n A y CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY EEFORM CLUB. p. 3104. Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN CATALOGUE OF ®he .Ilhara OF THE REFORM CLUB {Printed for the Members) WITH KEVISED HISTOEICAL INTRODUCTION SECOND AND ENLARGED EDITION LONDON SMITH, ELDER & CO., L5, Waterloo Place 3894. \_All rights reserved.'] EYRE & SPOTTTSWOODE, Her Majesty's Printers, DOWNS PAUK ROAD, HACKNEY, R^-f libhary 2 UNIVERSITY O? CALIFORNIA Qp I SANTA BARBARA THE EEFOEM CLUB AND ITS LIBEAEY. The Reform Club was founded in 1836 for the purpose of promoting social intercourse among the Reformers of the United Kingdom. Five years earlier The Carlton Cluh had heen estahlished to resist reforms in the Parliamentary representation of the people. Two Liheral Cluhs existed before 1836. The one was Brooks's, where members of the Whig party congregated; the other was the "Westminster Reform Club, where Radicals were in the majority. The Right Hon. EdAvard Ellice, M.P., was the founder of the Reform Club. He thought that many whose politics were Liberal, but who did not care to belong to a Radical Club, and for whom there was no room at Brooks's, might be glad to join a Club composed of Reformers. He had appealed to liis friends at Brooks's to enlarge the Club-house and provide accommodation for 600 additional members, and it was in consequence of a refusal that he called a meeting of Reformers in the drawing-room of his house at 14, Carlton House Terrace, to consider what should be done towards constituting a new Club. He had exclaimed, after the announcement of the unfavour- able decision at Brooks's, " Well, gentlemen, we mean to start a Club which will beat yours," and he devoted himself with his wonted energy to making good his boast. After those who met at his house had pro- posed and rejected in succession the following names. 6 Fox, Hampden, Grey, and Milton, it was agreed that the Club which they had resolved to found should be called The Eeform. A Committee being appointed to elect candidates, many hundreds offered themselves, among whom were nineteen-twentieths of the members of its Radical predecessor. The remarkable success of The New Reform Club, as it was frequently styled at the outset, led to the dissolution of The "Westminster Reform Club. The latter had been estabhshed on the 7th of March lSS4i. The original members who served on the first Committee were Mr. John Wilks, Mr. Alderman Wood, Mr. Rigby "Wason, Mr. Morgan O'Connell, Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey, Mr. Tennyson, Mr. Kennedy, Captain Fitzgerald, Mr. John O'Connell, and Mr. Wallace. AmoDg the earher elected members were Daniel O'Connell, Mr. Feargus O'Connor, Captain Gronow, Colonel Perronet Thompson, and Henry Lytton Bulwer. They were accommodated in the house of Mr. Alderman Wood, at 24, Great George Street, Westminster. On the 2nd of July, 183Ji, Benjamin Disraeli was a candidate for membership of the Westminster Club. He was proposed by Mr. Bulwer, seconded by Dr. Elmore, and elected by the Committee. In March 1835 he ceased to belong to it, having then requested, in a letter to the Secretary, *'that his name be erased from the list of members of the Club, as he is pre- vented by engagements from availing himself of its conveniences." A cheque for fifteen guineas due by him to the Club was enclosed in this letter. The Committee resolved '' that the cheque sent by Mr. Disraeh be returned to him, and that he be informed that the Committee decline its acceptance, having no inclination to accept money from gentle- men whose engagements render them unable to avail themselves of the conveniences of the Club." A fortnight after Disraeli's retirement, Joseph Hume was elected a member. T^U that time the Club was known as The Westminster. Hume was anxious to change its name to The Reform. A Sub-Committee was appointed to consider the matter, the result of their deliberations being a compromise, in accordance with which the Club was named The Westminster Reform. Its members never numbered more than 200. When it became apparent that the uncom- promising Radicalism of the Club alienated, instead of attracting candidates, its members lost heart, and they readily joined The Reform, in wliich all varieties among the Reformers of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland were to find a welcome as well as a home where the old Whig, the moderate Liberal, and the extreme Radical could unite under one roof for social intercourse. The Seal of the Club displays the Rose, the Thistle, and the Shamrock in harmonious combination. The members of The Reform Club were first accom- modated at 104, Pall Mall, which had been occupied by the Countess of Dysart. It was agreed by the Committee that the Club-house should be opened on the birthday, in 1836, of Her Royal Highness, the Princess Victoria ; and an advertisement to that effect appeared in several newspapers. The following paragraph conveyed infor- mation which was new to the pubhc then and which has become curious now : — "The House, No. 104, Pall Mall, situated between the Carlton and Travellers' Club-houses, and next door to the temporary National Gallery, has been fitted up for the immediate occupation of The Reform Club, under the direction of Mr. Decimus Burton, and is, we understand, to be opened for the reception of the members on Tuesday next, the 24th instant, being the anniversary of the birthday of H.R.H. the Princess Victoria. The Club already consists of above a thousand members, admitted by the original Committee ; and we learn that there are already above four hundred candidates to be ballotted for, as soon as the regulations for admitting members by ballot shall 8 be organised, and confirmed by a General Meeting of the Club." It "was resolved that a new Club-house should be built on the site of the temporary one, and the first architects of the day were requested to submit designs for the apjn'oval of the members. That prepared by Mr. Charles Barry was accepted on the two-fold ground that it was effective as a whole and quite novel in many of the arrangements. He had been the arcliitect of The Travellers' Club-house, which was deservedly admired. In designing it he was indebted to Italy for a model, and, in the case of The Eeform, he adopted many hints from the Parnese Palace at Pome, of which Sangallo and Michael Angelo were the architects. The present Carlton Club-house is also the reproduction externally of an Italian building, the original being Sanso'sino's Old Library in St. Mark's Palace, at Venice, an edifice which Mr. Puskin styles *' a graceful one of the Central Penaissance." On the 12th of June 1838, the members of the Club found temporary accommodation at G^^ydyr House, Wliitehall, and they entered into occupation of their new and splendid home in Pall Mall on the 1st of March, 1811. The Club-house covered a larger area than any which had then been built. It had, what was a novelty at that time, several sets of chambers on the upper floor, with a separate entrance from the street. ]Much larsrer Club-houses are now to be found in London and other cities ; but nowhere is there one which is more finished in its design and ornamentation or a more creditable example, in all respects, of nine- teenth century architecture. The Pight Hon. Edward EUice, the foimder of the Club, the first Trustees, and the members of the first Committee, deserve to have their names commemorated in any account of it. The founder was commonly kno\\Ti as " Bear " Ellice, or the " Bear," a nickname given to him by Brougham on account of his con- 9 nexion with the North- West and the Hudson Bay Eur Companies, and not hecause there was any lack of geniality in his temper or manners. Mr, Ellice held Cabinet office in Earl Grey's first Administration. Throughout life he was an ardent poHtician, and a man whose advice on an emergency was highly valued. He lived to the age of 82, and he presided over a General Meetina? of The Reform Club three months before his death, at wliich a resolution was passed, on the motion of Mr. John Bright, that an Electoral Council of 40 should be appointed for the purpose of choosing candidates to fill vacancies. This Council remained in office from 1863 to 1866. In 1883 a proposal to revive it was made at a General Meeting where Earl Granville took the chair, the mover being the Marquess of Hartington and the seconder, Mr. John Bright. A ballot of the whole Club was afterwards taken, in accordance with a requisition, the result being that a small majority was recorded against the motion. I extract the following from the printed copy of original Uules, of wliich it is doubtful whether another is extant : — Eirst, that the Trustees are the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Mulgrave, the Earl of Durham, the Bight Hon. Edward Ellice, M.P., and General Sir R. Eerguson, M.P. Second, that the members of the Committee are — H. A. Aglionby, M.P. Alexander Bannerman, M.P. Walter Campbell, M.P. William Clay, M.P. John Crawford. Edward Divett, M.P. Viscount Ebrington, M.P. Edward Ellice. George Grote, M.P. Joseph Hume, M.P. Henry Kingscote. Charles Shaw Lefevre, M.P. Henry Shaw Lefevre. Denis le Marchant. William Marshall, p. 3104. Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., M.P. James Morrison, M.P. Daniel O'Connell, M.P. O'Connor Don, MP. Barry O'Meara. Hon. C. A. Pelham, M.P. Edward Pendarves, M.P. Edward Romilly. Sutton Sharpe. E. J. Stanley, M.P. Robert Stewart, M.P. Edward Strutt, M.P. Sir Hussey Vivian. Henry Warburton, M.P. H. G. Ward, M.P. b 10 The chief tiling in tlie original Eules deserving particular notice, is a proviso in the Twenty-first, to the effect that each member may entertain a stranger at diimer, "provided he is a Pteformer." Tliis restriction on lios2)itality was removed as soon as there was adequate accommodation for both members and guests. Each member may now entertain two guests daily at either limcheon or dinner, or at both. The Club has gone a step farther, and admitted to the privi- leges of honorary membership, for a month, foreigners and British Colonists who are temporarily residing in England, and in no case does it matter what the views of those honorary members mav be. The maxim now acted upon is that hospitality has no connexion with politics. In this respect The Reform differs for the better from its rival The Carlton. No foreigner or British Colonist, however distinguished, can hope to become an honorarv member of The Carlton, nor are the members of that Club allowed to entertain strangers within its walls.* Two Libraries were among the rooms designed by Barry. One of them is now used as a smoking-room also, while the original drawing-room, the finest and most spacious room in the Club-house, is now the principal Library. It was contemplated at the outset that the Club should become as famous for its collection of books as for its comfort and its cookery. The Athengeum Club, which had been founded twelve years previously, was designed to provide an extensive Library for the use of * The exelusiveness of the Carlton led to the foundation of the Junior Carlton, •where hospitality is dispensed as libv;rally as at The Reform. In 1863, 3Ir. Disraeli "WTote a letter to Lord Malmesbury, in -which he gave the following reasons for establishing another party Club : — " The Carlton and the Conser\-ative Clubs are overfloM-ing, and years must elapse before some men can enter them. They are also very exclusive. The Carlton rarely admits professional persons, and the Con- Bervative only an insufficient percentage. " [Colonel] Taylor impresses on me the absolute necessity of a Junior Conser- vative, -which shall be a central point for those country attorneys and land agents, fee, -who are winning, and are to -win, our elections. He thinks it -will power- fully organize and encourage our friends." — " Memoirs of an Fx-Miniiter." Vol. 2, p. 302. 11 the members ; but none of the other Clubs, such as The Carlton, The Travellers', The University, The Ox- ford and Cambridge, The Union, The Garrick, which were founded about the same time, made the establish- ment of a great Library conspicuous in their pro- gramme. It is true that many books are to be found in every London Club-house of note. But a collection of books may have as little title to the name of a Library as a pile of stones has to that of a house. A pile of stones has its uses : it may serve as a landmark or a monument. In like manner a collection of books may supply material for reading without serving the purpose of a Library to which the student may resort with profit. Moreover, in a good Library the books are brought together according to a settled plan, just as stones are disposed after the design of an architect in order that a structure may become remarkable as a work of art as well as a comfortable dwelling. When the Heform Club-house was provided with ample accommodation for many thousand books, the question arose how best to select and arrange them. A Sub-Committee, which was appointed to give special attention to this matter, met for the first time on the 18th of November 1841. At that meeting the follow- ing resolution was agreed to, and ordered to be com- mmiicated to the General Committee : — " That as one of the objects contemplated at the establishment of the Club was the formation of an extensive and complete Library, especially on all political and Parliamentary subjects ; and as the rooms appointed for its reception are now ready, the Committee deem it expedient to take immediate measures for attaining an object so important to the ultimate prosperity of the Club. That, therefore, a circular be addressed to all the members, earnestly inviting them to aid the Committee in this object, by presenting to the Club maps, books, pamphlets, and documents — more particularly political and Parliamentary ; all such will be of importance and value — the first object being the formation of an extensive and complete Library of reference." The Sub-Committee rightly considered that " expense will be saved, and the convenience of reference will b 2 12 be increased, by commencing on a proper plan, capable of being continued and enlarged from year to year." Desiring to obtain the best advice in settling the plan of the Library, the Sub-Committee resolved to apply for it to Mr. Vardon, the Librarian of the House of Commons, and to a member of the Club, Mr. Panizzi, of the British Museum. A circular was issued, requesting the members to make donations of books, maps, or pamphlets, and the response was so general that, within two months after the Sub-Committee first met, arrangements had to be made for preparing a catalogue. Mr. Francis Place, an energetic politician of those days, as w^ell as a book collector, put before Joseph Hume, a member of the Committee, a scheme for indexing the Parlia- mentary papers. This scheme was adopted after it had received Mr. Panizzi's approval in the follomng terms : — " I have examined Mr. Place's plan for cata- loguing the Parliamentary papers to be collected for this Library, and with some very trifling modifications, wliich I suggested to Mr. Yapp, I think it the best that can be adopted." It was found that many members preferred giving money to a Library fund to giving donations of books, and an intimation to this effect being made to the Com- mittee, it was resolved that a fund be established. Subscriptions ranging from £5 to <£100 rapidly flowed in, and the Committee found it possible to order the books required to form the nucleus of a great Library. The list of the books wliich ought to be procured as speedily as possible was jirepared by Mr. Panizzi, Sir John Doratt, and ]\Ir. Pryme. As the books accumu- lated, it became indispensable to determine how they were to be catalogued. This is a question about which difference of opinion is common and j)ardonable. Jjil)rarians have not yet agreed, and they may never be imanimous, as to the best way in wiiicli a catalogue should be compiled. Happily, the Sub-Committee of The Reform Clul) had the assistance of an ahle adviser in the person of him who is well-known as the Sir Anthony Panizzi, who filled for many years the honourable and responsible office of Principal Librarian in the British Museum. In invoking his aid, the Committee of the Club displayed sound judgment. He was ready to help to the utmost of his power, indeed, he was constant in his attendance at the early meetings of the Sub- Committee, and he promptly complied with every re- quest made to him concerning the affairs of the Library. It is now a matter of liistorical interest that Mr. Panizzi planned the Library of The Reform Club, and that he drew up the rules upon which its Catalogue has been com- piled. These rules, which were inserted in the Minutes of the Sub-Committee, are so practical and pregnant as to deserve reproduction. They run as follows : — "1st. All woi'ks to be catalogued under the family name of the author when it appears on the title-page, or occurs (printed) in any other part of the book. " 2nd. Works to be catalogued under the assumed name of the writer; the real name to be added in brackets when known. " 3rd. Anonymous works to be catalogued under the first substan- tive occurring in the title, and the name of the author, when known, to be added as above. "4th. Collected works of various authors to be entered under the collector's name, or (according to circumstances) under the name of the first author mentioned in the title. " 5th. Cross references to be made from the names of the authors supplied as above, from the several ways of spelling their names, from their several names when they have more than one, and from the names of individual authors whose works form part of the collection. " 6th. An alphabetical index of subjects to be kept up at the same time, and, under each leading word of the title, a reference to be made to the name of the author, or word, under which the book is entered in the catalogue. " 7th. If a title-page be so obscure as not to give an idea of the subject of the work, a very brief description of its subject to be added to the entry of the title-page, from which to take the word or words for index of matters." It is scarcely necessary to add that a written catalogue was compiled on the plan laid down by Mr. Panizzi. Tlie first Eeport of tliis Sub-Committee Tvas pre- sented to the Club in General Meeting, in April 184^3. Unfortmiately, the cojiv of it that was entered on the Minutes is imperfect ; however, it contains information showing that the Library was growing rapidly, that the donations amounted to several hmidred volumes, and that the number of books purchased was 1209, thus distributed : — Historical works, 362 volumes ; general literature, 166 ; theology and pliilosoj)hy, 52 ; politics and jurisprudence, 225 ; dictionaries, 40 ; periodicals, 361?. A large part of the Report refers to Parhamentary papers, of wliich 206 volumes had been presented by Mr. Charles Eomilly, and to the steps taken for arrang- ing them. It may be opportime to exhibit how far the Libi'ary has since then been increased in that department. It contains 796 volumes of selections from Parhamentary papers between the years 1816 and 1851 ; also complete sets, numbering 260 volumes, between 1835 and 1839 ; and similar sets between 1855 and 1881, numbering 1890 volumes. These volumes are exclusive of the Statutes at large, Pubhc General Acts, and the Parliamentary debates which are to be found in the Library. Since 1880, the set of Parliamentary papers is in the same form as that in the House of Commons Library, that is, the size of the volumes is uniform and they are consecutively indexed. I am not aware that any other Club Library possesses a set of this special edition of these valuable documents, an edition wliich, though more costly, is far more useful for reference than any other. Ten years after the Club-house was opened, it was resolved to convert the drawing-room into the jirincipal Library room, and to make the room which Avas origi- nally designed as the principal Library a smoking-room, as \vell as a Library. AVhen the older London Club- houses were built, a handsome room was provided as the drawing-room, and a very small and imcomfortable one was set a^Dart for smokers. In those days it was 15 considered vulgar to smoke, while snuffing was gene- rally regarded as a gentlemanly vice. The snuff-box was considered as indispensable to a club as a hall- porter. In Lord Lyttou's comedy, Money, one of the scenes shows a crusty old gentleman keeping the club snuff-box within easy reach, and making frequent use of it. The members of the younger generation of club-goers see nothing to laugh at in this scene, as it does not remind them of anything in their experience. A well-filled snufF-box, though still provided in some Clubs, is but seldom used in any. The original drawing- room in most of the older London Clubs has been converted into a smoking-room ; in The Reform, as I have already said, it became the principal Library. In 1852, another important change took place. Till then the Library had been managed by a Sub- Com- mittee of the General Committee ; in that year, however, an independent Committee of 3 was elected by a general ballot of the Club to manage the Library. The number was increased to 5 in 1863, at which it has remained since then. Two members retire every year, and they are eligible for re-election. A sum is voted annually by the Club in General Meeting, to be expended by the Library Committee in purchasing books. An Annual Report, to which is appended the titles of the l)ooks which have been acquired by purchase or gift, is presented to the Club. Six years before the appointment of this Library Committee, the services of a skilled librarian had been secured in the person of Mr. Henry Campkin, P.S.A., who efficiently discharged the duties of his office till the year 1879, \A'hen impaired health obliged him to resign. In consideration of Mr. Campkin' s zealous services during thirty-two years, he was allowed to retire upon his full salary with the title of honorary librarian. He died in 1890. At the General Meeting held on the 4th of May 1853, the first Annual Report of the independent Library Committee was read. That Report gives a pleasant 16 picture of the progress wliich had been made. I shall rejiroduce it from the Minutes : — " The Library Committee appointed by the General Meeting of the Club in May last, beg to report that, in order to obviate the frequent complaints to -svliieh the arrangement of the books in the Library gave rise, they directed its entire re-arrangement, which was completed last autumn. The volumes are now collected together in a mode approximating as nearly to a general classification, according to the subjects to which they relate respectively, as the limited extent of the Library will allow; the references in the catalogue have been much simplified, and new catalogues of the books, in the order in which they stand on the shelves in each of the rooms, have been compiled. " Considerable progress has been made in the arrangement and binding of the Parliamentary papers belonging to the Club. About fifty volumes have been bound during the recess, and the Committee believe that at the date of the next Report a much larger number will have been placed upon the shelves. " The Committee found, on their appointment in May last, that not more than £90 had been expended during the then current year by the General Committee on additions to the Library. By the application of the £200 voted for the purchase of books at the last Annual Meeting, the Committee have made many important addi- tions to the collection of English State papers, and that department is now in as forward a state as the condition of the market relative to such books has enabled them to make it. The following addi- tions have also been made to the Library during the past year, viz. : — A collection of Greek classics comprising 103 volumes. A set of the 'British Essayists.' Several works in the important department of English topography, being the commencement of what they hope will ultimately become a complete collection for the different counties in England. Some valuable books in the departments of general history, elegant literature, books of general reference, &c. A classified list of all the above donations is hereto appended. '* A separate list of the donors to the Library is also added ; and the Committee, in expressing their thanks to them on behalf of the Club, beg to impress on the members generally, how largely and how much more rapidly the efliciency of the Library may be increased by such means, as an auxiliary to the purchases which are matle towards the same end, and for which an annual vote limited to £250 is not inimodiately sutticient. The Library Com- mittee, therefore, in conclusion, beg to suggest that a vote of £250 at least for the present year should l>e granted to them." When the Library grew to be worthy of the Club, a desii'e was exj)ressed for a printed catalogue. In 1861, 17 the Committee embodied in their E-eport a recommenda- tion to that effect. They were partly induced to do so by the example of The Athenaeum Club, where the members had enjoyed the advantage of a printed catalogue from the year 1845. The members of The Heform were not then disposed to expend the sum required to print the catalogue of their Library. In May, 1870, the subject was again brought before the Annual General Meeting of the Club, when it was reported that, " The want of a printed catalogue of the extensive and valuable collection of books in the Club Library continues to be a drawback, which, in the opinion of your Committee, ought to be re- moved as soon as a favourable opportunity arises." Ten years passed away before the members were ready to accede to a request which had been twice urged in vain by the Library Committee. At the Meeting in 1880, it was resolved unanimously, " That it be an instruction to the Library Committee to have a properly classified catalogue of the Library prepared and pub- lished in such manner and at such price as they may deem expedient." At the General Meeting in 1883, the first copy of the printed catalogue was laid upon the table. The publication of tliis catalogue was followed by a long notice in The Times for the 4th of June, 1883, and also by many applications from the heads of important Libraries in the United States, as well as the United Kingdom, for copies of it in exchange for theirs. In consequence, the collection of Catalogues in this Library is most valuable. Anyone who carefully examines this catalogue will learn that the Reform Club Library contains an excellent collection of works in Ensrlish, French, Italian, and German. The books of reference are many in number and the best of their kind. There is a large selection of County histories, while several hundred volumes of pamphlets give to this Library a special attraction. Many of these are donations. In 18 1812, Sir T\^eutwoi-tli Dilke was the donor of 100 volumes of rare pami)lilets ; in 1880, Mr. Louis Pagan presented to the Library 21 volumes relating to Italian politics, biography, literature, and art, which Sir Anthony Panizzi had formed, many of them having the autographs of their authors. Prom the outset, the Library has been largely increased in size and value by gifts from members, some of these being privately printed, or very scarce books. Mr. Blanchard Jerrold presented to the Club the large collection of books whicli he had formed when writing the Life of Napo- leon III. Pew private Libraries in this country con- tain a greater number of important works relating to America, among them being some of the splendid volumes, prepared by order of the Government of the United States, relating to the Exploration of the Fortieth 'Parallel. While the normal rate of growth by purchase is 1,000 volumes annually, the donations to the Library during each year seldom fall below 100 volumes. The number of volumes added, since the election of a Library Committee in 1852, is 38,800. This edition of the catalogue contains 171 more pages than the last. It has been compiled by the Librarian, Mr. Charles W. Vincent, under the im- mediate supervision of the Library Committee. The Classified Index is much enlarged and improved, and it is hoped that the volume as a whole Avill be prized by members of the Club."^ The names of those who have served on the Library Committee since 1852 are aj^pended, along with a few explanatory details of personal and bil)liographical interest. Much of the excellence of the Library is due to the efficient service which tliey have rendered. Tlie concluding passage in the notice in The Times, * Further piirticulai-s concerning the history of the Club are contained in my article in Tkc Nineteenth Century Review for May, 1886, entitled "The Jubilee of the Reform Club," and in Mr. Pagan's " Ihc Ecfoiiu Club : its Fouudcrs and Architect." 19 to which reference has been made, may fitly form an ending to this account of The Reform Club and its Lihrarij : — "There can be no more laudable am- bition than to form a good Library, and the Club possessing the best Library, in addition to other attrac- tions, is the one which men wlio regard club life from a more sensible point of view than that of lady novelists and youths ^^ho delight in their fictions, must naturally desire to join." W. Eraser Eae. 21 PAST AND PRESENT MEMBEUS LIBEARY COMMITTEE. Name. Description. Elected Member of the Club. Term of Service on Committee. Contributions to Literature. Beesly, Edward Spencer Professor of History, Uni- versity College, London. 1863 1863-6 Comte as a Moral Type; Catiline, Cloditis, and Ti- berius ; Life of Queen Elizabeth, and other works. Black, William - Author - - - - 1874 1884-8 A Daughter of Heth ; Strange Adventures of a Phaeton ; Princess of Thule; Macleod of Dare; The Life of Goldsmith, and many other works. BuRCHAM, Thomas Borrow. Eecorder of Bedford, 1848-56; Magistrate at Southwark Police Court, 1856-69. 1836 (died 1869) 1855-9 Cooke, George Wingrove.* Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple. 1839 (died 1865) 1854-7 Memoirs of Lord Boling- broke ; History of Party; Letters on 6'Af«a, reprinted from The Times; and other works. Cooper, William Durrant, F.S.A.* Solicitor to the Club 1837 (died 1875) 1852-5 1856-62 1866-72 The Parliamentary History of the County of Sussex, and of the several Boroughs and Cinque Ports, and many Papers on Archaeo- logy and History. CotJRTNEY.The Rt. Hon. Leonard Henry, M.P. Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn ; Professor of Political Economy at University College; Undersecretary of State for Home and Colonial Department ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and Chair- man of Committees of the House of Commons. 1870 1873-8 Articles on Financial and Political Subjects. Courtney, William Prideaux. In the Ecclesiastical Com- mission, 1865-92. 1883 1886-94 The Parliamentary Bepre- sentation of Cormoall to 1S.J2, and other works re- lating to the Literature and History of Cornwall. Dallas, Eneas Sweetland.* Journalist and Author 1859 (died 1879) 1862-8 Poetics ; The Gay Science ; and Kettners Book of the Table. * A memoir of him appears in The Dictionary of National Biography, 22 Name. Desckiptiox. Elected llember of the Club. Term of Service on Ck>mmittee. Contributiona to Literature. De la Putue, Charles - Barrister-at-La\r, Inner Temple. 1839 1862-5 1884-5 The Life of Christ : An Eclectic Gospel from the Old and 2sew Testaments. DiTCHFiELD, James Buttcrworth. Doctor of Medicine - 1865 (died 1892) 1866-9 Fagax, Louis Late Assistant Keeper of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. 1879 1883-93 Life of Sir Antonio Panizzi; The Reform Club; and va- rious works relating to Art. GiLBEKT, "William* Surgeon - - - - 1850 (died 1890) 1871-6 Shirley Hall Asylum, and other novels; Life of Lit- cretia Borgia, and many books relating to Social Subjects. GwiLT, Joseph, F.S.A.* Architect _ _ - 1844 (died 1863) 1852-6 1857-61 Chairman, 1852 to 1861 Encyclopcedia of Architec- ture, 4th Edition, iSjd, And other Architectural Works. Jerrold, "William Blanc hard.* Editor of Lloyd's WeeJcIy Newspaper. 1857 (died 1884) 1882-4 Life and Bemains of Douglas Jerrold ; Life of Sapoleon III. ; several Plays, and other works. LE.iD.\3i, Isaac Saunders Bamst^r-at-La-w, Lincoln's Inn. 1879 1893-4 Political, Economic, and Historical Tretitises. JIacdonell, John, LL.D. Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature. 1881 1888-94 Editor of The State Trials since 1820, and Author of "Works on Economic and Legal Subjects. Mackat Charles, LL.D.* Poet and Prose "Writer - 1853 (died 1890) 1861-2 3Iany volumes of Poems ; Life and Liberty in Ame- rica ; Fou n ders of the North American Republic; Me- dora Leigh; Forty Years' Recollections of Life, Lite- rature, and Public Affairs; Through the Long Day; and Dictionary of Lowland Scotch. Paget, John Magistrate at Hammer- smith and "Wandsworth Police Courts. 1836 1860-5 1867-86 Chairman, 1861 to 1865 The Xew "Examen" ; Para- doxes and Puzzles. Parkes, Joseph - Taxing Jliister in the Court of Exchequer. 1836 (died 1865) 1859-60 1865 History of Court of Chan- cery ; Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis; and many other works. PowELi,, John Joseph, M.P., Q.C. Cour.tj Court Judge 1856 (died 1892) 1878-84 Papers on the City of Glou- cester. •A memoir of him Brpears in Tlie Dictionary of National Biography. 2e3 Elected Term of Name. Description. Member of the Club. Service on Committee. Contributions to Literature. Rae, James Australian Merchant 1861 (died 1891) 1876-83 A Founder of The Fort- nightly Review. Rae, AVilliam Fraser - Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's 1860 1869-94 Westward hy Rail, Transla- lun. Chairman since May 1873 tion of Taine's Notes on England, with Biographi- cal and Critical Intro- duction ; Wilkes Sheridan Fox, the Op2Msition under George III. ; Newfoundland to Manitoba, and Austrian Health Resorts, reprinted from The Times ; Miss Bayles Romance, and other novels; Egypt To-day: the First to the Third Khedive; and many Essays and Re- views. Reid, James Hunter, Lecturer in History and 1859 1869-70 D.C.L. Jurisprudence at Oxford. (died 1870) EoniNSON, Sir John Editor of The Daily News 1856 1872-82 Editor of Harriet Martin- Richard. 1885-94 ea.\i's Biographical S/ictches, and Author of Papers on Political, Literary, and Social Questions. Thomas, Charles Smith Proctor - - - - 1838 (died 1881) 1865-73 Chairman, 1866 to 1873 Vane, Sir Henry Secretary to the Charity 1836 1863-6 Morgan. Commission. (died 1892) Welsby, AVilliam Recorder of Chester 1841 1852-4 Lives of Eminent Judges, Newland. (died 1865) and Editor of Chittys Sta- tutes. Wills, William Henry Sul>-Editor of The Daily 1852 1866-9 Papers in Household Words News, under Dickens. (died 1880) &\u\. All the Year Round; an Edition of Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley. 24 THE LIBRAllY COMMITTEE. May, 189-4— xVpril, 1895. CHAIRMAN. W. Fra.seu Eae. William Prideaux Courtney. John Macponell, LL.D. Isaac Saunders Leadam. Sir John 11. Eobinson. LIBRARIAN. Charles W. Vincent, F.R.S.E. SUB-LIBRARIAN. Major James Dunning. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE t ^dmw Chil) iikar]). A (Major). Short Whist. 16mo. ----- 1839 A. B. What is Faith ? A Eeplj to Dr. Baylee's Challenge to Dr. Colenso. 8vo. ------- 1863 A. E. Notes on Louis XI. 12mo. 1878 Abailard et Helo'ise. Essai parF. P. Guizot et Madame Guizot. Siiivi des Lettres d'Abailai'd et Heloise : traduites par M. Oddoul. 8vo. 1853 Abbey (Rev. Chas. John). The English Church and its Bishops. 1700-1800. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1887 Abbey (Rev. Chas. John) and Overton (Rev. John H.). The English Church in the 18th Century, 2 vols., 8vo. - 1878 Abbotsford, Catalogue of the Armour and Antiquities at. 12mo. 1888 Abbott (Edwin). A Concordance to Pope. 8vo. - - - 1875 Abbott (Rev. Dr. Edwin A.). Shakespearian Grammar. 12mo. 1883 Abbott (Evelyn). The Theology and Ethics of Sophocles. See Ilellenica. Abbott (Major James). Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1856 Abbott (R.). Journal [1689-91]. See Chetham Soc, 61. Abd Allatif. On Egypt, a.d. 1203. See Pinkerton, Vol. 15. Abdul Hamid II., Sultan of Turkey. The 12 Years' Reign of. By the Princess A. de Lusignan. 12mo. - - - 1889 Abercromby (Hon. Ralph). Weather. See International Scientific Ser., 59. Aberdare (H. a. Bruce, Lord). Life of Gen. Sir Wm. F. P. Napier. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1864 Aberdeen. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis. — Records of Kirk Sessions. — Antiquities of the Shire. — Collections for a Histoi-y of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. See Spalding Club. „ University. Records (1494-1854). See Spalding Club. Aberdeen (George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of). An Inquiry into the Principles of Beauty in Grecian Architecture. 12mo. 1822 Abernethy (John), Memoirs of. By G. Macilwain. 2 vols., 8vo. 1854 Abinger (James, Lord). Memoir. By Hon. Peter C. Scarlett. 8vo. 1877 About (Edmond). Gi^uvres diverses ... - 1867-75 1. — Le Fellah. Souvenirs d'Egypte. 8vo. 1869. 2. — Causeries. Deux Series. 12mo. 1867. 3.— A B C du Travailleur. ToUa. 12mo. 1869, l»72. 4.— Le Turco. Germaine. 12ino. 187Q, 1872. p. 3104. A 2 ABO— ADA About (Edmond). OEuvres diverses — continued. 5.— L'Homme k I'Oreille cassee. Le Cas de M. Guerin. Le Nez cl'un Notaire. I'imo. 1871, 1874, 1875. 6. — Madelon. Maitre Pierre. 12mo. 1874. 7. — Les Mariages de Province. Trentc et Quarante. Sans Dot. Les Parents de Bernard. 12mo. 1869, 1875. 8. — Le Mari Impr^vii. Les Mariages de Paris. 12mo. 1873, 1874. p. — La Grece Contemporaine. Le Koi des Montagnes. 12mo. 1872, 1874. 10. — Le Marquis de Lanrose. Les Yacances de la Comtesse. 12mo. 1874. 11.— Alsace. 1871-2. 12mo. 1875. Kome Contemporaine. 8vo. - - - - - -18G1 L'Inlame. 12mo. 1880 Le Progres. l2mo. ------- 18G7 De PoDtoise a Stamboiil. 12mo. ----- 1884 Le Koman d\in Brave Homme. 12mo. - - - - 1882 Theatre Impossible. 12mo. ------ 1864 Guillery. L"Education d'uu Prince. L' Assassin. Le Chapeau de Sainte Catherine. „ Nouvelles et Souvenirs. 8vo. ------ 1885 „ Handbook of Social Economv ; or, the Worker's ABC. Trans, by W. Fraser Eae. " 12mo. - . . . 1872 Abbantes (Madame Junot, Duehesse d'). Memoires. 12 vols., 8vo. --------- 1831-8 „ Memoirs. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1883 AcADEMiE Fran^aise, Dictionnaire. 6me edit. 3 vols., 4to. - 1835-6 AcADEMiK Rovale des Inscriptions. Memoires. 3 vols., 4to. - 1777 AcADEMiE Rovale des Sciences de ITnstitut de France. Memoires. 18vols.,4to. ------- 1818-12 Academy (The). [Monthly.] Vols. 1-4. 4to. - - 1869-73 AcCADEMici della Crusca, Yocabolario degli. 7 vols.. 4to. - - 1804 „ „ Correttu dall' Abbate Gui'^eppe Mannzzi. 2 vols. in 4. 4to. -------- 1833-40 Ache (Caron D.). Le Carnet de Cheques. [Canal de Panama.] Obi. 8vo. - - - - - - - - - 1893 AcHiLLi (Dr. Giacinto). Imprisonment and Deliverance of. By Sir C. E. Eardley, Bart. 8vo. - - - - - 1850 AcKERMANX (E )• History of Westminster Abbev. [Written by W. Combe.] 2 vols., 4to. - - -" - - - 1812 „ History of Cambridge. [By W. Combe.] 2 vols., 4to. - 1815 „ Microcosm of London. [By W. H. Pvne and AV. Combe.] 3 vols., 4 to. [1808-10.] - - ' - - - - n. d. „ Poetical Magazine. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1809-11 AcLAND (Arthur H. D.) and Jones (B.). Working Men Co- operators. 12mo. ------- 1884 AcLAND (Arthur II. D.) and Eansome (C). Political Historv of England to 1882. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - ' - 1882 AcosTA (Joseph de). Natural History of the Western Indies. See Hahhiyt Soc, 60, 61. Acta Eegia : English Treaties with Foreign Powers, from Bymer's Fcedera. Trans, by S. Whatley. 4 vols., 8vo. 1726—7 Acts of Parliament. See Statutes. AcuNA (Cristoval de). Yovage into the Valley of the Amazons [1641]. See Ha'kluijt Soc, 24. Agworth (W. M.). The Railways of England. 8vo. - -1889 Apair (Sir Robert). Mission to Vienna in 1806. 8vo. - - 1844 ADA— ADD 3 Adair (Sir Robert) — continued. „ The Negotiations for tlie Peace of the Dardanelles [1808-9]. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. ...---. 1845 Adam de Muriinnth. Chronica sui temporis. See Eng. Hist. Soc. Adam (Mme. Edmond). Le Siege de Paris. 12mo. - - 1873 Adam (W. P.). Thoughts on the Policy of Ptetaliation. 12mo. - 1852 Adams (Arthur). Voyage of the " Samarang." 2 vols., 8vo. - 1848 ,, Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. 8vo. - 1870 Adams (Sir Francis O.) and Cunningham (C. D.). The Swiss Confederation. 8vo. ------- 1889 Adams (Henry). Life of Albert Gallatin. 8vo. - - - 1879 „ History of the United States of America, 1801-17. 9 vols., 12mo. -------- 1891-2 Adams (Rev. Hen. C). Wykehamica: a History of Winchester College. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1878 Adams (John) [2nd President, U.S.A.]. Works; with Life [1735-1826] by Chas. F. Adams. 10 vols., 8vo. - - 1856 Vol. 1.— Life. Vols. 2, 3. — Diary and Autobiography. Essays. Revolution, Vols. 4-6. Works on Government. Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the U.S.A. Vols. 7-9. — Public Papers. Vols. 9, 10. — Correspondence. „ Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the U.S.A. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1794 Adams (President J. and Abigail). Letters during the Revolu- tion. With Life of Mrs. Adams by C, F. Adams. 12nio. 1876 Adams (Dr. John Quincy) [6th President U.S.A.]. Memoirs. [1767-1848.] Ed. by C. F. Adams. 12 vols., 8vo. ^ 1H74-7 „ Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1810 Adams (Wm. D.). Songs of Society. Anne to Victoria. 16mo.- 1880 Adamson (John). Life of Luis de Camoens. 2 vols., 8vo.- - 1820 Adanson (Michel). Voyage to Senegal. See PinheTton,Yo\. 16. Adderley (Right Hon. Sir Chas. B.) [Lord Norton] and Grey (Earl). Review of the Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration, 1 853 ; and of subsequent Colonial History. 8vo. - - - - - - 1 869 Addington (Rt. Hon. Henry). Life. See Sichnouth (Visct.). Addis (Rev.Wm.E.) and Arnold (Thos.). Catholic Dictionary. 8vo. 1884 Addison (C. G.). The Knights Templars. 8vo. - - - 185-1 Addison (Right Hon. Joseph) [1672-1719]. Works. Ed., with Notes, by Bishop Hurd. 6 vols., 8vo, - - - - 181 1 Vol. 1. — Poems on several Occasions. Essay on Virgil's Georgics. Cato : a Tragedy. Poemata. Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals, Vol. 2. — Eemarks on Italy in 1701-3. The Tatler. Vols. 3, 4. — Spectator. Vol. o. — Spectator. Guardian. Lover. Present State of the War. Count Tariff. Whig. Examiner. Vol. 6. — Freeholder. Christian Religion. The Drummer : a Comedy. Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning. „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 26. „ Trans, of Ovid's Metamorphoses. See British Poets, Vols. 94, 95. „ Sir Roger de Coverley. Ed. by W. H. Wills. 8vo. - 1S50 „ Life. By Lucy Aikin. 2 vols., 8vo. - . . _ I843 „ Life. By W. .r. Courthope. ^qq English Men of Letters. „ Addifloniana. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - - - n. d. A 2 4 ADD— AFG Addison (Lancelot) [Dean of Lichfield]. West Barbary [1671]. 8ee Piukerton, Vol. 15. Adhemau (J.)- llevolutions de la Mer. Hvo. - - - - 1860 Adkins (W. llylaud D.). Our County. Representative Men of Northamptonshire. Illustrated. 4to. . - . - 1893 Adlaud (George). Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester. 8vo. 1870 With Sir Philip Sydney's Vindication of the Earl ; History of Kenilworth Castle, by Robert Laneham and George Gas- coigne ; and Memoirs and Correspondence of Sir Robert Dudley. Admiralty Administration, its Faults and Defaults. 8vo. - - 18G1 „ Black Book of the. See Chronicles, 55. Adolphls (John). Biographical Memoirs of the French Revo- lution. 2 vols., 8vo 1799 Vol. 1. — Louis XVI., the Queen, the Princess Elizabeth, the Dauphin, Bailly, Benoit, Erienne, Brissot, Chabot, Clootz, Condorcet, Danton, Desmoulins, Dumouriez, Eglantine, Favras, La Fayette, Gobet, Hebert, Henriot. Vol. 2. — Lepelletier, Manuel, Marat, Mirabeau, Necker, Orleans, Joseph Louis Philippe, Thomas Paine, Petion, Robespierre. „ The History of England, 1760 to 1804. 7 vols., 8vo. - 1840 „ Political State of the British Empire. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1818 „ Life, 1766-1845. By Mrs. E. Henderson. 8vo. - - 1871 Adolphus (J.H.) [A pseudonym]. Memoirs of Queen Caroline. 18th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1821 Adolphus (John L.). Letters from Spain in 1856-7. 8vo. - 1858 Adventure Series. 8vo. . . . . . 1890 et seq. Drury (Robert). Madagascar, Journal during 15 years' Cap- tivity. Ed. by Capt. S. P. Oliver. Log of a Jack Tar. The Life of Master Choyce, with O'Brien's Captivity in France. Shipp (Lieut. John, 87th Foot). Military Career of. [In India, 1804-21.] Written by Himself. The Buccaneers and Marooiiers of America. Ed. by Howard Pyle. Trelawny (Edw. J.). Adventures of a Younger Son. Voyages and Adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto. Trans, by H. Cogan. Adventurer, The. See British Essayists. Vols. 2.3-25. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Catalogue. 3 vols., folio - 1742-1807 Ady (Julia). Sacharissa : Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunder- land, her Family and Friends. 8vo. - - - - 1S9.3 iELFRic. Lives of the Saints. See Early English Text Soc, Vol. 33. ^SCHINES. See Oratores Attiri, Vol. 3. JEsCHYLUS. Tragoedia*. Ed. G. Hermann. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipsic 1852 Vol. 1. — I/ceTiSey — npO/urjflfus FifcrixuTT)? — Tlfprrat — Ettto ent Qrifias — Aya/xf/xvuv — X.oy]en, S. Cabot, W. Eaton. Vol. 10. — E. Fulton, J. "Warren, H. Hudson, Father Marquette. „ Second Series. 15 vols., 12mo. ----- 180 Vol. 1. — Robert C. de la St lie, Patrick Henry. Vol. 2. — Jas. Otis, Jas. Oglethorpe. Vol. 3. — J. Sullivan, Jacob Leisler, Nath. Bacon, J. Mason. Vol. 4. — Roger "Williams, Timothy Dwight, Count Pulaski. Vol. 0. — Count Rumford, Zebulon M. Pike, Sam. Gorton. Vol. 6. — Ezra Stibes, John Fitch, Anne Hutchinson. Vol. 7. — John Ribault, Sebastian Rale, "Wm. Palfrey. Vol. 8. — Chas. Lee, Joseph Reed. Vol. 9. — Leonard Calvert, Sam. "Ward, Thos. Posey. Vol. 10. — Nath. Greene. Vol. 11. — Stephen Decatur. Vol. 12.— Edw. Preble, Wm. Penn. Vol. 13. — Daniel Boone, Benjamin Lincoln. Vol. 14. — John Ledyard. Vol. 15. — "Wm. R. Davie, Sam. Kirkland. American Book of Common Prayer. 12mo. . . - - 1863 American Books in the British Museum. See Stevens {H.). American Commonweahhs. 13 vols., 12mo. . - - 1884-92 California. Josiah Royce. Connecticut. Andrew Johnston. Indiana. J. P. Dunn, junr. Kansas. Leveret "W. Spring. Kentucky. N. S. Shaler. Maryland. W. H. Browne. Michigan. T. M. Cooley. Missouri. Lucien Carr. New York. Ellis H. Roberts. 2 vols. Ohio. Rufus King. Oregon. W. Barrows. Vermont. By R. E. Robinson. Virginia. John E. Cooke. American Cyclopaedia. Ed. by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana. 17 vols., 8vo. - - 1873-8 American History (Magazine of) . Vols. 1-24 {continued). 4to. 1877 ct seq. American Institute of Mining Engineers. Memorial of Alex. Lyman Holley, C.E., late President. 8vo. - - - 1884 „ Transactions. Vols. 1-22 (continued). 8vo. - 1871 et seq. „ „ Index. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. - . . . . i884 American Journal of Science and Arts, The. 12 vols., 8vo. 1852-7 American Life, Stories of. Ed. by ]M. R. IMitford. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1830 American Literature (Cyclopaedia of). See Duycki)tch. American Revolution [U.S.]. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. - - - 1774 Letters of Governors Hutchinson, Oliver, and Bernard ; Massa- chusett's Bay Assembly's Petition ; "Wedderbum'e Speech. Americanisms. Dictionary of. See Fanner {J. S.). AME— ANC 11 American's Q-uide. 8vo. - - . . . . . 1854 Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Con- stitution of the United States and of each of the States. Ames (Fisher). Works, Political Essays and Speeches. With Life, by the Rev. Dr. Kirkland. 8vo. - - - - 1809 Ames (Jos.) and Herbert (W.). Typographical Antiquities. 3 vols., 4to. --------- 1785-90 „ „ N"ew ed. Notes by T. F. Dibdin. 4vols., Ito. 1810-19 Amherst (Rev. Wm. Joseph). The History of Catholic Emanci- pation. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1886 Amherst or Amhurst (N".). Terrae-Filius ; or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford. 12mo. - - - - 1726 Amicis (Emondo). La Hollande. l2mo. ----- 1885 „ Souvenirs de Paris et de Londres. 12mo. - - - 1891 Amicus Curice. Indian ('orn, its History and Use. 12mo. - - 1847 Amiel(H.F.). Journal. Trans, by Mrs. H. Ward. 2 vols., 12mo. 1886 Ammon (lobst). The Theatre of Women. See Holbein Soc. Amory (Thomas). Life of John Buncle. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1825 Amory (Thos. C.) Life of Major-Gen. J. Sullivan. 8vo. - - 1868 Amos (Andrew). The Great Oyer of Poisoning : The Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury [1616]. 8vo. 1846 „ The English Constitution in the Reign of Charles II. 8vo. 1857 Amos (Sheldon). Difference of Sex as a Topic of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Svo. ------ 1870 „ An English Code. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1873 „ The Science of Law. See International Science Ser., Vol. 10. „ Manning's Law of Nations. New ed. 8vo. - - - 1875 ,, Laws for the Regulation and Licensing of Vice. 8vo. - 1877 „ The Civil Law of Rome. 8vo. 1883 „ Remembrances of, by a few Friends. 16mo. - - - 1S80 Mrs. W. T. Malleson, Lewis Morris, Una Goodwin, Edmund Maurice, Mrs. F. K. Malleson, Sir E. Wilson, Alice Malleson, G. W. S. Gard, Miss Leppington, Ampere (J. J. A.). See Merimee {P.)., Portraits. Amsinck (Paul). Tunbridge Wells and its Neighbourhood. 4to. 1810 Amundesham (John). Annales. See Chronicles, 28. Anacharsis. Voyage en Grece [b.c. 592]. See Barthelemy (Abbe J. J.). Anacreon. Odes and Epigrams. Trans, by Francis Fawkes. See British Poets, Vol. 89. Anas, English. See also Anecdotes. Addisoniana. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - - - n. d. Brookiana. 2 vols., 12mo. ------ 1804 Oxoniana. 4 vols., 12mo. - - - - - - N. d. Walpoliana. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - - - N. d. Anas, French. 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1805 Vol. 1. — Poggiana, Perroniana, Valesiana, Nandseana, Patini- ana, Sorberiana, Segraisiana, Longuerana, Furetieriana, Ducatiana. Vol. 2. — Carpenteriana, Santoliana, Colomesiana, Scaligerana, Menagiana, Bolaeana. Vol. 3. — Chevraeana, Evremondiana, Huetiana, Lutherana, Marvilliana. Anburet (Capt. Thos). Travels through America. 2 vols., Svo. 1791 Ancient Classics for English Readers. See Blackwood. Ancient Universal History. 18 vols., Svo. - - - 1779-81 12 ANC— ANE Ancren Riwle (The). Regulas Inclusarum. Rules and Duties of Monastic Life in the 13th Cent. See Camden Soc, 57. Andagoya (Pascual de), The Xarrative of. Containing the earliest Notice of Peru. See Hakluyt Soc, 34. [Anderdox (John L.)]. Life of Bishop Ken. By a Layman. 8vo. 1851 Andersen (Hans Christian). The Story of my Life. Svo. - 1872 Anderson (Adam). The Origin of Commerce. 4 vols., 4to. 1787-9 Anderson (Andrew). The Game of Draughts. 5th ed. 8vo. - 1887 Anderson (James). Collections relating to the History of Mary, Queen of Scots. 4 vols., 4to ... - 1727-8 „ Royal Genealogies. 2nd ed. Folio ... - 1736 Part 1. — History of the "World to the Christian J£t&; and the Genealogies of great Families and Ancient Sovereigns down to Charlemagne. Part 2. — Grand Revolution of Charlemagne ; and the Royal and Princely Genealogies of Europe down to these Times. Anderson (John Corbet). Shropshire, its Early History and Antiquities. 8vo. ...-.-. 1864 „ Antiquities of Crovdon Church, destroyed by Fire, Jan. 5th, 1867. 8vo.' - 1867 „ Parish of Croydon, Surrey. 8vo. 1882 Anderson (John E.). History of the Parish of Mortlake. 8vo.- 1886 Anderson (John P.). Book of British Topography. A Classified Catalogue of Work? in the British Museum. 8vo. - 1881 Anderson (William). The Scottish Xation ; or the Surnames, Families, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland. 3 vols., imp. 8vo. - . - . . 1863 Anderson ("NVm.). Catalogue of Prints illustrating the History of Engraving in Japan. See Burlington Fine Arts Club. Anderson (Yarborough)ifc Ellis (C.E.). Guideto Election Law. 8vo. 1885 Andocides. See Ora fores Attici, Vol. 1. Andrea (Bernard). Historia Henrici YII. Ed. Jas. Gairdner. 8vo. 1858 Andreoli (RafPaele). Cose di Xapoli. 12mo. - - - . 1875 Andrew (Sir Wm. P.). Euphrates Valley Route to India. 8vo. 1857 „ The Scinde Railway. 8vo. ..-.-- 1857 Andrews (Alex.). History of British Journalism. 2 vols., 8vo. 1859 Andrews (Chas. McLean). The Old English Manor: a Study in Economic History. 8vo. - . . - . 1892 Andrews (Dr. Ethan A.). Latin-English Lexicon. Imp. 8vo. - 1863 Andrews (Israel D.). Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colonies. 8vo. - - 1853 Andrews (J. P.). History of England [1796]. See Henry (Dr.). Andros (Sir Edmund), Governor of New England, Memoir of [1637-1713]. By W. H. Whitmore. 4to. - - - 1868 „ Commission of James II. to. See Force, Vol. 4. Anecdotes. Arts and Artists. See Elmes {James). „ Banquet of Wit. 16mo. 1882 „ Bar, Bench, and Woolsack. See Roscoe {Henry). „ Camp, the Court, and the Clubs. 2 Series. See Gronow. ,, Clubs of Loudon. See Clubs. „ Concert Room and Orchestra. See Busby. „ Contemporaries of Lord Byron. See Byron. „ Distinguished Persons. 16th to 18th Centuries. See Seicard {TFin.). „ „ 17th Century. See Elmes {J.). „ Dogs. See Jesse {Edward). „ EmineutPersonsof the Present Age [1797]. SeeAlmon(J.). ANE— ANN 13 Anecdotes — continued. „ Lambeth and the Vatican. 3 vols., 12mo. ... 1825 „ Literary: 18th Century. See Nichols (J.). „ Literature and Scarce Books. See Beloe {W.). „ Life Assurance. See Francis (John). „ Manners, &c., of Europe, Charles II. to Queen Anne. See Malcolm (J.). „ Napoleon. See Ireland [TV. H.). „ Olio of. See Grose {Captain Francis). „ Percy. By Byerley and Robertson. 20 vols., 12mo. - 1820-3 „ Poets and Poetry. See Ryan {R.). „ Sheridan (R. B.), his Table-Talk and Bons-Mots. 8vo. - 1826 ., Standards of Wit and Humour [ 1 74-i] . See Morris ( Corhyn) . Angelo (Hen.) [Fencing Master]. Pic-Nic or Table-Talk. 8vo. 1834 Angelo (Michael) and Carli (Denis de). Voyage to Congo, 1666-7. See Pinherton, Vol. 16. Angelo (Michel). See Buonarroti. Angerstein Gallery. Catalogue. By J. Young. Folio - - 1829 Anglicana, Miscellanea Antiqua. 4to. . . . . 1815-21 1. Life and Death of Rizzio. 2. Quarrel between Hall and Mallerie. 3. The Christmas Prince. 4. Old Meg of Herefordshire. 5. The Cold Year, 1614. 6. Long Meg of AVestminster. 7. History of Fryer Bacon. 8. Braith- wait's Kules and Orders for the Government of the House of an Earl. Anolicarum Rerum Scriptores post Bedam, cura Savile. Folio - 1601 Willelm Malmesburiensis. Ingulphus (Abb. Croyland). Henricus (Archid. Huntingdon). Fasti Regum et Episcop. Hoveden (Eogerus de). Angliae. Ethelward. Chronicon. Anglo-Indian Glossary. See Yule and Burnell. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (The). See Chronicles, 23. „ „ With Translation, Notes, and Grammar by Rev. J. Ingram. 4to. ..-..-. 1823 „ See Mon. Hist. Brit. Angouleme (Due d'). Memoires, &c.,depuis la Mort de Henri III. See Petit of, Ser. 1, Vol. 44. Angouleme (Marie Therese, Duchess of), the last of the Dauphines. Memoir [1778-1851]. By Mrs. Romer. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1852 Angus (W.). Views of Seats of the Nobility in Great Britain. folio --------- 1787-1810 Annales Antiquitatis. Chronological Tables of Ancient and Modern History. Folio ----- 1835-40 Annales Cambrice [447-1208]. See Chronicles, 20. Annales Patriotiques et Litteraires de la France, et Affaires Poli- tiques de I'Europe. Vols. 1-11. 4to. - - - 1789-95 Annals of England (The) : an Epitome of English Hi.stor^ 3 vols., 12mo. ------- "1855-7 „ New School History of England, by the Author of . Sm. 8vo. 1870 Annals of Our Time ; from 1837 to 1868. By Joseph Irving. 8vo. 1869 „ Supplements, 1871-87. 8vo. ----- 1876-89 „ „ Newed., 1837-91, continued by H.H.Fyfe. 8vo. 1890-2 Vol. 1.— June 30, 1837, to Feb. 28, 1871. Vol. 2.— Feb. 24, 1871, to June 24, 1887. Vol. 3.— Parts 1 and 2 : June 23, 1887, to Dec. 31, 1891. Anne of Austria, Queen of France, Mother of Louis XIV. Married Life and Regency of. See Freer {Martha W.). 14 ANN"— ANS Anne (Queen) [1665-1714]. Annals of the Reign of. SeeBoijer {Abel). The History of Great Britain during the Eeign of. See Belsham {W.), Burton (Dr. J. //.), Chamberlen (P.), Ralph {Jas.), Jfi/on (/'. ff'.). The History of Great Britain under, to the Peace of Utrecht. See Stanhope (Earl). Court of. See Coke (lior/er) ; also 3fanchfster (Duhe of). State Papers and Letters (luring the R(!ign of. See Carstares (jni/iam), Kcmble (J. 3/.), and 3farchmont J'apers. Minutes of the Negotiation of Moiis. Mesnager during the last four years of. See Defoe (Daniel). Secret History of Great Britain in the Reign of. See Mac- pherson (James). Secret Services of John Macky in time of. See Machy (J.) War of the Succession in Spain, 1701-11. See Parnell (Col. Hon. A.) and Alison (Sir A.) Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland from the Accession of, to 1707. See Lochhart (George). Social Life in the Reign of. By J. Ashton. 2 vols., 8yo. - 1882 Life of Mother Gin. 8vo. -" - - - - - 1736 Anne Boleyn (Queen). A Chapter of English History, 1527-36. By Paul Fricdmann. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1884 Annee Litteraire et Dramatique. Par G. Vapereau. 1 1 vols., 12nio. - - 1859-68 Annee Politique. Par A. Daniel. 12mo. - - - 1886-7 Annee Scientifique (ro»/m?/fc?). Par L. Figuier. ,12mo. I'^^letseq. Annu.\ii{E de la Presse Francaise et du Monde Politique, 1802. 8vo. 1892 Annuaire des Deux Mondes. 12 vols., 8vo. - - - 1852-67 Annuaire du Commerce. 8vo. . . . . 1887 et seq. Annuaire Historique Universel. 20 vols., 8yo. - - 1819-43 Annual Biography and Obituary. 21vols., 8vo. - - 1807-37 Annual Cyclopaedia (American). [A[)pleton's.] Vol. 1 et seq. 8vo. -------- 1876 et seq. Annual Cyclojiaedia (Hazell's) (continued). 12mo. - 1886 et seq. Annual Record of Science for 1878. 12mo. - - . - 1879 Annual Register (American). 8 vols., 8vo. -- - - 1825-33 Annual Register (Dodsley's). From 1758. 8vo. (continued) 175Q et seq. „ Index, 1758-1819. 8vo. ----- 1826 „ Annals of Queen Anne. By A. Boyer. 11 vols., 8yo. 1703-13 „ Political State of Great Britain, 1710-10. By A. Boyer. eOvols., 8yo. ------- 1711-40 „ Register (Edinburgh). 1808-24. 18 vols, in 22, 8vo. 1810-25 „ Historical Register. 1714-38. 25 vols., 8vo. - - 1717-39 Annual Statistician [U.S.A.]. 12mo., 1889 (continued) 1889 et seq. Anquetil-Duperron (Louis Pierre), and Gallais (M.). Summary of Universal History. 9 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1800 „ Histoire de France. 13 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1818-19 Vols. 1 to 9. — Histoire. Par Anqiutil. Vol. 10. — Tables Synchronistiques de THLstoirc de France, ou Chronologic des Princes et Etats contemporains. Par M. do V^ . Vols. 11, 12.— Histoire. Par Gallais. Vol. 13. -Table des Matioros. Ansell (Geo. Fred.). The Royal Mint. Imp. Bvo. - - - 1870 Anselm (Saint), Archbishop of Canterbury. See Hook, Vol. 2, and JEadtner, Chronicles and Memorials, 81. AN8— APP 15 Anson (Commodore George, Lord). Life [1697-1762]. By Sir J. Barrow. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1839 „ Voyage round the World, 1740-4. By Eev. R. Walter. 4to. 1748 Anson (Sir William R.). Law and Custom of the Constitution. 2 vols., 8vo. ....--- 1886-92 Vol. 1.— Parliament. Vol. 2.— The Crown. Anspach (Eliz. Berkeley, Margravine of) Memoirs [I7o0-1828]. 2 vols., 8vo. 1826 Anstey (Christ.). " N'ew Bath Guide " and other Poetical Works ; with Memoir by J. Anstey. 4to. . . . - 1808 ,, Memoirs. See Jesse {J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 2. AxsTEY (Thomas Chisholm). jSTotes upon " The Representation of the People Act, 1867 " (30 & 31 Vict., c. 102). 8vo. - 1867 Anstis (John). Register of the Order of the Garter. 2 vols., fol. 1724 AxTHOLOGiAPalatinaEpigrammatum. J. Diibner, et Ed. Cougny Greece et Latine. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1871-90 „ Epigrammatum Grcecarum. J. Brod£eus. Folio - - 1600 Anti-Gallican (The) : a Collection of Tracts, Speeches, Poems, and Songs on the threatened Invasion. 8vo. - - 1804 Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine (The). 35 vols., 8vo - 1798-1818 ,. Or Weekly Examiner. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1799 ,, Poetry of the. 2nd ed. 12mo. ----- 1854 Political and Satirical Poems, &c., by G-eorge Canning, the Earl of Carlisle, Marquis Wellesloy, J. H. Frere, W. Gilford, W. Pitt, G. Ellis, and others. With notes by Charles Edmonds, and six Etchings by James Gillray. Antiphon. See Oratores Attici, Vol. 1. Antipodes, Rambles at the. [Australia and New Zealand.] 12mo. 1859 Antiquarian Itinerary (The) : Specimens of Architecture in Great Britain. With descriptions. 7 vols., 8vo. - 1815-18 „ Repertory. 4to. -------- 1775 A xtiquaries. Society of. Archseologia. (Vol. 35, Vol. 44, pt. 2, and Vol. 45 wanting) ------ 1770-1880 „ Society of. Proceedings. 2nd Series. Vol. 1 et seq. (continued) ------- 1859-89 „ Index to Engravings in the Proceedings. See Index Sac. ,, Printed Books in the Library, 8vo. . . . . 1887 ,, (Scotland). Proceedings {continued). 4to. - 1879 et seq. Antiquary's Portfolio. See Forsyth {J. S.). Antommarchi (Dr. F.). Last Days of Napoleon. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1825 Antonelli (Aless. di Domenico). Memorie del Regno di Napoli ; Rivoluzione del 1820. Vol.1. 8vo. - - - - 1848 Antoninus (M.). Iter Britunniarum. Ed. Gale. 4to. - - 1709 A p JOHN (Lewis). Richard Cobden and the Free Traders. 12mo. [1881] „ John Bright and the Peace Party. 12mo. - - [1881] Apocrypha. See Bible. Apocryphal New Testament. See Hone {Wm.). Apollonius Tyanaeus, Indian Travels of. a.d. 45. See Priaulx (O.deB.). „ Life of. See Philostratus [Flavius). Apollonius Rhodius. The Argonautics. Trans, by W. Preston. See British Poets, Vols. 90, 91. Appach (Francis H.). Caius Julius Caesar's British Expeditions from Boulogne to the Bay of Apuldore. 12mo. - - 1868 Appeeley (Chas. Jas.), alias Nimrod. The Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses, and their Management. 8vo. - 1831 16 APP— ARC Apperlet (Chas. Jas.) — continued. „ " Sporting." Folio 1838 Engravings and Vignettes illustrative of British Field Sports, from Pictures painted by T. Gainsborough, E. Landseer, A. Cooper, Charles Hancock, J. F. Lewis, W. Barraud. Ed. by Nimrod. With Literary Contributions by Thomas Hood, John Hamilton Reynolds, and others. „ Hunting Reminiscences. Illustrated. 8vo. - - - 1843 The Horse and the Hound; with Instructions in Horseman- ship, and a Treatise on Horse-dealing. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1843 Appianus Alexandrinus. Romanarum Historiarum Libri quae Supersunt Grjece et Latine cum Indicibus. Imp. 8vo. - 1840 Appleton (Dr. Chas. E. C. B.). His Life [1841-79] and Literary Relics. By John H. Appleton and A. H. Sayce. 8vo. - 1881 Appletox's Annual" Cyclopedia. U.S.A. 10 vols., 8vo. - 1876-85 Cvclopjedia of American Biography. G vols., imp. 8vo. 1887-9 „ Guide to the L'nited States and Canada. 12mo. - - 1888 „ Guide-book to Southern California. 12mo. - - - 1888 „ Guide to Mexico. By A. R. Conkling. 12mo. - - 1884 Apuleius. Opera Omnia. 5 vols., 8vo. ----- 1825 „ The Metamorphoses, or Golden Ass ; and. Philosophical Works. Trans, by Thomas Tavlor. 8vo. - - - 1822 „ Works. 12mo. - - - " 1853 Metamorphoses, or Golden Ass ; the God of Socrates ; the Florida, and his Defence, or a Discourse on Magic. Metrical Version of Cupid and Psyche, and Mrs. Tighe's Psyche. Arabian Nights' Entertainment (The) Trans, by the Rev. E. Forster, with Illustrations by Smirke. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1802 Xew Translation by Edward W. Lane. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1850 Literal Translation bv Sir R. F. Burton. 10 vols., 8vo. 1885-6 [[ „ Supplemental Xights. G vols., 8vo. - 1887-8 " Histoire d' ' Ala Al-Din. See Zotenbery (H.). Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta editions. Trans, by John Payne. (Villon Society.) .3 vols., 8vo, 1884-5 Arago (Fran9ois). Meteorological Essiiys. 8vo. - - - 1855 Bioo^raphies of Distinguished Scientific Men. 8vo. - - 1857 History of my Youth. BaiUy, Laplace, Joseph Fourier, Carnot, Malus. Fresnel, Thomas Young, James Watt. Aragon (Manpiis d'). Prince Charles de Nassau-Siegen. 8vo. - 1893 Aratus. Phenomena and Diosemeia. Trans, by Dean Lamb. 8vo. 1849 Arber (Edward). An English Garner. Gatherings from our History and Literature. Vols. 1-7. Small 8vo. - 1877-83 Reo^isters of the Stationers Companv, 1554-1G40. 4 vols., Ito. - - ------- 1875-7 „ List of London Publishers [1 553-1 G40]. 4to. - - - 1890 The fir.'Jt three English Books on America [151 1-15551. 4to. 1885 Arbuthnot (John), M:D., F.R.C.P. Life an'd Works [1667- 1735]. By Geo. A. Aitken. 8vo. . - - . 1892 Life. History of John Bull. Art of Political Lying. Martinus Scriblcrus. Essays. „ Miscellaneous Works. 2 vols., 12iuo. - - - . 1751 Arcana Imperii Detecta. Select Cases in Government. [By M. Z. Boxhorn.] 8vo. - - 1701 ArcH'-eologia. Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries. 4to. 1770-1880 A.RC— AKI 17 Archaeological Institute, 1866, London Congress of the. 8vo. - 1867 Archaeological Institute of America. Report. 8vo. - 1879-80 „ Archaeological Tour in Mexico. By A. F. Bandelier. 8vo. 1885 Arch^ological Survey of Western India. Eeports. By Dr. Jas. Burgess. 5 vols., 4to. . - . . 1874-83 Archeology, Prehistoric. Session at Norwich. 8vo. - - 1869 Archbold (VV. a. J.). The Somerset Religious Houses. See Cambridge Historical Essays, 6. Archdall (Mervyn) and Lodge (J.). Peerage of Ireland. 7 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1789 Archer (Major Jas. H. Laurence). Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies. 4to. - - - - - 1875 Archer (.J.Wykeham). Vestiges of Old London. Etchings. Fol. 1851 Archer (Major). Tours in IST. India and the Himalayas. 2vols.,8vo. 1833 Archer (William). English Dramatists of To-day. 12mo. - 1882 Albery. Gilbert. Meritt. Sims. Broughton. Grundy. Merivale. Smith. Burnand. Howard. Pinero. Tennyson. Byron. Jones. Reece. Wills. Architects' Register. Vol. 2. 12mo. 1887 Architects. See Royal Institute of British. " ARDENofFeversham." A Tragedy. 1592. Ed. by A. H.Bullen. 4to. ---------- 1887 ARET.ELS. Opera. Curavit D. C. Gottlob Kiihn. Svo. - - 1828 De Causis et Signis Acutorum et Diuturnorum Morborum. De Curatione Acutorum et Diuturnorum Morborum. Argenson (Marquis d'). See Beriille and Barriere, Vol. 1. Argenteau (Comte de Mercy), Correspondance secrete entre Marie Therese et le. See Marie Antoinette. Argyll, Records of. By Lord Archibald Campbell. 4to. - - 1885 Argyll (Geo. D. Campbell, 8th Duke of). The Reign of Law. 8vo. 1867 „ The Eastern Question, 1856-78. 2 vols., Svo. - - -1879 ,, Presbytery Examined : an Essay. 12mo. - - . - 1849 „ Primeval Man. 8vo. ------- 1870 Ariosto (Ludovico). Orlando Furioso. With Memoirs and Notes, by [Sir] Ant. Panizzi. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1834 „ „ Trans, into English Verse by W. Stewart Rose. New ed. 2 vols., 12mo. ------ 1884 ,, Orlando Furioso. See Panizzi (Sir Ant.). Arist.enetus. Love Epistles. Trans, by H. S. 8vo. - - 1781 Aristodemus. a Tragedy. 8vo. ------ 1838 Aristophanes. Comcedife Gr. Accedunt perditarum Fabularum Fragmenta ex Recensione G. Dindorfii. 4 vols, in 5, Svo. --------- 1835-8 Vols. 1 and 2. — TIKovtos. — 'NecpeAai — Barpaxoi — Itttttj? — Axapv7]S — 2^rj/c6s— EipTjvrj — Opi^tdes — EKKArjcna^ovffai — Qecrfiocpopia- aovaai — AvatcrTpaTr] — Fragmenta. Vol. 3. — Annotationes. Vol. 4.— Parts 1, 2, 3, Scholia Grjeca. Trans., See Frere (J. H.). Vol.2. „ Comedies. Trans, by W. J. Hickie. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1853-60 „ By Rev. W. L. Collins. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. Aristoteles. [b.c. 384-322.] Opera, omnia quae extant. Gr. et Lat., ex recensione I. Bekkeri. 11 vols., Svo. - - 1837 Vol. 1. — Organon. Vol. 2.— Naturalis auscultationis — De Cselo — De Generatione et Corruptione. aP p. 3104. 18 ARI— ARN Aristotles Opera, omnia quse extant — co7itinued. Vol. 3. — :Mc'te()rologica — De Mumlo— Do Aiiimn— Dc Sensu et sensili — De Menioria — De Sonino— Dc Insomnis — De Divinatione per Somnum — De Longitudinae Vitae — Do Juvontutc — Do Rcspiratione — De Spiritu. A'ol. 4. -Ilistoria Animalium. Vol. 5. De I'artibus, do Motu, de Incessu et de Gencratione Animalium. Vyl. 6. — Do C'olorilms — De Audibililms — Physiognomonica -De riantis — De Mirabilibus Auscultatiuiiibus — Meclianica — De Lincis Insecabilibiis — Yentorum situs et nomina — De Xenophane, Zenone et Gorgia. Vol. 7. — Problcmata. Vol. 8.— Metaphysica. Vol. 9. — Ethica. Vol. 10. — De Republica — (Economica. Vol. 11. — De Ehetorica — De Ehetorica ad Alexaiulrum — De Poetica. The Nicliomachean Ethics. Trans, by R. Williams. 8vo. 1869 " „ Trans, by R. W. Browne. 12mo. - - - 18G5 The Organon, or Logical Treatises. With the Introduction of Porphyry. Trans, by O. F. Owen. 2 vols., 12nio. - 1853 Treatise on Rhetoric. Trans, by T. Hobbes. New ed., 12nio. 1857 Metaphysics. Trans, by the Rev. J. H. M'Mahon. 12mo. 1857 Life and Critical Examination of Works. By Geo. Grote. Ed. by Alex. Bain. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1872 By Sir Alex. Grant, Bart. See Blackicoods Ancicyit Classics. A Chapter from the History of Science. See Lcices (G. H.). AuKWRiGHT (Sir Rich.). Life [1732-92]. See Coleridge (H.). Arlington (Henry Bennett, Earl of). Letters to Sir W. Temple and others, 1665-70, giving Account of the Treaties of Munster, the Triple Alliance, &c. 8vo. - 1701 Armin (Robert). Fools and Jesters. See Shakespeare Soc. Nest of Ninnies [1608]. See Shakespeare Soc. Armitagh (John). The History of Brazil. 1808-31. [Con- tinuation of Southey's History.] 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1836 Armstrong (Dr. Sir Alex.). A Personal Narrative of the Dis- covery of the North- West Passage. 8vo. - - - 1857 Armstrong (Archie). Banqiiet of Jests, together with Archy's Dream. Hvo. - - - - - - - ' - 1872 Armstrong (Dr. John). Poetical Works. See British 7'or/s,Vol.67. Armstrong (R. A.). Gaelic Dictionary and Grammar. 4to. - 1825 Armstrong (Thos. St. G.). Principes du Droit International, Vol. 1. 8vo. - - - 1890 Army, The Queen's Regulations for the [1859]. 8vo. - -1862 Army Statutes and Articles of War. 8vo. 1854 Armytage (Hon. Fenella Mrs.). Old Court Customs and Modern Court Rule. 12mo. 1883 Arnason (Jon), Icelandic Legends, collected bj'. Trans, by G. E. J. Powell and E. Magnu.sson. 8vo. ' - - - 1864 Arnauld (Abbe), Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 3-1. Arnauld d' Andilly (Robert). Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 33, 34. Arne (Dr. Thos. Augustine). INIemoirs. ^(m Jesse {J. II.), Yo\. 1. Arnim Trial, Pro Nihilo, the Prelude to the. First Part. 8vo. - 1876 Arniston Memoirs. Three Centuries of a Scottish House [Dundas family]. 1571-1838. By Geo. W. T. Omond. 8vo. -1887 Arnold (Sir Edwin). The Marquis of Dalhousie's Administra- tion of British India. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1862 Vol. 1. — Acquisition and Administration of the Punjab. Vol. 2. — Annexation of Pegu, Nagpore, and Oudh ; and General Review of Lord Dalhousie's Rule in India. ARN— ARR 19 Arnold (Sir Edwin) — continued. „ The Light of Asia. 12mo. 1889 Life and Teaching of Gautama, Founder of Buddhism. „ Japonica : Sketches in Japan. Illustrations by R. Blum. Imp. 8vo. -------.. 1892 Arnold (Rev. Fred.). Robertson of Brighton. 12mo. - - 1886 Arnold (Dr. Matthew). Essays in Criticism. 12mo. - - 1865 ,, E.ssays on Church and Religion. 8vo. - - - . 1877 „ Mixed Essays. 12mo. 1879 „ Literature and Dogma. 5th ed. 8vo. - . - - 1876 „ Poems. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1881 „ Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. 8vo. - - 1874 „ Poetical Works. 12mo. 1890 „ Culture and Anarchy. 12mo. ------ 1891 Arnold (Richard). The Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle [1502]. 4to. - - - - - 1811 The names of the Balyfs, Gustos, Mayres, and Sherefs from Ric. I. Arnold (Robert Arthur). History of the Cotton Famine, from the Fall of Sumter. 8vo. ------ 1865 „ Through Persia by Caravan. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . 1877 „ Free Land. 12mo. 1880 Arnold (Samuel Greene). History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1874 Arnold (Rev. Dr. Thomas). History of Rome to the End of the Second Punic War. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1 840-3 „ „ to the Death of .Julius Cgesar ; the Reign of Augustus ; Life of Trajan. 2 vols., 8vo. 1845 „ Introductory Lectures on Modern History, Lent Term, 1 842, and Inaug. Lect., Dec, 1841. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1843 „ Life and Correspondence. By Dean Stanley. 2 vols., 8vo. 1858 Arnold (Thomas James). Reynard the Fox, after the German Version of Goethe. 8vo. --- = .. 1855 „ Treatise on the Law relating to Municipal Corporations in England and Wales. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - 1875 „ The Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act, and The Employers and Workmen Act, 1875. 8vo. - - - 1876 Arnold-Forster (H. O.). In a Conning Tower ; or. How I took H.M.S. " Majestic " into Action. Small 4to. - - 1891 „ Our Home Army. [Letters published in the Times, l!^ov., Dec. 1891.] 12mo. - - - - - - - 1892 Arnoi (Hugo). Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland [1536 to 1784]. 4to. 1785 Arnott (Dr. Neil). Elements of Physics. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1829 „ On Warming and Ventilation. 8vo. - . - - 1838 „ Survey of Human Progress. 8vo. ----- 1861 Arnould (Sir Joseph) . Memoir of Thomas, first Lord Denman, Lord Chief Justice of England. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1873 Arrianus. Anabasis et Indica ed. Fr. Dubner. Reliqua Arriani et Scriptorum de Rebus Alexandri M. fragmenta col- legit, Pseudo-Callisthenis Historiam fabulosam nunc primum edidit itinerarium Alexandri et Indices adjecit C. Muller. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1846 Arrivabene (Count Charles). Italy under Victor Emmanuel: a Personal Narrative. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1862 Arrivabene (J.). L'Etat des Travailleurs dans la Commune de Viva-Magadino, Suisse. 8vo. 1840 B 2 20 ARE— ASG Arrowsmith (John). London Atlas of Universal Geography. Imp. Folio '- 1842 Ars Moriendi, that is to saye, the craft for to deye, for the helthe of Mannes Soule. 1491. By Wm. Caxton, or "Wyuken de Worde. See Bodleian Facsimile Series. „ See Holbein Soc., 14. Art de Verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, &c., avant I'Ere Chretienne. Par un Religieux de la Conorregation de St. Maur. Eedige par Francis Clement. 4to. Paris - 1802 „ ,, depiiis la Xaissance de Jesus-Christ a 1770. Xouv. ed., par X. V. de Saint- Allais. 5 vols., 4to. Paris 1818-19 „ „ dnpiiis Tannee 1770, jusqii'a nos jours. Continuation du pri'cedent par De Courcelles et Fortia. 4 vols., 4to. 1821-4 Art Journal (The). 41 vols., 4to. (continued) - - 1847 et seq. Art Journal Catalogue of the Great Exhibition, 1851. 4to. - 1851 Art of Stock- Jobbing. 8vo. - 1819 Artemus Ward. See Broicn (Chas. F.). Arteveld (Jas. and Philip van). Two episodes of the 14th Century. By Jas. Hutton. 12mo - - - - 1882 Arthur, King of Great Britain, History of ; also Acts and Deeds of the Knights of the Round Table. Compiled by Sir Thomas Malorv. With Introduction bv T. Wright. 3 vols., 12mo. ' - - - - - ■ - - - 1858 „ „ [1440]. Farli/ Eny. Text Soc, Vol. 17. Articles of War, Mutiny Acts, &c. 8vo. ----- 1854 Arts Club, Manchester. Cataloo^ue of Enorravino^s of Theatricid Scenes and Portraits, lent by Harry Thornber. Illus- trated. 8vo. - - ■-■.--- 1888 Aht'xdel and Surrey (Thomas Howard, Earl of). Life [1592- 1G46J. See JFalker {Sir Eduard). Aruxdixes Cami sive Musarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus Canori. Collegit atque edidit Henricus Drury. 8vo. - - 1860 AfBJORNsEN (P. Chr.). Tales from the Fjeld. Popular Tales from the Xorse. Trans, by G. W. Dasent. 12mo. - 1874 AsBOTH (J. de). Official Tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina. Royal 8vo. - - - - - - - - - 1890 AsCAXirs, or the Young Adventurer [Charles Stuart] [1746]. 12th ed._12mo. -------- 1812 AsCHAM (Roger), English Works. With Life, by Dr. Johnson. 8vo. 1815 „ Works. With Life, by the Rev. Dr. Giles'. 3 vols, in 4, 12mo. 1865 Vol. 1.— Part 1. Life. — Letters. Part 2. Letters. Vol. 2.— Letters. — The Toxophilus : the Art of Shootiug with the Bow. Vol. 3. — Report of the State of Germany and the Emperor Charles, his Court. — The Schoolmaster. — Poematii. — Edw. Grant's Oration on the Life and Death of Ascham. — Letters of Giles Ascham. „ Life. See Coleridge {H.). Aschrott (Dr. P. F.). The English Poor Law System 8vo. - 1888 AsGiLL (.John). Theological and Political Tracts. 8vo. - 1712-16 1. — An Argument proving Man may be translated into Eternal Life without passing through Death, Sec. 1715. 2. — De Jure Divino: Title of the House of Hanover to the Succession of the British Monarchy, &c. 1715. 3. — Essay for the Press. 1712. 4. — Asgill's Defence on his Expulsion from the IIoubc of Commons, &c. 1712. ASG— AST 21 AsGiLL (John). Theological and Political Tracts — continued. ■5. — Extracts from Acts of Parliament concerning Succession of the House of Hanover, and for attainting the Pretender, preceded by an Apology. 1713. 6. — The Pretender's Declaration; Memoirs of Chevalier St. George, and of two other Chevaliers vSt. George in the Keign of Henry VII. 1715. 7. —Succession of the House of Hanover vindicated, &c. 1714. 8. — The Pretender's Declaration from Plomhieres English'd. 1715. 9. — The Pretender's Declaration transposed. 1716. Ash (Dr. John). Dictionary of the English Language. [Contains Obsolete, Prov'incial, and Cant words.] 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1795 AsHBURNHAM (John). Attendance on Charles I. from Oxford to the Scotch Army, and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1 830 Ashe (Thomas) [The Editor]. The Spirit of "The Book," or Memoirs of Caroline, Princess of Hapsburgh. 3vols.,12mo. 1811 „ Memoirs and Confessions, by Himself. 3 vols., 12mo. - 1815 AsHMOLE (Elias). The Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter. Folio ------ 1672 „ History and Antiquities of Berkshire. Folio - - - 1736 „ Visitation of Berkshire, 16G4-6. 8vo. - - - - 1882 AsHTON (John) . Old Times : Social Life at the End of the 18th Century. 8vo. ------- 1882 „ Chap-Books of the 18th Century. 8vo. - - - - 1882 „ Social Life in the Reign of Qiieen Anne. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1882 „ Humour, Wit, and Satire of the 17th Century. 12mo. - 1883 „ English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. 2 vols., 8vo. 1884 „ The Fleet: its River, Prison, and Marriages. 8vo. - - 1888 „ Modern Street Ballads. 12mo. - - - . . 1888 „ Social England under the Regency. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1890 „ The Dawn of the 19th Century in England. A Social Sketch. 8vo. -------- 1890 AsHTON (Rev. Dr. Thomas). Memoirs. See Jesse {J. H.), Vol. 1. AsHWELL (Rev. Canon Arthur R.) and Wilberforce (R. G.). Life of Bishop Wilberforce. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1880-2 AsHWORTH (Hen.). Recollections of Cobden and the Anti-Corn Law League. 8vo. ------- 1877 Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register (The). New Series : Vol. 21-40. Third Series : Vol. 1-4. 24 vols., 8vo. - 1836-45 Asiatic Society of Bengal. Transactions. 6 vols., 4to. - 1799-1801 Aspects of Religion in the United States. [By Isabella L. Bishop.] 12mo. ------- 1859 AssEMBLEE Legislative [1849]. Prohls Critiques et Biographiques des 750 Representants du Peuple. 12mo. - - - 1849 AssER (John), Bishop of Sherborne. De Rebus Gestis -^Ifredi. See Mon. Hist. Brit, and Camden. „ Annales : sive Chronicou Fani Sancti Neoti. See Gale and Fell, Vol. 2. AssHETON (Nicholas). Journal. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 14. Assizes, Bloody, or Western Martyrology, Life of Judge Jeffreys, &c. [By Thos. Pitts.] 8vo. ----- 1705 Assizes, Merciful, or Panegyric on the late Lord Jeffreys. 8vo. - 1701 AsTLE (Thomas). The Origin and Progress of Writing and Printing. 2nd ed. 4to. - 1803 22 AST— -ATL ASTLB (Thomas) and Grose (Capt. F.). Antiquarian Repertory. •4 vols., -ito. - - 1807-9 AsTLET (T.) [the PubUsher]. Collection of Voyages and Travels. [By John Green.] 4 vols., 4to. - - - - 1745-7 Vol. 1. — Book i. First Voyages of the Portuguese to India (1418-1545). Book ii. First Voyages of the English to Guinea and East Indies (1552-98). Book iii. First Voyages of the English on account of the East India Company (1600-20). Book iv. Voyages to Africa and the Islands (1455-1721). Vol. 2. — Book i. French Voyages along the West Coast of Africa (1637-1713). Book ii. English Voyages along the West Coast of Africa (1620-1735). Book iii. Guinea and Benin (1666-1726). Book iv. Description of Guinea. Vol. 3. — Book i. Guinea. Book ii. Benin. Book iii. Kongo and Angola. Book iv. Descriptions of Loango, Kayo, Angola, Benguola, ttc. Book y. East Coast of Africa. Vol. 4. — Book i. Asia, China (1655-1722). Book ii. Korea, East Tartary, Tibet. Bock iii. Through Tartary, Tibet, and Bukharia to and from China (1246-1698). AsTOB Library Catalogue. 5 vols., 8vo. . . . . 1 857-80 Atchison (Chas. C). A "Winter Cruise in Summer Seas. Southampton to Buenos Ayres and back. 8vo. - - 1891 Athen^um (The). A Literax-y Magazine. Ed. by Dr. John Aikin. 5 vols., 8vo. ------ 1807-9 AiHEN.iirM (The). A Joiirnal of English and Foreign Literature. 4to. (continued) ------ 18^0 et seq. Athen^cm Club. List of Members from its Foundation [1824- 88]. By Rev. Francis G. Wangh. 12mo. - - - 1888 „ Catalogue of the Librarv, 1845. Supplements, 1845-80. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1845-80 Athen.eum FranQais. 3 vols., 4to. Paris - - - 1854-5 Athenian Letters, or the Correspondence of an Agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Pelopounesiau War. [Authors : Philip Vorke, 2ud Lord Hardwicke, Hon. Chas. Yorke, and several others.] 4to. - - 1781 Atkins (James). The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire. 8vo. - - - - 1889 Atkins (Sir Robert). Parliamentary Tracts [1G89]. 8vo. - - 1734 Atkinson (Edward). The Distribution of Products; or, the Mechanism of Exchange. 12mo. - . . - 1885 Atkinson (Geo.). Worthies of "Westmorland, born since the Reformation. 2 vols., 8vo. 1849 Atkinson (Rev. John C). Glossary of the Cleveland Dialect. 4to. 1868 „ Fortv Years in Moorland Parish : Danbv in Cleveland. 8vo. - - ' . . - 1891 Atkinson (Jos. B.). Art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe. 8vo. 1873 Atkinson ("Wm. P.). On the Right Use of Books. 16mo. - 1879 Atlas : — Arrowsmith's London Atlas. Folio. 1842. Australia. By J. Sands. Folio. 1886. Black"s General Atlas Folio. 1879. Bradford (T. G.). Atlas of the United States and adjacent Countries. Folio. Boston. 1838. Chauchard (Capt.). Atlas of Germany, Holland, the Nether- lands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. Folio. 1800. Collins's International Atlas. Folio. 1881. Colton (G. Woohvorth). General Atlas. Letterpress by Richard Swainson Fisher. Folio. New York. 1863. Joanne (Adolphe). Atlaa de la France. Folio. Paris. 1870. ATL— AUF 28 Atlas — continued. Johnston (Alex. Keith). The Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. Folio. 1861. ,, New edition. Folio. 1874. „ Physical Atlas. Folio. 1848. Malte Brun. Atlas. Folio. Paris. 1831-7. Philips' Atlas of the Counties of England. 4to. [1890.] Philips' Handy General. Folio. 1885. Philips' Imperial. Folio. 1885. Proctor (Richard A.). Star Atlas for Library, with Index Plates. Folio. 1870. „ Star Atlas. 8vo. 1873. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Maps of the. 4 vols., 4 to. Index. 8vo. 1844. Sonnenschein and Allen. Royal Relief Atlas of the World. (31 Maps.) 4to. [1880.] Spriiner (K.). Atlas fiir die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Neueren Zeit. 3rd ed. Oblong folio. Gotha. 1880. Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geography. (90 Maps.) Folio. 1887. Stanford's Parliamentary. 8vo. 1885. Statistical Atlas of Great Britain. By G. P. Bevan. Folio. 1882. Stieler (Adolf). Hand Atlas. Folio. 1881. The World : a Classical Atlas. W. and A. K. Johnston. Royal 8vo. [1884.] Atterbuey (Francis), Bishop of Rochester. Correspondence, Visi- tation Charges, Speeches, and Miscellanies. With Memoir of the Author, by John ISTichols. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1789-99 „ Memoirs from his Birth to his Banishment [1662-1723]. By Rev. Thos. Stackhouse. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - '- 1727 „ Life and Letters. By R. F. Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. - 1869 „ Letters to the Chevalier de St. Greorge. Ed. by J. H. Glover. Vol. 1. all published. 8vo. ------ 1847 AxTVt^oOD (Thomas). " Scotch Banker." Articles under that signa- ture on Banking, Currency, &c. 8vo. - - - - 1832 „ Life. By C. M. Wakefield. 8vo. 1885 AuBER (D. F. E.). Life. See Engel {£.). AuBiGNE (J. Merle d'). See Merle d'Aubigne. Aubrey (John). Letters of the 17th and 18th Centuries; Hearne's Journeys to Reading and Whaddon Hall ; and Lives of Eminent Men. By John Aubrey. 2 vols. 8vo. - - 1813 ,, Anecdotes and Traditions. See Camden Soc, 5. „ Wiltshire Collections [1659-70]. Ed. by Rev. Canon J. E. Jackson. 4to. 1862 „ Memoir of [1625-97]. By John Britton. 4to. - - 1845 Auckland (George Eden, 1st Earl of). Life [1784-1849]. By Capt. L. J. Trotter. See Rulers of India. Auckland (Wm. Eden, 1st Lord) [1744-1814]. Journal and Correspondence. Ed. by Bishop Lord Auckland. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - -■ 1861-2 AuDLEY or Audelay (John). Poems. In the Shropshire Dialect [15th Century]. See Percy Sac, Vol. 14. „ Fraternitye of Vacabondes. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., Vol. 6. Audubon (John James), the Naturalist. Life and Adventures, Ed. by Robert Buchanan. 3rd ed. 8vo. - - - 1869 Auerbach (Berthold). Events in Vienna, from Latour to Windisch- griitz [Sept. to Nov., 1848]. Trans, by J. E. Taylor - 1849 AuFRERE (Anthony) [the Translator]. A Warning to Britons, an Account of the Conduct of the French during the Invasion of Germany in 1796. 12mo. - - - - 1798 24 AUG— AUS AuGiER (Emile). (Euvres Diverses. 12mo. - - - - 1884 „ Theatre complet. G vols., 12mo. 1886 Vol. 1 . — La Cigue — L'Avcuturiere — Un Homme de bien — LHabit Vert — Gabrielle — Le Joueur de Fliite. Vol. 2. — Diaae — Philiberte — Le Gendre de M. Poirier — Ceinture Doree. Vol. 3. — La Pierre de Touche— Le Mariage d'Olympe — La Jeunesse — Sapho. Yol. 4. — Les Lionnes pauvres -Un beau Mariage — Les Effrontes. Vol. 5.— Le Fils de Giboyer — Maitre Guerin — Le Contagion. Vol. 6. — Paul Forestier — Le Post-seriptum — Lions et Renards — Jean de Thommeray — Madame Caverlet. AuLDJO (Johu). Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blauc, Aug. 8 and 9, 1827. 2ml ed. 8vo. ----- 1830 „ Sketches of Vesu\-ius. With Account of Eruptions. 8vo. 1833 „ Journal of a Visit to Constantinople in 1833. 8vo. - - 1835 AuLUS Grellius. Noctes Atticas. Ed. J. Gronovius. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1824 AuMALE (Due d'). Princes de Conde pendant le 16^ et 17* Siecles. 6 vols, and Atlas. 8vo. - - - - 18G3-92 „ History of the Princes of Conde in the 16th and 17th Cen- turies. Trans, by E. B. Borthwick. 5 vols., 8vo. 1872-89 AuNGiER (Geo. J.). History of Syou Monastery, the Parish of Isle worth, and the Chapelry of Hounslow. 8vo. - - 1840 AuBELirs Antoninus (Victor). Historia Romana, ex Editione Th. Chr. Harlesii. JfES (Edw.) and Whatton (W. R.). History of the County of Lancaster. 4 vols., 4to. ------ 1836 „ „ New ed., by J. Harland. 2 vols., 4to. - 1868-70 „ „ New ed., by Jas. Croston. 5 vols., 4to. - 1888-93 Baines (Thos.). Explorations in South- West Africa, 1861-2. 8vo. - - - . . 1864 Baines (Thos.). Yorkshire, Past and Present. 2 vols, in 4, 4to. 1871-77 Bainton (George). The Art of Authorship: Personally con- tributed by leading Authors of the Day. 12mo. - - 1890 Baird (General Sir David). Life, by Theodore Hook. 2 \ols., 8vo. 1832 Baird (Hen. M.). History of the Rise of the Huguenots. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1880 „ The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vols., 8vo. 1886 Baird (Robert). Experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1850 Baird (Spencer F.). Annual Record of Science. 8vo. - - 1879 Baireuth (Margravine of). Memoirs. Trans, and ed. by the Princess Christian. 8vo. ------ 1887 ,, and Voltaire. See Horn {Dr. G.). Baker (Anne E.). Glossary of Northamptonshire Words: Customs of the County. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1854 Baker (David Erskine). Biographia Dramatica. Continued by Isaac Reed and Steph. Jones. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1812 Baker (Geo.). History and Antiquities of the County of North- ampton. 2 vols., folio ----- 1822—41 Baker (Sir George), M.D. Memoirs. See Jesse {J. H.), Vol. 2. Baker (Hen. Barton). Our Old Actors. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1878 „ The London Stage, from 1576 to 1888. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1889 Baker (Lt.-Col. Jas.). Turkey in Europe. 2 Maps. 8vo. - 1877 Baker (Sir Richard). Chronicle of the Kings of England to the Death of James I. Continuation, to 1660, by E. Phillips. Second Continuation, to George I. Folio - - - 1730 „ Animadversions on Baker's Chronicle. See Blount (T.). Baker (Sir Samuel White). The Albert N'Y^'anza, Great Basin of the Nile, and Explorations of the Nile Sources. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1860 „ The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs. 8vo. ----- 1867 „ Ismail'ia : Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 2 vols. - - - . . 1874 ,, Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. 8vo. - - - _ . 1879 „ Wild Beasts and their Ways. 2 vols., Svo. - . . 1890 aO BAK— BAL Baker (T. H.). Records of the Seasons, Prices of Agricultural Produce, and Phenomena observ<'d in the British Isles. 12mo. 1883 Balance of Power, Influence of Great Britain in the. 8vo. - N. D. Balbi (Gasp.). Voyage to Pegu [1579]. See Finkerton, Vol. 9. Balbo (Count Cesare). Life and Times of Dante Alighieri. Trans, by Mrs. F. J. Bunbury. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1852 Balcakres (Colin Lindsay, .3rd Earl of). Account of the Affairs of Scotland, relating to the Kevolution in 1688. 8vo. - 1714 Baldwin (John D.). Ancient America: Archaeological Notes. 8vo. 187C Baldwin (John Loraine). The Laws of Short Whist; and a Treatise on the Game, by James Clay. 12mo. - - 1870 Baldwin (Richard), Ai-chbishop of Canterbury. Itinerary of, through AVales, a.d. 1188. 2 vols., 4to. - - -1806 Baldwin (Thos.). Gazetteer of the L^nited States. 8vo. - - 1854 Baldwin (Win.) and Knapp (And.). Xewgate Calendar. Memoirs of Notorious Characters convicted since 1700. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1824-8 Bale (Dr. John), Bishop of Ossory. Works. See Parker Soc. „ God's Promises unto Man [1538]. See Dodsley's Old Flays, Vol. 1. „ Kyng Johan : a Play. See Camden Soc, 2. „ Scriptorium Illustrium Maioris Brytanniae Summarium. Folio 1559 Balfe (Michael Wm.), Memoir of. By C. L. Kenney. 8vo. 1875 Balfour (Rt. Hon. Arthur J.). Defence of Philosophic Doubt. 8vo. - - 1879 „ The Religion of Humanity. 8vo. ----- 1888 Balfour (Surgeon-Gen. Edward). Cyclopaedia of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia. 2nd ed. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1871 „ „ Newed. 3 vols., royal 8vo. - - - - 1885 Balfour (Sir James). Historical Works. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1824-5 Vol. 1.— Annalcsof Scotland, 1057-1640. Vols. 2 and 3. — Memorials of Church and State, 1640-1652. Vol. 4.- King Charles's Visit and Coronation, 1633. Ball (John). The Central Alps. l2mo. 1869 Ball (Right Hon. John Thos.). Legi.slative Systems Operative in Ireland, 1172-1800. 8vo. - - - - -1888 Ballad Society Publications. 8vo. - - - - 1868 et seq^ Nos. 1, 2, 3, 10. — Ballads from Manuscripts. 2 vols. Vol. 1 : No-w a Dayes, circa lo20; Vox Populi Vox Dei, 1547-48 ; " The Euyn of a Realm " ; The Image of Ypo- creeye, 1533; Against the Waspheming English Lutherans and the Poisonous Dragon Luther ; The Spoiling of the Abbeys ; The Overthrowc of the Abbyes, a Tale of Robin Hoode ; De Monasteriis Dirutis. Ballads on "Wolsey, Anne Boleyn, &c., with Index, Glossary, and Prc:ace. Vol. 2 : The Poore Mans Pittance, by Richard Williams, contayninge: (1) The Fall of Anthonie Babington. (2) The life and Deathe of Roberte, lorde Deverox : Earle of Ksscx. (3) " Acclamatio patrie." Ballads on Queen Elizabeth, Essex, and others. Candlewick Ballads, Poems from Jackson MS. Nos. 4, 6, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 21-31.— The Roxburgho Ballads. (In progress.) Vols. 1-3 : The R< xburghe Ballads, with copies of the original Woodcuts. BAL 81 Ballad Society Publicationg — continued. Vols. 4-6 : Anti-Papal Ballads (112 "Woodcuts) ; Miscellaneous Ballads (112 Woodcuts). Vol. 4, containing, inier alia, Historical Ballads on the Duke of Monmouth, his Victory at Bothwell Bridge, Loyal Songs of the Court Party, and Satires on Jack Presbyter. Vol. 5 : The Struggle for the Succession between York and Monmouth ; The Eye House Plot, Execu- tion of Russell, Sydney, and Armstrong ; the Great Frost on the Thames ; Death of Charles II. ; The Western Insurrection ; the Fight at Sedgemoor, and the Death of Monmouth. Vol. 6 : One Hundred True-Love Ballads ; Good- Fellows, and Early Naval Ballads ; Good Fellows, and Early Legendary Ballads. Vol. 7, Part 1 : Groups of Trades and Sports ; Cupid Ballads Matrimonial and Anti-Matrimonial Ballads. Part 2 Gi'oups of Merrj' Adventures ; Willow Green Ballads Love's Mischances ; Aggravated Complaints ; Tom the Taylor. Nos. 7, 11.— Captain Cox, his Ballads and Books; or, Robert Laneham's Letter: On the Entertainment at Kenilworth in 1575. Love-Poems and Humourous Ones, from manu- .scripts among "Various Poems," 1614-1619, in British IMuseum. Nos. 14. 15, 16, 17.— The Bagford Ballads. Illustrating the Last Years of the Stuarts. 2 vols. With copies of more than 430 of the original Woodcuts. No. 20. — The Amanda Group of Bagford Poems, on London Apprentices and Doll Tenrsheets. Ballads and Songs : — Ancient Ballads. See Dodsley, Nichols, Mendez, Percy Soc, Percy {Bishop), Spenser Soc. Anti-Gallican, or Standard of British Loyalty. 8vo. 1804. Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the. Svo. 1854. Ballads and Broadsides, Seventy-nine Black Letter, between 1559-97. (Daniel Collection.) Svo. 1867. Ballads, Naval. See Dihdin (Charles). Bell (Robert). Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England. 12mo. 1857. „ Songs from the Dramatists. 12mo. 1855. Blakey (Prof. R.). The Angler's Song Book. 12mo. 1855. Book of Ballads (The). [Authors : W. E. Aytoun and Sir Theo- dore Martin.] Svo. 1861. Chappell (W.). Collection of National English Airs, Ancient Songs and Ballads. 2 vols., Svo. [1840.] Clio and Euterpe. Songs and Music. 3 vols., Svo. 1762. Crawhall (Joseph). Collection of right merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers. Svo. 1864. Derbyshire Songs and Ballads. Ed. by L. Jewitt. 12mo. 1867. D'Urfey (Thos.). Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy. Ballads and Songs. 6 vols., 12mo. 1719-20. Elizabethan Lyrics. See Bulleti [A. H.). Ellis (George). Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. 3 vols., 12mo. 1811. Engel (Carl). Study of National Music, Popular Songs, Tradi- tions, and Customs. Svo. 1866. Evans (Thos.). Collection of Old Ballads, enlarged by his son, R. H. Evans. 4 vols., Svo. 1810. Golden Treasury, of the best English Songs. 16mo. 1890. Hayes (Edward). The Ballads of Ireland collected. 2 vols., Svo. 1855 Jacobite Songs and Airs. See Hogg {James), Jacobite Relics. Mallet or Malloch (David). Ballads and Songs. 12mo. 1857. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. See Motherwell (Wm.). Modern Street Ballads. See Ashton {John). 32 BAL Bat.l ADS and Songs (co)itinued). Mothemdl (Win.K Minstrelsy. Small 4to. 1873. Percy (Thomas), Bishop of Dromore. His Folio Manuscript Ballads and Romances. 3 vols., 8to. 1867-8. Political Merriment ; or, Truths told to some Tune. Songs, &c. l2mo. 1714. Political Songs of England; from John to Edward II. See Camdtn Soc., 6. Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, Edw. III. to Hen. VIII. See Chronicles and Memorials. 14. Political Poems, Songs, Satires, Szc, James I. to William III. See Poems. Ritson (Jos.). Ancient Songs and Ballads. 2 vols., 8vo. 1829. ,, Robin Hood, Collection of the Ancient Poems. Songs, and Ballads relative to. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1795. Rump (The) Collection of Poems and Songs by the most eminent Wits. 12mo. 1662. Songs of Society. Anne to Victoria. 16mo. 1880. Speculum Amantis. Love Poems of the 17th Century. See BuUen (A. H.). B-\LLADS (French) : — Chansons des Provinces de France. Champfleury et Wekerlin. 4to. 1860. Chants et Chansons Populaires de la France. Dumersan et Colet. 3 vols., 4to. x. d. Poesie Proven^ale. Fauriel (C). 3 vols., 8vo. 1846-7. Fleur des Chansons Amoureuses. [1600.] 16mo. x. d. B.\LLADS (Grerman) : — Poems and Ballads ; with a Translation. See Boyd (A.). Songs of the Students of the Universities. See Howitt (Wm.). Ballads (Irish) : — Ballads of Ireland. See Hayes {£.). Ballads (Italian) : — Roadside Songs of Tuscany. See Alexander (F). Ballads (Polish) : — Specimens of the Polish Poets. See Bowring (Sir J.). Ballads (Russian) . — Songs of the Rus.sian People. See Balston {W. R. S.). Ballads (Scotch) : — Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland. Sec Bv.chan (P.). Ballads of Scotland. Ed. by W. E. Ajtoun. 2 vols., 12mo. 1858. '' Gude and Godlie Ballates," 1578. Reprint. 12mo. 1868. Scottish Songs and Ballads. See Herd {!).). Scottish Piisquils, 1568-1715. See Muidvient (J.). Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols., 8vo. 1803. Tea-Table Miscellany. By Allan Ramsay. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876. Ballads (Servian) : — Popular Poetry translated. Sir John Bowring. 12mo. 1827. Ballads (Spanish) : — Ancient Spanish Ballads, trans, into English Verse. J. G. Lockhart. 2nd ed. 12mo. 1870. Ancient Spanish Ballads. Thomas Rodd. 2 vols., 8vo. 1821. Ballantine (Jap.). Life of David Robert.'?, R.A. 4to. - - 1866 Balla>'tine (Rov. J.). Comparison of Established and Dissenting Churches. 8vo. 1830 BAL 33 Ballantine (William), Serjeant-at-Law. Some Experiences of a Barrister's Life. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1882 Ballantyne (Archibald). Life of John, 2nd Lord Carteret [afterwards Earl Granville] : a Political Biography. 1690-1763. 8vo. - - 1887 Ballantyne (Robt. M.). Hudson's Bay; or, Every-day Life in the Wilds of North America. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1848 Ballantynes (The) and Sir Walter Scott. See Scott (Sir W.). Ballard (George). Memoirs of British Ladies. 8vo. - - 1775 Arundel (Mary, Countess of). Killigrew (Anne). Ascham (Margaret). Killigrew (Katharine). Askew (Anne). Legge (Elizabeth). Astell (Mary). Lincoln (Elizabeth, Countess of). Bacon (Anne, Lady). Lucar (Elizabeth). Barnes or Berners (Juliana). Lumley (Joanna, Ladyj. Baynard (Anne). Mary (Queen). Bland (Elizabeth). Mary (Queen of Scots). Bovey (Catherine). Masham (Damaris, Lady). Bridgwater (Elizabeth, Monk (Hon. Mrs.). Countess of). Newcastle (Margaret, Ducbess of). Burleigh (Mildred, Lady). North (Dudleya). Burnet (Elizabeth). Norton (Frances, Lady). Bury (Elizabeth). Pakington (Dorothy, Lady). Chidley (Catherine). Parr (Queen Katherine). Chudleigh (Mary, Lady). Pembroke (Anne, Countess of). Clement (Margaret). Pembroke (Mary, Countess of). Dancey (Elizabeth). Philips (Katherine). Davies (Lady Eleanor). Richmond and Derby (Margaret, Elizabeth (Queen). Countess of). Fane (Lady Elizabeth). Eoper (Margaret). Gethin (Grace, Lady). Roper (Mary). Grey (Lady Jane). Russell (Elizabeth, Lady). Grierson (Constantia). Seymour (Lady Anne). Halket (Anne, Lady). Seymour (Lady Margaret). Heron (Cecilia). Seymour (Lady Jane). Hopton (Susanna). Seymour (Lady Arabella). Howard (Lady Mary). Tishem (Catherine). Inglis (Esther). "Walker (Elizabeth). Juliana, Anchoret of Nor- Weston (Elizabeth Jane). wich. Wharton (Anne). Kempe (Margaret). Winchelsea (Anne, Countess of). Baller (Rev. Jos.). Account of Gay's Chair, with Sketch of his Life. 16mo. -------- 1820 Ballhorn (F). Grammatography : A Manual of Reference to the Alphabets of Ancient and Modern Languages. 8vo. - 1861 Balnaves (Heni-y) of Halhill. Life. See Rogeis {Rev. C). Baltimore (Lord). His Colony in Maryland. See i^oz-ce, Vol. 4. Balzac (H. de). (Euvres completes. 24 vols., 8vo. - - 1869-76 Vol. 1. — La Maison du Chat qui Pelote. Le Bal de Sceaux. Memoires de deux Mariees. La Bourse. Modeste Mignon. Facino Cane. Sarrasine. Pierre Grasson. Vol. 2. — Un Debut dans la Vie. Albert Savarus. La Vendetta. Une Double^ Famille. La Paix du Menage. Madame Firmiani. Etude de Femnre. La Fausse Maitresse. Une Fille d'Eve. Vol. 3. — Le Message. La Grenadiere. La Femme Abandonnee. Honorine. Beatrix. Gobseck. La Femme de Trente Ans. Vol. 4. — Le Pere Goriot. Le Colonel Chabert. La Messe de PAthee. L'Literdiction. Le Contrat de Mariage. Autre Etude de Femme. Vol. 5. — Ursule Mirouet. Eugenie Grandet. Le Lys dans la Vallee. I;es Celibataires : Pierrette. Vol. 6. — Les Celibataires. Les Parisiens en Province. Les Rivalites. La Vieille Ville. p. 3104. Q 34 BAL— BAN Balzac (H. de). CEuvres completes — continued. Vol. 7. — Les Provinciaux S, Paris. Le Cabinet des Antiques. Illusions Perdues. Vol. 8. — Histoire des Treize. Cesar Birotteau. La Maison Nucingen. Vol. 9. — Spli-ndeurs et Misferes des Courtisanes. Les Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan. Vol. 10. — Les Parents Pauvres. Vol. 11. — Un Homme dAflfiiires. Un Prince de la Boheme, Gaudissart II. Les Jlmplojes. Les Comediens sans le savoir. Les Petits Bourgeois. Vol. 12. — Etudes Historiques et Politiques. Vol. 13. — Le Depute d'Arcis. Le Medecin de Campagne. Vol. 14. — Le Cure de Village. Les Paysans. Vol. 15. — La Peau de Chagrin. Jesus-Christ en Flandre. Mel- moth reconcilie. Le Chef-d'oeuvre Inconnu. Gambara. Massirailia Doni. La Recherche de TAbsolu. Vol. 16. — L'Enfant Maudit. Les Marana. Adieu. Lc Ee- quisitionnaire. El Verdugo. L^n Drame au Bord de la 3Ier. L'Aubergc Rouge. L'Elixir de Longue Vie. Maitre Cornelius. Sur Catherine de Medicis. Les Proscrits. Vol. 17. — Louis Lambert. Seraphita. Physiologic de Mariage. Petites Miseres de la Vie Conjugale. Vol. 18.— Theatre. Vol. 19. — Les Contes Drolatiques. Vol. 20. — Contes et Nouvelles. Essais Analytiques. Vol. 21. — Physionomies et Esquisses Parisiennes. Croquis et Fantaisies. Vol. 22. — Portraits et Critique Litteraire. Vol. 23. — Etudes Historiques et Politiques. Vol. 24. — Correspondence. „ CEuvres de Jeunesse. 10 vols., 12mo. - - - 1866-78 Argo'w le Pirate. Heritiere de Birague. Centenarie. Israelite. Derniere Fee. Jane le Pale. Dom Gigadas. Jean Louis. Excommunie. Vicaire des Ardennes. „ La Peau de Chagrin. 2 vols., 12rao. - - - - 1833 „ Les Contes Drolatiques, &c. lUustres par G. Dore. 8vo.- 1864 „ Correspondence, with a Memoir by his Si.ster. 2 vols., 8vo. ] 878 ,, Repertoire de la Comedie Humaine de. Par A. Cerfberr et J. Christophe. 8vo. - 1887 Balzac (H. de), et Gavarni. Le Dialdo a Paris. Paris et les Parisiens. Moeurs et Coutumos, &.c. 8vo. - - - 1816 Bamfoed (Sam.). Passages in the life of a Radical. 2 vols., 12mo. [18-41] Bampfyi-de (John). Poetical Works. Sgq British Poets, \o\. 13. Bancroft (Geo.). History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent. D vols., 8vo. - - 1839-60 „ „ Last ed. Revised. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - 1884-6 Bandelieu (A. F.). Archaeological Tour in ^lexico in 1881. 8vo. 1885 Bandinel (.Jas.). Account of Trade in Slaves from Africa. 8vo. 1842 Banff, Collections for a History of the Shire of. Antiquities of the Shire of. See Sjxildinr/ Club. Banfield (T. C). Lectures on Organization of Industry. 8vo. - 1848 Bank of England Charter, Digest of Evidence on the, kc. 8vo. - 1833 „ Banking System of Britain, &.C. 8vo. - - - . 1821 3?ANKEKS, Institute of. Journal. Vols. 1-10 {rontimied). 8vo. -------- 1880 ct seq. Bankes (Rt. Hon. Geo.). Story of Corfe Ca.'^tle. 8vo. - - 1853 Banks (Sir Joseph). First Voyage of Capt. Cook, 1768-71. See Hawkesicorth {Dr. John), Vnyayes, Vols. 2 and 3. BAN— BAR 36 Banks (Sir Thos. C.) Baronia Anglia Concentrata ; an account of Baronies in Fee. 2 vols., 4to. . . - . 1843-4 „ Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England. 3 vols., 4to. 1807-9 Bannatyne Manuscript [1568]. See Hunterian Club. Bannatyne (George). Ancient Scottish Poems. 12mo. - - 1770 Banquet of Wit. Compiled by Jas. Gray and J. J. B. Maidment. 16mo. --...--.- 1882 Bansemer (J. M.) and Zaleski (P. P.). Ten Maps exhibiting Political changes of Poland. Folio - - . - 1837 Barante (Baron de). Histoire des Dues de Bom gogne, 1364—1477 13 vols., 8vo. ------- 1837-8 Baratariana: Political Pieces published during the Administration of Lord Townshend in Ireland. 12mo. - - 1773 Barbaro (Josafa) and Contarini (Ambrogio). Travels to Tana and Persia. See Hakluyt Soc, 49. Barbaroux (Chas.). Memoiros. See Berville and Barriere, 5. Barbauld (Anne Letitia, Mrs.) [1743-1825]. Y^orks, with Memoir by Lucy Aikin. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1825 „ And her Contemporaries. By J. Murch. 8vo. - - 1877 „ Life. See Thackeray {E.). Barbault (M.). Les plus beaux Monuments de Rome ancienne. 128 plates. Folio ------- 1761 Barber Surgeons of London, Annals of the. By S. Young. 4to. 1890 Barbeyrac (Jean). Law of JSTations. See Pnjfendorf (S.). Barrier (A.). Histoire de Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. 12mo. - 1852 Barbier (A. A.). Dictionnaire des Oma-ages Anonymes et Pseudo- nymes. 4 vols., 8vo. ------ 1806 Barrier (E. J. F.). Journal Historique de la Regence et du Regne de Louis XV. [1718-63]. 8 vols, in 4, sm. 8vo. 1857-8 Barbieri (G. T.). Notizie della Vita e Opere. 4to. - - 1808 Barbosa (Duarte). The Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the 16th Century. See Hakluyt Soc, 35. Barbou (Alf.). Victor Hugo and his Time. Trans, by E. E. Frewer. 8vo. - - - 1882 Barbour (D.). Theory of Bi-Metallism. 8vo. - - - - 1886 Barbour (Archdeacon John). The Bruce : in Scottish Verse [1375], with Notes by Pinkerton. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1790 „ The Bruce. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., 8 and 23. Barclay (Alex.). Ship of Fools of Seb. Brandt. Trans, by. 2 vols., small 4to. - - - - - - - 1874 „ The Cytezen and Uplondyshman : an Eclogue. See Percy Soc, 22. „ The Mirrour of Good Maners, See Spenser Soc, 38. „ Certayne Egloges. See Spenser Soc, 39. Barclay (Robert). Apology for the Quakers. 7th ed. 8vo. - 1765 Bardsley (Rev. Chas. W.). Our Enghsh Surnames. 8vo, - 1873 Baretti (Joseph). Italian -English and English-Italian Dictionary. Ed. by Davenport and Comelati. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1860 Barham (Rev. Rich. H.). Ingoldsby Legends. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1852 „ Life and Letters; with a Selection from his Poems. 2vols.,8vo. 1870 „ Life of Theodore Hook. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1849 Baring (Major Sir Evelyn). Staff College Essays. 8vo. - - 1870 Baring-Gould (Rev. S.). Iceland, its Scenes and its Sagas. 8vo. 1863 „ Yorkshire Oddities. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. - - - - 1880 „ Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. 12mo. - - - 1884 „ Historic Oddities and Strange Events. 1st series. 8vo. - 1889 Barker (Edm.H.). Notices of the Rev. S. Parr. 2vols.,8vo. 182S-9 C 2 36 BAR Barker (Edm. H.) — continued. „ Junius. Five Letters on. 8vo. - _ . . - 1828 „ „ The Claims of Sir Philip Francis disproved. 12mo. 1827-8 Barker (G.). Trade and Finance Annual, 1886-7. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1886 Barker (G. F. Russell) and Stenning (Alan H.). Register of Westminster School, 1764-1883. With Biographical Notes. Royal 8vo. - - 1892 Barker (W. G. M. Jones). Wensleydale and the Valley of the Yore, N. Eiding of Yorkshire. 8vo. - - - - 1856 Barkley (Henry C). A Ride through Asia Minor and Armenia [1878]. 8vo. -------- 1891 Barlow (Joel). Vision of Columbus : a Poem. 12mo. - - 1787 Barlow (Thos. Oldham), R.A. Works. Bv Harry Thornber. 12mo. - . . - ' . . - - 1891 Barnabv (Drunken). Four Journeys to the Xorth of England. By Rich. Brathwaite. 8vo. . . . . . 1805 Barnard (Rev. Dr. Edw.). Memoirs. See Jesse {J. H.),\o\. 2. Barnes. In Defence of the Berde. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., Vol. 7. Barxes (Barnaby). A Divine Century of Spirituall Sonnets, 1595. i^eeFa'rk (T.), Vol. 2. Barnes (Rev. Joshua). Historv of Edward III. and the Black Prince. Folio - - - - - - - - 1688 Barnes (Rev Dr. Wm.). Philological Grammar. 8vo. - - 1854 „ Xotes on Ancient Britain and the British. 12mo. - - 1858 „ Grammar and Glossary of the Dorset Dialect. 8vo. - - 1863 ,, Early England and the Saxon English. 12mo. - - 1869 „ Poems of Rural Life in Common English. 12mo. - - 1868 „ Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect. 3 vols., 12mo. 1863-70 „ Tiw : Roots of the English as a Teutonic Tongue. 12mo. - 1862 „ Poet and Philologist. Life. Bv his Daughter, Lucy Baxter. 12mo. - - - '- - - - '- 1887 Barneveld (John of) [1547-1619]. Life and Death of. Bv J. L. Motley. 2 vols., 8vo. ----"'. 1874 Barnfield (Rich.). The Affectionate Shepherd [1594]. See Ferci/ Soc, 20. Barntm (Phineas T.). Forty Years' Recollections. 8vo. - - 1869 Bakox (Dr. John). Life of Dr. Edw. .Tenner. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1838 Baron Munchausen. See Munchausen. Baron (S.). The Kingdom of Tonqueen. See Pinkerton, Vol. 9. Baronage (Official). See Doyle (J. E.). Barre (Lieut. -Col. Isaac). Memoir. See Junius. Barre (M. de). Herculanum et Pompei. 8 vols., 8vo. - - 1870 Barrere (Albert). Argot and Slang, a French and English Dic- tionary. 8vo. 1887 Barrere (Albert) and Leland (Charles G.). Dictionary of Slang, Jargon, and Cant. 2 vols., 4to. - - - - 1889-90 Barrett (C. R. B.). Essex: Highways, Byeways, ami Water- ways. 2 Series. Small 4to. " - - - . 1892-3 ,, The trinity House of Deptford Strond. Small 4to. - - 1893 Earrie (.las. Matthew). A Window in Thrums. 4th ed. 12mo. 1890 „ My Lady Nicotine. 4th ed. 12mo. - . . . 1892 Barrier Treaty Vindicated. 12mo. - - - - - - 1712 BAR 37 Barriere (F.). Memoires pendant le 18^ Siecle. (See also Bercille et Barrih-e.) 28 vols. - - - - 1848-62 Vol. 1. — Madame de Staal Delaunay, Marquis d'Argenson, Madame Mere du Regent. Vol. 2. — Duclos. Memoires Secrets sur le Regne de Louis XIV., la Regence, et le Regne de Louis XV. Vol. 3. — Madame du Hausset, De Bachaumont. Vol. 4. — De Besenval. CoUe. La Verite dans le Vin. Comedie. Vol. 5. — Marmontel. Vol. 6. — Mademoiselle Clairon, H. L. C. de Lekain, Preville, Dazincourt, Mole, Garrick, Goldoni. Vol. 7.— Weber. Vol. 8. — Madame Roland. Vol. 9. — De Clery, Due de Montpensier, De Riouffe. Vol. 10. — Madame Campan. Memoires sur la Vie de Marie Antoinette. Vol. 11. — Dumouj'iez. Vol. 12. — Dumouriez, Louvet, Daunou. Vol. 13.— Vaublanc. Vol. 14.— De Genlis, De Levis. Vol. L5.— De Genlis. Vols. 16, 17.— Richelieu. Vol. 18. — Les Journees de Septembre, 1792. Vols. 19, 20.— Segur, De Ligne. Vol. 21.— De Bouille. Vol. 22. — Masson. Memoires Secrets sur la Russie. Vols. 23, 24. — D. Thiebault. Vingt Ans de Sejour a Berlin. Vol. 25.— De Lauzun, De Tilly. Vol. 26.— Alfieri. Vol. 27.— Lord Holland, Mrs. EUiott. Vol. 28. — Linguet, Latude, La Bastille, Trenck. Barrington (Hon. Daines). Possibility of reaching the North Pole asserted. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1818 Barrington (Sir Jonah). Historic Memoirs of Ireland. 2vols.,4to. 1833 Secret Records of the National Convention, the Rebellion, and the Union. „ Personal Sketches of his own Times. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1827-32 „ Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. 8vo. - - . - 1833 Barrington (Hon. Shute), Bishop of Durham. See Jesse (J. H). Barrington (W. Wildman, 2nd Viscount). Political Life, 1717-93. By Bishop Barrington. Ed. by Sir Francis Bernard. 4to. - - - - - 1815 Babron (Louis). Les Environs de Paris. (500 Dessins.) 4to. - 1887 „ La Loire. Avec 134 Dessins, par A Chapon. 8vo. - - 1888 Barron-Wilson (Mrs. C). Life of Miss Mellon, afterwards Duchess of Saint Albans. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1886 Barrot (Odilon). Memoires Posthumes. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1875-6 Barrow (Rev. Dr. Isaac). Theological Works. 8 vols., 8vo. - 1830 Vols. 1-5. — Sermons. Vol 6. — The Creed — The Sacraments. Vol. 7. — The Pope's Supremacy — Unity of the Church. Vol. 8. — Opuscula Theologica — Orationes — Poemata. Barroav (John). Naval History of Great Britain. 4 vols., 12mo. 1761 Barrow (Sir John). Autobiographical Memoir. 8vo. - - 1847 „ Chronological History of Arctic Voyages. 8vo. - - 1818 , Life of Admiral George, Lord Anson. 8vo. . . . 1839 „ Life of Admiral Richard, Earl Howe. 8vo - - - 1838 „ Life of the Earl of Macartney. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1807 „ Life of Admiral Sir Wm. Sidney Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1848 38 BAR BAKm)W (Sir John) — continued. „ Tour through South HoUaud, the Rhiue, &c. 12mo. - 1831 ,. Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, China, Cochin China, Madeira, 1797-8. -4 vols.. 4to. - - 1801-G Barrow (John), Jun. Life, Voyages, and Exploits of ."^^ir Francis Drake. 8vo. -------- 1843 „ Naval Worthies of Queen EUzabeth's Keign. 8vo. - - 1845 Barrows (Rev. Dr. W.). Oregon : the Struggle for Possession. 12mo. ...------ 1884 Barruel (L'Abbe Augustin de). History of Jacobinism. 4 vols., 8vo. ..--------- 1798 Barry (Sir Charles). Life [1795-1800]. By A. Barry. 8vo. - 1867 Barry (Rev. Geo.). History of the Orkney Islands. 4to. - 1805 Barry (Gerald du) [Giraldus Cambrensis]. Itinerarium Cambrias Baldwini Cant. Arch., a.d. 1188. cum Annotationibus D. Powell. 4to. -------- 1806 „ Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin. Trans, by Sir R. C. Hoare. 2 vols., 4to. ------- 1806 „ Works of. See Chronicles, 21. Barry (Herbert). Russian Metallurgical Works. 12mo. - - 1870 Barry (Jas.) [Historical Painter]. Works. With Life [1741- 1806]. 2 vols., 4to. 1809 Barry (S.). Ram Alley. See Dodsley's Old Plays, Vol. 5. Barrymore (Earl of). Life. 8vo. ------ 1793 Barth (H.). Travels in North and Central Africa. 5 vols., 8vo. 1857-8 Barthelemy (£d. de). La Galerie des Portraits de Mademoiselle de Moutpensier. 8vo. ------ I860 Barthelkmy (Abbe J. J.). Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece [4"= Siecle]. 7 vols., 12mo. - ----- 1790 Bartholomew (John). Philips' Handy General Atlas. Folio - 1885 „ Gazetteer of the British Isles. 8vo. - - - - 1887 Bartlett (John). Familiar quotations. 12mo. - - [1858] Bartlett (John Russell). Explorations in Texas, New Mexico, California, &c., 1850-3. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1854 „ Dictionary of Americanisms. 3rd ed. 8vo. - - - 1860 Bartlett (Rev. Wm. A.). History of Wimbledon, Surrey. 12mo. 1865 Bartlett (W. H.). Walks about Jerusalem [in 1842]. Small 4to. [1845] Bartlett (W. H.), Purser (W.), and others. Views in Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c., with Descriptions by J. Carne. 4to. -------- 1836 Bartley (G. C. T.). Handy Book for Guardians of the Poor. Small 8vo. - - - 1876 Bartolozzi (Francesco) and his Works. By A. W. Tuer. 12mo. 1885 „ Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Works by. Obi. 8vo. - 1883 Barton (G. B.). History of New South Wales. Vol.1. 8vo. 1889 Barttelot (Major), Cbmmander of the Rear Column of the Emin Relief Expedition. Letters and Diary. 3rd ed. 8vo. - 1890 Bartsch (Adam). Le Peiutre Graveur. 21 vols., 8vo. - 1803-21 Vols. 1-5. — EcoIps Flamaudes. Vols. 6-11. — VieiLX Maitres Allemands. Vol. 12. — Peintres et Clair-obscurs Italiens. Vol. 13. — VieiLs Maitres Italiens^ Vol. 14. — Marc-Antoine et ses El^ves, Aug. de Venise et Marc de Ravenne. Vol. 15. — Gravpurs de I'Ecole de Marc-Antoino. Vols. 16-18. — Peintres Italiens, Maitres du \&' Siecle. Vols. 19-21. — Peintres luliens, Maitres du 17" Siecle. BAR— BAX 39 Barwick (John), Dean of St. Paul's. Life. By P. Barwick, with Lettei's from Charles I. and II. and Lord Clarendon. 8vo. - - - 1724 Baschet (A.) Le Due de St. Simon. 8vo. - - . . 1874 Bashkirtseff (Marie). Journal. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1890 „ Lettres de. Ed. par F. Coppee. 12mo. - - . . 1891 Basire (Rev. Dr. Isaac). Correspondence : with Memoir of his Life, by Rev. W. N. Darnell [temp. Charles I. and II.]. 8vo. 1831 Basley (S.). Essays on the Formation of Opinion. 12mo. - 1837 Bass Rock (The) : Its History, Geology, Zoology, &c. 8vo. - 1847-8 Bassompierre (Francois Marechal de), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols.' 19-21. „ Embassy to England in 1626. Trans, by J. W. Croker. 8vo. 1819 Bastable (Dr. C. F.). Public Finance. 8vo. . - . . 1892 Bastard (Rev. Thomas) . Chrestoleros : Seuen Bookes of Epi- grames. See Spenser Soc, 47. Bastian (Dr. H. Charlton). The Brain as an Organ of Mind. See International Science Ser., Vol. 20. Bastiat (Fred.). Harmonies of Political Economy. Trans, by P. J. Stirling. With Life of the Author. 8vo. - - I860 „ Popular Fallacies regarding General Interests. Trans, by Gr. R. Porter. 12 mo. - .... i849 „ Sophismes Economiques. 2 vols., 12mo. ... 1863 Bate (Dr. G.), Physician to Chas. I., Ci'omwell, and Chas. II. Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia. Troubles in England [Charles I.-II.]. Trans, by Lovel. 8vo. . 1685 Bateman (John). The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland. 4th ed. 12mo. --.... 1883 Batenham (G. and W.) and Hughes (Thos.). Ancient Chester. Illustrations taken Sixty years since. Folio - - . 1880 Bates (H. W.). The Naturalist on the Amazon. 8vo. - . 1864 „ Central America, West Indies, and South America. 8vo. - 1878 Bates (Wm.). The Maclise Portrait Gallery of Literary Cha- racters. With Memoirs. 12mo.- . - . - 1891 Bath, Handbook to. Ed. by J. W. Morris. 12mo. - - . 1888 Bath, Poetic Amusements at a Villa near. [Batheaston, residence of Lady Miller.] 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . _ 1775 Batjin (Nich.). Histoire de Napoleon I. 2 vols., 8vo. - . 1867 Battel (Andrew). Adventures in Angola [1589 et seq.^. See Pinkerton, Vol. 11. Battely (N.) and Somner (W.). Antiqviities of Canterbury. Folio 1703 Batten (E. C.). Charters of the Priory of Beauly, and Notices of the Priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan. See Grampian Club. Battie (Dr. Wm.). See Jesse {J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 1, Battlefields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg. By an English Combatant. 2 vols., 8vo. - . . 1863 Baudin (I'Amiral). Vie. Par J. de la Graviere. 12mo. - . 1888 Bauer (Dr. F. C). Paul the Apostle, his Life and Works. 2 vols., 8vo. ---..-.... 1873 Bauer (Karoline), Memoirs of. From the German. 4vols., 8vo. 1884-5 Bauermann (H.). The Metallurgy of Iron. 12mo. - - - 1872 Baxter (Lucy) [Leader Scott]. Life of Rev. Wm. Barnes. 12mo. 1887 „ Vincigliata and Maiano in the Florentine Hills. 4to. - 1891 „ The Orti Oricellari. With Catalogue of the Antiquities at Vincigliata Castle. Royal 8vo. .... 1893 40 BAX— BEA Baxter (Rev. Richard) [1615-91]. Keliquite Baxteriancc : Narra- tive of his Life aud Time.s, written by himself. Folio - 11390 Baxter (Robert Dudley). Local Government and Taxation ; aud Mr. Goschen's Report. 8vo. . - - . 1874: „ National Debts. 8vo. ------- 1871 Bayard (Chevalier Pierre du Terreil, Seigneur de), La tres-joyeuse Histoire du. Parle Loyal Serviteur. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vols. 15, 16. „ „ Trans, by R. Southey. 8vo. . . - - 1825 Bayeux Tapestry, on 17 Plates drawn by C. A. Stothard. Fol. 1819-23 Bayle (Pierre). A General Dictionary. 5 vols., folio - 173-4—8 „ „ Supplement, par J. G. de Chauffepie. 4 vols., folio --------- 1750-6 „ Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Nouv. ed. par Beuchot. 16 vols., Bvo. -------- 1820 „ CEu%Tes Di verses. [Theological.] 4 vols., folio - 1727-31 Bayle y (John). History and Antiquities of the Tower of London ; with Memoirs of distinguished Inmates. 2 vols., 4to.- ------- 1821-5 Bayliss (Wyke). Witness of Art, or Legend of Beauty. 8vo. - 1878 Bayne (Dr. Peter). Life of Hugh Miller. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1871 Bazalgette (C. N.) and Humphreys (George). The Law relating to County Councils. Svo. ------ 1888 Beaconsfield (Benjamin DTsraeli, Earl of). Vindication of the English Constitution. 8vo. ----- 1835 „ Letters of Runnymede. 8vo. ------ 1836 „ Lord George Bentinck : a Political Biography. 8vo. - 1852 „ Speeches on Parliamentary Reform, 1848-66. Ed. by Montagu Corry. 8vo. ------ 1867 „ Speeches aud Tracts relating to. 8vo. - - - 1827-52 „ The Revolutionary Epic. 12mo. ----- 1864 „ Venetia. 3 vols., 8vo. ------- 1837 „ Coningsby, or the New Generation. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1844 „ Tancred, or. the New Crusade. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1847 „ Young Duke. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1831 „ Voyage of Captain Popanilla. Svo. ----- 1828 „ Sybil or the Two Nations. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1845 „ Vi%-ian Grey. 5 vols., Svo. ----- 1826-7 „ Contarini Fleming. 4 vols, in 2, Svo. - - - . 1832 „ "Wondrous Tale of Alroy ; Rise of Iskauder. 3 vols., Svo. 1833 „ Lothair. New ed. Svo. ------ ly79 „ Endymion. 3 vols., Svo. ------ ISSO „ Correspondence with his Sister, 1832-52. 2nd ed. Svo. - 1886 „ Home Letters written in 1S30-1. 12mo. - - - - 1885 „ Public Life of. By F. Hitchmau. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1879 „ and Public Opinion. 1875-80. By G. C. Thompson. 2 vols., Svo. 1886 „ Life. By J. A. Froude. 12mo. 1890 „ Disraeli and his Day. Qy Sir Wm. Fraser. 12mo. - - 1891 „ et son Temps. Par M. Cucheval-Clarigny. 12mo. - - 1880 „ Literary and Political Biography. By Thos. Macknight. Svo. - - 1854 „ Biography. [By T. P. OTonnor.] 12mo. - - - 1877 „ Personal Reminiscences of. By Hen. Lake. 12mo. - [1891] BEA3IISH (N. L.). Discovery of America by the Northmen in the 10th Century. Svo. ------- 1841 Beamish (Rich.). Life of Sir Marc Isambard M. Brunei. Svo. - 1862 BEA 41 Bean (W. W.). Parliamentary Representation of Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, ^Northumberland, Westmoreland, Yorkshire, 1603-1886. 8vo. - - - - - 1890 Bear (William E.). The British Farmer and his Competitors. See Cobden Club. Beard (Charles). The Reformation of the 16th Century. 8vo. 1883 Beard (Ur. Gr. M.). American Nervousness. 8vo. - - - 1881 Beaton (Cardinal), Priest and Politician. By Rev. John Hei'k- less. 12mo. ----.-.. 1891 Beatson (Dr. Rob.). Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 1727-83. 6 vols., 8vo. ----- 1804 „ Political Index: a Register of Hereditary Honours, Public Offices, &c. 3rd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1806 ,, ,, See Haydn (J.), Book of Dignities. Beattie (Dr. Jas.) [1735-1803]. Life and Writings. By Sir Wm. Forbes. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1807 „ Works. See British Poets, Vol. 78. Beattie (Dr. W.) Life and Letters of Thos. Campbell. 3 vols., 8vo. 1849 Beatty (Dr. Wm.), Surgeon to the " Victory." Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson. 8vo. ----- 1807 Beaucaire (Viscount H. de). A Mesalliance in the House of Brunswick. 8vo. -----.. 1886 Beaufort (Duke of). See Badminton Library. Beaufoy (H. B. H.) Catalogue of Tradesmen's Tokens. 8vo. - 1855 Beaufoy (Col. Mark). Hydraulic Experiments. 1st vol. 4to. - 1834 Beaulieu. See Leroy-Beaulieu. Beaumarchais (P. A. Caronde) [1732-99]. CEuvres. 6vols., 8vo. 1826 Vol. 1. — Vie par La Harpe. Theatre: — Eugenie. Les Deux Amis. Barbier de Seville. Vol. 2. — Marriage de Figaro. La Mere Coupable. Tarare. Vols. 3, 4. — Memoires. Vol. 5. — Memoires. Eequete a la Commune. Six Epoques Pfenibles de sa Vie. Vol. 6. — Compte rendu aux Auteurs dramatiques Eapport. Petition a I'Assemblee Nationale sur I'usurpation de la propriete des Auteurs dramatiques. Correspondence. - „ LTncarceration de. See Berville et Barrih'e, Vol. 45. „ Memoires de. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - n. d. „ Beaumarchais et son Temps. Par L. de Lomenie. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris ----.... i858 Beaumelle (M. de la). Memoires et Lettres de Madame de Maintenon. 16 vols., 16mo. ----- 1778 Beaumont (Francis) and Fletcher (John). Works. New ed., with Memoir by Rev. A. Dyce. 11 vols., 8vo. - 1843-6 Vol, 1. — Biographical Memoir. Commendatory Poems. The Woman Hater. Thierry and Theoderet. Philaster. The Maid's Tragedy. Vol. 2. — Faithful Shepherdess. Knight of the Burning Pestle. Cupid's Eevenge. Masque of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn. Four Plays in One. Vol. 3. — Scornful Lady. Coxcomb. Captain. Honest Man's Fortune. Little French Lawyer. Vol. 4. — Wit at several Weapons. Wit without Money. Faith- ful Friends. Widow. Custom of the Country. Vol. 5. — Bonduca. Knight of Malta. Valentinian. Laws of Candy. Queen of Corinth. Vol. 6. — Loyal Subject. Mad Lover. False One. Double Marriage. Humorous Lieutenant. ''"'^^.7. — Women Pleased. The Woman's Prize. The Chances. Monsieur Thomas. The Island Princess. 42 BEA— BEC Beaumont (Francis) and Fletcher (John). "Works — continued. Vol. 8. — The Pilgrim. Wild Goose Chase. Prophetess. Sea Voyage. .Spanish Curate. Vol. 9. — Beggar's Bush. Love's Cure. Maid in the Mill. A "Wife for a Month. Rule a Wife and have a Wife. , Vol. 10. — Thf Fair Maid of the Inn. Noble Gentleman. Elder Brother. Nice Valour ; or, the Passionate Madman. Bloody Brother ; or, Rollo, Duke of Normandy. Vol. 11. — The Lover's Progress. Night walker, or the Little Thief. Love's Pilgrimage. Two Noble Kinsmen. Poems by Beaumont. Poems by Fletcher. Index to the Notes. Beaumont (J. A. B.). Travels in Buenos Ayres. 8vo. - - 1828 Beaumont-Vassy (E., Vicomte de). Les Salons de Paris sous Napoleon III. 12mo. ------ 1868 „ Meinoires Secrets au XIX""* Siecle. 12mo. - - - 1874 „ Histoire Intime du Second Empire. 12mo. - - - 1874 Beauregard (Peter Grustave Toussaint) [American Confederate General]. Military Operations [1846-8 and 1861-5]. Bv A. Roman. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1884 Beauties o'f England and Wales. 18 vols, in 27, 8vo. - 1801-18 [Writers : J. N. Brewer, E. W. Brayley, John Britton, Rev. J. Evans, John Bigland, Rev. J. Hodgson, Rev. Jos. Night- ingale, F. C. Laird, Mr. Shoberl, Thos. Rees.] Vol. 1. — Bedfordshire. Vol. 2. — Cambridge. Cheshire, Cornwall. Vol. 3. — Cumberland, Lsle of Man, Derby. Vol. 4. —Devonshire, Dorsetshire. Vol. 5. — Durham, Essex, Gloucester. Vol. 6. — Hampshire, Isle of Wight. Vols. 7, 8. — Hereford, Hertford, Huntingdon, Kent. Vol. 9. — Lancashire, Leicester, Lincoln. Vol. 10.— Middlesex. Vol. 11. — Monmouth, Norfolk. Northampton. Vol. 12. — Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland. Vol. 13. — Shropshire, Somerset, Stafford. Vol. 14. — SjjfiRjlI;, Surrey, Sussex. Vol. 1-5. — Warwick, Westmoreland, Worcester, Wiltshire. Vol. 16. — Yorkshire. Vol. 17.— North Wales. Vol. 18. — South Wales. Beauvoir (Marquis de). Voyage round the "World. 3 vols., 8vo. 1870-2 Beaux Arts, Gazette des (continued). 8vo. - - 1869 et seq. Beccaria (Cesare). On Crimes and Punishments. With Notes by Voltaire. 8vo. 1770 „ New Translation [1880]. See Farrer (J. A.). Becker (Bernard H.). Disturbed Ireland [1880-1]. 8vo. - 1881 Becker (W. A.). Charicles, or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks. 8vo. . - . - - 1845 Gallus ; or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus. 8vo. 1844 Becket (Gilbert A. a). Comic History of Rome. 8vo. - - 1852 „ Comic History of England. 8vo. ----- 1864 Becket (Thomas a). Archbishop of Cant-rbury. Materials for the History of. See Chronicles, 67. The Life and Martyrdom [1118-70]. By Robert of Gloucester. See Percy Soc. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic. See Chronicles, 65. Biography. By the Rev. .J. C. Robert.'^on. 8vo. - - 1859 ", Life and Times. By Rev. J. A. Giles. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1846 „ See Stanley {Dean), Hist. Mem.. Cant. '' Relics of. See Morris {Rev. J.). EEC— BEE 43 Beckford (William), of Fonthill. Vathek. (French.) 8vo. - 1815 „ Vathek, from the French. 8vo, . . . . . 1815 „ Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters. 12mo. - 1834 ,, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1835 „ Monasteries of Alcoba^a and Batalha. 8vo. - . . 1835 „ Memoirs. 2 vols., 12mo. -...-- 1859 „ See Britton (John), Fonthill Abbey. Beckington or Bekynton (Thos.), Bishop of Bath and Wells. Letters [temp. Henry VI.]. See Camden Soc, 86. Chronicles and Meinorials, 56. „ Journal of Embassy. See Nicolas (Sir N. H.). Beckjviann (John). History of Inventions. 4th ed. Ed. by Dr. Francis and Dr. Griffith. 2 vols., 12mo. - . - 1846 Becon (Rev. Thos.). Prayers, &c. Catechism. Early Works. See Parker Soc. Bede (Venerable). Works [cir. a.d. 731]. With Life and Trans- lation of the Historical Works, by Kev. J. A. Griles. 12 vols., 8vo. ------- 1843-4 Vol. 1. — Vita, Poemata, Epistolse. Vols 2, 3. — Historia Ecclesiastica, with Translation. Vol. 4. — Opuscula Historica. Vol. 5. — Homiliae. Vol. 6. — Opera Scientifica, Vols. 7-9. — Comment, in Vetus Testamentum. Vols. 10-12. — Comment, in Novum Testamentum. „ Opera Historica. Ed. by J. Stevenson. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1841 „ Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. See Mon. Hist. Brit., Alfred the Great, Works, Vol. 2. „ De Die Judicii. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Vol. 25. Bedell (William), Bishop of Kilmore, Life and Death of [1570- 1642]. See Camden Soc, N. S., 4. Bedjtord (John, 4th Duke of). Correspondence of. Ed. by Lord John Russell. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1842-6 Bedford (Rev. W. K. R.). The Blazon of Episcopacy. 8vo. - 1858 Bedolliere (Emile la). Londres et les Anglais. Illustres par Gavarni. 8vo. ------- 1855-60 Beecher (Henry Ward), Trial of [1875]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 187c „ Biography by W. C. Beecher and S. Scoville. 8vo. - - 1888 Beechey (Rear-Adml. Sir Fred. Wm.). Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, 1825-8. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1831 „ Voyage towards the North Pole under Capt. Buchan in 1818. 8vo. -------- 1843 Beechey (Sir F. W. andH. W.). Expedition to Northern Coast of Africa from Tripoli eastwards in 1821-2. 4to. - - 1828 Beeckmann (Capt. Daniel). Voyage to and from Borneo, with a Description of the Island, 1714. See Pinkerton, Vol. 11. Beesley (Alf.). History of Banbury. 8vo. - - - - 1841 Beesly (Prof. Edw. Spencer). Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. 12mo. 1878 „ Some Public Aspects of Positivism. 8vo. - - - 1881 „ Social Future of the Working Classes. 12mo. - - - 1884 „ Home Rule. 12mo. --...-.. 1886 „ Comte as a Moral Type. 12mo. ----- 1888 „ William Frey. 12mo. - 1888 „ Life of Queen Elizabeth. See Twelve English Statesmen. „ England and the Sea. See international Policy. Beethoven (Ludwig von). Letters [1790-1826]. Trans, by Lady Wallace. 2 vols., 8vo. 1866 44 BEE— BEL Beeverell ( Jas.) . Les Delices de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande. 8 vols, in 4, 12mo. - - 1707 Begg (Dr. James) [Free Ch irch Minister]. Memoirs. By Prof. Thos. Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - - 1885-8 Behn (Aphra, Mrs.). Xovels ; with her Life. 3rd ed. Sm. 8vo. 1698 1. Oroonoko; or, the Royal Slave. 2. The Fair Jilt. 3. Agnes de Castro. 4. The Lovers' Watch. 5. The Ladies' Looking-Glass. 6. The Lucky Mistake. 7. The Court of the King of Bantam. 8. The Nun ; or, the Perjured Beauty. 9. The Adventure of the Black Lady. „ Plays [1671-96]. 4 vols., 12mo. - - - - -1724 Vol. 1 . — The Rovers ; or, the Banish'd Cavaliers. The Dutch Lover. The Roundheads. Vol. 2.— Abdelazer. The Young King. The City Heiress. The Feign "d Curtezans. Vol. 3.— The Tovrn Fop. The False Count. The Lucky Chance. Forc'd Marriage. Vol. 4. — Sir Patient Fancy. "Widow Ranter. Amorous Prince. The Younger Brother. Beke (Charles T.). The Sources of the Xile ; Avith the History of Nilotic Discovery. 8vo. - 1860 Bekyxtox (Bishop T.). See Becking ton. Belcher (Vice- Admiral Sir Edward). Voyage Round the World, 1836-42. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - - - 1843 „ Voyage of the " Samaraug " in the Eastern Archipelago, 1843-6. 2 vols., 8vo. 1848 „ Search for Franklin, 1852-4. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1855 Belcher (H.) and Dodgson (Gr.). Scenery of the Whitby Eail- wav. 8vo. ..-...-- 1836 BELiSARius,'Life [c/r. 505-65]. By Earl Stanhope. 8vo. - - 1829 Beljame (Alex.). Le Public et les Hommes de Lettres en Angle- terre, 1060-1774. Dryden, Addison Pope. 8vo. - - 1881 Bell (Rev. Dr. And.). Life. By R. andC. Southey. 3 vols., 8vo. 1844 Bell (Sir Chas.). The Hand :'its Mechanism and Vital Endow- ments as evincing Design. Bridgeicater Treatise. 8vo. 1837 „ Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression. 6th ed. 8vo. - 1872 „ Letters selected from his Correspondence with his brother, G. J. Bell. 8vo. - - 1870 Bell (C. F. Moberly). Khedives and Pashas. Sketches of Con- temporary Egyptian Rulers. 12mo. - - - - 1884 „ From Pharaoh to Fellah. Small 4tc. - - - - 1887 Bell (Doyne C). Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London. 8vo. - - - - 1877 Bell (Major Evans). Retrospects of Indian Policy. 8vo. - - 1868 The Mysore Reversion : an " Exceptional Case." 8vo. - 1866 „ The Bengal Reversion : another "Exceptional Case." 8vo. 1872 Bell (H. T. Mackenzie). Old Year Leaves; being Old Verses Revi.sed. 12mo. - ..--..- 1885 A Foro^otten Genius. Charles Whitehead New ed. 12mo. 1885 „ Spring's Immortality, and other Poems. 12mo. - - 1892 Bell (Major James). View of Universal History to 1820 in 25 Chronological Tables. Folio 1842 Bell (.John). Travels from St. Petersburg to Asia, in 1716, 1719, 1722, ct seq. See Pinkerton, Vol. 7. Bell (Robert). Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Pea- santry of England. 12mo. ------ 1857 BEL 45 Bell (Robert) — continued. „ Life of Right Hon. George Canning. 8vo. . - . 1846 „ Lives of English Poets. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1839 „ Songs from the Dramatists. 12mo. ----- 1854 Bell (Thomas). History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. 8vo. -------- 1837 „ History of British Reptiles. 8vo. ----- 1849 Bell's Handbook of Grames. See Bohn. Bell and Cawthorn. British Theatre. 35 vols., 12mo. Addison, 5, 26. Banks, 5. Beaumont & Fletcher, 3, 12, 23, 29. Bickerstaff, 18, 21. Brooke, 14. Brown, 11. Buckingham, D. of, 35, Centlivre, Mrs., 19,25, 27. Gibber, 5, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32. Colman, 22. Congreve, 3, 20, 30, 31, 35. Cowley, Mrs., 16. Cumberland, 2, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28. Dodsley, 8. Dryden, 9, 11, 19,27. Farquhar, 19, 26, 29. Fenton, 10. Fielding, 25. Foote, 24. Francklin, T., 7. G-arrick, 22, 30. Gay, 18. Glover, 1, 3. Goldsmith, 23, 29. Griffiths, Mrs., 34. Harston, 5. Havard, 8. Hill, Aaron, 2, 4, 10. Hoadly, 22. Home, 4. Hoole, 12, 13. Howard, Sir R., 28. Hughes, 1. Hull, 11. Johnson, Chas., 20, 21 Johnson, Dr. S., 14. Jones, 6. Jonson, Ben, 24, 28. Kelly, Hueh, 23, 31, 34. Kenrick. 34. Lee, Nat., 8, 11. 15. Lee, Miss, 33. Lillo, 1, 15. Mackhn, 32. Mallet, 13. Mason, 17. Miller, 13. Milton, 17, 18. Moore, E., 7, 23. Murphy, 2, 14, 16,20, 31, 35. Otway, 3, 9. Philips, Amb., 4. Ramsay, 34. Rowe, 6, 7, 10, 12. Shadwell, C, 25. Shakespeare, 14. Sheridan, Mrs., 27. Shirley, J., 20. Shirley, W., 8. Smith, Edmund, 15. Southern, 1, 9. Steele, 10, 19, 29. Thomson, 9, 12. Vanbrugh, 26, 30, 32, 33. Whitehead, W., 4, 16, 27. Wycherley, 28, 33. Young, 6, 15, 16. Vol. 1. — Hughes : Siege of Damascus. Southern : Isabella. Glover : Boadicea. Lillo : George Barnwell. Vol. 2. — Murphy : Grecian Daughter. Aaron Hill : Alzira. Cumberland : Carmelite ; Battle of Hastings. Vol. 3. — Otway : Venice Preserved. Glover : Medea. Beaumont and Fletcher : Philaster. Congreve : Mourning Bride. Vol. 4.— Ambrose Philips : Distrest Mother. Aaron Hill: Zara. Home : Douglas. Whitehead : Roman Father. Vol. 5. — Hartson : Countess of Salisbury. Addison : Cato. Cibber : Ximena. Banks : Albion Queens ; or. Death of Mary, Queen of Scots. Vol. 6. — Rowe : Fair Penitent. Young : Revenge. Rowe : Tamerlane. Jones : Earl of Essex. Vol. 7. — Francklin : Earl of Warwick. Moore : Gamester. Rowe : Jane Shore ; Lady Jane Grey. Vol. 8. — W. Shirley : Edward the Black Prince. Dodsley : Cleone. Havard : Charles I. Lee : Rival Queens ; or, Death of Alexander the Great. Vol. 9. — Thomson : Tancred and Sigismunda. Otway : Orphan. Southern : Oroonoko. Dryden : All for Love ; or, the World well lost. Vol. 10. — A. Hill: Merope. Rowe: Royal Convert. Fenton: Mariamne. Steele : Funeral. Vol. 11. — Dryden and Lee : ffidipus. Lee: Theodosius, or the Force of Love. Brown : Barbarossa. Hull : Henry 11. ; or, the Fall of Rosamond. Vol.12. — Beaumont and Fletcher: Bonduca. Rowe: Ambi- tious Stepmother. Hoole : Timanthes. Thomson : Edward and Eleonora. Vol. 13.— Mallet: Eurydice. Miller: Mahomet. Hoole: Cleo- nice ; Cyrus. 46 BEL Bell and Cawthorn. British Theatre — continued. Vol. 14. — Murphy: Zenobia. Johnson: Irene. Brooke: Gus- tavus Vasa. Shakespeare : Pericles. Vol.15. — Young: Busiris. Smith: Ph.-edra and Hippolitus. Lillo : Fatal Curiosity. Lee : Lucius Junius Brutus. Vol.16. — Mrs. Cowley: Albina. Young : Brothers. Whitehead: Creusa. Murphy : Orphan of China. Vol. 17. — Mason : Caractacus ; Elfrida. Milton : Samson Agonist es. Vol.18. — Milton: Comus. Bickerstaff: Maid of the Mill; Lionel and Clarissa ; Love in a Village. Gay : Beggar's Opera. Vol. 19. — Farquhar: Recruiting OSficer. Centlivre : Busybody. Dryden : Spanish Friar. Steele : Tender Husband. Vol. 20.— Murphy : All in the Wrong. Shirley and C. Johnson: Gamesters. Congreve : Love for Love. Cumberland : Natural Son. Vol. 21. — Cibber : She wou'd and she wou'd not. Cibber and Bickerstaff : Hypocrite. C. Johnson : Country Lasses ; or, Custom of the Manor. Cibber : Love makes a Man. Vol. 22. — Colman and Garrick : Clandestine Marriage. Cum- berland : Brothers. Colman : Jealous Wife. Hoadly : Suspicious Husband. Vol. 23. — Kelly : School for Wives. Beaumont and Fletcher : Chances. Moore : Foundling. Goldsmith : Good-natxired Man. Vol. 24. — Cibber : Careless Husband. Foote : Minor. Ben Jonson : Alchymist. Cumberland : West Lidian. Vol. 2.5. — C. Shadwell: Fair Quaker of Deal; or, the Humours of the Xavy. Fielding : Miser. Centlivre : Wonder. Cumberland : Choleric Man. Vol. 26. — Farqiihar : Constant Couple ; or, a Trip to the Jubilee. Addison : Drummer. Vanbrugh : City Wives' Confede- racy. Cibber : Double Gallant ; or, Sick Lady's Cure. Vol. 27. — Centlivre : Bold Stroke for a Wife. Mrs. Sheridan : Discovery. Dryden : Amphitryon ; or, the Two Sosias. Whitehead : School for Lovers. Vol. 28. — Ben Jonson : Every Man in his Humour. Sir K. Howard : Committee. Wycherley : Country Girl. Cum- berland : Fashionable Lover. Vol. 29. — Goldsmith : She Stoops to Conquer. Farquhar : Beaux' Stratagem. Steele : Conscious Lovers. Beaumont and Fletcher : Rule a Wife and have a Wife. Vol. 30. — Vanbrugh and Cibber : Provok'd Husband. Van- brugh : Provok'd Wife. Congreve : Old Batchelor. Cj'mon, a Musical Romance (alter'd from Garrick). Vol.31. — Cibber: Refusal; or, the Ladies' Philosophy. Kelly: False Delicacy. Murphy: Way to keep him. Congreve: Double Dealer. Vol. 32. — Farquhar : Inconstant. Vanbrugh : Relapse ; or, Virtue in Danger. Macklin : Man of the World. Cibber : Lady's Last Stake. Vol. 33. — Wycherley : Plain Dealer. Miss Lee : Chapter of Accidents. Farquhar: Twin Rivals. Vanbrugh : Mistake. Vol.34. — Ramsay: Gentle Shepherd. Mrs. (Griffiths: School for Rakes. Kelly : Word to the Wise. Kenrick : Fal- staffs Wedding. Vol. 35. — Congreve : Way of the World. Farquhar : Sir Harry Wildair. Duke of Buckingham : Rehearsal. Murphy : School for Guardians. Bellamy (George Anne), Apology for the Life of. Written by herself. 4th ed. 5 vols., 12mo. 1786 Bellasis (Edw.). Cherubini. 8vo. - 1874 „ Westmoreland Church Notes. 2 vols., 8to. - - 1888-9 „ Strickland of Sizergh (near Kendal). 8vo. - - - 1889 Bbllay (Martin du), Memoires. See Fetitot, Ser. 1, Vols. 17-19. BEL— BEN 47 Bellows (John). French-English and English-French Dictionary. 2nd ed. Revised by A. Beljame. 16mo. - . . 1889 Belloy (Marquis de). Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of the New World. 4to. - - - - - - 1878 Beloe (Rev. W.). Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. 6 vols., 8vo. ------- 1807-12 „ Sexagenarian; or, Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1818 Belouino (Paul), Histoire d'un Coup d'Etat, Dec, 1851. 8vo. - 1852 Belsham (W.), History of Great Britain, 1688-1802. 12 vols., 8vo. --------- 1805-6 Belt (Thomas). The Naturalist in Nicaragua. 12mo. - - 1890 Beltz (G. F.). Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, adjudicated 1803. [Claim of Sir S. E. Brydges.] 8vo. - - - 1834 „ Memorials of the Order of the Garter. With Lives of Knights, Edw. III. and Rich. II. 8vo. - - - 1841 Belzoni (Giovanni Battista). Operations and Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 3rd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1822 Bembo (Pietro, Cardinal). Gli Asolani. 16mo. - - - 1504 „ Lettere di. 4 vols, in 2, 16mo. . . . - - 1552 Benalt (Thos.). Visitation of Lancashire and part of Cheshire, 1533. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 98. Benares, Massacre of. 12mo. ------- 1871 Bencke (Albert H.). Introduction to the Study of Pre-Socratic Philosophy. Trans, from Zeller. Square 8vo. - - 1871 „ Dantzick ; or, the Story of a Picture ; with other Tales (inverse). 12mo. ------- 1880 Beneden (Prof. M. Van). Animal Parasites and Messmates. See International Science Ser., Vol. 19. Benedict of Peterborough, Gesta Regis Hen. II. et Ric. I. Chro- nicle of the Reigns of Hen. II. and Ric. I., 1169-92. See Chroyiicles, 49. Bengal and Agra Guide and Gazetteer. 2 vols., 8 vo. - - 1841 Benham (Rev. W.). Winchester. See Diocesan Histories. Benjamin of Tudela (Rabbi). Travels from Spain to China, 1160-73. See Pinkerton, Vol. 7. Benjamin (L. N.). The St. Alban's Raid, 19 Oct., 1864. 8vo. 1865 Bennett (F. D.). Whaling Voyage round the Globe, 1833-6. Polynesia, California, Indian Archipelago, &c. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1840 Bennett (Geo.). History of Bandon and the principal Towns in the West Riding of County Cork. 8vo. - - - 1869 Bennett (Joseph). Billiards. Ed. by "Cavendish." 4th ed. 8vo. 1884 Bent (Jas. Theo.). Life of Garibaldi. 12mo. - - - - 1881 ,, The Cyclades ; or. Life among the Insular Greeks. 12mo. 1885 Bentham (Rev. Jas.). History and Antiquities of Ely Cathe- dral. Supplement by W. Stevenson. 2 vols., 4to. 1771-1817 Bentham (Jeremy) [1747-1832]. Works. Ed. by Sir John Bowring. 11 vols., 8vo. ------ 1843 Vol, 1. — Introduction to the Study of Bentham's Works. In- troduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. On the Promulgation of Laws, and the Reasons thereof, with Specimen of a Penal Code. The Influence of Time and Place in Matters of Legislation. Table of the Springs of Action : showing the several Species of Pleasures and Pains of which Man's Nature is susceptible. Fragment on Government. Principles of the Civil Code. Principles of Penal Law. 48 BEN" Bentham (Jeremy), Works of — continued. Vol. 2. — Principles of Judicial Procedure, with Outlines of a Procedure Code. Rationale of Rewanl. Leading Prin- ciples of a Constitutional Code for any State. Liberty of the Press and Public Discussion. Essay on Political Tactics. Book of Fallacies. Anarchical Fallacies. Prin- ciples of International Law ; and Proposal to unite the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by means of the Junctiana Company. Protest again.st Law Taxes. Supply without Burden, or Escheat vice Taxation. Tax with Monopoly. Vol. 3. — Defence of Usurj'. Manual of Political Economy. On the Restrictive and Prohibitory Commercial System, especially with reference to a Decree of the Spanish Cortes. Plan for saving all trouble and expense in the Transfer of Stock. General View of a complete Code of Laws. Pannomial Fragments. Noraography, or the Art of Inditing Laws. Equity Dispatch Court Proposal. Equity Dispatch Court Bill. Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in form of a Catechism. Radical Reform Bill, with Extracts from the Reasons. Radicalism not dangerous. Vol. 4. — View of the Hard Labour Bill. Panopticon, or the Inspection house. Panopticon versus New South Wales. Plea for the Constitution. Draught Code for the Or- ganization of the Judicial Establishment in France. Bentham's Draught for the Organization of the Judicial Establishments compared with that of the National Assembly. Emancipate your Colonies ! addressed to the National Convention. Jeremy Bentham to his Fellow- Citizens of France on Houses of Peers and Senates. Papers relating to Codificiition and Public Instruction. Codification Proposal. Vol. 5. — Scotch Reform, with Hlustrations from English Non- Reform. Summary View of the Plan of a Judicatory under the name of the Court of Lords' Delegates. Ele- ments of the Art of Packing. Swear not at all : Need- lessness, &c., of Oaths. Truth versus Ashurst, or Law as it is, &c. The King against Edmonds and others. The King against Sir Charles AVolseley and Jos. Harrison. Official Aptitude Maximized ; Expense Minimized. Com- mentary on Mr. Humphrey's Real Property Code. Outline of Plan of General Register of Real Property. Justice of Codification Petitions. Lord Brougham Displayed. Vol. 6. — Introductor}' View of the Rationale of Evidence, for the use of Non-Lawyers as well as Lawyers. Rationale of Judicial Evidence applied to English Practice, Books 1-4. Vol. 7. — Rationale of Judicial Evidence, &c., Books .5-10. Vol. 8. — Chrestomatia [Papers on FIducation]. Fragment on Ontology. Essay on Logic. Essay on Language. Frag- ments on Universal Grammar. Tracts on Poor Laws and Pauper Management. Observations on the Poor Bill introduced by W. Pitt. Three Tracts on Portuguese and Spanish Affairs. Letters to Count Toreno on pro- posed Penal Code for Spain. Securities against Misrule, adapted to a Mahommedan State. Vol. 9.— The Constitutional Code. Vol.10. — Memoirs of Jeremy Bentham; including Autobio- graphical Conversations and Correspondence. By Sir John Bowring. Vol. 11. — Memoirs, &c., concluded. Appendix to Memoirs. Index. Church of England and its Catechi.sm examined. 8vo. 1817-18 II Not Paul but Jesus. By " Gamaliel Smith." 8vo. - - 1823 Letter on the Character of Lord Hardwicke. See Cooksey. ',', Benthaminna. By Dr. J. H. Burton. 8vo. - - - 1843 Bentinck (Lord George Cavendish) [1802-48]. A Political Biography. By B. Disraeli [Lord Beaconsfield]. 8vo. - 1852 BEN— BER 49 Bentinck (Lord George Cavendish) — continued. „ Racing Life and other Reminiscences. By John Kent. Ed. by tlie Hon. F. Lawley. 8vo. . . - - 1892 Bentinck (Lord William). Life [1774-1839]. By D. C. Boulger. See Rulers of India. BENTLEY(Uev. Dr. Richard). Worlds. Ed.byDyce. 3vols.,Syo. 18.36-.S8 Vols. 1, 2. — Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. Vol. 3. — Theological Writings. „ A Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Enripides, and others. 8vo. - - - - 1816 „ Life [1G62-1742]. By Jas. H. Monk, Bishop of Gloucester. 2 vols., 8vo. - - ^ - - - - - 1833 ,, Life. See Coleridge {H.)- „ Life, by R. C. Jebb. See English Men of Letters. Bentley (Sam.). Excerj^ta Historica; or. Illustrations of English History. [13th to 16th Centuries. By Sir T. D. Hardy and others.] 8vo. - - - - - - -1831 Bentley's Miscellany. 41 vols., 8vo. - . - . 1837-57 Benton (T. H,). Working of the U.S.A. Government for Thirty Years (1820-50). 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1861 Benzoni (Girolamo). Travels in America in 1542-56. Trans. and ed. by Adui. W. H. Smyth. See Hakluyt Soc, 21. Beowulf, the Scoj) or Gleeman's Tale, and the Fight at Finnes- burg. Anglo-Saxon Poems, trans, by B. Thorpe. 12mo. 1885 Beranger (J. P. de). (Euvres. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1857-62 Vols. 1, 2. — Chansons. Vol. .3. — Dernieres Chansons. Vol. 4. — Ma Biographie. Ouvrage Posthume. Avec un Appen- dice et un grand nombre de Notes inedites de Beranger sur ses Chansons. „ Memoirs. [Ma Biographie. Trans.] 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1858 Beresford (Rev. James) . Miseries of Human Life; or, the Groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy. 2 vols., 12mo. 1806-7 Beresford (Rev. W.). Lichfield. See Diocesan Histories. Beresford-Hope (A. J.). The English Cathedral of the 19th Century. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1861 Berkeley Peerage Case : Minutes of Evidence, &c. 8vo. - - 1811 ,, Address of the Countess of Berkeley to the Peers. 8vo. - 1811 Berkeley (George), Bishop of Cloyne. Works. 2vols.,4to. - 1784 Vol. 1. — Life. Letters. Principles of Human Knowledge. Tiiree Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. New Theory of Vision. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. Vol. 2. — Passive Obedience. Arithmutica absque Algebra, aut Euclide Demonstrata. Miscellanea Matheraatica. De Motu. The Analyst. Defence of Free-thinking in Mathematics. Prof. Walton's Vindication of Sir I. Newton's Principles of Fluxions. Eeasons for not replying to Prof. Walton. Essay towards preventing the Ruin of Great Britain. Discourse addressed to Magistrates and Men in Authority. Word to the Wise. Letter to the Roman Catholics of the Diocese of Cloyne. Maxims concerning Patriotism. The Querist. Proposals for Supplying Churches in our Foreign Plantations. Views on the Prospects of Planting Arts and Learning in America. Sermon. Siris. Remarks on Tar Water. „ Life [1684-1753]. Letters, and Unpubhshed Writings. By Alex. C. Eraser. 8vo. - 1871 „ Works. Ed. by A. C. Eraser. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1871 Berkeley (Hon. Grantley F.). My Life and Recollections. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1865-6 p. 3104. D 50 BER Berkley (Sir John). Momoirs. See Maseres, Tracts. Bkrkshire Glossi\ry. By Major Lowsley. 8vo. - - - 1888 Bkki.in Treat v. Map of South Eastern Europe, as Settled l)y - 1878 Berlioz (Hector). Autobiography, 1803-65. Trans, by Rachel and Eleanor Holmes. 2 vols., 12nio. - - - - 1884 „ Life. See Enr/el (L.). Bernard (Bavle). Life .f Samuel Lover. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1874 Bern.\rd (Charles de). (Euvres. 12 vols., 12mo. - - 1878-91 I'll Homme Serieux. Paratonnerre. A lies D'Icare. Peau du Lion. Nceud Gordien. Gerfaut. L'Ecueil. Le Paravent. I'n Beau-Pere. 2 vols. Le Gcntilhomme Campagnard. 2 vols. Bernard (Father). From World to Cloister ; or, My Novitiate. 12rao. .-------- 1888 Bernard (Sir Francis). Letters on the American Colonies, 17(53-8. Svo. - - - - - - - - 1774 Bern\rd (Rit^ht Hon. Montague). Four Lectures on Diplomacy. Svo.°- .-------- 1868 Growth of Laws and L^sages of War. See Oxford Essays. Bernard (Nich.), Dean of Ardagh. The Siege of Drogheda ; also the Siet^e of Londonderry, by the Rev. G. Walker. 4to. 1736 Bernard (Saint). De Cura Rei Famidiaris : with some Early Scottish Prophecies, &c. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Vol. 13. Bernhardt (Sarah). L'Aveu. Drame en Pro.se. 8vo. - - 1888 Berni (Francesco). Orlando Innamorato : Opere Burlesche. See Bojardo, SfC, Berni, Vol. 5. Bernica (Fran9ois). Voyage to the East Indies [1G70]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 8. Bernier (Francis). Travels in the Mogul Empire. 2 vols., Svo. 1826 Bernstein (Prof.). The Five Senses of Man. See International Science Ser., Vol. 21. Berry (Miss Marv). .Journals and Correspondence [1783-1852]. Ed. bv Ladv Theresa Lewis. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1865 Social Life in England and France [166(V1 830]. 8vo. 1828-31 Be'rry (William). History of the Island of Guernsey. 4to. - 1815 Encvclopredia Heraldiea. 3 vols., 4to. - - - - N. d. Bersier (Dr. Eugene). Early Life of Coligny. 12mo. - - 1884 Bertuod (Pere), Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 48. Bertie (Ladv Georgina). Five Generations of a Loyal House. 8vo. 1845 Pm-t 1. — Lives of Richard Bertie and his son Peregrine, Lord "Willoughby. Bertrand du Guesclin, Memoires. See Petitot, Vols. 4. o. Bekville et Barriere. Collection de Memoires relatifs a la Revo- lution Fran^aise. 54 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1821-5 Vol. 1. — D'Argenson. Vols. 18 21. — Dumouriez. Vols. 2-4.-Bailly. Vol. 22.— Maillane. Vol. 5.— BarLaroux. Vol. 23.— Enghien. Vols 6, 7. — Besenval. Vols. 24-26.— Ferrieres. Vol. 8. — Bonchamps. Vol. 27. — Froron. Vol. 9.— Bouille. Vols. 28. 29.— Gacte. Vols. 10-12. — Campan. Vol.«. 30, 31. — Montleon. Vol. 13.— Carnot. Vol. 32. — llausstt. Vol. 14.— Cler}-. Vol. 33. — Lingutt et Dusatilx. Vol. 15. — Depar. Louis XVI. Vol. 34. — Louvet. Vol. 16. — Vieux Cordtlier. Vol. 35.— Meillan. Vol. 17. — Doppet. Vol. 36.— Orleans. BEE— BEU 51 Berville et Barriere. Collection de IVIemories — continued. Vol. 37.— Rivarol. Vol. 47. — Journees de Sept. Vols. 38, 39.— Roland. Vol. 48.— L'Aflfaire de Varen- Vols. 40, 41. — Thibaudeau. ne.s. Vol. 42.— Turreau. Vol. 49. -Goguelat. Vols. 43, 44. —Weber. Vols. 50-54. — Guerres des Vols. 45, 46. — Les Prisons. Vendeen.s. Berwick (James Fitz-James, Mareclial de Fi-ance, Due de), Memoires dii. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 65, 66. „ Life. By Lieut. -Col. Chas. Townshend Wilson. 2 vols., 8vo. ----.-.-. 1876-83 Vol. 1. — The Duke of Berwick and James II. Vol. 2. — Life, as Marshal of France, 1702-34. Besant (Walter). Rabelais. See BlackwoocVs Foreign Classics. „ Studies of Early French Poetry. 8vo. - - - . 1868 „ French Humourists, 12th to 19th Centuries. 8vo. - - 1873 „ Fifty Years ago. 8vo. ---.-.. 1888 ,, Captain Cook. See English Alen of Action. „ Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. 12mo. . . . . i888 „ Novels. 6 vols., 12mo. ------ 1889-9 All in a Garden Fair. All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Children of Giljeon. Dorothy Forster. The World Went Very AVell Then. Uncle Jack, and other Tales. „ London. With 124 Illustrations. 8vo. - - - - 1892 Besant (Walter) and Rice (Jas.). Novels. 13 vols., 12mo. 1888-90 By Celia's Arbour. Captain's Room. — Let Nothing you dismay. — They were Married — Humbling of the Memblings — Murder of Nick Vedder. Case of Mr. Lueraft, and other Tales. Chaplain of the Fleet. Golden Butterfly. Monks of Thelema. My Little Girl. Ready-Money Mortiboy. Seamy Side. Ten Years' Tenant. This Son of Vulcan. With Harp and Crown. 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, and other Stories. Hescherelle (L. N".). Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran^aise. 4 vols., 4to. - - - - - - - - 1861 Besenval (Baron de). Memoires. See Berville et Barriere, Vols. 6, 7. Besse (Joseph). Collection of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers [1650-89]. 2 vols., folio - - - . 1753 Bessemer (Sir Henry). See Fortunes made in Business. Betagh (Captain). Captivity in Peru [1720 et seq \ See Pinkerton, Vol. 14. Betham (Rev. W.). The Baronetage of England. [The Author's own interleavedcopy, with MS. additions.] 5vols.,4to. 1801-5 Bethencourt (.Jean de), Kt. His Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians, 1402. By Pierre Bontier and Jean le Verrier. See Hakluyt Soc, 46. Bethune (Col. J. Drinkwater). See Di'inhwater-Bethune. Beust (Friedrich Ferdinand, Count von). Memoirs by himself, Ed. by Baron Henry de Worms. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1887 „ Policy of. By an Englishman. 8vo. - - . . 1870 p 2 B2 BEV— BIB Bkvan (G. Phillips). Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 45 Maps, with te.vt. Folio - - - - 1882 Bevan (Paul). Miyako-Dori. Japanese Melodies arranged for the Voice or Pianoforte. 4to. ----- 1893 Bkvan (Sam.). Sand and Canvas: Adventures in Egypt, and a Sojourn among the Artists in Rome. 8vo. - - - 1849 Bevan (Rev. W. L.). St. Dand's. See Diocesan Histories. Bewick (Thomas) and his Pupils. By Austin Dobson. 12mo. - 1884 „ History of Quadrupeds. 1st ed. 8vo. Xewcastle - - 1790 „ Select Fables of ^Esop and others. Reprint, with the original wood-cuts. 12mo. - ----- 1886 Life of -Esop. Essay by Olivor Goldsmith. Fables from Dod-sley. Fables with Reflections in Prose and Verse. Failles in Verse. Bewuk (William), Artist. Life and Letters. Ed. by Thomas Landseer. 2 vols., 8vo. .--..- 1871 Beyle (Marie Henri) [de Stendhal]. (Euvres. 18 vols. 12mo. 1855-8 Melanges d'Art et de Literature. Nouvelles Inedites. Armanee. Vie de Xapoleon. Haydn, Mozart et Metastase. Rossini. Histoire de la Peinture en Italie. Rome, Naples et Florence. Promenades dans Rome. 2 vols. Memoires d'un Touriste. 2 vols. La Chartreuse de Parme. Le Rouge et Noir. 2 vols. De TAmour. L'Abbesse de Castro, &-c. Journal. 1801-14. „ Biographical Study of. By A. A. Paton. 12nio. - - 1874 „ Vie. Par Ed. Rod. See JFrattgais (Les Grands Ecn'rains). Bible (The Holy) : — „ Biblia Hebraica, eorundeni Latina interpretatio Xantis Pagnini Luceusis. Benedicti Ariie Montani, Hispaliensis et quorundam aliorum collato studio, ad Hebraicam dictiouem diligcntissime expen.sa. Xovum Testamentum Graecum, cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Grreci con- textus lineis inserta. Folio- - . . . . 1619 „ Xovum Testamentum. Juxta exemi)lar ^Nlillianum. Typis Joannis Baskerville. 8vo. - - - - • - 1763 „ Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Accedunt Prolegomena. Auctore Sam. Lee. Folio - - - - - - -1831 Hebrew. English. Greek. Latin. German. French. Italian. Spanish. „ Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke. Geneva Version, with Tomson Revision. 4to. - - - 1599 „ Trans, by the English College at Douay. 2 vols., 4to. - 1()09 „ English Illustrated. [Macidin's Edition.] 6 vols., folio - 1800 „ English with Apocrypha. 4to. - . . . - 1806 „ English 4to. - - - - - - - - - 1842 „ The Version set forth a.d. Kill compareil with the most ancient Authorities, and revi.sed. 8vo. - - - - 1885 „ Xovum Testamentum Graecum. Efl. J. J. Griesbach. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1809-10 „ „ With Annotations, Critical, Philological, and Ex- planatory. By Dr. S. T. Bloomtield. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1836 BIB— BIK 53 Bible (The Holy) — contimied. „ New Testament of the English College at Rheims. 4to. - 1582 ,, New Testament, revised. 8vo. . . - . - 1881 ,, „ 12mo. -------- 1881 „ The Enghsh Hexapla. [Sam. Bagster.] 4to. - - [1841] English Translations of the New Testament: Wyelif, 1380; Tyndale, 1534; Cranmer, 1539; Genevan, 1557; Anglo- Ehemish, 1582; Authorized, 1611. The Original Greek Text after Scholtz, witli the various readings of the Textus Receptus, &c. History of English Translations and Translators. „ Hebrew Lexicon to the Old Testament. By Dr. Wilhelm Gesenius. Trans, by Ch. Leo. 4to. - - - 1825-8 „ The Pentateuch. By Andrews Norton. Ed. by John James Tayler. 8vo. ------- 1863 „ Concordance to the Old and New Testaments. By Alex. Cruden. 8vo. -------- 1851 „ Concordance to the Revised Version of the New Testament. By John Alex. Thorns. 8vo. - - - . . 1882 „ Palseographia Sacra : Illustrations of Ancient Versions of the Bible, from Illuminated MSS. By J. O. Westwood. 4to. 1845 BiBLiA Pauper nm. Reproduced in Fac-simile ; with an Intro- duction by Ph. J. Berjeau. Folio - . - - 1859 BiBLiOTHECA Anglo-Poetica. 8vo. - - - - - - 1815 BiBLiOTHECA Nicotiana. Books about Tobacco. By W. Bragge. Small 4to. --------- 1874 Bibliographical Society. Transactions 1892-3. Small 4to. - 1893 BiCHAT (M. F. X.). Recherches Physiologiques sur la Vie et la Mort. Small 8vo. - - - - - - - 1862 BiCKERDYKE (John). Curiosities of Ale and Beer. 8vo. - - 1889 BxCKELL (Rev. R.). The West Indies as they are : a Picture of Slavery in Jamaica, &c. 8vo. ----- 1825 BiCKERSTETH (Henry). See Langdale {Lord). BiCKMORE (A. S.). Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. 8vo. 1868 BiCKLEY (Aug. Chas.). Geo. Fox and the Early Quakers. 12mo. 1884 BiCKNELL (Algernon S.). Hippophagy. 8vo. - - - [1872] BiCKNELL (Herman). Translations from Hafiz of Shiraz. 4to. - 1875 BiDDLECOMBE (Capt. Sir Geo.), R.N. Autobiography. 8vo. - 1878 BiDEN (W. D.). History of Kingston-on-Thames. 8vo. - - 1852 BiDPAi or Pilpai, Fables of. See Pilpai. Bid WELL (Chas. T.). Isthmus of Panama. Svo. - . . 1865 BiENFAisANCE, Congres International de, Londres, 1862. 8vo. - 1863 BiGARRE (Gal.). Aide-de-Camp du Roi Joseph. Memoires, 1775-1813. 8vo. ------- 1893 BiGELOW (John). Life of Benjamin Fi^anklin. 3 a'oIs., Svo. - 1875 „ Life of William Cullen Bryant. 12mo. - - - - 1890 „ Recollections of Edouard Laboulaye. 16mo. - - - 1892 BiGELOw (Lieut. John). Principles of Strategy, illustrated from American Campaigns. 4to. - - - - -1891 BiGELOW (Poultney). Paddles and Politics down the Danube; with Illustrations by the Author. 12mo. - - - 1892 „ The German Emperor and his Eastern Neighbours. 12mo. 1892 BiGLAND (Ralph). History of the City of Gloucester. See Fosbroke {Rev. T. D). BiGMORE (Edw. C.) and Wyman (C. W. H.). Bibliography of Printing. 2 vols., 4to. 1880-4 BiKELAS (D.). La Grece, JByzantiue et Moderne. Svo. - - 1893 54 BIL— BIE BiLLraos (Dr. John S.). United States Census, 1880. 4to. -1885 Billings (Jos.). Expedition to Northern Russia [1785-94]. 4to. 1802 Billings (H. W.). Arehitt-ctuiv of Carlisle Cathedral. 4to. - 1840 „ A.rchitoetural Aiiti(inities of the County of Durham. 4to. - 1816 Billings (K. W.) and Burn (W.). Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. 4 vols., 4to. - - - lo45-52 BiNET (A.), and Fere (C). Animal Magnetism. See International Science Ser., GO. Bingham (Capt. the Hon. Denis A.). The Ba.'^tille. 2 vols., 8vo. 1888 „ Letters and Despatches of Xapoleon I. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1884 „ Journal of the Siege of Paris. 8vo. - - - - - 1871 Bingham (Rev. Rob.), Trial for Arson of. Mar. 2G, 1811. 8vo. - 1811 BiOGRAPiiiA Britannica ; or, Lives of the most Eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland. 7 vols., folio - - 1747-66 „ 2nd ed., with new Lives by And. Kippis. Jos. Towers, and others. A to Fastolff. 5 vols., folio - - - 1778-93 BioGRAPHiA Britannica Literaria. By Thos. Wright. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1842-6 BiOGRAPHiA Dramatiwi. By D. E. Baker. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1812 BioGKAPHiA Scoticana. Lives of Scotch "Worthies. 8vo. - - 1796 Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. [Upcott, W.] 'Svo. 1816 Biographical Dictionary of the Society of L^seful Knowledge. Letter A. 7 vols., 8vo. . . . - . 1842-4 Biographical Magazine. May 1884. 8vo. . - - - 1884 BioGRAPHiE des Contemporains, 1788 c^ 565'. 5 vols., Svo. - - 1834 Biographie (Nouvelle) Generale. Ed. Dr. Hoefer. 46 vols., 8vo. --------- 1855 6 Biographie L'niverselle. M. Weiss. 6 vols., Svo. - - - 1841 „ Nouvelle ed. 21 vols., 4to. ----- 1843-7 Biography (American). See Appleton. Biography (The Annual) and Obituary. 21 vols., Svo. - 1817-37 Biography, Dictionary of Contemporary. 8vo. - - - - 1861 Biography, Xational Dictionary of. Ed. by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. Vols 1-37 {continued). Svo. - 1885 et seq. BiON. Idvllia. Trans, bv the Rev. R. Polwhele. See British Poets, Vol. 92. BiON et Moschus. Carmina, recensuit G. Hermann. Svo. - - 1849 BiONDi (G. F.). L'Hi.storia delle Guerre Civili d'Inghilterra tra le due Case di Lancastro e lore. 3 vols, in 1, 4to. - 1647 Birch (Colonel), Goveinor of Hereford during the Civil War, A Military Memoir of. See Camden Soc, N.S., 7. Birch (J. F.). National Defence. Svo. ----- 1808 Birch (Dr. Sam.). History of Ancient Pottery. 2 vols., Svo. - 1858 Vol. 1. — Egj-ptian, A.ssyrian, and Greek. Vol. 2. — Greek, Etruscan, and Eoman. Birch (Rev. Dr. T.). Court and Times of James I. 2 vols., Svo. 1849 „ Court and Times of Charles I. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1849 „ Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I. Svo. 1760 „ State Papers of John Thurloe, Sec. to Cromwell. 7 vols., fol. 1742 „ Life of .lohn Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury. Svo. - 1753 „ Negotiations between p]nglan(l, France, and Brussels, 1592- 1617. From Sir T. Edmonds' Papers; also Carew's State of France, 1600. Svo. - - - - - 1749 Birch (Walter de Gray). Historical Charters and Constitutional Documents of the City of London. Revised ed. Imp. Svo. - 1887 BIR— BLA 55 Birch (W. de Gray) and Jenner (Henry). Early Drawings and Illuminations in the British Museum. 8vo. - - - 187D Birch (W. J.). The Real and the Ideal : Illustrations of Travel. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1840 „ The Philosophy and Religion of Shakespeare. 2 vols , 8vo. 1848 Bird (Isabella L.). See Bishop {I.L.). Bird (Dr. Robert M.). Nick of the Woods. 12mo. - - [1885] BiRKBECK (W. L.). Distribution of Land in England. 12rao. - 1885 Birmingham Free Libraries. Catalogue of Reference Books. 8vo. 1869 Bishop (Isabella L.). The Englishwoman in America. 8vo. - 1856 „ Aspects of Religion in the United States. 12mo. - - 1859 „ Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1880 „ The Grolden Chersonese. 8vo. . . . - . 1883 „ Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1891 Bishop (Nath. Holmes). Voyage of the " Paper Canoe " from Quebec to the Grulf of Mexico, 1874-5. 8vo. - - 1878 Bishops, The Seven, Trial of. Folio - - . . . 1689 Bismarck (Prince). Letters, 1844-70. 12mo. - - - - 1878 „ In the Franco-German War, 1870-1. By Dr. M. Busch. 2 vols., 12mo. ------- - 1879 „ Our Chancellor. By Dr. M. Busch 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1884 „ Historical Biography. By Chas. Lowe. 2 vols., 12ino. - 1887 ,, See Klaczko (J.). BissET (And.) . Omitted Chapters of the History of England, from the Death of Charles I. to the Expulsion of the Long Parliament. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1864-7 ,, Essays on Historical Truth. 8vo. ----- 1871 „ On the Strength of Nations. 8vo. 1859 „ History of the Struggle for Parliamentary Government in England. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1377 BiVAR (Rodriguez Diaz de) See Cid {El Campeador). Blaauw (W. H.). The Barons' War, including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - 1871 Black Book Extraordinary. An Exposition of Church and State, Courts of Law, Representation, &c. [By J. Wade]. 8vo. 1832 Black Book of the Admiralty. See Chronicles, 55. Black Book of Russia (The). 8vo. ------ 1885 Black Dwarf (The). [London Weekly Periodical.] Vols. 1-3, 4to. Vols. 4-12, 8vo.- ----- 1817-24 Black (Adam). Memoirs. Ed. by Dr. Alex. Nicolson. 12mo. 1885 Black (David D.). History of Brechin to 1864. 8vo. - - 1867 Black (G. B.). The Riviera; or, the Coast from Marseilles to Leghorn. 5th ed., 16mo. ------ I888 Black (John). Life of Torquato Tasso. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1810 Black (Robert). The Jockey Club and its Founders: in three Periods, 1750-1891. 8vo. ------ 1891 Black (William). Three Feathers. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1875 „ Madcap Violet. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1876 „ White Wings. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1880 „ The Beautiful Wretch. The Four Macnicols. The Pupils of Aurelius. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 188I „ Sunrise : a Story of these Times. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1881 „ Shandon Bells : a Novel. 3 vols., 8 vo. - - - - 1883 „ Yolande. 3 vols., 8vo. ------- 1883 ,, Goldsmith, ^qq English Men of Letters. Black (W. G.). Heligoland and the Islands of the North Sea. 12mo. 1888 56 BLA BlaCKALL (OfFsprinir), Bishop of Exotor. Siiltjoct's Duty ; Insti- tution of Magistracy ; Reply to Bp. Hoadley. 3 vols.,8vo. 1709 Blackburn (Henry). The Pyrenees: Summer Life at French Waterinjr- Places. Illustrations by Gustave Dore. 8vo. 18G7 Blackbuune (Right Hon. Francis), Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Life [1782-18(57]. By his .son, Edward Blackburne. Svo. 1874 Blackie (Prof. J. Stuart). The Lyrical Dramas of ^Eschylus. Trans, into English Verse. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1850 „ Horit> Hellenica^ : Esssiys and Discussions on .some important points of Greek Philology and Antiquity. 8vo. - - 187-4 „ Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. 8vo. - 1876 „ The Scottish Highlanders and the Land Laws. 8vo. - 1885 Bl.\ckmore (SirR.). Poetical Works. See British Foets, Vol. 28. Blackmore (Richard Doddridge). Novels. 10 vols., 12mo. 1887-90 AJice Lorraine. Erema, or my Father's Sin. Christowell. Lorua Doone. Clara Vaughan. Mary Anerley. Craddock Nowell. Spriughaven. Cripps, the Carrier. Tommy Upmore. Blackmore (Wm.). Colorado, its Resources, Sic. -Ito. - - 1860 Black's Guide to Scotland. Timo. ------ 1889 „ Guide to the Channel Islands. 12mo. - - - - 1887 „ General Atlas of the World. Folio 1879 Blackstone (Sir AVilliam). Tracts on the Antiquities and Laws of England, -tto. - - - - - - - 1771 „ Commentaries on the Laws of England. With Analysis, and Notes by J. E. Hovendeu. -l vols., 8vo. - - 1836 ,, ,, See Stephen {H. J.). Blackwood [The Publisher]. Ancient Classics for English Readers. Ed. by the Rev. W. Lucas Collins. 14 vols., 12mo. - 1876 ^'E.sehylus. By Bishop R. S. Juvenal. By Edw. "Walford. Coplestou. Lueian. By Eiv.W. L.Collins. Aristophanes. By Eev. W. L. Lucretius. By W. H. Mallock. Collins. Ovid. By Kev. A. Church. Aristotle. By Sir Alex. Grant. Plato. By C. W. Collins. Csesar. By Anthony Trollope. Plautus. By Rev.W. L.Collins. Catullus. By Rev. Jas. Davies. Pliny's Letters. By Rev. A. Cicero. By Rev. AV. L. Collins. Church and Rev. AV. J. Demosthenes. By Kev. W. J. Brodribb. Brodribb. Propertius. By Rev. J. Davies. Euripides. By W. B. Donne. Sophocles. By C. W. Collins. Greek Anthology. By Lord Tacitus. By Wm. ±5. Donne. Neaves. Terence. By Rev.W. L.Collins. Herodotus. By Geo. C. Swayne. Thucydides. By Rev. W. L. Hesiod and Theognis. By Rev. Collins. Jas. Davies. TibuUus. By Rev. J. Davies. Homer : Iliad and Odyssey. By Virgil. By Rev. W. L. Collins. Rev.W. L. Collins. Xenophon. By Sir Alex. Grant. „ Foreign Classics for English Readers. Ed. by Mrs. Oliphant. 18 vols., 12mo. - - - - - ■ - - 1879-91 Calderon. By E. J. Has.ll. Musset (Alfred De). By C. F. Cervantes. By Mrs. Oliphant. Oliphant. Corneille and Racine. By H. M. Pascal. By Principal TuUoch. Trollope. Petrarch. By Henry Reeve. Dante. By Mrs. Oliphant. Rabelais. By Walter Besant. Fontaine. By the Rev. AV. L. Rousseau. By H. G. Graham. Collins. Saint Simon. By C. W. Goethe. By A. Hayward. Collins. Moli^re. By Mrs. Oliphant and Schiller. By James Sime. F. Tarver. Sevigne. I5y Miss Thackeray. Montaigne, By Rev. W. L. Tasso. By "E. J. Hasell. Collins. Voltaire. By Major-Gen. E.B. Hamley. BLA— BLE 57 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. 1 et seq. (continued) 8vo. -------- 1817 et seq. Blades (Wm.). Life and Typography of Wm. Caxton. 2 vols., 4to. --------- 1861-3 „ Shakespere and Typography : an Attempt to show Shake- sjiere's Personal Knowledge of Printing, &c. 8vo. - J 872 „ The Pentateuch of Printing, with a Chapter on Judges. With Memoir, 1824-90, and List of his Works. By Talbot B. Eeed. 4to. - - - - - - - 1891 Blaine (Prof. Delabere P.). Encyclopcedia of Rural Sports. 8vo. 1856 Blaine (James Gr). Twenty Years of L^.S.A. Congress, from Lincoln to Garfield. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1884-6 Blair (Rev. Dr. Hugh). Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 8vo. ---------- 1825 Blair (Rev. Rob.) [1699-1747]. The Grave: a Poem. Illus- trated by Wm. Blake. 4to. ----- 1808 „ Poems. See British Poets, Vol. 58. Blake (Admiral Robert) [1599-1657]. By David Hannah. See English IVorthies. Blake (William), " Pictor Ignotus." Life [1757-1827]; with Selections from his Writings and Drawings. By A. Gilchrist. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1863 „ „ New ed. 8vo. ------- 1880 „ Works. Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. Ed., with Life, by Edwin J. Ellis and Wm. B. Yeats. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1893 Vol.1. — Life. Poetic Sketches. Island in the Moon. The Sym- bolic System. Vol. 2. — Interpretation and Paraphrased Commentary. Vol.3. — Poetical Sketches. Songs of Experience. The Gates of Paradise. Songs. Couplets. There is no Natural Religion. Tiriel. Blakesley (Jos. W.), Dean of Lincoln. Four Months in Al- geria ; with a Visit to Carthage. 8vo. - - - - 1859 Blake Y (Prof. R.). History of Political Literature. 2 vols., 8vo. 1855 „ The Angler's Song Book. 12mo. ----- 1855 Blakhal (Gilbert). Brieffe Narration of Services to three Noble Ladyes (1631-49). See Spalding Club. Blakiston (Major). Twelve Years' Military Adventure. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1829 Blanc (C). Costumes Historiques. 3 a'oIs., 4to. - - 1860-1 Blanc (Louis). HistoiredeDixAns [1830-40]. 9" ed. 5 vols., 8vo. 1849 „ History of Ten Years [1830-40]. 8vo. - - - - 1844 „ Histoire de la Revolution Fran9aise. 8vo. - - 1847-55 „ Lettres sur I'Angleterre. 8vo. ----- 1866 „ Historic Revelations, 1848. 8vo. ----- 1858 „ Dix Ans de I'Histoire d'Angleterre. 8 vols., 12mo. - 1879-81 Blanchard (Laman). Life and Literary Remains of L. E. L. (Letitia EHzabeth Landon). 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1841 „ Sketches from Life. With Memoir by [Lord] Lytton. 3 vols., 8vo. -------- 1846 „ Poetical Works. 12mo. ------- 1876 Bland-Burges Papers. See Burges (Sir J. B.). Blanford (W. T.). Zoology and Geology of Eastern Persia. 8vo. 1876 Blaserna (Prof. Pietro). The Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music. See International Science Ser., Vol. 22. Bleeck (Arthur H.). Avesta : the Religious Books of the Par- sees. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1864 58 BLE— ELY Blessingtox (Marguerite, Countess of). Life and Correspondence [178i)-KSlS)]. By K. K. Madden. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1855 „ Conversations with Lord Jiyroii. 8vo. . - - - 1834 „ Confessions of an Llderlv Lady. 8vo. - - . - 1838 „ The Idler in Italy. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1839-40 Blew (Rev. W. J.). English Babes and Irish Bullies. lOmo. - 1890 „ Babes and Bullies, llinio. - - - - - - 1890 Blkkling Homilies [.v.n. 971]. See Early Eny. Text Soc. Bmgh (Lieut. Wni.). Voyage to the South Sea in H.M.S." Bounty."' With an Account of the Mutiny, 1787-9. 4to. - " - 1792 Blight (John Thos.). Ancient Crosses and other Antiquities in the East of Cornwall. 4to. ------ 1872 " Blind Harrv." The Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace. 4to. 1758 Blind (Miss Mathilde). George Eliot. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - 1883 Bliss (H.). Cicero : a Drama. 8vo. ----- 1847 „ State Trials: Specimen of a Xew Edition (in ver.'^e). 8vo. 1838 Bliss (Kev. Dr. Philip). Life of Ant. a Wood. See Eccles. Hist. Soc. Blomefield (Rev. Francis). History of Norfolk. Continued by the Rev. C. Parkin, and Mr. Whittingham. 11 vols., 4to. 1805-10 Blondell (Robert). De Reductione Normanniae [1449-50]. See Chronicles, 32. Blood (Col. Thos.), Life and Death of. See Smeeton's Tracts. Bloody Assizes. Judge Jeffries' x\.cts, &c. [By T. Pitts.] 8vo. 1705 Bloomfield (Benjamin Bloomtield, 1st Lord). Memoir. Ed. by Georgiana, Lady Bloomtield. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1884 Bloomfield (Robert). The Farmer's Boy : a Rural Poera. 12mo. 1802 „ Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. 12mo. - - - - 1815 „ Wild Flowers, or Pastoral and Local Poetry. 12mo. - 1810 „ Poetical Remains of. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1824 Blore (Edw.). Monumental Remains of Xoble and Eminent Persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain. With Memoir by Rev. Dr. P. Bli.'^s. 8vo. - 1826 Blount (Henry). A Voyage into the Levant, 1634. See Finkerton, Vol. 10. Blount (Thos.). Boscobel, or Miraculous Preservation of Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester. 12mo. - 1725 „ „ See also IIii(//ics (John), Boscobel Tracts. „ [T. B.]. Animadversions on 13aker's Chronicle. 18mo. - 1672 „ Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors [1079]. Reprint by AV. C. Hazlitt. 8vo. 1874 Blount (Sir Thos. Pope). Censura celebriorum Authorum. [A critique on nearly 600 Authors.] Folio - - - 1690 Blundell (Captain William). A Cavalier's Note-Book [1659-79]. Ed., with Life, by the Rev. T. Ellison Gibson. 8vo. - 1880 Blundell (William). Persecution of, as a Recusant. 1560- 1638. See Chetham Soc, N.S. 12. Blunt Spurs. The Horse, Master, and Donkey. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1883 Blunt (John E.). History of the Establishment of the Jews in Euglan(l, with Inquirv into their Civil Disabilities. 8vo. - - - -' 1830 Blunt (Rev. John H.). Dictionary of Sects and Heresies. 4to. 1874 Blunt (Rev. John Jas.). Hi.story of the Christian Church during the first three Centuries. 8vo. - - - - 1856 „ Right Use of the Earlv Fathers (Cambridge Lectures). 8vo. 1857 Bltth (E. K.). Life of Wi'lliam Ellis. 8vo. - - . - 1889 BOA— BOI 59 BoADEN (James). Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald. 2 vols. 8vo. - 1833 „ Memoirs of John Philip Kemble. With a History of the Stage from the Time of Grarrick. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1825 „ Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Jordan. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1831 „ Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1827 BoASE or Bowes, of Paul and Madron, Cornwall. Families of. (Privately printed.) 4to. - 1876 BoASE (Fred). Modern English Biography. Concise Memoirs of Persons who have died since 1850. Vol. 1. Imp. 8vo. 1892 BoASE (Greo. C). Collectanea Cornubiensia. 4to. - - - 1890 BoASE (Geo. C.) and Courtney (W. Prideaux). Bibliotheca Cornu- biensis : a Catalogue of the Writings of Coruishmen and of Works relating to Clornwall. 3 "vols , 4to. - 1874-82 BoATE (Dr. Gerard). Natural History of Ireland. Danish Mounts and Towers in Ireland, by Sir Thos. Molyneux. 4to. - 1726 "Bobbin (Tim)." See Collier {John). Boccaccio (Giovanni) [13 13-75 J. IlDecameron. 4 volsin2, 8vo. 1825 „ Opere. 17 vols., 8vo. ------ 1827-34 „ Decameron. Trans, by W. K. Kelly. 12mo. - - - 1871 „ Tales from. 12mo. ------- 1846 „ See Dry den {John), Works, Vol. 11. BoDENHAM (John). Belvedere, or the Garden of the Muses [1600]. See Spenser Sac. BoDiCHON (Dr.). L'Hunianite. 8vo. ----- 1866 Bodleian Facsimile Series. Ed. by Edw. W. B. Nicholson. 8vo. -------- 1892 et seq. Ordine della Solennissima Processioue fatta dal sommo Pontifice neir alma Citta di Roma. Per la felicissima noua della destruttione della setta Ugonotana, 1572. Ars Moriendi. That is to saye, the craft for to deye for the helthe of Mannes Sowle, 1491. By Wm. Caxton, or Wynken de Worde. Bodleian Library Catalogue. 2 vols., folio - - - 1738 Boece (Hector). See Boethius {Hector). Boeckh (Augustus) . The Public Economy of Athens ; and a Dis- sertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1828 Boethius (A. M. T, S.). De Consolatione Philosophise [a.d. 523]. 8vo. ---------- 1823 „ The Book of Consolacion of Philosophic. Trans, by Chaucer. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Vol. 5. „ „ See Alfred the Great, Works, Vol. 2. Boethius or Boece (Hector). Scotorum Histoi'i^ a prima gentis origine. Folio -------- 1574 „ „ Metrical Version by W. Stewart. See Chronicles, G. Bogle (George). Mission to Tibet. See Markhain {C. R.). BoGUE (David) and Bennett (J.). History of Dissenters 1688- 1838]. 3 vols., 8vo - - - - - - 1833-9 BoHLEN (Peter von). Introduction to the Book of Genesis. Trans, by Jas. Heywood. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1855 BoHN (Henry G.). The Book of Games: Treatises on Cards, Draughts, Billiards, &c. Svo. - - - - - 1860 „ „ Enlarged ed. [Published by Geo. Bell & Sons.] 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - . - - 1890 „ Dictionary of Quotations from English Poets. 8vo. - - 1882 Boileau-Despreaux (Nicolas). CEuvres. Vie 1636-1711, par Des Maizeaux. 4 vols., Svo. . . . . . 1767 ,, Vie by G. Lanson. See Frangais {Les Grands Ecrivains). 60 BOJ— BON BoJARDO (Matteo M.). Orlando Innamorato, rifatto da F. Berni. 4 vols., Hvo. - - - 180G „ „ See Panizzi. „ Ariosto Orlando Innamorato e Furioso. Ed. bv Anthony Panizzi. U vols., 12mo. - - - -" - 1830-4 BoLEYN (Anne). See Anne. BoLiNGBROKE (Henrv St. John, Viscount). Works and Life [1(578-1 751 j. \ vols., 8vo. 1841 „ Letters on Patriotism, on a Patriot King, and on the State of Parties at the Accession of George I. 12mo. - - 1750 „ Letters on the Study and L"se of History. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1752 „ Letters and Correspondence, with State Papers. Ed. by Gilbert Parke. 2 vols., 4to. 1708 „ Life. By Kobert Harrop. 8vo. 1884 „ Life. By Thos. Macknight. 8vo. 1863 „ A Historical Studv bv J. Churton CoUins. 8vo. - - 1886 „ Life. By G. W. Cooke. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1836 „ Life. See Goldsmith {0.), Worhs, Vol. 3. Bolivar (Simon) [1783-1830]. Memoirs ; with a Secret History of the Revolution in Columbia. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1830 Bollaert (William). The Wars of Succession in Portugal and Spain, from 1826 to 1840. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1870 Bologxe (Pinacotheque de). Catalogue des Tableaux dans le. IGmo. .-.--.--- 1883 Bolton (E.). Hypercritica, or a Rule of Judgment for Writing or Reading our History [1618]. See Has/eicood, Vol. 2. Bolton (Sir Francis). London Water Supply. 8vo. - - 1884 Bombay State Papers. Home Series. Vol. 1 (continued). 4to. -------- 1887 et seq. „ Maratha Series. Vol. 1 (continued). 4to. - 1885 et seq. BoMPAS (George C). Life of Frank Bucklaud. 12mo. - - 1885 BoNAPAKTE (Charles Louis Napoleon). See Napoleon III. Bonaparte (Madame E.) [Elizabeth Patterson]. Life and Letters. By Eugene L. Didier. l2mo. ----- 1879 Bon apart F. (Joseph). Memoires et Correspondance Politique et Militaiie. Par A. du Casse. 10 vols., Svo. - - 1854-6 Bonaparte (Letitia) [S. A. I. ^Madame ^Nlere]. Napoleonis Mater : Essai Historique. Par le Baron Larrey. 2 vols., Svo. - 1802 Bonaparte (Prince Lucien). Life. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1818 Bonaparte (Xapoleon). See Xapoleon I. BoNAR (James). Malthus and his Work. Svo. - - - 1885 BoNCHAMPS (Marquise de). Memoires. See Berville et Barri^re, Vol. 8. Bond (Dr. Edw. Aug.). Trial of Warren Hastings [1788-95]. 4 vols., Svo. 1859-61 Bond (John Jas.). Handy Book of Kules and Tables for veri- fying Dates of Historical Events. Svo. - - - 1866 Boner (Chas.). Tran.sylvania, its Products and its People. Svo. 1865 BoNGARS (Jacques), Ambassadeur sous Henri IV., Lettres de. 16mo. - - - 1681 Bon Gaultier's Book of Ballads. [ By W. E. Aytoun and Sir Theo. Martin.] Svo. -------- 1861 BoNNECHOSE (Charles de). Montcalm et le Canada Francais. Svo. - 1877 Bonnechose (Emile de). Histoire d'Angleterre jusqu'a la Revo- lution Francaise. 4 vols., Svo. - - - - 1858-9 BoNNEVAL (Countess de). Life and Letters. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 2 vols., Svo. - - - - - - 1858 BON"— BOR 61 BoNNYCASTLE (Lieut.-Col. Sir Rich. H.) Newfoundland in 1842. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1842 BoNVALOT (Grabriel). Through the heart of Asia, over the Pamir to India. Trans, by C. B. Pitman. 2 vols., royal 8vo. - 1889 „ Across Thibet. Trans, by C. B. Pitman. 2 vols., royal 8vo. 1891 Book Collectors. Dictionary of English. Parts 1, &c. {con- tinued). 8vo. ------ \'692 et seq. B(JOK of Common Prayer. The Text taken from the Sealed Book for the Chancery; collated with Notes, Legal and His- torical. By Arch. J. Stephens. See Eccles. Hist. Soc. 3 vols., 8vo. ------- 1849-50 „ Facsimile of the Black Letter Prayer Book of 1G36, with the MS. notes and alterations from which the copy attached to the Act of Uniformity, 13 & 14 Car. II., was written. Folio ------- 1871 „ The Text from the MS. annexed to Stat. 17 and 18, Car. II., c. 6; with Introduction and Notes by Arch. J. Stephens. See Eccles. Hist. Soc. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1849-50 „ 4to. Cambridge -------- 1788 „ 8vo. ---------- 1856 „ Liturgical Services and Forms of Prayer in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. See Parker Soc. Primer of 1559. Liturgies, 1549-1552. Orarium of 1560. Communion, 1548. Pieces Privatae, 1564. Primer, 1553. Christian Prayers, 1578. Catechism and Articles, 1553. Litany, 1544. „ According to the use of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Small 8vo. - - - - - - - 1863 Book of Gems. Poets and Artists of Great Britain. Ed. by S. C. Hall. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1836-8 " JJooK (The)." Proceedings on Inquiry into Conduct of Princess of Wales [CaroHne, Queen of (Jeorge IV.]. 8vo. - - 1813 Book of Vagabonds and Beggars. Ed. by Martin Luther, 1528. 8vo. -----'----- 1860 Bookbindings Exhibition, 1891. See Burlington Fine Arts Club. Booker (Rev. John). History of the Chapel of Birch, Manchester Parish. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 47. ,, History of the Chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton, in Man- chester Parish. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 42. BooRDE or Borde (And.). Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge [1542]. Small 4to. ------- J814 „ Introduction of Knowledge [1547]. Dyetary of Helth [1542]. See Earl}/ Enc/. Text Soc, Ea\ Ser., Vol. 7. Booth (Charles). Occupations of the People, 1841-81. 8vo. - 1886 ' „ Labour and Life of the People. London. With Appen- dix. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1891 Booth (Jas.). Problem of the World and the Church. 12mo. - 1873 „ ,, Reconsidered. 12mo. ----- 1879 Booth (Wm.). In Darkest England and the Way Out. 8vo. - 1890 BoRDONE (General). Vie de Garibaldi, 1807-82. 12mo. - -1890 Borgia (Lucrezia), Duchess of Ferrara : a Biography. By Wm. Gilbert. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1869 BoRLASE (Rev. Dr. William). Antiquities Historical and Monu- mental of Cornwall. Folio ------ 1769 „ The Natural History of Cornwall. Fol. - - - - 1758 68 BOR— BOU BoRLASE (Will. Copoland). Nenia Corniibia?: Sepulchres and Funereal Customs of the Early Inhabitants of Corn- wall. 8vo.- - - - ■ 1H72 Borneo. Proceedinofs at Sarawak of James Brooke. Folio - 1848 BoRorciu (Sir Juhii). Treaty between Charles I. and the Cove- nanters of Scotland, a.d. IGIO. See Camden Soc, 100. BoRorc.HS, Parliamentary Boundaries of, 18G8. 4to. - - - 1868 BoKUi (R. E. C.). Cochin China. See Pinkerton, Vol. 9. BoKKow (Geo.). The Bible in Spain. 3 vols.^ 8vo. - - - 1843 „ The Zincali, or an Account of the Gipsies of Spain ; with a Dictionary of their Language. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1843 „ Lavengro: the Scholar, the Gipsv, and the Priest. 3 vols., 8vo. --.--■----- 1851 „ The Romany Rye : a Sequel to Lavengro. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1858 „ Wild Wales : its Peo])le, Language, and Scenery. 3vols.,8vo. 1862 „ Romano Lavo-lil. Word-book of the Romany or English Gypsy Language. 12mo. ------ 1874 BoRUWLASKi (Jos.) [The Dwarf]. Memoirs, by Himself. Trans. by Des Carrieres. 8vo. ------ 1788 BoscOBEL Tracts. See Hughes {John), and Blount (Thos.). BosQUECiLLO (M.). Visit to the United Service Institution. 12mo. 1849 Bossi (Luigi). Istoria d'ltalia Antica e Moderna. 19 vols., 8vo. 1819 BossuET (Jacques Benigne), Eveque de Meaux. CEuvres Choisies. Par M. r Abbe de Sauviguy. 10 vols., 8 vo. - - 1784-90 Vol. 1. — Histoire Universelle. Vol. 6. — Elevations a Dieu. Vols. 2, 3. — Histoire des Vnria- Vol. 7. — Traites Divers. tion.s. Vol. 8. — Politique tiree de Vol. 4. — Pieces dogmatiques. I'Ecriture Sainte. Vol. 5. — Menioires et Oraisons Vols. 9, 10. — Avcrtissemens Funebros. aux Prote.stans, Stc. BoswELL (Hen.). Viewsof the Antiquitiesof England and Wales. Fol. 1785 BoswELL (James). Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., including a Journal of his Tour to the Hel)rides. With " Johnson- iana." Ed. by John Wilson Croker. 10 vols., 12mo. - 1835 „ „ With Xotes and Appendices by the Hev. Alexander Napier. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - ' - - - - 1884 „ ,, With Johnson's Diary of a Journev into North Wales. Ed. by George B. Hill. 6 vols., 8vo. - -1887 Vols. 1-4.— Life. 1709-84. Vol. 5. — Tour to the Hebrides, 1773. Journey into North "Wales, 1774. Vol. 6. — Index. Dicta Philosophi. „ Correspondence with Andrew Erskine ; and his Journal of a Tour to Corsica. Ed. by G. B. Hill. Hvo. - - 1879 „ Letters to the Rev. W. James Temple. 8vo. - - - 1857 „ Common-place Book. With Memoir and Notes by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Hvo. " - 1874 BoswoRTH (Rev. Dr. Jos.). Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. 8vo. ---------- 1852 „ Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Enlaiged bv T. X. Toller. Parts 1-4 {continued). Jto. - "- - - 1SH2-92 BoTTA (Carlo). Storia della Guerra della Independenza degli Stati Uniti di Amenca. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1820 BoTTA (V.) Discourse on Count Cavour. 8vo. - - - 1862 BoTTESiNi (Giovanni). Cenni Biografici. Cesare Lisei. 8vo. - 1886 BoucHET (J.). ]\Iemoires de Louis de la Tremouille, le Chevalier sans Reproche, See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 14. BOU— BOW 63 BoucHETTE (Jos.). British Dominions in Nortli America, with Views, Plans of Towns, &c. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1832 „ Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. 4to. - - 1832 BouciCAULT (Jean le Maingre, Marshal), Livre de Faicts de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 7. BouGUER (Pierre). Voyage to Peru, to measure the Degrees of the Meridian near the Equator, whereby to infer the Figure of the Earth [1736]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 14. BouiLLE (Marquis de). Memoires. L' Affaire de Varennes. See Berville et Barriere, Vols. 9 and 48. Bouillon de la Tour d'Auvergne (Henri, Due de), Memoires de. See Petitot, Vol. 35. BouKHAROW (I)imitri). La Russie et la Turquie. 8vo. - - 1877 BouLANGER (General Georges E. J. M.). Biography. By F. Turner. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1889 Boulter (Hugh), Archbishop of Armagh. Essays of Wit and Humour. See The Freethinher. Bourbon Kings of Spain. See Coxe {Archdeacon). Bourchier (Lady). Memoir of Sir Edward Codrington. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1873 BouBGOANNE (Chcv. de). Travels in Spain. See P inker ton,\o\. 5. BouRGOGNE (Dues de). Histoire, 1364-1477. 13 vols., 8vo. - 1837-8 BouRiNOT (John G.). Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada to 1888. 12mo. ------ 1888 BouRKE (Rt. Hon. Robert). See Co?ine?narct (Lord). BouRKE (R. S.). See Mayo {Earl of). Bourne (H. R. Fox). Memoir of Sir Phihp Sidney. 8vo. - 1862 ,, English Merchants : Memoirs in illustration of the Progress of British Commerce. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - . 1866 „ English Seamen under the Tudors. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. - 1868 „ The Romance of Trade. 8vo. - - - - - - n. d. „ English Newspapers. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1887 Bourne (Robert) . The Mirror of Christianity, or Christianity in the Garb of Infidelity. 8vo. ----- 1836 Bourne (Vincent). Poems. With Memoir, by Rev. J. Mitford. 12mo. 1840 Bourrienne (F. de). Memoires sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, I'Empire et la Restauration. 10 vols., 8vo. - 1829 „ Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols., 8vo. • - - 1836 BoussiNGAULT (J. B.). Rural Economy in its Relations with Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology. 8vo - - - 1845 BouTELL (Rev. Chas.). Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Trans, from the French of M. F. Lacombe. 8vo. -------- 1869 „ Heraldry, Historical and Popular. 8vo. - - - - 1864 „ English Heraldry. 8vo. ------- 1867 „ Monumental Brasses, Slabs, &c., of England. 8vo. - - 1847 BouTERWEK (F.). History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Trans, by Thomasine Ross. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1823 BouTON (Victor). Profils Revolutionnaires. 8vo. - - 1848-9 BowDEN (James). Society of Friends in America. 2 vols., 8vo. 1850 BowDEN (John W.). Life of Gregory VII. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1840 BowDiTCH (N. I.). Suffolk Surnames. [Suffolk County, Boston, and Chelsea, U.S.A.] 8vo. ----- i861 BowEN (Eli). United States Post Oflace Guide. 8vo. - - - 1851 BowEN (Sir Geo. F.). Thirty Years of Colonial Government. Ed. by Stanley Lane-Poole. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1889 Bower (Arch.). History of the Popes. 7 vols., 4to. - 1748-56 G4 BOW— BOY Bowes (And. Robinson). Life. See Foote (Jesse) . Bowes Papers. Memoire of the Eebellion of 15()I). Ed. by Sir t'lithbert Sharp. 8vo. - - - - -' - IHIO Bowles (Caroline A.). See Southei/ {finhtrt). Bowles (Sanuicl). Life. \\\ G. S. Mt-rriam. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1885 Bowles (Thos. Gihson). Tlu' Defence of Paris. 8vo. - - 1871 „ Maritime Warfare. 2nd ed. 8vo. ----- 1878 Bowles (Rev. Wm. L.) and Xiehols (J. G.). Annals of Lacock Abbov, Wilts; with Meinoiials of the Earls of Salisl)urv. Svo. '- - - - - - - - - '- 1835 BowuiNG (Sir John). Specimens of the Russian Poets. Trans. with Bio«rraphical Xotices. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - 1821 „ Ancient Poetrv and Romances of Spain. 8vo. - - - 1824 „ Hymns. 12mo. - - 1825 „ Specimens of the Polish Poets. 12mo. - - - - 1827 „ Servian Popular Poetry. Translated. 12mo. - - - 1827 „ Poetry of the Magyars. 8vo. 1830 „ Minor Morals for i'oung People : Tales and Travels. 12mo. 1834 „ Report on Egypt and Candia. Folio. - - - - 1810 „ Matins and N^espers ; with Hymns and Occasional Devo- tional Pieces. 3rd ed. 18mo. - - - - - 1841 „ Speech on Syria. 12mo. ------ 1841 „ The Kingdom and People of Siani ; with a Narrative of the Mission in 1855. 2 vols., 8vo. . . - - 1857 ,, Visit to the Philippine Islands. 8vo. - . - - 1859 „ The Decimal System. 8vo. ------ 1872 „ Autobiographical Recollections. 8vo. - - - . 1877 Bowyer (Sir Geo.). Commentaries on the Modern Ci\-il Law. 8vo. 1848 „ Commentaries on Universal Public l^aw. Svo. - - 1854 BowYER (William). Printer. Biograjdiical and Literarv Anecdotes of. By John Nichols, -ito. -."--- 17S2 „ Memoirs of. See Xiehols (J.), Literanj Anecdotes. Box (Chas.). History of the English Game of Cricket. 4to. - 1877 BoXHORN (Mark Z.). Arcana Imperii Detecta : or Select Ca.ses in Government. [Trans, of Disquisitions Politicly.] 8vo. 1701 BoYCE (Anne Ogden). Records of a Quaker Family, the Richard- sons of Clevelanl. 4to. - - - " - - - 1889 Boyd (A.). German Poems and Ballads. With Trans. 12nio. - 18G0 Boyd (Rev. Andrew K. H.). Twentv-five Years of St. Andrew's, 1865-90. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1892 Boyd (Hugh). Miscellaneous Works. With Memoir by L. D. Campbell. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - "- - 1800 Boyd (^lark). Reminiscences of Fiftv Years. 8vo. - - - 1871 „ Social Gleanings (1828-75). 8vo. 1875 BoYER (Al)el). Annals of Queen Anne, llvols., 8vo. - 1703-13 „ Political Stiite of Great Britain, 1710-10. GO vols., 8vo. 1711-40 Boyle (Fred.). "To the Cape for Diamonds": Digging Ex- ])eriences in South Africa. 8vo. ----- 1873 Boyle (Sir Richard), 1st Earl of Cork. Autobiographical Notes and Diai-ies [1 (51 9- 13]. 5 vols., 4to. See Lismore Papers. Boyle (lion. Roliert). Philosophical Works. With Life, bv Rev. Dr. T. Hirch. G vols., Ito. - - - - "- 1772 „ Life. By Rev. Dr. T. Birch. Svo. - - - . 1744 Boyle (Roger), Earl of Orrery. Dramatic Works. With " As you Find It," by the Hon. C. Boyle. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1739 „ State Letters, with Life, by the Rev. T. Morrice. Folio - 1742 BOY— BRA 65 Boyle's Court Griiide {continued). 16mo. - - - 1838 et seq. BoYNE (W.). Tradesmen's Tokens of the I7tli Century. 8vo. - 1858 BoYXTON (Capt. Edw. C). History of West Point and its Military Academy. 8vo. ------- 1864 BoYSE (Sam.). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 59. Brabant (John of), Household Expenses of. See Camden Soc. Misc., Vol. 2. Brabazon (Lord). See Meath {12th Earl of). Brace (Rev. C. L.). The Dangerous Classes of ISTew York. 12mo. 1872 Bracket (Aug.). Dictionnaire Etyraologique de In Langne Francaise. 12mo. ------- I879 Bracket (Aug.). G-rammaire Historique de la Langue Francaise. 12mo. - - - - - - ^ - - [1879] Brackenbuky (Major-Gen. Hen.). The Ashanti War. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 187-1 „ The River Column : a Narrative of the N'ile Expeditionary Force [1884-5]. 12mo. - - - - - - 1885 Brackenridge (H. M.). Voyage to South America in the U.S. Frigate "Congress," 1817-18. 2 vols., 8 vo. - -1820 Bracton (Henricus de). De Legibus, et Consuetudinibus An- glife. Folio - - ' - - - - - - 1569 ,, ,, See Chronicles, 70. Bradford (Rev. John). Sermons, Meditations, &c. See Pai'her Soc. Bradford (T. G.). Atlas of the United States. Folio - - 1838 Bradford (Wm.), 2nd Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1621. Historyof Plymouth Plantation. Ed. by C. Deane. 8vo. 1856 Bradford (Wm.). Correspondence and Itinerary of Charles V., 1519-51. 8vo. -------- 1856 Bradlaugk (Charles). Life. By C. R. Mackay. 8vo. - - 1888 „ Rules, Customs, and Procedure of the House of Commons. 12mo. - - - - 1889 „ Catalogue of the Library of. 12mo. - . - . 1891 Bradley (George Granville), Dean of Westminster. Recollections of Dean Stanley. 12mo. - - - . - - - 1883 Bradley (Rich.). The Plague at Marseilles considered. 8vo. - 1721 Bradskaw (B.). Dictionary of Mineral Waters. 16mo. - 1883-90 ,, Dictionary of Bathing Places. 16mo. - . . . 1892 Bradskaw (Henry), LTniversitv Librarian, Cambridge. Memoir. By G. W. Prothero. " 8vo. - - - ' - - - 1888 „ Life of Saint Werburge of Chester. See Early Eng. Text Soc, Vol. 36. Bradskaw (John). New Zealand of To-day, 1884-7. 8vo. -1888 Br.\dskawe (John). Letter to Sir Peter Legh, of Lyme. See Chethani Soc, 37. Brady (John). Clavis Calendaria, or Analvsis of the Calendar. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - ' - - - - 1812 Brady (Dr. Robert). Introduction to Old English Hi.story. Folio 1684 1. — An Answer to Petyt's "Eights of the Commons asserted," and to " Jani Anglornm facies Nova." 2. — Answer to " Argnnientum Aiiglo-Normanicum." 3. — Exact History of the Succession of the Crown of England. Together with an Appendix of Records, &c., and a Glossary. „ History of England, from the Roman Invasion to Richard III. 2 vols., folio ------ 1685-1700 „ Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs. 8vo. - - 1777 Brady (Rev. Dr. W. Maziere). The Irish Reformation. 8vo. - 1867 p. 3104. E 66 BRA Bragoe (W.). Bibliotheca Xicotiana. Small 4to. - - - 1874 Brake (Tycho). Astronoiui.i? InaufjuratJe Mecbanica. Folio - 1()02 Braithwait (Rich). See Brathnuit. Brakelond (Josceline de). Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury. See Cdindvn Soc, 13. Bramhall (John), Archbishop of Armagh. "Works. With Life, by Dr. Vesey. 1 vol., folio ------ 1G77 Discourses against Romanists. Discourses against English Sectaries. Discourses against Mr. Hobbes. „ Letters on Various Subjects. See Raicdon Papers. Brampton (Thomas) [supposed Author]. Paraphrase on the Seven IVnitential Psalms, in English Verse [1411] ; together with a Legendary Psalter of Saint Bernard, in Latin and in English Verse. With Xotes by W. H. Black. 8vo. - 1842 Bramston (.Sir John). Autobiography. See Camden Soc., 32. Bramwell (Geo.). Index to Private Statutes, 1727-1812. 8vo. 1813 „ Procedure on Bills in the House of Commons. 4to. - - 1833 Brand (John). Orkney, Zetland, 1701. See Pinkerton, Vol. 3. Brand (Khv. J.). The History and Antiquities of Xewca.stle- upon-Tyne. 2 vols., 4to. ------ 1789 „ Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Revised and enlarged by Sir H. Ellis. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1849 Brande (W. T.) and Cox (G. W.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1865-7 Brandenburg-Baireith (Frederica Wilhelmiue, Princess of Prussia, Margravine of). Memoirs of. Trans, and edited by Princess Christian. 8vo. 1887 „ Correspondence with Voltaire. See Horn {Dr. G.). Brandt (Fras. Fred.). The Law, as it affects Pugilism. With the Uules of the King. 12mo. ----- 1856 „ Fur and Feathers : a Book on the Game Laws. 12mo. - 1859 ,, Frank ^Lirland's Manuscripts, or Memoirs of a Modern Templar. 12mo. ------ 1859 ,, Games, Gaming, and Gamester's Law. Square 8vo. - - 1871 Brandt (Gerard). History of the Reformation in the Low Countries. Trans, from the Dutch. 4 vols., folio 1720-2^ Brandt (Seb.). The Ship of Fools. Trans, by A. Barclay. Ed. by T. H. Jamieson. 2 vols., small 4to. - - - 1874 liRANTOME (Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de). (Euvi-es. Publics avec Fragments Inedits, par Ludovic Lalanne. 11 vols., 8vo. - - 18G4-82 Vol. 1. — Les Vies des Grands Vol. ".- Rodomontades Espaig- Capitaines Estrangers. nolles — ."^ermcns Espaignols — Vol. 2. — Grands Capitaines Es- M. De la None — Kctraictcs de trangers — Grands Capitaines Guerre — Recueil des Dames. Francois. Vols. 8, 9. — Des Dames. Vols. 3,4. 5. — Gramls Capitaines Vol. 10. — Opuscules et Pi^es Fran9ois. Diverses — Lexique — Poesies Vol.6. — Grands Capitaines Fran- inedites. <;ois — Di.'-cours sur les Duels. Vol. 11. — Table des Mati^res. „ Vie. See Merimee (P.). Brasset (Anne, Lady). A Voyage in the " Sunbeam." Svo. - 1878 „ Sunshine and Storm in the East ; or, Cruises to Constan- tinople and Cyprus. 8vo. ------ 1880 ,, In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties. Svo. 1885 „ The Last Voyage. 8vo. - - - -' - - - 1889 Br\.-*3EV (Thomas). Life and Labours, 1805-70. Bv [Sir] Arthur Helps. 8vo. - - - 1872 BRA— BEE 67 Bbassey (Sir Thomas, 1st Lord). British Seamen, as described in Recent Parliamentary and Official Documents. 8vo. - 1877 „ Foreign Work and English Wages considered with Refer- ence to the Depression of Trade. 8vo. - - - - 1879 „ Lectures on Labour. 3rd ed. 8vo. 1878 „ Work and Wages practically Illustrated. 8vo. - - - 1872 „ The British Navy : its Strength, Resources, and Adminis- tration. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1882-3 ,, See Naval Annual. Brathwait or Braithwaite (Richard). Essays upon the Five Senses; with sundry Christian Resolves [1620]. See Brychjes Archaica, Vol. 2. „ Some Rules and Orders for the Government of the House of an Earle. See Misc. Ant. Angl., 8. „ Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England [1648-50]. 12mo. - - 1805 Braun (Emil) and Griiner (L.). Die Bas-reliefs an der Vorder- seite des Doms zu Or^deto. Oblong folio - - - 1858 Braun (Dr. Julius). Handbook to the Spas of Europe. 8vo. - 1875 Bray (Mrs. Anne Eliza). Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A. Sm. 4to. 1851 „ Autobiography [1789-1883]. Ed. by J. A. Kempe. 8vo. 1884 Brayley (Edw. Wedlake). Topographical History of Surrey. The Geological Section by G. Mantell. 5 vols., 4to. - 1850 „ Westminster Abbey. See Neal and Brayley. Brayley (Edw. Wedlake) and Britton (John). History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament of Westminster. 8vo. ------- 1836 Brazil at the Philadelphia Exhibition. 8vo. - - - . 1876 Breen (H. H.). St. Lucia: Historical, Descriptive, &c. 8vo. - 1844 Breitmann (Hans). Ballads. See Leland (C. G.). Bremer (Frederika). The Homes of the New World. 3 vols., 8vo. 1853 Bre>:ner (David). The Industries of Scotland. 8vo. - - 1869 Bremner (Rob.). Excursions in the Interior of Russia. 2 vols., 8vo. 1839 ,, Excursions in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1840 Brenton (Admiral Edw. Pelham). Naval History of Great Britain from 1783 to 1836. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1837 „ Life and Correspondence of Earl St. Vincent. 2 vols., 8vo. 1838 Brera (Palais), Milan. Catalogue des Tableaux dans le. 12mo. 1883 Brereton (Sir William). Travels in Holland, Great Britain, &c., 1634-5. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 1. Breton (Nicholas). Characters upon Essays, Moral and Divine [1615]. The Good and the Bad: Worthies and Un- worthies of this Age [1616]. See Brydges Archaica. „ A Small Handful of Flagrant Flowers [1575]. A Floorish upon Fancie, &c., and the Toyes of an Idle Head [1582]. See Par¥s Heliconia. „ A Pretty and Witty Discourse. See Saintsbury {Geo.). Brett (Reg. Baliol). Footprints of Statesmen in England. 18th Century. 12mo.- - 1892 Brett (Thos.). Commentaries on the Present Laws of England. 2nd ed. 2 vols., royal 8vo. ------ 1891 Brettell (Thos.). Guide to the Isle of Wight. 12mo. - - 1841 Breviarium Romanum. Ex decreto Sacro Sancti Concilii Triden- tini restitutum : Pii. V. Pont. Max, jussu editum et Clementis VIII. auctoritate recognitum. Folio - - 1606 ., „ [1535] a Cardinelli Quignonio. 8vo. - - - 1888 £ 2 68 BRE— BRI Brewer (Rex. Dr. EbenezerCobham). Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 8vo. - - - - -' - - 1873-4 „ The Reader's Handbook of Allusions, Eeferences, &c. 12ino. 1800 „ Historic Note-Book ; with xVpp.ndix of Battles. 12mo. - 1801 Brewer (Rev. John Slurnn). Rti<,ni of Henry VIII. to the Death of Wolsey. Ed. by James Gairdnt-r. 2 vols., 8vo. 1884 Brewer (Thomas). Memoir of John Carpenter, Founder of the City of London School. 8vo. - - - - - 1855 Brewster (Sir David). More Worlds than One : the Creed of the Philosopher, and the Hoi)e of the Christian. 8vo. - - 1854 „ Life of Sir Isaac Xewton. 2 vols., Bvo. - - - - 1860 „ Letters on Natural Magic. 12mo. ----- 1832 Briai.moxt (M.). Life of Arthur, Duke of "NVellington. With Additions by Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1858-60 Bridgeman (Hon. and Rev. Canon). History of the Manor and Church of Wigan. See Chetham Soc, N.S. 15. Bridges (John) and Whalley (Rev. P.). History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. 2 vols., folio - - - - 1701 Bridges (John H.). The f nitv of Comte's Life and Doctrine. 8vo. - - - -------- 1886 „ History an Instrument of Political Education. 12mo. - 1882 „ Euglaud and China [1866]. See International Policy. „ Positivism and the Bible. 12mo. ----- 1885 „ Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages. See O.rford Essays, 1857. Bridgett (Rev. T. E.). Life of Sir Thos. :More. 12mo. - - 1891 Buidgett (Rev. T. E.) and Knox (Rev. T. F.). True Story of the Catholic Hierarchy under Queen Elizabeth. 12mo. - - 1889 Bridgew.\ter Treatises. The Hand. Sir C. BcU. Geology and Mineralogy. Rev. W. BucTcland. Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. Rev Dr. Chalmers. Adaptation of Nature to the Physical Condition of 3Ian. Dr. J. M. Kidd. History, Haliit-s, and Instincts of Animals. Rev. W. Kirliy. Chemistrj-, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion. Dr. Wm. Prout. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. Dr. P. M. Roget. Astronomy and Physics. Rev. Dr. Wm. ^^^lewell. Ninth Treatise : a Fragment. Cha-^. Bal'biige. Hriexne (Comte de), ^Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2. Vols. 35, 36. ,, Life. See Adolphus. Bright (Right Hon. .lohn). Speeches on Que.«:tions of Public Policy. Ed. by J. E. Thorold Rogers. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1869 Public Addresses. 8vo. ------- 1879 „ Public Letters. Ed. by H. J. Leech. 8vo. - - - 1885 ,, Bright and the Peace Party. By L. Apjohn. 12mo. - n.d. „ Life and Times. By William Robertson. 12mo. - - 1877 „ Life and Si>eeches. By G. Barnett Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1881 Brighton (Rev. J. G). ^Memoir of Admiral Sir P. V. Broke. 8vo. 1866 „ ^leinoir of Admiral Sir Provo W. P. Wallis. 8vo. - - 1892 Brightwell (D. B.). Concordance to the Works of Alfred Tenny.>- ' " " ^^^-^^ „ Life and Letters. ' By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. 2nd. ed. Svo. ISOl Browning (W. S.). History of the Huguenots during- the IGth Century. 2 vols., 8"vo. ------ 1829 BuowNLOw (Emma S. Cust, Countess). Slight Reminiscences of a Septuagenarian, 1802-15. 12mo. - - - - 18G7 BiaCE (H. A.). See Abcrdare {Lord). Bruce (James). Travels to Di.seover the Sources of the Nile, in the years 1708-73. AVith Life, by D. A. Murray. 2nd ed. 7 vols., 8vo. Maps. 1 vol., 4to. - - - - - 1805 Bruce (Rev. Dr. John C). The Roman Wall: From the Tyne to the Sol way. 4to. ------- 1807 Bruce (John). Report of the Events which i)roduced the Union of England and Scotland. (Privately printed.) 8vo. - 171)*J Bruce (Michael). Poems. See British Poets, Vol. 00. " Bruce " (The), in Scottish Ver.se [148J)]. See Barboitr {John). Brugsch-Bcv (Henry). A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. Trans, by H. 1). Seymour ; ed. by P. Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. 187i> Bruhns (Professor Karl). Life of Alexiinder von Humboldt. Trans, by Jane and Caroline Lassell. 2 vols., Svo. - 1873 Brulliot (Francois). Dictionnaire des Mouogramnies, &c., avec lesquels les Peintres, Graveurs et Sculpteurs out desigue leur Noms. 3 vols., folio. ----- 1852-4 Brummell (George) ["the Beau"]. Life. See i/ewe {Capt.). Brumoy (P.). Theatre des Grecs. Avec Observations, par MM. de Rochefort et Du Theil. 13 vols., 8vo. - - 1785-9 Brunel (Sir Marc Isambard). Life. By R. Beamish, 8vo. - 1802 Brunei (J. Ch.). ^Manuel du Libraire. 5® ed. 12 parts in 6 vols., 8vo. -------- 1860-5 „ „ Supplement. Geographic. 8vo. - - - - 1809 „ „ Supplement. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1878-80 Bruno (Giordano), the Xolan. Life. By I. Frith. Rt'vi.sed by Moriz Carriere. 8vo. ------- 1 887 Brunswick (William, Huke of). Sa Vie et ses Moeurs. 12m(). - 1875 Brunswick, Accession of the House of. See Thornton {P. M.). Brunton (Geo.) and Haig (I).). Historical Account of the Senatois of the College of Justice, from 1532. 8vo. - i832 Brunton (L)r. T. Lauder). The Bible and Science 12mo. - 1881 Brut y Tywysogion, Chronicle of the Princes. See Chronicles, 17. Bruune (Rol)ert of). Chronicle. See Lang toft {Peter). Bruyere. See La Bnnjere. Bruyn (Corneille le). Voyage au Le\ant, etc. 5 vols., 4to. - 1732 Bryan (Michael). Biograjihical Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers. Enlarged I'd., by Geo. Stanley. 8vo. - - 1849 „ „ Supplement. By Henry Ottley. 8vo. - - - 1806 „ New ed., by W. Armstrong and R. E. Graves. 2 vols., Svo. 1880-9 Bryant (Jacob). A New System of Ancient Mythology. 3 vols., 4to. - . . - 1775-6 „ Tracts on Troy. 4to. ------ 1795-9 The War of Troy, as described by Homer. Showing that no such City ever existed. Oliservatioiis on Chevalier's Description of the Plain of Troy. Vindication of Homer, &e. By I. B. S. Morritt. „ Memoirs of. See Jesse {J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 1. BUY— BUG 77 Bryant (W. Cullen). Letters from the East. 8vo. - - - 1869 „ Life. By J. Bigelow. 12ino. ... - - 1890 Bryant (W. Cullen) and Gay (S. H.). Popular History of the United States. 4 vols., imp. Svo. - - - 1876-Sl Bryce (Rev. Prof. Greo.). Manitoba: its Infancy, Growth, and Present Condition. 12mo. - - - - - - 1882 „ A Short History of the Canadian People. 12mo. - - 1887 Bryce (Prof. Jas.). Transcaucasia and Ararat. 8vo. - - 1877 „ The Holy Roman Empire. 5th ed. 12mo. - - - 1875 „ The American Commonwealth. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 188S Brydges (Sir Harford J.). Mission to the Court of Persia [1807- 11]. With a Brief History of the Wahauby. 2 vols., Svo. 1834 Brvdoes (Sir Samuel Egerton). Autobiography. 2 vols., Svo. - 1834 „ Archaica: Old English Prose Tracts. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1843 Vol. 1. — Greene's Philomela. Greene's Arcadia. Southwell's Triumphs over Death. Breton's Characters, and his Good and the Bad. Nash's Christ's Tears over Jeru • salem. Vol. 2. — Harvey's Letters and Sonnets touching Robert Greene, Harvey's Pierce's Supererogation. Harvey's New Letter of Notable Contents. Brathwayt's Essays upon the Five Senses. ,, Censura Literaria : Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books. 10 vols., Svo. - - - - 1805-9 ,, Restituta, or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature. 4 vols., Svo. - - - 1S14-1G „ Claim to be Baron Chandos. By G. F. Beltz. Svo. - - 1834 ,, Imaginative Biography. 2 vols, in 1, Svo. . - _ 1834 ,, Memoirs of the Peers of England during the Reign of James I. 4to. -------- 1802 „ Letters from the Continent. Svo. (Privately printed.) - 1821 „ Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth on her visit to Sudelev Castle. 4to. - - - - - - - "- 1815 Brysson (Geo.), Memoirs of. See MacCrie {Rci\ Dr. Thos.). Buccaneers and Marooners of America. Ed. by H. Pyle. [Adventure Series.] Svo. - - - - - " - 1891 F. Lolonois. Hen. Morgan. Capt. Teach alta''vo. - " - 1753 „ Short Character of Charles II. See Buckinghatn {Georye Villiers, 2nd Duke of), Works, \'ul. 2. BUG— BUN 79 BuCKLAND (A. W.). Anthropological Studies. 12mo. - - 1891 BucKLAND (Frank). Curiosities of Natural History. 2 vols., 12mo. .-.--.--- I860 ,, Log-Book of a Fislierman and Naturalist. 8vo. - - 1876 „ Notes and Jottings from Animal Life. 12mo. - - - 1882 „ Life. By George C. Bompas. 4tli ed. 12mo. - - 1885 BuCKLAND (Wm.), Dean of Westminster. Geology and Mineralogy (Bridgewater Treatise). 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1837 Buckle (Henry Thomas). Life and Writings. By A. H. Huth. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - ' - - - 1880 „ History of Civilization in England. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1858 „ Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works. With Notice of Life by Helen Taylor. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - -1872 Buckler (John C. and C. A.). Architecture of the Abbey Church of St. Alban. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1847 BucKMAN (Prof. Jas.) and Newmarch (C. N.). Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, the Site of Ancient Cori- nium. 4to. - - - - - - - -1851 Buddha Gaya. By Rajendralala Mitra. 4to. - - - - 1878 Buddhist Canonical Books. See Sacred Boohs of the East. BuFFON (G. L. Leclerc, Comte de). G^uvres completes. 9 vols., imp. 8vo. --------- 1852 Vol. 1. -Eloge, par V. d'Azyr. Matiercs Generales. Theorie de la Terre. Vol. 2. — Epoqiies de la Nature, Intr. a I'Hist. des Miiieraux. Vols. 3, 4. — Histoirc Naturelle des Mineraux. Vol. 5. — Histoire Naturelle de rHomme. Vols. 6, 7. — Arithmetique Morale. Hist. Nat. des Animaux. Vols. 8, 9. — Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Builder (The). An Illustrated Weekly Magazine. Vol. 6, et seq., foho ------- 1848-90 BuLKELEY (Jas.). Chronicle of the Eglintoun Tournament. 12mo. --------- 1840 ,, La Hougue bie de Hambie : a Tradition of Jersey, with Historical Notes. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - . 1837 Bull (Hen.). Christian Prayers, &c. See Parher Soc. " Bull (John)," Junior. Humbug Attacked. 8vo. - - - 1858 BuLLEN (Arthur Hen.). England's Helicon. Lyrical and Pas- toral Poems [1600]. 8vo. - - - - - - 1887 ,, Lyrics from Song Books of the Elizabethan Age. 16mo. - 1891 ,, Arden of Feversham. A Tragedy. 1592. 4to. - - 1887 „ Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo. - 1889 „ Speculum Amantis. Love Poems of the 17th Cent, 8vo. 1889 ,, Poems from Elizabethan Romances. 12mo. - - 1890 „ Love Poems of the Restoration. (Privately Printed.) 12mo. 1889 Bulletins of Campaigns, &c., from 1793. 48 vols., 12mo. - v. y. BuLLiNGER (Henry). Decades. See Parker Soc. Bullion, Report of Select Committee on the High Price of. 8vo. 1810 Bulloch (Capt. James D.). The Secret Service of the Con- federate States in Europe. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1883 Bulstrode (Sir Richard). Memoirs and Reflections on the Reigns of Charles I. and II. 8vo. - - . .. 1721 Bi'LWER (Sir H. L.). See Dalling (Lord). Bitlwer (Edward George Earle Lytton). See Lytton {Lord). BuMBLEPUPPY. Whist or? By Pembridge [Dr. Hewby]. 12mo. 1880 BuNBURY (E. H.). History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans. 2 vols., 8vo. ... - 1879 80 BUX— BUR lirNniKY (Lieut. -Gen. Sir TTi'ury Etlw.). Corre.'^pondenco and Memoir ot" Sir 'riionins Hannior, Speaker of the House of Commons. 8vo. ....... 1838 „ Menjoirs [1778-1860] and Literary Remains. Ed. by his Sou, Sir Chas. J. Banl)nry. (Privately printed.) 8vo. 1868 BrxBrRY (Hen. W.)» Caricaturist. Works. Bv Harrv Thorn- ber. Ilhistrated. 12mo. - -" - ' - - 1888 Bi'NCLE (John). See Anion/ (T.). Brxx (Alf.). The Sta.?e before and Behind the Curtain. 3 vols., Svo. 1840 „ Old Enirlan.i and Xew Enjjland. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1853 BuxsEN (Baron C. C. J.). Memoirs by Baroness Bun.sen. 2 vols., 8vo. 18(38 „ Si^ns of the Times. Letters on the Danglers to Religious Liberty. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1856 „ Hip[)olytus and his Age; or, the Beginnings of Christianity. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854 „ Life. See Miillcr (F. Ma.v). BrxY.vx (John). The Pilgrim's Progre.^s. A Facsimile Reproduc- tion of the 1st ed. in 1078. 4to. ----- 1875 „ Life. By James A. Fronde. See Eng. Men of Letters. „ Life, Times, and Work. Bv the Rev. John Brown. 3rd ed. 8vo. - . '. 1887 „ The Warrant for his Arrest in 1674. Bv W. G. Thorpe. Soc. of Antiquaries, Xov. 24, 1887. (VVith Lt'fe, hy J. Broivn.) BuxYir Xanjio, 1849-84. See Midler (F. Men). Brox.\PARTE. See Bonaparte. BuoxAROTTi (Michel' Angelo), Le Lettere di. Pubblicate per Cura di Gaetano Milanesi. 4to. ------ 1875 „ Ricordo al Poi)olo Italiano. 12mo. ----- 1S75 „ La Bibliogratia di, e gli Meisori delle sni Opere. Svo. - 1875 „ Rime e Lettere : dalla vita Scritta da Ascanio Condivi. 32mo. Florence ------- |858 The Art of, as illustrated by the Collections in the British Museum. Bv Louis Fagan. Royal Svo. - - - 1883 „ Drawings by. Exhibited 1870. 4to. " - - . - 1870 „ De.scrizione della Imp. Cappella de' Principi eretta nella Basilica di S. Lorenzo di Firenze da. Svo. - - - 1^13 „ La ^lenti di. See Levi (David). „ Life. Bv H.Grimm. Trans, bv Fannv E. Bunnett. 2 vols., 8vo. ■----'--■---- 1856 „ Life. By John A. Symouds. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1893 „ See Fat tori (E.). „ See Lives, L. U. K. BuRCKHARDT (John Lewis). Travels in Xubia. 4to. - - 1819 „ Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. 4to. - - - 1S22 ,, Arabic Proverbs current at Cairo. New ed. Svo. - - 1S75 BuRDETT (Sir F.). Speechesat Westmin.ster Election of 1." 19. Svo. 1819 Bi'RDETT (H. C). Official Intelligence of British, American, and Foreign Securities {continnod). 4to. - 1SS5 et seq. „ Hospital Annual and Year Book of Philanthropy. 12ino. - 1893 BiRUox (William). Materials for Thinking. Svo. - - - ISOl BuREX (^Lartin Van), Pres. U.S.A. Life and Political Opinions. By W. M. Holland. r2mo. - - . . . 1836 BuRGES (Sir James Bland). Letters and Correspondence. Ed. bv James Hutton. Svo. ------ 1885 BuBGES (Wm.). Report to the Courts of Justice Commission on his own Design. With Views and Plans. Folio - - 1867 BUR 81 Burgess (Dr. Jas.). Arcbasological Survey of Western India. 5 vols., 4to. .... ... 1874-83 BifRGESs (Prof. John. W.). Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1891 Burgh (J. B.). Disquisitions (Political). 3 vols., 8vo. - 1774-5 BuRGHLEY House, the Seat of the Earl of Exeter, History of. 8vo. 1797 BuRGHLEY (William Cecil, Lord) [1520-98]. Life and Adminis- tration of. By the Rev. Dr. E. Nares. 3 vols., 4to. 1827-31 „ Negotiations of. See Digges {Sir Dudley). „ State Papers [1542-70]. Ed. by S. Haynes and Wm. Murdin. 2 vols., folio - - - ' - ■- 1740-59 ,, Life. See Macdiarmid {John). BuRGON (John William), Dean of Chichester. The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1839 „ Lives of Twelve Good Men. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1888 M. J. Eouth. E. Greswell. H. J. Eose. H. 0. Coxe. C. Marriott. H. L. Mansel. Edw. Hawkins. W. Jacohson. Sam. Wilberforce. C. P. Edeu. E. C. Cotton. C. L. Higgins. BuRGOx (John Wm.), Dean of Chichester. Biography by Dean Goulburn. 2 vols., 12mo. • - - . . . 1892 BuRGOYNE (Lieut.-Gen. John). State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, &c. 8vo. 1780 „ Dramatic and Poetical Works. With Memoirs. 2 vols., 12mo. 1808 Vol. 1. — Life. Maid of the Oaks. Lord of the Manor. Vol. 2. — Heiress. Eiehard Ca?ur de Lion. Poems. Life and Correspondence [1729-92]. By A. de Fonblanque. 8vo. - 1876 BuRGOYNE (Field-Marshal Sir John Fox) [1782-1871]. Life and Correspondence. By Major-Gen. Hon. G. Wrottesley. 8vo. 1873 BuRiGNY (J. L de). Life of Hugo Grotius [1583-1645]. 8vo. 1754 Burke (Sir Bernard). Arms authorized by Heraldry. 8vo. - 1863 „ Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages. 8vo. - 1866 „ Family Romance, or Episodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - . 1854 „ Geriealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 8vo. {various edi- tions, continued) ..... i842 et seq. „ Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1879 „ „ 7th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. . - . . lygo „ Rise of Great Families. 8vo. ---... 1873 „ Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin. 8vo. - 18t)4 „ The General Armory of Great Britain and Ireland. With a Supplement. 8vo. -----.. 1883 „ Vicissitudes of Families. New ed. 2 vols., 12nao. - . 1883 „ History of the Colonial Gentry. Vol.1. Royal 8vo. - 1891 „ See also Burke {John). Burke (Right Hon. Edmund). Works and Correspondence. 8 vols., 8vo. ------.. 1852 Vol. 1. — Correspondence [1744-1791]. Vol. 2.— Correspondence [1790-1797] ; including the Letters to Dr. Laurence. A Vindication of Natural Society, or a View of the Miseries and Evils arising to Mankind from every species of Artificial Society [1756]. A Philosophi- cal Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Discourse concerning Taste. p. 3104. J. 82 BUR BiRKE (Ris^ht Hon. Edmund). Works — continued. Vol. 3. — A Short Account of a Short Administration. Observa- tions on "The Present State of the Nation" [1769]. Tlioughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents [1770]. Speech on American Taxation [1774]. Speeches on his Arrival at 15ristol, ami at the Conclusion of the Poll [1774]. Speech on Moving his Resolutions for Concilia- tion with the Colonies [March 22, 1775]. Li'tter on the Affairs of America [1777]. I.«tters on the Trade of Ireland [1778]. Speech [Feli. 11, 1780] on the Inde- pendence of Parliament, and the Economical Riformation of the Civil and other Postal )lishments. Speech at the Guildhall, in Bristol, upon his Parliamentary Conduct [1780]. Speech at Bristol, on declining the Poll [1780]. Speech on Mr. Fox's East India Bill [1783]. A Repre- sentation to His Majesty, moved June 14, 1784, and negatived ; with a Preface and Notes. Vol. 4. — Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's Private Debts [Feb. 28, 1785]. Substance of a Speech on the Army Estimates, Feb. 9, 1790, comprehending a Discussion of Affairs in France. Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in certain Societies in London relative to that event [1790]. A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly [1791]. An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs [1791]. Letter on the Penal Liws against Irish Catholics. Letter on the Roman Catholics of Ireland, and the propriety of admitting them to the Franchise [1792]. Hints for a Memorial to Monsieur de M. M. [1791]. Thoughts on French Affairs [1791]. Vol. 5. — Present State of Affairs [1792]. Policy of the Allies with respect to France [Oct., 1793]. On the Conduct of the Minority in the last Session of Parliament [1793]. Letter ti> William Elliot, on the Debate concerning Lord F^itzwilliam [1795]. Preface to the Address of M. Brissot to his Constituents [1791]. Thoughts and Details on Scarcity [Nov., 1795]. A Letter to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks made upon Him and his Pension by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Li\aderdalc [1796]. Letters on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Director)' of France [1796]. A Letter to the Empress of Russia [1791]. A Letter on the Irish Absentee Tax [1773]. Letters [1777-SO]. An Address to the King. An Address to the British Colonists in North America. Reflections on the Executions of the Rioters in 1780. Sketch of a Negro Code [1792]. Duration of Parlia- ments [1783]. Vol. 6. Tracts relative to the Laws against Popery in Ireland. Letters [1795-7]. Fragments and Notes of Speeches. Hints for an Essaj- on the Drama. An Essay towards an Abridgment of the English Historj-. Ninth and Eleventh Reports from the Select Committee of the Ilimse of Commons appointed to take into consideration certain Affairs of the East India Company [1783]. Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings, Esq., late Governor-General of J?engal ; presented to the House of Commons, April 4, 1786. Vols. 7, 8. — Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings, Esq. (continued). Speeches on the Impeachment of AVarren Hastings. Report from Committee appointed to inspect the Lords' Journals, in relation to their Proceedings on the Trial of Warren Hastings. Speeches on the Impeach- ment of Warren Hastings : Reply. General Index. „ Life and Times. Bv T. :\Iac'kiii<;lit. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1858-60 „ Politifal Life. By Rev. Geo. Croly. 2 vols., Svo. - - is 10 ., An Ilistoi-ical Study. By John Morley. 8vo. - - - 18(57 ,, Life. By John Morley. See English Men of Letters. „ Beauties of. 8vo. 1784 BUR 83 Burke (Right Hon. Edmund) — confinned. „ Life and Character of. 2nd ed. By Sir Jas. Pr.or. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - - - 1826 ,, „ See Timbs («/.), Anecdote Biography . „ [Ascribed to Edmund Burke.] European Settlements in America, &c. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . ... 1757 Burkp: (Edmund Plunkett). The LaAvs of Rome : an Introduction to the Study of Civil Law. 8vo. - - ., - - 1830 Burke (John). History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. -1 vols., 8vo. . . . . . 1833-8 Burke (Sir John Bernard). See Burke {Sir Bernard). Burke (John) and (Burke Sir John Bernard). General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 8vo. - - - 1842 „ History of Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies. 8vo. - - 1844 „ Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols., Svo. 1848-9 BuRLAMAQUi (J. J.). Principles of Natural and Politic Law. 2 vols., Svo. ---------- 17G3 Burleigh. See Burghley. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Drawings by Raphael and Michel' Angelo. 4to. - - - - - - 1870 „ Exhibition illustrative of Turner's Liber Studiorum. 4to. - 1872 „ Etched Work of Rembrandt, exhibited 1877, with Notes by F. S.Haden. 4to. - - - - - - 1877 ,, Mezzotint Engravings. 4to. - - - - - -1881 „ Illuminations from MSS., exhibited 1886. 4to. - - 1886 „ Catalogue of Work of James MacArdell [1728-85]. 4to. 1886 „ Cafedogue of Prints illustrating the History of Engraving in Japan, exhibited inl888. By W. Anderson. 4to. ' - 1888 „ Catalogue of Engravings and Drawings illustrative of Works of J. M. W. Turner, exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1886. 4to. - - 1886 „ Exhibition of Bookbindings. 4to. ----- 1891 Burn (Colonel). Naval and Military Technical Dictionary. French-English and English-French. 4th ed. 8vo. - 1863 Burn (Jacob H.). Catalogue of Tradesmen's Tokens. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1855 Burn (John Southerden). The High Connnission. Notices of the Court and its Proceedings. 8vo. - - - - 186 j „ The Star Chamber and its Proceedings ; with Additional Notes of the High Commission. 8vo. - - - - 1870 „ Registrum Ecclesire Parochialis. 8vo. - - - 1829-31 The History of Parish Eegisters in England, Scotland, Ireland, the East and West Indies, Foreign Countries, Dissenters, the Fleet, King's Bench, Mint, Chapel Royal, &c. With Observations on Bishops' Transcripts, and the Provisions of the o2nd George III., cap. 146. Livre des Anglois, a Geneve. With Biographical Notes [1831]. Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials in Somerset House Chapel. The names of Gentlemen residing in ye Citie of London and Suburbs, 28 Nov. 1595. „ The Fleet Registers, and some account of the Parsons and Marriage Housekeepers. Notices of the May Fair, Mint, and Savoy Chapel ; and Appendix relating to Parochial Registration. Svo. ------- I833 „ History of Henley-on Thames. Svo. - . . . jyci Burn (Dr. Richard). Ecclesiastical Law. 9th ed. Enlarged by R. Phillimore. 4 vols., Svo. - - - - - 1812 „ Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 30th ed. Ed. by J. B. Maule, Q.C. 5 vols., Svo. ----- 1869 F 2 84 BUR HiKN (Dr. Richard) and N^icolson (Jos.). History and Antiquities of Westmoreland and Cuniberland. 2 vols., tto. - ] 771-7 IkKNAin (Col. Fred. G.). A Ride to Khiva. 3rd ed. 8vo. - 187G On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1877 BuKNANu (Francis Cowlev). The ''A. D.C"; Reminiscences of the Amateur Dramatic Club, Cambridge. Svo. - - 1880 IUknes (Col. Sir Alex.). Travels into Bokhara. Also a Vovage on the Indus to Lahore [1831-3]. 3 vols., 8vo. -" -1834 „ Cabool: a Personal Xarrative in 1830-8. 8vo. - - 1843 BuRXEs (Dr. Jas.). Narrative of a Visit to the Court of Scinde; with a Sketch of Cutch. 12mo. 1839 BiKNKT ((Jilbert), Bishop of Salisbury. History of his own Times. With Notes. Gvols.,"8vo. - " - - - 1833 „ ,, Remarks on. See Hiyyous (BeriP). „ Lives, Characters, and an Atldress to Posterity. With Introduction an 1 Notes by Bishop ,Iebb. 8vo. - - 1833 ,, The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. A new ed., revised by Nicholas Pocock. 7 vols., Svo. - 18(35 „ Lives of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton. Account of the Civil Wars of Scotland, etc. [1025-52 J. Li-tters and Instructions by King Charles I. Folio - - - 1077 BiRNET (Rev. Dr. Gill)ert). Essays of Wit and Humour. See " 77u' Free Thinker.'" BCBXET (John). The Progress of a Painter in the 19th Cent. 8vo. 1854 „ The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 4to. - - - 1842 BiRNET (Rev. Dr. Thos.). The Sacred Theorv of the Earth. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - " - - - 1719 BiRXETT (George). Lyon-King-of-xVrms. Heraldry. See Wood- nrird and Burnett. BiRNEY (Dr. Charles). Memoirs. By his dauii^hter, Madame D'Arblay. 3 vols., Svo. - - - ^ - - - 1832 BiJRXEY (Miss Frances). See D\Arbl iij {Madrnne). Bl'rney (Rear-Admiral Jas.). Chronological History of Voyages in the Pacific Ocean. 5 vols., 4to. - ' - - 1803-17 „ Chronology of North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the Early Eastern Navigations of the Russians. Svo. - 1819 BuRXEY (Capt. ,Jas.), R.X. History of the Buccaneers of America, 1810. Reprint. 8vo. ----- 1891 J}iRNEY (Susan and Charlotte) Journals. See D\irl)lay {Maddine). BiRNLEY (W. H.). Condition of Triiii]. Ed. bv M. A. E. Green. 3 Parts. Imp. 8vo. --------- 1888 Calendar of State Papers. Committee for Compoundiug, &c. [1G43-16G0]. Ed. bv M. A. E. Green. 5 Parts. Imp. 8vo. --------- 1889-93 Calendar of Home Office Papers of the Reio^n of George III. (Modern Domestic Series) [17GO-72J. Ed. bv Joseph Redington. 3 vols., imp. 8vo - - - . 1878-81 Calendar of State Papers rehitingto Scotland [1509-1G03]. Ed. by M. J. Thorpe. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - - 1S58 Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland [1171-1307]. Ed. bv H. S. Sweetman and G. F. Handcock. 5 vols., imp. 8vo. --------- 1875-86 Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, of the Keigns of Henri' YIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth [1509- 9G]. Ed. bv Hans Claude Hamilton. 5 vols., imp. Svo. - - " - - - - - - - 18G0-90 Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, of the Reign of James I. [1G03-25]. Ed. by the Rev. C. W. Russell, D.D., and J. P. Prendergast. 5 vols., imp. Svo. - 1872-80 Calendar of State Papers (Colonial Series). Ed. by W. Xoel Sainsbury. 7 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - - i8GO-84 Vol. 1. — America and AVest Indies, 1574-1660. Vol. 2.— East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616. Vol. 3. — Ea.«t Indies, Cliina, and Japan, 1617-21. Vol. 4. — East Indies, China, and Japan, 1622-4. Vol. 5. — America and West Indies, 1661-8. Vol. 6.— East Indies, 1625-9. Vol. 7. — America and AY est Indies, 1669-74. Vol. 8.— East India and Persia, 1630-4. Calendar of Letters and Papers (Foreign and Domestic) of the Reign of Henry YIII. [1509-37]. Ed. by J. S. Brewer and James Gairdner. 13 vols., imp. Svo. - - 1862-91 Calendar of State Papers (Foreign Series) of the Reign of Edward VI. [1547-53]. Ed. bv William B. Turnbull. Imp. 8vo. ---------- 1861 Calendar of State Papers (Foreign Series) of the Reign of Mary [1553-8]. Ed. by William B. Turnbull. Imj). 8vo. - 1861 Calendar of State Papers (Foreign Series) of the Reign of Elizabeth [1558-77]. Ed. by the Rev. J. Steven.son and A. J. Cro.sby. 11 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - 1863-80 Calendar of Treasury Papers [1557-1728]. Ed. by J. Redington. G vols., imi).'8vo. ------ 1868-89 Calendar of the Carew Papers (Irish) [1515-1624]. Ed. by J. S. Brewer and W. Bullen. 6 vols., imp. 8vo. - 1867-73 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain [1485-1542]. Ed. by G. A. Bergenroth and Don P. de Gayangos. 6 vols., imp. Svo. ------ 1862-90 Calendar of Letters and State Papers relating to En.slish Affairs in the Archives of Simancas : Vol 1, 1558-67. Ed. by M. S. Hume. Imp. Svo. --..-- ISyS Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. [1202- 1580]. Ed. by Ra\ydon Browne and G. C. Bentinck. 7 vols., imp. Svo. 1864-90 CAL— CAM 91 Calendar of Proceedings in Chancery (temp. Eliz.). 2 vols., fol. 1827-30 Calendar. Desci-iptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Eecord Office. See Records {Public). Calendarium Genealogicum ; for the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward I. Ed. by Charles Roberts. 2 vols.. Imp. 8vo. 1865 Calendarium Rotulorum Pateutiaj in Turri Londinensi. Folio - 1802 Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum. Folio ...---- 1803 Calfhill (Rev. Dr. Jas.). See Parker Soc. Calf's Head Club, Secret History of. See Whigs Unmasked - 1803 Calisch (I. M.). Enghsh-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1875 Callander (John). Terra Australis Cognita : Voyages during the 16th, I7th, and 18th Centuries. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1766-8 Calmet (Rev. Aug.). Dissertations upon Apparitions of Angels, Daemons, Ghosts, and Vampires. Svo. - - - 1759 Calthorpe (Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Somerset J. G.). Realities of the War in the Crimea. [With Affidavits filed by Lieut.-Col. Calthorpe in " Cardigan v. Calthorpe."] 2 vols., 8vo. 1856-63 Calverley (Charles Stuart) [C.S.C.]. Theocritus. Trans, into English verse. 12mo. ..-.-- 1869 „ Verses and Translations. 4th ed. 12mo. . . . 1871 „ Fly Leaves. 12mo. - - - - - - - 1884 „ Literary Remains. With a Memoir by AV. J. Seudall. 12mo. 1885 Calvert (John). Vazeeri Rupi, the Silver Country in Kulu, and a Trip over the Lower Himalaya Range and Glaciers. 8vo. 1873 Calvin (Jean). Lettres Franijaises, publiees par Jules Bonnet. 2 vols., Svo. ..------ 1854 „ Common Prayer Book. See PhenLr, Vol. 2. „ See Tulloch {John). „ And Servetus. See Willis {Dr. R.). Cambridge Catalogue. 8vo. ------- 1892 Part A.— Books printed at Cambridge, 1521-1700. Miscel- laneous, 1520-1700. Part B. — Books printed at Cambridge, 1701-1800. Miscel- laneous, 1701-1800. Cambridge Historical Essays {continued). 12mo. - - 1889 et seq. 1. — Political Parties in Athens during the Peloponnesian War. By L. Whibley. 2. — Pope Gregory the Great and his relations with Gaul. By F. W. Kellett. 3. — Constitutional Experiments of the Commonwealth, 1640-60. By Edw. Jenks. 6. — The Somerset Eeligious Houses. By W. A. J. Archbold. Cambridge University. Querela Cantabrigiensis, or a Remon- strance for the Banished Members. 8vo. - - - 1685 „ Early Statutes. 8vo. ------- 1855 „ Letters Patent Elizabeth and James I. Ed. by J. W. Clark. 8vo. ---------- 1892 „ Statutes. Svo. -------- 1840 English Prize Poems, 1813-20. 12mo. - - - - 1820 „ Seatonian Prize Poems, 1750-1806. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1808 „ Arundines Cami. Ed. by H. Drury. 8vo. - - - I860 „ Cambridge Wit. Ed. by C. Whibley. 12mo. - - - 1889 „ Student's Guide. 12mo. ...... 1882 „ Dictionary of. By Charles Dickens. 12mo. - - - 1884 Cambridge University Calendar {continued) - - 1837 et seq. Camden (Earl). Memoirs. See Jesse {J. H.). 92 CAM Camdfn Society. Publications. 1st Series, 105 vols. ; with Index. New Series, 1 et seq., small Ito. {continuid) - 1H38 et seq. Abinpilou Ablxy. Accounts of the Oljedientiars. 51 (N.S.). Anecdotes and Traditions. Lcstrange. Aubny. Collet. 5. Ancren Riwle. 57. Bale (Bp.). King Johan. 2. Eargrave (Dr.). AKxander VII. 92. Battle Abbty, CustuniaLs of, Edward I. and II. [1283-1312]. 41 (N.S.). Bedell (Wm.), Bp. of Kilmore. Life. 4 (N.S.). Birch (Col.). Military Life. 7 (N.S.). Borough (Sir John). Treaty at liipon, 1640. 100. Brakelond (Joscelino). Chronicle. 13. Bramstoii (Sir John). Autobiography. 32. Buckingham, Duke of. Documents illustrating his Impeach- ment in 1626. 45 (N.S.). Calais Chronicle, Henry VII. and Henrj' VIII. 35. Camden Miscellany, The. Vol. 1. — 1. The Ktgister of the Abbey of Aberconway. 2. A Chronicle of the Lincolnshire Rebellion, 1470. 3. The Papal Bull for the Marriage of King Henry VII. 4. A Journal of the Siege of Kouen in 1592. 5. Letter of George Fleetwood, describing the Battle of Liitzen, in 1632. 6. The Diary of Dr. Edward Lake in 1677-8. 39. Vol. 2. — 1. Household Expenses of John of Brabant and Henry and Thomas of Lancaster, 1292-3. 2. Household Account of the Princess Elizabeth, 1551-2. 3. The Request and Suite of a True-hearted Englishman, by William Cholmley, 1553. 4. Discovery of the Jesuits' College in Clerkenwell, 1627-8. 5. Trelawney Papers. 6. Autobiography of William Ta.'iwell, D.D. bo. Vol. 3. — 1. Proceedings in the County of Kent, 1642-6. 2. Historical Poems of the Sixteenth Century-. 3. Abuses Committed against the Commonwealth, 1629. 4. Inven- tories of the Wardrobes, &c., of Henry, Duke of Rich- mond, 1526. and of Catharine of Aragon, 1534; with a Memoir. 61. Vol. 4. — 1. Chronicle in the Reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. 2. The Childe of Bristow, a Poem by John Lydgate. 3. l-]xpense of tlie Judges of Assize (temp. Eliziibeth). 4. The Incredulity of St. Thomas, pait of the Corpus tjhristi Play at York. 5. Sir Edward Lake's interviews with Charles I. 6. Letters of Pope to Atterbury. 7. The Jesuit's College at Clerkenwell. 73. Vol. 5. — 1. Five Letters of King Charles II. 2. Letter of the Council on the Proceedings of Sir Edw. Coke at Oatlands. 3. Documents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh's last Voyage. 4. A Catalogue of Early English Miscellanies formerly in the Harleian Library. 5. Letters from the Collection of Sir W. Tite. 6. Sir Francis Drake's Service against the Spaniards in 1587. 7. Letter signed Mary Magdaline Davers. 87. Vol. 6.— 1. A Life of Mr. William Whittingham, Dean of Durham. 2. The Earl of Bristol's Defence of his Negotiations in Spain. 3. Journal of Sir Francis Wal- singham. 104. Vol. 7. — 1. Two Sermons preached V>y the Boy-Bishop. Ed. by J. (r. Nichols. 2. Speech of Sir Robert Heath in the Case of Alexander Leighton. 3. Notes of Sir G. Croke's Judgment in the Ca.se of Ship Money. 4. Letters relating to the Mission of Sir T. Roe to Gustavus Adolphus, 1629-30. 5. Accounts of the Expenditure in building Bodmin Church. 14 (N.S.) Vol. 8. — Four Letters of Lord Wentworth. Madame de Motteville. Life of Henrietta Maria. Delinquency of Lord Saville, 1642-6. Negotiations with Charles I., 1643-4. Letter of the Duke of Manchester on the Conduct of Cromwell. Letters to Lord Lauderdale. CAM 93 Camden Society. Publications — continued. Camden Miscellany, The {continued). Vol. 8 — continued. Letters of the Duke of Monmouth. Correspondence of the Haddock Family, 1657-1719. Letters of Richard Thompson. 31 (N.S.). Camden (W.). Visitation of Huntingdon [1613]. 43. ,, Unpublished Papers. 23. Carew (Lord), afterwards Earl of Totness. Letters to Sir Thos. Roe. 76. Cartwright (Thos.), Bp. of Chester. Diary. 22. Catholicon Anglicum: An English-Latin AVord-Book, dated 1483. 30 (N.S.). Cecil (Sir Robert). Letters. 88. Chamberlain (John). Letters. 79. Chapel Royal Checque-Book [1561-1744]. 3 (N.S.). Charles I. in 1646. 63. „ Spanish Account of Proposed Marriage. 101. Charles II. and James 11. Secret Service Accounts. 52. Christ Church Letters (Canterbury). 19 (N.S.). Chronicles, Three 15th-Century. 28 (N.S.). Chronicles (English), [1377-1461]. 64. Chronicles (English), Wriothe.sley. 10, 20. Chronicon Petrobergense [1122-1294]. 47. Clarke (Wm.), Sec. to the Council of the Army, and to Gen. Monk. Papers, 1647-60. Vol. 1. 49 (N.S.). Commons, House of. Debates [1610]. 81. „ Debates [1625]. 6 (N.S.). ,, Long Parliament. 31. Cranmer (Archbishop). Biographies. 77. Cromwell (Oliver). Quarrel with Earl of Manchester. 12 (N.S.;. Davies (Dr. R.). Journal [1688-90]. 68. Dee (Dr. John). Diary and Cat. of MSS. 19. Digby (SirK.). Voyage in Mediterranean [1628]. 96. Dingley (Thos.). History from Marble Funeral Monuments in England. 95, 97. Ecclesiastical Documents. 1. Somerset. 2. Charters. 8. Edward IV. Narrative of Restoration [1471] . 1. Edward V. Grants. 60. Egerton Papers [Elizabeth and James I.]. 12. Elizabeth. Annals of. Hayward. 7. „ and James VI. Letters [1582-1602]. 46. Elsing. Notes of Lords' Debates [1624-6]. 24 (N.S.). England under Henry VII. 37. „ and Germany, Relations between [1618-19]. 90 98. ,, Travels through, 1 750 ei! set/. Dr. R. Pococke. 42,44. English Metrical Romances. 18. Essex Papers. Vol. 1. 1672-9. 47 (N.S.). Exeter (Thos., Bp. of) [1310]. Account of Executors. 10 (N.S.). Fleete Prison, The Economy of the. 25 (N.S.). Foreigners in England [1618-88]. 82. Fortescue Papers. 1 (N.S.). Glanville (J.). Voyage to Cadiz in 1625. 32 (N.S.;. Grey Friars Chronicle to 1556. 53. Grey of Wilton (Lord). Services and Charges. 40. Guylforde (Sir Richard). Pylgrymage to the Holy Land [1506]. 51 . Halket (Lady). Autobiography. 13 (N.S.). Hamilton Papers [1638-48]. 27 (N.S.). Harley (Lady Brilliana). 58. Harpsfield. Treatise on Divorce of Henry VIII. and Catherine. 21 (N.S.). Harvey (Gabriel), Letter Book of [1573-80]. 33 (N.S.). Hatton Family. Correspondence [1601-1704] . 22, 23 (N.S.). Hayward. Annals of Queen Elizabeth. 7. Henry VIII. Divorce of Catherine. 21 (N.S.). Hospitallers (Knights) in England [1338]. 65. Ireland, Contests in [1641 and 1G90]. 14. 94 CAM Camden Society. Publications — coutitmed. James VI. Correspondence. 78. Jane (Queen). Chronicle. 48. Kemp. Dance from London to Norwich. 1 1 . Kent. Proceedings in [1640]. 80. Kjteler (Dame Alice), Procee „ Jurors' Awards. Svo. ----.. 1852 » „ „ 4to. - - - - - - . . 1851 « ,> Art Journal, Illustrated. 4to. - - - - 1851 104 OAT Oi-TALOGUES — continued. „ Exhibition, 1851. Of Works ou, or having reference to, in the possession of Sir Chas. W. Dilke. 8vo. - - - 1855 „ Exhibition International, 1862. 8vo. . - - - 1862 „ „ Ollicial Illustrateil. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1862 „ Exhibition Intercolonial, Melbourne, 1867. 8vo. - - 1867 „ Faithorne (William), Descriptive Catalogue of the Engraved Works of. By Louis Fagan. 8vo. - - - - 1888 „ Genealogical Books. See 3Ioule {Thos.). „ Geographical Books, collected by S. W. Silver. 8vo. - 1886 „ Gray's Inn Library. By W. R" Douthwaite. 8vo. - -1872 „ ,, Supplement. 8vo. .-..-- 1878 „ „ Ancient Manuscripts. 8vo. ----- 1869 „ „ By Judge Russell and W. R. Douthwaite. 8vo. -1888 „ Gresham College Library. 8vo. 1872 „ Grosvenor Gallery. Works of Thomas Grainsborough and Richard Doyle. Small 4to. 1885 „ Grosvenor House Pictures. See Young (John). „ Guelph Exhibition, George I.— William IV. 4to. - - 1891 „ Guildhall Library. 8vo. - - 1889 „ Hargrave Manuscripts. 4to. - - - - - -1818 „ Harleiau Manuscripts, British Museum. 4 vols, in 2, fol. 1808-12 „ Hartwell House, Egyptian Antiquities at. See Lee (JoJm). „ Hartwell House. Law Library. See 3Iac Alpine (JV. H.). „ Hoare Librarv at Stourhead. Bv J. B. Nichols. Svo. - 1840 „ Holmau Hunt Exhibition, 1886! 8vo. - - - - 1886 „ Horses and Equitation. Books on. See Hiith {F. H.). „ House of Commons Library. Folio . - . - 1864 „ Irish Academy (Royal), Antiquities. Svo. - . - 1857 „ Ironmonger's Hall, Exhibition, May 1861. 2 vols., 4to. - 1869 „ Japanese Engravings. See Burlington Fine Arts Club. „ Junius Bibliography. See Mercantile Library, Phila- delphia Bulletin, Vol. 2, p. 48 et sec/. „ Kensington Palace, Pictures in. See Faulkner {2\). „ Kimberley Public Librarv. Bv Mr. Justice Laurence. 8vo. 1891 „ La Have '(Musee Royal de). "l2mo. - - -' -1883 „ Lambeth Librarv, Earlv Printed Books in. See Maitland {Rev. Dr. S.'li.). „ Lansdowne House. Ancient Marbles. 8vo. - - - 1889 „ Lansdowne Manuscripts, in the British Museum. Folio - 1819 „ Law Library. Hartwell House, 1865. See Mac Alpine (JF.H.). „ Law Society (Incorporated). Library. By F. Boase. 8vo. 1891 „ Libraries, Celebrated British. See Clarke {Win.). ,, Lincoln's Inn Library. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1859-81 „ Lincoln's Inn Library, MSS. in. See Hunter {Rev. J.). „ London. Books iniblished from 1814-46. 2 vols., Svo. 1846-8 „ „ From 1816-51. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1851-3 „ London Library. 5th ed. 2 vols., Svo. - - - - 1888 „ Manuscripts relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. See Chronicles, 26. „ Mezzotinto Engravings, showing History of the Art. 4to. 1881 „ ^liddle Temple Lil)rary. Svo. ISSO „ Milan, Pinacotheque Royale de (Palais Brera). 12mo. - 1883 „ Morland (Geo.). Engraved Works, Brasenose Club, Man- chester, Dec, 1889. By Harry Thornber. Svo. - - 1889 „ Musee Royale, Naples. See Garginlo {Raff.). CAT 105 Catalogues — continued. „ Napoleon Museum, 18^0. See Samsbury. „ National Gallery. By E. T. Cook. 12mo. - - - 1888 „ National Gallery. Foreign Schools. 12mo. - - - 188-4 „ National Gallery of Scotland. 12mo. . . _ _ iggS „ National Portrait Gallery. By G. Scharf. 8vo. - - 1884 „ Old Masters Exhibition (Royal Aeadeiny, 1886). 8vo. -1886 „ Oscott. St. Mary's College. Works of Art, &c. 8vo. -1880 „ Ouvrages Supprimes, 1814-1877. See Driijoii (F.). „ Penzance Library. See Kins/nan (John). „ Periodical Literature. By W. F. Poole. 2 vols., 8vo. 1853-88 ,, Periodicals, Index to. 4to. ... - 1891 et seq. „ Playing and other Cards in the British Museum. See JVillshire (JV/n. Hughes). „ Poetry, Early English. See Bibliotheca Auglo-Poetica. „ Poetry, Early English. By Rev. T. Corser. See Chetham Soc., Vols. 52, 55, 71, 77, 91, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108. „ Poets of the 12th to 16th Centuries (English). See Bit sou (Joseph) . „ Political and Personal Satires, 1320-1760, in the British Museum. 4 vols., 8vo. ----- 1870-83 „ Pope Commemoration. Loan Museum, Twickenham - 1888 „ Popery, Tracts for and against, in the Chetham Library. [Temp. Jac. II.] See Chetham Soc., Vols. 48, 64. „ Portrait Gallery, National. See Schcu-f (G.). „ Portraits, Engraved British. By H. Bromley. 4to. - 1793 „ Portraits, Engraved. By A. Evans. 2 vols., 8vo. - - n. i>. „ Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Div. 1 . 4 vols. 1870-83 „ Privately Printed Books. By John Martin. 8vo. - - 1854 „ Quakers. Friends' Books. See Smith (Jos.). „ „ Books Adverse to Friends. See Smith (Jos.). „ Rare Books. By Wm. Oldys. 8vo. - - _ - 173^ „ Rare English Books. By J. P. Collier. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1865 „ Roxburghe Library. With Prices, Supplement, &c. 8vo. - 1812 „ Royal Institution Library. By Benj. Vincent, 8vo. - 1857 „ „ Supplement. 8vo. - - - . _ 1882 „ Royal Institute of British Architects. Library. 4to. - 1889 „ Ruskin (J.), Bibliography of. By R. H. Shepherd. 12mo. 1879 „ San Donato, Palais de. 4to. -.---_ 188O „ Sanzio (Raphael), Drawings by, exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1870. 4to. - - . . . 1370 „ Scottish Bishops. See Gordon, Eccles. Chron. Scot. „ Shakespeare. Study Books in the Library of J. O. Halliwell- PhilHpps. 8vo. -------- 1876 „ Slade Collection. See Nesbitt. „ South Kensington Museum. Musical Instruments, by Carl Engel. 8vo. ----.-.. 1874 » „ Dyce Collection of Paintings, &c., Printed Books, and Manuscripts. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1875 n )> Forster Collection of Printed Books. 8vo. - - 1888 n „ Water-Colour Paintings. By S. Redgrave. 8vo. - 1877 „ Stevens (H.). English Library. 8vo. - - - - J853 „ Stuart Exhibition. New Gallery, 1889. 4to. - - - 1339 „ Subject Index of Modern Works, 1880-5. 4to. - - 1886 „ Sussex Publications. See Butler (G. Slade). „ Theatrical Scenes and Portraits. Lent to the Arts Club, Manchester, by Harry Thornber. 8vo. - - - 1888 106 CAT— CAV CATALOOrES — contin ued. „ Turner (J. M. W.). Dra'wiugs exhibited at the Fine Art Society, 1878. 4to. - - 1878 „ Twentv-live Thousand Best Books. See Soiinenschein{ JF.S.). „ Union League Club, Xew York, Library of the. 8vo. - 1886 „ Vovages and Travels, Books of. See Pinkerton^ Vol. 17. „ Wi'lliams (Eev. Daniel). Library. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1841-54 „ Wilson (J. W.). Collection dans la Galerie du Cercle Artistique de Bruxelles. „ Wimbledon Free Library, Notes on. By LI. W. Longstaff. 8vo. ■ . - . . 1888 „ Woburn Abl^ey. Pictures at. By George Scharf. 4to. - 1890 „ Woollett (William), Engraved Works of. By Louis Fagan. 8vo. - - ' - - - 1885 Catalogus Xormannorum qui lloruerunt in Anglia. See Masercs. Cates (W. L. R.). Dictionary of General Biography. Xewed. 8vo. 1881 Cathedrals of England. See Murray's Handbooks. Catherine of Aragon. Divorce. See Camden Soc, 21 (N.S.). „ Wardrobe Accounts, 1534. See Camden Misc., Vol. 3. Catherine II. of Russia. See Toohe (TV.). „ Le Roman d'une Imperatrice. Par K. Waliszewski. Royal 8vo. 1893 Catholic Dictionary. By W. E. Addis and T. Arnold. 8vo. - 1884 Catholic Directory. 12mo. 1891 Catholic Priest (A). English Martyrologe. 12mo. - - 1608 Catlin (Geo.). Manners, Customs, &c., of the Xorth American Indians. 2 vols., 8vo. 1851 jj 0-Kee-Pa. Religious Ceremony of the Mandans. Svo. - 1867 ., Lifted and Subsided Rocks of America. 8yo. - - . 1870 Catxach (James), of Seven Dials. Life and Times 8vo. - - 1878 Cato's Letters. Essays on Liberty, Civil and Religious. [Authors : Thos. Gordon and John Trenchard.] 4 vols., 12mo. - 1733 Catulli-s (C. Val.). Carmina. 8vo. 1S22 „ Elegies. Literally trans, by W. K. Kelly. [Bohn.] 12nio. 1854 „ Life. By Rev. Jas. Davies. See Blackicood's Ancient Classics. Caulfield (Jas.). Portraits, Memoirs, &c., of Remarkable Persons, Edward III. to 1688. 3 vols, in 1, 8yo. - - - 1813 „ „ From 1689-1760. 4 vols., 8yo. - - - 1819-20 Causes Celebres, par Gayot de Pitaval et J. C. de la Ville. 26 vols., 12mo. 1775 „ Ee^ueil de. Redige par Maurice Mejan. 12 vols., 8vo. 1808-11 Causes Politiques Celebres et Causes Criminelles Celebres du 19* Siecle. 7 vols., Svo. - ... - 1826-8 Caussidi^re (Marc), ex-Prefet de Police. Memoires. Svo. - 1848 Causton (Hen. K. S.). The Howard Papers. With a Biogra- phical Pedigree and Criticism. 8vo. - - - - 1862 CAUTLEY(Col.SirProbyT.). The Ganges Canal Works. 2vol8.,8yo. 18G0 Cave (lien.). Picturesque Antiquities of York. Etchings. 4to. 1813 Cave-I3kown (Rev. J.). Lambeth Palace and its As.sociation.s. Svo. 1882 "Cavendish" [Henry Jones]. Laws and Principles of Whist, 17th ed. 12mo. 1888 „ Wliist Developments. 3rd ed. 12mo. . - - . 1887 „ Laws of Ecarte. 3rd ed. 12mo. 1886 „ Laws of Rubicon Bezique. 12mo. 1887 „ Laws of Piquet and Rubicon Piquet. 12mo. - - - 1882 Cavendish Family Collections. See Collins (Arthur). CAV— CEE 107 Cavendish (George). Life of Cardinal Wolsey. With Notes by Sam. Weller Siuger. 8vo. - - - - - - 1827 Cavendish (Sir Henry). Debates of the House of Commons during the 13th Parliament, with Memoirs and Letters illustrating the reign of George III. 2 vols, (incomplete), Svo. 1841 „ Debates of the House of Commons, 177-4, on the Govern- ment of Quebec. Svo. ..---. 1839 " Cavendish " and B. W. D. Whist with and without Perception. 12mo. 1889 Cavendish (Wm.). Life. See Neiocastle {Duke of). Cavour (Camillo B., Conte di), Memoir of. By Edw. Dicey. Svo. 18G1 „ Discourse on. By V. Botta. Svo. ----- 1862 Cawdor, Book of the Thanes of [1236-1742]. See Spalding Club. Cawston (Arthur). Comprehensive Scheme for Street Improve- ments in London. 4to. --..._ 1893 Cawthorn (J as.). Poems. See British Poets, Vol. 60. Caxton (Wm.). Book of Curtesye. See Early English Text Soc, Ex. Ser., Vol. 3. „ The Golden Legend. See Holbein Soc. „ Paris and Vienne [1485]. With Glossary and Notes. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Small 4to. ----- 1868 „ Life. See Lives L. U.K. „ Life and Typography. By W. Blades. 2 vols., 4to. 1861-3 Cayet(P. T.). Chron.Novenaire [1589-98]. SeePe^/ifof, Ser. 1, Vols. 38-43. Caylus (Madame de). Souvenirs de. See Petiiot, Ser. 2, Vol. 66. Cecil (Sir E.) [Earl of Salisbury]. See Salisburg {Earl of). Cecil (Lord R. G.). See Salisbury {3rd Marqncss of). Cecil (William). See Burghley {Lord). Celebrities of the 19th Century. Ed. by L. C. Sandars. Svo. - 1887 Celesia (E.). Conspiracy of Giovanni Luigi Eieschi : Genoa in the 16th Century. Trans, by D. H. Wheeler. Svo. - 1866 Cellini (Beuvenuto), Vita di. 3 vols., Svo. - - - 1806-11 „ Memoirs. By Himself [1527-70]. Trans, by Thomas Roscoe. 12mo. - . . 1^47 „ „ Trans, by J. A. Symonds. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1888 Census. See Population Returns. Centlivre (Mrs. Susanna). Works, with Life. 3 vols., 12mo. - 1761 Vol. 1. — Author's Life. Perjured Husband. Beaux's Duel. Gamester. Basset Table. Love at a Yonturo. Stolen Heiress. Vol. 2. — Love's Contrivance. Busybody. Marplot in Lisbon. Platonic Lady. Perplexed Lovers. Cruel Gift. Vol. 3.— The Wonder. Man Bc-witch'd. Gotham Election. Wife Well managed. Bickerstaflfs Burial. Bold Stroke for a Wife. Artifice. ,, See also Bell and Cawthorn. Cento Novelle Antiche. 2 vols., Svo. - - - - . iyo4 Cerfberr (A.) and Christophe (J.). Repertoire de la Comedie Humaine de H. de Balzac. Svo. 1887 CERVANTES-Saavedra (Miguel de). Trabagos de Persiles y Sigis- munda. 2 vols,, Svo. 1781 „ Don Quixote de la Mancha. 3rd ed. - - . _ 1737 „ The History of Don Quixote. Ed. by J. W. Clark. With Biographical Notice, by T. T. Shore. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. 4to. n. d. 108 CER— CHA CERVANTES-Saavedra (Miguel de) — contitiued. „ Don Qiiixoto de la Mancba. New trans, hy A. J. Duffield, with Notes by other Commentators. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1881 „ Don Quixote (in English). 8vo. 1843 „ Festivous Notes on Don Quixote. By E. Gayton. Folio - 1654 „ Galatea : a Pastoral Romance. Trans, hy G. W'. J. Gyll. 8vo. 1867 „ The Voy.nge to Parnassus. Numantia : a Tragedy. The Commt-rce of Algiers. Trans, by G. W. J. Gyll. 12nio. 1870 „ Life. By Mrs. Oliphant. See Blackicood'sFonign Classics. „ Life. See Jlerimee {I*.). Cesnola (Alex. Palma di). Treasures and Antiquities of Salamis, Cyprus. 8vo. - - - -. ' . * ' " 1882 Cesnola (Gen. Louis Palma di). Cyprus, its Cities, Tombs, and Temples. 8vo. 1877 Chabot (C). Handwriting of Junius. 4to. - - - . 1871 CuABOT (F.). Memoir of. See Adolphits. Chadwick (Edwin), Reports on Interment in Towns. 8vo. - 1843 „ Review of the Works of. By B. W. Richardson. 2 vols., 8vo. 1887 Chadwick (Wm.). King John of England : a History and a Vindi- cation. 8vo. - - - 1805 Chaffers (Wm.). Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porce- lain, with Notices of each Manufactory. 8vo. - - 18G6 „ Hall-marks on gold and silver plate. 8vo. ... 1^65 "Challenger" Expedition. Scientific Results of the Voyage during the years 1873-6. Ed. by Sir C. Wyville Thom- son and Dr. John Murray. 4to. . - - - 1885-89 Narrative. 2 vols, in 3 parts. Zoology. Vols. 1-16, and Vol. 31. Botany. Vol. 1. Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 1. Chalmers (Alex.). Biographical Dictionary. 32 vols., 8vo. - 1812-17 Chalmers (Geo.). Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1790 „ Caledonia : an account of North Britain. Vols. 1-3 (all published). 4to. 1807-24 ,, Estimate of Comparative Strength of Great Britain. 8vo. - 1802 „ Notice of the Life of Gregory King. Also King's " Obser- vations on the State of England, 1696." 8vo. - - 1802 „ Life of Mary, Queen of Scots ; with six subsidiary Memoirs and Portraits. 2 vols., 4to. 1818 Chalmers (Mackenzie D. E. S.). Local Government. See Eng- lish Citizen Scries. Chalmers (Patrick and J. J.). Registrum Episcop. Brechinensis. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1856 Chalmers (Robert). History of the Currency in the British Colonies. 8vo. - - - 1893 Chalmers (Rev. Dr. Thos.). Sermons in Tron Church, Glasgow. 8vo. - - 1819 On Political Economy in connexion with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1832 Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. [Bridgewater Treatise.] 8vo. - 1839 Memoirs of. By Dr. W. Hanna. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1850-2 Chambaud (Louis). English-French and French-English Dic- tionary. Newed. By J. Th. H.DesCarrieres. 2vol5., 4to. 1805 Chamberlain (Prof. Basil H.). Things Japanese. [Notes on Japan alphabetically arranged.] 8vo. - - - - 1890 CHA 109 Chamberlain (John). Letters to Sir Dudley Carleton, during the Reign of Elizabeth. See Camden Soc, 79. Chamberlatne (John). Magna3 Britannia^ Notitia, or the Present State of Great Britain. 8vo. - - - - 1735 Chamberlen (Paul). Life and Reign of Queen Anne. Folio - 1738 Chambers (Greo. P.). The Law relating to Local Government. 8vo. 1888 Chambers (Dr. Robert). Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotchmen. 4 vols., 8vo.- - - - - - 1840 „ Book of Days : a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connexion with the Calendar. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 18G4 „ Domestic Annals of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revolution. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - ^ - 1859-01 „ History of the Rebellion of 1745-6. Small 8vo. - - 1847 „ Traditions of Edinburgh. 8vo. . - . . . 18G9 „ Vestigesof the Natural History of Creation. 12th ed. 12mo. 1884 ,, Ancient Sea Margins. 8vo. ------ 1848 „ Memoir and Autobiographic Reminiscences. 12 mo. - - 1872 Chambers (Wm.). History of Peeblesshire. 8vo. - - - 1864 Chambers (William and Robert). Cyclopjedia of English Litera- ture. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876 „ Encyclopsedia. 10 vols., 8vo. J 860-8 „ „ New ed. 10 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - 1889-92 „ Mathematical Tables. Ed. by J. Pryde. 12mo. - - 1886 Chambers (SirWm.). Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture. 2 vols., 4to. ------ 1825 Chamier (Capt. F.). Account of the Burmese War and Battle of JSTavai'ino. See James ( JV.), Naval Hist. Chamisso ( Adelbert von) . Peter Schlemihl. Trans, by Sir John Bowring. With Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo. - 1861 Champfleury (M.), [J. Fleury-Husson]. Le Musee Secret de la Caricature. 12mo. ---.--. lygS „ Histoire de la Caricature Antique. 12mo. Paris - - N. D. Champfleury and Wekerlin. Chansons des Provinces de France. [ /^HY/i Dumersan. Vol.4.] 4to. - - - . i860 Champion (Ant.). Memoirs. See Jesse (J. U.), Vol. 2. CiiAMPLAiN (Samuel). Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico [1599-1602]. See HaUmjt Soc, 23. Chancellor (Edwin Beresford). Life of Charles I., 1600-25. 8vo. ----- 1886 Chancellor (Rich.). Russian Voyage. See Hamel {Dr. J.). Chandler (Peleg W.). Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boston, U.S.A. 8vo. - - 1850 „ American Criminal Trials [16 S7-1 786]. 2 vols., 12mo. 1841-4 Chandler (Dr. Richard). Life of Bishop Waynflete. 8vo. - 1811 „ Travels in Asia Minor and in Greece. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. - 1817 Chandos (James Brydges, 1st Duke of). Memoir. By John Robert Robinson. 8vo. ---... 1893 Channing (Rev. Dr. W. E.). Entire Works. 2 vols., 8vo. -1843 Vol. 1. — Milton. Napoleon I. Fcnelon. National Literature. Calvinism. The Union. Slavery. Keligious Essays. Vol. 2. — Essays on Unitarian Christianity. „ Memoirs and Correspondence. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1850 „ Correspondence of, with Lucy Aikin [1826-42]. 8vo. - 1874 „ Memoir. 3 vols., 8vo. ------- 1848 Chantrey (Sir Francis), Memorials of. By J. Holland. 8vo. - 1851 Chants et Chansons Populaires de la France. 4 vols., 4to. - 1860 no CHA Chapman (Rov. Benj.). History of Gustavus Adolphus, and the Thirty Yi-ars' War. 8vo. 1856 Chapman (George). Comedies and Tragedies; with Notes and Memoir. 3 vols., 12mo. 1873 Vol. 1. — Memoir. Tho Blindo Eopger of Alexandria. An Ihimorous Daye'sMirtli. All Fooles. Monsieur dOlivc. The Gentleman Usher. A'ol. 2. — Bussy d'Ambois. The Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois. Tho Conspiracio and Tragedio of Charles, Duke of Biron. May-Day. Vol. 3. — Tho Widdowc's Teires. Tho Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn. The Tragedy of Cresar and Pompey. The Trapedy of Alphonsus, Emperour of Germany. Eevenge for Honour. „ Plavs. See Dodsleij ; also Dilkc. „ Iliads of Homer. With Xotes by R. Hooper. 2 vols., 4to. 1857 „ Odysseys of Homer. With Notes by R. Hooper. 2vols.,4to. -1857 „ Homer's Batrachomyomachia, Hymns, Epigrams. Hesiod's Works and Davs. Musreus' Hero and Leander. Juvenal's Fifth Satire. 'With Notes by R. Hooper. Small 4to. - 1858 Chapman (Archdeacon John), Memoir of. See Jesse (J. H.), Vol. 1. Chappell CW.). Collection of National English Airs, Ancient Songs and Ballads, and Popular Music of the Olden Time. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - N. D. Chapple (Wm.). Revie-w of Risdon's " Survey of Devon." 4to. 1785 Chaptal (Comte Jean Antoine de). Mes Souvenirs de Napoleon 1756-1804. Continuee jusqu'en 1832 par Yicomte de Chaptal. 8vo. 1893 Chardin (Sir John). Travels, by way of the Black Sea, into Persia [1071 et seq."]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 9. Charities Register and Digest. Ed. by J. S. Loch. 8vo. - 1889 Charivari (Le). 4to. and folio (confimied). Paris - 1832 et scq. Charlemagne Romances. See Earhj English Text Soc, Ex. Ser., 15-20. Charlemont (Jas. Caulfield, Earl of). Memoirs of. By F. Hardy. 2 vols., 8vo. : . . 1812 Charles I. Works. Folio 1687 Life. Papers concerning Church Government, Prayers. Messages. Declarations. Letters. Speeches. Tryal and Death. Collection of Treaties, Declarations, See., &c., chiefly manifesting the Justice of his Cause, his sincerity in Eoligion, his constant Endeavours for Peace. EIKXIN BA21MKH : the Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings, Letters from. See Bancick (-P.). Correspondence with Sir Edw. Nicholas. See Evelyn (John), Diary. Letters written by. See Bromley (Sir Geo.). Letters, Instructions, &c. See Burnet (Bishop). Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage [1617-23]. By S. R. Gardiner. 2 vols., 8vo. 1869 „ Spanish Account. By Francisco de Jesus. With Trans. By S. R. Gardiner. See Camden Soc., 101. Visit to Scotland, and Coronation [1033], See Balfour (Sir J.), Vol. 4, State Papers. See Calendars of State Papers, Jiushaorth Hist. Collections, Sydney State Papers. CHA 111 Chables I. — continued. „ Affairs of State [1639-48]. By J. Nalson. 2 vols., folio 1G82-3 ., Poems on Affairs of State during tlie Reign of. See Poems. „ Civill Warres. By J. Leycester [1649]. (Reprint.) 8vo. [n. d.] ,, Commonwealth and Ghost. By J. Leycester. 4to. - - 1641 „ Memorials of the Great Civil War [1646-52]. By H. Cary (from Letters in the Bodleian). 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1842 „ „ Fairfax Papers. Ed. by R. Bell. 2 vols., 8 vo. - 1849 „ Chronicle of Intestine War. By J. Heath. Folio - - 1676 „ History of the Rebellion. See Clarendon {Edio. Hyde, Earl of). „ History of the English Revolution, See Guizot (F. P. G.). „ The Troubles in England ; with a Narrative of the Treaty of Uxbridge [1645]. By Sir Wm. Dugdale. Folio - 1681 „ Journals of 1{. Symonds, Officer in the Royal Army. See Camden Soc, 74. „ Tracts relating to the Civil Wars. See Maseres (F.) . „ Parliament in the 3rd and 4th Years of. See Fuller ( T) . „ Parliament [1640-1]. Speeches and Passages. 4to. - 1641 „ Arrest of the Five Members. See Forster {John). „ Earl of Glamorgan and Irish Rebels in 1645-6. Carte's Account considered. By Thos. Birch, 8vo.- - - 1747 „ Contests in Ireland, 1640. See Camden Soc, 14. „ Treaty with the Covenanters, 1640. See Camden Soc, 100. „ Proceedings in Kent in 1 640. See Camden Soc, 80. ,, „ 1642-6. See Camden Soc, 3. „ Military Proceedings in Lancashire. See Chetham Soc, 2. „ Journals of Rich. Symonds. See Camden Soc, 74. „ Progress and Success of the Arms of [1644-5]. See Walker {Sir Edward). „ Letters in 1646. Sec Camden Soc, G3. „ Narrative of Attendance on. By J. Ashburnham. 2vols.,8vo. 1830 „ Story of Corfe Castle. By G. Bankes. 8vo. - - -1853 „ Interviews with Sir Ellis Lake. See Camden 3Iisc, Vol. 4. „ Narrative of the Attempted Escapes of . By Geo.Hillier. 8vo. 1852 „ Memoirs of the Two Last Years of. With Diodati's Character of the Blessed Martyr, and Speaker Lenthall's Death-bed Repentance. 12mo. ----- 1702 „ The Trial of, Jan. 20-27, 1648. Folio - - - - n.d, „ Vindication of [1648]. See Sytnmons {E.). „ Vindication of. By Sam. Butler. See Whigs Unmasked. „ Case of. See Ludlow {Edmund). „ Opening of the Coffin of . By Sir Henry Halford. 4to. -1813 „ Tryal of the Regicides. 8vo. ------ 1724 „ Lives of the English Regicides. See Noble {Rev. 31.). „ Memoirs of Col. J. Hutchinson, one of the Judges of. 2 vols., 8vo, ----- . - 1885 „ Memoirs of the Reign of. See Bulstrode {Sir Richard), Dalrymple {Sir D), Fairfax Correspondence, Kennett {Bp. W.), L' Estrange {H.), Oldmixon {J.). „ Commentaries on the Life of . By I. d'Israeli. 2 vols., 8vo. 1851 ,, Historical Sketch of. See Fellowes {W. D.). „ Life and Raigne of. By William Sanderson. Folio - - 1658 ., History of England under. See Gardiner {S. R.). „ Histoire de, depuis son Avenement. See Guizot {F. P. G.). „ Life. See Harris {Rev. Dr. W.). „ Life, 1600-25. By E. Beresford Chancellor. 8vo. - - 1886 112 CHA Charles I. — continued. „ Events in Rei^n of. See TVallington (X.). „ Court of. See Coke {Roger) and Manchester (Duke of). „ Court and Times of. By Dr. Thos. Birch. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1849 ,, Memories of the Reifjn of. By Sir Philip "Warwick. 8vo. 1702 „ „ See Dasire (/.), Correspondence ; D^Ewes (Sir S.)^ Autobiography ; Essex (Earls of), Lives and Letters ; Evelyn (John), Memoirs ; E Estrange (Sir R.). „ Diary of Lady Halket in Eeign of. See Camden Soc, 1.3 (X.S.). „ Letters of Eminent Persons in the Reign of. See Cabala. „ Side Lights on the Stuarts. See Lnderivick (F. A.). „ "Works relating to. See British Museum Catalogue. Charles II. Account of his Preservation, drawn up by himself. Ed. by Sir David Dalrymple (Lord Hailes). 8vo. - - 1803 ,, Own Diary of Escape after the Battle of Worcester, dictated to Pepys. See Huqhes (John), Boscobcl Tracts. „ Boscobel. By Thos. Blount. 12mo. . . . - 1725 „ Letters from. See Baruick (P.). „ Five Letters of. See Camden Misc., Vol. 5. „ Original Papers, &c. See Clanricarde (Marquis of), „ In Scotland. See JValker (Sir Edu\). „ Coronation at Scone, 1651. See Ehenix, Vol. 1. „ In the Channel Islands. By S. A. Hoskins. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1854 „ Treaties for the Restitution of. See Heath (J.). „ Eestauration of. By Dr. John Price. See Masercs, Tracts. „ History of the Eestauration of. By Thos. Skinner. 8vo. - 1G85 „ English Constitution in the Reign of. By And. Amos. 8vo. 1857 ,, Short Character of. See Buchinr/hamshire (Duke of). „ Personal History of, to 16G0. By Fr. Eglesiield. 8vo. - 1822 ,, Historical Sketch of. See Felloires (JJ\ D.). „ „ See Clarendon (Earl of), Hist, of licbellion. „ Life. See Harris (Rev. Dr. 11'.). „ Life and Reign of. See Harris (Rev. Dr. JJ'.), Kcnnett (Bp. IV.), Oldmi.ron (John). „ Court of . See Coke (Roger),Dunois (Countess of), Jameson (Mrs.), Manchester (Duke of), Reresby (Sir John). „ A French Ambassador at the Court of. [ComtedeCominges.] By J. J. Jusserand. 8vo. 1892 „ Royalists whose Estates were confiscated during the Com- monwealth. By M. G. MV. Peacock. See Index Soc, 2. „ State Papers. See Calendars. „ vSecret History of the Court and Reign of. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1792 „ Secret History of Whitehall. By D! Jones. 12mo. - -1717 „ Secret History of Great Britain in the Reign of. See Macphcrson (Jas.). „ Secret Services (Accounts of). See Camden Soc, 52. „ History of the Time of. See Barker (Bp.). ,, Diary of the Times of. See Romncy (Earl of). „ Poems on Affairs of State during the Reign of. See Poetns. „ True Relation of the Death of. See Phenix, Vol. 1. Charles V. Autobiography. Trans, by L. F. Simpson. 8vo. - 1862 „ Correspondence and Itinerary of. By "W. Bradford. 8vo. - 1856 „ History of [1500-18]. See Robertson (Rev. Dr. JV.). „ Cloister Life of. By Sir Wm. Stirling-Maxwell. 8vo. - 1852 Charles YIII. of France, ^lemoirs of. See Comines (P. de). Charles IX. of France, Memoirs of. See Castelnati (Mich. de). CHA 113 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, History of. By John F. Kirk. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1863-8 Charles Edward Stuart (Prince). See Stuart. Charlotte (Princess), Memoir and Correspondence. By Lady Eose Weigall. 8vo. 1874 Charlotte (Queen). Coronation. See Thomson {R.). „ And the Chevalier D'Eon. By W. J. Thorns. 8vo. - - 1867 „ Court of. See Papendiek {Mrs.). Charlotte Elizabeth, Princess Palatine, a.d. 1652-1722. 8vo. - 1889 Charnock (John). Biographia Navalis : Lives of Officers of the Navy from 1660. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1794-6 „ History of Marine Architecture. 3 vols., 4to. - - 1800-2 Charras (Lieut.-Col. J. B. A.). Histoire de la Campagne de 1815. [Waterloo.] 8vo. ------ 1857 Charterhouse School. List of Carthusians, 1800-79. By the Eev. W. D. Parish. 8vo. ------ 1879 Chartre (Comte de la), Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2., Vol. 51. Chassant (L. a.). Dictionnaire des Abreviations Latines et Frau^aises du Moyen Age. 5th ed. 12mo. - - - 1884 Chasseaud (Gr. W.). The Druses of the Lebanon. 8vo. - - 1855 Chastellux (Marquis de). Travels in North America in 1780-2. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1787 „ De la Felicite Publique. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris - - - 1822 Chastre (C. de la). Voyage du Due de Gruise en Italic. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 32. Chateaubriand (E. F. A., Vicorate de). CEuvres Completes. 12 vols., 8vo. ------- [1880] Vol. 1. — Etude sur Chateaubriand par Sainte-Beuve. Essaisur las Revolutions Anciennes et Modernes. Vol. 2. — Genie du Cliristianisme. Vol. 3. — Atala. Rene. Le Dernier Abencerage. Les Natchez. Poesies. Vol. 4. — Les Martyrs. Vol. 5. — Itinerairede Paris a Jerusalem, et de Jerusalem a Paris. Vol. 6. — Voyages en Amerique, en Italic, au Mont Blanc. Melanges Literaires. Vol. 7- — Melanges Politiques. Polemique. Vol. 8. — Polemique (fin). Opinions et Discours Politiques. Fragments Divers. Vol. 9. — Etudes Historiques. Vol. 10. — Histoire de France. Les Quatre Stuarts. Vie de Ranee. Vol. 11. — Le Paradis Perdu. Essai sur la Litterature Anglaise. Vol. 12. — Le Congres de Verone. Guerre d'Espagne. Table Generale et Analytique. „ Etudes Historiques sur la Chute de 1' Empire Romain, &c. 4 vols., 8vo. -------. 1831 „ Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem, et de Jerusalem a Paris. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - 1812 „ Melanges de Politique. 8vo. - 1816 „ Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - 1848-51 „ Vie. Par Lescure. See Pranrais (Les Grands Ecrivains). Chatfield (Dr. Paul). The Tin Trumpet. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1836 Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of). Correspondence. Ed. by Taylor and Pringle. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1838-40 „ Anecdotes of the Life of. With his Speeches in Parliament [1736-78]. 7th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - -1810 „ Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 1. p. 3104. H 114 CHA— CHE Chatham ("William Pitt, Earl of) — continued. „ Iilentifit'il with Junius. By AV. Dowe. 8vo. - - - 1857 „ See Tiiiibs (J.), Anecdote Biorfraphy. Ohatterton (Groorgiana, Ladv). Memoirs; with Passages from her Diary. By Edw". H. Bering. 8vo. - - -1878 „ Sketches and Foreign Recollections. 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1841 Chattertox (Thos.). Poems, supposed to have been written by Rowley and others. 8vo. ------ 1799 „ Poetical Works. With Life, by Dr. G. Gregory, and Mis- cellaneous Poems, ed. by R. Southey. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1803 „ „ With an Essay on the " Rowley Poems," by Rev. "W. W. Skeat, and a Memoir, by Edw. Bell. 2 vols., 12mo. 1871 „ A Story of the Year 1770. Bv David :Masson. 8vo. -1874 „ A Biographical Study. By Dr. Daniel Wilson. 8vo. - 1869 CuATTO (Wm. And.). Origin and History of Playing Cards. 8vo. 1848 Chatto(W. A.)audJack.son(J.). Historvof Wood Engraving. 8vo. 1861 Chalxek (Geoffrey). Works and Life. ' Ed. by T. Speght. Folio 1598 Poems. De Consolatione Philosophia (translated). Conclusions of the Astrolabie. Testament of Love. [Story of Thebes. By John Lydgate.] „ Poetical Works. Ed. by Robert Bell. 8 vols., 12mo. 1855-61 1. Life, Canterbury Tales. 2, 3. Canterbury Tales, i. Can- terbury Tales. Court of Love. Assembly of Foules. Cuckow and the Nightingale. Flower and the Leaf. 5. TroyliLS and Cryseyde. 6. Troylus and Cresside. Chaucere's Dreme. Chaucere's ABC. Boke of the Duchesse. Queue Anelyda. House of Fame. 7. Ro- maunt of the Rose. 8. Compleynte of a Lovere's Lyfe. Compleynte of ilars and Venus. Legende of Goode Women, ilinor Poems. „ Minor Poems. Ed. by the Rev. W. W. Skeat. 12mo. 1888 „ Works. See British Poets, Vols. 1-5. ,, „ Thynne on Speght's ed., 1599. See Early Enc/Ush Te.rt >Soc., 5. Boethius. The Astrolabe, E.v. *SVr., 4 & 5. „ The Canterbury Tales. A Xew Text, with Notes. Ed. by Thos. Wright. See Perci/ Soc, 24-26. „ „ ^ee Dri/den (John), TVorks, Yol. 11. „ Roniaunt of the Eose, Troilus and Cresede, and jNIinor Poems. With Life bv Sir H. Nicolas. 3 vo's., 8vo. - 1846 „ England of. By Matthew Browne [Wm. B. Rands]. 8vo.- 1869 „ Life. By Professor A. W. Ward. See Etujlish Men of Letters. „ Life. See Godicin (Jfm.). Chauchard (Capt.). Atlas of Europe. 25 Plates. Folio- - 1800 „ Gazetteer to above Atlas; with St' of Greece, to the Death of Augustus. 3 vols., 4to. 1834 „ Fasti Romani : the Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople, B.C. 14 — a.d. 641. 2 vols., 4to. 1845-50 „ Autobiography and Literary Remains. 12mo. - - - 1854 Clio and Euterpe. Songs and Music. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1762 Clive (Robert, Lord). Life. Bv Sir J. Malcolm. 2 vols., Svo. 1836 „ Life. By Col. G. B. Malleson. 8vo. - - - - 1882 ,, „ By Sir Charles Wilson. See Enrjlish Men of Action. „ „ By Sir Wm. Hunter. See Rulers of India. CLO— OOB 129 Clode (Chas. M.). Military Forces of the Crown, their Adminis- tration and Government. 2 vols., 8vo. - . . 1869 „ The Administration of Justice under Military and Martial Law. 8vo. ------.. 1872 „ Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors. (Privately printed.) 8vo. -------- 1875 Cloncurry (Valentine B. Lawless, 2nd Lord), Personal Recol- lections. 8vo. -------- 1849 Clootz (J. B., Baron de). See Adolphus. Clough (Arthur Hugh). Poems and Prose Remains; with a Memoir. Ed. by his Wife. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1869 Clouston (Wm. Alex.). Popular Tales and Fictions: their Migrations and Transmigrations. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1887 Clowes (Wm. Laird). Black America. The Ex slave and his late Master. 12mo. ------- i89l Clubs of London ; with Anecdotes of their Members. 2 vols., 8vo. 1828 Cluskey (M. W.). Political Text-Book for United States Politicians. 8vo. 1860 Clutterbuck (Robert). History of the County of Hertford. 3 vols., folio ------- 1815-27 Clyde (Cohn Campbell, Lord). Life. By Lieut.-Gen. Shadwell. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1881 „ Life, '^^ex'. Rulers of India. CoAD (John) . Memorandum of God's Providences to, during Mon- mouth's Rebellion and the Revolution [1685-90]. 12mo. 1849 Coates (Rev. Chas.). History of Reading. 4to. - - - 1802 Coats (Capt. W.). The Geography of Hudson's Bay. See Hakluyt Soc, 11. Cobbett (Rev. R. S.). Memorials of Twickenham. 8vo. - - 1872 CoBBETT (William). Bloody Buoy: Warning to the Political Pilots of America. 12mo. ----- [1796-8] „ Cobbett's Corn : Instructions for Cultivating the Plant, and for Preserving the Crop. 12mo. - - - - 1828 „ Commentaries on the Proceedings of the Collective Wisdom of the Nation. 8vo. - - 1822 „ Cottage Economy : Brewing, Baking, Pigs, Poultry, &c. 18th ed. 12mo. - 1867 „ Emigrant's Guide. 12mo. - 1829 „ English Gardener. 8vo. ---.-. 1833 „ Grammar of the English Language. 12mo. - - - 1840 „ History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland. 2 vols., 8vo. ----,. i829 „ History of George IV. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1830-4 „ Legacy to Labourers, or What is the Right which the Lords, Baronets, and 'Squires have to the lands of England ? 24mo. -------.. 1834 „ Legacy to Parsons, or Have the Clergy of the Established Church a Right to anything called Church Property greater than the Dissenters have to the same ? 24mo. - 1835 „ Letters to Lord Hawkesbury and Mr. Addington, on Peace with Buonaparte. 8vo. ---.-. 1802 „ Maitre d 'Anglais, ou Grammaire Raisonne de la Langue Anglaise. 12mo. ------. 1819 „ Manchester Lectures : Reform, Poor Law, &c. 12mo. - 1822 „ Marten's " Law of Nations," Translation of. 8vo. - - 1829 „ Paper against Gold. 8vo. - . - . . 1817 „ Paper Money. See Gouge {TV. 31.). p. 3104. I 130 COB CoBBETT (TVilliam) — cotit'nnied. „ Parliaineiitarv History of England, lOGG-1803. (Continua- tion bv Hansard), 30 vols., Hvo. - - - - 1806-20 „ Peter Porcupine's Works : a Faithful Picture of the Uuited States of America, from 1783-1801. 12 vols., 8vo. - 1801 „ Politicsil Works, Seleition from. With Xotes and Index, bv J. M. and Jas. P. Cobbott. G vols., 8vo. - [1835] „ Rural Rides in Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Sic. [1821-32]. 8vo. 1853 „ The Woodlands. Planting and cultivating Forest Trees and Unilerwoods. 8vo. ------ 1825 „ Tour in Scotland and Four Xorthern Counties of England in 1832. 12mo. ------- 1833 „ Tail's Horse-Hoeing Husbandry. 8vo. - - - - 1822 „ Twelve Sermons. 8vo. ------- 1828 1. — Hypocrisy and Cruelty. 7. — Murder. 2. — Drunkenness. 8. — Gaming. 3. — Bribery. 9. — Public Robliery. 4. — The Rights of the Poor. 10.— The Unnatural Mother. 0. — Unjust Judges. 1 1 . — Forbidding Marriage. 6.- The Sluggard. 12. — Parsons and Tithes. „ Twopennv Trash, or Politics for the Poor. Small 8vo. 1830-2 „ Weekly Political Register. 88 vols., 8vo. - - 1802-35 „ Year's Residence in the United States. Small 8vo. - - 1828 „ Biography of. By E. Smith. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1878 „ Biography of. See Dallinrj {Lord), Rogers {J. E. Th.), and Ji'affon (Bev. J. S.). CoBBETT (Will.) and Howell (T.B.). State Trials. With Jardine's Index. 34 vols., 8vo. ------ 1809-28 COBDEN Club, Works circulated by - - - - - 1866-90 Apjohn (Lewis;. Richard Cobden and the Free Traders. (P). Argyll (Duke of). Essay on the Commercial Principles appli- cable to the Hire of Land. Arnold (^Arthur). Free Trade and Reciprocity. „ Free Trade in Land. ,, Free land. Ashworth (Henry). Recollections of Cobden and the League. Bear (W. E.). An Agricultural Rip Van "Winkle. ,, The Relations between Liindlords and Tenants in England and Scotland. „ The British Farmer and his Competitors. „ Reply to the Duke of Argyll's Essay on the Land Question. Bright (Right Hon. J.). Speeches. Popular edition. Brodrick (Hon. G C). Reform of the English Land System. (P-) „ Engli.sh Lands and English Landlords. Ceylon, Paddy Tax in. (P.) Chevalier (M. Michel). The Anglo-French Commercial Treaty. Reprinted from the Eevuc des Deux Mondes. Cobden (Richard). Speeches of. Ed. by J. Bright and J. E. T. Rogers. „ Political Writings of. „ Essay on the Political Writings of. By Sir Louis Malet. ,, The Three Panics. Cobden Club Essays. Series 1 and 2. On Systems of Land Tenure [1870-2]. „ Series 3. On Ixjcal Goyernment and Taxation [187o]. Farrer (Lord). The Sugar Convention. The Sugar Convention and Bill. B. 16. „ Fair Trade versus Free Trade. (P.) „ Free Trade. B. 17. Fawcett (Professor, M.P.). Free Trade and Protection. COB 131 CoBDEN Club, Works circulated by — continued. Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.). Cottage Gardens and Fruit Farming. B. 16. Green (J. E.). Short History of the English People. Kay (Joseph). Free Trade in Land. Leadam (I. S.). AVhat Protection docs for the Farmer and Labourer. 12mo. 1893. Malet (Sir Louis, G. E). Reciprocity : a Letter addressed to Mr. T. B. Potter, M.P., Chairman of the CoMen Club. ,, National Income and Taxation. Mathi&son (G.). The Sugar Convention from a Confectioner's Standpoint. B. 18. Medley (Geo. W.). England under Free Trade. (P.) ,, Fair Trade Unmasked. Molesworth (W. Nassau). History of England, from 1832 to the Present Time. „ ,, Abridged ed. Mongredien (Aug). History of the Free-Trade Movement in England. (P.) „ Wealth-Creation. (P.). „ Free Trade and English Commerce. ,, The "Western Farmer of America. Montague (F. C). Technical Education : A Summary of the Report of the Royal Commission, with a Pi'eface by Sir Bernhard Samuelson. Paddy Tax in Ceylon. B. 16. Probyn (J. W.). Essays on Local Government and Taxation. ,, Cobden Club Essays. Systems of Land Tenure in various Countries. New ed. Robertson (T.). The Life and Times of John Bright. Salmon (C. S.). Tlie Ceylon Starvation Question. B. 16. „ The Caribbean Confederation : a Plan for the Union of the "West Indian Colonies. Schwabe (Madame Salis). Richard Cobden : Notes sur ses Voyages, Correspondances, et Souvenirs. Stuart (James Montgomery). History of Free Trade in Tuscany. "Wells (Hon. David A.). The Creed of Free Trade. ,, Report on the United States Revenue. ,, Robinson Crusoe's Money. "West Indies, Depression in the : Free Trade the only Remedy. 12mo. (P). "Wise (B. R.). Facts and Fallacies of Modern Protection. „ Industrial Freedom : a Study in Politics. Cobden (Richard). Political Writings. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1867 Vol.1. — England, Ireland, and America. Russia. 1793 and 1853. Vol. 2. — Letter to Henry Ashworth. How "Wars are got up in India. "What next? — and next? The Three Panics. „ New ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1868 Political Writings and Life. Ed. by Sir Louis Malet. 12mo. - - 1879 Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Ed. by John Bright and J. E. Thorokl Rogers. 8vo. - - - 1869 England and Russia. 5th ed. 8vo. .... 1835 Translation of Chevalier on Probable Fall in the Value of Gold. 8vo. -------- 1859 The Three Panics [1847-8] [1851-3] [1859-61]. New ed. 12mo. -------- 1884 Land Question in England. See Ouvrij {Col. H. A.). Memoir, in Lithographic Fac-simile, by Michel Chevalier, with Fac-simile of Handwriting, also Fac-simile of a Letter of Condolence from Napoleon III. Obituary Notices from French Journals, &c. Folio - - - 1865 I 2 132 COB— COK CoBDEN ("Richard) — cnntinued. „ Vovn<;es, C'orrospoiulances, ot SoiivenirH. Ed. par INIadaine S. Schwahe. 8vo. 1879 „ Recollections of Cobdoii and the Corn Law League. By H. Ashworth. 8vo. "[1877] ,, And the Free Traders. Bv Lewis Apjohn. V2mo. - [1882] „ Life. \\\ John :Morlev. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1881 „ Life. By Kiehard GoWing. 12mo. - - - - 1885 „ Essay on Life of. See Rogers (./. E. Th.), Hist. Glean. CoBHAM (Sir John Oldcastle, Lord). Life and Times. By T. Gaspev. 2 vols., 8vo. 18-14 CociiKANic (Ah'x. Baillie). Poems. 8vo. 1811 Cochrane (Alex. Thos., Lord). See Dundonald {Earl of). Cochrane (Capt. John 1).). Pedestrian Journey tlirough Russia and Siberian Tartary, from Cliina, 1820-3. Svo. - - 1824 Cockayne (Rev. T. Oswald) [The Editor]. Leechdom.s, Wort- cunnins:, and Starcraft of England before the Conquest. See Chronicles and Memorials, 35. CoCKBURN (Sir Alex. Jas. E.), Lord Chief Justice. Nationality, or the Law relating to Subjects and Aliens. 8vo. - - 1860 „ Charge to the Grand Jury in Ke Queen v. Nelson and Brand (Jamaica Trials). 8vo. ----- 1867 CoCKBURN (Henry Thos., Lord). Memorials of his Time. 8vo. - 1856 ,, Journal; being a continuation of the Memorials. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1874 ,, Life of Francis, Lord Jeffrey, with a Selection from hi.s Correspondence. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1852 „ Letters to T. F. Kenncdv on the affairs of Scotland, 1818-52. 8vo. ----------- 1874 „ Trials for Sedition in Scotland. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1888 „ Circuit Journeys, 1837-1854. 12mo. .... 1888 Cocker (Edward). Arithmetick. Ed. by John Hawkins. 56th ed. 12mo. - - - ' - - - - - 1767 Cocks (Richard). Diary in Japan, 1615-22. See Hahhtyt Soc., 66, 67. Code (Penal) prepared by Indian Law Commissioners. 8vo. - 1838 Code Napoleon. Edition Stereotype. 4'" Tirage. Svo. - - 1810 Codes, Les Cinq. Small Svo. - - ----- 1825 Codes Fran^ais et Lois Usuelles. Ed. par H. F. Riviere, F. Helie, et Paul Pont. 2 vols., Svo. 1888 Codex DiplomaticusiEvi Saxouici. 6 vols. SeeEng. Hist. Soc. CoDBiNGTON (Admiral Sir Edw.). Life and Correspondence. Ed. by his Daughter, Lady Bourchiei. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1873 CoGGESHALL (Capt. Geo.). History of American Privateers and Letters of Marque. Svo. ------ 1856 CoGOESiiALL (Ralph de). See Ralph. CoGHLAN (T. A.). Progre.ss of New South Wales, 1886-7. Svo. 1887 CouEN (Bernard). Compendium of Finance, and History of the National Debt. Svo. 1822 CoHN (AUiert). Shakespeare in Germany in the 16th and I7th Centuries. 4to. -------- 1865 CoKAYNE (G. E.). Complete Peerage. Vols. 1-3. Svo. - 1887-00 Coke or Cooke (Sir Edward), Chief Justice of King's Bench. Life [1551-1632]. By Humphrey W. Woolrych. Svo. - 1826 „ „ See Lives, Lib. U.K. „ Animadversions on the " Institutes " of. See Prynne {Willuim). Folio 1669 COK— COL 133 Coke (Roger). Detection of the Court and State of England from Jamesl.tothe J^eatliof C^ueen Anne. 4th ed. 3vols.,8vo. 1719 CoLANGE (L.de). Gazetteerof the United States of America. 8vo. [1885] Colbert (Jean Eaptiste), Marquis de Seiguelaj. Lettres, Instruc- tions, et Memoires. Par P. Clement. 7 vols., 8vo. 1861-73 Vol. 1. — Correspondance. Vol. 2. — Finances. Impots. Monnaies. Industrie. Commerce. Vol. 3. — 1. Marines et Galeres. 2. Instructions a Seignelay. Colonies. Vol. 4. — Agriculture. Forets. Routes. Cauaux. Vol. 5. — Fortifications. Sciences. Lettres. Beaux-Arts. Bdtiments. Vol.6. — Justice et Police. Affaires Eeligieuses. Affaires Diverses. Vol. 7. — Lettres Privees. Colbert (Jean Baptiste, Marquis de Torcy). Memoirs. History of the Negotiations from the Treaty of Kyswic to the Peace of Utrecht. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1757 „ Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 67, Q'^. „ Journal Inedit [1709-11]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - -1884 Colchester (Charles Abbot, Lord), Speaker 1802-17. Diary and Correspondence. 3 vols., 8vo. - - . . 1861 Colchester (Eeginald C. E. Abbot, 3rd Lord). History of the Indian Administration of Lord EUenborough. 8vo. - 1874: Cold Yeare 1614 (The). See Misc. Antiq. Any I., 5. CoLDEN (Cadwallader). History of the Eive Indian Nations of Canada. 8vo. -------- 1750 Cole, Davidson, and Gordon, The Great City Frauds of. By S. Laing. 8vo. -------- 1856 Cole (Christian). Memoirs of Affairs of State : Letters from Ministers Abroad from 1697-1708. Folio - - - 1733 Cole (Sir Henry). Fifty Years of Public Work. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1884 Cole (Hen. Hardy). Architecture of Ancient Delhi. Folio - 1872 Cole (Rev. Wm.). Memoirs. See Jesse {J. //.), Etonians, Vol. 1. Colebrooke (Sir Thos. Edw.). Life of the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstoue. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . . igg^ Colebrooke (Henry Thomas). 1765-1837. SeeuMiiller (F.Mau). Colenso (John Wm.), Bishop of Natal. The Pentateuch and Book of Jo.shua Critically Examined. 5 vols., 8vo. 1863-6 „ Ten Weeks in Natal. A Journal of a First Tour of Visitation. 12mo. ------ . 1855 „ Life [1814-83], by the Rev. Sir George Cox. 2 vols., 8vo J 888 CoLERAiNE (Lord). History of Tottenham, v^ee Jiobin?on {Dr. IV.). Coleridge (Hartley). Biographia Borealis ; or, Lives of Dis- tinguished Northerns. 8vo. - - . . . 1833 Andrew Marvell. John Fisher, Bishop of London. Richard Bentley. Rev. William Mason. Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Sir Richard ArlcM'right. James, 7th Earl of Derby. William Roscoe. Lady Anne Clifford. Capt. James Cook. Roger Ascham. William Congreve. Dr. John Fothergill. Coleridge (Herbert). Glossarial Index to the Printed English Literature of the 13th Century. 8vo. - - - - 1859 Coleridge (Sir John T.). Memoir of the Rev. John Keble. 8vo. 1869 Coleridge (Sam. Taylor). Aids to Reflection. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1848 ,, Biographia Literaria ; or, Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions. 8vo. - . - . 1817 „ Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, and Miscellaneous Pieces. 12mo. - 1849 134 COL COLB RIDGE (Sam. Taylor) — continued. „ Constitution of' tlie Church aaJ State. 8vo. - - - 1830 „ Treatise on Metho.l [Introd. to the Encyclopaedia Metro- politana]. 3rJ u.l. 12mo. n. D. „ The Friend : a Series of Essavs. -Ith ed. Ed. by S. B. Watson. 3 vols., 12rao. -' 1844 „ Essavs on his own Times. (2nd Series of " The Friend.") Ed. by Sara Colerido^e. 3 vols., 12mo. - - - 1850 „ Hints towards the Formation of a more Comprehensive Theory of Life. 8vo. - 1848 „ Lay Sermons. The Statesman's Manual, and Blessed are ye that Sow beside still Waters. Ed. by Rev. Derwent Coleridge. 3rd ed. 12mo. - ----- 1852 „ Literary Remains. Ed. bv H. X. Coleridge. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - ■ 1836 „ Notes and Lectures upon Shakespeare and some of the old Poets and Dramatists. 2 vols., 12mo. ... 1849 „ Notes on English Di\-ines. Ed. by Rev. D. Coleridge. 2 vols., 12mo. --------- 1853 „ Notes, Theological, Political, and Miscellaneous. 12mo. - 1853 „ Poeticid and Dramatic Works. 3 vols., 12mo. - - - 1844 Vol. 1. — Juvenile Poems. Sibylline Leaves. Vol. 2. — The Ancient Mariner. Christabel. Miscellaneous Poems. Remorse : a Tragedy. Zapolya, a Christmas Tale : a Dramatic Poem. Vol. 3. — The Piccolomini ; or the First Part of Wallenstein : a Drama. The Death of Wallenstein : a Tragedy. „ Poetical Works. Ed., with Biographical Introduction, by James Dykes CampbeU. 12mo. 1893 „ Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, 1796. See Lyrical Ballads. „ Sibvlline Leaves. (Poems.) 8vo. ----- 1817 „ Table-Talk. Ed. bv H. N. Coleridge. 12mo. - - - 1836 „ Table Talk and Omniana. Ed. by T. Ashe. 12mo. - 1884 ,, Zapolya: a Christmas Tale. 8vo. ----- 1817 „ Letters, Conversations, and Recollections of. [Bv Thos. Allsop.] 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. - - - - " - - 1836 „ Early Recollections of. By J. Cottle. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1837 „ Articles from Magazines on. 8vo. - - - - 1816-51 „ Life. Bv Jas. Gillman. 8vo. - - - - - 1838 „ Life. By H. D. Traill. See English Men of Letters. Coleridge (Mrs. Sara). Phant^smion : a Tale. 12mo. - - 1837 „ Memoir and Letters. Ed. by her Daughter. 2 vols., 8vo. 1873 Coles (Elisha). English Dictionary. 8vo. - - - - 1677 CoLET (John), Dean of St. Paul's and Founder of St. Paul's School. Life [1466-1519]. Bv the Rev. J. H. Lupton. 8vo. ------ 1887 „ Oxford Reformer of 1498. See Seebohm (F.). CoLiGNY (Gaspar de), Admiral. Siege de St. Quentin. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 32. „ Earlier Life. By Dr. E. Bersier. 12mo. - - - 1884 CoLLfe (Charles). La Verite dans le Yin. Comedie. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 4. CoLXETT.\ (Gen. P.). Hi.story of the Kingdom of Naples [1734— 1825]. Trans, bv S. Horner, with a Supplementary Chapter [1825-56]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . - 1858 Collier (Admiral Sir George). France on the Eve of the Great Revolution. Ed. by Charles Teunaut. 8vo. - - 1865 COL 136 Collier (Rev. Jeremy). Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain to 1685. N'ewed., with Life and Controversal Tracts of the Period. Ed. by Francis Burham. 9 vols., 8vo. 1840-1 „ Essays on Moral Subjects. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1697-1749 „ On the Immorality of the English Stage. 8vo. - - 1698 Collier (John) ["Tim Bobbin"]. Works in the Lancashire Dialect. With Life, liy Richard Townley. 12ino. - 1818 ,, Biographical I^otices of. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 57. Collier (John Payne). Bibliographical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1865 „ Criticisms on the Bar. 12ino. - - - - - 1819 ,, History of Early English Dramatic Poetry : and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1831 „ „ New ed. 3 vols., small 4to. ----- 1879 ,, Poetical Decameron, or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry. 2 vols., small 8vo. - - - - 1820 ,, Xotes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from Early MS. Collections. 8vo. . - - - 1852 „ Notes on the Life of, with a List of his Works. By H. B. Wheatley. 12mo. ------- 1884 Collier (The Hon. Margaret, Mdme. Gralletti di Cadilhac). Our Home in the Adriatic. 8vo. - - - - . 1888 CoLLiGNON (Leon Maxime). Manual d'Archeologie Grecque. 8vo. ---.-.--.. [1882] CoLLiNGWooD (Cuthbert). Rambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea [1866-7]. 8vo. - - 1868 CoLLiNGwooD (Cuthbert, Vice- Admiral Lord). Life and Corre- spondence. By Gr. L. N. Colhngwood. 8vo. - - 1829 Collins [the Publisher]. International Atlas. 130 Maps. Folio 1881 Collins (Arthur). Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle. Folio - 1752 „ Lives of Edward the Black Prince and John of Graunt. 8vo. 1740 „ Peerage of England, continued by Sir E. Brydges 9 vols., 8vo. -----..--- 1812 „ Proceedings, Precedents &c., on Claims concerning Baronies by Writ and other Honours. Folio - - - - 1784 „ Sydney State Papers, from the Originals at Penshurst (Mary to Cromwell) 2 vols., folio - - - -1746 Collins (Clifton W.). Plato. Sophocles. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. „ Saint Simon. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. Collins (John). Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs. 8vo. - - 1823 Collins (John Churton). Boliugbroke : a Historical Study, and Voltaire in England. 8vo. - - - - 1886 Collins (Mortimer), his Letters and his Friendships; with Life. Ed. by Frances Collins. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1877 Collins (Wilkie). Novels. 25 vols., 12mo. - - . - 1887 Antonina. Heart and >Scieiice. Armadale. Hide and Seek. ■ Basil. " I say No." Black Robe. Jezebel's Daughter. Dead Secret. Law and the Lady. Evil Genius. Little Novels. Fallen Leaves. Man and Wife. Frozen Deep. Dream Woman. Miss or Mrs. Blow up with John Jago's Ghost. the Brig. Fatal Cradle. Haunted Hotel. My Lady's Moonstone. Money. My Miscellanies. 136 COL Collins (Wilkie). Novels — continued. New Magiliileu. Queen of Hearts. No Namo. Two Destinies. Poor Misis Finoh. Woman in White. Collins (William). Poetical Works. See British rods, Vol. 11. Collins (Rev. Win. Lucas). Aristophanes. Cicero. Homer. Lucian. Plautus. Terence. Thiicydides. Virgil. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. „ La Fontaine. See Blackicood's Foreir/n Classics. CoLLiNSON (Rev. John). Historv ami Antiquities of Somerset- shire. 3 vols., -Ito. - ' 1791 „ Life of Thuanus [James Aug. de Thou]. 8vo. - - 1807 CoLMAN (George), the Eider. Dramatic AVorks. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1777 Vol. 1. — Jealous Wife. Clandestine Marriage. Vol. 2. — English Merchant. Man of Business. Man and Wife, or Shakespeare Jubilee. Vol. 3. — (Altered Plays.) Philaster. King Lear. Epiccene. Vol. 4. — Polly Honeycomb. Musical Lady. Deuce is in him. Oxonian in Town. Portrait. Fairy Prince. Spleen, or Islington Spa. New Brooms. ,, Plavs. See Bell and Caicthorn. „ Prose and Verse on several Occasions. 3 vols., small 8vo. - 1787 „ Comedies of Terence in Blank Verse. 8vo. - - - 1810 CoLMAN (Geo.), the Younger [Pseudonym, " Arthur Griffiuhoof "]. " Broad Grins," c^c. Tales in Verse. 8th ed. 12mo. - 1839 „ Dramatic Works. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Made u[) from Mrs. Inchbald's Collection of Plays.] 12nio. - N. D. Mountaineers. L-on Chest. Poor Gentleman. Heirsit-Law. John Bull. Inkle and Yarico. Surrender of Calais. Battle of Hexham. CoLMAN Family, Memoirs of the. By K. B. Peake. 2 vols., 8vo. 1841 CoLOMB (Rear-Admind Philip H.). Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean. 8vo. 1873 Colon (Christoforo). See Columbus. Colonial Institute (Royal). Proceedings. Vols. 7-24. 8vo. 1876-93 Colonial Magazine and Ea.st India Review (The). Vols. 16-25. 9 vols., Svo. -------- 1819-53 Colonial Othce List (fo«f/««rr/). 8vo. - . - \SG\ ct seq. Colonial Policy for India. [By Major Gavin Young.] 8vo. - 1822 Colonial Questions, Conference on, July 19-21, 1871. 12mo. - 1872 CoLQUHOUN (Archibald R.). Across Chryse : Exploration through South China Border Lands. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - 1883 „ Amongst the Shans. 8vo. ...--- 1885 CoLQUHOUN (Dr. Patrick). The Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire. 4to. . . - _ . 1814 CoLTON (Rev. Caleb C). Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words. 17th ed. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1822-3 „ Remarks ou Lord Bvron, and the Conflagration of Moscow : a Poem. [ J/'/7//"" Lacon."] 4th cd. 8vo. - - -1822 CnHMHA (Saint). Life. See Scotland, Historians of. Columbus (Christopher) [Colombo, Italian; Colon or Colomo, Spanish], Select Letters of. With Original Documents relating to the Discovery of the New World. Trans. and ed. by R. H. Major. See Hahluyt Soc, 2. ,, ,, 2nd ed., with other Documents. Sco ffaklui/t Soc.,A3. „ Vita di, descritta da Ferdinando, suo Figlio. 8vo. - - 1867 COL— COM 137 Columbus (Christopher) — continued. „ Journal of his First Voyage, 1492-3. See Hakluyt Soc, 86. „ Works relating to. See British Museum Catalo;/ue. „ Life. By his son Ferdinand. See Pinkerton, Vol. 12. „ Life. By Arthur Helps. 12ino. 1869 „ Life and Voyages, and Discoveries «)1 his Companions. See Irving ( JVashinyton), Works, Vols. 6, 7. „ And the Discovery of the N'ew World. By the Marquis de Belloy. 4to. 1878 „ Discovery of Saint Domingo. See St. Domingo. „ Vision of : a Poem. By Joel Barlow - . . . 1787 COLUTHUS. Rape of Helen. Trans, by Fawkes, also by Meen. See British Poets, Vol. 88. CoLviN (Sidney). Life of John Keats. See English Men of Letters. Combe (Dr. Andrew). Physiology of Digestion. 8vo. - - 1836 „ Physiology applied to Health and Education. 8vo. - - 1837 Combe (Geo.). Moral Philosophy. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - . 1841 CoMBK (William). Poems. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - jj. u. Tour of Dr. Syntax, in Search of the Picturesque. 8th ed. Second Tour, in Search of Consolation. The Third Tour, in Search of a Wife. „ „ See Achermann (R.), Poetical Magazine. „ Dr. Syntax in London : a Poem. Illustrations by Row- landson. 8vo. ---..... 1820 „ History of Westminster Abbey. See Achermann (R.). „ History of Cambridge. See Achermann (R.). „ Life of Col. Hange [Baron Colerainel. See Hanqer {Col. Geo). Combe (W.) and Pyne (W. H.). Microcosm of London. See Achermann (R.)- Combermere (Sir Stapleton Cotton, Field-Marshal Viscount). Memoirs and Correspondence. By Viscountess Comber- mere and Capt. W. W. Knollys. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1806 CoMBRUNE (Mich.). Inquiry into the "Prices of Wheat. Folio - 17G8 COMICORUM Gra5corum Fnigmenta, Gr. Lat. coUegit et disposuit Aug. Meinke. 5 vols, in 7, 8vo. - - - . 1839-57 Vol. 1. — Historia Critica. Vol. 2. — Fragmenta Poetarum Comoedise Antiquge. Part 1. — Index Poetarum. Susario. Chionides. Magnes. Ecphantides. Cratinus. Crates. Pherecrates. Teleclides. Hermippus. Myrtilus. Philonides. Eupolis. Phrynichus'. Part 2. — Plato. Aristonymus. Amipsias. Archippus. Aristomenes. Callias. Hegemon. Lysippus. Leuco. Metagenes. Aristagoras. Strattis. Theopompus. Alcaeus'. Canthaxus. Diodes. Nicochares. Nicophon. Eunicus. Philyllius. Polyzelus. Sannyrio. Demetrius. Apollo- phanes. Cephisodorus. Epilycus, Euthjcles. Autocles. Aristophanes. Vol. 3. — Fragmenta Poetarum Comoedise Mediae. Antiphanes. Anaxandrides. Eubulus. Araros. Nico- stratus. Philetserus. Amphis. Ephippus. Anaxilas. Aristophon. Epicrates. Cratinus junior. Ophelio. Alexis'. Antidotus. Axionicus. Callicrates. Epigenes. Dromo! Diodorus. Dionysius. Eriphus. Eubulides. Heniochus'. Heraclides. Heraclitus. Mnesimachus. Philiscus. Sophilus'. Sotades. Timotheus. Timocles. Xenarchus. Theophilus.' Vol. 4. — Comcediae Novse Poetse. Philemo. Philemo minor. Menander. Diphilus. Hipparchus. Lynceus. Archedicus. Appollodorus Gelous! 138 COM CoMicoBUM Graecorum Fragmeata — continued. Vol. 4 — coil tin tied. : Apollotlorus Carystius. Anaxippus. Philippidcs. Hego- sippus. Susipater. Euphro. Macho. l?ato. Epinious. Euiloxus. rhaMiieiiks. Pcsiilippus. Danioxonus. Ciito. Demetrius. Dioxippus. Stepbanus. Strato. Thooguetus. Incerta? ajtati.** roetie. Alexander. Athenio. Calippus. Charicliilcs. Clearchus. Croliylus. Dcmonicus. Dexicrates. Euangelus I«io. Naiisicrates. Nico. Kicolaus. Niconiachus. Philo- stephauus. Polioehus. Sosicrates. Thiigeuiiles. Tiuio- .stratus. Xeno. Anouymorum Comicorum Pragmeuta, Index. Vol. 5. — Parts 1 and 2. Addenda. Coniicae Dictionis Index. C\».MiMis or Cominines (Philii)po do), Mi-moirs of. Traus., with llt'iiKirk.s by Mr. Uvedale. 2 vols, 8vo. . _ . 1712 Historj- of Louis XI. and Charles VIII. of France, and of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. As also the His- tory of Edward IV. and Ilein-y VII. of England. With several Original Treaties, Notes, and Observations. Also the Secret History of Louis XL, out of " The Scandalous Chronicle " ; and the Life of the Author, -vrith Notes, by John Sleidan. „ „ Memoires. Sac I'etitot, Ser. 1, Vols. 11-13. CoMiNGES (Gaston J. B., Comte de), Ambassador at the Court of Charles II. By J. J. Jusseraud. 8vo. - - - 1892 Common Prayer, Book of. See Book. Commons, House of, Debates 1010. See Camden S'oc., 81. „ Debates in 1620-1. [Bv Thos. Tyrwhitt.] 2 vols., 8vo. - 170(5 „ Debates in 1025. See Camden Soc., (N.S.). „ Faitliful Register of Debates in Four Parliaments, 1080-5. Conference Del)ate in 1088, &c. 12mo. - - - 1095 „ Journals. Vols. 1-109 [1517-1854]. 109 vols., folio 1803-5-i „ „ Vol. 140. Folio 1885 „ „ Index [1547-1837]. 7 vols., folio - - 1803-39 „ Biographical Index of the Commons, Feb. 1808. Bv Josh. Wilson. 12mo. "- - 1808 „ Rules, Customs, and Procedure. By C. Bradlaugh. 12mo. 1889 „ See Parliament. Commonwealth Statutes. Scobell's Collection of Acts and Ordi- nances. Folio -------- 1058 CoMPiJ^GNE (Marq. de). L'Afrique Equatoriale. 12nio. - - 1875 Comte (Auguste). Traite Philosophique d' Astronomic Populaire. 8vo. ---------- 1844 „ Systemo de Politique Positive. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1851-4 „ Appel aux Conservateurs. 8vo. ----- 1855 „ Synthe.se Subjective. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo. - - 1856 „ Cours de Philo.sophie Positive. vols., 8vo. - - - 1804 „ Lettres a A. M. Valat, 1815-44. 8vo. - - - - 1870 „ Catechisnie Positivistc. 0th ed. 12mo. - - - - 1874 „ Cours de Philosophic Positive. Nouvelle ed. vols., 8vo. 1877 „ Lettres a John Stuart Mill, 1841-40. 8vo. - - - 1877 „ Testament, avec les Documents qui s'y rapportent. 8vo. - 1884 Pieces justicatives — Priorcs quotidicnncs — Confessions Annuelles — Correspomlance avec Madanu' de Vaux. „ Comte etsa Philosophic Positive. Par E. Littre. 8vo. - 1864 „ A General View of Positivism. Trans, by J. H. Bridges. 2ud ed. 8vo. -------- 1880 COM— CON 139 CoMTE (Auguste)^ — continued. „ Catechism of Positive Religion. Trans, by Richard Con- greve. 12mo. -------- 1883 „ Life and Work. See Positlvist Publications. „ Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. By Gr. H. Lewes. 12mo. 1853 „ Comte antl Positivism. See Mill {J. S.). Concilia, Decreta, Leges, Constitutiones, in lie Ecclesiarum Orbis Britannici. Ed. by Sir Henry Spelmau. 2 vols., folio - 1639 Concilia Maguaj Britannicte et Hibernite. a.d. 446-1717. Ed. by Rev. D. Wilkins. 4 vols., folio - - - - 1737 Condamine (Charles M. de la). Voyage dans ITuterieur de I'Amerique Meridionale. 8vo. ----- 1778 „ Travels through the Interior of South America, 1743. See Pinkerton, Vol. 14. Cond6, Princes de, pendant les 16^ et 17® Siecles. Par le Due d'Aumale. 6 vols., and Atlas. 8vo. - - - 1863-92 „ History of, in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Trans, by R. B. Borthwick. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1872 CoNDER (Major Claude R.). Tent Work in Palestine. 2 vols., 8vo. 1878 CoNDER (Major Claude R.) and Kitchener (Lieut. H. H.). Survey of Western Palestine. 3 vols., 4to. - - 1881-3 CoNDER (Josiah). View of all Religions Extant. 8vo. - - 1838 CoNDiLLAC (E. B. de). (Euvres. Revues, Corrigees par I'Auteur. 23 vols., 8vo. 1798 1. — Origins des Connaissances 6. — Art de Penser. Humaines. 7. — Art d'Ecrire. 2. — Traite des Systemes. 8. — Art de Kaisonner. 3. — Traite des Sensations. 9-14. — Histoire Aneienne. 4. — Le Commerce et le Gou 15-20. — Hi.stoire Moderne. vernement. 21. — Etude d'Histoire. 5. — Cours d'^tudes pour ITn- 22. — Logiquc. struction du Prince de 23. — Langue des Calculs. Parme. La Grammaire. CoNDORCET (M. J. A. N". de Baritat, Marquis de). Tableau Historique du Progres de I'Esprit Humain. 8vo. - 1794-5 „ Life. See Adolphus. Coney (John). Continental Architecture, in a Series of Views with Historical Illustrations. Folio - - - [1835] Confucius. See Sacred Books of the East. CoNGLETON (Right Hon. Hen. Brooke Parnell, Lord) . Financial Reform. 12mo. ------- 1832 Congregational Year-Book {continued) - - . 1883 et seq. CoNGREVE (Richard). The West. Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. Essays. See Positivist Publications. CoNGREVE (William) [1670-1729]. Dramatic and Poetical Works. 3 vols., 8vo. - - . 1710 Vol. 1. — Old Batchelor. Double Dealer. Love for Love. Vol. 2. — Mourning Bride. Way of the "World. Judgment of Paris. Semele. Vol. 3. — Poems. „ Dramatic Works. With Life. Ed. by Leigh Hunt. 8vo. 1840 „ Plays. See Bell and Caiothorn. „ Essay on Humour in Comedy. See Brown {Tom), Vol. 4. „ Life. See Coleridge {H.). CoNiNGTON (Prof. John). Miscellaneous Writings. Ed. by J. A. Symonds, with Memoir by H. J. S. Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. 1872 Vol. 1. — Memoir. Essays. Vol. 2. — Virgil, translated into English Prose. „ Poetry of Pope. See Oxford Essays^ 1858. ^„ 140 CON— COO Connecticut, U.S., Laws uf the State of. Folio - - - 1784 CoNNEMAUA (Kolicrt Buurke, 1st Lurd). Parliamentary Prece- dents : being DecLsious of the llight lion. Chas. Shaw- Lefevre, Speaker of the House of Oomnious. 8vo. - 1857 Connoisseur (The). By Geo. Cohnau and Bonnell Thornton. See British Essayists, Vols. 30-2. CoNOLLY (Lieut. Arthur). Journey to the North of India, Over- land. 2 vols., 8vo. 183-i CoNOLLT (Dr. John), Memoir of. By Sir Jas. Clark. 12mo. - 1869 CoNKART (Valentin), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. -18. Conservatives, Purtraits of. With Memoirs. 2 vols., folio [1837] Constable (Arehil)ald) [Scottish Publisher] and his Literary Correspondents. A Memorial, by his Son, Thos. Con- stable. 3 vols., 8vo. 1783 Constable (Henry). Spirituall Sonnettes. See Heliconia,\o\.2. Constable (H. S.). Our Medicine-Men. 8vo. - - - 1876 „ Fashions in Medicine and Science. 8vo. - - - - 1879 Constable (John), E. A. Life. By C. R. Leslie. Small 4to. - 1845 Constabulary. Report of Commissioners. 8vo. - . - 1839 Constant de Rebecque (Benjamin). De la Religion consideree dans sa Source. 5 vols., 8vo. .... 1824-31 Constantine I., Emperor of Rome. Life. See Euscbii(s Fam- philiis. Contarini (x^mbrogio). Travels to Tana and Persia. See Hakluyt Soc, 49. Contemporary Biography, Dictionary of. 8vo. - - 1861 Contemporary Review (con^/»»er/). Vol. 16 6^*^^. 8vo. 1871 t^^cg-. CoNTOPOULos (N.). Modern Greek Lexicon. Eng.-Greek and Greek-Eug. 8vo. 1882 CoNVERSATiONS-Lexicon, Allgemeine deutsche Real Encyclopadie fur die gebildeten Stiinde. 12th ed. 15 vols., 8vo. 1875-9 Conway (Field-Marshal the Right Hon. Hen. Seymour). Memoirs. See Jesse {J. II.), Etonians, Vol. 2. Conway (Moncure D.). Republican Superstitions, as Illustrated in the Political History of America. Small 8vo. - - 1872 „ Travels in South Kensington, with Notes on Decorative Art. Royal 8vo. 1882 „ Emerson at Home and Abroad. 8vo. .... 1883 Conway (Prof. "\V. Martin). Early Flemish Artists and their Predecessors on the Lower Rhine. 8vo. - - - 1891 „ Climbers' Guide to the Eastern Pennine Alps. 16mo. - 1891 Cook (Edward T.). Handbook to the National Gallery. 12mo. - 1888 Cook (James). Bibliography of Charles Dickens. 8vo. - - 1879 Cook (Capt. James) [1728-1779]. Voyages. 8 vols., 4to. ; with Atlas, folio 1773-84 Voyages of Discovery in the Southern Hemisphere, by Commo- dore Byron and Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. Hy Dr. John Hawkosworth. 3 vols. Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, in the years 1772-5. Ey Capt. James Cook ; including Captain Furneauxs Narrative. 2 vols. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, to detirniino the Position of the West Side of North America, and the practicaliility of a Northern I'assagc to Europe. 15y Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, 1776-80. 3 vols. „ Journal of his First Voyage round the World in the "Endeavour," 17(58-71. Ed. by Capt. W. J. L. Whartuii. 4to. ------- 1893 „ Life. See Coleridge (i/). coo 141 Cook (Capt. James) — continued. „ Abstract of his Voyages. See Plnherton, Vol. 11. „ Life. By Walter Besant. See Euf/lish 3Ien of Acfion. Cooke (C. W. K..). Four Years in Parliament with Hard Labour. 2nd ed. 12mo. 1890 Cooke (Edward and George). Views of London and its Vicinity. Folio 182(5-34 Cooke (Greo. Wingrove). History of Party, from Charles II. to the Keform Bill. 3 vols., 8vo. 183G „ Life of Lord Bolingliroke. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1836 „ Life of 1st Earl of Shafteslniry. Bv B. Martvn and A. Kippis. Ed. by G-. W. Cooke. 2'vols., 8vo. ' - - 183G „ China; the "Times" Special Correspondence in, 1857-8. 12mo. 1858 Cooke (John). Green's " Tu Quoque," or the Cittie Gallant [1614]. See Bodslei/, Old Plays, Vol. 7. Cooke (John E.). Virginia. See American Covimonivealths. Cooke (Prof Josiah P.). The New Chemistry. See Inter- national Scientijic Series, Vol. 9. Cooke (Dr. Mordecai C.). Fungi: their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c. See International Scientific Series, 14. „ Fresh Water AlgEB. i^ee I?/terfiatio7ial Scienti/ic Series, 69. „ Seven Sisters of Sleep. Popular History of the Seven Prevailing Narcotics of the World. Small 8vo. - - n. d. Cooke (Thomas). Trans, of Hesiod. See British Poets, Vol. 88. Cooke (Kev. Dr. Wm.), Dean of Ely. Memoirs. See Jesse (J. If.), Etonians, Vol. 1. Cooke (Wm. B.). Views of the Thames. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1811 Cooke (Wm. F.). The Electric Telegraph. Was it Invented by Chas. Wheatstoue ? 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1857 Cooke (William Henry). Continuation of Duncumb's History of Hereford. 4to. 1882 ,, Collections in continuation of Duncumb's Hereford. 4to. 1886-92 CoOKSEY (Rich.). Essays on Lives of Lords Somers and Hard- wicke. With Letter on Lord Hardwicke, by Jer. Bentham. 4to. ---.--■.. 1791 CoOKSON (C. A.). Essay. See International Policy. CoOLEY (Prof. Thomas M.). Principles of Constitutional Law in the LTnited States of America. 12mo. - - - _ 1880 „ Constitutional Limitations on the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union. 8vo. - - . . 1883 „ Railways of America, Ijy various Writers. Imp. 8vo. - 1890 „ Michigan. See American Commonwealths. Cooper (Ant. Ashley). See Shaftesbury {Earl of). Cooper (Sir Astley). Life. By B. B. Cooper. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1813 Cooper (Chas. A.). Seeking the Sun: an Egyptian Holiday. 8vo. 1892 Cooper (Chas. H.) and Cooper (Thompson). AthenjB Canta- brigienses [1500-1609]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1858-61 Cooper (Chas. Purton) . Account of the Public Records of Great Britain. 2 vols., 8vo. 1832 „ Observations on Calendar of Chancery Proceedings, ed. by John Bayley ; and on Parliamentary Writs, ed. by Sir Eras. Palgrave. 8vo. ' - 1832 „ Remarks on Reply of Sir F. Palgrave to Mr. Cooper's Statements as to Editor of Rolls of Parliament. 8vo. - 1832 142 COO— COP Cooper (Chas. Purtnn) — continued. „ Ktfutatioii (tF " C^uartt'ily licvicw " Caluinnit's ap^ainst Lord Broufjhain and Mr. James Brougham. 8vo. - 183.'?-'l „ Lincoln's Inn. Burials in the Cloisters, Preachers, Lec- tiuvrs, &c. See Mel moth (JFrn.). Cooper (Mi.'is Eli/..). Life of Ladv Arabella Stuart. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1S66 „ Life of Thos. Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1874 Cooper (James Feniinore). Notions of the Americans. By a Travellinsr Bachelor. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1828 „ Excursions in Italy. 8vo. -..--- 1838 „ History of the Navv of the United States of America. 2 vols., 8vo. - ■ 1839 „ Novels. 29 vols., 12mo. 1888-90 Indian Tides : Sea Stories — cojif. ■\Vyandotto. Tlie Water Witch. Wept of the Wish-ton- Alloat and Ashore, wish. Miles Wallingford. Oak Openings. Homeward Bound. Leather-stocking Series : Jack Tier. The Deerslayer. Littlepagc Manuscripts : Last of the Mohicans. Satanstoe. The Pathfinder. The Chainbearer. The Pioneers. The Red Skins. Prairie. Miscellaneous Novels : Sea Stories : The Headsman. Mark's Reef; or, The The Heidcnmauer. Crater. Mercedes of Castille. The Sea Lions. The Bravo. The Two Admirals. Precaution. The Pilot. The Monikens. The Red Rover. Lionel Lincoln. Cooper (John Gilbert). See British Poets, Vol. 72. Cooper (Jos.). The Lost Continent ; or. Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa. 8vo. .-..-- 1875 Cooper (Thoma.s), Bishop of Winchester. On the Private Mass [15G2]. See Parker Soc. „ Lanquet's Chronicles, Finished and Continued. 4to. - 1565 Cooper (Thomas). The Puru;atory of Suicides. 12mo. - - 1845 „ Thoughts at Fourscore. 12mo. 1885 Cooper (Thomi)son). Biographical Dictionary. 8vo. - - 1883 „ See Cooj)cr ( Chas. H.) and Cooper ( Thoinpsoa) ; also Men of the Time. Cooper (Thos. Thorn ville). The Mishmee Hills: an Attempt to Penetiate Thibet from As.sam. 8vo. - - - 1873 Cooper (William Durrant). Parliamentary History of Sussex, its Boroughs and Cinque Ports. 4to. - - - - 1834 „ Glos.sary of Sus.'^ex Provincialisms. 8vo. - - - - 1836 „ Ralph lioister Doister, l)y Nich. Ll^dall ; and Gorboduc, by Thos. Nf)rton and T. Sack ville. 8vo. - - - - 1847 „ Cade's Rebellion. See Orridge and Cooper. „ Account of. See Campkin (H.). „ See Camden Soc. Cooper (Wm. Ricketts). Archaic Dictionary, from Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Sources. 8vo. ... 1876 CoOTE (Hen. C). A Neglected Fact in English History. [Romans in ]3ritain.] 8vo. . - - - . 1864 Cope (Rev. Sir Wm. H.). Historv of the Rifle Brigade [late 95th]. 8vo. - - ' 1877 COP— COR US CoPLESTON (Edward), Bishop of Llandaff. Private Correspond- ence with the Earl of Dudley. 8vo. - - - - 1841 CoPLESTONE (Rev. Reg. S.)- ^schylus. See BlackwootVs Ancient Classics. Copley (Anthony). A Fig for Fortune. See Spenser Soc, 35. Copley (John Singleton). See Lyndhurst {Lord). Copley (John Singleton), R.A. Life, and Works. By A. T. Perkins. -Ito. -----... 1873 Copping (Edw.). Lives of Alfieri and Goldoni. 8vo. - - 1857 CoppiNGER (Dr. Rich W.) . Cruise of the " Alert " in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene "Waters, 1878-82. 8vo. - 1883 Copyright. See Lois Frangnises et Etrangeres. CoRBETT (Julian). Geo. Monk. See English Men of Action. „ Sir Francis Drake. See English Men of Action. CoRFiELD (Dr. Wm. H.). Dwelling Houses, their Sanitary Con- struction and Arrangements. 2nd ed. 12uio. - - 1885 Cork (Sir Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of). Diaries [1619-43] and Correspondence. 10 vols., 4to. See Lismore Papers. Cork and Orrery (John Boyle, 5th Earl of). Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dean Swiit. 5th ed. 12mo. - 1757 Corn Laws, Report and Evidence on the. 8vo. - - - -1814 Cornaro (Lewis). Discourses on a Temperate Life. 8vo. - - 1859 „ Sure Methods of Attaining a Long Life, 1737. (Reprint.) See Carltjon. Corneille (Pierre), Theatre de; avec des Commentaires. Ed. par Voltaire. 12 vols., 8vo. ----- i7G5 1. — Medee. Le Cid. 2. — Horace. Ciniia. Jules Cesar (Tragedie de Shakespeare). 3. — Polyeucte. Pompee. Le Menteur. 4. — La Suite du Menteur. Theodore. Rodoguue. 5. — Tout est Verite et tout Mensonge. Heraclius. Don Sanche d'Aragon. 6. — Andromede. Nicomede. Pertharite. 7. — ffidipe. La Toison d'Or. Sertorius. 8. — Sophonisbe. Othon. Agesilas. 9. — Attila. Berenice (Tragedie de Racine). Tite et P>erenice. Pulcherie. 10.— Surena. Ariane (Tragedie de Thos. Corneille). Le Comte d'Essex (Tragedie de Thos. Corneille). Melite. IL — Clitandre. La Veuve. La Galerie du Palais. La Suivante. 12. — La Place Royale. LTllusion. Trois Discours. Vie. „ Et son Temps: Etude Litteraire. Par F. P. G. Guizot. 8vo. 1852 Corneille (P.) and Racine (J.). See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. Cornelius Nepos. Vitte Excellentium Imperatorum, ex Editione J. Fr. Fischeri. 8vo. ------ 1822 Cobney (Bolton). N'ew Curiosities of Literature; or, D' Israeli Illustrated. 12mo. ------ [18381 Cornhill Magazine (continued). Vol. 1 et seq. 8vo. 18G0 et sea. "Cornwall (Barry)" [Pseudonym]. See Procter (B. JK). CoBNWALLis (Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess). Answer to the Narrativeof Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry Clinton [1781]. 8vo. 1783 „ Correspondence. Ed. by Chas. Ross. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1859 „ Life. By W. Seton-Karr. See Rulers of India. „ Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians. Cornwallis (Frederick), Archbishop of Canterbury. Memoirs. See Jesse {J. H.), Etonians. Corporation and Test Acts, Debates on Repeal of. 8vo. - - 1829 144 COR— COU Corpus Christi Collefre, Oxford. List of Members. See Oxford Ilistoricdl Siic, 25. CoRSEB (Rev. Thos.). Collectanea Anglo-Poetica : a Cataloo:ue of Earlv En^'lish Poetrv. See Ch(tha?n Soc, Vols. 52, 55, 71, '77, 91, 101, 102, 106, 108, 110, 111. Cortes or Cortez (Hernamlo or FiTiumdez). Fifth Lt-tter to Charles V. : Account of his Expedition to Honduras in 1525-6. See Hakluyt Soc, 40. „ Life. By Sir A. Helps. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1871 Cory (Isaac P.). Metaphysical Inquiry into Ancient and Modern Philosophy. Mythological Inquiry into the Theology of the Heathens. Chronological Inquiry into the Ancient History of Egypt. 3 vols, in 1, 12mo.'- - - 1833-7 CoRTAT (Thomas). Crudities hastily Gobled L"p (1611). Travels in Europe. Letters from India. Orations. 3 vols., 8vo. 1776 Costumes Historiques. Par Mercuri, Bonnard, Blanc, Chevignard, and others. 5 vols, 4to. 1860-7 Costumes. See Dresses of Different Nations . CoTGRAVE (Randle). French and English Dictionary. With Supplements, by Jas. Howell. Folio - - - - 1673 CoTMAN (John Sell). Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. With Descriptive Notices by Dawson Turner. 2 vols., folio -----' 1822 CoTTEBiLL (C. F.). Examination of the Doctrines of Value. 8vo. 1831 Cottle (Joseph). Early Recollections of S. T. Coleridge. 2 vols., 8vo. 1837 „ Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge and R. Southey. 12mo. 1847 Cotton (Mrs. A.). Troubles in Virginia, 1835. See Force, Vol. 1. Cotton (Lieut. -Col. Sir Arthur). Public Works in India; with Suggestions for their Extension and Improvement. 8vo. 1854 Cotton (Barthol. de). Historia Anglicana, 449-1298. See Chronicles, 16. Cotton (Chas.). Poetical Works. 8vo. 1715 1. Scarronides ; or, Virgil Tr.ive.stie. 2. Lucian Burlesqued ; or, The Scoffer Scoft. 3. The Wonders of the Peake. 4. The Planter's Manual. „ How to Angle for Trout in a Clear Stream, See Walton (/.) and Cotton (C). „ Poems. See British Poets, Vol. 72. Cotton (Jas. S.). India. See English Citizen Series. Cotton (Wm.). An Elizabethan Guild of the City of Exeter. Small 4to. '- . . 1873 CoTTONi.AN Manuscripts, British Museum, Catalogue of MS. in. Folio 1802 " Country Gentleman." Lights and Shadows of Whigs and Tories. 8vo. 1841 County Councils, Law of. See Bazalgette and Humphreys. County Councillor'.s Guide. Ed. l>y H. Hobhouse and E. L. Fanshawe. 8vo. 1888 County Families of the United Kingdom. See JValford and Bitrke, Landed Gentry. County Meetings, 1820-1, Speeches at. 8vo. .... 1822 COU— cow 145 Courier (Paul Louis). Q^uvres Completes. Ed. par A. Carrel. Imp. 8vo. - - - - 1885 Vie. Lettres au " Censeur," 1819-20, &c. Proces de P. L. Courier. Essais. La Luciade. Daphnis et Chloe. Lettre.s ecrites de France et d'ltalie. Proces Memoires. Pamphlets Litteraires. Court of England, Records of, for the last 70 years. 8vo. - 1832 CouRTENAY (Rt. Hon. Tlios. P.). Life of Sir W. Temi^le. 2 vols., 8vo. ..--..-- 1836 CouRTENAY (Sir William), «//«* John Nichols Tom. Life. 8vo. 1838 CouRTHOPE (William). Synopsis of the Extinct Baronetage of England. Small 8vo. - - - - - - - 1835 „ Historic Peerage of England [New Ed. of Nicolas]. 8vo. 1857 CouRTHOPE (Wm. John). The Liberal Movement in English Literature. 12mo. -----.. 1885 „ Addison. See English Men of Letters. „ Life of Alex. Pope. See Pope's TVorks, Vol. 5. Courtney (Wm. Leonard). Epicurus. See Hellenica. „ Constructive Ethics. 8vo. 1886 „ Studies, New and Old. 12mo. ----- 1888 Courtney (Wm. Prideaux). The Parliamentary Representation of Cornwall to 1832. Imp. 8vo. - - . . . 1889 Courtney (Wm. Prideaux) andBoase (Gr. C). Bibliotheca Cornu- biensis. 3 vols., 4to. - 1874-82 Cousin (Victor). Cours de Philosophic Moderne. 8vo. - - 1841 „ Cours de I'Histoire de Philosophic Morale au XVIII'' Siecle. 3 vols., 8vo. .----... 1841 „ Lemons sur la Philosophic de Kant. 8vo. - - - 1842 „ Fragments Philosophiques. 3rd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1838 ,, Cours de la Philosophic. 8vo. - - - . . 1836 ,, Vie. See Francais {Les Grands Ecrivains) . CouvRAY (L. de). Aventures de Faublas. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1842 Coventry Miracle Plays. See Shakespeare Soc. Coventry (Geo.). Lord Sackville the Author of Junius's Letters. 8vo. ---------- 1825 Coventry (Walter de). See Walter. CovERDALE (Mylcs), Bishop of Exeter. Prologues to Translation of the Bible, Tracts, &c. Writings and Translations. See Parker Soc. „ Memorials of. 8vo. ------- 183S CowEi.L (Edw. B.). Persian Literature. See Oxford Essays, 1855. Cowley (Abraham) [1618-67]. Poetical Works See British Poets, Vols. 13-15. „ Prose Works. Including Essays m Prose and Verse . 12mo. - - - - ' 1826 Cowley (Mrs. Hannah). Albina. See Bell and Catvthorn. Cowley (Henry Richard). See JVellesley {Marquess of). CowpER (Mary, Countes.s), Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales. Diary, 1714-20. 8vo. - - 1824 CowPER (William). Works. With Life, by Robert Southey. 15 vols., 12mo. 1835-7 1-3.— Life. 4-7, 15. — Letters. 8-10. — Original Poems and Translations. 10-14. — Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vols. 79, 80. p. 3104. K 146 COW— COX CowPER (William) — cant in tied. „ rorrespoiult'ia-i' wilh sovoral Fiionds. Ed. by Rev. J. Johnson. 2 vols, in 1, Hvo. - - - " - - lS2t „ lUiistratotl hv Views at Weston-Underwood, Bucks. By Storer and Greig. 8vo. -----'- 1803 „ Literarv and Historical Associations of Olnev. Bv Thos. AVii,l,-ht. 12mo. - - - - ' - ■ - - 1886 „ Concordance to the Poetical Works of. By John Neve. 8vo. 1887 „ Life. Bv (roldwin Smith. See Ettt/lish Men of Letters. CowTAN (Robert). Memories of the British Museum. 8vo. - 1872 „ Autobioo:rai)hv, 1807-05. 8vo. . . . . - 1866 Cox (Captain). His Ballads and Books. See Ballad Sor. Cox (Geo. Valentine). Recollections of Oxford. 8vo. - - 1870 ^\)X (Rev. Sir George W.). Life of Bishoj) Colenso. 2 vols., 8vo. 1888 Cox (Rev. Sir Geo. W.) and Jones (Eustace H.). Popular Bomanees of the Middle Ages. 8vo. - - - - 1871 Cox (Harding). Coursing. See Badminton Librari/. ('ox (Homersham). Institutions of the English Government : Legislative, Judicial, and Administrative. 8vo. - - 1863 „ Ancient Parliamentarv Elections. 8vo. - - - - 186S „ History of the Beforiii Bills of 1866-7. 8vo. - - -1868 „ The Session 1871 : its Labours and Results. 8vo. - - 1871 Cox (Rev. Dr. John Charles). Notes on the Churches of Derby- shire, t vols., 8vo. ------ 1875-9 V,j1. l._Searsd;ile. Vol. 2.— High Peak. Wirksworth. Vol.3.— Appletree. Repton. Gresley. Vol. 4. — Morlo.ston. Lit- church. General Supplement. „ How to write the History of a Pari.sh. 12mo. - - - 1886 Cox (Rev. John E.). Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. 8vo. 1876 Cox (Sir Richard). Hibernia Anglicana : History of Ireland. 2 vols., folio - - " - - - " - - 1689-90 Cox (Robert). The Literature of the Sabbath Question. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1865 CoxE (William), Archdeacon of Wilts. History of the Hon.se of Au.^^tria [1218 to 1792.] New ed. 3 vols., 12mo. - 1847 „ Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon [1700-88]. 5 vols., 8vo. -------- 1815 „ Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough ; with his Corre- spondence. New ed., bv John Wade. 3 vols., 8vo. Atlas, 4to. - - - ■ - - - - - 18 17-8 „ Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1801 „ Memoirs of the Pelham Administration. 2 vols., 4to. - 1829 „ Russian Discoveries between Asia and America : the Con- qjiest of Siberia, &c. 4to. ------ 1780 „ „ 4th ed., considerably enlarged. 8vo. - - - 1803 ,, Correspondence of the Duke of Shrewsbury with William III. Ito. - - - - - " - - 1821 „ Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 2 vols., 4to. 1784 „ Travels in Switzerlaml in 1778. See Pinkerton, Vol. 5. Travels in Denmark, Xoiwav, and Russia. See Pin- kerton, Vol. 6. „ Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orfoid. 3 vols., Ito. 1798 ., Memoirs of Lord Walpoh' [1678-1757]. 2 vols., 8vo. -1820 CoxETER (Thos.). Lives of the Poets. See Gibber and Coxeter. CoxwELL (Henry). My Life and Balloon Experiences. 12mo. - 1887 CRA 147 Crabb (George). English Synonyms explained. 4to. - - 1826 „ Universal Historical Dictionary. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1825 „ Universal Technological Dictionary. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1823 Crabbe (Kev. Geo.). Poetical Works. With Life, by his Son. 8vo. ---------- 1851 Cracroft (Bernard). Essavs, Political and Miscellaneous. 2 vols., 8vo. ----------- 1868 Craddock (Thos.) and Walker (N.). History of Wisbech and the Fens. 8vo. - - - - '- - - - 1849 Cr.adock (Joseph). Literarv and Miscellaneous Memoirs. 4 vols., 8vo. ---■-.----- 1828 Vol. 1. — Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs. Vol. 2. — Travels in France, 1783-5. Vol. 3. — Zobeide: a Tragedy. The Czar: a Tragedy. Essays. Fidelia: a Eomance. Remarks on N. Wales. John Wilkes. Vol. 4. — Village Memoirs. Correspondence. Craig or Craige (Alex.). Works. See Hnnterian Club. Amorose Songes, Sonets, and Elegies, 1606. Poeticall Recrea- tions, 1609. Poeticall Essayes, 1604. Poeticall Recrea- tions, 1623. Pilgrime and Heremite, 1631. Miscellaneous Poems. With a General Introduction, by David Laing. Craik (Dr. Geo. L.). Romance of the Peerage; or. Curiosities of Family Hi.story. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1848-50 „ The English of Shakespeare. 12mo. - . - - 1857 „ History of English Literature and of the English Language, from the Xorman Conquest. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1861 Craiiv (Geo. L.) and Macfarlane (Chas.). Pictorial Historv of England to 1760. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - ' 1838-41 „ Pictorial Historv of the Eeign of George III. 4 vols., 8vo. --'------- 1841-4 „ „ Index, bv H. C. Hamilton. 8vo. - - - - 1850 Craik (Dr. Henry). Life of Dean Swift. 8vo. - - -1882 „ The State and Education. See English Citizen Series. Craik (Mrs. Dinah Maria). John Halifax, Gentleman. 12mo. - 1888 Cranborne, Dorset, Chronicle of: the Town, Lordship, and Chase. 8vo. -------- 1,S41 Cranmer (Thos.), Archbishop of Canterbury. Writings, Letters, and Disputations. See Parker Soc. „ Contemjjorarv Biographies of. See Camden Soc, 77. „ Life. See Strt/jje (John), and Todd (ff. J.). Crashaw (Richard). ' Poetical Works. Ed. by W. B. TurnbuU. 8vo. . - - 1858 Craufurd (Geo.). Doctrine of Equivalents : the Power of Money with Application to Public Finance. 8vo. - - - 1803 Craufurd (Gen. Robert) and his Light Division. By the Rev. Alex. H. Craufurd. 8vo. 1891 Crawford (Jas. Coutts). Recollections of Travel in New Zealand and Australia. 8vo. ------- 1880 Crawford and Balcarres (Alex. Wm. Crawford Lindsay, 25th Earl). Sketches of the History of Christian Art. 3 vols., 8vo. --------- 1847 „ Letters from Egypt, Edom, and the Holv Land. 4th ed. 8vo. - : . - - 1847 „ Lives of the Lindsays. 3rd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 18-^ Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres. Correspon- dence of Alexander, 6th Earl of Balcarres, during the Maroon War. Together with Personal Narratives by his brothers the Hon. Robert, Colin, James, John, and Hugh Lindsay ; and bv his Sister, Lady Anne Barnard. K 2 148 CRA— CRO CEAWFrRD (John). Dictionaiy of the Indian Islands. 8vo. - 1856 „ Historv ot tlu' Indian Archipelauco. 3 vols., Svo. - - 1820 „ Journal ot an Enilmssy to Ava in 1827. 4to. - - - 1829 „ Journal ot" an Embassy to Siani. Ito. - - - - 1828 Crawfurd (Oswald J. F.) ["John Latouehe "]. Travels in Portugal. 8vo. .-.--. [1875] „ Portucral, Old and New. 8vo. - - - - - 1880 Crawhai.i. (Joseph). CoUeetion of Right Merrie Garland-* for North Country Anglers. [Verse.] 8vo. - - - 186-1: Cre.asy (Sir Edwanl S.). The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from ^Marathon to Waterloo. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1851 „ History of the Ottoman Turks; chiefly founded on Von Hammer. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1854 „ Memoirs of Eminent Etonians. 8vo. . - - . 1850 „ Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. 8vo. - 1853 „ Historv of England (Earlv and Middle Ages). Vols. 1 and' 2 (all published). '8vo. - - - - 1869-70 Creation, Vestiges of the Natural History of. 8vo. - - 1841 Crebii.lon (C. p. J. de), CEuvres de. 11 vols., 12mo. - - 1779 Vol. 1. — Les Egaremeiits du Caur ct de I'Esprit, ou ilemoires de M. de ileilcour. Vol. 2. — L'Ecumoire. Vol. 3. — Le Sopha. Vol. 4. — Les Heureux Orphelins. Vol. 0. — Le Hasard du Coin du Feu. La Nuit et le Moment. Vols. 6, 7. — Ah Quel Coute ! Vol. 8. — Letters de la Mai-quise de 31 au Comte de R . Le Sylphe. Vols. 9, 10. — Lettres Athenienues. Vol. 11. — Lettres de la Duehesse de au Due de . Crebillon (P. J. de), (Euvres de. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. - - - 1812 Vol. 1. — Vie. Idomenee. Atree et Thyeste. Electre. Vol. 2. — Rhadaniisthe ct Zenolne. Xerxes. Semiraniis. Vol. 3. — Pyrrhus. Catilina. Le Triumvirat, ou la Mort de Ciceron. Discours Acadeiniques. Creech (Thos.). Lucretius, in English verse. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1714 Creeds, Keys of the. 12mo. ------- 1H75 Creighton (Chas.). Historv of Epidemics in Britain from A.n. 604 to 1666. 8vo. '------- 1891 Crequy (Marquise de). Souvenirs, 1710-1803. 10 vols, in 5, 8vo. - - - - - - - - - - N. D. Cretixeai'-Joi.y (J.). Histoire de laCompagnie de Jesus. 5 vols. in 2, 8vo. 18J4-5 Cripps (W. J.). Old English Plate, its Makers and Marks. 8vo. 1878 Crockett (Col. David), Sketches and Eccentricities of. 12mo. - 1834 Crockford's Clerical Dictionary, 1860, 1872, 1889. 8vo. - - v. Y. Croke (John). Thirteen P.salms and Ecclesiastes (Chap. 1). Trans, into English Verse. See Pcrci/ Soc, 11. Croker (Rt. Hon. John Wilson), Secritary to the Admiralty, 1809-30. Correspondence and Diaries [The Croker Papers]. Ed. by L. J. Jennings. 2nd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. 1885 „ Essays on the French Revolution. 8vo. - - - - 1857 „ Talavera, and other Poems. Ito. - - - 1812 Croker (Thos. Crofton). Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland. 3 vols., 16mo.- - - - 1826-8 „ The Popular Songs of Ireland. 8vo. - - - - 1S39 ,, Researches in the South of Ireland. With a Private Narrative of the Rebellion of 1798. Ito. - - -1824 „ Walk from London to Fulham. Ed. by his Son. 8vo. - 1860 CRO 149 Croly (Rev. Geo.). Life of Edmund Burke. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1840 Ckojiartie or Cromerty (George, Earl of). Conspiracy of the Earl of Gowrv and Robert Logan against James VI. 8vo. 17L3 Crompton (Henry). Industrial Conciliation. 12mo. - - 1876 Cromwell (Oliver). Letters and Speeches. By T. Carlyle. 3 vols., 8vo. 1845-6 „ State Papers. See Calendars ; also Sydnerj State Papers. ,, Confei'ence on Monarchy, with a Committee of Parliament at Whitehall, April 9th, 1657 l2mo. - - - - 1679 „ Quarrel with the Earl of Manchester. See Camden Soc, 12 (N".S.). „ Life, Impartially Collected. 8vo. ----- 1741 „ Historical Sketch of. See Felloices (TF. D), Forster {John), and Harris {Rev. Dr. TV.). „ Three Panegyrics on. By F. Peck. 4to. - - - 1740 „ Protectorate of. See Vanghan {Rev. Dr. Robert). „ TheProtector: a Vindication. By J. H. M. d'Aubigne. 8vo. 1847 „ Cromwell : an Appreciation based on Contemporary Evi- dence. By Reg. F. D. Palgrave. 12mo. - - - 1890 „ Flagellum or Life, Death, Birth, and Burial of. By J. Heath. 12mo. - - 1672 „ The Sicilian Tyrant : a Life of Agathocles. By Richard Perrinchiefe. 8vo. ------- 1676 „ Events in which he was engaged [1642-58]. Folio - - 1810 „ Histoire de la Republique d'Angleterre [1649-58]. Par F. P. G. Guizot. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1855 „ History of the Commonwealth. By W. Godwin. 4vols., 8vo. 1824 „ Memoirs of the Protectorate House of, and Families in connexion. By Rev. M. Noble. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1784-7 „ Omitted Chapters from the History of England [1649-53]. By And. Bissett. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1864-7 „ Respublica ; or, a Display of the Honours, Ceremonies, &c., of the Commonwealth. By Sir J. Prestwich. 4to. - 1787 „ Essays on, &c. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 2, Smith {Gold win), and Tiilloch {John). „ Diary of Thomas Biu'ton, Meml)er in the Parliaments from 1656-9. With N'otes, by Rutt. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1828 „ The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. By John P. Prendergast. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1870 Cromwell (Richard), Histoire du Protectorat de. Par F. P. G. Guizot. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1856 Cromwell (Thos.). History of Colchester. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1825 „ " The Druid :" a Tragedy. With N'otes on the Antiquities and Early History of Ireland. 8vo. - - - - 1832 Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1779-80 Cronke (Dickory), the Dumb Philosopher. Hee Smeeto?is Tracts, No. 14. Crookes (Wm.). Manufacture of Beet-root Sugar. 8vo. - - 1870 Crosby Records. See Chetham Soc. 12 (N.S.). Crosby (Brass), Alderman and Lord Mayor [1770], Memoir of. 4to. 1829 Cross (Mrs.) [George Eliot]. Works. 20 vols., 12mo. - 1870-80 Adam Bede. 2 vols. Komola. 2 vols. Daniel Deronda. 3 vols. Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. Felix Holt. 2 vols. Silas Marner. The Lifted Veil. Jubal ; and other Poems, Old Brother Jacob. and New. Spanish Gipsy. Middlemarch. 3 vols. Theophrastus Such. Mill on the Floss. 2 vols. 160 CRO— cue Cross (Mrs.) [CTeor«re Eliot] — continued. „ Essays aiul Leaves IVoin a Xotc-Book. Svo. - - - 1884 „ Life. By MatbiUle Blind. Vlmo. ----- 1883 „ Life as relateil in her Letters and Journals. Ed. l)y her hu.4)and, J. W. Cross. 3 vols., 12nio. - -" -1885 Cross (Maurice). .Sidcetions from the " Edinburijfh Keview." 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1833 Crosse (Andrew F.). Hound about the Carpathians. 8vo. - 187H Crossing (William). Ancient Crosses of Dartmoor. 8vo. - - 1887 Crowe (Eyre). With Thackeray in America. Small 4to. - 1893 Crowe (Eyre Evans). History of France. 8vo. - - - 1858 Crowe (Sir Joseph A.) and Cavalca.selle (G. B.). History of Paintin^^ in Italy, 2nd to IGth Century. 3 vols., Svo. 1864-6 „ History of Paiutinji: in Xorth Italy, 14t"li to 16th Century. 2 vols., Svo. - - - " - - - - - 1871 „ Tlu' Early Flemish Painters. 8vo. ----- 1874 „ Life and Titnes of Titian. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1877 „ Lile and Works of Raphael. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1882-5 Croave (Wm.). Lewesdou Hill : a Poem. 4to. - - -1788 CR'^vr.EY (Archdeacon Kobert). Thirty-one Epigrams, Voyce of the Last Trumpet, Way to Wealth, &c. See Early Enqlish Text Soc, Ea'. Ser., Vol. 4. Crowne (John). Dramatic Works [1671-98]. 4 vols., 8vo. 1873-4 Vol. 1.— Life. Jiili;ina. Charles VIII. Calisto. Vol. 2. — Thycstcs. City Politick.s. The Destruction of Jerusalem. Vol. 3. — The Country Wit. The Ambitious Statesman. Sir Courtley Nice. Darius. Vol. 4. — The English Friar. Kegulus. The Married Ik-au. Caligula. Croxall (Archdeacon Sam.). Ovid's Metamorphoses. See British Poets, Vols. 94, 95. „ Translation of ^sop. 16mo. - - - - - - N. d. Crozet (M.). Voyage to Tasmania, Xew Zealand, the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines, 1771-2. Trans, by H. Ling Roth. 8vo. - 1891 Crozier (John Beattie). Civilization and Progress. 8vo. - - 1885 Cruden (Alex.). Concordance to the Holy Bible. Svo. - - 1851 Cruden (R. p.). History of the Town of Gravesend, and of the Port of London.* Svo. ------ 1843 Cruiksh.4NK (George). The Omnibus. New ed. Svo. - - 1870 „ Table-Book. Ed. by G. A. a Beckett. New ed. Svo. - 1869 „ Comic Almanack, 1835-53. 2 vols., Svo. - - - N. D. „ Life. By Blanchard Jerrold. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1882 „ Early and Later Wmk. Bv Harrv Thornber. Illustrated. Folio- - - - ' . ■ - - . - 1887-8 „ Illustrations by. See Ainsicort/i, Chamisso, Dibdin, Dickens, E(jan, Rhodes, Universal Songster. Cruikshank (George, Isaac, and Robert). The Cruikshankiaii Momus. 52 Comic Designs to Ballads. Imp. Svo. - 1892 Crull (Dr. Jmlocus). The Anti(iuities of St. Peter's, the Abbey Church of AVestminster. 3rd ed. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1722 Crump (Arthur). The English Manual of Banking. 3rd ed. Svo. --.-.--.-. 1878 Crusca (Accad. della), Vocabolario degli. 7 vols., 4to. - - 1804 CuBAS (Ant. Garcia). The Republic of Mexico in 1876. Svo. - 1880 Cucheval-Clarigny (P. A.). Lord Beaconsfield et son Temps. 12mo. 1880 CUD— CUN 151 CuDwoRTH (Rev. Dr. Ralph). Systema Intellectiiale hujus Uuiversi : ex Anglico Latine Vertit J. L. Mosheimio. 2 vols., 4to. - 1773 „ ,, Intellectual System of the Universe. Trans, by J. Harrison. 3 vols., 8vo. .-.--. 1845 CuDWORTH (William). Life of Abraham Sharp. 8vo. - - 1889 CuiTT (Geo.) . Wanderings and Pencillings amongst Ruins of the Olden Time. [Seventy-three Etchings.] Folio - - 1848 CuLLEN (Paul, Cardinal). Libel Action. See O'Keejf'e \.Cnllen. CuLLEY (R. S.). Handbook of Practical Telegraphy. 8vo. - 1870 CuLLiMORE (Dr. D. H.). Book of Climates : Health Resorts, &c. 12mo. --------- 1890 CuLLODEN Papers [1625-1748]. Ed. by H. R. Duff. 4to. - 1815 Letters from Lord Lovat and other Persons ; with State Papers from President Forbes's Collection. Memoirs of the Eight Hon. Duncan Forbes, Lord President of the Court of Session. CuLLUM (Rev. Sir John). History of Hawsted and Hardwick, Suffolk. 2nd ed. Ed. by Sir Thos. Cullum. 4to. - 1813 Cumberland (Dr. Richard). Anecdotes of Painters in Spain during the 16th and I7th Centuries. 2 vols, in 1, 16mo. 1782 „ Memoirs. By Himself. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . - 1807 „ Plays. See Bell and Cawthom. Cumberland (Stuart). The Queen's Highway. (Across Canada.) Bvo. ' - . . - 1887 Cumberland (William Aug., Duke of). Historical Memoirs. 8vo. 1767 „ Military Life and Character [1745-7]. By A. N. Campbell Maclachlan. 8vo. ---.-.. 1876 Cumberland Landowner (A). Free Trade in Corn. 8vo. - 1828 Cundill (Major J. P.). Dictionary of Explosives. 8vo. - - 1888 CuNLiFFE (Henry). Glossary of Rochdale- with-Rossendale Words and Phrases. Imp. 8vo. ------ 1886 Cunningham (Alex., 5th Earl of Glencairn). Life. See Rogers {Rev. C). Cunningham (Major-Gen. Sir Alex.). Coins of Ancient India, down to the 7th Ontury, a.d. 12mo. - - - - 1891 Cunningham (Allan). Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 6 vols., 12mo. ----- 1830-3 „ Life, Journals, &c., of Sir David Wilkie. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1843 Cunningham (Sir H. S.). Life of Earl Canning. See Rulers of India Series. Cunningham (John). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 64. Cunningham (John). Law of Parliamentary and Municipal Elections and Petitions. 3rd ed. Ed. bv C. Tyrrell Giles. 12mo. - - - - - *- - - 1885 Cunningham (Capt. Joseph D.). History of the Sikhs, from the Origin of the Nation to the Battle of the Sutlej. 8vo. - 1853 Cunningham (Peter). Handbook for London. 8vo. - - - 1850 „ „ New ed., enlarged. See JVheatley {H. B.) „ Story of Nell Gwyn. 16mo. ------ 1892 ,, Life of Inigo Jones. See Shakespeare Soc. Cunningham (Robt. O.). Natural History of the Strait of Magel- lan and the West Coast of Patagonia [1866-9]. 8vo. - 1871 Cunningham (Rev. Dr. W.). The Growth of English Industry and Commerce. 12mo. ------ 1885 „ The Growth of English Industry and Commerce during the Early and Middle Ages. 8vo. 1890 152 CUN— CYP CuNTNGHAME (Qvn. Sir Arthur Aug. T.). Travels in the Eastern Caucasus durinir the Suniuier of 1S71. Hvo. - - 1872 CuPEB Angus (Cistercian Abhey of). Rental Book, with Breviary of the Register. Ed. by Rev. Chas. Rogers. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1H79-HO CuRLEY (Edwin A.). Nebraska. Hvo. ----- 1875 Cdblixg (Jas. Bunce). The Ancient Corps of Gentlemen-at- Arms. Svo. 1850 CuRRAN (Right Hon. John Philpot). Speeches. With Memoirs and Portrait. 8vo. 181'J „ Life. By his Son, Wni. Hen. Curran 2 vols., 8vo. - 1819 „ Recollections of. By Chas. Phillips. 8vo. - - - 1850 Curran (Win. Hen.). Sketches of the Irish Bar. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1855 Cursor Mundi. Ed. by R. Morris. See Earlij English Text Soc. CuRTEis (The Rev. G. H.). Life of Bishop Selwyn. 8vo. - 1889 Curtis (George Ticknor). Life of James Buchanan, 15th Presi- dent of the United States. 8vo. - - - - - 1883 CuRTlus (Dr. Ernst). HLstory of Greece. Trans. l»y A. AV. Ward. 5 vols., 8vo. - ' - - - - ' - - - 187a CuRZON (Hon. George X.). Persia and the Persian Question. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1892 CuRZOX (Hon. Robert) [14th Baron Zouche]. Armenia : a Year at Erzerouui. 12mo. ------ 1854 „ Visit to Monasteries in the Levant. 12mo. - - - 1849 CusACK (Miss Mary Frances) [The Xun of Kenmare]. History of Ireland. With Illustrations by Henry Doyle. 8vo. - 1868 „ The Liberator, Daniel O'Connell. 4to. - 1 - - 1872 CusHiNG (Caleb). Treaty of Washington. 8vo. - - - 1873 CussANS (John E.). The Grammar of Heraldry. With Armorial Bearings of Landed Gentry prior to 1500. 12mo. - 1866 „ History of Hertfordshire. 3 "vols., 4to. - - - 1870-81 CuST (Gen. the Hon. Sir Edw.). Annals of the Wars of the 18th Century. 5 vols., 12ino. ------ 1862 „ Annals of the Wars of the 19th Century. 4 vols., 12mo. - 1863 „ Lives of the Warriors of the Thirty Years' War. 8vo. - 1865 „ Lives of the Warriors of the Civil Wars of France and England of the l7th Century. 8vo. - - - - 1867 „ Lives of the Warriors (of the 17th Century) who have Commanded Fleets and Armies before the Enemy. 8vo. 1869 CusTis (G. W. P.). Recollections of Washington, by his Adopted Son. With Life of the Author. 8vo. - - - - 1860 CuTHBERT (Saint). Life, with an Account of the Opening of his Tomb in Durham Cathedral. By Rev. Jas. Raine. 4to. 1828 CuTHBERTSON (Johii). Glossary to the Works of Robert Burns. Svo. - - - - 1886 CuTTS (Rev. Dr. Edw. L.). Sepulchral Slabs and Crosses. 8vo. - 1849 „ Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages. 8vo. - - 1872 CuviER (Baron George). The Animal Kingdom. Ed. bv E. Griffith. 16 vols., 8vo. - - - - -' 1827-35 1-5. — Mammalia. 12. — Molluscs and Kadiata. 6-8. — Aves. 13. — Annulida, Cru.>iscottnt). Dalrymple (Sir John). Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 1681-92. 2 vols., Ito. ----- 1771-3 Daltox (Chas.). Life of Viscount Wimbledon [1572-1638]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1885 Dalton (Dr. H. G). History of British Guiana. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1855 Dalton (Capt. Jas.). Defender of Trichinopoly, 1752-3. Memoir. By Chas. Dalton. 12mo. - - ' - - - - 1886 D' Alton (John). History of Ireland to 1245. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1845 „ Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical, of King James's Irish Army List, 16S9. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1861 Damas (Comte dej. L' Affaire de Varennes. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 48. Damberger (Christ. Fred.). Travels in Africa [1781 and 1797]. Trans, from the German. [Fictitious Travels written in London.] 12mo. ------- 1801 Dampier (Capt. W.). Voyages. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1705-17 1. — A New Voyage round the AVorkl, describing particularly the Lsthmus of America. West Indies, Cape Verde Isles, Terra del Fuego. Chili, Peru, and 3Iexico Coasts, Philippine Islands, China, Formosa, New Holland, Sumatra. 6th ed. 1717. 2. — Supplement of the Voyage round the World, describing Tonquin, Malacca. &c. Two Voyages to Campeachy, &c., and Coasts of Jucatan, New Spain. Sac. Discourse of Trade AVinfls, Tides, Currents, (S:c.. of the Torrid Zone. Account of Natal, &c. 3rd ed. 170.5. 3. — Voyage to New Holland, (S:c.. in 1699: Canary Islands, St. Jago, Bay of All Saints, Bahia, Cape Salvadore. 2nd ed. 1709. „ Voyage to the South Seji.s in 1703-4. See Funnell {JV.). „ Account of Xew Holland [1699] and of the Philippines [1686]. See Pinherton, Vol. 2. „ Life. See Enf/lish Men of Action. Dana (Prof. Jas. D.)". Corals and Coral Islands. 8vo. - - 1875 „ Characteristics of Volcanoes, with Contriltutions of Facts and Principles from the Hawaiian Islands. 8vo. - - 1890 Danby (Thos. Osltorne, Earl of). See Leeds {Duke of). "Dance of Death" (Holbein's). Ed. l)y Francis Douce. 8vo. - 1833 „ See Holbein Soc. Daxdixi (Jerom). Voyage to Mount Libanus. See Pinkerton, Vol. 10. Dangeau (P. de Courcillon, Marquis de). Journal 1684-1720, public en entier ; avec les additions inedites du Due de St. Simon. 19 vols, in 10, 8vo. - - - - 1854-60 Daniel (A.). L'Annee Politique, 188-5-6. 12mo. - - 1886-7 Daniel (Samuel). Poetical Works. Small 4to. - - - 1623 „ Defence of Rhyme. 1603. See Huslewood, Vol. 2. Historv of England, from the Conquest to the Death of Edward III. See A7»Hf^ Vol. 1. Daniel (Rev. W. B.). Rural Sports. 3 vols., 4to. - - 1801-2-13 Daniell (Wm.), R.A., and Ayton (R.). Voyage round Great Britain. With Coloured Views. 8 voL^. in 4, folio 1814-25 DA.N^— DAR 155 Dansey (Wm.). Horse Decanicfe Kurales. Origin, Appointment, and Functions of Rural Deans. 2 vols., small 4to. - 1835 Dante (Aligliieri). La Divina Commedia. 4 vols., 8 vo. - - 1807 ,, La Divina Commedia. Riveduta nel Teste e Commentata da G. A. Scartazzini. 3 vols., 8vo. - - . . 1875 Vol. 1.— L'Inferiio. Vol. 3.— II Paradiso. Vol. 2.— II Purgatorio. „ Concordance of the Divina Commedia. By E. A. Fay. 8vo. 1888 „ Divina Commedia. Trans, by Rev. H. F. Cary. 8vo. - 1850 „ The Divine Comedv. Trans, into Terza Rima by James Innes Minchin. ' 8vo. - --.... lygs ,, Et les Origines de la Langue et de la Litterature Italiennes. Par M. Fauriel. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . . . 1854 „ The .Inferno. A literal prose translation. By John A. Carlyle. 8vo. -------- 1849 „ Hell. Rendered into English by Sir Edw. Sullivan. 8vo. 1893 „ Michelangelo e Dante. See Fattori {E.) ,, And his Circle. See Rossetti {D. G.). „ Life and Times. By Count C. Balho. Trans, by F. J. Bunbury. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1852 „ An Essay. By Very Rev. R. W. Church. With a Transla- tion of his De Monarchia. 12mo. - - - . 1878 „ By Mrs. Oliphant. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. ,, Compositions from. By John Flaxman. Obi. folio - - 1807 ,, Works relating to. See British Museum Catalogue. Danton (Gr. J.). Life. See Adolphus. D'Anvers (Caleb). The Craftsman. 14 vols., 12mo. - 1731-37 D'Anville (J. B. B. d'). See Anville. D'Arblay (Madame) [Frances Burney]. Diary and Letters. 7 vols., 8vo. -----.. 1843-6 „ Memoirs of Dr. Burney. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1832 „ Early Diary, 1768-78, with Selections from the Journals of Susan and Charlotte Burney. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1889 „ Evelina. 12mo. ----.-.. 1890 „ Cecilia. 2 vols., 12mo. ------. 1890 D'Arc (Jeanne), Memoires sur. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 8. Darell (Rev. Wm.) [Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth]. History of Dover Castle. 4to. -----.. 1797 Dares Phrvgius. De Bello Trojano. 8vo. - - - - 1825 Darling (Jas.). Cyclopjedia Bibliographica. Manual of Theolo- gical and General Literature. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854-9 Darnell (Rev. W. N.). Memoir and Correspondence of Rev. Dr. Isaac Basire. 8vo. - - - - - -1831 Dart (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury. Folio - - - . . 1726 ., History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. 2 vols., folio ----- 1723 Daru (P. A. N. Bruno, Comte). Histoire de Venise. 8 vols. 12mo. -----...! ^^26 Darwin (Dr. Chas. Robert). Researches into Natural History and Geology during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beao-le " 1826-30. See Fitzroy {Admiral), Vol. 3. *' „ _„_ New ed. 12mo. ----.. 1888 „ Fertilization of Orchids. 12mo. - - - - . 1862 „ Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. 8vo. - 1866 „ Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 vols., 8vo. 1868 156 DAR— DAU Darwin (Dr. Chas. Rolx^rt) — continued. „ The Destvnt of Man, and Selection in Itt-latiou to Sex. 2 vols., Svo. -------- 1H71 „ Expres,>jion of the Eniotion."< iu Man and Aniuial.-^. Svo. - 1S72 „ In.'^octivorous Plants. 12nio. ------ 1876 „ The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same vSpecies. 12mo. -------- 1877 „ The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom. 12mo. ------- 1878 „ The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms. 12mo. - - - - - - - -1881 „ Life and Letters. By his .Son Francis Darwin. 3 vols., 8vo. 1887 „ Life. By Grant Allen. See Em/Ush JForthies. Darwin (Charles R.) and Darwin (Francis). The Power of Movement in Plants. 12mo. . - . - - 1880 Darwin (Erasmu.s). Poetical Works, with Philosophical Notes and Plates. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1806 Vol. 1. — The Botanic Garden. Part 1. — The Eeouomy of Vege- tation. Vol. 2. — The Botanic Garden. Part 2. — The Loves of the Plants. Vol. 3. — The Temple of Nature. „ Life [1731-1802]. By Ernst Krause. With a Notice by Charles Darwin. 12mo. ------ 1879 ., Life. By Miss Anna Seward. 8vo. . . - - 1804 Dasent (Sir George W.). .Storv of Burnt Nj.l; or, Life in Iceland at the End of the 10th Century. 2 vols., Svo. - 1861 „ Selection from the Norse Talcs. 8vo. - - - - 1862 „ „ Second Series. Tales from the Fjeld. 8vo. - 1874 „ Jest and Earnest : Essays and Reviews. 8vo. - - - 1874 „ The Norsemen in Iceland. See Oxford Essays, 1858. D.A.UBAN (C. A.). La Demagogie en 1793 a Paris. 8vo. - - 1868 „ Paris en 1794 et en 1795. 8vo. - - - - -1869 „ Le Fond de la Societe sous la Commune. 8vo. - - - 1873 „ Lettres et ^lemoires de Madame Roland. 3 vols., 8vo. 1864-7 Daubeny (Prof. Chas. G. B.). Lectures on Roman Husbandry. 8vo. ---------'- 1857 Daubertei-il (H.). VfAaX de St. Domingue. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1776 D'AuBiGNE (J. H. Merle). See Merle D'Aiibiyny. Daudet (Alphonse). (Euvres. 15 vols., 12mo. - 1882-8 Contes du Lundi. fivangeliste, Roman Parisien. Fromont Jeune et Risler Aine. Jack. 2 vols. Lettres de Mon Moulin. Nabab. Numa Roumestan. Petit Chose. Poemes Amoureuses et Fantaisies (1857-61). Rois en Exil. Sapho : Moeurs Parisiennes. Tartarin dc Tara.scon. Tartarin sur les Alpes. Theatre: — Dernierc Idole. Absent.«. L'CEillet Blanc. Fr^re Alne. Le Sacrifice. L'Arlesienne. Trente Ans de Paris. D'AuMALE (Due). See Aumale. Daunou (P. C. F.). See Barriere {F.) Vol 12. Daunt (W. J. O'Neill). Eightv-five Years of Iri.sh History, 1800-85. 2 vols., 12mo.' 1886 DAV 157 Davenant (Dr. Chas.). Political and Commercial Works. Ed. by Sir Chas. Wliitworth. 5 vols., 8vo. . . . 1771 Davenant (Sir William). Works. Folio . . . . 1673 Poems — Gondibert. Madagascar. Masques, &c. Plays — Siege of Rhodes. Playhouse to be Let. Unfortunate Lovers. The Wits. Love and Honour. Law against Lovers. Man's the Master. Platonick Lovers. Alboviue, King of Lombardy. Just Italian. Cruel Brother. News from Plymouth. Distresses. Siege. Fair Favorite. „ Dramatic Works, with Memoir and Notes. Ed. by James Maidment and W. H. Logan. 5 vols., 8vo. Edin- burgh -..----- 1872-4 1. — Memoir. Albovine. Cruel Brother. Just Italian. Temple of Love. Prince d'Amour. 2. — Platonic Lovers. The Wits. Britannia Triumphant. Salmacida Spolia. 3. — Unfortunate Lovers. Love and Honour. Entertainment at Rutland House. Siege of Rhodes. 4. — Playhouse to be Let. News from Plymouth. Fair Favourite. Distresses. Siege. 5. --Man's the Master. Law against Lovers, Rivals. Macbeth. Tempest. „ The Wits. See Dodsley, Vol. 8. David (F. A.) and Sylvaiu-Marechale (P.). Antiquites d'Hercula- neum. 12 vols., 4to. ------ 1781-1803 Davids (Thos. W. llhys). History of Indian Buddhism. See Hibbert Lectures. Davidson (Lieut. -Col. David). Memoirs of a Long Life. 12ino. 1890 Davidson (Major-Gren. Edw.). The llailways of India. 8vo. - 1868 Davidson (John), of Prestonpaus. Life. See Rogers {Rev. C.). Davidson (Randall Thos.), Bishop of Rochester, and Benham (Rev. Wm.). Life of Archbishoj) Tait. 2 vols., royal 8 vo. 1891 Davie (Adam). Five Dreams about Edward II. See Early English Text Soc, Vol. 25. Da VIES (Clement). Modern Whist. 12mo. .. - - . 1886 Davies (Lady Clementina). Recollections of Society in France and England. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1^72 Davies (Mrs. C), Mother Ross, the Briti.sh Amazon. Life. 8vo. 1741 Davies (Mrs. C. M.). History of Holland. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1811-4 ,, Memorials and Times of P. P. J. Quint Ondaatje. 8vo. - 1870 Davies (Rev. Jame.s). Catullus. Hesiod and Theognis. Pro- pertius. Tibullus. See Blackicood's Ancient Classics. Davies (Sir John). Complete Poems. Collected by Rev. A. B. Grrosart. 8vo. ------.. ii^69 ,, Historical Tracts on Ireland. With Life, by Gr. Chalmers. 8vo. - - - - - - - ■ - - - 786 I. — Why Ireland was never brought under Obedience of the Crown of England. 2.— State of Ireland in 1607. 3. — Account of the Plantation in Ulster, 1610. 4. — Ancient Constitution of Ireland, 1613. „ Why Ireland was never entirely subdued till his Majestie's happie Raigne [1612]. (Rei)riut.) 12mo. - - - 1747 Davies (Rev. John Silvester). History of Southampton. 8vo. - 1885 Davies (Rev. Dr. Jonathan). Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 2. Davies (Robert). Memoirs of the York Press in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. 8vo. ----.. 1868 „ Extracts from Municipal Records of York. Edward IV. — Richard III. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1843 158 DAY— DAW Davies (Dr. "Rowlantl), Dean of Ross. Journal, Marcli 16^9 to S»-j)t. 1G9(). E<1. l>y H.CaulfieM. Soo Camdcu Soc, 6H. Davies (Rev. Dr. Siicyd). Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians. Vol. 1. Davii.a (Enrico Caterina). Historia delle Guerre Civili
  • orn Englishman. Mock Mourners. Spanish Descent, Freeholder's Plea. Standing Army. Parliament Man. Poor Man's Plea. Shortest Way with the Dissenters, an>l Explanation of Same. New Discovery of an Old Intreague. More Reformation. Hymn to the Pillory. The Pacificator. More Short Ways with the Dissenters. Giving Alms no Charity. Royal Religion. &c.. &c. Complete English Gentleman. Ed. Ity K. D. Bulbring. 8vo. Consolidator. Transactions from the World in the Moon. Hvo. ---------- 1705 Dictionary of all Keligions. Hvo. ----- 1714 Discourse concerning Trouble of Mind. Hvo. - - - 1708 Historv of Addresses. Hvo. ------ 1709 Historv of the Union between England and Scotland. With Life of Defoe, and Essay on the L'nion, by Dr. J. L. de Lolme. 4to. - - " - - - - - 1787 Life of Captain Singleton : His Pyracies, &c. Hvo. - -1737 Mock Mor.rners : a Satvr, by way of Elegy, on King William. Small 4to. "- ■---■--- 1702 Minutes of the Negotiation of M. Mesnager at the Court of England, during the last Four Years of Queen Anne. Hvo. 1717 Storm ; or. The most Remarkable Casualties and Di.-^sters which ha])peiied in the late Dreadful Tempest. Hvo. - 1704 Svstem of Magic; or. History of the Black Art. Hvo. - 1727 Tour through (ricat Britain. 4 vols., l2mo. . - - 1748 True-born Englishman. With 15 other Pieces. Sm. 4to. 1700-8 Life and Times. By Walt.-r Wilson. 3 vols., Hvo. - - 1H30 Life and Becentlv" Discovered Writings, 1716-29. By William Lee. 3 vols., Hvo. ------ 1869 Life. Bv W. Minto. See Enfilish ^f('tl of Letters. Works relating to. See British Museum Cataloijue. De Grandpre (L.). See Gramlpre. De Havilland (Major John). Le Mexique sous la Maison de Habsbourg. Folio 1863 Dekker (Eduard Douwes) [Multattdi]. Max Havehmr ; or, the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company. A Novel. Trans, by Baron Alphonse Nahuys. Hvo. - 1868 1890 DEK— DEL 161 Dekker or Decker (Thos.). Dramatic Works. With Memoir. 4 vols., 12mo. 1873 1. — Memoirs. The Gentle Craft. Old Fortunatus. Satiro- Mastix. Entertainment to James I. 2. — The Honest Whore. The Whore of Babylon. Westward Hoe. 3. — Northward IToe. Sir Thomas Wyat. The Roaring Girle. London Triumphing. If this be not a Good Play, the Devell is in it. 4. — The Virgin Matir. Britannia's Honor. London's Tempe. Match Mee in London. Wonder of a Kingdom. Tlie .Sun's Darhng. The Witch of Edmonton. „ The Gul's Horn Book [1609]. 4to. .... 1812 „ „ See Hindley^s Misc., Vol. 2. „ Honest Whore. See Dodsley, Vol. 3. ,, A Knight's Conjur-ing : Done in Earnest, Discovered in Jest [1607]. See Percy Soc, 6. ,, Old Fortnnatns, and The Wonder of a Kingdom. See Dilke, Old Plays, Vol. 3. „ Patient Grrissel. See Shakespeare Soc. De LA Beche (Sir Henry T.). Geological Manual. 8vo. - -1832 De l.\ Gu.\rd (T.). The Cobler of Aggawam in Amei'ica. Willing to Mend his Country [1647]. See Force, Vol. 3. De la Hodde (Lucien). See La Hodde. Delane (W. F. a.), a Collection of Decisions in the Courts for Revising Lists of Electoi's. 12mo. . - . . 1834 Delany (Mrs.) [Mary Granville, Wife of Dean Delany]. Auto- biographv and Correspondence of. Bv Lady Llanover. 6 vols., 8vo. .---■--*- 1861-2 De la Pryme (Al)raham) . Diary of a Yorkshire Antiquary. With Introduction, by Chas. Jackson ; and Preface, by Chas. De la Pryme. 8vo. ------- 1870 De la Pryme (Charles) . The Life of Chri.st : an Eclectic Gospel from the Old and New Testaments. 8vo. - - 1865 „ See Bealf (E.) De la Rue (Warren) . The Bakerian Lecture on the Total Solar Eclipse of July 18, 1860. 4to. - - - - - 1862 Delaune (Thos.). Anglia; Metropolis; or, The Present State of London. 12mo. - - - - - - - 1690 Delavoye (Capt. Alex. M.). Life of Lord Lynedoeh. 8vo. -1880 De Leon (Edwin). See Leon {Edioin De). Delepierre (J. O.). Chronique de rAl)baye de St. Andre. 8vo. 1839 „ Galerie d'Arti.stes Bourgeois, on Biographic Concise des Peintres, &c., de Bruges. [Portraits.] 8vo. - - 1840 „ History of Flemish Literature, from the 12th Century. 8vo. 1860 „ Macaroneana ou Melanges de Litterature Macaronique des differents Peuples de I'Europe. 8vo. - - . - 1852 ,, Precis des Documents dans le Depot des Archives de la Flandre Occidentale a Bruges. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1840-2 „ Roman du Renard. 8vc. .---.. 1837 Delices de la Hollande. 16mo. Am.sterdam - - . . 1697 Delille (Abbe Jacques), ffiiivres. 16 vols, in 8, 8vo. - - 1824 \. — Poesies Fugitives. 8, 9. — L'Imagination. 2. — Les Georgiques. Avec 10, IL — Les Trois Regnes. Texte Latin. 12. — La Pitie et la Conversa- 3-6. — L'fineide. Avec Texte tion. Latin. 13-1.5. — Le Paradis Perdu. 7. — Les Jardins et I'Homme Avec Texte. des Champs. 16. — (Euvres Posthumea, p. 3104, L 162 DEL— DEN Dk Lisi.k (Liont. Rudolph), Monioir of. By tlio "Rev. H. N. Oxfiiham. TJiuo. ------- ISSC) Deu. (J. H.). The Dawniui; Grev. [Pooins.] 8vo. - -1HS4 Dflla C'nisca. St'O Acaiih tnici delht Cnisca. Dki. Mak" (Alexander), llisrorv of Money in Ancient Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present. 8vo. - - ISSo De L(H,me (Dr. John Ij.). 'JMie Kisc aiui Progress of the Eno^li.sh Coii.stitiition. Svo. ------- 17H0 „ „ New ed. With Notes, bv A. J. Stephens. 2 vols., 8vo. ' 1H3K „ Essay on the Union of Scotland. See Dc Foe. Deloney (Thomas). The Garland of Good-will. See Percy Soc, 'M. Stranfje Histories: eonsistino; of Balhids and other Poems [1(507]. See Perci/ Soc, 3. Delop.d (Taxile). Histoire du Second Empire, 184S-(39. Gvols., Svo. lSC)9-75 Det-vau (A.). Dictionnaire de la Lano^ue Verte. 12mo. - - 1S(S3 Demades. See Oratores Attici, Vol. 3. Demidoff (Anatole de). Vovage dans la Knssie Meridioiiale ct la C'rimee, en 1S37. Hvo. ------ ISIO Dk iNloRGAN (Anoj.). The Book of Almanacs, from li.c. 2000 to A.D. 2000. Obi. Svo. - - - - - - 1 121 „ Differential and Inteo^ral Calculus. Hvo. - - - [18Ho] „ Newton : his Friend and his Niece. 8vo. - - - 1885 „ A Budget of Paradoxes. 8vo. - 1872 Demosthenes. Orationes. See Oratores Attici, Vol. 4. „ The Olvnthiac and other Public Orations. Trans., with Notes, &('., by C. Rann Kennedy. 12mo. - - - 18o2 „ The Oration on the Crown. Tians., Avith Notes and the Greek Text, by Lord Brougham. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1S40 J, „ Trans, by Right Hon. Sir Robert Collier. Svo. - - 1S75 „ De Vita et Orationil)US Demosthenis. Scripsit E. Schau- mann. Svo. - - . 1S2{) „ Bv Rev. W. J. Brov J. P. Wood. 2 vols., folio - - - - - "- - 1813 Douglas (Sylvester) [Lord Glenbervie]. Cases of Controverted Elections. 4 vols., 8vo. ----- 1775-7 Douglas (Dr. W.). British Settlements in North America. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1755 Douglass (Frederick). Life and Times, 1817-82, written by Himself. With an Introduction bv the Right Hon. John Bright. Ed. bv J. Lobb. 8vo. - - - - 1883 Dove (H. W.). Law of Storms. Trans, by R. H. Scott. 8vo. - 1862 Dove (John). Life of Andrew Marvell. 12mo. - - - 1832 Dover (Geo. J. W. A. Ellis, Lord). Historical Inquiries re- specting the Character of the Earl of Clarendon. 12mo. 1827 „ Letters during 1686-8, addressed to J. Ellis. 2 vols., 8vo. 1831 Dover (Robert). Olimpick Games upon Cotswold Hills. 4to. 1636. Reprint. 4to. - - - - - - - 1878 Doway Bible and New Testament. 3 vols., 4to. Doway - 1582-1609 Do WDEN (Edward). Life of Percy Bys.she Shelley. 2 vols., 8vo. 1886 „ Southey. See English Men of Letters. DowDE-swELL (G. M.) and Smith (W. J.). Compendium of Mer- cantile Law. 8vo. ------- 1865 DoAVE (W.). Junius; Lord Chatham : a Biography. 8vo. - 1857 DowELL (Steph.). History of Taxes in England.' Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo.' ------- 1876 „ History of Taxation and Taxes in England. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1884 DowLiNG (J. A.). Shorthand Report of Inquest at Oldham on John Lees [killed at Peterloo, 16 Aug. 1819]. 8vo. - 1820 DowNiE (Sir A. M.). Spas of Homburg. 2nd ed. 12mo. - 1844 174 DOW— DKA DowNiE (David), Trial of, for High Treason. 8vo. - - - 1836 Doyle (Sir Francis Hastings Chas.). Lectiiivs on Poetrv. 12nio. - - - - - - - - " - 1877 ,, The Kctuiri of the Guaids, and otlit r Poems. 12nio. - 18G6 ,, ^Miscellaneous Verses. 12nio. ------ 1841 „ J^'niinisccnces and Opinions, 1813-85. 8vo. - - - 1886 DoTLE (James E.). The Official Baronage of England, 1066-1885. 3 vols., 4to. 1886 Doyle (John) [Caricaturist]. See H. B. Doyle (John A.). The English in America. 8vo. - - - 1882 Virginia, Maryland and the Carolina';. Doyle (Richard). Bird's-Eve Views of Societv. Engraved bv the Brothers Dnlzicl. Obi. folio --■--■- 1864 „ Catalogue of Di-awlngs of, exhibited at the Gi'osvenor Gallery. Small Ito. ------- 1885 D'Oyley (Thos.). Poems. 8vo. - - - - - - 1843 „ " Edward Somei-s " : a Donu'stic Tale. 8vo. - - - 1843 D'Oyly (Rev. Dr. Geo.). Life of Archbi.shop Sancroft and the Rev. Henry Wharton, his Chaplain. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1821 Dr.\ke (Sir Francis). Life. By John Barrow. 8vo. - - 1843 „ His Vovage, 1595. By Thomas INIaynarde. Spani.sh Ac- count of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico. See HaMuyt Soc, 4. „ The World Encompassed by. Se<' Hakluyt Soc, 16. „ Services against the Spaniards, 1587. See Camden Misc., Vol. 5. „ Life. By Julian Corl)ett. See Kiu/Ush Men of Action. Drake (Francis). History and Anticjuities of i\w City of York. Folio - - : -----'- - 1736 Drake (Sam. Adams). The Making of New England. 16mo. - 1886 Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1443-1664. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Small 4lo. . . . . 1869 Documents :— Henry YIII., Acts [1543]. Henry VIII., Procla- mations [1545]. Echvard VI.. two Proclamations [1549]. Queen Mary, Proclamation [1553]. Queen Elizalieth, Proclamation against Plays [1559]. .Statute against Players [1571-2]. Letter from Lord Mayor to Lord Chamlierlain [1573-4]. Licence 1)V Privy Seal to Actors [1574]. Petition of Queen's Playt'rs [1575]. Order for Restraint of Acting [ 1 574] . Warrant to T. (}yles [1 585] . Letter of Lord Mayor [1589]. Petition of T. Pope [1596]. Statute against Players [1597-8]. Petition of Pope. Purliage, &c. [l.')S)6]. James L, I'rivy Seal to E. Kirkham [1603] ; to I. Jones [1612-13] ; to'T. UoM-nton [1012-13] ; to P. Kosseter [1015]. Statute upon the Stage, cap. 21 [1605-0]. Letter to T. Daniel [1618]. Patent, Licensing Plays [1619-20]. A])iiointing Sir J. A.shley [1622]. Letter Cancelling a Patent [1620]. Charles 1:, Patent renewing that of James [1625]. Statute upon the Drama [1625]. Privy Seal to tlie King's Players [1625]. For the Revels at Cmrt [1626]. Long Parliament, 1st Ordinance against Plays [1642]; 2nd ditto [1647] ; 3rd ditto [1647-8]. Sermon against Plays. Pdast of Ri trait from Plays. Plays confuted, ly'S. tJosson. P. StuMies on the Drama [1583]. On the Glohe Play-house. On the Drama [1616]. Treatise against Plays [1625]. Stage Playei-s" Complayut [1641]. Actor's Complaynt [1643]. Prynne's Defence of Plays [1649]. Prj-nne's VinS.). „ Catholic Hierarchy deposed under. See Bridgett and Knox. „ Court of. See Manchester {Duheof). „ Court Revels. See Shakespeare Soc. „ Devotional Poetry oi" the Reisjn of. See Parker Soc. „ Dramatic Literature of the Age of. See Hazlitt ( IVin.). „ Favourites of. See Naunton {Sir Robert). ,, Homilies .iN.ppointed to be Read. 8vo. . . - - 18 13 „ Household Account of, loo 1-2. See Camden ,1//.sr.. Vol. 2. „ Princely Pleasures at Kenihvorth. See Gascoigne (G.). „ Letters in the Reign of. See Cabala and Essex (Earls of). „ Manners in th(; R(ugu of. See Lodtory of Liverpool. 2nd ed. Folio - - 1774 Engel (Carl). The Music of the Assvrians, Egvptians, and Hebrews. 8vo. - - - "- - - - - 1864 „ Study of National Music. 8vo. ----- 1866 Catalogue of the Musical Instruments in the South Kensington ^luseum. 8vo. ----- 1874 Engel (Louis). From Mozart to Mario: Reminiscences of Half a Century. 2 vols., 12mo. 1886 Vol. 1.— Auber (D. F. E.). Berlioz (Hector). Chopin (Frederic). Gounod (Charles). Meyerljeer (Jacob). Schumann (Robert). Mozfurt (Wolfgang Amadeus). EN'a 193 Engel (Louis). From Mozart to Mario — continued. Vol. 2. — Wagner (Richard). Rossini (Gioaccliino Antonio). Verdi (Joseph Fortunin Fran9ois). Thalberg (Sigismond). Paganini (Nicolo). Patti (Adelina). Nillson (Christine). Mario (Giovanni Battista Matteo, Cavalicre di Candia). England, Annals of. 3 vols., 12mo. . . . . 1855-7 „ School History of. By the Author of "Annals." 12mo. - - -■ 1870 „ And Grermany in 1618 and 1619. See Camden Soc, 90. „ Chronicle [1377-1461]. See Camden Soc, 64. „ County Atlas of. See Philips and Stanford. „ Chronologist of the War with France. May, 1789, to Dec, 1798. 12mo. - - - - -' - - 1797-8 „ Chronicle of the Kings of, written after the Manner of the Jewish Historians. With Notes. 8vo. - - - 1821 „ Dictionary of the History of. See Low and Pulling, „ Invasions of. 8vo. .-..-.- 1794 England and Wales, Beauties of. 18 vols, in 27, 8vo. - 1801-18 „ Parliamentary Gazetteer of. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1843-7 „ Tour by an English Gentleman in [T. ISTewte]. 8vo. - 1788 England's Helicon. Lyrical and Pastoral Poems published 1600. Ed. by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. - - - - - 1887 Englefield (Sir Henry C). Beauties, Antiquities, and Geo- logical Phenomena of the Isle of Wight. Folio - - 1816 Engleheart (G. D.). Journal of the Progress of the Prince of Wales through British ISTorth America and the United States, 10 Julv— 15 Nov., 1860. 8vo. (Privately printed.) - " "[1861] English Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. English Citizen (The) : his Rights and Responsibilities. Ed. by Henry Craik. 12mo. ------ 1881-5 1.— Central Government. By H. D. Traill. 1881. 2. — The Electorate and the Legislature. By Spencer Walpolc. 1881. 3.— Local Government. By. M. D. Chalmers. 1883. 4.— Justice and Police. By F. W. Maitland. 1885. 5.- The National Budget: the National Debt, Taxes, and Rates. By A. J. Wilson. 1882. 6.— The State and Education. By Henry Craik. 1884. 7.— The Poor Law. By the Rev. T. W, Fowle. 1881. 8.— The State in its Relation to Trade. By Sir T. H. Farrer. 1883. 9 -—The State in Relation to Labour. By AV. Stanley Jevons. 1882. 10.— The Land Laws. By Sir F. Pollock. 1883. 11.— The State and the Church. By the Hon. Arthur Elliot. 1882. 12. — Foreign Relations. By Spencer AValpole. 1882. 13. — (1) India. By J. S. Cotton. (2) Colonies and Dependen- cies. By E. J. Payne. 1883. 14. — Punishment and Prevention of Crime. By Sir Edmund Du Cane. 1885. English Hexameter Translations from Schiller, Goethe, Homer, and others. Obi. 8vo. ------ 1847 English Historical Magazine (cowfrnwec?). Vol.1 et seq. 8\o. ISSQetseg. p. 3104. N 194 ENQ English Historical Snciety Pnblioations. 29 vols, in 21, 8vo. 1838-50 Ailain i\v Muriimith. Chronica sui 'IVniporis [1303-46-80]. licile (ViiHriil)li'). Opi-ra Histurica. Codex Diplomaticus Mv\ .Saxoiiici. Flori'iico of Worcester. Chroiiicou ex Chronicis. t'liltlas (St.). De Exciilio Britanniae. Henry V. Nennius. Ilistoria Britoimm. Eichanl of Devizes. Chronica de Reims Gestis Richard I. Richard II., Chronique de la Traison et Jlort de. Roger de Wendover. Flores Historiarum. Gesta Stephani. Nicholas Trivet. Annales Sex Eegum Anglise. Walter de Hemingburgh. De Gestis Regum Angliae. William of MalmesLury. Gesta Regum Anglorum. William of Xewlfurgh. Ilistoria Rerum Aiigliearum. English Men of Action. l2nio. 1889 et seq. Clive (Lord). By Sir Chas. Wilson. Cook (Captain). By Walter Besant. Dampier (William). By W. Clark Russell. Drake (Sir Francis). By Julian Corl>ett. Gordon (Charles George). By Gen. Sir Wm. F. r>utk'r. Hastings (Warren). 13y Sir A. Lyall. Havelock. By Archibald Forbes. Henry V. By the Rev. A. J. Church. Lawrence (Lord). By Sir Richard Temple. Livingstone (David). By Thomas Hughes. Monk. By Julian Corbett. Moutrose. By Mowbray Morris. Napier (Sir Charles). By Gen. Sir Wm. F. Butler. Peterborough. 15y AVm. Stebliing. Rodney. By David Hannay. Strafford. By \\. D. Traill.* Warwick, the King Maker. By Cha^. W. Oman. Wellington. By George Hooper. English Men of Letters. Ed. bv John Morlov. 39 vols., l2mo. - - - - " - - - " - - 1879-84 Addison. ]5y W. J. Courthopo. Hume. By Prof. Huxley. Bacon. By Dean Church. Johnson. By Leslie Stephen. Bentley. By R. C. Jebb. Keats. By Sidney Colvin. Bunyan. 15y J. A. F'roude. Lamb (Chas.). By A. Ainger. Burice. By John Jlorley. Landor. By Sidney Colvin. Burns, l^y J. C. Shaii-p. Locke. By Prof. Fowler. ]5yron. By John Nichol. ^lacaulay. By J. C. Morison. Carlyle. By Dr. John Nichol. Milton. By M. Pattison. Chaucer. J5y A. AV. Ward. Pope. By Leslie Stephen. Coleridge. By H. D. Traill. Scott. By R. H. Hutton. Cowper. By Goldwin Smith. Slullev. r>y J. A. Symonds. Defoe. By W. Minto. Sherid'an. By Mrs. Oliphant. De Quincey. By David Mas- Sidney (Sir I'hilip). By J. A. son. Symonds. Dickens. By A. W. Ward. Southey. By Edw. Dowden. Dryden. By G. Saintsbury. Spenser. By R. W. Church. Fielding. By A. Dobson. Sterne. By H. D. Traill. Gibbon. By J. C. Morison. Swift. By Leslie Stephen. Goldsmith. By Wm. Itlack. Thackeray. By Ant. TroUope. Gray. By E .W. Gosse. Wordsworth. By F. Myers. Jlawthorne. By H. James, Jun. English ^Ii'tricnl TloniMnces. See Camden Soc, 18. English Republic (Tlic) : a Newspaper. 1851-5. See Linton. English Worthies. E<1. bv Andrew Lang. 12nio. - - - 1888 Blake (Admiral). By David Hannay. Canning (George). By Frank H. Hill. Claverhf)use. By Mowbray Morris. Darwin (Charles). By Grant Allen. ENG— EKB 195 English Worthies — continued. Jonson (Ben). By J. A. Symonds. Marlborough. By G. Saintsbury. Raleigh. By Edmund G-osse. Shafteslniry (The First Earl of). By H. D. Traill. Steele (Richard). By Austin Dobson, English (Henry Scale). Crowland Abbey and the Monastery at Burgh (now Peterborough), to the time of Richard I. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1871 Englishman (An). The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Policy of Count Beust. 8vo. ...--- 1870 Englishman in Paris (An). Notes and Recollections. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1892 Vol. 1. — Reign of Louis Philippe. Vol. 2.— The Empire. Englishman's (The) Guide Book to the United States and Canada. 16mo. - ------- 1886 Englishwoman in America. [Isabella L. Bishop.] 8vo. - - 1856 „ Aspects of Religion in the United States. 12mo. - - 1859 Ennemoser (Dr. Jos.). History of Magic. Trans, by Wm. Howitt. With Stories of Apparitions. 2 vols., fcap. 8vo. - - 1854 Ennis (Jacob). Origin of the Stars. Causes of their Motion and Liglit. 8vo. 1876 Ensor (George). The Corn Laws. 8vo. 1840 „ Defects of English Laws and Tribunals. 8vo. - - - 1812 „ The Independent Man : an Essay on the Formation of the Human Mind. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1806 „ National Government. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1810 „ Inquiry concerning Population. 8vo. - - - -1818 „ Radical Reform. 8vo. - - - - - - -1819 „ Tracts. 8vo. - - 1823-42 1.— The Poor and their Relief. 1823. 2.— Natural Theology. 1836. 3. — The Origin, Policy, and Consequences of the Reform Bill. 1840. 4.— Before and after the Reform Bill. 1842. Entick (Rev. John). General History of the late War. 5 vols., 8vo. 1763-4 „ New Naval History : a Complete View of the Royal Navy and Merchant Service. Folio ----- 1757 „ History of London, Westminster, and Southwark. 4 vols., 8vo. 1766 Eothen; or. Traces of Travel. [A. W. Kinglake.] 8vo. - - 1845 Epic of Hades (The). See Morris (Lewis). Epicurus, The Morals of. Trans, by John Digby ; Avith St. Evremont's Essay thereon. 8vo. - - - -'-1712 Epigrammatum Grjficorum. J. Broadfei annotationibus. Folio - 1600 *' Episcopalian " Letters on the Church. 8vo. - - - - 1826 Epsom, History of. By an Inhabitant [Henry Pownall]. 12mo. 1825 Erasmus (Desiderius) . Adagiarum Chiliades j uxta locos Communes digestas. Folio 1599 „ Familiar Colloquies. Trans, bv N. Bailey. 8vo. - 1733 „ Praise of Folly. Cuts by Holbein. 12mo. - - [1869] „ Oxford Reformers, 1498. See Seehohm (F.). „ Essay on. See Milman (H. H.). Erbach (Count George Albert of) . Adventures. ByEmilKraus. Trans, by Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg. 8vo. 1891 n 2 196 ERG— ETH Erckmann (Etnile) and Chatrian (Alexandre). Histoire d'un Pavsan, 1789-1815. 4 vols., 12ino. - - - [1887] „ Histoire d'un Oonscrit de 1813. 12uio. - - - [1887] „ Wat»M-loo. 12nio. [1887] „ Lo Blor-us. 12mo. ...... [1887] „ L'Invusion, on le Fou Yegof. 12mo. - - - [1887] „ Madame Th»^rese. 12mo. . . - - - [1887] Erdeswick (Sampson). Survey of Staffordshire. New ed. Ed. by Rev. Tlios. Harwood. 8vo. 1844 Ernest II., Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Memoirs [1818-70]. 4 vols., 8vo. 1888 Erskixe (Hon. HtMU-v), Lord Advocate. Life [1746-1817] ; with Notices of Ills Kinsfolk. Bv Lieut. -Col. A. Fergusson. 8vo. ■ 1882 Erskixe (John). An Institute of the Law of Scotland. 2 vols. in 1, folio 1812 Erskixe (Thos. Erskine, Lord). Armatn : a Fragment. 8%-o. - 1817 „ Speeches when at the Bar. 8vo. ----- 1827 „ Speeches when at the Bar, against Constructive Treason, &c. With Memoir bv Lord Brougham. Ed. bv Jas. Ridgwav. 4 vols., 8vo. ■ ■ - - [i 845-7] EscoTT (Thos. Hay Sweet). England, its People, Politv, and Pursuits. ' 2 vols., 8vo. ----- [1879] „ Pillars of the Empire : Sketches of Indian and Colonial Statesmen, Celebrities, and Officials. 12mo. - - - 1879 ESPERXOX (J. L. de Xogaret de la Valctte, Due d'), The Historv of [1554-1642]. Englished by Cliarles Cotton. FoUo"- 1670 EsQUiROS (Alphonse). Cornwall and its Coasts. 8vo. - - 1865 „ The Engli.sh at Home. Trans, bv Sir Lascelles Wraxall. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - " - - - - 1861-3 „ English Seamen and Divers. 8vo. ----- 1868 Ess.A.YiSTS, British. See British Essayists. Essays and Reviews. 4th ed. 8vo. ------ 1861 1. — Education of the World. By Frederick Temple. 2. — Bunsen's Bil>lical Researches. By Rowland Williams. 3. — Study of the Evidences of Christianity. By Baden Powell. 4. — Seances Historiques de Geneve. National Church. By H. B. AVilson. 5. — On the Mosaic Cosmogony. By C. W. Goodwin. fi. — Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750. By Mark Pattison. 7. — On the Interpretation of Scripture. By Benjamin Jowett. Essex (Arthur Capel, Earl of). Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [1675]. Letters ; with Account of his Life. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1773 Essex (The Devereux, Earls of). Lives and Letters. [Elizabeth to Charles I.] By Hon. AValter B. Devereux. 2 vols., 8vo. 1853 EsTCOURT (Rev. Edgar E.) and Payne (J. O.). English Catholic Xon-jurors of 1715. 8vo. 1886 EsTOiLE (Pierre de 1'), Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vols. 45-49. ESTREES (Mareehal d'), Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 16. Eterxal Worker, What and How of the? 12mo. - - - 1862 Etuelward. Chronicon. Sec Anglic. Rertim Script. Etherege (Sir George). Works. 12mo. - - - . 1715 „ Plays and Poems. Ed. by A. W. Verity. 8vo. - - 1888 Comical Revenge ; or, Love in a Tub. She -would if she could. Man of Mode ; or, Sir Fopling Flutter. Poems. Index. ETO— EVA 197 Eton College. Loan Collection of Portraits, Views, MSS., &c., on the 450th Anniversary. 3rd ed. 4to. - - - 1891 Eton School Lists, 1791-1877. Ed. by H. E. C. Stapylton. Ito. 1885 Etonian (The). 3 vols., 8vo. 1823 Etty (William). Life. By Alex. Gilchrist. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1855 Euclid. Elements and Data. Etl. by R. Simpson. 8vo. - - 1827 Eugenie (Empress of the French). See Curette (Madame) EuPOLis. Hymn to the Creator. Trans, by Charles Wesley. See British Poets, Vol. 88. Euripides. Dramata : edidit Er. Hen. Bothe. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1825-6 Vol. 1. — E/ca/3?j. OpeffTTjs. ^oiviaffai. MrjSeia. IttttoAutoj. AAKricTTts. AvSpo/xaxV- iKertSes. lTEiJ (T.). Letters of Locke, Sidney, and Shaftesbury. With Sketeli of Locke and other Metaphvsicians. 2nd ed. 8v(). 1817 FoKsTER (Right Hon. Wm. Edw.). Lite [1818-80]. By T. Wemyss Rc-iil. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . - " - 1888 FoRSYTti (J. S.). Anti(|uary's Portfolio: Literary and Historical Ciu'iosities. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1825 FoKSYTH ('!'. D.). Exjjedition from Lahore to Yarkand. 1800. See Henderson and Hume. P'OKSYTH (Wni.). Life of Marcus Tidlius Cicero. 8vo. - - 1864 „ E.ssays, Critical and Narrative. 8vo. . . . . 1874 „ Hortensius ; or, the Advocate. An Historical Essay. 8vo. 1849 History of Trial by Jury. 8vo. - - - - - 1852 History of the Cajjtivity of Najjoleon at St. Helena. From the Journals, Sir. of Sii- Hudson Lowe. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1853 The Novels and Novelists of the 18th Century. Illustrative of the Morals and Manners of the Age. 12mo. - - 1871 FOR— FOS 211 FORTESCUE Papers (The). Letters on State Affairs. Collected by John Packer, Secretary to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. See Camden Soc, 2 (N.S.). FoRTEscuE (Geo. K.). Subject Index of Modern Works added to the British Museum, 1880-5. 4to. - - - - 1886 ,, Subject Index of Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum, 1885-90. 8vo. - - - - 1891 FoRTiA (M.). Travels of Two Frenchmen in Sweden, 1790-2. See Pinkerton, Vol. 6. Fortnightly Review (now published Monthly). Vol. 1 et seq. 8vo. -------- 1865 et seq. Fortune (E. F.). Epitome of the Stocks and Funds. 12mo. - 1856 Fortune (Robert). Three Years' Wanderings in China. 8vo. - 1847 „ Journey to the Tea Countries of China. 8vo. - - - 1852 „ Residence among the Chinese, 1853-6 : Inland, on the Coast, and at Sea. 8vo. ------ 1857 „ Yedo and Peking. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1863 Fortunes made in Business. 3 vols., 8vo. - - . . ISM Vo\. 1. — Isaac Holden. S. C. Lister. The Low Moor Com- pany. Sir Josiah Mason. Sir Henry Eessemer. Sir John Brown. Titus and Daniel Salt. The Peases of Darlington. The Fisons and Forsters of Burley-in- Wharfedale. The Fieldens. Vol. 2. — The Fosters of Queensbury. Hornby Castle. The Gladstone Family. The Bi'ight Family. The Fairbairns. W. H. Perkin. The Cunard Company. Thos. Wilson and Co., the Hull Shipowners. Messrs. Bass. Vol. 3. — Horrocks, Miller, and Co. The Mintons. Sir Wm G. Armstrong. The Henrys of Manchester. The Crossleys of Halifax. Kitsons of Leeds. Richardsons of Bessbrook. Platts of Oldham. Sir Donald Currie. FosBROKE (Rev. Thos. D.). British Monachism ; or. Manners and Customs of Monks and Nuns in England. 8vo. - 1843 „ Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archfeology, Classical and Mediaeval. 2nd ed. 2 vols., royal 8vo. - 1843 „ Foreign Topography. 4to. ------ 1828 „ Original History of the City of Gloucester, including the Papers of Ralph Bigland." 4to. - - - - - 1819 FoscoLO (Ugo). Opere. 11 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1850-62 Prose Letterarie : — Vol. 1. — Jacobo Ortis. La Chioma di Berenice. Vol. 2. — Lezionidi Eloquenza. ViaggioSentimentaledi Yorick. Vol. 3. — Discorso Storico sul Testo del Decamerone. Discorso sill Testo della Commedia di Dante. Vol. 4. — Saggio d'un Gazzetino del Bcl-Mondo. Discorsi sulla Lingua Italiana. Articoli di Critica Letterariu. Saggi di Critica Storico Letteraria. 2 vols. 1860-62. Prose Politche. 1850. Poesie. 1856. Epistolario. 3 vols. 1852-4. Foss (Edw.). Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, 1066-1870. 8vo. --■----. 1870 „ Judges of England [1066-1660]. With Miscellaneous Notices of the Courts at Westminster. 9 vols., 8vo. 1846-64 FossETT (Frank). Colorado. A Guide to the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. - - - - - - "- - - 1879 Foster (Frank). Number One. See Fuse let/ (Dan.). Foster (Rev. Dr. John). Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Vol. 2. Foster (Jos.). Peerage and Baronetage. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1881 „ Alumni Oxonienses. Members of the LTniversity of Oxford [1500-1714]. 4 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - - 1891-2 o 2 212 FOS— FOX FOSTKU (Jo>J.) — coutiniud. „ Aliiiimi Oxonifiisi'S. ^Mfnibcrs of the T^iiivcisity of Oxford [ITlo-lHSG]. I vols., imp. Hvo. - . 1 . - 1888 „ Mt'n-:it-tlu'-B;ir, including Her Majesty's Jud^^cs. 8vo. - 1885 „ 'I'ht' lU)Vid Iiiiic:i Freeman (Edw. Aug.) and Cox (Rev. Sir Geo. W.). Poems, Legendary and Historical. Svo. ----- 1850 Freer (Maitha AV.) [Mrs. John Robinson]. The Married Life of Anne of Austria, Queen of France, Mother of Louis XIV. 2 vols., Svo. ------ 1864 „ Regency of Anne of Austria. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1866 Freind (Dr. J.). Account of the Earl of Peterborow's Conduct in Spain. Small Svo. - ------ 1707 Fremont (Col. John C). Ex])loring Expedition to the Rocky ^Mountains, Oregon, and North California in 1842-4. Svo. ---------- 1846 „ Biographical Sketch of. See Hall {lienj. F.). Fremont (Col. John C.) and Emory (Major). Travel in Cali- fornia. 16mo. - - - - - -- -1849 French Men of L<'tters. See Frangals {Lcs Grands Kcrivains). French (Geo. Russell). Catalogue of Anti(|uities and Works of Art exhibited ;it Ironmongers' Hall, 1S61. 2 vols., 4to. 1869 FRE— FRO 217 French (Greo. Russell) — continued. „ Shakspeareana Q-enealogica. 8vo. ----- 1869 Identification of the Dramatis Personae in Shakespeare's Historical Plays. Persons and Places belonging to Warwickshire. The Shakespeare and Arden Families, and their Con- nexions : with Tables of Descent. French (Rev. Rich. V.). Xineteen Centuries of Drink in Eng- land : a History. 8\o. ------ 1884 Freneau (Philip). Poems, chiefly illustrative of the American War of Independence, 1776. 12mo. - - - - 1861 Frere (lit. Hon. John Hookham). Works. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1872 Vol.1. — Life. By W.E. Frere and Sir Bartle Frere. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. Contributions to the " An ti- Jacobin." King Arthur and his Kound Table. Fables. Vol. 2. — Translations from Aristophanes. The Achai-nians. The Knights. The Birds. The Frogs. Peace. Theognis Restitutus. Miscellaneous Translation. The Poem of the Cid. „ See Anti-Jacobin, and The Microcosm. Freron (L. S.). Memoire sur la Reaction Royale. See Berville et Bar ri ere, Vol. 27. Freshfield (Douglas W.). Travels in the Central Caucasus. 8vo. 1869 Frey (Albert R.). Sobriquets and Nicknames. 8vo. - - [1888] Freytag (Grustav). Pictures of German Life. Trans, by Mrs. Malcolm. 4 vols, in 2 ----- 1862-3 „ Debit and Credit: a Novel. Trans, by Mrs. Malcolm. 12mo. 1892 Friedmann (Paul). AnneBoleyn: a Chapter of English History, 1532-36. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1884 Friend (Rev. Hilderic). Flowers and Flower Lore. 8vo. - 1886 Friendly Societies, Instructions for the Establishment of. 8vo. - 1837 Frilley (Q-.) and Wlahovitj (Jovan). Montenegro Contemporain. 12mo. --------- 1876 Friswell ( Jas. Hain) . Familiar Words ; a Handbook of Quota- tions. 8vo. -------- 1866 Frith (Miss I.). Life of Giordano Bruno, the Nolan. 8vo. 1887 Frith or Fryth (John) [English Reformer]. 1507-33. Works. See Russell ( T.). Frith (Wm. P.) R.A. Mv Autobiography. 2nd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. ---'------ 1887-8 Frobisher (Sir Martin). Voyages. See Hakluyt Soc, Vol. 38. First Voyage, for the Search of the Passage to China. 1576. Second Voyage, for the Discovery of a New Passage to Catayna, China, and the East Indies, by the North-West. 1577. Third Voyage, pretended for the Discovery of Catayna. 1578. „ „ See also Pinkerton, Vol. 12. „ Relics of his Expedition, &c. See Hall (Captain jF.). Froissart (Jean). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Por- tugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, &c. Trans, by John Bourchier, Lord Berners [1523]. New ed. With Memoir of the Translator. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1812 „ Life. By M. de Saint Palaye. Trans, by Col. Thos. Johnes. 8vo. - 1801 „ „ See Merimee (P.). Frost (Chas.). Early History of Hull. 4to. - - - - 1827 Frost (John). Trial" for High Treason, 1839-40. 8vo. - - 1840 Frost (Thos.). Life of Thomas, Lord Lyttleton. 8vo. - - 1876 „ The Old Showmen and the London Fairs. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1875 218 FEO— FUL Frost (Thos.) — continued. „ The StHTt't Societies of the Euro])ean Kevohition [177(j- 1S76]. 2vols., Svo. 1H76 „ Reininisc»'nces of a Countiv Jouriiiilist. 8vo. - - - 188G Frothingham (Hich.). Historv of the Siesje of Boston. Svo. - 1S73 „ Rise of the Ki-jmhlic of tile United States. Svo. - - 1S72 Froude (James Anthonv). Shadows of the Clouds : a Tale. 12ino. - ■- - - - - - - - 1S-J7 „ Xeuiesis of Faith. 1st ed. Svo. 1S49 „ The Best Means of teaching Kngli.-^h Historv. See O.rford Essays, 1S55. „ Historv of Englantl, fiom the Fall of "Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. 12 vols., Svo. - - " - - 1S5S-70 „ The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. ; A Supplementary Vol. to the History of England. I 8vo. - - - 1891 „ Short Studies on Great Subjects. Four Series. Sao. 1867-83 „ The English in Ireland in the 18th Centurv. 3 vols., Svo. - - 1872-4 „ Bunvan. See Euqlish Men of Letters. „ Caj.s{ir : A Sketch.' Svo.- '- - - - - -1879 „ Lectures on South Africa. Svo. ----- 1880 „ Thomas Carlvle. Life, 1795-1835. 2 vols., Svo. - -1882 „ ,, ' Life in London, 1834-81. 2 vols., Svo.- 1884 „ Oceana; or, England and her Colonies. 2nd ed. - - 1886 The Knglish in the AVest Indies. Svo. - - - - 1888 „ The Two Chiefs of Dunbov : an Irish Romance. 12mo. - 1889 „ Life of the Earl of BeaconsHeld. 12mo. - - - - 1890 „ The Spanish Story of the Armada and other Essays. Svo. 1892 The Armada. — Antonio Perez. — Saint Teresa. — The Templars. — Nor'way. Fky (Elizabeth). LitV. Ed. by her Daughteis. 2 vols.. Svo. - 1847 Fry (John). Bibliographical Memoranda, in Illustration of Early English Literature. [Only 99 printed.] Small 4to. '-1816 Fryxell (Anders). History of Sweden. Trans, and ed. by Mary Howitt. 2 vols., Svo. - - - - - '- '- 1844 FuLCHER (Geo. W.). Life of Thos. Gain.sborough, R.A. 12mo. 1856 Fti.KE (Rev. Dr. Wm.). Defence of the Translations of the Bible, and Tracts against Popery. See Parher Soc. Fullartox (John). On the Regulation of Currencie.';, &c. Svo. 1844 Fuller (Hiram). Sparks from a Locomotive; or, Life and Liberty in Emope. Svo. ------ 1859 Filler (Maigaret). See Ossoli {Countess). Fuller (Rev. Dr. Tlios.). Theological Works. 3 vols., 12mo. 1840-1 1. — The Holy State and the Profane State. A collection of Characters, Moral E.ssays, and Lives. 1652. 2.— The Holy War. 1639. 3.— Good Thoughts and Contemplations. 1646-60. „ Church History of Britain, a.d. to 1648. Folio - - 1655 „ Historv of the University of Cambridge from 1066. Folio 1655 „ Ephemeris Parliamentaria ; or. Transactions in Parliament. I. Car. 3 & 4. Folio 1654 „ Poems and Translations in Verse. Ed. bv Rev. A. B. Grosart. Svo. - - - - - ' - - - 1868 „ Worthies of England. Ed. Ijv P. A. Xnttall. 3 vols., Svo. 1840 „ Life. By the Rev. A. T. Rtissell. 12mo. - - -1844 „ Life. By John Eglington Bailey. Svo. - - - - 1874 FUL— GAL 219 Puller (William) [Impostor]. Life, 1670-1703. Impartially written by Himself [in Bridewell]. 12mo. - - - 1703 FuLLERTON (Lady Greorgiana Charlotte). The Countess de Bon- neval : Her Life and Letters. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1858 „ Ellen Middleton : A Tale. 2nd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1844 FuNNELL (Wm.). Voyage round the World. Comprising Capt. Dampier's Expedition to the South Seas in 1703-4, and the Aiithor's Voyage to the East Indies. 8vo. - - 1707 FuRETiERE (A.). See Ana, French, Vol. 1. FuRLEY (Robert). History of the Weald of Kent. With a Sketch of its Physical Features, by H. B. Mackeson. 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. -.-... 1871-4 FuRNEAUX (Capt. Tobias). Voyage in H.M.S. "Adventure." See Cook ( Capt. Jas.). FuRNESS Abbey, Coucher Book of. See Chetham Soc. FusELi (John Henry), Swiss Painter. Life and Writings. Ed. by John Knowles. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - -1831 Vol. 1.— Life. Vol. 2. — Lectures on Painting. Vol. 3. — Lectures on Painting. Aphorisms on the Fine Arts. History of the Italian Schools. Fyffe (Chas. Alan). History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1891-2 Fytche (Lieut.-Gren. Albert). Reports on British Burma. 8vo. 1868-71 „ Burma, Past and Present. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1878 G. E. C. A New Peerage. See Cohayne {G. E.). G-. M. The Wrath of Echo, and other Poems. 12mo. - - 1870 Gaelic Dictionary. By the Highland Society. 2 vols., 4to. - 1828 Gaete (Due de). Memoires. See Berville et Barriere, Vols. 28, 29. Gage (John). History and Antiquities of Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk. 4to. ------.. 1838 „ History and Antiquities of Hengrave, in Suffolk. 4to. - 1822 Gaimar (G.). L'Estoire des Englis. ^ee Monfonenta Hist. Brit. Gainsborough (Thomas), E.A. Life. By G. W. Fulcher. Ed. by his Son. 2nd ed. 12mo. - . . . . 1856 „ Works of, exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery. Small 4to. 1885 Gairdner (James). Life and Reign of Richard III. and the Story of Perkin Warbeck. 8vo. ---.._ 1878 Gairdner (James) and Spedding (James). Studies in English History. 8vo. - 1881 Gale (Thos.), Dean of York, Fell (John), Bishop of Oxford, and Fulman (Wm.). Rerum Anglicanum Scriptores Veteres. 3 vols., folio - . . . . 1684-7-91 \. — Gildas. Eddius. Nennius. Asserius. Eanulph Higden. Gulielmus Malmeshuriensis. Anonymus Malmesbury. Anonymus Ramesensis. Anonymus Elyensis. Thomas Elyensis. Jos. Wallingford. Eadulpho de Diceto. Anonymus departit. provinc. Jo. Fordun. Alcwinus Flaccus. 2.— Annales Marganses. Th. Wikes, Chronieon. Annales "Waverleienses. G. Vinesalvi, Historia. W. Hemingford, Historia. 3. — Ingulfus Croylandensis. Petrus Blesensis. Chronica de Mailros. Annales Burtonenses. Hist. Croyland. 220 GAL Galilei (Galileo). OiM'ie. 3 vols., 4to. 1718 „ Private Life. Compiled from his eorrespoiuleiKe, and that of his elde.st Daughter, Sister Maria Celeste. 8vo. - 1870 „ and the Konian Curia. By K. von Gebler. 8vo. - - 1875> „ See Lives, Lib. L\K. Galindd (Sam.). Italian Idiomatic Colloquial Phraseologv. 8vo. - "- 1857 Gallatin (Albert). Life, 1701-1840. By H. Adams - - 1S79 Gallexga (Antonio C. X.) [L. MariottiJ. It^dv, Pa-t and Pre.seut. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - ■ - - - - 1848 ,, Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . 1864 G.vlloway (Rev. Wm. B.). Philo.sophy and Kt'ligion. 8vo. - 1837 Galt (John). Autobiography. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . - 1833 „ Life of Loicl Byron. 12mo. ------ 1830 „ Lives of the Players. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1831 „ Literary Life and MisceUanies. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1H34 Galton (Franci.s). English Men of Science, their Nature and Nurture. 8vo. - - 1874 „ Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1860-3. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1861-4 Vol. 1.— Clark (W. G.). Naples and Garibaldi. Spottiswoodf (G. A.). Tour in Croatia and part of Ilungary. Slavonic Races. Gcssip on a Suthfrland Hillside. Bowen (C. C). A Visit to Peru. Cowell (J. J.). Graian Alps and Mount Iseran. Sti'plnn (L.). Tho Allelein Horn. Hawkins (F. V.). Partial Ascent of Mount Cervin. Tjndall (J.). From Lauterbrunncn to the jliggishorn. Clark (J. W.). Yacht Voyage to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Tozer (H. F.). Norway. Galton (Francis). Visit to North Spain. Noil (Hon. K.). Syrian Travel and Syrian Tribes. Vol. 2. — Weir (Rev. A.). St. Petersburg and Moscow. Marshall (Wm.). The Country of Schaniyl. Tozer (H. F.). The Monks of'Mount Athos. Young (Rev. C). The Amazon and Rio Madeira. Collinson (Capt. Rich.). Nine Weeks in Canada. Sclater (Dr. P. L.). A Naturalist's Impression.? of Spain. Geikic (Arch.), (jfeological Notes on Auvergne. Seeniann (Dr. 15.). Fiji iind its Inhabitants. Durrant (Dr. Wm.). The Kru Coast, Cape Palmas, and the Niger, (jrove (George). Nabloos and the Samaritans. Christmas in Montenegro. Vol. 3.— Tri-stram (Rev. H. B.). A Winter's Ride in Palestine. Bertram (Jas. G.). Fish Culture in France. Kennedy (C. M.). The Turks of Constantinople. Gf)rdon (Lady Duft). Letters from the Cape. Clark (W. G.). I'oland. Powell (David). The Republic of Paraguay. Tyrwhitt (Rev. R. St. John). Sinai, liubbock (Mrs.). Ancient Shell Mounds of Denmark. Mayo (Charles). The Medical Service of the I''ederal Army. Greive (Rev. W. T.). The Church and People of Servia. Gordon (Hon. A.). Wilderness Journeys in New Brunswick. „ In([uiries into Human Faculty, and its Development. 8vo. 1883 „ Natural Inheritance. 8vo. - - - - - - 1889 Galvano, Galvam, or Galvao (Ant.), Discoveries of the World by. [1555.] See Uakluyt Soc, Vols. 4 and 30. GAM— GAR 221 Gam A (Vasco da), The Tliroo Voyages of, and his Viceroyalty. From the " Leudas da India " of Caspar Correa. Trans. and ed. by Lord Stanley of Alderley. See Hahlmjt Soc, 42. Gamba (Count Peter). Journal of Lord Byron's Last Journey to Greece. 8vo. - - - - " - - - '- 1825 Gambetta (Leon). Discours et Plaidovers Politiques. Publies par J. Reinaeh. 9 vo^s., 8vo. ' - - - - 1880-3 Gambier (Jas. Gambler, Admiral Lord), Memorials of [1756- 1833]. Ed. by Lady Chatterton. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1861 Gamon (Achille), Meinoires' de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 34. Gams (P. P. B.). Series Episcoporum Ecclesias Catholicae. 2 vols., 4to. - - - - - - - 1873-86 Gandy (John P.) [afterwards Deering]. Pompeiana. See Gell and Gandy. Garden (Alex.). Life of Bishop Elphinstone, 1431-1514 ; and, A Theatre of Scottish Worthies. See Hunterian Club. Garden (Comte de). Histoire Generale des Traites de Paix entre les Puis.sances de I'Europe, 1648-1814. 14 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1847 Gardiner (Hon. Colonel James). Life [1688-1745]. By Rev. P. Doddridge. 8vo. ------ [1813] Gardiner CRich.) [Dick Merrvfellow]. Memoirs [1723-81]. 8vo. ----------- 1788 Gardiner (Rev. Robt. B.). Admission Registers of St. Paul's School, 1748-1876. 8vo. - 1884 ,. Registers of Wadham College, Oxford. (Part T.) 1613- 1719. 8vo. - - . - - - - - 1880 Gardiner (Gen. Sir Robt. Wm.). Considerations on National Defence. 8vo. -------- 1861 Gardiner (Sam. Rawson). History of England, from the Acces- sion of James I. to the Disgrace of Chief Justice Coke, 1603-16. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1869 Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617-23. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1869 Historv of England, under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I., 1624-8. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - . 1875 Personal Government of Charles I., 1628-37. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1877 Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I., 1637-42. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1882 History of the Great Civil War, 1642-49. 3 vols., 8vo. 1886-91 The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1628-60. 12mo. ------. 1889 „ Student's History of England to 1885. 3 vols., 12mo. 1890-1 Gardiner (Sam. Rawsfpu) and Mullinger (J. B.). Introduction to the Study of English History. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1882 Gardner (W. J.). History of Jamaica. 8vo. - - - - 1873 Garfield (James Abram), 20th President of the United States. Life, 1813-81. By Capt. F. H. Mason. 12mo. - - 1881 „ See Blaine {J. G.). Gargiulo (Raff.). Monuments du Musce Royal Bourbon. 4to. 1856 Garibaldi (Guiseppe). Memorie autobiografice. 12mo. - - 1888 „ „ Trans, by A. Werner, with a Supplement by J. W. Mario. 3 vols., 8vo. ------- 1889 „ Vie, 1807-82. Par le General Bordone. 12mo. Paris - 1890 „ Garibaldi en France. Par G. Theyras. 8vo. - - - 1888 222 GAR— GAS Garibaldi (Guiseppe) — coif in tied. „ Life. BvJ. T. Bent. 12uio. IHSl ., Discorso'di W. E. Gladstoue. Trad, da G. Zidiini. Svo. - 1883 „ Garibaldi and ('ajjicra. Sco Florio-Sartori (-/'.). Gakneau (F. X.). History of Canada till the Union Year, 1840-1. Trans. 1)v"A. B»-1I. 3 vols. - . - - I860 Garxett (Richard). Relies of Slullev. 12ino. - - - 1862 „ The Svsteni of Classifyino; Books on the Slielves followed at the British ^Museum. 16ino. ----- 1878 Gahnikr (Rus.sell M.). History of the Land.-d Intere.st. 8vo. - 1892 Gak.mer-Pages (Louis Ant.). Histoire de la Revolution de 1848. 8 vols., 8vo. ------- 1861-2 Garrick (David). Dramatic "Works. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1798 1. — Lethe. The Lying Valet. Mis.s in her Twns. Komeo and Juliet. Every Man in his Humour. The Fairies. Fh^rizel aiul Perdita. Catherine and Petruchio. 2.— Liliput. The Male Coquette. The Gamesters. L'^abella. The Guardian. The Enchanter. Cymlx'line. The Farmers Return from London. 3. — The Clande.stine Marriage. A Peep behind the Curtain. Arthur and Emmeline. Eon Ton. High Life below Stairs. Irish Widow. May-Day. Theatrical Candidates. „ Private Correspondence, with Notes. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1835 „ Plavs. See Bell and Canthorn, 22, 30. „ Life. Bv Percv Fitzgerald. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1868 Gakkison (Wiiliani Llovd), 1805-79. The Storv of his Life, told by his Children. 4 vols., 8vo. - " - - 1885-9 Garry (Rupert). Elocution. Voice and Gesture. 12nio. - - 1888 Garth (Sir Sam.). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 27. „ Translations. See British Poets, Vols. 94, 95. Gascoigne (Geo.). Poems [1537-77.]. Ed., with Memoir, bv AV. C. Hazlitt. 2 vols., small 4to. - - - 1869-70 „ Concerning the Making of Verse [1575]. See Hasleivood (J.), Vol. 2. „ Queen Elizabeth's Princelv Pleasures at Kenihvorth. 8vo. 1821 Gaskell Elizabeth C). Works. 7 vols. 12mo. - - 1887-91 Vol. 1. — Wives and Daughters. Vol. 2. — North and South. Vol. 3. — Sylvia's Lovei>. Vol.4. — Cranford — Company Manners — The Well of Pen- Morpha — The Heart of John Middleton — Traits and Stories of the Huguenots — Six Weeks at Heppenheim — The Squire's Story — Libbie ^lai-slis Three Eras- Curious if True — The Moorland Cottage — The Sexton's Hero — Disjippearances — Right at I^a.^t — The Manchester Mar- riage — Ix^is, the Witch — 'Ihe Crooked Branch. Vol. .3. — Mary Barton — Cousin Phillis — My Frencli Ma.ster — The Old Nurse's Story — Bessy's Troubles at Home — Christinas Storms and Sunshine. Vol. 6. — Ruth— The Grey Woman— Morton Hall — Mr. Harri- son's Confe.ssions — Hand and Heart. Vol. 7. — Lizzie Leigh — A Dark Nights AVork — Round the Sofa — Mv Ladv Ludlow — .An Accursed Race — The Doom of tho Griffiths— Half a Lifetime Ago— The Poor Clare — The Half-Brothei-s. „ Life of Charlotte Bronte. 12mo. 1887 Gaspey (Thos.). Life of the Good Lord Cobliam. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1844 GAStiUET (Rev. Francis Aidan). Henry VIII. and the Eugli.sh MoDjisteries. 2 vols.. 8vo. - ' - - - - 1888-9 GAS— GEL 223 Gasquet (Rev. Francis Aidan) — continued. „ The Pall from the Body of the Blessed Peter : a Sermon preached Aug. 16, 1892, at the Investiture of the Arch- bishop of Westminster. 8vo. _ . . . . 1S92 Gasquet (Rev. Francis Aidan) and Bishop (Edui). Edward VI. and the Book of Common Prayer. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1891 Gastrell (Francis), Bishop of Chester, 1714. IsTotitia Ces- triensis; or. Historical Notices of the Dioceses of Chester. See Chethani Soc, Vols. 8, 19, 21, 22. Gates (Sir Thos.), Somers (Sir Geo.\ and others. Discovery of the Bermudas. HcMuyt Soc, Vol. 5. Gatfield (George). Guide to Printed Books and Manuscripts relating to English and Foreign Heraldry and Genealogy. 8vo. ----------- 1892 Gattie iGeo. Byng>. Memorials of the Goodwin Sands. 12mo. 1890 (xArTiER (Leon). Les Epopees Fran^aises : Etude sur les Origines et I'Histoire de la Litterature Rationale. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1865 „ La Chanson de Roland. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . . 1872 Gautier (Theophile). CEuvres choisies. 13 vols., 12rao. - 1880-8 Emaux et Camecs. Roman de la Momie. Histoire du Romanticisme. Romans et contes. Les Jeunes — France. Tableaux a la Plume. Mademoiselle de Maupin. Voyage en Russie. Nouvelles. Trio de Romans — Roues In- Poesies Completes. 2 vols. nocents. Militona. Jean Spirite. et Jeanette. „ Vie. Par Maxime du Camp. 12mo. . - _ - 1890 Gay (John). Poems. See British Poets, Vol. 33. „ Plays, with Life. 8vo. 1772 The Captives : a Tragedy. The Beggar "s Opera. Polly ; or, the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera. Achilles : an Opera. The Distress'd Wife : a Comedy. The Rehearsal at Gotham : a Farce. „ The Beggar's Opera. See Bell and Can- thorn, 18. ,, Account of Gay's Chair, with Poems never before printed, and a Sketch of his Life. By the Rev. J. Bailer. 16mo. 1820 Gayrard (Madame Paul). La Methode des Methodes, Clef de la Langue rran9aise. 16mo. ------ 1876 Gayton (Edmund). Festivous Notes on Don Quixote. Folio - 1654 Gazette des Beaux Arts (continued). 4to. - - 1869 et seq. Gazetteer of Scotland. Ed. by F. H. Groome. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1885 Gazetteer (Parliamentary) of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. 10 vols., 8vo. - - . . . 1843-4 Gearing (Thos.). Our Parish. (Hailsham, Sussex.) 12mo. - 1884 Gebler (Karl von). Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia. 8vo. 1879 Geffcken (Heinrich). Church and State, their Relations Histori- cally Developed. Trans, by E. F. Taylor. 2 vols., 8vo. 1877 Geffroy (A.) and Arneth (A.). Correspondance Secrete de Marie Antoinette. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1874-5 Geiger (Lazarus). Development of the Human Race. 8vo. - 1880 Geikie (Sir Archibald . Life Sir of Roderick I. Murchison. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1875 Geikie (Sir Arch.) and Wilson (G.). Memoirs of Edw. Forbes. 8vo. - - . - 1861 Gelee (Claude). See Claude Lorraine. Geix (Sir William). Journey in the Morea. 8vo. - - - 1823 „ Pompeiana: Excavations since 1819. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1832 „ Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. With Map. 8vo. - 1834 224 GEL— GEO Get.l (Sir Win.) and Gandv (J. P.). Ponipoiiina : tho Topography, Edifices, <. now Living. With 40 Portraits. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1814-15 Gibbons (J. S.). The Public Debt of the United States. 8vo. - 1S67 Gibbs (R.). Buckinghamshire Local Record. Vol. 2, 1700-1800. 12mo. 1879 Gibbs (Hen. Hucks) and Grenfell (H. R.). The Bi-Metallic Controversy. 8vo. 1886 Gibson (Edmund), IBishop of London. Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani ; or, tlie Statutes, Canons, Rubrics, &c., of the Church of England. 2ud ed. 2 vols., folio - - - 17G1 Gibson (John), R.A., Sculptor. Life. By Lady Eastlake. 8vo. 1870 Gibson (Rev. Kennett). The Durolirivne of Antoninus identified with Castor, in Xorthamptonshire. With the History of Castor and Marham. By R. Gough. 2nd ed. 4to. 1819 Gibson (Wm. S.). Historv of Tvnemonth Monasterv. 2 vols., 4to. - - . ■ - ■ - - - -' . 1846-7 GiFFEN (Robert). Essays in Finance. 8vo. - . - - 1880 „ Essays in Finance. 2nd Series. 8vo. . - - . 1886 „ Stock Exchange Securities, the Causes of Fluctuation in their Price. 8vo. - - 1887 „ The Growth of Capital. 8vo. 1889 „ The Case against Bi-Metallism. 12rao. - - - - 1892 GiFFORD (John) [John R. Green]. Political Life of William Pitt. 6 vols., 8vo. 1809 GiFFORD (Wm.). The Baviad and Mteviad. [Poetical Satires, 1794-5.] 8th ed. 12mo. 1811 „ The Satires of Juvenal and of Persius. Trans, into English Verse. 2 vols., 8vo. 1817 „ See Anti-Jacobin. GiLBART (Jas. Wm). History of Banking in America. 8vo. - 1837 „ History of Banking in Ireland. 8vo. . . - . 1836 Gilbert (C. S.). Historical Survey of the Count v of Cornwall. 3 vols.. 4to. ' - - - 1817 Gilbert (John T.). Calendar of Records of Dublin. 8vo. -1889 „ Documents relating to Ireland, 1795-1804. 4to. - -1893 Gilbert (Josiah) and Churchill (G. C). The Dolomite Moun- tiiins : Excursions through Tvrolj Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli, in 1861-3. 8vo. ' 1864 GIL— GIB 227 Gilbert (Wm.). The City: an Inquiry into the Corporation. 12mo. 1877 „ Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara : a Biography. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1869 Gilbert (Wm. Schwenck) . Fifty " Bab " Ballads: much Sound and little Sense. 8vo. ..--.. 1878 Gilchrist (Alex.). Life of William Blake, " Pictor Ignotus." With Selections from his Poems and other Writings. Illustrated from Blake's own Works. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1863 „ Life of William Etty, E.A. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1855 Gilchrist (Dr. John B.). Dialogues, English and Hindostanee. 8vo. 1826 „ Pioneer to Literary Pursuits in India. Sninll folio - - N. D. „ The Hindee-Roman Orthoepigraphical LTltiniatum. Orien- tal Visible Sounds. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - 1820 „ Rudimental Princii)les of Persian Grammar. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1821 „ Hindostanee Philology ; English and Hindostanee Diction- ary. With a Grammar. 4to. ----- 1825 „ Compendium of the Language of all India. 3rd ed. 8vo. 1820 GiLDAS (St.), "The Wise." De Excidio Britannia^ Historia et Epistola. See Monmnenta Hist. Brit. J, „ See Gale and Fell, Vol. 2. Gtt.es (Ernest >. Australia twice traversed. Narrative of Five Exploring Expeditions, 1872-6. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1889 Giles (Herbert A.). Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio [1679]. 2 vols., 12mo. ------ 1880 Giles (Rev. Dr. John A.). Life of Thomas a Becket. 2vols.,8vo. 1844 „ History of the Ancient Britons. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . 1856 Gill (Richard). Free Trade : its Operation. 12mo. - - 1887 Gillies (Robt. P.). Memoirs of a Literarv Veteran [1794-1849]. 3 vols., 8vo. . - - ■ 1851 GiLLiNGWATER (Edmund). Historical Account of Lowestoft. 4to. 1790 GiLLMAN (Jas.). Life of S. T. Coleridge. 8vo. - - - 1838 GiLLOT (Jacques), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 49. GiLLRAY (Jas.). Works, printed from the Original Plates. 2 vols., folio [1787-1808] „ Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of. By Thos. Wright and H. R. Evans. 8vo. - - - 1851 „ Selection of Caricatures with Description. Obi. folio - n. d. „ Life. By Harry Thornber. Illustrated. 8vo. - - 1890 Gilpin (Rev. William). Observations, relative chiefly to Pic- turesque Beauty. 2nd ed. 7 vols., 8vo. - " 1788-1804 1, 2. — The Mountains and Lakes of Ciimlierland and Westmore- land [1772]. 3, 4.— The High-Lands of Scotland [1776]. 5, 6. — Remarks on Forest Scenery, and other Woodland Views [1774]. 7. — The Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent [1774]. Gin, Mother. Life, and her Transactions with several eminent Patriots. 8vo. - - - 1736 Ginguene (P. L.). Histoire Litteraire d'ltalie. 2nd ed. 9 vols., 8vo. 1824 GiNx's Baby. See Jenkins (E.). GioJA (Melch.). Scienze Economiche. 8 vols., 4to. - - 1815-19 GiRALDUs Cambrensis [Gerald du Barry]. Itinerarium Cambrige Baldwin! Cant. Arch, cum Annotationibus D. Powell. ' 4to. -' -^ - 1806 p 2 228 GIE— GLA GiRALDTS Cnmbronsis [Gerald T()NE (Dr. Thos.). Gen. Lee "Junius "and not Hugh Boyd. 8vo. 1807-13 GisnoHNE (Thos.). Essays on Agrieulture. 8vo. . - - 1854 GiusTiMAN (Sebastian). Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII. 'J'rans. by Rawdon Brown. 2 vols., 8vo. ... 1854 Gladstone (Right Hon. "William Ewart). Chureh Principles considered in their Results. 8vo. - . - - 1840 „ The State in its Relations to the Church. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1841 „ Financial Statements of 1850, 1860-3. Speech on Tax Bills, 1861 ; on Churches, 1863. 8vo. - - - -1863 „ Glejuiings of Past years, 1843-79. 7 vols., 16mo. - - 1879 1. — The Throne, ami Prince Consort, thu Cabinet and Constitu- tion : — Death of the Prince Consort. Court of Queen Victoria. Life of the Prince Consort. The County Franchise ami Mr. Lowe. Kin lieyond Sea. 2. — Pei-sonal and Litfrary : — Blanco White. Giacomo Leopardi. Tennyson. Wedgwood. Bishop Patteson. Macaulay. Norman Mackod. 3. — Historical and Speculative : — Scottish Church Establishment. Ecce Homo. Courses of Relif^ious Thoufjht. Authority in matters of Opinion. The Sixteenth Century arraigned before the Nineteenth. 4. — Foreign : — The Neapolitan Government, 1851. The States of the Church. Germany, France, and England, 1870. The Hellenic Factor in the Eastern Problem, ilontenegro. Kgypt, and Freedom in the East. 6. — Ecclesiastical (1): — Present Aspect of the Church, 1843. Wanl's Ideal of a Christian Church. The Koyal Sujiremacy. 6. — Ecclesiastical (2) : —Functions of Laymen in the Church. V>W\ for Divorce. Ritual and Ritualism. Is the Church of ]'>ngland worth Preserving ? Italy and her Church. 7. — Miscellaneous : — The Work of the University. Place of Ancient Greece in the Providential Order. A Chapter of Autoliiography. Law of Probable Evidence in its appli- cation to Conduct. The Evangelical Movement. Place of Homer in Education. See Oxford Essays^ 1857. Homer and the Homeric Age. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1858 Homeric Svnchronism : Enquiry into the Time and Place of Homer. 8vo. - -' 1876 Juventus Mundi : Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. 8vo. 1869 Speeches on Parliamentary Reform in 1866. With Ap- pendix. 8vo. - - " - - - - - - 1866 Speeches in Scotland, Nov., Dec, 1879 [.Milick Employments. Of Constituting Extra- ordinary Magistrates upon Extraordinary Occasions. Of Subjects Anticipating the Execution of Laws. Of Tolera- tion of Religion. Of Peace and War. With the Debates, Arguments, and Resolutions of the greatest Statesmen in several Ages and Governments thereupon. Government Year Book. A Record of the Forms and Methods of Government, 1888. 12mo. 1888 GowER (George Granville Leveson-Gower, Earl), Ambassador at Paris, June, 1790 — Aug., 1792. See Brouning (Oscar). GowER (John). Confessio Amantis. Ed. by Dr. R. Pauli. 3 vols., 8vo. 1857 GowER (Lord Ronald S.). My Reminiscences. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1883 „ Stafford House Letters. 8vo, 1891 Mostly of George Granville, Earl Gower, afterwards 2nd Duke of Sutherland, to his Mother. „ Joan of Arc. 8vo. ----... 1393 GowiNG (Richard). Richard Cobden. 12mo. - - - . 1885 GoYER (Peter de) and Keyzer (Jacob de). Eml)assy from the Dutch East India Company to the Emperor of China, 1655. See Pinkerton, Vol. 7. 236 GOZ— GRA Gozzi (Count Carlo). Memoirs. Trans, by J. A. Symonds. Witli Essnvs iiiul Lifo. 2 vols., royal 8vo. - - - 1890 Grace (W. O.). Crick<-t. 8vo. 1891 Graeme (J.). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 71. Graetz (Prof. H.). History of the Jews. Ed. by Bella Lowy. Vols. 1-5. 8vo. 1891-2 Grjevius (Johunn. Geor^.). Thesaurus Antiquitatum Ronmnoruni. 12 vols., folio 1694-9 Vol. 1. — Ferrarius (0.). Di' Oripino Ronianorum. Manutius (P.). De Civitate Roniana. Sigouius (C.). l)e Antique Jure Civium Ronianorum. rauvinius (0.). De Civitate, et de Inipirio Romano. Manutius (P.). De Comitiis Romanorum. Gruchius (N.). De Comitis, ct Respousio ejus ad Sigonii Reprchensioncs. Sigonius (C). Do liinis Comitiis et Lege Curiata. Gruchius (N.). Ad posteriorum Sigonii disputationem refutatio. Sigonius (C). De Lege Curiata, Magistratuum et Impera- torum et ecum Jure. Manutius (P.). De Senatu. Zamoscius (J. S.). De Senatu. Vol. 2. — Manutius (P.). De Legibus Romanis. Augustinus (A.). De Legibus. Sigonius (C). Do Antique Jure Italiae ; do Antique Jure Provinciarum ; de Judiciis. Siccama (S. T.). De Centumvirali Judicio. Hottomanus (F.). De Magistratibus ; de Senatu et Senatus- Consultis ; et de Formulis Antiquis. Regaltius (N.). Ismaelis EuUialdus, et Henrici Valesiufl, Observationes de Populis Fundis. Sigonius (C). De Nominibus Romanorum. Panvinius (0.). De Xominibus Romanorum. Castalio (J.). Adversus feminarum Pnenominum Dis- putatio et Comment, de Antiquis Puerorum Pneno- minibus. Vol. 3. — Robortcllus (Fr.). De Provinciis ; de Judiciis, et omiii Consuetudine Causas agendi apud Romanos. Rabirius (.1.). De Hastarum et Auctionum Originc. Robortcllus (F.). Do Magistratibus Imp. ; de Gnulibus Honorum et Magistratuum. Pancirollus (G.). De Magistratibus Municipalibus ; etdo Corporibus Artificum. Rufus (S.) et Victor (P.). De Regionibus Urbis. Marlianus(B.). Urbis RonifeTopographia cum NotisUrsini. Panvinius (0.). Antiqufe Urbis Imago. Pancirollus (G.). Urbis Romae Descriptio. Fabricius (G.). Descriptio Urbis Romae. Donatus (A.). Roma vetus ac recens. Vol. 4. — Nardinus (F.). Roma vetus. Falconerus (0.). De Pyramide C. Cestii Epulonis dissertatio. Vossius (I.). De Antiqua Urbis Magnitudine. Borrichius (0.). De Antiqua Urbis Facie. Frontinus (S. J.). De Aquteductibus Urbis. Fabrettus (R.). De Aquis et de Aquaeductibus Veteris Romae. Chifletus (J.). Aqua Virgo, Fons celebcrrimus. Holstenius (L.). Comment, in Veterem Picturam Nyniphaeum referentem. Ciacconius (P.). Columuae Rostratae Inscriptioncm Ex- plicatio. Antiquae Inscriptionis, L. Scipionis Elogium, Explanatio. Ca'italio (J.). Dc Templo Pacis, et Explic. ad Inscript. Augusti, in I3asi Obelisci. Bargaeus (P. A.). De privatorum publicorumque .^difi- ciorum Urbis Romae Eversoribus. GRA 237 Gr^vius (J. G.). Thesaurus Antiquitatum Rom. — contimted. Vol. 4 — continued. Castalio (J.). De Columna Antonini Comment. Fragmenta Vestigii veteris Eomse, &c., cum Notis Bellorii. Cruylius (L.). Descriptio Faciei variorum Locorum Urbis Romas iu xv. tabulis. Vol. 5. — Gutherius (J.). De Veteri Jure Pontificio. Bosius (J. A.). De Pontifice Maximo Romse Veteris ; et de Pontificatu Maximo Imperatorum Romanorum. Chausse (M. A. C. de la). De Insigjiibus Pontificis Maximi. Niplius (A.). De Auguriis. Bulengerus (J. C). De Sortibus, de Auguriis et Auspiciis ; de Ominibus ; de Prodigiis et de Terrpe Motu et Ful- minibus. Bellus (J. B.). De Partibus Templi Auguralis. Valerianus (J. P.). De Fulminum Sigiiificationibus. Lipsius (J.). De Vesta et Vestalibus Syntagma. Spanhemius (E.). De Nummo Smyrnpeorum, sen de Vesta et Prytanibus Grpecorum. Alcandrus (H.). Tabulae Heliacffi Explicatio. Chaiisse (M. A. C. de la). Dcorum Simulacra. Hansenius (J. B.), Trelierius (S.), et Puteanus (E.). De Jurejurando Veterum. Boxhornius (M. Z.). Qusestiones Eomanae de Ritibus. Plutai'chi Qufestiones Romanpe. Vol. 6. — Ferrarius (F. B.). De Veterum Acclamationibus et Plausu. Berthaldus (P.). De Ara. Baccliinus (B.). De Sistris eorumque Figuris. Sagittarius (C). De Januis Veterum. Bayfius (L.), Rubenius (A.), et Ferrarius (0.). De Re Vestiaria. Donius (J. B.) et Bartolinus (B.). De Pa?nulae. Manutius (Aldus). De Toga; de Tunica; et de Tibiis Veterum. Raynandus (T.). De Pileo, ea?terisque capitis tegminibus tarn sacris quam profanis. Vol. 7. — Striennius (R.). De Gentibus et Familiis Romanorum. Augustinus (A.). Do Familiis Romanorum. Ursinus (F.). Familise Romse nobiliores. Pancirollus (G.). Notitia Dignitatum utriusque Imperii. Chimentellius (V.). Marmor Pisanum de Honore ]5isellii. Vol. 8. — Vetus Kalendarium Romanuni. Ciacconius (P.). Not* in vetus Kalendarium Romanorum. Ursinus (F.). Notse ad Kalend. Farnesianam. Kalendarii Fragmentum quod visitur in sedibug Caprani- corum. Siccama (S.). Comment, in Fastos Kalendares. Vetus Kalendarium, praefix. ad Fastos Ovidii. Kalendarium Romanum sub Constantio, circa a.d. 354. Lambecius. Notae in Kalend. vetus (Rom.). Dempster (T.). Kalendarium Romanum. Petavius (D.). Kalendarium vetus. Gassendus (P.). Kalendarium Romanum expositum. * Viola (P.). De vet. et nov. Rom. Temporum Ratione. Junius (H.). De Annis et Mensibus ; et Fastorum Liber. Lamantius (J.). De Anno Romano. Christmannus (M. J.). De Kalendario Romano. Robortellus (F.). De Mensium Appellatione. Scaliger (J.), Petavius (D.), Petitus (S.), et Langius (W.). De Veteri Anno Romanorum. Puteanus (E.). De Bissexto Liber. Taffinus (P.), De vet. Romanorum Anno seculari. Puteanus (E.). De Nundinis Romanis Liber. Tholosanus (G.). Syntagmate Juris, de Nundinis et Mereatibus. Bellus (J. B.). De Pharsaliei Conflictus Mense et Die. 238 6KA (rR.'EVTrs (J. G.). Thesaurus Antiquitatnm Rom. — continued. Vol. 8 — continued. MorestcUus (P.). Philomusus, sive de triplici Anno Ro- manorum ; ct Alypius, sive do priscoruni Ronianorum Feriis;. BuU'iigcrus (J. C). Dc Tributis et Vcctigalibus I'opuli Roniani. Contarenus (V.). De Frunientaria Larpitione. SchfffiT (J.). Dissertatio de novis Tabulis. Brissonius (B.). Dc Ritu Nuptuarium. Ilotniaims (A.). De Ritu Nuptuarium ; de Sponsalibua ft Jure Matrimoniorum ; de Spuriis et Legitiniatione. Meursius (J.) ct Kobierzykius (S.). De Luxu Roman. Madorus (J. J.). De Coronis, Nuptiarum pnesertim, sacris et profauis. Vol. 9. — Panvinius (0.). De Ludis Circensibus. Bukiigerus (J. C.). De Circo Romano, Ludisque Circen- sibus, ac de Theatro. Panvinius (O.). De Ludis secularibus. Mariscottus (A.). De Personis et Larvis. Freher (M.). Cecropistromachia antiqua duelli Gladiatorii Sculptura. Lipsius (J.). Saturnales Sermones do Gladiatoribus. „ De Amphitheatro. Panvinius (0.). De Triumpho. Vol. 10. — Bergiorius (N.). De Publicis et Militaribus Imperii Romani Viis. Henninius (H. C). Not.Te ad Bergierium. Patricias (F.). Res Militaris Romana. Hyginus et Polybius. De Castris Romanis, cum Notis Schelii. Schelius (R. 11.). Do Saeramcntis ; de Custodia Castrorum ; de Stipeiulio Militari ; do Stipendio Equcstri ; de Sti- pendio Ductorum ; de Die .Stipeudii ; de Frumento et Ve.ste ; de Tribute et iEi-ario ; de Prada; de Victu Militum ; de Itiucre ; de Agmine Vespasiani ; de Co- hortibus Lcgionis antiquse ; et de Telis Lcgionum. Salmasius (CI.). De Re Militari Romanoruni liber. Boeclcrus (J. H.) et Robortellus (F.). De Lcgioiiibus Rom. Puteanus (E.) et Contarenus (V.). De Stipendio Mili- taribus. Causeus (M. A.). Do Signis Militari. Ramus (P.). De Militia C. Julii Csesaris. VolMl. — Spanhemius (E.). Orbis Romanus. Pighius (S. v.). Fasti Magistratuum. Labbo (P.). Fasti Consulares Idatiaiii. Prosperus (T.). Chronicon Integrum. Fiisti Consularcs. De Pr?efectus Urbis. Noris (H.). Epistnla Consularis. Ui-satus (S.). De N(itis Ronianorum. Savotus (L.). Do Nummis Antiquis. Rubenius (A.). De Gemma Tiberiana et Augustca; ct do Urbibus Neocoris. Frohcrus (M.). De Re Monetaria. Cenal (R.) et Petus (L.). De Mensuris et Pondcribus. Priscianus (C). Libri de Nummis, Pondcribus, Mensuris, eorumque Notis. Sardus (A.). De Nummis Liber. Vol. 12. — P)Utius (V.). De Calido, Frigido, et Tempcrato Anti- quorum Potu. Bulcngorus (J. C). De Conviviis. Puteanus (E.). Reliquise Convivii prisci. Baccius (A.). De Thermis Veterum. Robortellus (F.). Laconici seu Sudationis, Explicatio. Turrigius (F. M.). Notje ad Vetust. Ursi Togati Inscrip- tionem. Lipenius (M.). Strenanim Historia. GRA 239 Gr^evius (J. G.). Thesaurus Antiquitatum Rom. — continued. Vol. 12 — continued, Meiboniius (M.) et Opelius (C). De Fabrica Trireniium. Vossius (I.). De Trireniium et Liburnicarum Construc- tione. Thomasinus (J. P.). De Donariis ac Tabellis votlvis. Alsarius (V.). De Invidia et Fascino Veterum. Schrfferus (J.). De Antiquorum Torquibus. Chausse (M.A. C. dela). De Vasis, BuUis, Fibulis, Tu3- seris, &c. Ferrarius (0.). De Veterum Lucernis Sepuleralibus. Bartolo (P. S.) et Bellorio (P.). Picturse Antiquie Sejiul- chri Nasoniorum in Via Flaminia. Gutlierius (J.). De Jure Manium. Morestellus (P.). Pompa Feralis, eive justa Funubria Veterum. Grafton (Chas. Aug. Fitz-Roy, Duke of). Relations with Miss Parsons. 12mo. - - 1769 Grafton (Rich.). Chronicle of England; with Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of London [1 189-1 55S]. 2 vols., 4to. - - ' - - - - - - 1809 Graham (Rev. Geo.). Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 2. Graham (Major-Gen. Geo. F. I.). Life and Work of Syed Ahmed Khan. . 12mo. -------- 1885 Graham (Hen. G.). Rousseau. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. Graham (Right Hon. Sir James Robt. Geo.). Corn and Cur- rency. 8vo. -..----- 1826 „ Free Trade in Corn the true Policy of the State. 8vo. - 1828 „ Life and Times. By W. T. McCullagh Torrens. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1863 Graham (John Murray). Annals and Correspondence of the 1st Viscount and the 1st and 2nd Earls of Stair. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1875 Graham (Maria) [afterwards Lady Callcott]. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there during 1821-3. 4to. - 1824 „ Journal of a Residence in Chile during 1822, and a Vovage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. 4to. - - - " - 1824 Graham of Claverhouse (John). See Dundee. Graham (Wm.). Socialism, New and Old. See International Scientific Ser., 70. Grahabie (Jas.). Inquiry into Principles of Population, Defence of Poor Laws, &c. 8vo. - - - - - -1816 „ History of the United States of America to the Declaration of Independence. 4 vols., 8vo. ----- 1836 „ Cursory Review of " American Apology for Negro Slavery." 8vo. ' - - - - 1842 Grahame (James). Digest of the Opinion of Pai'liament on the Powers and Management of Canals and Railways, 1835-86. Folio ---...- 1886 „ Silver Exchange Tables. Small 4to. - - - - 1890 Grainge (Wm.). The Battlefields of Yorkshire. 12mo. - -1854 „ History and Topography of Harrogate and the Forest of Knaresborough. 8vo. ..--.- 1871 Grainger (Dr. Jas.). Works. See British Poets, Vol. 39. „ Sulpicia and TibuUus. Trans. See British Poets, Vol. 93. 240 GRA Grammont or Gramont (Pliilibert, Chevalier and Conite de). Meuioires. Par Comte A. Hamilton. Avec Notes par Lescure. 12ino. ..-..-- 1876 „ „ See Ila/iiilfon (Coioit A.), CEucres, \o\.\. ,, Memoirs by his brothi-r-in-law, Count A. Hamilton. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. Bvo. - - - 1889 Grampian Club Pul)lieations. 8vo. 1870-9 Eeauly Pri(jry, Charters of. With Notices of the Priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan, and of the Founder, John By-set, liy E. C. Batten. Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream. Ed. by Rev. Chas. Rogei-s. 8vo. 1879. Edgar, Scottish House of. With a Memoir of Jas. Edgar, Secre- tary to the Chevalier de St. George. 4to. 1873. Genealogical Memoirs of John Knox and the Family of Knox. By Rev. Chas. Rogers. 8vo. 1879. Hay (Alexander). Estimate of the Scottish Nobilitie in An. Dom., 1577. Ed. by Rfv. Charles Rogers. 8vo. 1873. Oliphant (T. L. K.). Jacobite Lairds of Gask. 8vo. 1870. Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail. 8vo. 1877. Rogers (Rev. Chas.). Historj' of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith. With Events, 1635-45. Ed. from a contemporary MS. Bvo. 1877. Granard (Earls of). Memoirs of the. By Admiral John Forbes. Ed. l)y Earl Granard. Bvo. - - - - - 1868 GuANBY (Lieut. -Geii. John, Marquis of). Memoirs. See Jesse {J. II.), Etonians, Vol. 2. Grand-Carteret (John). XIX* iSiecle (en France) Classes, Moeurs, Usages, Costumes, Inventions. 4to. - - 1893 Grandpre (L. M. J. O. de). Voyage a la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique [1786-7]. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - . 1801 Granger (Kev. James). Biographical History of England, Egbert to 1688, with Continuation by Eev. Mark Noble to the end of the reign of Geo. I. 9 vols., Bvo. 1824 and 1806 Gkanier de Cassagnac (Adolphe de). Souvenirs du Second Empire. 12mo. --.-.._ 1879 Granier de Cassagnac (Adolphe de, et Paul de). Histoire Populaire de Napoleon III. 2 vols., Bvo. - - - 1874 Grant (Sir Alexander), Ilecess Studies, ed. by. 8vo. - - - 1870 Irish land, Hon. G. C. Brodrick. Pesth to Brindis'i, Sir Chas. E. Trevelyan. Scotcli Hospitals, Sir A. Grant. Supply and Demand, Prof. Fleeming Jenkin. Scotch Church, Rev. Rob. Wallace. Food in Ireland, Dr. Lyon Plaj-fair. Scotch Education, Alex. Craig Sellar. Trades Unions, Jas. Stirling. Election Trials, T. Chishoim Anstey. Hindrances to -Agriculture, Geo. Hope. „ The Ancient Stoics. See O.rford Essays, 1858. „ The Story of the University of Edinburgh. 2 vols., Bvo. - 1884 „ Aristotle. Xenophon. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. Grant (Dr. Andrew). History of Brazil. Bvo. - - - 1809 Grant (Anne), Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Letters from the Moun- tains [1773-1807]. 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. - - - 1B07 „ Memoirs of an American Lady. [Mrs. Schuyler.] "With Sketches of Manners [ante 1770]. 2nded. 2 vols., l2mo. 1B09 „ Superstitions of the Scottish Highlanders. 2 vols., 12mo. 1811 „ Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by her Son. 3 vols., 12mo. 1844 Grant (Lieut. -Col. Chas. Wm.). Bombay Cotton and Indian Railways. Bvo. 1B60 GRA 241 Grant (Charles) [Viscount de Vaux]. History of Mauritius and the N'eighhouring Islands. 4to. ----- 1801 Grant (Herbert). Odes of Horace in English Verse. 12mo. - 1885 Grant (Geu. Sir Hope). Incidents of the Sepoy War, 1857-8. With Notes by Capt. Hen. Knollys. 8vo. - - - 1873 Grant (James). The Great Metropolis. 2 series. 4 vols., 8vo. 1837-8 „ Memoirs of Sir William Kirkcaldy of Grange. 8vo. - - 1849 „ History of the Newspaper Press. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1871 „ The Metropolitan Weeklv and Provincial Press. 8vo. - 1872 „ The Bench and the Bar. " 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1838 „ Random Recollections of the House of Lords, 1830-6. 8vg. 1836 „ Random Recollections of the House of Commons, 1830-5. 8vo. - - - - 1836 „ „ 2ud Series. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. . . - . 1838 „ Life of Sir Geo. Sinclair. 8vo. - - - - - 1870 Grant (Johnson). Summary of the History of the English Church : with answers to each dissenting body. 4 vols., 8vo. -.------.. 1811-20 Grant (General Ulysses Simp.son), 18th President U.S.A. Per- sonal Memoirs. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1885 „ Military History. By Alex. Badeau. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1868-81 Granta (The). [Cambridge University Journal.] Vols. 1-4. 4to. - - - - 1889-92 Granville (Dr. Aug. Bozzi). Spas of England, and Principal Sea Bathing Places. 3 vols., 8vo. - . . . 1811 „ Autobiography. Ed. by his Daughter. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1874 Granville or Greenville (George). See Lansdowne {Viscount). Granville (John Carteret, Earl). See Carteret. Granville (Mary). See Delany (Mrs.). Grattan (Right Hon. Henry). Miscellaneous Works. 8vo. - 1822 „ Speeches. Ed. by his Son. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1822 „ Life and Times of . By his Son, Henry Grattan. 5vols., 8vo. 1841-6 „ See Leckt/ (JF. E. II.). „ Sale Catalogue of the Library of, 6th Nov. 1888. 8vo. - 18HH Grattan (Thos. Colley). History of the Netherlands. l2mo. - 1830 ,, Civilized America. 2 vols., 8vo. . . - - - 1859 Graves (Charles L.). The Blarney Ballads. With Illustrations by G. R. Halkett. 4th ed. 8vo. - - - - 1889 Graves (Rev. James) and Prim (John G. A.). History of the Cathedral Church of St. Cauice, Kilkenny. 4to. - - 1857 Graves (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of Cleveland in the North Riding of Yorkshire. 4to. . - - - 1808 Graviere (Vice-Admiral Jurien de la). La Guerre de Chypre et la Bataille de Lepante. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1888 „ Vie de I'Admiral Baudin. 12mo. 1888 Gray (Mrs. Hamilton). The Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. 8vo. 1841 Gray (Jas.) and Maidment (J. J. B.). Banquet of Wit. Anecdotes, Bon Mots, &c., from various sources. 16mo. 1882 Gray (Thomas). Works. Ed. by Edmund W. Gosse. 4vols.,12mo. 1884 Vol. 1. — Poems, Journals, and Essays. Vols. 2, 3.— Letters. Vol. 4. — Notes on Aristophanes and Plato. „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 55. „ Correspondence with W. Mason and Rev. Dr. J. Brown. Ed. by Rev. J. Mitford. 8vo. - - - - - 1853 „ Correspondence with Norton Nicholls and others. Ed. by Rev. J. Mitford. 12mo. ----- - 1843 p. .3104, *4 242 GRA— GRE Gray (Thomas) — continued. „ Mt'inoirs. See ./cfve {J. //.). Etonians, Vol. 1. „ Gray ami his Friends. Letters and Relics. Ed. bv D. C. Tovey. 12iuo. --.---"- 1890 Gbav's Inn. Rej^ister of Admissions, 1521-1S89, and Mar- riages in the Chapel, IU9o-17o4. Bv Joseph Foster. 8vo. '. . . . 1889 „ Library Catalogue and Supplement. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1872-8 „ Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts. Svo. - - - - 18G9 „ Lil)rarv Catiilogue. Bv Judge Russell and "W. R. Douth- wait'e. 8vo. - ' - - - - - - - 1888 Greatheed (Bertie). Poems. See Florence Miscellany. Greatorex (Eliza). The Homes of Ober-Ammergau. Etchings in Hehotype. Folio 1872 Greeley (Horace). The American Conflict in the United States of Americi\, lSG0-(>4. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1865-7 „ Life. By J. Parton. 12mo. ------ 1S55 Greely (Gen. Adolphus W.). Three Years of Arctic Service, 1881-i. 2 vols., 8vo. ....-- 1886 Greex (Everard). Lincolnshire Pedigrees. 8vo. - - - 1879 „ On the Words "O Sapientia " in the Kalendar. -Ito. - 1885 „ Pedigree of the Familv of Wing (eo. Rutland and co. Cambridge). 8vo. " - - " 1886 „ The 15th Century Diptych of the Chev. Philip Hinckaert, Chastelain de Tervueren, Brabant. 4to. . . . 1887 Greex (Henry). The " Dance of Death." 4to. - - -1869 „ Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers. 8vo. - - - 1870 „ Andrea Alciati and his Book of Emblems. 8vo. - - 1882 Green- (John R.). See Giff'ord (John). Green- (Rev. Dr. John Rich.). The Making of England. 8vo. 1881 „ The Conquest of England. 8vo. ----- 1883 „ History of the English People. 4 vols., Svo. - - 1878-80 „ Short History of the English People. 12mo. - - - 1876 „ ,, Illustrated edition. Ed. bv Mrs. J. R. Green and Mi.ss Kate Xorgate. Vols. 1-3." Svo. - - - 1892-3 Green (Mary Anne Everett). Lives of the Princesses of Eng- land from the Xorman Conquest. 6 vols., 8vo. - 1850-55 „ Letters of Queen Henrietta Maria. 12mo. . - . 1857 „ See Calendars. GifEEN (Matthew). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 51. Green (Xunsowe). A Thousjuul Years Hence. 12mo. - - 1882 Gkeen (Valentine). History of Worcester. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1796 Greene (E. B.). Translation of Odes of Pindar. See British Poets, Vol. 89. Greene (Capt. Francis V.). L'^.S. Army. The Russian Cam- paign in Turkey, 1S77-8. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1879 Greene (John). A Brief History of the "Times." (Privately }'rinted.) Svo. - - ' - - - - - "- 1873 Greene (Robert). Plavs and Poems. With Memoir bv A. Dvce. 2 vols, Svo. " ■ - ■ - 1831 I. — Life. Orlando Furioso. A Looking-Glass for London and England. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. 2. — Alphonsus, King of Aragon. James the Fourth. George- a-Greene. Poems. „ Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. See Dodsley, Vol. S. „ Philomela, the Lady Fitzwalter's Nightingale, 1615. Arcadia, 1616. See Brijdges' Archaica, Vol. 1. GEE 243 Greene (Robert) — continued. „ Letters and Sonnets touching. See Brydges' Archaica, Vol. 2. „ Grroat's Work of Wit. See Saintsbury {Geo.). Greeithow (Robert). List of Executions in Virginia for the Re- bellion, 1675-6. See i^orce, Vol. 1. Greening (Edw. O.). The Co-operative Traveller Abroad. 12mo. 1888 Greenwell (Rev. Wm.) and Rolleston (Dr.G.). British Barrows. Hvo. ---------- 1877 Greenwood (Harry). Our Land Laws as they are. 12nio. - 1885 Greenwood (James). The Seven Curses of London. 12mo. [1884] Neglected Children. Thieves. Beggars. Fallen Women. Drunkenness. Betting. Waste of Charity. Greenwood (Thomas). Free Public Libraries. 12mo. - - 1886 Greg (R. P.). Comparative Philology of the Old and New Worlds in Relation to Archaic Speech. Imp. 8vo. - 1893 Greg (Wm. Rathbone). Essays on Political and Social Science. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1853 „ „ 2nd Series. 12mo. ------ 1884 „ The Great Duel (Franco-German War), its Meaning and Uses. 8vo. -------- 1871 „ Mistaken Aims and Attainable Ideas of the Artizan Class. 8vo. ---------- 1876 „ The Creed of Christendom. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1883 „ Enigmas of Life. 8vo. ------- 1883 Gregg (Joseph). History of Parliamentary Elections and Elec- tioneering from the Stuarts to Queen Victoria. New ed. With 92 Illustrations from Political Caricatures, &c. 8vo. 1892 Gregory VII. Life and Pontificate. By J. W. Bowden. 2 vols., 8vo. --------- 1840 „ Life. By F. Villemain. Trans, by J. B. Brockley. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - ' - - 1874 Gregson (Matthew) . Fragments relative to the History of the County of Lancaster. Folio - - - - -1817 Grenville Papers. Correspondence of Rich. Grenville, Eail Temple, and the Right Hon. Geo. Grenville, their Friends and Contemporaries. Ed., from the MSS. at Stowe, by W. J. Smith. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1852-3 Grenville (Right Hon. George). Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.). Etonians, Vol. 1. Grenville (Sir Richard). Voyage to Virginia, 1585. See Pitikerton, Vol. 12. Gresham College Library. Catalogue of Books, Pictures, Prints, &c., presented by Mrs. HoUiers; also of Books and Music in the Library. 8vo. ----- 1872 Gresham (Sir Thos.). Life and Times. By Dean Burgon. 2 vols., 8vo. 1839 Gresset (Jean B. L.). Q^uvres Dramatiques et Poetiques. 8vo. 1830 GREswELL(Rev. Wm. Parr). Annals of Parisian Typography. 8vo. 1818 Greville (Charles C. F.). The Greville Memoirs. A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. 3 vols., 8vo. -------- 1874 „ Journalof the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-52. 3vols.,8vo. 1885 „ „ „ 1852-60. 2vols., 8vo. 1887 Greville (Fulke). [1554-1628.] See Brooke {Lord). Greville (Henry). Leaves from the Diary of [1832-56]. Ed. by the Viscountess Enfield. 2 Series. 8vo. - - 1883-4 L\020OTMENnN Fragmentum. Morellius ((i.). De Vetorum Philosophorum Origiue, &c. ChjTtaeus (D.). Tabula Philosophica, sive series Philo- sophorum. Jacotius (D.). De Philosophorum dootrina. Meursius (J.). .Sschylus, Sophocles, Euripide.", sive de Tragoediis eorum. Plutarch Alexandrina Prorerbia, Gr. et Lat. Meursius (J.). Theseus, sive de Ejus Vita. Dufresne (R. T.). De Charondfe Etfigie in Catanensi Nummo argenteo. Meursius (J.). Dionysius, sive de Auctoribus istius nominis ; de Heraclide, aliisque ejus nominis ; Theo- phrastus, sive de illius Libris ; Lectinnes Theophrastese. Vorstius (A.). Epistola de Obitui Johan. Meursii. Thomasinus (J. P.). Manus aeneae Cecropii Votum refe- rentis Dilucidatio. Falconerius (0.). De Nummo Apamensi Deucaleonei Diluvii Typum exhil^ente. Schubart (G.). Enarratio parergica Metamorphoseos Ovidianae de Diluvio Deucalionis. Faber (T.). Vitae Poetarum Graecorum. Barberitis (J.). De Miseria Poetarum Gnecorum. Castellanus (P.). Vitae veterum et illustrium Medicorum. Bceclerus (J. H.). De Scriptoribus Graecis et Latinis ab Homero ad Initium Saeculi 16. Besantinoi (H.). Chrestomathiae, Graece, cum interpret. Lat. et Notis J. Meursii. Wower (J.). De Polymathia. Laurentius (J.). De Professoribus, Oratoribus, Nomencla- toribus, et Litteris Graec. Meursius|(J.). Bibliotheca Graeca ; et Bibliotheca Attica. Allatius (L.). De Patria Homeri ; et Homcri Natales. Vol. 11. — Dicaearchi Geographica quaedam, sive de Vita Graeciae. Stephanus (H.). Dialogus, Dicaearchi Sympractor, vel de Graecorum moribus, prsesertimque Atheniensium, Sup- plementum. Vindingius (E.). Hellen, in quo Antiquae Graeciae Popu- lorum Incunaliula, Migrationes, Colonianim Deduc- tiones, et Res praecipiiae gestfe exponuntur. Bayfius (L). De Re Navali, Graec. Doletus (S.). De Re Navali, Gnec. Calcagninus (C). De Re Nautica, Graec. Schefferus (J.). De Varietate Navium, Graec. Laurentius (J.). De Varietate Navium, Graec. Camerarius'(J.). Hippocomicus seudecurandisEquis ; item de Nominibus Equestribus Graecis et Latinis, collectio. Bulengenis (J. C). De Triumphis, Spoliis, Trophaeie, Arcubus triumphalibus, et Pompa Triumphi (inec. Modius (P.). De Triumphis, Ludis, et Spectaculis Veterum. Meursius (J.). De Funere. Laurentius (J.). De Funeribus Antiquorum. Quenstedius (J. A.). De Sepultura Veterum. La Seine (P.). Homeri Nepenthes, seu de abolcndo luctu. Vol. 12. — Bartolius (P.). Veterum Sepulchra, seu Mausolea Romanorum et Etrusconim, cum explicationibus J. P. Bellorii ; Veterum Lucemae Sepulchrales, cum obser- vationibus J. P. Bellorii. Potter (J.). Archseologia Graeca. Vol.13. — Tres Indices absolutissimi : 1. Eflfigierum. 2. Auc- torum et Operum. 3. Renim et Verborum, quae con- tinentur in duodecim voluminibus. GEO— GKU 249 Gronow (Captain Rees Howell). Reminiscences ; being Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court, and the Clubs. [1810-60.] 4 Series. 8vo. 1862-6 „ „ With Illustrations from Contemporary Sources. By Joseph Grego. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - - 1889 Groot (J. J. M. de). The Religious System of China. Vol. 1. Book 1. Imp. 8vo. 1892 Grose (Capt. Francis). The Antiquities of England and Wales. 4 vols., 4to. 1773-6 ,, The Antiquities of Scotland. 2 vols., 4to. - . . 1797 „ The Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vols., 4to. ... 1797 „ Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. 3rd ed. 8vo. 1796 „ Military Antiquities respecting a History of the English Army from the Conquest. JSTew ed. 2 vols., 4to. - 1801 „ The Olio : a Collection of Essays and Anecdotes. 8vo. - 1792 „ Provincial Glossary. With Collection of Local Proverbs. 8vo. 1811 Grose (Capt. Francis) and Astle (Thos.). Antiquarian Repertory. 4vols., 4to. ----.-. 1807-9 Grose (John Henry). Vovage to the East Indies, 1750-64. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1766 Gross (Dr. Chas.). The Gild Merchant. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1890 Grosseteste (Robert), Bishop of Lincoln. Letters, illustrative of the Social Condition of his time. See Chronicles and Memorials, 25. Grote (George). History of Greece. 12 vols., 8vo. - 1846-53 „ Minor Works. Ed. by Alex. Bain. 8vo. - - - 1873 Parliamentary Reform, 1831. On Molesworth's Works of Hobbes. Grecian Legends. On Boeckh's Ancient Weights, Coins, and Measures. Address to London Scientific Institution, 1846. Address at University College, 1846. On Lewis's Credibility of Early Roman History. On Plato's Doc- trine of the Rotation of the Earth, and Aristotle's Com- ment. On J. S. Mill's Review of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy. Papers on Philosophy. „ Plato and the other Companions of Sokrates. 3 vols., Svo. 1865 „ Personal Life. By Mrs. Grote. 8vo. - - . . 1873 Grote (Harriet). Memoir of Ary Scheffer. 8vo. - . . I860 „ Collected Papers (Original and Reprinted) in Prose and Verse, 1842-62. 8vo. 1862 „ [ne'e Harriet Lewin]. A Sketch by Lady Eastlake. 12mo. 1880 Grotius (Hugo). Rights of War and Peace. With Notes by J. Barbeyrac. Folio 1738 „ Life. By J. L. de Burigny. 8vo. ----- 1754 Groulard (Claude), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 49. Grove (Florence C). The Frosty Caucasus (in 1874). 8vo. - 1875 Grove (Sir George). Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 1450- 1889. 4 vols, and Index, 8vo. - - . . 1879-90 „ Nabloos and the Samaritans. See Galton, Vol. 2. Grove (Sir William Robt.). Correlation of the Physical Forces. 8vo. - - - 1862 „ Discourse on Continuity. 8vo. ----- 1867 Grover (Capt. John). The Bokhara Victims. 8vo. - - 1845 Gruebeb (Herbert A.). Roman Medalhons in the British Museum. Ed. by R. S. Poole. Small 4to. - - 1874 Grund (Francis J.). The Americans in their Moral, Social, and Political Relations. 2 vols., Svo. .... 1837 250 GRU— GUI Gruner (L.) and Braun (E.). Bas-reliefs an der Yorderseite des Doins zu Orvieto. Obi. folio - - - - - 1858 GrARDiAN (The). See British Essayists, Vols. 16-18. GuAKiNi (Giov. Battista). II Pastor Fido : Tragi -commedia pastorale. 8vo. ....--- 1807 GuBERNATis (Angelode). Annuario della Letteratura Italiana, nel 1880. 8vo. 1881 „ Dictionaire International des Ecrivains du Jour. 3 vols., imp. 8vo. ---..---- 1889-91 GuBBixs (Martin Richard). The Mutinies in Oiidh, and Siege of the Lucknow Residency. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - 1858 " GuDE and Godlie Ballates " : a Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs. Edinburgh, 1578. (Reprint.) 12mo. 1868 GuELPH Exhibition, George I. — William IV. Catalogue. 4to. - 1891 GuELPH Family, Origin of the : an Historical Chart. By R. D. Lloyd. 8vo. - - 1892 GuERiN (Leon), Histoire de la Guerre de la Russia (1853-6). 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1858 GuESCLiN (Bertrand du), Connetable de France. Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vols. 4, 5. Guest (Lady Charlotte). The Mabinogion. (Welsh Legends.) From the " Llyfr Coch O Hergest " (the Red Book of Hergest). Trans., with notes. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1877 Guest (Dr. Edwin). Historv of English Rh)-thms. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - ■ 1838 „ Origines Celtica?, and other Contributions to the History of Britain. 2 vols., 8vo. .--.-. 1883 Guest (John). History of Rotherham. 4to. - - - - 1879 Guevara (Antonio de). The Diall of Princes. Folio - - 1619 GuHL (E.) and Koner (W.). The Life of the Greeks and Romans described from Antique Monuments. Trans, bv F. HuofFer. 8vo. " [1879] GuicciARDiNi (Franc«^'Sco) . Storia dell' Italia ; facsimile dell' edizione di Milano, emend, da G. Rolandi. 10 vols, in 5, 8vo. ---------- 1822 „ The Warres of Italie and other Partes, reduced into English by Geoffrey Fenton. Folio ----- 1599 GuicciOLi (Countess). Mv Recollections of Lord Bvrou. 2 vols., 8vo. ---■----'--- 1869 GuiCHARD (Victor). Proces Celebres de la Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. . - - - 1814 Le.s Agens Royaux arretes en I'an 5 (1797); Arena ct autres ; la Machine Infernalc ; Georges, Pichegru, Moreau et autres ; la pretendue Conspiration de la Reine dEtrurie ; la Conspiration Malct. GuiLDHALT Library. Catalogue. 8vo. ----- 1889 Guilford (^The Right Hon. Francis North, 1st Lord). Life. See North {Hon. linger). Guilford (Fretl. Ix)rd North, Earl of). See North (Fred). Guilford (Sir R.). Pilgrimage. See Camden Soc.,5\. GuiLLEMARD (Dr. Francis H. II.). Crui.se of the "Marchesa" to Kamschatka and New Guinea. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1886 Gi'iLLEMiN (Amedee). The Heavens : an illustrated Handbook of Popular Astronomy. Ed. l)y J. Norman Loekyer. 8vo. 1868 Guillemot (G.). Le Fils d'un de ces Hommes. Scenes de la vie sous I'Empire. 12mo. ------ 1S76 GuiLtiM (John). Display of Heraldry. 6th ed. Folio - - 1724 &UI ^51. Q-msE (Henri de Lorraine, Due de). See Merimee (P.). „ Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 55, 56. GuiSTiNiANi (S.). Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII. Trans, by Rawdon Brown. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1854 GuizOT (Francois Pierre Gfuillaume). Cours de I'Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe. 8vo. . . . . . 1856 „ Histoire de la Civilisation en France. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1857 „ L'Histoire de France, jusqu'en 1789, racontee a mes Petits- Enfants. 5 vols., 8vo. ..... 1875-6 „ L'Histoire de France [1789-1848]. Le9ons recueillies par Madame de Witt. 2 vols., royal 8vo. .... 1879 „ Essais sur I'Histoire de France. 8vo. .... 1857 „ De la Democratic en France (Janvier, 1849). 8vo. - - 1849 „ Democracy in France (Jan., 1849). 8vo. - - . 1849 „ Memoirs to Illustrate the History of my Time. Trans, by J. W. Cole. 3 vols., 8vo. --.... 1858 „ Origiues du Grouvernement Representatif. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1851 „ Discours sur I'Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre. 8vo. 1850 „ Etudes Biographiques sur la Revolution d'Angleterre. 8vo. 1851 Denzil, Lord Holies. Edmond Ludlow. Thomas May. Sir Phil. WariWck. John Lilliurne. Thos., Lord Fairfax. Mrs. Hutchinson, Sir Thos. Herbert. John Price. Edward, Lord Clarendon. Henry, Lord Clarendon. Gilbert Burnet. Jno. Shetfield, Duke of Buckinghamshire. Sir John Keresby. Eikon Basilike. James II.'s Memoirs. „ Histoire de Charles I., depuis son Avenement jusqu'a sa Mort (1625-49). 6* ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1856 „ History of the English Revolution from the Accession of Charles I. Trans, by Louise H. R. Coutier. 2 vols., _8vo. ---...... 1838 „ Histoire de la Republique d'Angleterre et de Cromwell (1649-58). 2vols., 8vo. ..... .1855 „ Histoire du Protectorat de Richard Cromwell et du Retab- lissement des Stuarts [1658-60]. 2 vols., 8vo. - . 1856 „ Etudes Biographiques sur la Revolution d'Angleterre. 8vo. 1855 Monk : Chute de la Republique, et Ketablissement de la Monarchie en Angleterre en 1660. „ Sir Robert Peel : Etude d'Histoire Contemporaine. 8vo. 1856 „ Melanges Biographiques et Litteraires. 8vo. - . - 1868 Edouard Giblion. La Comtesse de Eumford. Madame Recamier. La Comtesse de Boigne. La Princesse de Lieven. M. de Barante. M. de Daunant. Philippe II. et ses Nouveaux Historiens. „ Melanges Politiques et Historiques. 8vo. - . . 1869 Du Gouvernement Representatif en France en 1816. De la Situation Politique et de I'Etat des Esprits en France en 1817. Des Conspirations et de la Justice Politique. De la Peine de Mort en Matiere Politique. Des Elections et de la Societe " Aide-toi le Ciel t'aidera " en 1827. De la Session de 1828. „ Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts en general. 8vo. - - . 1852 „ Meditations et Etudes Morales. 8vo. - - . .1 852 De I'Etat des Ames. De la Religion. Siir I'lmmortalite de^l'Ame. Conseils d'un Pere sur I'Education. Des Idees de Rabelais, de Montaigne, du Tasse, en fait d'Education. „ Corneille et son Temps : Etude Litteraire. 8vo. - - 1852 262 GUI-GWY GuizoT (Francois Pierre Gnillaume) — continued. „ Shakespeare ct son Temps : Ktn(l(> Litteraire. Hvo. - - 1852 „ Wasbiiif^tou : une Etude. See Witt {C. de). „ Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de mon Temps. 8*"o. - 1858 „ Conversations with. See Senior (X. fF.). GuizoT (F. P. G. and Madame). Ahaihird et Heloise : Essai Historique, suivi des Lett res d'Abailard et HeloLse. 8vo. 1853 GuLLiVERiAN'.\. Satirical Pieces ao;ainst Swift and Pope. 8vo. - 1728 GuMBLE (Kev. Thos.). Life of General Monk, Duke of Albe- marle. 12mo. - 1671 Gunning (Henry). KtMuiniscences of the University, Town, and County of Caml)ridge, from 1780. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854 Gunpowder Treason, History of. See Smeeton's Tracts, No. 9. GuNTON (Rev. Symon). History of the Church of Peterborough. Folio - 1686 GuPPY (Hen. B.). The Solomon Islands and their Natives. 8vo. 1887 „ The Solomon Islands. Tln-ir Geology, &c., and Suita- bility for Colonization. 8vo. ----- 1H87 GuRNEY and Others, Report of the Case of the Queen versus. Svo. 1870 GuRNEY (Joseph J.). Winter in the West Indies. 3rd ed. 8vo. 1841 GuRWOOD (Lieut. -Col. John). General Orders and Despatches of the Duke of Wellington. See Wellington. GuSTAVUS Adolphus, King of Sweden, History of, and of the Thirty Years' War. Bv Rev. B. Chapman. 8vo. - 1856 „ History of. By Rev. Walter Harte. 3rd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1807 „ History of. By J. L. Stevens. 8vo. - - - - 1885 „ Sir T. Roe's Mission.^ See Camden Misc., Vol. 7. GusTAVus III., et I'assassin Ankarstroem. See Nervo {Baron de). GuTCH (Rev. John). Collectanea Curiosa ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland, &c. 2 vols., 8vo. 1781 • GuTERBOCK (Carl). Bracton and his relation to the Roman Law. Trans, by Brinton Coxe. 8vo. ----- 1866 Guthrie (Geo.). Bank Monopoly the Cause of Crises. 8vo. - 1866 Guthrie (Jas.) The River Tvne, its History and Resources. 8vo. - - -' 1880 Guthrie (Wm.). History of England, from the Roman Invasion to 1688. 3 vols., folio . . - - - 1744-51 J, „ Continuation by James Ralph. 2 vols., folio 1764-6 Guyot (Yves). Principles of Social Economy. Trans, by C. H. D'Eyncourt Leppington. 8vo. ----- 1884 Guzman (Alonzo Enri([uez de). Life. See Hahluyt Soc, 29. GwiLT (Joseph). Collections relating to Coronations of George III. and IV., William IV., and Victoria. 3 vols., folio 1820-38 „ Elements of Architecture. 4to. . . - - - 1826 „ Elements of Architectural Criticism. Svo. - - - 1837 „ Encyclopaedia of Architecture. 8vo. - - - - 1854 „ Equilibrium of Arches. 4to. ------ 1826 „ Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. 8vo. - - - 1829 GwYN (Nell), The Story of. By Peter Cunningham. Ed. by H. B. Wheatley. 16mo. 1892 GwYNN (John). London and Westminster Improved. Illustrated by Plans. 4to. - - - 1766 GWY— HAK 253 GwYNNE (John) . Military Memoirs of the Great Civil "War. Ed. by Sir Walter Scott. 4to. - - - - - - 1822 GwYNNE (Thos.). The School for Fathers. 8vo. - - -1852 Gyll (Gordon W. J.). Tractate on Language. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1860 ,, History of the Parish of Wraysbury, Horton and Coin- brook. 4to. - - ..... 1862 H. B. [John Doyle]. Political Sketches. 9 vols., folio - 1829-51 „ Key from No. 1-600. 8vo. 1851 H. B. L. See Lennard {H. B.). Haag (E.). La France Protestante, ou Vies des Protestants Fran9ais. 9 vols., 8vo. . . - . - 1846-59 Habington (Thos.). History of Edward IV. See^enne^^, Vol. 1. Habington (Wm.). The Queen of Arragon. See Dodslet/'s Old Plays, Vol. 9. Hacket (John), Bishop of Lichfield. Life of Archbishop Williams. Folio 1692 Hadden (Lieut. James M.). Journal and Orderly Book. Canada. 1776-8. Ed. by H. Kogers. Small 4to. - - - 1884 Hadley (Dr. Jas.). Essays, Philological and Critical. 8vo. - 1873 Haeckel (Ernst). The History of Creation Ed. by Dr. E. Ray Laukester. 2 vols., 12mo. 1892 Hafiz of Shiraz, Poems of. Trans, by H. Bicknell. 4to. - - 1871 Hagar ; or. Scripture Facts Concerning Marriage. 12mo. - 1882 Haigh (Daniel H.). Anglo-Saxon Saga^, as Aids to History. 8vo. 1861 „ The Conquest of the Britons by the Saxons. 8vo. - - 1861 Hailes (Lord). See Dairy mple (Sir David). Haines (Rev. Herbert). Manual of Monumental Brasses. 8vo. 1861 Hake (Alf. Egmout). Story of Chinese Gordon. 2 vols., 8vo. 1884-5 „ Events in the Taeping Rebellion : reprints of MSS. by Gen. Chas. Gordon. 8vo. - - - - - - 1891 Hakewill (Jas.). History of Windsor. 4to. - - - - 1813 Hakluyt (Rev. Richard). Principal Navigations, Voyages, &c., of the English Navigators. New ed., with Additions by R. H. Evans. Ed. by G. Woodfall. 5 vols., 4to. 1809-12 Vol. 1. — Voyages to the North and North East Quarters, 1517-84. Vol. 2. — Vanquishing of the Spanish Armada. Voyage to Cadiz, 1596. Voyages by and within Streight of Gibraltar to South and South-East Quarters. Vol. 3. — English Voyages made without the Streight of Gibraltar to South and South-East. English Voyages for finding a North West Passage to North Parts of America. English Voyages to Newfoundland. Voyages for Discovery of Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Rivers of Canada. English Voyages to Virginia. Voyages to Florida. Voyages to North Mexico and Cibola. Voyages for Discovery of Gulf of California. English Voyages to Mexico and the Antilles. Vol, 4. — English Voyages to America, West Indies, Guiana, Brazil, Eiver of Plata, Straits of Magellan, South Sea. Supplement. Galvano (Ant.). Discoveries of the World by Hakluyt. Davis (J.). World's Hydrographical Discovery. Drocquiere (B. de la). Voyage, 1482-3. Vertomannus. Voyages, 1503. 254 HAK HAKLrvT (Rev. Richard) — continued. Vol. o. — Dutch Vovagfs to the Ea.st Inilit-s. Uurton's Voyage to Bengalla. FariUe of Fashions. Conquest of Grand Canaries. Hakluyt (R.). History of the Wi-st Indies. Trans, by Lok. De Soto (F.). Virginia Richly Valued. Trans, by Hakluyt. Gates, Sommers, and others. Discovt-ry of the Bermudas. Discourse on the late Voyages of Spain and Portug-al. The Omissions of Cale's Voyage. „ Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America and the Ishinds adjacent. See Hakluyt Sue, 7. H.XKi.UYT Society Publications {continued). 8vo. - - 1848 et seq. 1. — The Oljservations of Sir Richanl Hawkins, in his Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. 2. — Select Letters of Columbus ; with Documents relating to the Discovery of the New World. Trans, by R. H. Major. 3. — The DiscoVerie of the Empire of Guiana by Sir Walter Raleigh. With Life, by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk. 4. — Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595. By Thomas Maynarde. Together with the Spanish Account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico. 5. — Narratives of Early Voyages, undertaken for the Discovery of a Passage to Cathaia and India, by the North- West. 6. — The History of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. By William Strachey, the First Secretary- of the Colon}-. 7. — Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America and the Islands adjacent. Collected by Richard Hakluyt, 1582. With Notes by John Winter Jones. 8. — A Collection of Documents on Japan. AVith a Commentary, by Thomas Rundall. 9. — The Discover}- and Conquest of Florida by Don Ferdinando de Soto. Trans, by Richard Hakluj-t ; with Note.s, by W. B. Rye. 10. 12. — Noti-s upon Russia; " Rerum Muscoviticarum Cora- mentarii," by Baron Sigismund von Herlierstein, 1517-26. Trans., with Notes, by R. H. Major. 1 1 . — The Geography of Hudson's Bay. By Captiiin W. Coates, 1727-51. With Log of CaptJiin Middleton on his Voyage for the Di^covery of the N.W. Pa.s.sage in 1741-2. 13. — Veur (Gerrit de). Three Voyages by the North-East, towards Cathay and China, by the Dutch, 1594-6, with their Discovery of Spitzbergen, their Residence of Ten Months in Novava Zemlya. 14. 15.— Mendoza (Pa."lre J. G. de). The History of China. Trans, by R. Parke. 16. — Drake (S[r Francis). The World Encompassev W. S. W. Vaux. 17._0rleans (Pere d), 1688. The History of the Tartar Con- querors who subdued China. Trans, by the Earl of Ellesmere. 18. — Spitzbergen and Greenland. Martin (F.). Spitzbergen. Pevrere (Isaac de la). Relation de Greenland. Pelham (Edwanl). Deliverance of eight Englishmen left in Greenland, anno 1630, nine njonths and twelve days. 19. — The Voyage of Sir Henrj- Middleton to Bantam and the Malucu Islands [1606]. 20. — Fletcher (Dr. Gile>). Ilorsi-y (Sir Jerome). The Russe Commonwi-alth. Travels. Ed. by E. A. Bond. 21. — Benzoni (Girolamo). Travels in America, in 1542-56. Trans, by Admiral W. H. Smyth. 22. — India in the 15th Century: Narratives of Voyages, from Latin, Persian, Rassian, and Italian Sources. Trans, by R. H. Major. 23. — Ciianiplaiii (Samuel). Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, 1529-1602. Trans., with a Biographical Notice and Notes, by Alice Wilmere. HAK 255 Hakluyt Society Publications — continued . 24. — Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons during the 1 6th and 1 7th Centuries : Gonzalo Pizarro, Francisco de Orellana, Cristoval de Acuna. Trans, by C. E. Markham. 25. — Early Indications of Australia. 26. — The Embassy of Euy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timour, 1403-6. Trans., with Life of Timour Beo;, by C. E. Markham. 27. — Henry Hudson the Navigator. The Original Documents, in which his career is recorded. Trans, by George Asher. 28. — The Expedition of Ursua and Aguirre, in search of El Dorado and Omagua, a.d. 1560-1 . Trans, by W. Bollaert. 29. — The Life of Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman. 30. — Discoveries of the World by Galvano, to 1555. 31. — Marvels described by Friar Jordanus. Trans, by Colonel H. Yule. 32. — The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Syria, Arabia, Persia, and India, during the 16th Century. Trans, by J. Winter Jones. 33. — The Travels of Cieza de Leon in 1532-50, from the Gulf of Darien to the City of La Plata. Trans, by C. E. Markham. 34. — The Narrative of Pascual de Andagoya. Trans, by C. E. Markham. 35.— Barbosa (Duarte). The Coa.sts of East Africa and Malabar in the 16th Century. Trans, by Lord Stanley of Aide rley. 36. 37.— Cathay and the Way Thither. Notices of China, previous to the 16th Century. Trans, by Colonel H. Yule. 38. — Frobisher (Sir Martin). The Three Voyages of. 39. — Morga (Antonia de). The Philippine Islands at the close of the 1 6th Century. Trans, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 40. — Cortes (Hernan). Account of his Expedition to Honduras in 1525-6. Trans, by Don Pascual de Gayangos. 41, 45.— Vega (Ynca Garcilasso de la). The Eoyal Com- mentaries of the Yncas. Trans, by C. E. Markham. 42. — Gama (Vasca da), The Three Voyages of; and his Vice- royalty. Trans. l:)y Lord Stanley of Alderley. 43. — Letters of Christopher Columbus, relating to his Four Voyages to the New World. Trans, by E. H. Major. 44. — History of the Imams and Sey;)dds of 'Oman, by Salil-Ibn- Eazik. from a.d. 661-1856. Trans, by G. P. Badger. 46. — Bontier (Pierre) and Verrier (Jean le). Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians in 1402, by Messire Jean de Bethencourt, Kt. Trans, by E. H. Major. 47. — Eeports on the Discovery of Peru. Trans, and ed. by C. E. Markham. 48. — Narratives of the Eites and Laws of the Yncas. Trans. C. E. Markham. 4'j. — Barbaro (Josafa) and Contarini (Ambrogio). Travels to Tana and Persia ; and Narratives of other Italian Travels in Persia. Trans, by C. Grey. 50. — Voyages of the Zeni to the Northern Seas in the 14th Cent. Trans, by E. H. Major. 51. — The Captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in li)47-55 in Eastern Brazil. Trans, by Albert Tootal. 52. — The First Voyage Eound the World by Magellan.' Trans. by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 53, 55, 62, 69. — The Commentaries of the Great Afonso D Albu- querque, 2nd Viceroy of India. Trans, by Walter de Gray Birch 4 vols. 54.— Veer (Gerrit de). Three Voyages to the North-East by Barents. 56. — Lancaster (Sir James). Voyages. With Abstracts of Journal preserved in the India Office, and the Voyage of Captain John Knight to seek the N.W. Passage. •57. — Hawkins (Sir Eichard), Kt. Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. With the Voyages of his grandfather William, his father Sir John, and his cousin William Hawkins. 256 HAK— HAL TlAKi.rvT Society Publications — continued. 58. — The Bonilago and Travilsi of Johan Schiltberger, 1396- 1427. Trans, l.y Comnian.iir J. B. TulfiT, K.N. 59. — The Voyapes and Works of Jolin Davis the Navigator. 60,61. — AcoVta (Fathir Josci'h do). The Natural History of the We.«tern Indies. 2 vols. Ed. by C. R. Markham. 63.— Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-22. 64. — Narrative of the Portugue.sc Emba.ssy to Aby.ssinia, 1520-27. By Father Francisco Alvarez. Trans, by I/ird Stanley of Alderley. 65. — Historye of the Bermudaes or Summer Isles. 66, 67. — Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-22. 2 vols. 68. — Second Part of the Chronicle of Peru. By P. Cieza de Leon. Trans, by C. R. Markham. 70, 71. — Linschoten (J. H. van). Voyage to the East Indies. 2 vols. 72, 73. — Early Voyages to Russia and Persia, by Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen. 2 vols. 74, 75, 78.— Hedges (Sir William). Diary in Bengal [1681-87], 2 vols. Ed. by Col. Yule. 76, 77, 80. — Pyrard (Francois). Voyage to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. 79. — Tractatus de Gloliis et eonim usu. By Robert Hues. 81. — Conque-st of the River Plate, 1535-55. U. Schmidt and A. N. C. De Vaca. 82, 83. — Voyage of Francois Leguat to Rodriguez, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope. 84, 85. — Travels of Pietro della Valle in India. Trans, by G. Havers. 1664. 2 vols. 86. — Columbus (Christopher). Journal during his First Voyage, 1492-3, and Documents relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real. Trans, by C. R. Markham. Halde (J. B. du). See Du Hahle. H.4LE (Sir Matthew). Contemplations. Moral and Divine. 8vo. 1679 „ Life and Character [1609-76]. By J. B. Williams. Hvo. 1835 H.\i.FORD (Sir Henry). Account of the Openin": of the Coffin of King diaries I. on the 1st of Ai)nl, 1813. 4to. - - 1813 Haliburton (R. G.). The Dwarfs of Mount Atlas. 8vo. - 1891 Haliburton (Judtre Thos. C). Hi.'^torical and Statistical Ac- count of Nova Scotia. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . . 1829 The Bubbles of Canada. 8vo. - - - - - 1839 Sam Slick, the Clockmaker. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1838-40 The Attache, or Sam Slick in England. 2 series. 4 vols.,8vo. 1843-4 Nature and Human Nature. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . 1855 The English in America. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1851 The Old Judge : or, Life in a Colony. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1851 The Letter-Bag of the " Great Western ; " or, Life in a Steamer. 8vo. - - - 1840 „ The Old Judge. 2 vols., 8vo. 1849 Haliburtons, Memorials of the Familv of the. See Rogers {Rev. C). Halifax (Charles Montagu, Earl of). Po€'tical Works. With Life and History of his Times. 8vo. - - - - 1716 Halifax (George Savile, ^Marquess and Earl of). Miscellanies, Historical and Philological. 3r(l ed. 12mo. - - 1717 1. Advice to a Daughter. 2. The Character of a Trimmer. 3. The Anatomy of an Equivalent. 4. A Letter to a Dissenter. 5. Cautions for Choice of Parliament Men. 6. A routih Draught of a new Model at Sea. 7. Maxims of Stat.. „ See Savile Correspondence. HAL 257 Hamfax (Geo. Montagu, Earl of). Memoir. See Jesse {J. H), Etonians, Vol. 1. Halket (Anne, Lady). Autobiography, in the Eeigns of Charles I. and Charles II. See Camden Soc, 13 (N.S.). Halkett (Samuel) and Laing (Rev. John). Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. 4 vols., 8vo. ... - - 1882-8 Hall (Anna Maria) [Mrs. S. C. Hall]. Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1838 „ Sketches of Irish Character. Royal 8vo. . - - - 1842 Hall (Arthur). Quarrel with Melchisedech Mallerie ; and a Letter on the Origin of Parliament. See 3Iisc. Ant. Angl., 2. Hall (Captain Basil) . Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo Choo Island. 4to. - - 1818 „ Journal Written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 1820-2. 2 vols., 12mo. 1824 „ Travels in North America in 1827-8. 3 vols , 12mo. - 1829 Hall (Benj. F.). The Republican Party and its Presidential Candidates. With Biographical Sketches of Col. John C. Fremont and Wm. L. Dayton. 8vo. - - - 1856 Hall (Capt. Byng). Lucullus ; or, Palatable Essays. 2 vols., 8vo. 1878 Hall (Capt. Chas. F.), U.S.N. Life with the Esquimaux. Voyage of the Barque " George Henry," 1860-2. Relics of Frobisher's Expedition. 2 vols., 8vo. ... 1864 „ Second Arctic Expedition, 1864-9. 8vo. - - - 1879 „ North Polar Expedition in the U.S.S. " Polaris." 3rd ed. Royal 8vo.- -------- 1881 Hall or Halle (Edward). Chronicle. Henry IV. to Henry VIII. [1548]. 4to. -------- 1809 Hall (Capt. Fr;vncis). Travels in Canada and the L'''nited States, 1816-17. 8vo. - - 1819 Hall (Hubert). History of the Customs-Revenue in England. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1885 „ Court Life un A.). The last of the Bushrangers. The Capture of the Kelly Gang, 1880. 12mo. 1892 H.VRE (Archilt-acou Julius Chas ) and Hare (Rev. Aug. Wm.). Guesses at Truth. 2 vols., 12mo. . . - . 1827 Hare (Thomas). Treatise on the Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municii)al. 8vo. - - - - 1873 Hargrave (Francis), Catalogue of Manuscripts collected by, now in the British Mu.se"um. 4to. ----- 1818 Harington (Sir John). Nuga? Antiquas; Original Papei-s on English History (Henry VIII. to .lames I.). Selected by Rev. Hen. Harington. Ed. bv Thos. Park. 2 vols., 8vo. ■ 1804 1. — Letters. Miscellaneous Papers. 2. — Additions to Godwin's Catalogue of Bishops. Discourse con- cerning Elias. Character of John, Lord Harington. Poems, by various Authors. „ Apologie of Poetry [1591]. See Hasleiroocl (J.), Vol. 2. Hariot (Thomas). A briefe and true Report of Virginia [1590]. See Holbein Soc. Harle (Wm.Lockey). A Career in the Commons; or. Letters to a Young M.P. 8vo. 1850 Harleian ^ISS. (British Museum), Catalogue. 4 vols, in 2, folio --------- 1801-12 Harleian Miscellany : a Collection of Sciiree Tracts from Lord O.vford's Librarv. Ed. bv Wm. Oldvs and Thos. Park. With Tables of Contents. " 10 vols., 4to. - - 1808-12 HAR 263 Harleian Society Publications. 8vo. - - - 1859 et seq. 1. — Visitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. 2. — Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. 3. — Visitation of Rutland, in 1618, by Camden, 4. — Visitations of Nottingham in 1563 and 1614. 5. — Visitations of Oxford, 1574 and 1634. 6. — Visitation of Devon in 1620. 7. — Visitation of Cumberland in 1615. 8. — Lc Neve's Catalogue of Knights. 9. — Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. 10. — Registers of Westminster Abbey. 11. — Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623. 12. — Visitation of Warwickshire. 13, 14.— Visitations of Essex in 1552, 1558, 1612, and 1634. 15, 17. — Visitation of London, 1633-4. 16. — Visitation of Yorkshire in 1564. 18. —Visitation of Cheshire in 1580. 19.— Visitations of Bedfordshire, 1566, 1582, and 1634, 20. — Visitation of Dorset, 1623. 21.— Visitation of Gloucester, 1623. 22.— Visitation of Hertfordshire, 1572 and 1634. 23. — Allegations for Marriage Licences, issued by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558-1699 ; by the Vicar- General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660-79. Extracted by Col. J. L. Chester. / 24. — Marriage Licences issued from the Faculty Otfice of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Office, London, 1543-1869. Extracted by Col. J. L. Chester. ^/25, 26. — Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Bishop of London, 1611-1828. Extracted by Col. J. L. Chester. 27. — Visitation of Worcester, 1569. 28, 29.— Visitation of Shropshire, 1623. 30, 31. — Allegations for Marriage Licenses issued by the Vicar- General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, July 1679 — June 1694. 32.— Visitation of Norfolk, 1563 and 1613. 33, 34. — Allegations for Marriage Licenses issued by the Vicar- General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660-79. 35, 36. — Hampshire Allegations for Marriage Licenses granted by the Bishop of Winchester, 1689 to 1837. Haeley Family. See Collins {^Arthur'). Harley (Lady Brilliana), Lettei's of, during the Civil War. Ed. by the Rev. T. T. Lewis, M.A. See Camden Soc, 58. Harley (Dr. Greo.). The Simplification of English Spelling. 8vo. - 187S Harness (Rev. William). Literary Life. By the Rev. A. (t. L'Estrange. 8vo. - - 1871 Harpsfield (Archdeacon Nich.). Treatise of the Pretended Divorce between Henry VIII. and Catherine of Aragon. See Camden Soc. 21 (N.S.). Harrington (James). Oceana (an imaginary republic), and other Works. With Life, by J. Toland. 4to. - - 1771 Harrington (Sir John). See Harington. Harris (Dr. George). Civilisation considered as a Science. 8vo. 18G1 „ Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 18-47 Harris (Geo. W.). Practical Guide to Algiers. 16mo. - - 1890 Harris (James). Works. With Life, by his Son, the Earl of Malmesbury. 8vo. - 1841 Treatise on Art, Music, Painting, Poetry, Happiness. Hermes : Universal Grammar. Philosophical Arrangements. Philological Inc^uiries. 264 HAH Harris (Rev. Dr. John). Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols., folio 1744-48 Ilakluyt, Purchas, ia English ; Ramusio, Alamandini, Carreri, in Ititliaii ; Thevenot, Renaudot, Labat, &c., in French ; De Brye, Grynieus;, MafFt-us, in L;itin ; Herrera, Oviedo, Coroal, in Spanish ; and the Voyages under the Direction of the East India Company in Holland, in Dutch. To- gether with such other Histories, Voyages, Travels, or Discoveries, as are in general esteem. Rise and Progress of the Art of Navigation. Invention and Uses of the Loadstone. Harris (Thomas). Account of St. Marylebone Church, with a Description of its Enlargement. Small 4to. - - . 1885 Haukis (Walter). History of the City of Dublin. 8vo. - - 1776 Harris ( Wni.). History of the Radical Party in Parliament. 8vo. 1885 Har'Jis (Dr. William). Lives of James I., Charles I., Oliver Cromwell, and Charles II. New ed. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1814 Harrison (Frederic). The Meaning of History. 12mo. - - 1862 „ Order and Progress. 8vo. ------ 1875 Part 1. Thoughts on Grovernment. Part 2. Studies of Political Crih^es. „ Destination ; or. The Choice of a Profession. 12mo. - 1881 „ The Crisis in Egypt. 12mo. 1882 „ The Choice of Books, and other Essays. 8vo. - - . 1886 „ Xew Years' Addresses to the Positivist Society. 8vo. 1886-8 „ James A. Cotter Morison. 16mo. ----- 1888 „ Annals of an Old Manor House, Sutton Place, Guildford, Surrey. 4to. 1893 „ England and France. See International Policy. „ See Positivist Publications. Harrison (Gen. G. H. De S. N. Plantagenet) . See Plantagenet- Harrison. Harrison (George L.). Legislation on Insanity. 8vo. - - 1884 Harrison (.lohn), ' Oure Townis Colledge ' : History of the Old College of Edinburgh. 12mo. 1884 Harrison (Robt). London Library Catalogue. 5th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. -.-------. 1889 Harrison (S. B.). Evidence [Law of]. 12mo. - - - 1825 Harrison (Wilmot). Memorable Loudon Houses. 3rd ed., 12mo. 1890 Harrisse (Henry). Bibliotheca Americana Yetusta. A Descrip- tion of Works on America, 1492-1551. 8vo. - -1866 Harrod (Wm.). Antiquities of Stamford, compiled from Francis Peck's Annals, with Xotes 1785 Harrop (Robert). Bolingbroke : a Political Study. 8vo. - -1884 Harston (Hall). Plays. See Bell and Caicthorn, 5. Hart (Lieut. -Gen. H. G.). Annual Army List {continued). Ed. by his Son. 8vo. . . - - 1837 et seq. Hart (John Harrist) and White (Henry). Trials of, on Charges of Libel. 12mo. [1808] Harte (Bret). Works. 5 vols., 12mo. 1881 1. — Poetical and Dramatic "Works. 2. — Earlier Papers. Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Tales. Bohemian Papers. Spanish and American Legends. 3. — Tales of the Argonauts. Eastern Sketches. 4. — Gabriel Conroy. 5. — Stories. Condensed Novels. II ARTE (Rev. Walter). History of Gustavus Adolphus. 3rd ed. Revised by J. J. Stockdale. 2 vols., 8vo. : - - 1807 HAR— HAS 265 Habtfoed (Frances, Countess of) and Pomfret (Hen. Louisa, Countess of), Correspondence between, 1738-41. 3 vols., 8vo. 1805 Harting (Jas. E.). Extinct British Animals. 8vo. - - - 1880 Hartley (Sir Charles A.). Inland Navigations in Europe. 8vo. 1885 Hartley (Dr. David). Observations on Man. With notes hy Dr. H. A. Pistorius. 4th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - . 1801 Hartmann (Eduard von). Philosoj)hy of the Unconscious. Trans, by W. C. Coupland. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1884 Hartmann (Dr. R.). Anthropoid Apes. See International Scientific Ser., 53. Hart's Army List {continued) .... 1837 et seq. Hartwell House, Antiquities at. See Lee {Dr. J.), Smyth {Admiral). „ Catalogue of the Law Library. See 3Iac Alpine. Harvey (Dr. Grabriel). Lettei's and Sonnets touching Robert G-reene [1592]. A New Letter of Notable Contents [1593J. Pierce's Supererogation [1593]. See Bri/dges' Archaica, Vol. 2. „ Letter Book of [1573-80]. See Camden ^oc, 33 (N.S.). Harvey (Dr. William). Works. Trans, from the Latin by Dr. R. Willis. (Sydenham Soc.) 8vo. - - - 1847 „ Life, History of the Discovery of Circulation of the Blood. By R. Willis. 8vo. - - - - - . - 1878 Harwood (Philip). History of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. 8vo. 1848 ,, Six Lectures on Strauss's Life of Christ. 8vo. - - 1841 Harttood (Thos.). Alumni Etonenses. Provosts and Fellows of Eton College and King's College, Cambridge, 1443-1797. 4to. - - 1797 Harwood (Rev. Dr. Thos.) . History of the Church and City of Lichfield. 4to. - . 180G Hasell (Miss Eliz. J.). Calderon. See Blackicood's Foreign Classics. „ Tasso. See Blackwood' s Foreign Classics. Haslewood (Joseph). Ancient Critical Essays on English Poets and Poetry. 2 vols., 4to. . - - . 1811-15 Vol.1. — Puttenham (Geo.). Arte of English Poesie. 1589. Vol. 2. — Gascoigne (G.). Coucerning the Making of Verse. 1575. Webbe (W.). Discourse of English Poetrie. 1586. James I. Airt of Scottish Poesie. 1584. Harington (Sir John). Apologie of Poetry. 1591. Meres (Francis). Comparative Discourse of our English Poets, with the Greek, Latin, and Italian Poets. 1598. Campion (Thos.). Observations in the Art of English Poesie. 1602. Daniel (S.). Defence of Ehyme. 1603. Bolton (E.). Hypercritica : a Kule of Judgment for the Writing or Eeading our Historys [1618]. 1722. Spenser (Edmund) and Harvey (Gabriel). Five Letters on our English Keformed Versifying. 1580. Hassall (Dr. Arthur H.). Food and its Adulterations. 8vo. - 1855 Hassel (J.). Isle of Wight, 1760. See Pinherton, Vol. 2. Hasted (Edward). The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent. 4 vols., folio . . _ 1778-99 ,) „ The Hundred of Blackheath. (Continued to 1886). By the Rev. Thos. Streatfeild and the Rev. . . . Lambert B. Larking. Ed. by Hen. H. Drake. Folio - 1886 266 HAS— HAW Hastings (Francis Rawilon-Hastings, Marquess of), Governor- Gen, of India. Private Journal. [Sej)!., 1813 — Dec., 1818.] Ed. l.y his Daughter. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1858 „ Life. By Major Hoss. Soe JRulers of India. Hastings (Warren). Life By Eev. G. H'. Gleig. 3 vols., 8vo. 1841 „ Speeches at the Trial of. Ed. by E. A. Bond. 4 vols., 8vo. 1859-Gl „ By Sir A. Lyall. See English Men of Action. „ By Capt. L. J. Trotter. See Hitlers of India. Haswell (Jas. M.). Caricatures of Xapoleon III. 8vo. - [1870] Hatch (Rev. Dr. Edwin). The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church. Svo. - - - 1890 Hathekley (Wm. P. Wood, Lord). Memoir and Letters. Ed. by the Rev. W. R. W. Stephens. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1883 Hathebton (Edw. J. Littleton, 1st Lord). Memoir relating to Political Occurrences, June and July, 1834. Ed. by H. Reeve. 8vo. - 1872 Hatsell (John). Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons. 5 vols., 4to. ...... 1818 Hatton Familv. Correspondence [1601-1704]. See Camden Soc, 22, 23 (X.S.). Hatton (Sir Christopher). Life. By Sir N". H. Nicolas. 8vo. 1847 Hatton (Joseph). Club-land, London and Provincial. Illustrated. 4to. 1890 Hatton (Joseph) and Harvey (Rev. M.). Xewfoundland. 8vo. - 1883 Hauser (Caspar), Account of. By Anselm von Feuerbach. 12mo. 1834 Hausset (Mme. du). Memoires. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 3, and Berville et Barriere, 32. Haussez (Baron d'). Great Britain in 1833. 2 vols., Svo. - 1833 Haussmann (Georges Eugene, Baron). Memoires. 3 vols., 8vo. 1890-3 Haussonville (Vicomte d'). The Salon of Madam Necker. Trans, by H. M. Trollope. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1882 Ha YARD (Henry). Amsterdam et Venise. 8vo. - - - 1876 „ La HoUaude a Vol d'Oiseau. 4to. 1881 „ Villes Mortes du Zuiderzee. 12mo. ... - 1875 „ Histoire de la Peinture Hollandaise. Svo. ... 1882 Havard (W.). King Charles I. See Bell and Caiithorn, 8. Havelock (Major-General Sir Henry), Memoirs of. By John Clark Marshman. Svo. - - - - - -1861 „ By Archibald Forbes. See English Men of Action. Havilland (John de). Le Mesique sous la Maisou de Hapsbourg. [Bound with " Eloge on Cobden."] Folio - - - 1863 Hawes (Robert) and Loder (R.). History of Framlingham, Suffolk ; and Notices of the Masters and Fellows of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. 4to. - . . . 1798 Hawker (Rev. Robt. Steph.). Footprints of Former Men in Far Cornwall. 12mo. - - - - - - - 1870 Hawkesworth (Dr. John). Account of the Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere, by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. 3 vols., 4to. 1783 Hawkins (Edward). Silver Coins of England : British Money previous to the Saxon Dynasties. 2nd ed. Svo. - - 1876 „ Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Ed. by A. W. Franks and H. A. Grueber. 2 vols., Svo. ----.... 1885 Hawkins (Sir John). History of the Science and Practice of Music. 5 vols., 4to. 1776 HAW— HAY 267 Hawkins (Sir Richard). Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. See HcMuyt Soc, 1. „ „ 2nd ed., with the Voyages of his Grandfather William, his Father Sir John, and his Cousin William Hawkins. See Haklnyt Soc, 57. Hawks (Rev. Dr. Francis L.). Commodore Perry's Expedition to the China Seas and Japan in 1852-4. 4to. - - 1856 Hawkavood (Sir John) [Griovanai Acuto]. Storia d'un Con- dottiere. Per John Temple-Leader e Griuseppe Marco tti. 8vo. 1889 „ Story of a Condottiere. Trans, by J. Temple-Leader, Q. Marcotti, and Leader Scott. Imp. 8vo. - - - 1889 Hawthorne (ISTath.). Life of Franklin Pierce, afterwards Presi- dent U.S.A. 12mo. - 1852 „ Passages from American Note Books. 2 vols., 8vo. - 18G8 „ Passages from the English Note Book. 2 a'oIs., 8vo. - 1870 „ Passages from French and Italian Note Books. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . - 1871 „ Novels. 6 vols., 12mo. ------- 1881 1 . — House of the Seven Gables, Scarlet Letter. 2. — Mosses from an Old Manse. New Adam and Eve. 3. — Twice-told Tales. Legends of the Province House 4. — The Snow Image. An Old House. 5. — Tanglewood Tales. Elitliedale Romance. 6. — True Stories from History. A Wonder Book. „ Tales. 12mo. - - 1883 Dolliver Romance. Fanshawe. Septimius Felton. The An- cestral Footstep. „ Dr. Grimshawe's Secret. 12mo. ----- 1883 „ Septimius. 12mo. -------- 1872 „ Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife. A Biography. By Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols., 12mo. - - . . 1885 „ Life. By Henry James, Jun. See English Men of Letters. Haxthausen (Baron A. von). The Russian Empire, its People, and Resources. Trans, by R. Farie. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1856 Hay (Alexander). Estimate of the Scottish Nobilitie in 1577. See Grampian Club. Hay (Sir Andrew Leith). History of the Peninsular War. 8vo. 1839 Hayden (Ferd. V.). Exploration of Wyoming and Idaho. 8vo. 1878 Haydn (Joseph). Book of Dignities (of the British Empire), continued to 1890. By H. Ockerby. 8vo. - - - 1890 „ Dictionary of Dates and Universal Reference. 8vo. - - 1844 „ „ Ed. by Benjamin Vincent. 13th ed. 8vo. - - 1871 16th ed. 8vo. 1878. 17th ed. 8vo. - - 1881 18th ed. 8vo. 1885. 19th ed. 8vo. - - 1889 20th ed. - - 1892 Haydon (Benjamin Robert). Autobiography and Journals, 1786- 1846. Ed. by Tom Taylor. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1853 „ Correspondence and Table-Talk ; with a Memoir by his Son. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1876 „ Lectures on Painting and Design. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1844—6 Hayes (Edward). The Ballads of Ireland collected. 2 vols., 8vo. 1855 Hayes (Dr. Isaac I.). The Land of Desolation: a Narrative of Adventure in Greenland. 8vo. ----- 1871 „ The Open Polar Sea : a Narrative of a Voyage in the Schooner " United States." 12mo. - - . . 1867 268 HAY— HAZ Hayley (Win). Essay on Old Maids. 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1785 „ The 'I'riimiphs of 'J'emper : a Poem. IGiuo. - - - 1799 ,, Memoirs, written by Himself: and Memoirs of his Son, Thos. Alphonso Havley. Ed. by the Rev. Dr. J, John- son. 2 vols., 4to. '..--.-. 1823 H.\YNES (Samuel) and Murdiu (Wm.). Papers relating to Affairs of State [1542-9G]. Transcribed from Memorials, left by William CYn-il, Lord Burghley. 2 vols., folio - 1740-59 H.\YS (France.s). Women of the Day : a Dictionary. 12mo. - 1885 Hays (Mary). Female Biography. Celebrated Women of all Ages and all Countries. 6 vols., 12mo. ... 1803 Hayter (Sir Geo.). Portraits of Politicjd lleformers. Folio - 1840 Hayteu (Hen. H.). Victorian Year-Book (co«Y/M»e(/). 8vo. ISSo et seq. Hayter (Rev. John). Rejiort upon the Herculaneum MSS. 4to. 1811 Hayward (Abraham). Trans, of Goethe's Faust; with an Account of the Story of Faust and the various productions in Literature and Art founded on it. 8vo. ... 1834 „ Biographical and Critical Essays. 3 Series. 5 vols., 8vo. 1858-74 „ Diaries of a Lady of Quality [Miss Frances Williams Wynn], 1797-1844. 8vo. .-....- 1864 „ Life and Writings of Mrs. Tlirale. See Piozzi. „ Goethe. See BlackicoocVs Foreign Classics. „ Correspondence, 1834-84, with Account of his Early Life. Ed. by H. E. Carlisle. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1880 Hayward (Sir John). Life of Edward IV. See Kennett, Vol. 2. „ Annals of the First Four Years of Queen Elizabeth. See Camden Soc., 7. Haywood (Eliza). The Female SpecUitor, 4 vols., 8vo. - 1745-6 Haywood (F.). Analysis of Kant's Critick of Pure Reason. 8vo. 1844 Hazard (Sam.). Annals of Pi'unsylvania, 1009-82. 8vo. - 1850 „ Cuba with Pen and Pencil. 8vo. 1873 „ Santo Domingo, Past and Present ; with a Glance at Hayti. 8vo. - - - - - - - ; - . - 1^''3 Hazell's Annual Cyclopedia (continued). Ed. by E. D. Price. 12mo. 1886 et seq. Hazlitt (Wm.) Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. 8vo. - 1817 „ Conversations with James Northcote, R.A. 8vo. - - 1830 „ Criticisms on Art ; with Catalogues of the Principal Picture Galleries of England. 2 vols., 12mo. .... 1843 „ Eloquence of the British Senate : Parliamentary Speeches, 1625-1802. With Biographical Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1807 „ Essay on the Principles of Human Action. 8vo. - - 1805 „ Journey through France and Italy. 8vo. - - - 1826 „ Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 8vo. - - 1820 „ Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 8vo. - - - 1819 „ Lectures on the English Poets. 8vo. .... 1819 „ Liber Amoris, or the New Pygmalion. 8vo. - - - 1823 „ Memoirs of Thos. Holcroft. 12mo. . . . . 1816 „ Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 vols., 8vo. .... 1830 „ Plain Speaker : Opinions on Men, Books, and Things. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1826 „ Political Essays. 8vo. 1819 „ Reply to Malthus's Essay on Population. 8vo. - . 1807 „ Speeches delivered at County Meetings, 1820-21. 8vo. -1822 „ Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1825 „ Table Talk. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1824 View of the English Stage. 8vo. 1818 HAZ— HEA 269 Hazlttt (Wm.) — continued. „ Literary Remains ; with Memoirs by his Son, W. C. Hazlitt, and Thoughts on his Genius and Writings, by Lytton and Talfourd. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1836 „ Memoirs By W. C. Hazlitt. "With portions of his Corres- pondence. 2 vols., 8vo. --.... 1867 ,, List of the Writings of. See Ireland (Ale.i'.). Hazlitt (Wm.) and Hunt (Leigh). The Round Table: Essays on Literature, Men, and Manners. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. - 1817 Hazlitt (Wm. Carew). English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes [1543-1644]. Smnll 4tn - 1869 „ English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. Roy. 8vo. ~ 1869 ,, History of the Republic of Venice. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1858 „ Handbook to the Popular Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain to the Restoration. 8vo. - - . 1867 ,, Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Literature. 8vo. - - - - - " - - 1876 „ „ Second Series. 8vo. .... - 1882 „ „ Third Series. 8vo. - - - . - - 1887 ,, ,, Supplements to the Third and Final Series. 8vo. 1889 „ „ Second Supplement to the Third and Final Series. 8vo. ......... 1892 „ „ General Index. By G. J. Gray. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 8vo. - 1893 ,, Early Popular Poetry of England. 4 vols., 12mo. - 1864-6 ,, Tracts illustrating the Manners and Occupations of English- men during the 16th and 17th Centuries. Small 4to. - 186S „ Shakespeare Jest-books. 3 vols., 12mo. .... 1864 Vol. 1 . — Hundred Mery Talys. Mery Tales and Quicke Answeres. Vol. 2.— Merie Tales of Skelton. Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of Newes. Tarlton's Jests. Peele's Jests. Jacke of Dover. Vol. 3.— Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham. Mery Jests of Wydow Edyth. Pasquil's Jests. Conceits of Old Holj. son. Conceyts and Jeasts. Taylor's Wit and Mirth. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes, and Whimsies. „ Shakespeare's Library. 5 vols., 12mo. - . . . 1875 ,, Fairy Tales illustrating Shakespeare. 12mo. ... 1875 „ Manual for the Collector of Old English Plays. [A Catalogue.] Small 4to. ...... 1892 Head (Barclay Vincent). The Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Syracuse. 8vo. ...... 1874 Head (Sir Francis B.). Government of Upper Canada, a Nar- rative. 2nd ed. 8vo. ...... 1839 „ Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. 6th ed. 12mo. - 1841 „ Essays contributed to the " Quarterly Review." 2 vols., 8vo. 1857 „ Faggot of French Sticks; or, Paris in 1851. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1852 ,, Fortnight in Ireland [1852]. 8vo. ..... 1S52 „ The Royal Engineer. 8vo. ...... 1869 Head (Sir George). Forest Scenes and Incidents in Canada. 12mo. 1829 „ Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districts of Great Britain [1835]. 12mo. .-..-. 1836 „ Home Tour through various parts of the United Kingdom. Also Memoirs of a Commissary General. 12mo. - - 1837 „ Rome : a Tour of Many Days. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1849 Head (Richard) and Kirkman (Francis). The English Rogue: Life of Meriton Latroon. History of Cheats, 1665-80. (Reprint.) 4 vols., 8vo. [1874] 270 HEA— HEE Hf.adingt.ey (A. S.). Biography of Chas. Bradlangh. 12mo. - 1881 Headley (Iliiiry). Pot'tieal Works. Sl'q British l^octs, \o\. 73. Headley (Rev. Tanfiild Geo.). Elementary and Primary Views of Reliy Distinguished Writers. 8vo, - 1840 Health Resorts. Hume and Foreign. 8vo. . . - - 1891 Hearxe (Sam.). Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort, Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, in 1769-72. 4to. - - 1795 Hearne (Thos.). Collection of Curious Discourses by Eminent Antiquaries. Xew ed., with additions. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1771 „ Journeys to Eeading and to Whaddon Hall. See Aubrey (J.y, Letters, Sj-c. „ Eeliquiaj Hearniana}. Remains, with Extracts from Diaries, and a few Xotes, by Dr. Bliss. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1857 „ Remarks and Collections. See 0.rford Historical Soc., 2 7 13. „ Life! 'See Huddesford (JF.). Hearne (Thos.) and Byrne (W.). Antiquities of Great Britain. (Plates with Descriptions). 2 vols., old. folio - - 1807 Heath (Christopher). Dictionary of Practical Surgerv. 2 vols., 8vo. / . . 1886 Heath (James). Chronicle of the Intestine Wars to 1663. AVith continuation to 1675. By John Phillips. Folio - 1676 „ Flagellum ; or. Life, Death, Birth, and Burial of Oliver Cromwell. 12mo. 1672 Heath (John B.). Account of the Company of Grocers, London. 8vo. ----------- 1S29 Heath (Rich.). Edgar Quinet, his Early Life and Writings. 8vo. 1881 Heath (Robert). Xatural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly. 8vo. 1750 „ „ See Pinherto7i, Vol. 2. Heath (Sir Robert). Speech in Case of A. Leighton. See Camden Jlisc., Vol. 7. Heaton (J. Henniker). Australian Dictionary of Dates, 1842-79. 8vo. - - - 1879 Heber (Reg.), Bishop of Calcutta. Journey through Upper and SouthernProvincesof India, 1824-6. 3rded. 3 vols., 8vo. 1828 Hebert (J. R.) [Pere Duchesne]. Life. See Adolphiis. IIebert (Luke). Engineers' and Mechanics' Encyclopaedia. 2 vols., 8vo. 1856 Hedderwick (T. C. H.). Parliamentary Election Annual. 12mo. - - - - - ' - - - - 1892 Hedges (Sir William). Diary in Bengal [1681-87]. Ed. by Col. Yule. See Hahlnyt Soc, 74, 75, 78. Heeren (Arnold H. L.) [German Historian]. Historical Treatises. 8vo. 1836 Political Consequences of the Reformation. Rise of Political . Theories. Rise and Growth of Continental Interests in Great Britain. „ Manual of Anticnt History. 8vo. 1840 „ History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from the 16th Century 'to 1S15. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1834 „ Politics of the Xations of Antiquity. African. 2 vols., 8vo. 1838 „ „ Asiatic. 2 vols., 8vo. ---... 1846 Political History of Antient Greece. 8vo. - - - 1829 HEH— HEL 271 Hehn (Victor). The Wanderings of Plants and Animals from their First Home. E(I.^l)y J. S. Stallybrass. Hvo - 1888 Heilprin (Angelo). Distribution of Animals. See Tiiternaf zona/ Scientific Ser., 58. Heimweh (Jean). Triple Alliance et Alsace-Lorraine. IGmo. - 1892 Heine (Heiurich). Siimmtliche Werke. 22 vols., 12mo. - - 1876 1, 2. — ReiseLilder. 3. — Englische Fragmente. Shakespeare's Madchen luid Frauen. 4. — Novellistische Fragmente. 5-7. — Ueber Deutsehland. 8-11. — Franzosische Zustande. 12. — Ludwig Borne. 13, 14. — Vermisehte Schriften. 15.- — Buch der Lieder. 16. — Tragodien : Almanzor. William Ratcliff. Neue Gedichte. 1 7.— Atta Troll. Deutsehland. Zeitgediehte. 18. — Romancero. Letzte Gedichte. Nachlass Geditche. 19-22.— Briefe. „ Life, Work, and Opinions. By Wm. Stigand. 2 vols., 8vo. 1875 „ Religion and Philosophy in Grermany. Trans. l)y John Snodgrass. 8vo. ..--... 1882 „ Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos. Selected and Trans, by John Snodgrass. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - "- - 1888 Hekekyan Bey. Chronology of the Siriadic Monuments, demon- strating that the Egyptian Dynasties of Manetho are Records of Astro-geological Nile Observations. 8vo. (Privately printed.) - - - - - - - 1863 Helicon (England's). A Collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems. Published 1600. Ed. by A. H. Bullen. 8vo.- 18S7 Heliconia: English Poetry [1575-1604]. For Contents see Park {Thomas). Hellborn (Chr. von). Life of Franz Schubert. Trans, by A. D. Coleridge. 2 vols., crown 8vo. - - - - 1869 Hellenica : a Collection of Essays on Greek Poetry, Philosophy, History, and Religion. Ed. by Dr. Evelyn Abbott. 8vo. 1880 Abbott (Evelyn). The Theology and Ethics of Sophocles. Bradley (And. Cecil). Aristotle's Conception of the State. Courtney (Wm. Leonard). Epicurus. Dakyns (Hen. Graham). Xenophon. Jebb (Rich. Claverhouse). The Speeches of Thucydidcs. Myers (Ernest), ^schylus. Myers (Fred. Wm. H.). Great Oracles. Nettleship (Rich. Lewis). Theory of Education in Plato's Republic. Strachan-Davidson (Jas. Leigh). Polybius. Hellenic Society. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Vol. 1 et seq. (continued). Text 8vo. Plates folio and 8vo. 1880 et seq. Helps (Sir Arthur). Casimir Maremma. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1870 „ Companions of my Solitude. 12mo.- - - - - 1851 „ Conversations on War and General Culture. 8vo. - - 1871 „ Essays written during the Intervals of Business. 12mo. - 1843 „ Life and Labours of Mr. [Thomas] Brassey. 8vo. - - 1872 „ Realmah. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ i 1868 „ The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies. 4 vols., 8vo. 1855-61 „ Friends in Council. 1st Series. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1849-51 „ „ New Series. 2nd ed. 2 vols,, 12mo.- 1859 „ Organization in Daily Life. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - 1862 272 HE L— HEN" Helps (Sir Arthur) — continued. „ Life of Tlornando Cortes. 2 vols., 12mo. ... - 1871 „ Brevia : Short Essays and Aphorisms. l2mo. ... 1871 „ Thoughts upon Govfrnmont. 8vo. ..... 1872 „ Life of BarthoUiniew de Las Casas, the Apostle of the Indies. 12mo. 1873 „ Oiulita, the Serf : a Trapjedv. 12mo. - - - -1858 „ Life of Columbus. 12mo. ' 18(59 „ Life of Pizarro [1475-1541]. 12mo. - - . -18G9 Helvetius (Claude A.). Treatise on Man. Trans. 2 vols., 8vo. 1810 Hemans (Felicia Dorotliea). Poetical "Works. With Life, by her Sister. 7 vols., 12mo. 1839 „ Poems chronoloj^ically arranged, with Notes. 8vo. - - 1852 Hemingford or Heminjiburgh (Walter de). De Gestis Eegum An^lia3 [106G-1300]. Ed. bv H. C. Hamilton. 2 vols, in i, 8vo. - - - -' - - - - 1848-9 „ „ See Gale and Fell, Vol. 3. HfN'AULT (President Chas. J. F.). Abrege chronologique de I'Histoire de France. 5 vols., 12mo. .... 1757 „ President Plenault et Madame du Deffand. Par Lucien Perev. 8vo. 1893 Henderson (Alexander) Life [1583-1646]. See Mac Crie {Rev. Dr. T). Henderson (And.). Treatment of Disease by means of Water. 8vo. ■ . . . . 1859 Henderson (Dr. Ebenezer). Life of Jas. Ferguson, F.R.S. 8vo. 1867 „ Annals of Dunfermline [Fifeshire], a.d. 1069-1878. 4to. . 1879 Henderson (Emily). Life of John Adolphus. 8vo. . - 1871 Henderson (Dr. Geo.) and Hume (Allan O.). Lahore to Yar. kand. Expedition of 1870, under T. D. Forsyth. 8vo. 1873 Henderson (James). History of Brazil. 4to. . . - - 1821 Henderson (Capt. John M.). History of the Eebellion in Ceylon, 1851; affording a comparison with Jamaica, 1865. 8vo. 1868 Hendriks (Lawrence) . The London Charterhouse ; its Monks and its Martyrs. 8vo. 1889 Hendriks (Rose Ellen). Chit Chat : a Poem. 12mo. . -1849 Henfrey (Hen. Wm.). Guide to English Coins from 1066. 12mo. 1870 Henley (Rev. John) [" Orator Henley "]. Miscellaneous Tracts ; with Memoir by A. Welstede. 8vo. . - . 1726-30 Henley (Robert Henley Eden, Lord). Memoir of Robert Henley, Earl of Xorthington, Lord Chancellor. 12mo. 1831 Hennessy (Sir John Pope). Sir Walter Raleigh in Ireland. 8vo. 1883 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. See Snieeton, Vol. 1. „ Letters. Ed. by M. A. E. Green. 12mo. - . . 1857 „ Histoire de. See Lafayette {Marie de). Henriot (Antoine A). Chroniques Lorraines du Temps de Charles IV. Un Roman. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1876 Henriot (Francois). Life. See Adolphus. Henry I., Accession of. See Free/nan {Edw. A.). Henry II. and his Age. By Lord Lyttelton. 4 vols., 4to. - 1767 „ Conquest of Inland. An Anglo-Norman Poem with an Essay, by T. Wright. See Ireland. „ Roll of the Pipe in the Reign of. See Pipe Roll Soc. „ Court, Household, and Itinerary. By the Rev. R. W. Eyton. Royal 8vo. - - ' - " . . . . igyg „ History of the Reign of. See Chronicles, 49, 73. HEN 273 Henry III., Eoyal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the Reign of. See Chronicles and Memorials, 27. „ State Papers. See Calendars. „ Short View of the Long Life and Reign of. See Smeeton (G.), Hist. Tracts, Vol. 2. „ Pope's Usurpations. See Prynne (TV.), History of King John, Henry III., S^c. Henry IV., Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of, 1399-1404. See Chronicles, 18. ,, Character of. See Birch {Rev. Dr. T.). Henry V., Memorials of. See Chronicles, 11. „ Life. By J. E. Tyler. 8vo. - - - - - - 1838 „ Gesta. See English Hist. Soc. „ Collections of a London Citizen relating to the Reign of. Ed. by James Gairdner. See Camden Soc, 17 (N.S.). „ Life. See English Men of Action. Henry VI., Two Chronicles of the Reign of. Ed. by James Gairdner. See Camden Soc, 27 (ISr.S.). „ History of. By P. Vergil. See Camden Soc, 29, 36. „ Wars of the English in France during the Reign of. See Chronicles, 22. „ Letters in Time of. See Camden Soc, 86, and Paston Letters. Henry VII., Memorials of. See Chronicles, 10. „ Materials for a History of. See Chronicles, 60. „ History of the Reign of. See Bacon, Works, Vol. 6. „ Chronicle of Calais. See Camden Soc, 35. „ Wriothesley's Chronicle. See Caw«7eM »S'oc., 11 ; 20 (N.S.). „ State Papers. See Calendars. „ Account of England under. Trans., from the Ita'ian of a Venetian resident at the English Court, by Charlotte A. Sneyd. See Camden Soc, 37. „ Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reign of. See Chronicles, 24. Henry VIII. , Beginning of the History of. See Bacon, Works, Vol. 6. „ Life and Reign of. By Edward Herbert^ Lord Herbert of Cherbury. See Kennett, Vol. 2. „ Annales of the Reign of. See Godwin {Bishoji). „ Divorce of. See Camden Soc, 21 (N.S.). „ Proclamations respecting Plays. See Drama nnder Tudors. „ Privy Purse Expenses. See Nicolas (Sir N. H.). ,, Four Years at the Court of. By S. Giustiniani. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854 „ Dialogue on the Life and Actions of. By William Thomas, Clerk of the Council to Edward VI. 8vo. - - - 1861 „ English Monasteries under. See Gasquet (F. A.). „ Reign of, to the Death of Cardinal Wolsey. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1884 „ Chronicle of a Contemj^orary Record in Spanish. Trans., with ISTotes, by Martin A. S. Hume. 12mo. - - 1889 „ Life of. By Patrick Eraser Tytler. 12mo. - - - 1837 „ History of. See Fronde (J. A.), Henry {Rev. Dr. R.), Lodge {Edmund), and Oldmixon {J.). „ Travels in England of JSTic. Nucius in Reign of. See Camden Soc, 17. „ Chronicle of Calais. See Camden Soc, 35. „ Letters of Illustrious Persons in the Reign of. See Cabala. p. 3104. 8 274 HEN— HER Hknry VIII. — continued. „ Wriothesley's Chronicle. See Camden Soc., 11 ; 20 (N.S.). „ State PaptTs. See Calendars, and Sadler {Sir E.). ,, See Lose lei/ MSS. Henky IV. of France, The Huguenots and. By H. M. Baird. 2 vols., 8vo. -...--.- 188G Henry of Huntinijdon. Historia An>.] 2 vols., 12mo.- . . . 1846 Herries (Right Hon. John Charles). Public Life of, from George III. to Victoria. By Edward Herries. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1880 Herschel (Miss Caroline L.). Memoir and Correspondence. By Mrs. J. Herschel. 8vo. 1876 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Natural Philosophy. 12mo.- - 1832 „ Essays from the " Edinburgh " and " Quarterly " Reviews. With Addresses and other Pieces. 8vo. . - . 1857 „ Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 8vo. - - - 1867 „ Outlines of Astronomy. 5th ed. 8vo. - . - . 1858 „ Homer's Iliad in English Hexameters. 8vo. - . . 1866 Hertslet (Sir Edward). Map of Europe by Treaty, showing Political and Territorial Changes since 1814. 4 vols., 8vo. 1875-91 Hertslet (Sir Edward and Hertslet (Lewis). Treaties and Conventions at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. 18 vols., 8vo. - - - 1840-93 Hervey (John, Lord). Memoirs of the Court of George II. Ed. by the Rt. Hon. J. Wilson Croker. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1848 „ ,, New ed. with Index. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1884 8 2 276 HES— HEY IIbsiodus Oppra et Dios. Ed. by David J. van Lennep. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. 18i7 „ Tlu'ou;()nia. Ed. hy David J. %'an Lennep. 8vo. - - 1843 „ Works and Days. Trans, into English Verse. See Chtfpman (Cr.), and Cooke {Thos.). „ lleuiains, trans, with Di.ssortation on his Life and Era, by Chas. A. Elton. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - - 1815 „ [And Thoofjnis.] By llev. Jas. Davics. See BlachwoocVs Ancient Classics. Hesse (Alice, Grand Duchess of). Biographical Sketch and Letters. 8vo. 1884 Hessey (Archdeiicon Dr. Jas. Aug.). Sunday ; its Origin, History, and Present Obligation. (Banipton Lectures.) 3rd ed. 8vo. - - - 1866 Hewby (Dr.). AVhist or Bumblepuppy ? 12nio. - - - 1882 Hewes (P. W.) and Gannett (H.). Statistical Atlas of the United States. Polio - - - 1886 He.kham (Henry). English and Nether Duytch Dictionary. 4to. 1648 Heylyn or Heylin (Rev. P.). AulicusCoquiuarioi. See James I. „ Ecclesia Kestaurata : History of the Reformation of the Church of England. With Life [1600-62], by J. Bar- nard. Ed. by Jas. C. Robertson. 2 vols., 8vo. - -1819 „ Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury. Polio - 1068 Heywood (James). Collection of Statutes for the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 8vo. ----- 18 iO „ Oxford L^niversity Statutes. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1845-51 „ Recommendations of the Oxford University Commissioners and Subscription Tests. 8vo. _ - - . . 1853 „ Early Cambritlge Uni\ersity Statutes in the English Language. 8vo. ------- 1855 „ Academic Reform and LT'niversity Representation. 8vo. - 1860 Heywood (James) and Wright (Thos.). Cambridge University Transictious during the Puritan Controversies in the 16th and 17th Centuries. 2 vols., 8vo. - - -1854 Heywood (John) [Court Jester]. Proverbs and Epigrams [1502]. See Spenser Soc. Heywood (Capt. Peter). Memoirs. [Mutiny of the "Bounty."] By E. Tagait. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1832 Heywood (Serj. Sam.). Distinctions in Society and the Ranks of the People uuder the Anglo-Saxon Governments. 8vo. - 1818 „ Vindication of Fox's History of James n. 4to. - - 1811 Hkywood (Eliza). See Haywood {E.). Heywood (Thomas). Dramatic Works, with Notes and Memoir. 6 vols., 12mo. 1874 1. — Memoirs of Thomas Heywood. Edward IV. If you know not nie, you know iiolmdy. 2. — The Filiro Maid of the Exchange. A Woman killed with Kiiidnesso. The Four Pivntises of Loudon. The Faire Maid of the West. 3. — The Golden Age. The Silver Age. The Brazen Age. The Iron Age. 4.— The English Traveller. A Maidenhead well Lost. The I>aneashire Witches. London's Jus Honorarium. Lon- dini Speculum. 5. — A Challenge for Ueautie. Love's Maistresse. The Rape of Lucrccc Lontloni Porta Pictatus. The Wise Woman of Hogsdon. Londoiii Status I'acatus. 6. — The Koyall King and tlio boyall Sul ject. Plea.sant Lfialogues and Drammaij. Fortune by Lund and Sea. HEY— HIG 277 Heywood (Thomas) — continued. „ Plays and Miscellaneous Works. See Shakespeare Soc. „ English Traveller ; Royal King and Loyal Subject Challenge for Beauty. See Dilke, Vol. 5. „ Woman killed with Kindness, Dodsley, Vol. 7. Jew of Malta, Dodsley, Vol. 8. Rape of Lucrece, Dodsley, Vol. 12. Love's Mistress, Dodsley, Vol. 14. Heyworth (Lawrence). Origin and Destiny of Man. 8vo. - 1886 HiBBEKT Trustees, Publications of the. Evans (G.). Essay on Assyriology. 8vo. 1883. Macan (R. W.). The Resurrection of Jusus Christ. 8to. 1877. Poole (R. L.). History of Medieval Thought. 8vo. 1884. Schurman (J. G.). Kantian Ethics. 8vo. 1881. Stokes (G. J.). Objectivity of Truth. 8vo. 1884. Wicksteed (P H.). Ecclesiastical Institutions of Holland. 8vo. 1875. HiBBERT Lectures. Alviella (Count Goblet D'). On the Origin and Gro"wth of the Conception of God. Svo. 1892. Beard (Charles). The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. 8vo. 1883. Davids (T. W. Rhys). History of Indian Buddhism. Svo. 1881. Hatch (Rev. Edwin). The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church. 8vo. 1890. Kuenen (A.). National Religions and Universal Religions, Svo. 1882. Montefiore (C. G.) Religion of the Ancient Hebrews. Svo. 1892. Miiller (F. Max). On the Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Religions of India. Svo. 1878. Pfleiderer (Otto). The Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. Svo. 1885. Renan (Ernest). On the Influence of the Institutions, Thought, and Culture of Rome on Christianity. Svo. 1880. Renouf (P. Le Page). On the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt. Svo. 1879. Reville (Albert). The Native Religions of Mexico and Pern. Svo. 1884. Rhys (John). The Origin and Growth of Religion, as illus- trated by Celtic Heathendom. Svo. 1888. Sayee (A. H.). Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians. Svo. 1887. HiCKEY (W.). The Constitution of the United States. 12mo. - 1847 HiCKSON (Miss Mary Agnes). Ireland in the 17th Century j or, the Irish Massacres of 1641-2. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1848 HiCKsoN (W. E.). Time and Faith: Inquiry into Data of Ecclesiastical History. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1857 HiGDEX (Ranulph or Ralph). Polychronicon. See Gale and Fell, Vol. 2. „ „ With Translation by John de Trevisa [1387]. 9 vols. See Chronicles, 41. HiGGiNS (Godfrey). Anacalypsis : Origin of Languages, Nations, Rehgions. 2 vols., 4to. 1836 „ The Celtic Druids the Priests of Oriental Colonies. 4to - 1829 HiGGiNS (Matthew James) [Pseudonym, Jacob Omnium]. Essays on Social Subjects. With a Memoir (1810-68) by Sir William Stirling Maxwell. 8vo. ----- 1875 HiGGiNS (Mrs. Napier). Women of Europe in the 15th and 16th Centuries. 2 vols., 8vo. ..---. 1885 278 HIG— HIN HiGGiNsoN(Tho.s.W.). Y.)un<; Folks' History of the U.S.A. 12mo, 1875 HiGGOXS (Bevil). Kcinarks on Biinict's Own Times. 8vo. - 1727 „ Short View of Entrlish History to loss. Svo. - - -1727 Highland Society's Dictionary of the Gaelic Lau;t'.s Kiitianisme en China, en Tartaric, et en Thibet. 4 vols., Svo. 1857-S „ „ Engli.'^h Translation. 3 vols., Svo. - - 1857-S HuDDESFORD (Gcorgc). Poems ; including Salmagundi, Topsy- turvy, Bubble and Squeak, and Craudic Repetita. 2 vols., 12mo. ISOl HuDDESFORD (Rev. Dr. W.) [The Editor]. The Lives of John Lcland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthonv a Wood. 2 vols., Svo. ----------- 1772 Hudson (Eliz. H.). Life of Louisa, Queen of Prussia. 2 vols., 12mo. 1878 Hudson (Henry), the Navigator. Documents in which his Career is recorded. Ed. by George Asher. Si'e Ilak/iii/t Soc, 27. Hues (R-)- Tractatus de Globis et eonim usu. See Haklnyt Soc, 79. HuET (Bishop of Avranche.s). See Ana (French), Vol. 3. HuFELAND (C. W.). Art of Prolonging Life. Ed. by Sir Erasmus Wilson. 2nd ed. 16nio. -' 1859 HUG 289 Hugh (St.) of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln. Life. By the Eev. Greoi-ge G. Perry. 12mo. ------ 1879 „ Magna Vita. See Chronicles, 37. Hughes (A. W.). Baloehistan : its Greography, History, &e. 12mo. - - 1877 Hughes (Geo.) Memoir. By Thos. Hughes. 12mo. - - 1873 Hughes (John). Itinerary of Provence and the Rhine [1819]. With Etchings. 8vo. ..--.- 1822 „ Boscobel Tracts. 8vo. ------- 1830 Charles II. Own Diary of Escape after the Battle of Worcester, dictated to Pepys. Blount (T.). Boscobel. Whitegreave. Narrative of Charles II. Escape after Worcester. Ellesden. Letters to Lord Clarendon. Wyndham (Mrs. A.). Claustrum Eegale Eeseratum. Hughes (John). Plays. See Bell and Cawthorn, 1. Hughes (Margaret Watts). Voice Figures. [Acoustics.] Royal 8 vo. 1893 Hughes (Thomas). The Scouring of the White Horse. Illus- trated by Richard Doyle. 12mo. ----- 1859 Memoir of a Brother [George Hughes]. 12mo. - - 1873 Tom Brown's Schooldays. N"ew ed. l2mo. - - - 1885 Tom Brown at Oxford. 12mo. ----- 1886 Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. 12mo. - - - - 1882 Memoir of James Eraser, 2nd Bishop of Manchester. 8vo. 1887 Ancient Chester. See Batenham. Hughes (Rev. Thos. Smart). History of England, 1760-1835. Continuation of Hume and Smollett. 7 vols., 8vo. - 1836 HuGHSON (Dr. David) [Pseudonym of Dr. R. Pugh]. Walks through London, Westminster, and Southwark. 8vo. - 1817 Hugo (Rev. Thomas). The Last Ten Years of the Priory of St. Helen, Bishopsgate. Royal 8vo. - - - . 1865 „ Mediteval Nunneries of the County of Somerset and Diocese of Bath and Wells. Imp. 8vo.' ----- 1867 Hugo (Victor). CEuvres Completes : d'apres les MSS. Originaux. 48 vols., 8vo. ------- 1882-90 Poesie: — 1. Odes et Ballades. 2. Orientales. Feuillesd'Automne. 3. Chants du Crepiiseule. Les Voix Interieures. Rayons et Ombres. 4. Les Chatiments. 5, 6. Les Contemplations. 7, 8, 9, 10. La Legende des Siecles. 11. Chansons des Rues et des Bois. 12. L'Annee Terrible. 13. LArt d'Etre Grand-Pere. 14. Le Pape. La Pitie Supreme. Religions et Religion. LAne. 15, 16. Les Quatre Vents de I'Esprit. Philosophie: — 1. Litterature et Philosophie Melees. 2. William Shakespeare. Histoire : — 1. Napoleon le Petit. 2, 3. Histoire d'un Crime. Voyage: — 1, 2. Le Rhin. Drame : — 1. Cromwell. 2. Hernani. Marion de Lorme. LeRoi s'Amuse. 3. Lucrece Borgia. Marie Tudor. Angelo. 4. La Esmeralda. Ruy Bias. Les Burgraves. 5. Torque- mada. Amy Robsart. Les Jumeaux. Roman: — 1. Hans d'Island. 2. Bug-jargal. Le dernier jour d'un Condamne. Claude Gueux. 3, 4. Notre Dame de Paris. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Les Miserables. 10, 11. Les Tra- vailleurs de la Mer. 1'2, 13. L'Homme qui Rit. 14. Quatrevingt-treize. Actes et Paroles : — 1. Avantl'Exil. 2. Pendant I'Exil. 3. Depuis I'Exil, 1870-1876. 4. Depuis I'Exil, 187H-18S5. Paris, Mes Fils. La Fin de Satan. Victor Hugo Raconte par un Temoin de sa Vie : — 1, 2. QEuvres de la Premiere Jeunesse. p. 3104. T 290 HUG— HUM Hugo (Victor) — continued. „ (Euvn's Inedites. 6 vols., 8vo. .... 1887-92 Toute 111 Lyre, 1, 2. „ Derni^re Serie. Dieu. En Voyage. France et Belgique, 1834-36. Alpcs et Pyrenees. 1839. „ Le Koi s'Amuse. Francis I. Trans, bv F. L. Slous. (Bound with " Wallace " : a Tragedy.) " 8vo. - - 1843 „ Huojo and his Time. Bv Alfred Barbou. Trans, bv Ellen E. Frewer. 8vo. ' "- - 1882 „ Vie. Par Leopold Mabilleau. See Fran^ais {Les Grands Ecrivains). „ Life. See Stevenson (L.). Huguenots. Ordine della Processione per la felici.ssima noua della di-struttione della setta Ugonotana, Roma, 1572. See Bodleian Facsimile Series. HuiSH (Marcus B.). The Year's Art. Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, 1892. l2mo. - . - . . . 1892 Hull (Dr. Edward). The Coal Fields of Great Britain ; with Xotices of the Coal Fields of the World. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1861 Physical History of the British Isles. 8vo. - - - 1882 Hltx (Thos.). Plays. See Bell and Caicthorn, 11. HrLL.A.H (John). Life. By his Wife. 8vo. - - - - 1886 Humbert (Aime). Le Japon Illustre. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1870 Hu.MBOLDT (Fried. H. Alexander, Baron von). Aspects of Nature. Trans by Mrs. Sabine. 8vo. ----- 1850 „ Letters to Varnhascen von Ense, 1827-58 ; with Extracts from Varnhagen's Diaries. 8vo. ----- I860 ,, Essai Politique sur la Royaume de N'ouveau Espague. 4 vols., 8vo. - - ' - - - - - - 1825 „ Trans, by John Black. 3rd ed. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1822 „ Researches concerning the Ancient Inhabitants of America. Trans, by Miss H. M. Williams. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1814 ., Travels to tlie Equinoctial Regions of the Xew Continent, 1799-1804. Trans, bv :Miss H. M. AVilliams. 7 vols., 8vo. - - - 1 - - - - - 1822-9 , Life [1769-1859]. Ed. l)y K. Bruhns. Trans, by Jane and Caroline l^s.sell. 2"vols., 8vo. - - "- - 1873 HrME (Alex.). Orthographic of the Briton Tongue [161 7J. See Early English Te.vt Soc, 5. HiME (Rev. Dr. Abraham). Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom. 2n(l ed., Avith Supplement, by A. .]. Evans. 8vo. - - - - - - - " - 1853 Hume (David). Philosophical Works. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1826 1. 2. — Controversy with Rousseau. Treatise of Human Nature. Dialogues concerning Natural Ueligion. 3. — Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary. 4. — Inquiry concerning Human Understanding. Inquiry con- cerning Principles of Morals. Natural History of Religion. Additional Essays. „ Essays, floral, Political, and Literary ; with Dialogues con- cerning Natural Religion. 2 vols., 8vo. ... 1822 „ Essays, floral. Political, and Literary. Ed. by T. IT. Green and T. H. Grose. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1875 „ Treatise on Human Nature, and Dialogues <-oncerning Natural Religion. Ed. bv T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. 2 vols., 8vo. - - " 1874 HUM— HUN 291 Hume (David) — continued. „ History of England to the Revolution (1688) . [Continued by Dr.'l'obias G. Smollett to 1760, and by Rev. T. S. Hughes to 1835.] 20 vols., 8vo. - - " - - 1789-1836 „ „ The Students' Hume, continued to 1868. 8vo.- 1869 „ Letters of Eminent Persons to. Ed. by J. H. Burton. 8vo. ---------- 1849 „ Life and Correspondence [1711-76]. Ed. by J. H. Burton. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1846 „ Life. By Prof. Huxley. See English Men of Letters. „ Letters to William Strahan. Ed. by G. B. Hill. 8vo. - 1883 Hume (Hamilton). Life of Edw. J. Eyre, Grovernor of Jamaica. 12mo. --------- 1867 HuME(Jas.). An Idler's Letters [Calcutta, 1842-4]. 2vols.,8vo. 1843-4 Hume (James D.). Laws of the Customs. 8vo. - - . 1833 Humphreys (Hen. ISToel). Coin Collector's Manual. 2 vols., 8vo. 1853 „ Masterpieces of Early Printers and Engravers. Folio - 1870 Hunt (Chas. H.). Life of Edward Li\-ingston. 8vo. - - 1864 Hunt (Fred. Knight). The Fourth Estate: a History of News- papers, and of the Liberty of the Press. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1850 Hunt (Freeman). Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Re- view. Vols. 10 to 13, and Vol. 26. 5 vols., 8vo. New York - . . - - 1844-5 and 1852 Hunt (Henrv). Memoirs, written in Ilchester Jail. 5 vols., 8vo.. 1820 Hunt (Holman). Works Exhibited at the Fine Art Society. 8vo. 1886 Hunt (J. H. Leigh). Rimini : a Poem. 12mo. - '- -1819 „ Byron and some of his Contemporaries ; with Recollections of the Author's Life. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1828 „ "Companion." 8vo. ------- 1828 „ Day by the Fire, and other Papers. Small 8vo. - - 1870 „ " Indicator ": a Review of Books, &c. 8vo. - - -1822 „ „ " Literary Examiner " : a Continuation of the "Indicator." 8vo. ------- 1823 „ Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. 8Vo. - - - - - - " - - 1848 „ Juveniha : a Collection of Poems written between the ages of 12 and 16. 8vo. ------ 1801 „ Liberal, The. Verse and Prose from the South. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. 1822-3 „ Men, Women, and Books : a Selection of Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1847 „ Palfrey, The : a Poem. 8vo. ------ 1842 „ Poetical Works. 8vo. ------- 1832 „ Finally Revised ed. 12mo. . - - . I860 „ " Reflector" : a Quarterly Magazine on Subjects of Philosophy, Politics, and the Liberal Arts. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1811 „ Religion of the Heart : a Manual of Faith and Duty. 12mo. 1853 „ Saunter through the West End. 8vo. - - - - 1861 „ " Seer " ; or. Common Places Refreshed. 8vo. - - - 1840 „ Stories in Ver.se. 16mo. ------- 1855 „ Table Talk; to which is added Imaginary Conversations between Pope and Swift. 8vo. ----- 1851 „ Town, The ; its Memorable Characters and Events, St. Paul's to St. James's. With 45 Illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1848 „ Wit and Humour, selected from the English Poets. With Illustrative Essay and Critical Comments. 8vo. - - 1846 T 2 292 HUX Hunt (J. H. Lpi2:h) — continued. „ Sir Ralph Esher : a Novel. 12mo. - - - - -1850 Autohioc;raphv. l'2ino. ------- 1860 Correspomlence. Ed. by Thornton Leiirh Hunt. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1862 „ List of the "Writinu^s of. Seo Ireland. The Round Table. See Hozlitt and Hunt. HfXT (Robert). Popular Romances of the West of England; or the Drolls, Traditions, .to. of Old Cornwall. 2 vols., 8vo. 1865 Hint (William). See Buskin {John). Hint (Rev. W.). Bath and Wells. See Dioce-san Histories. HuxTKR (.\.d'niral John). Transactions at Port Ja -kson and Xorfolk Islantl ; Discoveries in New South Wales. 4to. 1793 HuxTEK (Rev. Joseph). Collections concerning the Founders of Plvniouth, New England. 8vo. ----- 1854 „ Hallamshire : the Historv of the Parish of Sheffield, York- shire. Folio - ' 1819 Enlarged ed. Bv Rev. Alf. Gattv. Folio - - 1869 „ Hallamshire (^^lossarv. Small 8vo. - I - - - 1829 ,, South Yorkshire : History of the Deanerv of Doncaster. 2 vols., folio - - ■ - - - ' - - 1828-31 „ Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakes- peare. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1845 „ Three Catalogues. 8vo. - - - - - - 1838 Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer, the Dodsvorth Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, and of the MSS. in Lincohi's Inn Library. HrxTER (Thos.). Woods, Forests, and Estates, and Families of Perthshire. 8vo. - 1883 HiNTER (Wm.). Biggar and the House of Fleming. An Account of the Biggar District. 8vo. - - - - - 1687 HrxTER (Wra. Alex.). Exposition of Roman Law in the order of a Code : embodying the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian. 2nd ed. ' 8vo. 1884 Hunter (Sir Wm. Wilson). Annals of Rural Bengal. 8vo. - 1868 „ „ Orissji ; or, the Vicissitudes of an Indian Pio- vince under Native and British Rule. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1873 „ Famine Aspects of Bengal Districts. 8vo. - - - 1872 „ Life of R. S. Bourke, Earl of Mayo, 4th Viceroy of India. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - " - - -" - - 1875 „ Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 vols., 8vo. - - 1881-2 „ The Indian Empire : its People, Historv, and Products. 2nd ed. 8vo. -----'-.- 18^6 „ Bombay, 1885 to 1890. A Studv in Indian Administration 8vo." -.---■ 1892 „ Life of the Marquess Dalhousie. See Rulers of India. „ Life of Lord Clive. See Rulers of India. „ Life of Earl ^layo. See Rulers of India. Hunteri.\n C1uI» Publications. 4to. - - - . 1873-83 The Bannatyne Manuscript. A ColKetion of Early Scottish Poetry. Compiled by Georpc Bannatyne, 1568. 3 vols. Craig or C-aige (Alex). Works; with a General Introduction by Mr. Daviil Idling. Poetieall Essayes. 1604. Amorose Songes, Sonets, and Elegie.s, 1606. Poetical Recreations, 1609-23. Pilgrime and Heremite, 1631. Miscellaneous Poems. Garden (.\lex.). A Theatre of Scottish "Worthies. Life of Bishop Elphinstone. Ed. by Mr. David Laing. 1619-26. HUN— HUT 293 HuNTERiAN Club Publications — continued. Hannay (Patrick). Poetical Works ; with an Introduction by Mr. David Laing. 1622. Lodge (Dr. Thos.). 4 vols. :— Vol. 1. — Memoir. — Index. — Reply to Grosson's Schoole of Abuse. [1580?] — An Alarum against Vsurers, &c. 1584. — Schillaes Metamorphosis. 1589. — Rosalynde : Euphues' his Golden Legacie. 1590. Vol. 2. — The History of Robert, 2nd Duke of Normandy. 1591. — Catharos : Diogenes in his Singularitie. 1591.— Euphues' Shadow. 1592.— Life and Death of William Longlieard. 1593. — Phillis : Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets. 1593. Vol. 3.— The Wounds of Ciuill War. 1594.— A Fig for Momus. 1595. — The Devil Coniured. 1596. — A Margarite of America. 1596. — Prosopopeia. 1596. Vol. 4. — Wit's Miserie, &c. 1596. — Looking Glasse for London and England. [By Dr. Thomas Lodge and Robt. Greene.] 1598. — Treatise of the Plague. 1603. — The Poore Man's Talentt. — Miscellaneous Pieces. 1581-1622.— Glo.ssary. Niccols or Nichols (Richard). Sir Thomas Overburie's A^'ision. With an Introduction by Mr. James Maidment. 1616. Rowlands (Samuel). Works. 3 vols. : — Vol. 1. Memoir Bibliographical Index. Betraying of Christ. 1598. — Letting of Hvmovr's Blood in the Head-vaine. 1600. — 'Tis Merrie when Gossips Meete. 1602. — Greene's Ghost Havnting Conie- catchers. 1602. Looke to it: For He Stabbe Ye. 1604. Hell's Broke Loose. 1605.— A Terrible Bat- tell betweene Time and Death. [1606 ?] — Diogenes' Lanthorne. 1607- — Hvmor's Looking Glas.se. 1608. Vol. 2. —Doctor Merrie-man ; or, Nothing but Mirth. 1609.— A Whole Crew of Kind Gossips. 1609.— The Knave of Clubbes. 1609. Martin Mark-All. 1610. The Knave of Harts. 1612.— More Knaves Yet ?— A Foole's Bolt is Soone Shott. 1614.— The Melancholic Knight. 1615. — A Sacred Memorie of the Miracles of Christ. 1618. The Night-Raven. 1620. A Paire of Spye-Knaves. [1620.]— Good Newes and Bad Newes. 1622. Vol. 3. — Heaven's Glory : Seeke It, &c. 1628. The Famous History of Guy, Earl of Warwick. 1682. — Miscel- laneous Poems. — Notes and Glossary. — Biblio- graphical and General Indexes, Glossary, &c. Huntingdon (Major Robert). Reasons inducing him to lay down his Commission, 1G48. See Maseres\ Tracts. HuRD (Dr. Rich.), Bishop of Worcester. Life and Writings [1720-1808]. By Rev. F. Kilvert. 8vo. - - - 1860 HuRLBEKT (Wm. Hen.). Ireland under Coercion : the Diary of an American. 2 vols., 12mo. .... 1888 Hurst (Miss) . Horsham; its History and Antiquities. Small 8vo. 1868 Husband (Edward). Remonstrances, Declarations, and other Passages between the King and Parliament, Dec, 1641, to March, 1643. 4to. - - - - - - 1643 HusKissoN (Right Hon. Wm.). Speeches. With Memoir [1770- 1830]'. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1831 HussEY (Rev. A.). Churches of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. 8vo. 1852 HuTCHiNs (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. 2nd ed. Augmented by Rich. Gough and J. B. Nichols. 4 vols., folio ----- 1796-1815 Hutchinson (Francis), Bishop of Down. Historical Essay con- cerning Witchcraft. And Two Sermons. 8vo. - - 1718 Hutchinson (Gr. L.). Equalization of the Poor Rates. 8vo. - 1849 294 HUT— HUX Hutchinson (Horace G.). Golf. 2n(l ed. 12mo. - - - 1890 Hutchinson (Horace G.), Laiig^ (Andn'w), Evcranl (H. S. C), Clark (T. Kvith(Mtonl). Famous Golf Links. 12mo. 1891 Hutchinson John). Ht rtfonlshirc Bio^napliies. 4to. - - 1890 „ Men of Kent and Kentish Men. 12rao. - - - - 1892 Hutchinson (Col. John) [one of the Judges of Charles 1.]. Memoirs. By his Wif •, Lucy Hutchinson. 12mo. - 1848 „ „ Ed. bv the Rev. Julius Hutchinson. Revised by C. H. Firth. ' 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1885 Hutchinson (Rev. Roger). Works. Ed. by J. Bruce. See Parker Soc. Hutchin.son (Thoma.s), Governor of Massachusetts [1771-4]. Diary and Letters. Ed. by P. O. Hutchinson. 2 vols., 8vo. ... 1883-6 „ „ See American Revolution. „ The History of the Colony of Massachusett's Bav, 1628-91. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1765 Hutchinson (Thos. Joseph). Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings : Salado Exploration. 8vo. ... 18t}5 „ The Parana; with Incidents of the Paraguay War, and South American Recollections from 1861 to 1868. 8vo. 1868 „ Two Years in Peru ; with Exploration of its Antiquities. 2 vols., 8vo. -..-...- 1873 Hutchinson (Wm.). History of the County of Cumberland and some Places Adjacent. 2 vols., 4to. ... 1794-8 „ History of the County Palatine of Durham. 3 vols.,4to. 1785-94 ,, View of Northumberland in 1776 ; with an Excursion to the Al>bey of Mailross in Scotland. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1778 Hutchinson (Major-Gen. Wm. N.). Dog-Breaking. 4th ed. 8vo. 1865 Hutchison (Graham). On Meteorological Phenomena, etc. 8vo. 1835 HuTH (Alf. Hen.). Life and Writings of H. T. Buckle. 2 vols., 8vo. 1880 „ Marriage of Near Kin. 8vo. 1887 HuTH (F. H.). Works on Horses and Equitation. Ito. - - 1887 HuTH (Hen.). Prefaces, Dedications, Epistles from English Books, 1540-1701. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. (Privately printed.) I2mo. - "- - - - - - 1874 HuTTON (Dr. Chas.). Mathematical Tables. Ed. by Dr. O. Gregory. 8vo. - - - 1849 „ Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary. 2 vols., 4to. - 1815 HuTTON (Hen. Dix.). See Positivist Publications, and Inter- national Policy. HuTTON (Jas.). James and Philip van Arteveld. 12mo. - - 1882 HuTTON (Laurence), Literary Landmarks of London. l2mo. - 1889 HuTTON (Rich. Holt). Cardinal Newman. 12mo. - - - 1891 „ Scott. See English Men of Letters. HuTTON (Wm.). Batth? of Bosworth Field. 8vo. - - - 1788 „ Courts of Requests, their Nature, &c., with Cases. 8vo. - 1787 „ Historv of Birmingham. 3rd ed. 8vo. .... 1795 „ History of the Roman Wall. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - 1813 „ Journey from Birmingham to Loudon. 8vo. ... 1H18 „ Life [1723 et seq.~\. Written by himself, including an Account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791. 8vo. - 1816 HuTTON (Rev. W. H.) Life of the Marquess Wellesley. See Ruters of India. Huxley (Thos. Hen.). American Addresses. 8vo. - - - 1877 „ The Crayfish. See International Scientijic Ser., Vol. 28. HUX— INC 1295 Huxley (Thos. Hen.) — continued. „ Critiques aud Addresses. 8vo. . . . . . 1873 „ Hume. See English Men of Letters. „ Introduction to the Classification of Animals. 8vo. - - 1869 ,, Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. 8vo. - - - 1871 „ Science and Culture, and other Essays. 8vo. - - - 1881 „ Evolution and Ethics. The Romanes Lecture, 1893. 8vo. 1893 „ IsTotes on the Human Remains of Caithness. See Laing (S.). Hyde Abbey, Winchester. Chronicles and Chartulary, 455-1023. See Chronicles, 45. Hyde de Neuville (Baron). Memoires. La Revolution; Le Consulat ; L'Empire. 8vo. ----- 1888 Hyder Shah, alias Hyder Ali Khan Bahadur, History of ; or, New Memoirs conoerninjf the East Indies. 8vo. - - - 184S Hymans (Hen.). Histoire de la Gravure dans I'Ecole de Rubens. 8vo. 1879 Iamblichus. Life of Pythagoras. Fragments and Pythagoric Sentences. Trans, by Mi's. Taylor. 8vo. - - - 1818 iBNKhallikan [1211-82]. Biographical Dictionary. Trans, from the Arabic by B. Mac Guckiu de Slane. 4 vols., 4to. - 1842 Ibrahim-Hilmy (H. H. Prince). The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan. 2 vols., 4to. ------ 1888 Ibsen (Henrik). Life. ByH. Jfeger. Trans, by Clara Bell. 12mo. 1890 „ Prose Dramas. Trans. 5 vols., 12mo. - - - 1890-3 Icelandic Sagas relating to the Descent of Northmen on the British Isles. See Chronicles and Memorials, 88. Iddesleigh (Sir Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of). Twenty Years of Financifd Policy, 1842-61. With Budgets. 8vo. - 1^62 „ Life, Letters, and Diaries. By And. Lang. 2nded. 8vo. 1891 Idler, Letters of an. See Hume (Jas.). " Idler," The. See Johnson {Dr. S.), Works, Vol. 5, and British Essayists, Vol. 33. Ignotus. Foreshadowings : a Proposal for the Settlement of the Irish Land Question. 8vo. ------ 1870 Illustrated London News, The {continued). Folio - 1852 et seq. Imperial Calendar {continued). 12mo. - - - 1840 et seq. Imperialism in France, Ten Years of. 8vo. - - - 1862 Impey (Sir Elijah), Chief Ju.'^tice of Bengal. Memoirs. With Anecdotes of Warren Hastings, Sir Philip Francis, Nathaniel B. Halhed, and others. By his Son, Elijah B. Impey. 8vo. - - 1857 „ Impeachment of, 1788. See Stephen {Sir J. F.). Inchbald (Elizabeth). The Child of Nature: in Four Acts. [ f'FitVA Duchess of Kingston's Memoirs.] 8vo. - - 1788 „ A Simple Story, and, Nature and Art. With Memoir [1756-1821] by Win. Bell Scott. 12mo. - - - 1880 „ The British Theatre. With Biographical and Critical Remarks. 25 vols., 12mo. ------ 1808 Addison, 8. Burgoyne, 22. Cowley, 19. Baillie, 24. Centlivre, 11. Cumberland, 18. Beaumont and Flet- Cibber, 9. Dryden, 6. cher, 6. Colman, 16, 20, 21. Farquhar, 8. BickerstaflFe, 17. Colman and Garrick, Francklin, 19. Brookes, 7. 16. Garrick, 16. Brown, 15. Congreve, 13. Gay, 12. 296 INC Inchbald (Eliz.) UoltlMiiith, 17. Hartson, 16. Hill, 7. Hoadley, 13. Holcroft, 24. Home, 16. Hughes, 10. Inchbald, 23. Jephson, 20. Jones, 22. Jonson, 5. Kemble, 24. Lee, 6. 1 . — Shakespeare riie British Theatre — continued. Lillo, M. Maoklin, 14. Ma^singer, 6. Miller, 13. Moore, 14. Morton, 25. Murphy, 15. O'Keeffe, 22. Otway, 12. Philips, 7. Reynolds, 20. Rowe, 10. Shakespeare, 1-5. Comedy of Errors ; Sheridan, 19. Shirley, 14. Southern, 7. Steele, 12. Thompson, 24. Thomson, 13. Tobin, 25. Vanbrugh, 9. A'^anbriigh and Cibber, 9. Whitehead, 14. Young, 12. Romeo and Juliet ; Addison : Cato. Vanbrugh and Cii)ber: Pro- Love Makes a Man ; She Hamlet ; King John ; King Richard IIL 2. — Shakespeare: King Honry IV., Parts 1 and 2 ; Merchant of Venice ; King Henry V. ; Much Ado about Nothing. 3. — Shakespeare: As You Like It; Merry Wives of Windsor; King Henry VIIL ; Measure for Mea-sure ; Winter's Tale. 4. — Shakespeare: King Lear; Cymbeline; Macbeth; Julius Csesar ; Antony and Cleopatra. 5. — Shakespeare: Coriolanus ; Othello; Tempest; Twelfth Night. Jonson : Every Man in his Humour. 6. — Beaumont and Fletcher : Rule a Wife and have a Wife ; The Chances. Massinger : New Way to Pay Old Debts. Lee : Rival Queens ; or, Alexander the Great. Dryden : All for Love. 7. — Southern : Isabella ; Oroonoko. Philips : Distressed Mother. Hill: Zara. Brooke: Gustavus Va.sa. 8. — Farquhar: Constant Couple; The Incon.stant ; Recruiting Officer ; Beaux Stratagem. 9.— Vanbrugh : Provoked Wife. voked Husband. Cibber : wou'd and she wou'd not ; Careless Husband. 10. — Rowe : Tamerlane; Fair Penitent ; Jane Shore ; Lsidy Jane Grey. Hughes : Siege of Damascus. 11. — Centlivre: Busy Body; Wonder; Bold Stroke for a Wife. Lillo: George Barnwell ; Fatal Curiosity. 12. — Otway : Orphan; Venice Preserved. Steele: Conscious Lovers. Young : Revenge. Gay : ]5eggar's Opera. 13. — Congreve : Love for Love; Mourning Bride. Miller: Mahomet. Thomson : Tancred and Sigismunda. Hoadley: Suspicious Husband. 14. — Macklin : Man of the World. Moore: Foundling; Game- ster. Whitehead: Roman Father. Shirley: Edward the Black Prince. 15. — Brown: Barbarossa. Murphy: Way to Keep him ; All in the Wrong ; Grecian Daughter ; Know your own Mind. 16. — Garriek : Country Girl. Col man : Jealous Wife. Colman and Garriek : Clandestine Marriage. Hartson : Countess of Salisbury. Home : Dougla.s. 17. — Goldsmith: Good-natured Man; She Stoops to Conquer. Bicker-staffe : Love in a Village ; Maid of the Mill ; Lionel and Clarissa. 18. — Cumberland: The Brothers; West Indian; The Jew; Firsx Love ; 'Wheel of Fortune. 19. — Francklin : Earl of Warwick. Sheridan: Rivals; Duenna. Cowley : Iklle's Stratagem ; Bold Stroke for a Husband. 20. —Reynolds : Dramatist. Jephson: Count of Narbonne. Colman : Inkle and Yarico ; Battle of Hexham ; Sur- render of Calais. 21. — Colman: Mountaineers; Iron Chest; Heir at-Law John Bull ; Poor Gentleman. 22. — O'Keeffe : Ca.stle of Andalusia ; Fontainebleau ; Wild Oats. Burgoyne : Heiress. Jones : Earl of Essex. 23. — Inchbald: Such Things Are; Every One has his Fault; Wives as they were ; Lovers' Vows ; To Marry, or not to Marry. INC 297 Inchbald (Eliz.) . The Britisli Theatre — continued. 24._Holcroft : Koad to Ruin ; Deserted Daughter. Thompson : Stranger. Baillie : De Montfort. Kemble : Point of Honour. 25. — Morton : Way to get Married ; Cure for the Heart Ache ; Speed the Plough ; School of Eeform. Tobin : Honey- moon. „ Collection of Farces and Afterpieces, as acted at the London Theatres. 7 vols., 12mo. ------ 1809 Bickerstaffe, 3, 4. Foote, 5, 7. Knight, 3. Birch, 6. Garrick, 4, 5. Murphy, 3, 4. Brooke, 3. Hawkesworth, 6. O'Hara, 6. Burgoyne, 6. Hoare, 3. O'Keeflfe, 2. Colman, 6, 7. Inchbald, 1. Pearee, 3. Cowley, 1. Jackman, 4. Eeed, 3. Dibdin, 2, 4, 7. Jephson, 2. Sheridan, 3. Dodsley, 7. Kemble, 7. Tobin, 7. Fielding, 5. Kenney, 1. 1.— Inchbald : Child of Nature ; AVedding Day ; Midnight Hour. Kenney : Eaising the Wind ; Matrimony ; Ella Eosenburgh ; Blind Boy. Cowley : Who's the Dupe ? 2. — Dibdin : Birth Day ; Jew and the Doctor ; Irishman in London. O'KceiFe : Prisoner at Large; Poor Soldier; The Farmer ; Highland Eeel. Jephson : Two Strings to Your Bow. Dibden : Deserter. 3. — Pearce : Hartford Bridge ; Netley Al)l3ey. Knight : Turn- pike Gate. Hoare: Lock and Key. Reed: Eegister Office. Murphy : Apprentice. Sheridan : Critic. Bicker- staffe : Sultan. Brooke : Rosina. 4.— Jackman : All the World's a Stage. Garrick : I-ying Valet. Murphy : Citizen ; Three Weeks after Marriage. Garrick : Katherine and Petruchio. Bickerstaffe : Padlock. Garrick : Miss in her Teens. Dibdin : Quaker. Garrick : Guardian. 5. —Garrick : High Life below Stairs ; Bon Ton, or High Life above Stairs. Fielding: Mock Doctor; Devil to Pay. Garrick : Irish Widow. Foote : Minor ; Mayor of Garratt ; Lyar ; Flora, or Hob in the Well. 6. — Colman : The Deuce is in Him. Hawkesworth : Edgar and Emmeline. Burgoyne : Richard Coeur-de-Lion ; Maid of the Oaks. O'Hara : Tom Thumb ; The Doctor and the Apothecary ; The First Floor. Birch : Adopted Child ; The Farm House. 7.— Kemble : Lodoiska. Colman : Ways and Means. Tobin : School for Authors ; Midas. Dibdin : Waterman. Foote: Author; The Old Maid. Dodsley: Miller of Mansfield. Colman : Comus. „ Modern Theatre : a Collection of Successful Modern Plays, as acted at the Theatres Koyal, London. 10 vols., 12mo. 1811 Cobb, 6. Hull, 9. O'Keeffe, 10. Colman, 3, 9. Inchbald, 7. Philon, 8. Cowley, 10. Jephson, 6. Reynolds, 1, 2, 3. Cumberland, 5, 6. Lee (Miss), 9. Richardson, 8. Dibdin, 4. Macnally, 10. St. John, 8. Francklin, 8. Macready, 9. Sheridan, 7. Holcroft, 4. Moore, 7. Siddons, 10. Holman, 3. Morton, 3. Watson, 8. 1 .— Eeynolds : The Will ; The Eage ; Life ; How to grow Eich ; Notoriety. 2. — Eeynolds : Speculation ; Delinquent ; Laugh when you can ; Fortune's Fool ; Folly as it Flies. 3. — Holman : Votary of Wealth. Morton : Zorinski ; Secrets worth Knowing. Colman : Who wants a Guinea ? Eeynolds : Werter. 4. — Holcroft: Duplicity; School for Arrogance; He's much to blame ; Seduction. Dibdin : School for Prejudice. INC— IND Inch BALD (Eliz.). Modern Theatre — continued. 5. — CumliorlaiHl : False Inipres-siuiis ; 3Iy-tcrious Husband ; Box-Lobhy Challenge ; Natural Son ; Carnulite. 6. — Cumberlanil : Impostors. Colih: AVife of Two Husbands; Ramah Droog. Jephson : Law of Lonibardy ; Braganza. 7. — Inchbald : I'll ti-U you what ; Next-door Neighbours ; Wise Man of the East. Moore : Percy. Sheridan : Trip to Scarborough. 8. — Francklin : Matilda. St. John : Mary, Queen of Scots. Richardson : Fugitive. Philon : He would be a Soldier. Watson : England Preserved. 9. — Macready : Bank Notes. Lee (Miss) : Chapter of Accident*.. Colman : English Merchant ; School for Wives. Hull : Henry II. 10. — Macnally : Fashionable Levities. Siddons: Time's a Tell- tale. Cowley: Which is the Man? What is She? O'Keeffe : Life of a Day. „ Memoirs. With " The Massacre " and, " A Case of Conscience." By James Boaden. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1833 Income Tax Act, 1799, Observations on. 8vo. - - - - 1799 Inderwick (Fred. A.). Side Lights on the Stuarts. 8vo. - - 1888 James I. Arabella vStuart. Witchcraft and List of Trials for Witchcraft. Charles I. Regicides. Merric England. The King's Healing. Monmouth's Rebellion. Western Circuit Gaol I'ook. 168o. „ The Interregnum, a. d. 1(548-60. Studies of the Common- wealth, Legislative, Social, Legal. 8vo. - - - 1891 „ The Story of King Edward and Nmv Winchelsea. The Edification of a Mediasval Town. 12mo. . - . 1S92 Index Ecclesiasticus. Alphabetical List of all Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in England and Wales since the Reformation. Ed. by J. Foi^ter. Imp. 8vo. ----- 1890 Index Expurgatorius. A Rei)rint of the only Vatican Index ever published. Ed. by Rich. Gibbings.' 12mo. - - 1837 Index Society Publications. Small 4to. . . . 1878 et seq. 1.— What is an Index ? By H. B. Wheatley. 2. — Names of Royalists whose Estates were confiscated during the Commonwealth. By M. G. W. Peacock. 3. — Municipal Offices. By G. L. Gomme. 4. — Report of Ist Annual Meeting. Books and Papers on Marriage between near Kin, by A. H. Huth. Styles and Titles of English Sovereigns, by W. De Gray Birch. Portraits in the European Magazine, London Magazine, and Register of the Times, by E. Solly. Obituary Notices for 1878. 5. — Trevelyan's Life of Macaulay. Index to, by Perceval Clark. o. — Second Annu.il Report. Portraits in the British Gallery of Portraits, Jerdan's Gallery, Knight's Gallery, and Lodge's Portraits. Index of Abridgments of Patents. Obituary Notices, 1879. 7. — Literature of Botany. By B. D. Jackson. 8. — Hereditary English, Scotch, and Irish Titles of Honour. By Edward Solly. 1880. 9.— Obituary Notices. 1880. 10. — Index to Norfolk Typography. By Walter Rye. 11. — Vegetable Technology. By B. D. Jackson. 12. — Obituary Notices. 1881. IND— ING 299 Index Society Publications — continued. 13. — English-speaking Students at the Leyden University. By E. Peacock. U. — Obituary Notices for 1882. 15. — Index to the Biographical and Obituary Notices in the Gentleman's Magazine. 1731-80. See Gentleman's Magazine. „ Occasional Indexes. G-entleman's Magazine. Obituary and Biographical Notices. 1731-80. 4to. Bibliography and Chronology of Hales Owen, Worcester- shire. 4to. Engravings in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. By E. Peacock. Index to the Periodical Literature of the World {continued) Small 4to. - ------ -I'SQl etseq. India, Gazetteer of. See Hamilton {Walter), and Hunter {Sir W. W.). „ Voyages to, in the Fifteenth Century. See HaMwjt Soc, 22. „ Government of. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1822 „ The Laws relating to the Hon. East India Company. 4to. - 1841 „ Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners. 8vo. - - - - 1838 „ Observations on, by a Resident there many Years. 8vo. - 1853 „ State Papers. See Records {Indian). Indian Army and Civil Service List {continued). 12mo. 1861 et seq. Indian Fairy Tales. Ed. by Joseph Jacobs. 12mo. - - - 1892 Indian Press, Letters on the. 8vo. ------ 1824 Industrial Eivers of the LTnited Kingdom. 8vo. - - - 1888 Avon — Clyde — Humber — Lagan — Liffey — Mersey — Neath — TafF — Tawe — Tees — Thames — Tyne — Wear — Wyre — Caer- marthen — Hartlepools — Port Talbot — Southampton Water. Inghirami (Francesco). Galleria Omerica o raccolta di Monu- ment! Antichi per servire alio studio della lliade. 8vo. - 1831 Ingleby (Dr. Clement M.). Introduction to Metaphysics. 8vo. 1869 „ The Revival of Philosophy at Cambridge. 8vo. - - 1870 „ Essays. Ed. by his Son. 12mo. ----- 1888 Inglefield (Admiral Sir Edw. Aug.). A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin. 8vo. ------ 1853 Inglis (Hen. David). The Channel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Serk, Herm, and Jethou. 4th ed. 12mo. - 1838 „ Journey through Ireland in 1834. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1834 „ Spain in 1830. Political State. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1837 „ The Tyrol ; with a Glance at Bavaria. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1833 Inglis (Hon. Julia Selina, Lady). The Siege of Lucknow. A Diary (May 3, 1857— May 20, 1858). 8vo. - - 1892 Ingram (Rev. Dr. Jas.). Memorials of Oxford. 3 vols., 4to. - 1837 „ The Saxon Chronicle. 4to. ------ 1823 English Translation, and Notes. Chronological, Topographical, and Glossarial Indices. Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language. Map of England during the Heptarchy. Plates of Coins. Ingram (John H.). Life of Edgar Allan Poe. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1880 „ The Haunted Homes and Family Traditions of Great Britain. 12mo. -.-.-.- 1886 Ingram (Thos. Dunbar). History of the Legislative Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. ----- 1887 300 IXG— IXT iNGULPHrs CroylanditMisis Chronicon. See Amjlic. Reriim Script., ami Gdle cnul Fell. IxMAX (Dr. Thomas). Aucient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names. Hvo. - - 1868 Inxes Family. See Spalding Club. IxNE.'=i (Cosmo) [C. I.]. Scotch Surnames. Small 4to. - - 1860 „ Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social Progress. 8yo. - - ■ - - - '- - - - - 1861 „ Lectures on Scottish Lciral Antiquities. 8yo. - - - 1872 Innes (Thos.). A Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland. See Scotland, Historians of. „ History of Scotland, a.d. 80-818. See Spalding Club. Inquisitionl'm post-mortem siye Escietarum Calendarium. 4 yols. in 3, folio 1806-28 Intelligencer, The. [A Weekly Paper by Dean Swift, Thos. Sheridan, Rich. Helsham and others.] (Reprint.) 8yo. 1729 International Medical Congress, held in London, 18S1. Trans- actions. Ed. by Sir William Mac Cormac. 4 yols., 8yo. 1881 International Monetary Conference, Paris, Aug., 1878. 4to. - 1879 Proceeding.s and Exhibits ; Keport of the American Commitision, by 3Ir. Fenton ; and Historical Material for the ."^tudj of Monetary Policy, by S. Dana Horton. International Policy. Essays on the Foreign Relations of England. 8yo. - -' 1866 Beesly (E. S.). England and the Sea. Bridges (J. H.). England and China. Congrere (Richard). The West. Cookson (C. A.). England and Japan. Harrison (Fre- deric). England and France. Button (Henry Dix). England and the Uncivilized Communities. Pember (E. H.). England and India. International Scientific Series {continued). 12mo. - - 1874 I. — Forms of "Water : a Familiar Exposition of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers. By J. Tyndall. With Illustra- tions. 2. — Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of " Natural Selection " and " Inheritance " to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot. 3. — Foods. By Edward Smith. 4. — Mind and Body : the Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain. 0. — Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer. 6. — Conservation of Energy. By Balfour Stewart. 7. — Animal Locomotion ; or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. By J. B. Pettigrew. 8. — Responsibility in Mental Disease. By Henry Maudsley. 9.— The New Chemistry. By J. P. Cooke. 10. — The Science of Law. By Sheldon Amos. 11. — Animal Mechanism: a Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion. By E. J. Marey. 12. — Doctrine of De.scent and Darwinism. By Oscar Schmidt. 13. — History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By J. W. Draper. 14. — Fungi : their Nature, Influences, and Uses. By M. 0. Cooke. Ed. by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley. 15. — Chemical Effects of Light and Photography. By Hermann Vogel. 16. — Life and Growth of Language. By William Dwight Whitney. 17. — Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. By W. Stanley Jevons. 18. — Nature of Light ; with a General Account of Physical Optics. By Eugene Lommel. 19. — Animal Parasites and Messmates. By Van Beneden. INT 301 International Scientific Series — continued, 20. — Fermentation. By Professor Schiitzenberger. 21.— Five Senses of Man. By Professor Bernstein. 22. — Theory of Sound in its Kelation to Music. By Professor Pietro Blaserna. 23. — Studies in Spectrum Analysis. By J. Norman Lockyer. 24. — History of the Growth of the Steam Engine, By E. H. Thurston. 25. — Education as a Science. By Alexander Bain. 26. — The Human Species. By A. de Quatrefages. 27. — Modern Chromatics. With Application to Art and In- dustry. By Ogden A. Eood. 28. — The Crayfish : an Introduction to the Study of Zoology. By T. H. Huxley. 29.— The Brain as an Organ of Mind. By H. Charlton Bastian. 30.— Atomic Theory. By Adolf. Wurtz. 31. — Natural Conditions of Existence as they effect Animal Life. By Karl Semper. 32. — The G-eneral Physiology of Muscles and Nerves. By Dr. I. Eosenthal. 33.— Sight: an Exposition of the Principles of Monocular and Binocular Vision. By Joseph le Conte. 34. — Illusions : a Psychological Study. By James Sully. 35.— Volcanoes : What They Are and What They Teach. By John W. Judd. 36. — Suicide : an Essay in Comparative Moral Statistics. By E. Morselli. 37. — The Brain and its Functions. By J. Luys. 38. — Myth and Science : an Essay. By T. Vignoli. 39.— The Sun. By C. A. Young. 40. — Ants, Bees, and Wasps. By Sir J. Lubbock. 41. — Animal Intelligence. By G-. J. Eomanes. 42.— Theories of Modern Physics. By J. P. Stallo. 43. — Diseases of Memory. By T. Eibot. 44. — Man before Metals. By N. Joly. 45. — Science of Politics. By S. Amos. 46. — Meteorology. By E. H. Scott. 47. — The Organs of Speech. By G-. H. von Meyer. 48. — Fallacies. By A. Sidgwick. 49. — Origin of Cultivated Plants. By Alphonse de Candolle. 50. — Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea Urchins. By G. J. Eomanes. 51. — Common Sense of the Exact Sciences. By W. Kingdon Clifford. 52. — Physical Expression : its Modes and Principles. By F. Warner. 53. — Anthropoid Apes. By E. Hartmann. 54. — The Mammalia in their Eelation to Primeval Times. By 0. Schmidt. 55. — Comparative Literature. By H. M. Posnett. 56. — Earthquakes and other Earth Movements. By John Milne. 57. — Microbes, Ferments, and Moulds. By E. L. Trouessart. 58. — Distribution of Animals. By Angelo Heilprin. 59. — Weather. By the Hon. E. Aljercromby. 60. — Animal Magnetism. By Alfred Binet and Charles Fere. 61. — British Discomycetcs : Fungi of Britain. By William Phillips. 62. — International Law. By Leone I-evi. 63. — Geological History of Plants. By Sir J. William Dawson. 64. — Origin of Floral Structures through Insect Agency. By Eev. Prof. Henslow. 65. — Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals, with refer- ence to Insects. By Sir John Lubbock. 66. — The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development. By C. N. Starcke. 67. — Physiology of Bodily Exercise. By F. Lagrange. 68.— The Colours of Animals. By E. B. Poulton. 302 IXT— IRE International Scientific Series — continued. 69. — Fresh-wat.r AlgR'. Ry M. ('. C'o.ike. 70. — Socialism. New and Old. By Win. Graham. 71.— Colour Hlindiu's.s and Colour Perciption. By Dr. K. W. Edriilge Green. 72. — Man and the Glacial Period. By Dr. G. Fred. Wright ; with an Appendix on Tertiary Man by lien. W. Haynes. 73. — Handliook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. By Edw. Maunde Thompson. 74. — History of Crustacea. By the Rev. Thos. R. R. Stebbing. Invasions of Eiifjland, from Julius Ca?.sar. 8vo. - - - 1794 Invkstoh's Manual. Folio ------- 1868 „ 1874 et seq. {continued) ----- 1874 et seq. Ireland, Ancient Histories of. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1809 1. — Spencer's View of the State of Ireland, and Champion's History of Ireland. 2. — Dr. Meredith Hammer's and Henry Marleburrough's Chronicles of Ireland. „ Anglo-Norman Poem on the Conquest of. Ed. bv F. Michel. And Essav liy Thos. Wright. 12uio. - ' - 1837 „ Ballads of. Ed. by Edw' Hayes. 2 vols., 8vo. - - n. d. „ Church Establishment in. Report of the Dublin " Free- man's Journal" Comniis.sion. 8vo. - - - - - 1868 „ Famine Relief Committee of the Society of Friends. Transactions. 8vo. ------- 1852 „ French Thoughts on Irish Evils. Trans, from the " Revue des Deux Mondes." 8vo. - - - - - - 1868 „ Gazetteer of. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1844-6 „ Intermediate and University Education. Small 8vo. - 1S72 „ Journals of the House of Commons of Ireland, 1613-1800. 19 vols, in 21. Imiex or Diirest, 2 vols. 23 vols., folio --------- 1796-1802 „ Journals of the House of Lords of Ireland. 8 vols., folio. --------- 1779-181X) „ Statutes at large ])as.se(l in the Parliaments fi'om 3 Edward II. (1310) to 40 George III. (1800). 20 vols., folio 1796-1800 ., ,, Index to the Statutes at present in force, from 1310- 1849. By And. OiUton. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1839-49 „ Acts and Bills relating to Irish Land. Folio. 1770 and 1842-70 „ Memoirs, from the Restoration. 8vo. . . - - 1716 1. — An Account of the Designs of the Tories in England and Ireland to ruin the Protestant Interest there, by breaking the Act of Settlement and other Acts made for its Security in 1660 et seq. 2.— A Conspiracy to Massacre the Protestants, in 1674. 3. — \ Plot for a French Invasion, and to betray the strong Cities and Ports to the Invaders. 4. — The Debates concerning that Plot in the Parliament of England, and the Proceedings against the Earl of Tyrone and others thereupon, o. — Tj-rcon- nel's Cruel and .Vrbitrary Government. 6. — The Tyran- nical Reign of the late King James, and his treaty with Louis XIV. to deliver up that Kingdom to him. 7. — Some Facts of the War in Ireland in 1089-91. Lists of King James's Gffieers, Civil and Military; of his Popish Parliament in 1689; and of King William's Parliament in 1692. „ Contests in, 1641 and 1690. See Camden Soc, 14. „ Occupation of Land ; Law and Practice. 8vo. - - - 1847 „ Past Times : an Historical Retrospect. 2 vols.. 8vo. - - 1826 „ Two Centuries of Irish History, 1691-1870. 8vo. - - 1888 IRE 303 Ireland — continued. „ Repeal Prize Essays. With a Supplemental Essay. 8vo.- 1845 ,, Church Question, Pamphlets on. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1863-71 Vol. 1. — General Convention, 1870, and Statutes passed by. 1870. Report of the Representative Body. 1871. Appeal in aid of the Sustentation Fund. 1871. Andrews (Thos.). The Church in Ireland. 1869. Vol. 2. — Adair (Col.). Established Church, Past and Future. 1869. Ireland and her Servile War. 1866. Scriptural Voluntaryism, n.d. Baxter (Robert). Voice of the Country on the Irish Church. 1869. Brady (Rev. Dr. W. M.). Remarks on the Irish Church Bill. 1869. Brooke (W. G.). Irish Church Act, 1869 ; with Notes and Index. Butcher (L.), Bishop of Meath. Charge. August, 1869. Cather (Archdeacon). A Voice for Disestablishment. 1869. Cunningham (H. S.). Irish Church Disestablishment. 1864. Vol. 3.— Fitzgibbon (Gerald). Ireland in 1868. Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.). Speech in the House of Commons, March 1, 1869. Grey (Earl). Speech in the House of Lords, March 18, 1866. Serious Charge against the British Parliament. 1868. Jones (W. Bruce). The Irish Church. 1868. Kerry (Knight of), Letters by the. Maedonnell (Rev. J. C), Dean of Cashel, Sermon by. Church AVork and Life in Ireland. 1868. Maedonnell (Rev. J. C), Dean of Cashel. Shall we Commute? 1869. M'Ghee (Rev. R. J.). Letter to the Queen. 1869. Nugent (R.). The Church and her Assailants. 1868. Vol. 4. — O'Brien (Hon. and Rev. H.). Letter on the Irish Church Bill. Palmer (Sir Roundell). Speech in the House of Com- mons, March 22, 1869. Ross (John). Letter on Disestablishment. Russell (John, Earl). Third Letter on the State of Ireland. 1869. Ryle (Rev. J. C). Strike, but hear ! Sauvestre (Charles). Female Training in Romish Convents and Schools. 1869. Seymour (M. Hobart). My Experience in the Church of Ireland. 1868. Shaw (Sir Charles). Abuses of the Irish Church. 1866. Sherlock (Rev. W.). Irish Church. Vol. 5. — Constitution of the Church in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, &c. 1869. Skeats (H. S.). The Irish Church. 1869. Stanley (Dean). The Three Irish Churches. 1869. Stopford (Archdeacon). Church Reform in Ireland. „ Future of the Church in Ireland. Trench (Thomas Cooke). Reconstruction of the Church in Ireland. 1869. Warning to Protestants. 1868. „ Education, Pamphlets on. 6 vols. See Education 1866-73 „ Land Acts. Folio - - - - - 1770 and 1842-70 „ Land Question, Pamphlets on. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - v. y. Vol. 1. — Irish Land Bill. Mr. Gladstone's Speech, Feb. 15, 1870. ,, Mr. Chichester Fortescue's Speech. 1870. Parliamentary Tenant Right. 1870. Hutton (H. Dix). Prussia and Ireland. 1868. 304 IRE Ireland. Land Question, Pamphlets on — cotitinued. Vol. 1 — Continued. Broiiriek (G. C). rrimng.-nituiv. 1871-2. Jhittoii (H. Di.\). Irish Quest ion. 1870. Maciaj,^!) (P.). Land Cultuiv. 1869. Butt (Isjiac). Lan.l Tenure. 1866. Vol. 2. — Loans I'or Improvement. 1847. Drainage, &c. 1847- Improvement Act. 1847. Aliraham (R. J.). Land Registration. 1864. Fixity ot'TfUure. 1870. Demurrer to Mr. Butt. 1867. Irish Difficulty. 1867. Liind Tenure. 1869. Atherton (H.). Land for the People. 1869. Beiusley (J.). Landowners' Duties. 1860. Caird (James). Irish Land. 1869. Irish Land, The. 1869. Ethics of the Irish Land Laws. 1870. Vol. 3. — Drumeairne Estate Regulations. 1860. Dalton (G. T.). Irish Peers on Irish Tenants. 1867. Duffirin (Lord). Tenure of Land. 1870. Trench (W. S.). Realities of L^ish Life. 1869. Settlement of Ulster. 1869. Ferguson (R.). Tenant Right for Ireland. 1869. Irish Land 13111. Mr. Gladstone's Speech, Feb. 15, 1870. Grey (Sir G.). Irish Land Question. 1869. Landlord and Tenant Contracts. 1865. Hamilton (W. Tighe). Difficulties of Irish Land Question. 1870. Vol. 4. — Hayes (J.). Co-operative Farming. 1870. Leslie (Professor). Land Question. 1870. Laveleye (E. de). La Question Agraire. 1870. Kineaid (J.). Irish Land Act. 1870. Hamilton (W. Tighe). Irish Land Bills. 1853. Hill (Lord George). Facts from Gweedore. 1868. Farmer Proprietary. 1868. Hutton (H. Dix). '^Irish Question. 1870. Keane (Marcus). Irish Land Question. 1868. Kincaid (J. S.). Notes on .Agricultural Statistics. 1870. Maclagan (P.). Land Culture. 1869. Malley (G. 0.). Reclaimal.le Wa.ste Land. 187C. McDonnell (R. W.). Contracts. 1866. McKnight (J.). Ulster Tenant Right. 1848. England and Ireland. J. S. Mill. 1868-9. Vol. 5.— Nevile (C). The Irish Difficulty. 1868. O'Brien (E. W.). Irish Land Question. 1869. Rosse (Earl of). Landlord and Tenant. 1867. Samuelson (B.) I>and and Tenantry. 1870. Sproule (.I.j. Irish Land Question. 1870. Warburton (Dean). The Land Question. 1870. Scott (T.). Ireland, a Field for Investment. 1854. Ireland (Ale.vander). List of the Writings of William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, and Charles Lamb. 8vo. - - - - 1868 Ireland (Mrs. Alex.). Life of Jane W. Carlyle. 12mo. - - 1891 Ireland (Dr. John), Dean of Westminster. Letter to Lord Brougham on Charities. Hvo. - - - - -1818 Ireland (Samuel). Picturesque Views on the Medway. Small 4to. 1793 „ Picturesque Toui- through Holland, Brahant, and j)art of France in 1789. 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. - - - 1796 ,, Picturesque Views. AVith an Historical Account of the Inns of Court in London and Westminster. Small 4to. 1800 „ Picturesque Views on the Thames, 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. 1799-1802 IRE— ISA 305 Ireland (Win. Hen.). Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instru- ments under the Hand and Seal of Wm. Shakespeare ; including the Tragedy of King Lear, and a Fragment of Hamlet. [The Shakespeare Forgeries.] 8vo. - - 1796 An Authentic Account of the Shakesperiau MSS. 8vo. - 1796 Vortigern : an Historical Tragedy in Five Acts. 8vo. - 1799 Henry II. : an Historical Drama. 8vo. - - - - 1799 Ballads in Imitation of the Antient. 12mo. - - . 1801 Confessions ; containing the Particulars of his Fabrica- tion of the Shakespeare Manuscripts. 8vo. - - - 1805 „ Napoleon Anecdotes. 6 vols, in 3 - - - - 1822-3 Irish Agricultural and Industrial Magazine. 8vo. - - 1848-9 Irish Catholic Directory. 12mo. ----- 1875-81 Ironmongers' Company, History of. By J. Nicholl. 8vo. - 1851 Ironmongers' Hall. Antiquities exhibited in 1861. 2vols.,4to. 1869 Irving (Dr. David). History of Scottish Poetry. Ed. by J. A. Carlyle. With a Memoir and Glossary. 8vo. '- - 1861 Irving (Rev. Edw.). Oracles of God. Four Orations. 8vo. - 1823 „ Life [1792-1831]. Illustrated by his Journals and Cor- respondence. By Mrs. Oliphant. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1862 Irving (Joseph). The Annals of our Time. A Diurnal of Events. June 20, 1837, to Feb. 28, 1871. Supplement, Feb. 24, 1871, to June 20, 1887. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1890 „ Annals of Our Time. Supplement, 1887-91. Bv H. Fyfe. 8vo. - - - - - - - - " - 1891-2 ,, History of Dumbartonshire. 2nd ed. 4to. . . . I860 Irving (Washington). Collected Works. 10 vols., 8vo. - 1850-5 1. — Salmagundi ; or, the Whiinwhams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaif, Esq., and others. A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2. — The Sketch Book. Oliver Goldsmith : a Biography. 3. — Bracebridge Hall ; or, the Humorists : a Medley. By Greoffrey Crayon. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. With an Appendix. 4. — The Alhanibra. AVith an Historical Appendix. Tales of a Traveller. 0. — A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the MSS. of Fray Antonio Agapida. To which is added Legends of the Conquest of Spain. 6, 7. — Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. AVith an Appendix of Historical Documents. 8. — Astoria : or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Eocky Mountains. A Tour on the Prairies. 9. — Life of Mahomet. Lives of the Successors of Mahomet. 10. — The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U.S.A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West, digested from his Journal, and Illustrated from various other Sources. The Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto. By Theodore Irving. Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1829 History of the Life and Voyages of Columbus. 4 vols., 8vo. 1828 Life of George Washington. 5 vols, in 3, 12mo. - 1855-72 Sjmnish Papers and other Miscellanies. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1866 Life and Letters [1783-1859]. Ed. by his Nephew, Pierre M. Irving. 4 vols., small 8vo. - - 1862-4 Is.t:us. See Oratores Attici, Vol. 3. „ Speeches of. See Jones (Sir W.), Works, Vol 9; also Jebb {R. C). p. 3104. W 306 ISA— JAG IsAMBERT (F. A.). Tableau Historique des Progr^s du Droit PuMie et du Droit du (Jens, justju'au 19'' Siecle. 8vo. - 1832 Ismail Pacha, E^'vpt under. By lilancliard Jeirold, Hvo. - - 1870 IsoCKATEs. See Oratorcs Attici, Vol. 2, and Jebb {R. C). „ Advice to Demonicus. Trans, by J. Digby. Hvo. (With ''Epicurus") -------- 1712 IsSANTHor (Hen.) Vie de A. de Malarce. Hvo. - - - 1HH5 Italian P>.\liibition. London, IHHH. Kelazione. Hvo. - - 1HH8 Italy. Literary and Scientiric Men. See Lives. Italy. Select Views; with Descriptions. 2 vols., obi. folio 1792-6 Ives (Lieut. Jos. C). Report on the Colorado Kiver, lHo7-H. 4to. IHGl Ivi-soN, Blakeman & Co. Descriptive Atlas of the f nited States. 4to. 1884 Izacke (Kichard). Antiquities of the City of Exeter, 1049-1G77 ; continued to 1723, by Sam Izacke. 8vo. - - - 1724 Jackson (Gen. Andrew), President, U.S.A. [1829-37]. Life. By James Parton. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1861 Jackson (Benj. D.). Index to Vegetable Technology. See Inde.v Soc, 11. Literature of Botany. See Imhw Soc, 7. Jackson (Catherine C, Ladv). The Court of the Tuileries, 1HU-4H. 2 vols., 12mo. ------ 1883 J.ACKSON (C. P. Kains). See Ka ins-Jackson. Jackson (Sir George). Xaval Commissioners, 1660-1760. Ed. by Sir G. F. Duckett. Hvo. - - - - - 1889 J ACBisoN (Sir George), K.C.H. Diaries and Letters, 1802-9. Ed. by Lady Jackson. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1872 „ The Bath Archives : a further Selection of Diaries and Letters, 1809-16. Ed. by Lady Jackson. 2 vols., Hvo. 1H73 Jackson (John) and Chatto (Win. And.). Treatise on Wood En- giaving. 2nd ed. By Henry G. Bohn. Hvo. - - 1H61 Jackson (Mason). The Pictorial Press. 8vo. - - - - IHHo Jackson (Dr. Kobt. Edm. Scoresbv-). Life of William Scoresby. Hvo. ----------- 1861 Jackson (Thos. Graham). Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria. 3 vols., Hvo. - - - 1887 „ Wadham College, Oxford ; with Account of the Faniilv of Wadham. 4to. - - ' - 1893 Jackson (Dr. Wm.), Bishop of Oxford. The Constitutions of the several Independent States of America, etc. Hvo. - - 1783 Jacob (Edw.). History and Antiquities of Faversham, Kent. Hvo. 1774 Jacob (Giles). Poetical Register; or, Lives and Characters of the English Draniatick Poets. 2 vols., Hvo. - - . 1724 Jacob (Major Goo. A.). Manual of Hindu Pantheism. 8vo. - 1881 Jacob (William). Travels in the South of Spain, 1809-10. 4to. - - - - - - - - - - IHll „ State of Germany and parts of Holland and France. 4to. - 1H20 ,, Historical Inquiry into the Production and Coiisnmption of the Precious Metals. 2 vols., Hvo. - - - - 1H31 Jacobs (Joseph). Indian Fairy Tales. r2ino. - - - - 1H92 jACtji'EMoNT (Victor). Letters from India; Journey in British In- dia. Tibet, Lahore, and Cashmere [lH2H-3i]. 2 vols., Hvo. 1H34 ,, Portrait Historique. See Merit/iee (P.). J.KGER (H.). Life of Henrik Ibsen. 12mo. - - - - 1H90 Jago (Fred. W. P.). English-Cornish Dictionary. 4to. - - 1H87 JAG— JAM 307 Jago (Rev. Richard). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 55. Jahn (Dr. John). Hisrtorj of the Hebrew Commonwealth to the time of Adrian. Trans, by E. E. Stowe. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1829 Jamaica, A New History of, in 13 Letters. 12mo. - - - 1741 Tlio Author's Voyage. Description of Jamaica. Spanish Cruelty. Conquest by the English. The Buccaneers. Sir Henry Morgan and his Exploits. Institution of the General Assembly. Laws and Statutes. The fir.•^t Assiento Contract. Kebel Negroes. Port Eoyal. Black- beard the Pyrate. ,, Slave Law, with Proceedings and Documents. 8vo. - - 1828 James I., King- of Scotland. Poetical Remains. 8vo. - - 1783 James VI., of Scotland, I. of England. Works, published by James Montague, Bishop of Winchester. Folio - - 1616 Paraphrase upon the Revelations. Two Meditations ; the first upon Rev. xx. 7-10, the second upon 1 Chron. xv. 25-29. Dsemonologie. Basilicon-Doron. The TreAv Law of Free Monarchies. A Counter-blast to Tobacco. A Discourse of the Powder Treason. An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance. A Prsemonition to all Christian Monarches — English and Latine. A Declaration against Vorstius. Defence of the Right of Kings, against Cardinall Perron. Five Speeches. „ Airt of Scottish Pocsie, 1584. See Hasleioood (J.), Vol. 2. ,, Counterblast to Tol)acco. See Hindle;/'s Misc., Vol. 2. „ Declaration concerning Lawful Sports to be used [1618]. See S/neeton's IVacts, 4. „ Letters. See Camden Soc, 46. „ Secret Correspondence with Sir Robert Cecil. 12mo. - 1766 „ ,, See Camden Soc, 18. ,, State Papers. See Calendars, and Sydney Papers. ,, Affairs of State in Reign of. See Melvil (Sir James). ,, Poems on Affairs of State during the Reign of. See Poe?ns. „ Secret History of the Court of. With Notes bv Sir Walter Scott. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - "- - - 1811 I. — Francis Osborne's Traditional Memoirs. 2. Sir Anthony Weldon's Court and Character of King James. 3. Aulicus Coquinarise : Secret History of the Court of James I. By Rev. .P. Heylyn. 4. Sir Edward Peyton's Divine Catastrophe of the House of Stuart. ., Court and Times, from MSS. bequeathed to the British Museum. By Rev. Dr. T. Birch. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1849 „ Court of. By Dr. C-iodfrey Groodman. 2 vols., 8vo - - 1839 „ „ See Coke {Roger), and Manchester (Dukp of). „ Progresses and Processions. By J. Nichols. 4 vols., 4to. 1828 ,, Revels at Court. See Shakespeare Soc. „ His Historic and Life. 4to. ------ 1825 „ W. Camden's Annals of. See Kennett, Vol. 2. „ History of Scotland under. See Robertson (Rev. Dr. H'.). „ History of England from 1603-16. By S. R. Gardiner. 2 vols., 8vo. ----...- 1862 „ Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617-23. By S.R.Gardiner. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . . . 1869 „ History of England under. See Macaulay ( Cat /i.), and Oldmixon («/.). „ Life. See Harris {Rev. Dr. TV.). u 2 308 JA^r James VI. of Scotland, I. of YA\(i\i\nd —conthnied. „ C'hanicter of. Bv Isjuic Disraeli. Svo. - - - 1S16 „ „ See Iii(ierin'rk (F. .-/.). „ C'omlition of the Catholic.^* iiuder. Xarrative of the Guu- powdor Plot, by Father (rerard. 8vo. - - - - 187 1 „ Manners in the Reijjn of. See LodffC (E'hc). „ PrtM'laniatiuns res[>eetinj; the Stage. See Drdiiia under Tudor and Sftiarf J^r hires. „ Relations with Germanv. 161H-9. See Camden Misc., Vol. 5 ; Camden Sor.'. Vol. 98. „ Papers and letters relatino: to. See Cabala, E(jerton Papers, Essex {Earls of), and Loseley MSS. Jamk- 1 1., of Enj^land. Memoirs of the Ku. 3 vols.. 8vo. - . - '- 1823 James (Geo. Pavne Rainst'ord). Life of Hiilianl I. 4 vols., 8vo. - ■ - - 1842-9 James (Major-CJeu. Sir Henry). Instructions for taking Me- teorological Ol)servations. 8vo. ----- 1860 „ Facsimilies of Xational Manuscripts, from William I. to Anne (taken by command of the Queen). 4 parts, 4to. 1865-8 JAM— JAQ 309 James (Sir Henry). The Work of the Irish Leagues. Speech replying in the Parnell Commission Inquiry. 12mo. - 1890 James (Henry), .lun. French Poets and Novelists. 8vo. - - 1878 „ The American : a Novel. 8vo. - . - - . 1879 „ Daisy Miller, and other Stories. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1879 „ The Europeans : a Novel. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . - 1878 „ Hawthorne (Nathaniel) : a Sketch. 8vo. - . . 1879 „ Madonna of the Future : a Novel. 2 vols., 8\o. - - 1879 „ Roderick Hudson : a Novel. 3 vols., 8vo - - - 1879 James (Hen. E. M.). The Long White Mountain : a Journey in Manchuria. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1888 James (Dr. Pro.sser). Sore Throat. 8vo. - - . .. 1879 „ Vichy. 5th ed. 12mo. ------- 1883 James (Rev. Richard). Poems [1592-1638]. Ed. by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. 4to. ------- 1880 „ Iter Lancastrense : a Poem [1636]. See Chetham Soc, Vol. 7. James (T. S.). Historv of the Legislation respecting Presbyterian Chapels and Charities [1816-19] 8vo. - - - 1867 James (William). Naval History of Great Britain, from 1793 to the Death of George III. New ed., with Account of the Burmese War and Battle of Navarino, by Captain Chamier, R.N. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1847 „ Chief Naval Occurrences of the War between Great Britain and the United States of America, 1812. 8vo. - - 1817 ,, Military Occurrences in the War between Great Britain and the United States of America, 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1818 Jameson (Anna). Diary of an Ennuyee. 8vo. - . - 1826 „ Loves of the Poets. 2 vols., 8vo. -. - - - - 1829 ,, Memoii's of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1831 „ Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1842 ,, Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the Fine Arts. 8vo. - - - - - 1852 „ CommonplaceBook of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies. 8vo. 1855 „ Characteristics of Women, New ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1858 „ Beauties of the Court of Charles II., with their Portraits. 4th ed. Imp. 8vo. ------- 1861 „ Saci'ed and Legendary Art. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1863 ,, Early Italian Painters. Cimabue to Bassano. 8vo. - - 1868 „ Legends of the Monastic Orders. 8vo. - - - - 1872 „ Life. By Geraldine Macpherson. 8vo. - - - - 1878 Jameson (Anna) and Eastlake (Lady). The History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art. 2 vols., 4to. - 1881 Jami. Salaman and Abs&l. Trans, into English Verse by Edw. Fitzgerald. 4th ed. 12mo. 1879 Jamieson (Dr. John). Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language; and Supplement. 4 vols., 4to. - - 1808-25 Jane (Queen), Chronicle of. See Camden Soc, 4S Janin (Jules). La Normandie Illu.sti-ee. 8vo. Paris - - 1862 Japan. Handy Guide Book to the Japanese Islands. 12mo. - 1890 Japanese Melodies arranged for the Voice or Pianoforte. By Paul Be van. 4to. - - - - - "- 1893 Japp (Dr. Alex. H.) [Pseudonym H. A. Page]. Life and Writings of Thos. de Quincey. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1877 „ See De Quincey {T.). Jaques (John). History of Junius and his Works. 8vo. - - 1843 310 JAR— JEF Jakdine (David). British Crimiual Trials. 2 vols. 12mo. 1832-5 „ A Xarrativi' of the Gimp >\V(U'r Plot. 8vo. - - - 1857 „ The U.se of Torture in the Criminal Law of England previous to the Comnionwealth. 8vo. - - - - 1S37 „ [Ed. bv.] Treatise on Etiuivocation. Timo. - - - 1851 Jardine (Sir William). Memoirs of Hugh Edwin Strickland, Deputy lleadt-r of Geology, Oxford. 8vo. - - - 1858 Jarvis (Jas. J.). History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. 8vo. [U.S.A.] ------ 1847 Jasmin (Jacques). Barber, Poet, Philanthropist. By Samuel Smiles. 12mo. ' - - 1891 Jay (Wm.). Slavery in Americii. 8vo. ----- 1835 Jeaffreson (Christopher). A Young Squire of the 17th Century. Papers of 1676-86. Ed. by John Cordy Jeaffreson. 2 vols., 12mo. 1878 Jeaffreson (John Cordy). Annals of Oxford. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1871 Book about the Clergy. 2 vols., 8vo. - . . - 1870 Book about Doctors. ' 12mo. 1860 Book about Lawyers. 2 vols., 12mo. . . . . 1807 Book about the Table. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1875 Brides and Bridles. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1872 Life of Robert Stephenson. With Descriptions of his most Important Works, by W. Pole. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1864 Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1888 The Real Lord Bvron : New Views of the Poet's Life. 2 vols., 8vo. ■ - 1883 „ The Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson. 2 vols., Svo. - 1889 Jeakes (Samuel). Charters of the Cinque Ports. Folio - - 1728 Jeannin (Pierre). Negociations. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 11-16. Jebb (R. C). Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isteos. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876 „ The Speeches of Thucydides. See Hellenica. „ Bentley. See English Men of Letters. Jefferies (Richard). Round about a Great Estate. 12mo. - 1880 ,, Nature near London. 12mo. ----- 1883 „ Red Deer. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1884 „ The Life of the Fields. 8vo. 1884 „ AVild Life in a Southern County. 8vo. - - - - 1879 „ Eulogy of. By Walter Besant." l2mo. - - - - 1888 Jefferson (Joseph) [American Actor]. Autobiogi-aphy. 8vo. - 1890 Jefferson (Sam.). History of Allerdale Ward, above Derwent, Cumberland. 8vo. ------- 1842 Jefferson (Thomas), 3rd President of the U.S.A. [1801-9]. Autobiography, Correspondence and Writings. Ed. by H. A. Washington. 9 vols., 8vo. - - - 1853-4 „ „ By Thos. J. Randolph. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1829 „ „ By Geo. Tucker. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1837 „ Life. By James Parton. 8vo. ----- 1874 Jeffrey (Francis, Lord). Contributions to the " Edinburgh Review." 3 vols., 8vo. 1846 „ Life, 1773-1850. With Selections from his Correspondence, by Lord Cockburn. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinl)urgh - - 1852 Jeffreys (George, Lord), Lor. 4. — Chronolog}- of the Himlus, and uther Miscellanies. Tales and Fables by Nizami. 5. — Papers on Indian Botany. Per^ian Grammar. 6. — Poeseos Asiatics Commentariorum, Libri sex. 7, 8. — Charges to the Grand Jury at Calcutta, 1783-92. In- stitutes of Hindu Law ; or, Ordinances of Menu. Mahom- medan Law of Succe.ssion. Mahommedan Law of Inheritance and of Bailments. 9. — Speeches of Laus, with Note.s and Commentary. Sacontala. 10. — Poems and Translations. Moallakat. Lettre i M. Anquetil du Perron. 11,1 2. — Histoire de Nader Sh.ih. Traite sur la Poesie Orientale. Dissertation sur la Littcrature Orientale. Introduction to the Life of Nader Shah. 13. — Hitepadesa of Vishniesharma. Hymns to Pracrit. Ex- tracts from the Vcdas. Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 74. JON— JOY 317 Jones (Wm. Bence). The Life's Work in Ireland of a Landlord who tried to do his Duty. 12mo. . . - - 1880 Jones (Rev. Wni. H.). Salisbury. See Diocesan Histories. JoNsoN (Ben). Works. With ISTotes and Life. By W. Grifford. 9 vols., 8vo. -------- 1816 1.— Life [1573-163 7]. Every Man in his Humour. 2. — Every Man out of his Humour. Cynthia's Revels. The Poetaster. 3. — Sejanus. The Fox. The Silent "Woman. 4. — Alchemist. Catiline. Bartholomew Fair. 5. — The Devil is an Ass. Staple of News. The New Inn. 6. — The Magnetic Lady. Tale of a Tub. The Sad Shepherd. The Case is Altered. Entertainments. 7. — Masques at Court. 8. — Masques. Epigrams. Underwoods. 9. — Translations from Latin Poets. Timber ; or, Discoveries upon Men and Matter. English Grammar. Jonsonus Virbius. „ Conversations with Wm. Drummond, of Hawthornden. See Shakespeare Soc. „ Plays. See Bell and Cawfhorn, 24, 28, Dodsley, Vol. 12, and Inchbald, British Theatre, 6. „ Life. By J. A. Symonds. See English Worthies. JoKDAN (Mrs.) [Dorothy Bland]. Public and Private Life. 12mo. n. d. „ Life [1762-1816]. By James Boaden. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1831 JoRDANUS (Friar), Bishop of Columbum [India], Marvels de- scribed by [from 14th Century MS.]. See Hakluyt Soc, 31. Joseph Bonaparte [King of Naples and Spain]. See Bonaparte. Josephine (Marie Joseph Rose Tascher de la Pagerie), Empress of the French. Memoirs. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1829 Josephus (Flavins). Works. Trans, from the Greek. By Wm. Whiston. 4vols., 8vo. ------ 1825 1. — Jewish Antiquities. With the life of Josephus, written by Himself. 2.— The Jewish War. 3. — Two Books against Apion. 4. — Exhortation to the Greeks concerning Hades and the Resurrection of the Dead ; with Notes. JoTTALT (Alphonse). George Washington, d'apres ses Memoires et sa Correspondance. 12mo. ----- 1876 JorRDAN (G. A.). Les Journees de Septembre, 1792. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 47. Journal des Debats (Le Livre centenaire du). 1789-1889. Imp. 8vo. --------- 1889 Journal Officiel de TEmpire Fran9ais (July 1-Sep. 4, 1870) ; Journal Officiel de la Republique Fran9aise (Sep. 5, 1870-May 24, 1871). 2 vols., folio - - - 1870-1 JouY (Victor Joseph Etienne de). Mceurs et les LT sages Parisiens au Commencement du 19'' Siecle. 6^ ed. 13 vols., 12mo. -------- 1815-18 L'Hermite do la Chaussee L'Hermite en Province. d'Antin. Guillaume le Franc Parleur. L'Hermite de la Guiane. JowETT (Rev. Dr. Benj.). Dialogues of Plato. Trans, with ISTotes and Index. 5 vols., 8vo. 1892 ,, On the Interpretation of Scripture. See Essays and Reviews. JoYNEViLLE (C). Life and Times of Alexander I., of Russia. 3 vols., 8vo. -------- 1875 318 JUD— JUS Jinn (Jolin W.). Volcanoes: "What They Are and What They Teach. See International Scientific Ser., 35. JiNUs. Letters. Woodfairs edition. 2 vols., 12nio. - - 1772 Ineliidin«j Letters by the same Writer under other SiLriiatiues. with Correspondence with Wilkes, and Letters to Woodfall. With Essay, Notes, and Fac- similes, li vols., 8vo. ------- 1812 „ Posthumous Works ; with an Imjuiry respecting the Author, and a Sketch of the Life of John Home Tooke. Svo. Xew York 1829 Die Briefe des. By Dr. V. Brockhaus. 8vo. - - - 1876 History of, and his Works. By John Jaques. 8vo, - - 1843 Handwriting of. By C. Chabot and Hon. E. Twisleton 4to. - - - " - - - - - - - 1871 Pamphlets on. 8vo. 1768-1826 Miscellaneous Works of Hugh Bo\ d. Author of the Letters of " Junius." 2 vols., 8vo. - " - - - - - 1800 Facts tending to prove that Gen. Lee was " Junius." By Dr. Girdlestone. 8vo. ----- 1807-13 Memoirs of a Celebrated Literary and Political Character [Richard Glover, one of the suggested Authors of the Letters]. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1813 Incjuiry concerning the Author of the Letters of Junius, with reference to the ^Memoirs of a Celebrated Literary and Political Character. 8vo. 1814 Life of the Rev. James Wilmot. the Author of the Letters of Junius. By Olivia Wilmot Serres. 8vo. - - 1813 J. L. De Lolme,' the Author of the Letters. Bv Dr. T. Busby. 8vo. - - - - - - " - - 1817 Identitv of, with Sir Philip Francis. Bv J. Tavlor. 8vo.'- - - - - - - ' - - ' 1816-7 Lord Sackville, the Author of Junius's Letters. By Geo. Coventry. 8vo. -------- 1825 On the Junius Controversy. By E. H. Barker. 12mo. 1827-8 The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated, includ- ing Memoir of Lieut. -Col. Isaac Barre. Bv John Britton. 8vo. - ■ - - - 1848 Junius Discovered [T. Pownall, Governor of Massachusetts Bay]. By Fred Griffin. 12mo. 1854 Lord Chatham identitied with. By W. Dowe. 8vo. - 1857 Wm. Burke the Author of. By j! C. Symons. 8vo. - 1859 Bililiography. See Mercantile Lihrar;/, Philadelphia, Bulletin'. Vol. 2, p. 48 <=^ seq. Junius (Franciscus). Etymologicum Anglicanum. Ed. by Edw. Lye. Folio ..------ 17J3 Jt^NOT. See Abrantes (fy). Jupp (Edw. Basil). Mistorv of the Company of Carpenters. 2nd ed. 8vo. - ' - 1887 JusSER.\ND (Jean Adrien A. J.). English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. [14th Century.] Trans, bv Lucy Toulmin Smith. 8vo. - - - - - ' - " - - 1889 „ The English Xovel in the time of Shakespeare. Trans. Svo. 1890 „ A French Auibassatlor at the Court of Charles IL [Le Comte (h- Cominges.] Hvo. ------- 1892 Juste (Theodore). Memoirs of Leopold I., King of the Belgians. Trans, bv Robert Black. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - -1868 JusTi-\ (P.). Geschichte der Insel Hayti. C. G. Henig. 8vo. - 1827 JUS— KAY 319 JusTiNUS. HistorigePhilippicse. Ed. by A. Gronovius. 2vols., 8vo. 1822 JuvENA]-is (Decimns Junius). Opera Ouinia. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1820 „ Satirae. With a literal Prose Trans., by J. D. Lewis. 8vo. 1873 „ Satires. Trans, by Dry den and others. See British Poets, Vols. 96, 97. „ Trans, by Wm. Gifford. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1817 „ 5th Satire. Trans, by George Chapman. Small 4to. - 1858 „ 13 Satires. Trans, by Dr. H. A. Strong and Alev. Leeper. 12mo. - - - - - - - - _ - 1882 „ Life. By Edw. Walford. See Blackicood's Ancient Classics. JuxoN (Wm.), Archbishop of Canterbury. Memoirs. With a sketch of his Parish, Little Compton. By Rev. W. H. Marah. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1869 Kaempfer (Dr. Engelbrecht). History of Japan, and Description of Siam. Trans., with Life, by J. G. Scheuchzer. 2 vols., foho -------- 1728 ,, History of Japan. See Pinkerton, Vol. 7. Kaines (Dr. Joseph). Seven Lectures on the Doctrine of Posi- tivism. 8vo. -------- 1880 „ See Positivist Publications. Kains-Jacksox (C. p.). Our Ancient Monuments and the Land. around them. 4to. ------- 1880 Kalm (Pehr). Visit to England in 1748. Trans, bv Joseph Lucas. 8vo. - - - - - - " - - 1892 „ Travels in North America, 1748. See Pinkerton, Vol. 13. Kames (Lord). Works. See Home {Henry). Kane (Dr. Elisha Kent). The Second LT.S. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-5. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1856 „ Biography. By William Elder. 8vo. - - - - 1858 Kant (Immanuel). Critick of Pure Reason. Trans., with Notes and Explanation of Terms, l)y Francis Haywood. 8vo. 1848 „ ,, Analysis. By Francis Haywood. 8vo. - - - 1844 „ Principles concerning Man and the Deity. See Nitsch (F.A.). Kapp (Fried.). Life of Major-Gen. F. AV. Steuben. 8vo. - -1859 Kavanagh (Right Hon. Arthur). Biography. Compiled bv Sarah S. Steele. 8vo. - '- '- - - "- 1891 Kay (David). Education and Educators. 8vo. - - - 1883 Kay (Hen. Cassels). Yaman. Original Texts with Trans, and Notes. 8vo. -------- 1891 Yaman : its early Mediaeval History. By Najin Ad-din 'Omarah AI-Hakanii. Abridged History of its Dynasties. By Ibn Khaldun. Karmathians of Yaman. By Abu 'Abd Allah Baha Ad-din Al-Janadi. Kay (Jos.). Free Trade in Land. With Preface by Rt. Hon. John Bright. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1879 Kaye (Sir John Wm.). History of the War in Afghanistan. 2 vols., 8vo. - - " - - - - - - 1851 ,, Administration of the Hon. East India Company. 8vo. - 1853 „ History of the Sepoy War in India. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1865-80 ,, ,, Index to. See Pincott {F.). „ Lives of Indian Officers ; Civil and Military. 2 vols., 8vo. 1867 „ Life and Letters of Major-Gen. Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols., 8vo. ---■-----.- 1856 3fl0 KAV— KEL Kate (Sir John Win.) — continued. Lite and C'orif^pondenc-e of Lord Motcnlfe. 2 vols., Svo. - 1854 Life and Corn'spondt'nre of Henrv St. Georjre Tucker. S\o. : . . - - L^o4 K.\y-Shitti.ewuutii (Sir James P.). See Shntthworth. Keax (Edmund). Life [1787-1 833 J. Bv J. F. Mollov. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - ■- - -' - - 1889 Ke.\xe (Marcus). Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland. 4to. 1867 Keate (Geo.). Account of the Pelew Islands, from the Journals of Capt. Wilson [1783]. 4to. - - -1788 Keats (John). Works. Ed. bv H. B. Forman. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1889 Vols. 1, 2.— Poetry. Vol. 3. — Prose Writings. Letters. Vol. 4. — Miscellaneous Letters. „ Poetical Works. 12mo. 1851 ,, Life, Letters, and Literary Bemains. Ed. by B. Monckton :Milnes [Lord Houfrhton]. 2 vols.. 12mo.' - - - 1848 ,, Letters to Fannv Brawne. Ed. bv H. B. Forman. 16mo. - ■ - - - - ■ - - - - 1889 ., Letters to his Fainilv and Friends. Ed. bv Sidnev Colvin. r2mo. ..■.--.-■-- 1891 „ Life. Bv Sidnev Cohnn. See Eni/lish Men of Letters. Kebbel (Thos. Edw.). English Statesmen since the Peace of 1815. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1868 „ History of Toryism, 1783-1881. 8vo. - - - -1886 Keble (Rev. John). The Christian Year : Thoughts in verse for Sundavs and Holidavs. 8vo. ----- 1867 „ Memoir [1792-1866]." By Sir John T. Coleridge. 8vo. - 1869 Keexe (Chas. Sam.). Life and Letters. Bv Geo. S. Lavard. Royal 8vo. - - - - " - - - - 1892 Kfene (H. G.). Life of Madhava Bao Siiidhia. See Rulers of India. Keightley (Tho^.). Outlines of History. 12mo. - - -1830 „ Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 8vo. - - - 1831 Kei.m (Dr. Theodor). History of Jesus of Xazara. Trans, by Arthur Bansom. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1876-83 Keith (George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount), Admiral of the Bed. Life. By A. Allardyce. 8vo. - - - - 1882 Keith (Field-Marshal James). Memoir. See Spaldinfi Club. Keitu (Bobert), Bishop of Caithness. The History of the Affairs of Church antl State in Scotland, to the Retreat of Queen Mary into England, a.d. 1568. FoHo - - 1734 „ Catalogue of Scottish Bishops. See Gordon {Rev. J. /•'. S.), Errle-'i. C/iro)i. Scot., Vol. 1. Keith (Sir Bobei-t Murray), Amliassador to Dresden, Copenhagen, anisafrl)nniati<)ns, and Names of Foreign .\l)beys. Kellawe (Richard de). Bishop of Durham. Begistrum Pala- tinum Dunelmense. 1311-16. See Chronicles, 62. Keller (Dr. Ferdinand). The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other Parts of Europe. Trans, by J. E. Lee. 8vo. 1866 KEL— KEN" 321 Kellett (F. W.). Gregory the Great. Sec Cambridge Hist. Essays, 2. Kelly & Co. Post Office Directories. See Directories. „ Handbook to the Titled, Landed, and Official Classes (continued). 12mo. ----- 1888 et seq. „ Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Shippers of the United Kingdom {continued). Royal 8vo. - 1892 et seq. Kelly (Hugh). Plays. See Bell and Cmctho'rn, 23, 31, 34. Kelly (Michael), Vocalist and Composer. Reminiscences and Anecdotes. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1826 Kelly (Dr. Patrick). The Universal Cambist. 4to. - - 1835 Kelly (Walter Keating). Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk Lore. 8vo. ------- 18G3 „ Syria and the Holy Land. 8vo. - - - - - 1844 Kelly (William). Notices from the Leicester Borough Books, illustrative ot the Drama and other Amusements. 12mo. 18G5 Kemble (Frances Anne). Record of a Girlhood. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1878 „ Records of Later Life. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1882 „ Further Records, 1848-83. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1890 Kemble (John Mitchell). Codex Diplomaticus .^Evi Saxonici. 6 vols., 8vo. .-.-.-. 1839-48 „ The Anglo-Saxons in England : a History of the English Commonwealth to the Norman Conquest. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1849 „ State Papers and Correspondence, illustrative of the Social and Political State of Europe, 1688-1714. With Biogra- phical Memoirs. 8vo. ----.. 1857 Kemble (John Philip). Fugitive Pieces. 12mo. - - - 1780 „ Memoirs [1757-1823]. With a History of the Stage from the Time of Garrick. By James Boaden. 2 vols., 8vo. 1825 Kemp (Wm.) Nine Dales Wonder : a Daunce from London to Norwich. See Camdeti Soc, 11. Kempe (Alfred John). Notices of the Collegiate Church of St. Martin-le-Grand, London. 8vo. ----- 1825 „ The Loseley Manuscripts. Henry VIII. to James I. 8vo. 1836 Kempis (Thomas A). " De Imitatione Christi : " reproduced in Facsimile. With an Introduction, by Chas. Ruelens. 32mo. . - - - - - . . 1879 „ De Imitatione Christi. The Earliest English Translation of the First Three Books. See Early English Text Soc, Ex. Ser., Vol. 25. „ Imitation of Jesus Christ. Trans, by Dean Stanhope. 12mo. 1779 „ Thos. A. Kempis and the Brothers of Common Life. By the Rev. S. Kettlewell. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - '. 1882 Ken (Thos.), Bishop of Bath and Wells. Christian Year, or Hymns and Poems for the Holydavs and Festivals of the Church. 8vo. - - - " - - - - 1868 „ Life [1637-1710]. By a Layman [John L. Anderdon]. Svo. --------.- 1851 Kendall (John). Principles of English Gothic Architecture. [With Stover, Vol. 4.] 4to. - - - . . i^iy Kendall (Timothe). Flowers of Epigrammes [1577]. See Spenser Soc. Kenealy (Dr. Edward Vaughan). Poetical Works. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1875-9 „ Introduction to the Tichborne Trial. Folio - - - 1875 Kennan (George). Siberia and the Exile System. 2 vols., Svo. ---------.' 1891 p. 3104. X 3S3 KEN Kennedy (Benj. E.). My Old Plavground Revisited: a Tour in Italy in 1881. r2mo. - ' 1882 Kenneky (Edw. S.). Peak^, Passes, and Glaciers: being Excur- .'jions by Members of the Alpine Club. 2nd Series. 2 vols., 8vo. 1862 Kennedy (Gen. Sir James Shaw). Notes on the Battle of Waterloo. With a Memoir of his Life and Services. Svo. - - 1865 Kennedy (John P.). Life of Wm. Wirt. Xew ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1850 Kennedy (Right Hon. T. F.). Letters from Lord Cockburu and others to, on the Alfairs of Scotland, 1818-52. 8vo. - 1874 Kennedy (Wm.). Annals of Aberdeen, from the lleign of King William the Lion to 1818. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1818 Kennedy (Wm), R.N. Second Voyage of the " Prince Albert" in Search of Sir John Franklin. 8vo. - - - - 1853 Kennedy (Wm. Sloane). Life and Writings of J. G. Whittier. 12mo. . - . - . - . i«82 BONNET (White), Bishop of Peterborough. Complete History of England. 2nd ed. 3 vols., folio - - - - 1719 Vol. 1. — Bacon (Lord). Life of Henry VII. Buck (Sir Geo.). Life of Richard UI. Daniel (S.). History of England, from the Conquest to Edward III. „ „ From Richard II. to Henry VI., in Daniel's Method. Habington (Wm.). History of Edward IV. Milton (John). History of Britain to William the Conqueror. More (.Sir Thos.). History of Edward V. and Richard UI. Vol. 2. — Camden (W.). History of Queen Elizabeth, and Annals of King James I. Godwin (J3ishop). Life of Queen Mary. Hayward (Sir John). Life of Edward VI. Herbert (Edward, Lord). History of Henry VIII. Vol. 3.— Kennett (Bishop). Life and Reign of Charles L, of Charles II., of James II., of King William and Queen Mary, and of William III. ,f „ Inquiry into the Veracity of Kennet's History. By Hon. Roger North. 4to. 1740 „ Glossary of Obsolete Words and Phrases. [Bound with Dunkin's " Bicester."] 8vo. 1816 „ Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosden and Burcester, Oxou and Bucks. New ed. enlarged. Ed. by Dr. Bandinel. 2 vols., 4to. 1818 „ Register and Chronicle, Ecclesiastical and Civil (from the Restoration). Folio 1728 Kenney (Chas. Lamb). Memoir of Michael W. Balfe. Svo. - 1875 Ken RICK (John). Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1850 Kenrick (Dr. Wm.). Plays. See Bell and Caivthorn, 34. Kent, Domesday Book of. Trans, by R«>v. L. B. Larking. Folio 1869 „ Proceedings in the County of, in 1640. See Camden Socy 80. Kent (John). The Racing Life of Lord Geo. C. Bentinck. Ed. by the Hon. F. Lawley. 8vo. . . . . 1892 Kentigern (Saint). Life. See Scotland, Historians of. Kenyon (Lloyd, 1st Lord), Lord Chief Justice of England. Life [1733-1802]. By the Hon. Geo. T. Kenyon. 8vo. - 1873 KEP— KIN 323 Kepler or Keppler (Johann). Harmonices Mundi. Folio - 1619 „ Memoir of. See Lives of Eminent Persons. Keppel (Admiral Augustus, Viscount) . Life. By the Hon. and Kev. Thomas Keppel. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1842 Keppel (Admiral Hon. Sir Henry). Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. "Dido." With Extracts from the Journal of Sir Jas. Brooke. 2 vols., 8vo. 1846 Keuguelen-Tremarec (Lieut. Yoes Joseph). Voyage in the North Sea, 1767-8. See Pinkerton, Vol. 1. Kerotjalle or Querouialle (Louise de, Duchesse of Portsmouth). 1649-1734. Ed. by Mrs. G. M. Crawford. 8vo.- - 1887 Kerr (Robert). The Gentleman's House, or How to Plan English Residences, from the Parsonage to the Palace, 8vo. ... - - 1865 Kerry (Charles). History of the Hundred of Bray, Berks. 8vo. 1861 Keshub Chunder Sen. Life, 1838-84. See MUiler (F. Ma.r). Kett or Knight (William), a Tanner. His Rebellion in Norfolk in the Reign of Edward VI. By the Rev. P. W. Russell. 4to. 1859 Keys of the Creed. Small 8vo. 1875 Khedives and Pashas. By One who knows them well [C. F. M. Bell]. 12mo. -.--.--- 1884 KiDD (Dr. John M.). On the Adaptation of Nature to the Physical Condition of Man. See Bridgewater Treatises. Kidder (Dan. P.) and Fletcher (Rev. J. C). Brazil and the Brazilians. 8vo. ...---- 1857 KiLVERT (Rev. Francis). Life and Writings of Bishop Hurd. 8vo. - 1860 KiMBER (Edw.) and Johnson (R.). The Baronetage of England. 3 vols., 8vo. - - ' - 1771 King (Chas.). The British Merchant. 3 vols., 8vo. - - -1721 King (Clarence). Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 8vo. - 1872 „ U.S.A. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel. 7 vols., 4to. - - - - 1878-80 King (Rev. Chas. W.). The Gnostics and their Remains, Ancient and Medieval. 8vo. 1864 „ Antique Gems and Rings. 2 vols., royal 8vo. . - - 1872 „ Handbook of Engraved Gems. 2nd ed. Royal Svo. - 1885 King (Edw.). Munimenta Antiqua ; or, Observations on Ancient Castles. With Remarks on the Progress of Archi- tecture, in Great Britain. 4 vols., folio . - . 1799 „ Essays on a Counter Fund to the National Debt. 8vo. - 1825 King (Edward). The Southei-n States of North America. 8vo. 1875 King (Gregory). Life. With his Observations upon the State of England, 1696. See Chalmers {Geo.). King (Capt. Jas.). Voyage of Discovery, 1776-80. See Cook {Capt. Jas.), Voyages. King (Joseph). Tables of Interest. 14th ed. 8vo. - - [1810] King (Peter, 7th Lord). Selections from his Speeches and Writings. With Memoir [1775-1833] by Earl Fortescue. Svo. - 1844 „ Life of John Locke. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1830 King (Rich. J.). Carlovingian Romance. See O.vford Essays. King (Rufus). Ohio. See American Comtnonwealths. King (Rev. Sam. Wm.). The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps. Svo. .... 1858 King (Dr. Will.). Works. Life by J. Nichols. 3 vols., 8vo. 1776 X 2 324 KIN Kino (Dr. Wm.), Priiu'ipal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford. Political and Literary Aiu-edotes of his own Times. 8vo. - - 1818 King (Rev. Wm. F. H.). Cla.'^sicaland For.i»?n Qnotation.s. r2mo. 1887 KiNOLAKE (Alex. Wm.). Eothen ; or, Traces of Travel Wrought Hume from the East. 8vo. I"? -:V- : . . . - 1845 „ Tiie Invasion of the Crimea. 8 vols., 8vo. - - 18G3-87 KiNGSFORD (William). History of Canada, 160S-1779. Vols. 1-6. 8vo. 1888-93 Klngsley (Kev. Chas.). Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet. Svo. - 1850 „ Hvpatia ; or, New Foes with an Old Face. 2 vols, in 1, ■8vo. 1853 „ Lectures on the Ancien Regime. 12mo. - - - - 1867 ,, Lectures in America. 12mo. ------ 1875 „ Limits of Exact Science as applied to History : a Lecture. 8vo. ' . - - I860 „ Phaethon ; or, Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. 12mo. 1852 ,, Roman and the Teuton. Lectures. 8vo. - - - 1864 „ Westward Ho ! 8vo. - - 1881 „ Yeast : a Problem. 2 vols, in 4, 8vo. ... - 1851 The Gospel of the Pentateuch. David. [Sermons.] 12mo. 1878 „ The Water-Babies. 8yo. 1863 „ Selected Works. 20 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1885-7 The Heroes : Greek Fairy Tale.s. Scientific Lectures and Essays. Village Sermons, and Town and Country Sermons. Poems: — The Saint's Tragedy. Andromeda. Songs and Ballads. The Hermits. Plays and Puritans. Sir "Walter Kaleigh. Froude's History of England. The Water of Life, and other Sermons. At Last : a Christmas in the "West Indies. Lectures and Essays. Sermons for the Times. Madam How and Lady Why : Lessons in Earth Lore. Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays. Hereward the Wake. Prose Idylls. The Good News of God. Historical Lectures and Essays. Westminster Sermons. Roman and the Teuton. Two Years Ago. ,, Letters and Memories of his Life. Ed. by his AVife. 2 vols., 8vo. '- - - 1877 „ Sketch of Life, 1820-75. See Miilfer iF. jMjc). KiNGSLEY (Henry). Novels. I2mo. - . - . [1890] Austin Elliot. Mademoiselle Mathilda. Geoffry Hamlyn. Old Margaret. Harveys (The). Ravenshoe. Hetty and other Stories. Reginald Hetheredgo. Hillyars and the Burtons. Silcote of Silcotes. Hornl)y Mills and other Stories. Stretton. Leighton Court. ■\''alentin : a Story of Sedan. KiNGSLEY (W.). Standard County Book; for the use of County Treasurers, Ireland. 4to. ------ 1837 Kingston (Duchess of) [Eliz. Chudleigh, afterwards Hon. Mrs. Hervey anes. 5. — Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique, et I'Application de I'Algfebrc k la Geometric. Traite Elemcntaire d'Arithme- tique.^ 6. — Traite Elemcntaire de Calcul Ditferentiel et de Calcul Integral. LAD— LAM 320 Ladvocat (Abbe J. B.). Historical and Biograpliical Dictionary. Trans, by Catl). Collignon. 4 vols., Hvo. - - 1799-1801 La Fare (Marquis de). Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 65. La Fayette (General M. J. P. R. Y. G. M., Marquis de). Memoires et Correspondence. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - 1838 „ Life. See Adolphus. La Fayette (Marie M. Pioche de la Vergne, Conitesse de). Histoire de Madame Henriette Marie d'Angleterre. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 64. „ Memoires de la Cour de France, 1688-9. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 65. „ Vie. See Fran^ais {Les Grands Ecrivains). La Fontaine (Jean de). Gi^uvres. Avec Vie, par L. S. Anger. 6 vols., 8vo. -------- 1814 Fables. Contes. Amours de Psyche et Cupidon. Adonis. Captivite de St. Mole. Le Quinquina. Frag, de Songe de Vaux. Elegies. Odes. Epitres. Poesies. Eallades. „ Contes et Nouvelles en Vers. 2 vols., 8vo. ... 1777 „ La Fontaine et ses Fables. See Taine (H. A.). „ Life. By the Rev. W. L. Collins. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. Lagrange (F.). Physiology of Bodily Exercise. See Inter- national Scientijic Ser., 67. Lagueronniere (Comte a. de) et Nugent (Comte de). La Guerre de 1870-1. 8vo. - - 1873 La Haye. Catalogue du Musee Royal de. 12mo. - - - 1883 La Hodde (Lucien de). Histoire des Societes Seci'etes etdu Parti Republican, 1830-48. 8vo. ----- 1850 Lahontan (Baron). Travels in Canada [1683 et seq.'\. See Pinkerton, Vol. 13. Laing (Malcolm). History of Scotland, 1603-7. With Disserta- tion on Darnley's Murder. 3rd ed. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1819 Laing (Samuel). Journal of a Residence in Norway, 1831-0. 2nded. 8vo. 1837 „ Tour in Sweden in 1838. 8vo. 1839 „ Notes on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, &c. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - . 1842 „ Social and Political State of Europe, 1848-9. 8vo. - - 1850 ,, Social and Political State of Denmark and the Duchies of Sleswick and Holstein in 1851. 8vo. - - - - 1852 Laing (Samuel). Pre-historic Remains of Caithness. With Notes on the Human Remains, by T. H. Huxley. 8vo. - - 1866 „ Human Origins. 8vo. ------- 1892 Laing (Seton). The Frauds of Cole, Davidson, and Gordon. 8vo. 1856 Laird (Macgregor) and Oldfield (Dr. R. A. K.). Expedition into Africa, by the River Niger, in 1832-4. 2 vols., 8vo. 1837 Lake (Dr. Edw.). Diary, 1677-8. See Camden Misc., Vol. 1. Lake (Sir Edw.). Interviews with Charles I. See Camden Misc., Vol. 4. Lake (Henry). Personal Reminiscences of the Earl of Beacons- field. 12mo. [1891] Lalanne (Ludovic). Dictionnaire Historique de la France. 8vo. 1872 Lalor (John). Money and Morals. 8vo. - - - - 1852 Lamartine (Alphonse de). History of the French Constituent Assembly [1789-90]. Trans. 4 vols., 8vo. - - -1854 „ Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols., 8vo. - . . . 1848 „ „ English Trans. 3 vols., 12rao. - - - - 1848 330 LAM— LAN Lamartine (Ali)honse de) — continued. „ Histoiiv de la Kestaiiration. 8 vols., 8vo. ... 1853 „ „ English Trans. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1851-3 „ Twenty-five Years of my Life, and INIeiuoiis of my Mother. Trans, hy Lady Herbert. 2 vols., Hvo. - - - 1872 „ Memoires Politiqiies. 4 vols., Svo. 1863 „ Vie. Par Emile Ollivier. 12nio. 1874 Lamb (Clms.). Poitx-al Works. 8vo. 1838 „ Prose Works. 3 vols., small 8vo. 1838 1. — Rosamund Gray. EecoUections of Christ's Hospital. Essays. Letters. 2, 3. — Essays of Elia. „ Works. Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by the Rev. Canon Ainger. 6 vols., 12mo. - - 1884—8 Poems, Plays, and Miscellaneous Essays. Mrs. Leicester's School and other Writings in Prose and Verse. By Mary and Chas. Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. By Mary and Chas. Lamb. Essays of Elia. Letters newly arranged, with additions. 2 vols. „ Specimens of English Dramatic Poets of the Time of Shakesi)eare. 2 vols., 12mo. . . . . . 1835 „ Life [1775-1834] and Letters. By Sir Thos. N. Talfourd. 2 vols., 8vo. 1837 „ Final ^lemorials. By Sir Thos. N. Talfourd. 2vols.ini, 8vo. 1848 „ Memoir. By Bryan W. Procter [Barry Cornwall]. 8vo. - 1866 „ Life, Letters, and Writings. Ed. by Percy H. Fitzgerald. 6 vols., 12mo. 1876 „ Letters and Remains. See Lamb {Mary), and Lamb (Chas.). „ List of Writings of. See Ireland (Alex.). Lamb (Dr. John). The Phenomena and Diosemeia of Aratus, trans, into English Verse. 8vo. ----- 1848 Lamb (Gen. John), U.S.A. Life and Correspondence with Washington. By Isaac Q. Leake, Dean of Bristol. 8vo. 1850 Lamb (Mary), Tales and Sketches by. See Lamb (Charles). Lamb (Mary) and Lamb (Charles). Poems, Letters, and Remains. Ed. by V\^. C. Hazlitt. 4to. 1874 Lamb (R.), Serjeant in the Welch Fuzileers. Journal of the American War, from its commencement to 1783. 8vo. - 1809 Lambarde (William). A Perambulation of Kent [1570]. 3rd ed., with the Charters, Laws, and Privileges of the Cinque Ports. 12mo. ------ 1656 „ „ (Reprint.) 8vo. 1826 Lambert (Francis), Life of. See McCrie (Rev. Dr. T.). Lambert (Rev. J. Malet). Two Thousand Years of Gild Life; with Account of the Gilds of Kingston-upon-Hull. 8vo. 1891 Lambetu and the Vatican ; or. Anecdotes of Churches, Sects, and Sectaries. 3 vols., 12mo. ...... 1825 Lamon (Ward H.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln, to his in- auguration as President, U.S.A. 8vo. - - - - 1872 Lamont (E. H.). Wild Life among the Pacific Islanders. 8vo. 1867 Lancashire. Illustrated Itinerary of the County. 8v<>. - - 1842 „ Parliamentary Representiition, 1258-1885. Ed. by W. D. Pink and the Rev. A. B. Beavan. 8vo. - - - 1889 Lancaster (Duchy of). Charters. Ed. by W. Hardy. 8vo. - 1845 LAN 331 Lancaster and York, a.d. 1399-1485. By Sir James Ramsay. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1892 Lancaster (Hen. Hill). Essays and Reviews. 8vo. - - 1876 Lancaster (Sir Jas.), The Voyages of. See Hahliiyt Soc, 56. Lancet (The). Journal of British and Foreign Medicine (continued). 8vo. 1837 e( seq. Land, Tracts on the Management of. (Reprint.) 8vo. - - 1767 Xenophon's Treatise of Householde. The Boke of Husbandry. Surveyinge. Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. See Burke {Sir B.), and Walford, County Families. Lander (Rich.) and Lander (John). Expedition to the Niger. 3 vols., 12mo. 1832 Landon (Miss Letitia Eliz.), L.E.L. [afterwards Mrs. Maclean]. Poetical Works. 2 vols., 8vo. 1860 „ Romance and Reality. 3 vols., 8vo. .... 1831 „ Life and Literary Remains. By L. Blanchard. 2 vols., 8vo. 1841 Landor (Walter Savage). Works. Ed. by John Forster. 8 vols., 8vo. 1874-6 1. — Life by John P'orster. 2. — Imaginary Conversations. Shakespeare. 3. — Imaginary Conversations. The Pentameron. 4. — Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men. 6. — Imaginary Conversations. Letters of Pericles and Aspasia. Minor Prose Pieces. 6. — Imaginary Conversations. 7. — Gebir. Acts and Scenes. Hellenics. 8. — Poems. Criticisms. „ Idyllia Heroica Decem. 8vo. - - - . . 1820 „ Biography of. By John Forster. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1869 „ By Prof. Sidney Colvin. See English Men of Letters. Landseer (Sir Edwin). Memoirs. By F. G. Stephens. 8vo. - 1874 Landseer (John). Sabaean Researches : Essays on the Hiero- glyphics of Chaldea, Egypt, and Canaan. 4to. - - 1823 Landseer (Thos.). Life of William Bewick. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1871 Lane (Edw. Wm.). The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. 2 vols., 8vo. 1836 „ Selections from the Knr-an (Koran). 8vo. ... 1843 „ Arabian Nights Entertainments. A New Translation, with Copious Notes. 3 vols., 8vo. - - . . 1850 Laneham (Robt.). Pageants presented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth Castle in 1575. 8vo. - . . . 1821 Lane-Poole (Stanley). Life of Viscount de RedclifPe. 2vols., 8vo. IHHS Lanfrey (P.). Histoire de Napoleon I. 5 vols., 12mo. - 1869-75 Lang (And.), Life of Sir Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddes- leigh. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1891 „ Essays in Little. 12mo. - --..-. 1891 „ Angling Sketches. 12mo. - - - . - - 1891 Lang (Rev. John D.). History of New South Wales. 4th ed. 2 vols., 12mo. 1875 Langbaine (Gerard). Account of English Dramatick Poets. Small 8vo. -.----..- 1691 Langdale (Henry Bickersteth, Lord), Memoirs of. By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - . 1852 Lange (F. A.). A History of Materialism. Trans, by E. C. Thomas. 3 vols., Rvo. .... . 1881 332 LAN— LAR Langford (.Tuhu Alf.). A Century of Birmingham Life, 1741- ISU. 2 vols., Hvo. - ■ 1868 Langiiorne (Uev. Dr. .lolin). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 05. Langhorne (Rev. Dr. John) and Langhorne (Rev. Wm.). Plutarch's Lives. vols., 8vo. 1801 Langley (Sjini. P.), Researches on Solar Heat. 4to. - - 1884 Langlois (Ch V.) and Stein (H.). Archives de I'Histoire de France. 8vo. 1891-2 Langtoft (Peter). Chronicle, from Death of Cadwallader to end of Reign of Edward I. Trans, by Thos. Hearne. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1725 „ Chronicle in French Verse. See Chronicles, 47. Langtox (R.). Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens. 12nio. 1891 Languet (Hubert) and Sidney (Sir Philip), Correspondence of. With Notes and Memoir of Sidney, by S. A. Pears. 8vo. 1845 Languinais (Comte). Le 31 Mai. See Berville et Bar- rier e, 22. Lanier (Sidnev). Florida, its Scenery, History, &c. 12mo. [1882] „ The English Novel. 8vo. 1883 Lanaian (Chis.). Biographical Dictionary of the United States Congress, containing Sketches of its Members. 8vo. - 1859 „ Private Life of Daniel Webster. 8vo. - - - - 1857 „ The Japanese in America. 12mo. . - . . - 1872 „ Recollections of Curious Characters and Pleasant Places. 8vo. 1881 „ Leading Men of Japan. 8vo. ------ 1883 Lansdowne (George Grranville, Viscount). AVorks. 2 vols., 12mo. 1786 1. — Poems. The British Enchanters : a Dramatic Poem. 2.— Ileroic Love: a Tragedy. Vindication of Monk, Duke of Albemarle. Vindication of Sir Kichard Granville. Lansdowne Manuscripts: British A.'tiseum Catalogue. With Indexes of Persons, Places, and Matters. Folio - - 1819 Lansdowne Marbles. Catalogue. (Privately jn-inted.) 8vo. - 1889 Lansdowne (William Petty, Earl of Shelburne, 1st Marquess of). Life. By Lord Edmond Geo. Petty Fitzraaurice. 3 vols., 8vo. 1875 Lanzi (Luigi). History of Painting in Italy. Trans, by Thos. Roscoe. 3 vols., 12mo. 1847 La Perouse (J. F. G. de). Voyage autour du Monde [1785-8]. 4 vols, in 2, 4to. With Atlas, folio - - - - 1797 ,. Voyage. English Trans. 3 vols , Svo. - - - - 1807 La Place (P. S., Marquis de). Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 5 vols., 4to. 1829 Lappenberg (J. M.). History of England under the Saxon and Norman Kings. Trans, by B. Thorpe. 3 vols., Svo. 1855-7 Larchey (Loredan). Dictionnaire de 1' Argot Parisien. Svo. - 1872 „ Dictionnaire des Noms. 12mo. . - . . _ 1880 Lardner (Rev. Dr. Dionysius). Differential and Integral Calculus. Svo. - . . 1825 „ Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Svo. - - - - 1828 Larking (Rev. Lambert B.). The Domesday Book of Kent. With Translation, Notes, and Appendix. Folio - - 1869 LAB— LAU 333 La EoCHEFOUCAULD (Francois, 6^ Due de). (Euvres. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1868-74 1. — Portrait du Due de la Rochefoucauld, fait par lui-meme. Portrait du Cardinal de Retz, par La Rochefoucauld. Reflexions, ou Sentences et Maxinaes Morales. Reflexions Diverses. Appendice. 2. — Memoires. Apologie de M. le Prince de Marcillac. Appendice. ,, Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 51. 52. La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (F. A. F., Due de). Travels through the United States and Canada, 1795-7. 4to. - 1799 Larochejaquelein (Marquise de). Memoires sur la Gruerre de Vendee. 4th ed. 8vo. ------ 1816 Larousse (Pierre). Dictionnaire Universel du 19^ Siecle. 15 vols. Supplement, 2 vols. 4to. ----- 1866-93 Larpent (Sir George) and Porter (Sir Jas.). Turkey, its History and Progress. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1854 Larrey (Baron Felix Hippolyte). Letizia Bonaparte [Madame Mere]. Napoleonis Mater: Essai Historique. 2 vols., Svo. - - - - - 1892 Larwood (Jacob) [Pseudonym of L. R. Sadler]. Storv of the London Parks. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - " - - 1872 Larwood (Jacob) and Hotten (J. C). History of Sign-Boards. Svo. - - - 1866 Las Casas (Barth. de). Apostle of the Indies. Life. By Sir Arthur Helps. 12mo. - - - - - - 1873 L4S Oases (Emmanuel A. D. M. J., Marquis de). Journal de la Vie Privee de Napoleon a Ste. Helene. 8 vols., 8vo. London 1823 „ „ 8 vols., Svo. Paris 1823 Lascelles (Hon. Grerald). Falconry. See Badminton Library. Latey (John Lash). Letters on the T*[ew Poor Law. 12mo. - 1841 Latham (Dr. Robt. Gr.) . Elements of Comparative Philology. Svo. 1862 „ English Dictionary. 2 vols, in 4, 4to. - - - 1866-70 „ The English Language. Svo. ------ 1850 „ Nationalities of Europe. 2 vols., Svo. - . . . 1863 ,, Native Races of the Russian Empii-e. Svo. . - . 1854 „ Norway and the Norwegians. 2 vols, in 1, Svo. - - 1840 „ The Ethnology of the British Colonies. 12mo - - - 1851 Latham (Wilfred). The States of the River Plate. Svo. - -1868 Lathbury (Rev. Thos.). History of the Nonjurors. Svo. - 1845 Latimer (Hugh), Bishop of Worcester. Sermons and Remains. See Parker Soc. „ Life [1472-1555]. See Tulloch (J.). Latouche (John) [Pseudonym]. See Craiofnrd (O.). Latrobe (Christian Ignatius), Moravian Bishop. Journal of a Visit to South Africa, 1815-6. Svo. - - - - 1821 Latude (H. M. de). Memoires. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 28. Laud (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. Conference with Mr. Fisher the Jesuite. 2nd ed. revised. Folio - - 1639 „ The History of his Tro)ibles and Tryal. Wrote by himself during his Imprisonment in the Tower. With Diary &c. Ed. by Henry Wharton. Folio - - - - 1695 „ Breviate of the Life of. By Wm. Prynne. Folio - - 1644 „ Trial of. By Wm. Prynne. Folio - - - - - 1645 ,, Cyprianus Anglicus ; or, the History of his Life and Death. By Rev. Dr. P. Heylyn. Folio 1688 „ Life. See Rogers {J. E. Th.)., Historic Gleayiings. 334 LAU— LAW Lauder (Sir John), Lord Fountoinhall. Historic Notices of Scottish Aflairs, lOGl-88. Hil. by David Laing. 2 vols., 4to. 1848 Lauder (Sir Thomas Dick). Account of the Great Floods in Moray, in August, 1829. 8vo. 1830 Lauder (Wm.). On the Oifice and Dewtie of Kyngis [1556], and, L^nion Poems. See Early English Text Soc, 5, 14. Lauderdale (John Maitlaud, Duke of). Papers [1G39-73J. See Camden Soc, 34, 36 (N.S.). Laughton (John Knox). Studies in Naval History. 8vo. - 1887 Jean de Vienne, 14th Cent. — J. B. Colbert —Abnih.ira du Quesne — Le Baillie de Suffrcn. — Karl von Tegetthof — English Privateers: 1. Fortunatus "Wright. 2. Geo. Walker — French Privateers : 1. Jean Bart. 2. Trouin. 3. Thurot. 4. Surcouf — American Privateer : Paul Jones. Laurence (Mr. Justice P. M.). On the Law and Custom of Primogeniture. 8vo. ------- 1878 „ Catalogue of the Kimberley Public Library. 8vo. - - 1891 Laurence (>Iajor W. M.). Selected Writings. 12mo. - - 1882 Lavalette (Comte A. M. C. de). Memoirs. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1831 Lavater (John Caspar). Essays on Physiognomy. Trans, by Henry Hunter. 3 vols, in 5, 4to. - - - 1789-97 „ See Mirabeau (H. S. G.), CEuvres, Vol. 4. Laveleye (Emile de). Primitive Property. Trans, by G. R. L. Marriott. 8vo. ' - - 1878 „ Elements of Political Economy. Trans, by A. W. Pollard. 8vo. 1884 „ Socialism of To-dav. Trans, by G. H. Orpen. 12mo. [1885] „ La Peninsule des Balkans. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1886 „ La Monnaie et le Bimettalisme International. 12mo. - 1891 Lavergne (Leonce de). Les Assemblees Provinciales sous Louis XVI. 8vo. 1879 „ Rural Economy of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 8vo. - 1855 Lavigne (A. G. de). Conventions Internationales pour la Protec- tion de la Proprieto Litteraire et Artistiijue. 8vo. - 1891 Lavisse (Ernest). The Youth of Frederick the Great. Trans. by S. L. Simeon. 8vo. 1891 „ La Question d' Alsace. 16mo. 1891 Law List (fO?j^/H»ff7). 12mo. 1839 et seq. Law Magazine (Monthly). 9 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1838-41 L.AW Magazine and Review {continued) - - - 1844 et seq. Law Societv (Incorporated). Catalogue of Library. By F. Boase. 8vo. 1891 Law (David). The Thames, Oxford to London. Twenty etched plates. Folio - - - - - - - - 1882 Law (Ernest I*. A.). History of Hampton Court Palace. 3 vols., small 4to. - 1885-91 Vol. 1. — In Tudor Times. Vol. 2. — In Stuart Times. Vol. 3. — Orange and Gueiph Times. Law (John) of Lauriston. Money and Trade considered [1705]. 12mo. 1750 Law (T. G.). Historical Sketch of the Conflicts between Jesuits and Seculars in the reign of Elizabeth. 8vo. - - 188fl Law (Wm. John). The Alps of Hannibal. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1866 Lawrance (Miss Hannah). Memoirs of the Queens of England, 12th to the 16th Centuries. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1848-50 LAW— LEA 335 Lawrence (Abbott). Memoir. By H. A. Hill. 8vo. 2nd ed. 1884 Lawrence (Amos). Diary and Correspondence. 8vo. - - 1855 Lawrence (Edwin) . The Progress of a Century ; or, the Age of Iron and Steam. 8vo. ------ 1886 Lawrence (Gen. Sir George St. Patrick). Reminiscences of Forty-three Years in India. Ed. by Wm. Edwards. 8vo. - - 1874 Lawrence (Col. Sir Henry Montgomery). Life [180(3-57]. By Gen. Sir Herbert Edwardes and Herbert Merivale 2 vols., 8vo. 1872 Lawrence (John Laird Mair, Lord), Viceroy of India. Life. By R. Bosworth Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1883 „ Life. By Wm. St. Clair. 12mo. - - - . [1886] „ „ By Sir Richard Temple. See English 3Ie7i of Action. Lawrence (Sir William). Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and Natural History of Man. 8vo. 1819 Laavrence-Archer (Major J. H.). Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies. 4to. 1875 „ The British Army, its Records, Badges, and Services. 8vo. 1888 Lawson (Cecil). Memoir. By E. W. Gosse. With Illustra- tions. 4to. 1883 Lawson (Right Hon. James Ant.). Hymni usitati Latine redditi, with other verses. 12mo. ------ 1883 Lawson (William). How to buy your Farm ; or, How to sell your Estate under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885. 8vo. - [1886] Lawson (Wm. John). History of Banking. 8vo. - - - 1850 Lawyer (Every Man's Own). 12mo. 1888 Lawyer (The Cabinet). 25th ed. 12mo. - . - . 1886 Lay (N. H.). Note on the Opium Question, and Survey of our Relations with China, 1637-1892. Folio - - - 1893 Layard (Right Hon. Sir Austen Henry). Nineveh and its Remains. 2 vols., 8vo. -...-. 1849 ,, Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia (Second Expedition). 8vo. - - 1853 „ Early Adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia. 2 vols., 8vo. 1887 Lays of the Minnesingers ; or, German Troubadours. 8vo. - 1825 Lea (Henry Charles). History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. 3 vols., 8vo. 1888 Leadam (I. S.). What Protection does for the Farmer and Labourer. 5th ed. 12mo. 1893 Leahy (David). State Trials in Ireland of O'Connell and others. 8vo. . - - 1845 Leake (Isaac Q.), Dean of Bristol. Life of General John Lamb, U.S.A. 8vo. 1850 Leake (Lieut. Col. William Martin). Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor. 8vo. 1824 „ Travels in Northern Greece. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1835 ,, Topography of Athens. 2nd ed. 4 vols., 8vo. - - . 1841 „ Travels in the Morea. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1830 „ Peloponnesia. 8vo. --.---. 1846 Leamington and Warwick, History of. 8vo. - - - - 1818 Lear (Edm.). Rome and its Environs, Drawn from Nature. Folio- 1841 „ Journal of a Landscape Painter in Albania. 8vo. - - 1851 „ Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica. 8vo. - - 1870 336 LEA— LEE Leaked (Dr. Arthur). Morocco and the Moors. 2nd ed. Ed. l.y Sir Kich. Burton. 8vo. J 891 Leatuam (Edward A.). Discovery : a Poem. 16mo. - - 1853 „ Charmione : a Tale of the Great Athenian Revohition, with Historical Introduction. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - 1859 Leatham (Wm. Hen.). Lesser Poems. 12mo. - - - - 1855 „ Sequel to '* Lesser Poems." 12mo. ----- 1879 „ Tales of English Life, and Miscellanies. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1858 Leathley (Miss Emma). Early Life of Sir W. H. Maule. 8vo. 1874 Lebeuf (Abbe Jean). Kecueil de Divers Ecrits pour servir d'Eclairci.'s.semens a THistoire de France. 2 vols., 12uio. 1738 „ Dissertations sur THi-stoire Ecclesiastique et Civile de Paris. 3 vols., 12uio. 1739-43 Lebon (Andre) and Pelet (Paul). France as it is. Specially written for English Headers. Trans, bv Mrs. Wm. Arnold. 12mo. - - - - - ' - - - 1888 Le Bruyn (C'orneille). See Bruyn [C . le). Lk Cakon (Major Henri) [Thos. Beach]. Twenty-five Years in the Secret Service: the Recollections of a Spy. 8vo. - 1802 Leciiler (Dr. G.). WicHf and his English Precursors. 2 vols., 8vo. 1878 Leckie (Wm.). Review of Proceedings of Committee of House of Commons on Banks of Issue, 1840. 8vo. - - 1841 Lecky (Wm. Edw. Hartpole). Historv of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols., 8vo. - - -' - - - - - 18G5 „ History of European Morals, from Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1869 „ Leaders of Pu])lic Opinion in Ireland : Swift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connell. 8vo. ------ 1871 „ History of England in the 18th Century. 8 vols., Svo. 1878-90 „ The Political Value of History. 12mo. - - - - 1892 Leclerq (Eniile) [Vie de Xapoleou III.]. De la Prison de Ham aux Jardins de Wilhelmshoehe. 12mo. - - - 1871 Leclerq (Theo.). See Merimee (P.). Lediard (Thos.). Xaval Historv of England from 1066 to 1734. Folio- - - -' 1735 Lee (Rev. Alf. T.). Historv of Tetburv, Gloucestershire. Svo. - 1857 Lee (Major-Gen. Charle.'^), U.S.A. Life [1731-82], Political and Militarv Essavs, and Letters. 8vo. - - - - 1792 „ The Treason of. ' By Geo. H. Moore. 8vo. - - - 1860 „ Memoir. See Hanmer. „ Facts tending to prove that he Avas " Junius." By Dr. Girdlestone. 8vo. ' 1807-13 Lee (Lieut. -Col. Henry), L^.S.A. Memoirs of the (Revolutionary) War in the Southern Department of the L'nited States. A new ed., with Life by Robert E. Lee. 8vo. - - 1869 Lee (Dr. John). Egyjttian Aiitifpiities in Hartwell House. 4to. - 1858 Lee (Nathaniel). Dramatic Works. 3 vols., 12mo. - - - 1722 1. — Theodosius. Princess of Cleves. Lucius Brutus. CEdipus. 2. — Mithridates. Caesar Borgia. Constantine. Duke of Guise. 3. — Sophonisba. Nero. Gloriana. Rival Queens. Massacre of Paris. „ Plavs. See Bell and Caiithorn, 8, 11, 15. Lee (Gen.' Robert E.). Life, 1807-60. By E. Lee Childe. Svo. 1875 „ Memoirs. By A. L. Long. Royal Svo. - - - - 1886 Lee fSidnev). The Studv of English Literature : an Address at Toynbee Hall. "l6mo. 1893 LEE— LEI 337 Lee (Sophia). Plays. See Bell and Catvtho7'n, 33 ; Inchbald, British Theatre, 6 ; Inchbald, Modern Plays, 9. Lee (Vernon) [Pseudonym of Miss Violet Paget]. Life of Louise, Countess of Albany. 12mo. . - - - 1884 „ Euphorion : Studies of the Antique and the Medifeval in the Renaissance. 8vo. ._..-- 1885 „ Baldwin : Dialogues on Views and Aspirations. 12mo. - 1886 „ Juvenilia : Essays on Sundry yEsthetical Questions. 2 vols., 12mo. ....----- 1887 Lek (William). Life and Newly Discovered Writings (171G-29) of Daniel Defoe. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1869 Leech (John). Pictures of Life and Character from the Col- lection of Mr. Punch. Obi. folio 1854 „ Works of. By Harry Thornber. 12mo. - - - -1889 Leechdoms of Early England. See Chronicles and Memorials, 35. Leeds Dialect, Manners and Customs, and Folk-lore of the District. 12mo. ---.-.--. 1862 Leeds (Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of). Political Memoranda [1774-96]. See Camden Sac, 35 (¥.S.). Leeds (Thomas, Earl of Danby, 1st Duke of). Memoirs re- lating to his Impeachment in 1678. 8vo. - - - 1710 Leeke (Eev. William). History of Lord Seaton's Regiment (52nd Light Infantry) at the Battle of Waterloo ; with Sujiplement. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1866-71 Leems (K.). Danish Lapland. See Pinkerton, Vol. 1. Lefanu (Miss Alicia). Life of Frances Sheridan. 8vo. - - 1824 Le Fanu (J. S.). Novels. 12mo. ------ 1886 Uncle Silas. In a Glass Darkly. The House by the Churchyard. Lefevre (Right Hon. Geo. John Shaw-). See Shaw-Lefevre. Lefevre (Right Hon. Chas. Shaw-). Parliamentary Precedents. See Eversley ( Viscount) . Legg (Dr. J. Wickham). Are the Sarum Colours lawful in the Diocese of London ? 8vo. - - - - - -1881 „ Notes on the History of the Liturgical Colours. Small 4to. - 1882 „ On an Early Sequence of Liturgical Colours. 8vo. - - 1887 „ Notes on the Liturgical Colours from the Lebrun Papers. 8vo. ---------- 1888 ,, Breviarum Romanum a F. Cardinali Quignonio, 1535. 8vo. ---------- 1888 Legge (Dr. James). The Religions of China. 8vo. - - - 1880 Legge (Dr. Thomas). Richardus Tertius. See Shakespeare Soc. Legouve (Ern.). Soixante Ans de Souvenirs. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1888 Le Grand d'Aussy (P. J. B.). Fabliaux ; oi*, Tales from French MSS. of the 12th and 13th Centuries. Trans, by G. L. Way. 3 vols., small 8vo. - - - - - - 1815 Legrelle (A.). La Prusse et la France devant I'Histoire. 8vo. 1880 Leguat (F.). Voyage. See Hakluyt Soc, 82, 83. Le Hon (H.) Periodieite des Grands Deluges. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1861 Leicester or Leycester (John). Civill Warres of England briefly related (1649). (Reprint.) 8vo. - - - n. d. „ Commonwealth and Ghost. 4to. - - - - -1641 Leicester (Sir Peter). Tracts on the Legitimacy of Amicia, Daughter of the Earl of Chester, a.d. 1673-9. See Chetham Soc, 78-80. p. 3104. Y 336 LEI— LEN Leicester (Robert Dudley, Earl of), Favourite of Queen Eliza- beth. Secret Memoirs. With a Preface by Dr. Drake. 2ud ed. 8vo. 1706 „ Correspondence during bis Government of the Low Coun- tries. Ed. by John Bruce. See Camden Soc, 27. „ And Aniye Robsiirt. See Adlard (Geo.). Leigh of Addington, Surrey, Memoir of the Familv of. By H. S. Sweetman. 8vo. --..'-'- 1887 Leigh (Hon. Chandos) and Le Marchant (Sir Henry). Guide to Election Law. Ed. by Y. Anderson and C. E. Ellis. 8vo. 1885 Leigh (Dr. Chas.). Natural History and Antiquities of Lan- cashire, Cheshire, and the Peak. Folio . . . 1700 Leigh's New Picture of London. 18mo. ----- 1822 Leighton (John). Paris under the Commune : The Seventy-three davs of the Second Siege. 12ino. .... 1871 Leighton (John M.). History of the County of Fife. 3 vols., 4to. 1840 Leitii (W. Forbes). See Forbes-Leith. Lekain (H. L. C.) [Tragedien]. Memoires. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 6. Le Keux (John). Memorials of Cambridge : Views of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. With De- scriptions by Thos. Wright and Eev. H. L. Jones. 2 vols., 8vo. 1847 Leland (Chas. Godfrey). The Breitmann Ballads. IGmo. - 1889 „ The Algonquin Legends of New England. 8vo. - - 1884 „ Gypsey Sorcery and Fortune Telling. Imp. 8vo. - - 1891 Lelakd (John). De Rebus Britannicis Collectiinea [1546], cum Thomse Hearnii Notis et Indice. 6 vols., 8vo. - - 1774 „ Itinerarv. Ed. bv Thos. Hearne. 2nd ed. 9 vols, in 5, 8vo. 1744-5 „ Life. See Huddesford {Rev. Dr. W.). Lelewel (Joachim). Geographic du Moven Age. 8vo. Atlas de 35 Planches, folio - - - - - - - 1852 Le Marcuant (Sir Denis). Life of the 3rd Earl Spencer. 8vo. 1876 Lempriere (Rev. Dr. John). Classical Dictionary. 4to. - - 1826 Lempriere (William). A Tour to Morocco, 1789. See Pinker- ton, Vol. 15. Lenet (Pierre), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 53, 54. Le Neve (John). Mouumenta Anglicana : Inscriptions on the Monuments of Eminent Persons, 1600-1718. 5 vols., 8vo. 1717-19 „ Fasti Ecclesije Anglicanze ; or, a Calendar of the Ecclesias- tical Dignitaries in England and Wales, and of the Chief Officers in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Continued by Sir Thos. DufFus Hardy. 3 vols.. Svo. - 1854 Lennard (H. Barrett). The Ion of Euripides. Trans, in its original metres, with Stage Directions. Small 4to. - 1889 „ The Alcestis of Euripides. Trans, in its original metres, with Notes and Stage Directions. 8vo. - - - 1884 Lennox (Chas. Gordon). See Richmond {Duke of). Lenormant (Charles). See Merimee {P.). Lenormant (Francois). Histoire Ancienue de TOrient. 3 vols., 12mo. Atlas 4to. 1869 1. — Temps Primitifs. Israelites. Egyptians. 2. — Assyriens. Babylonians. Mcdes. Parses. 3. — Pheniciens. Arabes. Indians. „ Chaldean Mag:ic, its Origin and Development. Svo. - - 1877 LEN— LES 339 Lenthall (William) [Speaker, 1641]. His Death-Bed Repen- tance. See Charles I. Lentheric (C). La Provence Maritime. 8vo. . . . 1880 Lko X. Life. By Wm. Roscoe. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1846 Leon (Cieza de). Travels in 1532-50, from the Gulf of iJarien to the Citj of La Plata. See Hakluyt Soc, 33. Leon (Edwin De). The Khedives' Egypt. 8vo. - - - 1877 Leon (Pedro C. de). Second Part of the Chronicle of Peru. See Hakluyt Soc, 68. Leonora Christina of Denmark, Countess of Ulfeldt. Memoirs, written during her Imprisonment, 1663-85. Trans, by F. E. Bunnett. 8vo ------ - 1872 Leopardi (Giacomo). Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia. 12mo. - - 1842 Studii Filologici. 12mo. -..-.- 1853 Saggio sopra gli Errori popolari degli Antichi. 12mo. - 1859 Epistolario. 2 vols., 12mo. 1864 Essays and Dialogues. 8vo. ------ 1882 Opere. Vols. 1 and 2. 12mo. 1884 Leopold I., King of the Belgians. Life. By T. Juste. Trans. by R. Black. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1868 Lepinard (J. p. de). L'Humanite Meconnue. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 45. L'Epine. The Legend of Croquemitaine and the Chivalric Times of Charlemagne. Trans, by Tom Hood. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. 4to. - - - - - - -N. D. Lermontoff (Michael). The Demon : a Poem. Trans, by A. C. Stephen. 2nd ed. Small 4to. - - - - 1881 Leroux (Philipert J.). Dictionnaire Coraique, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre et Proverbial. T ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1786 Le Roy (P. L.). ITarrative of Four Russian Sailors who lived Six Years upon the Island of East Spitzbergen. See Pinkerton, Vol. 1. Leroy-Beaulieu (P.). De la Colonisation chez les Peuples Modernes. 8vo. - 1891 Le Sage (Alain Rene). O^^uvres Choisies. 14 vols., 12mo. 1818-21 Histoire de Gil Bias. 4 vols. Le Diable Boiteux. 2 vols. Bachelier de Salamanque. 2 vols. Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache. 2 vols. Histoire d'Estevanille Gonzales. 2 vols. Theatre. 2 vols. „ Asmodeus ; or, the Devil on Two Sticks. With Memoir by Jules Janin. Hvo. ------ 1841 „ Gil Bias de Santillana. 7 vols, in 3, 8vo. - - - 1791 „ „ Ed. bv Comte F. de Neufchateau. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1820 „ Gil Bias. Trans, by B. H. Malkin. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1809 „ Guzman d'Alfarache. 3 vols., 12mo. .... 1728 „ Vie.^ Par E. Lintilhac. See Fi'ongais (Les Grands Ecrivnins) . Lescure (Mathurin F. A. de). Autographes en France et a I'Etranger. 8vo. - - 1865 „ Rivarol et la Societe Frangaise, 1753-1801. 8vo. - - 1883 Leslie (Col. Chas.). Historical Records of the Family of Leslie from 1067-1868. 3 vols., 8vo. 1869 Leslie (Chas. Robt.). Life of John Constable, R. A. Small 4to. 1845 „ Handbook for Young Painters. 8vo. - - - - 1855 Y 2 340 LES— LET Leslie (Chas. Robt.) and Taylor (Tom). Life and Times of Sir Joshua KfvnoMs ; with Xotit-es of some of his Con- temporarirs. 2 vols., Svo. ------ 1865 Leslie (Dr. Thos. Edw. Cliffc). Essavs iu Political and Moral Philosophy. Hvo. - - " 1879 Lesseps (Eerd. de). Souwnirs tk' Quaiaiitt' Ans. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1887 „ And the Great Canal at Suez. By Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols., Svo. ' - - - 1876 Lessint. (Gotthold Ephraitn). Werke. 8 vols., 8vo. - - 1875 Poesie und Kunst. Theater. Litcratur und Theologie. Brief- wechsel. „ Laocoon : an Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry. Trans, by Sir R. Phillimore. 8vo. - . . - 1874 ,, Dramatic Works. With a Memoir bv Helen Zimmern. 12mo. " - - - - 1878 „ Life and Writings. By James Sime. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1877 Lessona (Michel). Volere e Potere. 8vo. . - . . 1879 L'Estraxge (Rev. Alf . G. K.) . Life of Mary R. Mitford. 8 vols., 8vo. 1870 „ Royal Winchester. 12mo. 1889 „ Literary Life of the Rev. Wm. Harness. 8vo. - - - 1871 ,, Palestine under the Moslems. See Palestine Exploration Fund. L'Estrange (Hammond). Annals of the Reign of King Charles I. 2nd. ed. Folio - - - 1656 L'Estrange (Sir Roger). The Observator. In Dialogue. 3 vols. in 2, folio 1684-7 „ Tracts. Small 4to. 1679-83 A Memento of the Rise, Progress, and Remedies of Seditions. Reformed Catholique ; or, the True Protestant. The Casuist Uucas'd. Historical Notes upon the Liberties of the Presse and Pulpit. Citt and Bumpkin : concerning Matters of Religion and Govern- ment. 2 parts. Answer to the appeal from the Country to the City. Character of a Papist in Masquerade. Libels and Lil«llers. Appeal humbly Sulmiitted to the King and the Three Estates assembled in Parliament. .\n Answer to a Lil>el intituled, A True Account from Chichester, concerning the Death of Habin the Informer. Considerations upon the Speech of the late Lord Russell, July 21, 1683. „ A Memento directed to all that Reverence the Memorv of Charles the Martyr. Small 4to. - - - - ' - 1662 „ Fables of ..Esop and other Eminent Mythologists [1669]. (Fac-simile reprint.) Folio- - ... - 1880 „ Seneca's Morals by way of Abstract. 12th ed. 8vo. - 1722 „ The Visions of Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, Knight of the Order of St. James. Translated. 9th ed. Small 8vo. 1702 „ Anecdotes and Traditions. See Camden Sac, 5. Lethbridge (Sir Roper). The Golden Book of India. Imp. Svo. 1893 GeneiUogical and Biographical Dictionary of the Ruling Princes, Chiefs, Nobles, and other Persons, titled or decorated, of the Indian Empire. Letters from Italy, describing the Manners, Customs, Antiquities, &c. [Mrs. (afterwards Lady) Miller.] 3 vols., Svo. - 1776 LEV— LEW 341 Le Vaillant (Franfois). Travels into the Interior of Africa, 1780-5. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1796 Levasseur (Pierre Emile). La Statistique Graphique. 8vo. - 1885 „ Inauguration du Buste du Dr. Crevaux. 8vo. - . - 1885 „ Progres de la Race Europtenne. 8vo. - . . . 1885 „ Statistique Officielle en France. 8vo. . - . . 1885 Lever (Chas.). Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1841 „ Cornelius O'Dowd on Men, Women, and other Things in Greneral. 8vo. -------- 1865 „ Daltons ; or, Three Roads in Life. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1852 „ Davenport Dunn, a Man of our Day. 8vo. - . . 1859 „ Jack Hinton, the Gruardsman. 8vo. ... - 1844 „ Harry Lorrequer. 8vo. ------- 1839 „ Knight of Gr Wynne. 8vo. 1847 „ Luttrell of Arran. 8vo. 1866 „ Martins of Cro' Martin. 8vo. ----- 1856 „ One of Them. 8vo. 1862 „ That Boy of Norcott's. 8vo. 1869 „ Life. By W. J. Fitzpatrick. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1879 Le Verdier (Hen.). See FredoUn. Leverson (Major Hen. A.). The "Old Shekary." Forest and Field. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1867 Levey (G. C). Handy Guide to the River Plate. 12mo. - -1890 Levi (David). La Mente di Michelangelo. 8vo. - - - 1883 Levi (Leone), Annals of British Legislation, ed. by. 16 vols., 8vo. 1856-66 „ International Law. See International Scientific Ser., 62. „ History of British Commerce, 1763-1870. 8vo. - - 1872 Levins (P.). Mauipulus Vocabulorum : a Rhyming Dictionary [1570]. See Early Emjlish Text Soc. Levis (P. M. G. de). Memoires. See Barriers (-F.), Vol. 14. Levy (Arthur). Wapoleon Intime. 3rd ed. 8vo. - - - 1893 Levy (John). Dublin Corporation Discussion on the Repeal of the Union. 8vo. - 1843 Lfwes (The Song of). Ed. by C. L. Kingsford. 12mo. - - 1890 Lewes (George Henry). Actors and the Art of Acting. 8vo. - 1875 „ Aristotle : a Chapter from the History of Science. Includ- ing Analyses of Aristotle's Scientific Writings. 8vo. - 1864 „ Biographical History of Philosophy. 8vo. - - - 1857 „ Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. 12mo. - - - 1853 „ Life of J. W. von Goethe. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1864 ,, Life of Maximilien Robespierre. 8vo. - - - - 1849 „ Problems of Life and Mind. 5 vols., 8vo. - - 1874-9 Ist Series. — Foundations of a Creed. 2nd Series. — Physical Basis of Mind. 3rd Series. — The Study of Psychology. Mind as a Function of the Organism. The Sphere of Sense. The Sphere of Intellect. „ Rose, Blanche, and Violet : a Novel. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1848 „ Seaside Studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles, and Jersey. 12mo. -------- 1856 Lewin (Thos.). The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar. 8vo. 1868 Lewis (Right Hon. Sir George Cornewall). Remarks on the Use and Al)use of Political Terms. 8vo. - - - - 1832 „ On Local Disturbances of Ireland, and on the Irish Church Question. Svo. 1832 342 LEW— LID Lewis (Kight Hon. Sir Goortje Cornewnll") — continued. „ The Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. Svo. - 1849 „ Methods of Observation and Reaisoning in Politics. 2 vols., 8vo. 1852 „ Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman History. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - ' - - - - 1855 „ Foreicrn Jurisdiction and the Extradition of Criminals. 8vo. 1859 ,, Historicxil Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients. 8to. 1862 „ Ori«;in of the Romance Languages. 8vo. - - - 1862 „ Dialogue on the Best Form of Grovernment. 8vo. - - 1863 „ Esj^ivs on the Administrations of Great Britain from 1783 to' 1830. Bvo. -------- 1864 „ Letters to various Friends. Ed. by his Brother. Bvo. - 1870 Lewis (Rev. John). History of the Isle of Tenet, Kent. 4to. - 1736 „ Life of Dr. John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester in the Reign of King Henrv VIII. Ed. bv T. H. Turner. 2 vols., 8vo. - - ■ - - - ' 1855 Lewis (John Delaware). Bons Mots des Grecs et des Romains. 12mo. 1881 Lewis (John Fred.). Sketches of the Alhambra. Folio [1834-5] Lewis (Matthew Gregory). The Monk : a Romance. 12mo. - 1822 „ Journal of a West India Proprietor, Jamaicji. Bvo. - - 1834 „ Life and Correspondence. 2 vols., Bvo. - - - - 1839 Lewis (Samuel), Jun. History of Saint Mary, Islington. 4to. - 1842 Lewis (Lady Maria Theresa V.). Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1852 „ Journals, &c., of Miss Berry. 3 vols., 8vo. - . . ]865 Lexington (Robert Sutton, Lord), British Minister at Vienna, 1694—8. Account of the Courts of London and Vienna. Ed. by the Hon. H. Manners Sutton. 8vo. - - - 1851 Leyland (Francis A.). The Bronte Family, with special reference to Patrick Branwell Bronte. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1886 Leypoldt (F.) and Jones (E. L.). The American Catalogue of Books. Julv 1, 1876. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1880-1 L'HopiTAL (Chanc. Michel de). Life. By Chas. Butler. l2mo. 1814 Lhuyd (Edw.) Archeeologia Britannica. Vol. 1, Glossography (all published). Folio - - - - - - 1707 Lhwyd or Lhuyd (Humphrey). Historic of Cambria, now called Wales. Continued by David Powell. 4to. - . - 1811 Liao-Chai. See P'u Sung-ling. Liber Albus : the White Book of the City of London, compiled A.D. 1419, bv John Carpenter. Trans, by H. T. Riley. Bvo. - -■ 1861 „ See also Chronicles, 12. "Liberal" (The). Verse and Prose from the South. 2 vols. in 1, Bvo. 1822-3 Liberal Year-Book, 1887 (continued). 12mo. - - 1887 et seq. Liber Vitse. Register and Martyrology of New Minster and Hvde Abbey, Winchester. Ed. by W. de Grav Birch. Bvo. ' - - 1891 Library Journal (The). Vols. 1-8. 4to. New York - 1877-83 Lichtenberger (John). Prognosticatio in Latino [1488]. See Holbein Soc, 19. LiDDELL (Henry Geo.), Dean of Christ Church, Oxfonl. and Scott (Robert), Dean of Rochester. Greek-English Lexicon. 2nd ed. Bvo. 1845 -, „ 7th ed. 4to. 1883 LIE— LIN" 343 LiEBER (Francis). Manual of Political Ethics. 8vo. - - - 1839 LiEBiG (Baron Justus von). Animal Chemistry. 8vo. - - 1842 „ Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. 2nded. 8vo. - - - 1842 „ Familiar Letters on Chemistry. Two Series. 2 vols.,fcap. 8vo. ---------- 1843 „ „ 3rd ed., enlarged. 8vo. ----- 1851 „ The Natural Laws of Husbandry. 8vo. - - - - 1863 „ The Life Work of Liebig. [The Faraday Lecture, 1875.] By Prof. A. W. Hofmaun; 8vo. - - - - -1876 Liechtenstein (Princess Marie of). Holland House. 2vols., 8to. 1874 LiEVEN (Dorothea von Benkendorff, Princess). Correspondence with Earl Grey, 1824-34. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1890-1 LiGHTFOOT (Hannah). ' By W. J. Thorns. 8vo. - - - 1867 Lights, IShadows, and Reflections of Whigs and Tories. By a County Gentleman. 8vo. ------ 1841 LiGNE (Helene, Princesse de) Memoirs. Trans, by Laura Ensor. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1887 LiGNE (M. de). Memoires. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 20. LiLLiE (Arthur). Buddhism in Christendom. 8vo. - - - 1887 LiLLO (George). Dramatic Works. With Life [1693-1739] by Thos. Davis. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1810 1. — Life. Silvia. George Barnwell. Life of Scanderbeg. The Christian Hero. 2. — Fatal Curiosity. Marina. Elmerick. Britannia and Batavia. Arden of Feversham. „ Plays. See Bell and Caicthorn, 1, 15 ; and Inchbald, British Theatre, 11. Lilly or Lyly (John). Dramatic Works. With Life [cir. 1553- 1600] by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols., small 8vo. - - 1858 1 . — John Lilly and his Works. Endymion. Campaspe. Sapho and Phao. Galatea. Notes. 2. — Midas. Mother Bombie. 'J'he Woman in the Moone. Love's Metamorphosis. Notes. „ See Dilke's Old Plays, Vols. 1 and 2 ; Dodsley, Vol. 2. Lilly (Will) [the Astrologer]. History of his Life and Times, 1602-81. Written by himself. 8vo. - - - - 1822 „ Observations on the Life and Death of King Charles I. [1651]. See Maseres, Tracts. LiNACRE (Thomas), Physician to King Henry VIII. Life. By J. Noble Johnson. Ed. bv Robert Graves. 8vo. - 1835 Lincoln (Abraham), 16th President U.S.A. Life [1809-65] and Public Services. By Henry J. Raymond. 8vo. - 1865 „ Life, to his Inauguration as President U.S.A. By W. H. Lamon. 8vo. -------- 1872 „ A History. By J. G. Nicolay and John Hay. 10 vols., 8vo. ----- 1891 „ See Blaine {J. G.). Lincoln (Henry de Lacy, Earl of), " Compoti" of the Lancashu-e and Cheshire Manors of. See Chetham Soc, 112. Lincoln's Inn. Burials, Preachers, Lecturers, &c. See Cooper (C.P.). „ Library Catalogue. By W. H. Spilsbury. 8vo. - - 1859 „ „ Supplements, 1859-81. 8vo. - - - 1860-81 „ „ Additions, 1859-90. 8vo. - - - - 1890 „ Lincoln's Inn and its Library. By W. H. Spilsbury. I2mo. 1850 344 LIN—LIT LiNDLEY (Walter) and AVidney (Joseph P.). Guide-book to StuitLiirii C'alit'oriiia. 12mo. ..... 1888 Lindsay (Alex. Win. Crawford, Lord). See Crawford and Bulcarres {Earl of). LiNDSAi' or Lyndsay (Sir David), of the Mount, Lion Kinj;-at- Arms nnder James V. Poetical Works, With Life [1490-1555] bv Gr. Clialmers. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1806 „ „ Ed. by David Lain-;. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1879 „ Works. See Early English Text Soc. Lindsay (Robert), of Pit.scottie. History of Scotland, 143G-1565. With continuation to 1G04. 12mo. . . - - 1778 „ The Chronicles of Scotland. Ed. by Sir J. Grahame Dalyelle. 2 vols., Svo. - - - - - - 1814 Lindsay (W.). Despatches from France, 1791. See Brouning (Oscar). Lindsay (W. H.). A Season at Harwich. 8vo. - - - 1861 Lindsay (Wm. Schaw). Our Merchant Shipping. 8vo. - - 1800 „ History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1874-6 LiNDSEY (Charles). Boundaries of Ontario. 8vo. ... 1873 LiNGARO (Rev. Dr. John). History of England to 1688. 8 vols., 4to. 1819 „ Vindication of Passages in Vols. 4 and 5 of the History of England. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1826 „ History of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1845 LiNGUET (S. N. H.). Memoires. Se^i Barrie re (F.), Yol. 2S. „ Sur la Bastille. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 33. LiN-LE. History of the Taeping Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1866 LiNNELL (John). Life, 1792-1882. Bv Alf. T. Story. 2 vols., 8vo. .---.' 1892 LiNsCHOTEN (J. H. von). Voyage to the East Indies. See HaMmjt Soc, 70, 71. LixtilhaC (Eugene). Le Sage. See Fratiqais (Les Grands Ecrivains). Linton (Eliza Lynn). The Lake Country. Svo. - - - 1864 „ The True "History of Joshua Davidson. 12mo. - - 1874 Linton (Wm. Jas.). The English Republic : a Newspaper and Review. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . . . 1851-5 „ James Watson : a Memoir. 8vo. . . - - . 1880 „ Europeim Republicans. Recollections of Mazzini and his Friends. Svo. 1892 "Lion" (The). Ed. by Richard Carlile. 4 vols., Svo. LipPMANN (F.). Wood Engraving in Italy in the 15th Cent. Svo. 1887 Lipscomb (Dr. George). History and Anti(piities of the County of Buckingham. 4 vols., 4to. .... - 1857 LiSEi (Cesare). Giovanni Bottesini. Cenni Biografici. 8vo. - 1886 Lis.MouE Book of Gaelic Poetry. See Macgregor (Sir J.). LiSMouE Papers. 2 Series. 10 vols., 4to. - - - 1886-8 Autobiographical Notes and Diaries of Sir Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork. [1619-43. Selections from the Correspondence of Sir Richard Eoyle, 1st Earl of Cork. LisTEit (Dr. Martin). Paris in 1698. See Pinkerton, Vol. 4. Lister (.S. C). See Fortunes made in Business. Lister (Thos. Hen.). Life of Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon. 3 vols., Svo. 1838 Little (And. G.). The Grey Friars in Oxford. See Oxford Hist. Soc, 20. LIT 345 Little (Thomas) [Pseudonym]. See Moore {Thomas). Littleton (E. J.). See Hatherton {Lord). LiTTRE (E.). Dictionnaire de la Langae Frau9aise. 5 vols., 4to. - - - - - - - - - 1863-73 „ „ Abrege par A. Beaujean. 8vo. - - - 1880 „ Auguste Comte et la Philosophie Positive. 8vo. - - 1864 Liturgical Tracts from 1547 to 1675. (Reprints.) Small 4to.- 1846 The Order of Communion. [1547.] The Canons of the Holy Apostle.s ; the Greek Text [1540] ; the Latin Version of Dionysius Exiguus [500] ; and a Translation. Injunctions given liy Edward VI. [1547.] De Eebus Adiaphoris. An Epistle from the Consistory at Hamburg to Philip Melanchthon, with his Answer. [1549.] Articles to be Inquired of in the Visitation of the Diocese of London. By the Bishop of London. [1550.] Articuli de quibus iu Synodo Londinensi. [1552.] Articles agreed upon in the last Convocation at London. [1552.] Articles to l)e Inquired of in the Visitation in the First Year of Queen Elizal)eth. [1559.] Injunctions given by the Queen's Majesty concerning both the Clergy and Laity of this Eealm. [1559.] The Act for the Uniformity of Prayer and Administration of Sacraments, 1 Eliz., cap. 2. Celebratio Ccense Domini in Funeribus, si Amici et Vicini defunct! Communicare velint. [1560.] Articidi de quibus convenit inter Archiepiscopos, et Episcopos utriusque Provincise, et Clerum Universum, in Synodo Londini. [1562.] Articles agreed upon in the Convocation hold^n at London. [1562.] Liber quorundam Canonum Disciplinse Ecclesise AnclicanEe. [1571.] Articulati per Archiepiscopum, Episcopos, et reliquum Clerum Cantuariensis Provincise in Synodo inchoata Londini. [1584.] Advertisements, partly for the due Order in the Public Administration of the Holy Sacraments, and partly for the Apparell of all persons Ecclesiatical, by virtue of the Queen's Majestie's Letters commanding the same. [1594.] Capitula sive constitutiones Ecclesiasticse per Archiepiscopum, Episcopos, et reliquum Clerum Cantuariensis Provincia?] in Synodo inchoata Londini. [1597.] Constitutiones sive Canones Ecclesiastici, per Episcopum, Londinensem, Prsesidem Synodi pro Cantuariensi Pro- vinciae, ac reliquos Episcopos, et Clerum ejusdem Pro- vincial ex Regia Authoritate tractati, et conclusi. [1604.] The Form and Manner of Making and Consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. [1629.] Forms of the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Canonical Obedience. _ Proclamation declaring that the Proceedings of his Majestie's Ecclesiastical Courts and Ministers are according to the Laws of the Realm. [1637.] Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical in the Convocations of Canterbury and York, and agreed upon in their Synods at London and York. [1640.] The Form of Consecration of a Church or Chappel, and of the Place of Christian Burial. By Lancelot Andrews, Bishop of Winchester. [1675.] Articles addressed to the Bishops of the Province of Canterbury. By Archbishop Sancroft. [1688.] Letter to the Bishops of the Province of Canterbury. By Arch- bishop Seeker. [1759.] 346 LIT— LLO Liturgies (English). See Booh of Common Prayer, and Parkvr Soc. LiTi'RGiES. See Book of Common Brai/er, and Barker Soc. Liverpool (Cliarlfs Jeiikiusoii, 1st Earl of). Collcetioii of Treaties between Givat IJritain and other Powers, 1018 to 1783. Discourse on the Conduct of Great Britain to Neutral Nations. 3 vols., 8vo. ...-.- 1785 „ Treatise on the Coins of the Kealm. 4to. - - - - 1805 Liverpool (Hohert Banks .Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of), Memoirs of the Public Life and Administrations of, 1770-1828. 8vo. 1827 „ Life. By C . D. Yonge. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1868 Lives and Trials of Beformers, 17i)3— 1. 8vo. - - - - 1837 Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. 3'vols., 12mo. .... 1825-7 1. — Dante. Petrarch. Boccaccio. Lorenzo de' Medici. Bojardo. Eerni. Ariosto. ilachiavelli. 2. — Galileo. Guicciardini. Vittoria Colonna. Guarini. Tasso, Chiabrera. Tassoni. Marini. Filicaja. Metastasio. Goldoui. Altieri. Monti. Ugo Foscolo. 3. — Eoscan. Garcila^co de la Vega. Diego Ilurtado de Mendoza. Louis do Leon. Herrera. Jorge de Monte- major. Castillejo. The Early Dramatists. Ercilla. Cervantes. Lope de Vega. Vicente Espinel. Esteban de Villegas. Gongora. Quevedo. Calderon. Eibeyra. Saa de Miranda. Gil Vicente. Ferreira. Camoens. Lives of Eminent Persons. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. 1833 Blake. Mahomet. Smith (Adam). Caxton. Michael Angelo. Somers (Lord). Coke (Sir Edward). Newton. "Wolsey. Galileo. Niebuhr. Wren (Sir C). Kepler. Livingstone (Edw.). System of Penal Law for Louisiana. 8vo. n. d. „ Life [1761-1836]. By Charles Havens Hunt. 8vo. - 186-4 Livingstone (Dr. David). Missionary Travels and Besearches in South Africa. [16 Years' Kesidence.] 8vo. - - 1857 „ Last Journals. Ed. by Kev. Horace Waller. 2 vols., 8vo. - ...----. 1874 „ Search for and Discovery of. See Stanley {H. J/.). „ Life [1817-73]. By Thomas Hughes. See Bnglish Men of Action. Livingstone (Dr. David), and Livingstone (Charles). Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries, 1858-6 L 8vo. I860 Livius (Titus). Historia Romana. Ex Editione G. A. Ruperti. 20 vols., 8vo. 1828 „ Essai sur Tite Live. Par H. A. Taine. 12mo. - - 1874 Llovd (Chas. D. Clifford). Ireland under the Laud League. 12mo. ......--. 1892 Lloyd (Rev. David). State Worthies from the Reformation to the Revolution. With the Characters of the Kings and C^ueens, l)y Chas. Whitworth. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1766 Lloyd (Edward). Antiquities of Shropshire. Revised and en- larged by Thos. Parmer Dukes. 4to. - - - - 1844 Lloyd (Major-Gen. Hen.). History of the War in Germany between the King of Prussia and the Empress of Germany, 1756-9. 2 vols, in 3, 4to. - - - - 1781 Lloyd (Capt. L. L.). Scandinavian Adventures during a Residence of upwards of Twenty years. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1854 LLO— LOG 347 Lloyd (R. Duppa). Origin of the Guelphs : an Historical Chart. In 8vo. Case -------- 1892 Lloyd (Dr. W.). Letters from the West Indies, 1836-7. 8vo. - n. d. Lloyd (Wm. Watkiss). Essays on the Life and Plays of Shakespeare. 8vo. ------- 1858 „ Christianity in the Cartoons referred to Artistic Treatment and Historical Fact. 8vo. ------ 1865 „ Philosophy, Theology, and Poetry in the Age of Raphael. 8vo. -.-..--... 1867 „ History of Sicily to the Athenian War ; with Elucidations of the Sicilian Odes of Pindar. 8vo. - - - - 1872 „ The Age of Pericles : a History of the Politics and Arts of Greece. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1875 Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping, Annals of. 8vo. - _- - - _- - - - - - 1884 Lloyd's Yacht Register, 1884 {continued). Obi. 8vo. 1884 et seq. LoBEiRA (Vasco). Amadis de Gaul. Trans, by Robert Southey. New ed. 3 vols., 12mo. ------ 1872 LoBLEY (J. Logan). Hampstead Hill : its Structure, Materials, and Sculpturing. Fcap. 4to. ----- 1889 LoBO (Father Jerome). A Voyage to Abyssinia, 1622. Trans. by Dr. Johnson. See Pinkerton, Vol. 15. Local Government and Taxation. Cobden Club Essays. Ed. by J. W. Probyn. 8vo. ------- 1875 England : Hon. Geo. C. Brodrick. Scotland: Alexander McNeel Caird. Ireland : "W. Neilson Hancock. Australian Colonies and New Zealand : Sir C. Dilke, Thomas Webb Ware, and W. H. Archer. Belgium and Holland : Emile de Lave- leye. France : Comptc de Franqueville. Russia : Ashton Wentworth Dilke. Spain : Moret y Prendergast. Ger- many, England, and Prussia : R. B. D. Morier. Local Historian's Table-book of Remarkable Occurrences, &c. in Northumberland and Durham. See Richardson {M. A.). Loch Ce, The Annals of. Irish AfFairs, 1014-1590. See Chronicles, 54. Loch (James). Memoirs of the 1st Duke of Sutherland. 4to. - 1834 Loch (C. S.). Charities Register and Digest (contitii(ed). 8vo. - - - 1889 et seq. Locke (John). Works; with short Life [1632-1704]. 9 vols., 8vo. 1824 1, 2. — Essay concerning Human Understanding. Conduct of the Understanding. Commonplace Book. 3. — Controversy with Bishop StillingHeet. 4. — Tracts on Money and Coinage. Two Treatises on Govern- ment. 5. — Letters concerning Toleration. 6. — Reasonableness of Christianity. 7. — Paraphrase and Notes on St. Paul's Epistles. 8, 9. — Thoughts on Education. Discourse of Miracles. Memoirs of Anthony, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury. Familiar liCtters. Tracts. Constitutions of Carolina. History of Naviga- tion. Catalogue of Voyages and Travels. Growth and Culture of Vines and Olives. Production of Silk. Preservation of Food. ,, Original Letters. Sketch of his Writings and Opinions. By T. Forster. 8vo. 1847 „ Pieces never before Printed. 8vo. ----- 1720 „ Locke and Sydenham. ^Qe Broicn {John), Horse Subsecivse. „ Life. By Lord King. New ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1830 „ „ By Prof. Fowler. See English Men of Letters. 348 LOC— LOG Locke (Johu). The Gaiiu' Laws. Fcap. 8vo. - - - . 1840 Locke (Joseph), Railway p:ngint'er. Life [1 805-60] . By Joseph I)ive}-. 8vo. .---... 1862 Locker (Edw. llawke). Memoirs of Celebrated Xaval Com- mauders. Imp. Svo. ---.-.. 1832 LocKiiART (Ephraim). 8ee Stirling {Earl of). LocKUART (George). Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland, from Queen Anna's Accession to the Union in 1707. 3rd ed. 8vo. 1714 „ The Lockhart Papers. Ed. by G. A. Aufrere. 2vols., 4to. 1817 Memoirs ami Commentaries upon the Affairs of Scotland [1702-15] ; StCRt Corrtspondence ■vrith the Son of James II. [1718-28] ; and other Political "Writings. Also Journals and Memoirs of the Young Pretender's Expedition in 1745, by Highland Officers in his Army. Lockhart (John Gibson). Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 3 vols., 8vo. 1819 „ Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. 7 vols., 8vo. - - 1837-8 „ Ancient Spanish Ballads. Trans. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - 1870 LoCKMAN (John). Travels of the Jesuits in China and India. 2 vols., 8vo. 1762 LocKYER (Joseph Xorman). The Meteoric Hypothesis. Hvo. - 1890 „ Studies in Spectrum Analysis. See International Scientific Ser., Vol. 23. LocRE (Baron). La Legislation de la France. 31 vols., 8vo. 1827-32 1-16.— Code Civil. 17-20. — Code de Commerce. 21-3. — Code de Procedure Civile. 24. — Discussion du Projet de Code Criminel. 25-8. — Code d'Instruction Criminelle. 29-31.— Code P^nal. Lodge (Edmund). Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain ; with Memoirs. 12 vols, in 6, 8vo. - - 1823-34 „ Life of Sir Julius C^sar, Bart. (Master of the Rolls, 1614-29). 4to. - - - 1827 „ Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners from Henry YII I. to James I. ; with Notes. 3 vols., 8vo. 1838 „ The GenciUogy of the existing British Peerage. 6th ed. 8vo. 1838 Lodge (Hen. Cabot). Life and Letters of George Cabot. .*■ vo. - 1878 „ History of the English Colonies in America. 8vo. - - 1882 Lodge (Ur. Thomas). Works. Novels, Poems, Plays, &c. 4 vols., 4to. See Hunterian Club. „ Wounds of Civil War. See Dodsley, Vol. 8. „ A Defence of Poetry. See Shakespeare Soc. „ Reply to Gosson. See SaintsbKri/ {Geo.). LoFTiE (Rev. Wm. John). Memorials of the Savoy, the Palace, the Hospital, the Chapel. 12mo. - - - . 1873 „ Kensington, Picturesque and Historical. Imp. 8vo. - - 1888 „ History of London. 2 vols., 8vo. 1888 „ Westminster Abbey, with Illustrations. Folio - - 1890 Logan (The Laird of) ; or. Anecdotes and Tales illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland. 8vo. - - - - 1863 Logan (James) [Advocate], Journey through Canada, the United States, and the West Indies. 12mo. - - - - 1838 Logan (James). History of Clans of the Scottish Highlands. With Drawings and Costumes by R. R. Mclan. 2 vols., folio 1845-7 „ The Scottish Gael ; or, Celtic Manners, as preserved among the Hisrhlanders. 2 vols., 8vo. 1831 LOG— LON 349 Logan (Kev. John). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 70. Logarithms of Numbers 1 to 108,000. See Chambers ( JV. and R). LoGGAN (David). Oxonia Illustrata. Folio - . - - 1675 „ Cantabi-igia Illustrata. Folio 1688 Lois Fran9aises et Etrangeres sur la Propriete Litteraire et Artis- tique. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris 1889 Lollards (The). Some Account of the Witnesses for the Truth in Great Britain from 1400 to 1546. 12mo. - - N. D. Lombard Street, Signs of. See Price (F. G. H.). LoMENiE (Louis de). Beaumarchais et son Temps: Etudes sur la Societe en France au 18* Siecle. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1858 „ Les Mirabeau : ISTouvelles Etudes sur la Societe Fran9aise au 18* Siecle. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - _ - 1879 „ „ Deuxieme Partie. Vols. 3-5. Continue par son Fils. 8vo. 1889-92 LoMMEL (Dr. Eugene). The Nature of Light. See Inter- national Scienfijfc Ser., Vol. 18. London Antiquities. (Engravings from original Drawings, &c.) See Smith (J. T.). „ Archaeological Institute Congress, July, 1866. 8vo. - - 1867 Preliminary Address : A. J. B. Beresford Hope. Archseology in its Keligious Aspect : Dean Stanley. Military Architecture of the Tower: G. T. Clark. Chapter House of Westminster : Gr. Gilbert Scott. Sculpture in Westminster Abbey : Prof. Westmacott. Westminster Hall : Edw. Foss. Public Eecord Office : Joseph Burtt. London and her Election of Stephen : Eev. J. E. Green. Eoyal Picture Galleries : Geo. Scharf. „ Barber Surgeons' Company. See Young {S.). „ Carpenters, Company of. See Jupp (E. B.). „ Charter of Confirmation, Charles II. 12mo. - - [n. d.] „ Charters and Constitutional Documents. Ed. by Walter de Gray Birch. Kevised ed. Imp. 8vo. - - - - 1887 „ Chronicle of, 1089-1483; from MSS. in the British Museum. 4to. 1827 „ Churches in Environs. 100 views. 4to. - . . . 1811 „ City Church Registers. See Hallen {Rev. A. TV. C). „ City Directory {continued). 8vo. - - - 1871 et seq. „ (City of). A Chronicle of, to the year 1264. See Camden Soc, 34. „ Companies, Twelve Great Livery. See Herbert {TVm.). „ County Council, Handbook of. See Dod. „ „ Duties and Powers. See Go7nme {G. L.). „ Environs of. See Thome ; also London and its Environs. „ French Chronicle, 1259-1343 ; and Chronicles of the Mayor and Sheriffs, 1188-1274. Trans, by H. T. Riley. Small 8vo. 1863 „ French Chronicle. From a MS. in the Cottonian Library. Ed. by G. J. Aungier. See Camden Soc, 28. „ Geological Map. By J. B. Jordan. Folio case - - 1889 „ Grocers' Company. See Heath {J. B.). „ Guildhall Library Catalogue. 8vo. - - - - 1889 „ Handbook of. See Bcedeker, Cunningham, Whcutley. „ Ironmongers, Company of. iiee JVicholl {J.). „ Letters from the Mayor and Corporation [1350-70]. Ed. by R. R. Sharpe. 8vo. 1885 350 LON London — rontinncd. „ Lihor All)us: a.d. 1412, by John Carpenter. Richard Whittington, Mayor. Trans. l)V H. T. Rih'v. Square 8vo. - - -" - - 1861 „ London and its Environs Described. 6 vols., 8vo. - - 1701 „ London and Paris ; or. Comparative Sketches. By the Marquis de Vermont and Sir Chas. Darnley. [Bv Wm. Jerdan]. 8vo. '- - 1823 „ London Interiors. Witli tlieir Costumes and Ceremonies. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. N. D. „ London's Boll of Fame : lu-ing Complimentary Votes and Addresses on Presentation of the Freedom of the City, and on other occasions, 1757-1884. 4to. . . . 1884 „ Map. By R. Ilorwood. Large folio - - - 1794—9 „ Map of, 1886. In case. 8vo. 1886 ., Map of Parliamentary Boroughs, 1885. In 8vo. case. „ (Map of the County of). 2 inches to 1 mile; in case. 12mo. 1888 „ Map, School Board Districts. (6 inches to the mile.) [1881] ,, Map showing Geology of. See Jordan (G. B.). „ Merchant Taylors, Company of. See Clode {C. M.). „ Metropf)lis Local Management Acts. With Cases, Notes, and Index. By E. H. Woolrvch. 3rd ed. 8vo. -1888 „ Munimenta Gildhallaj : Liber Albus, Liber Custiimarum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Gildhallae asservati. See Chronicles, 12. „ Pageants. 8vo. 1831 1 . — Accounts of Fifty-five Royal Processions and Entertainments. 2. — A Bibliographical List of Lord Mayors' Pageants. „ Remembrancia of the City. 8vo. ----- 1878 „ Saddlers, Company of. See Shericell {J. W.). „ School Board. Report of the School Management Com- mittee, 1889-90 {continued). Folio - - 1889-90 et seq. „ Signs. By P. Norman. 8vo. 1893 „ Stepney Parish, ^Memorials of. Small 4to. - l^QO et scq. „ Twelve Great Liverv Compani^s. See Herbert ( Wm.). „ AVills Proved in the Court of Husting [1258-1358]. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. ------ 1889-J)0 London and Middlesex Archajological Society. Transactions (continued). Vol. 1 et seq. . - - - I860 et seq. London and Middlesex Note-]H)ok of Social Historv and Anti- quities. Ed. by W. P. W. Phillimore. Royal 8vo. - 1892 London Atlas of Universal Geography. (Stanford's.) 90 Maps. Folio 1887 London Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. London Gazette (The) (continued) - - - - 1840 et seq. London Library, St. James's Square. See Catalogues. London Magazine. 15 vols., 8vo. ----- 1820-6 London Po.st Office Directory (cow<t LOW— LUC Lowell (James RussfU). The Biglow Papers. 2 Series. 8vo. 1861-7 ., Among Mv Books. 6 Essavs. 8vo. - - - - 1870 „ Political Es.savs. 12mo. ' 1889 .. Life. By F. H. Underwood. 8vo. 1882 Lower (Mark Anthony). Curiosities of Heraldry. 8vo. - - 1845 ,, Contrihntions to Literature. 12m<). - - - 1854 .Mfuiitrials of the Cintpie Port of Seafonl. 8vo. - - 1H55 „ Patronymica Britanuica : a Dictionary of Family Names.8vo. 1860 „ Worthies of Sus.sex. 4to. ..-.-. 1865 „ Compendious History of Sussex ; Index to the " Sussex Archneological Collections." Vols. 1-20. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1870 „ Life. See Campkin {H.). Lowndes (William Thos.). Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New ed. By Hen. (t. Bohn. 4vols., 12mo. 1864 LowsLEY (Major Barzillai). Glossary of Berkshire Words and Phrases. 8vo. -------- 1888 LoYD (Samuel Jones). See Overstone (Lord). Loyola (Ignatius). Life. By Stewart Rose. 8vo. - - - 1871 Li'AKD (L-eut.-Col. John). History of the Dress of the British Soldier. Illu.strated with 50 Drawings. 8vo. - - 1852 LvBBOCK (Sir John). Pre-Historie Times, as Illustrate«l by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. 8vo. ------ 1869 „ The Origin of Cidlization and the Primitive Condition of Man. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1870 New ed. 8vo. - 1882 The Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. 12mo. - - 1874 Addresses, Political and Educational. 8vo. - - - 1879 .Scientific Lectures. 8vo. ------ 1879 Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves. 12mo. - . - . 1886 ,. 'i'he Pleasures of Life. 2 Parts. 12mo. - - - 1887-9 .Vnts. Bees, and Wasps. See International Scientijic Ser., 40. „ Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals, with reference to Insects. See International Scientific Ser., 65. LrBE (D. G.). An Argument against the Gold Standard. 8vo. - 1832 LuBKE (Dr. Wm.). Historv of Art. Trans, bv F. E. Bunnett. 2 vols., 8vo. - ■ - - - -■ - - - 1868 ., Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages. Trans, by L. A. Wheatley. ' 8vo. - - - - 1876 LucANT'S (M. Annaeus). Pharsalia. Ex emendatione H. Grotii. 8vo. - - - 1818 „ Pharsalia. Trans, bv Xich. Rowe. See British Poets, Vols. 99, 100. Lucas (Chas. Prestwood). Historical Geography of the British Colonies. 12 mo. - - - - - - - 1887 Lucas (Frederick), M.P. Founder of the " Tablet." Life. By Edward Lucas. 2vols.,8vo. ----- 1H86 Lucas (Samuel). Secularia ; or, Surveys on the Main Stream of Hi-tory. Svo. - - - " 18(;2 Lucianus Oi)era. Edidit Joh. Th. Lehmann. 9 vols., 8vo. 1822-31 „ By Rev. W. L. Collins. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. „ Life. See Drifden {John), Jf^orks, Vol. IS. Lucretius (Cams Titus). De Rerum Natura. Ex Editione Gilberti Waketieldi. 3 vols., 8vo. . - . - 1823 „ ,, With a Trans, and Xotes, by H. A. J. Munro. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - " - - - - 1.S66 LUC— LYE 355 Lucretius (Carus Titus). De Rerum Natura — continued. „ „ Trans, by Thos. Creech. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1714 „ „ Translations from. See Dry den {John), Works, Vol. 12. „ By W. H. Mallock. See Black wood'' s Ancient Classics. ,, Lucretius and the Poetic Characteristics of his Age. By W. Y. Sellar. See O.vford Essays, 1855. Ludlow Churchwardens' Accounts (1540-1603). See Camden Soc, 102. Ludlow (Edmund). Memoirs. With the Case of King Charles I., and Proclamation of William and Mary. 3 vols., 8vo. 1698-9 „ „ New ed. 4to. - - - "- - - - 1771 Ludlow (John Malcolm F.) . Thoughts on the Policy of the Crown towards India. 8vo. ------- 1859 LuKis (Eev. William Collings). Pre-Historic Stone Monuments of Cornwall. 4to. 1885 LuMiSDEN (Andrew), Privat-e Secretary to the Stuart Princes. Memoirs [1720-1801]. See Dennistoun (James). LuMLEY (Benj.). Reminiscences of the Opera. 8vo. - - 1864 LuMLEY (W. Gr.). Cases on Subject of the New Poor Law. 8vo. 1840 LuNARDi (Vincent). Five Aerial Voyages in Scotland. 8vo. - 1786 LuPTON (llev. Joseph H.) . Life of John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's. 8vo. ----- 1887 LusHiNGTON (Vernon). Shakespeare. 8vo. - - - 1885 „ Mozart. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1883 „ The Day of all the Dead. 8vo. 1883 „ The Worship of Humanity. 8vo. - - - - - 1886 „ See Positivist Publications. LusiGNAN (Princess A. de). Reign of Abdul Hamid II. 12mo. - 1889 Luther (Martin). The Book of Vagabonds and Beggars [1528]. Trans, by John Camden Hotten. Square 8vo. - - 1860 „ Table Talk ; or, Familiar Discourse. Trans, by William Hazlitt. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1848 ,, Catechism for the People, Pastor, and Preacher. See Holbein Sac, 20. „ Life. See Tulloch (J.). „ See Ana, French, 3. Luttrell (Narcissus). A Brief Relation of State Affairs from Sept., 1678, to April, 1714. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - 1857 LuYS (J.). The Brain and its Functions. See International Scientific Ser., 37. Lyall (Sir Alfred C). Warren Hastings. See English Hen of Action. Lyall (Dr. Robert). Travels in Russia, the Crimea, Caucasus, and Georgia. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- [1825] Lycias. See Oratores Attici, Vol. 1. Lycurgus. Fi'agmenta. See Oratores Attici, Vol. 3. Lydgate (Father John). Story of Thebes: a Poem. See Chancer, Works. „ Chichevache and Bicorna : a Play. See Dodsley, Vol. 12. „ The Childe of Bristol : a Poem, ^ee Camden Misc., \o\. 4:. Lye (Rev. Edward). Dictionarium Saxonico — et Gothico — Latinum. Edidit O. Manning. 2 vols., folio - - 1772 „ Etymologicum Anglicanum. See Junius {Fr.). Lyell (Sir Charles). Travels in North America. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1845 „ Second Visit to the United States. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1849 „ Principles of Geology. 7th ed. 8vo. . . - - 1847 z 2 356 LYE— LYT Lyell (Sir Charles') — continued. „ Elements of Geoloory. 6th ed. 8vo. - - - - 1865 „ The Geoloojical Eviileiices of the Antiquity of Man. Svo. - 1863 „ Life [1797-1875J, Letters, and Journals. Ed. l>v his sister- in-law, Mrs. Lyell. 2 vols.. 8vo. ------ 1881 Lyi.y (John). Pap with a Hatchet. See Sninfsbiin/ (Gen.). L Y.MAN (Theo.). Diplomacy of the United States with Foreign Nations, 1778-1814. 8vo. ------ 1826 Lynch (Commander, W. F.), U.S.N. Narrative of the U.S. Expedition to the Jordan and Dead Sea. 5th ed. 8vo. 1851 Lyndhurst (Jolui Siuiileton C\)i)ley, Tjord). Life [1772-1863]. See Cuinphcll {Lord). „ „ Lord Campbell Corrected. Hee St. Leonards (Lord). „ Ars logica Copleiana ; or, Solicitor-General's Logic. By F. Maciroue. 8v ). 1820 „ Life. By Sir Theodore Martin. 8vo. - - - - 1883 Lyndsay. See Lindsay. LvNEDOCH (Thos. Graham, Lord). Life. Bv Capt. Alex. Martin Delavoye. 8vo.- - - - " - - - - 1880 Lydn (Capt. Geo. Francis). Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to reach Kepulse Bay in 1824. 8vo. - - - - 1825 „ Residence and Tour in Mexico in 1826. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1828 Lyox-Caen (C.) and Delalain (P.). Lois siir la Propriete Litte- raire et Artistique. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1890 Lyrical Ballads. [By Colerid<;e and Wordsworth.] Reprint from the Isted., 1798. YA. by Dr. Edw. Dowden. 12ino. 1891 Lysons (Rev. Daniel). The Environs of London. 6 vols., 4t.o. 1792-1811 Lysons (Rev. Daniel), and Lvsons (Samuel). Magna Britannia. Vols. 1-6 (all that were published). 4to. - - 1806-22 1. — Bedfordshire, Berkshire. 4. — Curaherland. Bucki ngham.shire. r>. — Derbyshire. 2. — Cam1)ridgeshire, Cheshire. fi. — Devonshire. 3. -Cornwall. Lysons (Samuel). Views of Gloucestershire Antiquities. Folio - - 1791-1803 Lysons (Rev. Sam.). Our British Ancestors, Who and What were They ? Svo. - - - - - - - 1865 Lyte (H. C. Maxwell) History of Eton College, 1MO-1S75 8vo. 1877 „ History of the University of Oxford. 8vo. - - - 1886 Lyttelton (Charles), Bislio]) of Carlisle. Memoirs. Si'C Jesse {J. //.), Etonians, Vol. 1. Lyttelton (Geoi-ge, 1st Lord). History of King Henry II. and his Age. 'J'o which is prefixed, A History of the Revo- lutions, 1066-1133. 4 vols., 4to. - ■ - - - 1767 3r(l ed. 6 vols., 8vo. - 1769 „ Miscellaneous Works. 3 vols., 8vo. ... - 1776 Vol. 1. — Oli-servations on the Life of Cicero. (.)n Roman History. Present State of Affairs at Home and Aliroad. Letters from a Pei-sian in England to his Friend at Ispahan. Essays. Vol. 2. — ')l)servations on St. Paiil. Dialogues of the Dead. Vol. 3. — Four Speeches in Parliament. Poems. Letters to Sir. T. Lyttelton. „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 56. „ Memoir8 [1708-73]. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians, Vol. I. LYT 357 Ltttelton (George William, 4th Lord). Ephemera. 2 Series. 2vols., 8vo. ------- 1865-72 Lyitelton (George William, 4th Lord) and Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.). Translations. 2nd ed. 4to. - - - 1863 Lyttelton (Thomas, 2nd Lord). Life. By Thos. Frost. 8vo. - 1876 Lytton (Sir Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Lord). Novels and Romances. 26 vols., 8vo. - - - 1877-8 1. — Pelham. 13. — Devereux. 2.— Paul Clifford. 14.— The Caxtons. 3. — Eugene Aram. 15, 16. — My Novel. 4. — Last Days of Pompeii. 17. — Lucretia. 5. — Kienzi. 18. — Harold. 6. — Last of the Barons. 19. — Zanoni. 1. Ernest Maltravers. 20, 21. — What will hedowithit? 8. — Alice. 22. — Strange Story. The 9. — Godolphin. Haunted and the 10. — Disowned. Haunters. 11. — Night and Morning. 23. — The Coming Race. Falk- 12.— Leila. Calderon the land. Zicci. Pausanias. Courtier. The Pil- 24.— Kenelm Chillingly, grims oftheEhine. 25,26. — The Parisians. A Strange Story. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . . - 1862 The Coming Race. 8vo. ------ 1871 Kenelm Chillingly. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1873 The Parisians. 4 vols., 8vo. ----- [1872] Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 vols., 8vo. - - 1852-4 1. — The New Timon. Constance. Milton. Eva. Sec. 2. — King Arthur, i.-ix. 3. — King Arthur, x.-xii. Corn Flowers. Earlier Poems. 4. — Duchess de la Valliere. Lady of Lyons. Richelieu. 5. — Money. Not so bad as we seem. „ St. Stephen's : a Poem. 12mo. - - - - I860 „ Walpole ; or, Every Man has his Price : a Comedy in Rhyme, in three Acts. Square 8vo. ----- 1869 „ The Siamese Twins : a Satirical Tale of the Times. With other Poems. 8vo. ------- 1831 „ The Lost Tales of Miletus. 8vo. ----- 1866 „ Miscellaneous Prose Works. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1868 1. — The Eeign of Terror. Oliver Goldsmith. Charles Lamb and some of his Companions. Gray's Works. Sir Thomas Browne. Pitt and Fox. Pym v. Falkland. Life of Schiller. 2. — Essays written in Youth. The Student. Influence of Love upon Literature and Eeal Life. 3. — Essays written in Maturity. Caxtouiaua. „ Falkland. 8vo. - - 1827 „ England and the EngHsh. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1833 „ The Student : a Series of Papers. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1835 „ Athens, its Rise and Fall. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1837 „ Caxtoniana : Essays on Life, Literature, &c. 2 vols , »vo. - 1863 „ Memoir. With his Speeches and Political Writings. By Robert, Earl of Lytton. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1874 „ Life, Letters, and Remains. By Robert, Earl of Lytton. - 1883 Lytton (Edw. Robt. Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of) [Owen Meredith]. The Wanderer, and other Poems. 2nd ed. 12mo. --------- 1858 „ Chronicles and Characters. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1868 „ Poems, Historical and Characteristic. 12mo. - - - 1877 „ Fables in Song. 2 vols., 12mo. 1876 358 LYT— MAC Lttton (Edw. I?obt. Lytton Biilwer-Lytton, Earl of) — continued. „ After Paradise 1887 „ Glenaveril ; or, the Metamorphoses. 2 vols., 12ino. - - 1885 „ Lucile. 12ino. - 1887 „ The Rino^ of Aina.sis : a Romance. 12mo. - - - 1890 Lytton (Rosina, Lady). Life. By Louisji Devey. 2ud ed. 8vo. 1887 M. P. Hints on Spiritualism. 12mo. 1872 Mabinogion : an Old Chronicle from the Welsh. Trans., with Notes, by Lady Charlotte Guest. 8vo. - - - 1877 Macalister (Dr. Alex.). Introduction to Animal Morphology and Zoolos. 8vo. 1842 Maimbourg (Louis). History of the League. Trans, by John Dry den. 8vo. 1684 „ „ See also Dryden, Jforks, Vol. 17. Maimonides (Moses ben Ma'imoun). Guide of the Perplexed. Translated by M. Friedlander. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1885 MAI—MAL 365 Maine (Sir Henry Jas. Sumner). Ancient Law : its Connexion with the Early History of Society, and its Relation to Modern Ideas. 8vo. ----- - - 1863 Village Communities in the East and West. Bvo. - - 1871 Lectm-es on the Early Histoi'y of Institutions. 8vo. - - 1875 Early Law and Custom. 8vo. ------ 1883 Popular Government. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - 1886 Life, 1822-88. By Sir Mountstuart E. Grrant-Duff. With some of his Indian Speeches. Ed. by Dr. Whitley Stokes. 8vo. -------- 1892 Maixeri (B. E.). La Polonia e I'Europa. 12mo. - - -1888 Maintenon (Madame de). Memoires et Lettres. Pub. par De la Beaumelle. 16 vols., 16mo. ----- 1778 „ Correspondence with the Princess des Ursins. 3 vols., 8vo. 1827 Maitland of Lethington. See Skelton (J.). Maitland (Dr. Charles). The Church in the Catacombs: a description of the Primitive Church of Rome. 8vo. - 1846 Maitland (Rear-Adm. Sir Fred. Lewis). N"aiTative of the Sur- render of Buonaparte. 8vo. ----- 1862 Maitland (Fred. Wm.). Justice and Police. See English Citizen Series. Maitland (Rev. Dr. Sam. Roffey). List of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library of Lambeth. Bvo. - 1843 „ Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation in England. Bvo. -------- 1849 „ The Dark Ages : Essays illustrative of the State of Religion and Literature, 9th-l 2th Centuries. Bvo. - - - 1853 Maitland (Wm.). History of Edinburgh. Folio - - - 1753 „ Historv and Antiquities of Scotland to 1437 (continued to 1603). 2 vols., folio ------- 1757 „ History of London from its Foundation. 2 vols., folio - 1766 Major (Richard Henry). The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator. 8vo. ----- 1868 „ Early Indications of Australia. See Hakluyt Soc, 25. „ Voyages of the " Zeni " to the Northern Seas in the 14th Century. See HaMnyt Soc., 50. Malarce (A. de). Monnaies, Poids et Mesures des Etats du Monde. Bvo. ------- [1885] „ Vie. Par Hen. Issanchou. Bvo. ----- 1885 Malay States and Straits Settlements. Notes on Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 18B6. 8vo. ----- 1886 Malcolm (Jas. Peller). Manners and Customs of London, from the Roman Invasion to the year 1700. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1811 „ „ During the IBth Century. 2 vols., Bvo. - - 1810 „ Miscellaneous Anecdotes, illustrative of the Manners and History of Europe, Charles II. — Anne. Bvo. - - 1811 „ Historical Sketch of the Art of Caricaturing. With Graphic Illusti'ations. 4to. - - - - - -1813 „ Londinium Rodivivum : Ancient History and Modern Description of London. 4 vols., 4to. - - - - 1807 Malcolm (Major-Gen. Sir John) [Governor of Bombay, 1827-30]. Sketch of the Political History of India, 1784-1811. Bvo. 1811 „ History of Persia. 2 vols., 4to . . - - - 1815 „ Memoir of Central India. 2 vols., Bvo. - - 1823 „ Life of Robert, Lord Clive. 3 vols., Bvo. - - - -1836 „ Life and Correspondence. Journals. By Sir John W. Kaye. 2 vols., Bvo. ------- 1856 3«6 MAL Malet (Sir Alex. Clias.). Overthrow of the German Confedera- tion by Piussiii in ISGG. Hvo. 1870 Malet (Sir Lmiis). National Income and Taxation. 12mo. - 1886 Malherme (Francois). G^^uvre.'^. Ed. par L. Lalanne. G vols., Hvo. 1869 Malkin nicnj. HeiJth). Scenery, Antitiuitit-s, and Biography of South Wales. 2nded.' 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1807 „ Tour thruugh Wales. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2. Malleson (Col. (ico. Bruce). History of the French in India, 1G74-1761. 8vo. 1868 „ History of Afghanistan to 1878. 8v(). - - - - 1878 „ History of the Indian Mutiny. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1878-80 „ „ Index to. See Pincott (Fred.). „ Herat, the Granary and Garden of Central Asia. 8vo. - 1880 „ Founders of the Indian Empire — Lord Clive. 8vo. - - 1882 „ The liattlefic'lds of Germany. 8vo. ----- 1886 „ Akb.ir. Dui)li'ix. See Riders of India. Mallet or Malloch (David). Ballads and Songs. With Life l)y F. Dinsdale. 12mo. - 1857 „ Poetical Works. See British Poe/s, Vol. 48. „ Plays. See Bell and Cairthorn, 13. Mallet (P. H.). Northern Anticjuities. Trans, from the French. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1770 Description of the Manners, Customs, Religions, and Laws of the Ancient Danes, Saxons, and other Northern Nations. Translation of th<- P^dda ; or. System of Runic Mythology, and Goranson's Latin Version of the Edda. Mallet du Pan (Jacques). Memoirs and Correspondence [French Revolution, 1749-1800]. Ed. bv A. Sayous. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1852 „ Correspondance avec la Cour de V.enne [1794— 8]. 2 vols., 8 vo. 1884 Mallock (William llurrell). Is Life worth Living ? 8vo. - 1879 „ Social Equality. 12mo. ------- 1882 „ Property and Progress. 12 mo. ----- 1884 „ In an Enchanted Island ; or, a Winter's Retreat in Cyprus. 8vo. ---------- 1889 „ Lucretius. See Blackirood'.s Ancient Classics. Malmesbury (James Hariis, 1st Earl of). Diaries and Corre- ."^pondence. Edited by his Grandson, the 3rd Earl. 4 vols., 8vo. - -' - 1844 Missions to the Courts of Madrid, Frederick the Great, Cathe- rine II., and the Hague ; and of his Special Missions to Berlin, Brunswick, and the French Republic „ Letters of his Family and Friends. 1745-1820. Ed. l)y the 3nl Eail. 2 vols', 8vo. ------ 1870 Malmesbiry (Sir James Howard Ilanis. 3rd Earl of). Memoirs of an Ex-Minister : an Autobiograpliv. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1884 Malmesrikv (Wm. of). Sec ff'il/iain. Malone (Kdmund). Life. With a S<'leetion from his Manuscript Anecdotes. By Sir James Prior. 8vo. - - - 1860 Malortie (Baron de). Egyi)t : Native Rulers and Foreign Interference. 8vo. ------- 1883 „ 'Twixt Old Times and New. [A Medley of Typicid Stories.] Hvo. - ■ - ■ - - - 1890 Malory (Sir TIios.). La Morte d'Arthure : History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Ed. by Thos. Wright. 2 vols., fcap. 8vo. . - - "- 1858 MAL— MAN 367 Malpiere (D. B.). La Chine: Moeurs, Usages, Costumes. 2 vols., folio - - - .... 1825 Maltby (Edw.), Bishop of Durham. Greek Gradus ; or. Poetical Lexicon of the Greek Language. With Latin and English Translation. 8vo. ------ 1840 Malte-Brun [originally Malte-Conrad Bruun]. Precis de la Geographie Universelle. Revue, corrigee, &c., par J. J. N". Huot. 12 vols., 8vo. ; Atlas, folio - - 1831-7 Malthus (Rev. Thos. Robt.). Essay on the Principle of Popula- tion, as it affects the Future Improvement of Society. Isted. 8vo. - - 1798 „ ,, 6th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1826 „ Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. . . - . 1820 „ „ New ed., with Memoir. 8vo. .... 1836 „ Definitions in Political Economy. 12mo. - - - - 1827 „ Replies to. 'Sea Ensor {George), Godwin {Wm.), HazUtt ( Wm.), Say {Jean Bcqjtiste), and Senior {Nassau Wm.). „ Malthus and his Work. By J. Bonar. 8vo. - - - 1885 Malton (Thomas). Picturesque Tour through London and Westminster. Illustrated. Folio - - - 1792-1801 Man (John). History of Reading. 4to. - - - - - 1816 Mancherjee Merwanjee Bhownaggi'ce. Her Majesty's " Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands." Trans. into Gujarati. 8vo. ------- 1877 Manchester Foundations : History of Christ's College, Chetham Hospital, and the Free Grammar School. 4 vols., 4to. - 183© Manchester (Edward, 2nd Earl of). Documents relating to his Quarrel with Oliver Cromwell. SeeCamden Sac, 12 (N.S). Manchester (Wm. Drogo Montagu, 7th Duke of). Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne. From the Papers at Kimbolton. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1864 Manchini (Maria), Constabless of Colonna. Memoirs. 8vo. - 1679 Mancini (P. S.), Su la Vita e le Opere di. Per B. de Rinaldis. 8vo. 1876 Mandeville (Bernard De) . Inquiry into the Causes of frequent Executions at Tyburn. 8vo. . - . . . 1725 „ Essays. 2 vols., 8vo. .---.. 1728-33 The Fable of the Bees ; or, Private Vices Puhhck Benefits. Essay on Charity and Charity Schools. Search into the Nature of Society. Mandeville (Sir John De). Voiage and Travaile [1327-60], which treateth of the Way to Hierusalem, and of the Marvayles of Inde. 8vo. ------ 1727 Manilius (M.). Astronomicon. 8vo. ----- 1828 Manin (Daniel). Par Henri Martin. Precede d'un Souvenir de Manin, par Ernest Legouve. 8vo. - - - - 1859 Manley (Mary). Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Per- sons of Quality of both Sexes, from the New Atalantis. Vol. 1, in 2 parts. 12mo. ------ 1716 „ The Adventures of Rivella ; or, the History of the Author of the Atalantis. 8vo. - - - - - - 1714 „ The Power of Love : in Seven Novels. 8vo. - . - 1741 1.— The Fair Hypocrite. 2. — The Physician's Stratagem. 3. — The Wife's Resentment. 4, 5. — The Husband's Resentment, in Two Examples. 6. — The Happy Fugitives. 7. — The Perjured Beauty. Mann (Henry). Features of Society in Old and New England. 16mo. - . . . 1885 368 MAN— MAR Mann (Sir Horace) at the Court of Florence. By Dr. J. Doran. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876 !M.\NNiNG (Jas. Alex.). Lives of the Speaker.s of the House of Commons. 8vo. ------- 1850 M.wMNd (Hev. Owen). History and Anti«iuitios of the County of Surrey. Continued l»y Wni. Bray ; with a Facsimile Coj\v of Domesday. 3 vols., folio ... 1804-14 Man.mnc; (Mrs.) [formerly Mrs. Spcir]. Ancient and Mediaeval India. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1869 Manning (Thoma.s). Journey to Lhasa. See Markham {C.R.). Manning (Wm. Oke). Commentaries on the Law of Nations. 1^'vised throughout, with Supplementary Matter, by Sheldon Amos. 8vo. - - - - ' - - "- 1875 ^Manningiiam (John). Diary, 1602-3. See Camden Soc, 99. Mansfeld (Alfred). Xiipoleon III. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1860 Mansfield (Robt. Blachford). School Life at Winchester College. 3rd ed. 12mo. - - - - - - 1893 Manship (Henry), Town Clerk, temp. Queen Elizabeth. History of Great Yarmouth. Ed. by C. J. Palmer. 4to. - "- 1854 „ „ Continuation. By Charles John Palmer. 4to. Great Yarmouth .-.--.- 1856 Manuzzi (Abate Giuseppe). Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana. 2 vols, in 4, imp. 8vo. 1833-40 Manzoni (Alle.sandro). I Promessi Sposi. 8vo. . - - I860 „ „ The Betrothed. Trans. 12mo. - - - - 1883 Mapleson (Jas. Hen.). Maj^leson Memoirs, 1848-88. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1888 Mapes (Archdeacon Walter), Latin Poetry attributed to. See Cam (7 €71 Soc, 16. „ De Nugis Curialium Distinctiones Quinque. See Camden Soc, 50. Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 4 vols., 4to!; Index by the Rev. J. Mickleburgh. 8vo. - 1844 Marah (Rev. "Wm. Hennessey). Archbi.shop Juxon and his Times; with sketch of Little Compton. 8vo. - - 1896 Marana (Giovanni). Letters writ by a Turki.sh Spy. 8 vols., 12mo. .---'-- - - 1734 Marat (J. P.). Life. See Adalphiis. Maratha Empire. See Bombay State Papers. Margeau (A. F.). See Serr/oit-Mei-ccaii. Marche (Olivier de la). Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vols. 9, 10. Marchmont (Earls of), wSelectious from Papers of, by Sir G. H. Rose, from 1685-1750. 3 vols., 8vo. - -" - - 1831 Marco Polo. Travels in the Ea.st. Trans, by W. Marsden. 4to. 1818 „ „ Trans, and ed. by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1871 Marcoy (Paul). Voyage a travers TAmerique du Sud. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1869 Margy (Brig. -Gen. Randolph B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in 1852. 8vo. ------ 1853 Marey (E. J.). Animal Mechanism. See International Scientific Ser., Yo\. 11. Margaret of Anjou (Queen to Henry VI.). Letters. See Camden Soc, 80. Maroarot (Maurice). Trial for Sedition, on Jan. 13, 14, 1794. 8vo. - - - - 1794 „ Life and Trial of. See Scottish Reformers. MAR 369 Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. Heptameron Francois, Les Nouvelles de. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1780-1 „ Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 37. Maria Theresia and Frederick the Great. By the Due de Broglie. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1883 Mariana (R. F. F. John de). General History of Spain to the Death of Ferdinand. With Supplements by F. C. y de Salcedo and B. V. de Soto, to Charles II. Trans, by Capt. John Stevens. Folio ------ 1699 Marie Antoinette. Facsimile du Testament de. 4to. - - n. d. „ Life. See Adolphus. „ Vie. Par J. L. Henriette Campan. See Barriere, Vol. 10. „ Private Life. By J. L. Henriette Campan. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1883 „ Memoires concernant. Par Weber. See Berville et Barriere, Vols. 43, 44. „ Life. By C. D. Yonge. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1876 „ Correspondance Secrete entre Marie Therese et le Comte de Mercy- Argenteau. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1874-5 „ „ Essai sur. See Goncourt {Jules et Edmond). Marie Louise (Archduchess of Austria, Duchess of Parma) [Empress of France]. Correspondance, 1799-1847. 8vo. ---------- 1887 Marillac (Michel de), Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 49. Mario (Giuseppe) [Pseudonym of Giovanni Battista Matteo, Cavaliere di Candiu]. See Engel {L.). Mariotti (L.) [Gallenga (A. C. N.)]. Italy, Past and Present. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1848 ,, Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols., 8vo. . . - 1864 Marisco (Adam de). Epistola). See Chronicles, 4. Markiiam (Captain Albert H.). Northward Ho! [North Polar Voyages undertaken by England.] 8vo. - - - 1879 „ Life of Sir John Franklin. 12mo. - - - - - 1891 Markham (Clements R ). Travels in Peru and India, while superintending the Introduction of Chinchona Plants into India. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1862 „ History of the Abyssinian Expedition. With Account, by Lieut. Prideaux, of the Captivity of M. Rassam and his Companions. 8vo. ._----- 1869 „ Life of Thos., Lord Fairfax. 8vo. ----- 1870 „ Discovery of Peru. See Hakluyt Soc, 47- „ Rites and Laws of the Yncas. See HcMmjt Soc, 48. „ The Threshold of the Unknown Region. 8vo. - - 1873 „ A Sketch of the History of Persia. 8vo. - - - - 1874 „ Narrative of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. 8vo. - - 1876 „ Robert Fairfax of Steeton, Vice-Admiral, Alderman, and Member for York [1666-1725]. 8vo. - - - - 1885 „ The Fighting Veres. Lives of Sir Francis Vere and Sir Horace, Lord Vere. 8vo. ------ 1888 Markham (Admiral John) [1761-1827]. A Naval Career during the Old War. 8vo. - ------ 1883 Marlborough (George Spencer-Churchill, 4th I)iike of). Works in Cameo and Intaglio collected by. Catalogued and described by M. H. Nevil Story-Maskelyne. 8vo. - 1870 Marlborough (John Churchill, 1st Duke of). Letters and Despatches, 1702-12. Ed. by General Sir Geo. Murray. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - 1845 p. 3104. A A 370 MAR Marlborough (Tolin Churchill, 1st Duko of) — continued. „ Life. 13v William (V)xe. N*'W od., n-vised l)_v John Wude. 3 vols", 12iiu). ; Atlas, Ito. - - - " - - 1847-8 „ Military Lite. By Sir Archiluild Alison. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1855 „ ,, ]ly (Jeorgc Saintsl)ury. Si't} JJn(/lish ff'orthiis. Marlbouougii (Sarah Jcnninj^s, Ist Duchess of), Private Corre- spondence of ; and Select Correspondence of her Husband. 2 vols., 8vo. 1838 „ Letters, now lirst published from the Original Manuscripts at Madresliehl Court. 8vo. 1876 „ Conduct of, from her first coming to Court to 1710. By Nath. llooke. 8vo. - 1742 Marleburuougiie (Henry) and Hanmer (Dr. Meredith). Chronicles of Ireland. 8vo. 1809 !Marlowe (Christopher). Works. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1826 1. — Life [1565-93]. Tamerlaine the Great. Jew of Malta. 2. — Edward II. Doctor Faustus. The Massacre at Taris. Dido, Queen of Carthage. 3. — Lust's Dominion. Hero and Leander. Certain of Ovid's Elegies. Elegies and Epigrams. First book of Lucan. Ovid's Elegies. „ Dr. Faustus. See Z)//Ae, Old Flays, Vol. 1. „ Edward II. See Dodsley, Vol. 2. „ Dido, Queen of Carthage. See Dodsley, Vol. 14. Marmontel (.Jean F.). Menioires. See Barriere (/''.)., Vol. 5. Marot (Clement). See Morley {Henry). Marriage Licenses. See Harlcian Soc. Marriage with Deceased Wife's Sister, Tracts on. 2 vols., 8vo. 1849-85 Marryat (Florence). See Church (Mrs. li.). Marryat (Frank S.). Borneo and the Indian Archipelago. 4to. - 1848 Marryat (Capt. Fred.). Diary in America. 2 Series. 6 vols., 8vo. 1839 „ 011a Podrida. 3 vols., 8vo. 1840 „ Novels. 24 vols., 12mo. [1888] Children of the New Forest. Percival Keene. Dog Fiend. Peter Simple. Frank Mildniay. Pliantom Ship. Jacob Faithful. Pirate. Three Cutters. Japhet in search of a Father. I'oacher. King's Own. Poor Jack. Mastorman Eeady. Privatoersman. Midshipman Easy. Rattlin the lleefer. Monsieur Violet. Settlers in Canada. Newton Forster. The Little Savage. OUa Podrida. The AJission. Pacha of Many Tales. Valerie. „ Life and Letters. By his Daughter. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1872 Marryat (Horace). Residence in Jutland, the Danish Isles, and Copenhagen. 2 vols., 12mo. - . - . . i860 Marryat (Joseph). History of Pottery and Porcelain, 15th-18th Centuries. 3rd ed. 8vo. 1868 Marsden (Kev. J. B.). History of the Early Puritars, from the Beformation to 1642. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - 1853 ,, History of the Later Puritans, from 1642 to the Ejection of the Non-conforming Ch-rgy in l()n2. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1854 M.vrsden (Wm.). History of Sumatra. 3nl ed. 4to. - - 1811 Marsh (Geo. P.). The Origin and History of the English Language. 8vo. 1862 MAR 371 Marsh (John B.). The Story of Hare Court [Independent Church]. 12mo. .-.-... 1871 „ Memorials of the City Temple, from 1640. 12 mo. - - 1877 Marshall (Alfred). Elements of Economics of Industry. 12mo. 1892 Marshall (Alf.) and Marshall (Mary P.). Economics of In- dustry. 12mo. 1890 Marshall (Charles). The Canadian Dominion. 8vo. - - 1871 Marshall (David). Genealogical Xotes anent some Ancient Scottish Families. With Introduction and Annotations by J. B. Broun-Morison, of Finderlie. (Privately printed.) 4to. -------- 1884 Annands of Sauchie. 1296-1-131. Brown of Sauchie, Balqiiharne and Finderlio. 1395-1884. Brown of Carsleuch. 1546-1707. Brown of Colstoun. 1272-1884. Shaw of Sauchie. 1431-1733. Marshall (Rev. Edward) . History of Woodstock Manor and its Environs. 8vo. 1875 „ Oxford. See Diocesan Histories. Marshall (Dr. George Wm.). The Genealogist's Guide to Printed Pedigrees. 8vo. ------ 1879 ,, Genealogist's Guide. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - . . 1885 „ Handbook to the Ancient Courts of Probate and Deposi- taries of Wills. 4to. - - 1889 „ Parish Registers : a List of those printed, or of which copies exist in Public Collections. 8vo. - - - - 1891 Marshall (Lieut. John). Xaval Biography [1760-1823]. 12 vols., 8vo. ------- 1823-30 Marshall (John), Chief Justice, U.S.A. Life of George Washington. 5 vols., 4to. ------ 1804 Marshall (John). Population, Production, and Revenues of Great Britain and Ireland during the last 30 Years. 4to. - 1833 „ Population of Six Thousand Parishes in England and Wales in 1801, 1811, 1821. 4to. ------ 1831 „ Mortality of the Metropolis, 1629-1831 ; with Account of Deaths at the time of the Great Plague 4to. - - 1832 Marshall (Julian). Annals of Tennis. 4to. - - - - 1878 Marshall (Mrs. Julian). Life and Letters of Mary W. Shelley. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1S89 Marshall (Rev. Dr. Wm.). Historic Scenes in Perthshire. Small 4to. --------- 1880 Marshman (John C). Memoirs of Sir Henry Havelock. 8vo. ---------- 1861 Marston (John). Works. Life by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. 3 vols., fcap. 8vo. ------- 1856 1. — Memoir. Antonio and Mellida (2 parts). Sophonisba. What you will. 2. — Parasitaster ; or, the Fawne. The Dutch Courtezan. The Malcontent. 3. — Eastward Ho ! The Insatiate Countess. Pygmalion. Satires. Scourge of Villanie. Entertainment. Pageant. „ Antonio and Mellida. What you will. Parasitaster. See Dilke, Vol. 2. „ The Malcontent. Eastward Ho ! See Dodsley, Vol. 4. Martens (Baron Chas. de) and Cussy (Baron Ferd. de). Traites et Conventions. Deuxieme Serie (continued). Par F. H. Geffcken. Vols. 1-3, 1857-85. 8vo. Leipzig 1885 et seq. a A 2 372 MAR Martens (Geo. von). Recueil des Traites: continue par F. et 0. Murhaifl, F. Pinhas, Chiis. Samwor, et J. Hopf. Avec Index. 51 vols., 8vo. ----- 1817-75 „ „ D.'uxieme Serie (continued). Par Chas. Samwer, J. llopf., ft Fi-lix StOL-rk. 8vo. - - - 1876 el seq. „ Law of Xations. Trans, by Win. Cobbett. 8vo. - - 1829 Mautiai.is (Marcus Valerius). Epifjraniniata. 2 vols., 8vo - 1823 ,, Epiu;-rams. Tnins. into Engli.sh Prose ; with Verse Trans- lation.s also. 12mo. 1865 Martin (B ) and Kippis (Dr.). Life of l.'^t Earl of Shaftesbury. Ed. by Ct. W. Cooke. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1836 Mautin (Chas.'T.). Archives at All Souls' College, Oxford. 4to. 1877 ^Iarttn (Charles Wvkehain). Historv and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent. Folio - - " 1869 Martin (F.). Spitzbergen and Greenland. See Haklityt Soc, 18. Martin (Fred.). The Life of John Clare. Crown Svo. - -1865 ,, Handbook of Contem|X)rary Biography. 12mo. - - 1870 Martin (Henri). Daniel Manin. Precede d'un Souvenir de Manin, par Ernest Legouve. Svo. - . - - 1859 ,, Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. 18 vols., 8vo - - - - 1861-2 Martin (John). Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately ' printed. 2nd ed. Svo. ------ 1854 Bannatyne, Mnitland. and Roxburghe Clubs, and the Privnte Presses at Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Strawlwrry Hill, &c. Martin (J. Ranald). The Influence of Tropical Climates on European Constitutions. Svo. ----- 1856 Martin (M.). Voyage to St. Kilda. See Pinherton, Vol. 2. ,, „ Western Isles. See Pinkerton, Vol. 3. Martin (Robt. Montgomerv). History of the British Colonies. 5 vols., Svo. - ' 1835 „ Statistics of the British Colonies. Royal Svo. - - - 1839 „ Ireland, before and after the Union. 3rd ed. Svo. - - 1848 „ The Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancouver's Island. Svo. 1849 „ Revolte de I'lnde' Svo. 1860 Martin (Sir Theodore). Life of the Prince Consort. 5 vols., Svo. 1877-80 „ Life of Lord Lyndhurst. Svo. ----- 1883 ,, Memoir of Wm. Edmondstoune Avtoun. 12mo. - - 1867 Martin (Sir Theodore) and Avtoun (W". E.). Book of Ballads. Ed. by Bon Gaultier.' 8vo. ----- 1861 Martindale (Adam). Autobiography. See Chetham Soc.,Yo\. 4. Martineau (Harriet). Autobiographv. With Memorials by Maria W. Chapman. 2nd ed. ' 3 vols., Svo. - - - 1877 „ Biographical Sketches, 1852-68. Svo. - - - - 1870 „ Dawn Island : an Anti-Corn Law Tale. 12mo. - - 1845 „ Eastern Life, Past and Present. 3 vols., Svo. - - - 1848 ., England and her Soldiers. Svo. 1859 „ Health, Husbandry, and Handicraft. Svo. - - - 1860 „ Historv cf England during the Tliirtv Years' Peace, 1816- 46. ' 2 vols., imp. Svo. --'--- 1849-50 „ ,. latrotluction to the Historv of the Peace, ISOO- 1816. Svo. -.-'-- - - 1851 „ Household Education. Svo. ------ 1861 „ How to Observe ; Morals and Manners. Svo. - - - 1838 „ Illustrations of Political Economy. 9 vols., ISmo. - - 1832 ,, Illustrations of Taxation. 2 vols., ISmo. - - - . 1834 MAB 373 Martinb Au (Harriet) — continued. „ Poor Laws and Paupers Illubtrated. The Parish. — The Hamlets.— The Town. Three Tales. 2 vols., ISmo. 1833-4 „ Retrospect of Western TraA^el. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1838 „ Society in America. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1837 „ Suggestions towards the Future Government of India. Svo. 1858 ,, Tendency of Strikes to produce Low Wages. 18mo. [n. d.] Martineau (Dr. James). Types of Ethical Theory. 2vols.,8vo. 1885 Maktyrologie [Roman Catholic]. Lives of the Saintes of Eng- land, Scotland, and Irehind. With Catalogue of those who have suffered Death in England for Defence of the Catholic Cause. By a Catholicke Priest [I. W.] 12mo. 1608 Makvell (Andrew). Works. With Life [1620-78] by Capt. Edw. Thompson. 3 vols., 4to. 1776 1. — Letters to the Corporation of Hull. Familiar Epistles. Account of the Gro\vth of Popery and Arbitrary Govern- ment in England. 2. — The Kehearsal Transposed. A Seasonable Question and an Usefull Answer. A Seasonable Argument for a New Parliament. 3. — Mr. Smirke ; or, the Divine in Mode. Essays touching General Councils, Creeds, and Imposition in Religion. Legacy of Bishop Herbert Croft. Poems. Carima Miscellanea. Life. „ Life. With Extracts and Selections from his Prose and Poetical Works. By John Dove. 12mo. - - - 1832 ,, Life. See Coleridge {U.). Marvin (Charles). Merv : the Queen of the World, and the Scourge of the Man-Stealing Turcomans. 8vo. - - 1881 Marvy (L.). Sketches after English Landscape Painters. With Short Notices by W. M. Thackeray. 4to. - - [n. d.] Marx (Karl). Capital. Trans, by S. Moore and E. Aveling. 8vo. 1889 Mary (Queen). Privy Purse Expenses when Princess. With a Memoir and Notes, by Sir Frederick Madden. 8vo. - 1831 ,, Proclamation respecting Plays. See Drama under the Tudors, S)'C. „ State Papers. See Calendars, Sadler (SirM.). „ Letters. See Loseley MSS., Sydney Papers. „ Life. By Bishop Godwin. See Kennett, Vol. 2. „ Chronicle of. See Camden Sac., 48. „ Wriothesley's Chronicle. See Camden Sac, 11,20 (N.S,). „ England under. See Tytler {P. P.). „ Manners in the Reign of. See Lodge {Edm.). „ Reign of. See Froude (J. A.), Oldmixon (J.). Mary (Queen of Scots) . Lettres. Publiees avec Sommaires, Tra- ductions, Notes, et Facsimile, par A. Teulet. 8vo. - 1859 „ Lettres, Instructions, et Memoires de Publiees par Prince A. Labanoff. 7 vols., 8vo. - • - - 1844 „ Letters. With Chronological Summary of Events. By Prince Labanoff. Trans, Svo. ----- 1845 „ The Letter Books of. By Sir Amias Poulet. Ed. by John Morris. 8vo. ------- 1874 „ Love Letters to Bothwell, with her Love Sonnets and Marriage Contracts. By Hugh Campbell. 8vo. - - 1824 „ Letters to Bothwell, Examination of. By Walter Goodall. 2 vols., small 8vo. ------- 1754 „ Dissertation on Darnley's Murder. See Laing (M.). „ Affairs of State in Reign of . See Melvil (Sir Jas.). 374 MAR— MAS Mary (Queon of Scots) — continued. „ Accoimts aud Papers relating to. See Camden Soc, 93. „ State Papers. See Calendars. „ Escape from Lochleveii Castle. See Burns- Beg g (B.). „ Sou Proces et son Exeeiitiou. Par M. U. Cliaiiutelaiize. 8vo. 1876 „ A Lost Chapter in her History Kecovered. By Dr. John Stuart. 4to. 1874 „ Mary ami her Accusers. Bv John Hosack. 8vo. - - 18G9 „ „ A N'arrative of Events, 1542-87. 2 vols., 8vo. 1869-74 , Inquiry into the Evidence against. By William Tytler. 2 vJls., 8vo. - - - - ' - - - - 1790 „ Portrait of, from Osborne House. See Schar/ (G.). „ Collections relati\e to the Funerals of. By Robert Pitcairn. 8vo. - - - - 1822 „ Collections relating to the History of. By Jas. Anderson. 4 vols., 4to. 1727-8 „ Histoire de Marie Stuart. Par F. A. A. Mignet. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1852 „ Memoirs of. By L. S. F. Buckingham. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1844 „ Life. By Geo. Chalmers. 2 vols.', 4to. - - - - 1818 „ Life. By Claude Nau, her Secretary. Ed. by Rev. J. Stevenson. Small 4to. ------ 1883 „ History of Scotland under. See Baunier (F. L. G. von), Bobertson {Bev. Dr. W.), Skelton (J.). Mary II., Queen of England. Memoirs [1GS9-93] ; with Letters to the Electress Sophia. Ed. by Dr. R. Doebner. 12mo. 1886 Mary II., aud Queen Anne. An Attempt to Rescue their Characters out of the hands of the Duchess of Marlborough. By a Woman of Quality. 8vo. 1742 Masbres (Baron Francis). HistoriasAnglicanfe Selecta Monumenta circa tempus Conquestus per Normannos. (Extracted from And. Duchesne.) 4to. ----- 1807 Emmje Anglorum Reg. Encomium. Gesta Guillielmi Duels Normannorum et Regis Anglorum a Guil. Pictavonsi. Excerpta ex Orderici Vitalis. Annalis Hist.brevis in Monast. S. Stoplmni Cadomensis conscripts. Catalogus Normannorum qui floruerunt in Anglia. Familiifi Regum Ducum Comitum it alioruin Nobilium quae in hoc volumine (Duchesne, 1619) deducuntur. „ Select Tracts relating to the Ci%'il Wars in England in the Reign of Charles I. 8vo. 1815 May (Thos.). Breviary of the History of the rarlianient. Lilly (W.). Life and Death of Charles I. Holies (Dtnzil, Lord). Memoirs. Walker (Clement). Preshyteriauism and Independency. Berkley (Sir John). Memoirs. Huntingdon (Major). Reasons for laying down his Commission. Fairfax (Thomas, Lord), Short Memorials of. Hobbes (Thos.). Behemoth ; -with Maseres' Remarks thereon. Fell (John). Interest of England stated. Price (Dr. John). Restauration of Charles II. Milton (John). Reflections on the Civil "War. •' Mask." St. Stephen's ; or, Pencillings of Politicians. 8vo. - 1839 Maskell (Wm.). History of t lie Martin Marprelate Controversy in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Fcap. 8vo. - - - 1846 Maskelyne (M. H. Nevil Story-). See Story-Masheli/ne. Mason (Charles). Treatise on the National and State Govern- ments of the United States. 12mo. - . - - 1842 MAS— MAT 375 Mason (Eugene). The Ivory Gates. [Sonnets.] (Privately printed.) 12mo. 1891 Mason (Capt. F. H.), U.S.A. Life of Pre.sident Garfield. 12mo. 1881 Mason (Sir Josiah). See Fortunes made in Easiness . Mason (Rev. Wm.). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vols. 77, 78. „ Correspondence with Thos. Gray. Ed. by Rev. J. Mitford. 8vo. 1853 „ Correspondence with Walpole. See Walpole {H.), Letters. „ Life. See Coleridc/e (H.). Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. 5 Series ; with General Index. 50 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1806-88 „ Sixth Series (continued). Vols. 1-5. 8vo. - 1886 et seq. Massacre of Benares, 1799. 12mo. ------ 1871 Massey (Gerald). Shakespeare's Sonnets never before interpreted : his Private Friends identified, and a Recovered Likeness of Himself. 8vo. 1866 Massey (Rt. Hon. Wm. ISTath.). A History of England during the Reign of George III. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1855-63 Massie (Dr. Jas. Wm.). America: the Origin of her Present Conflict. Illustrated by Incidents of Travel. 8vo. - 1864 Massingeb (PhiHp). Dramatic Works [1584-1640]. Ed. by W. Gifford. 4 vols., 8vo. 1805 1. — Introductory Essay. The Virgin Martyr. The Unnatural Combat. The Duke of Milan. 2. — The Bondman. The Renegade. The Parliament of Love. The Roman Actor. The Great Duke of Florence. 3. — The Maid of Honour. The Picture. The Emperor of the East. The Fatal Dowry. A New Way to pay Old Debts. 4. — The City Madam. The G-uardian. A Very Woman. The Bashful Lover. The Old Law. „ iS^ew Way to Pay Old Debts. See Inchbald, British Theatre, 6. Masson (Andre P.). Memoires Secrets sur la Russie. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 22. Masson (David). Essays, Biographical and Critical, chiefly on English Poets. 8vo. 1856 „ Essays on English Poets. 8vo. 1856 „ British iSTovelists and their Styles. 8vo. - - - - 1859 „ The Life of John Milton, in connexion with the History of his Time. 6 vols., 8vo. 1859-80 „ Drummond of Hawthornden : the Story of his Life and Writings. 12mo. 1873 „ Chatterton : a Story of the Year 1770. 8vo. - - - 1874 „ Edinburgh Sketches and Memories. 8vo. - - - 1892 Queen Mary. Edinburgh University. King James VI. Allan Ramsay. Lady Wardlaw. Dundas Despotism. Sir Walter Scott. Thos. Carlyle. Chas. K. Sharpe. John Hill Burton. Dr. John Brown. Literary History of Edinburgh. „ De Quincey. See English Meii of Letters. Mastin (Rev. John) . History and Antiquities of Naseby, in the County of Northampton. Small 8vo. - - - - 1792 Materialism, Ancient and Modern. 12mo. - - . . 1881 Mathematical Tables. See Chambers, Hutton. Mather (Dr. Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana : Ecclesi- astical History of New England. With Life. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - - 1866 376 MAT— MAIT Mather (Dr. Increase). The Wonders of the Invisible "World; bein»; an account of the Tryals of several Witches lately executed in Xcw Enirland. (Reprint.) 12rao. - - 1862 Mathew.s (Henry). Diary of an Invalid in Pursuit of Health in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France [1817-19]. 8vo. 1820 Mathews (Veterinary. Major) Horse Breeding in France. 8vo. - - 1893 Mathias (Thos. Jas.). The Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem. 7th ed. 8vo. - - - - - - 1798 Matthew of Paris. Historia Major Anglicana [ad a.d. 1253], cum Ilogeri Wendoveri, Will. Kishangeri, Authorisque Majori Minorique Ilistoriis Clironicisque MSS. tideliter collata. Ed. by W. Wat*. 2 vols., folio - - 1(540-11 „ Chronica Majora [ad a.d. 1247]. See Chronicles, 57. „ Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor [iOG7-1253]. See Chronicles, 44. ^Matthew of Westminster. Flores Historiarum [1307]. Folio- IGOl Maudsley (Dr. Henry). The Phvsiologv and Pathology of Mind. 8vo. --.'-'-- ' - 1867 „ Responsibility in Mental Disease. See International Scientific Ser., Vol. 8. Maule (Right Hon. Sir AV. H.). Early Life. By Emma Leathley. 8vo. - - 1874 Mau.vdeville (Sir John). See Mandevillc. Maundrell (Rev. Henry). Journey from AJeppo to Jerusalem [1697]. 8vo. - - ' 1703 „ Journeys. See Pinkerton, Vol. 10. Mau.nsbll (Rev. Geo. Edmund). Poems. 12mo. - - - 1861 Maupertuis (Pierre L. M. de). Journey to the Polar Circle to Measure a Degree of the Meridian. See Pinkerton^ Vol. 1. Maurice (Chas. Edmund). English Pooular Leaders in the Middle Ages. 2 vols., 8vo. . S . . . 1872-75 1.— Stephen Langton. 2.— Wat Tyler. Ball. Oldcastle. Maurice (Rev. John Fred. Denison). Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 4 vols., 8vo. 1850-70 1. -Ancient Philosophy. 2. — Philosophy of the first Six Centuries. 3. — Mediaeval Philosophy; or, a Treatise of Moral and Meta- physical Philosophy from the Fifth to the Fourteenth Century. 4. — Modern Philosophy ; or, a Treatise of Moral and Meta- physical Philosophy from the Fourteenth Century to the French Revolution, with a glimpse into the Nine- teenth Century. „ The Friendship of Books, and other Lectures. Ed. by Thos. Hughes. 8vo. ------- 1874 „ Life [1805-72]: chiefly told in his Letters to his son, Frederick Maurice. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1884 Maurice (Rev. Thos.). History of Hindostan. [Ancient and Modern.] 4 vols., 4to. 1795-1810 Maurt (Lieut. Matthew F.), U.S.X. Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Cliarts. 5th ed. 4to. - -' 1853 „ The Physical (jreography of the Sea, and its Meteorology. 8vo. - - - ■ I860 MAV— MAY 377 Maverick (Augustus). Henry J. Raymoud and the New York Press from 1840 to 1870. 8vo. ----- 1870 Maw (Lieut. Hen. Lister), U.S.N". Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Descending the Amazon. 8vo. 1829 Max Havelaar. See Dekker (£". D.). Maximilian I., Emperor of Grermany. Triumphs. See Holbein Soc. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. History of his Fall. By W. H. Chynoweth. 8vo. ------ 1872 Maxwell (Prof. James Clerk). Life [1831-79] and Corre- spondence. By Dr. L. Campbell and W. Garnett. 8vo. 1882 Maxwell (Rev. Wm. Hamilton). Wild Sports of the West [Connaught] . With Legendary Tales and Local Sketches. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1832 „ Hill-side and Border Sketches. With Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1847 „ History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798. With Memoirs of the Union and Emmett's Insurrection in 1803. 8vo. - 1852 „ Erin-Gro-Bragh ; or, Irish Life Pictures. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1859 Maxwell (Sir W. S.). See Stirling-Maxivell. May (Greorge). History of the Town of Evesham. 8vo. - - 1845 May (Thomas). The History of the Parliainent of England which began N"ovember 3rd, 1640. With a Short and N^ecessary View of some precedent Years. [1647.] (Reprint.) 4to. -------- 1812 „ A Breviary of the History of the Parliament of England. [1655.] See Maseres, Tracts. 1. — The Causes and Beginning of the Civil War in England. 2. — A Short Mention of the Progress of that Civil War. 3. — A Compendious Relation of the Origin and Progress of the Second Civil War. „ The Heir [1633]. See Dodsley, Vol. 8. „ Old Couple [1658]. See Dodsley, Vol. 12. May (Sir Thomas Erskine) [afterwards Lord Farnborough]. The Constitutional History of England, 1760-1860. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1861-3 „ Treatise upon the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. 9th ed. 8vo. - - - - - 1883 „ Democracy in Europe. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . - 1877 Mayer (Prof. Alf. Marshall). Sound : a Series of Simple Experiments. 12mo. - - 1879 Mayer (P.). Histoire du Deux Decembre. 12mo. - - - 1852 Mayer (S. R. T.) and Paget (John C). Afghanistan : with an Account of the Wars of 1839-42. 12mo. - - - 1879 Mayhew (Rev. Ant. L.) and Skeat (Rev. Walter W.). Dictionary of Middle English [1150-1580]. 12mo. - - -1888 Mayhew (Hen.). London Labour and the London Poor. 4 vols., 8vo. -------- 1861 Maynarde (Thomas). Sir Thomas Drake, his Voyage, 1595. See Hakhiyt Soc, 4. Mayne (Dr. Jasper). The City Match. See Dodsley, Old Plays, Vol. 9. Mayne (Commander Rich. Chas.). Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. 8vo. ... 1862 Maynwaring (Arthur). Trans, of Ovid. See British Poets, Vols. 94, 95. 378 MAY— MEE Mayo (Kich. Southwoll Bourke, 6th Earl of), 4th Viceroy of India. Life [1822-72]. By Sir W. W. iluuter. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1876 „ „ By Sir W. W. Hunter. See Rulers of India. Mazade (Ch. de). La Guerre de Fmnce, 1870-7L 2 vols., 8vo. 1875 Mazauin (llortcnsia Maneiui, Duchess of). Memoirs. Trans, by P. Porter. 12nio. '- 1G76 Mazarini (Cardinal Giulio). Inventaire de Tous les Meubles du Cardinal. See Philobibloii Soc, Extra Vols. Mazuke (F. a. J.). Histoire de la Revolution de 1688 en Angleterre. 3 vols., 8vo. 1825 Mazzini (Joseph). Life and Writings. 6 vols., 8vo. - 1864-70 „ Life and Writings. Xew ed. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - 1890 Vol. 1. — Autobiogrraphical and Political. Vol. 2. — Critical and Literary. Vol. 3. — Autoliiographical and Political. Vol. 4. — Philosophy of Music. Thomaa Carlyle. The Duties of ^lan. Vol. 6. — Kojalty and Republicanism in Italy. Political Essays, ifec. Vol. 6. — Liimennais, George Sand. Byron and Goethe. Europe. Theory of the Dagger. The Crimean War, &c. „ The Duties of Man. 8vo. 1862 „ Essays. With Menaoir by E. A. V. 8vo. - - - 1875 „ Recollections of. See Li/ito?i [TV. J.). Mead (Dr. Richard). On Pestilent Contagion. 4th ed. 8vo. (AVith Hodf/cs (N.).) 1720 Meadows (Kenny). Heads of the People; or. Portraits of the English. 8vo. 1840 Text by Douglas Jerrold, Leigh Hunt, "Wm. Thackeray, and others. Meadows (Thomas Taylor). The Chinese and their Rebellions. 8vo. 1856 Me ARES (Lieut. John). Voyages in 1788 and 1789, from China to the Xorth-AVest "Coast of America. 4to. - - - 1790 Meath (Reginald Brabazon, 12th Earl of). Social Arrows. 12mo. 1886 Mechanics' Magazine. Vols. 1-69. 8vo. - - - 1827-58 „ New Series. Vols. 1-28. Folio . . - . 1859-72 Meda (C. A.). Evenements de la Soiree du 9 Thermidor, An II. See Berville et Darriere, Vol. 16. Medical Congress, 1881. See International Medical Congress. Medical Directory (continued). Various years - 1845 et seq. Medici (Lorenzo de'), the Magnificent. By Alfred von Reumont. Trans, by Robert Harrison. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . 1876 „ Life. By William Roscoe. 12mo. 1847 „ See Savonarola, Tenhove. Medici (Marie de). Queen of France. Life. By Miss Pardoe. 3 vols., 8yo. 1852 Meding (Oscar) [Pseudonym G. Samarow]. Sceptre and Crown : a Romance. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1875 Medley (Geo. AV.). Fair Trade Unmasked. See Cobden Club. Medwin (Capt. Thos.). Conversations of Lord Byron in 1821-2. 8vo. 1824 Meeuan (Rev. Chas. P.). Fate and Fortunes of Hugh O'lSTeill, Earl of Tyrone, and Rory O'Donnel, Earl of Tyrconnel. 8vo. 1868 Meek (Rev. Robert). Memorials of Ensign A. M. H. Cheek. Small 8vo. 1857 Mbbn (Rev. Hen.). Translation of the Rape of Helen. See British Foets, Vol. 88. MEI— MEN 379 Metllan (M.). Memoires. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 35. Meisel (H.). Cours de Style Diplomatique. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1826 Mej AN (Maurice). Recueil des Causes Ceiebres. 12vols., 8vo. 1808-11 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition, 1866-7. Official Record. 8vo. 1867 Melbourne (William Lamb, 2ud Viscount), Memoir of. By W. M. Torrens. 2 vols., 8vo. 1878 „ Papers. Ed. by L. C. Sanders. 8vo. - - - - 1889 MELCOJiBE-REGis(GeorgeBubbDodington,Lord). Diary, 1749-61. With Appendix. Ed. by H. P. Wyndham. 4th ed. 8vo. 1809 Melish (John). Geographical Description of the United States. 8vo. 1822 Mellon (Harriot). See St. Albans (^Duchess of). Melliss (John Chas.). St. Helena, Physical and Historical. Imp. 8vo. - - - . 1875 Melly (Greorge). Khartoum and the Blue and White Niles. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1852 „ School Experiences of a Fag. 8vo. 1854 Melmoth (William). Great Importance of a Religious Life. With Memoir [1666-1743]. Also Burials in Lincoln's Inn Cloisters, Lincoln's Inn Preachers, Warburtonian Lecturers, by C. P. Cooper. (Privately printed.) 8vo. - 1849 Melsa (Mouasterii de) . Chronica, 1150-1406. See Chronicles, 43. Melvil (Sir James), of Hal-Hill. [1535-1607.] Memoirs; Alfairs of State during the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and King James. Ed. by Geo. Scott. Folio - - 1683 Melvill (Rev. James). Diary, 1556-1601. 4to. - - - 1829 „ „ Ed. by Robert Pitcairn. 8vo. . - - - 1842 Melville (Andrew). Life [1545-1622]. Ed. by Rev. Thos. MacCrie. 2 vols., 8vo. 1819 Melville (Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount). Trial for Corruption, 29 Apr.— 12 June, 1806. Acquitted. With Life. 8vo. 1806 Melville (Herman). Four Months' Residence amongst the ISTatives of the Marquesas Islands [1842]. 8vo. - - 1846 Mely (Ferd. de) and Bishop (Edm.). Bibliographic Generale des Inventaires Imprimes. 8vo. ----- 1892 Vol. 1. — France et Angleterre. MEMBERSof Parliament, 1213-1874. 3 vols., folio - - 1878-92 MEN-at-the-Bar, including Her Majesty's Judges. By Joseph Foster. Svo. -------- 1885 Men of the Reign. Eminent Persons (British and Colonial) who have died during the Reign of Queen Victoria. By T. H. Ward. 12mo. 1885 Men of the Time : a Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Living Characters of both Sexes. 8vo. ----- 1868 „ „ 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th editions. Ed. by Thompson Cooper. 4 vols., 12mo. 1872-84 „ „ 12th ed. Ed. by T. H. Ward. 12mo. - - 1887 „ 13th ed. Ed. by G. Washington Moon. Svo. - - - 1891 „ Public Characters of 1798-9 to 1809-10. 10 vols., Svo. 1799-1810 „ Public Characters of Europe. By F. Gibbon. 3 vols., Svo. 1814-15 „ Spirit of the Age ; or. Contemporary Portraits. By Wm. Hazlitt. Svo. - 1815 „ Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. ------- 1816 „ Public Characters of all Nations. 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1823 380 MEN— MER Men of the Time — continued. „ Haudhook of Contemporary Bioofraphy. By Fred. Martin. 12mo. 1870 „ Celebrities of the Century. Men and Women of the 19th Century. Ed. by L. C. Sandars. 8vo. - - - 1887 Menard (Rene). Eutretiens sur la Peinture. With Trans, by P. Ct. Hamerton and 50 Etchings. Folio - - - 1876 „ L'Art en Alsace-Lorraine. 4to. - . . . . 1876 Mendelssohn-B.\ktholuy (Felix). Letters, 1833-47. With a Catalogue of all his Musical Compositions by Dr. J. Rietz. Trans, by Lady Wallaci'. 12nio. - - - 18G3 Menoez (Moses). Collection of Poems. [Supplement to Robert Dodsley's Collection.] 12mo. 1770 Mendicity Society, Practice of the. 12mo. - . . . 1847 Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de). History of China and the Situation thereof. Trans, by R. Parke. See Hakluyt Soc, 14, 15. Menier (M.). Theorie et Application de ITmpot sur le Capital. 8to. 1874 „ Economie Rurale, Pulverisation des Engrais. 8vo. - - 1875 Mennell (Philip). The Coming Colony: Practical Notes on Western Australia. 12mo. -'----- 1892 „ Dictionary of Australasian Biography. 12mo. - - - 1892 Mennis (Sir John) and Smith (Dr. Jas.). The Muses' Recreations: Wit Rfstored [1640-58]. (Reprint.) 2 vols., 12mo. [1870] Menonville (Nicholas Joseph Thiery de). Travels to Guaxaca, Mexico, 1777. See JPinkerton, Vol. 13. Menzel (Wolfgang). German Literature. Trans, by T. Gordon. 4 vols., 8vo. 1840 „ History of Germany. 3 vols., 12mo. . . . . 1849 Mercantile Library of Philadelphia Bulletins {c&titimted) . Vol. 1 et seq. 4to. 1882 ct seq. INIerceau (A. F.). See Sergent-Merceau. Merchant Tavlors' School Register, 1562-1874. Compiled by the Rev. C. J. Robinson. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1883 Merciful Assizes ; or. Panegyric on the late Lord Jeffreys. 8vo. 1701 Mercdri, Bonnard, et Blanc. Costumes Historiques de 12'-15* Siecles. 3 vols., 4to. ------- 1860 Mercurids Rusticus, and Querela Cantabrigiensis. Small 8vo. - 1685 Outrages committed by the Sectarie.s. Chronicle of this Un- natural "War to the 2oth of March, 1646. Remonstrance, by way of Apology, for the Banished Members of the University of Cambridge. Meredith (George) . The Tragic Comedians : a Study in a well- known Story. 2 vols., 12mo. ... - - 1880 „ Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth. 12mo. - - - 1883 „ Novels. 9 vols., 8vo. 1885-6 Diana of the Crossways. Rhoda Fleming. Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Beauchamp's Career. Evan Harrington. Egoist. Emilia in England. Shaving of Shagpat. Harry Richmond. Farina. Vittoria. ,, Modern Love. The Sage Enamnuml. 12mo. - - 1892 Meueditu (Owen). See Lytton {Robert, Earl of). Mebes (Francis). English Poets compared with Greek, Latin, and Italian Poets [1598]. See Hasltuood {J.), Vol. 2. MER— MET 381 Mere WETHER (Hen. A.) and Stephens (A. J.). History of the Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom. 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1835 Merget (Jean de), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 34:. Merimee (Prosper). Lettres a une Inconnue. Precedees d'une Etude sur Merimee, par H. Taine. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1874 „ Lettres a une Autre Inconnue. 12mo. - - - - 1875 „ Lettres a Ant. Panizzi, 1850-70. Publiees par Louis Fagan. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1881 „ Letters to Ant. Panizzi. Ed. by Louis Fagan. 2 vols., 8vo. 1881 „ Carmen. 12rao. - - - 1884 Ars^ne Guillot. L'Abbe Aiibain. La Dame de Pique. Les Bohemians. Le Hussard. Nicolas Gogal. „ Portraits Historiques et Litteraires. 12mo. - - - 1874 Cervantes. Victor Jacquemont. Henri de Guise. Charles Nodier Ampere. Stendhal. Theodore Leclerq. Alexis de Valon. Alexandre du Sommerard. Froissart. Bran- tome. Charles Lenormant. Edward EUice. Pouchkine. Ivan Tourguenef. „ Derni^res Nouvelles. 12mo. ------ 1879 Lokis. U Viccolo di Madame Lucrezia. La Chambre Bleue. Djoumane. Le Coup de Pistolet. Federigo. „ Ses Portraits, ses Dessins, sa Bibliotheque. Par M. Tourneux. 12mo. 1879 Merivale (Charles), Dean of Ely. History of the Romans under the Empire. 7 vols., 8vo. ----- 1850-62 Meritale (Herman). Lectures on Colonization and Colonies. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1841 „ Historical Studies. 8vo. 1865 Merivale (Herman) and Marzials (Frank T.). Life of W. M. Thackeray. 16mo. 1891 Merle-d'Aubigne (Dr. J. H.) History of the Reformation of the 16th Century. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1840-53 „ History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. 8 vols., 8vo. 1863-78 „ The Protector : a Vindication, 8vo. - _ - - 1847 Merle (Matthieu), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 38. Meble (Rev. Wm.). Consideraciones Temperici pro 7 Annis. Folio 1891 The earliest known Journal of the Weather, 1337-44. With trans, by G. J. Symons. Mebolla da Sorrento (Jerom). Voyage to Congo [1682]. See Pinkerton,Yo\. 16. Merritt (Henry). Art Criticism and Romance. With Recollec- tions, and Etchings, by Anna L. Merritt. 2 vols., 12mo. 1879 Merry (Robert). Poems. See Florence Misc. Mery (J.). Raphael et la Fornarina. 12mo. . - - - 1883 Meslier (Le Cure J.). Le Bon Sens [centre le Supernaturel]. 12mo. - - - [n. D.] Mesnaqer (N. le B. le). Minutes of Negotiation at the Court of Queen Anne. Trans, by Daniel Defoe. 8vo. - - 1717 Mbtastasio (Pietro). Opere di : Drammi, Poesie, Lettere. 20 vols., 12mo. -------- 1820 Metcalfe (Chas. T. Metcalfe, Lord), Governor-General of India, Governor of Jamaica, and Governor-General of Canada. Life [1785-1846] and Correspondence. By Sir John W. Kaye. 3 vols., 8vo. 1854-5 382 MET— MIC METCArFE (Walt(-r C). Knights Bannorot, Knifjhts of the Bath, and Knif^hts Bacholor, 14'JG-1G58, and Kuights made in Irehmd, loGG-lOi^S. 8vo. 18H5 „ Suffolk Visitations, 1561, 1577, 1612. 8vo. - - - 1882 „ Visitations of Worcester, 1682-3. 8vo. - - - - 1883 „ See Harieian Sor. Metchnikoff (Leon). La Civilisation et les Grands Fleuves Histori(ine. 12rao. 1889 Metbyard (Miss Eliza). Life of Josiah "Wedgwood. With Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1865-6 „ The Younger Wedgwoods and their Friends [1785-1815]. 8vo. 1871 Metivier (Georges). Dictionnairo Franco-Xormand, ou Recueil des Mots particuliers au Dialecte de Guernsey. Bvo. - 1870 Metlakahtla Indians. See Wellcome {H. S.). Metropolitan Magazine. 18 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1836-42 Metropolitan Year Book, 1890 (continued). 12ino. 1890 et seq. Metternich - Winneburg - OciiSEXHAUSEN (Cleniens Wenzel N. L., Count and Prince of). Meraoires, Documents, et Ecrits divers. Ed. par son fils. 8 vols., 8vo. - 1880-4 „ Memoirs, 1773-1820. Ed. by Prince II. de Metternich. 4 vols., 8vo. --'----- 1880-1 Mbttesheim (Henry Cornelius Agrippa von). Doctor and Knight, commonly known as a Magician. Life. By Henry Morley. 2 vols., 8vo. 1856 Meyer (G. H. von). The Organs of Speech. See International Scientific Ser., Vol. 47. Meyer (Dr. Lothar). Modern Theories of Chemistry. 8vo. - 1888 Meyerbeer (Jacob). See Engel (Z). Meyrick (Sir Samuel Bush). The History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan. 4to. ----- 1810 ,, Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour in Europe from the Norman Conquest to Charles II. 3 vols., folio - - 1824 MiALL (Chas. S.). Henry Bichard, M.P. A Biography. 8vo. - 1889 MiALL (Edward). Nonconformist's Sketch-Book. 12mo. - - 1842 „ British Churches in relation to the British People. 8vo. - 1849 „ Views of the Voluntary Principle. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - 1850 ,, Title-Deeds of the Church of England to the Parochial Endowments. 2nd ed. 12nio. ----- 1871 „ Life. By his son, Arthur Miall. 8vo. - - - - 1884 MiCHAELis (Adolf). Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. Trans. by C. A. M. Fennell. 8vo. - - - - - - 1882 Michel (Francisque). Anglo-Norman Poem on the Conquest of Ireland from MS. in Lambeth Palace. 12mo. - - 1837 Michelet (Jules). Histoire de France. 17 vols., 8vo. - 1861-7 1-6. — Moyen Age. 12. — EichcHeu et la Fronde. 7. — Renaissance. 13, 14. — Louis Xl\'. 8. — Kefornie. 15. — Rcgcnce. 9. — Gucrres do Relipion. 16. — Louis XV. 10.— Ligue et Henri IV. 17.— Louis XV. et XV^I. 11. — Henry IV^. et Richelieu. „ Histoire de la Revolution Fran^aise. 3rd ed. 6 vols., 8vo. 1869 „ Histoire du 19'= Siecle. 3 vols., 8vo. . . . . 1875 1. — Directoire. Origino des Bonaparte. 2. — Jusqu'au 18* I5runiaire. 3. — Jusqu'k Waterloo. „ La Sorciere. 12mo. ------- 1863 MIC— MIK 383 MiCHELSEN (Edward H.). The Ottoman Empire and its Re- sources. 8vo. -------- 1854 „ Life of Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia. 12mo. - - 1854 MiCHiE (Alex.). Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petershourg. 8vo. ------- 1864 MiCKLE (Wm. Julius). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 66. „ The Lusiad. A Poem : translated freely fi'om L. de Camoens. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1798 MiCKLEBURGH (Rev. Jas.). Index to the Principal Places in the World, shown in the Maps of the Soc. D.U.K. 8vo. - 1844 Microcosm (The). A Periodical Work by Gregory Griffin. Nov. 6, 1786— July 30, 1787. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1787 [George Canning, John Smith, Robert Smith, John Hookham Frere, Joseph Mellish, B. Way, Mr. Littlehales, Lord H. Spencer, and others.] Middle Temple Library Catalogue. 8vo. 1880 MiDDLEHAM Church. Documents relating to its Foundation. See Camden Soc, 38. MiDDLETON (Rev. Chas. H.). Notes on the Etched Work of Rembrandt. 4to. 1877 MiDDLETON (Captain Christopher) . Voyage for the Discovery of the North-West Passage, in H.M.S. " Furnace," in 1741-2. Ed. by John Barrow. See HaMuyt Soc, 11. MiDDLETON (Rev. Dr. Conyers). Life of Cicero. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1741 „ Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers. 1748. New ed. 12mo. 1844 MiDDLETON (Sir Henry). Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. See HaMuyt Soc, 19. MiDDLETON (John Hcury). The Remains of Ancient Rome. 2 vols., 8vo. 1892 MiDDLETON (Thos.). Dramatic Works. With Life, and Notes by Rev. Alexander Dyce. 5 vols., 8vo. . . . - 1840 1. — Life. Old Law. Mayor of Queenborough. Blurt, Master Con- stable. The Phcenix. Michaelmas Term. 2. — Trick to Catch the Old One. Family of Love. Your Five Gallants. A Mad World, my Masters. Roaring Girl. 3. — Honest Whore. The Witch. The Widow. A Fair Quarrel. More Dissemblers besides Women. 4. — A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Spanish Gipsy. The Change- ling. A Game at Chess, Anything for a Quiet Life. Women beware Women. 6. — No Wit, No Help, like a Woman's. Inner Temple Masque. World tost at Tennis. Triumphs. Black Book. Father Hubburd's Tales. „ The Spanish Gipsey. Changeling. See Dilke, Vol. 4. „ Women beware Women. Trick to Catch the Old One. See Dilke, Vol. 5. „ A Mad World, my Masters. See Dodsley, Vol. 4. „ Roaring Girl. See Dodsley, Vol. 6. „ Mayor of Queenborough. See Dodsley, Vol. 11. MiECiSLAS. From the Original, by Louis Oxley. 8vo. - - 1879 MiGNET (Francois A. A.). Histoire de la Revolution Fran9aise, 1789-1814. 2 vols., 8vo. 1841 „ Histoire de Marie Stuart. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1852 Miguel (Dom Maria E.) of Portugal. L'Emprunt, 1832. (40 Millions de Francs.) 8vo. ----- 1880 Mikailofsky-Danilefsky (A.). History of the Campaign in France in 1814. 8vo. 1840 384 MIL Milan Pin.iootheqno Eoyalo. Cataloc^ue. 12mo. - - - 1883 MiLBouR.N ('riioinas). History of the Church of St. Mildred the Virn^in, Poultry ; with particulars of St. Mary Colo- church. Svo. -------- 1872 Miles (Wui. Autjustus). Correspondence on the French Uevolu- tioii, 1789-1817. Ed. by Kev. Cha.s. Popham iNIiles. 2 vols., royal 8vo. 1800 Mill (Janie.s). Elements of Political Economy. 8vo. - - 1824 „ History of British India. AVith Continuation, 1805-35, by Prof. H. H. Wil.son. 9 vols., 8vo. - - - 182G-45 „ Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human jNIind. Ne\y ed., Avith Notes, by A. Bain, A. Findlater, and G. Grote. Ed., with Notes, by J. Stuart Mill. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1869 „ Biography. By Alex. Bain. 12mo. - - - - 1882 Mill (John Stuart). Lo<;ic,Batiocinative and Inductive. 2vols.,8vo. 1843 „ Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. 8vo. - - 1844 „ Principles of Political Economy, with some of their Appli- cations to Social Philo.sophy. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1848 „ Liberty. Svo. - - - - - - - - 1859 „ Dissertations and Di.scussions, Political, Philosophical, and Historical. 4 vols., 8vo. ----- 1869-75 „ Representative Government. 8vo. - - - - - 18G1 „ Utilitarianism. 8vo. ----... 1804 „ Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. 8vo. - 1865 „ Inaugural Address at St. Andrew's, Feb. 1, 1867. ' Svo. - 1867 „ Irish Land Question. 12mo. ------ 1870 „ Autobiography. Svo. ------- 1873 „ Three Essays on Religion. Svo. - - . - . 1874 „ The Subjection of Women. 4th ed. Svo. . - - 1878 „ Land Question. See Ouvry (//. A.). „ Auguste Comte and Positivism. Svo. . _ . . 1882 „ J. S. Mill. A Criticism, with Personal Recollections. By Alex. Bain. 12mo. ------- 1882 Millar (John). Origin of the Distinction of Ranks. Svo. - 1781 „ Historical View of English Government [Saxon Kings to Elizabeth]. 4to. - - - - - - - 1787 Miller (Rev. Edw.). The History and Doctrines of Irvingism. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1878 Miller (Hugh). Collected AVorks. 13 vols., 12mo. - 1869-70 1. — My Schools and Schoohna-stcrs. 2. — The Testimony of the Rocks. 3. — Tile Cruise of the " Betsy" : Rambles of a Geologist. 4. — Sketch-Book of Popular Geology. 5. — First Impressions of Enfrlaiid and its People. 6. — Sci'iU'S and Legends of the North of Scotland. 7.— The Old Red San.lstone. 8. — The Headship of Christ. 9. — Footprints of the Creator. 10. — Tales and Sketches. 1 1. — I'jssays. 12. — Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood. 13. — Ijcading Articles on Various Subjects. „ Geology of the Bass Rock. Svo. . - - - [1847] „ Life and Letters. By P. Bayne. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1871 Miller (Rev. Jas.). "^Lahomet." See Bell and Caut hum, 13 ; also Invhlxtld, British Theatre, 13. [Miller (Mrs., afterwards Lady)]. Poetic Amusements in a Villa near Bath. 2 vols., 12mo. 1776 Letters from Italy. 3 vols., Svo. ----- 1776 MIL 385 Miller (Joaquin). Life amono^ the Modocs. 8vo. - - - 1S73 MiLLKR (Joseph). [1684-17.-! 80 ^ee Joe Miller. Miller (William), Peruvian General. Memoirs. By John Miller. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1828 Millers (Rev. George). The Cathedral Church of Ely. 3rded. 8vo. 1834 MiLLES (Dr. Jei-emiah), Dean of Exeter. Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 1. Mtlles (Thos.). The Catalogue of Honor; or, Treasury of True Mobility of Great Britaine. Folio - - - 1610 Millett (Geo. B.). Parish Registers of Madron, Cornwall, 1577-1681. Ito. - - ' - - - - 1877 Millhouse (John). Euglish-Itahan and Italian-English Dic- tionary. Ed. by F. Braeciforti. 6th ed. 2 vols, in 1., Ifmo." - ' - - - - - - - - 1886 Millingen (Major Fred.). Wild Life among the Koords. 8vo. - 1870 Millingen (Dr. J. G.). History of Duelling. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1841 Millingen (Julius). Memoirs of the Affairs of Greece [1823 et seq.']. With Anecdotes relating to Lord Byron. 8vo. 1831 Mills (Arthur). Colonial Constitutions. 8vo. - - - - 1856 Mills (Charles). History of the Crusades for the Recovery of the Holy Land. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - ' - 1820 „ History of Chivalry. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1826 Mills (David). Report on the Boundaries of the Province of Ontario. 8vo. -------- 1873 Mills (Herbert V.). Poverty and the State: or Work for the Unemployed. 12mo. ------- 1886 MiLMAN (Henry Hart), Dean of St. Paul's. History of the Jews. 2nd ed. 3 vols., 12mo. - - - " - - - 1830 „ Historyof Christianity to the Fall of Paganism. 3 vols., 8vo. 1863 „ History of Latin Christianitv, including that of the Popes, to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. 9 vols., 12mo. - -1867 „ The Agamemnon of iEschylus and the Bacchanals of Euripides. With Passages from the Lyric and Later Poets of Greece. 12mo. ------ 1865 „ Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo. - - - -1868 „ Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. 8vo. - - - 1870 „ Life of Edward Gibbon. 8vo. .■---- 1838 MiLMAN (Robert), Bishop of Calcutta. Life of Torquato Tasso. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1850 Milner (Alfred). England in Egypt. 4th ed. Svo. - - 1893 MiLNER (Rev. John) and Brierly (Oswald W.). Cruise of the "Galatea," Capt. H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, in 1867-8. 8vo. -------- 1869 Milner (Dr. John), Bishop of Castabala. History and Anti- quities of Winchester. 2 vols., 4to. . . - - 1809 Milner (Rev. Dr. Joseph). History of the Church of Christ to 1520. Continued by Dr. Isaac Milner to 1530. Supple- mented by extracts from Rev. T. Haweis' History. 8vo. 1838 MiLNES (Richard Monckton). See Houghton {Lord). Milton (John). Poetical Works. With Life, by E. Hawkins. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1824 „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vols. 16-18. „ Prose Works. With Review, by R. Fletcher. 8vo. - - 1838 „ Paradise Lost. With Illustrations, by John Martin. Folio 1846 „ Le Paradis Perdu. Avec Texte. See Delille, Vols. 13, 14. „ Samson Agonistes. See Bell and Cawthorn, 17. „ Comus. See Bell and Cawthorn, 18. p. 3104. B B 886 MIL— MIR Mii.ToN (John) — continued. C'omonlaiict' to Poetical Works of. By C.D.Cleveland. 12ino. Ibi67 „ lliston- of Britain to William the Conqueror. See Kennett, Vol. I. ,, Relit rtions on the Civil War. See Maseres, Tracts. ,, Conunon Place Book. See Camden Soc, 16 (X.S.). ,. Original Papers illustrative of liis Life and Writin^is. From MS.S. in the State Paper Otiice. See Camden Soc, 71. ,, Life, chiefly in connexion Anth the History of his Time. Bv Davi'.l Masson. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1S59-80 ., Meiiioii-s (.f. St-e Peck (Francis), Ttillnch {Rev. J.). „ Life. By Mark Pattison. See Enf/lish Men of Letters. „ Works relating to. See British Museum Cntalounc. Milton (Wm. Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Viscount) and Cheadle (Dr. W. B.). The Xorth-West Pa.>-. d.] MixCHiN (James Innes). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Trans, into Terza Rima. 8vo. . . . . 1S85 Minerva. Jahrlmch dt-r Gelehrti-n Welt. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. Kukula und K. Triibner {continued). 16mo. 1891 et seq. MiNGHETTi (Marco). Miei Ricordi. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. - 1888-90 ,, The Masters of Raflfaello. Trans, by Louis Fagan. 8vo. - 1882 Mining Engineers, American Institute of. See American Institute MiNNESiNGEKS ; or, German Troubadours. Lays. Ed. by Edgar Taylor. Crown 8vo. - - "- - " - - 1825 MixsHEU (John). Guide into the Tongues. 2nd ed. Folio - 1627 English. Wel.-h. Low Dutch. Hi^h Dutch. French. Italian. Spanish. Portuguese. Latin. Greek. Helirew. MiNTO (Sir Gilbert Elliot, 1st Earl of). Life and Letters, from 1751 to 1806. Ed. bv his Grand-Xiece, the Countess of INIinto. 3 vols., 8vo. -------- 1874 „ Life and Letters, 1807—1 f, while Governor-General of India. Ed. by his Great-Xiece. thi- Countess of .Minto. 8vo. - 1880 MiNTo ( Emma E. Eliz. Kynymound, Countess of). Life of The Right Hon. Hugh Elliot. 8vo. ----- 1868 Minto (William). Manual of P^nglish Prose Litt^rature. 3nl ed. 12mo. 1886 „ Dt'fo;-. See English Men of Letters. MiK.\BEAr (Honore Gabriel Ricpietti, Cointe de). (Euvres. 1 1 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1820-1 1. — iissai sur la Vic de TAuteur. Par C. L. De Gissicourt. Elssai sur le Dcspotisnie. Lilterte de la Presse. Reglemens ol)strve dans la Chambre des Communes en Angleterre. 2. — Des Ix-ttres de Cachet et des Prisons d'Etat. 3. — Hi.-;toire Secr^e de la Cour de Berlin. 4. — Denonciation de I'Agiotage. Bicctre. Refornie des Juifs. Caglioierte de IKscaut. 6-8. — Lettres k Sophie. , 9-11. — Discours et Opinions. Letters during his Residence in England. With Life. 2 vols., 8vo. 1832 MIR— MIT 387 MiRABEAU (Honore Grabriel Riquetti, Comte de) — continued. „ Meinoires. 4 vols., Hvo. - 1824 „ Recollections of. By E. Dumont. 8vo. - - - - 1832 ,, Life. See Adolphus. „ Mirabeau (Les). Memoires. See Lomenie {L. de). „ Vie. See F'ranrais {Les Gi'auds Ecrivains). MiKABEAU (Victor Riquetti, Marquis de). Memoires. See Lomenie (L. de), Les Mirabean. MiRABiLiA Urbis Roma3. An English Version. Ed. by J. M. Nichols. 12mo.- ------- 1889 MiRECOURT (E. de). Histoire Contemporaine : Portraits et Silhouettes au 19" Siecle. 4 vols., 16mo. - - 1859-70 Baroche. Achille Fould. Eugenie (L'lmperatriee). Sainte lieuve. Alfred de Vigny. Merimee. A. Mairast. Odilon Parrot. Victor Cousin. E. Arago. Mirror of Parliament. [Lords and Commons Debates.] Vols. 23-53 and Vol. 56. 1833-40. Folio and 8vo. - 1833-40 Mirror (The). See British Essayists, Vols. 34, 35. Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. 4to. . . - - 1815-21 Life and Death of Kizzio. The Cold Year, 1614. Quarrel between Hall and Long Meg of Westminster. Mallerie. History of Friar Bacon. The Christmas Prince. Brathwaite's Rules for govern- 01 d Meg of Herefordshire. ing an Earl's House. MrsKA (T/. S.). Political, Social, and Literary Papers. 12mo. 1890 Miss Bayle's Romance : A Storv of To-dav [by W. Eraser Rae]. *3 vols., 8vo. --■--■---- 1887 Misson (Max.). Voyage to Italy [1691]. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. - 1814 Mist's Journal, Miscellaneous Letters from. 8vo. - - - 1722 Mitchel (John). History of Ireland from the Treaty of Limerick. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - - " - - - 1869 „ Life. By William Dillon. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1888 Mitchell (Major-Gen. John H. P.). Fall of Napoleon: an His- torical Memoir. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1845 Mitchell (Logan). The Christian Mythology L'^nveiled. 8vo. [1842] Mitchell (Lieut.-Col. Sir Thos. L.). Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia. (90 Plates.) 2 vols., 8vo. 1838 „ Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1848 Mitp'Ord (Algernon B. Freeman). Tales of Old Japan. Illus- trated by Native Artists. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1871 Mitford (Rev. John). Life. By M. Houstonn. 12mo. - -1889 MiTFORD (Mary Russell). Our Village. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1824-6 ,, Stories of American Life. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1830 „ Lights and Shadows of American Life. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1832 ,, Recollections of a Literary Life. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1852 „ Dramatic Woiks. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - . - 1854 1. — Eienzi. Foseari. Julian. Charles I. 2. — Sadak and Kalasrade. Inez de Castro. Gaston de Blonde- ville. Otto of Wittelsbach. Dramatic Scenes : — Cunigunda's Vow ; the Fawn ; The Wedding Ring ; Emily ; The Painter's Daughter ; Fair Rosamond ; Alice; Henry Talbot; The Siege; The Captive; The Masque of the Seasons. „ Life, related in a Selection from her Letters. Ed. bv the Rev. A. G. L'Estrange. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - " - 1870 „ „ Second Series of Letters. Ed. bv Henry Chorlev. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - ■- - . ^ 1872 B B 2 388 MIT— MOL MiTFoRD (Miuy Russell) — continued. ,. Friendships, as recorded iu Letters from her Correspondents. Ktl. l.y the Rev. A. G. L'Estrange. 2 vols., 12ino. - 1SS2 MiTFoRi) (Major R. C. W.). To Ca>il)ul with the Cavalry Brigade. Personal Experiences with the Force under (jeneral Lord Roberts. 8vo. - 1H81 MiTK»>Hi> (William). Historv ol' Greece. With Lite by his brother, Lord Rede.sdali-. Ed. by W. King. 8 vols.', Svo. 1838 M«»iiERLY (Rev. Geo. H.). Life of William of Wykeham. 8vo. - 1887 MoFF.\T (Robert Scott). The Economy of Consumption, an omitted Cl)a])ter in Political Economy. 8vo. - - - - 1878 .MuHAM.MEi) All See Fafon {A. A.), and .S7. John (./. A.). Mi.HL (Juiiu.s), 1800-76. See Miiller {F. Max). MOHL (Madame Julius) [Mary Clarkej. Her Salon and her Friends. By Kathleen O'Meara. 8vo. - - - 1885 Moii.K (N'ich. Thirling) [Henry BlissJ. State Trials. Specimen of a new ed. (in verse). 8vo. . - . . . 1838 Anne Ayliffe, for Heresy. ;?ir "Wm. Stanley, for High Treason. Mary Queen of Scots. „ Cicero : a Drama - - - - - - - - x. P. MoiNE. See Le Moine. MoiK (Di. David Macbeth) [" Delta "J. Poetical Works. With Memoir, by Thomas Aird. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1852 „ Sketches ot the Poetical Literature of the past Half- Century. l2mo. - - 1852 .MoiK (JoIju Macrae). Capital Punishment. Ba.sed ou Professor Mittermaiei s " Todesstrafe." 12mo. - - - - 1865 Mole (F. R. de). Memoires. See Barriere (F.), Vol. 6. MoLESWOin'H (Robert, Viscount). Account of Denmark in 1692, of Sweden in 16S8; Life and Death of Count Patkul. 8vo. - - 1738 .\IoLR:-.wOHTH (The Rev. Win. Xa.ssaii). Hi.story of England, from 1830 to 1874. 3 vols., 8vo. - " - - 1871 „ ,, Abridged ed. 8vc. 1877 „ History of the Reforui Bill of 1S32. 8vo. - - - 1865 „ History of the Church of England from 1660. Svo. - - 1882 MoLiERE (J. B. P. de). GJuvreji. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - 1804 1. — Vie. ParM.de Voltaire. L'Etounli, ou les Contre-temps. Le Deoit Amoareiix. Le-s Precieusts Ridiculfs. Sgan- arehe, cu le Cuou Imagiuaire "2.-- i)o:i Garcie tk- Navarre, on le Pi-inee Jaloux. L'EooIe de.s Maris. Les Facheux. L'Ecole des Femme.s. La Critique de lEcole des Femmes. L'Iniproniptu de Versjiilles. J, — La Princesse d'Elide. Les Fetes de Vers^iilles, en 1664. Le Manage Force. Don Juan, ou le Festin de Pierre. L'Auiour Medecin. Le Misantrope. 4. — Le Medecin Malgre-Lui. ISIelicerte, Pastor.de Comique. Le Sicilien, ou I'Amour Peiiitre. Le Tartutfe. Am- phitryon. 5. — LAvare. George Dandin, ou le Mari Confondii. Fete.s Versailles, en 1668. M. de Pourceaugn.iC. Les A mans Magnifiques. Le Bourgeois (Ti-ntilhonime. 6. — Les Fourlx'ries de Scapin. Psyche. Les Feinmes Savantes. La Conitesse d'Esiarl>agnas. La Malade Imaginain-. La Gloire du Val-de-Graee. „ Dramatic Works. Trans, by H. van Laun, with Memoir. 6 vols., Svo. 1M76 ,, Life. By Mrs. Oliphant and F. Tarver. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. MOL— MON 389 MoLLHATJSEN (Baldwin). Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific. Trans, by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 vols., 8vo. 1858 MoLLOY (J. Fitzgerald). Court Life below Stairs; or, London under the Georges, 1714-1830. 4 vols., 12mo. - 1882-3 „ Life and Adventures of Peg Wotfingtou. 2 vols,, 12mo. - 1884 MoLMENTi (P. Gr.). La Vie Privee a Venise jusqu'a la Chute de la Republique. 8vo. ------- 1882 MoLTKE (Major the Baron von). The Russians in Bulgaria and Roumelia in 1828-9. Trans, from the German. 8vo. - 1854 MoLTKE (Field-Marshal Hellmuth, Count von). Life [1800-78]. By Prof. W. Miiller. Trans, by P. E. Pinkerton, and ed. by Capt. H. M. Hozier. 8vo. . . - - 1879 „ The Franco-German War of 1870-1. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1891 „ Lettei's to his Mother and his Brothers. Trans, bv Clara Bell and Hen. W. Fi.scher. 2 vols., 8vo. - " - - 1891 MoLYNEUX (SirThos.). Danish Mounts, Forts, and Towers in Ireland. 8ee Boate (G.). MoLYNEUX (Dr. Wm.). The Case of Ireland's being Bound by Acts of Parliament in England stated. Small 12mo. - 1698 MoMMSEN (Dr. Theodore). The History of Rome. Trans, by the Rev. W. P. Dickson. 4 vols., 12mo. - - 1864-6 „ „ History of the Provinces : Caesar to Diocletian. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1886 ,, Letter on the AYar between France and Germany. 8vo. - 1871 Monarchy the Best, most Ancient, and Legal form of Govern- ment : in a Conference had at Whitehall with Oliver Cromwell. 12mo. - - - - - - - 1679 Monasteries, Suppression of. See Camden Soc, 26. Monetary Conference, Paris, 1878-81. Report. 2 vols., 8vo. 1879-81 Money (Walter). History of Newbury, Berks. 8vo. - - 1887 Mongredien (Augustus). England's Foreign Policy: Interven- tion or Isolation. Small 8yo. ----- 1871 „ Wealth Creation. 12mo. - - - - - - 1882 MoNiER-WiLLiAMS (Sir Monier). Buddhism. 8vo. - - - 1889 MoNiTEUR de 1787-99, Analy.se Complete et Impartiale du. 6 vols., 4to. ------- 1801-2 Monk (Jas. Henry), Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. Life of Rev. Dr. Richard Bentley. 2nd ed. 2 yols., 8vo. - 1833 Monk (George). See Albemarle (Duke of). Monk (Rev. Wm. Johnj. History of Burford, Oxou. 12mo. - 1891 Monmouth (James, Duke of). Life [1683]. See Smeeton'sTracts,2. „ Life, Progresses, and Rebellion. With Account of the Bloody Assize. By George Roberts. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1844 „ Secret History of his Rebellion. See Gjxi/ {Lord). „ Rebellion. See Inderwick {F. A.). Monmouth (Robert Cary, 1st Earl of). Memoirs, by Himself. Ed. by Sir Walter Scott. 8vo. --.'.- 1808 MoNOD (G.). Bibliographie de I'Histoire de France. 8vo. - - 1888 MoNOGRAMMES de Peintres, Graveurs et Sculpteurs. See Brnlliot (F.). Monstrelet (Enguerrand de). Chroniques [1400-22]. 3 vols. in 2, folio --------- 1572 „ „ Trans, by Thos. Johnes. 2nd ed. 13 vols., 8yo. - 1810 Montagu (Basil). The Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment of Death. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - . 1816 „ Essays and Selections. 12mo. ------ 1837 39') MON MoNTAGCi (Eliz.). Lt'tters ; with those of some of her Correspon- .lents. Ed. l)v Matthew Montjign. 4 vols., Svo. - 1809-13 „ Letters and Biographic Sketch of. With a Chapter on Blue Stockings. By Dr. J. Dorau. Svo. . . . . 1873 Montagu (G.). Dictionary of British Birds. Ed., with atldi- tions, by Kdw. Xewnian. Hvo. - - - - [1888] Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley). [1690 ?-1762.] Letters and Miscellaneous Works. Ed. by Lord Wharncliffe. 3rd e-10. MorHOT (H»-nri). Travels in the CVntial Parts of Iiulo-China (Siam). Cambodia, and Laos, IS08-GO. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1864 Mot'LE (Thos.). Bihliotlieca llcraldica Ma<^iKe Britannia? : an Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealo „ Trans. 4 vols., 8vo. 183G „ Life. See Scott {Sir W.), JVorJia, Vols. H, 16. „ Life. By Wm. Hazlitt. 4 vols., 8vo. - - . . 1830 „ Histoire de. Par P. Lanfrey. 5 vols., 12ino. - - 1869-71 „ Short History of. By J. K. Seeley. 12mo. - - - 1886 „ Souvenirs de, 1756-1804. Par Comte Jean A. de Chaptal. ^^ 8vo. Ig93 „ Napoleon Intime. Par Arthur Levy. 3rded. 8vo. - 1893 „ Napoleon et Alexander I. L'Alliance Kusse sous le premier Empire. Par All)ert Vandal. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1893 „ "Works relating to. See British Museum Catalogue. „ And Marie Louise, Empress of France. See Marie Louise „ His Court and Family. See Abrantes (Biichesse d"). „ Talleyrand. Lettres a Napoleon, 1800-9. 8vo. - - 1889 „ Le Consulat et I'Empire. Par L. Vivien. 8vo. - N. d. » „ See Hyde de Neuville. „ Vietoires, Conquetes, Desastres, Guerres Civiles de 1792- 1815. 25 vols., 8vo. 1818-21 5» „ See Moniteur. „ Histoire de la Grarde Imperiale. Par E. M. de Saint Hilaire. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. [n. d.] „ Letters to Lord Hawkesbury and Mr. Addington, on Peace with Napoleon. By William Cobbett. 8vo. - - 1802 „ Trial of Jean Peltier for a Libel against. 8vo. - - - 1803 „ Buonaparte-phobia. See Hone (JFm.). „ Campagne de Eussie en 1812. Par Eug. Labaume. 8vo. 1814 „ Expedition to Russia in 1812. By P. P., Comte de Segur. 2 vols., 8vo. ^ . iy25 „ Fontainebleau and Elba. By Sir Neil Campbell. 8vo. - 1869 „ Waterloo Lectures. By Col. C. C. Chesney. 8vo. - - 1869 „ Waterloo. By Col. Sir A. S. Frazer. 8vo. - - - 1859 „ Waterloo : a History of the Campaign in 1815. By George Hooper. 8vo. ' . . iyg2 „ Waterloo. Par Lieut.-Col. Charras. 8vo. - - . 1857 » 1, By Greneral Sir J. S. Kennedy. 8vo. - - 1865 „ Fall of Napoleon. By Major-Gen. John Mitchell. 3 vols., 8vo. 1845 Memoirs of the 1813-14 Campaign. See Muffling {F. C. F., Baron von). Surrender and Residence on Board H.M.S. " Bellerophon." By Capt. F. L. Maitland. 8vo. 1826 Captivity of, at St. Helena. From the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. By Wm. Forsyth. 3 vols., 8vo. 1853 Journal de la Vie Privee, et des Convei'sations de Napoleon a Ste. Helene. Par le Comte de Las Cases. 8 vols., 8vo. London -----... 1823 „ 8 vols., 8vo. Paris ----.. i823 Exposition of Transactions at St. Helena. By Dr. Barry Edw. O'Meara. 8vo. lyig In Exile. His Opinions and Reflections on the most Im- portant Events of his Life, in his own words. By Dr. Barry Edw. O'Meara. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. -' -1822 Last Days of. By Dr. F. Antommarchi. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1825 Bequest to Cantillon. 8vo. --.... 1858 p. 3104. c c 402 NAP Napoleon I. — continued. „ St. Helena. By J. Chas. Mellis. Imp. 8vo. - - - 1875 „ Anecdotes of Napoleon. By Wm. lly. Irelund. 6 vols. in 3, 12mo. 1822-3 „ Dictioniiaire-Napoleon, ou Recneil Alphal)etiSocieti/'s Publications, Vols. 2—5. „ Dilke's Collection. 6 vols., 8vo. . - - - 1814-15 ., Old English Drama. 2 vols., 8to. 1825 " Old Shekarry " (The). See Leierson {II. A.). Oldts (Wm.), Xorroy King-at-Arms. British Librarian : a Re- view of our most Scarce, L.seful, or Valuable Books. 8vo. 1738 Oliphant (C. F.). Alfred de ^lusset. See Blackicood's Foreign Classics. Oliphant (Laurence). Russian Shores of the Black Sea in the Autumn of 1852 ; Voyage dowii the Volga and Tour through the Country of the Don Cossacks. 8vo. - - 1853 „ The Transcaucasian Campaign of Omer Pasha. 12mo. - 185o „ Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the years 1857-9. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . 1859 „ Patriots and Filibusters. 12mo. ----- I860 „ Piccadilly : a Fragment of Contemporary Biography. 8vo. 1870 „ The Land of Khemi : Up and Down the Middle Nile. 12mo. --------- 18P2 „ Episodes in a Life of A«lventure. 12mo. - - . 1887 „ Haifa; or. Life in Modern Palestine. 12mo. - - - 1887 Oliphant (Laurence) and his wife Alice. Memoir. Bv Margaret O. Oliphant. 2 vols., 12mo. - . .' - -1891 Oliphant (Margaret O.). Irving (Rev. Edw.). Life. 2 vols., 8vo. 1862 „ Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II. 2 vols., 8 vo. 1869 „ Francis of A.'^sisi. 8vo. ------ [1871] „ Montalembert (Comte de), Memoir of. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1872 „ Literary Hi.^tory of England in the end of the 18th and beginning of 'the 19th Century. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1882 „ Tulloch (Principal John). Life. Bvo. - - - - 1888 „ The Makers of Venice : Doges, Conquerors, Painters, and Men of Letters. 8vo. 1887 „ Royal Edinburgh. With Illustrations by Geo. Reid. 8vo. 1890 „ Cervantes. Dante. See Blackicood''s Foreign Classics. „ Sheridan. See English Men of Letters. Oliphant (Margaret O.) and Tarver (F.). Moliere. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. OLI— ORD 417 Oliphant (Thos. L. Kington). The Jacobite Lairds of Gask. 8vo. - - 1870 Oliver and Boyd's Edinburgh Ahnanac {continued) - 1837 et seq. Oliver (Rev. Greo.). Historical Landmarks and other Evidences of Freemasonry. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo. - - 1823 „ History and Antiquities of the Town and Minster of Bever- ley, and the Abbeys of Watton and Meaux. 4to. - - 1829 Oliver (Rev. Dr. George) [Canon of Plymouth]. Collections illustrative of the History of the Catholic Religion, in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, and Glou- cester. 8vo. -------- 1857 „ History of the City of Exeter ; with Memoir of the Author and Index. 8vo. ------- 1861 „ Monasticon Dioecesis Exouiensis : Conventual, Collegiate, and Eleemosynary Foundations in Cornwall and Devon. With Two Supplements and Index. Folio - - 1846-54 „ Bishops and Cathedral of Exeter. With Appendix and Index. 8vo. -------- 1861 Oliver (Capt. Sam. Pasfield). Madagascar: an Historical and Descriptive Account. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - . 1886 Ollivier (Emile). Lamartine. 8vo. ----- 1874 „ Le 19 Janvier. 2nd ed. 12mo. ----- 1869 Olmsted (Fred. Law). A Journev in the Back Countrv, U.S.A. 8vo. - - - - ■ - - - - " - - 1860 „ The Cotton Kingdom : the American Slave States. 2 vols., 12mo. . - - 1861 Olyjipiodorus. Life of Plato. See Plato, JForks, Vol. 6. Omar Khayyam, Rubaiyat of. Trans, into English Verse by Edw. Fitzgerald. 4th ed. 12mo. - . - - 1879 O'Meara (Dr. Barry Edward). An Exposition of Transactions a>t St. Helena. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1819 „ Napoleon in Exile. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1822 O'Meara (Miss Kathleen). Madame Mohl. 8vo. - - - 1885 Omond (George W. T.). The Lord Advocates of Scotland. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1883 „ Arni.ston Memoirs. [The Dundas Family.] 8vo. - - 1887 Ondaatje (Peter Philip J. Q.) [formerly of Ceylon], Memorials of. By Mrs. C. M. Davies. 8vo. 1870 Onslow (Wm. H. Onslow, 4th Earl of). Landlords and Allot- ments. 12mo. -------- 1886 Ontario (North Western) : its Boundaries and Communica- tions. 2 vols., 8vo. 1878-9 „ Agricultural Commission. Report 1881. 6 vols, in 2, 8vo. 1881 Opie (Amelia). Life. See Thackeray {E.). Opie (John). Lectures on Painting; with Life, by Mrs. Opie. 4to. - - - - 1809 Oram (Sam. M.). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 73. Oratores Attici, exRecensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. 4 vols, in 7., 8vo. --------- 1822-33 1. — Antiphon. Andocides. Lycias. 2. — Isocrates. 3. — Isaeus. Dinarchus. Lycurgus. iEschines. Demados. 4. — (in 4 parts.) Demosthenes. Ord 1 John Walker). History and Antiquities of Cleveland, N. Riding of Yorkshire. 4to. ----- 1846 Ordericus Vitalis. HistoriaEcclesiastica. ^ee Duchesne, \o\. 10. ,, Excerptii. See Maseres, Hist. Anffl. p. 3104. D D 4U ORE— ORR 0*Reillt (John Rovl.-). Lifp. Bv Jas. J. Roche; ^^^th his Pof'iiis an.l SiK'.'1-h.'s. p:(l."l.v Mrs. O'Rcillv. 8vo. - 1891 O'Rell (Max) [BloiR't (Paul)], John Bull to. (In Reply to "John Bull and his Island.") 12mo. - - -' -1885 Oreli.\n.\ (Francisco de). Expedition into the Valley of the Amazon. See Haklnijt Soc, 24, ORF(»Kn (Horatio Walpole, Ith Earl of). See Walpole {H.). OifKoKi) (Sir liob.-rt Walpole, 1st Earl of). See fVa/pn/e {Sir R.). Oiu.ANDiM (A. Z.). Corogratia d.H" Italia. 19 vols., 8vo. Plates. 5 vols., folio ------- 1835-45 Orleans (Charles, 2n(l Duke of) [1391-1465]. See Stevenson {R. L). Orleans (Gaston Jean Baptiste, 6" Due d') [Fils de Henri IV.]. Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol. 31. Orleans (Helen of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Duchess of). Memoir. Trans, hv Mrs. Austin. 12mo. ----- 1859 Orleans, House of. Memoirs. B.v Dr. W. C. Taylor. 3 vols., 8vo. 1849 Orleans (Louis Philippe J., 11th Duke of) [Egalite]. Life. See Adoljjhiis. Orleans (Philippe II., 8th Duke of). See Wiesener (/,.). Orleans (Pere P. J. d'). The Tartar Conquerors of China, 1688. See Hakliiyt Soc, 17. Ormathwaite (Sir John B. "Walsh, Lord). Practical Results of the R.-fonn Act of 1832. 8vo. 1860 Oi!ME (Robeit). Military Transactions of the British Xation in Hindostnn, from' 1715-61. 2 vols, in 3, 4to. - -1803 Oi.MEROi) (Dr. George). History of the County Palatine and Citv of Chester, incorporated with a republication of King's Vale Royal and Levcester's Cheshire Antiquities. 3 vols., folio - - ' 1819 Ormonde (James Butler, 1st Duke of). Life and Letters [1610-88]. Ed. by Thos. Carte. 3 vols., folio - -1736 ,, Memoir. See Moiintmorres (Lord). „ Correspondence with Roger Boyle. See Orrery {Earl of). „ Political Survey of Ireland under. See Petty (Sir WiUiam). Okmsuy (Robt.). Memoirs of Jas. R. Hope-Scott. 2 vols., 8vo. 1884 Ornsby (Rev. Geo.). York. See Diocesan Histories. Orosii's. History of the World. The Anglo-.Saxon Version of King Alfred. Trans, by R. T. Hampson. Ed. l)y Rev. .Jos. Bosworth. 8vo. - 1859 „ „ See A/J'rcd the Great, jror//s,yo\. 2. O'RorRKE (Rev. John). The History of the Gnat Irish Famine of 1847. With Xotices of earlier Irish Famines. 8vo. [1879] Orpheus. Mystical Hvmns. Trans, bv Thos. las lor. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - ■ - - - " - - ■ - - - 1824 Ork (Mrs. Sutherland). Life and Letters of Robert lirowning. 2n[ (Gen. Sir Jas.). The Conquest of Scinde : a Commen- tary [on Sir Wm. Napier's History]. 2 Parts. 8vo. - 184G „ Jiiography [1803-63]. By Major-Gen. Sir F. J. Goldsmid. 2 vols., 8vo. - -' - 1880 OuvRY (Col. Hen. A.). Stein and his Keforms in Prussia, with reference to the Land Question in England. With Aj)pendix, containing Views of Cobden and Mill. 12mo. 1873 OvALLE (Alonso de). Historv of Chile [1649]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 14. Overall (Wm. Hen.). Dictionary of Chronology. 8vo. - - 1870 OvERBURY (Sir Thomas). Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse. Ed. by Dr. E. F. Rimbault. 12mo. - - 1856 „ The Wife : a Poem ; with Additions of Xew Characters. 16th ed. IGmo. - - - 1638 'I'lie Great Oyer of Poisoning : Trial of the Earl of Somerset for Poisoning. By A. Amos. 8vo. . - - - 1846 OvERSTONE (Samuel Jones Loyd, 1st Lord). Tracts on Metallic and Paper Currency. Hvo. ------ 1857 Overton (Rev. John Hen.). Life in the English Church, 1660-1714. 8vo. ----- - 1885 „ Life of John Wesley. 12mo. ------ 1H91 „ English Church in the 18th Century. See Abbey and Overton. 0\ iDirs Xaso (Publius). Opera Omnia ex Editione Burmanniana. H vols., Hvo. - - - 1821 „ The Fjisti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Il)is, Halieuticon, and the Metamorphoses. Literally trans, by Henrv 'i\ Riley. [Bolin.] 2 vols., 12mo. ' - *- -" - '1870-1 „ Metiimorphoses. Trans, by Garth, Dryden, Addison, Mayn- waring, and Croxall. See British Poets, \oh.,Q4i, 2b. „ „ See Dryden {John), Works, Vol. 12. „ Life. By Rev. A. Church. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. „ Le Metamorfosi. Kidotte daG. A. Dall' Anguillara. 3 vols., 32mo. - - . - 1624 Owen (H.). Ancient and Present State of Shrewsbury. 12mo. 1808 Owen (H.) and Blakeway (J. B.). Historv of Shrewsbury. 2 vols., 4to. -' - - - ■ - - - - 1825 Owen (Sir Richard). On the Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 vols., Hvo. 1866-8 Vol. 1. — Fishes and Ruptiles. Vol. 2. — Birds and Mammals. Vol. 3. — Mammals. OWE— OXF 421 Owen (Robert). Tracts written and Collected by. 8vo. - - 1818 A New View of Society ; or, Essays on the Formation of the Hiiiiian Character, preparatory to the development of a Plan for gradually ameliorating the Condition of Man- kind. Address, delivered Jan. 1, 1816, at the opening of the Institution for the Formation of Character. Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System ; with Hints for the Improvement of those parts of it which are most Injurious to Health and Morals. Letters on tho Employment of Children in Manufactories, and on the Union of Churches and Schools. Two Memorials on behalf of the Working Classes. New View of Society : — Proposals for raising a College oi Industry of all Useful Trades and Husbandry, by John Bellers. [1696.] Eeport to the Committee of the Asso- ciation for the Relief of the Manufacturing and Labouring Poor. Sketch of the Religious Society of People called Shakers, Ity W. 3. Warder. Proceedings connected with the Subject, July-Aug. 1817. „ Plans for Self-supporting Home Colonies. 4to. - - 1841 ,, Life, written by Himself. With selections from his Writings and Correspondence. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1 857-8 Owen (Sam.). Thames, Views of the. Engraved by W. B. Cooke. 2 vols., 4to. - 1881 OxBNHAM (Rev. Hen. N.). Memoir of Lieut. R. DeLislCjR.N". 12mo. 1886 Oxford Chronological Tables. Folio . . . . 1835-40 Oxford English Prize Essays, 1771-1836. o vols., 8vo. - -1836 Vol. 1.— Barker (C). Use of History. Benwell (W.). In what Arts have the Moderns excelled the Ancients ? Blackstone(H.). Dramatic Composition. Burgess (Right Rev. T.), Bishop of Salislniry. Study of Antiquities. Eldon (John Scott, Earl). Travelling into Foreign Countries. Grattan (J.). Sculpture. Hall (Rev. C. H.), Dean of Christ Church. On the Use of Medals. Hodson (Frodsham). Influence of Education and Govern- ment on National Character. Lowth (T.). Architecture. Phillpotts (H.), Bishop of Exeter. 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Raphael Drawings, Ojdford. Morris (W. O'Connor). Land System of Ireland, Temple (Rev. F.). National Education. King (R. J.). Carlovingian Romance. Smith (Goldwin). Review of Mr. Congreve's Roman Empire of the West. 1867.— Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.). Place of Homer in Cla'^sical Education. Duff (M. E. Grant). Sicily. Wilson (Rev. H. B. ). Schemes of Christian Comprehension. Freeman (E. A.). Ancient Greece and Mediaeval Italy. Powell (Rev. Baden). Study of the Evidences of Natural Theology. Bridges (J. H.). Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages, Church (Rev. R. W.). Essays of Montaigne. Sellar (W. Y.). Characteristics of Thucydides. 1858, — Conington (John). Poetry of Pope. Cecil (Lord Roliert G.). Theories of Parliamentary Reform. Grant (Sir Alexander). The Ancient Stoics. OXF— OXO 423 Oxford Essays — continued. 1 858 — continued. Pearson (C. B.). Hymns and Hymn Writers. Dasent (George Webli). Norsemen in Iceland. Phillimore (J. Gr.). Influence of the Canon Law. Smith (Goldwin). Oxford University Reform. Oxford Historical Society Publications {continued). 8vo. 1885 et seq. Vols. 1, 10, 11, 12, 14. — Register of the University of Oxford, 1449-1622. Ed. by the Rev. C. W. Boase and A. Clark. Vols. 2, 7, 13. — Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne, 1705-12. Ed. by C. E. Doble. Vol. 3.— Early History of Oxford, 727-1 100. By James Parker. Vol. 4. — Memorials of Merton College. By the Hon. G. C. Brodrick. Vols. 5, 16. — Collectanea. 1st Series. Ed. by C. R. L. Fletcher. 2nd Series. Ed. by M. Burrows. Vol. 6.— Magdalen College and King James II., 1686-88. A Series of Documents. Ed. by the Rev. J. R. Bloxam. Vol. 8. — Elizabethan Oxford. Reprints of Rare Tracts. Ed. by C. Plummer. Vol. 9. — Letters of Richard Radcliffe and John James of Queen's College, 1755-83. Vols. 15, 17. — Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford, composed in 1661-6, by Anthony a AVood. Ed. by the Rev. A. Clark. Vol. 18. — Oxford City Documents, Einancial and Judicial, 1268- 1665. Ed. by J. E. Thorold Rogers. Vols. 19, 21, 26. — Life and Times of Anthony Wood, Antiquary, 1632-95. Described by himself. Ed. by And. Clark. Vol. 20.— The Grey Friars of Oxford. By And. G. Little. Vol. 22. — Reminiscences of Oxford by Oxford men, 1559-1850. Ed. by Lilian M. Q. Couch. Vol. 23. — Index to Wills proved in the Archdeaconry of Berks, 1508-1652. Ed. by W. P. W. Phillimore. Vol. 24. — Three Oxfordshire Parishes: Kidlington, Yarnton, and Begbroke. By Mrs. Bryan Stapleton. Vol. 25. — History of Corpus Christi College, with Lists of its Members. By the Rev. Dr. Thos. Fowler. Oxford Sausage ; or, Select Poetical Pieces by the most Celebrated Wits of the University. 8vo. ----- 1814 Oxford University. Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1814 „ Honours Register to 1883. 12mo. ----- 1883 „ Alumni Qxonienses, 1500-1886. See Foster (J.). „ Catalogue of the Grraduates between Oct. 10, 1659, and Dec. 31, 1850. 8vo. - - 1851 „ Register of Visitors, 1647-58. Hee Camden Soc, 29 {N .8.). „ Statutes. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1845-51 „ Dictionary of. By Charles Dickens. 12mo. - - - 1884 Oxford University Calendar (roM^/rt»erf) - - - 18S7 et seq. OxLEY (T. Louis). From Calais to Karlsbad. 12nio. - - 1878 „ Miecislas : a Tale. Trans. 8vo. ----- 1879 OxLEY (Wm.). Modern Messiahs. 12mo. . - - - 1889 Emanuel Swedenborg. Ann Lee. Johanna Southcott. Joseph Smith. Edward Irving. Thos. Lake Harris. Mary Ann Girling. Jas. White. The Mother. Helena P. Blavatsky. Keshub Chunder Sun. OxoNiANA. 4 vols., 12mo. -n. d. 424 P. v.— PAL P. V. [Peter Vermilly alias Petrr Martyr]. Events in Great Britain, Jiilv 15').S. (Reprint.) Hvo. - - - - 1865 Pagaso (G.). Storiadi F.nlinanilo II., 1830-50. 8vo. - -1853 Page (H. A.) [P^^Ml(l(»nym of Dr. Alex. H. Japp]. Tliomas de Quincey : hi.^ Life ami Writinofs. 2 vols., Svo. - - 1877 Page (Richard). Examination of Twelve Resolutions of Mr. Joseph Hume resi^ecting Slave Compensation Loan. Svo. - - - - 1839 Pages. See Gamier-Pages. Paget (John). Travels through Hungary and Transylvania. 3rd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - ' - - - - 1855 Paget (John). Income Tax Act. 2nd etl. 12mo. - - - 1842 „ Paradoxes and Puzzles, Historical, Judicial, aud Literary. 8vo. 1874 Paget (John) and Paget (Thos. Tertius). Letters, Reports, &c., relative to the Case Talbot v. Talbot. 8vo. - - 1855-6 Paget (Miss Violet) [P.seudonym Vernon Lee]. Life of Louise, Countess of Albany. 12mo. . . . . . 1884 „ Euphorion : Studies of the Antique and Mediseval in the Renaissjince. 8vo. ------- 1885 „ Baldwin: Dialogues on Views and Aspirations. 12mo. - 1886 „ Juvenilia: Essays on Sundry yEsthetical Questions. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1887 Paginixi (Nicolo). See Engel (Z.). Paijkull (C. W.). a Summer in Iceland. 8vo. - - - 1868 Paine (Thomas). Theologiciil, Poetical, and Miscellaneous Work?. With Life bv R. Carlile, and another Life by W. T. Sherwin. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1819-27 „ Life. See Adolphus. PAL.a:ONTOGRAPHiCAL Society Publications. 11 vols., 4to. - 1848-52 Danrin (Charles). Fossil Lepadidae. Davison (Thos.). British Tertiary Brachiopoda. Edwards (F. E.). Eocene Mollusca. Edwards (H. M.) and Haiire (Jules). British Fossil Corals. Forbes (Prof. Edward). Echinodermata of the British Tertiaries. Jones (T. Rupert). Entomostraca of the Cretaceous Forma- tions. King (W.). Permian Fossils. Morris (J.) and Lycett (J.). Mollusca from the Great Oolite. Owen (Prof.). Reptilia of the Cretaceous Formations. Owen (Prof.) and Bell (Prof.). Reptilia of the London Clay. Wood (Searles V.). Crag Mollusca. Palestine Exploration Fund Publications. 4to. and 8vo. - 1881-90 1. — Arabic and English Name Lists. By H. Palmer. 4to. 1881. 2. — Special Papers on Topography and Archseologj-. 4to. 1881. 3. — Survey of Western Palestine. By Lieut. Conder and Lieut. Kitchener. 3 vols., 4to. 1881-3. „ „ Map, scale 1 inch to a mile. „ ,, „ f of an inch to a mile. „ „ „ „ Showing Natural Drainage and Mountain Ranges. 4. — Excavations at Jerusalem. By Capt. Charles Warren. 60 Plates. 6. — Fauna and Flora of Palestine. By Rev. Dr. Tristram. 4to. 1884. 6. — Jeru.'^lem. By Col. Sir Charles Warren and Capt. C. R. Conder, R.E. 7. — Palestine under the Moslems. Syria and the Holy Land, A.D. 6.50-1.500. Trans, from the Arabic by Guy le Strange. Svo. 1890. PAL 3:25 Paley (Dr. Willium), Archdeacon of Carlisle. Works with Life. By the Rev. Edmund Paley. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1838 1. — Life. National Theology. 2. — Evidences. Horse Paulinse. 3. — Moral Philosophy. Sermons. 4. — Sermons. Charges. Palfrey (Dr. John Gorham). History of New England, from the Discovery by Europeans to the First Congress of the Anglo-American Colonies. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1858-73 „ „ New ed. 4 vols., l2mo. ----- 1884 Palgrave (Sir Francis). The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, Anglo-Saxon Period. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. 1832 „ Truths and Fiction of the Middle Ages : the Merchant and the Friar. 18mo. - 1837 ,, History of the Anglo-Saxons. 16mo. - - . . 1845 „ History of Normandy and of England. 4 vols., 8vo. 1851-64 1. — General Relations of Mediseval Europe. Carlovingian Empire. Danish Expeditions in the Gauls. Establish- ment of Eollo. 2. — Three First Dukes of Normandy, Rollo, Guillaume-Longue- Epee, and Richard-sans-Peur. Carlovingian Line Sup- planted by the Capets. 3. — Richard-sans-Peur. Richard le Bon. Richard III. Robert lu Diable. William the Conqueror. 4. — William Rufus. Accession of Henry Beauclerc. Palgrave (Francis Turner). Alfred de Musset. See Oxford Essays, 1855. ,, Golden Treasury of the best Songs and Lyrics in the English Language. 16mo. ------ 1890 Palgrave (Sir Reg. F. D.). Oliver Cromwell : an Appreciation based on Contemporary Evidence. 12mo. - - - 1890 Palgrave (R. H. Inglis). Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 1871 „ Dictionary of Political Economy. Part 1 (continued). 8vo. -------- 1891 et seq. Palgrave (William GifFord). Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia in 1862-3. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1865 ., Essays on Eastern Questions. 8vo. - . . - 1872 Palin (Rev. Wm.). Stift'ord (Essex) and its Neighbourhood. (Privately printed.) 8vo. ------ 1871 „ More about Stifford. (Privately printed.) 8vo. - - 1872 Palladio (Andrea) [1518-80], Le Fabrici e Disegno di : Raccolti ed illustrati da Ott. Bert. Scamozzi. 4 vols., folio 1776-83 Palladius (Rutilius Taurus JE.). On Husbandry [1420]. See Early English Text Soc, 27. Pallas (P. S.). Voyages en ditferentes Provinces de Russie. 5 vols., 4to. --.-.-. 1788-93 „ Travels through the Southern Provinces of Russia. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1802-3 Palliser (Mrs, F. Bury). Historic Devices, Badges, and War Cries. 8vo. 1870 Palissy (Bernard). His Labours and Discoveries. By Henry ., Morley. 12mo. - - - - - - -n. d. P alma (Count Alemio) . Greece Vindicated. 8vo. - - - 1826 Palmer (Rev. Abram Smythe). Folk Etymology; a Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions. 8vo. ----- 1882 Palmer (Charles John). History of Great Yarmouth. 4to. - 1866 426 PAL— PAN Palmer (Eev. Dr. Hcrliert). " Christian Paradoxes." " Moino- rijil of GodliiU'.ss and Christianity." With an Introdiu-- tion and ^It-nioir, by Hev. A. H. (Jro.sart. Svo. - - 1H65 Palmeu (Honndcll). Sec Sclbonie {lutr/ of). Palmei{ (Sam.). Anticjiiarian, Topo^^raphical, and Bio<;raphi(al Memoranda ndatin<; to St. I'ancras, Middlesex. 4to. - 1870 Palmer (Sam.) [Watt'r Colour I'ainter]. En<,disli Person of the Eclogues of Virgil. Witli Illustrations by the Author. Folio 1883 Palmer (Sam.). Index to the "Times" (continued backwards and forwards). Small 4to. - ... If's'i^ et seq. Palmer (Kev. Thos. Fishe), Life ami Trial of. See Scottish Jiefor/ners. Palmerston (Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount), Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, Administered by. Hvo. ... 1841 „ Opinions and Policy as Minister, Diplomatist, and Stiites- mau. With Memoir, by Geo. Hen. Francis. 8vo. - 1852 „ L'Angleterre et le Continent. Par le Comte de Ficquel- mont. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. ...... 1852 „ Tours in France in 1815 and 1818. 8vo. - - - 1871 „ Diarv in France, July and August, 1791. See Browning (Oscar). „ Life and Times. By J. E. Ritchie. 2 vols., 4to. - - N. D. „ Life. AVith Selections from his Diaries. By Sir H. L. Bulwer (Lord Dalling). [Vol. 3. Ed. by the Hon. E. Ashley.] 3 vols., 8vo. ------ 1870-4 ,, Life, 184G-G5. AVith Selections from his Speeches and Correspondence. Bv the Hon. E. Ashley. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - ' - - - - - - - 1876 Palmieri (Giuseppe). Cenno Storico Militaire, 1859-01. 8vo. - N. D. Paltock (Robert). Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins. Ed. by A. H. BuUen. 2 vols., 12mo. . . - - 1884 Pamphleteer (The) : a Collection of Pamphlets. 14 vols., 8vo. 1813-19 Pamphlets on Irish Education. 6 vols., 12mo. - - 1866-73 „ On the Irish Church Question. 5 vols., 8vo. - - 1863-71 „ Irish I^and Question. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1847-70 Pan (Mallet du). See Dm Pan. PA^'CIROLA (Guido). History of Memorable Things Lost, which were in use among the Ancients. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. - 1715 Panegyrici Veteres ex Editionibus Chr. G. Schwarzii et Arntze- niorum. 3 vols., 8vo. .-...- 1828 Panizzi (Sir Anthony), Principal Librarian of the British Mu.seum. Orlando Innamorato di Bojardo : Orlando Furioso di Ariosto. With an Essay on the Romantic Narrative Poetry of the Italians ; with Memoirs and Notes. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1830-1 „ Orlando Furioso ; with Memoirs and Notes. 8vo. - - 1834 „ Chi era Francesco da Bologna ? 16mo. - - - - 1857 „ Lettere ad, di Uonioni illu.stri e di Aniiei Italiiii, 1823-70. Pubblicate da Luigi Fagan. Vol.1. 8vo. - - - 1880 „ Lettres a, par P. Merimee. Pub. par Louis Fagan. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1881 „ Letters of Merimee to. Ed. by Louis Fagan. 2 vols., 8vo. 1881 „ Life. By Louis Fagan. 2 vols., 8vo. . . - . 1880 „ Pamphlets on Art, Biography, Literature, and Italian Politics, collected by. 24 vols., 8vo. ... 1815-64 PAN— PAR 427 Panzer (G. W.). Annales Typograpbici, ab Artis inventie origine ad annum 1536. 11 vols, in 6, 4to. - - 1793-1803 Papendiek (Mrs.). Court and Private Life in the Time of Queen Charlotte. Ed. by Mrs. V. D. Broughton. 2 vols., 8vo. .------- 1887 Paradol. kSee Prevost-Paradol. Pardoe (Miss Julia S. H.). Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henri IV. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1852 Paris and Vienne (from the copy printed by Caxton, 1485). With Preface, Glossary, and Notes. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 4to. -..-.---- 1868 Paris Exhibition, 1889. Figai'O Exposition of the Art Section. Folio ...------ 1893 Paris, Le Siege de. Retraite des Allemands. 12mo. - - 1872 Paris (Comte de). Par le Marquis de Piers. 8vo. - - - 1888 Paris (Dr. John Ayrton). Life of Sir Humphry Davy. 4to. - 1831 Paris (Matthew of). See Matthew. Parish Registers. List of those Printed, or of which copies exist in Public Collections. See Marshall {Dr. G. W.). Parish (Rev. Wm. D.). Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. 8vo. - 1875 „ List of Carthusians, 1800-79. 8vo. - - - - -1879 Parish (Sir Woodbine). Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - - - - 1852 PARK(Gr. R.). Parliamentary Representation of Yorkshire. 8vo. 1886 Park (Prof. John Jas.). Contre-projet to the Humphreysian Code. 8vo. - - - 1828 Park (Mungo), Surgeon. Travels in the Interior Districts of South Africa, 1795-7. With Journal of his last Mission in 1805. With Life, by Major Jas. Rennell. 6th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1810-16 „ Travels in Africa. See Pinherton, Vol. 16. Park (Thomas). Heliconia; a Selection of English Poetry of the EHzabethan Age [1575-1604]. 3 vols., 4to. - - 1815 I. — Proctor's Gorgioiis Gallery of Gallant Inventions. N. Breton's Small Handfull of Fragrant Flowers, and Flourish upon Fancy. 2. — Robinson's Handefull of Pleasant Delites. Whetstone's IMirror of treue Honour. R. S.'s Phcenix Nest. Barnes's Divine Centurie of Spirituall Sonnets. [Constable's] Spiritualle Sonnettes. Churchyarde's Funerall of Sir F. Knowles. Storer's Life and Death of Wolsey. 3. — Allott's England's Parnassus. Churchyard's Good Will. Parke (Dr. Thos. H.). Personal Experiences in Equatorial Africa. [Emin Pasha Relief Expedition.] 8vo. - - 1891 Parker (James). Early History of Oxford [727-1100]. See Oxford Hist. Soc, 3. Parker (John Hen.). Domestic Architecture in England, Richard II. to Henry VIII. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1859 „ Archseology of Rome. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . . 1874 „ Glossary of Architecture, Grecian, Roman, Gothic. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1850 „ Concise Glossary of Terms used in Architecture. 12mo. - 1888 Parker (Dr. Matthew), Archbishop of Canterbury. Corre- spondence, 1535-75. See Parker Soc. Parker (Samuel), Bishop of Oxford. History of his own Time [1660-80]. Trans, from the Latin by Thos. Newlin. 8vo. - - - - .,...,.;. . - 1727 428 PAR Parker Society Puhliaitions. 50 vols., 8vo. ; 6vols., 12ino. 1S41-51 „ General Index. By Henry Gough. 8vo. - - - 1855 Bale (John), Bishop of Ossory. Select Works. Ed. bv the Rev. H. Christma.'-. 8vo. 1843. Becon (Thonuv;). Cateehi.-;m. With other Pieces [Edward VI ]. H:.1. by the Rev. John Ayre. Large 8vo. 1844. ,. Early Works [Henry VIII.]. Ed. by the Rev. John Ayre. Liirge 8vo. 1843. „ Prayers and other Pieces. Large 8vo. 1844. Bradford (John), M..A.. Lt-ttcn?, Treatises, and Remains. Ed. by Aubrey Townseiid. 8vo. 1843. „ Sermons, MediUitions, and Examinations. Ed. by Aubrey Townsend. 8vo. 1848. Bull (Henry), Christian Prayers and Meditations collected by [a.d. 1556]. r2mo. 184-2. BuUinger (Henry). Decades. Ed. by the Rev. T. Harding. 5 vols., 8vo. 1849. Calfhill (James), D.D. .\nswer to John Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. Ed. liy the Rev. R. Gib))ings. 8vo. 1846. Cooper (T.). .\n Answer in Defence of the Truth against the Apology of Private Mass [1562]. To which is Prefixed the Work answered. Ed. by the Rev. William Goode. 12mo. 1850. Coverdale (Myles), Bishop of Exeter. Writings and Transla- tions. The Old Faith. A Spiritual and most Precious Pearl. Fruitful Lessons. A Treatise on the Lord's Supper. Order of the Church in Denmark. Abridgment of the Enchiridion of Era.snius. Ed. by the Rev. G. Pearson. 8vo. 1844. ,, Remains ; containing prologues to the Translation of the Bible. Treatise on Death. Hope of the Faithful. Exhortation to the carrying of Christ's Cross. Exposition upon the Twenty-second Psalm. Confutation of the Treatise of John Standish. Defence of a certain Poor Christian Man. Letters. Ghostly Psalms and Spiritual Songs. E<1. by the Rev. G. Pearson. Svo. 1846. Craumer (Thomas), Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1556. Writings and Disputations. Ed. by the Rev. J. E. Cox. Large 8vo. 1846. ,, Miscellaneous Writings and Letters. Ed. by the Rev. J. E Cox. Large 8vo. 1846. Fulke (William). D.D. Defence of the Translations of the Holy Scriptures against the Cavils of Gregory Martin. Ed. by the Rev. C. R. Hartshorne. Svo. 1843. ,, Stapleton's Fortress Overthrown. Ed. the Rev. Richard Gibbings. 8vo. 1848. Grindal (Edmund), D.D. Remains. Ed. by the Rev. W. Nicholson. 8vo. 1843. Hooper (Bishop). Writings of, together with his Letters and other Pieces. Ed. by the Rev. C. Nevinson and the Rev. S. Carr. 2 vols., 8vo. 1842-3. Hutchinson (Roger), The Works of. Ed. by John Bruce. 8vo. 1842. Jewell (John), Bishop of Salisbury. Works. Ed. by the Rev. John Ayre. 4 vols., large 8vo. 1845-50. Latimer (Hugh). Sermons and Remains. Ed. by the Rev. G. E. Corrie. 2 vols., Svo, 1844-5. Letters relative to the English Reformation, written during the Reigns of King Henry VIII., King PJdwai-d VI., and Queen Mary ; chiefly from the -Archives of Zurich. Trans, andtd.by the Rev. H. Robinson. 2 vols., Svo. 1846. Liturgies and occasional Forms of Prayer set forth in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Ed. by the Rev. W. K. Clay. Svo. 1847. Liturgies, A.D. 1549 and a.d. 1552. With the Order of Com- munion, 1548; the Primer, 1553: tlie Catechism and Articles. 155.3; Catechismus Brevis, 1553. Ed. by the R«v. Joseph K«Uey. Svo. 1844. PAR 429 Parker Society Publications — continued. Norden (John). Progress of Piety. 12mo. 1847. Nowell (Alexander), Dean of St. Paul's, A Catechism written in Latin by ; with English translation l)y Thomas Nor con. Sermon preached before Queen Elizabeth at the Opening of the Parliament, 1563. Ed. by G. E. Corrie. 8vo. 1843. Parker (Matthew). Correspondence [153.5-75]. E<1. by John Bruce and the Rev. T. T. Perowne. 8vo. 1843. Philpott (John). Writings. Ed. by the Rev. R. Eden. Svo. 1842. Pilkington (James), Bishop of Durham. Works. Ed. by the Rev. J. Scholefield. Svo. 1842. Poetry, chiefly Devotional, of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Collected and ed. by E. Farr. 2 vols., 12mo. 184-5. Private Prayers, put forth by Authority during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. The Primer of 1.559. The Orarium of 1560. The Preces Privatte of 1564. The Book of Christian Prayers of 1578. With an Appendix con- taining the Litany of 1544. Ed. by the Rev. W. K. Clay. Svo. 1851. Ridley (Nicholas), Works of. Ed. by Rev. H. Christmas. Svo. 1841. Rogers (Thomas). The Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England : an Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles. Ed. by the Rev. J. J. S. Perowne. Svo. 1854. Sandys (Edwin). Sermons and Miscellaneous Pieces. Ed. by the Rev. John Ayre. Svo. 1841. Tyndale (William). Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to different Portions of the Holy Scriptures. Ed. by the Rev. H. Walter. Svo. 1848. Tyndale (Wm.). Expositions and Notes on Sundry Portions of the Holy Scriptures, together with the Practice of Prelates. Ed. by the Rev. H. Walter. Svo. 1849. „ Answer to Sir Thomas More. Ed. by the Rev. H. Walter. Svo. 1850. Whitaker (William). Disputation on Holy Scripture, against the Papists. Ed. by the Rev. W. Fitzgerald. Svo. 1849. Whitgift (John). Works. Ed. by the Rev. J. Ayre. 3 vols., Svo. 1851. Woolton (John). The Christian Manual ; or, of the Life and Manners of True Christians. 12mo. 1851. Zurich Letters, comprising the Correspondence of English Bishops and others with the Helvetian Reformers during the early part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 2 series. Trans, and ed. bv the Rev. H. Rolunson. 2 vols., Svo. 1842-5. „ Epistolae Tigurin;e de relnis Poti.ssimum ad Ecclesise Anglicanae Reformationera Pertinentibus Conscriptse, A.D. 1531-58. Svo. 1848. Parker (Theodore), Unitarian Minister, U.S. Collected Works. Ed. by Frances P. Cobbe. 12 vols., Svo. - - 1863-5 „ Life and Correspondence of. B\- John Weiss. 2 vols., Svo. ' 1863 Parkes (Dr. Edmund A). Manual of Practical Hygiene. Ed. by Dr. Chaumont. 7th ed. 8vo. - '- - - 1887 Parkes (Sir Henry). Fifty Years in the Making of Australian History. 2 vols., Svo. 1892 Parkes (Joseph). History of the Court of Chancery. Svo. - 1828 „ Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis. With Correspondence. Continued and ed. by Herman Merivale. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1867 Parkinson (Joseph Chas.) . The Ocean Telegraph to India : a Narrative. Svo. - 1870 430 PAR Parkinson (Rich). America in 1798-1800: Society, Manners, Atrriciilture. 2 vols., 8vo. 1805 Pakkman (Francis), .Inn. France and England in Xoitli Aiiicricn. o vols., Svo. 1874-9 ,, The Coiispinicy of Pontine and War of the Xorth American Tribes against the English after the Conquest of Canada. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1851 „ Dise(.very of the Great West. Svo. - - - - 1869 ,. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1884 PAKi.tAMKNT. Parllamentarv Papers, Selections from the, IS16-.i4. 7S)(; vols., folio -" - - - - - - 1816-54 Complete Set.s 18.35-9. 260 vols., folio - 1835-9 „ ,. .. \Hoo ef seq. Folio and Svo. - li^'ioetseq. „ Statutes at Large. 47 vols., 4to. ; 1763-1S60. 13 vols., Svo. - - - - 1870-S2 Revised. 17 vols., Svo. . . - - 1S70-S5 .. Public General Acts, 1843-82. 46 vols., folio - - 1S43-87 „ Public General Statutes, 1870-86. 17 vols., Svo. - 1870-84 „ Public General Acts, 1887 e^ ^e^. (co«/mMe(/). Svo. ISH7 etseq. „ Chronological Table and Index, 1235-1890. Svo. ---------- 1890 „ Journals of the House of Commons. Vols. 1-109. 1547- 1854. 109 vols., folio ----- 1803-54 Vol. 140. Folio ------ 1885 „ „ Vol. 145 ef seq. {continued). Folio. - 1890 et scq. „ Journals of the Hou.^e of Loids. Vols. 1-85. 1599-1853. Folio N. D. The .Journals of the Parliaments during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Collected bv Sir Simonds d'Ewes. Revised and published bv Paul Bow.-s. Folio - - - - 1682 „ Parllamentarv Historv of England, 1066-1803. See Cobbett (jr.). „ Parliamentary Debates, 1803 f-/ -sf 5'. (ron//?H/f'f/). Svo. IH03 et seq. „ Speeches and Passages of this Great and Happy Parliament. 1640-1. Small 4to. - - - - "- - - 1641 ,, Parliamentary Speeches from the time of Charles I. With Xotes, Biographical. Critical, and Explanatorv. See HazUtt {jr.). „ Debates in 1610. Ed. bv S. R. Gardiner. See Camden Sflc, 81. „ Debates and Proceedings in the House of Commons, 1620-1. Ed. by Thos. Tyrwhitt. 2 vols.. Svo. - - - - 1766 „ Lords' Debate in 1621. Ed., from the Notes taken by Henry falsing, by S. R. Gardiner. See Camden Soc, "103. 1624 and 1626. Ed. by S. R. Gardiner. See Camden Soc, 24 (X.S.). „ Notes of Debates in the House of Commons in 1625. Ed. from a MS. in the Library of Sir Rainahl Knightley, Bart., V)v S. R. Gardiner. See Camden Sac, 6(X.S.).- „ Register of the Tran.sactions in Parliament in the 3rd and 4tli years of Charles I. By Thos. Fuller. Folio - - 1654 „ Long PaiTiameiit, Ciuriage anert R.). Memoirs aiul Corrosi)oiulence of Kiohard Cowley, Maniuis Willcsl.-y. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1846 „ History of the Inns of Court and Chancery. 8vo. - - 1848 Pearch ((Jeo.). Collection of Poems. (Supplement to Dodsley.) 4 vols., 12mo. 1775 Pears' Prize Essavs on the Present Depression of Trade. Bv E. Goadhy and NVm. Watt. 8vo. - - - '- 1885 Pears (Kdwin). International Penitentiary Congress, 1872. 8vo. 1872 „ The Fall of Const«intinople ; being the Story of the Fourth Crusade. 8vo. 1885 l*EARs (Steuart A.). Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney and Hubert Languet. 8vo. 1845 Pearson (Chas. B.). Hymns and Hymn Writers. See Oxford Essays, 1858. Pearson (Charles H.). History of England durins; the Earlv and Middle Ages. 2 vols., 8vo. - - "- - '- 1867 Pebrer (Pablo). Taxation, Revenue, &c., of the British Empire. 8vo. - 1833 Peck (Rev. Dr. Francis). Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell, as delivered in Three Panegyrics. Memoirs of John Milton. 4to. 1740 „ Desiderata Curiosa : a Collection of Divers Scarce and Curious Pieces, relating to English History. New ed. With Life, by T. Evans. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. - - - 1779 Tracts. Memoirs. Letters. AVills. Epitaphs, &c. „ The Antiquities of Stamford. See Harrod (Jf^-)- Peckham (John), Archbishop of Canterbury. Epistolae. See Chronicles and Memorials, 77. Pecock (Reginald), Bishop of Chichester. The Repressor of over- much Blaming of the Clergy. See Chronicles and Memorials, 19. Peden (Rev. A.). Life. See Walker (P.). Peuley (Rev. Chas.). History of Newfoundland. Svo. - - 1863 Peek (Francis). Social Wreckage : the Laws of England as they affect the Poor. 12mo. "- 1883 Peel (Sir Robert [1st Baronet]), Memoirs of. 8vo. - - - 1804 Peel (Right Hon. Sir Robert [2nd Baronet]). Speeches in the House of Commons. 4 vols., 8vo. . . - . 1853 „ Memoirs bv. Published bv Earl Stanhope and Viscount Cardweli. 2 vols., 18mo. 1857 Part 1.— The Roman Catholic Question, 1822-9. Tart 2.— The New Government, 1834-5. Part 3. — Repeal of tte Corn Laws, 1845-6. Early Life, 1788-1812; Irish Secretary, 1812-18; Secretary of State, 1822-7. Ed. by C. S. Parker. 8vo. - - 1891 „ Life. By Sir Lawrence Peel. 8vo. . - . . i860 „ Life. By J. R. Thursfidd. See Twelve English Statesmen. „ Political Life. By Thos. Doubleday. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1856 „ Etude d'Histoire Contemporaine. Par M. Guizot. 8vo. - 1856 Peele (George). Dramatic Works. Ed., with Life, bv the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - ' - - 1829 1. — The Arraignment of Paris. Edward the First. The Old Wives' Tale. 2. — David and Bathsheba. Battle of Alcazar. Device of the Pageant borne Ixfore Woolstone Dixi. Descensus Astracae. A Farewell to Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake ; PEE— PEN 437 Peele (George). Dramatic Works — continued. Vol. 2 — continued. and a Tale of Troy. Polyhymnia. The Honour of the Garter. Miscellaneous Poems. Lines addressed to Thomas Watson. The Praise of Chastity. Coridon and Melampus' Song. Cupid's Arrows. Love. A Merry Ballad of the Hawthorn Tree. Fragments of the Hunting of Cupid, from Drummond's MSS. Merry Conceited Jests. „ Chronicle of Edward I. See Dodsley, Vol. 11. „ Jests. See Hindley^s Misc., Vol. 1. Pegge (Rev. Dr. Sam.). Curialia Miscellanea : Anecdotes of Old Times. 8vo. 1818 Pelham (Edward). Miraculous Preservation and Deliverance of Eight Englishmen left in Greenland nine months and twelve days, 1630. See Hakluyt Soc, 18. Pelham (Kt. Hon. Hen.). Memoirs of the Administration of . By Archdeacon Coxe. 2 vols., 4to. - . - . 1829 Pell Records : Issue Rolls of the Exchequer. Edward III., an. 44., Henry III. to Henry VI., James I. Ed. by Fred. Devon. 3 vols., 8vo. .--..-- 1835-7 Pellatt (Apsley). Curiosities of Glass Making. 4to. - - 1849 Pellew (Hon. Geo.), Dean of Norwich. Life of the 1st Viscount Sidmouth. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1847 Pellico (Silvio). Prosa di. 12mo. ------ 1856 Le Mie Prigioni. Letteratura e Morale. Dei Doveri degli Uomini. Racconti. Critiea Drammatica. „ Life of the Marchesa Guilia Falletti di Barola. 12mo. - 1866 Pellison-Fontanier (Paul) and Olivet (Pierre J. T. Abhe D'). Histoire de I'Academie Franyaise. Ed. par Ch. L. Livet. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1858 Pelsart (Francis). Australasia, 1628. See Pinkerton, Vol. 11. Peltier (Jean), Trial of, for a Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte. With Sir J. Mackintosh's Speech for the defence. 8vo. - - - - 1803 Pember (E. H.). Essays, ^qq International Policy. Pemberton (Miss C). Handbook to the Tyrol. 12mo. - - 1890 Pemberton (H.). History of Monaco, Past and Present. 8vo. - - - - 1867 Pembroke (G. R. C. H., 13th Earl of) and Kingsley (Dr.). South Sea Bubbles by the Earl and the Doctor. 8vo. - - 1872 Pembroke (Mary, Countess of). Sister of Sir Philip Sidney. Poems on our Saviour's Passion. 8vo. - - - 1852 Pen (Owen). A Novel. By Dean Jas. Hook. 12mo. - - 1842 Penn (William). Collected Works. With Life. 2 vols., folio - 1726 Letters. Doctrinal and Polemical Works. Advice to his Children. Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers. Primi- tive Quakerism. Travels in Holland. Description of Pennsylvania, &c. „ Memoirs. By Thos. Clarkson. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1813 „ Historical Biography [1644-1718]. By AV. Hepworth Dixon. 8vo. - - - 1851 Pennant (Dr. Thos.). Tours in Scotland, 1769 and 1772. See Pinkerton, Vol. 3. „ Tour in Wales, 1773, and Journey to Snowden. 2 vols., 4to. 1778-84 438 PEN^— PER Pennant (Dr. Tho^.) — continued. „ Lit.-rary Lif.-. By Iliuiself. 4to. 1793 ,, Jouriiev from London to the Isle of Wight. 2 vols, in 1, 4to.' - 1801 „ Journey from Chester to London. New ed. 8vo. - - 1811 „ Some Account of London. 5th ed. 8vo. ... 1813 Pennel'l (Hen. Chohuondeley). The Angler-Naturalist: a Popular Hi.story of Hritish Fresh-water Fish. 8vo. - 1863 Pknny Cvelopiedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful knowledge. 27 vols., small folio - - - 1833-43 „ Supplement. 2 vols., small folio .... 1845-6 Penny Magazine for the Society ft)r the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge. 14 vols., small folio ----- 1832-45 Penny (John). Stephen, King of England: a Drama. [Bound with Poems of S. Prentis.] 8vo. ----- 1851 Penrose (Rev. Thomas). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 63. Pepe (General Guglielmo). Italie Militaire. 12mo. - - - 1836 ,, Memoirs written by Himself. 3 vols., 8vo. - . . 1846 „ Events in It;vly, 1847-9, including tlie Siege of Venice. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - ' 1850 Pepys (Samuel), Secretjiry to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles IL and James II. Diary and Correspondence from his MS. Cypher in the Pepysian Lil)rary. De- ciphered by the Rev. J. Smith. Ed. by Rich., Lord Braybrooke. 2nd ed. 5 vols., 8vo. - - . - 1828 „ „ Deciphered by Rev. Mynors Bright. AVith Life by Rich., Lord Braybrooke. 6 vols., 8vo. - - 1875-9 „ „ Tran-scribed l)y the Rev. Mynors Bright ; with Lord Braybooke's Notes. Ed., with Additions, by Hen. B. Wheatley. Vols. 1 and 2 (continued). 8vo. 1893 et seq. „ Life, Journals, and Correspondence. With his Voyage to Tangier in 16^3. Ed. by Rev. J. Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. 1841 „ And the AVorld he lived in. By H. B. Wheatley. (Many Portraits inserted.) 12mo. 1880 „ See Stevenson {R. L.). Perceval (Hon. and Rev. A. P.). Ecclesiastical Tour in Holland and North Grermany. 8vo. 1846 Perceval (Right Hon. Spencer). Life and Correspondence. By his Gran Ison, Spencer Walpole. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1874 Percival (Edward France) . The Foundation Statutes and other Ordinances of Merton College [1270]. 8vo. - -1847 Percy Anecdotes. By Sholto and Reuben Percy [Thomas Byerley and J. C. Robertson]. 20 vols., 12mo. - - 1820-3 Percy Society Publications. Ed. from original Manuscripts and scarce Publications. 30 vols., 8vo. ... 1840-52 Vol. 1.— Old Uallads [ante Charles I.]. 15allad.s of London 'Pren- tices. Songs of lrflan States-General to the Declaration of War, 1674. Penn (AVm.) and Mead (Wm.), Trial, Sept. 1-5. 1670. Proceedings against Quakers. Defence of William, Prince of Orange. Great Council of Jews at Ageda to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ, Oct. 12, 1650. Charles II. "s Steadfastness as a Protestant. True Relation of the Death of Charles II. Vol. 2. — Conforming and Reforming, by Dean Colet. Life of Dean Colet. Account of Lady Jane Grey. Troubles at Frankfort. 1554, about the Book of Common Prayer. Calvin's Common Prayer Book. Burden of Issachar. Tyrannicjil Practices of the Presbyterians in Scotland. Peace and Concord of the Church. Vindicise Juda?orum, by Rabbi Manasseh Ben Israel. The Torments of Hell. Buckingham (George, Duke of). Reasonableness of Man's having a Religion. Clifford (Mat.). Treatise of Human Reason. Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. British Section. 4to. 1876 Philander. Capital Punishment, is it Defensible ? 12mo. - 18G5 Philip II. of Spain, Historv of the Reign of. By W. H. Prescott. 3 vols., 8 vo. -' - 1855-8 „ History. See Watson {Rev. Dr. R.). Philip III. of S|,ain. History. See Watson (Rev. Dr. R.). Philip (Geo.) and Son. Atlas of the Countries of England. 4to. [1890] „ Handy General Atlas. By John Bartholomew. Folio - 1885 „ Imperial Library Atlas. Ed. by W. Hughes. Folio - 1885 Philippi (Jean), Memoins de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 34. Philips (Ambrose). Poetical Works. See British Poets. Vol. 34. „ Essays of Wit and Humour. Sve Freethinker (The). „ The Distressed Mother. See Inchbald, British Theatre,!. Philips (Katherine) [Orinda]. Poems, Corneille's Poni))ey and Horace, Tragedies, and other Trans, out of French. Folio 1678 „ Poems. ["The False Edition."] 8vo. - - - -1664 Phillimore (John Geo.). History of England during the Reign of George III. Vol 1 (all published). Svo. - - 1863 „ Reply to the Misrepresentations of the " Edinburgh Review," October, 1863. 8vo. 1864 „ Influence of the Canon Law. See Oxford Essays, 1858. Phillimore (Miss Lucy). Sir Chri.stopher Wren. His Family and his Times. 8vo. ------- 1883 Phillimore (Sir Robert Joseph). Memoirs (1709-79) and Cor- respondence (1734-73) of George, Lord Lvttelton. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - ' - - 1845 „ Burn's Ecclesiastical Law. 9th ed. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1842 „ The Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1873 PHI 445 Phillimore (Wm. P. Watts). How to Write the History of a Family. 8vo. 1887 „ Commentaries ou International Law. 4 vols., 8vo. - 18.')4-61 „ London and Middlesex Note-book. Eoyal 8vo. - - 1892 Phillipps (Sir Thomas) . Marriages and Baptisms at Somerset House Chapel - - - - - - - - N. D. „ Catalogue of a Portion of his Historical Manuscripts and Autograph Letters sold by Auction, June 19-22, 1893. 8vo. - - 1893 Phillips (Charle.s) . Speeches at the Bar and on Public Occasions. 8vo. 1817 „ Recollections of Curran and his Contemporaries. 8vo. - 1850 Phillips (Edw.). Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum. Names and Characters of English Poets, from Henry III. to Elizabeth, 1675. Reprints, with Additions, by Sir E. Brydges. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo. - - - 1800 „ New World of Words ; or. Universal English Dictionary. 6th ed. Folio 1706 Phillips (Edward and John), Nephews and Pupils of Milton. Lives. By William Godwin. 4to. - - - - 1815 Phillips (John). Poetical Works [1676-1708]. See British Poets, Vol. 26. Phillips (Prof. John). The Rivers, Mountains, and Sea Coast of Yorkshire. 8vo. - 1855 „ Vesuvius. 12mo. 1869 „ Oxford and its Geology. See Oxford Essays, 1855. Phillips (Lawrence B.). The Autographic Album. With Bio- graphical Notices. Small 4to. ----- 1866 „ Dictionary of Biographical Reference. 8vo. - - - 1871 Phillips (Sir Richard). A Morning's Walk from London to Kew. 12mo. - - 1817 Phillips (Robert). Geological, Historical, and Topographical Description of Reigate. Ed. by T. R. Cooper. 12mo. - 1885 Phillips (Sir Thos.), Mayor of Newport. Wales : the Language, Social Condition, Moral Character, and Religious Opinions of the People. 8vo. - - 1849 Phillips (Wendell). Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. 8vo. - 1863 Phillips (William). British Discomycetes. The Fungi of Britain. See International Scientific Ser., 61. Phillott (Rev. H. VV.). Hereford. See Diocesan Histories. Philobiblon Society. Biographical and Histoi'ical Miscellanies. 15 vols., 8vo. ------- 1854-84 Vol. 1. — James (Thomas). Letter, 1599. Aumale (Due d'). Deux Bibliotheques Fran^aises du xv' Siecle. Milman (Dean). Michael Scott, almost an Irish Arch- bishop. Curzon (Hon. R.). Libraries of Italy. Van de Weyer (M.). Letters sur les Anglais qui ont ecrit en fran9ais. Vie de Thomas Hales. Milnes (R. Monckton) [Lord Houghton]. Letters of the Earl of Strafford to his third Wife. Botfield (Beriah). Prefaces to the First Editions of the Classics. Shirley (E. P.). Chief Justice Heath. Aumale (Due d'). Lettre de Guillaume III., 29 October, 1688. Ray (H. B.). Letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor. Louis XVI. Speech to the Etats-generaux. John of France. Letter to his son Charles. 44G PHT PHiLOBiBLf!N Society. Biographical and Historical Miscellanies — continnvd. Vol. 1 — continued. Waagcn (Dr. G. F.). The importance of MSS. -with Miniatures in thoHi.story of Art. Brown (Rawdon). Avisa di Lorulra, 1645-52. Dek'pitrro (0.). Doutu Ilistorique. Soranzo (G.). Ix-tters to his Sons, 1588. Stirlin-^'-.Ma.xwuli (.Sir William). The First Edition of the A\ Tninslations from OEhUnschlager's Danish Poem, " The Go«ls of the North." PiKK (Gotlfrey H.). Ancient Meeting-Houses; or. Memorial Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London. 12mo. - 1S70 PiKK (Luke Owen). Historv of Crime in England. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1873 Pilgrim Wanderings in Search of the Picturesque. 2 vols., 8vo. 1850 Pir.KiNGToN (James), Bishop of Durham. "Works. S>ee Parker Soc. Pir.KisGTON (La^titia). Memoirs written by Herself, and Poems. [Contains Anecdotes of Swift.] 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1751 PiLi, to Purge State Melancholy : excellent New Ballad.>^. 12mo. 1715 Pn.r.s to Purge Melancholy. Ballads and Songs. Ed. bv Thos. D'Urfey. 6 vols., l2mo. - - - - ' - 1719-20 Pn.p.\i or Bidpai. The Anvar-i Suhaili ; or, the Lights of Cano- pus. The Book " Kalilah and Damnah " rendered into Persian bv Husain Va-Iz u'1-Kashifi. Literally trans, by Edw. B. Eastwick. 8vo. - - - '- -185-t „ Fables. Earliest English Version. By Sir Thos. North. Ed. by J. Jacobs. 12mo. 1888 PiM (Captain Bedford C. T.). The Gate of the Pacific. 8vo. - 1863 „ War Chronicle. With Memoirs of Napoleon IIL and William I. of Prussia. 8vo. . . . . . 1873 PiNCOTT (Fred.). Index to Kaye's Sepoy War, and Malleson's Indian Mutiny [combined in one Vol.]. 8vo. - - 1880 Pindar. Carmiua qua? supersunt cum deperditorum Fragmentis Annot, &c. ab A. Boeekhii. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1830 „ „ Texte Grec, avec Traduction. Par R. Tourlet. 2 vols., 8vo. 1818 „ Odes. Literally trans, by Dawson W. Turner. With a Metrical Version, by Abraham Moore. [Bohn.] 12mo. 1852 „ „ Trans, by G.West, R. B. Greene, and H. J. Pye. See British Poets, Vol. 89. „ Elucidation of the Sicilian Odes. See Lloyd {TV. JVatkiss). PiND.\R (Peter) [Pseudonym of Dr. John Wolcot]. Works. 5 vols., 8vo. - ' 1812 Pine (John) and Rocque (John). Plan of London, Westminster, and Southwark. Folio ----- 1737-46 PiXELLi (Bartolomeo). Raccolta di No. 100 soggctti li piu riuuirchevoli dt'lP Istnria Roiuana ineisi da B. Pinelli. Ilhistrata da Fulvia Bertocc-hi. Obi. folio - - - 1821 Pink (W. Duncombe) and Beavan (Rev. A. B.). Parliamentary Rei)resentation o!' Lancashire. 8vo. - - - - 1889 PiNKERTON (John). Medallic History of England to 1688. (40 Plates.) 4to. - - ' - - - - - 1802 „ Iconographia Scotia : Portraits of lUu.strious Persons of Scotland. 4to. -------- 1799 „ Literary Correspondence. Ed. bv Dawson Turner. 2 vols., 8vo.' - - - - ■ 1830 „ General Collection of Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World. 17 vols., 4to. 1808-14 Vol. 1. — Willoughby ^Sir Hugh). Voyage to the Northern Parts of Ru.'isia and Sil>eria. Dutch Voyage to the North of Europe. Pontanus (John Lsa;ic). Dissertation concerning the North-East Passage. PIN 451 Ptnkerton (John). Voyages and Travels — continued. Vol. 1.- continued. Regnard (Jean). Journey to Lapland. Maupertuis (Pierre L. M. de). Journey to the Polar Circle, to measure a Degree of the Meridian of the Polar Circle. Outhier (Reginald). Journal of a Voyage to the North. 1736-7. Ehrenmalm (Arwid). Travels into Western Nordland. Leems (K.). Account of Danish Lapland. Allison (Thos.). Voyage from Archangel, October 8, 1697— April 24, 1698. Samoiedia and the Samoiedes. Spitzbergen. Journal of Seven Seamen left there. Phipps (Constantine John). A Voyage towards the North Pole. 1773. Le Roy (P. L.). Narrative of Four Russian Sailors -who lived Six Years and Three Months upon the Unculti- vated Island of East Spitzbergen. Bacstrom (Dr. S.). Account of a Voyage to Spitzbergen in the year 1780. (Phil. Mag., July, 1799.) Troil (Unovon). Letters on Iceland [1773 e!! sej.]. With a Catalogue of Writers on Iceland. Kerguelen Tremarec (Lieut. Yves Joseph). Voyage in the North Sea, along the Coasts of Iceland and Greenland. 1767-8. Wright (Edward). Voyage of George, Earl of Cumber- land, to the Azores. [1589.] Evesham (John). Voyage to the Azores with the " Ser- pent," 3o tons, and the " Mary Sparke," 50 tons. [1586.] Raleigh (Sir Walter). Fight about the Isles of Azoi-es, Aug. 31, 1591, betwixt the "Revenge" and a Spanish Armada. Chaste (Commander de). Voyage to Tercera. Vol. 2. — Gonzales (Don Manoel). Voyage from Lisbon to Great Britain, containing an Historical, Topographical, and Political Account of England and Scotland. Shaw (Rev. S.). Tour to the West of England in 1788. Bray (William). Tour into Derl)yshire and Yorkshire. 1777. Perber (M.). Essay on the Oryctography of Derbyshire. Moritz (Charles P.), of Berlin. Travels, chiefly on Foot, through several Parts of England in 1782. Skrine (Henry). Two Successive Tours in Wales. Malkin (Mr.). Description of the Classical House of Havod (since destroyed by fire). Hassel (J.). Tour of the Isle of Wight. 1760. Heath (Robert). A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly. 1750. Robertson (David). A Tour through the Isle of Man ; to which is subjoined a Review of Manks History. 1791. Vol. 3. — Pennant (Thomas). A Tour in Scotland. 1769. Second Tour. 1772. Martin (M.). A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. 1716. Brand (John). Brief Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pentland Firth, and Caithness. 1701. Young (Arthur). Tour in Ireland. With General Obser- vations on the State of that Kingdom in 1776, 1777, and 1778, and l)rought down to the year 1779. Vol. 4. — Lister (Dr. Martin). A Journey to Paris in the year 1698. Young (Arthur). Travels during the years 1787-9 in the Kingdom of France. Saussure (Horace Benedict de). An Account of the attempts that have been made to attain the Summit of Mont Blanc. 1786. „ ,, Further Attempts to ascend Mont Blanc. 1787. „ „ Successful Ascent, Aug., 1787. Ramond (L.). Journey to the Summit of Mont Perdu, the highest Mountain of the Pyrenees. 1802. F F 2 452 PIN PiNKKKTox (John). Voyages and Travels — continued. Vol. o. — Spalliinzani (A)»l>e [.jizziiro). Travels in the Two Sicilies and some parts of the AyHJiinines. 1779-86. Dolomieu ( Deotlatus de). On the Earthquakes in Calabria ritra. 1783. Bourgoanne (Chcv. de). Travels in Spain. 1803. Coxe (William). Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the Grisons. 1771. Vol. 6. — Kiesbeck (Baron Caspar). Travels through Germany. 1 780. Coxe (William). Travels in Dt-nmark. [oth ed. 1802.J ,, Travels in Norway. Fortia (M.). Travels of Two Frenchmen in Sweden. 1790-2. Coxe(W.). Travels in Russia. [1802.] Vol. 7. — I5tnjamin of Tudila (Rabbi). Travels through Europe, Asia, and Africa, from Spain to China. 1160-73. Rubruquis (William de). Travels in the East, principally in Tartary and China. 12.53. Polo (Marco), Voyages and Travels of. [1275-95.] Renaudot (Eusebius). Account of the Travels of Two Mohammedans through India and China in the Ninth Centur}. Goyer (Peter de) and Keyzer (Jacob de). Emlmssj from the Dutch East India Company to the Emperor of China. 1655. Nieuholf (John). The Embassy of Peter de Goyer and Jacob de Keyzer from the Dutch East India Company to the Emperor of China. 1655. Bell (John). Travels from St. Petersburg in Russia to various Parts of Asia in 1716. 1719. 1722 et seq. Hamel (Henry). Travels of some Dutchmen in tlie Korea. 1653. Tibet, A Description of. Goez (Benedict). Travels from Labor to China in 1602. Tiliet, Travels through, to and from China, by .several Missioners. Caron (Frans). Account of Japan. [1631-8.] Kempfer (Dr. Engelbert). Histoi-y of Japan. Vol. 8. — Roe (Sir Thomas). Journals of his Voyage to India, and his Embassy from James I. to Jehan Guire, the Great Mogul. Bernica (Fran9ois). Voyage to the East Indies, contain- ing the History (jf the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul. [1670.] Tavernisa (Jean Baptistc). Extracts from Voyages of. [1676-7.] Hamilton (Capt. Alex.). A New Account of the East Indies. 1688-1723. Lord (Henrj-). A Discovery of Two Foi-eign Stcts in the Ea.st Indians, namely, the Sect of the Banians, the Ancient Natives of India, and the Pei-sees, the Ancient Natives of Pei-sia. Iiuchanan (Dr. Francis). A Journey from Madras, through Mysore. Caiiara, and Malabar. [1807.] Vol. 9. — \'allf (Pietrodelle). Extracts from his Travels in Persia. [I6\i efseq.] Chardin (Sir John). Travels by way of the Black Sea through Circassia, Mingrelia. Georgia, Armenia, and Media, into Persia Proper. [1671 e( ^eq.] Pei-sia, A Copious Description of the Great Empire of. Francklin (Williiim). Tour from Bengal to Persia, 1786-7. With a short .\ccount of the Remains of the Palace of Persepolis. Forster (George). Extracts from his " Travels " concern- ing the Northern Parts of Persia. [1783.] Tartary, .Account of Independent. Jenkinson (Anthony). Voyages and Travels from Rus.sia to Boehar or Bokhara in 1557. Pm 453 PiNKERTON (John). Voyages aud Travels — continued. Vol. 9. — continued. Balbi (Gasparo). Voyage to Pergu. [1579.] Fitch (Ealph). Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies. 1583-91. Symes (Michael). Embassy to Ava, 1795. Turpin (Francois Henri). History of Siam. Baron (S.). A Description of the Kingdom of Tonqueen. Richard (M.). History of Tonquin. [1778.] Borri (R. E. Christopher). Account of Cochin China. Vol. 10. — Niebuhr (Carsten). Travels in Arabia (abridged). [1762.] Blount (Henry). A Voyage into the Levant. 1634. Dandini (Jerom). Voyage to Mount Libanus (im- perfect). Maundrell (Henry). Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, a.d. 1697. To which is added an Account of a Journey to the Banks of the Euphrates and to Mesopotamia. Clayton (Robert), Bishop of Clogher. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again, translated from a MS. written by the Prefetto of Egypt. 1722. Pocoeke (Richard), LL.D. A Description of the East. [1745.] Vol. 1 1 . — Dampier (William). Account of the Philippines. [1686.] Guignes (C. L. J. de). Observations on the Philippine Islands and the Isle of France. [1796.] Beeckman (Capt. Daniel). Voyage to and from Borneo ; with a Description of the Island. 1714. Stavorinus (Admiral). Account of Java, Batavia, Celebes, and Amboyna. Trans, by Wilcocks. 1798. Pigafetta (Chev.). Voyage round the World, 1519-22, on board the Squadron of Magellan. Pelsart (Francis). Voyage to Australasia. 1628. Tasman (Capt. Abel Jansen). Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Countries. 1642 et scq. Dampier (Capt. William). Account of New Holland and the adjacent Islands. 1699. Cook (Captain James). Abstract of his First Voyage. 1768-71. ,, ,, Second Voyage. 1772-5. ,, Last Voyage. 1776-80. Peron (Francois). Historical relation of a Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Lands. 1 800. Vol. 12. — Columbus or Colon (Don Ferdinand). History of the Life and Actions of Admiral Christopher Colon, and of his Discovery of the West Indies, called the New World. America. Discoveries and Settlements made by the British, Henry VII. —Elizabeth. Frobisher (Martin). First Voyage to the North- West for the Search of the Straight or Passage to China. 1576. Hall (Christ.). Voyages of Martin Frobisher. 1756, 1577, and 1578. Frobisher (Martin). Second Voyage for the Discovery of a New Passage to Catayna, China, and the East Indies, by the North-We.st. 1577. ,, ,, Third Voyage, pretended for the Discovery of Catayna. 1578. Virginia. Voyages and Navigations of the English and the several Discoveries thereof, chiefly at the Charges of Sir Walter Ralegh. Grenville (Sir Richard). Voyage to Virginia. 1585. Cartier or Carthier (Jaques). The Fir.st Relation of the New Land called New France (Canada). 1534. ,, Navigation to the Islands of Canada and Hochelaga, which are now called New France. 1535. „ Third Voyage into the Countries of Canada, Hoche- laga, and Saguenay. 1540. 464 PI^ PiNKEBTON (John). Vovagps and Trav«'ls — continued. Vol. !3. — Smith (Capt. Jului)- Gininil History of Virginia, New England, and the Summur LsUs. [1624.] L;ihi)utan (Uan)n). Travels in Canada. [1683 et seq."] Kalni (IVtir). Travels into North America. 1748. Huriialiy (Rev. Andrew). Travels through the Middle Settlements of North Ameriai. 1756-60. Menonville (Nicolas Joseph Thiery de). Travels to Gua.\aca in the Kingdom of Mexico. 1777. Vol. 14. — Betiigh (Captain). Observations on the Country of Peru and its Inhabitants during his Captivity. [1720 et seq.'\ Ovalle (Alonso de). Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Chile. [1649.] Condamine (C. M. de la). Abridged Narrative of Travels through the Interior of South America, from the Shores of the Pacific to the Coasts of Brazil and Guyana. 1743. Bonguer (Pierre). Abridged Relation of a Voyage to Peru for the Acad. Sc, Paris, to measure the Degrees of the Meridian near the Equator, -whereby to infer the Figure of the Earth. 1 736. UUoa (Don Antonio de) and Juan (Don George). Voyage to South America to measure a Degree of the Meridian near the Equator (describing the Spanish Cities and Provinces). 1735 et seq. Nieuhoff (John). Voyages and Travels into Brazil. 1640-S. Vol.16. — Lobo (Father Jerome). A Voyage to Abyssinia. 1622. Trans, by Dr. Johnson. Poncet (C. J.). A Journey to Abyssinia. 1698-1700. Browne (William). A Journey to DarFur. 1793. Pococke (Richard), LL.D. Travels in Egypt. [1743.] Addison (Rev. Lancelot). An Account of West Barbary. [1671.] Windhus (John). A Journey to Mequinez, the Residence of the present Emperor of Fez and Morocco. 1721. Shaw (Rev. Dr. Thomas). Travels or Observations relating to Barbary. [1738.] Lempriere (William). A Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier and Sallee,and thence over Mount .\tlas to Morocco. 1 789. Abd AUatif. Relation respecting Egypt, a.d. 1203. Trans, and abridged by S. de Sacy. Vol. 16. — Thunberg (Dr. C. P.). Account of the Cape of Good Hope and some parts of the Interior of Southern Africa. 1772. Angelo (Michael) and Carli (Denis de). Voyage to Congo in the years 1666 and 1667. Merolla da Sorrento (Jerom). A Voyage to Congo and other Countries, chiefly in Southern Africk. 1682. Battel (Andrew). Adventures in Angola. 1589 et seq. Bosman (William). A New and Accurate Description of the Coa.st of Guinea. [1705.] Proyart (Abbe). History of Loango, Kakongo, and other Kingdoms in Africa. [1776.] Adanson (Michel). A Voyage to Senegal, the Island of Goree, and the River Gambia. 1742-53. Santos (Father Joam dos). History of Eastern Ethiopia. [1684.] Rochon (Abbe). A Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies. [1792.] Gl.is (George). The History of the Discovery and Con- quest of the Canary Islands. [1764.] Browne (William). Itineraries of Journies in the Interior of Africa. Park (Mungo). Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa. [1799.] VoL 17. — Retrospect of the Origin and Progre.ss of Discovery by Sea and Land. Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels. iDdex. PIN— PIU 455 PiNKNEY (Wm.), U.S. Commissioner and Minister to England. Life, Writings, and Speeches [1764-1822]. By Hen. Wheaton. Hvo. - - 1826 Pinks (W. J.). History of Clerkeuwell. With additions by E. J. Wood. 2nd ed. 4to. - - - - - - 1880 Pinto (Fernand Mendez). Travels for Twenty-one Years in Ethiopia, China, &c. Trans, by H. Cogan. Folio - 1663 „ „ See Adventure Series. Piozzi (Hester Lynch) [Miss Salusbury married 1st, Hen. Thrale ; 2nd., Gab. Piozzi]. Autobiography, Letters, and Literary Remains. Ed., with Life, by A, Hayward. 2 vols., Bvo. 1861 „ Life and Passages from her Diaries, &c. Ed. by L. B. Seeley. 12mo. -------- 1891 „ Letters to and from Dr. Johnson. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1788 „ Retrospection. A Review of the Events of the last Eigh- teen Hundred Years. 2 vols., 4to. .... 1801 „ Piozziana. With Remarks by a Friend. 8vo. - - - 1833 „ Poems. See Florence Misc. Pipe Roll Society Pubhcations. Bvo. ... 1844 et seq. Vols. 1, 2, 4-9, 11-13, 15.— Heory II., 5-16. Vol. 3. — Introduction to the Study of the Pipe Rolls. Vol. 10. — Ancient Charters, Royal and Private, prior to 1230. Vol. 14.— Rolls of the King's Court, Richard I., 1194-95. PiRON (Alexis.). QCuvres Poetiques et Dramatiques. 2 vols., 18mo. 1821 PiTAVAL (Gruyot de). Causes Celebres et Interessantes. Avec Continuation, par J. C. De la Ville. 25 vols., 12mo. - 1775 PiTCAiEN (Robert). Collections relative to the Funeral of Mary Queen of Scots. 8vo. --.... 1822 „ Criminal Trials in Scotland, from 1488 to 1624. With Historical Notes. 3 vols., 4to. 1833 PiTiscus (Sam.). Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanorum. 2 vols., fol. 1713 Pitman (R. C). Alcohol and the State. 12mo. - - - 1877 Pits or Pitsius (Rev. Dr. John). Relationum Historicarum de Rebus Anglicis. Vol. 1, Relatio de lUustribus Anglife Scriptoribus. 4to. - - - - - - -1619 Pitt (Christopher). Vida's De Arte Poetica. See British Poets, Vol. 100. Pitt (William), Earl of Chatham. See Chatham {Earl of). Pitt (Right Hon. William). Speeches in the House of Commons. Ed. by W. S. Hathaway. 4 vols., Bvo. - - - 1806 ,, Satirical Poems. See Anti-Jacobin. „ Correspondence with the Diike of Rutland, 1781-7. Ed. by Lord Mahon [Earl Stanhope.] 8vo. - - - - 1842 „ „ New ed. With Introduction, by John, Duke of Rutland. Bvo. .------- 1890 „ Secret Correspondence connected with his Return to Office in 1804. Ed by Lord Mahon (Earl Stanhope). Bvo. - 1852 „ Political Life. By John Gifford. 6 vols., Bvo. - - 1809 „ Life. By Bishop Tomline. 3 vols., Bvo. - - - 1822 „ Life. By Earl Stanhope. 4 vols., Bvo. - - - 1861-2 „ Life. By the Earl of Rosebery. See Twelve English Statesmen. „ „ See Smith (Goldwin), Three English Statesmen. Pius IX. Letters Apostolic. By Sir Travers Twiss. Bvo. - 1851 „ Life. By T. A. TroUope. 2 vols., Bvo. - . - - 1877 456 PIZ— PLA PiZARRO (Francisco). Lile [1475-1541]. By Arthur Help^*. 12nio. 1869 ,, Conquest of Peru. See Harris, Vol. 2. PiZARHO (GoQZiilo). Ex|)eclitiou into the Valley of the Amjizon. See Hakluyt Snc, 24. Place (Francis). Ilhistrations of the Principle of Population. 8vo. 1822 Placita de quo Warranto, tcnij). Edward I., II., et III., in curia receptae Scaccarii Westin. a.>us Ludis. Mazzochius (Altx. Syniniachus). In mutilum Canipani Amjihitht-atri titulum aliascjue noiHiulla,s C'ampanas Inscriptiones Conimentarius. Ciutberleth (Tobias). De Saliis Martis Sacerdotibus apud Romanos. Scheffer (Job.). De Militia navali Veterum, libri iv., ad Historiam Gra-cani Latinamque utiles. ,, De re Vehiculari Veterum. Ligurius (.Pyrrhut;). De Vehiculis Antiquoruni Diatriba. Scheflfer (Job.). In Diatribam P. Ligorii de Vebieulis Antiquorum Nota-. Political and Satirical History of 1756 and 1757, in a Series of 75 Humorous Prints. With a Key. 4to. - - I7o6-7 PoLiTiC.\L CyclopiBdia. 2 vols, in 4, 8vo. ----- 1860 Political Economy of Xations. 8vo. - - - - - 1821 Political Economy Club. Xames of Members, 1821-81. Rule.s, List of Questions, 1872-80. 8vo. - . - . 1881 „ Minutes of Proceedings, 1821-82. 8vo. - - - - 1882 Political Merriment; or. Truths told to some Tune : Songs and Satires. 12mo. -------- 1714 Political Portraits. Characters of some of our Public Men. [By F. H. Hill.] 3rd ed. 12mo. - - - - 1873 Political Register and Review. By J. Almon. 5 vols., 8vo. 1767-9 Political State of Great Britain, 1711 et seq. See Bayer {A.) ; also Annual Register. Politics for the People ; or, A Salmagundy for Swine. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1794 Pollard (Edw. A.). Southern History of the Civil War in the United States : the First Year. 8vo. - - - 1862-3 Poll Book of Parliamentary Election.^ 1832— Aug. 1885. 12mo. 1885 Pollock (Sir Frederick). Spinoza, his Life and Philosophy. 8vo. 1880 „ The Land Laws. See Enpliah Citizen Series. Pollock (Sir Wm. Frederick). Personal Remembrances. 2 vols., 12mo. -------- 1887 Pollock (Field-^NIarshal Sir George), Constable of the Tower. Life and Correspondence. By Chas. R. Low. 8vo. - 1873 Pollock (James E.). The Harveian Oration, 1889. 8vo. - -1889 Polo (Marco). Travels in the East [in the 13th Century]. Trans. by AV. Marsden. 4to. - 1818 „ „ The Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly trans, and ed. by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1871 „ Voyages and Travels [1275-95]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 7. PoL^VHELE (Rev. Richard). Tyrtajus, Elegies ; Moschus ; Bion ; and Theocritus, Idvllia. Trans, from the Greek. See British Pacts, Vol! 92. PoLYBiUS Historiarum Reli(iutr cum Indicibus. 8vo. - - 1839 „ Character of. See Drydin {Jahn), Works, Vol. 18. Polynesian (The). [Honolulu Newspaper.] 3 vols., folio. Honolulu 1844-6 Pombal (Sebast. Jos. de Carvalho e Mello, Marquis of). [1699- 1782.] By the Conde da Carnota. 8vo. - - - 1871 POM— POP 461 PoMFRET (Henrietta L. Fermor, Countess of). Correspondence with Frances, Countess of Hartford. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1805 PoMFRET (Rev. John). Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 29. Pomp (Baron de). History of the Campaigns, 1796-9. 2nd ed. 5 vols., 8vo. 1801 1. — Germany and Italy, 1796. 2. — Italy and Germany, 1797. 3. — Germany and Switzerland, 1799. 4.— Italy, 1799. 5.— Holland, 1799. PoNCET (C. J.). A Journey to Abyssinia, 1698-1700. See Pinherton, Vol. 15. PoNET or Poynet (John), Bishop of Winchester. Politike Power, and the Obedience which Subjects owe to Kings. Sm. 4to. 1639 PoNTALis (A. L.). John de Witt. Trans, by S. E. and A. Stephenson. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - . - 1885 PoNTANUS (John Isaac). The North-East Passage. See Pinker- ton, Vol. 1. PoNTCHARTRAiN (P. P. de). Meiuoires sur la Regence de Marie de Medicis. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 16, 17. P()\T^couLANT(Gren.P.D.G.de). Systemedu Monde. 4vols.,8vo. 1834-56 PoNTis (Sieur de), Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 31, 32. PcjNTAiARTiN (A. A. J. M. Perrard, Comte de). Derniers Samedis. 2 vols., 12mo. -------- 1890 PoNTOPPiDAN (Erich.), l^atural History of Norway. Trans, from the Danish. 2 parts in 1, folio ----- 1755 Poole (Benj.). Coventry, its History and Antiquities. With Illustrations, by W. F. Taunton. 4to. - - - 1870 Poole (Francis). Queen Charlotte Islands: a Narrative of Dis- covery in the North Pacific. 8vo. . - - - 1872 Poole (Rev. G-. A.). Peterborough. See Diocesan Histories. Poole (Rev. Geo. A.) and Hugall (J. W.). Historical Guide to York Cathedral. 8vo. ------ 1850 Poole (John). Comic Sketch Book. 2 vols., 8vo. - - -1836 „ Sketches and Recollections. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1835 Poole (Reg. Lane). History of Mediaeval Thought. 8vo. - 1848 Poole (Reg. Stuart). Hor^e yEgyptiacae ; or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt. 8vo. - - - - - - 1851 Poole (Reg. S.) and Grueber (H. A.). Roman Medallions in the British Museum. 8vo. ------ 1874 Poole (Thomas) and his Friends. By Mrs. H. Sandford. 2 vols., 8vo. 1888 Poole (Wm. F.). Index to Periodical Literature. 8vo. - - 1853 Poole (Wm. F.) and Fletcher ( W. I.). Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, 1802-81. 3rd ed. 4to. - - - - 1882 „ First Supplement, 1 Jan., 1882, to 1 Jan., 1887. 4to. - 1888 Poor (Hen. V.). American Railway Manual (continued). 1871 et seq. Poor Laws, Commissioners' Reports on Administration and Operation of the. 8vo. ------ 1834 „ ,, On Continuance of Poor Law Commission. 8vo. - 1840 „ Annual Reports of Commissioners. 12 vols., 8vo. 1835-46 Poor Relief. Act for Ireland (1 & 2 Vict. c. 56). 12mo. - - 1839 Pope (Alexander). Works; with Notes and Illustrations by Him- self and others. With Life, by W. Roscoe. 10 vols., 8vo. 1824 1. — Life. 0. — Essay on Man, and Moral 2. — Early Poems and Transla- Epistles. tions. 6. — Satires. 3. — Miscellaneous Poems. 7. — Prose Writings. 4. — Dunciad. 8-10. — Correspondence. 462 POP— POR PoPK (Alexander) — continued. „ Works. Ed. by J. W. Croker. Xew ed., with Additions, IntrodiKtion, and Nuto.s, by the Rev. "W. Ehvin and W. J. Courthope. 10 vols., Svo. - - - - 1871-89 Vols. 1-4. — Poetry. Vol. 5. — Life. By W. J. Courthope. Index. Vols. 6-10. — Letters. „ Pot-tical Works. See British Poets, Vols. 40-42. „ Translation of the Iliad and Odvssev of Homer. With Wakefield's Xotes. 1 1 vols., 8vo. ' - - - - 1796 „ See British Poets, Vols. Sl-84. „ Letters to Atterbury. See Camden Misc., Vol. 4. „ Life. By Robert Carruthers. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - 1857 „ „ By Leslie Stephen. See English Men of Letters. „ Concordance to Works. By E. Abbott. 8vo. - - - 1875 ,, Satirized. See Giilliveriana. „ Catalogue of the Loan Museum, Pope Commemoration, 1888. 4to. - - 1888 Popish Sham Plots, from the Reign of Queen Ehzabeth to this Time. 12mo. - - 1682 Popular Science Re\-iew. 13 vols., 8vo. ... - 1867-79 Population Returns. Abstract for 1801. Folio - - - 1802 „ „ 1811. Folio 1812 „ 1821. Folio 1822 „ 1831. Folio 1832 „ „ 1841. Folio 1842 „ 1851. Folio 1852 „ 1861. Folio .--.--. 1862 „ 1871. Folio 1872 „ 1881. Folio 1882 „ Comparative Account, 1801-31. Folio - - - - 1831 „ Digest of, 1801-31. By John Marshall. 4to. - -1833 „ Six Thousand Parishes in England and Wales, 1801, 1811, 1821. 4to. 1831 „ Mortality of the Metropolis, 1629-1831. With Account of the Deaths at the Time of the Great Plague. Bv John Marshall. 4to. - - - - - - '- - 1832 „ Glasgow, 1831. With Statistical Tables relative to England and Scotland. Bv J. Cleland. Folio - - - - 1832 „ New Z«»aland, 1861.' Folio 1863 Porcupine (Peter) [Pseudonym]. See Cobbett {William). PoRsoN (Richard). Letters to Archdeacon Tr.avis on 1 John V. 7. 8vo. 1790 „ Porsoniana. Subjoined to Rogers' Table Talk. 8vo. - 1856 „ Life. By the Rev. J. S. Watson. 8vo. - - - -1861 Port Royal Lat. & Greek Grammar. Trans, bv T. Xugent. 8vo. 1816-17 PoRTK (Pierre dc la), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vol., 59. Porter (Admiral David D.). U.S. Navy. The Xaval History of the Civil War, U.S.A. [April' 1801— May 1865]. 4to. 1887 Porter (George Richardson). The Progress of the Nation, 1801-36. 3 vols., 12mo. ------ 1836 „ „ New ed., 1801-47. 8vo. 1847 Portkr (Henry). The Two Angrie Women of Abingdon, 1599. Ed. by the Rev. Alex. Dvoe. See Percy Soc, 4. Porter (Sir James), Ambassjvlor to the Porte [1747-62]. Turkey its History and Progress, from his Journals, &c. With Life, by Sir Geo. Laq)ent. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854 FOR— POS 463 PoRTBR (Sir Robert Ker). Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden. 2 vols., 4to. 1809 „ The Campaign in Russia in 1812. -Ito. - - - - 1814 „ Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, and Babylonia, 1817-20. 2 vols., 4to. .--.-.-- 1821 Porter (Major Whitworth). History of the Knights of Malta ; or, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1858 „ History of the Fortress of Malta. 12mo. - - - 1858 PoRTEDs (Beilby), Bishop of London. Essay on Death. See British Poets, Vol. 58. Portfolio (The) : a Collection of State Papers. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1836 „ Another Series. 2 vols., 8vo ------ 1843 Portfolio (The) {continued) : an Artistic Periodical. Vol. 1 et seq. Folio - - 1870 et seq. Portfolio (The). A Diplomatic Review. Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 8-16. 8vo. ------- 1843-4 Portrait Gallery of Eminent Persons. (Knight's.) "With Me- moirs. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 7 vols., imp. 8vo. 1833-7 „ „ Illustrious Persons of the 19th Century. (Fisher's.) With Memoirs, o vols., imp. 8vo. - - - - N. d. Portraits of Political Reformers. By Sir Geo. Hayter. Folio - 1840 „ Of Americans. See Notman. „ Of Members of the Kitcat Club. Folio - - - - 1821 „ Des 750 Representants du Peuple a I'Assemblee Legislative. 12mo. --------- 1849 „ Portraits de Kel-kun. 12mo. ------ 1875 Portsmouth (Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of). 1649-1734. Ed. by Mrs. G. M. Crawford. 8vo. - - - - 1887 PosiTivisT Publications. Beesly (Edward S.). Home Rule. 12mo. 1886. „ Comte as a Moral Type. 12mo. 1888. „ Life and Death of William Frey. 12mo. 1888. ,, Social Future of the Working Classes. 12mo. 1884. „ Some Public Aspects of Positivism. 8vo. 1881. Bockett (F. W.). The Workman's Life. 8vo. 1886. Bridges (J. H.). The Unity of Comte's Life and Doctrine. 8vo. 1886. „ History an Instrument of Political Education. 12mo. 1882. „ Positivism and the Bilile. 12mo. 1885. Comte (Aug.). Catechism of Positive Religion. Trans. l)y Richard Congreve. Timo. 188.1. Congreve (Rich.). Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. 8vo. 1887. Ellis (Henry). What Positivism means. 12mo. 1887. Fleay (F. G.). Three Lectures on Education. 8vo. 1883. Harrison (Fred.). The Meaning of History. 12mo. 1862. „ Destination ; or, the Choice of a Profession. 12mo. 1881. „ The Crisis in Egypt. 12mo. 1882. „ New Years' Addresses. 8vo. 1886-8. ,, InMemoriam: James Cotter Morison. 16mo. 1888. Higginson (C. G.). Auguste Comte : His Life and Work. 8vo. 1887. Hutton (H. D.). The Irish Crisis. 8vo. 1882. International Policy. Essays on the Foreign Relations of England. Richard Congreve, Fred. Harrison, E. S. Beesly, E. H. Pember, J. H. Bridges, H. D. Hutton. 8vo. 1884. Kaines (Joseph). Our Daily Faults and Failings. 12mo. 1883, ,, Beauty in Holiness. 8vo. 1884. Lafitte (Pierre). On the Dangers of the Influence of the His- tory of the West upon the rest of the World. Svo. 1885. 464 POS— PRA P( )SITivi<;t Publications — continued. Lushiiijjtoii (Vernon). Shake-spiare. 8vo. 1885. „ Mozart. 8vo. 1883. „ The Day of all tho Dtad. 8vo. 1883. „ The AVo'rship of Humanity. 8vo. 1886. Positivist Tables. 32mo. 1866. PosNETT (Hutcheson M.). Comparative Literature. See Inter- national Scicntijic Ser., 55. Post and Paddock. By Hen. Hall Dixon. ["The Uiiiid."] I2nio. 1857 Post Otfice Directories. See Directories. PosTON (Chas. D.). The Parsees : a Lecture. (Privately printed.) 1873 Pott (Constance). The Prouius of Formularies and Elegancies Itv Bacon, illu.strated by passages from Shakespeare. 8vo. 1883 „ Francis Bacon and his Secret Society. 8vo. - - - 1891 „ Did Francis Bacon write Shakespeare ? 12mo. - - 1893 PoTTKR (Miss Bciitrice) [Mrs. Sydney Webb]. The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain. 12mo. - - . . 1891 Potter (John), Archliishop of Canterbury. Archjeologia Grajcia ; or, Antiquities of Greece. With Appendix, by G. Dun- bar. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - " - - 1813 Potter (Thomas Bavlev). Sketch of his Career, 1817-90. [" Rochdale Ob.server," April 24, 1890.] Potter (T. R.). History of Charnwood Forest. 4to. - - 1842 The Geology, by J. B. Jukes : the Botany, by Rev. Andrew Blox ham and Churchill Babington ; and the Ornithology, by C. Babington. PouCHKiNE (A.S.). See Merimee (P.). PoiLET (Sir Amias). The Letter-Books of Mary (^ueen of Scots. F,d. by John Morris. 8vo. - - - - - 1874 PouLSOX (George). Historvand Antiquities of Holderness, in the County of York. 2 vols., 4to. . - - - 1840-1 PouLTox (E. B.). The Colours of .\nimals. See. Internationa I Scicnti/rc Ser., 68 Poupix (Victor). Les Princes d'Orleaus. 16mo. - - - 1873 Powell (Rev. Prof. Baden). The Order of Xature considered in ref(!rence to the Claims of Revelation. l2mo. - - 1859 „ Study of the Evidences of Natural Tlie()logy. See Oxford Essays, 1857. ., See Essays and Reviews. Powell (John Joseph). " Gloucestriana " ; or, Papers relating to the City of Gloucester. 8vo. 1890 „ Sketch of Life. See Bio(/raphical Magazine. PowKH (John). A Handy Book about Books! 8vo. - - - 1870 PowxALL (Henry). History of Epsom. 12mo. - - - 1825 Pow.NALL (Thomas), Governor of Ma.ssjK-husetts Bay. Adminis- tration of the Briti.sh Colonies. 3rd ed. 8vo. - - 1706 ,, ,. oth ed. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1774 „ Junius Discovered. By Fred Gritiin. 12mo. - - - 1854 PowYS (T. J.) [Pseudonym]. See Jones (Thos.). PoYXET (Hisliop). See Ponet. PovxTEK (Edward ,].). Ten Lectures on Art. 12mo. - - 1879 Pradt (D. D. de). The Colonics and the American Revolutions. 8vo. 1817 pRAED (Winthrop Mack worth). Poems. With Memoir by Rev. Derwent Coleridge. 2 vols., r2mo. . . . . 1864 „ Political and Occiisional Poems. Ed by Sir George Young. 12mo. - - 1888 Pratt (Fred. Thos.). The Law of Contraband of "War. 8vo. - 1861 PKA— PRI 465 Peatt (John Tidd). History of Savings Banks in England. Wales, and Ireland. 12mo. . . . - - 1830 „ Summary of Savings Banks. 8vo. ----- 1846 Prayer Book. See Book of Common Prayer. Prefaces, Dedications, Epistles, from English Books, 1540-1701. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. (Privately printed for Hen. Huth.) 12mo. - . - 1874 Prendergast (John P.). The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. 2nded. 8vo. -------- 1870 Prentice (Arch.). Historical Sketches and Eecollections of Manchester, 1792-1832. 8vo. ----- 1851 „ History of the Anti-Corn Law League. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1853 Prentis (Stephen). Poems. 8vo. . - - - 1843-4 Prescott (Wm. Hickling). Biographical and Literary Miscel- lanies. 8vo. -------- 1845 History of the Conquest of Mexico. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1850 History of the Conquest of Peru. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1851 History of Ferdinand and Isabella. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1851 History of the Reign of Philip II. of Spain. 3 vols., 8vo. 1855-8 Biographical Memoir. 8vo. ------ 1859 Life. By Geo. Ticknor. 8vo. - - - - - 1864 Pressense (Francis de). LTrlande et I'Angleterre, 1800-88. 8vo. ---------- 1889 Preston (Edward). Unclaimed Money. 12mo. - - - 1884 Preston (Wm.). The Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius. Trans. See British Poets, Vols. 90, 91. Prestwich (Sir John). Respublica ; or, a Display of the Honours, Ceremonies, and Ensigns of the Commonwealth under the Protectorship of Oliver Cromwell. 4to. - - - 1787 pRivii-LE (P. L. de). Memoires. See Barriere, Vol. 6. Prevost (L'Abbe A. T.). Llistoire de Manou Lescaut. 12mo. - 1864 Prevost-Paradol (L. A.). Essais de Politique et de Litterature. 8vo. - - - - 1859 „ France. 8vo. 1869 Priaulx (Osmond de B.). National Education Exemplified in a Plan for a Normal School. 8vo. . . - - 1842 „ Questiones Mosaicse ; or, the Book of Genesis compared with the Remains of Antient Religions 2nd ed. Wvo. - 1854 „ Indian Travels of Apollonius of Tyana; and Indian Embassies to Rome. [Augustus-Justinian.] 12mo. - 1873 Price (E.). Memoria del John, Conte di Shrewsbury. 4to. - 1854 Price (F. G. Hilton). The Signs of Old Lombard Street. 4to. - - - - ' - - - - - [1887] Price (John). On the Study of Languages. 4to. - - - 1850 Price (Rev. Dr. John), Chaplain to Gen. Monk. Restauration of Charles II. [1660]. See Maseres, Tracts. Price (Sir John). Description of Wales [1663]. See Caradoc. Price (John E.). The Guildhall of the City of London : its History and Associations. 4to. ----- 1886 Price (Dr. Rich.). The Nature of Civil Liberty, Principles of Government, National Debt, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1776-7 Prichard (Iltudus Thomas). The Administration of India from 1859 to 1868. 2 vols , 8vo. ----- 1869 Prichard (Dr. Jas. Cowles). Researches into the Physical His- tory of Mankind. 5 vols., 8vo. - - . . 1836-44 „ The Natural History of Man. 8vo. 1848 p. 3104. G G 466 PRI— PRO Prideaux (Dr. Humphry), Dean of Norwich. Letters to John Elii.s, Undor Sicretarv of State, 1G74-1722. See Camden Soc, 15 (N.S.). Prideaux (S. T.). Historical Sket<.-h of Bookbinding. 12mo. - 1893 Prideaux (Lieut. W. F.). The Captivity of Mr. Rassam and his Companions. See Marhham (C. li). Priestlev (Dr Jos.). The First Principles of Government. 8vo. 1771 „ Lectures on History aud Generiil Policy. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1703 „ Scientiric Correspondence. Ed. by Hen. C. Bolton. 8vo. - 1892 Pui.M (John G. Aug.) and Graves (Rev. Jas.). History of the Cathedral of St. Canioe, Kilkenny, -ito. - - - 1857 PutscE (Rev. John). The Worthies of Devon. Folio - - 1701 Prince (Phil. Alex.). Parallel Historr and Biography of the Worll. 3 vols. 8vo. - - ' - - - ' - 1842-3 Prince's Journal ; or, an Account of the Destruction of the Works of the Devil. 8vo. ------- 1859 Prinsep (Hen. T.). Origin of the Sikh Power in the Punjab, and Political Life of Muha-Raja Runjeet Singh. 8vo. - 1834 Pru)R (Sir Jas.). Life of Edmund Burke. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1826 „ Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1837 „ Life of Edmund Malone, Editor of Shakespeare. With a Selection from his Manuscript Anecdotes. 8vo. - - 1860 Prior (Matthew). [1661-1721.] History of his own Time. 8vo. 1740 „ Poems on Several Occasions. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1741-2 „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vols. 30, 31. Prisons for the Home District. Reports. 8vo. - - 1837-8 Puitchard (Wm. Tarn). Polynesian Reminiscences ; or, Life in the South Pacific Islands. 8vo. - - - - . 1866 Pritchett (R. T.). Smokiana : Historical and Ethnographical, 1586-1890. Small 4to. ------ 1890 Privt Council of England, Acts and Proceedings. 1st series. 10 Richard II., 33 Henry VIII. Ed. by Sir X. H. Nicolas. 7 vols., 8vo. [1834-37.] See Record Com- mission. „ New Series. Ed. by J. R. Dasent. [1842 et seg.] See Record Cotnmission. Probtn (John Webb). National Self-Government in Europe and America. 8vo. - - - - - - -1870 Procter (Miss Adelaide Anne). Legends and Lyrics. With an Introduction by Chas. Dickens. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1867 Procter (Brvan Waller) ['• Barrv Cornwall"]. Autobiography. 8vo.' - - - - ' 1877 „ Dramatic Scenes, with other Poems. 8vo. - - - 1857 „ Charles Lamb : a Memoir. 8vo. ----- 1866 Procter (Rich. W.). Memorials of Manchester Streets. 8vo. - 1874 „ Memorials of Bygone Manchester. Imp. 8vo. - - - 1880 Proctor (Richard Anthony). A New Star Atlas, in 12 Circular Maps. 8vo. '- 1873 „ „ Star Atlas for the Library. With Index Plates. Foho 1870 „ Pleasant Wavs in Science. 12mo. ----- 1879 „ How to Play Whist. 12mo. 1885 Proctor (Robert). A Journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and Residence at Lima, in 1823— t. 8vo. - - - 1825 Pboctor (Thomas) [The Editor]. A Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions [1578]. See Ileliconia, Vol. 1. PRO— PRY 467 Promptorium : an English and Latin Dictionary of Words in use during the 15th Century. See Camden Hoc, 25,54, 89. " Propbrtius (iSextus AureHus). Opera Omnia ex Editione Ch. Th. Kuinoelis. 8vo. 1822 ,, By Rev. J. Davies. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. « Property Protection Society Publications. 8vo. - - 1888-91 Town Holdings. 3 vols., 8vo. 1888-91. Urban Rating. By C. H. Sargent. 8vg. 1890. Rating of Ground Eents. 12mo. [1890.] Leasehold Enfranchisement. By A. Uuderhill. 12mo. 1890. ^-_ Proportionnelle Representation. Societe. La Representation Proportionnelle. 8vo. -.--.. 1888 Protests (Parliamentary), Complete Collection of, from 1G41 to 1737. 8vo. 1737 "Proteus." Shots at Shadows : a Satire — but — a Poem. 8vo. 1859 Prothero (Edw. E.). The Pioneers and Progress of English Farming. 8vo. -------- 1888 Prothero (Geo. Walter). Memoir of Henry Bradshaw. 8vo. - 1888 Prothero (Rowland E.). The Pioneers and Progress of English Farming. 8vo. - - - 1888 Proudhon (Pierre Joseph). Confessions d'un Revolutionnaire. 8vo. ----- 1849 „ Systeme des Contradictions Economiques, ou Philosophic de la Misere. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1867 „ Justice dans la Revolution et dans I'Eglise. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1868 Prout (Father) [Pseudonym]. See Mahomj {F^. Prout (John). Profitable Farming under a Just System of Tenant Right. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1881 Prout (Sam.), Artist. Notes on. See RusMn (John). Prout (Dr. William). Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatise.) 8vo. - - - 1834 Proyart (Abbe). History of Loango, Kakongo, and other King- doms in Africa [1776]. See Finkerton, Yo\. 16. Prudentius (Clemens Aurelius). Opera Omnia ex Editione Parmensi. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1824 Prudhomme (Louis-Marie). Histoire Impartiale des Erreurs, des Fautes, et des Crimes commis pendant la Revolution Fran9aise. 6 vols, in 5, 8vo. 1797 Pryme (Abraham de la). See De la Pryvie. Pryme (George). Memoir of Daniel Sykes. 8vo. - - - 1834 „ Jephthah, and other Poems. 12mo. - - - - 1838 „ Autobiographic Recollections [1781-1868]. 8vo. - - 1870 Prynne (William), Papers relating to the Life of. With the Fragment of a Biographical Preface, by the late J. Bruce. Ed. by S. R. Gardiner. See Camden Soc, 18 (N.S.). „ Brief Register, Kalendar, and Survey of the several Kinds and Forms of all Parliamentary Writs, from the 5th King John (1203) till 23rd Edward IV. (1483). 4to. - - 1649 „ Previa Parliamentaria Rediviva. Numbers and Dates of Writs of Summons and Elections extant in the Tower of London, Edward I.-IV. 4to. 1662 „ The History of King John, Henry III., and Edward I., wherein the Ancient Sovereign Dominion over all Persons in all causes is asserted and vindicated. Folio - 1670 G G 2 468 PRY Prtnne (William) — continued. f, The Second Tome of an exact Chronoloo^ical Vindication of our Kinf;'s Supreain Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, from A.D. 1199 to 1273. Folio ------ 1665 m A lircviate of the Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury. Folio ------- 1644 „ Hi'lden Works of Darkness brought to Light ; or, a Intro- duction to the History of the Archbi.--hop of Canterbury's Triall. Folio - " - - - - - - ' - 1645 „ Canterbury's Doome. Tryall and Execution of William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. Folio - - 1644 „ Abridgment of the Records in the Tower, of Edw. II. to Rich. III. Collected by Sir Robert Cotton. With Notes. Folio 1G57 ^ Brief Animadyersions on, Amendments of, and Explanatory Records to the fourth part of Cooke's Institutes of the Lawes of England. Folio ------ 1669 „ Histrio-Mastix : the Player's Scourge. Wherein it is Eyidenced that Stage Playes are sinfull, heatheni.sh, lewde, ungodly Spectacles. 4to. ----- 1633 „ The Perpetuite of a Regenerate Man's E.state. 4to. - - 1626 „ The Unloyeliness of Loye-Lockes. 4to. - - - - 1628 „ Political Tracts. 20 yols., small 4to. - - - 1630-80 1. — (1) Anti-Arminianismc. With a Copie of Master Barret's Recantation. 1630. (2) God no Impostor norDeluder: Defence of Freewill and Uniyersall Grace : Boving at the Name of Jesus. 1630. 2.— (1) The Case of Ship-Mony Briefly Discoursed. 1640. (2) Remonstrance to his Majesty against the Tax of Ship- mony. 1641. (3) The Arguments of Sir Richard Hut- ton and Sir George Crokc, &c., against John Hampden. 1641. 3. — (1) The Antipathic of the Prelacie Viothto Regall Monarchy and Civil Unity. 1641. (2) The Prelates' Tyranny, in their Prosecutions of Mr. AVilliam Prj-n, Dr. John Bast- wick, and Mr. Henry Burton. 1641. 4. — The Second Part of the Antipathie of the Prelacy both to Regall Monarchy and Civill Unity. 1641. •5. — (1) A Pleasant Purge for a Roman Catholike, to evacuate his Evill Humours. 1642. (2) A Revindication of Psalme 105. 15 — Touch not mine Annointed. 1643. 6. — (1 ) The Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists to their Sove- raignis. First part of the Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes. 1643. (2) Second Part. The Treachery and Disloialty of Papists to their Soveraigncs. 1643. (3) Third Part, wherein the Parliament's Warre against the King's Popish Forces is manifested to be neither Treason nor Rebellion. 1643. (4, 5) The Fourth Part, wherein the Parliament's Right and Interest in ordering the Militia, Forts, Ships, &c., of the Realme is mani- fested ; with Appendix. 1643. (6) A Soveraigne An- tidote to Appease our Civill Warres and Dissentions. 1642. (7) Conspiracy of the Pope and his Instruments to extirpate the Pretestaut Religion, re establish Popery, and to poyson the King. 1643. (8) Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship-money. 1643. (9) The Opening of the Great Scale of England : Observations touching the Necessity of the Great Seal of the Kings and King- doms of England, occa^-ioned by the Censures against the Parliament for ordering a new Great Scale to be Engraven. 1643. (10) The Doome of Cowardize and Treachery ; or, a Looking-Glasse for Governours and Souldiers who betray their Trusts. 1643. (11) The Popish Royall Favourite : His Majestie's Extraordinary Favours to notorious Papists, Priests, and Jesuits. 1643. PRY 469 Prtnne (William). Political Tracts — co7itimied. 7. — (1) A Moderate Apology against a pretended Calumny. 16-14. (2) A Vindication of Psalm e 105. 15 (Touch not mine Aiioynted, and doe my Prophets no harme), from some false Grlosses lately obtruded on it Ly Royalists. 1644. (3) A Revindication of the Anoynting and Privi- ledges of Faithfull Subjects. 1643. 8. — (1) Tryall and Condemnation of Nath. Fiennes, touching his Traytorly surrendering Bristol, Dec, 1643. 1644. (2) The Falsities of the Anonymous Author of a Pamphlet intituled the Fallacies of Mr. Wm. Prynne confuted. 1644. 9. — (1) Twelve Considerable Serious Questions touching Church Government. 1644. (2) Independency Examined, Un- masked, Refuted. 1644. (3) Reply to certaine Obser- vations and Anti Queries on Prynne's twelve Questions about Church Government. 1644. (4) Vindication of the Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction of Christian Emperors, Kings, Magistrates, Parliaments. 1645. (5) Discovery of Wandring, Biasing Stars and Fire brands, stiling them- selves, New Lights. 1646. (6) Four Questions con- cerning Excommunication, n. d. (7) [Antidote against Foure Quseries touching Suspension from the Sacrament. N. d]. (8) [Censure of the Errour of a Friend in Answer to his four Questions. 1645.] (9) [A Full An- swer to a Printed Paper, entituled Foure Serious Questions concerning Excommunication. 1645.] (10) A Vindica- tion of foure Serious Questions concerning Excommunica- tion. 1645. (11) Diotrephes Catechised ; or, Sixteen Important Questions touching Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction and Censures. 1646. (12) [Sixteen Anti-Queries pro- pounded to the Catechiser of Diotrophes. 1646.] (13) Suspention Suspended ; or, the Divines of Syon Colledge late claim of the Power of suspending Scandalous Per- sons from the Lord's Supper discussed and refuted. 1646. (14) Vindication of Christian Kings' and Magistrates' Authority to punish Idolatry, Apostacy, Heresies, Blas- phemy, and obstinate Schism with Pecuniary, Corporall, and Capitall Punishments. 1647. (15) A Gagg for Long- Haired Ratteheads. n. d. 10. — (1) Vindication and Answer of the Eleven Accused Mem- bers. 1647. (2) The Lords' and Commons' Vindication, with a Parallel of Cromwell's Plot. 1647. (3) Case of the Impeached Lords, Commons, and Citizens stated. 1 648. (4) Petition of Right of the Freeholders and Freemen of England. 1648. (5) Protestation of the Freemen of England against the Grievance of Free-quarter. 1648. (6) New-Babel's Confusion. 1649. (7) Westminsterian Juncto's Selfe-Condemnation. 1649. (8) Apologie for Non-Subscribers and Looking-Glasse for Subscribers of the New Engagement. 1650. (9) Queries propounded to the Anti-Pai-liamentary Westminster Junto. 1660. 11. — (1) The Priviledges of the University of Oxford in point of Visitation refuted. 1647. (2) The Levellers Levelled to the very Ground ; the opinion that it is necessary to bring down the Lords into the Commons House refuted. 1647. (3) Statutes and Petitions in Parlia- ment concerning the OfiSce of Justices of the Peace. 1 648. (4) A Plea for the Lords. 1648. (5) A Briefe Memento to the present Unparliamentary Junto, touching their present Intentions and Proceedings to Depose and Execute Charles Steward, their lawful! King. 1648. (6) The First Part of an Historical Collection of the Ancient Parliaments of England, from the year of our Lord 673 till the end of King John's Reign, Anno 1216. 1649. (7) A Vindication of the Imprisoned and Secluded Members of the House of Commons. 1649. (8) Speech made in the House of Commons, Dec. 4th, 1648, wherein the Satisfactorinesse of 470 PRY— PUB Pbtwnk (William). Political Tracts — continued. Vol. 11. — continued. the King's Auswers to the Propositions for Settlement o a firm, lasting Peace is clearly demonstrated. 1649. (9) A Ltgall Vindication of the Liberties of England against Illegal Taxes and pretended Acts of Parliament. 1 649. 12. — Defence of Stage Plays ; or, a Retractation of a former Book of his called Histrio-Mastix. 1649. [Modern ro- issue, 100 copies privately printed.] 13. — (1) The Petitions of D. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton, Mr. Prynne, and of Xath. ^Vickins, Servant to the said Mr. Prynne, to the House of Parliament. 1641. (2) Prynne the Mem- ber reconciled to Prynne the Barrester. 1649. (3) A Legall Vindication of the Liberties of England against Illegall Taxes and pretended Acts of Parliament. 1649. (4; Memento to the present Unparliamentary Junto, touching their Proceedings to Depose and Execute Charles Stewart, their lawfull King. 1649. (5) The Republicans' and others' spurious Good Old Cause briefly and truly Anatomized. 1649. (6) Coudordia Discors ; or, the Dis- sonant Harmony of Sacred Publique Oaths, lately made by many Time-Serving Saints, Officers, without scruple of Conscience. 1659. (7) Apology for not Bowing at, or to, the Name of Jesus, and not Kneeling in the act of Receiving the Lord's Supper. 1662. (8) Vindication of the Supreme Authority and Jurisdiction of Christian Kings, Lords, Parliaments, as well over the Possessions as Persons of Prelates and Churchmen. 1668. 14. — A Plea for the Lords and House of Peers ; or, a Vindication of the just hereditary Right of the Peers of this Realm to sit, vote, judge in all the Parliaments of England. 1658. 16. — (1) L-enarchts Redivivus. 1648. (2) The First Part of an Historical Collection of the Ancient Parliaments of England, A.D. 673-1216. 1649. (3) Demophilos ; or, the Assertor of the People's Lilx;rty. 1658. (4) A New Dis- covery of Free State Tyranny ; Letters, sent to John Bradshaw by the Council of State after their Close Imprisonment of him. 1665. (5; Vindication of the Old and New Secluded Members. 2nd ed. 1659. (6) Narrative of what was done, spoken by and between Mr. Prynne, the Secluded Members, the Army Officers, and those now sitting, both in the Commons Lobby, House, and elsewhere. 1659. 16. — A Summary Collection of the Rights, Liberties, Proprieties of all English Freemen. 1656. (2) Vindication and Chronological Collection of the Liberties, Franchises, Rights, Laws of all English Freemen. 1655. (3) The Second Part of a Vindication of the Liberties of English Freemen. 1655. 17. — Vindication of the Rights and Governments of English Freemen. Part 3. 1659. 18. — The Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus and of the Angel of the Church of Ephesus. 1661. 19. — Some Exulx-rances in the Common Prayer. 1661. 20. — The .Signal Loyalt}' and the Devotion of God's True Saints and Pious Christians towards their Kings. 1680. FsALMANAZAR (George) [Pseudonym]. Description of Formosa. 8vo. ----- 1704 „ Memoirs. Written by Himself. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1765 Public Advertiser. 1 Jan., 17GG— 31 Doc, 1768. 2 vols., folio 1766-8 Public Characters of 179H-9 to 1809-10. 10 vols., 8vo. -1799-1810 Pur.Lic Characters of ;ill Nati()n,s : Biographical Anecdotes of nearly Three Thousand Contfinporaries. 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1823 „ ,, See Men of the Times. Public Journals, Spirit of the, 1797-1814. Prose and Verse. 18 vols. - - - - 1802-15 PUB— PYN 471 Public Schools' Year-Book. 12mo. - . . . 1893 et seq. PucKLE (James). The Club ; or, a Grey Cap for a Green Head : a Dialogue between a Father and a Son. 8vo. - - - 1817 PuFFENDORF (Samuel, Baron von). Law of Nature and N'ations. With Notes, by J. Barbeyrac. Trans, by Dr. B. Kennett and Carew. 4th ed. Folio . - . . . 1749 „ Introduction to the History of Europe. Continued by De la Martiniere and Jos. Sayer. 2 vols., 8vo. - - . 1764 PuGH (Edward). Cambria Depicta : Tour through North Wales. (Coloured Plates.) 4to. - 1816 PuGH (Dr. R.). See Hughson (Z>.). PuGHE (Wm. Owen). Welsh-English Dictionary, with Welsh Grammar. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1832 PuGiN (Aug.). Specimens of Gothic Architecture, from Ancient Edifices in England. (With 144 Plates.) Descriptions by E. J. Willson. 2 vols., 4to. - - - - 1821-3 PuGiN (Aug.) and Britton (John). Public Buildings of London. 2 vols., 8vo. 1825-8 PuGiN (Aug.) and Pugin (Aug. N. Welby). Examples of Gothic Architecture, from Ancient Edifices in England. De- scriptions by E. J. Willson and T. L. Walker. 3 vols., 4to. - - . - 1831-8 Pugin (Aug. Northmore Welby). Glossary of Ecclesiastical Or- nament and Costume. 2nd ed., enlarged by the Rev. Bernard Smith. 4to. ------- 1846 PuiGBLANCH (D. Ant.). The Inquisition Unmasked : an Account of that Tremendous Tribunal. Trans, by William Walton. 2 vols., 8vo. 1816 PuLCi (Luigi). II Morgante Maggiore. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1806 Pulling (Alexander). Treatise on the Laws, Customs, &c. of the City and Port of London. 8vo. - . - . 1842 „ The Order of the Coif. 8vo. - - - - - - 1884 PuLMAN (George P. R.). The Book of the Axe : Historical Sketches of all the Parishes upon its Banks. 4th ed. 8vo. - - 1875 Punch; or, the London Charivari (continued). Vol. 1. 4to. \8H et seq. PuRRY (J. F.). South Carolina. See Force, Vol. 2. PusKLEY (Dan) [Frank Foster]. Number One ; or, the Way of the World. Svo. - - - - - - - - 1862 PuSEY (Rev. Dr. Edw. B.). The Church of England a portion of Christ's one Holy Catholic Church. An Eirenicon. 8vo. - - - - 1865 P'u Sung-ling Liao-Chai. Chinese Stories [1679]. Trans, by Herbert A. Giles. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1880 Putnam's Sons. Authors and Publishers : Suggestions for Beginners in Literature. 8vo. ----- 1883 PuTTENHAM (George). Arte of English Poesie [1589]. See Haslewood (J.), Vol. 1. PiJTTER (John S.). Historical Development of the Constitution of the Germanic Empire. Trans, by J. Dornford. 3 vols., Svo. - - - 1790 Pye (Hen. Jas.). Translation of Odes of Pindar. See British Poets, Vol. 89. Pye (John). Patronage of British Art. [The Artists' Fund.] 8vo. - 1845 Pym (John). See D' Israeli {Is.), and Smith (Goldwin). Pyne (W. H.). See Hardcastle {E.). 472 PYR— QUI Pyuard (Fran(,-ois). Voyage to the East Indies, the Maldives, the MoliK-cas, and lirazil. See Haklnyt Soc.^ 70, 77. Pyraxius. The Martyr's Mi'inorial. 12ino. - . - - 1851 rvTilAGOKAS. Life. By l:imi)liehiis Chalcidensis. With Pytha- •roreau Fra<'ments and Sentences. Trans, by T. Taylor. 8vo. 1818 " Q." Dramatists of the Present Day. 8vo. ... - 1871 C^UAiN (Dr. Ilichanl). Dictionary of Medicine. 8vo. - - 1883 (-^UAKEUij and Indians. Conduct of the Society of Friends towards the Intlian Tril)es, from their Settlement to 1843. 8vo. - - -. - . - ^^^ QuARLES (Francis). Enchiridion; containing Institutions, Divine and Moral. 12nio. 1856 „ Emblems. Illustrated by Charles Bennett and W. Harry Kogers. 8vo. 1861 Quarterly Review (continued). Vol. 1 et seq. - 1809 e^ seq. QuATREFAGES (A. de). The Human Species. Sqq International Scientijic Ser., 26. QuEKETT Microscopical Club Journal. 1st Series : Vols. 1-6, with Index. 2ud Series: Vol. 1 et seq. {continued). 8vo. 1868 et seq. QuERARD (J. M.). La France Litteraire, ou Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique des Savants, Historiens, et Gens de Lettres qui orit ecrit en Franyais, plus particulierement pendant les 17* et 19* Sieclcs. 12 vols., 8vo. - - - 1827-64 QuERARD (J. M.), Louandre (Charles), et Bourguelot (Felix). La Litterature Fran9aise Contemporaine, 19* Siecle. 6 vols. 1842-57 (.^UEROUAiLLE (Loiiise de). See Portsmouth [Duchess of). Questions for a Reformed Parliament. 8vo. .... 1867 Ireland, by F. H. Hill. "Workmen and Trade Unions, by G. Lushington. The Poor, by E. Townsend. The Land Laws, by W. L. Newman. Popular Education, by C. S. Parker. Law Reform, by J. B. Kinucar. The Army, by G. Hooper. Foreign Policy, by F. Harrison. 15ribery, by J. E. T. Rogers. Progress of the Working Classes, by J. M. Ludlow and L. Jones. QuEVEDO Y ViLLEGAs (Fraucisco Gomez de). Visiones, made English l)y Sir 11. L'Estrange. 8vo. - - - - 1702 QuiGNON (Francis, Cardinal). Breviarinm Romanum [1535]. Curante J. W. Legg. 8vo. 1888 QuiN (Michael J.). Steam Voyage down the Danube. 2 vols., 8vo. 1835 QuiNCY (Dr. John). Essay on Pestilential Diseases. See Hodyes {N.). QuiNCY (Dr. Josiah). History of Harvard University. 2 vols., 8vo. 1860 QuiNET (Edgar). Histoire de la Campagne de 1815. 8vo. - 1867 „ Depuis I'exil. Par Madame E. Quinet. 12mo. - - 1889 „ Early Life and Writings. By R. Heath. 8vo. - - 1881 QuiNTiNYE (M. de la). The Compleat Gard'ner. Trans, by John Evelyn. Folio 1693 Directions for Cultivating Fruit Ganlens and Kitohon Gardene. Treatise on Orange Trocs, with raising of Melons. QUI— RAE 473 QuiNTUS CuRTius. De Enacted by llowel the Good, modified by subsequent Regulations prior to the Conquest by Edward the First ; and anomalous Laws, consisting principally of Institutions which continued in force. ^Vith Transla- tion. Also, Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of the "Welsh Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. Glossary, &c. Ed. by Aneurin Owen. Koyal 8vo. 1841. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Pnestitis, Regnante Johanne. Royal Svo. 1844. The Great* Rolls of the Pipe, 2-4 Henry XL, 1155-8. Royal Svo. 1844. The Great Roll of the Pipe, 1 Richard I., 1189-90. Royal 8vo. 1844. Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th Centuries, from the Records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Fcap. folio. 1814. Modus Tenendi Parlianuiitum. An Ancient Treatise on the 3Ioi)Ography of Ancient Babylon. See Rich (C. ./.). Ren.nie (Sir John). Autobiography. 8vo. - . - - 1875 RENofK (P. Le Page). The Religion of Ancient Egyi)t. (Hib- liert Lectures.) 8vo. ------- 1879 Rr.NwrCK (Rev. J.). Life. See 7/?//yto- (P.). Repeal Association of Ireland. Reports. 3 vols., 8v(). - 1840-4 RKPrBLiCAN (The) and the Lion. Ed. bv Richard Carlile. 14 vols., 8vo. - - - - ■ - - - 1820-9 IvEKESBY (Sir John) of Thrvbergh, last Governor of York. Memoirs, from his Original MS., 1634-89. 8vo. - - 1735 „ „ New ed. Ed. by J. J. Cartwright. 8vo. - - 1875 Memoirs and Travels. 8vo. ------ 1813 RET— EHO 485 Retrospective Review (The). Ed. bv H. Southern and Sir N. H. Nicolas. 2 series. 16 vols., 8vo. - - 1820-8 Retz (Jean Franc^ois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 44-6. Retzsch (Moritz). Outlines to Shakespeare's Hamlet. 4to. - 1828 „ „ Tempest. 4to. ....--- 1841 „ Illustrations of Goethe's Faust. Obi. 4to. - - - 1843 Reumont (Alfred von). Lorenzo de Medici, the Mao;nificent. Trans, by Robert Harrison. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1^76 Revelations Indiscretes du 18'' Siecle. 12mo. - . . 1814 Cardinal de Beriiis, Bossiiet, Cabanis, Cerutti, Champcenetz, la Marquise de Chatelet, Chenier, Diderot, Duclos, Franklin, Garat, Mme. Geoffrin, Herault de Sechelles, Lachaise, Laharpe, Mercier, Rousseau, Saint-Martin (ITllumine), Thomas, Voltaire, Washington, &c. Avec un Galerie de Portraits. Revett (ISTicholas) . See ,SV?/r/r^ (./.), and Revett {N.). Reville (Albert). The Native Religions of Mexico and Peru. (Hibbert Lectures.) 8vo. - - - - - - 1884 Revolution (English) 1688 : a Compleat Collection of Papers, from June S, 1688, to April 11, 1689. 4to. - - - 1689 „ Collection of Reports, Lyes, and Stories which were the Forerunners of the Great Revolution, 1688. 8vo. - - 1733 Revolution Fran^aise. Anahse et Table du '• Moniteur," 1787- 99. 6 vols., 4to. - ■ - - - - - - 1801-2 „ Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution. See France. Revolution Society of London. Correspondence with the National Assembly. 8vo. ------ 1792 Revue des Deux Mondes, 1844 et seq. (continued). 8vo. 1844 et seq. „ Table Generate, 1831-74 et 1874-86. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1886 Revue Generale de rArchitecture et des Travaux Publics. (Contains Plans of the Reform Club.) Vol. 15. 4to. - 1857 Reybaud (Louis). Jerome Paturot a la Recherche d'un Position Sociale. Illust. par Grandeville. 8vo. - - - 1848 „ Jerome Paturot a la Recherche de la Meilleure des Republiques. 8vo. ------- 1849 Reynard the Fox. Roman de Renard. Texte Fhimand du 12^ Siecle. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1837 „ After the German Version of Goethe. By Thos. James Arnold. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1855 „ Trans, by A. Douglas Ainslie. 12mo. - - - - 1886 Reynolds (Rev. Herbert E.). Wells Cathedral: its Foundation, Constitutional History, and Statutes. Folio- - - 1881 Reynolds (John). Triumphs of God's Revenge against Murther. Also, Revenge against Adultery. 7th ed. Folio - - 1704 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Literary Works. Ed., with Life, bv H. W. Beechey. 2 vols., 8vo. ----'- 1855 „ Discourses, with Notes and Plates, by Joh.n Burnet. 4to. ---------- 1842 „ Life and Times. With Notices of some of his Contem- poraries. By C. R. Leslie and Tom Taylor. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1865 Reynolds (Thomas), of Kilkea Castle, Kildare [The Informer] . Life. By his Son, T. Reynolds. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1839 Rhodes (G. M.) and Coblie (F. A.). The Hell of the Innocent. [Records of Vivisection Experiments.] 12mo. - - 1892 Rhodes (W. Barnes). Bombastes Furioso : a Burlesque. With Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo. - - - 1873 486 RHY— RIC BHTs(John). Celtic Britain. 12mo. . - - - [1882] „ Origin and Growth of Uclii^ioii ;is Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. (Hiltbert Lectures, 1S8G.) 8\o. - - 1888 RiCARDo (David). Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 8vo. 1817 „ Letters to Rev. Thos. R. Malthus, 1810-23. E«l. by J. Bonar. 8vo. -------- 1887 Ric.\KDO (John Lewis). History of the Xavigation Laws. 8vo. 1847 Ric.\HT (Robert). The Mayor of Bristol's Calendar, temp. Edward IV. See Camden Soc, 5 (N.S.). RiCCiOLi (Giovanni Battista). Almagestuni Novum Astronomiam Vetereni novamque complectens. 3 vols., folio - 1051-65 Rich (Ant.). Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities. 8vo. 1873 Rich (Capt. Barnaby). Eight Xovels by. [1581.] See Shakespeare Soc. Rich (Claudius James). Journey to Babylon and Persepolis. With Topography of Ancient Babylon, by Major Jas. Rennell. 8vo. - - - - - ' - - 1830 Rich (Elihu). Germany and France: a Popular History of the Franco-German War. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - [1872-4] Richard I., Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of. See Chronicles, 38. 1. — Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Ge.sta Regis Kicanli. 2. — Epistolse Cantuarienses : the Letters of the Prior and Con- vent of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1187 to 1199. „ Reign of. By Benedict of Peterborough. See Chronicles, 49. „ „ By Gervase of Canterbury. See Chronicles, 73. „ „ Richard of Devizes. See Emjlish Hist. Soc. „ Life. By G. P. R. James. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1842-9 Richard II. Roll of the Proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, 1392-3. See Chronicles, 69. „ Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de. See English Hist. Soc. „ English and Latin Poems on his Deposition. See Camden Soc, 3. „ History of the Reign of. See Howard (Sir Robert). Richard III., Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reign of. See Chronicles, 24. „ Life and Reign of. By Jas. Gairdner. 8vo. - - - 1878 „ History of. By Sir G. Buck. See Kennett, Vol 1. „ „ By Sir Thos. More. See Kennett, Vol. 1. „ „ By Rev. Polydore Vergil. See Camden Soc, 29. „ „ See Paston Letters. Richard de Burv, Bishop of Diuham, Chancellor of Edward III. The Philobiblon of. Trans, by E. C. Thomas. 12mo. - 1888 Richard of Cirencester. Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Angliaj ab Hengista ad annum, 1348. See Chronicles, 30. „ Description of Britain. Trans, with the original Treatise. With Maps. 8vo. -.-.--. 1890 „ „ With a Critical Disquisition by Gilbert Dyer. 12mo. 1816 Richard of Devizes. De Rebus Gestis Ricardi I. See English Hist. Soc. Richard (Henry). Memoirs of Joseph Sturge. 8vo. - - 1864 „ Biography of. By C. S. Miall. 8vo. - . - - 1889 Richard (Abbe). History of Tonquin [1778]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 9. RIC 487 Richardson of Cleveland (The Quaker Family of). By A. O. Boyce. 4to. -------- 1889 Richardson (Dr. Ben j. W.) Diseases of Modern Life. 12mo. - 1876 „ The Health of Nations : a Review of the Works of Edwin Chadwick. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1887 „ Life of Thos. Sopwith. 12mo. ----- 1891 Richardson (Dr. Chas.). English Dictionary. 2 vols., 4to. - 1844 Richardson (Chas. J.). Studies from Old English Mansions, their Furniture, and Grold and Silver Plate. 2 vols., folio --------- 1841-8 Richardson (Edward). The Monumental Effigies of the Temple Church. Folio - - - - - - - - 1843 Richardson (George Gibson). The Corn and Cattle Producing Districts of France. 8vo. ----- [1878] Richardson (James). Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, 1845-6. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1848 Richardson (Sir John). Arctic Searching Expedition : Journal of a Boat Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in Search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1851 Richardson (Major John) [in the British Legion]. Personal Memoirs. 8vo. 1838 Richardson (M. A.). Local Historian's Table Book. 8 vols, in 4, 8vo. - - - 1841-6 Remarkable Occurrences, Traditions, Ballads, &c., connected with Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, and Durham. His- torical Division, 5 vols. Legendary Division, 3 vols. Richardson (Dr. Richard). Literai-y and Scientific Correspon- dence [1690-1764]. (Privately printed.) 8vo. - -1835 Richardson (Samuel). Novels. With Sketch of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. Edward Mangin. 19 vols., 12mo. 1811 1-4.— Pamela [1741-2]. 5-12.— Clarissa Harlowe [1743.] 13-19.— Sir Charles Grandison [1754]. „ Correspondence. With Life, by Mrs. Barbauld. 6 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1804 Richardson (Prof. Wm.). Essays on some of Shakespeare's Characters, and on the Faults of Shakespeare. 8vo. - 1797 RiCHE (B.). See Rich {Capt. B.). Richelieu (Armand E. du Plessis, Due de). Memoires. See Barriere (F.), Vols. 16, 17. Richelieu (Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis, Due de). His- toire de la Mere et du Fils. Succincte Narration des Grandes Actions du Roi. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 10, 11. „ Memoires du. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 21-30. „ Histoire de. Par Gabriel Hanotaux. 8vo. - - - 1892 Richelieu (Marechal Louis F. Armand du Plessis, Due de). Memoires des Cours de Louis XIV., de la Regence de Louis XV., et de Louis XVI. 9 vols., 8vo. - - 1790-3 Richemont (Comte de), Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser, 1, Vol. 8. Richmond (Charles Gordon Lennox, 5th Duke of). Memoirs. 8vo. ----.---.. 1862 Richmond (Henry Fitzroy, Duke of). Natural Son of Henry VIII. Wardrobe Account [1526]. See Camden Mite, Vol. 3. Richmond (Rev. Legh). Annals of the Poor. 8vo. - - - 1829 The Dairyman's Daughter. Negro Servant. Young Cottager, 488 "RIC— HIT BiCHTER (Johanu Paul F.) [Known us Jean Paul Richter]. [ 17G3-lS2o.] Life and Autobioijniphv. li vols., Svo. - 1845 RiCKMAN ("IMioiqus). Attempt to discriminate the diffiTent St vies of Architecture iu England. 6th ed., with Additions, by John Henry Parker. 8vo. -----'- 1862 „ „ 7th ed. by John Henry Parker. 8vo. - - - 1881 RiCRAFT (Josiah). Enijland's Chainpious and Truth's Faithful Patriots [1647]. 8vo. (Rejirint.) - - - [1818] RiDDELL (John). Tracts, Legiil and Historical. With other Antiijuarian Matter, relative to Scotland. 8vo. - - 1835 „ Stewartiana : the Case of Robert II. and Elizabeth Mure, and Question of Legitimacy of their Issue. 8vo. - 1843 Riddle (Rev. Joseph E.) and Arnold (Rev. Thos. K.). English- Latin Dictionary. 8vo. ------ 1872 RiDEiNG (W. H.). Thackeray's London. 16mo. - - - 1885 RiDLET (Xicholas), Bishop of London. Works. See Par/ier Soc. RiDPATH (Rev. Gieorge). Border History of Scotland, to the Union. Ed. by Rfv. Philip Riiipath. 4to. - - -1776 RiEFF (C. P.). Parallel Dictionaries: Russian, French, (jerman, and English. 4 vols., small 4to. - - - - 1876 RiESBECK (Baron Caspar). Travels through Germany, 1780. See Pinkerton, Vol. 6. RiETHMULLER (Christopher Jas.). Teuton : a Poem. 8vo. - 1861 „ Life and Times of Alexander Hamilton, Aide-de-Camp of General Washington. 8yo. ----- 1864 The First Years of American Independence. Sketches of Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, the Marquis de Lafayette, General Lee Benedict Arnold, and Major Andre. RiETZ (Dr. J.). Catalogue of the Music of Mendelssohn. 12mo. 1863 Riley (Henry Thomas). Dictionary of Latin Quotations. AVith a Selection of Greek Quotations. [Bohn.] 12mo. - 1860 „ Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, and the French Chronicle. ' Small 4to. ----- 1863 „ Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Centuries [1276-1419]. 8vo. - - - 1868 RiMBAl'LT (Dr. Edw. Francis). Ancient Songs and Ballads. 8vo. 1851 Rimmer (Alfred). Our Old Country Towns. Small 4to. - - 1881 RiXALDis (B. de). Su la Vita di P' S. Mancini. 8yo. - - 1876 Rink (Henry). Danish Greenland, its People and its Products. Ed. by Dr. R. Brown. 12mo. 1877 RiNTJCCiNi (Monsignor G. B.), Archbishop of Fermo. Embassy in Ireland, 1645-9. Trans, by Annie Hutton. 8vo. - 1873 Rio (A. F.). Poetry of Christian Art. ' (From the French.) 8vo. 1854 RiouFFE (H. Baron de). Memoires. See Barrierc (F.), Vol.9. „ Mt'moires d'un Detenu. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 45. RiSDON (Tristram) [1580-1640]. Chorographical Description of Devon, with the City of Exeter [1714]. New ed., with Additions. Ito. " 1811 „ „ Review of Risdon's Devon. By Wm. Chappie. 4to. 1785 Bishanger (William de). Chronica et Annales, 1259-1307. See Chronicles, 28. „ Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. See Camden Soc., 15. „ „ See Paris (Mat their). RiTcniE (J. Ewing). Life and Times of Viscount Palmerston. 2vol6., 4to. [1867] BiTCHiE (Mrs. Richmond). See Thackeray {E.). KIT— ROB 489 RiTSON (Joseph). Robin Hood. A Collection of the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads relative to. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1795 „ Ancient English Metrical Romances. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1802 „ Ancient Songs and Ballads, Henry II. to the Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. -------- 1829 „ Bibliographica Poetica : Catalogue of English Poets of the 12th to the 16th Centuries. 12mo. - - - - 1802 „ Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots, and of Strath- clyde, Cumberland, Galloway, and Murray. 2 vols., 8vo. 1828 RivAROL (Antoine, Comte de). CEuvres Choisies. Ed. par M. de Lescure. 2 vols., l2mo. ----- 1880 Vol. 1. — De rUniversalite de la Langiie Fran^aise, 1783. L'Homrae Intellectuel et Moral. Maximes et Pensees. Vol. 2. — Tableaux de la Kevolution. „ Rivarol et la Societe Franfaise pendant la Revolution et rEmigration [1753-1801]. Par M. de Lescure. 8vo. - 1883 „ Memoires. See Berville et Barriere, 37. Rivers of the United Kingdom. See Industrial Rivers. Rizzio (David). Life and Death. See Misc. Ant. Angl. RoBBERDS (J. W.). Life of Wm. Taylor of ISTorwich ; with his Correspondence with Robert Southey, Sir Walter Scott, and others. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1843 RoBBiNS (Alfred Farthing). Practical Politics ; or, the Liberalism of To-day. 12mo. - - - - ■ - - - 1888 Robert of Gloucester [1270]. Rhyming Chronicle of Eng- lish Hist. Transcribed by Thos. Hearne. 2 vols., 8vo. 1724 „ „ See Chronicles and Memorials, 86. Robert of Brunne, Chronicle of. See Chronicles and Me- morials, 87. Robert (Cyprien). Le Monde Slave, son Passe, son Etat Present, et sou Avenir. 2 vols in 1, 8vo. ----- 1852 Robert (F. des). Campagnes de Charles IV. due de Lorraine, 1638-43. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1888 Roberts (Chas. G. D.). The Canadian Guide Book. 12mo. - 1892 Roberts (David), R.A. Life, from his Journal. By Jas. Ballantine. 4to. - 1866 Roberts (Ellis H.). New York, ^ee American Commonwealths. Roberts (Major-General Sir Frederick S., Lord). Memoir. By C. R. Low. 8vo. .---..'. 1883 Roberts (George). Life of George, Duke of Monmouth. With Account of the Bloody Assize. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1844 „ Social History of the People of the Southern Counties of England in Past Centuries. 8vo. - . - . 1856 Roberts (Henry). On the Improvement of the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes. 8vo. ------ 1867 Roberts (Wm.). Life of Hannah More. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1835 „ „ Abridged edition. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1836 „ History of Letter Writing, to the 5th Century. 8vo. - 1843 Robertson (Alex.). Speeches on Home and Colonial Affairs. 8vo. 1880 Robertson (David). A Tour through the Isle of Man. With Review of the Manks History, 1794. See Finkerton, Vol. 2. Robertson (Rev. Fred. Wm.), of Brighton. Life. By Rev. Fred. Arnold. 12mo. ------ 1886 Robertson (Col. Jas. A.). Gaelic Topography of Scotland. 8vo. 1869 Robertson (Rev. James Craigie) . Becket, Archbishop of Canter- bury : a Biography. 8vo. 1859 490 HOB Robertson (John Parish) and RobiTtson (Wni. Parish). Letters on Paniiiuay [If^.'iS]. Also, Four Yeais' Kesidence during Frant'ia's Heign of Terror. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1839 Robertson (Thos. William). Chief Dramatic Works. 2 vols., 12mo. 1889 Vol.1. — Memoir. Li^^t of Works. Birth. Breach of Promise. Ciwstc. Daviil Garrick. Dreams. Home. Ladies' Bat- tle. M.P. VoL 2. — The Nightingale. Ours. Play. Progress. Row in the House. Sch(X)l. Society. War. Robertson (Rev. Dr. William). Works. With Account of his Life and Writings, by Dugald Stewart. 8 vols., 8vo. - 1827 Historv of Scotland during the Reigns of Mary and James VI. '[1759]. History of Charles V. [1769]. History of America [1777]. Ancient India. Robertson (Wm.). Life and Times of the Right Hon. John Bright. 12mo. ------- [1877] Robespierre (Maximilieu). Life. By G. H. Lewes. 8vo, - 1849 „ „ See Adolphus. Robiua (A.). *' Yester-Year." Ten Centuries of Toilette. Trans, by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 12mo. - - - - 1892 Robin Hood. See Ritson {Joseph). RoBiN.>j H. G. Keene. Mayo (R. S. Bourke. 6th Earl of). By Sir W. W. Hunter. Ranjit Singh. By Sir Lepel Gritfin. Wellesley (Marquess). By the Rev. W. H. Hutton. RuMFOBD (Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count von). Memoir. By G. E. Ellis. 8vo. 1876 Rump ; or, an Exact Collection of the Choicest Poems and Songs relating to the Late Times [1639-61]. 12mo. - - 1662 BuNDALL (Thos.). Early Voyages for the Discovery of a Passage to India by the North- West, See Haklnyt Soc, 5. „ A Collection of Documents on Japan. See Hakluyt Soc, 6. RuNJEET Singh. Life. See Prinsep (H. T.). Rupert (Prince Robert). Memoirs [161&-82]. By Eliot Warburton. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - ' - - 1849 RusDEN (Geo. W.). History of Xew Zealand. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1883 „ History of Australia. ' 3 vols., 8vo. 1883 Rush (Dr. Benj.). Essays, Literary and Philosophical. 8vo. - 1798 Rush (Richard) [Envov U.S.A.]. Residence at the Court of London, l>!19-25. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1833-45 „ „ 3rd cd. AVith recollections of the Court of Louis Philippe, 1S47-9. 8vo. - 1872 RusHTON (William Lowes). Shakespeare illustrated by the Lex Scripta. 8vo. - - - - - - ' - - 1870 RusHWORTH (John) [Parliamentarian]. Historical Collections, from 1618 to 1648. With the Trial of the Earl of Strafford. 8 vols., folio 1659-1701 RusKiN (John). Aratra Pentelici. Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture. 2nd ed. 8vo. ----- 1S79 Architecture, The Poetry of. 4to. ----- 1S93 Ariadne Florentiua. Si.^ Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving. 8vo. - - 1876 Arrows of the Chace : a collection of Scattered Letters, publi.shed 1840-80. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . - 1880 Art, Lectures on, delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilarv Term, 1870. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - 1873 Art of England, The. (Slade Lectures.) 4to. - - 1883-4 Art, Political Economy of. 12mo. ----- 1857 Crown of Wild Olive. 8vo. ------ 1882 Eagle's Xest, The. Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art. 2nd ed. 8vo. ----- 1880 Ethics of the Dust. 8vo. 1866 Fors Clavigera : Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of England. With Index. 9 vols., 8vo. - - 1871-87 Joy for Ever, A (and its Price in the Market). Two Lectures on the Political Economy of Art. 8vo. - - 1880 King of the Golden River, The : a Legend of Styria. Illus- trated by R. Doyle. 12mo. 1888 BUS 499 RuSKiN (John) — continued. „ Lord's Prayer (The) and the Church. 8vo. [1879] „ Love's Meinie. Lectures on Greek and English Birds. Vol. L 8vo. ---.-.-. 1881 „ Modern Painters. 6 vols., 8vo. - - . . 1851-88 1. — Of General Principles and of Tnith. 2. — Of tho Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties. 3. — Of many Things. 4. — Of Mountain Eeauty. 5.— Of Leaf Beauty. Of Cloud Beauty. Of Ideas of Relation : (1) Invention Formal. (2) Invention Spiritual. 6. — General Index, Bibliography, and Notes. „ Mornings in Florence : Simple Studies of Christian Art. 12mo. 1889 „ Munera Pnlveris. Six Essays on the Elements of Political Economy. 8vo. 1880 „ National Grallery, Notes on. See Cook {E. T.). „ On the Old Eoad. A Collection of Essays, &c., published 1834-85. 2 vols., 8vo. 1885 Vol. 1.— Art. Vol. 2. — Literature. Economy. Theology. „ " Our Fathers have Told Us." Sketches of the History of Christendom for Boys and Girls. 8vo. - - - 1884 Perspective, Elements of. 12mo. 1859 Poems, 1826-87. 2 vols., 4to. - . . . . lygi Prteterita : Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts in my past Life. Vols. 1, 2. Vol. 3, Parts 1-4. 4to. - - 1885-9 Proserpina. Studies of Wayside Flowers. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1882 Prout (Samuel) and Hunt (William), JSTotes on. 4to. - 1880 Queen of the Air, The : a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. 8vo. ---... 1883 Koadside Songs of Tuscany. Trans, by Francesca Alexander. 4to. _ 1884 St. Mark's Best : the Flistory of Venice. 12mo. - - 1884 Sesame and Lilies. 8vo. ---... 1887 Seven Lamps of Architecture. 8vo. - - . . 1855 Stones of Venice. 4 vols., 8vo. - . . . 1851-6 1. — The Foundations. 3. — The Fall. 2. — The Sea-Stories. 4. — General Index. Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Csntury, The. Two Lectures. 4to. ---.-... 1884 Time and Tide. 8vo. --..... 1882 Turner (J. M. W.), Notes on Drawings by. Exhibited at the Fine Arts Society. 35 Plates. 4to. - - . . 1878 Two Paths. 8vo. -----... 1884 Unto this Last: Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy. 16mo. - - - . . 1877 Val D'Arno. Ten Lectures on Tuscan Art. 8vo. - - 1882 Bibliography of. By E. H. Shepherd. 12mo. - . 1879 Life and Works. By W. G. Collingwood. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1893 RussKLL (Alexander). The Salmon. 8vo. - - - . 1864 „ Obituary Notices of. (Privately printed.) 8vo. - 1876 Russell (Sir Charles). The Parnell Commission : the Opening Speech for the Defence. (Revised by the Author.) 8vo. 1889 II 2 500 RUS Rl'ssei.l (Lord Chas. Jas. Fox). Speech in Support of Howanl Whitbread, Lil)eral (.!andidate for South Bedfordshire. 16mo. . - - 1892 Russell (Francis, Lord), Death of, 1585. By Geo. Whetstone. See Heliconia, Vol. 2. RusSKLL (Francis). The Power and Duty of an Ar])itrator, and the Law of Sul)niissions and Awards. Gth ed. 8vo. - 1882 Russell (Col. Francis S.). The Earl of Peterborough and Mon- mouth [1G5S-1 735]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - -1887 Russell (Rev. Frederic William). Rett's Rebellion in Norfolk in the Reign of Edward VI. 4to. .... 1859 Russell (Geo. W. E.). Life of the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 12rao. - . - 1891 Russell (Henrv) and Gattie (Wm.). The Ruin of the Soudan: a Resume of Events, 1883-91. 8vo. - - - - 1892 Russell (John Russell, Earl). Life of William, Lord Russell. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1820 Essays and Sketches of Life and Character, by a Gentleman who has left his Lodgings. 12mo. . . . . 1820 Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe, fi-om the Peace of L^trecht. 2 vols., 4to. - - - 1824-9 On the Causes of the French Revolution. 12mo. - - 1832 Correspondence of John, Ith Duke of Bedford. With Historical and Biographical Litroduction. 3 vols., 8vo. --------- 1842-6 Journals of Thomas Moore. 8 vols., 8vo. - - 1853-6 Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox. 4 vols., 8vo. ..--..- 1853-7 Life and Times of Charles James Fox. 3 vols., 8vo. 1859-66 Essay on the History of the English Government and Constitution, from Henry VIL New ed. 8vo. - - 1865 Official Correspondence on the Claims of the United States in respect to the " Alabama." 8vo. - - - 1867 Selections from Speeches, 1817— tl ; Despatches, 1859-65. With Introductions. 2 vols., 8vo. . . - . 1870 Rise and Progress of the Chri-stian Religion in the West of Europe, from Til)erius to the Council of Trent. 8vo. - 1873 Rectjllcctiitns and Suggestions, 1813-73. 8vo. - - 1875 Coloni.il Policy of. See Adderley and Grey. Life. By Spencer Walpole. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1889 Russell (Lady Rachel). Life. With Letters to her Husband, Lord William Russell, 1672-82. 8vo. - - - 1819 Russell (Thos.). Poetical Works. See British Foets, Yo\. 73. Russell (William, Lord). Life [1639-83]. By Earl Russell. 2 vols., 8vo. 1820 „ Epistle to Wm., Lord Cavendish, supposed to have been written the evening before his execution. [A Poem.] With Preface and NTotes, l)y Right Hon. Geo. Canning. 8vo. [Asciibed to George Canning.] - - - - N. d. Russell (Dr. William). History of Modern Europe, to 1763. 4 vols., 8vo. ----.-.- 1850 Russell (Wm. Clark). Horatio Nelson and the Supremacy of England. 12rao. 1890 „ William Da:iipier. See English Men of Action. Russell (Dr. William Howard). British Expedition to the Crimea. 8vo. 1858 „ My Diary in India in 1858-9. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1860 RUS— SAC 501 Russell (Dr. William Howard) — continued. „ My Diarj, N^orth and South. [American Civil War.] 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1863 „ ,, Vol. 3. — Canada, its Defences, Condition, and Re- sources. Bvo. -------- 1865 „ Review of Todleben's History of the Siege of Sebastopol. 8vo. ---------- 1865 „ Diary in the East during the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 8vo. 1869 „ The Prince of Wales's Tour. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1877 India, Greece, Egypt, Spain, Portugal. Russell (Sir William O.). Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors. 3 vols., 8vo. 1877 Russia, Black Book of. 8vo. ^ - - 1885 RuTEBEUF. Troubadour. See Fran^ais [Les Grands Ecrivains). Rutherford (John). The Secret History of the Fenian Con- spiracy. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ 1877 Rutland (Charles Manners, 4th Duke of). Correspondence with Right Hon. Wm. Pitt, 1781-7. Ed. by Lord Mahon (Earl Stanhope). 8vo. ------ 1842 „ „ New ed. 8vo. - - 1890 Rutland Papers. Illustrating Coui't and Times of Henry VII. and VIII. See Camden Soc, 21. Ryan (Richard). Poetry and Poets of Every Age and Nation. [Anecdotes and Biographies.] 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1826 Rye (Waher). History of Norfolk. 8vo. . - . . 1885 „ Records and Record Searching. 8vo. - - - . 1888 „ Index to Norfolk Topography. See Index Soc, 10. Rye (Wm. Brenchley). England, as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James I ; Journals of the two Dukes of Wurtemberg in 1592 and 1610. Small 4to. - 1865 Ryland (Arthur). The Assay of Gold and Silver Wares. 12mo. 1852 Ryland (Jonathan Edwards). Memoir of Dr. John Kitto. With Estimate of his Life and Writings, by Prof. Eadie. 8vo. 1856 Ryland (Rev. R. H.). History of the County and City of Water- ford. 8vo. 1824 Rylands (Peter), M.P. Correspondence and Speeches. Ed. hy L. G. Rylands. 2 vols., 12mo. ----- 1890 Rymer (Thos.) [Historiographer Royal, 1692]. Fcedera, Con- ventiones, Literee, et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica inter Reges Anglic et alios quos vis Imperatores Reges, Pontifices, vel Communitates [a.d. 1101-1654]; cura G.Holmes. 20 vols, in 10, folio - - - - 1737-45 „ „ 4th ed., accur. A. Clarke, J. Cayley, and F. Hol- brooke, 1066-1377 (all published). 3 vols, in 6, folio. (Record Commission Publications.) - - - 1816-30 „ Foedera. Syllabus in English, by Sir T. DufPus Hardy. 3 vols., imp. 8vo. 1869-85 Sabine (Lorenzo). Biographical Sketcnes of Loyalists of the American Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - . 1864 Sacheverell (Rev. Dr. Hen.). Trial of. Six Tracts. Folio - 1710 Sackville (Lord George), Trial, Feb. 22, 1760, for Disobedience of Orders in Germany [at Minden]. 8vo. - - [1760] „ See Junius. 502 SAC-SAI SaOkville (Thos., Lord Buckhurst and Earl of Dorset). See Dorset. SvCBED Books of the 'Et'HisX, {continued) . Trans, by various Oriental Scholars, and ed. by F. Max Miiller. 8vo. - 1879 et seq. Vols. 1, l.j. — The UpanishiiA". Trans, by F. Max iliiller. Vols. 2, 14. — The Sacred Laws of the Aryas. Trans, by Georg Biihler. Vols. 3, 16, 27, 28.— The Sacred Books of China. The Texts of Confucianism. Trans, by J. Legge. Vols. 4, 23, 31.— The Zend-Avesta. Trans, by J. Darmesteter and L. H. Mills. Vols. 5, 18, 24, 37.— The Pahlavi Texts. Trans, by E. W. West. Vols. 6, 9. — The Qur'an. Trans, by E. H. Palmer. Vol. 7. — The Institutes of Vishnu. Trans, by Julius Jolly. Vol. 8. — The Bhagavadgita, with The Sanatsu^atiya, and The Anugita. Trans, by Kashinath Trimbak Telang. Vol. 10. — The Dhammapada. Trans, by F. Max Miiller; and The Sutta-Nipata. Trans, by V. FausboU ; being Cano- nical Books of the Buddhists. Vol. 11.— Buddhist Suttas. Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids. Vols. 12, 26. — The 5atapatha-Brahma7»a. Trans, by Julius Eggoling. Vols. 13, 17, 20.— Vinaya Texts. Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg. Vol. 19. — The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. A Life of Buddha. By Aivaghosha Bodhisattva. Trans, from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha, a.d. 420, and from Chinese into English by Sam. Beal. Vol. 21. — The Saddharma-puTJ^Zarika ; or, the Lotus of the True Law. Trans, by 11. Kern. Vol. 22. — Gaina Siitras. Trans, by Hermann Jacobi. Part 1. Vol. 25. — Manu. Trans, by Georg Biihler. Vol. 29. — The Grihya-Sutras, Rules of Vedic Domestic Cere- monies. Trans, by Hermann Oldenberg. Vol. 32. — Vedic Hymns. Trans, by F. Max Miiller. Vol. 33. — Xarada, and some Minor Law-books. Trans, by Julius Jolly. Vol. 34.— The Vedanta-Siitras, with iSankara's Commentary. Trans, by G. Thibaut. Vol. 35.— Milinda. Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids. Vols. 39, 40.— The Sacred Books of China : The Texts of Taoism. Trans, by Jas. Legge. Saddlers' Company, History of the. Compiled by J. W. Sherwell. 8vo. 1889 Sadler (L. R.). See Larwnod {Jacob). Sadler (Michael Thomas), M.P. Life and Writings. 8vo. - 1848 Sadler (Sir Ralph) [Keeper of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Tut- bury]. State Papers and Letters [1539-70]. Ed. by Arthur Clifford. With Life and Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols., 4to. 1809 Sainsburj' (John). The Xapoleon Museum: Marbles, Bronzes, Carvings, and Gems. 4to. -..--- 1840 Illustrating the History of France. Louis XIV. — Napoleon 1. Sainsbukt (W. Noel). Original Papers, illustrating the Life of Sir Peter Paul Rubens as an Artist and Diplomatist. 8vo. 1859 Saixt Albans (Viscount). See Bacon {Fraticis). Saint Albans (Harriot, Duchess of) [Miss Mellon]. Life. By Mrs. C. Barron-Wilson. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - '- 1886 Saint Andrew's University Calendar ... 1875 et seq. Saint Auban (J. P., .Seigneur de). Memoires. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 43. SAI 503 Saint Barbe (Chas.). Eecords of the Corporation of Lyming- ton. 4to. 1864 Saint Botolph, Bishopsgate. Registers, 1558-1628. See Hallen {Rev. A. W. C). Saint Clair (William). Baja, the Freebooter. Pictures of Life in Hindostan. 12mo. - ...--- 1886 „ John Laird Mair Lawrence, Viceroy of India. 12mo. - 1886 Saint Domingo (Island of). History. 8vo. . - - - 1818 Saint Evremond (Chas. de M. de Saint-Denis, Seigneur de), Character of. See Dry den {John), IVorhs, Vol. 18. ,, Essay on the Morals of Epicurus. See Epicurus. „ See Ana {French), Vol. 13. Saint Gteorge (Chevalier de). See Stuart. Saint George (George). A Saunter in Belgium in 1835. 8vo. 1836 Saint Hilaire (Emile Marco de). Histoire de la Garde Ini- periale. 2 vols, inl - -.- - - - [n. d.] Saint John (Charles). Tour in Sutherlandshire. "With Extracts from the Field-Books of a Sportsman and Naturalist. 2 vols., 8vo. 1849 „ Natural History and Sport in Moray. New ed. 8vo. - 1882 Saint John (Henry). See Bolingbrohe {Viscount). Saint John (James Augustus) . Egypt and Mohammed Ali ; or, Travels in the Valley of the Nile. 2vols., 8\o. - -1834 „ Analysis of the Republic of Plato. [Prefixed to More's "Utopia."] 12mo. ------- 1838 „ History of the Four Conquests of England. 2vols., 8vo. - 1862 Saint John (Spenser). Life of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak. 12mo. 1879 Saint Leonards (Edw. B. Sugden, Lord). Misrepresentations in Lord Campbell's " Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Brougham " corrected. 8vo. . - . . . 1869 „ A Handy Book on Property Law. 12mo. . . . 1858 Saint Mary Woolnoth, and Saint Mary Woolchurch Haw. Registers, 1538-1760. See Hallen {Rev. A. W. C). Saint-Meard (J. de). Les Journees de Sept., 1792. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 47. Saint Pierre (Jacques Henri Bernardin de). Etudes de la Nature. 5 vols., 8vo. - 1804 „ Harmonies de la Nature. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - -1815 „ Paul et Virginie, suivi de la Chaumiere Indienne, du Cafe de Surate, du Voyage en Silesie, de I'Eloge de mon Ami, et du Vieux Paysan Polonais. 8vo. - . . . 1823 Saint Paul's Cathedral, Loudon, the Domesday of, taken in 1222. See Camden Sac, 69. „ Library Catalogue. By the Rev. W. S. Simpson. 8vo. - 1893 Saint Paul's School. Admission Registers, 1748-1876. Ed, by Rev. R. B. Gardiner. 8vo. - - - - - 1884 Saint Simon (Louis de Rouvroi, Due de), Memoires sur le Siecle de Louis XIV. et la Regence. Avec Vie de I'Auteur, par Emile de la Bedolliere. 20 vols, in 10, 8vo. - - 1856 „ Memoires. Ed. par A. de Boislisle. Vols. 1-9. 8vo. 1879-92 „ Son Cabinet et ses Manuscrits. Par A. Baschet. 8vo. - 1874 „ Ecrits inedits. 7 vols., 8vo. ----- 1880-8 „ Life. By Clifton W. Collins. See Blackwood's Foreign Classics. Saint Stephen's ; or, Pencillings of Politicians by Mask. 8vo.- 1839 604 SAT— SAL Saint Thomas of Canterlmry. See Borkrt (Thos. a) - - 1888 Saint Vincent (Atliuiral John Jervis, Earl). Life and Corre- spoiulence [1734-1823]. By Admiral E. P. Brenton. 2 vols., Svo. 1S38 Sainte-Beuve (Charles Aiigiistin). Causeries du Lundi. 15 vols., 12ino. 1850-61 „ Port Royal. 7 vols, in 6, 12rao. . . - - 1867-71 „ Xouveaux Lundis. 13 vols., 12mo. - . - - - 1870 „ Portraits dt; Feimues. 12mo. ------ 1870 „ Portraits Contemporains. 5 vols., 12mo - - - 1870-1 „ Souvenirs et Indiscretions. r2aio. ----- 1872 „ Premiers Lundis. 3 vols., 12ino. - . - - 1874-5 „ Portraits Litteraires. 3 vols., l2mo. - - - [1887] „ Tahle Generate des CEuvres. See Premiers Lundis, Vol. 3. „ English Portraits. Selected and Translated, with Intro- ductory Chapter on his Life and Writings, by W Fra.ser Rae. Svo. - - - - - - - - 1875 Sainte-Palaye (Jean B. de la Curne de). The Literary History of the Troubadours. Trans, from the French. 8vo. - 1779 „ Life of Froissart. Trans, by T. Johnes. 8vo. - - - 1801 Saintsbury (George E. B.). Marlborough. See English Worthies. „ Elizabethan and Jacobean Pamphlets. 16mo. - - - 1892 Lodge (Thos.), Lvly (John), Breton (Nich.), Greene (Robt.), Harvey (Gabriel), Nash (Thos.), Dekker (Thos.). „ Dryden. See English Men of Letters. Sala (George Augustus). Twice Round the Clock; or, the Hours of the Day and Xight in London. With a Portrait of the Author, and Engravings from Drawings by William McConnell. Svo. . - - - [1858] „ Gaslight and Daylight, with some of the London Scenes they shine upon. Svo. ------ 1859 „ Lady Chesterfield's Letters to her Daughter. 12mo. - 1860 „ Trip to Barbarv bv a Roundabout Route. Svo. - - 1866 „ Charles Dickens. " 12mo. 1870 „ Under the Sun : Essays mainlv written in Hot Countries. Svo. '...-- 1872 „ Paris herself again in 1878-9. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1879 „ A Journey due South. [France and Italy.] Svo. - - 1885 Saldanha (Field Marshal the Duke de). Memoirs. By the Conde da Carnota. 2 vols., Svo. ----- 1880 Sale (George). Translation of the Koran or Alcoran of Mahomet. Newed., with Memoir of G. Sale. 2 vols., Svo. 1825 Sale (Florentia, La'ohant. Monsieur Sylvestre. La Tour de Percemont. Mari- Mont-Reveche. anne. Nanon. L'Uscoque, Narcisse. Valentine. Nouvelles. Valvedre. NouveUes Lettres d'un Voya- La Ville Noire, geur. „ Vie. ParE.Caro. ^qq Frangais {Les Grands Ecrivains). Sandars (Thus. C). Hegel's Pliilosophy of Eight. He^' Oxford JSssai/s, 1855. Saxdby (Wm.). The History of the Eoyal Academy of Arts, 1768-1862. With Biographical Xotices of all the Members. 2 vols., 8vo. 1862 Sandelin (A.). Eepertoire Generale d'Economie Politique, An- cienne et Moderne. 6 vols., 8vo. . . . 1840-8 Sanders (Dr. Daniel). Wurterbuch der Hauptschwieiigkeiten iu der deutschen Sprache. 6th ed. 8vo. . . . 1873 Sanders (Lloyd C). Celebrities of the 19th Century. 8vo. - 1887 Sanders (Rev. Dr. Xich.). L'Origiue et Progres du Schisme d'Angleterre. 12mo. -..---- 1587 Sanderson (Prof. John). Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols., 8vo. - - 1823-7 Sanderson (Dr. Pvobt.), Bishop of Lincoln. Life [1587-1662]. See Walton (/.). Sanderson (Sir Wm.). Life and Baigne of King Charles. Folio 1668 Sandford (Francis), Lancaster Herald. Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, 1U66-1660. Con- tinued to the LTnion by Sam. Stebbing. Folio - - 1707 San Donato Palais. Catalogue des Objets d'Art vendu 15 Mars, 1880. 4to. - 1880 Sands (John). Atlas of Australia. Folio . . . . 1886 Part 1. — New South Wales. Sandwich Islands. Judicial and Official Papers. 2 vols., 8vo. Honolulu --------- 1846 Sandwich (John Montagu, 4th Earl of). Voyage round the Mediterranean in 1738-0. 2nil od. 4t(i. - - - 1807 „ Memoirs. See Jesse {J. II.), Etoniatis, Vol. 2. Sandwith (Dr. Humphry). Siege of Kars, and Notes of Travels in Armcuia. 8vo. ----... 1856 SAN— SAR 507 Sandys (Charles). Consuetudines Kancife : a History of Gavel- kind and other Remarkable Customs in the County of Kent. 8vo. 1851 Sandys or Sandes (Dr. Edwin), Archbishop of York. Sermons and Poems. See Parker Soc. Sandys (George). Travels in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land, and Italy. Folio 1652 Sanford (John Langton) . Studies and Illustrations of the Great Rebellion. 8vo. 1858 „ Estimates of the English Kings, from William the Con- queror to George III. 8vo. ----- 1872 Sanford (John Langton) and Townsend (Meredith). The Great Governing Families of England. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1865 Sanitary Reports. 8vo. ------- 1842-8 The Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain. With Appendices and Local Reports. 3 vols., 8vo. 1842. The State of Large Towns and Populous Districts. 4 vols., Svo. 1844-5. The Improvement of the Health of the Metropolis. Svo. 1848. Sanson (Henri). Memoirs of the Sansons (Executioners of France). 2 vols in 1, 12mo. ----- 1876 Santa-Rosa (Count Santorre de). La Revolution Piemontaise. 3rded. 8vo. 1822 Santeul (Jean de). Santoliana. See Ana {French), Vol. 2. Santos (Father Joano dos). History of Eastern Ethiopia [168-1]. See Pinkerton, Vol. 16. Sanzio (Raffaello). His Life and "Works. By J. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1882-5 „ The Masters of. See Minghetti (M.). „ Raffaello Sanzio e la Fornarina. Racconto Storico di Ar- duino Cianchi. 16mo. ------ 1883 „ „ Par J. Mery. 12mo. 1883 „ His Sonnet in the British Museum, studied by Louis Fagan. (100 Copies printed.) Small 4to. - - - 1884 „ Raffaello Sanzio. Dramma in 5 Atti di P. de Stefani. 16mo. - - - 1875 „ Drawings by, Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1870. 4to. 1870 „ Drawings in the Galleries of the Oxford University. See Butler {Rev. G.). „ Raphael, sa Vie, son (Euvre etson Temps. Par E. Muntz. 4to. - - - 1881 Sapinaud (Mme. de). La Vendee. See Berville et Barriere, Vol. 50. Sappho. Odes and Epigrams. Trans, by Francis Fawkes. See British Poets, Vol. 89. Sarcey (Francisque). Le Siege de Paris. 8vo. - - - 1871 Sardou (Victorien). Les Pattes de Mouche. Coraedie. 12mo.- 1885 Sargent (C. H.). Urban Rating. 8vo. - - - - - 1890 Sargent (Chas. S.). Report on the Forests of JTorth America. 4to. ---------- 1884 Sargent-Marceau (A. F.). Reminiscences of a Regicide, 1751- 1847. Svo. -------- 1889 Sarpi (Pietro) [Fra Paolo Sarpi]. Istoria del Concilio Triden- tino. 4 vols., 12mo. ------- 1858 „ Lettere di. Raccolte da L. Polidori. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1863 508 SAT— SAY Satirist (The), or Monthly Monitor. Vols. 11-14. 8vo. - -1812 Sati-rday Rt\itw (The) of Politics, Litfiatuie, Science, and Art {con titni id). \o]. I et seg. Folio - \8oo et seq. Sauer (Martin). Narrative of Joseph Billing's Expedition to the Northern Parts of Eussia, from 1785-94. 4to. - -1802 Saul : a Dramatic Sketch. Josephine and Napoleon, and other Poems and Translations. 8vo. ----- 1844 Sacmarex (Admiral James, Lord de). Memoirs and Correspond- ence. By Sir John Ross. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1838 Saunders (John). Portraits and Memoirs of Eminent Living Political Reformers. Folio - - - - - 1840 Portraits by Sir George Hayter and other Artists. With a Sketch of the Progress of Parliamentary Reform, from 1734 to 1832, by William Howitt. Saussure (Horace B. de). Account of the Attempts to attain the Summit of Mont Blanc, 1786. Further Attempts to ascend Mont Blanc, 1787. Successful Ascent, Aug., 1787. See Pinkerton, Vol. 4. Savage (James). The Librarian : Account of Scarce and Useful Books. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1808-9 „ History of the Hundred of Carhampton, Somerset. 8vo. 1830 Savage (Richard). Poetical "Works. See British Poets, Vol. 35. „ Life [1G9G- 1743]. Sve Johnson {S.), Lives of the Poets. Savarin (Brillat). Physiologic du Gout. Avec Notice Biogra- phique, par A. Karr. 8vo. - - - - - N. D. Savile (George). See Halifax (Marquess of). Saviee (Sir Henrv). Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam. Folio. ' 1601 Savile (Henry), Envoy in Paris, temp. Charles II., Letters of. See Camden Soc, 71. Savonarola (Fra Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo). Del Reg- gimento degli Stati [1494]. 8vo. - - - - 1818 „ Life and Martyrdom, illustrative of the History of Church and State Connexion. By R. R. Madden. 2 vols., 8vo. 1854 „ Life and Times. By Prof. P. Villari. Trans, by L. Villari. 2 vols., 8vo. 1888 „ „ See Milman (Dean H. H.). Saxe (H. Moritz, Count of). See Broglie {Due de). Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Ernest II., Duke of). Life, 1818-50. 2 vols., 8vo. 1888 Saxe-Weimar (Grand Duchess of) and Stael (Madame de). Cor- respondence. 8vo. ------- 1862 Saxon Chronicle (The). With English Translation and Notes, Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language, and Indices. By Rev. Dr. J. Ingram. 4to. 1823 Say (Jean Baptiste). Traite d'Economie Politique. 3 vols., 8vo. 1826 „ „ English Trans., by C. R. Prinsep, with Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. 1821 „ Letters to Malthus on Political Economy and Stagnation of Commerce. Trans, by J. Richter. 8vo. - - - 1821 Say (Leon). Vie de Turgot. See Frangais {Les Grands Ecrivains). Say (Leon) and Chailley (Joseph). Dictionnaire d'Economie Politique. 2 vols, imj). 8vo. - - - - 1891-2 Sayce (A. H.). The Religion of the Ancient Babylonians. (Hibbert Lectures.) 8vo. - - - - ' - - 1887 SAY— SCH 509 Sayer (Captain Fred.). Despatches and Papers relative to the Campaign in Turkey, Asia Minor, and the Crimea, 1854-6. 8vo. - - 1B57 „ The History of Gibraltar. 8vo. - - - - - 1862 Sayer (Jas.) [Caricaturist]. Outlines of the Opposition in 1795, collected from the Works of Jacobin Artists. Folio - 1795 Sayous (A.). Memoirs and Correspondence of Mallet du Pan. 2 vols., 8vo. .-.----- 1852 ScALiGER (J.). See Ana (French), Vol. 2. ScAMOzzi (Ottavio Bertotti). Le Fabbrici e Disegni di Andrea Palladio [1518-80]. 4 vols., folio - - - 1776-83 ScARGiLL-BiRD (S. R.). Guide to the Documents in the Public Record Office. 8vo. ------- 1891 Scarlett (Hon. Peter C). Memoir of James, Lord Abinger. 8vo. - - - 1877 ScARRON (Paul). Le Roman Comique. 8vo. Paris (An 4) 1795-6 ScARTH (Rev. Harry M.). Roman Britain. 12mo. - - [1882] ScARTH (John). Twelve Years in China : the People, the Rebels, and the Mandarins. 8vo. ------ 1860 ScHAiBLE (Prof. Chas. H.). The State and Education: an Historical Essay. 8vo. ------ 1884 ScHARF (George). Catalogue of the Pictures belonging to the Society of Antiquaries. 8vo. . . . - . 1865 „ Catalogue of the Pictures and Busts in the National Por- trait Gallery. 8vo. - 1884 „ On a Votive Painting of St. George and the Dragon, with Figures of Henry VIL, his Queen, and his Children. 4to. 1886 „ On a Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. 4to. - - - - 1888 „ On an Elizabethan Picture of Four Persons playing Cards. 4to. - - 1889 „ On a Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots, from Osborne House. 4to. - 1889 ,, (ktalogue of the Pictures at Woburn Abbey. 4to. - - 1890 Schefer (Leopold). The Artist's Married Life; being that of Albert Diirer. Trans, by Mrs. R. J. Stodart. 12mo. - 1848 Scheffer (Ary), Memoir of. By Mrs. Grote. 8vo. - - - 1860 ScHELL (Major A. von). Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1. Opera- tions of the First Army under General von Steinmetz. 8vo. 1873 ScHELLEN (Dr. H.). Spectrum Analysis. Trans, by Jane and Caroline Lassell. Ed. by Dr. W. Huggins. 8vo. - 1872 ScHELLER (I. J. G.). Dictionary of the Latin Language. Trans. by Rev. J. E. Riddle. Folio ----- 1835 ScHERZER (Karl von) . Wanderungen durch Nicaragua, Honduras, und San Salvador. 8vo. ------ 1857 „ Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatt " Novara " um die Erde, und Beschreibender Theil. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1864 „ Natur- und Volkerleben in Tropischen America. 8vo. - 1864 „ La Province de Smyrne, 1873. 8vo. - - . - 1873 „ Die wirthschaftlichen Smyrna's in Jahre 1874. 8vo. - 1875 Schiller (E.). Technological Dictionary. English-German- French. 8vo. 1878 Schiller (Johann Christoph. Friedrich von). Sammtliche Werke. 10 vols., 8vo. 1844 1. — Gedichte. 2. — Rauber. Fiesco. Kabale und Liebe. Menschenfeind. Huldigung der Kiinste. 3. — Iphigenie in Aulis. Don Carlos. Phadra. 510 SCH Schiller (Jobinn Christoph. Friedrich von). Sammtliche Werke — continued. 4. — Wiillenstein. Macbeth. 5._\Vilhelni Tell. Turamlot. Parasit, &c. Neffe als Onkel. 6. — Marie t>tuart. Jtingfrau von Orleans. Braut von Mes- sina, &c. 7. — Abfalle der NiederlanJe. 8. — Dreis!|)ulati()n, and Corre- sponilence with the Rev. T. R. Maltluis. Svo. - - 1829 „ Le.tures. Svo. 1830 Oil Politioal F]<.'oin)iiiy. Tlio I'recious Metals and Morcantili' Tlifury of Wcaltli. Papulation. The Cost of oljtajning Money. „ Provision for the Poor in America and Europe. Svo. - 1S35 „ Four Lectures on Political Economy. Svo. . . . 1S52 ,? .SuiTi^cstions on I'opular Education. Svo. ... l!S61 „ Hiograpliieal Sketches. Svo. 1863 Berryer the Elder. Troiison du Coudray. Lord Canipliell'.s Chief Justices. Fi'uerbach. Ramcke. Charles V. Bacon. Lord King. Col. King. Anecdotes of Monkey.s. „ Essays on Fiction. Svo. ... . 1864 Scott. Bulwer-Lytton. Thackeray. Colonel Senior. Mrs. St owe. „ Journals, Conversations, and Essavs relatino; to Ireland. 2 vols., Svo. - - - "- - - - - 1868 „ Conversations with Tliiers, Guizctt, and otiier I)istin<>;uished Persons durin^ Seward (Miss Anna). Letters [17S4-1S07]. (5 vols., 12mo. - ISll SKWAitD (WiUiuni). Anecdotes of Distinguished Pcr.sons. With Siipplement. 5 vols., Svo. ..... 1790-7 Seward (William Henry), Secretary of State, U.vS.A. Travels arourni the World. Ed. by'Olive R. Scwaid. Svo. - 1873 Skward (Wm. vVenman). Collectanea Hibernica : Political Trans- actions of Ireland, 1760-1803. 3 vols., Svo. - 1801-4 Sewel (William). History of the Christian J^eoi)le called Quakers. 2nd ed. ....... 1725 SEY— SHA 517 Sbybert (Dr. Adam). Statistical Annals of the United States, 1789-1818. 4to. ....... 1818 Seyer (Rev. Samiiel). Memoirs of Bristol and its Neighbourhood. 2 vols., 4to. .--.... 1821-3 Seyffert (Dr. Oskar). Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Ed. by H. I^ettltship and Dr. J. E. Sandys. 4to. - - 1891 Seymour (Robert). Eighty-six Humorous Sketches, illustrated in Prose and Verse by Alfred Crowquill [A. H. Forrester] ; with Life, by H. G. Bohn. 8vo. - [1866] Shauwell (Chas. L.). Eegistrum Orielense : a Register of the Members of Oriel College, Oxford. Vol. 1, 1500-1700. 8vo. ....----.- 1893 Shadwell (John E. Lancelot). System of Political Economy. 8vo. .--..-.--- 1877 Shadwell (Lt.-Gen. Lawrence). Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1881 Shadwell (Thomas). Dranuitick Works. 4 vols., 12mo. - - 1720 1. — Memoir. Sullen Lovers. Hiimourist.s. Royal Shepherdess, Virtuoso. 2. — Psyche. The Libertine. Epsom Wells. Timon of Athens. 3. — The Miser. True Widow. Lancashire Witches and Teague O'Divelly. Woman Captain. 4. — Squire of Alsatia. Bury Fair. Amorous Bigot. The Scowrers. The Volunteers. Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 1st Earl of). [1621-83. J Original Letters. See Forster {T.). „ Rawleigh Redivivus ; or, the Life and Death of. By Philanax Misopappas. 2nd ed., with Additions. 24mo. 1683 „ Life. See Locke {John), IVorks, Vol. 8. „ Life. By B. Martin and Dr. Kippis. Ed. by G. W. Cooke. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1836 „ Memoirs, Letters, and Speeches. Bv W. D. Christie. 8vo. ...--.-... 1859 „ Life. By W. D. Christie. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - 1871 „ Life. By H. D. Traill. 12mo. ..... 1886 Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of). Character- istics of Men, Manners, Opinions, and Times. 5th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. .-....-. 1732 Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashlev-Cooper, 7th Earl of)„ His Life and Work. By Edwin Hodder. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1887 Shairp (John Campbell), Principal of L^nited College, St. Andrews: and his Friends. By W. Knight. 8vo. - 1888 „ Life of Burns. See English Men of Letters. Shakespeare Forgeries. See Ireland. Shakespeare Society Publications. 19 vols., 8vo. - - 1841-53 Vols. 1-4. — The Shakespeare Society's Papers. 4 vols, in 1. The Chester Plays : Mysteries formerly represented by the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Ed. by Thomas Wright. Ludus Coventrife. A Collection of Mysteries formerly represented at Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Ed. by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom : an Ancient Interlude ; and Illustrations of Shakespeare and the Early English Drama. Ed. by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. The Moral Play of Wit and Science, and Early Poetical Miscellanies. Ed. by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. Ralph Roister Doister : a Comedy, liy Nicholas Udall. And the Tragedie of Gorboduc, Ijy Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville. With Introductory Memoirs. Ed. by W. Durrant Cooper. 518 SHA Sbakbspbare Society Public.-ifions — continued. Vols. 1-4. — continued. Timon : a Play. Ed. by the Rev. A. Dyce. Sir Thomas More: a Play. Ed. liy tht- Ktv. A. Dyce. Patient Grissil : a Comedy [1603]. By Thomas Dukker, Henry Chettle, and William Haughton. Vol. .5. — The ()1<1 Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founde.1 his Conuily [1594]. Ed. by T. Amyot. The First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor. Ed. by J. 0. Halliw-ellPhillipps. The True Tragedy of Richard III. To which is appended the Latin Play of Richardus Tertius, by Dr. Thoma*: Legge, both anterior to Shakespeare's Drama. With an Introduction and Notes by Barron Field. The First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of King Henry VI. Ed. by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. Vol. 6.— King Edward IV. [1600]. By Thomas lleywood. With an Introduction ami Notes by Barron Field. The Fair Maid of the Exchange : a Comedy. By Thomas Hey wood. Ed. by Barron Field. Fortune by Land and Sea : a Tragi-Comedy. By Thomas Heywood and William Rowley. Ed. by Barron Field. The First and Second Parts of the Fair Maid of tlie West; or, a Girl worth Gold. Two Comedies, by Tiiomas Heywood. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 7. — The Royal King and Loyal Subject. A Woman killed with Kindness. Two Plays, by Thomas Hey- wood. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. Two Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Thomas Heywood. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. The Golden and Silver Ages. Two Plays, by Thomas Heywood. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. Vols. 8, 9. — Early Prose and Poetical Tracts, illustrative of the Drama and Literature of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1. — Rich's " Farewell to Militarie Profession." Nash's " Pierce Penilesse." Armin's " Nest of Ninnies." 2. — Thynn's " Debate between Pride and Lowli- ness." " Tlie Ghost of Richard III." : a Poem [1614], by C. B. Honor Triumphant [1606], and a Line of Life [1620], Tracts, by John Ford, the Dramatist. Vol. 10. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609. Ed. by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 11. — Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. Including .some new particulars respecting Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Mas- singer Marston, and Dekker. By J. Payne Collier. The Alleyn Papers. AVith an Introduction by J Payne Collier. Vol. 12. — Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shake- speare. By J. Payne Collier. Vol. 13.— The Remarks of Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shake- speare's Plays. With Notes, by J. 0. Halliwell- Phillipps. Shakespeare's King Henry IV. Printed from a con- temporary Manuscript. By J. 0. Halliwell- Phiiiipps. Vol. 14. — Illustrations of the Faii7 Mythology of a Mid- summer Night's Dream. Ed. by J. 0. Halliwell- Phillipp.s. Olieron's Vision in the Midsummer Night's Dream illustrated by a Comparison with Lylie's "Endymion." By the Rev. N. J. Halpin. SHA 519 Shakespeark Society Publications — continued. Vol. 15. — Inigo Jones : a Ijife of the Architect, by Peter Cunningham. Remarks on some of his Sketches for Masques and Dramas, by J. E. Planche. And Five Court Masques. Ed. from the Original MSS. by J. Payne Collier. I3en Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthoruden, January, 1619. Vol. 16. — John A. Kent and John A. Cumber: a Comedy. Bj' Anthony Munday. With other Tracts by the same Author. The Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. A Defence of Poetry, Mu.sic, and Stage Plays ; An Alarum against Usurers ; and. The Delectable History of Forbonius and Prisceria. By Thomas Lodge. Vol. 17. — Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I., from the original Office Books. With an Introduction and Notes liy Peter Cunningham. Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory. With Notes and some Account of the Life of Tarlton. By . 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. Vol. 18. — A Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays and Inter- ludes, with other Idle Pastimes [1577]. By John Northbrooke. The School of Aliuse. By Stephen Gosson. An A]iology for Actors [1612]. By Thomas Heywood. Vol. 19. — Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Com- pany of Works entered for Publication [] 557-1587] • With Notes and Illustrations by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. Shakespeare (William). Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to tlie True Originall Copies. [Re- print of Title-page, with Portrait. 126 pages miss- ing.] Folio -------- 1623 „ ,, Photo-lithographic reprint of the folio edition of 1623 1866 „ Fcap. 4to. (Reprint) ----- 1862-4 „ Plays. With Notes, by Samuel Johnson and George Stievens. 5th ed., revised by Isaac Reed, with a Grlos- sarial Index. 21 vols., 8vo. ----- 1803 „ Works. With Notes and Emendations. Ed. by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - " - 1843 „ Dramatic Works. With a (Glossary. [" Lansdowne " Edition.] 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1852 „ Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. With a Biography, by Charles Knight. 8 vols., 8vo. - - 1853 Histories (Vols. 1, 2): — 1. — King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV. King Henry V. 2. — King Henry VI. King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Comedies (Vols. 3, 4) : — 3. — Two Gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of Errors. Love's Labour's Lost. All's well that ends well. Taming of the Shrew. A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Mer- chant of Venice. 4. — Much Ado about Nothing. Merry Wives of Windsor. As You Like it. Twelfth Night. Measure for Measure. A Winter's Tale. The Tempest. Tragedies (Vols. 5, 6) : — 5. — Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Timon of Athens. King Lear. Macbeth. 6. — Troilus andCressida. Cymbeline. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Titus Andronicus. Pericles 7.- — Biography. Poems. 8. — Studies. 520 SHA Shakkspeare (William) — continued. „ Works. Etl. Ity William Gcort^o Clark, John Glover, and William Aldis Wri^dit. !) vols., Hv... - - - 1H63-6 „ Works. The Text revised 1)V the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 9 vols., Hvo. -------- 1H66-7 „ Plays. See Inrhbahl, British Tfwdtre, 1-5. „ Poems. Ed. by diaries Kni<;ht. Hvo. - - - - x. D. „ Autobio'jraphical Poems ; liein^ his Sonnets (dearly de- veloped with his Character. By Chas. Armitage Brown. 8vo. ' 1838 „ Sonnets never before interpreted: his Private Friends identified, and a recovered Likeness of Himself. By Gerald Massey. Hvo. '- 1H66 „ Notes and Emendations to the Text of his Plavs, from early MS. Collections. By J. Payne Collier. 8vo. - "- 1852 „ Commentaries. Bv G. G. Gervinus. Trans, bv F. E. Buniiett. 2 vol's., Hvo. - - - - ' - - 1863 „ Illustratedby the Lex Scripta. By William Rushton. Hvo. 1H70 „ Es.says on .some of the Character!', and on the Faults of. By Prof. W. Richardson. Hvo. - - - - - 1797 „ Characters of his Plays. By Wm. Hazlitt. Hvo. - - 1H17 „ Macbeth's Character : an Essay. Hvo. - - - - 1846 „ Shakespeareana Genealogica. Compiled by George Russell French. Hvo. 1869 Part 1. — Identification of the Dramatis Persona in the Historical Plays. Notes on Characttrs in Macbeth and Hamlet. Persons and Places belonging to W;ii-wJckshirc alluded to in several Plays. Part 2. — The Shakespeare and Arden Families, and their Connections. With Tables of Descent. „ Beauties of. With Notes and similar Passages from Ancient and ^Modern Authors. By Dr. William Dodd. 3 vols., 12mo. - - - - ' - - - - 1780 „ Portraits and Views illustrating the Plays. Bv S. and E. Harding. Folio - - - ' - "- - - 1793 „ Hamlet and the Tempest, Outlines to. By Retzsch. 4to. 1828-41 „ Othello, Outlines to. By Ruhl. (13 Plates.) 4to. - - 1832 „ Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories used by Shake- speare, as the Foundation of his Dramas. With Intro- ductory Notices, by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1843 „ Shakespeare's Library. Ed. l)y W. C. Hazlitt. 6vols., 12mo. 1875 „ School of [Old Plays, &c.]. See Simpson (R.)- „ Jest Books, suppo.sed to have been u.sed l)y Shakespeare. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols., 12mo. ' . - - 1864 „ Jest Book. A Hundnd Mery Talys, from the only perfect copy known. Ed. by Dr. H. Oesterley. 12mo. - - 1866 „ Catalogue of the Study Books in the Library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. ' 8vo. 1876 „ Notes and Lectures upon. See Cnleridye (S. T.). „ Mottoes and Aphorisms from. 12mo. . . - - 1869 „ Animal Lore. See Phipsou (E.). „ Tales from Shakespeare. Bv Charles and Mary Lamb. 12mo. 1884 „ Memoranda. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps." 4 vols., 8vo. 1879 „ And the Emblem Writers. Bv Henrv Green. 8vo. - - 1870 „ The England of. Sw Thornbun/ (G. JF.). „ Notices from the Leicester Borough Books illustrative of the Drama. By William Kelly, 8vo. - - - - 1865 SHA 521 Shakespeare (William) — continued. „ Illustrations of Ancient Manners. By F. Douce. 8vo. - 1839 „ Griossary of Words, Phrases, and N^ames used by Shake- speare. See Naies {Archdeacon Robert). „ Glossary of Obscure Words in. By Chas. Mackay. 8vo. 1887 „ The English of : a Philological Commentary. By G. L. Craik. 12mo. -------- 1857 „ Shakespeare Lexicon. A Dictionary of all the English words. Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. By Alex. Schmidt. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1886 „ Concordance or Verbal Index. By Mary Cowden Clarke. 8vo. 1847 „ Key to. By Mary Cowden Clarke. 8vo. - - - 1879 „ Account of IS'ew Place, Stratford-upon-Avon. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Folio - - - - - - 1864 „ Historical Account of the Birthplace of Shakespeare. By K. B. Wheler. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1863 „ Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of. By the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 2 vols., 8vo. . - . . 1845 „ Essays on the Life and Plays of. By W. Watkiss Lloyd. 8vo. ---------- 1858 „ Et son Temps : Etude Litteraire. Par F. P. G. Guizot. 8vo. 1852 „ An Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of. By W. J. Birch. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1848 „ Legal Acquirements of Shakespeare considered. By John, Lord Campbell. 8vo. ------- 1859 „ Attempt to show his Personal Knowledge of Printing. By Wm. Blades. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1872 „ Monument and Tercentenary : Pamphlets and letters col- lected by Sir William Tite, 1823-64. 4to. - - - n. d. „ Bacon, the Author of Shakespeare's Plays. See Pott (Constance), Wifjston (JV. F. C). „ Chronicle History of His Life and Works. By Fred G. Fleay. Bvo. - - - - - - - - 1886 „ Biography of. By Charles Knight. 8vo. - - - 1843 „ Early Biography. By Wm. Henty. 12mo. - - - 1882 „ Life of. By J."0. Halliwell-Phillipps. 8vo. - - - 1848 „ Illustrations of the Life of. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. 4to. ---------- 1874 „ Outlines of the Life of. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. 8vo. 1881 Shaler (Nath. S.). Kentucky : a Pioneer Commonwealth. 12mo. 1885 Sharland (E. C). Coin of the Realm. What is it? With an Appendix by J. H. Norman. 8vo. - - - - 1888 Sharp (Abraham), Astronomer; Assistant of Flamsteed. Life [1651-1742] and Correspondence. By W. Cudworth. 8vo. - - 1889 Sharp (Sir Cuthbert) . Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, from the Bowes Papers. 8vo. ------ 1840 Sharp (Granville). Injustice and Dangerous Tendency of Tole- rating Slavery in England. 8vo. ----- 1772 „ Declaration of the People's N^atural Right to a Share in the Legislation. 8vo. ------- 1775 „ Law of Retribution against Slaveholders. 8vo. - - 1776 ,, Tracts : — Jvist Limitation of Slavery. Law of Passive Obedience. Law of Liberty ; or, Royal Law by which all will be Judged. 8vo. - - - - - - 1776 Memoirs of, from his own Manuscripts [1734-1813]. By Prince Hoare. 2 vols., 8 vo. . . . . . 1828 522 SHA— SHE Sharp (James), Archhisliop of St. Andrew's, Account of the Murder of. By .Iaiiu'.>< Ru.xscll. See Kirkton {Rev. J.). Sharp (Janu-s A.). Gazetteer of the British I.sles. 2 vols., 8vo. 1852 Sharp ('I'homas). I'au^eaiits or Dramatic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry hy the Tradin^ue of Prints and Dniwiuii^s in the British Museum. Div. 1 — Satires, 1320-1770. 4 vols. 8vo. - - - - 1870-83 „ Memoirs of Sir Edwin Landseer. 8vo. - - - - 1874 Stei'Ukns (Henrv). The Book of the Faiin. 2nd ed. 2 vols., Svo. ----------- 1851 Stephkns (Henrv) and Siller (Win.). Physiology at the Farm. 8vo. - ' 1867 Stephens (Hen. Morse). History of the French Revolution. Vols. 1 and 2. Svo. - " - - - - - 188(>-91 „ Speeches of Statesmen and Orators of the I*'rench Revolu tion, 1789-95. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1892 Vol. 1. — Miralic'iiu. Vergniiiiul. Gensonnc. Giuuk't. Louvet. Cambon. Vol. 2. — Barere. Dantoii. Robespierre. Saint-Just. Baudin. Stephens (John Lloyd). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Cliiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols., 8vo. . - . - 1842 „ Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1843 Stephens (Rev. Wm. Rich. Wood). Memorials of the South Saxon See and Cathedral Church of Chichester. 8vo. - 1876 „ Life of Dean Hook. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1878 „ Memoir of Wm. Page Wood, Baron Hatherlev. 2 vols., 12mo. ......... 1883 ,, Chiche.ster. See Diocesan Histnries. Stephenson (George), Railway Engineer. Life. By S. Smiles. 8vo. 3rd ed. ........ 1857 Stephenson (Robert). Life. By J. C. Jeaffreson. AVith De- scriptions of his Works, by W. Pole. 2 vols., 8vo. 1864 Stepney Parish, Memorials of. Small 4to. - - 1890 et seq. Stepniak (S.). Russia under the T/ars. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1885 Sterling (Rev. John). Arthur Coniiigsbv. A Novel. 3 vols., 8vo. ----------- 1833 „ • Life [1806-44]. By Thos. Carlyle. 8vo. - - - 1851 Sterne (Henry). A Statement of Facts. With an Exposure of the present System of Jamaica Ai)iJrentici'ship. 8vo. - 1837 Sterne (Rev. Laurence). Works. 10 vols., Svo. - - -1793 1 -4. — The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent. 0. — A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. 6-8. — Sermons. 9, 10.— Letters. With a Life of the Author, written by Himself. „ Illustrations of, with Essays and Verses. By Dr. John Ferriar. 2nd ed. Svo. ------- 1S12 „ Life [1713-68]. By Percy Fitzgerald. With Illustrations. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - - - - - 1864 „ Letters of Yorick and Eli/a; being his (Correspondence with Mrs. Draper. With Memoirs of their Lives. 3rd ed. 12mo. 1815 Sterne (Simon). On Representative Government and Personal Represent^ition. Svo.- -.--.. 1871 „ Constitutional History of the United Stiites. Svo. - - 1882 STE 547 Steuart (Sir Jas. Denham), of Coltness. "Works, Political, Metaphysical, and Chronoloo^ical. With Anecdotes of the Author, ed. by his Son, Gren. Sir Jas. Steuart. 6 vols., 8vo. 1805 Steuben (Frederick William von), Major-Gen. in the Revolutionary Army, U.S.A. Life [1730-94]. By Fried. Kapp. 8vo. 1859 Stevens (Hen.). Proceedings at the Peabody Dinner to Ameri- cans in 1851. 8vo. ------- 1851 „ Catalogue of my English Library. Fcap. 8vo. - - - 1853 „ Catalogue of American Books in the British Museum, 1856. 8vo. - - - 1866 „ The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877. 8vo. - - 1878 Stevens (Capt. John). The Boyal Treasury of England; or, a General History of Taxes. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - - 1728 Stevens (John L.). History of Gustavus Adolphus. 8vo. - 1885 Stevenson (John Hall). Works. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1794 Crazy Tales, FaTiles for Grown Gentlemen, Lyric Epistles, Pastoral Cordial, Pastoral Puke, Macarony Fables, LjtIc Consolations, Moral Tales, Monkish Epitaphs. Stevenson (Robert Louis Balfour). Familiar Studies of Men and Books. 2nd ed. 12mo. - . . . . 1886 Hugo. Burns. Whitman. Thoreau. Yoshida-Torajiro. Villon. Charles of Orleans. Pepys. Knox. „ Kidnapped : a Tale. 12mo. - 1886 „ An Inland Voyage. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - . 1887 „ Memories ard Portraits. 16mo. ----- 1887 „ The Merry Men, and other Tales and Fables. 12mo. - 1887 „ Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. 6th ed. 12mo. - 1887 „ Virginibus Puerisque, and other Papers. 16mo. - - 1887 „ Edinburgh : Picturesque Notes. 12mo. - - - - 1889 „ The Master of Ballantrae. 12mo. - - - - - 1889 „ Ballads. 12mo. -------- 1800 „ Across the Plains, and other Essays. 12mo. - - - 1892 „ A Footnote to History. Eight /ears of Trouble in Samoa. 12mo. -.------. 1892 Stewart (Rev. Arch.). History Vindicated in the Case of the Wigtown Martyrs. 2nd ed. 8vo. - . . - 1869 Stewart (Balfour). The Conservation of Energy. See Inter- national Scientific Ser., 6. Stewart (Col. David). Sketches of the Character, Manners, and State of the Highlanders of Scotland, with Details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments. 2 vols., 8vo. 1822 Stewart (Prof. Dugald). Collected Works. Ed. by Sir Wm. Hamilton. 11 vols., 8vo. ----- 1854-60 1. — Dissertation exhiliiting the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy since the revival of Letters in Europe. 2-4. — Philosophy of the Human Mind. 5. — Philosophical Essays. 6, 7. — The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, 8, 9. — Lectures on Political Economy. 10. — Biographical Memoirs of Adam Smith, LL.D., William Roliertson, D.D., and Thomas Reid, D.D. With a Memoir of the Author, with Selections from his Corre- spondence, by John Veiteh. 11. — Translations of the Passages in Foreign Languages con- tained in the Works. „ Philosophical Essays. 3rd ed. 8vo. - - - - 1818 M M 2 548 STE— STO Stewart (Jas.). Sujfgestions as to Law Reform. 8vo. - - 1842 Stkwakt (William). The Buik of thf rroiiiclis of Scotliind ; or, a Mt'triral Version of the History of Hector Boi'ce. See Chronicles, 6. Stikler (Adolf). Hand Atlas. Folio 1881 StigaM) (Wnj.). Life of H. Heine. 2 vols., Svo. - - - 1875 Stili, (John), IJisliop of Bath ami Wells. Gammer Gurton's N'eedle [1575]. See Dodshi/, Old Plays, Vol. 2. STir.i.iNdKLEKT (Dr. Edw.), Bishop of Worcester. A Rational Account of the Ground.s of Protestant Religion [1(565]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 184-4 Stirmm; (ICarldom of). Narrative of Law Proceedings by the [Alex. Humphrvs] Claimant, with Appendix. By E. - Lockhart. 4to. '- - - - - - - - 1836 Stirljnu (Edw.). Old Drury Lane: Fifty Years' Recollections of Author, Actor, and Manager. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1881 Stirling (James). Letters from the Slave States, U.S.A. 8vo.- 1857 Stirling (Sir Wm. Alexander, Earl of). Poetical Works. 3 vols., 12mo. - - 1870-2 „ Memorials of. By Rev. Chas. Rogers. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1887 Stirling-M.-vxwell (Sir Wm.). Works. 6 vols., 8vo. - - 1891 Vols. 1— t. — Annals of the Airtists of Sjiain. Vol. 5. — The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. Vol. 6. — Mi.scellaneous Essays and Addresses. „ The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. 8vo. - - 1852 „ Napoleon's Bequest to Cantillon. 8vo. - - . . 1858 „ Don John of Austria ; or, Passages from the Hist or v of the 16th Century [1547-78]. 2 vols., 8vo. - - ' - 1883 Stock (CoUard J.). Translations in Verse from the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, German, and Dutch. lOmo. -------- 1891 Stockd.\le (Fred. W. L.). Excursion in Cornwall. Plates. 8vo. - - - - - 1824 Stockdale (John). Trial for Liliel [1789]. 8vo. - - -1790 Stock Exchange Year Book {confiniicd) - - - 1876 et seq. St(>ck Jobbing Explained. By a Practical Jobber. [Bound with Toland's " Hi.'^tory of the Druids."] 7th ed. 8vo. - 1819 Stockmar (Baron Christian F. von). Memoirs. Bv his Son. Ed. by F. Max Miiller. 2 vols., 8vo. - -" - - 1872 .Stocqueler (Joachim H.). Memoirs and Correspondence of Major-General Sir William Nott. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854 „ Personal History of the Horse Guards from 1750-1872. Svo. - - - 1873 Stoddart (Sir John). The Pliilo.sophv of Languarje. 2nd ed. Ed. by Wm. Hazlitt. 8vo. ' - - '- - - 1849 Stoffel (Colonel Baron). Rapports Militaires ecrits de Berlin [1866-70]. Svo. - 1871 Stokes ((>eo. J.). Objectivity of Truth. See Ilihbcrt Trustees. Stokes (Hen. Sewell). The Voyage of Arundel, and other Rhymes, from Cornwall. New ed. 12!no. - - - 1884 Stokes (Capt. John Lort). Discoveiies in Australia, 1837-43. 2 vols., Svo. - . 1846 Stokes (Miss Margaret MeXair). Karly Christian Art in Ire- land. Svo. - - - '- - - - - 1887 Stone (Eliz.). Art of Neethune, Due de). Prime Minister to Henry the Great. Memoirs. AVith the Tryal of Ravaillae. Trans, from the French. 3rd ed. 3 vols., 4to. - - 1761 MtMuoires des Sages et Royah's G^conomies d'Estiit de Henry IV. See Petitot, Ser. 2, Vols. 1-9. SuLPiciA. Poems. Trans, by Jas. Grainger. See British Poets, Vol. 93. Summers (Rev. Jas.). The Rudiments of the Chinese Language. 12mo. 1864 Sumner (Dr. Chas.) [U.S.A. Senator]. Memoir and Letters, 1811-74. Ed. by E. L. Pierce. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1878-93 Sumner (Dr. John). See Jesse {J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 1. Sumner (Wm. Hyslop). Historv of East Boston, U.S.A. 8vo. - - - - " - 1858 " SuMTKR " and •' Alabama." See Setmnes (P.). Sunderland (Dorothy Sidney, Countess of) [Waller's " Sacha- rissa "]. Account of her Familv and Friends. Bv Julia Cartwright [Mrs. Henry Ady]." 8vo. - - '- - 1893 Supernatural Religion : an Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation. 3 vols., 8vo. 1874-9 SuRENNE (Gabriel). Prunouncing French-English and Knglish- French Dictionary. 16mo. - - - - - -1873 Surgeons (Roval College of), Ireland, History of. See Cameron (Sir C. A.). Surnames (Scotch). By Cosmo Lines. Small 4to. - - - 1860 Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of) and Wyatt (Sir Thomas). Songs and Soniuts. Trans, of yEneid, &c. Ed. by the Rev. Dr. Geo. Fred. Nott. With Life of the Earl of Surrey and Dissertation on English Poetry before the 16th Century. 2 vols., 4to. - . . - 1815-16 Surtees (R. S.). Sporting Novels. 8 vols., 8vo. - - [1884] Mr. .Sponge's Sporting Tour. Illu.stratcd by John Leech. Handley Cross. Illustrated by John Leech. Ask Mamma. Illustrated by John Leech. Plain or Kinglets. Illustrated by John Leech. Mr. Komford"s Hounds. Illustrated by John Leech and H. K. Browne. Hawbuck Grange. Illustrated by Phiz. Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities. Illustrated by H. Allen. Hillingdon Hall. Svo. 1888. Surtees (Robert). The History of the County Palatine of Dur- ham. Memoir of the Author, bv Geo. Tavlor. 4 vols., folio '- - ' - - 1816-40 Surtees (Dr. Wm. Edw.). Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon. 8vo. - - - 1846 Sutherland (Alex.). The Achievements of the Knights of Malta. 2 vols., 12mo. 1831 Sutherland (George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of). Memoirs, 1758-1833. By James Loch. (Privately printed.) 4to. - - " "- 1834 „ Despatches from Pari.s, 1790-92. St^e Bi'otcning (Oscar). Sutherland (Geo. Granville Leve.son-Gower, 2nd Duke of). Letters to his Mother. See Gower (Lord Ronald). SUT— SWI 555 SuTTOX (Hon. H. Manners). The Lexington Pupei\s. Corre- .spondeuce of Robert Sutton, Lord Lexington, Minister at Vienna l694-^<. 8vo. ------ ISol Swallow (Hen. J.). De N"ova Villa, The House of Nevill in Sunshine and Shade. 8vo.- ----- 1885 Swansea (Hen. Hussey Vivian, Lord). Tour in America in 1877. 8vo. - - - - - ^ - - -. - . - 1^78 SwAYNE (Rev. Geo. C). Herodotus. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. SwEDENBORG (Emanuel). Compendium of his Theological Writings. By the Rev. S. M. Warren. 8vo. - - 1885 „ The True Christian Religion. 8vo. - - - - - 1884 SwEETMAN (Hen. S.). Genealogical Memoir of the Extinct Family of Leigh of Addington, Surrey. 8vo. - - - - 1887 Swift (Rev. Dr. Jonathan), Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Works. Ed. by Thos. Sheridan. New ed., corrected and re- vised by John Nichols. 19 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1808 „ Works. With Notes and Life by Sir Walter Scott. 2nd ed. 19 vols., 8vo. 1883 L— Life [1667-1745]. 2. — Journal to Stella. 3. — Journal to Stella. Tracts. 4, 5.— Tracts. 6. — Law is a Bottomless Pit ; or, the History of John Bull. The Drapier's Letters. 7. — The Drapier's Letters. Tracts on Ireland. Sermons. 8. — Sermons. Tracts in Defence of Christianity — In Suppoi't of the Church. Test Act. Essays. 9. — Miscellaneous Essays. 10.— Tale of a TuL. History of Martin. Battle of the Books. Mechanical Operation of the Spirit. Abstract of History of England : Julius Csesar to Henry 11. Letters. Poems. 11. — Gulliver's Travels. Directions to Servants. 12. — Historical Tract. Political Poetry. 13. — Miscellanies. Prose and Poetry. 14. — Miscellaneous Poems. 15.— Kiddles. Poetical Trifles. Letters. 16, 17, 18. — Correspondence. 19. — Correspondence. Appendix. Lidex. „ Tracts. 8vo. - - - - 1714 Essays, Divine, Moral, and Political, viz., 1. Of Religion in General. 2. Of Christianity. 3. Of Priests. 4. Of Virtue. 5. Of Friendship. 6. Of Government. 7. Of Parties. 8. Of Plots. With the Effigies of the Author [a Caricature]. Out of thy own Mouth will I condemn Thee, thou Hypocrite. Ex hoc dicite Hominem . „ Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vols. 37-39. „ Life. By John Forster. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo. - 1875 „ Life. By Henry Craik, M.A. 8vo. - - - - 1885 „ Life. See Leek?/ (JV. E. H.), Orrery {Earl of), Scott {Sir Walter). ,, Closing Years of his Life. With Remarks on Stella and Vanessa. 8vo. ----- - - 1849 Swinburne (Algernon Charles). Song of Italy. 16mo. - - 1867 „ William Blake : a Critical Essay. With Illustrations from Blake's Designs in facsimile, coloured and plain. 8vo. - 1868 „ Poems and Ballads. 12mo. ------ 1868 „ „ 2nd Series. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1878 „ Chastelard : a Tragedy. 12mo. 1868 „ The Queen-Mother and Rosamond. 2nd ed. I2mo. - 1868 556 SWI— SYK Swinburne (Aljrernon Chnrlos) — continued. „ Botlnvt'll : a Trai;('«l\ . 2iul etl. t'rown hvo. - - - 1.S74 ,, Soii^s Ijfi'on- Sunrisf. 12ino. ------ 1S75 „ Eivehthfus : a 'I'nigedy. 2nd oitors, and a Defence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, l)y Sir Philip Sydney. Sydney (Hon, Algernon). See Sidneif {Hon. A.). Sydney (Wm. Connor). England and the English in the 18th Centurv. 2 vols., 8vo. 1891 „ Social Life in England, 1660-90. 12mo. - - - - 1892 Syed Ahmed Khan, C.S.I. Life and Work. By Lieut. -Col. Graham. 12mo. - - - - '- - - 1882 Syed Ameer Ali. The Personal Law of the Mahommedans (according to all the Schools). 8vo. - - - - 1880 Sykes (Daniel), M.P. Memoir [1766-1832]. By George Pryme.8vo. 1834 Sykes (John) and Latimer (John). Local Records; or, Historical Register of Events in Northumberland and Durham. With Biographical Notices. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1853-57 Sykes (Joseph) ["Julio"]. Poems. 3 Series. 3 vols., 12mo. 1870-7 „ „ (SdecU-d and Revised.) 2 vols., 12m(). - - 1887-8 „ Studies on French History. 12mo. - . - - - 1884 „ Studies on some Eminent Fn-nch V>'riters. 12mo. - - 1885 „ Miscellanies. 12mo. 1890 „ Short Notice of his Life and Works. By Amicus. 12mo. 1885 SYL— TAG 557 " Sylvanus." The Bye-Lanes and Downs of Eno^land ; with Turf Scenes and Characters. 3rd ed., revised. 12mo. - 1859 Syme (David). Outlines of an Industrial Science. 12mo. - - 1876 Symes (Major Michael). Embassy to A va, 1795. See Plukerton, Vol. 9. Symmons or Symonds (Rev. Edw.). A Vindication of King Charles; or, a Loyal Subject's Duty. Small 4to. - - 1648 Symonds (Arthur). Papers relative to the Obstruction of Pul>lic Business and the Organization of the Civil Service. 8vo. V f*"'^''^''tel> printed.) ------- 1853 Symonds (John Addington). Studies of the Greek Poets. 8vo. - 1873 „ 2nd Series. 12mo. ------ 1876 „ Sketches in Italy and Greece. 12mo. - - - - 1874 „ Renaissance in Italy. The Age of the Despots. 8vo. - 1875 „ „ The Catholic Reaction. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1886 „ Sketches and Studies in Italy. 12mo. - . - . 1879 „ Italian Byways. 12mo. ------- 1883 ,, Essays, Speculative and Suggestive. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1890 „ Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. 2 vols., royal 8vo. - 1893 „ In the Key of Blue, and other Essays. 12mo. - - - 189.'5 ,, Trans, of B. Cellini's Autobiography. See Cellini (B.). „ Ben Jonson. See English IVorthies. ,, Sir Philip Sydney. See English Men of Letters. Symonds (Dr. John Addington). Miscellanies. Ed., with Memoir, by his Son. 8vo. - - - - - 1871 Symonds (Richard) [an Officer of the Royal Army, temp. Charles I.]. Journals. See Camden Soc, 74. Symonds (Rear-Adml. Sir Wm.). Facts versus Fiction, or his Principles of Naval Architecture vindicated 8vo. - 1845 Symons (Jelinger C ). Outlines of Popular Economy. 8vo. - 1840 ,, Arts and Artizans at Home and Abroad 8vo. - - - 1839 ,, Condition and Treatment of the Dangerous Classes. 8vo. 1849 ,, Wm Burke the Author of Junius : an Essay on his Era. 8vo. - . - - 1859 Syntax (Doctor). See Combe {JV.). Taaffe Family. Memoirs. (Privately printed.) 8vo. - - 1856 Genealogy. Correspomk-Qce of Theobald TaaiFe, Earl of Car- lingford, 1665-7. Correspondence of Francis Taaffe, Earl of Carlingford, 1670-1704. Oliservations on Affairs in Ireland, 1691-1766. Count John Taaffe 's Correspon- dence while at Lisbon. Count Francis Taafife. Tacitus (Caius Cornelius). Opera Omnia. 8 vols., 8vo. - - 1821 „ Works. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, and Notes, by Arthur Murphy. 8 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1811 Vol. 1. — Life. Annals of Rome. Vols. 2, 3, 4.— Annals. Vols. 5, 6. — History of Rome. Vol. 7. — Situation, Manners, and People of Germany. Life of Agricola. Vol. 8. — Dialogue concerning Oratory. ,, History and Annals. With Notes and Maps, by Rev. W. J. Brodribb and Rev. A. J. Church. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1873-6 „ By William H. Donne. See Blackioood's Ancient Classics. Tagart (Edw.). Memoir of Captain Peter Hey wood, R.N. 8vo. 1832 „ Mathematical or Demonstrative Reaooninff. 8vo. - - 1837 558 TAI— TAL Taine (Hyppolyte AdolpLe;. Voyage aux Pyrenees. lUustre ps Campbell. 20 vols, in 10, 8vo. 1845-62 „ Conversations Avith Nassau William Senior. See Senior. „ Vie. Par Paul de Remusat. 12ino. - - - - 1889 „ Vie. Par A. Sorel. See Frfm^ais (Les Grands Ecrircmis). Thirlwall (Connop), Bishop of St. David's. History of Greece. 8 vols., 8vo. -------- 1855 „ Remains. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1877-8 Vols. 1, 2.— Charges, 1842-72. Vol. 3. — Essays. Speeches. Sermons. 666 THI— THO Thirlwall (ConnDp), Bishop of St. David's — continued. „ Letters, Literary and Theolofficid. Ed. by the Rev. Dr. Pt'rowiie and tlie R -v. Loui.s Stokes. 8vo. - - - 1881 „ Lett<.^rs to a Friend. Ed. by Dean Stsxnley. 8vo. - - 1881 TiiiSTLEWOou (Arthnr), Ings (James), Brunt (John Tlios.), Tidd (Rich.), Davidson (Wm.), and others. Trials for High Treason, Aprd 17-28, 1820. 2 vols., 8vo. 1820 TilOM (Alexander). Official Directory {continued) - 1850 et seq. TiiOM or Tom (John Niehols) [calling himself Sir William Courtenay, shot in a riot, 31.st May 1838]. Life. 8vo. 1838 Thomas of Eccloston. D(; Advontu Fratrum Minorum. See Chronicles, 4. Thomas of Elmham. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantua- rensis. See Chronicles, 8. Thomas of Erceldoune. Romance and Prophecies. See Early English Te.vt Soc, 24. Thomas of Walden. Fasciculi Zizaniorum. See Chronicles, 5. Thomas (Archdeacon David R.). St. Asaph. See Diocesan Histories. Thomas (Francis S.). Handbook to the Public Records. Royal 8vo. 1853 Thomas (Ralph) [Pseudonym, Olphar Hamst]. Handbook of Fictitious Names. 8vo. ------ 1868 Tho.mas (William), Clerk of the Council to Edward VI. The Pilgrim : A Dialogue on tiie Life and Actions of King Henry VIII. Ed. by J. A. Fronde. 8vo. - - - 1861 'J'homassin (Simon). Recueil des Statues et autres Ornemens du Chateau et Pare de Versailles. Small 4to. - - - 1723 Thompson (Benj.). The Stranger. Trans, from Kotzebue. See Inchbald, British Theatre, 24. Thompson (Charles Edward Poulett). See Sydenham (Lord). Thompson (Edw. Maunde). Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaaography. See I nter7iational Scientific >'er., Vol. 73. Thompson (Geo. Car.slake). Lord Beaconslield and Public Opinion, 1875-8. 2 vols., 8vo. 1886 Thompson (George Poulett). See Scrope. Thompson (Sir Henry). Food and Feeding. 12mo. - - - 1884 „ Modern Cremation, its History and Practice. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - 1891 Thompson (James). The History of Leicester to the End of the I7th Century. 8vo. - 1849 „ An Es.say on English Municipal History. 12mo. - - 1867 Thompson (Dr. Joseph Parrish). Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence. 8vo. ----- 1877 U'ho.mpson (Pishey). The History and Antiquities of Boston and Skirbeck, Lincoln : and of the Fens. 8vo. - - - 1856 Thomp.son (Major-Gen. Thos. Perronet). Exercises, Political and others. 6 vols., 12mo. 1842 Thompson (Win.), Dean of Raphoc. Poetical Works. See British Poets, Vol. 54. Thompson (William). Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most conducive to Hinnan Hai)piness [1824]. 3rd ed., by William Pare. 8vo. 1869 Thoms (Joim Alex.). Concordance to the Revised Version of the New Testament. 8vo. 1882 THO 567 Thoms (Wm. John). Early English Prose Romances. 3 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1858 „ Hannah Lightfoot ; Queen Charlotte and the Chevalier d'Eon ; Dr. Wihnot's Polish Princess. 8vo. - -1867 „ Human Longevity : its Facts and its Fictions. 8vo. - - 1873 Thomson (Adam). Time and Timekeepers. 12mo. - - - 1842 Thomson (Sir Chas. Wyville). The Depths of the Sea: the General Results of the Dredging Cruises of H.M.S. "Porcupine" and "Lightning," 1868-70 - - -1873 „ TheVoyageof the "Challenger," 1873-6. 2 vols., 8vo. -1877 „ Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Challenger," 1873-6. See " Challenger''' Expedition. Thomson (J. T.). Translations from the Hakayit Abdulla (Bin Abdulkadar) Munshi. With Comments. 8vo. - - 1874 Thomson (James). Poetical Works. See i?n^/*A Poe^.?, Vols.43, 44. „ The Seasons. New ed. 8vo. 1802 „ A Poem on Wm. Congreve. See Percy Soc, 12. Thomson (Richard). Coronation of King Greorge III. and Queen Charlotte. With Engravings. 8vo. - - - - 1820 „ Chronicles of London Bridge. 8vo. - - - - 1827 „ Historical Essay on the Magna Charta and other great Charters. 8vo. - - 1829 Thomson (William). A Tradesman's Travels in the United States and Canada, 1840-2. 8vo. - - - - 1842 Thomson (Wm.), Archbishop of York. Crime and its Excuses. See Oxford Essays, 1855. Thoreau (Henry D.). Cape Cod. 12mo. - - - - 1881 „ Letters to various Persons. 12mo. ----- 1877 „ Select Works. 6 vols., 12mo. 1881-5 Early Spring in Massachusetts. Walden. Yankee in Canada. Excursions. Summer. Maine Woods. „ Study of. See Stevenson {L.). „ Life. By H. S. Salt. 8vo. - 1890 Thoeesby (Ralph) [1658-1725]. Ducatus Leodiensis : Topo- graphy of Leeds. Thoresby's Museum. See iVJiitaker, Leeds, Vol. 2. „ Diary. Ed. by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1830 „ Letters of Eminent Men addressed to. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1832 Thorn BER (Harry). Early and Later Work of Geo. Cruikshaiik. Illustrated. Folio -.----* 1887-8 „ Catalogue of Theatrical Scenes and Portraits lent to the Arts Club, Manchester. Illustrated. 8vo. - - - 1888 „ Henry William Bunbury [Caricaturist]. 12mo. - - 1888 „ Engraved Works of Geo. Morland, Brasenose Club, Man- chester, Dec. 1889. 8vo. 1889 „ John Leech. With 4 illustrations. 12mo. - - . 1889 „ Jas. Gillray. With 21 illustrations. 8vo. - - - 1890 „ Thos. O. Barlow, R.A. 12mo. ----- 1891 Thornbury (Geo. Walter). Shakespeare's England; or, Social History in the Reign of Ehzabeth. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1856 „ Life in Spain, Past and Present. 2 vols., 12mo. - - 1859 „ Old Stories Re-told. 12mo. ------ 1869 „ Life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1877 „ Haunted London. Ed. by Edw. Walford. 12mo. - - 1880 668 THO— THR Thornbttry (Geo. Walter) and Walfonl (Edward). Old and Xew London. 6 vols., 4to. 1874 Thorn E (James). Handbook to the Environs of London. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876 Thornton Romances (The) of Sir Perceval, Sir Isumbas, Sir Eglamour, and Sir Degrevant. See Cumden Soc, 30. Thornton (Edward). History of the British Empire in India, 6 vols., 8 vo. - - 1841-5 „ A Gazetteer of India. 8vo. 1858 Thornton (Elizabeth). The Marchioness: a Strange but True Tale. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - ... - 1843 Thornton (Henry). Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain. 8vo. ------- 1802 Tho;!NTon (Percy M.). Harrow School. 8vo. - - - 1885 „ Foreign Secretaries of the 19th Century. 3 vols., Bvo. 1881-2 „ The Brunswick Accession. 8vo. ----- 1887 Thornton (Col. Thos.). A Sporting Tour through the Northern Parts of England and the Highlands of Scotland. •Ito. ---------- 1HU4 Thornton (Wm. Thos.). Over-Population and its Remedy. 8vo. 1846 „ On LaV)our : its Rightful Dues and Wrongful Claims. 2nd ed. 8vo. -------- 1&70 Thoroton (Dr. Robert). The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire : A\nth Additions by John Throsby. 3 vols., 4to. - - 1797 Thorpe. Guide to Harrogate. Ed. by \V. H. Breare. 12mo. - 1891 Thorpe (Benjamin). Northern Mythology. 3 vols., 12 mo. - 1851 Popular Traditions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and the Netherland.s. „ Diplomatarium Anglicum /Evi Saxonici : a Collection of English Charters, from /Ethelbert, a.d. 705, to William the Conqueror. With a Translation. 8vo. - - - 1865 „ Beo-wulf : an Anglo-Saxon Poem. l2mo. - - - 1885 Thorpe (Wm. G.). On the Warrant for the Arrest of John Bunyan, 1674. (Soc. of Antiquaries, Nov. 24, 1887.) (With Brown s Life of Bunyan.) „ The Still Life of the Middle Temple, preceded liy Fifty Years' Reminiscences. 8vo. ----- 1892 Thorvaldsen (Berbel) [Albert]. Life. Collated from the Danish of J. M. Thiele, l)y Rev. M. R. Barnard. Small 8vo. - 1865 „ Life and Works. By E. Plon. Trans, by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 4to. .-.-.-.. ih74 Thou (Jacques Aug. de) [Thuanus]. Historiie sui Temporis [1546-1007]. Contin. Nic. Rigaltii [1607-10]. 7 vols., folio- 1733 „ Life. By Rev. J. Collinson. Hvo. 1807 „ Memoires de. See Petitot, Ser. 1, Vol. 37. Thoumas (General). L' Agenda de Malu.s. Souvenirs de I'Expedi- tion d'Egypte, 1798-1801. 12mo. . . - . 1892 Thousand and One Gems of English Poetry. Ed. by Dr. Cha.s. Mackay. 12mo. - - 1867 Thousand Notable Things, and the Century of Invention. 8vo. 1827 Thouvenel (E. a.). Nicolas I. et Napoleon III., 18.^2-4. 8vo. 1891 Thoyts (E. E.). How to Decipher and Study Old Documents. 12mo. 1893 Thrale (Mrs.). See Piozzi {Hester Lynch). Turing (Henry, Lord). Law and Practice of Joint Stock and other Companies. 4th ed. 8vo. 1880 THR— TIE 569 Throsby (John). Select Views in Leicestershire. 4to. - [1789] „ „ Supplementary Views. 4to. ... - 1790 „ History of the Town of Leicester. 4to. - - - - 1791 „ Nottinghamshire. See Thoroton {Dr. R.). Thrupp (Geo. A.). The History oi Coaches. 8vo. - - -1877 Thuanus. See Thoa. Thucydides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco. El. Ern. Frid. Poppo. 11 vols., 8vo. ------- 1821-40 „ History of the Peloponnesian War. With Life, by Dr. S. T. Bloomfield. 3 vols., 8vo. 1829 „ „ Translation of. See Hobbes (Thos.), Works, Vols. 8, 9. „ „ A New and Literal Trans., from the Text of Arnold. By the Rev. Henry Dale. [Bohn.] 12mo. - 1851 „ Life. By Rev. W. L. Collins. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. Thudichum (Dr. John L. W.) andDupre (Auguste). A Treatise on the Origin, Nature, and Varieties of Wine. 8vo. - 1872 Thugs : Illustrations of their History and Practices. 8vo. - - 1837 Thunberg (Dr. C. P.). Account of the Cape of Good Hope [1772]. See Pinker ton, Vol. 15. Thurloe (John), Secretary of State to Oliver and Richard Cromwell, Collection of the State Papers, 1638-60. With Life, by Rev. Dr. Thos. Birch. 7 vols., folio - 1742 Thurlow (Hon. T. J. Hovell). The Hon. East India Comjiany and the Crown. 8vo. ----- 1866 Thursfield (J. R.). Peel. See Twelve English Statesmen. Thurston (Robt. H.). A History of the Growth of the Steam Engine. See International Scientijic Ser., Vol. 24. Thurtell (John). Trial for the Murder of Wm. Weare. 8vo. - 1824 Thynn or Thynne (Francis). Lancaster Herald. The Debate between Pride and Lowliness [1575]. See Shakespeare Soc. „ On Speght's Edition of Chaucer [1599]. See Ear It/ English Tc.vt Soc, 5. „ Embleames [1600]. See Earli/ English Text Soc, 25. Tibet, Travels through. See Pinkerton, Vol. 7. TiBULLUS (Albius). Carmina. Ed. I. G. Huschkius. 8vo. - 1822 „ Elegies. Trans, by James Grainger. See British Poets, Vol. 93. „ „ Literal Trans., with Notes, by Walter K. Kelly. With Metrical Versions of various Writers. 12mo. - 1854 „ Life. By Rev. J. Davies. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. TiCHBORNE Trial, Introduction to the. By Dr. Kenealy. Folio - 1875 TiCKELL (Rev. John). The History of the Town and County of Kingston-upon-Hull. 2 vols., 4to. - - - - 1798 TiCKELL (Thos.) Poetical Works [1686-1740]. See British Poets, Vol. 27. TiCKNOR (Dr. George). History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1849 „ Life of William Hickling Prescott. 8vo. - - - -1864 „ Life, Letters, and Journals. Ed. by Geo. S. Hillard. 2 vols., small 8vo. - 1876 TiELE (C. P.). Outlines of the History of Religion. Trans. 8vo. 1880 TiERNEY (Rev. Mark A.). History of the Castle and Town of Arundel : with Biography of its Earls. 4to. - - 1834 570 TIG— TOC TiGHE (Robt. Rich.) and Davis (Jas. Edw.). Annals of Windsor. History of the- Castlo and Town; with account of Eton. 2 vols.,' Svo. - - - - - - - - 1858 Till OwlglahS, Advi-ntun-s of. Svo. 1869 TiLLOTSON (John), AnhUisliop of C'anterliury. Works. [Ser- mons.] 12 vols., Svo. ------ 1757 „ Life [l();{0--hoeiiig Husbandry [1733]. With certain Experiments of Recent Date, bv Wm. Cobbett. 8vo. : - . . 1822 TuLLOCH (Rev. Principal John). Leaders of the Reformation : Luther, Calvin, Latimer, Knox. 8vo. - - - - I860 „ English Puritanism and its Leaders : Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan. 8vo. 1861 „ Pascal. See BldckivoofVs Foreign Classics. „ Life. By Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo. - . . . . 1888 TuPPER (Dr. Martin Farquhar). Prov«'rl)ial Philosophy: a Book of Thoughts and Arguments Originally Treated. 9th ed. 12rao. 1849 TuRGOT (Anne R. Jacques, Baron de I'Aulne), G^^uvres de. 9 vols., 8vo. 1811 Vol. 1. — Memoires. Vol. 2. — Travaux en Sorbonne. Vol. 3. — Ouvrages Philo.sophiques. Vols. 4, 5, 6. — Ouvrages Economiques. Vols. 7, 8. —Ouvrages Ministeriels. Vol. 9. — Poesies. Melanges. „ Vie. See Frangais {Les Grands Ecrivains). Turkey, Map of - - 1879 Turkish Debt. Report of the Right Hon. R. Bourke, January 1882. 8vo. ------.. 1882 TiRNER (Sir Jas.). Memoirs of his own Life and Times [as a Soldier], 1632-70. Ed. by Thos. Thomson. 4to. - 1829 1'URNER (Joseph ]Mallard Wm.), R.A. Life. With Illustrations from his Original Drawings. Bv G. W. Thornbury. 8vo. 1877 „ Life. By Philip G. Hamerton. 'l2mo. - - - - 1879 „ Notes bv John Ruskin on Drawings of. With 35 Plates. 4to. "- - - 1878 „ See Burlincjton Fine Arts Club, Catalogve. Turner (Capt. Samuel). Account of an Embassy to the Court of the (Teshoo) Lama in Tibet. 4to. - ' - - - 1800 Turner (Sharon). The History of England, to the Death of Elizabeth. 12 vols., 8vo. 1839 1. — History of the Anglo-Saxons. 2. — Vindic.ition of the Genuine- ness of certain British Poems. 3. — William I.-Henry Vm. 4.— Edward VI.. Mary, Elizabeth. „ Sacred History of the World. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - 1841 Turner (Wm.). .Journal of a Tour in Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. 3 vols., 8vo. 1820 TUR— TWT 577 TiTRNOR (Edmund). Collections for the History of Grantham. Containing Authentic Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton. 4to. 180G TuuNOR (Hatton). Astra Castra : Experiments and Adventures in the Atmosphere. 4to. ------ 1865 TuRNOR (Lewis). History of Hertford. 8vo. - - - - 1830 TuRPiN (Francois Henri). History of Siam. See J*i»kerton, Yol. 9. TuRREAU (General Louis M.). L'Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendee. See Berville and Bnrriere, Vol. 42. TirssER (Thomas). Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, with a Book of Housewifery ; being a Calendar of Rural and Domestic Economy for Every Month in the Year. [1572.] New ed., witii Notes, liy William Mavor. 8vo. 1812 TuTTLE (Herbert). History of Prussia under Fr^'diuick the Great, 1740-56. 2 vols., 12mo. ----- -1888 Twain (Mark). See Clemens {Samuel L.). TwAJiLEY (Charles). History of Dudley Castle and Priory. 12mo. 1867 Twelve English Statesmen. 12mo. . . . 1890 et seq. Edward I. By Prof. T. J. Tout. Elizabeth, Queen. By Edw. S. Beesly. Peeb By J. R. Thursfield. Pitt. By Lord Rosebery. Walpole. By John Morley. TwEXTY-five Years of St. Andrews. See Bof/d {Rev. Dr. A. K. If.). TwiNixG Family, Papers of. Ed. by R. twining. 12mo. - - 1887 Twining (Loui.sa). Symbols and Emblems of Christian Art. 12mo. 1885 Twining (Thomas). Science for the People. 8vo. - - - 1870 TwrsLETON (Hon. Edw. T. Boyd). The Tongue not Essential to Speech. With Illustrations of the Power of Speech in the African Confessors. Small 8vo. - - - - 1873 TwiSLETON (Hon Edw. T. Boyd) and Chabot (Chas.). On the Handwriting of Junius. 4to. ----- 1871 Twiss (Horace). Life of John Scott, Lord Chancellor Eldon. 2nd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1844 Twiss (Sir Travers). On Certain Tests of a Thriving Population. 8vo. ---------- 1845 „ On the Relations of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to the Crown of Denmark and the German Confede- ration and the Treaty Engagement of the European Powers. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1848 „ Progress of Political Economy in Europe since the 16th Century. 8vo. ..'------ 1847 ,, The Letters Apostolic of Pope Pius IX., considered with reference to the Law of England and the Law of Eui'ope. 8vo. ---------- 1851 ,, The Law of Nations considered as Independent Political Communities. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - . 1861-3 TwYFORD (Capt. A. W.) and Griffiths (Major Arthur). Records of York Castle. 12mo. - - - - - - 1880 TwYSDEN (Sir Roger). Historic Anglicans Scriptores Antiqui. 2 vols, in 1, foho ------- 1652 Simeon Monachus, Dunelmensis. Johannnes Prior, Hagustab densis. Rieardus Prior, Hagustaldensis. Ailredus Abbas, Rievallensis. Radulphus de Diceto, Londoniensis. Johannes Brompton, Jornallensis. Gervasius Monachus, Dorobornensis. Thomas Stubbs, Dominicanus. Gubelmns Thorn, Cantuariensis. Henricus Knighton, Licestrensis. „ Certaine Considerations upon the Government of England. See Camden Soc, 45. p. 3104. O O 578 TYE— UHR TvKKMAN (Rev. L.). Lit'.' and Tiin.-s of the Rov. John Woslev. 3 vols., 8vo. - 18^<0 Lift' and Tinii-s of the Kev. Samuel We.-«lev. 8vo. - - 1866 Life of the Rev. Geo. Whitertel.l. 2vols.,'8vo. - - 1876 Tvi.KK (Uev. Ja.s. Endell). Henrv of Monmonth ; or, Memoirs of the Life and Charaeter of Henrv V. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1838 Tvr.KH (Mose.-^ Coit). Historv of Amerieau Literature. 2 vols. - 8vo. -.-■-..---- 187!) Tvi.oK (FIdward B.). Researches into the Early History of Man- kind and the Development of Civilization. 8vo. - - 1S70 „ Primitive Culture. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1S71 TvNDALK or Tiudale (William). Works. Ed. bv T. Russell. 3 vols., Svo. - - - - - ' - - - 1S31 „ Doctrinal Treatises and Litroductions to the Bible. Xote.«i on the Scriptures. Answer to Sir T. More. See Parher Soc. 'rvNDAr.L (Prof. John). Mountaineering in 1861. 8vo. - - 1862 Hours of Exercise in the Alps. 12mo. . - - - 1871 Fraixmeuts of Science : a Series of Ess.ivs. Addresses, and Reviews. 6th ed. 2 vols., 12mo. "- - - - 1879 Xew Fragments. 12mo. .-..-- 1892 ,, Forms of Water. The Formation of Glaciers. See liiter- )uttioiial Scientific Ser., Vol. 1. From Lauterlirunnen to the .Eggishorn. See Galton, Vol. 1. Tyrconnel (Rorv O'Donnell, Earl of). Fate and Fortunes of. See Mee/ifni {Rev. C. P.). Tyroxe (Hugh O'Xeill, Earl of), Fate and Fortune of. See Mee/ian {Rev. C. P.). Tyrrell (Sir James). General Historv of England to Richard II. 3 vols, in 5, folio - -" - - - -1697-1704 Bil)liotheca Political [1692-5] : an Enquiry into the Antient Constitution of the English Government. Folio - - 1718 Tyrt.eus. Elegies. Trans, from the Greek by the Rev. Richard Polwhele. See British Poets, Vol. 32. Tyrwhitt (Thos.). ProL-eedings and Debate^ in the House of Commons, 1 620-1 . 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1 766 TvTi.KR (Alex. Eraser) [Lord Woodhouselee]. Elements of Gene- ral Historv, Ancient and ^Modern, -ith ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1807 Tytlku (Patrick Eraser). Historv of Scotland [1149-1603]. 9 vols., 8vo. - - ■ - - - - - 1828-43 Index. Svo. ------- ISoO „ Lift- of Henry VIII. 12mo. - Is37 England under the Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary, with the Contemporary History of Europe : Original Letters, with Xotes. 2 vols., Svo.' - - - - - - 1839 Tytler (William). Inquiry, Historical and Critical, into the Evidence produced bv Murrav and Morton against Marv, Queen of Scots. 4th .'d. 2 vols., 8vo. "- - "- 1790 L^BiciNi (A.). La Question d'Oricnt devant T Europe : Docu- ments Otiiciels. Svo. ------- 1S54 Udall (Xich.). Ralph Roist<'r Doi.>Jter : a Comedy, ^ee Shake- speare Soc. ; also Cooper {Jr. D.). L^iirich (General J. A.). Documents relatifs au Siege de Stras- bourg. Svo. -------- 1872 ULF— UNI 579 Ulfei.dt (Leanora Christiana, Countess of). Memoirs. 8vo. - 1872 Ulloa (Alfonso de). Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, descritta da Ferdinando, suo Figlio. 8vo. ----- 1867 Ulloa (Antonio de) and Juan (George). A Voyage to South America. 2 vols., 8vo. ------ l76^ „ „ See Pinlierton, Vol. 14. Umfreville (Edward). The Present State of Hudson's Bay. 8vo. ---------- 1790 UxDERHiLL (Arthur). A Concise Manual of the Law relating to Private Trusts and Trustees. 8vo. - - - - 1878 „ Leasehold Enfranchisement. 12mo. - . - - 1890 Underwood (Francis H.). J. E. Lowell : a Biographical Sketch. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1882 Union League Club, New York. Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. 1886 LTnited Service Institution Museum in 1849. By Bosquecillo. [Bound with " Latey."] 12mo. ----- 1849 United Service Journal and Naval and Militarv Magazine. 16 vols., 8vo. - - - - - ■- - 1836-41 United States of America. Charters of British Colonies in America. 8vo. - - - - - - - -n. d. Conjiecticut. Pennsylvania. Georgia. Rhode Island. Maryland. Virginia. Massachusetts. „ European Settlements in. [Ascribed to Edmund Burke.] 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1757 „ Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. With the Resolves of the Committee of Pennsylvania. 8vo. - - - - 1774 „ Proceedings of Congresses held at Philadelphia and South Carolina. 4 vols, in 1, 8vo. - - - - 1774-6 „ Letters of Governor Hutchinson and Lieut. -Governor Oliver. With the Assembly's Address, and the Proceedings of the Lords' Committee of Council. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1774 „ Bights of Parliament vindicated on occasion of the Stamp Act. 8vo. --------- 1766 „ Constitution : Rules of the Senate and House of Represen- tatives. With Jefferson's Manual. 12mo. - - - 1828 ,. The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; the Articles of Confederation ; the Declaration of Rights ; Petition of Congress to the King. Ed. by Rev. W. Jackson. 8vo. 1873 „ Laws [by Authority]. 11 vols., 8vo. - - -1796-1813 „ „ Re^-ised Statutes, passed at the First Session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-4. Royal 8vo. - - - 1875 „ „ With Appendix. Imp. 8vo. - - - - . 187!S „ Atlases. See Heices and Garnett's Statistical Atlas, Ivison's Descriptive Atlas. „ Presidents' Messages (Washington to Harrison). 8vo. - 1841 „ Presidents' Annual Messages. 31 vols., 8vo. - - 1850-61 „ British Recruiting in. 8vo. ------ 1856 „ Privations of U.S. Soldiers while Prisoners in the hands of the Rebels. 8vo. - 1864 „ Geographical Surveys West of the Hundredth Meridian. Vols. 2-7. 4to. - - - - - - 1875-8). 2. — Astronomy. 5. — Zoology. 3. — Geology. 6. — Botany. 4. — Paleontology. 7. — Archseblogy. oo 2 680 UNI— UPD United States of America — continued. „ Guides to the United Stiites. See Appleton, BcEileker, liradshaic. Englishman. „ Constitutional Law. See Cooley {T. J/.). „ Constitutional Limitations of Legislative Power of the States of the American Union. See Coolei/ {T. M.). „ Congressional Government. See IVilson {^V.). „ Constitutional Law of. Bv Dr. H. von Hoist. 8vo. - 1887 „ Census, 1880. 4to. -' 1881-6 Building Stones. Petroleum. Coke. Precious Stones. Cotton. Tr.insport. Forest Trees. Wages, Trade Societies, Strikes and Mining Lands. Lock-outs. Mortality. Water-Power. „ Gazetteer [1885]. See Colange {L. de). „ Keport on the Public Domain. Bv T. Donaldson. 8vo. Washinslon - - - " 1884 ,, Annual Statistician, 1889 {contini(ed). 12mo. - 1889 et seq. ,. International Law of. See Jfliarton (jP.). „ Geoloineal Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 7vols.,8to. 1878-81 „ Book of Common Prayer, accoi-ding to the use of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church in the L'nited States. 12mo. - 1863 ,, Rebellion Record : Diarv of Events of the War. 6 vols.. 8vo. - - - ■ 1862-3 Loyal Publication Society. Pamphlets. Xos. 1-42. 8 vo. 1863-4 Battlefields of the South, from BuU-run to Fredericksburg. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1863 Riiilways. Map of the Vanderbilt Lines between Xew York, Boston, and M iagara Falls : the Thousand Islands, Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis - . . . 1893 „ „ Description of over 1,000 Tours by the Xew York Central and Hudson River Hailroad. With Maps. 8vo. 1893 „ Magazine of American History (continued). With Xotcs and Queries. 4to. ----- 1877 et seq. UxivERS.\L Historv. Ancient Part. With Chiirts and Index. 18 vols., 8vo. ------- 1779-81 Motleru Part. 42 vols.. 8vo. - - - 1780-4 Universal Review. 8 vols., imp. 8vo. - - - - 1888-90 Universal Songster. Cuts by G. and R. Cruikshank. 3 vols., 8vo. [1869] Universities of the World. Professors, itc. See Kukula and Trubner. University College, London. Calendar (rort^/««f\ a Mernler of the Cobdeu Chil>. 2 vols.. Svo. - - " 1883 YiLLON (Francois), Le Jaro^on et Jobelin de. Par Lucien Scbone. 12iiio. - - 1888 „ (Ku\ res completes. 12ino. ------ 1884 ,. „ Ed. par Aug. Loiignon. 12mo. - - - - 1802 ., Sketch of Life. See Stcreiisou (L.). ViNc'KNT (Augustine), "Windsor Herald, Memoir of. Hn Sir X. Harris Xicolas. 8vo. - - - - " - - 1827 Vimi:nt (Benjamin). Classified Catalogue of the Lilnary of the Royal Institution. 8vo. ------ 18.37 Supplement. 8vo. ------ 1.S82 A Dictionary of Biography, Past antl Present, brought down to Sept., 1877. 8vo. ------ 1877 „ Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. 13th ed. 8vo., 1871 ; 16th ed. 8vo., 1878"; 17th ed. 8vo., 1S81 ; 18th ed. 8vo., 1885; 19th ed. 8vo., 1889 ; 20th ed. 8vo. - - 1892 ViNCKNT (Charle.s W.). Cheniistry, Theoretical, Practical and Aualytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. ------- 18S0 VI^'CI (Leonardo da), Histoire de. Par Arsene Ho\is.saye. 8vo. 18(39 „ Literary Works (with the Italian Text). Ed. by .Jean Paul Eichter. 2 vols., 4to. ----- ks83 ViNESAUF (Gaufrido). Itinerarium Eegis Anglorum Eichardi et aliorum in terrain Hierosolvmorum. See Gale and Fell, Vol. 3. Vine (Eev. Francis T.). CcEsar in Kent, and his Battles. 4to. - 1886 ViXET (Alexamler). Hi-story of French Literature in the 18th Century. Trans. l)y the Eev. J. Bryce. 8vo. - - 1854 ViNNE (Theo. L.). See Dc Vimie. ViNOGHADOFF (Paul). Villainage in England. 8vo. - - - 1892 ViNTUAs (Dr. A.). Medical Guide to the Mineral Waters of France. 12mo. 1883 VioLLET-LE-Duc (Eiigene E.). Dictionnaire Eaisonne de I'Archi- tecture Fran^aise du XI'' au XVF Siecle. 10 vols., 8vo. - 1867-8 The Habitations of Man in all Ages. 8vo. . - - 1876 Dictionnaire Eaisonne du Mobilier rran9ais. 6 vols., royal 8vo. --------- 1872-5 ViKGiLius Maro (Publius). Opera Omnia. Ed. C. G. Hevne. 7 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - " - 1819 „ Opera ad optimorum libronmi fidem edidit Albertus Forbiger. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1836-9 „ Works. Trans, into English Prose by Davidson. 12mo. 1831 „ „ New ed., revised, by T. A. Buckley. 12mo. - 1855 „ Works. Trans, by John Dryden. See British Poets, Vols. 85-87. „ „ See Dryden (John), Woj-hs, Vols. 14, 15. „ Bucolics, Georgics, and ^neid in English Prose. See Couitiyton (J.), Miscellanies, Vol. 2. „ iEneid. In English Verse by William ^lorris. 8vo. - 1876 „ Eclogues. English Version. With Illustrations by S. Palmer. Folio - - 1883 „ Les Georgiques et I'Eneide avec Texte Latin. See Deli lie (J.), U'Jnvres, Vols. 2-6. „ By Eev. W. L. Collins. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. VIT— VOL 687 ViTRUVius PoUio (Mai'cus). Architecture. Trans, bv Joseph Gwilt. 4to. - - - - - - ' - - 1826 ViTu (Auguste). Le Lendemain de I'Empire. 12mo. - - 1874 ViTiiTHUM voii Eckstaedt (Count Charles Frederick). Remi- niscences. St. Petersburg and London, 1852-64. Ed. :-.Y H. Reeve. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1887 Vivian (Sir Henry Hussey) [Lord Swansea]. Notes of a Tour in America in 1877. 8vo. ------ 1878 Vivien (L.). Xapoleon, le Consulat et I'Empire. 8vo. - - n. d. VizETELLY (Henry). The Story of the Diamond Necklace. With a Sketch of the Life of the Countess de la Motte, pre- tended Conlidant of Marie Antoinette. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1^67 VoGELL (Dr. Hermann). Light and Photography. See Inter- national Scientific Ser., Vol. 15. VoGT (Dr. Carl) . Lectures on Man : his Place in Creation and in the History of the Earth. Ed. by James Hunt. 8vo. - 1864 Vogue (Marquis de). See Villars. Voice of the Nation. By the Writers of the " Nation " News- paper, Dublin. 2nd ed. r2mo. ----- 1844 Voi-ANT (F.). and Warren (J. R.). Memoirs of Alexis Soyer. 12mo. --------- 1859 Volney (Con,stantin Francois Chassebceuf, Comte de). The Ruins, or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires. 8vo. 17^6 „ View of the United States of America, of Florida, the French Colony of Scioto, certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or Natives. 8vo. ----- 1801 „ Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie pendant 1783-5. 2 vols., 8vo. 1825 „ CEuvres. 8 vols., 8vo. ------- 1826 1. — Notice siir la Vie et les Ecrits de C. F. ^^ohley. Les Kuines, ou Meditation sur les Revolutioii.s des Empires. La Loi Naturelle. Lettre an Docteur Priestley. Discours sur r Etude Philosophique. 2. — Etat Physique de I'Egypte. Etat Politique de I'Egypte. Etat Physique de la Syrie. Etat Politique de la Syrie. 3. — Etat Politique de la Syrie. Etat du Commerce du Levant. Considerations sur la Guerre des Turcs en 1788. 4. — Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Lettre sur les Vents de la Suede et de la Norwege. Eclaircissements. 5, 6. — llecherches Nouvelles sur I'Histoire Ancienno. 7. — Le9ons d'Histoire. Histoire de Samuel. Etat Physique de la Corse. 8. — L'Alphabet Europ^en. Simplification de Langues Orien- tales. L'Helireu Simplifie. Voltaire (Fran9ois Marie Arouet de). OEuvres Completes. Avec Vie [1694-1778], par M. de Condorcet. 62 vols., 8vo. -------. 1775-90 \. — La Henriade, divers autres Poems, et toutes les Pieces relatives a I'EpopeS. 2-10. — Ouvrages Dramatiques. 11. — La Pucelle, Essais. 12, 13. — Melanges de Poesies. 14-17. — Essais sur les Mceurs. 18-20. — SiScle de Louis XIV. et Louis XV. 21.— Histoire de Charles XII. 22. — Hi.stoire de I'Empire sous Pierre le Grand. 23, 24. — Annales de I'Empire. 25-30. — Questions sur I'Encyclopedie. 31, 32. — Romans Philosophiques. 33-37. — Melanges de Litterature, d'J-iistoire, et de Philosophic. 38-40. — Pieces Detachees. 588 VOL— WAG Voltaire (Fnincois Marie Arouet de). Q-^uvivs Completes — continued. 41, 42. — Commentains ^Ul• Corneille. 43-.5o. — Cornspondiinci' Generale. 56-58. — Correspondaiice ilu Roi de Prusse. 59. — CorrespondaiR'e de llniperatrice de Russie, et Ltttres de plusieurs Souverains. 60. 61. — Correspondanee de l>'Aleml>ert. 62. — Vie de Voltaire, par Condorcct. „ La Pucelle d' Orleans : une Poeme en Vingt-et-un Chants. 8vo. . - - 1H16 „ Life. Bv John Morlev. Hvo. 1872 „ See Goldsmif/i (O.), IForks, Yo\. 3. „ ,, By Major-Gen. E. B. Hamley. See BhukHoofVs Foreign Classics. „ Voltaire et la Societe an XVIII' Sieele. Par G. Des- uoiresterres. 8 vols., 12nio. . . . . . ]871 „ Histoire et Description de ce qui a ete Publie sur Voltaire, par I'Art Contemporain. Par G. Desnoiresterres. 4to. 1879 „ See licvclations Incliscretes. „ Le Sottisier de. Publie par L. Leouzon le Due. 8vo. 1880 ,, Voltaire in England. See Collins {J. Churton). „ Correspondence with the Margravine of Baireuth. See Horn (Dr. G.). VosGiEN (H. le). Vingt Ans du Eegne de Napoleon III. 12nio. n d. Voss (Sophie Mario, Countess von). Sixty-nine Years at the Court of Prussia. Trans, bv E. and A. Stephenson. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - ' - - - - - 1876 Voyage en Zigzag in Switzerland and the Tyrol. 5th ed. Ob- long folio --------- 1873 VoYSEY (Rev. Chas.). The Mystery of Pain, Death, and Sin. Svo. - - - I 1892 Vyner (Robert T.). Notitia Venatica: a Treatise on Fox Hunt- ing. New ed. By Wm. C. A. Blew. Royal 8vo. - 1892 VY^'YA^' (Edw. R.). Dover's Annalia Dubrensia. 4to. - - 1878 Waagen (Dr. Gustav F.). Treasures of Art in Great Britain ; being an Account of the Chief Collections. 4 vols., 8vo. --------- 1854-7 „ Handbook of Painting : German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. By Dr. F. T. Kugler. Re-written. 2 parts, 8vo. - -' - 1860 Wage (Master Robert). Le Roman de Ron. A Chronicle of the Xorman Conquest. Trans, by Edgiir Taylor. 8vo. - 1837 Waddell (James). Angelina, and other Poems. By a Carthu- sian. 8vo. --.---.- 1859 Wade (James A.). History of St. Mary's Abbey, Melrose, the Monastery, and the Town and Parish. 12mo. - - 1861 Wade (John). 'I'he Extraordinary Black Book: an Exposition of Abuses in Church and State. Xew ed. 8vo. - - 1832 „ Hi.story of the Middle and Working Classes. 3rd ed. 12mo. - - - - 1835 „ British History chronologically arranged. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1841 Wadstro.m (C. B). Es.say on Colonization. [We.st Africa.] 4to. 1794 Wagneb (Richard). Life. See Engel (X.) WAI— WAL 589 Wainewright (Thos. Grriffith) [Janus Weathercock. A Notorious Poisoner.] E.ssays and Criticisms. With Life. Ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt. 12mo. - - - 1880 Wake (William), Ai'chbishop of Canterbury. The Genuine Epistles of St. Barnabas, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, and the Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp. Trans, with a Pre- liminary Discourse. [1693"!] 5th ed. 8vo. - - 1817 Wakefield (C. M.). Life of Thomas Attwood. Hvo. - - 1885 Wakefield (Edw. Gr.). England and America: a Comparison of both Nations. 2 vols., Hvo. ----- 1833 „ The Art of Colonization. 8vo. ----- 1849 Wakefield (Edw. J.). Adventures in New Zealand, from 1839 to 1844. 2 vols., Hvo. - - - - - - 1845 Wakefield (Eev. Gilbert). [1756-1801.] Memoirs. Ed. by J. T. Rutt and A. Wainewright. 2 vols., Hvo. - *- 1804 „ Correspondence with Charles James Fox [1796-1801], chiefly on Subjects of Classical Literature. 8vo. - - 1813 „ Poetical Translations from the Ancients. 8vo - - - 1815 Walcott (Rev. Mackenzie E. C). Westminster: Memorials of the City, St. Peter's College, the Parish Churches, Palaces, Streets, and Worthies. 8vo. - - - - 1849 ,, William of Wykeham and his Colleges. 8vo. - - - 1852 „ Cathedridia : a Constitutional History of Cathedrals of the Western Church. 8vo. ------ 1865 „ Sacred Archa3olog}- : a Popular Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Art and Institutions. Hvo. ------ 1H6H „ Church Work and Life in Engli.sh Minsters. 2 vols., 12mo. 1879 Waldegrave (^James Waldegrave, 2ud Earl of). Memoirs, from 1754 to 1758. 4to. ------- 1821 Walden (Thomas Netter of). Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri J. Wyclif cum Tritico. Ed. by W. W. Shirley. See Chronicles and Memorials, 5. AValdsteix (Joh., Count). Memoirs of Leonora Chri.'^tina, Daughter of Christian IV. of Denmark. 8vo. - - 1872 Wale (Rev. Henry John). lsl\ Grandfather's Pocket Book [1701-1796]. Hvo. - ■ - - - - - - 1883 Wales (Albert Edward, Prince of). Speeches and Addresses, 1863-88. Hvo. -------- 1H89 „ Tour in India. By W. H. Russell. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1877 Walford (Cornelius). Gilds, their Origin and History. 8vo. - 1888 Walford (Edw.). County Families of the United Kingdom {continued). 8vo. ----- 1873 et seq. ., Greater London. 2 vols., imp. Hvo. . - - . iys4 „ Juvenal. See Blackicood's Ancient Classics. „ Old and New London See Thornbury and Jf alford. Waliszewski (K.). Le Roman d'une Imperatrice. Catherine II. de Russie. Royal Hvo. - - - - - - lHt*3 Walker (Lieut. B. J.). Code of Signals for the LTse of the Mercantile Navy. 2 parts, Hvo. - - - - - 1841 Walker (Clement), M.P. for Wells. Relations and Observations upon the Parliament begun 1640. 4to. ... 1648 „ Anarchia Anglicana, or the History of Independency. 4to. - - - - 1649 „ The High Court of Justice, or Cromwell's New Slaughter- House in England. 4to. ------ 1660 „ „ See Maseres, Tracts. 590 WAL AVai.kkk (Sir Edward), Garter King-at-Arras. Historical Discourses. Folio ------- 1705 1, 2. — Progress ami Success of the Arms of ("harlos I. 1G44-5. 3. — t'harks II. in Scotland. 1650. 4. — Life oi" Thos. Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey. 5. — Answer to " ^lonarcliy or no Monarchy." 6. — On Promotions to Titles since James 1. 7, 8. — Life and Keign of Charles I. Votes, Letters, &c., that passed in the Treaty at Newport. WalkivK (Francis A.). Tho Wages Question. Hvo. - - - 1876 „ Money. 8vo. - - - 1878 „ Money in its Kehitions to Tnule and Industry. 12nio. - 1879 „ Land and its Rent. 12mo. 1883 Walkek (Kev. (too.). Siege of Londonderry. See Bernard (Xich.). Wai.kkr (Ct. a.), Surgeon. Gatherings from Graveyards. AVith a Concise History of the Modes of Interment among different Nations." 8vo. 1830 AValkkr (Rev. Dr. John). Suiferingsof the Clergy of theChureli of England in the late Times of the Grand Rebellion. Folio ------..- 1714 Walkkk (.lohn). Critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the Engli.sh Language. New ed., by B. H. Smart. '8vo. - - 1836 Walker (N.). and Craddock (Thos.). History of Wisbech and the Fens. 8yo. - - - - " - - - - 1849 Wai.kkw (Patrick). Biographia Presbyteriana. 2 vols., 8yo. 1837 1. — Rev. Alexander Pi'den. Eev. Jolm Semple. Rev. John Welwood. Rev. Richard Cameron. 2. — Rev. Donald Cargill. Mr. Walter Smitli. Rev. James Reiiwick. Walker (Thomas). The Original. 8yo. - . . . l^'So „ „ New ed. By Blanchard Jerrold. 2 vols., 8yo. - 1874 Wallace (Alfred R.). Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an Account of the Amazon Valley. With a Map and Illustrations. 8vo. - - -' - - - 1853 Wall.ace (Sir Donald Mackenzie). Rus.sia. 3rd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1877 „ Egypt and the Egyptian Question. 8yo. - - . - 1883 Wallace (George). Nature and Descent of Ancient Peerages connected with the State of Scotland. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1785 Wallace (Robert^ Various Prospects of INIankind, Nature and Provich'Hce. 8yo. ------- 1701 Wallace: an Historical Tragedy, in Five Acts. 8vo. - - 1837 Wallace (Sir William). Acts and Deeds: a Poem. By Blind Harry [13G1]. Together with "Arnold! Blaii" Rela- tione.s." 4to. - - - - - - - - 1758 Wallen (William). The History of the Round Church at Little Maplestead, Essex, formerly belonging to the Knights Hosjjitallers. Preceded by an Historical Sketch of the Cni.sades. 8vo. - - * 1836 Waller (Edm.) [1(505-87]. Poems. See British Poets, Vols. 19, 20. Waller (Horace). The Last Journals of David Liyingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1874 Wallez (M.). Precis Historiciue des Negociations entre la France et Saint Domingue. 8vo. ------ 1826 Wallingford (John). Chronica. Soe Gale and Fe/l, Yo\. 2. Wallingford (Wm.), Abbot of St. Albans. See Chronicles^ 28. WAL 591 Wallixgton (Nehemiali) . Historical N'otices of Events occurring chiefly in the Ileign of Charles I. Ed. from the Original MSS. by R. A. Webb. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1870 Wallis (John). Dendrology: demonstrating that Trees and Vegetables derive their ISTutriment independently of the Earth. 8vo. -------- 1835 Wallis (Sir Prove W.), Admiral of the Fleet. Memoir [1791- 1892]. By Rev. Dr. J. G. Brighton. 8^o. - - -1892 Wallis (Capt. Samuel). Voyage round the World [1766-8]. See Hawkesworth {Dr. John), Vol. 1. WAr.LON (Henri). Jeanne d'Arc. Edition lUustree d'apr^s les Monuments de I'Art. Imp. 8vo. - - - - ^ 1876 „ Ilistoire de TEsclavage dans I'Antiquite. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1879 „ Les Representants du Peuple en Mission et la Justice Revolutionnaire dans les D^partements. 1793-4. 8vo. 1889 Walpole Fauiilv (The) of Houghton. One Generation of. Bv Dr. A.'jessopp. 8vo. '-----' 1879 Walpole (B. C). Recollections of Chas. Jas. Fox. 12mo. - 1806 Walpole (Chas. G.). Short History of Ireland. 2ud ed. 12mo. 1885 Walpole (Hen.). Epitaph of Father Campian. 4to. - - n. d. Walpole (Horatio, Lord). Memoirs [1678-1757]. Bv Arch- deacon Will. Coxe. 2 vols., 8vo. - - * - - 1820 Walpole (Horatio), 4th Earl of Orford. Works. 5 vols., 4to. - 1798 1. — Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, including Mysterious Mother: a Tragedy. Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors of England. 2. — Castle of Otranto. Historic Doubts on Richard III. .(Edes AValpolianse : Description of Pictures at Houghton. Thoughts on Tragedy and Comedy. Detection of a late Forgery. Life of Rev. Thomas Baker. Description of Strawberry Hill. Observation on Modern Gardening. Address on the Dismission of Marshal Conway. 3. — Anecdotes of Painting in England. 4. — -Catalogue of Engravers. Papers relative to Chatterton. Quarrel between Hume and Rousseau. Reminiscences, 1788. Parody on Chesterfield. Criticisms on Johnson. Miscellaneous Verses. Prologues and Epilogues. Epi- grams. 5. — Letters to and from various Persons, 1740-96. „ A Catalogue of the Royal and N^oble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland. With Lists of their Works. 5 vols., 8vo. -------- 1806 „ Anecdotes of Painting in England ; with a Catalogue of Engravers. Collected by George Vertue, with Additions by the Rev. J. Dallawav. N'ew ed., by R. N". Wornum. 3 vols., 8vo. --'--.--- 1849 „ Memoirs of the last Ten Years of the Reign of George II. 2 vols., 4to. - - - - - - - - 1822 „ Memoirs of the Reign of King George II. Ed. by Lord Holland. 3 vols., '8vo. -' - - - - - 1846 „ Memoirs of the Reign of King George III. Ed. by Sir Denis le Marchant. 4 vols., 8vo. . . - - 1845 „ Journal of the Reign of King George III., from 1771 to 1783. Ed. by Dr. Doran. 2 vols.", 8vo. - - - 1859 „ Private Correspondence. 4 vols., 8vo. . - . - 1820 „ Letters to Sir Horace Mann, British Envov at the Court of Tuscany. Ed. by Lord Dover. 2nd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1833 „ Letters, Chronologicnllv Arranged. Ed. by Peter Canning- ham. 9 vols., 8vo. ...'..- 1857-8 592 WA L— WAR Wam'Ole (Horatio), Itli Earl of Orford — continued. „ Mi'iiioir. With Appt'iulix of Bo(»ks priiittil at the Straw- lienv Hill Press. By Austin Dobsoii. 12ino. - - 1S03 ,, Memoirs. Sec Jesse {J. //.), h'foiii' (John), Whitelaw (Rev. Jas.), and Walsh (Rev. Robert). History of the City of Dublin. 2 vols., 4to. - 1818 Warburton (William), Bishop of Gloucester. Works. With Life. Ed. by Bishop Hurd. 12 vols., 8vo. - - -1811 I. Life. The Divine Legation of Moses. 2-6. The Divine Legation. 7. The Alliance between Church and State ; or, the Necessity of an Established Religion. 8. Julian's Attempt to Rebuild the Temple. The Doctrine of Grace. 9. 10. The Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. II, 12. Commentary on Pope's Essay on Man. Controversial Tracts. „ Life [1698-1779]. By the Rev. J. S. Watson. 8vo. - 1863 Ward (Adolphus Wni.). The House of Austria in the Thirty Years' War. Small 8vo. 1869 „ Chaucer. See English Men of Letters. Ward (Artemus) [Chas. F. Brown]. His Book. 8vo. - - 1865 Ward (John). Experiences of a Diplomatist; being Recollections of Germany [1840-70]. 8vo. - - ' - - - 1872 Ward (Rev. John). Diary from 1648-79. Ed. by Dr. Chas. Severn. 8vo. - - - 1839 Ward (Mary Augusta) [Mrs. Humphrey Ward]. Robert Els- mere : a Novel. 12mo. ------ lygo Ward (Rev. Nath.). The Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America, 1647. See Force Tracts, Vol. 3. Ward (Robert Plumer). A Treatise of the Relative Rights and Duties of Belligerent and Neutral Powers in Maritime Affairs. New ed. with Appendix. 8vo. - - - 1875 „ An Historical Essay on the Real Character of the Revolution of 1688. 2vols., 8vo. - ------ 1838 „ Memoirs of his Life [1765-1846]. By the Hon. Edmund Phipps. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1850 Ward (Thomas). England's Reformation, from the Time of Henry VIII. to the End of Oates' Plot : a satirical Poem. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. ------ 1719 Ward (Thos. Humphry). Men of the Reign of Queen Victoria. 12mo. --------- 1885 Ward (Wm. Geo.) Philosophy of Theism. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1884 „ Wm. Geo. Ward and the Oxford Movement. By Wilfrid Ward. 2nd ed. 8vo. .--.-. 1^90 Warden (David B.). Statistical Account of the United States of America. 3 vols., 8vo. .--..- 1819 Wardle (Gwyllym L.). Report of the Proceedings against H.R.H. the Duke of York, February and March, 1802, before the House of Commons. 8vo. - - - - 1809 „ „ Stratford's Authentic Edition. With the Official Papers and the Debates at large. 2 vols., 12mo. - • 1809 Waring (John B.). Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculp- ture at the International Exhibition, 1862. 300 Plates. 3 vols., folio -------- 1863 p. 3104. P P 594 WAR— WAS Warkworth's Chronicio, from 1 161-74. See Camden Soc, 10. Warne (Charles). Ancit-ut Dorset; the Celtic, Roman, Saxon and Danish Antiquities: with the Ethnology by Dr. T. \V. W. Smart. Folio 1872 „ Celtic Tuuiuli of Dorset. Folio ----- 1866 Warner (Charles Diulley). On Horseback in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tenessee. 12ino. ----- 1889 Warner (Francis). Physical Expression : its Modes and Principles. See International Scientijic Ser., 52. Warner (Hen. W.). The Liberties of America. 8vo. - - 1856 Warner (Rev. Richard). History of the Abbey of Glaston, and of the Town of Glastonbury. 4to. - - - -1826 Warnes (John). On the Cultivation of Flax, and the Fattening of Cattle with Native Produce. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 184'; Warren (Les Comtes de). Annales et Portraits deFamille, 940- 1879. 8vo. -.---.-. 187:) Warren (Samuel). Works. 5 vols., 12mo. - - - 1854-5 1. — Diary of a late Physician. 2, 3. — Ten Thousand a Year. 4. — Now and Then. The Lily and the Bee. Development of the Present Age. 5. — Miscellanies. Wartensleben (Count H. von). The Campaign of 1870-1 : Operations of the First Army. Trans, by Col. C. H. von Wright. 8vo. l!^73 Warton (Rev. Dr. Joseph). [1722-1800.] See British Poets, Vol. 68. Warton (Rev. Dr. Thomas), Poet Laureate. Poetical Works. 5th ed. With Life [1728-90] and Writings, by Bishop Rich. Mant. 2 vols., 8vo. 1802 „ „ See British Poets, Vol. 68. „ Hi.story and Antiquities of Kiddington, Oxfordshire. 3rd ed. 4to. 1815 „ History of English Poetry. With Notes, by Rit.son, Ashby, Douce, and Park. 4 vols., 8vo. ----- 1S24 „ „ New ed. By W. C. Hazlitt. 4 vols., 8vo. - 1871 Warwick and Leamington : an Historical and Descriptive Account. 8vo. - - 1818 Warwick (Sir Philip). Memoires of the Reign of King Charles I. With a Continuation to the Restauration of King Charles IL 2nd ed. Small 8vo. - - - - 1702 Warwick (Richard Nevill, Earl of), The " King Maker." Life [1420-71]. By C. W. Oman. See English Men of Action. Washbourn (John). Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis. Tracts relating to Gloucester during the Civil War. 4to. - - . 1825 Washbourne (Rev. Dr. Thomas). Poems. Ed. by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. 8vo. (Privately printed.) - - - 1868 Washburne (Elihu B.). Recollections of a Minister to France. [1869-77.] 8vo. 1887 Washington, Treaty of. 5 vols., 8vo. 1872 1-4. — Geneva Arbitration. — " Alabama " Claims. 6. — Berlin Arbitration. — The San Juan Boundary Question. Washington (George), 1st President U.S.A. Writings; Iteinghis Correspondence, Addresses, and Messages. With Life, by Jared Sparks. 12 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1847-52 „ His Rules of Civility. Ed. by M. D. Conway. r2mo. -1890 WAS— WAT 595 Washington (G-eorge), 1st President U.S.A. — continued. „ Letters of Eminent Men to. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1883 „ Correspondence witli General Lamb. See Lamh. „ Life [1732-99]. By John Marshall. 5 vols., 4to. - 1804-7 „ Recollections and Private Memoirs of. By G. W. P. Custis With a Memoir of the Anthor. 8vo. - - - 1860 „ Life. By Washington L'ving. 5 vols, in 3, 12mo. - 1855-72 „ Histoire de, et de la Fondation des Etats-Unis. Par Cornelis de Witt. Precedee d'une Etude Historique, par M. Guizot. 8vo. - - 1855 Watering Places of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols., 12mo. - 1891 Vol. 1.— Inland. Vol. 2.— Seaside. Waterloo Letters. By Officers who served in the Campaign. Ed. by Major.-Gen. H. T. Siborne. 8vo. - - - 1891 Waters (Mrs. C. E.). See Clement (Miss C. E.). Watebton (Charles) . Essays on Natural History, chiefly Ornitho- logical. With an Autobiography. 3 vols., 12mo. 1854-7 „ Natural History Essays. Ed., Avith a Life of the Author, by Norman Moore. 8vo. 1870 Watkins (John). Life, Poetry, and Letters of Ebenezer Elliott, the Corn Law Rhymer. 8vo. . . . . . 1850 Watkins (Dr. John). Investigation into the Mysterious Case of EHzabeth Penning. 8vo. 1815 „ Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 2 vols., 8vo. ... - 1818 Watson (Elkanah), Memoirs of ; or. Men and Times of the Revolu- tion. With Journals of Travels, 1777-1842. Ed. by Winslow C. Watson. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - . . 1856 Watson (Geo.) [Pseudonym of Geo. Watson Taylor]. England Preserved. See Inchbald, Modern Plays, 8. Watson (James) : a Memoir of the Days of the Fight for a Free Press. By W. J. Linton. 8vo. 1880 Watson (Dr. John Forbes). The Textile Manufactures and Costumes of the People of India. With Plates. Folio - 1867 Watson (Rev. John Selby). Life of Rich. Porson. 8vo. - - 1861 „ Life of William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester. 8vo. - 1863 „ Biographies of Wilkes and Cobbett. 8vo. ... 1870 Watson (Musgrave Lewthwaite), Sculptor. Life and Works [1804-47]. By Henry Lonsdale. Small 4to. - -1866 Watson (Richard), Bishop of Llandaff. Anecdotes of his Life, written by Himself. Ed. by R. Watson. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1818 Watson (Rev. Dr. Robert). The History of Philip 11. of Spain. 4th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. 1785 Watson (Rev. Dr. Robert) and Thomson (Dr. Wra.). The History of Philip HI. of Spain [1548-98]. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. 1786 Watson (Robert Grant). History of Persia, 1800-58. 8vo. -1866 „ Spanish and Portuguese South America during the Colonial Period. 2 vols., 8vo. 1884 Watson (Thomas). Passionate Centurie of Love [1581J. See Spenser Sac. Watson (Sir Thomas). Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1857 Watson (William). An Historical Account of the Port of Wisbech, Cambridge, and of the Fens. 8vo - - 1827 Watt (James). | 1736-1819.] The Origin and Progress of his Mechanical Inventions. By Jas. Patrick Muirhead. 3 vols., 4to. 1854 p p 2 596 WAT— WEB Watt (James) and Murdoch (William). The Earliest Loco- motive. 12m<>. (Privately i)iiiite(l.) - - - - 1889 Watt (Robert). Trial for Hi<;h Treason. 8vo. - - - 1836 „ Life and Trial of. See Scottish Reformers. Watt (Dr. Robert). Ribliotheea Britannica ; or, a General Index to Briti.sh and Foreign Literature. In 2 parts : Authors and Subjects. 4 vols., 4to. 1824 Watt (Wm.). Depression of Trade. See Pears' Prize Essay. Watts (Francis). Bulletins of Campaigns, and other State Intelligence, from 1793 to 1851. 48 vols., 12mo. - - v. Y. Watts (Henry). Dictionary of Chemi.stry. With Supplements. 8 vols, in 9, 8vo. ....-- 1872-81 „ „ Revi.setl and re-written by H. F. Morley and M. M. Pattison Muir. Vols. 1-3 {continued). 8vo.- - 1888-92 Watts (Mrs. Howitt). See Hoiritt-jratts. Watts (Rev. Dr. Isaac). Works, Theological and Poetical, with Memoir [1674-1748] by the Rev. G. Burder. 6 vols., 4to. 1810 „ See British Poets, Vols. 45, 46. Waugh (Rev. Francis G.). List of Members of the Athenaeum Club from its Foundation [1824-88]. 12mo. - -1888 Waurin or Wavrin (Jehan de). Recueil des Croniques de la Grant Bretaigne. See Chronicles, 39. „ Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England. Albina to 688. Ed. and Trans, by Sir William Hardy. See Chronicles, 40. Way (Gregory Lewis). Fabliaux de P. J. B. le Grand d'Aussy. Trans, into Engli.sh Verse. 3 vols., 8vo. . - - 1816 Waynflete (Wm. of), Bishop of Winchester [1447], Lord Chancellor [1456], Founder of Magdalen College, Oxford. Life. By R. Chandler. 8vo. - - - 1811 Weatherby (C.) and Weatherby (J.). The Racing Calendar (continued) ...... 1836 etseq. Weathercock (Janus). See JVainetcriijht {T. G.). Webb (Alfred). Compendium of Iri.sh Biography. 8vo. - - 1878 Webb (Rev. Thos. W.). Memorials of the Civil War, as it affected Herefordshire and the adjacent Counties. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1879 Webbe (Wm.). Discourse of English Poetrie, 1586. See Jlasle- tvood (J.), Vol. 2. Weber (Carl Maria von). Life. By his Son, Baron von Weber. Trans, by J. Palgrave Simpson. 2 vols., 8vo. 1865 Weber (G.). Allgemeine Weltgeschichte. 15 vols., 8vo. - 1857-80 Weber (Wm. E.). Corpus Poetaruin Latinorum. 2 vols., 8vo. 1831-3 Webster (Daniel). Speeches and Forensic Arguments. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1835 „ Private Life [1782-1852]. By Charles Lanman. 8vo. - 1857 Webster (Edw.). The Triune ; or, the Xew Religion. 8vo. -1867 Webster (John). Dramatic AVorks [1607 et seq.]. Ed. by Wm. Hazlitt. 4 vols., 12mo. 1857 1. — Sir Thomas Wyat. AVestward Hoe. Northward Hoe. 2.— White Devil. Duchess of Malfy. 3. — The Devil's Law Case. Appius and Virginia. Monuments fif Honor. A Monumental Column. Odes. 4. — Cure for a Cuckold. Induction to the Malcontent. Thracian Wonder. The Weakest goeth to the Wall. „ White Devil. See Dodsley, Vol. 6 ; Appius and Virginia. See Dilke, Vol. 5. WEB— WEL 697 Webster (Dr. Noah) . Essays and Fugitive Writings on Historical and Literary Subjects. 8vo. 1790 „ American Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols., 4to. 1832 ,, „ Eevised by Chancey A. Goodrich. 4to. - - I860 „ „ Ed. by Dr. N'oah Porter. 4to. - - - - 1890 Webster (Wm. B.). Ireland as a Field for Investment for Resi- dence. 2nded. 12mo. IS/^S Webster's Royal Red Book {coutiniied) - - - 1848 et seq. Wedderburn (Sir David). Life. Compiled from his Journals b}' his Sister, Mrs. E. H. Percival. 8vo. - - - 1884 Wedgwood (Hensleigh). Dictionary of English Etymology. 2uded. 8vo. 1872 Wedgwood (Josiah). Life [1730-95]. With a Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England. By Eliza Meteyard. 2 vols., 8vo. - - ' l865-r> Wedgwoods (The Younger). Records of them and their Friends [1795-1815]. By Eliza Meteyard. 8vo. - - - 1871 Wednesday's Club. Inquiry into the state of the Union of Great Britain. 8vo. I7l7 Weever (John). Ancient Funeral Monuments in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent : with the dissolved Monasteries. Folio - - - - - - -1631 Weigall (Lady Rose Sophia M.). Memoir of Princess Charlotte of Wales. With Selections from her Correspondence. 8vo. 1874 Weir (Eliz.). German-English and English-German Dictionary. 8vo. - 1882 AVeir (George). History of Horncastle, Lincolnshire. 4to. - 1820 Weismann (Dr. Aug.). Essays on Heredity. Ed. by E. B. Poulton, S. Schonland," and A. E. Shipley. 8vo. - - 1889 Weiss (Charles). History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Trans, by Fred. Hardman. 8vo. - - - - - - 1854 Weiss (Rev. John). Life of Rev. Theo. Parker. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1863 Weiss (M.). Biographic Univer.selle, ou Dictionnaire Historique, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 6 vols., 8vo.- - 1841 Weld (Chas. Rich.). History of the Royal Society. With Memoirs of the Presidents. 2 vols., 8vo. . - . 1848 Weld (Isaac). Travels through North America during 1795-7. 2nd ed., with Plates. 2 vols., 8vo. .... 1799 „ Statistical Survey of the County of Roscommon. 8vo. - 1832 Weldon (Sir Anthony). The Court and Character of King James [1650]. See Smeeton's Tracts, 5. Welford (Richard). History of Newcastle and Gateshead in the 14th and 15th Centuries. 8vo. . - - - - 1884 Welford (Robt. G.). Free Trade in Corn. 8vo. - - -1843 Wellcome (Henry S.). Story of Metlakahtla, Canada. 12mo. - 1887 Wellesley (Richard Cowley, Marquess). Memoirs and Corre- spondence [1760-1842]. By R. R. Pearce. 3 vols., 8vo. 1846 „ Historic Portrait of. By W. M. Torrens. 8vo. - - 1880 „ Life. By the Rev. W. H. Hutton. See Rulers of India. „ See Anti-Jacobin. Wellhausen (Julius). Prolegomena to the History of Israel. Trans, by J. Sutherland Black and Dr. A. Menzies. With a Preface by Prof. W. Robertson Smith. 8vo. - 1885 598 WEL— WES Wellington (.Vrthtir Wollosloy, 1st Duke of). Despatches from 1799tolS15. Ed. by Colonel Garwood. 13 vols., 8vo. 1837-9 Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Coun- tries, and France. „ „ Supplementiiry Despatches. Ed. by his Son, the 2nd Duke of Wellington. 15 vols., 8vo. - - 1858-72 India, Ireland, Denmark, Spanish America, Spain, and Por- tugal. „ General Orders, 1809-18. By Colonel Garwood. 8vo. - 1837 „ Waterloo. Par Lt.-Col. Charras. 8vo. - - - - 1857 „ Attempt on the Life of, February 1818. See Napoleon I., Bequest to Cant il Ion. „ Conversations with, 1831-51. By Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope. 12mo. 1888 „ Speeches in Parliament. Collected and arranged by Colonel Garwood. 2 vols., 8vo. 1854 „ Letters to Miss J**, 1834-51. Ed. by C. T. Herrick. 12mo. 1890 „ Life. By M. Brialmont. With Additions, by Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols., 8vo. 1858-60 „ Life. By G. Hooper. See English Men of Action. „ Private Correspondence with Thomas Raikes. See Raikes. Wells (James W.). Throe Thousand Miles through Brazil (Rio de Janeiro to Maranhao). 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1886 Wells (Samuel). The History of the Drainage of Bedford Level. 2 vols., 8vo. 1830 „ Revenue and Expenditure of the L^nited Kingdom. 8vo. - 1834 „ State of the National Finances. 8vo. . - - - 1842 Welsby (W. X.). Lives of Eminent English Judges, 17th and 18th Centuries. 8vo. 1846 Welsh (Alf. H.). Development of English Literature and Lan- guage. 2 vols., 8vo. - - " 1883 Welsh (Charles). Life of John Newbery, a Bookseller of the last Century. 12mo. 1885 Welsted (Leonard). [1689-1747.] Works, in Verse and Prose. With Memoirs of the Author, by John Nichols. 8vo. 1787 The Triumvirate : a Satirical Poem on Gay, Arbuthnot and Pope. The Dissembled Wanton : a Comedy. Epistles, Odes, &c. Welwood (Dr. James). Memoirs of Transactions in England, for the Hundred Years preceding the Revolution in 1688. Newed. 8vo. 1820 Welwood (John), A Covenanter. Life. See JValker (P.). Wendover (Roger de). Chronicle. See Chronicles and Me- jnorials, 84 ; also Mattheio Paris. Wentworth Papers, l705-,39. The Correspondence of Thos. Wentworth, Lord Raby, afterwards Earl of Strafford. With Memoir and Xotes by J. J. Cartwright. 8vo. - 1883 Werburge of Chester (Saint). By Henry Bradshaw. See Early English Text Soc, 36. Wertueimeu (John). The law relating to Clubs. 12mo. - - 1885 Wesley (Rev. Charles). Eupolis: Hymn to the Creator. See British Poets, Vol. 88. Wesley (Rev. John). Works. 3rd ed. 14 vols., 8vo. - - 1829 1-4.— Journal, Oct. 14, 1735— Oct. 24, 1790. 5-7. — Sermons on Several Occasions. 8. — Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion. Account of the People called Methodists. Papers of Methodism. WES 599 Wesley (Rev. John). Works — continued. 9. — Letters ou Methodism. Doctrine of Original Sin. 10. — Letters and Papers on Eoman Catholics. 11. — Earthquake at Lisbon. Public Aifairs. Life of Rev. John Fletcher. 12, 13. — Letters to various Persons. 14. — Short Grammars: English, French, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Compendium of Logic. Letters. Index. „ Life [1703-91]. See Southey. „ Life and Times. By the Rev. L. Tyerman, 3 vols., 8vo. 1H80 „ Life. By the Rev. J. H. Overton. 12mo. - - - 1891 Wesley (Rev. Samuel). Life and Times. By the Rev. L. Tyerman. 8vo. 1866 AVessely (J. E.). English-Italian and Italian-English Dic- tionary. 16mo. 1884 Wessely (J. E.) and Girones (A.). English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary. 16mo. - - - . 1884 West (Sir Benjamin), President R.A. Catalogue of the Paint- ings of. 8vo. - - - - - - - -N. D. „ Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures in Kensington Palace. See Faulkner (T.). West (Dr. Gilbert). See British Poets, Vol. 34. „ Odes of Pindar. See British Poets, Vol. 89. ,, Memoirs of. See Jesse (J. If.), Etonians, Vol. 1. West (James). Signs of Old Lombard Street. See Price {F. G. H.). West (John). History of Tasmania. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1852 West (Richard), Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Origin and Manner of Creating Peers. 8vo. ------ 1782 „ Essays of Wit and Humour. See Freethinker (The). „ Memoirs. See Jesse (J. H.), Etonians, Vol. 1. West (Thomas). The Antiquities of Furness. 4to. - - - 1774 Westbury (Richard Bethell, Lord). Life [1800-73]. By T. A. Nash. 2 vols., 8vo. - . - - . i888 Westcote (Thomas). Devonshire in 1630. With Pedigrees. Ed. by the Rev. Geo. Oliver and Pitman Jones. Fcap. 4to. 1845 Westermarck (Edw.) History of Human Marriage. 8vo. - 1891 Western Martyrology ; or, Bloody Assizes, 1678. With the Life of Lord Jeffreys. 5th ed. 8vo. ----- 1705 Westgarth (William). The Colony of Victoria. 8vo. - - 1864 „ Tracks of McKinlay and Party across Australia. Ed. from the Journal of John Davis. 8vo. - . . . 1863 „ Half a Century of Australasian Progress. 8vo. - - 1889 West Indies and Florida as Places of Resort for Northern In- valids. 8vo. -------- 1839 Westminster Abbey. The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers. By Jos. Lemuel Chester. Private ed. 8vo. - - 1876 Westminster Club, afterwards the Westminster Reform Club. List of Members, and Minute Book of the Committee, from its Foundation, Mar. 7th, 1834, to its Dissolution, May 9th, 1838. Folio 1834-8 Westminster Drolleries [1671-2] : a Collection of Songs and Poems sung at Court and Theatres. (Reprint.) Ed. by the Rev. J. Woodfall Ebsworth. 12mo. - - 1875 Westminster Elections, 1741, 1749, 1784, 1819, 1837, 1841, Accounts of, and Papers relating to. Svo. - - 1741-1841 600 WES— WHE "Westminster Rtview. [Including " London Review," 2 vols., and " London and Westminster Review," 7 vols.] 56 vols., 8vo. - - 1824-51 „ New Series. 72 vols., 8vo. 1852-86 Westminster School RrgisttT, 1764-1883. Ed., with Biogra- phicnl Xott's, bv G. F. Russell Barker and Alan H. Sttiuiiiij;. Royid 8vo. ...-.- 1892 Westropp (Hodder M.). Handbook of Archasology : Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman. 8vo. ----- 1867 Westwood (John Obadiah) . Palreographia Sacra : Illustrations of the Bible, from Illuminated MS. 14th to 16th Cen- turies. 4to. -------- 1845 „ Lai)idarium AVallias : the Early Inscribed and Sculptured Stones of Wales. 4to. ----- 1876-9 We Y (Francis). Rome: Description et Souvenirs. 346Gravures et un Plan. 4to. 1872 Wetland (John). The Principles of Population and Produc- tion. 8vo. --.-.--. 1816 Wharton (Francis). Digest of the International Law of the United States. 3 vols., 8vo. ----- 1887 Wharton (Rev. Henrv). Archbishop Laud's Troubles and Trials. Folio ' 1695 „ Life [1664-95]. See D'Oyly (Rev. Br. G.), and Sancroft (Archbp.). Wharton (Philip Wharton, Duke of). Life and Writings. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1732 1.— Memoirs [1698-1731]. "True Briton," 1-37. 2. — "True Briton," 38-74. .Speech on the Third Reading of the Bill to inflict Pains and Penalties on Bishop Atterbury, May 15, 1723. [Printed 1724.] „ Select and Authentick Pieces. 8vo. - - - - 1731 1. Speech on the Bill for inflicting Penalties on Bishop Atter- bury. 2. Protest on that Occa^iion. 3. Letter to the Bishop in the Tower. 4. Letters in Mist's Journal, o. Reasons for Espousing the Cause of James III. 6. Letter from Wolfe, the Printer, to Sir R[obert] W[alpole]. Whately (Richard), Archbishop of Dublin. Lectures on Political Economy [1831]. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - . - 1832 „ Thoughts on Secondary Punishments and Transportation to New South Wales. 8vo. . - . - 1832-4 Elements of Logic. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1840 Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. 8vo. - 1849 Elements of Rhetoric. 6th ed. 8vo. - - - - 1841 Selection of English Synonyms. 2nd ed. Small 8vo. - 1852 Life and Correspondence [1787-IS63]. Bv E. Jane Whately. 2 vols., 8vo. ---".-- 1866 Wheatley (Henry B.). Round about Picciidilly and Pall Mall : a Retrospect of Changes in the Court End of London. 8vo. 1870 „ What is an Index ? See Index Soc, 1. „ Notes on the Life of John Payne Collier ; with a List of his Works. 12mo. - - - - - - - - 1884 „ Samuel Pepys and the World he lived in. (Many Portraits inserted.) 12mo. ---..-- 1880 y London Past and Present. (Founded on Cunningham's Hand-book.) 3 vols., 8vo. - ----- 1891 WHE— WHi eoi Wheatly (Rev. Charles) . A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. ..-..- 1839 Wheaton (Henry). Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney. 8vo. 1826 „ Elements of International Law. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1836 Wheeler (John H.). Historical Sketches of North Carolina [1584-1851]. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1851 Wheeler (J. Talboys). History of India. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1867-74 Wheeler (William A.). Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction. Small 8vo. - - - - 1866 Wheelwright (H. W.). Ten Years in Sweden. By "An Old Bushman." 8vo. 1865 „ A Spring and Summer in Lapland. Crown 8vo. - - 1871 Wheler (R. B.). Historical Account of the Birthplace of Shakes- peare. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps - - - 1863 Whethamstede (John), Abbot of St. Albans. Chronicle [1441- 61]. See Chronicles, 28. Whetstone (George), Poet. Life, Death, and Divine Vertues of Frauncis, Earle of Bedford, and S. Frauncis, Lord Russell [1585]. See Park's Heliconia, Vol. 2. Whewell (Rev. Dr. William). History of the Inductive Sciences. 3 vols., 8vo. ....---. 1837 „ The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1840 „ Astronomy and General Physics considered with Reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatise.) 8vo. - 1839 „ Architectural Notes on German Churches ; Avith Notes written during a Tour in Picardy and Normandy. 3rd ed., by M. F. de Lassaulx. 8vo. 1842 „ Elements of Morality. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1845 „ Lectures on Systematic Morality [1846]. 8vo. - - 1846 „ Plurality of Worlds. 2nd ed. 12mo. .... 1854 „ Account of his Writings by I. Todhunter. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1876 Whibley (Chas.). In Cap and Gown. Three Centuries of Cam- bridge Wit. 12mo. 1889 Whibley (L.). Political Parties in Athens during the Pelopon- nesian War. See Cambridge Hist. Essays, 1. Whig Club ; or, a Sketch of Modern Patriotism. 8vo. - - 1794 Whig Guide. 12mo, 1819 Whigs and Tories. By a Country Gentleman. 8vo. - - - 1841 Whigs Unmasked. 8vo. - - - - - - - -1713 Secret History of the Calf's Head Club. [By Edw. Ward.] — Several Characters. By Sir John Denman. — Vindication of the Royal Martyr. By Sam. Butler. Whipple (Edwin P.). Essays and Reviews. 2 vols., small 8vo. 1868 Whist. Short Whist. By Major A. [C. B. Coles]. 16mo - 1839 „ Laws and Practice. By Caelebs [E. A. Carlyon]. 12mo. - 1856 „ Whist or Bumblepuppy? By Pembridge [Dr. Hewby]. 12mo. 1880 „ See Cavendish. Whistler (Jas. Abbott McNeill), List of 84 Etchings by. 12mo. [1893] „ Illustrations by. See Gosse {E. W.). Whiston (Rev. William). Sermons and Essays. 2 vols., Svo. 1709-13 „ New Theory of tne Earth. 8vo. 1772 „ Life. Written by Himself. 3 parts in 2 vols., Svo. - 1749-50 Whitaker (Rev. John). The Genuine History of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1773 602 WHI "WniTAKER (Joseph). Whitakor's Almanack (continued) 1870 et seq. WuiTAKEu (Rev. Dr. Thos. Duuham). History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, in the County of York. 2nded. 4to. 1812 „ Leeds. 2nd ed. 2 vols., folio 1816 Loidis and Elmete ; or, an Attempt to Illustrate the Districts descrilx>d in those Words by Bede. Ducatus Ltodicnsis ; or, the Topography of Leedes and Parts Adjacent. Ey Kalph Thoresby. With Catalogue of his iluseum. „ History of Whalley and Clitheroe, in Lancaster and York, and an Account of Cartmell. 3rd ed. 4to. - - - 1818 „ History of llichmondshire, N. Riding of Yorkshire. 2 vols., folio 1823 Whitakeu (Rev. Dr. Wm.). Disputation against the Papists. See Parke)- Soc. Whitbread (Samuel). Facts and Anecdotes relating to his Latter Days and Death [Gth July, 1815]. By Francis Phippen. 2nd ed. 8vo. 1815 „ Tributes of the Public Press to the Memory of. Collected by William Hone. 8vo. 1815 WuiTE (Lieut. A.). State of British India. 8vo. - - - 1822 White (Rev. Gilbert). The Natural History and Antiquities of Selbome. New ed., with Notes, by E. T. Bennett. 8vo. 1837 „ „ Ed. by Thomas Bell. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1877 „ Ed. by J. E. Harting. 8th ed. 8vo. - - - 1890 White (Henry). The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, Aug. 1572; with a History of the Religious Wars in the Reign of Charles IX. 8vo. - - 1868 White (Henry Kirke). Remains. With an Account of his Life [1785-1800], by Robert Southey. 6th ed. 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. 1813-22 White (Rev. Jas.). The Eighteen Christian Centuries. 8vo. - 1859 White (J. Blanco). Letters from Spain. 8vo. . . . 1822 White (Rev. John T.) and Riddle (J. E.). Latin-English Dic- tionary. Imp. 8vo. ------- 1880 White (Walter). A Londoner's Walk to the Land's End, and a Trip to the Scilly Isles. 8vo. ----- 1855 „ A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, and Silesia. 8vo. - 1857 „ Month in Yorkshire. Small 8vo. ----- 1858 „ Northumberland and the Border. 8vo. - - - - 1859 „ Eastern England, from the Thames to the Humber. 2 vols., 12mo. 1865 „ All Round the Wrekin. 2nd ed. 12mo. - - - - 1880 White (William). Emanuel Swedenborg : his Life and Writings. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1867 Whitefield or Whitfield (Rev. George) [Methodist Preacher]. Life [1714-70]. By the Rev. L. Tyerman. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876 Whitehead (Charles). A Forgotten Genius. By H. T. Mackenzie Bell. 12mo. 1885 Whitehead (Charles). Agricultural and Horticultural Papers. 2 vols., 8vo. 1875-1892 1. Exhibition of Implements at Taunton. Report on Exhibition of Hops at Kilburn. Fruit-growing in Kent. WHI 603 Whitehead (Charles). Agricultural and Horticultural Papers — continued. Vol. 1. — continued. Hops ; from the Set to the Sky-lights . Live Stock at Derby. Agriculture of Kent. Hop Cultivation. Evil Influences of Entail and Settlement on Agriculture. Progress of Fruit-farming. Hop Failure of 1882. Fruit-farming in Kent. Mould or Mildew of Hop Plants. 2. Report on Insects and Fungi Injurious to Crops. Fifty Years of Fruit-Farming. Third Annual Report on Insects and Fungi. Hints on Vegetable and Fruit-fiirming. Methods of Preventing Attacks of Insects and Fungi. „ Reports to the Agricultural Department. 8vo. - - 1885-7 Reports on Insects Injurious to Hop Plants, Corn Crops, and Fruit Crops. 1885. Report on the Hessian Fly. 1887. Report of the Agricultural Adviser to the Committee of Council for Agriculture. 1887. Report on Rust or Mildew on Wheat Plants. 1892. Report on Insects and Fungi Injurious to Crops, 1892. 1893. Hop Cultivation. 1893. „ Profitable Fruit-farming : an Essay written for the Company of Fruiterers. 8vo. ------- 1884 Whitehead (Chas.) and Johnson (Capt. Charles). Lives and Exploits of English Highwaymen, Pirates, and Robbers. 12mo. 1842 Whitehead (Wm.). Roman Father. See Inchbald, British Theatre, 14. Whitehouse (Cope). The Raiyan Project [A Storage Reservoir for the Nile]. Folio ------- 1891 Whitehurst (Felix M.). My Private Diary during the Siege of Paris. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - - 1875 Whitelocke (Sir Bulstrode). Memorials of the English Affairs, from the Beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. to the Restoration. New ed. Folio - . . - 1732 „ Notes upon the King's Writt for choosing Members of Parliament, xii. Car. II. 2 vols., 4to. - - - - 1766 „ Journal of the Swedish Embassy in 1653 and 1654. 2 vols., 4to. - - 1772 „ Memoirs [1605-76]. By R. H. Whitelocke. 8vo. - - 1860 Whitelocke (Sir James), Judge, King's Bench, James I., Charles I. Liber Famelicus. See Camden Soc, 70. Whiteside (Right Hon. Jas.), Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. Early Sketches of Eminent Persons. 8vo. - - - 1870 Whitgift (John), Archbishop of Canterbury. Works. See Parker Soc. „ Verses on the Case of. By Thos. Churchyard. See Heliconia, Vol. 3. Whitman (Walter) [Walt. Whitman]. Leaves of Grass. 8vo. 1872 „ Specimen Days and Collect. 8vo. ----- 1883 „ See Stevenson (X.). Whitmore (Wm. Hen.). Memoir of Sir E. Andros. 4to. - 1868 Whitney (Wm. D.). The Life and Growth of Language. See International Scientijic Ser., Vol. 16. 604 WHI— WTL Whittier (John Greenleaf) [Poet and Journalist]. Life and Writings. By W. S. Kennedy. 12mo. - - - 1882 Whittingham (Wni.), Dean of Durham. Life. See Camden Soc, Vol. 6. Whittington (Richard), Lord Mayor of London. See Liber Albiis. Whitty (Edward M.). The Governing Classes of Great Britain : Political Portraits. 8vo. 1859 WniTTY (J. M.). Koliert Emmet. Small 8vo. - - - N. D. Whitwoktii (Charles AVhitwortli, Lord). Russia in 1710. 12mo. Strawberry Hill 1758 Whitworth (Geo. C). Anglo-Indian Dictionary. 8vo. - - 1885 Whitwortii (Sir Joseph). 'J'he Report of the Armstrong and Whitworth Committee. Small folio - - - - 186G „ Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects : Guns and Steel. 8vo. 1873 Who's Who ? {continued) 1858 et seq. Whymper (Edward). The Ascent of the Matterhorn. 8vo. - 1880 „ Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator; with sup- plementary Appendix by various writers. 2 vols., 8vo. 1891-2 Whymper (Frederick). Travel and Adventure in Alaska and in other parts of the North Pacific. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1869 Whyte (Jas. C). History of the British Turf. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1840 WiCKHAM (Rt. Hon. William). Correspondence, from 1794. Ed. by his Grandson, William Wickham. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1870 Wicksteed (P. H.). Ecclesiastical Institutions of Holland. See Hibbert Trustees. WiCLiF. See Wycliffe. Wiener (Charles). Perou et Bolivie : Recits de Voyage. 8vo. - 1880 Wiesener (Louis). Le Regent [PhiHppe II., Due d'Orleans] I'Abbe Dubois et les Anglais. 12mo. - - - - 1881 WiFFEN (Jeremiah H.). Garcilasso de la Vega. Trans, into English Verse, with a Critical and Historical Essay on Spanish Poetry, and a Life of the Author. 8vo. - - - 1823 „ Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell. 2 vols., 8vo.- 1833 WiGHTMAN (Rev. Dr. John). Life and Times [1762-1847]. By the Rev. David Hogg. 8vo. 1873 WiGRAM (Wm. Knox). The Justices' Note Book. 8vo. - - 1880 „ 'J'welve Wonderful Tales (in Prose and Verse) . New ed. 1 2mo. 1883 WiGSTON (W. F. C). Bacon, Shakespeare and the Rosicrucians. 8vo. 1888 „ Discoveries in the Bacon Problem. 8vo. - - - - 1893 WiKES (Rev. Canon Thomas). Chronieon [1066-1304]. See Gale and Fell, Vol. 3. WiLBERFORCE (Samuel), Bishop of Oxford and Winchester. A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. 2ik1 ed. 12mo. 1846 „ Life [1805-1873]. Vol. 1, by Canon Ashwell. Vols. 2 and 3, by Reginald Wilberforce. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1880-2 „ Life. Revi^^ed, with additions from the original Work, by Reginald Wilberforce. 12mo. - - - - 1888 WiLBERFORCE (Wm.) [Leader in the Abolition of the Slave Trade]. Life [175!)-1r Pindar]. Works, with Life. Xew ed. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - - - 1^12 Wolfe (Rev. Charles). Remains. (Sermons, Letters, Poems. j AVith Life [1791-1823] by the Rev J. A. Russell. 2nd ed. 8vo. - - 1826 Wolfe (Major-Gen. Jas.). Life [1726-59]. Bv Robert Wright. Svo. - - - - - - - - - - 1S6-4 „ See Parkman {Francis). Wolff (Henry W.). Sussex Indu.stries. 12mo. . . - 1883 „ Quaint Industries and Interesting Places in Susses. 12mo. 1883 „ Rambles in the Black Forest. 12mo. . . - - isOO „ Watering Places of the Vosges. 12mo. - - - - 1891 „ The Country of the Vosges. With Map. Svo. - - 1891 „ E.ssaisde Credit Populaire en Angleterre et en ficosse. Svo. 1893 „ People's Banks : a Record of Social and Economic Success. 8vo. I,s93 „ Chemistry of Manures, &c. See Agricultural Economy. Wollstonecraft (Mary). See Godwin {Mary JJ'ollstonecraft). WoLOWSKi (Louis). Les Finances de la Ru.ssie. La Question des Banques. Svo. ------ 1862-4 Wolset (Thomas, Cardinal). Life [1471-1530]. By George Cavendish. With Xotes bv Singer. Svo. - ' - - 1827 „ Life. By Rev. D. R. Fiddes." Folio - - - - 1726 ,, Rode me, and be not Wrothe : a Satire against Wolsev [1532]. By W. Roy. (Facsimile reprint.) 12mo. ' 1845 „ See Lives, L.U.K. Wood (Anthony a) . Athenae Oxonienses : Writers and Bishops educated at Oxford. Xew ed., with Continuation by Philip Bliss. 4 vols., 4to. ----- 1813-20 „ Life [1632-95]. By Philip Bliss. Svo. - - - - 1848 „ Life, and Aci-ount of his Writings. See Huddesford {JV.). „ Life and Times, 1632-95, collected from his Diaries, &c. See Oxford Hist. Soc. „ Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford, 1661-6. See Oxford Hist. Soc, 15. Wood (Edw. J.). Curiosities of Clocks and Watches. Svo. - 1866 Wood (Rev. Jas.). Dictionary of Quotations. Svo. - - - 1893 Wood (Bev. John G.). Illustrated Natural History. 3 vols., Svo. 1863-4 woo 613 Wood (John Turtle). His Discoveries at Ephesus [1863-74]. Koyal 8vo. ...----- 1877 Wood (J. W.). The Registration of Shipping. 8vo. - - 1869 Wood (Robert). The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tadnior. 57 Plates. Folio - - - - - - - 1753 „ The Ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis. 46 Plates. Folio - - - 1757 Wood (Wm.). British and Foreign Shells. 3000 Figures, coloured after Nature. New ed., by S. Hanley. 8vo. - 1856 Wood (W. Dyson). Handet, from a Psychological Point of View. 8vo. -----' 1870 WooDFALL (William). Law of Landlord and Tenant. 14th ed. By J. M. Lely - - 1889 Woodford (Chas. Morris). A Naturalist among the Head- Hunters. [The Solomon Islands, 18S6-8.] 12mo. - 1890 WooDHEAD (Henry). Memoirs of Christina, Queen of Sweden 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - - - 1863 Woods (Joseph) . Letters of an Architect from France, Italy, and Greece. 2 vols., 4to. ------- 1828 Woods (Rev. Julien E. T.). Geological Observations in South Australia. 8vo. - - - - - - - - 1862 „ History of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - 1865 WooDTHORPE (Robt. G.). The Lushai Expedition, 1871-2. 8vo. ---------- 1873 Woodward (Bernard Bolingbroke). AVindsor Castle : the Views in Permanent Colours from Photographs taken by Her Majesty's permission. Folio ----- 1870 Woodward (Bernard Bolingbroke) and Cates (William L. R.). Encyclopaedia of Chronology. 8vo. - - - . 1872 WooDW^ARD (Bernai'd B.), Wilks (Rev. Theodore C), and Lock- hart (Charles). History of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. 3 vols., 4to. - - - - - n. d. Woodward (Rev. John) and Burnett (George), Lyon-King-of- Arms. Heraldry : British and Foreign. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1892 Woodward (Samuel). The Norfolk Topographer's Manual : a Catalogue of Books in Relation to the County. 8vo. - 1842 WooLER (Thos. J.). The Black Dwarf : a London Weekly Publica- tion. 12 vols. Vols. 1-3, 4to. ; Vols. 4-12, 8vo. - 1817-24 WooLLETT (William). Catalogue of his Engraved Works. With an Introduction and a Portrait. By Louis Fagan. 8vo. ---------- 1885 „ Engraved Works of. Exhibited by the Fine Art Society, May 1885. By Louis Fagan. 8vo. - - - - 1885 Woolman (John) [Quaker Preacher]. Journal. With an Intro- duction by John G. Whittier. 12mo. - - - - 1882 WooLNER (Thomas). My Beautiful Lady : a Poem. 12mo. - 1864 WooLRYCH (Edmund H.). Metropolis Local Management Acts. 3rded. Ed. by L. Goodrich. 8vo. - - . . 1888 WoOLRYCH (Humphry W.). Life of Sir Edw. Coke, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. 8vo. - - - - 1826 „ Life of Judge Jeffreys. 8vo. ------ 1827 „ Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1869 WooLSEY (Theo. D.). Introduction to the Study of Inter- national Law. 8vo. ------- 1875 WooLTON (John), Bishop of Exeter. The Christian Manual. See Parker Soc. 614 WOR WoRCKSTER Visitations, 1569. See Harleian Soc. „ 1GS2 and 1GS3. Ed. by W. C. MetciiUV. 8vo. - - 1882 Worcester, Rt-irister of the Priorv of St. Marv. See Camden Soc, 01. Worcester (Edward SonuTset, 2nd Marquis of). Life, Times, and Scientific Labours. By Henry Dircks. With a Reprint of his " Century of Inventions." 8vo. - - 1865 „ The Century of luvention.s [1G55]. See Thousand Xof able Tliiuffs. Worcester (Henry Somerset, 1st Marquis of). An Inciuiry into his Trans;iction of bringing over a Body of Irish to assist the Kincr [1645-G]. 8vo. 1747 Worcester (Dr. Joseph E.). A Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. 4to. ..--■-.- [1860] Wordsworth (Charles F. F.). The Law and Practice of Elec- tions. 2 vols., 8vo. 1832-5 Wordsworth (Christopher), Bishop of Lincoln. Greece : Pic- torial, Descriptive, and Historical. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1844 „ Memoirs of Wm. Wordsworth. 2 vols., 8vo. - . . 1851 „ Miscellanies. Literary and Religious. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1879 Wordsworth (Rev. Christopher). Social Life at the English Universities in the 18th Century. 12mo. ... 1874 „ ScholfE Academical : Studies at the English Universities in the 18th Century. 8vo. 1877 „ Calendar of Lincoln Use. Calendar of the Monastery of Peterborough. [Ant. Soc. Trans.] 4to. - - " - 1888 Wordsworth (Miss Dorothy). Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland, A.D. 1803. Ed. by J. C. Shairp. 8vo. - - 1874 Wordsworth (William). Poetical Works. New ed., with " The Prelude ; or, Growth of a Poet's Mind : an Auto- biographical Poem." 7 vols., 12mo. - - - 1836-51 „ Poetical AVorks. AVith Memoir bv William Knight. 11 vols., 8vo. ■ - - - - 1882-9 „ Poetical AVorks. AVith an Introduction bv John Morlev. 12mo. ■ - - '- 1889 „ Guide through the District of the Lakes in the North of England. 12mo. 1835 „ Poems of Humble Life, &.c. See Lyrical Ballads. „ Memoirs of [1770-1850]. By Bishop Wordsworth. 2 vols., 8vo. 1851 „ Life. By F. W. H. Myers. See English Men of Letters. World (The).' See British' Essayists, A^ols. 2G-29. AVoRLD to Cloi.ster, From. By Bernard. 12mo. - - - 1888 WoRNUM (Ralph N.). Analysis of Ornament. The Character- i.stics of Styles. 8vo. 1856 „ Life and AVorks of Hans Holbein [1618-77]. Imp. 8vo. - 1867 Worsaae (Chamberlain J. J. A.). Pre-history of the North, based on Contemporary Memorials. AA^'ith Memoir, trans, by H. F. M. SimpVon. 12mo. - - - - 1886 WoRSLEY (Sir Richard). History of the Isle of AA^ight. 4to. - 1781 Worth (Richard X.). History of Plymouth. 8vo. - - - 1890 Worthington (Lieut. B.). Plan for Improving Dover Harbour. 8vo. 1838 Worthington (Rev. Dr. John). Diarv and Correspondence. See Chef ham Soc, Vo]s. 13, 36,' 114. „ Bibliography of AVorks, Written and Edited by. See Chetham Soc, 13 (N.S.). WOT— WRI 615 "WoTTON (Sir Henry), Provost of Eton College. Reliquiae Wottonite; or, a Collection of Lives, Letters, and Poems : with Characters of sundry Personages. 4th ed. 12mo. - - - - - - - - - 1685 „ Life. See Walton {I.). WoTTON (Sir Henry), Raleigh (Sir Walter), and others. Poems. Ed. by the Rev. John Hannah. 12mo. - - - 1845 WoTTON (Thos.). The English Baroaets. 3 vols., 16mo. - - 1727 „ The English Baronetage. 5 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1741 Wrangell (Admiral Ferd. von). Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1820-3. Ed. by Gen. Sir Edw. Sabine. 2nd ed. 12mo. -------- 1845 Wrangham (Rev. Francis). The British Plutarch: the Lives of Eminent Men [1500-1812]. 6 vols., 8vo. - - -1816 Wrath of Echo. By G. M. 12uio. ----- 1870 Wratislaw (Rev. Albert H.). The Queen's Court Manuscript, with other Ancient Bohemian Poems. Trans, into English Verse. 12mo. - - - - - - 1852 Wratislaw (Baron Wenceslas) of Mitrowitz. Adventures in the Turkish Metropolis [1599]. Trans, bv Rev. A. H. Wratislaw. 8vo. - - - - ' - - - 1862 Wraxall (Sir Chas. Fred. Lascelles). Life and Times of Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norwav, and Sister of George III. of England. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1864 „ Historic Bye-ways. 2 vols., 12mo. - - - - 1864 Wraxall (Sir Nath. Wm.). Tour through the Northern Parts of Europe. 8vo. - - - - - - - 1775 „ Hi.storical Memoirs of his own Time [1772-84]. New ed., revised. 4 vols., 8vo. ------ . 1836 Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. 3 vols., 8vo. - 1836 „ Historical and Po.sthumous Memoirs [1772-84]. Ed. by H. B. Wheatley. 5 vols., 8vo. ----- 1884 Wray or Rav (Rev. John). See Ray. Wren (Sir "Christopher) and his Times [1632-1723]. By Jas. Elmes. 8vo. --.----■- 1852 „ His Family and His Times, 1585-1723. Bv Lucy Phillimore. 8vo. - - - - - " - - 1883 „ See Lives, Lib. U.K. Wright (Rev. Abraham). Chaste Wife. See Early English Text Soc, 4. Wright (Andrew). Courthand Restored; or, the Student's Assistant in Reading old Deeds. 2ud ed. 4to. - - 1778 „ „ 9th ed. Enlarged by Chas. Trice Martin. 4to. - 1879 Wright (Edward). Voyage of George, Earl of Cumberland, to the Azores [1589]. See Piyikerton, Vol. 1. Wright (Frances) [afterwards Madame Durasmont]. Views of Societv and Manners in America [1818-20]. 8vo. -■-.------- 1821 Wright (Geo.). Australia, India, China, and Japan Trade Directory. 8vo. ------- 1893 Wright (Dr. Geo. Fred.). The It-e Age in North America, and its bearings upon the Antiquity of Man. 8vo. - 1889 „ Man and the Glacial Period ; with an Appendix on Tertiary Man by Hen. W. Haynes. See International Scientific Ser., 72. Wright (James). The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Folio- - 1684 616 WRI— WUR Wright (Rohort). Life of Major-Goneral James Wolfe. 8vo. - 1864 „ Memoir of Genenil James 0«;lethori)e, the Founder of Georgia in America. 8vo. - - - - - -1867 Wright (Sir Roht. S.). Law of Criminal Conspiracies and AgretMnents. 8\o. ------- 1873 Wright (Tiiomas), F.S.A. Historv and Toj)ogi-apliy of the Coiinlv of Esse.x. Witli View-., bv W. Bartlett'. 2 vols., 4to. :.----■--- 1831-5 „ Queen Elizalu'th and her Times : a Series of Original Letters, selected from tlie Private Correspondence of Distinguished Persons of th." Period. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1838 „ Biographia Britiinnica Literaria ; or. Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols., 8vo. 1842-6 „ Anecdota Literaria : Short Poems in Engli.sh, Latin, and French, illustrative of the Literature and History of England in the 13th Century. 8vo. - - - ' - 1844 „ Essays on the Middle Ages in England. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1846 Narratives of Sorcery and Magic. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1851 „ History of Ludlow and its Xcighbourhood. 8vo. - - 1852 „ Wanderings of an Antiquary. 12uio. . - - . 1854 The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. 2nd ed. 8vo. - 1861 „ Archaeological E.ssays. 2 vols., 8vo. - . . . 1861 ., History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle A^es. 8vo. ----- 1862 Historv of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art. 8vo." 1865 ,, Caricature History of the Georges. Small 8vo. - - 1867 „ Womankind in Western Europe, from the Earliest Times. Small 4to. - - - . 1869 „ Feudal Manuals of English History. Small 4to. - -1872 „ Uriconium : an Account of the Ancient Roman City, and of the Excavations made upon its site at Wroxeter, Shropshire. 8vo. ------- 1872 ,, Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabalaries. 2nd ed. Etl. by Rich. P. Wiileker. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - 1884 The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatistii of the 12th Century. See C/iro)iicl(s, 59. „ Essay on the History of the Anglo-Xormau Conquest of Ireland. See Ireland. Wright (Thomas), F.S.A., and Evans (R. H.). Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray. 8vo. - - - - 1851 Wright (Thomas), F\S.A., and Heywood (James). Cambridge University Transactions during the Puritan Controversies in the 16th and 17th Centuries. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1854 Wright (Tlionuis). The Town of Cow|)er : Olney and its Xeighbourhood. 12mo. - - - - " - - 1886 Wright (Thomas), of Birkenshaw, Yorkshire. Autobiographv [173G-07J. Ed. by his Grandson, T. A. Wright. T2mo. 1864 Wright (Wm. Hen. K.). The Blue Friars; their Sayings and Doings. A Ciiapter in the History of Plymouth. 12mo. 1889 Wkiothesley's Chronicle from Henry VH. to 1 Elizabeth. See Camden Sor., 11, 20 (X.S.)'. Wrottesley (Major-( it-n. Hon. Geo.). Life and Correspondence of Gen. Sir John Fox Burgoyne. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1873 WuRTz (Prof. Adolpli.). The Atomic Theory. See International Scientijic Her., Vol. 30. WYA— XEN 617 "Wyatt (Sir Matthew Digby). Fine Art: a Sketch of its History. Theory, Practice, and Application to Industry. 8vo. - 1870 Wyatt (Sir Thos.). Poetical Works. See Nott {G. F). Wyatt (Capt. Walter J.). Review of the Austro-Italian War of 1866. 8vo. ..------ 1867 „ History of Prussia, tracing the Development of her Military Organization. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . . . 1876 AVycherley (William). [1640-1715.] Plays. 12mo. - - 1731 The Plain Dealer. The Country Wife. Gentleman Dancing- Master. Love in a Wood ; or, St. James's Park. „ Plays. With Biographical Notes by Leigh Hunt. 8vo. - 1851 Wycliffe (John de). Prebendary of Worcester, 1375. Tracts and Treatises. Ed. by Rev. Dr. Vaughan. 8vo. - 1845 „ Apology I'or the Lollards. See Camden Soc, 20. „ Life and Opinions [1324-84]. By Rev. Robert Vaughan. 2 vols., 8vo. -.----.- 1828 ,, And his English Precursors. By G. Lechler. 2 vols., 8vo. 1878 „ See Rogers (J. E. Th.), Historical Gleanings. Wykeham (Wm. of). Bishop of Winchester. Life [1324-1404J. By Rev. Geo. H. Moberly. 8vo. . . . . 1887 ,, William of Wykeham and his College. By the Rev. M. E. C. Walcott." 8vo. ------- 1852 Wyndham (Anne). Claustrum Regale Reseratum : The King's Concealment at Trent. See Hxighes (John), Boscohel Tracts. Wynn (Miss Frances Williams). Diaries of a Lady of Quality, 1797-1844. Ed. by Abraham Hay ward. 8vo. - - 1864 Wynne (Serjeant William). Life of Sir Leolyn Jenkins, Secre- tary of State to King Charles II. 2 vols., folio - -1724 Wyntoun (Andrew of). The Orygynale Chronykil of Scotland. See Scotland, Historians of. Wyon (Fred. Wm.). History of Great Britain under Queen Anne. 2 vols., 8vo. ------- 1876 Wyon (William), Engraver to the Royal Mint. Memoir of Life and Works. By Rich. Carlisle. 8vo. - - - -1837 Wyse (Right Hon. Sir Thomas). Historical Sketch of the late Catholic Association of Ireland. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1829 „ Excursion in the Peloponnesus in the Year 1858. 2 vols., 8vo. ---------- 1865 Wyvill (Rev. Christopher). Collection of Political Papers respect- ing Parliamentary Reform. 4 vols., 8vo. - - 1794—1802 Xavier (St. Francis). Life [1506-52]. See Dry den {John), Worhs, Vol. 16. Xenophon. Opera. 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. ----- 1838 „ The Anabasis ; or, Expedition of Cyrus. Trans, by Edward Spelman. 2 vols., 8vo. ----- 1740 „ „ Literally trans, by the Rev. J. S. Watson. [Bohn.] 12mo. - - 1867 „ The Cyropedia and the Hellenics ; or, Grecian History. Literally trans, by the Rev. J. S. Watson and the Rev. Henry Dale. [Bohn.] 12mo. 1861 p. 3104. R R 618 XEN— YOR Xenophox — continued. „ Minor Works. Literally trans, bv the Rev. J. S. "Watson. [Bohn.] 12mo. "- - ' 1857 Agesilaus, Hiero, (Economicus, Banquet, Apology of Socratos, the Treatises on the Laccilaemonian and Athenian Govern- ments, on Revenues of Athens, on Horsemanship, on the Duties of a Cavalry Ofi&cer, and on Hunting. Bv Sir Alex. Grant. See Blackwood's Ancient Classics. „ See Rcnnell {Major James), Expedition of Cyrus. Xknos (Stefano.><). The Devil in Turkey; or, Scenes in Constiin- tinople. 3 vols., 8vo. ------- 1851 „ O AIAROAOS EN TOTKIA. 8vo. 1862 „ lUOS TON N090.N TEKNAN. 4 vols., 8vo. - - - 1883 II HPfil^; TH2 EAAHNIKHS EHANASTASEni HTOI 2KHNAI EN EAAAAI AHO TOT ETOTS 1821-8. ITNITPA'^H. 2 vols., 8vo. 1861 East and Wc.st : History of the Annexation of the Ionian Islands. 8vo. - ' 1865 „ Depredations ; or, Overend, Gurney, and Co. 8vo. - - 1869 Yacht Register (Lloyd's), 1884 (continued). Obi. 8vo. 1884 et seq. Yalden or Youlding (Rev. Dr. Thos.). See British Poets, Vol. 46. Yapp (Geo. W.). The Duties on Imports into France. 8vo. - - - 1855 yAKDLEY (Edw.). The Supernatural in Romantic Fiction. 8vo. - 1880 Yarkell (Wni.). Historv of British Fishes. 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. - - ■- 1841 „ History of British Birds. 3rd ed. 3 vols., 8vo. - - 1856 Yates (Edmund) : His Recollections and Experiences. 2 vols., 8vo. - - 1884 Yates (James). Textrinum Antiquorum : the Art of "Weaving among the Ancients. 8vo. ------ 1843 Vates (Rev. Dr. Richard). History of the Abbey of St. Ed- mund's Bury. 2ud ed., with additional Plates. 4to. - 1843 YEAU-Book of Australia (continued). 8vo. - - 1885 et seq. YEAR-Book of Facts. 12mo. 1843-83 YEAR-Book of Scientific Societies. 8vo. ----- 1885 Y'EAR-Book of Victoria, 1884 (continued). Svo. - 1884 et seq. Y'eo (Dr. Burnev). Climate and Health Resorts. 12mo. - - 1885 Y'ONGE (Prof. Ciias. Duke). English-Greek Lexicon. 4to. - 1849 „ Gradus ad Parnassum. 8vo. ------ 1850 „ Life and Administration of Robert Banks Jcnkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool. 3 vols., 8vo. 1868 , The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. 2 vols., 8vo. - 1876 Y'ONGE (Charlotte Mary). Historv of Christian Names. 2 vols., 8vo. - - - - ' - - - - - - 1863 YoNGE ("Walter), M.P. for Hoiiiton from 1604 to 1628. Diary. See Camden Soc, 41. Ylic Safety. 31. ., Policy of the Ancients. 52. „ Service, The. Rev. B. Dawes. 203. ,, ,, Indian, The. 157, 227. Clare v. The Queen. Shipbuilding. 224. Clarendon, Life of, and the " Quarterly." 161. Classical Tracts. 11. Clergy : are not they arraying themselves against Church and Queen? 121. „ And Queen Anne's Bounty. 122. „ London. Rev. J. Moore. 91. „ On the Residence of. 4, 75, 76. „ Protestant, in South Ireland. 27. „ Sir W. Molesworth on Canada Bill. 123. Clerical Disabilities, The Law of. 238. „ Subscription to the Articles. 238. Coal, High Price of. Sir R. HiU, 1873. 265. „ Industry — Sliding Scales. Prof. J. E. Crawford Munro, 1885. 299. „ The Duty on Sea-borne. 94. Coalition Cabinets. 177. PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. 625 Coalitions and Frontiers, 1860-1. J. A. Partridge. Vol. 220. Coast and Harbour Defence, 1887. Lieut. R. Napier. 308. Cohbett's Libel. Peter Porcupine. 19. Cobden Club. Annual Msetings, 1889 and 1890. B 17. „ Club Dinner, 1871. B 5. „ Club Publications, 12mo., 1886-8. B 14, B 15. Cobden-Delane Controversy. 228. Cobden, Richard. Lord Hobait. B 3. „ Mr. Grant-Duff. B 5. Cobdenic Policy the Enemy of England. 202. Cobden's Pamphlet. A. B. Richards. 159. ,, " Russia, Turkey, and England." B 9, 177. Cochineal Insects. Dr. J. Anderson. 32. Cochrane, Lord, Biography of. J. Campbell. 160. I Cockburn, Lord, " Memorials," Exposure of | Attack on. 210. Code, A Public. R. M. Heron. 59. Coinage of the East India Company. 156. „ DecimaL 103, 202-204. 208, 209, 212. Coleridge, On Charge of Justice, to Jury, 1855. 206. Colonial Defence. J. C. R. Colomb. 233, 270. „ Expenditure. Sir W. Molesworth. 127. „ Penny Postage. 127. „ Policy. 127, 290. „ Questions. R. A. Macfie. 260. Colonies and Federation. D. M. Morrison. 309. „ British. 126, 127, 175, 207, 222. „ 1836-87. Hon. H. F. W. Petre. 309. „ Crown. C. S. Salmon. B 14. Colonization. 127, 231. „ Corn Laws. 135. „ For Ireland. 168. „ State. Earl of Meath. 309. Combination and Patriotic Competition. 62. „ La-ws. C. Sturgeon. 248. Commerce. 20, 27, 30, 36, 37, 54, 65, 59, 75-77, 79, 128-130, 187, 206. „ Tribunals of. F. Lyne. 263. Commercial Distress. 128, 290, C 5. „ Legislation. 128, 132, 133, 189. „ Policy. 129, 280. „ Of France. 259. „ Resources, India. 154. ,, Treaty with Austria, 1838. 148. Communion. 7, 8, 117. Communism and Free Trade. 129. Comte, Reasons for Dissenting from, 1884. Herbert Spencer. 308. Concubinage, Lawful. Rev. M. Davies. 296. Confederation. Hon. C. Tupper. 246. „ And the Empire. J. Howe. 241. Conference of Bishops at Lambeth. Ency- clical Letter, 1888. 307. " Confessional Unmasked," Trial for selling the. 249. Confirmation. 9. Confiscations, French. Rev. Dr. Clarke. 52. Congo and Portugal. L. Cordeiro. 293. „ Treaty. T. Tomlinson. 296. Congress and the Cabinet. Marquis of Nor- manby. Vol. 219. Conolly, Capt., and Col. Stoddart. 161. Conservatism. Lord Lindsay. 248. Conservative Party, The True. 186. Conservatives, Advice to. 187. ,, And Liberals. J. H. Murchison. 240. „ Ropes for. 243. Constable, Office of. P. Colquhoun. 50. Constitution of England. 9, 44, 217. „ Federale de la Confederation Suisse. 267. Constitutional Defence. J. Cartwright. 34. ,, Monarchy and Republicanism. 211, 270. ,, Reform. B 2. Contagious Diseases Act. 252, 255, 257, 263. „ ,, Commission, Evidence of. B 6. Continental Alliances. Canning. 21. Continuous Railway Brakes. 235. Convention, La, du 15 Sept. M. I'Eveque d'Orleans. 239. Convicts. 211, 224, 225. Convocation. R. Wildman. 121. „ and Wives' Sisters. 294. Cook, Mrs. Hon. and Rev. C. Stewart. 7. Cooke V. Stratford. 161. Co-operation, Commercial. G. J. Holyoake. B 1. Co-operative Stores. J. Head. 262. Copying Machines. 270. Copyright, Law of. 174. „ International. G. H. Putnam. 285. „ National and International [1888]. 307. Cork, Letter to Citizens of. 52. Corn. Morris on Monopoly. 35. „ M. Turgot. 10. „ Bill. Lord Sheffield. 12. „ Laws. 59, 61, 62, 68, 82, 85, 93, 99, 129-137, 157. „ „ Repeal of, and Sir Chas. P. Villiers. 293. ,, Trade, Commercial Principles of. 62. ,, Reduction of Price of. 130. Cornwall, Duchy of. 25, 50. Cornwallis, Marquis of. Services of. 28. „ Vice-Admiral, Trial of. 69. Corona, Observations on the. T. Ellis. B 5. Coronation Oath. 69, 72, 87, 97- Corporation and Test Acts, Debate on. 13. Cott, Miss, Letter to. 48. Cotton Crisis. 223. „ Cultivation. 77, 156, 212, 216. ,, Duty on. 94. ,, Famine. W. F. Fergusson. 225. ,, India v. America. 156. „ Question. F. C. Brown. 129. Country Party, The. 177. County Courts. J.W.Rogers. 172,222,236. „ Franchise. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 1884. B 12. Cremation. 267. Crete, Affaires de, 1868. 249. Cries in a Crisis. Macfie, 1881. 291. Crime. Henry Taylor. 249. „ And Education. 176, 206, 207, 209. „ At Birmingham, 1848. 190. Crimea, Commissariat at the. C 1. Crimean Commission. 211. „ War. 204-211,225. 626 PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. Criminal Classes. Rev. 0. Shipley. Vol. 213. „ Law. 172, 204, 239. „ Mauagenient. 231, 239. „ Pro-seoutioiis. S. Amos. 228. „ Kcturns, IrLland, 1839. 164. „ Contrasts — Property versus Person — Inequality of Sentences. D. H. Mac- farlanc. 298. Criminals, Treatment of. 190, 217, 221, 225. Crisis, The, 1785. 25. „ 1793. 31. „ 1798. 49. „ 1834. 185. Critics on W. R. Harris. 163. Croker-Russell Correspondence. 203. Crown Colonies of Greiit Britain. C. S. Salmon. B 14. Crucifixion, The. Rev. T. G. Headley. B 7. Cruelties on the High Seas. 218. Crystal Palace and Art. J. Ruskin. 205. Cuban Questions, 1872. 262. Cumberland Institution. B 4. Cupola Ships. Rear-Admiral Halsted. 225. Curate's Appeal. 91. „ Bill. 50, 79. Currency. 81, 103-111, 128, 136, 209, 218, 221, 223, 254. " Cursory Remarks." 78, 79. Customs. 137. Danish Question, The. 148. Dante. P 3. Danube, L'Armee du. 50. Danubian Principalities. 212. Darnley, Lord, on the Xavy. 84. De Bode, Baron, The Claims of. 94, 149, 1 76, 205. Debt, Imprisonment for. 190. Deceased Wife's Sister, Marriage with. 293, 294. „ T. Paynter. 296. De Chabannes, Marquis, Letters of. 149. Decimal Coinage. 103, 202-204, 208, 209, 212. „ System [1888 J. R. T. Rohde. 305. Defence of Cawnpore. Sir C. AVindham. 237. Defences, National. 233, 258, 261, 276. „ Of these Kingdoms. W. M. Pitt. 40. Defensive Forces, Our. Sir J. F. Burgoyne. 256. De Haber et J. de Goler. 16) . Deist and Christian. Rev. C. Leslie. 3. Deists. F. Wrangham. 6. Delhi Railway. 249. ,, Sepoy War. J. A. Bayley. C 5. Democracy. S. L. Holland, 1885. 303. „ of Great Britain, 1806. 245. ,, Fifteen Cardinal Principles of. 265. De Moleville, B., and C. J. Fox. Corre- spondence. 60. De Montalambert and M. Douniol, Trial of. 216. Dc Montpensier, Due, Marriage of the. 145. "Demosthenes." Rev. R. Whiston. 219. Denman's, Lord, Judgment in the Case of O'Connell and others. 165. Denmark and the Duchies. 229. Dental Hospital, 1870. 255. Dentistry. H. Gilbert. 162. Derby Administration. C. Morris. Vol. 177. „ Earl of, at Rochdale. B 8. De Talma. Souvenirs Historiques. 160. Detenu, Case of a. B. de Mounteney. 149. Detroit Convention, Hon. J. Howe at, 1865. 236. " Dhar not Restored." J. Dickinson. 235, 238. Diets for the Poor. A. J. Pollock. 262. Dilatancy. Prof. Reynolds. 1886. 305. Diplomacy. Case of the '' Vixen." 144, 187. Diplomatic Service, The. R.G.Watson. 258. Dirt, Letters to J. Bright on. 249. Discount, The Rate of, 1865. 237. Discours du Prince Napoleon, 1865. 238. Discourse : a Letter. 56. Disease, Prevention of. B. AV. Foster. 85, 262. Disestablishment and Disendowment. Rev. Dr. H. G. Cundy, 1885. 299. DTsraeli, B. Attack on the Ministry. 159. Dissenters, Church of England and. 6. Dissociation Temperatures. F. Siemens. 1886. 305. Di.ssolution, The, 1859. Lord Derby. 218. „ The Approaching, 1865. 236. Distilleries Bill, Scotland. 50. Distress of the People. 22, 33, 46, 59, 01-64, 68-70. „ And Duelling. 54. ,, Financial. Sir J. Sinclair. 45. Distresses, England's. 97. Divorce Bill. 48, 208. Docks, London. 43, 49, 68. Dockyards, Royal. J. C. Gooden. 227. Domestic Prospects, 1837. 187. Dougherty, T. Trial of H. Woolaghan for Murder of. 48. Douniol, N., and Montalambert, Trial of. 216. Doyle V. Fitzgerald. 56. Drainage Outfall Works. J. W. Bazalgette. 227. „ Of Buildings Bill, 1841. 189. „ Town. E. Chadwick. 301. Drains and Roads. H. Chaml>ers. 92. Drama. 68, 174. Dramatic Patents. F. Place. 174. Drury Lane Theatre. 174. Dublin Fellows. Rev. C. Robinson. 41. „ Model Schools. AV. C. Taylor. ,. Plea for Court and Parliament in. T. Bish. 164. „ And Trinity College. J. F. AVallcr. 215. Duchy of Cornwall. Title and Powers of His Majesty. 25, 50. Dudley, To the Electors of. W. M. Turner. 184. Dumb Animals. Rev. C. Daubeny. 54. Dumfriesshire, Appeal to the Women of. Crimean War. 206. Dunn, J., Trial of. 45. Dunnoon and Kilmun. Address to Parishion- ers. 119. Durham, Lord, and the Canadians. 112. ,. Ca.se. Rev. H. Phillpotts. 115. Dust and Smoke, 1886. Prof. Lodge. 306. Dutch Expedition Vindicated. 55. Duties of Man. 31. PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. 627 Dwellings for the Labouring Classes. Major- Gen. G. B. Tremenheere. Vol. 211. Dyaks' Piracies. L. A. Chamerovzow. 143. Eastern, Question, The. 143, 202, 203, 259, 273, 276, 279-284. B 8, C 4-C 6. East India Association. 250, 260. ,, Bank Papers. 111. „ Company. 68, 69, 85, 95, 107, 155- 158, 161, 213. „ House Debates. 28. „ Ships. 37, 89. „ Stock. 154. ,, ,, Proprietors. E. Knight. 255. East Indies, concerning Trade. T. Thornton. 154. Ecclesiastical and Civil System of England. 28. „ Commission. 115, 116, 225, 229. „ Courts. 95, 122, 170, 203, 210, 234. ,, Establishment of Scotland. 118. „ Law. 122. „ Supremacy of the Crown. 89. „ Titles Act. 122, 195. Economics, Principles uf. P. Geddes, 1885. 299. Economy and Trade. G. J. S. Lefevre. 269. Eden's Treaty of Commerce with France. 26. Edinburgh. 54, 184, 253. ,, Churches. 117. Education. 116, 138-141, 176, 202-205, 207, 209, 210, 221, 223, 228, 229, 232, 239, 244, 246-248, 252, 253, 256, 257,259, 260, 269, 272, 273, 276, 284, 285. ., Free, 1886. 300. Educational Endowments, London, Misused. James Beal. 296. „ Franchise. J. Hargreaves. 295. „ ,, J. Hargreaves. 298. Egypt and Mahomid Ali. T. Waghorn. 143. „ And Turkey. The Policy of England. 143. „ British Intervention in. W.T.Marriott. 297. „ Buonaparte's Expedition. 65, 66. „ for the Egyptians. A. N. Montgomery. 293. „ In 1837. 143. „ Justice in. 284, 293. ,, Liebnitz on Conquest of. 77. " „ Problem. J. C. McCoan. 298. „ Shall we Annex it ? W. Stone. 296. Egyptian Q.uestion. Sir Samuel W. Baker. 296. Eighteen-Sixty-one, Rhymed to Death. B 1. Ein Blick, Von Einem Ungarn. B 2. Election Committees. 184. „ The General, 1869. 252. Elections. 245, 248. Elective Franchise, 1839. 184. Electors, Duties of. 97. Electric Light, The. Tyndall. 1879. 305. Elements, Genesis of the, 1887. Dr. Crookes. 305. Elgin, Lord. 126,211. Ellenborough and Auckland, Lords. India. 157. Emancipation in America. 236. Emerson. W. Hague, 1884. 301. Emigration. Vols. 126, 127, 157, 168, 200, 216,226, 231, C 5. Emmet, R., Trial of. 79. Empire, Government of the. 241, C 5. Employers' Liability Act, 1887. J. Leslie Field. 306. England. 285. ,, And Hungary, Constitutions of. 148. ,, And Ireland. 248. „ „ J. Bryce, M.P. 296, 298. ,, And the Greek Question. 287. „ Church of. T. E. Rogers. 302. „ „ Defence. 303. „ Down with. A French Prophecy, 1888. B 16. „ How the French Conquered Britain in 1888. 308. „ Invaded. 233, 335, C 2. ,, Recent Rate of Progress in, 1887. R. Giffen. 306. England's Bards. 235. „ Distresses. 97. English Laws and Irish Tenure. 255. ,, Navigation Laws. 178. Englishman, The Opinion of an Old. 73. Entail and Settlement. Evil Influences on Agriculture. C. Whitehead. 293. Episcopal Patronage. W. AValsh. 296. Episcopate, Increase of the. 282. Equalization of Weights and Measures. Sir J. Miller. 13. Equity Courts. E. W. Field. 1 70. Erie Railway Accounts, 1874. 261. Erskine's View of the War with France. 16, 45, 66. Espagna, La Legitimite en, 1870. 255. Essays and Reviews. 221, 229. ,, On Finance and Agriculture. 55. Ethnology of the Soudan. Prof. Keane. 297. Eton College. 140, 239. Euphrates Valley Railway. C 3. Europa's Brawls, 1870. B 4. „ Court, Dame. 276, 278, B 10. „ Managerie. B 5. Europe, 1800-1. 64, 73, 74. „ 1787 and 1795. 26,32. ,, And America, 1848. J. Macgregor. 176. „ Dumouriez' Sketch of. 18. „ Sovereigns of. Address to. 80, 82. „ Treaties which Established the Balance of Power. 40. European Complication Explained. 218. Europe's Needs. H. D. Hutton. B 4. Evangelical Preaching. Mr. Sedgewicke. 87. Evans v. Lawson. 159. Evanson, Rev. E., The Prosecution of. N. Havard. 24. Events in an Irish Counti-y House in 1880, 1886. 304. Evidence Bill, Law of. Lord Brougham. 172. Examinations, Competitive. E. Chadwick. 214. Exchange. Norman's Single Grain System, 1887. 305. Exchequer Bills Forgery. 142. Excise Espionage and Search AVarrants. J. T. Smith. 137. Exeter, Charge of Bishop of. 116. 628 PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. Exeter, Diocese of. Sir C. E. Eardley. Vol. 124. „ Diocesan Synod. 124. „ Hall. A.B.Cochrane. 116. Exhibition, Universal, at Brazil. 265. Expen.liture, National. 124, 220, 221, 223. Expostulation, Mr. Gladstone's, 187o. 269, 275. Expre-5S Trains. E. Foxwell. 295. Extinct .\nimals. Prof. Owen. 286. Eye. iieport of Ophthalmic Cases. 150. „ The Cure of Squinting. C. W. Guthrie. 1.50. ,, Workhouse. Report of Poor Law Com- missioners. 188. Factory Act, The. 201. Fair Trade. T. H. Farrer. B 11. „ and Agriculture. Sir Lyon Playfair. 309. „ Unmasked, 1887. George W. Medley. B 15. Fall of the Papacy. 237. False Hopes. G. Smith, 1883. B 12. Famine Transactions in Parliament, 1795. 46. Farm Rents. James Howard. 297. „ Tenancies. J. Howard. C 5. Farmer, British, and his Competitors, 1888. William E. Bear. B 15. Farmers' Grievances. I. S. Leadam. 287. Farming. D. G. F. Macdonald. 203. Farr, Ilcv. T., on the Nation's Distresses. 131. Fashionable World Displayed. T. Christian. 8. Fast, 1795. Rev. J. Robinson. 9. „ 1804. E. Pearson. 80. Federation, Advantages of. W.J.Harris. 291. „ Conference on Imperial. 298. „ Imperial. D. M. Morrison. 309. Feighay, J., Case of. T. Walsh. 193. Female Emigration. S. Sidney. 175. Fenians of 1866. 244. Ferrol, Expedition to. Sir J. Pulteney. 70. Fiji, The Resources of. H. S. Cooper. 286. Filial Obedience. Rev. E. Hankin. 86. Finance. 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 36, 37, 39-42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 55, 58, 66, 69, 70, 72, 76, 77, 81, 126, 128, 142, 158, 202, 207, 209, 212-214, 221, 223, 229, 239. Financial Budget. Ockerfoe. 128. „ 1841. Lord Stanley. 142. „ Commercial Legislation. 16, 128, 133, 142, 186. ,, Distress. Sir J. Sinclair. 45. „ Reform. 24, 128. „ Scheme for India. G.Norton. 213. „ State of Great Britiiin, 1717. 24. „ Statements. 77. „ The Bombay. 256. Fine Arts. P 5. Finsbury Election. 160. Fisheries, British. 25. „ Irish. 208. Fish Ponds, Treatise on. J. Iloare. 253. Fitch, Col., V. Richardson. 161. Fitzgerald, W. R., Trial of. 50, 56. Fitzwilliam, Lord, Debate on. 44, 87. Foods, Customs Duties on. J. G. Potter. Vol. 137. „ Of the People. J. Brown. B 3. Foot and Mouth Disease. Importation of Foreign Animals. 296. Forbes Mackenzie Act. 217. Foreign Intercourse Bill (.\mcrica). 49. „ Office Buildings. Sir F. E. Scott. 233. „ Policy. 128, 251, 261, 287, B 3. „ „ A. Haggard, 1886. 300. „ Slave Trade. 9G. „ Trade, Lord Liverpool on. 92. Foreshadowing, 1870. 256. Foster, J. on Ireland. 52, 56, 57. Fox, C. J. Adair's Review of his Address to Electors of Westminster. 23, 159. „ And De Moleville. Correspondence. 60, 67. „ Burke's Articles of Impeachment against. 16. „ His Secession for Six Months. 48. „ George, no Precursor of the Salvation Army. 294. France. 2, 14-20, 22-24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38-48, 50, .58, 60-62, 64, 66, 70, 71, 74, 77-80, 82, 86, 94, 96, 145, 149, 160, 161, 176, 206, 216, 219, 221,223, 225, B 5. „ Alsace and Lorraine. 253. „ And Austria. Lord Beaumont. 148. „ And England. Prince de Joinville. 178. „ And Germany. Marquis de Gricourt. B5. „ And Tunis, 1881. 291. „ Degeneree, La. B 7. ,. History of, since AVaterloo. J. Aytoun. 261. „ Ideal and Real. R. S. Church. 259. „ La, Rome et Italie. C 1. „ What we Demand from. B 4. Franchise, County. Sir Thos. Dyke Acland. B12. Educational. Educational. Extension of. J. Hargreaves. 295. James Hargreaves. 298. 240, 245. „ Ireland and the. W. H. Kisbey. 295. „ Irish. B. F. C. Costelloe. 298. Francia and Rosas, the two Dictators. 146. Francis, P., .Motion of. 86. Franco-American Colonies. 43, 45. Franco-German AVar. 257-259, 261, B 4, B 5, C4. Free Ships under Enemy's Flags, 1866. 240. Free Trade. 10, 93, 129, 132, 135, 157, 199, 203, 248, 271, 273, 280, B 8, B 1 1, C 5. „ In Land. 288, B 5, B 11. „ In Tuscany. J. M. Stuart. 278, B 10. „ Industrial Competition and Commercial Freedom. Sir Lyon Playfair. 309. „ or Fair Trade, 1887. James Howard. 306. Free Traders, A Bone to Pick for. 262. French Claims. 94, 149, 176, 205. Directory. An Appeal to England. 19. Finance. 12, 15, 39, 41, 48, 66. Government, Genius of. 149. How they make War. 260. In Africa, The. 149. In the Red Sea. C. T. Beke. 223. PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. 629 French Invasion. Vols. 18, 48, 81. „ Nation, Confiscation of. 52. „ Republic. Loi'd Ersliine. 61. ,, Revolution. 7, 10, 12, 27, 29-31, 34- 36, 38, 43, 46, 48, 60, 63, 67, 113, 128, 145, 149, 206. Friends of tlae Foreigner. R. D.Osborn. 285. „ Of the People, Society of. 33. Fruit Farming, 1885. Charles Whitehead. 306. Furber v. Sturmey. H. G. Jones. 216. Furnival, Mr., Case of. 161. Future Punishment. Rev. S. Minton. 264. Gralicia, The Prisons of. 175. Grambia, Cession of. 279. Game Laws. 91, 288. Gaming Houses, Bill for Suppression of. 205. Gas and Water Works, Rating of. 287. Geneve et Gouvernement Francjaise. 48. Geographical Society. 174. Geology. L. Playfair. 176. George, Henry, 1884. 302. George III., Feast of. C. F. Badini. 37. „ IV. View of his Conduct. 1 7. Germany, 76, 138, 176, 208, 211, 212, 229, B 4, B 5, C 1. Gibraltar. Messrs. Carver and Peacock. 202. Gilljert, G. P., Court-Martial of. 255. Gipsies, The. J. Simson, 1884. 302. Gladstone and Disraeli. 249, B 3. „ And Midlothian. 287. „ Mr., Letters to. 249, 268. ,, Right Hon. W. E. Ven. Archdeacon Denison on, 1886. 300. Glasgow, Rights of Physicians and Surgeons of. 150. „ University. T. B. Macaulay, 1849. 163. Gleams of Sunshine. S. E. Stride. B 6. Goethe's Sonnets. Chas. Tomlinson. 309. Gold and Silver Supply, 1887. James Howard. 305. „ Appreciation of, 1886. William Fowler. B 14. „ Bullion, Trade in. 105. ,. Coin, Seignorage on. C 1. „ Henry Hoare. 305. ,. In Australia. 127. Gospel, Nature of the. 8. „ Of the Crucified. Rev, T. G. Headley. B6. ,, Society for Propagating the. Rev. C. Griffin. 94. Gospels, Genealogies of the. 196. Gouvernement qui File, Le. 253. Government by a Minority. H. Rich. 218. „ Offices. 207, 220. „ Subsidies. 286. Governments. 201. Grain, Deficiency of. 59, 63, 68. Grammar Schools. De Wordinsky. 138. Grant, Col., Despatches relative to. 161. Gravity and the Solar Process. A. Dawson. 282. Great Britain and America. 5. „ And France. 15, 23. Grece, Notes sur la. C 6. Greece. 124, 147, 217, 223, 254, 259, 5. Greek and Latin Poems and Epigi'ams. 11. Greek and Grammar. R. H. Smith. Vol. 276. „ Question, The. 147. Greeks and their Detractors. S. J. Cassi- mati. 247. Gregson, R. Rev. P. Thomson. 121. Grenville-Otto Correspondence. 60. Grey's Motion of Reform. Speech of Fox. 16. Ground Values, Taxation of. J. F. Moulton. 309. Guildhall Library. W. Saunders. 252. Guilty or Not Guilty. H. 0. Arnold-Forster. 296. Gunpowder, Black and Brown. 309. Guns, Our. E. H. Carbutt, 1886. 300. Gymnastic Education. 153, 204. Hamburg, Management of Poor in. 28. Handcock v. Delacour. 206. Hand-Loom Weavers. Commissioners' Re- port. 133, 201. Hanover Constitution. 148. Hanson, J., Vindication of. 54. Harbours, Military. 273. Harris, Lieut., Case of. 163. Harrow School Monitorial System. 202, 204. Hartismere Union, Commissioners on. 188. Harveian Oration, 1846. 152. Hai-vey, Rev. T. 163. Harwich, Sinking Wells at. 45. ,, Corporation Bill. 227. Hastings, Lady. The Court Doctor Dis- sected. J. F. Murray. 161. Hathaway, Rev. F., Dismissal of. 245. Haunted Houses, Report on. 293. Haymaking. James Howard, 1886. 302. Hayti. 1887. The Treatment of British Sub- jects. 308. Health. 85, 91, 132, 138, 150-153, 189, 204- 206, 208, 215, 216, 227. Health of Towns. 150, 153, 176. Hearsey, Lieut., Resignation of. 244. Hebrews, Queen of the. J. Brother. 48. Henry Prince of Wales, Illness of, in 1612. N. Moore. 293. Heresy, Prosecutions for. 257- Hevey, J., v. C. H. Sirr. 160. Hicks Pasha and the Government. Major- Gen. W. E. Macleod. 296. High Tide. Rev. G. Hutton. 7. High Treason in Dublin, 1798. W. Ridge- way. 49. „ W. T. Jones, Case of. 79. Highland Regimental Feather Bonnet. 295. Highway Act. F. James. 224. Hill, M. L. French Claims. 149. Hincks, Hon. F. Reply to Mr. Howe. 207. Hints towards Peace. A. J. B. Hope. 268. Historical MS. Commission. 251. „ Research, Liberty of. T. Kerslake, 1885. 299. History, The Credibility of. W. Forsyth. 261. Holiday, The Next. W. R. Smee. 259. Holland and Germany, Schools of. 138. ,, The Dutch Expedition vindicated. 55. Holywell, Miraculous Case at. 89. Homburg, Spas of. M. A. Downie. 150. 630 PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. Home Kule — Ireland. II. 0. Arnold-Forster, Truth about tlie Laml Ltague, 1886. Vol. 301. „ E. S. Bccsly. 13 13. „ Hon. G. C. Brodriok, 1886. 301. „ A. E. I)obb<, 1886. 301. „ Kifrht Hon. W. E. Glailstone. 1. Hi-tory of an Idea. 2. Lessons of thv Election, 1886. 301. „ A. H. Guinness, 1886. 301. „ W.Jeans. 13 13. „ Rev. Malcolm MacColl, 1886. 301. „ Thomas MacQuirc, 1886. 301. „ „ Charles S. Parnell, 1886. 299, 301. 301. and Imperial Parliament, 1886. B 13. „ „ Protest-iints in Kelation to. Homes of the Poor, 1886. 301. Homicide and Capital Punishment. C 6. Honduras Bonds, 1875. 273. Hong Kong, Condition of, 1878. 285. Honorius. Pope, Ciise of. 248, 252. Hook's, Dr., Call to Union. 116. Hops, Cultivation of. C. Whitehead. 285, 290. Horace. Life of. 9. Horfield Manor, Trust of. J. H. Monk. 123. Horses and Carriages, Duty on. 45. „ And Harness. E. F. Flower. 279. Hospital Nurses. J. F. South. 211. Hotel Nuisance in England. Albert Smith. 209. House of Commons, Little. A. Teetgen. 263. „ Sanitation. 8. Bedford. 297. Household Suflfrage, 1880. 291. Housing and Sanitary Condition of Londoners. 295. " How not to do it." 236. Howe Festivals, Boston. 260. Howell Charity, The. 220. Huddlestone, J., Pamphlet of. 87. Hudson, Sir .lames. Earl Bussell, and Hon. G. Elliot. 300. Hudson's Bay Company. J. Dodds. 241. Hull. Dinner to D. Urquhart, 1838. 187. Ilulsemann-Webster Correspondence. 148. Hume on Christianity. 48. Hungarian Manifesto. Count L. Teleki. 148. Hungary and Austria. 219. „ And Russia. 148. „ Constitution of. J. T. Smith. 148. Hunteriati Oration, 1851. 152. Hyde Park, 1871. B 5. Hyderabad, The Nizam of. 247. Iceland, Exploration of. W. Longman. 222. Imperial Federation. D. M. ^Morrison. 309. „ „ Conference, 1884. 298. „ Institute, Work of the, 1887. Sir Frederick Aliel. 305. „ Museum. C 5. Impost;i Sulla Rendita. P 9. Imprimerie. D. .Jon;iust. B 7. Imprisonment, Cellular. 293. Income Tax and Landlords. 295. „ „ The. 20, 142, 199, 231. Incumbent, Cruelty to an. 276. India. 87, loo, 158, 177, 210. 213, 214. 216- 219. 221, 222, 226, 237, 240, 248, 261, 264, 268, 270, 278, 279, 284, 292, C 1. India. Anti-Congress Lecture, 1888. Maha- rajah of Benares. Vol. 308. „ Civil. 157, 158, 204. 208. 209, 211- 214, 220, 227, 247, 250, 257. „ Commerce and Finance. 37, 45, 154- 156, 158, 177, 213, 216, 218, 219, 221-223, 253, 270, 272, 283, 285, 290. „ — Development of Trade. W. Birkmyre. 302. ,, in Six, Australia in Sixteen Days. W. Campbell. 293. „ Military. 13, 153, 158.202,210, 213- 216, 218, 226, 244, 249, C 5. „ Political. 86, 154, 155, 157, 158, 163, 204, 208, 209, 211. 212. 214-216, 219, 220, 224, 225, 260, 266, C 4. „ Poverty. J. Slagg, 1886. 303. „ Russia's move towards, 1886. 300. „ Russia's Power of Attacking. C.Marvin, 1886. 300. „ The Secretary of State in Council. W. Birkmyre. 1886. B 14. Indian National Congress, its Seditious Cha- racter. 1888. 310. „ Politics. 1888. Sir Syed Ahmed. 310. „ Public Works and Cooper's Hill College. 293. Indies, West. The Sources of Discontent, 1885. Francis H. Wilcher. 308. Industrial College. T. Twining. 141. ,, Hal)it;itions. H. Gavin. 151. ,, Instruction. De Cocquiels. 141. „ Life. 251. Infallibility. J. Rol)ertson. B 4, B 8. Infant Baptism. Rev. G. Hutton. 7. „ Custody Bill. 171. „ Mortality, 1871. 260. Infanticide. 294. Infectious Diseases. W. Hardwicke. 255. Inland Revenue. 247. Intemperance. II. H. Mayo. 263. International Copyright. W. C. Carey. 249. „ Exhibition." 234, B 8. „ Law. 73, 74, 223, 226. 283. Intoxicating Liquors, 1870. 254. Invasion, Letters on. 35. ,, National Defences and. 79,81. ,, The Directory and. 48. Inventions, Institution for. Count Rumford. 66. Investment, Science of. 256. Investors, Hints to. 259. Ionian Island.s. 147, 204, 217, 226. „ Judges. 22, 225. Ipplepen, Round about an old Devon Village. W. G. Thorpe. 309. Ireland. 17-20, 23, 47, 49-52, 54, 56, 57, 64, 66, 67, 73, 87, 91, 121, 138, 140, 150, 164-170, 172, 175, 184, 186-188,195, 205, 208, 211, 212, 217, 223,225,227, 231, 234, 237, 242, 243, 215,248,251, 254. 200, 266, 287-289, B 3-B 5. „ Anarchy in. 294. „ and England. J. Bryce, M.P. 296. „ and the Franchise. W. H. Kisliey, 295. „ „ B. F. C. Costelloc. 296. „ and the Holy See, 1866-83. 294. „ Boycotting, 1888. 304. PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. 631 Ireland, Church of. Vols. 19, 23, 77, 85, 93, 116, 121, 165, 205, 225, 236, 243, 247, 249.251, 253, 266. „ Commerce in. 36, 47, 75, 166,208,216, 254. ., Conduct of England to. Goldwin Smith. 1882. 294. „ The Congested Districts of. E. OTar- rell. 1887. 304. „ Eighty-Six, The, 1886. 301. „ Elections, 1885. 299. „ England and. J. Bryce. 298. „ Events in an Irish Country House iu 1880. 1886. 304. „ Franchise in. B. F. C. Costolloe. 298. „ Home Rule. 309. ,. D. Mabekn, 1886. 304. ,, „ H. 0. Arnold-Forster. Truth about the Land League, 1886. 301. „ E. S. Beesly, 1886. B 13. „ Hon. G. C. Brodrick, 1886. 301. „ A. E. Dobbs, 1886. 301. „ ,. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 1. History of an Idea. 2. Lessons of the Election, 1886. 301. „ A. H. Guinness, 1886. 301. „ W. Jeans, 1886. B 13. „ Rev. Malcolm MacColl, 1886. 301. „ Thomas MacQuirc, 1886. 301. „ Charles S. Parnell, 1886. 299, 301. ,, ,, and Federation, 1887. E.Guthrie. 304. „ „ Protestants in Relation to, 1886. B 13. „ Irish Issues by an Irish Libei'al, 1888. 304. „ The Irish Question. T.E.Webb. 1886. 304. „ Irish Question, 1886. 304. ,, The Irish Land Question. Sir J. N. M'Kenna. 1887. 304. ,, Land Act, 1881. The Duke of Argyll. 297. ,, Lies and Replies. Letters. Right Hon. A. J. Balfour and Geo. Wyndham. 309. „ Londovfning in Munster. Mrs. O'Con- nell. 301. „ Parnellism. 299. „ Peasant Proprietors in. B 17- ,, Proceedings at Assizes, 1887. 304. ,, Purchase of Land. W. Lawson, 1885. B 13. „ Repeal of the Union. 1886. 304. „ The Land Act. Sir E. Sullivan. 294. „ Truth about the Land League. H. O. Arnold-Forster. 294. „ Union with. The. 18, 20-22, 47-54, 56, 57, 65, 67, 96, 164, 165, 168. ,, What Science is saying about. 294. Irish Land Bank, Plea for an. T. A. Dickson. 296. „ „ Question. 246, 253, 254, 289. „ Policy. T. A. Dickson, 1885. 301. „ Question, How to Solve the. By H. 0. Arnold-Forster. B 17. „ State Trial. H. Crompton. 289. Iron Industry — Sliding Scales. Prof. J. E. C. Munro, 1885. 299. Ironclads. Vols. 234, 242. Isle of Man. The Duke of Athole's Petition 131. Israelitish Question, The. 276. Italian Biography. P 12, P 22. ,, Finance. P 24. ,, Pamphlets. P 25. „ Poetry. P 11. „ Police. B 3. „ Politics. P 13-21. Italy. 148, 203, 210, 214, 219, 220, 226, 229, 233, 235, 238, 246. Ithaca in 1850. G. F. Bowen. 204. Jacob, Major, Aspersion on. 208. Jacobin. Qu'est-ce qu'un Jacobin ? 38. Jacobinism, J. Bowles on. 76. „ J. Graglia. 81. Jamaica, Condition of. 94, 200, 236. ,, Disturbances in. 242. ,, Slaves in. D. Barclay. 2. „ The Labour Question. B 9. Japan. Seizure of Mr. Moss. 224. Jewish Disabilities. 162. „ Emancipation. 231, 232. „ Religion. C. Thirlwall. 230. „ Sabbath, The. 196. Jews in Spain. F. H. Goldsmid. 207. „ Persecution of, in Russia, 1881. 293. Jockey Club and the Bench. Hon. F. Lawley. 309. Johnson, Hon. Justice, Ca.se of. 86. Joint Stock Companies' Bill. 210. Jones, T., Trial of. 36. Journalism, Anonymous. 206. Jul)ilee Rhymings. 1887. 310. Judaism and Christianity. J. de Luc. 2. Judea, the Future Capital of British Empire in. 297. Judgment Creditors, Law of. 210. Judicial System, Reform ■ of. Sir A. Cock- burn. 247, 253. " Julian and Agnes." W. Sotheby. 68. Juries and Jurymen. Serjeant Pulling. 239. Jurisprudence. 170, 172." 173, 236, 239,247, 254. Jury, Trial by. 172. Justice. H. Sidgwiek. 266. Kaffir AVar, The. 125. Kars, The Defence of G. Kinety. 210. Kelly, Sir F. R. Wason. 249. Kendal Union, The Guardians of. 188. Kennedy, T. F., Case of. 205. Kent Agricultural Survey, 1796. 41. Ker, Mr., and Lord Brougham. 210. Kilkenny Hunt, The, 1870. 256. Kinder, T., and the Parras Estates. 96. King V. T. Jones, v. H. Owen, v. J. Roberts, V. J. Williams, v. the Bishop of Ban- gor. 36. Kinglake, Mr., Sir F. B. Head on. 225. King's College Appeal. 140. ,, And Mr. Maurice. 204. Kingsley, Rev. C, and Dr. Newman. 228. Kirehe und Staat. J. P. Thompson. B 7. Kossuth and the " Times." 163. „ Six Chapters. 205. 632 PAMPHLETS- SUBJECTS. Labienus, Les propos dc. A. Rog»ard. Vol. B3. Labour and Capital. Aug. Mongredien. 1886. B 15. ,, its Rights and Responsibilities. "\V. E. Giailstone. 309. „ Liuvs Commission. H. Crompton. C 5. „ Our Misilirected. E. D. Girdlestonc. B3. Lalx)ur.ige h. Vapeur. 228. Liibouriiig Classes, Habitations of. 151, 211. „ England, Ireland, and Scotland. G. P. Sorope. 169. ,, Ireland. 166. Lambeth Conference. Memorial to Arch- dfticon Denison, 1888. 307. Lancashire, The Cotton Trade of. J. Slagg. C 3. Lancaster. F. Chalmers Appeal. 63. Land Act, Ireland. Sir E. Sullivan. 294. „ „ Duke of Argyll. 297. „ Bill, The, 1881. 292. „ Contracts. Duke of Argyll. B 10. ., Free Trade in. 203, 288, B 5, B 7. „ How to make the most of. S. Morgan. 1888. 306. ,, Improvement. W. Fowler. Bll. „ Ireland. 166, 169, 208, 241. „ Law Reform. 173, 287, B 11. ,, Laws of England. 247. „ Laws — Registration of Titles. J. Davy, 1886. 300. „ R. B. Morris. 300. „ League, Ireland, Reign of the. 294. „ ,. The Truth aViout the. H. O. Arnold-Forster. 294. „ Ireland, Truth about the. H. 0. Arnold-Forster. 301. ,, Limited Ownership of. "W. Fowler. B 11. „ Nationalization Report, 1884. 298. „ A. R. Wallace, 1885. 299. „ of Death. Eiloart. 1887. B 16. „ Owning in Munster. Mrs. O'Connell. 301. „ Question, The. James Caird. 292. „ (in England). 293. „ Reform. C. D. Hodgson, 1885. 301. „ Registration. 219, 227. „ Registration of Titles. R. B. Morris, 1886. 300. „ Settlement of, U.S. J. M. Adams. 262. „ System, Reform of the. Hon. G-. C. Brodrick, 1883. B 12. „ Tax Sale and Redemption Act. 48. ,. The Right to Revision of. 134. „ Tenure Reform. 241, 261, 263, 268. „ Tra-.i-sftr of. Sir R. Torrens. 262, Bll. Landed Property. Sir H. B. Lytton. 129. „ Tenures. From the Persian. 38. Landguard Fort, Wells for. 45. Landlord and Tenant. 166, 202, 213, B 9. Landlordism, Remedy for. B 17. Landlords and the Income Tax. 295. Landowners, Ireland. J. Hamilton. 166. Lansdownc, Lord, on Foreign Affairs. 92. ,, On Public .Affairs. 17. La Plata. The War in 1865. 239. L'ArchevSque, Mgr., Discours de. 64. Lauderdale, E^l of, Burke's Letter to. Vols. 38, 41. ,, On Finance. 44. Laurien, Le. A de Riz. 262. Liw affecting Housing of Londoners. 295. ., Amendment. 173, 210, 239. „ Cases, Publishing of. E. Webster. 229. „ Codification of. 222, 239, 263. ,, Courts Concentration. 222, 239. „ The New. 170,203,252,262,263. „ Justice and Legislation. A. Symonds. C 4. „ Reform. 170, 173, 243, 261. „ Reporting. W. T. S. Daniel. 236. ., Roman and Common. G. Bowyer. 172. ,. Schools. Lord Brougham. 172. „ Society. 173, 210. Lawful Conculiinage. Rev. M. Davies. 296. Lawson r. Bogle, Case of. 162. Liiy Preaching. Rev. E. Pearson. 8. Layard, Mr., Calumnies of. C. T. Beke. 248. Laymen administering Criminal Justice. W, F. Finlason. 268. Leaden Statuary, The. D. A. Wells. 268. Leeds, St. Saviour. Bishop of Ripon. 124. Legal Tracts. P 4. Legislation, Direct. 252. „ — One Session Rule. E. K. Blyth, 1885. 299. Legislative Requirements. Hon. D. Pelham. 177. Leicester, Mr. Justice Coleridge's Charge to Jury at. 206. Le()nora. B 1. Liability of Husbands. 248. Libel and Libel Laws. 28, 82, 91, 159-163, 172. „ Law. R. Wason. 247. Liberal Party, The. 177, 288. „ And Catholics. 267- „ And Mr. Ciiamberlain. W. T. Marriott. 294. ,, Principles. Hon. G. C. Brodrick. 282. „ Reunion, 1887. Andrew Carnegie. B 16. „ Unionists, The, and their Leaders. W. Summers. [188.8.] 304. Liberalism. 272, 291. Liberty, Civil and Rt-ligious. 89. Libraries, Free News-rooms and. 214. Library, Propos;ils for a Subscription. 174. „ The London. W. D. Christie. 174. „ AtTamworth. Sir R. Peel. 174. Libre Echange en Toscane. B 10. Licensing, Leaves on. 251. Lichfield, Theological College at. 210. Lies and Replies. Irish Question. 309. Life and Ship Preserver. R. Watson. 93. „ Assurances. 228, 229. Lincoln's Inn, Guide to. 79. Linna?us. E. Jones on the Acer Saccharinum. 95. Liquor TraflSc, The. 264, 272. Literary. P 2. „ and Scientific Institutions. 141. „ Fund, Royal. 215. Literature in Great Britain. W. R. A. Boyle. 254. Liturgical Revision. 211, 223, 228. PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. 633 Liverpool and Manchester Eailway Bill. Vol. 264. ,, College. Address by "W. E. Gladstone. 266. ,, Dock Estate and Local Taxation. 217. „ Tea Duties at. 137. „ Vauxhall Ward. J. Finch. 132. Livingstone, Dr., and the Geographical So- ciety. W. D. Gooley. 267. Llandafi, Bishop of. Letter. R. Cumberland. 25. Loans, On. S. Douglas. 38. Local Administration. E. Chadwick, 1885. 299. „ Administration in the' United States and in the United Kingdom, 1888. F. C. Montague. B 14. „ Administration, 1888, Errors of. E. Chadwick. 306. „ Courts, Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham and the. 1 70. „ Government. 258, 267. „ Government, Rural Municipalities and the Reform of, 1887. H. G. Ford- ham. 306. Loch Leven, Angling Map of. B 17. Lockhart and Ballantyne's Life of Sir W. Scott. 160. Lockhart-Holmes Controver.sy, The. 288. Loi sur la Pre.sse. M. Sainte-Beuve. 248. Lombardy, Assassinations in. 148. London. Edwin de Lisle, 1885. 302. „ and Westminster Bank. J. P. Gassiot. 279. ,, Burial Grounds of. Dr. G. A. Walker. 153. ,, Clergy. Rev. J. Moore. 91. ,, Commerce of, 1851. 128. „ Docks, Strike at. 1889. 310. ,, Government of. J. T. Dexter. 273. ,, Library. 174. ,, Municipal Corporations Bill. 294. „ New County of, 1888. Harry Wilkins. 307. „ Or other Cities with a River. Meikle- john. 251. „ Port of. 43, 48, 49, 68. ,, Sanitary Improvements of. J. Murray. 153. „ Taxation of. 29. „ Water Supply. 295. „ G. P. Bevan, 1884. B 12. London below-Bridge. North and South Com- munications. Sir Fred. Bramwell. 1884. 305. Lords, House of, as a Court of Appeal. 172. „ ,, Nature and Origin. Edw. A. Freeman. 297. • Lord's Prayer. G. Sharp. 7. „ Supper, The. 4, B 6. Lot, Parson. Cheap Clothes and Nasty. 175. Loughborough's Lord, Divorce Bill. 48. Louis XVII. V. the London " Times." 262, Louis XVIIL, An Agent of. 10. ,, Rapport fait a sa Majeste. 34. Louisiana, The French in. G. Orr. 78. Liibeck Statistics. Rev. R. Everest. 212. Ludlow, E. L., Charlton and. 187. Lunacy Laws. 220. p. 3104. Lunacy Refutation. D. Sombre. Vol. 163. Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham and the Local Courts. 170. MacArthur's " New South Wales." 182. Macaulay's Election. 163, 184. ,, Glasgow University, Address to, 1849. 163. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. J. Comyns Carr, 310. " Macbeth," Essay on. 174. Maddock, Mr., on Reform. 97. Madras, Mr. Norton's Speech at. 212. „ Native Petition. 210. „ Torture in. M. Lewin. 210, 213. Magistrates, Metropolitan. T. J. Arnold. 209. Magna Charta. 97, 262. Mahdi, The. Rev. H. S. Patterson, 1884. B 12. „ The, Past and Present, 1888. B 16. Malay Conquests, Our. Sir P. B. Maxwell. 284. „ States, Straits Settlements and. 303. Malcolm Ross. Letters on India. 242. Malouet's Franco-American Colonies. M. Beard. 45. Malt Tax, The. 199, 229, 235, 237, 243. Malta. W. Eton. 79. ,, English Governors. W. Webster. 226. Maltese Questions, 1877 to 1887. G. Eraser, 308. Man versus State. Herbert Spencer. 297. Man J'crs;rr. In Two Parts. 1884. Vol. 298. Mas5iachu«it'tts, S.-hools of. Hon. E. Twistle- ton. 205. „ Taxation in. "W. Minot. 282. Masters anil Men. R. Kettle. B 5. Matter of Fact for the Multitude. 46. Maunsell, Capt. C. S., Case of. 295. Maurice, Mr., and King's College. 204. Maynooth (inmt. The. 104. Mcl/ood. Mr.. Ca-e of. D. Urquhart. 100. Meadows. Gen.. Services of. 28. Mecanique de lExchangc. H. Cernuschi. 238. Mechanical Engineers, Institution of. Ad- dress bv Edward H. Carbutt. 1887. 307. Medical Act Amendment. C 2. „ College. A. Clark. B 9. ,, Commission, Admiralty. 237. „ Eleetroinoteur. 150. „ Jurisprudence. 150. „ Monopolies. 150. „ Practice. 89. 150. „ Reform. 132. 150, 213 „ Relief. 150. Melbourne Ministry, The. 187. Melville, Lord, and the Ghost of Dean Swift. 84. Memoirs of a Country Surgeon. 150. Mendicity. 79, 91. Mental and 3Ior.il Freedom. Bishop of Sal- ford. C 4. Mercantile Distress. 93. Merchant Ships for War Purposes. 283. Merrypebblc Mr., and J. Bull. 273. Mesmerism the Gift of God. 152. Messiah, Divinity of the. G.Sharp. 8. Jletals, Precious. 137. Meteorology, India. Dr. Anderson. 1. Metre the best Unit of Length. 216. Metric System. 228. 248. ^letropolitan Government. Lord Ebrington. 205. .. Magistrates. I. J. Arnold. 209. Me.xican IJondholder. R. Garde. 222. ., Justice. T. Kinder. 96. Mesic). W. Bullock. 93. .Miildlesex, Price of Provisions in. 64. Military History. Scotch. 229. .. Organization. 258-260, 262. .. Position, Our. Capt. C. W. White. 295. „ Subjects. W. M. Trinder. 81. Militia. The. 179,217,219. .. Bill, The. 179, 206. Mill, J. S., and A. Hayward. 266. Miller v. Salomons. A. Goldsmid. 162. Mine Rents and Mining Royalties. C. M. Percy. 1882. 306. Mining Fields. C. Thomas. 247. Ministerial Policy. 186, 288. ., Position and its Remedy. 294. ., RatsKine. 177. Mint, A Free. Col. Tomline, M.P. 261. Mississippi, The. T. J. Crane. 100. Modem I^inguages in Schools. C. H. Schnibb. B 1. ,, Science. Canon Birks. 276. Moira Lord and Ireland. 47. Moldavia and Wallachia. Vol. 144. Monarchy. H. Drummond. 216. MoneUiire, La Question. Wolowski. 248. Monetary. P. 7. „ Diplomacy. Cernuschi. 285. „ Panics. 103, 240, 273. Money. G. Guthrie. 231. „ Fallacies concerning. E. de Laveleye. 293. „ Science of. J. H. Norman. 309. Monmouthshire, Chartism in. 201. Monopoly and Forestalling. 35. Montenegro. 215. Montgomery v. Poole House of Industry. Monuments, Public. T. Blyth. 204. Moore's Diary. 203. Morality, English and F'rench. Yves Guyot, 1886. 300. Morante, Marquis de, and his Library. 295. Morgan on F'inancc. 15, 70, 77. Mortgage of Land. 219. Moss, Mr., in Japin. 224. Mudge's Timekeepers. 29. Municipal Corporations, Metropolis (England) Bill. D. J. Reardcn. 294. ,, Reform. 282. Munro v. Crawford. 273. Munster — Landowning. Mrs. Morgan J. O'Connell, 1886. 301. Murray, W., Biography of. 160. Muscovite Crusade, The. A. C. Swinburne. 276. Music Hall, Proposed. J. Hanson. 101. Musketry Catechism. B 2. My Comrade and my Colours. Rev. E. Neale. B 1. My Life and Recollections. Hon. G. J. Berkeley. 236. Mysore. 243, C 2. Napier, Major-Gen. Sir C. 158, 203. Naples, Carlo Poerio. A. Satii. 214. „ L'Etat de. J. Gondon. 212. State Prosecutions. W. E. Gladstone. 145. „ State Prosecutions. J. L. Lytton. 210. Napoleon I. 33, 40, 82. „ IIL 145, 149, 203, 214, 244. Nassau. T. Twining. 176. Natal. J. R. Saunders. 293. Nation, The, 1822. 185. „ State of the. 12,279. National Debt. 33, 36, 110, 142. „ Defence. 2, 15, 36, 40, 49, 50, 70, 71, 77-79. 81-83, 86, 162, 179, 209, 216, 218-223, 233, 260. „ Education. Sir C. Adderley. 268. „ Fast, 1804. 80. „ Gallery. J. C. Robinson. 101, 247. „ Harbours. E. K. Calver. 269. „ Institutions. 101. „ Policy. J. S. C. Morris, 1885. 299. „ Prosperity. 11. „ Reform Association. 184. „ Subjects, 1797. 45. Nationalization of Land, Report. 298. „ A. R. Wallace. 299. Nations, Relative Power of. 264. Nation's Vote, The. P. Bayne. 287. PAMPHLETS— SUBJECTS. 635 Natural History. J. Simon. Vol. C 5. Naval Armour. 237. „ Disasters, The. Sir C. Paget. 264. Navigation Laws. ] 43, 178. Navy, The. 8, 32, 37, 66, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 173, 179, 204, 207, 211, 214,215,217, 220, 221, 223, 224, 229, 233. 237, 251, 252, 258-260, 268, 270. Negro Apprenticeship. 180. „ Slavery. 85, 94. Nelson, Lord, Monument to. 101, 175, 187. Neufchatel since 1814. 211. New Brunswick. 126, 223. Newbury Eailway. 191. Newcastle, Duke of. 206. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. D. Urquhart. 187. New Forest, The. H. T. J. Jenkinson. 259. New Guinea. A. Michie. 273. Newman, Dr., and C. Kiugsley. 228. New South Wales. 126, 127, 157, 182. Newspaper Stamp Duties. 199. New Testament. Rev. J. L. Moore. 9. New Zealand. 126, 127, 182, 183, 220, 221, 226, 238, C 2. Niger Expedition. E. Jamieson. 98, 197. Nile. C. T. Eeke. 229. „ Reservoir. Cope Whitehouse. 1890. 310. Norfolk. 23. North American Colonies. Hon. J. Howe. 126. Northampton and Peterhorough Railway. 191. Northamptonshire Banking Company. 107. Northern Confederacy. Salpicius. 70. ,, Fisheries. J. Knox. 25. „ Powers, The. 72. North Polar Region. 210, 237. North-West Passage. Capt. McClure. 98. Norwood (C. M.). Report on Strike at Lon- don and St. Katherine Docks. 1889. 310. Nosce Teipsum. A. Polocki. C 6. Nova Scotia. C 4. Numismatics. P 1. Nuns and Nunneries. 65, 255. Nursery Gardens. 5. Nyassaland. Great Britain's Case against Por- tugal. Rev. Horace AValler. 309. Oakley, J., and Fitz-Adam. 4. Oath, Parliamentary. E. de Lisle, 1883. B 12. Oaths, Administration of. 42, 212, C 1. O'Brien, W. S., Case of. 163. O'Connell and others, Case of. 165. O'Connor, Trial of. 18. Olney, Rev. J. Bean at. 9. Omnia pro Christo. H. E. Manning. 238. Once a Clergyman, always a Clergyman. 238. Ontario, Schools of. C 6. Opium Revenue, Substitutes for the. J. G. Alexander. 309. „ Traffic. 114, 210, 254. Options, Theory of. C. Castelli. B 10. Or L', et I'Argent. Wolowski. 248. Ordnance. 223, 224, 228, 258, 266. „ Survey. 218, C 2. Orient, L'extreme, au Palais de I'lndustrie- Vol. C 1. Oriental Plague. J. Browning. 150. Orissa, Famine in. 241. Oude, The King of. W. White. 155. " Our Economic Catos." Sir E. Sullivan. 264. Our New Ministers. 214. Outram's Conquest of Sinde. 158. Overcrowding, Evils of. 236. Owen, H., Case of. 36. „ R., Letter of. 162. Oxford University. 140, 184, 203. „ And Cambridge. W. I). Christie. 140. Oxfordshire, Freeholders of. 48. Pacific Railroad, Northern. C 2. Paddington Sanitary Report, 1872. 264. Palace Yard, A Voice from. 186. Palermo. Lord Mount-Edgcumbe. 145. Palestine, The Calendar of. W. H. Black. 237. Palmerston, Lord. 143, 203, 214. Pandora's Box. J. Broadley. 69, 72. Panic, The, 1867. 247. Papacy, Fall of the. 258. Papal Encyclical, 1875. 272. Paper Currency. F.P.Eliot. 106. „ Duty. 137,216,221. Paris, Abattoirs de. 151. ,, Exhibition, 1855. 208. Parish Legislation. B 5. Parker, Mr., and Mr. Day, Case of. 113. Parks, Meetings in the. 249. Parliament. 13, 20, 23, 44, 97, 133, 177, 184, 185, 203, 205, 270. Parliamentary Administrations. Lord A. Hamilton. 82. ,, Barometer. 249. „ Boroughs. G. Thompson. 184. „ Business. 184. ,, Franchise. 184. „ Government. 241. „ Reform. 14, 16, 33, 95, 97, 160, 184, 193, 202-204, 208, 210, 213, 214, 216- 220, 236, 237, 240, 244, 245. „ Representation. 12, 35, 76, 83, 91, 184, 213. Parnellism, 1885. 299. Parnellite Party. H. 0. Arnold-Forster. 29G. Parochial Charities of City of London. 272. „ Clergy. 256. Parthenon, The. 101. Partnership Amendment Bill. 239. „ Law of. 124,202,210. ,, Limited Liability. 202, 206, 207, 209. Pastoral Politics. Edwin de Lisle, 1886. 300. Patent Bill. R. A. Macfie. 273, 281. „ Laws. 210, 239. „ Museum. J. Scott. 227. Patents, Dramatic. F. Place. 174. Patriotic Competition. 62. Patriotism. Rev. D. Hollingbery. 77. Patronage, Abolition of. 207. „ Episcopal. W. Walsh. 296. PauU, Mr., and Lord Folkestone. 97. Pauperism. 113, 118, 206, 264. Peace. 61, 76, 78, 209, 257. Pebble Powder. B. Britten. 270. Peel, Sir R. 116, 136, 162. s s 2 636 P AMPHI-E TS— S UB.TE CTS . Peerage, The, and the Constitution. Vol. 209. Piers anil Iliironets. 2G2. ,. The House of. 184. Penn-ylv, J. C3. Macfarlan, Rev. Dr. 120. Macfarlane, C. 145. „ D. H. 299, 298. Macfie, R. A. 260, 273, 281, 291. Macgachen, F. S. 217. Macgregor, J. 128,176. „ R. S. 179. Mackay, A. 127, 184. „ C. 288. MaeKenna, Sir J. N. 304. Mackenzie, Mr. 283. I „ Rev. C. 141. „ J. T. 214. I Mackey, Mr. 126. Maclean, J. S. 158. Macleod, A. 64, 66, 84. „ Major-Gen. W. E. 296. Macloughlin, Dr. 152. Macnaghten, Sir F. 66, 164, ' 188. Macnamara, R. C 2. ' Macphenson, P. J. 192. Mach Hi^^torians to 1600. Macray. Briti:-h Hi.-toric Intellif.'tncer. 1829. Stack. British Li I ■r.irics. 1819. Clarkk. Buonarotti, Michel Angelo. Bibliography. 1875. Bfox.\fiOTTi. Canibri(];re, Books printed at, 1521-1700. Mi>oilianeous, 1520-1700. Ditto, 1700- 1800. Miscellaneous, 1701-1800. Cam- BRiDuE Catalogue. Canadian Literature. 1867. Mohgax. Card Games. 1892. HoRR. Chap Books of the 18th Cent. 1882. ASUTOX. Cla--sifving Books at the British Museum, System of. 1878. Garxett. Colportage, Histoire de Livres Populaires, cu de la Litterature de. 1854. Nisard. Cornwall. 1874-82. Boase & CorRTXET. Dickens, Charles. 1879. Cook. Egji't and Soudan. 1888. Ibhaham- HlI.MEY. Elzevir Press. 1888. Goldsmid. English Literature: Alliiioxe. Dictionary. 1851-91. British Museum. English Books printed V>efore 1640. Br\-dges. Titles of Old English Litera- ture. 1805-16. Coleridge. Index to English Literature of 13th Cent. 1859. Hazlitt. Collections and Notes on Early English Literature, 1876-93. LowxDES. Manual. 1864. See DiBDix. France : MoxoD. Bibliographic, Hisioire de. 1888. MSS. in Library of King of. 1789. QuERARD. Dictionnaire Bibliographique. 1827-64. Franklin. Life and Writings. 1881. FR.\X-KLtX. Genealogy : Gatfield. 1892. Marshall. 1885. MouLE. 1822. Geographic Ancienne et Modeme. 1869. Bruxet. Geography, Colonial. Silver. Horsxfordshirc. History of 1816. I)lNKIX. Big'g'ar District. See Lanarkshire. Biglow Papers. 1861-7. Lowell. Billiards : Bexxett. 1884. BoHJf. Games. 1890. Bi-Metallic Controversy, The. 1886. Gibbs. Bi-Metallism: The Ca.-e against. 1892. Giffkx. Theory of. 1886. Babbocr. Bim^tallisme International, La Monnaie ct le. IbOl. La\t:leye. INDEX. 669 Biographia Britannica Literaria. 1842-6. WlUUHT. Britannica ; Eminent Persons of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, 1747-66. Second ed. A to Fastolff. 1778-93. Biographia. Dramatica. 1812. Baker. Scoticana. Lives of Scotch Wortliies. 1796. Biographical Dictionaries : General : AiKiN & Enfield. 1799-1815. Biographical Dictionary of Society of Useful Knowledge. Letter A. 1842-4. BioGRAPiiiE Universelle. 1841-7. Gates. 1881. Chalmers. 1812-17. Cooper. 1883. Gorton. General. 1832. HoEFER. Generale. 1855. Hole. Brief. 1866. Ladvocat. Historical. Trans. 1799-1801. Men of the Time ; Eminent Living Cha- racters of Loth sexes. 1888-91. EosE. 1850. Upcott. Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. 1816. Vincent. Past and Present. 1877. Weiss. Universelle. 1841-7. Williams. Welshmen. 1852. Biographical History of England. Egbert to Geo. I. Granger. Biographies : Actors : Baker. Actors, Our Old. 1878. Baker. Biographia Dramatica. 1812. Galt. Lives of the Players. 1831. Admirals, British : Campbell. SOUTHEY. 1833-7. American : Appleton. Cyclopsedia. 1887-9. Sparks. Kevolutionary Leaders. 1872 et seq. Annual Biography for 1856-7. Hardavicke. Annual Obituary, The. 1817-37. Bio- graphy. Arabian. 1211-82. Trans. Ibn Khallikan. Artists : Bryan. 1889. Clayton. English Female. 1876. Clement & Hdtton. Of the 19tli Cent. 1879. Daytes. Sketches of Modern. 1805. Delepieree. Galerie d'Artistes Bourgeois. 1840. Ellett. Female, in all Ages. 1860. Assemblee Legislative. Paris 1849. Profils Critiques et Biographiques des 750 Repre- sentants du Peuple. Assemblee. Australian Victorian Series. Men of the Time. 1878. Australian. Australasian. 1892. Mennell. Authors : Bates. Maclise Portrait Gallery. 1891. GuBERNATis. Ecrivains du .Jour. Upcott. Living Authors. 1816. Vapereau. Dictionnaire. 1876. Wright, T. Biographia Brit. 1842-6. Bath and Wells, Lives of the Bishops of. 1829. Cassan. Biographies— t OH)*. Book Collectors : Book. Dictionary of English. 1802 etscq. Elton. The Great. 1893. Border Memories. 1876. Carre. Bourgogne, Dues de, 1364-1477- 1837-8. Barante. British : Aubrey. Lives of Eminent Men. 1813. Ballard. P)ritish Ladies. 1775. Biographia Britannica. 1747-93. Boase. Persons who have died since 1850. Breton. Good and Bad of this Age. 1616. Brougham. Philosophers, Men of Letters, and Statesmen of the time of Geo. III. Campbell. Chief Justices and Lord Chancellors. Coleridge. Distinguished Northerns. 1833. Earle. English Premiers. From Sir Robert Walpole to Sir Robert Peel. 1871. English Men of Action. 1889 et seq. English Men of Letters. 1879-84. English Worthies. 1888. Escott. Pillars of the Empire. 1879. FoRSTER. Statesmen of the Common- wealth. 1831. Fuller. Worthies. 1840. Gentleman's Magazine. Obituary. 1731 ei seq. Georgian Period. Eminent Persons, Geo. I. to IV. 1832-4. Georgi.in. Guizot. Revolution d'Angleterre. 1851. Harding. Illustrious Persons in Eng- lish History. 1869. Holland. Portraits. 1500-20. Hill. Political Portraits. 1873. Kebbell. English Statesmen since the Peace of 1815. 1868. Lloyd. State Worthies from the Reform- ation to the Revolution. 1766. Lodge. Great Britain. Illustrious Per- sons. 1823-34. National Dictionary of Biography. 1885 et seq. Sandars. Nineteenth Century. Sanford & Townsend. Great Governing Families of England. 1865. Twelve English Statesmen. 1890 et seq. Wrangham. British Plutarch. 1500-1812. Whitty. Governing Classes of Great Britain. 1859. WiNSTANLEY. England's Worthies. 1684. Williams. Cardinals, English. Cambridge Athena; Cantabrigienses. 1500- 1609. Cooper, C. H. & Cooper, T. Canterbury, Archbishops of. 1860-76. Hook. Cardinals, English. 1868. Williams. Chess Life-Pictures. 1883. MacDoxnell. Colonial Statesmen and Officials. 1879. EscoTT. Commerce. Self-help. 1880. Smii-es. Conservatives ; with Portraits. 1837. Con- servatives. Contemporary Biography : Biographie des Conteinporains. 1788- 1834. 670 INDEX. Biographies —If « ^ Cniitt iiij.cir.iry IJiojri'iiphy — emit. Co.NTKMi'ouAUY liiogrupliv. Dictionary. 1861. GiruiDN, V. Pul>lic Characters of Europe now living. 1814-1.5. JIautix. liandliook. 1870. Mkx of the Time. 1868-91. Cornish Worthies. 1884. Tkkgellas. Dissenting Ministers in London. 1808-14. 'Wii.sox. Divines, Notes on English. 1853. Coi.k- HIDGE. Dramatic Poets, English. 1724. Jacob. Dramatists of To-day, English. 1882. Ahchek. Dramatists and Actors. 1812. ]5akei£. Ecclesiastical : Farrak. Fathers of the Church. 1889. IIooK. Ecclesiastical Biography. 1854-52. Stephen-. Essays in. 1849. Engravers : Bkyak. 1889. Sthutt. 1785. Essex, Earls of. Eliz. to Chas. I. 1853. Essex. Etonians, Celebrated. 1875. Jesse. Exeter. Bishops. 1861. Oliver. French : AssEMiii.f E Legislatif. 1849. BioiiKAriiiE des Contemporains. 1788 ct !-cq. Br.wtome. CEuvre.s. 1864. Fran^ais. Grands Ecrivains Fran^ais. 1887 et scg. France. Grands Hommes sous le Second Empire. France. DictionnaireBiographiquc de la Ecvolution Fran9aisc. 1800. MiRECouRT. Histoirc Contcmpuraine. 1859-70. Oettinger. Bibliographic. 1850. FoRTcxEs made in Business. 1884. Greek and Koman : Cornelius Nkpos. Viltt Exccllciitiiim Imperatorum. 1822. Plitarch. Lives of the Grecians and Komans. Trans. 1801. Plutarch. Opera qua; extant. 1572. Smith. Greek and Roman Dictionarj' of. 1844-9. Heralds and Pursuivants from Pich. IIL 1804. Noiii.K. Hertfordshire. 1890. Hutchinson. Highwaymen, Pirates, and Robbers. 1842. Whitehead. Imaginative. 1834. Brydoes. Lidiaii Officers, Lives of. 1867. Kaye. Industrial Ironworkers and Tool Makers. 1879. Smiles. Irish. 1878. AVehh. Italy. Literary and Scientific Men. Lives. Italian Women, Decade of. 1859. Troli.ope. Judges : Campbell. Chief Justices. 1849. Campbell. Lord Chancellors. 1847. Foss. Of England. 1066-1870. Welsbv. 1 7th and 1 8th Cents. 1846. Kentish Men. 1892. Hutchinson. Biographies— c('«^ Kni^'lits lit the Garter. Edw. III. and Rich. II. Beltz. Lawyers, Eminent British. 1830. Roscoe. I^iwyers, Men at the Bar. 1885. Foster. Lord Advocates of Scotland. 1883. Omond. Lord Chancellors. 1847-9. Campbell. Lord Chancellors of Ireland. 1870. O'Fl.ANNKiAN. Lords and Commons. Index to. 1808. "Wilson. Manchester Collegiate Church, Fellows of. Chdham Soc, 21, 23. Medical Portrait Gallery. 1839. Pettigrew. Merchants, British. 1866. Bourne. INIilitary : Chesnev. Essays in Modern. 1874. Gleig. Commanders. 1831. Ministers, Lives and Works of the 2000 ejected, 1662. Calamy. Modern English. 1892. Boase. Musicians : J:ngel. Mozart to Mario. 1886. Fetis. 1835. Grove. Dictionary of. 1450-1889. Naval : Barrow. Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. 1845. Bourne. Seamen under the Tudors. 1868. Campbell & Kent. Illustrious Seamen. Charnock. Officers. 1660-1796. Locker. Commanders. 1832. O'Byrne. Officers Living. 1849. Oxford, All Souls' College, Worthies of. 1874. Burrows. Oxford Men. 1 8 1 3-20. Wood, A nt. k. Painters : Becki'ord. Memoirs of Extraordinarv. 1834. Bryan. And Engravers. 1886-9. Jameson. Early Italian. 1868. Redgrave. English. 1890. Vasari. Sculptors, and Architects. 1852. Vasari. Pittori, Scultori, e Architctti. 1791-4. Peers of England during Reign of James I., Memoirs of. 1802. Brydgbs. Philosophers : Diogenes Laertius. Lives and Opinions of Eminent. Trans. 1853. Lewes. History of. Poets : Austin & Ralph. Lives of the Poets Laureate. 1853. Bell. Lives of English. 1 839. British Poets. Life precedes the work of each Author. CiiiiiER & Coxeter. Lives of. Great Britain and Ireland. 1753. Johnson, S. English. Phillips. English. Temp. Hen. VIII. 1800. Skllar. Roman. SouTHEY. Later English. 1807. Popes and their Conflicts with Protestantism. 1847. Raxke. Popes, History of the. 1748-56. Bowkr. Presbyteriana. 1827. Walker. INDEX. 671 Biographies —co?«^ Princesses of England. Green, M. A. E. Privateers. 1887. Laughton. Public Characters of Europe now Living. 1814-15. Gibbon. Queens : Jameson. Celebrated Female Sovereigns. 1881. Lawhance. Queens of England, 12tli to 16th Cents. 18-18-50. Reformation : Leaders. 1860. Tulloch. Regicides, The English. 1798. Noble. Remarkable Persons. 1327-1760. Caul- field. Rhode Island Bar, Memoirs of the. 1842. Updike. Rochdale Vicars. Chetham Soc, 1, 2. Royal Academy Members. 186:^. Sandby. Russian Poets. 1821. Bowring. Science, English Men of: their Nature and Nurture. 1874. Galton. Scientific Men, Distinguished. 1857. Ar.^go. Scotchmen, Diet. of. 1840. Chambers. Scotch Worthies. 1796. Biograpiiia Scoticana. Scottish Worthies. Garden. Seamen : Bourne. English, under the Tudors. 1868. Campbell & Kent. Illustrious. Senators of the College of Justice, from 1532 -1832. Brunton & Haig. Serjeants-at-Law. 1869. Woolrych. Speakers of House of Commons, Lives of. 1850. Manning. Sussex Worthies. 1865. Lower. Thrift. Trade. 1880. Smiles. Tower of London. Historic Persons buried in St. Peter ad Vincula. 1877. Bell. Turf Celebrities : Day. Those I have Known. 1891. "Druid." From 1857. Urbino, Dukes of. 1440-1630. Dennistoun. United States : Appleton. Cyclopaedia. 1887-9. Lanm.^n. Congress. 1859. Riethmuller. Revolutionary Leaders. Sabine. Loyalists, American Revolution. 1864. Sanderson. Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1823. Sparks. Revolution. 1872 ct seq. Water Colour Society. 1891. Roget. Welshmen. 1872. Williams. Westminster Scholars. 1764-1883. Barker. Westmoreland,Worthies of. 1849. Atkinson. Women : Ballard. Memoirs of British. 1775. Ellett. Artists in all Ages. 1860. Elwood. Literary, of England. 1843. Hays, J. Of the Day. Hays, M. Women of all Ages and Coun- tries. 1803. Trollope. Italian. Decade of. 1859. World. Parallel History and Biography. 1842. Prince. Biology : Addresses. Scientific Lectures. 1878. Lubbock. First Principles. Spencer, H. of. Life. Langford. -4. Smith, J. T. 1866. Timmins. Birds : British. History of. 1891. Morris. British. History of. 1856. Yarrell. Dictionary of British. 1888. Montagu. Essays. 1854-7. Waterton. Love's Meinie. Lectures on Greek and English. 1881. Ruskin. Of Sussex. 1855. Knox. See Zoology. Birkbeck Schools, Founder 1889. Ellis. Birmingham : Directories. History. 1795. Hutton. Life, A Century of. 1741-1841. Memorials of Old. 1863- Resources, Products, &e. Riots. 1791. HuTTON. See Warwickshire. Bishops, Catholic : Series Episcoporum Ecclesiifi Catholicse. 1873-86. G.ames. Ecclesiastical Dignitaries. England and AVales. 1854. Le Neve. Episcopal Succession in England. 1857. Stubbs. Scotch. Eccles. Chron. 1867- Gordon. Bispham.. See Lancashire. Black Book, The Extraordinary. 1832. Wade. Black Death in England. 1889. Jessopp; Black Forest, Rambles in. 1880. Wolff. Black-Letter Books. Richard de Bury. Bibliography. Black Sea, Russian Shores of, in the Autumn of 1852. Oliphant. Blackheath, Hundred of. Hasted. See Kent. Blarney Ballads, The. 1889. Graves. Block Books. 15th Cent. 1858. Sotheby. Bloomsbury. Sec London. Blue Coat School. See Christ's Hospital. Blue Friars, The. 1889. Wright. Blue Mountains, Aracan. India. Boating. See Badminton Library. Bodleian Library : Annals of the. a.d. 1598-1867. Macray. Catalogue. 1738. Catalogues. Bohemian Poems. The Queen's Court Manuscript, &c. Trans. 1852. Wr.4.tislaw. Bokhara : History of, from Oriental Manuscripts. 1873. Vambery. Travels into. Also a Voyage on the Indus to Lahore. 1831-3. Burnes. Victims, The. 1845. Bologna. See Italy. Bombay : Administration. 1885 State Papers. Home Bombay. „ Maratha Series See India. Book of Common Prayer : Facsimile of Black Letter Prayer Book of 1636. Book. 1549. Troubles connected with the. Camde v Soc, 37. Text taken from the Sealed Book. 1849-50. Eccles. Hist. Soc. Grover. to 1890. Series. Hunter. 1887 et seq. 1885 ct seq. Bombay. 672 INDEX. Bookbinding : Art i>t. l.silO. Zaehnsdorf. Hi>turi.;il Skctfh of. 1893. Prideaux. Bookbindings, Exhibition of. 1891. Bl'k- 1 iM.roN livK AuTS Club. Book-Hnnter.Thc. Ncwt> r.llil.IOfiRAPHT. Border Antifjuities of England and Scotland. KSl 1-17. Scott. Borneo and Indian Archipelago. 1848. MAItRVAT. Exjv.lition to, of H.M.S. "Dido." 1846. Keitel. Occupation of. 1848. Forbes. Ten Years in Sarawak. 1866. Brooke. Voyage to and from. 1714. Beeckmaxx. Boroughs : lli-torv Mf : BuADY. 1777. jMadox. Cities, Towns, and Boroughs of England. 1726. Merewether &- Stephens. Municipal Cor- porations of United Kingdom. 1835. Oi-DKiELD. Of Great Britain. 1792. Parliamentary Boroughs, Boundaries of. 1868. Willis. Notitia Parliamentaria. 1716-50. Boscobel : Prtstrvation of Charles II. 1725. Blount. Tnu-ts. 1830. Hughes. Bosmere Hundred, Hants. Topography. 1857. Longchoft. Bosnia and Herzegorina. OflScial Tour thrDugh. 1890. Asboth. Boston, Lincolnshire. History. 1856. TlIiiMPSON. Boston, U.S.A. Charter and Ordinances of City of, 1850. Chandler. History of Ejist Boston. 1858. Sumner. Botanic Garden. 1806. Darwin. Botany : Bibliogniphy. Index Soc, 7. Dendrologj-. 1835. Wallis. Dictionary. 1868. Paxton. Encydopadia of Plants in Britain. 1855. Loudon. Fertilization of Orchids. 1862. Darwin. llowei-s : Allen. And their Pedigrees. 1883. Darwin. Different Forms of, on Plants of Siimc Species. 1877- Henslow. Origin of, through Insect Agency. LuDBOCK. Fruit, and Leaves. 1886. Geological History of Plants. Darwin. Hcrlial. 1636. Gerarde. Himalayan Journals. 1855. Hooker. Indian. JoNtis. Inst etivorous Plants. Darwin. Lettres sur la Botanique. 1 788. Rousse.\u. Literature of. Jackson. Origin of Cultivated Plants. Candolle. Techiiolt)gy. Index Soc, 11. Trees and Shrubs. 1842. Loudon. Vegefcible Technology, Index to. Jackson. Sec aho under Forestry, Gardening, Plants, Trees. Boulogfne Expedition, Napoleon III. and thf. 1881. Orsi. "Bounty": .Mutiny (if the. Mt-moirs. 1832. Hevwood yn\:\<:v <<{ thr. 1787-9. Bligh. BourgOgne, Ilistnire des Dues de. 1364- 1 17". 1>auante. Boxing. T>adminton Lirrahy. Brahmins : Sacred Hymns of the. 1850-7. Wilson. Brain, The, and its Functions. Luys. Organ of Mind. B.\stian. Physiology. 1846. Noble. Brasses, Manual of Monumental. 1861. Haines. Bray, Berks. History. 1861. Kerry. Sic UkRKSHIRE. Brazil and the Brazilians. 1857. Fi.etcheb & Kidder. Handliook. 1877. Mulhall. Highlands, Explorations of. 1869. Burton. History: Grant. 1809. Henderson. 1821. Southey. 1810-19. Parana. 1868. Hutchinson. Philadelphia, Brazilian Products exhibited at. 1876. Travels : Agassiz. Journey Agassiz &- Hartt. Journey. 1870. Graham. Journal of Voyage to, and Residence in. 1821-3. NiEUHOFK. 1640-9. AVells. Three Thousand Miles through. 1886. Wild Tribes of Eastern, Captivity among. 1547-55. Stade. Sec America, S. Breakfast Table Series. 1890. Holmes. Brechin : llist.n-} of. 1864. Black. Registrum Episcop. Brechinensis. 1856. 1868. Scientific Results of Hi St or)' of. 1889. Leland. 1805-9. Chalmers, P. i^' J. Brecknockshire. .loM-S. Breitmann Ballads. Brentford. Sec Middlesex. Breviarum Romanum. 1535. Lego. Ex decreto Sacro Sancti Concilii Trideutini rcstitutum. 1C06. Bueviaeum. Brewing : Beer of the Bible. 1887. Death. Cottage Brewing. Cobbett. C\iriosities of Ale and Beer. 1889. Bicker- dyke. Drink in England, Nineteen Centuries of. VuKscu. Brides and Bridals. 1872. Jeaffreson. Bridges : Brit;innia. 1849. Fairbaikn. Iron. 1864. Stephenson. Xnttingham. Old Trent and New Trent Bridge. History. 1871. Tarbotton. Brigand Life in Italy. 1865. Maffei. Bristol : J)iuectories. Memoirs of. 1821-3. Seyer. INDEX. 673 Britain. Sec Great Britain. Britannia Bridge, Menai Strait. Construc- tion. 1849. Fairbairn. British : Barrows. 1877. Greenwell & Eolleston. Cicero. English Speeches. 1813. Browne. Colonies. Colonies, British. Columbia. 1891. Victoria. Guiana. Guiana. Institution. Eecollections. Smith. Ladies. Biographies. 1775. Ballard. Legion in Spain. Medical History, &c. 1838. Alcock. Museum : British Museum. Guides, Catalogues, &c. British Museum. Guide to the Exhibition Galleries at Bloomsbury. 1884. Cowtan. Memories of. 1872. Edwards. Lives of Founders. 1570- 1870. Fagan. Easy Walk through. 1890. Nichols. Handy Book. 1870. Quadrupeds. History. 1837. Bell. Reptiles. History. 1849. Bell. Roll of Honour. 1888. Simjionds. Theatre. 1808. Inchbald. Topography, Works on. 1881. British Museum. Britons : Ancient. 1858. Barnes. Coins. 1864. Evans. Conquest of Saxons. 1861. Haigh. History. 1754. Giles. Inhabitants, Language, Provcrbes. 1674. Camden. Money before the Saxons. 1876. Hawkins. Origines Celtic*, &c. 1883. Guest. 8ee Great Britain. Brittany, Walking Tour in. 1859. Jephson. See Normandy. Broadsides. 1878. Catnach. Bruce, The. 1790. Barbour. Early Enr/. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., 8 & 23. Brunswick Accession. 1887. Thornton. Brussels. Capitales du Monde. Brut y Tywysogion. Chronicles, 17- Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. 1841. Head. Buccaneers and Marooners. 1891. Ad- venture. American. 1816. Burney. Bucharest. 1892. Capitales du Monde. Buckinghamshire : Burcester Parochial Antiquities. 1818. Kennet. Description. Beauties of England. Directories. Eton. Account of. 1858. Tighe. Handbook. Murray. History and Antiquities. 1857. Lipscomb. History and Topography. 1806. Lysons. Local Record. 1879. Gibbs. Olney and Neighbourhood. 1886. Wright. Sketches. 1891. Roscoe. Weston-Uiiderwood, Views at. 1803. Storer & Greig. Wraysbuiy, Horton, and Colnbrook. History. 1862. Gyll. Buddha Gayii. 1878. Buddha. Buddhism. 1889. Monier-Williams. China : Edkins. Religion in. 1878. Groot. Religious System of. 1892. Christendom in. 1887. Lillie. Christianity, Contrast with. 1889. Monier- WlLLIAJIS. Light of Asia. 1889. Arnold. Sacred Books of the East. See Religions. Budgets. 1842-61. Iddesleigh. Goschen's Finance. 1887-90. Hamilton, National. AVilson. Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings. 1865. Hutchinson. Provinces of Rio de la Plato and. De- scription of. 1852. Parish. History oftheViceroyalty of. 1807. Wil- COCKE. Southampton to. 1891. Atchison. Travels. 1828. Beaumont. Buff Book. Parliamentary. 1866-81. Bulgaria : Russians in. Trans. 1854. Moltke. Since the War. 1880. Minchin. Bulletins of Campaigns, &c. 1793-1851. Watts. Bulls. Essay on Irish. 1802. Edgeworth. M. & R. L. Burford. History. 1891. Monk. Sec Oxfordshire. Eurghley House. Sec Northamptonshire. Burgundy : Charles, Duke of. History. 1863-8. Kiuk. Dues de Burgogue. 1364-1477. Barante. Burials : History of Modes of Interment. 1839. Walker. Interment in Towns. 1843. Chadwick. Burmah : Ava, Mission to. 1855. Yule. Karens of the Golden Chersonese. 1876. MacMahon. Past and Present. 1878. Fytche. Reports on British. 1868-71. Fytche. Slians, Among the. 1885. Colquhoun. Burmese War, 1824-6. Chamier. Bury St. Edmunds : Chronicle of Abbey. Brakelond. History. 1843. Yates. Sec Suffolk. Bushrangers, The last of the. 1892. Hare. Bute. History. 1864. Reid. Cabul, or Cabool. Sec Afghanistan, India. Cadiz. Voyage to. 1625. Glanville. Sec Spain. Cairo. 1892. Capitales du Monde. See Egypt. Caithness. Pre-historic Remains. Laing. Calabria. See Italy. Calais, The Chronicle of. Camden Soc, 35. Calculus : Differential and Integral : De Morgan. 1885. Lacroix. Differential et Integral. Lardnek. 1825. Calcutta. 1892. Capitales du Monde. See India. 674 INDEX. Calendars, Almanacs : — A I MANAt> : Almiinacs, 10th to loth Cents. H.vmpsov. Almanac?-, Book of. De Mofjgan. Antiquities in connexion with. 1864. Ch.vm- BEBS. Clavis Calendaria. 1812. Brady. Dajs, Book of. 1864. Ch.uibers. Every Day Book. Hose. Months, Book of the. 1847. Soaxb. Year Book. Hone. CalTs Head Club, .Secret History of. 1803. Hliv/s Unmarked. California : Constitution. Debates in 1849. Brow.ne. Guide. Appletox. Guide Book to Southern. 1888. Lindley & AVidxey. Reconnais-Siince. 1848. Emohy. Resources of Pacific Slope, Lower. 1869. Browne. Travels. 1850-3. Bartlett. Fif' I'xiTF.D States. Camaroons Mountains. See Africa. Camberwell. See Scruey. Cambist, Universal. 1835. Kelly. Cambodia. Travels. 1858. Mochot. Cameo iind Intaglio, Works in. 1870. Marl- KORorOH. Cambridge : ■A.D.C..' The. Blrnand. Colleges and Public Buildings. KEtrx. History of. 1815. Ackermaxn. Remjniscences of, &c., from 1780. Guxxing. University : 1837 et seq. English Prize Poems. 1813- Dramatic Club. 1880. 1847. Le Calendab. Cambridge. 20. CvUIBRIDGE. seq. Cambridge. and Jas. 1892. Cambridge. English. Historical Essays. 1889 et Letters Patent of Elizabeth I. Ed. bv J. AV. Clark. Prize Poems, Seatonian 1813-20. Dickens, Chas., Jun. Dictionary. 1884. Drury. Arundines Carai. 1 860. Dyer. History of Colleges. 1814. Filler. History from 1066-1655. Granta. University Journal. 1889-92. Harwood. King's College. Provosts and Fellows. 1443-1797. Hawes & Loder. Pembroke Hall, Notices of ^la.'-ters and Fellows. 1798. Hevwuod & AVri(;ht. Transactions during Puritiin Controversies, 16th and 17th Cent*. 1854. Hevwood. Collection of Statutes. 1840. Heywood. Early Stiitutes in English Language. 1855. Ingleby. Revival of Philosophy at. 1870. Le Neve. Officers. 1854. LcKJGAX. Cantabrigia lUustrata. 1688. Mebcurics Rusticus. Puritan Contro- versy. 1685. Seatoxiax Prize Poems. 1750-1806. Sedgwick. Discourse on Studies. 1850. 1856. AiREY-. Lord & Baix'es. See Battles. Report. 1881. Cambridge — cont. Univer.-ity — c<'i)t. Whiblev. Three Centuries of Cambridge Wit. 1889. Venx, J. & S. C. Admissions to Gonville and Caius College. 1558-1679. Willis & Cu\rke. Architectural History I'f. ls8(5. Cam.bridgesh.ire : Be.\ities of Engl.vxd. 1801-18. Directories. Ely Cathedral : Bentham. History. 1771-1817. Millers. 1834. Handbook. Murray. Histor)'. 1808. Lysoxs. AVisbech and the Fens : Watson. Historical Account of Port of. 1827. Walker & Craddock. History. 1849. Camp: Equipage. Life. 1871. Campaigns Canada : Agricultural Commission Ontakio. Annual Register. 1878-82. Dominion. Bibliotheca Canadensis. 1867. Morgan. British Columbia and Vancouver's Island : Macdonald. 1862. M.ayxe. Four Years in. 1862. British Dominions in N. America. Maps and Plans. Bouchette. British N. America. 1833. M.\cgrbgor. Bubbles of. 1839. Haliburtox. Canadian Question, The. 1891. Smith. Columbia and Canada. 1877- Rae. Conquest of. 1850. Wakburtox. Conspiracy of Pontiac against the English. 1851. Parkm.vx. Constitutional History to 1888. Boceisot. Constitution of. 1889. Mcxro. Debates on Confederation of N. American Provinces. 1865. C.vx.iDA. Defences, Condition, Resources. 1865. Russell. Description. Topographical and Statistical. 1832. Bouchette. Discovery. 1869. Brown. Dominion of. 1871. Marsh.\ll. Five Indian Nations. Five Months' Fine Carbutt. Forest Life in .A.c-adie. 1869. Hardy. Forest Scenes and Incidents. 1829. Head. Geological Survey. 1857 ei seq. C.vxada. Geology, Acadian. 1868. Dawson. Government : Cavendish. Debates on. 1774. Fleming. Rectification of Parliament. 1892. He.\d. Of Upper Canada. 1839. Smith, G. Canadian Question. 1891. Tremenheerk. Public Subjects, Notes on. 1852. Guide : Appletox. Dawsox. 1 885. Englishman's Guide. 1886. 1750. COLDEX. Weather in. 1889. INDEX. 675 Canada — cont. Guide — cont. Kae. Newfoundland to Manitoba. 1881. Roberts. 1892. History : BoNNECHOSE. Montcalm et le Canada. 1877. Beyce. Of Canadian People. 1887. Garneau. To the Union, 1840-1. 1860. Paekjnian. Montcalm and "Wolfe in Canada. 1884. Hudson's Bay : Colden. Indians. 1750. Maclean. Territory. 1849. EoBSON. Six Years' Kesidence. 1752. Umfreville. State of. 1790. Indians. 1750. Colden. Irishman in, The. 1877. Davin. Journal and Orderly Book. 1776-8. Hadden. Labrador Peninsula Explorations. 1 863. Hind. Letters from High Latitudes. 1891. Dufferin and Ava. Lower Canada. Topography. 1832. Bou- chette. Manitoba. 1882. Bryce. Metlakahtla, Story of. 1887. Wellcome. Montcalm and Wolfe. 1884. Parkman. Montcalm et le Canada Fran9ais. 1877. Bonnechose. My Journal. 1872-8. Dufferin and Ava. Newfoundland to Manitoba. 1881. Eae. New France. 1534-40. Cartier. N.-W. Passage by Land. 1865. Milton & Chbadle. Ontario : Lindsey. Boundaries. 1873. Miles. Boundaries. 1873. Ontario. Boundaries. 1878-9. Parliament, Kectification of. 1892. Flem- ing. Portraits of British Americans. 1870. NOTMAN. Red River Settlement. 1856. Ross. St. Alban's Raid, 19th Oct., 1864. Benjamin. State of Expedition. 1780. Buegoyne. Topographical Dictionary of Lower. 1832. BOUCHETTE. Toronto. 1850-86. Taylor. Trade and Commerce of British N. American Colonies. 1853. Andrews. Travels : Carbutt, Lady. 1889. Db Roos. 1827. Dufferin. 1872-8. Edwards. 1889. Everest. 1855. Fergusson. Tour in. 1833. Finch. 1833. Hall. 1816-17. Kingston. 1856. Lahontan. 1683 et seq. La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. 1795-7. Logan. 1838. Milton and Cheadle. 1865. Rae, W. F. 1877. Shaw. 1856. Thomson. Tradesman's. 1842. Wales, Prince of. 1860. Canada — cont. Two Months' Tour in. 1889. Edwards. Upper Canada, History of Settlement. 1869. Canniff. Wars in, from 1755 to 1814. Carmichael- Smyth. Western Wanderings. 1856. Kingston. West Canada : Smith, W. H. Maps. 1851. Tiioreau. 1881. Thoreau. Yankee in. 1881. Canals and Railways, Powers and Manage- ment. 1835-86. Grahame. Ganges, Works. 1860. Cautley. Inland Navigation in Europe. 1885. Hartley'. Panama. 1885. Rodrigues. Suez. 1876. Fitzgerald. Canary Islands : Conquest. Hakluyt Soc, 5. Conquest and Conversion. 1402 Bethen- COURT. Discovery and Conquest : Dampier. 1709. Glas. 1764. Guide. 1893. Ellerbeck. Past and Present. 1887. Stone. Candia. Report on. 1840. Bowring. Cannon. Sec Guns. Canon Law : Church of England. 1761. Gibson. Influence of. Phillimore. Cant Dictionary. 1795. Ash. Srr SlAN-0. Canterbury : Antiquities. 1640. Somner. Archbishops, Lives of the. 1860-1876. Hook. Christ Church, Letter Books of Monastery of. Chronicles ^ Memorials, 85. Christ Church Priorv. Letters. Camden Soc, 19 (N.S.). Historia Monasterii S. Augustini. Thomas of Elmham. Historical Memorials. 1855. Stanley. Registrum Epistolarum. Peckham, J. 1882-6. Chronicles ^ Memorials, 77. See Kent. Capital : Growth of. 1839. Giffen. Treatise on. Trans. 1889. Marx. Capital and Labour. Labour, Political Economy. Capital Punishment. Sec Death, Punish- ment of. Capitales du Monde, Les. 1892. Caprera. See Sardinia. Caracteres de Theophraste. Caraeteres. 1871. La Beuyere. Carbonari, II. 1878. Cantu. Cardigan. History and Antiquities. 1810. Meyrick. Cardinals, Lives of English. 1868. Williams. Card Games : Bibliography of. 1892. Hore. See Games, AVhist. Cards, Playing, in British Museum. Will- shire. Origin and History of. 1848. Chatto. Carham_ ton. History. 1830. Savage. 676 INDEX. Caricature : Art lie. \W2. Alkxandre. Car RATI It K, History of. 1756 and 17o7. Gi-orgc IV. 1817-22. Gforj.'t's, of the. 1867. Whigiit. History : Cii.\MPFi.KUi{Y. Antique. Malcolm. Sketch of Art of. 1813. WuiGiiT. Grotesque in Litemture and Art. 1865. AVuiciiiT & Evans. Caricatures of Gillray. 1851. Loudon Weekly. 1817-24. Black Dwakf. Musee Secret do la. 1888. Champkleury. Napoleon I., English Satire ou. 1884. ASHTON. Napoleon III. 1870. nASA\T:i.L. Outlines of Opposition in 1795. Sayku. Parliamentary Elections — Stuarts to Vic- toria. GUEGO. "Punch." 1841 ct seq. Sketches of the Seaside. Browxe. AVorks : BUNBURY. 1888. Caric.ytcrb. 1756-7. Cruikshank.G. Life and Works. 1835-88. Doyle, J. Political Sketches. 1829-51. Doyle, R. Birds Eye Views of Society. 1864. Du Maukier. English Society at Home. 1880. Gillray. 1871-7808. Gillray. Anti-Jacouin. Gillray. Selection. Ho(iARTii. Works. 1820-2. EowLANDsoN. Selections from Works, Avith Life. 1880. Seymour. Eighty - six Humorous Sketches. 1866. See Satire, Wit & Humour. Carlisle Cathedral. Architecture. 1840. Billings. Sec a!s') Cumberland. Carloviugian llomance. King. Carolina : History : Eamsay. Of Revolution in South Carolina. 1785. Sketches of North Carolina. 1584-1851. American Commonwealths. See United States. Carpenters. History of Company of. 18S7. .Ii-l'P. Carthage : Punic Inscription in Malta. 1810. Drum- mono. Visit to. 1859. Blakesley. Srr History, Ancient. Cashmir. Sec Kashmir. Castile, ^'c Spain. Cassiobury. See Hertiordshire. Castles : Aiieient, in Great Britain. 1799. King. England. Views. Buck. Great r>ritain. Views. 1807. Byrne & Hearne. :M((lirev;il, in England. 1884. Ci.ark. Catacombs of Kome. Church in. 1846. 31aitland. Cataracts, Campaign of. Egypt. 1884-5. BUTI.ER. Sic EiiVPT. Cathedrals : Caiittrljiuy. 1720. Dart. Cathedralia. 1865. Walcott. Chichester. 1 876. Stephens. Church Life aud AVork in English Minsters. 1879. Walcott. Ely: Bentham & Stevenson. 1771-1818. Millers. 1834. English : Murray. Handbook. 1861-77. Willis. Survey. 1727-30. Exeter. 1861. Oliver. Histoiy. Diocesan History. Great Britain, History. 1814-19. Stobeh, H. S. & Storer, J. S. Kilkenny, St. Canice. 1857. Pbim. Lichfield. 1806. ILvnwooD. Llandaff. Architecture. 1850. Fbeeuak. Peterborough. 1686. Gunton. St. Paul's, London : Dugdale. History. 1818. Longman. History. 1873. MiLMAN. Annals. 1868. AVells. 1881. Reynolds. Worcester. 1866. Noake. York. 1850. Poole & Hug all. Sec the several Ciths. Catholic Association of Ireland. Historical Sketch. 1829. AVyse. Catholic, Roman : Dictionary. 1884. Addis & .Arnold. Dirtotory. 1875-81. Irish. Emancipation, History of. 1886. Amherst. Kalendar and Rite. 1890. Morris. Srr CiiUKt II, Roman Catholic. Cato Street Plot. 1 820. Aylmer. Cattle : Breeding. 1852. Youatt. Breeds, Management, and Diseases. 1856. Youatt. Slieep and Deer. 1872. Macdonald. Caubnl. Sec Afghanistan, India. Caucasus : Gkovk. The Frosty. 1874. 3Iounsev. Journey through. 1872. Spencer. Travels in AVestern. 1836. Sec Russia. Causes CelMu-es. Sec Trials. Cavalry, History of. 1877. Denison. Si'f Army. Cave Hunting. Researches. 1874. Daw- kins. Cawdor, Inverness and Nairn. Book of Thanes of. 1236-1742. Spalding Club. Celts : Druids. Priest of. Oriental Colonies. 1829. HlGCilNS. Origines Celticie. Guest. Religion. 1888. Rhys. Keligion and Learning. Histoiy. 1815. 'I'oi.AND. Census. Population Returns. Ceramic Art of Great Britain. 1878. Jewitt. INDEX. 677 Ceveunes. Travels with a Donkey. 1887. Stevexson. See also France. Ceylon : Account of Island. 1859. Tennent. Embassy. 1872. Boyd, H. Guide. MuEiJAY. Inhabitants. 1821. Davy. Rambles. 1841. De Butts. Rebellion, History of. 1851. Henderson. Tour in. 1889. Edwaeds. Travels. 1809. Valentia. Chaldea. History 1862. Rollinson. History. 1817. Rollin. Chalices and Patuns. English Medieval. 1887. Hope. Chancery : Court of, History. 1828. Parkes. Equitable Jurisdiction of Court. 1846. Spence. Proceedings. 1827-30. Calendars. Unsatisfactory State of Court. 1839. Spence. See Law. Chandos Peerage Case. Review. 1803. Bei.tz. Channel Islands. 1838. Inglis. Chas. II. in the. 1854. Guide. 1887. Black. See Jersey', Guernsey, Aldernev, and Sercq. Chap Books of 18th Cent. 1882. Ashton. Chapel Royal Checque-Book. 1561-1744. Camden Soc, 3 (N.S.). Charing Cross Hospital. History. 1867. Golding. Charities : Abuse of. 1818. BfioufiHAM. Bedford Pul)lic. 1828. Hankin. Handbook. 1890 et seq. Low, jun. Hospital Year Book. 1893. Burdett. Institutions, Charitable. 1846. Morgan. Register and Digest. \%?,Q et seq. Loch. Charity Schools. 1728. Mandeville. Charlemagne Romances. Earli/ Eng. Text Soc., E.V. Ser., 15, 20. Charnwood Forest. History. 1842. Potter. See also Leicestershire. Charterhouse, London : Historical Anecdotes. 1808. Smythe. Monks and Martyrs of. 1889. Hendriks. School. 1800-79. Parish. Charters. Diplomatarium Anglicuni JEvi Saxonici. 1865. Thorpe. Chartism. 1840. Carly'le. Chartist Leader. 1797-1875. Lovett. Cheiromancy. See Palmistry. Cheltenham College. See Schools. Chemistry : Animal. 1842. Liebig. Application to Agriculture. 1842. Liebig. Arts and Manufactures. 1880. Vincent. Davy. Works. 1839-40. Dictionary. 1872-81. W.a.tts. Familiar Letters on. 1843 & 1851. Liebig. Modern Theories. 1888. Meyer. New Chemistry. Cooke. Treatise. 1887-92. Roscoe & Schorlemmee. Cheshire : Chester, Ancient. 1880. Bateniiam & Hughes. Chester Diocese. Notitia Cestriensis. 1714. Gasteell. Directories. East Cheshire. Hundred of Macclesfield. History. 1877-80. Earwaker. Glossary of Words. 1820. Wilbrahaji. History : BE.iuTiEs OF England. 1801-18. Leigh. Natural History and Antiquities. 1700. Lysons. History. 1810. Ormeeod. County Palatine and City, History. 1819. Prestbury Parish, History of. Renaud. Visitation : Benalt. 1533, Harleian Soc, 18. 1580. Chess : Instructor. 1889. Steinitz. Life-Pictures. 1883. MacDonnell. Players' Handbook. 1868. Staunton. Players' Manual. 1888. Gossip. See Games. Chicago Guide. 1891. Flinn. See United States. Chichester. Memorials. 1876. Stephens. Chili : History. 1649. Ovalle. Journal of Residence. 1822. Graham. See America, S. Chimney Shafts. Designs for Factory. 1858. Rawlinson. Chimney-Sweepers. Sentimental History of. 1785. Hanway'. China and Japan : British Relations with. Beidges. England and China. 1866. Calendar, 1513-1624. Cooke. " Times," Special Correspondence in. 1857-8. Davis. Notes on the War. 1841. Osboen. Past and Future of British Relations. 1860. OucHTEELONY. Chiuesc War. 1844. Chinese, The. 1836. Davis. Christianisme en Chine. 1857-8 — Hue. English Trans. 1857-8. Hue. Cochin China, Past and Present. 1863. Day. Description : Du Halde. 1735. HaUuyt Soc, 36, 37. Notices of, before 16th Cent. Hue. 1854. English Trans. 1855. Malpieee. Moeurs, Usages, Costumes. 1825. AViLLiAMS. Empire and Inhabitants. 1851. Embassy : Babee. Report on mission between Tali- fuandMomein. 1878. Elgin. Mission to, and Japan. 1857-9. Macartney. Narrative of. 1797. NiEUHOFF. From the Dutch East India Company. 1655. 678 IXDEX. China and Japan— . Christiania. Capitales du Monde. Christianity : Christianisme. Genie du. Chateacbbland. Coming Age of. 1851. Morgax. Defence of Primitive. 1 743-7. Gordon. Essence of. Trans. 1881. Fecehbach. Evidence Tracts. 1729-59. Stebbixg. Histoire des Origines. 1866-91. Rex.^x. Popular. 1849. Foxtox. Reasonableness of. Locke. Rf^me. Influence of Institutions of, on. 1880. Kknan. Christmas Carols. Percj/ Soc., 23. Christ's Hospital: History. 1834. Trollopb, W. Recollections of. 1838. Lamb. See Schools. Chronograms. 1882. Hilton. Chronology : Ancient Amended. Newtox. Annals of Our Time. 1837-91. Art de Verifier les Dates a 1770. 1802-19. Clemext. British. 1841. W.\de. Chronology of History. 1838. Nicolas. Dictionary : Haydx. 1892. 0\-ehall. 1870. Egypt, Ancient. 1857. Poole. Encyclopfedia. 1872. Woodwabd & Gates. Fasti Hellenici. 1834. Clixton. Fasti Romani. 1845-50. Clinton. Greek. Stecart. History : AxxALEs Antiquitatis. 1835-40. Art de Verifier les Dates. 1802-20. Bell. Universal History to 1820. Ciiroxology. Historical Tables. 1835-9. Nicolas. History. 1838. INDEX. G79 Chvonology—conf. History — conf. Nicolas. Notitia Historica. 1824. Prince. Parallel History. 1842-3. AVooDWARD & Gates. Encyclopsedia. 1872. Oxford Tables. 1835-40. Tables. 1842. Bell. Verifying Dates. Book of Pules, Handy. 1866. Bond. Sec also Dictionaries. Church : America, History of the Episcopal Church in. 1846. AVlLBERi'ORCE. Art, Ecclesiastical. 1868. Walcott. See also under Christian Art. Biography, Ecclesiastical. 184.3-52. Hook. Bishops. Episcopal Succession. 1857. Stubbs. Book of the. 1824. Southey. Concilia, Deereta. 1639-64. Spelman. See Chuech Law. Coptic Churches of Egypt. 1884. Butler. Costume, Glossary of. 1846. Pugin. Creed The, and tlie Sacrament. Barrow. Dictionary. 1864. Hook. Dioceses. 1880-9. Diocesan Histories. Discipline. Taylor. Duties of a Parish Priest. Early Eng. Text Soc, 19. Eastern Church. History. 1865. Stanley. Ecclesiastical Dignitaries : Foster. 1890. Lb Neve. 1854. Ecclesiastical Law : Burn. 1842. Phillimoke. 1873. English Church : Abbey. And its Bishops. 1700-1800. Abbey & Overton. Li 18th Cent. 1878. Bede. Historia, with Trans. 1843-4. Bentiiam. Catechism, Church and its. 1817-18. Berkeley. Colonies, Proposals for Sup- plying Cliurches in our Foreign Plan- tations. Collier. Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain to 1685. 1840-1. Concilia, Deereta, Leges. 1639. Dixon. History. 1884-91. Field. Of the Church. 1606. Fuller. Church History of Britain to 1648. Gibson. Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Angli- cani. 1761. Gladstone. Principles considered in Eesults. 1840. Gladstone. Speech on. 1863. Heylin. Reformation of. Lingard. Anglo-Saxon Church. 1845. Liturgical Tracts. 1547-1675. Liturgies. Parker Soc. See Book of Common Prayer. Molesworth. History. From 1660-1882. Overton. Life in. 1660-1714. PusEY. An Eirenicon. 1865. Southey. Vindicise Ecclesiae Anglicanje. 1826. Spelman. Concilia Deereta et Leges. 1639. Stoughton. Ecclesiastical History. 1870-4. Stubbs. Episcopal Succession. 1857. Church— COW!;, English Church — coni. Trench. Mediaeval History. 1877. Walcott. Cathedral Life in English Minsters. 1879. WiLKiNS. Concilia. 446-1717. William op Malmesbury. De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum Libri Quinque. Episcopal, in America. History. 1846. Wilberforce. Essays. 1877- Arnold. Established and Dissenting. 1830. Bal- lantine. Furniture and Decorations, English, 1566. 1866. Peacock. Government. Charles I. Governments. 1675. Ross. Harmony of. 1591. Drayton. History of the Christian Church : Backhouse. Early, to Death of Con- stantine. 1892. Blunt. First three Centuries. 1856. Blunt. Use of Early Fathers. 1857. Echard. Ecclesiastical, 1-312. 1702. Eusebius. Early Christianity. 1720. Farrer. Lives of Fathers. 1889. Fleury. Histoire Ecclesiastique, 456- 1781. Trans. 1843. Grant. With Answers to Dissenters. 1811-20. HiCKSON. Data of Ecclesiastical History. 1857. Maitland. Church in the Catacombs. 1846. MiLMAN. To the Fall of Paganism. 1863. MiLNER. Church, to 1530. MosHEiM. Institutes of Ecclesiastical His- tory. Trans. 1845. Neander. Christian Religion and Church. Trans. 1851-8. Newman. Church of the Fathers. 1872-3. Russell. Rise and Progress in W. of Europe. 1873. Salvador. Jesus Christ et sa Doctrine. Le Premier Siecle. 1839. Sanders. Origine du Schisme d'Anglc- terre. 1857. Socrates Scholasticus. Historia Eccle- siastica. 306-445. Trans. 1844. Sozomenus. Historia Ecclesiastica. 324- 440. Trans. 1846. Theodoretus. 322-427. 1843. Homilies appointed to be Read. Eliz. 1843. Influence of Greek Ideas upon Christian. 1890. Hatch. Irish Church, Pamphlets on. 1863-71. Ireland. Law, Ecclesiastical : Burn. 1842. Gibson. Statutes, Canons, Rubrics. 1761. Piiillimohe. Law of the Church of England. 1873. Spelman. Concilia Deereta et Leges. 1639. AViLKiNs. Concilia Magnse Britannipe. 446-1717. Liturgical Colours. History. 1881-2. Legg. Nonjuroi-s History of the. 1845. Lathbury. Official Year Book. 1887. 680 INDEX. Pug IV. 1833-45. ami Wm. Cirt'RCH. Geo. Ward. Huguenots. 1880-6. Lettres Francjaisos. Church of France. 18-54. History. Church— conf. Ornanunt. 1846. Oxford Movement. Oxford Movement Wxun, W. S. Oxford J[ovement, Reminiscences of tlie. 1882. Mozi.EV. Oxford Movement. 1840. TuAcrs fob the Times. Oxford Reformers of 1498. 1867. Seebohm. Parish Priest Duties. 1420. Mvnc. Parochial Endowments, Title -Deeds to. 1871. MI.U.L. Parsons, lA>g:icy to. 1835. Cobbett. Puritiins' History. 1822. Neai,. PuriUins. Reformation to 1662. Marsdev. Pusej-ism. Reminiscences. 1882. Mozlev. Reformation : Be.\rd. 16th Century. 1883. Meule-u'Acbigne. Reformation. History. Reformation in England : Cobbett. 1829. Hevun. 1849. 3IAITLAND. Essjiys. 1849. Pauker Society. 1841-51. Seebohm. Reformei"S, Oxford. 1498-186". TYND.4LE. 1831. Reformation in France : AfiNEW. Protestant Exiles from France. 1871. Baird. Calvix. Jekvis. 1872. Reformation in Ireland. History. 1801. Muse; rave. Repressor of over-much Blaming of Clergj'. Pecock. Roman Catholic : Adijis Sc Arnold. Catholic Dictionary. DoDD. History. 1500-1688. 1839-43. Gams. Series Episcoporum Ecclesia? Catholicje. 1873-86. Martykologie. British Martyrs. 1608. MiLMAN. Latin Christianity. History. 1867. See Roman Catholic. Rural Deiins. Origin and Functions. 1835. Daxset. Scotland : B.\tten. Charters of Priory of Bcauly. Begg. Memoirs. 1885-8.' Chalmers, P. & J. J. Brechin, Bishops of. Hill. Practice in Judicatories. 1830. Kirkton. History to 1678. 1817. Sp.u-ding Club. Kirk Sessions of Aber- deen. Spalding Club. Registrum Episcopatus Abcrdonensis. State : Ballastise. Comparison of Established and Dissenting Churches. 1830. CoLERiiKJE. Constitution of the. 1830. Elliott. State and the. 1 882. Geffcken. Relations Historically de- veloped. Trans. 1877. Gl.vdstone. Relations to. 1841. Gladstone. Ecclesiastical Papers. 1843 et seq. Chxirch—cont. Sfcite — cn}it. MiALL. British People and British Churches. 1849. MiAi.L. Voluntary Principle. 1850. S.woNAROLA. Life and Martyrdom. 1854. St.vnlev. Es.says on. 1870. Warbuuton. Alliance between. 1811. Williams. Life in relation to. 1582-1650. Sufferings of Clergy dnring the Common- wealth. 1714. Walker. Tracts : L'Estr.\nge. 1679-83. Phenix, Ths. Collection of MSS. and. 1707. Church and the World. 1866-8. Shipley. Churches : Churchwardens' Accounts, Ludlow. 1540- 1603. Camden Soc. Collegiate and Parochial Views. 1824. Neale & Le Keux. Great Britain. Views. 1807. Byrne & Hearne. Lancashire. Chetham Soc, 27 (N.S.). London : Clarke. London, Southwark, and West- minster. 1820. Godwin & Britton. 1838-9. London. Churches in the Environs. 1811. NEwcof rt. Parochial History of London. 1708. Parochiale Anglicanum. 1733. Willis. Sec ihe Scrcrul Counties. Cinque Ports. 1847. Holloway. Charters. 1728. Jeakes. Grand Com-t of Sheppey. 1862. Knocker. Circassia and Krim Tartary: Travels. 18;5G. Spencer. Circulation of the Blood. Harvey. History of the Discovery. 1878. Harvey. Circumnavigation of the World. See Vo\.\{;v<. Cirencester. See Gloucestebshihb. Cities and Boroughs : CvFiTALEs du Monde. 1892. History : Br.U)y. Treatise. 1777. M.\D0X. Towns and. 1726. Thompson. 3Iunicipal. 1 767. Citizenship : Liberty, Eijuality, Fraternity. 1874. Stephen. Rights and Responsibilities. 1881-5. Eng- lish Citizen Series. City of London School. Foundation. Car- penter. See Schools. City Temple. Memorials. ]6i0etscq. 1877. ^LUJSH. Civil iind Religious Liberty. 1773. Cato's Letters. See Liberty. Civil I-iw. Sec Law. Civil "Service. Organization. 1853. Sysionds. Civility. Rules of. 1890. Washington. Civilization : Age of Great Cities, The. 1843. VaughaN, Considered as a Science. 1861. Harris. INDEX. 681 Civilization — cont. Histury : i^ucKLE. In England 1858. Dkapek. Intellectual Development of Europe. 1864. DuTT. Ancient India. 1889. GuizoT. Europe. 1856. GuizoT. France. 1857. Mackixnon. 1846. Mackintosh. Scotland. 1888. Metciinikoff. 1889. Origin : HiGGiNs. AnacalypsLs. 1836. LuBiiocK. 1870 & 1882. Wilson. 1876. Primitive Culture. 1871. Tvlou. Clans of Scottish Highlands, History. 1845-7. Logan. See Highlands. Classical : Atlas. 1884. Johnston, A. K. & John- ston, W. Antiquities, Dictionary : Lejipkieke. 1826. Seykfeut. 1891. Smith, AV. 1848-91. See Dictionaries. Literature. History. 1851. Browne. Classics : Ancient, for English Readers. Blackwood. For the Million.' 1881. Grey. Classifying Books. System of. 1878. Pan i/zi. Clay Farm. Chronicles. 1865. Hoskyns. Clergy : Book about the. 1870. Jeaffreson. Cleugy List. 1843 et seq. lergy List. l^QI et seq. Crockford. Index Eeclesiasticus. 1890. Foster. Clerkenwell. History. 1880. Pinks. Cleveland : History : Graves. 1808. Ohd. 1846. See Yorkshire. Clitheroe. Histoi-y. 1818. Whitaker. See Lancashire. Clocks and AVatches : 1842. Thomson. Curiosities of. 1866. AVood. Cloister : From AVorld to. 1888. Bernard. Life of Charles A^. 1852. Stirling- Maxwell. Clowns, Dissertations on. Douce. 1839, Clubs : Athemeum,List of Members. 1 824-88. AVaugh. Club-land, London and Provincial. 1890. Hatton. Echoes from. 1867-8. Law relating to. 1885. AA''ertheimer. Life in London. 1860. Times. London. 1828. Clubs. Reform Club : Reform. 1836-93. Fagan. Founders. 1887. AVestminster. 1834. AVestminster. Coaches, The History of. 1877. Thrupp. Coal iMelds of Great Britain. 1861. Hull. Statistics. 1848. Tay'lor. p. 3104. Cochin China : BoRRi. Pinkerton, Vol. 9. Landof the Permauls, or Cochin. 1863, Day. Codes : Beiges. 1835. Rogron, Fran9ais et Lois Usuelles. 1888. Codes. French. 1827. Locre. Indian Penal. 1838. Code. Les Cinq. 1825. Codes. Napoleon. 1810. Code. Codex Diplomaticus ^Evi Saxonici. Eng. Hist. Soc. Coffee Houses, Early History in England. 1893. Robinson. Coinage. Sec Currency. Coins : Ancient, of Hispania, Gallia, Britannia. 1846. Akerman. British : Akerman ^ Lond(Mi Tradesmen's Tokens. 1648-72. See Tokens. Atkins. British Colonies. 1889. Boyne. Tradesmen's Tokens. 17th Cent. Liverpool. Coins of the Realm. 1805. Ruding. British Empire and Dependen- cies to A^ictoria. 1840. Sharp. Provincial Copper, 18th and 19th Centuries. 1834, Snelling. Copper, Gold, Silver. British Empire and Colonies. 1762-9. Collector's Manual. 1853. Humphreys. Currency. 1858. Sealy. London Tradesmen's Tokens. 1648-72. Akerman. Provincial Copper, 18th and 19th Cent. Sharp. See Numismatics. Colin Clout's Calendar. Allen. Collectanea Curiosa. 1781. Gutch. Collectors' Marks. 1883. Fagan. Colonial : Calendar of State Papers. 1860-84. Directory. 1884-91. Street. Gentry. History. 1891. Burke. Office List. 1864 et seq. Colonial. Policy of Lord John Russell. 1853. Grey. Policy of the European Powers. 1803. Brougham. Royal Institute. 1876 et seq. Colonial. Colonies and Dependencies. Payne. And the American Revolution. 1817. Pradt. British : Chalmers. Currency in. 1893. DiLKE. Greater Britain. 1868. DiLKE. Problems of Greater Britain. 1890. Douglas. British Settlements in N. America. 1755. DoYXE. English in America. 1882. Force, Tracts. Origin of, in N. America. 1836. Freeman. English People in its Three Homes. 1883. Froude. England and her Colonies. 1886. Latham. Ethnology of. 1851. Lucas. Historical Geography. 1887. Martin. History. 1835. Martin. Statistics. 1839. X X 682 INDEX. 1849. W.\KE- ILVLIBUIiTOX. Colonies — com. Jiriti>h — Cunt. JMoKLKV. Maj). 1885. PowNAi.L. .Kdniiiiistration of American. 1766 & 1774. KOBBUCK. 1849. Seklev. Expansion of Englaiiil. 1883. I'nited States. Charters of. Chronology from 1486-1891. Robinsox. Confeit-nce on. 1871. Constitutions. 1856. Mills. Directory. 1884-91. Stheet. England ami her. 1857. Fletcher. Imperial Federation. 1885. Lornk. Ix'Ctures. 1841. Merivale. Magazine. 1849-53. Colonial. Oceana. 1886. Froudb. Pillars of the Empire. Sketches of Colonial State>inin. 1879. EscOTT. Colonisation chez Us Peuples Moderncs. 1 N'.l 1 . Lr.ROY-l)EArLIEl'. Colonization, Art of. I ll'.I.D. Colony, Life in a. 1851. Colorado : Itesources, &e. 1869. Bl.\ckmore. Eiver. 1857-8. Ives. Sec United States. Colour : Colour-Blindness : Edridce-Greek. And Perception. AViLsoN. Researches. 1855. Colour- Sense : Allen. 1879. Goethe. Werke. Wilkinson. 1858. i\Iodern Chromatics. Rood. Colours, The Principles of Harniony and Contrast of. 1854. Chevrel'L. Columbia, British : Macdonald. 1862. Matni;. 1862. Columbia, South America. History of the Rcvi)luti(jii i)f 1819. Bolivar. Combination and Coercion. 1890. Shaw- Lki Lviii:. Comedie-Francaise a Londres. 1871-9. Got, Sakcev, iS: JIevlli. Comic Annual. 1831-42. Hood. "Writers. English. 1819. Hazlitt. S'r Wit and Humour, Drama. Commerce : Ancient. HLstory. 1874. Lindsay. Annals. 1805. Macpherson. Annuaircde. 1887 et scq. Didot-Bottin. British Empire: Synopsis of Tariifs, &c. 1888. R.vwsoN. British Empire, Wealth, Power, ifec, of. 1814. COLQUHOUN. IJritish Merchant. 1721 British Trade Exports 1697-1823. MoREAU. Colonial Directory. 1893. Commerce et Gouverntment. Condillac. Dictionary. 1869. MacCuli.och. English Merchants. 1866. Bourne. Geographic Commer^ante. 1798. Peuchbt. Greece, Holland, (fee. : Industrial History of Free Nations. 1846. Torrens. KlN(i, and Imports WRinnT. Commerce — cont. History of l!riti>li. 1763-1870. Levi. M.naiitile Theory of Wealth. 1830. Senior. Money and Trade. 1705. Law. Origin. 1787-9. Andeijson. Paper Credit, Nature and Flffects of. 1802. Thornton. Prices. 1850-85. Mulhall. Progress of the World. 1800-80. Mulh.xll. Romance of Trade. Bourne. Trade and Fijiance Annual. 1886-7. Bah- ki;r. Commercial and Financial Legislation of Europe and .Vmerica. 1841. Macgregor. Statistics. 1844-50. Macgrecjor. Subjects : Tracts and Sermons. 1774. TuUKEIi. Commoners of Great Britain. Sec Landed (ilONTUV. Common-place Book : Bos well. 1874. Buckle, Misc. Wvrks. Jameson. Thoughts, Memories, &c. 1855. Locke. 1824. Milton. Camden Soc, 16 (N.S.) Newm.\n. Loungei-'s. 1805-7. Southev. 1849-51. Common Prayer, Book of. Book. Commons, House of : Biograpliical Index. 1808. AVilson. History of. 1688-1832. Townsend. Members. 1867 et ifcq. Debhbtt. Rules, (fee, of. 1889. Br.\dlaugh. See Parliament. Commonwealth and Ghost. 1641. Leicester. Honours, Ceremonies, and Ensigns under Oliver Cromwell. 1787. Prestwicu. Statutes. 1658. Common\veai.th. Sec Great Britain. Commune Le Fond de la Societe sous la Commune. 1873. Dauii.vn. .SV^' Paris. Communism. , 1818. Owen. Contradictious Economiques. 1867. Proud- hon. Justice dans la Revolution. 1868. Proud- hon. Communistic Societies of the United Statis. 1875. NoRDHOKF. Companies, City : Twelve Great Livery. 1836-7. Herdert. See London, also Names of the Com- panies. Companies, Joint Stock: DiitKCTouY of Directors. 1880 et scq. Law. 1880. Turing. Frii-c of Shares. 1885 et acq. Burdett. Compromise. 1886. Morley. Concordance : Bible. 1851. Crdden. Burns. 1889. Reid. Cowper. 1887. Nkvr. Divina Commedia. 1888. Dante. Milton's Poetical Works. 1867. Cleve- land. New Testament, Revised Version of. 1883. Thoms. INDEX. 683 Concordance— fowif. Pope. 187-5. Abbott. Shakespeare. 1847. Clarke. Shelley. 1892. Ellis. Tennyson. 1869. Beightwell. Confederate : Cruisci's. Service Afloat. 1887. Semmes. States of North America. See United States. Congo : I'ounding of its Free State. 1885. Stan- ley. Voyage to : Axgelo. 1666-7. Mekolla da Sorrento. 1682. Connaught. Wild Sports. 1832. Max- well. Connecticut : Johnston. 1884. Laws of State of. 1784. Connecticut. See United States. Conscience, Rule of. Taylor. Consecration of a Church or Chapel. 167o. Liturgical Tracts. Consols, Price of 1731-1886. Willich. (S'cc Prices. Conspiracy : Law of. 1873. AVright. Protection of Property Act. 187o. Arnold. Constable. Office of. Bacon. Constantinople. Capitales du Monde. Adventures in the Turkish Metropolis. 1599. Wratislaw. Cruise to. 1880. Brassey. Journal of Visit in 1833. Auldjo. Month at. 1850. Smith. See also Turkey. Constitution : Arcana Imperii Detecta. 1701. Boxhorn. Canada. 1889. Munro. Cases in Government. 1701. Church and State : Coleridge. 1830. Stanley. 1870. Colonial. 1846. Mills. Constitutions des Peuples Libres. 1836. SiSMONDI. English : Amos. Reign of Charles II. 1857. Anson. Law and Custom. 1886. Bacon. Discourses on Government. 1647-51. Bagehot. 1867. Beaconsfield. Vindication. 1835. Bentham. Works. Boxhorn. Cases in Government. 1701. Brougham. History, Structure and AVork- ing- Burgess. Political Science. 1891. Cox. Institutions of English Government. 1863. De Lolme. Rise and Progress. 1789. LiCEY. Lectures. 1886. Eliot. Political Treatise on Government. 1628-30. English Citizen Series. 1881-5. Ensor. National Government. 1810. FiscHEL. Trans. 1863. Freem.\n. Growth. 1884. Constitution — cont. English — cont. Hallan. History, from Henry VII. to George II. 1832. Jenks. Experiments of Commonwealth, 1640-1660. May. History. 1760-1860. Millar. Historical View of English Government. 1787. Monarchy. 1679. MosELEY. Legislation, Progress of Modern. 1852. Raikes. Popular Sketch. 1854. Rowland. Manual. 1859, Russell. From Henry VII. 1865. SoMBRS Tracts. Great Britain. Stephens. 1838. Stubbs. History. 1880. Taswell-L.^ngmead. 1886. Tyrrell. Bibliotheca Politica. 1692-5. Walpole, S. Electorate and Legislature. 1881. See Government. United States : American's Guide. Browije. Debates on State Constitution cf California. 1849. CooLEY'. Constitutional Law. 1880. Federalist. 1831. HiCKEY. 1847. Holst. Constitutional Law. 1887. Jackson. Independent States of America. 1783. Locke. Carolina. Sterne. History. 1882. Story. Commentaries. 1873. TocQUEviLLB. Democratic en Amerique. 1864. Tremenheere. Compared with the British. 1854. Contemplations, Moral and Divine. 1 679. Halk. Contemporary : Art Etchings;. 1878. Carr. Authors. Ecrivaius du .Imir. 1889-91. Gubernatis. Biography : Biography. Dictionary. 1861. Hazlitt. Spirit of the Age. 1825. Martin. 1870. Men of the Time. Vapereau. Biographie des Contempo- rains. 1880. Vapereau. Dictionnaire des Contem- porains. 1892. Contes Drolatiques. 1864. Balzac. Continuity. Discourse on. 1867. Grove. Contraband of War. Law of. 1861. Pratt. Convents of the United Kingdom. 1873. Murphy. Conversations, Imaginary. L.iNDOR. Conversations-Lexicon. 1875-9. Brock- hats. Conway Tubular Bridge. Construction. 1849. Fairbairn. Cook, The Modern. 1857. Francatelli. Cook's Guide, and Housekeeper's Assistant. 1861. Francatelli. X X 2 684 INDEX. Cookery : Ai.M^NAcii (le Gourmands. 1803-10. Ci)uf''etioner, Engli.-^li ami Foreign. 1862. Fl(.\NC.\TEl.I.I. Cookery Sinipliticd. 1849. Sovkk. Dinners. Wine^, .ind Desserts. 1801. KiinvAN. Early Englisli .Meals. Karli/ Eng. Tcrt Soc, if. Food. History. 1853. Soyer. Luculhis : Palatable Essay.s. 1878. Hall. Memoirs. 1859. Soyeu. Table. Hook about the. 1875. Jeaffhesox. .SVr DiNiNis. Coolie, Tile, his Rights and Wrongs. 1871. .Iks KINS. Co-operative Movement in Great Britain. KSdl. Pdtteh. Traveller Abroad. 1888. Gheemnc. Working Men Co-operators. 1884. Aclaxd i^' Jones. Copenhagen. Capit.vles du Monde. Coptic < 'luurlies of EgyjJt. 1884. I'utlei!. Copyholds. Tre.itise. 1841. Caswall. Copyright : Conventions Internationales. 1891. L.v- VUiNE. Fran9ais et Etranger. 1889. Lois. Lois ,sur )a Proprietc Litteraire. 1890. Lvon-Cae.v & Delalain. Corals and Coral Islands. 1875. Dana. British. 1860. Gosse. Corea. 1G53. Hamel. Voyaf^e of Discovery. 1818. Hall. Corfe Castle. Story of. 1853. Bankes. Sec (i/.-^j DousETsiiriu:. Cork : History- of Baiulon. 1869. Bennett. Statistical Survey of the County. 1815. TOWNSEND. Corn and Currency. 1826. Ghaham. Corn Law Ijoague. 1877. Cobden. Law Rhymer. 1844. Elliott. Laws : CoitN Laws. Report and Evidence on. 1814. Ensoh. 1840. Hamilton. Dr. Johnson on the. Steuart. 1805. Wilson. Influences of. 1819. Prices of Wheat. 1768. Comhkune. Trad(! : Essay. 1 829. Torrens. Cornwall : Aiili(|uities : BLKiiir. Anti((uities in East. 1872. BoRL.vsB. Historical and Monumental. 1769. BiMiotheea Comubiensi.s. 1874-82. Bo.\sk. Celtic Language Dictionary. 1865. Wil- liams. Coasts. 1865. Esquiros. Collectanea Cornubiensia. Biographical and 'I'opographical Notes. 1890. Boase. Directoiues. Ecclesiastical Foundations. 1846. Oliver. English-Cornish Dictionary. 1887. Jago. Excursion in. 1824. Stockdalb. Folk-Lore. 1865. Hunt. Footprints of Former Men. 1870. Hawkbk. Cornwall — emit. (illidr. .MluUAV. History and Description : Beauties OF Knoi.and. 1801. Cauew. Survey. 1811. GiLREUT. Historical Survey. 1817. Lvsons. History. 1814. Stockoale. Excursion Views. 1824. White. Walk to the Land's End. 1855. Itinerary, Illustrated. 1842. Redding. Madron, Parish Registers of. 1577-1681. MlLI.ETT. Natural Ilistorj'. 1758. Borlase. I'arliamentary Representation to 1832. Coi'RTNEV. Prc-historic Stone Monuments. 1885. LuKis. Scilly Isles. Trip to. 1855. White. Sepulchres and Funeral Customs, Ancient. 1872. lioKLASE. Survey. 1817. Gilbert. Trigg Minor, Deanery of. Parochial History. 1868-79. ^Iaclean. Truro Election. 1830. Visitation. 1620. Har/eian Soc, d. Wortlliis. 1884. TuE(iELLAS. Coronation : ClIAIlLES I. 1633. Charles II. 1651. Puenix. George III. and Queen Charlotte. 1820. Thomson. George III. and George IV., William IV., and Victoria. 1820-38. Gwilt. Corporations : Municipal : Arnold. Law of. 1875. Merewether. History. 1837. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. History. l'\lWI.ER. Correlation of Physical Forces. 1862. (iU()VE. Corsica : Etat Physique. Volney. Journal of a Landscape Painter in. 1870. Lear. Journal of Tour. 1879. Boswei.l. See Italy. Costume : Anciiiis it .Modcrnes. 1859. Vecei.i.io. Anciciil. IXIi. lloi'E. Ancient and Modern Nations. 1757. Jef- freys. British Soldier. 1852. Luard. Cyclopaedia. 1876-9. Blanche. Ecclesiastical Ornament and. 1846. Pugin. England : 1'airholt & Dillon. 1885. Strutt. 1 796-9. Franco : Costumes Hi.storiques. 1860-7. Grand-Carteret. Middle Age. Lackoix. XIX^ Siecle. Uzanne. Frencli women. 19th Century. Habits and Men. 1855. Doran. India. 1867. Watson. Tun Centuries of Toilette. Tran.s. 1892. RoilIDA. AVardrobe .Account. 1526. Richmond. Cotswold Hills. 1878. Vyvyan. INDEX 685 Cotton : Famine. History. I860. Arnold. Manufactnre. History. 183.5. Batnes. Trade and Negro Slavery. 1863. 1853. MacHeney. Counters and Black Money. Origin. 1769. Snelling. County Councillors' Guide. 1888. Hob- house & Panshaave. County Councils. Law relating to. 1888. Bazalgette & Humphreys. County Courts. 1873. Falconer. County Families : Landed Gentry. 1890. Burke. Of United Kingdom. IS7S etseq. Walford. Coursing. Cox. Court and Country. 1586-1618. Court. Customs, Old. 1883. Armytage. English, Seventy Years' Records of. 1832. See Names of Sovereigns. Guide. 1838 et seq. Bo^xb. Life under Plantagenets. 1890. Hall. Courtesy. Books of. See Manners & Customs. Courthand Restored. Assistant in Reading Leeds. 1778. Wright. Courtier. Trans. 1727. Castiglione. Courts of Justice : Design for Proposed New : Surges. 1867. Street. 1867. High Commission. 1865. Burn. Star Chamber. 1870. Burn. Courts of Requests. Their Nature ; with Cases. 1787. Hutton. Covenanters of Scotland. Treaty. 1640. Borough. Character and Conduct. 1838. NAriEK. Coventry : History and Antic[uities. 1870. Poole. History. 1871. Sharp. Sec Warwickshiee. Craven. Deanery of. History. 1812. Whitaker. See YouKsniRE, Crayfish. Huxley. Creation : Bridgewater Treatises. 1834-40. Chaldaean Account of Genesis. 1876. Smith. Footprints of the Creator. Miller. History. 1892. Haeckel. Natural History. 1884. Chambers. Theory of the Earth. 1772. Whiston. Wisdom of God Manifested. 1692. Ray or Wray. Credulities. Past and Present. 1880. Jones. Cremation. Modern. 1891. Thompson. Crests of Families of Great Britain and Ireland. 1860. Fairbairn. Cricket : Works on : Badminton Library. Box. History. 1877. Grace. 1891. Cries of London. 1839. Smith, J. T. Crimean War, 1853-6 : Description of: Calthorpe. Realities of. 1856-63. Gu:6rin. Histoire de la Guerre de la Russie. 1853-6. Hamley. Campaign of Seliastopol. 1855. Hamley. War in the Crimea. 1891. KiNGLAKE. Invasion of the Crimea. 1863-87. Rousset. Histoire de la Guerre. 1877. Russell. British Expedition. 1858. Sayer. Despatches and Papers. 1854-6. See Russia. Crimes and Punishments : Capital Punishment : MoiR. 1865. Philander. Is it Defensible ? 1865. Crimes and Criminals. Newgate Calendar. 1824-8. Baldwin & Knapp. Crimes and Misdemeanours. Treatise. 1877. Russell. Crimes and Punishment : Beccaria. 1770. Faeeer. 1880. Criminal Administration, Defects in. 1872. Dangerous Classes of New York. 1872. Brace. Dangerous Classes, Treatment of. 1849. Symons. Dying Speeches. 1720. State Prisoners. England : Lonsdale. Statute Criminal Law. 1839. Pike. History of. 1873. Stephen. History of Criminal Law. 1 883. England and Wales. Moral Statistics. 1849. Excuses for. 1855. Thomson. Executions at Tyburn. Inquiry into cause of frequent. 1725. Mandeville. Five Years' Penal Servitude. 1878. Five. Future in English Law. 1837. Jardine. History of, in England. 1873. Pike. India Penal Code. 1838. India. Kelly Gang of Bushrangers. Capture of. 1880. Hare. Lettres de Cachet. Mirabeau. London, Seven Curses of. Greenwood. Louisiana. Penal Law. Livingstone. Military Law. 1837. Napier. Moral Statistics. 1849. Fletcher. Newgate Calendar. 1824-8. Knapp & Baldwin. Old Bailey Sessions. 1730-1867. Old Bailey. Penitentiary : Pears. Congress. 1872. Tocqueville & Beaumont. System in United States. 1833. Punishment and Prevention of. Du Cane. Preventive Principles. 1889. Tallack. Reformation of Criminals. 1819-23. Roscoe. Reformatory Schools. 1851. Carpenter. Repression. 1857. Hill. vScotland. Criminal Law. 1716. ^Mackenzie. Siberia and the Exile System. 1891. Kennan. State Prisoners' Dying Speeches. 1720. State. Suggestions for Repression. 1857. Hill. Torture in English Law. 1837. Jardine. Transportation. 1832-4. Whately. York Castle, Records of. 1880. Twyford & Griffiths. See Trials. 686 INDEX. Criminal Law : Authorities on : Lonsdale. Statute. England. 1839. M-vrKKSziE. Scotland. 1716. Stephen-. England. History. 1883. Wmciir. Conspiracies. 1873. Crises. Political. 1875. IIahrison. Critic, Tapers of a. 1875. Dilke. Criticism : C'auuns of. 1758. Edavards. Elements. 1807. Home. Essays. 1865. Arnold. Critick of Pure Reason. Trans. 1848. Kant. Croatia. 1849. Paton. Croquemitaine. Legend. Trans. L'Epinb. Crowland AM>ey. Sec Lincolnshire. Crown, Tlir : Land and the Constitution. 1892. Anson. Orations on the. Demosthenes. Crown of Enf:land. Succession of. 1684. I'.liADV. Croydon. Sec Surrey. Crusades : Uhronicon Anglicanum. Ralph de Cogges- hall. Constantinople, Fall of. 4tli Crusade. 1885. Peaks. History. Recoveryof Holy Land. 1820. Mills. Itinerarium Regis Anglorum in turram nierosolymorum. Vinesauf. Crustacea. History of. 1874. Stebbing. Cuba : Jnftuenco on British West Indies. 1849. Madden. With Pen and Pencil. 1873. Hazard. Culdees. Treatises on. Gordon. CuUoden Papers. 1815. Duff. Culture and Anarchy. 1891. Arnold. Cumberland : Carlisle Cathedral. 1840. Pdi.Lixc!. Dialect. 1873. Ferguson. DinECTOIIIES. Drawings in. Alloji. History : Beauties of England. Burn & Nicolson. Westmoreland and Cumberland. 1771-7. Hutchinson. 1794-8. .Jefferson. Allerdalc Ward. 1842. Lysons. 1816. Lake Country. 1864. Linton. Mountains and Lakes. 1772. Gilpin. Parliamentary Representiition. 1603-1880. Bean. Visitation. IGlo. Harleian Soc, 1 . Cunard Company. 1800. Burns. Curiosities. Museum of. 1820. Kirby. Curling. Badminton Library. Currency : British Colonics. 1893. Chalmers. Cash Payments. Report. 1819. Chronicon Precio.sum. 1745. Fleetwood. Coins of the Realm. What is it? 1888. Shari.and. Coins and Banking. 1858. Sealv. Conference. Paris. 1878-81. Monetary. Corn and. 1826. Graham. Counters, Black Money. 1769. Snellino. Doctrines of Value. 1831. Cottklill, Currency — cont. England : HoRTON. Monetary Policy since the Re- storation. 1887. Snelung. Copper, Gold, and Silver Coinage to Geo. IIL 1769. Taylor. Money System of, from the Conquest 1828. Fallacies Refuted. 1844. Bailey. Gold, Prohable Depression. 1859. Chevalier. Metallic and Paper. 1857. Ovekstonb. Money. 1888. Nicholson. Monnaies du Monde. 1885. Malarce. Paper against Gold. 1817. Cobbett. Regulation of. 1844. Fullerton. Scotch. 1832. Attwood. Silver, Depreciation of. 1877. B.\oehot. Sec Bi-Metallism. Tracts. 1857. Overstone. World's Monetary Systems. 1892. Nor.man. See Coins, Exchange, Money. Customs : Drpartinent. Chronicles. 1885. Chester. Duties: j'ritish Empire. 1888. Rawson. Laws. 1833. Hume. Revenue in England. History. 1885. Hall. Smuggling. 1892. Shore. Tariffs of all Nations. 1854. Hubn-er. 'I'arif General dcs Douanes. 1880. Rouker. Cuthbert, Saint, with account of opening his tonili. 1828. Raine. Cycling. r>ADMiNT0N Library. Cyprus : Description of: Baker. In 1879, as I saw it. Br.\ssey. Crui.se to. 1880. Cesnola. Cities, Tombs, and Temples. 1877. Mallock. Enchanted Island, In an. 1889. Guerre de Chypre. 1888. Graviere. Salamis. Antiquities. 1882. Cesnola. Cyrene. History of Discoveries. Smith, R. I\I. & PORCHER. Dahomey. Mission to. 1864. Burton. Dalmatia : Description of : Jackson. 1887. Paton. 1849. Wilkinson. Montenegro and. Journey. 1848. Dance from London to Norwich. Camden Soc., 1 1 . Of Death : Green. 1869. Holbein. 1833. Holhcin Soc. Danes, Ancient. 1770. Mallet. Dangerous Classes : Condition and Treatment. 1849. Symons. See Crime. Of New York. 1872. Brace. Danish. Mounts and Towers in Ireland. 172('). IJoAIK. Dantonists. History. Trans. 1876. ('l.AKKIIK. Danube : Paddles and Politics. 1892. Bigelow. Steam Voyage. 1835. Quin. INDEX. 687 Dark Ages. Essays. 9th — 12th Cents. 1853. Maitland. Darkest England, and Way Out. 1890. Booth. Darwinian Theory : Works on : Elam. Automatism and Evolution. 1876. Darwin, Theory. Works. FiSKE. Essays. 1879. Schmidt. Doctrine of Descent. See Evolution. David's, Saint. Sec Pembrokeshire. Days : Book of: Chambers. 1864. Hone. Every-Day Book. Hone. Year Book. Dead Sea. United States' Expedition. 1857. Lynch. Deans, Rural. Origin, Functions. 1835. Dansey. Death.. Rccherches, Physiologiques, sur la Vie et laMort. 1862. Bichat. Death Duties. Handbook. 1890. Buxton. Death, Punishment of: Works on : Death, Penalty of. 1841. Moir. 1865. Montagu. Opinions. 1816. Nealb. 1857. Philander. 1865. S.VNSON. Memoirs. 1876. Debates. Parliamentary. Hansard. See Parliament. Decameron. Trans. 1871. Boccaccio. Deceased Wife's Sister, Marriage with. 1849-85. Marriage. Decimal System. 1872. BowRiNG. Deciphering Deeds and Old Documents : AVorks on : Chassant. Abreviations, Latines et Fran- 9aises. Thoyts. Old Documents Deciphered. 1893. AVright. Court Hand Restored. 1879. Decorative Art. 1892. Conway. Deeds in the Public Record Office. Calendar. Deer : Book of. Spalding Club. Parks, English. 1867. Shirley. Deism, Principles of, Unfounded. Dyer. Delhi, Architecture of. 1872. Cole. Deluges, Periodicites des Grands. 1861. Hon. See Floods. Delusions, Popular : Memoirs of Popular. 1852. Mackay. Phantasmata. 1857. Madden. Sec Credulities, Vulgar Errors. Democracy : Conflict with Oligarchy. 1885. Picton. Legislative Rights Vindicated. 1777. Cart- wright. Life and Writings. 1864-90. Mazzini. Political Philosophy. 1842. Brougham. Works on : Capen. History of. 1875. Dauban. Deraagogie en 1793-5 a Paris. 1869-9. Guizot. In France. 1849. Democracy — cont. Works on — cont. May. In Europe. 1877. Partridge. 1866. Demonology, Letters on. 1830. Scott. Denmark : Art Tour. 1873. Atkinson. Danes, Ancient. 1770. Mallet. Description in 1692. Molesworth. Embassy to. 1663-4. Carlisle. Excursions. 1840. Bremneh. History of. 1839-40. Dunhaji. Invasion of: Dicey. Schlcswig-Holstein War. 1864. Gallenger. 1864. Letters from. 1802. Godwin. Residence in. 1860. Marryat, H. Social and Political State. 1851. Laing. Travels. Cox. Deposed Sovereigns. 1857. Doran. Derbyshire : Churches. 1875-9. Cox. Directories. Excursions through. 1805. Daybs. Haddon Hall. 1836. Rayner. Handbook. Murray. History : Beauties of England. 1801. Glover. County. 1829. Lysons. 1817. Songs and Ballads. 1867- Jewitt. Despotism. Origin. 1764. Wilkes. Devizes. Sec Wiltshire. Devonshire : Chorographical Description. 1580-1640. RiSDON. Coast. Naturalist's Rambles. 1853. GossB. Directories. Exeter : Cotton. Elizabethan Guide. 1873. IzACKB. City Antiquities. 1049-1677. Oliver. Bishops and Cathedral. 1861. Oliver. History. 1861. Foundations. 1846. Oliver. Handbook. Murray. History and Description : Beauties of England. 1801. Lysons. 1822. Risdon. 1580-1640. New ed. 1811. Wbstcote. Devonshire in 1630. Letters of the Mayoi'. 1447-50. Camden Soc, 1 (N.S.). Memorials of the West. 1888. Rogers. Plymouth : Jewbrs. Local Heraldry. 1883. AVorth. History. 1890. Risdon's Survey. 1875. Chapple. Sepulchral Monuments. 1877. Rogers. Tiverton. History. 1845. Harding. Visitation. 1620. Harleian Sue., 6. Worthies. 1701. Prince. Diall of Princes, The. 1619. Guevara. Dialogues of the Dead. 1 776. Lyttelton Diamonds. Digging Experiences in South Africa. 1873. Boyle. Dicing and Dancing. Treatise against. Northbrooke. 688 INDEX. Dictionary : Al>rovi,itiiPiis Latines et FmiKjaises. 1884. CiLvss.v.vr. Americanisms : BAUTLKrrr. 1860. Fakmkk. 1 889. Angliciseil W(jrds and Phrases. 1892. Stanfohd. Anglo-Saxon : BoswoKTH. Anglo Saxon and English. 18.52. LvE. Saxonicoet GothicoLatinum. 1772. "Wkight. 1884. Anonynu's et Pseudonymes. 1806. Barbier. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature. 1882-8. Halkett & Laing. Archaic, from Egj'tian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Sources. 1876. Coopeh, W. R. Archaic and Provincial Words. 1850. Hali.iwei.l-Puillipps. Architectural Terms. 1888. Parker. Architecture : Britton. Of the Middle Ages. 1838. Viollet-le-Duc. Fran9aise. 1867-8. Argot : B.vrrere. And Slang: French and En- glish. 1887. Dei.vau. Languc Vcrte. 1883. Lakchey. Parisien. 1872. Art, Terms in. 1883. Fairholt. Arts, Manufactures, Mines. 1878. Ure. Arts, Science, and Literature. 1865-7. Bhaxde «fe Cox. Authors : Allibone. English and American. 1859- 91. Gcbernatis. Ecrivains du Jour. 1889-91. rpcoTT & Siioberl. Living Authors. 1816. Vapereau. Universel des Litteraturcs. 1876. Wright, T. Biographia Britannica. 1842-6. Berkshire Glossary. 1 888. Lowsley, Bible. 1863. Smith, Sir W. Bibliographical : Clarke. 1802-4. Ebert. 1837. Biography, General : Cates. 1881. Chalmers. 1812-17. Gorton. 1832. Hoefer. Biographic Gencrale. 1855-66. Hole. 1866. Ladvocat. 1799-1801. MoRERi. IJictionnaire Historique. 1702-6. Rose. 1850. Vincent. 1877. AVeiss. Biographic Universelle. 1841. Biographical Reference. 1871. Phillips. Botanical. 1868. Paxton. Cambridge University. 1884. Dickens. Cant Language. 1842. Carew. Catholic. 1884. Addis & Arnold. Chemislr)-. 1872-81 & 1888-92. Watts. Chemistiy of Arts and Manufactures. 1882. Vincent. Cheshire Words. 1820. Wilbraham. Christian .Antiquities. 1876-80. Smith & Cheetham. Dictionary— (o«('. ! Christian Biography. 1877. Smith &Wace. ! Chronology. 1870. Overall. j Church. 1864. Hook. I Classical : Lemfriebe. 1826. NiTTALL. And Archaeological. 1840. Rich. Greek Antiquities, and Roman. 1873. Smith. Greek and Roman Biography, Geography, and Mytholog)'. 1844-9. Cleveland Dialect. 1868. Atkinson. Comique Satyrique. 1786. Leroi'x. Commerce. 1868. MacCulloch. Contemporains. 1880. V^apeheau. Cornu-Britannicum. 1865. Williams. DaUs and Universal Reference. 1844, 1871 , 1881, 1889, 1892. H.\ydn. Dorset Dialect. 1863. Barnes. Dutch-English. 1875. Calisch. Ecrivains du Jour. Gubernatis. English : Ash. 1795. Bailey. 1755. Clarke. 1855. Coles. 1677. Johnson. 1765. New ed. 1866-70. Junius. 1743. Murray. 1884 ct seq. OfiiLviE. 1878. Phillips. 1706. Rich.\rdson. 1844. Scott. 1755. Ske.\t. 1882. Stormonth. 1884. Walker. 1836. Webster. 1832 & 1890. Wedgwood. 1872. Worcester. 1860. English and Nether Duytch. 1648. Hex- ham. English-Cornish. 1887. Jago. English-Dutch. 1875. Calisch. English History. 1884. Low & Pulling. English Literature : Allibone. 1851-91. Lowndes. 1864. Watt. 1824. English, Middle. 1150-1580. M.\yhew & Skeat. English, Old. 1873. Stratmann. English Word Book. 1877. Stohmonth. Engnivers. Biographical : Bryan. 1886-9. Strutt. 1785. Fran(;ais-Italien. 1834-35. Albebti. French : Acaiiejiie Francjaise, Dictionnaire de 1'. 183.5-6. Bescherelle. 1861. Bracket. 1879. LiTTR^. 1863-73. French-English and English-French: Chambaud. 1805. Clifton & Grimaux. 1889. cotgrave. 1673. Fleming fc Tibbins. 1846. Spires. 1855. SuflENNE. 1873. INDEX. 689 Dictionary — cont. Gaelic : Abmsteong. 1825. Highland Society. 1828. Geography : Alcedo. America. 1812-15. Johnston. 1882. Peuchet. Geographic Commer9ante. 1798-1800. German. 1873. Sanders. German Authors, Living : HiNEiCHSEN. Literarische Deiitschland. 1891. German-English and English-German : Cassell. 1889. Flugel. 1891. Grieb. 1885. HiLPERT. 1857. German Medical Terms. Tueves & Lang. Gipsy Language. 1843. Bouiiow. Gothico-Latinum. 1772. Lye. Greek-English and English-Greek Lexicon : CONTOPOULOS. 1882. Dawson. New Testament. Trans. 1861. DONNEGAN. 1842. LiDDELL & Scott. 1845 & 1883. Maltby. 1840. YoNGB. English-Greek. 1849. Guernsey. Dialect. 1870. Metivier. Hebrew Lexicon to the Old Testament. 1825. Gesbnius. Hindostanee, English and. 1825. Gil- christ. Historical : Ladvocat. 1 799. MORERI. 1702. Icelandic-English. 1874. Cleasby & Vig- FUSSON. Indian : Whitworth. Anglo-Indian. 1885. Yule & Burnell. Anglo-Indian Col- loquial Words and Phrases. 1886. Irish-English. 1768. O'Brien. Italian. 1804 & 1830-40. Accademici della Crusca. Italian-English and English-Italian : Baretti. 1860. Millhousb. 1886. Wbssely. 1884. Judicial. 1890. Stroud. Langue Verte. 1883. Delvau. Latin : Ainswobth. Latin-English. 1823. Andrews. Latin-English. 1863. Camden Soc. English-Latin. Camden Soc, 30 (N.S.). Catholicon Angli- cum. English-Latin. 1483. DucANGE. Glossarium. 1840-50. Facciolati & Forcellini. Lexicon. Latin-English. 1828. Kiddle & Arnold. English-Latin. 1872. ScHELLBR. Latin-English. 1835. Smith. Latin-English. 1881. Latin Quotations. 1860. Kiley. Law: Stroud. 1890. ToMLiNS. 1835. Litteratures. 1876. Vaperbau. Marine. 1815. Falconer. Dictionary— coM^;. Mechanics. 1878. Knight. Mediaeval Latin. 1840-50. Ducange. Medical. 1848. Hooper. Medicine. 1883. Quain. Micmac. English-Micmac. 1888. Eand. Military : Alison. And Naval Vocabulary. 1848. James. English and French. 1816. "Wilhelm. 1881. Monogrammes. 1832-4. Brulliot. Music and Musicians. 1450-1889. Grove. Musicians. 1827. Musicians. Musiciens. 1835-44. Fbtis. Names in Fiction. 1866. Wheeler. Napoleon. 1854. Hinard. National Biography. Biography. Nautical Terms. 1867. Smyth. Naval and Military Technical. 1863. Burn. Norman or Old French Langnage. 1779. Kelham. Norman. Franco-Norman. 1870. Meti- vier. North Country Words. Glossary. 1825. Brockett. Noi'thamptonshire Words. 1854. Baker. Obsolete Words and Phrases. 1816. Ken- net. Painters and Engravers. Biographical. IS 19. Bryan. Parallel. Russian, French, German, English. 1876. RiEFF. Peuples de I'Orient. 1779-9. Hbrbelot. Philosophical and Mathematical. 1815. HUTTON. Phrase and FalJc. 1873-4. Brewer. Plays, Old English. 1860. Halliwell- PlIILLIPrS. Political Economy. 1891. Palgrave. Political Knowledge. 1860. Knight. Pulitique, D'Economie. 1891-2. Say & Chailley'. Portuguese-English and English Portuguese. 1840. ViEYRA. Provincial Glossary. 1811. Grosb. Quotations. 1893. Wood. See Quotations. Religions. 1714. De Foe. Rhyming. 1570. Levins. Romance Languages. 1864. Dibz. Romanorum Antiquitatum. 1713. Pitiscus. Russian. 1876. Rieff. Sec Classical Dictionaries. Sanskrit-English. 1872. Williams. Science, Literature, and Art. 1865-7. Brands. Scotchmen, Eminent. 1840. Chambers. Scottish Language. 1808-25. Jamieson. Scottish, Lowland. 1888. Mackay. Shakespeare : Jervis. Language. 1868. Nares. Glossary of AVords. 1859. Slang : Barrere & Leland. Jargon and Cant. 1889-90. Carew. 1842. Grose. 1796. Hotten. 1865. See Argot. 690 INDEX. Dictionary — cont. .'5piini>h-Eiiglish and English-Spanish : Lopes dt JBensley. 1892. Nei-manx Sc Baretti. 1831. Wessely & GiRONEs. 1884. Spanish Proverbs. 1823. Collins. Statistics. 1886. Milh.\ll. Surgery. 1886. Heath. Sussex : Cooper. Provincialisms. 1836. Parish. Dialect. 1875. Technological. German. Enirlish, French : RoHRiG. French-Gtrman-English, Eng- lish-German-French. 1887. Schiller. English, German, and French. 1878. Trouliadours, Liingue de la. 1844. Ray- .VOUARD. Turkish Ijexicon. 1861. Redhouse. Universal : Bayle. General. 1734-8 & 1820. Hoffmann. Lexicon Sacram Historiam ct Profanam explorans. 1698. Larousse. Du 19* Siecle. 1866-93. Verlial Corruptions. 1882. Palmer. Welsh : PcGHE. "Welsh-English. 1832. AValters. English-Welsh. 1815. Women of the Day. 1885. H.\ts. Digestion. Physiology of. 1836. Coombe. Dignities : Book i)t : Beatson. Political Index. 1806. Haydn. 1890. Dining : Almanach des Gourmands. Aljlvnacii. Book about the Table. 1875. Jeaffbeson. Host and Guest. 1864. Kiewain. Lucullus. 1878. Hall. Physiologic du Gout. Brillat-Satabix. Table Traits. 1854. Doran. See Cookery. Diplomacy : Cours de Style. 1826. Meisel. Four Lectures on. 1868. Bernard. Histoire et Diplomatic : Broglie. 1889. Debidour. De I'Europe. 1891. See Tre.\ties. Diptych, loth Cent. 1887. Hixck.vert. Directory of Directors. 1880 et acq. I)II;FXT0RY. Discount Guide. 1844. Harden. Disestablishment of the Church. Dissenters : Chapel 15111. Delates on. 1844. Dissenters. Comparison of Established and Dissenting Churches. 1830. B.allantine. Congregational Year-Book. 1883 et scq. Co.'»gregational. Dictionary of Sects and Heresies. 1874. Blunt. History : BoGUE & Bennett. Of Dissenters. 1 688- 1838. Marsh. City Temple, from 1640-1877. Marsh. Hare Court Chapel. 1871. Dissenters — cont. History — cont. Rees. Nonconformity in Wales. 1861. Ske.\ts. Free Churches of England from 1688-1851. 1869. W.ALKEH. Independency. 1649. Wilson. Churches in London. 1808-14. Meeting-Houses. Ancient. 1870. Pike. Methodism. Rise of. 1820. Socthey. Methodists. Wesley. Puritans : Halley. Puritanism and Xon-con- formity in Lancashire. 1869. Neal. History. 1822. TuLLOCH. English Leaders. 1861. Tracts on. De Foe. Dissolnteness in Lower Classes. 1772. Han WAV. Divination. Cicero. N" \\'irCIICRAFT. Diving. English Seamen and Divers. 1868. KstiVIROS. Doctors. Book alx)ut. 1860. Jeaffreson. Si-i' Physicians, Surgeons. Dog: Anecdotes of. 1846. Jesse. Breaking. 1865. Hutchinson. History of British Dogs. 1866. Jessb. The. 1854. Youatt. Dolomite Mountains : Excursions. 1861-3. Gilbert. Raml. Shakespeare Forgeries. 1796. Jackman. Jephson. 692 IlfDEX. Drama— whC. Eii;rli>h — cont. Jeuuold. Comedies and Dramas. 1853— 4. Johnson. Irene. 1823. JoNsox. Works. 1816. Kemble. Kenney. Kexkick. Plays. KiKKE. Seven Champions of Christen- dome. 1638. Knight. KxowLES. Plays. 1831-8. Lansdowxe. Work.';. 1786. Lee, N. "Works. 1722. Lee, S. Plays. LiLLO. 1810. Lilly or Lyly. "Works. 1858. Lyt)g.\tb. Chichevache and Bicoma. L^ttox. Di-amatic Works. 1852-4. !^L^CH1X. The Dumb Knight. 31. UK LIN. :M.\rlowe. Works. 1826. Maestox. Works. 1856. Mabvell. Works. 1776. M.vsox. M.\ssixGEK. AYorks. 1805. May. The Heir, 1633. The Old Couple, 1658. May-xe. The City Match. 3I1DDLETOX. Works. 1840. Miller. " Mahomet." !MlLTOX. MiTFORD. Works. 1854. MooHE, E. The Gamester. The Found- ling. Morris, L. Given. Gyeia. 1885-6. MoRTOx. Zorinski — Secrets worth know- ing. Muxday. John a Kent and John a Cum- l>er. Murphy. Plays. O'Hara. Farces. O'Keeffe. Works. 1798. Orrery-. Works. 1739. Otway". Plays. 1733-54. Pe,vrce. Peele. AVorks. 1829. Pexxy'. Stephen, King of England. 1851. Philips. The Distressed Mother. PuiLox. He would 1a' a Soldier. Randolph. AVorks. 1875. Reed. Rey'xolds. Rhodes. Bomba.stes Fiirioso. 1873. RoBERTSox. AVorks. 1889. RowE. Plays. 1792. Rowley. Match at Midnight. Sedley. AA'orks. 1778. Shadwell. AVorks. 1 720. Shakespeare. 1623. Shee. Alasco. 1824. Sherid.vx. AVorks. 1 848. Shirley. AVorks. 1833. Southerxe. Plays. 1774. Steele. The Fuiural. 1712. Still. Gammer Gurton's Needle. 1575. Suckling. AVorks. 1770. SwixBVRXE. AVorks. 1868-87. Talfoukd. Works. 1852. Drama — cont. English — cont. Tatham. AVorks. 1879. Taylor. England Prcserred. Thompson. Thomson. Tobin. The Honeymoon. Udall. Ralph Roister Doister. A^\xBRCGH. Plays. 1 759. AVebster. AA'orics. 1607 et seq. Whitehe.vd. Roman Father. AVkiuut. Chaste AVife. AVycherley. Plays. 1731. YouxG. AA'orks. 1778. English Stage : Gexest. Account of. 1660-1830. Hazlitt. A'iewof. 1818. French : AfGiER. OEuvres Diverses. 1884. AuGiER. Theatre complet. 1886. B.\Lz.vc. Theatre. 1869-76. Bernhardt. L'Aveu. 1888. CoLLK. Comedie. 1 798. Corxeille. Theatre de. 1765. Daudet. Theatre. 1882-8. Destocches. CEuvres. 1822. DiDEKQT. Comedies. Dcmas, ills. Le Fils Naturel. Trans. 1879. Flalbert. Theatre. 1885. Got. Comedie Fran^ai.se a Londres. 1871-9. Gresset. (Euvres. 1830. Hugo. Theatre. 1882-90. Lekaix. Memoires. Molieke. (Euvres. 1804. Pirox. (Euvres. 1821. Racixe. (Euvres. 1 768. Rexax. Drames Philosophiques. 1888. Sardou. Les Pattes de Mouche. 1885. Stael-Holsteix. Essaies Dramatiques. 1830. A'oltaire. (Euvres. 1775. German : Goethe. AVcrke. 1857-8. Heine. AVerke. 1876. Lessixg. Theater. 1875. Trans. 1878. Schiller. AVerke. 1844. Greek : .(Esciiyi.us. Tragoedia. 1852. Trans. 1850-77. .\.iu.st»)phanes. Comodise. 1835. Trans. 1853-60. Bkumoy. Theatre des Grecs. 1785-9. CoMicoRUJi. Graecorum Fragmenta. 1839-57. Doxaldsox. Theatre of the Greeks. 1844. Euripides. Tragoediae. 1825-6. Trans. 1870-89. Sophocles. Tragcedia. 1830-9. Trans. 1849. Hindu Theatre. AVilson. H. H. Italian : Alkieim. Tragedie. 1807. GoLDoxi. Commedie. 1788-93. GuAKixi. II Pa.stor Fido. 1807. Metastasio. Opere. 1820. Leicester Borough Books. 1865. Kelly. INDEX. 693 Drama— row/. Literature : Hazlitt. OftheAge of Elizalieth. 1820. Hazlitt. Handbook. 1867. " Q." Dramatistsof the Present Day. 1871. ScHi.EGEL. Lectures on. Trans. 1846. Miracle Plays. 1823. Hone. Musical Drama. 1838. Hogarth. Opera : Edwards. History. 1862. LuMLEY. Reminiscences. 1864. Roman : Plautus. Comoediffi. 1829. Trans. 1852. Seneca. Tragoedi?e. 1821. Terentius Afer. Coma?dicp. 1824. Trans. 1810-53. Scourge, Players'. Prynne. 1633. Songs from the Dramatists. 1854. Bell. Spanish : Calderon de la. Barca. Comedias. 1886. Select Plays. 1888. Cervantes. Trans. 1867-70. Stage before and behind the Curtain. 1840. Bonn. Theatrical Scenes and Portraits. 1888. Thornber. Dramatists of Present Day. 1871. " Q." Drapiers' Letters, The. Swift. Draughts : Game of : Anderson. 1887. BoHN. Games. Dress. See Costume. Drink. Nineteen Centuries of, in England. 1884. French. Driving. Badminton Library. Droglieda. Siege of. 1736. Bernard. Druids : British Antiquities. 1776. History. 1747- Toland. Priests of Oriental Colonies. Taliesin. Druids of Britain. Druidism Unveiled. Creed of the Stone Age. 1893. Morgan. Drunkenness. Seven Curses of London. Greenwood. Drury Lane Theatre. 1881. Stikltng. Druses of the Lebanon. 1855. Chasseaud. Dublin : City, History of: Harris. 1776. Warburton, Whitelaw, & Walsh. 1818. Election. 1859. Dublin. Records. 1889. Gilbert. University : Dublin. Calendar. 1890. Irish Education. Tracts on. 1866 e;! Stubbs. History of. 1889. See Ireland. Dudley Castle and Priory, History of. 1867. Twamley. See AVorcestersiiire. Duelling : Combats for Life or Triumph. 1602. Segar. Discourse sur les Duels. Brantome. History of. 1841. Millingen. Stukeley. 1829. HiGGiNs. 1858. Nash. wq. Dulwich College : History of, to 1857. Young. Library. 1880. Dulwich. Manuscripts and Muniments. 1881. Dulwich. Dumbartonshire : History of. 18G0. Irving. Partition of the Lennox. 1835. Napier. Dumfriesshire : Carlaverock, Siege of, 1300.1828. Nicolas. Dunfermline. History of. 1069-1878. Henderson. " Dunottar Castle " : Cruise round Scot- land. 1890. Dalgleish. Durham : Auckland, Episcopal Palace of. 1852. Raine. Directories. Drawings in. Allom. Handbook. Murray. History and Antiquities of : Beauties of England. 1801-18. Billings. Architectural Antiquities. 1846. Hutchinson. History. 1785-94. Raine. Of North Durham. 1830-52. Surtees. History. 1816-40. Local Records. 1853-7. Sykes & Latimer. Members of Parliament Returned. 1874. Durham. Parliamentary Representation of 1603-1886. Bean. Pedigrees recorded at the Visitations, 1575, 1615, 1666. Foster. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense, 1311-16. Kellawe. Remarkable Occurrences. 1841-6. Richaed- SON. Dutch Church,Austin Friars. Catalogu Dutch East Indies. Bantam and the Islands. MiDDLETON. Dutch Republic. Holland. Duty. 1880. Smiles. Dwarfs of Mount Atlas. 1891. Haliburton. Dying Speeches and Behaviour of State Prisoners. 1720. State. Ealing. See Middlesex. Earth : Rotation of the. Plato's Doctrine. 1873. Grote. Theorie de la Terre. Trans. 1772. Buffon. Earthquake at Lisbon. 1829. AVesley. Earthquakes in Calabria Ultra. 1783. Dolomieu. East India Company : Administration of the. 1853. Kaye. And the Crown. 1866. Thurlow. Committee, Reports of Select. 1783. Burke. Laws Relating to the. 1841. East India. East Anglian Life. Photographs. 1888. Emerson. Eastern Counties. Ancient Topography. 1869. Taylor. Eastern Question. 1856-78. Argyll. Handy Book on the. 1876. Campbell. See Turkey. Ecarte, Laws of. 1886. Cavendish. Eccentric Museum. 1820. Kirby. Eccentrics and Eccentricities. 1875. Times. Ecclesfield. See Yorkshire. 694 INDEX. Ecclesiastical Benefices in England and \V.il<-. Valuations. 1786. Racok. Dijjnitariis in England and AValcs since Hoformatioii. 1890. History. Sic Chirch. Law. "l842. Bvus. Polity. 1811. lIooKEK. Eclipse, ■'^ec Moon and Sex. Economics of Industry. 1890. ilARSiiALt iV Marshall. S'C Political Economy. £crivains du Jour. 1889-91. Gubeuxatis. Edinburgh : Dcsoriptiim and History of: Mali LAND. 1753. Miller. And its Ncighljoiu'hood. MuDiE. Modern Athens. 1825. Oliphant. Royal. 1890. Stevenson. Picturesque Notes. 1889. AViLSON. Memorials of. 1891. Director}-. 1890-91. EmNnrROir. Register' Annual. 1808-24. Sketches and Memories. 1892. M.\sson. Traditions of. 1869. Chambers. University of: Gr.\nt. 1884. Harrison. " Oure Townis Collcdge." 1884. Sre i^COTLAND. Edmonton, History and Antiquities of. 1819. Robinson. See Middlesex. Edom. Travels. 1847. Crawford and Balcarres. Education : Addrussfs. &c. 1879. Lvbbock. Birklieck Schools, Foundation of. Ellis. Citizen.ship versus Secularists, &c. 1873. Partridge. Committee of Council, Minutes of the. 1839-43. Education. Cours d'Etudes pour ITnstruetion du Prince de Parma. Cdndill.ac. Cyropedia. Xexoimion. Discu.ssions on. 1853. Hamilton. Educators and Education. 1883. Kay. Exemplified, Plan for a Normal School. 1842. Phiaulx. Feudal to Federal. 1872. Partridge. France : I)uRuv. Instruction PuLliquo. 1863-9. Fexelox. Des l''illes. CEuvres. Fexelov. D'un Prince. Telemachus. German University. 1845. Perry. Homer, Place of, in. 1857. Gladstone. Household. 1861. Martixeau. Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. 1861. Spexcer. Lectures on. Fleay. LiU-ral. 1824. Kxox. Man, Treatise on. 1810. Helvetius. National (English) : MoRLEY. Struggle for. 1873. Paiitridoe. Free School. 1872-3. J'iUAULX. Normal School. 1842. SciiAiBLE. State and Education. 1884. Seniob. Popular Education. 1861. E due ation— con t. Natiimal (English) — CO)it. Siii'TTLEWoiiTii. Four Periods. 1832,1839, 1846, 1862. Temple. 1856. Nature of the Scholar. Fichtb. Pamphlets on. 1866-73. Ihisii. Papers on. 1843. Bextiiam. Plato's Republic, Theory of. Nbttleship. Popular, Suggestions on. 1861. Senior. Profession, Choice of a. 1881. Haeri- sox. Public, Four Periods of. 1832-39-46-62. Shuttleworth. Roman. 1747. Toland. Religieuses, Cours de Morales. Necker. Religious. 1837. Morgan. Scepsis Scientifica : Confest Ignorance the AVay to Science. 1665. Glaxvilb. School Board for London. Report. 1888-9. School. Science of. Baix. Science of Knowledge. Tran.s. 1889. Fichte. Sex in. 1874. Clarke. State and. 1884. Schaible. Technical. Moxtague. Thoughts on. Locke. Eglinton Tournament. 1840. Bclkelky. Egypt : Antiquities : Belzoxi. Operations and Discoveries in. 1822. British Museum. Photographs. 1872. Clark. Daleth, or Homestead of Nations. 1864. Lee. Hartwell Hou.se Museum. 1858. OsBURN. Monumental History of. 1854. Spineto. Hieroglyphics. 1845. Stuart. History and Art. 1879. Talfourd. Archseology. Upham. Rameses: Egyptian Tale. 1824. Wilsox. Egypt of the Past. 1881. Bibliography of. 1888. Ibrahim-Hilmt. Campaign : Bkackexbury. Nile Expeditionary Force. 1884-5. Butler. Of the Cataracts. 1884-6. Mouxtexey-Jepiison. Emin Pasha, and Rebellion at Equator. 1890. RoYLE. 1882-5. Chronology : Cory. 1833. Poole. Horae jEgyptiacae. 1851. Coptic Churches of. 1884. Butlbh. Description : Abd Allatif. 1203. Herodotus. 1830-5. Trans. 1862-70. Klunzingek. Upper Egypt. People and Products. 1878. MacCoan. Egypt as it is. 1877. MacCoan. Egypt To-Day. 1892. Rae, W. F. Visit to the Third Khedive. 1892. Stuart. Egypt after the War. 1883. "Wilkinson. General View. 1835. Egyptian Question : Egypt for the Egyptians. 1 880. FrivDOlix. John Bull sur le Nil. Harrison. Crisis in Egypt. 1882. INDEX. 695 Egypt— w«/. Egyptian Question — cons. Jbkrold. Belgium of the East. 1882. Maloutie. Native Rulers and Foreign Interference. 1883. MiLNER. England in Egypt. 1893. AVallace. 1883. Fellah, Le. Souvenirs d'Egypte. 1869. About. Funeral Tent of Egyptian Queen. 1882. Stuart. Handbook : E.edeker. Murray. History : Bell. From Pharaoh to Fellah. 1887. Bell. Khedives and Pashas. Sketches of Contemporary Egyptian Rulers. 1884. Bbugsch-Bey. Under the Phai'aohs. Trans. 1879. De Leon. Khedive's Egypt. 1877. Jerrold. Egypt under Ismail Pasha. 1879. Kenricic. Under the Pharaohs. 1850. MacCoan. Egypt under Ismail Pasha. 1889. Paton. Revolution 1811, to Death of Mahomet Ali. 1863. Rollin. Ancient. 1817. Sharpe. Earliest Times till the Conquest Ly Arabs, a.d. 640. 1852 oi 1859. TiioujiAs. Expedition. 1798-1803. Wilson. British Expedition to. 1803. Literature of. 1888. Ibbahim-Hilmy. Manners and Customs : Lane. Modern Egyptians. 1836. Wilkinson. Ancient Egyptians. 1841 & 1842. Music. 1864. Engel. Nile Storage. 1891. Whitehouse. Physique et Politique, Etat. 1826. Volney. Prophetes, Les Trois. 1886. Munro. Religion of Ancient. 1879. Renouf. Siriadic Monuments, Chronology of. 1863. Hekekyan Bey. Soudan : Gordon. Khartoum Journals. 1884. Ohrwaldr. Ten Years' Captivity in. 1892. Russell. Ruin of. 1883-91. Soudan. Report of Intelligence Depart- ment. 1883. WiNGATE. Mahdiism and the. 1891. Souvenirs de I'Expedition. 1798-1801. Thoumas. To-day. The Visit to the Third Khedive. 1892. Rae. Travels : Bevan. Sand and Canvas. 1849. Cooper. Seeking the Sun. 1892. Crawford and Balcarkes. 1847. Dbnon. Voyages, Campagne de Bona- parte. 1798-9. Fairholt. Up Nile and Home again. 1862. Hamley. New Sea and an Old Land. 1869. HoRNEMAN. Cairo to Mourzouk. 1797-8. Oliphant. Land of Khemi. 1882. Saint John. Valley of the Nile. 1834. Sandys. 1652. Egypt— COM!'. Travels — cont. Sonnini de Manoncourt. Upper and Lower. Trans. 1779. Turner. 1820. Valentia. 1809. Volney. Voyage. 1783-5. Upper Egypt. People and Products. 1878. Klunzinger. See Nile, Suez Canal. Eighteen Christian Centuries. 1859. White. Ei/ccoi/ ^acnXiKT). Charles I. El Dorado Expedition. 1500-1. Simon. Elections : Ancient Parliamentary. 1868. Cox. Contested Parliamentary. 1842. Smith, H. S. Controverted, Cases of. 1775-7. Douglas. Controverted Elections Determined in Com- mittees. 1839. Falconer & Fitzherbert. History of Parliamentary. 1892. Grego. Law and Practice : Anderson 8c Ellis. Guide to. 1885. Anstby. Notes upon Representation of People Act, 1867. Clerk, Petitions. 1852. Delane. Collection of Decisions. 1 834. Hardcastle. Petitions. 1874 & 1885. Hare. Treatise on. 1873. Leigh & Le Marchant. Guide to. 1885. Rogers. 1864 & 1885. Shepherd. 1836. Wordsworth. 1832-5. Of 1818. Statement of Proceedings. 1818. Poll Book of Parliamentary. 1832. SuiFrage, Universel. 1872. Taine. Treating at. 1849. Pickering. Writs of Summons extant in Tower of London, Edward I.-IV. 1662. Electoral Facts. 1832-53. Dod. Electorate. Walpole. Electricity : Works on : Day. Electrical and Magnetic Measure- ment. 1884. Electrician, The. 1878 et seq. Faraday. 1839-55. Franklin. Newton. Verity. Up to Date. 1892. See Physics. Eleusinian Mysteries. 1824. Taylor. Elgin Marbles, Commons Committee's Report on. 1816. Elgin. Elia, Essays of. Lamb. Elizabethan Age, Society in the. 1888. Hall. Elocution : Practice of. 1802. Thelwall. Voice and Gesture. 1888. Garry. Ely Cathedral. 1834. Millers. See Cambridgeshire. Elzevir Press. 1888. Goldsmid. Embanking and Draining Fens, History of. 1772. Dugdale. Emblems : A LCI at. Holbein Soc. Green. Andrea Alciati and his Book of. 1882. Green. Shakespeare and the Writers. 1870. GOG INDEX. Emblems — tout. QiAiii.t:.s. Enchiridion; containing Institu- tions, Divine and Moral. 18.56 & 1861. Thynn. 1600. Em.igrant's (Juidc. 1829. Cobuett. Emotions. 1880. M.uCosn. EiiiuUmu> iuul the Will. 1859. KuK. Expression of, in Man and Animals. 1872. Darwi.v. S" Sknses. Employers and AVorkmen's Act. 1875. AnNoi n. Enchiridion, or Sum of Human Science. KSJG. r.riMMN. Encyclopaedists, Diderot and the. 1878. .MmiLEY. Endowed Grammar Schools. 1818. Cau- LISLE. See Schools. Endowments and Settlements, Addre.s.ses (III. 1880. HonHocsE. Engadine, Oui'•' \\'inKF.STERSHIRE. Evidence and Expectation, Essays on. 1 829. Bailky. Judicial, Rationale of. Bestham. Law of. 1825. Harrison. Liivr of. 1885. Taylor. Evolution, Theory of : B.xGKHOT. Natural Selection and Inherit- ance, as applied to Political Society. Candolle. Cultivated Plants. Darwin. Works. Geiger. Development of the Human Race, 1880. Haeckel. Creation, History of. 1892. Henslow. Floral Structures, Origin of. HcxLEY. Classification of Animals. 1869. Huxley. Evolution and Ethics. 1893. Schmidt. Mammalia in Relation to Primeval Times. Shmpeh. Natural Conditions of Existence as they affect Animal Life. Spencer. Organic Evolution, Factors of. 1887. Taylor. Plants, Sagacity, and Morality. 1884. S''c Darwinian Theory. Exchange : Distribution of Products. 1885. Atkinson. Foreign Exchanges. 1887. T.\te. Foreign, Theory of. 1864. Goschbn. Money and the ilechanism of. Jevons. Silver Exchange Tables. 1890. Gr.\hame. Sterling Money and Dollars, Tables of. 1841. Reid. Theory of 1864. Roy. Universal Cambist. 1835. Kelly. Exchequer : Antiquities and Curiosities of the. 1891. Hall. History and Antiquities of the. 1711. ^Iadox. Red Book Contents. 1838. Hunter. Executions. Dying Speeches and Be- haviour of State Prisoners. 1720. State. Exeter : Bishops and Cathedral of. 1861. Oliver. History. 1861. Oliver. History of, 1049-1723. Izacke. Letters of the Mayor. 1447-50. Camden So(\ 1,(N.S.). See also under Devonshire. Exhibition : London, Exhibitions in : American. 1887. Lowe. French. 1890. Lowe. I Exhibition— oon^ London. Exhibitions in — cont. German. 1891. Lowe. International. 1851 & 1862. Exhibition. Art and Sculpture. 1862. Waring. Italian. 1888. Lowe. Melbourne Intercolonial, 1866-7. Exhibi- tion. Paris. 1867. Exhibition. Philadelphia International. 1876. PniLA- DELI'HIA. Exodus of the Western Nations. 1865. A 1 RKMARLB. Expression, Anatomy and Philosophy of. 1872. Bell. Extinct Baronage of England. 1807-9. Blrke, J. Baronetage. 1844. Buhkb. ,, 1835. Courthopb. British Animals. 1880. Hahting. Extradition of Criminals, Foreign Juris- diction. Lewis. 1859. Eye-SiL'ht. Good and Bad. 1880. Carter. Fables : .^Esop and others : ^sop. Trans. L'Estrange. 1880. Bewick. 1886. Brown, T. 1707. G.U-. 1772. Henryson. 1865. Jones, W. Nizami. Indian. Trans. 1807. La Fontaine. 1814. Le Grand dAlssy. Fabliaux. Trans. 1815. M LEsTRANGE. Eminent Mythologists. M 1669. (Fac-simile Reprint.) 1880. Ph.edrus. FabuUt .Esopise. 1822. Pilpai. Bidpai or Pilpai. Trans. 1854 & 1888. Pilpai. Earliest English Version. 1888. Factory System : History. 1886. Taylor. Modern. 1891. Taylor. Fair Trade. See Free Trade, Political Economy. Fairs, Old Showmen and London. Frost. 1875. Bartholomew Fair. 1859. Morley. Fairy Tales : Greek. Kingsley. Illustrating Shakespeare. 1875. Hazlitt. Indian. Jacobs. See also under Folk-Lorb. Falconry. L.vscblles. Fallacies. Book of Bbntham. Families : County Families. W.\lford. Liinded Gintry. Bikke. Rise of Great. 1873. Burkb. Vicis-.itudes of. 1883. Burke. Family ; How to Write the History of a. 1887. Phillimore. Names. See Names. Romance. 1854. Burke. Traditions of Great Britain. 1886. In- gram. \ INDEX. 699 Famine. Great Irish, of 1847. O'Eouekb. Fanaticisms or Phantasmata. 1857. Madden. Farces and Afterpieces. 1809. Inchbald. See aho under DKAjrA. Farm: Book of the. 1851. Stephens. Physiology at the. 1867. Stephens & Siller. Farming : Agricultural Papers. 1875, eifsej. White- head. Calendar. 1572. Tusser. Cattle Farming. 1852-6. Youatt. Cattle Fattening, and Cultivation of Flax. 1847. AVarnes. Pioneers of English. 1888. Protheuo. Sheep Management. 1856. Youatt. Swine Management. 1847. Youatt. See also under Agriculture. Farmer's Letters to the People of England. 1771. Young. Tour through the East of England. 1771. Young. Fasciculi Zizaniorum. Thomas of Wal- dcn. Fasti EcclesicC Anglieanae. Ecclesiastical Dignitaries England and Wales, and Officers Oxford and Cambridge Universi- ties. 1854. Le Neve. Fatal Vespers. Blackfriars. 1623. Clark. Father Prout. Eeliquesof. 1836. Mahony. Faversham. History of. 1774. Jacob. See also tender Kent. Faust. Trans. 1835-1864. Goethe. Federal Government. History of, from the Achaiaii League. 1863. Freeman. Federation. Imperial. 1885. LoRNE. Felicite Pul.lique, De La. 1822. Chas- teleux. Female Spectator. 1745-6. Haitvood. Fence. Schools and Masters. 1885. Castle. Fencing. Badminton Library. Fenian Conspiracy. Secret History of the. 1877. Rutherford. Conspiracy. 1892. Le Caeon. Fens. History of the. 1856. Thompson. History of Embanking and Draining. 1772. Dugdale. Fermentation. Schutzenberger. Ferments and Moulds. Trouessart. Fertilization : Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom. 1878. Darwin. Of Orchids. 1862. Darwin. Of Plants. 1806. Darwin, E., Poetical Works. Feudal Manuals of English History. 1872. W^kigiit. Fiction. History of. 1816 & 1845. Dun LOP. Fictitious Names. Handbook. 1868. Thomas. See also Dictionaries. Fife: Dunfermline, Annals of. 1069-1078. Hen- derson. History of County. 1840. Leighton. Fifth-Monarchy Man. Life and Opinions. 1867. EOGERS. Fiji: Handbook. Australia. Ten Months in the Islands. 1864. Smtthe. See Polynesia. Finance and Politics. 1783-1888. Buxton. Compendium of. 1822. Cohen. Doctrines of Value. 1831. Cotteeill. English. Statements of 1850, 1860-3. Glad- stone. See also Budgets. Essays in. 1880. Giffen. Impots, Monnaies, Industrie. Colbert. Indian. See India. Public. 1892. Bastable. See also under Taxation. Science of. 1868. Patterson. Fine Arts: Anecdotes : Dallaway. Of the Arts in England. 1800. Elmes. Art and Artists. 1825. Art : DiLKE. In the Modern State. 1888. Hamerton. Thoughts aliout. 1862. Arts, Les, en Europe. Trans. 1869-70. Laceoix. Collections of Works of Artists, Exhibitions, Picture Galleries, Museums. Catalogues. Dictionary of Terms in Art. 1883. Faieholt. Disegno, Arti del. 1783-4. Winkelmann. Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts en general. 1852. GuizoT. Fine Arts Eeview. 1863-7. Gazette des Beaux Art. 1869 e^ seq. History. 1870. Wyatt. History, by its Monuments 4th to 16th Cents. 1847. D'^Vgincouet. Italy. 1440-1630. Dennistoun. Italy. Eenaissance. 1875-86. Symonds. Literature of the. Contributions. 1870. Eastlakb. Literary Works : Eeynolds. 1855. Vinci. 1883. Lives of Painters, Sculptors, and Archi- tects. Trans. Vasari. See Biography. Ornament. Analysis of. 1856. Wornum. Philosophy, Theology, and Poetry, in the age of Eaphael. 1867. Lloyd. Portfolio. 1870 et seq. Eenaissance in Italy. 1875-86. Symonds. Eoyal Academy History. 1862. Sandby. Wanderings in Search of the Picturesque. 1850. Pilgrim. Witness of Art. 1878. Bayxiss. See also under Architecture, Art, Christian Art, Engraving, Etching, Painting, Prints, Sculpture. Finger-Eing Lore. 1877. Jones. See also under Eings. Fisheries. Domestic, of Great Britain and Ireland. 1818. Eraser. Fisherman, Log Book of a, 1876. Buck- land. Y Y 2 700 INDEX. Fishes. History of British. 1841. Yak- HKl.L. History of Briti>h Fnsh-water. 1863. Pennei.l. Fishing. B.\dminton- Library. Sr.i. 1868. AViLcocKS. See .\.N()MNO. Fives. B.\DMINTO\ LiHKARV. Flag. Rocherches .'lur les Drapi-aux Fran- gais. 187-1. Desjardins. Flanders : i'landn-. Oceidentale h Bruges. 1840-2. Delepierre. Flemish Artists. 1891. Conway. Flemish Literature from 12th Cent. Hi.story. 1860. Delepierre. See Belgium. Fleet Prison : - Economy of. Camden Soc, 25 (N.S.). Letters from. 1841-4. Oastler. Registers, Parsons, and Marriage House- keepers. 1823. Burn. The River, Prison, and Marriages. 1888. ASHTON. Flogging in the Army. 1837. Napier. Floods in 3Ioray, Account of, August 1829. L.\UDER. Periodicite des Grands Deluges. 1861. Le Hon. Florence : Bevlk. 1855. Cappella de' Principi. 1813. Buon.\uotti. History : Machiavblli. Storiadi. 1826. Machiavelli. History of. 1871. Napier. Florentine History. 1790. Pkrrens. Histoire de. 1883-90. Reumont. Medici, the ^Magnificent. Trans. 1876. Trollope. History of the Commonwealth of, to 1531. 18ii5. Varchi. Storia Fiorentino. 1803-4. ViLLANi. Cronieadi. 1823. ViLLARi. Nicolo Machiavelli and his Times. Trans. 1878. Yriartb. L'Histoire. 1881. Mann, Sir Horace, at the Court of. 1876. DOUAN. Maria del Fiore, La Facciata di S. 1888. MORO. Mornings in. 1889. Ru.skin. Orti Orieellari, The. 1893. B.\xter. San Donato, Palais de. Objets d'.\rt. 1880. DoNATO. Vincigliatii and Maiano in the Florentine Hills. 1891. H.vxTKii. Voyage. 1884. Tainb. Walks in. 1873. Houner, S. & J. B. Florence Miscellany. Poems. 1785. Florida: Discuvery and Conquest of. Trans. Soto. Scenery, History 6cc. 1882. Lamer. See al.so under United States. Flowers and Flower Lore. 1886. Fimend. Fruits, and Leaves. 1886. liUunocK. Ply-Fishing. Angling. Foedera. Conventiones, 1101-1654. 1737- 45. RVMER. Syllahus in English. 1869-85. Rymkr. Folk- Lore : .Vmeriean Hero Myths. 1882. Brinton. American Indian ^Myths. 1884. Euerson. Anglo-Saxon Sagius. Haigh. British and "Welsh. 1880. Sires. Cornwall, Traditions of Old. 1865. Hunt. Flower-T^ore. 1886. Friend. Icelandic : Arnason. Legends. 1864. Baring-Gould. Chrotiicles ^- Memoria/s. 88. Sagas. Indian : Jacobs. Fairj' Tales. 1892. Kelly. Indo-European Tradition, Curio- sities of. 1863. Irish : Lover. 1834. Maxwell. Connaught. 1832. Japanese. 1871. ^Miti-ord. I/eeds. 1862. See Leeos. Migrations and Transmissions of Tales. 1887. Clouston. Myths of the New "World. 1876. Brinton. Norse : Abbjornsen. Tales from the Fjeld. 1874. Dasent. Selection from. 1862. North Germany and the Netherlands. 1851. Thorpe. Nursery Tales. English. 1845. Halliwell- Phillipps. Dyer. Busk. Edda. 1770. Mallet. Tales of the "West Highlands. 1890-3. Hill-side and Border Sketches. Plants. 1889. Rome. 1874. Scandinavian. Scotcli : Campbell. Trans. Maxwell. 1847. Miller. Scotland, N. Legends. 1869-70. Swedish. Frithiof's Saga. 1835. Tegner. "Welsh Legends. 3Iabinogion. 1877. Guest. "Worcestershire. 1856. Allies. Folk- Moots in Britain. 1880. Gomme. Food and Dietetics. 1875. Pavy. Adulterations. 1855. Hassall. Dietary for Farms, Schools., &c., Practical. 1864. Smith. Dyetary of Helth. 1542. Boordb. Feeding. 1884. Thompson. Hippophagy. 1872. Bicknbll. History of. 1853. Soyek. Population and Food. 1853. Doubleuay. Preservation of Food. Locke. Foods. 1873. Smith, E. Fools : Jesters and l'\)ols. Armin. History of Court Fools. 1858. Doran. Nest of Ninnies. 1608. Armin. Football. Badminton Libra in. Fonthill Abbey, and Beckford I'aniily. 1823. Britton. See Wiltshire. Foreign Cla.ssics for English Readers. l.S7!»-91. Blackwood. Foreign Handbooks. B.'edeker, Joanne, ."MruuAV. INDEX. 701 Foreigners Resident in England, 1618-88, Lists of. Camden Soc, 82. Forest of Essex. History, Laws, &c. 1887. Fisher. Forestry : Forest Trees. Sylva Britannica : Portraits of. 1826. Stbutt. Forests of North America, Report on. 1884. Sahgent. Sylva; Discourse of Forest Trees. 1776. Evelyn. Forfarshire. Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis. 1856. Chalmers, P. & J. I. Formosa, Description of. 1704. Psalma- NAZAR. Fors Clavigera. With Index. 1871-87. RUSKIN. Fortunes made in Business. 1884. For- tunes. Foz-Hunting : Ideas on. 1839. Radcliffe. Notitia Venatica. 1892. Vyner. See also under Horse, Hunting. Framlingham, History of. 1798. Hawes & LODER. See also under Suffolk. France : Annuaire de la Republique. 1887-8. Almanach, National. Architectural Studies in. 18o4. Petit. Armee : Napoleon III. Fran^aise. 1867. Verissat. De la Revolution. 1789-1871. Assemblee Legislatif, 1849. Assemblee. Assemblee Nationale. 1872. France. Assembly, History of. Trans. 1789-90. Lamartine. Atlas de la. 1870. Joanne. Bibliographie de I'Histoire de. 1888. Monod. Biographic. Memoires jusqu'a la Paix de Paris, 1763. 1820-9. Petitot. Bleus, Blancs, Rouges. 1873. Giraudeau. Chants et Chansons. 1818. Dumbrsan & Colet. Chronological Tables. Anquetil & Sallais. Church of France. History. 1872. Jervis. Civilization en. Guizot. Code Civil. 1827-32. Locbe. Codes Fran9ais et Lois Usuelles. 1888. France. Commerce, Annuaire de. 1887 et seq. Didot- Bottin. Corn and Cattle Producing Districts. 1878. Richardson. Defense Nationale. 1872. Assemblee. Dix-Huitieme Siecle, La Fin du. 1880. Card. Duties on Imports into. 1855. Yapp. Finance : Colbert. Taxation, Agriculture. Murray. Financiers under Louis XV. 1858. Necker. (Euvres Completes. 1820-1. Geographic et des Colonies. 1869 & 1890-2. Joanne. Girondins, Histoire des. 1848. Trans. 1848. Lamartine. Grandeur ou Decline. 1876. Girardin. Guides. B^dbker, Joanne, Murray. Histoire Bibliographie de 1'. 1888. Monod. Tva,nce—cont. History : General : Anquetil & Gallais. 1818-19. Chateaubriand. (Euvres. Vol. 10. 1880. Guizot. Essais sur. 1857. Guizot. Jusqu'en 1789. Guizot. L'Histoire. 1789-1848. Guizot. Melanges Politiques. 1816-28. Henault. Abrege chronologique. 1757. Laxanne. DictionnaireHistorique. 1872. Langlois & Stein. Archives. 1891-2. Lebeuf. Recueil de Divers Ecrits. 1738. Martin. Jusqu'en 1789. Michelet. 1861-7. Pbtitot. Collection des Memoires. 1824-6. Pbtitot & Mommkrque. Collection des Memoires. 1763. Ranke. Civil AVars and Monarchy in 16th and 17th Cents. 1852. Richelieu. Memoires des Cours de Louis XIV., Louis XV., et de Louis XVL 1790-3. SiSMONDi. Histoire des Fran^ais. 1821- 42. Stephen. Lectures on the. 1857. Sykes. Studies. 1884. Taine. Les Origines de la. 1876-85. Thierry. Lettres sur. 1866. Thierry. Gaule sous la Domination Romaine. 1866. Thierry. Narratives of the Merovingian Era. 1840. Thierry. Lettres. 1827. Thou. Historise sui Temporis. 1546- 1607. TocQUEViLLE. Ancien Regime. 1864. Witt. Les Chroniqueursjusqu'au XVP Siecle. 1883. Sovereigns and Periods : Gaulois, Histoire des. 1866. Thierry. Gaule sous la Domination Romaine. 1866. Thierry. Merovingian Era. 1840. Thierry. Louis IX., 1226-70. Wars of the English. 1 429. Chronicles ^~ Memorials. Louis XL, 1461-83 : Comines. Louis XI. and Charles VIIL 1461-98. Comines. Notes on. 1461-83. Charles the Bold, of Burgundy. Life. 1863. Kirk. Charles VIIL, 1483-98 : Comines. Memoirs of Charles VIII. Francis II., 1559 : Castelnau. Memoirs of Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. Trans. 1559-74. Charles IX., 1560-74: Brantomb. (Euvres. Castelnau. Memoirs of Charles IX. Henry IV., 1589-1610 : Davilla. Historia delle Guerre Civili. 1560 et seq. Maimbourg. Henry IV. Trans. 1576-93. 702 INDEX. Prance— ^on'. Hist'Tv — cont. Sovereigns and Periods — cont. Henry IV. — conf. ScLi.Y. Memoirs. Trans. Thoc. Uistorire sui 1761. Temporis. 1546-1607. Continued to 1610. 173.3. Loris XIII. : FsEGK. ^larried Life of Anne of Austria, Queen of France. 1864. Louis XR". : Ch^ruel. Minorite de. 1883. Choisy. Historie de. Richelieu. Cours de Louis XIV. et la Regence. 1 790-3. Saixt Simon. Siecle de Loais XIV. et la Regence. 1856. Voltaire. Siecle de Louis XIV. and Louis XV. Locis XV. : Babbieb. Regence et du Regnede Louis XV. 1718-63. Revolution : Adolphts. Biographical Memoirs of Revolution. 1799. Alger. Englishmen in the Revolu- tion. 1889. B.uiRrEL. Jacobinism. 1798. Bervtlle & Barriere. Collection de Memoires. 1821-5. Bl.vnc. Revolution. 1847-55. Browxixg. Despat<;hes, 1791-2. 1885. Burke. Revolution and London Societies. 1 790. C-iRLTLB. Revolution. 1842. CoLLiEB. Eve of the Great Revolu- tion. 1865. Croker. Essays. 1857. Dacban. Revolution. Demagogie en Paris. 1793-5. Dictioxxaihe Biographique des Hommes Marquans de la Revolu- tion. 1800. Elliott. Journal during Revolution. 1789-93. Fr.ixce. Annales Patriotiques et Lirteraires. 1789-95. France. Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution. 1802. Gexlis. Memoires sut la Revolution. 182.5-6. GoDwix. Historical and Moral View of the Revolution. 1794. GricH.iRD. Revolution. Proems Ce- l^bres. 1814. JouRX.VL des Deliats. 1782-1889. Lacretelle. Convention Xationale. 1792-5. Lacretelle. Directoire Executif. 1795-9. Larochbjaqubleix. La Vendee, Guerre de. 1793-6. Lavergxe. As.semblees Provincialcs sous Louis XVI. 1879. LoxG. Revolutions. 1782 & 1848. Mackintosh. Defence of Revolution against Burke. 1791. MiGNHT. Revolutaon. 1789-1814. France — cont. Hi^tu^y — cont. SovtTfigns and Periods — cont. Revolution — cont. Miles. Correspondence on the Revolution. 1789-1817. MoxiTEUR. Revolution Frantjaise. 1787-99. MooRE. Journal during Residence 1792. Morris. Diary and Letters. 1 752- 1816. P.VLMERSTON. Diary, July and August. 1791. PRTTDHOMiiE. Histoite Impartiale de» Erreurs et des Crimes. 1797. Rivarol. Revolution. Tableaux de la. Russell. On the Causes of the Revolution. 1832. S.UIGEXT-MARCE.4U. Reminisccnces of a Regicide. 1751-1847. ST.iEL-HoLSTEi\. Revolution. 1818. Stael-Holsteix. Considerations sur les principaux Eventmens. 1818. Stephens. Revolution. 1886-91. Stephexs. Speeches of Statesmen and Orators of the Revolution. 1789- 95. Sybel. Revolution. Trans. 1867-9. Taixe. L'n Sejour en France. 1 792-95. Thiers. Revolution. 1834. TocQUEViLLE. Revolution. 1 864. TouRZEL. Memoirs. 1789-93 & 1795. Wallox. Les Representants dn Peuple et Justice Revolutionnaire. 1793-4. Xapoleox I. : BocRRiEN'NE. Memoircs sur Napoleon. 1829. BouRRiENNE. Meuioirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1836. Chaptal. Mes Souvenirs de Napo- leon. 1756-1804. Goldsmith. Secret History of the Cabinet. 1810. H0USS.4YE. 1814-15. H\i)E DE Neuville. Memoires. 1888. Labaume. Russie, Campagne en. 1813. iLvRiE Louise. Correspondance. 1 799- 1847. Mikailofsky-Daxilbpsky. Campaign. 1814. QuiNET. Campagne de 1815. Staxhope. French Retreat from Mos- cow. 1876. Thiers. Consulat et de I'Empire. 184.5-62. Louis XVIU. : DuvERGiBR DB Hauranxb. Gouvcme- ment Parlementaire. 1814-48. L.VMARTINE. 1814-24. Vaul.abelle. Deux Restaurations. 1813 & 1830 Charles X.. 1824-30. Louis Phillippe: Blanc Dix Ans. 1830-40. Blaxc. 1830-48. INDEX. 703 France — cont. History — cont. Sovereigns and Periods — cont. Louis Phillippe — cont. Hone. Annals of the Revolution. 1830. Lamartine. De la Eestauration. Trans. 1853. Morgan. In 1829-30. Remusat. Correspondance. 1883. Taylor. Memoirs of the House of Orleans. 1849. Vibl-Castel. Re&tauration. 1860-9. Republic : AssEMBLEE Legislative. 1849. Blanc. Republic. 1848. Camp. Souvenirs del'Annee. 1848. FoBSTEE. Du Royaume a I'Empire. 1848-52. GtArnier-Pages. Revolution de 1848. MiCHBLET. Revolution. 1869. MuLLiER. Parlementaire de la Presi- dence. 1852. Pierre. Republique de 1848. Napoleon III. : Assembles Nationale. 1872. Journal Officiel de I'Empire. 1870-1. Magen. Terreur Bonapartiste. 1872. Simon. Souvenirs du 4 Septembre. 1870. Republic : DupoNT. Le Quatrieme Napoleon. 1874. Napoleon III. Second Empire. " Pere Duchenb." Commune. 1871. Thiers. Government of, from Feb. 8, 1871, to May 24, 1873. Instruction Publique. 1863-9. Ddruy. Judicial Establishment. Draught Code. Bentham. Language : Bracket. Grammaire Historique. 1879. DuviviER. Grammaire des Grammaires. 1819. Gayrard. La Methode des Methodes. 1876. Rivarol. Universalite de la Langue Fran9aise. 1783. Literature : Besant. Studies of Early Poetry. 1868. Gautier. Origines et I'Histoire. 1865. Lacroix. Lettres, Sciences, et Arts. 1590-1700. Lacroix. 1700-1789. QuERAKD. La Francf Litteraire, ou Dic- tionnaire Bibliographique des Savants, 17'= et 18= Siecles. 1827-64. QUERARD, LOUANDRE, & BOURGUELOT. La Litterature Fran9aise Contemporaine, 19« Siecle. 1842-57. Van Laun. History of. 1876-7. ViNET. History of, in the 18th Cent. Trans. 1854. Loire, La. 1888. Barron. Mineral Waters. 1883. Vintras. See Health Resorts. Monumens, Les. 1816-36. Laborde. Murailles Politiques Fran^aises Affiches. 1874. Napoleon III. France — cont. Negotiations between England, France, and Brussels. 1592-1617. Birch. Novelists. Novels, French. (Euvres Completes. 1885. Courier. Ouvrages Supprimes. 1814-77. Drujon. Protestants Fran^ais, Vies de. Haag. Religious Wars. Massacre of St. Bartholo- mew. 1572. White. Round my House. 1876. Hamerton. Secretes Societes et le Parti Republicain. 1830-48. La Hoddb. Society, Manners, and Customs : Dalling & Bulwer. Social, Literary, and Political France. 1836. Dangeau. Journal. 1684-1720. Davies. Recollections of Society. 1872. Desnoiresterres. Voltaire et la Societe au 18'= Siecle. 1871-6. Grand Carteret. XIX= Siecle. Mceurs et Usages. Jackson. Court of the Tuileries. 1814-48. Lacroix. 1 1^ Siecle Institutions, Usages, et Costumes. 1590-1700. Lacroix. 18= Siecle Institutions, Usages, et Costumes. 1700-1789. Lbscurb. Rivarol et la Societe pendant la Revolution et I'Emigration. 1753-1801. LoMENiE. Beaumarchais et son Temps. 18= Siecle. 1858. Lomenie. Les Mirabeau. 1879. Moore. 1786. RoscoE. Sketches of France and French- men. 1841. Washburne. Recollections of a Minister to. 1869-77. Statistique Officielle en. 1885. Levasseur. Theatre. See Drama. Tiers Etat, Formation et des Progres du. Essai. 1856. Thibrey. Travels : Courier. Lettres ecrites de. 1885. Dibdin. Bibliographical, Antiquarian, &c. 1821. France. Voyage Pittoresque de la. 1781-96. Hare. North-Eastern, South-Eastern, South-western. 1890. Hawthoenb. Passages from French and Italian Note-Books. 1871. Hazlitt. Journey through. 1826. Hugo. Voyage. 1834-6. Ireland. Tour. Views. 1796. Lebon & Pelbt. As it is. Trans. 1888. Matthews. Diary of an Invalid in Pursuit of Health. 1817-19. Murray. Round About. 1878. MusGRAVE. Nooks and Corners in Old. 1867. Palmbrston. Tours. 1815-18. 1871. Pri^vost-Paradol. 1869. Sala. Journey due South. 1885. Stevenson. With a Donkey in the Cevennes. 1887. Young. During the Years 1787-9. Victoires, Conquetes, Desastres, Guerres Civiles. 1792-1815. France. See also Britanny, Huguenots, Nor- mandy, Pabis. 904 INDEX. Pranco- Prussian War : History "t : Bismarck in tne l-ninco-German War. 1870-1. BowLKs. Defence of Paris. 1871. Capper. "Wanderings in War-Time. 1871. Carlyle. I^etters on the. 1871. '■ D.viLY News" Correspondence. 1871. Edwards. Germans in France. 1872. Fabre. Precis de la Guerre. 1875. Forbes. Mv Eiperit-nces. 1871. Greg. The"Great Duel. 1871. Hooper. Campaign of Sedan. 1870. Lagcekonsiehe & XcGEXT. La Guerre de 1870-1. Legrellk. La Prusse et la France. 188C. Mazade. La Guerre de 1870-71. MoLTKE. The AVar of 1870-1. MosoiSES. Letter on the "War. 1871. McLLER. Letter on the War. 1871. >'apoleox III. 1870-1. NiEJiAXN. Army of the North German Confederation. Trans. 1872. NiEMAXN. Military Description. 1872. Paris. Retraite des Allemands. 1872. Rich. Germany and France. 1872-4. Robinson. Fall of Metz. 1871. ScHELL. Operations of the First Army. 1870-1. Sbton. Operations of the North German Troops. 1872. SoREL. Histoire Diplomatique de la Guerre. 1875. Strauss. Letters on the War. 1871. THETH.is. Garibaldi en France. 1888. Uhrich. Documents relatifs au Si^ge de Strasbourg. 1872. Waetexslebex. Campaign of 1870-1. Trans. See also under Paris, Siege of. Pratemitye of Vaeabondes. AuDLEY. Prauds, The Great City, of Cole Davidson, aiul Gordon. 1856. L.\ixg. Pree Churches of England. 1688-1851. SKE.A.TS. Preemasonry, Historical Landmarks. 1823. Olivek. Pree Public Libraries. 1886. Greexwood. Pree Trade : Agitation against the Corn Laws and Pro- tection : AsHwoHTH. Cobden and the Anti-Corn Law League. 1877. Apjohx. Richard CoMen and the Free Traders. 1881. Bright. Speeches. 1869-81. BcTT. Protection and Free Trade. 1875. Cobdex Club. Works circulated. 1866-90. Cobdex. PoliticalWritings and Life. 1879. CoR.v Laws, Report on. 1814. Elliott. Com Law Rhymes. 1844. Elliott. Life. 1781-1849. E.vsoB. 1840. Fabrer. Free Trade r. Fair Trade. 1886. Farrer. Sugar Convention, The. 1889. Fawcett. Free Trade and Protection. 1878. Gibbon. Taxation and. 1846. Gill. Its Operation. 1887. Pree Trade — cont. Agitation against the Corn Laws and Pro- tection — cont. CiRXHJM. 1828. Leadam. What Protection does for the Farmer and Labourer. 1893. Martixe.^l'. Dawn Island: A Tale. 1845. Medley. Fair Trade Unmasked. Moxgredien. Wealth Creation. 1882. Xeckeb. Legislation et Commerce du Grain. Peel. Rept-al of the. 1845-6. Prextice. History of the Anti-Corn Law League. 1853. Ragcet. Principles of. 1849. S\-ME. Outlines of Protection. 1876. Vili.iers. Free Trade Speeches. 1883. Welford. Free Trade in Com. 1843. Wilson. Influences of Corn Laws. 1840 Wise. Facts and Fallacies of Modern Protection. 1879. Wi>E. Industrial Freedom. 1892. Friars. See Monasteries. Friend, The. 1844. Coleridge. Friendly Societies. Instructions for Esta- llishment. 1837- Friendly. Friends in Council. 1849-51 & 1859, Helps. Friends, Society of : Catalogue of: Smith. Books Written by Members. 1867. Smith. Books Adverse to the. 1873. Early Quakers. 1884. Fox. History. 1725. Sewel. Origin and History. 1726. Pexx. Quaker Preacher. Journal. 1882. Woolmax. Sec also Quakers. Frost and Fire. Natural Engines. 1865. Campbell. The Great. 1614. Miscellaxea. The Great. Ballads on. 1683-4. Percy Soc. Pmit-Parming, Profitable. 1884. White- head. Funds : Compendium of English and Foreign. 1889. Fexx. Epitome of the Stocks and Funds. 1856. Fortuxe. Investor's Manual. Marche Financier, Le. 1891 et seq. R.vff.4- LOAHCn. Popular Tables. 1887. Willich. Stock Exchange Securities. Causes of Fluctua- tion. 1887. GiFFEx. Stock Exchange Year Book. 1876 et seq. Funeral : Customs of Early Inhabitants of Cornwall. 1872. BoRL.\sE. Knowles, Sir Fra«. 1596. Churchyard. Mary Queen of .Scots, Collections relative to. 1822. Pitc.\irx. Monuments. See Sepulchral MoNnaE-vrs. Fungi : British Discomycetes. 1'hillips. Nature. Influences, Uses. Cooke. Fumess -Vbl»y. Coucher Book. Chetham St'C., 4, 9, 11. .Vntiquities of. 1774. West. See Lancashire. INDEX. 705 Furniture : Cottage, Farm, aud Villa. 1846. Loudon. Meubles du Cardinal Mazarini. Piiilo- BIBLON SOC. Mobilier Fran9ais, Dictionnaire. 187^-5. ViOLLET LE-I)UC. Old English Mansions. 1841. Kichaudson. Taste in. 1868. Eastlake. Gaelic : Language and Literature. 1876. Blackie. Ossian. 1803. Macphekson. Poetry, 16tli Cent. 1862. MacGhegor. GaiusborOUg^h, History aud Antiquities of. 1843. 8TAUK. See Laxcashike. Galicia. 1848. Carnarvon. See also under Spain. Gallus. Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus. 1844. Becker. Galway, History of. 1820. Hardiman. Game : Birds and Wild Fowl. British. 1891. Morris. See also under Natur.\l History. Laws: Brandt. A Book on the. 1859. Locke. 1840. Macdonald. And Grouse Moors. 1872. Games and Pastimes : Badminton Library. Baily's Magazine. Book of. 1860 & 1890. Bohn. Hoyle. Lawful Sports. 1618. James I. See also under Chess, Cricket, Draughts, Ecarte, Picquet, RunicoN Bezique, Rubicon Picquet, Tennis, Whist. Gaming and Gamester's Law. 1871. Brandt. Danger of. 1772. Hanway. Ganges Canal Works, The. 1860. Cautley. Garde Lnperiale. Histoire. Saint Hilaire. Garden : Book of the. 1853-5. MacIntosh. My Garden, its Plan and Culture. 1872. Smee. Gardener : English. 1833. Cobbett. Gardening, Encyelopgedia of. 1850. Loudon. The Corapleat. Trans. 1693. Quintinye. Garner, An English. 1877-83. Arbbr. Garston or Garstang. See Lancashire. Garter : Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of Order of. 1672. ASHMOLE. Memorials of Order of. 1841. Beltz. Register of Order of. 1724. Antis. Gartree, Leicestershire. Hill. Gauls : De Bello Gallico. 1819. Trans. 1873. C^sar. Histoire. Thierry. See France. Gavelkind in Kent : History of. 1851. Sandys. Treatise of. 1726. Somnbr, Gazetteer. Sec Dictionary, Geogeaphical. Gems: Antique Gems and Rings. 1872. King. Gemmae, Antiqua. 1724. Picart & Stosch. Handbook of Engraved. 1885. King. Marlborough Collection. 1870. See also under Precious Stones. Genealogist, The. 1877-83. Genealogy : Books on. 1822. Moule. Calendarium Genealogicum. Hen. III.- Edw. I. 1865. Collectanea Typographica et Genealogica. 1834. Nichols. Colonial Gentry. 1891. Burke. County Families. English Genealogies. 1823. Grimaldi. Heralds' Visitations. Index. 1849. Sims. Landed Gentry. Manual. 1856. Sims. Noble and Gentle Men of England. 1866. Shirley. Printed Books and Manuscripts. 1892. Gatfield. Printed Pedigrees, Guide to. 1879. Mar- shall. Royal : xVkderson. 1736. Bailey. English. 1879. Topographer and Genealogist. 1846-58. See also under Histories of the several Counties. Generation of Animals. Harvey. Genesis, Introduction to Book of. Trans. 1855. Bohlen. Geneva. 1892. Capitales du Monde. See also under Switzerland. Geneva Arbitration. AVashington Treaty. Genoa in the 16th Cent. Trans. 1866. See also under Italy. Gentleman, Complete English. 1800. De Foe. Geographical Society, Royal : Journal. 1831-64. Proceedings. 1 857 et seq. Geography : Ancient : Anvillb. 1810. BUNBURY. 1879. Collins. Atlas. Classical. Rawlinson & Rennell. Herodotus. 1830. Smith. Greek and Roman System of 1856. 1844-52. Ancienne et Moderne. Peuchet. 1798. 1827. Strabo. Geographia Xenophon. Atlases. Bil)liographie Brunet. Commer9ante Dictionary : Edinburgh Gazetteer Johnston. 1852. McCulloch. Statistical aud Historical 1866. See also imder Gazetteer. Historical, of Europe. 1881. F'reeman. Index to Principal Places. 1844. Micklb- BURGH. Library, York Gate. 1886. Silver. 706 INDEX. Geography —tratioi]v ; FoNui-\NQiE. Seven Administrations. 1837. Lewis. 1783-1830. Ancient Stone Implements. 1872. Evans. Antiquities : BoswELL. Views of, England and Wales. 1785. Brand. Popular. 1849. Britton. Architectural. 1807-26. Buck, S. & N. Castl&s, Mona.steries, Palaces, Cities. 1774. Burton. Curiosities in England, Scot- land, and Ireland. 1811. Carter. Ancitnt Architecture. Views. 1837. Eccleston. Introduction to. 1847. GouGH. British Topography. 1 780. Grose. England and Wales. 1773-6. GuTCH. Collectanea Curiosa. 1781. He.\une & Byrne. Descriptions. 1807. HoRSLEY. Britannia Romana. Roman Anticiuities. 1732. Knight. Pictorial Museum. 1845. Leland. Collectanea. 1546. PuGiN, A. & N. W. Gothic Buildings. 1831. Strutt. Regal and Ecclesiastical. 1 793. Stukeley. Itineraiium Curiosum. Ac- count. 1776. Vbrstegan. Restitution of Decayed Intelligeiicc. 1653. Vetusta Monunienta. 1767-1870. Sec a/so under Antiquary, Antiquities, Architecture. Bachelor Kings of England. Lives. 1861. Strickland. Bank of England. See Bank. Battle-fields. Visits to Remarkable Places. 1840 & 1842. HowiTT. Battle-fields. 15th Cent. 1857. Brooke. BiociUAi'iiiA Britannica. Biocauriiv, Nati<;nal Dictionary of. Brunswick Accession. 1887. Thornton. Charteis, Calendars, &c. 1774. Ayloffe. Church : Abbey. 1700-1800. Abbey &* Overton. In the 18th Cent. See al-o iineler Church. Civilisation in, History of. 1858. Buckle. Colonial Policy. \853 ct seq. Adderlby & Grey. Colonies, Map Showing British. 1885. MORLEY. Commerce. History. 1763-1870. Levi. Con.stitution, Law of the. 1886. Anson. See also under Constitution. Court and Society. Eliz. to Anne. 1864. 1864. Manchester. Dignities, Book of. Haydn. Early Man. (Tertiary Period.) 1880. Dawkins. Ecclesiastical History. Sec Church. English : Grammar : Bain. 1879. Barnes. 1854. CoBBETT. Maitre d' Anglais. 1819. Cobbett. 1840. IN^DEX. 709 Great Britain— cow !". English — coiit. Grammar — cont. JoNSON, Ben. 1816. Murray. 1834. SiEVERS. Old English. Trans. 1887. Language : Johnson. Philological Tracts. Junius. Etymologicum Anglicaniim. 1743. Latham. 1850. Marsh. Origin and History. 1862. RoGET. Thesaurus of Words and Phrases. 1852. Literature : Aneedota Literaria. 13th Cent. 1844. Wright. Anecdotes. 18th Cent. 1812-58. Nichols. Bibliotheca Britannica. 1824. Watt. Bibliographer's Manual. 1864. Lowndes. Bibliographical Memoranda. 1816. Fry. British Librarian. Scarce Books. 1738. Oldys. Cyclopaedia. 1876. Chambers. Development. 1883. Welsh. Early Englisli Romances. Early Eng. Text Soc. Four Periods of. 1864. Morley. Garner. Gatherings from History and. 1877-8. Arber. History : Grey. From 7th Cent. 1884. Oliphant. 18th and beginning of 19th Cents. 1882. Taine. 1866. Trans. 1873-4. Liberal Movement. 1835. Court- hope. Literary Chronicle of Half a Century. 1888. Francis. Manual of Prose. 1886. Minto. Old Book Collector's Miscellany, The. Reprints of 16th and 17th Centuries. 1871-3. HiNDLEY. Old English Books, Titles. Brydges. Old English Prose Tracts. Brydges. See also tmde?' Bibliography. English Thought. 18th Cent. 1876. Stephen. Feudal Manuals of English History. 1872. 1872. Wright. Finances, State of. 1842. Wells. Financial Policy. 1842-61. With Budgets. Iddesleigh. Flagellum Parliamentarium. First Par- liament after the Restoration. 1827. Flagellum. Foreign Relations : Hberen. Continental Interests in Growth of. 1835. International Policy. 1886. MoNGREDiEN. Foreign Policy : Inter- venticm or Isolation. 1871. Montalembert. Policy. 1885. Thornton. Foreign Secretaries of 19th Cent. 1881-2. Foreigners in. 1618-88. Camden Soc, 82. Forest Scenery. 1774. Gilpin. Great Britain— com?'. Gazetteer. 1852. Sharp. See also tender Dictionaries. Geological Map of British Isles. 1879. Ramsay. 1879. Handbooks. B.edbker, Murray. Historians : Macray. Manual of British, to 1600. 1845. Stace. Catalogue of English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh. 1829. Historical Biography 1644-1718. Penn, Historical Collections, Tracts, State Papers : Anti-Gallican, The. Collection of Tracts, Speeches. 1804. AsGiLL. Theological and Political Tracts. 1712-16. Atkins. Parliamentary Tracts. 1689. Bbntley. Excerpta Historica. 13th- 16th Cents. 1831. Calendars of State Papers. Camden Soc. Publications. Chetham Soc. Puhlications. Chronicles cf- Memorials. Chronologist of the AVar. 1789-98. De Fob. Political Tracts. Jas. 11. to Anne. 1840-3. Fellowes. Historical Sketches. 1828. Hardwicke. Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1501-1726. Harington Papers. Hen. VIII. to Jas. I. 1804. Harleian Miscellany. 1808-12. Kempe. Loseley Manuscripts. Hen. VIII. to Jas. I. 1836. Lodge. Illustrations of British History, from Hen. VIII. to Jas. I. 1838. Macpherson. Original Papers. 1660 to Geo. I. 1775. Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. Eliz. -Jas. I. 1815-21. Prynne. Political Tracts. 1630-80. Record Commission Publications 1783 et seq. Royal Historical Society Publications. Sancroft. Historical Tracts. 1781. State Papers relative to AVar against France. 1794-1802. State Papers, British and Foreign, from 1812-1836. I Sydney State Papers. Mary-Chas. II. 1746. Walker. Civil War. Historical Dis- courses. 1705. Historical Essays : Freeman. 1872-9. Gairdner & Spedding. 1881. History : Chronicles, Collections of : Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores Post Bedam. 1601. Bale. Scriptorium Illustrium, Maioris Britannise. 1559. Camden. Anglica, Normannica, Hiber- nica, Cambrica, a Veteribus Scripta. 1603. English Historical Soc. 1838-50. Gale & Fell. Rerum Anglicanum Scriptores Veteres. 1684-7-91-4. 710 INDEX. Great Britain— <*o«^ History - cont. Chronicles, Collections of — cont. Maseres. Uistoriff Anglicanae. 1807. Sparkk. Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores Varii. 1724. TwYSDEX. Uistoriae Anglicanse Scrip- tores Antiqui. 1652. Chronicles, ."Single : Adah of Murimuth. F,n(]. Hist. Soc. and Chronicles ^- Memorials, 93. uEthelwardi Chronicon. Mcs. Hist, Brit. Alb.vxs, Saint. Chronica Monasterii. 793-1422. Chronicles^- Memoria/s,28. Albox. Abbot of St. Albans. Chroni- cles ^- Meniori(ds, 28. Amindesha%i. Annales. Chronicles, 28. AN(;LO-Saxon Chronicle. Chronicles ^■ Mc/iiorials, 23. Bekynton. Correspondence. Henry VI. Chronii-les ^- Memorials, 56. Benedict of Peterborough. 1 169-92. Chronicles 4' Meiyiorials, 49. C.4.PGRAVB. Creation to 1417. Chroni- cles 4- Memorials, 1 & 7. Catalogue of Manuscripts. Earliest Period to 1327. Chronicles ^- Memo- rials. Diceto. Historia ad Ssec. vii. Gale & Fell. Diceto. Chronicles ^- Memorials, 68. Eadmer. Chronicles 4- Memorials, 81. Edward the Confessor. Chronicles 4' Memorials. 3. Fabyan. 1811. Flohexce of Worcester. Chronicon. A.D. 1118. 1601. Flores Historiarum. Creation to 1326. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 95. Gaimar. Le.storie des Engles. Chroni- cles 4' Memorials, 91. Gervasb of Canterbury. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 73. Hardyng. Earliest Period to 1543. Hemisgford. 1066-1300. Gale & Fell. Henry V. Chronicles 4' Metnorials, 11. Henry VII. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 10. Henry of Huntingdon. 55-1154. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 74. Higden. Creation to Edw. III. Chroni- cles 4' Memorials, 41. John of Hexham. Alfred to 1292. Johannes. Knighton. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 92. Langtoft. Edw. I. Trans. 1725. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 47. LivERE de Reis de Brittanie e de Engle- terre. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 42. Malmesbury. Creation to 1413. Chronicles 4" Memorials, 9. Matthew of Paris. 1066-1253. Chro- nicles 4" Memorials, 57- Matthew of Westminster. Flores Historiarum. 1307. Kadulphus de Coggeshall. Chronicon Anglicanum. Chronicles 4' Memo- rials, &&. Great Britain— «o«^ History — cont. Chronicles, Single — cont. Rastell. 1529. Richard I. Chronicles 4" Memorials, 38. Richard of Cirencester. From Hengist to 1348. Chronicle.^ 30. Rish.\nger. 1259-1307. Chronicles,2%. Robert of Avesbury. Chronicles S^ yiemorials, 93. Robert of Gloucester. Rhyming Chro- nicle. 1270. Chronicles 4' Memo- rials, 86. Roger de Hovenden. 738-1192. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 61. Roger de Wendover. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 84. Simeon of Durham. 1066. Chronicles, 75. Trivet. 1136-1307. Trokelowe & J^laneford. 1259-96, 1307-24, 1392-1406. Chronicles, 2S. Walsingilvm. Historia Anglicana. 1272-1422. Chronicles 4- Memo- rials, 28. Walter of Coventry. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 58. Waukworth. 1461-74. Camden Soc., 10. W.\cEiN. 1399-1471. Chronicles 4- Memorials, 39, 40. Wires. 1066-1304. William of Newburgh. 1066-1197. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 82. William of Malmesbury. 1122. Chro- nicles 4' Memorials, 52, 90. Wi lli Aji of Worcester. 1771. General : Acland 6c Ransome. Political, to 1882. Annals of England. 1855-7. Bakek. To 1727. Belsham. 1688-1802. Bonnechose. Histoire d'Angleterre k 1792. 1858. Br.vdv. Roman Invasion to Rich. III. 1685-1700. 1685. Carte. To 1654. 1747-55. Cassell. Dictionary of. 1884. Chronicle of the Kings of England. 1821. Churchill. Divi Brittanici : a.m. 2855 to A.D. 1660. 1675. Clarke. Dibateable Points, before Hen. VII. 1826. EcHARD. Julius Cfesar to William and Mar)-. 1720. Elton. Origins of. 1882. Fisher. Companion to History. 1832. Freeman. Old English, for Children. 1875. Gardiner. Student's History to 1885. Gardiner & Mullinger. Introduction to. 1882. Gleig. Family History of England. 1836. Goldsmith. To Death of Geo. II. 1831. Granger. Biographical to 1727. Green. Conquest of England. 1883. mDEX. 711 Great Britain — cont. History — cont. General — cont. Gkeen. History of the English People. 1878-80. Gkeen. Making of England. 1881. Guthrie. To 1688. Hallam. Constitutional. Hen. VII. to Geo. II. 1832. Henry & Andrews. To Jas. I. 1788- 95. HiGGONS. To 1688. 1727. Hume, Smollett, t^- Hughes. To 1835. Kennet. Complete History. 1719. Knight. Popular History. 1856-62. Knight. vSehool History. 1865. Lecky. History of, in 18th Cent. 1878- 90. Lingard. To 1688. Longman. Lectures. 1863. Macaulay. To 1702. Macintosh, Sir J. b.c. 55-a.d. 1760. Martineau. History. 1800-46. 1847-51. May. Constitutional. 1760-1860. Monumenta Historica Britannica. 1848. Oldmixon. Critical History. 1726. Olumixon. Hen. VIII. to Geo. I. 1734. Pearson. Early and Middle Ages. 1867. Pictorial History to 1820. Ralph. Will. III. to Geo. L 1744. Ranke. 17th Cent. 1875. Rapin-Thoyras. To 1760. Sanford. Estimates of the English Kings to Geo. III. 1872. Sandford. Genealogical Historj^. 1066- 1660. Slatyer. 1621. Speed. To King James. 1650. Stow. Annals to 1631. Stubbs. Constitutional. 1880. Taswell - Langmead. Constitutional. 1886. Tindal. 1732-45. Turner. To Death of Eliz. 1839. Tyrrell. To Rich. II. 1697-1704. Vergil. Hen. VI., Richard III. Trans. Wade. Chronological. 1841. Sovereigns and Periods : Ancient Britain : Barnes. Britain and the British. 1858. Guest. Origines Celticse. 1883. Lysons. Our British Ancestors. 1865. Ralph de Diceto. Historia de Regi- bus Britonuni ad Saec. VII. Rhys. Celtic Britain. 1882. Waurin. Chronicles. Albina to 688. Trans. Whitaker. History of the Britons asserted against Macpherson. 1 773. Wright. Celt, Roman, and Saxon. 1861. Roman Conquest : Appach. Csesar's Expeditions from Boulogne. 1868. Cesar. De Bello Gallico. Lewin. Invasion by Julius Caesar. 1868. Great Britain— cow#. History — cont. Sovereigns and Periods — cont. Roman Conquest — cont. Scartii. Roman Britain. 1882. Thackeray'. Britain under Roman Emperors. 1843. Anglo-Saxon Period: Alfred the Great. 1858. ANGLO-Saxon Chronicle, The. Asser. De Rebus Gestis ^Ifredi. Barnes. The Saxon English. 1869. Bede. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. Grant. Anglo-Saxon Britain. 1882. Haigii. Anglo-Saxon Sagas as Aids to History. Haigh. Conquests of, by the Saxons. Kemble. Anglo-Saxons in England. 1849. Lappenberg. History of Saxon and Norman Kings. Trans. 1855-7. Millar. Saxon Kings. 1787. Nortilmen, Descent of. Chronicles ^ Memorials, 88. Palgrave. History. 1845. Palgrave. Anglo-Saxon Period. 1832. Pauli. King Alfred. 1852. Vergil. History to the Conquest. Edward the Confessor. William I. : Camden-Duchesne. Gesta. Freeman. Norman Conquest. 1867-79. Palgrave. Normandy and England. 1851. Planche. The Conqueror and his Companions. 1874. Thierry. History of the Conquest. 1825. Wace. Chronicle. w1llia.m ii. : Duchesne. Freeman. Reign of. 1882. Henry I. : Freeman. Accession. Henry II. : Eyton Court, Household, and Iti- nerary of. 1878. Richard I. See General Catalogue. John. See General Catalogue. Henry III. : Blaauw. The Barons' War. 1871. Camden Soc, 15. Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. Edward I. See General Catalogue. Edward II. See General Catalogue. Edward III. See General Catalogue. Richard II. See General Catalogue. Henry IV. See General Catalogue. Henry V. See General Catalogue. Henry VI. : BioNDi. Guerre Civili di Lancastro e lore. 1647. Orridge & Cooper. Cade's Rebellion. 1869. Paston Letters. Hen. VI., Edw. IV., and Rich. III. 1422-1509.' Spelman & Lemon. Lancaster and York. Civil Wars. 1456-85. 712 IXDEX. Great Britain — cont. ili-tory ci'iit. s>uvtrtigii> and Periods— ro;l^ Edward IV. Sre Genekal CATALtKiUE. Edward V. See Genkkal CATALor.rE. Richard III. -Sec General Catalogce. Henry VII. : Bacox. Uistorr. He-vuv VIII. : BcRoHLEY. State Papers. 1542-70. Ear/y Eng. Text Soc., Ex. Ser., 12. England in Hen. VIII.'s Time. Frikdmaxx. Anne Boleyn. 1572- 36. 1884. Froitdb. History. 1530-1603. 1858- 70. GoDwix. Hen. VIII.-Mary. 1630. WoLSEY. 1471-1530. 1827. Edward VI. : Kett's Rebellion in Norfolk. TvTLER. Edw. VI. and Mary, with Coutt-mporarv History of Europe- 1839. Mary : P. V. Events in Great Britain. 1553. Eliz.abetii : Bowes Papers. Mi-moirs of Rebel- lion of 1569. Davisox. See. of State. Life. 1823. Forbes. Public Transactions. 1740. Melvil of Hal -Hill. Affairs of State. 1535-1607. 1683. Welwood. Transactions in England. 1588-1688. 1820. Wdtwood. Affairs of State, Eliz. and Jas. I. 1725. James I. : D.iLRYMPLE. Memorials and Letters. Jas. L and Chas. I. 1766. Gardixer. Jas. I. to Coke. 1603- 1616. 1869. Hampdex. His Party and Times. 1594-1643. 1832. H.arris. Jas. L— Chas. II. 1814. Ixderwick. Side Lights on the Stuarts. 1888. Macaci-AY, Catherine. Jas. I. to the Restoration. 1766-71. Ch.^rles I. : Brodie. Chas. I. to the Restoration. 1866. Fairfax Correspondence. 1848. FoRSTER. Arrest of the Five Mem- bers. 1860. FoRSTER. Del:>ates on the Grand Remonstrance. 1641. 1860. G.utDixER. History. 1624-8. 1875. GiizoT. English Revolution. Trans. 1838. GuizoT. La Revolution d' Angleterre. 1850. WniTELOCKE. Chas. I. to the Resto- ration. 1732. Civil War : Bate. Troubles in England. Chas. I.-II. 1685. C.ARY. Great CivilWar. 1646-52. 1842. Cl.arexdon. History of the Civil Wars, beguB in 1641. Great Britain — cont. U\ry—c,»it. .Sovereigns and Periods — cont. Civil War — cont. Derby, Countess of. Life. 1869. DiGDALE. Troubles in England. 1681. Fairfax. Memorials of the Civil War. 1849. Gardiner. Civil War. 1642-49. 1886-91. GwYxxE. Military Memoirs of. 1822. He.\tii. Chronicle of the Intestine Wars to 1663. 1676. HoBBES. Causes of the Civil Wars. 1640-60. 1815. HoLLES. Memoir. 1641-48. 1699. Leicester. Civill Warres. 1649. 3Iaseres. Select Tracts. 1815. MoxTETii. Troubles of Great Bri- tain. 1633-50. 1735. Nalsox. Impartial Collections of Affairs of State from 1639-48. 1682-3. Ormonde. Life and Letters. 1610- 88. 1736. Ricraft. England's Champions. 1647. 1818. Rupert. Memoirs. 1619-82. 1849. Rushworth. Historical Collections. 1618-48. Saxtord. Great Rebellion. 1858. Slixgsby. Memoirs. 1806. Verxey Papers. 1892. Commonwealth : Oliver Cromwell : Bacox. Government of England. 1647-51. Blsset. Omitted Chapters of His- tory of England, from Death of Chas. I. to Expulsion of Long Parliament. 1864-7. F"oRSTER. Lives of Eminent British Statesmen of the. 1831-41. GoDwix. History of the. 1824-8. GuizoT. Histoire de la Republique d'Angkterre. 1649-58. 1855. Indekwick. Interregnum, a.d. 1648-60. 1891. PiCTOX. Rise and Fall of the. 1884. TiiURLOE. Collection of State Papers. 1638-60. 1742. Walker. The High Court of Jus- tice. 1660. Richard Cromwell : GrizoT. Histoire du Protectorat et du Retablissement des Stuarts. 16.58-60. 1856. GrizoT. Etudes Biographiques sur la Revolution d'Angleterre. 1851. Charles II. and James II. : BcRNET. History. 1679-1715. Dalrymple. Memoirs of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. 1681-92. Dover. Letters during 1686-8. 1831. Fox. History of Early Part of Reign of Jas. II. 1808. Hevwood. Jas. II. 1811. INDEX. 713 Great Britain— c^om;'. Hi-story — co)it. Sovei'eigns and Periods — cont. Charles II. and James II. — cont. LuTTRELL. Brief Relation of State Affairs from 1678-1714. 1857. Monmouth. Life, Progresses, and Rel)ellion. 18-14. Parker. 1660-8. SoMEUviLLE. History of Political Transactions and Parties, from Restoration of Chas. II. to Death of Will. III. 1792. Revolution, 1688 : Buckinghamshire. Revolution. 1688. EciiARD. History of. 1725. Mackintosh. History of. 1834. Mazure. Histoire. 1825. Revolution. Lyes and Stories which ■were the Forerunners of the. 1688. 1733. Revolution. 1688. Stuarts, The. Ward. Historical Essays on Real Character of the. 1838. William III. and Mary II. : Carstares. State Papers. Will. III. and Anne. 1774. Cole. Letters from Ministers Abroad. 1697-1708. 1733. Vernon. Letters to Duke of Shrews- bury. 1696-1708. 1841. Anne : BoYER. xVnnals. 1703-13. Boyer. Political State of Great Britain. 1711-40. De Fob. Mesnager at the Court of England. 1717. GoDOLPiiiN. Lord High Treasurer of England. 1702-10. 1888. Prior. History of his own Time. 1740. SoMERviLLE. History of the Reign. 1798. Stanhope. History. 1701-13. 1870. Wednesday's Club. Union of Gyeat Britain. 1717. Wyon. History of the Reign. 1876. George I. : Atterbury. Letters to the Chevalier de St. George. 1847. Carteret. Political Biography of. 1600-1763. 1887. Rab. History of the Rebellion. 1715. Stanhope. History, from Peace of Utrecht to Peace of Versailles. 1713-83. 1839-54. Stuarts, The. Walpole. Administration. 1676- 1745. 1798. George II. : Chatham. Life. 1736-38. 1810. Forbes. Jacobite Memoii's of the Rebellion of 1745. 1834. Home. History of the Rebellion. 1745. Johnstone. Memoirs of the Rebel- lion. 1745-6. 1820. Peliiam. Administration of. 1743. p. 3104. Great Britain — cont. History — cont. Sovereigns and Periods — cont. George II. — cont. Ray. History of the Rebellion. 1745-6. 1749. Rockingham. Memoirs of, and his Contemporaries. 1852. Stuarts, The. George III. : Adolphus. Geo. III. 1804. AiKiN. Annals of. 1760-1820. Almon. Political Register. 1767-9. Annual Register, Edinburgh. 1808- 1824. Burke. Political Life. 1840. Castlere.vgh. Memoirs. 1848-53. Chatham. Correspondence. 1838-40. Fox. Public Life. 1808. Ingram. Union with Ireland. His- tory of. 1887. Liverpool, 2nd Earl of. Memoirs. 1827. Massey. a History of the Reign of. 1855-63. North. History of Great Britain during his Administration. 1782. Pbel, Irish Secretary, 1812-18; Secretary of State, 1822-7. 1891. Perceval. Life. 1874. Piiillimore. History of the Reign of. 1863. Pitt. Life. Plowden. History of. 1792-3. Public Advertiser. 1766-8. Rab. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox : the Opposition under. 1874. Siielburne, Earl of. Life. Walpole. Administration. 1 798. Wraxall. Historical Memoirs. 1772- 84. 1884. George IV. : Bury & Sheridan. Diary of the Times of. 1838-9. Canning. Life. Canning. Official Correspondence. 1821-7. Greville. The Greville Memoirs. 1874. Hbrries. Public Life. 1880. Liverpool, Earl of. Life. 1827. Walpole. History from conclu.sion of War. 1815. 1828-76. Wellington, 1st Duke. William IV. : Ellenborough. Political Diary. 1828-30. 1881. Grey, Earl. Life. Hatherton. Memoir relating to Political Occurrences. 1834-72. Haussez. Great Britain. 1833. Melbourne, Visct. Life. Molesworth. Hi-story, from 1830- 74. Peel. Political Life. 1856. Raven. Parliamentary History of England from 1832. Roebuck. Whig Ministry of 1830. History. 1852. li INDEX. Great Britain — cont. Sovereigns ami Periods — cont. Victoria : Beaconsfif.lu. Blanc. Dix Aiis. 1869-79. Clavben. EnglJiud und,er the Coal i tion. 1885-92. Dickens. Household Narrative I80O-.5. FousTER. Life. 1818-86. Gr, VDSTONE. (titEvii.i.B. Journal. 1837-60. IiiviNo. Annals of Our Time. From 1837-91. MacCauthy. History of Our Own Times. 1837-80. Melbourne. Palmerston. Peel. Russell. Salishuuv. Inipfrial England. 1880. Euituows. Invasions : HOZIER. 1876. Invasions from Julius C;esar. 1794. Saint John. History of the I'our Con- quests of England. 1862. Legislation. Annals of. 1856-66. Levi. See Law. Manners and Cu.stoms : AsiiTON. Social Life 18lh Cent. Queen Anne and Regency. Douce. Illustrations of Ancient Manners. 1839. Early Eng. Text Soc, 11. Early English Meals and Manners. Bokes of Curtasye. EsQUiROS. The English at Home. Trans. 1861-3. Hall. Society in the Elizabethan Age. 1888. Roberts. Social History of People of Southern Counties in Past Centuries. 1856. Stkutt. 1774. Sydney. Social liife in England. 1660- 90. And in the 18th Century. Wrkiiit. Manners and Sentiments during the Middle Ages. 1862. Sac also uiiilcr Manners & Custo.ms. Manufacturing Districts. 1835. Head. See ^Ianufactures. Medallic Ili.story. Hawkins. Monasteries under Hen. VIII. Gasquet. National Songs and Music. Ciiappell. Naval .\ffairs : Allen. Battles. 1853. Barrow. History. 1761. Beatson. Naval and Military Memoirs. 1727-83. James. Naval History of Great Britain, from 1793 to Death of Geo. III. 1347. See also under Navy. Parliamentiiry Government in England, Struggle for. 1887. Bisset. See also under Parliajient. People : Escott. People, Polity, and Pursuits. 1879. -cont. land and tl English, the I'^nglish in '. British Isles. Great Britain IVopl,.— -v///^ LviTON. El 1883. Sydney. England and the 18th Cent. 1891. Physical (teology : iluf.L. History of th 1882. Ramsay. Geology and Geography. 1878. Popular Leaders in the Middle Ages. 1872-75. Maurice. Premiers. Wa I pole to Peel. 1871. Earle. Privy Council of England, Acts and Proceedings. 1834-37 & 1842 et seq. Record Comjiission. Pronunciation, Early. Early Eng. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., 2. Public Journals, Spirit of the. 1719 1814. Public "Works. Regime des Travaux Publics. 1875. Franqueville Queens : DoitAN. Queens of the House of Hanover, 1875. IjAwrence. Queens of England. 12tl to 16th Cents. 1848. Strickland. Lives of the Queens of England. 1854. Railways. Acland. Register and Chronicle, Ecclesiastical and Civil, from the Restoration. 1728. Kennet. Revenue and Expenditure. 1834. Wells. Revolutions in English History. 1867. Vaucilvn. Rivers. 1888. Industrial Rivers. Roots of the English as a Teutonic Tongue. 1862. Barnes. Royal Dynasties. 1829. St ace. Rural : Howitt. Life in England. 1838. Lavergne. Economy. 1855. Social Institutions. Buckle. Spelling : Hauley. Simplification of. 1878. Hume. Orthogrni)hy of the Briton Tongue. 1617. State : Bkvan. Present State of Great liritain. 1882. Burke. Of the Nation. 1769. CllAMHERLAYNE. 1735. KiNfi. Of England. 1696. Statistical Atlas. 1882. Bevan. Statistics : Douni.EDAY. History, from 1688. MacCullocii. IJritish Empire. 1837. Marshall. Population, Production, and Revenues. 1833. Porter. Progress of the Nation, 1801-47. See also under Progress. Succession to the Crown. 1879. Bailey. Taxation. Hi-story of. 1884. Dowell. Topography : Alliim. Drawings in "N^cstmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumber- land. i INDEX. 715 The Beautiful Islets of Britain. Memories of our Groat Towns. Great Britain — conf. Topograj^hy — cont. Anderson. British Topography. 1881. Angus. Descriptions of Seats of Nobility. 1787-1810. Bacon. Atlas. M'ith Plans of Towns. 1884. B-t:deker. Handbooks. B.ViiTHOLOJtEW. Gazetteer. 1887- ])EAUTiESofEngl;ind and Wales. 1801-18. Beeveuell. Delices de la Grande Bretagnc etd'Irlande. 1707. Browne. Chaucer's England. 1869. Cajiden. Britannia, or a Chorographical Description. 1702 & 1804. Decrais. L'Angleterre Contemporaine. 1893. Dbndy. 1860. DORAN. 1878. Gilpin. Picturesque Beauty. 1788-1804. GouGii. British Topography. 1780. Her.mannida. Britannia 3Iagna. 1661. Knight. The Land we Live in. 1866. Mackintosh. Scenery of England and Wales. 1869. MiRABEAu. Letters during Residence in England. 1832. Murray. Handbook. Ogilby. Roads. 1698. P.arliamentary' Gazetteer. England, Wales, and Ireland. 1843-7. Paterson. Roads. 1796 & 1829. RiCH.VRD of Cirencester. Description of Britain. Trans. 1890. RiMMER. Country Towns. 1881. Rye. England, as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Eliz. and Jas. I. 1865. Sharp. Gazetteer. 18.32. S.MiTii. Description of England. 1.588. Taine. Notes on England. 1885. Taine. Notes sur L'Angleterre. 1883. Upcott. Bibliographical Account of Works. 1818. ViLLARS. L'Angleterre, I'Ecosse, et I'lr- lande. 1887. White. Eastern England, from the Thames to the Humber. 1865. Towns and Districts. 1883. Frekman. . Travels : Antoninus. Iter Britanniarum. 1709. Ayton. Voyage round Great Britain. 1813. Barnaby, Drunken. Four Journej's to the North of England. Brereton. 1634-5. BuRuiTT. Walk through the Black Countrj'. 1868. BuRRiTT. Walk from London to John o'Groats. 1865. BuRRiTT. Walk from London to the Land's End and Back. 1865. Calderwood of Polton. Letters from England. 17o6. 1884. Clark. Excursions. 1840. Db Foe. Tour through Great Britain. 1748. DiBDiN. North of England. Bibliographi- cal Tour. 1838. Great Britain— cow^. Travels — cont. DupiN. Voyages. 1816-20. ■ Gonzales. Voyage from Lisbon and Description of Great Britain. 1730. Head. Home Tour through parts of the United Kingdom. 1837. Hentzner. Journey into England. 1598. HuTTON. Journey from Birmingham to London. 1818. Kalm. Visit to England, 1748. Trans. 1882. MoRiTZ of Berlin. Travels, chiefly on foot. 1782. Newte. Tour in England and Scotland. 1785. Nucius of Corcyra. Travels in England, temp. Hen. VIII. Pennant. Journey from London to Isle of Wight. 1801. Pennant. Journey from Chester to Lon- don. 1811. Pococke. Travels through England. 1750 et seq. Shaw. Tour to AVest of England. 1788. SiMOND. Journal of a Tour and Resi- dence in Great Britain. 1810-11. Sorbiere. Voyage to England. 1708. White. Eastern Counties, Land's End, &c. Young. Farmer's Tour through East of England. 1771. Young. Six Mouths' Tour through North of England. 1771. See also under the several Counties. Treaties : Hertslet. Treaties with Foreign Powers. 1875-91. Ryjier. Foedera, Conventiones, Literse. 1101-1654. See also under Treaties. Wayfaring Life. Middle Ages. 1880. Jusserand. AVhig Party. 1852. Holland. Greece : ^gean Islands : Tennent. 1829. Tozer. 1890. Anthology. Neaves. Antiquities : British Museum. Photographs of. 1872. CoiLiGNON. Manual d'Archeologie. 1882. Gronovius. Thesaurus Grrecarum Anti- quitatum. 1697-1702. Inghirami. Galleria Omerica o raceolta di Monumenti. 1831. Polenus. Romanorum Gr;ecarumqne. 1737. Potter. Antiquities. 1813. Rich. Dictionary. 1873. Seyffert. Dictionary of. 1891. Smith. Dictionary of. 1848. Smith, Waytb, & Marindin. Dictionary 1890. Wordsworth. Greece : Descriptive and Historical. 1844. Argonautics, The. Trans. Apollonius Rhodius. z z 2 7lfi INDEX. Greece —cont. AtlKiis: Dyer. Ancient. 1873. KiNN.VRD. Antiquities at. 1830. Le.\ke. Topogriiphv. 1841. L\TTON. Its Rise and Fall. 1837. Srr.vuT & Revett. Antiquitie.s. 182.5-30. Bioprjiphy. 'SV** BifXiiivPHY. Chronology of. Clinton. Cyclades, The. Life among the Insular Greeks. 1885. Bext. Descriptio Onpofe. 1838-9. P.\rs.vsics. Drama. Srr Dr.4ji.\, Greek. Ecclesiastical Historians : EusEBics. Hi.storiie Ecclesiasticse. 1720. EusEBius. Ecclesiastical Historians of the first Six Centuries. 1843-7. Geography : Smith. Dictionarj- of. 18-56-7. Strabo. Grammar : DoN.iLDSOX. 1862. NroENT. Trans, of the Port Royal. 1817. Hellenic Studies : Artrs GELLirs. Xoctes Atticje. 1824. Blackie. Hone Ilellenice. 1874. Freeman*. Ancient Greece. Hellenic Society. 1880 ef seq. Hellesica. Collection of Essays. 1880. History : Ancient Historians : Arri.vxvs. 1846. Diodgrus Sicn.rs. Bibliotheca His- toricii. 1842-4. JusTiNus. Histori;e Philippicae. 1822. Poi.\-Bics. Historiarum Reliquse cum Indicibus. 1839. QriNTUs CcRTirs. De Rebus gestis Alexjindri Magni. 182.5 Thucvdides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco. 1821-40. Thuctoides. Of the Peloponnesian War. Trans. 1829. Xenophon. Xexophon. Minor Works. Literally trans. 18.57. Modern Historians : FiXLAY. From B.C. 146 to a.d. 1864. 1877. Grote. 1846-53. Heerex. Political, of Antient. 1829. Mitford. 1838. MiJLLER. Of the Doric Race. Trans. 1830. RoLLix. Ancient. Trans. 1817. Thirlwall. 18.55. Homer and Homeric Age. 1858. Gladsioxe. Homeric Synchronism. 1876. Gladstone. Juvontus Mundi. 1869. Gl.U)stoxb. Legends. Grote. Lexicon. See Dictionaries. Life, Greek : Becker. Ancient Private Life. 1845. Gdiil & Koxer. Of Greeks and Romans described from .Antique Monu- ments. Trans. 1879. Mamaffv. "Social, from Homer to Me- nander. 1874. Greek Life and Thought. 1887. Greek Pictures. 1890. Life and Customs. Greece— ^onf. Life, Greek — co7it. Mahaffy'. MAiiAFn- PoI.EXCS. Litt»rature : BLAf Kwoon. Ancient Cla.ssics for Eng- lish Readers. 1876. DoxALDsox & MuLLER. Ancieut. 1858. Maiiaffy. Classical Ancient. 1880. MiJLLER. Ancient. 1858. Mure. Critical History of Language and. 1854-7. Macedoine, La. 1887. OfeIcofp. Mythology : Gladstoxe. Juventus Mundi. Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. 1869. Keigiitley. 1831. Tayxor. Eleusinian Mysteries. 1824. See oIko under Greece, Axtiquities. Oratores Attici. See Orators. Parthenon, The. 1883. Fergussox. Persian AVar. 1830-5. Herodotus. Philosophers, Lives of. Trans. Diogeses Laertius. Philosophy, The Fathers of . 1862. Hamp- DEX. See also inider Piiilosopiiv. Politics and Arts of. History. 1875. Lloyd. Sculpture. History. 1882. Perry. Siglie Lapidiirise Collectje et Explicate. 1746. Maffeio. Theatre : Brujioy. Theatre des Grecs. 1 78.5-9. DoxALDSox. Theatre of the Greeks. See also under Drama, Greek. Thebes. Topography. 1835. AVilkijjsox. Travels : Barthklemy. Voyage du Jeune Anacharis IV' Siecle. 1790. Carlisle. Diary in Greek and Turkish AVaters. 1853-4. Chandler. 1817. Dodwell. Tour through, 1801, 1805-6. 1819. Gell. Journey in the Morea. 1823. Leake. In the Morea. 1830. Leake. In Northern Greece. 1835. Leake. Peloponnesia. 1846. JLiHAFFY. RamUes and Studies in. 1887. Sandys. 1652. Sy^ioxds. Sketches in. 1874. TiRXER. Journal of a Tour in. 1820. Urqchart. The Spirit of the East. 1839. Wyse. Excursion in the Peloponnesus. 1869. Troy. Srr Troy. Greece, Modern : Byzantine et 3Ioderne. 1893. Bikelas. Commerce. Industrial History. 1846. TORRENS. Contemporaine, La Grece. 1872. About. Descriptive and Historical. 1844. Words- worth. Handlx)ok. B.i^deker, Murray. Revolution : Ali Paciia. Life. 1750-1822. Bytiox. State and Prospects of Greece. 1825. INDEX. 717 Greece, Modern — cont. Revolution — co7it. FiNLAY. History of the Revolution. 1861. Gamba. Journal of Lord Byron's Lust Journey. 1825. MiLLiNGEN. Memoirs of the Affairs of. 1823 et seq. 1831. Palma. Greece Vindicated. 1826. Stanhope. In 1823-4. Greenland : JJescription of. 1818. Egede. Eight Englishmen, Deliverance of. 1630. Pblham. First Crossing of. 1890. Nansen. Danish, its People and its Products. 1877- Rink. Land of Desolation, Adventures in the. 1871. Hayes. Martin. Hakluyt Soc, 18. Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery and West. 1822. ScoRESBY. Grenadier Guards. Origin and History. 1874. Hamilton. Grey Friars : Chronicle to 1556. Camden Soc, 53. In Oxford. Little. Grocers, London, Account of the Companv of. 1829. Heath. Grosvenor House Pictures. Etchings. 1820. Young. Guelph Exhibition, Geo. I.— AVill. IV. 1891, Catalogues. Guelph. Family, Origin of the. 1892. Lloyd. Guernsey : History : Berry. 1815. Duncan. 1841. Inglis. 1838. See also tinder Channel Islands. Guiana : British, Coolie in. 1871. Jenkins. Description of British. 1840. Schombukgk, Force. 1618. History of British. 1855. Dalton. Raleigh. Discoverie of. 1618. Guildhall : City of London. 1886. Price. Library. Catalogue. 1889. Guildhall. Guilds. See Gilds. Guinea : Travels : ASTLE. Smith. A New Voyage to. 1744. See Africa. Gunnery. Sec Army, Navy. Gunpowder Plot : Narrative : Gerard. James I. Discourse of the. Jardine. 1857. Smeeton's Tracts. Treason, History of. Guns: Heavy Rifled Ordnance. 1871. Britten. Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Sub- jects. 1873. WniTWORTH. Report of the Armstrong and Whitworth Committee. 1866. Story of the [Whitworth v. Armstrong] . 1 864. Tennent. Gypsy: Fortune Telling. Language. 1874. 1891. Leland. Borrow. Hackney, Middlesex. History of. 1842-3. Robinson. See Middlesex. Haddon Hall. History and Antiquities. 1836. Rayner. Hailsham, Sussex. 1884. Ge.4.ring. See Sussex. Haiti : 1818. San Domingo. Civil Wars in. 1823. Vastey. Geschichte der Insel. 1827. Domingo, St. Historique des Negociations entre la France. 1826. Wallez. Past and Present. 1873. Hazard. Visit to. 1835. HannA. Halicarnassus, The Mausoleum at, Re- stored. 1862. Fergusson. Hallanishire, Yorkshire. History of Sheffield. 1819. Hunter. See Yorkshire. Hall-marks on Gold and Silver Plate. 1865. Chaffers. Hammersmith. Sec Middlesex Hampshire : Bosmere, Hundred of. Topographical Ac- count of. 1857. Longcroft. Coast Views. 1774. Gilpin. Directories. Handbook. Murray. History and Antiquities : Beauties of England. 1801-18. Woodward, AVilks, & Lockhart. History, and of Isle of Wight. Lymington. Records of the Corporation. 1864. Saint Barbe. New Forest. History and Scenery. 1863. AVisE. Selborne, Natural History of. AVhitb. Southampton. History. 1885. Davies. Vyne, History of the. 1888. Chute. AVin Chester : History. 1809. Milker. Hyde Abbey. 455-1023. Chronicles ^^ Memorials, 4 Register of New Minster and Hyde Abbey. 1881. See AVight, Isle of. Hampstead Hill. 1889. Logan. See also under London, Middlesex. Hampton Court Palace, History of. 1885- 91. See Middlesex. Hand, The ; its Mechanism and A'ital En- dowments. 1837- Bell. Handbooks for Travellers. BiEDEKER, Jo.iNNE, Murray. Handwriting : Courthand. AVright. Twistleton. Sec also under Autographs, Deciphering. Hanover, House of: George I., IL, III., lA"., AVill. lY. Queens of the 1875. Doran. Reasons against the Succession of the. De Foe. 718 INDEX. Happiness. Its Kclation to Work and Kiiowlf.lgu. ISJO. FoKiiKs. Sec (//.so under Moral Philosophy. Harar. Sir Africa. Hare C'uurt Independent Church, Story of. 1871. ^Iarsh. Harleian Soi-iety Publications. 1 859 ct acq. Harmony of Coloui-s. Chevkeul. St'r al.-(i u7iives and Actions of Famous. 1813-42. Johnson. Himalaya Mountains. 1873. Calvert. 1842. 720 INDEX. Himalayan Districts: iJoLTipti^in of: Akchek. Tour. 1833. Harcoirt. Kooloo.Liihoul.and Spiti. 1871. TTi'r.KKH. Journals. 1855. N- ' also unJi-r A Si A. Hindostan. Historj-. 1795-1810. M.\crice. .V< (//-" inu/cr India. Hindostanee : Dialogues. 1826. GiLCiniisT. Philology. 1825. Gilchrist. Hindu : Chronology. Jones. Hymns. Wilson. Law. Jones. Religion. Theatre, Literature. 1862-71. Wll.s,,N. Historians, Account of. 1776. Nicolson. Historic : llyeways. Wk.ulvll. Doubts Relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1849. "WlI.VTELEY. Oddities and Strange Events. 1889. B.vring- GOULD. Historical Annuals : A.MKRUAN .Annual Register. 1825-33. ANNtE Politique. 1886-7- Anntaire des Deux Mondes. 1852-67. Anni-al Hi.storical Register. 1714-38. DuDsi.F.v. Annual Register. 1768 et scq. Historical Truth, Essays on. 1871. Bisset. History : Aiicieiit : Co.\DiLL.\c. Ancienne. Heeren. Manual of. 1840. Lenor>lvxt. Histoire Ancienne de I'Orient. 1869. Rollin. Trans. 1817. Smith. Prom Earliest Records to Fall of "Western Empire, a.d. 476. 1868. Taylor. Student's Manual of. 1867. Tytler. Elements of General. 1807 Universal. Ancient. 1779-81. Volnev. Nouvelles Recherches. See the several Countries. Dictionary : HoFM.v>x. Lexicon Universale. 1698. MouERi. 1702. Europe : Eighteen Christian Centuries. 1859. White. Exact .Science as applied to. 1860. Ki.nglake. Meaning of. 1862. Harrison. Methods of Study. 1886. Pueeman. Modern : Arnold. Lectures. 1843. Condillac. iloderne. Smyth. Lectures on. 1841-2. Stubbs. Medieval and Modern. 1886. Taylor. Student's Manual. 1866. Outlines of. 1830. Keiohtley. Pantheism, Manual of. 1881. Jacob. Parsillel, and Biography of the World. 1842-3. Prince. Philosophy of. 1848. Schle(jel. Policy and Histoi')'. 1793. Priestley. Politicid Education. 1882. ]Jkid(;es. Political Value of History. 1892. Lecky. Sacred History. 1841. Turner. "Kistorj— con t. Survtv> on Main Stream of History. 1862. LvtAS. Theatre, L'Histoire par le. 1789-1851. MlRET. Universal : Ansuaire Universel. 1819-43. Anqueti L-Dr PERRON & Gallais. Sum- mary of. 1800. BossuET. Histoire Universelle. Universal Hi>tory. 1779-84. Weber. Allgemeine Weltgeschichte. 1857-80. Use of. 1752. Bolingbrokb. Holdemess, History and Antiquities of. 1840-1. POCLSON. S"- Yorkshire. Holland : Amsterdam. 1876. H.w.a^rd, Campaign. 1779. Pomp. Commerce. Industrial Historj'. 1846. TORREXS. Description of: Amicis. La Hollande. 1885. Delices de la Hollande. 1697. Havard. Lii Hollande, h, Vol d'Oiseau. 1881. Havarp. Villes Mortes du Zuiderzee. 1875. Ecclesiastical Institutions of. Wicksteed. Handbook. B.kdeker, MruRAv. History of : Davies. Gr.itton. Motley. Motley. 1864. Strada. AVlTT. 188. Letters : C.4LDERW00D. Prom 1756. 1884. Dorchester. From and to, during Em- ba-ssy. 1615-20. 1780. Pictures from. 1887. Lovett. Travels : B.4.RR0W. Tour through. 1831. Brereton. 1634-5. Hare. Sketches in. 1885. Ireland. Picturesque Tour through. 1 789. Penn. 1726. Perceval. Ecclesiastical Tour in, and North Germany. 1846. Villes Mortes du Zuiderzee. 1875. Havaed. Holland House. 1874. Liechtenstein-. Src 3IlDI)LESEX. Holy Grail, History of the. 1840. Earli/ Kmi. Te^t Sac., Ex. Ser., 10. Holy Land : 1844. Kelly. Customs and Traditions. Trans. 1864. Pierotti. Inner Life. 1884. Burton. I>ife in Modern Palestine. 1887. OliphAnt. Palestine Exploration Fund Publications. 1881-90. Phoenicia. History. 1889. R.vwlinson. Pilgrimage. 1506. Giylforde. Sinai and Palestine. 1864 & 1877. Stanlbt. 1841-4. Of the Netherlands. 1830. United Netherlands. 1860-7. Rise of the Dutch Republic. Holland and Belgium. Grand Pensionary of. 1650. Trans. INDEX. 721 Holy Land — cont. Travels : BuRCKiiARDT. Ill Syria and the. 1822. Crawford and Balcarres. 1847. KiNGLAKB. Eothen. 184.5. Sandys. 1652. Turner. 1820. United States Expedition. 1851. Lynch. Views. 1836. Caune. See also under Crusades. Holy Living and Dying. Taylor. Holy Roman Empire. See Germany. Holy State and Profane State. Fuller. Holy War. Fuller. Holy Wells of England, Legendary Lore of the. 1893. Hope. Homburg. See Health Resorts. Home Colonies, Plans for Self-supporting. 1841. Owen. Home Rule. See Ireland. Homer and the Homeric Age. 1858. Glad- stone. Homeric Synchronism. 1876. Gladstone. Homilies : Appointed to be Read. 1843. Elizabeth (Queen). Early English before 1300. Earlt/ En;/. Text Soc, 8, 19, 27. The Blickling, of the 10th Cent. 971. Earli/ Eng. Text Soc, 27, 28. Honduras. Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical. 1870. Squier. Korae: Hellinic;o. 1874. BlAckie. Subsecivie. 1861. Brown. Horncastle. Histoiy. 1820. Weir. See Lincolnshire. Hornsey. See London. Horse, The. 1855. Youatt. And Roads. 1880. Free Lance. Book of. 1874-5. Sidney. Choice of, and Management. 1831. Appbrley. Equitation, Works on. 1887. Huth. Hippophagy. 1872. Bicknell. Horsemanship. Duties of a Cavalry Officer. See also under Hunting. How to Breed and Rear him. 1888. Day. Management and Treatment. 1882. Horse, The. Ma,ster, and Donkey. 1883. Blunt Spurs. Stud Book, The General ; containing Pedi- grees of Race Horses, from the Earliest Accounts to 1860. Stud Book. Horse - Guards. Personal History. 1750-1872. Stocqubler. Horse-Hacing. See Racing. Horsham: History and Antiquities. 1868. Hurst. See also under Sussex. Hortensius. Historical Essay. FdUSYTH. Horticulture. See Gardening. Hosiery. History of Machine-made. Felkin. Hospitallers. See Knights. 1849. 1867. Hospitals Endowed in Great Britain. 1696. King. See also under Charities. Hottentots. Paterson. 1789. See also under Africa. Hounslow. See Middlesex. House : Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture. 1846. Loudon. Domestic Architecture, England, Rich. II.- Hen. VIII. 1859. Parker. Domiciliary Condition of the People. 1883. RA^VLINS0N. Dwelling Houses. Sanitary Construction. 1885. CORFIELD. Gentleman's House. 1865. Kerr. Habitations of Man in all Ages. 1876. Viollet-le-Duc. Labouring Classes, Improvement of Dwell- ings of. 1867. Roberts. Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 1839. Nash. Mansions, Old English, Studies from. 1841-8. Richardson. Surrey, AVest, Cottage, and Domestic Archi- tecture. 1889. Nbvill. See also under Architecture. Household : Education. 1861. Martineau. Expenses of. Brabant. Government of House of an Earle. Brath- WAIT. Housewifery. Calendar. 1572. Tusser. Regulations and Establishment of his. 1512 et seq. Northumberland, Things not Impertinent to the Premises. 1598. Servingman. Hudson River. 1868. Lossing. Hudson's Bay Territory : Description of : Ballanty'Ne. Every-day Life in AVilds of N. America. 1848. Butler. Travels : The Great Lone Land, N. AV. America. 1872. Coats. Geography of. Hearne. Journey to Northern Ocean. 1769-72. Macle.an. Twenty-five years' Service in, 1849. Martin. Vancouver's Island. 1849. RoBsoN. Six Years' Residence in. 1 752. Umfrbvillb. Present state of. 1790. See also under Canada, Huguenots, The : History of : Agnew. Protestant Exiles, Louis XIV, 1871. Baird. The Rise of the. 1880. Baird. Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 1886. Browning. During the 16th Cent. 1829. Smiles. In France. 1881. Smiles. Settlements, Churches, and Indus- tries in England and Ireland. 1867. AVeiss. History of French Protestant Refugees, from Revocation of Edict of Nantes. Trans. 1854. AVhitk. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 1572. 722 INDEX. HuU: DlKECrOKIES. Early His^tor)-. 1827. Frost. Gilds of 1891. Lambert. History. 1798. Tickei.i.. Srr (if. 10 under Yorkshire. Human Faculty, and its Dtvelopmcut. 1883. G.U.TO\. Knowk'dge : Co.NDiLLAC. Origino. 1798. CoxDORCBT. Tableau Historique du Pro- gres do. 1 794-5. Origins. 1892. L.uxG. Kace. See Axthropoi-OGY. UiuUi-standing. Locke. Humanity. 1866. IJodichox. Religion of Humanity. 1888. B.alfour. The Woi-ship of Humanity. 1886. Llshing- TON. Humour. See under Wit and Hoiocr, Satire. Hungary : A 31emoir. 1880. DE.iK. Au^tro-Hungarian Empire, and Policy of Count Beust. 1870. ENGHsHM.i.v. Travels through. ISoo. P.aget. Turkish .Survey of. Ci.auke. "War in. 1848-50. Trans. Schlesinger. See ArsTRi.\. Hunting : . Badminton Library. Fore.st and Field. 1867. Leverson. Fox-Hunter, Life of. 1776-1858. Smith. Fox -Hunting : RAncLiFFE. 1839. V-i-NER. 1892. Hunters. 1831. .Apperlev. Reminiscences. 1843. .\pperley. Sporting. 1838. Apperley. ,SVv also iinihr Horse. Huntingdonshire : Beauties of England. 1801-18. Directories. Godmanchester, Hi.story of. 1831. Fox. Visitation of. 1613. Camden. Hydraulic Experiments. 1834. Beaufoy. Sir II fE.VT. Handbook. Murray. Iceland — cont. Legends. Trans. 1864. Arn.ason. Letters on. \773 et seq. Troil. Norsemen in. 1858. Dasent. Sagas. Northmen in Britain. Chronicle ^- Memoria/g, 88. Scenes and its Sagas. 1863. Baring-Gocld. Travels : Summer in. 1875. Letters from High Latitudes. Tour in. 1809. A Summer in. 1868. Geysers, and Glaciers. 1860. West- BCRTON. Dufferin 1891. Hooker. Paijkuxl, Volcanoes Forbes. Writei-s on Iceland. Pinkehton. Ice-'^ailing. B.vdminton Library. Idaho Exploration. 1878. H.ayden. Sec u/.-<(i under United States. Illuminations : Bible. 14th to 16th Cents. 1845. wood. British Museum. 1879. Birch & Jbnmsb. Imaginary : Biography. Brydges. Ciiiivti'sitions. L.axdor. Imitation of Christ. Kempis. Impostors : Bowes, A. R., and the Countess of Strath- more. Foote. Cheats. History of. 1665-80. Head & KiRKMAN. Lives of: Fuller, Wni. Life. 1670-1703. Ps.ALM.VNAZAR. Memoirs. 1 765. Mendicity Society, Practice of the. 1847. Perkin Warbeck (Impostor), Story of. 1878. Gairdner. Vagabonds and Beggars. 1528. LtrriiEH. Incas Rites and Laws. Haklttyt Soc., 48. Sec Peru. Income Tix .Act. 1842. Paget. Independency. Hi.storyof. 1649. W.alkkk. Index Ecc'ksiasticus. Church Dignitaries >ince the Reformation. 1890. Foster. Index Expurgatorius : Ditijox. Ouvrages Supprimes. 1814-77. Fakkar. Books condemned to lie burnt. 1 892. Index, Vatican. Reprint of. 1837. Index Society Publications. IxnEX. Periodicals. 1888 ct seg. Poole. India : .Viicient and Mediaeval. 1869. Manning. Anglo-Indian AVords and Phrases. 1886. Yule. See a/iio under Dictionabif^. .A rcha'ological Survey ReporU*. Western India. 1871-83. Architecture, Ancient. 1848. Fergusson. Army and Civil Service List. 1861 et seq. Indian. Cave Temples and the Brahminical and Jaina Caves in AVestern India. 1883. BCKGKSS. Chronology, Hindu. Jonf.s. Civil and 5lilitary Officers, Lives of. 1867. Kaye. Civilization in Ancient. 1889. DuTT. mDEX. 723 India — cont. Costumes. 1867. AVatson. Cotton, Silk, and Indigo. Eeports. 1836. Hon. East India Co. Cycloptedia of. 1871 & 1885. Ealpoue. Directory. Indian and Colonial. 1884-91. Street. East India Eeview. 1849-53. Colonial Magazine. Fairy Tales. 1892. Jacobs. Finance, Three Essays on Indian. 1880. Fawcett. Freebooter's Life in Hindostan. 1886. Saint Clair. French in, 1674-1761. 1868. Malleson. Gazetteer : Hamilton. 1828. Hunter. Imperial. 1881-2. Thornton. 1858. Government : Bell. Ketrospects of. 1868. Campbell. India as it may be. 1853. CiiESNEY. Polity. 1868. Cotton. India. 1881. DiGBY. India for the Indians — and. the English. 1885. India. 1822. Ludlow. Policy of the Crown. 1859. Martineau. Suggestions for future. 1858. Partridge. Policy of England. 1877. Valbezen. Les Anglais et rinde. 1875. Young. Colonial Policy for. 1822. Governors and Statesmen : Bbntinck. Life. Daliiousie. Administration of. 1862. Edwardes. Life and Letters. 1886. Ellenborougii. 1874-81. Elpiiinstone. Life. 1884. Francis. Life. Hastings, Marquess of. Journal. 1813- 18. Hastings, W. Life. 1841. Impey. Memoirs. 1857. Lawrence, Lord. Life. 1883. Lawrence, Sir Hen. M. Life. 1806-57- Malcolm. Life. 1856. Mayo. Life. 1822-72. MiNTO. Life and Letters. 1807-14. Munro. Life. 1760-1827. NoTT. Memoirs and Correspondence. 1854. OuTRAM. Life. 1880. Handbook. Murray. Hindee-Roman Orthoepigrapliical Ultima- tum. 1820. GiLciiiiisT. Hindostanee Dialogues. 1826. Gilchrist. History : Ancient ; Hindoo and Mohammedan Periods : Elpiiinstone. 1841. Hyder SiiAii. New Memoirs concern- ing East Indies. 1848. Maurice. Hindostan. 1795. Prinsep. Origin of Sikh Power in Punjab. 1834. British : Eobertson. 1827. KuLBES of India Series. 1890 et seq. Spbie. 1869. India — cont. History — cont. British India : Elpiiinstone. Eise of British Power in the East. 1887. Hunter. The Indian Empire. 1886. Malcolm. Sketch of Political History. 1784-1811. Mill. 1805-35. 1826-45. Orme. Military Transactions of British Nation in, from 1745-61. 1803. Priciiard. Administration of, from 1859 to 1868. Taylor. Popular History. 1842. Temple. Men and Events of my Time. 1882. Thornton. British Empire in. 1841-5. Trotter. British Empire in, from 1844 to 1862. 1866. Wheeler. 1867-74. White. State of. 1822. Wilson. History from 1805-35 1845-8. India as it may lie. Campbell. 1853. Language of all India. 1820. Gilchkist. Law : India. Penal Code. 1838. Jones. Hindu. 1783-92. Macaulay. Indian Code. 1871. Letters on. 1858. Sullivan. Literary Pursuits in. Gilchkist. Literature : Jones. 1807. Wilson. Eeligion, Theatre. 1862-71. Monuments of Central. 1887. Mutiny : Grant. Incidents of Sepoy War. 1857-8. 1873. Gubbins. The Mutinies in Oudh. 1858. Havelock. Memoirs of. 1861. Inglis. The Siege of Lucknow. 1857-58. 1892. Kaye. History of the Sepoy War. 1865-80. Malleson. History of the. 1878-80. Martin. Eevolte de I'lnde. 1860. OuTRAM. Biography. 1803-63. 1880. Shore. Notes on Indian Affairs. 1857. Showers. A Mi.ssing Chapter of the. 1888. Navy. History. 1613-1863. Low. Penal Code : India. Prepared by the Law Commis- sioners. 1838. Macaulay. 1871. Stephen. Indian Evidence Act. 1872. People of. 1862. Dubois. Press, Letters on the. 1824. Princes, Chiefs, Nobles, of the Empire, Dictionary of. 1893. Letiibridge. Principalities, Provinces, Eiver.s, Towns : Aracan. Goa and the Blue Mountains, 1851. Burton. Benares : Massacre. 1799. SiiERRiNG. Account of. 1868. Bengal : Asiatic Society. 1799-1801. Burton. Voyage to. Hakhiyt, Vol. 6. 724 INDEX. India -row/. Principjilities, (Sec. — cont. Rnpil — cont. Redoes. Diary in. 1681-87. Hlnteb. Annals of Rural. 1868. Hunter. Famine Aspects of. 1872. Stu.vbt. Currency. 1772. Bombay. 1885-90. Hunter. Calcutta : Calcutta Review. 1852-6. BusTEED. Old Calcutta. 1888. Hume. JdlerV Letters. 1842-4. Central India, Memoir of. 1823. Malcolm. Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, Expedition for Survey of. 1835-7. Ciiesney. 1850. Euphrates Valley, Route to. 1857. Andrew. Himalayan Districts : Archer. Tour. 1833. Harcourt. 1871. Himalayan Range and Glaciers. 1873. Calvert. Sec also Himalaya. Indus, Voyage on the, to Lahore. 1831-3. Kashmir. Travels. 1844. Vigne. Lushai Expedition. 1871-2. Woodtiiorpb. Madras : Nelson. Madura Country. 1868. Norton. Condition and Requirements. 1854. Oude: Dacoiteb. Spoliation of. 1857. Sleem.vn. Travels. 1849-50. Punjab : Calvert. Punjab and the Himalaya Riinge and Gbiciers. 1873. Edwardes. a Year on the Frontier. 1848-9. Griffin. History. 1873. Rajasthan. Annals and Antiquities of. 1829. Tod. Scinde : Andrew. Railway. 1857. BuRNEs. Narrative of Visit to Court of. 1839. Burton. Races of the Valley of the Indus. 1851. Burton. Revisited. 1877. Outram. The Conquest of. 1846. "Western India : Burgess. Archselogical Survey of. 1883. Mackay. Reports addressed to Chambers of Commerce of Manchester. 1853. Tod. Travels in. 1839. Sec also under Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Mysore. Productive Forces of. 1840. Royle. Public "Works in. 1854. Cotton. Railways : Davidson. 1868. Grant. Railways, and Bombay Cotton. 1850. Religions of. 1878. INIui.lkk. See also under Sacred Books op tub East. Residence in : Forbes. Seventeen Years. 1834. India. Many Years. 1853. Lawrence. Forty-thi-ee Years. 1874. India — cont. State Papers : Calejidar, Cohtiial Ser. 1513-1629. Records, Indian. 1885-90. Telegraph Communication with. 1874. GOLDSMID. Textile 31anufactures and Costumes of the People of. 1867. "Watson. Thug, Confessions of a. 1839. Taylor. Thugs, History. 1837. Thugs. Travels in : Albuquerque. Commentaries. Hakluyt Soc, 53, 55, 56. AlexjVnder. From, to England. 1825-6. Ai'OLLONius Tyanjeus. Travcls of. 1873. Astlb. 1418 et seq. Beknica. Voyage to the East. 1670. Bernier. In the Mogul Empire. 1826. Caird. The Land and the People. 1883. Campbell. My .lournal. 1864. CoNOLLY. Journey to the North of, Overland. 1834. Coryat. Letters from. 1611. Edw.\rds. How to Pass the Winter. 1889. FiTcii. Voyage to the Ea.st. 1583-91. Grose. A'oyage to the East. 1750-64. Hakluyt Soc., 22. Voyages to, in 15th Cent. Hamilton. East. 1688-1723. Heber. Journey through Upper and Southern Provinces of. 1824-6. Jacque.mont. Letters from. 1828-31. JouDANus. Marvels described by, from 14th Cent. MS. Hakluyt Soc., 3). Las C.\sas. Life. 1873. Linsciioten. Voyage to the East. LocKMAN. Of the Jesuits. 1 762. MacClell-Vnd. Journal of a Visit to. 1877. 3Iandeville. A'oiage and Travaile. 1327-60. Markii.vm. 1862. Prlvulx. Of Apollonius of Tyana. 1873. PvRAnD. Voyage to the East. Renaudot. Account of the Travels of Two Mohammedans through in 9th Cent. Roe. Embassy from James I. to the Great Mogul. 1614-16. Rousselet. LTnde des Rajahs. 1875. Russell. My Diary. 1858-9. SoNNEiiAT. Vfiyage. 1774-81. T.vveunier. Trans. 1631-68. 1889. Valentia. Voyages and. 1802-6. Valle. Trans. 1664. Hakluyt Soc, 84, 85. "Wales (Prince of). Tour. 1877. Vice-regal Life : Denison, Sir "W. T. 1870. Duffekin and AvA. 1884-8. Indian Archipelago : Description of: Bickmore. Travels in. 1868. Crawfurd. History. 1820. Marrvat. 1848. Marsden. Sumatra. History. 1811. ]\IiDDLETON. Bantam and the Maluco Islands. Hakluyt Soc, 19. MoKGA. Philippine Islands at the close of the 16th Cent. Indian Corn. History and use of. 1847. Amicus Curlk. Indian Myths. 1884. Emerson. INDEX. r25 1873. Field. 1851. 1882. Nations. Murray. Indiana, U.S.A. Dunn. See United States. Indians : American. Bibliography. American, North : Catlin. Manners and Cvistoms. Ellis. Ked and White Man in. Canadian. History of the Five 1750. Golden. Metlakahtla. Welcome. 1887. Modocs. 1873. Miller. Pawnee. Residence witli. 1834. United States : Dodge. Our Wild Indians. 1883. Schoolcraft. Tribes of the. History. 1853-6. Inductive Sciences: History of the. 1837. Whewell. Philosophy of the. 1840. Whewell. Industrial History of Free Nations, Greece, Holland. 1846. Torrens. Infirmities of Genius. 1&33. Madden. Inland Navigations in Europe. 1885. Hartley. Sec Canals. Inns of Court : Antiquities of, and Chancery. 1804. Herbert. Gray's Inn. Admissions. 1521-1889. Foster. History of, and Chancery. 1848. Pearce. Lincoln's Inn : Cooper. Burials. Preachers. Spilsbury. History. 1850. London and Westminster, Historical Account of. 1800. Ireland. Temple, Inner. Masters and Students. 1883. Temple. Inns of Old Southwark and their Associations. 1888. Rendle & Norman. Inquisition : History of, Middle Ages. 1888. Lea. Unmasked. Trans. 1816. Puigblanch. Insanity : Act for the Regulation of Treatment of. 1845. WiNSLOW. ConoUy, Dr. John, AMemoir of. 1869. Clark. Hamlet, from a Psycliological Point of View. 1870. Wood. Legislation on. 1884. Harrison. Physiology and Pathology of Mind. 1867. Maudsley. Responsibility in Mental Di.sease. Maudsley. Suicide, Anatomy of. 1840. AVinslow. Inscriptions : Acadkmie Rovale des Inscriptions. Memoires. 1777. GrfeCcC, et Latinse. 1753. Pocockb. Greek and Latin Handbook. Thompson. See also under Sepulchral Inscriptions. Insectivorous Plants. 1876. Darwin. Insects : Ants, Bees, and Wasps. Lubbock. Injurious to Plants and Crops. 1885 et seq. Whitehead. Origin and Metamorphoses of. 1874. Lubbock. Origin of Floral Structures through. Henslow. Parasites and Messmates. Van Bbneden. Insects— CO?) ;;. Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Insects. Lubbock. Instincts of Animals. 1835. Kirby. Institutes of Gains and Justinian. 1884. Hunter. Insurance. Manual of Marine. 1867. Hopkins. See also under Assurance. Intaglios. Marlborough Gems. 1870. Story-Maskelyne. Intellect. Brain. Cudwortii. Intellectual Development of Europe. 1864. Draper. Interest : Tables of : King. 1810. AViLLicH. 1887. Interment : History of Modes of, among different Nations. 1839. Walker. Interments in Towns. 1843. Chadwick. International Law : AVorks on : Armstrong. Principcs du Droit Inter- national. 1890. Grotius. Rights of War and Peace. 1738. Hall. Treatise on. 1884. Halleck. 1878. Letters on some Questions of. Harcourt. 1863. HOSACK. Growth. Rise and Law of Nations. 1882. Levi. International Law. Mackintosh. Discourse on. 1835. Marten. Law of Nations. 1829. PiiiLLiMORE. Commentaries on. 1854-61. Puppendorf. Law of Nature and Nations. 1749. Twiss. Law of Nations considered as Independent Political Communities. 1861-3. Vattel. Law of Nations. 1793. Ward. Duties of Belligerent and Neutral Powers in Maritime Affiiirs. Treatise. 1875. AViiARTON. Digest of the, of the United States. 1887. AVheaton. Elements of. 1836. AVooLSEY. Introduction to the Study of . 1 87 5 . See also under Law op Nations. Invasion of Britain by Csesar. Appacii & Lewis. Invasions of England : Description of: England. 1794. HoziER. 1876. Inventions : Century of. 1663. AVorcester. History of. 1846. Beckmann. Thousand Notable Things. 1827. Inventories : Bibliographic Generale des Inventaires Im primes. 1892. Mely & Bishop. Mazarin, Card., Meubles du. Philobiblon Society. Of St. Mary, Scarborough, 1434, and of AVhite Friars, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1538. 1887. Hope. 726 INDEX. Ionian Islands, History of Annexation of. 186.5. Xenos. s,-c Gkekce. Ipswich. S•" Lanl asiiike. Ki teat Club, Members of the. 1821. Por- traits. Knaresborongh, Forest of. See York- sMiia;. Knighthood : Bntisli : Brine. Decorations. 1348-1884. Harleian Soc, 8. Le Neve's Catalogue. Metcalfe. Knights, 1426-1628. 1885. NicoL.\s. Orders of Knightho(xl. Order oi Hanover, and Medals conferred for Militarj' Service. 1842. SiMMONDS. Subjects holding Foreign Orders. 1888. Chivalry, History of. 1826. Mills. Garter, Order of the : Ashmole. History of the. 1672. Anstis. Register of the. 1 724. Hope. .Stall-Plates of the. 1889. Seoar. Military Honor. 1602. Irish Knights. 1566-1698. 1885. Metcalfe. St. .John of Jeru-silem : Camden Soc., 65. Knights Hospitallers in England. 1338. Naberat. Privileges, x.d. Porter. Knights of Malta. History. 1858. Suthekland. Achievements of. 1831. Walters. Churcii at Little Maplestead, Essex. 1836. Vebtot. Histoire. 1 726. Templars. Addison. Knights of the Round Table : History of: Early Eng. Text Soc, 17. 1440. Malory. Histoiy of King .\rthur and thr. 1,S.')8. Knightsbridge. See Middlesex. Koran, The. Trans. 1825. Sale. Sflictions from. 1843. Lane. Kurdistan : Travtls in : Bishop. 1891. Eraser. 1840. Wild Life in. 1870. Millingen. INDEX. 731 Labour Question : Artizans : Fawc'ett. Economic Position of the British Laljourer. 1865. Greg. Mistaken Aims and Attainable Ideas of the Artizan Class. 1876. Symons. Artizans at Home and Abroad. 1839. Thornton. Eightful Dues and AVrong- ful Claims. 1870. Capital and Labour : Howell. Conflicts of. 1890. Morrison. Essay on. 18o-t. Taylor. Profit-Sharing. 1884. Co-operation. 1891. Potter. Crown of Wild Olives. 1884. Ruskin. Darkest England and the Way Out. 1890. Booth. Factory System. 1886-91. Taylor. Foreign Work and English Wages. 1879. Brassey. Fors Clavigera. 1871-87. Ruskin. History of : Eden. The Labouring Classes, from Will I. 1797. Torrens. Industrial History of Free Nations. 1846. Wade. The Middle and Working Classes. 1835. Lectures on. 1878. Brassey. Lif^ and Labour of the People. 1891. Booth. Occupations of the People. 1841-81. Booth. Organisation of Industry. 1848. Banpield. Poverty and the State. 1886. >'ills. State : Jevons. Labour and the State. 1881. Jevons. State, in Relation to. 1881. Patterson. Poor, and Country. 1870. Switzerland. 1840. Arrivabene. Time and Tide. 1884. Ruskin. Trad.' Unions. 1884. Trant. Wages Question. 1876. Walker. Work and Wages : Brassey. Practically Illustrated. 1872. Rogers. Six Centuries of. 1884. Rogers. 1885. Labrador : Explorations. 1863. Hind. Summer Voyage to. 1862. Noble. See also under Canada. Lace Manufactures. HLstory. 1867. Felkin. Lacock Abbey, Wilts. Annals of. 1835. Bowles & Nichols. Lake Dwellings of Europe. 1866. Keller. Lambeth : History of. 1858. T.4.nswell. Palace and its Associations. 1882. Cave- Brown. See also under London. Lanarkshire. Biggar and the House of Fleming. 1687. Hunter. Lancashire : Charters of tlu' Duchy of. 1845. Hardy. Church and School Libraries. Chetham Soc, 7 (N.S.). Churches of. 1893. Chetha)7i Soc.,27 (N.S.). Dialect. 1818. Collier. Directories. Handbook. Murray. Lancashire— cow?;. History and Antiquities of: Baines & Whatton. History of County of. 1836 & 1868-70. Beauties op England. Chetham Soc. Historical and Literary Collections. GrREGSON. Fragments relative to History of County of. 1817. Lancashire. Illustrated Itinerary of the County. 1842. Leigh. Natural History and Antiquities of. 1700. Military Proceedings in. Charles I. Parliamentary Representation of : Bean. 1603-1886. Pink &Bea VAN. 1889. Puritanism and Nonconformity. 1869. Hallby'. Rebellion, Memorials of the. 1715. Chetham Soc, 5. Towns, Cities, &c. : Bispham. History of Parish. Fisiiwick. Furness : Chetham Soc. Furness Abbey, Coucher Book of. West. Antiquities. 1774. Garstang. History of Parish of. Fish- wick. Kirkham. History of. Fishwick. Lancaster Churches. Chetham Soc, 26, 27. Liverpool : Brooke. As it was. 1775-1800. Enfield. History of. 1774. Herdman. Pictorial Relics of Ancient. 1856. Manchester : Chetham, Soc, 21 (N.S.). Fellows of the Collegiate Church. Prentice. Hi.story. 1792-1832. Proctor. Streets. 1874. Proctor. Bygone. 1880. Reilly'. History. 1865. See Manchester. Poulton-le-Fylde. History of the Parish. Chetham Soc, 8 (N.S.). Rochdale : Fishwick. History of Parish. 1889. Raine. Vicars of. Warrington : Chetham Soc, 86, 87. Annals of the Lords of. 1066-1566. Chetham Soc, 17. In 1465. Whalley and Clitheroe. History. 1818. Whitaker. Wigan. History of the Church and Manor. Chetham Soc, 15, 16, 17, 18 (N.S.). Visitation of : Benalt. 1533. Dugdale. 1664-5. Lancaster and York : England and France under House of. 1855, Brougham. History of : Biondini. Historia delle Guerre Civili. 1647. Ramsay. 1399-1485. 1892. Rogers. Strife of the Roses. 1890, 3 A 2 732 INDEX. Lancaster and York^ro«/. Hivtory ul' — cont. ScKi.MAN Si Lemox. The Civil W-.wn l>ttween. 1792. Land: Agricultural Community in England. MiiMle Ages. 1871. N.vssE. Distribution of, in England. 188o. Bihk- DF.CK. Enclosures. 16th Cent. 1871. X.vsse. English Land Que.'ition : Brodhick. English Land and English Landlords. 1881. CoBBETT. Legacy to Labourers. 1834. HosKYNS. Land System. 1873. OuvKY. In England. 1873. Free Land. 1880. Arnold. Free Trade in. 1879. K.vy. Landholding in England. History of. 1876. Fisher. Landlords and Allotments. 1886. Onslow. Laws : Blackie. Scottish Highlanders and the. 1885. Gheenwood. Our Land Laws as they are. 1885. Pollock. 1881-5. Siiaw-Lefevke. Agrarian Tenures. 1893. Leasehold Enfranchisement. 1890. 1''\der- iiill. Rent, Land and its. 1883. AValkeh. Registration of Real Property. Bentilvm. Tenures of : Blount. And Customs of Manors. 1679. FiNL.isoN. In England and Ireland. 1879. Villainage in England. 1892. Vinogra- DOFF. Landed Estate Management : Works on : Brown. Book of Landed Estate. 1869. Land. Ancient Tracts, 1667. 1767. Northumberland. Instructions touching Management of liis Estate. 1838. Macdonald. 1865. Landed Estates Court, Ireland. Guide to the. 1860. MacNevin. Landed Oentry of Great Britain and Ire- land. BURKB. Landed Interest and the County Families. Walford. History of the. 1892. Garnier. Supply of Food. 1879. Caird. Land Lrague. See Ikeland. Landlord and Tenant. Law of. 1889. \\(i(Pl)|-AI,l,. Landowners : Works on : Bateman. Of Great Britain and Ireland. 1883. Domesday Book. 1086. Domesday Book (New). 1872-3. Testa de Nevill. Lilior l''codorum in Curia Scaccarii. 1802. Landscape, with original Etchings. 1885. IlA.MKUTn.V. . See FineAkts, Paintixo. Lang^on and Gartree, Leicestershire. His toiy nt 1867. Hill. Language. Tongue not Essential to Spastardy. 1836. Nicolas. Canon Law, Influences of. 1858. Philli- more. Chancery : Parkes. Court of. History. 1828. Spence. Reform in. 1839-46. Civil : Bentham. Code. HowYER. Commentaries on the Modern. 1848. Burke. 1830. Clubs, Law of. 1885. Wertheimer. Compaiiii's, .loint .'^tock and other. 1880. TllRINCi. Contraband of War. 1861. Pratt. Copyholds. 1841. Caswell. Crimes and Jlisdemeanors. 1877. Russell. Criminal : Lonsdale. 1839. Stephen. History of Criminal Law. 1883. WRKiiiT. Conspiracies. 1873. Dictionary : Stroud. The .Indicia!. 1890. ToMLiNS. 1835. INDEX. 733 ItSiW— con t. Ecclesiastical : Burn. 1842. Gibson. Codex Jiiris Ecclesiastici Angli- cana. 1761. PiiiLLiMORE. Of the Church of England. 1873. Election La-w : Anderson & Ellis. 1885. Leigh & Le Marchant. 1885. Shepherd. 1836. Wordsworth. 1832-5. Election Petitions. 1885. Hardcastle. Endowments and Settlements. 1880. Hob- house. English Law : Amos. Code. 1873. Bentham. Complete Code. Blac'kstone. Commentaries. 1836. Blackstone. Tracts on. 1771. Brac'ton. De Legibiis et Consiietudinibus Anglise. 1569. Brett. Commentaries on the Present. 1891. Cabinet Lawyer. Digest. 1886. DuGDALE. Origines Jnridiciales. 1680. Every Man's Own Lawyer. 1888. Franqueville. Le Systeme Judiciare de la Grande Bretagne. 1893. NoY. Grounds and Maxims of the Eng- lish Law. 1641. Prynne. Animadversions on, Amend- ments of. 1669. Keeves. History of the English Law. 1869. Stephen. New Commentaries on. 1863. Evidence, Law of : Bentham. Judicial. Harrison. 1825. Taylor. 1885. French Codes. 1827. Locr:^. Game Laws : Brandt. 1859. Locke. 1840. Gaming and Gamester's. 1871. Brandt. Hindu. Jones. Indian Evidence Act. 1872. Stephen. Judicial Procedure, Principles of. Bentham. Jurisprudence . Heron. History of. 1860. MoNTRiou. Institutes of. 1866. Jurisprudence defined, Province of. 1861-3. Austin. Justice of the Peace. 1869. Burn. Justices' Manual. 1891. Stone. Justices' Note Book. 1880. AVigram. Land Tenure, England and Ireland. 1870. Finlason. Landlord and Tenant. 1889. AVoodpall. Libel and Slander. 1887. Odgers. Library. Hartwell House. 1865. Mac Alpine. Magazine and Keview (continued). 1844 et seq. Martial. 1872. Clode. Medical Jurisprudence. 1875. Taylor. Mercantile Law. 1865. Dowdeswell & Smith. Mohammedan. 1880. Sybd Ameer Ali, Law — cont. Municipal Corporations in England and Wales. 1875. Arnold. Nations, Law of : Amos. 1875. Grotius. War and Peace. 1738. HosACK. Kise and Growth of. 1882. Mackintosh. 1835. Manning. Commentaries on. 1875. puffenhorf. 1749. Vattel. 1793. See International Law. Parish. 1887. Macnamara. Penal Jurisprudence. 1819. Eoscoe. Poor Law. 1881. Fowle. Prescription in England. History of. 1891. Herbert. Press, Of the. 1891. Fisher & StrAhAn. Primogeniture. 1878. Laurence. Private Bills in Parliament. 1867. Smetii- URST. Property. 1858. Saint Leonards. Pugilism. 1850. Brandt. Keform of the Law : Dickenson. Tracts on. 1867-71. Ensor. Defects of English Law and Tribunals. 1812. Spence. Chancery. 1839-46. Stewart. Suggestions. 1842. Requests, Courts of, with Cases. 1787. HUTTON. Roman : Amos. The Civil Law of Rome. 1883. Guterbock. Bracton and his relation to. 1866. Hunter. Code of. 1884. Mackenzie. 1865. Roman. Summary of. 1772. Taylor. 1772. Scotch Church Judicatories, Practice of. 1830. Hill. Scottish Legal Antiquities. 1872. Innes. Sex, Difference of, as a Topic of Jurispru- dence. 1870. Amos. Tenure of Land, in England and Ireland. 1870. Finlason. Trusts and Trustees. 1878. Underbill. Universal Public Law. 1854. Bowyer. Vice, Regulation and Licensing of. 1877. Amos. See Laws, Statutes. ILaw Courts : Description of : Foss. Westminster. 1846. Street. London. Design. 1867. Pearce. Inns of Court and Chancery. History. 1848. Law Language. Satire on. 1882. Ruggle. Lawn Tennis. Badminton Library. Laws : Origin of : A.MOS. The Science of. Burlamaqui. Principles of Natural and Politic. 1763. Goguet. De rOrigine des. 1809. Maine. Ancient Law. 1863. Maine. Early Law and Custom. 1883. 734 rNTDEX. Lawyers : Ailvu'c to Youug Men Studying for thf Bar. 16.52. rKMPI.AR's LkTTEK. Anecdotes of Bar, Bench, and AVoolsick. 1825. RoscoE. Book about. 1867. Jelu-fheson. French Bar. Ilis'toiy of the. 1855. Jones. Lsiw List. \SZ9itsrritish Settlements in the Straits of. 1839. Newboi.d. Malay Archipelago. Philippine Ishmds. 1890. F0RE.MAN. See Indian Arciiii'Elago. Malta : Achievements of Knights of. 1 831 . SuTiiEit- I.AND. History of Fortress of. 1858. Porter. Knights of. History. 1858. Porter. Past and Present. 1870. Seddali,. Under the Phoenicians, Knights, and English. 1861. Tam.ack. See Knuiiits of St. John. Malthusian Discu.ssion : AVorks <,n : BoNAR. Malthus and his Work. 1885. Hazutt. Reply to Ma Ithus's Essay. 1807. Malthus. Es.say on Principle of Popu- lation. 1798 & 1826. Say. Letters to ]\Ialthus on Political Economy. Trans. 1821. Senior. Correspondence. 1829. Man: 1818. Eli.iot.son. Beard: Phy.siologia J5arl)ie. 1603. Patavinus. Bodily Perfections or Defects, Persons Re- markable for. 1788. Wanley. Man— COW!'. Brain and its Physiology. 1846. Noble. Early History of 3Iankind and Development of Civilizjition. 1870. Tylor. Heredity. Essays. 1889. Weismann. Mankind, Nature and Providence. 1761. Wallace. Moral and Active Powei-s. STE^vAKT. Natural History : Buffon. Histoire Naturelle. Law HENCE. Lectures on. 1819. PiuciiARn. Physical and Natural History. 1836-48. Observations on. 1801. Hartley. Organs of Speech. Meyer. Origin and Destiny of. 1886. Heywortii. Origin and Pro.spccts of. 1831. Hoi'E. Physical Condition of, Adaptiition of Nature to. KlDl). Phy.siology, Human. Carpenter. Pre-historic ^lan : Lyell. Antiquity of. 1863. VoGT. Lectures on. 1864. Wilson. 1876. Winciiell. Pre-Adamites. 1880. AVright. Man and the Glacial Period. Wright. The Ice Age in N. AmeriGi. 1889. Primitive Condition of Man. 1882. Lubbock. Races of: Knox. 1850. Peschel. Their Geographical Distribution. 1876. QuATREFAGEs. The Humau Species. Treatise on. Trans. 1810. Helvetius. See Anthropology. Man, Duties of. 1862. .Mazzini. Man, Essay (m. Pope. Man, History of. 1778. Home. Man, lvi«,dits of. 1829. Tooke. Man, Thoughts of. Godwin. Man, Isle of : Beauties of Engl.vnd. Historical and Statistical Account of. 1845. Train. Sketches. 1836. Teignmouth. Tour through the. 1794. Robertson. Manchester : Bircli, Chapel of. Historj^ of. Booker. Christ's Hospital, History of. Manchester Foundations. Collegiate Church. Rectors and AA'ardens. Che/hum Soc. 5, 6, (N.S.). Collegiate Church, Fellows of. Cficthai/t Soc,, 21, 23 (N.S.). Counti-y round. 1795. Aikin. Court Leets. 16th Cent. C/ietham Soc, 63,65. Didsbury and Chorltou. Chapels of. Chetham Soc., 42. Directories. History of: Chetham Svc, 68, lating to. Puentk E. Sketches and Recollections of. 1792-1832. 1885. Procter. Memorials of Streets. 1874. Procter. Memorials of Bygone. 1880. Reili.v. Hi. story of. 1865. School, Register of. 1730-1837 Chetham Soc, 69, 83, 93, 94. Collectanea Re- INDEX. 739 IMCanchuria, A Journey in. 1888. James. Sec Ciiix.v. ]VEandans. American Inclianis. Citlin. Mauipulus Vocabulorum. 1.570. Levins. Manipur, 3Iy Three Years in. 1891. Gitni- WOOD. Manitoba. See Canada. nUanuers and Customs : American. 1832. Trollope. English : Akmytage. Court Customs and Rules. 1883. Berry. Social Life. 1660-1830. Douce. Ancient. 1839. Earli/ Eng. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., 3. Books of Courtesy. Godwin. P^ngland in Uth Cent. 180i. Grant. Previous to the Revolution. 1809. Hall. Court Life under the Plantagenets. 1890. Heads of the People. 1840. HowiTT. Rural Life of England. 1838. Jusser.vnd. Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. Trans. 1889. Lodge. Reign of Edw. VI. MiTFORD. Our Village. 1824-6. Nicolas. Illustrations from Wills, Hen. IL to Eliz. 1826. Strutt. 1774-6. Stubbes, or Stubbs. Anatomic of Abuses. 158.5. 1836. Weight. Middle Ages. 1862. 16th and 17th Centuries: H.A.ZLITT. Tracts. 1868. Sydney. Social Life in England. 1660- 90. Thornbury. Shakespeare's England. 1856. 18th Century: AsHTON. Dawn of the. 1890. Reign of Queen Anne. 1882. Social Life at the End of the. Under the Regency. 1890. Novels Illustrative of Morals 1871. ASIITON. ASHTON. 1882. AsHTON. FOESYTII. and Manners. European : Berry. Social Life. 1660-1830. Lacroix. Le Moyen Age : Mceurs, Usages, at Costumes. 1871. ^Malcolm. Chas. II. -Anne. 1811. Moore. 1800 et seq. Voltaire. Moeurs, Essai sur les. Irish, Ancient. 1873. O'Curry'. Manors, Customs of. 1769. Blount. Mansions of England. 1839. Nasii. Manufactures : Dictionary of. 1 880. Vincent. Exhibitions. 1851 and 1862. Industrial History of Birmingham. Timmins. Progress of the World. 1800-80. hall. Manufacturing Districts of Great Britain. 1835. He.U). Marine Insurance. Manual. 1867. Hopkins. 1866. MUL- Maroons of Jamaica. 1803. Dallas. Marooners. See Buccaneers. Marquesas Islands, Pour Months' Resi- dence (imongst Natives of the. 1842. Melville. Mariuage : Deceased Wife's Sister, Marriage with. Tracts on. 1849-85. History of. 1891. Westermarck. Lawful Concubinage. 1881. Hagar. Marriage of Near liin. 1887. Huth. Primitive. 1865. MacLennan. Marriages and Baptisms at Somerset House Chapel. PiiiLLiPi's. Martial Law. 1872. Clode. Martin-le- Grand, St. Collegiate Church of. 1825. Ke.mi'e. Martin Marprelate Controversy. 1845. ^NIaskell. Martinus Scriblerus. 1714. Arbuthnot. Martyrologe, English. 1608. Catholic Phi EST. Martyrs, Acts and Monuments of the Christian. 1641. Fox. Maryland : History of : Browne. Force. Baltimore's Colony in. Sec United States. Marylebone Church, Account of St. 1 885. Harms. Masques and Dramas. Inigo Jones. Shake- )<2Jturc Soc, 15. Chester's Triumph. 1610. Chetham Soc, 3. " Christmas Prince," University of Oxford. 1607. " Ciirist.mas Prince." Coventry Pageants, or Dramatic Mysteries. 1825. Sharp. Fislimongers' Pageant. 1616. Munday. Five Court Masques. Shakespeare Soc, 15. Inner Temple Masque. 1772. Browne. Kenilworth : Gascoigne. Queen Elizabeth at. 1821. Laneham. Pageants before Queen Eliza- beth at. 1575. 1821. Masques. 1873. Davenant. Progresses and Processions : Nichols. Of Queen Elizalieth. 1788. Nichols. Of King James I. 1828. Revels at Court. Eliz. to Jas. I. Shakespeare Soc, 17. Sh a kesi^ea re Soc Massachusetts : Cape Cod. 1881. Thoreau. Early Spring in. 1881-5. Thoreau. Historical Society Collections. 1806-88. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. History of the Colony. 1628-91. Hutch- inson. Materialism : History of. Trans. 1881. Lange. Thoughts on. 1833. Fearon. See Philosophy. Mathematical : Tables : Chambers. 1886. Hutton. 1849. 740 INDEX. Mathematics : Aljrel'ni. 1842. Pii-UOCK. Calculii!" : De Murg-VS. 1885. Lakuneb. 1825. Trigonometry. 1828. L.^ku.nek. Works on : Bekkei.ey. E5i>ays. La< itoix. LEuviv.-^. 1811-30. Newtos. 1779-85. AV II. KINS. AVorks. 1614-72. Matter, I'll >ptrtie5. of. 1885. Tait. Matterhorn, .\scent of the. 1880. AViivMrEu. Mauritius, History of. 1801. Vaux. ISOI. Ukant. Mecca : Pilgrimage to : BuKSELL. Appendij;. 1862. BiRToy. 1885. .S" AUABI.i. Mechanics and Engineers. Cyclopaedia. Hekbekt. Dictionary of. 1878. Kmhht. Medallic : Canm-ius, Emperor in Britain. Medallic History of. 1757-9. Stikeley. History of England to 1688. Piskertox. Illustrations of History of Great Britain and Ireland. 1885. H.wvtcins. Medals: Ancient. Usefulness of. Ajjdisox. Roman Medallions in the British Museum. 1874. PooLE it Grueber. See Nl"MISM.VTICS. Media. Hi.-tory. 1862. Rawlixsos. Medical: Cuiigrc.-s. 1881. Directory. Various Years. 1845 et scq. Jurisprudence. 1861, 1873, 1875. T.iYLOR. Profe->iun, State of the. 1826. Macle.vx. Medicine : Fashions in. 1879. CoNST.iBLE. Journal of British and Foreign. 1837 et seq. The Laxcet. Leechdoms of Early England. Chronicles ^- Memoriah, 35. Men, Our. 1876. Coxstable. Pharmaceutical Journal. 1841-56. Pn.VR- MACECTIC.VL JoCRN.iL. Physicians, Roval College of, London. Roll, from 1518-1800. Muxk. Plague in London. 1720. Houges. Progress of Medicine. Reports on. 1871. DOBELL. "Work.- on : Aret.i^xs. Opera. 1828. Elliotsox. Human Physiology. 1840. He.\tii. Practice of Surgery. 1886. Holmes. Surgerj-. 1864. Hooper. Dictionary of. 1848. QuAix. Dictionary of. 1883. Wat-ox. Lectures on. 1857. Medii -Evi Kalendarium. 1841. Hampson. Mediterranean, The : Handlx)ok. Murray. Physical, Historical. 1854. S.mytii. Populations, History of the. 1882. Clahke. Voyage into the. 1 628. Digby. Voyage rotind the. 1 738-9. Saxdwicu. Views. 1793. Ireland. Medway, River. >■ • Kkm. Meeting-Houses in London. 1870. Pike. 1826. Burton. Official Record. Melancholy, Anatomy of. Melbourne ExhiMtion. 1 .S Moral PiiiLOSoriiY. Mineral "Waters. See Health Resorts. Mines "1 Miners. Trans. 1868. Simoxix. Miniatnres. Dyce Collection. Dyce. Mining Engineers, American Institute of. 1841. AUEKIC.\X IXSTITITE. Minnesingers, Lays of the. 12th and lotliCints. 1825. T.\YLOR. Mint, Ihe Royal. 1870. Axsell. Miracle Plays, Coventrj-. Shakespeare Soc. Miracles : Ancitnt Mysteries described. 1823. Hone. Inquiry into the Miraculous Powei-s. 1748. MlDDLETOX. Mirronr of Good Maners, The. Barclat. Miser, Tiie. 1792. Elwes. Miseries of Human Life. 1806-7- Beres- Fiii:i>. Missouri. History. Carr. Modocs. I-itV Among. 1873. Miller. Mohammedan Li\w of Succession and Inheritance. Joxes. Monaco, History of, Pa.st and Present. 1.SG7. Pe.mbertox. Monaghan. History of the County of. I,s77-!'. Shirley". Monarchical Government. Political Phi- losophy. 1842. Brougham. See Govekxmext. Monarchie of Man, The. 1590-1632. Elimt. Monasteries and other Foundations : Buck, S. & N. 1774. DcGDALE. Monasticon Anglicanum. 1846. GoRDOX. Abbeys. Priories, and Collegiate Churches of Scotland at the Reforma- tion. 1867. Taxxer. Abbey Priories, and Houses of Friars, England and Wales. 1744. V.ALOR. Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. Yin. 1810-34. Abingdon : Abbey. Accounts of the Obedientars. Camden Soc, 51 (N.S.). Chronicon. Chronicles 4' Memorials, 2. Alban's, St., Abbey : Buckler. Architecture of. 1847. Chronicles ^- Memorials, 28. Chronica. 1272-1422. Ne-^le. Abbey Church. 1877. Newcome. Abbey and Abbots. History. 1795. T.\ylor. East Anglian Monasteries. 1821. Walsixgham. Gesta Abbatum. 793- 1411. Monasteries, Sec— cont. Aleoliat^ and Batalha. 1835. Bkckford. Alien Priories and their LER. Morality, Elements of. 1845. "Whewell. Morals and Legislation. Bextiia.m. ;Morals and Manners. 1 838. :Marti.neac. Morals by ■way of Abstract. 1722. Seneca. Morals. Trans. 1870. Plctarcil NatuKil Liiw. 1877. .SiMcox. Pain. Death, and Sin, Mystery of. 1892. VOYSEY. Pleasures of Life. 1887-9. Lubbock. Political Economy and the Moral State of Society. 1832. Chalmers. Principles of. 1886. Dy-moxd. Problems of Life and Mind. 1874-9. Lewes. Rationalism in Europe. 1865. Lecky. Reforme Intellectuele et Morale. 1871. Resax. Religion : Mill. Ess;iys. 1874. MuLLER. Study of Religion and Mytho- logy. 1873. "W.UJBCRTOX. Natural and Revealed. Science, Theology, and Ethics. 1885. WiLSOS. Social Arrows. 1886. Me-Vth. Society, Ancient Law in Connection •with. 1863 Maine. Son, Diary of a Dutiful. 1864. Fo.hnereav. Systematic. 1846. Whewell. Suicide. Morselli. Theism : Physkcs. Examination of. 1880. WAKn. Philosophy of. 1884. Thought, Elements of. 1881. Taylor. Truth, Objecti\'ity of. Stokes. Unconscious, Philosophy of the. 1884. Hartm.ixn. Works on : Bai.v. Mental and Moral Science. 1872. Collier. Essays on Moral Subjects. 1697-1749. Combe. 1841. Diderot. CEuvres. FER(iCsox, D. A. Galloway. Philosophy and Religion. Goethe. Works. GcizoT. Etudes Morales. 1852. Harris. Works. 1841. Hsine. Hibbert Lectures. Sloral Philosophy and Ethics — conf. Works on — cont. HoBBEs. Leviathan. HcME. Philosophical Works. 1826. Jenkins. Modern Atheism. 1877. La Brcyere. (Euvrcs. 1865-78. La Rociiefoccaulii. CEuvres. 1868-74. Leslie. Essiiys. 1 879. Lewes. Works. 1 853-64. Locke, J. 1824. Mackenzie. Essays. 1716. Maurice. ^letaphysical and Moral Philo- sophy. 1850-70. Nbcker. Moraks Religieuses. Paine. Works. 1819-27. Paley. W^orks. 1838. Plutarch. Scripta Moralia. 1841. Pope. Moral Epistles. Reid. Works. 1849. Renan. Essais de Morale et de Critique. 1860. Smith, A. Moral Sentiments. 1822. Smith, S. Sketches of Moral Philosophy. 1804-6. Smith, W. Ethics of the School of Paley. 1839. SouTHEY-. Ess}\ys. 1832. Spencer. Works. 1851-92. Vaivenargues. CEuvres. 1857. Moray : Floods. 1829. L.iUDER. Natunil History and Sport in. 1882. S.a.int John. See ScoTiAND. More ^^'orlds than One. 1854. Bkeavster. Morea : Ptluponnesia. 1846. Leake. Travels. 1830. Leake. See Greece. Mormons : liouk uf. 1830. Smith. City of the Saints. 1862. Burton. History of the. 1873. Stenhouse. Spiritual Wives. 1868. Dixon. Morocco iuid the Moors. 1891. Leaked. Journal of a Tour in. 1878. Hooker & Balu Journey to Mequiuez. 1721. Windus. Tour to. 1789. Le.\ipriere. .'>''. Africa. Morris Dance. Doubleday. Mortlake. ^"Surrey. Mosaique, La. 1881. Gerspach. Mould, ^ iL'etable. Formation through the Actii 111 of Worms. 1881. Darwin. Mountaineering : Andes. Travels. 1891-2. Whymper. Col de la Tour Noire. 1891. Forpilvm. Matterhoru, A.»cent of the. 1880. W^hy'mper. Mont Blanc. Ascent. 1827. Fellows. See Mont Bl4nc. Mont Perdu, Pyrenees. Ascent. 1802. Ramond. Pyrenees. 1860. Taixe. Sierra Nevada. 1872. King. Works on : Badmixton Library. 1890. Kennedy. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciws. 1862. Tyxdall. 1871. INDEX. 745 Municipal Corporations : Directory. 1866. MunicipAt,. England and Wales, Law of. 187-5. ARNOi,n. History. English. 1867. TiibJiPSON. Offices, Index of. Index Soc, 3. Murder, Triumphs of God's Kevenge again.st. 1704. Keynolds. Musee Royal Bourbon. Monuments. 18o6. Gargiulo. Husic : Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews. 1864. Engel. Ballads and Songs : Clio & Euterpe. 1762. D'Urfey. 1719-20. Biographic Universelle des Musiciens. 1835- 44. Fetis. Biography of Musicians. Mozart to Mario. 1886. Engel. Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes, 1825. Busby. Dictionary of, and Musicians. 1450-1889. Grove. English National Airs, and Popular Music of the Olden Time. Ciiappell. History: Biography, and Criticism. 1838. Hogarth. Hymns. 13th Cent. Early Eng. Text Soc, 19. Instruments in the South Kensington Museum. 1874. Engel. Japanese Melodies arranged for Voice or Pianoforte. 1893. Bevan. National Music : CnoRLEY. Of the World. 1880. Engel. Study of. 1866. Philosophy of : Mazzini. Pole. 1880. Science and Practice of. 1776. Hawkins. Sound in its Relation to. Blaserna. Musical Dictionary of Terms. Hamilton. liZusical Drama, Memoirs of the. 1838. Hogarth. i- . uswell Hill. See London. Mutiny Acts, Simplification of. 1836. HOUGII. Mysore Reversion. 1866. Bell. Mysteries : C(jventry. 1825. Sharp. Shakespeare Soc. Myth and Science. Vignoli. Mythology : Ancient Greece and Italy : Keigiitley. 1831. Smith. Ancient, New System of. 1775-6. Bryant. Comparative. Muller. Northern. 1851. Thorpe. Polynesian. 1855. Grey. Tree and Serpent Worship in India. Fer- GUSSON. See Folk-Lore. M^ths of the Middle Ages. 1884. Baring- Gould. See Folk-Lore. p. 3104. Names : Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names. 1868. Inman. British Family. 1860. Lower. Christian Names. 1863. Yonge. Dictionnaire des Noms. 1880. Larchey. Fiction, Noted Names of. 1866. Wheeler. Fictitious Names. Handbook. 1868. Thomas. Place Names : Edmunds. Traces of History in. Taylor. Words and Places. 1865. Scotch Surnames. 1860. C.I. Sobriquets and Nicknames. 1888. Frey. Surnames as a Science. 1883. Ferguson. Teutonic System applied to Family Names of France, England, and Germany. 1864. Ferguson. See Anonymes & Pseudonymes. Naples. 1855. Beyle. Cholera. 1884. Muntiie. Government. 1851. Gladstone. History of : Colletta. Kingdom of. Trans. 1734- 1825. Pagano. 1830-50. Voyage. 1884. Taine. See Italy. Narcotics. Popular History of the Seven Prevailing. Cooke. Naseby. History. 1792. Mastin, See Northamptonshire. Natal : 1705. Dam pier. Coal-Fields of. Report. 1881. North. History of. 1855. Holden. Ten Weeks in. 1855. Colenso. National Anthem, " God Save the King," Account of the. 1822. Clark. National Character. Essay on. 1832. Chenevix. National Debt: Notes on the : Baxter. 1871. Cohen. Compendium of Finance. 1822. GosciiEN. Conver.sion and Redemption. 1888-9. Hamilton. Conversion and Redemption Act. Operations. Account of. 1888-9. Hamilton. Inquiry concerning the. 1814. King. Counter Fund to the. 1825. Price. 1776. Wilson. Eng. Citizen Ser. National Defence, Con.siderations on. 1861. Gardiner. See Army & Navy. National Gallery : Catalogues. 1888. Catalogues. Foreign Schools. 1884. Catalogues. Of Scotland. 1883. Cook, E. T, Handbook. 1888. ScHARF. Portrait Gallery. 1884. National Manuscripts, from Will. I. to Anne. F""acsimiles of. 1865-8. Jasies. National Thanksgiving Sermons on Reco- very of Prince of Wales from Illness. 1872. Stanley, 3b 746 IXDEX. Nations : AiK'itiit Northern. Tmns. 1770. ^Ivi-let. Consers'ativc Science of. 1860. Someiiville. Sociiil and Political, Condition of. 1880. Koi.B. See Statistics. Strencrth of. 1859. Bisset. ITations, Jjwr of. Sa- Isterxatioxai, Law. Nations "f Europe. 1863. L.\tiiam. Natural Hi.-^tory : Africa, South and South-East. 1875. Drummond. Amazon, Naturalist on the. 1864. Bates. Animal Intelligence. Rom.vxes. Animal Locomotion. Pettigrew. Animal Lore of Shakespeare's Time. 1883. PllIPSOX. Ants, Bees, and "Wasps, Insects. Origin and Metamorphoses. 1874. Lubbock. British Animals, Extinct. 1880. Hartixg. British : Birds: MOXTAGCE. 1888. Morris, B. R. Game Birds and Wild Fowl. 1891. Morris, P.O. History of. 1891. Morris, F. 0. Nests and Eggs of, 1892. Quadrupeds. 1837. Bell. Reptiles. 1849. Bell. China Sea.Shoresand Waters of the. 1866-7. COLLI.VGWOOP, Colours of Animals. PorLTos. Deer, Red. 1884. Jefferies. Devonshire Coast, Naturalist's Rimbles on the. 1853. Gosse. Distribution of Animals. Heilpris. Dogs : Jesse. Anecdotes of. 1846. Jesse. History of British. 1866. General Description of : Aristotle's Operi\. 1837. BuFFOX. (Euvres. 1852. Goldsmith. Introduction to Natural History. Goldsmith. History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 1840. International Scientific Ser. Jesse. Gleanings in 1838. KiUBY. On the History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals. 1835. Lacki'ede. Histoire Naturelle. 1853. Plixiis Secu.ndus. Naturalis Historia. 1826. Watertox. Essays on, chiefly Ornitho- logical, 1854-7 & 1870. Wood. Illustrated Natural History. 1863-4. Life of the Fields. 1884. Jefferies. Moray and Sutherland. 1849. Saixt Joiix. Nicaragua, Naturalist in. 1890. Belt. Seaside Studies at Hfracombe, Tenby, Scilly Isles, and Jersey. 1856. Le\vf.s. Selbome, Natural History of. 1837. AVuite. Structure of Animal Life. 18C6. Ao.tssiz. Wanderings of Plants and Animals. 1888. Heiix. West Indies. Acosta. Wild Beasts and their Ways. 1890. Baker. Natural History — cont. WiM Lif. in a Southern County. 1879. Jefferies. Willi Nature Won by Kindness. 1891. Brigmtwex. See Zoology. Natural Inheritance. 1889. Galton. Natural Philosophy. See Physics, Sciexce. Natural Law. See Moral Philosophy. Natural selection : Disceiit of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. 1871. Dakwix. Origin of Species by means of. 1866. Darwin. Sec D.ARWIXIAX Theoby, Evolutiox. Nature and Human Nature. 1855. Hali- muTox. Naturalization. Cockburx. Nautical Terms. 1867. Smyth. Naval Annual, The. 1888-89 and 1891. EiiAssKV, B.yrxes, &■ Browxe. Naval Biography : AVorks on : Be-Vtsox. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain. 1727-83. Casipbell. Lives of British Admirals. 1812-17. Casipbell & Kext. lUustrfous Seamen. 1785. Charxock. Biographia Navalis. 1660. L.wgiitox. Studies in Naval History. 1887. Locker. Memoirs of Celebrated Com- manders. 1 832. JIarsiiall. 1760-1823. Naval Curoxicle. History of the Royal Navy. 1799-1818. O'Byrxe. Dictionary. 1 849. Ralfe. Of Distinguished Officers (temp. Geo. in.) 1828. Soutiiey. Lives of British Admirals. 1833-7. Naval Chronology of Great Britain, from 1803 to 1816. R.vlfe. Naval Commissioners. 12 Chas. II. to 1 (leo. III. 1660-1760. Naval Encyelop;edia. 1881. Hamersly. Naval History : Britij^h : Barrow. Of Great Brittiin. 1761. Brextox. Of Great Britain from 1 783 to 1836. Extick. Of the Royal Navy and Mer- chant Ser^'ice. 1757. J.1MES. Of Great Britain. 1793-1820. Jam lis IT Naval AlSiirs. 1660-73. Lediard. Of England from 1066 to 1734. Ni(OL.is. From the Earliest Times. 1847. Navigation : liistorvnf. Locke. Laws, History of the. 1847. Ricardo. Navy, British : J5attlesof the. 1853. Allex. Battles of Great Britain. 1828. Ekins. Calendar of A'ictorj-. 1855. Joiixs & Nicolas. INDEX. 747 Navyi British — cont. Comparative Strength of Great Bi'itain. 1802. Chalmers. Grunnery. 1855. DouGL.is. Marine Architecture, History of. 1800-2. Charnock. Maritime '\\'arfare : Arnold-Forster. In a Conning Tower. 1891. Bowles. 1878. Nautical and INIilitary Terms, Dictionary of. 1863. Burn. Nautical Terms : Falconer. Marine Dictionary. 1815. Smyth. The Sailor's Word Book. 1867. Our Seamen : an Appeal. 1873. Plimsoll. Past and Present State. 1851. Napier. Eights of Belligerent and Neutral Powers. 1875. Ward. Seamen and Divers. 1868. Esquiros. Seamen, as described in Eecent Parlia- mentary and Official Documents. 1877. Brassey. Sea Service. 1891. Robinson. Songs, Sea. 1860. Dibdin. Strength, Resources, and Administration of the British Navy. 1882-3. Brassey. United Service : Journal. 1836-41. Museum. 1849. AVar Ships : Navy. Building and Furnishing. 1686-7. Reed. Building in Iron and Steel. 1869. Reed. Our Iron-Clad Ships. 1869. War. Modern Ships of. 1888. Reed & Simpson. Navy, History of the Indian. 1613-1863. liOW. Navy, History of the United States of America. Cooper. Necromancers, Lives of the. 1834. Godwin. Needlework, Art of. 1840. Stone. Nemesis of Faith. 1849. Froude. Nervousness, American. 1881. Beard. Nest Eggs of British Birds. 1892. Morris. Netherlands : History of: Grattan. 1830. Motley. 1860. Observations on. 1770. Temple. Sec HoLL.iND. New Atlantis. 1838. Bacon. New Brunswick. 1847. Gesner. Agricultural Capabilities. With Map. 1850. Johnston. Sec Canada. Newbury, History of. 1887. Money. See Berkshire. Newcastle-on-Tyne. See Northumber- land. New England : Description of. 1614. Smith. Ecclesiastical History of. 1855. Mather. History of : Force. Account of the Revolution. 1689. Neal. 1720. New England — cont. Hi.story of — cont. Palfrey. From Discovery by Europeans. 1858-73. AViNTHROP. 1630-49. Pilgrims at Plymouth, Journal of the. 1 620. Cheever. See United States. New Forest, The. 1863. Wise. Newfoundland : Description in 1842. Bonnycastle. Description in 1883. Hatton & Harvey. Discovery of. 1869. Brown. French Treaty Rights in. 1890. Newfound- land. Geology : Murray, Geological Map. 1881. Murray & Howley. Geological Survey. 1881. History of. 1863. Pedley. Icebergs. 1862. Noble. Voyages to. Hakluyt. Newgate Calendar. 1824-8. Baldwin & Knapp. Newgate, Chronicles of. 1884. Griffiths. New Guinea. 1880. D'Albertis. Discoveries and Surveys. 1876. Moresby. " Marchesa," Cruise of the. 1886. Guille- mard. Voyage of H.M.S. " RatUesnake." 1846-50. MacGillivray. See Polynesia. New Holland. See Australia. Newmarket. History of, and Annals of the Turf. 1886. Hore. New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon. History. 1864. Halliwell-Piiillipps, New South Wales : Atlas. 1886. Sands. Commerce and Resources of. 1888. Griffin. Description of : Reid. Essay on. 1876. Strzelcki. Physical. 1845. Discoveries. 1793. Hunter. History of : Barton. 1889. Lang. 1875. . Progress of. 1886-7. Coghlan. Residence of Thirty Years' in. 1863. Therry. Transportation to. 1832-4. Wiiately. Newspaper Press : English Newspapers. 1887. Bourne. History of the. 1871. Grant. History. 1850. Hunt. Indian. Letters on. 1824. Indian. Liberty of the. 1880. Paterson. Metropolitan Weekly and Provincial Press. 1872. Grant. New York Press from 1840-70. Maveeich. Pictorial Press. 1885. Jackson. Times, The. History of. Greene. New York : Capitales du Monde. Documentary History of State of. 1849-51. O'Callagiian. History of State of. 1871-4. Brodiiead. See United States. 3b 2 748 INDEX. New Zt^ftland : Ailv.ntuns in. from 18.39-44. "WAKF.FiEi.n. Census. 1861. Pori'LATioN Rktuuns. Description of : ANTii"oi>i:s. 1859. ]{nAiisiiAw. New Zealand of To-day. 1884-7. Hoc iisTETTEU. Physical Geography, Geology, and Natural History. Trans. 1867. MooRE. For the Emigrant, Invalid, and Tourist. 1890. Thoi.lope. 1873. Governor. History. \S5^ etseq. Gkey. Handbook. Australia. Handbook. Murray. History of. 1883. Ruspen. Maori, Ancient. 1874. Wilson. Statistics for 1861. New Zealand. Traditions and Superstitions of. 1856. .Short- land. Year- Book. \S85 et seq. New Zealand. Nicaragua : Naturalist in. 1890. Belt. Wanderungen durch. 1857. Sctterzer. Nice. Environs, Recueil d'Etudes sur. 1891. Steinrruck. Nichomachean Ethics, The. Trans. 1 869. AltlSTOTLE. Nicknames. 1888. Fkey. Niger River: Expeditions : Allen & Thomson. 1841. Laird & Oldfield. 1832-4. L.\NDER, R. & .1. 1832. Nile, River : Astro-Geological Observations. Hekekyan. Blue and White Niles. 1852. Melly. Middle Nile. Up and Down. 1882. Oli- PIIANT. Sources of the : Baker. The Albert N'Yanza. 1866. Beke. History of Nilotic Discovery. 1860, Bruce. Travels to Di.scover the. 1768-73. Si'EKE. .Tournal of the Discovery of the. 1863. See also Africa, E(iVPT. Storage Reservoir. The Raiyaii Project. 1891. WlIITEIIOUSE. Up the Nile, and Home again. 1862. Fairmof.t. Nineteenth Century : Classfs, Monirs, Usages, XIX'= Sieele, en France. 1893. Grand-Carteret. Gossip of the. 1892. Byrne. Histoire du. 1875. Mkiielet. Krankheitdcs.Tahrhunderts. 1888. Nordau. Nineveh, and its Remains. 1849. La yard. Assyrian Discoveries on Site of. 1873-4. Smith. Nineveh and Persepolis, The Palaces of, Restored. 1851. Feikiusson. Noctes Ambrosianie. 1855-8. Wilson. Nonconformist Chapels in London. 1870. J'ike. Mini.sters. Lives of 2,000 Ejected. 1662. Calamy. Nonconformist's sketch -Book. 1842. MlAI I.. Nonconformity in Wales, History of. ISCI. Kr.r.s. S>r DlssKNT. Non-jurors : I-hitrlish Catholic. 1715. EsTcouRT & Payne. History of the. 1845. Lathbury. Norfolk : Ancient Topography. 1869. T.wlor. Catalogue of Books in Relation to County. 1842. Woodward. See aho Rye, Lidcr Soc., 10. Directories. Ea.st Anglia : Emerson. Pictures of Life in. 1888. Forby. Dialect. 1830. Folk-Lore. Customs. 1884. Glyde. Handbook. Murr.yy. History of: Beauties of Enoland. 1801-18. Blomefield. 1805-10. RvE. 1885. Rett's Rebellion in the Reign of Edw. VL 1859. Russell. King's Lynn, Antiquities of. 1844. Taylor. Norwich : Browne. Cathedral, Tombs in. Diocesan Histories. Diocese of, Taylor. Abbeys and Monasteries. 1821. Visitations : Camhn Soc, 43 (N.S.). 1492-1532. Harhian Soc, 32. 1563 & 1613. Yarmouth : Hi.story of Great : Manship. 1854. Swinden. 1772. Norman Conquest. See Great Britain. Normandy : Areliitectural Antiquities. 1822. Cotman. Expulsion of the English from : Blondell. 1449-50. Chronicles 1^- Memoriah, 32. 1449-50. Hi.'^tory of : Duchesne. 838-1220. Palgrave. 1851-64. Life in. 1865. Cami'bell. Mont St. Michel. Hi.stoirede. 1848. Hericiier, Norniaiidie. lUustrce. 1862. J an in. Tra]ipe, La, Monastery. 1818. Kef-lowes. Srr iMtANCE. Normans in England. Masekes. Norsemen : leclaiiil, Norsemen in. Dasent. Icelandic Sagas. Chronicles cf- Menwrials, 88. Viking Age. 1889. Du Ciiaillu. Norse I'ales : 1871. ASIUORNSEN. 1 S.;S. Dasent. North America. Sec America. North American Indians. See Indians. Northamptonshire : Antiijuities : Baker. History of. 1822-41. Beauties ok England. Bridges & Wiialley. History. Burghley House, near Stamford. of. 1797, Burghley House. Castor, Parochial History of. 181 9 1791. History Gouoii. INDEX. 749 Morthamptonshire — cont. UlRECTOlUES. Glossary of Words, and Customs of the County. 1854. Bakek. Handbook. Murray. Natural History of. 1712. Morton. Obituary. 1800-59. Simpson. Peterborough : Camden Soc, 47. Clironicon. 1122-1294. English Hist. Soc. Monastery, to the time of Rich. III. 1871. GuNTON. History of Church of. 1686. If orth. Pole. See Arctic. Northumberland : Alnwick Castle, Descriptive and Historical View of. 1822. Alnwick. Directories. Drawings in. Allom. Handliook. Murray. Historical Register of Events in. 1853-57. Sykes & Latijier. History and Description of : Beauties op England. Hutchinson. View of. 1776. White. Northumberland and the Border. 1859. Newcastle and Gateshead in 14th and 15th Cents. 1884. Welford. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, History and Anti- quities of. 1789. Brand. Parliamentary Representiition of. 1603-1886. Bean. Remarkable Occurrences. Richardson. Roman AVall : Bruce. 1867. Hutton. 1813. Tynemouth Monastery. 1846. Gibson. Tyne River, History and Resources of. 1880. Guthrie. lJ"orth.-"West Passage. See Arctic. Norway and the Norwegians. 1840. Latham. Excursions in Sweden and. 1840. Bre.mner. Handbook. B.^deker, Murray. Handbook to AVestern Norway. 1891. Halvorsen. History of : Carlyle. Early Kings of. 1875. Dunham. 1839. SiNDING. 1865. Letters from. 1802. Godwin. Natural History of. Trans. 1755. Pon- TOPPIDAN. Residence in. 1834-6. Laing. Residence of Twenty Years in (Sweden and Norway. 1854. Lloyd. Nottinghamshire : Directories. Handbook. Murray. History and Antiquities of : Beauties of England. 1801-18. Deering. 1751. Thoroton. 1797. Nottingham, Trent Bridge, History of. 1871. Tarbotton. Southwell : Camden Soc, 48 (N.S.). Southwell Minster. Visitations and Memorials. Rastall. History. 1787. Visitations. 1563 & 1614. Harleian Soc, 4. Nova Scotia : Discovery of. 1869. Brown. Historical and Statistical Account of. 1829. Haliburton. Industrial Resources of. 1849. Gesner. See Canada, Dominion of. Novel : Chinese. 1679. Giles. English : Jusserand. Time of Shakespeare. Trans. 1890. Lanier. 1883, Masson. 1859. Fiction, History of. 1835. Dunlop. French. 1878. James, Jun. German. 1826. Roscoe. Italian, to close of 18th Cent. 1825. Roscoe. Novels and Novelists, 18th Cent. 1871. Forsyth. Novelists : English : AiNSWORTII. Austen. 1856. Beaconsfield. 1837. Behn. 1698. Besant. 1888-9. Besant & Rice. 1888-90. Black. 1875, 1876, 1880, 1881. Blackmore. 1887-90. Brandt. 1859. Bronte, C, E., & A. 1872-4. Bkougham. 1844. Collins. 1887. Cooper. 1888-90. D'Arblay. 1890. De Foe. De Quincey. Dickens. Disraeli. Early English Metrical Romances. Early English Prose Romances. 1858. Earli/ Eng. Text Soc, Ex. Ser., 15-20. Edgeworth. 1832-3. Edwardes-Trevor. 1880. Eliot. 1878-80. Ferry. 1856. Fielding, H. 1821. Fielding, S. 1744-52. Fisher. 1876. Froude. 1847. fullerton. 1844. Gaskell. Godwin. 1832. Goldsmith. Hardy. 1876-87. Hartb. 1881. Hawthorne. 1884. Hogg. 1 836. Hollingshead. 1874. Hook, James. 1842. Hook, T, Hope. 1820. Howell. 1282-9. Hughes. Hunt. 1850. Inchbald. 1880. Irving. James, Jun. Jenkins. 750 INDEX. Novelists— £•o«^ Euf^lisli — cont. Jerrold. Jesse. 1844. KiN'GSLEY, C. KlNGSLEY, H. KiPLiNCi. 1880 & 1891. Lamb, C. Lamb, M. Le Fato. 1886. Lever. 1841. Lewes. 1848. Lewis. 1822. Lodge. Longfellow. Lover. 1842. Lytton. Mackenzie. 1808. Manley. 1716. Marhyat. 1888. Maiitineau. 1877. Meding. 1875. Meredith. 1880. MlTFORD. Moore, Dr. J. Mulocii. 1888. Kares. O'Brien. 1890. Paltock. 1884. Payn. 1879. PoE. 1874. Rae. 1887. Reade. 1886. Eeid, T. W. Eicii. 1.581. Richardson. 1811. Richmond. 1829. rowcroft. Scott. 1830-4. Sheridan. 1796. SlIORTHOUSE. 1881. Sidney. 1724-5. Simmons. 1893. Sinclair. 1849. Smith. 1886. Smollett. 1811. Sterling. 1833. Sterne. 1793. Stevenson. 1886. Stowe. 1853. Surtees. 1884. Thackeray. 1 869. Thornton. 1843. Trollope. 1864-71. Urn AM. 1824. WALI'OLE. Ward. 1890. . AVarren. 1854-5. AViLLS. 1848. Wilson. Winthroi". 1876. French : About. 35ALZAC. 1869-76. Bernard. 1878-91. Beyle. Cherbuliez. 1874-89. Daudet. 1882-8. Diderot. Novelists— cow/. French — cont. DujiAS. 1872-84. Erckmann & Chatri.vn. 1789-1815. Feuillet. 1884. Flaubert. 1885. Gautier. 1880-8. GoMFi. 1732. GoNcouRT. 1851-87. Hamilton. 1812-13. Henriot. 1876. HcxiO. KocK. 1875. Le S.age. 1818-21. Lou\-et de Couvray. 1842. Marguerite de Valois. Mil!IM:^E. R.iBELAlS. Saint Pierre. Sand. 1869-82. Scarron. 1795-6. Stael-Holstein. Zola. 1878. German : ClIAMISSO. 1861. Freytag. 1892. Goethe. Heine. 1876. Italian : Boccaccio. 1825. Cento. Novelle Antiche. 1804. Ferrario. 1804. Manzoni. 1860 & 1883. Straparola de Caravaggio. 1726. Portuguese. Palmcrin of England. Tran.s. 1857. MoRAES. Roman. 1893. Petronius Arbiter. Russian. Trans. 1889-92. Tolstoi. Spanish. 1781. Cervantes-SaaveduA. Novum Organum. Bacon. Nubia, Travels in. 1819. Burckhardt. Nugse Antiquie. Harington. Numerus Infaustus II. 1827. C.t-:sar. Numismatics : Architectural Medals of Classic Anti^iuity. 1859. Donaldson. Britons, Coins of the Ancient. 1861. Evans. Carausius, Empoi'or in Britain [287], Mcdallic History of. 1757-9. Stukeley. Coin Collector's Manual. 1853. Humphreys. Coins and Tokens, Collection of. 1834. Chetwtnd. Copper Coinage to Geo. II. Snelling. English Coins : Henfrey. Guide to, from 1066. Snelling. Coins struck in France and the Colonies. 1769. Glasgow and other Provincial Coins and Tokens. 1885. Murray. Gold Coinage, Hen. III.-Geo. III. Snelling. Great J?ritain and Colonies. Coinage to Victoria R. 1840. Ruding. Jettons, Counters, Black Money, and Abbey Pieces. 1769. Snelling. .Tews, Coins of the. 1881. Madden. Provincial Coins. 1834. Sharp. Roman Medallions. G rubber. INDEX. 751 Numismatics— coH/. Silver Coins of England : Hawkins. British Money previous to Saxon Dynasties. 1876. Snelung. From Will. I. 1762. Syracuse, Coins of. 1874. Head. Tradesmen's Tokens : BoYNE. 17th Cent. 1858. Brown. 1855. Nuns. See MoNASTEUiES. Nursery Ehymes and Nursery Tales of England. Halliwell-Piiillipi'S. Oaths, Heedlessness of. Bentiiam. Ober-Ammergau, Bavaria. The Homes of. Etchings. 1872. Greatokex. Obituary, The. 1627-7-1. Smyth. Obituary Notices. Gentleman's Magazine. Index. 1731-80. Index Soc, 9, 12, 14. 1880-3. Eecords for Lincoln, Eutland, and North- ampton. 1800-59. Si-MPSON. Observator, The. 1864-7. L'Estuange. Occupations of the People. 1841-81. Booth. Oceana: an Imaginary Eepublic. 1771. Harrington. Ohio. History. King. See United States. Old Plays. See Drama. Olney and its Neighbourhood. 1886. Wright. See Buckinghamshire. Ontario : Boundaries of. 1873. Lindsey. Eeport on the Boundaries of. 1873. Mills. See Canada. Open Spaces. Paris. 1878. Eobinson. Opera : History of the. 1862. Edwards, H. S. History. See Drama. Eeminiseences of the. 1864. Lumley. Opinion, Essays on the Formation of. 1837. Bailey. Opium Eater, Confessions of an. De Quincey. Opium Question. British Eelations with China. 1637-1892. Lay. Optics. Newton. Sec Physics. Ol^acles, Great. Myers. See Pkophecies. Orange, History of the House of. 1814. Burton. Oratory : Dialogue concerning. Tacitus. Elements of Ehetoric. 1841. Whately. Libri Ehetoriei. 1830. Cicero. See Speeches. Orchids. Fertilization of. Darwin. Orders of Knighthood. See Knighthood. Ordnance. Sec Guns. Oregon and its Eesourccs. 1878. Moseley. The Struggle for Possession. 1884. Barrows. See United States. Organon, The, or Logical Treatises. Trans. 1853. Aristotle. Oriel College, Oxford. Eegister. 1500-1700. SlIADWELL. Origin of Species. Darwin. Orinoco, Expedition to the Eiver. 1817. HiPPISLEY. Orkney Islands : History of the. 1805. Barry. Past aiid Present State. 1883. Tudor. Zetland. 1701. Brand. Ornament, Analysis of. 1856. WoRNUM, Orpheus. Mystical Hymns. 1824. Taylor. " O Sapientia," the AVords in the Kalen- dar. 1885. Green. Oscott. St. Mary's College. Jubilee. 1888. OSCOTIAN. Ottoman Empire. See Turkey. Oude: Journey through. 1849-50. SleemAn. Mutinies in. 1858. Gubbins. Sec Indian Mutiny. Ouvrages Supprimes. 1814-77. Drujon. See Index. Oxford English Prize Essays. 1771-1836, Oxford Essays. 1855-8. Oxford Movement. 1833-45. Church. Oxford : Diocese of. Marshall. Geology of. 1855. Phillips. History and Antiquities : Jeaffreson. Annals of. 1871- LoGGAN. Oxonia lUustrata. 1675. Oxford Hist. Soc. City Documents, Financial and Judicial. 1268-1605. Parker. Early History of. 727-1100. Wood. Survey of Antiquities of City of. 1661-6. Eecollections of. 1870. Cox. University : Amherst. Secret History of the. 1726. Camden Soc., 29 (N.S.). Eegister of Visitors of the. 1647-58. Chronicles 8f Memorials, 50. Documents illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at. 1868. Clark. The Colleges of. 1891. Dickens. Dictionary of the University. 1884. Foster. Alumni Oxonienses. 1892. Heywood. Statutes. 1845-51. Heywood. Subscription Tests. Eccom- mendations of the Commissioners. 1853. Le Neve. OlRcers of. 1857. Lyte. History of the. 1866. Oxford. Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. 1814. Oxford Graduates. 1659-1850. Oxford Historical Soc. Publicatiovs. Skelton. Oxonia Antiqua Eestaurata. 1823. Smith. Abolition of Tests. 1864. Smith. University Eeform. 1858. Wood. Writers and Bishops educated at. 1813-20. University Colleges : All Soul's : Burrows. Worthies of All Soul's. 1874. Martin. Archives. 1877. Corpus Christi. History, with Lists of Members. Fowler. 752 INDEX. Oxford — cmt. University Colleges — coiit. Magdalen : Oxford Hist. Soc., G. James U. and JIagdalcn College. AVaynfi.ete. Foundation. Merton : Brodhick. Memorials of. Pekcival. Sfcitutes. 1847. Oriel. Etgister of the Members of. 1500-1700. SlIAUWELL. Wadham : GAKDiNF.n. Registers. 1889. Jackson. History. 1893. Visitiitions. 1574-1634. Harleian Soc, 5. Oxfordshire : BE.\rTIES OF ExciLAXD. 1801-18. DiRFXTOKIES. Handbook. Murray. Natural History of. 1705. Plot. Towns and Localities of: .Vmbrosdenand Burcester, Parochial Anti- quities of. 1818. Kexnet. Banlmry, History of. 1841. Beesley. Bullington and Ploughley, History of. 1823. DrxKis. Biirford. History. 1891. Monk. Henley-on-Thames, Hi.'itory of. 1861. Bitrn. Kiddington, History and Antiquities of. 1815. Wauton. Kidlington, Yarnton, and Begbroke. Stapleton. Swyncombe and Ewelme, Historical Notices of. 1858. Napier. "Wocjdstock Manor. 1875. Marshai.i.. Oxns, Campaigning on the. 1874. ilAC- Gaiian, Pacific Ocean : Voyages in the : BuRNEY. Chronological History of Voy- ages. 1803-17. Callander. Voyages during 16th, 17th, and 18th Cents. 1766-8. Coppinger. Cruise of the " Alert." 1878-82. Dampier. A^'oyage to South Seas. 1703-4. Lamont. AVild Life among Pacific Is- landers. 1867. Meares. Voyages in 1788 and 1789, from China to North-West Coast of America. 1790. Pembroke & Kixgsley. South Sea Bub- bles. 1872. PooLE. Narrative of Discovery in. 1872. Fainting : Anecdotes : Edwards. Of Painters Resident or Born in England. 1808. Walpole. In England. 1849. Angerstein Gallery. Etchings. 1829. Young. Art of Painting : Dv Fresnoy. Art of. Fuseli. Lectures on. Haydon. Lectures on, and Design. 1844-6. Leslie. HandbrKNT. Parliamentary Government : "Works on : Anson. I>an(l ami the Conslilulidii. 1886. RissET. History ol' the Struggle lor, in England. 1877. l'"uANQUEviLLE. Lc Gouvemement et le Parlement Rrila uniques. 1887. GuizoT. Origines du Gouvernement Repre- scntfitif. Johnson. E.ssay on. 1710. Paul. History of the Demand for Fre- quent Elections. 1883. Parliauientary Government— cow^ ANOrks on — ■i;i)it. Sidney & Ralph, (^f the r.se and Abuse of. 1744. Farliamentary Reform : Works on : Rentiiam. Cox. 1 860-70. I'Aui.. History of. 1884. SAi.isiiiiiv. Theories of. Parliaments, l-'oroign : Histoire du Gouvernement en France. 1814-48. DuVEKfilER BE H.MJRANNE. Summary of the Constitution and Procedure of. 1890. DiCKENSON'. Tiers Etat. Histoire. Thierry. Parodies. Religious. 1817. Hone. Parsees : A Lecture. 1873. Poston. Religious Rooks of the. 1864. Avesta. Sect of the. liOiti). Parthenon. 1883. Feugusson. Party. History of, from Chas. II. to the Reform Rill. 1836. Cooke, E. & G. Passes of the Alps. 1828-9. Brockebon. Passive Obedience. Berkeley. Patagonia. Narrative of Distresses suffered (111 tlu' Coast of. 1740-6. Bykon. Patents. Discussions on the Abolition of. 18G9. Macfie. Patriotism. Letters on. 1750. Boling- liKoKi;. Paul et Yirginie. 1823. Saint Pierre. Paul's, St. ,SVr ai^o Cathedrals, London, St. Paul's. Peace Party. John Bright and the. 1881. AlMOHN. Peace Society. Memoirs of Joseph Sturgc. 1793-1858. Rkh.vrd. Peaks, Pa^^es, and Glaciers. 1862. Kennedy. Pedigrees. Genealogist's Guide. 1886. Marshall. Sec Genealogies. Peebleshire. History of. 1864. Chambers. Srf Scotland. Peerage : Baronage of England to 1 1 Rich. II. 1675-6. DUGBALE. Baronage, Official. Doyle. Baronies in Fee. 1843-4. Banks. Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct. 18G6. ]5uKKE. English : Bi:iiKE. Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- tionary of. 1842 ct seq. Cokavne. Complete. 1887-90. Collins. Of England. 1812. CouuTHoi'E. Historic, of England. 1857. Deiikktt. 1 865 f)' .try. Doll. And Baronetage, &c. 1851 et xeq. DovLE. Official Baronage of England. 1066-1885. Dugbale. England, Scotland, Ireland. 1682. Foster. 1881. Lodge. Genealogy of the Existing. 1388 Milles. Catalogue of Honour. 1610. INDEX. 755 Family Antiquity. Genealogicum. Peerage— cort^. English — cont. Playfair. British 1809-11. Segar. Baronagium 1764-84. Solly. Hereditary English, Scottish, and Irish Titles of Honour. YoKKE. The Union of Honour. 1640. Hereditary Dignities. 1869. Finlason. Irish Peerage. 1789. Arciidall & Lodge. James I. Peers. 1802. Brydges. Origin and Manner of Creating Peers. 1 782. West. Precedency in Patents. Nicolas. Scotland : Douglas. Baronage of. 1798. Douglas. Peerage of. 1813. DuGDALE. Present Nobility of. Hay. Scottish Nobilitie. 1577. Peter. Baronage of. 1882. Wallace. Nature and Descent of fU, Voyage to. 1579. Balbi. cin. Capitales du Monde. Sec China. Pelew Islands, Account of th See Caroline Islands. PeHiam Administration, Memoir 1829. CoxE. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Fellows. Notices of. 1798 Loder. Pembrokeshire : Historical Tour through. 1811 St. David's. Bevan. Penal Code. Bentiiaji. Penal Laws against Catholics. 1682. Pel Pel 1785. 1783. Ke.yte. of the. Masters and Hawes & Fenton. BuRlvE. Penal Servitude. Leaves from a Prison Diary. 1885. Davitt. Peninsular War : History of: Dalryjifle. Memoir of his Proceedings at Commencement of. 1830. Hay. 1839. Napier. 1807-14. SouTiiEY. 1828-37. SuciiET. Memoires sur ses Campagnes en Espagne. 1808-14. See, also Spain and Portugal. Penitential Psalms, Paraphrase on the Seven. 1414. Brampton. Pennine Alps. Climbers' Guide. 1891. Conway. Pennsylvania : Annals. 1609-82 Description. Penn. Penny Postage. History of. 1880. Hill. Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined. 1863-5. Colenso. Pentateuch and its Relation to the Jewish and Christian Dispensations. 1863. Norton. Percy Anecdotes. 1820-3. Byerley & Robertson. Periodicals : Annual Index to. Index. History of British Journalism. 1859. An- drews, Hazard. Periodicals— co» ^. Index, Newspapers. 1802-88. Poole & Fletcher. See Press. Persia : Balochistan. 1877. Hughes. Grammar : Gilchrist. Rudimental Principles of. 1821. Jones. Grecian Invasion : Herodotus. Rennell. Geography. 1816. Xenophon. Trans. 1740-61. History of: Jonas. 1753. Malcolm. 1815. Markham. Sketch of the. 1864. Rawlinson. 1862. Rawlinson. The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy. 1876. RoLLiN. Ancient. 1817. Vaux. 1850. Watson. 1800-58. Literature : CowELL. Oxford Essays. 1855. Ferdousi. Stories. Trans. 1883. Fitzgerald. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Trans. 1827. Hapiz of Shiraz, Poems of. Trans. 1871. Persepolis, Palace of. 1851. Fergusson. Religion. Zend-Avesta. 1771. Zoroaster. Residence in : Eastwick. Three Years'. 1864. Stuart. Journal of. 1854. Travels in : Arnold. Through Persia, by Caravan. 1887. Barbaro & CoNTARiNi. HaMuyt Soc. Bishop. Journeys in, and Kurdistan. 1891 . Brydges. Mission to the Court of. 1807-1 1. Ciiardin. By way of the Black Sea. 1671 et seg. CoNTARiNi. HaMuyt Soc, 49. Forster. Northern Parts of. 1783. GoLDSJiiD. Journeys of the Eastern Boundary Commission. 1890. Layard. Early Adventures in Persia. 1887. Morier. 1808. Mounsey. 1872. Porter. 1817. Tavernier. Voyage. 1679. UssiiER. Journey to Persepolis. 1865. Valle. 1614. Vartiiema. 16th Cent. Wahauby, History of the. Brydges. Zoology and Geology of Eastern Persia. 1876. Blanpord. Persia and Afghanistan, Narrative of Events rebiting to Correspondence on Affairs of. 1839. Persia. Persia and the Persian Question. 1892. CURZON. Perspective, Elements of. 1859. Ruskin. Perthshire : Historic Scenes in. 1880. Marshall. Woods, Forests, and Estates of. 1883. Hunter. 756 INDEX. Peru: Captivity in. \'20 i( /tcq. IJET.vtiii. Chronicle of. Leos. Conquest of : HEM'S. Life of Piziirro. 1475-1541. PlZ.VRKO. PuEscoTT. History of. 1851. Discovery of: Haklut/t Soc, 34. The Narnitive of Andagoya. 3I.\RKii.\M. Hakluyt Soc., 47. Religion. 1884. Revii.le. Tnivels in : Hill. 1860. HuTciiissos. Two Yeai> in. 1873. M.VUKHAM. 1862. PuocToii. Journty across the Cordillera of the Andes. 1823-4. Wiener. Perou et Bolivie. 1880. Yncas : JLVBKILUI. Rites and I*iws of the. Vecja. Commentaries of the. Pestilential Diseases. Sec Plague. Peterborough : Cathedral. Jlistorj' of. 1686. Gunton. Chronicon Petroburgense. 1122-1294. Cam- den Soc., 47. See yoRTn.V-MiToxsiiiRE. Peterloo Riot. Account of inquest on John L. e-. 1820. DoWLisc;. Petersburg : Capitales i>r Mosue. Visit to, in theAVinter of 1829-30. Raiki:s. See Russia. Peter's Pence. Nicholas VI. 1291. T.vxatio E( tl.KS. Petitions and Elections. 1885. Rogers. Philippine Wands : Archipelago. The, and its Political Depen- dencies. 1890. Foreman. Visit to the. 1859. Bowring. Voyage. 1686. Dampier. Sir IMai.av Ar(iiipel.u;o. Philological Grammar. 1854. Barnes. Philological Tracts. Johnson. Philology : Autliorities on : Greg. Comparative Philology of the Old and New World. Lathaji. Elements of Comparative Philo- log)-. 1862. Leoparui. Studii Filologici. 1853. Price. On the Study of. 1850. Strangford. Letters and Papers on. 1878. TooKE. Divei-sions of Purley. 1829. WiLKl58. Alphabet a Real Character. 1688. Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas. 1888. Muller. English : Barnes. 1854-70. Latham. 1 850. Marsh. Origin and History of. 1862. W^elsh. Development of. 1883. Essays on. 1873. Haulev. Gaelic Etymology of Western Europe. 1877. Mackav. Philology— cow^ Guide into the Tongues. English, Welsh, Dutch, French, Italian, .Spanish, Portu- guese, Latin, Greek, Hebrew. 1627. MiNSUEU. Language : Flaccus & Festls. De Verborum Significatione. 1826. MiJLLER. Lectures on the Science of. 1862-4. Renan. De rOrigine du. 1858. Rexan. Semitiques. 1836. Stouuart. The Philosophj' of. 1849. URiiUH.VRT. Universal. 1653. VoLNEY. Orientales. .Simplification. Whitney. Life and Growth of. See DitTio.vARiEs. Romance Languages. 1862. Lewis. Philosophy : Alt. 1885. Taine. Biographical History of. 1857. Lewes. Cambridge, Re\nvalofat. 1870. Ingleby. Dictionnaire des .Sciences. 1785. Ficanck. Encyelopi'die, Questions sur 1'. Voltaire. England. Histoire de la Philosophic en Angleterre. 1871. Remusat. Epicurean. De Rerum Natura. Lccretics. Greek Philosophy, The Fathers of. Ham p- uen. Hylo-Idealistic Philosophy. 1883. Mac- Taggart. Metliwval Thought. History of. 1848. Poole. Metaphysics. Introduction to. 1859. Ingleby. Philosophical Tendencies of the Age. 1848. MORELL. Physico-Theological Discourses. 1693. Ray. Pre-Socratic Philosophy. 1871. Zeller. Romans Philosophiques. VoLT.iiRE. ."Scepsis .Scientifica. Confest Ignorance the way to Science. 1665. Glanvill. yublime, The. Lo.ngincs. Synthetic Philosophy. 1861-92. .Spencer. Unconscious, Philosophy of the. Trans. 1884. Hautji^vnn. Works on : Burke. Works. CoMTE. Cours de Positive. 1864. Cousin. Cours de la Modcrue Philosophic. 1841. GuoTE. Papers on. Hajiilton, Sir AV. 1 853-6 1 . HoBBES. Opera Philosophica. 1839-45. Maihiavelli. Mill. 1865. MoRELL. Works. 1848 et seg. NoRPAN. Kulturmenscheit. 1 888. Pl.vto. Dialogi.Gnece.t I>iitine. 1816-23. I'ythagoras. Life. Trans. 1818. Schopenhauer. Works. 1891. Seneca. Opera, quse exstant. 1661-72. Spencer. Works. Spinoza. Opera Omnia. 1843-62. Trans. 1884. .Steuart of Coltness. AVorks. 1 805. .•^TEWART. Collected AVorks. 1854-60. TuRGOT. (Eu\Tes de. 1811. AViLKiNS. AVorks. INDEX. 757 Philosophy— cow?;. World as Will and Idea. 1883-6. Scfiopen- IIAUER. Phoenicia. History of. 1889. Eawlinson. Photography and Light. Vogell. Phrase and F;ible. Dictionary of. 1873-4, BUEWER. Physic. Principles and Practice. 1857. Watson. See Medicine, SuiiciEUY. Physical Atlas. 1848. .Johnston. Physical Expression. Warneu. Physical Geography. 1862. Somerville. Physicians. Roll of the Royal College of. 1518-1800. MuNiv. Physico-Theological Discourses. 1693. Ray. Physics : Aspects of Nature. Trans. 1850. Hum- boldt. Atomic Theory. AVurtz. Chromatics, Modern. Rood. Connexion of Physical Sdionces. 1858. Somerville. Conservation of Energy. Stewart. Correlation of the Physical Poi'ccs. 1862. G-rove. Electricity : Electrician, The. 1878 et scq. Faraday. Experimental Researches. 1839-55. Newton. AVorks. Verity. Electricity up to Date. 1892. Familiar Lectures on Physics. 1867. Her- SCIIEL. Fragments of Science. Tyndall. Gravitation. 1860. Newton. Matter, Properties of. 1885. Tait. Natui'al Magic. 1832. Brewster. Natural Theology. 1839. Wiiewell. Pneumatics. 1772. Boyle. Qufestiones Naturales. Seneca. Radiant Energy. 1878. Draper. Solar Heat, Researches on. 1884. Langley. Sound. Experiments. 1879. May. Works on : Arnott. Elements of. 1829. Boyle. Works. 1772. Desciianel. Natural Philosophy. Trans. 1878. Faraday. Works. 1839-55. Hersctiel. Natural Philosophy. 1832. Herschel. Works. Liternaiional Scientific Series. Newton. AVorks. Philosophical Magazine. 1842-52. Physics and Politics. Application of the Principles of Natural Selection. Bageiiot. Physiognomy : Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression. Bell. Essays on. Trans. 1789-97. Lavater. Physiology : x\nimal and Vegetal ile. 1840. Roget. Brain and its Functions. Luys. Brain as an Organ of Mind. Bastian. Cyclop«!dia. 1835-9. Todd. Digestion, Physiology of. 1836. Combe. Expression, Anatomy and Philoso})hy of. 1872. Bell. Physiology— cowf. Health and Education. Co.\[nE. Human Physiology. 1840. Elliotson. Human Physiology. 1864. Carpenter. Muscles and Nerves. Rosenthal. Vie et la Mort. 1812. Bkhat. Picardy, By-roads and Battlefields in. 1861. MUSGRAVE. Piccadilly. 1870. Oliphant. Pall Mall and Piccadill.y. 1870. AVheatley. Pictorial Press. History. 1885. Jackson. Piedmont. La Revolution Piemontaise. 1822. Santa-Rosa. Handbook. Murrav. See Italy. Piers the Plowman, Vision of. Early Eng. Text Soc, 5, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23. Pigs. Cobbett. Pipes. See Tobacco. Piquet and Ruliicon Piquet, Laws of. 1882. Cavendish. Pirates: General History of the Pyrates of New Pro- vidence. 1726. Johnson. Lives of. 1842. AVhitehead. Place Names. 1872. Edmunds. AVords and Places. 1865. Taylor. Plagues: Black Death in England. 1340. Jessopp. History of : Marshall. Acc(mnt of Deaths. 1832. Plague. Collection of Tracts on. 1721. De Foe. Journal of the Plague Year. Hodges. Account of the Plague in Lon- don, 1665. Marseilles. 1721. Bradley. Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. 1884. FOLKARD. Plants : Cross and Self-Fertilization. 1878. Dar- win. Folk-Lore of. 1889. Dyer. Herbal. 1636. Gerarde. Insectivorous Plants. Darwin. Loves of the Plants. Darwin. Origin of Cultivated Plants. Candolle. Power of Movement in. 1880. Darwin, C. & F. Sagacity and Morality of. 1884. Taylor. Plata, Rio de la : Description of : Latham. States of Plate River. 1868. Mulhall. Republics. 1885. Parish. 1852. Schmidt. River Plate. Vaca. River Plate. Handy Guide to. 1890. Levey. Travels. 1532. Leon. Vie et les Mceursa hi Phite. 1888. Daireaux. Plate : Gold and Silver, Old English. 1841. Richardson. Hall Marks. 1865. Chaffers. Platform, The. Its Rise and Progress. 1892. Jephson. Playing Cards. History of. 1892. Hour. See Cards. Plays. See Drama. 758 JNDEX. Plurality of Worlds. 1854. WnFwr.i-i.. ]-i riunilito lies blondes. Foxtenem.e. Moir Worlds than One. 18o4. Brewster. Plymouth : J>luf I'riars. Sayings sind Doings. 1889. WuionT. Heraldry. 1883. Jewers. History- of. 1 890. "Worth. See Devonshire. Plymouth, New England, U.S.A. : Founders of Plj-niouth, New England. 1 854. HrSTER. History of: Brakfoud. Plantation. 185G. Th.wiier. From 1620-1832. .Journal of the Pilgrims in 1620. Cheeveu. Poetry and Poets : Alliterative Poems. 1360. Earli/ Eng. Te.rt Soc., 1,18. Anecdotes of Poets. 1826. Ry.vx. Anglo-Poetiea. 1815. Bibliotheca. Arnndines Cami. 1860. Drury. Catiilogues of English Poets : CoRSER. Early English. PiiiLUPS. Hen. III. toEliz. 1675. RiTsox. 12th to 16th Cents. 1802. Chinese : D.wis. 1870. Legge. She King. Trans. Collections ; .Allot. England's Parnassus. 1600. British Poets. Works of the Principal. 1822. Brtdges. Censura Litcraria. 1805-9. Bkydges. Rcstituter. 1814-16. BcLLEN. England's Helicon. 1603. Dodsley. Collection of Old Poems. 1770-5. Hall. Book of Gems. 1836-8. Hazlitt. Early Popular Poetry of Eng- land. 1864-6. HrsTERiAN Ci.UB. English. 1568-1630. Mack.vy. Thousand and One Gems. 1867. Pai-gr-WE. Golden Treasury. 1890. Park. Heliconia. 1575-1604. Percy. Reliques of Ancient English. 1839. S^E^•CER Society. Publications. 1867-79. Defence of. Lodge. ElizaVx-than Romances. 1 890. Bullen. English : Coleridge. Shakespeare and some of the old Poets and Dramatists. 1849. Collier. Engl i.sh Poets and Poetry. 1820. Doyle. Lectures on Poetry. 1877. Hazlitt. Lectures on Poetry. 1819. IVLissoN. Es.says, Biographical and Criti- cal. 1856. Masson. Essays on English Poets. 1856. Ritson. Poets of 1 2th to 1 6th Cents. 1 802. Wartos. History. 1871. Webbe. Discourse of English Poetry. 1586. Essays on Poetry : Buckinghamshire. 1682. Haslewood. Ancient Critical Essays on English Poetry. 1811-15. Poetry and Poets— C07;f. Kuropi', I'oitry of. 1884. Lokgpellow. Fleshly School of Poetry, The. 1872. lIlCHANAN. French poets and Novelists. 1878. Jajies. Gaelic. MacGregor. Gradus adParnassum. T^jitin. 1850. Yongk. Greek Gradus. 1840. Mai.tby. Greek, Studies of the. 1873. Symoxds. Homes and Haunts of. 1849. Howitt. Italian Poets, Modern. 1 887. Howell. Lives of Poets : Austin & Raph. Lives of the Poets Liiurcate. 1853. Bei.l. Lives of English. 1839. CiBBER & CoxETER. Livcs of the Poet.s Jacob. Lives and Characters of. 1724. Johnson. Lives of Eminent English. 1854. Ryan. Poets of Every Age and Nation. 1826. Love Poems : BuLLEN. 17th Century. 1889. Bullen. Love Poems of the Restoration. 1889. Earb/ Encj. Te,rt Soc.,G,7, 15. Religious. MoiR. Poetical Literature of the pa.st Half Century. 1852. Loves of the Poets. 1829. Jameson. Period, Poetry of the. 1870. Austin. Proven^ale, Pocsie. Histoire de. 1846-7. Fauriel. Refonrmed Versifying. 1580. Spenser. Religious Poems. Sec Hymns. Rhj-thms. History of English. 1838. Guest. Roman Poets : Sellar. Of the Augustan Age. 1883-92. Sellar. Of the Republic. 1889. Sellar. Lucretius and the Poetic Charac- teristics of his Age. 1855. Scottish : Bannatyne. Ancient Scottish Poems. 1770. Irving. Histoi-y of. 1861. SiBBALD. Chronicle, from 13th Cent, to Union of the Crowns. 1802. Translations, English : British Poets. Of Greek and Roman Poets. 1822. Derby. Translations of Poems. Ancient and Modern. 1868. Lyttelton & Gladstone. Translations. 1863. Stock. From French, Spanish, Portu- guese, and Italian. 1891. Surrey & Wvatt. Virgil, iEneid, &c. 1815-16. Poland : Gouvernement. Rousseau. Handbook. Murray. History of: Poland. 1831. Maixeri. La Polonia e I'Europa. 1888. Zaua. 1856. Insurrection of. 1830-1. Gnorowski. Poetiy, Specimens of. 1827. Bowring. Political Changes of, Ten Maps Exhibiting. 1837. Baksemer & Zaleski. The Polish Captivity. 1863. Edwards. INDEX. 759 Poland— ("owi!. Travels : Cox. 1784. Eamble. 1836. Polar Expeditions. See Arctic. Polar Sea, The Open. Hayes. See Arctic. " Polaris," Arctic Voyage of. Hall. Police : Justice and Police. Maitland. Police et Justice. Colbert. Eeport of Commissioners. 1839. Constabu- lary. Political Arithmetic. 1774. Youno. Political Ballads of 17th and 18th Cents. 1860. WlLKINS. Political Caricatures. 1829-51. H. B. Political Club. Names of Members and Minutes of Proceedings. 1821-81. Politi- cal. Political Dictionary. 1860. Kjn'ight. Political Economy : Authorities on : Benthaji. Works. Burton. Social and. 1849. Cairnes. Leading Principles of. 1874. Davenant. Political and Commercial Works. 1771. Fawcett. Manual of. 1863. GriOJA. Scienze Economiche. 1815-19. Jeyons. The Theory of. 1888. Laveleye, Ellements of. Trans. 1884. MacCullocii. Principles of. 1830. Maltiius. Principles of. 1820. Mill. Elements of. 1824. Mill. Principles of. 1848. Rae. New Principles of. 1834. EiCARBO, Principles of, and Taxation. 1817. EoscHER. Principles of. Trans. 1880. EossEAu. Economic Politique. Sandelin. Eepertoire Generale. 1846-8. Say. Traited'Economie Politique. 1826. English Trans. 1821. Siiadwell. System of. 1877. SiDGWiCK, Principles of. 1887. SiSMONDi. Nouveaux Principes d'Eco- nomie Politique. 1819. Storcti. Cours d'Economie Politique. 1823-4. Symons. Outlines of Popular. 1840. Turgot. Ouvragcs Economiques. Walras. Elements d'Economie Poli- tique. 1889. Consumption, The Economy of. 1878. Moffat. Definitions in. 1827. Maltiius. Dictionaries : Say & CiiAiLLEY. 1891. Palqrave. l^'dl et seq. Domestic Policy in Free Nations. 180.5. Steuart. Economics, Groundwork of. 1883. Devas. English : Cannan. History of. 1776-1848. DouBLEDAY. History of, from 1688. Essays : Bastiat. Harmonies of. Trans. 1860. EusKiN. 1877. Political Economy — cant. Essaj's — cont. EusKiN. 1880. SiSiMONDi. Etudes sur I'Economie Poli- tique. 1837-8. Spence. 1822.^ TocQUEViLLE. Etudes Economiques. 1864. Urquiiart. 18-50. France Economique, La. 1891. Foville. Health, Husbandry, and Handicraft. 1 860. Mahtineau. Illustrations of. 1832. Martineau. Industrial Freedom. 1892. Wise. Industry, Economics of. 1892. Marshall. Lectures : 1851. 1830. Newman Senior. Senior. 1 Stew.art. WlIATELY. Literature of. Logic of: Cairnes. 852. 1854-60. 1831. 1845. MacCullocii. 1875. De Quincey. 1844. Moral State of Society as affected by Political Economy. 1832. Cttalmers. Nations, Economy of. 1821. Political. Politics and Political Economy. De Quincey. Population and Production. 1816. Wey- land. Progress of, in Europe since 16th Cent. 1847. Taviss. Questions in Political Economy. 1823. Bailey. Tests of a Thriving Population. 1845. Twiss. Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. 1844. Mill. Value, Doctrines of. 1831. Cotterill. Wealth, Production of. 1821. Torrens. Political Encycloppedia. Staats-Lexicon. 1834-43. Eottecic & Welcker. Political Ethics, Manual of. 1839. Lieber. Political Expectation, Eationale of. 1835. Bai ley. Political Index. Officers of the Crown, &c. 1806. Beatson. Political Justice. 1798. Godwin. Political Literature, History of. 1855. Blakey. Political Lying, Art of. Arbutiinot. Political Philosophy : Works i)n : Brougham. 1842-4. Burgess. Science. 1891. Burgh. Disquisitions. 1774-5. Burke. Works and Correspondence. 1 852. Elyot. The Boke named the Gouvernour. 1531. 1880. English Citizen Series. 1881-5. Ferguson. Principles of. 1792. FiciiTE. Science of Eights. Trans. 1889. Fletcher of Saltoun. Works. 1653-1716. Freeman. Comparative Politics. 1873. Heeren. Eise of Political Theories. 1836. Heeren. History of Political Philosophy, from the 16th Cent, to 1815. IIeerev. Ancient Asiatic Nations. 1846. Lewis. Methods of Observation and Eea- soning in. 1852. 760 IXDEX. Political Philosophj'— ron/. Wiirk> nil — rout. M.uiiiAVEM.i. 1882. Rogers. Economic Interpretation of His- toiy. 1891. Sinr.wKK. 1891. STF.\v.\nT. Progrcs.s in Europe. 1854-60. TiiF.i.w.vi.L. Tribune. 1795-6. Tremenmieere. Political Experience of the Ancients. 1852. V.VN Praet. Essays on, 15th, 16th, and 17th Cents. 1868. Political Portraits. 1873. Hill. Political Questions : "Works on : Ik'XTON. Of the Day. 1866-91. Fawoett, n. & Fawcett, ]\Iiliicent. Essays and Lecture.s un. 1872. Fawcett, H. 1873. Political Songs of England, from John to Edw. II. Camden Soc, 6. Political Terms, Remarks on the Use and Al.use of. 1832. Lewis. Politique Positive, Bystemo de. 1851-4. ('(iMTF.. Polynesia : Description of: Ellis. Researches during Residence of n&irly 8ix Years in. 1829. Moresby. Discoveries and Surveys. 1876. PEMnnoKE. South Sea Bubbles. 1872. Pkitciiaui). South Pacific Islands. 1866. "Wilkes. Narrative of the U.S. Exploring Expedition. 1838-42. See Sandwich Islands. Fiji Islands. 1864. Smvtiie. Honolulu Newspaper. 1844-6. Polynesian. Marquesas Islands. 1 842. Melville. Mythology. 1855. Guey. Polynesian Rice. 1878. Foknander. Samoa. Eight Years of Trouble in. 1892. Stevenson. Solomon Islands. Naturalist among the Head-hunters. 1 890. "Woodford. Pompeii and Herculanum. 1870. Barre. p]xiavations since 1819. Gell. Topography, Edifices, &c. 1824. Gell & ( rANDY. See Italy. Poor : Contradictions Economiques. 1867. Pnoro- IION. Handy Book for Guardians of the. 1876. Bartlev. London Poor. Booth, C. & Booth. W. Provision for, in America and Europe. 1835. Senior. Sociiil Wreckage. 1883. Peek. State of the, from Will. I. 1797. Eden. Poor Liws : English : AscHROTT. Sy.stem. 1888. Bentham. F'OWLE. Grahame. Defence of. 1816. Latey. Letters on the New. 1841. LuMLEV. Cases on Subject of the New. 1840. Paupers Hlustrated. Poor Laws — cotif. Entrlish — rovt. MARTiNEAr. A nd 1833-4. NicHOLLS. History of English, Irish, and Scotch Poor Diw. 1854-6. Iri.sh : Poor Law. 1838. On Establishing Poor Laws in 1837. Equalization of the. 1849. Carti^'rigiit. 1881. Conflicts with Protestantism, Recollections of the last Four. Nl( HOLLS. TOURENS. Ireland Poor Rates, HrTniiNsoN Popes : Conclaves, Papal. History of : Bower. 1748-56. Campello. Cenni Autobiognifici. Ranke. 1847. WlSFJUAN 1858. Supremacy of the. Barrow. Sec Italy, Rome. Popular Tables. 1887. Willich. Population : "Works on: Alison. Principles of. 1840. BoNAR. Malthas and his Work. 1885. Doubleuay. True l.,;iw of. 1853. Ensor. Inquiry concerning. 1818. Godwin. An answer to Malthus. 1820. Grahame. Inquiries into Principles of. 1816. Hazlitt. Reply to Malthus's Essay on. 1807. Maltiius. Principle of Population. 1798. Place. Hlustrations of the Principle of. 1822. Senior. 1830. Senior. Lectures on. 1829. Thornton. Over - Population and its Remedy. 1846. Wf.vi.ani). The Principles of. 1816. Porcelain : History. 1868. Marryat. 3Iarks and Monograms. Chaffers. Port .bickson. iS^c Australia. Portraits : British: Bromley. Cafailogue of Engraved, from Egbert. 1 793. Caulfield. RemarkMble Persons. 1327- 1688. 1813. Caulfield. From 1689-1760. 1820. Fisher & Co. National Gallery of 19th Cent. Grander. Biographical History of Eng- land. 1806-24. Hardino. Illustrious Persons in l-higlish History. 1869. IIarhino, S. & E. Biographicivl Mirrour. 1795. Holbein. Illustrious Persons of the Court ofllen. VIII. 1872. Holland. Herwologia Anglica. 1500-20. Houhuaken. lle.ids of Illustrious Persons of Great Britiin. 1743-52. Knioht. Illustrious Persons. 1833-7. IN^DEX. 761 Portraits -co nt. British — vont. Lodge. Illustrious Persons of Great Britain. 1823-34. Smith. British Mezzotinto. 1883. British Americans. 1870. Notman. Charles II., Beauties of the Court of. 1861. Jameson. Conservatives. Memoirs. 1837. Conserva- tives. English Heads of the People. 1840. Meadows. Engraved. Evans. Eraser's Magazine. 1830-8. ]\Iaclise. Kitcat Club. Memoirs of the Members. 1821. Kitcat Club. Louis XIV., Les Emaux des Homines et Femmes Celebres. 1862-4. Petitot. Maclise Gallery of Literary Characters. 1891. Bates. National Gallery Catalogue. 1884. .Sciiarf. Political Reformers. 1840. Hayter. Scotland, Illustrious Persons of. 1799. Pinkerton. Portugal : Beckford. 183o. Carnarvon. Portugal, Galieia, and the Basque Provinces. 1848. Forrester. The Oliviera Prize Essay on. 1853. Miguel. L'Emprunt. 1832, Handbook. Murray. History of : Dunham. 1832. PoMBAL. 1699-1872. Saluaniia. 1790-1876. SousA. Trans. To 1640. Literature. History of. 1823. Bouterwek. Travels. 1820. Mathews. Wars of Succession : Boll.vert. The Wars of Succession, from 1826-40. Napier. Account of the War between Don Pedro and Don Miguel. 1836. See Peninsular AVar. Positivism : Works on : Beesly. Public xVspects of. 1881. Bridges. Bible and. 1885. CoMTE. A General View of. Trans. 1880. Comte. Catechism of Religion. Trans. 1883. Comte. Catechisme. 1874. Harrison. New Year's Addresses to the Positivist Society. 1886-8. Kaines. Doctrine of Positivism. 1880. LiTTRE. Comte et la Philosophie. 1864. LusHiNGTON. Day of all the Dead. 1883. Mill. Comte and. 1882. Positivist Publications. Positivist Review. 1893 ct seq. Postage. History of the Penny. 1880. Hill. Pottery: Description of: Jewitt. Ceramic Art of Great Britain. 1878. Marryat. History of Pottery and Por- celain. 15th and 18th Cents. 1868. p. 3104. Pottery — cont. Description of — eoiit. Morley. Palissy. Labours and Dis- coveries. Wedgwood. Art of, in England. 1865-6. History of Ancient. 1858. 13irch. Marks and Monograms on, and Porcelain. 1866. Chaffers. Poultry : Book of the Farm. 1851. Stephens. Cottage Economy. 1867. Cobbett. Poverty and Crime : Dissoluteness in the Lower Classes. 1772. Jones. Seven Curses of London. Greenwood. Poverty and the State. 1886. Mills. Prayers. Sec Liturgy. Precious Metals. See Gold, Silver. Precious stones : Gemma- Antiqmt Celatje. 1724. Picart & Stoscii. History and Mystery of. 1880. Jones. See Gems. Prefaces, Dedications, Epistles from Eng- lish Books. 1540-1701. 1874. Hutu. Pre- historic America. 1885. Nadaillac. Pre-historic Stone Monuments of Cornwall. 1885. Luius. Pre-historic Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains. 1869. Lubbock. See Anthropology. Premiers. Walpole to Peel. 1871. Earle. See Administrations. Prerogative : Works on : Allen. The Royal, in England. 1830. Prynne. Of King John, Hen. III., and Edw. I. 1670. Prynne. Second Tome of an exact Chro- nological Vindication. 1199-1273. See Government. Presbyterian Chapels and Charities. History. 1816-49. James. Presbytery Examined. 1849. Argyll. See Church. Prescription in England, History of the Law of. 1891. Herbert. Press : English : Bentha.m. Liberty of the. Fisher & Stuahan. The Law of the. 1891. Hunt. 1850. Maskell. Martin Marpi-elate Contro- versy. Eliz. History of. 1845. Paterson. 1880. Routledge. History of Freedom of, and Trial by Jury. 1660-1820. Watson. Fight for a Free Press, The. 1880. See also Newspaper Press. French : AvENEL. Presse Fran9aise. 1892. Mirabeau. Liberte de la. Prestbury, Cheshire. History of. Che/ham Soe., 97. Priapus. Discourse on the Worship of. 1865. Knight. •3 C 762 INDEX Prices : Airrieultiiral Produce, Reoonls of the Sea- sons. 1883. B.VKER. Corn for 600 years. Fi.eet^vook. Com inquiry into, of. 1768. Coubrune. History of: Mcui.\Li.. Since 1850. RoGEKS. 1259-1793. TooKE. Ilifrh and Low. 1793-1822. TooKE (fc Newmarch. Stite of the Circu- lation from 1793-18.56. Prime Minister. See Admixistr.\tiox. Primitive Property. Trans. 1 878. Lave- LKYK. > . Sm, lAI. Sciexce. Primogeniture, '^n the Lavr and Custom (if. lb7S. Lavre.nce. Prince EJwartl Island. See Ca.s.ida, Do- MINIdN OF. Princesses of England from the Norman Cin.iurst, Lives of the. 18o0-5.5. Green. Printing : Biblio;:raphy of. 1880. Bigmore & "VN'VMAN. Block-Books issued during loth Cent. 1858. SoTUEBY. Early Printed Books in Limbeth Library. ilAITLAXD. Early Printers and Eugrjwers, Masterpieces of. 1870. HCMIMIRETS. Elzevir Press Catidogue. 1888. Goldsmid. English Books Printed before 1640. Bri- tish Museum. Privately Printed Books. Catalogue. 1854. Martik. Shakespeare and Typography. 1872. Blades. Types, Historic Printing. 1886. De Vi.vxe. Typography. History of Old English Letter Foundries. 1887. Reed. Venetian Printing Press. 1891. Brow.v. Works on : Ames & Herbert. Typographical Anti- quities. 1789-90. AsTLE. Origin of. 1803. Blades. The PentiiU-uchof. 1891. Blades. Life and Typography of Wm. Caxton. 1861-3. " De VisxE. The Lnvntion of. 1878. DiiiDix. Typographical Antiquities. 1819. Greswell. Annals of Parisian Typo- graphy. 1818. Ottley. Inquiry Concerning the Inven- tion of. 1853." Paxzek. Annates Typographic!. 1536. Prints. See Exgr.avixg. Priories, Alien, in England and "Wales. (tol(;ii. Prison World of Europe. 1 849. Dixox. Prisons : AVork~ on : I>i.\o>. John Howard. Life. 1849. Fry. 1847. Griffiths. Millbank. Griffiths. Newgate, Chronicles of. Griffiths & Twyford. York Castle, Ri-rords of. Howard. State of Prisons in England and Wales. Prisons— c()«^ Works on — coiit. Plli.ico. Falletti di Bjirolo. Life. 1886. Prisons. Prisons for the Home District. Reports. 1837-8. See a/so Crimes and Pdsishments, Pexal Servitude. Private Bills in Parliament, The Locus Standi of Petitioners ag-ainst. 1867. Smktiiurst. Private SUitutes, Index to. 1727-1812. Bkamwei.l. Privateers : Aniirifau : CouGEsHALL. History of. 1856. Joxes, Paul. Memoirs. 1830. Sherburxe. Life and Character of Capt. John Paul Jones. 1851. Life Aboard a British Privateer in the Time of Queen Anne. 1889. Rogers. Lives of Privateersmen. 1887. L.aughton. StC BrCCAXEERS. Privately Printed Books. 1854. Martin. Privilege, Question of. Stockdale v. Han- sanl. "i837. 0"Ferrall. Privileges, L;iw of Parliament as to. 1837. 0"Ff;p.l!ALL. Prize Fighting, The Law as it Affects. 1856. r.UANDT. Problem of the World and the Church. 1873. Booth. Production and Distribution. History of the Theories of. 1776-1848. C.ixx.vx. Sec Political Ecoxo.my. Profit-Sharing. 1884. T.ayi.or. Progress : Great Biitiiii. 1801-36. Porter. History of, in Great Britiiin. 1859. Philp. Of the Century. Lawrexce. Of the World in Arts, Agriculture, Com- merce, and Manufactures, from 1800. ^Iri.HAI.L. Pronunciation. English Words in Mid- dli Agis. Ellis. Promus of Formularies and Elegancies. Bac.x. Property : Haiuly Book on Liw of. 1858. Saint Leox.\rds. Primitive Property. 1878. Laveleye. Prophecies : Wcirks ou : i-Jnr/y Eng. Tea( Soc., 13. Early Scottish. FoNTEXELLE. Histoire des Oracles. Hindley's Misc., 3. Prophecy of Mother Shipton. Newtox. Of Holy Writ. Nostradamus. True Prophecies or Prog- nostications. 1672. RoBixsoN. A Golden Mirrour. Thomas of Erceldoune. Romance and. Prostitution : La\v> tor the Regulation of Vice. 1877. Amos. Stvi n Ciir.-t s of London. Greenwood. Protection. Outlines of an Industrial Science. 1876. Sy*me. See Free Trade. Protestant Association. 1780. Gordon. INDEX. 763 Protestant Exiles from France in Eeign of Louis XIV. 1871. Agnew. Sec Huguenots. Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland. 1829. Cobbett. See CiiuRcn. Protests, Parliamentary, 1641 to 1737. Protests. Ilonsc of Lords. 1624-1874. Eogers. Sec aho Parliament. Provence : Architeetnre. 1888. MacGibbon. Itinerary of Provence and tht' Rhine. 1819. Hughes. Maritime. 1880. Lentiieric. Proverbial Philosophy. 1849. Tupter. Proverbs : Adagiaruin Chiliades. 1599. Erasmus. Arabic. Current at Cairo. 187-5. Burck- hardt. British Proverbs. 1657. Camden. Collection of. 1768. R.iY. English and Proverbial Phrases. 1869. Hazlitt. Epigrams and. 1562. Heywood. Local. 1811. Grose. Scotch. 1870. HisLOP. Spanish, Dictionary of. 1823. Collins. West African. 1865. Burton. Provincial Coins and Tokens. 1865. ^Murray. Provincial Words and Phrases, Dictionary of. 1850. Halliwell-Phillipps. Dictionary of. 1838. Holloway. Prussia : History of : Kington-Olipiiant. Under Frederick II. 1862. Tuttle. Under Frederick the Great. 1740-56. Wyatt. Development of Military Organi ■ zation. 1876. Reforms in Prussia, with reference to the Land Question in England. Stein. The Seven Weeks' War. 1867. Hozier. Hee Germany. Psalms, Commentary on. 1800-1. Ewald. Psalter, Saint Bernard's. 1842. Brampton. Pseudonyuies, Dictionnaire de. 1806. JlVRlilER. Pseudonyms, Dictionary of. 1885. Hal- kett & Laing. See Na.mes. Public Records of Great Britain, Account of the. 1832. Cooper. See Record Commission Publications. Publishers : London. Transcript of the Registers. 1553- 1640. Stationers' Company. 837 London. 1553-1640. St.<\.tioners' Com- pany. Pugilism. See Prize Fighting. Punisliments. See Crime. Punjab : Lahore to Yarkand. 1870. Henderson & Hume. Rajas of the Punjab, their History, and their Political Relations with the 13ritish Government. 1873. Griffin. Punjab— co??^. Sikh Power. 1834. Prinsep. See India. Puritans : History of the : Gardiner. Constitutional Documents of the Revolution. 1628-60. 1889. Halley. Puritanism and Nonconformity in Lancashire. 1869. Heywood & AVrigiit. Puritan Contro- versies at Cambridge. 1854. M.\RSDEN. EarlyPuritans, to 1642. 1853. Marsden. Later Puritans, from 1642 to 1662. 1854. Neal. History. 1822. Tullocii. English Puritanism, and its Leaders : Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan. 1861. Pyramids : Excavations and Discoveries. 1822. Belzoni. Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. 1864. S.mytii. See Egypt. Pyrenees : Journey to Summit of Mont Perdu. 1802. Ramond. Pyrenees, Summer at the. 1867. Blackburn. Voyage aux. 1860. Taine. Quakers : Apology for the. 1765. Barclay. Books Adverse to Friends. Smith. Friends' Books. Smith. Geo. Fox and the Early Quakers. 1884. BiCKLEY. Penn, William : an Historical Biography. 1851. Portraiture of. 1807. Clarkson. Society of Friends in America. 1850. Bowden. Sufferings of the People called. 1650-89. 1753. Besse. See Friends, Society of. Queen Charlotte Islands. Narrative of Dis- covery in North Pacific. 1872. Poole. Queen Consort of England, Prerogatives of a. 1820. Hone. Queensland and her Goldfiekls, A Visit to. 1870. Allen. Queens of England : History of : Doran. Queens of the House of Hanover. 1875. Lawrence. 12th to 16th Cent. 1848. Strickland. 1864. Quinine. Introduction into India. 1862. Markiia.m. Quotations : Works on : Allibone. Poetical. 1878. Allibone. Prose. 1879. Bartlett. Familiar Quotations. 1858. BoiiN. Dictionary of, from English Poets. 1882. Brewer. The Reader's Handbook of Allusions, References, &c. 1890. Friswell. Familiar Words. 1866. Hall. Book of Gems. 1836-8. HoYT & Ward. Cycloptedia of Poetical. 1882. 3 c li 764 INDEX. Quotations -<'0H/. Wmk^ on —colli. Ki.Mi. Classic.il and Forti^n. 1887. Mackav. Thinisjiiul and (^ne Genis of En^'h^h Poetry. 1867. Paujrave. SonfJTS and Lyrics. 1890. Riley. Gm-k and Liitin. 1860. Wood. Dictionary of. Sace IToi-si-s, Pedif^reis of. 1858 ct seq. StI'D H()(tK. SiV IIouSE-ttACINO. Racing : liuhnintoii Library. ArPEui.EY. British Turf, IIi^^tory of the. 1840. White. Calendar, The Raoinpr. 1836 ct seq. Weatherby. C. & Weatiiekby, J. Jockey Club. 1750-1891. Bi.vck. Newmarket, History of. 1886. Hore. Po.'Jt and Paddock. 1857. Dixon. Rjicinp; Life of Lord Geo. C. Bentinck. 1892. Kent. Raciufi Remini.scences. 1831. Ciietwynp. Turf Celebrities. 1891. Day. Rackets and Fives. See Bad.minton Library. Radical Party in Parliament, History of tlu. 1885. IIakkis. Railways : Americ;in : COOLEY. 1890. Poor. 1871 et ... 1856. Ross. Reflection, Aids to. 1848. Coleridge. Reform : Address and Resolutions. 1835. Reform Association. Agitation for Reform to 1832: BuKKE. Civil Establishments. 1780. CoBBETT. Manchester lectures. 1822. CoBBETT. Twelve Sermons. 1828. CoBBETT. Twopenny Trash ; or. Politics for the Poor. 1830-2. Ensor. Radical. 1819. Grote. Parliameiitarj'. 1831. Scottish Reformers of 1793-4. Lives and Trials of. 1837. Sharp. Peojile's Right to Share in the Legislation. 1775. TiiELWALL. " The Tribune." 1795-6. "Wade. Church and State Abuses. 1832. "Wharton. "The True Briton." 1723 et seq. Wilkes. " The North Britain." 1762-70. Wytill. Collection of Political Papers respecting Parliamentary. 1794-1802. Bill, Reform, 1832: Ensor. Tracts. 1823-42. Grey. The Reform Act. 1832. HowiTT. Sketch of Progress of Parlia- mentary. 1734-1832. Moleswortii. History of the. 1832. Or.matiiwaite. Practical Results of the Act of 1832. Roebuck. Whig Ministry from 1830 to the Pa.ssing of the. 1 852. Roebuck. Pamphlets for the People. 1835. Bill, Reform, 1866-7: Cox. Hi.story of the. 1866-7. Gladstone. Speeches on Parliamentary. 18C6. Grey. Parliamentary Government con- sidered with refeiviicc to. 1864. KiNNE.\R. Principles of, Political and Legal. 1865. SiiEUBROOKE. Speeches. 1867. History of Parliamentary : Paul. National Demand for fret^uent General Elections. 1883. Paul. Record of the Struggle for the Re- presentation of the People in Parliament. 1884. Reform Club, The : Its Founders and Archi- tect. 1887. Fagan. Plans. Reform Club. Reformation : English Church : Burnet. Church of England. 1865. Camden Soc, 20. Apology for the Lollards. Cobbett. Protestant, in England and Ireland. 1829. mDEX. 765 Reformation — cont. English Church — cont. Ecclesiastical Hist. Soc. Publications. 1847-54. Fox. Narratives of the. Heylyn. 1849. Leciiler. Wiclif and his English Pre- cursors. 1878. Lewis. Fisher, Bishop of Eochester. Life. 1459-1 53.5. Lollards. The Lollards. AVitnesses for the Truth in Great Britain from 1400 to 1546. Maitland. Essays on Subjects connected with the. 1849. Parker Soc. 1841-51. Strype. Annals of the. 1824. Strype. Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to the. 1822. See Church. English Reformers : Fulke. Tracts Against Popery FiUTH. Works. 1507-33. Stillingfleet. a Rational Account of the Grounds of Protestant Religion. 1665. Tyndale. Works. 1831. Wycliffe. Tracts and Treatises. 1845. AVycliffe. Fasciculi Zizaniorum cum Tritico. Chronicles cf- Memorials, 5. Germany, History of the Reformation in. Trans. 1845-7. Ranke. History of the Reformation of the 16th Cent. : Beard. 1883. Heeren. Treatises. 1836. Merle-d'Aubigne. 1840-53. Merle-u'Aubigne. In Europe in Time of Calvin. 1863-78. Ranke. History of the Popes and their Conflicts with Protestantism. Trans. 1847-8. Holland. History of the. 1720-23. Brandt. Huguenots and Hen. IV. of France. 1886. Baird. Huguenots during the 16th Cent. 1829. Browning. Irish, The : Brady. 1867. MusGRAVE. History. 1801. Italy. Progress and Suppression. 1827. MacCrie. Lives of Reformers : RoLT. Of the Principal. English and Foreign. 1300-1600. TuLLOCH. Leaders of the : Luther, Cal- vin, Latimer, Knox. 1810. Willis. Servetus and Calvin. 1877. Scotland : MacCrie. 1831. Rogers. Wishart, a Scotti,sh Martyr ; burnt for Heresy. 1546. Spain. Progress and Suppression of the. 1829. MacCrie. Waldenses and their Colonies. History. 1875. MusTON. Bieformatory Schools. 1851. Carpenter. Reformers, Political. Portraits of. 1840. Hayter. Noble. 1751-1847. 1685. Skin- ClIAKLES I. Bent 1 1 AM. Regicides : English, Lives of the. 1798. French, Reminiscences of a. Sargent-IMarceau. Punishments of the English. NER. Trial of the English. 1724. Register of Real Property. Registers. See Parish Registers. Reigate, Description of. 1885. Phillips. See Surrey'. Rejected Addresses. Smith. Religion : .Vnalogy of. Butler. Belief, Analysis of Religious. 1876. Am- berley. Christianity, Beginnings of. 1854. Bunsen. Church and. 1877. Arnold. Colloquies on Religion and Religious Edu- cation. 1837. Morgan. Comparative Religion. 1890. Fkazer. Consideree dans sa Source. 1824-31. Con- stant. Dark Ages. State of Religion in the 9th to 12th Cents. Maitland. Doctrine of Religion. Trans. 1848-9. Fk'iite. Elementary and Primary Views of. 1871. Headley. Essays on Religion. 1874. Mill. Etudes sur. 1884. Renan. Genesis compared with Antient Religions. 1854. Priaulx. Germany. Philosophy in. Trans. 1882. Heine. History of : TiELE. Outlines of the. Trans. 1880. Vaugiian. Religious Opinion. 1880. Humanity, Religion of. 1888. Balfour. Irvingism. 1878. Miller. Messiahs, Modern. 1889. Oxley. National Religions and Universal Religions. 1 882. KUENFN. Natural Religion. Hume. Natural and Revealed Religion. Warisurton. Natural Theology. 1857. Powell. Nature, Order of. 1859. Powell. Nemesis of Faith. 1849. Froude. Origin. 1836. Higgins. Origin of. Hibbert Trustees Piiblicaiio7is, also Hibbert Lectures. Philosophic Doubt, Defence of. 1879. FOUR. Philosophic Religieuse des Hebreux. Franck. Positive Religion. Cojite. Russie Sectaire. 1888. Tsakni. Science of Religion. 1868. Muller. Sentiment, Religious. Sects and Heresies, Blunt. Swedenborgians. 1884-5. Theism. 1884. Ward. Religion in the United States. 1859. Bishop. Religions : Anglo-Saxon Mythology. See Anglo-Saxons. Babylonians, Religion of the. 1887. Sayce. Brahmans, Primitive Religions of the. 1859. MiJLLER. Bal- 1889. 1876. Brinton. Dictionary of. 1874. Swedenboeg. 76G INDEX. Seligions -rotit. i;u4dhi-iii : LiLLiK. Budilhism iu ChiisUndoni. 1887. MoXIEK-AVlI.LUMS. 1880. Sacked Books of the East. Buddhist Canoniciil Books. Celtic : Rhys. 1888. ToLAxn. 1815. ToLAsn. Celts and Druid?. 1747. China. 1880. Legge, Sacked Books of THE East. Description of Religions : Bluxt. Dictionary of Sectj--. 1874. Co.vKER. Religions, of the AVorld. 1838. Defoe. Dictionary of all Religions. 1714. Drruis. Religion Universelle. 1835— C. •loiixsox. Oriental, and their Relation to Universal. 1879. Ross. Religions in the World, vnih the Church Governments. 1675. Egypt, Ancient. 1879. Resouf. Greek Mythology. See Greece. Hindu : Jacob. Pantheism. 1881. ToD. Shrines. 1839. "WiLSOS. 1862-71. "Wilson. Mythology and Tradition. 1862-71. Indian. 1878. Mullek, Sacred Books of • THE East. Magi. Zoroaster. 3Iexico and Peru, Native of. 1884. Reville. Mohammedan. Korax. Mormon. Book of. 1830. Smith. Oriental Religions. Sacred Books of the East. Parsees : Bleeck. Avesta : Religious Books of the. 1864. Loud. Discovery of the Sect of the. PosTox. 1873. Roman Mvthology. See Rome. Religious Ceremonies. 1728-39. PicutT. Religious : Liberty. Letters on the Dangers to. 1856. BrssEx. Lib. ny. 1733. C.\to's Letters. Semarkable Characters. 1820. Kirbv. Renaissance : Anti(jUr and the Mediaeval in the, Studies of the. 1 885. Lee. Art and Poetry. Studies in. 1877. Patek. Art in France. 1879. Pattison. Catholic Reaction, The. 1886. S^tioxds. Italy, Renaissance in. The Age of the Despots. 1875. Sraoxns. Rent. Essay on. 1831. Joxes. Repeal. See Irei.axd. Repeal Prize Essiys. 1845. Lielaxd. Representative Government. S<'c Parlia- Ml.NT \U\ < n.VKK.SMEXT. Republic. Sn- (iovr.RSMF.XT. LiBF.RTV. Republican Superstitions. 1872. Coswav. Republicans, European. 1892. Lixtox. ReCLUests, Court of. Their Nature, &c., with Cases. 1787. Hutton, Revenue and Expenditure of United King ■ '.'III. If>;i4. Wells. IJudgt t. National. WiLsox. National Income and Taxiition. 1886. Malet. Public Revenue to 1802, History of the. 1803-4. SixcLAiR. State of the National Finances. 1842. Wki.i.v. Revolution, English. See Gheat Britais. Revolutions of Empires. 1796. Volxet. Reynard the Fox : Story of : AixsLiE. From German of Goethe. 1886. Arxold. After the German Version of Goethe. 1855. Delepierre. Roman du Renard. 1837. Trrc;/ Soc. Rhetoric and Oratory. Lectures on. Adaus. Lectures on. 1825 Blaje. Elements of. 1841. Whately. Treatise on. Trans. 1857. Aristotle. Rhine: 1819. Hughes. Handliook. B.edeker, Murray. Up the Rhine. 1840. Hood. Rhode Island and Providence. History. 1874. Arnold. Rhyme. Defence of. 1603. Daxiel. Rhyming Dictionary. 1570. Early Eng. Tr.rT Snr., 9, 27. Rhythms. History of English. 1838. CilEST. Richmondshire. History. See York- SIIIRF.. Riding : Badmi.ntox Library. Horses and Equitation. Works on. 1887. HUTH. Horsemanship. Xesopiiox. See altory of the. 1877. Cope. Rig-Veda-Sanhit^ : The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmins. 1850-7. Wilsox. Rings : Antique. 1872. Kixg. Finger Ring Lore. 1877. Jones, W. Finger Rings, Historj- and Poetry of. 1855. Edwards. Rio de Janeiro. Capitales dc Monde. Ritual. Calendar of Lincoln and Peter- liorough Use. Wordsworth. Rivers and Canals. Inland Navigations in Europe. 1885. H.4.rting. Riviera, The: El.uk. 1888. MvRR.VY. Handbook. MacGibbon. Architecture. 1888. Ma(millax. 1885. Road-Books : Writei> of : AxToxixrs. Britanniarum, Iter. 1709. Patersox. Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales. 1 796. OuiLBY. Description ofPrincipjil and Crtiirj' cont. 3Ii)dtrn Historiiins— co«/. NiEBiiiK. Trans. 1837-44. XiEBiiiK. Ix'cturf.s on. Tnins. 1855. PiNELLi. Istoria Romana. 1821. SiSMONin. Fall of the Erapiri.'. 1834. Husbandry. 1857. D.4ubeny. Imperi.ilism. Lectures and Essays. 1870. Seei.ey. Ljiws : Amos. Civil. 1883. BcuKE. Civil. 1830. GrTERBOCK. Bracton and his Kelation to the Roman Law. Trans. 1866. Hunter. Exposition of, as a Code. 1884. Mackenzie. .Studies in Roman Law. 1865. T.wi.oR. Summary of. 1772. Life in Rome : Becker. Roman Scenes of the Time of AufTUstus. 1844. Gnu. & KoNER. Life of Romans, from ^Monuments. Knight. Political and Social. 1792. Literature : Suetonius. Lives of Grammarians, Rhe- toricians, and Poets. Trans. Teuffel. History of Roman Literature. 1891-2. Y.\i.rv. Delphin Latin Classics. 1819-30. ^ledallions in the British Museum. 1874. Grueber. Monuments de Rome. 1761. Barbault. Novels. 1825. Apuleius. Provinces. History. Caesar to Diocletian. MOMMSEN. Sculpture. History. 1882. Perry. TempKs. Lighting of. Fergu.sson. Rome, Modern : Description of: About. Rome Conteinporaine. Beyle. Promenades. 1855. Cai'itales du Monde. Goethe. Residence in. Murray. Handbook. Hare. Days near. 1875. Hake. "Walks in. 1875. Head. Tour of Many Days. 1849. Lear. Its Environs, Drawn from Nature. 1841. SiLVAHNi. PrinceSjPriests, and People. 1885. Wey. Description et Souvenirs. 1872. Young. In "Winter, and Tuscan Hills in Summer. 1886. Folk Ivore. 1874. Busk. Handbook. Murray. History. Under the la.st Four Popes. 1823-46. "Wiseman. Mediaeval Guide Book. 1889. Mirabii.ia Urbis Rom.k. Peep behind the Scenes at. 1877. Trollope. Topography. 1834. Geu.. Voyage. 1884. Taine. Scr Italy. BiOSCOm.nion, Stati.stical Survey of County of. 1832. AVeld. BiOses, Wars of the. Sec Lancaster and York. Rosicrucians, The. 1879. Jennings. Rotherham : (ikaiiings from an Account Book. 1549-1646. Smith. History of. 1879. Guest. See Yorkshire. Roumania, Past and Present. 1882. Samiklson. Roumelia. Russians in. 1828-9. Moltke. Round TaMi, The. Essiys on Literature, -Mm, and Manners. 1817. Hazlitt & Hunt, Royal Academy of Arts, History of the. 17G8-1862. Sandby. Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin. 1864. Burke. Royal Lineage of Families in Great Britain. 1885. Foster. Royal Society : History of : Sprat. Of London for the Improving of Natural Knowledge, History of the. 1667. AVeld. History of the. 1848. Royalists whose Estates were Confiscated. PkA( OCK. Rubicon Bezicjue, Ljiws of. 1887. Cavendish. Rural Deans. Origin, Functions, &c. Dansey. Rural Economy of England, Scotbind, and Inland. 1855. L.WErgne. Rural Sports : Works on : Blaine. Encyclopaedia of. 1856. Daniel. 1801-2-13. Russia : Asiatic Russia : Bkyce. Transcaucasia. 1877. Fresiifield. Travels in Central Caucasus. 1869. Grove. Caucasus, The Frosty. 1874. Spencer. Caucasus. Travels. 1836. Spencer. Circassia and Krim Tartary. Travels. 1836. Black Book of. 1885. Russia. Black Sea. 1853. Oliphant. Campaigns : Labaume. Relation de la Campagne en Russie. 1812. Porter. In 1812. 1814. Segur. Hi.story of the Expedition by Napoleon. 1812. 1825. Tolstoi. 1812. Court of. 1843. Brown. Courts of Sweden and Russia, Visits to the. 1832. Franklin. Description of: Atkinson. Art Tour. 1873. Eckahdt. Modern. 1870. F'letcher. Commonwealth. Hare. Studies in. 1885. H.vxTHAusEN. Russiau Empire, its People and Resources. Trans. 1856. Herberstein. Notes upon. Trans. 1517-26. Smyth. Three Cities in. 1862. TooKE. View of the Empire to Close of Present Century. 1799-1800. Wallace. 1877. Whitwortii. Russia iu 1710. INDEX. 769 "Russia.— CO lit. Eastern Question : Campbell. England and Eussia. 1876. CoBDEN. England and Russia. 1835. Finances de la Russie. 1862—1. Wolowski. Handbook. Murray. History of : Catherine II. CzARTORYSKi. Mcnioirs and Correspon- dence with Alexander I. 1770-1861. JoYNEviLLE. Alexander I. Life and Times. 1875. KoRFF. Nicholas I., Avenement an Tr6ne de. 1857. MiciiELSEN. Nicholas I. Life. 1854. Peter I. ScHNiTZLER. Secret History of the Court and Government of Russia. — Alex. I. and Nicholas. 1847. Schuyler. Peter the Great. 1884. Segur. Histoire de Russie et de Pierre I. 1829. Stei'niak. Under the Tzars. 1885. TooKE. Hi.story to 1800. AValiszewski. Le Roman d'une Inipera- trice. Catherine II. de Russie. 1893. Metallurgical Works. 1870. Barry. Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of. 1891. KOVALEVSKY. Native Races of the Empire. 1854. Latham. Persia, War with. 1827. Alexander. Petersburg, St., and London. 1852-64. ECKSTJEDT. Petersburg, St. Ai-t Tour. 1873. Atkinson. Petersburg, St., AVinter in. 1829-30. Raikes. Poets, vSpecimens of the Russian. Trans. 1821. BOWRING. Productive Forces of Russia. 1855. Tego- BORSKI. Russie Sectaire, La. 1888. Tsakni. Russo-Turkish Campaigns : ClIESNEY. 1828-9. Daily New^s. Correspondence. 1877. Greene. In Turkey. 1877-8. GuERiN. Histoire de la Guerre. 1853-6. MacGaiian & Forbes. Correspondence of the "Daily News." 1877. See Cri.mea. Siberia and the Exile Sy.stem. 1891. Kennan. Siberian Russia : Cochrane. Pedestrian Journey through. 1820-3. Miciiie. Route. Pekin to St. Petersburg. 1864. Niemojowski. Pictures. 1883. Songs of the People. 1872. Ralston. Travels in : Billings. Expedition to Northern Russia. 1785-94. Bremner. Excursions in the Interior of. 1839. Carlisle. Three Embassies to Muscovie. 1663-4. Demidopp. Voyage dans la Russie Meri- dionale et la Crimee. 1837. Horsey. At the Close of the 16th Cent. Lyall. The Crimea, Caucasus, and Georgia. 1825. MiNCHiN. A Lawyer's Holiday in. 1878. Russia— fow;". Travels in — co7it. Oliphant. Don Cossacks. Travels among. 1852. Pallas. Voyages en differentes Provinces de. 1788-93. Pallas. Through the Southern Pro- vinces of. 1802-3. Porter. Travelling Sketches in. 1809. Rajible. Travelling Opinions and Sketches in. 1836. Wi llougiiby. Voyage. Turkey and Russia : BOUKIIAROW. 1877. Sinclair. Defence of the Christians of Turkey and. 1877. Rutland : Antiquities of the County of. History. 1684. Wright. Directories. Handliook. Murray. Obituary. 1800-59. Simpson. Visitation. 1618. Harlcian Soc, 3. Rutland. Papers. Camden Soc, 21. Rye. History of. 1847. Holloway. See Sussex. Rye-House Plot. History. 1754. Grey. Sabbath Question. Literature of the. 186 3. Cox. SacredHistory of the World. 1841. Turner. Saddlers. History of the Guild of. 1889. SlIERWELL. Sahara. Travels. 1845-6. Richardson. Sailing Directions. 1853. Maury. Saint Bartholomew. The Massacre of. 1572. White. See Bodleian Facsimiles. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. Pro- gress of Medicine at. 1123-1888. Moore. Saint John of Jerusalem : Order of : Naberat. Privileges, Octroyez a. Porter. Knights of. History. 1858. Vertot. Histoire. 1876. See also Knights. Saint Paul's Cathedral : Annals of Cathedral. 1868. Milman. Building of. Wren. Domesday of, taken in 1222. Saint Paul's. Handlwok. 1879. Murray. HLstory. 1873. Longman. Tombs. 1666. Fisher. Saint Paul's School : Works on ; LuPTON. Colet, Dean of St. Paul's and Founder of. Life. 1465-1519. Saint Paul's. Admission Registers. 1748- 1876. Saint Stephen's Chapel, AVestminster. Architecture. 1844. Mackenzie. See Parliament, Houses of. Saints : Edward the Confessor. Chronicles, 3. Francis of Assissi. 1871. Oliphant. Juliana. Life. 1230. Early Enq. Text Soc, 19. Katherine of Alexandria. Early Eng. Text Soc, 46. 770 INDEX. Saints fo»^ Kintigern. Life. Scotlaitd, Historiaks op. Lives : ^LFkK . Early Eng. Text Soc., 33. BcTLER. Of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other Principal. 1833. Earli/ Eiig. Teat Soc., 35. South-English Legendary. Maktyrologib. Roman Catholic. Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland. 1608. Newmax. Engli>;h Saints. 1844—5. Rees. Cambro-British Saint*. 1853. Louis. (Lons IX.) Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury. Chronicles ^- Memorials, 8. Ninian. Life. Scotland, Historians op. Thomas of Canterbury. Relics of. 1888. Ursula. Legende de. 1882. Dctro.v. Werburge of Chester. Bradsiiaw. Xarier. Life. 1506-52. Dr\t)ex. Saints' Days in the Middle Ages. Alpha- letical Digest of. HA-MPSos. Salamis, Treasures and Antiquities of. 1882. C'F.sxor.A. Salisbury : (charters and Documents. Chronicles S,- Memorials, 97. Diocese of. Diocesax Histories. Sec "Wiltshire. Salmonia. 1829. Davy. Samoa, Eight Years of Trouble in. 1892. STF.VF.N'^iiy. Past and Present. Hazard. See Haw.ui, Poi.v- San Domingo. S'^e TI.vvTi. Sandwich Islands. .si:>iA. Saracens : History and Conquests of the. 1877. Tree- man. Mohammed and his Successors. 1837. OCKLEY. Sarawak of James Brooke. Proceedings at. Borneo. See Borneo. Sardinia. Caprera, Island of. 1888. Florio- SAKTdlil. Uandl'ook. Murray. Sarum Colours. 1881. Legg. Satire and Satirists. 1854. Hannay. Satires : Ar.glc>Latin Poets and Epigrammists of 12th Cent. "Wright. Anne, Queen. Life, and her Transactions Trith .several eminent Patriots. 1736. Mother Gin. Anti-Jacobin Review. Baviad and Maviad. Black Dwarf, The "VN'^EEKLY. Caroline (Queen). Hone. Diogenes ; a "Weekly Journal. England's Reformation. IKn. Vlll.-Chas. II. 1719. "Ward. Figaro in London. 1832-6. Gauntlet of Freedom. 1854. Partridge. Geo. IV. and his Time. Hone. GuUiveriana. Satirical Pieces against Swift and Pope. 1728. Gulliveriana. 1794-5. GiFFORi). 1817-24. London Satires— coM^ IIi.-toric Doubts relative to Napoleon Bona- parte. 1849. "WiLVTELY. Jesuits. Satires on. 1684-5. Oldham. Killing noe Murder. 1689. TiTCS. Law Liinguage and Practitioners, Satire on. 1782. RUGGLE. Literature. Pursuits of 1798. M.vtiiias. Long Parliament : Sarcastic Notices. 1660. Long Parliament. '•Mask." Pencillings of Politicians. 1839. " St. .Stei'iiens." Niipoleon I., Satire on. 1884. Asiiton. Napoleon III. Caricatures of. 1875. Ha£- WELL. Political and Personal Satires, 1320-1760, in the British Museum. Stephens. Political and Satirical History of 1756-7. Political. Political Dictionary. 1 795. Pigott. Political Sketches. Doyle. Praise of Folly. 1869. Erassits. St. Stephen's ; or, Pencillings of Politicians. 1839. "Mask." Salmagundy for Swine. 1794. Politics FOR THE People. Siitires. 1714. Political Merriment. Satirist, The. 1812. Scottish Pasquils. 1568-1715. ^Maidment. Shots at Shadows. 1859. '" Proteus." Siamese Twins. 1831. Lytton. Tin-Trumpet. 1 836. Cn.iTPiELD. "VN'ilkes, Verses, Broadsides, Addresses, and Squibs relating to. 1768-79. Wilkbs. William III. Mock Mourners. 1702. DeFoe. "Wolsey. Poetical Satire against. 1845. Roy. AVriters of Satires : Brown, T. "VN'^orks. BrcKiNGiiAM (2nd Duke of). Hall. Bp. 1824. Hogarth. "V\'orks. 1820-2. HoRATirs pLAccrs. 1825. Trans. 1845. JrvEN.VLis. Satine. 1817. Trans. 1873. LrciANrs. 1822-31. Paulding. Satirical "Writings. 1867-8. Pfj{sius Flaccus. Opera Omnia. Trans. 1820. Pope. 1824. QuEVEDo Y ViLLEGAS. 1702. Tnins. 1817. Rabelais. CEuvres. Rogers. Epistles, Satires, and Epigrams. 1876. Rowland. Poetical Tracts and. 1602-82. AViLLiAMS, Sir C. H. 1822. S', Caricature. Savings Kmks in England. History of. l.syo. Pr.itt. Savoy, Memorials of the. 1873. Loitie. Saxony, A July Holiday in. 1857. "White. Si I (iKI'MANY. Scandinavia : Hi.story of. 1865. Sinding. Mythology. Edda. Trans. 1770. Mallet. Pn -Ii i.-i Ml y of the North. 1886. WoRSAAE. Scepticism. ^" Moral I'liiLosoriiY. Schleswig-Holstein. Duchies of: Ilalldlook. MlKRAY. Relation- to the Crown of iHiimark and the German Confederation. 1848. Twibs. TTTDEX. 771 Schleswig-Holstein, Duchius of— cont. Social and Political State of Duchies of. 1851. Laing. War in Schleswig-Holstein. 1864. Dicey. School Experiences of a Fag. 1854. Melly. School Hygiene and Diseases. 1885. Far- QU II ARSON. Schoolmaster, The. Ascham. Schools : English : Carlisle. Endowed Grammjir Schools of England and Wales. 1818. Public Schools Year Book. 1893 ei scq. Staunton. The Great Schools of England. 1865. English Public Schools : Carthusians, List of. 1800-79. Parish. Cheltenham College. Juhilce. 1891. Cheltenham. Christ's Hospital. History of. 1834. Trollope. City of London. Foundation. 1856. Car- penter. Eton : Lyte. Eton College. History. 1440- 1875. Stapylton. Eton College Li.sts. 1781- 1877. Harrow. 1885. Thornton. Manchester : Chetham Soc, 69, 83, 93, 94. Manchester. Foundations. 1830. Mei'chant Taylors' : KoBiNSON. Register. 1562-1874. Wilson. History of. 1812. St. Mary's College, Oscott. The Jubilee of. 1888. OSCOTIAN. St. Paul's School. Admission Registers of. 1884. Gardiner. Tunbridge. Statutes. 1844. Skinners' Co.MPANY. Westminster : Barker & Stenning. Register of. 1764-1883. Forshall. Past and Present. 1884. Winchester College : Holgate. Commoners. 1836-90. KiRBY. Annals from 1382. Mansfield. School Life. 1893. Moberly. William of Wykeham. 1887. Walcott. William of Wykeham and his College. 1852. German Higher Schools and Universities. 1874. Arnold. German Reformatory Schools. 1851. Car- penter. Science : Academic Royale des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France. Memoires. 1818-42. Acade.mie. American Journal of Science and Arts, The. 1852-7. American. Annee Scientifique. 1882 ef scq. Figuier. Annual Record of. 1878. Baird. Briti.sh Association. Reports. \di?>l ct seq. British. Classification of the Sciences. 1869. Spencer. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences, 1853. Lewes. Science— cont. ^ Culture and Science. 1881. Huxley. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Brande & Cox. England, Science in, before the Norman Conquest. Chronicles ^' Memorials, 35. English Men of Science ; their Nature and Niirture. 1874. Galton. Exact Sciences, Common Sense of the. 1885. Clifford. Ignorance the Way to. 1665. Glanvill. Inductive Sciences : Whewell. History. 1837. Wiiewell. Philosophy. 1840. International Scientific Series. 1874. Inter- national. Moyen Age, Sciences. 1877. Lacroix. People, Science for the. 1870. Twining. Philosophical Magazine. 1842-52. Philosophical Transactions. 1665-1800. Abridged. Royal Society. Popular Science Review. 1867-79. Progress, Survey of Human. 1861. Ar- nott. Religion and : Bridgewater Treatises. 1837. Brunton. The Bible and Science. 1881. Butler. Analogy of, to the Course of Nature. Draper. Conflict between Religion and Science. Galloway. Philosophy and Religion. 1837. Wiseman. Lectures on the connection between Science and Revealed Religion. 1842. Scientific American. 1877 c^ scg. American. Smithsonian Reports. 1878 ciJ scj. Smith- sonian. Vanity of Arts and Sciences.. 1684. Agrippa. Year Book of Facts. 1842-83. Times. See also Botany, Chemistry, Physics. Scientific Method. 1874. Jbvons. Scilly : Account of the Islands of. Natural and Historical. 1750. Heath. Excursion to the Isles of. 1850. North. Trip to. 1885. White. Scinde : Conquest of: Napier. 1845. OUTRAM. 1846. Railway. 1857. Andrew. Sec India. Scotland : Acts of the Parliaments of. 1424-1707. Alexander. Antiquities and Description : Billings & Burn. Baronial and Ecclesi- astical. 1845-52. Chalmers. Caledonia. 1807-24. Grose. 1797. Ramsay of Ochtertyre. Scotland and Scotchmen in the 18th Cent. 1888. Slezer. Prospects of Castles, Towns, Coll.ges. 1693. 1874. Argyll, Records of. 1885. Campbell. 772 INDEX. Scotland -roHj". DoicLAs. 1798. Peter. Greater and Lesser Baronage. 1882. Biblioprraphical Tour. 1838. Dibdin. Biographical Dictionary of .Scotchmen. 1840. Cll.UlBEUS. Biography : Bioiiu.vPHi.\ ScoTicANA. Scotch Worthies. 1796. Garden. A Theatre of Scottish "Worthies. 1431-1514. Bishops. Gordon. Chronicles of: BoETiiius. Scotorum Historiae. 1574. Chronicles if- Memorials, 6. The Buik of the Cronielis of .Scotland. FoRDUN. .Scotorum Historia. Hoi.INSHEAD. 1577. Innes. 80-818. Lindsay. 1814. Church of Scotland : Gl.u)stone. Scottii^h Church Establish- ment. Gordon. Ecclesiastical Chronicle. 1867. Him.. Practice of Judicatories. 1830. Keith. Catalogue of Scottish Bishops. Knox. Reformation. Si'ALDiNG Club. Aberdeen Kirk Session Records. Stanley. The History of the. 1872. WoDROw. SufFerings of the Church. 1660-88. 1721-2. Civilisiition in. History. 1888. Mackintosh. Coasts of : Dalgleisii. Cruise of the " Dunottar Ca.stle " on her Trial Trip. Tei(;n.moutii. Coasts and Islands of. 1836. Wilson. Voyage round the Coasts and Islands. 1842. Criminal Trials. 1536-1784. Arnot. Dialect : Glossary to the AVorks of Robt. Burns. 1886. Cutiibertson. Gaelic Dictionary. 1828. Highland Soc. Gaelic Topography of. 1869. Robertson. Gazetteers of: Gazetteer. 1843-4. Gazetteer. 1885. Handbook. Murray. Highlands : Browne. Clans. 1848. Campbell. Tales of the West Highlands. 1890-3. Gilpin. 1776. Grant, Mrs. Letters from the Mountains. 1773-1807. Grant, Mi-s. .Superstitions of Highlanders. LociAN. Highlanders. 1845-7. MacCullocii. Highlands and AVestern Islands. 1824. Victoria (Queen). Life in the High- lands. Historical Tracts. 1835. Riddell. Historical Treatises : Ayloffe. State Papers. Calendars, Treaties with English Kings. Scot- tish Records, &c. 1774. Scotland— coM^ Hi^tDrical Treatises — cont. Balc.vrkes. Account of the Affairs of, relating to the Revolution in 1688. 1714. Balfour. Works. 1057-1840. Bruce. Union with England. 1799. Burnet. Civil Wai-s of Scotland, &c. 1625-52. 1677. Chambers. History of the Rebellion of 1745-6. Chambers. Reformation to the Revo- lution. 1859-61. De Foe. Union. History of. 1787. Fletcher. Affairs of Scotland, Will. III. 1698. Kennedy. Letters on the Affairs of Scotland. 1818-52. Lauder. Historic Notices of Scottish Affairs. 1661-88. 1848. LocKHART. The Lockhart Papers. 1817. Scot of Scotstarvet. Staggering State of the Scots Statesmen for Ten Years. 1550-60. 1750. Spalding. Troubles in Scotland. 1624-45. 1828-9. WisiiART. Wars in Scotland. 1644-50. History of: Balfour. Annals. 1057-1640. BuciiAN.w. 1722. Burton. From Agricola's Invasion to 1688. Burton, J. H. 1689-1748. Burton, R. 1813. Chronicle of the Kings of, from Jas. I. to Jas. VL 1611. Innes. Sketches of Early Scotch History. 1861. Keith. History to 1568. LiNDS.\.Y. 1436-1645. Maitland. 1437-1604. Robertson. Mary and Jas. V. 1827. Scotland, The Historians of. 1871-80. Scott, Sir AY. 1830. Stair. Memoirs. 17th Cent. 1873. Tytler. 1149-1603. Indu,stries of. 1879. Bre.\iner. Language of: Cuthbertson. .Scotch Dialect as in Burns' AVorks. 1886. Jamibson. Dictionary of. Mackay. Poetry and Humour of the .Scottish Language. 1882. Laws of : Erskine. An Institute of the. 1812. Innes. Legal Antitjuities, Lectures on the Scottish. 1872. Mac kenzie of Rosehaugh. AVorks. 1716. Murray of (ilendook. Scottish Parlia- ment. Jas. I.-Chas. II. 1681. Monuments and Inscriptions. 1871. Rogers. North of .Scotland, Letters from the. 1815. Burt. Peerage of : Douglas. 1803. Hay. E.stimate of the Scottish Nobilitie in 1577. Poetry. History of. 1861. Irving. Portraits of Illustrious Persons. 1799. Pinkerton. Proverbs. 1870. Hislop. INDEX. 773 Scotlsmd— con t. Rffurnis : Benthaji. Scotch. Fletcher. In the Royfil Burghs of. 1782. Scenery of. 1826. Scott. Social Life in Former Days, chiefly in Moray. 1865-6. Dunbar. Songs of : Aytoun. The Ballads of. 18;J8. BucHAN. The North of Scotland. 1828. Herd. Songs and Ballads. 1791. Spey River, Autumns on the. 1872. Knox. Statisticiil Account of. 1791-9. Sinclair. Surnames of: Anderson. Surnames and Families. 1863. Innes. 1860. Travellers in. 1295-1689. 1891. Brown. Travels in : Cobbett. Tour in Scotland, and Four Northern Counties of England in 1832. Pennant. Tours in. 1769-1772. Wordsworth. Recollections of a Tour made in 1803. 1874. Wit and Humour of. 1863. Logan. Scots Men-at-Arms : History of : Forbes-Leitii. The Scots Men-at-Arms and Life Guards in France. 1418-1830. 1882. Francisque-Michel. Le.s Ecossais en France, les Francjais en Eeosse. 1862. Scottish Border : History of : Carre. Border Families. 1876. Carre. Border Memories. RiDPATii. Border Historv to the L^nion. 1776. RiTSON. Annals of the Caledonians, Piets, and Scots. 1828. Veitcii. History and Poetry of the Scottish Border. 1878. Sculptors : Lives and Works of : Albrizzi. Antonio Canova. 1822-4. Eastl.\kb. John Gibson, R.A. 1870. Holland. Sir Francis Chantrey. 1851. Lonsdale. Musgrave L. Watson. 1804- 47. S.MiTH. Joseph NoUekens and his Times. 1828. TiiiKLE. BerbelThorvaldsen. 1865. Sculpture: Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. Trans. 1882. MiCHAELIS. Elements of. 1879. Ruskin. History of Greek and Roman. 1882. Perry. See Fine Arts. Sea: Currents and Winds. 1853. M.iURY. Depths of the. 1868-70. Tiio.mson. Ebb and Flow of. B.icon. Margins, Ancient. 1848. Chambers. Physical Geography of the Sea. 1860. Maury. Revolutions de la Mer. Adhe.mar. Soundings. " Challenger " Expedition. 1873-6. Thomson & Murray, Seaford. Memorials. 1855. Lower. Seals of Sovereigns, Corporations, &c., Photographs. 1872. British Museum. Seamen : British : Brassey. As described in Official Docu- ments. 1877. Plimsoll. An Appeal on Behalf of. 1873. Eniilish, under tlie Tudors. 1868. Bourne. Seaside Studies. 1856. Lewes. Sebastopol. 1889. Tolstoi. See Battles, Crimean AVar. Second Sight. Tracts. 1820. Witchcraft. Secret Service : Works on : Anne (Queen). Of John Macky. 1733. Edwards. Spy. Memoirs. 1820. Bulloch. Of the Confederate States in Europe. 1883. Caussidiere. France. Ex Prefet de Police. 1848. Charles. II. Secret Service, Accounts of. Camden Soc, 52. Le Caron. Twenty-five Years in the Fenian Conspiracy. 1892. Macky. Memoirs of the, temp. Will. III., Anne, and Geo. I. 1733. Rey'nolds, of Kilkea Castle, Kildare, the Informer. Life. 1839. ViDOCQ, Chef de la Police de la Surete. Memoirs. 1828-9. Secret Societies : Works on : Cantu. Carbonari. 1878. De Quincey. Vol. 7. Ferme. Conspirations sous le Second Empire. 1869. Frost. Secret Societies of the European Revolution. 1776-1876. HoDDE. Hi.stoire des Societes Secretes et du Parti Republicain de 1830 a 1848. 1850. Tone. United Irishmen. 1826. Sects and Heresies. Dictionary of. 1874. Blunt. Seeing and Thinking. 1880. Clifford. Senegal, Voyage to. Adanson. Senses, The, and the Intellect. 1864. Bain. Essays upon the. 1620. Bratiiwait. Man, The Five Senses of. Bernstein. Sepoy War. 1857-8. Grant. See Indian Mutiny. Sepulchral Monuments : Ancient Effigies and Monuments. 1877. Rogers. Devon Brasses, Monumental. Handbook of. 1861. Haines. Epitaphs : Cansick. Curious and Interesting. TissiNGTON. Of all Ages. 1857. Great Britain : Blore. Noble and Eminent Persons. 1826, Dingley. History from Marble. Camden Soc, 95, 97. LeNeve. Monumenta Anglicana. 1600- 1718. Stotiiard. Effigies from 1066 to Hen. VIIL 1817. Weever. Ancient Funeral. 1631. 774 INDEX. Sepulchral -MouumLnts — co«/. Halicaniiissus rtsturetl, ^lausoleiim at. 1862. Fehgussox. London, Tombs in the Churches of. 1885. FlSHEK. Nor\Tich Cathednil, Tombs in. Browne. Rude Stone Monuments. 1872. rEuocssoN. St. Paul's, Tombs, Jlonuments. and Sepul- chral Inscriptions in. 1666. Fisiiek. Scotland, Sepulchnil Inscriptions of. 1871-2. RoGEKS. Sepulchres, Essiiy on. 1809. GonwiN. Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. Gray. Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and New "World. 18.51. Mad»en. Temple Church, London. Tombs. 1843. RUIIARUSO.V. "West Indies. Lacrexce & Archer. Serjeants at-Law : Livfs (jf Eminent. 1869. "Wooi.RYCir. The Ordir uttho Coif. 1884. PuLLiNfi. Sermons : Writers of: Bradforp. Bramhai.l. 1677. Butler. 1836. Chalmers. 1819. Hall. 1647. Hall. 18oo. HOADLY. 1709-10. Hooker. JOHSSOH. 1710. KiSGSLEY. 1878. Kxox. 1824. L.\TIMER. Paley. Parr. 1828. Sancroft. 1616-93. S.MITII. 1809. South. 1843. St.anley. 1863. Sterse. Swift. Taylor. Thirlwall. 1877-8. TiLLOTSON. 17o7. Tucker. "W.ATTS. "Wesley. 1829. "WiiisTON. 1709-13. "Wolfe. 1791-1823. Sermons, Liy. Cobrett, Huxley. Serpent "Worship. India. FERfiUSSON. Servia : Belgrade, A Residence in. 1845. P.aton. History of, and the Servian Revolution. Trans. 1848. Ranke. Servian Popular Poetry. Trans. 1827. ]»o\vuiN'i;. Settlements and Endowments, Law of. 1880. HOBHOUSE. Shan States. A Thousjvnd Miles on an Elephant in the. 1890. Hallctt. Sheep : their Breeds, Management, and Di^rases. 1856. Youatt. Shefield. History of. 1819. Hunter. .SVt Vokksiiire. Shells, British and Foreign. 1856. "Wood. Sheppy, Five Days' Peregrination round. ll(JiiAUTH. Srtj Kent. Shetland Isles. Past and Present. 1883. TriPi.)R. Ship Building in Iron and Steel. 1888. Reed. Method of I'.uilding Ships of War. 1686-7. Snii'-BuiLniNG. Principles of Naval Architecture. 1845. Symonds. See Naval Architecture. Ship of Fools, The. Trans. 1874. Brandt. Shipping : -Miiciiaut. History. 1874. Lindsay. Register of British and Foreign. 1884. Lloyd's. Registration of. 1869. Wood. Yacht Register. I88i et seq. Ser Meiuantile Marine. Shooting. Badminton Library. Shoreditch. See London. Short Studies on Grciit Subjects. 1867-83. 1'"koi'de. Showmen and London Fairs. 1875. Frost. Shrines and Sepulchres. 1851. ^Iadden. .SVr Sei'Ulciiral Monuments. Shropshire : Antiquities of : Anderson. Early History. 1864. Beauties of England. Duke. 1844. Eyton. 1854-6. Lloyd. 1844. Dialect, Poems in the Shropshire. 15th. Cent. AUDLEY. Directories. Handbook. "Murray. Ludlow : Camden Soc. 102. Churchwardens' Ac- counts 1540-1603. Wright. Ludlow and its Neighbourhood, History of. 1852. Shrewsbury : Owen. Ancient and Present State of. 1808. Owen & Blakeway. Hi.story of. 1825. Uriconium : Excavations on its site at Wroxeter. 1872. Visitation. 1623. Harleian Soc, 28, 29. AVrekin, All Round the. 1880. White. Siam : Description. 1728. Kaemtfer. History of. Turpin. Kingdom and People of. 1855. Bowrino. Travels in Siam, Cambodia, and Laos. 1858-60. MouHOT. Siberia. 1882. Seeboikm. Conquest of. 1 780. COXE. Exile System. 1891. Kenn.an. Overland Route from Peking to Petersbourg. 1864. MiCHiE. Pictures. 1883. Nie.mojowski. Travels in. 1854. Hill. Sicilian Vespers, The War of the. 1850. A. MARK Sicily. 1857. Duff. Cities of. 1883. Hare. Classical Tour through. 1819. Hoare. INDEX. 775 Sicily — cont. History of : Freeman. 1891-2. Lloyd. History to the Athenian War. 1872. See Italy. Siege of Paris. See Paris. Sieges. See Battles. Sierra Leone. See Africa. Signals, Code of, for the Use of the Mercan- tile Navy. 1841. Walker. Sign-Boards, History of. 1866. Hotten & Larwood. Lombard Street, Old. 1887. Price. London Signs and Inscriptions. 1893. Nor- man. Sikh. Origin of the Sikh Power. 1834. Prinsep. Silk Production. Locke. Silver : Coinage. Introduction of, into British Colonies. 1827. Hakdcastle. Coins of England. 1876. Hawkins. See Numismatics. Depreciation of. 1877. Bagehot. Exchange Tables. 1890. Graiiame. Mines of Lourion. 1828. Boeckh. Production and Consumption. 1831. Jacob. Sindh.. See India, Scixde. Skating. See Badminton Library. Skye, a Summer in. 1865. Smith. Slang and Argot. French and English Dic- tionary of. 1887. Barrere. Slang Dictionary. 1889-90. Barrijre & Lelani). Dictionary. I860. Hotten. Slavery, Abolition of: English : Page. Examination of Twelve Resolu- tions of Mr. Hume respecting Compen- sation Loan. 1839. SiiARR. Injustice of Tolerating Slavery in England. 1772. Sharp. Law of Retrilnition against Slaveholders. 1 776. Sharp. Just Limitation of. 1776. Sharp. Life. 1734-1813. WiLDERFORCE. Life. 17-59-1833. Histoire de FEsclavage dans I'Antiquite. 1879. Wallon. Jamaica : BicKELL. Slavery in. 1825. Jamaica. Slave LaM-. 1828. Sterne. Jamaica Apprenticeship. 1837. Negro's and Indian's Advocate. 1680. Godwvn. Spanish Conquest, its relation to. Helps. Tracts. 1791-1808. Slavery. Trinidad, Negro Emancipation at. 1842. Burnley. United States : Autographs for Freedom : an Anti- Slavery Miscellany. 1853. Brown, John, Liberator of Kansas. 1885. Cairnes. The Slave Power. 1862. Campbell. AVhite and Black. 1879. Channing. Clowes. The Ex-Slave and his Master. Douglass. Life and Times. 1817-82. Garrison. Story of his Life. 1805-79. Slavery— cow;;. United States — cont. Graiiame. 1842. MacHenry. Cotton Trade and Slavery. 1863. Olmsted. Slavery in the Cotton States. 1861. Smith. Does the Bible Sanction American Slavery? 1863. Stirling. Letters from the Slave States. 1857. West Indies, Slavery in. 1824-30. Stephen. Slave Trade : African : B.VKER. Expedition to Central Africa for Suppression of. 1874. Bandinel. Account of Trade in Slaves. 1842. Buxton. Its Eomedy. 1839. CoLOMB. Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean. 1873. Cooper. Slavery and the Slave Trade. 1875. ZuLUETA. Trial for Slave-Trading. 1843. Slavonia. Le Monde Slave. 1852. Egbert. Sleep and Dreams. Aristotle. Smokiana. 1586-1890. Pritchett. Smoking. See Tobacco. Smuggling Days and Smuggling Ways. 1892. Shore. Smyrna : Die wirthschaftliehen Smyrna's in Jahre. 1874. Sciierzer. La Province de. 1873. Sciierzer. Sobriquets and Nicknames. 1888. Frey. Social Science : Association. 1857-84. National. Culture and Anarchy. 1891. Arnold. Economy : About. Handbook of Social Economy. GuYOT. Principles of Social Economy. Trans. 1 884. Essays on Social Science. 1853. Greg. Institutions, Early History of. 1875. Maine. Lectures on Social Subjects. 1872. Fawcett, H. & Fawcett, M. Modern Order and Progress. 1889. Alex- ander. Philosophy, Social. 1848. Mill. Primitive Culture. 1871. Tylor. Primitive Family in its Origin and Develop- ment. Starcke. Principles of Social Science. 1868-9. Carey. Social Reform, Methods of. 1883. Jevons. Social Reign of Law, The. 1867. Argyll. Social Statics. 1868. Spencer. Sociology, Descriptive. 1871-3. Spencer. Sociology, Study of. 1874. Spencer. Socialism : Works on : Graham. New and Old. Laveleye. Of To-Day. Trans. 1885. Mallock. Social Equality. 1882. Mallock. Property and Progress. 1884. Nordhopp. Communist Societies. 1875. Noyes. American. 1870. Owen. Society, New View of. 1818. 77G INDEX. Socialism loiit. Works on — cont. PKouDnos. Syst^me des Contradictions ^•onomiqnes. 1867. Smith. Economic Aspects of State Social- ism. 1867. Societies : Works, Publications, &c. : A( ADKMiE Royal des Sciences. 1699. American- Institute of Mining Engineers. Antiqcaries, Society of. Antiquaries of ScotLind. Tnins;ictions. Abcii-EOLogical Institute. AsuTic Society of Bengal. 1799-1801. Ballad Society. 1868 et seq. Bankers. Institute of. Journal. 1880 et .rn.LER. Society if Friends. Ser Friewds, Quakers. Society T-lands. See Polynesia. Sociology. Descriptive. 1861-87. Spencer. Solomon I-lands and their Natives. 1887. Gcppv. Geology, &c., and Suitability for Coloniza- tion. 1887. GcppY. Head-Huntcrs, Naturalist among the. 1886-8. Woodford. See PoLYNESi-i. Somerset House Chapel : 3Iai riages and B;\ptisms. Phillipps. Marriages. Baptisms, and Burials. Burn. Somersetshire : Antiquitius and History of. 1791. Col- LINSON. BEAtrriEs OP England. Directories. Ecclesiastical Documents. Camden Soc., 8. Handlx)ok. Murr-Iy. History of. 1839. Phelps. Memorials of the West. 1888 Nunneries of. 1867. Hugo. Religious House-s, The. 1893. Towns and Localities of: Bath: Davis. Mineral B;Uhs of. Morris. Handlxxik. 1888. Bristol. 1821-3. Sever. Carhampton, History of the Hundred of. 1830. SAV.iGE. Glastonbury, History of the Abbey of. 1826. VVarner. Glastonbury. Ecclesiae Antiquitate. Wil- liam of Malmesbury. Wells Cathedral. History. 1881. Reynolds. Visitation. 1623. Harleian Soc., U. Songs. B.iLL.ADS. Sorcery and Magic, Narratives of. 1851. WitKillT. Ste AViTCHCRAPT. Sondan : BibliogTJiphy. 1888. .Stven Years in the. 1{ .9''' E(JVPT. Sound in its Relation to Music,The Theory of. Blasern.\. Experiments. 1879. M.aver. S'.v Physics. Sound uul Htanng. Bacon. Sotitiiampton to Buenos Ayres. 1891. Arc iii-i'S". Southampton and Southamptonshire. See H AMI'SHIRE. Southern Hemisphere. Voyages in. 1783. H.VWKE.SWORTH. Rogers. Archbold. 1883. Ibrahim-Hilmy. 74-81. Gessi Pasii.4. INDEX. 777 Southern States of N. America. 1875. King. See United States. South. Sea Scheme. History. 1747. Toland. South Sea, Voyage into the. 1593. Hawkins. Sec Pacific. South Sea Islands. Wild Life. 1867. Lamont. See Polynesia. Southwark : Annals of St. Mary Overy. 1833. Taylor. Churches. 1820. Clarke. Map of, temp. Queen Elizabeth. Agas. See London. Southwell : Antiquities of the Town and Church of. 1787. Kastall. Minster. Visitations and Memorials. Camden Soc, 48 (N.S.). See Nottinghamshire. Spain : Ancient Ballads : LocKiiART. Trans. 1870. KoDD. 1821. Chronicles of. Ciironicas. Description of: Adolpiitjs. Letters from, in 1856-7. Beckford. 1835. Davillier. 1874. HosKiNS. Spain as it is. 1851. Irving. Spanish Papers. 1866. White. Letters from Spain. 1822. Gypsies of. 1843. Borrow. Gothic Architecture. 1869. Street. Granada, Conquest of. Irving. ' Handbook of. 1869. Ford. Handbook. Murray. History of: CoxE. Kings of the House of Bourbon. 1700-88. Du Casse. Memoires du Eoi Joseph Bonaparte. 1853-4. Dunham. 1832. Mariana. To the Death of Ferdinand. Trans. 1699. Prescott. Ferdinand II. of Arragon and Isabella of Castile. 1452-1516. Prescott. The Keign of Philip II. of. 1855-8. Ranke. Ottoman and Spanish Empires, 16th and 17th Cents. 1843. Stanhope. Spain under Charles II. 1690-9. Jews in. Castro. Life in Spain, Past and Present. 1859. TlIORNBCRY. Literature : Bouterwek. History of Spanish. Trans. 1823. Ticknor. History of Spanish. 1849. Poetry and Romances of. 1824. Bowring. Poetry, Essay on. 1823. Wiffen. Proverbs, Dictionary of. 1823. Collins. Sieges in. 1811-14. Jones. Sierra Nevada. 1872. King. Travels in : Bourgoanne. Pinkerton, Vol. 5. Edwards. To the Sahara. 1868. Hare. Wanderings in. 1873. Jacob. The South of. 1809-10. O'Shea. Romantic Spain. 1887. p. 3104. Spain— cowif. Wars of Succession : Alcock. British Legion in. Medical History. 1838. Bollaert. 1826-48. Duncan. The English in Spain. 1834-40. Evans. Memoranda ofthe Contest in. 1840. Farr. Recollections of the War. 1838. Inglis. Political State. 1830. Paenell. History. 1702-11. Stanhope. History of the. 1836. Spanish Armada, Names of Persons who Subscribed towards the Defence of this Country against the. 1588. Spanish. See Ar.mada. Spas of England, and Principal Sea Bathing Places. 1811. Gtran vi lle. See Health Resorts. Speakers of the House of Commons. Lives. 1850. Manning. Spectrum Analysis : Works on : LocKYER. Studies in. ScHELLEN. Trans. 1872. Speech : Organs of. Meyer. Tongue not Essential to. 1873. Twistleton. Treatment of Impediments of. 1810. Thelwall. Speeches : Attic Orators^ Antiphon to Isseos. 1876. Jebb. British Cicero. 1813. Browne. British Senate, Eloquence ofthe. 1625-1802. Hazlitt. Dying Speeches of State Prisoners. 1720. State. Eighty Club. Eighty. French Revolutionary Orators. 1892. Stephens. Oratores Attici. 1822-33. Ouatores. Platform, The. Its Rise and Progress. 1892. Jephson. United States, Collected Eloquence of the. 1827. WiLLISTON. Species, Origin of. Darwin. Spey, River, Scotland. Autumns on the. 1872. Knox. Spiritualism, Hints on. 1872. ]M. P. Spitzbergen : Account of a Voyage to. 1780. Bacstrom. Four Russian Sailors who lived Six Years upon the Island of East Spitzbergen, Nar- rative of. Le Roy. Greenland and. JIartin. Three Voyages towards Cathay and China by the Dutch. 1594-6. Veer. Sporting : Dog Breaking. 1865. Hutchinson. Game Laws and Grouse Moors. 1872. Macdonald. Sporting Tour through the North of Eng- land and Highlands of Scotland. 1804. Thornton. Works on : Apperley. 1838. Baily's Magazine. Blaine. Encyclopedia of Rural Sports. 1856. ' 3 () 778 INDEX. Sporting— coiit. Works on — cviit. JXvNiEL. Runil Sports. 1801-13. Nkw Sporting' Magaziiio. 1837-70. New. Sports and Pastimes : 15ai>misto\ Ci.rii. En;:lanil. 1845. Stiiitt. Sports of the Enprlish. a.s bearing upon their N.itioii.il Character. 1868. Wilton. Spy. *"" '^f< ifET Service. Staffordshire : Antiijuities of. History. 1798-1801. SiiAW. I5E.VUTIES OP Engi-and. 1801-18. DiRECTOlUES. Handbook. MrRR.w. Lichfield, History of the Church aud City of. ISOfi. H.VHWOOD. Survt V of 1844. Erdeswick. Stage, The. 8ce Drama. Stamford. Antiquities of. 1885. Harrod. .SV' LlXCOLNSniRE. Star Chamber and its Proceedings, The. 1870. Buus. Stars : Atlases of the. 1873. Proctor. Origin. Motion. Light. 187*). Ennis. State Papers. Calendars. Sic Gre.vt Britain. State Trials. Sec Trials. Stationers Company, Registers of the. 1 004-1 f)40. Aruer. Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland, and hvland. 1882. Bevan. Statistical Atlas of the United States. 188f). Hewes & Gannett, Statistics : Dictionary of. 1886. ^VlrLiiALL. Political Arithmetic. 1699. Petty. Stati.stik der Xeuzeit. 1883. Kolb. Statistique Graphique, La. 1885. Levas- secr. AVorks on : Kolb. The Conditions of Nations, Social and Political. Trans. 1880. Kolb. Handbuch der vergleichendeii. 1879. Longstapp. Studies in Statistics. 1891. MoREAu. Journal des Travaux de la Societe Fran9aise de Statistique Univer- selle. 1836. Statistical Society of London. Journal. 1838 ef seq. Sec also Prices, Progress. Steam-Carriage. The Earliest Locomotive. Mciuiocri. Steam Engine : History of the Growth of the. Thurston. Watt and his Mechanical Inventions, 1736- 1819. 1854. MriRiiEAD. Steam-Ships. 1892. Ocean. Stepney Parish, Memorials of. 1890 et .vvy. Stepney. See MlDDLESE.\'. Stock Exchange, Chronicles and Characters "ft hi'. 1855. Francis. Stockholm. 'S'c^ Capitales dc Monde. Stock-lobbing. Art of 1819. Stock .loiuiiNf;. Stocks : Causes of Fluctuations in their Price. 1887. GiFKEN. Prices. 1885 et seq. Burdett. Si'r Funds. Stoics, The .\ncient. Grant. Stoke Newington, Middlesex. History of, 184-2. Robinson. S<-e MlKDLESEX. Stone Age : Ancient Implements of Great Britain. 1872, Ev.\N8. Creed of the Stone Age. 1892. Mohoan. Stonehenge. 1665. Jones. Stone ^lonuments. Rude. 1872. Fergusson. Storm. The Great. 1704. De Foe. Storms, ^ee Meteorology. Strasbourg, Siege de. 1872. Uimicii. So- 1''i!an(o-Prussian War. Strategy. Military, in America. 1891, ElGELOW. See Au.MY. Stratford-on-Avon. Historic Account. 18G3. WliELER. Xew Place. Account of. 1864. Halliwell- PlIILLIPPS. See Warwickshire. Street Literature, Curiosities of. 1871. Street. Subject-Index of Modern Works in British .Museum. 1880-90. British Museum. Subject's Duty: In.stitution of Magistracy. 1709. Blackall. Sir GoTEUNMENT, LiBERTi'. Subscription Tests and Oxford University lSo3. Hey"svood. Sudeley. See Gloucestershire. Suez Canal: 1876. Fitzgerald. 1869. Hamley. Suffolk : Abbeys and Monasteries. 1821. Taylor. Antiquities and History : Beauties of Englanb. Suckling. County of. History of. 1846-8. Taylor. Topography. 1869. Dialect. Ea.'Jt Anglian. 1830. Forby. Dialect. Suffolk Words and Phrases. 1823. INIOOR. Directories. Ea.st Anglian Life. 1888. Emerson, Handbook. JIurr.ay. Towns, &c., of: Abbej- of Bury St. Edmunds : Camden Soc., 49. Wills and Inventories in the Register. Yates. History of the. 1843. Franilingham. History of Abbey. 1879, Hawes. Ipswich. History of. 1830. Clarkb. Thingoe Hundred. History. 1838. Gage, Visitations, 1561, 1577, 1612. Metcalfe. Suffolk, United States. Surnames. 1861. r.uwniTCH. Suicide. Morselli. Anatomy of. 1840. Winslow. Purgatory of. 1845, Cooper. Reflexions sur. Stael-Holstein. Sumatra, History of. 1811. Mabsdin. mDEX. 779 Summonses of Nobility to Great Councils and Parliaments. 1685. Dugdale. Sun, The: Scientific Description. Young. Solar Heat, Researches on. Langley. Total Eclipse of July 18, 1860. De la Rue. Sunday. Origin, History, and Present Oliligation. 1866. Hessev. Supernatural in Romantic Fiction, The. 1880. Yardley. Superstitions : Anciennes et Modernes et Prejnges Vulgaires. 1733-6. PicAiiT. New Zealanders. 1856. SnoRTLANn. Nunierus Infaustus, Wm. II., Hen. II., Edw. II., Rich. II., Chas. II., and Jas. II. 1827. C^SAR. Scottish Highlanders, Superstitions of the. 1811. Grant. See also Apparitions, Folk-Lore, Magic, AVlTCIICRAFT. Suppressed Books. See Index. Suppression of the Monasteries. Camden Soc, 26. See Monasteries. Surgeons, Barber, of London, Annals. 1890. Young. College of, Ii Cameron. 'land. Surgeons, Royal History of. 1886 Surgery : Brain, and its Physiology. 1846. Noble. Dictionary of Practical. 1886. Heath. System of. 1860-4. Holmes. See also Medicine, Physic, Physiology. Surnames : English. 1873. Bardsley. Scotch. 1860. Innes. See Names. Surrey : Antiquities and History : Beauties of England. Manning. 1804-14. Churches. 1852. Hussey. Cottage and Domestic Architecture. 1889. Nevill. Directories. Field Paths and Green Lanes. 1877. Jennings. Handbook. Murray. Localities of : Camberwell. History. 1841. Allport. Croydon : Anderson. Church of. 1867. Anderson. Parish of. 1882. Epsom : Pownall. History. 1825. ToLAND. Amusements at. 1747. Kennington. 1888. Loptie. Kingston-on-Thames, History. 1852. BiDEN. Mortlake, History of the Parish of. 1886. Anderson. Reigate. 1885. Phillips. Sutton Place, Guildford. 1893. Harkison. AVimbledon, History of. 1865. Bartlett. Loseley Manuscripts. Hen. Vlll.-Jas. I. Kempe. See London, Sussex : Bibliography. Butler. Birds, Catalogue of the. 1855. Knox. Churches. 1852. Hussey. Coast Views. 1774. Gilpin. Dialect : Cooper. 1836. Parish. 1875. Directories. Handbook. Murray. History and Antiquities of : Beauties of England. Dallaway. The Western Division of. 1830-32. Elwes & Robinson. AVestern. 1879. HoRSFiELD. Antiquities, and Topography of. 1835. Index to Sussex Archseological Collections. 1870. Lower. Industries and Interesting Places in. 1883. Wolff. Our Ancestors in. 1882-3. Fleet. Parliamentary History of. 1834. Cooper. Towns and Localities of : Arundel, History of the Castle and Town of. 1834. Tierney. Battle Abbey. Camden Soc, 41 (N.S.). Chichester, Memorials of. 1876. Stephens. Hailsham. Our Parish. 1884. Gearing. Harting, History of. 1877. Gordon. Horsham, History and Antiquities. 1868. Hurst. Rye, History of. 1847. Holloway. Seaford, Cinque Port of. 1855. Lower. Winchelsea. The Edification of a Medi- aeval Town. 1892. Inderwick. Walks in. 1877. Jennings. Worthies of. 1865. Lower. Sutherlandshire, Tour in. 1849. Saint John. Sutton Place, Guildford. Annals of an Old Manor House. 1893. Harrison. Sweden : Account. 1688. Molesworth. Frithiofs Saga. 1835. Tegner. Handbook. Btedeker, Murray. History of : Dunham. 1839. Fryxell. Trans. 1844. Sinding. 1865. Stockholm. Capitales du Monde. Survey of. 1671. Tejiple. Ten Years in. 1865. AViieelwright. Travels in : Bremner. Excursions in. 1840. Carlisle. Embassy to. 1663-4. FoRTiA. Of Two Frenchmen in. 1790-2. Frankland. Visit to the Court of. 1830. Godwin. Letters from. 1802. Laing. Tour in. 1838. Porter. 1809. Wiiitelocke. Journal of Swedish Em- bassy. 1653 and 1654. 1772. Swimming. Sinclair & Henry. Swine. The Pig. 1847. Youatt. The Pig. Cobbett. Switzerland : Alps, Passes of the. 1828. Brockedon. Anglais, Livre des, a Geneve. 1831. Burn. 3 D 2 780 INDEX. Switzerland — cont. L>tr<.Ti{jtioii of : Adams Sc Ccnsingiiam. The Swiss Con- fiHienition. 1889. GocRDAULT : Li Suisse : Etudes et Voyages k travers ks 22 Cantons. 1879. Strickland. Engadine Guide. 1891. Guide. Joanne. Handbook. B.kdeker, 3Icrray. History of : DAciCET. Confederation Suisse. 1880. Planta. Helvetic Confederacy. 1800. SwiTZEKI..\ND. 1832. Lake Dwellings of. 1866. Keller. Travels in : CoxE. 1778. Mathews. 1820. Zigzag. How we Spent the Summer in Switzerland. 1873. Se'' Alps, Mattebiiorn, Mont Blanc, Mocntaineering. Swyncombe and Ewelme. History. 1858. Napier. Sec Oxfordshire. Sydney State Papers, from Originals at Pens- b.urst. (^lary to Cromwell.) 1746. Collins, Symbolism. Blake. Symbols : Chri.-tiaii. 1885. Twining. Migration des Symliole.*. 1891. Alviella. Synon3nnO'as Words in the English Lan- guitre, Catalogue of. 1882. Smith, Synonyms : English Explained. 1826. Cr.\bb. Selection of English. 1852. Wn.\TELY. Thesaurus of Enclish "Words and Phrases Classified. 1852. Roget. Syon Monaster}-, History of. 1840. Aungier. Syracnse. Coins of, in Chronological .Sequence. 1874. Head. Syria: Description of : C.ARNE. Syria, the Holy Land, and Asia Minor. 1836. Kelly. Syria and the Holy Land. 1844. ^ "Wood. The Ruins of Biilbcc. 1757. Etat Physique et Politique. Volney. Handbook. B.ei)Eker, ^Icrray, Inner Life of. 1884. Burton. Mount Lebanon. Dandini. Palmyra, The Ruins of. 1753. "Wood, Sp)eech on. 1841. Bowring. Travels in : BmcKH-tRDT. 1822. Newton. In the Levant. 1788. Volney. Voyage. 1783-5. Views. 1830. Bartlett & Pcrser. War in. Account of the. 1842. Napieb. Sec afso Asia Minor, Levant. Taeping' RiUlIion : Ev.-nts in the. 1891. Gordon. History of the. LiN le. .SVc China. Talmud, Selections from the. 1876-7. I'mi.ano. Tapestry. Bayeux. 1819-23. Stothard. Tariffs. British Empire. 1888. Rawson. .S>f Customs. Tartans, Scottish Clans and their. 1891, .■^(.ottisii. Tartar Conquerors of China. 1688. Orlea.v3, Tartary Mantchu, See China, Tartary, siUrian. 1824. Cochr.^ne. Tartary : Travils in : AsTi.E. 1246 ct Sfq. Hue. Souvenirs d'un Voyage. 1844-56. RUBRUQUIS. 1253, Tar W.iti r. Remarks on. Berkeley. Tasmania : Discovery of. 1642. Tasman. History of. 1852, "West. Physical Description of. 1845. Strzelcki, Tales of the Colonies. 1843. Rowcropt. Sec Australia. Taste : Essays on : Alison, 1815, BlTRKE, Taxation : American. 1888. Ely. British : CoMen Club Essays. 1875. DowELL. History of. 1884. GiFFEN. Essiiys in Finance. 1880 & 1886. Gladstone. Speech on Tax Bills. 1861. Malet, National Income and Taxation. 1886. Palgrave, Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland, 1871, Pebrer, Revenue, &c,, of the British Empire. 1833, Property Protection Soc. Pnhlicaiions. Stevens. The Royal Treasury of Eng- land. 1728. Wilson. National Budget. 1882. Death Duties ; Brodie, As substitute for Income Tax, 1850. Buxton & Barnes. Handbook to the Death Duties, 1890, Description of : Gibbon. Its Nature and Properties, 1851. Menier, Theorie de I'lmpot sur le Capital. 1874, Free Trade, Treatise on, 1846, Gibbon. Funding System and Taxation. 1845. Mac- CuLLoni. Illustnitions of Taxation, 1834. M.vrtiseau. Local Taxation, 1872, Gosciien. Principles of: Benth.\m. Ric.iRDo. 1817. ProtectiveTariffs,&Monopolie-«. 1888. Ely. Public Finance, 1892. Bastable. Relative Taxation. 1823. Vaux. Urban Riting, 1890. Sargf„nt, f^'c Budgets. Tchad. A la Conquete du. 1890. Alis. Tea Countries of China, 1852. Fortcnb. See CniN.4. Technical Education, Montague, Technological Dictionary, 1878. Schillib. Technologisches Worterbuch. 1887. Roheig. mDEX. 781 Telegraph : Electric. 1857. Cooke. India : GoLDSMiD. Making of the Telegraph com- munication with. 1874. Parkinson. Ocean Telegraph to India. 1870. Temperance : Conference on, London, 1886. National Social Science Association. Movement. Alcohol and the State. 1877. Pitman. Temperate Life, Discourses on a. 1859. CORNARO. Templars, The Knights : 1854. Addison. 1892. Froude. See Knights. Temple : Church, Monumental Effigies of the. 1843. ElCHARDSON. Inner : Browne. Masque. Temple. Masters of the. 1450-1883. Temple. Students Admitted. 1547-1760. Middle : Temple. Catalogue of Library. 1880. Thorpe. Still Life of the Middle Temple. 1892. Temples. See Greece, India, Eome. Tenant Right, Profitable Farming under a Just System of. 1881. Prout. See also Land, Ireland. Tenby. Historical Sketch. 1818. Tenby. See Pembrokeshire. Tenerife. Past and Present. 1887. Stone. Tennis : Annals of. 1878. Marshall. Badminton Library. Test Act. 1883. Swift. Test Acts, Corporation and. Proceedings for Eepeal of. 1829. Test Act Eeporter. See Oxford. Tetbury. History. 1857. Lee. See Gloucestershire. Teutonic Name System. 1864. Ferguson. Texas : Explorations in. 1850-3. Bartlett. History of Republic of. 1842. Maillard. See United States. Thames : Works on the : Cooke. Views of the. 1811. Dickens, Jun. Dictionary of the. 1889. Ireland. Picturesque Views on the. 1799-1802. Law. Oxford to London. 1882. Mackay. Tributaries. 1840. Owen. Views of the. 1881. Thanet, Isle of. History. 1736. Lewis. See Kent. Thebes. Topography. 1835. Wilkinson. Theism : Candid Examination of. 1880. Phy'sicus. Philosophy of. 1884. Ward. See also Moral Philosophy, Religion. Theogonia. 1843. Hesiodus. Theology. Theological Literature. Cyclo- pedia Bibliographica. 1854-9. Darling. See also Church, Eeligion. Thibet. See Tibet. Thingoe Hundred, Suffolk. History and Antiquities of. 1838. Gage. Thirty Years' War in Germany. Catholics and Protestants. History of : Chapman. 1618-48. Chapman. Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the. 1856. Harte. Gustavus Adolphus. 1807. Schiller. Dreissigjahrigen Kriegs. Throat, Sore. 1879. James. Thug, Confessions of a. 1839. Taylor. Thugs. Illustrations of their History and Practices. 1837. Thugs. Tibet: Travels in : Bonvalot. 1891. Cooper. Attempt to Penetrate Thibet from Assam. 1873. Hue. Voyage dans. Jacquemont. 1828-31. Markham. Narrative of the Mission of George Bogle to. 1876. PiNKERTON. Travels through. EocKHiLL. The Land of the Lamas. 1891. Turner. Account of an Embassy to. 1800. Wilson. Journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus. 1875. See Asia. Tichborne Trial, Introduction to the. 1875. Kenealy. Tides. ^ Bacon. Tiers Etat. Histoire. 1856. Thierry. Tigris Eiver. Survey. 1835-37. Chesney. Timbuctoo. See Africa. Time and Timekeepers. 1842. Thomson. "Times," Brief History of the. 1873. Greene. Tin Trumpet, The. 1836. Chatfield. Titled, Landed, and Official Classes. 1880 et seq. Handbook. Titles : Deduction of European, from their Primitive Sources. 1846. Hampson. Of Honor. 1672. Selden. Tiverton, History of. 1845. Harding. See Devon. Tobacco : Bibliotheca Nicotiana. 1874. Bragge. Counterblast to. James I. History and Associations. 1859. Fairholt. My Lady Nicotine. 1892. Barrie. Smokiana. 1586-1890. Pritchett. Tobogganing. See Badminton Library. Tokens, Tradesmen's, Catalogue of. 1855. Beaufoy. Of the 17th Cent. 1858. See Coins, Numismatics. Tokio. See Capitales du Monde. Tombs. See Sepulchral Monuments. Tonquin : History of. 1778. EichArd. Kingdom of. Baron. Relation du Royaume. 1681. Taveknier. 782 INDEX. TopogTaphica ft Genealogica, Collectanea. l^:;^-^o. Nicuols. Topography : British : ANDERSON. Works on, in the British Museum. 1881. Gouon. 1780. See Gre.\t Britain. Tories, Whigs and. 1841. Couxtry Gen- TI KMAN. Toronto "Called Back" from 1886-50. T.W I.OK. Torres Vedras, Account of the Lines of. 184G. JosES. Sc' Peninsular War. Torture in Criminal Law of England pre- vious to Commonwealth, The Use of. 1837. Jakdise. Toryism, History of. 1783-1881. Kebbel. Tottenham, Middlesex : History of : COLERAIXE. ROBI.VSON. 1818. See ^IinnLESEX. Tournament, The Eglinton. 1840. BuL- KELEY. Tower of London : Historic Persons buried in the Chapel. 1877. Bell. History and Antiquities of the. 1821-5. IjAYLEY. Towns: Municipal History of. 1867. Tiicmpson. Our Old Country. 1881. Eimmer. Trade : British Empire. 1888. Rawson. Depression of: Brassey. Foreign Work and English Wages considered with Reference to. 1879. Smith. Remedies for. 1893. Watt. Pear's Prize Essay. Railway Legislation. Influence of, on Trade. 1848. Morrison. Sec also Banking, Commerce, Cuk- rency. Great Britain, Manufac- tures, Prices. Trade Corporations. Sec Companies, Gilds. Trade Unions : English : Baernreitiier. 1889. Early Evg. Text Soc., 12. ^LiRTiNEAU. Tendency of Strikes to Pro- duce Low Wages. Trant. 1884. Trade winds. D.\mpier, Mattry. Tradesmen's Tokens, Catalogue of. Trafalgar. Sec B.\ttles. Transcaucasia. Sec Russia, Asi.\tic. Transportation. Sec Crime and Punisu- Transylvania. Products and People. 1865. i'.i'NAH. Trappe, Lii, Monasterj-. 1818. Fellowes. Travel : The Bu.siness of. 1891. R.\e. Consolations in. 1830. D.wy. Treason, Constructive. Speeches. Euskine. Treasons, Readings upon the Statute of. KiSl. Holhour.se. Treaties : Chalmers. Between Great Britain and other Powers. 1790. Dumost, Rousset, & B.vRBEY-RAC. Corps Diplomatique, du Droit des Gens. 1726- 39. Garden. Histoire Generals des Traites dc Paix entrc les Puissances de I'Europe. 1648-1814. Hertslet, E. & Hertslot, L. 1840-93. Koch & Schoell. Traites du Paix. 1837-8. Liverpool. Collection of. 1648-1783. 31 ARTENS. Recueil des Traites. 1 8 1 7-75. 3L\rtens & CussY. Traites et Conventions. 1885 et seq. Rapix-Tiioytias. Acta Regia, between England and Foreign Powers. Trans. 1726-7. Rymer. Foedera. Conquest to Chas. 11. Treaties. From 1688 to 1771. Treaties. Histoire des Traitez de Paix. 1725. Dardanelles. Peace of the. 1808-9. Adair. IMaji of Europe by Treaty. 1875-91. Hertslet. Munster, Treaty of, the Triple Alliance, 1701. Arlixgton. Washington Treaty. 1872. Washington. Ryswick to the Peace of Utrecht. 1757. COLBELT. Tree and Serpent Worship in India. 1873. Fergussox. Trees : British. Sylva Britannica. 1826. Stbutt. Planting and Cultivating Forest Trees. 1825. COBBETT. Practical Treatise on the Planting of Forest Trees. 1861. Broa\-n. Shrubs and Trees, Encyclopaedia of. 1842. London. Sec Forestry. Trent Council. 1858. Sarpi. Trial l y Jury : History of: Forsyth. 1852. ROVTLEDGE. 1660-1820. Trials : Collections : Arnot. Criminal Trials in Scotland. 1536 to 1784. Bliss. State. 1838. Borrow. Celebrated. 1825. Browne. Narratives of State. 19th Cent. 1882. Causes Politiques Cclebres et Causes Criminelles Celebres du 19* Siecle. 1826-8. Chandler. American Criminal. 1637- 1786. Chetham Soc., 28. Jacobite Trials at Manchester, in 1694. CoBBETT & Howell. State. 1809-28. CocKBURN. Trials for Sedition in Scotland. 1881. INDEX. 783 Trials— co?j^. Collections — cont. Feuerbacii. Eemarkable Criminal. Trans. 1846. GuiCHARD. Proces Celebres de la Revo- lution. 1814. Jardine. British Criminal. 1832-5. Leahy. State Trials in Ireland, of O'Connell and others. 1845. Macdonell. Reports of State. 1820 et seq. Mejan. Recueil des Causes Celebres. 1808-11. MoiLE. State Trials. 1838. Old Bailey Sessions. Minutes of Evidence. 1730-1867. PiTAVAL. Causes Celebres ct Interessantes. 1775. PiTCAiRN. Criminal, in Scotland, from 1488 to 1624. SricER. Judicial Dramas. 1872. State Trials. 1165 ei seq. TowNSEND. Modern State Trials. 1850. Trials, from Earliest Records to the Year 1825. Trials : Beeciier, Henry Ward, Trial of. 1875. Berkeley Peerage Case. 1811. Bingham. For Arson. 1811. Bishops, Trial of the Seven. 1689. Buckingham, Duke of. Documents illus- trating his Impeachment in 1626. Camden Soc., 45 (N.S.). Cardigan, Earl of. For fighting a duel with Capt. Tuckett. 1841. Charles I. Cole, Davidson & Gordon, The Frauds of. 1856. Laing. DowNiE. For High Treason. 1836. Fenning, Eliz. Investigation into her Case. 1815. Hone. Frost. For High Treason. 1839-40. Gerrald. For Sedition. 1794. GuRNEY and Others, Report of the Case of the Queen versus. 1870. Hardy, Sec. of London Corresponding Society. 1794. Hart & White. On Charges of Libel. 1808. Hastings, Warren. 1859-61. Bond. Holy'Oake. History of the Last Trial by Jury for Atheism. 1851. Hone. Three Trials on Dec. 18-20, 1817, for publishing AVilkes's Catechism. 1818. Impey, Sir Elijah, Nuncomar of Hooghly, and the Impeachment of. 1885. Ste- phen. Laud. The History of his Troubles and Tryal. 1695. Leeds, Earl of Danby. Memoirs relating to his Impeachment in 1678. Margarot. For Sedition, on Jan. 13, 14, 1794. Melville, Viscount. 29 Apr. — 12th June, 1806. MuiR, Thomas, of Huntershill, Glasgow, Reformer. Report. 1792-3. Mackenzie. Nelson & Brand. Charge to the Grand Jury in 7?e Queen y. 1867. Cockburn. Trials— CO?*;;. Trials — cont. O'Connell, State Trial of, in Ireland. 1845. Leahy. O'Keeffe v. Cardinal Culhn. Report of the Action for Libel. 1874. Palmer, Rev. Thomas Fishe. Life and Trial of. Scottish Refor.mers. Parnell Commission. Reprint of Short- hand Notes of Speeches, Proceedings, and Evidence, with Index. 1890. Peltiek. For a Libel again.st Napoleon Buonaparte. 1803. Ravaillac. For assassination of Hen. IV. of France. Sully. Regicides. Trial of the !Murihercrs of Chas. I. 1724. Sacheverell. Six Tracts. 1710. Sackville. Feb. 22, 1760, for Disobedi ence of Orders in Germany [at Minden]. 1760. Skirving, AVm. Life and Trial of. Scot- tish Reformers. Smith. For the alleged Poisoning of M. Pierre Emile L'Angelico. 1857. Smith v. Ferrers. Action for Breach of Promise of Marriage, Feb. 14-18, 1846. Somerset, Robert, Earl of. For Poisoning Sir T. Overbury. 1846. Amos. Stirling, Earldom of. Narrative of Law Proceedings by the Claimant [Alex. Humphry.s]. 1836. Lockiiart. Stockdale. For Libel. 1789. Strafford, Trial of Earl of Rushworth. Talbot v. Talbot. 1885-6. Paget, J. & Paget, T. T. Thurtell. For the Murder of Win. Weare. 1824. Thistlewooi), Ings, Brunt, Tidd, David- son, and others. For High Treason, April 17-28, 1823. TicHBORNE Trial. Introduction to. 1875. Kenealy. TooKE. For High Treason, Nov. 1 7-22. 1794. Vane. With his Speech on the Scaffold. 1662. Waineweigiit, the Poisoner. 1880. Watt. For High Treason. 1836. York, H.R.H. the Duke of. Proceedings against, before the House of Commons. 1802. Wardle. Zulueta, Jun. On a Charge of Slave- Trading, Oct. 1843. Tribute, The. 1837. Northa-mpton. Tribune, The. Political Lectures. 1795-6. TlIELWALIi. Tricbinopoly. Memoir of Capt. Jas. Dalton, Defender of 1752-53. Dalton. Trigg Minor. History. 1868. Maclean. See Cornwall. I Trigonometry : Plane, anil Splicrical. 1828. Lahdner. Rectiligne et Spherique. Lacuoix. Trimmer, Character of a. Halifax. Trinidad, ^ec AVest Indies. Trinity College, Dublin, Pamphlets on. Education, Irish. 784 INDEX. Trinity House of Deptford Strond, The. 18'J3. lUuRETT. Triple Alliance et Alsace-Lorraine. 1892. IIki.mwi'.ii. Troubadours : Dic'tiomiaire de la Langue des. 1844. Ray- NOUARK. German. L;iy.s of the. 1825. Minnesingers. Liteniry History of the. Trans. 1779. S.vintk-Pai.vye. Troy ;"id its lumains. Reseiirches on the Siti' of Ilium. Trans. 1875. Sciiliemann. Bello Trojano, De. 1825. Dutys& Dares. Destruction of Troy, Alliterative Romance of the. Eitrly Ent/. Text Soc, 18. Ilios. Researches on the Site of Troy. 1871-9. Sciiliemann. Plain of Troy. Trans. 1791. Chevalier. Siege of Troy. Vindication of Poets and Historians. 1798. Morritt. Tracts on Troy. 1 795-9. Bryant. Troja. 1885. Sciiliemann. See Asia ^Iinor. True-born Englishman. 1700-8. De Foe. True Briton. 1723 et seq. AVh.\rton. Trusts and Trustees, Law of. 1878. Under- iiii.i.. TunbricTge, Statutes of the Free Grammar School at. 1844. Skinners' Company. Tunbridge Wells. 1810. Amsinck. Tunis und.r the French. 1822. Reid. Turf. See Racing. Turkestan : Lahore to Yarkand. 1870. Henderson & Hdme. Merv: the Queen of the World. 1881. Marvin. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashgar. 1871. Sii.\w. See Asia. Turkey : Austria and Russia, War with. 1788. Volney. Balkans : Laveleye. La Peninsule des. 1886. MiNciiiN. Gro-n-th of Freedom in the. 1886. Constantinople : AuLDJO. 1833. ViLLEiiARDOUiN. Histoire de la Conqufite de Constantinople. WuATisi.Aw. Adventures in. 1599. Xenos. Scenes in. 1851. Debt. Report. 1882. Turkish. Decline of. 1875. Farley. Description of: Baker. In Europe. 1877- Bryant. Letters from the East. 1869. Freeman. Ottoman Power in Europe. 1877. MacFarlane. Turkey and its Destiny. 1847-8. MiciiELSEN. The Ottoman Empire and its Resources. 1854. Eastern Question : AiJdVLL. 1850-78. Gladstone. Gleanings. 1879. Cami'hell. 1876. Palcrave. Essays on. 1872. Ubicini. La Question d'Orient. 1854. Handbook. Murray. Turkey— coH^ History of: Hammer-Purostall. Histoire de I'Em- pire Ottoman. 1835-43. Knolles. Gencrall Historie of the Turkes to 1C38. Larpent & Porter. Progress and. 1854. LusiGNAN. Abdul Hamid II., Sultan of. The Twelve Years' Reign of. 1889. Porter. History and Progress, 1747-62. 1854. Ranke. The Ottoman and Spanish Em- pires in the 16th and 17th Cents. Trans. 1843. Map of. 1879. Turkey. Mohammedan Law. 1880. Syed Ameer All Russia and Aastria, War with. 1788. Volney. Russia and the Christians in Turkey. 1877. Sinclair. Russo Turkish War : boukiiarow. 1877. Forbes & Maclagan. 1877. Turkish Spy in European Courts. Letters. 1734. Mak.\na. Turkish Watei-s, Diary in. 1853-4. Carlisle. Travels in : Brougiiton. Journey through Albania and Turkey. 1809-10. Mackenzie & Irby. Turkey-in-Europe. 1867. Maondrell. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. 1697. Murr.\y. The Roving Englishman. 1877. Sandys. 1652. SlIERLEY, A., ShERLEY, R., & SlIERLEY, T. cir. 1560. 1825. Slade. Records of Travels, Y'ears 1829-31. Tavernter. Les six Voyages qu'il a faits en Turquie. 1679. See a/so Asia Minor, Levant. Tuscaxy, The Roadside Songs of. 1884. .Al.KXANDER. Twickenham. See Middlesex. Tyne, 'I'he River: its History and Resources. 1880. Guthrie. Tjrnemouth Monastery, History of. 1846-7. GlHSON. Type-founding. 1887. Reed. Typical Developments; or, Ideals of Life. 1885. GOODLAKE. Typography. Annals of Parisian. 1818. Greswell. See Printing. Tyrol. 1833. Inglis. Excursions. 1861-3. Gilbert. Iland-Book to the. 1890. Pemberton. Travels. 1873. Voyage in Zigzag. See Austria. Ulster Custom. See Ireland, Land. Ulster, Plantation in. 1010. Davies. Ultramontanism and Germany. 1874. ilAiir.Norii. Unclaimed .Money. 1884. Preston. Uniformity, Act of. 1 Eliz. Liturgical Tracts. INDEX. 785 Union of England and Scotland : History of the. 1787. De Foe. Report of the Events which produced the. 1799. BuucE. Unitarians : Arians of the 4th Cent. 1883. Newman. Works : Bentiiam. Not Paul but Jesus. 1823. ClIANNING. 1843. Parker. 1863-5. United Irishmen : Lives, &c. of: Madden. Their Lives and Times. 1842-6. Tone. Life. 1763-89. United Service Institution, Visit to the. 1849. BOSQUECILLO. United states : American Commonwealth, The. 1888. Bryce. American Commonwealths. 1884-92. Ameri- can. American Cyclopa?dia. 1873-8. Kipley & Dana. American Note Books, Passages from. 1868. Hawthorne. Americanisms. 1889. Farmer. Atlases of : Bradford. 1838. IvisoN, Blakeman, & Co. 1884. ScRiBNER. Statistical Atlas. 1886. Banking, History of. 1837. Gilbaut. Biography of : Appi.eton. Cyclopijedia of. 1887 ct seq. Sparks. Revolutionary Leaders. 1864-73. Black America. 1891. Clowes. Book of Common Prayer. 1863. American. Boston, East. History. 1858. Su.mner. Boston, History of the Siege of. 1873. Frothingiiam. British Campaigns : Gleig. Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans. 1814-15. James. Military and Naval Occurrences in the War of 1812. LossiNG. Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812. Roosevelt. Naval War, 1812. 1882. California : Fremont & Emory. Travel in. 1849. ROYCE. Carolina, North. History. 1851. Wheeler. Carolina, South. Revolution. 1785. Ramsay'. Census. 1880. Billings. Church, Protestant Episcopal. History. 1846. Wilberforce. Climat et Sol. Volney. Coast vSm-vey. 1851. Baciie. Colorado. 1879. Fossett. Commerce. 1784. Sheffield. Communism of. 1875. Nordiiopf. Congress : Blaine. From Lincoln to Garfield. 1884-6. Lanman. Biographical Dictionary of the. 1859. Congressional Government. 1885. Wilson. Connecticut. Johnston. Constitution of : Adams. Defence of the. American's Guide. 1854. United States — cont. Constitution of — cont. Cooley. Constitutional Law. 1880. CooLEY. Constitutional Limitations. 1883. Federalist, The. 1831. HiCKEY. 1847. HoLST. Constitutional Law. 1887. Jackson. The States. 1783. Story. Commentaries on. 1873. Del)tofthe. 1867. Gibbons. Democracy in. Trans. 1836-40. Tocque- VILLE. Deserts of North America. 1860. Domenech. Diplomacy. 1778-1814. Lyman. Discoveries and Travels. Historical Account of. 1829. Murray. England and America, Comparison of both Nations. 1833. Wakefield. Florida : Hakluyt Soc, 9. Discovery. Lanier. History. 1882. Financial Position. 1839. Trotter. Gazetteers of: Baldwin. 1854. COLANGE. 1885. General Description of the : Bremer. The Homes of the New World. 1853. Cobbett. 1783-15 Dickens. Peter Porcupine's Works, for General )1. American Notes Circulation. 1842. DiLKE. Greater Britain. 1868. Dixon. New America. 1867. Griffin. The Great Republic. 1884. Melisii. Geographical Description of the. 1822. Trollope. North America. 1862. Volney. View of the. 1804. AVarden. Statistical Account of the. 1819. Government for Thirty Years. 1820-50. Benton. Governments, National and State. 1842. Mason. Guide-Books : Appleton. 1876-85. Appleton. Guide to Canada and the. 1888. B.^deker. Englishman's, The. 1886. History of: Adams. 1801-17. A.MERicAN Commonwealths. 1884-9. American History, Magazine of. 1877 et seq. Bancroft. From the Discovery of the American Continent. 1839-60. Brown, A. The Genesis of the. 1605-16. 1891. Bryant & Gay. History. 1876-81. Bryce. The American Commonwealth. 1888. Douglas. British Settlements. 1755. Doyle. English in America. 1882. Fiske. Critical Period in American His- tory. 1783-89. 1888. Force. Tracts relating to the Origin and Progvess of the Colonies in North America. 1836-46. 786 INDEX. United States— co«^ History of — cont. GoRPON. Rise, Progress, and EstaMish- nii-nt of IiuU'pcndence. 1788. Graiiame. History to the Deeliiration of Independence. 1836. HiGC.iNsox. Young rolks' Historj-. 1875. HiLDRETii. 1497-1821. 1860. Holmes. American Annals. 1492-1806. HoLST. Constitutional. 1750-1846. HowLAKD. North American Annals. 1492-1876. Lodge. English Colonics in America. Neh>l. English Colonization of America during 17th Cent. 1871. Partridge. The Making of the American Nation. 1866. Roosevelt. The Winning of the West from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi. 1769-83. 1889. Sterse. Constitutional History. 1882. Hudson River. 1868. I/OSSING. Independence, The Declaration of. 1855. Force. Independence, Centennial of. Lectures on. 1877. Tno-MPSON. Indiana. Dcxn. Indians of the United States : Catlix. 1851-67. Dodge. Our Wild. 1883. Ellis. 1882. Field. Bibliography. 1873. Quakers and Indians. Conduct of the •Society of Friends towards Indian Trilx?s. 1843. SciiooLCR-UT. Indian Triljes. History. 1853. Irish in America. 1868. JIaguire. Kansas. Spring. Kentucky. Siialer. Liberties of America, The. 1853. Warner. Literature of : Allibone. British and American Authors. 1859-91. Ciiassing. National Literature. Griswold. Prose Writers. 1852. NiciiOL. Literature. 1620-1880. Manners and Society in : Cobbett. a Yejir's Residence in the. 1828. Cooper. Notions of the Americans. 1828. Dickens. American Notes. 1842. Grund. Americans in their Moral, Social, ami Political Relations. 1837. Hamilton. Men and Manners in America. 1833. Mitford. American Life. 1830-2. Parkinson. America in 1798-1800. Trolloi'E. Domestic Manners of the Americjins. 1832. Wright. 1818-20. Maryland : Browne. History. Force. Lord Baltimore's Colony. Mas&ichusetts. History. 1628-91. Hutchin- son. Michigan. Cooi.ev. Mineral Resources of the United States. 1883. Williajis. History. 1850. New England, Founders of. United States — cont. Missouri. Carr. Natural Resources of the United States. 1888. Patton. Nervousness, American. 1881. Beard. New England : Andros. Commission of James II. to. 1686. BuNN. Old England and New England. 1853. Drake. The Making of New England. 1886. ilooRE. Lives of the Governors of New Plymouth and Alassjichusetts Bay. 1620-93. 1851. Palfrey. History. 1858. New York : O'Callaghan. State History. 1849. Roberts. See New York. New York Press. 1840-70.. Maveeick. Ohio. King. Oregon. Barrows. Penal Law, Louisiana. Livingstone. Penitentiary Sy.stem. 1833. Tocqceville & Beaumont. Penn.'iylvania, Annals of. 1609-82. Hazard. Physikalische Geographic der Vereinigten Staten von Nord Amerika. 1878-80. R.iTZEL. Plymouth : Br.vdford. Hunter. 1854. TiiAciiER. 1620-1832. Political Text-Book. 1860. Cluskey. Politics of : Johnston. History of American Politics. 1879. Lowell. Political Essays. 1889. MacPherson. Handl)Ooks of American Politics. 1872-80. Post Office Guide. 1851. Bowen. Prairie Farming. 1859. Caird. Prayer Book. 1863. American. Presidential Elections, History of. 1884. Stanwood. Presidents of: Ad.uis, John. Life. 1856. Buren. M. Van. Life and Political Opinions. 1836. Garfield, James Abram. Life. 1813-81. Grant. Personal ^lemoirs. 1885. Ja(kson, Gen. Andrew. Life. 1829-37. Jefferson. Autobiography. 1801-9. Lincoln, Abraham. Life. 1865. Pierce, Franklin. Life. 1853-7. Wasiiincjton, George. Life. 1847-52. Public Domain. 1884. Donaldson. Railroad Abuses. Report. 1880. New York. Itiilway Manual. 1871 et xeq. Poor. Railways. 1890. Cooley. Rebellion of the Southern States : "Alabama" (Confederate Ship). Corre- spondence. 1867. " Alabama" Claims submitted to .Arbitra- tion. 1872. Badeau. Military History of Gen. U.S. Grant. 1868-81. INDEX. 787 U nited States — cont. Rebellion of the Southern States — cont. Battlefields. Bull Run to Fredericks- burg. 1863. Beauregard. Military Operations. 1861-5. BiGELOw. Strategy of American Cam- paigns. 1891. Buchanan. Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. 1866. Davis. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. 1881. Grant, Gen. U. Life. 1885. Greeley. The Conflict. 1860-64. Lee. Campaigns. 1875. MacPiierson. Political Histoi-y during the Reliellion. 1876. MacPiierson. History during Recon- struction. 1880. Massie. The Origin of the Conflict. 1864. Moore. Rebellion Record. 1862-3. Peyton. Note-Book during the War. 1867. Peyton. Speeches on Secession. 1873. Pollard. Southern History of the AVar in the First Year. 1862-3. Porter. Naval History of the AVar. 1861-5. 1887. Roman. Military Operations of General Beauregard. 1846-8 and 1861-5. Se.m.mes. Service Afloat the " Alabama." 1887. Sheridan. Personal Memoirs. 1888. Sherman. Memoirs, liy Himself. 1875. Spence. The American Union. 1861. Taylor. Destruction and Reconstruction. 1879. Tenney. Military and Naval History of the Rebellion. 1866. Williams. The South Vindicated. 1862. Williams. Rise and Fall of " The Model Republic." 1863. Religion in the. 1859. Bishop. Republican Party, The. 1856. Hall. Republican Superstitions. 1872. Conway. Resources, Mineral. 1883. Williams. Resoui'ces, Natural. 1888. Patton. Revolution of: Adams, J. (fe A. Letters. 1876. A.MERICAN Revolution. 1774. Bernard. Letters on the American Colonies. 1763-8. BoTTA. Storia della Guerra della Indc- pendenza. 1820. Burke. American Taxation. Conciliation of the Colonies. Eddis. Letters from America. 1769-77. Entick. General History of the late War. 1763-4. Fanning. Loyalist in North Carolina, 1775-83. FisKE. The American Revolution. 1891. Franklin. Works. 1840. Frothingiiam. Rise of theRepul)lic. 1872. Gordon. 1788. Hamilton, Major-Gen. Alexander. Life and Times. 1864. Howe. Conduct diiring Command in North America. 1780. United State.s — cont. Revolution of — cont. Lamb. Journal of the American War, from its commencement to 1783. 1809. Lee. Revolutionary War in Scmthern Department of the L'nited States. 1869. LossiNG. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. 1860. Moore. Diary of the American Revolu- tion. 1775-81. Niles. Principles and Acts of the Revo- tion. 1822. Rajisay. History of the American Revo- lution. 1793. Sabine. Loyalists of the American Revo- lution. 1864. Sanderson. Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1823-7. Sparks. Correspondence of the Revolu- tion. 1853. Sparks. Biography of the Revolution. 1864-73. Steuben, Frederick William von. Life. 1730-94. Tarleton. History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781. Wilkinson. Memoirs of my own Times. 1757 ct seg. Winsor. The Reader's Handbook of the American Revolution. 1880. Witt. Histoire de Washington et de la Fondation des Etats Unis. 1855. Rhode Island and Providence. History. 1874. Arnold. Rocky Mountains : Burton. Fossett. Guide. 1879. Fre.mont. Exploring Expedition to the. 1842-4. James. 1819-20. Slavery. See Slavery. Slave States : Olmsted. 1861. Stirling. 1857. Socialisms, History of American. 1870. NOYES. Society in America. 1837. Martineau. Southern Planter, A. 1889. Smedes. Southern and Western States, Industrial Resources of. 1853. De Bow. Southern States. 1875. King. Statistical Annals. 1789-1818. Seybert. Statistical Atlas. 1886. Scribner. Statistician. 1889 et seg. Annual. Taxation. 1888. Ely. Travels in : Bishop. The Englishwoman in America. 1856. Brissot de Warville. Voyage dans Ics Etats-Unis. 1788. Campbell. A Short American Tramp. 1864. Campbi LL. White and Black. 1879. De Roos. Canada and. 1827. Dunraven and Mountearl. The Great Divide. 1876. Engleheart. Prince of Wales' Tour. 1860. '88 INDEX. United States— cow^. Travils in — conf. Everest. Journey tliroufrh Canada and the. 1855. Fearon. a Journey of 5,000 Miles throufch the Eastern and Western St^ites of America in 1817. Fekgcsson. Tour. 1831. Finch. Canada and. 1833. Freeman. Some Impressions of the. 1883. Haul. 1816-17. La RociiEFoucAui.D-LiANcorRT. 1795-7. Logan. 1838. Lyell. 1845-9. Mack.iy. Tour in. 1857-8. Marryatt. Diary in. 1839. Moi.LUAUSEN. Journey from the Missis- sippi to the Coasts of the Pacific. Trans. 1858. MuRR.iY. 1834. Olmstep. Journey in the Back Country (the West). 1860. Peyton. Over the AUeghanies and across the Prairies. 1869. Eae. Westward by Riiil. 1871. SiiAw. 1856. Smyth. Tour. 1784. Swansea. Tour. 1877. Thomson. A Tradesman's Travels. 1840-2. Tremenheere. Notes on Public Subjects. 1852. Walter. First Impressions of America. 1867. Warner. On Horseliack in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. 1889. Trials, Criminal. 1637-1786. Chandler. See Trials. Virginia. Cooke. Virginia Richly Valued. Hakhiyt Soc, 5. See Virginia. West, Discovery of the Great. 1869. Park- ^LAN. West, Letters from the. 1828. Hall. AVest, Winning of the. 1889. Roosevelt. Wyoming and Idaho, Exploration of. 1878. Hayden. Universal Suffi-age. 1872. Taine. Universities, English: Aoeount of. 1843. IIuhkr. Office and AVork of. 1856. Newman. Reform. 1853. Hamilton. Reform and Representation. 1860. Heywood. Social Life at, in the 18th Cent. 1874. WoRnSWORTH. Studies at, in the 18th Cent. 1877. Words- worth. "University Education. 1872. Ireland. Scfl «/{» CAMBRiixiE, EniNnuROH, Oxford. Universities, Alinerva: Jahrbuch dor (l,|,iirluiial. Browne. Usury, D' fence of. Bentham. Utilitarianism. 1864. Mill. Utopia. 1808. More. Uxbridge : History of the Town and Borough of. 1818. Bedford. Treaty of. 1 645. Charles I. Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in lS(;0-3. Galton. Vagabonds and Beggars. 1528. Lutheh. Fraternity of. 15th Cent. Acdley. Value : Dissertation on. 1825-6. Bailey. Doctrines of. 1831. Cotterill. Vampires. 1759. Calmet. Vancouver's Island : 18G2. AIacdonald. 1819. Martin. 1862. AIayne. Sec Canada. Van Diemen's Land. See Tasmania. Vatican au 16'^ Si^cle, La Biblioth^ue du. 1886. MuNTZ. Vatican Index. 1837. Index ExruRGATORius. Sec Index. Vedic Hymns. Sacred Books of the East. Vendee, Memoires sur la Guerre de. 1816. liAKOCIIE.IAQUELEIN. Venice. 1876. Havard. Art, Industrie, la Ville, la Vie. Histoire. 1878. Yriarte. History of: D.VRu. 1826. Hazlitt. Of the Republic of. 1858. Oliimiant. Makers of. Doges, Conquerors, Painters, and Men of Letters. 1887. Paruta. 1703. RusKiN. 1884. Libro dei, ora per la prima VoIt.\.LE. Antiquities of. 1656. TiMMiNS. History of. 1889. Directories. Shakespeareana Genealogica. 1869. French. Towns and Localities of : Alcester, History of. 1816. Dunkin. Arden, History of Forest of. 1863. Han- nett. Birmingham : Hctton. History of. 1 795. HuTTON. Accounts of the Kiots at. 1791. Langford. Birmingham Life. 1741- 1841. Smith. Old Birmingham. 1863. Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District. Industrial History. 1866. TnnriNS. Compton, Little. 1869. Jcxon. Coventry. History. 1870. Poole. Leamington and Warwick, History of. 1818. Leauinoton. Warwickshire — cont. Towns and Localities of — cont. Stratford-on-Avon. 1863. Wiieler. Stratford-on-Avon. New Place. Account of. 1864. Halliwhli,-Phillipp8, VisiUition. Harleian Sue, 12. Watches, Curio.sities of. 1866. Wood. Time ami Time-Keepers. 1842. Thomson, Sec Clocks. Water Colour Society, History of the Old. 1891. ROGET. Water Cure : Dangers of the, and its Efficacy Ex- amined. 1843. AViLSON & Gdlly. Treatment of Disease by means of. 1859. Hknderson. Water Supply, London. 1884. Bolton. Waterford, Hi-story of the County and Cityuf. 1824. Rvland. Watering Places. See HE.iLTii Resorts. Waterloo Campaign : History of the : CiiAKHAs. Histoire de la Campagne de. 1815. Chesney. Waterloo Lectures. 1815. Eaton, Mrs. Waterloo Days. June 1815. Hooi'ER. History. 1815. Kennedy. Notes on the Battle of. 1855. Leeke. Lord Seatons Regiment (52nd Light Infantry) at the Battle of. 1866-71. QuiNET. Campagne de. 1815. Si BORNE. The War in France and Belgium in 1815. SiBOUNE. Waterloo Letters. 1891. Wellington. Despatches. Visit to the Field. Slvpson. Wealth, The Distribution of, most conducive to Human Happine.ss. 1824. Thompson. Wealth of Nations. 1828. Smith. Wealth, Production of, Essay on. 1821. Tiikkkxs. Weather. See Meteorology. Weaving, The Art of, among the Ancients. 184:j. Yates. Weights and Pleasures. Poids des Etats du Monde. 1885. Mal.arce. Wells Cathedral. History. 1881. Rey- nolds. Wensleydale, North Riding of Yorkshire. l-GL.\irD. Collections for the History of. 1659-70. Aubrey. Directories. Handbook. ^Icrray. Historyof South Wiltshire. 1822-43. Ho.iEE. Towns, &c. of : Devizes, History of the Borough of. 1859. Devizes. Lacock Abl)ey, Annals of. 1835. Bowles & NicnoLS. Salisbury. Jones. Stonehense. 1655. Jones. Wild Life in. 1879. Jefferies. Wiltshire, Earldom of, Case of the. 1869. Wimbledon. See Scrrey. Winchelsea, New. Edification of a Medi- K^val Town. 1892. Inderwick. Winchester : Antiquities of. History. 1809. Mtlser. Bishops of. Lives. 1827. Cassax. Diocese of. Benham. Hyde Abbey, Chronicles and Chartulary of, 455-1023. Chronicles, 45. Hyde Abbey, Register and Martyrology of. 1891. Liber Xnm. See Hampshire. Winchester School : History of : Ao.i^MS. History, 1878. HoLHATE. Register of Commoners, 1836-90. KiRBY. Annals of Winchester College from 1382. Mansfield. School Life. 1893. MoBERLY. William of Wykeham. 1887. Wykeh.\.m. William of Wykeham and his College. 1852. Wind and Current Charts. Explanations and Sailing Directions. 1853. Maury. Winds and Currents of the Torrid Zone. Dampier. Windsor : Annals of. 1858. Tin he & Davis. History of. 1813. Hakewill. .*^' on : Baker. Wild Bea.sts and their Ways. 18'JC. Bewick. History of Quadrupeds. 1790. Bi-ANFORD. Zoology of Eastern Persia. 1876. BucKL^vxD. Curiosities of Natural His- tory-. 1860. ButKLAXi). Notes and Jottings from Animal Life. 1882. BuFFOX. (Euvres completes. 1852. Hehx. Wanderings of Animals. Heilpkix. Distribution of Animals. See N.\tur.al History. Zulu Campaign. 1882. Laurence. Znyder Zee, Villes Mortes du. 1875. Havard. See Holland. LONDON : ETEE AND SPOTTISWOODE, Her Majesty's Trhttcrs, DOWNS PARK ROAD, HACKNEY, N.E. I UC SOUTHERN REG D 000 340 808 5 FOR REFERENCE NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM («<23 012 **':;'"