V UC-NRLF B M D7T bDM * 13 • • • • • • • Californians ^ Who Have * : Died in Service * Casualty List Compiled from Daily * jf Report of Commanding General of * if. the American Expeditionary Forces ^ ■¥■ ¥ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • if. Issued by the 'IC * California War History Committee * * of the * ■*■ I (Wjou/ > State Council of Defense v[ ' V, ^*'*- V, State Capitol, Sacramento if. "**" -k * ■ • * • • f i » IVtc Califuniia War History Coniinillcc of the State Cotiiuil of Defense is eoiiifiliii'^ a hin<^- raf^liy of Calif orniaiis in the serziee. a)id is csfieeiaiiy anxious to obtain <« complete record of tliose of our brave defenders i^'ho have made the supreme sa:rifiee in behalf of their counti'v. This list of California casualties has been ob- tained in the main from the daily report of the Commanding General of the American Expedi- tionary Forces, as published in the Official Bulle- tin of the Council of Xational Defense. It is probable that there are omissions as well as errors in the list, and persons discoi'cring cither are requested to write at once gix'ing the a rrccfed information. There is being organi::cd in each county a branch of the C^iUfornia War History Comniittee. Reiatives and friends of those who have joiied th-' colors are urged to furnish these cou)ity com- mittees zelth any farts that might be incorporated into a biographical sketch. Photographs, prefer- ably in uniform, are especially desired. Calii'oknia Wak History Com m ittki;. Udwarrd A. Dickson. CIiair:n;in. Address : California War History Conimittce, Soldiers' Biography Division. State Capitol, Sacramento. * ■*■ ■*■ ■¥■ -¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ •¥■ ■¥■ ■¥• ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ♦ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■*■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ -¥■ ^t^**-H*-K*->c*-K-H**->c***-K*** > o Q O _l < t- o •- I eo tH CO o o CO CO CO o November (Incomplete) CO CO «o s§ tr- CO o T-l o u O 00 00 Oi C eq eq CO Aiiijust lO t-{ CO 3 00 CO lO CO t* 00 CO I in CO C5 lO ^ 1-i O •a eS a> •11 o o < o -a « 1 U2 1 r—i o 1, )f)f)f4jfj*.jfjf>4.)fjf)f3fjfjfjfjfjf*>fJf* ■*■ ■¥■ ■¥■ -¥• ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥■ ■¥• -¥■ -¥■ -¥■ -¥• ■*■ ♦ ■¥■ 393259 Californians Jl'ho Hiivc Died in Service. Killed in action Alam?ila Butte CalavDras Colusa Contra Costa -. Dsl Norts El Dorado Frssno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Laks Lass?n Los Angeles Madera Marin Merced Mendocino - Modoe Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Phimas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco -- San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara _ Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter _- Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba -. 16 1 1 S 5 1 113 1 Died of wounds Died of disease Died, aeroplane accident Died, accident and other causes 3 1 2 106 1 1 102 12 2 6 17 2 3 42 4 10 31.'. 3 n (> 10 4 1 9 14 9 14 10 1 11 41 3 27 27 134 35 G 15 11 25 11 3 3 11 IS 19 16 3 4 2 15 5 9 S 3 CALIFORNIANS WHO HAVE DIED IN SERVICE. ALAMEDA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Ahern. Sgt. George Calvert. Oakland. Bailar. Sgt. Clarence. ISi^rkoIey. Bennett. Charles. Ouklniul. Bergesun. Leiand E.. West Berkeley. Boyce. John, (laklaiul. Carter. Sgt. Alfred. Oakland. Crittenden. Alfred D, Oakland. Crowell. William H.. Berkeley. Davie. Harold. Oakland. Dillon. Henry, ll.iyward. Donahue. Lawrence A.. Oakland. Fulton. Hunh, Oakland. Gazenego. John. Berkeley. Guido, Corpl. Ernest E., Oakland. Hammell. Clarence H.. Oakland. Hanly. Lieut William J., Oakland. Herrier. George. Oakland. Irwin. Charles Ernest, Oakland. Jensen. Hans A.. Oakland. Jones. Sgt. Carl C. Oakland. Judd. Francis L., Oakland. K.iphan. Jerome. Oakland. Kecnan. Patrick J.. ISerkeley. Kelly. Robert E.. Oakland. Kidwcll. Paul McGrath. West Berkeley. Kuhnie. Edward H., Oakland. Lamp. Walter, Oakland. Larson. Peter W., .Uameda. Larson. Thomas V., Berkeley. Lcvcnson, Leo. Berkeley. Loftis. William R., Alameda. MacDonald. Fletcher A., Alameda. Martin. Lieut. Leon. Berkeley. Mason. Rob't D.. Oakland. Masterson, Barton W.. Oakland. Oatts. Lieut. Morley S., Oakland. Pcarce. Zeno W., Oakland. Perry. Corpl. W. S., Berkeley. Rood. Arthur G., Oakland. Ross. Sgt. George W., Oakland. Sommer. Lieut. Henry 0., Alameda. Theus. Walter J.. Alanurla. Waterhouse. Lieut. Hascall F., Oakland Whitlock, Lieut. Edgar W., Berkeley. Whitney. Sgt. William E.. Oakland. Died of Wounds. Cardwell. Thomas Henry, Berkeley. Church. Lorin Jasper, Oakland. Cosgrave. John V.. Oakland. Edwards. Carl T.. Oakland. Grenshaw. E. A., Oakland. Handley. Corpl. Victor H., Berkeley. Hill. Ralph W., Oakland. Irwin. William. Oakland. Lecuyer. Alfred H.. Hayward. Lucchessi. Francesco. Oakland. Lynch. Lieut. Lawrence S., Alameda. Norton. Sgt. Otis Kane. Oakland. Olds. Corpl. Roscoc C. Oakland. Died of Disease. Christiansen. Dr. Rushmer. Berkeley. Cullen. Paul Joseph, Oakland. Field. Frank J.. Oakland. lopa. Corpl. Daniel K., Oakland. Jordan, Frank, Oakland. Kuerzel, Albert, Oakland. Mannhart, Elwynn H., Berkeley. Maschio, Mario, Oakland. Mathieu, Julien, Jr., Oakland. McClure. Lieut. Hunter. Bledraniil. Riley. Wilfred L.. Alaiiud.i. Shone, Corpl. Harry H., Oaklan<'I Rey. GLENN COUNTY. Killed in Action. Cottrell, Jesse H.. Sonel clen. Died of Disease. Nagels, Harvey, Oiland Died from Accident or Other Causes. Benney, William, \Mllo\vs. Cheatam. Robert, Willows. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Killed in Action. Chafi'ey. Glenn, .\nata Stock. Ernest. l!l\ic l.aki'. Died of Disease. Anderson. John L., Kojbel. Bailey. Sgt. Wr.lker E.. RU. r>ell. Hemphill. Clyde. IJlue Lake. Gist. Cornelius W., Weitclipec. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Drake, Arthur H., Kuroka. Jensen. William Howard, Capetown. Juryevich. John, lOiirttka. Mullady, Edward, F:ureka. Californhms Who Have Died in Service. IMPERIAL COUNTY. Killed in Action. Holdzkc.Ti. Corpl. Paul R.. Iiiiii.-ilal Died of Wounds. Lovtl:ind. Ern-.s! C. I'.a»li\. Tyc. Elmer A.. l:i;iHley. Died of Disease. Creed. Luther W.. i;i ('.•iiiro. Garrigues. Samuel C. Ini|ii'ii:il. INYO COUNTY. Died of Disease. Winfield. Oliver. l'nlct:\. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Fitchett. Roy W.. r.l>li.>i>. KERN COUNTY. Killed in Action. Antoli. Pierre. r..iktisl'ul.l. Davidson. Lionol Victor. I'.akeistleld. Girardo. Samuel. I'iule. Grisedale. Francis T.. Itakei-sneld. Hoy. Carl. r.;ikii>lkUl. Little. Stanley H.. Tatt. Soulis. Angeles, Teluu-haiii. Young. Claude. Mariciijia. Died of Disease. Acosta. Paul N.. Kast Uakersfleld. Czeitczick. Paul. I'akersfleld. Garrity. Hugh. 'laft. Thomas. Frank G.. Bakersfleld. Williams. Paul E.. Uakersfleld. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Oldham. Albert B.. I'.akeisllfld. Pearson. Meredith. Jiakersfleld. Stockton. James Lanus. liakersQeld. KINGS COUNTY. Killed in Action. Byxbe. Fred L., I.emoore. Gray, Ezra. I.emoore. Sorrick. William J., lyenidoic. Sauza. Manuel A., llaiiford. Sweeney. Ray. Haiiford. Died of Wounds. Jonts. Corpl. Huijo A.. I.ii >u' Died of Disease. Diaz. Edward M.. Il.int'nnl. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Compton. Clarence, Hanford. Lanata. Angelo G.. Hanford. Sanborn. Frank. ,\riiiiina. LAKE COUNTY. Died of Wounds. Madeiros. Joy J.. Tpper Lake. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Apole. Bert S.. I.akeport. LASSEN COUNTY. Killed in Action. McKea. Clyde A.. \\\-~[\\u,„\ Died of Wounds. Tucker. Thomas, .-;ll^.lllvlllc■. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Bearup. Carl. I>n.\li' Died from Accident or Other Causes. Ellena. Gruseppe, Wi'stunod, McNamee. Charles D., St^iiidi.'ih. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Killed in Action. Acouna John E.. San t'.aluirl. Allen. Lieut. Bert A., l.o.s .Viiyi'le^. Barber. Harold. I.ns Angeles. Barnes. Sgt. Thomas, I.os .\nBelt>R. Barragar. Horace C, I.os Angeles. Bedhoe. Corpl. Lawrence E,. Los Angeles. Bclyea. Jack L., I.ns .Viineles. Banapel. Sgt. Roscoe G., Los Angeles. Bisbce. Sgt. Earl. \a«. Angelas. Bohan. George S., I.os Angeles. Bolin. Sgt. William K., Los .\ngeles. Bond. Arthur F.. Los .\ngeles. Bowlin. Sgt. Wm.. Lns Angeles. Bower. James R.. I'asad'Mia. Boyd. Arvel R.. I'luiiuna. Brimer. Sgt. Frank M., I.ns .\ngeles. Brown. Milford H., Azusa. Bryan. C. W.. I.os Angeles. Calvert. Harry L.. Inglewood. Cameron. W. J., Santa .Monica. Canfleld. H. W., San Fernando. Chuk. John. I.cis Angeles. Cogswell. James J.. Los .Vngele.s. Cotton. Capt. John W., IloJl.vwood. Dennison. John. I.os .\ngeles. Dewey. Corpl. Charles M.. Venice. Dummagc. Sgt. Ralph F.. Lns AngeleK. Dupes. Karl. Il.pll.vun,,,!. Duron. Michael, \ fuk-e. Easton. Roy Claud, Los Angeles. Erkson. A. S.. Los .\iigeles. Gard. Lieut. Frank L., Cleiulora. Garcia. Louis R., Los Angeles. Gayle. Fred P.. Los .Vngeles. Georgakis. James, Los Angeles. Gorman. George L.. Los .\ngeles. Gorman. Lieut. Thos. C, Lo.s .\ngeles. Gorsky. Corpl. Anthony, ra.sudena. Gregory. Ernest, Los .\ngeles. Hall. Robt. R.. Lns Angeles. Harris. Corpl. Harry, Los Angeles. Mines Earl H., Los .Angeles. Hitchcock. Lieut. Roger W., Los Angeles. Hobuck. Earl A.. Lus Angeles. Holliday. Col. W. E., Santa Monica. Hornbcck. Earl E., Los .\ngeles. Ingalls. Earl. I.os AngeU's. Johnson. Carl A., 1.0s Angeles. Jcsephson. Edw. B., Los .\ngelcs. Jos;ph£on. Joseph, Los Angeles. Juliets. Henry C. Los .\ngeles. Kelly. Dennis D., Los .\ngclcs. Kemgla. Corpl. L. A., Los .Angeles. Kerr, James N.. I.i)s Angeles. Kirk, Lieut. Theodore T., ("nvina. Kitt. Corpl. Don H.. Los .\iigeles. Kleinfield. J. T.. Los Angeles. Calif oniiaus Who Have Died in Service. LOS ANGELES COUNTY— Continued. Killed In Action — Continued. Kresick, Stojan, Los Angeles. Leaf, Lieut. W. H., Los Angeles. Lewis, Eddy, Los Angeles. Linde, J. L., Los Angeles. Manriquez, William, Whittier. McConnell, William. Highland Park. McKinnon, Sgt. Elwyn Chas., Los Angeles. McMillon. Sgt. Leming Ross, Sauta Jlonlca. Miller, John C, Los Angeles. Miller, Major Oscar F., Los Angeles. Morgan. Arthur Leroy, Los Angeles. Morgan. Corpl. Earl, Los Angeles. Morgan, Lewis E., Los Angeles. Moulton. Wesley N., Montebello. Muezall, Chester, Pomona. Nevius, Lieut. Ruliff, Los Angeles. Oberle, Jack. Loa Angeles. Painter, Fred E., Los Angeles. Palmerlee, Corpl. Chester C, Long Beach. Patterson. Beaven E., Los Angeles. Peron, Charles A., Los Angeles. Peterson, Arthur L., Long Beach. Pfennig. Wm., Los Angeles. Phillips, Cecil, Los Angeles. Piclop, Edwin P., Los Angeles. Poland. Clifford, Long Beach. Poore, Corpl. Raymond, Pasadena. Rawley, Gordon, I,ankershlm. Robbins, Sgt. George W., Los Angeles. Robidoux, Corpl. Mack J., Los Angeles. Rosen. Abe. Los ^Vngeles. Rush, Fred, El Jlonte. Schatffer, Lieut. John A., Los Angeles. Schereson, Gustav D., Los Angeles. Scott, Elzie E., Los Angeles. Sheehy, Sgt. Norman R., Los Angeles. Simington, George. Los Angeles. Simonds, Lieut. Albert C, Los Angeles. Slepi;y. Capt. Kirby B., Los Angeles. Smith, Capt. Clarence F., Los Angeles. Smith. Reginald, Los Angeles. Snyder, Capt. Ross, Los Angeles. Splane. Lieut. Paul R., Los Angeles. Stein, Edward E., Los Angeles. Stevens, Frank T.. Los Angeles. Taylor. Lieut. W. E., Los Angeles. Trombly, Corpl. Charles H., Pasadena. Vail, Howard L., Pasadena. Valenzucia, Joseph, Watts. Valenzuela, Marciano, El Monte. Varner. Lee, Los Angeles. Villalovoz. Chris. S., Los Angeles. Watts, Cyril G.. Hollywood. Way, Travis S., Huntington Park. Yaple, Dan H., Los Angeles. Died of Wounds. Allen, Robert, Los Angeles. Beach, Joseph M., Los Angeles. Beyer, Corpl. George, Los Angeles. Blake, Chas. R., Lns Angeles. Blake, Ray, Los Angeles. Bowie, Corpl. Benjamin, Los Angeles. Brown. Roy, Pomona. Cameron, Clyde C, Los Angeles. Clark, Joseph, Los Angeles. Cornell. Sgt. W. R., Los Angeles. Duncan. Lieut. John T., Los Angeles. Forker, Albert E., Long Beach. Frank, John W., Kedondo Beach. Garrity. Hugh, Los Angeles. Gorcister, David, Los Angeles. Hughes. Glenn Vernon, Los Angeles. Johnson. Geo. C, Los Angeles. Kawin. Abe E., Los Angeles. Lee, Sgt. Bert, Los Angeles. Leroy, Clement, IjOS Angeles. Levenson, Leo, Los Angeles. Martin. Ralph H., Santa Monica. LOS ANGELES COU NTY— Continued Died of Wounds— Continued. McArthur, Robert D., Jr., Los Angeles. McGraw, William T., Los Angeles. Mittelholtz, Milton A., Pasadena. Pryor, Capt. John Porter, San Pedro. Rocha. Eriberte C. Los Angeles. Rochfort. Lieut. Arthur, Hollywood. Schwenck, Corpl. Lester, Santa Monica. Simington, George S., Los Angeles. Slack, George E., Long Beach. Taylor, Corpl. Sidney, Los Angeles. Tifft, Perry D., Los Angeles. Twombly, Henry C, Pasadena. Watts, Hall W., Los Angeles. Weigel, Sgt. Roy, Los Angeles. Wright, Sgt. George Gilbert, Los Angeles. Zane, Major Randolph T., Los Angeles. Died of Disease. Allen, Fred L.. I^os Angeles. Baird, Corpl. Glenn D., Pomona. Bean. Harry Ellsworth, Los Angeles. Berllne, Clarence E., Ix)s Angeles. Boggs, Edwin W., Los Angeles. Boles. Sgt. Cecil K.. Los Angeles. Brenn. Corpl. Joseph. Los Angeles. Burns. William J., Los Angeles. Clark, J. Edward, Los Angeles. Condrey, William, Los Angeles. Cole, Hiram I.. Inglewood. Davies, Lieut. Oliver W., Los Angeles. Demuth. William B., Lancaster. Dickens. Geo. M., Los Angeles. Dusen. Van Roy, Los Angeles. Enos, Sgt. Ray F., Glendale. Flood, Capt. William H., Los Angeles. Garbcr. Ernest E., Los Angeles. Gaudian, Benjamin F., Los Angeles. Gifford. Sgt. Ralph E., Los Angeles. Goudge, W. H., Santa Jfonica. Greene, Corpl. Logan B.. Pasadena. Hallack. Frani T.. Los Angeles. Herbert. Bertrum D., Los Angeles. Holmes. Corpl. Franklin M.. Los Angeles. James. Bennie. Los Angeles. King, Dwight P., (Uendale. Kirk. Christ. Jr.. (larvanza. Kirwan. James J.. Los Angeles. Kittse. Walter T., Hollywood. Koethcr, Theodore C, Los Angeles. Lewis. Guy M., Los Angeles. Livingston. Chas. E.. Long Beach. Loper, David W., Los Angeles. Lyman. Corpl. Henry A., Long Beach. McDonald, Chas. S. . Los Angeles. McLachan. Major Harold, Los Angeles. Moritz, Raymond C, Los Angeles. Neel, F. G.. Los Angeles. Nelson. Harry L., Alhambra. Newton. Jack. Los Angeles. Parker. Samuel. Cloiulale. Rhodes. Marvin Owight, Los Angeles. Ryckman, Chester. Los Angeles. Schutte, Capt. Raymond H., Santa ilouica. Setchel. Charles H., Los Angeles. Twombley, Henry 0., Pasadena. Whipp, Homer D., Pomona. Yockey, Wilbur B., Los Angeles. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Bell. Lieut. Kenneth. Pa-^mliiia. Clover, Greayer. Lns .\nK>K-^. Goodale, Lieut. Alvin C, I'asadena. Gorman. Lieut. R. E., Los Angeles. Jacks, Lieut. R. L.. Los Angeles. Johnson, William, Los Angeles. .Kohlmeier, Lieut. C. L., I os Angeles. McBride. Lieut. James, Pasadena. Meyer. Lieut. Lester L., Glendale. Murphy, Lieut. Linus T., Los Angeles. Smyth. Lieut. Edward J., Pasadena. Californians Who Have Died in Service. LOS ANGELES COU NTY— Continued Died from Accident or Other Causes. Augustine. Lee C.. Ivaiihuo. Anderson. Sidney Jos., Lns Angeles. Bait. Clarence. Clt'iidnle. Barron. Artliur J., I.os Angeles. Barton. William Raymond W.. Los Angeles. Baumgartncr. Jolin Albert, I.,03 Angeles. Bayer. Corpl. Geo., l.^-^ Angeles. Bennett. Paul M.. Whitthr. Blaine. Clyde Chester, lA>nilta. Blat;. Lieut. Edward P., Pomona. Blee, Robert C, .V/.usa. Bobbio, John, Los .Vngeles. Brunton. John W.. Los Angele.s. Bush. Wilfred T., Norwalk. Carpenter. Bcnnie, Whltticr. Carrothers. George L., Los Angeles. Chapman, Ralph E., .Santa Monica, Collison. J. Ciydo, Los Angeles. Crane, Daniel, l.i>s Angeles. Ciowe, C. A., I.ds Angeles. Cumberland, James F., Los .Vngeles. Currier, Edward Dale, Los Angeles. Daly. Jesse L., Los Angeles. Davis, Cleo W.. Los Angeles. Dean. Major Wm. B., Los Angeles. De Haven, Edwin A., Ix)s Angeles. Oevine. Ralph, Los Angeles. Dorncr, Hugh, Hollywood. Dowley, Sgt. Frank M., Santa Monica. Duncan, Edwin, Long Beach. Eadie. Robert, Los .\ngeles. Eldstrom. IMandus E,, Los Angeles. Ellis. Walter A.. JloUywood. Fisher. Arthur E., Los Angeles. Fitzsimmons, Marcus. Los Angeles. Friedman, Myron, Los Angeles. Gardner. John A., Los Angeles. Gillespie, Alexander S., Los Ajigeles. Ginsburg. Sgt. Maurice S., Los Angeles. Godman, Lieut. Louis K., Los Angeles. Grant, Lieut. Ward E,, Los .Vngeles. Grassell, Sgt. .Gordon, Kedondo Beach. Greene, F. L., Los Angeles, Grover, Richard B.. Los Angeles. Hagstrom. Ray A.. Los Angeles. Hannah. Lieut. Clark B., Los Angeles, Henley. Lieut. Wm. C, Hollywood. Heroux, Adolphe, Los .Vngeles. Mickey. Corpl. Chas. T., Los .Vngeles. Hoag. Chester T.. llol]y^vood. Hodsen. Lieut. Com. Merritt, Long Beach. Holland. Wm. Jennings, Pomona. Hornaflcs, Harry, Los Angeles. Hostetter, Adrian E., Ocean Park. Jacomini, Lieut. Clement, Pasadena. Jagon, Sgt. Edwin. Los -Vngeles. Jenkins, Lionell E., .Manhattan Beach. Keys. Mark B., Los Angeles, Kionnick, Arthur, Los Angeles. Kulli. Charles, Gananza. Leiva, Francis R., I,os Angeles. Lcnderman, Watson, Los Angeles. MacDonald, Seward, Los Angeles. Martinez. Manuel, San Feniando. Maxson. Lieut. Harold F., Los Angeles, McAllister, Sgt. Wm. W., Los Angeles. McGowan, Sorsby, Los Angeles. McLeod, William, Santa Monica, Millard, Byron J., Los Angeles. Miller. Floyd, Inglewood. Miller. Corpl. Harry, I^os Angeles. Nelson. Capt. H. C, Los Angeles. Ncwiin, Guy. I.os -Vngeles. O'Neill, Lawrence Mathew, Los Angeles. Peters. Lieut. William Lawrence, Los Angeles. Pitsenbargcr. Corpl. RobL R., Los Angeles. Plaskett, Sherman W., Long Beach. Register, Sgt. Reddie 0.. Los Angeles. Reynolds. Sgt. Houston J., Los Angeles. Russell, Charles G., Los Angeles. Scholer. Robert H., Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES COU NTY— Continued. Died from Accident or Other Causes — Continued. Schwomcr. Sgt. Lewis K,, Kagle li>K'k. Sele, Lieut, Louis H., San Pedro. Sheely, Thomas C.. Los Angeles. Shelton, Martin L., Los .Vngeles. Sherwood. Ford C, Los Angeles. Sidey. David Wilbur. Los Angeles. Stinkard. Rex, Los Angeles. Smith. James B., Los Angeles. Smith, Walter J., Los .Vngeles. Smithers. Dr. J. E. H., Los Angeles. Snyder, Corpl. John A., I^os Angeles. Spaeth. Lieut. Walter, Los Angeles, Stoker, Ellsworth Wilford, Pasadena, Taylor. Corpl. Wayne K., Los Angeles. Thomas, Lieut. Frank, Venice. Thompson. Frank H., Los -Vngeles. Thrush, Capt. Lloyd E., Los Angeles. Tipton, Melville R.. Los Angeles. Van Denbcrg. Edward B,, Los Angeles. Wallace, John, Los Angeles. Wehland, Guy, .\loriiovla. Weik. Fred J., Pasadena. Wheeler, Samuel, .Sania .Monica. Whitaker, Lieut. Reginald E., Glendale. Widenham. Lieut. John M., Los Angeles. MADERA COUNTY. Killed in Action. MacPherson, Sgt. William M., Madeia. Died of Wounds. Macon. Herbert E., ALuIera. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Dennis, Raymond L., KnowUs MARIN COUNTY. Killed in Action, Costa. Fran''. S.. Saii ICaiacl. De Witt. Hugh B., San Anselmo. Pcdranti, Constantine, Olema. Silva. Alexander, Ignacio. Thompson, Sgt. Chas. F., Novate. Died of Wounds. Donnelli, Carlo, San Kafapl. Gogna, Corpl. Lenigi. San .\Msclmo. Morris. Tony, San Rafael. Died of Disease. Harper, Sgt. Harry, San Itaiail. Peters, Sgt. -Major Gordon A.. San Hafael. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Stone. William F., Sau-;iliiM MENDOCINO COUNTY, Killed in Action, Day, Ruel W., I'hilo. Fitch, George A., Manchester. Johnson. Harry E., -Vlljion. Nichols, Joseph F., Mendocino City. White, Lewis B., Lkiah. Died of Wounds. Wright. William, Ikiali. Died of Disease. Lopps, Antone T. L., Mendocino. Wcller, Elisha B.. Ukiah. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Elmslie, William A., Fort JSiagg. Ledford, William R., Yorkvlllc. 10 Califoniiaiis If ho Have Died in Scrznce. merCed county. Killed in Action, Russo. Vencenzo, Lo^ r.Miios. Sauza. Constantine. <:ustine. bied of Wounds. Freites, Manuel B.. I, us I'.aiius. Died of Disease. Veary, John R.. Meneil. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Palermo. Salvatore. I. us Kmikj.s. Shaw. Corpl. Dick P.. Siielliiig. MODOC COUNTY. Died of Wounds. Harvil. Thomas G.. Adiii. Wooclmansee. Frank E.. Luukmit. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Ferrario. Manllo L.. Altuias. Miller. William Reginol. Alturas. MONO COUNTY. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Scanavino. Louis, Boclie. MONTEREY COUNTY. Killed in Action. Clayton. James G., Priest Valley. Daniels. Carl M.. Marina. Sievers. Corpl. M. H.. iSaliuas. Died of Wounds. HoDps. Martin S.. Salinas. Died of Disease. lenkins. Lieut. Clarence C. .Salinas. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Anderson. Lieut. Cecil M., Salinas. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Happ. Frank. Muntere.v. Rodriguez, Joseph P.. Santa Itlta. Sullivan. Thomas J., Salinas. NAPA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Binzell. Gulllo, St. Helena. Brovilli. Guilo. St. Helena. Busch. Chris.. Xapa. Hoisholt. Lieut. Arne K.. Napa. Korte. Bernard F.. St. Helena. Lynch. Frank J.. Xapa. Murr. Russell A., Xaiia. Snyder. Samuel, Xapa. Solari. Angel, Xapa. Died of Wounds. Urbanscheck, Richard. .Niipa. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Arma. William S.. Calistyca. Buck. Julius. Xajia. Groteuth. Harry. St. Helena. Hedley. Pharoah, Carneios. NEVADA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Hegarty. William C. .Nrvaila Cit.v. McGlone. Corpl. Edward, Fientli Curral. Murray, Clifford F., .N'oith ('uiuuibia. Plinkham. Albert L., Crass Valle.v. Died of Wounds. Graham. Jack E.. I'lnristun Died from Accident or Other Causes. Beyer. Robert H., Wolf. Summers. Ralph, Hobart Mill^. Wilhelm, Clarence M., Grass Valle.v White, Edw., Xeva.la Cit.v. ORANGE COUNTY. Killed in Action. Christensen, George G.. Tuslin. Enrlght, Thomas. Yurlja 1-incla. Foster. Jesse L.. (iaiilen Cruve. Trapp. Donald L.. Kl Tmk.. Died of Wounds. Brozell. Otto. Oiaiige. Carron, Henry. Santa .\na. Elliott. Stanley. Santa Ana. Rozell. Clarence 0., Oraniie. Stoffel, Peter, .\naheiiii. Schroeder, Henry W.. Santa Ana. Died of Disease. Dunn, Charles. Fnlleitun. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Byram. Wilfred C, Santa Ana. Nethaway. Sgt. Dean, I'.iea. Rhodes. Marvin, (lianye. PLACER COUNTY. \ Killed in Action. Fowler. James E.. Linruln. Galvin. Corpl. Carl L., Diinnei. Merrill. Sgt. Fred J.. I.inroln. Townsend. Richard W.. Kast .VhImimi. Died of Wounds. Wallner, Hugo F.. Knseiilli-. Died of Disease. Bevilacqua, Anthony J., Colfa.\. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Beyer, Robert. .\ul'uin. Casner, Aron. Oihillf. Cortopassi, Tony, Anlmin. Linnell, Arthur, Ituseville. PLUMAS COUNTY. Killed in Action. Toby. Willard. Taylcusville. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. Killed in Action. Edwards, Clyde H.. .Xeiivo. Lilburn, Stanley. Itivei-siJe. McMillan, Sgt. Laning R., Corona. Rubidoux, Corpl. Mack i.. Riverside. Smith. Lieut. Paul D.. banning. S'over, Roy A., Kiversicle. Calif ornians Who Have Died in Service. 11 RIVERSIDE COUNTY— Continued. Di«d of Wounds. Bower. J. R.. m—rslilf. Died of Disease. Conrow. Samuel D.. IWyllu'. Died from Accident or Other Causes, Ahneteldt. Lieut. Ray C. l{iv>M~i.l<-. Backas. James M.. lihtMsidr. McElioy. Dewey Francis. Mcnilnw Vallev SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Killed in Action. Bahney. Corpl. John W.. Sairaiiifiilo. Bellows. William H., SHi-iaiiienti>. Brady. Thomas. .aiiainento. Perkins. Albert W.. Sacramento. Powell. Sgt. Ballard B.. !<iegn. Walters. Sgt. Charles, San Diego. Ward. Al. San Dhfu. Died of Wounds. Aitkens. George F,. .National Cilv. Deming. Isaac L., .Me.sa Crande. Fowler. Reuben. San Diego. McHenry. Sgt. John A., San Dictin. Died of Disease. Bragg. Sgt. Ray T.. San Diego. Heskctt. Forest C. Saei Diego. Kimball. Corpl. Arthur, National ('ity. Patterson. Wm.. San Diego. Peebles. Major Wm. B., Coronado, Wisbcy. Orlan. San Dicgn. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Bell. Lieut. Spencer M., I.cnion ('.rove. Died from Accident op Other Causes. Barlow. Lieut. Harold C. .San IMego. Courser. Frank M., San 01eg», Gillespie. Lieut. Harvey E., San Diego. Kloke. Donald C, San Diego. McLaurin. William B., Coronado Beach. Overall. George W., San Diego. Ream, Major Wm. R., San Diego. 12 Californians Who Have Died in Service. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY. Killed in Action. Allen, Lieut. Clarence E. Aufdermaur, Meinrad. Barnes. Sgt. Wilson B. Battisti, Isador. Bennett, Robert J. Blau, Corpl. Otto H. Bulsing. Henry J. Cary. Corpl. Harold E. Cassens, Herman. Craig. Lieut. Col. J. M. Curotto. Virgilia. Cutler. James R. Davidson, Lieut. Gilford C. Dawson. Harry J. Deitrich. John. Oe Santi, Corpl. Narciso. Donovan. Jerry Stephen. Dunn, Corpl. James A. Dwyer, John. Fliopulos, George D. Frank, Corpl. Chauncey. Grimes. George. Hadgcdorn. Corpl. Wm. P. Harling, Jesse. Harris. Corpl. Harry L. Hartmann, Ernest S. Higgins, Corpl. Hugh V. Horan, Lee P. Hourcaillon, Jean B. Legnitto, Frank A. Lunn, Corpl. Wm., Jr. Mack, Harry. Mignacco, Attilio J. Moore, Capt. Fred P. Murray, John. Nathan, Edward. Nixon. William C. Nonnemann. Albert W. Owens, Benjamin F. Richardson, Russ R. Rc'aerts Corpl. Harold W. Saffold. Lieut. Ray P. Scarzclio, Louis. S^hreier, Fred. Silvestro, Joseph. Stamper, Corpl. Clyde R. Stavrakis, Steffln. Stearns, Gustavus C. Stevens, Sat. Edw. J. Sutter, Mike H. Thoemmel. John Joseph. Troncy, Noel. Williams, William A. Wood, Floyd H. Died of Wounds. Cravictlo, Andrea. Hackman, Sgt. Carl W. Hammer, Lieut. Earl M. Husted. Harvey M. Kengia, Louis E. Kcssle-, Morris. King, Joseph E. Krenz. Walter. Mehrtens. Rudolph C. Shiely, Corpl, Edward R. Sturla. Pietro. Died of Disease. Aasland, Carl. Ackerman. Lieut. James A. Chapart. Jean B. Ciucci. Harold B. Gregory. Sgt. Merle M. Hawes. Henry A. Martini, Albert J. McGuire, Chas. John. Mialoc, Louis. Redner, Lieut. Joseph H. Ross, George W. Ryan, Thomas J. Stevens, Sjt. Paul H. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY— Continued. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Baker, Lieut, Livingston L. Bigelow, Lieut. Donald A. Hollingsworth. Lieut. Frank E. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Anderson, Henry Francis. Jr. Bennett. Clinton C. Blackston, Louis. Bigger. Joseph A. Brown. Charles T. Buckman. Fillmore S. Cannell, John S. Carlson, Paul R. Carnell. Milton P. Cassano. Charles. De Cunha. William. Dickson. Lieut. S. J. Erkson, Albert S. Figueiredo. Joseph L. Franco. Angelo. Gagen. Lloyd V. Greenough, Lieut. Dol. E. A. Horton. Lieut. Henry Edward. Ingtrilath. Robert. Ish. Sat. Rex W. Jackson. Lieut. Byron. Jones. Clarence M. Kelly. John J. Kttler. William B. Lankcnau, George, Less, Samuel. Magruder. Lieut. Sprague. McCallig, Felix. McVcy. Charles P. H. Medley. Victor W. Moon. Albert T. Moore, William A. Morin. Lieut. Adrain Lewis. Nonncnmann. Gustave J. Paniz?ard. Hector L. Rader, Philip Dwight. Roth, William. Russ, Inyo A. Saxe. Marx Alma. Schlesinger. David Jerome. Smallwood. Henry. Smith. Stanley D. Soria, David. Speiring, Emil H, Stcfjen, Frank. Slender. George R. Stimpson. Paul H. Svjeeney. Lawrence. Sullivan. Tom J. Tucker. Herbert J. Underwood, Edward A, Weber, Henry. Zavaldano, Alexander Nicholas, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Killed in Action. Aggeler, Corpl. Jerrotd J.. Stockton. Ohio. James. I.atluoii. Drabkin. Corpl. Joseph, Lodi. FIggins, Walter W., Stocktou. Gillespie. Sgt. Ralph W., Lodi. Gustafson. Sgt. Carl B., Escalon. Irwin, Bernard. Stockton. McFall. Sgt. Hope, Manteca. Miller. Jamts R.. Stockton. Needham. Corpl. Clyde W., Lodi. Sherlock, Phillip, Stockton. Staples, Corpl. Guy W., Linden. Thompson. Cecil E., Escalon. Thorsen. Henry. Stockton. Troy. Martin, Lodi. Died of Wounds. Keifer, Vaughn, Stockton. Calif ornims Who Have Died in Service. 13 T SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY— Continued. Died of Disease. Oragco. Verne T.. Stocktmi. Lewis. Corpl. Bert. Stockton. Mitchell, Darrell C. San Joaqtilii. Shervinjky. David. St.iokton. White. Sgt. Vernon, l.o.li. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Bell. Lirut. A. R., Stockton. Bradigan. Karl I., Stockton. Carrier. Paul, Stockton. Casenave. John E., .Stockton. Fstes Roy L.. St.xktim. Fishir. William Anthony, Stockton. Harrison, Cornelius, Stockton. Hickey, Earl 0., Stockton. Higgins, Harold, Stockton. La Fargue, Louis, Stockton. Nelson. Olaf E.. Stockton. Pahl. George J., .Stockton. Patten. Charles R., Lodi. Rossi. William, Lodl. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. Killed in Action. Clark. Souza Joseph. .San iliguel. Corpl. Manuel. Jr., Cambria. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Mosher. Sgt. James C. S.m Luis Obi^iio. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Dinn. Presley, San Miguel. Farmer, Corpl. Reeves, Wm. E Donald R.. Sun ., Arroyo Craucle. Luis OLiispo. SANTA CLARA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Andrade. Joseph F., Santa tiara. Covin. Corpl. William Frank, San Jose. Mure. Salvatore. San .lose. Nicholas, Allan. Palo Alto. Perkins. Albert G., San .lose. Regan. Lieut. John, San ,To.sc. Young, Earl C. I."s Calos. Died of Wounds. Crews. Corpl. Chas. Caleb, Cllroy. Fresher, Elmer Lester, I.os Gatos. Garcia, Ben. diUoy Rose. Manuel R.. Milplta^. Died of Disease. Couch. William, l'ali> Alto. Dunbar. Norman, Santa Clara. Logan. Sgt. Walter, San Jose. Perreria. John F., San Jose. Toste. Frank B., San Jose. Shaw, Seelcy L., Santa Clara. Vargas, Manuel J., Sinuiyvale. Died from Accident or Hilden, Walter A., San Jtjse. Manba. Maurice, Santa Clara. Neugass. Mervin, I.os Altos. Pappassi, Charles H., San Jose. Porta. Antonio, Aptos. Pinnola. Paul J., San Jose. Preston. Capt. A. E., San Jose. Speed. John W., Santa Maria. Other Causes. SAN MATEO COUNTY. Killed in Action. Berry. Louis E., Daly f'ity- Besana, Guiseppe, La Honda. Sturtevant. Robert S., Daly City. Died of Wounds. Delray. Edward D., \Vix)dlawii. Died of Disease. Pattee, Edgar Lawrence, San Mat*o. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Huntington. Lieut. Cecil S., BurUngame. Parrott. Edmund Anthony, San Mateo. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Allain. George D., Redwood City. De Martini, Harry, San Mateo. Dunton. Harold. San Mateo. Emery, Corpl. Byron, Daly City. Frey, Howard E.. Pescadero. San JIateo. Knox. Lieut. Merton H., Itedwood City. Phillips. Milton W.. Half Moon Bay. Th.ush, Capt. Lloyd. ItedwiKSd City. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Barry, Lieut. David M., Santa Barbara. Carr, Lieut. Joseph E., Santa Barbara. Hall. John T.. Santa Barbara. Pico. Manuel J.. Los Alamos. Rutherford, Lawrence G., Santa Barbara. Died of Wounds. Compton. William D., .Santa Barbara. Hodgkins. Ernest R., .Santa Barbara. Ordaz, William, Santa Barbara. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Aadland. Thomas M.. Santa I'.a'bar.i. Pratt. Albert A.. Santa Haihara. Hosmer, William C, Santa Barbara. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. Killed in Action. Brown. James, Soquel. Larensen, Corpl. Edward H.. Watsonville. Died of Wounds. Brown, James A., Soquel. Ciges, Chris. E., Davenport. Corey, Sgt. Clarence L., Santa Cruz. Died of Disease. Bliss, Lieut. Vance W., Santa Ciuz. Cheney. Louis D., South Santa Cruz. Robrecht, Albert, Watsonville. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Evans, Lieut. Thomas R., Santa cruz. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Pappassi, Charles H., Santa Cruz. SHASTA COUNTY. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Baker. Johnnie E., Cottonw 1. Moody. John Kenneth. ICt'ddink'. Ohnsorg, Lieut. Norman L., Bedding. SIERRA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Thomas. Harry E., Downiovillc Died from Accident or Other Causes. Church, Ward. Loyalton. Scott. Joseph P., Sierra City. 14 CaUfornkms Who Ilai'c Died in Service. SISKIYOU COUNTY. STANISLAUS COUNTY. Killed in Action. Killed in Action. Gregory, Edwin L., Montague. Adams. Corpl. Herbert H., Oakdale. Panagos, Ni'holas W., Weed. Epperson. Lieut. Uriah M., Modesto. Fox. Elmer, lluglj^iin. Died of Wounds. Guyler, Paul E.. .Moilesto. Kaspar, Edmund T., Montpellier. Silva, Frank, Agti. Keening. William H., Modesto. Weller, Chas. S.. Ililts. Parkhurst. Aaron, Oakdale. Rodman. George A., Denair. Died of Disease. Engstrum. Emil A.. McCloud. Died of Disease. Frothinjham, Jr-.mcs, .Maciloel. Mcintosh. Carl D.. iJodesto. Pitts. Burrell, {'alliUiaii. McLaughlin. Robert C, Modesto. White, Orris A., Walker. Savage. Daniel P., Modesto. Spenker. Donald S., Modesto. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Winn, Oro T.. Modi'sto. Han is. Perry P., Cieeiiview. Slieffield. Aquilla. CJieemicu. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Sissal. Jolin V., Cazelle. Kinncar. Lieut. James Stewart, Newman SOLANO COUNTY. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Killed in Action. Annear. Capt. Edgar H.. Modestn. Plimpton. Robert S., .Modesto. Divine, Sgt. Louis S., Valleju. Frese. C. B.. Dixim. Simmons, Sgt. Melvin K.. Fniifleld. SUTTER COUNTY. Killed in Action. Died of Wounds. Wisner. Everett K.. Sntler City. Cliichilikas. Nicholas IM.. \'alleju. Kroutch. Frank J.. Itio Vista. Died of Wounds. Died of Disease. Mcorc. Harold J.. I.iM' Oak. Baume, Thomas Austin, Valleio. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Maroon, Claude L., Vallejn. Moitensen, Wm. P., Suisun. Call. John. Live Oak. Died from Accident or Other Causes. TEHAMA COUNTY. Bowman, Edward, Valleio. Crowe, Leiand Russell, l!io Vista. Killed in Action. Dauber, Capt. Karl H., Benicia. Bradley, Frank S.. Red Blntt. Hatch, Lieut. Wm. Dwight, Vallejo. Waller, Howard E., Red BlutT. Hilden, Sgt. Walter A, Vacaville. Nonella. Sylvester, El Venuio. Died from Aeroplane Accid ent. Ratclif.e. Sgt. E. W., I>Lxoii. Talbot, Bryan P., Vacaville. Bidwell. Lieut. Robinson E.. Red Bluir. Whelin, Lieut. Albert. Itiu Vista. Died from Accident or Other Causes. SONOMA COUNTY. Scott, Johnny. Red Blnll. Killed in Action. .TRINITY COUNTY. Baker. Charles A.. Cloveidale. Davis, Corpl. Frank, Santa Rosa. Killed in Action. Denham, Frank B., Santa Rosa. Mansfield. Harold H., Weavcnillf. Dupre, Frank, Stbastopol. Rodgeis, William F., Indian I'leek. Larsen, William, Jiird's Landing. Res2ndes. Wm. J., Uodega. Smith, Thos. P., .Santa Itnsa. TULARE COUNTY. Sweetnam, Sgt. John M., Sebastopol, Killed in Action. Died of Wounds. Byxbee. Fred. Leuiooie. Jordnn. Harvey H.. Kxeler. Hoeh, Fred W., Santa Rosa. Jordon. Irving, \ isalia. Minck, William, IJloomfleld. Keeley. Corpl. Julius 0., Lindsay. Pullen, L. S.. K.xeter. Died of Disease. Richcson. Corpl. Franklin C. Dlniiba. Stump. John S, \'isalia. Anderson. John L.. Koihel. Cincelli. Albert Dante, Santa Rosa. Died of Wounds. Greaves, Clive H., Clovenlale. Cross, John J.. l)inul)a. Schwan, Lennord F., Santa Rosa. Hodgson. Milton B., I'ortenille. Vaunoy, Corpl. Lee V., Dinuba. Died from Aeroplane Accident. Died of Disease. Chamberl.-.in, Sjt. Thurston R.. (;niinf\ ille. Jones. Orvil L., Santa Kc.sa. Houk. Wilbur. Visalia. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Macketsien. Alfred, Oiosi. Elding, John, l'otalnnin. Russell. Kenneth. Tnlare. Rossi. Rtna. J'ctaluma. Tcgni, Walter, Visalia. Williams, Frank R., .Santa Rosa. Zanni. Joseph, ■lipton. Caliloniions klho Huvc Died in Service. IS TUOLUMNE COUNTY. YOLO COUNTY. Killed in Action. Killed in Action. Ciravegna. Sgt. Luis A., Soiilshyville. Ofyon. Joseph R.. Tuolmiinp. Kahl. James C. .raiiifslDWii Pierce. William. MtlvilU'. Billings. Ernest. Woixllaiul. Dinsc, Claud J.. West Woodlatiil. Hamilton. Roy. Wiiciillaiiil. Weylandt, Corpl. Lester L., Peters. Died of Wounds. Lertora. Albert, .l.iiii VENTURA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Alves. Frank. Oxiianl. Burrows. Charles. Ventura. Cooper. Corpl. Robert W.. Oxiiar.l. Davis. Corpl. Frank G.. Sania I'aula. Fernandez. Rufus C. Saiit.i I'aula. Gerry. Edmund S.. Veiilura. Hatcher. Corpl. William F. U.Miard. Ingalls. Corpl. Earle E.. Sespe. Parr. Samuel P., Flllnmre. Prcdmorc. Wesley C. Wliitern. Taber. Harmon R.. (';i|i;i,v Dif^d of Wounds. Alford. Chas. V.. Wiin.llarul. Died from Accident or Other Causes. Bauer. Corpl. Harry. INit^niM YUBA COUNTY. Killed in Action. Zvljerkovich. John, Maiysvilk-. Died of Wounds. Bishop. Lester J.. Alao'sville. McCurry, Lewis Melton, Wheatland. i-MiH IMK WK) ?oi^ ^fl^o^H*-ATipN DEPARTMENT TO— » 202 Mn in Library LOAN PERIOD 1 |2 HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals end Rechorges moy be mode 4 days pnor to the due date ""^^'^^ '""Y be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE A S S lAMPED RFI ny^T FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 Monufocturad by (WKVLORO BROS. Inc. Syrocu»«, N. Y. bfockfon, Collf. UC BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDM7E3D^bfl