances should be increased if the dwellings are to be of more than two stories. If garages be used the depth of rear yards should be not less than 35 to 40 feet. A set-back from the street line to the fronts of the houses of 10 to 20 feet is generally desirable, as it increases the distance between the fronts of the houses, affords room for porches, adds to privacy and provides desirable open space. Average practice in planning industrial residential develop- ments is in the direction of moderately shallow lots; street widths of 50 feet, set-back ranging from 10 to 15 feet, with the minor cross streets 40 feet in width. With 20-foot fronts, this will allow a building density of about 12 families per gross acre, including the street and sidewalk area, but not including allow- 5 66 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING ances for parks or special purposes. If further economy in the use of land is necessary, it should be obtained by decreasing the frontage or by building two-family or four-family flats. In determining the amount of set-back, the width of the street and that of the planting space in the street area should be taken into account. Where the houses are to be rented and the manners and customs of the prospective tenant do not warrant the expectations that they will maintain attractive yards, con- sideration should be given to increasing the planting space in the streets, and decreasing the set-back to the minimum re- quired for the front porch. By this means control over street appearance may be maintained. Lot Improvements. — The various items required in the improve- ment of the lot, including grading, seeding, planting and fences or hedges, are all related to the size of the lot. The cost of lot improvements will be high where the topography is broken, and considerable grading is required, especially where slopes must be terraced, retaining walls built, or filling of low land is required. Under some conditions the aggregate cost of these items may well have an influence on the size of the lots to be provided. A decision must also be reached regarding the provision of rear yard gardens or allotment gardens. Where kitchen gardens are provided, they should be of moderate size and may range from 500 to 1000 square feet in area, unless the land is unusually steep or cannot be used to advantage for more essential purposes. Manufacturing Districts. — The manufacturing or industrial district will be located on the most level ground available and in pr oximity to the existing or projected railroad and transpor tation lines. Where there is latitude in choice, consideration" should be given to the direction of the prevailing winds, in order to minimize the smoke nuisance. Such districts may in certain cases, be divided or zoned into light and heavy manufacturing; objectionable trades or industries being thus restricted to certain areas. While a definite separation is desired between the residential and the industrial or majmiaiituiing_districts, this result should not be obtained at the expense of coji yenien ce_of. access t o and from the homes of the workmen. A water course, a wooded park, a special street, a railroad, or other feature of the plan may form the line of separation. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 67 In planning the village of East Valley Forge (See Fig. 4) a 30-foot drive was provided along the boundary of the area set aside for manufacturing purposes. This street has a sidewalk on but one side, and the adjoining property is so subdivided that only the rear yards of dwellings front thereon. The plan of the town of Ojibway provides for a business street one hun- dred feet in width separating the steel plant from the town (see Fig. 3). In large communities, it may be necessary to zone or sub- divide the commercial area into wholesale and retail, or ware- house and small store district. Commercial Districts. — The commercial or business district will ordinarily be located with reference first to the projected system of arterial streets; second, to ac cessibility to the residen- tial district; and third, to the jnoy ement of traffi c, f rom t he manufacturing plants, and adjoining communities. Due regard must also be given to the topography, which affects the grades of streets, and the cost of the erection of buildings. Where railroad sidings can be located within easy hauling distance of the commercial district, the cost of handling merchandise will be a minimum. It may even be feasible, if grade crossings and interference with the street system can be avoided, to locate a siding directly in the rear of the business properties, and thus eliminate truck hauling entirely. The required area for the commercial district can be approxi- mated on the assumption that about one acre will be required for stores and business purposes for each 2500 inhabitants. The length of the block in the commercial district should generally be shorter than that recommended for residential blocks. In such districts, a block length of about 400 feet will generally be found to be satisfactory. Short blocks will provide better facilities for traffic and decrease the fire risk. The additional cost will be in part covered by the increased value of corner properties for business purposes. Where there is to be a con- centration of large business establishments in the block, the depth of the lots should be such as to make ample provision for a service court in the rear of the buildings, in order to relieve con- gestion on the streets. In minor developments, the community or civic center and the business district may be merged , as has often occured in small communities, where the joint coTintry store and the post office 68 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING •jt^j/r i00 l 42Z->~4£ musA3S-ft U2M ± DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 69 70 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING have formed the nucleus of the growing business and public social life of the residents. In larger towns, a more interesting and attractive plan can be developed by separating these features, but in such cases they should be located with relation to each other, and connected by adequate streets. As the development of the business section will preferably and generally be left in the hands of individuals, it will follow, rather than be contemporaneous with the development of the remainder of the town. It will be both advantageous and possible for the management of the town to arrange for the use of certain prop- erty, subject to restrictions regarding the architectural appear- ance of the buildings. Furthermore, it will generally be good business to erect some store buildings, possibly in conjunction with apartments, for rental, with the plan of later selling the properties after the business concerns have become established. In such ways the development of the town can be, in a measure, Table. 9. — List of Kind and Number of Business Enterprises in Average Community Kind of Enterprise Number Bakeries Barber shops Boot & shoe stores Bowling alleys Butcher market Butter & creamery stores Drug stores Fruit stands Garages (public) General stores (groceries & dry goods) Haberdasheries Hardware stores Hotels Ice cream and confectionery stores. . Laundries Milliners Printing establishments Refrigerating plant Restaurants Shoe repair shops Stationery stores Tailor shops Undertaking establishments DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 71 controlled, and at the same time progress in such a way that the buildings will be adapted to enhance the appearance of the ultimate arrangement. The number and variety of enterprises, which will be required in any community will vary through a wide range, and will depend to a great extent upon the comparative isolation of the town, and its dependence on larger nearby communities. The preceding table gives a list of the kind and probable number of different business enterprises that may well be required in an average community of 10,000 people, assuming that the town is comparatively isolated and inhabitated by people of average pur- chasing power. Some of the enterprises, as bakeries and grocery stores, may frequently be combined in the same business. Civic Center. — In order that the town may have a pleasing, convenient and appropriate center for its public activities, it will usually be found desirable, unless the town is~exceptionally large, to group public and semi-public buildings together. The elements of this group may well include town hall, post office, central school, library, theatre or public hall, churches, hotels and community club buildings. By assembling these buildings together, or such of them as it is necessary to provide, better architectural treatment can be given, particularly where a suit- able site is available. The location, grouping and architecture of the public and semi-public buildings will often largely be the measure of the interest, attractiveness and convenience of the plan. Where a complete and independent town is to be developed, the civic center may well be separated from the general commer- cial or store district. However, convenience may require the nearby location of small stores or restaurants to take care of the neighborhood and family demands. The predominating req- uisites of the commercial district' — utility and compactness — are somewhat different from those of the civic center — spacious- ness, beauty and convenience — and it will therefore be found difficult to combine the two. The civic center should be reasonably convenient to most of the residential subdivisions and to the main thoroughfare of the town. The requirements of traffic, particularly directness, are not so important that they cannot be subordinated to a reason- able extent, in order that the natural features of the site may be made available in locating and laying out the center. A park- 72 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING way, however, located and planned for pleasure traffic, may be used in connection with the civic center, and the latter, made one of the prominent, dominating features of a formally organized plan. If due regard be paid to the topographical require- ments, effective landscape and architectural features may-Jaa_ obtained. It is not necessary, and generally not advisable tolocate a main artery, particularly where it carries heavy commercial traffic, passing through a civic or community center. Frequently the civic center is developed about a park or plaza, the open space affording the necessary distance, so desirable for interesting and attractive views. It may be advantageous, where the buildings of the civic center group are located about a square or open space, to utilize a main thoroughfare as one of the sides of the square, or to provide a broad avenue leading from the square to the main thoroughfare. The civic center should be planned on generous lines, even though not completely developed immediately, and the plans should provide for the requirements of the future as to the size, character, and architectural treatment of the necessary buildings. Parks and Parkways. — -Well designed parks are essen- tial to the town plan. They provide places of recre ation ; contribute to the beautification of the town; improve living conditions, by affording light, air and open space, and furnish interesting drives for pleasure travel. The cost of land devoted to parks will often to a great extent be met by the increased valuation of the adjoining residential property. If a park system is definitely planned and the properties required are reserved, prior to the development of the surrounding territory, the cost will be moderate and desirable results may be obtained by selecting land properly located with regard to the highway system. Parks must be accessible to the people, or they will not be used, and the park system should therefore be planned with proper relation to the highway system. For the present purpose, two types of parks will be discussed. The first type consists of urban parks of relatively small area, located within the developed parts of the town, and generally planned in a formal manner and highly improved. The second type consists of natural parks, generally located on the outskirts of the town, with improvements chiefly to provide access and to develop natural beauty and scenic features. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 73 Area Required. — The amount of area devoted to parks will depend upon the cost of the land and the character of the resi- dential districts they are to serve. Where row houses on com- paratively small lots predominate, there should be liberal provision for urban parks, in order to provide the necessary open space. Congestion demands parks as a necessity rather than primarily as a means of beautification. In residential districts of the most expensive type, parks are added for the purpose of beautification and increasing the attractiveness of the district. Very often it is preferable, not only as an economy of construction and maintenance, but also as a desirable effect secured, to reduce the width of the streets and depth of lots and combine the land area saved into small park areas. An analysis of the areas in the villages, planned by the Fleet Corporation and the United States Housing Corporation indi- cates 13 per cent, and 10 per cent, respectively, of the developed area, dedicated to school, recreational and community purposes. The areas set aside for paries and other open spaces should range from 5 to 10 per cent, of the total area. This includes small parks at street intersections and the civic center. The necessity for the more extensive natural parks, lying bej^ond the built-up districts, depends very largely upon the size and character of the development and the cost and avail- ability of land. They are not to be regarded as so essential to good living or the well being of the community, as urban parks, open spaces and playgrounds but they are highly desirable as they supplement such features and help to make the town more attractive and increase the feeling of contentment and attach- ment of the residents to the town and promote health, comfort and pleasure of the people. It is one of the ways of giving char- acter and individuality to a town, without which it may be simply a monotonous place in which to five. Provided road- ways be constructed to make the park accessible, rough and broken topography, that would be unsuitable for building pur- poses, may be utilized to advantage for such natural parks. Location. — It will generally be advantageous, to industrial communities, to have a number of small urban parks readily accessible to various parts of the town, rather than one large one. While the latter maybe more pretentious and more sus- ceptible of improvement, it will not properly serve the needs 74 • INDUSTRIAL HOUSISU of the residents. Natural parks, on the other hand, should be of comparatively large area in one unit. Otherwise the appearance of natural beauty cannot be carried out. The completely developed plan will ordinarily include the following: A parked area in connection with, and as part of, the civic or community center; A small park or square in connection with the commercial or business district; such parks, to be developed primarily to relieve congestion and to provide a breathing space in the busy section of the town; A park area adjoining the industrial plant, providing land is available, in order to afford convenient separation between the town and the plant and for the use of the employees during the lunch hour; parks of this kind are frequently placed under the direction and control of the plant management; Local parks in the various residential districts, placed with reference to the main street system and the convenience of the residents; Small park areas at street intersections, as elements of the land- scape treatment and to form islands for the regulation and diversion of the flow of traffic; Parkways and boulevards, which include wide and specially de- signed streets, with park areas either at each side or in the center, or both. These will form an integral part of the main highway sys- tem and frequently connect the park or plaza of the civic center and some of the playgrounds with a larger park area or other important and prominent points of interest. The reservation of strips of land along ravines and rivers and of low-lying land along small watercourses for park purposes will often utilize property that is unsuitable or expensive for building purposes, and, at the same time serve, after develop- ment, as a natural beauty spot for recreation and public use. High ground, particularly if it overlooks a lake or river or affords a far-reaching view of the surrounding territory, will add much to the attractiveness and the charm of the park. Good examples of the foregoing are the reservation of the bottom land for park purposes in the Buckman Development at Chester, Pa., and the setting aside of a grove of trees on a bluff overlooking the Piscata- qua River, in Portsmouth Development, both of the Emergency Fleet Corporation (Fig. 1 and 5). DEVEWPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 75 Improvements.— Improvement of small parks in the interior of a development should be undertaken at the time the houses are erected, in order that the tracts may have a finished appearance BLOCK P LAN ^ Fig. 5.— Plan of the Atlantic Heights Project of the Emergency Fleet Cor- poration at Portsmouth, N. H. The area between the Piscataqua River and the village is reserved for park purposes. and relieve the feeling of newness and incompleteness that detracts from the appearance of a recently built town. A natural park may with advantage be developed gradually. The drives and walks through parks in the built-up areas of the 76 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING town should be laid out, not with the idea of having a symmetrical and interesting plan on paper, as is so often the case ; but in such manner as will best serve convenience of traffic, necessary in parks adjoining the business center and in the smaller parks laid out in connection with the arterial street system. Curved walks should be avoided when their use may lead to the inconvenience and annoyance of the busy pedestrian ; curvature should therefore be used with moderation unless there is clear necessity by reason of topography. The drives in natural parks will be used largely for pleasure traffic, and directness, grade and alignment, while they should be kept within reasonable limits, may be subordinated to the requirements of topography, economy of development, or scenic beauty. In developing such larger parks, it is desirable that separate ways be provided for vehicle and pedestrian travel. Care should be exercised to obviate the possibility of accident, particularly in providing clear views at points where pedestrian and vehicle travel cross. Walks and paths should be laid out so that the public may reach various points of interest by following attractive and interesting routes of natural beauty. Playgrounds.— The necessity for public playgrounds, is no longer a question — the movement has passed beyond the experi- mental stage. As evidence of their extensive adoption, it was reported that in the summer of 1917, 52 cities had established playground work, this being an increase of 21 per cent, over the number that had done so the previous year. There is further a tendency to adopt yearj^£Ojrnd^orjeration, with a permanently employed supervising force. Duringthe year ending November, 1917, 481 cities reported a total of 3,944 playgrounds and neigh- borhood recreation centers, which were operated by regularly employed supervisors and teachers. The method of control varied, about 60 per cent, being operated by the municipality, and the balance by private and civic associations. Location and Area. — Playgrounds should be located so that children can reach them with a walk of not more than one-half mile. Small open spaces, perhaps in the interior of the block, should be provided for the very small children. Playgrounds should be provided at all scho.olhouses, particularly for the pri- mary grades, and should be serviceable not only during the school hours but also at other periods. Particular care should be taken in locating playgrounds, not only that they be readily DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 77 accessible to the area which they are to servo, but also that dangerous street and railroad crossings be avoided in reaching them. The study of the playgrounds of 41 cities, ranging from 60,000 to 1,700,000 inhabitants, indicates a present average provision of one acre of playground for every 4,000 people. It is considered good practice to allow at least two acres of playground for every 1,000 children. Improvements. — The playground area should be graded, to provide good drainage and to permit full opportunity for play and games. Experience in construction, indicates that the best general plan of grading is to provide a ground slope from a central point, with a grade of about 4 inches per 100 feet. Wading pools and sandboxes should be located so that the ground will drain away from them in every direction. If the area is sufficient to avoid concentration in play, the surface may be in lawn. A gravel surface will also be found desir- able for some areas; tanbark — a layer about two inches in depth — has at times been used and found satisfactory, but requires replacement every two years. The play ground should be fenced, for which purpose wire fencing, with substantial pipe or wooden posts, is recommended. The appearance may be improved by planting a hedge just inside the fence. In addition to the regular playground apparatus, trees, shrubbery, benches, fountains, comfort stations and trash receptacles should be provided. Apparatus should be arranged at one end of the grounds or about the edges, to provide the largest possible space for un- hampered play. It is also well to provide for segregation of children by ages. There should be a periodic and responsible in- spection of the equipment and apparatus at frequent intervals in order to avoid the possibility of accident. Athletic Fields. — Athletic fields, with facilities for baseball, football, tennis and other outdoor sports, are essential for the older boys and men. Plans for large industrial developments generally make adequate provision for such requirements. It is found to be an important factor in building up community spirit and the feeling of attachment by the residents for the town. How far and to what extent the improvements and facilities should be carried by the builder of the project or left to the initiative of the community is a question. Interest may possibly 78 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING be stimulated by active participation in providing the facilities, but in any event it will be necessary to reserve a suitable area in the original plans and to do the preliminary work of grading and drainage. While not absolutely necessary, a recreation building or club- house, provided with showers, lockers and gymnasium apparatus, will be found highly desirable; particularly if the town is of suffi- cient size, as to warrant the expenditure. Such a feature can be made self-sustaining if properly managed and community interest is aroused. The location of the athletic field must, of necessity, be largely dictated by topography, as approximately level ground is necessary. While it should be convenient to the town, its removal, within reasonable walking distance, will not be particu- larly objectionable, if adjacent to a good highway. Cemeteries. — The reservation of a suitable area of land for development as a cemetery will be necessary where the housing development is separated from other communities. Its develop- ment may generally be left to the control of the community, particularly that of the churches, but land should be reserved for the purpose. An attractive site is desirable and the appear- ance and plan of improvement should, as nearly as possible, resemble those of a park. Places of natural beauty, and groves of trees should not be unnecessarily disturbed. Cemeteries should be separated from, and preferably not in view of, the residential district. Topographical features or distance may be utilized, and nearby sites, if chosen, may be screened by appropriate fencing and hedge planting. Location should be carefully chosen. Marshes, swampy ground, or areas of high ground water level are unsuitable; nor should the cemetery be located on ground from which drain- age will pass into water courses which may be incidentally used without filtering for drinking water. The sizgjjf the cemetery can be estimated from the anticipated population and the average annual death rate, the general average being about 20 deaths per annum per thousand popula- tion. The area should not be entirely laid out for graves, as a portion should be developed for park purposes. Cemeteries should be carefully planned and laid out, with location of drives, lots and areas for individual graves, fully designated to enable the keeping of proper records. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWS PLAN 79 Surface drainage should be provided to prevent erosion. Careful investigation should be made regarding soil and subdrain- age conditions and subdrains of broken stone or pipe should be constructed in order to prevent seepage to adjoining areas. The development of a cemetery will include driveways, prefer- ably on grades not exceeding six per cent., surfaced with materials suitable for light traffic. A water distribution system following the drives will also be required to furnish a supply for the sprink- ling of roads, lawns and planting. THE STREET SYSTEM The function of the streets is: (1) to provide for through traffic from the town to adjoining communities and centers; (2) to take care of and facilitate inter-communication; (3) to afford access to the buildings; and (4) to provide subdivision of the property into blocks These are the primary uses, but they also serve to afford light and air to the buildings fronting thereon, contribute to attractiveness and order and provide locations for the various systems of utilities. The street system should therefore serve a number of uses and requirements, which will influence its design in proportion to their relative value and necessities. The classification of kinds and importance of various streets and thoroughfares will be presented later, after considering methods and types of street layouts. Types of Street Systems.— For ready reference and comparison, a classification of street systems is convenient. Various types of street systems have been devised to answer different requirements and conditions, and very often their use, particularly that of the rectangular system, has been perpetuated largely for reason of convenience and simplicity, and as a matter of habit. The predominating influence leading to the adoption of some systems, has been that of convenient subdivision- of property, in others, the requirements of traffic, or economy of construction has governed. Rectangular or Gridiron.— With a few notable exceptions the rectangular, or gridiron street system has been generally used in the development of American cities. It is composed of streets located parallel and at right angles to each other, or approxi- mately so, except when modifications or deviations are caused by topography, or by natural or artificial barriers. 80 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Its natural and great advantage is that of simplicity and order, particularly where topographical features are not prominent, and the resulting convenience and simplicity of block subdivi- sion. The rectangular blocks can easily be divided into rec- tangular building lots, and the surveying, recording and description of property is rendered inexpensive and simple. As affording a system of arterial streets, this type is almost universally open to serious objections and disadvantages. Through traffic cannot adequately be provided for, nor controlled, and inter-communication between districts is necessarily re- stricted, and made more or less indirect. Traffic cannot be diverted from the residential streets and will often use as thor- oughfares, streets not designed or intended for such purpose. The introduction of occasional main or secondary diagonal arterial thoroughfares, while it may minimize in some respects these disadvantages, does not remove some of the inherent objec- tions to this type. There is a further great objection and inherent disadvantage of the rectangular street system in that, unless the topography be uniform and fairly level, the extent and cost of grading is likely to be excessive. Poor junctions result with connecting streets, and there is danger that the grade of streets, where fills or cuts are necessary, will not fit the adjoining ground and will make the development of the abutting property expensive or perhaps impracticable. Where the topography is rolling or rugged in character the disadvantage of this system is more prominent, and the expense of sewering and draining is greatly increased. Nevertheless, there has been a persistence in the use of the rectangular system, regardless of topography and the attendant costs of street improvement, installation of utilities and site development. Where the rectangular system is used on fairly level territory, and consequently not subject to the foregoing serious economic drawbacks, its use is often characterized by excessive monotony, particularly where row houses are built in more or less unbroken lines. It is not to be assumed, however that the rectangular system, cannot be used with advantage, particularly for residential and minor streets, under proper topographical conditions and with occasional modifications. Where used, care must be exercised to avoid monotony by breaking the continuity of the streets, by DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN J 'LAN 81 open spaces, offsets, or landscape features; by giving variety in the grouping and placement of the houses, by set-backs and by variations in the design and treatment of the street. Radial or Diagonal. — The radial street system consists of main arteries, which radiate from local points, or "hubs"; thus pro- viding for the requirements of through traffic between various centers and points of importance. The particular disadvantage, from the standpoint of traffic, is that communication between points, not adjacent to one of the "hubs" or focal points, is likely to be indirect and incon- venient. Rigidly adhered to as a system, particularly where the main arteries are located in straight lines, with little regard for the requirements of topography, it will naturally have the same disadvantages with regard to cost of construction and failure to fit the ground, as pertain to the rectangular system. In fairly level ground, a system of main arteries on the radial plan, with well arranged secondary arteries, can often be used effectively. The areas between the various radiating arter- ies will be irregular, often triangular, in shape and can be sub- divided with secondaiy and residential streets upon various plans. The plan of the Ojibway Project (Fig. 3) will illustrate the use of diagonal main thoroughfares with the secondary and residential streets on the rectangular plan. Formal or Geometrical. — The formal or geometrical plan of streets is one in which symmetiy of arrangement and formal design predominate. Very often such a plan will consist of a main axis, possibly a parkway or boulevard along which are located landscape features, prominent groups of buildings, monuments or open spaces; all of which are intended to give a formal landscape effect. There will often be sub-axes located with reference to the main way, oroviding for the requirements of through traffic and intercommunication and also intended to enhance the landscape effects. The various residential streets are then laid out to maintain the symmetiy and geometry of the plan. Often such a plan, will consist very largely of curvilinear streets and be characterized by the development of the plan around various geometrical forms, such as circles, squares or octagons. The chief advantages of the formal plan are in attractiveness, interest and order obtained by careful street planning, house grouping, special features and landscape treatment. But formal 82 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING appearance, and an over emphasized idea of symmetry in plan, often predominates to such an extent that economy, access and intercommunication are sacrificed without achieving any decided advantage. The formal plan will not, therefore, except to a limited and modified extent, lend itself to the development of the plans for industrial towns. It is not intended to give the impression that there are not places where the formal plan may well be used, but to advise caution rather than too rigid adherence to formality and symmetry. Waste of frontage, depth, shallow or irregular blocks, poor circulation and intercommunication, are some of the defects often found in formal plans. An overemphasis is further particularly objectionable and futile when the style, size and grouping of the houses is not in keeping with such formality. In planning large projects, the employment of the formal plan, in designing the important thoroughfares and main fea- tures of the town, will not only be possible but advisable when topography permits. The town plan of Yorkship Village, here- after discussed in some detail, (Fig. 16) is an illustration of a well considered application of the formal plan which was not carried out to an undue extent. It is further to be noted in making plans of this kind, that departure from symmetry in order to meet topographical conditions, while not particularly attractive on the map, can be carried out on the ground without noticeably detracting from appearance. Irregular or Haphazard. — Where a street system develops in a piecemeal fashion, without intelligent planning or control, as has been the case in so many of our American cities, the resulting street system often can be classified as irregular. It has all of the faults and disadvantages that obtain with any of the preceding systems; and because of its lack of idea gener- ally has more instances of them. Examples are everywhere present of such lack of care and foresight, and the resultant expenses for correction appear in municipal budgets year after year. Contour Streets. — Where streets are located with reference to obtaining easy grades, a minimum of cut and fill, and with the idea of fitting the ground so that little lot grading will be required, the streets will roughly parallel the contours of the ground. This may for convenience be described as a contour system of streets. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN I 'LAN 83 The grades of main streets will generally be low compared to the natural cross slopes of the surface, and the cross streets, approximately normal to the slope, will have steeper grades. For this reason cross streets cannot be introduced into the plan as frequently as desired, thus making it necessary for local traffic to detour more or less. In so far as residential and particularly the minor residential streets are concerned, the requirements of through traffic do not obtain, and if good access be provided, indirectness, if not excessive, does not detract from the prac- ticability of the plan. The contour system is, therefore, more applicable in the development of the residential subdistricts of the tract than for the planning of the main system of streets, wherein it will be necessary to consider the requirements of through traffic, especially that of directness. Important connecting thorough- fares, where the contour street system is used quite generally for the residential streets, will not necessarily follow such a plan rigidly. They will deflect therefrom, as required to obtain direct- ness and as permitted by the limits of permissible grades. As both contour streets and the formal plan will require or employ curvilinear streets, it will be of value to consider the advantages and disadvantages of such streets. Curved contour streets are frequently justified by the topography, as by their use, earthwork and the grade will be reduced. It will be recognized that under some conditions the use of curved streets is dictated irrespective of any disadvantages. However, unless their adoption is warranted, either by physical conditions or great attractiveness, the excessive use of curvilinear streets is ques- tionable and they should not be so employed without due con- sideration of the extra costs involved. The cost of both the preliminary and construction, field and office engineering work will necessarily be greater than where the rectangular system is used. Such work involves the laying out of the property, locating streets, block subdivisions, line and grade for street improvements, utilities, buildings, lot grading, the preparation of record drawings and the description and recording of the individual lots. The increased cost of utility construction will be the largest item of expense in building curved streets. It will cost more, particularly if the curves are so sharp that trenching machines cannot be used, to excavate, sheath and shore a 1 rench on a curve 84 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING than in a straight line. Sanitary sewers, where the sizes are small and grades low, will be laid on chords, thus increasing the number of manholes required. As a larger part of the continuous street cross-section will thus be occupied, there is greater prob- ability of interference with other substructures. If overhead pole lines are to be located on the streets, sharp curves and angles will require excessive guying. A reasonable amount of curvature, introduced for specific purposes, will not have the striking effects herein described, or at least such will be comparatively negligible. But the increased cost occasioned by the excessive use of curvilinear streets cannot be ignored, and must be balanced against the saving in street and lot grading, the omission of retaining walls and bridges, the reduction in grade and other advantages. The plans of Buckman Village, at Chester, Pa., (Fig. 1) built by the Emergency Fleet Corporation, and that of the Love- land Farms Development, at Youngstown, Ohio, built by the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company, are typical of the extensive employment of contour streets. In the former development, the slopes, although short, are generally uniform, and the blocks are approximately rectangular, so that the system may be classed as rectangular with modifications to conform with the topography. The irregularity of the topography in the case of the Loveland Farms plan, (see Fig. 2). made such an approxi- mately rectangular arrangement impossible, uneconomical and undesirable. Much better results were secured, in obtaining good grades, in low cost of street and lot grading, and also in obtaining a large number of good building lots, than would have been possible had the rectangular system been used. Rational Layout of Streets. — The street system should be designed to answer its primary and essential requirements as to traffic, access, cost and property subdivision. A rational method of planning is advised, rather than unquestioned adoption of any particular system. The questions of purpose and use should predominate and dictate in working out the plan and its details, and there should be good reason and definite objectives for the designation of each street and each element and feature of the layout. Formality and symmetry should be employed to the extent that the importance of the project and its general scheme warrant, and topographical features permit. Radial streets, connecting the important centers and making due provi- DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 85 sion for the requirements of through traffic, should be located with regard to this prime requisite and with only subordinate attention to the size and shape of the intervening tracts. The system of streets to be adopted need not be of any particu- lar type, but should utilize any of the foregoing systems in whole or in part, to the extent which conditions warrant and which will accomplish the desired results. The plan of arterial highways will necessarily depend upon traffic requirements, and the number and location of important centers and strategic points, so that advice which will be generally applicable cannot be formulated, except in regard to general principles. The location, grades and width of arterial highways should be fixed in conformity with the requirements of through traffic. In the business or commercial district the rectangular plan of streets, and policy of avoiding curves and steep gradients should generally be followed. The residential streets will be arranged on either the rectangular, the formal or the contour system, in such manner as to conform with the type of development, house building, lot subdivision and topography. In residential dis- tricts attractiveness, economy of construction and conformity with lot grades will take precedence over the requirements of traffic. Classification of Streets.— Streets may be classified with refer- ence to importance and character of use. Such a classification having in mind a completely developed street system, is as follows: 1. Arterial streets, or main thoroughfares, which are essentially through traffic streets. 2. Secondary streets, being important links between arterial streets and forming connections with the various districts or centers. 3. Major and minor residential streets, provided primarily to afford access to the houses and carrying only local traffic. 4. Industrial and business streets. 5. Special streets, such as boulevards, parkways, etc. In such a classification as the foregoing, the amount of traffic is kept more or less in mind. The use of the several kinds of streets will now be discussed. Arterial Streets or Main Thoroughfares. — Main or arterial streets must be located and designed with particular reference to their principal function, that of providing as direct, con- 86 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING venient and economical facilities for through traffic as the require- ments demand and the topographical conditions permit. Where an arterial street or thoroughfare is not to pass through the project, a primary street should be located with proper relation to the street system and in such manner as to afford a good connection to existing or projected arteries. Where an arterial highway passes through the project, that section within the project should be designed, not only to care for the require- ments of through traffic, but also the particular requirements created within the project itself. Particular attention should be given to the frequency and manner of making connections with the street system of the project, to the parking of vehicles along the curb and to other uses required of an urban street. Streets of this class should be so located that they will connect the various centers as directly as possible. Modifications and deviations from the straight line will necessarily be made, in order to keep cuts and fills within reasonable limits and prevent damage to adjoining properties. If the topograph}^ is generally flat or uniform, long tangents may be used; making only such modifications as may be necessary to avoid undesirable sub- division of property. It must be borne in mind, however, in locating traffic thoroughfares that the effect upon the subdivi- sion of property is of relatively minor importance. Where changes in alignment are necessary, the deflections should be made by means of easy curves, as the flow of traffic will be obstructed if sharp angles must be turned or if vision is lessened by such turns. Many roadways of ample width lose their effectiveness and their capacity, on account of obstructions and delay occasioned by sharp turns and awkward junctions with other streets. The width of an arterial street should be based upon the estimated volume of future traffic, with suitable provision for local requirements and uses. Streets of this class should not be less than 60 feet in width, which will provide for a roadway width of 36 feet. In large projects, where the arterial street is one of the primary streets of the town it will often be found desirable to increase the width, to 80 or 120 feet. The distance between property lines, definingthe width of the street, should be made ample, even though a comparatively narrow roadway will answer immediate requirements. This is for the reason that this traveled way may be widened, without DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 87 incurring excessive property damage or construction cost; thus the elastic street and possible future use is provided. A later widening, involving setting back and changing the property lines, will generally be very costly and difficult to execute The grade of arterial streets and of the primary streets of the town should not exceed five per cent., otherwise greatly increased cost will result. The United States Housing Corporation recommended that the grade of main thoroughfares and first- class business streets should net, if possible, exceed three per cent The Emergency Fleet Corporation indicated a desirable maximum of not over five per cent, for streets of this class. Whatever may be the desired maximum grade, the limitations imposed by topography may make it necessary to adopt grad- ients considerably in excess of those hitherto recommended. The ruling grades of highways in the vicinity, and particularly that of arterial highways, should be fully considered and no un- due expense or deviation from direct line resorted torn an endeavor to obtain grades less than the limiting grades of con- necting highways. Grade crossings should be avoided, as they are not only a menace to life but they seriously obstruct traffic as well. Even though a grade crossing must be maintained for the present, arterial and main thorough fares should be so located on the plan, that the elimination of such crossings can be subsequently accomplished without undue expense or disturbance of conditions. Subarterial or Secondary Streets. -Streets which form import- ant traffic links between or to arterial streets are classed as secondary, or subarterial streets. The requirements of these are intermediate between those of arterial and of residential streets As traffic requirements are not so important, the mini- mum gradient can be increased but should not exceed eight per CC The principal street of the development, if through traffic is not to be provided for, and if the development is of compara- tively smaU size, will fall into the class of secondary streets, although the street in question is the major one m the develop- ment itself. The requirements of heavy hauling to and from industrial plants must, however, be taken into account m fixing the grade. . The width of secondary streets, varied to suit requirements will range from 50 to 80 feet, Secondary thoroughfares should 88 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING be planned with some reference to the subdivision of property, particularly to avoid division into awkwardly shaped blocks. Directness, however, should not be unduly sacrificed, although it is not as important as in the case of arterial thoroughfares. Ad- vantage, to a reasonable extent, may be taken of adjusting the location to the topography. Seondary streets should be laid out with the idea of diverting through traffic from residential streets. Commercial traffic and heavy hauling, particularly, should be confined to streets located and built for that purpose. Residential Streets. — The planning and location of residential streets is closely connected with property subdivision. The principal purpose of such streets is to provide access, vehicu- Fig. 6. — An interesting street view in the Union Park development of the Emergency Fleet Corporation at Wilmington, Del. ; a contour street in the plan- ning of which, care was exercised to preserve the trees. lar and pedestrian, to and from the houses; and to afford an open space between the houses thus providing light and air. They are to be located and the grades to be fixed in accordance with the foregoing requirements, and in a manner permitting the property abutting thereon to be conveniently and economically developed for residential purposes. Attention must further be given to the appearance and attractiveness which will be obtained when the proper relationship exists between the location, design and treatment of the streets, and the planning, grouping an architectural treatment of the houses. The relation of the residential streets to the primary and DEVELOPMENT OF 'I1IE TOWN PLAN 89 secondary streets of the town is of great importance. It is desirable, for a number of reasons, so to plan the former and their connections with the secondary and major streets that a free outlet to traffic will be afforded, without attracting through traffic and heavy hauling to the residential streets. This is not to be accomplished by imposing objectionable difficulty in the way, such as excessive grades, narrow widths or poor paving, but by inviting traffic to the main highway, by the superior facilities and convenience offered. Such regulation of traffic can further be effected by making traffic routes through the residen- tial streets relatively indirect when compared with those obtain- ing on the main highways. Monotonous continuity is neither necessary nor desirable. Where the rectangular system of streets is laid out, variety and attractiveness should be obtained by the occasional use of curves, open spaces and special treatment of intersections, and by breaking the continuity of the streets in such a manner as to afford attractive vistas and interesting views. The width of residential streets will vary with the practical requirements. It is related to the minimum desirable distance between the fronts of houses, and with the design of landscape treatment. Widths of 50 and 40 feet are ordinarily used for residential streets and 60 feet in high class developments. When special emphasis is desired, wider streets with central park spaces are used. At times it may be desirable to reduce the cost of grading by the use of hillside streets of narrow widths. Where it is planned to erect houses upon the upper side only, the width may be made even less than 40 feet. Streets of this type with a width of 30 feet, and a sidewalk on the upper side, have given satisfaction. It is desirable that the grades of residence streets should not exceed twelve per cent., both on account of the increased cost of paving and maintenance on steeper gradients, and of the difficulty and expense of building on the abutting frontage. Although the maximum gradient may be used where necessary, it will be generally desirable to limit the grade to the neighbor- hood of eight per cent., especially on long slopes. Business Streets. — Business streets should be located and planned for the particular requirements to which they will be subjected. The following recommendations apply to streets of this character. 90 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING The alignment should preferably be straight, as the buildings, facing thereon will ordinarily be solid business blocks abutting on the street line. The grade should preferably not exceed three per cent. The width must be ample to take care of the requirements of through vehicular, street car and pedestrian traffic, and to permit of vehicles standing at the curb without impeding the movement of traffic. A minimum width of 36 feet of roadway and an overall width of 60 feet is indicated, but this width will be insufficient if the street be characterized as an important thoroughfare. In such cases the requirements of through traffic, convenience and use would indicate a width of at least 80 feet. The width, however, should not exceed 100 feet as excessively wide streets tend to discourage business. The width of the sidewalk and planting strip should be ample and not less than 12 feet. If there is any concentration of business upon the streets, the planting space between the curb and paved walk should be omitted and the sidewalk extended from the property line to the curb. Streets with Car Tracks. — When a street or thoroughfare is to be occupied by a street railway line, it will be either a main or secondary traffic thoroughfare and will therefore be planned both to serve the general requirements of such highways and also the particular requirements of the street railway. When a double track is to be laid, the minimum width of streets should be 60 feet, which will allow for a 36-foot roadway. A 54-foot roadway, and a total width of street of 80 feet will be much better, as it affords room for vehicular passage on each side of the tracks with standing room at the curbs. Parkways and Boulevards. — Parkways and boulevards may be classed as specialized streets. They will be provided primarily to afford attractive and pleasing routes for fast-moving pleasure traffic, and as features in the landscape design. They should be located with proper relation, to points or centers of interest, and should be carefully coordinated with the design of parks, public buildings, the civic center, and other main features of the town plan. In cases of this kind, there is naturally great variety in methods of treatment and in the factors of the design such as width, arrange- ment and general plan. They generally provide for street car tracks, if used, in an unpaved and grassed strip either in the center DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN ( J1 with a drive on each side, or else at one side, removed from the travelled way; the latter is particularly useful on side lull construction. Alleys.— Alleys should be provided when necessary to attord access to the rear of row-dwellings, apartments or business blocks They should, in all cases, be public thoroughfares, at least 12 feet in width, paved for 8 feet; or if two-way traffic be required the minimum width should he 1G feet. Alleys should be located to afford a clear view from both ends, thus facilitating lighting, inspection and policing. Where narrow alleys are provided, change in direction, if required, should be made on easy curves, permitting vehicles to turn without damaging fences and hedges. The erection of board fences or of buildings abutting directly on the alleys should be prohibited by restrictions and by the building code. There has been much discussion for and against alleys, and there has been a marked tendency in recent years to largely discontinue their establishment wherever possible in municipal and town planning practice. Alleys will generally be necessary as service roads where houses are built in long rows. Their use in other circumstances will depend upon the relative advantages and disadvantages accruing therefrom. Their principal advantage will be to promote convenient access for the delivery of household supplies, as food stuffs, and coal, and the removal of household waste, as garbage, rub- bish and ashes. They may serve to make possible the effective sanitary inspection of rear lots, and the character and habits of the occupants may make alleys desirable for this reason. They may provide access in case of fire, which is an important element if long rows are to be built, The modern demands for space for the automobile garage, even for the smaller homes and all classes of occupants, may make alleys desirable, particularly if the houses are to be sold. Alleys may often be used to advantage for the location of overhead and underground utilities; and, although easements will serve such purposes as well, public utility companies are often disinclined to locate in the latter, on account of the diffi- culty of access and their preference for a public highway. The first objection to alleys is the cost of construction and maintenance. Such improvements as grading, paving, draining 92 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING and lighting will appreciably increase the total cost of the pro- ject. They will also add to the lot cost where the abutting property has to be graded to the alley, and where fencing on the rear lot line, and a rear house walk, may be required. The cost of operation embraced in the upkeep and main- tenance, is a further item of importance. Alleys must be cleaned with the same care as the streets; they must be lighted and policed; and the pavement must be kept in repair. Undesirable living and sanitary conditions often obtain in alleys of urban districts; this should be kept in mind and avoided by intelligent planning. The cost and disadvantages of alleys are such that it Yia. 7. — A concrete service alley in the Dundalk Project of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, near Baltimore, Md. may be wise to consider building semi-detached, or small groups of houses, and providing passages between the groups or rows, rather than constructing alleys. The author made an estimate in 1913 of the cost of construct- ing alleys for a large project for five thousand houses. The results of this study showed that the additional net cost for alleys twelve feet wide was about $200,000 or $40.00 per lot. The estimated increase in annual maintenance expense per lot was $5.30. The increase in house rental to cover the cost of constructing and maintaining alleys, according to the above figures, would be about 44 cents per month. Present day costs DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 93 of construction would greatly increase the foregoing. In this particular instance, the recommendation that alleys be omitted from the plan was made and adopted. Details of Street Design. — Width of Roadway. — The width of roadway must be fixed to accommodate the traffic, to permit the temporary parking of vehicles along the curb and to permit the turning of vehicles from the street into private driveways without unduly interfering with the movement of traffic. The width of the street, which includes, in addition to the road- Fig. 8. — Rear yards of row houses of the Sun Hill Project of the Emergency Fleet Corporation at Chester, Pa. Access to the rear is gained by the concrete walk, located on an easement, and which has a dished cross-section and serves to facilitate surface drainage. way, the sidewalks and planting strips, should be planned to take care of the future requirements, rather than those of the present. It will be unnecessary and uneconomical to make the present roadway of greater width than the traffic requirements will demand at the end of the fife of the initial surfacing. This suggests the so-called "elastic street," which contemplates the laying down of pavements adequate for present requirements in such way that the roadway can later be widened, when resur- faced, by moving back the curbs. 94 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING -tzo-o ■ -- so'-o"- ® J iU-u >j T — "V • *^ I ?'-<7----x r> ^-'>i kr'>U ,?'->! — ! ' ■ ' *, ; — httt V$-bA4'-d'*.-—20'-0 44-6*5** k- •SV-0- ->* 4z Wfcfcfc- 2i'-o'~-~ --As L 6 U'-Azl ^ Property Line tyW* &< Ur - SO'-O- ->l k- — - - 36 '-0 - ■>*<*& ^kf A i|— , * I asa- r7T = R~ / k /! £\ K-- 60'-0-~- Q) ,J feJBL /'JU'ii''*!*- — 2o'-o ! -4ts'^4^Vi' B s. ,- m \. _... Wv-"- .-if —Property Line Fig. 9. — Typical and sugqcsicd examples in street subdivision. (A) A park- way in Yorkship Village. (B) 40-foot street with 18-foot roadway. (C) 50-foot street with 20-foot roadway. (D) 40-foot street with 20-foot roadway. (E) 50-foot street with 26-foot, roadway. (F) 60-foot street with 36-foot roadway. (G) 85-foot street with 56-foot roadway designed for four lines of vehicular traffic and two street car tracks. (H) 50-foot street with 28-foot roadway and single track. (I) 60-foot street with double track. (J) Alternative design of 40-toot street with tree line set hack of street line. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWS PLAN 95 Detail recommendations on the subject of widths is presented in Chapter V. Sidewalks. — The width of the paved sidewalk should be fixed to meet the requirements of pedestrian ( ravel. It will range from a minimum of four feet to six feet for residential streets, and from eight to twelve feet in business districts. Such width of side- walk should be paved as early as the requirements appear to make necessary. The paved width may later be increased with little difficulty, provided the distance from the curb line to the property fine has been made of adequate width. The sidewalk space includes not only the paved sidewalks, but the planting strip, and the space reserved, if any, to permit of future roadway widening. The ordinary practice is to allow a narrow strip, generally two feet in width, between the property line and the edge of the sidewalk, and a planting strip, between the sidewalk and the curb. This main planting strip should be at least five feet wide, in order to give requisite space for the planting of trees,. and to discourage pedestrians from encroaching upon it by giving it sufficient emphasis. A 40-foot street, with a 20-foot roadway, will allow for two 10-foot side widths, each width providing space for a one-foot strip between the property line and sidewalk, a 4-foot paved sidewalk, and a 5-foot plant- ing strip. If there is occasion to make some of the minor streets less than 40 feet in width, the planting strip must be decreased, and it may be advisable to lay the paved sidewalk directly against the curb; thus placing the planting strip between the inner edge of the sidewalk and the property line. This plan was followed with pleasing effect in improving some of the minor streets of the Dundalk development at St. Helena, Md. built by the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Court Streets. — -Dead-end streets are to be avoided, as objec- tionable from the standpoint of traffic requirements and par- ticularly from the standpoint of fire protection and policing. Desire for variety and special grouping for expensive residences or apartments and where the contour of the land dictates, may, however, make it advisable to develop part of the tract with court streets, by extending a minor residential street from the main street and providing an ample circular turn at the extremity. Such streets or courts have been frequently used to advantage in the development of high-class property, and are of value in that they add to attractiveness and individuality. 96 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Court streets may further be used to develop those portions of the tract, where it is difficult or impossible to locate a through street; and can particularly be used advantageously in sub- divisions where the topography is broken and steep slopes predominate. This idea was employed to a considerable extent t~* ■*-'■&< J, ^ , 1 =» »^ Fig. 10. — Typical study of planting for housing development; proposed plant- ing for the housing project of the Emergency Fleet Corporation at Newburgh, N. Y. in the subdivision of the Loveland Farms project (See Fig. 2) and made possible a far more economical subdivision of the property, particularly in the case of deep and irregular blocks, than would have been the cage if through streets had been located. Orientation. — As it is desirable that each room of a dwelling should receive direct sunlight during some part of the day, the DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 97 question of exposure should be carefully considered where then; is choice in the orientation of the streets, particularly in northern climates. Streets should be located in such a way as to give the largest amount of building frontage having good exposure, especially in case row houses are to be built. If topographical or other conditions require that some of the building streets extend east and west, conditions can be greatly improved by suitable lot subdivision. Preference should be given to building detached houses, with side windows in the rooms having northerly exposure, rather than group or row houses. Intersections. — Intersections and junctions of important traffic thoroughfares must be planned in such a manner that the move- ment of traffic will not be interrupted nor collisions occur. This will generally involve, with narrow roadways, 'the enlargement of the intersection, the rounding off of the corners, or the occa- sional employment of central park spaces of circular or of curved form. The latter should be designed with care, in order to facili- tate and direct rather than obstruct, traffic movement, and should be planned to favor traffic on the more important street. The grades of important intersections should also be carefully designed, those of the more important highways being given the preference. It is desirable to reduce the number of intersections of minor and arterial streets to a minimum consistent with good circulation and access, so that the movement of high speed traffic on the thoroughfare will not be subject to frequent interruptions. Suggested designs for typical intersection problems are illustrated in Fig. 11. The intersections of residential streets, insofar as traffic is concerned, do not ordinarily require any special study, except to insure that good platform grades are used, and that the corners ' are eased off with curves of sufficient radius to permit the easy turning of vehicles. Such intersections, however, may be utilized in developing the landscape scheme, by employing street offsets, central parked areas, and special designs of interest, individuality and attractiveness. Profile and Grade. — The profile of the street and its elevation relative to that of the finished surface and adjoining lots and floor levels of buildings is of great practical importance and also affects appearance and attractiveness. For the sake of appear- 98 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING JIL "1 f© ^ JL 2m AVE. ® F JL Fu. li. — Typical street intersections: (1) An enlargement at a five-way intersection. (2) Rounding of radius at acute intersection. (3) Typical parked area or island, at intersection. (4) A small parked square in a residential plan. (5,6) Intersections designed to facilitate traffic movement. (7) A court street DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN PLAN 99 ance, the first floor level of the buildings should be at least two feet above the street, depending, however, upon the set-back and the topography. In some instances down-hill depressions are used, and need special treatment. The requirements of lot and block drainage must be considered, together with those of gutter capacity and traffic as outlined in a following chapter. Such determinations should be made at the time of preparing the design and fixing the grades of houses, walks and lots, in order to insure suitable drainage and promote economy in construction. Fig. 12. — Street view in Buekman Village, Chester, Pa. The curb grades must be fixed so that sufficient fall will be provided to drain the sidewalk and planting strip, and the finished surface of the adjoining lots. This will require slopes of not less than one-quarter inch per foot for paved sidewalk surfaces, and from three-eights to one-half inch per foot for lawns. It is advisable, topography and cost permitting, to have the front lawn drain to the sidewalk. The manner in which the drainage with turning circle and connecting walk. (8) An intersection design from York ship Village. (9) ( Conventional four-way rectangular intersection. (10) Donley Square in the Lorain Project of the Emergency Meet Corporation. (11) Usual three-way intersection. (12) Intersection designed to prevent traffic congestion at intersection of minor streets with main thoroughfare. (13) A circular or gyratory intersection of three streets. (14) An informal design of an offset in- tersection with easy curves. (15) An intersection park in a minor residential street. 100 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING of the side and rear yard can best and most economically be effected will depend upon the topography and the comparative amount of grading required. In fact, the whole grading problem, including street improvements, lot grading and cellar excavation must be considered as a single problem. The amount of cutting and filling that can be done on street and lot improvement will depend, to a considerable extent, upon the surplus or deficiency of material that will be available. If there is a deficiency in filling material, additional cutting on the streets, in order to improve grades or appearance, or excavation of lots which are above grade, will be indicated. On the other hand, if there is a surplus of excavation, the material may be used to advantage in filling up low areas. The most economi- f i mm „..- . \■£ in. to \^ in. per ft. Bituminous macadam does not wash, is comparatively dustless, and is fairly easy to maintain. It makes a very comfortable riding road for fast vehicles, and if a flush coat is not used it is not slippery. It is not durable enough for heavy traffic, but stands up well under moderate loads. Bituminous Concrete. — This type of pavement is composed of a mixture of broken stone, trap rock, gravel, gneiss, or slag ag- gregate and a bituminous cement, laid as a wearing course over a base of water bound or bituminous macadam or cement con- crete. The mixture is prepared in specially designed equipment and mixed after heating the bitumen to the proper temperature, and preferably after heating the aggregate. There are three distinct classes of bituminous concrete pave- ments in use today, which may be briefly described as follows: First. — A bitiminous concrete pavement, having a mineral aggregate varying in size from about Y± in. to \ l /i in., or as the material is re- ceived from the crushing plant after screening out larger sizes. Second. — A bituminous concrete pavement having a mineral aggre- gate similar to the first class but with the addition of sand, stone screen- ings or similar material. Third. — A bituminous concrete pavement having a definite mechani- cally graded aggregate of broken stone, slag, etc., with or without sand or other fine inert material. The sizes of mineral aggregate in this class vary by definite percentage from dust to about 1 in. STREETS AND PAVEMENTS 133 The first class represents perhaps the most common form of this type of pavement in use and requires somewhat less skill in preparation to get satisfactory results than do either of the other two. The second class is harder to control in securing uniform results and therefore is not so extensively used. The third class has found extensive and satisfactory use and includes several kinds of patented pavements. The scientific grading of mineral aggregate as called for in this class, produces a pavement of greater density and more uniform quality than the other two. To secure the best results, the bituminous materials must be carefully selected in the light of past experience, and used under laboratory control, the material used generally being asphalt cements or refined tars. This phase of the subject is highly technical, and will not now be expanded. The materials for bituminous concrete paving may be mixed by hand, but it is better to use machine heating and mixing methods, as a more uniform product is obtained. It is impracticable to lay this surfacing in wet or cold weather. After the material is placed on the road it is rolled, while still warm and pliable, to the desired thickness, usually 2 or 2}^ inches. Rolling should begin at the edges and continue toward the center, and should be done with a 10-ton tandem roller. When the roller makes no ridges on the concrete, a seal coat of bituminous cement is usually applied to the surface, in quanti- ties of }-2 to 1 gallon per square yard, and the surface is then covered with stone chips and again rolled. Bituminous concrete on a cement concrete base makes an excellent pavement. It is smooth, attractive in appearance, and when properly built is fairly easy to maintain. It is not so slipppery as sheet asphalt, which it resembles in many of its characteristics. It is comparatively high in first cost, which often prevents its use in industrial developments, and is not suit- able for extremely heavy traffic, but under the usual traffic of resi- dential streets stands up well. It is often constructed on a base of macadam or bituminous concrete differently proportioned, but the results are not quite as satisfactory, and the annual maintenance cost per square yard is greater, as the foundation must be renewed from time to time. Cement Concrete. — Cement concrete pavements have been rapidly coming into favor in the last few years, and at the pres- ent time large quantities of this type are being constructed. 134 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING From past records, it has been evident that cheap pavements are much too expensive to maintain on streets carrying any consider- able amount of traffic, and the concrete pavement, probably more nearly than any other, represents the mean between maca- dam surfacing with high maintenance costs, and the expensive block pavements, and sheet surfacing over heavy foundations. Concrete pavements may be made in either one or two courses, but the present tendency is to use the former. In two course work, the bottom course usually has an aggregate of a larger size and is sometimes of a leaner mixture. In this method of con- struction there is some danger of the upper course separating from the lower, with consequent disintegration. Concrete pave- ments of the one course type are usually built from 5 to 8 inches thick, common practice being to make them 6 in. thick at the outside and 8 in. thick at the center of the road. Concrete is usually mixed in the proportion of one part Port- land cement to two parts sand and three parts crushed stone or gravel. It should be emphasized that in the construction of cement concrete pavements the selection of only the best of aggregates is of prime importance. In order to wear uniformly the mixture must be as dense and strong as possible and this means that only good clean material, showing high abrasion test and graded in sizes, must be secured. Crushed trap-rock, granite or hard limestone are better than gravel for this purpose. The cement should be subjected to laboratory tests to insure best quality. After grading and compacting the subgrade, it is placed on the road, where it is spread to the required depth and lightly tamped at the same time. After the concrete has started to set, it is finished either by hand, by the use of a roller and belt, or by a tamping and finishing machine. The use of a finishing machine is desirable, but excellent pavements may be constructed by the roller and belt method. Hand finishing by floats is not quite so satisfactory, as slight depressions in the pavements are unavoidable when this method of construction is used. In city and town work the curb is often poured integral with the pavement itself. This is considerably cheaper than using a stone curb, as well as presenting a better appearance. The crown of a concrete pavement should preferably not exceed 3^ in. to the foot, and may be as little as 3^6 m « to the ft. Vertical joints to take care of temperature changes are ordi- STREETS AND PAVEMENTS 135 narily placed from 30 to 50 ft. apart, depending on climatic conditions. These joints should be about ^ in. wide and filled with a bituminous compound. There seems, however, to be 4*wp.* ^IjffiJ*"" 2 some tendency, away from using such joints, except where it is necessary to stop the work for a time, and at the end of a day's run. Concrete pavements are constructed both with and wkhout 136 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING steel reinforcement. In climates having considerable range of temperature, or where the subgrade conditions are not the best, it is commonly used. The weight and amount of the reinforce- ment is a matter for careful engineering study. This is usually in the form of woven wire or expanded metal and is placed near the center of the slab. Details and typical cross-sections of plain and reinforced concrete pavement, constructed in the Loveland Farms Devel- opment, are shown in Fig. 18. A somewhat different design of cross-section and curb, is shown in Fig. 19, giving the details 7-0- * . ^..'stinc CATCH BASIHS Cinders „H-- » -, J SECTION AT txiitina' r ;«TW-3Tile r ATru racunc "JL"?'^-~?Jti/eDram lf'-0^4'-O l ^--- 7'-0''---^'-0$-----W l -o"----^-^rr-IO L k— s'-o-—- >| __ 2 ' ' tfV./?5amf«ry--.J ) Sewer ™ 5 L 0"or, Typical section between"™" 7 ," p™ --9-0-— m STREET INTERSECTIONS f'Oastiain St 6 " t 5J3 FT.STREET-Looking North 60'-0"- 6 Water Mam .l2'-o'l-—->\2'-V*r -IO L 0--->f- -y-IQ'-O '--■ ->j?-^<- -, 12 '-0 - ?f-4'-0" *< X^TT/leWa/'n- -,4'-6"- foisting Cinders j-'Tik-m'- k * : 'H/affr Matin MKtmsas'irSfs.' 60 FT.STREET-Look.ng North or West *""^ ) 8 % z? '>jt t ,rmPra;n 7*| *"**"*■ ■>t^^*l .-Stone Slab Sidewalk i (K 'J 'Gas flam TYPICAL SECTION BETWEEtf ,„ „ />0 . LJ k— -$'F^V/'5ff/7/f«ryJ^er STREET INTERSECTIONS 6 M»*"~"; in r\<~—3'-o''-—4 .12 or 24" u 14-0- ^ Y-4'-0^- — S'-t?"-—^— ■?'^ in. to the foot is recom- mended for concrete and flagstone sidwalk paving. Subgrade.— The subgrade should be prepared by removing perishable and spongy material, and by rolling and thoroughly compacting fills. Fills should be made in layers of about 6 inches, and should extend at least one foot beyond the edge of the pavement, in order to keep the foundation from being under- mined by washing. In the central and northern sections of this country, except when the subsoil is porous and conducts water readily, a porous 144 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING foundation of cinders, gravel, crushed stone, or slag should be laid under the paved sidewalk. This porous base should be connected to a drain, so that water which reaches it will be lead away. This may be done by building blind drains from the side- walk to the underdrain to the curb. A thickness of 4 to 6 in. for the foundation is used, depending upon soil condition and tem- perature. For typical design see Fig. 18. Concrete Walks. — Cement concrete is the most commonly used material for sidewalks, as it closely approaches the ideal. The first cost is moderately low, it can be made smooth but not slippery, and is durable, clean and attractive. The concrete pavement is laid directly on the prepared sub-base; it may be one or two courses. In the two-course method, a layer of con- crete 3 to 4 in. thick is first placed. This concrete is of a mix, varying from 1:3^:7 to 1:2:4, a common proportion being one part cement, two and one-half parts sand and five parts crushed stone or gravel. After placing it should be thoroughly tamped and the top course placed immediately. The top course is made of a rich mixture, with stone or gravel screenings for the coarse aggregate. A proportion commonly used is one part cement, one part sand, and one and a half parts stone screenings. Often a mixture of one part cement and two parts coarse sand is used with equally satisfactory results. The thickness of this course should be from 1 to 1^ in. The surface is then "floated "with a wood float, leaving it just rough enough to afford a good foothold, and is divided into squares. These squares may vary in size from 3 ft. X 3 ft. to 6 ft. X 6 ft., but should never exceed 36 sq. ft. in area. Care should be taken that the joints extend entirely through the pavement. In the one-course method a 1 :2 :4 mix is used, the entire thick- ness of pavement being laid at once. This thickness may vary from 4 to 6 in., 5 in. being a common thickness. It is then finished and jointed as described above. One course construc- tion is recommended, as it is less expensive, easier to lay, and not so liable to disintegrate as two-course work; besides, it is not so likely to be slippery, a common defect of two-course walks. Where the walk meets the curb at street intersections expan- sion joints filled with a bituminous filler should be employed. Similar joints should be provided at intervals of 50 to 100 ft. along the walk. Coloring matter or lampblack is sometimes STREETS AND PAVEMENTS 145 added to the surface to take off the glare of natural concrete. Two pounds of lampblack to a barrel of cement will give the pave- ment a light slate color, and 10 pounds a dark bluish slate. A concrete walk constructed as outlined above will prove entirely satisfactory. Failures of concrete walks are usually due to slumping of materials, poor workmanship, or inadequate provision for contraction and expansion and drainage. Brick Walks. — Brick walks are laid in some localities, dark red building brick being ordinarily used. The foundation is prepared in the same manner as for concrete walks. About 2 in. of clean sand is spread on the base, and the brick laid on side either at right angles to the line of the walk or in a herringbone pattern. The brick are then sprinkled with sand and then tamped under a plank, or with a broad-surfaced wooden rammer. Sand is then swept into the joints. Brick sidewalks have a tendency to become uneven, and are more difficult to keep clean than cement concrete. Miscellaneous Types. — Slabs of granite or sandstone are still occasionally used in some localities, but their use is being rapidly superseded by concrete. They are expensive, unless local material is available, and it is difficult to prevent unevenness at the joints, by settlement. They also frequently spall and break. In New England tar concrete is quite extensively used. This type of walk is built in two courses. The lower course consists of about 4 in. of coarse gravel, thoroughly coated with tar. The wearing course is of coarse sand and tar, mixed hot, laid about 1 in. thick. Each course is tamped and rolled as soon as laid. The walk is covered with a thin layer of sand as soon as completed. These walks are not very satisfactory and are being replaced today by cement concrete. A type of walk known as asphalt mastic has been used in France and to some extent in certain localities in this country. A mastic is prepared from a combination of rock asphalt and a refined asphalt, fluxed with an asphaltic base petroleum. Suffici- ent fluxed asphalt is mixed with the ground rock asphalt to give about 20 per cent, of bitumen, and a layer'of this mixture about 1 in. thick is placed on a 4 to 6-in. concrete base. A small amount of fine gravel or coarse sand is then rolled into the surface of the warm material. This form of walk has been used quite exten- sively in at least one large American city, for walks over side- 10 Y* 146 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING walk basements, on bridges and in parks and apparently has given very good results. The life of the wearing surface is not as great as cement concrete, but is easier to walk on and the cost, including base, in the instance cited was about the same as that of cement concrete. Sheet asphalt surface, similar in many respects to sheet asphalt paving has been used in parks and residential districts but is not as durable as the mastic or other types already mentioned. Bituminous macadam walks constructed similar to bituminous macadam pavements, although much thinner have been used in a few cases but these are not very satisfactory due to uneven wear and settlement. Asphalt tile walks, consisting of tiles or blocks of compressed asphalt and mineral aggregate, laid with or without a concrete base, have been used in New York and Boston parks and else- where but have not found general use in smaller towns and cities. Where it is necessary to keep costs down to the lowest possible point, cinder, gravel or slag walks may at times be built. They are cheap and give fairly satisfactory results, and later on may serve as the foundation of a permanent pavement. The prin- cipal objections are difficulty in cleaning and in snow and ice removal. Clean, coarse cinders should be used. They should be placed in layers, wetted and tamped. The total thickness may vary from 6 £o ^2sin., depending on the character of the subsoil. ' Curbs and Gutters. — Curbs are built to form the backs of gutters and to protect sidewalks or planting spaces from the encroachment of vehicles. They must be of sufficient strength to resist the overturning thrust of the sidewalk or frost action, and sufficiently strong and tough to withstand the shock and abrasion of steel tires. Curbing is made of cement concrete, granite, limestone or sandstone. Of these, cement concrete is now the most widely used, the materials being universally avail- able, the cost comparatively low, and concrete being easily adaptable to various conditions. Stone Curbs. — Stone curbs are usually 4 to 8 in. wide and 12 to 20 in. deep. The projection of the curb above the gutter may be from 4 to 8 in., 6 in. being the standard in most places. Shallow stone curbs are usually set in a 6-in. bed of concrete. Deep curbs should be set on broken stone or gravel foundations, unless the subsoil is naturally well drained. STREETS AND PAVEMENTS 147 The top and exposed face should be dressed to plane surfaces, and the joints and other faces should be pointed, so as to permit close joints between the individual stones and between the curb and sidewalk pavement or gutter. Stone curbs are ex- pensive, unless local stone of the proper quality is available, and do not give as good appearance as concrete. Combined Concrete Curbs and Gutters. — Concrete curbs are usually built in place, using a concrete mixture similar to that used for sidewalks. The practice of surfacing the exposed faces with mortar has been generally used, but to an increas- ing extent, some curbs are now poured in one piece, omitting the mortar surfacing. Steel forms are much better than wood, as they are more economical and give a much better line and surface to the concrete, requiring less finishing. Concrete curbs are usually 5 to 6 in. wide, 18'to 24 in. deep, with joints spaced 6 to 12 ft. apart. They are built in the trench on compacted gravel, stone or cinders, or on an underdrain as described in an earlier part of this chapter. The combined curb and gutter has come into favor on account of its cheapness and attractive appearance. A typical design of this is shown in Fig. 18. This design gives a pleasing appear- ance, does not cause damage to automobile tires, and actually adds to the effective width of the street, by cutting down the space required for parking, as the motorist is not afraid to drive close to it. Gutters. — When the integral concrete curb and gutter is not used, gutters of flag-stones, brick, stone block and concrete are commonly built. Gutters should always be built on a paved street and especially on steep grades or fills where washouts are liable. On paved streets the gutter should have a shallow depth and the cross-section should conform to the finished pavement and the gutter need not be more than 2 ft. wide. On unpaved streets or macadam streets, the gutter should be deeper and wider, as wide as 36 in. having been used, in order that the gutter will carry all the water and thereby prevent washing of the roadway along the sides. Flag stone gutters laid in a sand cushion may be the cheapest. Brick gutters may be built in the same way, but they are not entirely satisfactory unless a concrete base is employed. Stone blocks have been frequently used in the past, but all these types are rapidly being superseded by concrete for residential 148 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING developments. Concrete gutters are extensively used where curbs are built of stone or separate concrete section. They are used more extensively than brick on unpaved or macadam streets as they can be more easily shaped to the required section and will not loosen up as quickly as brick when not supported by the pave- ment backing. They are usually about 6 in. thick and built similar to a one course concrete roadway paving. In suburban sections, where it is desired to avoid the use of a curb, the type of gutter shown in Fig. 19, has often been used with very satisfactory results, from the standpoints of economy and utility. When a wide planting strip is used, this gutter gives a very pleasing park-like appearance to the street. Maintenance and Repairs. — Cleaning. — Street cleaning may be preventive as well as corrective, and the former may well be the more important. Preventive street cleaning may be carried out at small cost by the enforcement of local ordinances for- bidding such things as sweeping of rubbish, paper and the like on the streets; disposal of this material in dumps where it may be scattered by the wind; storing of material on the highway by builders unless properly supervised; and failure to use proper receptacles for ashes, garbage and rubbish. These things are of major importance. The sanitary condition of a community is affected by the cleanliness of the streets, and this item should not be neglected. Corrective street cleaning in industrial communities will usually be carried out by one or more men assigned to it, possibly combining this work with other duties. Police officers should be instructed to report promptly any violation of ordinances. When hard surfaced pavements are built, this should be supple- mented by periodical flushings with a hose or power flushing machine. The condition of the pavements and the character of traffic attracted by the streets is also influenced to a marked degree by their cleanliness. Repairs. — It cannot be too strongly emphasized that no pave- ment will give satisfactory service unless properly maintained. The amount of maintenance required for the different types of surfacings varies widely, but even for the more permanent types some work is necessary every year if the best results are to be obtained. It is very important also that breaks or holes in STREETS AND- PAVEMENTS 149 the pavement should be repaired promptly, otherwise delay will mean multiple expense. Expansion joints should be cleaned and refilled, cracks should be filled with bituminous material, holes and depressions should be repaired. It should be noted that holes should never be filled with harder material than that which makes up the rest of the pavement, as the final result of this practice will be two holes instead of one, or a little later, a hump in the pavement. In conclusion it is pointed out that as are the streets, so is the town. A poor town never has good streets, and a good town seldom has poor ones. CHAPTER VI WATER SUPPLY Quantity of Water Required — Standards of Quality — Selection of Source of Supply — Purification Systems — Distribution of Water — Piping System — Contract Plans and Specifications — Financial Preface. — Water is a prime requisite to existence, — therefore, before the site for a housing development is finally chosen, an adequate supply of pure, potable water should be assured within a reasonable distance of the future community. The most important use of a public water supply is that of furnishing water for domestic use, including that used for drink- ing and culinary purposes, for washing, showers, lavatories, and flushing closets. The essential requirements for such a supply are: first, quality which is of fundamental importance; next, adequacy, dependability and reasonableness of cost. Second in importance is the use of water for fire extinguish- ment, the chief requisites being quantity, pressure and dependa- bility. The third use is that for public requirements, among which are street cleaning, sewer flushing, street sprinkling and all water used by public institutions. The fourth use is for indus- try. The primary requirements of a water for these purposes are quantity and dependability. QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED Influences Affecting Consumption. — Metering. — It is probable that the most important factor in determining the consumption is whether the water is sold by measure or otherwise. The gen- eral tendency of metering is to reduce, to a large extent, unneces- sary waste and, therefore, the installation of meters in industrial villages and housing developments is to be strongly recommended. The marked reduction in consumption following the installation of meters in various cities is shown in Fig. 21. This relation between metering and consumption is presented in the form of 150 WATER SUPPLY 151 the per cent, that metering in various amounts reduces the use of water. The data are based on records of use in 85 American cities. Detection of Leakage a?id Waste. — Another factor, almost as important as metering in its effect on consumption, is the care fc 0.80 ft :3 75 | E 0.E.0 0.40 0.10 V \ \ \ \ 20 40 60 80 Percentage of Taps Metered Fig. 21. — Effect of metering on the use of water. I 'J0 1908 Fig. 22. — Effect of summer temperature on the per capita water consumption in thoroughly metered cities; 1908. used in the avoidance of leakage and waste. Leaks in mains and services cannot be entirely eliminated. It would be next to impossible to find many of the smaller ones and even if located it would not pay to uncover the pipes and repair them. The 152 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING larger leaks, however, can, by the exercise of care in conducting leakage tests, be located and stopped; thus one of the most important items of waste can be eliminated. 150 J? 1917 1918 Fig. 23. -Effect of winter temperature on the per capita water consumption in highly metered cities; 1917-18. Milwaukee, in 1916, had reduced leakage by care in detecting and stopping waste to approximately 17 gallons per capita per day; and Cleveland, in 1914, reported also a reduction to about 11 gallons per capita. |'40 | 35 ,5 30 & a .1 15 / I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Years After Water Wa$ Introduced II \l 13 Fig. 24. -Relation between the age of water works and the daily per capita consumption. Other Factors.— The wealth and habits of the people have a more or less indefinite but nevertheless direct bearing on the question of consumption. Climate also has a very considerable influence, especially upon the amount used for lawn and street WATER SUPPLY 153 sprinkling and public purposes and that which is used to prevent freezing. The effect of high and low temperature is shown on Figs. 22 and 23, covering the period of high temperature in 1908 and the cold winter of 1917-1918, respectively. The age of the water supply and the piping system exerts a considerable influence on consumption. As the consumers be- come more and more accustomed to the comvenience and uses of an abundant supply, they indulge in a more liberal use and often at the same time, in greater wastefulness. Age of street mains and services plays its part in contributing to opportunities for leakage by deterioration at joints, connections and in pipes themselves. The typical effect of age of service on water con- sumption is shown for a large number of towns on Fig. 24 here- with. Consumption of Water for Various Purposes. — Domestic Use. — The consumption of water for domestic purposes varies between wide limits, dependent upon the type of town served and upon the class of houses. The average domestic use in various cities is given below, showing the wide variation in quantity of water used. Table 15. — Consumption per Capita for Domestic Purposes, as Deter- mined by Meter Measurements City Consumption gallons per day Remarks Boston, Mass. . . Brookline, Mass. Newton, Mass . . . Belmont, Mass . . Maiden, Mass. . . Milton, Mass . . . Watertown, Mas, Fall River, Mass Worcester, Mass Yonkers, N. Y 16. .6-59.0 Residential 44.3 Residential 26.5 Residential 17.7 Residential 19.6 Residential 16.8 Residential 15.3 Residential 11.2 Manufacturing 16.8 Manufacturing 20.6 Manufacturing The variations in domestic consumption corresponding with various types of houses are shown in the records of the Metro- politan Water District of Boston, Mass. 1 given in Table 16. Commercial Use. — Under this head, there should be included all uses for mechanical, trade and manufacturing purposes. Large 1 .11. N. E. \V. \Y. Assoc, Vol. 27, P. 56. 154 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Table 16. — Water Consumption in Dwellings of Different Classes in the Metropolitan Water District Boston, Mass. — 1908 Kind of houses Consumption in gallons per capita per day Single (.including some sta- bles and garages) 2 family 3 family 4 family 5 family 6 family 7 family 8 family 9 family 10 family 11 to 20 family 21 to 30 family Over 30 family Combined house and store . Total . 9 20 25 36 31 278 86 65 113 18 9 505 1,208 37 48 129 382 598 1,032 1,037 10,631 3,700 3,107 7,849 2,199 1,640 21,410 53,799 140.9 37.5 61.2 29.5 76.2 52.2 35.5 28.0 27.5 50.3 35.3 44.3 25.1 29.9 Average 33 . amounts of water are used in office buildings, stores, hotels, factories, elevators and railroads. The use for these purposes varies greatly in different communities. In 1902, it varied from 12 to 46 gal. per capita in large American cities. In small housing developments, however, the amount, of water used for such purposes is relatively small and it probably is fair to esti- mate the consumption for commercial purposes at from 5 to 20 gal. per capita, depending on local conditions. Table 17. — Water Used forPublic Purposes- District in 1902 -Boston Metropolitan Public buildings Drinking and ornamental fountains. . Street sprinkling Flushing pipes and extinguishing tires Gallons per capita per day 3.8 1.0 2.1 0.2 7.1 WATER SUPPLY 155 Public Use. — Water used for schools and other public buildings, street sprinkling, sewer and water main flushing, fire extinguish- ment and other occasional uses comes under this classification. In the Boston Metropolitan Water District, water was used, in 1902, as shown in Table 17. It is difficult to make a close estimate of the quantity used for flushing water pipes and sewers and for extinguishing fires. Although large quantities are used occasionally for these purposes, the total quantity consumed during a year is comparatively small. An allowance of 5 to 7 gal. per capita for public use will, in most cases, prove ample. Loss and Waste. — The enormous quantities of water used by some of the large cities of the United States, when compared with the actual metered use, indicate that a very large percent- age of the water furnished is lost through leakage or is wasted by the consumer. Even in highly metered communities the percent of water pumped which is not accounted for may easily equal from 30 to 50 per cent, of the total consumption, as is shown in Table 18. Table 18. — Use of Water and Percentage Unaccounted for in Well Metered Cities 1 City Per cent, of taps metered Consumption per capita gallons Per cent, not accounted for Brockton, Mass. . . Cleveland, Ohio . . . Englewoocl, N. J . . Fall River, Mass . . Hackensack, N. J. Lawrence, Mass . . . Ridgefield, N. J... Ware, Mass Wellesley, Mass . . . West Orange, N. J Yonkers, N. Y . . . . 100 49 100 100 100 92 100 100 100 100 100 34 96 37 46 163 44 52 83 30 21 52 13 40 39 18 39 43 20 17 1 1906, J. II. Fuertes; with revisions. According to the State Department of Health of Massachu- setts, in 1900, no city of that state, having over 90 per cent, of taps metered, accounts for over 62 per cent, of the water furnished; while one fully metered city finds but 37 per cent, of its supply registered by such devices. 156 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING The water lost through waste and leakage may be divided into two general classes: — that lost by leaks in the main pipes and distribution system, and that lost on the premises of the con- sumer through leaks in service pipes and plumbing. The amount of leakage from these sources is dependent upon the care used in laying the pipe and the effort made to locate and repair leaks. All in turn are more or less dependent upon the total length of lines to be maintained. This relation is amply demon- strated by Fig. 25, based upon records of 14 well metered cities. Loss from well constructed distribution systems of 2,500 to 3,000 gal. per day per mile was deduced by Emil Kuichling. 1 It is probable that leakage in a new system will not be materially 25,000 » 20,000 15,000 10,000 c 5,000 / o/ / V- / / / / y< / -^~ y ,s / 100 ?00 300 400 Length of Distribution System in Miles 500 600 Fig. 25. — Leakage and waste of water in thoroughly metered cities. less than 3,000 gal. per mile daily, unless special care is used in testing and all defects remedied. In new work, 200 to 250 gal. daily per mile per inch of diameter of pipe probably represents the permissible leakage, and it is likely to run higher. Total Consumption— In the case of a new supply, where the immediate installation of meters is not contemplated, a daily quantity of not less than 100 gallons per capita should be pro- vided for, based upon the approximate quantities shown in Table 19. i Tians. Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. 38. WATER SUPPLY 157 Table 19. — Average Consumption in Unmetered Cities. Types for use Gallons per capita per day Minimum Maximum Average Domestic . . . Commercial Public Loss Total.. 30 5 3 20 58 80 30 10 35 155 50 15 5 30 100 Should the supply be metered, the average per capita consump- tion might be reduced to 50 or 75 gal., most of the reduction coining in the domestic and commercial classes. Variations in Consumption. — The probable maximum con- sumption which must be provided for depends almost wholly on local conditions. The average variation in use of water, based on records of 67 Massachusetts cities, is shown in Table 20. Table 20. — Maximum Water Consumption Based on Average of 67 Massachusetts Cities and Towns 1 Gallons per capita per day Per cent, of yearly average Average daily for the year. . . Maximum month Maximum week Maximum daily use of water. 63 81 93 123 100 128 147 198 1 Jl. N.E.W.W. Assoc, Vol. 27, p. 98. Although in exceptional cases the maximum daily consumption may equal 300 per cent, of the average, the figures quoted above may be taken as representative of general conditions. The hourly demand rate, however, which may occur twice a day may very likely be as high as 300 per cent, of the average daily. STANDARDS OF QUALITY General. — Those qualities which distinguish a good "safe" water may be summed up in a negative way as follows: First: The water should be free from bacterial contamination, sewage pollution and all other waste products. 158 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Second : It should not contain an excessive amount of mineral matter. Third : It should be free from color, odor, taste and suspended matter, and preferably should be delivered at a temperature of not over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Sanitary Quality. — U. S. Treasury Standard. — The standard adopted by the United States Treasury Department, in determin- ing the allowable limits of contamination, are briefly: the 37°C. bacteriological count on nutrient agar at 24 hours, shall not exceed 100 per c.c; and that not more than one out of five 10 c.c. samples of the water shall show the presence of Bacillus Coli. Classification of Great Lakes Water. — The progress report of the International Joint Commission, covering its investigation of the Pollution of Boundary Waters, contains the sanitary classification given in Table 21. Table 21. — Classification of Great Lakes Waters 1 Classification Bacillus Coli per 100 cubic centimeters Total bacteria on agar at 37° Centigrade per cubic centimeter Unpolluted Less than 2 2 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 50 Over 50 Slight pollution Considerable pollution . Serious pollution Gross pollution Less than 10 10 to 25 25 to 50 50 to 100 Over 100 1 Progress Report, International Joint Commission on Pollution of Boundary Waters, June 16, 1914, p. 20. General Standard. — The sanitary standard as to B. Coli, as re- quired by the U. S. Treasury Department is extremely severe and is difficult and generally considered impossible of continuous attainment in ordinary water works practice. General practice appears to permit 50 to 75 total bacteria per c.c. at 37°C. and 2 to 5 Bacilli Coli per 100 c.c. sample, subject to restriction, however, when considered in conjunction with each other and a knowledge of the condition of the source of supply. Physical Quality. — Color. — The allowable concentration of color in a water supply is subject to wide limits in different locali- ties, due to differences in custom and habits. In general, in the East and particularly in New England, whore highly colored WATER SUPPLY 159 waters are common, an amber color of 20 parts per million is not objectionable; while in Central and Western United States, a color of even 10 parts per million would not be tolerated. Turbidity. — The reverse is true of turbidity, since in the West, waters of 100 parts per million turbidity are frequently counte- nanced; while in the East, a water with a turbidity of over 20 parts per million would not be allowed. However, the tendency in modern water supply practice is everywhere toward a clear, brilliant and sparkling water. Odor. — There is universal repugnance against drinking water with an odor. A very faint odor, as listed in standard classifica- tions, is not particularly noticeable, but the number of object- ing consumers increases rapidly when forced to use a water of a faint to decided odor. Chemical Quality. — The characteristics of a "good" water from a chemical standpoint are given in Table 20. Table 22. — Allowable Organic and Mineral Constituents in Good Water 1 In Parts per Million Constituent Allowable quantities Surface water Ground water Organic Content Albuminoid ammonia 0.15 0.4 Free ammonia 0.15 0.2 Nitrites 0.01 0.02 Dissolved oxygen Not less than 40 per cent. saturation Chlorine. Iron Hardness. Alkalinity . Sulphates. Mineral Content 1 to 10 parts above nor- mal 0.1 to 0.5 according to condition Dependent on locality Not less than 10 parts per million Not more than 60 parts per million 1 Woodman-Norton; Air, Water and hood, 1914, pp. 56-6S. 160 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Organic. — The ammonias and nitrites are indices of recent pollution and therefore their presence, even in minute quantities, casts suspicion on the source of supply. Nitrates, however, indi- cate past pollution except in deep ground waters, with always the possibility of renewed pollution in the future. Their presence, per se, is not sufficient cause for condemnation, particularly in a supply wholly from subsurface sources. The lack of oxygen dissolved in a water indicates organic matter has been or is present in a decomposed form, which is using up the oxygen in the water for its oxidization. Water which is less than 40 per cent, saturated with oxygen should be condemned as unfit for use. Mineral. — The presence of iron in a supply is objectionable, because of the stains imparted to clothing in laundering, or to fixtures or utensils, as well as to the unpleasant metallic tastes when present in quantity. Chlorine is found in all natural waters. Its source may be salt deposits in the soil, or sea salt carried inland from the sea by wind, precipitated with the rain. Where the normal chlorine is known, an excess, in the absence of soil deposits, is a sure indication of pollution. The allowable hardness, like color and turbidity, depends on the location of the supply. In Eastern United States, waters with a hardness of 50 parts per million are rare, while in the West 300 parts of hardness is not uncommon. In general, however, 10 parts per million of hardness characterizes a soft water, 25 to 30 parts an average water, 50 parts and over a hard water, and a hardness of 150 parts per million or more is said to be "excessive." The chief objection of the domestic consumer to excessive hardness is the amount of soap required to soften the water — eight parts of soap being required to counteract one part of hard- ness. Where the hardness is less than 10 parts per million, however, considerable trouble is experienced from the corrosive action of the C0 2 in the water on the plumbing fixtures. The most desirable water for general use contains not less than 10 or more than 30 parts per million of hardness. Alkalinity and sulphates are indices of particular value in the coal mining regions, where water may be contaminated by mine drainage. WATER SUPPLY 161 SELECTION OF SOURCE OF SUPPLY Extensions cf Existing Supply. — Quantity. — Inmost instances, housing developments are constructed either adjacent to or near existing cities or towns; so that connections to the existing utili- ties can be economically made. In extending the existing water supply to embrace the new community, it is desirable, before entering into contractual relations with the water works organiza- tion, to be assured that the water plant already existing, or to be enlarged, can, in addition to the supply of the present population, take on the additional population of the housing development. The existing community should be content to be supplied, in all probability, at the rate of use already established (if reasonable). The additional population will be supplied at the amounts pre- viously discussed and dependent upon character of service and allowance for habits and use. Quality. — Water furnished to a housing development from an adjacent system should at all times correspond and be in accordance with the sanitary, physical and chemical require- ments previously set forth. To this end, laboratory control and checks should be made from time to time, if not already introduced, to assure continued purity and safety. In case the water is drawn from a surface supply unfiltered or unprotected, the installation of filtration or sterilization, or both, should be strongly urged. Such may be an absolute necessity if there be visible contamination. Cooperation with the local health authorities should be sought, to enforce the adoption of proper safeguarding measures. In general, waters from deep artesian wells, or from carefully developed ground water supplies in their natural state are acceptable, if protected, and provided the mineral content is satisfactory. Pressure. — Where extension of existing water supplies is neces- sary, it is desirable to have some reasonable standard of pressure. While housing developments are largely residential, high business or other public buildings may occur and proper fire protection should be provided therefor. In general, 40 pounds per sq. in. is the minimum domestic fire pressure that should be provided in mains. This is further discussed under the subject of "Distribution of Water.'"' Where fire pressures are now maintained by fire service pumps, ample and duplicate pumping machinery should be present. 162 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING New Supply System. — Where a water supply necessitates the development of new sources, problems arise in the consideration of this important subject which are extremely complex and deeply technical, involving the sciences of bacteriology, chemistry, hydraulics and engineering. The same questions of quantity and quality arise as in the consideration of an existing system. It is intended here to point out, only, the various factors affecting the choice of a source of supply; together with general principles concerning the requisite size of works to adequately care for the present demands for water and also such increase as may be required by the future growth of the development. The two main divisions into which water supplies may be separated are ground water supplies and surface supplies. It is unusual that both a ground and surface supply, capable of full development, are available. Should such a situation arise, the choice of the most suitable supply may be determined readily by a comparative estimate of the first cost, annual charges of each development and a study of the relative advantages and disadvantages. Ground Water Supplies. — To procure water economically in the large quantities required for public supplies from a well system, there must be present a water-bearing formation of con- siderable extent and porosity. The location of such a deposit cannot readily be determined from surface indications, but re- quires either an extensive study of the geological strata under- lying the well site, coupled with borings and tests; or the random sinking of wells in various localities, with properly conducted pump tests, which is a rather expensive experiment. In many localities, considerable data on water-bearing strata have been collected by the United States Geological Survey and various state agencies, which are available for public use, and are a valuable aid in selecting a possible site for a well field. A favorable location for a well plant will be at a point where the. ground water is reached with the least lift of the pumps. This will ordinarily be on low ground and often in the vicinity of surface streams. If wells thus placed are pumped too low, they may draw water from the stream as well as from the ground water, a result sometimes undesirable, particularly when such a stream is polluted. The best method of estimating the capacity of a well field is by means of actual pumping tests carried on for a sufficient length WATER SUPPLY 163 of time to bring about an approximate state of equilibrium be- tween the supply and demand, as determined by the status of the ground water level. Pumping tests of short duration are apt to be very deceptive, since the source may be an underground basin or reservoir with very Little movement, corresponding to a surface pond with small watershed. An approximate idea of the amount of water actually flowing per unit of time through the area in question may be had by estimating the velocity of flow, by means of electrical and salt tests, the cross section of the porous stratum, and the percentage of porous space; or by estimating the prob- able percolation on the tributary area. The bacteriological quality of groimd waters is in general excellent, where proper precautions are taken to prevent con- tamination by surface water from too close proximity of polluted sources. The water passing through the soil layers, which act as a natural filter, usually renders the water in deep wells quite satisfactory. On the other hand, the percolating water, by virtue of contained carbon dioxide obtained from the air, dis- solves large quantities of both organic and inorganic salts, often rendering the water unfit for use on account of excessive hardness, or high content of iron or manganese. In the presence of humus and absence of oxygen, the sulphates may be reduced to hydrogen sulphide and the nitrogen compounds to ammonia, thereby rendering the water nauseous. Ordinarily the quality of ground water is impaired by storage. Where the hardness of the subsurface waters is excessive, as is likely to be the case in the limestone regions of the central states, softeniag treatment by means of chemicals and filtration may be prerequisite. In the majority of cases, however, no form of purification other than aeration and perhaps subsequent settling is required with a ground water supply, — an item of considerable importance when compared with a surface supply. This advantage is somewhat affected, however, by the fact that with a well supply, pumping is invariably necessary, usually requiring two sets of pumps to lift the water from the ground to the distribution system; while with a surface supply it is some times possible to obtain a gravity supply requiring no pumping at all. Surface Water Supplies. — When a stream is under consideration as a source of water supply, the peculiarities of its flow — the minimum, maximum and total flow for various periods of time — 164 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING are among the first things to be determined. The most accurate and direct method of determining these is by means of careful gagings extending over several years; which, to be of the greatest value, must include periods of high flood and periods of drought. The United States Geological Survey, in cooperation with various States Commissions, maintains gaging stations on most of the principal streams in the United States, with records available to the public. Where gagings are not available, or where they are very limited in extejtt, estimates must be made from rainfall records, absorption and run-off, and from a comparison with other streams whose flows are known. The dry weather flow of streams is maintained entirely from ground and surface storage; and as facilities for such storage vary in different watersheds, so will the minimum flows be unlike. For streams in the Atlantic Coast States, records indicate that, for watersheds of less than 200 sq. mi. in area, the minimum flow varies from nearly 0.05 to about 0.9 second feet per square mile, averaging 0.10 or 0.12. In the upper Mississippi Valley the minimum flow of streams is much less, and it sometimes becomes zero for watersheds of several hundred square miles drainage area, while further west the same is true of much larger streams. In general, to supply a population of 5,000 persons, a drainage area, without artificial storage, of 10 to 40 sq. mi. will be required. Naturally the availability of running streams has led to their adoption as sources of water supply more frequently than any other kind of surface water; but it must be remembered that this is not because they are of better quality. The use of surface waters, particularly those of flowing streams in densely popu- lated watersheds, is a menace to public health, unless they are first subjected to some method of artificial purification. Wherever the minimum rate of yield of a source of water supply is less than the demand, the excess of demand over supply may often be provided for by storing the surplus waters during periods of greater yields in impounding reservoirs. Such reser- voirs are usually formed by constructing a dam across the valley of the stream. Natural ponds or lakes, however, can frequently be used as reservoirs. The value of ponds or lakes for storage will depend upon the available (net) storage or amount the sur- face can be varied in elevation, and not upon their total capacity. The safe yield is based upon considerations of rainfall, run-off WA TER S UPPL Y 165 and storage; or, if the run-off is not available, upon like data for a similar drainage area properly weighed for local conditions. Considerable study has been given to the yield of watersheds in New England, and some elsewhere on large supplies, and experi- ence shows that only small storage is necessary to obtain 200,000 to 300,000 gal. daily per square mile, but for larger yields much larger relative storage must be provided. In general, the storage which will be required to supply a constant draft of 100,000 gal. daily per square mile from a given area will vary between 10 and 35 mil. gal. per square mile, in the Eastern and Central parts of the United States, while in the West and South a much greater quantity is required. It is generally found inexpedient to at- tempt to secure more than 80 per cent, of the average run-off; or develop more than 500,000 gallons per square mile of drainage area. Swamp lands detract from the storage value of a watershed, as they promote evaporation. Having decided upon the area which may be available, the next step is to select a suitable reservoir site. The location is largely determined by the distance of the reservoir from, and elevation above, the point of distribution. Long distances require heavy expenditures for conduits or pipe lines, but these expenditures are relatively less the larger the quantity of water furnished. For larger communities, it will be practicable to go much further for water than for small cities. It is desirable that the reservoir shall be at sufficient elevation to enable all or at least a part of the consumers to be served by gravity alone, and it will be economy to spend a realtively large sum of money for conduits to secure this advantage. The size of conduits conducting water from the source of supply to the point of distribution should be such as to deliver the requisite quantity of water without undue loss of head. The same remarks regarding quality of surface waters apply as in the previous discussion; but, in the case of large impounded supplies, considerable purification takes place in the reservoir itself. In the storage of surface waters, sedimentation is effec- ive in eliminating much of the suspended matter, including liv- ing organisms as well as a portion of the organic matter. Where considerable mineral matter is in suspension, as in many rivers especially during flood seasons, the degree of purification by subsidence is even greater than where the suspended solids are less. The color of waters, especially when due to organic mat- 1GG INDUSTRIAL HOUSING tcr, is lessened by storage, although the bleaching action of the sun's rays does not extend rapidly to great depths. In general, about 10 to 30 per cent, reduction in color may be expected. The watershed should be subject to strict sanitary inspection and supervision, and even where filtration is not necessary, some type of sterilization apparatus, such as that employing liquid chlorine, should be installed for emergency use. Summary of Factors Affecting Choice of Supply. — Where a housing development is adjacent to a city, there is little choice in the selection of a source of supply, since it is usually cheaper to obtain water by the extension of the city system. Where a new supply must be sought, the choice between a ground water sup- ply and a surface supply is usualty dependent upon the availa- bility or the existence of such supplies. The quantity of water available is perhaps the most potent factor in the choice of supply. The size of tributary watershed of a surface supply, or the extent of the water-bearing stratum for a ground water supply, is of fundamental importance, since it determines the possibility of economical future extensions to the supply. The cost of development of a surface water supply, by the construction of impounding reservoirs, is usually prohibi- tive for a small housing development ; so that unless the water- shed of a natural stream near the site is of sufficient size to supply the requisite quantity of water without impounding, the de- velopment of a ground water supply if available will usually be found most economical. Concerning the relative quality of supplies, a clear, soft, cool, ground water supply of known purity is most acceptable. Where such is not available, the relative costs of a distant un- polluted or an adjacent contaminated supply must be fully weighed. The cost of softening or removing iron must be taken into account in considering alternate supplies. A gravity supply, even for a portion of the total housing development, is very desirable, since the cost of pumping even small quantities of water amounts to considerable. PURIFICATION SYSTEMS Preface. — The various processes of purification may be divided into two groups, (1) those for the removal of suspended impurities, and (2) those for the removal of dissolved impurities. WATER SUPPLY 167 Of the first class there are two general processes, sedimentation and filtration, both of which may be called natural processes. In the second class are the removal of dissolved impurities by- coagulation or aeration, usually involving subsequent sedimenta- tion or filtration for the removal of the precipitate- Other methods of purification are by distillation, in which practically all impurities are removed, and the various methods of sterilization, in which the bacteria are simply destroyed. It will readily be seen that each problem in water purification demands individual treatment; and that the best method to adopt in any case will depend upon the character of the water, the use to which it is to be put, and the relative costs of the various treatments. No one process is universally applicable; furthermore, of two processes for removing the same kind of impurity, the most efficient may not in all cases be the best. The highest efficiency is not always necessary, and in such cases economy may properly be secured by the adoption of a system of less efficiency but of lower cost. Plain Sedimentation. — Plain subsidence, or sedimentation, is adapted to the purification of a water containing a subsidable silt or clay. It is the cheapest method of removing particles which would clog an ordinary filter and which settle out in a moderately short time. The process is effected in open basins, with concrete floors, or in impounding reservoirs which are designed to hold from a few hours' to several day's supply. Cleaning is usually accomplished, in the case of artificial basins, by the use of hose streams which flush the sediment through specially designed drains. The size of sedimentation basins to effect the requisite subsidence is dependent mainly upon the size of particles to be removed and somewhat upon their specific gravity. Results. — In general, well baffled basins without too great velocity having a capacity equal to 6 hours' flow, will remove particles less than 0.02 mm. in diameter; while a capacity equal to 24 hours' flow will remove particles less than 0.007 mm. Collodial suspended matter in clay-bearing streams cannot be removed even after weeks of sedimentation. The efficiency of sedimentation is a function of the area and of the specific gravity and shape of the particles. Filtration. — The two principal classes of filters are "Slow Sand," or "English," and "Rapid Sand," or "Mechanical" 168 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING filters. Each is particularly adapted to the purification of cer- tain types of water, both are used with preliminary sedimentation. Slow Sand Filters. — For a water having a turbidity generally less than 50 parts per million, or a color less than 20 parts per million, slow sand filters, without coagulation, give excellent results. They consist of artificial sand-filter beds contained in masonry basins. The size of units is large compared with the rapid sand filter, each unit containing about one acre. The influent containing impurities is applied to the top of the sand layer at a rate of 2 to 6 million gallons per acre per day, dependent upon the character of the water. The filter acts primarily as a strainer, the interstices between the sand grains being small and serving to stop all particles too large to pass through them. The effluent is drawn off the filter through a system of underdrains, constructed of tile pipe with open joints. When the accumulation of impurities on top of the sand layer has become so great that the loss of head through the filter equals 3 to 4 ft., the filter is cleaned by scraping ^ in. to % m . of sand from the top; a process which must be repeated every 1 to 3 months. About once a year the sand so removed is re- placed after it has been washed and cleaned of gross impurities. The bacteriological efficiency of the slow sand filter varies between 95 and 99 per cent. Some typical results are shown in Table 23 below. Table 23. — Bacteriological Efficiency of Slow Sand Filter Location Year of record Efficiency per cent. Lawrence, Mass. . Ave.— 1909-1916 Ave.— 1909-1916 Ave.— 1907-1912 Ave.— 1917-1918 Old filter 97.5 New filter 96.9 Washington, D. C 98.4 Albany, N. Y 95.6 About one-third of the color can be removed in the process of filtration, while 25 to 50 parts per million of turbidity can be successfully applied to the filter. Rapid Sand Filters. — The chief use of the "Rapid Sand" or "Mechanical" filter is in the purification of waters having a turbidity of more than 50 parts per million or a color of more WATER SUPPLY 169 than 30 parts per million. In contradistinction to the slow sand filter, the influent is applied to the sand layer at a rate of about 125 million gallons per acre per day, after addition of coagulating chemicals such as aluminum sulphate, or lime and iron. The size of sand particles is somewhat larger in the rapid than in the slow sand filter, their effective sizes being 0.45 to 0.50 mm. and 0.25 to 0.30 mm. respectively. The effluent is drawn off through a specially designed strainer-system, which also serves as an inlet to the wash water. Washing the filter, which becomes necessary when the lost head equals 7 to 10 ft., or every 12 to 24 hrs., is accomplished by reversing the direction of flow through the filter. The "mat" on the surface is lifted by the rapid flow of water and is carried off through special gutters which connect with the sewer. The quantity of wash water required varies from 0.4 per cent, to 1.0 per cent, of the total quantity filtered. The filter "mat" in this case is formed by the flocculent precipitate resulting from the addition of chemicals prior to the filtration process. The bacteriological efficiency of rapid sand filters is about the same as the slow sand type. Some typical results are shown in Table 24 below. These results are apparently higher than in the case of slow sand filters; however, the growth of bacteria in the underdrains of the latter reduces the apparent percentage removal. Table 24. — Bacteriological Efficiency of Rapid Sand Filters ! i •- ation Year of record Efficiency per cent. New Orleans, La Columbus, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Louisville, Ky Ave. 1909-1918 Ave. 1918 Ave. 1917-1918 Ave. 1917 98.9 99.1 99.8 99.8 The removal of high color and turbidity is practically without limit, since it is dependent upon the addition of chemicals, the greater turbidity requiring more precipitant. Coagulation. — The purposes of coagulation are to collect the fine suspended matter in the water into clots or masses of a size which will settle to the bottom of the sedimentation basins, and also to form a film over the filter sand preventing even the finest 170 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING suspended particles from passing through. Coagulation also assists in removing color, odors and tastes from the water. The process of coagulation, principally used with rapid filtra- tion, consists in the addition of salts of aluminum or iron to a water containing solutions of hydroxides, carbonates or bicar- bonates of the alkalis or alkaline earths, thereby forming gela- tinous precipitates of the hydroxides of the metals. As is commonly the case of solutions in water, such floe tends to form about the particles of silt, bacteria, etc., present in the water; and, uniting with other flakes of coagulum the masses thus formed, either settle to the bottom of the sedimentation basin or are finally caught on the filter surface. Coagulation with alum, without subsequent filtration is not to be recommended for a ♦potable water supply. Aluminum sulphate is very successful in removing color caused by the tannates and gailates in swamp water. 17 parts per mil- lion will remove about 10 parts per million of color. In the removal of turbidity the amount required depends on the fineness and amount of turbidity. Aluminum sulphate will react directly with the natural alkalinity of the water, if there is sufficient of the latter. Each part per million requires for com- plete reaction from 0.3 to 0.45 part per million of natural alka- linity, unless there be large amounts of organic matter. De- ficiencies in alkalinity may be corrected by the addition of lime or soda ash. The advantages of the use of ferrous sulphate over "alum" are : — the cost of treatment is generally cheaper, especially with very turbid waters; and the coagulum formed is of greater spe- cific gravity than in the case of alum, causing a more rapid sedi- mentation. It cannot, however, well be used with colored swamp water. Sterilization. — While properly treated and filtered water is practically free from bacteria, it has of late years become custo- mary to treat the filtrate with a germicide as an additional piecaution. Hypochlorite of lime has been very extensively used for this purpose but is being replaced by the use of liquid chlorine. The latter is easier to control, more exact in application and is not so likely to cause tastes and odors. Sodium hypochlorite and ultra violet rays have been used to some extent. Ozone and copper sulphate have also been tried. WATER SUPPLY 171 Hypochlorite exerts a destructive action on the bacteria in the water, readily destroying such pathological bacteria as B. Typhosus and the cholera spirillum. The bleach may be ap- plied to the raw, settled or filtered water, but is least effectively applied to the raw water. The germicidal effect of liquid chlorine results from the libera- tion of nascent oxygen in solutions as well as from its action as a specific germ poison. 1870 " 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 Fig. 26. — Growth of water filtration in the United States Summary. — The constantly increasing pollution of sources of water supply is making necessary the purification of practically all supplies. The trend of the times appears to be toward the adoption of rapid sand filters for general purification. Fig. 26 herewith shows the increasing popularity of the rapid sand filters in the United States. The various chemicals employed by 124 filtration plants in Pennsylvania is typical of plants throughout the country. A summary is shown below in Table 25. 172 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Table 25. — Chemicals Used in Water Purification in Pennsylvania Based upon a Study op 124 Filtration Plants Chemical employed Number of plants em- ploying chemicals Sulphate of aluminum. Hydrated lime Iron sulphate Chlorinated lime Chlorine gas Sodium thiosulphatc . . . Copper sulphate None 102 20 4 104 10 1 1 3 DISTRIBUTION OF WATER Pressure Requirements. — Domestic Use. — For domestic use, it is generally found that a minimum service pressure of 20 pounds per square inch on the top floor of a dwelling house will give a flow of water that is completely satisfactory. Where houses are not more than three stories in height, this means that a pressure of about 35 pounds at the street level is required. A pressure of 50 pounds per square inch at the curb would generally supply buildings six stories in height with satisfactory water pressures. Pressures of 75 to 100 pounds are required in business districts. At the highest point in the development, pressures somewhat lower than the above limit may be permitted. In special in- stances of this kind, in strictly residence districts where water is not used above the second floor, pressures at the curb as low as 25 pounds per square inch have been and are used with reasonable results, provided the service pipe and inside plumbing are ca- pacious enough. Fire Service. — For fighting fires, where fire engines are used, the only demand upon the piping system is to supply water to the engines without requiring them to work under a suction lift. For this purpose, an actual pressure of 20 lb. per sq. in. at fire hydrants is as good as more, providing such a pressure be consist- ently maintained underdraft. It is common practice in small systems to so arrange the pump- ing works that pressures in the distribution system may be raised temporarily during times of fire, thus avoiding the use of fire WATER SUPPLY 173 engines. This subject of fire protection facilities is one fully covered under "Piping System". Fire Protection.— Value.— The value of fire protection is not only shown in the lessened property damage, but is also evident in the decreased insurance rates resulting from the installation of adequate fire fighting facilities. Installation of better fire fighting facilities will bring about a reduction in rates of insur- ance, other things being equal. Cost.— The cost of furnishing water for fire protection to property is out of all proportion to the amount of water used, for, while the cost of construction is greatly affected, the amount of water consumed is slight. The extra cost involved in furnishing adequate fire protection is due largely to increased pumping capacity, size of mains, reservoirs or standpipes, and to hydrants and connections. Careful estimates place the proportion of interest, depreciation and fixed charges chargeable against fire protection at one- quarter to one-half of those of the entire water works system, inversely dependent upon the size. Comparative studies have shown that, except in a few of our largest cities, it is impracti- cable to maintain a separate high pressure distribution system for fire protection. However, cases may arise in housing develop- ments where it is possible to secure a limited amount of pure water for domestic purposes and to supply water for fire pur- poses pumped directly from a polluted source; a dual system may thus prove economical and wise. The use of horse or motor driven fire engines is usually more economical than the attempt to maintain high pressures through- out the combined domestic and fire service system. Pumping Works.— Design. — Where water cannot be obtained at an elevation sufficient to produce a satisfactory gravity pres- sure at the points where it is to be used, it becomes necessary to provide a pumping plant for this purpose. This design involves the selection of: (1) Best source of energy for power purposes. (2) Most economical means of generation and transmission. (3) Type of pump best adapted for the conditions. These factors are often largely affected by the nature of the source of water supply, and by various other features of the water works system. Pumping units seldom operate at full normal capacity all the 174 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING time. Efficiency at half load is much less than at rated capacity; hence, the theoretical duty obtained on test is not a true measure of results which will be obtained in actual operation. A common error in the design of pumping stations is to subdivide the maximum total pumping capacity required into units of equal capacity. It is usual that a subdivision into different sizes will allow each unit to be operated at full capacity, and thus the result will be more economical than would otherwise be possible. Reciprocating Pumps. — In pumps of this type, a piston or plunger (which is the displacing agency) reciprocates in a closed cylinder, provided with the necessary inlet and outlet valves, and alternately inspires and discharges the water from the chamber. Pumps of the piston type, owing to the facility with which the packing can be renewed, and the smaller clearance spaces in the pump cylinders, are particularly efficient for lifting water by suction, especially where it is impossible to prime the suction piping before starting the pump. A comparison of the volume of water pumped and the theo- retical displacement of the piston gives the loss of water due to "slippage." Few pumps operate with less than 4 to 5 per cent, "slip", while it is not unusual to find 10 to 30 per cent. The ordinary efficiency of reciprocating pumps varies from 60 to 85 per cent. Centrifugal Pumps. — In impeller pumps, of which the centri- fugal is a familiar example, the volume of water is moved by the continuous application of power through some mechanical agency or medium. The centrifugal pump consists of a set of straight or bent vanes or impellers mounted on a shaft, the whole rotating in a specially designed case. The water which enters between the vanes, through an annular orifice surrounding the shaft, is thrown outward toward the periphery by the centrifugal force developed by the rotation of the shaft. As the apparatus contains no valves or parts, it is particularly adapted to the .handling of water containing sand or grit. As its discharge is continuous, it has an advantage over reciprocating pumps in freedom from water hammer in the suction and dis- charge pipes. Each centrifugal pump is designed for special conditions of head and speed and operates at maximum efficiency only when these conditions are fulfilled. When any alteration occurs in these two factors, a corresponding drop in efficiency is noted. WATERS UPPL Y 175 The ordinary efficiency of a centrifugal pump varies between a minimum of 50 per cent, and a maximum of 80 per cent, Deep Well Pumps.— There are three principal types of deep well pumps adapted to small water works installation, namely: the reciprocating, centrifugal and air lift. The first two are similar in principle to the respective types discussed above and need no further discussion. The air lift involves the discharge at the bottom of the well, or at least a considerable distance below the water surface, of air into the mouth of the delivery tube. The air mixes with the water and the specific gravity of the mixture is so reduced that the pressure of water outside the delivery tube causes the mix- ture to overflow at the top. Evidently, the greater the length of pipe below the surface, the greater the difference between the weight of the columns within and without the tube, i.e., the greater the submergence and the higher the water can be lifted. Generally the depth of submergence is made 1.5 to 2 times the lift. The air lift is especially adapted to raising water from great depths. The efficiency varies between a minimum of 15 per cent, and a maximum of 45 to 50 per cent. PIPING SYSTEM General. — The piping system includes all mains and lateral pipes, standpipes and distributing reservoirs, gates, meters, and all services and connections. The piping in a distribution system must be designed so that water can be supplied to any point at any time at the greatest rate that may fairly be demanded at that place. Reservoirs. — The purposes and functions of a service reservoir are : 1. To equalize pressures in the distribution system, by providing a nearly constant level water surface from which these take their source. 2. To equalize, or to reduce to a uniform rate, the draft upon the transmission lines leading from the source of supply and in this way to increase their adequacy and thus postpone the necessary increases in the capacity of such lines. 3. To provide a reserve supply of water to be used in such emergencies as conflagrations, or failure of the transmission lines by rupture, or to tide over supply troubles of short duration. 4. To equalize the momentary variations between supply and demand and fluctuations in pressure. 5. To allow more uniform operation of pumping machinery. 176 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING The proper size of reservoir to meet the above conditions is determined by the fluctuations in domestic draft and fire fighting uses. In general, in small communities, especially where water is supplied from a distance, the service reservoir should hold at least one day's supply. For fire protection, the National Board of Fire Underwriters recommends a capacity sufficient to main- tain the total number of required fire streams for a period of from 6 to 10 hours. There are three general types of service reservoir, namely; — basins, usually constructed in cut and fill and generally lined with masonry; standpipes of concrete or steel; and tanks of wood or steel. Basins are usually constructed on the top or side of a hill of sufficient elevation to give the requisite pressure. The most economical shape is determined by its location, the round reser- voir often being used on a hilltop, while an oval shape is better suited to side hill locations. It is not unusual to cover the reser- voir with a concrete roof of the groined arch type. Standpipes are well suited to the use of small communities, especially where the consideration of pressure is vital. The general practice has been to install standpipes and elevated tanks of sufficient capacity to properly protect the small community. A capacity of 30,000 gal. is a minimum even for the smallest community. Reinforced concrete has been used successfully for tanks of a variety of diameters and heights, as large as 100 ft. and 150 ft., respectively. Some difficulty has been experienced in obtaining waterproof joints in the concrete, especially in the higher standpipes. Steel standpipes were much used until about 1910, but owing to their greater cost and the great danger of failure of high stand- pipes, few are being built now. Elevated wood and steel tanks are largely replacing standpipes in small communities. Fire Service. — Quantity Required. — The amount of water to be provided for fire service depends upon many circumstances; among others, the size and proximity of buildings, the materials and methods of construction, the available pressure, the avail- ability of auxiliary fire systems, the probable loss of life and property from a bad fire, the cost of making a given quantity of water available and the financial ability of the system or community to pay for doing it. Authorities differ somewhat in the number of fire streams WATER SUPPLY 177 required simultaneously to quench fires in various sizes of American cities, as shown below in Table 26. Table 26.— Estimated Number of Fire Streams Required Simulta- neously in American Cities of Various Magnitudes 1 Population of .(immunity Number of fire streams required simultaneously Freeman Fanning Shedd Kuichling 1,000 4,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 2 to 3 4 to S 6 to 12 8 to 15 12 to 18 7 10 5 7 10 14 3 6 6 9 12 18 » Turneaure & Russell: Public Water Supplies, 1916, p. 745. The values as given by Mr. Kuichling, which have been widely used, may be expressed by the formula y = 2.8\/z> where "y" equals the number of streams and "x" equals the population in thousands. Another method of computation used by the United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Passenger Transportation and Housing Division, in its recent housing developments, was to provide, in addition to the domestic supply, fire protection capacity at a rate computed in million gallons per day equivalent to the square root of the population in thousands. During fires, however, it should be possible to maintain the draft on the distribution system without seriously interrupting the domestic or industrial service. In other words, the system must be adequate to care for a conflagration, plus normal indus- trial and domestic demand, and this mark must be set as the goal in the design of a proper distribution system. Pressure Required.— For fighting fires directly from the mains, without the use of auxiliary fire engines, the National Board of Fire Underwriters requires not less than 90 lb. per sq. in. at the curb, where the length of hose is not to be more than 300 ft. Greater pressures are required for longer lengths of hose. How- ever, medium pressures of 45 to 70 lb. per sq. in. are permissible and quite useful for moderate streams with short hose lengths; for inside work in buildings of three or four stories; also for sprinkler systems in buildings of small to medium height. 12 178 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Fire service pressures of 100 lb. per sq. in. and over cause leaks in plumbing and increased waste ; water pumped at high pressures contains air bubbles as drawn from the faucet, making water uninviting for drinking. Few cities in the United States carrying fire and domestic supply in the same pipes have hydrant pressure of 100 lb. Standard Fire Streams. — A stream flowing 250 gal. per minute, through a smooth nozzle 1}?6 in. in diameter, with a pressure at the base of the tip of 45 lb. per sq. in., constitutes a standard fire stream. Such a stream is effective to a height of 70 ft. above the ground with a horizontal carry not exceeding 63 ft. When fed through the best quality of 2}^ in. rubber-lined hose, the hydrant pressure required to throw such a stream, taken while the stream is running, is as follows : Feet of Hose 50 100 200 400 600 Pounds per sq. in 56 63 77 106 135 Hydrants. — Hydrants are attached to pipes in the distribution system to allow water to be drawn for fire purposes. They are of two general types; the post hydrant, in which the barrel of the hydrant extends 2 or 3 ft. above the ground surface; and the flush hydrant, in which the barrel and nozzle are covered by a cast iron box, flush with the surface. The former is more com- monly used and as it is much more readily found and more con- veniently operated, it is to be preferred. The branch supplying the hydrant should be of a size cor- responding to the number of streams to be carried. For one fire stream, the branch may be 4-in., for two streams, 6-in., etc. In general, valves should be placed on all hydrant branches where the main is 10 in. in diameter or larger. The barrel or standpipe of the hydrant should have an area about 20 to 40 per cent, greater than the area of all its nozzles. The committee of the American Water Works Association recommends that in thickly built-up mercantile and manufactur- ing sections, hydrants should be spaced about 200 ft. apart and not more than 500 to 600 ft. apart as the maximum anywhere. In fixing the exact location of the hydrant and the side of the street on which each should be placed, a detailed examination should be made and the location determined with reference to important buildings and convenience of access in case of confla- gration. The most convenient location for hydrants is generally WATER SUPPLY 179 at the street intersections, as they are then readily accessible from four directions. General practice appears to be to place the hydrant 5 to 10 ft. inside the range of the property line about 1 ft. back of the curb, as shown in Fig. 27 herewith. Design of Pipe System. — Minimum Sizes. — The National Board of Fire Underwriters specifies that six-inch pipe is to be considered the minimum size satisfactory for hydrant supply in residential districts, to be closely gridironed with 6-in. cross- connecting mains at intervals of not exceeding 600 ft.; but where initial pressures are high, a satisfactory gridiron system may be obtained by a liberal per cent, of larger mains cross-connecting the G-in. at greater intervals. In new construction, 8-in. should 3 Valve when connected with main 10 "or larger Fig. 27. — Standard firo hydrant connection. be used, where dead ends and poor gridironing are likely to exist for some time. In high value districts, the minimum size should be 8-in., with suitable cross-connecting mains; 12-in. and larger mains to be used on the principal streets and for all long lines not cross-connected at frequent intervals. In general, in small housing developments, 4-in. cast iron pipe may be used for short lengths not requiring hydrants directly attached, and especially where well connected into the rest of the system at both ends. Galvanized iron pipe, of 2-in. and upward to 3)^-in., may be used occasionally in streets for house supply only, where hydrant service is not imperative, where population is sparse, or where the cost must be kept to a mini- mum. A typical piping system is shown in Fig. 28. 180 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Fig. 28.— Plan of water distribution system installed in the Loveland Farms housing development. WATER SUPPLY 181 General Design. — While no absolute rule will apply in all eases for the design of the distribution system pipe sizes, the following data used by the Division of Passenger Transportation and Housing, United States Shipping Board, as a guide to pipe sizes may be helpful. Table 27. — Population that can be Supplied by Pipes of Various Sizfs — Based on an Average Use of 100 Gallons per Capita Daily, with Average Amount of Fire Protection Diameter in inches Sectional area, sq. in. Flat slopes long lines, V = 2 ft.-sec. Average conditions, V = 3 ft.-sec. 'Steep slopes short lines, 7 = 4 ft.-sec. 4 13 12 27 48 6 28 61 132 226 8 50 182 392 666 10 79 425 900 1,500 12 113 835 1,720 ' 2,850 16 201 2,320 4,620 7,400 20 314 4,940 9,520 14,900 24 452 8,900 16,700 25,500 Length of Mains. — Little can be gained from a study of the length of mains per consumer, as much depends on the shape and size of the town. However, it will be of interest that in developments of the United States Housing Corporation the average length was 0.75 ft. per front foot of lot, or 1.50 ft. per lin- ear foot of street. Depth and Location. — The depths to which mains must be laid to prevent freezing is dependent upon several factors, namely, the temperature, the character of cover and the size of main and velocity of flow. The report of the Committee on Depth of Water Pipe of the New England Water Works Association 1 shows, as a result of a questionnaire sent to 90 communities sup- plied by water works, that, in general, pipes are laid from 3 to 10 ft. deep, according to the latitude, and that freezing occurs mainly on dead ends and at night when the velocity is low. All but three cases of freezing were reported on mains smaller than 10 in. in diameter, and in all cases the ground was frozen below the axis of the pipe. In general, freezing extends 1 ft. deeper in streets than in fields; also, in streets, frost will reach about 1}-% ft. deeper in gravel than in clay. 1 Jl. N.E.W.W. Assoc, Vol. 23-24, p. 435. 182 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING A summary of the results of the work of the committee is shown in Figs. 29 and 30, giving the relation between latitude and the mean temperature of the coldest month and the relation Fig. 29. — Map indicating the mean temperatare of the coldest month of an „ average year. between the mean temperature and practice in laying mains. The median line represents general practice only, and as little 10 15 20 IS 30 35 Mean Temperature, Degrees -Coldest Month 4-0 45 Fiq. 30. — Relation between required depth of water pipes and mean tempera- ture of coldest month in average year. or no trouble at these depths has been experienced from frost, it is probable that the data may be used as a "safe guide. Water pipes are usually located in the streets at a uniform WATER SUPPLY 183 distance from the curb or property line, although in some cases considerable economy may be effected by running the pipe lines through easements in the rear of lots. Valves. — Valves should be introduced in the system at fre- quent intervals, so that comparatively small sections can be shut off for purposes of repairs, connections, etc. As a general rule, whenever a small pipe branches from a large one, the former should.be provided with a valve. At intersections of large pipes, a valve in each branch is usually desirable. Valves should be located systematically. They are usually placed in range, either with the property line or the curb line, but sometimes they are placed in the cross walks. The United States Shipping Board, in its housing develop- ments, recommended a valve spacing such that only three blocks of pipe are thrown out of service at one time, in case of a break or need for repairs. Specials.— The percentage of the total cost of a distribution system which may be chargeable to specials varies considerably in individual cases, but, in general, lies between 4 and 6 per cent, of the total cost. In supply lines the number of specials required; and hence the percentage of the total cost, is less, representing only from 1 to 2 per cent. House Services. — The connection between the street main and the consumer's premises is made by means of a service pipe. Just within the cellar wall of the consumer's building a stop- and-waste cock is provided. Usually the municipality or water company installs a curb cock, protected by a suitable box under the sidewalk close to the curb. The practice of tapping the mains to receive the corporation cock varies in different localities. The small mains are usually tapped on top, while the larger mains are tapped on the side. Table 28. — Common Practice in Tapping Mains in Various Localities Place in tapping Top of main . Side of main. 45° point. ... Various parts Total... Per cent, of whole 32.6 45.3 14.0 8.1 100.0 184 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Reports from 86 communities solicited by the New England Water Works Association 1 show the preceding practices. Unless the service pipe is made of lead, a lead goose neck about 2 ft. long should be placed between the corporation cock and the y 4 '4 Sites of Service Pipes Sites of Service Pipes Fig. 31. — Size of water house services; the practice of cities and towns as to the size of service is shown diagrammatically in the upper illustration; the lower diagram indicates the extent of the use of the various sizes in terms of the total number of services. Note : Data based on records from 305 cities and towns. service pipe to enable the latter to adapt itself to any settling that may occur. In selecting the kind of service pipe to be used in any particular case, the points to be considered . are : (1) the chemical action the water may have on the pipe; (2) the cost of laying and main- taining the pipe; (3) its durability. There are few, if any, places where it is advisable to use un- ' Jl. N.E.W.W. Assoc, Vol. 23, p. 436. WATER SUPPLY 185 coated iron or steel in service pipe construction. The use of galvanized pipe decreases very materially in most cases the troubles experienced from the use of plain wrought iron or steel. Lead pipe is mechanically an almost ideal pipe for services on account of its pliability and the ease of laying in places where there are obstructions. The chief objection to lead is the chance of lead poisoning which in certain localities with certain kinds of water is extremely serious. Cement lined pipes are the most satisfactory, so far as the action of the water is concerned, of any which are now used for services. The difficulties which arise from the use of this material are solely mechanical, although corrosion will take place on the outside of the pipe unless this be protected. General practice appears to favor the installation of ^-in. diameter services, as is shown by a study of records of 305 cities Table 29. x — Portion of House Services Laid and Paid forbythe Water Department in Various Communities Number of places Place or amount laid New England Other states Total Per cent. None 27 94 117 2 240 17 24 6 6 53 44 118 123 6 2 293 15.0 Curb or property line . . To cellar wall 40.2 42.0 Corporation cock only. Miscellaneous 2.1 0.7 Total 100.0 Number of places Place or amount paid New England Other states Total Per cent. None Curb or property line . . Corporation cock only. Corporation and curb cock 41 174 8 3 15 241 38 10 4 2 54 78 184 12 3 17 295 26.8 62.4 4.0 1.0 Miscellaneous 5.8 Total 100 .11. N.E.W.W. Assoc. Vol. 31, p. 342. 186 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING and towns on Fig. 31. herewith. The portion of the house service which is laid and paid for by the water department in various communities is shown in Table 29 herewith. Some economy is effected by laying the house service in the same trench as the sewer connection. The depth below the surface is usually the same as that of the street mains. CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Contract Plans. — The contract plans should consist of a general plan showing the location of the system in its entirety and a set of detail plans of a standard scale, each covering a portion of the total layout. The general plan may or may not include the source of supply on the same sheet, but should give a comprehensive view of the whole distribution system. A scale of from 200 to 400 ft. per in. is well suited for this work. The detail plans should be on a 40 or 50 ft. per in. scale, giving the approximate location and size of all mains and specials, together with a tabulation on each sheet of all specials to be used. The exact location of the mains may or may not be shown on the detail plans. In addition, the contract plans should contain drawings of typical sections of house services and hydrants, showing the location of corporation cocks, curb boxes, valves, etc., in their relation to sidewalks, property lines and street mains. Specifications. — Pipe and Specials. — Specifications for pipe and specials have been adopted by the New England Water Works Association and the American Water Works Association and foundries are prepared to furnish pipe as specified. These are complete and the result of careful thought and coordination of all interests. However, the specifications should include sections on Special Markings, Tests and Weighing, and such special requirements for the particular shop as appear necessary to prescribe. Pipe Laying. — Sections covering the following items should be included in the specifications under this head: Care in Handling, Cleaning and Inspection, Laying, Cutting, Joints and Caulking, Joint Materials, Wall Pipes, Field Testing, Allow- able Leakage, Painting and Correction of Defects. Under this head may also be included the minimum cover over pipes. WATER SUPPLY 187 Miscellaneous. — Under this head may be included specifica- tions for Excavation and Backfilling, Hydrants, Valves, etc., Work to be Included, Measurement and Compensation; the latter should be carefully detailed and made explicit. FINANCIAL General Considerations. — The cost of supplying water to the consumer depends upon so many factors which in turn are so variable, that data on the total cost of supplying water would be of little value. It is the intention here to point out only the various items of revenue and expense which constitute the financial end of water works management, together with such information on the cost of the various factors as may be applicable to industrial housing developments. Such information, even though of very general application, will yet serve as a guide in estimating in a preliminary way the cost of a water supply. Yearly Expenses. — The yearly charges and expenses to be met will include some or all of the following items: 1. Interest on bonded debt incurred for construction. 2. Yearly payment into a sinking fund for liquidating the bonded debt, 3. Yearly payment into a depreciation fund, to provide for the renewal of various parts of the work when worn out or otherwise rendered valueless. 4. Yearly operating and maintenance expenses. 5. Yearly cost of extensions and improvements. G. Profit, or income for surplus. Items (1),(2) and (4) must evidently be met year by year by the annual income and not by borrowing, if the department is to remain solvent. Some cpiestions may arise as to what items are chargeable against maintenance, but in general it is better to include under that head only the regular up-keep and the cost of ordinary repairs. To provide for both items (2) and (3) simultaneously is usually considered too liberal toward the future generations, but occa- sionally may be adopted in part. In municipal practice, the sinking fund usually receives the only consideration. If such is not provided, then a depreciation fund is necessary. This should be sufficient to furnish funds for the renewal or replace- ment of worn out and discarded parts. 188 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING The cost of extensions (5) may properly be met by issuing bonds or new securities, and at the. same time providing a corre- sponding increase in the sinking or the depreciation fund. Such expenses are, however, frequently paid in part from the annual receipts or by general or special taxation in the case of municipal works. Sources of Revenue. — The sources of revenue are the water rates and the funds received by general taxation, if any, for building portions of the system. The former are paid by con- sumers of water; the latter are paid by assessment on all taxable property. Ordinarily from 25 to 50 per cent, of the total fixed charge, (the part of the service chargeable for fire protection), plus the cost of water for public purposes, should be met. by general taxation; and the remainder of the revenue obtained from the water rates. The question of rate schedules is a subject demanding a separate treatise, and it is sufficient to say here only that such should be prepared by one thoroughly trained in the subject, and provide among other things: First. — It shall produce the required gross income. Second. — It shall distribute that gross income equitably among the various consumers. Third. — It shall tend to develop the business and should not drive away large, long hour consumers. Fourth. — It shall not sell water to any consumer at a cost so low that it is necessary to collect an unfair excess from other consumers, or so low that it is necessary to collect more from the other consumers than would be the cost if the large consumer in question were not served at all. Fifth. — The schedule must be practical and workable. ft CHAPTER VII SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE General Considerations- — Separate Sanitary Sewers — Storm Drainage Systems — Combined Sewers — Sewage Treatment and Disposal — Contract Plans and Specifications GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Sewerage and drainage are not only important elements in first cost and upkeep but are closely related to the health and well being of the community. When such are not properly planned and constructed the health of the town, or that of adjoining communities, may be menaced; property may be subjected to damage, and excessive, and perhaps otherwise avoidable mainte- nance or upkeep costs incurred directly or indirectly. The day has gone by when the self-respecting worker will permit his family to live in a community with privy vaults and with poorly drained land and wet cellars. Objects to be Attained. — The object sought, with respect to sewerage — is the prompt and effectual collection and disposal of domestic sewage and trade waste; with respect to drainage — is the collection and removal of rain water or surface drainage. There may also be the problem of enclosing small water courses, to an extent necessary to make possible the improvement of the property. The first subject, sewerage, is essentially one of health and public convenience, and is of prime importance. The second, drainage, is related chiefly to the physical requirements of mainte- nance and upkeep of property, and is provided for the purpose of preventing erosion of lawns and pavements, flooding and drainage to public and private property and to conserve public convenience. The following points must be kept ever in mind: first cost; maintenance and operation costs, both direct and indirect; health and sanitation; the requirements of public convenience and satisfactory and adequate service. These are of great im- 189 1 90 IND US TRIAL HO USING portance and failure to make proper provision may react to the detriment of the property, to the dissatisfaction of owners and tenants, and so limit or restrict the most profitable development of the town site. It may not be out of place here to point out the fact that the rule-of-thumb methods, generally prevailing a generation ago, the use of which has necessitated costly recon- struction and replacement of sewerage and drainage systems in many American communities, have given way to more exact and reliable methods of planning and design. With the prevailing high costs, and scarcity of labor and materials, the necessity for attention to economical considerations is more than ever urgently necessary. While a number of years ago it was possible to construct a sewerage system which would render satisfactory and adequate service at a rental charge of not over $6.00 per annum per house (provided treatment costs were not excessive), it is doubtful at the present time if a satisfactory system can be installed to ren- der service at a rental charge of less than $12.00 per year. Irrespective of whether or not this charge falls upon the owner, tenant or the municipality, it is, in the last analysis, an item of rental, and must be kept to the minimum consistent with proper standards of health and service. The major problems to be considered are type and general arrangement of system, the method of disposal, and necessity for treatment, the capacity, general location and plan, and finally the detail design. At the outset, inquiry should be made as to the state and municipal requirements with regard to sewage treat- ment and disposal, and house plumbing, and a conclusion reached as to the nature and degree of treatment, if any, which may be required, and local conditions to be met. Types of Systems. — Sewage and drainage may be effected by collection and removal in one system of conduits, in which case the system is called the combined system, or by the alternative plan, the separate system, wherein the domestic sewage is carried in a separate sanitary sewerage system, and the storm drainage in an additional and distinct system of storm drains. The first question to be settled is that of type of system. Nei- ther the combined nor the separate system have inherent ad- vantages which render either preferable in all cases. The one to be selected is that which will render the required service at the least cost. As a condition precedent to making a decision on this SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 191 point, the method of sewage disposal, and the nature and degree of treatment required, if any, must be studied and solved in general terms, as it has a most important bearing on the selection and design of the type of system. The economical considerations concerned are susceptible of analytical study, dependent for their value upon the reliability of the underlying data. As the rate of storm discharge, although intermittent, is much greater than the flow of sanitary or domestic sewage, the latter being ordinarily and approximately but one per cent, of the former, the separate system requires the laying of storm drains of approximately the same size as that required in the combined set. In addition, a system of small size sewers, is required, which ordinarily range from 8 to 12 inches in diameter, the greater part of the system being composed of 8-in. pipe. If the roof drainage is to be carried directly to the storm sewer, two sets of house connections are necessary for the separate system, one to carry the domestic sewage and the other the roof water. It therefore follows that, if all the streets are to be sewered and all houses connected both for domestic sewage and roof water, under most conditions the cost of the separate system would exceed that of the combined system. There are, however, other practi- cal and economical considerations which may make it possible, in some cases, to install the separate systems at less cost than the combined. These are chiefly due to the comparatively lesser depth at which the storm drains may be laid, if separate, as compared to those required for the larger sized combined pipes when placed low enough to receive house wastes. Many of the older communities are now sewered on the com- bined plan, by reason of the fact that until comparatively recent years the necessity of separate sewers, due to treatment required, had not arisen, and further, little attention had been given to the economical advantages to be secured in many cases by the adoption of the separate system. Where sewage and drainage may be effected by the extension of, or by connection with an existing system of combined sewers, it will generally be found advisable to install the combined system, unless the develop- ment of state or local sanitary policies may alter the conditions and requirements. It may, however, for economical reasons be found desirable to install the separate system in developing new areas, and make connection with the existing combined system, for the purpose of securing an outlet. 192 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING If sewage treatment works, or long and expensive outfall con- struction is found necessary, either the separate system is gen- erally most economical, or the quantity of flow to be handled must be reduced by diversion of the surplus discharge during heavy rain by means of overflows into nearby water courses. If this latter procedure is permissible, the combined system, other conditions being favorable, may be installed; otherwise the sepa- rate system is clearly indicated. Where overflows are permissible, collection may be made in the combined system and the excess storm flow discharged at one or more points before the outfall or the treatment works are reached. Or, an alternative plan may be followed, wherein the dry weather flow, composed almost entirely of house sewage, is diverted into so-called interceptors. In some cases, and to an extent determined generally by the sani- tary regulation of the state, two or three times the dry weather flow may be carried in the interceptor, in order to take care of the first wash of the streets. This will result in the development of an intercepting system which, however, is more often resorted to where sewer extensions and disposal of the sewage of a town already sewered on the combined system, is under contemplation. Having determined the sewage disposal problem and where the selection of the type of sewerage system is not dictated or con- trolled by the local sanitary or health requirements, the con- clusion will rest upon the relative estimates of the first costs of construction, and of maintenance and upkeep, with respect to the following factors; the depth of trench, and the character and quantity of excavation ; length and size of the various sewers and drains; extent to which storm drains must be installed if the separate system is used; number and length of house connections. Topography and conditions of soil play an important part in these studies and estimates. An economic advantage in favor of the separate system will result if the extent of the storm drainage system can be materially reduced. The conditions permitting and the manner in which this may be done, are later considered in the section bearing upon the design of storm drainage systems. The storm drains of a separate system may be designed for a somewhat less capa- city than required at corresponding places in the combined sys- tem. This is being made possible by the elimination of the danger of backing up through house connections during excessive rains, and the unsanitary effects of flooding. Where the area to be SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 193 sewered is low-lying and flat, better results can generally be obtained by installing separate sanitary sewers. Self-cleansing velocities generally can be obtained at less cost, and with less pumping, on account of the better flow conditions which may be obtained with the smaller or flatter gradients; hence excessive maintenance cost and the nuisance of clogged sewers is avoided. SEPARATE SANITARY SEWERS The quantity of sewage to be provided for in the sewerage sys- tem and treatment works must be ascertained in order to fix their capacity. This involves a determination of the average daily maximum and minimum rates of discharge. The sources from which the flow is contributed are: — House or domestic sewage, emanating from the water closets, wash-stands and cellar sumps, carrying the discharge from dwellings and places of business; trade wastes, which include waste products and waste water used in processes of manufacture; leakage or infiltration into the sewers. With respect to the different districts contributing sewage the areas may be classified as residential, commercial, and manufacturing or industrial; each with its peculiar features and characteristics as to quantity and quality of sewage, and fluctua- tion in rate of discharge. Quantity of Domestic Sewage. — The average daily quantity of domestic sewage contributed bears a close relationship to the use of water, is proportional to the population and is the product of the population and the per capita contribution. Where an isolated development of known extent is under consideration, the number of dwellings being known, the popula- tion to be provided for may be ascertained by allowing an average of five persons per family, making suitable allowance for boarding houses, hotels and any public use of water. More thorough studies will be required, where an existing population is to be taken care of, or where there are undeveloped adjoining areas for which provision is to be made for future development. Under such circumstances the probable future growth of the community, as affected by local conditions and the expected growth of industry, and other factors, must be considered. While it is desirable to ascertain the probable future popula- tion, it is not necessarily desirable and economical to make too great a provision for unknown conditions of the future which 194 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING may, or may not, eventuate. It may be more economical to provide additional and duplicate construction when the necessity arises. Street sewers, or laterals, and the smaller mains for built-up territory should be designed for ultimate conditions, regardless of the extent of the immediate building program. In the absence of more specific data an allowance of at least 45 persons per acre should be made for residential districts. The average daily use of water not only varies largely in dif- ferent cities but also in different parts of the same city or com- munity. It is determined and affected by local customs and habits, and varies with the type or character of the district, reflecting in this manner the standard of living of the residents, and restrictions in the use of water. There is also a tendency for the use of water to increase with the age of the city. As the sewers must be designed to carry the maximum average daily flow at its maximum rate, we are concerned with this maximum rather than the yearly average, daily flow. The average daily water supply in residential districts will range from 25 to 160 gallons per capita per day, with a general average of 100 gallons. In deducing the average daily sewage flow from water supply data an allowance must be made for losses and uses not reaching the sewers; and additions made for contributions from plants having private sources of water supply, and for leakage into the system. Flow from Commercial and Industrial Districts. — The quan- tity of sewage to be contributed by stores and factories must receive special attention. The flow from small business or industrial sections can be assumed to be absorbed in the general average, insofar as the capacity of the mains are concerned; but care should be exercised that the lateral, or street sewers, into which such contributions are directly discharged, are of ample size to carry off the discharges at their maximum rates and deliver the same to the main sewer. The discharge from local groups of store buildings incident to the planning of any industrial town will therefore not introduce any important problems, except as to the required depth to remove sewage from deep basements. When the commercial district is extensive, special study must be made of the probable requirements. The estimated flow to be provided for may then be based upon the number of employees, not resident in the district, using water at an assumed average rate. This may vary from 10 to 25 gallons per capita, with SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 195 suitable allowance for fluctuation so as to obtain the maximum rate, to which must be added the flow contributed by the residents. The discharge of domestic sewage and trade waste from indus- trial and manufacturing plants varies through such a wide range, depending upon the size of the plant and the nature of the industry, and also upon the extent of sanitary facilities provided, that a conclusion as to the quantity can be reached only after a study of the particular existing conditions. The flow of domestic sewage can be estimated in the same manner as indicated for industrial districts; namely, upon the number of the employees and the average daily use of water, with special consideration as to the maximum rate of discharge. The latter is influenced greatly by the toilet provisions and the general habits of the employees. Water is extensively used in many of the various processes _ of manufacture, and is ordinarily referred to as trade wastes. If included in the sewage discharge this will require special study as to quantity and rate of discharge. It is some times consider- able and an estimate can be made only after a full investigation as to the particular processes and uses of water. Leakage or Infiltration. — Provision should be made, in fixing the capacity of the sewers, to cover leakage, or infiltration, of ground and surface water into the system. Such leakage is due to ingress of water through the pipe joints, defects in house con- nections, defective construction of manholes and other appurten- ances. It may be aggravated and become progressive by lack of proper maintenance, and by improper construction which causes subsequent settlement. The quantity of leakage depends on the height of ground water, the nature of the soil, the features of design, particularly the materials and methods used in making the joints, and the care with which the construction is carried out. Defective house connections as installed, and later extended, replaced or repaired, are frequent sources of high rates of ground water leakage. In any event, there will be a normal amount of leakage which it is not practicable to prevent, and it is wise to provide a sufficient factor of safety to cover lapses in construction beyond the control of the designer. As leakage is a factor primarily of the length and size of the pipes, and of the number of house connections; assuming good design and construction, the rational method of estimating its quantity is to estimate the same on the basis of the leakage per 196 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING inch of diameter per mile of system. The allowances made, to be on the side of safety, should be liberal. The following are recommended : Under favorable soil and ground water conditions, 25,000 gal. per mi. of sewer for pipe not over 12 in. in diameter; and 30,000 to 50,000 gal. per mi. in excess of 12 in. in diameter. Under unfavorable soil and ground water conditions, an allow- ance from 50,000 to 100,000 gal. per mi. should be made. The latter figure will be used where ground water, in quantity, has a tendency to follow the line of the trench ; also in low-lying, flat areas where the ground water level is above the top of the sewer. The above figures may be reduced 50 per cent, by use of bituminous joints. For simplicity of computation it is convenient to convert the leakage allowance in gallons per mile of sewer, to gallons per capita per day. This may be done by using the assumed or ascertained density of population per acre and the lineal feet of sewer per acre. This latter quantity in the absence of specific data, may be taken to range from 175 to 340 lin. ft. per acre, with an average of 200 lineal feet. Design of System. — Designs, even of a preliminary character, should be based upon adequate data, and upon suitable maps and plans. Reliable topography is of importance, in order to fix the approximate location, grades, and elevation of the main lines. The type and principal features of the system should be deter- mined and known before the final adoption of the street plan of the development as sewerage and drainage are factors to be considered in developing such a layout. It is extremely diffi- cult to make any changes in street locations after early ideas become fixed; accordingly necessity for early consideration of sewerage is indicated. General Considerations. — The general arrangement of the system is, therefore, necessarily fixed within the developed area by the adopted street location, which in turn is affected largely by topography. The sewers should be located as far as possible in public thoroughfares, or in easements, where the latter are used instead of alleys. Outside of the developed area, location will frequently be made on private rights of way, or easements. These should be selected with reference to economy of con- struction, minimization of property damage and future street locations. Definite agreement for these should be early SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 197 obtained, covering the width, location, and the rights of the parlies interested. One of the objects sought in design is the elimination of large size pipes or conduits, as far as possible. To some extent this means the utilization of the smaller sizes to the limit of their capacity. The arrangement, however, will be limited and affected by other controlling factors, as the depth of cut and available grade. Where alternative location of large sewers is possible, determination of the character of the excavation is frequently desirable, in order to avoid difficult work in soft ground, or in rock. Where there is a possibility of extending an existing sewerage system it should be thoroughly examined as to location of mains, grade, capacity and condition. In case of such extensions or where the housing site is within municipal limits, the local practice of the city should be followed, insofar as good practice and the requirements of the situation will permit. Rate of Flow to Provide. — The quantity to be provided for is the maximum rate at which the flow will be discharged through the system at any time. It consists of the aggregate of the flows from the various sources previously discussed. The actual rate of flow Varies from day to day and from hour to hour, and is also subject to seasonal changes and to progressive increase or decrease. The values for maximum rates used by various engineers vary widely; it is a matter of the application of general principles to the individual case. Care must therefore be used, in applying any recommendation, to suit local circumstances and requirements. Laterals and street sewers, up to 15 in. in diameter, should be designed for a total capacity, running full, of between 375 and 550 gal. per capita daily; good average practice for residential sections, indicates about 500 gal. per capita. In ordinary muni- cipal practice somewhat higher values are used. Sewers in excess of 15 in. in diameter may be designed for somewhat less capacity, which can be reduced for the reason that the fluctuation of flow decreases with the increase in number of persons contribut- ing. An allowance of from 250 to 350 gal. per capita in the design of main and outfalls is good practice; 300 gal. per capita is the general practice in the design of many large and important inter- ceptors and long sanitary outfalls. An analysis of the ordinary maximum rate for a lateral system should be made along the lines indicated in Table 30. 198 . INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Table 30. — -Estimated Sewage Flow From various source Average daily flow, based on the average daily use of water Leakage or infiltration, estimated Manufacturing purposes Commercial purposes Total sewage daily flow Add 50 per cent, for fluctuation, to obtain maximum rate. Total maximum rate Gallons per capita daily 100.0 50.0 10.0 5.0 165.0 82.5 247.5 In computing the total capacity of the sewer along the fore- going lines, further allowance must be made for excessive fluctua- tions and contingencies, both present and future. To make such provisions, sewers of from 8 in. to 15 in. in diameter should be proportioned to run one-half, and the larger sizes should be designed to run two-thirds full. When the design of long inter- ceptors or large mains is under consideration, special study should be given to the question of fluctuation and maximum rate. It should be borne in mind that, in designing sewers for a housing development, a somewhat less factor of safety may be used than in ordinary municipal practice, for the reason that some of the factors which are ordinarily a matter of estimate can be definitely ascertained in the former case. The United States Housing Corporation issued the following instructions and suggestions: design to be based upon two families every 20 ft. of street, five persons per family; average daily use of water 125 gal. per capita; an allowance of 50 per cent, for daily fluctuation in flow; ground water leakage 25 per cent, to 75 per cent, of the average daily flow. This gives totals from 218.75 to 281.25 gal. per capita daily as maximum safe working units. This was stated to be applicable to small districts of 40 acres, or under, in area. Further suggestion is made that sewers, of from 8 to 15 in. in diameter, should be proportioned to run one-half full; so that the total maximum rate provided for is raised from 437.5 to 562.5 gal. per capita per day. The United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion, Division of Passenger Transportation and Housing, in its instructions and recommendations for the design of sewers and drainage systems, recommended somewhat lower values. The SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 199 average daily flow, except in special conditions was assumed at 75 gal. per capita. The following rates were suggested as the basis of design for the sizes indicated. For 8-inch sewer, 400 gallons per capita. For 10 and 12-inch sewers, 350 gallons per capita. For larger sizes, 300 gallons per capita. All sewers flowing full. Additional allowance for ground water, from 25,000 gal. per mi. per day for 8 and 10-in. sewers, and 30,000 to 50,000 gal. per mi. per day for the larger sizes, was further recommended and was to be added to the foregoing where cement joints were used. With bituminous joints, leakage was taken as one-half of the foregoing. Details of Computation.— The well known Kutter or the Willi- ams-Hazen formulae may be used for computations. The value of the coefficient "n," should be taken as 0.013 for pipe sewers and 0.015 for brick or masonry sewers; and "C" should be taken as 100 for terra cotta pipe sewers and 110 for brick or masonry sewers. Suitable hydraulic tables and diagrams are available, giving on inspection the velocity and discharge corresponding to the various slopes and sizes. The data and results of the design should be arranged in tabular form, giving the location (usually taken at a point where additional flow is received from a connection, at an assumed point of concentration, or a change in slope) of the station or reference point; the elevation of flow line; quantity to provide for; grade; size; velocity and capacity. Profiles of the lines should be prepared, showing the elevation of present surface, both on the center line of the proposed sewer and on the side lines of the street if the location be in a street. Where the depths of cellars of existing or proposed houses are likely to control the location of the sewers, their elevation and location should also be shown. The finished, or established grade, of the street should likewise be shown as well as existing surface and subsurface structures, where clearances or obstructions are involved. Starting at the upper end the sizes are determined progres- sively, investigation for change of size being made at all points where there is sufficient increase expected in the quantity of flow. Such points will occur where branch sewers connect and as the contributions from house connections accrue. 200 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Velocities and Grades. — The grades of a given size sewer cannot be reduced below a certain minimum without a corresponding increase in the probability, or necessity, for frequent cleansing, together with liability of serious clogging. When grades are not sufficient, sewer maintenance in opening up clogged sewers and in flushing, either with automatic devices or street hose, will be incurred, thus throwing an additional or needless item of cost upon operation. Where possible a self-cleansing velocity of not less than 3 ft- per second, with sewers running full, should be obtained and adhered to as a minimum. This will obviate the necessity of flushing or cleaning. When pumping or excessive cost can be avoided by so doing the minimum velocity may be reduced to 23^ ft. per second; or even to 2 ft. per second in certain extreme cases, which will probably require some provision for flushing. The relative economy and desirability of velocities of less than 2 ft. per second should be compared with those of pumping; the factors to be considered being the cost of pumping, compara- tive amounts and depths of trench excavation, which are reflected in cost of construction, and the cost of cleaning and flushing in operation. While some existing systems with velocities of 1 ft. per second have worked out without any large amount of deposit, such practice should not be followed without thorough investigation and consideration. In such cases flushing the dead ends and at points along the line of the sewer will be required. An analytical consideration of the actual minimum velocity and of the shape of the sewer section is involved in consideration of the minimum flow in larger sewers and outfalls. The mini- mum flow may be taken as a proportion of the average daily sewage flow, or may be determined by analysis. It is composed of leakage or infiltration, which is fairly uniform throughout the day; the legitimate night use of water, ranging from 7% to 15 gal. per capita, depending upon the habits of the residents; and the night use of water in manufacturing plants. It further includes the waste of water through defective fixtures, and such flow as arises from the habit of leaving fixtures open in freezing weather. The minimum flow, usually occurring at night, ranges as a rule, from 25 to 50 gal. per capita per day. Satisfactory flow conditions must obtain for carrying off the minimum flow. The velocity half full is equivalent to that when flowing full and as SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 201 the depth of flow decreases below one-half full, the velocity likewise decreases. While the conclusions reached as to minimum discharge conditions in the smaller size sewers can be ordinarily relied upon, the design of the larger sanitary sewers, and of important out- falls and interceptors will necessitate more thorough study of the actual rate of minimum flow and the design of a special section, if sufficient velocity cannot be otherwise obtained. Such sections are so designed that the depth of flow and hence the velocity does not decrease as rapidly with a given quantity, as in the case of a circular sewer. Various shapes are used, of which the egg-shape, elliptical, and parabolic, with modifications, are common examples. Sewer sections of this kind are generally more expensive to build, require more head room and greater depth of trench and consequently take up more of the available fall than circular sewers; their offsetting disadvantages from this standpoint must therefore be considered. A maximum velocity of over 6 ft. per second is undesirable unless the normal flow is large, as otherwise there is a tendency for floating matters to be left behind. For convelnent reference the following table giving minimum permissible grades for various size terra cotta pipe sewers, is offered; this being based on a value of 0.013 for the coefficient n of the Kutter formula. Table 31. — M nimum Permissible Grades of Sewers Diameter of sewer in inches Slope in feet per 100 for veloeity of 2 feet per second running full Slope in feet per 100 for velocity of 3 feet per second running full 6 0.05 1.40 8 10 . 90 10 12 28 I) 22 IS 15 0.16 0.34 18 0.12 0.26 20 0.10 0.22 24 0.08 0.17 27 . 0GG 0.143 30 0.058 0.122 Changes in grade and in alignment should be made only at manholes, so as to facilitate inspection and cleaning. Where 202 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING the street alignment is curved, the deflection should be made on chords, except when the diameter is 30 in. or more. This practice can be departed from only when the grades are such that self-cleansing velocities are absolutely assured. Changes in direction of the smaller sizes may easily be made by molding the curves in the base of the manhole, thus avoiding both the excava- tion of circular trench and making the deflection with pipe. Computation should be made using the hydraulic grade line rather than the invert of the sewer as a basis. Also, to insure the realization of the capacity of the sewer and the fulfillment of hydraulic conditions, changes in size should be made by keeping the top of the sewer continuous rather than so maintaining the invert line. Minimum Sizes. — The minimum size of the sewer should not be less than 8 inches. While the flow for considerable distance along the street can be carried in a much smaller sewer there is too much liability of clogging and stopping, nor is the slight saving in cost of a 6-in. sewer compared to that of an 8-in. sewer sufficient to warrant the adoption of the smaller size. Depth and Location. — The depth at which sewers should be laid will be controlled first by the grade line, then by the amount required for protection, and finally by that elevation required to enable house connections to be made. The depth at which the house connection enters the street sewer will depend upon its length and the relative difference of elevation between that of the surface of the ground at the house and the finished grade of the street, and further, by the minimum depth at which the house connection leaves the house. Where no cellar fixtures are provided, or where cellars are entirely omitted, the depth of house connections will be fixed by the requirements for protection. The required depth will vary with the latitude and climatic conditions, but it is good practice to allow a minimum of 2>^ ft. of cover over the pipe. Frequently a cellar sump is provided and sometimes laundry tubs or other fixtures, in which case the main house drain is laid under the cellar floor. Cellar sumps are advantageous, in order to facilitate cleaning and to drain wet cellars generally where depth of the sewer system is a matter of economic concern, it is due to construction in low-lying, flat ground which at the same time is likely to cause wet cellars, either by leakage through cellar walls or by ingress of surface SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 203 water through openings. Such conditions are preventable, and the contingencies of construction should be anticipated even though additional, but not prohibitive cost, is incurred. If it be desirable to raise the height of the sewerage system, or a part of it, in order to save pumping or construction costs, the main house drain can be suspended above the cellar floor; in which case cellar sumps or fixtures cannot be provided. The possibility of wet cellars must be forestalled by subdrainage of the foundation. The expense of this latter method must be compared then with the costs involved in lowering the sewer system. With a 6-ft. cellar, the floor of which is 4 feet below the adjoining surface of the ground, and a 20-ft. setback, a minimum depth of 7 ft. at invert of the street sewer will be required, in order to make a satisfactory house connection. The foregoing will be sufficient as a minimum for residential streets and where the nature of the ground occupancy is definitely ascertained. Where the character of abutting buildings is a matter of future determination, or where stores or other commer- cial buildings are planned or are likely to be built, the invert depth should be increased to at least 10 ft. and in some cases to 12 ft., so as not to restrict the use of the land for the most profitable purposes. In fixing the depth and location of mains, attention must always be given to the question of future extension into adjacent tribu- tary areas. Such growth may be rendered difficult and costly if the sewerage system, as planned, will not permit of extension. Participation of municipal authorities and of adjoining property owners may be often secured to cover the additional cost incurred. In sidehill locations with houses on the higher side of the street it is possible to lay the sanitary sewers at comparatively shallow depths, while those on the lower side will require excessive depths. It thus may frequently be economical to sewer the houses on the lower side by laying a duplicate sewer in the rear of the houses in an easement or alley. Advantage may be taken also of the de- scending grade of a street, by laying the house connections at an angle of forty-five degrees and running down street. Location may be either in the street, in which case the center line is desirable, as this permits the manhole covers to be laid level; or may be at the rear in an alley or easement. As it is desirable to remove as many of the substructures from the street 204 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING as possible, it generally follows that the sanitary sewer can be located in the rear of the house, not only with less disadvantage, but often with positive economy. The relative economy will be determined by the comparative length of house connections required for front or rear connection. There is a relationship here between the planning of the house and that of the sewerage system. With all fixtures in the rear of the house, unless the lots are too deep, there will generally be a shorter run to an alley or easement in the rear, than to a sewer in the center line of the street. This is further accentuated in cases where there is a large set-back. With the sanitary sewer located in the center line of a 50-ft. street, a 20-ft. set-back, the vertical soil pipe located in the rear or 28 ft. from the front of the house, and a lot depth of 100 ft.; the length of house connections will be 73 ft. when the sewer is located in the street as against about 55 ft. when located in a rear easement or alley. In this case there would be a further saving effected by reduction in the length of cast iron soil pipe within the building. A further deviation from ordinary practice, to be considered where the street width warrants, consists in laying the street laterals in duplicate, one under each sidewalk, instead of a single sewer in the roadway. This removes the sewer from under the roadway pavement, always a desirable feature, and avoids open- ing up house connection trenches in the roadway; also shortens house connections, and permits a lessening of the depth of the street sewer, on account of the shortening of the house connec- tions. The length of street sewer, however, will be doubled, but with street widths of 50 to 60 ft., the relative cost will be about equal and the question will be settled largely as a construction problem. With wider streets the comparative costs will be more pronounced in favor of the duplicate system. The arrange- ment of the sewerage system installed in Buckman Village, constructed by the Emergency Fleet Corporation, is illustrative of the latter kind of planning (Fig. 32). Appurtenances. — Most of the accompanying details of a sani- tary sewer system are subjects of such common practice that little more than mere mention need be made of them. It may be well, however, to state a few of the standard practices. House Connections. — These may be laid with either 5-in. or 6-in. terra cotta pipe, the size depending upon the municipal plumbing requirements and local practice. The use of smaller SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 205 206 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING sizes is to be discouraged, on account of the likelihood of clogging. Terra cotta pipe is generally- laid from the sewer connection to within 5 ft. of the building, from which point cast iron pipe is used. Recommended prac- J tice in locating house connec- § tions is shown in Figs. 33 and | 34. u House connections should be | laid on a grade of not less than ■a 34 i n - P er ft. > an d it is not de- * sirable to have the grade exceed ■£ 3^ inch per foot. They should S be laid in as direct line and grade B as possible, and with the same £ care as that used in laying the 1 street sewers. •§ The connection with the street I sewer is made with a "Y", or "o Wye Branch, laid in the street sewer. Where there is separate 1 ownership, or occupancy of a ~ building, each dwelling should © have its individual connection. '% Joint connections lead to litiga- |tion and irresponsibility for t stoppages. | Manholes. — Manholes of jj ample size and proper design § should be provided at intervals > 05 -*> §s o o ■^ 2 2 M P » += P. C ft a> o a* « "2 ft 2 I0ISZ0 10 40 50Fee+ 232 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING pumps and preliminary to further operations, coarse screens are not generally useful in the disposal of sewage from the small communities. Fine screens are those which have openings of ^ m « or less, in least dimension, and . are being increasingly used, both as a preliminary process to further treatment, and under some conditions, as the sole method of treatment prior to dis- charge. There are various types of fine screens, including band screens, wing screens, drum screens, and disc screens. Band screens are of wire mesh or bars, the screen operates on rollers on the endless belt principle, with provision for removal of screenings from the upper end. Wing screens are usually of the bar type, composed of radial or curved vanes, rotating on a horizontal axis and depositing the screenings by a mechanical device. Drum screens consist of cylindrical or conical screens operating on a horizontal axis. A number of installations have been made in recent years of the Riensch-Wurl type of disc screen, which consists of a circular inclined perforated plate, set at an inclination with the horizontal and surmounted by a perforated concentric truncated cone of smaller radius. The perforations in the plate and cone are elongated openings or slots the width of which is dependent upon the requirements. The chief advantage of this screen is its com- paratively large screening area, mechanical simplicity of opera- tion and effective arrangement for cleaning. Tank Treatment. — Tank treatment consists primarily of the detention of the sewage in a settling tank for a sufficient period of time to effect the removal by sedimentation of a considerable portion of the suspended solids. In some tanks, provision is made for digestion of the settled solids or sludge, so as to permit of its disposal without further treatment. In the simpler types sludge digestion is accomplished in separate tanks. The simplest type of tank is the one story sedimentation tank, through which the sewage is passed at slow velocity and the ac- cumulated sludge is drawn off at comparatively frequent inter- vals, sludge digestion being accomplished in auxiliary tanks. The septic tank is a one story sedimentation tank, ordinarily rectangular in shape, from which the sludge is drawn off only at long intervals. There is to some extent a biological action in the tank, which assists in reducing the finer colloidal settling matter, SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 233 and there is some reduction in the quantity of sludge by liquefaction under the action of anaerobic bacteria. While many installations have been made in this country, it is no longer considered to be suitable for use in connection with oxidizing processes, as other types of tanks have taken its place where the removal of suspended matter is the sole object sought. Installations consisting of tanks with hopper bottoms, built in units of two or more, will sometimes be found serviceable under certain local conditions. The sludge is held in the hopper bot- tom and the operation of the tank continued until such time as the sludge can be run off without causing offense. When a suffi- cient degree of digestion of the sludge cannot be obtained other- wise, the tank is thrown out of operation and the sludge permitted to decompose and digest, other units being meanwhile used. Unless the installation is very small it will generally be preferable to use separate sludge digestion tanks. ' In the two story tank, sewage is passed through the tank in such a manner that it does not come into contact with the sludge ; sedimentation and sludge digestion thus take place in the same tank without the effluent becoming septic or offensive. The Imhoff is the best known of the two story tanks. In this tank the suspended matter is settled out and automatically removed through slots and falls to the bottom of the settling chamber where sludge digestion takes place. The tank is so designed that the sludge may be thoroughly decomposed and rendered free of offensive odor so that it can be drawn off and dried without nuisance. The percentage of the suspended matter removed in tanks of the various types varies through a very wide range, which de- pends upon the design and operation of the tank, and the charac- ter and condition of the sewage. Filtration. — When a non-putrescible, or stable, effluent is required, one of the various filtration processes may be adopted. The sewage is passed through a bed of broken stone, sand, or other material and as a result of bacterial action taking place in the presence of air in the interstices and on the surfaces of the filter material, the organic matter in the sewage, in suspension and dissolved, undergoes certain biochemical changes and is oxidized and converted into stable compounds. The extent to which suspended matter is removed from the effluent and the bacterial efficiency are dependent upon the type of design, of which the following are in use: 234 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Trickling Filters.— In this type, sometimes called sprinkling filters, the sewage is sprayed through nozzles, or distributed by mechanical device, upon a bed, several feet in depth, of broken stone or other coarse grained material, through which it slowly percolates. Contact Beds. — These consist of water tight basins, containing a bed of broken stone or other coarse grained material, which is alternately filled with sewage and emptied, with an intervening period of rest to permit of aeration. Intermittent Filtration. — This provides for filtration at low rate through natural or artificial beds of sand with alternate periods of rest. Broad Irrigation. — This is one of the earlier methods, now generally abandoned, in which the sewage is applied to a specially prepared tract of porous soil, which in some cases is cultivated. This process is also known as sewage farming and land filtration. Before the raw sewage is applied to any filter bed it should be passed through screens or tanks, to remove the settling solids and so prevent clogging of the filter beds and to lessen the burden imposed upon them. While the effluent from well designed and operated trickling filters or contact beds will be stable, it may be necessary to subject the effluent to subsequent treatment by secondary filtration or sedimentation, so as to remove the non- putrescible content of suspended matter and to more completely destroy the bacteria. Where complete bacterial removal is required, the effluent from the beds or from the final settling tanks should be disinfected. Other Processes.— Activated Sludge. — This consists in the aeration of raw sewage, mixed with a suitable quantity of activated sludge which has been previously cultivated in such manner as to develop bacterial activity. This process, while one of promise, is still in the experimental and developmental stage. Chemical Precipitation. — This is an earlier process of clarification by settling in tanks, combined with coagulation by chemicals, usually lime. It is no longer one of the customary methods. A modification is electrolytic action, which also has not come into common use. Disinfection.— The bacterial contents of sewage or sewage effluent may be reduced by disinfection, or entirely destroyed by sterilization, with chemicals. Generally hypochlorite or liquid chlorine is used. Disinfection of screened or settled sewage may be utilized to accomplish a high degree of bacterial removal, either as an emergency measure, or to avoid the cost of more expensive installation, which may not be as efficient where SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 235 the destruction of tlje bacteria is the sole purpose. Complete destruction of the bacteria can be effected, when a very high standard is necessary, by sterilization of the effluent as a final treatment after filtration. Selection of Method and Site. — The necessary degree and required nature of treatment and the type of plant best adapted to accomplish the desired results, will depend in any given in- stance upon what is required to prevent nuisance or contamina- tion, as the case may be, and upon considerations of cost with due regard to physical requirements or limitations imposed. The degree and nature of treatment which may be required varies greatly; there is a certain latitude in the choice of type or method to secure a given desired result, and the adaptability of the various methods and types of installation varies with conditions. Studies Required. — It therefore follows that before the method and type is decided upon and the site selected, there must be a careful investigation of the various factors and comparative studies of alternative methods. The following items will generally be included in such an investigation : (o) Character, quantity and condition of the sewage, the nature of the treatment required, and the extent to which it should be carried to prevent nuisance or contamination. (b) Cost of construction, operation and upkeep. (c) Area, cost and availability of sites possessing the necessary physi- cal requirements of size, available head or fall, and topography. (d) Possibility of offense in the vicinity of the plant. (e) Adaptability of immediate installation to possible future require- ments as to capacity, or standards of treatment. Screening or Tankage. — Where the object sought is the avoid- ance of local nuisance in the vicinity of the outlet or minimiza- tion of general nuisance in the water course, such as that arising from floating matter or deposits, either fine screening or tank treatment will generally suffice. Fine screening is neither as ef- fective as tank treatment, nor as economical in the small units usually required in industrial housing projects. Adoption of some type of tank will generally be indicated. One story tanks will generally be used, unless there is proba- bility that filtration will later be required, in which case considera- tion should be given to two story tanks, such as the Inihoff tank. The conditions under which sludge is to be disposed of 236 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING will be a further determining factor in selecting the design of the tank, as some tanks produce a less offensive sludge than others. Proximity of the tank to dwellings, the permanency of the plant and other elements also must be considered. Filtration. — Removal of the settling solids by fine screening or in tanks will not suffice in cases where the body of water does not have sufficient capacity to handle the effluent without conditions of general nuisance obtaining during all or part of the year, or when too severe a load would be imposed upon the water purifi- cation plants. In such cases, a stable effluent will be required, and filtration will be necessary. This will generally lead to the adoption of trickling filters, which being operated at a higher rate require less space than either contact beds or sand filters. If sufficient fall is available for their operation, or if pumping must in any event be resorted to, the trickling filter will be generally applicable, unless the site is not sufficiently removed from dwell- ings. In the latter case the contact beds may be preferable, even though costing more. Intermittent sand filtration will occasionally be found economi- cal for small installations, where land is comparatively cheap and the proper quality of sand is readily available, but the large area required and the cost of construction will generally exclude this type for larger installations. Where the plant must be built in proximity to dwellings, the contact bed may be preferred here also, owing to comparative freedom from odors and the fly nuisance. The filtration process must be preceded by fine screening or tank treatment and where discoloration or suspended matter is to be avoided in the water course, must be followed by settling. If a more complete removal of organic matter and suspended solids is necessary so as to produce a very clear effluent of high standard, secondary treatment by filtration, followed by final settling, may be adopted. Sterilization. — When contamination of water supplies is a fac- tor, complete removal of bacteria will be necessary. This may be practically accomplished by secondary filtration and final settling, but the expense of such works for this purpose, where complete removal of the bacteria is the primary requirement, will be much greater than that of sterilization with chemicals, which further will be more dependable and effective. There will also be cases where tank treatment, supplemented by disinfec- SE WERA GE . 1 N 1) Oh' A I N . IGE 237 tion, while not producing a stable effluent, and not insuring the complete removal of the bacteria, will produce an effluent which will neither impose too heavy a burden upon the water course, nor endanger water supplies which are properly protected by purification. Location. — The location of sewage treatment plants, particularly where they include trickling filters, in proximity to buildings is to be avoided; in any case, the plant should not be within 500 ft. of property to be used for building purposes. It must be borne in mind that there is a popular prejudice against sewage treatment plants, and whether such objections be fancied or real, every effort should be made to isolate the plant. The depreciation of prop- erty may well offset the cost of additional outfall construction necessary to reach a more distant site. Small tank installations, properly screened, may be located, if necessary, within not less than 500 ft. of dwellings, but the possibility of nuisance from odors and flies makes it advisable to locate trickling filters at least 1,000 ft. from dwellings. The plant should be designed in units so as to afford flexibility in operation and to permit of extensions in the future. In this connection provision must be made for throwing part of the plant out of operation for repairs or alterations, and to take care of varying and fluctuating conditions of sewage flow and operating conditions. CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Contract Plans. — The contract plans should consists of a gen- eral plan showing the location of the system in its entirety, and a set of drawings of uniform scale and size, each covering a sec- tion of a sewer in plan and profile. A scale of 40 or 50 ft. per inch for horizontal, and of 4 or 5 ft. per inch for vertical scale, is recommended for usual conditions. The stationing should be carried across the sheet from left to right and should designate all changes in alignment and grade. The plans should show the street and curb lines, street car tracks, existing substructures where there is any question of in- terference, the center line of the sewer, the offset from the curb, and the geometry of the alignment. The profile, on the distorted scale, should show the surface of the ground on the center line of the sewer, and the established or finished grades of the street, usually for convenience, taken on the top of curb. 238 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Unless the character of the soil can be easily determined, test pits should be sunk along the line of the sewer at intervals and the location and character of material excavated should be shown on the contract plan. Samples of the materials excavated should further be taken and made available for prospective bidders. There should, however, be a statement in the contract to the effect that while the results of the test pit excavations are furnished for information, the owner does not guarantee the actual conditions to be as shown on the plans. The contract plans should further show in profile the flow and invert line of the sewer, location of manholes, the elevations on the invert of the sewer, particularly at grade points and at manholes; also the elevation at which the casting of manhole covers is to be set. The location and elevation of connecting sewers should likewise be shown, while location of the "Y's" for house connections need be shown in plan only, and likewise catch basin and storm inlet connections. The size of the sewer to be constructed should be plainly in- dicated and any special or incidental construction noted on the contract plans, and unless covered clearly and fully in the specifications, the method of paying for such accessory or addi- tional work, should be indicated in plain terms on the contract plans. Such items will include railroad crossings, special founda- tions, removal of existing and obstructing surface or subsurface structures, and any other work not implicitly included in the work to be done and the materials furnished per lineal foot of sewer, which is the usual basis of measurement for payment. The location of all catch basins, storm inlets, manholes and appurtenant structures should be shown likewise in plan. It is also usual to show the type of pavement if there be an existing pavement to be removed and replaced. Where there is participation by municipalities, or where the cost is to be assessed upon the abutting property owners, the contract plans should be drawn in conformity with existing regulations. Care should be exercised in the completeness and accuracy of the preparation of contract plans, with a view of their later utilization as record plans, after having incorporated such changes as have been made in actual construction. Specifications. — Materials of Construction. — Terra cotta pipe is used for all diameters up to 30 inches. The standard sizes SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE 239 are as follows: 5-in., 6-in., 8-in., 10-in., 12-in., 15-in., 18-in., 20-in., 24-in., 27-in., 30-in., 33-in., and 36-in. Where 36-in. terra cotta pipe is used it is usual to protect it with a reinforce- ment of concrete, unless there is little probability of damage by traffic. Reinforced concrete pipe is used for sections of 24 in. or larger in diameter, particularly sizes in excess of 30 in. Such pipe may be made on the site of the work where the size of the job war- rants, or may be shipped from the place of manufacture. Mono- lithic concrete or brick masonry construction is also used for diameters in excess of 30 inches. Such construction is neces- sary where reinforced concrete pipe of required diameter and suitable cross-sections cannot be obtained at reasonable cost. Segmental terracotta block is also used for large sizes. General Outline. — The specifications should clearly and defi- nitely state the requirements and dimensions for each type of sewer and kind of construction. In each case there should be sections relating to the woik included in the contract price, and specifications for the materials, workmanship, construction, incidental work, testing, measurement and payment. When the work is to be performed on the fixed price basis, there should be a definite division of the contract into items of work, so that measurement and payment may be simplified. Ordinary items will be included for the following: Furnishing materials and laying or constructing each size and type of sewer; price per lineal foot. Excavation and backfilling; price per cubic yard; (sometimes included in the price bid for laying the sewer). House connections; price per lineal foot including specials. Additional branches or specials; price for each. Manholes, catch basins, and other appurtenances; price for each. Sewer castings; price per pound. Special foundations; price dependent on type of construction. Street repaving; price per square yard. Sheeting and bracing left in place when ordered by owner; price per M. ft. B.M. Special items as railroad crossings, tunnel construction, junction chambers, etc.; price either lump sum or unit. The specification will be simplified by the inclusion of general clauses covering materials and construction included in the several items. CHAPTER VIII COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES Classification, Character and Quantities of Municipal Wastes — Methods of Collection — Final Disposal of Wastes — Summary and Conclusions Introduction. — Considering all of the factors attending the problem of location, construction, housing and administration of an industrial or residential community or town, the problem of final disposal of all the worthless and dangerous material that is produced is one of considerable importance and should receive careful consideration. The question as to the effect upon the health of the public, caused by imperfect methods of collection of garbage and re- fuse, is one that has been frequently debated, and is still an open problem to be solved in many of- its aspects. But there can be no doubt that the comfort, convenience and happiness of any community depends to a large extent upon the removal of worthless, and exhausted matter. These have little or no value in themselves, but by accumulation become annoying and offensive and, if allowed to remain in the household, may become positively threatening and dangerous to health. This subject is presented with reference to the requirements of industrial and residential towns, but the compilation and classi- fication figures of quantities, costs and other factors may apply equally well to the larger settled municipalities of the third and fourth classes of population, where this question is one for present or future consideration. CLASSIFICATION, CHARACTER AND QUANTITIES OF MUNICIPAL WASTES For the purpose of this inquiry there are five classes of wastes to be dealt with. These are: Garbage, Rubbish, Refuse, Ashes, and Street Sweepings. Garbage.' — Garbage consists of waste of vegetable and animal origin, resulting from the manufacture or preparation of human 240 COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 241 food in households, and from public and private buildings. It is putrescible in character, being composed of organic substances which permit decay and fermentation, more or less rapid accord- ing to surrounding conditions. Table 34.— Composition of Average Garbage as Collected Moisture contained, and free water 70 P er vvni ' Solids, vegetable and animal 2 * P e * cent. Bones, grease and fats Foreign matters 3 per cent. T , 100 per cent. Average weight per' cubic foot 46 to 50 pounds Average weight per cubic yard 1,250 to 1,350 pounds Quantity per capita per day . 4 to . 5 pounds m winter 0.7 to 0.8 pounds in summer Table 35.— Monthly Variations, in Percentages, of Garbage Pro- duced Annually' (Data from Two Large Cities) January . . . February . . March April May June July August September. October. . . November . December . Total. Cincinnati 5.3 5.2 5.2 6.9 6.8 9.1 12.4 12.1 13.8 8.2 7.5 7.5 100.0 Borough of Richmond (N. Y.) 5.7 3.7 5.2 7.7 8.1 8.7 9.2 10.6 12.5 11.3 9.2 100.0 i Featherston: Proc. 2nd Pan-Am. Sc. Cong. 1915-1916. The figures in the two tables above represent the character and quantities of northern communities under normal conditions. Due allowance must be made for exceptional conditions. Rubbish.— This comprises the discarded and worn-out articles and matters from households, including paper of all grades, rags, wood, boxes, mattresses, broken furniture, shoes, tin cans, metal 16 242 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING scraps, bottles or glass, etc. The largest proportion is combus- tible and when burned in incinerating plants takes the place of considerable amounts of other fuel. As rubbish may contain the germs of certain diseases, it should be destroyed or carefully sorted under sanitary conditions. Revenue may be obtained from the sale of marketable por- tions, when the quantities are large enough to repay costs of sorting and baling. Rubbish varies in weight, as affected by local conditions. The average weight per cubic yard in Boston is 160 pounds; in New York, 143 pounds; in Buffalo, 215 pounds; in Chicago and Mil- waukee about 175 pounds. The average weight is thus six to seven pounds per cubic foot. Technical analyses of rubbish have been made in several of the larger cities, with varying results. The following table, com- piled from the Boston Refuse Station figures, represents the percentage of marketable parts in that city in 1906. Table 36. — Percentage of Saleable Portions in One Hundred Parts op Refuse Collections 1 Paper, six different grades 74 . 5 Rags, clothing, bagging, twine 12 . 2 Carpets, four grades 3.3 Bottles, common and proprietary 2.5 Metals, iron, brass, lead and zinc 2.1 Tin, all sizes and kinds 1.4 Leather, shoes and scraps 1.9 Rubber, shoes, hose and mats 0.2 Barrels, whole 1.4 Other material 0.5 100.0 Refuse. — The refuse produced in factories and manufacturing buildings comprises many kinds of worthless matters and does not usually come under the charge or control of municipalities, un- less there be nuisance or complaints caused by imperfect methods of disposal, offensive to the public. When these wastes are liquid or semi-liquid in character, or of large volumes, their disposal is a matter for attention of Health Boards under the laws of the State. As a rule all refuse matters from private trade and manufacturing companies are disposed of at the plant where accumulated and at 1 MOrse: Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste. COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 243 the expense of the company. When incineration is the town method of disposal, many forms of trade waste are destroyed by arrangement with the town authorities. Ashes.— This is the fuel waste from houses where wood, coke or coal is used, and does not include ashes from steam boilers or private manufacturing plants. Ashes usually contain some unburned coal, besides cinders, slag and dust. It is inorganic, and not offensive in handling except for fine dust. It generally can be allowed to accumulate without nuisance, if stored with care, and removed less frequently than garbage or rubbish. The weight of ashes per cubic yard varies according to local conditions from 1,050 pounds to 1,350 pounds. This is from 40 to 50 pounds per cubic foot. Street Sweepings.— The cleaning of the streets of a town is not usually considered in connection with waste collection, but there may be instances where street sweepings and refuse can profit- ably be made a part of the general collection and disposal system. Sweepings include all kinds of miscellaneous matters that cannot be carried off by the sewers. They will average 50 per cent, of sand, dirt, powdered stone and practically 50 per cent, of manure and horse droppings and other organic refuse, although the latter is becoming less with the growth in use of automobiles. Table 37.— Chemical Analyses of Dry Composite Samples op Gar- bage, Rubbish and Cinders' (In Percentages by Weight) Constituents Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Silica Iron oxide and alumina. . Lime Magnesia Phosphoric acid Carbonic acid Lead Tin Alkali and undetermined Garbage 43.0 6.2 3.7 27.7 7.6 0.4 4.3 0.3 1.5 0.6 0.2 Sulphides 4.5 Rubbish Cinders 42.4 6.0 3.4 33.5 6.5 2.0 2.3 0.6 1 1.5 0.5 Trace 1.2 0.8 0.6 2.4 30 . 9.0 1.2 Trace None None Trace Trace 0.3 1 Morse: Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste 244 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING When dried in fine weather and taken up by the wind, street sweepings are a nuisance to the public and a positive injury to health and property. It is claimed that the increase in catarrhal diseases at such times is noticeably above the average. Sweep- ings have some value for land fertilization where the cost of trans- portation is not too great; the value is now decreasing with the lessened use of horses. bU x \ \ ^,-' "**. s* \o 40 c o Na v.. \ / 1 / / +- / \ Q. / / ^,-""' '"*•••> — 10 i ■^. / \ X .„^«^: .-/^ A — \ fcfcfo ... Rubbish ! V Clinker 5. -t > j c Fig. 38. — Monthly variations in the quantity of various municipal wastes. Trade refuse from building operations, earth excavations, de- bris from buildings, or other construction work, is not a part of the municipal obligation, but should be disposed of at the expense of the constructor. Chemical Composition. — A chemical analysis of dry samples of the three classes of waste is given in Table 37.. Quantities.' — The quantities of all wastes vary with the char- acter of population and the use of solid or gaseous fuels. Where the heating is by natural gas or cooking by this or artificial gas in summer, the quantity of rubbish is correspondingly greater. In towns using natural gas, the volume of rubbish far exceeds the garbage and is of greater weight. There is also a wide variation in quantity during the year, due to seasonal changes. The monthly variations, by percent- COLLECTION' AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 245 ages of the different classes of household wastes, with sub- divisions of the classes is shown in Fig. 38. This is for a northern city with a population of 30,000. The quantities of street sweepings depend upon the character of the streets and roads. From the usual street or dirt road, though packed and rolled, the quantity is largest, and less from brick paved and macadamized or asphalt pavings. The increas- ing use of auto vehicles reduces the amounts of street refuse*. Tree leaves, branches and garden refuse sometimes form a part of this waste. The approximate weight of street sweepings is from 1,000 to 1,250 lbs. per cubic yard, an average cart-load, • 13^ cu. yd., weighing 1,500 pounds. METHODS OF COLLECTION Location of Disposal Station. — The means of collection of the various classes of wastes are governed somewhat by other factors. Location of proposed disposal or loading station; routes of travel in town roads; proximity to that section of the town of least property value; and location with reference to possible present or future manufacturing or industrial plants, are all factors which come into consideration. The general layout of the town should include a location for a waste disposal plant, where the largest number of useful purposes can be served. Hence, when this point is fixed, the collection methods should be made to conform to the necessary conditions with the least expenditure of time and money. Separate or Combined Collection. — The method of collection adopted will depend somewhat upon conditions that cannot be definitely determined in advance. The general layout of streets and roads, distances to be traveled in transportation, location of place of final disposition, general character of population, dis- position methods by one or another of the four different systems, the chances for recovery and sale of marketable portions, and the possibility of heat utilization from incineration methods are all factors which enter into the question of collection. The best method can only be finally determined when definite informa- tion is available. The combined collection means the mixing of all classes of refuse in one load without separation. This is possible only when the mass is to be dumped into great pits or cavities for filling ground, or when the combined loads are to be destroyed 246 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING by high temperature destructors, which are generally too costly for equipment and maintenance. Another disposal of the combined waste is the conveyance by rail, from a central town loading station, to some point where it can be used for filling ground without danger or nuisance. In some larger cities there are three separations of all house- hold waste, garbage, rubbish and ashes. Each separation must have its own particular form of container, vehicle, or wagon, and attendants. On occasion the use of containers may be interchanged. When garbage is separately collected, it is kept apart from other wastes, deposited in cans of capacity of 5 to 10 gal., and removed as required by the final means of disposition. When the garbage is to be fed to animals there must be particular care to exclude all forms of waste that may be objectionable or deleterious, such as medicines, strong cleansing compounds, fine glass or bottles, and some kinds of food waste that decay and ferment rapidly. The burden is upon the housewife whose assistance in this method is absolutely necessary. In a similar manner when the garbage is to be disposed of by the reduction process, the same precaution must be taken. When the final disposal is to be made by incineration, there can be a mixture of garbage and small quantities of combustible refuse in one can, but the amount must be limited. After the preliminary draining of the surplus water, there is an advantage in using paper wrapping before putting into the cans. This prevents the fly nuisance, keeps the cans clean, and makes a better and quicker collection service. Here again the housewife must cooperate for the general benefit of all. Garbage Collection. — As a general rule the garbage is collected separately from ashes and rubbish. A one-horse cart or small motor truck of l}i cu. yd. capacity is in common use. This type of vehicle is of greater service for all general purposes of collection and for the use also by other departments of the town for collec- tion of street sweepings and other general material. The usual form is a steel body with sloping end, placed on a frame. This is mounted on a pair of wheels, which permits easy dumping, and covered with a sectional sheet iron cover. The weight of the cart is approximately 1,400 lb. and assum- ing that the average weight of garbage when separately collected is 1,250 lb. per cu. yd., the total weight of a completely COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 247 filled cart would be 3,300 lb. On level ground this load can be easily hauled by one horse and the cart loaded by one man. Rubbish Collection. — It is difficult to make a collection of rubbish and garbage in the same cart or truck. The great volume of rubbish occupies so large a space that the garbage has very limited room. In some localities a longer body is used and a division made for garbage and refuse. But this is not a suitable method of handling. The better method of collecting is by a wagon especially adapted for the purpose, about 10 ft. long and of the usual width, with high latticed sides, giving a capacity of from 5 to 7 cu. yd. per load. This is easily handled and loaded by one man. It may be discharged by special devices, such as a chain or rope being placed on the bottom of the wagon, which is attached to an overhead support, and when the team is started up the whole load is completely rolled out of the wagon. Ash Collection. — In most places it is usual to use a type of rubbish cart with closed sides for the collection of ashes. One objection to its use is the great height to which the can must be lifted for emptying into the cart. The strain upon the collector is too severe to secure economical service. A double horse wagon of the type described for garbage, but of a capacity of 3 cu. yd., or motor truck, is more economical for ash collection. All ash wagons should be provided with covers to prevent fine ash and dust from being blown out. Can System. — In some of the higher class residential towns the garbage collection, mixed with the rubbish, is done by what is known as the can system. Each householder is required to produce and keep in a convenient place a can of about ten gallons capacity, with a tight-fitting cover, into which all garbage and a large portion of the combustible refuse is placed. The town provides double-deck wagons, each having a capacity of about seventy-two cans, and attended by one man. The can is re- moved from the household, placed on the wagon, and another clean, sterilized can put in its place. The advantage of this method is the almost complete elimina- tion of flies and odors, and, if the garbage is wrapped in paper for the purpose of incineration, there is very great saving in time and fuel in the process of incineration. In a town of 8,000 people where this method has been in use for some years, and where the character of the population is entirely residential, 248 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING without any factories, it has been found entirely serviceable. The collections are made once a week in winter and twice a week in summer, except for hotels and hospitals, where collec- tions are made daily. Contract versus Municipal Service. — There are four systems of collection, each of which has certain advantages in point of cheapness, but all of which are not of equal value from a sanitary point of view. Individual Service. — By this system every householder takes care of his own waste in his own way, with the least possible trouble and cost; with no responsibility for after results, and with the only purpose of getting it off his premises in the shortest time possible. When the accumulation is so great as to become troublesome, a cartman is hired to take away the wastes. The rubbish is cleared away in the annual spring cleaning, and from time to time as required. Inorganic matter is cleared away as accumulation requires. The retention of refuse until it becomes objectionable or offensive results in a greater expendi- ture when it is finally removed than if it were done by regulation of the town authorities. License System. — In this case a number of cartmen are licensed to make the collections, upon payment of a small registration fee to the town. A route is established and a certain number of patrons are secured who are fairly well looked after. The dump- ing or final disposal of the refuse must be upon the collector's property, or at a place which is designated by the town. The advantage is that the collectors, being known, can be detected if there is any infringement on sanitary regulations. But there is no remedy for the complaints of the householder, on the score of infrequent or bad collection service, or overcharge for the work. The cost as a rule is more than double the amount that would be paid by the town if it were done under the municipal methods of collection. 'Contract System. — On this basis the city advertises for bids for collection of the whole or a part of the waste. This is a most convenient way for the authorities and an improvement over the license system, but it has some disadvantages and as a whole is less satisfactory than a municipal method. The contractor is often compelled by competition to accept the work at too small a margin of profit; thus he gives poor service and causes endless complaints. COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 249 The equipment and employees arc not always of the highest class. The contract is usually for a short period. There is limited responsibility, and the purpose to do as little as possible at the smallest cost frequently prevails. There must be main- tained a vigilant oversight by the city authorities, and frequent inspections of the equipment, methods of work and of the final disposal of the waste. The householder benefits by a systematic collection at a some- what lower cost, and if the work is clone in a satisfactory manner, the city is relieved of a burden which it is often unwilling to accept. This is the system employed by a large number of municipalities, and may be said to be a typical American system of collection. Municipal Service.— In this case the city provides and main- tains its own equipment and employees. This is usually at a somewhat greater cost than by the contract system, but, by efficient superintendence, the results are far more satisfactory. The responsibility is upon the city's designated official, and by him distributed through his associates, so that poor work can be noted and corrected without loss of time. The equipment and employees may also be used in other departments of the municipal service, thus dividing the expense. The whole force, with a good executive, if kept from political interference, can be brought to a high state of efficiency and will take pride in the work. The growth of municipal service in the collection of wastes is very marked in the past five years, due, perhaps, to the commis- sion form of city government. The work has thus been kept more free from political control, and more directly under the observation of the commissioner in charge. Comparative Cost. — The data, for tabulating the relative costs of collection service by one or the other methods referred to, is difficult to obtain and not always reliable. A comparison was made some years ago concerning the cost of garbage collections by the contract and by municipal service. In 15 cities of the first, second and third classes, this cost by contract was twenty cents per capita per annum; in 15 cities of the same classes, with approximately the same population, where the collections were made by municipal service, the cost was twenty-five to thirty cents per capita per annum. Those should now be revised, owing to increased prices of labor and material, and the figures 250 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING should probably be thirty-five to forty cents for contract and forty-five to fifty cents for municipal service. FINAL DISPOSAL OF WASTES Whatever method may be ultimately adopted by the town for collection of waste, the matter of final disposition should receive careful consideration at the same time, as each affects the other. A thorough and accurate study should be made of all local condi- tions in each individual case. The fact that there is a continual agitation in a large number of municipalities and communities for a more economical, definite and better method of waste disposal, emphasizes the need of more care and foresight. The government reports for 1919 show that 22 per cent, of all third class cities and towns in Pennsylvania were contemplating changes in their methods of garbage disposal. This whole problem of collection and waste disposal should be treated as an engineering question like other municipal subjects, such as water, sewerage, lighting, etc., and not merely as a minor item in the administration of the local health department. There are four means of final disposal in use, each of which have certain advantages, not belonging to the others; but also certain unfavorable conditions are unavoidable. These methods are: Earth Burial, Feeding to Animals, Reduction, for obtaining by-products, and Incineration, complete or in part. The last is generally applicable to all classes of waste, but the others to the disposal of garbage only. Earth Burial. — This method is used when a community has at its command an area of ground sufficient to receive its putrescible waste for a period of years. It is buried, left to be oxidized and composted by earth covering. In this case a series of shallow pits, or trenches, from 18 in. to 2 ft. deep and about 5 to 6 ft. wide, are excavated, preferably on a side hill. The garbage is dumped and thinly spread, to an average depth of about 6 in., and covered with the earth of the excavation of the preceding day. This process is repeated from day to day, and requires a very consider- able extent of ground, since it takes from nine to twenty-four months for the soil to oxidize and assimilate the waste before it can be again used. It is not economical to employ this method unless there is a wide area of unoccupied ground not suitable for residences, and COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 251 not valuable for farming. It is the cheapest form of disposal and, by care and oversight in regulating the dumping and cover- ing, it can be made entirely sanitary. The disadvantage is that in the winter season it is difficult to make excavation and provide necessary earth for covering. Also this method does not admit of any admixture of rubbish, since this does not decay so readily and occupies more room than garbage. Burial is one of the methods to be considered when cheapness of disposition is under consideration. Feeding to Animals. — At the outbreak of the War, the United States Government found that its food supply was entirely inadequate for the maintenance of its own troops and for export to the allied armies. Thus a call was sent out urging the feeding of garbage to hogs, in cases where it would not interfere with actual comfort and health of the people. The result was that a large number of persons introduced individual hog feeding on their own premises, without regard to the existing ordinances against this practice in communities. "Pigs for Patriotism and Profit", became a fad and fashion that lasted only through one ex- periment for individuals. But it had the advantage of demonstrat- ing that there was a very great waste of food in households and that there is some value in garbage when collected under regula- tions and fed to swine under observant and sanitary control. Many towns contracted with individuals for the disposal of the garbage by this method, and some of the largest cities of the country have instituted hog feeding on a scale which demands the expenditure of large sums for ground, buildings, and operating expenses. There is an undoubted value in separated garbage, but it implies additional trouble to the householder, in that it must be kept apart from all foreign substances and delivered at regular, stated intervals before fermentation has set in. A town may establish, through the agency of a private contractor, a hog feeding farm and by this method receive a return for the separated garbage, which can be used to defray at least a part of the other expenses of collection and disposal. When the garbage is sold by a town for feeding, there should be a definite understanding, as a part of the contract, as to the methods of handling and feeding, care of hogs and prevention of disease, and sanitation in building construction and grounds. All of these points were urged and enforced by the United Stales Government and should 252 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING now be followed in all communities where garbage is sold or given for feeding. Prices for garbage depend almost entirely upon local conditions. In three of the largest cities the price paid per ton is about eight times the market price per pound for hogs on the hoof in Chicago. This represents about $1.30 per ton. In other cities the price paid is from fifty to sixty cents per ton for separated, clean gar- bage. Many of the New England towns receive a very consider- able sum from the sale of garbage, at prices running from $0.50 to $1.10 per ton. The latest government report shows that the prices paid . by contractors during the last year of the War for the garbage from the camps and cantonments was about one cent per pound. This was unusual and was due to the better quality and cleaner condition of the garbage. In considering disposal methods for any community, hog feeding should be considered; but in general there should be five to eight tons per day to make this method worth while from a financial standpoint. Reduction. — This is the 'treatment of separated garbage by steam in closed tanks, for the separation of the vegetable and animal oils and fats, and the recovery in a dry condition of the residuum for use as a constituent of fertilizers. This process to be successful, requires twenty-five tons and upwards per day of clean garbage unmixed with foreign substances. The great expense for patented machinery and special apparatus, the cost of upkeep and maintenance, the fluctuating prices for the prod- ucts, together with extreme liability for explosions and fires from dangerous gaseous compounds, necessary for use, make this method beyond the reach of any except the larger cities of the country, or those having a population of 50,000 or more. With few exceptions all of the reduction plants of the country are owned or controlled by strong combinations of capital, and carried on as a private business investment. The experimental smaller plants for towns of the third and fourth classes have not been found satisfactory. In the case of the industrial or smaller residential communities, this process is regarded as too expensive for consideration. Incineration. — There is no form of refuse material that fire will consume that cannot be destroyed in properly designed and well operated incinerating furnaces with economy of fuel and COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 253 labor and with complete secondary combustion of smoke fumes and odors from burning substances. Since the beginning of this method (in 1887) there have been a large number of cremators, incinerators, and destructors, patented or offered for use of municipalities. Perfection in design, economy in construction and operation, and sanitary performance have been claimed for each. Many have failed for various reasons, but experimental furnaces are still being developed. Type Required. — When the final disposal of waste is to be accomplished by incineration, there should be selected a type which has a record of successful use under all conditions. The construction must be durable, of the best material, with a capacity suited to present and future conditions. The furnace must be capable of destroying the whole output of combustible matters and a large proportion of ashes and street sweepings, if required, in a given time, with the utmost economy of fuel and labor and without causing offensive smoke, odors or fumes of combustion in the plant itself or the surrounding neighborhood. The plant must be arranged to receive and unload the collection wagons without delay, and must have convenient arrangements for separation of the different classes of waste for subsequent treatment, if this is required. Capacity. — This will depend upon the present and anticipated future population and also upon the character of waste to be consumed. The design should be of the best approved type, though the furnace may be of small dimensions, and built at low cost for present uses, but capable of addition of other units at relatively small expense. Beginning with an industrial town of 500 population and a small, inexpensive incinerator, the same design and methods can be extended indefinitely to larger plans, with equal efficiency. General Purposes. — When the waste production includes garbage and rubbish, from either separated or combined col- lections, the incinerator is designed for disposal, during daylight hours, of all the daily wastes. This means that if other ways of garbage disposal, as reduction, or feeding, or transportation for dumping, should fail at any time, then the town would have means at hand to dispose of the waste by incineration. With an incinerator of suitable capacity, any town is independ- ent of all other methods of garbage and rubbish disposal, if 254 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING occasion requires. This applies to disposal of all animal bodies and certain forms of trade wastes, if necessary. Rubbish Only. — In some communities the gathering and sorting of general combustible refuse is carried on for a revenue from re- covered marketable material. The town builds the refuse utiliza- tion station, including an incinerator in its equipment, and collects the rubbish and delivers this to a contractor. The latter operates the plant, recovers all saleable material and pays the city pro rata on the volume of material sold. It is not an expensive installation and is a source of constant revenue, besides avoiding the nuisance of dumping in any form. Station Design. — When a town has provided a location suitable for a waste disposal station, there should be erected a building to enclose all operations of garbage and refuse reception and final disposal. The site should preferably be on a side hill where an elevation of 8 to 10 feet can be had on the natural incline of the ground. There should be storage room for at least one day's general collection, and all operations should be screened as far as may be from public observation. The building may be of any suitable design and arrangement, constructed of any material that conforms to the general con- struction scheme of the town, and may be for temporary or permanent use, as desired. The dimensions of the building and incinerator are governed by the quantities to be handled of garbage and rubbish, not including ashes; room being provided for a rough sorting of the refuse for salable purposes. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. In an industrial housing plan the question of collection, treatment and final disposal of all wastes which affect the health, comfort, convenience and happiness of the people must receive due consideration. 2. The problem must be studied with reference to local con- ditions in each particular case, with the intent of installing the best methods that skill and experience can supply. 3. When the methods of collection and disposal are determined upon, there should be a division of the collection districts into working units, a calculation of the quantities of each class of waste to be collected, the distances traversed, and the time occupied in collections. COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TOWN WASTES 255 4. It is advisable that the work be done by the municipal agency, either by the aid of responsible contracts for the whole collection, with the disposal under rigid regulations, or by the adoption of a municipal system of collection. The latter is preferable. 5. The work should be under the direct oversight of a special inspector, reporting to the official of the town having general charge of all the refuse collections and street cleaning work. 6". The regular collection service should be made at times which give the greatest efficiency, economy and public convenience, and with equipment best suited to the particular purposes. The collection should also be under strict regulations, to which the inhabitants must conform. 7. The chance of saving some part of the waste, and the re- covery of revenue therefrom, should be carefully considered, even though the quantities may be small at first. 8. The location chosen for final disposal should include a refuse disposal station, with a building of approved design and a means for destroying all worthless matters. 9. The problem of refuse collection and disposal has now become an engineering question, requiring the advice of specialists, familiar with all phases of this subject. This should be brought to the attention of all communities where industrial housing is in progress or contemplated, as well as in larger places which are interested in securing the best improved methods and appliances that can be obtained for the solution of this problem of waste collection and disposal. CHAPTER IX GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE Gas Service — Supply of Gas, Character and Sources — ■ Utilization of Gas — Distribution System — Electrical Service — Source of Power Supply — Transmission — Distribution System — Utilization — Plans and Speci- fications — Illustrations of Installations GAS SERVICE Introduction. — One of the problems confronting the builder of an industrial housing development is that of providing a gas supply for the homes. While gas can probably not be classed as a necessity in the same sense as a water supply or sewerage system, and is no longer the usual means of lighting, it is by no means a luxury. Families which have once become accustomed to the use of this convenient fuel are most reluctant to forego its comforts. This should be given due weight in considering the relative economy of fuel supplies as they affect the cost of the project. Advantages of Gas Service. — If a community is to be so situated that gas will be available, and the cost such as to allow its use for heating purposes, its advantages over use of other fuel may be most fully realized — even .with restricted service. A gas sup- ply means the abatement of the smoke nuisance — the incon- venience of delivery of coal avoided — dust and dirt in the houses reduced to a minimum — easier control of fires, allowing more uniform temperatures to be maintained — and the elimination of storage space for coal permitting more extensive use of cellars. The householder profits from the elimination of the operating labor and the handling of ashes, and is relieved from the neces- sity of securing and storing fuel in advance of the season. No hard and fast rules can be laid down as to the advisability of including gas service as a part of the development. This is dependent almost entirely upon local conditions and must be determined for each individual case. 256 GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 257 SUPPLY OF GAS— CHARACTER AND SOURCES The supply may consist of either natural or artificial gas or a mixture of the two. In many parts of the country, where natural gas is available but not in sufficient quantities to meet the demand, artificial gas is being successfully mixed with it for general use. The gradual exhaustion of the supply of natural gas and the increasing demand for this convenient fuel forecasts a wider use of a mixed gas. The mixing of natural and artificial gas produces a fuel having a higher heating value than artificial gas, and at the same time usually results in the mixture being sold at a lower cost than it would be possible to market either gas separately. Eventually, owing to the different heating qualities, the present volumetric basis on which gas is bought and sold will likely be replaced by the more rational method of measuring the service on the basis of the heat units supplied. Natural Gas. — Natural gas is a mechanical mixture of several gases, the number and proportion of which vary with different localities. Its heating value averages in the neighborhood of 1150 B.t.u. per cu. ft. — practically double that of the best grades of artificial gas manufactured for commercial use. Natural gas is still obtainable in many of the central and southwestern parts of the country, although in rapidly diminish- ing quantities. Its great heating value and usefulness, coupled with its diminishing yield, undoubtedly point toward conserva- tion, higher prices and limitation of its use to domestic purposes. Artificial Gas. — The most important of the gases artificially made are coal gas, carburetted water gas, producer gas and by- product coke oven gas. In the past, coal gas and carburetted water gas, either alone or in combination, have been most widely used for domestic consumption. Coal Gas. — This is frequently referred to as "bench" or "illu- minating" gas, and is manufactured by the destructive distilla- tion of coal in externally heated air-tight retorts. It is primarily a mixture of a number of simple gases. The heating value of coal gas varies considerably, owing to the different grades of coal used in its manufacture, but a value of 550 B.t .u. may be assumed as a fair average. The approximate average yield per ton of coal is between 10,000 and 11,000 cu. ft. of gas, while the average yield of by-product coke ranges between 1200 and 1500 lbs. 258 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Water Gas. — This is produced by the decomposition of steam, acting on incandescent carbon in the form of coal or coke. The heating value ranges between 300 and 350 B.t.u. per cu. ft. and for general municipal use this gas is usually carburetted or enriched by the introduction of crude oil in such a way that it becomes permanently fixed in the mixture. This, in addition to raising the heating value to approximately that of coal gas, is usually necessary in order to increase the illuminating quality so as to meet certain candle power requirements. The danger of carbon monoxide poisoning accompanies the use of water gas, although when carburetted the odor of the oil used can be recognized in case of leakage, and ordinarily there is little likelihood of an accident resulting from this source. Producer Gas. — This is made by passing both air and steam over hot coal, the volume obtainable from one ton of coal aver- aging between 100,000 and 130,000 cu. ft. of gas. Owing to the large percentage of nitrogen present, the heating value of pro- ducer gas is low, averaging in the neighborhood of 140 B.t.u. per cubic foot. In the past, producer gas has been used chiefly for manufac- turing purposes, the equipment for its production being located near the plant, so that the required transportation would be short. Gas produced in this manner is extremely dirty and, unless well cleansed before transporting, is likely to clog the pipes of the distribution system. Coke Oven Gas. — This is one of the products resulting from the manufacture of coke in the by-product process. Its composition is quite similar to that of coal gas and the heating value ranges between 550 and 600 B.t.u. per cubic foot. On account of the growing demands, lessened supply of natural gas and development of the use of collateral products, the use of by-product gas in mixture with natural gas is becoming well developed. It furnishes a means of prolonging the utilization of natural gas for a longer time than would be the case if it alone must be depended upon. Source of Supply. — Public Service: — No doubt, in a majority of cases, the housing development will be located near an es- tablished community, and it will be possible to obtain a supply of either natural or artificial gas from the utility supplying this town. On the other hand, in the case of isolated developments, the high pressure mains of a company might be sufficiently close, GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 259 so that a supply could be obtained from this source. The supply might be secured by transporting the gas from a considerable distance, although it will generally be found that a gas company is quite reluctant to extend its system in order to provide service in this manner. Industrial Supply. — It is quite possible that the agency pro- moting the housing project may own industrial plants, in which a gas is produced that can be utilized for the development, and in view of the steadily increasing cost of gas this possibility should be given careful consideration. The high cost of manufactured gas is largely due to the necessity of providing equipment suffi- cient to meet the greatest demand, even though the peak load usually exists only during a comparatively short period of the year. It is not economical to manufacture gas in quantities less than that for which the equipment is designed, and if gas is to be used for manufacturing purposes it is quite likely that it would pay to install the gas making plant for the industry sufficiently large to produce gas for both the plant and the housing develop- ment. Or if a domestic gas plant is used, build this large enough only to meet the average demand and reinforce the supply during periods of high consumption with gas from the industrial plant. By -Product Ovens. — On the other hand, it might be that the quantity of gas produced in connection with other needs, — and this is quite common in connection with the by-product coke oven industry, — would be in excess of that required for the com- pany's own development and the surplus could be distributed to nearby towns or other housing developments, and a profit thus realized. Similarly, conditions might be such that if a supply of gas is not available from the company's own plant, service could be obtained from another nearby industry. There will be few cases only where a gas supply is not obtain- able from a public service corporation, and in these days it is doubtful if it would be wise to build an independent domestic plant for supplying a housing development only. The relative economy of the different methods available can be determined only from a study of local conditions. In connection with some projects it will undoubtedly be found that gas cannot be econom- ically supplied. UTILIZATION OF GAS Gas, both natural and artificial, is used in domestic consump- tion for heating, cooking and lighting, although for lighting pur- 2G0 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING poses it is being largely superseded by the use of electricity, and to some extent in cooking. Heating. — The usual high cost of manufactured gas has prohib- ited its extensive use for domestic heating, but the develop- ment of more efficient burning devices and improved methods of manufacture will tend to increase its use for this purpose. In regions where artificial gas, only, is available, ordinary practice is to use it only in cooking stoves and under hot water heaters, the heating of the house being accomplished by the use of coal. This practice is now becoming common, even where natural gas is available, furnaces for the use of either gas or coal being in- stalled, so as to guard against the contingency of the demand exceeding the yield of the gas fields during severe and long con- tinued cold spells. Natural gas as a fuel for house heating will usually be found as economical as coal, providing the proper equipment is used. With combination furnaces, coal can be used during the coldest months of winter when continuous heat is required, and gas during the fall and spring when heat is needed only during a part of the day. This will usually result in a saving, as the gas can be turned on or off instantly and used only when required. Even should coal be used in the furnace, gas fire places may well be used with economy and comfort for room heating. Unless the town is a strictly residential development, the sup- ply of gas should be sufficient to meet the requirements of small manufacturing plants, machine shops, etc. It may be used either as fuel under boilers or for the operation of internal com- bustion engines and some other processes. Cooking. — Many of the same remarks as given under " Heat- ing" apply here; but, even with high cost of artificial gas, there is a growing demand for gas and for appliances to use for cooking and household duties of various kinds. These may extend from the small hot plate burner to the more pretentious kitchen range, complete with oven and all appurtenances. Such use has almost become a necessity in the summer in warmer sections of the country and with row or apartment houses. Lightings — This has become largely obsolete, except in remote localities and where electricity for some reason has not been developed. As little attention is now paid to illuminants, even in artificial gas, it is customary to use incandescent mantels; thus any gas can be used. GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 261 Amount of Gas Used.- — Abnormal peaks of short duration are characteristic of gas service and the proper design of any supply works will require a thorough study of the probable daily and seasonal variations. Space is too limited for full discussion of such variations and reference will be made only to the factors which affect the design of the distribution system. Average and Maximum. — In most cases the design of the gas system for a housing development will require a determination of the maximum demand, only, that may be expected, in order that mains and distributing lines of adequate size may be pro- vided.. The volume of gas consumed will depend largely upon the character of the demand. Where natural gas is to be used for heating, as well as other forms of domestic service, the aver- age for a residential development will be about 120,000 cu. ft. per year, or 14 cu. ft. per hour, per family. The amount for other gases will be proportionally greater, due to the lesser heating value. The maximum demand will be about three times this quantity or 42 cu. ft. per hour. In estimating the probable consumption, however, even though the initial supply is to be natural gas, the probable future substitution of manufactured gas must be taken into consideration and allowance made, therefore, for a demand of 84 cu. ft. per hour. Allowance Jor Artificial Gas. — A comparison of the probable maximum consumption of manufactured and natural gas can- not, however, be made solely on the basis of fuel values. The higher cost of the manufactured product, as compared with natural gas, tends to decrease its use as a fuel and at the same time increase the care and economy of the consumers. The consumption of the different gases, especially for cooking pur- poses, while depending directly upon their respective fuel values, is somewhat affected by the element of time. That is, while practically double the amount of manufactured gas is required to do the same amount of work per unit of time, as that accom- plished by natural gas having twice the heating value, it does not necessarily follow that the work must be completed in the same length of time. The cooking may extend over a longer period and finally the increasing necessity of substituting artifi- cial for natural gas will stimulate the perfection and efficiency of heating and cooking devices. Considering these factors, a maximum rate of use of 00 cu. ft. 262 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING per hour may be assumed as sufficient for both heating and cook- ing purposes on all occasions, and the pipe lines may safely be designed on this basis. These figures, however, apply to the middle and northern sections of the United States. For develop- ments in the southerly regions the effect of the warmer climate upon the maximum demand should be taken into consideration. Where local conditions are such that gas will be used only for cooking and lighting purposes, the distribution system may be designed on this basis. Before this is done, however, careful thought should be given to the possibility of later abandon- ment of wood and coal in extreme cold weather with a resulting increased demand for gas for such purposes. Transmission. — If the gas service is to be furnished by an outside agency the method of transporting the gas from the source of supply to the site is usually not one of the problems of the housing project. In the limited number of cases, however, where the gas supply will be furnished by a housing corporation, the principles affecting the construction of the transmission mains will need to be kept in view. The first consideration is the size of the pipe that will be required to carry a supply adequate not only for the initial but for the ultimate development. Pressures. — In practically all instances where manufactured gas is supplied, the required distance of transportation will be short, and the pressures carried in the lines comparatively low. The latter may be obtained by the use of high-pressure storage holders, but this is now being largely superseded. The system which is gradually coming into use, consists of small rotary boost- ers, which may be regulated so as to hold the pressure uniform, regardless of the variations in consumption. In the transmis- sion of gas, a moderately high differential pressure (the difference between the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the line) is required, in order to secure enough driving power to force the gas through the mains. This pressure is used up in overcoming the friction offered by the pipe to the flow of the gas. At the discharge end of line, where the gas is taken into a low-pressure regulator, the pressure may be as low as 1 lb. per sq. in., although somewhat higher amounts are desirable. Pipe Sizes. — The problem, then, is simply to find the size of pipe that will be required to deliver the necessary amount of gas at the regulator stations, the initial pressure at the source being known. Various formulae have been developed, and GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 263 although no two of these will exactly agree, the results obtained are comparatively close. The following formula 1 by F. H. Oliphant, is recommended for use in determining the flow of gas, or the required size of pipe, in high or medium pressure systems: Q = 42A^ in which Q equals the quantity of gas in cubic feet per hour; Pi equals gage pressure, plus 15 lb., at intake end of line; P 2 equals gage pressure, plus 15 lb., at discharge end of line; A equals the square root of the 5.084th power of the nominal diameter of the pipe; L equals the length of main, in miles, and 42 is a constant deduced from practical experiments. The specific gravity of the gas in this formula is assumed as six-tenths and for a gas having any other specific gravity, the result should be multiplied by the square root of six-tenths, divided by the square root of the specific gravity of the gas under consideration. Kind of Pipe— Wrought iron or steel pipe is more extensively used for medium or high pressure gas mains than cast iron pipe, notwithstanding the longer life of the latter. The former is not likely to break and more readily accommodates itself to settle- ments of the ground. Cast iron pipe is usually laid with lead joints, and steel pipe with either screw joints or couplings, the couplings being used for the larger sizes. The major portion of the gas lost in transmission occurs at the joints in the line; thus the shorter lengths of cast iron pipe contribute more to this loss, and particular care must be exercised in the laying of the pipe to make the joints, however they are constructed, as leak-proof as possible. Threads and couplings should be painted with a thick mixture of red and white lead before screwing together. Recently the practice of welding the pipe together, end to end, by means of the oxy-acetylene flame has been tried and, while this method is comparatively new, it is claimed that it will eventually supersede all others. Practice has demonstrated that the strength and flexibility of the welded joints, if properly made, obviate the necessity of special provision in the lines for expansion. For steel pipe lines, with screw joints, provision for expansion is sometimes made by inserting sleeves, but the usual practice is to lay the pipe in a more or less irregular line. In the case of plain end pipe, the couplings allow for such contingencies. 1 Handbook of Natural Gas — IIknry P. Westcott. 264 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Drips. — "Drips" for the collection of moisture should be placed at all depressions in the line. Standard drip pots or tanks are manufactured for this purpose, the main feature being a baffle plate, placed in the center, for intercepting the liquid in the gas, which, striking against the plate, drops to the bottom of the tank while the gas passes around. These drips or blow- offs must be kept free from water by frequent cleaning. Regulators. — -For low pressure distribution the gas is taken from the supply mains into the distribution system through regulators or governors, which reduce the pressure to whatever extent is necessary to meet requirements. If the pressure in the main supply line is over 100 lb. per sq. in., two regulator stations will be required, the first to reduce the pressure to an inter- mediate stage of 15 or 20 lb., and the second, or low pressure regulator, to step this down to meet the requirements of distribution. The regulator station may be placed either above ground in a suitable structure, or in an underground vault, whichever may be best suited to local conditions. If placed underground, ample provision must be made for ventilation, in order to allow the gas to escape in case of leakage, and also to prevent freezing of the apparatus. In certain instances it may even be found necessary to heat the gas previous to reducing the pressure, in order to prevent the freezing of the regulator, although such measure will be found necessary only when excessive reductions are attempted. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The gas distribution system within the limits of a town con- sists of a series or network of distributing lines, connecting various main lines, the required number of mains depending upon the size and arrangement of the development. The services for individual consumers may be connected with either the mains or the distributing lines. The relative advantages of placing gas lines in easements or in streets, the economy of a single and a double system of low pressure mains in the streets, and the desirability of placing several utilities in the same trench has been discussed in another chapter of this book and further refer- ence here will be unnecessary. Gas must be delivered to the consumers at a comparatively GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 265 uniform pressure adequate for their needs, but more than this is excessive and unnecessary. Pressures must be limited, also, in order to minimize the possibility of danger resulting from leakage in the house piping or in burning devices. This comparatively low pressure may be carried in the entire system or a higher pressure may be used for distribution, and the required reduction made by means of small individual regulators installed in the service lines. Each system has its advantages, but that best adapted to any particular development can be determined only after a detail study of the relative economy of each as affected by local con- ditions. The source from which the supply is to be obtained must also be taken into consideration. Low Pressure Distribution. — Where gas is supplied directly from the distribution system, without regulation, the pressure carried in the lines is usually from 4 to 6 oz., as the best domestic service is given when the gas is delivered at a pressure of not less than 2} ft. margin to work in, which allows for irregularities in roughing-in of plumbing or general construction. The kitchen area depends on several factors. From a survey 298 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING of eighteen house plans, in which a separate dining room was provided, it was developed that, in an average size house, about seventeen per cent, of the entire first floor area was used for the kitchen. Assuming a house 24 ft. square, or 576 sq. ft. in area, the allowable space for kitchen would be approximately 98 sq. ft. Being guided by a further stipulation that the room shall be not less than 7 ft. in width, the greatest possible perimeter is 42 feet. The requirements to be met in a kitchen are: (a) a door to rear porch; (6) a door to dining room; (c) a door to cellar; (d) at least one window (preferably in a wall other than the wall with outside door) ; (e) a kitchen case which, when no other cup- board or pantry is provided, should measure 5 ft. in length; (/) a standard sink and drip board, measuring 5 ft. in length ; (g) space for stove which, when placed in corner of room, requires 6 ft. of wall space. These various items require a total of 30 ft. of wall space in a room with 42 feet. The 12 ft. remaining is di- vided into small spaces between the various items listed. However, by careful designing, it is often possible to reserve enough of this space for a table, 2 ft. by 3 ft. It will be seen that in a kitchen, using the minimum width of 7 ft., it will be difficult to place the table so as to sit around its four sides. From these observations it will be apparent that the greatest care is required to design the small kitchen, and that the use of this kitchen for dining is almost impossible. Having arrived at the minimum sizes of first floor rooms neces- sary to accommodate average furniture, similar detailed studies may be made for the second floor. A summary of such tests has been made after a review of the tables giving data on family dwellings, prepared by the United States Housing Corporation, and also by a careful study of its standard plans. The area of all bedrooms and bath, excluding closets, trunk rooms, storage spaces and stair halls, should be 72^ per cent, of the total area of the second floor, measurements in all cases being to inside finished walls. Should a plan fall slightly below this percentage, it need not necessarily be rejected, and some plans may be found to give higher percentages; but, striking an average, the plans should realize the percentage given. Recommendations of Authorities. — Various views have been expressed as to what should constitute minimum requirements for a satisfactory house. That there should be a difference of opinion among those who have made a study of the problem HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 299 is easily understood when we realize the divergent characteristics of humanity. Furthermore, the varial ions represent unquestion- ably views as to different classes of dwellings desired. Some of these are abstracted in the following paragraphs. Veiller's Views. — Houses for skilled workers at Williamsport, Pa., Sawyer Park, recommended by Mr. Lawrence Veiller, Secre- tary, National Housing Association, contain the following features : Every house has a well lighted and ventilated cellar, with concrete floor and a hot air furnace, with pipes to each room on the first and second floors. Bathroom has a porcelain tub, wash bowl and toilet fixtures. Kitchen has a sink and porcelain wash tub. Every house has front porch and an entrance to kitchen. Houses are piped for gas and wired for electricity; clothes closets are provided. In addition to the above, a kitchen cabinet and a linen closet are recommended for each house. Groberi 's Recommendations. — The opinions of William E. Groben, of Ballinger and Perrot, Architects, of Philadelphia, Pa., are as follows : Essentials for unskilled, low paid workmen's houses are permanent water-tight construction of walls and roof ; sufficient sunlight and ventila- tion, and windows in every room. Private toilet, with sanitary water closet, having sewer connection; sink in kitchen, with running water and sewer connection, are necessary. Gas or electric light and proper heat- ing apparatus are required. Combination living room, dining room and kitchen; bedroom, large enough for parents with infant children; bed- room for male children; bedroom for female children, are the minimum requirements. Essentials for skilled, high-paid workmen's houses contain the above, plus cast iron enameled bathtub, with running water and waste; wash bowl in bathroom with tub and toilet, with hot water supply; and a living room separate from dining room and kitchen. Accessories called for as essentials by some skilled, higher-paid American workmen consist of cellar, laundry tubs, front porch, wall- paper and tiled bathroom. Allen's Ideas. — The recommendations of Leslie M. Allen, of the Aberthaw Construction Company, contain the following as housing essentials: Water-tight roof, walls and floors; separate bedroom for parents; separate bedroom for male children and for female children; living room for cooking, eating and general day use; uninterrupted daylight and 300 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING ventilation through windows in every room; suitable heating arrange- ments; private toilet room, with sanitary water closet and sewer con- nection; sink in kitchen with running water fit for drinking, and waste. Further additions required by the American family are cellars, closets, bathtubs with running water, window screens and separate parlor. Desirable improvements include porch and veranda; lavatory bowl; hot water, supplied to bathtub and bowl: window shades and window blinds; separate dining room; electric or gas lighting; wall paper; and laundry tubs. Kilham's Opinions. — The views of Walter H. Kilham, of Kilham & Hopkins, Architects of Boston, are: The question then arises as to what constitutes fundamentals. I should say light and air, hot and cold water; facilities for bathtubs, even at the expense of leaving out a wash bowl. Refrigerator space; and as many bedrooms as possible. I should not so class furnaces, piazzas, fireplaces, parlors separate from the kitchen, nor set wash bowls. I am not so sure of the necessity of set washtubs in these days of wet wash laundries. Kitchens must have accommodations for simple stock of groceries, either in pantry or in a cabinet of some sort. U. S. Dept. Labor Standards.— The following were promul- gated by a committee of architects and civicists: Row or group houses normally not to be more than two rooms deep; no living quarters in basement ; every bedroom to have a clothes closet; every room to have at least one window opening directly to the exterior; minimum height of room, 8 ft.; minimum areas; — bedrooms, 80 sq. ft.; parlor, 120 sq. ft.; dining room, 108 sq. ft.; kitchenette, 70 sq. ft'.; where there is no dining room, kitchen should be 108 sq. ft. A toilet and bath for each house or apartment. Albany Health Dept. Regulations. — The following are quoted from the published ordinances of this City: Each room must have at least one window with area of 12 sq. ft.; no room shall be less than 90 sq. ft. in floor area, nor less than 7 ft. wide; no ceiling in dwellings shall be lower than 8 ft. G in.; each toilet room requires 6 sq. ft. of window space opening to outside; each dwelling shall have one sink with running water. Ontario Housing Committee Objects. — The following is quoted from the report of this citizens' committee, issued in 1918: There must be some definite classifications taken as a basis in formu- lating standards. Careful investigation of living conditions has estab- HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 301 lished certain requirements as essential, and others as desirable. There will undoubtedly be some criticism of any attempt to classify essentials, and there is bound to be diversity of opinion, but for our purpose the essential features may be summarized as follows: 1. Sufficient land to give each family privacy and plenty of air. 2. Water-tight floors, walls and roof. 3. One or more rooms for cooking, eating and general use. 4. Bedroom for parents' use. 5. Bedroom for male children. G. Bedroom for female children. 7. Provisions for toilet, with sanitary water closet and sewer connec- tions. 8. Running water supply fit for drinking. 9. Kitchen sink, with waste connection to sewer. 10. Uninterrupted daylight and ventilation, for windows in every room. Additional features which are so desirable as to be almost essential are: 1. Bathtub and lavatory, with hot and cold water supply. 2. Laundry tubs, with hot and cold water supply. 3. Direct sunlight in all rooms. 4. Second room in addition to that used for cooking. 5. Clothes closet. G. Porches and verandas. Future additions of desirable features would include: 1. Electric lights. 2. Separate dining room. 3. Cellar. 4. Furnace for heating. Some comment may arise on the omission of cellar from the list of essentials. There are those who claim that the cellar is essential for the storageof fuel, canned fruit, vegetables, etc., and that, since founda- tion walls are necessary, it costs no more to provide a cellar than to omit it. This latter question will be considered along with the follow- ing items entering into the house construction. Regarding the storage of fuel, etc., a careful survey of conditions will disclose the fact that with many families the income will not provide sufficient surplus to per- mit the purchase of fuel, vegetables or fruit in sufficiently large quantities to require a cellar for storage. On the other hand, where cellars are provided, they will frequently be found to contain a miscellaneous assort- ment of unsanitary rubbish, which constitutes a serious fire menace. Data of U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. — As indicative of the kind of houses most generally employed in industrial develop- ments, the data of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics 302 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING may prove both instructive and interesting. An investigation covering two hundred and thirteen separate companies, including subsidiary companies of large corporations, showed the number of men employed was 466,991, of whom 160,645, or 34 per cent., were accommodated in houses controlled by the companies. Of the 53,176 individual dwellings considered, it appears that 25,582, or 48 per cent., were single dwellings, 18,871, or 36 per cent., double dwellings, and 6,014, or 11 per cent., row dwellings. It is interesting to note in passing that, in the early stages of industrial housing, as, for instance, in the urban New England mill tenements, the row type prevailed, with the double dwelling next most common. The proportion of the row type shows a steady decline as industrial housing has developed, although now there is a growing appreciation of the group dwelling and to some extent of the row type of dwellings. As regards the number of rooms, it was found, in the afore- mentioned investigation that 15,672 houses, or 30 per cent., had four rooms; 9,413, or approximately 17 per cent., had five rooms; and 9,127, or approximately the same percentage, had six rooms. It is apparent that the typical dwellings contained four, five or six rooms. It does not follow that these proportions are for general application. Quite to the contrary; as we know industrial housing today, it presents a far different problem than the earlier examples indicate; nevertheless, these statistics re- cord the general history of the movement and are of benefit in searching for the next step. As regards the general construction of the houses, the frame structure was found to be the most prevalent ; brick used about one-tenth as much; other materials less prevalent than brick. Recommended Minimum Requirements. — From information obtained by a study of the intimate family life in various indus- trial towns, after consideration of the many practical elements entering into the question, and taking into consideration the expressed opinion of many qualified authorities, the author's recommendations as to the minimum requirements of "An In- dustrial Worker's Home" are as follows: 1. Materials. — Permanent weather proof construction of exterior walls and roof. 2. Cellar. — Cellar to be provided, except in localities where impractical or unnecessary. 3. In case cellar is omitted, first floor to be at least 2 ft. above HOI r SES FOR FA MILIES 303 ground and supported on masonry piers or foundations carried below frost line; and the clear space enclosed but adequately ventilated. 4. Where cellar is provided, it shall have cement floor and floor drain. 5. Cellar to be properly lighted and ventilated. 6. No living quarters to be in basement. 7. A separate chimney flue to be run to the cellar for future installa- tion of a furnace. 8. Adequate provision must be made for heating the house, but fur- nace should not be minimum requirement. All heating fixtures, whether using gas or other fuel, must be provided with vents to flues. 9. Gas piping to be provided for kitchen range and hot water boiler. 10. Rooms. — One room for parents and infant child and enough rooms for other children for proper segregation of the sexes. 11. Room sizes to accommodate minimum furniture as listed. The furniture to be drawn in to scale on plans, so as not to conflict with windows, doors or hot air registers. 12. Row or group houses to be not more than two rooms deep; ex- cept in rows where combinations of units (as one 4-room, two 6-room, and one 4-room) allow for proper ventilation to the rooms of the deeper unit by the nature of their arrangement. 13. Duplexes, Double Duplexes, etc. — In all such units, provision shall be made for obtaining as great a degree of privacy as is enjoyed at least in the row type house. Separate front and rear entrances, separate cellars when cellars exist, with independent plumbing lines, and heating and lighting facilities. It is also recommended that means of circulation between each apartment and private cellar be effected without going outside the house. 14. Closets. — Every bedroom must have clothes closet in direct con- nection with it. 15. Closet or case of adequate size for keeping necessary china, kitchen utensils, staple supplies, etc., must be arranged for in kitchen. 16. Entrances. — There must be means of entrance other than by the front door. 17. Front porches, while desirable, are not a minimum requirement. 18. In no case should the stairs have a rise of over 8 inches and tread of less than 9 inches. 19. Ventilation. — There shall be a clear height of not less than G ft. G in. from cellar floor to under side of first floor joist. A minimum clear story height of 8 ft. shall generally obtain for first and second stories, but in cases of second story rooms coming under sloping roofs, it shall be required that flat portions of ceiling be over an area of at least 40 sq. ft . with 3>2 ft. minimum flat ceiling width and a clear height of 6 ft. over an area of at least 80 sq. ft. with a minimum width of 7 feet. (Attic rooms not subject to these requirements.) 20. There shall be in all cases an air space, with minimum of 8 in. from :;0| INDUSTRIAL HOUSING ceiling to roof, with provision that such space be ventilated directly to outside air. 21. Every bedroom to have at least one window opening directly to outer air. 22. One window to be sufficient for single rooms, two windows for double rooms. No room to have less than 12 sq. ft. of window area. 23. Bathroom to have one window of not less than 6 sq. ft. area. 24. Water closet compartment to have one window of not less than 4>2 sq. ft. opening directly to outer air. 25. Skylight may be used in lieu of window for bathroom or water closet compartment. 26. Window frames to be of such design that screens may be used. 27. Water Supply. — Running water to be required in connection with kitchen plumbing fixtures. (Hot water connection is desirable.) 28. A water closet in separate compartment, properly ventilated, must be provided when bathroom is omitted. 29. While bathroom is greatly to be desired, it is not to be a minimum requirement; provided convenient and complete bath house facilities are arranged for and properly maintained for community use. 30. Either laundry trays to be provided in cellar or combination tray and kitchen sink in kitchen. 31. Electricity to be furnished whenever possible. One switch to be provided for throwing on light on entering house and one switch to control cellar light from top of cellar stairs. Grading of Houses. — There is included in the minimum re- quirements such provisions as will make possible a house in which any person can live comfortably and decently. A house built under these conditions will not contain many of the features which, while not absolutely necessary, are .desired by many workmen's families. If the term "Industrial Housing" applied only to the lowest paid unskilled workers, it would be unnecessary to consider any but essential features; however, a large percentage of wage earners are skilled workmen, who, imbued with higher standards of living, not only desire bid demand additional features in the house. They are able and willing to pay for such conveniences. It, therefore, seems necessary to arrive at some classification of houses suitable to (be corresponding grades of workmen which exist in the personnel of industry. Many persons have deemed two classifications all that are necessary, — one for unskilled workers, and one lor skilled workers. This differentiation, however, is considered to be too abrupt aim liui SES FOR FA MILIES 305 not furnishing sufficienl gradation, by men intimately acquainted with the wage earner and his family life. The native unskilled worker must often be provided with a better house than the rank and file of unskilled wage earners, and yet he cannol pay for fchehouses providedfor higher paid skilled workers. I m the other hand, if he does uo1 have children, he probably is in a Letter position to afford these accommodations than the skilled worker with a very large family, who certainly will never be satisfied to drop dow ii to the grade of house provided for unskilled laborers. [i is believed, therefore, 'here is considerable advantage, if not absolute necessity, in providing three grades of houses, as Eio. t:;. A view in Yorkship Villon illustrating attractive and interest! ffeel secured in intersection planning and house grouping. follows: First, A house as inexpensive as it is possible to build and still meet the demands of a home for unskilled labor; Sec- ond, an intermediate grade, to meet the demands mentioned in the previous paragraph; and Third, a more expensive .made, for higher wage - earning skilled laborers, shop foremen, or the higher paid men of the clerical staff. For convenience, the three grades will be referred to respectively as ( trade ( '. < trade 1). and ( trade A. Grade C House shall have the minimum requirements, as before stated. Grade B House shall have all the features of a Grade C bouse, with the following additional conveniences: 306 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING 1. Room for dining, separate from kitchen. 2. Bathroom shall constitute a minimum requirement; in which shall be provided the following fixtures: Enameled roll rim bathtub, 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in.; lavatory, 18 in. by 21 in.; water closet, porcelain and wash down, syphonic action; enameled low down tank. 3. Rift sawed yellow pine floors in first floor, plain sawed pine in second floor. 4. Provision for refrigerator space adjacent to, but not in kitchen, which may be built in compartment on rear porch. 5. Front porch, not less than 70 square feet. 6. Lighting fixtures in rooms, except bracket in bathroom, to be con- trolled by switches located conveniently at entrance doors. 7. Hot air furnaces; cold air returns to be taken from inside. 8. Laundry trays in basement. 9. Mechanical door bells. 10. Coal bins. i— il ' ^ Front Elevation bide Elevation Side Elevation Rear Elevation Fig. 444. — Design of a six-room detached dwelling, showing the possibilities in variation of exterior appearance of a single base type; variation obtained by changing the roof design, using different exterior materials and placing the porch in different positions. Grade A. — House shall contain all the features listed for Grade C and Grade B houses, with the following additional accommo- dations: Such a dwelling is illustrated in Figs. 44A and 44B. 1. The rooms to be larger than the previous minimum requirements. Single bedroom 90 sq. ft. Double bedroom 130 sq. ft. Dining room 140 sq. ft. Living room ISO sq. ft. HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 307 2. A coat closet shall be provided, either oil hall in first floor or in connection with living room. 3. Open fireplace, with basket grate in living room. 4. Rift sawed yellow pine or oak floors in firs! and second floors. 5. Front porch with minimum of 9(5 square feet. Hear porch. SECOND FLOOR PLAN Porch 6'-0\ir-0% FIRST FLOOR PLAN ATTIC PLAN Fig. 44B. — Floor plans of six-room detached dwelling. (See Fig. 44 A.) 6. Two-way switches, for controlling one light upstairs and one downstairs. 7. Medicine cabinet in bathroom. ,8. Combination gas and electric fixtures for lighting in kitchen and bathroom. A\ illi the exception of combined uses for same room, the grad- ing classification of the bouses is qo1 based upon number of 308 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING rooms. Grade C house, for example, might contain more bed rooms than Grade A house. TYPES AND GROUPING OF HOUSES AND ACCESSORIES Types of Houses.- — Omitting for the present the consideration of materials used in construction, the cost of a house is primarily dependent upon the number of rooms it contains. By applying a sliding scale unit price per room, so adjusted as to cover the various grades of houses, we may arrive at a reasonable estimate of the cost per house; it being understood that number of rooms has no influence in determination of grades. Effect on Cost. — Next to material and number of rooms, the types of building employed — that is, whether single houses, double houses, groups, rows, etc. — have an important bearing on the cost. This is true not only of the house itself but the entire project, as the land cost is directly affected in consequence of the type employed. The words "grade" and "type" are used with careful dis- tinction — houses are " graded" according to the facilities furnished and largely in relation to the cost, whereas "type" refers to class of building or arrangement of houses. The following house types will be considered, as experience indicates that t^iey are the most practical and satisfactory: Type I. Single detached house. Type II. Semi-detached house. Type III. Row or group house. Type IV. Single duplex house. Type V. Double duplex house. Type VI. Row duplex house. Type VII. Apartment house. Explanation of Types/ — Type I. — Single detached house is a house occupied by one family only. All four sides of the house are exposed, the unit standing independently on its own lot, with grounds bordering it sufficiently large to allow for light and air. See Fig. 44A for illustrative example. Type II. — Semi-detached house is one in which two separate and distinct dwellings are arranged side by side under a common roof. The dwellings are completely separated by a party wall and each dwelling has three exposed sides. Fig. 45 shows such a house with eight rooms in each unit, for the higher paid men. Hot .-/. ! FOR FAMILIES 309 Type III. — Row or group house is a unit of three or more (rarely over eight) separate dwellings, arranged side by side under a common roof and separated by party walls. The houses should iiol be over two rooms deep, except when arranged in such combinations that will allow light and air to the deeper dwellings by reason of the design of the group. These dwellings should have rear access from a -l reel , alley or common couri . or passage from thefronl to the rear or cellar: See Figs. 47 and 48. Type IV.— Single duplex /muse is one providing two separate dwellings one above the oilier. Each musl have separate en- trances, fronl and rear. Each dwelling to have its own private Fig. 45. — Semi-detached eight-room dwellings, Yorkship Village project, Emergency Fleet Corporation. cellar, reached without going outside the building. Each dwelling has four exposed side-. Type V. — Double duplex house, as the name implies, is formed by arranging t wo single duplex units side by side, so as to form a unit under one roof, in which four families are housed. The general provisions called for under the single duplex apply with equal force in tin'-; case Each dwelling lias three exposed sides. I'm. 46 shows such a hous Type 17. — Row duplex is obtained by arranging three or more single duplexes side by side. It must be only two rooms deep except ;u end hoi Type VII. Apartrm nt house can be arranged for any number of apartments, composed by varying numbers of rooms. This 310 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING type differs from the other multiple family houses in that the apartments are reached through a common entrance and stair- way. By its very nature this style necessitates joint use of cellars, laundry facilities, etc., by all the tenants; whereas the duplex dwellings enjoy privacy in this respect. The heating must be from a central plant. This fact, as well as the others enum- erated, make it necessary to provide janitor service, which com- plicates the problem from the standpoint of the investor. Many arguments may be advanced for and against the employ- ment of the various types. The detached house meets with gen- eral approval from native American workmen, because it typifies Fig. 46. — View of four-family duplex dwelling. the traditional tendencies of selective American housing, which have come down to us from pioneer days. However, memory of the early homes of our forefathers, with their privacy and homey atmosphere suggesting independence and sole proprietorship, should not be allowed to befog the conditions as they exist today. The motives which impelled the building of these early homes, as well as the natural conditions surrounding them, are just as different from present day building as the manner of living was different from that of the present. The detached house offers the possibility of cross ventilation of rooms and greater amount of sunlight, but when the houses HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 311 arc placed close to one another, because of high land values, it is a question whether these features, instead of being advantages, are not the opposite. The narrow side yards, devoid of the possibility of air and sunlight, offer little that is to be desired, .either in making for a dignified setting for the house, or as a means of obtaining the advantage of exposure for the various rooms. These side yards often degenerate into damp, dark alleyways, in which it is impossible to cultivate plant life. If such is the case, how can we hope for good results from them as light and air shafts? As to the question of privacy in this type, as contrasted with the multiple unit or groups, providing sound-proof party walls are used in the latter, there is probably less privacy, since in the group it is at least impossible to look directly from one house into another. The detached home is a more costly investment, not only as to first cost, but also as regards maintenance. A greater number of exposed sides is subject to deterioration; it is more expensive to paint, and to heat. Gas bills for the end houses of rows are frequently one and one-half times those of the interior houses. The housewife prefers the multiple type, as there are less windows and curtains to keep clean and less expense in furnishing window trimmings. From the standpoint of exterior architectural appearance, it must be added, the small detached house offers one of the most difficult problems the designer has to meet. No matter what the area of the house may be, the height remains fairly constant for all types. The result, in the case of a single house of small area, is that, having to meet the requirement for height, it is extremely difficult to arrive at a proportion that will not look stilted. The architect, in his desire to arrive at better propor- tions, strives to pull down the apparent, height by dropping the eaves to a degree that necessitates sloping ceilings, and knee walls. This, however, often results in serious inconvenience in the livableness of the bedrooms. It has been noted that in some single house developments such designing necessitates placing the bed a foot to 18 in. from the wall, in order to obtain sufficient height to accommodate the headboard. This, in admittedly small rooms to start with, is a serious inconvenience. In the multiple unit, the architect finds a much simpler prob- lem in trying to obtain architectural effects. Not only is it possible to obtain better general proportions, but the many 312 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING possibilities in grouping of various sized units, together with the variation permitted in arranging porches and composing of roof lines, give a latitude in designing which makes possible compositions abundant in picturesqueness and charm. A consideration which must not be overlooked in a study of the types is the nature of the investment, whether it be for rental or sale, viz. : The objection to buying or selling individual dwellings in a multiple unit, group or row, is not to be overcome by edict, but the fact that in certain localities such transactions are common practice leads one to believe that, should the present high cost of building prevail for an extended period, the prejudice Fig. 47. — Typical row dwellings, Yorkship Village. against owning such a home may be overcome by force of circum- stance. In view of this fact, it is suggested that, should multiple units be constructed with the idea of selling the individual dwellings, the designer should strive to make the houses as inde- pendent as possible. In this connection, the unit should differ from the renting project, in that plumbing lines for each house should be run separately; porches should not overlap the adja- cent dwelling; separate entrance pathways must be provided, and, even in units under a common sloping roof, party walls should be inn through the roof. This lasl provision, although it may sound a serious disadvantage, will be found on careful HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 3 Hi study to offer greal possibilities in the way of an interesting decorative treatment. As an example illustrating this point, see Fiji. 48. • " I - PERSPECTIVE SKETCH Fio. 18 Multiple Family dwellings illustrating possibilities of treatmenl where division walls are carried through and above the roof. The duplex and apartment types are essentially those built on I he policy of rental, bu1 they meel souk; demands better than any <>i her type. It will be manifest t hal a dwelling ofthree rooms and bath, in any of the single family units, is practically an 314 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING impossibility. Yet accommodations of this kind are in great demand by young married people without children, who in start- ing housekeeping cannot afford to furnish larger quarters, for which, indeed, they have no absolute need. If such people be obliged to take a larger house, then they must rent a room or two to lodgers, which creates unnatural and often unpleasant condi- tions in the home life and leads to dissatisfaction. Finally, to sum up in a few terse sentences recommendations based upon the foregoing arguments, it is suggested: First. — That the detached house be employed for Grade A dwellings, in either a sales or renting project. Second. — That the semi-detached unit be employed principally for a Grade B dwelling, but under some circumstances, especially when land values are high, for Grade A dwellings. This type should be used for the most part in a renting project, but, when designed with care to offset prejudices relative to joint ownership, it may be built for sale. Third. — The row or group type should be particularly identified as a Grade C dwelling, although it will be found entirely satis- factory for the Grade B, when it incorporates the necessary features to identify it in that class. However, it should rarely, if ever, be used for A-houses, not because it is an unsatisfactory house for any class of people to live in, but merely because pre- judice is still so strong against the idea of living in a row. Event- ually this feeling, we are sure, will be overcome and the row type house, properly designed, will come into its own. This is quite easily appreciated when one stops to think that many of the older city residences of the well-to-do in some cities are virtually row type dwellings. The duplex and apartment types may readily fit any of the grade classifications and, of course, apply only to renting devel- opments. Grouping of Types. — The composition of house units to form a block should be guided by the following fundamental considera- tions: 1. The houses adjacent to one another, if they are detached units, should be of types which will permit of as great privacy as possible. This is accomplished by arranging that the windows of one do not come directly opposite those of another and, if possible, so that the stair side faces the living quarters of the opposite house. NOISES FOR FAMILIES 315 2. House plans should Ik; arranged so as to have as little con- II id as possible in location of porches and also to guard against the rear service of one house being in full view of the front porch of the next unit. 3. Monotony should be avoided by the employment of types, and by exterior variations of the same plans, to assure a pleasing contrast, especially in the composition of roof lines. This may also be done by reversing the plan of the same type occasionally. Variation by merely painting in different colors is of doubtful value, because by thus calling attention to the elements of the design, the similarity is, if anything, more quickly noted, and (■■■I "■itafcte^ ■ Hi^fl^^BH Wm Fig. 49. — Croup of four-family apartment houses arranged about a court; Buckman Village. because usually some one color scheme is productive of the best results, and the houses treated otherwise suffer in consequence. 4. There should Ik; a feeling of unity in the general composi- tion, and in the arrangement of the individual blocks. By this it is not meant that the houses of a given block must all be painted exactly alike or be exactly similar in the exterior details, but they should look as though they all belonged to the same general group. The placing of a one story house next a two and a half story house, or flic placing of a flat-roofed row type next to one with sloping roof should be condemned. These, although ex- treme cases, serve to illustrate by exaggeration. Fig 49 is illustrative of good grouping. 316 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Where to draw the line between monotony and restlessness, caused by striving too hard for variation, is a delicate task ; labored variety produces an unpleasant effect. Similarity of shape, and contour must not be confounded with sameness of architectural style ; and nothing is more pleasing than a development in which a general uniformity of exterior material and architectural style has been observed, and in which variation is obtained by ingen- uity in the composition of the individual house, its relation to its neighbors and the delicate contrast of minor architectural details. Fig. 50. — A row garage and service open space, Sun Hill project of (he Emer- gency Fleet Corpora (ion; an alternative to constructing the individual rear- lot garage. The Garage. — The automobile, whether it be called a luxury or a convenience, is becoming more and more a part of the gen- eral family equipment. Low priced cars have been developed to a point where it is just as possible for the working man to have one, as far as first cost is concerned, as to own a piano. The fact is that many do own automobiles. Some means of housing them is as necessary as shelter for other belongings. Single Garage. — Only in the case of the more expensive grade of house should the single garage be provided; First, be- cause very often these houses are of the detached type, which allows sufficient room for the garage without undue crowding of HOUSES FOR FAMILIES Ml 7 the yard space; Second, because Lhe man living in such a house can better afford to pay the increased rental on the property; and third, because ii is fairly safe to say thai any tenant, occupying the house will possess an automobile. Row Garage. — Garage accommodations for Grade B and for some Grade C houses should be effected by building a battery of garages at a selected place, convenient to the houses. The battery type is economical in construction and in use of land, and both result in appreciably lower rental. In this class the possibility of every man owning a machine is much more remote than in the Grade A class, and to place a garage on every lot would result in some lying idle and the rear yards would be occupied with these buildings, which would yield no return. Further than this, the strictest control would not overcome the tendency to use these idle garages for the general accumulation of refuse. The battery garage is susceptible to the same line of reasoning as applied to the multiple dwelling and is consequently the logical type to use in such cases. Such a row is shown in Fig. 50. Garage Construction. — Garages should be large enough to ac- commodate an average sized car, with space for a work-bench and shelves for supplies and tools. The side walls need not have any windows, as enough light will be afforded by providing glass in the double entrance doors and a double window in the rear wall. The latter should be placed high enough to allow the workbench to be placed under it. Regardless of the material used for the walls, the foundations should be of masonry and extend below frost line. A satisfac- tory floor is constructed of concrete, and should pitch toward the entrance. Running water in the garage and electric lighting are desirable. In some localities, ordinances require the garage to be of fire- proof construction; concrete, brick and hollow tile walls ;uc suit- able for this purpose. When cost is not prohibitive, the single garage should refleel the character of the house it serves. When constructed in batteries, garages should be in harmony with the multiple dwellings of the neighborhood. BUILDING TECHNIQUE A discussion of the building technique must have as its key- note lowest possible cost consistent with permanency of ,•„],- struct ion. 318 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING General. — Standardization of materials and millwork and quantity production loom large as two important aids in forcing down the cost of building. In all avenues of business it is cheaper to buy wholesale than retail, and the construction of houses is no exception to this rule. The term "quantity production", as used here, is not intended to mean greatness as relating to num- ber of houses, so much as is meant large scale production and manufacture of materials of construction to be employed in the building of the houses. To buy advantageously in the greatest possible quantities necessitates buying the least possible number of different things, which leads directly to standardization of materials and units of mill work. This theory has long been expounded in an endeavor to bring down building cost for the individual home builder and has resulted in the commercial specialization by what is known as the ready-cut or knock-down houses. The fact that such standard- ized complete houses are already developed and offer a wide and varied choice has led to the suggestion of their use in solving the Industrial Housing problem. Reasonable as this may sound, it must be evident that if care is exerted in designing for a situation, so as to use in all cases not only stock sizes of lumber but also stock mouldings, frames and various items of millwork, i.e., stock products everywhere, the same economical results will be obtained, and the additional benefit of being able to secure the best solution for each problem, rather than to choose from a catalogue the nearest article, which may be far from satisfactory. Site conditions frequently require much ingenuity to make the dwellings fit the property. When such ready-cut houses serve a useful purpose in a hurry-up job, individuality, not to speak of greater architectural merit, will result, if individual units are designed with a proper conception of the relationship of one house to another. Building Materials. — Naturally the relative cost has a strong influence upon making a selection of various materials, and in many cases proves to be the determining factor. Many other considerations, however, must be carefully noted, even though they may lead to greater expense, for, after all, we are not look- ing for the cheapest house in point of first cost only, but the cheapest housing which can be devised and still satisfactorily meet the conditions of the individual problem. Local Environment. — The diverse nature of communities and the variation in climatic conditions of different localities speak HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 319 for different types of buildings. Domestic architecture has resolved itself into a comparatively few set styles, which demand the use of certain specified materials, in order to retain the char- acteristics necessary to the styles. Each locality shows a marked preference for some one or more of these styles, and, upon a careful analysis, it will be found the adoption of one by a locality has not been occasioned so much by a mere preference for the general appearance obtained as by a process of reasoning in the attempt to discern the demand of the environment. Availability of building material is one good rea- son for the adoption of a style, as the cost of a material close at hand will generally be less than cost plus transportation for some other distant material. The nature and location of the enterprise will exert an influence. For instance, it seems unwise to build frame or stucco houses in a development located in the heart of a great mill district, as for instance the steel mills of Pittsburgh. The deterioration in ap- pearance would involve an abnormally high upkeep cost if the houses were to be properly maintained. Climatic conditions also narrow the choice. Developments in localities offering long, uninterrupted seasons of warm weather and brilliant sun- shine must certainly be treated differently from those in cold weather climates, subjected to long periods of gray days and extreme cold. There is another reason for adopting a style for a development, which, although not substantiated by practical considerations, nevertheless is important; it is the architectural tradition of the region. To fully appreciate what this means we have only to imagine the ill favor it would occasion were we to foist upon a New England village, rich in its store of old colonial houses or examples of cottages, a development executed in the style of rows so commonly encountered in the Middle West, or made up of an assemblage of California bungalows. The degree of the building density contemplated for a develop- ment , wit h the conl rolling low or high land values, will be directly reflected in the style of architecture employed. For instance, the bungalow, so popular in southwestern United States would be an ill-chosen type for a congested manufacturing district of the Centra] States. In the one case one can afford to spread out, while in the other, in order to house as many people as possible, it is necessary to utilize all of the land. 320 INDUSTRIAL IfuCSlNG Low Maintenance versus Personal Preference.— In apparent contradiction to the ideas advances for selection of architectural styles and the employment of materials, there is found in every locality and section of the country examples of architecture which tend to disprove all that has been said. Such examples rather add to the force of the arguments, as they are for the most part isolated instances which have been dictated by personal preference. It is, therefore, principally in the development which is to be on a renting basis that one may feel more free to suggest stand- ardizing types and methods. Personal preference of the prospective individual home owner may cause unwise selection of materials and style, which may lead to unsatisfactory results and high maintenance costs; the magnitude of which only becomes glaring in large holdings. The individual may have such a strong preference for a frame house that he will be willing to withstand the expense of painting every few years, and of replacing portions of the house which may have deteriorated. But, if this be multiplied by five hundred or more houses, the cost is both amazing and sufficiently important to make provisions to minimize maintenance costs, after all, the most important consideration in both the selection of materials and styles of architectural treatment. The Concrete House.- — Concrete houses are much in favor in certain localities and with some interests. The pronounced ad- vantages are stability, durability, fire and vermin-proof quali- ties, freedom from repair and general upkeep. They have been objected to in the past because of excessive cost, dampness, rigidity of floor surface and lack of variety in treatment. Many of these difficulties have been eliminated in recent construction and concrete housing is growing in favor where large develop- ments permit the use of machine methods. Concrete building, either by use of blocks, repetition of forms, or by the unit slab method, permits the utilization of large scale production methods. It avoids many difficulties with labor by freedom of necessity of coordinating and assembling several trades on the same job and by permitting the use of common labor to a large extent. The expense of construction may, therefore, be well within that of other materials, and when annual costs are considered, the use of concrete is likely to compare favorably. It is particularly adaptable to group, row and apartment construction, to which its sound- and fireproof qualities are well HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 321 adapted. It is a mistake to treal concrete surfaces in strained imitation of some other material, arid acceptable taste and good art are best developed by giving good expression to the material used. Harmony, variety and architectural excellence can be obtained and the use of concrete in (lie future may well be con- sidered in industrial housing. Details of Construction. — To discuss here the mass of details which make up a satisfactory house is beyond the intent of this chapter, but it would seem necessary to warn against some of the common mistakes observed in much of the present housing. For example, frequently, to save material, roofs have been given insufficient pitch, with the result that leaky roofs are a common complaint, especially when poor covering has been used. The roof should have a pitch of not less than 5 in. in 12 in. for porches and not less than 6 in. in 12 in. for regular house roofs. Care should be exercised, in laying the asphalt shingle roof, to see that the shingles are securely nailed; especially when the four-in-one strip shingle is used. Careless workmen an; apt to use only two nails. The result is that the roofing material blows up, especially on low pitches, and leaks occur. Simplicity of roof construction, with as few dormers as pos- sible, is recommended; both because of the expense involved and the danger of leaks where vertical sides come in contact with the roof, requiring flashing. Flat roofs and decks should be avoided as much as possible, and when used should be covered with a good grade of tin, preferably a, copper bearing tin or where practicable a guaranteed composition tar and gravel roof. The use of tin is also recommended for flashing occurring on vertical wail-, but the valleys might better be formed by using rubberoid or some; such material. This will eliminate the possibility of deteriorat ion t hrough rust ing out . It is inadvisable to run stucco walls down to grade level as frost cracks and spalling of the material are bound to result. Basement walls, when constructed of concrete, should contain 10 per cent . hydrated lime to act as an integral waterproofing. Even when tl is is done, and especially when other kinds of basement walls are employed, they should be well designed and constructed to insure tightness. If, upon inspection, much dampness is evident, there should be an application of a membrane system of waterproofing applied on the exterior of the wall, and where the wall abuts a made, in which there is evidence of a run of 8UD- 322 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING surface drainage, a French drain should be provided to relieve water pressure against the wall. Great care should be exercised in the laying up of the flue lin- ings in chimneys, in order to see that the joints rest in an even full bed of mortar and that the void between the brickwork and the tile lining is flushed solid. The importance of this provision cannot be too strongly recommended, as faulty flues cause endless trouble and are extremely hard to correct. In brick houses it is well to see that the sills of windows are well bedded in a neat cement grout to prevent rain driving under the sills. The staff mould on all windows should be carefully designed, not only to insure a proper amount of space for apply- ing screens, but also to give enough cover at the joints to take care of irregularities in brickwork due to short chipping and poor jointing. Wooden construction for porches should be eliminated as much as possible and foundations for porches should be of masonry. Simplifying the exterior millwork is recommended, so as to use as little wood as possible; as, not only is the first cost reduced, but also maintenance costs, since there is less chance of deteriora- tion and less woodwork to paint. Likewise, in the interior, as little wood as possible should be used. Three and one-half inch plain trim is, if anything, better than larger or more elaborate finish and reduces the cost of millwork and upkeep. Finally, a word of warning should be sounded against buying too cheaply, in the hope of reducing costs. Very cheap material will be found to effect no economy, because the costs of working it up and the wastage are so great. Cost of Materials in Construction. — The item of cost is the question of greatest interest to the investor and owner, and, in consequence, one is continually confronted by the query — "Which is cheapest, the brick house, the frame house, or the stucco house, and what is the difference?" To avoid complicating the matter at the outset, we will con- sider brick, stucco and frame as general classifications, although each of the three is subject to wide variation and utilizes material of the other class. For instance, what is commonly known as the brick house may have solid 9 in. brick walls, or have 4 in. of brick veneered on regular studded inner walls, or have 4 in. of brick backed up with hollow tile; likewise, the other constructions are subject to many modifications, which affect the cost. HOUSES FOR. FAMILIES 323 Generally speaking, the brick house is more costly than stucco, and slucco in turn is more costly than frame, but as to the exact difference in the cost there is a great divergence of opinion. This is not due so much to ignorance on the part of those who should be informed on the subject, but rather to the fact that the cost of materials is different in different localities. The cost of a material at a given site is dependent upon cost at the source of supply, plus transportation. It is thus a difficult matter to offer any comparison of costs of materials, which can be of value for general application. Furthermore, the present condition of the markets as to prices make it hazardous to give a price today which will be of value tomorrow. Even though these limiting conditions must be admitted, the desire to have some detailed information, to be used in arriving at conclusions on the question of the comparative cost of different methods of construction employing various building materials, has led to the formulation of the following tabulated data. The general method has been to estimate accurately the quantity of materials entering into each method of construction, and to apply current market prices f.o.b. the source of the material in question. Labor cost has been estimated and present union wages applied for each kind of labor involved in the various operations. As far as change in wages is concerned, it will usu- ally be found that a change in one trade is followed by a general modification in the wage scale, and the relation is thus main- Table 38. — Comparative Estimated Costs per Square Foot of Walls of Various Materials Place Mai i rials Dimensions < !i el per sq. ft. in cents Basement and foun- ( loncrete 9 ' hick 30 dations Hollow tile 8" X 12" X 12" 29 Superstructure Brick backed with tile 4"— 4" X 12" X 12" 49 Brick with furring. 9" thick 58 Brick Veneer 4" — sheathing 40 Stucco on tile 1 5" X 8" X 12" 11 Slucco on metal lath Studs and Bheathing 34 Slucco on wood lath . Studs and sheathing :;•_"■, Siding on sheathing. 6" lap 30 (')" lap 23 Shingles on sheathing in 324 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING tained fairly constant. Finally, the estimate has been resolved into a common unit, namely, the cost of 1 sq. ft. of super- ficial wall area. These data are for the spring of 1920 in the Pittsburgh district and cannot be used for other parts of the coun- try without recalculation from the original data. The comparison is presented in the preceding table. Tabulation of House Costs. — In addition to the information given in the above table, data on the cost of houses in various sections of the United States will serve as a good indication, not only of the relative costs of various types of dwellings, em- ploying different materials, but also will prove interesting, as an indication of the general advance in cost of building in the last few years. A list of houses with their approximate costs ap- pears in the following table: Table 39. — Information Concerning Cost op Houses in Different Localities Locality Type Number of rooms ( '(instruction Approximate est imated cost Date Bridgeport, Conn. Semi-detached 4 and bath Common brick $3203 to 3471 1918-1919 Bridgeport, Conn. Row 3 and bath Common brick 3007 1918-1919 Bridgeport, Conn. Row 4 and bath Common brick 379S 1918-1919 New L o n d o n, Detached 5 and bath Frame 3900 to 3954 1918-1919 Conn. New London, Semi-detached 5 and hat h Frame 4011 1918-1919 Conn. Waterbury, Conn. Detached (', and bath Stucco 171U 1918-1919 Waterbury, Conn. Semi-detached ti and bath Stucco 4755 1918-1919 Rock Island, 111... Detached 4 and bath Frame 3910 191S-1919 Rock Island, 111... Detached 5 and bath Frame 4 134 1918-1919 Hath, Maine Detached 6 and bath Concrete 4378 to 4819 191S-1919 Bath, Maine Detached 5 and bath Concrete 3907 1918-1919 Bath, Maine Semi-detached 3 and bath Concrete 2859 1918- 191!) Aberdeen, Md. . . . Detached (i and bath Frame 4595 1918-1919 Aberdeen, Md. . . . Detached 6 and bath Frame 4475 191S-1919 Aberdeen, Md. . . . Row 4 and 5 and bath Frame 3575 1918-1919 Indian Head, Md. Detached (i and bath Frame 3276 to 3330 191S-1919 Lowell, Mass. . . . Detached 5 and bath Frame 2361 1917 Lowell, Mass. . . . Semi-detached 4 and bath !• came 1932 1917 Worcester. Mass. . Detached 6 and bal h Frame 3188-3791 1915-1916 New Brunswick, Detached 6 and bath Hollowtile, 1549 1918- 1919 X. J. stucco • New Brunswick, Semi-detached 5 a nd 6 a nd 1 [ollowtile, 4009 to 4173 1918-1919 N. J. bath i tucco lie, X . .1 1 and ba1 h Frame L600 1918 Fto ■•■ li and bath Frame 2200 1918 Watertow a, N. ^ . 1 (etached 5 and 6 and bath Frame 3230 I- I 153 1918 1919 HOUSES FOR FAMILIES Table 39. Continued 325 Locality Type i i.-t ion \ ppi oximate nated 1 late u atei town, N. Y. Semi-.]. .". and bat li $3945 L918 1919 Akron, 1 ihio I »i bached 5 and Brick-stucco- and hit 1(117 hath tile 2 to 3600 Xili s.'Ohio Semi-detached ."> and bat h Frame bunga- low Frame 3808 1918 1919 I >< tached ."i and 6 and , 4590 1918 L919 hath Erie, Pa Deta ched ."> and 6 and Brick, tile and stucco 1766 i 1918-1919 Brie, Pa Semi-di 1 :< and 6 and hath Brick, tile and si uceo ■ 101 s to 5680 1918-1919 Erie, Pa Row r, and 6 and hath Brick, tile and • 1 lie, -ii 4869 to 5179 L918 L919 Pittsburgh Dis- I >etached 5 and bath < lommon brick 1300 1918-1919 trict, la 4" back up tile Pittsburgh Dis- I letached li and bath Common brick 4700 1918-1919 4" back up tile Pittsburgh Dis- 1 ict ached 7 and hath Common brick 5000 L918 1919 trict, Pa 4" back up tile Pittsburgh Dis- Semi-detached ."> and bath Prick-tile 4100 1918-1919 trict. Pa Pittsburgh 1 1 Semi-detached C and hat h Brick-tile 1 51 10 1918-1919 trict, Pa Pittsburgh Row 1 and hath Brick-tile 3100 1918-1919 trict, Pa Pittsburgh district Row hath Brick-tile 3800 1918-1919 Pittsburgh district Row 1 and 6 and bath BricK-tile 3800-4.,O() 1918-1919 Nanticoke, Pa Semi-detached 6 Poured i 11 GO 1912 Williamsport, Pa Row 1 Stucco on Ex- pander .Metal 1172 1916 New porl . R. I . . . Semi-detached ."> and li and bath Frame l.,st 191S-1919 \i« port, R. I . . . I letached bath Frame 4470 1918-1919 Craddock, \ a 1 li tached 5 and bath Frame 3222 3447 1918 1919 ( Iraddock, Va .... I letached 6 and bat h Frame 3654 3974 1918 1919 ( Iraddock, Va. . . . 1 ). tached 7 and bath Frame 1 1 1 :. 1918 Semi-detai hed 1. 5, 6, and bath Frame 2460 1918 < Iraddock, \ a Row 6 and bat h Frame 3675 1918 1919 St. Albans, \v. Va. Semi-detached 6 anil hath Frame, heal 1500-1600 L916 ston.W. Va Semi-detached -I and 5 and ■ '11 tile 1918 1919 Charleston,^ \ a Detached bath Stucco on tile 3900 1608 L918 Charl Di tached 8 and bath Stucco on tile 1918 326 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING DETERMINATION OF ACCOMMODATIONS REQUIRED The following development of the method of arriving at the required number and grades of houses and quarters for families and unmarried workers is illustrative of the procedure to be followed in applying the suggestions made in this and the fol- lowing chapter. The data as to the number and classification of the employees and the wages paid, while corresponding to actual conditions now prevalent, are not susceptible of general application, owing to the variations present in any particular case, but the presentation of the outline of the method may be helpful in making similar surveys of housing requirements. A town site is assumed for an industrial plant, in which it is estimated 5000 people will be directly employed. The determi- nation of number of houses and other accommodations required is based on the number on payroll. The determination of the grades and types of houses is based on the wages of employees. Forecasted Payroll. — A forecast of the immediate payroll, divided into skilled and unskilled labor and showing the number of married men, single men, women and minors of both native and foreign workers, is shown on the following table. Table 40. — Forecasted Immediate Payroll Skilled labor Unskilled labor Class of Men Wom- en Mi- nors Men Wom- en Mi- nors Total work- Mar- ried Single Mar- ried Single Native 800 200 200 300 50 200 50 800 1,800 2,600 150 300 150 450 2,500 Foreign 2,500 Total 1,000 500 50 250 150 5,000 The following table shows the forecasted payroll subdivided according to wage scale. HOUSES FOB FA Ml I.IKS 327 Table 41. — Forecasted Proposed Wage Scale duaification $4 $4 t.> $5 -7 to 18 to S'l to Over $9 1 $10 »10 .Married skilled native workmen 50 !.-,() 250 150 100 100 Married unskilled native workmen 100 75 25 Married .skilled foreign workmen 50 85 30 20 10 5 Married unskilled foreign 40 10 Total married workmen. . 140 85 125 235 _'S() 170 no 105 Unmarried skilled native workmen GOO 1,200 1,800 150 50 600 800 50 150 30 20 Unmarried unskilled na- tive workmen Unmarried skilled foreign workmen Unmarried unskilled for- eign workmen 50 30 20 20 Total unmarried work- men 210 80 100 GO 30 20 Skilled native women workers Unskilled native women workers 250 140 1 25 50 10 185 40 25 10 Unskilled native minors. . Unskilled foreign minors . Tojtal women A: minors. . . 300 65 in (i it Grand total 300 •_'. 1 25 950 345 315 380 230 no 1 25 Number and Grades of Houses Required. — Grade C houses will be provided for married workmen receiving less than $7.00 per day. The Grade 1! Houses will be provided for married workmen receiving from ST. 00 bo $9.00 per day. The Grade A houses will be provided for married workmen receiving $9.00 and mote. Table II -hows thai there are 585 married men receiving less than $7.00 per day; 150 married workmen receiving from $7.00 to $9.00 per day; 215 married workmen receiving $9.00 or more 328 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING per day. Therefore, there will be required 585 Grade C; 450 Grade B; and 215 Grade A Houses. Quarters Required for Single Workmen. — The number of rooms required for single men is based on the number of single DETACHED HOUSE Scale ? u.u, 7 ? ? f ftet riUST FLOOR. PLAN SECOND FLOOB. PLAN Fig. 51. — Small boarding house of the type built at the Wyandotte, Michigan, project of the Emergency Fleet Corporation; effective separation between the family and the boarders is secured. men on the forecasted payroll. The grades of rooms to be provided are based on the wages received by the single men and also whether they are native or foreign workmen. On this basis six grades of rooms are to be provided as follows: HOUSES FOk FAMILIES 329 Grade U.for high wage native single workmen. Grade V for medium wage native single workmen. Grade W for low wage native single workmen. Grade X for high wage foreign single workmen. Grade Y for medium wage foreign single workmen. Grade Z for low wage foreign single workmen. In estimating the number of rooms required for single men, an allowance, must be made for the single men living in family houses either as members of the family or as lodgers. It is assumed that a larger number of workers per house will be ac- commodated in Grade C houses, than in Grade B or Grade A houses. Also, that houses occupied by foreign families will have a larger number of workers per house than those occupied by native families Fig. 51 illustrates how this is accom- plished with suitable privacy. The following assumptions are made in estimating the number of workers per house, other than head of family, women workers and minors. Table 42. — Estimated Number of Single Workers Living in Family Souses not Including Women Workers and Minors Grade Occupant Number of houses Assumed distribu- tion of single workers in Louses Resultant number of single workers in family houses A Native family 200 400 400 15 50 185 1250 1 in 10 1 in 4 1 in 2 1 in 5 1 in 2 1 in 1 20 B C .1 B C Native family Native family Foreign family Foreign family Foreign family Total 100 200 3 25 185 533 If in addition to the above total of 533, the 150 unskilled native women workers and the 450 minors are assumed to live with families, the total so accounted becomes 1133 people, in addition to 1250 heads of the families. Thai is. there are 2383 workers living in the 1250 houses, or 1.9 workers per house. The U. S. Housing Corporation in planning their projects assumed 1.7 workers per house. There are 840 native single workmen receiving less than S7.00 per day. One of every two of the 100 < trade < ' houses, occupied by native families, will accommodate one additional single man, 330 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING either as a member of the family or as a lodger, so that there will remain 640 native single men to be provided with Grade W quarters. Assuming that 2 men will occupy one room there will be required 320 Grade W rooms. There are 110 native single workmen receiving between $7.00 and $9.00 per day. One of every four of the 400 Grade B houses for native families will house a single man, so that there will remain 10 single native workmen to be provided with Grade V quarters. Assuming that one man will occupy a room, there will be required 10 Grade V rooms. There are 50 native single workmen receiving $9.00 or more per day. One of every 10 of the 200 Grade A houses for native families will house an additional single man, so that there will remain 30 single native workmen to be provided with Grade U quarters. Assuming that one man will occupy one room there will be required 30 Grade U rooms. There are 2050 foreign single workmen receiving less than $7.00 per day. Each of the 185 Grade C Houses for foreign families will house an additional foreign single workman, so that there will remain 1865 foreign single workmen to be provided with Grade Z quarters. Assuming that two men will occupy one room, there will be required 932 Grade Z Rooms. There are 50 foreign single workmen receiving between $7.00 and $9.00 per day. One of every two of the 50 Grade B houses and one out of every 5 of the 15 Grade A houses for foreign families will house an additional foreign single workman, so that there will remain 22 foreign single workmen to be provided with Grade Y quarters. Assuming that 2 workmen will occupy one room, there will be required 1 1 Grade Y rooms. There are no foreign single workmen receiving $9.00 or more per day, so that no Grade X quarters need be provided. Quarters for Women and Minors. — It is assumed that 50 of the 200 women employees must be provided with single quarters. Allowing one woman for each room there will be required 50 special rooms for women employees. It is assumed that the 300 native minors and the 150 foreign minors will live with families so that no single quarters will be required for them. Summary of Houses and Rooms Required. — Below is shown tabulated number and grades of houses and rooms required: HOUSES FOR FAMILIES 331 Grade A Eousi ( trade B Eouses for ( rrade ( ' 1 [oust ( rrade I Souses for Grade /.' Eous< Grade C Eouses for ( rrade V Rooms for ( rrade l' Elooms for ( rrade II' Elooms for Grade X Rooms for Grade Y Elooms for Grade Z Rooms for Special Rooms for \Y Rooms for Minors Native Families = 200 Native Families = 400 Native Families = 400 Foreign Families = 15 Foreign Families = 50 Foreign Families = 185 Native Single Workmen = 30 Native Single Workmen = 10 Native Single Workmen = 320 Foreign Single Workmen = None Foreign Single Workmen = 11 Foreign Single Workmen = 932 omen Employees = 50 = None CHAPTER XI BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES Quarters for Single Men — Quarters for Single Women — Stores and Apartments — Special Service Buildings — Buildings for Social Needs Introduction. — Buildings to supply the physical wants and the social needs of a community are secondary in importance only to the dwelling houses themselves. Their necessity is more urgent in the rural than in the urban development, due to the fact that the latter is nearby to established facilities of this kind. A decision on what buildings (hereafter referred to as Special Service Buildings) are necessary in a given development, must be made before the general plan can be put into effect. The location of such buildings must be a part of the scheme of the town plan; but the design of the separate units in the specified locations and the relation to the general housing project must be the work of the architect. It is this phase of the problem which will be discussed in this chapter. Character of Special Buildings. — Under "Special Buildings" the following lists of buildings will be discussed: Buildings which supply Buildings which supply social physical needs are: — ■ and ethical needs are: — Quarters for single men School houses Quarters for single women Assembly hall Stores Churches Laundry Community house Bakery Club houses Refrigerating Plant Gymnasia Hospital Theatres The problem of drawing up programs for all such buildings, in terms of the service they should render, confronts one at the outset. As to the buildings designed to cater to the physical needs, one can intelligently forecast what the limiting conditions 332 BUILDINGS OT III :i! THAN HOUSES 333 of the program should be, as there is tangible information to guide. Concerning the buildings designed to supply the social needs, as such are products of the personal element, which in a new development are unknown factors, a wise decision is more difficult. The method of management of the development, and the nature of the in vestment — whether the houses are to be rented or sold — must also be considered in making provision for these buildings. If the building company is to retain ownership of houses and institutions and manage the community, then it may more readily predetermine the character of these special buildings. This method of management, however, has been unsuccessful in many cases, as people and particularly Ameri- cans, resent being directed without participating in the govern- ment; and they also dislike having their amusements prescribed for them. The result often has been that the social features, offered at considerable expense, have been practically rejected by the people. In view of this fact, would it not be better merely to allot suit- able space for such features and forget about the design or con- struction of them until such time as plans can be intelligently formulated? Then such will not only reflect the desires of the people to be served, but also allow their participation in the development of the plans. Approaching the matter in this way, one may overcome the backwardness the workman feels in ac- cepting a service from others which smacks of paternalism, or possibly of disguised charity. The character, size and general plan of the buildings will be determined by the service they offer and the number and class of people to receive such service. The next step must be a de- cision regarding the kind of construction and the building ma- terials to be employed. Building Materials. — The fact that the buildings are for the most part larger than the house units tends to intensify lack of harmony between them and the dwellings. For this reason care must be exercised, not only in the selection of materials, but also in the expression of architectural treatment, in order to insure no discordant notes, or feeling of intruded commercial- ism in the general scheme. As to appearance, it should, by em- ploying somewhat the same materials and architectural style, conform to the general character of the development. 334 IN DUST III iiL HOUSING In regard to the question of economy, in building and mainte- nance costs, that which is true of the general housing program will also obtain for special buildings. The motives which impel the provision of special buildings, together with the requirements to insure satisfactory results, will now be discussed. QUARTERS FOR SINGLE MEN The number of single men employed in industrial plants varies with the character and location of the industry. To provide for the housing of these men it will be necessary to consider the total number and the class of men to be housed, in order to erect satisfactory quarters for each. Formerly, the only provision for taking care of single men was by means of isolated camps, as no other accommodations were available. In settled districts, the single men, with the possible exception of the lower grades of common labor, who were housed in crowded bunk quarters, were left to find lodging places where- ever they could do so. This has led to the result that the great majority were taken in as lodgers by private families. The lack of proper accommodations and congenial surroundings provokes restlessness and dissatisfaction among the single workers, and results in a high percentage of labor turnover. This condition has prompted many industrial concerns to study the housing of the single worker with as great care as that of his married brother. As a consequence of such study, it is generally believed that there should be three distinct grades of quarters for single men, which may be considered as analagous to the grades suggested for married men and will be referred to as Grades D, E and F. Boarding Houses. — The most generally accepted type of building for the low and middle classes of labor, Grades F and E, respectively, is the "Boarding House". A literal view of the term "Boarding House" might lead to the impression that these houses were to serve merely as eating places, which is not the case, as they offer the facilities for both dining and lodging. The lower priced the grade of labor to be housed, the larger the unit for this purpose; the reason being one of cost. Since less rental can be expected from the low paid workman than from those receiving higher wages, the building costs must likewise be held down; group life accomplishes this. The same arguments as to BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES 335 costs, which obtained in the case of single and multiple dwelling houses, will apply here with equal force; the greater the number of rooms under a single roof, the less the cost per room, for the reason that not only are building costs reduced, but also a saving in land and operation is effected. The size of the units is a question for each development to decide for itself, in considera- tion of the number of men of different classes to be housed and the policy of the company as regards the operation of the units. Two methods are suggested regarding types of boarding houses and the policy of the company concerning the operation of such units. First, — small units, designed in such a way as to provide accommodations for a family who shall run the house, and in addition a separate portion of the building for boarders. Second, — large units which shall be managed directly by the company. Small Boarding Houses. — This type should not house more boarders than the housewife can conveniently take care of with- out interference with her own domestic duties. The house must be so designed that the seclusion of that portion of the dwelling occupied by the family shall be complete; this will necessitate a separate entrance for the boarders and means of circulation from their living quarters to the dining room without passage into or through the family apartment. Although double rooms for boarders are more economical than single rooms, the latter are far more desired by the tenants and generally more satisfactory. Each boarder's room should have a clothes closet. An interest- ing design of a small boarding house is showm in Fig. 51. No separate recreation room need be provided, as the general dining room may readily serve for this purpose. In such case, however, a separate dining room for the family should be pro- vided, or, in the cheaper grade, the kitchen may be made large enough to allow its use for dining purposes. Ample toilet room facilities should be provided for the use of boarders, arranged so as to be separate from similar accommoda- tions for the family use. Heating, lighting and ventilation should be the same as before suggested for single house types of the corresponding grade. Larger Boarding Houses. — The operation of the larger boarding house should be directed, if not controlled, by the company. This is best accomplished by putting the building in charge of a 336 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING custodian, who should reside in the building and be solely respon- sible for its satisfactory operation in every particular. Such an unit is shown in Fig. 52. The office of the custodian should be located in such a position, on the ground floor, as to enable him not only to watch the main entrances, but also the entrance to the dining room. If the building is large enough to warrant such an arrangement, the bedrooms should be in wings, separated by a central structure in which the dining hall may be located on the first floor and a large recreation hall directly above it on the second floor. When such a plan is used, there should be a corridor providing circula- Fig. 52. — A boarding house for the accommodation of forty laborers. tion from one wing to another so that the dining hall need not be used for this purpose. There should be stairways in each wing, preferably placed so as to start from the circulating corridor and to land at a point centrally located in the second floor. This will necessitate the least amount of travel to reach the greatest number of second floor rooms and main recreation hall, and will cause the mini- mum circulation past bedrooms. Dark portions of the build- ings should be used for storage space and toilet units, provided adequate window area can be planned in the latter case. Pro- vision should be made for porches, or at least some space where BUILDINGS OT If ER THAN HOUSES 337 the men can sit out-of-doors. The kitchen service to the dining room should be as direct as possible, preferably through a pant ry; it should, in addition, be so placed as to be readily accessible from the service yard. Requirements of Different Grades. — The different grades of buildings will be indicated by the extent of facilities furnished and, therefore, by the expense of construction; the lesser equipped buildings being for lower waged workmen and the more expen- sive for the higher priced ones. Grade F Buildings. — A cellar under the entire building is not essential, but that which is provided should be equivalent to the following: The minimum height should be 7 ft., well lighted and cross ventilated. The floor should be of cement, sloped to drains. In portions where the cellar is omitted, the building should be set up on masonry walls or piers which must be carried below frost line. The clear air space in such portions should be 2 ft. in height, enclosed and ventilated, with provision for ground drainage. Buildings under four stories in height need not be fireproof in general construction, but when over three stories they should be fireproof throughout. In buildings of three stories or less, having an area exceeding 3,000 sq. ft., there should be fire walls constructed of brick, terra cotta, stone or concrete placed in such a manner that no portion with an area of more than 3,000 sq. ft., should exist unless enclosed by such fire walls. Further- more, in buildings of this type, when so arranged that sleeping quarters occur in wings, radiating from a common central struc- ture, each such unit, regardless of whether it exceeds the area before called for, should be separated by fire walls. Stand pipes with hose reels should be provided, so that any portion of the building can be reached with 75 ft. of hose. In two story buildings, no other means of egress than the regu- lar stairs and stair halls, as hereinafter called for, need be pro- vided, but in structures of three stories or more, adequate means of passage to the street or yard should be provided, either by additional stairs enclosed in fireproof walls, fire tower or stair- way fire escape. All such additional means of egress should be remote from the main stairs, and located so that no room shall be more than 40 ft. distant. When exterior metal fire escapes are used, they should be reached through fireproof self-closing 22 338 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING doors, made to swing out, and landings on such should be so ar- ranged that descent will not require persons to pass in front of windows. All stairs and stair halls should be not less than 3 ft. wide in the clear and when enclosed in fire walls, as above called for, doors should swing out toward the stair hall, so as not to obstruct free passage. Dumb waiters and elevators should have their own separate enclosure vv ith fireproof doors. Unless connected with a central heating plant, provision should be made for independent low pressure steam heating. Radia- tors in bedrooms should be placed under windows. One water closet for every 12 men, one urinal per 16 men, one lavatory per 8 men and one shower per 10 men are necessary. Bathtubs are not absolutely necessary. All toilet rooms should have the floor surfaces of an impervious material other than con- crete. A toilet should be provided in the basement for use of such workers and attendants as occupy that part of the building. Each floor should have a separate toilet room, with sufficient fixtures to conform to the listed requirements. In cases where isolated or partially isolated wings occur, additional toilet rooms should be provided, so that the lodgers may reach a toilet without going outside the wing in which they are housed. The placing of lavatories and showers in a room separate from toilets and urinals, while not a minimum requirement, will be found a more satisfactory arrangement; and, so arranged, that the rooms are communicating. All toilet and bathrooms should have windows opening directly to the outer air. Separate service closets, with slop sinks, should be provided one to each floor, or more where isolated conditions as stated above occur. Adequate provision should be made for housing the permanent servants of the building and also the custodian or superintend- ent. These quarters, together with their toilet accommodations, should be entirely isolated from that portion of the building oc- cupied by lodgers. The general dining hall, recreation room, office for the custodian, kitchen, pantry and servants' dining room should be provided. The size of all such rooms will be dependent upon the number of men to be accommodated. All public rooms, such as dining hall, recreation rooms and corridors should have heights of 9 ft. to 12 ft,; bed rooms should have a minimum height of 8 feet. BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES 339 The number of rooms is not subject to detennination here, but bed rooms should be designed as single rooms. These should have a minimum area of 70 sq. ft. and a minimum width of 7 ft. They should be designed so as to allow for the minimum furniture called for in the following list: Single bed, 3 ft. 3 in. X 6 ft. 6 in. Combination wardrobe and dresser, 2 ft. in. X 3 ft. 6 in. Writing table, 1 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 6 in. One chair. The furniture should be indicated carefully to scale on the plans. Built-in clothes closets for the bedrooms need not be a minimum requirement. Each single bedroom should have at least one window, with a free area of 12 square feet. Doors to bedrooms should, when possible, be placed opposite one another, and should have tran- soms, or louvers. Buildings should be wired for electricity. Corridor lights, and illumination in the dining hall and recreation room should be controlled from a panel board, located in or close to the custodian's office. Bracket lights should be provided in bedrooms, in such location as to furnish light at the dresser, these lights to be con- trolled at the fixtures. Other lights should be controlled by switches conveniently located. It is suggested that base plugs be provided in corridors, dining rooms, recreation rooms, kitchen and laundry, for the purpose of connecting up such electrical appliances as may be needed in cleaning. At points close to stairs, fire exits and hose reels, gas pilot lights protected with red shades should be provided in full view from the corridor. Grade E Buildings. — In addition to the minimum requirements listed for Grade F buildings, the following should be provided for those of Grade E. The bath should be separated from general toilet. At least one bathtub should be provided, in addition to showers. Bedrooms should have a minimum area of 85 sq. ft., with a minimum width of 8 feet. Clothes closets should be directly connected with bedrooms. Lights for bedrooms should include, in addition to bracket fixture, a ceiling light controlled by switch at door. Grade D Buildings. — The single men, for whom the Grade D buildings are designed, will be the more highly skilled mechanics, 340 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING shop foremen, minor superintendents and the higher salaried office employees. These demand higher standards of living and insist upon a type of building and policy of operation which will permit an expression of their individuality. This leads to a desire for a smaller and more intimate type of dwelling place, where occupants may enjoy a close comradeship. This is best accomplished in a building operated by the residents themselves as a club house. The positions occupied by this class, being of a more permanent character, create a desire on the part of the men for congenial, homelike living quarters, in which they can feel a personal controlling interest. This grade, therefore, should have a comparatively large room, to be used as a general living or reading and smoking room. In addition, another good sized room should be provided in which a billiard or pool table, card tables, and games can be accommodated. The bedrooms should be larger than in Grade E or F houses, in order that more furniture may be comfortably arranged. Toilet and bath accommodations should be more amply provided. The building generally should have a more domestic, homelike character than the larger, lower grade boarding houses, the very nature of which precludes the possibility of overcoming the feeling of institutionalism which always exists. QUARTERS FOR SINGLE WOMEN Special buildings for housing women will in most developments be found unnecessary. In many cases a few single women will readily find quarters as lodgers with private families. However, there are some industries which employ women almost exclusively, and it will be necessary to provide suitable quarters for them, especially since the great majority of these workers are young girls, many of whom have left homes in other localities in order to obtain employment. The result of providing such quarters will accomplish great attendant benefits in the happier social life and companionship, not to speak of moral and social protec- tion which the girls enjoy. Management of Boarding Houses. — The operation of these units is similar to the corresponding units for men, with the difference that a matron officiates as the custodian. It is sug- gested that, in the operation of this type, it will be found that a BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES 341 board of control, elected by the lodgers from their own number and working with the matron, will greatly facilitate the problems of management and eliminate friction between the authoritative agency and those enjoying the privileges offered by such housing. Requirements of Boarding Houses. — The subject of quarters for women workers will be considered under one general grade. All requirements relating purely to the building technique, such as fire protection, minimum story heights, heating, lighting, ven- tilation, cellars, windows, room sizes and materials, may be gov- erned by the same suggestions as offered under "Quarters for Single Men". Requirements for rooms should be the same as those listed for men's units, except that bathrooms and toilet rooms must be separated, though arranged to communicate. A kitchenette and a sewing room should be provided on al- ternate floors. Trunk rooms should be supplied, as minimum sized bedrooms will not accommodate all the belongings of the lodger. First floor should have matron's office, so placed as to oversee main entrances, access to sleeping quarters and entrance to dining room. There should be provided, in addition to main recreation or assembly room, one reception parlor for every twenty women. These may be arranged so as to form one large reception room when so desired. Minimum provision for plumbing should be: — one water closet per ten women; one shower per ten women; one lavatory per six women; one bath tub per twenty-five women. Require- ments other than these should be the same as suggested for men's units. Toilet accommodations, with quarters, for the matron and resident help should be provided. Laundry facilities, sufficient to enable the lodgers to do washing of clothes, should be provided in the basement. The kitchen should have outside access, and be separated from the dining room by a service pantry. STORES AND APARTMENTS The reason for including stores as a part of the necessities is because of the partial or complete isolation of the usual industrial development from such necessary service units. The element of isolation may require, in connection with the store, provision for 342 INDUSTRIE HOUSING living quarters to accommodate the store owner or whomso- ever shall have charge of the business. In some instances it will be found economical to arrange a store room as a part of a regu- lar private dwelling house. The size of store room thus obtained, however, is impractical except for use as a very modest confec- tionery, shoemaker's shop, or some such less important but nevertheless serviceable unit. An economy can be effected by creating a multiple unit, com- posed of several stores and apartments above the same. This also allows greater variation as to size of store rooms, for when Fig. 53. — A group store building, Yorkship Village. properly designed, the space can be subject to many subdivi- sions, permitting small or large store units as desired. Again, the location of apartments for rent in the second and third stories over stores may present an economical solution for certain prob- lems. The arrangement on Collings Road, Yorkship Village at Camden, N. J., is an illustration. (See Fig. 53.) In the larger units, the inability to forecast when the apart- ments will be occupied by those operating the stores requires that they be designed to permit renting, either separately or together. In either case- there should be provided a private entrance door and stairs leading to the apartments located on the second floor. BUI 1. DISCS OTHER THAN HOUSES 343 A rear door and service stair should be provided for each apart- ment and a rear door for each store. A stairway, which in most cases can be arranged under the stairs leading to apartments, should be provided to allow cir- culation from store room to a portion of the basement divided off for use as a stock or storage room for the store. In addition, an exterior hatchway stair should be provided for bringing in supplies, and as a means for reaching the basement for the apart- ment tenant, when the apartment is rented separately. In this case a portion of the basement should be divided off for use as a laundry. The method of heating the building will depend upon how the building is to be operated. If a janitor is to be employed by the owner, a central heating plant should be provided in a portion of the basement separated from the portions allotted to the various tenants, and the rentals fixed at a figure to cover heating. If a janitor is not to be employed, individual heating units must be provided for each portion of the building subject to a separate rental. The latter method frequently results in serious conflict, and the first cost is large. Therefore, it is suggested that gen- erally, inasmuch as stores and apartments are usually rented together, a single unit heating system be provided for each pair; and, in the event that the storekeeper desires to sublet the apartment, he be obliged to furnish the heat therewith. Requirements of Store Rooms. — While no exact information can be given, the average size for a retail grocery store, drug store or butcher shop, catering to an ordinary, sized suburban trade, is approximately 1,000 to 1,200 sq. ft. in area. Fixtures, whether furnished by the owner or lessee, should be provided as an item separate and apart from the general contract for the building. Some plan, however, for a general arrange- ment of such furniture, so as to allow freedom of circulation, should be kept in mind, in order to design the store space intel- ligently with a view to future service. The finished floor should be a good grade of rift sawed, yellow pine, tongue and grooved flooring, with an oil finish, laid on a counter base of 8-inch flooring. A sink with hot and cold running water should be furnished in the store room, and a toilet provided in the cellar. Show windows of a size and character to satisfactorily display goods should be designed. These will be further considered in a later discussion on exterior appearance of the building. 344 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Posts should be eliminated as far as possible. This may mean arranging store units in suitable widths in order to allow- clear spans without use of excessively large beams and girders. Transoms over doors and windows in exterior walls should be provided to insure ventilation and light. Care should be exer- cised to prevent the windows interfering with shelving and to insure the best use of wall space for stacking goods. Electric lighting should be provided, with lights controlled by switch at a panel board. Lights for show windows should be controlled either by local snap switches or by separate controls on the main panel board. A gas pilot light should be arranged for use in emergency cases and for burning at night. Requirements of Apartments. — General minimum requirements listed for similar types under general housing apply with equal force to apartments. Buildings, in which the apartments partake of the nature of duplex apartments, should not be over two stories in height unless permitted otherwise by ordinance. They need not be fireproof, except where the store room is used as a garage, in which case that particular portion of the building must be entirely fireproof. In store buildings of three stories the apartments should be subject to fire protection, insofar as enclosing stairs and stair halls with masonry walls and providing fire escapes suitably located so as to serve each apartment. Exterior Appearance. — The feature of exterior appearance which will need careful handling to avoid a feeling of commercial- ism and lack of refinement, is the show window. To make store buildings harmonize in design with the rest of the development, best results can be obtained by arranging the show windows in the form of square or octagonal bays. This treatment lends an impression of domesticity and offers several points of practical advantage. First, in order to further the interest of general harmony in the placing of the building with relation to neighboring dwellings, this permits the projecting of bays which would not be possible in city stores built close to the sidewalk line. Second, in many stores a screen, dwarf partition may be placed across the bay opening, on a line with the main building wall. This serves as a vertical plane to back up the display and at the same time makes the problem of heating easier, as it partly takes care of the large glass exposure. BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES 345 In stores which require heavy deliveries of goods, facilities for handling the merchandise should be so arranged that ease of access for delivery trucks will be obtained and also that such features will be seen as little as possible. SPECIAL SERVICE BUILDINGS In addition to stores it will often be found necessary to include in the development other service buildings, in order to supply the needs of the community, such as laundry, refrigerating plant and bakery. The service rendered by these units does not make it necessary to intrude them as integral parts of the housing scheme. In fact they should be segregated as much as possible, as they are not likely to prove attractive to the residential districts. Combined Building. — If the operation of these units is to be conducted by the industry sponsoring the development, or even by private enterprise, in such a manner that they could all be provided for in one building, considerable economy would result. This would not only be true in building cost, but also in operation, as less help would be employed and the delivery feature would be simplified. To illustrate further the economy which could be realized by housing all these service features in one building, a type of building for the purpose is herewith suggested. The building would con- sist of a two story structure and basement, the first floor to be of sufficient height above grade to allow ample opportunity for lighting and thoroughly ventilating the basement in which would be located the laundry. A portion of the first floor would be used as garage space, being so designed as to come approximately at grade level. The remainder of the first floor would be used as a refrigerating plant, general office and a room for use as a shop and supply room, in connection with the garage. The second floor would be used as the bakery. An elevator, of sufficient capacity to serve for both laundry and bakery, should be in- cluded in the design, so located as not only to serve both these units but also to open directly on the shipping platform. By this arrangement, economy from multiple units would obtain and, in addition, one garage space with shop and supply room, as well as one heating system and power plant, only, would be necessary; whereas those features would have to exist in each building if arranged in separate units. Naturally the features 346 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING enumerated when occurring in the multiple unit would be larger than in each of the separate units, but they would be far less expensive so combined than as three separate units. The building as outlined above should be of fireproof construc- tion, with a floor load of three hundred pounds for the first floor and one hundred and fifty pounds for the second floor. The roof might be of regular wood construction, either pitched or flat as desired, providing in either case sufficient roof air space is obtained. In the event of the units being built either as separate buildings or as a multiple unit, the requirements as to capacity and equip- ment would be the same. In order to give an idea as to what would be necessary in this respect, the following information is given. Laundry Capacity. — The size of laundry required will depend not so much upon the number of houses as upon the class of the people to be served and the number of persons housed in boarding houses. In addition to these requirements, work to be done for the offices and workrooms of the factory, when such are located close at hand, must be fully estimated. We will assume an hypothetical case of a laundry, capable of turning out a certain amount of work per day, and on this basis give a list of the equipment required and the size of the build- ing which will be necessary to accommodate such equipment. For the purpose of this illustration, take a laundry of such capacity as to be able to turn out approximately 1600 lb. of laund- ered goods per day of eight hours. The average weights of various articles is presented in order to give an idea as to what the proposed capacity would mean when translated into num- ber of things to be laundered: Man's shirt, one pound; underwear (summer), 34 lb- ; (winter) 1^ lb. Woman's shirt waist, 34 lb.; muslin petti- coat, % lb. Double bed sheet, 2 lb. Bath towel, 3^ lb.; face towel, 34 1°.; small hand towel, }£ lb. Bed spread, 4 lb. Handkerchiefs, 34 lb- P er dozen. Collars, z /± lb. per dozen. Table Cloth, 2 lb. Napkin, % lb. In a family of two parents and two children, the average wash- ing is about 30 lb. per week, and since the proposed laundry could handle 9,600 lb. in six working days, 320 families could be served. Such a laundry, to be properly balanced in its mechanical equipment, should include the following machines: — Hill. discs other THAN HOUSES 347 Two Washers, 36 in. by 54 in.— 2.0 H.P. Two Electric Irons and One Extractor, 30 in. — 5.0 H.P. Special Boards One Flat Work Ironer 100 in.— 0.3 H.P. One Soap Tank One Dry Tumbler 30 in. by 42 in.— 1.5 H.P. Two Metal Truck Tubs. A minimum area of about 560 sq. ft., is necessary to house I his equipment. "When smaller plants are desired, the best policy is to arrange the machines in any combination desired and oper- ate them as a group or unit by one motor. Such group units are made up and carried in stock by leading manufacturers of laundry equipment. All the machines should be motor driven. High pressure steam should be run to the washers, flat Work ironer and dry tumbler; but, if necessary, heating by gas or elec- tricity may be substituted. In addition to the laundry proper, a room in connection with the same should be planned to be used as a sorting and marking room. Bakery Arrangement. — The size of the bakery, like the laundry, depends upon local conditions of demand, and these offer such a wide variation that, here again, the discussion must center around an hypothetical illustration. However, before going into a special case, a list of articles of equipment for any bakery will be suggested. The list should include the following: An oven, preferably a portable type made of sheet steel, as this is less cumbersome, more easily installed and requires no special provisions in the way of foundation or general building construction than an ordinary kitchen range. In connection with the oven there should be a proof oven for rais- ing the dough preliminary to the baking. A combination piece of equipment, in which will be found a flour bin, elevator, flour sifter, dough mixer and cake mixer, operated as a unit by electric current, will be both economical and efficient. A small stove should be furnished for cooking boiled custards, icings and for the mixing of various ingredients requiring heating. There should also be suitable cases for keeping utensils and gen- eral supplies. A refrigator, in close connection with the bakery, will be necessary. A sink with hot and cold running water and a number of work tables used in the preparation of the bakery products should be located conveniently to both mixing machine and oven. One of such table should be fitted with pan rack. The installation of an ice cream freeze]-, ice crusher and also an ice cream cabinet, connected to the refrigeration plant in the case of the 348 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING combined service building is suggested as a desirable feature, although one which is not absolutely necessary. Assuming the case of a bakery, equipped with a three deck oven, with an area of 74 in. X 92 in., and the other apparatus of such a size as to make a well balanced unit, the capacity may be figured as follows: Considering the making of bread alone, it will be found that the oven above specified can bake 310 loaves at one time and, allowing one hour for a baking and 8 hours for a day's run, the output for a day would be 2,480 loaves. This computation is merely to give an idea as to the capacity of the oven and not as a program for its operation, as a part of the time the oven would be in use for baking pies, cakes or other products. In order to house this equipment in a suitable manner, a room with a minimum area of 600 sq. ft. would be required. In ad- dition to the bakery proper, a general store room would be re- quired for keeping a good stock of supplies, and a storage space for stacking the bakery products preparatory to delivery. Refrigerating Plant. — The suggestions offered concerning the ice plant will be based upon an equipment with a capacity of 6,000 lb. a day in standard blocks, weighing 300 lb. each. The apparatus for manufacturing ice herein described is assumed to be of the usual type, operating on the principle of the evaporation of a more or less volatile liquid, this being maintained by a vapor compression machine. The principal parts are a refrigerator or evaporator, a compression pump, and a condenser. The con- denser, compression machine, motor, centrifugal pump, dehydra- tors, air receivers, air pump and filters are located adjacent to the ice making tank or refrigerator. In the case where such tank occurs on the first floor, the refrigerating machinery may be lo- cated directly under it in the basement. The size of receptacle required for the ice making tank, figured to the outside of the insulation, should be about 10 ft. 10 in., by 11 ft. 2 in., by 4 ft. 8 in. in depth. This sized tank holds twenty cans, each yielding a 300-lb. cake of ice. A freezing requires about eighteen hours, the daily capacity can be figured at 6000 pounds. In event the tank is constructed with space under it, the floor should be waterproofed with great care. A water tank should be located in close connection with the ice making tank, and on the same level as the refrigerator. The water, which has been partially cooled, is run from the tank into the cans, which serve as moulds for making the cakes of ice. BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES \\\\\ A light type of traveling crane should be installed for lifting the cans out of the refrigerator after the ice has been made. They are then run down to a platform at the end of the refrigera- tor and deposited on a specially designed ice chute. Hot water is poured on the can and the ice, after mell Lag slightly, is released and slides down the chute through a door, which automatically opens under pressure of the ice block and closes after the ice has entered the storage room. The platform for handling the ice must be well waterproofed and provided with a drain, as much dripping of water occurs. The ice storage room should be insulated with cork throughout floors, walls and ceiling. The door that admits the ice from theice handling room should be of special design just large enough to allow the ice to pass through. The door from the ice storage space to shipping platform should be also of special design and should follow the character of doors used in large refrigerators. The ice handling room should be about 8 ft. 6 in. by 11 ft. (> in., and the ice storage room large enough to permit the keeping of a surplus stock of at least 12,000 pounds. Hospital. — Medical service is one of the needs which cannot be left to work itself out. Since in many cases the inducements offered for such service, in compensation and living conditions, especially in the smaller developments, are not sufficiently at- tractive, community action will be necessary to insure the benefits of competent medical attention. This, in its simplest form, should result in the establishment of a dispensary in charge of a resident physician, and in the employment of a visiting nurse. This first modest measure for safeguarding the general health may be all that the situation demands. Many developments will not require the establishment of a general hospital, for the reason that they are either close to a larger community in which hospitals exist, or because they are close to an industrial plant in which an emergency hospital is maintained. There will be found, however, many isolated industrial developments where the provision of a hospital will be an absolute necessity. Even where, for the present, they have been considered as not altogether essential, it is probable that the growing demand for general dispensary service will eventually result in the establishment of such a unit . There are many advantages to be obtained by incorporating such units as a part of the general plan. Not only can belter 350 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING treatment be given the sick, but also there is available the im- measurable service of good nursing, which is quite impossible in many crowded private dwellings. The hospital serves further as a barrier against the spread of contagious diseases and as an almost indispensable help in time of such need. In order that it may not be an undue economic burden to the community or to the company operating the development, the hospital should be designed so that a portion, only, need be built at first, and enlarged to keep pace with the general growth of the community. Moreover, the design should be studied so that the building at any stage of its development should look finished, and at the same time have the building appear, when complete, as though it had been built all at one time. As such design occupies a special field of its own, this is not the place to express details. It may be suggested, however, that this may be done by employing a plan in which a central portion acts as a key for the complete building. The future additions will be- come radiating wings connected to the central structure, thus making it possible to segregate any portion as occasion demands. BUILDINGS FOR SOCIAL NEEDS Churches. — The diverse character of structures required by different denominations and creeds makes suggestions on the subject of churches difficult. While the desire for such buildings by the people will no doubt necessitate their ultimate provision, greater satisfaction will be obtained by permitting the people themselves to determine the character of these buildings. Whatever the expressed tendency of the people may be as to the kind of church preferred, the design should be as informal as is possible to maintain a churchly feeling and expression. In the large developments it will often be necessary to provide two or more such edifices to meet the demands of varying forms of worship. The seating capacity and facilities will depend largely upon the denomination, population and the desires of the people. School Houses. — The necessity for school buildings in an indus- trial development may be due either to complete isolation from already established institutions, or to lack of accommodations in existing public school buildings, which makes it impossible to take care of the sudden influx of population. While a great amount of study and care has been given to the large city schools, the problem of the small school has been neg- BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES 351 lected. The result has been thai either buildings of the most primitive character have been provided, or when the demand for something more than the "little country school" prevailed,, pretentious imitations of city schools have been resorted to. These, like most imitations, have generally failed of being satisfactory, because in the endeavor to gain a semblance not justified, the more important considerations of economy and appropriateness have been for the most part ignored. Urban and rural developments require school buildings of different character. In t he former, high land values demand that less proper! y be used for this purpose than may be allowed in the rural development. The result will be that the architectural character of the building thus obtained will harmonize better with the general housing; which, following the same line of reason- ing, runs more to the larger multiple unit in the urban than in the rural community. This should not be interpreted to mean the building of a small imitation city school for the particular use of an urban development, but should rather result in the building of a real city school by cooperating with the officers of the community at large, and making it an extension of the regular public school administration. This action narrows the problems of the school house to such an extent that its consideration here would only be necessary for the rural districts. For these districts, the "Pavilion T/vpe School" offers so many advantages, that it would appear to be the logical type to use. This school building is a one story structure, built in units, the general plan of which may be subject to any treatment desired. It is particularly adaptable to rural districts, in that it provides accommodations only as they are needed; and as each addition is in the form of a complete architectural unit, the project at all times gives the appearance of a completed plan. The rather extravagant use of property is justifiable in view of the low property costs. Some of the more important advantages obtained by the use of this type are as follows: 1. Architectural harmony with the general housing is possible, be- cause the design of the small units can be maintained in style with the smaller detached house unit, which is the logical house type for this kind of a development. 2. The units, being one story structures of moderate size and semi- detached, are readily provided with ample light and ventilation. 352 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING 3. The fire hazard is reduced to a minimum and no expensive provi- sions for fire protection are necessary; moreover, the most economical methods of construction may be employed. 4. The covered passageways between classroom units may serve as outdoor classrooms under favorable weather conditions. 5. The initial structure need not make provision for facilities which will be necessary with future growth, but which are not needed at the inception of the town. Theatres. — The moving picture theatre presents one of the most common forms of entertainment for an industrial com- munity development. It is an economic factor. First, the building itself, differs from the regular theatre in that it needs no complicated stage with equipment, and is inexpensive in con- struction. Second, the low admission price puts it within the reach of the lowest paid worker. Third, the length of time con- sumed in presenting one complete performance makes possible two or more performances a night and allows a small seating capacity to meet the demand of a large number of people. The capacity of the theatre will depend upon the size of the community. To arrive at an approximate seating capacity required, it is suggested that seats be provided to accommodate every evening one person from each family and one person out of every four single workers. Considering exterior appearance, again it is suggested that the intent of the general development in the observance of archi- tectural style be followed. Whether building codes or ordinances govern its construction or not, the theatre should include the provisions that are gen- erally accepted as proper safeguards in case of fire or panic. Most important among such recommendations will be the pro- vision of fire exits marked with suitable guiding signs and lights, and fitted with doors to swing out, giving access to outside fire escapes or areas open to the street. These exits should exist on two sides of the building, in addition to the main front entrance. Community House. — There are a number of general community activities which may be provided for separately or together under one general management. Such general community features as recreation fields, play grounds, assembly halls, day nurseries, club houses and gymnasia, must finally be provided in a well balanced, healthy community. Whether they shall be a part of the general predetermined scheme or whether thay shall result as a spontaneous expression on the part of the people is a matter BUILDINGS OTHER THAN HOUSES 353 of policy to be determined by the promoters of the development. If the latter policy is observed, nothing need be suggested here, except to provide a place and an appropriate setting in the general plan, as the desires of the particular people concerned will become manifest as the idea develops. However, some modest provision for service of this kind should be made, as a stimulus to community life. With this end in view, which shall be so limited as to leave opportunity for freedom by the people in the pursuit of their social activities, a general com- munity house is suggested. The house should provide suitable space for the following elements of service : 1. A day nursery. 2. A gymnasium (separate wash rooms and showers for sexes). 3. A kindergarten. 4. Four or five classrooms. If circumstances require, these additional features may be added : 5. A bathroom in connection with nursery. 6. Two club rooms. 7. A general assembly room. 8. A general dining room. 9. A kitchen. 10. A diet kitchen in connection with nursery. 11. Quarters for the matron and help. In addition, a playground should be provided. A building so constituted would permit working mothers to leave their children, secure in the knowledge that they would be well cared for. Such children as were of an age to attend the regular school could not only go to the community house for luncheon, but after school return to enjoy the privileges of the playground, or the gymnasium in inclement weather. Sewing classes for women and girls and general courses of study for adults could be offered at night, as well as the privi- lege of using the gymnasium and club rooms. The assembly hall could serve for a general meeting place, for holding of dances, giving general lectures and many other forms of entertainment. In a word, the community house would bespeak welfare work, and by having the various community activities under one general management and in one building, reduce the operation and build- ing costs and maintenance to a minimum. 23 CHAPTER XII ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION Organization and Planning — Contract and Specifica- tions — Supervision of Construction ORGANIZATION AND PLANNING Character and Scope. — In the development of an industrial housing project the effective organization and wise direction of a competent and experienced personnel is a prime requisite to success, if the result is to be judged on the basis of economy, attractiveness, saleability and good living conditions. To a large extent satisfactory results will depend, first, upon the selection of fully competent and experienced services, and second, upon the laying down of carefully considered and coordinated organiza- tion, planning and construction policies. The expert services of the engineer, the town planner, the architect, the realtor and the constructor: — all are required. And the several problems falling within the province of each are to be solved, so that the solutions may be not only technically correct, but also economi- cally sound, and so that the way each thing is done may bear the proper relation to the scheme as a whole. Group Management. — The building of a housing project can neither be considered as wholly an architectural nor an engineering problem, but rather as a merging of opinions and talents of each profession into a consistent conception. As there are a multitude of elements which enter into the final plan, the factors of control and coordination become most important, and it is therefore neces- sary to work out a practical form of organization and to formulate the policies of procedure in accordance with which the work shall proceed. Executive Control. — A close contact between the owner and the organization provided to manage and supervise the development is essential. This can best be accomplished by the designation of an official by the owner, upon whom the necessary 354 ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 355 authority is conferred to fix policies, 1o make decisions, to execute contracts, to expend funds and to exercise similar important functions. The direction of the work and the immediate control of the housing organization should be centralized in an executive, who possesses the necessary qualifications of leadership and who has had the necessary experience in directing the planning and construction of large projects. Special t raining in directing the design and in technical details will be most helpful, providing the man also has business experience and executive ability. Organization Chart. — The details of the organization for plan- ning and supervising the operation, as indicated in the suggested chart (see Fig. 54), will depend upon the extent and character of the work to be handled. Modifications in the initial form of organization will necessarily be made from time to time as the work proceeds. The services for some will be merely of an ad- visory nature; for others, they will be required during part or all of the work. The administrative department, with a force of employees and assistants, varied to suit the requirements, will be needed throughout the life of the organization; while the greater part of those engaged upon the surveys, designs and plans can be dispensed with upon their completion, except for those neces- sarily retained to direct construction. The construction department may not be organized until active construction work is about to begin. When the scope of the work is relatively small, the size of the organization may be accordingly reduced and simplified, by consolidation of duties and functions. Large projects will require a greater subdivision than that assumed in the typical organization chart. The general object to be sought in starting an organization, is such a division and delegation of responsibility and authority, under proper control, as will enable each employee to handle definite duties and functions, with a clear understanding of the measure and limits of his authority. Method of Procedure. — The controlling features, requirements and policies should bo laid down at the outset and a program of procedure in preliminary form should then be adopted. The earlier the method of procedure is decided upon, the less likeli- hood there will be of incurring delays and costly mistakes. The object of working out a well considered plan of procedure is to assure the orderly and economic prosecution of the work and various stages, and to avoid loss of effort, duplication and 356 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING conflict in authority. Such a plan may be considered as analog- ous to a routing plan in a manufacturing process; beginning with Administration Office Management Stenographic Clerical Filing Records Auditing Accounting Payrolls Financial Statements Payments Collections Executive Authority Management Legal Real Estate Financial Planning and Design Construction Engineering Surveys Designs Contracts and Specifications Record Plans Town Plannin g Street Arrange- ment Block, and Lot Subdivision Landscape Treatment Planting Parks Playgrounds •— Architecture House plans Public Build- ings Other Build- ings Materials and Plant Purchasing Quotations and Bids Orders Traffic Bills of Material Requisitions Checking Inspection Storage Delivery Labor Employment Superintendence Commissary Field _ Accounting Tirrfe keeping Distribution of Costs Reports Supervision Lines & .grades Inspection Fig. 54. — Organization chart indicating form of organization for the planning and supervision of an important industrial housing project. the making of the designs and working drawings, then passing from department to department and from shop to shop; all in accordance with a carefully prearranged scheme, the finished ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF COXSTltrcriOX '.\'u article finally emerges a completed product, conforming in all respects to the requirements. Elements of Program. — The ordinary procedure, after first having ascertained the general need of housing, is about as follows: (a) Determination of housing requirements, astothenumher — general type and allowable cost of houses; the method of disposition— as to whet her the houses will be rented or sold, or held by a copartnership company, or by a combination of methods; determination of the approxi- mate amount that can be expended upon the development of the site and in providing street improvements and utilities. The foregoing constitutes a general survey of the situation and leads to definite conclusions as to the housing requirements, the best method of providing housing and the approximate, or the allowable, cost thereof. (6) Investigation of available sites, suitable for the number and type of houses determined upon as a result of the previous study ; this involves consideration of the relative advantages and costs of development of alternative sites; requiring comparisons between costs of land, of prepa- ration of the sites, and of building complete developments. (c) Acquisition of site, including examination of title, property survey, preparation of map, and purchase. (d) Topographical surveys and detail map; preliminary study of the town plan and of lot subdivision; studies of types of houses, including development of preliminary sketches, floor plans and elevations and schedules of estimated cost, based upon local data; development of preliminary plans for lot grading, street improvements and utilities, to a sufficient extent to determine the general character and approximate cost; preparation of preliminary budget, based upon the information and data developed in the foregoing studies. (c) Review, criticism and revision of the preliminary plans and esti- mates, leading up to the adoption and approval of definite general plans; estimates of the cost of the several parts of the work and the prepara- tion of a definite budget of cost. (/) Preparation of detailed construction and working drawings, to- gether with construction specifications; filing and recording plans with proper authorities; arrangements with public utility companies. (g) Award of contracts: including invitation to bidders, receiving and comparison of bids, award and execution of contracts. (h) Construction program, records of progress, accounting, and super- vision and inspection of work. (i) Preparation of record plans and drawings. 358 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Necessity for Budget. — The preparation of a budget, herein- before referred to in discussing procedure, is necessary; both as a guide and criterion to follow, in working out the plans and designs for the development, and also as a means of financial control of construction. Complete data must be at hand in order that those in executive charge shall have full knowledge as to the ultimate cost to be incurred, and as to the expense and advisa- bility of changes, and so that decisions may be based at all times upon careful analyses of facts. The budget should be based upon carefully prepared detailed estimates of the cost of the various items of work, and should be conveniently summarized by grouping into main items. The preliminary budget will necessarily be based on approximate information, and, therefore, should be an approximate distribu- tion or apportionment of a certain limiting expenditure per lot or per house. After the site has been selected and the definite plans developed, the final budget may be prepared, and where the cost of any part of the work exceeds the amount allotted to it, the necessary modifications in the plans can then be made. Analysis of the budget from time to time will indicate the advisability of increasing the allotments for some and decreasing those for other portions of the work, so that modifications in the apportionment of the expenditure, but not necessarily in the sum total, may conveniently be made from time to time. The neces- sary degree of flexibility must be provided in the budget, to take care of variations in the labor and materials market and in business conditions. This is provided for by allowing a contin- gent expense of from 10 to 15 per cent. Suggested Contents. — The following is a suggested form of bud- get for general use in the development of an isolated housing project. Certain items, such as the installation of water, gas or electric service, if supplied by and at the cost of a public utility company, would not be included, except to the extent that the builders or owners may pay in annual service charges: 1. Cost of Land. — Including legal services, recording, property survey and purchase cost. 2. General Site Improvements. — Clearing, general site grading, etc. 3. Houses. — Listed by number and type. 4. Buildings other than Houses. — Including stores, community and public buildings, schools, churches, etc. 5. Lot Improvements. — Including grading, seeding, sodding and plant- ing; fences, housewalks. ADMINISTRA TION ANDSl TERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 359 G. Street Improvements. — Grading; curbs and gutters; pavements; sidewalks; seeding, sodding and planting in planting strips and other open spaces on streets; catch basins and inlets, including connections. 7. Parks and Playgrounds. — Boulevards and parkways, including grading, construction and adornment. 8. Water Supply and Distribution. — Supply, including pumping sta- tions, reservoirs, supply mains, filter plants, etc.; distribution system. 8a. House Services. — House to curb and curb to main, may be sepa- rated in jurisdiction and chargeability. 9. Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. — Collection system; outfalls; sewage disposal plant. 9a. House Connections.— (Excluding any portion included in house contract.) 10. Storm Water Drainage System.— Collection system, main drains, etc. 10a. House Connections. — (Excluding any portion included in house contract.) 11. Central Heating Plant. — Supply, distribution and house connec- tions. 12. Refuse Disposal. — Incinerators or other disposal equipment. 13. Gas Supply and Distribution. — Supply, distribution system and house connections. 14. Electric Supply and Distribution.— -Supply , distribution system and house connections. 15. Street Lighting. — Supply, circuits, poles, lamps, etc. 16. General Overhead. — Including professional services, engineering, architectural and town planning; administrative, financial manage- ment and general expenses during organization and construction; con- tractors' profit and all charges which cannot be charged to any of the foregoing items, and for which a separate charge is not set up. Where the work is done directly by the owner, or under some of the forms of cost plus contracts, it may be desirable to set up separate charges for such items as railroad siding and yards, temporary storage yards, and other general items of construc- tion; otherwise, where not so charged, these costs are distributed among the various items of the budget. Construction Policies. — An early decision should be reached as to the policy to be followed in carrying on construction, in order that the plans and specifications may be drawn in conform- ity therewith. In making this decision, a choice must first be made between having the owner do the work directly, or by force account, utilizing his own construction organization, purchasing ma! crials, hiring labor and buying or renting plant; and having 360 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING the work done by an independent organization under some form of construction contract. Force Account. — Construction by force account may be carried on where the owner t maintains a permanent construction department with competent personnel, or where an engineering organization, which has demonstrated its capacity for handling work in this manner, is employed. In such cases the owner assumes all of the risks and performs all of the functions which would be divided between himself and the contractor on a con- tract job. His organization will therefore have to be practically as large as the combined organizations of owner and contractor, and under ordinary circumstances no advantage can be obtained by handling the work in this manner, sufficient to offset the super- ior organization, experience and plant of a reliable and experi- enced contractor. On force account work, no contract need be drawn and general specifications need not be so formal, but if satisfactory work is to be assured the plans and technical specifications should be fully as complete as on contract work, in order to guide and instruct those in immediate charge of the various portions of the job. In other respects, the discussion of construction problems below will apply to force account work, with due allowance for the identity of owner and contractor. Contract. — If the work is to be done by contract, various forms of contract are to be considered, each having particular advan- tages and disadvantages. The essential differences between them are in the method of payment and in the degree of risk and financial responsibility assumed by the contractor. The princi- pal forms and their chief characteristics are as follows: Lump Sum Contract. — In this form of contract the contractor fur- nishes all labor, tools and materials and executes the work complete; accepts all risks, and receives in payment therefor a stipulated lump sum amount, which includes all of his costs and profits. The contract, drawings and specifications must be in unusually complete detail, if this form of contract is to be entered into, in order that the contractor may be fully informed and estimate the cost of the work, and to obviate subsequent controversies. Unit Price Contracts. — Similar to the foregoing, except that payment is made on the basis of prices bid per unit of measurement, which may be per cubic yard, per lineal foot, per pound, or other unit. Cost Phis a Fee Contract. — Under this form the contractor executes the work in conformity with the plans and specifications, charges the ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF ( 'ONSTRl VTION 3G1 full cost of labor, tools and materials to the owner, and receives in pay- ment for services and for furnishing supervision and plant a fixed fee. Some forms of contract provide for a sliding scale fee which increases or decreases in inverse proportion to the cost of the work, within certain stipulated limits. Cost Plus a Percentage Contract. — This is somewhat similar to the preceding form, except that the contractor receives as profit and com- pensation, a stipulated percentage of the actual cost of the work. The percentage may be fixed or may decrease or increase inversely with the cost of the work. The chief advantage of the lump sum form of contract is that the cost of the work included is definitely fixed by the contract price agreed upon. With a stable market for labor and materials and for work of relatively small amount, the fixed price form of contract, or its. companion the unit price contract, has many ad- vantages; but under such conditions as have existed during and subsequent to the Great War, there has been a general disin- clination on the part of many contracting firms to enter into this form of contract. There are many elements, such as the cost and supply of labor and materials, car shortage, and other factors, which are beyond control and which constitute an abnormal degree of risk and possible financial loss. Contractors are, therefore, unwilling to enter into this form of contract, unless a very large allowance is made in the bid to take care of the risk involved. Where the amount of the contract is relatively small, the ele- ment of risk on account of the foregoing factors is not so material, and it is therefore often possible, even though the greater part of the work is executed under a different form of contract, to do certain parts, such as grading or the installation of sewers or other utilities, under the unit price contract. And it is further the practice of contractors, in taking large contracts on a cost-plus basis, to have certain parts of the work done by subcontractors at lumpsum or unit prices. In order to provide for this, contracts on a cost-plus basis may stipulate that certain parts of the work may be, upon approval of the owner, sublet by the general contractor. Assuming that the contractor is fully competent, and experi- enced and that lie has adequate plant, capital and organization, and is in every respect dependable and reliable, there is, under present day conditions, a general feeling that the cost-plus form 362 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING of contract, or some of its modifications, will give better results and be more equitable to both parties than the lump sum or unit price contract. In this form of contract, the owner pays the actual cost of the work, plus a reasonable profit to the contractor for his services. The cost-plus form of contract is more difficult to administer and supervise than others, and the success of the undertaking will, to a certain extent, be dependent upon the degree of confi- dence existing between the parties. While the contract, in general, provides that any losses or costs, due to the negligence, incompetence or carelessness of the contractor, shall be charged to and be borne by him, it is difficult to clearly establish re- sponsibility when controversies arise, and it is therefore extremely important that discretion and judgment be exercised in selecting the contractor. Selection of Contractor. — The selection of the contractor, or contractors, deserves much more consideration than is often given. While a definite legal and binding agreement is abso- lutely necessary in fairness to both sides, yet the relation must be premised on mutual confidence between the contracting parties. Regardless of the provisions of the contract, either party as a matter of fact may be subject to losses, direct or indirect; so that the highest measure of protection is found in mutual confidence between those entering into the obligation. Proposals should be entertained only from contractors who can furnish full, com- plete and satisfactory information and assurance as to their experience and ability to perform the work in a satisfactory manner within the stipulated time. This will involve the consideration of many factors, including : — the extent, experience and ability of the contractor's organiza- tion; the working capital and resources; the amount and character of plant and equipment; history and past performances as to satisfactory work and promptness of completion; reputation, credit and character of the contracting company. While it is in general good business policy to take advantage of the lowest price offered, the question of price must be considered as only one of the items and factors which enter into the most advanta- geous arrangement, and frequently it is one of the lesser items. Adequate and satisfactory service has its market price, and the proposal to do a certain amount of work for considerably less than the price which is reasonably estimated for it, unless based ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 363 upon superior organization, equipment or methods, should be viewed with suspicion. CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS Purpose of Contract. -The purpose of the contract is to define clearly the scope of the work to be included, and the responsibili- ties and obligations of the contracting parties; to establish the basis of payment, and to define the extent of the services to be furnished and the work to be done by the contractor. The contract should include the general provisions, or articles of agreement, detail or technical specifications, the contract draw- ings and plans, and the supplementary or detailed drawings re- quired as the work proceeds and the terms of payment. The conditions and provisions of the contract will necessarily vary with its form and basis, and must further be adjusted to suit each particular locality and condition. General Provisions.— Particular consideration should be given to the formulation of the following provisions of the con- tract : (a) A clear and complete statement as to the extent and character of the work, which forms the basis of the contract. (b) A concise statement as to the basis of payment for labor, tools and material, and, in the cost-plus form of contract, a definition of the elements included in the contractor's profit. (c) Stipulation as to time of completion of the work included in the contract, with provision in the unit price or lump sum contract for the payment of liquidated damages by the contractor, in the event of fail- ure to so complete within the stipulated time. (d) Bond, of surety or trust company, to be furnished by the con- tractor, as a quarantee of faithful performance of the contract and dis- charge of its obligations. (e) Definition of the contractor's responsibilities and obligations with particular regard to damage to persons or property, and the observance of laws and ordinances. (/) Provision for the doing of additional or extra work, not specifically provided for in the contract or specifications. (g) Alterations or modifications in the contract plans or specifications. (h) Settlement of disputes; should provide a mutually equitable method of settling any disputes or controversies which may arise in the course of the execution of the work. (t) Provision for cancellation of part or all of the contract. U) Terms of payment to the contractor. 364 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING Specifications. — The purpose of specifications is to supplement the contract and the drawings, by giving additional information and instructions as to the materials to be furnished and the man- ner in which the work is to be done. The specifications further serve the contractor as a guide to the requirements of the work in preparing his bid, and as a manual of instructions to those supervising the work. Specifications can most conveniently be arranged by grouping the general requirements as to labor and materials and workman- ship, which are common to a number of items of work, into general specifications; and then providing detail specifications for the various parts or items into which the requirements of the general specifications are read and which contain, in addition, the provi- sions applying to the particular items or classes of work. Where the work is on the unit price basis, particular attention must be given to clearly stating the work included in the price bid and the basis of its measurement and payment. SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION The extent of the organization to supervise construction will depend upon the extent of the work and the form of contract under which it is to be executed. In any event, the force must be organized to give general supervision, to inspect the materials and workmanship, to give the necessary lines and grades for the construction, and to keep records of progress and for certification of payments. Where the work is done on a cost-plus basis, there must further be provision for financial control, for timekeeping and checking of labor, materials and bills, and, if the materials are to be purchased by the owner, a purchasing department must be included. It will be necessary that the owner have sufficient control over the work to insure that the contract is carried out in accordance with its terms and that his interests are fully protected. To this end it is necessary and advisable to supervise the construction with the same degree of care as that followed in the preparation ot the plans and designs. A construction superintendent or manager should be placed in immediate charge of the work, and should report directly to the executive officer in general charge. Construction Problems. — Adequate consideration must be given to a number of problems which arise in construction, both . 1 DM / A / S 77,'. 1 TION . 1 A I) SI 1'ER VISION OF CONSTRUCTION 365 to see that suitable provisions for their solution are included in the contract and that they are satisfactorily carried out in the field. These include the following: Program. — A program of the order in which construction is to be carried out should be devised at the inception of the work. This will provide for the rate and sequence of the various opera- tions, enable materials to be ordered and distributed without delay and confusion, and prevent the interference of one part of the work with other parts. The details of the program will depend upon the size of the undertaking, and the extent to which plant and equipment can be used and the number and size of labor gangs which can be advantageously and economically employed. Serious delays, loss of time and excessive cost may be incurred by pushing one class of work ahead, to the detriment of the work as a whole. It may not always be possible to adopt the most economical plan of operation, as the demand for speed may be greater than that for economy; but there will be, in every undertaking, a program for any desired rate of progress which will be most economical, and if the time element is to be materially decreased, it can only be accomplished by undergoing excessive construction cost. If construction economy and demand for early completion of the houses were left out of consideration, the most desirable plan would be to first execute the general grading of the site and com- plete /the street improvements and utilities and thereafter build the houses, but it is ordinarily not feasible to follow this plan, as it will generally require two working seasons. It will therefore usually be necessary to make reasonable provision for temporary construction roads and to proceed with the construction of houses, after the rough grading has been done, in one part of the tract, while street improvements and utilities are carried along in another part. By suitably dividing the work into several sections, a continuous use of various sized gangs of labor and skilled workmen may be worked out, which will not only produce more satisfactory labor conditions, but will expedite and reduce the cost of the work. Yards and Delivery of Materials.— The expense of handling materials, in unloading, hauling, storing and delivering is an important item in the cost of construction. Where the size of the work warrants, it will be advisable to extend a siding to and into the tract, provided the cost is not excessive compared 366 INDUSTRIAL HOUSING with that of unloading and trucking from an existing siding. This siding should be extended in such manner as to enable a storage and unloading yard to be developed in a location which will be convenient for the delivery of materials by trucks to the various parts of the tract. Certain of the building materials may be unloaded from the cars directly into trucks, and im- mediately distributed on the work; other materials, such as cement, lime, etc. must be placed in temporary storage buildings for protection from the elements, and hauled to the work as required. Sanitation. — Unless the project is a small one, and particu- larly when the site is remote from built-up districts, the construc- tion of contractors' camps will be required. Such camps will be of temporary construction and will include bunk houses for the laborers, quarters for the superintendents, office men and foremen, a commissary, stables, store houses, blacksmith shop and other buildings and facilities including perhaps a first aid station, or emergency hospital. The site for the camp and the location of the various buildings should be carefully planned with respect to utility, health, sani- tation and convenience. The sanitation of the contractor's camp surroundings and food supply cannot be neglected without running a grave risk of having infectious diseases break out and spread. This will not only delay the work but may create a prejudice which will react against the success of the project. Attention must be given to the housing of the workmen, requiring that the quarters shall be livable and satisfactory with regard to ventilation, cleanliness, and space allowed per man. Satisfactory sanitary standards should be observed in regard to the collection and disposal of garbage and other wastes, and adequate sanitary facilities must be provided. Not only do these things concern the immediate question of health, but they also exert a great influence upon the spirit and efficiency of the workmen. Fire Protection. — Fire protection becomes a very important feature in the construction of a large number of houses in iso- lated districts beyond the service of established fire departments. It will frequently be necessary in such cases to provide temporary means of fire protection until the installation of the water supply distribution system has been completed and permanent fire fighting equipment has been provided and its personnel organ- ADMINISTRA TION AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 367 ized. Such temporary fire protection measures will include the designation of one of the construction men as fire chief, with a sufficient force of men readily available from the construction forces. Fire signals for giving the alarm must be provided and occasional drills held in order to familiarize the men with the facilities and equipment and the methods to be followed. The equipment should consist of an ample number of barrels of water, with buckets suitably marked at each building, and a supply of chemical fire; extinguishers located at specified points. A good system of fire prevention, well managed and directed, and a strictly enforced set of regulations, with systematic inspection of the premises, will be effective, unless conflagrations are started under unusual circumstances. An important provision in the fire regulations should pertain to the location and isolation of buildings containing inflammable or combustible materials. Where the future fire protection service will not be rendered as an extension of an existing municipal service, the permanent fire protection service should be planned at the beginning of construction, and any equipment which can afterwards be used as part of the permanent equipment should be promptly pur- chased and put into service. In any case where the size of the project warrants, chemical fire fighting equipment or hydrants and hose, served by a temporary water supply, should be provided. Temporary Water Supply. — The permanent water supply distribution system should be planned and constructed, so as to minimize as much as possible the extent and cost of temporary water supplies for construction and fire protection purposes. Pending the installation of the permanent lines, it will be neces- sary to lay temporary water lines, which will usually consist of 2-in. screw joint pipe, laid directly on the surface of the ground, with suitable covering at road crossings. Proper consideration must be given to the source of this supply, and provison made for the constant supervision and protection of its sanitarj' quality, if necessary, by the use of disinfection or filtration. Careful study should also be given to the layout of the temporary water dis- tribution system, so that it may conform to the requirements of fire protection, and be as useful as possible in connection with the permanent system. Construction h'ie, Pa., Metric Met;,| Works, 1915. Wood, E. E. The Housing of the Unskilled Wage Earner. New York, Macmillan Co., 1919. Wright, II. Allotment and community Planning. (In National Real Estate Journal, Indianapolis, January l'.». 1920 INDEX Access, see Distance between bouses. Adjacency of home and factory, 40, II Administration of housing develop- ment, sec Housing project. Air lift, see Pumps. Albany Health Department. Rec- ommended standards for dwellings, 300 Allen, Leslie M. Recommended standards for dwellings. 299 Alleys, 91 area, 57 cost of construction, 92 width, 91 Allotment of areas, 55, 57 Alum, see coagulation, under Water purification. American Society of Civil Engineers. Recommendations for maxi- mum street grades, 123 recommendations of camber for pavements, 126 American Water Works Association. Recommendations for hy- drant installation, 1 78 Apartment house, see Houses. Area allowed per house, 57 allowed for streets and alleys, 57 desirable for townsites, 14 for parks and recreat ional facili- ties, 73 for playgrounds, 7ti for recreational purposes, 57 of commercial districts, 67 of gardens, 66 of lots. Effect on cost of public Utilities, L03 of residential lots. 63, 1 12, 113, 116 Army housing, see Cantonment con- struction. Ash disposal, see Waste disposal. Asphalt, see Pavements. Athletic fields, 77 Atlantic Heights project, Ports- mouth, N. H. electric installations, 290 park projects, 74 Attraction of similar industries, 38 Automobile haulage, see Trans- portation facilities. Automobiles. Parking space on st reets, 93 Bacteria in water, see Water. Bakery, 347 Bathrooms, see Houses; Shower baths. Bibliography of industrial housing and related activities, 388 Bituminous pavements, see Pave- ments. Blind streets, see court, under Streets. Blocks. Arrangement, 60, 315 dimensions, 59 grouping of units, 314 preliminary survey, 107 Boarding houses. Bathrooms, 338 billiard rooms, 340 custodian, 336 for single men, 334 for single women, 340 large. 335 lighting, 339 management, 340 mat ron. 3 I I rooms. 339, 341 small. 335 toilet rooms, 338, 341 see also Company boarding bouses; Houses. Boulevards, 7 I, 90, 108 Brainerd, Owen, 111 395 396 INDEX Brick, see Pavements. Buckeye Land Co. Townsite plan, 62 Buckman Village, Chester, Pa., 59 electric installation, 288 park projects, 74 sewerage system, 204, 205 streets, 84 Budget, see Housing project. Building and loan associations, see Loan and realty associa- tions. Building materials, 302, 318, 333 brick, 322, 323 concrete, 134, 320 cost, 322, 323 handling, 365 stucco, 319, 321 wood, 319, 322 see also Houses. Building organization, see, organiza- tion, under Housing pro- ject. Building organizations, 27 Building restrictions, 51 Buildings for special purposes, 345, 350, 358 see also Boarding houses; Churches; Company board- ing houses ; Gymnasium ; Hospitals; Houses; School houses; Store buildings. Bungalows, see Houses. Burnt clay, see Pavements. Business enterprises, see Commercial enterprises. Cable laying, see Electric distribu- tion. Camber, see Pavements. Camps, Army, see Cantonment construction. Camps, Company, see Company towns. Camps, Mining, see Mining camps. Canadian Steel Co., Ltd., Ill Cantonment construction, 8 Catch basins, see Combined sewers; Storm drainage. Catch basins for pavement drain- age, 127 Cellars, see Houses. Cemeteries, 78 Centrifugal pump, see Pumps. Chlorine, see sterilization, under Water purification. Chlorine in water, 160 City planning, 3 Churches, 350 City wastes, see Sewage disposal; Sewerage; Waste disposal. Civic center. Location and ar- rangement, 71 . location in commercial district, 67, 71 see also Community house. Clearance between houses, see Dis- tance between houses. Climate. Effect on selection and development of housing site, 48 effect on water consumption, 151, 152 influence on choice of building materials, 319 Closets, see Houses. Club room, 353 Cobblestone, see Pavements. Collection of waste, see Waste dis- posal. Combined sewers, 219 capacity, 220 catch basins, 221 depth, 221 grades, 220 velocity of sewage flow, 220 Commercial districts. Location and area, 67 Commercial enterprises in average community, 70 municipal supervision, 380 Community. Proportion of work- men's time spent outside of factory, 13 Community center, see Civic center. Community house, 352 see also Civic center. INDEX 397 Company boarding houses. Early stage of industrial housing, 1,6 see also Boarding houses. Company control, see Industrial town. Company housing bureaus, 30 Company-owned houses, 25 Company stores, see Stores. Company town, see Industrial town. Concrete, see Building materials. ( Soncrete pavements, see Pavements. Conductors, see Electric distribu- tion. Congestion of industries, 5 Conjugal relationship, see Workmen. Construction, see Housing project. Constructive development of in- dustrial housing, 5, 43 Contour interval, see Map t topo- graphic. Contour streets, sec Street systems. Contractor, see Housing project. Contracts for housing, see Housing project. Cooking, see Gas. Cooperative ownership, see Houses. Cooperative stores, .see Stores. Cost, Construction, 10, 359 of alley construction, 92 of building materials, 322 of houses, 324 of houses as affecting require- ments, 294 of improved house and lot, IS of industrial housing, 16, 294 of isolated vs. suburban towns, 43 of labor turnover, 14, 15 of land. Effect on size of lots, 64 of land for housing projects, 47, 358 of living, 22 of lot development. Distribu- tion, 107 of municipal waste disposal. 249 of puUie utilities. Effecl of lot size, L03, 104 Cost of sewers. 101, 190 of street improvements, 101 of United States Housing Cor- poral ion projects, _'*) of water supply, 1ST "Cost plus" contract, see contracts, under Housing project. Cost reports, see Housing projeet. Court street-, see Streets. Crown of pavements, see camber, a a (I <-r Pavements. Curbs, 146 grading for drainage, 99 temporary, on "elastic" streets, 93 Cutting and idling, see Grading. Day nursery, 353 Dead-end streets, see Streets. Deficiency in supply of houses, see House shortage. Demography. Effect on selection of housing site, 49 Density of dwellings, 44, 45, 58, 64, 65, 117, 319 Detached houses, see Houses. Development of industrial housing, 1,3 Distance between homo and factory, 40, 41 Distance between houses, 63, l>."> Distribution of gas, see Gas. Distribution of water, see Water distribution. Districting, see Commercial dis- tricts; Manufacturing dis- tricts; Zoning. Division of labor in industry, 2 Double duplex house, see duplex, under Houses. Drainage, 189, 190, 192 see also Pavements; Sewerage; Storm drainage. Drainage secured by proper grading, 99, 102 Dundalk project, St. Helena, M<1.. 95 Duplex house, set Houses. 1 >wellings, s< i I Come; I louse-. 398 INDEX Dwellings. Scarcity, see House shortage. Earth roads, see Pavements. Easements, see Streets. East Valley Forge, Pa., 67 Efficiency of employees, 15 Electric distribution, 276 cables, 278 cost, 282 fire alarm systems, 286 manholes, 278 overhead, 277 pole lines, 280 police call systems, 286 rotary converter, 276 substations, 276 telephone and telegraph sys- tems, 286 transformers, 276 underground, 278, 281 voltage, 277, 280 Electric lamps, see Electric lighting. Electric lighting, 282 boarding house, 339 budget, 359 garages, 317 house, 285 store buildings, 344 street, 282, 289, 291, 292 lamps, 284 poles, 285 transformers, 285 Electric power for residences, see domestic service, under Electricity supply. Electric railways, see Transporta- tion facilities. Electric transmission, 275 line construction, 276 line voltage, 275 right of way, 275 Electrical service, see Electric lighting; Electricity supply. Electricity supply, 271 bakery, 347 budget, 359 domestic service, 286 generation, 273 Electricity supply, hydro-electric plant, 274 internal combustion plant, 274 steam plant, 274 plans, 287 purchase from public utility company, 273 recommendations for dwellings, 304 source, 273 specifications, 287 • typical installations, 288 utilization, 282 Emergency Fleet Corporation, 9, 20, 61, 64, 114, 136 density of housing, 45, 58 electrical service, 288 fire protection, 177 park projects, 73, 74 sewage disposal, 227, 230 sewerage systems, 198, 204, 207 streets, 87, 95 Employees, see Efficiency; Loyalty; Women; Workmen. Entrances, see Houses. Environment. Effect on selection of housing site, 51 of worker's family, 13 Examples of industrial housing, 6 Expenditures, Distribution of em- ployees', 22 Factory. Distance from town, 40, 41 Factory site. Dependence on hous- ing, 38 Factory system in industry, 2, 3 Fairview Realty Co., 114 Families per acre, see Density of dwellings. Federal government housing, see Governmental housing. Filtration, see Water purification. Financial returns from housing en- terprises, 13,16, 385 Fire alarm systems, 286 Fire protection, see Industrial town; fire service, under water supply INDEX 399 Fixtures, see Furnil ure. Forest survey for topographic map, 109 Foundai ions. Subdrainage to avoid wet cellar, 203 see also Pavements; Sewers. Freezing, see subdrainage, under Pavements. Frontage, 64, 65, 102 relation to cost of improve- ments, 105 Furniture, 297, 303, 339 store, 343 ( rarages, 316 Garbage disposal, see Waste dis- posal. Garden city movement in England. 7 Gardens, 66 Gary, Ind., 6 (las, 256 advantages, 256 amount used, 261 artificial gas, 257 budget, 359 coal gas, 257 coke oven gas, 25S, 259 cooking, 260 distribution, 264 high pressure, 267 low pressure, 265 regulation, 265 specifications, 271 valves, 268 heating, 260 lighting, 200 natural gas, 257 piping, 262, 200, 269 pressures, 262, 26 1 producer gas, 25X sources of supply, 258 transmission, 262 water lias. 25S Government, see Industrial town. Governmenl aid, se« Subsidies. Government al housing, 8, 11. Ill Grade crossings, 87 ( trades, s< - St reets. "Grades" and "types" of houses. Distinction, 308 (hading, 97, 111 cutting and filling, 100 sumps to In' avoided, 100 Granite, see Pavements; Sidewalks. Grease, see garbage, under Waste; disposal. Groben. William E. Recommended standards for dwellings, 299 Ground water, 162 infiltration in sewers, 196, 199 survey for topographic map, 109 see also Pumps. Group houses, see Houses. Group management of housing con- struction, 354 Gutter drainage, see Storm drainage. Gymnasium, 78, 353 Health administration, see public health, under Industrial town. Heating, see Gas. Heating apartment houses, 343 Height of buildings. Effect on spacing, 65 preliminary survey, 107 Highways, see Pavements; Streets; Transportation facilities. Hillside development, til Hiring, see Labor turnover. History of industrial housing, 1,3 Home, Definition, 293 see also Houses. Hospital, 349 Hours of labor, see Working day. House famine, see House shortage. House lighting, see Gas; Electric lighting; Orientation. House shortage. 9 Houses. 293 accessibility, see Distance be- tween houses. apartment. 309, 313, 342, 344 bat hrooms, 304 block arrangement. se< Block- bungalows, 319 400 INDEX Houses, cellars, 303 clearance between, see Distance between houses, closets, 303 color scheme, 315 cost, 324 company ownership 25, 302, 372 cooperative ownership, 25, 27 detached, 308, 310, 314 determination of number re- quired, 326, 327, 358 duplex, 309, 313 entrances, 303 essentials, see standards, grades, 304, 327, 330 group houses, 44, 56, 59, 61, 65, 302, 303, 309, 314 inspection, 379 light requirements, 304 maintenance, 379 materials, see Building materials, minimum requirements, see standards, ownership, 42, 372, 374 permissible rental, see Rent, porches, 312, 315, 322 privacy, 310, 311, 314 private ownership, 25, 26 ready-cut, 318 recommendations, see standards. relation between height and spacing, 65 rooms, 295, 303 number, 296, 302, 329 size, 297 row dwelling, 65, 302, 303, 309, 314 selling, 385 tscnii-detached, 308, 314 skylights, 304 standards, 293, 295, 298, 302, 376 for various classes of houses, 305 toilet rooms, 207, 299 types, 308 ventilation, 303 water supply, see Water, waterproofing, 321 Houses, see also Boarding houses; Buildings for special pur- poses; Community house; Company boarding houses ; Store buildings. Houses per acre, see Density of dwell- ings. Housing corporations, 28 see also Company housing bu- reaus; United States Housing Corporation. Housing project. Budget, 33, 358 construction, 364 construction roads, 368 contractor, 362 contracts, 360, 363 cost reports, 368 executive control of construc- tion, 354 organization, 34, 354 planning, 354 progress reports, 368 record plans, 369 revenues, 13, 16 shape of tract 47, 56 specifications, 363 staff of building organization, 37 supervision of construction, 364 technical program, 30, 43, 53, 107, 355, 365 see also Housing site; Town plan. Housing site. Dependence on lo- cation of industries, 36 development, 33, 358 economic features governing lo- cation, 37 requirements, 39 selection, 32, 36, 40, 42 attractiveness, 51 climatology, 48 demography, 49 environment, 51 nuisances, 49, 56 public utilities, 50 recreation, 50, 56 sanitation, 49 social customs of commun- ity, 51 soil conditions, 48 INDEX 401 Bousing site, topography, 18, 55 transportation facilities, 50, 56 survey, 110 see also Land. Hub, see radial, under Street sj r s- tems. Hydrants, see Water distribution. Hydro-electric plant, see generation, under Electricity supply. Hypochlorites, see sterilization. under Water purification. Ice plant, see Refrigerating plant. [Humiliation, see Electric lighting; Gas; Orientation. Income. Proportion available for rent, 22 see also Expenditures. Individualistic era, 2 Industrial districts, see Manufac- turing districts. Industrial town, 12, 370 company control, 43, 370 cost, 16, 43 fire protection, 382, 386 isolated, 13, 372 management, 370. 374. 377, 384 independent of company, 375 police protection, 381, .'1st') projects, 7 public health, 378 public works. 377, 379, 385, 386 revenues. 3X5 schools, 383, 386 suburban, 371, 384 supervision of commercial en- terprises, 3N0 Industrial townsite. ( lost, 17 desiderata, 17 development . 33 Location, 10 program for development, 31 selection, 32, 36 see also I Lousing projeel . Industries, Dependence on housing, 38 Enternal-combustion power station, i * general ion, undt r EleC- t ricity supply. Intersection of si reel 3, set S1 reel s. Iron in water, 160 Isolated houses, see Houses. Janitor service in apartments. 310, 343 see also custodian; matron. under Boarding houses. Junk, see rubbish, under Waste disposal. Kilham, Walter H. Recommended standards for dwellings, 300 Kindergarten, 353 Kitchen gardens, see Gardens. Knock-down houses, see ready-cut. under Houses. Kuichling, Emil. Leakage of water, L56 Labor turnover, 14, 15 Laissez-faire theory as retarding de- velopment of housing, 3 Lampblack for coloring sidewalks, 144 Lamps, see Electric lighting. Land for housing projects. Acqui- sition, 47 shape and boundaries. 47, 56 subdivision. 56 Laundry facilities." 346 boarding houses. 341 Laws and restrictions. Effect on selection of housing site, 51 Leakage, see infiltration, under Sew- erage; Water waste. Light requirements of dwellings, see Houses; ( Irientation. Lighting, .see Electric lighting; Gas; < Orientation. Limestone block, see Lavements. Litchfield, Electus, 11 I Loads permissible on roads, se< Pavements. Loan and realty associations, 28, 30 402 INDEX Lodging houses, see Boarding houses. Lorain, Ohio, 20, 136 Lot improvements, 66, 358 cost, 105 distribution of cost, 107 Lots, Residence, 63 size, see Area. Loveland Farms, Youngstown, O., 61, 113 electric installations, 292 pavements, 136 streets, 84, 96 subdrainage, 125 water distribution, 180 Lowell, Francis Cabot, Early recog- nition of housing problem, 6 Loyalty of employees, 15 Macadam roads, see Pavements. Management, see Industrial town. Manholes, see Electric distribution; Sewers. Manufacturing districts. Site and arrangement, 66 Map, Preliminary, for location of townsite, 41, 107 regional, 109 topographic, 108, 111, 196 Marginal deficit, see Subsidies. Metals, Old, see rubbish, under Waste disposal. Metering, see Water metering. Mill tenements, 4, 6 Minimum requirements for dwell- ings, see Houses. Mining camps. Early stage of in- dustrial housing, 4, 6 Minors and women. Housing re- quirements, 330 Monotony avoided by exterior varia- tion of dwellings, 315, 316 Morgan Park, Minn., 7 Mortgages, 29 Motor trucks, see Transportation facilities. Municipal government, see Indus- trial town. Municipal waste, see Sewage dis- posal; Sewerage; Waste dis- posal. Municipality's share in cost of lot development, 107 National Board of Fire Under- writers. Pipe specifica- tions, 179 Natural gas, see Gas. New London, Conn., 29 Newburgh, N. Y Tree planting, 96 Nolen, John, 113 Noreg Village, Gloucester, N. J., 230 electrical distribution, 281 Nuisances. Effect on desirability of dwellings, 56 effect on selection of housing site, 49 Nursery, see Day nursery. Ojibway, Ontario, 7, 67 diagonal streets, 81 plan. 111 Oliphant, F. H. Formula for flow of gas, 263 Ontario Housing Committee, 45 recommended standards for dwellings, 300 Organization of housing project, see Housing project. Organizations, see Building organi- zations. Orientation. Buildings, 65, 311 streets, 96 Origin of industrial housing, 1 Owen, Robert Early recognition of housing problem, 4, 6 Ownership of dwellings, see Houses. Ozone, see sterilization, under Water purification. Painting, see color scheme, under Houses. Paper, Waste, see rubbish, under Waste disposal. Parking of vehicles, 93, 120, 121 Parks, 72 area required, 73 drives and walks, 75 improvements, 75 location, 73 management, 378 / x hi: \ 403 Parks, preliminary survey, L08, 359 Parks and recreational facilities, \n:i, 57, 1 L3 Parkways, 72, 90, L08, 112, I L6 Pavements, 122 allow able grades for various Bur- faces, L23, 138 asphalt, 138 asphalt block, 142 brick, L38 burnt clay, 141 camber, 126 cleaning, see Streets. cobblestone. 1 11,142 concrete, L2 t. 128 concrete, bituminous, 132 concrete, cement , 133 earl b roads, 129 erosion by storm water, 215 foundations, 123 granite block, 140 gravel roads, l.'}0 joints. 134, 11!) limestone block, 140 macadam, bituminous, 131 macadam, tar, 131 macadam, water bound, 130 materials, 123, 127, 129, 137 permissible loading, 1 '_'.'! repairs, 148 rock asphalt, 141 run-off from various surfaces, 213 sand-clay roads, 129 sand cushion for brick, 139 sheet asphalt, 137 slag block. 1 10 stone block, 1 41) subdrainage, L24 surface drainage, 124 vitrified brick, 140 wood block, 1 10 Paving brick, si < Pavements. Paving materials. se< Pavements. Payroll, forecasted, 326 regulated, L5 sec also Wag< Per capita consumption <>f water, s< e Water consumption. Percentage of land for dwellings, 58 for recreal tonal purposes, 57 for si reets and alleys, 57 Pioneer work in industrial housing. L, 3 Piping, see Gas; Sewage dipsosal; Water di.-t ribul ion. Pitt -burgh. Choice of building ma- terials. : J ,19 Planning of housing project. Housing projeel . Plant, see generation, under Elec- tricity supply; Factory; Sewage disposal; Waste disposal. Planting strips. Width 95, 121 Playgrounds, 70. 353 area and location, 76 improvement. 77 Pole, Dr., Formula for flow of gas, 269 Pole lines. Location, 103 Police call systems, 286 protection, 381, 386 Porches, see Houses. Potable water, see Water. Preliminary survey for housing pro- ject, 30, 32, 44. 107 Privacy iir various types of house, 310, 311, 314 Producer gas, see Gas. Profile of streets, see Streets. Profits, see Financial returns. Program for development of housing project, see technical pro- gram, under Housing pro- ject. Progress reports, see Housing pro- ject. Proximity of home to factory. 11. ll* Public health administration, see Industrial town. Public utilities. Cost,.*.- Cost. location, 101 of industrial town as revenue producers, 385 Pullman. 111., 6 Pumps, 17:! air lift, 1 75 404 INDEX Pumps, centrifugal, 174 deep well pumping, 175 reciprocating, 173 see also pumping of sewage, under Sewerage. Purchase of land, 47 Purification of water, see Water purification. Quarters, see Boarding houses; Houses. Racial and national considerations 32 Radial streets, see Street systems. Rags, see rubbish, under Waste disposal. Railroads, see Transportation facili- ties. Rainfall, 210 capacity of combined sewers, 220 see also surface water, under Water supply. Ready-cut houses, see Houses. Realty associations, 28 Recommended standards for dwell- ings, see Houses. Recreation buildings, 78 Recreational facilities. Area, 57 Refrigerating plant, 348 Refuse disposal, see Waste disposal. Rent, Proportion of income avail- able for, 23, 294 'Reservoir, see Water distribution; storage, under Water sup- ply- Residential districts, 59 Revenues of industrial town, 385 Road materials, see Pavements. Rock asphalt, see Pavements. Rooms, see Houses. Rotary converter, see Electric dis- tribution. Row duplex, see duplex, under Houses. Row dwellings, see Houses. Rubbish disposal, see Waste disposal. Run-off, 210, 212 Run-off, see also surface water, under Water supply. Rural industries, 12, 42 Sand filtration, see Water purifica- tion. Sand-clay roads, see Pavements. Sanitary sewers, see Sewers. Sanitation. Influence on industrial housing, 4, 43, 366 living quarters, 16 Scarcity of houses, see House short- age. School houses, 350 School system of industrial town, 383, 386 Scrap metal, see rubbish, under Waste disposal. Set-back in front of houses, 63, 64, 65, 66, 99 Sewage, see Sewage disposal; Sewer- age. Sewage disposal, 192, 221, 377 budget, 359 characteristics of sewage, 224 decomposition of sewage, 226 dilution, 226, 228 disinfection, 234 filtration, 233, 236 methods, 230, 235 plant construction, 238 location, 235, 237 specifications, 238 purposes, 222 screening, 230, 235 septic tank, 232 sterilization, 236 tank treatment, 232, 235 Sewage treatment, see Sewage dis- posal. Sewerage, 189, 377 cost, see Cost of sewers. dependence on grading, 102 design, 196 effect of ground water, 196, 199 grades, see Sewers. infiltration, 195 inverted siphons, 209 pumping of sewage, 209 INDKX 40r, Sewerage, quantity of sewage, 192 domestic, L93 industrial, 194 rate of sewage How 197, 199, 200 size of Sewers, see Sewers. systems, 190, 196 trade waste, 194, 195 Sewers. Cost, see Cost, depth, 202 fillers, 208 flush tanks, 208 foundations, 209 grades, 201 house connections, 204, 200 joints, 208 location, 202 manholes, 206, 208 sizes, 202 terra cotta pipe, 206 see also Combined sewers; Storm drainage. Shale brick, see Pavements. Shape of tract for housing, see Hous- ing project. Shelter a primitive necessity, 1 Shower baths, 41 Sidewalks, 143 asphalt mastic, 145 bituminous macadam, 146 brick, 145 cinder, 146 coloring, 144 concrete, 144 concrete, tar, 145 drainage, 99 granite, 145 gravel, 146 on residential streets, 87, 121 slag, 146 slopes, 143 stone, 145 eubgrade, 143 width, 95, 143 width on business streets, i i«» width on residential streets, 121 Single duplex house, see duplex, under Houses. Siphons, see inverted siphons, „„,/,,. Sewerage. Site, see Factory site; Bousing site; Industrial low nsite. Skilled workmen, see Workmen. Skyb'ghts, see Houses. Slag blocks, .see Pavements. Social customs of community. Ef- fect on selection of housing site, 51 Soil conditions. Effect on selection of housing site, 48 topographic map, 109 Spacing of houses, see Distance be- tween houses. Specifications, see special subjects. Sports, see Athletic fields. Standards in housing, see Houses. Steam power plant, see generation, under Electricity supply. Stock feeding, see garbage, under Waste disposal. Stone block, see Pavements. Store buildings, 341 lighting, 344 size, 343 ventilation, 344 Stores, Company, 380 cooperative, 381 Storm drainage, 210, 214 budget, 359 catch basins and inlets, 218 depth of drains, 217 design, 216 discharge formulae, 216 flow, 217 gutter drainage, 99, 127, 147,215 house connections, 217 joints and tillers, 217 manholes, 218 roof water, 214 size of drains, 217 street water, 215 Stream gaging, see Water supply. Stream pollution, see Water puri- fication. Street cleaning, see Streets. Street improvements. Cost. set Cost; Streets. Streel lighting, see Electric lighting; Orientation. 406 INDEX Street railways. Location, 101 see also Transportation facili- ties. Street sweepings, see Waste disposal. Street systems, 53, 79, 112, 113 contour, 82 diagonal, 81 geometrical, 81 gridiron, 79 radial, 81 rational arrangement, 84 rectangular, 79 Streets, 85, 118, 359 area, 57 arterial, 85, 119, 122 business, 89, 119 classification, 85, 118 cleaning, 146, 148 cost of improving, 104 court, 95 dead end, 95 design, 93, 122 easements, 100 "elastic" street, to be widened later, 93 grades, 56, 87, 89, 90, 97, 122 intersections, 97, 98 light requirements, see Orienta- tion, preliminary survey, 107 profiles, 97, 100 residential, 88, 121, 122 secondary or subarterial 87, 120 street railway location 101, 119, 120 subdivisions, 94 width, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 118, 119, 121 see also Alleys, Boulevards; Curbs; Grading; Pave- ments; Sidewalks; Street systems. Stucco, see Building materials. Subdrainage, see Foundations; Pavements; Sidewalks. Subsidies, 10, 11, 14, 21, 22 Suburban town, sec Industrial town. Sumps, see Grading. Sumps, Cellar 202, 203 Sun Village, Chester, Pa, 64 Sunlight, see Orientation. Supervision of housing construction, 354 Survey, see Housing site; Map; Preliminary survey; Topo- graphic survey. Taylor, Graham R. Effect of indus- trial congestion, 5 Technical program for housing pro- ject, 30 Telegraph service. Installation, 286 Telephone service. Installation, 286 Tenements, see Mill tenements. Theatres, 352 Thoroughfares, see Pavements; Streets; Transportation fa- cilities. Time spent between home and fac- tory, 40 in factory vs. time spent in community, 13 Toilet rooms, see Boarding houses; Houses. Topographic survey, 108 Topography of land for housing, 48, 55, 196 Town management, see Industrial town. Town plan. Development, 53, 110 preliminary, 110 see also Housing project. Town wastes, see Sewage disposal; Sewerage; Waste disposal. Towns, see Community. Towns, Company, see Industrial town. Tmvnsite, see Industrial townsite. Trade waste, see Sewage disposal; Sewerage; Waste disposal. Transformers, see Electric distribu- tion; Electric lighting. Transmission line, see right of way, under Electric transmission. Transportation between home and factory, 40, 44 INDEX 407 Transportation facilities. Effecl on .selection of housing Bite, 49, 50 highways, 50 motor trucks, 50, 36S roads, during construction of housing project, 367 steam and elect ric roads, 49 see also grades, under Streets. Trees. Planting scheme at New- burg, X. Y.. 96 survey for topographic map, 109 Turnover, s< i Labor turnover. "Types" and "grades" of houses. Distinction, 308 Ultra violet rays, see sterilization, under Water purification. United States Housing Corporation, 9 cost of projects, 20 density of housing, 44, 58 park projects, 73 rainfall records, 211 sewage disposal recommenda- tions, 227 sewerage, 198 street grades, 87 United States Labor Bureau. Sta- tistics of industrial hous- ing, 301 United States Labor Department. Recommended standards for dwellings, 300 United States Shipping Board, see Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion. United States Steel Corporation, 7 Unskilled workmen, see Workmen. Urban industries. 12, 12 see also ( Jongesl ion of industries. Utilities, see Public utilities. Valves, set distribution, under Gas; Water distribution. \ eider. Law rence. Recommended standards for dwellings, 299 Ventilation, see Houses; Store build- ings. Vitrified brick, sec Pavements. Wages, 14, 329 see also Expenditure-; Payroll. Walks, -see Sidewalks. War housing, see Cantonment con- struction. Waste disposal, 240, 377 ashes. 243, 217 budget, 359 character of municipal wastes, 240 collection, 245 contract system, 248 cost, 249 garbage 240, 246 burial. 250 reduction, 252 stock feeding, 251 incineration, 253 license system, 248 plant, 245 reduction, 250, 252 rubbish, 241, 217 street sweepings, 243 see also Sewage disposal; Sewer- age. Water. Alkalinity, 160 bacterial content, 158, 169 chemical properties, 159 classification, 158 color, 158, 165, 169, 170 hardness. 1(10, 163 iron, 160, L66 mineral content, 159, 160 odor. 159 organic content. 159, 160, 163, 165 physical properl ies, 158 quality . s< t Standards. standard.-.. I 57, 161, 166 turbidity, 159, 168 see also < rround water; Storm drainage; Water distribu- tion; Water purification; Water supply. 408 INDEX Water consumption, 151, 153, 150, 194 Water distribution, 172, 175 piping, 175, 179 cement lined, 185 depth 181, 186 house service, 183 lead, 184, 185 size of service pipe, 184 specifications, 186 reservoirs, 175 standpipes, see Reservoirs. tanks, see Reservoirs, valves, 183 water mains. Length, 181 tapping, 183 Water mains, sec Water distribution. Water metering, 150, 153 Water pipe, see Water distribution. Water pressure, see Water supply. Water purification, 166 chemicals employed, 172 coagulation, 169 distillation, 167 filtration, 167 rapid sand, 168, 171 slow sand, 168 sedimentation, 167 sterilization, 170 Water rates, see Water supply. Water supply, 150, 359, 377 consumption, see Water con- sumption, cost, 187 development of system, 162 distribution, see Water dis- tribution, extension of system, 161 fire service, 172, 176, 366 garages, 317 ground water supply, see Ground water, pollution, see Water purifica- tion. Water supply, pressure, 161, 172, 175, 177 pumping, see Pumps, quality, see standards, under Water supply, quantity, 166 rates, 188 recommendations for dwellings, 304 revenue, 188 selection, 161, 166 source, 229 storage, 163, 164 stream gaging, 164 surface water, 163, 165 temporary, 367 wells, see Ground water. Water waste, 151, 155 Waterproofing, see Houses. Width of sidewalks, see Sidewalks. of streets, see Streets. Women and minors. Housing re- quirements, 330, 340 Wood block, see Pavements. Working day. Proportion of en- tire time of work its, 13 Workmen. Number per house, 329 proportion of skilled and un- skilled, 15, 326 proportion of unmarried, 329 single. Housing required, 328, 334 Yorkship Village, Camden, N. J., 61, 144 sewage disposal, 230 store building, 342 street arrangement, 82 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., 62, 113 Zoning, 55, 66, 67, 107 I) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamr UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'C 16 m 58 00464 4596 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 804 109 7 728' K763i A