ifornia )nal ty WARSHAW COLLECTION BUSINESS AMERICANA ALBANY, N.Y. ■■%», y-|ZI04 HANS SEBALD BEHAM. TZe iw^effim is Bmted to ome btmdred copies, ofnjcbitk tbisisNo, ftD^ CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTS AND ETCHINGS OF HANS SEBALD BEHAM, PAINTER, OF NUREMBERG, CITIZEN OF FRANK- FORT, 1500-1550. LONDON: Mrs. NOSEDA, 109, Strand. 1877. Re^-eife co^y of 2'0. I CO, 'f^^p^M^m^\ 'mw^i ^^sM^"^ m '^t' m ^:% w&w. ^:j; A'b. 268, re^erfed. ANS SEBALB BEHAM was born in 1500. His brother Bartholomew and he were pupils of Albert Durer, and, together with Albert Altdorfer, Henry Aldegraver, George Pencz^ Jacob Bink, and Hans Brojamer, became known as the '''Seven Little Mafters!' The fame Jub- vi Hans Sebald Beham, je5}s were ujed for dejign by each of them^ and it is pojjible that thofe of them who were actually ft udents in the employment ofDurer had theje and other fubje5fs/et to them by way of tajks. In 1 5 1 8 we firji find Hans Sebald Beham's monogram on an engrav- ings No. I in this Catalogue. A facfimile of it on wood forms our firfl illufiration. It reprefents a young girl^ her head leaning on one fide^ and is figned with the letters f/ao H.S.P. This monogram he continued to ufe tmtil the year 1531, when a goblet s No. 93 /;/ this c at alogue^ firfl bears the letters H.S.B. There are no engrav- ings known dated in the years 1532, 1 533, Hans Sebald Beham, vii or 1534, but a pi^ure now in the Louvre bears the laji -mentioned date^ and may have employed him in the interval to the exclufion of engraving. It reprejents four Jcenes in the life of David^ and contains the artifFs portrait and that of his patron, Albert^ Cardinal Archbifhop of ^^., Mentz^ whofe arms^ in an undated and unfigned prints No, 277 in this lifl, of which an imprejfion, perhaps unique^ is in the Bibliotheque at Paris ^ may have been engraved, among other works^ during thofe years. In 1 544 he was a citizen of Frankfort^ as appears by the infcription round a print of his arms. No. 136. In viii Hans Sebald Beham. 1549 he dated three engravings^ Nos. 168, 169, and 170, and^ according to Jeveral authorities^ he died in 1550. Some doubts have been exprejjed as to his being the engraver both of thoje prints which bear the H.S.P. and thoJe which have H.S,B., but, apart from the fa 51 that the fame change occurs in the fignature of Barthel Beham, a compari/on of his works, chronologically arranged, /hows a gradual progrefs from his early to his later manner, and leaves no queflion as to his identity. His etchings are few in number, and for the mofi part inferior in execution {Nos. 23,24, 27,52,60, 105, ^r . ) . His wood-engrav- Hans Sebald Be ham. ix ings are many in number ^ and are not here defcribed^ but feveral were reproduced by Be Bry and others on copper^ andjome of them^ bearing his initials^ are occafionally included in lifts of his prints, Hefeems to have worked chiefly for goldjmiths and for engravers on ivory. An inlaid box at South Kenftngton has ivory copies of Nos, ^6^ 143, and 194, in this lift. He alfo feems to have made at leaft one carving in Joap-ftone — his own portrait^ afterwards copied by Hollar. Another portrait exifts in a drawing at the Albertine Mufeum^ in Vienna^ but very few drawings from his hand have been identified. X Hans Sebald Beham. In the following lift his dated works with the monogram H.S.P, are fir ft given in chronological order, Next^ thoje with the fame fignature which are undated^ in the order in which they occur in Bartfch. His engravings with H.S.B. follow, alfo in the order of the years marked on them, and after them the lift of undated works with the Jecond monogram. Finally fome doubtful or unfigned works, ufually attributed to him, conclude the lift. 'The chief and lateft authority for his life and that of Barthel Beham, is Rofen- bergs volume, publi/hed at Leipzic, in Hans Sebald Beham. xi 1872; // contains, befides the refults of original refearch, full references to previous writers on the Juhje^l, 'The prejent lift is the firft^ however, in which a chronological order is attempted — an order which might, perhaps, have been Jo far purjued as to in- clude nearly all his works from a careful comparijon of the ftyle of each. At the end of the book will be found an index of the numbers in Bartfch, fo as to render the catalogue more ujeful to collectors. Where I have added B.M., Par., Cam., Ox., or L., I wifh to fignify that imprej- ftons of a rare print exift in one or other of theje colle5iions : — The Britifh Mujeum, Xll Ha72s Sebald Beham, the Bibliotheque at Paris^ the Fitzwilliam Mufeum at Cambridge, the Douce Collet ion in the Taylor Buildings at Oxford, or ray own collet ion. W. J. LOFTIE. No. I. No. 267, renierjed. Dated Prints marked H. S. P. 1518. GIRL'S Head : h. s. p. with the s reverfedy and date 1518, left top cor- ner. W. i-^in. H, i^ in. B. M, B, 204. 1519. 2. ATiAM,feated on the Jlump of a tree, look- ing to right : H. s. p. and date 15 19, right top 2 Prints and Etchings of corner^ in a tablet. W. 2 in. H.I -^ in. States : I. TVith horizontal lines only in Jky ; 2. With crofs hatching. B. i. 3. Y.YY.^feated on the Jlump of a tree, looking to left: H. s. P. and 15 19, left top corner. W. 2 in. H. 2^ in. States : I. TVith hori- I o zontal lines in Jky ; 2. With crofs hatching. B.2. 4. Head of Christ, crowned with thorns : H. s. p. and 1 5 19, right top corner. W. i^in. H. i-^in. Par. Cam. L. B. 27. 5. St. Jerome, walking to right: h. s. p. right bottom corner ; 15 19, left top. W. l^in. H. 2\ in. B. 59. 6. LucRECE, feated at the foot of a tree, a dagger in her left hand: right bottom corner, H. s. p. ; date, 1 5 19, right, above. W. I^in. H. 2\ in. States : I. With lines in Jky, but no Hans Sebald Be ham, 3 background ; 2. TFith buildings to right and in background. B. jS. 7. A Standard Bearer, with open mouth : left top corner, H. s. p. ; date, 1519. ^^. if in, H. ^in. B. 201. Sometimes described as an etchings n.vhich it is not. 1520. 8. Christ at the foot of the Crofs, with chalice and wafer : on tablet, right bottom, H. S.P., 1520. ^. 2t^^' ^' 5A^^- ^' 2^' 9. Head of Christ, crowned with thorns, front face and furrounded with rays : H. s. p., 1520, on tablet, middle bottom, W, \^ in. H, l^in. Cam. L. B. 28. 10. Head of Christ: h.s. p., 1^20, left top. TV. II- in. H. 2^ in, B.M. Par. 5. 29. thefe three heads {Nos. 4, 9, and 10) are all rare. 4 Prints and Etchings of 11. Christ in Glory, holding the globe in left hand : in background left, with date over, 1520, H. s. p. W. \%in. H. 2-^in. B. 36. The Jirji piece ofafet offe^uen (11 to 17). 12. St. Peter and St. Paul, walking to right: left bottom corner, on a white tablet, H. s. p., 1520. B. 37. 13. St. Philip and St. James, walking to right : infky, right, H. s. p., 1520. B. 38. 14. St. Andrew and St. Thomas, walk- ing to right : left top, on white tablet, H. s. p., 1520. B. 39. 15. St. Matthew and St. John, fea ted, looking to left : left top, on white tablet, H. s. p., 1520. B. 40. 16. St. Simon and St. Thaddeus, walk- ing to left : on white tablet, left bottom, H. s. p., 1520. B.\\. Ha?is Sebald Beham. 5 17. St. Bartholomew and St. Matthias, walking to left : infiy, left, H. s. P., 1 520. B. 42. 18. Virgin and Child, on a crefcent : H. s. p., 1520, left bottom corner, on a tablet, W. 2-^ in, H. '^\in. 5. 17. 19. Virgin and Child, wzV/>tf/)f^r: right bottom, on a tablet, H. s. P., 1520. JV. ^In. H.^j-in. B. 18. 20. Virgin and Child, feated on a bank, her feet to left : the Child has an apple in His hand: a dry tree to left: left below, H. s. P., 1520. JV. 4. in. H. \\in. Not in B. Mentioned by Pa/Ja'vant, No. 260, ivho fays it looks like an engra'ving on "jjood. Coll. Alb er tine. 21. St. Jerome, holding a crucifix, a lion fitting behind: on white tablet, left bottom corner, h.s.p., 1520. W. 2\in. H. 3t^z«» B. 60. 6 Prints and 'Etchings of 22. St. Jerome, holding a Ji one in right hand^ a city in the background, and an arch overhead : on a ft one J middle bottom, H. s. P., 1520. TV. 2iin. H.Ar^in. B. 62. 23. St. Jerome, ^« ^^<:^/«^ ; h.s.p., 1520, left top. IV. 2\in. H. ^^in. B. 61. 24. A Hermit feated on the ground in a wood: above, an angel fying : H. s. P., 1520, right top. TV. i^in. H. 2^ in. B. 66. An etching, 'very much in Altdorfers manner. — B. M. 25. T)iT>o, feated, looking to left : infer iption onfeat"REGiy!JE ' didonis • imago * improbe • AMOR : QUID • NON * MORTALIA * PECTORA * COGIS • VIRG : IN • QUARTO * AENEIDOS." Bc- lowthe infcription to left, H. s. P., 1520. TV. ^i in. H. 41- in. States : i . Size, 3^- in. by 5 in., Hans Sebald Be ham. 7 afterwards cut above, below, and at left ftde\, 2. Sixe, as given above. B. M. I, 2. B. So. Imitated from a print by Marc Antonio^ after Raphael^ reprefenting Venus and Cupid. The fame figure, ^th a cupid, nvas engra'ved by^. Altdorfer (B. 34). 26. Fortune, naked, ftanding on a globe, holding in her left hand a bridle : left below, on a tablet, H. S. P., 1 520. Round, 5 in. diam. B. 139. Scarce. 27. Soldier, with fp ear in right hand, ftand- ing by a tree : right bottom corner, in a tablet, H.S.P., 1520. W. 21- in. H. 3i/«. B. 203. Etching. 28. A Peasant, with a bajket of eggs and a hare: H. s. P., 1520, left, above. W. \\in. H. i^in. States : I. No fky or landfcape ; 2. JFithJky,^c. B. igi. 29. A Peasant Woman, with a goofe : left, below, H.S.P., 1520. W, l^in. H. i^- in. 8 Prints and Etchings of States: i. No Jky or land/cape ; 2. With Jky, l^c. B. 192. 30. A Man and a Woman, with a bajket of eggs : H. s. p., 1520, right top corner. W, 11- in. H.2in. B. 193. 31 . A Bag Piper embracing a girl : u.s. p., 1520, mid top. W. 21 in. H. ^\\in. B. 195. An etching. 32. The Handle of a Dagger : above, MarSy Jianding : below, foliage : right, above, H. s. P., 1520. H. 5 in. Par. Not in B. A doubtful piece. I52I. 33. The Infant Christ, feated on the ground, holding a globe in the right hand, and raifing the left to blefs : H. s. P., and date 1521, left top corner. W. i-^in. H. i-^in. Par. B. 22. Hans Sebald Beham. g 34. St. Jerome, fea ted on a J} one under an arch, looking to right, with hands joined : '^before him an angel : H. s. P., 1521, on a tablet, ?nid top. JF, 21- in, H. ^^in. B. 63. 35. St. Anthony, feated, writing: behind him a pig's head : before him, to left, a crucifix, at his feet a bell : H. s. P., l^2l,ona tablet, left bottom corner. JV. 2^ in. H. "^fin. States: I. IVith the tablet blank, Ox.; 2. JFith mono- gram and date. B. 64. en s a 36. St. Sebald, fea ted under a tree, which a bird is feeding its young : he hold. church in his right, and a faff in his left hand : H. s. P., 1 52 1, on a tablet, right bottorn corner. W. 4-jZg. in. H. 6 in. States : I . Size as above ; 2. Reduced to '^^in. by 44-i. in., the top and left fide being cut. B. 6$. Imfreffions in both states are in B. M., Par., Cam. I o Prints and 'Etchings of 37. A Saint, attended by an angel : figned H. S.P., 1 521. Mentioned by Nagler : iiis. 618. Not in B. 38. A Soldier, y^^ff^/, looking to left, beftde a girl, whom he embraces : H. s. P., 1 521, left top. W. 2 in. H. 3 /;?. B. 202. Etching. There is a re^verfed copy figned and dated. Cam. 39. Cupid on a Dolphin: h. s. p., 1521, left top. W. \\in. H. i-^in. Par. B. 92. 40. Cupid on a Dolphin: h. s. p., 1521, right top. JV.i-^in. H.i^ in. Par. 5. 93. Alfo by J. Bink {B. 47.) 1522. 41. A Man, holding with his right the left hand of a girl, her head wreathed with flowers, and dancing to right: H. s. p., 1522, on tablet left top. W. 2 in. H. ^^in. B. 194. There is a 'very fimilar but f mailer print by Bink. (B. 75-) Hans Sebald Be ham. 1 1 1523- 42. Eve, Jlanding looking to left, art apple in her left hand, a dead ferpent in her right : behind her a lion, fitting : H.S.P., 1523, right top corner on a tablet, W. 2^ in. H. t^-^ in. States: I. Sky with one fet of lines ; 2. Sky dark. B. 4. Alfo by Bink. The match of No. 4.5. 43. Triton hearing a nymph to left, her face full: H.S.P., 1523, right bottom corner. W. l^in. H. i\in. B. 86. 44. Triton bearing a ny?nph to right, her face profile : H.S.P., 1523, left bottom corner. W. 2-ji^ in. H. 11. in. B. 87. 1524. 45. KTtMA,ftanding looking to right, an apple in his right hand, and a dead ferpent in his left : behind him, a bull fitting : H. s. P., 1524, right 1 2 Prints and 'Etchings of top, on a tablet. W. 2-^ in. H. 3^ in. States : I. With one fet of lines onjky, right ; 2. With fky dark. B. 3. The match of No. 42. 46. Fortitude, y^^/f^/, looking to left, on a lion : on a tablet at her feet, H. s. P., date, right top, 1524. Left top the words " forteza VIRTUS." W. i^in. H. 2\in. Not tnentioned by Bartfch, hut not uncommon. 47. A Vase rifing from a pair of Dolphins, and fupported by two cupids : H. s. p., I 524 mid bottom. W. i-^in. H. 2 in. B. 243. 1525. 48. A Shepherd, y7^^/)/«^, with a lamb in his lap : behind, to right, a city and mountains : on a tablet, left top corner, H. s. P., 1525. W. 31 in. H. 2 in. B. 216. This fubjeSl nvas alfo ufed by Bink (B. 76). Hans Sebald Beham, 1 3 1526. X 49. Moses and Aaron, reading a hook : on a tablet y right top corner ^ h.s.p., 1526. W, ^^in.H.-^in. B.%. 50. A Standard Bearer : on a tablet againji a wall, left, H. s. P., 1526. W. l^in. H. 2 in. States : i. With one tuftofgrafs, left ; 2. With additional blades of grafs. B. 200. 51. The Chastity of Joseph : right bot- tom corner, H. s. p., 1526. Round, 2 in. in dia- meter. ^' ^3- 52. A Pair of Lovers embracing : H. s. p., 1 526, mid top. W. 2\- in. H 3-^ in. States : I. With the figure 2 in date reverfed ; 2. With the 2 adjufted', 3. With retouches. B. 209. Etching. 1 4 Prints and Etchings of 53. A Naked Woman, with a child, over- come by Death : no monog., iS^^j ^^ft iop. W. 2iin. H.^-^in, B.i^-j, A doubtful etching ivhich I ha^ve never feen. 54. Y ASEyfupported by cupids and dolphins : H. s. p., 1526, bottom, middle. TV. i\in. H. 2^ in. 5.238. 55. Ornament: h. s.p., 1526, mid top. W.^in.H.S^in. 5. 246. 1527. 56. Ornament: h. s. p., mid bottom, i^ij. W. 4-1 in. H. S-^ in. Cam. B. 245. Rofenberg gi-ves the date as 1528. Inhere is probably fame confufwn about thefe ornaments (B. 243, Ss'c). 1529. 57. Adam and EvEjlanding at either ftde of a tree in which the ferpent is coiled : Adam is Hans Sebald Beham, 1 5 lefty Eve right : on a tablet mid bottom, ^. s. P., 1529, JV. 2 in. H. 31 z«. B. App. I. This print has ufiially been defer ibed as ^^ falfely attri- buted to H. S. Beham,"' but at-ithout reafon. Tbejfyle is not his jineji, but the nvork clofely correfponds nvith that in the Cleopatra of the fame year, one of his befl pieces. B. M. 58. Cleopatra, Jianding, naked, in a pri- fon, holding a viper. To the left the name KLEOPATRA : right, bottom, H. s. p., 1529, W. l±|/«. i/. 3^/«. B. 76. 59. Death feizing an immodeft couple : to the right a child puts its hand into a bag of money : on a tablet at left fide, HO mors ultima LiNEA rerum : on a tablet left top, h. s. p., 1529. W. i^in. H. 3tt^^- Oxford. B. 152. 1530. 60. St. Joachlm and St. Axne at the Golden Gate : middle bottom, H. s. P., 1 530. W. \\ in. H. 2\ in. Etching, B. M., Par. B.21. 1 6 Prints and 'Etchings of 6i. Vase, with cover ^ on which are three ovals each engraved with a figure : infcription above, " hie oben magst avch ein fvvs MACHEN '.'" at the left fide, where a line 7narks the opening of the lid, " avf " : left^ bottom, H. s. p., date, right, bottom, 1530. W. 2~in. H.2iin. 5.239. 62. Vase : on the cover three ovals, each en- graved with two figures : left, H. s. p., and right, 1530. W. 2-^in. H. -^^in. 5.240. 63. Vase : round the middle eleven ovals : H. s. p., left, and 1530, right. IV. 2^ in. H. 21 in. B.2^l. Undated Prints marked H. S. P. 64. Lot and his daughters : H. s. P., below to the right on a tablet. Round, 2-^ in. diam. 5.9. Hans Sebald Beham. 1 7 65. Judith, naked, /landing, attende4 by a woman who holds a bag, into which /he puts the head of Holophernes : at the left fide the name, " IvDiTH : " H. s. p., left bottom corner. W, 24-I- in. H. 4^ in. B. lo. 66. Achilles and Hector, fighting : left above, the word Achiles, and right, Hec- DOR : left top, H. s. P. W. 3-i in. H. l\ in. B.6S. 67. Battle of Greeks and Trojans : left below, the word Krichen, and right Droioner : right top corner, H. s. p. JV. ^^in. H. II in. B. 69. 68. Regulus : within a circle, and orna- ments. H. s. p., mid bottom. W. 144 in. H. 2 in. B. M., Par. B. -ji. Etching. 69. CiMON AND Pero *. H. s. P. left, above. Round, i^ in. diam. B. 'ji. Etching. 1 8 Prints and Etchings of 70. CiMON NOURISHED BY HIS DAUGHTER Pero : in a circle furrounded with ornaments, confijling of a pair of tritons wielding clubs. H. s. p., in the circle, left, above. W. 4 in. H. H ^'«. B' 73- Etching. 71. Mucius Sc^voLA : in a circle fur- rounded with ornaments, confifting of genii. H. s. p., mid. top. W. 2^ in. H. 2|- in. Cam., Par. 5. 81. 72. An Emperor : half length, in armour, within a circle, h. s. p., bottom, middle. The plate meafures TV. i|- in. H. i|- in., the circle being l^ in. diam. 5. 85. Rofenberg fuggejis that this is a portrait of Maximilian I. 73. The Judgment of Paris : h. s. p., middle top. Round, 1^ in. diam. ^.88. ThisfubjeSi is alfo treated by Barthel Beham, B. 26. Hans Sebald Beham, 1 9 74. Venus and Cupid: on a tablet, ^ight bottom corner " avdaces * venvs * ipsa • iv- VAT :" on the fame tablet, H. s. P. W. 2 in. H. 3-^ In. B, 90. 75. Four Centaurs, each bearing a nymph, an ornament in the centre, h. s. p., middle top. W. 3^ in. H. I in. States : I. With two fets of crofs-hatching lines i 2. With three. B. g^. 76. Two Men on horfeback, each with a woman behind him, and combating a man on foot, all nude : middle top, n.s.'P.,W.'7^^ in. H. iL in. States: l. With horizontal lines in background ; 2. With crofs-hatching. B. 95. 77. Charity : infer iption on tablet, right top, "charitatis • viRTVS i" under infcrip- tion, H. s. p. W. lii in. H. 2-±^ in. B. 137. 20 Prints and Etchings of 78. Procession : a man and woman in a chariot, with palm-hearers, and a man on horfe- hack, galloping ; going to left : H. s. P., right below. TV. \ in. H. 4.L in. B. 142. Alfo in renjerfe hy Barthel Beham, B. 44 (fee No. 169). 79. Two Musicians walking to left, a young woman behind to right : H. s. P., right top corner. TV. \^ in. H. \\ in. B. 190. Rofenberg fays the monogram is H. s. " B., left aho^ve^ A ^/«^; three couples at a table. One of a fet of four prints, the others undated, No. i']%,i^c. : infcription above, DISSIPAVIT SUBSTANTIAM SVAM VIVENDO LVXVRIOSE. LUCE. XV. : left top corner, H. s. B., 1540. TF. 2\k ^^' ^' 2^'"- States: I. JVith perpendicular lines of Jh a ding on the drefs of ftanding woman in the fold below her right hand ; 2. IVith crofs-hatching in the fold. Par. I, 2. There are re-touches, but they fe em to be by a later hand. B. M. B. 32, Hans Sebald Beham. 29 104. Patienxe, featedy facing to right y a lamb in her arms : behind^ a fiend : above, two little angels flying y and holding a laurel wreath^ under which is the word " pacientia : " on a tablet belowy " sebaldvs beham noricvs fa- CIEBAT," with monogram, h.s.b. : date on a tablet, left top, 1540. W, 2| in. H. 4^3_ i^^ States : i. The date not on a tablet, mentioned by Rofenberg ; 2. With tablet ; 3. With crofs- hatching on the back of right angel. B. 138. PaJJ'a'vant /peaks of a flate before the clouds, and Rofenberg adds tnjuo re-touches. I ba-ve not feen the fir Jl Jiate. 105. Lady, walking to right, accompanied by a jefler, who offers her flowers : left top, H.S.B., 1540. W. 2 in. H. 2f|- in. B. 148. An Etching. I54I. 106. St. Matthew: right fide, s. mat- 30 Prints and Etchings of THES : left, above, i : on a Jione, right, H. s. B., 1 541. W. \^ in. H. if^ in, B. 55. The fir fi ofafet of the E^ange lifts {fee Nos. 189, 190, and 191). There is a re-touched Jiate, 'very like a copy. 107. Fortune : a woman walking to right : fhe holds in her left hand a wheel, on which is a figure of a man, and a palm branch in her right : befide her, to right, is a globe : behind, to left, a fhip fails on the fea, and to right are fome I. 2. houfes and a tower : over her head, " fortuna :" right, above, H. s. b., 1541. W. 2 in. H. 3-!- in. States : l. With no dots in Jky ; 2. With dots, and with an additional fold in the drefs above left knee. B. 1 40. There is alfo a re-touch. The companion (No. 227) is probably of the fame date. Hans Sebald Beham. 3 1 108. A IjATiY, walking to right, accompanied by Death in a jejiers drefs : behind, to right, is a lily in a jar : above, omnem in homine VENVSTATEM MORS ABOLET : left, above, i. H. s. B., 1 541. W, 2 in. H. 31- in. States : The fecond Jiate has one blade of grafs more than the firfl in the tuft next the jar, right of figures {fee cut, in which the tuft is reprefented without background). A fimilar deftgn is No. 105. B. 149. 109. A Jester with two women, one of whom is in a bath : on a table behind, a jar of flowers : right, above, H. s. B., 1541. W. 2^ in. H. l^ in. States: i. With a flower and one long leaf in the jar ; 2. With two long leaves of grafs. B. 214. 3 2 Prints and Etchings of 1542. no. Hercules and the Centaurs: above^ ^rumn^ hercvlis : right bottom corner, H. s. B., 1542. TV. 3-JL. in. H. 2 in. States : I. With two fets of lines in grounding, one horizontal, the other " in bend fmijler ; " 2. With three fets of lines, the third fet being "in bend dexter ; " 3. With a fet of vertical lines. There are other re-touches in fecond and third fates. Par. Z. i, 2, 3. 5. 96. The fir ft of a fet of tnvel've prints of the " Hiflory of Hercules'''' {fee Nos. iii, 130, 198, 14.1 to 146, i6z, and 163). III. Hercules slays Nessus, the Cen- taur: above, hercvlis : left, above, H. s. b., 1542. W. 3^ in. H. 2 in. States : l. The lines of the Jky, left, do not appear between the arm and fide of Hercules, and there is only one fmall tuft of grafs on the rock, right ; 2. The fky is continued much higher, there is more grafs Hans Sebald Beham, 3 3 on the rocks in the background, and the tufts ^are larger. ^' 97« One of the fet of Hercules. 1 12. A Peasant with pitchfork : on a fcroll above, ES IST kalt weter. : to right, h. s. b., date, 15 left top, 42 right top. W. \\ in. H. i\in. B. 188. The companion piece is No. 258. 113. Study and Outline of a Man's Head, looking to right : right above, eines MANNES HAVPT : on a Jhield below, H. s. b., 1542. TV. 2-^-^ in. H. 2 in. B. 219. At Par. there is an early or proof Ji ate, in n^jhich the back of the neck and nofe ha-ve lefs /hading. 114. Study and Outline of a Woman's Head, looking to left : right above, eines WEIBES HAVPT : on fhield below, H. s. B. 1542. W. 2-^ in. H. 2 in. B. 220. 34 Prints and Etchings of 115. A LITTLE B\J¥Y 00"^, furrounded by a fcrollj on which is a legend : on his rattle, h. s. B., date on end of fcroll, 1542. TV. 3^ in. H. I ^in. B. 230. There is a re-touched flat e^ eafily diflinguifloed. 116. A Cupid, furrounded by a fcroll, on which is the Ro?nan alphabet : on the fcroll, H. s. B. and date 1542, the 2 reverfed. W. 3tV ^'«- ^' iH ^'«- ^' 229. Mofl authorities date this piece 1 545. 1543. 117. Adam and Eve tempted: Adam is to left, and holds a flaming fword in his right hand : Eve is to right : both grafp the apple offered by the ferpent, which is twined round a fkeleton : left, top, on a tablet, H. s, B. 1543. W. 2^ in. H. 3-^ in. States : i . JVith the ground funply crofs-hatched. I have not feen it; 2. IVith a third fet of lines "in bend dexter ; " Hans Sehald Beham, 3 5 3. With a fourth fet'^ in hendfiniftery %here is a further re-touch. B. M. and Par. 2, 3. 5.6. This p(ywerful conception probably belongs to Barthel Beham. (B. i.) 118. Adam and Eve driven out of Par a- dife : on a tablet, left, below, H. s. B., 1543. IV. 2^ in. H. 3^ in. States : i . The ground Jhaded horizontally and "in bend dexter ;^^ 2. With date ; 3. Strongly crofs-hatched, and ad- ditional work on cherub^ s head, right. B. 7. 119. A Drummer, right, an enfign, in the middle, and a piper, left : above. Wo nvn HINAVS DER KRIEG HAT EIN LOCH : right, above, on a tablet, h. s. b,, 1543. ^^- ^tI ^^• H.2\in. States: i. Without tablet; 2. With tablet and infcription. Par. l, 2. Cam. I, 2. Ox. 2. L. I. B. 198. This piece is a repetition of Barthel Beham s, 5. 50. 36 Prints and 'Etchings of 120. An Ornament: a fatyrs head, fur- rounded by a wreath and fcroll-work : middle, below, on a tablet, H. s. B., date in left and right bottom corners, 1543. ^^- 3 ^^* ^' ^ '*^* States: i. Part of the ground blank; 1. Ground all Jhaded or covered with dots. B. 231. 121. Capital and Base of a Column: above, ViTRVVivs i : infcription to left in two lines of Latin, qvodlibet .... doricae : to right in German, disse ....dorica: right, top, H. s. B., date, left, top, 1543. TV. 2 in. H. 3 in. States : l and 2 differ in amount of Jhading. Par. i, 2. B. 247. 122. Capital and Base: above,YYTKY- vius ii : infcription, left, Qvodlibet .... doricae, and right, disse .... dorica : right, top, H.s.B. : left, top, 1543. ^* ^ ^^' H. 3 in. States : i and 1 differ in amount of Jhading. Par. i, 2. B. 248. Hans Sebald Beha?n, 37 123. Capital and Base : above ^ Vitrv- vivs, 3 : infcriptmi in three lineSy lefty CoR- inthiaca .... TALI : and rights in four lines, CORINTHER .... BROBORCZION : right, above, H. s. B., date, on tablet, left, belozu, 1 543. W. 2i in, H. 3-/^ in. B. 253. 124. Tv/o Capitals and Bases in plan and elevation, in outline : above, Capitvli .... symmetria : belovj, der .... corincher : and in the middle, below, Vitrvvivs, with K. s. B. and date 1543. ^^- ^47 ^^' ^• 103 /«. States: I. Without /hading ; 2. The capitals and bafes Jhaded. Par. 1,2. B. 252. For the remaining defigns of this clafs fee Nos. 147, 14.8, 273. 125. Arms: on the Jhield, a cock: the helmet bearing the creft, in a coronet, a cock between two horns : at each fide mantling : on a fcroll above. 38 Prints and Etchings of feroll, to left, H. s. B. 1543. ^^' ^H '^^' H. 2i| in. B. 256. Alfo by Barthel Beham, -S. 53. 126. Arms : reverfed : en the Jhield, a fpread eagle : on the helmet, a coronet, in which are two horns with an ojirich feather between : at each fide, mantling : on a fcroll, above, Wer mich WILL HON DER NEM MICH ON I H. S. :^. On the fcroll, right, and date, 1 543, left. W. \^ in. H. 2^ in. B. 257. 1544. 127. The Chastity of Joseph : mid top, H. s. E. 1544. JF. 2i in. H. 3^- in. States: I. The window-fill covered with dots; 2. The window-fill covered with horizontal lines. There is alfo a re-touch. [See No. 172). 5. 14. 128. CiMON AND Pero, within a double arch : right top corner on a tablet, H. s. B. 1544. IV. il in. H. 21 in. B. 74. Hans Sebald Beham, 3 9 129. CiMON AND Pero, in a finale arch on a pillar, right, ICH leb von der brvst MEINER dochter : left, above, on a tablet H.s.B. 1544. W. l-f-l in. H. 2|A in States : i . Without infcription on pillar ; 2 With infcription, -S« 75 The figures are re'verfed from a print by B. Beham 1525 {B. 11). 130. Hercules and Iole : on a ban- ner, above, evryti regis filiam iolam, occiso patre, abdvxit hercvles, below infcription, H. s. B. 1544. W. 3-^^^- in. H. 2 in. States: I. The ground beneath the figures, except where the Jhadows fall, blank; 2. ne ground covered with dots, and much crofs-hatching added on the horfes, and in the dark parts of background. B. 99. One oftheferies of the Life of Hercules {fee Nos. iii, 141 to 146, 162, 163, and 198). 40 Prints a7id Patchings of 131. A Standard-bearer and a Drum- mer : hejide the dru?n'mer, left. Acker concz : above the ftandard-hearer klos wvczer. : right below IM baveren krieg, 1525. On a tablet, right bottom corner, H. s. B. 1544. W. i^ in. H. 2\^ in. This meafurement is to the outer line, ufually wanting. States : I differs from 2 in having a fold lefs in the fag near the mans left Jhoulder. Par. L. i. Par. 2. B. igg. AJlmilar dejign is attributed to B. Beham. 132. Ornament: a fphinx between two dragons. Monog. middle, below, H. s. B. 1544. W, 24- in. H. I in. B. 226. 133. Ornament: a cuirafs, between two Cupids. Monog. right behw, on a tablet, H. £. B. 1544. W. 2|- in. H. I- in. B. 227. T-ivo other crnaments^ Nos. 267 and 26 S, are of the fame fet. Hans Sebald Beham. 4 1 134. Ornament: a mafk on a\cartouche fupported by two Cupids. Monog. middle, he- low, on a tablet, H. s. b. 1544. W. 2^4 in. H. l^^ in. States: I hardly dijlinguijh able from 2, which has more work on the forehead of mafk ^c. B. 228. 135. Ornament: two Cupids, riding chi- meras. Monog. mid top, on a tablet h. s. B. 1544. /f: 3H /«. ^. i^ z'^. 5.236. 136. Arms of H. Sebald Beham : in a circle, on the Jhield, a chevron between three inefcutcheons ; on the helmet, two horns; the mantling, drapery : round the circle, seboldt BEHAM von NVRMBERG MALER IECZ WON- hafter bvrger zv franckfvrt. : all in a hexagonal print, the corners filled with crofs- hatching. Monog. on a tablet, below, H. s. b. 1544. Each fide of the hexagon i|- in. B. 254. 42 Prints and Etchings of 137, Arms, reverfed ; in a circle, on the Jhield, a lion rafnpant ; on the hebnet a pair of wings ; the ?/iantling, drapery : round the circle, VON GOTTIS GENADEN HER VON VV^EISS NIT WEER DORT GESSET IN GENEM DORF. : all in a hexagonal print, the corners filled with crofs- hatching. Monog. on a tablet, below, H. s. B. 1544. Each fide of the hexagon i-l in. B. 255. 1545- 138. St. Peter: left fide "s. simon PETRVs:" right top, corner "i". On aftone, right below, H. s. b. 1545. W. i^ in. H. l-i-l- i^' States : i. Before any grafs above the fione on which is the date ; 2. Before additional work on ground and plant, to left; 3. The plant left ends in three branches, the centre branch long. B. M., L., I. Par. 2, 3. B. 43. The firjl ofafet of the Tnvel--ve Apojlles {fee A'os. 139, 140, 150, 181 to 188). Hans S eh aid Beharn, 43 139. St. James the less: {eft fide s. lACOBVS : right top^ 3. Left, h. s. b. 1545. W. ij^ in. H. i^ in. States : i. IFith rays only in the nimbus, five lines only coming below the book, right; 2. IVith dots and many lines below book. B. M., L., I. Par. 2. B. 45. Third ofthefet ofApofiles. 140. St. Philip: lefit fiide, s. philippvs : above, 5 ; below, H. s. B. 1545. IV. l-J^ in. H. i\^ in. States : l and 2 differ in blades of grafis, right. Cam. 1,2. B. 47. Thejifth ofthefet. 141. Hercules and Cerberus : ab:ve to right, HERCVLES cerbervm tricipitem ad SVPEROS PERTRAXIT. Middle below, H. S. B. 1545. JF. 3-J^ in. H. 2 in. States : i. Be- fore the grafs on the ruin near the head of Her- cules ; 1. With one tuft of grafs. There are many later retouches. Par. I, 2. B. 1 00. One of the feries of the Life of Hercules {fee Nos. no, III, 130, 142 to 146, 162 and 163). 44 Frhits and Etchings of 142. Hercules and the Trojans : above , HERCVLES MVLTIS BELLIS LACESSIT TROIAM. Right bottom corner on a tablet, H. s. b. Left bottom corner 1545. W. 3-j^ in. H. 2 in. States : l . TVith lines only in /hading of fallen horfe. 1. With dots, and much crofs-hatching. Par. I, 2. B. loi. One of the feries of Hercules. 143. Hercules and Hydra: above ^ her- CVLES vna cvm iolao hydram occidit. On the fame fcr oil, H. s. B. 1545. W. 3-J^ in. H. 2 in. States : I. The grafs under the forked flick to right has two leaves ; 2. It has three or more. Par. 1,2. B. 102. Gfie of the feries cf Hercules. 144. Hercules and the Pillars: above, GADITANAS COLVMNAS STATVIT HERCVLES. Left top, on a tablet, H. s. B. 1545. TV. ^^ in. H. 2 in. States : i. The /hading in the corner Hans Sebald Beham, 45 right is in vertical and horizontal lines only; 2. There are diagonal lines. Par. L. 1, 2. B. 103. One of the feries of Hercules. 145. Hercules and Cacus : above, cacvm FLAMMIVOMVM OPPRIMIT HERCVLES. On a tablet, left, top, H. s. B. 1545. W. 3-^ in. H. 2 in. States : i . IP^ith no grafs on the top of the rock near the head of the club, right; 2. With grafs there and other additions. Par. L. I, 2. B. 104. One of the feries of Hercules. 146. Hercules and Ant^us : right above, ANT^VM LIBI^ GYGANTEM SVFFOCAT HER- CVLES. On a tablet left below, H. s. B. 1545. W. 3^ in. H. 2 in. States : 1. No grafs on rock right ; 2. With grafs, and with fea line be- hind rufhes under the right. Par. \,2. B. 105. One of the feries of Hercules. 147. Capital and Base of a Column: above, Vitrvvivs . das iii capitel. Ger- 46 Prmts and 'Etchings of man infcription {fee Nos. 123, 124, 273) right and Latin infcription left. Mid bottom, H. S. B. Left, 1545. TF. 2 in. H. 3 in. B. 249. 148. Capital and Base : above Vitrv- vivs DAS iiii capitel. Ger?nan infcription right; Latin, left. Date 1545, left top: H. s. B. Left below. JV. 2 in. H. 3 in. B. 250. 1546. 149. The Saviour of the World, in an aureole, round which is written, left, mir ist GEBEX ALLER GWALT, and right, lAI HIMEL VND ERDEX. Right, below. On a Jhaded tablet, H.s.B. Left, below, 1 546. JV. li|- in. H. 2^ in. B. 30. There is a 'very deceptive copy marked H. S. D. 150. St. Matthew : left fde,s.M athevs : right ftde, above, 8, and below, U.S. b. 1546. Hans Sehald Beham. 47 IV, 1 3?- in. H. i^ in. States : l differs from 2 in having fewer blades of grafs^ right and left. B. M., Par., Z. I ; 2. B. 50. T^he eighth of the fet {fee Nos. 139, 14.0, 181 to 188). 151. Head of Trajan, looking^to right: left bottom corner , H. s. b. right y 1546. i|- in. fquare. ^.83. 152. Head of Domitilla, looking to left ; right bottom corner, h. s. b. left, 1546. l|- in. fquare. B. 84. 153- Judgment of Paris: on a tablet, left, above, H. s. B. 1546. W. l|- in. H. 2|- in. States : in 2 there is a fet of perpendicular lines above the tablet, left top corner. B. Sg, 154. The Village Festival, No. i : two couples dancing : above left, fab IAN vs ienner : right MATH IAS HORNVNG : in the middle, on- 48 Prints and Etchings of FANG DES lARS VND MONAT, With H. S. B. 1546. JF. 2|- in. H. 2 in. States: i and 2 differ in grafs and /hading on ground. B. 154. The fir Ji ofthefet often {fee A'^os. 155, 156, 161, 229 to 234). A feries of copies may he knoivn by hauing no dot O'ver the I in the infcription. 155. The Village Festival, A^^. 4: two couples ; above, left, lACOB hewmon, 7 : right, LAVRENXivs AVGVSTMON, 8 : in the middle h. s. b. 1546. IV. 2|- in. H. 2 in. B. 157. 156. The Village Festival, No. 7: one couple, and to right, a flute player and a hag piper, marked MON. s. and svn. s. Over the dancers, die zwelf monet i^c H. s. b. 1546, middle to left. TF. 2|- in. H. 2 in. States : l and 2 differ in arnount of /hading. B. 160. This prints nvith Nos. 231 and z^z, forms one con- tinuous picture. Hans Sebald Beham, 49 1547. 157. Judith Jitting in an archway: a /word in her left hand, the right refting on the head of Holophernes : above on a tablet, Holoferni CAPVT ^c. In the mid-Jky, h.s.b. 1547. IV. \\ in. H. 2-fi- in. B. 12. The defign isjimilar to Barthel Beham s B. z. 158. Job and his comforters : below, NON ESTis .... HiOB. 42. In the Jky, right, above 15 h.s.b. 47. W. \\ in. H. 244 in. States : I has no grafs on top of ruin, right, under the date ; 2. With grafs. B. 16. 159. A WoiMAN, naked, her arms grafted by Death : on a fione, right, omnem in homine VENVSTATEM MORS ABOLET. Left ahove H. s. B. right, 1547. ^^' ^\ ^^' ^' 2|- in. B. 150. 160. The SAME SUBJECT, reverfcd, and without date. Left above, H. s. b. TV. i|- in. 50 Prints and 'Etchings of H. 2^ in. States: I. The Jhadow of the Jkele- tons left foot reaches halfway to the margin of the plate ^ 2. Shadow reaches to the edge. Cam. I. B. 150. 161. The Village Festival, iVi?. 9. Six Peafants fighting ; above havst dv mich i^c. on a fcroll: Under it H. s. b. 1547. ^^ ^f ^^' H. 2 in. [See Nos. 154, 229 to 234.) States : I and 2 differ in amount of grafs by upright poji. hi one place i has three blades^ 2 has five. Par. i, 2. B. 162. This forms one p8ure ^ith Nos. 233 and 234. 1548. 162. Hercules and the Lion: Leonis svffocati exvviis indvitvr hercvles, ^« a tablet above: on a pillar , left^ below ^ H. s. b. 1548. W. 3-f^ in. H. 2 in. B. 106. One of the feries of the Life of Hercules (fee Nos. no, III, 130, 141 to 146, 163, and 198). Hans Sebald Beham, 5 1 163. Hercules ox the Pyre : >nessi veste rabidvs se combvrit hercvles, oyl a tablet J rights above : mid below^ Philocrasses : right bottom corner, H. s. b. 1548, on a tablet. W. 3-jig. in, H. 2 in. States : i . Thejlone juji above the tablet has horizontal Jhading ; 2. Crofs hatched. Cam. Z. I, 2. B. loj. Another of the feries of the Life of Hercules. 164. Leda and the Swan- : left, below, Leda a iove in cygxvm verso compressa. Left, above, H. s. B. 1548. JV. 2-^ in. H. i^ in. States: i. compressv.j 2. Corrected. B. 112. 165. Death and a sleeping Woman : right, below, o die stvnd ist a vs. Right top corner, on a tablet, H. s. B. 1548. TV. 2^ i^' H. 2\ in. B. 146. Copied from B. Beham, B. 41. 166. Three naked Women bathing: left, above, on a tablet, h.s.b. 1548. JV. 2-L in. 52 Prints and 'Etchings of H. 3 in. States : I . TFith diagonal crofs- hatching only on bench : 2. With a perpendicular feries of lines. B. 2o8. Copied from B. Beham, B. ij. 167. A Naked Woman, ajleep on a bed ; below J DIE NACHT. Jbove, NOX ET AMOR VINVMQ\'E NIHIL MODERABILE SVADENT. Below, H. s. B. 1548. TV. 31- in. H. 4.^ in. States : I . Pillow Jhaded with one fet of lines ; 2. IVith two fetSy and additional work left of bed. Par. 1,2. B. 1$-^. 'There is a reel--ve Apofiles. {See Nos. 139, 140, 150, 182 to 188.) 182. St. John: right fide, S. iohannes : left above " 4 : " left fide, H. s. B. TV. 1^ in. H. ifl in. States: l. With three blades of grafs in corner of ?nafonry, right; 2. TFith many blades. B. M. i, 2. L. l. B. 46. Fourth of the fet. 183. St. Bartholomew : left fide, ^.b ak- THOLOMEVS. Right, above, "6:" right fide, H. s. B. TV. I/- in. H. 11^ in. States : i and 2 differ in grafs. Cam. 1,2. 5. 48. Sixth of the fet. 184. St. Thomas : left fide, s. thomas. Left, above, " 7." Right fide, H. s. B. W, l-^ in. H. 11-^ in. States : I and 2 differ in grafs left. B. M. i, 2. X. I. B. 94. Se'ventb of the fet. Hans Sebald Beham, 59 185. S. James : left fide, S. li^^coBvs. Right, above, "9." Right fide, H. S. B. W. i^ in, H. i^l- in. States: i. One fet of lines on Jhading of cloak left ; 2. Crofs-hatched. B. M., Par., L.,i. B. si- Ninth of the fet. 186. St. JuDE : left fide, '^.lY a AS. Right, above, " 10." Left fide, H. s. b. W. l^ in. H. l-fl in. States : l. No grafs ; 2. Grafs on mafonry. Par., B. M., i. L. ^. B. 52. Tenth of the fet. 187. St. Simon: left fide, S. simon. Right above, " ii "; right fide, u. s. b. fF'. l^ in. H. ii^ in. States: i. Very fhort grafs between legs y 2. Long grafs. B. M.,L.,i. Par. i, 2. B. 53. Eleventh of the fet. 188. St. Matthias: left fide, ?>. mathias. Right, above, " 12 " 3 left, on a fione, H. s. B. 6o Prints and Etchings of JV. i^ in. H. 144 in. States : i. The talleji blade of grafs left, fingle ; 2. Blade branched. Par., Cam. i, 2. B. M., L., 2. B. 54. Lajl ofthefet. 189. St. Mark : left fide, S. marcvs : right above, " 2 " : right bottom corner, H. s. b. W. l^ in. H. 1 14 in. B. 56. Second of fet of the Enjangelijls. {See iVo. 106.) There is a retouched Jiate, 'very like a copy. 190. St. Luke: right fide, ^.lycas. Left, above, " 3." On aftone, left, H. 3. B. W. l-^ in. H. i|4 in. B. 57. Third of fet. There is a retouched flate, very like a copy. 191. St. John; left fide, S. iohanis. Right, above, "4." Right bottom corner, H. s. b. IV. i^ in. H. i|J- in. B. 58. La/} of fet. There is a retouch, very like a copy. Hans Sebald Be ham. 6 1 192. St. Chrysostom : a naked woman lying down in foreground, the feet to left : behind her a child. Left, above, in Jky, S. iohane CRisosfMVS. Under infcription, H. s. b. W, 3^?- in. H. 2\ in. States: i. A^^ infcription or monogram ; 2. No monogram ; 3. No clouds ; 4. Clouds and rays ; 5. Long rays. B. M. i, 4. L. I, 3, 4. Par. 3, 4. Cam. 3, 4, 5. 5.215. The firjl looks like a retouch of B. Beham, B. 43. 193. Alexander and Bucephalus, ^^/«^ to right. Left, above on an ornamental tablet, ALEXANDER MANGNVS, With H. S. B. below. W. 2^ in. H. lA in. B. 67. 194. The Rape of Helen : thirteen naked figures : above on two broken tablets, raptvs HELENA. Left top corner, on a tablet, H. s. B. TV. \-^ in. H. I in. States: i. Lines only, and no dots above word HELEN-ffi ; 2. Dots in 62 Prints and 'Etchings of Jhading. B.M.i.2, B arth el B eh am engraved the fame defigti, B. i^. B. JO. 195. Cleopatra in Prison, Sitting: on window Jill, left, H. S. B. TV, 2l in, H. ^ in. B. 77. 196. LucRETiA, Standing: r ght fide on a Jioney'LYCR'ETiA .... Valer.M., in four lines. Right, above, on a Jhaded tablet, H. s. B. JV. i-f4 in. H. 244 in. States : I. One fet of lines on right fcoulder ; 1. Crofs-hatched, B. M. I, 2. Cam. I, 2. B. 79. 197. Venus and Cupid : foe holds a lance in her right hand : left, above, on a tablet, H. s. B. W. i^ in. H. 2-^ in. B. M. Par. B. 91. 198. Hercules and the Garment of Neffus : above, deianira nessi vestem per licham Hans Sebald Beham, 63 SERVVM HERCvai MITTIT. Under infcription, H. s. B. W. 3-fig- In, H. 2 in. States: i. Two fets of lines in Jhadow of Lichas' feet; 2. Three fets. Par., Z., i, 2. B. 98. One ofthefet of the Life of Hercules. {See Nos. no, III, 130, 141 to 146, 162 and 163.) 199. Dejanira and Nessus : Jhe is in profile, facing left : over her head, DEIANIRA : left fide, NESSVS. On a /haded tablet, right, above, H. s. B. W, 1 in. H. I'L in. Par. B. 108. There is a re^verfed copy, B. M. 200. A Satyr, feated, looking to right, with a lyre. On a tablet, left, above, H. s. B. W, l-l in. H. i|- in. B. 109. 201. A Female Satyr, /^^i/w^ to left, with )ipe. On a tablet right, above, h. s. b. TV. ij-in. H. If in. B. no. 64 Prints and 'Etchings of 202. A Satyr playing on a horn, with two fmaller fatyrs at his feet : right , above H. s. B. W. 1 1 in. H, 2-^ in. B. ill. 203. Sixteen Cupids, going to right, with a chariot ; in the foreground, below, towards right, H. s. B. JV. 4-^ in. H. i in. B. 237. 204. Title-Page to fet of Planets : die TAG DER VII PLANETEN SAMBSTAG, in nine lines on a tablet. No monogram. W. \-i^in. H. i^in. B. 113. This is the fir jl of a fet of the Gods and Godde/fes of the fe'ven planets. {See Ao. 96 ?) This title ufually occurs in good Jlate : it nvould appear to ha-ve been lojl, nxjhen another ivas fubflituted. 205. Second Title-page. // may be dis- tinguifhed by having Fretag inftead of Frei- tag as the name of the day facred to Venus. B. 113. Hans Sebald Be ham, 65 206. Saturn : left fide, Satvrnv^ ; the ajlronomical fign and " i " left above : H. s. B. on a tablet right above. W. \-^^ in. H. Ii-L in. States : i. No lines injky ; 2. More grafs, left ; 3. Sky. Par. i, 2, 3. B. 114. Second of the fet of planets. There is a deceptive copy, B.M. 207. Jupiter : left above, 2. Iv pider and the aftronomical fign : right above, h.s. b. W. \^ in. H.iW in. States : I and 2 differ in fhading; 3 has long grafs, right. Par. i, 3. B. 115. Third of the fet of Planets. There is a deceptive copy, B. M., vjhich may be diJlingui/Jied by the figure 2, vjhich in the copy has a long tail extending over D and E. 208. Mars : left above, 3. mars, and the ajlronomical fign : right above, h. s. b. W. i^ in. H. i\± in. States: 1. The grafs right does not come above the wall ; 2. Grafs 66 Prints and 'Etchings of above wall and other retouches. Cam. i, 2. B. ii6. Fourth of the fet of Planets. A copy, B. M., may be diftinguijhed by the aflronomical fign on the fcorpion, right, belouj: in copy the third Jiroke is not turned up: rtf injiead ofm. 209. The Sun : left above, 4 Sol and the ajironomical fign : left, below, on a tablet, H. s. B. JV. 14^ in. H. i^ in. States: i. There are 6 2, I Ci no dots in the rays-, 2. JFith dots, and additional armour on the fhoulders. Cam. \, 2. B. 117. Fifth of fet of Planets. A copy, B. M., may he dif- tinguiJJied by the nofe of the lion, behind ,• in the original it comes clofe to edge of print, right ; in copy, it is a little left of edge. 210. Venus : left, above, 5 and ajironomical fign ; right, above, venvs : right, K. s. b. JV, l^ in. H. i~ in. States: i. A fin gle fet of lines in fh a ding of back ; 2. The blades of grafs on the wall, left,fhort; 3. Long, reaching as Hans Sebald Be ham. 67 high as top of heart ; 4. More crofs-hatching on back of the bull. Cam. I, 2. B. M. 2. '^. B. 118. Sixth of thefet of Planets. 111. Mercury : left above, 6, and h. s. b. right f MERCVRivs and the ajlronomical fign. W. i^in. H.iW in. States : differ in crofs- hatching on the wall. B. M. i, 2. 5. 119. Se'venth ofthefet. The Moon. {See No. 101.) 212. Grammar : lefty above, graMxMA- TICA : right, below, i, and H. s. b. JV. 2^ in. H. 3^ in. B. 121. Firjl offet of Se-ven Sciences. 213. Dialect: right fide, dialectica : right, below, 2, H. s. b. JV. 2^ in. H. 34 in. B. 122. 68 Prifits and Etchings of 214. Rhetoric : left^ on a tablet^ rheto- RICA : right, below, 3 : right, above, H. s. B. W. 2^ in. H. 3-1 in. B, 123. 215. Arithmetic: over the head, arith- METRIA: right, below, 4 ; left, below, H. s. B. TF. 1-^ in. H. 34- in. B. 1 24. 216. Music: left, above, mvsica : mid- helow, 5 : right, above, H. s. b. W. 2-^ in. H. 3t in. B. 125. 217. Geometry : left, above, geometria : right, below, 6 : left on a cube, H. S. b. TV, 2-^ in. H. 34- in. B. 126. 218. Astronomy : right, above, astrolo- gia : right^ below, 7 : left, on leg of table, H. s. B. TV, 2-p3g. in. H. 34- in. B. 127. Se-uenth and lajl offet of Sciences. Hans Sebald Be ham, 69 219. Triumph of Christianity: a winged figure holding the fun^ and trampling on a ferpent, a rainbow behind: left, H. s. b. W. 1 1- in. H. 3 in. States: l. The wall behind not marked with mafonry, and no lines in Jky^ befide rainbow ; 2. Wall mafoned^ and grafs, left ; 3. Tlie crown much enlarged, with long branches y and additional grafs, lines in fky, is'c. L, I, 3. B. M. 5. Par, 3. B. 128. 220. Knowledge : left fide, cognicio : middle towards left, H. s. B. W. I in. H. l\ in. States: l. Before crofs-hatching on leaves of book, right; 2. JVith crofs-hatching ; 3. Gene- rally retouched. Par. I, 2, 3. B. M. I. B. 129. Firji of the fet of the Knoivledge of God and the Seijen Virtues. 221. Prudence: right fide, prvdencia ; left, above, H. s. b. JV. i in. H.i\ in. States : I. Before crofs lines on fcarf, left-, 2. With F 70 Prints and Etchings of crofs lines on fcarf; 3. Retouch on right leg. Par, I, 2, 3. B. M. i. B, 130. 222. Charity: right ftde,cn\KiT as: left^ above ^ H. s. B. W. i in. H. i\- in. States : in the fecojid the robe is re-Jhaded. Par. I, 2. B.M.2. B.i^i. 223. Justice : over head, ivsticia : left, below, H. s. B. IV. I in. H. l\- in. States: in the fecond the left leg is /haded all over. Par. I, 2. B. M. I. B. 132. 224. Faith : left fide, fides : middle, to- wards right, H. s. B. IV. I in. H. l-i in. States : in the fecond the wall has Jhading in diagonal lines. Par.\,i. B.M.2. jB. 133. 225. Hope : left fide, spes : middle, toward left, H. s. B. JV. I in. H. iL in. States: 1. Single fet of Jhadings on flocks ; 2. Crofs-hatch- Hans Sebald Beham, ji ing ; 3. General retouch. Par. 1,2, 3. B. M. 2. B. 134. 226. Fortitude : on a pillar, fortitvdo : right, above, H. s. B. W. i in. H. li in. States: i. Figure dotted; 2. Crofs-hatched. Par. I, 2. B. M.I. B. 135. Temperance', temperancia. {See No. loz.) 227. Misfortune : a woman walking to left : a fiend to right catches her drefs : a fcorpion is behind her : above her head, infor- tvnivm : left, above, H. s. B. JV. 2 in, H. Ik %. Ik 3^ in. States : i. No grafs on top of rocks to the left, and no lace acrofs front of drefs ; 2. A little grafs on lower rock, left, and pattern acrofs 72 Prints and Etchings of the hreajl of the drefs ; 3. Afuch grafs on rocks ^ and retouch of Jhadows and folds, B. 141. The match of A^o. 107. For a Woman feized by Deatky undated, B. 150, fee No. 160. 228. Three Naked Women with Death: the figure to left very thin ; the middle figure very fat, her right foot on a fkull : the right- hand figure has her profile turned to left. On a tablet, below, near the middle^ H. s. B. W. 2^ in. H. T^-±^ in. States: I. The background is fhaded in diagonal lines, only ; 2. There are per- pendicular lines in the ground. B. 151. This fubjeSi is alfo treated by B. Beham, B. 42. 229. The Village Festival, No. 2 : two couples ; above, left, her gregorivs mercz. 3. ; right, marcvs april. 4. Right fide, H. s. B. W. 2L in. H. 2 in. States : i . The woman, left, has one tuft of leaves in her hand, and there is no grafs to left of her ; 2. She has Hans Sebald Beham, 73 two tufts, and grafs is added in feveral places. Mr. Richard Fijher has both. B. 155. For A^Qs. 1, 4, 7, and <)yfee Nos. 154, 155, 156, and 161. 230. The Village Festival, A^i?. 3: two couples ; above, left, Philipvs mei. 5. ; right, JOHANNES BRACHMON. 6. Left fide, H. S. B. IV. 2|- in. H. 1 in. States : i. Before any numbers; 2. With numbers and additional work in foreground. B. 156. 231. The Village Festival, No. 5: two couples; above, left, Egidivs Herbstmon. 9. ; right, Simon weinmon. 10. Middle, h. s. b. W. 2^ in. H. 2 in. B. 158. 232. The Village Festival, No. 6 : two couples; above, left, martinvs v^intermon. II : right, nicolavs cristmon. 12. Middle, h. s. b. W. i\ in. H. 2 in. States : i and 2 differ in grafs. B. 159. For the Village Fejiival, N'o. j^fee No. 156. 74 Prints and 'Etchings of 233. The Village Festival^ No, 8 : a woman, between two men, approaches a table at which are five figures : over her head, on afcrollj ALDER DV MVST DANCZEX : left, above, on a tablet 8. Mid top, H. s. b. W, 2|- in. H. 2 in. States : I . One feries of Jhadings on fitting womari s back I 2. The fame crofs-hatched. B. 161. This prints ivith ]Vos. 156 and 234, forms one con- tinuous picture. For the Village Fejli-val, A'o. ^yfee No. 161. 234. The Village Festival, A^^. io : two couples and a fifth figure ; left, above, on a fcroll ICH WILL AVCH MIT ; right, DV MACHSTES gar zv grob. Left above 10 ; right above H. s. B. IV. 2|- in. H. 2 in. States : l. No number and the monogram reverfed ; 2. The firfi monogra7n concealed by lines and another below, and the number inferted. L. I. B. 163. This print, ivith Nos. 156 and zt,t,, forms one con- tinuous picture. Hans Sebald Beham, 75 235. A REPETITION, reverfecl and with fome alterations of No. 233 : a pair of lovers added under the vine, left : 7?iid top, h.s.b. JV. 2|- in. H.I Lin, " 5.164. 236. Five Peasants Fighting with Swords : in the centre a woman interferes : in the foreground, right, are two fallen men : above on afcroll, havst dv mich so stich ich dich. Left, below, on a tablet, H. s. B. JV. 2|- in. H. i^-in. B. 165. 237. The Little Festival : two men with bagpipes : left, above, i . ; right top corner, H.S.B. JV.\-^^in.H.i\in. B. 166. 238. The Little Festival: a couple oj dancers, like the firjl couple in No. 1 54. Left, above, 2, reverfed. H. s. B. right, above. JV. i-^in. H. 1 1- in. B. 167. 76 Prints and 'Etchings of 239. The Little Festival : 3 : ^ couple of dancers^ repeated from fecond couple in No. 155. H. s. B. rights above. W. l-^in. H. l|- in. B. 168. 240. The Little Festival : 4 : ^ couple, repeated from firji couple in No. 155. H. s. B. right, above. W. i^ in. H. i|- in. B. 169. 241. The Little Festival: left above 5 : a couple, repeated fro?n No. 154. H. s. b. right, above. W. i^^ in. H. i^ in. B. ijo. A proof, before the number, L . 242. The Little Festival \ 6\ a couple, repeated from No. 231. H. s. b. left, above. W. i^ in. H. i|- in. B. 171. 243. The Little Festival : y : a couple, repeated from No. 232. h. s. B. left, above. W. 14^ in. H. i|- in. B. i']2. Hans Sebald Beham, jj 244. The Little Festival : 8 : v? couple, partly repeated from No. 231. H . s . b . left, above. W. i-^in, H. Uln. B. 173. 245. The Little Festival : g: a couple, partly repeated from No. 232. H. s. b. right, above. TV. l^ in. H. \\ in. B. 174. 246. The Little Festival : a woman heats a man who lies on the ground and embraces a girl: above on a fcroll. Fin ich dich do. H. s. B. right, above. W. \-^-^ in. H. l J in. B. 175. 247. The Little Festival : a couple, en- gaged as the left couple in No. 234 : above on a fcroll, ICH WILL avch MIT. H. s. B. left, abovc. W. i-jig. in. H. i|- in. B. ijb. For the laji piece of the Little FefH'val,fee iVo. 98. 78 Prints and Etchi?2gs of The Wedding : Eight Prints, each i^in. H.y by i-j5_ in. W. 248. (i) Two Musicians and a man with an axe : H. s. B. left, above. B. 178. 249. (2) First Couple Walking, h.s.b. right, above. B. 179. 250. (3) Second Couple, h. s. b. left, above. B. 180. 251. (4) Third Couple, h. s. b. right, above. B. 181. 252. (5) Fourth Couple, h. s. b. right, above. B. 182. 253. (6) Fifth Couple, h. s. b. right, above. B. 183. 254. (7) Sixth Couple, h. s. b. left, above. B. 184. Hans Sehald Beham, 79 255. (8) The Bride axd Bridegroom, wearing chaplets, the father attending ^ to right. H. s. B. right J above. B. 185. A complete fet is at Paris. 256. A Man at Market, looking to right: over his head on a fcroll, deten wir verka VEEN. Right, above, H. s. b. TV. l in. H. li in. B. 186. 257. A Woman at Market, looking to left : over her head, on a fcroll, ZVM WEIN WOLT WIR LAVFEN. Right, above, H. S. B. IV. I in. H. li- in. B. 187. 258. A Feasant yianding with his hands behi?id his back : on a fcroll behind his head, DAS . SCHAD-ET NIT. Left fide, H. S. B. W. I|- in. H. ll in. B. 189. The companion to No. 112. 8o Prints a?id 'Etchings of 259. Three Soldiers with a Dog : H. s. B. on a tablet, left top corner. W. i-^^in. H. I^ in. B. 196. 260. A Soldier and Two Men, with barrels : in the background a city on fire : H. s. b. right, above. W. \^ in. H. i^ in. B. 197. This print and the next can hardly he dijVinguiJlied. B.M. 261. A Soldier and Two Men, with barrels : in the background a city on fire : H. s. B. right, above. W. \^ in. H. l^ in, B. igj. The t'wo foregoing prints can hardly be dijlinguijhed. In the fecond the flame does not come quite doivn to the roof of the building at the left edge : and right, abo-ue, the lo-vcefl flame is longer and darker, and has lefs dotting near it. B. M. 262. A Soldier, going to left, in a land- fcape : H. s. B. left, above. W. 1\ in. H. 4^- in» Not in Bartfch. Albertine Mufeum, Vienna-, defcribed by Rofenberg, No. z\za. Ha?is S eh aid Be ham. 8 1 263. A Nymph Seated with a Harp : H. s. B. left, above. IV. i-^ in. H. l\^ in. An etching. B. M., Par. B. 205. 264. The Foot Bath : a woman feated^ looking to the left, attended by two children : H. s. B. on a tablet y lefty below. W. 2 in. H. l-^in. Ox., Par. B.20']. There is a good re'verfed copy. Rofenberg defcribes from Barthel Eeham s B. 36. The fame fubjed "vjas treated by Altdorfer, B. s^. 265. Two Couples, feated, between them a jejier : to the left a tree. Right top corner, H. s. B. : no date. W. 2-^ in. H. l-^ in. B. 212. See No. 94, of -oshich this plate has fometimes been de- fcribed as the frjl jJate : this is a mifake, as is eafdy pro'ved by the exifence of njjorn-out imprejjions fill ~m ant- ing date. In this print the face of the feeping man is Jhaded nvith lines ^^ in bend fnifer"^-. and his knees are not flriped. It is on the nxhole fuperior to No. 94. 82 Prints and Etchings of 266. A Male Jester, feated to left, looking to right and a female jejier facing him : between them two dragon flies, and to left two more. On the Ji one, left, below, H. s. B. TV. 2-^ in. H. I_Z_ in. States : l and 2 differ in the fe eve of the left figure, which is Jlriped in 2. B, 213. 267. Vignette, an Eagle with two Cupids : H. s. B. on a tablet, middle, bottom. W. 2\ in. H, \ in. B. 224. See alfo A^os. 13a, 133. 268. Vignette : a vafe fupported by two tritons blowing Jhells : H. s. B., middle, below. TV. 21- in. H. I- in. B. 225. See alfo Alos. 132, 133. 269. Ornament; two fatyrs, and a female figure between them : mid-top, h. s.b. TV. 3-|- in. H. I' in. B. 232. Hans Sebald Beham. 8 3 270. Ornamental Scrollwork^, with two Jiorks and a nude figure: H. s. b. right, above. W. 2^ in. H. li- in. PaJ/avant, 267. S. K. M., Par. Not in B. 271. Ork AMEKT, fcrollwork with dolphins' heads. H. s. B. in the centre. W. 3^ in. H. i^in. B. 235. 272. Upright Ornament : helow a half figure ending in fcrollwork, fupporting a vafe : H.s.B. in the centre on a f ma II tablet. W. -fi in. H. 4-j5g. in. B. 244. 273. Three Composite Capitals : ^^/^^, VlTRVVivs : a Latin infcription, left fide ; a German infcription, right fide. W. 2-^ in. H. 3i-/«. 5.251. 274. A Cupid holding a Jhield in his left and a helmet in his right hand j behind him, left, a 84 Prints and Etchings of globe. H. s. B. 7'ighty above. W. 2-^ in. H. 3f ^^' B. 259. The match of i\o. 95. Doubtful or Unsigned Prints. 275. ViRGix AND Child : feated on a hank : Jhe offers Him a pear. H. s. p. left^ below. W. 1\ in. H. 4 1- in. This is apparently an etching in imitation of Beham''s nvoodcut of the fame fubje^. Par. i'j6. A Horse, going to right : above, h. 3. b. /r. 61 in. H. b\ in. Apparently an etching. B. M. 277. Six Naked Women, ^^«^/«^. Signed H. s. B. 1527, but certainly not by our artijl. W. 6|- in. H. 3X in. An etching. B. M. 278. The Arms 0/ Cardinal Albert von Brandenburg, Archbifhop of Mentz : above, a Hans Sebald Beham. 85 CardinaFs hat; below, an infer iption, A^brecht VON GOTIS ZV RVGEN. W. 2|- in. H, 3^ in. Beautifully engraved in Bellamys heft Jiyle, hut without date or fignature. Par, 279. Shield of Arms with the Paroquet: reverfed : " Per fej/e, in chief a popinjay : in bafe, a fleur de lis.^^ Creji, on a helmet, '' a popinjay on a fleur de lisJ^ Above, right, is a dial, with hours, the hand pointing to 2 : left, an hour glafs. Below, right, a fmall Jhield, " on a bend, three eftoiles " ; left, a fkull. This piece is quite in Beham' s manner : the paroquet re- fembles that in Nos. 1 68 and 175 : the figures on the clock face are the fame as thofe in many of his prints. W. 1^ in. H. 2j in. Cam., L. For the unjigned title-pages of Planets, fee A^os. 204, 205. 280. Ornament : a mermaid fupporting fcrollwork with a Cupid's head: tablet, below, middle y but unfigned. JV. \^^ in. H. ^\in. Par. G 86 Prints and 'Etchings of 281. JUSTICE, feated, naked ; a /word in her right and a pair of fcales in her left hand; beneath her feet, the Emperor Nero. W. 2 in. H. 3 in. Mentioned by Pafjavant, No. 264, as being at Munich. He does not give the monogram. 282. Death Seizing a Woman: 1526, without monogram. W. 3^ in. H. 5 in. An etching mentioned by Le Blanc, No. 171. 283-9. A SzT OF Seven Fla^ets, probably by Virgil Solis, with the jnonogram H. s. B. and pojfibly from Beham's defigns. W. \\ in. H. 3 ^^' 290. St. Peter, as a pilgrim, fitting : right, above 1525. No monogram. Nagler,p. 618. 291. St. Andrew, fitting: right, above, 1 5 2 1 . No monogram . Nagler, p. 618. Hans Sebald Be ham. 87 292. A Dance of Peasants : a fnieze. Nagler.p. 618. 293. Children with Musical Instru- ments. Nagler, p. 622. 294. Two Genii, each playing with a lion. Nagler, p. 622. 295. Three Medallions in a hexagon : women s heads in two of them^ a Jkull in the third. Without fignature. W. l\ in. H. 1 1 in. Wei gel, No. 15587. 296. A Peasant, ^^/«^ to the right : a horn to his mouth : figned [query , B. or P. F) W. 2|- in. H. 34- in. Nagler, p. 622. 297 /^ 312. A Set of Monastic Orders, fixteen in all, copied from woodcuts by H. S. Beham, and monograms added. The whole 16 have only been identified at Cam. Each print meafures, W. 2|- in. H. 3|^ in. Additions and Corrections. 95. Said to reprefent Durers Arms. 156. Forms a continuous pidure with 2^2 and 234, not 231 and 232. 160. 7here is a very deceptive copy. It re- femhles 159, having the monogram right, hut the reji of the defign r ever fed as in 160. 186. States: i. A^^ grafs : lower part of tunic and ball of club not Jhaded; 2. No grafs , tunic and club Jhaded ; 3. ^ith grafs on mafonry. Mr. Fifioer has I and 2. B. M., Par. 2. L. 3. 3|ntie;c of tje il!lumber«2( in Bartsch's PeINTRE GrAVEUR, vol. VIII., toit^ t\)t correfpontiinfl: iflnmbzv^ in tW ^ift- B, L. B. L. B. L. B. I . 2 22 . 3 3 43 . 138 64 . . 2 . 3 23 . 175 44 . 181 65 . . 3 . 45 24 . 176 45 . 139 66 . . 4 . 42 25 • 177 46 . 182 67 . . 5 • 96 26 . 8 47 • 140 68 . . 6 . 117 27 . 4 48 . 183 69 . . 7 • 118 28 . 9 49 • 184 70 . . 8 . 49 29 . 10 50 . 150 71 . . 9 • 64 30 . 149 51 • 185 72 . . lO . 65 31 . 178 52 • 186 73 • • II . 171 32 . 103 53 • 187 74 . • 12 . 157 33 . 179 54 • 188 75 • . 13 . 51 34 . 180 55 • 106 76 . . 14 . 127 35 • 99 56 . 189 77 • . 15 . 172 36 . II 57 • 190 78 . . 16 . 158 37 • 12 58 . 191 79 • • 17 . 18 38 . 13 59 • 5 80 . . 18 . 19 39 • 14 60 . 21 81 . . 19 • 168 40 . 15 61 . 23 82 . . 20 . 174 41 • 16 62 . . 22 83 . . 21 . 60 42 . 17 63 . • 34 84 . . 35 36 24 193 66 67 194 68 69 70 128 129 58 195 6 196 25 71 97 151 152 90 Index. L. E, L. 72 1 114 . . 206 4-3 ; 115 . . 207 44 116 . . 208 73 117 . . 209 153 118 . . 210 74 119 . . 211 197 120 . . lOI 39 121 . . 212 40 122 . . 213 75 123 . . 214 76 124 . • 215 no 125 . . 216 1 II 126 . • 217 198 127 . . 218 130 128 . . 219 I+I 129 . . 220 142 130 . . 221 143 131 . . 222 144 132 . • "3 145 133 . . 224 145 134 . . 225 162 135 . . 226 163 136 . . 102 199 137 . . 77 200 138 . . 104 201 139 . . 26 202 140 . . 107 164 141 . . 227 204 • 142 . • 78 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 ^59 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 L. 169 100 170 165 53 105 108 159 228 59 167 154 229 230 155 231 232 156 233 161 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 200 72 73 74 75 76 [77 78 79 80 I 82 = 3 :84 85 :%6 :87 :88 ^89 [90 91 [92 93 94 95 96 :97 :98 :99 243 244 245 246 247 98 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 112 258 79 28 29 30 41 31 259 260 119 131 50 Index. 91 B. L. B. U B. u" B. 201 . 7 216 . 48 231 . 120 246 . . 202 . 38 217 . 83 232 . 269 247 . . 203 . 27 218 . 84 233 . 90 248 . . 204. . I 219 . 113 234 . 91 249 . . 205 . 263 220 . 114 235 . 271 250 . . 206 . 80 221 . 85 236 . 135 251 . . 207 . 264. 222 . 86 237 . 203 252 . . 208 . 166 223 . 89 238 . 54 253 . . 209 . 5^ 224 . 267 239 . 61 254 . . 210 . 81 225 . 268 240 . 62 255 . . 211 . 82 226 . 132 241 . 63 255 . . 212 , 94 227 . 133 242 . 93 257 . . 213 . 266 228 . 134 243 . 47 258 . 214 . 109 229 . 116 244 . 272 259 . . 215 . 192 230 . "5 245 ■ 56 L. 55 121 122 147 148 273 124 123 136 137 125 126 95 274 PRINTED BY JOHN C, WILKINS, 9, CASTLE STREET, CHANCERY LANE. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. m APR 1 7 J995 R p <^ e- 1 «« a- (^ MAR 1 5 iqpt: Ai-i.^_ ^R 13 1998 ~ '^ = 1 V ED JAN 3 019J 8 APR J 4 21 B 000 006 434 5 \i Unive Soi L: \