:w/c L.I ITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO fWi Mi *ud tu- w^ so *LL*srK V*^ W -fv 4A-U*tiMM J JlfMt POEMS OK WILLIAM BROWNE VOL. I. BRITANNIA ! s. I THE POEMS OF WILLIAM BROWNE OF TAVISTOCK: EDITED BY GORDON GOODWIN, WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY A. H. BULLEN. VOL. I. LONDON: NEW YORK : LAWRENCE & BULLEN, CHARLES SCRIBNEB'S SONS, 16 HKXKIKTTA STREET, VV.C 743 & 745 BKOADWAV. LONDON : PRINTED BY WOODFALL AND KINDER. 70 TO 76 LONG ACRE, W.C. CONTENTS. EDITOR'S NOTE ix INTRODUCTION xiii BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. Books I. and II. . i EDITOR'S NOTE. IN the present edition of Browne's poems the text has been revised by a careful collation of the original editions and all known manu- scripts. The more important various readings are given in the notes at the end of the second volume. The first book of Britannids Pastorals ap- peared in folio, without any date on the curiously-engraved title-page, but the address to the reader is dated i8th June, 1613, and the volume was entered in the Stationers' Registers on the ensuing 1 5th November. The second book followed in 1616. The two books were reissued in an octavo volume in 1625. The third book of the Pastorals was not published in the poet's lifetime ; but Beriah Botfield, while engaged in collecting materials for his x EDITOR'S NOTE. work on cathedral libraries, discovered a manu script copy of it in the library of Salisbury Cathedral. It is a neatly- written manuscript, bound up at the end of a copy of the folio edition of the first two books (1613-16), which appears to have belonged to one Richard Charles. Preceding it are two leaves, roughly- written and with many corrections and erasures, containing the elegy on Thomas Manwood (the fourth eclogue of The Shepherd's Pipe), and three short poems, which are now printed for the first time. In the printed portion of the volume are several manuscript emendations. The MS., so far as it related to the Pastorals, was printed for the Percy Society in 1852, under the editorship of T. Crofton Croker, and it has since been reprinted in Mr. W. Carew Hazlitt's collective edition of Browne's works (2 vols. 1868-69^. The Shepherd's Pipe appeared in 1614, small 8vo. It contains seven eclogues by Browne, to which are appended eclogues by Christopher Brooke, George Wither, and John Davies of Hereford. A reprint of it was included in The Works of Master George Wither (1620). The Inner Temple Masque, written to be represented by the members of that society on EDITOR'S NOTE. xi the I3th January, 1614-15, was first printed in Thomas Davies's edition of Browne's poems (3 vols. 1772), from a manuscript in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Another manuscript copy is in the possession of Mr. H. Chandos Pole-Cell, of Hopton Hall, Wirks- worth, and has been kindly lent, for collation. Among the Lansdowne MSS. (No. 777) in the British Museum is a collection of poems by Browne, dated 1650, but apparently made a few years earlier, which was first printed by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges at the Lee Priory Press in 1815, and reprinted in 1869 by Mr. Hazlitt. Another middle seventeenth-century MS. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, contains two poems by Browne the epitaph on Anne Prideaux (six lines), and that on the Countess of Pembroke (twelve lines), both of which, however, are in the Lansdowne MS. Browne's elegy on Henry, Prince of Wales, his earliest publication, was printed in 1613, with an elegy by Christopher Brooke, in a small quarto of seventeen leaves, entitled Two Elegies, consecrated to the never-dying Memory of the most worthily admired, most heartily loved, and generally bewailed Prince, Henry Prince of Wales. There is a manuscript copy xii EDITOR'S NOTE. of this elegy in the Bodleian Library. It was afterwards introduced, in a somewhat altered form, into the fifth song of the first book of Britannia! s Pastorals. \ have derived considerable assistance from the previous labours of Mr. Hazlitt : his com- mentary contains much that is suggestive ; while the topographical and other notes of his Devonshire correspondent, Mr. John Shelly, have but one fault they are too few. GORDON GOODWIN. INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. WILLIAM BROWNE was a modest unassuming spirit, but he flushed with honest pride when he reflected on the worthiness of his native Devon- shire. In the Third Song of the Second Book of Britannia 's Pastorals, he writes : Show me who can so many crystal rills, Such sweet-cloth' d vallies or aspiring hills; Such wood-ground, pastures, quarries, wealthy mines ; Such rocks in whom the diamond fairly shines. If for beauty and fertility Devonshire might be matched, yet where could be found such another race of sea-ruling men as Grenville, Davis, Gilbert, Drake, Hawkins, and thousands more That by their power made the Devonian shore Mock the proud Tagus ? He sadly contrasted the stirring days of Elizabeth with the pusillanimous reign of VOL. I. b xvi INTRODUCTION. James I. In a passage of striking picturesque- ness, he describes how the old ships that had repelled the Armada, and had harassed the Spaniard on every sea, now lay rotting in harbour : And on their rnasts, where oft the ship-boy stood, Or silver trumpet charm'd the brackish flood, Some wearied crow is set. Once these ships had sailed into the Devon ports laden with the harvests snatched from Spain, but now Upon their hatches, where half-pikes were borne, In every chink rise stems of bearded corn : Mocking our idle times that so have wrought us. Or putting us in mind what once they brought us. It is pleasant to know that the old poet who sang so heartily the praises of Devon is yet beloved * on the banks of the Tavy and the Plym. Tavistock was Browne's native place, and he was born not later than 1591. No record of his baptism is extant, as the Tavistock registers do not begin before 1640. He was a son of * Articles on Browne are in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol. vi, 532, and vol. xix, 219- 237- INTRODUCTION. xvii Thomas Browne of Tavistock, who is supposed by Prince (Worthies of Devon) to have belonged to the knightly family of the Brownes of Browne's Hash in the parish of Langtree, near Great Torrington, Devonshire, a branch of the Brownes of Betchworth Castle in Surrey.* From Tavistock Grammar-school he passed " about the beginning of the reign of James I." (Wood's Fasti\ to Exeter College, Oxford. Leaving the University without a degree, he entered Clifford's Inn, whence he migrated in November 1611 to the Inner Temple, t On 1 8th April, 1615, a William Browne was appointed pursuivant to the Court of Wards and Liveries ; but we cannot be confident! that it was the poet who received the appointment, for there were two other William Brownes at * The pedigree on the following page was given by Sir Egerton Brydges from Harl. MS. 6164, before the collection of lirowne's miscellaneous poems issued from the Lee Priory Press in 1815. t He was admitted to the Inner Temple on ist March, 1611-12 (not 1612-13, as stated by Mr. Hazlitt). George Glapthorne, who became a surety for him on his admission, was the elder brother of Henry Glapthorne the dramatist. I It is worth noting that the poet's friend Sir Benjamin Rudyard was appointed Surveyor of this Court in 1618. b 2 INTR OD UC TION. U rt^ cj ""B g O .. C J-. " O ^ tj 11 ^ ^ S! V) o = R^ rt "" b S II M OJ C Tr ^4 41 to S 1 .1 II i a 3 "^ -S c ^5 r^ ^ "o ~ s rt o t3 _ s^ &0 nT II- s^ 2 ',<) c c* tc "H rt || II- o u^ *ji c e S W^ ? >> 'S o "o o ^^ III c i 'o o .1? o ecn^ r c ''J c H i 3"1 rt Ja E c d 13 c j <|| |.ji c . CQ rt o a3 HS E H r-0 """"S C o 1/5 S c "r"? '~.S ^ u ^J ^ i ^ N- > p o * c a '.2 -1 "S u K 5 r" 5 rt O 1 o c pa c-c "o c rt 1 a II S ^ x c ^ o - Ul S o o e -e ^ " H a ^ H =1 a M 1 INTRODUCTION. xix the Inner Temple one from Chichester, and one from Walcott, Northants (Students of the Inner Temple, 1571-1625, pp. 32, 57). Browne was twice married. His first wife appears to have died in 1614. Among his mis- cellaneous poems in Lansdowne MS. 777 (first printed by Brydges) is the following epitaph : IN OBITUM M S, X MAIJ, 1614. May ! be thou never grac'd with birds that sing, Nor Flora's pride ! In thee all flowers and roses spring, Mine only died. The letters " M S " may well stand for " Maritas Suae." In the same collection is an undated epitaph " On his Wife " ; it is imme- diately preceded by " My own Epitaph," which is subscribed " Wm. Browne, 1614." His second wife was Timothy, daughter of Sir Thomas Eversfield, Kt., of Denne in the parish of Horsham, Sussex. The series of Sonnets (II, 217-225) headed "Caelia" was evidently addressed to this lady. From the epistle beginning " Dear soul, the time is come and we must part" (II, 228-9) it ma 7 be gathered that the engagement was protracted, Seven summers now are fully spent and gone, Since first I lov'd, lov'd you, and you alone. xx INTRODUCTION. Browne's friend Michael Drayton vvooecf a lady for thirty years, and the marriage never took place after all. Browne began to pay his addresses to Miss Eversfield in 1615 (see An Epistle, II, 234-6) ; and at length, after thirteen years' courtship, they were married at Horsham on 24th December, 1628. Two sons were born of the marriage, but died in infancy.* Sir Thomas Eversfield, in his will proved on 25th October, 1616, wished his three unmarried daughters Timothy, Joyce, and Bridget to have such portions as his wife should think fit to be raised out of his lease of Tilgate, and he named one thousand marks apiece as being a suitable sum. Lady Eversfield appears to have paid Timothy's dowry in full, as her will (made in October 1640) concludes with this emphatic declaration : " I owe my son Browne not one farthing of my daughter's portion for use nor yet principal."! * i. Robert, baptized at Horsham on 2yth September, 1629, died soon afterwards ; 2. Robert, baptized on soth March, 1630-1, buried on 22nd of the following March. + Lady Eversfield thus mentions Mrs. Browne in her will : "I give to my daughter Browne for a remem- brance, to whom I have already given a portion, more now, twenty shillings to make her a ring to wear for INTRODUCTION. xxi Browne dedicated the First Book of Britan- nias Pastorals, n. d. [1613], and The Shepherd's Pipe, 1614, to Lord Zouch, who had been President of Wales, and was afterwards (1615) Warden of the Cinque Ports. Selden contri- buted laudatory verses in Greek, Latin, and English ; Michael Drayton, Christopher Brooke, and others added their commendations. The Second Book of Britannia 's Pastorals, 1616, was dedicated to that famous patron of poets, himself a poet, William Herbert, third Earl of Pembroke. Among those who prefixed complimentary verses were John Davies of Hereford, George Wither, and Ben Jonson. One of the contributors, John Morgan of the Inner Temple, delicately expressed the hope that Browne would receive some tangible token of the Earl's esteem : And may thy early strains affect the ear Of that rare Lord, who judge and guerdon can The richer gifts which do advantage man. Browne owed much to the Herberts ; and his my sake, and my seal ring, and my velvet gown and white petticoat, my gold coif and crosscloth to it." For this extract I am indebted to Mr. Gordon Goodwin, whose researches have supplied whatever additions I have been able to make to Browne's family history. xxii INTRODUCTION. monument of gratitude the noble epitaph* on " Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother" will endure to the end of time. At the beginning of 1624 Browne returned to Exeter College as tutor to Hon. Robert Dormer,f afterwards Earl of Carnarvon. The Matriculation Book contains the entry "30 April 1624, William Browne, son of Thomas Browne, gentleman, of Tavistock, matriculated, a S e 33-" Cm 25th August of the same year he obtained permission to be created Master of Arts, and the degree was conferred on i6th November. In the public register of the University he was styled " vir omni humana literarum et bonarum artium cognitione in- structus." By the members of his college he was held in high admiration. Beloe possessed a copy of the 1625 edition of Britannia's Pas- torals, containing MS. commendatory poems, evidently written to accompany the Third Book (circ. 1635), which was prepared for publication, but was left unpublished. These * This epitaph is commonly assigned (without authority) to Ben Jonson. The evidence in favour of Browne's claim is convincing. See note, vol. ii, p. 350. f Dormer contributed Latin elegiacs on the death of James I. to the Oxford collection of " Parentalia, ' 1625, to which Browne also contributed. INTRODUCTION. xxiii poems in almost every instance bear the signatures of members of Exeter College ; their merit is slender, but they testify strongly to the affectionate esteem which Browne had won for himself. Sometimes we find his name coupled with the name of his dear friend Michael Drayton.* In 1629 Samuel Austin, a Cornish- man who had been educated at Exeter College, dedicated a sacred poem, " Urania," to " my ever-honoured friends, those most refined wits and favourers of most exquisite learning, Mr. M. Drayton, Mr. Will. Browne, and my most ingenious kinsman, Mr. Andrew Pollexfen." Young Abraham Holland, a son of Philemon Holland, addressed a copy of verses (preserved in Ashmole MS. 36) to "my honest father Mr. * In his delightful Epistle to Henry Reynolds of Poets and Poesy (1627), Drayton spoke with cordial warmth of the friendship that he bore to Browne : " Then the two Beaumonts and my Browne arose, My dear companions whom I freely chose My bosom friends, and in their several ways Rightly born poets, and in these last days Men of much note and no less nobler parts, Such as have freely told to me their hearts As I have mine to them." One of his ep. sties was addressed to Browne. xxiv INTRODUCTION. Michael Drayton and my new yet loved friend Mr. Will. Browne." Anthony a Wood states that, after acting as tutor to Robert Dormer, Browne was received into the family of the Herberts at Wilton, where " he got wealth and purchased an estate." Browne may have been temporarily in the service of the Herberts (as Samuel Daniel had been in earlier days), but it is hard to believe the latter part of Wood's statement. He seems to have acquired in some way a modest compe- tence, which secured him immunity from the troubles that weighed so heavily on men of letters. In Surrey, round Betchworth and Dorking, his family had been long established. He married in 1628, as we have seen, a knight's daughter at Horsham, who brought him a portion. With the patronage of the Herberts and the Dormers, and with such money as he received with his wife, he was able to " rub on," though he may not have " got wealth and pur- chased an estate." After his second marriage he appears to have settled in the neighbourhood of Dorking. In Ashmole MS. 830 is preserved the following letter (first printed by Mr. Hazlitt), which he addressed in November, 1640, to Sir Benjamin Rudyard : IN TROD UC TION. xx v To SIR BENJAMIN RUDYARD. SIR, I beseech you to pardon my interposing your most serious affairs with the remembrance of my service. The cause requires it, and every man who knows I have the honour to be known by you would think me stupid in not congratulating what every one thinks he hath a share in. I mean your late speech in Parliament, wherein they believe the spirit which inspired the Reformation and the genius which dictated the Magna Charta possessed you. In my poor cell and sequestra- tion from all business, I bless God and pray for more such members in the Commonwealth ; and could you but hear (as it is pity but you should) what I do, it would add some years to your honoured hairs. Believe it, Sir, you have given such a maintenance to that repute which your former deportment had begotten that it will need no other livelihood than a chronicle, which I hope our ensuing age will not see it want for. I have now done. 'Tis Sunday night : when I have prayed for my honoured lord the Lord Chamberlain,* my good lord and master the Earl of Carnarvon, and for you and your good proceedings, I hope I shall wake with the same thoughts again, and be ever Your most obliged servant, WM. BROWNE. Dorking, Nov. 29, 1640. * Philip Herbert, fourth Earl of Pembroke. He was father-in-law to the Earl of Carnarvon (Robert Dormer). In the Civil Wars he sided with the Parliament ; his son-in-law fell, fighting for the King, at the first battle of Xewbury (aoth Sept., 1643). xxvi INTRODUCTION. The speech to which the letter refers was delivered before the Long Parliament early in November. It dealt freely with the subject of public grievances, urging that evil counsel- lors should be removed from the King. William Browne died in or before 1645. Administration of his estate was granted (in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury) to his widow, Timothy Browne, on 6th November, 1645.* In the Actt he is described as " late of Dorking, in the county of Surrey, Esquire." There is no trace of his death or burial in the Dorking register, and the Horsham register has been searched in vain. It is possible that he was buried at Tavistock. The Tavistock register, under date ayth March, 1643, has an entry " William Browne was buried." No portrait of the poet is known. Prince says that he had a great mind in a little body, a conventional expression. * His estate was again administered in May 1662, by which time his widow was presumably dead. The Act Rook for that year is lost, so that the name of the person to whom this second administration was granted cannot be ascertained. f Administration Acts afford no clue to the actual date of death. Wood surmised that Browne died in 1645. INTRODUCTION. xxvii The bulk of William Browne's poetry was composed in youth and early manhood. He states that the First Book of Britannia's Pastorals was written before he had reached his twentieth year : O how, methinks, the imps of Mneme bring Dews of invention from the sacred spring ! Here could I spend that spring of poesy Which not twice ten suns have bestow'd on me. The story of the Pastorals, if story there be, is naught ; it would be a hopeless task to attempt to give an intelligible summary of the adventures of Celand, Marina, and the others. But the dallying diffuseness of the poem constitutes no small part of its charm. Horace Walpole threw out the suggestion that somebody should issue a series of " Lounging Books " books that one can take up, without fatigue, at odd moments. I fear that his nice critical judg- ment would not have included William Browne in the series ; but to the lovers of our old poets Britannia's Pastorals will always be a favourite lounging book. They know that, at whatever page they open, they have not far to travel before they find entertainment. In the Third Song of the Second Book there is a description of a delightful grove, perfumed with " odoriferous xxviii INTRODUCTION-. buds and herbs of price," where fruits hang in gallant clusters from the trees, and birds tune their notes to the music of running water ; so fair a pleasaunce that you are fain Where last you walk'd to turn and walk again. A generous reader might apply that description to Browne's poetry ; he might urge that the breezes which blew down those leafy alleys and over those trim parterres were not more grateful than the fragrance exhaled from the Pastorals, that the brooks and birds babble and twitter in the printed page not less blithely than in that western Paradise. What so pleasant as to read of May-games, true-love knots, and shepherds piping in the shade? of pixies and fairy-circles? of rustic bridals and junketings ? of angling, hunting the squirrel, nut-gathering ? Of such-like subjects William Browne treats, singing like the shep- herd in the Arcadia as though he would never grow old. He was a happy poet. It was his good fortune to grow up among wholesome surroundings, whose gracious influences sank into his spirit. He loved the hills and dales round Tavistock, and lovingly described them in his verse. Frequently he indulges in de- INTRODUCTION. xxix scriptions of sunrise and sunset ; they leave no vivid impression, but charm the reader by their quiet beauty. It cannot be denied that his fondness for simple, homely images sometimes led him into sheer fatuity ;* and candid admirers must also admit that, despite his study of sim- plicity, he could not refrain from hunting (as the manner was) after far-fetched outrageous conceits. Browne had nothing of that restless energy which inspired the old dramatists ; he was all for pastoral contentment. Assuredly he was not a great poet, but he was a true poet, and a modest. In the Fourth Song of the Second Book he tells of the pleasure that he took in writing his poetry, and manfully declares that his free-born Muse shall never stoop to servile * Xo excuse can be offered for such a passage as the following (Rook 1, Song 3) : " As when some boy trying the somersault, Stands on his head, and feet, as he did lie To kick against earth's spangled canopy ; When seeing that his heels are of such weight, That he cannot obtain their purpos'd height, Leaves any more to strive ; and thus doth say, What now I cannot do, another day May well effect : it cannot be denied I show'd a will to act, because I tried." xxx INTRODUCTION. flattery. He cultivated poetry for its own sake, and not for what it might bring of advantage or reward : In this case I, as oft as I will choose, Hug sweet content by my retired Muse, And in a study find as much to please As others in the greatest palaces. Sidney and Spenser, whom he regarded as his masters, he held in highest veneration. Among his friends were Ben Jonson, Chapman ("the learned shepherd of fair Hitchin hill "), " well- languaged Daniel," Christopher Brooke, John Davies of Hereford, and Wither. In the Second Song of the Second Book he passes these poets in review, and eulogizes each in turn. The praise that he bestowed on con- temporary poets was by them amply repaid ; and with poets of a later age Browne has found favour. In Mr. Ruth's library is preserved a copy of the folio edition of Britannia's Pastorals, containing MS. annotations stated to be in the handwriting of Milton (who may possibly have taken some hints for Comus from Browne's Inner Temple Masq^te). Henry Vaughan, in his praises of the river Usk, borrowed from the Second Song of the First Book of the Pastorals. Keats, who chose a motto from INTRODUCTION. xxxi the Pastorals for one of his early poems, was much under Browne's influence at the begin- ning of his glorious career, but quickly passed to regions of fancy far removed from the ken of the earlier poet. Mrs. Browning did not omit to introduce Browne in her Vision of the Poets. Browne was not only a poet, but a scholar and antiquary, the friend of Selden. At the. beginning of the Pastorals he refers (in a mar- ginal note) to an MS. copy of William of Malmes- bury " in the hands of my learned friend M. Selden." In 7~he Shepherd's Pipe he printed from MS. a poem of Hoccleve, and announced " As this shall please, I may be drawn to publish the rest of his works, being all perfect in my hands." Seemingly the public of those days had no anxiety to see Hoccleve's works collected : the project fell through. A curious passage occurs in Nathaniel Carpenter's* Geography delineated forth in two Bookes, 1625 (pp. 263-4) : " Many inferiour faculties are yet left, wherein our Devon hath displaied her abili- ties as well as in the former, as in Philosophers, Historians, Oratours and Poets, the blazoning * Carpenter was a fellow of Exeter College. He dedicated his Geography to William, Earl of Pembroke. VOL. I c xxxii INTRODUCTION. of whom to the life, especially the last, I had rather leave to my worthy friend Mr. \V. Browne, who, as hee hath already honoured his countrie in his elegant and sweet Pastoralls, so questionles will easily bee intreated a little farther to grace it by drawing out the line of his Poeticke Auncesters, beginning in Josephus Iscanus and ending in himselfe." Probably Carpenter threw out this suggestion at a ven- ture, for there is no evidence to show that Browne had any intention of collecting materials for Lives of the Poets of Devonshire.* The Two Books of Pastorals, the Eclogues in The Shepherd's Pipe, and some contributions to the 1614 edition of England's Helicon, con- tain all the poetry that Browne published. He left in MS. a Third Book of Pastorals, the Inner Temple Masque, and some miscellaneous poems. Among the miscellaneous pieces are the excellent bacchanalian song " Now that the spring hath filled our veins,"t and the * Anthony a Wood and others, garbling Carpenter's words, have represented that Browne was engaged on a History of English Poetry. f It was popular in the xviith century, though no early printed copy is extant. In Poor Robins Almanac, 1699, it is mentioned as a well-known song : " Now [June] INTRODUCTION. xxxiii famous ballad " Lydford Journey." Browne lived in an age of song-writing, and at times he could sing with the best. Some charming songs, notably " Shall I tell you whom I love ? " and " Venus by Adonis' side," are scattered through the Pastorals, and there are good lyrical passages in the Masque. In 1647 appeared a translation from the French of M. Le Roy, Sieur de Gomberville, The History of Polexander. Done into English by William Browne, Gent. For the Right Honourable Philip, Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery, &c. London, printed by Tho : Harper for Thomas Walkley, fol. It is to be noted that Walkley was the publisher of the 1620 edition of The Shepherd's Pipe. The translation (a holiday task of slender interest) was issued without dedication or preface. Prob- ably the translator may be identified with the author of the Pastorals, for we hear of no other William Browne who was connected with the Pembroke family. A copy of the French original is in the library at Wilton, but not of the English translation. is the time when Farmers shear their Sheep . . . and yet for all this, the old Song is in force still, and ever will be, ' Shear Sheep that have 'em cry we still.' " xxxiv INTRODUCTION. Whether his be the translation or not, the poet was dead when Polexander appeared. His early years were passed in the delightful town of Tavistock ; he spent much time at Wilton, the home of the Herberts ; and he died in, or near, Dorking. Tavistock, Wilton, Dorking. Surely few poets have had a more tranquil journey to the Elysian Fields. A. H. BULLEN. 16, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. September, 1893. BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS VOL. 1. TO The no less Ennobled by Virtue, than Ancient in Nobility, the Right Honourable EDWARD, LORD ZOUCH, ST. MAUR, AND CANTELUPE, and one of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. HONOUR'S bright ray, More highly crown'd with virtue than with years, Pardon a rustic Muse that thus appears In shepherd's grey, Entreating your attention to a lay Fitting a sylvan bower, not courtly trains ; Such choicer ears, Should have Apollo's priests, not Pan's rude swains. But if the music of contented plains A thought uprears For your approvement of that part she bears, When time (that embryons to perfection brings) B 2 4 THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. Hath taught her strains May better boast their being from the spring Where brave heroes' worths the Sisters sing : (In lines whose reigns In spite of Envy and her restless pains Be unconfin'd as blest eternity :) The vales shall ring Thy honour'd name, arid every song shall be A pyramis built to thy memory. Your Honour's W. BROWNE. TO THE READER. THE times are swoll'n so big with nicer wits, That nought sounds good but what Opinion strikes Censure with Judgment seld a together sits ; And now the man more than the matter likes. The great re wardress of a poet's pen, Fame, is by those so clogg'd she seldom flies ; The Muses sitting on the graves of men, Singing that Virtue lives and never dies, Seld, seldom. THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. 5 Are chas'd away by the malignant tongues Of such, by whom Detraction is ador'd : Hence grows the want of ever-living songs, With which our isle was whilom a bravely stor'd. If such a basilisk dart down his eye (Impoison'd with the dregs of utmost hate), To kill the first blooms of my poesy, It is his worst, and makes me fortunate. Kind wits I vail b to, but to fools precise I am as confident as they are nice. From the Inner Temple, June the i8th, 1613. W. B. IVAifom, formerly. b Vail to, submit, defer to. IN BUCOLICA G. BROUN. Quod per secessus rustici otia licuit, ad Amic. & Bon, Lit. awantiss. KaAAos ANACREONTICUM. Aibs, Tp ffvfjtir Taj aw TTJS Mof'troi irpnK Ta?j ITV SoDAos in TTJS ot/u7' atKouff 'H yap tffr avfpatnos "Vvxn "Kvvfa, TTJVOV 'Pfvyovv'' avrf 'iiravrtti "Os trpoinixrfffr'' "EpcSras. Moucraiy K ' Atppoytveiy TIpovirTOf Tof/TO ire'Aj(c. OI/TWS eVcrl i r" j AI A ii which your To his Friend the Author. inconstancy too oft makes DRIVE forth thy flock, young pastor, to that plain a ost un ' re Where our old shepherds wont their flocks to feed ; supposed not To those clear walks where many a skilful swain Shjjttof To'ards the calm ev'ning tun'd his pleasant reed. Shepward, shepherd. io COMMENDATORY VERSES. Those, to the Muses once so sacred, downs, As no rude foot might there presume to stand : (Now made the way of the unworthiest clowns, Digg'd and plough'd up with each unhallowed hand) If possible thou canst redeem those places, Where, by the brim of many a silver spring, The learned maidens and delightful graces Often have sat to hear our shepherds sing : Where on those pines, the neighb'ring groves among (Now utterly neglected in these days), Our garlands, pipes, and cornamutes a were hung, The monuments of our deserved praise. So may thy sheep like, b so thy lambs increase, And from the wolf feed ever safe and free ! So may'st thou thrive, among the learned prease, c As thou young shepherd art belov'd of me ! MICHAEL DRAYTON. To his ingenious and worthy Friend the Author. HE that will tune his oaten-pipe aright To great Apollo's harp ; he that will write A living poem, must have many years, And settled judgment 'mongst his equal peers, Cornamutes, rustic instruments blown like the bagpipe. b Like, thrive. c Prease, press or crowd. COMMENDATORY VERSES. II In well-rigg'd bark to steer his doubtful course ; Lest secret, rocky envy, or the source Of frothy, but sky-tow "ring arrogance, Or fleeting, sandy vulgar-censure chance To leave him shipwreck'd on the desert main, Imploring aged Neptune's help in vain. The younger cygnet, even at best, doth tear With his harsh squealings the melodious ear : It is the old and dying swan that sings Notes worthy life, worthy the Thespian springs. But thou art young ; and yet thy voice as sweet, Thy verse as smooth, composure as discreet As any swan's whose tuneful notes are spent On Thames his banks ; which makes me confident, He knows no music, hath nor ears, nor tongue, That not commends a voice so sweet, so young. On him ; a Pastoral Ode to his fairest Shepherdess. SYREN more than earthly fair, Sweetly break the yielding air ; Sing on Albion's whitest rocljs ; Sing ; whilst Willy to his flocks Deftly tunes his various reed. Sing ; and he, whilst younglings feed, Answer shall thy best of singing, With his rural music bringing 12 COMMENDATORY VERSES. Equal pleasure ; and requite : Music's sweets with like delight. What though Willy's songs be plain ? Sweet they be : for he's a swain Made of purer mould than earth. Him did Nature from his birth, And the Muses single out, For a second Colin Clout. a Tityrus b made him a singer : Pan him taught his pipe to finger : Numbers, curious ears to please, Learn'd he of Philisides. Kala d loves him : and the lasses Point at him as by he passes, Wishing never tongue that's bad Censure may so blithe a lad. Therefore well can he requite Music's sweets with like delight : Sing then, break the yielding air Syren more than earthly fair. EDWARD HEYWARD, So. Int. Tempi. Colin Clout is the pastoral name which Spenser adopted for himself. b Tityrus, Virgil. Philisides, one of the poetical names of Sir Philip Sidney, invented by himself, and evidently formed from portions of the two names, Philip and Sidney. d Kala, a shepherdess in Sidney's Arcadia. COMMENDATORY VERSES. 13 To his Friend the Atithor tipon his Poem. THIS plant is knotless that puts forth these leaves, Upon whose branches I his praise do sing : Fruitful the ground, whose verdure it receives From fertile Nature, and the learned Spring. In zeal to good known, but unpractis'd ill, Chaste in his thoughts, though in his youthful prime, He writes of past'ral love with nectar'd quill, And offers up his first fruits unto Time. Receive them (Time) and in thy border place them Among thy various flowers of poesy ; No envy blast, nor ignorance deface them, But keep them fresh in fairest memory ! And, when from Daphne's tree he plucks more bays, His Shepherd's Pipe may chant more heav'nly lays. CHRISTOPHER BROOKE. ANAGRAMMA. Gtiilielmus Browne. Ne vulgo Librum ejus. Si vulgus gustare tuo velis apta palato ; I, pete vulgares, ac aliunde, dapes. Nil vulgare sapit liber hie ; hinc vulgus abesto : Non nisi delicias hsec tibi mensa dabit. FR : DYNNE, fc So. Int. Tempi. 14 COMMENDATORY VERSES. To his Friend the Author. ON (jolly lad) and hie thee to the field Among the best swains that the valleys yield ; Go boldly, and in presence of them all, Proceed a shepherd with this Pastoral. Let Pan, and all his rural train attending, From stately mountains to the plains descending, Salute this Pastor with their kind embraces, And entertain him to their holy places. Let all the nymphs of hills and dales together Kiss him for earnest of his welcome thither : Crown him with garlands of the choicest flowers, And make him ever dwell within their bowers : For well I wot in all the plains around, There are but few such shepherds to be found, That can such learned lays and ditties frame, Or aptly fit their tunes unto the same. And let them all (if this young swain should' die) Tune all their reeds to sing his memory. THO. GARDINER, e So. Int. Tempi To the Author. HAD I beheld thy Muse upon the stage, A poesy in fashion with this age ; Or had I seen, when first I view'd thy task, An active wit dance in a satyr's mask, COMMENDATORY VERSES. 15 I should in those have prais'd thy wit and art, But not thy ground, a poem's better part : Which being the perfect'st image of the brain, Not fram'd to any base end, but to gain True approbation of the artist's worth, When to an open view he sets it forth, Judiciously he strives no less t'adorn By a choice subject than a curious form : Well hast thou then pass'd o'er all other rhyme, And in a Pastoral spent thy leisure's time : Where fruit so fair, and field so fruitful is, That hard it is to judge whether in this The substance or the fashion more excel, So precious is the gem, and wrought so well. Thus rest thou prais'd of me, fruit, field, gem, art, Do claim much praise to equal such desert. W. FERRAR, e So. Med. Tempi. To the Author. FRIEND, I'll not err in blazing of thy worth ; This work in truest terms will set it forth : In these few lines the all I do intend, Is but to show that I have such a friend. FR : OULDE, e S. In. Tempi. BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. THE FIRST SONG. THE ARGUMENT. Marina's love, yclep'd" the fair, Ce'and's disdain, and her despair. Are the first wings my Muse puts on To reach the sacred Helicon. I THAT whilere near Tavy s straggling spring . Tav 7 Is . a ... ' river, having Unto my seely sheep did use to sing, his head in And play'd to please myself on rustic reed, Eevo^some Nor sought for biy (the learned shepherd's meed), few miles from Mary Tavy, and . Ycltpcd, called. 2. Seely, simple. falls south- ward into Tamar : put of the same moor riseth, running northward, another, called Tan : which by the way the rather I speak of, because in the printed Malmes- bury degest. Pontific. lib. 2, fol. 146, you read, " Est in Domnonia caenobium mon.ichorum juxtal'au fluvium, quod Tavistok vocatur :" whereas upon Tau stands (near the north side of the shire 1 * Tawstock, being no remnants of a monastery : so that you must there read, " Juxta Taui Fluvium," as in a man- uscript copy of Malmesbury (the form of the hand assuring Malmesbury 's time) belonging to the Abbey of S. Augustine in Canterbury I have seen, in the hands of my very learned friend M. Selden. VOL. I. C 1 8 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. But as a swain unkent fed on the plains, 5 And made the Echo umpire of my strains : Am drawn by time (although the weak'st of many) To sing those lays as yet unsung of any. What need I tune the swains of Thessaly ? Or, bootless, add to them of Arcadie ? 10 No, fair Arcadia cannot be completer ; My praise may lessen, but not make thee greater. My Muse for lofty pitches shall not roam, But homely pipen of her native home ; And to the swains, love rural minstrelsy ; 15 Thus, dear Britannia, will I sing of thee. High on the plains of that renowned isle, Which all men Beauty's garden-plot enstyle, A shepherd dwelt, whom Fortune had made rich With all the gifts that silly men bewitch. 20 Near him a shepherdess for beauty's store Unparallel'd of any age before. Within those breasts her face a flame did move, Which never knew before what 'twas to love, [25 Dazzling each shepherd's sight that view'd her eyes : And as the Persians did idolatrize Unto the sun : they thought that Cynthia's light Might well be spar'd where she appear'd in night. And as when many to the goal do run, The prize is given never but to one : 30 So first, and only Celandine was led, 5. Unkent, unknown, for unkenned. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 19 Of Destiny's and Heaven much favoured, To gain this beauty, which I here do offer To memory : his pains (who would not proffer [35 Pains for such pleasures?) were not great nor much, But that his labour's recompense was such As countervailed all : for she, whose passion, (And passion oft is love,) whose inclination Bent all her course to him-wards, let him know He was the elm whereby her vine did grow : 40 Yea, told him, when his tongue began this task, She knew not to deny when he would ask. Finding his suit as quickly got as mov'd, Celandine, in his thoughts not well approv'd What none could disallow, his love grew feign'd, 45 And what he once affected now disdain'd. But fair Marina (for so was she call'd) Having in Celandine her love install'd, Affected so this faithless shepherd's boy, That she was rapt beyond degree of joy. 50 Briefly, she could not live one hour without him, And thought no joy like theirs that liv'd about him. This variable shepherd for a while Did Nature's jewel by his craft beguile : And still the perfecter her love did grow, 55 His did appear more counterfeit in show. Which she perceiving that his flame did slake, And lov'd her only for his trophy's sake : " For he that's stuffed with a faithless tumour, Loves only for his lust and for his humour : " 60 c 2 20 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. And that he often in his merry fit Would say, his good came ere he hop'd for it : His thoughts for other subjects being press'd, Esteeming that as nought which he possess'd : "For what is gotten but with little pain, 65 As little grief we take to lose again." Well-minded Marine grieving, thought it strange That her ingrateful swain did seek for change. Still by degrees her cares grew to the full. Joys to the wane, heartrending grief did pull 70 Her from herself, and she abandon 'd all To cries and tears, fruits of a funeral ; Running the mountains, fields, by wat'ry springs, Filling each cave with woful echoing* ; Making in thousand places her complaint, 75 And uttering to the trees what her tears meant. "For griefs conceal'd (proceeding from desire) Consume the more, as doth a close-pent fire." Whilst that the day's sole eye doth gild the seas In his day's journey to th' Antipodes, So And all the time the jetty-charioteer Hurls her black mantle through our hemisphere, Under the covert of a sprouting pine She sits and grieves for faithless Celandine. Beginning thus : Alas ! and must it be 85 That Love which thus torments and troubles me In settling it, so small advice hath lent To make me captive, where enfranchisement Cannot be gotten ? nor where, like a slave, Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 21 The office clue to faithful prisoners, have ? 90 Oh cruel Celandine, why shouldst thou hate Her, who to love thee, was ordain'd by Fate ! Should I not follow thee, and sacrifice My wretched life to thy betraying eyes ? Aye me ! of all my most unhappy lot ; 95 What others would, thou may'st, and yet wilt not. Have I rejected those that me ador'd, To be of him, whom I adore, abhorr'd ? And pass'd by others' tears, to make election Of one, that should so pass-by my affection ? loo I have : and see the heav'nly powers intend " To punish sinners in what they offend." Maybe he takes delight to see in me The burning rage of hellish jealousy ; Tries if in fury any love appears ; 105 And bathes his joy within my flood of tears. But if he lov'd to soil my spotless soul, And me amongst deceived maids enrol, To publish to the world my open shame : [HO Then, heart, take freedom ; hence, accursed flame ; And, as queen-regent, in my heart shall move " Disdain, that only over-ruleth Love :" By this infranchis'd sure my thoughts shall be, And in the same sort love, as thou lov'st me. But what? or can I cancel or unbind 115 That which my heart hath seal'd and love hath sign'd? No, no, grief doth deceive me more each hour ; "For, who so truly loves, hath not that power." 22 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. I wrong to say so since of all 'tis known, " Who yields to love cloth leave to be her own." I2O But what avails my living thus apart ? Can I forget him ? or out of my heart Can tears expulse his image ? surely no. " We well may fly the place, but not the woe : Love's fire is of a nature which by turns 125 Consumes in presence, and in absence burns." And knowing this : aye me ! unhappy wight ! What means is left to help me in this plight ? And from that peevish shooting, hood-wink'd elf, To repossess my love, my heart, myself? 130 Only this help I find, which I elect : Since what my life nor can nor will effect, My ruin shall : and by it, I shall find, " Death cures (when all helps fail) the grieved mind." And welcome here (than Love a better guest), 135 That of all labours art the only rest : Whilst thus I live, all things discomfort give, The life is sure a death wherein I live : Save life and death do differ in this one, That life hath ever cares, and death hath none. 140 But if that he (disdainful swain) should know That for his love I wrought my overthrow ; Will he not glory in't ? and from my death Draw more delights, and give new joys their breath ? Admit he do, yet better 'tis that I 145 120. Leave, cease. 123. Expitlse, expel. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 23 Render myself to Death than misery. 1 cannot live, thus barred from his sight, Nor yet endure, in presence, any wight Should love him but myself. O Reason's eye, Kow art thou blinded with vild jealousy ! 150 Aid is it thus ? Then which shall have my blood, O; certain ruin, or uncertain good ? \\hy do I doubt ? Are we not still advis'd "That certainty in all things best is priz'd?" Then, if a certain end can help my moan, 155 " Know Death hath certainty, but Life hath none." Here is a mount, whose top seems to despise The far inferior vale that under lies : Who like a great man rais'd aloft by fate, Measures his height by others' mean estate : 160 Near to whose foot there glides a silver flood. Falling from hence, I'll climb unto my good, And by it finish Love and Reason's strife, And end my misery as well as life. But as a coward's heartener in war, 165 The stirring drum, keeps lesser noise fiom far: So seem the murmuring waves tell in mine ear That guiltless blood was never spilled there. Then stay a while; the beasts that haunt those springs, Of whom I hear the fearful bello wings, 170 May do that deed (as moved by my cry), Whereby my soul, as spotless ivory, 150. Vild, vile. 163. Heartener, an encourager. 24 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. May turn from whence it came, and, freed from hence, Be unpolluted of that foul offence. But why protract I time ? death is no stranger : 175 "And generous spirits never fear for danger : Death is a thing most natural to us, And fear doth only make it odious." As when to seek her food abroad doth rove The Nuncius of peace, the seely dove, iSo Two sharp-set hawks do her on each side hem, And she knows not which way to fly from them : Or like a ship, that tossed to and fro With wind and tide ; the wind doth sternly blow, And drives her to the main, the tide comes sore 185 And hurls her back again towards the shore ; And since her ballast and her sails do lack, One brings her out, the other beats her back ; Till one of them increasing more his shocks, Hurls 'her to shore, and rends her on the rocks : 190 So stood she long, 'twixt love and reason toss'd, Until despair (who where it comes rules most) Won her to throw herself, to meet with death, From oft the rock into the flood beneath. The waves that were above when as she fell, 195 For fear flew back again into their well. Doubting ensuing times on them would frown, That they so rare a beauty help'cl to drown. Her fall, in grief, did make the stream so roar, 180. Nuncius, messenger. 180. Seely, simple. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 25 That sullen murmuvings fill'd all the shore. 200 A shepherd (near this flood that fed his sheep, Who at this chance left grazing and did weep) Having so sad an object for his eyes, Left pipe and flock, and in the water flies, To save a jewel, which was never sent 205 To be possess'd by one sole element : But such a work Nature dispos'd and gave, Where all the elements concordance have. He took her in his arms, for pity cried, And brought her to the river's further side : 210 Yea, and he sought by all his art and pain, To bring her likewise to herself again : While she that by her fall was senseless left, And almost in the waves had life bereft, Lay long, as if her sweet immortal spirit 215 Was fled some other palace to inherit. But as clear Phoebus, when some foggy cloud His brightness from the world a while doth shroud, Doth by degrees begin to show his light Unto the view : or, as the queen of night, 220 In her increasing horns, doth rounder grow, Till full and perfect she appear in show : Such order in this maid the shepherd spies, When she began to show the world her eyes. [225 Who (thinking now that she had pass'd death's dream, Occasion'd by her fall into the stream, 202. Cluince, mishap. 26 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i- And that hell's ferryman did then deliver Her to the other side th' infernal river) Said to the swain : O Charon, I am bound More to thy kindness than all else that round 230 Come thronging to thy boat : thou hast pass'd over The woful'st maid that e'er these shades did cover, But, prithee, ferryman, direct my spright Where that black river runs that Lethe hight, That I of it (as other ghosts) may drink, 235 And never of the world, or love, more think. The swain perceiving by her words ill sorted, That she was wholly from herself transported, And fearing lest those often idle fits Might clean expel her uncollected wits : 240 Fair nymph (said he), the powers above deny So fair a beauty should so quickly die. The heavens unto the world have made a loan, And must for you have interest, three for one. [245 Call back your thoughts o'ercast with dolour's night ; Do you not see the day, the heavens, the light ? Do you not know in Pluto's darksome place The light of heaven did never show his face ? Do not your pulses beat ? y'are warm, have breath, Your sense is rapt with fear, but not with death. 250 I am not Charon, nor of Pluto's host ; Nor is there flesh and blood found in a ghost ; But as you see, a seely shepherd's swain, 234. Hight, called. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 27 Who though my mere revenues be the train Of milk-white sheep, yet am I joy'd as much 255 In saving you (O, who would not save such?), As ever was the wand'ring youth of Greece, That brought from Colchos home the golden fleece. The never-too-much-praised fair Marine, Hearing those words, believ'd her ears and eyne : 260 And knew how she escaped had the flood By means of this young swain that near her stood. Whereat for grief she 'gan again to faint, Redoubling thus her cries and sad complaint : Alas ! and is that likewise barr'd from me, 265 Which for all persons else lies ever free ? Will life, nor death, nor ought abridge my pain ? But live still dying, die to live again ? Then most unhappy I ! which find most sure, The wound of love neglected is past cure. 270 Most cruel god of love (if such there be), That still to my desires art contrary ! Why should I not in reason this obtain, That as I love, 1 may be lov'd again ? Alas ! with thee too, Nature plays her parts, 275 That fram'd so great a discord 'tween two hearts : One flies, and always doth in hate persever ; The other follows, and in love grows ever. Why dost thou not extinguish clean this flame, And place't on him that best deserves the same ? 280 Why had not I affected some kind youth, Whose every word had been the word of truth ? 28 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Who might have had to love, and lov'd to have, So true a heart as I to Celand gave. For Psyche's love ! if beauty gave thee birth, 285 Or if thou hast attractive power on earth, Dame Venus' sweetest child, requite this love. Or fate yield means my soul may hence remove ! Once seeing in a spring her drowned eyes, O cruel beauty, cause of this (she cries), 290 Mother of Love (my joy's most fatal knife), That work'st her death, by whom thyself hast life ! The youthful swain that heard this loving saint So oftentimes to pour forth such complaint, Wiihin his heart such true affection prais'd, 295 And did perceive kind love and pity rais'd His mind to sighs ; yea, beauty forced this, That all her grief he thought was likewise his. And having brought her what his lodge affords, Sometime he wept with her, sometime with words 300 Would seek to comfort ; when, alas ! poor elf, He needed then a comforter himself. Daily whole troops of grief unto him came For her who languish'd of another flame. If that she sigh'd, he thought him lov'd of her, 305 When 'twas another sail her wind did stir : But had her sighs and tears been for this boy, Her sorrow had been less, and more her joy. Long time in grief he hid his love-made pains, And did attend her walks in woods and plains : 310 Bearing a fuel, which her sun-like eyes Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 29 Enflam'd, and made his heart the sacrifice : Yet he, sad swain, to show it did not dare ; And she, lest he should love, nigh died for fear. She, ever-wailing, blam'd the powers above, 315 That night nor day give any rest to love. He prais'd the heavens in silence, oft was mute, And thought with tears and sighs to win his suit. Once in the shade, when she by sleep repos'd, And her clear eyes 'twixt her fair lids enclos'd, 320 The shepherd swain began to hate and curse That day unfortunate, which was the nurse Of all his sorrows. He had given breath And life to her which was his cause of death. O ^Esop's snake, that thirstest for his blood, 325 From whom thyself receiv'd'st a certain good. Thus oftentimes unto himself alone Would he recount his grief, utter his moan ; And after much debating, did resolve Rather his grandame Earth should clean involve 330 His pining body, ere he would make known To her, what tares love in his breast had sown. Yea, he would say when grief for speech hath cried, " 'Tis better never ask than be denied." But as the queen of rivers, fairest Thames, 335 That for her buildings other floods enflames \Vith greatest envy ; or the Nymph of Kent, 337.- Nymph pf Kent, the River Medway. 30 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. That stateliest ships to sea hath ever sent ; Some baser groom, for lucre's hellish course, Her channel having stopp'd, kept back her source, 340 (Fill'd with disdain) doth swell above her mounds, And overfloweth all the neighb'ring grounds, Angry she tears up all that stops her way, And with more violence runs to the sea : So the kind shepherd's grief (which long up- pent 345 Grew more in power, and longer in extent) Forth of his heart more violently thrust, And all his vow'd intentions quickly burst. Marina, hearing sighs, to him drew near, And did entreat his cause of grief to hear ; 350 But had she known her beauty was the sting That caused all that instant sorrowing, Silence in bands her tongue had stronger kept, And sh'ad not ask'd for what the shepherd wept. The swain first, of all times, this best did think 355 To show his love, whilst on the river's brink They sat alone, then thought, he next would move her With sighs and tears (true tokens of a lover) ; And since she knew what help from him she found When in the river she had else been drown'd, 360 He thinketh sure she cannot but grant this, To give relief to him by whom she is ; By this incited, said : Whom I adore, 339. Groom, fellow. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 31 Sole mistress of my heart, I thee implore, Do not in bondage hold my freedom long. 365 And since I life or death hold from your tongue, Suffer my heart to love ; yea, dare to hope To get that good of love's intended scope. Grant I may praise that light in you I see, And dying to myself, may live in thee. 37 Fair nymph, surcease this death-alluring languish, So rare a beauty was not born for anguish. Why shouldst thou care for him that cares not for thee ? Yea, most unworthy wight, seems to abhor thee. And if he be as you do here paint forth him, 375 He thinks you, best of beauties, are not worth him ; That all the joys of love will not quite cost For all lov'd freedom which by it is lost. Within his heart such self-opinion dwells, That his conceit in this he thinks excels ; 380 Accounting women's beauties sugar'd baits, That never catch but fools with their deceits. " Who of himself harbours so vain a thought, Truly to love could never yet be brought." Then love that heart where lies no faithless seed, 385 That never wore dissimulation's weed : Who doth account all beauties of the spring, That jocund summer days are ushering, As foils to yours. But if this cannot move Your mind to pity, nor your heart to love, 390 371. Surcease, cease. 32 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Yet, sweetest, grant me love to quench that flame, Which burns you now. Expel his worthless name, Clean root him out by me, and in his place Let him inhabit that will run a race More true in love. It may be for your rest. 395 And when he sees her, who did love him best, Possessed by another, he will rate The much of good he lost, when 'tis too late : " For what is in our powers we little deem, And things possess'd by others best esteem." 400 If all this gain you not a shepherd's wife, Yet give not death to him which gave you life. Marine the fair, hearing his wooing tale, Perceived well what wall his thoughts did scale ; And answer'd thus : I pray, Sir Swain, what boot 405 Is it to me to pluck up by the root My former love, and in his place to sow As ill a seed, for anything I know ? Rather 'gainst thee I mortal hate retain, That seek'st to plant in me new cares, new pain. 410 Alas ! th'hast kept my soul from death's sweet bands To give me over to a tyrant's hands, Who on his racks will torture by his power This weaken'd, harmless body, every hour. Be you the judge, and see if reason's laws 415 Give recompense of favour for this cause. You from the streams of death brought life on shore ; Releas'd one pain to give me ten times more. For love's sake, let my thoughts in this be free ; Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 33 Object no more your hapless saving me : 420 That obligation which you think should bind, Doth still increase more hatred in my mind. Yea, I do think more thanks to him were due That would bereave my life than unto you. The thunder-stricken swain lean'd to a tree, 425 As void of sense as weeping Niobe ; Making his tears the instruments to woo her, The sea wherein his love should swim unto her : And, could there flow from his two-headed font, As great a flood as is the Hellespont, 430 Within that deep he would as willing wander To meet his Hero, as did e'er Leander. Meanwhile the nymph withdrew herself aside, And to a grove at hand her steps applied. With that sad sigh (O ! had he never seen, 435 His heart in better case had ever been) Against his heart, against the stream he went, i^ymphz W r ith this resolve, and with a full intent, plerumque When of that stream he had discovered fluviis prz- The fount, the well-spring, or the bubbling head, 440 su ^H^ ud ux He there would sit, and with the well-drop vie, Kphydriades, That it before his eyes would first run dry. dictse :%- But then he thought the god* that haunts that lake, rum & " obis , .... tamen deum The spoiling of his spring would not well take ; praficere (sic And therefore leaving soon the crystal flood, 445 ^nnu^"^ Did take his way unto the nearest wood : Rhenum, & id genus alios divos legi- mus) baud 420. Object, urge. illicitum. VOL. I. D 34 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Seating himself within a darksome cave, (Such places heavy Saturnists do crave,) Where yet the gladsome day was never seen, Nor Phoebus' piercing beams had ever been, 450 Fit for the synod house of those fell legions, That walk the mountains and Silvanus' regions ; Where Tragedy might have her full scope given, From men['s] aspects, and from the view of heaven. Within the same some crannies did deliver 455 Into the midst thereof a pretty river ; The nymph whereof came by out of the veins Of our first mother, having late ta'en pains In scouring of her channel all the way, From where it first began to leave the sea : 460 And in her labour thus far now had gone, When coming through the cave, she heard that one Spake thus : If I do in my death persever, Pity may that effect which love could never. By this she can conjecture 'twas some swain, 465 Who overladen by a maid's disdain, Had here (as fittest) chosen out a place Where he might give a period to the race Of his loath'd life : which she (for pity's sake) Minding to hinder, div'd into her lake, 470 And hasten'd where the ever-teeming Earth Unto her current gives a wished birth ; And by her nevv-deliver'd river's side, 448. Snturnists, persons supposed to be under the influence of the planet Saturn, which tended to make men morose. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 35 Upon a bank of flow'rs, had soon espied [475 Remond, young Remond, that full well could sing, And tune his pipe at Pan's birth carolling ; Who for his nimble leaping, sweetest lays, A laurel garland wore on holy-days ; In framing of whose hand Dame Nature swore There never was his like, nor should be more ; 480 Whose locks (ensnaring nets) were like the rays Wherewith the sun doth diaper the seas, Which, if they had been cut and hung upon The snow-white cliffs of fertile Albion, \Vould have allured more to be their winner, 485 Than all the diamonds* that are hidden in her. * j u i; um Him she accosted thus : Swain of the Wreath, Caesarem.spe JVlargan- Thou art not placed only here to breathe ; tarum Britan- But Nature in thy framing shows to me scribit^Sue 5 - 6 ' Thou shouldst to others as she did to thee, 490 l n- in Jul. Do good ; and surely I myself persuade, & e x iis Thou never wert for evil action made. } horacem factual In heaven's consistory 'twas decreed v ?n er ! ? ene - That choicest fruit should come from choicest seed ; p},"_ jifst*.' In baser vessels we do ever put 40? Nat. 9, ca. ^ 7J 35. De Mar- Basest materials, do never shut garitis vero Those jewels most in estimation set, "ufas'ca" But in some curious costly cabinet. den. n Cor- If I may judge by th' outward shape alone, Somerset. 482. Diaper, variegate. 493. Consistory, an ecclesiastical court ; hence, a solemn assembly. D 2 36 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Within, all virtues have convention : 500 "For 't gives most lustre unto Virtue's feature, When she appears cloth'cl in a goodly creature." Half way the hill, near to those aged trees, Whose insides are as hives for lab'ring bees, (As who should say, before their roots were dead, 505 For good work's sake and alms they harboured Those whom nought else did cover but the skies :) A path, untrodden but of beasts, there lies, Directing to a cave in yonder glade, Where all this forest's citizens for shade 510 At noon-time come, and are the first, I think, That (running through that cave) my waters drink : Within this rock there sits a woful wight, As void of comfort as that cave of light ; And as I wot, occasion'd by the frowns 515 Of some coy shepherdess that haunts these downs. This I do know (whos'ever wrought his care) He is a man nigh treading to despair. Then hie thee thither, since 'tis charity To save a man ; leave here thy flock with me : 520 For whilst thou sav'st him from the Stygian bay, I'll keep thy lambkins from all beasts of prey. The nearness of the danger (in his thought) As it doth ever, more compassion wrought : So that, with reverence to the nymph, he went 525 With winged speed, and hasten'd to prevent Th' untimely seizure of the greedy grave. Breathless, at last, he came into the cave, Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 37 Where, by a sigh directed to the man, To comfort him he in this sort began : 530 Shepherd, all hail ! what mean these plaints ? this cave (Th' image of death, true portrait of the grave ) Why dost frequent ? and wail thee underground From whence there never yet was pity found ? Come forth, and show thyself unto the light, 535 Thy grief to me. If there be ought that might Give any ease unto thy troubled mind, We joy as much to give, as thou to find. The love-sick swain replied : Remond, thou art The man alone to whom I would impart 540 My woes more willing than to any swain, That lives and feeds his sheep upon the plain. But vain it is, and 'twould increase my woes By their relation, or to thee or those That cannot remedy. Let it suffice, 545 No fond distrust of thee makes me precise To show my grief. Leave me then, and forego This cave more sad since I have made it so. Here tears broke forth, and Remond 'gan anew With such entreaties, earnest to pursue 550 His former suit, that he (though hardly) wan The shepherd to disclose, and thus began : Know briefly, Remond, then, a heavenly face, Nature's idea, and perfection's grace, Within my breast hath kindled such a fire, 555 That doth consume all things, except desire ; 38 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. Which daily doth increase, though always burning, And I want tears, but lack no cause of mourning. " For he whom love under his colours draws, May often want th' effect, but ne'er the cause." 560 Quoth th' other, have thy stars malign been such, That their predominations sway so much Over the rest, that with a mild aspect The lives and loves of shepherds do affect ? Then do I think there is some greater hand, 5^5 Which thy endeavours still doth countermand : Wherefore I wish thee quench the flame, thus mov'd, " And never love except thou be belov'd. For such an humour every woman seizeth, [570 She loves not him that plaineth, but that pleaseth. When much thou lovest, most disdain comes on thee ; And when thou think'st^o hold her, she flies from thee: She follow'd, flies ; she fled from follows post, And loveth best where she is hated most. 'Tis ever noted both in maids and wives, 575 Their hearts and tongues are never relatives. Hearts full of holes (so elder shepherds sain) Are apter to receive than to retain." Whose crafts and wiles did I intend to show, This day would not permit me time, I know : 580 The day's swift horses would their course have run, 573. Post, post-haste as we should say. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 39 And div'd themselves within the ocean, Ere I should have performed half my task, Striving their crafty subtleties t'unmask. And, gentle swain, some counsel take of me ; 585 Love not still where thou may'st ; love, who loves thee ; Draw to the courteous, fly thy love's abhorrer, " And if she be not for thee, be not for her." If that she still be wavering, will away, [590 Why shouldst thou strive to hold that will not stay ? This maxim reason never can confute, " Better to live by loss than die by suit." If to some other love she is inclin'd, Time will at length clean root that from her mind. Time will extinct love's flames, his hell -like flashes, 595 And like a burning brand consume 't to ashes. Yet may'st thou still attenjd v but not importune : " Who seeks oft misseth, sleepers light on fortune," Yea, and on women too. ' ' Thus doltish sots Have Fate and fairest women for their lots. 600 Favour and pity wait on patience : " And hatred oft attendeth violence. If thou wilt get desire whence love hath pawn'd it, Believe me, take thy time, but ne'er demand it. Women, as well as men, retain desire ; 605 But can dissemble, more than men, their fire. Be never caught with looks, nor self-wrought rumour ; Nor by a quaint disguise, nor singing humour. 40 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. Those outside shows are toys which outwards snare, But virtue lodg'd within is only fair. 610 If thou hast seen the beauty of our nation, And find'st her have no love, have thou no passion : But seek thou further ; other places sure May yield a face as fair, a love more pure : Leave, O then leave, fond swain, this idle course, 615 For Love's a god no mortal wight can force. Thus Remond said, and saw the fair Marine Plac'd near a spring, whose waters crystalline Did in their murmurings bear a part, and plain'd That one so true, so fair, should be disdain'd : 620 Whilst in her cries, that fill'd the vale along, Still Celand was the burthen of her song. The stranger shepherd left the other swain, To give attendance to his fleecy train ; Who, in departing from him, let him know, 625 That yonder was his freedom's overthrow, Who sat bewailing (as he late had done) That love by true affection was not won. This fully known, Remond came to the maid, And after some few words, (her tears allay'd,) 630 Began to blame her rigour, call'd her cruel, To follow hate, and fly love's chiefest jewel. Fair, do not blame him that he thus is mov'd ; For women sure were made to be belov'd. If beauty wanting lovers long should stay, 635 It like an house undwelt in would decay : When in the heart if it have taken place Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 41 Time cannot blot, nor crooked age deface. The adamant and beauty we discover To be alike ; for beauty draws a lover, 640 The adamant his iron. Do not blame His loving then, but that which caus'd the same. Whoso is lov'd, doth glory so to be : The more your lovers, more your victory. [^4S Know, if you stand on faith, most women's loathing, 'Tis but a word, a character of nothing. Admit it somewhat, if what we call Constance Within a heart hath long time residence, And in a woman, she becomes alone Fair to herself, but foul to every one. 650 If in a man it once have taken place, Ha is a fool, or dotes, or wants a face To win a woman, and I think it be No virtue, but a mere necessity. Heaven's powers deny it ! Swain (quoth she) have done, 655 Strive not to bring that in derision, Which whosoe'er detracts in setting forth, Doth truly derogate from his own worth. It is a thing which heaven to all hath lent To be their virtue's chiefest ornament : 660 Which whoso wants is well compar'd to these False tables wrought by Alcibiades, 639. Adamant, the magnet ; the loadstone. 647. Constance, constancy. 42 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Which noted well of all were found t' have been Most fair without but most deform'd within. Then, shepherd, know, that I intend to be 665 As true to one as he is false to me. To one ? (quoth he) why so ? Maids pleasure take To see a thousand languish for their sake : Women desire for lovers of each sort, And why not you ? Th' amorous swain for sport ; 670 The lad that drives the greatest flock to field Will buskins, gloves, and other fancies yield ; The gallant swain will save you from the jaws Of ravenous bears, and from the lions' paws. Believe what I propound ; do many choose ; 675 " The least herb in the field serves for some use." Nothing persuaded, nor assuag'd by this, Was fairest Marine, or her heaviness : But pray'd the shepherd, as he e'er did hope His silly sheep should fearless have the scope 680 Of all the shadows that the trees do lend, From reynard's stealth, when Titan doth ascend, And run his midway course, to leave her there, And to his bleating charge again repair. He condescended ; left her by the brook, 685 And to the swain and 's sheep himself betook. He gone, she with herself thus 'gan to sain : Alas ! poor Marine, think'st thou to attain His love by sitting here ? or can the fire 685. Condescended, agreed. r. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 43 Be quench'd with wood ? can we allay desire 690 By wanting what's desired ? O that breath, The cause of life, should be the cause of death ! That who is shipwreck'd on Jove's hidden shelf, Doth live to others, dies unto herself. Why might not I attempt by death as yet 695 To gain that freedom which I could not get, Being hinder'd heretofore ? A time as free, A place as fit offers itself to me, Whose seed of ill is grown to such a height, That makes the earth groan to support his weight. 700 Whoso is lull'd asleep with Midas' treasures, And only fears by death to lose life's pleasures ; Let them fear death : but since my fault is such, And only fault, that I have lov'd loo much, On joys of life why should I stand ? For those 705 Which I ne'er had I surely cannot lose. Admit a while I to these thoughts consented, " Death can be but deferred, not prevented." Then raging with delay, her tears that fell Usher'd her way, and she into a well 710 Straightways leapt after. " O ! how desperation Attends upon the mind enthrall'd to passion ! " The fall of her did make the god below, Starting, to wonder whence that noise should grow ; Whether some ruder clown in spite did fling 715 A lamb, untimely fall'n, into his spring : 6g^.S/ielf, rock. TI" Bceotia, the first help- i hat whoso of it doth but only taste, ing memory, All former memory from him doth waste ; Not changing any other work of Nature, causing ob- n_. , ., ., , . i .., f . livion, called But doth endow the drinker with a feature Aft. 56 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. More lovely. Fair Medea took from hence 255 Some of this water, by whose quintessence ./Eson from age came back to youth. This known, The god thus spake : Nymph, be thine own, And after mine. This goddess here (For she's no less) will bring thee where 260 Thou shall acknowledge springs have do[n]e As much for thee as any one. Which ended, and thou gotten free, If thou wilt come and live with me, No shepherd's daughter, nor his wife, 265 Shall boast them of a better life. Meanwhile I leave thy thoughts at large, Thy body to my sister's charge ; Whilst I into my spring do dive To see that they do not deprive 270 The meadows near, which much do thirst, Thus heated by the sun. May first (Quoth Marine) swains give lambs to thee ; And may thy flood have seignorie Of all floods else, and to thy fame 275 Meet greater springs, yet keep thy name. May never evet nor the toad Within thy banks make their abode ! Taking thy journey from the sea, 274. Seignorie, lordship, dominion. 277. Evet, or hibit, the Devonshire name of the newt. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 57 May'st thou ne'er happen in thy way 280 On nitre or on brimstone mine, To spoil thy taste ! this spring of thine Let it of nothing taste but earth, And salt conceived, in their birth Be ever fresh ! Let no man dare 285 To spoil thy fish, make lock or ware ; But on thy margent still let dwell Those flowers which have the sweetest smell. And let the dust upon thy strand Become like Tagus' golden sand. 290 Let as much good betide to thee, As thou hast favour show'd to me. Thus said, in gentle paces they remove, And hasten'd onward to the shady grove, Where both arriv'd ; and having found the rock, 295 Saw how this precious water it did lock. As he whom avarice possesseth most, Drawn by necessity unto his cost, Doth drop by piecemeal down his prison'd gold, And seems unwilling to let go his hold : 300 So the strong rock the water long time stops, And by degrees lets it fall down in drops. Like hoarding housewives that do mould their food, And keep from others what doth them no good. The drops within a cistern fell of stone, 305 Which fram'd by Nature, Art had never one 286. Ware, weir 58 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i . Half part so curious. Many spells then using, The water's nymph 'twixt Marine's lips infusing Part of this water, she might straight perceive How soon her troubled thoughts began to leave 310 Her love-swoll'n breast ; and that her inward flame Was clean assuaged, and the very name Of Celandine forgotten ; did scarce know If there were such a thing as love or no. And sighing, therewithal threw in the air 315 All former love, all sorrow, all despair ; And all the former causes of her moan Did therewith bury in oblivion. Then must'ring up her thoughts, grown vagabonds, Press'd to relieve her inward bleeding wounds, 320 She had as quickly all things past forgotten, As men do monarchs that in earth lie rotten. As one new born she seem'd, so all-discerning, " Though things long learn'd are thelong'st unlearn- ing." Then walk'd they to a grove but near at hand, 325 Where fiery Titan had but small command, Because the leaves, conspiring, kept his beams, For fear of hurting (when he's in extremes) The under-flowers, which did enrich the ground With sweeter scents than in Arabia found. 330 The earth doth yield (which they through pores exhale) Earth's best of odours, th' aromatical : Like to that smell which oft our sense descries Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 59 Within a field which long unploughed lies, Somewhat before the setting of the sun ; 335 And where the rainbow in the horizon Doth pitch her tips : or as when in the prime, The earth being troubled with a drought long time, The hand of Heaven his spongy clouds doth strain, And throws into her lap a shower of rain : 340 She sendeth up (conceived from the sun) A sweet perfume and exhalation. Not all the ointments brought from Delos' Isle, Nor from the confines of seven-headed Nile, Nor that brought whence Phoenicians have abodes, 345 Nor Cyprus' wild vine-flowers, nor that of Rhodes, Nor roses' oil from Naples, Capua, Saffron confected in Cilicia, Nor that of quinces, nor of marjoram, That ever from the Isle of Coos came; 350 Nor these, nor any else, though ne'er so rare, Could with this place for sweetest smells compare. There stood the elm, whose shade so mildly dim Doth nourish all that groweth under him ; Cypress that like pyramids run topping, 355 And hurt the least of any by their dropping ; The alder, whose fat shadow nourisheth, Each plant set near to him long fiourisheth ; The heavy-headed plane-tree, by whose shade The grass grows thickest, men are fresher made ; 360 337. Prime, spring. 348. Confected, prepared as sweetmeats. 60 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. The oak, that best endures the thunder-shocks ; The everlasting eben, cedar, box ; The olive that in wainscot never cleaves ; The amorous vine, which in the elm still weaves ; The lotus, juniper, where worms ne'er enter ; 365 The pine, with whom men through the ocean venter ; The warlike yew, by which (more than the lance) The strong-arm'd English spirits conquer'd France. Amongst the rest the tamarisk there stood, For housewives' besoms only known most good ; 370 The cold-place-loving birch, and service-tree ; The walnut loving vales, and mulberry ; The maple, ash, that do delight in fountains Which have their currents by the sides of mountains ; The laurel, myrtle, ivy, date, which hold 375 Their leaves all winter, be it ne'er so cold ; The fir, that oftentimes doth rosin drop ; The beech, that scales the welkin with his top ; All these, and thousand more within this grove, By all the industry of Nature strove 380 To frame an harbour that might keep within it The best of beauties that the world hath in it. Here ent'ring, at the entrance of which shroud, The sun, half angry, hid him in a cloud, As raging that a grove should from his sight 385 Lock up a beauty whence himself had light, 369.- Tamarisk, a shrub growing freely on the south coast of England. See Note. 371. Service-tree, the wild pear-tree. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 61 The flowers pull'd in their heads as being 'sham'd Their beauties by the others were defam'd. Near to this wood there lay a pleasant mead, Where fairies often did their measures tread, 390 Which in the meadow made such circles g[r]een, As if with garlands it had crowned been, Or like the circle where the signs we track, And learned shepherds call't the Zodiac : Within one of these rounds was to be seen 395 A hillock rise, where oft the fairy-queen At twilight sat, and did command her elves To pinch those maids that had not swept their shelves ; And further, if by maidens' oversight Within doors water were not brought at night ; 400 Or if they spread no table, set no bread, They should have nips from toe unto the head ; And for the maid that had perform 'd each thing, She in the water-pail bade leave a ring. Upon this hill there sat a lovely swain, 405 As if that Nature thought it great disdain That he should (so through her his genius told him) Take equal place with swains, since she did hold him Her chiefest work, and therefore thought it fit That with inferiors he should never sit. 410 Narcissus' change sure Ovid clean mistook, He died not looking in a crystal brook, But (as those which in emulation gaze) He pin'd to death by looking on this face. 62 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. When he stood fishing by some river's brim, 415 The fish would leap, more for a sight of him Than for the fly. The eagle, highest bred, Was taking him once up for Ganymede. The shag-hair'd satyrs, and the tripping fawns, With all the troop that frolic on the lawns, 420 Would come and gaze on him, as who should say They had not seen his like this many a day. Yea, Venus knew no difference 'twixt these twain, Save Adon was a hunter, this a swain. The wood's sweet quiristers from spray to spray 425 Would hop them nearer him, and then there stay : Each joying greatly from his little heart That they with his sweet reed might bear a part. This was the boy (the poets did mistake) To whom bright Cynthia so much love did make ; 430 And promis'd for his love no scornful eyes Should ever see her more in horned guise : But she at his command would as of duty Become as full of light as he of beauty. Lucina at his birth for midwife stuck ; 435 And Cytherea nurs'd and gave him suck, Who to that end, once dove-drawn from the sea, Her full paps dropp'd, whence came the milky-way. And as when Plato did i' th' cradle thrive, Bees to his lips brought honey from their hive : 440 So to this boy they came, I know not whether tfl5*Qtiiristers, choristers. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 63 They brought, or from his lips did honey gather. The wood-nymphs oftentimes would busied be, And pluck for him the blushing strawberry, Making of them a bracelet on a bent, 445 Which for a favour to this swain they sent. Sitting in shades, the sun would oft by skips Steal through the boughs, and seize upon his lips. The chiefest cause the sun did condescend To Phaeton's request was to this end, 450 That whilst the other did his horses rein, He might slide from his sphere and court this swain, Whose sparkling eyes vied lustre with the stars, The truest centre of all circulars. In brief, if any man in skill were able 455 To finish up Apelles' half-done table, This boy (the man left out) were fittest sure To be the pattern of that portraiture. Piping he sat, as merry as his look, And by him lay his bottle and his hook. 460 His buskins (edg'd with silver) were of silk, Which held a leg more white than morning's milk. Those buskins he had got and brought away For dancing best upon the revel day. His oaten reed did yield forth such sweet notes, 465 Joined in concert with the birds' shrill throats, 445. Bent, a long coarse grass. 449. Condescend, consent. 456. Table, a picture of Aphrodite. 64 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. That equaliz'd the harmony of spheres, A music that would ravish choicest ears. Long look'd they on, (who would not long look on, That such an object had to look upon ?) 470 Till at the last the nymph did Marine send To ask the nearest way whereby to wend To those fair walks where sprung Marina's ill, Whilst she would stay : Marine obey'd her will, And hasten'd towards him (who would not do so, 475 That such a pretty journey had to go?) Sweetly she came, and with a modest blush, Gave him the day, and then accosted thus : Fairest of men, that (whilst thy flock doth feed) Sitt'st sweetly piping on thine oaten reed 480 Upon this little berry (some ycleep A hillock) void of care, as are thy sheep Devoid of spots, and sure on all this green A fairer flock as yet was never seen : Do me this favour (men should favour maids) 485 That whatsoever path directly leads, And void of danger, thou to me do show, That by it to the Marish I might go. Marriage ! (quoth he) mistaking what she said, Nature's perfection : thou most fairest maid, 490 (If any fairer than the fairest may be) Come sit thee down by me ; know, lovely lady, 481. Berry, barrow, or mound. Berry, Berry-Head, Berry Pomeroy, all in Devonshire, are perhaps instances of its use. 488. Marish, marsh. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 65 Love is the readiest way : if ta'en aright, You may attain thereto full long ere night. The maiden thinking he of marish spoke, 495 And not of marriage, straightway did invoke, And pray'd the shepherds' god might always keep Him from all danger, and from wolves his sheep. Wishing withal that in the prime of spring Each sheep he had two lambs might yearly bring. 500 But yet (quoth she) arede, good gentle swain, If in the dale below, or on yond plain ; Or is the village situate in a grove, Through which my way lies, and ycleeped Love ? Nor on yond plain, nor in this neighbouring wood ; Nor in the dale where glides the silver flood ; [505 But like a beacon on a hill so high, That every one may see 't which passeth by, Is Love yplac'd : there's nothing can it hide, Although of you as yet 'tis unespied. 510 But on which hill (quoth she) pray tell me true? Why here (quoth he) it sits and talks to you. And are you Love (quoth she ?) fond swain, adieu, You guide me wrong, my way lies not by you. Though not your way, yet you may lie by me : 515 Nymph, with a shepherd thou as merrily May'st love and live, as with the greatest lord. "Greatness doth never most content afford." I love thee only, not affect world's pelf; 501. Arede, explain. VOL. I. p 66 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. " She is not lov'd that's lov'd not for herself." 520 How many shepherds' daughters, who in duty To griping fathers have enthrall'd their beauty, To wait upon the gout, to walk when pleases Old January halt. O that diseases [525 Should link with youth ! She that hath such a mate Is like two twins born both incorporate : Th' one living, th' other dead : the living twin Must needs be slain through noisomeness of him He carrieth with him : such are their estates, Who merely marry wealth and not their mates. 530 As ebbing waters freely slide away To pay their tribute to the raging sea ; When meeting wilh the flood they jostle stout, Whether the one shall in, or th' other out : [535 Till the strong flood new power of waves doth bring, And drives the river back into his spring : So Marine's words off'ring to take their course, By Love then ent'ring, were kept back, and force To it, his sweet face, eyes, and tongue assign'd, And threw them back again into her mind. 540 " How hard it is to leave and not to do That which by nature we are prone unto ! We hardly can (alas why not ?) discuss, When Nature hath decreed it must be thus. It is a maxim held of all, known plain : 545 Thrust Nature off with forks, she'll turn again." Blithe Doridon (so men this shepherd hight) Seeing his goddess in a silent plight, Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 67 (" Love often makes the speech's organs mute,") Began again thus to renew his suit : 550 If by my words your silence hath been such, Faith I am sorry I have spoke so much. Bar I those lips ? fit to be th' utt'rers when The heavens would parley with the chief of men ; Fit to direct (a tongue all hearts convinces) 555 When best of scribes writes to the best of princes. Were mine like yours, of choicest words completest, " I'd show how griefs a thing weighs down the greatest ; The best of forms (who knows not) grief doth taint it, The skilfull'st pencil never yet could paint it ; " 560 And reason good, since no man yet could find What figure represents a grieved mind. Methinks a troubled thought is thus express'd, To be a chaos rude and indigest : Where all do rule, and yet none bears chief sway: 565 Check'd only by a power that's more than they. This do I speak, since to this every lover That thus doth love, is thus still given over. If that you say you will not, cannot love : [57 Oh heavens ! for what cause then do you here move ? Are you not fram'd of that expertest mould For whom all in this round concordance hold ? Or are you framed of some other fashion, And have a form and heart, but yet no passion ? 572. Round, globe, world. F 2 68 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. It cannot be : for then unto what end 575 Did the best workman this great work intend ? Not that by mindfe' commerce, and joint estate, The world's continuers still should propagate ? Yea, if that Reason (regent of the senses) Have but a part amongst your excellences, 580 She'll tell you what you call Virginity, Is fitly liken'd to a barren tree ; Which when the gard'ner on it pains bestows, To graft an imp thereon, in time it grows To such perfection that it yearly brings 585 As goodly fruit as any tree that springs. Believe me, maiden, vow no chastity : For maidens but imperfect creatures be. Alas, poor boy (quoth Marine), have the Fates Exempted no degrees ? are no estates 590 Free from Love's rage ? Be rul'd, unhappy swain ; Call back thy spirits, and recollect again Thy vagrant wits. I tell thee for a truth " Love is a siren that doth shipwreck youth." Be well advis'cl ; thou entertain'st a guest 595 That is the harbinger of all unrest : Which like the viper's young, that lick the earth, Eat out the breeder's womb to get a birth. Faith (quoth the boy), I know there cannot be Danger in loving or enjoying thee. 600 For what cause were things made and called good, 584. />;//, shoot. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 69 But to be loved ? If you understood The birds that prattle here, you would know then, As birds woo birds, maids should be woo'd of men. But I want power to woo, since what was mine 605 Is fled, and lie as vassals at your shrine : And since what's mine is yours, let that same move, Although in me you see nought worthy love. Marine about to speak, forth of a sling (Fortune to all misfortunes plies her wing 610 More quick and speedy) came a sharpen'd flint, Which in the fair boy's neck made such a dint, That crimson blood came streaming from the wound, And he fell down into a deadly swound. The blood ran all along where it did fall, 615 And could not find a place of burial : But where it came, it there congealed stood, As if the Earth loath'd to drink guiltless blood. Gold-hair'd Apollo, Muses' sacred king, Whose praise in Delphos' Isle doth ever ring, 620 Physic's first founder, whose art's excellence Extracted Nature's chiefest quintessence, Unwilling that a thing of such a worth Should so be lost, straight sent a dragon forth To fetch this blood, and he perfonn'd the same : 625 And now apothecaries give it name, From him that fetch'd it (doctors know it good In physic's use) and call it dragon's blood. Some of the blood by chance did downward fall, And by a vein got to a mineral, 630 yo BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. "Whence came a red : decayed dames infuse it With Venice ceruse, and for painting use it. Marine astonish'd (most unhappy maid), O'ercome with fear, and at the view afraid, Fell down into a trance, eyes lost their sight, 635 Which being open made all darkness light. Her blood ran to her heart, or life to feed, Or loathing to behold so vile a deed. And as when winter doth the earth array In silver suit, and when the night and day 640 Are in dissension, night locks up the ground, Which by the help of clay is oft unbound, A shepherd's boy with bow and shafts address'd, Ranging the fields, having once pierc'd the breast Of some poor fowl, doth with the blow straight rush To catch the bird lies panting in the bush : [645 So rush'd this striker in, up Marine took, And hasten'd with her to a near-hand brook. Old shepherds sain (old shepherds sooth have sain) * An expires- Two rivers* took their issue from the main, 650 naturesof two Botn near together, and each bent his race, rivers rising \yhich of them both should first behold the face gether, and Of radiant Phrebus : one of them in gliding fhff/taftes Chanc'd on a vein where nitre had abiding : and manner The other, loathing that her purer wave 655 of running. should bg defil > d with that the nitre gave> 632. Venice ceruse, white-lead, used by ladies for painting their faces and bosoms. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 71 Fled fast away, the other follow'd fast, Till both been in a rock ymet at last. As seemed best, the rock did first deliver Out of his hollow sides the purer river, 660 (As if it taught those men in honour clad To help the virtuous and suppress the bad, ) Which gotten loose, did softly glide away. As men from earth, to earth ; from sea, to sea ; So rivers run : and that from whence both came 665 Takes what she gave : waves, earth : but leaves a name. As waters have their course, and in their place Succeeding streams will out, so is man's race : The name doth still survive, and cannot die, Until the channels stop, or spring grow dry. 670 As I have seen upon a bridal day Full many maids clad in their best array, In honour of the bride come with their flaskets Fill'd full with flowers : others in wicker-baskets Bring from the marish rushes to o'erspread 675 The ground whereon to church the lovers tread ; Whilst that the quaintest youth of all the plain Ushers their way with many a piping strain : So, as in joy, at this fair river's birth, Triton came up a channel with his mirth, 680 673. Flaskets, clothes-baskets. 675. Marish, marsh. 677. Quaintest, neat, elegant, or ingenious. 72 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. And call'd the neighb'ring nymphs each in her turn To pour their pretty rivulets from their urn. To wait upon this new-deliver'd spring, Some running through the meadows, with them bring Cowslip and mint : and 'tis another's lot 685 To light upon some gard'ner's curious knot, Whence she upon her breast (love's sweet repose) Doth bring the queen of flowers, the English rose. Some from the fen bring reeds, wild-thyme from downs ; Some from a grove the bay that poets crowns ; 690 Some from an aged rock the moss hath torn, And leaves him naked unto winter's storm ; Another from her banks (in mere goodwill) Brings nutriment for fish, the camomile. Thus all bring somewhat, and do overspread 695 The way the spring unto the sea doth tread. This while the flood which yet the rock up-pent, And sufler'd not with jocund merriment To tread rounds in his spring, came rushing forth, As angry that his waves (he thought) of worth 700 Should not have liberty, nor help the prime. And as some ruder swain composing'rhyme, Spends many a grey goose-quill unto the handle, Buries within his socket many a candle, Blots paper by the quire, and dries up ink, 705 686. Knot, garden plat. 691. An aged rock, etc. See Note. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 73 As Xerxes' army did whole rivers drink, Hoping thereby his name his work should raise That it should live until the last of days : Which finished, he boldly doth address Him and his works to undergo the press ; 710 When lo (O Fate !) his work not seeming fit To walk in equipage with better wit, Is kept from light, there gnawn by moths and worms, At which he frets : right so this river storms : But broken forth ; as Tavy creeps upon 715 The western vales of fertile Albion, Here dashes roughly on an aged rock, That his intended passage doth up-lock ; There intricately 'mongst the woods doth wander, Losing himself in many a wry meander : 720 Here amorously bent, clips some fair mead ; And then dispers'd in rills, doth measures tread Upon her bosom 'mongst her flow'ry ranks : There in another place bears down the banks Of some day-labouring wretch : here meets a rill, 725 And with their forces join'd cuts out a mill Into an island, then in jocund guise Surveys his conquest, lauds his enterprise : Here digs a cave at some high mountain's foot : There undermines an oak, tears up his root : 730 Thence rushing to some country-farm at hand, Breaks o'er the yeoman's mounds, sweeps from his land 712. To walk in eguifayf, etc. See Note. 729. Here digs a cave, etc. See Note. 74 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. His harvest hope of wheat, of rye, or pease : And makes that channel which was shepherd's lease : Here, as our wicked age doth sacrilege, 735 Helps down an abbey, then a natural bridge By creeping underground he frameth out, As who should say he either went about To right the wrong he did, or hid his face, For having done a deed so vile and base : 740 So ran this river on, and did bestir Himself to find his fellow-traveller. But th' other fearing lest her noise might show What path she took, which way her streams did flow : As some wayfaring man strays thro' a wood, 745 Where beasts of prey, thirsting for human blood, Lurk in their dens, he softly list'ning goes, Not trusting to his heels, treads on his toes ; Dreads every noise he hears, thinks each small bush To be a beast that would upon him rush ; 750 Feareth to die, and yet his wind doth smother ; Now leaves this path, takes that, then to another : .Such was her course. This feared to be found, The other not to find, swells o'er each mound, Roars, rages, foams, against a mountain dashes, 755 And in recoil makes meadows standing plashes : Yet finds not what he seeks in all his way, But in despair runs headlong to the sea. 734. Lease, pasture. 736. Helps down an abbey, etc. See Note. j56.Plas/ies, pools. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 75 This was the cause them by tradition taught, Why one flood ran so fast, th' other so soft, 760 Both from one head. Unto the rougher stream, (Crown'd by that meadow's flow'ry diadem, Where Doridon lay hurt) the cruel swain Hurries the shepherdess, where having lain Her in a boat like the cannows of Inde, 765 Some silly trough of wood, or some tree's rind, Puts from the shore, and leaves the weeping strand, Intends an act by water, which the land Abhorr'd to bolster ; yea, the guiltless earth Loath'd to be midwife to so vile a birth : 770 Which to relate I am enforc'd to wrong The modest blushes of my maiden-song. Then each fair nymph whom Nature doth endow With beauty's cheek, crown'd with a shamefast brow ; Whose well-tun'd ears, chaste-object-loving eyne 775 Ne'er heard nor saw the works of Aretine :* * An ob- ,,., . , _ . .... scene Italian Who ne er came on the Cytherean shelf, poet. But is as true as Chastity itself; WTiere hated Impudence ne'er set her seed ; Where lust lies not veil'd in a virgin's weed : 780 765. Caiuurws, canoes. 769. Bolster, support. 777. Cytlierean slielf, Cythera, a very rocky island lying off the south-eastern extremity of Laconia, represented in the Greek and Latin poets as one of the favourite residences of Aphrodite. 76 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Let her withdraw. Let each young shepherdling Walk by, or stop his ear, the whilst I sing. But ye, whose blood, like kids upon a plain, Doth skip and dance lavoltas in each vein ; [785 Whose breasts are swoll'n with the venerean game, And warm yourselves at lust's alluring flame ; Who dare to act as much as men dare think, And wallowing lie within a sensual sink ; Whose feigned gestures do entrap our youth With an apparency of simple truth ; 790 Insatiate gulfs, in your defective part By Art help Nature, and by Nature, Art : Lend me your ears, and I will touch a string Shall lull your sense asleep the while I sing. But stay : methinks I hear something in me 795 That bids me keep the bounds of modesty ; Says, " Each man's voice to that is quickly mov'd Which of himself is best of all belov'd ; By utt'ring what thou know'st less glory's got, Than by concealing what thou knowest not." 800 If so, I yield to it, and set my rest Rather to lose the bad than wrong the best. My maiden-Muse flies the lascivious swains, And scorns to soil her lines with lustful strains ; Will not dilate (nor on her forehead bear 805 Immodesty's abhorred character) 784. Lavoltas, romping waltzes. 801. Set my rest, am determined, a metaphor from the once fashionable game of primero. Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 77 His shameless pryings, his unclecent doings, His curious searches, his respectless wooings ; How that he saw But what ? I dare not break it, You safer may conceive than I dare speak it Sio Yet verily had he not thought her dead, Sh'ad lost, ne'er to be found, her maidenhead. The rougher stream, loathing a thing compacted Of so great shame should on his flood be acted, (According to our times not well allow'd 815 In others what he in himself avow'd) Bent hard his forehead, furrow'd up his face, And danger led the way the boat did trace. And as within a landskip that doth stand Wrought by the pencil of some curious hand, 820 We may descry, here meadow, there a wood ; Here standing ponds, and there a tunning flood ; Here on some mount a house of pleasure vanted, Where once the roaring cannon had been planted ; There on a hill a swain pipes out the day, 825 Out-braving all the quiristers of May ; A huntsman here follows his cry of hounds, Driving the hare along the fallow grounds, Whilst one at hand seeming the sport t' allow, [830 Follows the hounds and careless leaves the plough ; There in another place some high-rais'd land, In pride bears out her breasts unto the strand ; 823. I'anted, made an ostentatious display. 826. Qitiristers, choristers, constantly used for birds. 78 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Here stands a bridge, and there a conduit head ; Here round a Maypole some the measures tread ; There boys the truant play and leave their book ; 835 Here stands an angler with a baited hook ; There for a stag one lurks within a bough ; Here sits a maiden milking of her cow ; There on a goodly plain (by time thrown down) Lies buried in his dust some ancient town), 840 Who now invillaged there's only seen In his vast ruins what his state had been ; And of all these in shadows so express'd Make the beholders' eyes to take no rest : So for the swain the flood did mean to him 845 To show in Nature (not by Art to limn) A tempest's rage : his furious waters threat, Some on this shore, some on the other beat. Here stands a mountain where was once a dale ; There where a mountain stood is now a vale. 850 ] lere flows a billow, there another meets ; Each, on each side the skiff, unkindly greets. The waters underneath r gan upward move, Wond'ring what stratagems were wrought above : Billows that miss'd the boat still onward thrust, 855 And on the cliffs, as swoll'n with anger, burst. All these, and more, in substance so express'd, Made the beholder's thoughts to take no rest. Horror in triumph rid upon the waves ; And all the Furies from their gloomy caves 860 Came hovering o'er the boat, summon'd each sense Song 2.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 79 Before the fearful bar of conscience ; Were guilty all, and all condemned were To undergo their horrors with despair. What Muse ? what Power ? or what thrice sacred herse, 865 That lives immortal in a well-tun'd verse, Can lend me such a sight that I might see A guilty conscience' true anatomy ; That well-kept register wherein is writ All ills men do, all goodness they omit ? 870 His pallid fears, his sorrows, his affrightings ; His late-wish'd had-I-wists, remorseful bitings ; His many tortures, his heartrending pain ; How were his griefs composed in one chain, And he by it let down into the seas, 875 Or through the centre to th' Antipodes ? He might change climates, or be barr'd Heaven's face ; Yet find no salve, nor ever change his case. Fears, sorrows, tortures, sad affrights, nor any, [880 Like to the conscience sting, though thrice as many ; Yet all these torments by the swain were borne ? Whilst Death's grim visage lay upon the storm. But as when some kind nurse doth long time keep Her pretty baby at suck, whom fall'n asleep She lays down in his cradle, stints his cry 885 With many a sweet and pleasing lullaby ; Whilst the sweet child, not troubled with the shock, As sweetly slumbers, as his nurse doth rock : So BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. So lay the maid, th' amazed swain sat weeping, And Death in her was dispossess'd by sleeping. 890 The roaring voice of winds, the billows' raves, Nor all the mutt'ring of the sullen waves Could once disquiet, or her slumber stir; But lull'd her more asleep than waken'd her. Such are their states whose souls from foul ofTence 895 Enthroned sit in spotless innocence. Where rest my Muse ; till (jolly shepherds' swains) Next morn with pearls of dew bedecks our plains We'll fold our flocks, then in fit time go on To tune mine oaten pipe for Doridon. 900 Song 3.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 8l THE THIRD SONG. THE ARGUMENT. The shepherd's swain here singing on, Tells of the cure of Doridon : And then unto the waters' falls Chanteth the rustic Pastorals. Now had the sun, in golden chariot hurl'd, Twice bid good-morrow to the nether world ; And Cynthia, in her orb and perfect round, Twice view'd the shadows of the upper ground ; Twice had the day-star usher'd forth the light ; 5 And twice the evening-star proclaim'd the night ; Ere once the sweet-fac'd boy (now all forlorn) Came with his pipe to resalute the morn. When grac'd by time (unhappy time the while) The cruel swain (who ere knew swain so vile?) 10 Had struck the lad, in came the wat'ry nymph To raise from sound poor Doridon (the imp i. HurFd, wheeled. 12. Sound, swoon. 12. Imp, a graft or shoot inserted into a tree, used meta- phorically for offspring, a child. VOL. I. G 82 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Whom Nature seem'd to have selected forth To be ingrafted on some stock of worth ;) And the maid help, but since "to dooms of Fate 15 Succour, though ne'er so soon, comes still too late," She rais'd the youth, then with her arms enrings him, And so with words of hope she homewards brings him. At door expecting him his mother sat, Wond'ring her boy should stay from her so late ; 20 PVamrng for him unto herself excuses, And with such thoughts gladly herself abuses : As that her son, since day grew old and weak, Stay'd with the maids to run at barley-break ; Or that he cours'd a park with females fraught, 25 Which would not run except they might be caught ; Or in the thickets laid some wily snare To take the rabbit or the purblind hare ; Or taught his dog to catch the climbing kid : Thus shepherds do, and thus she thought he did. 30 " In things expected meeting with delay, Though there be none, we frame some cause of stay." And so did she (as she who doth not^o ?) Conjecture Time unwing'd he came so slow. But Doridon drew near, so did her grief : 35 "Ill-luck, for speed, of all things else is chief." * Homer. For as the blind man* sung, " Time so provides, That Joy goes still on foot, and Sorrow rides." 24 and 25. Barley-break, and Course-a-park, country games. Song 3.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS, 83 Now when she saw (a woful sight) her son, Her hopes then fail'd her, and her cries begun 40 To utter such a plaint, that scarce another, Like this, ere came from any love-sick mother. If man hath done this, Heaven, why mad'st thou men ? Not to deface thee in thy children, But by the work the workman to adore ; 45 Framing that something which was nought before. Aye me, unhappy wretch ! if that in things Which are as we (save title) men fear kings, That be their postures to the life limn'd on Some wood as frail as they, or cut in stone, 50 " 'Tis death to stab : why then should earthly things Dare to deface his form who formed kings ? When the world was but in his infancy, Revenge, desires unjust, vile jealousy, Hate, envy, murder, all these six then reign 'd, 55 When but their half of men the world contain'd : Yet but in part of these, those ruled then. When now as many vices live as men. Live they ? yes, live, I fear, to kill my son, With whom my joys, my love, my hopes are done. 60 Cease, quoth the water's nymph, that led the swain ; Though 'tis each mother's cause thus to complain, Yet "abstinence in things we must profess Which Nature fram'd for need, not for excess." Since the least blood, drawn from the lesser part 65 Of any child, comes from the mother's heart, G 2 4 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book r. We cannot choose but grieve, except that we Should be more senseless than the senseless tree, Replied his mother. Do but cut the limb Of any tree, the trunk will weep for him : 70 * Alluding to Rend the cold sycamore's* thin bark in two, pronunfii- h His name and tearS WOuld Sa y> So love should cl - tion and in- " That mother is all flint (than beasts less good) ortho- Which drops no water when her child streams blood." At this the wounded boy fell on his knee, 75 Mother, kind mother (said) weep not for me. Why, I am well. Indeed I am : if you Cease not to weep, my wound will bleed anew. When I was promis'd first the light's fruition, You oft have told me, 'twas on this condition, So That I should hold it with like rent and pain As others do, and one time leave 't again. Then, dearest mother, leave, oh leave to wail, "Time will effect where tears can nought avail." Herewith Marinda taking up her son, 85 Her hope, her love, her joy, her Doridon, She thank'd the nymph for her kind succour lent, Who straight tripp'd to her wat'ry regiment. July took Down in a dell (where in that month* whose fame Grows greater by the man who gave it name, 90 Stands many a well-pil'd cock of short sweet hay That feeds the husband's neat each winter's day) 83. Leave, cease. 92. Husband's neat, farmer's oxen. Song 3.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS, 85 A mountain had his foot, and 'gan to rise In stately height to parley with the skies. And yet as blaming his own lofty gait, 95 Weighing the fickle props in things of state, His head began to droop, and downwards bending, Knock'd on that breast which gave it birth and ending : And lies so with an hollow hanging vaut, As when some boy trying the somersault, 100 Stands on his head, and feet, as he did lie To kick against earth's spangled canopy ; When seeing that his heels are of such weight, That he cannot obtain their purpos'd height, Leaves any more to strive ; and thus doth say, 105 What now I cannot do, another day May well effect : it cannot be denied I show'd a will to act, because I tried : The Scornfull-hill men call'd him, who did scorn So to be call'd, by reason he had borne no No hate to greatness, but a mind to be The slave of greatness through humility : For had his mother Nature thought it meet, He meekly bowing would have kiss'd her feet. Under the hollow hanging of this hill 115 There was a cave cut out by Nature's skill : Or else it seem'd the mount did open 's breast, That all might see what thoughts he there possess'd. 99. Vaut, vault. 105. Leaves, ceases. 86 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Whose gloomy entrance was environ'd round [120 With shrubs that cloy ill husbands' meadow-ground : The thick -grown hawthorn and the binding briar, The holly that out-dares cold winter's ire : Who all entwin'd, each limb with limb did deal, That scarce a glimpse of light could inward steal. An uncouth place, fit for an uncouth mind, 125 That is as heavy as that cave is blind. Here liv'd a man his hoary hairs call'd old, Upon whose front time many years had told ; Who, since Dame Nature in him feeble grew, And he unapt to give the world ought new, 130 The secret power of herbs that grow on mould, Sought out, to cherish and relieve the old. Hither Marinda all in haste came running, And with her tears desir'd the old man's cunning ; When this good man (as goodness still is prest 135 At all assays to help a wight distress 'd) As glad and willing was to ease her son, As she would ever joy to see it done ; And giving her a salve in leaves up-bound, And she directed how to cure the wound, 140 With thanks, made homewards (longing still to see Th' effect of this good hermit's surgery). There carefully, her son laid on a bed (Enriched with the blood he on it shed), 135. Still, constantly. Prest, ready. 136. Assays, essays, trials. Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 87 She washes, dresses, binds his wound (yet sore) 145 That griev'd it could weep blood for him no more. Now had the glorious sun ta'en up his inn, And all the lamps of heav'n enlighten'd been ; Within the gloomy shades of some thick spring Sad Philomel 'gan on the hawthorn sing 150 (Whilst every beast at rest was lowly laid), The outrage done upon a silly maid. All things were hush'd ; each bird slept on his bough ; And night gave rest to him day tir'd at plough ; Each beast, each bird, and each day-toiling wight 155 Receiv'd the comfort of the silent night ; Free from the gripes of sorrow every one, Except poor Philomel and Doridon ; She on a thorn sings sweet though sighing strains ; He on a couch more soft, more sad complains ; 160 Whose in-pent thoughts him long time having pain'd, He sighing, wept, and weeping thus complain'd : Sweet Philomela (then he heard her sing), I do not envy thy sweet carolling, But do admire thee that each even and morrow 165 Canst carelessly thus sing away thy sorrow. Would I could do so too ! and ever be In all my woes still imitating thee : But I may not attain to that, for then Such most unhappy, miserable men 170 147. Inn, lodging. 149. Spring, wood. 88 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Would strive with Heaven, and imitate the sun, Whose golden beams in exhalation, Though drawn from fens, or other grounds impure, Turn all to fructifying nouriture ; When we draw nothing by our sun-like eyes, 175 That ever turns to mirth, but miseries. Would I had never seen, except that she Who made me wish so, love to look on me. Had Colin Clout yet liv'd (but he is gone), That best on earth could tune a lover's moan, 180 Whose sadder tones enforc'd the rocks to weep, And laid the greatest griefs in quiet sleep : Who when he sung (as I would do to mine) His truest loves to his fair Rosaline, Entic'd each shepherd's ear to hear him play, 185 And rapt with wonder, thus admiring say : Thrice happy plains (if plains thrice happy may be) Where such a shepherd pipes to such a lady. Who made the lasses long to sit down near him ; And woo'd the rivers from their springs to hear him. 190 Heaven rest thy soul (if so a swain may pray) And as thy works live here, live there for aye. Meanwhile (unhappy) I shall still complain Love's cruel wounding of a seely swain. Two nights thus pass'd : the lily-handed Morn 195 Saw Phoebus stealing dew from Ceres' corn. 179. Colin Cloiit, Spenser. Song 3.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 9 The mounting lark (day's herald) got on wing, Bidding each bird choose out his bough and sing. *The lofty treble sung the little wren ; * A descrip- Robin the mean, that best of all loves men ; 200 mus ; ca i The nightingale the tenor, and the thrush ? n .f ert of ' birds. The counter-tenor sweetly in a bush. And that the music might be full in parts, Birds from the groves flew with right willing hearts ; But (as it seem'd) they thought (as do the swains, 205 Which tune their pipes on sack'd Hibernia's plains) There should some droning part be, therefore will'd Some bird to fly into a neighb'ring field, In embassy unto the King of Bees, To aid his partners on the flowers and trees 210 Who, condescending, gladly flew along To bear the bass to his well-tuned song. The crow was willing they should be beholding For his deep voice, but being hoarse with scolding, He thus lends aid ; upon an oak doth climb, 215 And nodding with his head, so keepeth time. O true delight, enharbouring the breasts Of those sweet creatures with the plumy crests. Had Nature unto man such simpl'ess given, He would, like birds, be far more near to heaven. 220 But Doridon well knew (who knows no less ?) " Man's compounds have o'erthrown his simpleness." 211. Condescending, agreeing. 90 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Noontide the Morn had woo'd, and she 'gan yield, When Doridon (made ready for the field) Goes sadly forth (a woful shepherd's lad) 225 Drowned in tears, his mind with grief yclad, To ope his fold and let his lambkins out, (Full jolly flock they seem'd, a well-fleec'd rout) Which gently walk'd before, he sadly pacing, [230 Both guides and follows them towards their grazing. When from a grove the wood-nymphs held full dear, Two heavenly voices did entreat his ear, And did compel his longing eyes to see \Vhat happy wight enjoy'd such harmony ; Which joined with five more, and so made seven, 235 Would parallel in mirth the spheres of heaven. To have a sight at first he would not press, For fear to interrupt such happiness ; But kept aloof the thick-grown shrubs among, Yet so as he might hear this wooing song : 240 F. Fie, shepherd's swain, why sit'st thou all alone, Whilst other lads are sporting on the leys ? J?. Joy may have company, but grief hath none : Where pleasure never came, sports cannot please. F. Yet may you please to grace our this day's sport, 245 Though not an actor, yet a looker-on. zzZ.Roitt, company. 242. Leys, leas or pastures. Song 3.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 91 R. A looker-on, indeed ! so swains of sort, Cast low, take joy to look whence they are thrown ? R. Seek joy and find it. F. Grief doth not mind it. 250 Both. Then both agree in one, Sorrow doth hate To have a mate ; " True grief is still alone." F. Sad swain, arede (if that a maid may ask) 255 What cause so great effects of grief hath wrought ? R. Alas ! Love is not hid, it wears no mask ; To view 'tis by the face conceiv'd and brought. F. The cause I grant : the causer is not learn'd : Your speech I do entreat about this task. 260 JR. If that my heart were seen, 'twould be discern'd ; And Fida's name found graven on the cask. F. Hath Love young Remond moved ? -ff. Tis Fida that is loved. Both. Although 'tis said that no men 265 Will with their hearts, 25S- Arede, explain. 262. Cask, casket. 92 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Or goods' chief parts Trust either seas or women. F. How may a maiden be assur'd of love, Since falsehood late in every swain excelleth ? 2/0 R. When protestations fail, time may approve Where true affection lives, where falsehood dwelleth. F, The truest cause elects a judge as true : Fie, how my sighing my much loving telleth. R. Your love is fix'd in one whose heart to you 275 Shall be as constancy, which ne'er rebelleth. F. None other shall have grace. R. None else in my heart place. Both. Go, shepherds' swains and wive all, For love and kings 280 Are two like things Admitting no co-rival. As when some malefactor judg'd to die For his offence, his execution nigh, Casteth his sight on states unlike to his, 285 And weighs his ill by others' happiness : So Doridon thought every state to be Further from him, more near felicity. O blessed sight, where such concordance meets, Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 93 Where truth with truth, and love with liking greets. 290 Had (quoth the swain) the Fates giv'n me some measure Of true delight's inestimable treasure, I had been fortunate : but now so weak My bankrupt heart will be enforc'd to break. Sweet love, that draws on earth a yoke so even ; 295 Sweet life, that imitates the bliss of heaven ; Sweet death they needs must have, who so unrte That two distinct make one hermaphrodite : Sweet love, sweet life, sweet death, that so do meet On earth ; in death, in heaven be ever sweet ! 300 Let all good wishes ever wait upon you, And happiness as handmaid tending on you. Your loves within one centre meeting have ! One hour your deaths, your corps possess one grave ! [305 Your names still green, (thus doth a swain implore) Till time and memory shall be no more ! Herewith the couple hand-in-hand arose, And took the way which to the sheep-walk goes. And whilst that Doridon their gait look'd on, His dog disclos'd him, rushing forth upon 310 A well-fed deer, that trips it o'er the mead As nimbly as the wench did whilom tread 312. The wench, Camilla, one of the swift-footed huntresses of Diana (Virgil, sEneitf, vii. 803, etc.). 9+ BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. On Ceres' dangling ears, or shaft let go By some fair nymph that bears Diana's bow. When turning head, he not a foot would stir, 315 Scorning the barking of a shepherd's cur : So should all swains as little weigh their spite, Who at their songs do bawl, but dare not bite. Remond, that by the dog the master knew, Came back, and angry bade him to pursue. 320 Dory (quoth he), if your ill-tutor'd dog Have nought of awe, then let him have a clog. Do you not know this seely timorous deer, {As usual to his kind) hunted whilere The sun not ten degrees got in the signs, 325 Since to our maids, here gathering columbines, She weeping came, and with her head low laid In Fida's lap, did humbly beg for aid. Whereat unto the hounds they gave a check, And saving her, might spy about her neck 330 A collar hanging, and (as yet is seen) These words in gold wrought on a ground of green : " Maidens, since 'tis decreed a maid shall have me, Keep me till he shall kill me that must save me." But whence she came, or who the words concern, 335 We neither know nor can of any learn. Upon a pallat she doth lie at night, Near Fida's bed, nor will she from her sight : Upon her walks she all the day attends, 337. /W/a/, straw bed. Song 3.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 95 And by her side she trips where'er she wends. 340 Remond (replied the swain) if I have wrong'd Fida in ought which unto her belong'd, I sorrow for't, and truly do protest, As yet I never heard speech of this beast : Nor was it with my will ; or if it were, 345 Is it not lawful we should chase the deer, That breaking our enclosures every morn Are found at feed upon our crop of corn ? Yet had I known this deer, I had not wrong'd Fida in ought which unto her belong'd. 350 I think no less, quoth Remond ; but, I pray, Whither walks Doridon this holy-day ? Come drive your sheep to their appointed feeding, And make you one at this our merry meeting. Full many a shepherd with his lovely lass 355 Sit telling tales upon the clover grass. There is the merry shepherd cf the Hole, Thenot, Piers, Nilkin, Duddy, Hobbinoll, Alexis, Silvan, Teddy of the Glen, Rowly and Perigot here by the Fen, 360 With many more (I cannot reckon all) That meet to solemnize this festival. I grieve not at their mirth, said Doridon : Yet had there been of feasts not any one Appointed or commanded, you will say, 365 " Where there's content 'tis ever holy-day." Leave further talk (quoth Remond) let's be gone, I'll help you with your sheep, the time draws on. 96 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Fida will call the hind, and come with us. Thus went they on, and Remond did discuss 370 Their cause of meeting, till they won with pacing The circuit chosen for the maidens' tracing. It was a roundel seated on a plain, That stood as sentinel unto the main, Environ'd round with trees and many an arbour, 375 Wherein melodious birds did nightly harbour, And on a bough within the quick'ning spring, Would be a-teaching of their young to sing ; Whose pleasing notes the tired swain have made To steal a nap at noontide in the shade. 380 Nature herself did there in triumph ride, And made that place the ground of all her pride. Whose various flow'rs deceiv'd the rasher eye In taking them for curious tapestry. A silver spring forth of a rock did fall, 385 That in a drought did serve to water all. Upon the edges of a grassy bank A tuft of trees grew circling in a rank, As if they seein'd their sports to gaze upon, Or stood as guard against the wind and sun. 390 So fair, so fresh, so green, so sweet a ground The piercing eyes of Heaven yet never found. Here Doridon all ready met doth see, (Oh, who would not at such a meeting be ?) 372. Tracing, dancing. 373. Roundel, a round space of ground. Song 3 ] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 97 Where he might doubt, who gave to other grace, 395 Whether the place the maids, or maids the place. Here 'gan the reed and merry bagpipe play, Shrill as a thrush upon a morn of May, (A rural music for an heavenly train) And every shepherdess danc'd with her swain. 400 As when some gale of wind doth nimbly take A fair white lock of wool, and with it make Some pretty driving ; here it sweeps the plain ; There stays, here hops, there mounts, and turns again ; Yet all so quick, that none so soon can say 405 That now it stops, or leaps, or turns away : So was their dancing : none look'd thereupon, But thought their several motions to be one. A crooked measure was their first election, Because all crooked tends to best perfection. 410 And as I ween fhis often bowing measure Was chiefly framed for the women's pleasure. Though like the rib, they crooked are and bending, Yet to the best of forms they aim their ending. Next in an (I) their measure made a rest, 415 Showing when love is plainest it is best. Then in a (Y) which thus doth love commend, Making of two at first, one in the end. And lastly closing in a round do enter, Placing the lusty shepherds in the centre : 420 About the swains they dancing seem'd to roll, As other planets round the heav'nly pole, VOL. I. H 98 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Who by their sweet aspect or chiding frown, Could raise a shepherd up, or cast him down. Thus were they circled till a swain came near, 425 And sent this song unto each shepherd's ear : The note and voice so sweet, that for such mirth The gods would leave the heavens, and dwell on earth. Happy are you so enclosed ; May the maids be still disposed 430 In their gestures and their dances, So to grace you with entwining, That Envy wish in such combining, Fortune's smile with happy chances. Here it seems as if the Graces 435 Measur'd out the plain in traces, In a shepherdess disguising. Are the spheres so nimbly turning ? Wand'ring lamps in heaven burning, To the eye so much enticing ? 440 Yes, Heaven means to take these thither, And add one joy to see both dance together. Gentle nymphs, be not refusing, Love's neglect is time's abusing, They and beauty are but lent you, 445 Take the one and keep the other : Love keeps fresh what age doth smother : Beauty gone you will repent you. 'Britannia's Taflorals^ 99 'Twill l/efdid -ykenjee hiu(prcncj, Never Srvdacs were truely Itued : O theitfyea^ nice hchanffur. Fitly fax vfiflJ (as her dtttie) Be Attending f ill oabetuitie Let her not be tat affuttttr. Dtfdain e is now fa much rewtrded, That Pitty ifecpesjtnccjbce u vnregarded. The meafure and the Song here being ended : Each S waine his thoughts thus to his Loue commended. The firft pcefents his Dogge, wkh thefe: AndMtny Dogge got take A Sbeepe. He rUane mi/lakes what ! bid doe, And tends his pace jlill towards joa. Povrc wretch, lie ktunces mire are 1 . (ketpe The fccond, his Pipe, wkh thcfe : \ Bidme ttjing(furi Made} my StugfbtUfroite L< There ne'er w& truer fife Jung truer Loue. The IOO 'Britannia's. ^P . Book i. The third, a paire of Ghnes, thus : Theft wiH ktcpeyiMr hands fra burning, \vbilft tht StttKir isfivifilji turnia^t nxt iw na tnj wiit dfifife Tsjlitld my tfnrsfrem jturfiirt , The fottnh, an MAIDEN f. a. Miie!exsj7jtM It nydtitg Men, And for Ituegnee loue agt : this leffim frm your Mather, requires wet'oer. They itftnfttbariumtt t^'i, Thefift,a fiig,wuh a-Piflturcin'a lewellon it. :G"^ Havre hiiiiijrsm'da lemmt k l^it vwtts the Ring, ^//M flw Icwell -^. JK*8SS5i* ^ R^ es with a Netde in it. The fcaueath, a G/nflf. igute U dip jour Vaft, . ftire,grtBt mine armct tbitfUct tflx tLsy isfifi IO2 'Britannia's Tajiora/s. Book B ; I YOU lout tic substaruz.andllwe. 'But by the. shadows which YOU aiue, , = Suhtynte and sbtulow&tvoOi are Jiit^ : Arut amen of 'me. to none, tut yen Tliui whenct it lift lutjrom that parfT>, Which is f assessor of ' tbt hart. Song j. "Britannia'* Tajiorabi \ 103 (teCupiJlfittirf liis (wJwfM/M o Btnuse vfur rvs uuunJt when liis sbafit aft must 104 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS, [Book i. THE FOURTH SONG. THE ARGUMENT. Fida's distress, the hind is slain, Yet from her ruins lives again. Riot's description next I rhyme ; Then Aletheia, and old Time : And lastly, from this song I go, "aving describ'd the Vale of Woe. HAPPY ye days of old, when every waste Was like a Sanctuary to the chaste ; When incests, rapes, adulteries, were not known ; All pure as blossoms which are newly blown. Maids were as free from spots, and soils within, 5 As most unblemish'd in the outward skin. Men every plain and cottage did afford, As smooth in deeds, as they were fair of word. Maidens with men as sisters with their brothers, [10 And men with maids convers'd as with their mothers ; Free from suspicion, or the rage of blood. Strife only reign'd, for all striv'd to be good. But then as little wrens but newly fledge, Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 105 First, by their nests hop up and down the hedge ; Then one from bough to bough gets up a tree : 1 5 His fellow noting his agility, Thinks he as well may venture as the other, So flushing from one spray unto another, Gets to the top, and then embolden'd flies, Unto an height past ken of human eyes : 20 So time brought worse, men first desir'd to talk ; Then canie suspect ; and then a private walk ; Then by consent appointed times of meeting, Where most securely each might kiss his sweeting ; Lastly, with lusts their panting breasts so swell, 25 They came to But to what I blush to tell, And enter'd thus, rapes used were of all, Incest, adultery, held as venial : The certainty in doubtful balance rests, If beasts did learn of men, or men of beasts. 30 Had they not learn'd of man who was their king, So to insult upon an underling, They civilly had spent their lives' gradation, As meek and mild as in their first creation ; Nor had th' infections of infected minds 35 So alter'd nature, and disorder'd kinds, Fida had been less wretched, I more glad, That so true love so true a progress had. When Remond left her (Kemond then unkind) Fida went down the dale to seek the hind ; 40 18. Flushing, flying out suddenly. io6 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. And found her taking soil within a flood : Whom when she call'd straight follow'd to the wood. Fida, then wearied, sought the cooling shade, And found an arbour by the shepherds made To frolic in (when Sol did hottest shine) 45 With cates which were far cleanlier than fine ; For in those days men never us'd to feed So much for pleasure as they did for need. Enriching then the arbour down she sat her ; Where many a busy bee came flying at her : 50 Thinking when she for air her breasts discloses, That there had grown some tuft of damask roses, And that her azure veins which then did swell, Were conduit-pipes brought from a living well ; \Vhose liquor might the world enjoy for money, 55 Bees would be bankrupt ; none would care for honey The hind lay still without (poor silly creature, How like a woman art thou fram'd by Nature ? Timorous, apt to tears, wily in running, Caught best when force is intermix'd with cunning) 60 Lying thus distant, different chances meet them, And with a fearful object Fate doth greet them. Something appear'd, which seem'd, far off, a man In stature, habit, gait, proportion : But when their eyes their objects' masters were, 65 And it for stricter censure came more near, By all his properties one might well guess, Than of a man, he sure had nothing less. 41. Taking soil, a term in hunting for taking water. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 107 For verily since old Deucalion's flood, Earth's slime did ne'er produce a viler brood. 70 Upon the various earth's embroidered gown There is a weed upon whose head grows down ; Sow-thistle 'tis yclept, whose downy wreath, If any one can blow off at a breath, We deem her for a maid : such was his hair, 75 Ready to shed at any stirring air. His ears were strucken deaf when he came nigh, To hear the widow's or the orphan's cry ; His eyes encircled with a bloody chain, With poring in the blood of bodies slain ; So His mouth exceeding wide, from whence did fly Vollies of execrable blasphemy, Banning the heavens, and he that rideth on them, Dar'd vengeance to the teeth to fall upon him : Like Scythian wolves, or men* of wit bereaven, 85 * Men of Which howl and shoot against the lights of heaven. \ ci a 1 ? s t ^ His hands (if hands they were) like some dead stars. corse, With digging up his buried ancestors ; Making his father's tomb and sacred shrine The trough wherein the hog-herd fed his swine. 90 And as that beast hath legs (which shepherds fear, Yclept a badger, which our lambs doth tear) One long, the other short, that when he runs Upon the plains, he halts ; but when he wons 94. H'ons, dwells. loS BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. On craggy rocks, or sleepy hills, we see 95 None runs more swift, nor easier than he : Such legs the monster had, one sinew shrunk, That in the plains he reel'd, as being drunk ; And halted in the paths to virtue tending, And therefore never durst be that way bending : 100 But when he came on carved monuments, Spiring colosses, and high-raised rents, He pass'd them o'er, quick, as the Eastern wind Sweeps through a meadow ; or a nimble hind, Or satyr on a lawn, or skipping roe, 105 Or well-wing'd shaft forth of a Parthian bow. His body made (still in consumptions rife) A miserable prison for a life. Riot he hight ; whom some curs'd fiend did raise, When like a chaos were the nights and days : no Got and brought up in the Cimmerian clime, Where sun nor moon, nor days, nor nights do time : As who should say, they scorn'd to show their faces To such a fiend should seek to spoil the Graces. At sight whereof Fida, nigh drown'd in fear, 115 Was clean dismay'd when he approached near ; Nor durst she call the deer, nor whistling wind her, Fearing her noise might make the monster find her ; 102. Rents, fissures, crevices. 1 1 1. Cimmerian clime, a land described by Homer (Odyssey, xi. 14) as being beyond the ocean-stream, plunged in darkness, and unblest by the rays of the sun. \\T. Wind tier, make her turn. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 109 Who slyly came, for he had cunning learn'd him, And seiz'd upon the hind ere she discern 'd him. 120 Oh, how she striv'd and struggl'd ; every nerve Is press'd at all assays a life to serve : Yet soon we lose what we might longer keep Were not prevention commonly asleep. Maids, of this monster's brood be fearful all ; 125 What to the hind may hap to you befall. Who with her feet held up instead of hands. And tears which pity from the rock commands, She sighs, and shrieks, and weeps, and looks upon him : [130 Alas ! she sobs, and many a groan throws on him ; With plaints which might abate a tyrant's knife She begs for pardon, and entreats for life. The hollow caves resound her meanings near it, That heart was flint which did not grieve to hear it ; The high-topp'd firs which on that mountain keep, 135 Have ever since that time been seen to weep. The owl till then, 'tis thought, full well could sing, And tune her voice to every bubbling spring : I'.ut when she heard those plaints, then forth she yode Out of the covert of an ivy tod, 140 And hollowing for aid, so strain'd her throat, That since she clean forgot her former note. A little robin sitting on a tree, In doleful notes bewail'd her tragedy. 139. Yode, went. no BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Booki. An asp, who thought him stout, could not dissemble, But show'd his fear, and yet is seen to tremble. [145 Yet Cruelty was deaf, and had no sight In ought which might gainsay the appetite : But with his teeth rending her throat asunder, Besprinkl'd with her blood the green grass under, 150 And gormandizing on her flesh and blood, He, vomiting, returned to the wood. Riot but newly gone, as strange a vision, Though far more heavenly, came in apparition. As that Arabian bird (whom all admire) 155 Her exequies prepar'd and funeral fire, Burnt in a flame conceived from the sun, And nourished with slips of cinnamon, Out of her ashes hath a second birth, And flies abroad, a wonderment on earth : 160 So from the ruins of this mangled creature Arose so fair and so divine a feature, Descrip- That Envy for her heart would dote upon her ; tion of Truth. j-j eaven cou ld not choose but be enamour'd on her : Were I a star, and she a second sphere, 165 I'd leave the other, and be fixed there. Had fair Arachne wrought this maiden's hair, When she with Pallas did for skill compare, Minerva's work had never been esteem'd, But this had been more rare and highly deem'd ; 170 Yet gladly now she would reverse her doom, Weaving this hair within a spider's loom. Upon her forehead, as in glory, sat Song 4.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. in Mercy and Majesty, for wond'ring at, As pure and simple as Albania's snow, 175 Or milk-white swans which stem the streams of Po : Like to some goodly foreland, bearing out Her hair, the tufts which fring'd the shore about. And lest the man which sought those coasts might slip, Her eyes like stars did serve to guide the ship. 183 Upon her front (heaven's fairest promontory) Delineated was th' authentic story Of those elect, whose sheep at first began To nibble by the springs of Canaan : Out of whose sacred loins (brought by the stem 185 Of that sweet singer of Jerusalem) Came the best Shepherd ever flocks did keep, Who yielded up his life to save his sheep. O thou Eterne ! by whom all beings move, Giving the springs beneath, and springs above ; 190 Whose finger doth this universe sustain, Bringing the former and the latter rain ; Who dost with plenty meads and pastures fill, By drops distill'd like dew on Hermon hill : Pardon a silly swain, who (far unable 195 In that which is so rare, so admirable) Dares on an oaten pipe thus meanly sing Her praise immense, worthy a silver string. And thou which through the desert and the deep, Didst lead thy chosen like a flock of sheep : 200 As sometime by a star thou guided'st them, Which fed upon the plains of Bethlehem ; na BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. So by thy sacred Spirit direct my quill, When I shall sing ought of thy holy hill, That times to come, when they my rhymes rehearse, 205 May wonder at me, and admire my verse : For who but one rapt in celestial fire, Can by his Muse to such a pitch aspire, That from aloft he might behold and tell Her worth, whereon an iron pen might dwell ? 210 When she was born, Nature in sport began To learn the cunning of an artisan, And did vermilion with a white compose, To mock'herself and paint a damask rose. But scorning Nature unto Art should seek, 215 She spilt her colours on this maiden's cheek. Her mouth the gate from whence all goodness came, Of power to give the dead a living name. Her words embalmed in so sweet a breath, [220 That made them triumph both on Time and Death ; Whose fragrant sweets, since the chameleon knew, And tasted of, he to this humour grew, Left other elements, held this so rare, That since he never feeds on ought but air. O had I Virgil's verse, or Tully's tongue, 225 Or raping numbers like the Thracian's song, I have a theme would make the rocks to dance, And surly beasts that through the desert prance, Hie from their caves, and every gloomy den, 226. Raping, ravishing. The Thracian, Orpheus. Song 4.3 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 113 To wonder at the excellence of men. 230 Nay, they would think their states for ever rais'd, But once to look on one so highly prais'd. Out of whose maiden breasts (which sweetly rise) The seers suck'd their hidden prophecies : And told that for her love in times to come, 235 Many should seek the crown of martyrdom, By fire, by sword, by tortures, dungeons, chains, By stripes, by famine, and a world of pains ; Yet constant still remain (to her they lov'd) Like Sion Mount, that cannot be remov'd. 240 Proportion on her arms and hands recorded, The world for her no fitter place afforded. Praise her who list, he still shall be her debtor : For Art ne'er feign'd, nor Nature fram'd a better. As when a holy father hath began 245 To offer sacrifice to mighty Pan, Doth the request of every swain assume, To scale the welkin in a sacred fume Made by a widow'd turtle's loving mate, Or lambkin, or some kid immaculate, 250 The off ring heaves aloft, with both his hands, Which all adore that near the altar stands : So was her heavenly body comely rais'd On two fair columns ; those that Ovid prais'd In Julia's borrow'd name, compar'd with these, 255 Were crabs to apples of th' Hesperides ; 255- -Julia's borrow'd name, Corinna. VOL. I. I 114 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. Or stump-foot Vulcan in comparison With all the height of true perfection. Nature was here so lavish of her store, That she bestow'd until she had no more ; 260 Whose treasure being weaken'd (by this dame) She thrusts into the world so many lame. The highest synod of the glorious sky (I heard a wood-nymph sing) sent Mercury To take a survey of the fairest faces, 265 And to describe to them all women's graces ; Who long time wand'ring in a serious quest, Noting what parts by Beauty were possess'd : At last he saw this maid, then thinking fit To end his journey, here, nil-ultra, writ. 270 Fida in adoration kiss'd her knee, And thus bespake : Hail glorious Deity ! (If such thou art, and who can deem you less ?) Whether thou reign'st queen of the wilderness, Or art that goddess ('tis unknown to me) 275 Which from the ocean draws her pettigree : Or one of those, who by the mossy banks Of drizzling Helicon, in airy ranks Tread roundelays upon the silver sands, Whilst shaggy satyrs, tripping o'er the strands, 280 Stand still at gaze, and yield their senses thralls To the sweet cadence of your madrigals : Or of the fairy troop which nimbly play, 276. Pettigrce, pedigree. Song 4.3 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 115 And by the springs dance out the summer's day, Teaching the little birds to build their nests, 285 And in their singing how to keepen rests ; Or one of those who, watching where a spring Out of our Grandame Earth hath issuing, With your attractive music woo the stream (As men by fairies led, fall'n in a dream) 290 To follow you, which sweetly trilling wanders In many mazes, intricate meanders ; Till at the last, to mock th 1 enamour'd rill, Ye bend your traces up some shady hill ; And laugh to see the wave no further tread ; 295 But in a chafe run foaming on his head, Being enforc'd a channel new to frame, Leaving the other destitute of name. If thou be one of these, or all, or more, Succour a seely maid, that doth implore 300 Aid, on a bended heart, unfeign'd and meek, As true as blushes of a maiden cheek. Maiden, arise, replied the new-born maid : "Pure Innocence the senseless stones will aid." Nor of the fairy troop, nor Muses nine, 305 Nor am I Venus, nor of Proserpine : But daughter to a lusty aged swain, That cuts the green tufts off th' enamell'd plain ; And with his scythe hath many a summer shorn The plough'd-lands lab'ring with a crop of corn ; 310 Who from the cloud-clipt mountain by his stroke Descrip- Fells down the lofty pine, the cedar, oak : l ' on f Time. I 2 Ii6 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. He opes the flood-gates as occasion is, Sometimes on that man's land, sometimes on this. When Verulam, a stately nymph of yore, 315 Did use to deck herself on Isis' shore, One morn (among the rest) as there she stood, Saw the pure channel all besmear'd with blood ; Inquiring for the cause, one did impart, Those drops came from her holy Alban's heart ; 3 2 Herewith in grief, she 'gan entreat my sire, That Isis' stream, which yearly did attire Those gallant fields in changeable array, Might turn her course and run some other way, Lest that her waves might wash away the guilt 325 From off their hands which Alban's blood had spilt : He condescended, and the nimble wave Her fish no more within that channel drave : But as a witness left the crimson gore To stain the earth, as they their hands before. 330 He had a being ere there was a birth, And shall not cease until the sea and earth, And what they both contain, shall cease to be, Nothing confines him but eternity. By him the names of good men ever live, 335 Which short-liv'd men unto oblivion give : And in forgetfulness he lets him fall, That is no other man than natural : 327. Condescended, agreed. Song 4.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 117 'Tis he alone that rightly can discover Who is the true, and who the feigned lover. 340 In summer's heat, when any swain to sleep Doth more addict himself than to his sheep ; And whilst the leaden god sits on his eyes, If any of his fold or strays or dies, And to the waking swain it be unknown, 345 Whether his sheep be dead, or stray'd, or stol'n ; To meet my sire he bends his course in pain, Either where some high hill surveys the plain ; Or takes his step toward the flow'ry valleys, Where Zephyr with the cowslip hourly dallies ; 350 Or to the groves, where birds from heat or weather, Sit sweetly tuning of their notes together ; Or to a mead a wanton river dresses With richest collars of her turning esses ; Or where the shepherds sit old stories telling, 355 Chronos, my sire, hath no set place of dwelling ; But if the shepherd meet the aged swain, He tells him of his sheep, or shows them slain. So great a gift the sacred Powers of heaven (Above all others) to my sire have given, 360 That the abhorred stratagems of night, Lurking in caverns from the glorious light, By him (perforce) are from their dungeons hurl'd, And show'd as monsters to the wond'ring world. What mariner is he sailing upon 365 The wat'ry desert-clipping Albion, Hears not the billows in their dances roar, n8 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Answer'd by echoes from the neighbour shore ? To whose accord the maids trip from the downs, And rivers dancing come, ycrown'd with towns, 370 All singing forth the victories of Time Upon the monsters of the Western clime, Whose horrid, damned, bloody plots would bring Confusion on the laureate poet's king, Whose hell-fed hearts devis'd how never more 375 A swan might singing sit on Isis' shore : But croaking ravens, and the screech-owl's cry, The fit musicians for a tragedy, Should evermore be heard about her strand, To fright all passengers from that sad land. 380 Long summer's days I on his worth might spend, And yet begin again when I would end. All ages since the first age first begun, Ere they could know his worth their age was done : Whose absence all the treasury of earth 385 Cannot buy out. From far-fam'd Tagus' birth, Not all the golden gravel he treads over, One minute past, that minute can recover. I am his only child (he hath no other), Clept Aletheia, born without a mother : 390 Poor Aletheia, long despis'd of all, Scarce Charity would lend an hospital To give my month's cold watching one night's rest, But in my room took in the miser's chest. 390. Aletheia, Greek 'AAijOeta, truth. Song 4.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 119 In winter's time, when hardly fed the flocks, 395 And icicles hung dangling on the rocks ; When Hyems bound the floods in silver chains, And hoary frosts had candied all the plains ; When every barn rung with the threshing flails, And shepherds' boys for cold 'gan blow their nails: 400 Wearied with toil in seeking out some one That had a spark of true devotion, It was my chance (chance only helpeth need) To find an house ybuilt for holy deed, With goodly architect, and cloisters wide, 405 With groves and walks along a river's side ; The place itself afforded admiration, And every spray a theme of contemplation. But (woe is me !) when knocking at the gate, Aletheia I 'gan entreat an enterance thereat : 410 Sbey The porter ask'd my name : I told ; he swell'd, >s denied. And bade me thence : wherewith in grief repell'd, I sought for shelter to a ruin'd house, Harb'ring the weasel, and the dust-bred mouse ; And others none, except the two-kind bat, 415 Which all the day there melancholy sat : Here sat I down, with wind and rain ybeat ; Grief fed my mind, and did my body eat. Yet Idleness I saw (lam'd with the gout) Had entrance when poor Truth was kept without. 420 There saw I Drunkenness with dropsies swoll'n ; 4'5- Two-kind bat, i.e. half-bird and half-mouse. 120 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. And pamper'd Lust, that many a night had stol'n Over the abbey-wall when gates were lock'd, To be in Venus' wanton bosom rock'd : And Gluttony, that surfeiting had been, 425 Knock at the gate and straightway taken in ; Sadly I sat, and sighing, griev'd to see Their happiness, my infelicity. At last came Envy by, who, having spied Where I was sadly seated, inward hied, 430 And to the convent eagerly she cries, Why sit you here, when with these ears and eyes I heard and saw a strumpet dares to say She is the true fair Aletheia, Which you have boasted long to live among you, 435 Yet suffer not a peevish girl to wrong you ? With this provok'd, all rose, and in a rout Ran to the gate, strove who should first get out, Bade me begone, and then (in terms uncivil) Did call me counterfeit, witch, hag, whore, devil ; 440 Then like a strumpet drove me from their cells, With tinkling pans, and with the noise of bells. And he that lov'd me, or but moan'd my case, Had heaps of firebrands banded at his face. Thus beaten thence (distress'd, forsaken wight) 445 Enforc'd in fields to sleep, or wake all night ; A silly sheep, seeing me straying by, Forsook the shrub where once she meant to lie ; 437. Rout, crowd. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 121 As if she in her kind (unhurting elf) Did bid me take such lodging as herself : 450 Gladly I took the place the sheep had given, Uncanopied of anything but heaven. Where, nigh benumb'd with cold, with grief fre- quented, Unto the silent night I thus lamented : Fair Cynthia, if, from thy silver throne, 455 Thou ever lent'st an ear to virgin's moan ! Or in thy monthly course one minute stay'd Thy palfreys' trot, to hear a wretched maid ! Pull in their reins, and lend thine ear to me, Forlorn, forsaken, cloth'd in misery : 460 But if a woe hath never woo'd thine ear, To stop those coursers in their full career; But as stone-hearted men, uncharitable, Pass careless by the poor, when men less able Hold not the needy's help in long suspense, 465 But in their hands pour their benevolence. O ! if thou be so hard to stop thine ears, When stars in pity drop down from their spheres, Yet for a while in gloomy veil of night, Enshroud the pale beams of thy borrow 'd light ! 470 O ! never once discourage Goodness (lending One glimpse of light) to see Misfortune spending Her utmost rage on Truth, despis'd, distress'd, Unhappy, unrelieved, yet undress'd ! Where is the heart at Virtue's suffering grieveth? 475 Where is the eye that, pitying, relieveth ? 122 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. Where is the hand that still the hungry feedeth ? Where is the ear that the decrepit steedeth ? That heart, that hand, that ear, or else that eye, Giveth, relieve th, feeds, steeds Misery ? 480 Earth ! produce me one of all thy store Enjoys ; and be vain-glorious no more. By this had chanticleer, the village clock, Bidden the goodwife for her maids to knock ; And the swart ploughman for his breakfast stay'd, 485 That he might till those lands were fallow laid : The hills and valleys here and there resound With the re-echoes of the deep-mouth'd hound. Each shepherd's daughter, with her cleanly peal, Was come afield to milk the morning's meal, 490 And ere the sun had climb'd the eastern hills, To gild the mutt'ring bourns and pretty rills, Before the lab'ring bee had left the hive, And nimble fishes which in rivers dive, Began to leap, and catch the drowned fly, 495 1 rose from rest, not in felicity. Seeking the place of Charity's resort, Unware I happen'd on a prince's court ; Where, meeting Greatness, I requir'd relief, (O happy undelay'd) she said in brief, 500 To small effect thine oratory tends, 478. Steedeth, assists. 485. Swart, sunburnt. 4&g.Peal, pail. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 123 How can I keep thee and so many friends ? If of my household I should make thee one, Farewell my servant, Adulation : I know she will not stay when thou art there : 505 But seek some great man's service otherwhere. Darkness and light, summer and winter's weather May be at once, ere you two live together. Thus with a nod she left me cloth'd in woe. Thence to the city once I thought to go, 510 But somewhat in my mind this thought had thrown, It was a place wherein I was not known. And therefore went unto these homely towns, Sweetly environ'd with the daisied downs. Upon a stream washing a village end 515 A mill is plac'd, that never difference kenn'd 'Twixt days for work, and holy-tides for rest, But always wrought and ground the neighbours' grist. Before the door I saw the miller walking, Truth en- And other two (his neighbours) with him talking : 520 ^our from'a One of them was a weaver, and the other miller, a The village tailor, and his trusty brother. weaver. To them I came, and thus my suit began : Content, the riches of a country-man, Attend your actions, be more happy still 525 Than I am hapless ! and as yonder mill, Though in his turning it obey the stream, Yet by the headstrong torrent from his beam Is unremov'd, and till the wheel be tore, It daily toils ; then rests, and works no more : 530 124 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. So in life's motion may you never be (Though sway'd with griefs) o'erborne with misery. With that the miller, laughing, brush'd his clothes, Then swore by Cock and other dunghill oaths, I greatly was to blame that durst so wade 535 Into the knowledge of the wheelwright's trade. Ay, neighbour quoth the tailor (then he bent His pace to me, spruce like a Jack of Lent) Your judgment is not seam-rent when you spend it, Nor is it botching, for I cannot mend it. 540 And, maiden, let me tell you in displeasure, You must not press the cloth you cannot measure : But let your steps be stitch'd to Wisdom's chalking, And cast presumptuous shreds out of your walking. The weaver said, Fie, wench ! yourself you wrong, Thus to let slip the shuttle of your tongue ; [545 For mark me well, yea, mark me well, I say, I see you work your speech's web astray. Sad to the soul, o'erlaid with idle words, Heaven ! quoth I, where is the place affords 550 A friend to help, or any heart that ru'th The most dejected hopes of wronged Truth ? Truth ! quoth the miller, plainly for our parts, 1 and the weaver hate thee with our hearts : The strifes you raise I will not now discuss, 555 534. Cock, a vulgar corruption of the name of God. 538. -Jack of Lent, a stuffed puppet which was thrown at during Lent : hence a term of reproach. 551. Ru'th, rueth, pities. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 125 Between our honest customers and us : But get you gone, for sure you may despair Of comfort here, seek it some otherwhere. Maid (quoth the tailor) we no succour owe you, For as I guess here's none of us doth know you : 560 Nor my remembrance any thought can seize That I have ever seen you in my days. Seen you ? nay, therein confident I am ; Nay, till this time I never heard your name, Excepting once, and by this token chief, 565 My neighbour at that instant call'd me thief. By this you see you are unknown among us, We cannot help you, though your stay may wrong us. Thus went I on, and further went in woe : For as shrill-sounding Fame, that's never slow, 570 Grows in her going, and increaseth more, Where she is now, than where she was before : So Grief (that never healthy, ever sick, That froward scholar to arithmetic, Who doth division and subtraction fly, 575 And chiefly learns to add and multiply) In longest journeys hath the strongest strength, And is at hand, suppress'd, unquail'd at length. Between two hills, the highest Phoebus sees Descrip- Gallantly crown'd with large sky-kissing trees, 580 ^t^y vale. Under whose shade the humble valleys lay ; And wild boars from their dens their gambols play : There lay a gravell'd walk o'ergrown with green, Where neither tract of man nor beast was seen. 126 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. And as the ploughman, when the land he tills, 585 Throws up the fruitful earth in ridged hills, Between whose chevron form he leaves a balk ; So 'twixt those hills had Nature fram'd this walk, Not over-dark, nor light, in angles bending, And like the gliding of a snake, descending ; 590 All hush'd and silent as the mid of night ; No chatt'ring pie, nor crow appear'd in sight ; But further in I heard the turtle-dove Singing sad dirges on her lifeless love. Birds that compassion from the rocks could bring, 595 Had only license in that place to sing : Whose doleful notes the melancholy cat Close in a hollow tree sat wond'ring at. And trees that on the hill-side comely grew, When any little blast of /ol blew, 600 Did nod their curled heads, as they would be The judges to approve their melody. Just half the way this solitary grove, A crystal spring from either hill-side strove, [605 Which of them first should woo the meeker ground, And makes the pebbles dance unto their sound. But as when children having leave to play, And near their master's eye sport out the day, (Beyond condition) in their childish toys Oft vex their tutor with too great a noise, 610 587. Chniron, zigzag. 587. Balk, a bank or ridge of land left by the plough. Song 4-1 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 127 And make him send some servant out of door, To cease their clamour, lest they play no more : So when the pretty rill a place espies, Where with the pebbles she would wantonize, And that her upper stream so much doth wrong her 615 To drive her thence, and let her play no longer ; If she with too loud mutt'ring ran away, As being much incens'd to leave her play, A western, mild and pretty whispering gale Came dallying with the leaves along the dale, 620 And seem'd as with the water it did chide, Because it ran so long unpacified : Yea, and methought it bade her leave that coil, Or he would choke her up with leaves and soil : Whereat the riv'let in my mind did weep, 625 And hurl'd her head into a silent deep. Now he that guides the chariot of the sun, Upon th' ecliptic circle had so run, That his brass-hoofd fire-breathing horses wan The stately height of the meridian : 630 And the day-lab'ring man (who all the morn Had from the quarry with his pickaxe torn A large well-squared stone, which he would cut To serve his stile, or for some water-shut) Seeing the sun preparing to decline, 635 Took out his bag, and sat him down to dine : 623. Coil, tumult, bustle. 635- Water-shut, a floodgate, dam. 128 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book r When by a sliding, yet not steep descent, I gain'd a place, ne'er poet did invent The like for sorrow ; not in all this round A fitter seat for passion can be found. 640 As when a dainty fount, and crystal spring, Got newly from the earth's imprisoning, And ready prest some channel clear to win, Is round his rise by rocks immured in, And from die thirsty earth would be withheld, 645 Till to the cistern top the waves have swell'd, But that a careful hind the well hath found, As he walks sadly through his parched ground ; Whose patience sufFring not his land to stay Until the water o'er the cistern play, 650 He gets a pickaxe, and with blows so stout Digs on the rock, that all the groves about Resound his stroke, and still the rock doth charge, Till he hath made a hole both long and large, Whereby the waters from their prison run 655 To close earth's gaping wounds made by the sun : So through these high-rais'd hills, embracing round This shady, sad, and solitary ground, Some power (respecting one whose heavy moan Requir'd a place to sit and weep alone) 660 Had cut a path, whereby the grieved wight Might freely take the comfort of this site. About the edges of whose roundly form 643. Ready prest, ready and eager. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 129 In order grew such trees as do adorn The sable hearsd and sad forsaken mate, 665 And trees whose tears their loss commiserate. Such are the cypress, and the weeping myrrh, The dropping amber, and the refin'd fir, The bleeding vine, the wat'ry sycamore, And willow for the forlorn paramour ; 670 In comely distance : underneath whose shade Most neat in rudeness Nature arbours made : Some had a light, some so obscure a seat, Would entertain a suff ranee ne'er so great : Where grieved wights sat (as I after found, 675 Whose heavy hearts the height of sorrow crown'd) Wailing in saddest tunes the dooms of Fate On men by virtue cleeped fortunate. The first note that I heard I soon was won To think the sighs of fair Endymion ; 680 The subject of whose mournful heavy lay Was his declining with fair Cynthia. Next him a great man sat, in woe no less ; Tears were but barren shadows to express The substance of his grief, and therefore stood 685 Distilling from his heart red streams of blood : He was a swain whom all the Graces kiss'd, 679. The first note, etc., referring to Sir Walter Raleigh, who was for some time in disgrace at Court. 682. Cynthia, Queen Elizabeth. 683. A great man, Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex. See Note. VOL. I. K 130 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. A brave, heroic, worthy martialist : Yet on the downs he oftentimes was seen To draw the merry maidens of the green 690 With his sweet voice : once, as he sat alone, He sung the outrage of the lazy drone Upon the lab'ring bee, in strains so rare, That all the flitting pinionists of air Attentive sat, and in their kinds did long 695 To learn some note from his well-timed song. Exiled Naso (from whose golden pen The Muses did distil delights for men) Thus sang of Cephalus (whose name was worn Within the bosom of the blushing Morn :) 700 He had a dart was never set on wing, But Death flew with it : he could never fling, But life fled from the place where stuck the head. A hunter's frolic life in woods he led In separation from his yoked mate, 75 Whose beauty, once, he valued at a rate Beyond Aurora's cheek, when she (in pride) Promis'd their offspring should be deified ; Procris she hight ; who (seeking to restore Herself that happiness she had before) 710 Unto the green wood wends, omits no pain Might bring her to her lord's embrace again : But Fate thus cross'd her, coming where he lay Wearied with hunting all a summer's day, 688. Martialist, a soldier. 694. Pinionists, winged creatures, birds. Song 4.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 131 He somewhat heard within the thicket rush, 715 And deeming it some beast hid in a bush, Raised himself, then set on wing a dart, Which took a sad rest in the restless heart Of his chaste wife j who with a bleeding breast Left love and life and slept in endless rest. 720 With Procris' heavy fate this shepherd's wrong Might be compar'd, and ask as sad a song. In th' autumn of his youth and manhood's spring, Desert (grown now a most dejected thing) Won him the favour of a royal maid, 725 Who with Diana's nymphs in forests stray'd, And liv'd a huntress' life, exempt from fear. She once encounter'd with a surly bear, Near to a crystal fountain's flowery brink : Heat brought them thither both, and both would drink, 730 When from her golden quiver she took forth A dart, above the rest esteem'd for worth, And sent it to his side : the gaping wound Gave purple streams to cool the parched ground. [735 Whereat he gnash'd his teeth, storm'd his hurt limb, Yielded the earth what it denied him : Yet sunk not there, but (wrapt in horror)' hied Unto his hellish cave, despair'd and died. After the bear's just death the quick'ning sun Had twice six times about the zodiac run, 740 728. A surly bear, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in allusion probably to his arms, a bear and ragged staff. K 2 132 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. And (as respectless) never cast an eye Upon the night-enveil'd Cimmerii, When this brave swain, approved valorous, In opposition of a tyrannous And bloody savage being long time gone, 745 Quelling his rage with faithless Gerion, Returned from the stratagems of wars, Enriched with his quail'd foes' bootless scars, To see the clear eyes of his dearest love, And that her skill in herbs might help remove 750 The freshing of a wound which he had got In her defence by Envy's poison 'd shot, And coming through a grove wherein his fair Lay with her breasts display'd to take the air, His rushing through the boughs made her arise, 755 And dreading some wild beast's rude enterprise, Directs towards the noise a sharpen'd dart, That reach'd the life of his undaunted heart, Which when she knew, twice twenty moons nigh spent In tears for him, and died in languishment. 760 Within an arbour shadow'd with a vine, Mixed with rosemary and eglantine, A shepherdess was set, as fair as young, Whose praise full many a shepherd whilom sung, Who on an altar fair had to her name, 765 In consecration, many an anagram : 742. Cimmerii. See Note at p. 108. 746. Gerion, Philip II., King of Spain. See Note. Song 4-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 133 And when with sugar'd strains they strove to raise Worth to a garland of immortal bays, She as the learned'st maid was chose by them, Her flaxen hair crown'd with an anadem, 770 To judge who best deserv'd, for she could fit The height of praise unto the height of wit. But, well-a-day ! those happy times were gone : Millions admit a small subtraction. And as the year hath first his jocund spring, 775 Wherein the leaves, to birds' sweet carolling, Dance with the wind ; then sees the summer's day Perfect the embryon blossom of each spray ; Next cometh autumn, when the threshed sheaf Loseth his grain, and every tree his leaf; 78 Lastly, cold winter's rage, with many a storm, Threats the proud pines which Ida's top adorn, And makes the sap leave succourless the shoot, Shrinking to comfort his decaying root : Or as a quaint musician being won 785 To run a point of sweet division, Gets by degrees unto the highest key ; Then, with like order, falleth in his play Into a deeper tone ; and lastly, throws His period in a diapason close : 79 So every human thing terrestrial, 770. Anadem, garland. 785. Quaint, skilled. 786. Division, rapid passage. 790. Diapason close, a close with the interval of an octave. 134 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. His utmost height attain'd, bends to his fall. And as a comely youth, in fairest age, Enamour'd on a maid, whose parentage Had Fate adorn'd, as Nature deck'd her eye, 795 Might at a beck command a monarchy, But poor and fair could never yet bewitch A miser's mind, preferring foul and rich, And therefore, as a king's heart left behind, When as his corps are borne to be enshrin'd, 800 (His parents' will, a law) like that dead corse, Leaving his heart, is brought unto his horse, Carried unto a place that can impart No secret embassy unto his heart, Climbs some proud hill, whose stately eminence 805 Vassals the fruitful vale's circumference : From whence, no sooner can his lights descry The place enriched by his mistress 3 eye, But some thick cloud his happy prospect blends, And he in sorrow rais'd, in tears descends: 8lO So this sad nymph (whom all commiserate) Once pac'd the hill of greatness and of state, And got the top ; but when she 'gan address Her sight, from thence to see true happiness, Fate interpos'd an envious cloud of fears, 815 And she withdrew into this vale of tears, Where Sorrow so enthrall'd best Virtue's jewel, Stones check'd Grief's hardness, call'd her too, too cruel. A stream of tears upon her fair cheeks flows, Song 4.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 135 As morning dew upon the damask rose, 820 Or crystal glass veiling vermilion, Or drops of milk on the carnation : She sang and wept (O ye sea-binding cleeves, Yield tributary drops, for Virtue grieves !) And to the period of her sad sweet key 825 Intwinn'd her case with chaste Penelope. But see, the drizzling south my mournful strain Answers in weeping drops of quick'ning rain ; And since this day we can no further go, Restless I rest within this vale of woe, 830 Until the modest Morn on Earth's vast zone The ever gladsome Day shall re-enthrone. 823. Cleeves, cliffs 136 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. THE FIFTH SONG. THE ARGUMENT. In notes that rocks to pity move, Idya" sings her buried love : And from her horn of plenty gives Comfort to Truth, whom none relieves. Repentance' house next calls me on, With Riot's true conversion : Leaving Amintas' love to Truth To be the theme the Muse ensu'th. HERE full of April, veil'd with Sorrow's wing, For lovely lays, I dreary dirges sing. Whoso hath seen young lads (to sport themselves) Run in a low ebb to the sandy shelves ; Where seriously they work in digging wells, 5 Or building childish sorts of cockle-shells ; Or liquid water each to other bandy ; Or with the pebbles play at handy-dandy, Idya, the pastoral name of England. 4. Shelves, rocks. 8. Haitdy-dandy, a game played by two children. Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 137 Till unawares the tide hath clos'd them round, And they must wade it through or else be drown'd : 10 May (if unto my pipe he listen well) My Muse' distress with theirs soon parallel. For where I whilom sung the loves of swains, And woo'd the crystal currents of the plains, Teaching the birds to love, whilst every tree 15 Gave his attention to my melody : Fate now (as envying my too-happy theme) Hath round begirt my song with Sorrow's stream, Which till my Muse wade through and get on shore, My grief-swoll'n soul can sing of love no more. 20 But turn we now (yet not without remorse) To heavenly Aletheia's sad discourse, That did from Fida's eyes salt tears exhale, When thus she show'd the solitary vale. Just in the midst this joy-forsaken ground 25 A hillock stood, with springs embraced round, (And with a crystal ring did seem to marry Themselves to this small Isle sad-solitary,) Upon whose breast, which trembled as it ran, Rode the fair downy-silver-coated swan : 30 And on the banks each cypress bow'd his head, To hear the swan sing her own epiced. * * A funeral As when the gallant youth which live upon thelorpsebe The western downs of lovely Albion, interred. Meeting, some festival to solemnize, 35 Choose out two, skill'd in wrestling exercise, Who strongly, at the wrist or collar cling, 138 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Whilst arm-in-arm the people make a ring : So did the water round this Isle enlink, And so the trees grew on the water's brink ; 40 Waters their streams about the Island scatter And trees perform'd as much unto the water : Under whose shade the nightingale would bring Her chirping young, and teach them how to sing. The woods' most sad musicians thither hie, 45 As it had been the Sylvians' Castalie, And warbled forth such elegiac strains, That struck the winds dumb ; and the motley plains Were fill'd with envy that such shady places Held all the world's delights in their embraces. 50 O how (methinks) the imps of Mneme bring Dews of invention from their sacred spring ! Here could I spend that spring of poesy, Which not twice ten suns have bestow'd on me ; And tell the world the Muses' love appears 55 In nonag'd youth as in the length of years. But ere my Muse erected have the frame, Wherein t' enshrine an unknown shepherd's name, She many a grove, and other woods must tread, [60 More hills, more dales, more founts must be display'd, More meadows, rocks, and from them all elect Matter befitting such an architect As children on a play-day leave the schools, 48. Motley, various-coloured. 51. Imps, offspring. Mneme, Greek \urf\\i.i\, memory. 56. Nanag'd youth, not of full age. Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 139 And gladly run unto the swimming pools ; Or in the thickets, all with nettles stung, 65 Rush to despoil some sweet thrush of her young ; Or with their hats (for fish) lade in a brook Withouten pain ; but when the Morn doth look Out of the Eastern gates, a snail would faster Glide to the schools, than they unto their master : 70 So when before I sung the songs of birds, Whilst every moment sweeten'd lines affords, I pip'd devoid of pain, but now I come Unto my task, my Muse is stricken dumb. My blubb'ring pen her sable tears lets fall 75 In characters right hieroglyphical, And mixing with my tears are ready turning My late white paper to a weed of mourning ; Or ink and paper strive how to impart My words, the weeds they wore, within my heart : 80 Or else the blots unwilling are my rhymes And their sad cause should live till after-times ; Fearing if men their subject should descry, They forthwith would dissolve in tears and die. Upon the Island's craggy rising hill 85 A quadrant ran, wherein by artless skill, At every corner Nature did erect A column rude, yet void of all defect : Whereon a marble lay. The thick-grown briar, And prickled hawthorn (woven all entire) 90 Together clung, and barr'd the gladsome light From any entrance, fitting only night. 140 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. No way to it but one, steep and obscure, The stairs of rugged stone, seldom in ure, All overgrown with moss, as Nature sat 95 To entertain Grief with a cloth of state. Hardly unto the top I had ascended, But that the trees (siding the steps) befriended My weary limbs, who bowing down their arms Gave hold unto my hands to 'scape from harms : 100 Which evermore are ready, still present Our feet, in climbing places eminent. Before the door (to hinder Phrebus' view) A shady box-tree grasped with a yew, As in the place' behalf they menac'd war 105 Against the radiance of each sparkling star. And on their barks (which Time had nigh deprav'd) These lines (it seem'd) had been of old engrav'd : " This place was fram'd of yore to be possess'd By one which sometime hath been happiest." no Lovely Idya, the most beauteous Of all the darlings of Oceanus, Hesperia's envy and the Western pride, Whose party-coloured garment Nature dy'd In more eye-pleasing hues, with richer grain, 115 Than Iris' bow attending April's rain ; Whose lily white inshaded with the rose Had that man seen who sung th' Eireidos, Dido had in oblivion slept, and she 94. Ure, use. Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 141 Had given his Muse her best eternity. 120 Had brave Atrides, who did erst employ His force to mix his dead with those of Troy, Been proffer'd for a truce her feigned peace Helen had stay'd, and that had gone to Greece : The Phrygian soil had not been drunk with blood, 125 Achilles longer breath'd, and Troy yet stood : The prince of poets had not sung his story, My friend had lost his ever-living glory. But as a snowy Swan, who many a day On Tamar's swelling breasts hath had her play, 130 For further pleasure doth assay to swim My native Tavy, or the sandy Plim ; And on the panting billows bravely rides, Whilst country-lasses, walking on the sides, Admire her beauty, and with clapping hands, 135 Would force her leave the stream, and tread the sands, When she, regardless, swims to th' other edge, Until an envious briar, or tangling sedge, Despoils her plumes ; or else a sharpen'd beam Fierceth her breast, and on the bloody stream 140 She pants for life : so whilom rode this maid On streams of worldly bliss, more rich array'd With Earth's delight than thought could put in ure To glut the senses of an epicure. 128. My friend, George Chapman, translator of Homer's poems. 130. The old editions read " his play." 142 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. Whilst neighb'ring kings upon their frontiers stood, And offer'd for her dower huge seas of blood : [145 And perjur'd Gerion to win her rent The Indian rocks for gold, and bootless spent Almost his patrimony for her sake, Yet nothing like respected as the Drake 150 That scour'd her channels, and destroy'd the weed Which spoil'd her fishers' nets and fishes' breed. At last her truest love she threw upon A royal youth, whose like, whose paragon, Heaven never lent the Earth : so great a spirit 155 The world could not contain, nor kingdoms merit : And therefore Jove did with the saints enthrone him, And left his lady nought but tears to moan him. Within this place (as woful as my verse) She with her crystal founts bedew'd his hearse ; 160 Inveiled with a sable weed she sat, Singing this song which stones dissolved at. WHAT time the world, clad in a mourning-robe, A stage made for a woful tragedy ; When showers of tears from the celestial globe 165 Bewail'd the fate of sea-lov'd Britany ; When sighs as frequent were as various sights, When Hope lay bed-rid, and all pleasures dying, 150. TJie Drake, Sir Francis Drake. 154. A royal youth, Henry, Prince of Wales. See Note. Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 143 When Envy wept, And Comfort slept, 170 When Cruelty itself sat almost crying, Nought being heard but what the mind affrights ; When Autumn had disrob'd the Summer's pride, Then England's honour, Europe's wonder, died. O saddest strain that e'er the Muses sung ! 175 A text of woe for Grief to comment on ; Tears, sighs, and sobs, give passage to my tongue, Or I shall spend you till the last is gone. Which done, my heart in flames of burning love (Wanting his moisture) shall to cinders turn ; 180 But first, by me Bequeathed be To strew the place wherein his sacred urn Shall be enclos'd : this might in many move The like effect : who would not do it when 185 No grave befits him but the hearts of men ? That man whose mass of sorrows hath been such, That by their weight laid on each several part, His fountains are so dry, he but as much As one poor drop hath left to ease his heart ; 190 Why should he keep it ? since the time doth call, That he ne'er better can bestow it in ; If so he fears That others' tears 144 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. In greater number, greatest prizes win ; 195 Know none gives more than he which giveth all. Then he which hath but one poor tear in store, O let him spend that drop, and weep no more. Why flows not Helicon beyond her strands? Is Henry dead, and do the Muses sleep ? 200 Alas ! I see each one amazed stands ; " Shallow fords mutter, silent are the deep." Fain would they tell their griefs, but know not where ; All are so full, nought can augment their store : Then how should they 205 Their griefs display To men so cloy'd, they fain would hear no more, Though blaming those whose plaints they cannot hear? And with this wish their passions I allow, May that Muse never speak that's silent now ! 210 Is Henry dead ? alas ! and do I live To sing a screech-owl's note that he is dead? If any one a fitter theme can give, Come, give it now, or never to be read. But let him see it do of horror taste, 215 Anguish, destruction : could it rend in sunder With fearful groans The senseless stones, Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 145 Yet should we hardly be enforc'd to wonder, Our former griefs would so exceed their last. 220 Time cannot make our sorrows ought completer ; Nor add one grief to make our mourning greater. England was ne'er engirt with waves till now ; Till now it held part with the Continent. Aye me ! some one in pity show me how 225 I might in doleful numbers so lament, That any one which lov'd him, hated me, Might dearly love me for lamenting him. Alas ! my plaint In such constraint 230 Breaks forth in rage, that though my passions swim, Yet are they drowned ere they landed be : Imperfect lines ! O happy ! were I hurl'd And cut from life as England from the world. O happier had we been ! if we had been 235 Never made happy by enjoying thee ! Where hath the glorious eye of heaven seen A spectacle of greater misery ? Time, turn thy course, and bring again the spring ; Break Nature's laws ; search the records of old, 240 If aught befell Might parallel Sad Britain's case : weep, rocks, and Heaven behold What seas of sorrow she is plunged in, VOL. I. L 146 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Where storms of woe so mainly have beset her, 245 She hath no place for worse, nor hope for better. Britain was whilom known (by more than fame) To be one of the Islands Fortunate. What frantic man would give her now that name, Lying so rueful and disconsolate ? 250 Hath not her wat'ry zone in murmuring Fill'd every shore with echoes of her cry ? Yes, Thetis raves, And bids her waves Bring all the nymphs within her emperie 255 To be assistant in her sorrowing. See where they sadly sit on Isis' shore, And rend their hairs as they would joy no more. Isis, the glory of the Western world, When our heroe (honour'd Essex) died, 260 Strucken with wonder, back again she hurl'd, And fill'd her banks with an unwonted tide : As if she stood in doubt, if it were so, And for the certainty had turn'd her way. Why do not now 265 Her waves reflow ? Poor nymph, her sorrows will not let her stay ; Or flies to tell the world her country's woe ; Or cares not to come back, perhaps, as showing Our tears should make the flood, not her reflow- ing. 270 Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 147 Sometimes a tyrant held the reins of Rome, Wishing to all the city but one head, That all at once might undergo his doom, And by one blow from life be severed. Fate wish'd the like on England, and 'twas given : 275 O miserable men, enthrall'd to Fate !) Whose heavy hand That never scann'd The misery of kingdoms ruinate, Minding to leave her of all joys bereaven, 280 With one sad blow (alas ! can worser fall ?) Hath given this little Isle her funeral. O come, ye blessed imps of Memory, Erect a new Parnassus on his grave ! There tune your voices to an elegy, 285 The saddest note that e'er Apollo gave. Let every accent make the stander-by Keep time unto your song with dropping tears, Till drops that fell Have made a well 290 To swallow him which still unmoved hears ! And though myself prove senseless of your cry, Yet gladly should my light of life grow dim, To be entomb'd in tears are wept for him. 383. Imps, children. L 2 148 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. When last he sicken'd, then we first began 295 To tread the labyrinth of woe about : And by degrees we further inward ran, Having his thread of life to guide us out. But Destiny no sooner saw us enter Sad Sorrow's maze, immured up in night, 300 (Where nothing dwells But cries and yells Thrown from the hearts of men depriv'd of light,) When we were almost come into the centre, Fate (cruelly) to bar our joys returning, 305 Cut off our thread, and left us all in mourning. If you have seen at foot of some brave hill Two springs arise, and delicately trill In gentle chidings through an humble dale, Where tufty daisies nod at every gale, 310 And on the banks a swain, with laurel crown'd , Marrying his sweet notes with their silver sound ; When as the spongy clouds swoll'n big with water, Throw their conception on the world's theatre, Down from the hills the rained waters roar, 315 Whilst every leaf drops to augment their store ; Grumbling the stones fall o'er each other's back, * A fall of Rending the green turfs with their cataract,* a very high* An< ^ through the meadows run with such a noise, place. That taking from the swain the fountain's voice, 320 Enforce him leave their margent, and alone Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 149 Couple his base pipe with their baser tone : Know (Shepherdess) that so I lent an ear Aletheia to To those sad wights whose plaints I told whilere ; * ida ' But when this goodly lady 'gan address 325 Her heavenly voice to sweeten heaviness, It drown'd the rest, as torrents little springs ; And strucken mute at her great sorrowings, Lay still and wonder'd at her piteous moan, Wept at her griefs, and did forget their own, 330 Whilst I attentive sat, and did impart Tears when they wanted drops, and from a heart, As high in sorrow as e'er creature wore, Lent thrilling groans to such as had no more. Had wise Ulysses (who regardless flung 335 Along the ocean when the sirens sung) Pass'd by and seen her on the sea-torn cleeves Wail her lost Icve (while Neptune's wat'ry thieves Durst not approach for rocks :) to see her face He would have hazarded his Grecian race, 340 Thrust headlong to the shore, and to her eyes Offer'd his vessel as a sacrifice. Or had the sirens on a neighbour shore Heard in what raping notes she did deplore Her buried glory, they had left their shelves, 345 And to come near her would have drown'd them- selves. 335. Flung, hastened. 337- Cleeves, cliffs. 344. Rafittg, ravishing. 150 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Now silence lock'd the organs of that voice Whereat each merry sylvan wont rejoice, When with a bended knee to her I came, And did impart my grief and hated name. 350 But first a pardon begg'd, if that my cause So much constraint! me as to break the laws Of her wish'd sequestration, or ask'd bread (To save a life) from her whose life was dead ; But lawless famine, self-consuming hunger, 355 Alas ! compell'd me : had I stayed longer, My weaken'd limbs had been my want's forc'd meed, And I had fed on that I could not feed. When she (compassionate) to my sad moan Did lend a sigh, and stole it from her own ; 360 And (woful lady wreck 'd on hapless shelf) Yielded me comfort, yet had none herself : Told how she knew me well since I had been As chiefest consort of the Fairy Queen. O happy Queen ! for ever, ever praise 365 Dwell on thy tomb ; the period of all days Only seal up thy fame ; and as thy birth Enrich'd thy temples on the fading earth, So have thy virtues crown'd thy blessed soul, Where the first Mover with his words control ; 37 As with a girdle the huge ocean binds ; Gathers into his fist the nimble winds ; Stops the bright courser in his hot career ; 366. O happy Queen, Elizabeth. Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 151 Commands the moon twelve courses in a year : Live thou with him in endless bliss, while we 375 Admire all virtues in admiring thee. Thou, thou, the fautress of the learned Well ; Thou nursing mother of God's Israel ; Thou, for whose loving truth, the heavens rains Sweet mel and manna on our flow'ry plains ; 380 Thou, by whose hand the sacred Trine did bring Us out of bonds, from bloody Bonnering. Ye suckling babes, for ever bless that name Releas'd your burning in your mothers' flame ! Thrice-blessed maiden, by whose hand was given 385 Free liberty to taste the food of Heaven. Never forget her (Albion's lovely daughters) Which led you to the springs of living waters ! And if my Muse her glory fail to sing, May to my mouth my tongue for ever cling ! 390 Herewith (at hand) taking her horn of plenty idya Fill'd with the choice of every orchard's dainty, Aleth As pears, plums, apples, the sweet raspis-berry, The quince, the apricock, the blushing cherry, The mulberry (his black from Thisbe taking), 395 The cluster'd filbert, grapes oft merry-making. (This fruitful horn th' immortal ladies fill'd With all the pleasures that rough forests yield, 377. Fautress, patroness. 381. Trine, Trinity. 382. Bonnering. See Note. 395. Thisbe. See Note. 152 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. And gave Idya, with a further blessing, That thence, as from a garden, without dressing 400 She these should ever have, and never want Store, from an orchard without tree or plant.) With a right willing hand she gave me hence The stomach's comforter, the pleasing quince ; And for the chiefest cherisher she lent 405 The royal thistle's milky nourishment. Here stay'd I long ; but when to see Aurora Kiss the perfum'd cheeks of dainty Flora, Without the vale I trod one lovely morn, With true intention of a quick return, 410 An unexpected chance strove to defer My going back, and all the love of her. But, maiden, see the day is waxen old, And 'gins to shut in with the marigold. The neatherd's kine do bellow in the yard ; 415 And dairy maidens, for the milk prepar'd, Are drawing at the udder ; long ere now The ploughman hath unyok'd his team from plough. My transformation to a fearful hind Shall to unfold a fitter season find. 420 Meanwhile yond palace, whose brave turrets' tops Over the stately wood survey the copse, Promis'th (if sought) a wished place of rest, Till Sol our hemisphere have repossess'd. Now must my Muse afford a strain to Riot, 425 419. Fearful, timid. Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 153 Who, almost kill'd with his luxurious diet, Lay eating grass (as dogs) within a wood, So to disgorge the undigested food. By whom fair Aletheia pass'd along With Fida, queen of every shepherd's song, 430 By them unseen (for he securely lay Under the thick of many a leaved spray) And through the levell'd meadows gently threw Their neatest feet, wash'd with refreshing dew, Where he durst not approach, but on the edge 435 Of th' hilly wood, in covert of a hedge, Went onward with them, trod with them in paces, And far off much admir'd their forms and graces. Into the plains at last he headlong venter'd ; But they the hill had got and palace enter'd. 440 When, like a valiant, well-resolved man, Seeking new paths i' th' pathless ocean, Unto the shores of monster-breeding Nile, Or through the North to the unpeopled Thyle, Where, from the equinoctial of the spring 445 To that of autumn, Titan's golden ring Is never off ; and till the spring again In gloomy darkness all the shores remain : Or if he furrow up the briny sea To cast his anchors in the frozen bay 450 444. Thyle, or rather Thule, the name given by Greek and Roman geographers to a land situated to the North of Britain, which they held to be the most northerly portion of Europe indeed of the known world. 154 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Of woody Norway, who hath ever fed Her people more with scaly fish than bread, Though rattling mounts of ice thrust at his helm, And by their fall still threaten to o'erwhelm His little vessel, and though Winter throw 455 (What age should on their heads) white caps of snow ; Strives to congeal his blood ; he cares not for't, But arm'd in mind, gets his intended port : So Riot, though full many doubts arise Whose unknown ends might grasp his enterprise, 460 Climbs towards the palace, and with gait demure, With hanging head, a voice as feigning pure, With torn and ragged coat, his hairy legs Bloody, as scratch'd with briars, he entrance begs. Remembrance sat as portress of this gate : 465 A lady always musing as she sat, Except when sometime suddenly she rose, And with a back-bent eye, at length, she throws Her hands to heaven ; and in a wond'ring guise, Star'd on each object with her fixed eyes : 470 As some wayfaring man passing a wood, Whose waving top hath long a sea-mark stood, Goes jogging on, and in his mind nought hath, But how the primrose finely strew the path, Or sweetest violets lay down their heads 475 At some tree's root on mossy feather-beds, Until his heel receives an adder's sting, Whereat he starts, and back his head doth fling. She never mark'd the suit he did prefer, Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 155 But (careless) let him pass along by her. 480 So on he went into a spacious court, All trodden bare with multitudes' resort ; At th' end whereof a second gate appears, The fabric show'd full many thousand years, Whose postern-key that time a lady kept, 485 Her eyes all swoll'n as if she seldom slept, And would by fits her golden tresses tear, And strive to stop her breath with her own hair. Her lily hand (not to be lik'd by Art) A pair of pincers held ; wherewith her heart 490 Was hardly grasped, while the piled stones Re-echoed her lamentable groans. Here at this gate the custom long had been When any sought to be admitted in, Remorse thus us'd them, ere they had the key, 495 And all these torments felt, pass'd on their way. When Riot came, the lady's pains nigh done, She pass'd the gate ; and then Remorse begun To fetter Riot in strong iron chains, And doubting much his patience in the pains : 500 As when a smith and 's man, lame Vulcan's fellows, Call'd from the anvil or the puffing bellows, To clap a well-wrought shoe, for more than pay, Upon a stubborn nag of Galloway, Or unback'd jennet, or a Flanders mare, 505 That at the forge stand snuffing of the air ; 505.: Jennet, a. small Spanish horse. 156 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. The swarty smith spits in his buckhorn fist, And bids his man bring out the five-fold twist, His shackles, shacklocks, hampers, gyves and chains, His linked bolts ; and with no little pains 510 These make him fast ; and lest all these should falter, Unto a post with some six-doubled halter He binds his head ; yet all are of the least To curb the fury of the headstrong beast ; When, if a carrier's jade he brought unto him, 515 His man can hold his foot whilst he can shoe him : Remorse was so enforc'd to bind him stronger, Because his faults requir'd infliction longer Than any sin-press'd wight which many a day Since Judas hung himself had pass'd that way. 520 When all the cruel torments he had borne, Galled with chains, and on the rack nigh torn, Pinching with glowing pincers his own heart, All lame and restless, full of wounds and smart, He to the postern creeps, so inward hies, 525 And from the gate a two-fold path descries, One leading up a hill, Repentance' way, And (as more worthy) on the right hand lay : The other headlong, steep, and liken'd well Unto the path which tendeth down to hell : 530 All steps that thither went show'd no returning, The port to pains, and to eternal mourning ; 507. Swarty, grimy. 509. Shacklocks locks for fetters. Song 5.] BRITANNIAS PASTORALS. 157 Where certain Death liv'd, in an ebon chair, The soul's black homicide, meagre Despair, Had his abode : there 'gainst the craggy rocks 535 Some dash'd their brains out with relentless knocks ; Others on trees (O most accursed elves !) Are fastening knots, so to undo themselves. Here one in sin, not daring to appear At Mercy's seat with one repentant tear, 540 Within his breast was lancing of an eye, That unto God it might for vengeance cry ; There from a rock a wretch but newly fell, All torn in pieces, to go whole to hell. Here with a sleepy potion one thinks fit 545 To grasp with Death, but would not know of it ; There in a pool two men their lives expire, And die in water to revive in fire. Here hangs the blood upon the guiltless stones ; There worms consume the flesh of human bones. 550 Here lies an arm ; a leg there ; here a head ; Without other limbs of men unburied, Scatt'ring the ground, and as regardless hurl'd, As they at virtue spurned' in the world. Fie, hapless wretch ! O thou, whose graces sterv- ing, 555 Measur'st God's mercy by thine own deserving ; Which cri'st (distrustful of the power of Heaven) " My sins are greater than can be forgiven ; " Which still are ready to " curse God and die " At every stripe of worldly misery : 560 158 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. O learn thou, in whose breasts the dragon lurks, God's mercy ever is o'er all his works. Know he is pitiful, apt to forgive ; "Would not a sinner's death, but that he live. O ever, ever rest upon that word 565 Which doth assure thee, though his two-edg'd sword Be drawn in justice 'gainst thy sinful soul, To separate the rotten from the whole ; Yet if a sacrifice of prayer be sent him, He will not strike ; or, if he strike, repent him. 570 Let none despair : for cursed Judas' sin Was not so much in yielding up the King Of life to death, as when he thereupon Wholly despair'd of God's remission. Riot, long doubting stood which way were best 575 To lead his steps : at last, preferring rest (As foolishly he thought) before the pain Was to be past ere he could well attain The high-built palace, 'gan adventure on That path which led to all confusion, 580 When suddenly a voice as sweet as clear, With words divine began entice his ear : Whereat, as in a rapture, on the ground He prostrate lay, and all his senses found A time of rest ; only that faculty 585 Which never can be seen, nor ever die, That in the essence of an endless nature Doth sympathize with the All-good Creator, Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 159 That only wak'd which cannot be interr'd And from a heavenly choir this ditty heard. 590 Vain man, do not mistrust Of heaven winning ; Nor (though the most unjust) Despair for sinning. God will be seen his sentence changing, 595 If he behold thee wicked ways estranging. Climb up where pleasures dwell In flow'ry alleys ; And taste the living well That decks the valleys. 600 Fair Metanoia is attending To crown thee with those joys which know no ending. Herewith on leaden wings sleep from him flew, When on his arm he rose, and sadly threw Shrill acclamations ; while an hollow cave, 605 Or hanging hill, or heaven an answer gave. O sacred essence, light'ning me this hour ! How may I lightly style thy great Power? Echo. Power. Power ? but of whence ? under the green-wood spray, Or liv'st in heav'n ? say. Echo. In heavens aye. 610 601. Metanoia, Greek (ueTOfoio, repentance. i6o BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. In heavens aye I tell. May I it obtain By alms, by fasting, prayer, by pain ? Echo. By pain. Show me the pain, 't shall be undergone : I to mine end will still go on. Echo. Go on. But whither? On ! Show me the place, the time. 615 What if the mountain I do climb ? Echo. Do ; climb. Is that the way to joys which still endure ? O bid my soul of it be sure ! Echo. Be sure. Then thus assured, do I climb the hill. [620 Heaven be my guide in this thy will. Echo. I will. As when a maid taught from her mother wing To tune her voice unto a silver string, When she should run, she rests, rests when should run, And ends her lesson having now begun : Now misseth she her stop, then in her song, 625 And doing of her best she still is wrong, Begins again, and yet again strikes false, Then in a chafe forsakes her virginals, And yet within an hour she tries anew, That with her daily pains (Art's chiefest due) 630 She gains that charming skill ; and can no less Tame the fierce walkers of the wilderness, Than that Oeagrin harpist, for whose lay 628. Virginals, the more usual name for the keyed musical instrument, the virginal, with one string, jack and quill to each note ; it was the precursor of the harpsichord. 633. Oeagrin Harpist, Orpheus, according to some accounts, the son of Oeagrus and Clio or Polyhymnia. Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 161 Tigers with hunger pin'd and left their prey : So Riot, when he 'gan to climb the hill, 635 Here maketh haste and there long standeth still, Now getteth up a step, then falls again, Yet not despairing all his nerves doth strain To clamber up anew, then slide his feet, And down he comes : but gives not over yet, 640 For (with the maid) he hopes a time will be When merit shall be link'd with industry. Now as an angler melancholy standing Upon a green bank yielding room for landing, A wriggling yellow worm thrust on his hook, 645 Now in the midst he throws, then in a nook : Here pulls his line, there throws it in again, Mendeth his cork and bait, but all in vain, He long stands viewing of the curled stream ; At last a hungry pike, or well-grown bream 650 Snatch at the worm, and hasting fast away, He knowing it a fish of stubborn sway, Pulls up his rod, but soft, as having skill, Wherewith the hook fast holds the fish's gill ; Then all his line he freely yieldeth him, 655 Whilst furiously all up and down doth swim Th' insnared fish, here on the top doth scud, There underneath the banks, then in the mud, And with his frantic fits so scares the shoal, That each one takes his hide, or starting hole : 660 By this the pike, clean wearied, underneath A willow lies, and pants (if fishes breathe) VOL. I. M 162 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Wherewith the angler gently pulls him to him, And lest his haste might happen to undo him, Lays down his rod, then takes his line in hand, 665 And by degrees getting the fish to land, Walks to another pool : at length is winner Of such a dish as serves him for his dinner : So when the climber half the way had got, Musing he stood, and busily 'gan plot 670 How (since the mount did always steeper tend) He might with steps secure his journey end. At last (as wand'ring boys to gather nuts) A hooked pole he from a hazel cuts ; Now throws it here, then there to take some hold, 675 But bootless and in vain, the rocky mould Admits no cranny where his hazel hook Might promise him a step, till in a nook Somewhat above his reach he hath espied A little oak, and having often tried 680 To catch a bough with standing on his toe, Or leaping up, yet not prevailing so, He rolls a stone towards the little tree, Then gets upon it, fastens warily His pole unto a bough, and at his drawing 685 The early-rising crow with clam'rous cawing, Leaving the green bough, flies about the rock, Whilst twenty twenty couples to him flock : And now within his reach the thin leaves wave, With one hand only then he holds his stave, 690 And with the other grasping first the leaves, Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 163 A pretty bough he in his fist receives ; Then to his girdle making fast the hook, His other hand another bough hath took ; His first, a third, and that, another gives, 695 To bring him to the place where his root lives. Then, as a nimble squirrel from the wood, Ranging the hedges for his filberd-food, Sits peartly on a bough his brown nuts cracking, And from the shell the sweet white kernel taking, 700 Till with their crooks and bags a sort of boys, To share with him, come with so great a noise, That he is forc'd to leave a nut nigh broke, And for his life leap to a neighbour oak, Thence to a beech, thence to a row of ashes ; 705 \Vhilst through the quagmires, and red water plashes, The boys run dabbling thorough thick and thin ; One tears his hose, another breaks his shin, This, torn and tatter'd, hath with much ado Got by the briars ; and that hath lost his shoe ; 710 This drops his band ; that headlong falls for haste ; Another cries behind for being last ; With sticks and stones, and many a sounding holloa, The little fool, with no small sport, they follow, Whilst he, from tree to tree, from spray to spray, 715 Gets to the wood, and hides him in his dray : (ay). Peartly, briskly. joi. Sort, set or company. 706. Plashes, pools. 716. Dray, a squirrel's nest. M 2 1 64 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Such shift made Riot ere he could get up, And so from bough to bough he won the top, Though hindrances, for ever corning there, Were often thrust upon him by Despair. 720 Now at his feet the stately mountain lay, And with a gladsome eye he 'gan survey What perils he had trod on since the time His weary feet and arms assayed to climb. When with a humble voice, withouten fear, 725 Though he look'd wild and overgrown with hair, A gentle nymph, in russet coarse array, Comes and directs him onward in his way. Descrip- First, brings she him into a goodly hall, house f of he Fair y et not beautified with mineral : 730 Repentance. But in a careless art and artless care Made loose neglect more lovely far than rare. Upon the floor ypav'd with marble slate, With sack-cloth cloth'd, many in ashes sat ; And round about the walls for many years 735 Hung crystal vials of repentant tears ; And books of vows, and many a heavenly deed Lay ready open for each one to read. Some were immured up in little sheds, There to contemplate heaven, and bid their beads ; Others with garments thin of camel's hair, [740 With head, and arms, and legs, and feet all bare, Were singing hymns to the Eternal Sage, For safe returning from their pilgrimage ; Some with a whip their pamper'd bodies beat ; 74^ Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 165 Others in fasting live, and seldom eat : But as those trees which do in India grow And call'd of elder swains full long ago The sun and moon's fair trees, full goodly dight, And ten times ten feet challenging their height, 750 Having no help to overlook brave towers, From cool refreshing dew, or drizzling showers, When as the earth, as oftentimes is seen, Is interpos'd 'twixt Sol and Night's pale queen ; Or when the moon eclipseth Titan's light, 755 The trees all comfortless robb'd of their sight Weep liquid drops, which plentifully shoot Along the outward bark down to the root, And by their own shed tears they ever flourish, So their own sorrows, their own joys do nourish : 760 And so within this place full many a wight Did make his tears his food both day and night, And had it g[r]anted from th' Almighty great To swim through them unto his mercy-seat. Fair Metanoia in a chair of earth, 765 With count'nance sad, yet sadness promis'd mirth, Sat veil'd in coarsest weeds of camel's hair, Enriching poverty ; yet never fair Was like to her, nor since the world begun A lovelier lady kiss'd the glorious sun. 770 For her the god of thunder, mighty, great, Whose footstool is the earth, and heaven his seat, Unto a man who from his crying birth Went on still shunning what he carried, earth, 1 66 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. When he could walk no further for his grave, 775 Nor could step over, but he there must have A seat to rest, when he would fain go on, But age in every nerve, in every bone Forbad his passage : for her sake hath Heaven FilPd up the grave, and made his path so even 780 That fifteen courses had the bright steeds run, (And he was weary) ere his course was done. For scorning her the courts of kings which throw A proud rais'd pinnacle to rest the crow, And on a plain outbrave a neighbour rock 785 In stout resistance of a tempest's shock, For her contempt Heaven, raining his disasters, Have made those towers but piles to burn their masters. To her the lowly nymph (Humblessa hight) Brought as her office this deformed wight ; 790 To whom the lady courteous semblance shows, And pitying his estate in sacred thewes, And letters worthily ycleep'd divine, Resolv'd t' instruct him : but her discipline She knew of true effect would surely miss, 795 Except she first his metamorphosis Should clean exile : and knowing that his birth Was to inherit reason, though on earth Some witch had thus transform'd him, by her skill, Expert in changing, even the very will, 800 792. Thewes, manners. Songs.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 167 In few days' labours with continual prayer, (A sacrifice transcends the buxom air) His grisly shape, his foul deformed feature, His horrid looks, worse than a savage creature, By Metanoia's hand from heaven, began 805 Receive their sentence of divorce from man. And as a lovely maiden, pure and chaste, With naked iv'ry neck, and gown unlac'd, Within her chamber, when the day is fled, Makes poor her garments to enrich her bed : 810 First, puts she off her lily-silken gown, That shrieks for sorrow as she lays it down ; And with her arms graceth a waistcoat fine, Embracing her as it would ne'er untwine. Her flaxen hair, ensnaring all beholders, 815 She next permits to wave about her shoulders, And though she cast it back, the silken slips Still forward steal and hang upon her lips : Whereat she sweetly angry, with her laces Binds up the wanton locks in curious traces, 820 Whilst (twisting with her joints) each hair long lingers, As loth to be enchain'd but with her fingers. Then on her head a dressing like a crown ; Her breasts all bare, her kirtle slipping down, And all things off (which rightly ever be 825 Call'd the foul-fair marks of our misery) $o2.Bujcom, yielding, in which sense it is constantly used by Spenser. 1 68 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. Except her last, which enviously doth seize her, Lest any eye partake with it in pleasure, Prepares for sweetest rest, while sylvans greet her, And longingly the down bed swells to meet her : 830 So by degrees his shape all brutish vild, Fell from him (as loose skin from some young child) In lieu whereof a man-like shape appears, And gallant youth scarce skill'd in twenty years, So fair, so fresh, so young, so admirable 835 In every part, that since I am not able la words to show his picture, gentle swains, Recall the praises in my former strains ; And know if they have graced any limb, I only lent it those, but stole 't from him. 840 Had that chaste Roman dame beheld his face, Ere the proud king possess'd her husband's place, Her thoughts had been adulterate, and this stain Had won her greater fame had she been slain. The lark that many morns herself makes merry 845 With the shrill chanting of her teery-lerry, (Before he was transform'd) would leave the skies, And hover o'er him to behold his eyes. Upon an oaten pipe well could he play, For when he fed his flock upon the lay 850 ?vlaidens to hear him from the plains came tripping, %y..Vild, vile. 846. Teery-lerry, more usually tirra-lirra, borrowed from the French tire-lire. 850. Lay, ley, lea. Songs-] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 169 And birds from bough to bough full nimbly skipping ; His flock (then happy flock) would leave to feed, And stand amaz'd to listen to his reed ; Lions and tigers, with each beast of game, 855 With hearing him were many times made tame ; Brave trees and flowers would towards him be bend- ing, And none that heard him wish'd his song an ending : Maids, lions, birds, flocks, trees, each flower, each spring Were wrapt with wonder when he used to sing. 860 So fair a person to describe to men Requires a curious pencil, not a pen. Him Metanoia clad in seemly wise (Not after our corrupted age's guise, Where gaudy weeds lend splendour to the limb, 865 While that his clothes receiv'd their grace from him), Then to a garden set with rarest flowers, With pleasant fountains stor'd and shady bowers, She leads him by the hand, and in the groves, Where thousand pretty birds sung to their loves, 870 And thousand thousand blossoms (from their stalks) Mild Zephyrus threw down to paint the walks : Where yet the wild boar never durst appear : Here Fida (ever to kind Raymond dear) Met them, and show'd where Aletheia lay, 875 The fairest maid that ever bless'd the day. Sweetly she lay, and cool'd her lily hands Within a spring that threw up golden sands : i;o BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book I. As if it would entice her to persever In living there, and grace the banks for ever. 880 To her Amintas (Riot now no more) Came, and saluted : never man before More bless'd, nor like this kiss hath been another But when two dangling cherries kiss'd each other : Nor ever beauties, like, met at such closes, 885 But in the kisses of two damask roses. O how the flowers (press'd with their treadings on them) Strove to cast up their heads to look upon them ! How jealously the buds that so had seen them Sent forth the sweetest smells to step between them, 890 As fearing the perfume lodg'd in their powers Once known of them, they might neglect the flowers. How often wish'd Amintas with his heart, His ruddy lips from hers might never part ; And that the heavens this gift were them bequeath- ing, 895 To feed on nothing but each other's breathing ! A truer love the Muses never sung, Nor happier names e'er grac'd a golden tongue. O ! they are better fitting his sweet stripe, Who on the banks of Ancor tun'd his pipe : 900 899. Stripe, strain or measure. 900. Ancor, or Anker, the river intersecting Hartshill in Warwickshire, the birthplace of Michael Drayton. Song 5.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 171 Or rather for that learned swain whose lays Divinest Homer crown 'd with deathless bays : Or any one sent from the sacred Well Inheriting the soul of Astrophel : These, these in golden lines might write this story, And make these loves their own eternal glory : [905 Whilst I, a swain as weak in years as skill, Should in the valley hear them on the hill. Yet when my sheep have at their cistern been, And I have brought them back to shear the green, To miss an idle hour, and not for meed, [910 With choicest relish shall mine oaten reed Record their worths : and though in accents rare I miss the glory of a charming air, My Muse may one day make the courtly swains 915 Enamour'd on the music of the plains, And as upon a hill she bravely sings, Teach humble dales to weep in crystal springs. 901. That learned swain, George Chapman, the translator of Homer's poems. 904. Astrophel, a poetical name given by Spenser and his contemporaries to Sir Philip Sidney. BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. The second Booke. HORAT. Carmine Dij superi placantur^carmine Manes. LONDON: Printed by THOMAS SNODHAM for GEORGE NORTON, and are to be sold at the signe of the Red Bull without Temple-barre. 1616. TO The truly Noble and Learned WILLIAM, EARL OF PEMBROKE, Lord Chamberlain to His Majesty, &c. NOT that the gift, great Lord, deserves your hand, Held ever worth the rarest works of men, Offer I this ; but since in all our land None can more rightly claim a poet's pen : That noble blood and virtue truly known, Which circular in you united run, Makes you each good, and every good your own, If it can hold in what my Muse hath done. But weak and lowly are these tuned lays, Yet though but weak to win fair Memory, You may improve them, and your gracing raise ; For things are priz'd as their possessors be. If for such favour they have worthless striven, Since love the cause was, be that love forgiven ! Your Honour W. BROWNE. To the most ingenious Author Mr. IV. Browne. INGENIOUS swain ! that highly dost adorn Clear Tavy ! on whose brink we both were born ! Just praise in me would ne'er be thought to move From thy sole worth, but from my partial love. Wherefore I will not do thee so much wrong, Ar. by such mixture to allay thy song. But while kind strangers rightly praise each grace Of thy chaste Muse, I (from the happy place That brought thee forth, and thinks it not unfit To boast now that it erst bred such a wit) Would only have it known I much rejoice To hear such matters sung by such a voice. JOHN GJJVNVILL. To his Friend Mr. B> oivne. Ai.L that do read thy works, and see thy face, Where scarce a hair grows up thy chin to grace, Do greatly wonder how so youthful years Could frame a work where so much worth appears. VOL. I. N 178 COMMENDATORY VERSES. To hear how thou describ'st a tree, a dale, A grove, a green, a solitary vale, The evening showers, and the morning gleams, The golden mountains, and the silver streams, How smooth thy verse is, and how sweet thy rhymes, How sage, and yet how pleasant are thy lines ; What more or less can there be said by men, But, Muses rule thy hand, and guide thy pen. THO. WENMAN, e Societate Inter. Templi. To his worthily-affected Friend Mr. W. Browne. AWAKE, sad Muse, and thou my sadder spright, Made so by Time, but more by Fortune's spite ; Awake, and hie us to the green ; There shall be seen The quaintest lad of all the time For neater rhyme : Whose free and unaffected strains Take all the swains That are not rude and ignorant, Or Envy want. And Envy, lest its hate discover'd be, A courtly love and friendship offers thee : The shepherdesses, blithe and fair, For thec despair. COMMENDATORY VERSES. 179 And whosoe'er depends on Pan Holds him a man Beyond themselves (if not compare), He is so rare, So innocent in all his ways As in his lays. He masters no low soul who hopes to please The nephew* of the brave Philisides. Another to the same. WERE all men's envies fix'd in one man's looks, That monster that would prey on safest Fame, Durst not once check at thine, nor at thy name : So he who men can read as well as books Attest thy lines ; thus tried, they show to us As Scseva's shield, b thyself Emeritus. W. HERBERT. To my Browne, yet brightest sivain That woons, or haunts or hill or plain. Poeta nascitur. PIPE on, sweet swain, till joy, in bliss, sleep waking; Hermes, it seems, to thee, of all the swains, The nephew, etc., William, Earl of Pembroke, to whom the book is dedicated. b Sc&va's shield, transfixed in a hundred and twenty places at the battle of Dyrrhachium. Woons, wons, dwells. N 2 l8o COMMENDATORY VERSES. Hath lent his pipe and art : for thou art making With sweet notes (noted) heav'n of hills and plains ! Nay, if as thou begin'st, thou dost hold on, The total earth thine Arcadie will be, And Neptune's monarchy thy Helicon ; So all in both will make a god of thee, To whom they will exhibit sacrifice Of richest love and praise ; and envious swains (Charm'd with thine accents) shall thy notes agnize a To reach above great Pan's in all thy strains. Then ply this vein, for it may well contain The richest morals under poorest shroud ; And sith in thee the past'ral spirit doth reign, On such wit's-treasures let it sit abrood. Till it hath hatch'd such numbers as may buy The rarest fame that e'er enriched air ; Or fann'd the way fair to eternity, To which unsoil'd thy glory shall repair ! Where (with the gods that in fair stars do dwell, When thou shall, blazing, in a star abide) Thou shall be styl'd Ihe shepherds' slar lo lell Them many mysleries and be Iheir guide. Thus do I spur thee on with sharpest praise, To use thy gifts of Nature and of skill, To double-gild Apollo's brows and bays, Yet make great Nature Arl's Irue sov : reign still. Agnize, acknowledge. COMMENDATORY VERSES. 181 So Fame shall ever say, to thy renown, The shepherd's-star, or bright 'st in sky, is Browne ! The true lover of thine Art and Nature, JOHN DAVIES of Heref. Ad Illustrissimum Juvenem Gulielmum Browne Generosum, in Operis sui Tomum secun- dutn Carmen gratulatorium. SCRIPTA prius vidi, legi, digitoque notavi Carminis istius singula verba meo. Ex scriptis sparsim quoerebam carpere dicta, Omnia sed par est, aut ego nulla notem. Filia si fuerit facies haec nacta sororis, Laudator prolis solus & Author eris : Haec nondum visi qui flagrat amore libelli Praenarrat scriotis omnia certa tuis. CAROLUS CROKE. To my noble Friend the Author. A PERFECT pen itself will ever praise. So pipes our shepherd in his roundelays, That who could judge of Music's sweetest strain, Would swear thy Muse were in a heavenly vein. 1 82 COMMENDATORY VERSES. A work of worth shows what the workman is : When as the fault that may be found amiss, (To such at least as have judicious eyes) Nor in the work, nor yet the workman lies. Well worthy thou to wear the laurel wreath : When from thy breast these blessed thoughts do breathe, That in thy gracious lines such grace do give, It makes thee everlastingly to live. Thy words well couch'd, thy sweet invention sho\v A perfect poet that could place them so. UNTON CROKE, e Societate Inter. Templi. To the Author. THAT privilege which others claim, To natter with their friends, \Vith thee, friend, shall not be mine aim ; My verse so much pretends. The general umpire of best wit In this will speak thy fame. The Muses' minions, as they sit, Will still confirm the same : Let me sing him that merits best ; Let others scrape for fashion ; Their buzzing prate thy worth will jest, And slight such commendation. ANTH. VINCENT. COMMENDATORY VERSES. 183 To his worthy Friend Mr. IV. Brmvtte, on his BOOK. THAT poets are not bred so, but so born, Thy Muse it proves ; for in her age's morn She hath struck Envy dumb, and charm'd the love Of ev'ry Muse whose birth the skies approve. Go on ; I know thou art too good to fear. And may thy early strains affect the ear Of that rare Lord, who judge and guerdon can The richer gifts which do advantage man ! JOHN MORGAN, e Societate Inter. Templi. To his Friend the Author. SOMETIMES, dear friend, I make thy book my meat, And then I jud^e 'tis honey that I eat. Sometimes my drink it is, and then I think It is Apollo's nectar, and no drink. And being hurt in mind, I keep in store Thy book, a precious balsam for the sore. 'Tis honey, nectar, balsam most divine : Or one word for them all ; my friend, 'tis thine. THO. HEYGATE, e Societate Inter. Templi, 1 84 COMMENDATORY VERSES. To his Friend the Author. IF antique swains wan such immortal praise, Though they alone with their melodious lays Did only charm the woods and flow'ry lawns, Satyrs, and floods, and stones, and hairy fawns : How much, brave youth, to thy due worth belongs, That charm'st not them but men with thy sweet songs ? AUGUSTUS C>ESAR, e Societate Inter. Templi. To the Author. ! Tis known I scorn to flatter, or commend, What merits not applause, though in my friend ; Which by my censure should now more appear, Were this not full as good as thou art dear : But since thou couldst not (erring) make it so, That I might my impartial humour show By rinding fault ; nor one of these friends tell How to show love so ill, that I as well Might paint out mine : I feel an envious touch, And tell thee, swain, that at thy fame I grutch, a Wishing the art that makes this poem shine, And this thy work (wert not thou wronged) mine. * Crutch, grumble. COMMENDATORY VERSES. 185 For when detraction shall forgotten be, This will continue to eternize thee ; And if hereafter any busy wit Should, wronging thy conceit, miscensure it, Though seeming learn'd or wise : here he shall see, 'Tis prais'd by wiser and more learn'd than he. G. WITHER. To Mr. Braivne. WERE there a thought so strange as to deny That happy bays do some men's births adorn, Thy work alone might serve to justify, That poets are not made so, but so born. How could thy plumes thus soon have soar'd thus high, Hadst thou not laurel in thy cradle worn? Thy birth o'ertook thy youth : and it doth make Thy youth (herein) thine elders overtake. W. B. To my truly belov'd Friend M. Browne, on fits Pastorals. SOME men, of books or friends not speaking right, May hurt them more with praise than foes with spite. But I have seen thy work, and I know thee : And, if thou list thyse'f, what thou canst be. 1 86 COMMENDATORY VERSES. For though but early in these paths thou tread, I find thee write most worthy to be read. It must be thine own judgment yet that sends This thy work forth : that judgment mine commends. And, where the most read books, on authors' fames, Or, like our money-brokers, take up names On credit, and are cozen'd ; see that thou, By offering not more sureties than enow, Hold thine own worth unbroke, which is so good Upon th' Exchange of Letters, as I would More of our writers would, like thee, not swell With the how much they set forth, but th' how well. BEN. JONSON. BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. THE SECOND BOOK. THE FIRST SONG. THE ARGUMENT. Marina's freedom now I sing, And of her new endangering : Of Famine's Cave, and then th' abuse Tow'rds buried Colin 4 and his Muse. As when a mariner, accounted lost, Upon the wat'ry Desert long time tost, In Summer's parching heat, in Winter's cold t In tempests great, in dangers manifold, Is by a (av'ring wind drawn up the mast, Whence he descries his native soil at last, For whose glad sight he gets the hatches under, And to the ocean tells his joy in thunder, Colin, Edmund Spenser. 1 88 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. (Shaking those barnacles into the sea, At once that in the womb and cradle lay) 10 When suddenly the still inconstant wind Masters before, that did attend behind, And grows so violent that he is fain Command the pilot stand to sea again, Lest want of sea-room in a channel straight, 15 Or casting anchor might cast o'er his freight : Thus, gentle Muse, it happens in my song : A journey, tedious for a strength so young, I undertook by silver-seeming floods, Past gloomy bottoms and high-waving woods, 20 Climb'd mountains where the wanton kidling dallies, Then with soft steps enseal'd the meeken'd valleys, In quest of memory : and had possest A pleasant garden for a welcome rest No sooner, than a hundred themes come on, 25 And hale my bark anew for Helicon. Thrice-sacred Powers ! (if sacred Powers there be Whose mild aspect engyrland Poesy) Ye happy sisters of the learned Spring, Whose heavenly notes the woods are ravishing ! 30 Brave Thespian maidens, at whose charming lays Each moss-thrumb'd mountain bends, each current plays ! Pierian singers ! O ye blessed Muses 1 28. Engyrland, encircle. 32. Mass-thtuinb'd, knitted over with moss. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 189 Who as a gem too dear the world refuses ! Whose truest lovers never clip with age, 35 O be propitious in my pilgrimage ! Dwell on my lines ! and till the last sand fall, Run hand in hand with my weak Pastoral ! Cause every coupling cadence flow in blisses, And fill the world with envy of such kisses. 40 Make all the rarest beauties of our clime, That deign a sweet look on my younger rhyme, To linger on each line's enticing graces, As on their lovers' lips and chaste embraces ! [45 Through rolling trenches of self-drowning waves, Where stormy gusts throw up untimely graves, By billows whose white foam show'd angry minds For not out-roaring all the high-rais'd winds, Into the ever-drinking thirsty sea By rocks that under water hidden lay 50 To shipwreck passengers, (so in some den Thieves bent to robb'ry watch wayfaring men,) Fairest Marina, whom I whilom sung, In all this tempest, violent though long, Without all sense of danger lay asleep : 55 Till tossed where the still inconstant deep, With widespread arms, stood ready for the tender Of daily tribute that the swoll'n floods render Into her chequer ; whence, as worthy kings, She helps the wants of thousand lesser springs : 60 35. CM/ 1 , embrace. igo BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. Here wax'd the winds dumb, shut up in their caves ; As still as midnight were the sullen waves ; And Neptune's silver ever-shaking breast As smooth as when the halcyon builds her nest. None other wrinkles on his face were seen 65 Than on a fertile mead, or sportive green, Where never ploughshare ripp'd his mother's womb To give an aged seed a living tomb ; Nor blinded mole the batt'ning earth e'er stirr'd ; Nor boys made pitfalls for the hungry bird. 70 The whistling reeds upon the waters' side Shot up their sharp heads in a stately pride ; And not a binding osier bow'd his head, But on his root him bravely carried. No dandling leaf play'd with the subtile air, 75 So smooth the sea was, and the sky so fair. Now with his hands, instead of broad-palm'd oars, The swain attempts to get the shell -strew'd shores, And with continual lading making way. Thrust the small boat into as fair a bay So As ever merchant wish'd might be the road Wherein to ease his sea-torn vessel's load. It was an island, hugg'd in Neptune's arms, As tend'ring it against all foreign harms, And Mona hight : so amiably fair, 85 So rich in soil, so healthful in her air, 64. Halcyon, kingfisher. 69. Batfning, thriving, fertile. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 191 So quick in her increase, (each dewy night Yielding that ground as green, as fresh of plight As 'twas the day before, whereon then fed Of gallant steers full many a thousand head) 90 So deck'd wi'.h floods, so pleasant in her groves, So full of well-fleec'd flocks and fatten'd droves ; That the brave issue of the Trojan line, Whose worths, like diamonds, yet in darkness shine ; Whose deeds were sung by learned bards as high, 95 In raptures of immortal poesy, As any nations, since the Grecian lads Were famous made by Homer's Iliads : Those brave heroic spirits, 'twixt one another, Proverbially call Mona Cambria's mother.* 100 *$fian fffain Yet Cambria is a land from whence have come Worthies we'll worth the race of Ilium ; Whose true desert of praise could my Muse touch, I should be proud that I had done so much. And though of mighty Brute I cannot boast, 105 Yet doth our warlike strong Devonian coast Resound his worth, since on her wave-worn strand * Petunt He and his Trojans first set foot on land, omnibus Struck sail, and anchor cast on Totneb'* shore, bonis omis ' tarn, pros- Though now no ship can ride there any more. 1 10 peris ventis In th' island's road the swain now moors his boat ^tesm" Unto a willow, lest it outwards float, Totenesio .... , , ... litiore felici- And with a rude embracement taking up ter applica- The maid, more fair than she* that fill'd the cnp nt - Ga!f - Alonum. Of the great thunderer, wounding with her eyes 115* Hebe. 192 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. More hearts than all the troops of deities, He wades to shore, and sets her on the sand, That gently yielded when her foot should land ; Where bubbling waters through the pebbles fleet, As if they strove to kiss her slender feet. 120 Whilst like a wretch, whose cursed hand hath ta'en The sacred relics from a holy fane, Feeling the hand of Heaven (enforcing wonder) In his return, in dreadful cracks of thunder, Within a bush his sacrilege hath left, 125 And thinks his punishment freed with the theft : So fled the swain from one ; had Neptune spied At half an ebb he would have forc'd the tide To swell anew, whereon his car should sweep, Deck'd with the riches of th' unsounded deep, 130 And he from th.-nce would with all state on shore, To woo this beauty, and to woo no more. Divine Electra (of the sisters seven That beautify the glorious orb of heaven) When Ilium's stately to%vers serv'd as one light 135 To guide the ravisher in ugly night Unto her virgin beds, withdrew her face, And never would look down on human race Till this maid's birth ; since when some power hath won her By often fits to shine as gazing on her. 140 Grim Saturn's son, the dread Olympic Jove, 122. fane, temple. 133. The sisters seven, the seven Pleiades. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 193 That dark'd three days to frolic with his love. Had he in Alcmen's stead clipp'd this fair wight, The world had slept in everlasting night. For whose sake only (had she lived then) 145 Deucalion's flood had never rag'd on men ; Nor Phaeton perform'd his father's duty, For fear to rob the world of such a beauty : In whose due praise a learned quill might spend Hours, days, months, years, and never make an end. What wretch inhuman, or what wilder blood, [150 Suck'd in a desert from a tiger's brood, Could leave her so disconsolate ? but one Bred in the wastes of frost-bit Calydon ; For had his veins been heat with milder air, 155 He had not wrong'd so foul a maid so fair. Sing on, sweet Muse, and whilst I feed mine eyes Upon a jewel and unvalued prize, As bright a star, a dame, as fair, as chaste, As eye beheld, or shall, till Nature's last, 160 Charm her quick senses, and with raptures sweet Make her affection with your cadence meet ! And if her graceful tongue admire one strain, It is the best reward my pipe would gain. In lieu whereof, in laurel- worthy rhymes 165 Her love shall live until the end of times, And spite of age the last of days shall see Her name embalm'd in sacred poesy. 158. Unvalued, priceless. VOL. I. O 194 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. Sadly alone upon the aged rocks, Whom Thetis grac'd in washing oft their locks 170 Of branching samphire, sat the maid o'ertaken With sighs and tears, unfortunate, forsaken, And with a voice that floods from rocks would borrow, She thus both wept and sung her notes of sorrow : If Heaven be deaf and will not hear my cries, 175 But adds new days to add new miseries ; Hear then, ye troubled waves and flitting gales, That cool the bosoms of the fruitful vales ! Lend, one, a flood of tears, the other, wind, To weep and sigh that Heaven is so unkind ! 180 But if ye will not spare of all your store One tear or sigh unto a wretch so poor ; Yet as ye travel on this spacious round, Through forests, mountains, or the lawny ground, Ift hap you see a maid weep forth her woe, 185 As I have done, O bid her as ye go Not lavish tears ! for when her own are gone, The world is flinty and will lend her none. If this be eke deni'd, O hearken then, Each hollow vaulted rock and crooked den ! 190 And if within your sides one Echo be, Let her begin to rue my destiny ! And in your clefts her plainings do not smother, But let that Echo teach it to another ! [195 Till round the world in sounding coombe and plain, 183. Round, globe. igs.Coot6e, valley. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 195 The last of them tell it the first again : Of my sad fate so shall they never lin, But where one ends, another still begin. Wretch that I am, my words I vainly waste ; Echo of all woes only speaks the last ; 200 And that's enough : for should she utter all, As at Medusa's head, each heart would fall Into a flinty substance, and repine At no one grief except as great as mine. No careful nurse would wet her watchful eye, 205 When any pang should gripe her infantiy, Nor though to Nature it obedience gave, And kneel'd to do her homage in the grave, Would she lament her suckling from her torn ; 'Scaping by death those torments I have borne. 2IO This sigh'd, she wept, low leaning on her hand, Her briny tears down raining on the sand, Which seen by them that sport it in the seas On dolphins' backs, the fair Nereides, They came on shore, and slily as they fell 215 Convey'd each tear into an oyster-shell, And by some power that did affect the girls, Transform'd those liquid drops to orient pearls, And strew'd them on the shore : for whose rich prize In winged pines the Roman colonies 220 197. Ltn, cease. 206. Infantry, children. 220. Pines, ships. o 2 196 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. Flung through the deep abyss to our white rocks For gems to deck their ladies' golden locks : Who valu'd them as highly in their kinds As those the sunburnt Ethiopian finds. Long on the shore distress'd Marina lay : 225 For he that opes the pleasant sweets of May, Beyond the noonstead so far drove his team, That harvest folks, with curds and clouted cream, With cheese and butter, cakes, and cates enow, That are the yeoman's from the yoke or cow, 230 On sheaves of corn were at their noonshun's close, Whilst [by] them merrily the bagpipe goes : Ere from her hand she lifted up her head, Where all the Graces then inhabited. When casting round her over-drowned eyes, 235 (So have I seen a gem of mickle price Roll in a scallop-shell with water fill'd) She, on a marble rock at hand beheld, In characters deep cut with iron stroke, [240 A shepherd's moan, which, read by her, thus spoke : Glide soft, ye silver floods, And every spring : Within the shady woods Let no bird sing ! Nor from the grove a turtle-dove 245 Be seen to couple with her love ; 227. Noonstead, period of noon. 231. Nooiishun, luncheon. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 197 But silence on each dale and mountain dwell, Whilst Willy bids his friend and joy farewell. But (of great Thetis' train) Ye mermaids fair, 250 That on the shores do plain Your sea-green hair, As ye in trammels knit your locks, Weep ye ; and so enforce the rocks In heavy murmurs through the broad shores tell 255 How Willy bade his friend and joy farewell. Cease, cease, ye murd'ring winds, To move a wave ; But if with troubled minds You seek his grave ; 260 Know 'tis as various as yourselves, Now in the deep, then on the shelves, His coffin toss'd by fish and surges fell, Whilst Willy weeps and bids all joy farewell. Had he Arion-like 265 Been judg'd to drown, He on his lute could strike So rare a sowne, 251. Plain, make smooth. 262. Shelves, rocks. 268. Sowne, sound. 198 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. A thousand dolphins would have come And jointly strive to bring him home. 270 But he on shipboard died, by sickness fell, Since when his Willy bade all joy farewelL Great Neptune, hear a swain ! His coffin take, And with a golden chain 275 For pity make It fast unto a rock near land ! Where ev'ry calmy morn I'll stand, And ere one sheep out of my fold I tell, Sad Willy's pipe shall bid his friend farewell. 280 Ah heavy shepherd, whosoe'er thou be, Quoth fair Marina, I do pity thee : For who by death is in a true friend cross'd, Till he be earth, he half himself hath lost. More happy deem I thee, lamented swain, 285 Whose body lies among the scaly train, Since I shall never think that thou canst die, Whilst Willy lives, or any poetry : For well it seems in versing he hath skill, And though he, aided from the sacred hill, 290 To thee with him no equal life can give, Yet by his pen thou may'st for ever live. With this a beam of sudden brightness flies Upon her face, so dazzling her clear eyes, That neither flower nor grass which by her grew 295 Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 199 She could discern cloth'd in their perfect hue. For as a wag, to sport with such as pass, Taking the sunbeams in a looking-glass, Conveys the ray into the eyes of one Who, blinded, either stumbles at a stone, 300 Or as he dazzled walks the peopled streets, Is ready justling every man he meets : So then Apollo did in glory cast His bright beams on a rock with gold enchas'd, And thence the swift reflection of their light 305 Blinded those eyes, the chiefest stars of night. When straight a thick-swoll'n cloud (as if it sought In beauty's mind to have a thankful thought) Inveil'd the lustre of great Titan's car, And she beheld from whence she sat, not far, 310 Cut on a high-brow'd rock, inlaid with gold, This epitaph, and read it, thus enroll'd : In depth of waves long hath Alexis slept, So choicest jewels are the closest kept ; Whose death the land had seen, but it appears 315 To countervail his loss men wanted tears. So here he lies, whose dirge each mermaid sings, For whom the clouds weep rain, the Earth her springs. Her eyes these lines acquainted with her mind Had scarcely made, when o'er the hill behind 320 She heard a woman cry : " Ah well-a-day, What shall I do ? Go home, or fly, or stay? " 200 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. Admir'd Marina rose, and with a pace As graceful as the goddesses did trace O'er stately Ida when fond Paris' doom 325 Kindled the fire should mighty Troy entomb, She went to aid the woman in distress, (True beauty never was found merciless) Yet durst she not go nigh lest, being spied, Some villain's outrage that might then betide, 330 For ought she knew, unto the crying maid, Might grasp with her : by thickets which array'd The high sea-bounding hill so near she went, She saw what wight made such loud dreriment. Loud ? yes : sung right : for since the azure sky 335 Imprison'd first the world, a mortal's cry With greater clangour nevei pierc'd the air. A wight she was so far from being fair ; None could be foul esteem'd compar'd with her. Describing foulness, pardon if I err, 340 Ye shepherds' daughters, and ye gentle swains ! My Muse would gladly chant more lovely strains : Yet since on miry grounds she trod, for doubt Of sinking, all in haste, thus wades she out. As when great Neptune in his height of pride 345 The inland creeks fills with a high spring-tide, Great shoals of fish among the oysters hie, Which by a quick ebb on the shores left dry, 325. Doom, judgment. 334. Dreriment, lamentation. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 201 The fishes yawn, the oysters gapen wide : So broad her mouth was. As she stood and cried, 350 She tore her elvish knots of hair, as black And full of dust as any collier's sack. Her eyes, unlike, were like her body right, Squint and misshapen, one dun, t'other white. As in a picture limn'd unto the life, 355 Or carved by a curious workman's knife, If twenty men at once should come to see The great effects of untir'd industry, Each sev'rally would think the picture's eye Was fix'd on him and on no stander-by : 360 So as she bawling was upon the bank, If twice five hundred men stood on a rank, Her ill face towards them, every one would say, She looks on me ; when she another way Had cast her eyes, as on some rock or tree, 365 And on no one of all that company. Her nose (O crooked nose 1) her mouth o'erhung, As it would be directed by her tongue : Her forehead such, as one might near avow [370 Some ploughman there had lately been at plough. Her face so scorch'd was, and so vild it shows, As on a pear-tree she had scar'd the crows. Within a tanner's fat I oft have eyed (That three moons there had lain) a large ox-hide In liquor mix'd with strongest bark (for gain) 375 351. Elvish knots, elf-locks, tangled hair. 373. Fat, vat. 202 BRITANNIA'S rASTORALS. [Book 2. Yet had not ta'en one-half so deep a stain As had her skin, and that as hard well-nigh As any brawns long harden'd in the sty. Her shoulders such, as I have often seen A silly cottage on a village green 380 Might change his corner-posts, in good behoof, For four such under-proppers to his roof. Housewives, go hire her, if you yearly gave A lambkin more than use, you that might save In washing-beetles, for her hands would pass 385 To serve that purpose, though you daily wash. For other hidden parts thus much I say ; As ballad-mongers on a market-day Taking their stand, one (with as harsh a noise As ever cart-wheel made) squeaks the sad choice 390 Of Tom the Miller with a golden thumb, Who, cross'd in love, ran mad and deaf and dumb ; Half part he chants, and will not sing it out, But thus he speaks to his attentive rout : Thus much for love I warbled from my breast, 395 And, gentle friends, for money take the rest : So speak I to the over-longing ear, That would the rest of her description hear, Much have I sung for love, the rest (not common) Martial will show for coin in 's crabbed woman. 400 376. Brawns, hogs. 380. Silly, simple, humble. 385. Washing-beetles, or ballets, instruments with which washers beat their coarse clothes. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 203 If e'er you saw a pedant 'gin prepare To speak some graceful speech to master mayor, And being bashful, with a quaking doubt That in his eloquence he may be out, He oft steps forth, as oft turns back again ; 405 And long 'tis ere he ope his learned vein : Think so Marina stood : for now she thought To venture forth, then some conjecture wrought Her to be jealous left this ugly wight, [410 Since like a witch she look'd, through spells of night Might make her body thrall that yet was free To all the foul intents of witchery : This drew her back again. At last she broke Through all fond doubts, went to her, and bespoke In gentle manner thus : Good day, good maid ; 415 With that her cry she on a sudden stay'd, And rubb'd her squint eyes with her mighty fist But as a miller, having ground his grist, Lets down his flood-gates with a speedy fall, And quarring up the passage therewithal, 420 The waters swell in spleen, and never stay Till by some cleft they find another way : So when her tears were stopp'd from either eye Her singults, blubb'rings seem'd to make them fly Out at her oyster-mouth and nosethrils wide. 425 Can there (quoth fair Marina) e'er betide 414. Fond, foolish. 420. Quarring, closing. 424. Singults, sobs. 425. Nosethrils, nostrils. 204 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. In these sweet groves a wench so great a wrong, That should enforce a cry so loud, so long ? On these delightful plains how can there be So much as heard the name of villainy ? 430 Except when shepherds in their gladsome fit Sing hymns to Pan that they are free from it. But show me, what hath caus'd thy grievous yell ? As late (quoth she) I went to yonder well, (You cannot see it here ; that grove doth cover 435 With his thick boughs his little channel over) To fetch some water, as I use, to dress My master's supper (you may think of flesh ; But well I wot he tasteth no such dish) Of rotchets, whitings, or such common fish, 440 That with his net he drags into his boat : Among the flags below there stands his cote, A simple one, thatch'd o'er with reed and broom ; It hath a kitchen and a several room For each of us. But this is nought : you flee, 445 Replied Marine, I prithee answer me To what I question'd. Do but hear me first, Ansvver'd the hag. He is a man so curst, Although I toil at home, and serve his swine, Yet scarce allows he me whereon to dine : 450 In summer time on blackberries I live, On crabs and haws, and what wild forests give : In winter's cold, barefoot, I run to seek 440. RotcJiets, piper-fish. 442. Cote, cottage. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 205 For oysters and small winkles in each creek, Whereon I feed, and on the meagre slone. 455 But if he home return and find me gone, I still am sure to feel his heavy hand. Alas and wealaway, since now I stand In such a plight : for if I seek his door He'll beat me ten times worse than e'er before. 460 What hast thou done ? (yet ask'd Marina) say? I with my pitcher lately took my way (As late I said) to thilk same shaded spring, Fill'd it, and homewards, rais'd my voice to sing ; But in my back return, I (hapless) spied 465 A tree of cherries wild, and them I eyed With such a longing that unwares my foot Got underneath a hollow-growing root ; Carrying my pot as maids use on their heads, I fell with it, and broke it all to shreds. 470 This is my grief, this is my cause of moan. And if some kind wight go not to atone My surly master with me, wretched maid, I shall be beaten dead. Be not afraid, Said sweet Marina, hasten thee before ; 475 I'll come to make thy peace : for since I sore Do hunger, and at home thou hast small cheer, (Need and supply grow far off, seldom near,) To yonder grove I'll go to taste the spring, And see what it affords for nourishing. 480 455. Slone, sloe. foTkilk. that. 206 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. Thus parted they. And sad Marina blest The hour she met the maid, who did invest Her in assured hope she once should see Her flock again and drive them merrily To their flower-decked lair, and tread the shores 485 Of pleasant Albion through the well-pois'd oars Of the poor fisherman that dwelt thereby. But as a man who in a lottery Hath ventur'd of his coin, ere he have ought, Thinks this or that shall with his prize be bought, 490 And so enrich'd, march with the better rank, "When suddenly he's call'd, and all is blank : To chaste Marina so doth Fortune prove, " Statesmen and she are never firm in love." No sooner had Marina got the wood, 495 But as the trees she nearly search 'd for food, A villain lean as any rake appears, That look'd, as pinch'd with famine, Egypt's years, Worn out and wasted to the pithless bone, As one that had a long consumption. 5 His rusty teeth (forsaken of his lips As they had serv'd with want two 'prenticeships) Did through his pallid cheek and lankest skin Bewray what number were enrank'd within. His greedy eyes deep sunk into his head, 505 Which with a rough hair was o'ercovered. How many bones made up this starved wight 406. Nearly, narrowly. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 207 Was soon perceiv'd ; a man of dimmest sight Apparently might see them knit, and tell How all his veins and every sinew fell. 510 His belly inwards drawn, his bowels press'd, His unfill'd skin hung dangling on his breast, His feeble knees with pain enough uphold That pined carcase, casten in a mould Cut out by Death's grim form. If small legs wan 515 Ever the title of a gentleman, His did acquire it. In his flesh pull'd down As he had liv'd in a beleaguer'd town, Where plenty had so long estranged been That men most worthy note in grief were seen 520 (Though they rejoic'd to have attain'd such meat) Of rats and half-tann'd hides with stomachs great Gladly to feed : and where a nurse, most vild, Drunk her own milk, and starv'd her crying child. Yet he through want of food not thus became : 525 But Nature first decreed, that as the flame Is never seen to fly his nourishment, But all consumes : and still the more is lent The more it covets : and as all the floods, Down trenching from small groves and greater woods, 530 The vast insatiate sea doth still devour, And yet his thirst not quenched by their power : So ever should befall this starved wight, 530. Down trenching, flowing down through made channels. 208 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. The more his viands more his appetite. Whate'er the deeps bring forth, or earth, or air, 535 He ravine should, and want in greatest fare. And what a city twice seven years would serve, He should devour, and yet be like to starve. A wretch so empty, that if e'er there be In Nature found the least vacuity, 540 'Twill be in him. The grave to Ceres' store ; A cannibal to lab'rers old and poor ; A sponge-like dropsy, drinking till it burst ; The sickness term'd the wolf, vild and accurs'd ; In some respects like th' art of alchemy, 545 That thrives least when it long'st doth multiply. Limos he cleeped was : whose long-nail'd paw Seizing Marina, and his sharp-fang'd jaw (The strongest part he had) fix'd in her weeds, [550 He forc'd her thence, through thickets and high reeds, Towards his cave. Her fate the swift winds rue, And round the grove in heavy murmurs flew. The limbs of trees that, as in love with either, In close embracements long had liv'd together, Rubb'd each on other, and in shrieks did show 555 The winds had mov'd more partners of their woe. Old and decayed stocks that long time spent Upon their arms their roots' chief nourishment, And that drawn dry, as freely did impart Their boughs a-feeding on their father's heart, 560 547. Lztos. the Greek word for famine. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 209 Yet by respectless imps when all was gone, Pithless and sapless, naked left alone, Their hollow trunks, fill'd with their neighbours' moans, Sent from a thousand vents ten thousand groans. All birds flew from the wood, as they had been 565 Scar'd with a strong bolt rattling 'mong the treen. Limos with his sweet theft full slily rushes Through sharp-hook'd brambles, thorns, and tangling bushes, Whose tenters sticking in her garments sought, Poor shrubs, to help her, but availing nought, 570 As angry (best intents miss'd best proceeding) They scratch'd his face and legs, clear water bleed- ing. Not greater haste a fearful school-boy makes Out of an orchard whence by stealth he takes A churlish farmer's plums, sweet pears or grapes, 575 Than Limos did, as from the thick he 'scapes Down to the shore. Where resting him a space, Restless Marina 'gan entreat for grace Of one whose knowing it as desp'rate stood, As where each day to get supply of food. 580 O ! had she thirsty such entreaty made At some high rock, proud of his evening shade, He would have burst in two, and from his veins, For her avail, upon the under plains 569. Tenters, prickles VOL. I. P 2io BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. A hundred springs a hundred ways should swim, 585 To show her tears enforced floods from him. Had such an oratress been heard to plead For fair Polyxena, the murth'rer's head Had been her pardon, and so 'scap'd that shock, Which made her lover's tomb her dying block. 590 Not an enraged lion, surly, wood ; No tiger reft her young, nor savage brood ; No, not the foaming boar, that durst approve Loveless to leave the mighty Queen of Love, But her sad plaints their uncouth walks among 595 Spent in sweet numbers from her golden tongue, So much their great hearts would in softness steep, They at her foot would grovelling lie and weep. Yet now (alas !) nor words, nor floods of tears Did ought avail. The belly hath no ears. 600 As I have known a man loath meet with gain That carrieth in his front least show of pain, Who for his victuals all his raiment pledges, Whose stacks for firing are his neighbours' hedges, From whence returning with a burden great, 605 Wearied, on some green bank he takes his seat, But fearful (as still theft is in his stay) Gets quickly up, and hasteth fast away : 588. Murth'rer's head, that of Paris, who treacherously slew Achilles, the lover of Polyxena. 591. Wood, mad or wild. 593. The foaming boar, etc., alluding to Adonis, beloved of Venus, who met his death while hunting a boar. 595. Uncouth, unfrequented. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 211 So Limos sooner eased than yrested Was up and through the reeds (as much molested 610 As in the brakes) who lovingly combine, And for her aid together twist and twine ; Now manacling his hands, then on his legs Like fetters hang the under-growing segs : And had his teeth not been of strongest hold, 615 He there had left his prey. Fates uncontroll'd Denied so great a bliss to plants or men, And lent him strength to bring her to his den. West, in Apollo's course to Tagus' stream, Crown'd with a silver-circling diadem 620 Of wet exhaled mists, there stood a pile Of aged rocks (torn from the neighbour isle And girt with waves) against whose naked breast The surges tilted, on his snowy crest The tow'ring falcon whilom built, and kings 625 Strove for that aerie, on whose scaling wings Monarchs in gold refin'd as much would lay As might a month their army royal pay. Brave birds they were, whose quick, self-less'ning kin Still won the girlonds from the peregrine.* 630 * A falcon Not Cerna Isle in Afric's silver main, differingfrom the talcon- Nor lustful -bloody-Tereus' Thracian strain, gentle. Nor any other lording of the air, Durst with this aerie for their wing compare. 614. Segs, sedges. 630. Girlonds, garlands. 631. Cerna /sle, Mauritius. p 2 212 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. About his sides a thousand sea-gulls bred, 635 The mevy and the halcyon famosed For colours rare, and for the peaceful seas Round the Sicilian coast, her brooding days. Puffins (as thick as starlings in a fen) [640 Were fetch'd from thence : there sat the pewet hen, And in the clefts the martin built his nest. But those by this curs'd caitiff dispossess'd Of roost and nest, the least ; of life, the most : All left that place, and sought a safer coast. Instead of them the caterpillar haunts, 645 And cankerworm among the tender plants, That here and there in nooks and corners grew Of cormorants and locusts not a few ; The cramming raven, and a hundred more Devouring creatures ; yet when from the shore 650 Limos came wading (as he easily might Except at high tides) all would take their flight, Or hide themselves in some deep hole or other, Lest one devourer should devour another. Near to the shore that border'd on the rock 655 No merry swain was seen to feed his flock, No lusty neatherd thither drove his kine, Nor boorish hogherd fed his rooting swine : A stony ground it was, sweet herbage fail'd : Nought there but weeds, which Limos, strongly nail'd, 660 636. Mevy, sea-mew. Halcyon, kingfisher. Famosed, celebrated. Song I.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 213 Tore from their mother's breast to stuff his maw. No crab-tree bore his load, nor thorn his haw. As in a forest well complete with deer We see the hollies, ashes, everywhere Robb'd of their clothing by the browsing game : 665 So near the rock all trees where'er you came, To cold December's wrath stood void of bark. Here danc'd no nymph, no early-rising lark Sung up the ploughman and his drowsy mate : All round the rock['s] barren and desolate. 670 In midst of that huge pile was Limos' cave,* * The de- Full large and round, wherein a miller's knave thCave of Might for his horse and quern have room at will : Famine. Where was out-drawn by some enforced skill What mighty conquests were achiev'd by him. 675 First stood the siege of great Jerusalem, Within whose triple wall and sacred city (Weep, ye stone-hearted men ! oh, read and pity ! 'Tis Sion's cause invokes your briny tears : Can any dry eye be when she appears 680 As I must sing her ? oh, if such there be, Fly, fly th' abode of men ! and hasten thee Into the desert, some high mountain under, Or at thee boys will hiss, and old men wonder) Here sits a mother weeping, pale and wan, 685 With fixed eyes, whose hopeless thoughts seem'd 672. Knave, servant. 673. Quern, mill. 214 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book i. How (since for many days no food she tasted, Her meal, her oil consum'd, all spent, all wasted) For one poor day she might attain supply, And desp'rate of aught else, sit, pine, and die. 690 At last her mind meets with her tender child That in the cradle lay (of osiers wild), Which taken in her arms, she gives the teat, From whence the little wretch with labour great Not one poor drop can suck : whereat she, wood, 695 Cries out, O Heaven ! are all the founts of food Exhausted quite ? and must my infant young Be fed with shoes ? yet wanting those ere long, Feed on itself? No, first the room that gave Him soul and life shall be his timeless grave : 700 My dugs, thy best relief, through griping hunger Flow now no more, my babe ; then since no longer By me thou canst be fed, nor any other, Be thou the nurse and feed thy dying mother. Then in another place she straight appears, 705 Seething her suckling in her scalding tears. From whence not far the painter made her stand Tearing his sod flesh with her cruel hand In gobbets which she ate. O cursed womb, That to thyself art both the grave and tomb. 710 A little sweet lad, there, seems to entreat With held up hands his famish 'd sire for meat. Who wanting aught to give his hoped joy But throbs and sighs ; the over-hungry boy, Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 215 For some poor bit in dark nooks making quest, 715 His satchel finds, which grows a gladsome feast To him and both his parents. Then, next day He chews the points wherewith he us'd to play : Devouring last his books of every kind, They fed his body which should feed his mind : 720 But when his satchel, points, books all were gone, Before his sire he droops, and dies anon. In height of art then had the workman done, A pious, zealous, most religious son, Who on the enemy excursion made, 725 And spite of danger strongly did invade Their victuals' convoy, bringing from them home Dri'd figs, dates, almonds, and such fruits as come To the beleag'ring foe, and sates the want Therewith of those who from a tender plant 730 Bred him a man for arms : thus oft he went, And stork-like sought his parents' nourishment, Till fates decreed he on the Roman spears Should give his blood for them who gave him theirs. A million of such throes did Famine bring 735 Upon the city of the mighty king, Till, as her people, all her buildings rare Consum'd themselves and dimm'd the lightsome air. Near this the curious pencil did express A large and solitary wilderness, 74 Whose high well-limned oaks in growing show'd As they would ease strong Atlas of his load : 216 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. Here underneath a tree in heavy plight, Her bread and pot of water wasted quite, Egyptian Hagar, nipp'd with hunger fell, 745 Sat robb'd of hope : her infant Ishmael, Far from her being laid, full sadly seem'd To cry for meat, his cry she naught esteem'd, But kept her still, and turn'd her face away, Knowing all means were bootless to assay 750 In such a desert ; and since now they must Sleep their eternal sleep, and cleave to dust, She chose apart to grasp one death alone, Rather than by her babe a million. Then Eresichthon's case in Ovid's song 755 Was portrayed out ; and many more along The insides of the cave, which were descried By many loop-holes round on every side. These fair Marina view'd, left all alone, The cave fast shut, Limos for pillage gone ; 760 Near the wash'd shore "mong roots and breers and thorns, A bullock finds, who delving with his horns The hurtless earth (the while his tough hoof tore The yielding turf) in furious rage he bore His head among the boughs that held it round, 765 While with his bellows all the shores resound : 755. Eresichthon, a son of Triopas, who cut down trees in a grove sacred to Demeter, for which he was punished by the goddess with fearful hunger. 761. Breers, briars. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 217 Him Limos kill'd, and hal'd with no small pain Unto the rock ; fed well ; then goes again : Which serv'd Marina fit, for had his food [770 Fail'd him, her veins had fail'd their dearest blood. Now great Hyperion left his golden throne That on the dancing waves in glory shone, For whose declining on the western shore The oriental hills black mantles wore, And thence apace the gentle twilight fled, 775 That had from hideous caverns ushered All-drowsy Night, who in a car of jet, By steeds of iron-grey, which mainly sweat Moist drops on all the world, drawn through the sky, The helps of darkness waited orderly. 780 First thick clouds rose from all the liquid plains ; Then mists from marishes, and grounds whose veins Were conduit-pipes to many a crystal spring ; From standing pools and fens were following Unhealthy fogs ; each river, every rill 785 Sent up their vapours to attend her will These pitchy curtains drew 'twixt earth and heaven. And as Night's chariot through the air was driven, Clamour grew dumb, unheard was shepherd's song, And silence girt the woods ; no warbling tongue 790 Talk'd to the Echo ; satyrs broke their dance, And all the upper world lay in a trance. Only the curled streams soft chidings kept ; 782. Marishes, marshes. 218 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. And little gales that from the green leaf swept Dry summer's dust, in fearful whisp'rings stirr'd, 795 As loath to waken any singing bird. Darkness no less than blind Cimmerian Of Famine's cave the full possession wan, Where lay the shepherdess inwrapt with night, The wished garment of a mournful wight. 800 Here silken slumbers and refreshing sleep Were seldom found ; with quiet minds those keep, Not with disturbed thoughts ; the beds of kings Are never press'd by them, sweet rest enrings The tired body of the swarty clown, 805 And oft'ner lies on flocks than softest down. Twice had the cock crown, and in cities strong The bellman's doleful noise and careful song Told men, whose watchful eyes no slumber hent, What store of hours theft-guilty night had spent. Sio Yet had not Morpheus with this maiden been, As fearing Limos, whose impetuous teen Kept gentle rest from all to whom his cave Yielded enclosure deadly as the grave ; But to all sad laments left her forlorn, 815 In which three watches she had nigh outworn. Fair silver-footed Thetis that time threw Along the ocean with a beauteous crew Of her attending sea-nymphs, Jove's bright lamps 805. Swarty, sunburnt. $09. Hent, took, seized. 812. Teen, violence. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 219 Guiding from rocks her chariot's hippocamps :* 820 * Sea-horses. A journey only made unwares to spy If any mighties of her empery Oppress'd the least, and forc'd the weaker sort To their designs by being great in court. O ! should all potentates whose higher birth 825 Enrols their titles, other gods On earth, Should they make private search, in veil of night, For cruel wrongs done by each favourite ; Here should they find a great one paling in A mean man's land, which many years had been 830 His charge's life, and by the other's hest, The poor must starve to feed a scurvy beast. If any recompense drop from his fist, His time's his own, the money wTiat he list. There should they see another that commands 835 His farmer's team from furrowing his lands, To bring him stones to raise his building vast, The while his tenant's sowing time is past. Another (spending) doth his rents enhance, Or gets by tricks the poor's inheritance. 840 But as a man whose age hath dimm'd his eyes, Useth his spectacles, and as he prys Through them all characters seem wondrous fair, Yet when his glasses quite removed are, Though with all careful heed he nearly look, 845 Cannot perceive one tittle in the book ; 831. Hest, command. 845. Nearly, closely. 220 BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. [Book 2. So if a king behold such favourites, Whose being great was being parasites, With th' eyes of favour, all their actions are To him appearing plain and regular : 850 But let him lay his sight of grace aside, And see what men he hath so dignified, They all would vanish, and not dare appear, Who, atom-like, when their sun shined clear, Danc'd in his beam ; but now his rays are gone, 855 Of many hundred we perceive not one. Or as a man who, standing to descry How great floods far off run, and valleys lie, Taketh a glass prospective good and true, By which things most remote are full in view : 860 If monarchs, so, would take an instrument Of truth compos'd to spy their subjects drent In foul oppression by those high in seat, Who care not to be good but to be great, In full aspect the wrongs of each degree 865 Would lie before them ; and they then would see The devilish politician all convinces, In murd'ring statesmen and in pois'ning princes ; The prelate in pluralities asleep, Whilst that the wolf lies preying on his sheep ; 870 The drowsy lawyer, and the false attorneys Tire poor men's purses with their lifelong journeys ; The country gentleman from 's neighbour's hand ^dz.Dreitt, drowned. 867. Convinces, overthrows. Song i.] BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. 221 Forceth th' inheritance, joins land to land, And most insatiate seeks under his rent 875 To bring the world's most spacious continent ; The fawning citizen (whose love's bought dearest) Deceives his brother when the sun shines clearest, Gets, borrows, breaks, lets in, and stops out light, And lives a knave to leave his son a knight ; 880 The griping farmer hoards the seed of bread, Whilst in the streets the poor lie famished : And free there's none from all this worldly strife, Except the shepherd's heaven-bless'd happy life. [885 But stay, sweet Muse, forbear this harsher strain ! Keep with the shepherds ; leave the satyrs' vein ; Coop not with bears ; let Icarus alone To scorch himself within the torrid zone : Let Phaeton run on, Ixion fall, And with an humble styled Pastoral 890 Tread through the valleys, dance about the streams. The lowly dales will yield us anadems To shade our temples, 'tis a worthy meed, No better garland seeks mine oaten reed ; Let others climb the hills, and to their praise, 895 Whilst I sit girt with flowers, be crown'd with bays. Show now, fair Muse, what afterward became Of great Achilles' mother ; she whose name The mermaids sing, and tell the weeping strand A braver lady never tripp'd on land, 900 Z