PRESENTED To OCT I - 1941 BY AMY REgUA LONG ' l C: vY^ ' V - , && . -CXI C - ' ' - , v firm of Henrys, Smith & Townsend, a leading dry goods house transacting a large bus- iness North and South before the war of the Rebellion. Mr. Adee's family, for several generations, had been residents of Westchester county, N. Y. , his father's homestead being now the centre of Westchester town. In 1851 he purchased the country seat of Edward Le Roy on Throggs Neck, Westchester, where he dwelt until his death and where his family yet reside. Here, on the border of Long Island Sound, was his chief relaxation from business cares. In quiet retirement, surrounded by his family, he indulged his taste for rural life, enjoying especially the culture of trees, fruit and flowers. Dignified, serene and amiable, he commanded the respect, admiration and regard of that community particularly. Always ready to sue- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AD. II cor his neighbors with sound advice, he contributed freely to all worthy objects, and lending his strong support to St. Peter's Episcopal Church of Westchester, of which he was a member and for many years a vestryman, and in whose ancient church yard his remains and those of his ancestors now lie. His family consisted of his wife, Ellen Louise, and six children, George A., Clarissa Townsend, wife of M. Dwight Collier, Philip H., Frederic W., Edwin M. and Ernest R. Adee. All of his sons and his son-in-law were graduated at Yale College. In 1842 Mr. Adee became a director of the Bank of Commerce, in New York, and afterward, for ten years, its vice-president, and much of that time its acting presi- dent. He was also a founder and one of the directors of The Equitable Life Assuralice Society, the United States Trust Co. and The Republic Fire Insurance Co., and he held and administered many arduous private trusts with unvarying fidelity and success, and greatly to the advantage of the beneficiaries. His good citizenship, his unswerving patriotism and devotion to the government and to the Union cause during the Rebellion were notable. The exceptional success, at the time, of the great hospital for wounded soldiers at Fort Schuyler, on Throggs Neck, was due as much to Mr. Adee's efforts as to those of any one citizen, and his advice, on more than one occasion during the Rebellion, was sought and received by the Governor of the State of New York and the Secretary of the United States Treasury. After his withdrawal from commercial business, Mr. Adee became, even more than before, active, useful and prominent in regard to the great financial affairs of the city and of the nation. His high personal character, his large experience and remarkably cool, clear and sound judgment gave to his opinions great weight and influence, so that, not only by the monied institutions with which he was connected, but by officers of the Government and by financiers in other cities of this country and in England, his opinion and advice were highly valued. For several years before his death, he was at his business office at The National Bank of Commerce, daily, and entered it in his usual good health on the day of his death. His wife and six children survive him. Mr. Adee was a gentleman of refined, kindly and courteous manner, of dignified bearing, and of commanding influence. He was long and most highly esteemed by a large circle of social and business friends, among whom his name was a synonym for honor and integrity. niCHAEL JOSEPH ADRIAN, cigar manufacturer, was born in June, 1826, at Klin- genberg on the Main, Bavaria. He was educated in his native village and in the night schools of New York city. As an apprentice, after his arrival in this city in 1840, he learned to make cigars, and later bought his employer's business for 100,000. Until 1865 he remained at the corner of Division and Gouverneur streets, and then removed to 472 Grand street. As soon as he had made sufficient savings, Mr. Adrian began buying unimproved local land and building thereon, and has been successful in a field in which many others have failed. He foresaw the real estate panic, which began in 1870, and met it with prudence and advantage to himself. Some of his friends laughed at his predictions and were ruined by their real estate speculations. He is now a large owner of excellent realty. Since its organization, he has been president of The Ger- man Exchange Bank, one of the soundest of local financial institutions, having a sur- plus three times as great as its capital. Mr. Adrian is the father of six children, Charles L., George S., Joseph M., Arnoa M., Marie M., and Frank L. Adrian. 12 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. FREDERIC KIRKHAfl AGATE, capitalist, born in New York city, Jan. 23, 1854; died in Luzerne, Switzerland, Aug. 17, 1887. Of English extraction, his father, Joseph Agate, of Yonkers, N. Y., was a wealthy man. Frederic graduated from Columbia Law School in 1875, but never practiced his profession. Wealth came to him in part by inheritance, but he employed his means with judgment and won a strong position, and, by his character, the respect of all who knew him. In April, 1879, he was mar- ried to Sarah Katharine, daughter of David T. and Elizabeth T. Jackson, who, with two children, Frederick Joseph and Mary Virginia, survive him. They had lived in New York since 1884. Mr. Agate, who had taken his wife and two children on a pleas- ure tour in Europe, passed away while in Luzerne. He was a member of the New York, Manhattan and Lambs' chibs. JOHN W. AITKEN, head of the wholesale and retail dry goods house of Aitken, Son & Co., Broadway, corner of i8th street, was born in this city, Jan. 31, 1850. His father, John Aitken, born in 1806, in Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, was an only son in a family of five children. He received his early education in the village school. On the death of his father, John, at the age of twelve, felt a strong desire to come to this country, but repressed the wish until the death of his mother and after the other members of the family had been comfortably provided for, when he emigrated to this country. He landed in New York, July 20, 1833, and soon obtained a situation in the dry goods house of Andrew Mitchell & Co. He filled his place with satisfaction to his employers and credit to himself. A few years later, he started in business on his own account. In 1843 ne entered into partnership with James Miller, under the firm name of Aitken & Miller, on Canal street. Later the firm removed to 405 Broadway, afterward to No. 423, again to No. 473, and finally to Nos. 873 and 875. In 1873 Mr. Miller retired. Mr. Aitken then organized the present firm of Aitken, Son & Co., taking as partners his only son, John W. Aitken, and Archibald McLintock. John W. Aitken was educated at the school of Dr. Clark, formerly on the corner" of West 4th and Macdougal streets, and was prepared for Princeton College at the age of fifteen. He graduated in 1869 with the degree of A. B., receiving three years later the degree of A. M. On the completion of his college course in the spring of 1869, he entered, as clerk, the store of Aitken & Miller, passing from one department to another and familiarizing himself with every branch of the business in New York. In 1871, he accompanied one of the foreign buyers of the house to Europe for instruction in the foreign branches of the business. In the summer of 1873, J ust prior to the dissolution of the firm of Aitken & Miller, Mr. Aitken went abroad to purchase a diversified stock of new goods for the new house of Aitken, Son & Co. His thorough knowledge of merchandise and close attention to details made the trip a successful venture. He then returned to the active management of the business in New York. In January, 1879, on the death of his father, he became the senior member of Aitken, Son & Co., now widely known for its successful past and present prosperous career. As a merchant, Mr. Aitken has been distinguished for considerate treatment of his employes, unbending integrity, sound judgment, quick perception, untiring patience, perseverance and courage. He has, in addition to these personal qualities, a fine taste, the exercise of which, in the selection of merchandise and the general conduct of busi- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AL. 13 ness, has given his firm a national reputation for goods of the highest excellence in quality and elegance in style. Mr. Aitken has never sought or held public office. Although eminently qualified by natural gifts, judicial temperament and liberal education for active leadership in representative assemblies, he has always shunned rather than courted conspicuous places. He has, however, faithfully and often laboriously co-operated with others in matters affecting the welfare of the city and its worthy charities. He is a member of The Chamber of Commerce, a director of The Second National Bank, The Hudson River Bank, and The Broadway Insurance Co., and a trustee of The Bowery Savings Bank. His club memberships are in the University, Union League, Metropolitan, Grolier and City. He retains a deep interest in the affairs of Princeton College and is energetic in the furtherance of its material and educational progress. Mr. Aitken was married, Feb. 6, 1877, to Helen F. Powers, daughter of D. W. Powers, the banker, of Rochester, N. Y. He has two children, a daughter and a son. HERMAN DAGGETT ALDRICH, merchant, born at Mattituck, L. I., July 6, 1801, died in New York city, April 5, 1880. His family was of English descent, his father being James Aldrich, a resident of Long Island. Herman's early years were passed in his native village, where his opportunities for education were limited. While yet a boy, he came to this city and obtained employment in the store of Stephen Lockwood. He possessed a strong constitution, a clear mind and great firmness of character, and, once launched upon a mercantile career, made his way with admirable energy. Early in life he associated himself with Robert H. McCurdy in the dry goods commission busi- ness, the firm subsequently becoming McCurdy, Aldrich & Spencer. The partners were all distinguished for uprightness of dealing and ability, and the business yielded each partner a handsome fortune. In 1840 Mr. Aldrich was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Wyman of Homewood, Baltimore county, Md. His children were James H., William W., and Spencer Aldrich, Mrs. J. N. Steele, whose husband is con- nected with Trinity Church, and Mrs. T. N. Dudley, wife of Bishop Dudley of Louis- ville, Ky. He was a founder and trustee of St. Luke's Hospital, and greatly interested in the Protestant Episcopal Church. A striking feature of his life was the close inti- macy between him and his partner, Mr. McCurdy, extending from early youth to a ripe old age. They came to New York at the same time, met as boys in Mr. Lockwood's store, and shared the same room in the attic over the store. Their lives ran on side by side, until the end. For thirty years they lived in adjoining houses, and then died within a few hours of one another. Their funeral services were held in common, and the\" lie buried in adjoining lots in Greenwood Cemetery. JUNIUS B. ALEXANDER, banker, born in Virginia in 1814, died in New York city in January, 1893. His father was a large landholder, who employed negro slaves in the cultivation of his plantations. While a youth of 16, Junius went to Hardinsburg, Ky., began life as a clerk in a store, and rose to become a magistrate, president of a bank in Owensboro, and in 1853 cashier of The Southern Bank in Louisville. In 1858, he formed a partnership with H. D. Newcomb, of Louisville, to carry on a wholesale grocery trade, under the name of Alexander, Newcomb & Co. He removed to St. Louis, was a merchant and president of The Exchange Bank there, dissolved partnership in 1863, and moved to New York, where he engaged in private banking. Twice married, he was survived by his second wife and several children. He dwelt on Staten Island. 14 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. WILLIAM C. ALEXANDER, president of The Equitable Life Assurance Society, born in Prince Edward county, Va., in May, 1806, died in New York city, Aug. 23, 1874. He was the second son of Dr. Archibald Alexander, one of the founders and first pro- fessor of the Theological Seminary in Princeton, N. J. Mr. Alexander graduated from Princeton College in 1824, having distinguished himself there both as a writer and speaker. Educating himself as a lawyer, he practiced his profession in New Jer- sey for thirty-five years. Taking an active part in the canvass then being hotly con- tested between Mr. Adams and General Jackson, his fame as an orator and a man of genius soon spread throughout the State. In 1835 he was unexpectedly nominated for the Legislature by the inhabitants of Middlesex county, but declined the honor and warmly espoused the cause of the person substituted in his place. In 1836, without his consent, he was again nominated and elected. On taking his seat, although one of the youngest members, he became the leader of his side of the House, and shortly afterwards, on the nomination of a member of the opposite party, was unanimously elected Speaker. Mr. Alexander's speeches, during the years in which he served in the Legislature, in behalf of education, civilization, the elevation of the workingman and the establishment of common schools, won for him the deserved respect and admi- ration of men of all parties. On several important occasions, he exhibited his inde- pendence by dissenting in debate from the great majority of his party. He continued to grow more prominent until, without his so'icitation, he was elected a member of the Senate and re-elected at the expiration of his term, and was three times chosen President of the Senate on the nomination of the opposition without a dissenting voice. At one time, nominated as Governor of New Jersey, he was frequently urged to allow his name to be used in connection with the United States Senatorship, when an election would have been sure, and was brought forward at the Charleston Con- vention as a candidate for the Vice-Presidency, but his preferences were in favor of a private life. He attended the Peace Congress at Washington just before the late war, and presided over that body during a great part of its sessions. In 1859 Mr. Alexan- der became the president of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, and thereafter his business life was passed in New York city. His fine intel- lect found in the development of this great corporation a duty worthy of his powers. His success was great. FRANCIS ALEXANDRE, merchant, born on the Island of Jersey, in Great Britain, Aug. 5, 1809, died in New York city, June 8, 1889. He was the son of a farmer. With an inclination for a sailor's life, he went to sea at an early age, and acquired an education by attending school during his stay in various ports and devoting the spare time on ship-board to reading. At the age of twenty-one he took command of a vessel, which he directed for years, renouncing in favor of his sisters the estate which he had inherited from his father. When about twenty-eight years old, the young captain settled in New York city, establishing a small commission house in South street, paying at first as annual rental the sum of $25. In 1842 he established a line of sailing vessels between New York and Honduras, and subsequently between New York, Vera Cruz and South America. In this enterprise he succeeded so well that, in 1867, he sold the sailing vessels, substituted steamers, and for nineteen years carried mails, freights and passen- gers between New York, Havana and Mexico. Many remarkable ships were built for this line in subsequent years, including among others the City of Mexico, City of New THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AL. 15 York, City of Havana, City of Alexandria, City of Washington, City of Vera Cruz, and City of Pueblo. The business transacted was large and profitable. His three sons were successive!}" taken into partnership as they came of age, the great house taking the name of F. Alexandre & Sons. In 1888 the firm sold its vessels and retired from business. In 1838 Mr. Alexandre married Miss Civiles Cipriaut, of New York, who died Feb. 13, 1882. Three sons, John E., Joseph J. and J. Henry survived him. The secret of his success lay in his industry, integrity, exactness and justice of method, and natural business ability. He enjoyed a high reputation among those with whom he was associated. His sons have since attained prominence in the social life of the city. JAMES P. ALLAIRE, iron manufacturer, born in 1785, died at Howell Works, Monmouth county, N. J., May 20, 1858. He was the founder of the Iron Works, in the quaint and now deserted village of Allaire, N. J., there being deposits of iron in the vicinity, which were smelted at these works. At one time, he carried. on the largest marine engine building shops in the United States. In this business he was very successful, and gained both reputation and fortune. GEORGE H. ALLEN, importer of wines, has gained his position in New York city through the arduous labors of mercantile life, coupled with native shrewdness and energy, and his partnership in the importing firm of Paris, Allen & Co., of which he is now senior partner. He has also been, for a number of years, senior partner in W. A. Gaines & Co., distillers, in Frankfort, Ky., incorporated with a capital of $600,000, who control several distilleries in the West. Mr. Allen inherited some means from Marshall Allen, one of the original partners of Paris, Allen & Co. He is a member of The Man- hattan and New York Athletic clubs. HENRY ALLEN, stock broker, was born in Lexington, Ky., in April, 1848. He comes from English and Scottish ancestry, and his father was a native of Kentucky, his mother of Mississippi. During early life he found occupation in operations indigenous to the South, and was interested successively in farming, cotton, grain, banking and stocks. During the Civil War, he espoused the cause of the Confederacy, and later came North and opened a broker's office in this city. He is now senior member of Henry Allen & Co., stock brokers, and has built up a large and desirable business, with extensive collateral interests in railroads and railroad stocks. While of social disposition, he is not a club man, but has joined the Democratic club, because that organization represents his political faith. JOSEPH JENER ALfllRALL, merchant, was born in Yillafranca del Panades, Spain, in 1840. His early years were spent in his native land, where he received a sound edu- cation. Coming to America, he established the firm of Almirall & Co , importers and dealers of Havana leaf tobacco and general exporters. Competent, honest and per- sistent, he has created a large trade and is now a man of fortune. He is a director of The Chesebrough Manufacturing Co. JOHN ALSTYNE, broker, a native of New York city, born March 24, 1801, died here June 3, 1869. Of Dutch ancestry, his father was John Alstyne, a son of Jerome Alstyne, whose father bore the same name. They lived in the last century in a house owned by them at the junction of Maiden Lane and Liberty street, probably purchased with thalers brought from Holland. John Alstyne, sr., lived on a farm called Seaton Place, and afterward at Eastchester, but, after his death, his wife returned to the Liberty street house, and later removed with her family to Madison street. The son 16 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. was educated in the family of the Rev. Platt Buffet, rector of the church at Stanwich, Conn., who, in addition to his church duties, fitted boys for college or business. He found his first employment as clerk for Mr. Beers, a leading broker in New York. Leaving Mr. Beers, he formed a partnership with Mr. Dykers, son of the Governor of one of the West India Islands, under the name of Dykers & Alstyne, Mr. Alstyne's capital being derived from his father's estate. Later, Mr. Jarvis was taken into the firm, which became Dykers, Alstyne & Co. Mr. Alstyne survived his partners. Mr. Alstyne invested his profits largely in real estate in and around New York city, which rose to great value. He was a man of strong will, kindly feelings, pleasant manners and good appearance, and a favorite in social life. He was a strong churchman, and always kind and attentive to his handsome mother, whose common sense was equal to her beauty. His fortune descended, mainly, to his niece, Desier A., wife of George P. Clapp of New York city, and daughter of Jasper Pryer. Mrs. Clapp died Sept. 17, 1881, leaving her property mainly to her husband. Mr. Clapp died in Algiers, Africa, Jan. 25, 1884, and bequeathed the Alstyne property to charitable and religious institutions in New York. BENJAfllN ALTMAN, dry goods merchant, is a son of Philip Altman, who carried on a moderate dry goods business in New York city, and was for many years well and favorably known in the district devoted to that trade. He died in 1863, the business being afterward continued by his two sons, Morris and Benjamin. Morris Altman, Benjamin's eldest brother, was educated in the public schools, entered a business career when quite a young man and founded the house of Altman Brothers. He came into prominence as the moving spirit of the "Early Closing Asso- ciation," which advocated shortening the working hours of the dry goods clerks. He died in the prime of a promising manhood, in 1876, at the age of thirty-nine. A man of fine presence, splendid address and talent as a speaker on economic, social and busi- ness subjects, he was courteous and affable and commanded the respect and admira- tion of those who came in contact with him. Benjamin Altman, born in this city, July n, 1843, began his business career when not much over twelve years of age, up to which time he had attended the public schools. Such was his fondness for business, it may here be said, that after school hours he would go behind the counters in his father's store to discharge the duties of salesman, impressing his young mind at the time with all the requirements of a business man. This experience served him well in later years. Under the discreet management of the two brothers the business increased to such an extent that larger quarters were secured at Third avenue and loth street. Shortly afterward yet more commodious accommodations were sought for and obtained on Sixth avenue. Another removal being deemed necessary, the present location, i8th street, i9th street and Sixth ave- nue, was established in 1876. Mr. Altman remains unmarried, and has devoted him- self to the care and education of the children of his brother Morris, to whom he has been as kind as a father. The widow survived her husband only a few months. The tender care bestowed upon these four orphan children cannot be too highly commended. While devoted to his business, Mr. Altman is greatly interested in art matters. He has a valuable and costly collection of art objects and antiques. Porcelains, paintings, objects of Greek art, carvings in ivory, antique rugs and embroideries form part of a collection, many examples of which he gathered while on a voyage around the world, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AM. 17 during which he enjoyed well earned and richly deserved recreation, the first in seven- teen years. He is also a liberal patron of the works of native artists. He is a con- tributor to philanthropic objects, his gifts, while open-handed, being, however, unos- tentatious. Many generous donations have been bestowed with the single stipulation that the deed should not be made public, so sensitive is he that his generosity should not be misunderstood. His career is an evidence of what application to business, hon- estly and persistently followed, will bring to a young man who devotes his young man- hood unflinchingly to the establishment of a reputation which will serve him in the later years of an honored life. QUSTAV AflSINCK, merchant, a sound, energetic businessman, has been for forty years an active spirit in the wholesale trade of this city. In 1861, he became a partner in the firm of L. E. Amsinck & Co., of which Gustav H. Gossler became a partner in 1868. The present firm of G. Amsinck & Co., formed in 1874, are importers and com- mission merchants, dealing in almost all kinds of merchandise and with practically all parts of the world, a large portion of their trade being with Mexico. They also trans- act a banking business. The success of the firm has been continuous, and Mr. Amsinck's career has been characterized by energy, decision, integrity and scrupulous exactness in his obligations. He is a director of The Bank of New York and The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., and has done much to promote the higher interests of New York city. The Union, Vaudeville, Liederkranz and Down-Town clubs have enrolled him as a member. ELBERT JEFFERSON ANDERSON, merchant, born in New York city, in October, 1800, died in Newport, R. I., Feb. 13, 1888. Elbert Anderson, his father, a merchant of distinction, served in the War of 1812 as Lieutenant Colonel of militia and army con- tractor. Visiting Troy, N. Y., he purchased beef and provisions for the army, from Zbenezer and Samuel Wilson, the latter of whom was familiarly known as Uncle Sam. Through the mark "E. A.-U. S." on Mr. Anderson's boxes of army material finally arose the sobriquet of "Uncle Sam," as indicating the Federal Government. The boyhood of Elbert J. Anderson was spent in New York city, and at the age of twelve, he had the good fortune to be the first to convey to General Bloomfield, then in com- mand of the troops gathered for the defense of New York, the news of the declaration of war against Great Britain. He was educated in the local schools, and while not a college graduate, became a man of excellent taste and extended culture. In 1820, he was commissioned by Governor Clinton as ensign in the 85th New York Infantry, the crack regiment of the day, and subsequently rose to be its Lieutenant Colonel. In 1827, he became junior partner in the commission dry goods firm of Belah Tiffany & Co. , at the corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl street, in which business he was active for many years and greatly prospered. In 1825, he married Martha Maria, a daughter of one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. She died in 1879, an ^ was survived by one son, Elbert Anderson, and four daughters, Mrs. George von Gorrissen of Ham- burg, Germany; Miss Marie M. Anderson; Mrs. John Boker, now deceased; and Mrs. Thomas G. Ford. In 1847, Mrs. Anderson inherited the Redwood farm at Portsmouth, six miles from Newport, and eventually made his permanent residence there. The subject of this sketch was a director of The Manhattan Fire Insurance Co., The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. and The Phoenix Bank. His high reputation for integrity and capacity caused him to be selected frequently for service on boards of arbitration. By i8 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. his quick intelligence, uniform courtesy and attractive manner, he won a large circle of friends in Newport. JOHN ANDERSON, conspicuous as a merchant, born in New York in 1812, died in Paris, France, Nov. 22, 1881. He began life modestly in a little store, down town, for the sale of cigars and tobacco, was successful in attracting purchasers, and grew into popularity and a large trade. His store became famous through a tragic incident, the heroine of which gave to Edgar Allan Poe the theme of his romance of Marie Roget. Mr. Anderson conducted his business with success for about forty years, during part of that time being a manufacturer. It was he who introduced the use of lead foil as a wrapper for fine-cut chewing tobacco. John Anderson's Solace was known to purchasers throughout the whole country. The income from his business was invested mainly in real estate, and the great appreciation in value of property with the growth of the city brought him a fortune of several millions. In the winter of 1873 he founded The Anderson School of Natural History on Penekese Island, at the mouth of Buzzard's Bay, giving the island and a liberal sum in money to the new institution. The trust was in charge of Professor Louis Agassiz until his death. John Charles Anderson, his son, and Mrs. Laura Appleton and Mrs. Fannie A. Barnard, his daugh- ters, survived him. The family made their home at Tarrytown, N. Y., and Mr. Anderson spent most of his time there during his later years. LORINQ ANDREWS, merchant, born in Windham, Greene coiinty, Jan. 31, 1799, died in New York city, Jan. 22, 1875. He was of English descent, the pioneer of the family in America having been a companion of John Davenport, who settled in New Haven in the very early days. In the neighborhood of the birthplace of Mr. Andrews, a thick growth of hemlock afforded material for the tanning of leather. With an elementary education, the lad was apprenticed at the age of fourteen to Foster Morss, one of the first tanners who brought leather to New York. With him the youth remained for eight years. He then traveled in the West for two years, in the hope of making a fortune. Finding the search elusive, he returned to Greene county and entered into a business arrangement with Mr. Morss, by which the former was to trans- port the hides and leather to and from the tannery and pay three cents a pound for tanning. Beginning with a capital of fifty cents and a thorough knowledge of the trade, Mr. Andrews was so able and shrewd that in four years he had made $4,000, and then entered into partnership with his employer. In 1829 he came to New York city with $7,000. He soon built up a trade of from 50,000 to 100,000 hides a year. In 1832, he formed a partnership with William Wilson, in which Gideon Lee and Shepherd Knapp were special partners. The panic of 1837 swept away the profits of eight years. Nevertheless, by retaining the control of large capital, he continued in business and by prudent methods and close attention laid the foundation of a new fortune. In 1861, Loring Andrews & Sons conducted several large tanneries, and by 1863, handled an- nually 400,000 sides of hemlock cured leather. They ranked as the leading leather mer- chants. Success came to Mr. Andrews as the fruit of untiring industry, perseverance and sterling integrity. Like other merchants, he made conspicuously large purchases of real estate, which proved profitable. In 1839, Mr. Andrews was married to Blandina B., daughter of James B. Hardenbergh, D.D. His family consisted of seven children, William L., James B., Constant A., Loring, Walter S., Clarence and Isabel, the latter now married and living abroad. His -benefactions were systematic and large. The THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AN. IQ University of New York received from him $100,000 for the endowment of professorships, and nearly ever}' other leading philanthropic institution of the city enjoyed his liberal support. He was one of the early directors of The Mechanics' Bank, a founder and first president of The Shoe & Leather Bank, vice-president of The Globe Life Insurance Co., and a shareholder in The Atlantic Telegraph Co. His son, CONSTANT A. ANDREWS, banker, was born in this city, Feb. 25, 1844. He was educated in Columbia College grammar school and in Germany. Soon after the close of the Civil War, his father admitted him to partnership. Later, with his brother, William L. Andrews, he continued in the leather trade and held a conspicuous position up to the moment when the partners decided to retire from business. After spending a few years in Europe, Mr. Andrews returned and engaged in banking. The firm of Constant A. Andrews & Co. now occupies the same high position for conservative methods and sound judgment as did the old house of Loring Andrews & Sons, and their advice is sought in investments in street railroads, municipal bonds and business enterprises. Mr. Andrews is president of The United States Savings Bank and The Elkhorn Valley Coal Land Co ; a director of the Second Avenue Street Railroad, and largely influential in other directions, where his interest and counsel are demanded. He was married in 1879 to Miss B lanche L. Vance, daughter of ex-Mayor Vance, of this city. WALLACE C. ANDREWS, president of The New York Steam Co. , a man of marked vigor and enterprise, is one of a large number of successful Ohio men, now engaged in business in New York city. Mr. Andrews is of New England descent. He is a son of the late Norman Andrews, who moved from Connecticut to a farm on the Western Reserve in Ohio in 1816. Mr. Andrews began life iipon the farm, and partly by inheritance, partly in the wholesome life of the country, acquired the physical vigor which enabled him to per- form great labors during his subsequent career. He revealed a talent for business early in life. He succeeded from the start, and, by the strictest economy, managed to save a lit- tle capital. When coal was discovered in the Mahoning Valley, his brother, the late Chauncey H. Andrews of Youngstown, O., and he, invested their savings in explora- tions for coal and the purchase of mines. They developed a large number of different properties. At first, they met with poor success, but finally made valuable discoveries. The two men looked after details themselves, conducted their business economically, and were able to mine coal, even after the profits had fallen to 25 cents a ton. During the petroleum excitement, they became operators in that industry also. They were also promoters of many new enterprises. They built furnaces and rolling mills in Ohio, and now and then a small railroad, and finally became the principal stockholders in a railroad between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. They bought several coal mining com- panies, working the mines themselves, but afterwards selling them at an advance. In this way, in time, they became the largest miners of coal in the State. At a later day, they bought the bed of one of the old-time Ohio canals and used it for a railroad between Cleveland and Pittsburgh, a rival to the one they had already built. Their operations were usually profitable, and the two brothers each gradually amassed a fortune. With other capitalists, they finally secured a large area of coal lands in the Hock- ing Valley in Ohio, and were interested in the purchase of The Hocking Valley Railroad and its connecting lines and in the transaction by which the roads were consolidated and the lands purchased. The schemes of Mr. Andrews were usually started with compara- THE CITV OF NEW YOKK.^-AX. 21 tively little capital, but the projector threw his whole energy into development, secured the investment of outside capital, made his projects profitable, and then often sold his in- terests. By reinvesting rapidly, working somewhat with borrowed money, making use of his more valuable securities as collateral, he has succeeded remarkably in the acquisi- tion of wealth. Mr. Andrews is one of the promoters of the original Standard Oil Co. and was a director of the company for a long period of years and up to the formation of the Trust. He is yet a large stockholder in the company. One of the most important of his enter- prises is The New York Steam Co., a concern which supplies steam for heat and power by underground pipes in various sections of New York city, and has initiated a new era in the management of office buildings, by enabling their proprietors to dispense with the annoyances attending the production of steam in their own premises. Mr. Andrews is president of the company, and has managed its affairs with signal ability and success. He was lately president of The Standard Gas Light Co. of New York and is its largest stock- holder. He is a director in many local corporations, a man of unusual business sagacity, of great power of application, and untiring energy, and his large fortune is entirely the product of constructive talent and commendable business methods. The Ohio Society of this city has enrolled him as one of its members from the beginning. ADOLPH B. ANSBACHER, importer, is one of the leading merchants of paints. From the time when he began business on his own account, he has shown himself shrewd, diligent and wide awake, and was able, long ago, to expand his trade to substantial and remunerative proportions. In 1883, he admitted to partnership Maurice E. Ansbacher, who died in 1887, and Maurice D. Eger, thereafter doing business under the name of A. B. Ansbacher & Co. Their trade extends to every part of the United States, and, for a number of years, required the maintenance of a branch office in Chicago. EDWARD ANTHONY, civil engineer, born in Xew York, Jan. 31, 1819, died here Dec. 14, 1888. Jacob Anthony, his father, was for many years one of the principal tellers in The United States Branch Bank and cashier of the old Bank of the State of New York. The family derives their descent from Allard Anthony, an immigrant from Holland to New Amsterdam about 1628, who was one of the first five Schepens or Councilmen of the new colony. The pioneer was a man of note and of sufficient stand- ing to be sent as ambassador, on behalf of the new colony, to negotiate with the King of Holland. The coat-of-arms of the Anthony family is the same as that of the old Spanish Antonio family; and it is generally supposed that, during the wars of the Netherlands, one of the Spanish Antonios was captivated, either by the arms of the Dutch soldiery or the charms of a Dutch maiden and settled in Holland, in conse- quence thereof founding the Dutch family of Antoni, whose name, in the course of years, was modified to Anthony. Edward Anthony was in the seventh generation of descent from Allard. He graduated from Columbia Colfege in 1838, with an excellent record. Beginning life as a civil engineer, he obtained employment in building the original Croton Aqueduct, through which New York long drew its supply of pure drinking water from country streams and ponds. Before its completion, he was called to accompany Prof. James Renwick in the survey of the northeastern boundary of the United States, at the time of the dispute with Great Britain. He had for some time amused himself with experiments in the new art of making pictures with the aid of 22 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. sunlight, just introduced by Daguerre. During the survey, he took satisfactory images of the hills along the boundary line, the existence of which had been denied by England. It was the first instance in which the art of photography had been made use of in diplomatic controversy. These photographs are yet preserved in the archives at Washington. After finishing the survey, Mr. Anthony engaged in photography, and, after a short but successful practice embarked in the business of supplying materials to the trade. His practical knowledge proved of invaluable assistance, and soon placed the house of E. Anthony in the front rank in New York. Henry T. Anthony, his brother, joined him in 1852, the firm becoming E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. In 1877, the firm was reorganized as a corporation, with Edward Anthony as president, Henry T. Anthony as vice-president, and Col. V. M. Wilcox as secretary. The corporation is yet in business at 591 Broadway, with Col. V. M. Wilcox as president, Richard A. Anthony as vice-president, and Frederick A. Anthony as secretary. Edward Anthony . was married in 1848, to Margaretta R., daughter of James Montgomery, a direct descendant of Count de Montgomerie of France, who accidentally killed Henry VII., in a tournament. The coat-of-arms of the Montgomerie family displays an arm, hold- ing a broken spear. To Mr. Anthony and his wife were born, Richard A. Anthony; Jane Kipp, wife of Charles Soleliac; and Eleanor Montgomery, wife of Louis Soleliac. -His son, RICHARD A. ANTHONY, was born May 24, 1861, in New York city. His parents gave him a careful education for two years in Rutgers College, followed by* two years in Columbia College, from which he graduated in 1881, receiving the degree of B.A. By a subsequent course of study, he gained a diploma as M. A. Attracted by both the scientific and commercial aspects of the trade in photographic materials, he entered the house of E. & H. T. Anthony as an employe, and after the death of H. T. Anthony, in 1884, became secretary of the corporation. Since his father's death, he has been the vice-president. He is an energetic, prudent and capable man and has greatly promoted the trade of the house. Mr. Anthony is a trustee of The United States Savings Bank, was a director of The Second Avenue Railroad for five years, and is a member of the University, Storm King and Central Commercial clubs. RICHARD KIP ANTHONY, merchant, born in New York, July 18, 1812, died in Rye, N. Y., June 16, 1886. He was a son of Jacob Anthony, above referred to. Richard received a common school training, and early in life entered the old-time wine' importing house of Robert Gracie & Co. as clerk. While employed there, he acquired the warm friendship of another clerk, William F. Nelson, with whom he went into partnership, under the name of Nelson & Anthony. The firm carried on an extensive business as wine importers and brokers, dissolving in 1861. Early in 1862, Mr. Anthony entered the house of Bowie Dash & Co., coffee merchants, as clerk. Here he -became a great favorite, and in 1870 was admitted into partnership, remaining with the firm until 1880. He then retired. Rye, N. Y., formed his home after April, 1862. He was an active member of Hose Company No. 16 in the old Volunteer Fire Depart- ment, and in the great fire of 1835 rendered such faithful service as to gain honorable mention. He was a member of the St. Nicholas Society, and one of seven brothers, who were brought up in the old Dutch Reform church in this city. Mr. Anthony mar- ried Ann Bowie, daughter of Daniel B. Dash, in March, 1849. Their children were Annie, Daniel Dash Anthony, Frances, wife of George C. Park, Laura and Anzonetta Dash Anthony. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AP. 23 JUAN APARICIO, importer, a merchant of Spanish ancestry, began life as a planter in Guatemala. To market his own productions, he came to New York city and opened an office, and has since been engaged in the importation of coffee and other products of Central America. He controls great plantations in Guatemala, a fruitful and only par- tially developed region, where he has the advantage of low-priced labor. His success in raising large crops and skill as a merchant, enable him to transact an excellent trade. REHSEN APPLEBY, merchant, born in 1838, died in New York, Jan. 4, 1886. His father, Leonard Appleby, was a merchant of tobacco and snuff, and an enter- prising member of a very well-known family. While a young man, Remsen engaged in the tobacco and snuff business at Pine and Water streets, where he remained until 1865. His place was well known among the down-town merchants and business men, who were attracted by the genial qualities of Mr. Appleby. Retiring from trade, he became president of The Central Park Fire Insurance Co. When, a few years later, this company went into liquidation, he embarked in the giving of concerts at the Central Park Garden, which afforded great delight to the patrons of that resort. Later, he resumed the tobacco business. He was married to Mattie Bryan, who, with two children, Leonard Fletcher and Kate Remsen, survived him. DANIEL APPLETON, publisher, founder of the house of D. Appleton & Co., born in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 10, 1785, died in New York, March 27, 1849. He began life as a dry goods merchant in his native town, subsequently went to Boston, and in 1825 removed to New York. Here he began the importation of English books, in conjunction with the dry goods business. Their original place of business in New York was in Exchange place. Mr. Appleton soon abandoned the dry goods business and removed to Chirton Hall in Beekman street, thereafter giving his attention solely to the importation and sale of books. The growth of the city subsequently made nec- essary several removals to locations farther up town. In 1831 he made a venture in the publishing business by printing a collection of religious extracts, entitled "Daily Crumbs from the Master's Table." Of this work 2,000 copies were sold. From this modest beginning, the house enlarged its operations until they have now extended their publications into the entire field of literature. Mr. Appleton was one of the public spirited merchants of his day and identified with many measures for promoting the welfare of the city and its merchants. He was highly esteemed by his contem- poraries. May 4, 1813, he was married to Hannah Adams, daughter of John Adams, and from that union were born five sons, William Henry, John Adams, Daniel Sid- ney, George Swett and Samuel Francis Appleton. These sons were successively ad- mitted into partnership in the firm, which is yet carried on under the original title of D. Appleton & Co. by the surviving son, William H. Appleton, and several grandsons. COL. DANIEL APPLETON, publisher, born in New York, Feb. 24, 1852, is the son of John A. Appleton, and grandson of Daniel Appleton. He received his education in the schools of New York city and Carlsruhe in Germany, and, at the age of nineteen, entered the Appleton publishing house as a clerk. In 1879, he was admitted into partnership in D. Appleton & Co. Possessing fine business qualifications, he has been an efficient member of the firm. Colonel Appleton has long taken an active part in New York city's favorite militia regiment, the 7th, of which, July 18, 1889, he was by unanimous vote, promoted from a Captaincy to the Colonelcy. He is a director of the American Book Co. , and a member of the Union, Century, Aldine, Riding and New York Yacht clubs. 24 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. WILLIAfl HENRY APPLETON, publisher, son of Daniel Appleton, was born in New York, Jan. 27, 1814. Educated at Andover, Mass., he entered his father's store, where he was placed in charge of the book department. In 1835 he was sent to represent the house in London, where the next year he established an agency at 16 Little Britain. In 1838 he was taken into partnership. At his father's death, in 1849, he inherited a moderate estate, which he has since increased by his own energetic prosecution of the business and by active partici- pation in other enterprises. Under his management the house devoted itself entirely to the sale of its own publications and has come to rank among the half dozen leading publishing houses of the United States. They have published the works of the most noted scientists of Europe and the United States, while in general literature their catalogue contains the books of Bancroft, McMaster, Bryant, Cooper, Dickens, Disraeli, Kipling, Caine and other standard authors. The literature of the civil war is represented on both sides by memoirs and biographies of eminent soldiers and states- men. Illustrated works have been printed in large number, comprising many art col- lections of a high order. Their text books embrace every subject taught in American schools, and they have a special department of medical works and another of Spanish books designed for the South and Central American markets. The American Cyclo- pedia issued by this house, the most widely circulated work of its kind ever produced in this country, brought them great reputation. The Annual Cyclopedia, a continu- ation of the great work, is now in its thirty-third year. Mr. Appleton was married in Lowell, Mass., to Mary Worth en, and his children are William Worthen, Kate, Mary and Henry Cozzens Appleton. He is president of The Manhattan Safe De- posit & Storage Co., and a director of The American Book Co., The Central Trust Co., The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, The New York Life Insurance Co. and The New York Security & Trust Co. He is a valued member of the Union, Aldine, Century, Players', Riding and Country clubs, and The New England Society. WILLIAM' WORTHEN APPLETON, publisher, was born in Brooklyn, Nov. 29, 1845. He is a son of William H. Appleton and grandson of Daniel Appleton. He was fitted in New York for Harvard College. Owing to ill-health he did not enter, but travelled and studied abroad. He entered the house of D. Appleton & Co. in 1865 as an assistant in the school book department, and subsequently took charge of the manu- facturing department, being admitted to partnership in 1868. In recent years he has given more of his time to the editorial department and the London office, and has proved an active and capable member of the firm. He was married April 20, 1881, to Anna, daughter of Henry I. Sargent, of Boston. Their children are Margaret, William Henry, Mary and Sargent Appleton. He is a director in The American Book Co., a corporation founded in 1890, with a capital of $5,000,000, and is actively identified with the New York Free Library, of which he was one of the founders, and has held continuously the chairmanship of the Library Committee. He is also a director in The Bank for Savings and prominent in The Publishers' League, which was instrumental in bringing about the International Copyright Law. A keen busi- ness man, he is in social life a gentleman of courteous manners and a charming- companion. His clubs are the Union, Aldine, Century, Knickerbocker, Grolier and Riding, and he is also a member of The New England Society and Chamber of Com- merce. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AR. 25 CHARLES ARBUCKLE, coffee importer, born in Allegheny City, Pa., in 1833, died in Brooklyn, X. Y., March 27, 1891. His early years were passed in Allegheny City, where he became a prominent wholesale grocer. In 1871, Mr. Arbuckle, with his brother John, established a factory for the preparation of roasted and ground coffee in Brooklyn, and in 1875 transferred all his interests to that city. The business was at first conducted under the name of Arbuckle Bro's, but increased to such dimensions that it was, at one time, transferred to a stock organization, the Arbuckle Coffee Co. Subsequently, however, the corporation was abandoned, and the old firm of Arbuckle Bro's revived. The firm have imported immense quantities of raw coffee from Brazil, and established a permanent house at Rio. They acquired a wide reputation through the introduction of the " Ariosa" brand of coffee, which, roasted, ground and packed in one-pound bags, met with an extensive sale. Mr. Arbuckle personally superin- tended much of the work of the factory, and to his ability and untiring labor was largely due the success of this house. He added much to the attractions of Brooklyn by operations in real estate. Purchasing the old Dieter building opposite the City Hall in Brooklyn, he built five stories thereon, and made it the largest office structure in the city. He afterwards built an apartment house on Columbia Heights at Orange street, with suites of rooms for thirty-nine families, and owned another in the West Side region of New York. His country place at Brentwood, Long Island, contained 1,100 acres. He was never married. JOHN ARBUCKLE, importer and manufacturer, spent his early life in Allegheny, Pa. In 1871, he engaged with his brother Charles in the preparation of roasted and ground coffee, their factory being located in Brooklyn, and he is now head of the firm of Arbuckle Bros. He is also a director in The Importers and Traders' Bank, and is president of The Royal Horse Association, a syndicate owning ranches in Wyoming devoted to horse breeding. Several good clubs have elected him to membership, includ- ing the Union League and Hamilton in Brooklyn, and the Down Town in New York city. JOHN DUSTIN ARCHBOLD, oil refiner, was born in Leesburg, O., July 26, 1848. His father, Israel Archbold, a Virginian, and a descendant from a Protestant Irish family, which emigrated to America in 1786, married a daughter of Col. William Dana, who removed from Massachusetts to Marietta, O., in wagons in the early days. John was a student in the public schools until thirteen years of age, and gained his first experi- ence in business pursuits as clerk in a country store in Salem, O., 1862-64. I Q l86 4 he joined the rush to the Pennsylvania oil regions, and spent eleven years there in various branches of the petroleum industry. He rose to prominence and has long been the chief proprietor and president of The Acme Oil Co. Since 1875, he has been identified with The Standard Oil Co. , and a director since its organization, and is now vice-presi- dent of The Standard Oil Co., of New York. He is president of the trustees of Syra- cuse University, and a director of The Post-Graduate Hospital and Training School, and St. Christopher's Home and Orphanage. In 1870 Mr. Archbold married at Titus- ville, Pa., Anna M., daughter of Major S. M. Mills, and his children are Mary L., Anna M., Frances D., and John F. Archbold. Mrs. Archbold is a sister of Col. Mills, commandant of West Point Military Academy. Mr. Archbold dwells in a comfortable home at Cedar Cliff, near Tarrytown on the Hudson. He is a member of several ex- cellent clubs, including the Union League, Manhattan, Racquet, Riding, Whist and Twilight, and of The Ohio Society. 26 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. OLIVER HAZARD PERRY ARCHER, capitalist, a native of New York, born Jan. 14, 1825, is a son of Jonathan Archer, who, born in Tarrytown, died in 1832 at the age of sixty. The latter was a firm friend of Commodore Perry and named his son after the old hero. Oliver made his entrance into the world of affairs at the unusally early age of ten. While yet a clerk, he bought an existing city express busi- ness and then another, and thereafter operated on his own account. The first baggage express delivery on The Hudson River Railroad, originated with Mr. Archer, at the time the railroad station occupied a site on Chambers street. Later, he contracted to carry on the entire express business of that railroad. Thus launched upon a prosperous career, he has continued in the management of various express, freighting and railroad enterprises, in the prosecution of which he has been successful. At one time he was chosen vice-president of The Erie Railroad. The first fast freight line ever known was started by him over The Hudson River Railroad About 1849-50 he made a contract to divert all the freight business possible to The Hudson River and The New York Central Railroads at five cents per hundred pounds, and became a power in freighting. The New York Central at that time yet consisted of a chain of independent railroads. In 1858, he transferred his operations to The Erie Railroad and handled its freight. The Joliet & Wilmington and The Suspension Bridge & Erie Junction Railroads were built by him. In 1873, he retired from business, but has since become a large owner of real estate. Mr. Archer is a trustee of Syracuse University and a manager of The Board of Home and Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. June 4, 1845, he was happily married to Mary Dean. Their children are Oliver H. P. and George D. Archer; Mrs. William P. Abbott; Miss Nellie L. and Dr. Henry M. Archer. DANIEL V. ARQUIMBAU, importer and broker, is a respectable Pearl street merchant, who, during an industrious and varied career, has gained a strong position by the ability with which he has conducted his business. Modest and unassuming, but diligent and shrewd, he makes steady progress in the peaceful accumulation of the fruits of his honest vocation. His transactions are largely in the nature of the broker- age of merchandise. He makes his home in the Hotel St. George in Brooklyn. The career of Mr. Auguimbau varies from that of thousands of men who devote their lives to practical pursuits, mainly in the fact that he has succeeded where many others, either from lack of capital or of talent, have failed. ROBERT H. ARKENBURQH, tobacco merchant, born in Nyack, N.Y., in 1815, died there, Sept. 20, 1890. He was a grandson of Daniel Arkenburgh, one of the original Dutch settlers of Albany county. In 1836, the young man ventured to begin the man- 1 ufacture of cigars in Albany, succeeding from the start. In 1840, he removed to Phil- adelphia for a few years, but in 1 844 came to New York city and established a whole- sale trade in leaf tobacco, as R. H. Arkenburgh & Co. He was a splendid merchant, very enterprising and energetic. Large contracts were awarded to him by the govern- ment, both in this country and in Europe. After 1865, his firm bore the name of R. H. Arkenburgh & Sons. He established branch houses in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ken- tucky and Connecticut, and is said to have been the first merchant to ship tobacco in hogsheads by railroad car to New York, the older method having been to bring the staple by water from New Orleans. He added to his fortune by judicious investments in local real estate, especially on the West side, and aided in founding The National THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AR. 27 Park Bank and The Metropolitan Gas Co. , being president of the latter a number of years. His wife and six children survive him. HERMAN OSS1AN ARIIOUR, member of a celebrated firm of packers and commission merchants, was born March 2, 1837, at Stockbridge in Madison county, N. Y. His father, Danforth Armour, represented the second generation of the founder of the family in this country, James Armour, a Scotch- Irish emigrant^ and a native of Ireland, who arrived in America about the middle of the last century. James was the father of eight children, the sixth of whom was John, born Feb. 25, 1765. The latter in turn was the father of nine children, the fourth of them being Danforth, born Jan. 5, 1799. Danforth married Julia Brooks of Ashford, Nov. 27, 1825. This couple had eight children, the seventh of whom was Herman Ossian Armour. The other brothers were Simeon Brooks, born Feb. i, 1828; Andred Watson, born Jan. 27, 1829, who died in May, 1892; Philip Danforth, born May 16, 1832; Charles Eugene, born Sept. 10, 1835, a Union soldier in the Civil War, who died in hospital Aug. 12, 1863; and Joseph Francis, born Aug. 29, 1842, who died Jan 5, 1881. The brothers now living are Simeon Brooks, Philip Danforth, and Herman Ossian Armour. The father of the Armour brothers was a sturdy farmer, of remarkable force of character, an upright and worthy man, and the boys were brought up to hard work under strict discipline on the farm. The vigorous health and strong constitutions which nearly all of them have enjoyed are undoubtedly due, in part, to the whole- some life, the habits of self-restraint, and the careful oversight of their physical as well as mental welfare, of those early years upon the farm. As they advanced to youth and early manhood, the restrictions of rural scenes and the limited opportunities for the development of business ability led them, one after another, to seek their fortunes amid more active surroundings. The education of all was neces- sarily limited to the local schools, although some of the children entered the village seminar}-. Early in life, Herman O. Armour was attracted by the business enterprises which were looming into view in the great West. In 1855 he went to Milwaukee, and after a few years of business training established himself, in 1862, in the grain commis- sion business in Chicago. The youngest brother, Joseph, joined Herman in Chicago. The latter in 1865 turned over the business he had established there to the care of Joseph, and removed to New York city, where a new firm was organized under the style of Armour, Plankinton & Co. Herman O. Armour proved himself a most efficient merchant and possessed of great financial ability. The firm name of H. O. Armour & Co., produce commission merchants, was retained in Chicago until 1870. As early as 1868 the packing of pork was begun on a large scale. The name of the firm was changed to Armour & Co. in 1870. The following year, a branch establishment was opened at Kansas City with the style and title of Plankinton & Armour, and placed under the management of the older brother, Simeon B. Armour. The failing health of Joseph, who was in charge of the Chicago house, finally led to the removal, from Milwaukee to that city, of Philip D. Armour, who was five years the senior of Herman O. Armour. The brothers had thus been brought together into a common business interest. In 1879, The Armour Brothers Banking Co. was established at Kansas City, Mo. One brother yet remained at the old homestead in New York State, namely, Andrew Watson Armour. Having been invited to take charge of the new enterprise in Kan- 28 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. sasCity, he became its president and developed the same high quality of business tact, judgment and energy, which have characterized the other members of this notable family. The packing business of the Armour brothers is conducted on a stupendous scale. Their abattoirs in Chicago are of immense capacity. Thousands of animals are slaught- ered there every day. A member of the firm recently said, however, that he did not think there was one of the brothers who could stand and watch the process, without a sense of pity for the animals passing through the runways so innocently to their death. The firm not only supply millions of the people of the United States annually with fresh meats, through the method of distribution by refrigerator cars, but they are the largest shippers of cured goods across the ocean for the supply of Western Europe. They give employment in their several industries to upwards of 15,000 persons, while the auxiliary branches of the business attain to the number of about three hundred. Herman O. Armour is now one of the most respected merchants of New York city. He has identified himself thoroughly with the business and social life of the metropolis. His wife is Jeannie P. Livingston, a woman of noble character. The family spend their winters in town and in the summer season occupy a country home near Tarry- town on the Hudson. Mr. Armour has joined the Union League and Republican clubs, and, like his colleagues in those public-spirited organizations, has aided in pro- moting the interests of the great art museums of the city, and other public institutions. PHILIP DANFORTH ARflOUR, a brother of Herman O. Armour, was born May 16, 1832, at Stockbridge in Madison county, N. Y. Philip's education was derived from the country schoolhouse and in part from the local seminary. As a boy and youth, he was conspicuous for physical and mental energy, as well as for geniality of disposition. In the winter of 1851-52, he was seized with the California gold fever, which at that time pervaded the whole country, and, with others, joined in an overland trip to the Golden State. Leaving Oneida, N. Y., in the spring of 1852, the party reached California after a journey of six months, during which they suffered the many trials and dangers incident to a journey through the wilderness as it then existed. For more than three years he pursued the rugged life of a miner. While subject to all the temptations of his vicious surroundings, the strict discipline of life which had been maintained under the paternal roof enabled him to withstand every evil influence tri- umphantly. He returned to the East in 1856 to visit his parents at the old homestead.- He had met with some rewards for his labor; and after a few weeks stay at the old home, he started westward and settled in Milwaukee, where he engaged in the commis- sion business. This was conducted successfully until 1863, when he entered into part- nership with John Plankinton, for carrying on the pork packing industry. Mr. Plan- kinton, the senior of Mr. Armour, recognizing the young man's ability and business energy, induced him to dissolve the old firm and enter a new organization. Upon the removal of Herman O. Armour to New York in 1865, the younger brother, Joseph, was placed in charge of the business in Chicago. Owing to the ill health of Joseph, Philip, in the year 1875, removed to Chicago to assume charge of the business in that centre. One of these brothers was recently asked how the pork packing industry began. The reply was characteristic: " It began itself ; it grew up, and we took hold of it and helped it along by the application of hard work and by attending to our business." Of the five brothers originally associated in the several ramifications of these vast enter- prises, two are dead, namely, Joseph F. and Andrew Watson. The oldest brother, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AR. 29 Simeon B., resides in Kansas City, Philip D. in Chicago, and Herman O. in New York Of all the Armour brothers, Philip has probably attracted to himself more public attention than any of the others, by reason of his remarkable personality and his prac- tical philanthropy, in which, however, he has been sustained by the liberality of the other brothers. The Armour Mission, one of the most conspicuous institutions in Chicago, has been developed through his activity, originality and generosity from an humble beginning to colossal magnitude. The youngest brother, Joseph, who died Jan. 5, 1881, bequeathed $100,000 in his will for the founding of a Mission in Chicago, to be conducted on certain novel lines. As the executor of the estate, Philip D. Armour became peculiarly interested in the cam-ing out of the trust imposed upon him. The Mission is incorporated under the laws of Illinois, and is managed by a board of five directors. It is said that the present investment associated with the Armour Mission represents the sum of 3,000,000. It is conducted on a self-supporting plan, the method being to construct flats for occupancy by persons pursuing their business in that immediate locality, who can, with their families, have the benefit of all the educa- tional, religious and social features connected with the mission, and the charities associated with it. A certain standard of care and cleanliness is exacted from every tenant, while a most perfect system of sanitary regulation is observed by those in charge of the trust funds under the law. Philip D. Armour is the moving spirit, and his energy is untiring in the direction of the guidance of the Mission, the Institute, the Manual Training School and other auxiliaries. The object of the institution is the promotion of the highest physical, intellectual and moral improvement of children and youths. Philip D. Armour is a man of sturdy figure, a big head and small side whiskers. In appearance he resembles more a Protestant Episcopal bishop than a man possessing such transcendent business ability. He is an attendant of the Congregational Church, but the Mission is conducted on non-sectarian grounds. SIMEON B. ARflOUR, the oldest of the Armour brothers, was born Feb. i, 1828. In the development of the vast industry created by these energetic men, he was an active participant. The Kansas City branch came more directly under his supervision ; and for many years he has been the leading commercial spirit in that active and thriv- ing emporium. He lacks nothing of that keen business judgment which is so pre-emi- nently a family trait. He is possessed, also, of that amiability, cordiality and directness of speech characteristic of the family. One of the brothers, when asked to what one quality more than any other he ascribed their phenomenal success in life, replied, "To the distribution among us of the virtues possessed by our father and mother, and the training we received as boys on the old farm at Stockbridge. That comprised the root. What has developed since is the natural growth springing therefrom. We were taught how to work and to work hard. We were taught how to make money and how to use what we gained so as to make more. We had instilled into us as children some of the hard, old-fashioned common-sense of our parents. We have not acquired and held on to what we have without labor and care, and plenty of it, too." PHILANDER BANNISTER ARMSTRONG, life insurance president, was born in Brookville, Ind., Feb. 3, 1847. He is descended through the paternal line from a Scotch-Irish family, and through the maternal line from French Huguenots. No less 30 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. than five of his ancestors took part in the American Revolution. His early life was passed upon a farm. When of age, he went to Cincinnati, found employment with The JEtna Life Insurance Co , and in 1869 became general agent in Southern Ohio for The Guardian Mutual Life Insurance Co. Having conceived the idea of mutual insur- ance as applied to merchants and mamifacturers, he founded The Phoenix Mutual Fire Insurance Co., in 1875, with a capital of $50,000, introducing the idea of large lines of insurance upon selected and protected properties. The directors opposed this policy. Mr. Armstrong resigned, and in 1880 came to New York city, where he organized The Mutual Fire Insurance Co., in which two hundred leading business houses subscribed for shares. This enterprise met with success. For many years he was president of the company. In 1888, he acquired a controlling interest in The Fire Association of New York, and, in 1889, organized The Armstrong Fire Insurance Co., becoming president of both. His methods were original, often opposed by conservative directors, but usually successful. In 1893, he organized The American Union Life Insurance Co., the only financial institution founded in New York city during that trying year, and is its president. Although a busy man, he has been identified with The Washington Loan and Trust Co. of Washington, D. C., The Mercantile National Bank, and The Twenty- eighth & Twenty-ninth Streets Railroad, of this city, and The Grand Rapids Hy- draulic Co., of Grand Rapids, Mich. His almond orchard in California is the largest in the world, there being 34,000 almond trees upon the ranch of 1,015 acres, with a total of 70,000 fruit trees, including figs, oranges, olives, peaches, apricots, cherries, pears, prunes, nectarines and lemons. He was married in 1872 to Josephine E., daughter of Henry Nietert, of Cincinnati. He occupies a beautiful house in Brooklyn, and is a life member of the Union League club of Brooklyn, of which he was one of the prin- cipal founders, and The Ohio Society and Sons of the Revolution and Insurance club of this city. AARON ARNOLD, merchant, born in the Isle of Wight, in 1794, died in New York, March 18, 1876. He was the son of a farmer. In 1825, he sailed for Philadelphia with his wife and daughter. After a careful study of the comparative advantages of differ- ent cities, he selected New York as the most desirable location, moved to this city, and in 1827, established a dry goods store at the corner of Canal and Mercer streets, with his nephew, George A. Hearn, under the firm name of Arnold & Hearn. On Mr. Hearn's retirement in 1842, his place was supplied by Mr. Arnold's son-in-law, James M. Constable, the firm thereupon taking the name of Aaron Arnold & Co. In 1853, Richard Arnold, his son, and J. P. Baker were admitted to the firm, of which the title has since been Arnold, Constable & Co. The rapid growth of the city, and the uptown tendency of the retail business, led to the removal of the store, in 1868, to its present quarters at Broadway and igth street. In 1877, Mr. Arnold retired. His children were Richard Arnold and Henrietta, wife of James M. Constable. Mr. Arnold's success was attributable to industrious habits, sterling honesty, business sagacity and stead- fast adherence to his friends, whether rich or poor. His son, RICHARD ARNOLD, born in New York in 1825, died here, April 7, 1886. When of age he entered the store of his father. He learned the trade thoroughly in all its details, and in 1853 was ad- mitted to partnership. A man of strong common sense, capable, and foreseeing, he proved .a competent merchant, gave the closest attention to details and directed the affairs of the house with notable skill and success He promoted the investment of a THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AR. 3! part of the earnings of the house in real estate on what was then upper Broadway, and the great appreciation in value of this property has proved the sagacity of this venture. He was twice married, first to Pauline, daughter of Noel J. Bicar, and after her death to Georgiana E., daughter of M. S. Bolmer. He left four children, three of them now deceased. HICKS ARNOLD, merchant, nephew of Richard.Arnold, was born in England, and first engaged in business in his uncle's store as a salesman. A diligent man, he was in time admitted to the firm of Arnold, Constable & Co. , and has since been an active and capable member of the firm. His wife is Harriette, daughter of Jame3 M. Constable. Mr. Arnold is a director in The Bank of the Metropolis. WILLIAM H. ASPINWALL, merchant, born in New York, Dec. 16, 1807, died here Jan. 18, 1875. He came from an honorable line of shipping men, his grandfather, Captain John Aspinwall, having been a captain of vessels hailing from his port long before the American Revolution, and his father, John, being a member of the famous shipping and mercantile firm of Gilbert & John Aspinwall. This latter house dealt largely in cotton, received goods on consignment from all parts of the world, and were large exporters of American products. William attended a local boarding school, and was trained as clerk for his uncles, Gardner G. and Samuel S. Howland. In 1832, he became a partner, the name being changed in 1837 to Howland & Aspinwall. The house transacted an immense business with the East and West Indies, the Mediter- ranean, China and England, owning seventeen or eighteen ships, including several Liverpool packets, and rose to be the largest shipping firm in the city. In 1850 Mr. Aspinwall relinquished the active management to his brother, J. Lloyd Aspinwall, the business thereafter taking the nature of banking, and devoted his attention to the building of The Panama Railroad and creation of The Pacific Mail Steamship Co. In the railroad enterprise he was aided by Henry Chauncey and John L. Stephens, and its pecuniary success was a proof of Mr. Aspinwall's sagacity. The profits of the road were $5,971,000 during the first seven years. The Pacific Mail Steamship Co. proved, especially in its earlier years, very successful. Mr. Aspinwall retired from the presidency in 1856, and devoted his remaining years to well-earned rest. He left five children, Lloyd and the Rev. John Abel Aspinwall ; Anna Lloyd, wife of James Renwick, the archi- tect ; Catharine, wife of Ambrose C. Kingsland, and Louisa, wife of John W. Minturn. Mr. Aspinwall was widely known for his generosity. A liberal patron of the fine arts, he collected a gallery of valuable paintings, including Stuart's head of Washington. In his will, he specifically stated that he left no bequests to public objects, because he had given according to his judgment during life. He enjoined his children to charity. His son, GEN. LLOYD ASPINWALL, born in New York in 1830, died in Bristol, R. I., Sept. 4, 1886. Early in life, he entered the firm of Howland & Aspinwall, of which his father was a member. In time, he succeeded his father and stood at the head of the firm at his death. He inherited large means, and added to them by his own effort. He was married to Henrietta Prescott, daughter of William De Wolfe of Rhode Island, who, with two sons, J. Lloyd and William H. Aspinwall, survived him. His military title was derived from service in the National Guard of New York, which began in 1854. In 1857, he declined an election as Major of the 74th Regiment. In 1861, he formed the Minor Grays, afterwards the 22d, with which he went to the front in the fall of 1 86 1, as Lieutenant Colonel. Later, he was made Colonel and led the regiment 32 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. during its three months service in the Gettysburg campaign, serving with credit in other capacities also during the war. In 1865-69, he served as Brigadier-General in the National Guard. Three times president of the Army & Navy club and a promi- nent member of The Military Order of the Loyal Legion and other veteran organiza- tions, he was also a member of the Union League Club, and at one time declined a nomination for Mayor of New York city. JOHN JACOB ASTOR, the greatest merchant of his time, and founder of one of the most conspicuous families in America, was born in Waldorf, near Heidelberg, Germany, July 17, 1763, and died in New York city, March 29, 1848. He was the son of Johann Jacob Astor, a respectable village merchant. Nature cast this young man in princely mould and endowed him with a soul in keeping with his outward aspect. He possessed a clear and courageous mind, an honest heart, and a spirit of unusual energy. In early youth, he encountered much hardship, but plain living and toilsome work in his father's store were interspersed with lessons at school and the reading of good books, and the modest circumstances of the family proved an impetus and inspiration, not an injury. His native village having become too small for the spirited and ambitious boy, he resolved to follow his older brother, Henry Astor, to London. He walked to the river Rhine, and voyaged down the river on a lumber raft, much as our American country lads often make their first visit to New York by freight boat on the Erie canal. In London he was employed by his uncle, who was the senior partner in Astor & Broadwood, makers of musical instruments. Three years sufficed to teach the youth the English language and a trade. In 1783, before the British troops had fully evacu- ated New York, Mr. Astor sailed for the new world, with the purpose of becoming a merchant there, bringing with him seven flutes and some other articles for sale upon a commission. Landing in Baltimore, Mr. Astor made his way to New York, where his brother Henry had already established himself as a merchant of cattle and meats, and there entered the service of a Quaker merchant, from whom he learned the details of the fur trade. He saved his earnings carefully, gained a little more by his own trading, and then opened a modest store on Water street as John Jacob Astor, fur merchant. In a little store on Queen street, he also became the pioneer merchant of musical instruments in the United States. Mr. Astor's occupation was the purchase of furs from the Indian tribes and the ship- ment of them to Europe. While he employed many trappers and traders upon the out- skirts of civilization at all times, he was nevertheless compelled to make many trips in person into the dense solitudes of the primeval forests of the North and the region of the Great Lakes. His life at this period was full of romantic adventure. To his honor, be . it said, that his personal aspect, his integrity and justice, and his tact, won the confidence and friendship of the wild tribes of the forests, and they always became his staunch and loyal friends. His unceasing energy resulted in a rapid development of his fur trade, and before the beginning of the present century, he was already worth $250,000. In the North, he was opposed by The Hudson Bay Co., which aimed at an entire monopoly upon that side of the American boundary. Nevertheless, Mr. Astor pushed his enterprise into Canada by way of Lake Champlain and Buffalo and into the West beyond Detroit. He even purchased furs upon the headwaters of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, which Pierre Chouteau, the founder of St. Louis, regarded as his own especial field. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AS. 33 The greatest venture of Mr. Astor was the founding of Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia river in 1809. He planted there a fort and a settlement, in person, won the friendship of the Indian tribes, and, during his four years oi control, carried on a large trade. Mr. Astor aimed at securing the whole of the Oregon region peacefully for the United States. In this he would have succeeded, in spite of the determined hostility of The Hudson Bay Co., had not the War of 1812 frustrated the plan. His agent betrayed his interests, dismissed \fr. Astor's Indian allies, and upon the first approach of a British ship of war, struck his flag and surrendered the post. The American Fur Co., which Mr. Astor organized, carried on a continental trade, and its sales in New York city were attended by buyers from every part of the world. At an early period, it became necessary for Mr. Astor to employ ships of his own in exporting furs to Europe. The return of these vessels laden with merchandise led him into an extensive foreign trade. He gradually acquired a large fleet, and his ships ploughed every ocean of the globe and carried cargoes both to and from England, Ger- many, France, Russia, China and America, the cargoes usually being purchased and sold on Mr. Astor's account. His ships were dispatched to various parts of the world with unerring judgment, and a single voyage sometimes brought him a profit of 100,000 or more. For a long period, Mr. Astor invested two-thirds of each year's earnings in real estate. He acquired large tracts of land in Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa and other parts of the West, and purchased many hundred acres upon the Island of Manhattan. He believed that the enterprise of his fellow merchants and himself would yet make New York the centre of a world wide trade and cover the rocks and swamps of this island with the edifices of a stately city. Sagacious in investment, he bought property in the city and its suburbs continually as opportunity offered. It was characteristic of him that he seldom sold a piece of property and never placed a mort- gage on any of his possessions. He constructed many prominent buildings, including the Astor House. The growth of New York from a population of 80,000 in 1810 to half a million at the time of his death enormously increased the value of his property and brought to him the greater part of his fortune of $20,000,000. A daring enterprise in which he was associated in the early part of this century- was an attempt to purchase Louisiana from Napoleon. Mr. Astor expected to gain $30,000,000 had this purchase been consummated, but he was anticipated by Napoleon himself, who offered the territory to President Jefferson in order that it might be saved from capture by England. Mr. Astor was a man of commanding personality and won his way to fortune by intrepid, untiring and honorable effort and his early comprehension of the future of New York city. He was remarkable for his integrity, and won the good will of his fellow merchants by many helpful and magnanimous acts. For a time after his marriage to Sarah Todd, whom he was accustomed to describe as the best business partner he ever had, he made his home modestly at the store; but when prosperity came to him, he moved to the lower part of Broadway. His home: there was adorned with works of art and attended by a throng of servants, who were- natives of China and other lands with which he traded. Intellectual and eminent in his. attainments, he enjoyed the company only of men of merit. Albert Gallatin, Wash- ington Irving and other persons of distinction were his intimate friends. He retired, from business in 1822. Thereafter he spent many pleasant seasons in Europe. 34 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. In America, Mr. Astor maintained not only a residence in the city but a summer place in Westchester county. He was fond of the simple and invigorating life of this farm. Public objects enlisted his cordial interest. The village of Waldorf received from him a $50,000 asylum for poor children, and his private charities were noble and extended. In his will, a legacy of $400,000 provided for the founding of The Astor Library. His children were John Jacob Astor, zd, William B. Astor and the wife of Vincent Rumpff. John Jacob Astor, ad, received injuries in the head, while riding, which unsettled his mind. He wrote some creditable verses after that, however, lived for many years on what was then a farm, on i4th street near Ninth avenue, the tract extending through to what is now isth street, and died when about seventy. WILLIAM BACKHOUSE ASTOR, son of John Jacob Astor, ist, began and ended his life in New York city. He was born Sept. 19, 1792, and died Nov. 24, 1875. He inherited the self-reliance and eminent character, rugged health and business capacity of his father in a marked degree. His education at the public schools in New York, was finished at Heidelberg and the University of Goettingen. He selected Chevalier Bunsen as his tutor, and with him traveled in various parts of Europe. Napoleon was then in the ascendancy upon the continent and Mr. Astor had the good fortune to witness some of the stirring and memorable events at that time. He saw Napoleon's troops assembling for the invasion of Russia, and later, the rising in Germany, when the French Emperor had been driven back from Moscow. After his return to America, Mr. Astor was married in 1818 to Margaret Rebecca, a daughter of Gen. John Arm- strong, a man of distinction, and successively United States Senator, Secretary of War and Minister to France. In 1820, Mr. Astor was admitted to partnership by his father, and became an efficient factor in a trade which extended to every part of the globe. The great fur sales were conducted by him for a number of years. He was president of The Ameri- can Fur Co., and during the latter part of his father's life held his father's general power of attorney. After 1825, he gradually discontinued the commercial ventures of the house, and that field was finally abandoned to other merchants. From his uncle, Henry Astor, a merchant on the Bowery, he inherited the sum of half a million. From his father he received the Astor House property. And by his excellent management of the fur business he gained an independent fortune of his own. Upon his father's death, Mr. Astor became the sole heir of an immense estate. Thereafter, he devoted himself to the preservation and growth of his property. He was a progressive man and one of the most active builders of his generation. It was said in 1867 that he had inherited and built 720 dwellings and stores in this city. He had also promoted important railroad and insurance enterprises. He was liberal toward his tenants and generous in charity ; and his hatred of wrong doing, his purity of character and modest demeanor won the entire respect and good will of the community. His wife passed away Feb. 15, 1872, and thereafter his private affairs and the enjoyment of his library occupied his entire attention. He loved simple ways of living. Enthusiastic in athletic exercises, he was a good horseman and in early life a fencer, and until the age of seventy-five seldom allowed a day to pass without a brisk walk, regardless of the weather. His children were John Jacob Astor, 3d; William and Henry Astor; Emily, who married Samuel Ward and died early in life, leaving a daughter Margaret, who THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AS. 35 married John Winthrop Chanler ; Alida, wife of John Carey of England ; and Laura, wife of Franklin Delano, the merchant. He added 250,000 to the endowment of The Astor Library, and made a total of $550,000 in gifts to that institution. His estate was divided mainly and equally between his sons John Jacob and William Astor. JOHN JACOB ASTOR, third of the name, son of William B. Astor, was born in New York city, June 10, 1823, and died here Feb. 22, 1890. He received a good edu- cation and at an early age went into the real estate business with his father, assisting in the management of the vast property which was later to come in part under his con- trol. In 1846 he married Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Thomas Gibbes, of South Carolina, a woman of noble character, devoted to good works. She died Dec. 12, 1887. From this marriage, one son was born, William Waldorf Astor. At the out- break of the Civil War, Mr. Astor enlisted as a volunteer, and served with credit on the staff of General McClellan. After the war, he remained in business with his father. After his father's death, in 1875, Mr. Astor increased his inheritance by continu- ing the purchase and improvement of real estate. He rarely sold. As a result of this policy, he was at his death the largest owner of real estate in New York city, aside from the Trinity Church corporation. He was a director and trustee in many institu- tions, and a vestryman in Trinity Church, in the affairs of which he took a deep interest. He was one of the principal owners of The United States Trust Co., and The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. , and a stockholder in nearly all the older banks of New York city. In Mr. Astor's life, there were no incidents of public interest at all commensurate with his fortune. He was a modest, unobtrusive, well balanced man, exact in business matters, and generous in his charities. A master of both the French and German lan- guages and fond of literature, he devoted his leisure to reading and study. His estate was estimated variously between 75,000,000 and 100,000,000, the bulk of it going to his son, William Waldorf Astor, now the head of the family. He gave legacies of 400,000 to The Astor Library, 100,000 each to St. Luke's and the Cancer hospitals, and other sums to kindred public objects. WILLIAJ1 WALDORF ASTOR was born in New York, March 31, 1848, married Miss Mary Dahlgren Paul of Philadelphia, June 6, 1878, and succeeded to his father as head of the family in February, 1890. His life has been largely controlled by the influence of two women of noble character. To his mother, in early manhood, he owed his ideal; from his wife, in his maturity, he received an unfailing example of courage, chant}' and good sense. Upon the completion of his education, which was directed by private tutors and finished in Europe, young Astor was taken into the office of The Astor Estate at the age of twenty-three, his father having entered it at twenty-five, and his grandfather at twenty-eight. Here, he was instructed in every branch of business routine, which had gradually been developed into an elaborate and comprehensive system. He was sent about the city with a pocket map-book until he knew all the family property. He collected dividends, learned the art and mystery of coupon cutting, and listened to the perennial complaints of tenants. Above all, he had before him the example of his father and grandfather in the clearness, industry and justice, with which their daily task was accomplished. Those were days of incessant labor and of much vexatious routine, which might well have been remitted to a manager. 36 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. In the midst of the fudge which the newspapers print about this family, four mis- takes deserve a passing correction First, it is supposed that the Astors delight in the foreclosure of mortgages. The truth is, that a foreclosure being a disagreeable and un- profitable process, is resorted to only in rare instances. Secondly, it is not true that they are their own insurers against fire. Thirdly, the assumption that much of the fortune was derived from the Astoria enterprise is incorrect, that brilliant and roman- tic venture having resulted in heavy loss. And lastly, the alleged rule never to sell real estate does not exist. Only narrow-minded and impractical men would imagine so silly a rule. The first John Jacob Astor was continually selling houses and lands whenever they could be disposed of at large profit. His son and grandson did the same as they found it expedient. The subject of this sketch sold a million dollars' worth of unprom- ising tenement-house property in 1890; and it is not rash to say, that he is alwavs ready to part with any of his New York real estate for double its value. The old office building, 85 Prince street, with all the accumulated ledgers, family settlements, trust papers, letter books, records of the Astoria enterprise, and docu- ments showing the management of the estate for over fifty years, passed in 1876, at the division of the property under the will of William B. Astor, into the possession of his eldest son, John Jacob, who bequeathed his entire estate, real and personal, abso- lutely and in fee simple, to his son, William Waldorf, without any limitations or trusts. He had previously received in 1878 a general power of attorney, by which his father placed him wholly in control over all his interests, giving him authority to do any act in connection therewith which he himself could legally perform. Mr. Astor's first act, upon succeeding his father, was to name his place of business at 21 West 26th street, "The Office of The Astor Estate." His next important decision was to erect at the corner of Fifth avenue and 33d street the hotel, which bears the name of the German home of the family at Waldorf. So successful has this venture proved, that it is about to be imitated upon the adjoining corner. Mr. Astor has received a more liberal share of newspaper abuse than falls to the lot of most men. He has been derided and reviled, reported dead and insane, and charged with mean and sordid motives. To all this he has made no reply, thinking it beneath him to enter upon the contradiction of willful misrepresentations, and perhaps knowing that many of his critics are destitute people, who have no other means of live- lihood It can hardly be necessary to remind New York that the Astors have been public-spirited citizens, given to service for the public good in hospitals, in the library which bears their name, benevolent institutions, and works of charity. It cannot yet be forgotten that in war times, John Jacob Astor, father of the subject of this sketch, went to the front and served in the field with the Army of the Potomac. Nor can it lightly be lost sight of that the name of Astor has been a synonym for honesty and high character and pure life in the history of New York. In September, 1880, Mr. Astor conceived the project of a London office, The ter- mination of his embryo career in politics in 1881, after an entirely creditable record of three years in the New York Legislature and his more than creditable career of three years as Minister to Italy under President Arthur, turned his thoughts to a residence in England, where he saw the possibility of a broader life than is included within the limits of Wall street, Fifth avenue and Newport. In 1888 and 1889 he represented to his father the advantages of a residence and office abroad, to which the latter agreed that THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AS. 37 it would probably be conducive to comfort and happiness, and might be expected to add to the security of the estate, though invariably declining to have anything to do personally with his son's "English plan," as it came to be called between them. "I am too old," he said, " for any change; some da}' you will take my place, and then you can do as 3 T ou please. But," he added on the last occasion when the project was dis- cussed, "be quite sure, before beginning, that you have the nerve to carry it through." This admonition was deeply laid to heart, and it may be said that Mr. Astor has found the "nerve to carry it through," and to make for himself and his children the opportunity for useful and happy and profitable lives. He cherishes, wherever he may be, the remembrance of his childhood's home, of many kind and loving friends in America, and of the enterprising genius of the great city of New York, where so many years of his life were spent. WILLIAM ASTOR, second son of the late William B. Astor, born in New York city, July 12, 1829, died in Paris, France, April 25, 1892. An able and vigorous man from his youth, he graduated second in his class from Columbia College in 1 849. Frank and generous in his nature, self-respecting, loyal to his friends, enthusiastic in athletic sports, he was exceedingly well-liked by all his classmates. He undertook a long journey through Egypt and the East, after his college days were over, and this tour made im- pressions upon his receptive mind which were never effaced and inspired in him a life- long interest in Oriental art and literature. Sept. 23, 1853, he was married to Caroline, daughter of Abraham Schermerhorn, a descendant of an old and distinguished family, which was founded in America in 1642 and has always been conspicuous in affairs. Immediately after his marriage, Mr. Astor entered the real estate office of his father on Prince street, and undertook a share of the management of the vast properties be- longing to the family, and, after half of it had come to him by inheritance, he increased it largely by continual purchases and re-investment of receipts. Competent, judicious, and successful, he possessed the faculty of so regulating his business interests as to leave a portion of his time free for recreation. He was fond of farming and open air employ- ments, and especially enjoyed the company of the sea. Many trips along the coast were taken in his own steam yacht. In 1875, a visit to Florida awoke his interest in the vast undeveloped resources of that State ; and it is believed that his enterprise, during the next ten years, accomplished more for Florida, than that of any of his cotemporaries. He built a railroad from St. Augustine to Palatka, constructed several modern blocks of buildings in Jacksonville, and led other men of means to join in the work of re-creating a new Florida in place of the old one. His sendees were so valuable that the State Government voted him a grant of 80,000 acres of land. Both Mr. Astor and his wife were prominent in the social entertainments of the metropolis. Their eminent purity of character, discriminating taste, refinement and generous hospitalities made them the unchallenged leaders of the social life of the city. The approval of Mr. and Mrs. Astor ensured the success of every movement which depended in any manner upon the favor of the great and powerful. The}- were both singularly generous in their charities and equally scrupulous in avoiding public notice of them. Their children were Emily, who died in 1881, wife of James J. Van Alen of Newport; Helen, wife of James Roosevelt Roosevelt; Charlotte Augusta, WILLIAM ASTOR. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AS. 39 wife of James Coleman Drayton ; Caroline Schermerhorn, wife of Marshall Orme Wil- son; and John Jacob Astor. A reference has been made to Mr. Astor's love of the ocean. The schooner yacht Ambassadress, built for him in 1877, gave him much pleasure during the following seven years. She was the largest sailing yacht ever constructed. In 1884, he caused to be designed and built the Nourmahal, a steamer heavily sparred and capable of a rapid run under sail alone. Mr. Astor projected a trip around the world in this sea- worthy vessel, but did not live to carry out the plan. The Ambassadress was sold to a Boston gentleman for private use, and several years later to a fruit concern in the West Indies. She is probably the swiftest ship afloat in the fruit trade. Mr. Astor was also the owner of the sailing yacht Atalanta, which won two out of three races in which she entered and carried off the Cape May and the Kane cups. Mr. Astor was also fond of fine horses and owned many thoroughbreds. Vagrant, purchased in Kentucky in 1877, more than paid for himself before his owner saw him. Another horse named Ferncliff, raised by him, was sold as a yearling for 4,800. A stallion bought in England in 1890 for $15,000 sold within a year for 30,000. JOHN JACOB ASTOR, fourth of the name, son of William Astor, was born July 13, 1864, at Ferncliff, near Rhinebeck, his father's country house on the Hudson. He is the most American of all the Astors, both by descent, marriage and patriotic sen- timent. Through the maternal line, he is in the fifth generation of descent from Robert Livingston, who received by royal patent the famous Manor of Livingston on the Hudson River, comprising a large part of the land in Dutchess and Columbia counties. His education, begun in St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and prosecuted at Harvard University, from which he graduated in the scientific class of 1888, has been continued by diligent reading and extended foreign travel. Before entering Harvard, he made a trip to the Pacific coast by the northern route, enjoying the novelty of travel by stage through the mountains and many expeditions on horseback and on foot in pursuit of big game. Since then he has visited nearly even- country in Europe, the West Indies, 'and many parts of South America. In Turkey the Sultan, Abdul Hamed, paid him the honor of a personal audience, having first fully satisfied himself that the young American was not an agent of Russia or England, or otherwise bent upon overturning the Turkish throne and convulsing the whole of Europe with the chaos of a general war. His originality has been repeatedly shown by avoidance of ordinary routes of travel. Upon his return from foreign travel, Mr. Astor identified himself with the manage- ment of the family estates. He gained a thorough knowledge of the business and has since devoted himself to practical affairs with abilit) r and success. In 1891, he was married in Philadelphia to Ava, daughter of Edward Shippen and Alice C. Barton Willing of that city, and thus became connected with a family of dis- tinction, which, besides being notable for its loft}' character, has given birth to many men of high social and official position. Thomas Willing, great-great-grandfather of Mrs. Astor, was Mayor of Philadelphia, Judge of the Supreme Court, and first presi- dent both of The Bank of North America and The Bank of the United States. He aided in drawing up that immortal document, the Constitution of the United States, and it was he who designed the United States coat-of-arms. Another ancestor of Mrs. Astor was Coloney W. Barton, a Member of Parliament in 1653 By this marriage. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AS. 4! Mr. Astor gained the life companionship of a charming and congenial woman. His wife is fitted by native refinement, a bright mind, and thorough education for the exalted social position she occupies; and she enters graciously and with enjoyment into the open air recreations for which the Astors have always been noted. She is a good marks- man and with fire-arms made especially for her, has secured wild duck and other game many times during the hunting expeditions of herself and husband. In fact, upon their wedding trip, Mrs. Astor demonstrated the fact that she was a better shot, even than her husband, with revolver and rifle. A piece of slate, completely concealed by a half dollar coin, according to a spectator, was by her shot at and hit four times out of five, at a distance of fifteen paces. Mrs. Astor now owns quite an arsenal. She is as fond, not only of shooting but of open air amusements, as her husband, and frequently plays tennis and golf, and joins Mr. Astor in sailing. Her influence in the promotion of invigorating exercises is certain to prove far-reaching. Mr. Astor is a good citizen, a progressive and capable business man, and a gentle- man who has shown himself willing to endure discomfort in the public service. He has served as juryman in the local courts with admirable patience and public spirit. The influence of his name has been sought by financial institutions and he is a director in The National Park Bank, The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. , The Mercantile Trust Co. , The Illinois Central Railway, The Second National Bank, and The Plaza Bank. He belongs to the Knickerbocker, Union, Metropolitan, Tuxedo, City, Riding, Racquet, Country, New York Yacht, Down Town, and Delta Phi clubs, and is one of the governors of the Newport Golf Club and the Newport Casino. It may also be said that he is one of the patrons of the annual Patriarch's Ball, the greatest social event of each winter season in the metropolis. Already the possessor of many buildings in this city, Mr. Astor's civic pride, energy and business sagacity combined promise to place upon the Island of Manhattan several splendid buildings during the long business career which is before him. Various plans are now in. contemplation. It is one of the developments of modern times that a talent for practical affairs and literary ability are sometimes found united in the same man. This is the case with Mr. Astor. He is fond of the study of science and philosophy, and he has written a book, entitled, "A Journey in Other Worlds; A Romance of the Future," which, superbly illustrated by Dan Beard under Mr. Astor's direction, and handsomely printed, appeared in 1894 and attracted widespread interest and attention. In this entertain- ing work, Mr. Astor assumes that the conquest of nature has been achieved and that nearly all the forces which mankind is striving, so far in vain, to harness, have been brought under control, while new ones have been discovered, among them the principle of apergy, which tends to throw objects apart, as gravitation draws them together. He indulges in this romance in clever and daring philo- sophic speculation, revels in the luxuriant and wonderful life of Jupiter, makes the flowers sing, creates extraordinary reptiles, discovers a water spider 600 feet long, travels 300 miles an hour by railroad train, and, most marvelous of all, reveals New York as possessing clean streets, rapid transit and a good city government. His heroes visit Jupiter and Saturn and encounter strange and inspiring adventures, which are described with so much force and felicity of language, as to create the hope that Mr. Astor's pen may yet be employed upon other volumes. His first excursion into the realm of literature, judged solely by its own merits, not by the merits of the man. 42 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. which are great, has received the approval of the most judicious critics. The work will soon be published in Paris in the French language. It has already been printed in London, and the sale of the London edition already exceeds the sale in New York, although the book has reached its fifth edition here. Mr. Astor has been commissioned a Colonel on the staff of Levi P. Morton, Governor of the State of New York. HUGH AUCHINCLOSS, merchant, born in New York, in 1817, died in New Canaan, Conn., June 18, 1890. He was the son of Hugh Auchincloss of Paisley, Scot- land, who in 1805 began in New York the importation and sale of dry goods and cotton thread. At an early age the younger Hugh and his brother John were taken into the firm, which until 1855 displayed the sign of Hugh Auchincloss, but then became known as John & Hugh Auchincloss, later as Auchincloss Bro's. The firm rose to prominence as the American agents for Coates's spool thread, of which they imported and sold enormous quanties. They were also manufacturers of thread in this country, and long held a high position in the mercantile world. Mr. Auchincloss left an only daughter, Mary Baldwin, wife of Lewis P. Childs of New Canaan, Conn. He was a director of various financial institutions, including The Merchants' National Bank and The Bleecker Street Savings Bank. For many years, he was a member of Grace Protestant Episcopal church and a man of the highest probity of character. JOHN AUCHINCLOSS, merchant, born in 1811, died in Quebec, Canada, June 26, 1876. He was a son of Hugh Auchinchloss, of .Paisley, Scotland. Receiving a training in his father's store, he became a partner, and, after the death of his father, in 1855, joined his brother Hugh in continuing the business of the house, which was developed to large proportions. At the time of his death, Mr. Auchincloss was the oldest dry goods merchant in New York city in continuous management. He was a director of The Merchants' Bank, a trustee of The Equitable Life Assurance Society, and identified with various other institutions. Six sons and two daughters survived him. For many years he had been a member of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and was highly respected in business and social circles. ROBERT FRANKLIN AUSTIN, merchant, born in Brownville, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1827, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 31, 1885. His parents were of New England descent. At the age of sixteen, the young man entered the general country store of Daniel J. Schuyler at Three Mile Bay, afterwards rising to partnership. Mr. Austin made himself so popular among his neighbors that, while yet a young man, they sent him, in 1855, to the State Assembly for one term. About 1860, he removed to New York, and found employment as a clerk with Earle & Co., grocers. In 1861, he became a partner in Fitts, Austin & Turner in the same trade. Mr. Turner withdrew in 1864. The store, originally in Warren street, was moved, in time, to larger quar- ters in Murray street, and finally to Reade street. In 1878, the firm reorganized as Austin, Nichols & Co. Mr. Austin soon took leading rank among the business men of the city, the new firm being highly successful under his management. In 1880, they removed to. a new store on Hudson at the corner of Jay street. Mr. Austin was a keen, prompt, upright man, just, humane and democratic. In 1875, he was given a seat in the Chamber of Commerce, and often took part in discussions there, being an excellent speaker. In Augtist, 1850, Mr. Austin was married to Miss Anna Schuyler, daughter of his first employer. To them was born one son, D. William Austin, who died Oct. 2, XBHt THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AY. 43 1894. Among the institutions with which he was identified were The Importers & Grocers' Exchange, The Mercantile Exchange, The Board of Trade & Transportation, and The Hanson Place Baptist Church, in Brooklyn. FREDERICK FANNING AVER, a lawyer of high standing in New York city, a son of the late Dr. James C. Ayer, of Lowell, Mass., was born in Lowell, Sept. 12, 1851. This family have been identified with the history of the country for the last 200 years. Mr. Ayer's paternal ancestors served in the American Revolution and in the War of 1812. Through his mother, he descends from Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick, members of the Society of Friends, who were persecuted for conscience sake in colo- nial days in Boston. Their heroic endurance has been commemorated by Whittier in a poem. His mother's mother and the founder of the house of H. B. Clanin & Co , of New York, were children of Major John Clanin of Milford, Mass. Frederick F. Ayer was educated, first, in the public schools in Lowell, and in 1863, he was sent to St. Paul's School in Concord, N. H., where he enjoyed a four years' course. He then left school for a while to learn a trade. Dr. Ayer, his father, was, at that time, a large owner of stock in various mamifacturing companies. Some of these concerns had met with serious losses, owing to the incompetence of their managers, and the young man inherited from his father a conviction of the imperative necessity of acquiring a practical knowledge of the details of any form of business in which he might be engaged. It was certain that, in time, large manufacturing interests would be entrusted to him ; and he resolved to gain a thorough acquaintance with the details of the work in the mills. He entered Suffolk Mills, therefore, as an operative, begin- ning at the beginning of the processes of manufacture, and working in every room of the mill from wheel pit to belfry, until he had acquired a sound personal knowledge of every process through which cotton passes on its way from the bale to the finished cloth. Then, leaving the factory, he fitted himself for college. In July, 1869, The Franklin Literary Association was organized by him and other young men of Lowell. This was at first a large debating club. In that practical school, Mr. Ayer acquired the habit of thinking while on his feet, which served him in good stead in later years. Graduating from Harvard in 1873 with honor, he then spent some time travelling in Europe with his father. In 1874 he entered the Law School at Cam- bridge, being in due time admitted to the bar. In 1875 he began practice in partner- ship with Lemuel H. Babcock. The first service of the young lawyer in court came about in a sudden and unexpected manner. Dr. Ayer was then the controlling spirit in the company formed to supply the city of Rochester, N. Y., with water from Hem- lock Lake. Litigation had arisen between the company and the city. The case was one in which the family were deeply interested, and while yet in the Law School, Mr. Ayer had studied from curiosity the questions involved. When the case came up in the Supreme Court at Rochester for argument, Mr. Ayer was present to listen. To his great surprise, Judge Henry R. Selden, counsel for Dr. Ayer, introduced the young man to the court as his associate from Massachussetts and declared that Mr. Ayer would open the case. Mr. Ayer was taken unawares, but rose, without preparation, faced the court with quickly beating heart and shaking knees, and spoke for half an hour. He acquitted himself with such credit that his father presented to him a check for $10,000, his first professional fee. This experience with the ways of senior counsel 44 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. made him shy of court rooms thereafter. In 1876, the failure of Dr. Ayer's health compelled Frederick to abandon the practice of the law and assume the responsible duty of managing Dr. Ayer's vast investments. He has since been fully occupied with the care of large interests. Mr. Ayer possesses the faculty of public speaking and has appeared before large audiences many times. He was never more felicitous in his remarks, perhaps, than upon Oct. 26, 1876, when, in behalf of his father, he made the address of presentation of the new Town Hall of Ayer to the authorities of the town and delivered to them the keys of the edifice. His father's life was drawing to a close and the occasion was an affecting one. Mr. Ayer spoke with fine control and much feeling. In 1885, he made an address in Michigan which was followed by important conse- quences. Like his father, he had become greatly interested in corporation reform. Among the first to see the justice and expediency of minority representation and cumu- lative voting in the directory of industrial corporations, he urged this idea upon the attention of public men; and when, in 1885, a bill to secure this result was introduced in the Legislature of Michigan, Mr. Ayer made an argument in its behalf which was so unanswerable that it led to the passage of the law. Similar laws have since then been enacted by other States. He has always taken a lively interest in public affairs and studied diligently the various branches of economic science. He has always opposed by voice and pen every successive scheme for debasing the currency, and has always favored a reasonable but moderate tariff. Upon his father's death in 1878, Mr. Ayer became the manager of the great proper- ties which his father had created, and for many years was obliged to resort to law and lawyers, as a client, to extricate the estate from dangers with which it was threatened. He has displayed business ability of a high order, and his previous legal training has aided to make him a successful financier. Mr. Ayer is a man of generous impulses. Among many philanthropic acts, it is told of him that in 1890 he gave $5,000 for books for a public library in the Town House of Ayer, and later built for the town the Ayer Memorial Library building, at a cost of about $40,000. There had previously been some attempts to maintain a public library in the village. In one case, the library had been so very free, that all of its books had disappeared within the fifteen years of its existence. Other attempts were made under better management, and in 1890 a library of about 2,800 books had been accumulated. Mr. Ayer's gift enabled the trustees to equip the shelves with a large number of the most valuable standard books, and his later generosity gave the town an excellent library building. He has also joined with his mother, Mrs. Josephine M. Ayer, in pre- senting to the city of Lowell a beautiful home for children. Mr. Ayer inherited a large interest in his father's property, and has many large investments of his own. The fortune of Dr. Ayer has been more than doubled by the jon by judicious investments. The latter is a director of The Lake Superior Ship Canal Railway & Iron Co., The Portage Lake & River Improvement Co., The Lowell and Andover Railroad, The J. C. Ayer Co., The Tribune Association in New York, and the Tremont and Suffolk Mills. In social life he is a man of cultivated taste, and, while not a club man, as that term is generally understood, is nevertheless a member of many social organizations, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AY. 45 among them the Harvard, New York, Merchants', Riding, Down Town, New York Yacht, Union League, and Metropolitan clubs. MARSHALL AYRES, merchant, born in Truro, Cape Cod, Mass., in 1806, died in New York, Jan. 15, 1888. Receiving a fair education and some training in business pur- suits, he went, in 1835, with Josiah Lombard to Illinois, and passing through Chicago, then a town of 5,000 inhabitants, settled at Griggsville, sixty miles west of Springfield. They participated in the wonderful development of the great Northwest, and came in time to control the agricultural, grocery, dry goods, provision and banking trade of the county in which they had located. Both partners acquired fortunes. They built the first steamboat which ran upon Illinois rivers, and became heavily interested in the steamboat system of the Mississippi. In 1872, they sold their Western interests and made their homes in New York. They were succeeded in business by their sons under the firm name of Lombard, Ayres & Co., a prominent petroleum and lumber firm, having interests in The Sea Board Lumber Co. and The Sea Board Manufacturing Co. at Mobile, Ala. The two life long partners married each other's sister. Mr. Ayres was survived by a son of the same name. The present Marshall Ayres is a director in The Tide Water Oil Co., which is a consolidation of the oil interests of Lombard, Ayres & Co., The Chester Oil Co., The Ocean Oil Co. and The Polar Oil Co., the latter two of New York, and a member of the Harvard and Congregational clubs. B. B. T. BABBITT, manufacturer, born on a farm at Westmoreland, N. Y., in 1809, died in New York, Oct. 20, 1889. He received a scant education, his youth being spent in the drudgery of the farm. He first learned the trade of blacksmith, removing to Utica. Saving his earnings, he went to Little Falls later and began the manufac- ture of farm machinery on a small scale with success, and, it is claimed, made the first mowing machine which would mow ever made in the world. Having accumulated about $10,000, he came to New York city in 1843 and began the manufacture of sale- ratus, leaving his business at Little Falls in charge of a manager. The latter proved recreant, and Mr. Babbitt lost every dollar he possessed. Undismayed, he soon dis- covered a new process for making saleratus at a great saving of cost, and in a few years acquired control of the trade of the whole country. He also manufactured soda and potash. In 1858 he began the manufacture of soap, from which he amassed a for- tune. In his factories were used many mechanical appliances of his own invention, and among the curiosities of New York were his six kettles for boiling soap, their aggregate capacity being 3,500,000 pounds, the value of the raw material required to fill them before boiling being $216,000. He had branch houses in Philadelphia and Cincinnati and a number in New York and elsewhere. His children were Ida J., wife of C. M. Hyde, and Lillia E. Babbitt, now deceased. Mrs. Babbitt died Dec. 20, 1894. GEORGE HERMAN BABCOCK, inventor, engineer, manufacturer and philanthro- pist, distinguished in each of these fields of activity, a native of Unadilla Forks, a hamlet near Otsego, N. Y., was born Jan. 17, 1832, and died at his home in Plainfield, N. J., Dec. 1 6, 1893. The family are of Rhode Island origin and were always thorough Puritans, sound and reputable people and of the best blood of New England. The father and mother of the subject of this sketch both came from families noted for inventive genius, Asher M. Babcock, the former, being well known as a mechanic and inventor of his times. The pin wheel motion in plaid looms, which sprang from his ingenious brain, as well as a shoe peg machine and many other mechanical appli- ances, were widely adopted by the manufacturers of his period and put into successful operation in the industries. The mother of George H. Babcock, nee Mary E. Still- man, was a daughter of Ethan Stillman, who attained distinction in the War of 1812 as a constructor of ordnance for the Federal Government. Her uncle, William Stillman, a lock maker and clock manufacturer, produced a pioneer unpickable bank lock, long before the days of Chubb and Hobbs George H. Babcock spent most of his boyhood in the villages of Scott and Homer, both in Cortland county, N. Y. He was a good boy and the pride of his parents. The family moved to Westerly, R. I., when he was twelve years old. George received a fair education, mainly in the public schools, but studied for a year in the Institute at De Ruyter, N. Y., and fhen, a bright, ambitious and earnest young man, seventeen years of age, he acquired a little experience in the machine shop and factory. His father was then a manufacturer of plaids. In Westerly, the young man met Stephen Wilcox, a capable mechanic of the village, and later famous as an inventor, destined to be his lifelong friend and longtime partner. 48 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Mr. Babcock's health was impaired to such an extent that he suffered from scrofula and was threatened with consumption. Unfitted for hard labor at a mechanical trade or for serious responsibilities, but unwilling to remain idle, he found occupation in the then aew art of daguerreotypy. Far from being injurious to him, the use of the chemicals required for developing daguerreotype plates proved beneficial. Mr. Babcock always believed that the fumes of the iodine, then freely used in his art, drove the scrofula from his system. At any rate, he regained his health and the cure was permanent. He en- joyed a remarkable amount of physical vigor during the remainder of his long and ardu- ous career. Photography never lost its fascination with him, and he continued to practice the art as an amateur the rest of his life, becoming successful and distinguished therein. In 1851 he gave up his gallery, and for three years his active mind found congenial employment in the publication of a newspaper. In the spring of the year named, he started The Literary Echo and Pawcatuck Advertiser, the pioneer newspaper of Wes- terly, organizing the first printing office in that locality. Although only nineteen years of age. the young proprietor carried on his weekly newspaper with success for a number of years as an adjunct to the general printing business, which is an inseparable accompaniment of a country newspaper. The paper is yet in existence, under the more practical title of The Westerly Weekly. Mr. Babcock sold his interest in 1854 to resume the art of daguerreotypy. Out of Mr. Babcock's experience as a printer grew his first invention. Until that time, and, indeed, down to the present day, in all except a certain few large printing offices, the production of a sheet of paper, upon which the impression is made in two or more colors, involved as many separate printings as there were separate colors. Mr. Babcock and his father studied the subject of a polychromatic press, by which a sheet could be printed in three colors at once, and, in 1854, they perfected the first machine of that kind ever known. Mechanically, the press performed what was required from it, but it failed commercially, being many years in advance of the times. On the other hand, an improved small foot power jobbing press, which the young man patented in 1857, became popular. It proved of direct value to small printers. The Babcock presses were built by The Pawcatuck Manufacturing Co., of Westerly, now known as the firm of C. B. Cottrell & Sons, and the progenitor of a dozen other firms, engaged in manufacturing presses in different parts of the country, some of which are most noted. The patents were subsequently held by Cottrell & Babcock. In 1855 this press took a prize at the Crystal Palace Exhibition, in London, England. Its manu- facture brought to its inventor the capital with which he subsequently engaged in the production of other machines. From work upon the perfection of their new presses, the Messrs. Babcock, father and son, went back in 1858 to The Literary Echo, of which they resumed control in company with J. Herbert Utter, changing the name to Tlie Narragansett Weekly. They conducted the paper for about a year, and then the ruling passion again took possession of them. In 1859 the Babcocks sold their interest to the Rev. George B. Utter, a prominent clergyman and writer of the Seventh Day Baptist denomination, who lived during the latter part of his life in Westerly, devoting himself mainly to the manage- ment of The Narragansett Weekly. In 1860 Mr. Babcock removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., and spent three years in the office of Thomas D. Stetson, a prominent patent solicitor with a large practice. He THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 49 was so proficient in mechanical matters that the authorities of Cooper Union engaged him to instruct a class in mechanical drawing, and his evenings were accordingly de- voted to Cooper Union, greatly to the advantage of himself as well as of his pupils. His reputation as a draughtsman and inventor led, in 1 860, to his employment by various persons and firms, among them the officers of The Mystic Iron Works, whose shops in Mystic, Conn., were then taking part in the construction of war vessels for the United States Government. Soon afterward, The Hope Iron Works of Providence, R. I., se- cured his services as chief draughtsman. For these two establishments, he designed the machinery for a number of steam vessels belonging to the merchant marine and the Federal Navy. Several of the latter performed good service in the blockading and other fleets operating on the Southern coast. In this field of work, Mr. Babcock grad- ually drew near the inventions which were destined to bring him fame and fortune. During this period he improved the shrapnel shell, employed during the war in action at close quarters. Just before the Civil War, the depressed condition of American industry had led Congress to enact the famous Morrill Protective Tariff Bill. Other laws followed, in which, for the sake of revenue, the duties on foreign goods were largely increased. An immense impulse was thereby given to manufacturing industry, and the subject of boilers and engines became important both to inventors and the proprietors of shops and factories. In 1867, Mr. Babcock and his friend Wilcox formed the firm of Babcock & Wilcox, taking out a patent for a steam boiler, which will be referred to hereafter. They also produced a steam engine, and in 1868 moved to New York city to push this branch of their business to better advantage. Arrangements were made by them for the building of their engines by The Hope Iron Works, of Providence; Morton, Poole& Co., of Wilmington, Del. ; Poole & Hunt, of Baltimore, and The C. & G. Cooper Co., of Mount Vernon, Ohio. The machine possessed some singularly interesting and ingenious elements of novelty and utility. The cut-off was effected by the action of an isochronous governor, the steam valve being operated by a ' 'positive motion" and the cut-off by a small independent steam piston, timed in its action by the governor connection. Babcock & Wilcox incorporated The New York Safety Steam Power Co. in 1868 to build their engines and boilers, and conducted the industry with satisfactory results financially for several years, when, the expiration of the Corliss patents per- mitting the builders of the whole country to flood the market with that form of engine at ruinously low prices, the Babcock & Wilcox engine was withdrawn from sale. In 1878 the firm retired from The New York Safety Steam Power Co. and devoted them- selves to their boilers alone. Their most famous invention was the Babcock & Wilcox safety, or sectional, tubu- lar steam boiler, based upon an earlier invention of Mr. Wilcox in 1856, and so con- structed, as an earlier and equally famous inventor described it, that explosion would not be dangerous. Mr. Babcock so designed the boiler, however, that anything like a real explosion would not occur at all. The steam and water were confined in com- paratively small vessels, a set of inclined tubes constituting the major part of the heating surface, exposed to the action of the flame and the furnace gases. The larger volume of steam and of water, requisite in all boilers for satisfactorily steady action, was enclosed in steam and water drums above and removed from the localities of high temperature These drums, also, were of comparatively small diameter, and therefore strong and safe. jo AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. After 1867, when the first patent was taken out, scarcely a year passed by until 1883 without witnessing an improvement of some kind in the boiler. In 1869, a new design, first manufactured by the firm at The South Brooklyn Steam Engine Works, found its way to the market and met with instant success. In this design, wrought iron legs took the place of cast iron headers ; the tubes were expanded with the inside sheets ; and hand holes succeeded the large doors. The principal fault of this invention was the large first cost. Year after year, the firm applied for new patents, their pro- gressive improvements culminating in 1883, when, finally, the following principles were triumphantly worked out: ist, Sinuous headings for each vertical row of inclined tubes. 2d, A separate connection with the drum both front and rear. 3d, All joints to be made without bolts or screw threads, thus avoiding leaks from unequal expansion. 4th, The absence of stays. 5th, The boiler to be supported independently of the brick work. And 6th, Every part to be accessible for cleaning. Since 1883, the only advance has been to make the whole boiler from wrought steel. The success of the Babcock & Wilcox boilers has been, from the beginning, remarkable, in spite of ever increasing competition and the yet more serious opposition growing out of the inertia and conservatism of the public mind. The boilers have found their way to nearly every part of the world. The large decrease in the number of frightful boiler explosions, so numerous thirty years ago, is undoubtedly owing to the inventive genius of this firm and the efforts of their competitors to produce boilers equally good. Substantially, all explosions of this class occur with the older shell boilers, which the new inventions are displacing; and the inventors of the "sectional" boiler have thus saved to the world lives and property of inestimable value. Such inventions are doubly precious. For many years' the Babcock & Wilcox boilers have been the most extensively built and sold of all devices of this nature. Large works for their production have been built in Elizabeth, N. ]., and in 1881, The Babcock & Wilcox Co. was incorporated, for the the more convenient management of the industry, Mr. Babcock becoming its presi- dent. In 1883, an English branch of the company was established, which met with such an excellent reception that its proprietors transformed it in 1891 into an incorpor- ated company. Works have been established in the city of Glasgow, from which the markets of the world are supplied. By a life of diligent and signally useful industry, Mr. Babcock gained both wealth and a world wide reputation. In personal traits he was a strong man. Alert, quick to comprehend, thorough in analysis and prompt in decision, he was, on the other hand, never impulsive ; and if, upon occasion, he could bring tremendous energy to bear up- on any work or operation he had in hand, he was nevertheless guided by previous thought and sound and level headed judgment. He displayed a tenacious memory and the ability to master a subject rapidly and gave new proof of this, after he was 58 years of age, by learning French. He was patient and kindly with every sincere, painstaking and conscientious worker in his employment, but never wasted time upon a man who was careless or refused to follow proved methods of accomplishing work. The latter was promptly dropped. To the cry of distress, he responded with generosity. Unbending in integrity, just, serious and companionable, he attached his friends to him by the strongest ties of affection. Of his wealth he made a worthy use. For many years, he gave time, thought and money to the promotion of the interests of the Seventh Day Baptists, the religious THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 51 body with which he identified himself, and to the advancement of the cause of educa- tion, especially on its practical and technical side. He was deeply devoted to the cause of his denomination. Nothing which concerned their welfare was to him a matter of indifference. He made munificent gifts toward the educational, missionary and re- ligious work of the body and guided its leading spirits with sound advice, which was of even greater value. The American Sabbath Tract Society he served for nearly twelve years as corresponding secretary. During i874-'85 he presided over a Sabbath school in Plainfield as its superintendent, and gave a great impetus to the school by blackboard illustrations. An incident of his career illustrates his love of Bible study. In 1874, some of the commuters, who came from Plainfield daily to New York, used to gather in one corner of the car and study the Bible. At first one double seat was occu- pied, then two, and finally the class grew so large that it was widely spoken of by the religious press. Mr. Babcock was the principal worker in this class. He was presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of Alfred University, to which he gave large sums both during his lifetime and by bequest, and a non-resident lecturer at Cornell University from 1885 to 1892 in the Sibley College courses in mechanical engineering. He prepared his most important papers, mainly on the scientific principles involved in the genera- tion and use of steam power and on the best modern methods of boiler construction, for the last named courses. His last engagement, abrogated by his death, was for a lecture in the spring of 1894. His papers were always well planned, thorough, full of facts and useful knowledge and polished in expression. In delivery quiet but im- pressive, he held an audience, whether of college students or business men, interested and attentive to the end, however long the address. He wrote a large number of treatises and in 1878 a " Natural History of the Bible," which possessed scientific value. . Mr. Babcock was a charter member and at one time president of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He became a life member early in the history of the Society. In 1870 he located in Plainfield, N. J., subsequently being elected presi- dent of the Board of Education, holding this office until his death. He was president of the Public Library of that city and of the trustees of Alfred University. By unceas- ing efforts, he promoted the growth of both. Public spirited as a citizen, he did much to improve the city of Plainfield by the erection of fine buildings and other improve- ments, for which he was personally responsible, as well as by promoting, wherever possible, all public works of value. A block of buildings constructed by him is con- sidered the finest, architecturally, between New York and Philadelphia. His activity and influence in the local congregation of which he was a member were equally marked and effective. The church owes much to his energy and personal liberality. Mr. Babcock was a man of culture and of broad and varied reading. He was devout and honorable, kindly affectioned and thoughtful of others and a model of the good citizen, the loving husband and father and the steadfast friend. In every relation of life he exhibited lovely and admirable qualities. Mr. Babcock was married Sept. 28, 1852, to Lucy Adelia Stillman, of Westerly, R. I., who died May 20, 1861. Sept. 25, 1862, he was married to Harriot Mandane Clarke, of Plainfield, N. J. She died March 5, 1881. His third marriage took place Feb. 14, 1883, to Eliza Lua Clarke, of Scott, N. Y., who died March 21, 1891. April n, 1893, he was married to Eugenia Louise Lewis, of Ashaway, R. I. His children were 52 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. George Luason Babcock, born Jan. 7, 1885, and Herman Edgar Babcock, born July g, 1886, who died Aug. 6, 1886. His wife and one son survive him. PAUL BABCOCK, jr., merchant, born in New York city, Aug. :8, 1841, is a son of Paul Babcock, who was a dry goods merchant in this city during all his active business life. The young man received his education in the free schools of New York city, with one year at the Free Academy, when his father's poverty compelled him to begin to earn his own living. He first engaged in business as a clerk, in the old firm of H. J. Baker & Bro., where he continued until the war broke out in April, 1861. He entered the army on the night of the firing on Fort Sumter, joining a volunteer company, which tendered its services to the State of New Jersey and was the first company of organized soldiers raised in the United States with special reference to the late war. He became a director of The Standard Oil Co. in 1880, since which time he has been the president of The Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, and of The Soule & F'aming Manufacturing Co. and of The Liebig Manufacturing Co. In 1865 he married Mary Webster, daughter of Prof. Edwin D. Sanborn, and grand daughter of Ezekiel Webster, and their children were Mary Webster, Emily, Paul and Alice. Mary Webster alone survives of his four children. SEflON BACHE, manufacturer, born in Fuerth, Bavaria, July 6, 1826, died in New York, Jan. n, 1891. He was of Hebrew descent, and son of Joel Bach, a native of Fuerth, who fought with Napoleon in Russia, was captured at Moscow, escaped, and suffered so greatly from the cold, that all his toes were frozen, making amputation nec- essary. Coming to this country in 1843, Semon spent a few years in Jackson, Miss., with an uncle named Engelhardt, and removed to New York city in 1846 to seek and find his fortune. In 1847, with a capital of less than $10,000, he established the house of Semon Bache & Co., importers of fancy goods and mirrors. Dependent entirely on himself, he threw all his energy into business, made rapid progress, and gradually with- drawing from the sale of fancy goods added all the different branches of the glass trade, dealing in window, plate and mirror glass. In 1857, Siegmund J. Bach, a brother, was admitted to the firm, and in 1883, Joseph S. Ulmann, a son of his old partner. In later years, Leopold S. Bache, his own son, was admitted. Since 1891, the firm have con- tinued under the original title. In 1890, they consolidated the German mirror plate branch of their business with that of six competing houses, as The German Looking Glass Plate Co. In 1893, they consolidated the plate glass branch with Heroy & Mar- rener and Holbrook Bro's, under the title of The Manhattan Plate Glass Co. In 1849, Mr. Bache married Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Aaron S. Van Praag. His children are Henrietta, wife of Julius Kayser; Sarah, wife of Adolph Thurmann; Blanche, wife of Charles Neukirch; Jules Semon Bache; Leonora, wife of Leopold Rossbach; Leopold Semon Bache ; and Mamie, wife of Siegmund Politzer. Mr. Bache had valuable invest- ments in bonds, mortgages and real estate. He belonged to the Harmonic Club and various charitable societies. It was by the advice of his uncle, Engelhardt, that he Americanized his name by adding the final "e." JAMES ANTHONY BAILEY, showman, was born in Detroit, Mich., in 1847. Sacrificing the advantages of a comfortable home, a spirit of enterprise led him at an early age to secure work upon a farm at $3. 50 per month. This occupation proved dull, and he proceeded on foot to Pontiac, Mich., and found employment as call boy in a hotel. An agent of Robinson & Lake's circus, while a guest of this hotel, attracted by THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 53 the brightness and energy of the boy, then gave him a place in the corps of advance agents of the show. He left the circus business in 1864 to become advertising agent of a theatre in Nashville, then served as clerk to an army sutler, witnessing all the battles from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and finally accepted a place once more in the advance corps of the old circus. Here, he became so valuable that James E. Cooper offered him an equal partnership in the circus business, and the firm of Cooper & Baile)^ was thereupon formed. His enterprise resulted in a tour of the Sandwich Islands, Australia, New Zealand, India and South America with the circus, which proved successful. Upon the return to America, the Great London Circus was bought and added to that of Cooper & Bailey and the firm engaged in a contest with P. T. Barnum, which was conducted with so much shrewdness and energy, as to force Mr. Barnum to abandon his favorite territory in the East. Mr. Barnum then offered Mr. Bailey a partnership, which was accepted, leading to the firm of Barnum & Bailey. In October, 1894, Mr. Bailey bought the interest of the heirs of his partner and so became sole proprietor of The Barnum-Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, which he yet conducts. His winter quarters are at Bridgeport, Conn. In 1868, Mr. Bailey married Ruth Louisa McCaddon in Zanesville, O. He is a stockholder in the Madison Square Garden in this city. JAflES STANTON BAILEY, manufacturer, born in Lebanon, Conn., Dec. 9, 1817, died in Brook^m, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1895. His family was planted in America by an im- migrant from Yorkshire, Eng., to Newburyport, Mass., in 1638. In the maternal line, he traced his pedigree to the Stantons and Shermans of Rhode Island, followers of Roger Williams. James received a fair education, and in 1836, found employment as clerk in a grocery store in New Haven, afterward acquiring a partnership. Having saved a small amount of money, he came to New York in 1847, and in 1848, with Charles F. Tuttle, as Tuttle & Bailey, began the manufacture of furnace registers and ventilators. Through his energy, honesty and ingenuity, and various patents, the little industry grew in the course of time to be the leading enterprise of its class in the United States. In 1866, seven years after the death of Mr. Tuttle, the firm incor- porated as The Tuttle & Bailey Manufacturing Co. , Mr. Bailey being its president. Their goods have been sent to all parts of the world. The office is now in this city on Beekman street; the factories in Brooklyn. A genial, kind-hearted, sagacious man, Mr. Bailey enjoyed the respect of every associate. He was a strong Republican and a reader of THE TRIBUNE from its first issue. In 1843, he married Augusta Caroline, daughter of Capt Roswell Trowbridge of New Haven, and lived to celebrate his golden wedding. Of his six children, five survived him He had been for many years presi- dent of the trustees of The South Congregational Church in Brooklyn. COL. ANDREW D. BAIRD, merchant, born in Kelso, Scotland, Oct. 14, 1839, is the son of Andrew Baird, a stone mason. He acquired a public school education, and in 1853 came to America with the family, which settled in the city of Brooklyn. Andrew was first apprenticed to a blacksmith, but within a year afterward to the stone-cutting trade in the employment of Robinson Gill in Brooklyn. May 13, 1861, he enlisted in the 7gth N. Y. Vol's, the Highlanders, as they were called, the regiment being composed of men of Scottish descent. He served entirely through the war, taking part in forty-five battles and being wounded three times, and commanded the regiment after May, 1864. After the peace, he returned to his stone yards and 54 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. quarries in 1867, becoming a partner in the firm of Gill & Baird, to whose affairs he has since devoted his attention. The yards on Wythe and Kent avenues are among the foremost in the United States. Colonel Baird is trustee or director of The Nassau Trust Co., The Kings County Trust Co., The Williamsburgh Savings Bank, The Manu- facturers' National Bank and The Twenty-sixth Ward Bank, as well as of other corpora- tions. Greatly interested in municipal affairs, he has served as alderman several times and twice as candidate for Mayor of Brooklyn on the Republican ticket. In 1866 he married Miss Mary Warner, of Brooklyn, and several years after her death, Miss Catherine Lamb, in 1882. He has several children. The Union League Club of Brooklyn claims him as a member. OSCAR EUQENE BALLIN, banker and stock broker, a native of this city, was born Nov. 29, 1856, and is a son of Eugene S. Ballin, a German, who emigrated to New York in 1846 and died in New York city in June, 1885. Oscar was educated in Columbia Grammar School, and then, in 1873, found occupation in his father's banking house. After the death of the senior Ballin, the bank was liquidated. The son inher- ited means from his father, which he has increased by his own efforts at the Stock Exchange, in dealing in investment securities. He is head of the firm of Ballin & Co., stock brokers, a director in The Iron Steamboat Co., and a member of the Lotus and Manhattan clubs. JACOB F. BAMBERQER, merchant, born in Germany, April 9, 1833, died in New York city, Aug. 31, 1894. After a limited education in Germany, he came to this country with his parents in 1 846, and began life in Louisville, Ky. , as clerk in a dry goods store. Early discipline brought out his qualities, and in 1856 he engaged in a dry goods business in Louisville on his own account. In 1862, in J. F. & L. Bamberger, he undertook the dry goods jobbing trade. In 1872, two firms consolidated as Bam- berger, Bloom & Co., the subject of this sketch being senior partner until his death. In 1872, an office was opened in New York city on Worth street, in the down-town dry goods district, and Mr. Bamberger thereafter made New York his home and became the resident buyer. Diligence, close attention to the wants of customers, and sound methods, brought 'him financial success. He never failed or compromised a debt. Well known among dry goods men, he was active in the several campaigns in which Mr. Cleveland was a candidate for office. He was one of the trustees of Temple Emanu-El, a director in The Hebrew Orphan Asylum and The United Hebrew Chari- ties, and a member of all of the Hebrew charitable and benevolent institutions in the city, in each of which he took an active interest, and to all of which he contributed generously. He was also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Harmonic club. By his marriage in 1863 to Pauline Ullman, he had three sons, Leon Jacob, Edward Sanford and Irving Washington Bamberger, all now living. WILLIAn DUDLEY BANCKER, merchant, was born in New York, April 19, 1836, and died in Brooklyn, Dec. 29, 1893. He was a son of Capt. Abraham Bancker, a for- eign news collector and at one time an associate of Commodore Vanderbilt. He re- ceived his education in the schools of Brooklyn, where the most of his life was passed. Beginning life as a clerk for Dick & Fitzgerald, book publishers, he became a partner and then engaged in the sale of books and newspapers in Ann street on his own ac- count. His business, in time, assumed the name of The New York News Co. When The American News Co. was formed in 1863 by a union of various wholesale firms in THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 55 the news trade, he joined the company, became its secretary in 1879 and in 1885 gen- eral superintendent. He was a stockholder in the company and a man of force and clear mind, and aided materially in developing the enormous trade of the concern in news- papers, periodicals and books. Of the Washington Avenue Baptist church in Brook- lyn, he was a deacon, trustee and Sunday School superintendent. Nov. 14, 1860, Mr. Bancker married Jersey A. Huff, in Somerville, N. J. His family consisted of seven children, five of whom survived him, namely: Abraham, Margaret B., William Dud- ley, Edward Huff and Andrew Otterson Bancker. He was a member of the Oxford, Germania, Montauk, Atlantic Yacht and Riverside Yacht clubs. JAMES HOPSON BANKER, stock broker, born in New York city in 1827, died at Irvington on the Hudson, Feb. 12, 1885. He was the son of Edward Banker, of the old ship-chandlery firm of Banker, Schermerhorn & Co. Educated in the common schools, he entered business life in his father's employment, succeeded to the business, acquired a fortune and retired in 1869. The panic of 1873 called him from retirement; and as a stock broker he became associated with Commodore Vanderbilt in his Wall street operations. For several years, he served as a director of The New York Central & Hudson River and The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroads, being treasurer of the last named, and when control of The Western Union Telegraph Co. passed into the hands of Commodore Vanderbilt, he accepted the office of director of that company also. During his later years, the Edison inventions interested him and led him to be- come a director of The Edison Electric Light Co. and auxiliary corporations. He had no children. CHARLES BANKS, capitalist, born in this city, April 20, 1830, is a member of an excellent family. Educated in private schools and a man of refinement, he has devoted his business activity mainly to real estate investments. Large means have come to him by inheritance, absolving him from the drudgery of daily toil, and he has been able to spend his years largely in travel, cultivation and social enjoyment. He is a member of the Union, New York, and South Side Sportsmen's clubs. JAMES LENOX BANKS, fl. D., born in New York city, May n, 1832, died here June 3, 1883. He was the son of William Banks, a well-known shipping merchant of the last generation, and of Isabella Henderson Lenox, daughter of Robert Lenox. He graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1857, studied abroad for two years, and in 1859 began the practice of medicine in this city. He inherited means, but never abandoned his activity in the healing art. March 14, 1855, in this city, he married Miss Isabella Mozier, daughter of Joseph Mozier, the American sculptor at Rome. Mrs. Banks and eight children survived him, the latter being Isabella, wife of Thomas E. Satterthwaite, M. D.; William B. Banks; Josephine Mozier, who married Charles H. Marshall; James Lenox and Henry Lenox Banks; Maria, wife of Walter C. Taylor; J. Fisher S. and Lenox Banks. Dr. Banks was a member of The American Medical Association, The New York State Medical Society, The New York Pathological Society, The Medical Society of the County of New York, The New York Academy of Medicine, The New York Medico-Legal Society, and The New York Academy of Sciences, and at one time president of The Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men. He served as consulting physician in The Presbyterian Hospital about eight years and occupied a similar position in The Presbyterian Home for Aged Women. He was also a trustee of The College of Physicians and Surgeons and The Lenox 56 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Library, a manager of The American Bible Society, and a member of the Geographical and Historical Societies. AMZI LORENZO BARBER, A.H., LL.B., was born at Saxton's River, Windham county, Vermont, on June 22, 1843. His father was the Rev. Amzi Doolittle Barber, whose grandfather, Thomas, and father, Calvin, settled and lived in Townsend, Vermont. Thomas Barber, with two brothers, came to this country before the Revolution. One brother, named Joseph, settled in Massachusetts; the other brother went West or South, and of him nothing further is known. Mr. Barber's mother was Nancy Irene Bailey, who was born in Westmoreland, Oneida county, New York. His ancestors on his father's side were Scotch-Irish, and on his mother's side French-English, and he has, perhaps, in some degree, inherited the striking characteristics of these four different nationalities. His father was a self- educated Congregational clergyman of great simplicity of purpose and strength of char- acter. He was one of the students who left Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, because the discussion of the slavery question had been prohibited by the faculty of that institution, and he walked across the State of Ohio to Oberlin and entered Oberlin College, from whose theological department he graduated in 1841. Among his class- mates were many men who became distinguished for philanthropy and other qualities, among them ex-President James H. Fairchild and the Rev. Dr. M. E. Strieby of The American Missionary Association. His father is yet (1895) engaged in ministerial work at Castalia, O., and although eighty-five years of age, he enjoys excellent health, retaining all of his faculties except hearing, and is rendering acceptable service to the parish of which he has charge. The subject of this sketch at first contemplated a professional career. The family moved to Ohio in 1852 and lived at Bellevue, Huron county, until 1858, then in Cleve- land until 1862, and afterward in Austinburg and Geneva, Ashtabula county. Mr. Barber attended various schools and academies, including the high school of Cleve- land, during his minority, and in 1862 he entered Oberlin College at the head of his class in the preparatory department. An attack of pneumonia compelled him to leave college for a year, which he spent in the wilds of northern Michigan. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1867, taking the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and subsequently received from that institution the degree of Master of Arts. By working upon farms in the summer time and teaching school in the winter, he saved enough money to meet his college expenses. While pursuing a post-graduate course in the theological depart- ment of Oberlin College, he was invited by Gen. O. O. Howard, then at the head of the Freedmen's Bureau, to take charge of the normal department of Howard University, and in April, 1868, he moved to Washington for that purpose. Subsequently he took charge of the preparatory department, and, later on, was elected to a professorship of natural philosophy in that university. In 1872, he resigned his connection with that institution and engaged in the real estate business in Washington. A year later there followed the panic of 1873, which was commenced by the failure of Jay Cooke's bank- ing house. The depression in prices was very great and continued for several years, during which time many people engaged in the real estate business in Washington lost heavily. Mr. Barber, however, held on to his real estate interests and ultimately sold out to good advantage and realized a handsome profit. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 57 A dispute has arisen in recent years concerning the likelihood of success of a college man in business. Mr. Barber's career is a signal example of the eminence to which an energetic man can rise when his mind, naturally clear and active, has been trained by years of study and close thinking. Real estate operations in the District of Columbia led him to appreciate the value of good streets, and in 1878 his attention was called to and he engaged in the laying of asphalt pavements in the city of Washington. Many miles of streets in the Capital of the nation were paved with the new material by him, and the business growing rapidly, his operations soon extended to other cities. In 1883 he found it necessary to incorpo- rate The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., in order to systematize the work and most efficiently carry out the contracts which were obtained by his skill, energy and hard work. During the four years, 1882 to 1886, inclusive, he averaged one thousand miles of railway travel weekly, and slept an average of one hundred and twenty nights yearly on Pullman sleeping cars. Including about eighty thousand miles of travel upon the ocean, he estimates that he has traveled upwards of four hundred thousand miles in establishing and carrying out the business of which he is the head, the equivalent of circumnavigating the globe upwards of sixteen times. In order to obtain under the most favorable conditions an ample supply of the raw material, Mr. Barber negotiated in 1887 a concession from the Government of Great Britain for a lease of the celebrated lake of natural pitch on the island of Trinidad for a period of forty-two years. This reservoir of 114 acres contains an almost inexhausti- ble supply of asphalt. To acquire and operate this concession The Trinidad Asphalt Co. was organized in 1888. Mr. Barber is the leading stockholder, director and officer of the two corporations above named, representing an aggregate capital and surplus of nearly $7,000,000. Down to the present time, there have been laid upwards of 16,000,- ooo yards, or 1,000 lineal miles, of Trinidad asphalt pavements in eighty cities of the United States, at a cost of over $50,000,000. The Trinidad Asphalt Co. has supplied nearly all the material for this work, and The Barber Asphalt Paving Co. has done upwards of one-half of it, the remainder having been done by about thirty separate companies or firms, in which neither of the two companies above named nor Mr. Barber has any interest beyond supplying the material therefor. The pavement as laid by these companies, especially the Barber company, has proved s^ acceptable that it has come to be recognized as the standard pavement of the United States. Companies are now being formed to introduce the pavement into foreign countries. In 1868 Mr. Barber was married to Celia M. Bradley, of Geneva, Ohio, who died in 1870. In 1871 he married Julia Louise Langdon, daughter of J. Le Droict Lang- don, formerly of Belmont, New York. They have had five children, of whom four are living, namely Le Droict Langdon, Lorena Langdon, Bertha Langdon, and Roland the first three being adults and the last seven years old. Mr. Barber retains a strong affection for Oberlin College, and has long served it as one of its trustees. In 1875-6 Mr. Barber took the course of lectures in the law department of Colum- bian University at Washington, and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Subse- quently he was admitted to the bar in Washington, but has never made a regular prac- tice of law. At one time Mr. Barber was a director of The Citizens' National Bank of Washing- 60 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. many important cases, being noted for his success and acquiring a fortune in his profes- sion. At the age of twenty-three, he had charge of the settlement of claims arising under the treaty with Mexico, from which he received extraordinary fees. His ability to earn large fees was phenomenal. In one instance, he received $25,000 for half an hour's work, which was willingly paid, owing to the magnitude of the interests involved and his great tact in effecting an amicable adjustment. The firm of Bowdoin, Larocque & Barlow was formed in 1852. After the death of the two senior partners in 1868 and 1870, Joseph Larocque, brother of the original member, William W. MacFarland and Mr. Barlow formed a new firm, to which was added in 1873 Judge William D. Shipman, Judge William G. Choate in 1881 taking Mr. MacFarland's place. A Democrat in poli- tics, Mr. Barlow was for several years a large stockholder in The New York World, and shaped its policy from 1864 to 1869. He was one of the founders of the Manhattan Club and a member of the Union Club. He had a fine collection of paintings and engravings, and his library of early American history was one of the most extensive in existence. Mr. Barlow's wife, Alice Cornell, daughter of Peter Townsend, survived him, as did an only son. His son, PETER TOWNSEND BARLOW, lawyer, was born in New York city, June 21, 1857. He graduated from Harvard University in 1879, fitted himself for the law at the Law School of Columbia College and in the office of Shipman, Barlow, Larocque & Choate. He was married in 1886 to Virginia Louise, daughter of Edward Matthews. Their children are Edward M. , and Samuel L. M. Barlow. A gentleman of education and fine mind, he has been elected to membership in many of the best clubs in town, including the University, Harvard, Union, Metropolitan, Players', Tux- edo, Racquet, Down Town and New York Yacht clubs. ALFRED BARMORE, ice merchant, born in Rockland county, N, Y., June 15, 1807, died in this city, May 13, 1875. Beginning life at the age of sixteen in the leather trade of this city, he did not come into prominence until, after Croton water had been brought into town, he began the sale of ice. Starting on a small scale, he devoted himself there- after exclusively to the development of the ice trade. In 1856 he became president of The Knickerbocker Ice Co., which position he held until his death. Under his energetic fostering, the company grew into a large concern, owning many ice houses on the Hud- son river, and retailing ice to every part of this metropolis. ALFRED SHITH BARNES, publisher, a native of New Haven, Conn., born Jan. 28, 1817, died in Brooklyn, Feb. 17, 1888. He was descended from Stephen Barnes, an Englishman, who settled on Long Island the latter part of the seventeenth century. His early life was laborious. First a clerk in a shoe store, he then obtained employ- ment in Hartford in the publishing house of D. F. Robinson & Co., and being depend- ent entirely upon his own abilities, he made every effort to learn the business. At the age of twenty-one, he published the mathematical works of Charles Davies in Hartford, and successfully introduced his arithmetics and Mrs. Emma Willard's history as popular school books. In 1840, he went to Philadelphia for four years, and built up a profitable publishing business, which he then removed to New York city. His brother, five sons and a nephew were associated with him under the title of A. S. Barnes & Co. The firm attained eminence in the publication of school books. Mr. Barnes was connected with the Central Branch of The Union Pacific Railroad, The New York Elevated Railroad, The Hanover Bank, The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, and The Home Insurance Co. He was naturally attentive to educational interests and identified with Cornell THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 6l University, the Fisk University in Tennessee, and the Polytechnic and Adelphi acad- emies, in Brooklyn. He was a member of the Union League Club of New York, and the Hamilton Club, The Long Island Historical Society, and The New England Society of Brooklyn, and trustee of the Clinton Avenue Congregational Church of Brooklyn, which city was his home for many years. To the Good Samaritan and other institutions of Brooklyn, he was a generous donor, and he founded Barnes Hall, one of the most prominent buildings at Cornell University. Mr. Barnes was twice married, first in 1840 to Miss Harriet E. Burr of Hartford, and later in 1883 to Mrs. Mary Matthews Smith. He left ten children by his first wife. His son, Alfred C. Barnes, now represents the house in The American Book Co. The other children are Mary C., Henry P., Sarah F., Harriet E., Edwin M., Richard S., William D., Annie M., and Emilie B. Barnes. DEM AS BARNES, banker, born in Canandaigua, N. Y., April 4, 1887, died in New York city, May i, 1888. Leaving public school at the age of fifteen and starting as clerk in a country store, four years later he went into business on his own account. In 1849 h e established himself in New York in the wholesale drug business, and by untiring assiduity became a leading merchant of the city. In the early days, Mr. Barnes crossed the continent in a wagon, making a careful examination of the mineral re- sources of Colorado, Nevada and California. His experiences were afterward related in a series of letters in the newspapers. He was an earnest advocate of The Union Pacific Railroad. In 1866, his neighbors in Brooklyn elected him as a Democrat to Congress, where he served on the Committees on Banking and Currency, and Education and Labor. He was active in procuring legislation for the construction of the Brook- lyn Bridge and a member of the first Board of Trustees. In 1870 he retired from business. That able Democratic journal, The Brooklyn Eagle, at one time belonged to him, and of The Brooklyn Argus he was the founder, continuing publication until February, 1877. He was a director of The Long Island Railroad and several insurance companies, a member of the New York club and prominent in many public institutions. JOHN SANFORD BARNES, lawyer, was born in West Point, N. Y., May 12, 1836. His father, General James Barnes, was a graduate from the Military Academy in 1825. John was sent to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, whence he graduated in 1854. He served through the Civil War, rising to the rank of Commander, and then resigned, studied law and practiced his profession in Albany and New York. He was for twelve years a partner in the late firm of J. S. Kennedy & Co., bankers, and with- drew in 1879. In 1880, he retired from active business and has since devoted his atten- tion to the- law. He was married in 1862 to Susan Bainbridge Hayes, daughter of Capt. Thomas Hayes, U. S. N. , and grand daughter of Commodore William Bainbridge, U. S. N., who in command of the "Constitution" captured the " Java" in the war of 1812, and their children are James, J. Sanford, Edith S., Charlotte Adams and Cornelia Rogers Barnes. Mr Barnes is of social nature and well fitted for a life in which refinement, a bright mind, abundant means and character are essential requirements. He belongs to many clubs, including the Union League, Metropolitan, Union, Univer- sity, Knickerbocker, Down Town, Whist and Westminster Kennel. CHARLES TRACY BARNEY, banker, born in Cleveland, O., Jan. 27, 1851, is a son of the late A. H. Barney, president of The United States Express Co. Charles graduated from Williams College and then entered business life. He has been engaged 62 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in banking in New York city for many years. Mr. Barney is a careful, competent and courageous business man, interested in diverse enterprises. Through loans of money to local builders, he has been led into real estate operations himself, one of them being the purchase of the Donnelly tract on the West Side in this city. He is director of The Safe Deposit Co., The New York Loan & Improvement Co., The Mercantile National Bank, The Hudson River Bank, and The Knickerbocker Trust Co. His clubs are the Metropolitan, Grolier, Century, Players', Union, University, City, Colonial, Whist, Down Town, Riding, New York Athletic, New York Yacht, and Westminster Kennel. WILLIAM JOSHUA BARNEY, born at Fort Mackinaw, Mich., in March, 1823, died in New York, Jan. 5, 1886. He was a great-grandson of Commodore Barney, of the American Revolution, and the family yet possesses the sword presented to the Commodore for his defense of Bladensburg in the War of 1812. His father, Captain Joshua Barney, a graduate of West Point, was stationed for many years at Fort Mackinaw. William graduated from Baltimore College with honor, became a lawyer, and assisted his father in laying out the first Government road in Iowa, then a Terri- tory. After Iowa was admitted, he entered the first land warrant. Later, he started a bank at Dubuque, which he closed in 1857, removing then to Chicago, where he opened a real estate office. In 1871, after the great fire, he came to New York to live, although he continued his Chicago office. He acquired a fortune by real estate oper- ations in the West and in New York. Mr. Barney married Georgiana F. Carroll, of Kentucky, and left one son, I. C. Barney. He was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati and one of the founders of the Chicago Club. DR. JOHN C. BARRON, capitalist, began life as a physician and a Union volunteer, and then, having inherited wealth, embarked in practical business, in which he has since met with excellent success. He is a native of Woodbridge in the county of Middlesex, N. J., where he was born Nov. 2, 1837. He descends from an old and well-known family. John Barren, his father, was a man of fine character and large possessions, prominent in his day and of wide influence. His grandfather, Joseph Barren, was a farmer, merchant, tanner and capitalist, and president of the famous old turnpike roa'd from Woodbridge ,to Philadelphia, a great highway during the period before the advent of railroads, when travel took place on horse-back or by stage-coach and carriage. An uncle, Thomas Barron, was director of the Louisiana branch of The United States Bank; and a great uncle, Ellis Barron, served as a captain of the ist Middlesex Regiment in the war of the American Revolution. The maternal grand father of Dr. Barron was Col. Richard Conner of Staten Island, farmer, merchant and a man of position, and member of State Legislature when it took one week in the saddle to get to Albany from New York city. Mr. Barron received an excellent education. Choosing medicine for his profession, he graduated from The College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city in 1861. The war for the Union had then broken out, and Dr. Barron, inspired by a generous loyalty to his country, at once entered the Union army as a volunteer assistant sur- geon. He was assigned to the "Mechanics' Rifles," and, soon afterward, at his own request, to the 6gth New York Inf., then already in the field. One of the first of his profession to volunteer in the four years' war, and enthusiastic in the discharge of 64 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. his duties, Dr. Barren spared no pains in watching over the health of the Union vol- unteers, going so far on one occasion as to give $1,000 from his own means to the hos- pital department for medical supplies. He took part in the first battle of Bull Run with his command, the 6gth losing two hundred men in killed and wounded in that memorable fight. Soon after the battle he was promoted to the rank of surgeon. Returning to civil life at the end of his enlistment, he became a member and surgeon of the famous 7th Regiment of New York city from 1863 to 1871, and, after his resignation, he was appointed Surgeon General of the First Division of the National Guard of New York, with the rank of Colonel. After the war, Dr. Barren sought recreation in extended foreign travel. He visited the important countries of Europe, and then, with an energy characteristic of the man, made an adventurous trip of seven hundred miles up the river Nile. Upon his return to America, having inherited large wealth, the care of his property and the necessity of safe investment compelled him to abandon the practice of the healing art. Business pursuits thenceforth claimed his attention, and in this field he has proved an enterprising and successful man. He has made large investments and is at the head of nearly all his properties, being now president of The Carpenter Steel Works of Reading, Pa., The Kentucky Coal, Iron & Development Co., The Lyons & Campbell Ranch & Cattle Co., and The Gila Farm Co., and a director in The Brooklyn City Railroad Co., The United New Jersey Railroad & Canal Co., etc. A man of refinement and social disposition, Dr. Barron has been admitted to a large number of the most exclusive clubs in the city. He was one of the original members of the Union League club, having joined in 1863. He is also an active member of the Union, Down Town, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Jekyl Island and Currituck and Narrows Island Shooting clubs, and has been vice commodore of the Atlantic Yacht club, rear commodore of the Sea- wanhaka Corinthian and the New York Yacht clubs, and vice commodore of the Hudson River Ice Yacht club. Dr. Barron is exceedingly fond of yachting, and was the owner of the yacht Wave, one of the American boats, which, for the honor of this country, raced with the Scotch cutter Madge, about fifteen years ago. He built the yacht Athlon, and also owned the cutter Clara. Dr. Barron is a patron of literature and art. He has long been trustee and treasurer of the celebrated Barron Library in Woodbridge, N. J., founded by his uncle, Thomas Barron, in 1876, and he is a life member of The New York Historical Society and life fellow of The New York Geographical Society. JOSEPH BURR BARTRAM, merchant, born in Black Rock, Conn., May 17, 1839, is a son of Joseph Bartram, a sea-faring man in early life, and later part owner in many vessels in the old house of Sturges, Clearman & Co. of this city. Joseph attended school in Fairfield, Conn., and then, coming to New York in 1857, found a place as clerk for Cartwright & Harrison, at 1 1 1 Front street, where he remained about six years. In June, 1864, with his brother, Thomas W. , he established the firm of Bartram Bros, shipping and commission merchants, with a capital of $20,000, supplied by their father. Since the death of his brother in 1888, Mr. Bartram has continued the business under the old title, but Jan. i, 1894, admitted two associates to partnership, one his son Joseph Percy Bartram; the other his chief clerk. The business has grown to large proportions. Mr. Bartram is extensively engaged in the importation of sugar from the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BA. 65 West Indies, having plantations on the islands of St. Croix and San Domingo, and con- trolling the product of several others. The sugar is imported by the New York house and sold for cash to the sugar refineries. In 1869 Mr. Bartram was married to Eleanor C., daughter of Benjamin Wardwell, and their children are: Joseph Percy, Rensselaer, Wardwell and Howard Preston Bartram. EDWIN BATES, merchant, born about 1830, in Derby, Vt., died in the same place, Xov. 27, 1887. He received such an education as the town academy supplied, and left home at the age of sixteen to make his way in the world, without other resources than the health, energy and character he had inherited from a Puritan ancestry. He located first in Charleston, S. C., as a clerk in a dry goods house. Thrift enabled him within a few years to establish the dry goods firm of McGahan, Bates & Co. Trade brought him a considerable fortune. At the close of the Civil War he came to this city, and with his brother, Charles K. Bates, established the clothing house of Edwin Bates & Co., remaining active therein until his physician warned him that his heart would not much longer perform its functions. His interest in the old South Carolina firm was retained to the last, and he owned 800 acres of land in that State, as well as a horse farm in Vermont. His wife, Mary E., daughter of ex-Mayor Brackett, of Rochester, and two children, survived him. HENRY BATTERflAN, merchant and banker, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has always dwelt, Nov. 5, 1849. His parents came to this country from Han- over, Germany. Receiving an education in a business college, Henry learned the requirements of trade as a clerk, and then in 1867, with borrowed capital, opened a small retail dry goods store in Brooklyn. An excellent merchant, he made rapid pro- gress, until the growth of his trade compelled him to build the present large store at the corner of Broadway and Graham and Flushing avenues. He employs 500 clerks, and conducts the most important trade in the Eastern district of Brooklyn. He is pres- ident of The Broadway Bank of Brooklyn, and a member of the Hamilton, Union League, and Germania clubs, and several charities. In 1870, he married Sarah E., daughter of John Cutter, and their children are Harry L. and Adelaide H. Batterman. CHARLES ALFRED BAUDOUINE, manufacturer and realty owner, born June i, 1808, in this city, died at his home on Fifth avenue, Jan. 13, 1895. His ancestors were Huguenots, who had fled to this country from France. Having learned the art of furniture making as an apprentice, Charles began on his own account at the age of twenty-one, and became the founder and proprietor of a furniture making industry, which, in 1850, had grown to be the largest of its class in the country. From this he finally retired, and invested his fortune in realty in this city, which is well located and has continually improved in value. He possessed exceptional capacity as a business man, and in recent years was prominent at the annual Horse Show. June 3, 1833, ^ e married Ann P. Postley of this city. A son, Abram, and two grandsons, Charles A. and John F. Baudouine, survived him. GEN. HORACE HENRY BAXTER, railroad builder, born Jan. 18, 1818, in Sax- ton's River, Vt., died Feb. 17, 1884, in New York city. His father, Horace Baxter, a man of fine presence, a lawyer and judge in Vermont, intended to call his son to the bar, but the latter preferred a different career, and began business life as assistant bookkeeper in a dry goods commission house in Boston. Less than a year later, while only sixteen years of age, he became head accountant, and served until his health failed 66 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. on account of overwork. After recruiting among the hills, he opened a store in Bellows Falls, Vt., gave credit to those who could not pay cash, and made his first and last failure in life, closing the store. An athletic man, of towering form, animated, energetic, and capable of handling bodies of men, he found more congenial work shortly afterward, upon taking a small contract to grade the depot grounds at Bellows Falls. This led him into contract work on The Rutland & Burlington and The Western Vermont Railroads. He was noted from the start for thoroughness. He then built The Cleveland, Norwalk & Toledo Railroad, completing it in 1854, and next bought the marble quarries at Rutland, Vt., which he operated until 1863, when he sold them. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he attended the Peace Congress as a delegate from Vermont, and when that meeting failed of its object, he became Adjutant General of Vermont on a salary of $75 a year, and spent a small fortune in organizing and forwarding to the front the volunteer troops of Vermont. After the war, he entered Wall street, and, with Henry Keep, advanced the price of Michigan Southern Railroad stock, gaining thereby a large profit. He followed Mr. Keep as president of The New York Central Railroad, and was the only one of the old managers retained after Com- modore Vanderbilt came into control. It was due to his persistent advice that the Grand Central depot and the grain elevator on the Hudson river were built. General Baxter also had a large interest in The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, the Emma silver mine in Utah, The Baxter National Bank in Rutland, The Pacific Mail Steam- ship Co., The Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, The Panama Railway, The Conti- nental Bank of New York city, and The Pullman Palace Car Co., being a director in these enterprises, and also took part in the construction company which built some of the elevated railroads of New York city. General Baxter was twice married, first, to Eliza Wales, of Bellows Falls, Dec. 21, 1841, who died Sept. 8, 1849 ; an d next, Dec. 8, 1851, to Mary E. Roberts, of Manchester, Vt. Two children were born to them, Henry, May 18, 1856, who died March 20, 1860, and Hugh Henry Baxter, born Oct. 2, 1861. While New York city was the scene of his principal achievements, he made Rutland, Vt., his home after 1854. MOSES YALE BEACH, publisher, born in Wallingford, Conn., Jan. 15, 1800, died there, July 19, 1868. Descended from some of the first settlers of Stratford, Conn., on his mother's side, he was a relative of Elihu Yale, the founder of Yale College. In youth he was apprenticed to a cabinet maker in Hartford, Conn., and by working overtime managed to save $400. At the age of eighteen he purchased his release. Then, with a partner, he began business in Northampton, Mass. A man of inventive mind, he was associated with Thomas Blanchard in the construction of the first stern wheel steamboat used on the Connecticut river. Among his devices was a machine for cutting rags, now a part of the outfit of every paper mill, but he reaped little benefit from this invention owing to delay in issuing the patent. In 1827, he moved to Saugerties, N. Y., to engage in paper manufacturing. Through his wife, Nancy Day, a sister of the late Benjamin H. Day, founder of The New York Sun, Mr. Beach became interested in that paper. He bought a half interest from Mr. Wisner for ^5,200, and later purchased the other half for $19,000. Possessed of rugged abilities and marked traits of character, prompt, energetic and far seeing, he insisted that The Sun should have all the news, regardless of expense, and devised many novel schemes for quick collection as well as for the rapid distribution of the paper after publication. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 67 Carrier pigeons, express trains, etc., were freely employed by him. He encouraged Mr. Locke in the preparation of the celebrated story known as the " Moon Hoax," which first appeared in The Sun. His children were Moses Sperry, Henry, Alfred Ely, Joseph P., and William Yale Beach, and Brasilia Brewster. His son ALFRED E. BEACH, inventor and editor of The Scientific American, was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1826. He received an academic education, and, in 1846, with Orson D. Munn, founded the firm of Munn & Co., and they became proprietors of The Scientific American. For almost fifty years, Mr. Beach has been active in the editorship of this newspaper and in the extensive patent business of the firm. In 1847 he invented a typewriting machine, from which, it is claimed, the great typewriter industry of the world has arisen. One of these machines, placed in operation at the Crystal Palace Exhibition of the American Institute in this city in 1856, received the gold medal as ranking among the most ingenious and important inventions of the time. The machine had the key board, the pot of type bars, the ink ribbon, the spacing bar, the paper moved by the keys, the separate adjustment for each type bar, etc., all now so generally in use. Mr. Beach sold his patent for a small sum. Prior to 1868, Mr. Beach planned a system of underground railways for New York, and in 1869, legislative authority having been granted, he constructed a section of underground railway under Broadway, New York, extending from Warren to Murray street. This work was executed while all the travel of the street went on overhead, by means of the Beach hydraulic shield, which was the first example of the hydraulic tunneling shield, now in common use by engineers in all parts of the world. The Beach hydraulic shield was used in the construction of the great railway tunnel under the St. Clair river at Port Huron and Sarnia, between the United States and Canada, as well as in excavating the underground railway tunnels in London and Glasgow, the Hudson river tunnel, and other similar works. Mr. Beach is the designer of many other inventions. OLIVER THOflAS BEARD, lawyer, born in New York city, Nov. 13, 1832, is one of three notable brothers. His father, the late William Beard, a native of Ireland, came to America in 1825, and through tireless- energy and unusual foresight rose to prominence as a railroad builder and contractor, dying in Brooklyn, Jan. 7, 1886, at the age of eighty-two. A portion of his property in Brooklyn consisted of wharves and stores, now extremely valuable. Oliver studied during boyhood in the local schools and at Nazareth, Pa. Inheriting his father's enterprise, he crossed the plains at the age of sixteen and engaged in gold mining, the construction of wharves and similar enterprises, and in 1852 in railroad building in South America. Returning to his native land, he enlisted in April, 1861, as a private in the 7ist N. Y. Vol's, and rose to be Lieutenant Colonel of the 48th N. Y. Moore's Rebellion Records give him credit for commanding the first body of colored troops actually engaged in battle. During the draft riots of 1863 in New York city, he aided in placing the office of THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE in a state of defense with barricades of bales of paper, etc. After the war Mr. Beard practiced law in Ohio and Michigan with some success, later edited The Post and Tribune, of Detroit, and, being an ardent Republican, took an active part in political affairs. For more than twenty years he served his party in various parts of the Union as a campaign orator, and was chairman of the committee of the Union League of America, which notified Mr. Lincoln of his re-nomination in 1864. He has written much for publication, including novels and short stories, principally of a political 68 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. nature, his "Bristling With Thorns" being a study of Southern character. Mr. Beard inherited a large property, which now occupies his time, consisting mainly of the Erie Basin, Columbia Basin, and Amity and Congress streets warehouses in Brooklyn. He married Elizabeth Mossgrove in Steubenville, O., and has five children, IdaM. Welton, Ula Lanphere, Mary D. Perkins, Anson McCook Beard, and William Mossgrove Beard. WILLIAM HENRY BEARD, contractor, born in Richmond, Mass., Oct. 12, 1839, died Jan. 31, 1893. He was a son of the late William Beard, and gained an excellent education in private schools and Kinderhook Academy. He then devoted himself to the construction of improvements and public works under contract. Beginning with a section of the brick conduit through which Brooklyn derived its supply of water, he built twenty miles of sewer in that city, excavated Baislie's Pond, constructed parts of The Sea Beach and The Manhattan Beach Railways, and the water works in Middle- town, Conn., and fulfilled numerous other important contracts. The wharves and improvements at the Erie Basin were superintended by him. Mr. Beard inherited a large estate from his father, but his own rugged abilities and energy would have made him a man of fortune without that aid. Contract work led him into various auxiliary enterprises, and he was president of The W. H. Beard Dredging Co. and senior partner in Beard & Kimpland, the largest dealers in wharf building materials in the United States. His brothers and he owned a large interest in wharves and stores in Brooklyn. He was a director in The Kings County Bank, member of the Oxford and Union League clubs of Brooklyn and The Society of Old Brooklynites, a presidential elector and member of the Republican State Committee eight years. His children were William, Edith and Henry S. Beard. GEORGE BECHTEL, brewer, born in Germany, Nov. 17, 1840, died on Staten Island, June 16, 1889. While an infant of six months, he was brought by his parents to America. Acquiring an education at the Columbia College grammar school, upon the completion of his course, he entered, at the age of eighteen, as apprentice, the brewery which his father had established at Stapleton on Staten Island in 1853. A strong, hearty, energetic young man, he mastered every detail of the brewing business ajid gained the experience to which, coupled with natural ability, was due the great success which he afterward achieved. From 1860 to 1865, he occupied the position of superintendent of the establish- ment, and, while serving in this capacity, erected the first ice house ever operated in connection with a brewery in the Eastern States. In 1865, he leased the property from his father and, in 1870, purchased the entire interest, becoming sole proprietor. Finding the old quarters inadequate to the demands of a rapidly increasing business, Mr. Bech- tel, in 1871, built the present commodious brewery, giving special attention to its thorough equipment. So energetically was the work of erection pushed, that ten weeks after the first stone had been laid, brewing had been resumed. The continued increase of his business grew out of the high excellence of all his productions. In 1876, his beer received the award of the Centennial Exposition; in 1877, the medal of the Gambrinus Verein of New York; in 1878, a gold medal at the Paris Exposition; and in 1879, the first prize at the Fair in Sidney, New South Wales. After an analy- sis of his beer, Professor Doremus pronounced it pure and free from all deleterious substances. Mr. Bechtel's activity was by no means confined to his own business. He took a THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 69 leading part in all public and benevolent movements upon Staten Island. During the draft riots in 1863, he sheltered numbers of unfortunate negroes, for which protecting kindness the colored people of the island hold him in grateful remembrance. Upon the incorporation of the village of Edgewater, Mr. Bechtel was elected trustee in the face of strong opposition. From 1871 to 1879 he took no prominent part in politics, but in 1879, he received a joint nomination by the Republican and Democratic parties for supervisor and was elected by an overwhelming majority. Thereafter, the people re-elected him annually for a number of years. When he first took office, Richmond county bonds sold for 80 cents on the dollar, taxes ruled at eight per cent. , and the vil- lage of Edgewater was in debt $125,000. When he retired, his good management had resulted in payment of the village debt, a reduction of taxes to two per cent., and a rise in value of the bonds to 1.12. Mr. Bechtel not only greatly improved the condition of the public highways, but succeeded in refunding the $50,000 war debt at four per cent, and a premium of i 1-2 per cent., a record not equalled in any other county in the state. In 1879, he attended the Democratic state convention as the first delegate ever elected from Richmond county, was three times re-elected, and twice its first vice president. While in the convention, he was appointed by the first Congressional dele- gation a member of the state and executive committees of the party. Mr. Bechtel's interest in public affairs did not cause him to neglect his industry on Staten Island. He became so noted as a brewer, that in 1879, his establishment was visited by the Japanese Embassy, in company with the Secretary of State and other officials. The foreigners, delighted with what they saw, gave Mr. Bechtel an order for 100,000 bottles for shipment to Japan. Upon reaching their own country, they sent him many flattering letters and a pair of costly vases, in token of appreciation and esteem. By reason of his large investments, he rose to be the largest individual tax payer on Staten Island. Among his possessions, he acquired a water front of nearly eighteen hundred feet, having an average water depth of thirty feet at low tide. He created an extensive and complete brewery plant with commodious offices, handsomely furnished and decorated, their general design being that of the Queen Anne period. A feature of the establishment is the Russian bath house, laid in cement with imported white and blue tiles. The brewery stables, which are models of cleanliness and com- fort, commanded the special commendation of Mr. Bergh, president of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of which society Mr. Bechtel was a member. Previous to his improvement of the Edgewater roads, he was obliged to stable his horses in New York city, employing a steamboat for their conveyance to and from the island. To Mr. Bechtel's influence and activity, the growth of Richmond county in his time was largely due. He possessed foresight and judgment, was quick to discern the need of improvements, and prompt to carry them to completion. He was the first to introduce refrigerating machines and the electric light on Staten Island. Personally genial in nature, kind and companionable, he was, like most other men, ambitious for wealth, and acquired it by hard work. He held it with no miser's grasp, however, and was liberal in gifts to public and private charities, ever ready to extend a helping hand to the deserving poor. Many poor families on Staten Island were the recipients of his bounty. It was his intention to found upon Staten Island a hospital for unfor- 70 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. tunates of all sects and nationalities, but his death prevented the completion of this enterprise, upon the execution of which he had already entered, purchasing a house and fitting it up with hospital appliances. The building has since been transferred to The S. R. Smith Infirmary, a worthy institution, which sold the property and with the proceeds erected a new pavilion, which in honor of the donor has been named the "Bechtel" ward. When it was found that several thousand dollars were yet needed to make the ward all which could be desired, Mrs. Bechtel promptly supplied the money for its completion. In 1865, Mr. Bechtel was married to Miss Eva Schoen, of New York city, who, with four daughters and one son, survived him. CHARLES BATHQATE BECK, philanthropist, who died in Richfield Springs, N.Y., in October, 1893, derived a large property in land, in 1887, from his mother and his uncle, Dr. James Bathgate. It consisted mainly of a farm, located originally in what was Westchester county but now included within the northern boundaries of the city corporation and the centre of a thickly populated district. This estate had already become valuable. At his death, Mr. Beck willed the greater portion of his possessions to Dr. Parkhurst's Society for the Prevention of Crime, Columbia College, The Presby- terian Board of Home Missions, and The New York and The Presbyterian Hospitals, making specific legacies of $100,000 to The First Presbyterian Church of West Farms and about $55,000 to various local charities and societies. NELSON HARVIN BECKWITH, merchant, born in Cazenovia, N. Y., 1807, died in New York city, Sept. 24, 1889. He was a son of Judge Beckwith, a member of the convention which drafted the State Constitution. In his earlier years, he filled various mercantile positions in Canada and Europe, but about 1835, returned to New York, where he began the importation of coffee and spices, being at one time in partnership with George W. Dunscomb. He was at one time president of The Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. In 1852, he retired temporarily, but in 1857 went to Hong Kong to become managing partner of the great mercantile house of Russell & Co., remaining there three years. It was due to his efforts that American steamers obtained control in Chinese inland waters. Removing to Paris in 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil War, he and Consul General John Bigelow proved largely instrumental in preventing the departure of certain Confederate vessels from French ports. At the Paris Expo- sition of 1867, Mr. Beckwith served as Commissioner General for the United States and won the high regard of Napoleon III., who bestowed upon him the Cross of the Legion Of Honor. In 1876, he represented New York State at the Centennial Expo- sition. He was married in 1842 to Frances, daughter of Colonel Grant Forbes. His wife died in 1885. Their children were Leonard, who married the daughter of Edwards Pierrepont; Arthur, an artist; and a daughter. Vice president of The vSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, he was also actively connected with the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a member of the Century and Union clubs. HENRY BEDLOW, capitalist, descendant of an old family, was born Dec. 21, 1821, on Harman street, now East Broadway, in this city. Isaac Bedlow, founder of the family in America and owner of Bedlow's Island in New York harbor, who immi- grated from Leyden, Holland, about 1639, was a son of Godfrey Bedlow, physician to William, Prince of Orange. In 1668, the island to which he gave his name, came to him by purchase, and there he made his home. One son in each generation has THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 7 1 since represented the family. William, grandfather of Henry Bedlow, served as one of the commissioners to survey and establish the Military Academy at West Point, and married Catherine, sister of Col. Henry Rutgers. His son, Henry, father of the subject of this sketch, was the heir at law of Col. Henry Rutgers (in the event of the Colonel dying intestate) and inherited property also from an aunt. Henry Bedlow, son of the last named, studied under private tutors at Yale University, and graduated later from Harvard Law School. He was admitted to the bar, but, instead of engaging in litigation in the courts, he then studied medicine, both at home and in France. Early in life he became an attache of the American Legation at Naples. He also served in 1848 as assistant physician of the American expedition to the Dead Sea. While thoroughly a New Yorker, Mr. Bedlow long ago made Newport, R. I., his home, and held the office of Mayor of that city in 1875, 1876 and 1877. The local press described him as a splendid Mayor. A Union man during the war, educated, genial, public spirited and clear headed, he is a worthy descendant of a noble family. March 2, 1850, he married Josephine Maria De Wolf Homer, daughter of Fitzhenry Homer of Boston. Their children are Harriet Hall, widow of Lieut.-Comm'r Francis Morris, U. S. N., and Alice Prescott, wife of William Henry Mayer. Mr. Bedlow's clubs are the Reading Room, Casino, Golf and Harvard clubs of Newport, and the Players' and Union League of New York. HENRY RUTGERS BEEKMAN, Judge of the Superior Court, a lawyer of recog- nized ability and a member of the well-known Beekman family, was born in the city of New York, Dec. 8, 1845. His paternal ancestors came from Holland and his maternal ancestors from Ireland. He is a lineal descendant of Gerardus Beekman, at one time Governor of New York. Gerardus Beekman was Major under Jacob Leisler and a member of the Council at the time of the Revolution of 1688. After the arrival of Governor Slaughter, when Leisler was condemned and executed for treasonable con- duct in refusing to give up New York, Gerardus Beekmen was one of the eight who were condemned with him but recommended to the Governor's mercy. He gained his liberty, and in 1700 became Lieutenant Colonel under Governor Belmont, afterward becoming a member of Governor Cornbury's Council. When Governor Ingoldby was removed, Gerardus Beekman was made President of the Council and acting Governor, filling this position until the arrival of Governor Hunter in 1710. He afterward became a member of Governor Hunter's Council, which office he held until his death, which occurred in 1728. He was also a physician and a wealthy landowner. Another member of this distinguished family was William Beekman, who sailed with Peter Stuyvesant to the New Netherlands, and was an officer in the West India Company and an alderman in New York under English rule. Judge Beekman's mother was the daughter of William Neilson, a prominent New Yorker. At the age of sixteen, the young man entered Columbia College and soon became known as a careful and industrious student. He graduated in 1865 and took up the study of law in the Columbia Law College, from which he graduated, being admitted to the bar in 1867. He enjoyed a lucrative and growing practice almost from the beginning. Previous to his election as Judge of the Superior Court, he was a member of the law firm of Ogden & Beekman. j 2 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. As a citizen, Judge Beekman is broad-minded and patriotic and widely known as a political reformer. He has held a number of appointive and elective offices, the first being that of school trustee for the Eighteenth Ward in 1884. Then followed his appointment in 1885, by Mayor Grace, as Park Commissioner. In 1886, he was elected President of the Board of Aldermen, for which office he was nominated by the United Democracy. In 1888 he was appointed by Mayor Hewitt, Counsel to the Corporation of the City of New York, to succeed Morgan J. O'Brien, who had been elected Judge of the Supreme Court. He was subsequently appointed by Governor Hill a member of the Commission for the Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation in the United States on Marriage, Divorce and other laws, all of which offices he has filled to the great advantage of the city and the State. As Corporation Counsel, he gained the reputation of being the most forcible and effective official who had ever appeared before the legis- lative committees at Albany. He advocated, when President of the Board of Aldermen, the establishment of small parks for the city, and in 1887 succeeded in having a bill passed in the Legisla- ture which embodied his ideas. While a member of the Park Board, he was an ardent worker in behalf of the maintenance of public baths for the poor, to be erected in the small parks situated in the thickly populated portions of the city. For some years past, he has taken an active part in attempts to obtain legislation which would enable the city of New York to secure adequate rapid transit facilities. He drew the bill for the Chamber of Commerce which passed the Legislature in 1894, reconstituting the Rapid Transit Commission and authorizing municipal construction of a rapid transit road when sanctioned by a vote of the people, and on Nov. 6, 1894, this measure was ratified by them. He was appointed Counsel to the Board by the Rapid Transit Commissioners. Mr. Beekman was nominated in 1894 by the Committee of Seventy for Judge of the Superior Court. He received the support of all factions except Tammany Hall and was elected by an overwhelming vote, his plurality over his opponent, Judge Truax, being 40,019. Judge Beekman is a member of the Union, Century, University, Manhattan, City, and Democratic clubs. He was married in New York city, in 1870, to Isabella Law- rence, daughter of Richard Lawrence, an old and prosperous East India merchant. They have four children, Josephine L., William F., Mary E., and Henry R. Beekman. JAflES WILLIAfl BEEKMAN, land owner, born in New York city, Nov. 22, 1815, died here, June 15, 1877. He was descended from Wilhelmus Beekman, the com- panion of Peter Stuyvesant and was a second cousin of Henry R. Beekman. After graduation from Columbia College, he came into possession of a large property from his father, which was increased by inheritance from his uncle, James Beekman, of the family estate in New York city on East River, near 52d street. Beekman Hill ran from 42d to 5 5th streets on the East River, and thereon stood the old Beekman man- sion, a place of historic interest, by reason of its prominence in the American Revolu- tion. Mr. Beekman made this old mansion his home. He figured to some extent in pub- lic affairs, and in iSsowaschosen State Senator from New York city, serving two terms. Erastus Corning, Thurlow Weed and he attended the Peace Convention in Washington in 1 86 1 as delegates Mr. Beekman made generous use of his means in charitable work. The New York Hospital, of whieh he was vice-president, The Women's Hospital, 74 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. of which he was president, and The New York Dispensary, of which he was a direc- tor, found him a useful official, in consequence of his careful study of hospital methods in England and on the Continent. Always proud of his connection with the original settlers of the Island of Manhattan, he was a prominent member of The New York Historical Society and president of the St. Nicholas and Century Societies. Two sons and two daughters survived him. JULIUS BEER, merchant, a native of Germany, was born Sept. 1,1832. After roaming around the world for a year or two, visiting South America in 1848, and then taking ship for California, he settled in San Francisco in 1849, and in tne firm of Weil &Co., engaged in the tobacco trade. In 1865 he came to New York to manage the affairs of the firm in this city. The San Francisco house was given up in 1874. Mr. Beer is a large importer of leaf tobacco from Havana, and is now sole member of the house of Weil & Co. He has made himself thoroughly at home in New York, is a supporter of Mount Sinai Hospital, Montefiore Home, and other charities, and belongs to several societies. In 1868 he married Sophia Walter, and has six children living. EDWIN BEERS, lumber merchant, born in Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., in 1821, died in Brooklyn, Nov. 18, 1894. While a lad of thirteen, he came to the city of Brooklyn and grew up in the insurance business, first as boy and clerk, and later aiding in the organization of The Phenix Insurance Co., of which he was a director for many years. Later yet, he became one of the organizsrs and secretary of The Montauk Insurance Co. In 1860, Mr. Beers entered the firm of H. N. Conklin, Son & Beers, lumber deal- ers, who were succeeded by Beers & Resseguie. His lumber yards supplied an im- mense quantity of lumber for .the construction of homes and stores in Brooklyn. Pos- sessing the power of acquisition, he gained a fortune, through the investment of which he became, for twenty years, president of The Broadway Railroad of Brooklyn; di- rector of The First National Bank of the Eastern district and The Nassau Gas Co; chairman of the executive committee of The Long Island Loan & Trust Co. ; and trus- tee for The Dime Savings Bank. For many years Mr. Beers served as vestryman in the Church of the Holy Trinity and treasurer of The Church Charity Foundation. He was also identified with The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences and The Brooklyn Art Association, and helped found the Adelphi Academy. An adventurous tempera- ment led him in early life into the militia and gained for him a commission as Lieuten- ant Colonel, when 24 years old. During the War, he served as a captain in the 23d Regiment. His widow, a daughter of the late Seymour L. Husted, and two children survive him. JOSIAH BELDEN, merchant, a native of Cromwell, Conn., born May 4, 1815, died in New York city, April 23, 1892. He was a descendant from one of two brothers, who settled in Wethersfield, Conn., in 1645, his mother being Abigail McKee. Left an orphan at the age of fourteen, and entirely dependent upon his own exertions there- after, his early life was full of toil. In 1830, he found a place as dry goods clerk in New York, then learned the silversmith's trade in Albany, sailed before the mast to Liverpool, and drifting South, became a merchant in Yazoo City, Miss. In May, 1841, Mr. Belden started, with a party of thirty pioneers, for the Pacific Coast, taking the overland route and arriving after six months of hardship and privation, liv- ing on coffee and horse meat the latter part of the journey. At Monterey, in 1842, he made arrangements with Thomas O. Larkin to take charge of a branch store at THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 75 Santa Cruz, and, from that time, was successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits. When Captain Jones, of the frigate "United States," took possession of California for the Government, Mr. Belden was appointed Alcalde of Santa Cruz, and, with his own hands, raised the American flag in California for the first time. He returned to Mon- terey in 1845, and in 1846 removed to San Francisco, then a village of about twenty houses, engaged in business, and two j-ears later opened a store in San Jose. In 1 849, he retired from active business, thereafter investing his means successfully in real estate in San Francisco. First Mayor of San Jose in 1850, he made that town his summer home, building a fine house there in 1855, in a park of ten acres of ground. During the Civil War, his contributions to the sanitary fund were notably large. Mr. Belden was married Feb. i, 1849, to Sarah Margaret Jones, of San Jose, who had crossed the plains in 1846 with her father's family. His children are Charles A. Belden, of San Francisco ; George F. Belden, of Cincinnati ; Mary E., wife of Luis F. Emilio; Laura J., wife of George Rutledge Gibson, and Louise A., wife of Lewis M. Iddings. Mr. Belden established his home in New York in 1881, and was a member of the Union League club of New York and the Pacific Union club of San Francisco, and a director of The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad. He owned a large amount of real estate in New York, as well as in -San Francisco, and bore a reputation for the highest integrity in all commercial relations. fllLO flERRICK BELDING, silk manufacturer, was born in Ashfield, Mass., April 3, 1833. He is a son of Hiram Belding, a merchant, and grandson of John Belding, who served in the war of the Revolution. The family is one of the oldest as it is one of the most public spirited and influential in the United States, having been planted here in 1635. The old homestead, built in 1800, is now in the possession of Mr. Belding' s son. Milo received an education at the Shelburne Falls academy, and spent his vaca- tions in the wholesome labor of a farm. He began life when seventeen years of age, with $20, borrowed from an uncle. Investing this small sum in sewing silk, bought from a manufacturer in Northampton, he sold the goods in the towns of western Massachusetts. The trip proved a financial success. Believing that the silk business presented an excellent field for his vigorous enterprise, Mr. Belding took a position in the firm of W. M. Root & Co., of Pittsfield, Mass., with whom he remained till 1858. He then purchased a team and again became a travelling merchant in the eastern dis- tricts of the commonwealth. His father and two brothers removed to Michigan in 1858, and, in 1860, Milo began sending them small invoices of silk thread to sell. The success of this experiment led Mr. Belding, in 1 863, with two of his brothers, to estab- lish a silk house in Chicago, and, in 1865, one in New York city. Of the latter he took charge in person. In 1866, they started a silk factory in Rockville, Conn., having leased a floor in a mill for that purpose. The brothers were very capable men and pushed their industry with so much vigor that they were able in 1869 to buy the mill in Rockville and occupy the whole of it. Later, it was greatly enlarged. In 1874, they built a second silk mill in Northampton, Mass., and later one in Belding, Mich., the latter a thriving city, founded by the family in Otisco township, which has grown up around the industries they have established. They now have in operation five large silk mills, including, besides the three mentioned, establishments in Montreal, Canada, and Petaluma, Cala. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 77 Mr. Belding is now at the head of the firm of Belding Bro's & Co., of New York city, the largest silk manufacturing house in the world, and the chief emporium for the distribution of the products of their factories. They employ about 3,000 operatives and consume in the manufacture of various kinds of silk goods about 2,500 pounds of raw silk per day, a daily consumption of raw silk which is not excelled by any firm in the world. Branch houses are maintained in Boston, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Paul, Baltimore and San Francisco. Mr. Belding has built up a city of over 5,000 inhabitants at Belding, Mich., where the family have large real estate and manufacturing interests, including two silk mills and a handsome fireproof hotel and opera house and various minor industries. He is president of The Livonia Salt & Mining Co., at Livonia, N. Y., where salt is mined from native beds in the earth, the works having a capacity of 3,000 tons of salt in twenty-four hours. From his marble quarries at Gouverneur, N. Y. , a beautiful gray marble is produced, resembling granite and splendidly adapted to building and monu- mental purposes. Among his other possessions, are large interests in mining and tim- ber lands in North Carolina and Tennessee, mining properties in the Harlem valley, and a ranch in Montana, besides an ownership in numerous commercial enterprises. He has been since its organization president of The Commonwealth Fire Insurance Co. , and is also president of The American Union Life Insurance Co., both of New York city. Few men display the ability to manage so many independent enterprises with so much skill, energy and success. Strong in personality, sound in judgment, and com- manding large capital, he wields great influence in the world of affairs, and is one of the men of constructive temperament who rank among the best examples of patriotic and energetic American manhood. In 1856, Mr. Belding was married to Emily C., also of Revolutionary ancestry, daughter of William Leonard, of Ashfield, Mass. They have one son, Milo Merrick Belding, jr. Too greatly occupied to give any important share of his time to purely social relaxation, Mr. Belding is a charming companion nevertheless in private life, and is a member of the Colonial club, Chamber of Commerce, Sons of the Revo- lution, American Geographical Society, Silk Association, and several other like organ- izations. ROBERT LENOX BELKNAP, a gentleman of high social position, was born in New York city, July 23, 1848. The surname of his family is of Norman origin, having been originally spelled Belleknappe. It is supposed to have indicated a "beautiful hill," and is first found recorded in English history about the year 1067, on the roll of the Battle Abbey. Several men of the name achieved distinction in their day. Their lives can be traced through the histories of Kent and Warwickshire. Sir Robert Belknap, Knight, who died in 1400, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas dur- ing the reign of Richard II, possessed considerable land in the counties of Kent and Sussex. His son, Sir Hammond Belknap, Knight, who died in 1428-29, was made Lord Treasurer of Normandy. Sir Edward Belknap, born 1471, grandson of Sir Hammond, had the custody of Warwick Castle in 1502, and the rank of Esquire of the Body to King Henry VIII. The name cannot at present be found in England, nor has the connection of the American family with the English family been established, except by the fact that the early members in this country used the same arms as borne by the English family. The American family is descended from Abraham Belknap. who 78 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. came to this country about 1625 and settled in Salem, Mass.. where he died in 1643. The subject of this biography is descended from this Abraham Belknap through Joseph Belknap of Boston, Mass, who died Nov. 14, 1712; Thomas Belknap of Woburn, Mass., who died Oct. 15, 1755; Samuel Belknap, who died Jan. i, 1771; Abel Belknap of Newburgh, N. Y., who died Nov. 15, 1804; Aaron Belknap of Newburg, N. Y., who died March 14, 1847; and his father, Aaron Betts Belknap, a practicing lawyer in New York city, who died June 4, 1880. His grandfather, Aaron Belknap of Newburgh, married his cousin, Mary Josepha Lydia Stearns Belknap, who died July 20. 1862, and was the daughter of Capt. Samuel Belknap of Woburn, Mass., commander of a, company of the ad Regiment of militia of Middlesex county, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and took part in the campaign for American independence, which began with the Lexington alarm. Mrs. Belknap's brother, Samuel Belknap, who died May 19, 1845, was the father of Gen. William Goldsmith Belknap of the United States Army, who served during the War of 1812 and the Mexican War and was the father of Gen. William Worth Belknap, Secretary of War under the_ Presidency of General Grant. Robert Lenox Belknap's mother was Jennet Lenox, the daughter of Robert Maitland of New York and Eliza Sproat Lenox, his wife, the latter being the daughter of Robert Lenox, a conspicuous merchant of the early part of the present century in New York. Mr. Lenox was the brother of Major David Lenox of Philadelphia, President of The United States Bank, an officer of the Pennsylvania Continental Line during the Revo- lution. Mr. Maitland was of Scotch descent and a direct descendant of Thomas de Mautlant, who died in 1228. The subject of this sketch prepared for college at the Collegiate school under the late George Payne Quackenboss, LL.D., and entered Columbia College, from which he graduated in 1869. The same year he received the degree, ad cumici/i, from the college of Princeton, New Jersey, and in 1872, the degree of A. M. from Columbia College. He is a member of the Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities. In 1866, while yet a student, Mr. Belknap entered the 7th Regiment, N. G. , S. N. Y., the favorite military organization of this city, which then, as now, contained many members of the leading families of the city. After six years of experience, he was in 1872 commissioned upon the staff of the First Brigade, First Division. In 1880 he retired from active service, resigning his commission as Lieutenant Colonel and Assis- tant Adjutant General, and being commissioned Colonel by brevet. During 1875 ne served as Acting Assistant Inspector General of the State of New York. Mr. Belknap inherited a large property from his father and mother, which he has since doubled by his own efforts. The management and improvement of various large properties now fully occupies him. His success is frequently pointed to as a proof that the "college man in business " is capable of displaying the highest qualities of the practical and executive faculty. From 1878 to 1888, he was treasurer of The Northern Pacific Railroad Co., and is president of The Northern Trust Co., of Wisconsin, presi- dent of The Duluth Gas and Water Co., director of The Land and River Improvement Co., and trustee of The Real Estate Trust Co., of New York. One of the most generous of men in the promotion of philanthropic work in this city, he has lent the influence of his name to several important charitable and educa- tional institutions. His service on several boards has been especially long and credita- ble. Since 1877, he has been a manager of The Presbyterian Hospital, and was its THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 79 treasurer, 1880-92. He has been a manager of The American Bible Society since 1879, and of The New York Lying-in Hospital since 1881. The Presbyterian Church on University Place elected him a trustee in 1882, and he retains this relation to the present time, having been president of the Board since March, 1884. Since 1887, he has been a trustee of the Theological Seminary in Princeton, N. J. A man of cultivated tastes, genial in nature, broad and patriotic in his views, animated by generous sentiments, and a charming companion, he is one of the leaders of the social life of the city. His clubs are the Union, Union League, University, Down Town, Columbia Alumni, New York Yacht, and Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht clubs. In the right of his great grand uncle, Major David Lenox, he enjoys the distinction of membership in The Society of the Cincinnati, and by virtue of descent from Samuel Belknap and Abel Belknap, his great grandfathers, is a member of The Sons of the Revolution. He has also joined The Society of Colonial Wars. Mr. Belknap was married Feb. 3, 1870, to Mary P , daughter of Henry Rutgers Remsen, and his children are : Robert Lenox, jr. , Waldron Phoenix, Mary Remsen, Jennet Maitland, Elizabeth and Maitland Belknap. GEORGE BELL, shipping merchant, born in New York city, April 8, 1804, died at his home, No. 20 West zoth street, Dec. 9, 1881. His life was a busy one, not especially eventful, and prosperous. A partner with his father for a number of years on South street, his mind occupied with ships, cargoes and questions of foreign trade, he carried on the business afterward on his own account and gained a large fortune. He was senior director of The National Fire Insurance Co. , and a director of The Butch- ers and Drovers' Bank, at his death. His estate descended to his daughter, Catherine B. Bell, and various collateral relatives. ISAAC BELL, jr., capitalist, born in New York, Nov. 16, 1846, died here, Jan. 20, 1889. He was the son of Isaac Bell, a prominent citizen of New York, who held many positions of trust and served for years as Commissioner of Charities and Correc- tion and member of the Board of Education. His mother, Adelaide, was a daughter of Dr. Valentine Mott. Isaac Bell, his grandfather, was an old time shipping merchant of this city in the East India trade. Isaac, jr. , as the subject of this sketch always called himself, was educated in private schools and at Harvard College. He began life as clerk in the bank of Brown Bro's & Co., and proved a competent business man. Becoming finally interested in the cotton trade, first at Savannah, Ga., and afterward as a member of the firm of Arthur Barnwell & Co. , of Charleston, he established two houses, one in New Orleans and one in New York city, under the name of Isaac Bell, jr. , & Co. He inherited means, but was a shrewd, upright and successful merchant and retired with a fortune in 1877. He was married, in 1877, to a sister of James Gor- don Bennett, and in 1880 made Newport, R. I., his home. Three children were born to them, Isaac, Nora and Rita. Mr. Bell took an active part in the campaign of 1884, as a Democrat, and was in 1885 appointed by President Cleveland Minister to the Neth- erlands. He attended the St. Louis Convention in 1888 as a delegate from Rhode Island. The Union and New York clubs of this city claimed him as a member. AUGUST BELMONT, banker, born in Alzey, now a province of Prussia, Dec. 6, 1816, died in New York, Nov. 24, 1890. His father was a banker and land proprietor. At the age of fourteen, he secured a position as errand boy in the banking house of the Rothschilds at Frankfort, and three years later was their clerk in the branch at 8o Naples. He proved efficient, took charge of the Naples branch, and there managed some of the enormous financial transactions of the Rothschilds. At the age of twenty- one, he came to New York as the agent of his employers and settled the affairs of their branch in this city, which had suspended during the panic of 1837. Soon after- ward, he embarked in banking on his own account, with moderate capital, but large experience and abundance of energy, continuing to represent the Rothschilds. His business was greatly prospered. In 1841, he fought a duel over a point of honor, in which he was wounded, with the result of being lamed for life. Becoming a citizen of the United States, he identified himself with the Democratic party. From 1844 to 1850 he was Consul General for the Austrian Government, and in 1853 was appointed United States Charge d' Affaires at the Hague. In 1854, he was made Minister Resi- dent, resigning in 1858, having first negotiated a highly important consular convention, for which, with other diplomatic services, he received the special thanks of the depart- ment at Washington. Upon his return to New York, he resumed banking and estab- lished the house of August Belmont & Co., which is yet carried on by other members of the family. He served the National Democratic Committee, 1860-72, as chairman of that body. Mr. Belmont joined the Manhattan, Union, Knickerbocker, American Jockey, Coney Island Jockey and New York Jockey clubs, and, for many years, ranked as a social leader of New York. Wealth enabled him to gratify a liking for fine horses^ his stable sheltering many noted animals. His wife was a daughter of Mathew Gal- braith Perry, brother of Commodore Perry, the hero of Lake Erie. To them were born Perry, August and Oliver H. P. Belmont, a daughter who married Samuel S. Howland, and Jane Pauline and Raymond, who died while young. His son, PERRY BELMONT, lawyer, born in New York city, Dec. 28, 1851, graduated from Harvard College in 1872, and from Columbia Law School in 1876. Being admitted to the bar, he practiced his profession until 1881. Having established his home in Oyster Bay, on Long Island, he was, in 1880, elected to Congress. He served four successive terms, until March 4, 1887. During his first term, he was a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and came into notice through his examination of James G. Blaine, concerning the latter's supposed interests in the guano deposits of Peru, and his media- tion between Chili and Peru while Secretary of State. In 1885, he was made chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, but resigned in 1888 to accept the position of Minister to Spain. Mr. Belmont has an interest in the banking firm of August Belmont & Co., but has taken no active part in its management, his inclinations being in the direction of public and social life. He has joined many of the best clubs in town, in- cluding the Metropolitan, Democratic, Manhattan, Bar, Union, Knickerbocker, Univer- sity, Harvard, Racquet, Coaching, Country, Liederkranz, Fencers' and South Side Sportsmen's clubs. AUGUST BELflONT, banker, son of August Belmont, was born in New York city, Feb. 18, 1853. Graduating from Harvard College in 1875, he entered the bank of August Belmont & Co. where he soon proved a competent, clear-headed, and prudent banker. He is now at the head of August Belmont & Co., the American representatives of the Rothschild bank abroad. In 1881, he married Bessie Hamilton Morgan, and has three sons, August, Raymond and Morgan. The family make their country home at Hempstead on Long Island. Mr. Belmont is a director of the Bank of the State of New York, The National Park Bank, The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, The Louisville & Nashville Railroad, The Manhattan Trust Co., The THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 8 1 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. and The Kings Count}- Elevated Railroad. He was at one time president of The New York Athletic Club, is one of the organizers of the annual Patriarchs' Ball, and a member of more than twenty of the best clubs in New York, including the Union, Manhattan, Knickerbocker, Country, Lawyers', Down Town, Coaching, City, Harvard, and several of the nunting and yachting clubs. ELIAS CORNELIUS BENEDICT, banker and stock broker, born Jan. 24, 1834, is a son of the Rev. Henry Benedict. His native place is Somers in Westchester county, N. Y. The family was planted in America by Thomas Benedict, an immi- grant from Nottinghamshire, England, in 1638. At the age of sixteen, Elias, without means and with only a fair education, began to master the mysteries of stock broker- age, as clerk in the employ of Corning & Co., in New York city. In 1857 he opened an office of his own on Wall street, displaying the sign of Benedict & Co. , and for nearly forty years has been one of the most active, ingenious and indefatigable opera- tors in the whirlpool of this centre of speculation. The Gold Exchange Bank, which grew out of gold speculation during and after the war, originated with him. He has always dealt largely in investment securities, and has especially represented transac- tions in the stocks of gas companies. Mr. Benedict is a Democrat in political faith, and an intimate friend of President Cleveland. His clubs are the Manhattan, Players' and City, and several yachting organizations. HENRY HARPER BENEDICT, one of the partners in the firm of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, who have attained a world-wide reputation as the manufacturers of the Remington Typewriter, is a man of education and a successful and highly respected citizen. He traces his descent through a long line of worthy and capable ancestors, extending back to William Benedict, who was living in Nottinghamshire, England, in the year 1500. William's great-grandson, Thomas Benedict, was born in Nottinghamshire, England, in 1617, and came to America in 1638. He lived first on Long Island at Southold, Jamaica and Huntington, and later in Connecticut. The first of the name of Benedict in America, he was a notable man in his day. He was a deacon, and aided actively in the founding of the first Presbyterian Church in America, at Jamaica. He held a number of local offices on Long Island, and was appointed by Governor Nichols a delegate to what is believed to have been the first legislative body ever convened in New York, to settle "good and known laws" for the inhabitants of Long Island. From 1670 to 1675, he served as a member of the General Assembly of the State. Mr. Benedict died in Norwalk, Conn., in 1690. His son James constituted one of the eight men who bought the land and settled the city of Danbury, Conn. , and here James, grandson of the emigrant, was born in 1685, the first white male child of the place. John, a son of James, was a member of the Connecticut Legislature for many years and acquired the title of Captain in military service. His son James moved to Ballston, N. Y., after the Revolution, thence tf> Auburn in 1793. The men of this line were all pioneers, enterprising and courageous, and they acquired in the life of the frontier a self-reliance of character and sturdiness of constitution which have always characterized the family. Elias, the son of James, came to Herkimer county, N. Y., about 1790, and built the log cabin in which his son Micaiah, the father of Henry Harper Benedict, was born in. 1801. Both Elias and Micaiah bore a man's part in the subjugation of the wilderness. 82 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Micaiah Benedict was a remarkable man. He attended school one summer, when about seven years old, and never received a day's farther training in any other school than that of experience. Nevertheless he became a man of extended learning. A local historian says "that which made him erudite was reading, thinking and remembering" through his whole life. He read the best books diligently, and, possessing a wonderful memory, merited more fully than many others to whom the term has been applied the soubriquet of a ''walking encyclopedia." An ardent Democrat, he admired Andrew Jackson, and served as a local magistrate for many years. He cast his last vote as a Democrat for Franklin Pierce, and then became a Republican and remained such until his death in 1881. He was an enthusiastic member of the Masonic order, and lectured much on the subject of Masonry. For several years he occupied the position of Deputy Grand Master in this State. Henry Harper Benedict was born in German Flats, Herkimer county, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1844. His father, anxious that the boy should receive that scholarly tuition which had been denied to himself, educated Harper at the public schools and at Little Falls Academy and Fairfield Seminary in Herkimer county. Later the young man spent some time at Marshall Institute at Easton, N. Y., and then enjoyed the regular course at Hamilton College, being graduated therefrom in 1869. At college he joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The young man was an excellent student, and aided in his own education by serving during 1867 and 1868 as professor of Latin and the higher mathematics in Fair- field Seminary. After completing his college course, Mr. Benedict entered the employment oi E. Remington & Sons, manufacturers of rifles and guns at Ilion, N. Y. , in a confi- dential position. He -won the respect of his employers at an early period, and showed so much zeal and talent that he was elected in time a director of the corporation oi E. Remington & Sons, and treasurer of The Remington Sewing Machine Co. With characteristic energy he identified himself heartily with the local interests of Ilion, and for thirteen years was regarded one of the most valued citizens of the place. He helped to organize the First Presbyterian Church there, and served as an elder, trustee and treasurer therein. He was also president of The Herkimer County -Bible Society. When The Ilion Literary Association was formed, he became one of its lead- ing spirits, and for many years its president. This association held annual courses of lectures, and Mr. Benedict's duties as president brought him the acquaintance of many of the most prominent people in the country. In 1882, having been admitted to membership in the firm of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, he removed to New York city to engage in the sale of Remington typewrit- ers. This remarkable invention made slow progress at first, but, once in practical use among a number of firms, won its way rapidly into public favor. The machine has been advertised with great ingenuity and energy, and its sale is now world- wide. In 1886, the firm purchased the entire typewriter plant of the Remingtons, including all rights and franchises, and have since conducted the manufacture as well as the sale of the machine, attaining a remarkable success. In 1884, Mr. Benedict made a first trip to Europe in the interest of his firm, and "has since been abroad many times, both for business and for pleasure. In his trips, his family usually accompanies him. He has had charge of the foreign department of THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 83 his firm's business, which is now firmly established, with connections in every part of the world. In 1867, he married Maria Nellis, daughter of Henry G. Nellis, and granddaughter of General George H. Nellis, of Fort Plain, N. Y. They have one child living, a daughter, fifteen years of age. Their home has been at 1 1 6 Willow Street, Brooklyn Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict are members of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York city, Dr. John Hall's, but attend the Church of the Pilgrims in Brooklyn, the Rev. Dr. Storrs, pastor. Their daughter is a member there. Mr. Benedict is a member of the Hamilton club and Long Island Historical Society in Brooklyn, and of the Grolier, Republican, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Arkwright clubs in New York. A man of refined tastes, he has made a collection of engravings and etchings by the great masters, which is of the highest quality, perhaps unsurpassed by any other of its size anywhere. He also possesses a good library and a collection of oil paintings, mostly by American artists, which, like his prints, represent the several artists at their best. JAflES GORDON BENNETT, 'proprietor of The New York Herald, born in New York city, May 10, 1841, is the son of James Gordon Bennett, founder of Tke Herald. He was carefully educated, chiefly by private tutors, and prepared for journalism. It was a cherished wish of the elder Bennett to see his son at the head of The Herald. The latter was thoroughly trained in all branches of the newspaper business, and on the death of his father in 1872 inherited both a fortune and The Herald. He has continued the management of his successful morning journal down to the present time, exercis- ing constant and careful supervision over both the business and editorial management. While a resident of Paris, France, during recent years, his interest in the management of The Herald never relaxes, the cable telegraph placing him in daily, almost hourly, com- munication therewith. He has originated many remarkable enterprises, including publication in England of storm warnings transmitted from the United States, the Jeanette polar expedition, and the sending of Stanley to Africa in search of Living- stone. He published for a time a London edition of The Herald, and conducts a suc- cessful Paris edition. In 1883, with John W. Mackay, he organized The Commercial Cable Co., which laid a new cable between America and Europe, to compete with the combined English and French lines, and after a prolonged and anxious war with the older cable companies, scored a triumphant success. Tlie Herald long occupied a site at the corner of Ann street and Broadway but was recently moved to a beautiful building on Broadway at 35th street. Mr. Bennett has always taken great interest in open air sports, being a good horseman and a first rate yachtsman. While a resident of New York city, he was the life of yachting, high class racing on the turf, polo, and kindred sports; and his removal to Paris was a serious loss to the lovers of open air recreations. He retains a home in New York, but owns houses also in Paris, and is a member of the Union, Metropolitan, Racquet, Country, Coaching, New York Yacht, and New York Athletic clubs of this city, the Meadow Brook Hunt, the Eastern Yacht club, and other social organizations JOSIAH S. BENNETT, merchant, a native of Connecticut, who died in this city, June 6, 1887, in his seventieth year, was one of the old race of business men, whose use- ful activities did so much to promote the growth of New York during the first half of the present century. A nephew of Jonathan Sturges, he was a partner in Sturges, 84 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Bennett & Co., for twenty years, and retired with ample means about 1865, being there- after occupied with investments and the enjoyment of well earned rest. His wife sur- vived him. ADOLPH BERNHEIMER, merchant, born in Buttenhausen in the Suabian Alps, in 1833, died in this city, Oct. 19, 1894. Educated in a commercial institute in Bamberg, he secured an apprenticeship in a wholesale dry goods house in Furth, Bavaria. He came to New York city in 1852 and took his place as a clerk in the store of Bernheimer Bro's & Co., a large dry goods house. Three years later, he was admitted to partnership, and, as their buyer, made frequent trips to Europe. He conceived the idea of having certain cotton fabrics made in this country, which he was in the habit of buying in Manchester, and was operating factories in Rhode Island, when the outbreak of the Civil War made the industry unprofitable. After the war, the firm of Bernheimer Bro's was dissolved, and Mr. Bernheimer then began on his own account the manu- facture of dyed and printed cotton fabrics. He was one of the pioneers of this industry in the United States, all such goods having been previously imported from England, and was largely instrumental in introducing American cotton goods into the West Indies, Mexico and Central America. The surviving members of his family are his wife Fannie, and three children, Leopold A. and Rosie Bernheimer and Mrs. Florence B. Walter. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Merchants' Central chib, and conspicuous for his generous contributions to worthy charities. ISAAC BERNHEIMER, clothing merchant, born in Jebenhausen, Germany, June n, 1813, died in this country, July 23, 1893. He received his education in his native land, but left school at fourteen to learn the trade of cotton manufacturing. After nine years of toil in this occupation, he came to the United States in 1836 to establish a business connection, and liked the country so much that he resolved to stay, thus becoming the pioneer of his family in this country. In Cincinnati, he engaged in the clothing and dry goods trade, afterward removing to Philadelphia and later to New York, where he joined his brothers in this business. He retired in 1866, devoting his attention thereafter to real estate, mining ventures, and The Central National Bank and The Germania Life Insurance Co., of which he was a director. By his marriage with Isabella W. Arnold of Philadelphia in 1846, he had eight children, Jacques A , Charles D., and Meyer A. Bernheimer, Mrs. Kate Drey, Mrs. Charles Blum, and. Cora A., Blanche A. , and Alice A. Bernheimer Many charitable societies have cause to re- member him with gratitude. SIMON BERNHEIF1ER, clothing merchant, was born in Jebenhausen, Germany, Nov. 20, 1819. He came to the land of freedom and business opportunities in 1838, spent two years in Cincinnati, and then in 1840, joined his brothers, Herman and Emanuel, in the clothing trade in New York. Isaac joined them later. Having amassed a fortune, he retired from business in 1866, and since has lived quietly in town in the management of investments. Since its organization, he has been a director of The Central National Bank. By his marriage with Rosetta Gosling, in 1846, Mr Bern- heimer is the father of twelve children, of whom the following are yet living: Jacob S., Mayer S., Irving and Lorin Bernheimer, Mrs. Addie Seligman, Mrs. Lillie Lilien- thal, and Beatrice Bernheimer. SIMON E. BERNHEIflER, brewer, born in New York city, Nov. 26, 1849, is of Ger- man descent and a son of the late Emanuel Bernheimer, a merchant and brewer for many THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BE. 85 years of this city. After graduation from a commercial college, he served a year each in the dry goods and clothing trades to gain experience, and then, about 1865, entered the Lion Brewery, on io8th street. There he learned the mysteries of brewing. In 1878, he assumed charge of the business, when the old firm of Bernheimer & Schmid, com- posed of Emanuel Bernheimer and Joseph Schmid, proprietors of the establishment, were succeeded by their sons, Simon E. Bernheimer and August Schmid, under the same name. When originally started, the brewery was a very small one, but it grew rapidly after the War, and the new partners developed the business to large propor- tions, making it one of the largest in the city. Mr Bernheimer is a bachelor. He takes a lively interest in the societies of the Hebrew race, and is liberal in his charities. NATHAN BERNSTEIN, wholesale meat merchant, a native of Nassau, Germany, born in 1830, died in Brooklyn, Oct. 7, 1894. Beginning life as a journeyman butcher, he sailed for America in 1849, settled in Brooklyn, resumed the occupation in which he had been trained, and during over forty years of active promotion of this honest trade attained wealth. The large abattoirs he established in Brooklyn gave employment to many men. He was a Hebrew by descent and a warm supporter of the charities of his race in Brooklyn. DAVID BETTnAN, oil producer, a native of New York city, was born July 9, 1848. He is a son of Abraham Bettman, merchant. After graduating from the College of the City of New York, he acquired an experience in mercantile pursuits as clerk for Bernheimer Bro's and, in 1867, for Adolph Bernheimer, the latter a manufacturer of cotton goods. In 1869, he became a partner in Adolph Bernheimer & Co. The house dissolved in 1884 Like his brother Marcus, he invested his savings in petroleum properties in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, West Virginia and Indiana, and his firms of Stettheimer & Bettman, J. Stettheimer & Co., and Bettman & Watson are among the largest individual oil producers in the United States. In 1880, Mr. Bettman was married to Ida, daughter of Herman Bernheimer, and their children are Roland and Harold. MARCUS ABRAHAM BETTnAN, merchant and oil producer, was born in this city, June 19, 1845. He is of German Hebrew descent, and a son of Abraham Bettman, by occupation a dry goods merchant in this metropolis, who had emigrated hither in 1840. Marcus attended the public schools and the College of the City of New York un- til the age of seventeen, and then found employment as a clerk with Bernheimer Bro's and afterward with Bernheimer & Newman, merchants. A vigorous and capable man, he rose to a partnership and when the firm dissolved in 1870, he joined that of Bern- heimer, Son & Co., remaining until 1890. He was drawn to the oil fields of Pennysl- vania in 1878, and has engaged in producing, with so much animation and perseverance, that the oleic treasures of the earth have brought him a fortune. No less than 850 oil wells belong to him, wholly or in part, in Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana, through his connection with the firms of J. Stettheimer and Co., Bettman & Watson, and Bettman, Watson & Bernheimer. His brother David and he are classed among the largest oil producers in America, and they own a machine plant in Belmont, W. Va., in which are made the boilers, engines, tools, and other appliances required in their oil operations. Marcus is also the owner of much improved realty in New York and other cities. In 1874 he was married to Emma, daughter of Herman Bernheimer, and their children are Mabel, Gladys, Edyth and Man-in Bettman. Mr. ; 86 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Bettman is a director of The Fourth National Bank and a member of The Manhattan Club, which occupies A. T. Stewart's old marble mansion on Fifth avenue. SOLOMON BEUTHNER, capitalist, born in 1824, died in New York city, June 5, 1889. A hard-headed, sturdy, positive man, he went to New Mexico in early life, fought his way through all the trials which beset the pioneers, and was at one time a partner of Lucien B. Maxwell, proprietor of the well-known Maxwell Land Grant. He aided in the development of mining industries in the Territory, and had, besides his office in New York, branches in Toas and Santa Fe. In his later years, he engaged in mining in Germany, and amassed a fortune from his various enterprises. They called him the " king of New Mexico." Self-made, unassuming and honest, he was a sterling citizen. ISAAC BIERMAN, merchant, a native of Germany, was born Dec. 31, 1824. He is of Hebrew ancestry. Properly educated in German schools, he turned his face to- wards the new world in 1845 and after a few years of honest occupation on this coast, followed the Argonauts to California in 1849. Two years in that rough region sufficed and he returned, locating in Pittsburg, Pa., as a clothing merchant. Thrifty, indus- trious and capable, he fared so well in the smoky city, that he was able in 1 880 to estab- lish himself in a large clothing business in New York. He is yet a member of Bier- man, Hiedelberg & Co., on Broadway, but gives his time now almost wholly to The Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, of which he is a director. Various other Hebrew societies engage his attention also. He was married in 1848 to Miss Frowenfeld of Pittsburg. ABRAHAM BININQER, wine importer, born in New York city, April 3, 1816, died in New York, April 16, 1894. He was of Swiss descent, his ancestor, Christian Bininger, having come to this country in 1640. His grandfather, a resident of Wash- ington county, N. Y., settled in New York city in 1776, and established the grocery and wine firm of A. Bininger & Co., long and favorably known throughout the United States and Europe. His son, Jacob Bininger, succeeded to the firm, and died in 1737, when he was succeeded by his son Abraham. The subject of this sketch was educated in Bethlehem, Pa., and by private tutors, and then travelled extensively through Europe and the East. Returning, he became occupied with wine and grocery importa- tions in the old firm. He inherited means, and gained a yet larger share of this world's possessions by his own business talents. In 1846, he was married to Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Alonzo Draper, once American Consul in Paris. Mrs. Bininger was lost at sea on. the Ville du Havre, in 1873. His children are Miss E. D. Bininger; Harriet, wife of Frederick A. Post, of London; William B. Bininger, and Frances, wife of the late Francis R. Rives. A man of social accomplishments, he was a member of the Union and New York Yacht clubs and of the St. Nicholas Society, and one of the founders of the Knickerbocker club, of which his son, William B. Bininger, is a member. HENRY BISCHOFF, banker, a native of Baden, near Bremen, in Germany, was born Sept. 9, 1827. His father was Bruno Bischoff a lumber merchant and brick manufacturer at Baden and Ohsen on the Weser. Educated by private tutors, he served an apprenticeship with Waltjen & Co., merchants of great prominence at that time in Bremen. He came to this country in 1847, an ing $460,000. At one time, he also served as United States Marshal of the Southern District of New York. Politics interested him early in life and he was the oldest Sachem in Tammany Hall at the time of his death, although he was one of those who, in 1855, started the Republican party, and a candidate for Mayor of New York in 1856 on the Fremont ticket. Owing to the land proprietorship of his family, he was led at an early day into a real estate business and became one of the noted auctioneers of this class of property. He conducted many important sales. He sold the Tallman estate, near Central Park, for $1,500,000, and Dr. Valentine Mott's property for $1,000,000. The annual sales by Mr. Bleecker THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BL. gi amounted to millions, and it was his jocular boast that he had sold the Island of Man- hattan, twice over. He certain!}' knew what the Island was worth, because he appraised its realty in 1871, amounting to $247,000,000. With Judge Jones of Orange county, Mayor William V. Brady, Cornelius W. Lawrence, Collector of the Port, and George H. Purser, he laid out the Hudson River Railroad, and was chairman of the other com- mission which extended Central Park from io6th to noth street, his associates being Richard Kelly, now president of The Fifth National Bank, and Hawley D. Clapp, pro- prietor of the Everett House. One of the stewards of The St. Nicholas Society, he enjoyed the friendship of Washington Irving. Richard Grant White says that he had no rival in his knowledge of Shakspeare. In October, 1825, Mr. Bleecker married Cornelia, daughter of John Van Benthuysen, of Poughkeepsie. The children born to them were, John Van Benthuysen Bleecker, who died during the war ; Sarah Bache Bleecker, who died in 1867 ; Helena, who died in 1833 ; and James Bleecker, successor to his father as an auctioneer. Mr. Bleecker was a vestryman of Trinity Church, as were his father and grandfathers, and is buried in the family vault of that church yard. CORNELIUS NEWTON BLIS5, merchant, a man of sturdy physique, clear mind, and unquestioned force and probity of character, has, from a modest beginning, made his way to the front in the business life of the United States and especially of the metrop- olis, by honorable business methods and an unconquerable determination to succeed. He was born in Fall River, Mass., in 1833. His ancestry was English, originating in Devonshire and belonging to the yeoman class, which owned and tilled its own land. They were Puritans of sturdy convictions and suffered persecution for conscience sake. Mr. Bliss's immigrant ancestor came to America in 1633, settling first at what is now Weymouth, but becoming later one of the original settlers of Rehoboth, Mass. The father of the subject of this sketch moved to Fall River and died there at the age of twenty-six, when Cornelius was an infant. The mother remarried and moved to New Orleans, but the boy remained in Fall River in charge of his mother's family until he had graduated from the common schools and Fiske's Academy. Thus at an early age he was compelled to accept the responsibility and endure the labors which toughen a man's fibre and develop his manhood. At fourteen, the lad went to New Orleans and completed his school life there in the High School of that city. He then entered mercantile life, gaining his first acquaintance with the require- ments of trade in the counting room of his stepfather. After a brief experience there, he returned North and secured a position in the house of James M. Beebe & Co. , of Boston, then the largest dry goods importing and jobbing house in the country. He proved a valuable clerk and solely upon his merits was in time admitted as a partner to the firm succeeding J. M. Beebe & Co. In 1866, he became a member of the dry goods commission house of J. S. & E. Wright & Co. Upon the death of the senior partner, this firm was reorganized as Wright, Bliss & Fabyan; and later, it became Bliss, Fabyan & Co., of Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and as such remains, having now grown to be one of the leading commission dry goods houses in the United States, its members highly esteemed and its trade one of great proportions. They occupy a large store on Duane street at its junction with Thomas street, in the very heart of the down- town wholesale dry goods district, their sign being one of the landmarks of that busy region. The New York house has been conducted under the direct personal super- vision of Mr. Bliss for many years. 92 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Since his removal to New York, Mr. Bliss has entered heartily into every move- ment which would promote the growth and welfare of this town. Few public spirited projects fail to receive his contribution of time or money, and in all the numerous ad- mirable schemes which have emanated from among his colleagues of the Union League Club, he has taken a cordial interest. Mr. Bliss's strong character, high social standing and financial strength have caused him to be much sought after as a trustee in financial institutions in this city, the character of whose directorate is the important element in securing the public confidence. He is a director and vice-president of The Fourth National Bank (once having served as its acting president), The Central Trust Co., The American Surety Co., The Equitable Life Assurance Society, The Home Insur- ance Society, and other important institutions, and is governor and treasurer of The Society of the New York Hospital. Always an active and loyal Republican in politics, Mr. Bliss has, however, never sought public office and has never occupied official station, except as a member of the International Conference in Washington, D. C., in 1889-90. A Cabinet position was tendered to him during the term of President Arthur, but he declined that honor as well as the suggestion of nomination for various elective offices. While too preoccupied to serve his countrymen in public station, he has, however, labored with energy to promote the practical work of his party. In 1884, he was Chair- man of the Committee of One Hundred, appointed at a public meeting of the citizens of New York to attend the Chicago Convention and urge the nomination of the Hon. Chester A. Arthur to the Presidency. The committee failed to gain their object, and thereupon became loyal supporters of Mr. Elaine. He has been for several years a member of the Republican County Committee in New York, and was chairman of the New York Republican State Committee in 1887 and 1888, as well as treasurer of the Republican National Committee in 1892. He has long been a director, and is now president, of The Protective Tariff League, which carries on a persistent appeal to the reason and patriotism of the people of America in favor of the American system of protection to domestic industry. The social standing of Mr. Bliss is exhibited by his membership in the Union, Cen- tury, Union League, Riding, Metropolitan, Merchants', Player' and other first-class clubs, and in several of the public-spirited societies, which have developed the intellect- ual and artistic life of the metropolis and filled the city with great museums and build- ings of public importance. ELIPHALET WILLIAHS BLISS, of Brooklyn, manufacturer, born at Fly Creek, in Otsego county, N. Y., April 12, 1836, is the son of John Stebbings Bliss, a physician, whose ancestors were English and settlers of Springfield, Mass. He was educated in the public schools and Fort Plain seminary, and began life as a farmer. Before the age of sixteen, he entered a machine shop in his native county, served there until twenty-one, and then spent seven years in the Parker Machine Shops of Meriden, Conn., as foreman. In 1866 he removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., and then in 1867 founded there the machine shops, which have since grown through his ingenuity and constant perseverance into the corporation of The E. W. Bliss Co., now employing 600 men. The plant comprises extensive buildings and machine shops for the manufacture of tools, presses, dies, and patented articles of various kinds. Mr. Bliss supplied some of the material for the Brooklyn Bridge, and has had contracts with the United States THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BL. 93 for projectiles and torpedoes. He has pursued this business with great success, and is largely interested in improved real estate and city railroads in Brooklyn, being vice- president of The Brooklyn Heights Railroad. He is also connected with The Brooklyn Gas Fixture Co. Mr. Bliss was married, June 19, 1865, to Miss Anna E., daughte of Charles H. Metcalf, and there has been born to them one daughter, Eva M., now wife of James Warren Lane, of New York. Mr. Bliss dwells on the heights at Bay Ridge, and is a member of the Manhattan and New York Yacht clubs of New York, and The Hamilton, Atlantic Yacht, Brooklyn, Marine and Field, and Ridge clubs of Brooklyn. GEORGE BLISS, banker, was born in the beautiful village of Northampton, Mass., April 21, 1816. The Bliss family in America is descended from the best Puritan stock. Tradition represents them as living in the South of England, where they belonged to that staunch class known as English yeomanry. From time immemorial, they regarded with extreme disfavor the lax manners of the clergy and laity, and incurred the enmity of King Charles I. by determined opposition to the court religion and their manifest resolution to maintain their own views. The first, of whom there is trusworthy information, was Thomas Bliss of Belstone Parish, County of Devonshire. A wealthy landowner, he belonged in religion to the Puritans, so called on account of the simplicity and purity of their forms of worship, and was persecuted by the civil and religious authority under the direction of Archbishop Laud, maltreated and imprisoned, and finally ruined in health and fortune by the indignities and hardships heaped upon him. The ani- mosity of the dominant church party extended to the sons of Thomas Bliss, two of whom, Thomas and his younger brother, George, turned their eyes to the new world as an asylum, in which they could enjoy liberty of conscience. In the autumn of 1635, the two young men embarked, with their families, for the wilderness of America. Landing at Boston, Thomas located at Braintree, Mass., whence he afterward moved to Hartford, Conn. He died in 1640, and his widow and children subsequently removed to Springfield, Mass. From this family are descended most of those of the name of Bliss in the old county of Hampshire. George, after remaining for a few years at Lynn and Sandwich, Mass., finally settled in Newport, R. I. They maintained their sturdy independence of character, and bore with fortitude the deprivations and hard- ships which were the lot of the hardy pioneers of the new civilization. From Thomas and George Bliss have descended large families, many of whose members have attained eminence in the various walks of life. George Bliss, the subject of the present sketch, is of the ninth generation in de- scent from the original Thomas, and in the eighth from Thomas Bliss, the pioneer in 1635. His father was William Bliss, and his mother, Martha Parsons, daughter of Timothy Parsons, of the same place. From these excellent parents, George inherited a strong constitution, great natural ability and stern probity of character. With such educational advantages as were afforded by the local schools, he began life in 1832 as clerk in a dry goods store in New Haven, Conn. Here his diligence, fidelity and intelligence soon won recognition, and after remaining less than five years in a subordinate capacity, he was admitted to a partnership with his employer, the firm taking the name of Sanford & Bliss. He continued in this firm for seven years. In 1844, he removed to New York city to become a partner in the firm of Chittenden, Bliss & Co., jobbers of dry goods, which, while it continued, attained a commanding 94 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. position in the wholesale trade. After its dissolution, Mr. Bliss continued in the same business under firm names of Phelps, Bliss & Co. and George Bliss & Co., until 1869, when he retired to engage in banking. In that year Mr. Bliss associated himself with the firm of Levi P. Morton & Co. , in the business of banking, under the name of Morton, Bliss & Co. The firm, with their London branch of Morton, Rose & Co., now stand in the front rank among the , financial institutions of this country. While dealing largely in foreign exchange, this house has conducted an extensive business in investment securities and effected numerous important railroad negotiations. Their conservatism, sound business methods and success have won the entire confidence of the financial world. Mr. Bliss's excellent judgment and capacity have caused him to be sought after as trustee of important corporations, and he has filled acceptably the office of director of The United States Trust Co., The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, The St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway, The Manhattan Elevated Railway, The Mutual Life Insurance Co., The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., The Continental In- surance Co., and The Western Union Telegraph Co. He has also held prominent rela- tions with many other railroad and financial corporations. He has joined a number of the best social organizations in town, including the Century, Union, Union League, Metropolitan and Lawyers' clubs and Down Town Association, and The New England Society. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and, with the same public spirit which animates his colleagues of the Union League club, has given his influ- ential support to the great museums of the city. The purely material result of Mr. Bliss's long career has been financial success. While attaining this end, however, his just and honorable character has gained what is of greater value, the esteem and confi- dence of his associates of the business world. He makes a worthy use of his means in charities, deriving his satisfaction not from heralding his good actions but from the good which follows them. Among the charities of a public nature which have drawn largely upon both his time and means are The Woman's Hospital, of which he is a gov- ernor, The Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled, and The Protestant Half Orphan Asylum, of both of which he is a trustee. He is also treasurer and trustee of The Pro- testant Episcopal Domestic and Foreign Missions Society, and in addition to these; has contributed freely to churches and hospitals. Mr. Bliss was married Sept. 29, 1840, to Catherine S., daughter of Hervey Sanford of New Haven. He lost his wife by death in 1862, and in 1868 was married to Augusta, daughter of William M. Smith, a prominent resident of New Haven. Of the nine children born to Mr. Bliss, five are now living, two sons and three daughters. They are George T. and Walter Phelps Bliss ; Mary H., wife of A. Gifford Agnew ; and the Misses Catherine A. and Augusta Bliss. WILLIAM BLISS, merchant, born in Chipping Norton, England, July 4, 1833. died in New York city, Jan. 2, 1890. He came to this country with his parents while a young boy, and at an early age entered the employ of Dallett Bro's, shipping and com- mission merchants of Philadelphia. After several years in their office, he went to Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, where he soon became a partner in the firm of Boulton, Bliss & Co. In 1860, after having spent eight years in Venezuela, he returned to Phil- adelphia and joined the firm of John Dallett & Co. , which was established the following year. In 1862 John Dallett, sr , died, and thereafter the responsibilities of the busi- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BL. 95 ness devolved principally upon Mr. Bliss and his life long friend, William G. Boulton. In 1867, the firms of John Dallett & Co. and Dallett & Bliss, of New York, were con- solidated, and Mr. Bliss thus became a member of the firm of Dallett, Bliss & Co. , as the firm in New York were styled. Mr. Bliss continued to reside in Philadelphia until 1 88 1, when the house there was closed and the entire business was thereafter transacted , in New York, under the firm name of Boulton, Bliss & Dallett. The principal business of the firm has always been with Venezuela, from which country coffee, hides, etc., were^ imported and to which American produce of almost every description was exported. At first, small sailing vessels were employed to carry the firm's merchandise, but as the business between the countries increased, steam was employed, resulting in the establish- ment of the present Red " D " Line of American steamships, so called from the private flag which had been used on the sailing vessels. In 1861, Mr. Bliss was married to Miss Athenade Dallett, who died in 1872. He subsequently married Miss Anna Dallett, who with his four children, John Dallett, William, Robert Parker and Anita, survived him. WILLIAJ1 HETCALF BLISS, merchant and banker, born in Troy, N. Y., in 1812, died at Orienta, his home in Mamaroneck, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1893. He sprang from Puri- tan ancestry, his line producing many men eminent in the legal profession, for which Mr. Bliss was himself originally intended. His father, of the same name, a man of marked ability, served as Master of Chancery in Troy, for a long period. Carefully educated, William came to New York while a young man, entered business life, and with George Merritt, established the firm of Merritt, Ely & Co., with whom and their successors he continued until his retirement in 1864. He belonged to the old class of solid, upright New York merchants, having the dignified manners of his generation, and distinguished both for ability and personal character. Nature endowed him with a mind which would have commanded success in any calling, and he rose above the trammels of mercantile life to larger position. Noble in appearance, chivalrous in nature, a charming conversationalist, and a Christian gentleman, few excelled him in the warm friendship and cordial respect which he inspired. He was prominent as president of The Central National Bank, and a trustee of The Equitable Life Assur- ance Society. He was twice married, first to Miss Champion, of Troy, and later to Lucie Ann, daughter of Ellis Baker, of Albany. JOSEPH BENJAMIN BLOOfllNGDALE, merchant, was born in the city of New York, Dec. 22, 1842. His father, Benjamin Bloomingdale, had immigrated from Alten- moor, in Bavaria, in 1837, being the first person to leave that section of the country for the new world. The elder Bloomingdale made an effort to establish himself in New Jersey and North Carolina, but finally moved to New York, where he has since resided almost continuously. At the age when boys of the present day are compelled by law to be at their books, Joseph secured a situation as clerk in a dry goods store on Canal street, then the centre of the fashionable shopping district. In 1860, he went to the Pacific coast, where he filled positions variously in San Francisco, Sacramento and Car- son City, Nev. Having saved some money, he became infected with the fever to grow rich suddenly, and invested what he had in mining stocks. This soon wiped out his little surplus; and with this additional fund of experience, he made a fresh start, follow- ing the tide of gold discovery into Oregon, Idaho and Montana, attempting various occupations, including actual work with a pick and shovel on what afterward became the famous Blue Cloud mine, taking off some pay-dirt from the surface and then selling pfi AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. at what appeared to him to be a splendid profit. The purchaser of the claim made a fort- une, while young Blooming-dale returned to the city of his birth. Here his father and his brother Lyman were engaged in manufacturing hoop skirts, and Joseph secured a position with them as travelling salesman. In this he was very successful, and, a short time afterward, on the retirement of his father, he became a member-of the firm. Un- fortunately, however, hoop skirts were becoming less fashionable. The two brothers did not recognize this fact quickly enough to save themselves from loss, and, in 1871, were obliged to make a compromise with their creditors. This overwhelming misfort- une, however, really inured to their benefit. They established a small retail dry goods store on Third avenue, near the corner of s6th street, under the name of Bloom- ingdale Bros., and thus laid the foundation of one of the most successful department stores in the world. Their success was immediate. In a few years, they were able to pay their former creditors the balance of their claims, although under no legal obliga- tion to do so. Removing shortly to the corner of sgth street and Third avenue, they rented two buildings. Their buildings, which are seven stories high, now occupy twenty-one city lots, with a total floor area of 490,000 square feet, their stock of goods including almost everything required by man, woman and child, a great part of them being manufactured on the premises. Some lines of goods are controlled exclusively by them. Their trade is not confined either to the limits of New York city or State, but includes almost every part of the habitable globe. Mr. Bloomngdale is a member of or contributor to nearly every institution in the city of New York, without regard to sect or denomination, and is vice-president of The Hebrew Technical Institute, and of The United States Savings Bank. Physically, Mr. Bloomingdale is six feet one inch tall, of fine physique, with a face which has been called handsome. He was married in 1875, to Clara, oldest daughter of Lewis Koffman, an old-time New York merchant, and has two children, a son and a daughter. LYHAN G. BLOOMINGDALE, merchant, born in New York, Feb. n, 1841, is a son of Benjamin Bloomingdale, a native of Bavaria. Lyman graduated from Smith's Collegiate Institute and then went to Leavenworth, Kan., with his father. In that town, he began life as an independent merchant with about $300 of borrowed capital, starting a crinoline and dry goods store. He was doing well, when he was ordered under arms with a militia company, in which he was a sergeant, to repel Confederates, who were threatening a raid. After this service, he sold his store and came to New York, where he joined his father in the manufacture of crinoline skirts. In 1872, he aided in organizing the firm of Bloomingdale Bros. , to transact a dry goods and general trade, and is senior partner of the firm. He has revealed remarkable shrewdness and energy in adapting his store to the requirements of the dense population, which occu- pies the East Side of the city. EDWARD CUSHMAN BODMAN, merchant, was born in Charlemont Mass., March 22, 1840. His father, John Bodman, was a bank president and business man of Northampton, Mass. Edward graduated from Williston Seminary in Easthampton, engaged in the grain trade and banking in central Illinois, 1861-65, an d carried on the same business in Toledo, O., 1865-85, being president of The Northern National Bank there, 1873-82. He came to New York in 1885, and his firm of Milmine, Bodman & Co , have already won a name, ranking as a leading house in the grain trade. They transact a strictly commission business, never speculating. For twenty years Mr. Bod- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BO. 97 man was largely interested in Illinois lands, at one time owning and cultivating 4,000 acres. Jan. 10, 1878, he married Ida M. Berdan, of Toledo, a niece of Chief Justice Waite. Their children are Herbert L. arid George M. Bodman. He is a member of the Union League club and the Ohio and New England Societies. Mrs. Charles H. Park- hurst of New York is Mr. Bodman's sister. ROBERT BONNER, proprietor of The New York Ledger, is a native of London- derry, Ireland, where he was born April 28, 1824. His parents were Scotch-Irish. Coming to this country in 1839, he learned the printer's trade in the office of The Hart- ford Courant, and is remembered there as a smart and rapid compositor. He removed to New York city in 1844, worked at his trade, and in 1850, for $900, purchased The MercJiants' Ledger, then an unimportant commercial newspaper in drooping circum- stances. He conducted this paper for four years, at first dealing with dry figures, hard facts and prosaic statistics, without increasing its importance greatly, and then intro- duced many new and spicy features, miscellany, stories, etc , and finally, in i&55> changed its name to The New York Ledger and its contents to romance pure and sim- ple. His first audacious move was the engagement of Fanny Fern, in 1855, to write a continued story at $100 a column. By printing pure and sound romances and contri- butions from the best known writers, and by astonishing enterprise and extraordinary expenditures for advertising, he increased the circulation of Tlu Ledger until the American people from the Atlantic to the Pacific were reading the paper. Staid old merchants of that day shook their heads solemnly over the extravagant advertisements of The Ledger, which they regarded as a new form of humbug, but Mr. Bonrier's cour- age captivated the public mind and led to great success. One idea to which he rigidly adhered was to keep his paper absolutely free from even a suggestion which would be improper for the family circle. His writers included the most conspicuous men and women of the day. At first, The Ledger contained advertisements, but these were gradually withdrawn. Among the famous contributors to The Ledger have been Fanny Fern, Mrs. Sigourney, Sylvanus Cobb, jr., Mrs. Southworth, Prentice, Saxe, Edward Everett, Henry Ward Beecher, Horace Greeley, James Parton, and Dr. John Hall. The abundant means which Tlie Ledger has brought Mr. Bonner have enabled him to make large gifts to Princeton College and various churches and charities and to buy noted horses. He has owned some of the most celebrated trotters in the world. Rigidly opposed to betting and to racing for money, he has withdrawn his purchases from the race tracks and keeps them for his own driving. Among his purchases were Peerless, Dex- ter, and Maud S., for which he paid William H. Vanderbilt $40,000. In February, 1888, he presented his sons, Andrew Alley, Robert Edwin and Frederic Bonner, with a large amount of real estate, as an incentive to application, and these young men now have entire charge of the paper, as Robert Bonner's Sons. PETER RIKER BONNE IT, merchant, born in Frankfort street, New York city, Dec. 10, 1801, died at his residence in this city, Sept. 4, 1871. He was the son of Peter Bonnett, a prominent leather merchant in " the Swamp," who had a large tan- nery on the corner of Frankfort and Skinner (now Cliff) streets. The family came from Huguenot ancestry. The pioneer, Daniel Bonnet, settled in America in 1 700, after a residence of ten years in Bristol, England, having left Rochelle, France, in 1690, a few years after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Mr. Bonnett was educated in the city, and in early life entered the employment of Harper & Arcularius. 98 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. wholesale grocers, in Front street, near Fulton. The firm subsequently became Arcularius & Bonnett, and later Bonnett, Schenck & Co., when their location was changed to Vesey street, where, for many years, they carried on a large wholesale business with the West. Mr. Bonnett devoted his entire time to his business and to home life, never occupying public or corporate office, although often urged to do so. He was connected with St. George's Church. Aug. 17, 1835, he married Maria Salton- stall, of New London, Conn., who, with two sons and four daughters, survived him. DAVID AUGUSTUS BOODY, banker and broker, born in Jackson, Me., Aug. 13, 1837, is a son of David Boody, by occupation a farmer. He was educated in the public schools, with six months in Phillips Academy, Andover. At the age of eighteen, he found his first occupation as a school teacher. Beginning the study of law at twenty, he was admitted to the bar when twenty-three. A year later, he came to New York and entered the banking house of Henry H. Boody, at No. 12 Wall street. An alert, progressive and able man, he began business on his own account two years later, and has been successfully engaged in stock transactions to the present day, excepting only during a period of three years, when absent from the city. Several large corporations have secured his interest and he has been elected president of The Louisiana & North- western Railway, vice-president of The Sprague National Bank, and trustee of The People's Trust Co. At one time, he served as president of The City Savings Bank of Brooklyn. His wife is a daughter of the late Henry Treat of Frankfort, Me. They have five children. Mr. Boody has taken special interest in public questions and was at one time president of The Civil Service Association of Brooklyn, in which city he makes his home. He is a member of the Reform club and The New England Society of New York city, and the Hamilton, Brooklyn, Montauk and Carleton clubs, New England Society, and Young Men's Christian Association of Brooklyn. HENRY AUGUSTUS BOORAEfl, merchant, born at No. 16 Dey street, in this city, Sept. 3, 1815, died in Jersey City, Feb. 18, 1889. He was a son of Hendrick Booraem, an old time merchant of dry goods on Pearl street. The emigrant ancestor of this family, a native of Holland, came to this place in 1666, settling at Newtown on Long Island. Henry went from the private schools of this city and Fordham directly to his father's store, where he received a thorough training, after the fashion of the times. While in Paris, France, just as he was attaining his majority, his father died. Upon his return to New York, he became a member of the firm of L. & B. Curtis, of which Lewis and Benjamin Curtis were partners, and for more than thirty years im- ported French dress goods, silks and velvets to this city. He retired about 1869. Mr. Booraem was justly esteemed for his character, ability and public spirit Grace Church of Jersey City was organized in his parlors, and claimed him as a vestryman, and he was a member of the Committee of One Hundred of Jersey City at the time of his death. In 1838, he married Cornelia, daughter of John Van Vorst of the town of Van Vorst, now a part of Jersey City, and a descendant of Governor Van Vorst, whom The Dutch East India Co. sent out in 1638 as Governor of Pavonia. It is related that Gov- ernor Wouter van Twiller, Eberardus Bogardus, the dominie, and Captain de Vries visited the new Governor of Pavonia upon his arrival to pay their respects, and when a salute was fired from a swivel, upon their departure, a spark set fire to the Van Vorst homestead and burned it down. To Mr. Booraem were born : John Van Vorst Booraem, consulting engineer-in-chief of The American Sugar Refining Co.; Frances D. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BO. 99 Booraem; Henry L. Booraem, deceased; Josephine B. , wife of Augustus Zabriskie, son of ex-Chancellor Zabriskie; Louis V. Booraem, the lawyer; Augustus Booraem, who has charge of the Booraem estate; Robert Elmer Booraem, lately in charge of the Blue Bird mine in Butte City and the Morning Star and Evening Star mines in Lead ville; and Randolph M. Booraem of Philadelphia. John Van Vorst owned large tracts of land on the west bank of the Hudson. The right of ferriage between Paulus Hook and New York city, now owned by The Pennsylvania Railroad, was bequeathed by the great grandfather of Cornelia Van Vorst to her father. In the settlement of the estate it was transferred to Cornelius Van Vorst, his brother, and by him conveyed to The Associates of The Jersey Company. EDWIN BOOTH, the distinguished actor, born near Baltimore, Md., Xov. 13, 1833, died at the Players' club in this city, June 7, 1893. He was the fourth son of Junius Brutus Booth, a figure as brilliant in the annals of the American stage as that of Edmund Kean in England. His entrance upon a theatrical career occurred at the Museum in Boston, Sept., 10, 1849, in Tressel in "Richard III." and grew out of a desire to oblige the prompter, who had been cast for the part against his will. That arrangement was made without the knowledge and approval of the elder Booth, who for a long time opposed his son's adoption of the stage. Nevertheless, Edwin drifted into that pursuit and persevered in it, and his father soon became reconciled to his course. Mr. Booth identified himself from the first with the highest class of dramas, and early in his career made a highly successful tour of the South, beginning in Baltimore. It was in Richmond, during this tour, that he met for the first time Miss Mary Devlin, who became his wife in New York city, July 7, 1860. Shortly afterward, they sailed for England. His wife was an excellent musician and a pleasing actress. They remained in England until September, 1862, their daughter Edwina, being born at Fulham, London, Dec. 9, 1861. On their return to America, they established their home at Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Booth died Feb. 21, 1863. The opening of Booth's Theatre in New York, Feb. 3, 1869, was the most important dramatic incident in the metropolis at that period. Here he appeared in the dramas of Shakspeare, regularly nearly every season, for many years. He was married again to Miss Mary McVicker of Chicago, at Long Branch, X. J., June 7, 1869. Miss McVickers last professional appearance was made at Booth's Theatre in the spring of that year as Desdemona. A son was bom to them July 3, 1870, but died within a few hours. Mrs. Booth died in New York, Nov. 13, 1881. Mr. Booth's long service upon the American stage was never stained by an appearance in any except the most ennobling plays, and during his time there was no greater exponent of Shakspeare than he. His influence was good, his popularity unbounded, and his genius has inscribed his name forever upon the pages of history. Incidentally, his impersonations of heroic characters brought him a fortune. In San Francisco, during one engagement of eight weeks, the receipts exceeded $96,000. While he made more than one visit to England, the most of his career was upon the American stage. His last public sen-ice was his institution of the Players' club of this city. The bulk of Mr. Booth's estate was left in trust for his daughter, Mrs. Edwina Booth Grossman, although a number of societies and friends were remembered. HENRY PROSPER BOOTH, shipping merchant, was born in New York city, July 19, 1836, and comes from New England ancestry. At the Mechanics' Institute he THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BO. IOI gained a sound education, and then, as clerk for a shipping merchant, allied himself with the commercial interests of the port, to which his life had been ably and prosper- ously devoted. In 1856, he was admitted to partnership in James E. Ward & Co., and is now senior member of the firm. Strong determination and great force of character have brought him into prominence in the maritime world. He is a member of the Manhattan and Colonial clubs. GAIL BORDEN, manufacturer, born in Norwich, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1801, died in Borden, Texas, Jan. n, 1874. His parents, who were of New England descent, left New York State when Gail was thirteen years of age, settling after a time in Madison, Ind. Gail attended the common schools and at the age of twenty-one removed to Mis- sissippi, where he taught school and engaged in public surveys. In 1829, he pushed on to Texas, acquired some prominence upon the establishment of the Republic of Texas, and was appointed first Collector at Galveston, of which city he had made the first surveys in 1837. In 1849, the need of more convenient food supplies for the emigrants to the Pacific Coast led him to make a few experiments, with the result that he pro- duced "pemmican," afterward used with such success in Arctic expeditions, and the " meat biscuit," a simple and portable form of concentrated food. Though these inven- tions brought him a medal from the World's Fair in London in 1852, and an honorary membership in The London Society of Arts, they proved a pecuniary failure, and he lost all his means. His attention had meanwhile been attracted to the preservation of milk, and in 1853 he applied for a patent for "concentrated milk," which the Govern- ment granted in 1856. This venture proved an unqualified success. Under the title of The New York Condensed Milk Co., he established factories at Brewster Station, N. Y., and Elgin, 111., and extended the operations of these by manufacturing an extract of beef, for which he afterward built a factory at Borden, Texas. There then followed preparations of cocoa, tea and coffee, and in 1862 a patent for condensing the juice of fruits into a small fraction of the original bulk. Mr. Borden amassed a large fortune and dispensed his means with a liberal hand. MATTHEW CHALONER DURFEE BORDEN, merchant and manufacturer, a native of Fall River, Mass., was born July 18, 1842. His father, the late Colonel Richard Borden, was a conspicuous leader in all which contributed to the success and large prosperity of Fall River, from the date of the organization of its first and greatest manufacturing enterprises, beginning with the Fall River Iron Works Co. in 1821, down to the close of his eventful and memorable life, in 1874. The Borden family is of original French stock, and is traceable back to Bourdon- nay, an ancient village in Normandy, from which it probably takes its name. The first of the family found on English soil entered the British Isles with William the Con- queror. After the overthrow of Harold and the Saxon regime, they were assigned estates in the County of Kent. Giving their name to the estate, they founded a religious parish there, which also bore the name of Borden. In 1635, Richard, then the head of the family, emigrated to America, settling in Rhode Island. The birth of Matthew Borden, in May, 1638, is mentioned in the Friends' Book of Records, and he was the first child born of English parents on Rhode Island soil, thus fixing the date of the first settlement at Portsmouth. From this point, the family descent is authentically recorded down to the present time. The subject of this sketch was fitted for a higher range of education at Phillips i 2 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Academy, Andover, Mass, and graduated from Yale College in the class of 1864. Almost immediately thereafter, he entered the employment of a leading dry goods job- bing house in New York, as stock boy in one of the departments. Three years later, he became a partner in a leading commission" house of New York, where he represented The American Print Works as selling agent, continuing in this capacity until the end of 1879. The American Print Works having failed, his connection with the house referred to ceased. Mr. Borden inherited a large share of the enterprise and capacity for management of his worthy father, and mainly through the joint efforts of his eldest brother and him- self, the company was reorganized and resumed operations under the name of The American Printing Co., in January, 1880. At the same time, Mr. Borden made an alliance with the commission house of J. S. & E. Wright & Co., now Bliss, Fabyan & Co., with whom he has remained in the conduct of the business controlled by him ever since. In 1887, Mr. Borden bought his brother's interest in The American Printing Co., and from that time has been the capable sole owner of the works, which, in the number of yards printed annually, is probably the largest establishment of the kind in the world. The capacity of the Printing Company required from 60,000 to 70,000 pieces of cloth weekly, and it finally appeared desirable to become independent of the open market, as to a portion of the weekly consumption. In 1889, therefore, Mr. Borden proceeded to build cloth mills in Fall River for this purpose, and, at the end of three years, had erected and equipped in the most perfect manner possible three large mills for spinning yarns and weaving the same into cloth for printing. The plant so estab- lished, under the title of The Fall River Iron Works Co., a previous corporate name having been retained for the sake of keeping the old charter, which is valuable, now consists of the mills named, containing about 200,000 spindles and more than 5,000 looms, producing 35,000 pieces of print cloth weekly, or about one-half the whole amount required by The American Printing Co. The two companies are of enormous value to Fall River. They employ an army of well paid operatives, whose earnings, being diffused through the community, quicken every branch of local trade. Since establishing his home in New York, Mr. Borden has identified himself with the progress and social life of the city, and has gained the esteem, which is only ac- corded to sound character, public spirit, and good business qualifications. He is a director in The Manhattan Company Bank, The Lincoln National Bank, The Astor Place Bank, The Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. , and The New York Security & Trust Co ; trustee and treasurer of The Clinton Hall Association ; and governor in the Woman's Hospital in the State of New York. In politics, he has been an earnest and uncom- promising Republican for more than thirty years. Mr. Borden has never sought office and never held office, except during one term as Commissioner of Parks, when he gave a large portion of his time for six years to this public duty. Experience in the employ- ment of a large body of working people convinces him of the value to American labor of the protective system, and he advocates the policy which enables him to pay excel- lent wages to his people. His public spirit is also illustrated by his contributions to the support of the great museums of this city. In 1865, Mr. Borden was married to Harriet M Durfee of Fall River. Seven THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BO. 103 children have been born to them, of whom the following named four survive : Bertram Harold, Matthew Sterling, Howard Seymour and Owen Ives Borden. Mr. Borden is a member of the following clubs : Union League, Metropolitan, Republican, Merchants', Down Town, Players', Riding, New York Athletic, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka Yacht, Yale Alumni, South Side Sportmen's, Jekyl Island and Whist. He also belongs to The New England Society. CHARLES HERBERT BOSHER, banker, a native of Richmond, Va., born in 1834, died in New York city, May 19, 1894. He came from a well known and highly respected family. After the civil war he removed to New York city, and in 1872 be- came one of the original members of the banking firm of R. T. Wilson & Co. , with which he continued until his death. Deeply interested in the revival of Southern pros- perity, he aided in re-establishing the railroad systems of that part of the country, in which patriotic work he gained his fortune. The wonderful recuperation of the South from the terrible prostration which followed the war of 1861-65, was in part due to the spirit of enterprise engendered by that historic struggle itself, but was mainly the result of the energetic labor and sagacity of a group of men, among whom the partners in R. T. Wilson & Co. stood in the front rank. They enlisted the interest of capital, rebuilt the railroads, opened the mines, established town sites, and erected furnaces and factories and gave a powerful impetus to the mercantile, industrial and financial enterprise of that whole region. Mr. Bosher took an active part in many notable schemes. He married Miss Ingram, of Kempsville, Va., and to them was born one daughter. He was a member of the Metropolitan, Down Town and Manhattan clubs, and The Southern Society, and had been for years a member of St. Thomas's Protes- tant Episcopal Church. IQNATZ BOSKOWITZ, fur merchant, is a native of Floss in Bavaria, Germany, having been born there Feb. 13, 1837. He began life with his uncle, I. L. Honigs- berger, in the cloth business, and when fifteen years of age, found employment in banking in Leipzig. At the age of sixteen, he removed to America. Successively a dry goods clerk, bookkeeper in a clothing store in Chicago, 1855-58, and merchant of fur and wool, he came to New York in 1860, and has since conducted the latter business here, under the name of I. & A. Boskowitz, with his brother, Adolph, as a partner. Here they have gained a good name and a profitable business. Mr. Boskowitz is presi- dent of The Mechanics and Traders' Bank, and finds recreation in the West End, Harmonic, Freundschaft, Progress and Manhattan Chess clubs. His marriage with Carrie Goldsmith, of this city, took place May 5, 1867. JABEZ ABEL BOSTWICK, oil producer, a native of Delhi, Delaware county, N. Y. , was born Sept. 30, 1830, and died at his home in Mamaroneck, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1892. His ancestors came from England to New England. Receiving a good busi- ness education, he went to Covington, Ky. , when about eighteen years old, and obtained employment in a bank. He subsequently removed to Cleveland, O., and entered the commission and hardware firm of Reynolds & Bostwick, as a clerk, finding occupation later as accountant in the bank of J. B. Tilford, in Lexington. After several years of labor for others, he became a dealer in cotton on his own account in Cincinnati, displaying excellent abilities as a merchant. In 1866 he removed to New York city, and continued his dealings in cotton on a large scale, his firm being known as Bostwick & Tilford. When dealing in petroleum rose into importance, his house 104 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. became receivers of oil and from this went on to undertake the refining business, soon making a name in that industry as J. A. Bostwick & Co. When The Standard Oil Co. was organized, Mr. Bostwick allied himself with its originators, and was for a number of years one of the trustees. In charge of one of the departments of the company, he became well-known on the speculative exchanges, and acquired a reputation as a Stan- dard Oil magnate, which clung to him long after he nad severed his connection with the trust. In 1887, Mr. Bostwick became president of The New York & New England Railroad, resigning in January, 1892. Among his more recent ventures was The Stan- dard Gas Light Co., and he was also interested in The New York Steam Co., and The Gas Engine and Power Co. In 1866 he married Helen C., daughter of Smith Ford, a retired tobacco merchant. The family made their home at 800 Fifth avenue, and at Mamaroneck, N. Y., their house in the country adjoining that of James M. Constable. His three children are Nellie B., wife of Francis Lee Morrell, of New York; Francis B., wife of Captain Alfred Carstairs, of the Royal British Rifles; and Albert Bostwick. His clubs were the Union League and New York Yacht, and he also belonged to The Ohio Society. He gave freely from his large income to charitable objects, in a man- ner always unostentatious. The Suffolk Street Baptist Church is one of the public monuments to his liberality and devotion to the cause it represents, and his private charities were generous and creditable. WILLIAM GEORGE BOULTON, shipping merchant, born in La Guayra, Vene- zuela, Jan. 24, 1832, died at his home in Orange, N. J., Sept. 10, 1891. The family from which he descended came originally from the Lake district in England, settling in Lancashire. Early in life, Mr. Boulton was brought to Philadelphia, where he was educated in private schools. He then entered the office of Boulton, Sons & Co., Cara- cas and La Guayra, Venezuela, as a clerk, became a partner, and in 1857 removed to Philadelphia, where Oct. 28, the same year, he married Mary E., daughter of William E. Bowen, banker, of Browns & Bowen. of Philadelphia, and Brown, Shipley & Co , of London. Engaging in a commission business with Venezuela, he soon afterwards en- tered the firm of John Dallett & Co., general merchants and shippers. In 1881, the headquarters of the firm were moved to New York, the style being changed to Boulton, Bliss & Dallett. This house has engaged extensively in a commission trade, the im- portation of coffee, and management of ocean steamers. It controls the " Red D" line of steamers, sailing to Venezuela and Curacao. Mr. Boulton was an excellent mer- chant, a member of the New York Chamber of Commerce and Produce and Maritime Exchanges, and a director of The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., of this city, The Delaware Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, and until his removal to New York, vice presi- dent of the Maritime Exchange of Philadelphia. To him were born a daughter who died in infancy and one son, William Bowen Boulton, the latter a member of the firm. Mr. Boulton was an earnest Episcopalian and for many years one of the wardens of the Church of the Epiphany in Philadelphia. On removing to this city, he attached him- self to Grace parish. He was especially noted for the interest he took in young men; and the substantial assistance, which he rendered to many at the outset of their careers, was a conspicuous illustration of his character. GEORGE S. BOWDOIN, banker, born in New York city, Sept. 25, 1833, comes from old American stock, and is a son of the late George R. J. Bowdoin, a lawyer. Through the maternal line, he descends from Alexander Hamilton and General Philip THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BO. 105 Schuyler, both soldiers in tire American Revolution, and through the paternal line from Governor Bowdoin of Massachusetts. The late Robert C. Winthrop was his great uncle. The young man was carefully educated, and had the advantage of three years in the scientific course in Harvard University, His early business experience was gained as clerk for Aymar & Co., shipping merchants on South street. In 1871, he became a partner in the firm of Morton, Bliss & Co., bankers of this city, and Morton, Rose & Co., of London, which relation he continued for thirteen years. In 1884, he joined the banking house of Drexel, Morgan & Co., as a partner, and he is also connected with Drexel & Co., of Philadelphia, and Morgan, Harjes & Co , of Paris. Clear-headed, quiet and capable, he has borne his share of the labors of his great bank, and has been identified with various railroad reorganizations, especially those of The West Shore, The The Philadelphia & Reading and The Baltimore & Ohio Railroads. The New York Life Insurance & Trust Co., The Mutual Life Insurance Co., The Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co. and the Bank for Savings have been glad to elect him to their direc- torates. He is also a governor of the Bloomingdale Asylum and The New York Hospital, to the latter of which he has given a good deal of his time. By culture, education and inherited refinement, Mr. Bowdoin is a man of attractive manners and social temperament. He is a valued member of about twenty clubs and societies, including the Metropolitan, Union League, Union, Knickerbocker, Century, Players', City, Racquet, Tuxedo and New York Yacht clubs, and, by virtue of lineal descent, of The Sons of the American Revolution. His wife is Juiia Irving, daughter of the late Moses H. Grinnell. HENRY CHANDLER BOWEN, proprietor of Tlte New York Independent, was born in Woodstock, Conn., Sept. n, 1813. He is the son of George andLydiaWolcott Eaton Bowen. One of his ancestors, Henry Bowen, was one of the twenty -two founders of the town of Woodstock. He was educated in the local schools and the academy in Dudley, Mass. , and began life as a clerk in his father's store. When eighteen years of age he was appointed assistant to his father, then postmaster of the village. In 1833, the young man came to New York by invitation, entered the employment of Arthur Tappan & Co. , silk merchants, and throve so well in this store that several offers of partnership were made to him. In 1838, Theodore McNamee, a fellow clerk, and he founded the firm of Bowen & McNamee, merchants, aided by a loan of $25,000 from John Rankin, who became a special partner. Mr. Bowen aided in organizing The Continental Insurance Co., in 1852, by giving the names of nearly forty of the forty-five original directors. So many persons were anxious to serve as directors in that company that, forthwith, The Home Insurance Co. was formed, the corporators and directors being named in Mr. Bowen's office, one of them being Theodore McNamee. In 1848, The New York Independent was founded by five men, of whom Mr. Bowen was one. Unprofitable at first, the property finally came into Mr. Bowen's ownership, and he has been sole proprietor now for thirty years or more. To this newspaper he finally devoted his whole attention and has made it a profitable enterprise. Mr. Bowen is a resident in Brooklyn, but spends his summers at Roseland, in his native town, has created the beautiful Roseland Park there, and for more than twenty years has held public celebrations of the Fourth of July on the grounds. These celebrations have become famous, the most distinguished men in the country gracing them with their orator}-. Mr. Bowen has expended large sums of money upon the Woodstock Academy, the village parks and the churches of I0 6 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. the town. He is a Republican and a very capable and public-spirited man. His first wife was a daughter of Lewis Tappan, his second a daughter of Hiram Holt. M.D., of Pomfret, Conn. His children are Henry Eliot, Edward Augustus, Herbert Wolcott, Clarence Winthrop, John Eliot and Franklin Davis Bowen, Mrs. Mary Louisa Holt, Mrs. Alice Linden Richardson, Grace Aspinwall, Winthrop Earle and Paul Holt Bowen. CALEB SHITH BRAGG, book publisher, born in North Sidney, Me., May 24, 1824, died suddenly from heart disease on a railroad train, near Altoona, Pa., March 8, 1894. He was educated in Waterville, Me., and in 1847 began life as a school teacher in Northern Ohio. In 1849, he accepted an agency for W. B. Smith & Co., school book publishers in Cincinnati, and proved so good a merchant that, in 1855, he began busi- ness on his own account in Cleveland, as a bookseller, in Ingham & Bragg. In 1871, however, he removed to Cincinnati and entered the book firm of Wilson, Hinkle & Co., who had succeeded W. B. Smith & Co., and who, in turn, were succeeded by Van Ant- werp, Bragg & Co. The latter soon ranked among the best-known publishers of school books in the United States. Their firm were consolidated in 1890 with Ivison, Blake- man & Co., D. Appleton & Co., and A. S. Barnes & Co., under the title of The Ameri- can Book Co. School book publishing brought Mr. Bragg a fortune. A short time before his death, he established his home in New York, in order to serve as one of the managing directors of The American Book Co. His wife was Mary A. Mills, daughter of Mathew Mills, of Brighton, Canada, and the children born to them were Charles Froom Bragg, now deceased, and Caius Cobb Bragg. JOHN BRAND, tobacco manufacturer, a native of Elmira, N. Y., was born Feb. 26, 1855. He is of German descent, his parents having come to America in 1850. Re- ceiving his education in the public schools, he began life in 1873 as clerk for his father, a tobacco merchant, in Elmira. In 1879, he was admitted to partnership, and after his father's death, in 1880, rose to the head of the firm. He carried on the trade in Elmira for a number of years, but has lately come to New York city to live, although retaining his factory in Elmira. An enterprising man, he has invested his earnings in properties in Elmira, Buffalo, New York city, and Colorado. By his marriage with Clara E. Woodruff, in 1879, he has three children, John Herbert, Charles George and Walter Henry Brand. His clubs are the Elmira City and Century. BENJAMIN BRANDRETH, manufacturer of medicines, born near Leeds, Eng- land, June 22, 1808, died Feb. 19, 1880, in Sing Sing, N. Y. His father, a musician of reputation, having been converted to the faith of the Friends, abandoned his profes- sion for a mercantile life. Of his six children, two sons and four daughters, Benjamin, the youngest, was born after his father's death. At an early age, Benjamin was taken under the care of his grandfather, William Brandreth, with whom he studied medicine, subsequently succeeding him in business at Leeds in making medicines. In 1827, he was married to Harriet Smallpage, and had three children. He came with his family to New York in 1835. His first wife dying in 1836, he married Virginia Graham of New York city in the following year. To them were born ten children. In May, 1835, Mr. Brandreth opened an office in Hudson street. The buildings there soon proved too small for the business, resulting in a removal of the factory to Sing Sing in 1837, where it has been conducted ever since. After coming to this country, he was gradu- ated from the Eclectic Medical College of this city. In 1857, he built the Brandreth House at the corner of Canal street and Broadway, his office being then established in THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BR. IO7 this building. The secret of the enormous sale of the Brandreth medicines lay in the fact that during the first fifteen years or more, he expended almost his entire profits of $1 50,000 a year in advertising. In politics, a Democrat, Dr. Brandreth was elected to the State Senate in 1849 and served four years. He was frequently a delegate to the con- ventions of his party. In private life he had many friends. He distributed his wealth liberally in acts of charity, especially among the families of his own employes. JAMES CARSON BREVOORT, civil engineer and man of letters, bcm in Bloom- ingdale, New York city, July 10, 1818, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1887. He descended from Elias Brevoort, one of the early land proprietors of the Island of Man- hattan, and was a son of Henry Brevoort, who received his mercantile training under the original John Jacob Astor, to whom he was apprenticed as a boy. From his father, Tames C. Brevoort inherited a large property in real estate. The young man received an excellent education, obtaining his diploma as a civil engineer from the Ecole Cen- trale of Arts and Manufactures in Paris. He was employed for a time on the North- eastern boundary survey under his uncle Professor James Renwick, and in 1838, went abroad as private secretary to Washington Irving, then M inister to Spain. After serving a year at Madrid, he devoted himself for a while to European travel. Returning, he married, in 1845, the only daughter of Judge Leffert Lefferts, whose homestead com- prised a large tract of land in the Bedford section of Brooklyn. Mr. Brevoort there- after made his home in the old Lefferts mansion in Brooklyn, in which city he served in the Board of Education and in the Water Commission, when the Brooklyn Water Works were constructed. He was president of The Long Island Historical Society 1863-73 and 1876-78, superintendent of the Astor Library in New York, as well as a Re- gent of The L'niversity of the State of New York, a member of The New York Histor- ical Society, The Academy of Natural Sciences and of The American Geographical Society, and numerous other associations. In 1863, Williams College conferred on him the degree of LL. D. He wrote much on history, fish, bugs, and coins, and had perhaps the finest private library in Brooklyn, containing about 100,000 volumes, some of which he had inherited from his father. His collections in entomology and ichthy- ology are now owned by public institutions. He left a son, an engineer, who married a daughter of John Lefferts of Flatbush, L. I. HENRY BREWSTER, carriage maker, born in New Haven, Conn., May 19, 1824, died in New York city, Sept. 20, 1887. He came from old New England stock, being a descendant of Elder Brewster, of the Mayflower. His father, James Brewster, a carriage maker of New Haven, trained his boys to the trade, and took Henry and James into the firm of James Brewster & Sons. Henry was finally sent to New York to manage the sales of the firm in this locality, a factory being established in Bridge- port, Conn. The young man started in business for himself in 1856, with partners, as Brewster & Co., and devoted himself to the construction of fine carriages. The firm soon became the largest of their class in the world. At the Paris Exposition, Mr. Brewster won the gold medal arid the cross of the Legion of Honor, and on his return to New York was presented with a testimonial from the carriage makers of the United States. One of the organizers of The Union Leage club, he stoutly espoused the cause of the Union during the Civil War. At the time of the draft riots, he hoisted a flag on his building, and armed his workmen to prevent the mob from tearing it down. His life was threatened, but he never flinched. He was a charming companion in private life. I0 8 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. CALVIN STEWART BRICE, lawyer and statesman, a progressive and energetic man in private life and one of the most able Democrats of the United States Senate, was born in Denmark, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1845. His father, William Kirkpatrick Brice, was a Presbyterian minister; his mother, Elizabeth Stewart Brice, was a woman of good mind, eminent for the graces and charms of her personal character. The family re- moved to Columbus Grove in Putnam county, Ohio, in .1848. Great pains were taken with the education of young Calvin during his early life, and he not only enjoyed the inestimable advantage of being reared under the care of loving, superior and devoted parents, but received the benefit of the scholarly tuition of his father until 1858. At thirteen years of age, he entered the prepara- tory department of Miami University at Oxford, O. , to receive a higher education. In April, 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil War, the young man, inspired with the generous sentiments, which actuated the flower of the youth of the North, enlisted in Captain Dodd's University Company, and was stationed with his associates at Camp Jackson in the city of Columbus, the capital of the State. Returning to college in the fall, he again enlisted in April, 1862, and joined a university organization under the command of Captain McFarland, which became Co. A, of the 86th Ohio Infantry. The summer of that year was spent in campaigning in West Virginia. Later, Mr. Brice resumed the college course, thus interrupted by patriotic labors, and graduated from Miami University in June, 1863. He ranked high as a student and made himself conspicuous in his class for extensive reading of general literature. A voracious reader of the best books, his mind had become richly stored with the thoughts and philosophy of famous writers before he had fairly entered upon his dis- tinguished and successful business career. After graduation, the young soldier and scholar removed to Lima, O , and taught for several months in the public schools, finding employment thereafter as clerk in the office of the Auditor of Allen county. In July, 1864, Mr. Brice again went to the front to uphold the cause of the Union. He re-entered the Federal service in a company of Union volunteers, recruited by him- self, and received a commission as captain of Co. E, iSoth Ohio Infantry. He served in the field in the 23d Army Corps, in Tennessee, Virginia, Carolina and Georgia, until the close of the war. He was appointed Lieutenant Colonel, but not mustered in. In the fall of 1865, he attended lectures in the Law School of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Admitted to the bar in the spring of 1866, and to practice in United States courts, he immediately formed a partnership with James Irvine, under the name of Irvine & Brice, in Lima, O., and for ten or twelve years was actively engaged in the practice of his profession. The partners became noted for high charac- ter, ability and thoroughness, and their devotion to their clients led to a large and suc- cessful practice, which brought to them both a good living and a moderate surplus besides. It was during this period that Mr. Brice became interested in traffic enterprises; and by the success which attended his skillful management of their business, he was gradually led away from the law into the realm of practical affairs. His first railroad experience was gained in the legal department of the old Lake Erie & Louisville Rail- road, with which he had accepted a connection. He took an active interest in the work of the company, acquired by purchase a moderate amount of its stock, and played an energetic part in constructing extensions of the road. Through the efforts of THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BR. 109 himself and associates, the property was greatly developed. His success in this enter- prise led Mr. Brice and his associates to enter upon the construction of The Nickel Plate Railroad, an enterprise which grew out of the refusal of The Lake Shore & Mich- igan Southern Railroad to make satisfactory arrangements for taking care of the traffic delivered to it by The Lake Erie & Western. The construction and subsequent sale of The Nickel Plate is generally supposed to be the dividing line between his status as a comparatively poor man and his later career as a man of extensive means and large investments. With a capital which capable and energetic management had now brought to him, he engaged more largely in traffic enterprises. His reputation and notable skill resulted in Mr. Brice being called into a share of the management of all the important lines with which he formed a connection. Railroads in the region between the Gulf and the Ohio claimed a part of his attention, and he was an active spirit in developing the lines of transportation of the New South. He has been a director in late years of The" East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway, The Mobile & Bir- mingham Railroad, The Memphis & Charleston Railroad, The Lake Erie & Western Railroad, The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, The Knoxville & Ohio Rail- road, The Pacific Mail Steamship Co., and of other corporations. He is now chairman of the Union Pacific Reorganization Committee. In politics, Mr. Brice is an enthusiastic Democrat, and has long been known as one of the most capable, safe, conservative and energetic leaders of his party. He served on the Tilden electoral ticket in 1876 and the Cleveland electoral ticket in 1884. A delegate-at-large from Ohio to the Democratic National Convention in St. Louis in 1 888, he was then selected to represent Ohio on the National Committee in the ensuing campaign. As Chairman of the Campaign Committee he conducted the National cam- paign of 1888. Upon the death of William H. Barnum, in 1889, he was elected chair- man of the National Democratic Committee. He was delegate-at-large and chairman of the delegation from Ohio to the National Democratic Convention in 1892. In January, 1890, Mr. Brice was elected Senator from Ohio for the term beginning March 4, 1891. In this exalted position, he has wielded a large influence among his political associates. His advice is sought on all important questions and is always judicious, being the result of a long experience in practical affairs, a penetrating mind, extended reading, and a cautious and conservative temperament. His service has been mainly upon the Committees on Appropriations, Pensions, Public Buildings and Grounds, and Pacific Railroads, being chairman of the latter. He is also a member of the " Steering Committee" of his party in the Senate. In 1870, Mr. Brice was married to Catherine Olivia Meily, and gained thereby a charming, judicious and valuable companionship for life. Mrs. Brice is a woman of great culture and literary ability and a delightful hostess. She has devoted herself to the education of their children, three sons and two daughters, all of whom have assisted her in a busy social life in Washington as well as in Ohio, New York and Newport. Mr. Brice is a man of fine personal presence, straight and commanding, his hair and beard in early life quite red and later a dark brown, framing a face expressive of keen intelligence, dignity and good nature. Slightly reserved in manner and careful in speech, he is nevertheless an agreeable associate in private life, and an attractive figure at public dinners ; and he has been elected to membership in all the prominent chibs in Ohio and many elsewhere, including the Manhattan (the leading Democratic THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BR. Ill social organization), the Lawyers', Riding, and Whist clubs of New York city. He is also a member of The Ohio Society of this city and of the Delta Kappa Epsilon club. ELBERT ADRAIN BRINCKERHOFF, manufacturer, born in Jamaica on Long Island, Nov. 29, 1838, is the son of John N. Brinckerhoff, principal of Union Hall Academy there from 1837 to 1865, and grandson of Robert Adrain, LL.D., a distin- guished mathematician. His ancestry is traced back to the landing of the early Dutch settlers in New Amsterdam in 1638. Elbert graduated from the academy, of which his father was principal, and had turned his face toward college, when an opportunity offered for a voyage around the world in a sailing vessel. In January, 1855, he sailed from New York for San Francisco. The unexpected charter of the vessel in San Fran- cisco for New York, instead of China, changed his plans. Accepting an offer from a commercial house in San Francisco, he entered upon his work and remained in that city from April, 1855, to August, 1860, when he returned home for a visit. Consideration of the long distance from his parents, determined him to secure a position in New York ; and in November, 1861, he was employed as bookkeeper and cashier by the firm of Fox & Polhemus, then the leading commission merchants and manufacturers of cotton duck in the city. In 1865 he became a partner in the house, and a few years later, owing to deaths and retirement, the senior partner. Since 1870, the house has been known as Brinckerhoff, Turner & Co. After more than twenty-five years in the manu- facturing and selling of cotton duck, he retired, in 1887 from an active interest, with- drawing entirely in 1890. In 1869 he married Emily A., daughter of the late Colonel Washington R. Vermilye. Their children are Emily Vermilye, now Mrs. Frederick S. Duncan; Mary E., now Mrs. James D. Armstrong; Elbert A. Brinckerhoff, jr., and four younger daughters. The family live in Englewood, N. J., but business interests call Mr. Brinckerhoff daily to the city. He is a member of the St. Nicholas and Hol- land Societies and the Down Town and Presbyterian clubs; vice-president of The American Bible Society and The Merchants' National Bank; treasurer of The Presby- terian Hospital ; and trustee of The American Seamen's Friend Society. ISAAC VAIL BROKAW, merchant, was born near New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. -', J 835. His ancestors were French Huguenots, who settled in New Jersey afc an early date, the first one to come to this country being Bourgon Broucard, who, with his wife, Catherine Le Febre, landed in 1675 Mr. Broucard with a few others established the first French Protestant Church in New York. The name was changed in process of time to Brokaw. On the maternal side, Mr. Brokaw came from the well-known and highly esteemed Vail family of Quakers, of New Jersey, William Vail the most promi- nent. The young man received his education in New Brunswick. Being of an ambi- tious temperament, he decided at an early age to enter upon a business career in New York city. He first found employment as clerk in the well-known house of Wilson G. Hunt & Co., at that time considered the leading cloth importers in this country. By faithful and diligent service, Mr. Brokaw so won their esteem and confidence, that, at the end of a short time, he was entrusted with the keys to the store containing goods valued at a million dollars and over. By application and careful study of their texture, he became an expert in the handling of woolens; and then, recognizing the fact that his opportunity for rapid advancement was limited, owing to the large number of clerks employed older than himself, he formed the plan of starting in business on his own account. Accordingly, with the advice of his kind friend, Wilson G. Hunt, he formed H2 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. a partnership and began a clothing business under the firm name of Dunham & Brokaw. This business was most successfully carried on from 1856 to 1861, when Mr. Dunham retired, and Mr. Brokaw continued the business under his own name. In 1866 he admitted to partnership his brother, William Vail Brokaw, thereafter adopting the name of Brokaw Bro's. The business has been highly successful down to the present time. No firm are more highly esteemed in the United States, no trade better managed. Mr. Brokaw considers his success due to the fact that his business has been most diligently conducted, that the goods purchased have been of the best quality, and the productions of the firm constructed with the greatest possible care and attention. He believes that the great success of any undertaking is accomplished by the greatest energy and most eternal vigilance as to details. In political faith Mr. Brokaw has always been a staunch Republican. He has always preferred service in the ranks, however, and although well fitted by character and ability for positions of trust and honor, he has firmly declined several which have been offered to him. Other positions of prominence and places upon boards have also been refused by him, because he has always preferred to devote his time and attention to carrying on his own particular business. He is a member of the Union League club and of The Huguenot Society of America, and was for many years an officer in the late Dr. Howard Crosby's Church, which he attended for many years. Mr. Brokaw, although not having held any political office, nevertheless has always taken the keenest interest in public affairs and municipal government, and has allied himself with the side of truth, justice and honest government at all times. He is a firm believer in charities and religious work, many institutions owing their origin and advancement to support received at his hands. The Bethany Mission of Dr. Kittredge's church and the Brokaw Memorial at Princeton are examples of his generosity. HENRY D. BROOKMAN, merchant, a native of Bucksport, Me., died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1895. Bucksport is a shipping town, and Jwr. Brookman's father was a merchant. The youth was led naturally into nautical and mercantile enterprises, and* after an experience in his native place and in Boston, he came to New York in 1848 to open an office as a shipping and ship chandlery merchant. Having been joined by his brother John, the two men formed the firm of H. D. & John U. Brookman, in 1851, and for twenty-three years carried on a thriving business. They became large owners of vessels. The Civil War gave a rude shock to the maritime interests of America, and in 1864, the brothers went out of business. But both had gained fortunes, which they increased afterward by investment. He married Marion, daughter of John N. Prentice, warehouseman, and left three children, Henry Prentice Brookman, Mrs. Amory Carhart and Mrs. Philip Niles. JOHN ULHORE BROOKHAN, shipping merchant, was born in Bucksport, Me., Nov. 25, 1830. His father, a Prussian by birth, settled in America about 1800. His. mother came from an old colonial family. His education was finished at Wesleyan Seminary in Kent's Hill, Me. At the age of sixteen, he began life as clerk for his. brother Henry, commission and ship chandlery merchant. In 1851, John was admitted to partnership in H. D. Brookman & Co., the style being changed in 1856 to H. D. & John U. Brookman. The brothers worked hard, gradually gained large interests in vessels and derived large profits, both from their store and in freighting cargoes. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BR. 113 between the continents of the world. In 1 864, the firm dissolved, selling their vessels as rapidly as possible. Since then, Mr. Brookman has transferred his interests mainly to railroads and real estate. He is a capable, clear headed and successful man. At one time, he served in the directorates of The Evansville & Terra Haute, The Chicago & Eastern Illinois, The Louisville & Nashville and The Northern Pacific Railroads, but retired therefrom when he sold his stock. At present, he operates mainly in real estate and is aiding in the development of Tacoma, Wash. His wife, whom he married in 1856, is Sarah, daughter of Colonel Rowland Carlton of Sedgwick, Me. CLARENCE BROOKS, varnish manufacturer, born in this city, Aug, 27, 1826, died in New York, March 25, 1891. His father was James Brooks, leather merchant, and his grandfather, an emigrant from England, is reputed to have introduced the art of tanning leather into this country. Clarence gained his education at Hubbs & Clark's High School in 4th street, and at the age of twenty-eight engaged in business with Tilden & Blodgett, varnish manufacturers. Having mastered the mysteries of the craft, and feeling competent to conduct business on his own account, he established in 1859 the firm of Brooks & Fitzgerald, afterward known as Clarence Brooks & Co., which latter name is yet retained. He was for upwards of forty years successfully engaged in this industry, and was always held in the highest regard. The factory stood at the corner of West and West i2th streets. He was married Feb. 22, 1849, to Maria Louisa, daughter of Jacob Bogert, and their two children are Ella Louise, wife of N. W. Anthony, and Warren Ward Brooks. ELISHA BROOKS, merchant, born in Rye, Westchester county, N. Y., June 15, 1815, died in New York, Oct. 26, 1876. He was the son of Henry S. Brooks, clothing merchant, who founded in 1818 the great business, afterward carried on by Brooks Bro's. Elisha gained a sufficient education in the public schools, and in 1830 entered his father's store as clerk. He received a rigid business training, and being of the stuff from which great merchants are made, he proved so efficient that he became a partner in 1833. After the death of the senior Brooks, the business was continued by his five sons. Elisha represented the firm in financial matters and consequently became director and trustee in several banks, fire and life insurance companies, and other corporations. During the Civil War his firm filled large contracts for army clothing and made large profits. Two sons and four daughters survived him. He was a man of attractive and genial manners, unswervingly faithful, his word as good as his bond, public spirited, a stout Union man and a good citizen. JOHN HAHIL BROWER, merchant, born on Gold street in Brooklyn, Aug. 12, 1801, died in New York city, June 15, 1881. He came from an old Dutch family, be- ing a descendant of Jacob Brower. and Amantie Bogardus, the latter a grand daughter of Aneke Jans Bogardus His father, Adolphus Brower, followed the occupation of a ropemaker, married Elizabeth Baker, and served in the War of 1812. John left school at the age of twelve to become the clerk of Augustus Wyncoop, a large grocer and gen- eral merchant; and by strict, enterprising and unremitting attention to duty, he ad- vanced from position to position until he became Mr. Wyncoop's confidential manager and finally his partner. Upon Mr. Wyncoop's death, the house was reorganized as Arthur & Brower. From about 1840, Mr. Brower managed the business alone and after 1844, under the name of Brower & Neilson. In 1848, with his son-in-law, Benj. B. Blydenburgh, he formed the firm of J. H. Brower & Co. At first, a grocer and mer- ii4 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. chant in the West India trade, he extended his operations to insurance, commission and ship owning. The New York & Texas packet line was his venture and, at one time, fifteen vessels belonged to him and traded to all parts of the world. His ship Harvey Birch, named after the noted spy of the American Revolution, was the first vessel cap- tured and destroyed by the Confederates during the Civil War. Almost the first mer- chant in the trade with Texas, he became the largest, and developed that field of com- merce by his advice and operations. He was at one time Consul for Texas in the United States and among the first to extend credit to the business men of that region after annexation to this country. At the time of his death, he was the oldest merchant in the cotton trade and a prominent member of the Cotton Exchange. During his earlier life, he helped .organize the ;th regiment of this city and held a captain's com- mission. While previously a director of The City Bank, The Bank of the Republic and The Commercial and The Union Mutual Insurance Go's, he resigned from these boards several years before his death and retained a place on the board of The American Fire Insurance Co. only. He was universally respected for his intelligence, high character and abilities. His wife, Ann S., daughter of George Duryee, died before him. Eight children were born to them, Mary E., now deceased, wife of Benjamin B Blydenburgh; Elizabeth B., wife of Morgan L. Smith; Annie B., wife of Mason B. Browning; Maria P., wife of George W. McNeel; Susan R., wife of Joseph R. Pierson; Amanda E., wife of Thomas B. Hewitt; Kate M., who died in 1863; and Morgan L. S. Brower, who died in 1864 at the age of about thirty. JAMES BROWN, banker, born in County Antrim, Ireland, in February, 1791, died in New York city, Nov. i, 1877. He was the youngest son of Alexander Brown, linen merchant, who came to this country in 1798, and established a linen store in Bal- timore and afterward a famous bank. The parent house of Alexander Brown & Sons having resolved to put forth branches in various parts of the world, James was sent to New York in 1825 to establish the house now known as Brown Bro's & Co. While their father lived, all the Brown brothers frequently resorted to Baltimore for advice and consultation. James Brown became one of the representative bankers of New York. In the panic of 1837, the English branch of the firm was able to secure a loan of $10,000,000 from the Bank of England, which enabled the local firm to weather th financial storm without suspension, and placed them in the front rank of the banke of the world. The house has branches in Baltimore and Philadelphia in this country, under different names, and in England under the name of Brown, Shipley & Co. Fo: fifty years a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Brown was at the time of hi death the third oldest member, his seniors being Wm. F. Gary and Caleb Barstow His first wife was Louisa, the daughter of Rev. Joel Benedict, of Plainfield, Conn Their three daughters were Mrs. Alexander Brown, of Richmond Hill, England, Mrs Howard Potter, and Mrs. James Cooper Lord. From his second marriage, to Eliz; daughter of the Rev. Dr. Coe, of Troy, two children were born, John Crosby, am George H. Brown, both of whom became members of their father's bank. One othe son, Clarence S. Brown, died early in life. Mr. Brown was noted for public spirit an benevolence, and for a desire to avoid having his good deeds brought into public notic His disposition was frank, generous and charitable. JAMES flUNC ASTER BROWN, banker, born in Baltimore, Md., Dec. 8, 1820 died at Manchester, Vt., July 19, 1890. He was of Irish descent, and a son o: THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BR. 115 Stewart Brown, well known in Baltimore in former years. When a young man, he entered the bank of Alexander Brown & Sons of Baltimore, remaining with the firm until 1844, when he came to New York to join the firm of Brown Bro's & Co., here. He was identified with this great firm the remainder of his life, being at his death the senior partner, and always active in the management. Mr. Brown lent his energies and influence in a marked degree to the furtherance of benevolent and Christian insti- tutions in this city, and was president of The New York Hospital and vice-president of The American Bible Society. He supported The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and succeeded Henry Bergh as its president. An earnest advocate and supporter of The Young Men's Christian Association, he also promoted other charitable organizations. A sturdy, judicious, sound man, he was for many years president of the Chamber of Commerce, an election to that office being the highest compliment the merchants of this town can bestow. He never held public office, but took part in a quiet way in movements to promote municipal reform. By his marriage with Julia E. , daughter of the late Waldron B. Post, he had four children, Waldron P. Brown; Ellen Whipple Brown; Julia Elizabeth, who married James Taylor Soiitter; and Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Anson W. Hard. JOHN L. BROWN, contractor, born in Vermont in 1805, died in New York, March 29, 1875. A poor boy, he was obliged to go to work, with scanty education, early in life, as a blacksmith. But brains, good character and perseverance enabled him to make his way as well as many of the collegians. He came to New York about 1845, and engaged in the manufacture of platform and other scales for weighing. He subse- quently undertook construction work, and pushed ahead until he ranked as one of the largest contractors of New York city. For a time partner of Charles Guidet, he helped build a portion of the Brooklyn Water Works. In 1863, in company with William Devoe and Shepherd L. Knapp, Mr. Brown obtained a contract to clean the streets of New York city for ten years. A year later, the contract was sold to Judge Whiting, who, in turn, sold it three years later to Mr. Brown, who held it until 1872, and then disposed of it to the Police Commission. In 1868, he contracted to grade Central Avenue from Macomb's dam to the Yonkers township line, and accomplished the work in two }-ears. He built the high service tower at High Bridge, which is employed to pump Croton water to the elevated parts of the city, and also contracted for laying the water mains, six feet in diameter, from 92d street for a long distance towards High Bridge. When The Long Island Bridge Co. was formed, with a view to bridge the East River at the lower end of Blackwell's Island, he was made its president. He retired from active business in 1872. A son was his only child. WALSTON HILL BROWN, contractor and banker, born in Cincinnati, O., June 6, 1842, is a son of Augustus J. Brown, lawyer, who removed from Bangor, Me., to Cincinnati and became a partner there of General Nat. McLean for many years, remov- ing in 1852 with his family to New York. Walston graduated from Columbia College in 1864, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. He never practiced, however. In 1869, his father and he founded the banking firm of Augustus J. Brown & Co., in New York, succeeded in 1877 by Walston H. Brown & Co. This house is yet in existence. Early in his career, Mr. Brown was drawn into railroad building as a contractor. As a mem- ber of the firm of Merriam & Brown, he aided in building in 1870 The Sioux City & St. Paul Railroad, and was a member of a committee comprising David Dows, H . H. Por- ' rltrt*nA who, in 1812, made the first cotton thread ever used in sewing. When Napoleon seized Hambuyg and destroyed the silk in that port, Peter Clark, who had been making silk needle twine in Paisley, found himself obliged to search for a substitute for silk in its manufacture, and made experiments with cotton thread, winding it on bobbins with his own hands, for sale to ladies in Paisley. Convinced that his discovery was valuable, he abandoned the making of twine and founded the great spool cotton industry, which has ever since been carried on by the family. George A. Clark began life in the employment of Kerr & Co., of Hamilton, Ont. Four years later he returned to Scotland, to engage in the manufacture of Paiseley shawls. In 1850, his brother-in- law, Peter Kerr, and he undertook the manufacture of cotton thread, their interests being afterward merged with those of the Clark Bro's. In 1856, Mr. Clark came to THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CL. 143 New York, to promote the sale of Clark threads here, and, in 1864, was led by the American tariff on foreign thread to start a small factory in Newark. In 1865, The Passaic Thread Co. was organized by him, with George A., Alexander and William Clark and Thomas Barbour as incorporators. Gigantic works were constructed and put into operation in 1866. Their venture was successful. Mr. Clark was a member of The Board of Trade of Newark and The People's Fire Insurance Company. HORACE F. CLARK, LL.D., lawyer, a native of Southbury, Conn., born Nov. 29, 1815, died in New York city, June 19, 1873. He was graduated from Williams College in 1833, and in 1837, began practice of the law, attaining distinction as a hard working, prudent and far-seeing practitioner. In 1848, he married a favorite daughter of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. He served in Congress an an anti-Lecompton Democrat, 1857-61. After 1857, railroads occupied his principal attention, leading him into the directorate of The New York & Harlem Railroad and various other lines; and into heavy and successful operations in stocks in Wall street. He displayed great capacity, and, at the time of his death, was an officer in the management of as many miles of railroad as any other man of his day. He was president of The Lake Shore, Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana and The Union Pacific Railroads; and a director of The New York Central & Hudson River, The Harlem, The New Haven, Hartford & Springfield, The Shore Line, The Chicago & Northwestern Railroads, among others, as well as of The Western Union Telegraph Co. He was also president of The Union Trust Co. In the assault upon the Tweed ring, Mr. Clark did valiant work. When the robbers had been driven out he joined Tammany Hall. Mr. Clark had one child, Marie Louise, who was thrice married and died in 1894. WILLIAM CLARK, manufacturer, born in Paisley, Scotland, in 1841, is a son of the late John Clark, of James & John Clark, manufacturers of cotton thread. He was educated in the local grammar schools, and at once entered the thread factory founded by his ancestors. Coming to the United States in 1860, he joined his brother, George A. Clark, in the general agency of the Clark threads in America. In 1 864, the broth- ers started a cotton thread factory in Newark, being identified with The Passaic Thread Co. from the start. In 1873, William Clark rose to seniority in the house. A great spooling factory was built and the thread works were enlarged under his adminis- tration. The works now occupy ten acres of ground on the banks of the Passaic river. He is treasurer of The Clark Thread Co., a partner in George A. Clark & Bro., and a member of the Union League, New York Yacht and American Yacht clubs of New York, and the Essex and Essex County Country clubs, of Newark. Numerous public institutions owe much to his generosity. BENJAfllN Q. CLARKE, iron manufacturer, born in Easton, Pa., in 1820, died in Antwerp, Belguim, Aug. 12, 1892. Early in life he began business in the iron and steel trade, and remained prominent in the industry until the end of his days. He was a founder of The Thomas Iron Co. , at Hokendauqua, Pa. , one of the largest pig iron concerns in the country, and largely interested in The Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co., The Lackawanna Iron & Coal Co. , The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, The Tilley Foster Iron Co., The Hudson River Ore & Iron Co., The New Jersey Zinc & Iron Co., of which he was president, and eight or ten other pipe, iron or steel com- panies. During the Civil War, Mr. Clarke excelled in devotion to the Union. His advice was often sought on matters of importance by the Government, and he devoted 144 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. much of his time and means to the Union cause, until the War was over. A man of noble presence and generous heart, he took great interest in assisting young men in their early struggles. He was a member of the Union League Club, a member of Dr. Parkhurst's church, and much interested in the local reform movement initiated by that clergyman. Mrs. Mary E. Thompson, Mrs. Julia M. Finck, and Anne M. and Ada Clarke are his children. HENRY CLAUSEN, brewer, born in New York city, Aug. n, 1838, died here, Dec. 28, 1893. He was the son of -Henry Clausen, founder of the brewing establish- ments of this family. The lad's education in the public schools and under private tutors was supplemented by four years of study abroad. He grew up in the brewery started by his father about 1857, and became a partner in 1866, and when, in 1870, a corporation was formed, its president. A few years ago when English capital sought investments in the United States, H. Clausen & Son, and Flannagan, Nay & Co., con- solidated and organized The New York Breweries Co., with a capital of $4,500,000, admitting a syndicate of English capitalists to part ownership. Mr. Clausen retained his individual interest. He was at one time president of The United States Brewers' Congress and of The Brewers' Association of New York city, and one of the managers of The Produce Exchange. At his death, he held the positions of vice-president of The Murray Hill Bank and Brewers' Ice Co., and director in The Harvey Peak Tin Milling & Mining Co., The Mount Morris Electric Light Co., and The Consolidated Gas Co The Manhattan and Liederkranz clubs admitted him to membership. In politics, he was naturally a Democrat, and served in the State Assembly, and as Alderman-at-large of this city. Three sons and a daughter survived him. HENRY CLEWS, stock broker, banker and author, a native of Staffordshire, England, is the son of a manufacturer of goods for the American market. His parents wished that he might enter the ministry, but temperament fitted him for a more active life. At the age of fifteen, he visited America with his father, and became so fascinated with the animation and opportunities of the new world, that he decided to remain here. After a thorough training in the store of Wilson G. Hunt & Co., importers of woolen goods, he entered Wall street in 1859, as a partner in Stout, Clews & Mason, stock brokers and bankers, afterward Livermore, Clews & Co. During the Civil War, his firm acted as agents for the sale of Government 5-20 bonds, and, with Jay Cooke & Co., were largely instrumental in making that loan a success. After the War, he devoted his attention to banking and a commission, bonds and stocks business. He organized the present firm of Henry Clews & Co. in 1877, the different members of which pledged themselves never to take speculative risks. They deal in investment securities, have excellent connections abroad, and employ over a hundred clerks. A few years ago, Mr. Clews wrote " Twenty-Eight Years in Wall Street," which was well received and is yet frequently quoted. He is a liberal contributor to the support of public institutions, and a member of the Union League and Union clubs. In 1874, he married Miss Lucy Madison Worthington of Kentucky, a grand niece of President Madison. WILLlAfl P. CLYDE, shipping merchant, born in November, 1839, is a son of the founder of the Clyde line of coasting steamers. He graduated from Trinity College, and began business life in the office of his father, where he received such a training as acquainted him fully with the management of freight and passenger steamers. He THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 145 has succeeded to the business which is now conducted under the name of William P. Clyde & Co. Mr. Clyde is one of our most respected merchants. He has become thoroughly identified with the life of the city, and is a member of the Union League, Down Town, Riding, St. Anthony, Racquet, New York Yacht, and Trinity Alumni clubs. GEORGE SinMONS COE, banker, a native of Newport, R. I., was born March 27 1817. Anglo-Saxon in his ancestry, he descends from John Alden and Priscilla Mullins, the latter the first female child born in America in the earliest Pilgrim com- pany. His father, Adam S. Coe, a man of strong common sense and religious faith, was a maker of cabinet furniture. George went from the common schools at the age of fourteen, to a country store, where he served for four years. He then entered a bank as general clerk, sweeper and messenger, later being bookkeeper and teller. Meanwhile, bv extra services, he added to his earnings, and by constant reading improved his store of knowledge. In 1838, he entered the bank of Prime, Ward & King, in New York city, where he continued about six 3 r ears, and then removed to Cincinnati, to represent the firm in a banking and commission business. Later, he became cashier of The Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Co., in New York, resigning to engage in banking on his own account, as partner in a house already established. In 1856, he was elected cashier of The American Exchange Bank, of which institution, in a few months, he became vice- president, and, in 1860, president, which office he held until 1894, when he was forced by illness to retire, after a service of nearly forty years. It was Mr. Coe who conceived the idea of combining the local banks in the Clearing House, and of making use of Clearing House certificates. James Punnett, president of The Bank of America, and James Gallatin, of The National Bank, strongly endorsed the young financier's idea, and it was unanimously adopted. Clearing House certificates have since been re- sorted to in the years 1873, 1884, 1890 and 1893, on each occasion with good results. By the same expedient, the banks were enabled to combine their resources so as to subscribe for 150,000,000 of Government bonds at the beginning of the War, which they would not otherwise have done. Mr. Coe has taken an active interest in The National Bankers' Association, and, in 1881, was elected its president. He is treasurer of The Children's Aid Society, trustee of The Mutual Life Insurance Co., director of The Fidelity & Casualty Co., The Commercial Cable Co., and The Postal Telegraph Cable Co. ; an officer in the Presbyterian Church ; and member of The Board of Foreign >ns. Mr. Coe has lived in the beautiful suburb of Englewood, N. J., for a num- ber of years, but is a member of the Reform Club and New England Society. He was married, June 15, 1843, to Almira Stanley, of New Britain, Conn., and on Nov. 5, 1887, to Mary E. Bigelow, of Englewood. To him and first wife were born Edward Paine and Alice Stanley Coe. CHARLES LEWIS COLBY, banker, a native of Roxbury, Mass., now part of Boston, was born May 22, 1839. He is a son of Gardner Colby, and descends from English ancestry. Graduating from Brown University in 1858, with the degree of B.A., he found his first occupation in the shipping house of Page, Richardson & Co. In 1 86 1, he made his home in New York city, and organized the shipping firm of Dunbar & Colby, of which, in 1 864, on the death of the senior partner, he became sole pro- prietor. In 1870, at the request of his father, he interested himself in the construction of The Wisconsin Central Railroad, and finally abandoned business in New York to I4 6 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. devote himself entirely to railroad and mining interests in the West. This resulted, in 1874, in removal to Milwaukee, where he became an active citizen, interested in many useful and public enterprises. Gardner Colby, president of The Wisconsin Central Railroad, being obliged by reason of ill health to resign his position before the line was completed, Charles succeeded him in the presidency, finished the railroad, and assumed a leading part in building up the railroad system of Northern and Central Wisconsin. He was president and treasurer of The Wisconsin Central Railroad, The Milwaukee & Lake Winnebago, The Wisconsin & Minnesota, The Chippewa Falls & Western, The Minnesota, St. Croix & Western, The Penokee, The Chicago, Wisconsin & Minnesota, and The Chicago Great Western Railroads. He was also the first to develop the iron regions of northwestern Michigan. The Colby mine, the first one opened, belonged to The Penokee & Gogebic Development Co., of which Mr. Colby was president and treasurer. He afterward became president of The Consolidated Mines and The Aurora Iron Mining Co. Greatly occupied with all these interests, Mr. Colby, nevertheless, found time for charitable religious and educational work. He contributed the larger portion of the funds required for the construction of two churches in Milwaukee, was next to one of the largest contributors of the Y. M. C. A. building, and gave the Babies' Home the land on which their building stands, besides being a regular contributor to,i and efficient friend of, most of the charitable institutions of that society. The Wayland University at Beaver Dam received a large gift from his generous hand. In politics, Mr. Colby is a staunch Republican, and his speeches during the Garfield and Elaine campaigns met with an enthusiastic reception. He was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature in 1876, and was sought for other higher political positions, which, how- ever, he declined on the ground that duty to his associates in business would not permit him to forsake them. Mr. Colby returned to New York in 1890, and has since been senior partner of the firm of Colby & Hoyt, in Wall street. He is a member of the Union League, Metropolitan, Lawyers', Down Town, University, and Brown Uni- ': versity clubs, and the Alpha Delta Phi, The Sons of the Revolution, and The New England Society; and a honorary member of The American Society of Civil Engin- eers. Since graduation, the honorary degree of A. M. has been bestowed upon him, as well as an election as honorary member of . B. K. He has for several years been president of the Brown University club, and is also a Fellow of that University. He has also served at different times as president of the international convention of the Y. M. C. A., vice-president of The American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, trustee of the Y. M. C. A. of New York city, and president of The New York Baptist Mission Society. Mr. Colby is a director of The Mercantile National Bank, and The Farmers' Loan & T*rust Co. JAHES B. COLGATE, banker, born in New York city, March 4, 1818, is a son of William Colgate, who came to America in 1798, settled in Harford county, Md., and, in 1804, removed to New York, where he established the now widely known industry of manufacturing Colgate's soaps. James B. Colgate has been for many years a banker and dealer in securities and bullion. Although he makes his home in the adjoining suburb of Yonkers, he has contributed generously to the support of the great museums and art institutions of New York and to the promotion of the work of the Baptist church. One of his latest gifts was a $60,000 house of worship for The First Baptist Church of White Plains. Large donations have been made to The War- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 147 burton Avenue Baptist Church in Yonkers, Madison University, Rochester University, Rochester Theological Seminary, Colby Academy, Peddie Institute and Columbian University. He is a member of the Down Town and New England Society. ROBERT COLGATE, manufacturer, born in 1812, died July 4, 1885. He was the oldest son of William Colgate, manufacturer of soaps, and had the advantage of beginning life in an established industry. While long connected with his father's firm, his greatest achievement was the manufacture of white lead by corrosion for use in paints. About 1845, he organized the firm of Robert Colgate & Co., built works in the city of Brooklyn under the name of The Atlantic White Lead & Linseed Oil Co., and by able management and courageous perseverance, made his factories the largest of their class in the world. His children were Robert, Abner W., Romulus B., .,'iana and Alice R. Colgate. The family made their home in Riverdale on the Hudson. His son, SAflUEL JAMES COLGATE, manufacturer, born in this city, in died here, Feb. 15,1 893. He entered The Atlantic White Lead & Linseed Oil Works at twenty-one years of age, and in 1885, succeeded his father as president, continuing in the office until 1889. While the inheritor of large means, he was a man of enterprise, and conducted his business successfully. In 1882, he married Cora, daughter of Samuel Smith of New Orleans, and his wife, with one daughter, Adele S. Colgate, survived him. Mr. Colgate was prominent in social life, possessing the acquaintance of a large circle of refined friends, and being a member of the Union, Knickerbocker, Racquet, Down Town, Riding, Hudson River Ice Yacht, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht clubs. He was the first commodore of the latter club and the origin- ator of the Corinthian races. At Uplands, his country place at New Hamburg, N. Y.. Archibald Rogers and he managed the Dutchess County Hunt. SAMUEL COLGATE, manufacturer, son of the late William Colgate, was born in Xc\v York city, March 22, 1822. At an early age he took a position in the works of Colgate & Co., manufacturers of soap, and has since devoted his business life to this industry, being now senior partner in the concern. Mr. Colgate has been a patron of the benevolent enterprises of the Baptist denomination. In conjunction with his brother, James B. Colgate, he erected the Colgate academy building, in Hamilton, X. Y., at an expense of $60,000. He is president of The New York Baptist Educa- tion Society, and of The Society for the Suppression of Vice, and a member of The Board of the American Tract Society. DAVIS COLLAMORE, merchant, born in Scituate, Mass., Oct. 7, 1820, died in Orange, N. J., Aug. 13, 1887. His ancestors were among the first settlers of the town, coming from England in 1640. The pioneer, Peter Collamer, died without children, leaving his estate to his nephew, Anthony Collamer, who was the progenitor of nearly all of the name in this country. About 1700, the spelling of the name was changed to , Collamore, although some of the descendants of Captain Anthony, among them the late Hon. Jacob Collamer, of Vermont, have retained the original orthography. Col. John Collamore, father of Davis, a man of the stern old Puritan type, was twice a member of the Massachusetts Legislature and one of the Convention to revise the State Con- stitution in 1820. His wife, Michal Curtis was a woman of sweet and gentle nature. ', Davis Collamore, the youngest of twelve children, inherited from his parents that mingling of strength and gentleness so attractive in his character. In 1836, he came to New York and entered the china and glass store of his brother, Ebenezer Collamore, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 149 Xo. 151 Broadway. It had been his earnest desire to study law, but his resolute character appeared in the fact that, having once decided to give up a cherished plan, he entered thoroughly into the vocation chosen for him and pursued it to success. In 1842, "he established himself in business, at his own risk, at No. 595 Broadway, and was enabled about a year later to marry Hannah Augusta Fiske, a Bostonian by birth. Thev had four children. Mrs. Collamore died Nov. 13, 1882. Mr. Collamore's refined taste led him to emphasize the artistic quality of his china. He did much to cultivate public taste, and to increase the love of ceramic art. In 1886, the firm of Davis Colla- more & Co. became a stock company, with Mr. Collamore as president. As a young man Mr. Collamore was a member of the 7th Regiment, and on duty at the the Astor Place riot. The recollection of his boyhood home was ever fascinating to him, and as soon as business cares would allow, he purchased a beautifully wooded tract of seventy acres on the eastern slope of the Orange mountains. There he built a country home, which was a constant source of pleasure to him. It was beautiful, not only from its surroundings, but on account of what it grew to be under the direction of a man of true culture and refinement. Mr. Collamore was an active member of The American Jersey Cattle Club, and a founder of The New England Society of Orange, N. J. The members of the society respected Mr. Collamore for the purity of his life, the gentleness of his manners, and the traits which marked him pre-eminently the Christian gentleman. WASHINGTON EVERETT CONNOR, financier, one of the most conspicuous stock brokers in Wall street for many years after his entrance to the Stock Exchange in 1871, now occupies an enviable position in the financial world. He was born Dec. i ; . 1 849, on Spring street in this city, in a house standing next to that in which his grandfather had been born, and which, with some adjoining property, had been owned by Mr. Connor's father for more than half a century. This locality was included in the ancient village of Greenwich, whither the city government of New York fled in 1822-23, for security during the cholera epidemic. The elder Connor was a well known merchant of the Ninth Ward, and, for over thirty-six years, connected with The Greenwich Bank. At an early age, the boy entered the public school in Clark street, from which he graduated to enter the College of New York, then known as the Free Academy. He proved a bright scholar, always ranked high in his class, and especially excelled in mathematics. After a year in college, he entered commercial life, having secured a clerkship in the banking house of H. C. Stimson & Co. The head of this firm being a heavy speculator in stocks, Mr. Connor was thus brought into contact with many noted figures in financial circles, among them Commodore Vanderbilt, and secured a valuable train- ing in Wall street tactics. His experience developed the possession of unsuspected talent and determined his vocation for life. Ready, appreciative, and faithful to duty, he soOn acquired a technical knowledge of the stock brokerage business, and, when he came of age, self-reliant, conscious of his own strength, and ambitious, he purchased a seat in the Stock Exchange, and was admitted to membership Oct. 6, 1871. From the beginning of his Wall street career, Mr. Connor met with marked suc- cess. Clear headed, prompt, devoted to the interests of his clients, and agreeable in manners, he soon drew to himself a large number of important clients. Having attracted the notice of Jay Gould, Mr. Connor was entrusted by him with various com- r go AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. missions, which he executed with brilliant energy and entire success. The great financier was a competent judge of men, and, in 1881, he formed a partnership with the young broker, under the name of W. E. Connor & Co., and, in time, pleased with his adroitness, energy and audacity, admitted him to intimate friendship. George J. Gould became a member of the firm upon attaining his majority. For many years, both before and after 1881, Mr. Connor was the confidential representative of Jay Gould, and was entrusted with the management of many important operations in Wall street. He was also a favorite broker of Russell Sage and other leading capitalists in Wall street. By unsparing labor and able and sagacious, management, he created an extensive business, which, with his own operations at the Exchange, brought him an ample fortune. The successes of Mr. Connor and Mr. Gould have been world famed. While that partnership existed, financiers marvelled at the secrecy with which they conducted their business. Mr. Connor had learned the art of dealing through a large number of brokers at once, some of them buying, some of them selling stocks for him, and all unaware of the real object of the campaign in which they were engaged. When Jay Gould made his famous campaign in the stock of The Western Union Telegraph Co. , which resulted in the transfer of control from the Vanderbilt to the Gould interest, the purchases of stock made by W. E. Connor & Co. were so well covered that Wall street entertained the impression that the firm were heavily short of the stock, when, as a matter of fact, they were the the principal buyers. Washington E. Connor himself conducted all the operations ; and the manner in which the transaction was managed was always a matter of much satisfaction to Jay Gould, who subsequently frequently referred to the articles published in the newspapers, predicting that he would be defeated. During the panic of 1884, it was ascertained that W. E. Connor & Co. were bor- rowers to the extent of $12,000,000; and a combination was promptly formed on the street to force Mr. Connor and Mr. Gould to the wall. Attacks were made on their credit, various brokers and financial institutions were induced to exclude Missouri Pacific securities from their loans, and every pressure which could be brought to bear against them was used as strongly as possible. The policy of the firm, however, of giving twice as much margin for their loans as other houses and of "notifying the loaners of money that they could have more margin if they desired, demonstrated that they were in pos- session of ample security. Wall street, instead of forcing Mr. Connor and Mr. Gould to sell their securities, made heavy losses through being "short" of Missouri Pacific. So great were these losses, that, when the time for reckoning came, there were one hundred and- forty-seven houses on Wall street "short" of and borrowing Missouri Pacific stock from W. E. Connor & Co. The price of the stock was rapidly carried from 64 to par; and the principal t "bears" saw themselves forced to cover at between 95 and par, at great loss to themselves and equally great gain to W. E. Connor & Co. In 1886, Mr. Gould retired from Wall street and Mr. Connor followed a year later. During recent years, Mr. Connor has gained an interest in The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago and The Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroads, and various other corpo- rations, and devoted himself to improving his properties. He has been a director of The American Union Telegraph Co., The Credit Mobilier, The Texas & Colorado Im- provement Co., The Metropolitan, The Manhattan and The New York Elevated Rail- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 151 way Go's and The New Jersey Southern Railroad, and president of The Central Con- struction Co. Wall street draws heavily upon the vitality of the leading spirits in that theatre of exciting competition, but Mr. Connor has preserved his health, clearness of mind, and physical vigor by open-air recreations. He was the owner of the steam yacht Utowana, and has spent much time cruising upon salt water. He is also a regular attendant at the opening nights of new plays and operas, a good billiard player, and a familiar fig- ure in many social clubs, in which his unfailing good nature, clear head, and wide experience render him a popular associate. A reader of excellent books, his mind is well stored with general information. His winter home is at No. 532 Madison avenue, and he maintains a summer cottage at Seabright on the Jersey coast. He has been elected to membership in a number of exclusive social clubs, including the Union League, Republican, Arkwright, Lotus, New York Athletic, American Yacht, Larch- mont Yacht and Boston Yacht, and with praiseworthy public spirit has long been a supporter of various important public institutions, including the three which have done so much to develop the art and educational interests of New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The American Museum of Natural History, and The Metropolitan Opera House Co., having been one of the original stockholders of the latter. Mr. Connor also stands very high in the Masonic fraternity. In 1877-78, he was Master of St. Nichola Lodge, 321; in 1879, District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixth Masonic District; in 1884, Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, and in 1885 was made Chief of Staff of the Grand Lodge of New York and Grand Treasurer 1887-89. He is now the Representative of the Grand Lodge of England. JAHES MANSELL CONSTABLE, merchant, was born in Sussex, England, in 1812. While a young man, he was persuaded by an uncle to accompany him on a pleasure trip to the United States. After his return to England, the future of the United States appeared so bright to him, that as a result of thinking the matter over for two or three years, he decided to make this country his future home and in 1840 sailed for New York. Upon his arrival, he visited Aaron Arnold, then of the firm of Arnold, Hearn & Co., founded in February, 1827, whom he hadknown on his previous visit, and decided to enter their employment. Two years afterward, in 1842, upon the retirement of the Messrs. Hearn, he became a partner of Mr. Arnold under the firm name of A. Arnold & Co. In 1853, when Richard, the only son of Aaron Arnold, was admitted to the firm, the style was changed to Arnold, Constable & Co., and as such has been con- tinued ever since. Mr. Constable married Henrietta, only daughter of Aaron Arnold, in 1844. Their surviving children are Frederick A., Harriet M., wife of Hicks Arnold, and Amy H., wife of Edwin H. Weatherbee. JOHN H. CONTOIT, realty owner, born in 1798, who died Oct. 2, 1885, was a son of John H. Contoit, a native of France, who established himself in this city in the early part of the century as a merchant of confectionery on Broadway between Murray and Warren streets. He was the favorite purveyor of ice cream for the prosperous families of that time. Mr. Contoit gained large means which he invested in real estate. The son suc- ceeded his father in the business and conducted the New York Garden and confection- ery store on Broadway, opposite the old Carlton House, which he made a famous and fashionable resort. He was a very clear headed, capable, and judicious man, and with confidence in the future of New York as the commercial emporium of the United States, 152 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. followed his father's example and invested his means almost wholly in real estate, which afterward increased enormously in value. His children were Maria Hall and Charles H. Contoit. HENRY HARVEY COOK, capitalist, a native of Cohocton, Steuben county, N. Y., was born May 13, 1822, and is the oldest surviving son of the late Judge Constant Cook, lawyer and farmer of Warren, N. Y. The family traces its line to persons of noble extraction in England, and was founded in America by Capt. Thomas Cook of Earle's Colne in Essex, England, who settled in Boston before 1637. Henry left the academy in Canandaigua to serve as a dry goods clerk in Auburn and in Bath, N. Y. , a year in each place, and in 1844, engaged in mercantile pursuits in Bath, retiring ten years later with means. In 1854, his father and he organized The Bank of Bath under State laws, reorganizing as a national bank in 1864. Mr. Cook served as cashier until 1874, and then became president of the bank. Mr. Cook came to New York city in 1875, entered financial life, and is now a prominent man in the railroad world. He inherited some means, but has made his way chiefly by his own abilities. Operations in stocks have occupied him to some extent, and his ventures have been exceedingly successful. He is a director of The Union Pacific Railroad, The American Surety Co., The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, The Buffalo, New York & Erie Railroad, The State Trust Co. and The National Bank of North America. His wife is Mary, daughter of William W. McCay of Bath, agent of the Poultney estate, and his children are Mrs. Clinton D. MacDougall, Mrs. M. Rumsey Miller, Mrs. C. F. Gansen, and Mrs. C. de Heredia. Among his clubs are the Metropolitan, Union League and Riding. He is also a life member of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Historical and Geo- graphical Societies. PETER COOPER, manufacturer, born in New York city, Feb. 12, 1791, died here April 4, 1883. At the time of his birth, this city contained less than 30,000 inhabitants. His father and his mother's father were soldiers of the American Revolution. The early life of Peter Cooper was full of hardship, and his original schooling was confined to an attendance every other day for one year. To earn a support, he secured employ- ment in a carriage shop in 1808, at $25 a year and board, and when he had become an expert workman, invented a machine for mortising the hubs of carriage wheels, which proved of great value. His earnings were at first spent largely for books and the services of a teacher in the evening. At Hempstead, L. I., he toiled for five years at $1.50 a day, and having saved $500, illustrated the nobility of his character by giving it all to relieve the necessities of his parents. Having invented an apparatus for shearing the nap from woolen cloth, he manufactured a number of the machines and then returned to New York, where he established himself as a merchant of groceries. Prosperity now rewarded his enterprise, and he soon established a glue and isinglass factory. Mr. Cooper was a very ingenious man, and he so improved the manufacture of glue as finally to control the trade of the country. This industry was the foundation of his fortune. In 1828, he purchased 3,000 acres of land in Baltimore, Md., on which he built iron furnaces and a rolling mill and a few locomotives. In 1830, he constructed from his own designs, for The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, what is said to have been the first locomotive constructed on this continent. The Baltimore industry he sold a few years later at a profit. He also built in New York wire works and a rolling mill, which were afterward removed to Trenton, became the pioneer manufacturer of railroad iron THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 153 in this country, and operated blast furnaces at Trenton and Philipsburg. A supply of iron ore was drawn in part from mines of his own at Andover. In his various industries, 2,500 men found employment. Mr. Cooper possessed remarkable mechanical ability and inventiveness. He was active in the development of the telegraph system of the United States, becoming president of The American Telegraph Co., and The North American Telegraph Association. Marshall O. Roberts, Cyrus W. Field, Wilson G. Hunt and he and a few other associates, laid the first Atlantic cable. Mr. Cooper's greatest philanthophic work was the founding of The Cooper Union for the advancement of Science and Art. Begun in 1854, the building was finished five years later, at an original cost, exclusive of the site, of nearly $1,000,000. The public hall in the basement of this building has since become historic for the large number of great public meetings held within its walls. Mr. Cooper was married in 1813 to Sarah Bedel, at Hempstead. Two children survived him, Edward Cooper and Sarah Amelia, wife of Abram S. Hewitt. His son, EDWARD COOPER, manufacturer, grew up in the counting room of Peter Cooper & Co., and since 1883, has been the senior partner of the house, now known as Cooper, Hewitt & Co. He is a very capable and energetic man, has made his own position, and is a highly respected citizen. Under his admin- istration. The Trenton Iron Works, The Trenton Iron Co., The Pequest Furnace in Oxford, N. J., and The Dunham Iron Works at Riegelsville, Pa., all well managed concerns, have increased their production to about 60,000 tons of pig iron annually, and a large quantity of bridge, roof and other structural iron and steel. Mr. Cooper has taken part in the direction of The United States Trust Co. , The American Sulphur Co., The New Jersey Steel & Iron Co., The New York & Greenwood Lake Railway, The American Electric Elevator Co., The Chrysolite Silver Mining Co. and The Metro- politan Opera House Co. He is a Democrat and has been Mayor of New York. AUSTIN CORBIN, railroad president, a native of Newport, N. H., was born July ii, 1827. His father, Austin Corbin, was a farmer and for several years a State Sen- ator in New Hampshire. The son graduated from Harvard Law School and practiced law for two years in New Hampshire, having as a partner Ralph Metcalf, afterward Governor of the State. In 1851, he removed to Davenport, Iowa, practiced law with success, and then engaged in banking, being the only banker in Davenport who did not close his doors in 1857. He reorganized, June 29, 1863, as The First National Bank of Davenport, having the honor to be the first man in the United States to begin banking under the Federal law. In 1865, he came to New York and engaged extensively in banking and the negotiation of mortgage loans on farms in Iowa and other Western States. The Corbin Banking Co., of which he is the head, was established in 1873. He has become famous chiefly through his marked ability and success in railroad enter- prises. His first operation was the reorganization of The Indiana, Bloomington & Western Railroad, which under his presidency was made a paying property. In 1 880, he turned his attention to The Long Island Railroad, purchased a large number of shares, and became receiver and president of the company, Jan. i, 1881. Mr. Corbin's management resulted in payment of the debts, reconstruction of the roadway, and a high state of prosperity. He promoted travel by developing the attractions of Coney Island, Manhattan Beach, Rockaway Beach, Long Beach, and other resorts on the sea coast, gradually placing the road in excellent condition and its traffic upon a profitable basis. Having revealed himself as one of the most capable and practical railroad men AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in the United States, he became prominently identified with the reorganization of The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co., and served as its president from September, 1886, to June 27, 1890. Having been appointed receiver of that company in October, 1886, he repeated his previous successes with great eclat. He is now president of The Long Island Railroad, The Elmira, Cortland & Northern Railroad, The Manhattan Beach Co., The Manhattan Beach Hotel & Land Co., and The New York & Rockaway Beach Railway; and a director of The American Exchange National Bank, The Western Union Telegraph Co., The New York, Brooklyn & Manhattan Beach Railway, The Nassau Fire Insurance Co., and The Mercantile Trust Co. In 1853, he was married to Hannah M., daughter of Simeon Wheeler, of Newport, N. H., and his children are Isabella, wife of George S. Edgell, Anna and Austin Corbin, jr. One other daughter, Mary, the eldest of the family, married Rene Cherennot Champollion, grandson of the famous Egyptian scholar, but she died in Paris, June 5, 1892. The husband had previously died in this country. They left one son, Andre, the only male descendant of the family of the illus- trious Champollion, who is being educated in America. Mr. Corbin's clubs are the Manhattan, Reform, Players', Lawyers', Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Meadow Brook, and South Side Sportsmen's clubs. JOHN B. CORNELL, manufacturer, born at Rockaway, on Long Island, Feb. 7, 1821, died in Lakewood, N. J., Oct. 26, 1887. His ancestor, Thomas Cornell, of Cornell's Neck, born in England in 1595, died in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1655. Reared 'upon his father's farm, Mr. Cornell, at the age of fifteen, began to learn the trade of iron manufacturing. In 1847, with his brother, W. W. Cornell, he opened a factory in New York, which subsequently grew to large proportions. At these works the pro- prietors made an immense amount of architectural iron, including the iron for the elevated railroads in New York city. In 1867, Mr. Cornell admitted his son to partner- ship, taking the firm name of J. B. & J. M. Cornell. A devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a practical" Christian. Mr. Cornell devoted a certain percentage of his annual income to benevolent purposes. As his wealth increased, his gifts grew proportionately. His annual contributions to the Methodist church fre- quently amounted to $50,000. Over 100 churches, within as many miles of New York, profited more or less by his munificence. At the time of his death, he was active in various charitable societies and the Union League club, a director of The Broadway Savings Bank, and the only Christian member of The Hebrew Society for the Improve- ment of Deaf Mutes. Seven children were born to him. His son, JOHN n. CORNELL, iron manufacturer, was born in New York city, Aug. 27, 1846. He left school at fifteen years of age, and then learned a trade in his father's shops. Upon attaining his majority, he was taken into partnership in J. B. & J. M. Cornell, and since 1887, has been sole proprietor of the works. The use of iron and steel in the framework of modern buildings is a new science, to which Mr. Cornell has given patient and careful study, and he has manufactured enormous quantities of these metals in structural shapes. Some of the most conspicuous buildings in New York city, erected since the era of gigantic structures began, about twenty years ago, have been supplied with the interior frame work, which supports all the rest, from the Cornell shops. Among them are the Hotel New Netherland, the Hotel Waldorf, The Times building, and numerous edifices in the lower part of the city. Mr. Cornell is a member of the Reform, Building Trades and Riding clubs. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 155 PETER CORTELYOU CORNELL, manufacturer, born in Red Hook, on Long Island, X. Y., in 1803, died in the city of Brooklyn, May 5, 1885. He was a son of John Cornell, proprietor of a large flour mill. The family were of English and Dutch pedigree, the Cornells tracing their line to the Cornewells, who ranked among the landed gentry of England several centuries ago. Thomas Cornell, founder of the family here, received a grant of Cornell's Neck from Governor Kieft, in 1646. Peter entered business life at an early age, and promoted a great variety of enterprises. He was for many years prosper- ously engaged in the manufacture of gunpowder, as president of The Hazard Powder Co. on Wall street. He also aided in the establishment of local gas works, ferry lines, banks, and white lead works in Brooklyn. His wife was Elizabeth Bunce. They had no children. HANSON K. CORNING, merchant, born in 1821, died in Para, Brazil, April 22, 1878. He was one of the leading merchants in the South American trade in this city, and imported rubber and other tropical products for many years with success. He owned a large area of land in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota. Retiring in 1856, he was succeeded by his son, Ephraim L. Corning, who, later, himself withdrew from business, and made his home in Geneva, Switzerland. Three children were born to him, Ephraim L. Corning, Margaretta C. Stone and Anna M. Eraser. An invalid during the last twenty years of his life, he bore his sufferings with fortitude, and dis- played the beauty of his character by large contributions to The Presbyterian Mission in Brazil, The American Bible Society, and other philanthropic institutions. FREDERICK H. COSSITT, merchant, born in Granby, Conn., Dec. 18, 1811, died in Xew York city, Sept. 23, 1887. His ancestors, French by descent, enrolled them- selves among the early settlers of Connecticut, going there as early as 1720. Mr. Cossitt received his education in the public schools and Westfield (Mass.), Academy. In 1827, a relative conducting a dry goods store in Clarksville, Tenn., gave the young man employment and a business training. Five years later, Mr. Cossitt removed to La Grange, Tenn., where he managed a dry goods house with an uncle. From 1835 to 1842, he was a dry goods merchant in Pontotoc, Miss., and Helena, Ark., and in the latter year started a wholesale dry goods store in Memphis, which he conducted until 1861. Finding it necessary to be represented in Xew York, he made his home in this city in 1850, thereafter making the purchases for his Southern trade. His attention having been drawn to metropolitan real estate as an investment, he made heavy pur- chases on Broadway and other important streets, and the increase in value of this property brought him a fortune. He was well informed concerning railroad properties, and served as a trustee of The Mutual Life Insurance Co., vice-president of The Central Trust Co., and director of The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., and The Greenwich Savings Bank. Three daughters survived him, May C., wife of George E. Dodge; Helen M., wife of Augustus D. Juilliard; and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Stokes. PATRICK CARROLL COSTELLO, tanner, was born in 1829, and is a son of Will- iam Costello, a tanner. He is of Irish ancestry. From the common schools he went into his father's tannery. Having learned the useful art of making leather, he became an operator on his own account in 1848, at Camden, X. Y., in the firm of P. & P. Cos- tello. Success inspired him with ambition, and, in 1873, he became a partner in the firm of Lapham, Costello & Co., of Xew York city. Thoroughly practical, clear-headed and energetic, Mr. Costello has risen to be one of the foremost tanners of these times. In 1886, the house was reorganized as P. C. Costello & Co. He has been a resident of I5 6 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. New York city since 1881, and his name is one of the most conspicuous in the leather trade in "the swamp." His firm dissolved in 1893, to join The United States Leather Co., one of the greatest corporations in the country, of which he is a director. He is a member of the Hide and Leather and Down Town clubs. CHARLES HENRY COSTER, banker, born in Newport, R. I., July 22, 1852, is a son of George W. and Elizabeth Oakey Coster, both of New York. His grandfather, John Gerard Coster, came from Holland at the close of the American Revolution, and rose to prominence as a New York merchant. The maternal grandfather, Daniel Oakey, an Englishman by birth, was also a merchant in this city. Sept. 12, 1867, Charles went down town to enter the office of Aymar & Co., at 34 and 35 South street, as a clerk. Occupied with the importation of tea, coffee, etc., for five years, Nov. i, 1872, he identified himself with Fabbri & Chauncey, at 47 and 48 South street. This firm took over the business of Aymar & Co. They were shipping and commission merchants, dealing principally with the West coast of South America and the Philippine Islands. Mr. Coster remained with them until October, 1883. Jan. i, 1884, he was ad- mitted to partnership in the great banking house of Drexel, Morgan & Co., of this city, Drexel & Co., of Philadelphia, and Drexel, Harjes& Co., of Paris, resident in New York. He has since proved a prudent, capable and useful member of these firms. Mr. Coster has joined the Metropolitan, City, St. Nicholas and Reform clubs, and is prominently connected with The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, The Southern Railway, The Elgin, Jo- liet & Eastern Railway, The General Electric Co., and The Edison Electric Illuminating Co. June 2, 1886, he married Emily Pell Coster and has two children, Emily and Helen. AMOS COTTINQ, merchant and banker, a native of Boston, Mass., born about 1827, died in New York city, May 13, 1889. He was a very enterprising and courageous man, who having spent about fifteen years in the dry goods business in St. Louis, came to New York with large means in 1866 with his partner, Mr Jameson, and established the bank of Jameson, Smith & Getting. Equally as successful in finance as in trade, Mr. Cotting retired Jan. i, 1889. He belonged to the Union League and other clubs, and was one of the most highly regarded men in the city. STAflATY COVAS, importer, born in Greece in 1816, died in New Brunswick, N. J , Sept. 16, 1881. He came to this country in 1851, locating in New Orleans as a merchant in the firm of Covas & Negreunde, but in 1861 removed to New York, where for twenty years he carried on a large exportation of raw cotton, and an importation of general merchandise. He was a member of the Produce and Cotton Exchanges, and by a long life of patient industry gained a large fortune. His wife Ethelind, and two children, survived him. The family made their home in New Brunswick, N. J. ELLIOT CHRISTOPHER COWDIN, importing merchant, born in Jamaica, Vt, Aug. 9, 1819, died in New York city, April 12, 1880. He was a son of Angier Cowdin, landowner, and came from Scottish ancestry. Capt. Thomas Cowdin, his grandfather, of Fitchburg, Mass., served his country in the American Revolution. Elliot spent his youth in Boston. After leaving the public schools he was employed by Allen & Mann, merchants of ribbons and millinery. Nine years of diligent and progressive service led to his admission as partner to the succeeding firm of W. H. Mann & Co. In 1853, he came to New York, and in the firm of Elliot C. Cowdin & Co., engaged in the importation of silks and silk ribbons, rising to a prominent place in the trade. The panic of 1857 left him almost impoverished, but his coolness, tenacity, and per- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CO. 157 sistent enterprise finally brought a large reward, and he retired in 1877 a man of means. During his whole life, Mr. Cowdin was remarkable for activity. A member of the Chamber of Commerce, and once president of The New England Society, he aided in founding, and became one of, the vice-presidents of the Union League club. He also joined the Century club. The purchase of merchandise led him constantly to Europe, and, in all, he crossed the Atlantic ocean eighty-six times. In general, he held aloof from political strife, but was, in 1862, defeated for Congress, and in 1876 elected to the State Assembly. In politics, a Republican, he spoke frequently on public matters, was vehement in his loyalty, outspoken in his views, and emphatic, though courteous, in their expression. For several years after 1869, he lived in Paris. On the approach of the Prussian army, during the Franco-Prussian war, he was obliged to leave the city. As a Commissioner to the French Exposition, Mr. Cowdin made a report on silk culture which received much praise. In 1853, he married Sarah Katharine, daughter of Samuel Wallis Waldron, of Boston, and their six children were Katharine Waldron, wife of Gaspar Griswold; John Elliot Cowdin; Martha Waldron, wife of Robert Bacon; Winthrop Cowdin; Alice, wife of Hamilton L. Hoppin, and Elliot C. Cowdin. ALFRED ABERNETHY COWLES, manufacturer, born in Torrington, Conn., Sept. 28, 1845, is a son of George P. Cowles, vice-president of The Ansonia Brass & Copper Co., until his death in 1887, and springs from English and Scottish ancestry. His mother was a daughter of Gen. R. C. Abernethy, of Scottish descent. Educated in the schools of Connecticut and at the Sorbonne in Paris, he began life as teller in The Ansonia National Bank. Through service in various positions in this institution he gained a thorough knowledge of banking. In 1867, he entered the employment of The Ansonia Brass & Copper Co. , gave close attention to the business, took charge of the New York office, and has risen to be vice president and executive manager of the company. The Ansonia Clock Co., which he took an active part in organizing in 1879, is now the largest establishment of its kind in the world. These two industries give employment to thousands of working people. Mr. Cowles has invested his savings largely in other industries, and is vice president of The Ansonia Clock Co. , president of The Birmingham Water Power Co., treasurer of The Ansonia Land & Water Power Co., and a director of other companies. In 1872, he was married to Miss Frances, daughter of William Bailey of Devonshire, England. Their children are Russel A. and Frederick H. Cowles. His clubs are the L T nion League, Fulton, Blooming Grove Park and Suburban. LOTTA M. CRABTREE, actress, while certainly not a successful man, is a very beautiful, worthy and successful woman. She was born in New York city, Nov. 7, 1847. Her father kept a book store for many years in Nassau street, New York, went to California in 1851, and there engaged in gold mining. His wife and daughter followed in 1854. Lotta made her first appearance on the amusement stage in 1855, as a singer in an amateur entertainment at La Porte. At the age of eleven she plaved the part of Gertrude in the "Loan of a Lover," at Petaluma. Shortly afterward the mother and daughter both became members of a theatrical company, which travelled through California in 1860. The success of Lotta was very great. To a piquant and bewitch- ing manner, she joined vigorous health, a bright mind and dramatic ability; and when, in 1864, she appeared in New York city in spectacular plays at Niblo's Garden, her audiences were large and the receipts profitable. Her reputation was established first i$8 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in John Brougham's " Little Nell and the Marchioness." She soon became a favorite with the American public, both in the large cities and the smaller towns, in comedy, and has usually played parts especially written for her. Her chief successes have been as "Topsy," " Sam Willoughby," "Firefly," "Zip," "Bob," "The Little Detective," and " Nitouche." Lotta is a good business woman, and has had the prudence to invest her earnings in real estate in New York city and Boston, the appreciation in value of which has made her rich. JACOB CRAfl, merchant and realty owner, born in Exeter, N. H.. about 1783, died in New York city, July 6, 1869. He was a classmate of Daniel Webster and Lewis Cass in the Exeter academy. He began the study of theology, but gave it up for a commercial life, entering a leading store in Boston. Gaining experience, to which he added by a tour of Europe, he returned and engaged in business on his own account. In 1816, he came to New York city, and was long known as a sound, upright, and enterprising merchant, gaining the confidence and esteem of the whole community. His fortune was invested mainly in uptown real estate, which rose enormously in value as the tide of population surged northwards over the island. He also owned property of this class in Chicago. Two sons, Henry C., and John Sergeant Cram, and two daughters survived him. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, dry goods merchant, born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in ' August, 1845, after attendance in the parish schools, began life as an apprentice in the dry goods store of Thomas Chalmers & Co., in Glasgow. In 1866, he came to America and found a clerkship with Hogg, Brown & Taylor, dry goods merchants, in Boston. Three years later, Scottish thrift enabled him to start a store of his own in Nashua, N. H. Later, he added branch stores in Manchester, N. H., and Taunton, Mass. At- tracted to New York by a favorable offer, he joined the firm of Richard Meares & Co., retail dry goods merchants, in September, 1877. He infused great energy into the affairs of the firm. In August, 1879, the house reorganized as Simpson, Crawford & Simpson, to succeed the business of Mr. Meares. Under the new firm, a highly suc- cessful dry goods business has been conducted, and the store on Sixth avenue is one of those which now form a necessary part of the route of ladies on a shopping tour. Both his partners have died, and Mr. Crawford is now sole proprietor, although retaining the previous name. He has joined the Manhattan, Lotus, Colonial, New York Athletic and Larchmont Yacht clubs. He is not married. RAMON FERNANDEZ CREADO Y GOMEZ, planter, born in Guines, Cuba, Dec. 20, 1825, died in Havana, June 8, 1882. His father was Fernandez Creado, a planter of Spanish blood, owned large estates and was widely known and respected. While Spanish rule in Cuba-had been uninterrupted, it had been frequently disturbed by insurrections, many of which during Mr. Creado's boyhood and youth were extensive and serious. The island abounded with rumor and intrigue, and the elder Creado deter- mined to educate his son in the United States, where he could have the advantage of the finest facilities and political tranquility. Accordingly, about 1840, the young Cuban began his studies in St. Mary's College, Baltimore, where he spent several years. Of an ardent and earnest nature, he early became an admirer of the American republic and qualified as a citizen of the United States. This step, whether entirely due to admiration for his adopted country, or the result of the unsettled condition of Cuba, proved the means eventually of preserving his life and preventing the loss of his THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CR. 159 estate. Called home by the death of his father, Mr. Creado found himself an object of suspicion. Having quelled the rebellion, the rapacity of the Spanish authorities knew no bounds. They plundered and maltreated wealthy planters at will, and the mere charge of sympathy with the rebellion was sufficient justification for any excess. Conspicuous wealth made Mr. Creado an object of attack. It is true that he freed every slave in his possession and treated those belonging to the undivided estate with great kindness, and that, beholding the outrages to which his friends were subjected, he sympathized secretly with the struggle of the insurgents for liberty in 1868, but well understanding the futility of the catise, he gave it no countenance by word or deed. This, however, was immaterial. The Spanish authorities desired his large estate, proclaimed him a rebel, and ordered the confiscation of his property. Escaping to the United States, Mr. Creado proved his citizenship in the United States, and for many years with slender resources, he struggled in vain to secure his property, William M. Evarts acting as his counsel. After long correspondence between the State Department at Washington and the Spanish Government, the justice of Mr. Creado's contention was recognized, the decree against him was rescinded, and in 1877 his property was restored. As soon as he considered it safe, Mr. Creado returned to Cuba and occupied himself with the mani- fold requirements of his neglected property, which consisted not only of extensive plan- tations but also of large blocks of valuable real estate in Havana. On his plantation ' Xeda," and wherever his influence could be felt, he introduced American improve- ments, and the American system of education. He also made every effort to compel the government to repay the income wrongfully appropriated during the years of his exile, but in this he failed. Mr. Creado made annual visits to New York, which he had learned by many years of residence to regard as home. He never married. JOHN DANIEL CRIMMINS, conspicuous as a contractor for the building of private and public works, descends from Irish stock, and was born in New York city, Ma)' 18, 1844. His father, Thomas Crimmins, was a man of sound sense and great enterprise, who, having settled in New York in 1837, engaged in contract work in 1849, and retired from business in 1873, the possessor of a fortune. John gained his education in the public schools and St. Francis Xavier College, and then, at the age of sixteen, found occupation as a clerk in the office of his father. The vocation suited his enterprising nature, and he entered upon the master}- of all necessary details with ardor and ability. At the age of eighteen, he was made superintendent of his father's business, and at twenty was admitted as a partner, the firm name being Thomas Crimmins & Son. The contracts executed by the firm previous to this date were confined mainly to excavations, water front improvements, heavy foundations, etc. The influence of the junior partner was now seen in an extension of the operations of the firm to the con- struction of buildings under contract. The first work of this nature was performed in 1866, and since that year more than 400 houses have been erected in various parts of the city. This branch of the business has always been under the direction of John D. Crimmins, and has given excellent scope for the power of organization, the foresight, energy and good management, which are characteristic traits of the man. The erec- tion of dwellings for others has led Mr. Crimmins into real estate transactions on his own account, and he has gradually become one of the largest operators in the city. The influence of Mr. Crimmins was also seen at an early day in the employment of machinery upon a large scale in making excavations. H e was the first contractor in 160 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. New York city to adopt machinery for this purpose ; and his greater promptness in executing contracts and ability to perform the work at a reasonable compensation quickly resulted in a large increase of the general contract work of the firm. To a greater or less extent, Mr. Crimmins has now for thirty years been identified with all the large construction work projected in New York city, especially with operations requiring the highest degree of ability in the contractor. He accepts few if any con- tracts from the city. His work is almost wholly performed for corporations, estates and individuals. He laid the foundations for The Manhattan Railway, built the elec- trical subway, has laid many miles of gas mains, built the tank fotindations for various gas companies, and constructed the Broadway and the street railroads on Lexington, Lenox and Columbus avenues. Since 1873, he has been senior member and the leading spirit of the firm. Mr. Crimmins gives to every contract the closest personal attention, and has carried forward to a successful completion every enterprise in which he has been engaged. His work is thorough and satisfactory, and contracts are generally awarded to him without com- petition. He is one of the largest employers of labor in the city, seldom carrying fewer than 2,000 men upon his pay rolls, and often as many as 6,000. He has weathered every financial storm with skill, and has never missed a pay day or disappointed a creditor. His influence with his workmen is remarkable. Patient, an attentive and sym- pathetic listener, just in his conclusions, while at the same time ready to defend with reasonable argument his position against unwarranted demands, he has never failed to reach a friendly settlement of every dispute with his own men. He has frequently been called upon to serve as arbitrator in strikes, and in most cases has aided in adjust- ing differences to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. The principal office of the firm, at 50 East spth street, is to-day within half a mile of the spot where Mr. Crim- mins was born. Mr. Crimmins is now largely associated with street railroad enterprise in the city and is an important stockholder in The Metropolitan Traction Co., of the metropolis, and The Consolidated Traction Co., of Jersey City. He is allied with the progress, development and commercial life of the city at many points. A member of the Chamber of Commerce, he is a director in The Fifth Avenue Bank and The National Union Bank, president of The Essex & Hudson Land Improvement Co , and trustee of The North-Western Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee. He is also a member of several boards of trustees of charities connected with the Roman Catholic church, and of the building committees of three of them, and has superintended the building of various convents, schools, asylums and churches, and the house of the Catholic Club. In politics, a Deniocwat, Mr. Crimmins has played some part in public affairs, although too busy a man to enter upon a political career. He was a Park Commis- sioner, 1883-88, and served at various dates as either president or treasurer of that board. At one time appointed by the President a member of the Board of Visitors to the Military Academy at West Point, he has also been a Presidential Elector and member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1894. He has also been a valued member of all the special committees of citizens, formed during the last ten years to represent the people of the city in public commemorations and the achievement of non- partisan objects, in which prominent people are accustomed to co-operate. He is one of the Executive Committee of the Prison Association. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CB Xgj In manners, he unites courtesy and refinement with the thoroughness of discussion and quickness of decision of an experienced business man. Several of the best known business and social clubs of the city have elected him to membership, including the Manhattan, Lawyers', Democratic, Catholic, Players', Suburban, Stamford Yacht, and Building Trades; and he is also a contributor to the support of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The American Museum of Natural History. April 1 5th, 1 868, he was married to Lily L. Lalor, a daughter of Martin Lalor. His family now consists of himself and eleven children. He maintains a city home at 40 East 68th street, near Central Park, and in the summer dwells at his fine country seat of Firwood on the Sound, near Noroton, Conn. FREDERIC CROnWELL, treasurer of The Mutual Life Insurance Co., a man of notable personality and a valuable citizen, was born in the village of Cornwall on the Hudson, Feb. 16, 1843. He is a son of the late David Cromwell, who retired from business in New York city nearly sixty years ago and built a residence in Cornwall, where he died in 1857. The family is of English ancestry, tracing its descent from Col. John Cromwell, a brother of the Protector and third son of Richard Cromwell. John Cromwell, a son of John, emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam, and in 1686 resided at Long Neck in Westchester county, afterward known as Cromwell's Neck. Through his mother, Rebecca Bowman, the subject of this biography is descended from John Bowman, an Englishman, who died in 1661, and whose son Henry joined the Society of Friends in 1666. After a full experience in preparatory schools, Mr. Cromwell entered Harvard College, graduating in 1863. Of the following two years, the first was devoted to study of the law, the second to European travel. Every experience is useful to a man of retentive mind and progressive spirit, and while Mr. Cromwell preferred an active to a professional career, his legal studies proved of value to him in later years. In 1865, he established himself in the occupation of importing British cloths, relinquishing this in 1868, in order to devote more attention to other important interests. Mr. Cromwell was one of the originators of The People's Gas Light Co., of Brook- lyn, and in 1870 became its president. He was also interested in the gas companies of Baltimore, Md. His experience with the manufacture of illuminating gas led him, in 1870, to remove to St. Louis, Mo , where he resided four years. There, under his direction, The Laclede Gas Light Co. constructed its works. He managed the company from its inception and until its affairs were placed upon a firm and profitable basis, one third of the gas used in the city being supplied by these works. After a year in Europe, he returned to Brooklyn in 1875, where he interested himself in a number of corporate enterprises. In conjunction with his brother-in-law, he purchased control of one of the street railroad companies of Brooklyn, and for several 3-ears directed the extension of the lines until an important system had grown into existence. The people of Brooklyn remember Mr. Cromwell with affection. While a very active business man, he was much interested in matters of public concern. When a Civil Service Reform Association was formed in Brooklyn, he became its first president, and afterward he served as a member of the first Civil Service Commission. Further, he was active in promoting the higher interests of the people of the city, especially those which center around The Brooklyn Art Association, which he served as president, and The Philharmonic Society, of which he was vice-president. i6z AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. It was in 1880, that Mr. Cromwell was chosen a trustee of The Mutual Life Insur- ance Co., one of the soundest financial institutions in the metropolis, which occupies the site of the old New York post office, formerly an historic church, on Nassau street. His services in the board resulted in his election, in 1884, to the responsible position of treasurer of the company. Great as are the interests centering- in the city of New York, it may be safely stated that no corporation among its numberless institutions places a heavier burden of trust and responsibility upon its financial officer than does The Mutual Life Insurance Co. All the loans of the company, running into the millions, fall under the guidance of the treasurer. To those unacquainted with the details of the operations of this corporation, an adequate idea of what it is to be its treasurer can only be given by citing a few figures. The assets of the company are $200,000,000 and its annual receipts and disbursements above $50,000,000, while loans have been made upon proper security to the amount of $75,000,000. These trans- actions, stupendous to the ordinary mind, require the supervision of a treasurer and board of directors, calm and sound in judgment, thoroughly acquainted with financial affairs, upright and beyond suspicion, and capable of untiring labor. It is a sufficient comment upon the personal quality of Mr. Comwell, to say that he holds the position of treasurer of this company, and has filled it for ten years to the eminent advantage of the interests he serves and the satisfaction of the trustees, of whom he is one. Upon accepting this position, Mr. Cromwell became a resident of New York city, spending his winters in town and dwelling during each summer upon his farm at Bernardsville, N. J. Mr. Cromwell is represented in many prominent financial institutions and bears an active part in their counsels. He is a director of The New York Guarantee & Indemnity Co , The National Union Bank, The Brooklyn Trust Co. , The Bank of New Amsterdam and other institutions, including The New York & East River Gas Co., which recently completed a tunnel under the East River. A man of fine presence, large, dark featured, courtly in demeanor, Mr. Cromwell enjoys the acquaintance of a wide circle of the choicest people of the city. He married Esther, daughter of Seymour L. Husted, and has had five children, of whom four are living, one son and three daughters. He is associated with several charities. He has joined a few clubs, including the Century, Metropolitan, University, Harvard and Down Town of this city, and the Hamilton of Brooklyn. WILLIAM BEDLOW CROSBY, realty owner, born in New York city, Feb. 7, 1786, died here, March 18, 1865. His grandfather was Judge Joseph Crosby, his father Dr. Ebenezer Crosby, a leading physician of this city, while his mother was Catharine, daughter ot William Bedlow, whose family possessed Bedlow's Island in New York bay, and of Catharine Rutgers, daughter of Hendrick Rutgers. Left an orphan at the age of two, William entered the family of his great uncle, Col. Henry Rutgers, who adopted him as a son. By inheritance from his mother, the young man received a large share of the old Rutgers estate, which included the greater portion of the Seventh Ward in New York city and became very valuable. Mr. Crosby's time was greatly occupied with the care of his property. He found, however, both time and inclination to engage largely in philanthropic enterprises, taking an active interest in various soci- eties of a public character and giving liberally of his large means to colleges and charity. The American Bible Society especially enlisted his interest. In 1821, he became a life director, and in 1853, a vice-preside'nt. His father having rendered THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CR. 103 efficient service as a surgeon during the Revolution, William B. Crosby became oy vir- tue thereof a member of The Society of the Cincinnati. He was married, Feb. 7, 1807, to Harriet A., daughter of the Rev. William Clarkson, and grand daughter of William Floyd, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. His children were William Henry, John Player, Robert Ralston, Clarkson Floyd, who died Feb. 22, 1858, Edward Nicoll, the Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby, a leading Presbyterian minister of New York city, Cath- arine Clarkson, Eliza Smedes, and Mary; and Clarkson, Anna Bancker, and Harman Rutgers, who died in infancy. Mrs. Crosby died Dec. 13, 1859. His son, JOHN PLAYER CROSBY, lawyer, born in New York city, May 22, 1810, died from heart failure while bathing off Fire Island on the Long Island coast, Sept. 19, 1876. Gradu- ating from Columbia College in 1827, he studied law and engaged in the active prac- tice of his profession until his death. He was first associated with R. M. Blatchford, a son of Judge Blatchford, afterward with F. F. Marbury. Yet later, he was a member of the firm of Crosby, Ostrander & Jones, and finally of Crosby, Hoffman & Crosby. During his later years, he attained especial prominence as referee and trustee of large estates. He belonged to the Bar Association and earnestly promoted the work of sev- eral religious and charitable institutions. Nearly all his life he served as an elder in the Presbyterian church. In February, 1835, Mr. Crosby married Ellen, daughter of John R. Murray. His wife died in May, 1836. In 1840, he married a daughter of the late Benjamin F. Butler, Attorney General during part of President Van Buren's admin- istration. Six sons and three daughters were born to him. Franklin Butler Crosby, one of his sons, was killed in the battle of Chancellorsville. Mr. Crosby was a man of singular frankness and courtesy, and his cordial and generous disposition drew about him a large number of warm friends. JEREMIAH CURTIS, manufacturer, born in Hampden, Maine, in 1804, died in New York city, March 24, 1883. While a young man, he established a bank in Calais, Me., and later built the first railroad in Maine, from Calais to Middletown, and accepted the Abolition nomination for governor of his State, being, however, defeated. He came : Xe\v York about 1863, and entered the drug business, in which he was remarkably successful. The owner of several formulas for medicines, he manufactured largely, and from the sale of Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Bronchial Troches, etc., amassed a large fortune. Several years before his death he retired from business, leaving the industry to the conduct of his sons. He was a man of estimable private character, and until age compelled him to retire, he was accustomed to gather around him a circle of choice friends. DON ALONZO CUSHflAN, merchant, born in Coventry, Conn., Oct. i, 1792, died in New York city, May i, 1875. The Cushman family was planted in America by Robert of that name, who, in June, 1620, chartered the Mayflower, which brought over the first company of Pilgrims, and who followed them to New England on the Fortune in the following November. Allerton Cushman of this line was a resident of Coven- try, Conn. His son, Minerva, one of the pioneers of Otsego county, N. Y., gave all of his children at least one name beginning with D, and his fifth son was Don Alonzo Cushman. Alonzo grew up on the Otsego county farm, gained what teaching he could in the country schools, and in 1805 entered a store in Cooperstown, N. Y., where he learned to sell dry goods and groceries. He took private lessons in arithmetic, became bookkeeper for Col. Russell Williams, and through the kindness of the latter secured a 164 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. place in a retail dry goods store on Broadway, New York city, in 1810. He had saved up to that time just $17, and this small sum was soon consumed in New York. Here, thrown entirely on his own resources, he learned at the outset that frugality, industry and merit must be his sole reliance for success. During the War of 1812 he served three months in one of the forts of the harbor. In 1815, Charles Weed, his employer, sold his store on credit to Mr. Cushman and Archibald Falconer, and invested a few thousand dollars as their partner in Cushman & Falconer. The young merchant expe- rienced many and great trials at different times but by perseverance finally built up an immense trade, which after 1824 was confined to the wholesale branch of the business. The house finally became known as D. A. Cushman & Co. In 1855, Mr. Cushman re- tired. He was a pioneer in the development in the Chelsea district, extending a distance of several blocks on Ninth avenue above i4th street. Upon a large tract of land there he created a village of well-to-do families, and established his own dwelling on Ninth avenue, opposite the Episcopal Theological Seminary. Since his death, the house has been occupied by some of his family. This region, once an independent village, has since been swallowed up by the rush of population northwards, and is indistinguishable now from the rest of the densely inhabited region of which it is the center, except that it retains some of the characteristics of the older New York. Mr. Cushman was presi- dent of The Greenwich Savings Bank, and director in several insurance companies. Married in 1815 to Matilda C. S., daughter of Peter Ritter, thirteen children were born to him, Mary Matilda Falconer, wife of Philip F. Pistor, of this city; Alonzo Ritter; Catharine Ritter, wife of N. B. Smith, of New Orleans; Caroline Thomas, wife of James Talman Waters; John Henry Hobart; Angelica B., wife of Gustavus W. Faber; Emily A., wife of George Wilcoxson, of Nyack; Archibald Falconer, Ephraim Holbrook, James Stewart and William Floyd Cushman. Julia Josephine and Elizabeth Emeline died while young. -JAflES STEWART CUSHHAN, fifth of the six sons of Don Alonzo Cushman, born in New York, Nov. 19, 1836, died Nov. 25, 1894. He was educated in the Columbia College grammar school, and began life as clerk for Reed, Drexel & Co. He started in business for himself in the stock brokerage firm of Cush- man & Gignoux, who were succeeded by Christmas, Cushman & Hurlbut, and later by Cushman & Hurlbut. A member of the Stock Exchange and one of the original members of the Gold Board, he became prominent as a stock broker and operator in Wall street, but withdrew about 1880 to confine his attention to the management of real estate inherited from his father. He was a man of solid and sincere character, influen- tial, well known and universally respected. Although fond of fine horses and the owner of several, he was too conservative to become greatly addicted to the race track. He dwelt in his father's old mansion on Ninth avenue, where he maintained the Chelsea traditions and hospitable customs for which the homestead was famous. His clubs were the Union League, New York and New York Athletic. FRANCIS BROCKHOLST CUTTING, an eminent lawyer, born in New York in 1805, died here June 26, 1870. He was a son of William Cutting, lawyer, and grand- son of the Rev. Leonard Cutting, proprietor of a noted grammar school. Graduating from Columbia College, he entered the law and advanced in the arduous labors of this profession to great distinction, largely on account of his profound acquaintance with commercial law. From 1840 to 1855, few cases were tried in the metropolis, involving this branch of legal knowledge, in which Mr. Cutting was not retained as leading coun- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CU. 165 sel. He found time to take an active interest in politics, and frequently gave the Demo- cratic party the benefit of his talents as a public speaker. During- 1836 and 1837, he represented New York city in the State Assembly. The sessions were exciting and Mr. Cutting held a conspicuous place in the debates. In 1853-55, he represented one of the New York city districts in Congress. Kansas and Nebraska were leading topics at that time. Mr. Cutting refused to follow the lead of the pro-slavery Southern Con- gressmen who controlled their part}", and he became involved in a personal quarrel with John C. Breckinridge, which was finally adjusted without a duel. At the outbreak of the war, he supported the Union as a War Democrat vigorously, and aided the second election of Lincoln, thereafter retiring from politics to follow his profession. Wealth came to him in part by inheritance from his father, who was the principal owner of the old Brooklyn Steamboat Co., whose boats plied as a ferry between New York and Brooklyn, and from his mother, Gertrude, daughter of Walter Livingston of Living- ston Manor. He added to his means, however, in the practice of the law and by invest- ments in local real estate. He was esteemed as a man of fine intellect, graceful accom- plishments and kindly manners. His son, Gen. William Cutting is now the only survivor of his children, two other sons, Heyward and Brockholst, having died. ROBERT LIVINGSTON CUTTING, sr., son of the late William Cutting, born in New York, in February, 1812, died in New York, Feb. 25, 1887. He graduated from Columbia College, and afterward established himself in a stock brokerage business in Wall street. Attractive and winning in manner, clear headed and capable, he was associated with some of the giants of Wall street in various stock operations and notably aided Commodore Yanderbilt in large transactions, when the latter began to deal in the stocks of The Harlem and Hudson River Railroads. He was, in 1865, president of the Stock Exchange. Aided by inheritance, he became a man of fortune. About 1870, he retired from business, and six years before his death, sold his seat in the Stock Exchange. He was prominent in the social and club life of the town, a member of the Union Club, a stockholder in the Academy of Music and a promoter of grand opera. In 1871, he joined the Committee of Seventy and labored efficiently for the overthrow of the Tweed ring. In 1835, he was married to Juliana, daughter of James DeWolf, of Bristol, R. I., and was survived by two children, Robert L. Cutting, jr., and Walter, who lives in Pittsfield, Mass. His son, ROBERT LIVINGSTON CUTTING, broker and banker, born in this city, July 2, 1836, died here, Jan. 13, 1894. He was educated at Columbia College, graduating in 1856, and fitted himself for the law, but finally entered the stock brokerage business with his father. He became a member of the Stock Exchange, May 13, 1864, and later special partner in the firm of John Benjamin Lee & Co., which succeeded his own. At the time of his death, he held a similiar interest in Lee, Livingston & Co. Mr. Cutting was one of the best known men in social life in New York. He belonged to the Union, Metropolitan, Knicker- bocker, Manhattan, New York Athletic, Racquet, Tuxedo and Delta Phi clubs, and the Alumni Association of Columbia College. He was handsome and commanding in appearance, a prominent patron of the opera, a stockholder in the Academy of Music and Metropolitan Opera House, and an epicure of wide reputation, while at the same time a generous giver to charity and a regular contributor to the support of many public institutions. His wife, Judith E. Moale, of Baltimore, a sister of Mrs. I. Town- send Burden, and two sons, James De Wolf and Robert L. Cutting, survived him. D. CHARLES FREDERICK DAflBMANN, merchant, a native of Wiesbaden, Ger- many, died June 26, 1868, in this city, at the age of fifty-five. The family had made their home in Wiesbaden for generations and were reputable traders and merchants. The subject of this memoir might have made his mark in the fatherland, because his friends noted in him from youth the spirit of enterprise, clearness of vision and origin- ality of thought; but these very qualities led him, after a short experience in a mercan- tile clerkship, to come to America while a young man and seek the enlarged opportunities of the new world. He. was a born merchant, and after a modest beginning in New York city, he established his own business, and in the firm of C. F. Dambmann & Co., importers of laces, velvets and kindred fabrics, won a pronounced success. The house first occupied a store on Park Row, later on Franklin street. In due time, when large means had come to him in consequence of the prudent and energetic prosecution of his trade, he made numerous investments of his capital in corporations. Mr. Dambmann was connected with The National Park Bank, various gas companies and other cor- porations, and aided in founding The Continental Insurance Co. , and The Continental Bank, being a director of both until his death. A well educated man, he joined various German societies and clubs, whose members esteemed him highly for his soundness of judgment, well informed mind and probity. By his marriage with Sarah, daughter of George Long, book publisher, he had four children, George John Adolph Damb- mann; Louisa, wife of Gustave Cambefort, now living in Lyons; and Charles Frederick William D. Dambmann, jr., a resident of Baltimore, Md. , and another now deceased. CHARLES ANDERSON DANA, editor, of The New York Sun, was born in Hins- dale, N. H., Aug. 8, 1819. The first of the family, Jacob Dana, came from France to Boston about 1640, in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and Daniel Dana, great grandfather of Charles, was killed in the massacre of Wyoming. His father, a country merchant, failed while Charles was a boy, and the latter left school at the age of ten. A year or two later, the youth began life in Buffalo -as clerk in a dry goods store, where he stayed several years. Having fitted himself for college under many discouraging circumstances, he entered Harvard in 1839 and remained until the end of the sophomore year, when serious trouble with his eyes compelled him to abandon the idea of finishing his college course. Later he obtained his full degree. In 1842, led by sentiment, Mr. Dana became one of those philanthropic souls, who engaged in the famous experiment at Brook Farm, being associated therein with George Ripley, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Theodore Parker, Margaret Fuller, George William Curtis, William Henry Channing and others, who afterwards rose to distinc- tion. These philosophers strove for a high plane of social and intellectual life, but Mr. Dana was their only practical man and the experiment finally came to an end. A close thinker, sound in his reasoning, and capable of expressing himself in forcible language, Mr. Dana, then at the age of twenty-seven, began writing for The- Chronotype of Boston, receiving during a year and a half the munificent salary of $5 a week He had had previous experience upon The Harbinger, devoted to reform and general literature, and now learned the requirements of a daily newspaper. In 1847, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DA. 167 he came to New York, procured the place of city editor on THE TRIBUNE at $10 a week, subsequently raised to $14, and made his mark at once. In 1848, he spent eight months in Europe as a correspondent, and upon his return in 1849, became managing editor of THE TRIBUNE at 20 a week and one of its stockholders. This position he retained for fifteen years, his compensation being increased until it reached $50 a week. Mr. Dana brought the force of tremendous energy into the operations of THE TRIBUNE, and labored diligently with Mr. Greeley to arrest the extension of slavery to the Territories and to oppose the acquisition of any foreign domain, which should increase the area of American soil devoted to slave holding. He was especially hostile to the repeal of the Missouri compromise and the attempt to fasten slavery upon Kansas and Nebraska. Between Mr. Dana and his chief, there long existed a most intimate friendship and the spirit of harmonious co-operation. In 1861, Mr. Dana spent con- siderable time in Albany in an almost successful but finally fruitless effort to secure the election of Mr. Greeley as United States Senator. The outbreak of the Civil War led to a disagreement between the two men, and Mr. Dana resigned. Called, thereupon, to the service of his country in the War Department in Wash- ington, and employed by Secretary Stanton in special work, his efficiency resulted in his appointment as Assistant Secretary of War in 1863. For the duties of this office, he was fitted not only by natural force and a capacity for untiring labor, but by his trained judgment of men and measures, and accurate information of affairs. Both the President and Mr. Stanton relied greatly upon Mr. Dana during this period ; and it is recollected that the latter's confidence in the abilities of General Grant was very influ- ential in saving that rising officer, at one time, from a concerted effort on the part of his opponents to destroy his prestige and promotion. Mr. Dana spent some time at the front during the war and rode in the saddle during the campaigns about Vicksburg and Chattanooga and in those in Virginia during 1864-65. After the war, Mr. Dana edited The Chicago Republican for a short time, which failed, owing to no fault of the editor, and in 1867 he returned to New York to enter upon a career of intrepid endeavor and phenomenal success. With a few friends, he bought from Moses Y. Beach The New York Sun, an independent daily newspaper of the Democratic faith, whose first number under the new management was issued Jan. i, 1868. Nearly thirty years have elapsed and Mr. Dana is yet in charge. One of the equipped, ablest and most trenchant w r riters in American journalism, he has made the editorial page of his paper famous for its force, purity of diction, and individuality. The Sun has become a tremendous power both in attack and defense. His warfare upon General Grant, by whom he considered himself affronted, was one of the most remarkable to which a prominent man in America was ever exposed. His criticisms of the administration, while General Grant was president, exposed Mr. Dana to an attempt in July, 1873, to t^ 6 hi m to Washington for trial in a police court for libel. The enterprise was frustrated, however, Judge Blatchford of the United States Dis- trict Court in New York city refusing a warrant on the ground that the proposed form of trial was unconstitutional. Mr. Dana spends his winters in New York and his summers at Dosoris, an island near Glen Cove on the Long Island coast of the Sound. He finds happiness in direct- ing the operations of his paper, and recreation in the society of his library, rather than in social life. He is a charming, dignified and always instructive and entertaining i68 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. public orator, and graces every occasion when he is present as a speaker. In conver- sation, in editorial work, and in utterances from the platform, he is concise, forcible, and entertaining in expression, and always impatient of cant and verbosity. By virtue of lineal descent, he is a member of The Sons of the American Revolution, and has been their Vice President General. He also belongs to the New England Society. He was married March 2, 1846, to Eunice Macdaniel, and has four children, Zoe, Ruth, Paul and Eunice. A number of books have issued from his pen, including " The Black Ant," a volume of stories, translated from the German; a Life of General Grant, in collabora- tion with Gen. James H. Wilson; and the " Household Book of Poetry," a charming collection, of which many editions have been printed. With Rossiter Johnson, he also edited " Fifty Perfect Poems," and with George Ripley he planned, in 1855, and edited the " New American Cyclopedia," published by the Appletons. ALFRED B. DARLING, the senior proprietor of The Fifth Avenue Hotel, for many years the most famous and successful of American houses for the accommodation of travellers, is the direct descendant of an English sea captain, who came to the new world from Darlington in the north of England and settled in Kingston, N. H., about the year 1660. Many of the family name had been seafaring men, captains of mer- chant vessels, but in the new world they adapted themselves to the occupations of the pioneers of a new country, and many attained eminence in the various walks of life. Their ancestor, the settler of Kingston, had a large family and all the Darlings in A.merica are believed to be his descendants. One of the sons of the English sea captain was Lieut. John Darling, born at Salisbury, Mass., in 1714. His son, Peter, born July i, 1752, married and settled at Hopkinton, N. H. The latter's son, Major Ebenezer Darling, the father of Alfred B. Darling, settled in Caledonia county, Vt., was a soldier in the War of 1812 and after- ward a Major in the State militia. He represented his town three times in the Legis- ture and otherwise took prominent part in public affairs. Alfred B. Darling was born March 23, 1821, in Burke, Vt. At the age of fourteen he left home to live with his uncle, Timothy Fisher, a successful farmer, with whom he remained until twenty-one years of age. Mr. Fisher became so much attached- to the young man that he proposed to deed to him the farm they were cultivating, Alfred, in return, to take care of the old people while they lived. But Mr. Darling's views of life and its opportunities led him to seek a wider field of activity and usefulness. An expedition to Boston by the two men, both driving teams loaded with produce of the farm, changed the whole current of Mr. Darling's life, as many another unim- portant incident has opened a new career and brought fortune to others of America's successful men. Arriving at Charlestown Neck, the two men stopped at the inn established in earlier years by the Hon. James Sullivan, a sturdy promoter of the American Revolution, a writer and in 1807 Governor of Massachusetts. The proprietor of the house gained a great liking for Mr. Darling during their brief stay at the inn, and the result was that the latter left the farm and went to the hotel on Charlestown Neck for the period of two and a half years. There he formed those plans which he has steadfastly followed and which have made him in later years one of the most famous hotel proprietors in the world. He removed next to Boston, where he was employed by Paran Stevens, the lead- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DA. 169 ing man of his profession, in the old Revere House, famous in that day as a hostelry for eminent men, notable among them being Daniel Webster. In 1852, Mr. Darling became associated with Mr. Stevens, as partner, in the man- agement of the Battle House in Mobile, Ala., then one of the finest and most costly hotels in the South. It ^Yas finally resolved to engage in the hotel business in New York city. The Fifth Avenue Hotel was then in process of construction. Mr. Darling came to New York in 1858, before the roof had been placed on the building. In 1859, a partnership was formed between Paran Stevens, Hiram Hitchcock and Mr. Darling, under the title of Hitchcock, Darling & Co., and the firm leased the hotel which was destined in follow- ing years to shelter more men of public and social distinction than any other in the United States. In 1867,- the interest of Mr. Hitchcock having been bought by Mr. Griswold, the firm name was changed to Darling, Griswold & Co. ; but in 1879, Mr. Hitchcock bought back his interest, and the old name was re-adopted and has ever since been retained. The Fifth Avenue Hotel has been a remarkably successful house. Owing to good management, the comfort of the hotel, its excellent table, its location upon the beauti- ful Madison Square at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, and its nearness to the shopping region, the hotel not only soon became the resort of travellers of fashion and social position from all parts of the United States and Europe, but also the favorite abiding place in the town of public men. The successive registers of this great hotel bear upon their pages the autographs of nearly every eminent American and European who has visited New York since 1859 They form a historical record of im- posing interest. The stories of entertaining and important incidents in the history of the house would fill a volume. Political committees have made the place their head- quarters for years, and in spite of the modern rage for the construction of gigantic and beautiful hotels in other parts of the city, the old Fifth Avenue, under its experienced proprietors, retains its prestige unshaken. Mr. Darling is a man of decided convictions and of broad views upon all questions of public interest. He has attained a high position, and has become one of the sub- stantial men and highly esteemed citizens of the metropolis, because of his inherent force of character and business ability. His fortune has been bravely and honestly earned by a life of untiring industry. Mr. Darling has served from time to time as director in important institutions, among them being The Second National Bank, The Fifth Avenue Safe Deposit Co., The Union Dime Savings Bank, etc. He is one of the earlier members of the Union League club and of The New England Society. All patriotic and honorable causes receive his sympathy and approval. JAHES DARRAQH, merchant, born in Lurgan, Ireland, in 1827, died in Cairo, Egypt, in December, 1889. He emigrated to America while a boy and found employ- ment in New York city in the manufacture of coir mats and matting. Learning that labor was low in price in India and that mats could be woven there at the smallest ex- pense, he sailed for Aleppy on the west coast of Malabar, where, although beginning with small means, he gradually developed a factory, employing a thousand natives in this industry. He spoke the native language with fluency, made friends among the high caste residents, was kind to the poor, and acquired such influence as to earn the title of "King of the Coast." The house in this city took the name of Darragh & Smail, in 170 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. consequence of the admission of Henry Smail, a son-in-law, to partnership. Mr. Dar- ragh was the first person to manufacture cotton spool thread in Travancore. His mill at Quilon cost $350,000 to build and gave employment to 1,500 natives and a few ex- pert Europeans. The Maharajah and his cabinet opened the mill with formal cere- monies. Mr. Darragh's family consisted of his wife and two daughters, the latter being Mary, wife of Henry Smail, and Ellen, wife of John McStay of Belfast, Ireland. BOWIE DASH, merchant, born July i, 1834, on Varick street, opposite old St. John's Park in this city, died on his farm at Kingsbridge, Sept. 28, 1895. He was the ninth child of Daniel Bowie and Anzonetta Burke Dash, and grandson of John Balthus and Ann Bowie Dash, all natives of this city. He first attended the private school of Mr. Greenough and then the University of the City of New York, and received a busi- ness training in the firm of Wolfe & Gillespie, hardware merchants. In 1860, he mar- ried Louisa Scott, daughter of William Scott, a coffee merchant well known in business and church circles, and, by her, had seven children. One son and two daughters are now living. Mr. Dash happened to be in Montgomery, Ala. , when Jefferson Davis was inaugurated President of the Southern Confederacy, going there against the advice of John Sherman and others, who said that he would risk his life. Mr. Dash advised his firm of Wolfe, Dash & Fisher, to accept cotton in payment of their claims against Southern merchants, but this they decided not to do. Mr. Dash was a Democrat in politics, becoming a strong Republican thereafter. Unable to enlist in the Union army, he gave his time to raise money to equip a regiment of volunteers, and succeeded Charles Strong as treasurer of the Ladies' Union Bazaar. Forty thousand dollars passed through his hands for the benefit of the families of New York soldiers. About 1865, Mr. Dash succeeded the firm of Scott & Wisner, under the firm name of Scott & Dash, and afterward became a large importer of fine teas and coffees, continuing in active business until his death. In his enterprise he met with the varied success and adversity experienced by all merchants. He was honest, capable and constantly sought for as an arbiter by his fellow merchants. Several times, he served as foreman of grand juries and was untiring in his efforts to secure justice for all men. One of the vestryman of Trinity Church, he served that corporation with zeal and loyalty, and was also a vestrymen of the Church of the Mediator at Kingsbridge, where he made his home on a farm of sixty acres, cut in half by Broadway and adjoining Riverdale avenue and Van Cortlandt Park. He belonged to The Sons of the Revolution and the Down Town association; and was a man who pleased not himself but labored for the welfare of his city and country and of his generation. JOHN BALTHASAR DASH, merchant,^, born in New York city, Aug. 12, 1818, died here, May n, 1888. The son of Daniel Bowie and Anzonetta B. Dash, and grand- son of John B. Dash, a hardware merchant transacting business at No 145 Broadway, he was educated at Mr. Pond's school in Westchester, N. Y., and left his studies at the death of his father to go to London for a training in the hardware business. He entered the house of Jacob & Co., and under the care of Joseph Farrell, with whom he lived, remained in London a suitable time, and then returned to New York. Here he took charge of his father's business and estate, consisting of property at 145 Broad- way and 86-88 Liberty street, which has now been a family possession for more than a hundred years, and at 70 Cortlandt street, and 219 Fulton street. He was at one time with Wolfe & Bishop, hardware merchants, and later a partner in Wolfe Dash & THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DA. 171 Fisher. A conservative man, a good financier, and a rare judge of real estate, honest, and of the highest character, he prospered greatly in his business affairs, and was greatly respected. Property which he purchased near Kingsbridge has since grown valuable. He never married, and was for thirty years a member of the Union club. He attended Trinity chapel on West 25th street. Upon his death his estate was left to his brother and sisters, Bowie Dash, Mrs. Margaret B. Bininger, Mrs. Anzonetta B. Wolfe, and Arabella B., wife of Walter H. Lewis. JOHN DAVIDSON, lawyer, was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, March i, 1837. He is the son of George Patterson Davidson, a merchant in Berwick-on-Tweed. John came to America when ten years of age. He attended the College of the City of New York, studied law with William R. Stafford, and was admitted to the bar in 1859. He has conducted a large and profitable practice in New York city for thirty years, largely in the field of real estate law. He has bought land and built houses in New York, Brooklyn, and elsewhere, and has large interests in The Sherwood Park and other land companies, The New York & West Shore, The Northern Pacific and other railroads. He has been active in Republican politics in New Jersey. Important public positions were offered to him by Presidents Lincoln and Grant, but declined. Interested in philanthropic work, Mr. Davidson has served as superintendent of a Sabbath School in Elizabeth, N. J., for nearly thirty years. In 1860, he married Adelia S. Wait, of Perth Amboy, N. J. They have one son, William Newcomb Davidson, and two daugh- ters, Jenny, wife of Prof. Hibben, of Princeton University, and Margaret Newcomb Davidson. His home is in Elizabeth, N. J., but he has joined the Republican and other clubs of New York city. JAJ1ES MORGAN DAVIS, stock broker, was born on Staten Island, April 10, 1837. Always from youth intelligent and progressive, he left the Episcopal Collegiate Insti- tute, determined to make his way. After an apprenticeship as clerk in the office of a Wall street firm, he joined the Stock Exchange in February, 1860. A partner of Will- iam R. Travers for three years, he retired in 1863, but subsequently entered the firm of Work, Davis & Barton. In 1873, he formed the well known firm of Davis & Free- man. Mr. Davis has been active in the development of Staten Island, especially in The Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad. He belongs to the Metropolitan and New York Yacht clubs. By his marriage with Mary D. Hazard in Brooklyn in 1874, he has three children, Morgan, Edythe and Anna Davis. HENRY DAY, lawyer, a native of South Hadley, Mass., born Dec. 25, 1820, died in New York city, Jan. 9, 1893. He came from old New England stock, some of his ancestors figuring as "minute men" during the American Revolution. The family were not rich in this world's goods, and a brother, the Rev. Pliny Da}-, assisted in the education of Henry by sending him to school at Deny. By his own labor, he then earned enough money to enter Yale College, whence he graduated in 1845, supporting himself while studying there by teaching at Fairfield, Conn. One of his pupils was his future brother-in-law, George De Forest Lord. After graduation from the Law School at Harvard, Mr. Day came to New York city, where in 1849 he married Miss Phebe L., daughter of Daniel Lord, the latter taking him into partnership in the firm of Lord, Day & Lord. Through the possession of marked ability, Mr. Day became a noted law- yer and a prominent figure in the social life of the city. An associate of Henry B. Hyde in the organization of The Equitable Life Assurance Society, he was elected attorney 172 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and director of the Society, and was also director of The Consolidated Gas Co. , The Mercantile Trust Co., and The Lawyers' Title and Guarantee Co. Various important estates were entrusted to him, including those of S. F. B. Morse and William Morgan. For many years he managed the legal affairs of the Astor estate. Religious mat ers in- terested him greatly, and he took an active part in the councils of the Presbyterian church, accepting the place of director of the Union Theological Seminary and defend- ing Dr. Briggs in his controversy with the church authorities. Formerly devoted to the "old school" branch of the Presbyterian church, he earnestly advocated union between the old and new schools, and when this was effected, in 1869, he drafted the articles. Mr. Day wrote much for publication, among his works being "The Lawyer Abroad" and "From the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules." At his death, he was the sole surviving member of the original law firm of Lord, Day & Lord. The Union League and Reform clubs both enrolled him a member. He was survived by his wife and three children, George Lord Day, Sarah Lord, wife of R. H. McCormick, of Chicago, and Miss Susan De Forest Day. FREDERICK DE BARY, merchant, born in Frankfort, Germany, Jan. 12, 1815, is of Huguenot descent. His father, Christian De Bary, was a banker in Frankfort. Frederick began life as salesman for a large manufacturer of dry goods. In 1852, he established himself in this city as agent of G. H. Mumm & Co. 's champagne and other high class wines. He has been very successful, and since 1869, when Adolph De Bary, a son, was admitted to partnership, has displayed the firm name of F. De Bary & Co. He is the proprietor of several orange groves in Florida and other real estate, is closely devoted to business, and derives his prosperity from concentration and unceas- ing enterprise. In 1843, ne was married to Julia Scherpenhausen. To them have been born two children, Adolphe De Bary and Mrs. Eugenie von Mauch. ALFRED DE CORDOVA, stock broker, born Aug. 19, 1848, on the island of Jamaica, is a descendant of Gen. Gonzalvo de Cordova, who annexed Grenada to Spain and stood in high favor at the court of Ferdinand and Isabella. His education, begun in the West Indies, was finished in New York city, whither he removed early in life. First a broker in petroleum, he purchased a seat in the Stock Exchange in, 1875, and his firm of Alfred de Cordova & Son have since been successful in the brokerage of stocks. In 1894, he was elected a governor of the Exchange. Possessing some- thing of the enterprise of his military ancestor, Mr. de Cordova is fond of yachting, fine horses, and carrier pigeons. A large trotting horse farm in New Jersey affords him both pleasure and health. He has been elected to membership in the Lotus, Mer- chants', Manhattan, Colonial, New York, Lajchmont Yacht, American Yacht, New York Athletic, Suburban, Cuttyhunk, Riding and Driving clubs, and was the first com- modore of the American Yacht club. He was married to Mrs. Helene Louise Schroe- der-Loweree, Aug. 19, 1889, at the Church of the Heavenly Rest. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT DE FOREST, born in New York city, Aug. 16, 1818, of good old Dutch stock, died here Nov. 9, 1887. He was the son of John De Forest and of Charlotte Vanderbilt, oldest sister of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. After receiving a common school education on Staten Island, where his parents settled during his early childhood, he was apprenticed to his cousin, Cornelius Simonson, a ship- builder. On reaching manhood, he returned to New York and engaged in various en- terprises with more or less success, until he finally settled upon the manufacturing of THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 173 machinery oils, in which business he continued for many years, becoming widely known through all the manufacturing districts of New England. In 1863, he acquired a for- tune in Wall street through the good offices of the Commodore, who always looked upon him as a favorite nephew and felt for him a strong attachment. Mr. De Forest remained almost constantly at the bedside of his uncle during the latter's last illness, comforting and cheering him to such a degree, that the Commodore desired his continual presence. Dur- ing this illness Mr. De Forest's mother contracted a heavy cold, which soon developed pneumonia and her death followed that of the Commodore within about twenty-four hours. Having retired from the oil business, he accepted the position of purchasing agent of The New York Central Railroad, and for thirteen years served the road with the strictest in- tegrity, doing his best for the corporation and receiving on his retirement, which was due to impaired health, most flattering testimonials from the officers of the road. In 1879, he withdrew from active business, retaining an interest in the firm of Colbron, Chauncey & Co. of Wall street. Always a lover of good horses, he enjoyed for many years his daily brush on the road with Frank Work, Joseph Marker, Wm. Turnbull, Wm. H. Vanderbilt and other owners of fine horses. In early life, he married Miss Katherine Rice, daughter of a sea captain of Nantucket and of old Dutch stock through her mother who was a Van Pelt. Mr. De Forest left an unblemished record and possessed the sincere affection of hundreds to whom he was always ready to extend a helping hand, being of a most genial and kindly nature. He left a son, now living in the West, and a daughter, Isabel De Forest, the wife of Wm. T. Colbron of New York. HENRY P. DE QRAAF, merchant and banker, born in Herkimer, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1825, is of old Holland Dutch descent. Remarkable even in youth for stature, at the age of fourteen, when he first left home, he had already grown to be over six feet in height. Ambitious to make his way in the world, he learned the cabinet maker's trade in Little Falls, and in three years' time Young & Co pronounced him the best of their sixty workmen. Mr. De Graaf practiced the trade for several years in Albany and Canajoharie. In 1849, he went to California in a ship so crowded that there was not space enough for the whole company to sleep at once. Arriving in San Francisco after a voyage of six months and mine days, he proceeded to the mines. While pros- pecting for gold, he was induced by the high price of provisions, pork then selling at $2 a pound, to hunt for game and sell the meat to the miners. He received 70 cents a pound for venison and a share of the profits of the miners whom he supported, and gained a little capital in this occupation. A thirteen months' stay in California com- pletely satisfied the young New Yorker, and in 1851, he resumed the cabinet maker's trade in Canajoharie. Later, he again visited California, and opened the pioneer ship chandler)' store of San Francisco. This venture was successful. In 1852, he came to Xe\v York city, and found work in the furniture shop of the firm of Wentworth & Sons, and thereafter for many years followed this honest calling. Honest, competent, untir- ing, an excellent workman, and able to deny himself unnecessary luxuries, he gained sufficient capital to venture in business alone, and in 1857, he started a furniture factory of his own on Pearl street. This enterprise was profitable from the start, although exposed to keen competition from a rival store adjoining. The firm of De Graaf & Taylor, founded in 1860, moved to the Bo%very, and in a few years attained great importance. In 1865, this firm shipped a large amount of furniture of their own mak- ing to the Pacific coast. The consignee refusing to accept the goods, De Graaf & Taylor 174 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. promptly established their own branch store in San Francisco. They gained the point they had in view, and then, in 1867, sold the store. In New York city, their trade gradually attained large proportions and brought to its enterprising proprietors ample rewards. When Mr. De Graaf was elected president of The Bowery Bank, he placed his oldest son in charge of his interests in De Graaf & Taylor, and has ever since given his attention to the bank. Upon the death of his son, Mr. De Graaf sold his interest in the factory, which is continued by The De Graaf & Taylor Furniture Co. Mr. De Graaf has been once around the world and has crossed the Isthmus of Panama three times, and visited portions of Central and South America, as well as Europe. He spends his winters in New York city, his summer home being at Oscawana near the Hudson river. By his. marriage in 1843 with Amanda M. Lloyd, of Canajoharie, he had two sons and a daughter. HENRY DELAFIELD, merchant, born at his father's beautiful country seat on the East River, now forming a part of Long Island City, N. Y., July 19, 1792, died in this city, Feb. 15, 1875. His father, John Delafield, who had removed from London to New York in 1783, was the eldest lineal representative of his family, who for centuries had been prominent proprietors in the shires of Buckingham and Oxford. Henry prepared for Yale College, but, impatient to enter upon business life, gave up a collegiate course. After a few years of experience in subordinate capacities, he founded, with his twin brother William, the firm of H. & W. Delafield, and conducted an extensive foreign trade with England, India, China, South America, and later with the West Indies. At one time the firm owned the largest merchantman, flying the American flag, sailing from the port of New York. The great fire of 1835, with the consequent ruin of all except two of the insurance companies, reduced their large fortune to such an extent, that they practically had to begin business life anew. Again, . they met with well de- served success. Both brothers were highly esteemed and were identified as directors or officers with many corporations. Both served as privates in the war of 1812 in Captain Swartwout's Iron Grays. When Faustin Soulouque was established as Emperor of Haiti, Henry was appointed Consul for that country in New York, retaining the office during the Emperor's reign and a part of that of his successor, President Jeff rard. Early in the century he inherited a life interest in the Baker estate, a property of over forty acres on the East River, near what is now 75th street, and almost opposite his birth- place on the other shore. This was his summer home, until in consequence of the ever advancing throng of buildings and the heavy assessments for avenues and streets, he united with his brother, who followed him in the entail, and transferred the property to its final owner, The New York Protestant Episcopal Public School. William died un- married Nov. 20, 1853. A few years afterward Henry admitted Tallmadge Delafield, a son of his brother John to the firm, which was thereafter known as Henry Delafield & Co. In 1857, Henry retired from shipping and foreign business, retaining only cer- tain banking and trust interests, which a few years later were transferred to Maturin L. Delafield, a son of his brother Joseph. Both of Mr. Delafield's nephews were suc- cessful in the business so acquired. Two older brothers, Major Joseph and Dr. Edward Delafield, died respectively on Feb. 12 and 13, 1875. The almost simultaneous death of the three brothers, all of them over four score years of age, and their joint funeral from Trinity Church, excited more than a passing interest. Henry married late in life, Mary Parish, daughter of Judge L. Monson of Delaware county, N. Y., and had an THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 175 only child, Mary Frances Henrietta Delafield, born June, 1869, who died unmarried Oct. 27, 1886. JOSEPH RAFAEL DE LA MAR, gold and silver miner, born in Amsterdam, Holland, in 1848, has had a singularly romantic and striking career, of which some account should be given in these pages. His grandfather, a banker in Paris, estab- lished a branch bank in Amsterdam, which he placed in charge of Joseph's father. The latter married a charming woman, a native of Holland, but of German descent, and thus Joseph is of mingled French and German extraction. His father's love of art and painting led him to name the boy after the great painter Rafael. Left an orphan at the age of six by the death of his father, Joseph's self-reliance and love of adventure asserted themselves even at this tender age ; and, at seven, he ran away from home, secreting himself on a Dutch vessel outward bound in the East India trade. When the young stowaway was discovered, the captain made him cabin boy and assistant to the cook, without wages. The voyage was an exciting one to his mind. He entered heartily into the work of the ship, gained the favor of the captain, and on the homeward trip earned his first money, his wages being fixed at the munifi- cent sum of one guilder, or 40 cents, a month. He followed the sea for many years, encountering all the vicissitudes of a sailor's life and sailing to nearly every part of the world. His education was gained mainly on shipboard, with the assistance of the officers, whose kindness he recompensed by various services. Only one text-book was available, the " Navigator's Epitome." From this he learned the art of navigation, while acquiring the rudiments of a general education. At the age of twenty, he gained a master's certificate, and at twenty-three, the captain of his ship having died in a distant port, he brought the vessel safely home and obtained a captain's command. Although his advance thus far had been reasonable, Captain de la Mar appreciated the fact that his profession held out no very nattering promises of advancement. His alert mind was at this juncture attracted to submarine work, a vocation then profitable, owing in part to the Civil War in America. With characteristic energy, he abandoned the merchant service and became a diver. His success on the surface of the water was repeated in the exploration of its depths. He soon became a submarine contractor on his own account, with headquarters at Vineyard Haven, Mass. , but operating along the entire coast to the West Indies. During this period, he raised not less than forty -one sunken vessels and had many interesting encounters with the inhabitants of the deep. His last successful operation was the raising of a cargo of 1,600 tons of Italian marble from the ship Charlotte, of New York, submerged off the Bermudas, many years before, which had baffled the attempts of three previous wrecking companies. The steamer William Tibbetts, which had grounded on the rocks off Pesque Island, near Martha's Vineyard, led to an adventure which nearly cost him his life. Going down in his diving suit to examine the damage personally, he lost track of the flight of time and failed to observe the ebbing of the tide, when, suddenly, he discovered that the ship had ceased rolling and had settled down in her bed and made him a prisoner under its bottom. There was no chance of escape for hours. He waited until both the wind and tide should cause the ship to become waterlogged again and resume rolling. His armor had been leaking and the water crept in up to his neck. It was the month of February and the water chilled him to the bone. He finally lost consciousness but THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 177 returned to life to find himself on board his own ship, having been rescued by the energy and untiring devotion of his mate, after thirty-six hours' imprisonment in the depths of the sea. This experience, and others which preceded, led Captain de la Mar to relinquish submarine work. Having accumulated some means, Captain de la Mar studied the opportunities of trade with Africa, a country which he had visited during his early voyages as a sailor. Finally convinced that Africa held out the promise of both adventure and gain, he assumed charge of a vessel with a cargo of suitable goods and sailed for the land of Ham. Previous to that time, trading companies had confined their operations mainly to the coast, where they met the natives from the interior. They sold to the Africans bars of copper, iron flint lock guns, powder, calicoes, salt beef, flour and tobacco, exchanging these things for ivory, gum copal, palm oil, bees' wax, dry and salted hides, etc. The native goods were brought down to the coast on the shoulders of negroes, sometimes coming several hundred miles and growing dearer in price according to the distance carried. On the other hand, the articles supplied by the traders had to be carried back in the same manner, growing higher in value the farther they were transported. Captain de la Mar had the shrewdness to perceive the value of bringing the t\vo markets together and doing the trading in the interior. The scheme involved danger and hardship. Nevertheless, it was at once carried into execution. A small vessel, capable of navigating the African rivers, was equipped with four small cannon and a dozen blunderbusses, the crew being armed with rifles and ammunition, while about twenty-five fighting negroes were taken aboard. Thus this little vessel was fitted up very much like a man of war. Captain de la Mar pushed on to the interior, exercising constant vigilance to prevent attacks from hostile tribes. The venture was crowned with complete success. By gaining the highest selling prices for his goods and buying from the natives at the lowest prices, Captain de la Mar soon distanced his competitors in the trade. Danger and adventure thronged upon him during this period, but he reaped a satisfactory reward before his imitators had crowded the field. He kept a vessel busily engaged plying between New York city and the coast for three years, and was the pioneer in the section in which he traded, his operations being carried on principally on the Gambia and Great Jeba Rivers, southwest coast of Africa. That which led him to abandon this trade was the climate. Several of the white men, whom he had brought to the coast, died every year from African fever, and_he was himself frequently attacked. Finally, when his men lowered over the side of the vessel the body of his faithful mate, the last of the original white crew, he determined to return to New York, and in 1878, sold his outfit to an English company. At this time, the mining excitement at Leadville and throughout the Rocky Moun- tains was attracting the attention of the country. Something in a miner's life appealed irresistibly to Captain de la Mar's adventurous spirit. Repairing to the West, he recon- noitered the country and had the sagacity to decide, without delay, not to be governed by the impulses of the amateur miner and follow the blind rush to new "diggings," but on the other hand to acquire a sound knowledge of metallurgy and chemistry, in order more judiciously to invest his means. He therefore returned to Chicago, engaged the sen-ices of a professor, and devoted himself assiduously to stud}'. At the end of six months, he had become sufficiently educated in mining engineering, analysis and assaying. He then bought the Terrible lead mine in Custer county, Col., for $3,500,. I 7 8 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. worked it profitably until 1886, and sold the mine to The Omaha & Grant Smelting & Refining Co., for a handsome profit. Two years of travel among the mining camps resulted finally in locating on a mountain, six miles west of Silver City, Idaho, where he bought a group of claims for a small sum. By filing a number of other claims, he came into control of a property a mile long and three-fourths of a mile wide, covering the whole mountain. Many large veins of gold and silver were discovered on this property by means of tunnels driven through the mountain, and the owner sold half of his interest in 1891, after he had taken about $1,500,000 from the mines, to The De Lamar Mining Co., of England, for $2,000,000. He was an active worker for the admission of Idaho as a State and in 1891 served as State Senator in the first Legislature, where he occupied the chairmanships on Finance, Railroads and Constitutional Amendments. On adjournment, he decided to leave Idaho and retire from business, much against the wish of the representative men of his State, who were anxious to have him enter the political field, assuring him of hearty co-operation in securing the highest honors in the gift of the State. But politics being distasteful to him, he removed his residence to New York city, where, May 1 8 1893, he married Nellie Virginia Sands, whose mother belonged to the old Virginia Adams family and was a direct descendant of John Quincy Adams, and whose late uncle, Dr. Henry Burton Sands, left behind him a record as the greatest surgeon of his time. In February, 1893, Captain de la Mar, concluding that mining life had not lost all its fascination for him, once more embarked in mining, this time in southeastern Nevada, where he made extensive purchases, and is now building large reduction works, telegraph lines and waterworks, and is employing a large number of men. He has also built reduction works in Colorado's great gold field, called Cripple Creek, near Colorado Springs. Occasionally visiting his Western enterprises, he spends his summers on his yacht. He is of a retiring nature, and a member of only one club in this city, the New York Yacht club. Like the great Hiram S. Maxim, he believes in aerial navigation, and is devoting considerable study to this subject, believing that the conquest of this most difficult problem is among the possibilities of the future. In the event of non-success in this special venture, he will leave behind him, neverthe- less, a record of having added many millions to the gold and silver reserves of the world, and of building three prosperous mining towns on sites where he scarcely found more than a man and a dog on his arrival, viz.: Use, Colorado; De Lamar, Idaho; and De Lamar, Nevada. The latter two were christened after him by his appreciative employ6s. Although so actively engaged in business pursuits, Captain de la Mar has not lost sight of the refinements of life, and takes especial pleasure in the collection of fine paintings, of which he has now a number of masterpieces, painted by the best European and American artists. CORNELIUS HENRY DE LAMATER, manufacturer, born Aug. 30, 1821, in Rhinebeck, N. Y., died in this city, Feb. 7, 1889. On his father's side, his ancestors were Huguenots. His mother was Scotch, her maiden name being Douglas. He was an only child. Beginning life in a hardware store in New York city, kept by a Mr. Swords, he was only there a few years, when he left to become a clerk in The Phoenix Iron Foundry, of which James Cunningham was proprietor. When about twenty-one THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 179 years of age, he took the f oundry and two years later moved to the foot of West 1 3th street, and about 1851 founded The De Lamater Iron Works. They had run the works about four years when Mr. Hogg, his partner, wishing to embark in sugar refining, sold out his interest to Mr. De Lamater, taking his notes in payment. Before these fell due, Mr. Hogg urged payment of them in cash. Mr. De Lamater complied, in order to accommodate him, and thereby became so embarrassed that he had to ask an exten- sion of five years from his creditors, they taking his notes for that length of time with interest. A little over two years later, the Civil War broke out, giving a great impetus to the foundry business, and work became so remunerative that Mr. De Lamater rapidly made money, and when the notes were two and one half years old he took them up with interest. Owing to an intimate friendship with Captain John Ericsson, Mr. De Lamater built the engines for the ship Ericsson, the largest hot air engines ever manufactured. The ship proved to be both a commercial and a mechanical failure. The investors lost heavily, one of them being ruined. Captain Ericsson and Mr. De Lamater continued to experiment with hot air engines, however, for many years, at heavy cost. About 1875, ^ r - De Lamater designed the present style of Ericsson hot air pumping engine, which is closed, with a vertical cylinder, and uses the same air over and over again. This engine is now in extensive use all over the country. Mr. De Lamater was a pioneer in many respects. The Iron Witch, the first iron wheel steamboat on the Hudson, and the Matanzas, the first iron ocean-going steamer built in America, were both constructed by him, and he led in the manufacture of screw propellers for many years. He also built the engine for the first Monitor, waiting for payment until the boat had been tested in action. Later, he built the machinery for a large number of monitors, and the hull and machinery for the Dicta- tor, at that time the largest of her class. Government work brought no profit, owing to the rapid increase in cost of labor and material, but it did bring reputation and ren- dered his work for private individuals lucrative. A natural sequence to engine build- ing was the acquirement of a large interest in steamship property, and Mr. De Lamater joined with H. B. Cromwell and C. H. Mallory in the lines running to Galveston and New Orleans. One of the undertakings which illustrated his energy was the contract he filled for the Spanish Government for furnishing thirty gunboats inside of eight months. Since 1889, general business has been discontinued at The De Lamater Iron Works, and operations are confined to hot air engines, by a son, William De Lamater, and his brother in law, Leander A. Bevin, the present proprietors. Mr. De Lamater married, when twenty-two years old, Ruth O. Caller. They had seven children, one girl dying in infancy. Six are living at the present time, five daughters and one son. He was Rapid Transit Commissioner, a member of the Union League club, and for many years prominent as a member, and at one time president, of The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. JOHN DE LAHATER, builder, born in New York city, July 30, 1792, died here Dec. 21, 1877. His great grandfather came to this country from France, with other Huguenots, about 1700. Learning the carpenter's trade, he followed this industry all his life, and helped build many of the large warehouses and public edifices of his times. He was one of the prominent men who, about 1835, moved from Greenwich, in the old 9th Ward, to the i6th Ward. For more than fifty years, after the common schools were instituted in this city, until his death, he was connected with those useful institutions, 180 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. either as founder, commissioner, inspector, or trustee, and he devoted the last twenty years of his life to the schools of the i6th Ward. He represented the 9th Ward as Alderman in 1834 and 1835. He was a charter member and director of The Greenwich Bank, The Greenwich Savings Bank and The Greenwich Insurance Company. By his marriage with Eliza Ostrander, of Walden, N. Y., he became the father of Samuel, Benjamin, Charles H., and John W. De Lamater and Mrs. Eliza H. Allason and Mrs. Harriet Myers. JOHN F. DELAPLAINE, lawyer, oldest son of John F. Delaplaine, was born in New York city, April 24, 1815, and died at his home, No. 27 East 63d street, Feb. 14, 1885. His father, an honorable, enterprising and successful shipping merchant, like so many others of the founders of families on the Island of Manhattan, purchased large blocks of land in this city when the price was low, both in town and in the outlying districts north of the center of the city, and gained a second fortune from the rise in value of his property alone. He possessed not only the piers on the East River from Burling Slip to Fly Market Slip, but lots and buildings on Broadway, the Bowery, Monroe, Rivington and Pike streets, and some in Brooklyn, New Jersey and elsewhere. The son graduated from Columbia College and studied law but never practiced. His time was fully occupied with the management of his father's estate. While William H. Seward was Secretary of State, Mr. Delaplaine was appointed Secretary of the American Legation at Vienna, which position he held for nearly twenty years. At Vienna, he was noted for his hospitality. Thoroughly versed in the continental lan- guages, he gave many entertainments cosmopolitan in their character. While in Vienna, he made a notable collection of pictures, statuary, clocks and other works of art. He returned to New York in 1884. He died unmarried, and his fortune de- scended in part to two daughters of his brother Isaac, but a large sum was given to charitable institutions. DAVID A. DE LlflA, commission merchant in the South American trade, born in the Island of Curacao, Dutch West Indies, Feb. 19, 1837, died in New York city, May 5, 1891. He was of Dutch descent, his ancestors coming from Amsterdam to Curagao in the latter part of the seventeenth century. He received his education in the island, and there also began his business career. He was married in 1860 to Sarah Wolff, daughter of Ralph Wolff and Judith Pinto, who, with five children, survived him. His sons are Elias, Edward and Charles, and his daughters Esther and Lylia. In 1870, Mr. De Lima came to this country, and, with a capital of $10,000, established a commission house, which, by dint of great perseverance, he gradually built up into one of the most important in its line. He was a-sound, conservative and enterprising merchant, limiting himself strictly to his own affairs, and avoiding always all tempta- tions of outside enterprises. Since his death the business has been continued by his oldest son and his son in law, under the firm name of D. A. De Lima & Co. During the years 1870-74, and 1877-78, Mr. De Lima represented the Dominican Republic in this city, as its Consul General. While acting in this capacity, he did everything in his power to secure the annexation of Santo Domingo to the United States. He was a director of the Board of Trade and Transportation, and The Panama Railroad, and a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Coffee Exchange. JOHN DELflAR, realty owner, was born in Ireland, Sept. 6, 1838. The family moved to the United States in 1849, locating in Brooklyn. Mr. Delmar's first venture THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. l8l on his own account was, in 1860, the sale of milk, his office being at the corner of Second avenue and pth street. After three years in this trade, he entered politics, for which his countrymen have a passion (and these two cities present such great oppor- tunities), and became chief clerk to the Superintendent of the Poor in Brooklyn. Elected Justice of the Peace in 1867, and twice re-elected, he became County Clerk in 1876. This office gave him an acquaintance with the values of real estate in Brooklyn, and led him in 1881 to open a real estate agency at the corner of Fifth avenue and Ninth street in that city. A large amount of property has been transferred through his office, and by investments of his own, mainly near Prospect Park, he has gained a fortune. He is the leader of the Democrats of the Twenty-second Ward of Brooklyn, and is a director of The City Savings Bank and The Fifth Avenue Bank, and president of The Citizens' Electric Illuminating Co. , all of Brooklyn, and is connected with The Knickerbocker Steamboat Co. and other enterprises. He served in the old volunteer fire department, and was foreman of Hose Co. No. 14, for several years, and for twenty- five years director, and for the last seven years treasurer, of the Widows and Orphans fund of the old department. CHARLES C. DELMONICO, restaurateur, born in 1840, died near Orange, N. J., Jan. 5, 1884. He belonged to a family long famous as restaurateurs and wine mer- chants, who came to this country from Switzerland early in this century. The great reputation which the Delmonicos acquired as caterers was largely due to the ability and untiring efforts of Lorenzo Delmonico, who was distinguished for his politeness and the excellent cooking and purity of the wines supplied to patrons. Francois and Siro Delmonico, his brothers, were associated with him in business, Francois, in fact, being the proprietor of the original restaurant on William street. One or two restaurants were always maintained down town, as well as one up town. To this business Charles succeeded, rising to its head after the death of Siro and Lorenzo in 1881. Under his administration, the large banquet hall in the upper part of the up-town restaurant became the scene of many important balls and functions in social life, and of a constant succession of notable public banquets, and famous throughout the United States and Europe. The Chamber of Commerce, The New England Society, and other great organizations have held their annual banquets here for years, and nearly all the most conspicuous men in the United States have been heard at public dinners there. Mr. Delmonico's fortune descended to collateral relatives. LORENZO DELHONICO, the most famous restaurateur and caterer of the United States, born in the Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, March 13, 1813, died in Sharon Springs, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1881. He came to America at the age of 19. His uncles had established a small candy store at No. 23 William street, and Lorenzo was taken by his unwilling relatives into their employment. This proved afterward of great advantage to them. In 1833, the first Delmonico restaurant was opened, only to be burned in the great fire of 1835. They started again at No. 78 Broad street, with a lodging house attachment. This new restaurant was burned in 1845, and next year a new one was opened on Broadway at Morris street. The finest cooking and finest wines in the city soon made this place famous and the best in the city. About 1856, it was removed to the corner of Chambers street. Later, the famous cafe at the corner of Fifth avenue and i4th street was established, followed by the restaurants at No. 22 Broad street, the one on Fifth avenue at 26th street, and one at No. 112 Broadway. In 1876. the branches 182 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. at the corner of Chambers street and i4th street were discontinued. The management of the great business devolved entirely upon Lorenzo Delmonico, who was distinguished by -his courtesy and business ability. He lost about half a million of money in 1861 by a speculation in petroleum, but paid the debt in full in a few years. While married, he had no children, and his business descended to his brother Siro and his nephew Charles. WILLIAM DEMUTH, merchant and manufacturer, born in Germany in 1835, is the son of Zacharias Demuth, who was engaged in the insurance business. After his education, ambition at the age of seventeen led him to the new world, apd in New York he entered the business of importing smokers' articles. After years of con- scientious attention to the interests of his employer, he foresaw the greater possibilities of manufacturing on his own account, and with enterprise opened a small store and factory in Liberty street. These quarters, ample at the beginning, became, through the energy instilled into the business, too contracted, and he found larger and more prominent quarters on Broadway. Here, by honorable business methods and untiring zeal, he has built up a business which is the largest of its kind. Mr. Demuth has demonstrated to the world the superiority of American made smokers' articles, not alone through exhibits at the Centennial and Chicago World's Fairs, but also by enter- ing, as it were, the lion's den, and taking away the gold medal at Paris. His creation , and enlargement of the industry in this country have naturally made him an ardent Republican and protectionist. CHAUNCEY MITCHELL DEPEW, LL.D., president of The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, descends through remote paternal ancestors from French Hugue- nots, who were among those who came to America in the early days of the country and founded the village of New Rochelle, in Westchester county. His mother, Martha Mitchell, was of illustrious and patriotic New England descent, being a member of the family to which belonged Roger Sherman, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and he is a lineal descendant of the Rev. Josiah Sherman, Chaplain of the 7th Conn. Continental line, and Gabriel Ogden of the New Jersey militia, both of whom served in the American Revolution. The ancestors of Mr. Depew settled in Peekskill, N. Y., two hundred years ago, and the farm they then occupied yet remains a family possession. Mr. Depew was born in Peekskill, April 23, 1834. He received an education in his native village and graduated from Yale College, with honors, in the famous class of 1856. Returning to Peekskill, he studied law with the Hon. William Nelson and was admitted to the bar in 1858. Successful from the start, interested in the higher politics and the national issues of the day, and a passionate lover of human liberty, he joined, while yet a young man, the new Republican party, then rising from the ruins of the old Whig organization, and became one of its most active champions. His talents being promptly recognized, he was chosen a delegate to the State Convention in 1858. In 1860, Mr. Depew took the stump for Abraham Lincoln. He made many speeches and displayed a solidity of logical argument, a brilliancy of wit, and a power of holding the steadfast attention of an audience, which placed him at once among the successful orators of the period. Elected by personal popularity to the Legislature in 1861 and 1862, in spite of Democratic ascendancy in his county, he revealed extraordinary abilities during his two terms in that body, and was seen to be a man with a great and brilliant future. In 1863, he was elected Secretary of State by 30,000 majority, reversing the majority of the year before for Horatio Seymour as Governor. Declining a renomina- AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. tion, as well as the position of Minister to Japan, tendered him by Secretary Seward, he resumed the practice of law. In 1866, his abilities having attracted the attention of Commodore Vanderbilt and of his son, William H. Vanderbilt, Mr. Depew was appointed attorney for The New York & Harlem Railroad. In 1869, he was made attorney for The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad and afterward a director. This was the period of the develop- ment of the Vanderbilt system of railroads. Mr. Depew was a constant adviser of the Vanderbilts, and by his good judgment and excellent advice maintained their constant respect and friendship. In 1875, he was made General Counsel for the entire system and a director in each one of the roads. His growing popularity led to his being named, in 1872, by the Liberal (or Greeley) party of New York, for Lieutenant Governor of the State, but he shared in the defeat of his colleagues, and, the Liberal party having run its course, he again became an ardent Republican. In 1885, he was prominently named for United States Senator, and, although reluctant, assented to the use of his name in the contest, which took place over filling the vacancies caused by the resignation of Senators Conkling and Platt. In the joint meeting of the Legislature at Albany in the early part of 1885, there was a stirring contest. Mr. Depew's name gradually made its way to the front among those who had been nominated, until on the nineteenth ballot it came within ten votes of an election, and on the thirty-fourth ballot it was yet as near to the goal. On the fortieth ballot, his strength yet undiminished, Mr. Depew withdrew. In 1884, he was tendered an election as United States Senator by all factions of the Republican party, and would have been elected without opposition had he not become so committed to business obligations as to be compelled to decline. In 1885, Mr. Depew, after three years of service as vice president of The New York Central Railroad, was elevated to its presidency. While thus given a position of great influence in the business world, his growing reputation made him eligible for greater political honors than any for which he had yet been named. In 1888, he was the candidate of the Republicans of New York State at the National Convention of the party for President of the United States. He received the solid vote of the New York delegation, but withdrew his name. President Harrison offered him the position of Secretary of State, to succeed Mr. Blaine, but Mr. Depew again declined. He is now president of two railroads of the Vanderbilt system and a director in twenty-eight others, besides being a director in The Wagner Palace Car Co., The Union Trust Co., The Western Union Telegraph Co., The JSquitable Life Assurance Society, The Western Transit Co., The West Shore & International Bridge Co., The Morris Run Coal Mining Co., The Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation, The Hudson River Bridge Co., The Canada Southern Bridge Co., The Niagara River Bridge Co., The Niagara Grand Island Bridge Co., The Tonawanda Island Bridge Co., The American Safe Deposit Co., The New York Mutual Gas Light Co., and The Brooklyn Storage and Warehouse Co. Mr. Depew stands extremely high socially, and is a member of many of the first class clubs of New York city, including the Union League, Metropolitan, Lotus, University, Century, Lawyers', Tuxedo, Republican, Press, Players' and Quaint. He is also a member of several yacht clubs and societies. He was president of THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 185 The Union League Club for seven years, a term longer by several years than that given to any other occupant of this distinguished position ; declining a re-election, he was made an honorary' life member. He was for ten years president of The Yale Alumni Association, and at the close of his decade of service, was elected an honorary member for life. He is president of the local Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. While a successful lawyer and business man, Mr. Depew is, if possible, more widely known as one of the most brilliant and entertaining of the orators of this generation. For over thirty years he has been continually in demand for addresses at public dinners and in celebrations of public moment of the most important and impressive character. He has probably been invited more times than any other man in the United States, to speak to public assemblages. His presence as a speaker ensures the success of any cele- bration; and his wit, scholarship, strength of argument and clearness of exposition, never fail to charm and delight his hearers. He is without an equal in America as an after dinner orator. FREDERIC JAMES DE PEYSTER, lawyer, born in this city, Feb. 5, 1839, is a son of Capt. James Ferguson De Peyster, and his wife, Frances Goodhue Ashton. The men of the family have been prominent as land holders, and in public affairs for 250 years. He graduated from the College of the City of New York, and fitted himself for the legal profession at Columbia Law School. Mr. De Peyster is exempt from the necessity of daily toil, and devotes his abilities to the study of history, public lectures and addresses, and the management of various societies. He is president of The Society of Colonial Wars, The St. Nicholas Society, and an officer of various charitable institutions. For many years president of The Archaeological Society, he took a leading part in the founding and building of an American school of classical study in Athens. Oct. 10, 1871, he married Augusta McEvers Morris, daughter of William H. Morris, of Morrisania. JOHN WATTS DE PEYSTER, Brevet Major General, State of New York, was born March 9, 1821, at No. 3 Broadway, New York city, the only child of Frederic De Peyster and Mary Justina, youngest daughter of the Hon. JOHN WATTS, II, and Jane De Lancey. The history of his ancestors on both sides, his blood relatives and connec- tions, was the history of New York, down to the close of the Revolution ; on his father's side, ' 'through six generations, from father to son, each a leader of men in his day, and charged with civic trusts when public life meant honorable fame." The grandfather on his mother's side, John Watts, vir equanimitatis, who was the last Royal Recorder of, and founder and endower of The Leake & Watts Orphan House in, the city of New York, was born in that city, Aug. 27, 1749 (O. S.), and died there, Sept. 3, 1836 (N. S.). He was the second son of the Hon. John Watts, I., president of the King's Council, first president of The New York City Hospital, etc., and in high favor and respect Avith the Home Government, in consequence of which he was put under the ban, and his ample fortune, among other properties his beautiful country seat about Twenty-first street on the East river in New York city, confiscated by the Revolutionary authorities. A por- tion of this property was purchased from the Committee of Sequestration by John Watts, II. (not restored, as often falsely stated), perhaps owing to the fact that his brother Robert married Mary, daughter of William Alexander, titular Earl of Stirling, Continental Major General, whose grandmother was daughter of Johannes, first De Peyster in this country. i86 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Frederic de Peyster, vir auctoritatis, was born in New York, Nov. n, 1796, and died at Rose Hill, Dutchess county, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1882. He was sixth in descent from Johannes, who was Schepen, 1655-65, Alderman under the English and Burgo- master under the Dutch administrations, Deputy Mayor 1677, and appointed Mayor the same year, but declined. His two sons, Abraham and Johannes, were Mayors of New York, the former 1691-95, the latter 1698-99. Abraham was the most distin- guished of the family, of superior ability and worth: Colonel, commanding Regiment of New York city Troops, horse and foot, 685 men, in 1700, Alderman 1685, Mayor 1691-95, Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court 1698, Chief Justice 1700, President of the King's Council and, as such, Acting Governor 1701, Treasurer of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey 1706-1721, confidant of New York's best Royal Governor, the Earl of Bellomont, and friend of William Penn. He was born July 8, 1657, and died Aug. 2, 1728. Frederic de Peyster's three grandsons served in the Union Army during the Slave- holders' Rebellion, and two lost their lives in consequence. The eldest, John Watts de Peyster, jr., was Major, ist New York Volunteer Artillery, and brevetted Colonel, U. S. V., principally for distinguished conduct at Chancellorsville. The second, Frederic de Peyster, jr., was brevetted from 2d Lieutenant to Major, U. S. V., and to Colonel, N. Y. V., especially for gallantry, etc , at first Bull Run, 1861; and the third, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. V., and Colonel, N. Y. V., for general merit and for having had the signal opportunity of hoisting "the first American flag" over the Capitol of captured Richmond, April 9, 1865. John Watts de Peyster is as much a self-educated man as a majority of those who have won that reputation, and through study and observation and reflection, assisted by marvellous memory, his forecasts and judgments in matters to which he has given his attention have proved almost infallible. A catalogue of his literary, historical and scientific works, by no means complete, in the Annual Reports of the American His- torical Association, occupies more than a dozen pages. These works have won for their author all the university degrees, honorary or corresponding memberships or fellow- ships, in historical, literary and scientific societies, at home and abroad, and many val- uable medals and decorations, the latest the "Gold medal, for 1894, of the' Society of Science, Letters and Art, of London," "for scientific and literary attainments." In the military service of the State of New York he rose to the rank of Brigadier General, and is the first officer so appointed by any Governor individually, his every promotion having been made for special services, and, in 1866, he was commissioned Brevet Major General, "for meritorious services rendered to the State^and the United States prior to and during the Rebellion," by special act or concurrent resolution of the State Legis- lature, and he is the first and only officer receiving such a distinction from the State of New York or any State. By inheritance from his grandfather, John Watts, he was the last Patroon or owner of the lower Claverack Manor and other lands in Columbia county, N. Y., virtually confiscated by the Legislature pandering to Anti-Rent, and through his father of extensive hereditary lease-lands in the county of Dutchess, N. Y. NICHOLAS DE PEYSTER, who died in New York city, Feb. 17, 1889, was a direct descendant of Johannes De Peyster, first of the name in New York, 250 years ago. Nicholas was educated by private tutors. He inherited large means from the De Peyster estate, but increased it by his own efforts. In 1849, ne went to California, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 187 where he was exceedingly successful. After his return to the East, he spent much time in foreign travel. In 1870, he was married to Miss Marianna Moore, and his wife and one son, William D. De Peyster, survived him. He was, at different times, a member of the St. Nicholas, New York, Century and American Yacht clubs. CHRISTIAN EDWARD DETflOLD, civil engineer, born in Hanover, Germany, Feb. 2, 1810, died in New York city, July 2, 1887. Graduating from a military academy in Hanover, he came to America in 1826, intending at first to enter the Brazilian Army, but subsequently adopting the profession of civil engineer and settling in New York city. A man of very energetic nature and ingenious mind, he made a number of surveys in the South; drew plans in 1828 for the first locomotive engine built by the Messrs. Kemble ; constructed The Charleston & Hamburg Railroad in South Carolina, one of the first in the country; and in 1833 and 1834 laid the founda- tions of Fort Sumter under the direction of the War Department. Later, he con- structed canals in Maryland and Pennsylvania, and built the Crystal Palace in New York city, on the site of what is now the Fifth avenue reservoir, completing it in 1853. He then purchased a large interest in coal mines in Pennsylvania, and engaged in manufacturing iron, in which he made valuable improvements. He built the works of The New Jersey Zinc Co., at Newark, N. J., being president of the company, and developed the manufacture of spiegel iron from the residue of zinc ore. Failing health finally compelled him to seek recreation abroad, and he spent a number of years in Paris, returning to New York in 1885. At one time he served upon the committee for investigating the Tweed frauds. He was a member of the Century and Union League clubs, and gave evidence of literary ability by translating the principal writings of Machiavelli. His wife, Phoebe L. Crary, and two daughters, survived him, the latter being Wilhelmina Emilie, wife of Count Gaston d'Arschot, Charge d'Affaires for Belgium, at Washington, and Zella Trelawney, wife of Joseph Lentilhon. JACOB GERHARD DETTnER, manufacturer, was born in Piqua, O., Aug. 31, 1845. He is of German descent and a son of Justus G. Dettmer, who emigrated to Ohio from Hanover, German}', in 1829. A bright student at the local high school, Jacob learned the dry goods trade as a clerk in Troy, O., and was made a partner two years later, in Steil & Dettmer. In 1866, he moved to St. Louis, to embark in a wholesale woolen goods trade, as junior in the firm of Reiter, Steil & Co. While adherence to one line of business is usually the best guarantee of success, Mr. Dettmer improved his position materially in 1871, by coming to New York and engaging in the- manu- facture of cream of tartar, tartaric acid, baking powder and other grocers' sundries in The Royal Baking Powder Co. and The New York Tartar Co. He retired in 1886. He is a director of The Bedford Bank, The People's Trust Co. and The City Savings Bank of Brooklyn, and now a large owner of excellent real estate. He makes his home in Brooklyn, where he has joined the Hamilton, Union League, Montauk and other clubs and societies. CHARLES DEVLIN, contractor, a native of Lurgan, Ireland, born March 15, 1805, died in Xe\v York, Feb. i, 1881. His ancestors had dwelt in the same part of Ireland as he for generations, and had fought and bled in the struggle for freedom. He came to this country at the age of twenty-seven, finding occupation as an apprentice and then as a journeyman baker. By careful saving, he soon gained the capital to start in the baking business on his own account. Honest and hard working, he -was prospered 188 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. greatly. About 1850, through being compelled to finish a piece of work, undertaken by a contractor, who had defaulted and for whom he had given security, he became a contractor himself. His first signal success was a contract for building part of The Hudson River Railroad, and he then engaged in the construction of sewers and other public works, including the greater part of the heavy grading and rock cutting in Central Park. In time, he grew to be one of the best known contractors in the country. In politics a Democrat, he served the city twice as School Commissioner. A famous dispute arose in 1857, when Fernando Wood appointed him a Street Commis- sioner. The Governor having appointed Daniel D. Conover a Street Commissioner at the same time, a conflict of authority followed, celebrated in the municipal history of the city. Such intellectxial giants as Charles O'Conor, James T. Brady and David Dudley Field engaged in the battle. The Mayor's appointee won. The Hackley street cleaning suit against the city, which occupied the courts for upward of thirty years, was carried on by Mr. Devlin as assignee of Andrew J. Hackley, and has been recently argued by the Court of Appeals on behalf of John B. Devlin, executor. Mr. Devlin came into prominence in 1871, as one of Tweed's bondsmen for $300,000. Although then considered worth $2,000,000, his liberality led him into difficulties, which in 1878, ended in his bankruptcy. In the settlement of his estate, upward of $300,000 in notes, for money he had lent to friends, were sold for $39. On receiving his discharge from bankruptcy, Mr. Devlin resumed work as a contractor, paid his legitimate creditors in full, and at the time of his death again ranked as a man of wealth. He was never connected with corporations, but was a large holder of real estate. By his marriage in this country with Mary Mackin of Dromore, Ireland, he had six children, Charles B. , John B. and Joseph A. Devlin, and Mrs. Mary Tully, Mrs. Isabel Bram and Mrs. Frances Croft. FREDERICK WILLIAM DEVOE, merchant and manufacturer, is a native of New York city, where he was born Jan. 26, 1828. He descends from a very ancient family, whose share in public affairs has been so conspicuous, that it can be traced back in his- tory for fully eleven centuries. The name has undergone changes in process of time, and has been spelled De Voe, De Veau, de Veaux, de Vaux, and otherwise. It seems to- have been derived from the district of Vaux in Normandy, the original seat of the family. Various possessors of the name were of high rank and related to royalty by marriage. The first member of the family to find his way to America was Matheus de Vos, a Huguenot, who found in the new world the liberty of conscience denied to him in France. He was a resident of New Amsterdam with his family at least as early as 1653, and came into prominence as a notary and attorney ir/the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens. Daniel and Nicholas de Vaux came to America later and settled in Har- lem. Their brother, Frederick de Veaux, ancestor of the subject of this sketch, a native of Annis, in France, fled from his native land with his father's family to escape massacre by the King's troops. He grew to manhood in Manheim, became a merchant, and emi- grated to New York in 1675. He settled in Harlem with his brothers, and there mar- ried Hester Terneur, daughter of Daniel Tourneur, and thus came into possession of a tract of land, known later as the Cromwell farm, near the Central bridge. For several generations the persons in this line were farmers and owners of land, now enormously valuable. Frederick De Veaux made several purchases, from time to time, and acquired 184 acres, comprising a neck of land at the bridge at McComb's Dam, a farm 190 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in Morrisania, and two farms at New Rochelle, these last containing 300 acres. He died in 1743 in Morrisania. His oldest son, Frederick de Voe, jr., born in 1684, died in 1753, leaving a large estate. Frederick de Voe, son of the latter, born about 1710, settled upon a farm on the Philipse manor, below Yonkers. When the Revolution occurred, he was too far along in years to bear arms, but his son John was a soldier in the southern battalion in the town of Yonkers. The family suffered the loss of all their possessions for their loyalty during the War. After the peace, John bought 136 acres of the old Philipse manor, and there dwelt the remainder of his days.. In 1779, he married Rebecca De Voe, a daughter of his father's half brother Daniel. Eleven children were born to them, of whom John was the father of the subject of this sketch. John De Voe possessed the martial spirit of his father, and served a part of the first year of the War of 1812 in the regiment of Lieut. Col. Jonathan Varian. In 1807, he married Sophia, daughter of Thomas Farrington, of Mile Square, in Yonkers. Of his family of ten children, Frederick William De Voe was the youngest. Frederick was educated in private schools, and in 1843 became a clerk in the coun- try store of his brother Isaac, in Spotswood, N. J. The training in these country stores is always an excellent one, and Frederick was well equipped for more important labors, when, in 1846, he returned to New York city to enter the store of Jackson & Robins, drug and paint brokers on Wall street. This engagement proved congenial to him and fixed his occupation for life. His brother John was a junior partner in the firm, who were engaged in the trade of paints, varnish and oils, succeeding the old house of William & Gerardus Post, at the corner of Water and Fletcher streets. In 1848, Frederick improved his position by becoming clerk for Butler & Raynolds. He was able, diligent and ambitious, and, by 1852, felt sufficiently confident of himself to undertake business on his own account, and formed the firm of Raynolds & Devoe. In 1855, the firm established their store on Fulton street, succeeding Schanck & Downing in the paint and varnish business. The partners displayed all the qualities which are necessary to business success and made their way steadily. In 1864, the firm reorganized as F. W. Devoe & Co. They have made steady progress until the present time and during their history of thirty-one years have, borne a high reputation for enterprise and business honor. For several years Mr. Devoe was also engaged in refining petroleum and the ship- ment of it in cans and cases. His product, called " Devoe's Brilliant Oil," enjoyed a very extended sale, and was shipped to Germany, the Mediterranean, the East Indies, Australia, China, and the Pacific coast, besides having a large sale in the United States. This branch of the business was afterward carried on under the name of The Devoe Manufacturing Co. , and was sold, in 1873, to other owners. Although thus largely interested in petroleum, Mr. Devoe was never in any way connected with any of the land companies formed for the production of crude oil. Mr. Devoe has a natural taste for mechanics, and much of his machinery and fac- tory plant were built after his own plans, during the early part of his career. In 1890, the business was incorporated under their former name, with Mr. Devoe as president. In 1892, by a consolidation of two concerns, the business assumed the name of The F. W. Devoe & C. T. Raynolds Co. Both firms were on Fulton street, occupying large stores nearly opposite to each other. The present company is one of the leading con- cerns in the country, and Mr. Devoe is its president and treasurer. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DE. 19! Mr. Devoe has little taste for political life, but has served his city and State acceptably in several official positions. He was appointed by Mayor Cooper, in 1880, a Commissioner of Education, and was reappointed by Mayors Edson, Hewitt and Grant. He resigned from the Board in 1891. His labors in this position were devoted to such changes and improvements in the course of study, as to render a public school education of more practical utility. His persistent efforts did much towards preparing the way for the industrial schools, which are now a valuable feature of the public school system. Governor Hill appointed him in 1890 as a trustee of The Middletown Homoeopathic Hospital for the Insane, in place of Fletcher Harper, deceased. Mr. Devoe is also a trustee of The New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. In 1890, when the "Greater New York" commission came into existence, he received the honor of appointment as one of its members. To the duties of all these positions he pays close attention. The work to which he is most actively devoted is The New York Juvenile Asylum, of which he became a director in 1890, being elected vice-president in 1893. He is now its president. He was married in 1853 to Sarah M., daughter of Walter Briggs. This union brought them five children. Two daughters died in infancy, and Henry Meyer De Voe, the only son, when eight years old. The family now consist of Mr. and Mrs Devoe and two daughters, young ladies. They have a charming home on Jerome avenue, in Fordham, now a part of the Twenty-fourth Ward, opposite St. James's Episcopal Church. Mr. Devoe is strongly opposed to social club life, is fond of home life, and enjoys the respect of a wide circle of friends. He is a member of the Holland and St. Nicholas Societies, as well as of The New York Microscopical Society. The family possess cultivated musical taste, and are associated with several musical societies. Finally, it may be said that Mr. Devoe is one of the wardens of The Church of Zion and St. Timothy on West 57th street. HENRY DEXTER, president of The American News Co., was born in West Cam- bridge, Mass., March 14, 1813, and is a son of Jonathan Marsh Dexter, a fur merchant. The latter was the oldest son of David Dexter, who, with his younger brother, the well known Dr. Aaron Dexter of Boston, professor in Harvard College, 1783-1829, was born in Maiden, Mass., the original seat of the Dexter family in this country, where land, purchased in 1663, has been continuously held in the Dexter name to this day. They were sons of Richard, son of Richard, son of John, son of Richard Dexter, who seems to have fled from the massacre of the Protestants, which took place in Ire- land in October, 1641, and who was probably descended from Richard De Exeter, Governor of Ireland in 1269. The subject of this biography was educated in West Cambridge, and in publishing houses in Boston and Cambridge. He removed to New York city in 1836, and carried on the hardware business for several years with the Whittemores, the inventors of the famous cotton card making machine. In 1842, be- coming convinced of the capabilities of the wholesale trade in books, magazines, peri- odicals and newspapers, which his brother George had already taken up, he joined the latter and laid the foundations of the eminence, to which he has since attained. Mr. Dexter originated the conception of The American News Co., which he was finally able, with the aid of others in the same business, to realize in 1864. Under the enterprising management of himself and associates, this company has extended its operations to 192 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN every part of the United States and Canada, and transacts business in England, France and Germany, as well as South America and the East Indies. Its sales amount to more than twenty-five millions of dollars annually. Mr. Dexter, who has thoroughly grasped the principles of the business, is a clear headed man, of great purity of character. He has travelled extensively, both on this continent and in Europe, Egypt and Palestine. The family own a little less than 2,000 acres in the Adirondacks, which they use for a summer residence. Oct. n, 1853, Mr. Dexter married Lucretia Marquand Perry, daughter of Orrando Perry of Easton, Conn. They have surviving a daughter and one son, Orrando Perry Dexter. WATSON BRADLEY DICKERMAN, stock broker, born Jan. 4, 1846, is a native of Mount Carmel, Conn., and a son of Ezra Dickerman. Every drop which flows in his veins is derived from the Puritans of New England. The pioneer of the family settled in Massachusetts in 1635. Receiving an education in Williston Seminary, East- hampton, Mass., the young man found his first employment in the banking house of Jacob Bunn, in Springfield, 111. This engagement fixed his occupation for life. In 1868, he joined the Open Board of Brokers in this city, subsequently consolidated with the Stock Exchange, and in 1870, with W. G. Dominick, established the brokerage firm of Dominick & Dickerman. He has been successful both in his business and in win- ning the confidence and entire goodwill of his fellow brokers. In 1890 and 1891, they elected him president of the Stock Exchange. He is president of The Norfolk & Southern Railroad, and director of The Long Island Loan & Trust Co. In 1869, he was married to Martha E., daughter of Samuel and Mary Phelps Swift, of Brooklyn. Their child, a son, died when two years old. The family make their home at Hilland- dale farm, near Mamaroneck, N. Y. Mr. Dickerman has joined the Metropolitan, Union League, Country, New York Yacht, and Brooklyn clubs. PATRICK DICKIE, merchant, a native of Balquhine, Scotland, born June 26, 1793, died in this city, Nov. 16, 1877. A shrewd, wide awake yoting man, he began life in London, and came to the new world in 1817, establishing here the drug store in which he made his fortune. His trade was very extensive. Samuel Houston received aid from him in the form of medical supplies for the Texan army, and in his gratitude gave Mr. Dickie nearly 75,000 acres of land. This grant was repudiated, however, after the battle of San Jacinto. Mr. Dickie filled excellent contracts with the city government in New York. He was far seeing enough to invest his savings in local real estate; and a public garden, which he bought in 1820, at the corner of Broadway and Canal street, realized a million dollars in profits in the next forty-two years. Married to Susan Orr Perry, his children were Emma D. , wife of Jasper T. Van Vleck; Serena D., wife of Charles I. Turrell; Charles P. Dickie, now deceased; Edward P. Dickie; Helen D., wife of Jay L. Adams; Horace P. Dickie, and Susan Dickie, now deceased. JOHN BUMPSTEAD DICKINSON, merchant, born in New York city, June 29, 1814, died in Chicago, March 16, 1875. He lived with his uncle, P. K. Dickinson, in North Carolina, until about sixteen years of age, and then came to New York to connect himself with commercial pursuits, in which, from the outset, he was successful to a marked degree. For many years he was a member of the firm of Wakeman, Gookin & Dickinson, in the California trade, and amassed a large fortune. A director of The National Shoe and Leather Bank, The Union Mutual Insurance Co., The Broadway THE C1TV OF NEW YORK. DI. iq-j Insurance Co., and The Brooklyn Dry Dock Co., and at one time president of The Tenth National Bank, he was also president of The Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway and largely interested in The Brooklyn Ferry Co. His election to these trusts illustrated the integrity and ability of his character. Though reared an Episcopalian, he united in early manhood with the Methodist Episcopal Church, whose interests and welfare he loyally promoted. Mr. Dickinson was twice married, his first wife being Almira Cocks, sister of John D. Cocks, president of The Atlantic Fire Insurance Co. His second wife, who survived him, was Mrs. Mary C. Lowe, of Massachusetts, a lady of rare culture, well known for her lifelong work along educational, literary and philanthropic lines. Mr Dickinson contributed largely to the benevolent enterprises of his church, and his private charities were numerous and unostentatious. As trustee and director, he managed the affairs of others with the same fidelity and prudence which marked the direction of his own business. Eight children survived him: Platt K., John P., Howard C., and Frank F. Dickinson; and Almira, widow of Benjamin F. Sherwood, of San Francisco; Adelaide, widow of Frank Harrison Carter; and Jane Vance and Mary Dickinson. SIDNEY DILLON, railroad president, born in Northampton, Montgomery county, X. Y., May 7, 1812, died in New York city, June 9, 1892. His father was a farmer, and his maternal grandfather a soldier in the American Revolution. From the common school he went, while yet a youth, to a situation as errand boy on The Mohawk & Hudson Railroad, and afterward held a similar position on The Rensselaer & Saratoga Railroad. Next, overseer for the contractors, who were building The Boston & Providence Railroad, later he was employed as foreman and manager of work upon The Stonington Railroad, and foreman in some heavy rock work on The Western Railway of Massachusetts. Acquiring confidence, he made a bid for a section of the latter work, which he successfully completed in 1840. This was the beginning of Mr. Dillon's career as a contractor. He next took a heavy contract on The Troy & Schenectady Railway, employing for the first time a steam excavator; and after that time, either alone, or in association with others, he successfully completed a number of large contracts in the construction of railroads, including The Hartford & Spring- field, The Cheshire, The Vermont & Massachusetts, The Central of New Jersey, The Boston & New York Central, and The Philadelphia & Erie roads. He was remarkable for energy, power of organization, and ability in the management of forces of men. In 1865, Mr. Dillon identified himself with construction work on The Union Pacific Rail- road, and meantime filled several other important contracts. In 1869, Mr. Dillon laid the last rail which established railroad connection between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. He was twice president, at intervals, of The Union Pacific Railroad, and held' that position at his death, and was also intimately associated with various other rail- road systems. He was a director of The Canada Southern Railroad, The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, The New York, Lacka- wanna & Western, The Manhattan Elevated and The Missouri Pacific Railways, The Pacific Mail Steamship Co., The Wabash Railroad, The Western Union Telegraph Co., The Mercantile Trust Co., The Safe Deposit Co. of New York, and other corpora- tions. In 1841, Mr. Dillon married Hannah Smith, who died Dec. 6, 1884. Two daughters, Julia D., wife of J. D wight Ripley, and Cora D., wife of Peter B. Wyckoff, survived him. While brusque in manner, as men of force sometimes are, he was clear 194 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and direct in conversation, kindly and generous in his disposition, and highly re- spected. WILLIAfl B. DINSMORE, president of The Adams Express Co., was born in Boston in 1810, and died in New York city, April 20, 1888. Deprived of the advantages of early education, William went to work on a farm at the age of eleven, remaining there for three years, when he returned to Boston and obtained employment in a saddlery establishment. A few years later, he made the acquaintance of Alvin Adams, who sent him to New York to take charge of the Adams express business here. After a hard struggle, Mr. Dinsmore placed the local branch upon a good footing. His energy and power of application were remarkable. He afterward took John Hoey into his employment, and from that time these two men toiled untiringly to build up The Adams Express Co. In a few years, they had extended the route of the company to all parts of the country. Mr. Dinsmore was a large owner in the stock of the cor- poration. He was also a director of The American Exchange Bank, The Pennsylvania Railroad and The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, and a member of the Union and New York clubs. A liking for the country led Mr. Dinsmore to establish a stock farm for Alderney cattle, as soon as he gained the means, and he made it the largest of its kind in the United States. His wife, Augusta M. Snow, of Boston, with 'two sons, survived him, the latter being William B. Dinsmore, jr., and Clarence Gray Dinsmore. His name, throughout a long career, was a synonym for integrity, manli- ness and energy. CHARLES HEALY DITSON, publisher of music, was born Aug. n, 1845, and is a son of the late Oliver Ditson, founder of the house of Oliver Ditson & Co. , in Boston. He was educated in the schools of Boston, and began business life as an employe in his father's store. He showed capacity and was admitted to the firm in 1867. The same year the firm established a branch house in New York city, under the name of Charles H. Ditson & Co. , incorporated under New York laws, and Charles has, since that time, made New York city his home. He is treasurer of the now incorporated firm of The Oliver Ditson Co., in Boston, which owns the branch house in Philadelphia, and is part owner of Lyon & Healy, in Chicago. Mr. Ditson belongs to the Players' club and The New England Society of this city, and The Algonquin club of Boston. ALFRED P. DIX, note broker, a native of Massachusetts, was born Dec. 12, 1839. He is a grandson of Gen. Artemas Ward of the Continental army in the American Revolution, and the possessor of a valuable collection of papers and letters, belonging to the period of that war, including letters from George Washington, General Gates, General Ward, Lord Howe, John Winthrop arid others. Alfred left the Lawrence Academy in Groton, Mass., to spend five years in a clerkship in a dry goods store in Worcester, and five years more in the same occupation in Boston. He came to New York city in 1864, and was a partner for five years in Harden & Dix, commission merchants, and five years the representative of the Lawrence aid Pemberton Mills of Lawrence, Mass. In 1875, he engaged in banking, dealing in credits and the purchase and sale of notes. John J. Phyfe joined him the following year. The firm of Dix & Phyfe originated the business of discounting the notes of merchants, who were required to establish a credit with their bankers as well as with their selling agents. This system has since come into general use. The caution and discrimination of Dix & Phyfe cause paper approved by them to be in demand in THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DO. 195 banking circles. Mr. Dix was married in 1866 to Miss Carruth of Boston, and has one daughter living, Mildred Carruth Dix. WILLIAn EARLE DODGE, merchant, born near Hartford, Conn., Sept. 4, i8os > died in New York city, Feb. 9, 1883. His father, David Low Dodge, a cotton manu- facturer in Bozrahville, near Norwich, Conn., gave William employment for a time, after a brief attendance at the public schools. About 1818, the family removed to New York, when the son became the boy of all work in a wholesale dry goods store. In 1827 he started a small dry goods store on his own account. Conspicuous from youth for an agreeable presence and high character, about 1830, he was married to a daughter of Anson G. Phelps, who, with Elisha Peck, had established an important business in the importation of metals. In 1833, Mr. Dodge was taken into the office of Phelps & Peck. Shortly afterward, the house reorganized under the name of Phelps, Dodge & Co. , a title which has been retained to the present time. The energetic policy of Mr. Dodge, who, for years, directed the operations of the house, resulted in a trade, conti- nental in its extent and highly profitable to the firm. As he gained the means, Mr. Dodge invested his earnings in important enterprises and was an extensive operator in lumber in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas, West Virginia and Canada, where he owned several million acres of forest lands. He was also a director of The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, and prominently connected with The Delaware & Lack- awanna Iron & Coal Co., The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and other corporations. Mr. Dodge attained distinction no less through the elevation and purity of his character than through phenomenal success in business pursuits. He was unbending in his advocacy of the sacredness of the Sabbath day and left the directory of The Erie Railroad when the company began to run .trains on Sunday. His contribu- tions to religious, charitable and educational institutions were extensive. The devotion of a portion of his income to philanthropic work began early in life and was with him systematic. For several years, his contributions amounted to from 200,000 to $350,000 to worthy objects, and over 300,000 was given in his will to institutions. His wife, Melissa P., and seven children survived him, the latter being William E., Anson G. P., David Stuart, Charles C , George E., Norman W., and Arthur M. Dodge. His son, WILLIAM EARLE DODGE, jr., merchant, born in New York city, Feb. 15, 1832, received his education in this city. Associating himself with his father's business, he was admitted to partnership in Phelps, Dodge & Co. , which afterward became one of the leading houses in the city in the importation of metals. While inheriting a portion of his father's estate, he has increased his patrimony in the management of the old house, of which he has been since one of the senior members. He is a man of marked ability and fine character. His firm control The Commercial Mining Co., at Prescott, Arizona, and valuable mines at Big Bug and Senator, Arizona, including the Hack- berry mines, the Senator gold mines, and The Copper Basin Mining Co. Mr. Dodge is president of The Ansonia Brass & Copper Co., and The Ansonia Clock Co., and director or trustee of The Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co., The Commercial Mining Co., The Detroit Copper Mining Co., The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., The New York Life Insurance & Trust Co. , and The Lackawanna Steel Co. ; and president of the trustees of The Young Men's Christian Association, and of The Evangelical Alliance. The clubs to which a man belongs illustrate his tastes and social standing, and on this point it is sufficient to say that Mr. Dodge belongs to the Metropolitan, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DO. 197 Union League, City, Century, Down Town, Riding, Reform, Presbyterian, Country, and Commonwealth clubs, and The New England Society. ALFRED DOLGE, manufacturer, one of the most remarkable men for whom America is indebted to the mother land of Germany, was born in Chemnitz in that country, Dec. 22, 1848. His father, August, was one of the leaders of the Revolution of 1 848-49, and the honor of being twice tried by court martial was accorded to him. Twice he was sentenced to death, but the penalty of his courageous efforts for liberty was afterward changed to imprisonment for fifteen years. Alfred attended the public schools of Leipzig during his boyhood, and then learned the trade of piano making in his father's factory, an art requiring the highest mechani- cal skill. Attracted to America by the greater liberty and more promising opportuni- ties of the new world, he landed at Castle Garden on the gth of September in 1 866. A strongly built, capable and practical youth, he accepted the first employment which offered, and found work on a farm in Wisconsin for one season. Returning then to the East, he spent two and a half years at his trade of piano making. With $500, which he had earned by diligent labor at the bench and saved by careful economy, Mr. Dolge began, in July, 1869, the importation of piano materials from Europe. The felts employed by piano makers in this country were at that time purchased abroad, but Mr. Dolge believed that they could be, and should be, made in America. To believe is, with a nature as energetic as his, to act. In 1871, therefore, Mr. Dolge began the manufacture of piano felts, in Brooklyn, and thus became the actual pioneer of this valuable industry in the L T nited States. In 1874, he moved the works to Dolgeville, in Herkimer county, N. Y. In this beautiful town, a large factory has gradually come into existence through his persistent energy; and at these works Mr. Dolge has also developed the most highly approved felt machinery known to the whole industry. Departments for making the different parts of pianos have been added to the factory', one after another, until Mr. Dolge is now the proprietor of the most complete, the largest and most highly developed piano material manufactory in the world. Employment is given to a large force of skillful operatives; and probably no where in the United States can there be found a finer group of working people than those to whom Mr. Dolge has been both an employer and benefactor. His enterprise has finally put an end to the importation of piano materials from Europe, and rendered America entirely independent of every other land for its supply of these articles. If it be added that the performance of public services of great utility has brought Mr. Dolge a fortune, it must be said on the other hand that he has bestowed far greater benefits than he has received. But to say that he is a successful manufacturer, by no means sums up the remarka- ble career of Alfred Dolge. The village of Dolgeville, founded by him, has become the model industrial town of American origin, both in its social and economic aspects. It has all the advantages of modern ideas and city methods, without the disadvantage of the paternalism usually associated with so called ideal towns. A free public school and an academy of the highest order, fully equipped with scientific apparatus and with all the modern appointments, have been built by Mr. Dolge and given to the town. Houses containing from six to nine rooms have been built, many of them wholly or in part by Mr. Dolge, and now belong to the workmen themselves. Mr. Dolge has also converted the woodlands surrounding the town into parks, which will always remain a 198 permanent and beautiful feature of the place. In all which pertains to making Dolge- ville a model town in its sanitary, educational and picturesque aspects, Mr. Dolge has shown a practical good sense, amounting to real greatness. He is the leader of his people, not their patron. The most significant of the new ideas introduced at Dolgeville, and the one whose influence will be the most permanent and far reaching, is Mr. Dolge's contribution to the solution of the labor problem. One of the most depressing features of the present industrial system, apparently the one most difficult of treatment, is the discharge of workmen, when they reach the stage of " diminishing returns," or declining efficiency. It is a complaint against modern capital, that it takes labor when it is young and vigorous, exploits its vitality, and ruthlessly throws it aside, when it has passed the prime of life or approaches old age. The workmen are then too old to learn a new trade. Except in rare cases, they are liable to become recipients of charity or entirely dependent for support upon the younger members of their families. It is thus held, and not without force, that a hopeless old age is all the average working man can hope for, unless he dies in the harness. This is made the basis of much of the Socialistic attack upon modern capital. For this complaint, Mr. Dolge has, by experiments continued through twenty years, developed a successful remedy, based upon economic and scientific principles, which enables every workman to retire at the age of sixty with a competence for the remainder of his life. It is a system of industrial insurance, which is to labor what a depreciation fund is to capital. It provides for the retirement of workmen when they reach the age of declining efficiency, in the same way that a depreciation fund provides for replacing old machinery with new. This system entirely eliminates the inhumanity hitherto involved in the discharge of old and often faithful workmen. By providing for them a permanent income for the remainder of their lives, the hopelessness of old age is entirely overcome. In an article in The Social Economist for June, 1892, presenting the leading features of his system, Mr. Dolge says: " In order, therefore, to obtain the best results from laborers, they must not only live under good conditions while working, but they must be placed beyond the fear of want in their old age. To secure this, a labor deprecia- tion or insurance fund should be made an established part of the cost of production, just the same as depreciation for machinery is provided for now. From these, two important advantages are obtained: (i.) Laborers can be retired without becoming paupers, when they cease to be profitable factors in production, or when they reach what economists call the stage of 'diminishing returns.' 1 ' (2.) Their future being assured, laborers would feel safe in keeping their wives at home, sending their children to school, and otherwise living up to the full extent of their income. Thus, instead of constantly trying to restrict their standard of living to provide for old age, they would have every inducement for extending it, which would tend to increase their intelligence, social character and individuality, and develop not only more efficient laborers, but a higher manhood and superior citizenship among our people." Mr. Dolge's plan is entirely free from the slightest taint of paternalism, being based upon strictly economic and thoroughly practical business principles and verified by a test of twenty years. It is susceptible of universal application. If this were made a national policy, as it easily might be, it would tend to eliminate pauperism from this THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DO. 199 country, might do it altogether, and would certainly do much to destroy the acri- monious spirit which is creating a social antagonism against present methods of pro- duction. In this, Mr. Dolge has proved himself a social philosopher as well as a successful manufacturer, qualities rarely found together. To grow rich, and at the same time to become more democratic towards the masses, is a quality of greatness. Mr. Dolge is now the head of the great firm of Alfred Dolge & Son ; a partner in C. F. Zimmerman & Co., manufacturers of autoharps; and Daniel Green & Co., second vice president of The Little Falls & Dolgeville Railroad, and in New York city, trustee of The German Savings Bank, and member of the Republican and Liederkranz clubs. By his marriage, Dec. 22, 1868, to Anna Auguste Horn, he has five children, Rudolf, William, Ernst, Henry and Fritz Dolge. His home is now in New York city, where he has become widely known and greatly respected. He is an interesting speaker and has frequently been heard with profit before public assemblages in ex- planation of economic questions. JOHN DOLLARD, merchant, born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, March 15, 1840, died in New York city, July 4, 1892. He was the son of Patrick Dollard, prominent as a grain merchant and the owner of large real estate interests in the southern part of this city. The father died about 1890, leaving a valuable estate. John attended the public schools and finished his education in St. Peter's parochial school in the basement of the church on Barclay street. A messenger and clerk in a Wall street bank about six years, he then joined his father and succeeded him in the grain business, which he managed with ability. His office was at 63 Pearl street. He was a vigorous, active man, and at one time a member of Washington Engine Co., No. 20, in the old volunteer days. He was married in 1868, to a daughter of John Galavan ; his wife and five sons survived him, the latter being Patrick A. and Kerrin X. Dollard, both now grain merchants; James J. Dollard, lawyer, John and Edward Dollard. WILLIAM PROCTOR DOUGLAS, capitalist, born in October, 1842, in New York city, is a son of George Douglas, gentleman farmer, who, born in 1792 and a descend- ant of the great Scottish family of Douglas, spent most of his life on a large estate at Douglaston, L. I. The family sold their lands in Scotland and bought property in America. William received his education in Edinburgh, Scotland. The town house of the family was at 26-28 Park Place, this property being yet one of the many pieces of realty owned by Mr. Douglas in this city. When Park Place filled up with stores, the family moved to i4th street, where they occupied a large mansion, situated in grounds comprising nine city lots, which, superbly kept, were for years the talk of the town. Every lover of art remembers this mansion as long the home of The Metropolitan Museum of Art before its removal to Central Park. Mr. Douglas inherited from his father the manor of about 270 acres at Douglaston, Little Neck Bay, Long Island, and a large amount of property in this city. He has managed his estate capably and is a director in The Greenwich and The North River Insurance Go's, and a stockholder in several banks. Mr. Douglas is known all over the world for his patriotic efforts in the defense of the America's Cup against British challengers. The Sappho which defeated the Livonia in 1871 was his boat. For a later contest, James Gordon Bennett and he built the Priscilla. In 1879, he married Adelaide L., daughter of Effingham Townsend, the dry goods auctioneer. Their children are Edith Sybil and James Gordon Douglas. 200 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Mr. Douglas belongs to the best clubs of the United States and Europe, including the Metropolitan, Union, Racquet, Tuxedo, Coaching, Lambs', Country, Carteret Gun, New York Yacht, Corinthian Yacht, Douglaston Yacht, Austrian Yacht, Westminster Kennel, New York Athletic, Palmer Island, Rockaway Hunt, and Meadow Brook. DAVID DOWS, one of the most distinguished merchants of his time, was born on a farm in Saratoga county, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1814, and died in New York city, March 30, 1890. The Dows or Dowse family, which originated in the neighborhood of Colchester and Billerica in Essex, England, was of the strict Puritan type, and one of its members, Eleazar, served as a Colonel under Oliver Cromwell in the army of the Common- wealth. About 1630, Ebenezer and Maximilian Dowse, brothers of Eleazar, sought freedom of worship in the Colonies, and under the leadership of Governor Winthrop aided in the founding of Boston. Later, Ebenezer settled in Charlestown, Mass., and from him was descended Eleazar (father of David Dows), who was born in 1764. Be- coming a soldier in the War of the Revolution, Eleazar served under General Sullivan in Rhode Island and subsequently at West Point under the command of Benedict Arnold. In 1788, he established himself on a farm near Schenectady, in what was then a wilderness. His ability, energy, and decision of character soon brought him success and made him the leading man in his part of the county. By his marriage with Linda, daughter of Capt. John Wright, of Ballston (an officer of the Continental army), he be- came the father of six sons and six daughters. David Dows was the youngest of the sons. David worked on his father's farm and attended the district school until he became fourteen years of age. Then, in accordance with the example of his older brothers, he decided to leave home and make his way in the world. His first step in this direction was to obtain a clerkship in a dry goods store in Albany, one of the duties of which was, to open the shop every morning and make as attractive as possible a display of goods in the show window. It is not without interest to note that the compensation for his services, which were rendered with characteristic energy and intelligence, was $100, $150, and $250 per annum respectively, in the first, second and third years of his ser- vice, and that he boarded and clothed himself. While David was thus employed, his brother John, a man of remarkable business sagacity and strength of character, was building up a profitable business as a forwarder of grain, first on the Mohawk river, later on the Erie Canal, with headquarters in New York. Feeling that he could make use of his brother's services, John, in 1832, invited David to take a clerkship in his firm of Dows & Gary, which was gradually withdrawing from the transportation business in order to attend to the rapidly growing commission business which had been undertaken. Various changes now_occurred in the composi- tion and name of the firm, and in 1837, at the age of twenty-three, David was admitted to partnership in the newly constituted house of Dows & Cary. In 1844, John Dows died and David continued the business with Mr. Cary as an equal partner. In the following- year, in the midst of the universal money stringency, Dows & Cary were compelled to suspend payment on those acceptances, which, owing to the failure of certain country dealers to forward the produce, had not been covered by shipments of property. Owing to the confidence of their creditors, they were enabled almost immediately to resume business, and in the following year, one of unusual activity and large profits, the firm proved that this confidence was well placed, because it paid all its obligations, dollar for dollar with interest, including those which had been legally compounded. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DO. 2O1 An important event now occurred. Mr. Gary was forced by ill health to leave active business, and the management of the house fell to Mr. Dows. This was Mr. Dows's opportunity and he grasped it with a firm hand. Following a broad and bold policy, he made large advances on property shipped to him from the interior and suc- ceeded in opening up new and important avenues of trade. His integrity, sound judg- ment and high credit soon made Dows & Gary, and the new firm of David Dows & Co., formed on the death of Mr. Gary in 1854, by the admission of Mr. Dows's nephew, John D. Mairs, the most prominent commission house in New York. Indeed, the business of the firm grew to such proportions that Mr. Dows, in spite of an iron consti- tution, felt the need of relief from detail work, and on this account made certain changes both in the composition and name of the firm, which resulted, in 1861, in the admission of Alexander E. Orr (a nephew by marriage), and the restoration of the name of David Dows & Co., which has been continued to the present time. The pres- tige of the firm was soon yet farther increased by its survival in that fierce struggle for financial existence, which marked the opening of the Civil War, and in which so many business institutions went to the wall; and it was this moral influence, derived from past successes, which made it natural that the agents of the Federal Government should turn to David Dows & Co., for the help of which that government soon stood in need in provisioning the large armies which it had in the field. The task to which Mr. Dows had now to apply himself was the purchase of enormous quantities of provisions with- out permitting the speculators, who sought to make excessive profits out of the govern- ment's necessities, to run up the price of these provisions. This was done with signal success and with absolute secrecy as to the nature of the transaction. It was during the progress of these operations, involving, as they did, the disburse- ment of many millions of dollars, that Secretary Chase took the first steps towards the creation of the national bank system, the immediate purpose of which was to create a market for the bonds of the government. The needs of the Treasury were press- ing, and it was of the utmost importance to the country that the system suggested by Mr. Chase should receive the confidence and support of the leaders in the financial world. But when the Secretary came to New York and urged that a prominent national bank should be at once organized, in order to secure the confidence of the country in the new system, he was met on all sides with hesitancy and prediction of failure. In this critical time, for it was indeed such, David Dows and a few others came to the front and at once organized The Fourth National Bank with a capital of $5,000,000. They agreed that the books should remain open just four days, and that they would personally take all the stock which might remain unsubscribed for at the end of that time. This determined support made the undertaking a success and was of inestimable aid to the government in initiating a most admirable financial system. The firmness with which this system has become established, makes it hardly possi- ble for the younger generation of men to realize how much public spirit and pluck were required to put it on its feet. In the foregoing sketch, note has been taken of the chief features of Mr. Dows's distinctive vocation, that of a merchant. It remains to make some mention of his connection with the railroads and financial institutions of the country. When Mr. Dows began his career as a merchant, the Erie Canal had just begun to make an Eastern market for the produce of the lake bound States; and two years before he came 202 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. to New York there were only twenty-three miles of railway in the country. For a time, water transportation sufficed; but it soon became clear to Mr. Dows that the fertility of the great West could be turned to practical account only by the develop- ment of a great system of railways. He therefore began, some years before the Civil War, to apply his restless energies and increasing capital to the construction and development of railways in the West and Northwest, and in time took part in the con- struction and direction of The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (of which he was long vice president and in which he took especial pride and interest as an investor), The Chicago & Northwestern, The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, and The Union Pacific Railroads. He also in time became a director of The Delaware & Hudson, and a promoter of The Chicago & Eastern Illinois as well as of many smaller railway corporations. But it should be clearly noted that Mr. Dows's work as a railway man was the logical outcome of his position as a merchant, and was undertaken primarily as a means of making a great market in the East for the produce of the West and of correspondingly increasing his business as a merchant. And directly in line with this underlying plan was the establishment, from time to time, of branch houses of David Dows & Co. in Chicago, Duluth, St. Paul and Baltimore, the building of elevators in the West along important avenues of traffic, and the erection of the Dows Stores on the Brooklyn water front. Similar con- siderations, too, actuated Mr. Dows in bending his forces to the solution of the rapid transit problem in New York city, for he felt that New York could not become the commercial center of the United States and control the business of the West, unless some provision were made for its more rapid growth, which was hindered by the peculiar shape of Manhattan Island. From the first, he favored the construction of an elevated road to be operated by steam, and after some discouragements with a cable system, took an active part in organizing The New York Elevated Railroad Co. in 1872. For ten years he took an energetic part in the control of this road and for several years more remained a director of the new Manhattan Railway Co. The latest period of Mr. Dows's business career is marked by his activity in the world of finance, the natural result, first, of large wealth seeking investment, and, secondly, of the demand of financial institutions for men of large and varied experience. He thus helped to organize and direct The Corn Exchange, The Fourth National and The Merchants' Banks, The Central Trust Co. of New York and The Union National Bank of Chicago. He was identified with the management of many large insurance companies, including The New York Life Insurance Co. and The North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. (American branch), and for many years was president of the New York Corn Exchange, from which developed the present Produce Exchange. In politics, Mr. Dows was an unswerving Republican, who never forgot the great work done by his party in the abolition of slavery and the preservation of the Union. Though exceedingly liberal in matters of religion, he was a firm believer in the Protest- ant Episcopal Church, and was for many years Senior Warden of St. George's. He was interested in several charitable works, to which he gave liberally, but without ostentation. Hardly anybody came into relation with Mr. Dows, even casually, without being sensibly impressed by his striking personality. The tall and commanding figure, the massive head with its high and slightly retreating forehead, the quick, expressive eyes THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 1)R. 203 shaded by their heavy brows, the prominent, well shaped nose and the large, firm mouth, were unmistakable indications of the force, high spirit and intellectual vigor of the man. But the impression which he created was not merely that which comes from the possession of fine physical and mental powers, for his simple and courteous but dignified manner exerted a charm, which it is difficult to describe, but which was the expression of his kindly disposition and inborn refinement of nature. And yet it would be a serious error to suppose that Mr. Dows took the world easily. No man ever felt the seriousness of life more than he, and no man ever put more earnestness into his work or could be more stern and unbending when occasion required. Although it is a difficult task, it is always interesting to try to form some estimate of the qualities which have enabled a man to do a great life work. The achievements of David Dows were made possible by the possession of an extraordinarily vigorous and penetrating intellect, of a fine sense of fairness and justice, of a singular combina- tion of boldness and caution, and of an iron constitution, which was preserved until the last by uniform moderation in living. To these characteristics were united an excep- tional insight into human nature, undaunted courage in adversity, and, what is even more rare, a balance of mind wholly undisturbed by repeated successes and due to the entire absence of anything even allied to vanity. Such were some of the chief traits of a man whose fortune it was to begin his career in a time when the world was trembling with the impact of new moral, intellec- tual and physical forces, and whose life, while given to commerce, was interwoven with the growing fortunes of his country in such a way that every personal success was at the same time, and in greater degree, a contribution to the material prosperity of the country and the welfare of its people. In 1852, Mr. Dows married Margaret E., daughter of Horatio Worcester, of New York city. He was survived by his wife and seven children: Annie L., wife of Richard M. Hoe; Linda, wife of George B. Cooksey; David Dows, jr.; Margaret W. , wife of Dr. Carroll Dunham; Susan, wife of Dr. C. A. Herter; Mary, wife of Dr. E. K. Dunham, and Tracy Dows. JOSEPH WILHELtt DREXEL, banker, born in Philadelphia, Jan. 24, 1831, died in New York city, March 25, 1888. His father was Francis M. Drexel, the banker. Joseph was educated in the high school of his native city, and was soon admitted to the bank of Drexel & Co. Shortly afterward, he engaged in business for himself in Chicago. Owing to his popularity there, one of that city's finest avenues, the Drexel Boulevard, was named after him. After his father's death, he returned to Philadelphia, and in 1871, with Junius S. Morgan, of London, established in New York city the banking house of Drexel, Morgan & Co., becoming its head. He was also at the head of the Paris house of Drexel, Harjes & Co., and had an interest in The Philadelphia Public Ledger. He retired from business in 1876, with a large fortune. Esteemed as was Mr. Drexel among his business associates, it is not as a mere amasser of wealth that his memory will endure. Highly cultivated, and deeply interested in musical and artistic affairs, and in charities, he was closely connected with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and made liberal gifts to that institution, among them bejng some early Italian paintings, collections of Egyptian casts, a collection of ancient musical instruments, and a painting called " Harpsichord." He owned a large and valuable library of books relating to music, which he bequeathed to the Lenox Library, was 204 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. president of The Philharmonic Society, and a director of The Metropolitan Opera House, a trustee of The Bartholdi Statue Fund, and treasurer of The Cancer Hospital. He did much to make The American Museum of Natural History a complete institution of its kind. Mr. Drexel's character and financial strength led to his election as director of The Knickerbocker Trust Co., The American Bank Note Co., The Western Car Co., The Model Tenement House Co., and The Metropolitan Trust Co. He owned a large tract of land in Maryland, and called it " Klej Grange," the name being formed from the initials of his four daughters' names. Having taught poor families how to farm at this place, he would send them West. He kept an agent at the Tombs in New York city to look after the families of poor convicts, and contributed largely to the support of the Episcopal Church. He was married in 1865 to Lucy, daughter of Thomas Floyd Wharton, and his wife and four daughters survived him, the latter being Katharine, wife of Dr. Penrose, of Philadelphia; Lucy, wife of Eric B. Dahlgren; Elizabeth, wife of John Winton Dahlgren; and Josephine Wharton Drexel. EDMUND DRIQQS, warehouseman and insurance president, born in Columbia county, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1809, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 31, 1889. His father was a Connecticut farmer. First engaged in sloop navigation of the Hudson, then a grocer and provisions merchant in the river trade at New York, he secured a situation after the great fire of 1835 as weighing master and found profitable employment in weighing the steel, wire and metal collected from the ruins of the great fire. Under Jesse Hoyt, Collector of the Port, he was appointed Inspector of Customs. In 1840, he returned to the grocery business at Broadway and Twelfth street, but in 1843 sold his store to accept an appointment as Inspector of potash and pearl ash for New York city. He was the last official of this class under State appointment. He then converted a part of the premises, which he had used for inspection, into a storage warehouse, and this store became the first bonded warehouse established under the United States law of 1846. He conducted this store for three years. In 1848, he settled in Williamsburg, now a part of Brooklyn, and was thereafter intimately identified with the affairs of the village, being elected its president in 1850. In 1853, he helped organize The Williamsburg Bank, which became The First National of Brooklyn, The Williamsburg Savings Bank and The Williamsburg Fire Insurance Co. He was a director in each concern and president of the latter until his death, excepting for a brief period, while serving as Collector of Taxes. He was prominent in securing the consolidation of Williamsburg and Brooklyn in 1854, served as Tax Collector of Brooklyn r 1859-65. DENNING DUER, banker, born in Rhinebeck, N. Y., in December, 1812, died at his home near Weehawken, N. J., March 10, 1891. The Duer family has been identified with the history of the country and of New York city from the early Colonial days. William Duer, grandfather of Denning, came to this country from Devonshire, England, and in 1779 married Lady Catherine, daughter of Gen. William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, of the Continental Army. An ardent patriot, Mr. Duer served his country as Deputy Adjutant General of the New York militia and member both of the Provincial Congress and Continental Congress. Judge William Alexander Duer, of Albany, son of the latter, afterward president of Columbia College from 1829 to 1841, was a noted man in his day. He married Maria Denning, their son being Denning Duer. The young man came to New York city in his seventeenth year, to take a place as clerk in the counting room of W. F. Gary & Co. Having, in 1837, married Caroline, daughter THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DU. 205 of James Gore King, he became a partner in the banking house of Prime, Ward & King, one of the oldest in Wall street. The style of the firm was afterward changed to James G. King & Sons, and later to James G. King's Sons. Of the latter firm, Mr. Duer was senior member until failing health compelled his retirement in 1875. He was a member of the Stock Exchange from 1843 until his death. Mr. Duer never entered public life, but was a strong Republican, and one of the earliest members of the Union club, joining in 1838. Mrs. Duer died in 1863. He left six children, Edward A., James Gore King, William Alexander, and Denning Duer, jr. , and two daughters, and was buried at Jamaica, L. I. , long the home of members of the Duer and King families, where they have owned a large area of land since the days of the Revolution. ANTHONY DUQRO, born in Alsace, France, in 1823, died in this city, Oct. 9, 1884. He came to America early in life, engaged in contract work, and owned the stage line on Sixth avenue, which yielded him a large return. With a foresight, which did great credit to his judgment, Mr. Dugro invested his savings mainly in real estate in portions of the city, destined to become crowded with stores and residences, and, as a result, left a large property to his children. In 1852, he was elected one of the directors of the Alms House, which then had entire charge of the prisons and charities of the city, being re-elected in 1857. In 1876, he served on the Democratic ticket as elector. His children were Philip H., Jacob W. , and Francis A. Dugro, and Mrs. Dorothea Buttles His son, PHILIP HENRY DUGRO, jurist, born in New York city, Oct. 2, 1855, graduated from Columbia College in 1876 and from Columbia Law School in 1878. He studied law in the office of John McKeon and Recorder Frederick Smyth, and after being admitted to the bar, practiced his profession ably and success- fully. He dealt largely in real estate, of which he inherited much from his father. In 1878, he was elected to the Assembly from the XlVth District, as. a Democrat, and declined a renomination. In 1880, after a sharp contest he defeated William Waldorf Astor for Congress from the old VHth District. He declined a renomination and renewed his practice, but was, in 1886, elected Judge of the Superior Court. In 1888, he sought the Tammany nomination for Mayor, but through Mr. Croker's influence, the office went to Hugh J. Grant. He has lately taken no active part in politics. He is the owner of the Hotel Savoy on the Plaza at the. entrance to Central Park, which was built 1890-92, and has been remarkably successful. Judge Dugro has joined the Manhattan and University Athletic clubs. Married in 1876, he has two children, Charles and Antonia. ROBERT GRAHAF1 DUN, sole proprietor of The Mercantile Agency, at 314 Broad- way, has gained his high financial standing by his extended system for reporting on mercantile credits and by investments in real estate. Mr. Dun descends from an excellent family of Scotland. For twenty years, his grandfather, the Rev. James Dun, was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland in Glasgow. His father, Robert Dun, received a fine education and was destined for the ministry, but emigrated to America about 1815, settled in Virginia and engaged in practical pursuits, afterward moving to Ohio. He married Lucy W. Angus, who was also of Scotch parentage. Robert Graham Dun was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1826. The young man was educated at the local district schools and academy, and at the age of sixteen, at a salary of 2 a week, began life in the employment of a business house, in which he soon rose to be a partner. In 1850, he removed to New York city, where THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DU. 207 he entered The Mercantile Agency then conducted by Tappan & Douglass. His zeal in the work of the house, his fidelity to duty and intelligence, resulted, in 1854, upon the retirement of Mr. Tappan, in Mr. Douglass admitting him to partnership under the firm name of B. Douglass & Co. In 1859, Mr. Dun bought the interest of Mr. Doug- lass. Realizing that there must be one controlling head in an organization so com- plex and extended as that cf The Mercantile Agency, Mr. Dun has continued sole proprietor of the business until the present day. The immense expansion of the internal commerce of the United States which has taken place since 1859, has rendered increasingly necessary the existence of The Mer- cantile Agency. Under Mr. Dun's ownership, the business of the house has kept pace with the times and grown with the growth of the country. As new cities sprang up in the West and South, their enterprising merchants have felt the absolute necessity of the services of an agency, which should devote its attention carefully to reporting upon credits and incidentally to collections. A large number of branch offices have been established by Mr. Dun, in almost every instance at the request of the local merchants, until now the house is represented in all the distributing centers of the United States and the Canadas and in the leading cities of Great Britain and continental Europe. At many points, the local income is necessarily limited and insufficient to pay the actual expenses of the local offices. Nevertheless, a staff is maintained at each center of trade, thus better to report the locality and make the records for the whole country more accu- rate and complete. An existence of over half a century has enabled The Mercantile Agency of R. G. Dun & Co. to acquire an experience and accumulate an amount of capital, which enable it to fulfil to the satisfaction of the mercantile community the important duties which it is called on to discharge. The whole business world is acquainted, to a greater or less extent, with its general purposes and system. The Agency possesses many distinctive features of great interest, however, and it yearly secures the support of a growing number of those whose business is such as to require them to extend either confidence or credit. Mr. Dun has never entered politics, or cared for political preferment. Away from business, he enjoys the pleasures of social life. The winter season is spent by him in New York at a comfortable home in the best residence section of Madison avenue, and in the summer time, he is often seen at his handsome country house at Xarragansett Pier. He is a member of both the Union League and the Manhattan clubs, which are respectively the leading Republican and Democratic social organizations in New York. He is a patron of some of the public institutions of the city. DAVID DUNCAN, merchant, born in Scotland in 1819, died at his summer home at Sea Bright, X. J., June 15, 1891. John Duncan, his father, brought the family to America in 1830, and opened a store on Broadway, in this city, for the importation of fancy groceries. David continued in this business all his life, and on his father's death, became senior member of the firm, known as John Duncan's Sons, his partner being his brother, John P. Duncan. In 1851, the retail branch was moved to i4th street. About the year 1887, the firm discontinued the retail department, retaining only the wholesale business. This was conducted for many years in Beaver street and in Col- lege Place, but afterward removed to No. 43 Park Place. Mr. Duncan died unmarried. He was a man of quiet tastes and retiring disposition, and a life long member of Rev. Dr. John Hall's church. 20 8 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. ROBERT DUNLAP, hatter, born in this city, Oct. 17, 1834, is the son of William Dunlap, leather merchant from 1835 until his death in 1858. Robert attended the public schools, and at the age of fourteen began life as an errand boy in a hat store. An apprentice and then a salesman, he learned every branch of the trade, and in 1857, established a hat store on his own account at No. 557 Broadway, and in 1859, when the Fifth Avenue Hotel opened its doors, another store in that building. This was a bold venture for the young man. He overtaxed his resources and fell into embarrassment, but perseverance, industry and integrity won the day, and he has for twenty years past made steady progress. His firm of R. Dunlap & Co., of which he is sole partner, are now the leading hatters of New York city. He has branch stores in Chicago and Phila- delphia, and authorized agents for the sale of his hats in all the principal cities. The factory is in Brooklyn. Having once secured the confidence of the public, he has since retained the lead in style and fashion of gentlemen's hats, and his business is now one of the largest in the United States and very profitable. He is the largest owner in The Lake Hopatcong Hotel & Land Improvement Co. Mr. Dunlap is a very capable man, public spirited, a generous contributor to the museums and public institutions of the city, and a valued member of several New York clubs, among them the New York, Manhattan, Colonial, Lambs', New York Athletic, Larchmont Yacht and New York Yacht clubs. By his marriage with a daughter of Dr. T. H. Burras of New York, Oct. 17, 1860, he is the father of four daughters and one son. FREDERICK WILLIAfl DUNTON, railroad promoter, was born in Northville, Sullivan county, N. H., June 9, 1851, and springs from a worthy and reputable family. He began life, like thousands of other honest boys, as a farmer, clerk in a store and clerk in a post office, finally at the age of sixteen going to Iowa, where he entered the employment of Austin Corbin, remaining with him as clerk and partner for about twenty years. His association with his intrepid partner has led him into railroad enterprises, and he is a director of The Chicago & Ohio River, The Elmira, Cortland & Northern, The New York & Rockaway Beach and The New York, Brooklyn & Manhattan Beach, and other railroad companies. Mr. Dunton is a man of extremely progressive ideas and untiring energy. His name is a household word on Long Island where he now resides, and in the development of which he has played a prominent part. He was among the first to perceive the merits of the bicycle principle as adapted to railroads, and enjoys the distinction of being at the head of the first and only bicycle electric railroad yet built, a section of which has recently been completed near Patchogue. So fully has this road met the expectations of its builders and the public, and so clearly has Mr. Dunton shown its special advantages for Long Island, that the dream of a few has become the hope of the many, and subscriptions for its extension indicate that it will soon be in active commercial operation between all impor- tant points. In 1891, he served his fellow citizens of Queens county as chairman of the Board of Supervisors. February 13, 1876, he married Emily M. Morgan in Brooklyn, and they have four children, Lois, Emily, William and Katheryn. CHARLES W. DURANT, railroad president, born in Hinsdale, Mass., April 23, 1821, died in New York city, April 5, 1885. He was the son of Thomas Durant, mer- chant. At the age of fifteen, he entered the office of his uncle, Clark Durant, of the firm of Durant & Lathrop, shippers of grain at Albany, N. Y., and when of age, took the place of his uncle, who then retired, the firm becoming Durant, Lathrop & Co. , THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DU. 209 known for many years as the largest grain firm in the East. They were among the first owners of towing boats on the Hudson River. In 1859, Mr. Durant became inter- ested in The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, and was its president for many years. When his sons, Charles W. and Frederick C. Durant grew to manhood, he engaged in the sugar refining business with them, under the name of Charles W. Durant & Sons, in which he continued until failing health compelled his retirement. His wife, Margaret L. , died in December, 1884. Their children were Thomas F., Charles W., Frederick C., and Howard M. Durant, and Estelle, wife of Henry C. Bowers. THOflAS C. DURANT, fl. D., railroad builder, born in Lee, Berkshire county, Mass., about 1820, died at his home in North Creek, Warren county, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1885. His father, Thomas Durant, was a merchant and manufacturer, and his grand- father, William Durant, an officer in the American Revolution and a member of th.e Boston Committee of Safety. Selecting medicine as a profession, Thomas entered the Albany Medical College, and graduated at the age of twenty. After practicing three years, he became a partner in the shipping firm of Durant, Lathrop & Co., of Albany, who maintained branches in Boston, Chicago and New York, and agencies in different parts of the country. Besides owning and employing a large number of vessels for the transportation of merchandise, Dr. Durant had special charge of the New York branch, and shipped largely to all the European ports. The business was carried on with unexampled success until the breaking out of the French Revolution in 1848. A knowledge of the resources of the great West induced Dr. Durant then to turn his attention to railroad matters. He assisted materially in promoting The Michigan Southern Railroad, and under contract helped construct The Chicago & Rock Island and The Mississippi & Missouri Railroad. In 1862, after preliminary surveys of the Platte valley for The Union Pacific Railroad, Dr. Durant procured the subscription of two millions of stock, and in 1863-64, obtained from Congress important amendments to the charter. During 1 864, he perfected the financial organization under which the road was carried to completion. Immediately after laying the last rail, Dr. Durant retired from The Union Pacific, and began the construction of the Adirondacks Rail- way, of which he was president and general manager, until, his death. He left a wife and daughter at North Creek, and a son, W. W. Durant. GEN. HIRAM DURYEA, manufacturer, born in Manhasset, Long Island, April 12, 1834, is a lineal descendant, in the seventh generation, of Joost Durie, a French Huguenot, who, with other refugees, settled in Manheim in the Palatinate and came to this country with his wife, Magdalina Le Febre, in 1660. He died in Bushwick, L. I., in 1727. Hiram's father, Hendrick Vanderbilt Duryea, born at Syosset, L. I., Feb. 23, 1799, died April i, 1891, while his mother, born at Glen Cove., L. I., Sept. 12, 1801, died Jan. 9, 1881. The latter was a daughter of Zebulon Wright, a lineal descendant of Peter Wright, who settled at Oyster Bay, L. I., in 1653, having emigrated from Norfolk, England, to Massachusetts, in 1635. Hiram received a common and private school education and gave much time to military studies. At the age of twenty-one, he was taken into partnership with his father, under the name of H. V. Duryea & Son, in the manufacture of starch. His brothers started in the same business later, and the firm then merged their interests with the latter. Located at Glen Cove, L. I., the company was known as The Glen Cove Starch Manu- AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. facturing Co. General Duryea was vice president of that company for many years, and its president, when, in 1890, it sold and closed its business. He has since devoted his time to personal affairs, except that he served for eighteen months as president of The National Starch Co. He was commissioned by Governor Clark, Feb. 5, 1855, ist Lieutenant of Artillery, 48th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. In consequence of a change of residence he resigned July 22, 1857. Immediately after the firing on Fort Sumter, he tendered his services to the State and was commissioned Captain in the 5th N. Y. Inf., July 4, 1 86 1, and was promoted in August, at the request of superior officers, to the rank of Major, and Sept. 7, 1861, to the Lieutenant Colonelcy. The Colonel of the regiment was G. K. Warren, a grand man and able soldier, who afterward distin- guished himself as a corps commander. For a short time Colonel Duryea commanded the regiment. The sth served as engineers and artillerymen in Baltimore, building there Fort Federal Hill and finishing Fort Marshall. In the siege of Yorktown, it built and served batteries. In the Peninsula Campaign, by reason of its efficiency and high record, the 5th was assigned to the division of regulars and thereafter acted continuously with them until the end of its service. Colonel Duryea had the honor of special mention in official reports for distinguished services in the siege of Yorktown, and at the battle of Gaines Mills, Va., the first of the seven days' fights. He was commissioned Colonel, Oct. 29, 1862, and May 26, 1866, brevet Brigadier General. In consequence of permanent injuries, and serious illness, he resigned in November, 1862, General Butterfield complimenting him highly in special orders. General Duryea is a member of the United Service club and the Loyal Legion. His children are, H. H., C. B., Anna E., and Milicent S. Duryea. SAflUEL BOWNE DURYEA, realty owner and philanthropist, born in Brook- lyn, March 27, 1845, died there June 7, 1892. He was the son of Harmanus Barkuloo and Elizabeth Bowne Duryea, the latter the daughter of Samuel Bowne. After an education in the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and the University of the City of New York, he entered the Yale Theological Seminary, but did not finish there, because property interests demanded his immediate attention. By inheritance from the Bowne family, Mr. Duryea came into the ownership of a large amount of real estate in Brook- lyn, which he managed with sagacity and success. He was noted for philanthropic and progressive spirit. All the leading public institutions of Brooklyn were actively pro- moted by him, and his action for the preservation of forests, streams and fish, made him a valuable citizen. He wrote many thoughtful essays on personal character and education. Sept. 23, 1869, he married in Milwaukee, Wis.~~ r Kate, daughter of Walter P. Flanders, a lawyer of position. In his will he bequeathed much property to his wife and relatives, but left a large tract of land, in trust, for schools, churches and societies. WRIGHT DURYEA, starch manufacturer, born on Long Island in 1824, died at his home at Glen Cove, Sept. 17, 1889. He was the oldest of seven sons of Hendrick V. Duryea. He began life as a civil and mechanical engineer. In 1855, his father, his brother Hiram and he with others, established The Glen Cove Starch Manufacturing Co. Mr. Duryea was an inventor in various fields, and his originality was shown in the manufacture of starch and discoveries in the science of electricity. Mr. Duryea was twice married. His second wife, and two sons, Louis T. and Frank Duryea, sur- vived him. Mr. Duryea's will provided that his monument should be a large, rough, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DU. 211 natural boulder, not less than 4,000 pounds in weight, as in some sense indicating his life, inscribed with his name, age, date and cause of death. JOHN BOWDISH DUTCHER, railroad manager, was born Feb. 13, 1830, in Dover, Dutchess county, N. Y. His father, David Dutcher, died June 9, 1853, and his mother, Amy Bowdish Dutcher, died June 5, 1875. His paternal grandfather came to this country from Holland, while his mother's family were Massachusetts people. Mr. Dutcher obtained his education chiefly in the common schools, was reared as a farmer and has always been a farmer. He remained on the farm until April, 1861, when he removed to the adjoining town of Pawling, where he has since resided. In 1857, he was made Supervisor of Dover and the ensuing year Justice of the Peace. In politics, originally a Whig, upon the organization of the Republican party, he attached himself to them, and is yet a stout advocate of their principles, having been, during the war, an active and zealous partisan of the Union cause. He was a member of the Assembly in 1861 and 1862, and of the State Senate in 1864 and 1865. Since 1864, he has been a director of The New York & Harlem Railroad, and in 1865 took charge of the department of live stock transportation on The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. He is president of The Union Stock Yard & Market Co. of New York and prominently identified with other corporations, being a director of The Spuyten. Duyvil Railroad, The Poughkeepsie & Eastern Railroad, The New York & Putnam Railroad, The American Safe Deposit Co., The Fifth Avenue Bank, The Mizzen Top Hotel Co., at Quaker Hill, and president of The National Bank of Pawling. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Produce Exchange, the Union League club, and the St. Nicholas Society of New York city, and president of the village of Pawling and The New York State Agricultural Society. Not the least of Mr. Dutcher's labors has been a successful effort for the improvement of the village of Pawling. He has devoted a portion of his time to the management of his farm property, and is now the owner of 1,600 acres of fine grazing land in Dutchess county, stocked with thoroughbred cattle and horses. In 1860, he married Miss Christina, daughter of the late Daniel Dodge, of Pawling. To them was born one son, J. Gerow Dutcher, who now manages the stock farms and other interests at Pawling. In April, 1894, he married Helen Titus Willets, daughter of Edward Willets, of Roslyn, L. I. AMOS T. DWIQHT, merchant, born in New Haven, Conn., died in New York city, Feb. 6, 1881, in his seventy-fourth year. When a young man, he went to New Orleans and established himself in the clothing business under the firm name of Dwight, Trowbridge & Co. In 1848, he came to New York and started the firm of Trowbridge, Dwight & Co. on Chambers street. About 1865, he became a mer- chant of cotton in Hopkins, Dwight & Trowbridge, and continued in that vocation until 1878, when he retired with a large fortune, although retaining his interest in the firm. He was a director of The Home Fire Insurance and The Commercial Mutual Marine Insurance Co.'s, and a trustee of The Madison Square Presbyterian Church. He left one son, Frederick A. Dwight, and a daughter, Jeannette Atwater, wife of George T. Bliss. E WILLIAM PITT EARLE, hotel proprietor, in his day a famous New York hotel keeper, was born in Worcester, Mass., about 1812, and died in this city, Jan. 2, 1894. Mr. Earle entered upon business life early and made his way with much energy. When he opened Earle's Hotel on Park Row, he began those operations, which, owing to his foresight and sagacity, were marked with almost monotonous success. In recent years, he conducted Earle's Hotel on Canal street at the corner of Centre street, and invested his earnings mainly in real estate in different parts of the city, which advanced greatly in value. He was one of the originators of The National Park Bank and The Consumers' Ice Co. His wife and five children survived him, the latter being William H., Gen. Ferdinand P., Eugene M., and Frank T. Earle and Emma Louise, wife of John L. Chadwick. The sons are all hotel men. Gen. Ferdinand P. Earle, formerly of Earle's Hotel and lately proprietor of the Hotel New Netherland, now conducts the Normandie and a summer hotel of the same name on the New Jersey coast, is a man remarkable for public spirit, and has lately bought the famous mansion of Madame Jumel, in which he lives on Washington heights. He was a member of the military staff of Governor Flower. TIMOTHY C. EASTHAN, merchant, born about 1821, died at his home, Tarry- town, N. Y. , Oct. n, 1893. He began life poor, working along the river front, where he became familiar with the handling of cattle in transportation, and showed so much energy that a position was given him on The New York Central & Hudson River Rail- road. In the course of time, he was placed in charge of all the cattle business of the company. Having saved some means, he went into business for himself, and gained fortune by effecting a revolution in the methods for supplying England with American beef. He not only shipped thousands of live cattle to England and whole cargoes of fresh beef in refrigerating chambers by steamship, but promoted retail market stores in all parts of the United Kingdom. In 1889, he founded The Eastman's Co., with a capital of $750,000 to carry on this trade, and was its president, his son Joseph being treasurer. Large abbatoirs were established at the foot of West S9th street. He was a director in The West Side Bank and a member of the Produce Exchange. He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Lucy P. Eastman, and his children, Joseph Eastman and Mrs. Elizabeth Bell. Mr. Eastman belonged to the Manhattan, New York and Law- yers' clubs, and The New England Society. THOHAS ALVA EDISON, inventor, was born Feb. n, 1847, in Alva, O. His only schooling was given him by his mother, who had been a teacher. When twelve years old, the lad went to work as a newsboy on The Grand Trunk Railroad, and, during leisure moments on the train, managed to study qualitative analysis and diversify existence in the baggage car with chemical experiments. A grateful station master, whose child he had saved from death at the risk of his own life, taught him telegraphy, and he soon became a skillful operator. While yet a boy, he invented the "automatic repeater." In 1864, the possibility of sending two messages at once over the same wire, suggested itself to his mind; and he perfected an invention for this purpose in 1872, developing it not only to duplex but even sextuplex transmission. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ED. 213 In 1871, he came to New York, and was made superintendent of The Gold & Stock Telegraph Co., inventing for it the quotation ticker. He established a large workshop in Newark, X. J. , for the making of his machines, but, in 1876, transferred his mechanical interests to the hamlet of Menlo Park, N. J. , where he devoted himself to inventing. Among his new devices have been the carbon telephone transmitter, the microtasi- meter, aerophone, megaphone, phonograph, phonometer, and the incandescent electric lamp. The last he brought out in December, 1879, within a year after leading English scientific men had testified that sub-division of the electric light was an impossibility. His perfection of the small incandescent electric lamp has effected "a revolution in the lighting of business buildings and hotels. In 1878, he received the degree of Ph. D. from Union College, and during the same year was made an officer of the Legion of Honor by the French Government. He is a member of The Ohio Society, Press and Essex Count}' Country clubs, and The Theosophical Society. Since 1885, he has lived in Lle%vellyn Park, N. J. Mr. Edison was married in 1873 to Miss Mary Stilwell, daughter of N. Stilwell. In 1881, he was left a widower, and in 1885, he again married, his wife being Miss Minna M., daughter of Lewis Miller, of Akron, O. Mr. Edison is a director in a large number of companies, founded upon his patents, and owner of works for electrical manufacture and experiment. He is one of the few inventors who have profited by their inventions. His telegraph patents yielded at one time a large royalty, and his electric light appliances have brought him wealth. His latest device is the kinetoscope. FRANKLIN EDSON, merchant, was born in Chester, Vt., April 5, 1832, and received a common school education. When nineteen years old, he went to Albany, N. Y., where he was associated with his brother Cyrus in a distiller}' until 1866. In that year he removed to New York, and established himself in the grain commission business, by which and in real estate operations, he has since amassed a fortune. Three times president of the Produce Exchange, namely, in 1873, 1874, and 1878, he has been distinguished for public spirit and active leadership in the movement for free canals. His political affiliations have been with the County Democracy, and in 1882, he was elected Mayor of the city. He is i member of the Manhattan club and The New Eng- land Society, and has been for many years a director of The Bank of New York. In 1856, he married Fannie C., daughter of Benjamin Wood, of Bath, N. Y., and has had seven children, Cyrus Edson, M. D., Health Commissioner of New York; David O., Franklin. Henry Townsend, Robert Stewart, Edith, and Ethel Townsend Edson. JOHN EICHLER, brewer, born at Rothenburg, Bavaria, Oct. 20, 1829, died in Goellheim, Bavaria, Aug. 4, 1892. Having, in his native place, served an apprentice- ship in the employment of Brewer Ott, he became a journeyman, toiled in various great German breweries, and then, in 1854, came to this country. He obtained employment as brew-master in Franz Ruppert's old Turtle Bay Brewer} 7 on 47th street, in this city. After a time, Mr. Eichler managed to start a little brewery of his own in partnership with a friend. Later, he purchased Kolb's Brewer}', a small establishment which stood where the huge concern of The John Eichler Brewing Co. now does. This company, incorporated Feb. 17, 1888, with a capital of $600,000, owns property now worth far more than that amount and does a very large business. Mr. Eichler married Marie Siegel of Goellheim, in New York, Nov. 2, 1856, and his only child, Minnie Augusta, died when not six years old. He was a member of various brewers' associa- 214 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. tions, the Produce Exchange, the Arion and Liederkranz clubs, and many other social organizations. Honest, straightforward and sensible, he was highly regarded. LEWIS EINSTEIN, banker and manufacturer, who originated in Wurtemburg, Germany, was born, Sept. 6, 1812, and died April 22, 1874. Coming to the United States in July, 1835, Mr. Einstein spent nearly forty years in the successful pursuit of banking and the manufacture of woolen goods. He was for many years a resident of Cincinnati. Few men display more enterprise and sound judgment than did he and The Raritan Woolen Mills became an important property under his management. To him and his wife, Judith Lewis of Charleston, S. C., were born six sons and five daughters. His son, DAVID LEWIS EINSTEIN, manufacturer, was born in Cincin- nati, O., May 20, 1839, but has been a resident of New York city since childhood, and has followed his father's vocation all his life. His fortune has been derived partly from the manufacture and sale of woolen goods, but mainly from successful transactions in real estate, of which he is a large buyer. He is a shrewd and capable man, and part proprietor of extensive woolen mills in Raritan, N. J. He has various other corporate interests, and is a member of the Republican club and supporter of The American Museum of Natural History and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mr. Einstein, in 1870, married Miss Caroline Fatman, daughter of A. Fatman, of this city. Their children are Lewis D. Einstein, Mrs. Theodore Seligman and Amy Einstein. EDWIN EINSTEIN, another son of the late Lewis Einstein, born in Cincinnati, Nov. 18, 1842, was brought by his parents to New York, when four years old. Here he graduated from the old Free Academy, and then received a full course at Union College. He began life as clerk in his father's woolen mill, and, when thirty years old was a mill owner. He is yet interested in The Raritan Woolen Mills and the Ivan- hoe, Va., iron mills, concerns which employ about 3,000 persons. It is worthy of note that there has never been a strike among the employes of either. Mr. Einstein has also been largely connected with banking interests. Although not so actively engaged in business as formerly, he is president of The Swan Incandescent Electric Light .Co. , and a director in The Alabama Mineral Land Co., and The Brush-Swan Electric Light Co. In 1878, he was elected to the Forty-sixth Congress, and declined a renomination, which was tendered to him. In 1892, the Republicans of New York city placed him in nomination for the Mayoralty, and gave him 98,000 votes. In 1895, he became a Commissioner of Docks. He is a member of the Union League club and The Union College Alumni, vice president of the Sigma Phi club, and a ^genial, public spirited and agreeable man. In 1877, Mr. Einstein was married to Miss Fanny Hendricks. DANIEL RIKER ELDER, merchant, a native of New York city, born July 7, 1838, died April 25, 1875. The youngest son of George and Hannah Eliza Elder, he was through the paternal line of English descent, and through his mother's family, the Rikers, of Dutch ancestry. He was educated at Yale college, and began life as a wholesale grocer in the firm of George Elder & Sons, previously known as Elder & Painter. The trade of the firm brought him a fortune. Always genial and popular, he gained by travel a wide acquaintance with affairs and his conversation revealed a well informed mind. He made one tour around the world, and spent two winters in Italy and Austria. The survivors of his family were his sisters, Mrs. Julia Baldwin Adams, Mrs. Mary Louisa Havemeyer, and Jane Painter Elder. GEORGE W. ELDER, merchant, who died at his residence in this city, March 25, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. EL. 215 1873, in his forty-fifth year, was one of the able merchants of New York, and a capable, conscientious and clear headed man. During his active life, he devoted himself to the care of the large wholesale grocery business, founded by his father, George Elder, to the control of which he had succeeded. Toward the latter part of his life, when ill health had compelled him to relinquish the engrossing duties of his trade, he devoted his time, when able, to the affairs of The Old Dominion Steamship Co., of which he was vice president for a number of years. He was a man of quiet and domestic tastes and never cared for public life. His widow and several children survived him. JOSEPH LAWRENCE ELDER, sugar refiner, born in Hester street, in this city, Jan. 24, 1832, died in Stamford, Conn., on the isth of August, 1868. ' He belonged to the family of that name, long prominent in this city, which came originally from Man- chester, in England. As a boy, employed in the store of Elder & Painter, whole- sale grocers in Dey street, he grew up in this vocation, became a partner of his father and his brother George in a large wholesale grocery and sugar trade, and distinguished himself by a corner in sugar, which was managed with great skill and success. About 1862, he was admitted to partnership by his father in law, Frederick C. Havemeyer, in the sugar refining business, under the name of Havemeyer & Elder, and it was in part through his marked energy and ability that his concern rose to eminence in the refining of raw sugars. Jan. 18, 1858, he married Miss Mary O. Havemeyer, and was the father of Minnie, wife of McCoskry Butt, and Frederick H. Elder. He was thoroughly interested in whatever would promote the welfare of New York city, and served in the Amity Hose Co. and the State militia. HENRY ELIAS, brewer, who died in Wilhelmshohe, Germany, Feb. 26, 1888, made his fortune in this city in the brewing trade. The influx of German population to the United States during the last thirty years has created a remarkable demand for malt liquors, and the presence of several hundred thousand Germans in the city of of New York has created an important local market. Mr. Elias gradually developed a large business, which is now incorporated as The Henry Elias Brewing Co. He was a member of the Produce Exchange and was survived by his wife and several children. STEPHEN BENTON ELKINS, lawyer, financier, Secretary of War in the Cabinet of President Harrison, and now United States Senator, a man of striking appearance, exceptional ability and unlimited capacity for work, has gained for himself by his own talents and application, an honorably attained fortune. He was born in Perry county, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1841, his father being a farmer. During his early boyhood, the family moved to Missouri. Mr. Elkins received an excellent education in the public schools and at the University of the State, and displayed ambition even in school, where he applied himself so diligently as to attract attention. He graduated in 1860, at the head of his class. After fitting himself for practice of the law, he was ad- mitted to the bar in 1863 During the war, he joined the Union forces, and for a while served on the Missouri border, with the rank of captain. The spirit of adventure and a desire to practice his profession in a field which was not over crowded, led him in 1864 to cross the plains to New Mexico, then a rough border country, inhabited by a population two-thirds of whom were Spanish. The life of the territory was full of hardship and danger at that time but presented opportunities for success to an enterprising man. Finding it necessary, at once, to master the Spanish language, Mr. Elkins became proficient in that tongue within - THE CITY OF NEW YORK. EL. 2I 7 one year. Stalwart and capable, he soon attracted important clients and a large prac- tice, and gained popularity and influence. In 1866, he was elected to the Legislature. His speeches in that body revealed great force of character and devotion to the welfare of the territory. In 1867. he rose to the position of Attorney General of New Mexico. In 1868, President Johnson appointed Mr. Elkins to be United States District Attorney of the territory, and he was one of the few officials of that administration whom President Grant did not remove. In this position, it fell to the lot of Mr. Elkins to enforce the act of Congress, prohibiting slavery or involuntary servitude in the ter- ritories of the United States, and he had the satisfaction of restoring, to liberty several thousand peons, who were then held in practical slavery by the Mexican residents. He was the first public official to enforce this law, and performed his task in the face of serious opposition, against the prejudices of the rich and influential and under threats of personal violence. In 1869, Mr. Elkins was elected president of The First National Bank of Santa Fe and held this position for thirteen years His income from law practice and other, sources was large and, being careful in his expenditures, at an early day he was enabled to invest large sums of money in lands and mines, soon taking rank as one of the largest land proprietors in the country and an extensive owner in the silver mines of Colorado. In 1873, Mr. Elkins received an election as Delegate from New Mexico to Con- gress, defeating his opponent, a Mexican, by 4,000 majority. In Congress he served his constituents so well, that, in 1875, while travelling in Europe, notwithstanding a positive refusal to accept the office again, his district re-elected him handsomely to the XLIVth Congress. He could do no less than accept the honor thus bestowed and serve a second term. In Congress, he quickly gained prominence by industry, ability and effective support of important measures. During his second term, he was especially untiring in efforts to secure the admission of New Mexico as a State. An elaborate speech, setting forth the resources and claims of the then little known territory, gained for him a national reputation. While in Congress, Mr. Elkins married a daughter of ex-Senator Henry G. Davis of West Virginia, a woman of great refinement and social ability. Four years of experience in Washington brought Mr. Elkins well into the arena of public affairs. From the beginning, an active, earnest and aggressive Republican, he favored especially the policy of protection to American industry. His advocacy of con- structive measures made him, during his first term in Congress, one of the leaders of his party, and in 1875, a member of the Republican National Committee. Upon this committee, he served during three Presidential campaigns. In 1884, the executive committee elected him chairman. A warm and intimate friendship soon sprang up be- tween James G. Elaine and Mr. Elkins, and the latter was influential in bringing about the nomination of Mr. Elaine for the Presidency in 1884. He was equally instrumental in the nomination of Benjamin Harrison in 1888 and 1892. Dec. 17, 1891, he became Secretary of War under President Harrison. He was especially well fitted to perform the duties of this office, having had a large acquaint- ance with the affairs of the War Department in the West. His appointment brought into the service of the army, a man of intellectual strength, an excellent organizer and a courteous gentleman. He was invariably. cordial and obliging to persons engaged 2i8 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in public business, and exceedingly helpful to Senators and Members. Patient in inves- tigation, prompt in decision, and sincerely desirous of promoting the welfare of the army, he proved a successful and useful Secretary of War. Mr. Elkins's reputation does not rest entirely upon his public services. His pro- gress in the field of business and finance has been marked. About' 1878, he removed from New Mexico to West Virginia, and there devoted himself, in company with ex- Senator Davis, to the development of the railroads of the State, and the coal and timber lands of the Cumberland region. While practical affairs soon compelled him to aban- don legal practice in the courts, yet he has always retained his interest in the law and superintends all legal matters connected with his various enterprises. Success has fol- lowed effort in these enterprises, but it should be mentioned, that while adding to some extent to his private fortune, Mr. Elkins has conferred upon the people of his adopted State far greater benefits than he has received. He has been vice president of The West Virginia Central & Pittsburgh Railway Co. since its organization, and of The Piedmont & Cumberland Railroad, and is president of The Davis Coal & Coke Co. Through his agency large amounts of capital have been brought into the State and employment provided for thousands of men. In December, 1892, Mr. Elkins received the complimentary vote of the Republi- cans of the Legislature of West Virginia for United States Senator. A forcible or- ator, he has made many public addresses, all of which have shown originality, public spirit, and thorough acquaintance with economic and political questions. During the campaign of 1894, he led the Republicans of West Virginia in the struggle, which for the first time since the period of reconstruction broke the Solid South. Congress- man Wilson, in whose district Mr. Elkins resides, was defeated by a decisive majority ; four Republicans were elected to Congress ; the Legislature was made Republican by twenty-nine majority on joint ballot ; and the State carried by 13,000 majority. Asa result of this revolution, the Legislature elected Mr. Elkins United States Senator in 1895. His home is the beautiful country seat of " Halliehurst," at Elkins, in Randolph county, W. Va. This large mansion stands upon a mountain site of unusual beauty, commanding a magnificent view of the valley beneath and the forests and mountain peaks which frame the scene The house, four stories high, with towers, seems from a distance greatly like an old time castle. A porch surrounds the structure on three sides, and the main hall, fifty-eight feet long by twenty-five feet wide, indicates the size of the other apartments. During his casual residence in New York, where his Imsiness affairs required him to pass much of his time, he associated himself with many local interests, thoroughly in accord with his energetic nature, and became a member of the Union League, Republican, Ohio, United Service, Metropolitan and Manhattan Ath- letic clubs, and the Southern Society. Like other public spirited citizens, he also con- tributed to the support of those favorite projects of refined New Yorkers, The Metro- politan Museum of Art, and The American Museum of Natural History, as well as The American Geographical Society. A man of strong and sturdy build, more than six feet in height, with fine features, and a large head set firmly on powerful shoulders, he is yet in the prime of life and an active force in affairs. His favorite room at home is his library, and he spends most of his time there, in the company of a large and well selected collection of books. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. EL. 219 JOHN ELLIS, M. D., oil refiner, a native of Ashfield., Mass., born Nov. 26, 1815, is a son of Dimick Ellis, a farmer, and a great grandson of the founder of the family in America, who came from Dublin, Ireland, at the age of twelve. It is supposed that the family originated in Wales After a course of study in the academies of Ashfield and Shelburne Falls, he graduated as a physician from the Berkshire Medical College in Pittsfield, Mass., in 1842. Dr. Ellis practiced the healing art in Chesterfield, Mass., a year; in Grand Rapids, Mich., two years; in Detroit, Mich., fifteen years; and in New York city about thirteen years. After more than thirty years of practice of an honor- able profession and at an age when most men begin to think of retiring from responsi- bilities of an exacting nature, Dr. Ellis, who had learned through his scientific studies many things not connected with the influence of drugs upon the human system, resolved to embark in practical business pursuits. In 1874, therefore, with moderate capital, in union with his son, Wilbur D. Ellis, and his wife's nephew, Theodore M. Leonard, he established an oil refinery in South Brooklyn, under the name of John Ellis & Co., and began refining petroleum by a process of his own invention. The venture was successful. In 1881, the firm bought a plot of land at Edgewater, N. J., directly opposite Grant's tomb, and removed the works to that place and developed them into a large plant. Their production is largely in the nature of lubricating oils. In spite of the risks to which this business is exposed, and an occasional fire, Mr. Ellis has made steady progress, and has gained a fortune, owing largely to the activity of his partners in finding a market for the product of the works. Mr. Ellis has an interest in various corporations but holds no office in them. In 1843, ne was united in marriage in Chesterfield, Mass., to Mary E. Coit, who died in Detroit in 1850. In 1851, he married Sarah M. Leonard, of Troy, Mich. His one child living is Wilbur Dixon Ellis. Mr. Ellis published, in 1859, a work on "Avoidable Causes of Disease," and has written many tracts on temperance and other reforms, in which he is deeply interested and concerning which he discourses with ripened judgment and enter- taining force. JOHN WASHINGTON ELLIS, banker, born in Williamsburg, Ohio, Aug. 15, 1817, is a son of Benjamin Ellis, and a descendant of the pioneer Ellis, who came from Sandwich, England, in the seventeenth century. Benjamin Ellis emigrated from Sandwich, Mass., to Maine, and went, in 1809, to Ohio, traveling from New York to Pittsburgh on horseback, and rowing a skiff thence to Cincinnati, there being then no steamboats. John was educated in Cincinnati and Kenyon College Grammar School. While a young man he came to New York, but in 1840 returned to Cincinnati and entered the wholesale dry goods business, in which he continued until 1865, making himself, during that time, most favorably known to the importers and commission- merchants of the East. When the National Bank Act was passed in February, 1863, Mr. Ellis organized the first National Bank of Cincinnati, with a capital of 1,000,000, within a week's time. In the estimation of Chief Justice Chase, Mr. Ellis was one of those who ' ' did most to give the national bank system a real start and a firm founda- tion." In 1869, Mr. Ellis was invited to New York to take the management of the bank of Winslow, Lanier & Co., who had been doing a large Western business. This invi- tation he accepted, and this position he retained until 1883, when he retired from busi- ness. The most important operation of his life was the resusicitation of The Northern Pacific Railroad Co., in 1879-80, after the failure under Jay Cooke's management in 220 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. 1873. Mr. Ellis formed a syndicate, which took $40,000,000 of Northern Pacific bonds and finished the road to the Pacific. He retired from the directory in 1886. By his marriage, in 1845, with Caroline, daughter of Abraham Lindley, he is the father of Sallie, wife of Professor Postlethwaite, of West Point; Mary, wife of George Hoffman, now deceased, of New York; Helen, wife of Hugh L. Cole, of New York; and Ralph N. Ellis, also of this city. Mr. Ellis is a member of The Ohio and New England Societies and the Down Town and Union League clubs, and a contributor to the support of many charities and public institutions. EDWARD ELSWORTH, merchant, born at No. 213 Church street, in this city, Jan. 3, 1811, died at his home, No. 20 West 49th street, June 23, 1886. He came from Knickerbocker stock, being a son of John W. Elsworth, a lineal descendant of Chris- topher (or Christoffel, as the early Dutch records have it,) Elswaerts, who came from Holland to the Island of Manhattan in 1653. Beginning life in New York city as clerk for his brother Henry, he was taken into partnership in 1837, in H. & E. Elsworth, and for nearly thirty years carried on a wholesale oil, drug and paint business. He entered heartily into all the local interests of the city, was a volunteer fireman, and played a valiant part in fighting the great fire of 1835. At one time he had a large interest in clipper ships, being part owner of the Wisconsin and Tornado among others, and also had an investment in the Hudson river steamboat Niagara, which ran to Albany. Later, he was president of Enoch Morgan & Sons, manufacturers of Sapolio, and of The Keyport Steamboat Co. , which operated a number of harbor steamboats. He was also a director of The Commercial Insurance Co., The Niagara Insurance Co., The Merchants' Exchange National Bank, and The North River Bank. By his mar- riage wish Phcebe A., daughter of D. B. Martin, he was the father of fifteen children, of whom twelve survived him. Three of his sons served in the Union army or navy, one being killed at the second Bull Run, another at Port Hudson. HENRY ELSWORTH, merchant, born in New York city, Sept. 30, 1808, died there, Jan. 18, 1873. He was in the seventh generation in descent from Christoffel (or Stoffel) Elswaerts, who emigrated from England to Holland, and then to America, in 1653, becoming first of his line on the Island of Manhattan, and thus the founder of one of the oldest families in the city. There is some reason to believe that the Ellsworths of Connecticut and the Aylsworths of Rhode Island descended from the same stock as the New York family. The name is derived from a small village near Cambridge in Eng- land, situated upon a rivulet once famous for eels. The Saxon word "worth" signified "place," and the village was called Eelsworth. The family name arose from the circum- stance, it is said, that it was the custom for the first settler in a new place to call himself after the name of the settlement. The descendants of old Christoffel Elswaerts were men of good repute in New Amsterdam and New York, and some of them were prom- inent in their day. Henry Elsworth's grandfather, William J. Elsworth, was a deacon in the Reformed Dutch Church, school trustee, first chief engineer of the fire depart- ment, and assistant Alderman, 1789-91. The parents of the subject of this memoir were John W. and Sarah Hinton Elsworth. Beginning life in the employment of Jonathan Southwick, a merchant of oils and paints in this city, Mr. Elsworth's industry, energy and trustworthiness secured for him rapid promotion, and he became, while young, the head of the business in succession to Mr. Southwick. In 1837, after his brother had become a partner, he adopted the firm name of H. &. E. Elsworth, and for a full THE CITY OF NEW YORK. EL. 221 business generation carried on a successful wholesale drug and paint business. An American business man of the best type, he displayed intelligence of a high order, firmness, rectitude and enterprise, and in spite of his marked modesty, obtained distinc- tion without seeking it. He promoted the foundation of The Manhattan Fire Insurance Co. , and the Society Library, served as first president of The Merchants' Telegraph Co., and was a trustee of various charities. May 26, 1831, he married Mary, daughter of William and Mary Morris Ryer. Besides his widow, who survived him nine years, Mr. Elsworth left two daughters, Sarah, wife of John H. Hinton, M. D., and Mary, wife of Edward C. Gregory. AMBROSE KITCHELL ELY, merchant, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed among the leather men of the "Swamp," was born in Livingston, N. J., Jan. 31, 1823. The family moved to New York two years later. In 1844, Mr. Ely entered his father's firm of Ring & Ely, leather merchants, at No. 1 7 Ferry street, afterward known as Thorne, Watson, Corse & Co., at No. 18 Ferry street. In 1857, he withdrew, taking out as his share of the capital about $250,000, and went into busi- ness alone, manufacturing and selling leather. At the same time, he engaged largely in real estate transactions. In both lines of enterprise he has been in the highest degree successful. During a number of years past, he has been virtually out of the leather business, but retains an office in the Swamp to manage his real estate interests. He is a bachelor and has never felt any leaning toward club life. DAVID JAY ELY, merchant, born in Lyme, Conn., May 5, 1816, died Feb. 24, 1877. He was one of the old class of merchants, and famous for the virtues and characteristic traits of his New England ancestry. The family was planted in this country abou' 1650. Mr. Ely came to New York, a boy of thirteen, and began as clerk for Don Alonzo Cushman, was then engaged in business in the South for a few years, and finally located in Chicago during the '405, where he carried on the importation of tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, etc. His firm were known first as Reynolds, Ely & Co., then as D. J. Ely & Co. He was a very wide awake and capable merchant, and saw Chicago develop into a great city. In 1866, he removed to New York and imported coffee on a large scale as D. J. Ely & Co., until his death. He married, Jan. 27, 1848, Caroline, daughter of James Duncan of Massillon, O. The two children now surviving are James R. Ely, and Mary, wife of Charles A. Miller. HENRY GILBERT ELY, merchant, born in West Springfield, Mass., March 7, 1824, died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y. Aug. 8, 1877. Gaining an education in West- field academy, he would have entered college, had not his health failed. He came to Brooklyn in 1847 to enter the employment of his uncle, William Kent, in the dry goods trade, and later and up to 1857, was senior member of Ely, Bowen & McConnell, and Ely, Clapp & Bowen. He afterward established, in New York city, the firm of H. G. Ely & Co., leather merchants, of which he was at the head at the time of his death. They were prominent in the trade, and conducted a large and successful business. By his marriage with Mary P., daughter of Samuel Putnam, Feb. 27, 1851, he was the father of Leicester K., Samuel P., Bessie P., and Mary G. Ely. Mr. Ely was the forty-fourth person to join Plymouth Church, and took an active interest in its affairs from the foundation. Quiet and unassuming in manner, but a man of firm and upright character, the foe of all wrong doing, he was highly respected in social and business circles. 222 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. SfllTH ELY, ex-Mayor of New York city, was born at the residence of his maternal grandfather, Ambrose Kitchell, in Hanover, Morris county, N. J., April 17, 1825. His father, Epaphras C. Ely, a leather merchant and a soldier in the War of 1812, was born in this city in 1795. Moses Ely, the grandfather of ex-Mayor Ely, served in the army of the Revolution, and his great grandfather and great, great grandfather, William and Richard Ely, were both captains during the old French war. By virtue of his ancestry, Mr. Ely is a member of The Society of the War of 1812, The Sons of the Revolution, and The Society of Colonial Wars. His maternal great grandfather, Judge Aaron Kitchell, who was Congressman, United States Senator and Presidential Elector at Large, was also a soldier in the Revolutionary Arm}'-. The subject of this sketch studied law for three years in the office of Frederic de Peyster, and afterward graduated at the University Law School, but he never practiced the profession for a livelihood, having devoted his middle life to mercantile pursuits. Mr. Ely has always been a Democrat. In 1856, he was elected School Trustee of the Seventh Ward, and held the position for four years. In 1857, he was elected a State Senator by a large majority, being the first Democrat ever elected from his district. In the Senate, he figured as the only Democrat on the most important two committees the Committee on Cities and the Sub-Committee of the Whole and he was thus enabled to do much good and defeat much evil in legislation. In 1860, Mr. Ely received an election as County Supervisor, one of whose functions was to raise the money and men to carry on the war. He held this office for eight years, and, while a member of the Board, became conspicuous by his opposition to the extravagancies of the Board. In 1867, he was re-elected in opposition to the regular Democratic and Republican candidates. In 1870, a union of the Democratic factions took place, and Mr. Ely was elected to the Forty-second Congress from the Seventh District, and did good service on the Railroad Committee, upon which he was placed by Speaker Elaine. He received a re-election in 1874, and an appointment by Speaker Kerr on the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Public Buildings, and the Committee on the Expenditures of the Treasury Department, of which latter he was chairman. In 1876, while Mr. Ely yet held his seat in Congress, the different Democratic elements in New York city united upon him as a candidate for Mayor. The Republi- cans nominated the distinguished soldier and statesman, ex-Governor John A. Dix, but Mr. Ely was elected by more than 55,000 majority. Mayor Ely's administration was characterized by wise"-and strict economy. In each of the years of his term the net amount of the city debt was reduced, and, not- withstanding the increase of population, the amount of the tax levy was each year diminished, viz. : Net City Debt. Total Tax Levy. January, 1877 $119,811,310 $31,109,521 January, 1878 117,700,742 29,178,940 January, 1879 113,418,403 28,008,888 This financial success was never paralleled by any other Mayor. Before he left the Mayor's office, the Democratic party in his old Congressional District offered Mr. Ely the nomination for Congress, but he declined the honor, pre- ferring to return to private life. In 1867, Mr. Ely was Commissioner of Public Instruction, and in 1880 was nom- inated as one of the Presidential electors on the Democratic State ticket. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. EN. 223 Mr. Ely is a bachelor. His clubs are the Century, Manhattan, Drawing Room, and the Presbyterian Union. JOHN ENQLIS, one of the most famous of the steamboat builders of this port, was born Nov. 25, 1808, and died in the city of Brooklyn, Oct. 25, 1888. His father, of the same name, an honest Scot, came to America in' 1795, and made this city his home. John, the son, derived shrewdness, health and ability from his parents, and received from them a training in character which was of far more value to him than an inherited fortune. The fortune he made for himself. A promising, sturdy and vigor- ous boy, he studied during youth in the schools of New York city, and then, when he had mastered the elements of a sound education, sought the means of earning his own support. This he found on the East river front in the ship yard of Smith & Dimond, who ranked among the most noted ship builders of their times. The occupa- tion suited his active nature, and here, with axe and hammer, he toiled for several years, learning to shape the frame timbers, lay the planking and assemble the various parts of vessels. His progress was rapid, and he decided to adopt marine construction as his vocation for life. In a few years, he had risen to be a journeyman, and soon became foreman for Bishop & Simonson, another conspicuous firm of builders. While he gained a valuable experience in both these yards, it was evident early in life that the fame of the student was destined in time far to surpass that of his teachers. In 1837, when steam navigation was being introduced upon the great lakes, Mr. Englis had already earned sufficient reputation to be invited to Lake Erie, to build two steamboats for the northern trade. He constructed the Milwaukee and Red Jacket, both excellent boats, under contract, and then returned to New York. Experience had now brought to him a confidence in his powers, and he opened a shipyard on his own account at the foot of East loth street on the East river. While other shipwrights occupied themselves \vith the construction of the clippers, packet vessels, and freighting ships required for the extended foreign commerce of this port, Mr. Englis devoted his own energies to the separate and, if possible, more impor- tant, branch of his art, in which he had begun. Steamboat building, then in its infancy, required the highest talent in the designers of models and the greatest skill and ingenuity in construction. Intended for the navigation of comparatively shoal waters and to be propelled by powerful steam engines, these boats were in model utterly unlike those of the sailing ships, and presented many difficult poblems to the marine architect. It was to this branch of the art that Mr. Englis applied himself. Beginning modestly, but filling every contract with painstaking care and with fidelity to the interests of his clients, he soon attracted attention and commendation among the merchants of New York, and gradually rose to be the greatest builder of steam- boats at this port. It is a noteworthy fact that during the nearly fifty years of his active business life, nearly all the great side wheel steamers for the trade and travel of Long Island Sound, and the finest river steamboats in the world, were launched from his yard. Nor did he confine himself to river boats. Many noble steamships for the ocean trades were produced by him, and scores of vessels for the merchants of other commercial centers. In all, he constructed eighty-nine vessels, propelled by steam, averaging 1,500 tons each, an aggregate of about 135,000 t6ns. He was exceedingly careful in the selection of materials, ingenious in his models and the adaptation of means to ends in the framing of his boats, and thorough in workmanship. His 224 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. methods were studied by other progressive builders, and copied in all parts of the country. During the Civil War, his yard was especially busy. From 250 to 450 of the best class of shipwrights, carpenters, joiners, and other mechanics, earned their liveli- hood in his employment. It is scarcely necessary to present a catalogue of all the vessels set afloat from his famous yard. A few of the more noteworthy may, however, be referred to. Old merchants and thousands of travellers remember the Drew, St. John, Dean Richmond, Newport, Old Colony, C. H. Northam, Tremont, Falmouth, Columbia, Saratoga, City of Troy, and Grand Republic, which were built for river and Sound service, and the ocean steamers, City of Mexico, City of Merida, City of Havana, City of Vera Cruz, City of Atlanta, City of Columbia, Villa Clara, Gloria, Trinidad and others, constructed for deep water navigation. Many of these boats are yet in existence and giving great satisfaction. Seven of his boats were built for service in China, and one of them, the Sumo Nada, is credited with a run of a thousand miles from Hong Kong to Shanghai in fifty- six hours. These boats were the despair of the builders of England, who had expended immense sums in the construction of craft for the same trade, but had never produced one which equalled the creations of Mr. Englis. In 1853, he constructed for the Lakes the Plymouth Rock and Western World, which outstripped every rival in speed as well as in beauty for many years, and during the days before the railroads had fairly conquered the West, carried an im- mense number of travellers to and from the West, proving exceedingly profitable to their owners. As an illustration of his energy, the construction of the Unadilla may be referred to. This was the first of the gunboats and was delivered to the Federal Government in 1861, in forty-eight days, or twelve less than the time allowed. The Secretary of the Navy expressed great satisfaction with this vessel, and wrote, under date of Oct. 8, 1 86 1 : "It gives the Department much pleasure to add that the reports of the inspec- tors are in the highest degree complimentary of the manner in which the wor-k has been executed." An equally remarkable achievement was the building and launching of the steamboat Columbia in forty-two days, or within fifty-eight days from the date of signing the contract. This large and handsome boat was finished, complete, in ninety days. The St. John for The People's Line on the Hudson River, trading between New York and Albany, was at her birth the greatest triumph of-the day, and signalized a new era not only in marine construction but in the traffic of the river which was her home. The enterprise which led the proprietors to project this magnificent boat was handsomely seconded by the skill of her constructor. Of 3,400 tons burden, capable oi carrying 1,700 passengers and 700 tons of freight, upon a draft of 6 feet of water, this noble boat usually breasted the swift current of this crooked river and touched her pier in Albany within nine hours of her departure from New York. The cabins were marvels of exquisite workmanship, and the two tiers of state rooms, lighted by gas, icated by steam, and furnished in a costly manner, were the subject of flattering com- ment in the travelling world. The consort of this boat, the Dean Richmond, 308 feet in ength and 82 feet in width across the guards, took a place on the line in 1867, and proved no less famous and successful. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. EN. 225 Among the steamers built for the traffic of Long Island Sound may be mentioned the Newport, 340 feet in length, 44 feet beam, and 14 feet in depth of hold, which made the trip to Newport, a distance of 160 miles, in eight hours, a record which has not been beaten even by the gigantic vessels which are now plying upon that route. The Old Colony, 315 feet in length, 42 feet in beam, and 14 feet depth of hold, was also notable. Mr. Englis possessed the power of handling large masses of men and of co-ordi- nating their energies with skill and efficiency. He was, in fact, as much of a business man as an expert in marine architecture ; and it came about naturally that, in time, he acquired an interest in many important business ventures. He always preferred navi- gation enterprises, however, and invested a large share of his savings in The People's Line to Albany, The International Line, The Maine Steamship Co., The Charleston Line, The Knickerbocker Steamboat Co., and The New York, The Union and The Metropolitan Ferry Co.'s., and The Brighton Pier Co. Highly respected for sound judgment and high character, he might have shared in the direction of many financial institutions, but he declined every responsibility, calculated to divert his attention from the labors, which were the ruling passion of his life. He was a member of The Gen- eral Society of Mechanics & Tradesmen, and promoted every movement for the welfare of the working classes. He was married in New York city in February, 1832, to Mary A., daughter of Abram Quackenbush. His only son, John Englis, jr., a capable and progressive man, now conducts the old ship yard. AflOS RICHARDS ENO, realty owner, born in S"imsbury, Conn., Nov. i, 1810, traces his ancestry back to James Eno, an Englishman, who settled in Windsor, Conn., in 1648. The family were men of sturdy character and took an active part in the early wars. Salmon Eno, father of Amos, was a member of the Connecticut Legislature. About 1831, the subject of this sketch came to New York, and with his cousin, John Jay Phelps of Simsbury, opened a little dry goods store on Exchange place. They bought mainly at the large auction sales, paying cash, while others paid in notes, and in a year or two were firmly established in business. Eno & Phelps soon became the largest pur- chasers at auction sales. Their store burned to the ground in the fire of 1835. There- after, they carried on business on Hanover Square and ranked among the soundest and best merchants in the city. The firm dissolved in 1850, and Mr. Eno then engaged largely in real estate transactions, in which he had already become interested. He was among the first to operate on Dey, Warren and Chambers streets and Broadway, and built the Fifth Avenue Hotel at a cost of about a million. His properties have in recent years grown enormously in value. Mr. Eno is a director of The Second National Bank, and a member of the Reform club and New England Society. RAflON MARIA ESTEVEZ RODRIGUEZ DE CARDENAS, merchant, born in Matanzas, Cuba, May 16, 1808, died in New York city, March 16, 1888. His grand- father was a colonel in the Spanish army, and his father, Don Jeronimo Estevez, held a very high and honorable position in Matanzas, given to him for life by the Spanish government. He was first cousin of Jose Maria de Cardenas, Marquis de Prado Ame"no. During the earlier portion of his business career, he was a sugar broker in Cuba, and for several years prior to 1857 carried on an extensive business in Havana. Owing to the unsettled state of affairs in Cuba, he came to New York city in 1857, and founded the successful firm of Angulo & Estevez, and later, that of Estevez & Govin & Bro. 226 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. He retired from business during the Cuban rebellion and engaged in heavy transactions in local real estate, his capital in these ventures being re-inforced by that of Felix Govin y Pinto, also a wealthy Cuban planter. Senor Estevez's wife was Louisa San Jorje, daughter of the Baron San Jorje. His wife passed away before him. His only child, Ramon Maria Estevez, jr., also now deceased, married Inez Morales de Mauresa. The only survivors of his immediate family are two granddaughters, sisters, to whom he left his entire fortune. They were Mary Ignacia Estevez, and Caroline Cecilia, who became the wife of Thomas H. Terry, Dec 3, 1890. JAflES EVERARD, brewer, the architect of his own fortunes, born in Dublin, Ire- land, in August, 1829, came from a mercantile family and passed his earlier years in the laborious occupations of printing and stereotyping and mason work and building. When the war with Mexico broke out, he joined the American army and fought in many battles under General Scott and General Taylor. After the war, he served for a time on the New York city police force, and resigned to engage in contracting and build- ing. He fulfilled important contracts in the construction of the New York Post Office and with the city for paving, grading, etc., continuing from 1857 to 1868. In 1876, he bought the Whitney brewery for the manufacture of ales and porter, and in 1886 built a lager beer brewery at i33d street, extending at the present time from i32d to ijsth streets, and including extensive bottling works, stables, wagon and blacksmith shops, etc. In 1894, he abandoned the Whitney brewery and built a new one for ale and porter, extending from 134111 to 135111 street, and erecting on the site of the old brewery at West, Washington and loth streets a large warehouse, fourteen stories high, for govern- ment stores. In 1890, he utilized property in West 28th street by building Russian and Turkish baths of great luxury and comfort. Mr. Everard is a director of The Fifth National Bank, has interests in a variety of other enterprises, and is credited with giv- ing away much in charity. He is married and has one daughter, Olga Jule Everard. F. EBERHARD FABER, lead pencil manufacturer, born in Stein, Bavaria, Dec. 6, 1822, died in New York city, March 2, 1879. Caspar Faber, the first member of the family engaged in this industry, began the manufacture of lead pencils in 1761, in the little village of Stein, in Bavaria, and the industry has since been carried on by his family. In 1784, his son, Anthony William Faber, took charge of the business, and was succeeded by his son, George Leonard Faber. About 1 849, Lotha von Faber, head of the German house, saw the necessity of establishing a branch of the business in America; and accordingly, in that year, Eberhard, son of George Leonard Faber, who preferred a practical career to the study of the law, which he had been pursuing at several of the German Universities, was sent to New York city. In 1851, he opened a house at No. 133 William street, as the agent of the A. W. Faber lead pencils, and in 1852 began the exportation to Germany of red cedar. In 1861, he built the first lead pencil factory in the United States at the foot of 42d street on the East river, and when, in 1872, this was burned, he built another at Kent and West streets in Green point. In 1877, the office of the house was removed from William street to Broadway. Mr. Faber also introduced the manufacture of pen-holders, gold pens and rubber goods of all varieties, connected with the stationery trade. He enjoyed a practical monopoly of the pencil industry for many years, and by his enterprise made the A. W. Faber lead pen- cils as well known in every home and school in America as that of the parent house in Germany has made it in Europe. Mr. Faber's surviving children are John Eberhard, Lothair, Bertha, Sophia, Louise and Rosie Faber. His son, JOHN EBERHARD FABER, born March 14, 1859, in New York city, was christened John Robert Faber and was educated at the School of Mines, Columbia College, and in Nuernberg, Ger- many, and Paris, France. He then entered the office of his father, where he learned every necessary detail of the manufacture and sale of lead pencils. In 1879, ne took charge of the business in America, and then received permission from the courts to change his middle name to Eberhard. Several years later, he admitted his brother Lothair to the firm. Mr. Faber is a very capable manager of his business. He operates a factory in Brooklyn, and derives his supply of red cedar from Florida, which State alone grows this wood in perfection. Mr. Faber operates a large cedar yard and factor}' in Cedar Keys, Fla., at which the red cedar logs are sawed into slabs, ready for transportation to New York or Europe. His agents are continually exploring Florida for cedar lands, and have purchased for him large tracts of the standing timber. Mr. Faber is a director of The First National Bank of Staten Island, The American Life Union, and The Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and a member of the Staten Island Cricket and Staten Island Athletic clubs. He was married in 1887 to Abby Boles Adams. EQISTO PAULO FABBRI, banker, born Dec. 28, 1828, in Florence, Italy, died there, June 25, 1894. His father, Giovanni Fabbri, was a merchant of silk. His mother was Russian. Egisto received a sound education in Italy and England and planned to be a surgeon. Upon the death of his father, however, he entered a shipping house in Livorno and when it failed went to Paris. In 1851, he came to the new world. In 1852, he returned to Italy, but came to America again in 1854. After a year's search for 22 8 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. employment, he became bookkeeper for John Randall & Co., shipping merchants, was admitted as a partner seven years later and so remained until 1867. Then, he founded the shipping house of Fabbri & Chauncey, which enjoyed a prosperous career, finally becoming extinct in 1884. In 1875, Mr. Fabbri became a partner in Drexel, Morgan & Co. Ill health compelled his retirement Dec. 31, 1885. During his last nine years, he travelled extensively in Europe and purchased a beautiful estate in Florence, upon which he dwelt thereafter. For his services in behalf of Italian independence, King Victor Emanuel bestowed upon him the unusual right of regaining Italian citizenship at his own pleasure. In his amiable, courtly, personal address, his famous hospitality, and his musical accomplishment, he reflected his Italian birthright, and in his business career, revealed financial sagacity and executive ability. He was one of the founders of the Metropolitan Opera House in this city. He was married June 28, 1849, to Mary Kealey. Being without issue, in 1890, he adopted the children of his deceased brofher Ernesto. ERNESTO QUISEPPE FABBRI, merchant, born in Florence, Italy, March 17, 1830, died at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., July 3, 1883. He came to this city at the age of twenty-three, found employment as a clerk for John Randall & Co., subsequently became a partner, and then married a daughter of the senior partner. The firm was dissolved in 1861. Mr. Fabbri returned to Italy and in Genoa established the firm of Valerio & Fabbri, commission merchants. In 1865, he returned to this city and entered the commission house of Fabbri & Chauncey on South street, of which his brother Egisto P. Fabbri was a partner. In 1876, Ernesto succeeded his brother as the head of the firm. He was a director of The Central & South American Telegraph Co. , The Orient Mutual Insurance Co., and The United States Rolling Stock Co., and a member of the Chamber of Commerce and of The Maritime Association. Active in the Com- mittee on Italian Schools, he befriended his poorer countrymen in so many ways, that the Italian Government conferred upon him the honor of knighthood and the orders of the Crown of Italy and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. His marriage with Sara, daughter of John Randall, brought him eight children, Egisto P., Ernestine, Marie Pauline, Ernesto G., Alice, Nathalie, Cora, now deceased, and Alessandro. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion. JOSEPH FAHYS, manufacturer, was born May 23, 1832, in Belport, France. Educated in France, he came to New York city and, in June, 1857, with a few hundred dollars, started the manufacture of watch cases on a small_scale. Afterward, he estab- lished a factory in Carlstadt, N. J. ; in 1866, one in Brooklyn ; and in 1881, one in Sag Harbor, which is the present location of the industry. His enterprise is now incorpor- ated as The Fahys Watch Case Co., making 1,500 cases a day. The business office is on Maiden Lane in this city. Mr. Fahys is the owner of the building bearing his name at No. 54 Maiden Lane; president of The Fahys Watch Case Co. ; a director of The Brooklyn Watch Co., The Montauk Steamboat Co., and The Third National Bank of New York; and trustee of the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church and The Homoeopathic Hospital in Brooklyn. The family live near Sag Harbor in the summer, and find delight in cruising in their yacht Alsace. Their winter residence is in Brooklyn. He is a member of the Down Town club of New York, and the Hamilton and Riding and Driving, clubs of Brooklyn. Mr. Fahys was married April 19, 1856, to Maria L. Payne of Sag Harbor, and their children are Marie Louise, Lena M., Maria D., Bertha A., and George E. Fahys. THE CITV OF NEW YORK. FA. 229 EDWARD GEORGE FAILE, merchant, a native of Semiston, Roxboroughshire, Scotland, and born Feb. 9, 1799, died at his home at Hunt's Point, Westchester count}-, April 20, 1864. His father, George Faile, was a farmer, while his mother, Joan Hall, was a descendant of the Burrells of Northumberland, England, and of John Burrell, a courtier of Henry V., and bore upon her family arms the sturdy motto, " I adhere." The family came to this country in 1801, settling in Westchester county, where Edward was educated. At the age of seventeen, the youth became a clerk for Abram Valen- tine, wholesale grocer in New York. Remaining in that store until 1821, he then started for himself on the corner of Peck Slip and Front street. Feb. i, 1825, he ad- mitted his brother Thomas as a partner, under the name of E. G. Faile & Co. He was diligent, honest, and untiring, and prospered rapidly. In 1840, the firm bought the store at 181 Front street, moved into it, and for thirteen years carried on a large whole- sale grocery trade, attaining celebrity by their success. In 1853, both the senior partners retired, being succeeded by their sons and Richard Williams, in Faile, Williams & Co. Mr. Faile was always a man of public spirit and a director of The New York & Harlem Railroad in the early days and of The New York Central Railroad, while Erastus Corning was president. It was he who made a suggestion to Richard M. Hoe, which resulted in the invention of the first machine for stamping and dating tickets as issued, ever used in this country. He helped organize The Metropolitan Bank and was a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Faile had a home in Westchester county and was connected with the agricultural school in Ovid, N. Y. , and the Pease Farm Industrial School, and served as president of The New York State Agricultural Society. He was married, Dec. 8, 1821, to An i Delia, daughter of Abram Valentine. Their children were Ann D., Edward, Thomas H., Charles V., Henry, Samuel, Mary E., Harriet and Caroline. THOflAS HALL FAILE, merchant, son of the late George Faile of Westchester count}-, was born in Eastchester, Feb. 4, 1803, after the family had made their home in the United States. He died abroad, in Nice, Jan. 13, 1873. From his family he in- herited a fine physique, a noble countenance, a mind sagacious and bold, and a char- acter above reproach. Beginning life as a clerk for his brother, Edward G. Faile, wholesale grocer of New York, he became a partner, Feb. i, 1825, and during the following twenty-eight years was active and prominent in the trade, and a leading spirit in the life of New York city. To secure better opportunities for study to mer- chants' clerks, of whom he had been one, in 1846, he joined The Clinton Hall Association as a trustee, labored to stock the library with good and useful books, and fought every proposition to open the doors on Sundays. He joined the Chamber of Commerce, became a director of The Bank of America in 1839, and was a member of the Union League and Racquet clubs and St. Andrew's Society, and at one time president of The New York State Agricultural Society. During a journey to Europe, taken largely with this object in view, he visited many asylums for the insane, made a special study of their management, and, as a governor of The New York Hospital, and permanently charged with the supervision of The Bloomingdale Insane Asylum, he introduced many improvements in the system of the latter institution. This labor of love occupied the last fifteen years of his life. His public spirit was illustrated by his co-operation in establishing at the old Rotunda the Gallery of Fine Arts, celebrated for its exhibition of Cole's paintings of the Course of Empire and the Voyage of Life. His life was an unbroken record of success, generosity and philanthropy. Mr. Faile never married. 23 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. BENJAJIIN LEWIS FAIRCHILD, lawyer, was born Jan. 5, 1863, in Sweden, N. Y., and is a son of Benjamin Fairchild, who served through the Civil War and then settled in Washington, D. C., and did not see his son until the latter was two years old. The family are of English descent and long known in Connecticut, where the pioneers settled. Mr. Fairchild's mother was a member of the Schaeffer family and of German ancestry. The subject of this biography was educated in the public schools of Wash- ington, D. C., and the law department of Columbian University. At the age of thirteen, he became a draughtsman in the Patent Office, and from fourteen until twenty-two, held a clerkship in the Treasury Department, meanwhile pursuing his studies. Having been admitted to the bar, he came to New York in 1885, without means, was successful in his profession, and invested his earnings in the development of real estate properties in Westchester county, in compliance with an injunction he had heard in boyhood to buy land by the acre and sell it by the foot. He continues to practice law, his firm being Southard & Fairchild, and has large realty interests at Pelham Heights and Mount Vernon. He has always been a Republican in politics and a popular man. In 1894, the tidal wave of public sentiment swept him into a seat in Congress from a Democratic district. He was married in New York city, Feb. 28, 1893, to Anna E., daughter of the late James Crumbie. He is a member The Society of Medical Juris- prudence and the Republican and New York Athletic clubs. CHARLES STEBBINS FAIRCHILD, lawyer, born April 30, 1842, in Cazenovia, N. Y., is a son of the late Sidney T. Fairchild, a distinguished lawyer, for many years counsel for The New York Central Railroad, who died Feb. 15, 1889, the possessor of a large estate. Graduating from Harvard University in 1863 and from the Harvard Law School in 1865, Mr. Fairchild read law iii the office of Hand, Hale & Swartz, was admitted to the bar in Albany, and in 1873 became a member of the firm above named. In 1874, he was called into the public service as Deputy Attorney General of the State, and the following year was elected Attorney General as a Democrat. In 1878 he visited Europe. Upon his return in 1880, he established a law office in New York city, and has since become identified with large interests. He is president of The New York Security & Trust Co. , and has been president of The State Charities Aid Association. From March, 1885, to April, 1887, Mr. Fairchild held the important position of Assistant Secretary, and from the latter date, to the end of President Cleveland's term, that of Secretary of the Treasury. He is a member of the Metropolitan, Century, University, Manhattan, Aldine, Lawyers', Reform, Bar, Democratic, Harvard Alumni, and Alpha Delta Phi clubs. He received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Columbian and Harvard Universities in 1888. ARNOLD FALK, merchant, a native of Germany, and born. in March, 1843, came to the new world in 1858, after an education in the public schools in the fatherland, and was the constant partner of his brother, Gustav, in various enterprises connected with the tobacco trade. First a cigar manufacturer, he gained in that industry an intimate knowledge of the various classes of tobacco leaf, and then, in 1859, joined in establishing the firm of G. Falk & Bro., to import Sumatra and other foreign tobacco and export the native leaf of America. Success came to this house through their enter- prise, industry and good character. Mr. Falk was a member of The German Society. He married Miss Fannie Wallach of this city in 1876, and had two sons, Myron and Kaufman Falk, and died in Heidelberg, Germany, June 18, 1891. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FA. 231 QUSTAV FALK, importer of tobacco, born in Germany, April 19, 1841, is a son of M. J. Falk, merchant, who came to America in 1858 and settled in New York city. Gustav received an education in the schools of Herford, Westphalia. Most of his success in life has been due to native shrewdness and ability. After a valuable ex- perience as a cigar manufacturer in this city, he entered into partnership with his brother, Arnold, in 1859, as G. Falk & Bro., for wholesale handling of foreign and domestic leaf tobacco. They were the first house to import Sumatra tobacco upon a large scale, and as they had no competition for several years, their business was exceed- ingly profitable. Their trade in Sumatra tobacco is yet large but the house also packs and exports American tobacco also extensively. Owing remotely to Sir Walter Raleigh's office in making the leaf popular, but more' immediately to Mr. Falk's own industrious career of thirty-five years, he has become one of the wealthiest dealers in the trade. He maintains store houses in this city and Lancaster, Pa. In 1871, he married Miss Rebecca, daughter of Kaufman Wallach, and has five children, Julia, wife of David M. Frank, Kaufman S. , Sophia, Jesse M., and Milton J. Falk. JOHN TEMPLE PARISH, merchant, a native of Virginia, born about 1820, died at his home on Park avenue, in this city, May 13, 1891. Before he had attained his majority, he came to New York to live with his uncle, Lewis Rogers, then a prominent merchant, who acted as agent for the Rothschilds in the purchase of American tobacco. Mr. Parish was admitted to partnership in Rogers & Co. , and conducted so profitable an exportation of tobacco that he was able to retire when hardly forty years old. From that time forward, he was occupied entirely with investments. In 1870, he married Martha, a daughter of Justice Grier of the Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Farish was deeply interested in charities, .and expended a large part of his income in philanthropic work. He was a regular attendant of St. Bartholomew's church. His wife survived him. By will, he gave to St. Luke's Hospital the sum of $50,000, to The New York Bible Society $10,000, to The Home for Incurables $50,000, to the Missions of the Episcopal Church $20,000, to The Church Mission for Deaf Mutes $20,000, and to other institutions, $120,000. FRANKLIN FARREL, manufacturer, has achieved signal success in varied lines of industrial enterprise and is entitled to a prominent place in the ranks of successful men. He was born Feb. 17, 1828, in Waterbury, Conn. His youth was passed in a mechanical atmosphere, his father being a skilled mechanic, and early in life it became evident that he had himself special aptitude in this direction. His early education was obtained in Waterbury, being rounded out by a course at West Point, where he received the degree of Civil Engineer. Mr. Parrel's first distinct business venture was the organization of The Parrel Machine Co , in Ansonia, Conn., about forty-five years ago. It was a modest beginning, the outfit consisting of a single lathe and planer. For many years Mr. Parrel gave this plant his closest attention, and such business ability did he bring to its management that the results are apparent to-day in an establishment con- taining over two hundred and fifty machine tools, many of them among the largest in the world, and employing in prosperous times over seven hundred men. Mr. Parrel is essentially a leader, and, when he lends his personality and efforts to the promotion of a project, success is practically assured. A striking illustration of this is shown at Bridgeport, Conn. In 1883, the western section of the city was undevel- oped, a great part of the territory being covered by a thick growth of underbrush. He 232 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. was able to foresee the possibilities of the section, and the unexcelled rail and water facilities, which could be obtained by proper development. The Bridgeport Forge Co., a concern of which Mr. Farrel is president and principal owner, was organized and located in this seemingly desolate region. The Bridgeport Copper Co. was organized soon afterward through the efforts of Mr. Farrel, and its first buildings erected in the same locality. Owing to the business energy of Mr. Farrel and his associates, these companies have shown constant growth and must now be ranked among the most prosperous concerns in Connecticut. Encouraged by such enterprise, other large firms have since located in this part of the city, fine streets have been laid out and worked, substantial dwelling houses and blocks erected, and, as if touched by a magic wand, the section in a single decade has become one of the most prosperous and flourishing in the city of Bridgeport. After earning the reputation of being one of the most expert founders and machin- ists in the country, and establishing several of the largest firms in Connecticut on a successful basis, Mr. Farrel turned his attention in other directions. He embarked in the sugar business in 1879, and from a small beginning has achieved notable success. He selected capable and energetic associates, and wise co-operation and concerted effort have brought about fine results. The sugar estates are located in Cuba and Santo Domingo, and some idea of their proportions may be conveyed when it is said that three of these estates require in their operation over twenty-five miles of fixed railroad and furnish employment to over three thousand men. Another industry to which Mr. Farrel has directed his attention, and which has prospered under his direction, has been the manufacture of copper. He became identi- fied with The Parrot Silver & Copper Co., of -Butte City, Mont., and the first mine was worked in 1877. This company has grown under the competent management of Mr. Farrel and his associates, and to-day its product is one of the standard brands of copper of the world. Without further specific mention, it may be said that in every direction one can point to industries, successful to a marked degree, and all the product of brains and intelligence backed by Mr. Parrel's capital and business wisdom. Mines, smelters, metal refineries, forges, foundries, machine shops, brass and copper rolling mills, rail- roads, banks, hotels and sugar plantations are among the industries which claim the care and attention of this remarkable man. In politics, Mr. Farrel has always been an earnest and consistent Republican. Although often urged to allow his nomination for honorable positions, he has felt that he could not justly set aside or neglect the great business affairs entrusted to his keeping. His advice and -assistance, however, have always been sought and given to promote the interests of Republicanism. WILLIAH DOUGLAS FARWELL, merchant, born at Big Flats, Chemung county, N. Y. , May 31, 1827, died in New York city, Aug. 30, 1885. His father, Benjamin Farwell, was a man of marked integrity and strength of character and a warm hearted, generous Christian. The young man gained his first experience as a merchant in Steu- ben county. In 1863, he removed to Chicago, and in 1865 entered the wholesale dry goods house of John V. Farwell & Co., as a partner. The same year, he removed to New York to represent the business here as resident partner. As a business man, he commanded general respect. He was a member of the Union League and Merchants' clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, The New England Society and other social organiza- tions. While keen and enterprising as a merchant, money making did not enlist his THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FA. 233 entire attention. He was a Christian gentleman and an active member of the Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, to whose prosperity he contributed largely, and of which he was a trustee, serving upon the Executive Committee for the erection of the present church edifice. For the support of missions, he spent a large amount of time and means, and served for many years as trustee of the Drew Theological Semi- nary. In 1866, he was married to Hannah D., daughter of the Rev. Dr. Allen P. Rip- ley, of Buffalo. His one child was a daughter, Cornelia Hannah. SIGOURNEY WEBSTER FAY, dry goods merchant, a native of Boston, Mass., was born Feti. 6, 1836. His father was Nahum Fay, also a merchant. The family are of English ancestry and descend from John Fay, who settled in this country in 1640. Josiah Fay, great grandfather of Sigourney, born in Westboro, Mass., in 1732, and Elisha Forbes, of the same town, great grandfather in the maternal line, both served in the American Revolution, first at Bunker Hill and then in the ist Conti- nental Infantry. After graduation from the old English High School in Boston, Mr. Fay gained his first training in the dry goods store of Lawrence. Stone & Co., in Bos- ton, and the Middlesex Woolen Mills of Lowell. In 1860, he was invited to New York and in the commission dry goods firm of Stone, Bliss, Fay & Allen began a career which has been attended with uniform success to the present time. Until 1869, this house carried on, it is believed, the largest local commission trade in woolen goods in this city. They were the selling agents of about fifteen New England factories. In 1869, the firm reorganized as Perry, Wendell, Fay & Co., and in 1878, as Wendell, Fay & Co. Mr. Fay is in charge of the New York branch of the business. He is a sound and excellent merchant, energetic, capable and of high character. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a director of The Hanover National Bank and The Exchange Fire Insurance Co., and a member of the Union League, City, Players', Metropolitan, and Merchants' clubs and The New England Society. By virtue of direct descent, he is a member of The Sons of the American Revolution. In 1860, Mr. Fay married Delia A., daughter of Emery B. Fay, of Boston. THOflAS FAYE, wall paper manufacturer, a native of Galway, Ireland, 1810, died in New York city, Feb. 24, 1892. His father was French, his mother Irish. After his mother's death, he came to this country at the age of eight, with his father, who, buying a farm near Rochester and losing his money in land speculation, died suddenly in 1820 and left the boy to fight his own way unaided. Lacking a good education in the day schools, he so well compensated himself for this by attending night schools and debating societies, and by extensive reading and alert observation, that he became a notably well informed man. While young, he entered the employment of Francis Pares, a wall paper maker on Pearl street, and was admitted to partnership in 1830, in Pares & Faye, but subsequently withdrew and formed a partnership with Lewis Bel- rose, under the name of Belrose & Faye of this city and Philadelphia. The}- had a factory on West 29th street and a salesroom on Broadway. Just before the war, Mr. Faye retired from business with an ample fortune and the distinction of having been ths first to manufacture wall paper by machinery, having won for this achievement the first gold medal of the American Institute. He owned buildings on Broadway, near Franklin street and Grace Church, and about twenty acres on Washington Heights, now covered with private residences. Public office was frequently tendered him but always declined. During the Civil War he espoused the cause of the Union. Mr. 234 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Faye was married in 1839 to Marion, oldest daughter of the late Judge Edward Cope- land. They had four daughters and four sons, namely: Mary, Marion C., Ada M., Ella L., Edward C., Thomas F., Harold, James J., and E. Frederick Faye. DANIEL BURTON FAYERWEATHER, tanner and leather merchant, born March 12, 1822, died Nov. 15, 1890, at his home in New York city. He was the son of Lucius Fayerweather, a farmer and a descendant in the fourth generation from John Fayerweather and Abigail Curtis of North Stratford, now Trumbull, Conn. John Fayerweather, a soldier in the Colonial army, lost his life in 1775 in the campaign for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. He was a farmer. Samuel, son of 'John, served through the whole of the American Revolution. Daniel's early education was gained in the schools of his native town and the academy in Newtown, Conn. Having learned the shoemaker's trade, as apprentice for Capt. Luzon W. Clark, of Trumbull, he joined his principal as a partner and conducted a profitable business for a long period, their market being chiefly in the South. While making purchases of leather in New York, Mr. Fayerweather made the acquaintance of Hoyt Bro's, on Spruce street, and from their mutual appreciation there resulted an arrangement whereby Mr. Fayerweather entered the firm on the basis of a percentage of profits. In this way he became con- nected with the leather business, a trade which placed a limit, neither on Mr. Fayer- weather's business abilities nor his broad and generous views of life. The Civil War gave a great stimulus to the leather trade. About 1862, Mr. Fayerweather was admitted to full partnership. About 1866, the associates divided, William, Oliver and Mark Hoyt continuing as Hoyt Bro's., in the hemlock leather business, while Joseph B. Hoyt, the oldest brother, and Mr. Fayerweather united as J. B. Hoyt & Co., retain- ing the old stand on Spruce street, and the trade in oak leather and belting. Jan. i, 1884, J. B. Hoyt & Co. dissolved and the firm of Fayerweather & Ladew was formed by Mr. Fayerweather and Harvey S. Ladew. The new partners were exceedingly con- genial to each other and co-operated harmoniously to extend their trade. They owned a number of tanneries in the oak bark districts of Maryland, West Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Their trade was enormous. Mr. Fayerweather was a shrewd investor, and at the time of his death held large amounts of the securities of about twenty railroads, which he had purchased to advantage. Like the rest of his family, he was stalwart in character and physique and of great purity of life. He was married to Lucy, daughter of William Beard Joyce, of Trumbull, Conn. During his energetic career and in honest industry, Mr. Fayerweather gained a fortune of several millions. By his will he gave specifically $3,725,000 to about thirty-frwe colleges and $560,000 to eleven hospitals. The residue, after the payment of those and other specific legacies, was bequeathed to trustees absolutely, to be disposed of to colleges and public institu- tions. Mrs. Fayerweather died in Rutland, Vt, July 16, 1892. CHARLES NYE FEARING, merchant, born in Wareham, Mass., March 10, 1812, died at his home in Lafayette Place, New York, Jan. 6, 1886. His father, William Fearing, a prosperous shipping merchant, came from English ancestry and traced his line to John Fearing, founder of the family in this country, who came from Cambridge or Hingham, England, to Hingham, Mass., in 1635. With an excellent education, ob- tained at Brown University, Charles began life in the dry goods business in partnership with Edwin Hoyt, as Fearing & Hoyt. In 1840, he embarked in the commission dry goods business in this city, on Exchange Place, in the firm of Fearing & Hall, and rose THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FE. 235 to prominence in this occupation. His house ranked among the leaders of the trade for more than twenty years. He retired in 1861, his life thereafter being a quiet one. He was president of The Auburn Woolen Co, for many years. In 1839, he married Mary, daughter of Benjamin L. Swan. Their children were three sons. Charles F.. a stock broker, William H,, an importer of wines, and Edward S. Fearing, who died in 1881. riARTIN S. FECHHEIMER, merchant, was born of Jewish parents, June 24, 1835, in Mitwitz, Bavaria. His parents were poor and could not give him a better education than that afforded by the village school. The boy left home in 1847, removed to Cincinnati, and entered the employment of his uncles. He began at the bottom of the ladder, doing the hardest and roughest work, for which he received his board and lodging. Having acquired some experience, at the age of nineteen he started in busi- ness for himself at Toledo, O., and subsequently moved to Madison, Wis. In 1858, he went to California. As a clerk in Sacramento, he saved his earnings, and joined Henry Kronethal, in 1860, in a clothing business. In 1862, Henry Goodkind became associ- ated with them in Fechheimer, Goodkind & Co. From 1862 to 1884, the business was carried on in San Francisco, and they ranked eventually as one of the leading clothing houses of the coast. In 1884, Charles Fishel and Charles E. Adler, having become members, the firm established a store in the city of New York, which soon acquired such proportions that the firm discontinued the California branch. Oct. 31, 1891, Henry Goodkind retired, and the business has been continued since under the name of Fech- heimer, Fishel & Co. They are now one of the leading houses in the wholesale clothing- business. For many years past, Mr. Fechheimer has adopted a modified form of profit sharing, as a result of which and of his fairness to employes, he has never had a strike since coming to this city. He is a director of The Hanover National Bank and a member of the Harmonic social club. He assisted in organizing the first Society for Ethical Culture in this city, under Prof. Felix Adler, and for many years was president and trustee of the society. In 1865, he married Miss Francis Meyer. Of his seven children five are living. WILLIAM FELLOWES, merchant, a native of New Pitt, N. C., born April 17, 1802, died May 12, 1875, at his home in Richmond county, N. Y. The son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Fellowes, members of old families, he began life with inherited spirit and after an education in Henderson, Ky., made his reputation as a merchant in the dry goods firm of William & Cornelius Fellowes in Louisville, Ky. His trade was largely with the river States and a branch store was established in New Orleans under the style of Fellowes, Jenkins & Co. About 1846, Mr. Fellowes removed to New y York city and managed another branch house, in co-operation with the other firms. He soon became known as a very capable, upright and progressive man. He owned a plantation in St. Mary's parish, La., a farm in Texas, and interests in The Manhattan Silver and The American Mining Go's, and other properties. Having made a large in- vestment in The Panama Railroad, he accepted office as a director of that company. By his marriage with Caroline Davis in Boston, he had nine children : Mrs. Eliza B. Ward well; Caroline, wife of David P. Morgan; William, Clara, Harriet D., Cornelius, Nancy W., Alice and Birney Fellowes. He was a member of the Union club. BENJAfllN HAZARD FIELD, merchant, born May 2, 1814, in Yorktown, West- chester county, N. Y., died in this city, March 17, 1893. He was a descendant of an old and gentle English family, one of whom, Robert Field, came to America with his 236 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. neighbor and relative by marriage, Sir Richard Saltonstall, in the company organized in 1630, and settled in Watertown, Mass. Later, he moved to Newport, R. I. The subject of this sketch was the son of Hazard Field. He graduated from the North Salem academy and entered the office of Hickson W. Field, a merchant in the China trade and wholesale dealer in drugs in this city. In March, 1832, he became a member of the firm, and, in 1838, when the senior partner retired, assumed the management. June 9, 1838, he married Catherine W. Van Cortlandt de Peyster, daughter of Frederic de Peyster and noted for her beauty, prominence in society and activity in charitable work They had two children, Cortlandt de Peyster Field and Florence Van Cortlandt, wife of W. W. Bishop. Mrs, Field died in July, 1886. In 1861, Mr. Field was joined in business by his son. Four years later, the firm name was changed to Cortlandt de P. Field & Co., the elder Field remaining a silent partner. He owned a large amount of excellent real estate in New York city, and was a director of The Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Co., and The Greenwood Cemetery Co., and vice president of The Bank for Savings. Early identified with the St. Nicholas Society, of which he became vice president and president, in 1884 he was elected a life member of the Society. To his efforts was largely due the erection of The Farragut monument in Madison Square and the monument to the poet Halleck in Central Park. He was exceedingly active in philanthropic work and an officer of numerous charities, being also a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Century and St. Nicholas clubs, and a life long member of the Protestant Episcopal church. CYRUS WEST FIELD, famous for his share in laying the first Atlantic cable, born in Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 30, 1819, died in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., July 12, 1892. He was one of eight distinguished sons of Dr. David Dudley Field, a Congregational minister of Stockbridge, and was descended from Zachariah Field, who settled in America about 1630. His education was obtained from his father and in the schools of Stockbridge. At the age of fifteen, he entered the employment of A. T. Stewart in New York, and in October, 1840, became a partner of L. Root & Co. in the paper trade. This firm failed in 1841, and, until 1843, Mr. Field found himself occupied with a settlement of their affairs. In 1843, he organized the firm of Cyrus W. Field & Co., built up a prosperous business, and paid off, in 1853, all the debts he had compromised in 1843. Becoming, in 1854, intensely interested in the possibility of connecting the old and new worlds by telegraph, and having partly retired from business, he devoted himself with enthusiasm to the subject of an ocean cable. In 1858, a cable was laid which worked imperfectly. Entire success was not attained until 1866. No one who studies biography for the elements of character which command success, can fail to be struck with the two fundamental factors, illustrated in this achievement, which won for Mr. Field world wide distinction, namely, first the conception of a useful and practical idea, and secondly the inflexible determination and undaunted pluck which he brought to bear in carrying out his plans in spite of discouragements and obstacles. For the laying of the Atlantic cable, Congress gave Mr. Field a gold medal and the thanks of the nation, and the Paris Exposition of 1867 awarded him a grand medal. In 1866, he again wrote to various creditors who had released him in 1860 and paid his indebtedness in full, with interest, to the amount of $170,897. He helped develop the elevated railway system of New York and was identified with other great enterprises. For several years, the name of Cyrus W. Field was well known in Wall street. Daring THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FI. 237 in speculation, upright and competent, he amassed a fortune of several millions, which, however, first reduced somewhat by speculation, at the last shrank to nothing, owing to the necessity of repairing losses for which he was not responsible. Successful in business, he was never more successful than in the triumph over self and the love of wealth, when he devoted the accumulations of a life time toward preserving the honor of his family. At the time of his death, he owned only five shares in The Anglo- American Cable and one hundred acres of land at Irvington on the Hudson, upon which there was a mortgage. Mr. Field was married Dec. 2, 1840, to Mar}- Bryan Stone of Guilford, Conn. Mrs. Field died Nov. 23, 1891. The children born to them were Mary Grace, Alice Durand, Isabella, Fanny Griswold, Arthur Stone, now deceased, Edward Moore and Cyrus William, who died June, 9, 1894. The first named, wife of Dr. D. A. Lindley, died Jan. n, 1892. HICKSON W. FIELD, one of the race of old New York merchants, who died in Rome, Italy, Feb. 12, 1873, at the age of eighty-five, laid the foundation of his fortune in the commission and drug business on Burling Slip. He inherited a moderate estate, but the most of his means probably came, however, from investments in real estate in the city, at a time when purchases could be made at a moderate valuation. The rapid growth of the town greatly enhanced the value of his properties. About 1845, he built, in company with a partner, the New York Hotel on Broadway, which, for nearly fifty years, ranked among the most prosperous hostelries in the city, becoming a head- quarters for Southern merchants especially. The uptown movement, it may be noted in passing, finally left this old hotel lagging in the rear. It ceased to pay, and, in 1894, it was levelled to the ground to give place for a modern office building. His son was Hickson W. Field, jr., and his daughter Mrs. Eleanor K. Jay. BENEDICKT FISCHER, tea merchant, born March 21, 1841, in Ober Schopfheim, Baden, Germany, has been a resident of the United States since the age of fourteen. Receiving only a limited education in the village school of his native place, he was thrown upon his own resources for his success in life. Beginning as a wheelwright's apprentice, he served his time, and afterward relinquished a salary of $45 a week to become a chemist's assistant at $3 a week with a view to a future career. He then entered a varnish factory, aided in the manufacture, and became a salesman of varnish. Later, he found as salesman for a wholesale grocery house the vocation he has since pursued. In 1861, he engaged in the tea and grocery trade for himself, making visits to buyers during the day, and at night preparing the goods for delivery. Through his own efforts, his present extensive trade is the outgrowth of a modest beginning. With several changes of partners, and with occasional mishaps, such as the burning of his store twice, he has gone bravely on in spite of discouragements, and has won large means by sheer perseverance and persistent enterprise. Mr. Fischer has a thorough knowledge of his trade, bears a good reputation, and has set an example which should prove an encouragement to many young merchants. Mr. Fischer was the first to intro- duce American tiles in the market, and is president of The American Encaustic Tile Co., the largest of its class in the United States. Of The Mauser Manufacturing Co., silversmiths, he is vice president. The Riverside Bank was organized by him and others. Mr. Fischer was married Sept. 21, 1864, to Kathrina Ebling. Of his nine children, five are living, William H., Florence and Irma Fischer, Mrs. Antonia Diefenthaler and Mrs. Leonora Koehler. 238 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. CHARLES S. FISCHER, manufacturer, was born Jan. 30, 1820, in Naples, Italy. His grandfather and father were both military officers in the Austrian army, placed in Naples at the time of the Austrian protectorate, and the latter was one of the founders of the well known house of J. & C. Fischer, makers of the Fischer piano. Charles obtained an education at Naples. The family destined him for the priesthood, but he preferred a business career and learned a trade in Naples, under his grandfather, who was interested in various manufactures, among them the making of pianos. Coming to America in 1839, he started in business with his brother and William Nunns in 1840, as Nunns & Fischer. The senior partner had previously been connected with Robert & William Nunns and Nunns & Clark, piano makers. About twenty-five years ago Mr. Fischer was admitted to partnerthip in J. & C. Fischer, and since 1889 has been sole owner. He is the oldest piano manufacturer in New York city. In the past quarter of a century, the firm have built up a business which ranks among the foremost of its kind in the country and has brought prosperity to the very capable partners. There is a branch house in Troy, N. Y. The office of the concern is on Fifth avenue in this city. Mr. Fischer was married in New York to Helena W. Beilby. Of their ten children, six are living, namely, Charles S. Fischer, jr., M. D., Henry B. , Bernardo F., Adolpho H., Frederic G., and T. Tasso Fischer. Mr. Fischer is an accomplished man and a fluent speaker of four languages, Italian, French, German and American. HAMILTON FISH, diplomat, born in New York city in 1808, died here Sept. 7, 1893. His father was Lieut. Col. Nicholas Fish, an officer in the American Revolu- tion, the friend of Washington, afterward Adjutant General of New York, and presi- dent of The Butchers & Drovers' Bank of this city. His mother was Elizabeth Stuy- vesant. The family is believed to be a branch of the old Saxon family of Fysche, which, in the tables of German nobility, dates from a remote era. The founder in America was Jonathan Fish, who came to Massachusetts from England about 1635. Hamilton Fish graduated from Columbia College and was admitted to the New York bar in 1830. While he practiced law to some extent, he entered early upon a public career. Absolved from labor by a large inheritance in real estate from his father and his uncle, Peter G. Stuyvesant, he was able to devote his life to public affairs and to fill important positions with fidelity and credit. A Whig in politics, he became a Republican after the forma- tion of the Republican party. He was elected a member of Congress in 1844, Lieuten- ant Governor in 1847, Governor in 1848-50, and in 1851-57 United States Senator. From 1869 to 1877, he was Secretary of State under President Grant and one of the commissioners who signed the Washington Treaty of 1871, which disposed of the ques- tion of Alabama claims. Mr. Fish was for many years president of The Society of the Cincinnati, succeeding his father, and of numerous social, philanthropic and intellec- tual organizations. His wife was Julia Kean. His oldest son, NICHOLAS FISH, banker, born in New York city, Feb. 19, 1846, graduated from Columbia College in 1867, and from Harvard Law School in 1869, and entered upon the laborious profession of the law in this city. He has figured to some extent in public affairs, being first appointed as Second Secretary of Legation in Germany, 1871, and First Secretary thereof in 1874. He was Chargd d'Affaires to the Swiss Confederation, 1877-81, and United States Minister to Belgium, 1882-86. In 1887, Mr. Fish engaged in banking in Harriman & Co., as a partner, and has since been identified with financial affairs down town in that firm. Mr. Fish inherited means and a distinguished name, to which he THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FI. 239 has done honor by a spotless business record and high personal character. Well bred, well informed, courteous, sound in judgment and thoroughly a man of affairs, he occupies a very high position. His clubs are the Metropolitan, Century, University, Tuxedo, St. Anthony, Lawyers', Players', Down Town, University Athletic, and Coney Island Jockey. He is also a member of The Society of the Cincinnati, The St. Nicholas Society, and The New York Historical Society. He was married in Newport, R. I., to Clemence S. Bryce, and their two children are Elizabeth S. Clare Fish and Hamilton Fish jr. STUYVESANT FISH, railroad president, son of Hamilton Fish, a native of New York city, was born June 24, 1851. After a course at Columbia College, from which he graduated in 1871, he entered the Service of The Illinois Central Railroad in 1871, as a clerk in its New York office, and with the exception of four years has been continuously identified with that company's interests. In 1872, John Newell, then president of The Illinois Central Railroad, made Mr. Fish his secretary. Later in that year, Mr. Fish left to become a clerk in the employ of Morton, Bliss & Co. , of this city, and of their London correspondents, Morton, Rose & Co. Stalwart and clear headed, sound in judgment and physically capable of an enormous amount of work, Mr. Fish made his mark without delay. In January, 1875, he became managing clerk for Morton, Bliss & Co., and held their power of attorney. This posi- tion he retained for over two years. From Dec. 14, 1876, to March, 1879, Mr. Fish was a member of the New York Stock Exchange. He was, in February, 1877, elected a director of The Illinois Central Railroad, and treasurer of the Purchasing Com- mittee of The New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Railroad, and has since given his attention entirely to railroad enterprises. Nov. 8, 1877, he was elected secretary of The Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans Railroad, and March, 1882, vice president. In 1883, he was made second vice president of The Illinois Central, and rose rapidly, becoming president in 1887, which position he retains to this time. He is also president of The Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad and other corporations affiliated with The Illinois Central. Mr. Fish is a director of The National Park Bank and trustee of The Mutual Life Insurance Co., and The New York Life Insurance & Trust Co. He holds membership in several social clubs, among them the Metropolitan, Union, St. Anthony, Down Town and Players'. Married in 1876 to Marian G. Anthon, a daughter of the late William Henry Anthon, he has three children, named respectively Marian, Stuyvesant, jr., and Sidney Webster Fish. ROBERT COCKBURN FISHER, marble manufacturer, born on the Bowery, near Houston street, May 20, 1837, died in New Rochelle, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1893. His father, John Thomas Fisher, came to this country from Dublin in 1829, and his mother, Eliza Bird, was a native of Orange county, N. Y. Robert received his education in the Hamilton Collegiate Institute at White Plains, N. Y., and being a practical, ener- getic young man, joined his father in the marble business in 1854, in a yard at the corner of Houston street and the Bower}'. In 1859, he succeeded his father as senior partner in Fisher & Bird, and continued at the head of the firm until his death, at which time they were known as Robert C. Fisher & Co. His marble and granite works on East Houston street were carried on with great success. He was a member of the Reform and Church clubs and the American Geographical Society, and director of The Oriental Bank, but lived in New Rochelle, N. Y., where he was president of the Board of Education for twelve years. Owing to the gentle and kindly spirit of Mr. Fisher, his 240 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. possessions excited no envy, except from those who envied his ability to do good to others. His presence was a constant benediction among his neighbors in every station, and death came while he was engaged in the practical philanthrophy, which had charac- terized his whole life. He devoted all his leisure time to religious objects, and was vestryman, warden and voluntary organist of Trinity Church, New Rochelle, for thirty years. Mr. Fisher was married May 5, 1859, to Miss Mary, daughter of Samuel Perry Ayres and Henrietta Williamson, his wife. Of their eight children, four survive, John T., Robert C., Thomas R. and Edward H. Fisher. BENJAHIN FITCH, dry goods merchant, born June 13, 1805, in New Canaan, Fairfield county, Conn., died in this city, Nov. 7, 1883 He was the son of Stephen Fitch, a merchant, and Charlotte, his wife. The family came from English ancestry. Benjamin left school to become a clerk in New York cit , and began business for him- self at an early age in Rochester, N. Y. A few years later, he removed to Buffalo, joined a dry goods house as partner, and became resident buyer in New York city. Inspired by ambition, he opened a dry goods store on Beaver street, under the name of Fitch & Robinson. His business record was so scrupulously honorable, that, in 1855, when he retired, a number of merchants of New York city presented him with a service of silver plate. Mr. Fitch enjoyed the pleasure of giving and during the course of his career disbursed about half his large estate for public and charitable purposes. When the Civil War broke out, being too old to go to the front, he took an active part in enlisting recruits and made provision for the families of those who might not survive. For this purpose he built an institution at Darien, Conn., known as Fitch's Home for the Soldiers' Orphans. It is yet occupied by disabled soldiers and is in charge of the State of Connecticut. In 1880, he became interested in The Charity Organization Society of Buffalo, N. Y., to which he donated $400,000 to build and maintain what is now known as The Fitch Institute. Somewhat eccentric, Mr. Fitch was self reliant and energetic, and won respect by his sterling honesty and many deeds of charity. He was never married. HENRY M. FLAQLER, oil producer and refiner, was born in Canandaigua, N. Y., about 1830, the son of a country clergyman. When fotirteen years old, he went by canal boat to Buffalo and thence by lake to Sandusky, O., arriving there almost penni- less. Ohio promised him no advantages at that time, and he returned to his native State and went to work as clerk in a store in Orleans county at a salary of five dollars a week. He was soon promoted, saved money by self denial, and while yet a young man, removed to Saginaw, Mich., and conducted some salt works there with excellent success. Later, he became a resident of Cleveland and one of the pioneers in the petro- leum business there. When he was finally admitted to partnership in the oil refining firm of Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler of that city, his future was assured. The men of this firm were among the first to discover that, by a union of the interests of different producers, an immense amount of expense might be saved to them all and that divi- dends might be gained simply from the savings, while at the same time light for the poor man might be made cheaper than he had ever known. Out of these considera- tions, The Standard Oil Co. came into existence, succeeding the firm to which Mr. Flagler belonged. He has been prominently identified with its management since its organization. Mr. Flagler is now connected with numerous large enterprises and is a director in The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, The Minnesota Iron Co , The THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FL. 241 Duluth & Iron Range Railroad, The Western Union Telegraph Co., The International Bank Note Co. , The Jacksonville, Tampa & Key West Railway, and other companies. In 1885, a visit to Florida revealed to him the possibilities of the State of the Ever- glades, and at St. Augustine he built at a cost of $3,000,000 those dreams of architecture the Ponce de Leon and Alcazar hotels. He has also built about 600 miles of railroad in the State and otherwise added enormously to the taxable property of Florida. Mr. Flagler has joined several of the best social organizations of New York city, including the Union Leagne, Metropolitan, City, Larchmont Yacht, New York Yacht, American Yacht and The New England Society. MAXIMILIAN FLEISCH/IANN, manufacturer, born in 1846, in Jagerndorf, Aus- tria, died on the steamship Columbia, while on his way to this city from Europe, Sept. i, 1890. He was a son of A. N. Fleischmann, by occupation a distiller, and received his early schooling in Budapest, Hungary. Coming to New York city in 1866, he introduced a new process in the manufacture of whiskey, known in Europe as the Fleischmann patent. Then, in 1868, with his brother Charles and the late James W. Gaff, he engaged in the manufacture of compressed yeast in Cincinnati. While not at all the inventor of the use of leaven, he did exercise ingenuity in preparing yeast in a compact, convenient and available form, which immediately addressed itself to the favor of the housewives of the country at large. The business grew to large proportions. Mr. Gaff died in 1882, whereupon his widow became a silent partner in the firm until 1883. The firm then dissolved, and Charles and Maximilian Fleischmann succeeded. One of the factories remained in Cincinnati, but Maximilian became a resident of New York city, and took a deep interest in social and business affairs. He was a trustee for Grammar Schools No. 27 and 82, and a member of the Produce Exchange, Merchants' Exchange at Buffalo, and the Liederkranz and Republican Down Town clubs. He was survived by his wife and five children. EWALD FLEITMANN, importer, born in Schwerte, Westphalia, Dec. 5, 1846, was educated in a college near Cologne, and in a Prussian cadet school, finishing at a mercantile academy in Antwerp. In 1864, the young man arrived in New York city from the fatherland, and established an importation of European silks and dry goods, under the name of Fleitmann & Co. Their trade is now enormous, amounting nearly to $10,000,000 a year Mr. Fleitmann is a splendid merchant and has identified him- self closely with the interests of the city in which he dwells. He contributes to the support of various institutions and is a member of the Colonial, Merchants', and Mer- chants' Central clubs and the Deutsche Yerein, and a director of The Germania Life Insurance Co. , The German Savings Bank and The Citizens' National Bank. By his marriage with Miss Katherine Johanna Caesar of New Brighton, N. Y., in 1874, he has two sons and four daughters. BENJAMIN FLINT, ship owner and merchant, a native of Damariscotta, Me., born Dec. 13, 1813, died in Brooklyn, N. Y. , June 28, 1891. He was a son of Robert Chapman and Lucinda Flint, the latter being a daughter of Dr. Thomas Flint, a surgeon in the American Revolution, who, while serving on one occasion upon a privateer, was captured by the British and taken to England. Benjamin Flint Chapman, by which name he was first known, was adopted by his uncle, Benjamin Flint, a captain in the War of 1812, and at the age of twenty-two, by act of the Maine Legislature, changed his name to Benjamin Flint, in honor of his uncle. Trained to the art of a shipwright in 242 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Thomaston, Me., he possessed a mind which speedily lifted him out of the ranks of those who must spend their lives in manual labor. By investment of his earnings, he was finally drawn into shipping. In 1840, with his brother, Isaac F. Chapman, he formed the firm of Chapman & Flint, to conduct a general store in Damariscotta. In 1841, they built the bark Alabama, of 280 tons, and soon thereafter rose to prominence as ship owners and general carriers in the ocean trade. For many years, the firm built a vessel nearly every year, first in Thomaston, Me., but after 1868 in Bath, Me., increasing the size of their vessels year by year until they reached about 2,600 tons. In i8?3, a younger brother, James F. Chapman, who had previously commanded several of their vessels, removed to San Francisco to manage the business of the firm there, and became part owner in many ships. Mr. Flint and Isaac F. Chapman removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1858, in order the better to manage their large fleet. The firm of Chapman & Flint dissolved in 1880, and in 1886 Mr. Flint founded the firm of Flint & Co., with his sons Charles R. and Wallace B. Flint, as partners, with offices at 86 Water street. Their commission trade was mainly with South America, Mexico and the West Indies. While in Thomaston, Mr. Flint and Mr. Chapman bought adjoining lots and laid the foundation for houses exactly alike. In Brooklyn, they lived first in adjoining houses on Fort Green Place, and later bought brown stone houses precisely alike in Oxford street. During the Civil War, while Confederate cruisers were preying on American ships at sea, the firm suspended shipbuilding for a while and constructed a row of houses on one side of Montague Terrace in Brooklyn. Mr. Flint lived in the house at one end of the row, Mr. Chapman, on the corner, at the other end. This property afterward increased greatly in value. It is worthy of note that in thirty-five years, Mr. Flint never lost a ship, nor did one of his fleet meet with a serious accident. Mr. Flint was twice married, first to Sarah Toby, next to Frances E. Scribner. The latter sur- vived him, with his two sons, Charles R. and Wallace B. Flint. Mr. Flint was a sound, clear headed, and very capable man, of strong common sense, unbending integrity and kindly nature. He was universally esteemed in the business world. CHARLES RANLETT FLINT, merchant and financier, is one of the men of public spirit, high character and exceptional ability, for whom this metropolis is indebted to the State of Maine. He was born Jan. 24, 1850, in Thomaston, Me., and descends from Thomas Flint, an immigrant from Wales in 1642, who settled in the village of Salem, now South Danvers, Mass. Benjamin Flint, the father of Charles, was a shipowner, who lived and built his vessels in Thomaston during the -early part of his career, and in 1858 moved to New York. Charles was educated first at the public schools of Thomaston and Brooklyn, and at the private school of Warren Johnson in Topsham, Maine, and graduated in 1868 from the Polytechnic of Brooklyn. An eager and popular student, he was made president of his class and of the Polytechnic alumni. He began his business career in New York city as a dock clerk, and later spent two years as a clerk in a shipping and commission house, engaged in business with the West Coast of South America. In 1871, he entered into the copartnership of Gilchrist, Flint & Co., ship chandlers, and in February, 1872, he united with William R. Grace inform- ing the firm of W. R. Grace & Co. In 1874, he visited the different countries of South America, and, in 1876, he organized the firm of Grace Bro's & Co., in the City of Callao, Peru. Mr. Flint remained on the West Coast nearly a year. Upon his return, he was appointed Consul of Chili at New York; and during the absence of the Charg6 1 THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FL. 243 d' Affaires, was entrusted with the archives and correspondence of the Chilian Legation in the United States. In 1878, Mr. Flint organized The Export Lumber Co., Limited, now one of the most successful lumber concerns in the United States, with yards in Michigan, Ottawa, Montreal, Portland, Boston and New York, and handling over 200,000,000 feet of lumber per year. In 1 880, he was elected president of The United States Electric Lighting Co. In 1884, Mr. Flint visited Brazil and established a large rubber exporting business on the river Amazon. Two years later, in 1 886, he consolidated the leading dealers in crude rubber in this country, and formed The New York Commercial Co., which has a capital of $2,500,000, and is now the largest dealer in crude rubber in the world. About this time, he was appointed Consul for Nicaragua, and represented that country in negotiations which resulted in concessions being granted to Americans to build the canal. He has also been, in recent years, the Consul General of Costa Rica in this country. In 1883, Mr. Flint married Miss E. Kate Simmons, daughter of Joseph F. Sim- mons of Troy, N. Y. Mrs. Flint is noted for her musical ability. She has devoted the receipts from her musical compositions to charity, and from the sale of the ' ' Racquet Galop " endowed a permanent bed in St. Luke's Hospital. In 1885, Mr. Flint retired from W. R. Grace & Co., and became a partner in the now well known house of Flint & Co., then composed of his father, Benjamin, his brother, Wallace B. , and himself. This firm succeeded to the shipping business estab- lished by Benjamin Flint in 1840, and the lumber, rubber and general commission busi- ness, created by Charles R. Flint. For many years, the firm have been large importers of South American products and among the largest exporters of American products to even- part of Latin America. The financial ability of Mr. Flint has been exhibited during the last few years by the consummation of several schemes of great importance. In 1 89 v, he united the manufacturers of rubber boots and shoes in this country into one large concern, under the title of The United States Rubber Co., having a capital of $40,000,000. Of this corporation he became the treasurer. In 1892, he brought about a union of five companies manufacturing rubber belt- ing, packing and. hose, under the title of The Mechanical Rubber Co., with a capital of $15,000,000, of which concern he is a director. During the winter of 1889-90, Mr. Flint was appointed a member of the Interna- tional Conference of American Republics, which was held in the City of Washington. His intimate knowledge of the resources and trade of the South American continent en- abled him to render important services as a delegate of the United States to that Con- ference. In a letter, the original of which is in the archives of the Republic of Brazil, bearing on the recognition of the new republic by the United States, Secretary Blaine wrote to Mr. Flint: "It is important that you return to soon as possible. Your services in the Conference are so valuable that we need you every hour, though I am asking much of you to be here so constantly, for your large business demands a great deal of your attention. But just now it must be patriotism first and business afterward." It was he who, as a member of the Committee on Banking, proposed the idea of an International American Bank, with its headquarters in the United States and 244 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. branches in all the other republics. His recommendations were ratified by the Confer- ence, heartily endorsed by Secretary Elaine and President Harrison, and by the latter pressed upon the attention of Congress. As a member of the Committee on Customs Regulations, he proposed the organization of a Bureau of American Republics to carry out the vote of the Conference in favor of a uniform system of statistics and the exten- sion of trade between the Republics. This proposition was favorably received, and has since been carried out by the governments represented in the Conference. After the adjournment of the Conference, at the request of Secretary Elaine, Mr. Flint served as the confidential agent of the United States in negotiating the reciprocity treaty with Brazil, the first one which was effected under the Aldrich amendment to the McKinley bill. This work was successfully accomplished. It provided for the conces- sion of tariff duties on American products in Brazil, lower than those imposed by that republic upon kindred products from all other countries. This treaty was the key to the reciprocity situation. It became at once the basis of other treaties with American Republics. It proved of especial value in the negotiations with Spain. Our Spanish neighbor was reluctant at first to open Cuba and Porto Rico to American products, but was, by force of the free admission of sugar from Brazil to this country, finally compelled to agree to a treaty by which American manufactures, flour and provisions were admitted to those islands at greatly reduced and special rates of duty, in consideration of our admitting their sugar free. At the time of the trouble between Chili and the United States, the large influence of Mr. Flint led Secretary Elaine to invite him to take part in the efforts for a friendly and peaceful adjustment of the question at issue. In response to a telegram from Mr. Blaine, Mr. Flint visited the city of Washington. There he learned that the Chilian complication was drifting into a position where the relations of friendship and good will between two American republics, which had been so cordially expressed at the Inter- national Conference, were in danger of being interrupted. Mr. Blaine said that while the United States would be able to force Chili into submission, yet he felt that it would be a more gracious action if the differences between the two countries could be arranged upon the more advanced plane of arbitration. The whole matter was then in such a delicate position, that it was not convenient for the Secretary of State to speak officially. Mr. Flint promptly called on the Brazilian Minister, Dr. Mendonca, who said that, if desired by the United States, he would telegraph to his government, suggesting that Brazil offer her services as a mediator. Mr. Flint suggested that Dr. Mendonca might render even a more friendly service, by making the suggestion to his government on his own responsibility. The result was that Dr. Mendonca cabled at once, and advised that Brazil offer her services to Chili and the United States, in a settlement by arbitra- tion under American international law. Brazil graciously complied with this sugges- tion and tendered her good offices. During the Da G~ama rebellion in Brazil, Mr. Flint became the agent of President Peixoto in the purchase of vessels and munitions of war. The energy with which he discharged his duties in this crisis was remarkable. He purchased the Ericsson Destroyer and the swift yachts Feiseen and Javelin, and caused the latter two to be converted promptly into torpedo boats. El Cid, a steam merchant steamer of 4,600 tons displacement, came into port Oct. 26, 1893, was discharged, placed in dry dock, and fitted out with a pneumatic dynamite gun, 22 rapid fire guns, and four torpedo THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FL. 245 launching tubes, and the ship changed so as to receive them. On Nov. i8th, christened anew as the Nictheroy, she dropped down the bay in commission. The Britannia, an iron steamer of 2,600 tons displacement, Norwegian built, came into port Nov. 6th, went into dry dock, and was fitted with 16 rapid firing guns, 4 launching tubes, and the Sims-Edison dirigible torpedo, and, renamed America, was ready for her voyage Nov. 24th. This fleet, capable of discharging 4, 500 pounds of dynamite simultaneously, was of the greatest value to Brazil in suppressing her rebellion. Mr. Flint has proved a useful associate in the management of financial institutions in this metropolis, and he is a director of The National Bank of the Republic, The State Trust Co., The Knickerbocker Trust Co., and the Produce Exchange Bank. He is also a director in The Hastings Pavement Co., The Fernbrook Carpet Co., of Yonkers, and various railroad companies. He is one of the Council of the University of the City of Xew York. An active, stirring, hard working business man, Mr. Flint maintains his vigor for the work which is pressing upon him by entering with zest into out-door recreations. He spends one day in every week in open-air recreation, either with the gun or rod. He has hunted in South America, the Rocky Mountains and Canada, and has shot moose, elk, caribou, bear and nearly all other big game found on the two continents. He is found of yachting, and was the owner of the Gracie, which has probably taken more prizes than any other yacht in the United States. He was one of the patriotic syndicate which built and raced the Vigilant, which successfully defended the America's cup against the Valkyrie. He is a member of several clubs, including the Union, Century, Riding, Metropolitan, New York Yacht, and the South Side Sportsmen's Club. He is also a member of the New England Society. WALLACE BENJAHIN FLINT, shipping merchant, son of the late Benjamin Flint, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1863. He attended the Brooklyn Poly- technic and Collegiate Institute, and began his career as office boy for his father, and being advanced through different stages, gained a thorough acquaintance with commer- cial operations and the management of ships. In 1888, he was admitted to partnership by his father in the firm of Flint & Co., commission merchants, of which he is yet a member, the senior partner being his brother, Charles R. Flint. He is associated in most of the enterprises of the house, and is secretary of The Export Lumber Co., and treasurer of The New York Commercial Co. He has been the Consul of Uruguay in Xew York, and for two years director of the Maritime Exchange. Mr. Flint was married in 1892. ROSWELL PETTIBONE FLOWER, banker and public man, was born in Theresa, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1835. His father was a native of Greene county, N. Y., and his grand- father a resident of New Hartford, Conn. The family is of English origin. Roswell's early education was obtained in the public schools of Theresa. First a school teacher, he then served in the modest capacity of a clerk in the Post Office in Watertown, N. Y., his career thus practically beginning in the service of the United States, in which after- ward he occupied a more noteworthy position. Having saved a little money, he con- ducted a jewelry store in Watertown for a number of years. Upon the death of Henry Keep, Mr. Flower became trustee of that estate, valued at several millions, and was thus enabled to exercise the talents, which needed only an opportunity for develop- ment. In 1869, he moved to New York and established the banking and brokerage 246 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. firm of Roswell P. Flower & Co. The firm have been active in reorganization schemes and other operations of Wall street and have attained marked success. They deal mainly with important clients. Mr. Flower's interest in the policies of the Democratic party led to his election to the XLVIIth, List and Llld Congresses. He finally retired from active management of the firm, although retaining a special interest in Flower & Co. In 1891, he was elected Governor of New York by 48,000 plurality. He has been a director of The Duluth & Iron Range Railroad, The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, The Minnesota Iron Co., The New York Security & Trust Co., The H. H. Babcock Co., The Municipal Gas Co. of Albany, and other corporations, and is a member of the Manhattan, Democratic, Press and United Service clubs, and of The New England Society. He was married in December, 1859, to Sarah M. Woodruff of Watertown, N. Y. Their daughter is Emma, wife of John B. Taylor of Watertown. WILLIAM HAYES FOGG, merchant, born Dec. 27, 1817, on a farm in Berwick, Me., died in New York city, March 24, 1884. His parents were Joseph and Phoebe Hayes Fogg, and his grandfather a dignitary in the church. He spent his early life upon the farm, then walked twenty miles to enter a village store as a clerk and finally, with two other young men, started a dry goods store in Boston, which proved highly unsuccessful. Many years later, although not legally bound to do so, he paid in full the debts of the firm. In 1847, with his brother James, he founded the firm of Fogg Bro's, and engaged in a dry goods commission business, having connections in China. The exportation of the product of New England looms led naturally to the importation of Asiatic tea and silks. In 1852, the business was transferred to New York city, and the Boston branch closed. James Fogg died in 1855, whereupon the style of William H. Fogg & Co. was adopted. In 1880, the firm reorganized as The China & Japan Trading Co., with Mr. Fogg as president, John F. Twombly as vice president, and George H. Burritt secretary. Mr. Fogg was a remarkably sound, capable and honest merchant, and his trade brought him a large fortune. He maintained branches in Yokohama, Osaca, Nagasaki, Shanghai, and other cities of Japan and China and in London. He was the first to subscribe to the merchants' fund to promote suppression of the rebellion, and one of the founders of the Union League club. He held director- ships or trusteeships in The National Park Bank, The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., The Equitable Life Assurance Society, The Mercantile Trust Co., The Gutta Percha & Rubber Manufacturing Co. , The New York Hospital, The Sheltering Arms and The Women's Homoeopathic College. His wife was Elizabeth Perkins of Charlestown, Mass., whom he married in 1849. Mrs. Fogg survived him" but no children. Mrs. Fogg was a woman of great beauty of character and made a noble use of her fortune. Freely giving to charity at all times, she made about forty relatives and friends happy by legacies in her will, at her death Jan. 3, 1891, and gave $535,000 to public institu- tions, mainly in memory of her husband, including $50,000 to Berwick Academy for a library; $40,000 to Union Theological Seminary; $40,000 to Yale College; $55,000 to The Children's Aid Society; $20,000 each to The American Unitarian Association, The University of the City of New York, and The New York Hospital; $30,000 to The National Academy of Design, and $220,000 to Harvard University. GEORGE FOLSOM, lawyer, was born at Kennebunk, Me., in 1804, and died in Rome, Italy, in 1869. He was the son of Thomas Folsom, a merchant, and came from English ancestry. Educated in the schools of Portland, Me., to which place the family THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FO. 247 had moved, he graduated from Harvard College in 1822 and then became principal of the High School in Biddeford, Me. Studying law while teaching, he practiced for a while in Worcester, Mass., and moved to New York city about 1840. In 1841, he married Margaret, daughter of Benjamin Winthrop, and had three children, Margaret Winthrop, Helen Stuyvesant, and George Winthrop Folsom. Mr. Folsom was a very able man. His practice was large and lucrative, and his strength of character, purity and soundness of judgment, made him a desirable companion. A member of the State Senate in 1846, and Minister to the Netherlands under President Taylor, he was also a writer, and published a history of Saco, Me. , and delivered numerous addresses before historical societies in New York, Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont. He owned a country home at Brattleboro, Vt., his town house being on Stuyvesant Square. An extensive traveller both in Europe and the East, and a reader of the best books, he was a brilliant talker, and by his geniality and hospitality gained a large number of friends both in his own country and Europe. He was president of The New York Ethnological Society, the Athenaeum club, and The Citizens' Savings Bank. JOHN ROSS FORD, merchant, born June 21, 1817, in New Jersey, is a son of the late Josiah Ford, a Judge of Middlesex county courts. His lineage runs back to a pioneer, who came from England about 1600. Mr. Ford attended the school of Mr. Spaulding in New Brunswick, where William H. Vanderbilt, Henry Richmond, Charles D. Deshler and other distinguished men also gained a portion of their educa- tion. Early in life, he entered the dry goods store of C. Smith & Co. , on Maiden Lane in this city, and, before attaining his majority, engaged in the dry goods business for himself in New Brunswick. In 1844, he embarked in the manufacture of rubber goods in the firm of Ford & Co., which he incorporated, April i, 1853, as The Ford Rubber Co. Mr. Ford was the first to aid Mr. Goodyear in introducing the manufacture of rubber goods and in establishing the Goodyear patent. Previous to 1840, India rubber had little commercial value, but following Charles Goodyear's wonderful discovery of a pro- cess to harden rubber, there developed a business of immense value in this country and Europe. Goodyear's patent was obtained about 1842. Soon after its value became known, other persons claimed to have accomplished what he did. Goodyear was unable to defend his rights; and four out of six companies, which had been organized to manufacture rubber, united to carry the case to the highest courts. These were L. Candee& Co., The Ford Rubber Co., now known as The Meyer Rubber Co., The Newark India Rubber Co., and The Hayward Rubber Co. The contest in court lasted for years, those fighting it doing so with money made in violating the patent. Great lawyers took part on both sides of the case, Rufus Choate and Francis B. Cutting for the defendant, Daniel Webster and James T. Brady for the patentees. This was Webster's last case in court, and his great argument secured a decision for Mr. Goodyear. Of all the persons involved, Mr. Ford is believed to be the only sur- vivor. He yet retains his investment in the rubber industry. Mr. Ford is a director of The Home Insurance Co., The New York Mutual Gas Light Co., The Manhattan Trust Co., and The Meyer Rubber Co., and has resigned from a number of other cor- porations. One of the soundest merchants of the city, his character above reproach. He shares the public spirit of his colleagues of the Union League club, of which he is one of the original members, and has in many ways shown himself a sterling and useful citizen, especially by large contributions to charities. Mr. Ford was married Aug. 14, 248 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. 1844, to Elizabeth, daughter of James Bishop of New Brunswick, and their surviving children are James B. Ford, treasurer of The Meyer Rubber Co.; J. Howard Ford, president of The Meyer Rubber Co. ; and Harriet, wife of Dr. Everett Herrick of New York. Mr. Ford's second wife is Mrs. Elizabeth M. Horner of this city, to whom he was married in 1875. QEORQE JAMES FORREST, railroad president, a native of New York city, born on Pearl street, Nov. 27, 1810, died on West 22d street, May 18, 1889. Robert Forrest, his father, a ship master, came from the Eastern Shore of Maryland in 1810, and com- manded the privateer Three Brothers, of which he was the owner of a third, in the War of 1812, suffering" capture and a long imprisonment, thereafter returning to New York city. George was educated in the schools of New York, and began life in 1829 in Alabama, near Montgomery, as a merchant. In 1837, he removed to New Orleans and became a member of the firm of W. P. Converse & Co. While in Alabama the Legis- lature appointed him, in 1834, a director of The State Bank of Alabama. After 1848, he became a merchant in New York city, dealing in cotton. As he gained wealth, he acquired an interest in corporations, partly in association with Commodore Garrison, whose power of attorney he held after the death of W. R. Garrison, the Commodore's son. Mr. Forrest was president of The Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, vice president of The New York & Northern Railroad, director in several other traffic enterprises, and president of The New York Loan & Improvement Co. He served as Commisoner of Emigration and was president of the Board, a number of years. Punctual, energetic, upright and a familiar figure in Wall street, his death removed a highly respected man. The Union, Century and St. Nicholas clubs claimed him as a member. In 1835, Mr. Forrest was married to Sarah A., daughter of Charles Hooks, a planter and State Sen- ator in Alabama, and left three children, Molton H. Forrest, of Philadelphia; Charles R. Forrest, of Hartford, Conn., and Mrs. George Z. Gray, wife of Dean Gray, of Cam- bridge, Mass. CHARLES BARNARD FOSDICK, merchant, was born in New York city, Aug. 31, 1824. His father, Capt. William Fosdick, was of Huguenot extraction. Charles -pre- pared for Wesleyan University but was obliged to earn his own support early in life. He made a start in a shipping and commission house in New York at the age of twelve, and at fifteen was made bookkeeper. At the age of eighteen, he was called to take charge of the business of his dying brother-in-law, assumed control, and has continued it since. In 1853, he became a partner in the firm of W. R. Fosdick & Co., leather merchants and tanners on Spruce street, and in 1864 succeeded to the head of the con- cern. Mr. Fosdick has operated tanneries in Fulton and Hamilton counties, N. Y. , and sold the leather at his store in this city, which is one of the landmarks on Spruce street. In 1871, the firm of Charles B. Fosdick & Son, was organized by him, and after a very successful career has now retired and is liquidating its affairs. During three years, he was president of The Hide & Leather National Bank, and is now vice president of The Second National Bank and director and treasurer of The Fifth Avenue Safe Deposit Co. and The Hamilton Bank, treasurer of The Training School for Nurses, member of the executive committee of the Union League club, member of the City club, trustee of The Homoeopathic Hospital, and vestryman of The Church of the Incar- nation. Although never in public office, he served his fellow citizens eight successive years after 1884 as foreman of the grand jury. He had the honor to serve on the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FR. 249 famous grand jury which, in 1885, indicted the "boodle" aldermen, and on the later grand jury which, in 1889, acted upon the case of Sheriff Flack. Mr. Fosdick married, June 5, 1884, Mary E., daughter of David T. Baldwin. This union brought them. one child, Charles Baldwin Fosdick, who died April 25, 1894. FRANCIS PARKMAN FREEMAN, banker and broker, born Jan. 27, 1827, in Boston, Mass., is descended from Edmund Freeman, a resident of Sandwich, Mass., who came from England in 1635 and was vice Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1640-47. Francis was educated in New York city. After nine years' experience as clerk in a French importing house in Maiden Lane, he started a successful trade of his own in the same line. In 1873, at the request of Commodore Vanderbilt, Mr. Freeman opened a brokerage office in Exchange Place, and was the principal broker of the Commodore during the remainder of the latter's life, and represented William H. Yanderbilt in the same capacity during the nine years in which he survived his father. Mr. Freeman yet enjoys the confidence and business of some of the present generation of Vander- bilts. He is a director of The New York & Harlem Railroad and one of the organizers of The Lincoln National Bank and Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. Mr. Freeman, after a residence in New York city from 1829 to 1890, built a home in Lakewood, and now dwells there during eight months of the year, spending the four summer months in Newport. He is a member of the Down Town club of New York city and of The New England Society, and is connected with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and The American Museum of National History. May 2, 1860, he was married on Staten Island to Louisa Morgan Dustan, daughter of Captain Isaac and Phebe Ann Dustan and a great niece of Commodore Vanderbilt. Their only living child is Frank Morgan Freeman, who married a daughter of Adrian H. Muller, jr., and is his father's sole partner and a member of the Stock Exchange. President Cleveland is a descendant of the fifth child of Edmund Freeman, founder of the Freeman family. LEONARD FRIEDMAN, leaf tobacco merchant, a native of Burgkundtstadt, Bavaria, born Oct. 26, 1845, is a son of a highly respected cloth manufacturer, whose ancestors had lived for several centuries in Burgkundtstadt. Leonard came to America while a youth, and finished his education in Cincinnati, O. His first business experience was in the trade in leaf tobacco in the West. Coming then to New York, he took the place of clerk for Robert S. Walter, who gave the latter a partnership in 1872. This was the foundation of the present firm of Leonard Friedman & Co., formed in 1876, of which Mr. Friedman has always been senior partner. He has been exceed- ingly prosperous and makes a specialty of Sumatra tobacco, which he imports in large quantities. He is a director of The Columbia Bank and a member of the Harmonic and Progress clubs and numerous Hebrew charitable societies. Mr. Friedman was married Dec. 26, 1876, to a cousin, the daughter of Martin Friedman, and has no children. He has travelled extensively and is a well informed man. DUDLEY B. FULLER, manufacturer, born in Rutland, Vt., Dec. 22, 1800, died in New York city, May 18, 1868. He was a direct descendant of Samuel Fuller, a Pilgrim in the Mayflower. About 1825 he came to New York city and entered the firm of Varnum, Fuller & Co., dry goods merchants, at 165 Pearl street. In 1831, he married Mary, daughter of Luman Reed, an eminent merchant and art patron. In 1846, he engaged in iron manufacturing, and in 1852 became the principal owner of The Boonton, N. J., Iron Works, which his firm of Dudley B. Fuller & Co., and 250 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Fuller, Lord & Co., operated successfully up to the time of his death. Mr. Fuller was one of the founders and original members of the Century club, having been a member of the Sketch club, from which, in 1846, arose the Century. He was also a member of the Union club and a director of various institutions. Elected in 1863 a trustee of The New York Life Insurance Co., he served until his death. His uprightness of character, genial disposition and cordial manners won for him the love and respect of all. His wife and several children survived him. GEORGE WASHINGTON FULLER, broker, born in this city, May 20, 1830, died here Dec. 21, 1892. His father, Ebenezer Fuller, was a merchant. Mr. Fuller, when sixteen years of age, entered the sugar firm of Moller & Co., in Front street, as a clerk, and soon became a partner, remaining with the firm until 1868 when he became a member of C. L. Cammann & Co., stock brokers. He remained a broker until 1886, when he retired. He then opened an office on Wall street, and later on Broad street, After 1886, he did little active business. Sept. 2, 1857, Mr. Fuller married Elizabeth, a daughter of Peter Pinckney, formerly president of The Bowery Insurance Co. , and leaves a daughter, Ella F., who is the wife of William D. Guthrie, and a son, William W. Fuller. He was a member of the Union League, Racquet, Down Town, New York, Country, and New York Athletic clubs, and the Chamber of Commerce. CHRISTIAN FREDERICK PUNCH, merchant, born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1820, died at the German club in this city, Dec. 8, 1879. His father was at one time Consul for Denmark in Algiers. Christian was well educated, and began life as clerk in a Danish shipping house in Algiers. He was capable, rose to higher positions, and in 1847, came to New York city, where he established the commission shipping house of Punch, Meinecke & Wendt, which reorganized in 1869 as Punch, Edye & Co., and became prominent as ship brokers and commission merchants. Mr. Punch never lost his affection for his native land and spent much time in Copenhagen. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Produce Exchange and one of the most prominent managers of the Maritime Association, and belonged to several Scandinavian institutions. There were usually from fifty to one hundred and fifty ships in New York harbor, Scandinavian, German and Italian, consigned to Punch, Edye & Co. His only son was John Christian Punch of this city. WILLIAM P. FURNISS, merchant, born over a century ago, in Portsmouth, N. H., died at his home on West looth street in this city, Oct. 29, 1871. He came from an old New England family, and inherited the enterprise and excellent qualities of his race. At the age of twenty-one, he began business for himself on the Island of St. Thomas as a shipping and commission merchant, acting as naval agent for the United States Government for many years. His enterprise was successful, and he rose to high social and financial position, entertaining at his own house the most eminent visitors of all nations. His correspondence extended to all parts of the globe. He finally came to New York and invested his means in real estate with so much judgment that the increase of population added large value to his properties. Among his possessions was the Globe Hotel. Even before the war, he ranked among the leading property owners of the city. A Free Mason of high degree, and very benevolent, his charities were as generous as they were private. He married a lady from Pennsylvania, and was the father of Leon, Hart- man K. , now deceased, William, Sophia R. C. , Clementina and Margaret E. Furniss. G. ERNEST QABLER, manufacturer, born in Glogau, Germany, Jan. i, 1824, died in New York city, Feb. 27, 1883. While not so famous as several other of the piano manufacturers of New York, he was a very successful man, and by quiet and persever- ing industry gained an excellent fortune. He came to America in 1852, and two years later began the making of pianofortes. The factory is now on East 22d street, and a large establishment. When his brother Emil became a partner, he adopted the firm name of Ernest Gabler & Bro., which is yet retained. His wife, one son, and several daughters inherit his property. THOMAS W. GALE, merchant, a native of Goshen, N. Y., died in New York city, May 14, 1880, at the age of ninety. Coming to New York while a young man, he became a partner in one of the pioneer wholesale grocery houses of this city, long known as Wisner, Gale & Co. They lost their store in the great fire of 1835. ^ r - Gale was a bachelor, and so were his partners, Gabriel Wisner, and Mr. Gale's twin brother, Benjamin. Mr. Wisner died about 1847, and Mr. Gale then retired with a fortune, which he increased afterward by investments, largely in securities of various railroads. He was a veteran of the War of 1812, and for fifteen years was a director of The Erie Railroad, and for along time a director of The Phoenix National Bank and The Howard Fire Insurance Co., and had large interests in railroad securities. ALBERT ROLAZ GALLATIN, banker, son of Albert Gallatin, United States Senator and Secretary of the Treasury under President Jefferson, born in 1800, died in this city, Feb. 25, 1890. His mother was a daughter of James Nicholson, first Commodore of the United States Navy. Educated at Princeton College, the young man was admitted to the bar in Uniontown, Pa , near New Geneva, a town founded by his father. The law did not greatly attract him, however, and he abandoned prac- tice, removing to New York, where he entered Wall street as one of the first members of the Board of Brokers. At one time, he transacted business with John Jacob Astor. He had an extended acquaintance among public men, and accompanied his father to France in 1815, and to England in 1826, when the latter was American Minister to those countries, and became the personal friend of the Duke of Wellington and many of the leaders of the French Revolution. Mr. Gallatin inherited means, was the proprietor of much real estate in the city, and during his life honored the city of his home by his sterling character, public spirit, and excellent example. The names of his three sons are, Albert H., Frederick, and James Gallatin, the latter now deceased. JAMES GALLATIN, banker, son of Albert Gallatin, once Secretary of the Treasury, died in Paris, Mass., May 28, 1876, at the age of eighty. During his earlier life he dealt in stocks in Wall street, in partnership with his brother, Albert R. Gallatin, but in 1838 succeeded his father as president of The Gallatin Bank, and then gave up even-thing which would interfere with the management of this family institution. He held the position for thirty years, acquitting himself with credit, and retired in 1868, thereafter spending his time in Europe. Although prominent he never held public office. His wife, Josephine, and several grand children survived him. 252 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. ROBERT MACY QALLAWAY, merchant and banker, born in New York city, Aug. 4, 1837, is of Scottish descent, the Gallaways having come to America in 1800. His father, Daniel Ayres Gallaway, was engaged in the iron business, and educated his son at Yale College, whence he graduated in the class of 1858. The young man then found occupation as clerk in his father's store and has since been actively engaged both in mercantile pursuits and as an officer of corporations. He was elected president of The Merchants' National Bank in January, 1892, and has since conducted the affairs of this institution with prudence and success. By reason of his active part in the development of the elevated railroad system of the city, he served as vice president under William R. Garrison and Jay Gould for eleven years. He is now a director of The Manhattan Railway, The United States Rubber Co. , The Bank of New Amsterdam, and The Bowery Savings Bank. Mr. Gallaway was married in 1868, to Miss Elizabeth A., daughter of Dr. Merrill W. Williams, and their children are, Merrill W., John M., and Mary. He has long been prominent and is a member of the Union League, Metropolitan, and Riding clubs, the New England Society and St. Andrew's Society. THOflAS GARNER, manufacturer, who died in this city, Oct. 16, 1867, in his seventieth year, was one of the best known and most successful business men of New York during the first part of the present century. At an early age, in partnership with his brother, James, he began the sale of dry goods in this city, but from insuffici- ent capital failed in 1832, afterward paying his obligations in full and re-establishing himself within a few years. His conduct in this matter was an indication of his char- acter, Mr. Garner being everywhere esteemed for his business probity and his upright life. He attained distinction through his energetic and successful efforts to establish the cotton manufacturing industry in this country. Little by little, he extended his enterprise in this direction until his factories had grown to enormous proportions. He owned large mills in Cohoes, Rochester, Little Falls, Pleasant Valley and New- burgh, N. Y., and Reading. Pa., as well as print works at Wappinger's Falls and Haverstraw, N. Y. The product of these mills was marketed by the commission house of Garner & Co., in New York city. Mr. Garner gained a fortune of several millions, which descended to his wife, Harriet, and their children, Thomas and William T. Garner, and Mrs. Josephine A. Graham, Mrs. Frances A. Lawrence and Mrs. Anna James. He gave $100,000 in his will to public institutions. Thomas died shortly after his father. The great business of Garner & Co. is yet conducted by trustees of the estate, who are at present John J. Lawrance and Adrian Iselin. His son, WILLIAfl T. GARNER, born in 1840, lost his life July 20, 1876, in consequence of the capsizing of his yacht, the schooner Mohawk, during a squall in New York harbor. He was care- fully educated and then associated himself with the affairs of Garner & Co. At his father's death, he became executor of the estate and senior partner in Garner & Co. , and managed the widespread and varied interests of the firm with such prudence, energy and sagacity, that he gained a fortune twice as large as his father's. Mr. Garner made an heroic effort to rescue his wife, Mary Marcellite, from the cabin of the Mohawk, when the yacht capsized, and both perished together. Their daughters were, Florence, now Lady Gordon-Cumming, Adele, who died at the age of four, and another. CORNELIUS KINGSLAND GARRISON, railroad president, born near West Point, N. Y., March i, 1809, died in this city, May i, 1885. He sprang from families who were among the earliest settlers of the Island of Manhattan. Compelled to seek THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GA. 253 employment at the age of thirteen, the family having lost their modest fortune, for three years the lad found occupation in the boats navigating the Hudson river. Every winter, when the river was closed by ice, he attended school. At the age of sixteen, he came to New York for three years of study of architecture, and during the next five years lived in Canada engaged in planning buildings and construction of lake steam- boats. He rose to be superintendent of The Upper Canada Co., in those days an im- portant corporation. Then he found occupation at St. Louis and in the vicinity of New Orleans. When gold was discovered in California, Mr. Garrison established a bank in Panama, which was successful. In 1852, he came to New York city to open a branch bank here, but accepted an offer of the San Francisco agency of The Nicaragua Steam- ship Co. , at a salary of $60, ooo a year. Removing to San Francisco, he established the bank of Garrison & Fritz, represented several large insurance companies, managed the steamship line, and became first Mayor of that city, and served practically without com- pensation, giving his salary to the local orphan asylums. After 1859, he made his home in Xew York city. Here he became extensively interested in steamship lines to South America and the Isthmus, acquiring therefrom the soubriquet of Commodore, and also in railroads on the Coast. During the War, he espoused the cause of the Union with enthusiasm. Butler's Ship Island expedition was initiated by him. The old steamship line to Brazil, founded by him, was an illustration of his courage and enterprise. At one time, these ships were the only steamers afloat, carrying the Stars and Stripes in the foreign trade of the United States. A few years before his death, he disposed of his maritime interests. He aided in building the railroad to the Pacific, and became controlling owner of The Missouri Pacific Railroad, when the line was sold under fore- closure in 1876. He finally sold his interest to Jay Gould. He was also largely inter- ested in the elevated roads of this city. The surviving children of Mr. Garrison and Letitia W. , his wife, were William R. Garrison, now deceased, and Catharine M , wife of Barrett Van Auken. A public spirited man, remarkable for his powerful physique, rugged energy, and unbending integrity, he was one of those who contributed greatly to advancing the interests of the metropolis. EPHRAIM CHURCH GATES, lumberman, born in Hubbardston, Mas*., March 28, 1817, comes from old New England stock. His ancestors were English, and his grand- father, Asa Church, served in the commissary department in the American Revolution. His father, Salmon Gates, moved with his family, in 1823, from Hubbardston, Mass, to Calais, Me., which place he had visited as early as 1807, and thereafter was one of the active business men of Milltown, which was in his time the principal part of Calais. Ephraim attended the grammar schools of the town and for two terms the Washington Academy in Machias. He then found employment with his father, who was developing the lumber industry of the St. Croix river, then a new interest, and in 1840, having saved a little capital, began manufacturing lumber for himself, this industry being the source of the prosperity of this frontier city. For thirty-five years, 1847-82, he was the leading spirit of the lumber firm of Gates & Wentworth, in partnership with his brother in law, the Hon. Giles M. Wentworth. He became, by purchase, a large owner of timber lands in the counties of Washington and Penobscot, Me., and York, N. B. In 1849, Mr. Gates manufactured and sold to a lumber yard in Mott Haven, New York city, the first cargo of spruce lumber ever landed on the east side of the Harlem river. For sixteen years, he continued to sell lumber to this )'ard, which is on i38th street, 254 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and in 1865 bought the yard, which he placed under charge of his son, Church Ephraim Gates, then fresh from the Union army. This proved a fortunate venture. After the death of his son, Mr. Gates carried on the yard alone, being aided in the management by John F. Steeves, imder the old name of Church E. Gates & Co., until 1889, when he admitted Henry H. Barnard and Bradley L. Eaton, his sons in law, and John F. Steeves, as partners. The same year he sold his interests in Maine to H. F. Eaton & Sons and removed to Harlem, where he now dwells. He owns a large interest in The Old Dominion Lumber Co. , whose shipping point is Norfolk, Va. By his marriage, Dec. i, 1839, to Vashti Randall Pickens, daughter of Leonard Pickens, he became the father of four children, Church Ephraim Gates, now deceased; Lucy, wife of Henry H. Barnard; Vashti, wife of Bradley L. Eaton; and one son who died in infancy. Mr. Gates is a member of the Harlem club and the Calais club of Calais and a man of conspicuous excellence of character. JAMES WATSON GERARD, lawyer, born in this city in 1794, died in New York, Feb. 7, 1874. He was a descendant of French Huguenots, who fled to Scotland after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Before the American Revolution, his father, William, came to New York city and lived to become a reputable merchant, but left his family with moderate means. James graduated with honor from Columbia College in 1811, studied law in the office of George Griffin, and entered upon practice while quite young. His abilities soon gave him a leading position in the profession. He enjoyed a long and successful practice, during which he strove with all his power to elevate the standard of the profession. When he retired in 1868, his brethren of the law gave him a banquet at Delmonico's, which was attended by many prominent mem- bers of the bench and bar. His marriage with Eliza, daughter of Governor Increase Sumner of Massachusetts, brought him three children, James W. , Elizabeth Sumner Wiggin, and Julietta Ann. Mrs. Gerard died in 1866. The House of Refuge was built mainly through Mr. Gerard's influence and the efficiency of the police force was greatly improved. The adoption of uniforms for the police grew out of his advocacy of the measure. For many years, he identified himself with the public school interests of his city, and rendered efficient service as inspector of schools. A nomination for Congress and another for Judge of the Superior Court were declined by him. ELBRIDQE THOMAS GERRY, lawyer, a native of this city, was born Dec. 25, 1837. His family was planted in this country in 1730, by Thomas Gerry of Newton, England, merchant, who settled in Marblehead, Mass., and .whose son, Elbridge Gerry, a man of marked abilities, served his country as a member of the Continental Congress, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Vice President of the United States. The subject of this sketch is a grandson of Elbridge and son of Thomas R. Gerry, a naval officer. His mother, Hannah, was a sister of Peter and Robert Goelet. The subject of this sketch lost his father by death, when the lad was seven years of age. He gained a good education, graduating from Columbia College in 1857, and delivering the German salutatory oration. He then studied law with William Curtis Noyes, was admitted to the bar in 1866, and formed a partnership with Mr. Noyes, and later with William F. Allen, Justice of the Court of Appeals, and Benjamin Vaughn Abbott, the law book author. For many years he was actively occupied with the laborious duties of an extensive practice, being retained in many famous cases. In 1867, he served the State as a member of the Convention to revise the State Constitution. Dec. 3, 1867, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GI. 255 he was married to Louisa M., daughter of Robert J. Livingston and great grand- daughter of Morgan Lewis, once Chief Justice and Governor of New York. A large income from his law practice and a fortune inherited from the Goelets have left Mr. Gerry free to promote important philanthropic enterprises, and he has been prominent in this work for over thirty years. He has secured, in behalf of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the principal part of the legislation of the State on this subject. In 1874, he was conspicuous in founding The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and since 1879, has been its president. The present system of execution by electricity is due to a report, made by a commission appointed in 1886, of which he was a member. Mr. Gerry has long been actively identified with yachting in its higher forms, and was Commodore of the famous New York Yacht club, 1885-93, during several historic international yacht races. He is a prominent figure in the social life of the city, and a member of the Metropolitan, Knickerbocker, Manhattan, Bar, Riding, Players', Merchants', Country, Atlantic Yacht, New York Yacht, and Larchmont Yacht clubs. He also belongs to the New England Society and is a patron of the annual Patriarchs' ball. JOHN GIBB, merchant, a native of Scotland, was born March 14, 1829. He was educated at the local parish school and in Montrose academy, and then, at the age of fourteen, set his face bravely toward the task of fitting himself for a business career. He was so anxious to learn that, as an apprentice, he entered a small dry goods store in Montrose, where, in return for the privilege of acquiring what knowledge he could about textures, colors and the business generally, he performed all the drudgery for four years, without pay. At the age of eighteen, having finished the first labori- ous stage of his business education, Mr. Gibb travelled to London, arriving there an utter stranger and feeling somewhat lost in the whirl and excitement of the great metropolis. After a few days' search, however, he found employment in a large retail dry goods establishment. Here, he toiled at the duties assigned to him from early morning until eleven and twelve o'clock at night. Eighteen months of this sufficed for the young man, although it aided to develop the energy with which nature had abundantly endowed him ; and he then greatly improved his position by securing a clerkship in the largest wholesale lace house in London. The duties here were more congenial, and previous training made him a valued accession to the house. The firm advanced him rapidly. In June, 1850, under engagement with J. R. Jaffray & Co. of London, Mr. Gibb came to America and took charge of one of the departments in their New York house. In this establishment, he repeated his success in London. No day was too long, no work too hard for him, and promotion followed rapidly, although this was not sufficient to retain Mr. Gibb in a subordinate position. He was determined to become a mer- chant on his own account; and having, by diligent industry and strict economy, made and saved enough money for the purpose, he went into partnership with Philo L. Mills, a fellow clerk, under the firm name of Mills & Gibb, in 1865. The two men signed their articles of co-partnership on the day of the surrender of General Lee and began business in a store at No. 44 White street. The new firm made a specialty of laces and goods of like character, which they imported from Europe, and threw so much energy and good judgment into their operations, that they met with success from the start. The business grew to large THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GI. 2 57 proportions in the space of a few years and has since extended to every part of the United States. In 1880, the handsome seven story building on the northeast corner of Broadway and Grand street, erected for Mills & Gibb, was occupied by them. In the division of the labor of the house, Mr. Mills lives in Europe, while Mr. Gibb has had the sole management of the trade in the United States. Upon his arrival in America in 1850, Mr. Gibb established his home in Brooklyn, and has been a resident of that city ever since. He was married in 1852. Eleven children have been born to him, of whom all except one are living, all of his sons being in business with him. He has always closely identified himself closely with the affairs of Brooklyn. In this respect, his practice differs from that of many merchants, who regard Brooklyn merely as a residence section of the metropolis and fail to interest themselves in the great financial and industrial interests of the city. Mr. Gibb is a director of The Brooklyn Trust Co., trustee of The Adelphi Academy and The Young Men's Christian Association, and a member of the Hamilton, Brooklyn, Crescent, and Riding & Driving clubs. His public spirit has greatly endeared him to his fellow citizens. In 1887, Mr. Gibb added to his mercantile interests by acquiring a controlling ownership in the retail dry goods firm of Frederick Loeser & Co., in Brooklyn, and this extensive establishment has since been managed with great success by Mr. Gibb and his son Howard. The store is now one of the largest dry goods bazaars in the United States. Mr. Gibb is fond of home life and domestic in his tastes and habits. The family occupy a spacious home on Gates avenue in Brooklyn, and during the summer time dwell in a beautifully located country seat at Islip, Great South Bay, on the ocean front of Long Island. While Mr. Gibb works hard during the hours of business, he also rests with equal vigor during the hours of relaxation, and spends two days in every week during the summer time fishing and sailing in his yacht, the Bonnie Doon. His success is due to early training, the power of performing a vast amount of work, intel- ligent and upright methods, and sound judgment. GEORGE YATES GILBERT, lawyer and lumberman, born in Gilbertsville, Otsego county, X. Y., March 26, 1815, died at the Victoria Hotel in New York city, April 29, 1888. He was a descendant of John Gilbert and his wife, Marv Hill (the latter a relative of the celebrated Rowland Hill, the divine,) of Middleton, near Yarmouth, Warwickshire, England. To John Gilbert were born four children, of whom the oldest was Abijah, born in December, 1747, who was destined, forty years later, in 1787, to find a home for his race in the new world and to be the first settler and founder of the village of Gilberts- ville, X. Y. At the age of fourteen, he was the male head of his family, and at twenty- nine, married Mary Yates and lived at Xuneaton in Warwickshire, where he owned lands and did much to aid the poor. On arriving in America, he visited relatives of his wife in Xew Jersey, where he met and became the staunch friend of General Morris, who assigned to him a grant of 1,000 acres of land in Otsego county, for which Mr. Gilbert paid him ,571 sterling, before ever having seen the land. He very shortly doubled his holdings by the purchase of contiguous properties. Decided in char- acter but of courteous manners, he was known as Esquire Gilbert, and recorded in all the deeds as "gentleman." He died in 1811, leaving a large family. The oldest son, Joseph T. Gilbert, known as Deacon Gilbert, was a man of iron will, prominent in his county. George Yates Gilbert, the subject of this memoir, his fifth son, was educated at Hamilton and Yale colleges, graduating from the latter in 1837 in the same class with 258 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. William M. Evarts and Chief Justice Waite. He was one of the charter members of the Yale chapter of the Delta Kappa Phi fraternity. Afterward, he went to New York, where he practiced law with John D. Sherwood. In 1853, he became vice president of The Eau Claire Lumber Co., in Eau Claire, Wis. , a position which he held for ten years. It was a highly successful undertaking. On retiring from its active manage- ment in 1869, Mr. Gilbert returned to Gilbertsville, where he erected the residence called "The Hall," now owned and occupied by his only daughter, Marion. The latter has been twice married, first to James Armstrong Murray of England, and after his demise to Thomas Swinyard, formerly managing director of The Great Western Rail- way of Canada, and The Detroit & Milwaukee Railway, and now president of The Dominion Telegraph Co. Though Mr. Gilbert took a deep interest in politics, he declined all overtures made to him to accept office. He was a staunch Republican, and his career was especially marked by uprightness of character and a strong sense of justice and generosity. He married Mary, daughter of Jabez Fitch, of Marshall, Mich., and left one son, Fitch Gilbert, a resident of Eau Claire, and one daughter, the elder of the two, who succeeded to the estate in Gilbertsville. PETER QILSEY, an old time merchant, born in Hobro, Province of Jutland, Denmark, in 1811, died in New York, Aug. 8, 1873. He received a moderate education, and landed in New York city in 1827, a friendless lad, but full of health and inspired with an earnest and manly ambition to win success. Having secured employment in a piano factory, and saving each week some part of his wages, he saved enough at length to go into business for himself. His first venture was the purchase of a retail tobacconist's stock, with which he opened a small store on the Bowery. In this occupation he prospered, and later he moved to the corner of Broad- way and Cortlandt street. Prospering yet more in the new locality, Mr. Gilsey soon gained the means to make investments in real estate, which brought him the bulk of his fortune. The property advanced rapidly in value, making him a rich man, and included the St. George Hotel, the Gilsey House, Coleman House, the Fifth Avenue Theatre, and an office building at the Corner of Broadway and Cortlandt street.- Mr. Gilsey was elected an Alderman of the city in 1873. The children of Mr. Gilsey and his wife, Mary C., were Andrew; Charles, now deceased; Peter; Henry; John, now deceased; Mary, wife of P. Gardner, and Mrs. Pauline Starr. Mrs. Gilsey survived her husband until Sept. 13, 1891. HENRY QINNEL, jeweler, a native of Locle, Switzerland, was born Jan. 9, 1821. He was educated in the local schools, and then learned thcTtrade of watchmaking, his town being one of the seats of that industry. At the age of eighteen he came to America, seeking the enlarged opportunities of the new world. In the employment of Frederick Grossclaude, he spent several years at the bench, working overtime in order the more rapidly to increase his savings. In 1847, he bought the shop of his employer, and became a manufacturer and merchant of watches and jewelry, and by energy and good abilities has expanded his trade, until he has one of the leading watch and jewelry stores on Maiden Lane, under the style of Henry Ginnel & Co. He was married Oct. 1 8, 1845, to Miss Clara Langrave. The family make their home in Brooklyn. Mr. Ginnel's career reminds one of the important truth that, in free America, at any rate, it makes little difference how modestly a man starts in life, provided only that his occupation be an honest one. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. 259 PETER QOELET, realty owner, born June 22, 1800, died in this city, Nov. 21, 1879. He came from a Huguenot family, which at the time of the fierce and bloody persecution of the Protestants by the Roman Catholic church, fled from Rochelle, France, to Amsterdam in Holland, in 1621, remaining there until 1676 Francis Goelet, youngest son of the family, having lost his wife, came to New Amsterdam in 1676. with his only child Jacobus, a boy of about ten. Greatly pleased with the place, he left his boy in care of Mr. Phillips, merchant, and sailed for Holland to bring hither his effects, but was never heard from thereafter, and is supposed to have been lost at sea Jacobus remained in New York, married Jannetje, daughter of Mr. Coessar, a member of a Protestant refugee family from Rochelle, arid died in 1731, the father of six children. Jan Geolet, third son of Jacobus, was married in 1718 to Jannetje, daughter of Jan Cannon, a merchant of New York, who also traced his family line to a Protestant refugee from Rochelle. Dying in July, 1753, he left several children. Peter Goelet, fourth son of Jan, born in January, 1727, was the founder of the family fortunes. He carried on a trade in hardware, cutlery, locks, music, brushes, etc., for many years, with Peter T. Curtenius, under the name of Goelet & Curtenius, in a store on Pearl street, Hanover Square, at the sign of the ' ' golden key. " The firm dissolved in 1763, the junior partner engaging in business with a sign of a " golden anvil," while Mr. Goelet went on alone in the hardware trade. He was greatly pros- pered, gained what was then considered a fortune, and invested it almost wholly in local real estate. He was married in April, 1755, to Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Ratse, and at his death lived at No. 53 Broadway. Peter P. Goelet, son of the latter, was born in August, 1764, and died in October, 1828. He inherited a large part of his father's property, and by the advice of his law- yer, Peter De Witt, invested nearly all of his accumulations in further purchases of real estate. He owned some securities of corporations, however, and was a member of The Western Inland Dock Navigation Co. In May, 1799, he married Almy, daughter of Thomas Buchanan, his brother Robert Ratse having married Margaret Buchanan, her sister. Upon his death, he was survived by four children, Peter, the subject of this sketch; Jean B. Goelet; Hannah G. , wife of Thomas R. Gerry, Commodore, U. S. N.; and Robert Goelet. Peter Goelet continued the policy of investing in land and buildings, mainly in those parts of the growing city, where in a few years there was certain to be a dense aggre- gation of buildings of the highest class. The land on which the Grand Central Depot now stands, was once his. Mr. Goelet was a lover of fine horses, of which he usually kept as many as six, although when going about his daily business he almost invariably walked or used the stages. He was charitable without ostentation, and during the war took a special in- terest in one of the New York regiments, expending money freely to relieve the suffer- ings of members who returned sick or disabled, and of the families of the killed. His recreation consisted largely in working at a forge in the basement of his house on Broadway and igth street, where he manufactured, after the fashion of one of the Kings of France, various sorts of machinery, but particularly locks of curious and intri- cate patterns. He owned many bright plumaged fowls and birds from all parts of the world. During the summer time, some of these were to be seen stalking about the _grounds surrounding the Goelet mansion. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. 261 Mr. Goelet left his real estate equally to his brother Robert and his sisters Jean B. Goelet and Hannah G. Gerry. ROBERT GOELET, realty owner, a son of Peter P. Goelet, was born in October, 1809, and died at his home, No 857 Broadway, Sept. 22, 1879. He was occupied dur- ing life with the management of properties inherited from his father. He resembled his eccentric brother Peter in many respects and was warmly attached to him, the two men making visits to West Point together every year, and being constantly in each other's society. In October, 1839, he married Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Ogden, and left two children, Robert and Ogden Goelet. The Goelet possessions are now cen- tered mainly in the ownership of these two men. Robert' Goelet, born Sept. 29, 1841, was married in 1879 to Harriette Louise, daughter of George Henry Warren, of New York, and has two children, Robert Walton and Beatrice Goelet. His brother Ogden was born June n, 1846, and married Mary R., daughter of Richard T. Wilson, the banker. Their children are Robert and Mary Goelet. JOHN GOOD, inventor and manufacturer of cordage, is one of those men of native genius, who have placed their names on the roll of fame by working as complete a revo- lution in the processes of an important industry, as took place in the homes of America when the slow and tiresome method of hand sewing gave way to the sewing machine, or as took place in the field of transportation when the lumbering old mail coach of the early days was superseded by the railway car. He has lightened the labors of the work- ing classes and reduced the cost of an article of extended consumption ; and the large fortune which has come to him in consequence of his inventions has been worthily and honestly won. He was born in Ireland in 1844. At the age of seven, the lad came to the United States with his father's family to seek the larger liberty and the better opportunities of the new world. The family being poor, John was compelled to earn his living as soon as he was old enough to toil. He was blessed with a stout and healthy frame and a happy disposition, and, finding employment in a little old-fashioned rope walk in Brook- lyn, he served an apprenticeship there, whistling as he went to his daily work. He became thoroughly familiar with the then simple processes of rope making, which were slowly and laboriously performed by hand. In this factor}', many young women were employed, whose labor required them to lift and carry loads beyond their natural strength. The good hearted boy came to sympathize with the hard lot of these fellow workers, and at an early age, he began to study what he could do to lighten their labors. Rope making had been practiced in this country at least 200 years. Every ship building city in New England and along the Atlantic sea coast of any pretensions had its "rope walk," a long, low building, several hundred feet in length, in which the hempen fibres were straightened, combed, drawn into strands, and the strands twisted into rope by operatives who performed the whole labor with their hands. All of the processes were laborious and tedious. No material improvement whatever had been introduced in the industry for a period of two centuries. Considering the enormous amount and high cost of cordage used in the rigging of ships during the palmy days of the American marine, it is extraordinary that in America, the very home of mechanical genius, it should never have occurred to any inventive American to patent improved processes for quickening, reducing the cost, and lightening the labor of rope making. This work was reserved for the young man from Ireland. 262 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. After he had graduated from his apprenticeship, he left the rope walk and became a machinist. During the late Civil War, having become an expert worker in this trade, the idea occurred to him to study the possibility of inventing machines to perform the work of the various branches of rope making. He experimented for several years, and finally in October, 1869, took out his first patent. The pioneer machine was a " breaker," for bunching and combing out the tangled fibres of hemp and forming them into a long loose roll called a " sliver. " The fibres used in this industry come from tropical plants and are from three to twelve feet in length. In the old fashioned process, the "sliver" was cut into lengths, and thus the fibre entire was never used in a rope until John Good brought out a machine for the purpose. The first invention was followed by a number of others, until Mr. Good had patented a complete outfit for every branch of the manufacture of ropes and twine. His patents cover a first breaker, a second breaker, a first and second spreader, a first and second drawing frame, a spinning jenny, a laying frame, and a coiling machine. The "sliver" which first comes from the breaker is rough in texture, with the loose ends of many tangled fibres projecting from its surface. The spreaders and drawing frames draw out the original roll into longer and smoother slivers, which are free from the rough ends. The suc- ceeding machines twist the slivers into yarns, and the yarns into ropes, and coil the finished product into packages for shipment. The system is complete in all its parts and has completely changed the manufacture of cordage. The process has many dis- tinctive features. It has reduced the amount of ground space required, and the long tunnel-like rope walk of the olden times has now given place to a compact modern factory of several stories. The factory can be so arranged that the entire process can be performed in one room. The yarn and the strand are twisted in one operation, obviating one great difficulty of the old process, in which the yarn lost a large part of its twist before being formed into strands. The new process utilizes the full length of the fibres, and produces a rope fifty per cent, stronger than the old process. It has also lightened the manual labor of the operatives immensely. Until 1885, Mr. Good devoted his energies entirely to the perfection and manu- facture of his beautiful machines. Orders poured upon him from all parts of the United States, because every maker of cordage was compelled to take advantage of the improved facilities for manufacture and supply their factories with his machines. So largely have his patents been adopted, that it is believed that no more than about ten tons of cordage are annually made in the United States, which do not at some stage of the manufacture pass through one or more of his machines. Orders have also been received from abroad. In the United States, he has sold his machines outright, abroad upon a royalty. His factory in Brooklyn has been developed to large proportions, and gives employment to hundreds of skilled machinists. In 1885, he gave a public exhibition in Brooklyn of his complete process, and the occasion was deemed so important that it was attended by the principal rope makers both of the United States and Great Britain. Mr. Good then resolved to engage in rope making himself, and in 1886 he built a large factory on Vernon avenue in Ravenswood, a suburb of Brooklyn. The plant included a large frame warehouse and wharves on the river front. Manufacture was begun in 1887, with a large force of operatives and a capacity equal to one-third of the total cordage production of the country. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. 263 When, in 1887, the Cordage Trust was organized under the name of the National Cordage Association, Mr. Good at first entered that combination. The Trust manu- facturers dreaded his competition so greatly that they were willing to pay him $200,000 a year to close both of his factories, and they offered him $7,000,000 for his entire plant and good will. They were unable to obtain the amount of the purchase money, how- ever, and finally the whole arrangement proved unsatisfactory to Mr. Good. He had been asked to build a binding twine plant for the penitentiary in Minnesota, and the Trust had refused to allow him to do so. In 1892, he withdrew from the combination, and resumed operations entirely independent of the Trust. He now manufactures, on an extended scale, and besides the establishment at Ravenswood, operates a large cordage factory at Millwall, near London, and another at Great Grimsby. He has in contemplation the building of works in France, Germany and Italy. Mr. Good is the inventor of the machinery now in general use for the making of binding twine, and the reduction in price of that commodity in recent years is largely the result of his improved processes. On account of his large charities, and his services to humanity in lightening the burdens of the working classes, Mr. Good was honored by the Pope of Rome, in 1887, with the title of a " Count of the Holy Roman Empire." At the time of his jubilee, the Pope resolved to honor a number of prominent men of that church in the various countries of the world, who had contributed to human advancement. Mr. Good was the only American selected for the distinction of being made a Count. The honor came unsought, and was a great surprise. The formal announcement was publicly presented to Mr. Good in Brooklyn, April 19, 1888, in the presence of an immense assemblage. Count Good is a man of large and fine physique, erect carriage, and courteous address. He has the firmness and conciseness of speech of a capable business man. He is unassuming in dress. His hair and moustache are nearly white and frame a face rosy with the glow of perfect health. BRENT GOOD, manufacturer, born in Rochester, N.Y., in 1837, was taken with the family to Canada when two years old, and grew up on the stoniest farm in Canada at the Bay of Quinte. Leaving country school to seek his fortune in the world of affairs, he served an apprenticeship in the drug trade, in Belleville, Ont., where he gained a thorough knowledge of the profession. In 1856, he came to New York city, with exactly $8. 40 as his entire capital, and here found employment with Demas Barnes & Co. , who ranked among the largest merchants of proprietary medicines in the world. He rose rapidly, became a successful salesman, was made a partner in 1863, and retired in 1869 when the business was sold to John F. Henry & Co. As Good, Root & Co., he then imported wines until 1878. In 1879, Mr. Good became interested in the manufacture of the Little Liver Pills of Dr. Carter of Erie, Pa. The author of the formula, upon which this medicine is made, had fallen into debt and was transacting a small business only, not over $10,000 a year. Mr. Good saw the merit of these pills, bought the right to manufacture them, organized The Carter Medicine Co. , and threw his entire energy into making and selling his remedy. His success has been phenomenal and is due to the spirit and ingenuity with which Mr. Good has advertised the medi- cine and pushed its sale. He has covered the barns, fences and rocks of the whole country with his advertisements, and has not only created a large domestic sale, but 264 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. pushed his trade virtually to the uttermost parts of the earth by unceasing enterprise. He is president of The Carter Medicine Co. A few years ago, Mr. Good invaded England and made contracts with owners of unimproved property in the suburbs of London for the exclusive privilege of erecting sign boards. The staid inhabitants were startled one week by an eruption of signs of Carter's Little Liver Pills. Lord Rosebery aided Mr. Good to introduce his remedy to the English public by bringing a bill into Parliament to restrain Mr Good from "disfiguring the suburban scenery." The incident filled the newspapers with comments, gave a great impetus to sales, and enabled the pushing American to recover through the natural channels of trade, a part ol the $500,000 he had spent in England in advertising. Mr. Good has shared in numerous business enterprises in town, among them The Writing Telegraph Co., of which he was president long enough to sell his interest to excellent advantage. In the building occupied by The North River Bank, which failed in 1890, he established The Franklin National Bank, a sound institution, of which he is a director. He owns and manages The Lyceum Theatre, is president of The Sunbury Wall Decoration Co., is a Mason and Knight Templar, a yachtsman, and a member of the New York Athletic Lotus, Manhattan, New York Yacht, Hardware and Wa-Wa-Yonda clubs, and the St. James club of Montreal. His wife is a daughter of Henry I. Hoyt of Norwalk, Conn., and his children are Henry Hoyt and Kate Hamilton Good. GEORGE PHINEAS GORDON, manufacturer, born in Salem, N. H., April 21, 1810, died in Norfolk, Va., Jan. 27, 1878. His father, Phineas Gordon, was a mer- chant in Boston, the family being descended from Alexander Gordon, (brother of Lord George Gordon), who emigrated from Scotland in 1697 and settled in New Hampshire. Educated in Boston, George learned the printing trade, and in 1850 started a printing office of his own in Nassau street in this city. His fame arose from his invention of the Gordon job press, a machine for the printing of circulars, letter heads, and other small work. The Gordon Press Works, having a factory at Rahway, N. J., of which he was proprietor, produced an immense number of these machines, which found their way into nearly every job office in the United States. Mr. Gordon was a man of great ability, and while numberless changes in the Gordon model have been made by rival manufacturers, who have striven to compete with the Gordon press, it is nevertheless true that the latter remains practically the model and standard for the ideal small printing press of the present day. In 1846, Mr. Gordon married Sarah E. Cornish, who died, and in 1857, he married Eleonora May. He had one son, George Byron Gordon, and one daughter, Mary Agnes Gordon, both children of the first wife. GUSTAV HENRY GOSSLER, merchant, born in Hamburg, Germany, March 18, 1842, is a son of Ernst Gossler, by occupation a lawyer and president of the law court. Gustav was educated in his native city, and, after pursuing his mercantile studies in Germany, England, France, Spain and Portugal, he moved to this country in 1863, and began life as a merchant. In 1868, he became connected as a partner with the firm of L. E. Amsinck & Co., commission merchants and bankers, who were suc- ceeded by G. Amsinck & Co , in 1874. This house is now widely known and highly esteemed, and has extensive connections in South America and Europe. Mr. Gossler is a good merchant and a successful man, and has been Vice Consul in New York for the republic of Brazil since 1874. In 1869, he was married to Mathilda, daughter of Theo- dore Durrien, and their children are named J. E. Mathilde, Anna S., and Olga Louise. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. 265 Mr. Gossler's social interests in the city are many. He is a member of the Union, Vaudeville and Down Town clubs, and has the public spirit to help maintain the great public museums of the city and other institutions. JAY GOULD, financier, gained during his remarkable life a fortune, unique in that it was one of the largest ever acquired by a single individual in the United States by his own exertions. It owed no part of its origin to inheritance. Engaged in many specu- lative operations, Mr. Gould was probably not a gainer, to any great extent, by these labors. The bulk of his wealth came mainly from the leaps in value of many of the securities, which he owned in later life, consequent upon the higher appreciation placed upon them, after they had come under his management. > The story of his life, deeply interesting, affords encouragement to every man, who possesses patience, persever- ance, coolness and acumen, his power of persuasion, analysis and foresight, and his undoubted executive capacity and talent for combinations. Mr. Gould was slender in build, and not above medium height, but his face was a striking one. Eyes, hair, full moustache and beard were dark and handsome, and his expression, while kindly and pleasing, was firm, intellectual and penetrating. His purity in private life, his generosity, and his fidelity to friends, were proverbial. He won the enthusiastic devotion of many prominent men of sound judgment and great probity, and his death removed from Wall street a figure which had impressed itself ineffaceably upon the financial history of the United States. It was his lot to have less said in his praise than any other successful financier of this generation. Many of the charges were absolutely unjust. His silence, a remarka- ble trait, sometimes sprang from pride, which prevented him from combating a mis- representation when he was the only sufferer, while at other times it grew out of a shrewd knowledge that success would be furthered by concealing his plans. Mr. Gould's answers to many accusations, given years after their utterance, were drawn out only upon the witness stand, coming then too late to change an opinion widely enter- tained. He sometimes suffered on account of the transgressions of others, but always possessed the belief that, in time, justice would be done to him by a fair minded public. This confidence has been justified since his death, by a generous judgment of his achievements and cordial tributes to his memory. Mr. Gould was a descendant of two notable families of New England. Major Nathan Gold, the pioneer, was a man of great force of character, who came from St. Edmondsbury, England, to Fairfield, Conn , about 1646. His son, Nathan Gauld, jr., rose from town clerk of Fairfield to become Deputy Governor in 1 706 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State in 1724. Several of the family were soldiers in the American Revolution. The wife of Col. Abraham Gold, Jay Gould's great grand- father, was Elizabeth Burr, whose ancestor was John Burr, an emigrant to America in 1630 with Governor Winthrop, and one of the eight founders of Springfield, Mass. The Burrs included many soldiers, judges, and public officials of good repute. Col. Abraham Gold, the first of his line to spell his name Gould, was killed at the head of his regiment, the 5th Connecticut, at Ridgefield, Conn., while repelling the British raid on Danbury; and his sword, stainedwith British blood, is to this day in the possession of Abraham Gould Jennings, of Brooklyn, N. Y., one of his descendants. Capt. Abra- ham Gould, his son. "a grim, earnest, honest man," settled in 1780 in Roxbury, N. Y. John Burr Gould, his son, the first male white child born in Roxbury, was a man of 266 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. sturdy character, and showed his fibre in 1844 by resistance to the fanatics of the anti- rent agitation. While defending his home against the anti-renters, he found an enthu- siastic supporter in his boy, Jay. A well read man, noted for public spirit, he helped to found schools and advance the interest of the community. He married Mary More, the grand-daughter of John More, a sturdy Scot, who had come from Ayrshire, in 1772. From his excellent mother, Jay Gould inherited that religious instinct, which kept alive, in his later years of battle with the world, the gentleness of manner and the generosity of dealing which repeatedly characterized him when he bargained with other men over millions of dollars worth of property. Jay Gould, known in childhood as Jason Gould, was born at the homestead in Rox- bury, May 27, 1836. He was educated at 'the district school and Beechwood and Hobart seminaries, and at the age of seventeen learned Latin and Greek in a school in Albany. Application, acute perception and a retentive memory characterized him as a student. He was genial and fond of fun and open air sports but not of rude games. Not fitted for farm work, Mr. Gould longed for a business career. To gratify this aspiration, his father exchanged the farm for a hardware store in Roxbury, and here the young man received his first business training. He began as a clerk, was a partner at fifteen, and became chief manager of the business. During this time, he learned sur- veying. Studying his books from 3 to 6 A. M , and practicing with the instruments of Squire Burhans, a prominent resident, the young man became a competent surveyor. His first professional work, begun in April, 1852, was the survey and mapping of Ulster county, N. Y. He was employed at this task upon a salary first of $20, then of $30, a month. At the outset, he was an assistant in the venture. His partner failed before the survey was completed, and two other young surveyors being admitted to partnership, Mr. Gould sold his interest to them for $500. For several years, Mr. Gould hoped to realize enough from his ventures to carry him through Yale College. This dream was never realized. The young civil engineer then surveyed and mapped, 1853-56, the counties of Albany, Delaware and Sullivan, and the town of Cohoes. He also had charge of the mapping of counties in Ohio and Michigan, and the survey of a railroad from Newburg to Syracuse and of The Albany and Niskayuna plank road. Some of the contracts were transferred to a surveyor in Philadelphia before completion and netted Mr. Gould a profit of more than $5,000. The building of the Niskayuna plank road by him in three days and a half was a remarkable achievement. This road yet exists and has always been of great service to the town, even to those who originally opposed it. The enter- prise revealed his characteristic traits. He had prepared to make the survey with the common level. "Imagine my surprise," he wrote to a friend, "when one of the direc- tors came bringing up a monstrous theodolite with its complication of screws and what not, the identical one that served an apprenticeship on the Hudson River Railroad, and, for its valuable services there, was afterward promoted to generalship on the Northern Railroad. I could not for a good while even unloosen the needle, much less adjust the instrument. I was completely knocked in the head." But he kept his own counsel. Fortunately, the snow turned to rain, when the men were ready to begin, and during two stormy days Mr. Gould mastered the instrument. Confronted with other unexpected problems, he met them all victoriously by study in the State library and otherwise, without betraying how they had disconcerted him. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. 267 While engaged in field work in Delaware county, Mr. Gould gathered the material for his famous history of the county. He wrote the work with great care, toiling over its pages when he should have been asleep, resting four or five hours a day only. When completed, it was sent to Philadelphia to be printed. In April, 1856, the young author learned that his manuscript had been burned. The tenacity of purpose which he revealed so remarkably in later life, served him then in good stead. He rewrote the book. A few proof sheets had been saved, and parts of the history had been printed in The Bloomfield Mirror. The greater part he rewrote from memory. He devoted himself to this task by night and day, and saw the book of 400 pages triumphantly issued in Sep- tember, 1856. This history, written ingenuously, was. a remarkable production'for a young man of twenty. The story that he afterward sought to buy the copies, which had been sold, and withdraw them, because the printer had spelled his name "Gold," is untrue. Copies of the book, now in existence, show the name spelled "Gould." Mr. Gould now plunged into a larger enterprise. In Eastern Pennsylvania, he founded the town of Gouldsboro' and established a tannery in partnership with Zadoc Pratt. Fifteen miles from any settlement, he felled the first tree with his own hands, sawed it into boards with a portable saw mill, built a blacksmith shop before sunset, and slept in the improvised cabin the first night. Of the tannery, Mr. Gould proved an enterprising and successful manager. He constructed a plank road, organized a stage route and two churches, built a school house, created a bank of which he was a director, and became postmaster of the place. The settlers became his ardent friends. Mr. Gould soon bought Mr. Pratt's interest and formed the partnership of Jay Gould & Co., with Charles M. Leupp and D. Williamson Lee, of New York. The tan- nery transacted a large business and stimulated other local industries. Oct. 5, 1859, Mr. Leupp committed suicide in New York, having for years been gradual!}' losing his mind. His brother in law, Mr. Lee, thereupon, as representative of a two-thirds inter- est, conceived the plan of forcing Mr. Gould out of the concern. He evaded a settle- ment, asked Mr. Gould to meet him in New York, Feb. 29, 1860, and, without waiting for him, hastened to Gouldsboro'. Taking possession of the tannery, he threw out the superintendent with bodily violence, barricaded the works, and garrisoned them with about thirty-five armed men. When Mr. Gould learned the situation, he sought advice, ascertained his rights, and repaired to the tannery. Entirely without his solicitation, about 250 residents gathered to support him. Being refused admission to the tannery, he led, unarmed, a squad of twenty-five men to the front door, while a second squad attacked the rear. He was twice repulsed, but the works were stormed on the third attempt, the garrison fleeing in all directions. The only persons wounded were several of the garrison, who were shot by their own mates. Mr. Lee then began legal pro- ceedings, but was completely defeated, and sought refuge, as many another assailant did in later years, in abusing Mr. Gould. Mr. Gould finally sold his interest in the tan- nery and the mammoth buildings then fell into decay and ruin. Just before the Civil War, the attention of Mr. Gould was drawn to railroads. He had thought much on the subject from boyhood. In 1860, the young financier met Daniel S. Miller, a great grocer of New York city, who feared failure through being a trustee of the second mortgage bonds of The Rutland & Washington Railway Co., believing that the first mortgage bonds had been cancelled. Mr. Gould offered to assist him, and succeeded in buying up the bonds for 10 cents on the dollar, they being 268 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. considered worthless. He afterward became president, treasurer and superintendent of this road and obtained a thorough knowledge of railroading. The young surveyor carefully inspected every mile of track in person, examined all the bridges, grades and crossings, and estimated the resources of the country tributary to this road. He then began judicious repairs, developed the local traffic, and, by consolidation with other roads retrieved the fortunes of the companies. The rise in value of the shares of these roads, by his own operations, opened Mr. Gould's eyes to the possibilities of railroad management. This also gave him capital of his own for greater operations. He then entered the stock brokerage firm of Smith, Gould & Martin in New York city. * One step leads to a longer one in the progress of a successful man. The sur- veyor had become a railroad manager; the manager was now a dealer in railroad shares. Mr. Gould's Wall street career made him profoundly versed in the value of railroad properties ; and led to his buying shares in bankrupt roads and engaging, like others of the strongest capitalists of that day, in bold operations at the Stock Exchange. In speculation, Mr. Gould's genius for combination, his brilliant strategy, and untiring tenacity of purpose, blazed forth with great power. He was often a heavy loser, yet, in several ventures he met with notable success. At times, he was the largest, borrower in the United States, perhaps in the world. In obtaining the loans he required, he was aided by a trait, early displayed and characteristic of his whole life. He never broke his promise, but always kept his word. It is not practicable here to describe in detail all of the operations in which Mr. Gould was engaged. Only a few of the more striking need be referred to. While gold was at a premium, Mr. Gould bought and sold this metal for" a profit, in common with other operators, sometimes, though not always, with success. In August, 1869, a daring speculation was set on foot by a syndicate, controlled by Mr. Gould, in which James Fisk, jr., was a partner, which sought to "corner" the gold market. All the gold which could be had was bought, the price rising slowly from about 138 in August, to 140, then to 150, and finally, Sept. 24, 1869, to 162 The government having resolved to sell gold, Mr. Gould also began to sell, although giving orders not to sell to Mr. Fisk's brokers. The price fell to 134, and brought on the catastrophe of "Black Friday," Sept. 24, 1869. Mr. Gould lost $4,000,000, and was for some time charged with precipitating the panic. Men of position like Alonzo B. Cornell and others, thoroughly acquainted with the story, acquit Mr. Gould of respon- sibility for "Black Friday." They place it upon Mr. Fisk. Mr. Fisk repudiated his contracts. Mr. Gould did not. Mr. Gould became interested in The New York & Erie Railroad, when it was a bankrupt property. He bought about 500 shares, because he believed in the merits of the road. His confidence in the future of Erie led to his election as a director and afterward as president. During his management, he was forced into a struggle with Commodore Vanderbilt and Daniel Drew for the control of the road, but was able, by various adroit moves, all of them legal, but for some of which he was criticised by opponents, to retain the management for years. He built up the Erie Rail- road by exactly the same legitimate methods as those employed in Vermont, and made the Erie a great commercial highway and a paying investment. Circumstances asso- ciated James Fisk, jr., with Mr. Gould in this enterprise. He had been buying shares and was elected a director at the same time as Mr. Gould. Mr. Fisk was reckless and THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. 269 unscrupulous in methods, fond of extravagant display, and defiant of public opinion. He undoubtedly did more to influence the young men of his day to evil courses, than any other human being in the field of American finance. Mr. Gould strove to restrain Mr. Fisk. Nevertheless, they were associated in the public mind and Mr. Gould incurred blame for acts for which Mr. Fisk alone was responsible. In November, 1872, proceedings were brought against Mr. Gould for the recovery of Erie property, which, it was declared, he had improperly retained. The manage- ment having been changed by the vote of the foreign stockholders, as soon as his successor was elected, Mr. Gould turned over to him these securities, none of which had any market value and all of which had been held by his predecessor as president. Documents were given him, exonerating him from all the charges previously made. At various times, a number of combinations were made against Mr. Gould in Wall street. To " corner " him was a favorite attempt, but always exciting and dangerous. He was usually a match for antagonists. Nevertheless, in the panic of 1873, he is said to have lost a larger sum than any other capitalist of that time. In The Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad, Mr. Gould showed constructive abilities of high order. Having bought about 25,000 shares of its stock at about $65 and $70 a share to oblige a friend, he reorganized the road, developed its traffic to such an ex- tent that while he was its manager it never passed a dividend, brought the stock up to $120 a share, and leased the road successfully to The Pennsylvania Railroad. He was a large gainer by this proceeding. As a railroad manager, Mr. Gould was identified most prominently with The Union Pacific, The Texas & Pacific, The Wabash, and The Missouri Pacific Railroads-. He took charge of The Union Pacific Railroad, when it was a discredited enterprise. Beginning in 1873, he bought a large amount of its stock when the price ranged be- tween $15 and $30 a share. In February, 1879, he was the owner of 190,000 shares. On the 1 7th of that month, he sold 100,000 shares for 7,000,000, his profit being about $4,000,000. He built up the road by attention to its requirements, securing proper connections to the eastward, and by consolidation, until it paid large dividends. The same constructive ability was shown in his management of the other great lines named above. Intelligent, far seeing, and straight forward, he created one of the most wonderful railroad systems of the world. The controlling interest in The Texas & Pacific, he bought from Thomas A. Scott, for $2,400,000. The Missouri Pacific, which he bought from Commodore Garrison, is a living testimony to his skill of com- bination. The main line of 287 miles from St. Louis to Kansas City has been made the principal factor in a system of about 10,000 miles of road, extending in one direction to Omaha, El Paso, Laredo and Galveston, and to Chicago, Toledo and Detroit in the other. Mr. Gould was, at times, the president of his various roads, but the care was too great for one man, and while retaining control and direction, he finally placed able managers in charge of many of them, in order to relieve himself from the details of management. An excellent judge of character, he seldom made an unfortunate selec- tion. In the general direction of these great systems, he repeatedly showed his good faith, when once pledged to a definite policy or when his word had once been given. He was in the habit of watching business closely, especially in a crisis, not only for his own sake but for that of stockholders, in order to prevent a failure. An interesting incident was a step, by which he averted a panic in 1882. The 270 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. rumor had gone forth that he was financially embarrassed. To avert a crisis, he invited several of the strongest financiers of that day into his office, including Cyrus W. Field and Russell Sage, and laid before them the contents of his safe, displaying to their as- tonished gaze $53,000,000 in the best securities. This put an end to the crisis. Mr. Gould having finally attained an impregnable financial position, withdrew gradually from Wall street to devote his attention to a few great properties. In the development of The Western Union Telegraph Co., he showed both organ- izing power and tenacity of purpose. In 1875, he came into control of The Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Co., whose lines were in bad condition, the expenses outrunning the revenue. Thomas T. Eckert was invited to the presidency and the two men entered upon a carefully aggressive policy. After a laborious and anxious commercial fight, Mr. Gould, with great financial skill, consolidated his concern with The Western Union Telegraph Co. , making it a special condition that Gen. Eckert should become general manager of the united companies. His disappointment was great when the fulfilment of the promise was evaded. In a letter recently written, Gen. Eckert narrates what followed : "It was necessary for me to decide upon other plans for myself. I accord- ingly, after mature deliberation, determined to construct a telegraph line between Bos- ton, Mass., and Washington, D. C. , via New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and to make it the nucleus of a yet larger system of wires designed exclusively for leasing to firms and individuals for commercial uses. When I had worked out this scheme in my mind, I laid it before Mr. Gould. He listened to me patiently, and then, in half quizzi- cal way, asked if I did not wish to have a partner. I was so absorbed in my ideas that I did not notice the smile with which he put the question; and I blandly answered him "No." He quietly disregarded me and began to write a check for one million dollars, which he said he thought I might find very useful to my credit. Out of this circumstance grew the incorporation of The American Union Telegraph Co. and I became its president." With The American Union, Mr. Gould menaced the older company, displaced its lines from The Baltimore & Ohio, The Union Pacific, and other railroads, and reduced the value of Western Union stock from $116 to $88 a share. This vigorous campaign brought about the consolidation of The American Union with The Western Union Telegraph Co., in 1881, and its preponderance in the ownership of the largest telegraphic system which has ever come into existence. Mr. Gould became a director. His holdings of Western Union stock were then $30,000,000. He reduced them afterwards to about $20,000,000. In 1883, he had absorbed The Mutual Union Telegraph Co., and four years later The Baltimore & Ohio. This made him con- troller of the telegraphic system of the United States, and he was the entire master of of the field until John W. Mackay and James Gordon Bennett appeared with their rival line. Mr. Gould aimed to make his company the only one in America. In this he did not succeed entirely, but he created a great system, with ocean cables to Europe, the West Indies and South America. A majority interest in the elevated railroad system of New York city was a posses- sion forced upon Mr. Gould for the rescue of his friend, Cyrus W. Field, from embar- rassment. Mr. Gould had purchased largely of the stock of these roads. Mr. Field, also a large stockholder, entered, in 1886, upon a speculation to advance the price of Manhattan shares to $200 or $300, that being the value of the shares of the surface street car lines. Through his operations, Manhattan rose to $175 a share. He bought THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GO. . 271 largely as the price advanced, securing the money for new purchases by pledging his holdings as collateral. Mr. Gould warned Mr. Field more than once against the risk of overloading, but the latter continued to buy. At length, Mr. Field found himself carrying 88,000 shares of Manhattan stock, worth at par $8,800,000, which had risen in nominal value to $15,000,000. The price then suddenly fell. If Mr. Field had been compelled to sell, a panic would have ensued with a complete extinction of Mr. Field's fortune. In this emergency, he appealed to Mr. Gould for aid, through John T. Terry, a mutual friend. Mr. Gould first loaned to Mr. Field $1,000,000, in bonds, without security. He then bought from him 78,000 shares, at $120 a share, paying $9,360,000 therefor, and later, loaned him $300,000 in cash. Mr. Gould did this at inconvenience to himself, while suffering severely from neuralgia, and saw his purchase drop $3,75,- ooo in value in a few days. Yet this act of unbounded generosity was performed to oblige a friend. The stock fell at one time to $77. Mr. Gould's wife was Helen Day, the daughter of Daniel S. Miller. She was the descendant of an English family, which had settled on Long Island, at Easthampton, in colonial days. A company of nearly fifty people were present at Mr. Gould's mar- riage, and four hundred or more attended the reception which followed. This was a happy union. Mr. Gould's home life was a beautiful one. His tastes were refined. He loved books, flowers and pictures, and was surrounded with them. His castle-like country home of Lyndhurst, at Irvington, built of stone, is now owned by Miss Helen M. Gould, but will revert to the estate when the younger member of the family, Frank Jay, attains his majority. It is delightfully situated, commanding an impressive view of the Hudson river. The grounds are beautifully laid out, and a large conservatory supplies the family with flowers and the choicest grapes all the year. At this place Mr. Gould and his family spent many happy days. His marriage brought him six children, George Jay, Edwin, Helen Miller and Howard Gould; Anna, wife of Count Paul Marie Ernest Boniface de Castellane of France; and Frank Jay Gould, all of whom are living. His family were always tenderly devoted to him. It was not generally known that Mr. Gould was a man of great liberality toward philanthropic objects, but such was the fact. His gifts were mainly made on condition that no publicity shouid be given to him as a consequence. His charities were silent, and the thousandth part of his beneficence has never become publicly known. For many years, Mr. Gould entertained the purpose of founding a great educational insti- tution for young men of moderate means. Illness and business cares prevented him from elaborating the plan, and his death, Dec. 2, 1892, finally frustrated the purpose. He left equally to his six children his great property, estimated at about $100,000,000, which was invested mainly in The Missouri Pacific Railroad, The Western Union Telegraph Co., The Manhattan Railway, The Wabash, and The Texas & Pacific Companies. JOHN PHYLE GOULD, merchant, born Dec. 12, 1817, in Philadelphia, died in New York city, July 5, 1892. He was the descendant of early English settlers of Pennsylvania. Early in life he went to Portsmouth, O., and spent a number of years in a large iron and roiling-mill business with his relative, T. G. Gaylord. Later, he engaged in the iron trade in Cincinnati, and about 1873 transferred his interests to Xe\v York city. He was considered an authority on financial matters, and drew up a number of legislative enactments in the interest of bankrupts and others, and had 272 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. confidential relations with Hoyt, Sprague & Co. May 29, 1845, he married Caroline, daughter of the late Moses Brooks, of Cincinnati. The children born to them were Ella Brooks, who married Volckert P. Douw, member of an old family of Albany, N. Y. , both now deceased; Caroline E., who married J. W. Fiske, of New York; and Moses Brooks Gould, now deceased. WILLIAM RUSSELL GRACE, merchant, a man of great force of character and intellect, has, by energy and perseverance, become one of the most prominent mer- chants and financiers of this country, besides having attained a national reputation as a leader in the political affairs of the city and State of New York. The Graces were a Norman Irish family, and from the time of the invasion of their ancestor, Richard le Gros, they possessed extensive land-holdings in Queens county. When the English finally gained a mastery over Ireland, the Graces, being Catholics and very probably fighters, had their lands confiscated for disloyalty and were banished beyond the Shannon. The great grand-father of William R. Grace returned to Queens county and fought the claim to the family lands. He was offered a liberal compromise, but he said he would have the whole or none. All the Irish courts gave him the whole, but the English Appellate Court gave him none of the lands. From this time on, the Graces remained in Queens county, and so much did they prosper, that James Grace, father of the subject of this sketch, was left quite a fortune. This money the father lost in South America, whereas the son was destined to make many times more money in the same country. James Grace, when a young man, spent his money and came near losing his life in an expedition organized to free Venezuela from the Spanish rule. He married Ellen Mary Russell, of a well-known Protestant Irish family. They had four sons, all of whom have been successful in life. William Russell is the oldest son. John W. , the second son, is the founder of the San Francisco Grace house, and is one of the directors of the Grace corporation. M. P. Grace is the founder of the London house and the man who negotiated the Peruvian loan in London amounting to $40,000,000. Sir Morgan Grace went to New Zealand as a young army surgeon. William R. Grace was born in Queenstown, County Cork, Ireland, May 10, 1832. In early life, he displayed that keen foresight and indomitable will which have since made him famous. At the age of fourteen, realizing that the county district of Ireland offered no future for him. he ran away from school and, working his passage on a sailing vessel came to New York city. After remaining in New York two years, during which time he was employed in various capacities, he returned to Ireland upon a visit to his home. In 1850, he went to Callao, Peru, and entered the shipping house of Bryce & Co., of which he became a partner in 1852, the firm later taking the name of Bryce, Grace & Co., and afterward Grace Bro's & Co. Being the only American house of consequence at Callao, and having agencies in all the principal ports in Peru and Chile, besides excellent connections in the United States and England, the firm soon rose to distinction. They acted as agents for Baring Bro's & Co. for many years. In 1865, Mr. Grace came to New York, intending to retire from active business on account of ill health. Upon the return of his strength, however, he founded the house of W. R. Grace & Co., shipping and commission merchants, which has since become famous the world over, having branches in London and San Francisco and in Peru arid 274 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Chile, besides agencies in all the principal cities on the west coast of South America. The firm have important contracts with Peru for the importation of guano, and are the largest importers of nitrate of soda in the United States, besides dealing exclusively in the other products of Central and South America. They export large quantities of the manufactures of the United States, and have been instrumental in securing closer relations with the Central and South American republics. The relations of Mr. Grace with Peru have been so intimate and his standing as a merchant and financier so high, that his firm were at one time called upon to aid Peru in the conversion of its debt. A contract was entered into with the English bondhold- ers, which was negotiated in London by Michael P. Grace and proved beneficial to all. In 1 88 1, Mr. Grace established the New York & Pacific Steamship Co., Ltd., which is the only company conducting a regular steam service between this country and the West Coast of South America. In April, 1877, Mr. Grace was appointed receiver of The Continental Life Insurance Co., a position of great responsibility, which he filled with general satisfacton. In September, 1859, he was married to Lillius Gilchrist, daughter of George W. Gilchrist,, of St. George, Maine. Their five children living are: Mrs. W. E. Holloway, widow of the late W. E. Holloway, of San Francisco; Joseph P. Grace, Miss Lillius J. Grace, Miss Louise N. Grace, and William R. Grace, jr. Mr. Grace has three brothers, J. W. Grace, M. P. Grace and Dr. M. S. Grace, the first two being associated with him in business, while the latter is a surgeon in New Zealand and a Member of Parliament and has been knighted by the Queen. Mr. Grace is largely interested in a number of corporations. He is president of The Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Co. , and The Hamilton Bank Note Co. ; vice president of The Fernbrook Carpet Co.; and director in The Lincoln National Bank, The Lincoln Safe Deposit Co , The Terminal Warehouse Co., The Brooklyn Warehouse & Stor- age Co., The New York Life Insurance Co., The New York & Pacific Steamship Co., The Occident Dock Co., and a number of others. In 1880, he was the Democratic candidate for Mayor of New York city and was bitterly opposed on account of his religion. Once elected, he gave the city a business- like administration. It is a notable fact that at that early date he exposed the ways of the Police Department. He took the street cleaning away from them and placed it in efficient hands. He asked the Governor to co-operate with him in removing some of the men, who presided over the department in its worst da^s. From the first, Mayor Grace took his stand against the corrupt elements of the Democratic party, and no mat- ter which way the scale turned, he was always to be found in the same place. In 1884, by running for Mayor, he was instrumental in swinging a large independ- ent vote to Grover Cleveland. In that election, the people showed what they thought of'a business administration. When he was unknown, he was elected by a majority of 3)3. an d now in a three-cornered fight he was given a majority of over 10,000. In 1892, he was one of the men who went to Chicago to protest against the action of the State Democratic machine, and, by his efforts in organizing the protesting con- vention, showed plainly to the rest of the country that New York was for Cleveland. Again in 1894, he was found in his place, lending a powerful hand to throw Tammany out of its entrenchment of city offices. Though a citizen of the United States, Mr. Grace yet retains an interest in his THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GR. 275 mother country, and in 1879, when the famine was raging in Ireland, he contributed liberally for the relief of the poor people, having shipped half the cargo of the U. S. war ship Constellation, besides furnishing the stevedores and clerk hire necessary for loading the cargo. Mr. Grace is a devout Catholic and contributes liberally each year for the support of many charitable institutions. He is also a trustee of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Among the many clubs to which he belongs are the Metro- politan, Manhattan, Down Town, Lawyers', Reform, Catholic, Press and Country club of Westchester. COL. JOHN LORIMER GRAHAM, lawyer, born in London, England, March 20, 1797, died in Flushing, L. I., July 22,* 1876. He was a' son of Dr. John Andrew Gra- ham, a native of this country and descended from ancient Scottish lawyers, who prac- ticed criminal law in this city during the early part of the present century. The son was brought to this city at the age of four, and received as good an education as could be obtained at that time. Educated to the law, he was admitted to the bar in 1821, and began practice in partnership with his cousin, James L. Graham. His military title was bestowed by Gov. DeWitt Clinton, upon whose staff he served. He had previously been an officer in a local military regiment here. He gained prominence in the prac- tice of mercantile law, being successively at the head of the noted firms of Graham, Xoyes & Martin, and Graham, Wood & Powers. By adding to a fortune inherited from his father, he became one of the strongest men in the city. He was married in 1818, to Miss Emily Clason, a favorite in social circles. A Democrat in politics, the Legislature made him in 1834 a Regent of the University, a position which he held until his death. He also became a member of the Historical, The New England, The St. George's and Bible Societies, and a member of the Council of The University of the City of New York, in which he founded a free scholarship. In 1840, President Van Buren appointed him Postmaster of New York city. Colonel Graham served for nearly four years, with ability and fidelity. Through the instrumentality of General Dix, he was called to Washington, to hold a confidential position in the Treasury Department. He read much, keeping himself well informed on the questions of the day. His wife died several years before him, but his four sons, James, Clinton, Augustus, and Malcolm, all well known in business circles, and a daughter, Emily, survived him. ROBERT GRAVES, one of the largest wall paper manufacturers in America, born in Dublin, Ireland, about 1820, died at his home on Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn, Jan. 2, 1886. He came to this city when twenty-five years of age, found employment, and later began the manufacture of wall paper in Brooklyn, upon a small scale, becoming one of the pioneers of this industry. He gradually enlarged his factory until he occupied a block on Fulton street at Carleton avenue. There he employed 220 ' persons, and conducted a profitable industry. Shortly before his death, The National Wall Paper Co., in whose organization he took an active part, acquired his factory and trade, Mr. Graves becoming a large stockholder in the new company. To gratify a love for country life, Mr. Graves occupied a beautiful summer home with extensive grounds atlrvington, his graperies there being the finest on the Hudson. In 1885, he began building a spacious mansion on Clinton avenue, designed to be the finest residence in Brooklyn. The noted dwellings of New York city having been studied, plans were then made for a dwelling, which should be chaste, clasically simple and rich, and among other things contain a large art gallery. Mr. Graves did not live to enjoy his new home, 276 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and the property was purchased by Alfred J. Pouch. A handsome man, over six feet tall, with blue eyes and flowing hair and beard, he was attracted by home life more than by public affairs. His second wife, Cesarine, and eleven children survived him. RUFUS ROWE GRAVES, cotton merchant, born in Sunderland, Mass., Nov. 6, 1807, died in Morristown, N. J., Aug. 17, 1876. He was a son of Erastus A. Graves, and came of old New England and English stock. After obtaining a common school education, he began his business career as a clerk for his father, then a resident of Macon, Ga., in a general store, and soon attained the dignity of partnership. E. A. & R, R. Graves became large buyers of cotton, which they shipped to the Northern States. In 1840, the firm removed to New York city. During the Civil War, the senior partner retired, and his son E. A. Graves, and a son of the junior partner, were then admitted, the name being changed to Rufus R. Graves & Co. They supplied many New England mills with raw cotton, and shipped large quantities of the staple abroad. Mr. Graves accumulated a large fortune, and retired in 1874, thereafter mak- ing two trips to Europe for recreation. He was a man of sterling integrity and up- rightness, utterly devoid of display or ostentation, and his life was a long record of charity and kindness. His gifts were known to no one except himself, but they far exceeded what those who best knew him supposed. He was a director of The Bank of the Republic, The Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and The New Jersey Zinc Co. For thirty years, he lived in Brooklyn and was long treasurer of Plymouth church. Later, he removed to Morristown, N. J. He was married in September, 1839, to Mary J., daughter of John Arms, in Conway, Mass., and their children were, Arthur B. Graves; Louisa M., wife of F. W. Owen; Carrie A., wife of F. J. Mather; Fannie R., wife of L. C. Lathrop, and Mary Ella Graves. By his will, Mr. Graves left $100,000 for the education of the colored race in the South, and $115,000 to other charitable objects. The bulk of the estate was given to his wife and children, but their best legacy was his beautiful and successful life. JOHN ALEXANDER CLINTON GRAY, merchant, was born in Gen. James Clin- ton's house in Little Britain, Orange county, N. Y. , Nov. 2, 1815. His grandfather, Alexander Gray, having been implicated in the unsuccessful struggle for Irish inde- pendence, left Ireland in 1790 for this country, dying soon after his arrival in Philadel- phia. Maria Gray, widow of Alexander, married in 1797, her cousin, Gen. James Clinton, of the army of the American Revolution. John Gray, son of Alexander, died in 1816, as the result of an accident, leaving a widow ^and one son, the latter, the subject of this sketch. The lad attended the academy in Montgomery, Orange county, and, at the age of fifteen, made his entrance into practical affairs as clerk for his uncle, Alexander McLeod Scott, a dry goods merchant in New York city. He was a young man of merit and Mr. Scott made him a partner in 1835. In 1837, he married Susan M., daughter of George Zabriskie of this city, lawyer, Alderman for several years, and Member of Assembly. Mr. Zabriskie died in 1849. After the death of Mr. Scott, the firm of John A. C. Gray & Co. , succeeded to the wholesale dry goods trade of the former firm and prospered therein for many years. In 1855, Mr. Gray retired, the business passing into the management of Buckley, Sheldon & Co. Mr. Gray was a special partner in Bailey, Southard & Co., a dry goods commission house, during 1856-60, and then retired wholly from active business. He has since spent his time largely in travel and the recreations of a gentleman of refinement and intelligence, but has been largely THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GR. 377 interested in railroad enterprises, among them The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and The Xew York, Lake Erie & Western, aiding in the reorganization of the latter in 1878. In 1870, he served as receiver of The Memphis, El Paso & Pacific Railroad. He has invariably refused to allow his name to be used as a candidate for public office but per- formed a public service, as vice president of the Central Park Commission, when formed, devoting much time to the creation of Central Park, seeking no other reward than the satisfaction of creating a noble park for the benefit of his fellow citizens. It is owing to the disinterested and earnest efforts of Mr. Gray and his associates, aided by Andrew H. Green, Controller of the Commission, Mr. Vaux and v Mr. Olmsted, that the park has become what it is to-day. He was a strong Whig prior to 1856, and thereafter a Repub- lican. While shunning public life, he has delighted in the company of his friends, whom he has chosen from among men of letters rather than from the leading spirits of the gay world. Men like Horace Greeley, William C. Bryant, and others of that time in America, and Richard M. Milne, Lord Humphrey and Charles Kingsley of England, have enjoyed his intimate acquaintance. His children have been George Zabriskie Gray, late Dean of the Episcopal Seminary in Cambridge, Mass. ; Albert Zabriskie Gray, late Warden of Racine College; John Clinton Gray, Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals in this State; Catharine, wife of H. R. Bacon, a resident of the Isle of Wight ; and Miss Frances Gray. flRS. HETTY HOWLAND ROBINSON GREEN, capitalist, better known as Mrs. Hetty Green, was born in New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 21, 1835. She is a granddaughter of the late Isaac Rowland, and daughter of Edward Mott Robinson, a prominent shipping merchant of New Bedford, who, by a life of marked enterprise and strong natural powers, gained a fortune of several millions. Upon his death, June 14, 1865, a large part of this fortune descended to his daughter Hetty. The latter was married in 1867 to Edward H. Green, a merchant of New York city. Mrs. Green aided her father in the management of his large estate, and thus, early in life, gained an acquaintance with business methods, which subsequently proved of value. She has retained control of his fortune, and devoted herself with ability to its management and increase. By careful investment, she has become a large holder of stock in sound railroad companies in the West and South, in The Chemical National Bank, and in business blocks and other real estate in Chicago and other parts of the country. A woman of remarkable force of character, Mrs. Green displays little taste for the recreations of fashionable life but derives great pleasure from business pursuits. She is shrewd and exceedingly competent, while at the same time animated with a kindly heart and a spirit of unfailing good nature. Her purchases of new properties are made with sound judgment and generally with excellent success. For a number of years, she operated to some extent in Wall street. Probably no other woman in America travels so much as she, but her trips to various parts of the country have business purposes in view. They are not made solely for recreation. She is rather above the middle height, large in frame, with gray eyes, a strong nose, and regular features. Her children are Edward H. R. Green and Sylvia Green. EDWARD HOWLAND ROBINSON GREEN, son of Mrs. Hetty Green, the capital- ist, was born in the Langham Hotel, London, England, Aug. 22, 1868. The family came to Ne\v York in 1872. Edward was educated in the public schools of New York city, the High School in Bellow Falls, Vt., and Fordham College, graduating from the latter THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GR. 279 in 1888. He then studied law, paying especial attention to the statutes pertaining to real estate and railroads. Having been admitted to the bar and thus equipped for the battle of life, he identified himself with his mother's properties and soon revealed excellent business talent. A beginning was made as clerk in the office of The Connecti- cut River Railroad, where he gained an insight into the management of this class of corporations. At the age of twenty-one, The Ohio & Mississippi Railroad elected him a director, giving him a larger opportunity for the study of traffic problems. In 1893, he visited Texas, and purchased, on excellent terms, a branch of The Houston & Texas Central Railroad, one of the most important transportation, systems in that State, formerly controlled by his mother. The same year, he took The Texas Midland Railroad, in which he owns a controlling interest, out of the hands of the receiver, and by election as the head of the corporation without his knowledge and during his absence, became the youngest railroad president of the United States, natural ability also making him one of the most competent. With the ardor of youth and the determination of a man who is resolved to know all about the business in which he is engaged, Mr. Green pervades with his activity the whole region traversed by his railroad. Frequent visits are paid to the towns along the line, and the merchants are visited for consultation with reference to everything which will increase the traffic and build up both the country and the railroad. It is not unusual for him to don a suit of overalls, mingle with the employes in the shops, and hold the throttle of an engine in a trip down the line He is not in the least afraid of work. Genial, enthusiastic, considerate and a gentleman, he makes friends everywhere, and is warmly respected by the officers and employes of the road. A large fortune will eventually come under his control, and he is rapidly qualifying himself in the most practical manner for its prudent management. Mr. Green is already a stockholder in numerous railroad companies and owns several blocks of houses in Chicago. He has won popularity socially by attractive manners, and the commendation of the judicious for his energy, caution and ability. His clubs are the Union of New York, the Union League and Chicago Athletic of Chicago, and the Dallas of Dallas, Texas Like his father, he is fond of athletic exer- cises, and has gained therein the iron muscles of a well developed specimen of hardy manhood. It makes some difference, as these pages clearly show, how a man starts in life, but in free America, early poverty is no bar whatever to success. The essential thing is how a man makes his way, after he has made a start, and this applies to both rich and poor. There is every reason to believe that Mr. Green possesses the constructive and progressive temperament, which promises for him a brilliant future. JOHN CLEVE GREEN, merchant, born in Lawrenceville, m N. J., April 14, 1800, died April 29, 1875, at his residence on Washington Square in this city. His father, Caleb Smith Green, was a farmer in Lawrence township in the present county of Mercer, N. J. While young, John entered the house of N. L. & G. Griswold, mer- chants in the China trade on South street in this city, and as a clerk displayed so much sagacity that he was appointed supercargo of the ship Panama, a famous tea clipper of that day, and of other vessels, and made many voyages to China and South America. In 1833, he was admitted to the house of Russell & Co., in Canton, China, and there laid the foundation of his large fortune. In 1839, on his return to New York, he mar- 280 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. ried Sarah Helen, daughter of George Griswold, and carried on the China trade for many years thereafter, acquiring a fortune of about $7,000,000. Mr. Green was prom- nent in the social, business and public enterprises of the city. He had been for many years a director of The Bank of Commerce, a member of the Chamber of Commerce and a manager of several of the leading charitable and public institutions, being always known as a man of clear views, strong convictions and great force of character. He took an active interest in the University of the City of New York and in Princeton The- ological Seminary and Princeton College. His town house was in Washington Square in this city and his large country house with much land at Castleton on Staten Island. Mr. Green was the father of three children all of whom died in childhood. His brother, Henry W. Green, was at one time Chancellor of New Jersey, and his brother in law, Frederick Frelinghuysen, Senator from the same State. By his will, he left $50,000 to the Theological Seminary at Princeton and a large estate to be disposed of by his resi- duary legatees to religious, charitable and educational institutions. Mrs. Green died in May, 1893. NORVIN GREEN, M.D., president of The Western Union Telegraph Co., born where New Albany, Ind., now stands, April 17, 1818, died in this city, Feb. 13, 1893. His father, Joseph Green, born near Louisville in 1796, was a soldier in 1812, and took part in the battle of New Orleans, afterward becoming a farmer in Kentucky, tavern keeper, manufacturer and merchant, trading in a coiintry store and in flat boats on the Mississippi. Norvin grew up in the employments carried on by his father, kept the books, and helped manage a fleet of trading flat boats. In 1833, a storm wrecked a number of their boats on the lower Mississippi, and the rest were seized to satisfy a debt for which the senior Green had become surety. Norvin then bought a flat boat in Cincinnati and a stock of goods, traded down the Ohio, and located at the mouth of the Kentucky river, leased a farm, built a store, and in three years had made enough money to pay the family's debts and buy a farm. He then filled a contract to deliver 1,200 cords of wood at Madison, Ind. The family now being prosperous, he studied medicine at the University of Louisville, graduating in 1840, and practiced his profes- sion for thirteen years in Kentucky. Dr. Green sat for two terms in the Kentucky Legislature. In 1853, Secretary Guthrie appointed him commissioner and disbursing agent for the building of the new custom house and postoffice in Louisville. The fol- lowing year, Dr. Green became interested in telegraph lines, and in July joined the company which leased The New Orleans & Ohio Telegraph Co. When this company was incorporated in 1854 as The Southwestern Telegraph COr, Dr. Green was chosen president. Under his management, the company built new lines on the railroads from Louisville to New Orleans, and the system was extended throughout Arkansas and Texas. In 1857, Dr. Green visited New York city, met the presidents of the six lead- ing telegraph companies, and with them entered into the Six-Party Contract, the first telegraph deal in America, which lasted thirty years and was never broken. Territory was partitioned and an interchange of business provided for. All later consolidations of telegraph companies have followed the principles of the Six-Party Contract. The North American Telegraph Association was formed in 1857, with Peter Cooper as president, and every telegraph company in the country finally became a member of it. The Southwestern Telegraph Co. , was united with The American Telegraph Co., in January, 1866, and in July following, the latter was consolidated with The Western THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GR. 281 Union Telegraph Co. Dr. Green refused the presidency, but accepted the vice presi- dency of the new company. Upon the death of William Orton in 1878, he succeeded to the presidency. In this position, he became one of the best known and most com- petent telegraph men in the country. His capacity for labor was immense. He pos- sessed great administrative ability, a thorough knowledge of telegraph law, and remarkable sagacity. The stockholders resisted every effort he made to retire from the head of the company. He was a man of fine culture and both in business and private life his manners were genial and winning. At one time, his friends in Kentucky made him a candidate for United States Senator, and would have elected him, had not a single vote intended for him and cast by a friend been mistakenly given to another. He was at one time president of The Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington Railroad and later a director of The Gold & Stock Telegraph Co., The International Ocean Telegraph Co., The Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., The Dives Pelican Mining Co., The American Speaking Telephone Co., and The Mercantile Trust Co. He married early in life Martha; daughter of James W. English, a well to do farmer near Carrollton, Ky. His four sons are Dr. James O. Green, who married a daughter of ex-Mayor Hewitt; John W. Green, at one time president of the Louisville Cham- ber of Commerce; Pinckney, and Warren Green. He also had several daughters. JOHN QREENOUQH, banker, a native of Boston, Mass., was born March 25, 1846. He is a son of David Stoddard Greenough, and Anna Parkman, his wife. The family are of Puritan ancestry, Capt. William Greenough, who settled in Boston in 1642, being the founder of the family in this country. The subject of this sketch was educated at Harvard College, and entered business life as clerk in the famous shipping house of Grinnell Minturn & Co., and utilized his training there, later, in establishing himself as a merchant in the River Platte trade. His firm of Wilder & Greenough gained a distinct and worthy success. In 1884, he was admitted to the firm of Poor, White & Greenough, stock brokers and bankers in this city, the firm subsequently becoming Poor & Greenough. This house is one of the most conservative and trustworthy in Wall street It has devoted its energies mainly to the negotiation of loans and invest- ment securities. When English capital began to seek investment in America to such a large extent, ten years ago, Poor & Greenough became one channel through which large sums of money found their way into the stocks of American corporations, the firm representing several investment companies in London. They have dealt largely also in industrial and railroad stocks, and are financial agents for The Missouri, Kansas & Texas, The Wheeling & Lake Erie, and The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Rail- roads, and other corporations, for which they have negotiated more than 50,000,000 of securities within the last few years. Both partners are directors of several railroad companies and financial organizations, including those above named, and The Knox- ville & Ohio, The Sherman, Shreveport & Southern, and The Kansas City & Pacific Railroads, The Bank of the State of New York, The Lawyer's Surety Co , The Lon- don & New York Investment Co., and others. A man of powerful mould and fine manners, Mr. Greenough has a large number of friends, and is a popular as well as successful man. He was married June 4, 1879, to Caroline, daughter of John M. Storey, of New York. The following clubs claim him as a member: University, Harvard, Tuxedo, Down Town and Lawyers', as well as The New England Society and The Sons of the American Revolution. 2 g 2 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. MOSES HICKS QRINNELL, shipping merchant, born in New Bedford, Mass., March 23, 1803, died Nov. 24, 1877, in this city. His father, Cornelius Grinnell, a Huguenot by descent, was a successful shipping merchant of New Bedford. The family was planted in America in 1632 by three brothers, who settled in Rhode Island. On the maternal side, Mr. Grinnell traced his ancestry to John Howland, one of the company of the Mayflower. Moses was one of six brothers, who, educated in the New Bedford academy and their father's counting-room, nearly all became widely known in commercial circles. Henry Grinnell, an older brother, sent the Advance and Rescue in search of Sir John Franklin in 1850, Grinnell Land being discovered by this expedi- tion. Moses began life as a clerk for Wm. R. Rotch & Co., importers of Russian goods at New Bedford, at a salary of $100 a year. He finally engaged in business on his own account, and before twenty years of age sailed as supercargo of a vessel bound for Brazil and thence for Trieste with a cargo of coffee. After a few ) ears with Fish & Grinnell, a partnership was, in 1828, formed by Mr. Grinnell with Robert B. Minturn, known as Grinnell, Minturn & Co., the senior partner being then only twenty-two years old. They grew to be owners, wholly or in part, of about fifty ships, engaged in the trade with South America and foreign countries and the packet service to England. This firm -never failed and never endured a stain upon their name. For nearly forty years, their sign was a landmark on South street. The firm established the Blue and White Swallow-Tail Line of packet ships to Liverpool and the Red and White Swallow- Tail Line to London. It is said that Mr. Grinnell built more ships in his day than any other New York merchant. In 1838, Mr. Grinnell was elected president of The Phoenix Bank, and in 1843 succeeded Robert Lenox as president of the Chamber of Commerce, retaining the position five years. During 1860-65, ne was a Commissioner of Charities and Correction. He was also president of The Sun Mutual Insurance Co. Originally a Democrat and a member of Tammany Hall, he left that organization and in 1838 was elected to Congress as a Whig. In 1856, he served as Presidential elector at large on the Fremont ticket, and in 1869 was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant. During the Civil War, he joined the Union Defence Com- mittee and gave largely in support of the Union. His first wife was Susan, daughter of Gilbert Russell. After her death, he married, in 1836, Miss Julia Irving, a niece of Washington Irving. They had three children, all of whom survived him, namely, Irving Grinnell; Julia, wife of George S. Bowdoin; and Fannie, wife of Thomas F. Gushing; and their country residence adjoined Washington Irving's "Sunnyside. " RANDOLPH QUQQENHEIMER, lawyer, was born July 20, 1848, in Lynchburg, Va. As his name implies he is of German descent. A student in the University of Virginia until he came to New York city, he finished his preliminary education in the University of the City of New York. The modest means of the family brought upon the youth, at an early age, the duty of entering upon active life. His first employment was as clerk for a merchant of woolen goods. Later, he became a clerk in the law office of Martin I. Townsend, upon the modest salary of $r a week. He was the all round useful young man of the office for several years, and meanwhile applied himself with diligence to investigation of the knotty problems of the law. When admitted to the bar, he opened a law office under the name of Guggen- heimer & Untermyer. By making himself thoroughly conversant with the law of cor- porations, he attracted important clients, built up a large and profitable practice, and THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GU. 283 has been more than ordinarily successful in negotiating large transactions with English syndicates, which desired to invest their surplus means in America. He has brought $60,000,000 of English capital into this country for investment. In 1887, Mayor Grace appointed him a member of the Board of Education, and he was twice re-appointed. Mr. Guggenheimer has met with a suitable reward for his legal enterprise, and is the owner of the site of the old New York Hotel on Broadway, on which he is now con- structing one of the most impressive buildings in New York city. He is also a director in The Yorkville Bank. Mr. Guggenheimer has been favored by nature with rugged health, a strong constitution and brains His succesr is due to incessant labor, tenacity of purpose and the confidence inspired by an honest character and clear head. Various excellent clubs have elected him to membership, including the Manhattan, Lotus, Arion, Suburban, Press and Driving clubs, and the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. CHARLES GODFREY GUNTHER, fur merchant, oldest son of Christian G. Gun- ther, born on Liberty street in this city, April 7, 1822, died at his home on East i4th street, Jan. 22, 1885. He attended the Moravian Institute at Nazareth, Pa., and com- pleted his studies at Columbia College Grammar School. On attaining manhood, he was taken into the firm of C. G. Gunther & Co. , fur dealers, and for many years was occu- pied in the old store on Maiden Lane. Later, the business was removed to Broadway, near Prince street, and afterward to Fifth avenue, near 2jd street. Mr. Gunther allied himself with the Democratic party in early life, was a member of the Young Men's Democratic General Committee, its chairman for several terms, and one of the founders of the Democratic Union club. In 1855, he received an election as one of the governors of the Alms House, running 5,000 votes ahead of his colleagues on the ticket, the Board of Governors choosing him president. In 1856, he was elected a sachem of the Tam- many Society, and in 1861 he was nominated for Mayor, but was defeated by George Opdyke, the last Republican Mayor the metropolis was destined to see for thirty-three years. In 1863, however, Mr. Gunther became Mayor by a majority of more than 7,000. After the expiration of his term, he withdrew from politics, having no sympathy with those who constituted the Tweed Ring and conscious that no one could succeed in politics, who did not obey their behests. In 1878, he consented to become a candi- date for Senator from the Vllth District, but was defeated. For many years a mem- ber of the old Volunteer Fire Department, he was elected later president of the Veteran Fireman's Association. Mr. Gunther saw at an early day that Coney Island possessed natural advantages as a pleasure resort and built The Brooklyn, Bath & Coney Island Railroad, and two hotels, one at Locust Grove on Gravesend Bay, which was afterward destroyed by fire. The Liederkranz and other societies claimed him as a member. His wife was Amelia B , daughter of George Arcularius, and his children were Christian G. and George A. Gunther; Lena, wife of James Miller; and Amelia B. Gunther. ERNEST RUDOLPH GUNTHER, retired, son of the late William Henry Gunther and grandson of the late Christian G. Gunther, was born in 1862 in what was known as "Gunther Row," which consisted of six large houses and one enormous house on the northwest corner of Second avenue and i4th street. This row was built about fifty years ago in what was then the fashionable part of New York by Mr. Gunther's grand- father, who came to America in the year 1812 for political reasons and to avoid serving in the German army. The name of the pioneer was originally von Gunther and he was the son of the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GU. 285 celebrated von Giinther, who was Surgeon to the King of Saxony and of noble birth and a cousin of Prince Giinther, one of the richest German princes. Christian von Giinther brought with him to America two coats of arms and four miniatures, which have been handed down in the family. Ernest Rudolph Gunther is a member of many of the most select clubs in New York and lives at No. 9 West 5 7th street. He is a clever conversationalist and extremely popular among club men and the people who comprise what is known as the best society in New York. An invitation to one of the frequent musicales, given at his residence, is prized very highly by members of the New York smart set. H. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MADDEN, born in Flushing, Long Island, about 1811, died in New York city, April 2, 1880. He was a son of David Hadden, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, 1773, and of Ann Aspinwall, his wife. Having gained a thorough knowledge of the linen trade in the store founded by his father, the subject of this memoir devoted his whole life to the importation of Irish linens, and the tranquil, capable and prosperous prosecution of their sale in this country. He was married in 1849 to Frances Sanderson, daughter of James Elnathan Smith. Of their three children, two are living, James E. Smith Hadden and Harold Farquhar Hadden. GEORGE HAGEMEYER, merchant and manufacturer, a native of Castle in Germany, born in 1837, died in Cornwall on the Hudson, June 14, 1892. His parents were farmers and proprietors of a large grist mill. When fifteen years of age and after the death of his parents, the subject of this memoir removed to Rotterdam, and thence crossed the ocean to the United States in 1852, by a sailing vessel, the voyage lasting forty six days. He reached New York city in December. The possessor of only a small amount of money, he was compelled to be saving from the start. A short time after his arrival in the metropolis of the new world, his older brother John gave him employment in a saw mill in Downing street, at that time considered the best mill in this city. Older brothers are sometimes incon- siderate, and John restricted the freedom of his younger brother so much, that the latter found he could do better elsewhere. Going to Yonkers, where he had been offered a position in G. Copcut & Co. 's saw mill, he devoted himself diligently to his work, and in less than a year had mastered the proper management of a saw. But, possibly a trifle homesick, he longed to be back to New York, and finally returned to his friends and his brother's mill in Downing street. Six months later, however, he again disagreed with his employer, and leaving his position, this time he had the enterprise to remove to Boston. After a short stay in Boston, and while employed in a saw mill there, he had the misfortune to meet with a serious accident, one of his legs being completely cut off by a circular saw. He was then seventeen years old. To many natures thi= disaster would have proved such a discouragement as to have taken away ambition, blighted all prospect of advancement in life, and resulted in a subsequent career of commonplace and routine effort. But Mr. Hagemeyer was ^lot daunted. The calamity served rather to call forth all the resources of which he was possessed. After remaining several months in a hospital, he returned to New York city. As he was then unfitted for laborious work in the mill or for his trade as a sawyer, he undertook the cigar manufacturing business to support himself. After making cigars by hand for two years, he was offered a position as buyer of timber by Cbpcut & Co. , who admired his energy and saw in him the making of an enterprising and sue. cessful merchant. Accepting the offer, he sailed from New York for the Honduras coast and for two years purchased the mahogany timber required by Copcut & Co. While this experience proved of great value to him, financially and otherwise, it was suddenly ended by an attack of fever, and Mr. Hagemeyer returned to New York. At the age of twenty-two, he had saved considerable money and was then taken y THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 287 into partnership by his brother, Melchior, who conducted a saw mill in Cannon street. He kept the books of the concern after business hours. Having long felt the need of a better education, the young man gave an excellent illustration of his practical common sense and energy by attending the night schools of the city, during his partnership. In 1862, at the age of twenty-five, he severed his connection with the saw mill industry and, upon his own responsibility, engaged in the business of dealing in timber, beginning with a little yard about 75 feet by 100 feet in dimensions on Attorney street in New York city. In 1864, he was married to Mary Muhlfeld and resided in Broome street for two years. In 1870, he moved his family to Williamsburg, across the East river and a year later to Green Point, both localities having since been incorporated within the city of Brooklyn. As a merchant of mahogany, hardwood lumber and veneers, Mr. Hagemeyer made rapid progress. He had served in every branch of the lumber trade and possessed the thorough practical knowledge of every detail, which is necessary to success. His busi- ness grew steadily until the original yard had become altogether too small to hold the huge lumber piles which his trade demanded. In 1869, therefore, he bought four city lots on the East river in this city at the foot of East nth street; and when this enlarged area finally proved insufficient, he extended the property to cover nine lots on East i ith street and nine more on East loth street. In 1871, he engaged in the manufacture of hardwood lumber in Peru, Ind., and opened an extensive yard there in which all the lumber purchased in Indiana was col- lected and stacked for distribution to different points, East, West and South. After that, he extended his operations to a number of other States, which possessed supplies of desirable hard wood timber, including Virginia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and New York, as well as Canada. It was his practice to go directly to the woods for his stock, buying from the stump and setting up saw mills of his own, wherever necessary, to operate exclusively in his own interest. He maintained a large distributing yard in Crawfordsville, Ind., and saw mills in Camden, Frankfort, Darlington and Bedford, Ind. ; Laurel Gap, Tenn. ; and Croghan, N. Y. These plants are in operation to this day. The output of the mills and yards found a market in all parts of the United States, Canada, and even in Europe Mr. Hagemeyer's activity gave employment to large numbers of skilled workmen and supplied railroad lines and deep sea shipping with vast quantities of freight. Mr. Hagemeyer was the pioneer hardwood lumber merchant of New York city and never lost the position of leading dealer in mahogany, hard wood and veneers, after he had once gained it. In consequence of his intelligence and constant enterprise, many of the new departures in the trade originated with him. He was the first to saw quartered oak, sycamore, cherry and birch for the trade and it was he who introduced the use of these different woods, now so extensively employed in buildings and furni- ture. In every branch of his business, he was always the pioneer, attempting many things, succeeding in all, and following up with energy every profitable development of his industry. Owing to his prominence in the trade, The New York Lumbermen's Association elected him as its president; and his record as a member of that body is remarkable in one respect, if no other, in consequence of the fact that he never made a motion which was not carried unanimously. 2 88 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. In his married life, he was very happy. Two sons and five daughters were born to him : George and Casper, who now carry on the lumber industry which he estab- lished, having been admitted to partnership in 1887 and 1891 respectively; and Eliza- beth, Martha, Mamie, Emma and Eva. Every one with whom Mr. Hagemeyer came in contact liked and respected him. His liberality toward individuals who were unfortunate and toward the public charities was marked, and his sound judgment, clear mind and store of varied knowledge rendered his opinions always of value. Suc- cess came to him through a progressive spirit, untiring perseverance and concentration of his powers upon his chosen occupation. JAMES BEN ALI HAQQIN, lawyer, a native of Mercer county, Ky., began life in the practice of law in Natchez, Miss. , and followed his profession in New Orleans, and after 1850, in San Francisco and Sacramento. Having become largely interested in lands and mines, Mr. Haggin finally abandoned his profession. Among the properties which he controls are mines in Utah, the Anaconda copper mines at Butte City, Mont. , and others in the United States and Mexico. His Rancho del Pascoin California is one of the largest and most successful breeding establishments in the world. He is largely interested with Lloyd Tevis in what is known as The Kern County Land Co., owning about 400,000 acres in California, which property is now being divided into farms and sold to settlers at from $50 to $100 per acre. He is also a stockholder in The Belling- ham Bay Improvement Co. At one time, Mr. Haggin maintained a large racing stable, but owing to the death of his son and daughter, his interest in the turf abated and he abandoned racing entirely. He is now a resident of New York city and a member of the Union and Manhattan clubs. DAVID HENRY HAIQHT, merchant, who died in this city, April 29, 1876, at the age of seventy-one, came from a local family of merchants. His father, David L. Haight, was first a merchant of saddlery, then of dry goods, and finally, in D. L. & J. E. Haight, of hat and shoe trimmings. The junior David began as a clerk for his father, on Maiden Lane, and became a partner in D. L. & J. E. Haight in 1827. In 1835, the house moved to No. 170 Water street, re-organized as R. & H. Haight, and carried on an enormous business. He retired in 1848, the house then taking the name of Haight, Halsey & Co. Thereafter he devoted himself to real estate. The St. Nicholas Hotel on Broadway and several other buildings were erected by him. Henry Jansen and Edward Clarence Haight, his sons, survived him. EDWARD HAIQHT, merchant, a native of New Yo*k city, born on Park Place about 1817, died in Westchester, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1885. He sprang from a race of New York merchants, founded by old Nicholas Haight, the farmer, who exemplified by their genuine interest in everything which went on in town in their day and generation, their activity, good character and success, the old time merchants of the city. After a sufficient education, Mr. Haight entered the firm of Cromwell, Haight & Co., importers of cloth and tailor's trimmings on Maiden Lane, in 1838. He retired in 1854 to a farm in Westchester, but was afterward a partner in Richards, Haight & Co., cloth importers. An organizer and president of The Bank of the Commonwealth 1856-70, a War Democrat and a member of Congress, 1861-63, he suggested the use of fractional currency, and was also a director of The Manhattan Life Insurance Co., and The National Bank of New York. Mr. Haight married a daughter of Dr. William Burgoyne, formerly of Charleston, S. C., and had six children. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 289 JOHN HUDSON HALL, a native of- New York city, born Oct. 15, 1828, died in Thomasville, Ga., March 3, 1891. He was a son of John V. Hall, whose ancestor came to this country from England in 1700. First, clerk in a bank and then in the store of Elliott, Burnap & Babcock, manufacturers of paper, he became a partner in 1850 in Babcock, Dubisson & Hall, and in 1854, in Campbell, Hall & Co., who on Nas- sau street, rose to great prominence. Mr. Hall became senior partner in 1860. Having acquired considerable wealth, he retired in 1881. Mr. Hall was one of those who, July 25, 1866, organized The West Side & Yonkers Patent Railway, which built half a mile of elevated railroad on Greenwich street, operated with stationary power and an endless cable. From that time forward, he gave great attention to elevated railroads, was a director of The New York Elevated Railroad Co., which built the first successful line, and shared in the management of The Manhattan Railroad until his death. At one time largely interested in The Oregon & Transcontinental and The Union Pacific, Mr. Hall also made investments in some of the largest railroad systems in the South. He was vice-president of The Georgia Central Railroad & Banking Co., and The Rich- mond Terminal corporation, and director of The East Tennessee Virginia & Georgia and The Richmond & Danville Railroads. In politics a Republican, he never took an active part in public affairs, but was a member of the Union League club. He was more of the typical American merchant and gentleman than politician. Thoughtful, shrewd, and unassuming, his influence was powerful in corporations. By his marriage in 1872, to Cornelia, daughter of Augustus H. Ward, he was the father of four chil- dren, John Hudson, Charles Ward, Cornelia Catherine and Martha Jane Hall. WILLIAM HENRY HALL, merchant, born in Hackensack, X. J., July 21, 1826, died in Budapest, Hungary, June 30, 1894. He was a son of Henry J. S. Hall, of Coventry, England, a watchmaker, who came to America in his youth. William served an apprenticeship as clerk for Bush & Hillyer, and then found employment with Olcott, McKesson & Co. , a leading drug firm. In a short time, he felt competent to manage a store, and, aided by a loan from his father, bought the retail drug store of Dr. Gunn on Bleecker street, in the then fashionable quarter of the city. In 1851, with John Ruckel, he engaged in a wholesale and importing trade in drugs, in the firm of Hall & Ruckel, down town, and reaped great profit from the ownership of certain popular proprietary articles and valuable trade marks. For about thirty years previous to his death, though the old style was retained, Mr. Hall had been sole proprietor. He was president of The L. W. Warner Co., director of The Fellows Medical Manufacturing Co., of New York and London, The Washington Trust Co., and The Terminal Ware- house Co. ; and the owner of choice real estate. Modest and retiring, calm, sound and sympathetic, he was a sterling man and held in affectionate esteem. Mr. Hall was married in 1850, to Martha M., daughter of Curtis Hitchcock, and had several children. ADOLPH HALLQARTEN, merchant, born in Mayence, Germany, Nov. 6, 1835, died in Wiesbaden, Feb. 13, 1885. Lazarus Hallgarten, his father, founded the house of Hallgarten & Herzbel, now Hallgarten & Co. Educated at the higher public schools, the subject of this memoir came to New York in 1850 and began life in the Eagle drug store on Broad way, near Grand street. Next year, he entered a wholesale drug house, and several years afterward the employment of D. T. Lanman & Co. , wholesale druggists. For D. T. Lanman & Co., he undertook many long trips to the West Indies, Mexico and South America, which yielded such good returns that he was taken into 290 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. partnership in Lanman & Kemp, and his persevering endeavors finally brought him a fortune. In later life he devoted himself to charitable institutions, especially to the Hebrew Institute for deaf mutes and the Mount Sinai Hospital, serving the latter for many years as president. A wife, son and two daughters survived him. JULIUS HALLQARTEN, stock broker, born in Europe about 1842, died in Dabos, Switzerland, Jan. 7, 1884. In 1851, became to New York city with his family and learned brokerage and banking in the house of Hallgarten & Co. He joined the old Open Board of Brokers and in 1869, the Stock Exchange. The high character, ample capital and able business methods of the firm commanded success and, when Mr. Hall- garten died, he left a fortune of several millions to Matilda, his wife, and his son Albert. Mr. Hallgarten served for several years as president of The Philharmonic Society and displayed especial interest in musical and art matters. His gifts to the Academy of Design and for the encouragement of artists were large, and at his death, he willed $192,000 to philanthropic objects. JOHN HALSEY, hatter, born July 19, 1801, died Sept. 22, 1877, in Brooklyn. His mother was a member of the Crafts family of Boston, and his father traced his genealogy back in England to the Norman conquest. The ancient residence of the family was at Gladdesford Park, Hertfordshire. Mr. Halsey's childhood was spent in Boston. The family came to New York about 1811, and young Halsey a few years later entered the store of D. L. & J. E. Haight, merchants of hats and hat furnishing goods. He was rapidly advanced and finally became a partner, the firm then adopting the style of Haight, Halsey & Co. About 1835, Mr. Halsey and his two brothers bought estates in Brooklyn on Clinton avenue near Myrtle. This was then almost a country region and Mr. Halsey's house stood far back from the street. The three brothers married three sisters, the Misses Curtis. None of them had any children, and they adopted three boys and a girl, all of one family. Mrs. John Halsey died in 1875. Mr. Halsey was noted for his liberal spirit and aided many young merchants to gain their start. He was a Christian gentleman and unswervingly devoted to principle. He never held political office but was honored with high positions in benevolent institutions and at the time of his death, was vice president of The Dime Savings Bank of Brook- lyn. He had been a director in The Mechanics' and other banks. JAMES HOOKER HAMERSLEY, lawyer, is the present head of one of the notable families of the Island of Manhattan, whose history is worth recounting. His ancestor William Hamersley, merchant, born in England in 1687, died in New York city, August 3, 1752. He derived his descent from Hugo le Ktnge, who came to England from Provence, France, about 1366, and acquired a large estate in England, known as Hamersley, whence the family took their name. Sir Hugh Hamersley, of this line, a notable merchant of London in the trade with East Indies, America and Europe, rose to be Mayor of London in 1627. William Hamersley, his great grandson, served as an officer in the British navy, his letter of appointment, dated March 10, 1700, signed by G. Rooke, D. Mitchell, and George Churchill, all noted men, being now in the pos- session of James Hooker Hamerslsy, together with the original letters of commenda- tion, signed by the commanders of the vessels in which he sailed, advising his prefer- ment. About 1716, he came to New York city, married Miss Van Brugh, of an old Dutch family, and planted here the family of his name. He was prominent as a. mer- chant and a vestryman of Trinity church. His tombstone is in Trinity church yard. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 29! His son, Andrew Hamersley, for whom Hamersley street, now West Hous- ton, was named, born in this city in 1725, died May 24, 1819. As an importer of foreign goods, he gained considerable wealth, which, however, the American Revolution greatly impaired, owing in part to his having accepted a British commission. His fortune was restored by a large inheritance from Louis Carre, a merchant in the West Indies. He married Margaret Stelle, a granddaughter of Thomas Gordon, one of the twenty-seven original proprietors of New Jersey and Chief Justice of that State. In their home on Hanover Square, near Wall street the family became noted for refinement and hospi- tality. Mr. Hamersley invested his means mainly in Xew York city real estate. He had three sons, William, Thomas, and Lewis C., and two daughters, Elizabeth and Lucretia. Lewis Carre Hamersley, third son of Andrew, survived all his brothers and sisters, and died Nov. 4, 1853, eighty -six years of age. His wife was Elizabeth Finney, of Virginia, a woman of noble character and presence. They lived in Pearl street many years, and later in Murray street, until the death of Mr. Hamersley; but, when stores had finally grown up all around, the widow moved on to Bond street, then a fashionable street, and later to No. 257 Fifth Avenue, where she died March 30, 1870, at the age of eighty-eight. They had one daughter who never married, and two sons, Andrew Gordon and John William Hamersley. Andrew Gordon Hamersley, born in this city about the year 1806, died here Jan. 24, 1883. A lawyer by education, he never practiced, owing to inheritance of a large share of his father's estate. He was a cultivated man, of extended knowledge and delightful manners, and might have followed a public career, had he chosen. While Mr. Rives was American Minister to Paris, he served as attache of the legation with credit. Being much in Paris, he saw many stormy scenes in the politics of France, including the Revolution. His marriage with Sarah, daughter of John Mason, brought him one son, Louis C. Hamersley. Mr. Hamersley was a large stock- holder and director of The Chemical Manufacturing Co., which gave rise to The Chemical Bank, and received from his wife a considerable addition to an already large fortune. Louis Carre Hamersley, lawyer, only son of the last named, died in the city of Xew York, May 3, 1883. He was educated at Christ Church College, Oxford, Eng- land, and afterward at the Law School of the University of the City of New York. His legal training formed merely a part of his equipment for the management of a property of about five millions, mainly in real estate, left to him by his father and mother. He never practiced. His wife, Lilly W , daughter of Commodore Price of the United States Navy and one of the belles of Troy, N. Y., her native city, speedily became a social leader in the metropolis. Mr. Hamersley joined the famous 7th Regi- ment as a private, atterward becoming captain in the gth N. G. , S. N. Y. Having no children, brothers or sisters, he provided that his wife should enjoy the entire income of his estate until her death, when the entire property, real and personal, should descend to the male heirs of James Hooker Hamersley, his cousin, and in case of lack of such heirs to charitable institutions. In 1888, Mrs. Hamersley became the Duch- ess of Marlborough by marriage in this city, and established her residence in England, where she spent large sums of money in restoring the ancient magnificence of Blenheim castle. The Duke of Marlborough died Nov. 9, 1892, and the Duchess has since married Lord Beresford. 292 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Col. John William Hamersley, lawyer, born on Hanover Square in this city, May 24, 1808, died June 7, 1889, at his home on Fifth Avenue. He graduated from Columbia College in 1826, practiced law successfully for a number of years, and then retired to devote himself to travel and literary pursuits. In the early part of his life, he was presented at the Court of Saint James and travelled extensively through Europe and Asia at a time when few Americans had crossed the Atlantic. He was a man of noble presence and fine character, rugged in physique, capable of great labor, and noted for his religious conviction. Throughout life a devoted Christian, he gave amply from his means to aid the causes he held at heart. He always declined to hold public office, preferring calm retirement and study, "otium cum dignitate," rather than the stormy arena of politics. He collected a fine library, especially rich in rare books, wrote several works, and translated "A Chemical Change in the Eucharist," written by Jacques Abbadie, the Frenchman. Mr. Hamersley was a founder of the Union club and a member of the Century and St. Nicholas clubs. He joined his father in the management of the family real estate, and by his excellent judgment, common sense, energy, ability and foresight, greatly increased the property. His Friday night recep- tions were famous for the number of eminent writers and artists who attended them, and his charities liberal and unostentatious. While a young man, he accepted an election as Colonel of a militia regiment in this city. He came prominently before the public at one time, in consequence of a strong effort, which he made in favor of the Mexican Republic against France. In company with James William Beekman, he gave a famous banquet in New York to a large number of distinguished men, at which earn- est speeches were made in favor of Mexico. The strong expression of sympathy by many of the best minds of the country influenced Congress to recognize the Mexican Republic. European nations followed, and this resulted in the defeat of Napoleon and Maximilian and the establishment of the Mexican Republic. In return for this invalu- able assistance to Mexico, in her darkest hour, Mr. Hamersley obtained a promise from Mr. Romero, the Mexican Minister at Washington, that Maximilian's life should be spared, but popular clamor among the Mexicans was so strong that this was impossible. Captain Mayne Reid, the distinguished British author, was an intimate friend of Mr. Hamersley and made him the hero of his novel "The Lone Ranche." Mr. Ham- ersley was for many years a member of Grace Church, and after his death his. children presented to that church a massive brass lectern in his memory. One of his chief favorites among the charitable institutions was The Children's Aid Society. James Hooker Hamersley has built for this charity, in memory of his father, a library and reading room at the summer home, Bath Beach, L. I. Mr. Hamersley married Catherine Livingston Hooker, daughter of Judge James Hooker of Poughkeepsie and a lady of rare abilities and sterling worth. Their four children are one son, James Hooker Hamersley, and three daughters, Virginia Hamersley, wife of Cortlandt de Peyster Field; Catherine Livingston Hamersley, who married John Henry Livingston, a great grandson of Chancellor Livingston; and Helen Reade Hamersley, who married Charles D. Stickney, jr. James Hooker Hamersley, son of Col. John W. Hamersley, born in New York city. Jan. 26, 1844, is the descendant of several conspicuous families. He is in the fifth generation from Judge Thomas Gordon, one of the Council for the province of East Jersey; Deputy Secretary, 1692; Judge of Probate, 1698; Attorney General of East 294 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. Jersey, 1692; representative of Amboy in the Provincial Assembly, 1702-9; and Re- ceiver General and Treasurer of the province, 1710-19. He is also in the fourth generation from Joseph Reade, one of the Provincial Coun- cil of New York, 1764, from whom Reade street in this city derives its name. There runs in his veins the blood of the Livingstons, also, Mr. Hamersley being in the sixth generation from Robert Livingston, member and Speaker of the Provincial Assembly, 1718-25, and founder of Livingston Manor on the Hudson River. From Filyp Pieterse Van Schuyler, captain of the New York provincial forces in 1667, he is in the seventh generation of descent. He is eighth in descent from Brant Arentse Van Schlichtenhorst, Governor of the colony of Rensselaerwick, 1648, and commandant of the fort and garrison of Rensse- laerstein, whose most conspicuous military operations were in leading his forces against Gov. Stuyvesant, of New Amsterdam, in which he was in the main successful. He is also sixth in descent from Henry Beekman, who obtained from Queen Anne, by letters patent, June 25, 1703, a large tract of land in Dutchess county, a portion of which Mr. Hamersley now owns, this property having never been out of the possession of the family since the days of Queen Anne. Mr Hamersley began his studies as a boy in Paris, fitted himself for a higher range of education at Poughkeepsie College Institute, and graduated from Columbia College in 1865 with high honors. He obtained an oration at the commencement exer- cises in the Academy of Music. Graduating from Columbia Law School in 1867, he learned the practice of law in the office of James W. Gerard, then leader of the New York bar. His alma mater bestowed upon him the degree of A.B. and A.M. During the next ten years, Mr. Hamersley was successfully occupied with the law and had charge of a series of precedent cases, connected with the opening of Church street and involving a principle of great importance to lawyers and property owners. These cases were carried from court to court, and, although the lower tribunal utterly opposed Mr. Hamersley's views, the young lawyer persisted until he had obtained from the Court of Appeals an unanimous decision in his favor. Many kindred cases followed at once in the wake of that decision. The incident illustrates the tenacity, energy and intelligence which Mr. Hamersley has always brought into play for the attainment of his purposes. He finally withdrew from the law to manage his own and the family property. A conservative man, of excellent judgment and character, and heartily interested in affairs, he at one time contemplated a public career, and was sent to the State convention by the Independent Republicans in 1877 as a delegate. Later, he was nominated for the State Assembly from the Xlth District, but withdrew in favor of his friend, William Waldorf Astor, whom he labored successfully to elect. For many years, he served as a director of The Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Co. , one of the oldest in America. April 30, 1888, he married Margaret Willing Chisolm of New York, daughter of William Eddings Chisolm and descendant of a distinguished family of South Carolina. Her mother was a daughter of John Rogers, a large owner of real estate and an honored citizen of New York city. The Church of the Holy Communion at the corner of Fourth avenue and 2oth street is a memorial to the memory of Mr. Rogers, built by his widow, who gave both the land and Ihe Church. Mrs. Hamersley is also a great- niece of the Rev. William Augustus Muhlenberg, the founder of Saint Luke's Hospital. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 295 Mrs. Hamersley has charming manners, sweet disposition and great executive ability. Her kind heart and gracious ways make friends for her wherever she goes. She is much interested in charitable institutions. They have had three children, Margaret Rogers, who died in infancy; Catharine Livingston, born May 8,1891; and Louis Gordon Hamersley, born July 20, 1892. James Hooker Hamersley has made about a dozen voyages to Europe, and has travelled from the Mediterranean to the Arctic ocean. At the age of twelve, he had seen several crowned heads and nearly a score of v European capitals, climbed Mount Vesuvius on foot and been presented to Pope Pius IX. He is a member of the St. Nicholas Society, The Society of Colonial Wars, the University, Metropolitan, City and Badminton clubs, The New York Historical Socity, The New York Law Institute and The American Geographical Society, and president of the Knickerbocker Bowling club. He is a lover of history and the classics, and spends his leisure hours in reading favorite authors in the original. Time is found for writing upon the live topics of the day, religion, politics, etc., and he thus influences the age in which he lives. Many poems from his pen have appeared in books, periodicals and newspapers, but have never yet been collected in one volume. Among the best known are "The Countersign," "Yellow Roses," "Fog Curtain," "The Midnight Sun," "Ronkonkoma," "Masconomo" and "Voice of the Breakers." A staunch Republican, he believes that every American should labor for the welfare of his country, and he takes an active interest in philan- thropic work, being a trustee of The Society for Improving the Condition of the Poor, member of the executive committee of The Young Men's Christian Association (23d street branch), manager of the Babies' Hospital, an honorary manager of The Protestant Episcopal Society for Seamen and interested in many other kindred charities. COL. ALEXANDER HAfllLTON, lawyer, son of Alexander Hamilton, the states- man, born in New York city, May 16, 1786, died at No. 83, Clinton Place, Aug. 2, 1875. He was educated as a lawyer, followed his profession, and after a year in Spain in 1812, served in the War of 1812 as captain of the 4ist Infantry. He then resumed the practice of law. In 1817, he married Eliza P., daughter of William Knox, a leading merchant in this citj r . In 1823, President Monroe appointed him Land Commissioner for Eastern Florida. Both before and after this, he served as United States District Attorney in Florida, and while there received the rank of Colonel. He subsequently made his residence in New York, where he entered into real estate transactions, in which he was successful, and also became one of the leading men in Wall street. In 1835, in company with his wife, he drove in a coach and four over 4,000 miles through the West. Colonel Hamilton was an intimate friend of Henry Clay, and had many other political acquaintances, but never held elective office, excepting that of Member of Assembly for one term. A political contest, however, always awakened his enthusiasm. He left no children. COL. JOHN CHURCH HAHILTON, lawyer, born in Philadelphia, Aug. 22, 1792, while his father was Secretary of the Treasury, died in Long Branch, N. J., July 25, 1882. He was one of the six sons of Alexander Hamilton, soldier and statesman. His mother was a daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler. While the death of Alexander Hamilton, in consequence of the historic duel with Aaron Burr, left the family in straitened circumstances, the subject of this memoir was, nevertheless, able to graduate in 1809 from Columbia College. He was admitted to the bar, and engaged AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in the practice of his profession. During the War of 1812, he served as an aid on the staff of General Harrison, with the title of Colonel. Originally a Whig, he joined the Republican party before the Civil War, and admired and supported General Grant, and at one time he ran for Congress. Marriage placed ample means at his command, and Colonel Hamilton then gave himself up to study and literary pursuits. In 1834-40, he published the " Memoirs of Alexander Hamilton," in which he brought the life of his father down to the tragedy which ended it, but, with a delicacy of sentiment charac- teristic of him, made no mention of that event. His " Works of Alexander Hamilton," in two volumes, appeared in 1851. In 1850-58, he published a "History of the Republic, as traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton," in seven volumes. He was married Dec. 20, 1814, to Miss Maria Eliza Van den Heuvel, daughter of Baron John Cornelius Van den Heuvel, once Governor of Dulde, Guiana, and a leading merchant of his day, who lived at the corner of Barclay street and Broadway and owned a handsome estate at Bloomingdale. Mrs. Hamilton died in 1872 Nine children survived their father: Alexander Hamilton, of Tarrytown; Gen. Schuyler Hamilton, of Jamaica, N. Y. ; Judge Charles A. Hamilton, of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin; William Gaston Hamilton, civil engineer and vice president of The Mexican Telegraph Co. ; Elizabeth, who first married Major General Henry W. Halleck, and after his death Major General George W. Cullum; Mary E. wife of Judge Charles A. Peabody; and Charlotte A., Adelaide and Alice W. Hamilton. ANSON WALES HARD, sr., coffee importer, born in Arlington, Vt., Oct. 16, 1841, is a son of the Rev Anson B Hard, a Protestant fipiscopal clergyman. Educated in the academy of his church in Philadelphia, Mr. Hard began life, when sixteen years old. as a clerk in his uncle's office in Baltimore. In 1862, he came to New York as the confidential and head clerk of Wright, Maxwell & Co., coffee merchants, and, in 1870, became a partner in Wright & Co. , coffee merchants. Their trade was largely with Rio de Janeiro, and Mr. Hard spent several years in Brazil, actively promoting their interests. He returned to the North in 1874, and in 1875, formed the present house of Hard & Rand, coffee importers, now recognized a leading concern in the business, having branch houses in Santos, Rio de Janeiro, London and Batavia. In 1870, Mr. Hard married Miss Sarah E., daughter of James M. Brown, the banker. Nine children have resulted from this union, seven of whom are now living, James M. B., Sarah A., Julia P., Laura W., Nellie W., Anson W., and De Courcey L. Hard. Mr. Hard is widely known as an honest, able and prudent man. -Jle is a member of the Century. Metropolitan Riding, Rockaway Hunting, Down Town and Church clubs, and a director of The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., The Bank of New York, The Seamen s Bank for Savings, St. Luke's Hospital, The Home for Incurables, The Society of St. Johnland, and The American Museum of Natural History and trustee of The ^Norwich Fire Insurance Society of England. LOUIS STANISLAS HARGOUS* banker, born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 17, 1809, died in New York city, Dec. 24, 1886. His father, Jean I. Hargous, a captain in the Royal Navy of France and a staunch Royalist, came to this country on the Jason under the orders of Count de Grasse> resigned, and married Mile. Marie de Brisson. Louis graduated from Princeton College, of which his cousin was a member of the faculty. At an early age, he was sent to Mexico, where he entered the banking house of La Serna in Vera Cruz and the City of Mexico, afterward known as Hargous & La Serna. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 297 For seventeen years, he represented the United States as Consul at these cities, and during the Mexican War served as Colonel on the staff of General Worth. After the war, he resumed banking in Mexico, and continued until 1868, when he retired with a fortune. Until 1875, he lived in Richmond, Va., and then settled in New York city. Mr. Hargous was a man of great financial ability and prominently identified with many of the most important financial transactions in Mexico. He spoke six languages fluently. By his marriage to Suzanne Jeannette, daughter of William Gallagher, in 1850, he had eight children, Robert L. Hargous; Nina, wife of William Appleton of Boston ; Anita, wife of George B. Deforest of New York ; Sallie J . , wife of Duncan Elliot of New York, and Louis J. Hargous, who died June i, 1883. Three died in infancy. CHARLES WILLIAH HARKNESS, lawyer, son of the late Stephen V. Harkness of Cleveland, was born Dec. 17, 1860, in Monroeville, O., and received his education in Yale University, class of 1883, and Columbia Law School, class of 1888. At the age of twenty-four, he entered business life as a clerk and was occupied with the real estate interests of his father. At the death of his father, he was made administrator of the estate, and has been engaged since then in its management. He succeeded his father as director in many business corporations, including The Euclid Avenue National Bank, The Cleveland Arcade Co.. The United Salt Co. s The Ohio River Railroad, and The Monongahela River Railroad; also in The Iron Belt Mining Co., and The Ashland Mining Co. of the Gogebic range in the Lake Superior region and The Spanish Ameri- can Mining Co. of Cuba. In 1890, he moved to New York city and is a member of the University and New York Yacht clubs JOSEPH HENRY HARPER, publisher, grandson of Fletcher Harper, one of the founders of Harper & Bro's, was born in New York city, June 23, 1850. He was educated in a school in Germany and Fay's School in Newport, R. I. Entering the publishing house of Harper & Bro's, he began at the case and learned the trade of a compositor and then successively the practical work of each department in the busi- ness. He became a partner in Harper & Bro's in 1877, and was placed in charge of the literary and periodical department. Liberal in taste, socially accomplished, he is prominent in the literary and art life of the city, and a member of the Union League, Grolier, Players, Century, Racquet, Riding and Rockaway Hunting clubs. By his marriage with Mary, daughter of Col. Richard M. Hoe, in 1873, he has six children, Fletcher, Mary Hoe, Richard M. H , Urling, Joseph Henry, and John Harper. EDWARD HARRIMAN, stock broker, who died in this city March 24, 1887, belonged to one of the oldest and best New York families, and was the inheritor of considerable wealth, which he largely increased by his own exertions. He made his fortune in early life, in partnership with Leonard W. Jerome, under the name of Har- riman & Jerome, in brokerage and stock operations. About 1867, the parnership was dissolved and Mr. Harriman retired from active business. He enjoyed thereafter a tranquil and retired life, dividing his time between a country home in Hempstead and this city. He was a member of the Union club. COL. WILLIAM HAMILTON HARRIS, born in Albany, N Y., June 6, 1838, is a son of the Hon. Ira Harris, formerly United States Senator from New York. Educated in the Military Academy at West Point and the University of Rochester, he retired from the United States army after thirteen years service, 1857-70, during which, while captain of ordnance, he was brevetted Lieutenant Colonel tor ' 'gallant and meritorious service" in 298 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. the Wilderness campaign. Engaging in the manufacture of iron, in 1870, in Decatur, 111., and Rosedale, Kan., he filled with credit, later, the positions of treasurer of The St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern Rail way and president of The Bucyrus Steam Shovel & Dredge Co., of South Milwaukee, Wis. In 1864, he was married to Miss Emma Hazen, daughter of the late Stillman Witt, of Cleveland, one of the prominent men of that city. They have had two children, Edith, wife of Albert Symington, and Emma Witt Harris, both now living in New York city. In 1890, Col. Harris changed his residence to New York, and is engaged in various manufacturing 1 and commercial pursuits. FREDERICK CHRISTIAN HAVEflEYER, sugar refiner, born in New York city, Feb. 5; 1807, died at Throgg's Neck, N. Y. , July 28, 1891. He was a son of Frederick C. Havemeyer, junior partner in the old firm of W. & F. C. Havemeyer, sugar refiners. Frederick left Columbia College in 1823, at the end of his sophomore year, and entered the Havemeyer sugar refinery in Vandam street, as an apprentice. The factory was then producing 1,000,000 pounds of sugar a year, employing less than a dozen men. The young man speedily became a favorite with his uncle William, and under him acquired a thorough knowledge of the industry. He worked in every department of the factory,, from that of supplying the furnace with fuel to the final stages of refining and packing, and later became profoundly versed in the science of this industry. The little old sugar house, only 25 by 40 feet in ground plan, was also a store for the sale of sugar. Ladies in their carriages often came there to purchase their family supply of from one to twenty loaves of sugar or one to twenty gallons of molasses. In 1828, Mr. Havemeyer formed a partnership with his cousin, William F. Havemeyer, in after years twice Mayor of New York, under the name of W. F. & F. C. Havemeyer, jr. They continued refining until 1842, when both partners retired in favor of their broth- ers, Albert and Diedrick. The death of his father entailed upon Mr. Havemeyer the management of a large property, and he was busily occupied therewith for twelve years, his only relaxation being one tour of Europe and the Southern States. In 1855, he returned to sugar refining, organized the firm of Havemeyer, Townsend & Co., and built in Williamsburg the first of the collection of immense buildings, afterward known all over the world as the refineries of Havemeyer & Elder. In 1861, the partnership comprised Frederick C. Havemeyer, his son George, and Dwight Townsend. George Havemeyer died before the end of the year, and Mr. Townsend soon retired. There- upon, Mr. Havemeyer admitted as partners his son Theodore A. Havemeyer, and his son-in-law, J. Lawrence Elder, the firm name being then changed to Havemeyers & Elder. Two other sons, Thomas J. and Henry O. Havemeyer, and Charles H. Senff, a nephew, were also admitted in time. The manufacturing plant of the firm now covers five city blocks, and has a great water frontage upon the East River. It is the largest sugar refinery in the world. Mr. Havemeyer was married March 31, 1831, to Sarah Osborne, daughter of Christopher and May Townsend. Ten children were born to them, including Charles, Theodore A., George W., Henry O., Thomas J. and Fred- erick C. Havemeyer; Mary O., wife of J. Lawrence Elder; Kate B., wife of Louis J. Belloni; Sarah Louise, wife of Frederick W. Jackson, and Warren H. Havemeyer. -His son, THEODORE AUGUSTUS HAVEflEYER, refiner, was born in New York city, May 17, 1839. He entered the sugar refining business of his father in 1857, and was admitted to partnership in 1861. After a successful career as an independent refiner, he joined The American Sugar Refining Co., and is now an active director. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 299 In 1889, he became a member of the firm of E. C. Potter & Co., bankers. Mr. Havemeyer has taken an active part in real estate operations and owns many impor- tant properties. The great Havemeyer building on Cortlandt street was constructed by him. In 1863, he was married to Miss Emilie de Loosey, daughter of Sir Charles F. de Loosey, and that union has brought him the following children : Charles F. , Natha- lie, Emilie, Blanche, Marie, Theodore, Henry, Dora, and Frederick Havemeyer. Mr. Havemeyer is a man of prominence in social life, owning a residence on Madison avenue and a palatial "cottage" in Newport, and holding membership in the Union League, Tuxedo, Coaching, Metropolitan, Meadow Brook Hunting and New York Yacht clubs. He is Consul General of Austria-Hungary, in this city. HENRY OSBORNE HAVEHEYER, sugar refiner, a son of Frederick C. Have- meyer, was born in New York city, Oct. 18, 1847. He received an excellent education in public and private schools and in 1869 was admitted to partnership in Havemeyers & Elder. In a few years, he found himself practically the manager. Enormous as was the business of the firm, Mr. Havemeyer foresaw possibilities muqh greater in a union of the sugar refining firms in different parts of the country, then in rivalry. Mainly through his efforts, the great American Sugar Refining Co. was organized Jan. 1 2, 1891. In that corporation were merged The Havemeyer & Elder Sugar Refining Co., The De Castro & Donner Sugar Refining Co., The Havemeyer Sugar Refining Co., The Brook- lyn Sugar Refining Co., The Moller & Sierck Co., The Dick & Meyer Co., The F. O. Matthiessen & Wiechers Sugar Ref g Co. , The North River Sugar Refining Co. , and several others in Boston, New Orleans, St. Louis, and San Francisco. Purchase has since been made by this new company of the refineries of Claus Spreckels and Har- rison, Frazier & Co., in Philadelphia. The capital stock is now $75,000,000, making this one of the greatest corporations in the country. Mr. Havemeyer has revealed abilities of a high order and manages the affairs of his concern with fidelity and success. Aug. 22, 1883, he was married to Louisine Waldron, daughter of George W. Elder, of The Havemeyer & Elder Sugar Refining Co. They have had three children Adaline, Horace and Electra. Mr. Havemeyer owns a house on East 66th street, corner of Fifth avenue, but since 1883 has been legally a resident of Greenwich, Conn., where he has erected and presented to the town, at a cost of $250,000, a magnificent public school house. He is a member of the Grolier and Riding clubs. WILLIAM FREDERICK HAVEMEYER, sugar refiner, and three times Mayor of Xew York, was born in this city, Feb. 12, 1804. The name of Hoevemeyer, in which form it appears in the early records of the city of Bueckeburg, Germany, is traced back to Hermann Hoevemeyer, in the year 1600. His descendant in the sixth generation, William Havemeyer, a native of Bueckeburg, who was left an orphan in childhood, went to London, England, at the age of fifteen, where he learned the art of sugar refining. He was a capable young man and became superintendent of a sugar refinery upon attaining his majority. In 1799, he came to New York city to take charge of the sugar house in Pine street, belonging to Edmund Seaman & Co. He dwelt next to the sugar house for several years. In 1807, he built a sugar house of his own in Vandam street, and was successfully engaged in sugar refining, with his brother, Frederick C. Havemeyer, until his death. William Frederick Havemeyer, eldest son of William, graduated from Columbia College in 1823, having shown himself a proficient student, especially in mathematics. 300 . AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. His preference for a business career led him to enter his father's office as a clerk, and there he made a patient study both of the art of sugar refining and the management of the mercantile department. In March, 1828, he formed a partnership with his cousin, Frederick Christian Havemeyer, as W. F. & F. C. Havemeyer, and engaged iii this business on his own account, and was occupied successfully for fourteen years. In his financial relations, he exhibited sterling honesty and a high sense of honor. His methods were so prudent, that in the widespread failure and distrust of 1837 no doubt was ever entertained of the strength of his firm. He gained the entire esteem of his fellow merchants by uncompromising integrity, just and honorable dealing, and the care and sagacity displayed in every detail of his business. Judicious investments, his high character, and his reputation as a man of sound judgment, resulted in his election, in 1851, to the presidency of The Bank of North America, whose affairs he directed skillfully through the crisis of 1857. In 1857, he was elected president of The New York Savings Bank, resigning, after an able admin- istration, from both banks in 1861. He owned a large interest in The Pennsylvania Coal Co., and The Long Island Railroad, of both of which he was vice president. He was also trustee or director in various fiscal institutions, in which his opinions were always greatly valued. After his retirement from the sugar business, public affairs attracted much of his attention. He was a pronounced Democrat and always held it to be a reproach, that influential citizens should take so little interest in their own government. His admira- tion and support of General Jackson brought him into friendly relations with Martin Van Buren, with whom he corresponded concerning his political course as President. In 1844, he was elected one of the three delegates from the Eighth Ward to the Democratic General Committee of the city. He was nominated for Presidential elector at the Syracuse convention of his party, Sept. 4, 1844, and cast his vote in the Electoral College for James K. Polk as President and George M. Dallas as Vice President of the United States. April 8, 1845, he was elected by the Democratic party, Mayor of New York, and was inaugurated, May 13, 1845. He held office one year, and then declined a renomina- tion, which had been urged upon him by the leaders of opinion in both political parties. In May, 1847, he was one of the fourteen delegates from New York city to the Demo- cratic State judicial convention at Syracuse and was unanimously elected its president. In 1847, Mr. Havemeyer made a vigorous effort to remedy the abuses which were then being practiced upon immigrants; and as a result, a law was passed May 5, 1847, creating the Board of Emigration Commissioners, of which he became the first presi- dent, June 15, 1847. He was succeeded by Gulian C. Ver Planck. Many of the wrongs to which immigrants had been subjected were corrected under his energetic management. His German origin and his intimate acquaintance with the wants and manners of the large German element in the immigration to this country, added to his other personal qualifications, made his selection for this position a fortunate one. After holding the office for one year and accomplishing the purpose upon which he was bent, he retired from the Board. April n, 1848, Mr. Havemeyer was again elected Mayor of New York, being inaugurated May gth. His administration during this term was again generally satis- factory to the people of the city without regard to party. He was notable for the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 301 scrupulous care which he gave to all details of administration, his rigid scrutiny of ex- penditures, and his earnest effort to secure the same honest and economical manage- ment of corporation affairs, which is enforced in private business. At the expiration of one year, he retired from office, although again urged by leading men and journals to accept another term of service. The police force of New York had its foundation during Mr. Havemeyer's service as Mayor. Night watchmen before that time had been the only guardians of the peace. Thinking that the support of both -parties would be necessary to the success of the system, and wishing its control to be free from partisanship, he displayed his public spirit by appointing as Chief of Police, a Whig, Mr. Taylor. Although con- firmed by the Assistant Alderman, the appointment was rejected by the Aldermen. After his retirement from the Mayoralty in 1849, Mr. Havemeyer continued his active participation in public affairs, and in 1859, he was nominated by the Democrats for Mayor, but was defeated by Fernando Wood, the candidate of Mozart Hall. During the Civil War, he was an earnest and influential Union man. He believed that the rebellion could not be maintained and expressed his opinions on that point with his usual independence. He always favored a decisive policy, was an early advo- cate of the abolition of slavery as a war measure, and aided in measures for carrying on the war. He presided at one of the four great public meetings held simultaneously in Union Square, April 21, 1861, to give expression to the patriotism of New York city. On one occasion, before the issue of the Emancipation Proclamation, in conversation with Secretary Seward, he urged the necessity of prompt and vigorous measures and said, " If a man has a gangrene, he does not poultice it, or trifle with it; he cuts it out. And so this evil, slavery, ought to be cut out." July 10, 1866, Mr. Havemeyer was selected, with Thurlow Weed, to arbitrate a controversy between the Board of Public Charities and Correction and the Commis- sioners of Emigration, relative to claims which had been pending more than ten years and involved more than $100,000. After a patient and exhaustive investigation, the arbitrators reached a decision, which was received as so satisfactory a settlement that they were publicly thanked by both boards. Mr. Havemeyer strenuously urged at all times upon his fellow-citizens the neces- sity of active work to secure good government. He grew impatient at the political apathy of many of the respectable and wealthy men of New York. In the spring of 1870, he united with other leading citizens in organizing the Coun- cil of Reform, having for its object the exposure of the Tweed Ring. He presided at the meetings of April 6 and Sept. 4, 1871, at Cooper Institute, and was, on account of his public spirit, solicited to accept the nomination for Mayor, but was inclined to refuse, owing to the indifference of the people toward public affairs. It was at the great meeting of Sept. 4, that a number of taxpayers known as the Committee of Sev- enty were selected. His speech on that occasion was one of the most fearless and out- spoken of any in the denunciation of official wrong-doing. He was elected vice president, afterwards president, of the Committee, and was one of the most active and influential members of that body. His long experience in politics rendered his services especially valuable. An address to the people of the State of New York was prepared and issued and an active and successful campaign initiated. During the campaign of 1871, Mr. Havemeyer was, on October 2ist, nominated 302 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. by the Republicans for Mayor; and this action was ratified by the Committee of Sev- enty, and later by the United Reform convention. The nomination was reluctantly accepted. At the ensuing election he was handsomely elected, defeating Abraham R. Lawrence and James O'Brien, and was inaugurated Jan. i, 1872. Under the new charter of 1873, Mayor Havemeyer and the Board of Aldermen were empowered to reorganize the city government. The Mayor's independence of mind led him to select for appoint- ments men of high character and position. Some of his nominations were confirmed by the Board of Aldermen, but others were opposed. It was while these matters were under discussion that, Nov. 30, 1874, while seated at his desk in his office in the City Hall, examining his correspondence, he was stricken with heart disease. He passed away in a few moments. Mr. Havemeyer was married April 15, 1828, in Craigville, N. Y., to Sarah Agnes, a daughter of Hector Craig, Member of Congress and afterward Surveyor of the Port of New York. His wife survived him, with six sons and two daughters. The sons were John, Henry, Hector, James, Charles and William F. Havemeyer, jr. The daughters were Sarah C., wife of Hector Armstrong, and Laura A., wife of Isaac W. Maclay. About 1848, Mr. Havemeyer built the house No 215, now known as 335 West 1 4th street, where he resided up to the time of his death. He was brought up in the Lutheran faith, but in early manhood attended St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal church. After the building of the Seventh Avenue Methodist Episcopal church he was a regular attendant there, although not a member of any religious body. Mr. Havemeyer died at his post of duty. From his youth, he had been an active, progressive, even combative man, finding work a pleasure and rest a task. Rugged and positive in character, his forcible manner did not inspire the affection, but it always won the respect 01 all. He possessed a gentle and charitable heart, and was exceed- ingly helpful to the friendless. Intimate acquaintance with him revealed his genuine kindness ol nature, as well as the undeviating rectitude of his intentions and his earn- est devotion to the welfare of the community. Born when the city contained a popu- lation of only 67,000 souls, he was an active influence in its affairs during the period of its marvelous growth ; and, when its population had increased to 1,000,000, he was for the third time its chief magistrate. His life record is that of the wise and upright merchant, the patriotic and useful citizen, and the practical philanthropist. HECTOR CRAIG HAVEMEYER, sugar refiner, born in New York city, July 23, 1840, died in Paris, France, Dec. 14, 1889. He was a son of the late William F. Have- meyer, Mayor of New York, and while he gave no evidence of inheriting his father's taste and ability for public life, demonstrated at an early age a very large share of the family aptitude for business. He received an excellent education but left Union Col- lege without graduation. He then studied the methods of sugar refining abroad, es- pecially in Hamburg, and upon his return in 1865, entered the house of Harris & Day- ton, sugar refiners, on Leonard street. Another trip to Europe followed, during which he investigated special branches of the business. He then joined his uncle, Albert Havemeyer, in starting on North Second street, Williamsburg, a model sugar refinery, which was afterward merged into the Havemeyer and Elder concerns. In 1871, he pur- chased the plant of The Greenpoint Sugar Refining Co. , reconstructed it entirely and carried on the business successfully for a number of years. In 1873, ne started another refinery in Jersey City under the name of Havemeyers, Eastwick & Co. These two THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 303 houses were afterward united under the name ot The Havemeyer Sugar Refining Co. of which Mr. Havemeyer was president, and his brother, William F. Havemeyer, vice presi- dent. These two houses were prominent members ot the Sugar Refineries combina- tion, which can trace its orij^in from this source. Mr. Havemeyer was a member of the Union League club. He never married. He was an excellent performer on the violin, and owned one of the finest Stradavarius violins in existence. CHARLES GERARD HAVENS, lawyer, born in Brookhaven, N, Y e , Sept. 27, 1808, died Jan, 7, 1888, at his home in East ipth street in this city. He was a son ot Capt. Merodach Havens, a son or Capt. Daniel Havens, who was a well known Long Island ship master. He came to this city while a young man, read law, and aftei ad- mission to the bar, began practice in partnership with the late Charles B. Moore. In or about 1838, he became junior to the distinguished counsellor, George Griffin, In 1844, he became a member ot the law firm or Cutting, Moore & Havens, of which the great advocate, Francis B. Cutting, was the head. But six or seven years of the labor of this overtaxed office sufficed to undermine his health. He retired from active prac- tice and thereafter devoted himself to hi. investments in real estate, of which he was an active buyer and seller on a large scale. He was a member oi The American Geograph- ical Society and at one time of the Union League club and also a fellow member of Charles O'Conor, Augustus Schell, Edgar S. Van Winkle j William M. Prichard and Senator Evarts in the "Column." He was a personal friend of Edwin Forrest and as surety, on his appeal bonds, became involved in the divorce suit oi Forrest versus For- rest. Mr. Havens was a man of action rather than a student, quick to decide, and energetic in carrying out his resolutions, his integrity being ot the most sterling sort. He was a staunch friend and an obstinate adversary. In 1871, he caused to be organ- ized The Havens Relief Fund Society, the purpose of which was and is " relief of pov- erty and distress and especially the offering of temporary reliei to unobtrusive suffering endured by industrious and worthy persons." Never having married and considering himself entirely free to dispose as he thought fit oi the fortune, no part of which was inherited, he devoted the major part ot it to the charity thus founded by him. WILLIAM SAMUEL HAWK, one of the proprietors of the Windsor Hotel, born in Canton, O., Feb. u, 1859, springs from a family oi hotel men. Both of his grand- fathers conducted taverns in Ohio in their day, becoming favorably known among Eastern merchants and travellers. Samuel Hawk, uncle ot William S. Hawk> a com- petent and enterprising man, grew up in this occupation, and finally left Ohio to take charge of a hotel in Chicago, where he gained reputation as a careful and excellent host. The family thus became well known both in the East and West, and when Samuel Hawk came to New York to take charge of the St. Nicholas Hotel on Broad- way, the name had something to do with his success in making that famous and now extinct house, not only a headquarters for Western merchants, but, for a long period, the most fashionable hotel in New York city. While a lad, William S. lost his father> William Hawk, by death, and was educated in New York by Samuel Hawk, who adopted him as a son and trained him for the responsibilities of an active life. The boy went to school first in the family of an Episcopal clergyman in Pelham, N, Y.. and studied later in Graylock Institute in South Williamstown, Mass., and the old Anthon Grammar School and Charlier Institute in New York. In 1875, he made a six months' tour of Europe, resumed his studies, and THE CITY OF NEW YORK. HA. 35 then, in 1877, found employment with the dry goods firm of William Knisley & Co., at No. 360 Broadway. Beginning as a stock boy, and compelled to rely upon himself, the young man worked his way up, until Mr. Knisley expressed a desire to interest him in the firm. In the meantime, however, in 1873, Hawk & Wetherbee had opened the Windsor Hotel, at that time the most luxurious and aristocratic hostelry in New York. In 1878, Samuel Hawk, whose health had failed, was preparing by the advice of a physician to go abroad and greatly wished the company of his nephew. William left the store and its opportunities, therefore, in 1878, and passed nine months in a beneficial tour of Europe and a long visit to the Nile. When he returned to America, he followed the traditions of his family and entered the Windsor Hotel on Fifth avenue, conducted by his uncle, and gave himself up to a thorough training in all departments of the man- agement. He began in the store room in the back part of the hotel, weighed the meats and groceries, studied prices, and kept the books of the steward's department, going with his uncle on purchasing trips to the markets, and in general permeating this whole branch of the business with his activity. Important as the steward is to a hotel, there are other important features to the business. It is sufficient to say, however, in brief, that under the elder Hawk's sound and thorough training, William gained such an intimate knowledge of every essential detail of the business, that, when finally admitted to the firm of Hawk & Wetherbee, he proved a valuable accession to the management. In 1882, upon his uncle's death, he succeeded him in the business. The training he had received then proved to him of more value than the legacy of a fortune. While other hotels, larger and more magnificent to the eye, have since been established in Xew York, the Windsor has, under the management of the present firm, retained the good will of the travelling public and remained one of the most profitable hotel properties in the country. Mr. Hawk has. like other successful men, gradually come to display his public spirit by his interest in various independent enterprises. He is a vestryman in the Protestant Episcopal Church of Zion and St. Timothy, president of a boys' club on the West Side, and a member of The Hotelmen's Association, before which he delivered his first after dinner speech at the annual banquet in Delmonico's in 1894. He has joined the Ohio Society, of which he has been a governor, the Symphony and Oratorio Societies, and the Union League club, in which he has been elected to the Executive Committee, an honor rarely conferred on so young a man. O; The Carnegie Music Hall Co., he was chairman of the Executive Committee, which recently erected the large addition to this edifice on 56th street, containing a large number of studios and music rooms, and was subsequently elected president of the company. He is also a. director of the new Brooklyn Warehouse & Storage Co. In honor of his uncle's memory he has lately fitted up a complete ward in The Aultman Memorial Hospital in his native town, the only hospital of its kind on the railroad between Allegheny, Pa., and Fort Wayne, Ind. He is active in promoting reform work among young men, and interested in art and music. By his marriage with Edith Alliene, daughter of William H. Davis, in 1882, he is the father of two children, Annette Catherine and Edith Oliva Hawk. Mr. Hawk believes that every American should play a part in affairs, and do something towards making the world better. He shows by his example exactly what 306 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. he means, and he has been especially useful in aiding young men to secure positions, and to plant their feet upon the path, by which, with fidelity, intelligence and industry, it is possible for them to attain a success equal to his. HENRY EUGENE HAWLEY, merchant, a native of New York city, is a son of the late Irad Hawley, a New York merchant of high standing, who became a member of the firm of Holmes, Hawley & Co., in 1812 and retired in 1839, thereafter identifying himself with railroad and coal interests. He was for many years a director in various corporations, among them The Boston & Providence Railroad, The Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, The Tradesmen's Bank, and several insurance companies, was for a considerable time chairman of the finance committee of The Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., and subsequently formed The Pennsylvania Coal Co., of which he was first presi- dent. His son, the subject of this biography, graduated from Yale University in 1860, became a partner in the house of Carter, Hawley & Co. in 1864, and is at present the head of that firm, which does an extensive commission business throughout the United States and also in China and Japan, and, through their "correspondents, The Netherlands Trading Society of Holland, with Europe, the East Indies and South America. Mr. Hawley has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce for more than twenty years and a director in several prominent companies. He has also been identified with many of the New York charities, being a trustee of The Children's Aid Society and The Five Points House of Industry. Among the social organizations to which he belongs are the Union League, University and Riding clubs, the Century and Down Town Associations and the Yale Alumni. He was married in 1862 to Elizabeth, daughter of William S. Lockwood, of Norwalk, Conn., and has three children: Sadie Hawley, Henrietta E. Hawley, and Edith, wife of Coleman G. Williams. AARON HEALY, tanner, born Sept. 18, 1814, in Hallowell, Me., is a son of Aaron Healy, a manufacturer of hats, and was educated in Waterville, Me. Beginning life as a school teacher, he finally moved to New York city to accept a place as clerk with a firm of tanners and leather merchants. In February, 1852, having saved a small sum of money, he helped form the firm of Smull & Healy and engaged in tanning and the sale of leather. Business prospered, and four years later he formed, with his brother William H. Healy, a new firm under the style of A. Healy & Bro. Time brought other changes in the partnership, and in 1873, the firm assumed the title of A. Healy & Son, the junior partner being A. Augustus Healy. Soon afterward, Frank Healy, another son, became a partner. The business record of the house has been one of uniform and increasing prosperity. A. Healy & Sons until recently owned extensive tanneries at Wellsville and Allegany, N. Y., but have now sold them to The United States Leather Co. They continue in business as merchants of hides, etc. They now own the Healy Building on Gold street and much other valuable property outside the leather business. By his union with Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Weston, of Skow- hegan, Me., in 1844, Mr. Healy became the father of four children, Stephen Weston, A. Augustus, Frank and Lizzie. The family live in Brooklyn, and A. Augustus is Collector of Internal Revenue there. Mr. Healy is a member of the Hide & Leather club, and an amateur of art, and collected a number of fine paintings from 1864 to 1886, which in 1891 he sold at auction for $130,000 JOHN VALENTINE HECKER, flour miller, born in New York city, Dec. 25, 1848, is a son of John Hecker, a famous flour miller, whose father, John, a native of Wetzlar, THE OTY 'OF STEW TORK.. - HH. - : " Pnusaa, cause to America. in iSwa. John Hecker, jr., born in New York, July 35, 1812, :.._-..-. _:. .,-..:-.:.-:- ~: : . ..-'.--' -. ; - .. i 8j started a bakery at X : Rut- geas street. To n^i^^ floor of feae qualitr, fee traflt a. small mill cm Cherrr street in I&J..3- Meeting; with success, he took hi :r :..-, the late George Valentine Hecker (Swm im New York, Jam. 8, 1818, died 1889), into partnership as Hecker &: Bro., and in the mnauDnfedtJare of fa*^ self-raising flour and other cereal products became widely fcmown botih at home amd abroad. He was a man >of active mind, a member of the Board. off Bdimcati'om, The New York Historical Society and several other bodies, and a for Gramgress 5m 1*50 as a Free Sealer and in 1 864 for Mayor on the Citizen's IB 1*55, toe received an election as Alderman, and in 1 865 an appointment as Imqp-e far, though they bore only a low rate of interest. Four per cent's could never fall below par after the system is fairly understood and at work. "Third. This will enable capitalists in the older States, by investing in United States stocks, to engage in banking and furnish a currency to the younger States, which will be equally serviceable to them as if issued in their own States. A bill thus secured, issued in Boston, will circulate as well in Oregon as if issued in Oregon, and probably better. * * * * "If it is thought more prudent, but ninety per cent, of the stocks deposited may be issued in bills, and thus all fluctuations in the stocks be provided against. * * * * "The adoption of this plan could not fail to put an end to all financial troubles during the war, and be an increasing benefit and blessing ever after; while it would supply all the means required for the war, it would instantly enable the older and newer portions of the country to increase their trade with each other, by supplying to such newer portions an abundant and perfectly safe currency. " This letter was addressed to one of the most eminent and patriotic of the financiers of the day, and was carefully considered both by Mr. Chase and by President Lincoln. The subject being presented to Congress, Mr. Potter's plan was adopted with slight modifications, and was enacted Feb. 25, 1863, in the National Banking Act. This important public sen-ice has forever identified the name of Mr. Potter with the history of his country. In politics, Mr. Potter was in his early life a Whig and he voted for Mr. Lincoln in 1860. But, always independent in mind, he became a Democrat after 1861, in order to oppose centralization of power in the Federal Government. He was nominated for Congress from New York city in 1878, but was defeated. Renominated in 1882, he was then elected and performed efficient service for the next two years. He served on the Committee on Banking and Currency and the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department. He voted against even' proposition which aimed at centraliza- tion of power and was conspicuous in various important debates. The extension of free carrier delivery in towns and cities not then supplied with that service found him a successful champion. May 1 4, 1 884, he opposed a reduction of salaries of American Ministers and Consuls, in order that the doors of the foreign sen-ice should not be closed to men of moderate means. He was almost the only member of the Democratic side who urged that power should be given to the President to acquire control of the route for the Nicaragua canal. In opposition to the Democratic party in Congress, he favored successfully the Senate amendment to pay American ships for carrying the ocean mails a price equivalent to that paid foreign ships for the same service. Mr. Potter was offered a nomination to Congress in 1884, but declined. In 1886, he was nominated unanimously for the Mayoralty of New York by the committee of 520 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. one hundred citizens, engaged in an independent movement. He declined the honor and cordially co-operated in electing Abram S. Hewitt, who was then placed in the field. From the beginning of his residence in New York, Mr. Potter displayed a degree of public spirit which was remarkable. He had an abiding faith in the future of N.e\v York as the commercial emporium and the financial and social center of the continent. He labored steadily for the good government of the city and was prominent in all re- form movements. He was a member of the Council of Political Reform after the exposure of Tweed, and originated and secured the enactment of the laws, under which the debt of New York city is being refunded at a low rate of interest. When the Leg- islature passed a law for the destruction of the Croton reservoir at 426. street, he con- tested the proceeding stubbornly, proved the unconstitutionality of the law, and received a vote of thanks from the Common Council for his valued services. He was a member of the first Rapid Transit Commission. By degrees, Mr. Potter became a large owner of real estate. His confidence in the destiny of New York city was illustrated after the panic of 1873. At a time when in- dustry and business were paralyzed, he was bold enough to buy the large property on the southwest corner of Astor Place and Lafayette Place, upon which he erected a large building. He was the owner of the building formerly occupied by The New York World at the corner of Beekman street and Park Row, extending through to Nassau street, which burned down in 1882, and, at a period when scarcely another large build- ing was being constructed in New York city, he erected on this site the eleven story Potter Building for office purposes, then the tallest of the kind in the city and ever since a profitable investment. There were few years in which his workmen did not make some substantial addition to the city's taxable property, either in the form of stores, warehouses or office buildings. In 1870, Mr. Potter bought a farm of several hundred acres on the Hudson river, a mile and a half above Sing Sing, where he established his summer home. He spared no expense in improving this property, and a large part of the flowers, milk and other products were given to the poor of New York city. He was fond of bringing poor children from the city to enjoy a little of the life of the farm. He was president of The New York State Agricultural Society in 1891-92. In May, 1892, Mr. Potter bought at auction, at a price above their real value, the open lots on Convent avenue between i42d and i43d streets, on which stand the thir- teen gum trees planted in 1802 by Alexander Hamilton, in commemoration of the union of the thirteen original States. The shoots for these trees were cut by Mr. Hamilton from trees at Mount Vernon on the Potomac. Mr. Potter's only purpose was the preservation of this historic memorial, and it was his intention to present the land on which the trees stand to the city for a park. He received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Williams College in 1889. A member of the New York Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade and Transportation, Mr. Potter was also a trustee of The Bleecker Street Savings Bank and vice president of The Hospital for the Ruptured & Crippled. He did not care for clubs, except in so far as they might be useful in public undertakings, and he joined only the Democratic, Reform, Patria and Commonwealth clubs, and the Civil Service Reform, Bar, and Williams Alumni Associations. He was a member of the American Institute of Civics, The Sons of the Revolution, and The New England Society. With charac- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. PO. 521 teristic public spirit, he was a supporter of those useful institutions, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The American Museum of Natural History. Mr. Potter died suddenly Jan. 2, 1894. His death removed from this city a man of fine natural endowments, spotless probity of character, and useful influence, but he left behind him a record which should prove an inspiration to every American boy who can emulate his perseverence, self denial, honesty and genius. ADRIEN ALEXIS POTTIER, manufacturer, born March 9, 1845, in Paris, France, died in New Rochelle, X. Y., Aug. 14, 1891. He was a son of Alexis Pettier, a cabinet maker, and of Adeline, his wife, both natives of France. Brought to this coun- try an infant and educated in the public schools, he was apprenticed to Dubois & Co. to learn the carving trade. In 1870, he began to manufacture chairs and sofas for the trade, and in 1873 entered the corporation of The Pottier & Stymus Manufacturing Co. as a salesman. This house, organized in 1855, had been made a stock company in 1869. From 1855 until 1884, the business was carried on at the large factory on Lex- ington avenue between 4ist and 42d streets, but warehouses were opened at Fifth avenue and 4zd street in the year last named. In 1886, August Pottier, uncle of the subject of this memoir, withdrew from the presidency and Adrien A. Pottier succeeded him, holding the place until his death. The great Lexington avenue fire of March, 1888, destroyed their immense factory, causing a loss of a million dollars. The cor- poration then erected a new fire-proof factory upon the old site. In 1869, Mr. Pottier married Laurena, daughter of John Magendie. No children were born to them. FREDERIC A. POTTS, merchant, born in Pottsville, Pa., April 4, 1836, died in New York city, Nov. 9, 1888. A member of an old New Jersey family, belonging to the Society of Friends, he was a son of George H. Potts, president of The National Park Bank and one of the first shippers of Pennsylvania coal by canal to the seaboard. At the age of nineteen, the subject of this memoir became a salesman for Louis Auden- reid & Co., coal merchants, of which firm his father was a partner. In 1865, he was admitted to partnership and on the death of Mr. Audenreid, in 1874, continued the business under his own name for five or six years, when he adopted the title of F. A. Potts & Co. The firm were selling agents for The Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., The New York, Susquehanna & Western Coal Co. and the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Co. , and Mr. Potts also had coal mining interests of his own. He was a man of strong mind, clear judgment and fine abilities and gained the affectionate esteem of a wide circle of friends. At various times, he was a director of The Central Railroad of New Jersey, a stockholder of The Jersey Midland Railroad, president of The New York, Susquehanna & Western and The New York & Sea Beach Railroads; vice president of The National Park Bank and a director of The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark and other associations, as well as a member of the Union League, Union and Century clubs. Defeated for Congress in 1872 and 1878 in a strong Demo- cratic district, he was, in 1874, elected State senator from Hunterdon County, N. J., and served the Republican State Committee of New Jersey as chairman for many years. In 1880, he was defeated for Governor by a small vote. ALFRED J. POUCH, merchant, born in Brooklyn in 1844, began his prosperous career as clerk for Wallace & Wickes, wholesale merchants of provisions in New York city. In 1866, he associated himself with the late Jabez A. Bostwick in the petroleum trade and largely through his own energy and untiring labors, finally rose 522 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. to a prominent position in the financial world. Mr. Bostwick having opened a branch house in Cleveland, in which city oil refining was then mainly carried on, placed his young assistant in charge of it, and during Mr. Pouch's stay of five years in Cleveland, he made the business the largest of its class there. In 1871, he returned to Brook- lyn and identified himself with The Standard Oil Co. , as a shareholder and active man- ager, and has since been at the head of the crude oil export department. He is now president of The American Dock & Trust Co., which with a capital of $1,000,000 was organized to build warehouses for the storage of cotton and to loan money on cotton. It has been exceedingly successful and handles about one third of the cotton stored in this port. He was one of the chief promoters of The Brooklyn Elevated Railroad and treasurer of the construction company, and followed that enterprise by purchasing large parcels of real estate in the i8th and 25th Wards and other parts of Brooklyn. He has since sold much of this property to advantage. He has been a director of The Hamilton Trust Co., and is a member of the Union League club of Brooklyn and notable for his purchase of the Graves mansion and its conversion into an art gallery. CHARLES PRATT, merchant, born in Wilbraham, Mass., Oct. 2, 1830, died at his office, No. 26 -Broadway, New York, May 4, 1891. He was one of the ten children of a hard working cabinet maker. At the age of ten, the lad found work on a farm near Boston and spent three years in this employment, attending school in winter. After a year in Boston as clerk to a grocer, he learned the trade of a machinist and earned money enough to secure a year of schooling at the Wilbraham Academy. At the age of nineteen, he entered the office of a firm dealing in paints and oils in Boston and then began a remarkably successful career. In 1850, he came to New York and secured employment with Schenck & Downing, merchants of oil, paint and glass. He worked hard, saved his money, and in three years joined C. T. Raynolds and Frederick W. Devoe in buying his employer's business. For ten years, the firm of Raynolds, Devoe & Pratt were active and growing merchants. In 1864 Mr. Devoe withdrew, and in 1867 the business was divided, Mr. Raynolds going on with paints and Mr. Pratt taking the oil business under the name of Charles Pratt & Co., and becoming a refiner of petro- leum. He built a large factory at Greenpoint on Long Island and the name of Pratt's Astral Oil soon became well known as a trade mark. When a general consolidation of oil refining and producing led to the creation of The Standard Oil Co., Mr. Pratt was admitted to the trust on favorable terms. From that time forward, he was a leading spirit in The Standard Oil Co., and was its vice president at his death. Mr. Pratt in- vested his surplus income in real estate, street railroads, Western lands, banks and other successful enterprises. The name of Mr. Pratt has been permanently enrolled in the annals of Brooklyn by his gifts to education. For the sake of his own children, he fostered an existing school, caused its incorporation as the Adelphi Academy, and after 1879, was president of the board. Through his generosity, the school building at Lafayette avenue and St. James Place was doubled in size in 1880, and in 1886, he donated the means for putting up a handsome new building at Clifton and St. James Places, connected with the older part of the school. His gifts to the institution amounted to over 250,000. In 1889, he founded the Pratt Industrial Institute on Ryerson street, near Adelphi Academy, to provide both manual training and a high school education and afford instruction in trades and useful arts to apprentices, clerks and others, who are employed during the day. Mr. Pratt expended over $3,000,000 upon this enter- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. PR. prise. The income of the great Astral apartment house, at Franklin and India street ;, built on the plan of the Peabody buildings in London, is devoted to the support of th^ Institute. He also honored the memory of his father by establishing the Asa Pratt free reading room in his native town. He was a thoroughly domestic man, a Baptist in religion and one of the founders of Emanuel Church in Lafayette avenue, to which he gave $1,000,000. He was al^o a liberal contributor toward other charities. -Mr. Pratt was married first to Lydia A., and then to Mary H., daughters of Thomas Richardson, and his children are Charles M., Frederick B., George D., Herbert Lee, John T., Harold I., Lillie R , wife of Frank L. Babbott and Helen Pratt CHARLES MILLARD PRATT, son of Charles and Lydia A. Pratt, oil refiner, born in Brooklyn, Nov. 2 1855, graduated from the Adelphi Academy in 1875 and Amherst College in 1879. He then engaged in business with his father in The Pratt Manufacturing Co., 128 Pearl street, relieving the latter of much of the care of his vast business trans- actions. He quickly became a trusted assistant, developing the shrewdness and energy which had brought such large measure of success to the head of the family. In 1891, upon the death of his father, the management of the complicated interests of his father fell to his lot, and he has since demonstrated his own ability. He conducts the Pratt Astral Oil business, is a director of The Standard Oil Co., here, and first vice president of The Standard Oil Co. of Kentucky, vice president of The Long Island Railroad, president of the trustees of Pratt Institute, and director in The Mechanics' National Bank and The Brooklyn Trust Co. He is deeply interested in the welfare of Amherst College, and has presented the institution with a spacious and perfectly equipped gymnasium known as the Pratt Gymnasium, costing nearly $50,000. May 8, 1884, Mr. Pratt married Mary Seymour, daughter of ex-Gov. Luzon B. Morris of New Haven, Conn., and his children are Morris, Theodore, Margaret R., Kather- ine E. and Richardson Pratt. He is a member of the Alpha Delta Phi, Montauk, Hamilton and Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht clubs and The Amherst Alumni Association. DALLAS BACHE PRATT, banker, born Feb. 4, 1849, in New York city, is the son of the Rev. Horace L. Edgar Pratt, an Episcopal clergyman, and of Kate Martin, his wife. The family are of English descent. Mr. Pratt 's education was obtained in Trinity School and, at the age of sixteen, he secured employment in the banking house of Brown Bro's & Co. After sixteen years of service there, he became cashier of The Bank of America, resigning the position ten years later to enter the firm of Maitland, Phelps & Co., bankers and merchants. He is second vice president of The Ohio Falls Car Manufacturing Co. of Jeffersonville, Ind., a large concern with a capital of $1,800,000. In May, 1881, he married Minnie G. , daughter of Charles G. Landon, and four children have been born to them, Katherine Griswold, Alexander Dallas, Con- stance and Beatrice Pratt. Mr. Pratt is an earnest, able and judicious man, and very popular in the metropolis, and a member of three of the most exclusive clubs in the city, the Metropolitan, Country and Union League. JULIUS HOWARD PRATT, manufacturer and railroad builder, was born in Meriden, Conn., Aug. i, 1821. Graduating from Yale College, Mr. Pratt engaged in business in Meriden with his father, Julius Pratt, a manufacturer of ivory goods, and was employed in the selling department in New York, where he remained for eighteen years. The business grew to enormous proportions. Of ivory combs alone, the firm 524 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. manufactured $500,000 worth annually, their sales extending to all parts of North and South America. Among their other products, were ivory handled cutlery and piano keys. In 1857, Mr. Pratt made his home in West Bloomfield, N. J., now known as Montclair, at that time merely a hamlet amid extensive farms. Mr. Pratt was fore- most in promoting immediate local improvements and aided in building The New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad to provide competition and reduce the transportation rates. This road cost about $5,000,000, but saved Montclair and the neighboring towns $200,000 a year. Mr. Pratt impaired his fortune by unfortunate ventures, but in 1888, he proposed a new water system for Newark, to be operated on the principle of gravity and to draw a supply from the Pequannock river, a distance of twenty-five miles. To accomplish this, he formed The East Jersey Water Co., secured a contract and regained his fortune. He married a sister of A. S. Barnes, the publisher. FRERERIC PRENTICE, president of The Prentice and Excelsior Brown Stone Go's, can look retrospectively over a career diversified by fluctuations of fortune such as fall to the lot of few men. Several times he has, by his own efforts, amassed independent wealth and seen everything he possessed swept away by circumstances beyond human foresight. The magnitude of his transactions may be realized from the fact that although he started as a poor boy, with nothing except a merely rudimentary educa- tion, he has earned and lost by business reverses over twelve millions of dollars, has paid in full with interest all his indebtedness, and yet now finds himself possessed of large properties, with certainties in his grasp greater than ever before. Mr. Prentice's forefathers were among the earliest English settlers in Connecticut. His father, Joseph Prentice, mother and two brothers moved to Brooklyn, N. Y. During the War of 1812, Joseph Prentice was largely engaged in Government contract- ing, amassing from seventy-five to one hundred thousand dollars, which was in those days considered a fortune. After the war, he, with Major Oliver M. T. Williams and others, formed an association for purchasing lands at the mouth of Swan Creek, Ohio, where Toledo now is, and appointed Mr. Prentice manager. There they laid out a town, to which they gave the name of Port Lawrence. In its first house, on December 6, 1822, Frederic Prentice first saw the light of day and was the first white child born on the town plot. Six years later, the senior Prentice, deeming the project for building a city premature, withdrew from the company, receiving as his share in its enterprise a tract, partly cleared by the Indians, in the southwestern part of the common territory. There he began maintaining his family by farming and working at the carpenter's trade, but a few years later he received a fall, which permanently disabled him and threw the burden of family care upon the mother and boy Frederic, then only thirteen, the father having expended and lost his money in trying to build a city before the growth of the country warranted. The responsibility thus thrust upon the lad would, under any circumstances, have been serious, but was exceptionally so under the conditions prevailing in that portion of the West. Everything was high in price, except labor. Pork cost $60, and flour $25 to $30 a barrel, calico cost 60 to 75 cents per yard, and all other necessities of life were in proportion, while wages were only 75 cents to $i per day. The boy had, how- ever, a stout heart, indomitable energy and Yankee resourcefulness. With the help of his mother, of whom he speaks with fervent affection as " one of the best mothers and housekeepers who ever blessed a son," he managed to get along. Having been from 526 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. infancy associated with Indians and speaking 1 their language as well as Lis own, he often acted as interpreter between them and traders or government agents. He was, indeed, the only interpreter the Indians would trust in serious matters. It was through him, acting in this capacity, that the Indians ceded the territory in the vicinity of To- ledo, upon part of which Toledo now stands. The Indians set aside a tract of 320 acres of land, which is now included in the City of Toledo, for his services on that occa- sion, but his father would not allow him to accept the gift, saying that he did not want it said he or any of his family had been enriched by the poor Indians ; he believed that a man should not be awarded more than a fair compensation for doing his duty. When not employed as an interpreter, Frederic spent his time hunting, fishing and trapping wolves. The wolves were so troublesome that it was impossible for the few farmers to raise sheep successfully, and to rid the country of the beasts the county and State gave a bounty of $7.50 for each scalp. This was a great help to young Mr. Prentice, as he would sometimes in a single day during the winter capture a large number. His education was gained in four winters' attendance at a district school, two miles from home, and during the same time he cared for a small herd of cattle, provided firewood for his family, and did the many outdoor "chores" of the farm. At the age of eighteen, Frederic Prentice engaged in the lumber business in a small way, supplying wood for steamboats, etc. , and was married when only nineteen. His business prospered, and he soon began getting out ship and black walnut timber on a large scale, making extensive purchases of timbered land. After clearing off the timber, he resold the land in small tracts to actual settlers, thus aiding largely the de- velopment of that section. Before long, he was widely known as a large and prosperous dealer in timber and deservedly reputed a rich man. In 1849, he was largely interested in the third train that crossed the plains to California after the discovery of gold, but his large investment was entirely wiped out by the great fire in Sacramento in 1850. His lumber business, however, increased largely. The close personal attention which its magnitude demanded made serious in- roads upon his health, and he found it necessary to divide his business into two large companies to prosecute the trade, and he sold one half of his interest and tempo- rarily retired from business. He went to Lake Superior to regain his health, and while there, in 1854, engaged in new enterprises, which seemed to be inviting. He interested himself in copper mining, banking and the purchase of lands, which he deemed valuable for timber and brownstone and suitable for the location of large cities in the future. One of the tracts he acquired was one mile square and located where Duluth now stands, but owing to an error in drawing the deed, it has brought him nothing except litigation with persons seeking to deprive him of his rights and a great outlay of money. Another purchase comprised a portion of the lands, whereon the city of Ashland, Wis. , is now built, and the great brownstone quarries of Houghton, Wis., and Wilson or Prentice Island, Wis., now being operated by him. In 1856, Mr. Prentice believed himself worth several millions of dollars. But the panic of 1857 left him in debt to the extent of over half a million dollars, mostly incurred by indorsements for friends and with no assets except unsalable land. By Herculean exertions he struggled along until 1859, when he borrowed a sufficient sum to start in the oil business, and soon achieved such success as to enable him to make a compromise with his creditors, paying fifty cents on the dollar. Within three years thereafter, he THE CITY OF NEW YORK. PR. 527 was able to call his creditors together again and pay them not only the remaining fifty per cent, but interest thereon. Mr. Prentice may justly be considered the oldest successful oil operator. He drilled the third well for petroleum in Pennsylvania and thereafter drilled over fifteen hundred wells in the State, forming The Producers Consolidated Petroleum Co., which paid in dividends over three million dollars; also, with others, founded The Producers' Land & Petroleum Co. on lands they bought on Oil Creek, with a paid up capital of $2,350,000, for which the great refineries at Bayonne, N. J., were built in 1873 by himself, Oliver Ames and others of Boston, associated with him. In 1888, Mr. Prentice started The Prentice Brown Stone Quarries at Hough- ton, Wis , on lands bought by him in 1854. The success of this company was so great that he decided to secure all the good brownstone land around, which he did not then control. He effected this, and in 1891 organized The Excelsior Brown Stone Co. The two companies now largely control the supply of this excellent building material, and Mr. Prentice expects to make up his former great losses. He yet owns large tracts of lumber, coal and oil lands, which must in time be of great value. Mr. Prentice was a warm friend of President Lincoln during his life time and personally contributed over $300,000 to the national cause during the Civil War. He is a member of the Union League club and The National Academy of Design. EDWARD PRIHE, banker, born in 1801 at No. 54 Wall street, in this city, died at Riverdale, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1883. He was a son of Nathaniel Prime, founder of the banking house of Prime, Ward, Sands, King & Co , and received part of his early education at a boarding school in Morristown, N. J., where his father and others of the family had been educated. When a young man, he entered his father's banking house as a clerk and, in 1 846, became a member of Prime, Ward & Co. , consisting of Nathaniel Prime, John Ward and Edward Prime. When his father died in 1848, he established the firm of Prime & Co., consisting of himself and his four sons. Mr. Prime retired in 1867. He was one of the founders of The New York Eye & Ear Dispensary. In his younger days, Mr. Prime was an active sportsman and is said to have been the first to bring to this country a pack of fox hounds, which he employed on Long Island. He left three sons, Nathaniel, Edward and Henry, and three daughters. RUFUS PRIHE, banker, born in New York city, died in Huntington, L. I. , Oct. 15, 1885, in his eightieth year. He was a brother of Edward Prime. Graduating from Yale College, Mr. Prime afterward engaged in business as a stock broker and banker in Wall street. After his father's death, he devoted himself to the care of the latter 's large estate. Long experience made him an expert in all questions relating to trusts, although he had no legal training, and excellent qualities as a business man brought him a fortune. He was a member of the Union club and a man of fine literary tastes. JOSEPH PULITZER, journalist, born in Hungary in 1847, was educated by a tutor and came to America at the age of seventeen. Entering a cavalry regiment in the Union army, he served with credit until the end of the Civil War. He then settled in Missouri, where for a few years he met with much hardship. He was a man of spirit, however, and during a period of service in various employments steadily made his way, finally studying law. The law did not suit his enterprising mind, however, and in 1868, he became a reporter for the Wcstlicke Post in St. Louis, a German newspaper conducted by Carl Schurz. In this field of work, Mr. Pulitzer found his vocation for 528 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. life and soon made his mark. He rose successively to the positions of city editor, managing editor and part owner of the paper. In 1878, he founded The St. Louis Post Dispatch, by buying The Dispatch and uniting it with The Evening Post. The snap, spirit and incessant enterprise of this paper soon made it a profitable property. Mr. Pulitzer retains the ownership to the present day. Although he had made his journal one of the leading organs of public opinion in St. Louis, Mr. Pulitzer aspired to a yet larger field, and in 1883, he bought The New York World, a newspaper of high standing but then much reduced in quality and circulation, and has since made The World the passion of his life. The same methods which he had employed in St. Louis soon made The World one of the best talked about papers in New York city. Its circulation increased with rapid strides and Mr. Pulitzer brought it to a condition of extra- ordinary prosperity. Within the last few years, he has been enabled to construct the Pulitzer office building, adjoining the New York terminus of Brooklyn Bridge, a structure eighteen stories high, and has removed to the basement, street floor and upper stories thereof the various departments of his newspaper. The intermediate stories are rented for office purposes. The enterprise of The World is ceaseless. Its attacks upon Richard Croker and the Tammany ring have been fearless and one of the most creditable features of Mr. Pulitzer's management. He has always been interested in politics, although not an active politician. In 1869, he was elected to the Missouri Legislature, and in 1884 was sent to Congress from a New York city district. The latter seat he resigned in order not to be diverted from the work of his two newspapers. Among the clubs to which he belongs are the Manhattan, Reform, Press and American Yacht. PERCY RIVINGTON PYNE, merchant and banker, born in England about 1821, died in Rome, Italy, Feb. 14, 1895. Well educated, he arrived in New York city, in 1835, and entered the office of Moses Taylor & Co., as a clerk. In 1842, Mr. Taylor made him a partner and he was thereafter an energetic factor in the operations of this famous house until his retirement in 1887. He married Albertina, the oldest daughter of Mr. Taylor, in 1855, and leaves three children, Moses Taylor and Percy R. Pyne and Mrs. Archibald D. Russell. Although to some extent less well known than his partner and father in law, Mr. Pyne was a man of strong character and very decided abilities and rose to wealth in consequence of his own qualities. He succeeded Mr. Taylor as president of The National City Bank and was vice president of The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad; a director of The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., The Consolidated Gas Co., The Central Trust Co., The Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co., The New Jersey Zinc & Iron Co., The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, The Western Union Telegraph Co., The Harvey Steel Co., The Mexican Telegraph Co., and a member of the Metropolitan, Century, Grolier, Down Town and Country clubs. Q. ABRAH QUEREAU, merchant, born in Brooklyn, Oct 22, 1822, died at his home on South Portland avenue in that city, Oct. 24, 1889. He belonged to an old Huguenot family. In youth, he entered the employment of a shipping and commission house, and through application and talent, rose to responsible positions and was sent by the firm in 1850. to California. After a sojourn of five years there, he returned and was admit- ted to partnership, the firm taking the name of Mailler, Lord & Quereau. He con- tinued a member until his death, the house then being known as Mailler & Quereau. For forty-five years, they were located on Stone street and then moved to Wall street. The firm aided in founding The Old Dominion Steamship Line. Mr. Quereau was a thorough, competent, shrewd and excellent man. He belonged to the Church of the Mc"iah in Brooklyn, the Chamber of Commerce, the Produce and Maritime Exchanges, The Society of Old Brooklynites and The Long Island Historical Society^ was a life member of The Brooklyn Young Men's Christian Association, and in every relation enjoyed the sincere respect of his associates. Several children survived him. JOHN WILLIAMS QUINCY, merchant, born in Boston, Mass., died in this city, Jan. 21, 1883, in his sixty-ninth year. In the public schools of Boston, he fared so well as to obtain the Franklin medal. Beginning life at the age of fifteen as clerk in a hardware store, he devoted the remainder of his life to this trade and made therein a special and creditable reputation. At the age of twenty-two, he engaged in the hardware business in New York city, and in 1837 entered the partnership of Daven- port & Quincy. This house devoted itself wholly to American hardware, then little dealt in, and by means of branch stores extended its trade to all the principal cities of the North and South. A change of partners took place in 1847, and after 1852, the firm were known as John W. Quincy & Co Energy, shrewdness and honorable methods brought their natural rewards. Mr. Quincy married first a daughter of the late Stephen Allen, and to them was born one daughter, who married E. Hayes Trow- bridge, jr., of New Haven, Conn. His second wife was a daughter of Charles Perkins, and she survived her husband with a son and a daughter. GEORGE WILLIAH QUINTARD, manufacturer, and president and director of corporations, is one of the vigorous sons of Connecticut, who, beginning life in this metropolis at an early age, have risen to fortune and position by their own native abilities. He was born in Stamford, April 22, 1822, and came from a family of French descent, which had been resident in the town for several generations and played well its part both in private life and public affairs, being distinguished for excellent ability and character. Isaac Quintard, father of George W., was a merchant of Stamford. Having studied the text-books of the day at the public schools until the age of fifteen, the subject of this biography then followed the example of other ambitious youths in Connecticut, who at that time were looking to the rising city of New York as the field in which they were most likely to find their fortunes. Coming to the city, the young man found employment as a clerk in a grocery house, then prominent in the trade, and from this firm learned the first principles of business management. Unlike many other lads of his age, but in strict conformity with the rules by which alone a ;:& THE CITY OF NEW YORK. QU. 531 young man, beginning life without fortune, can make his way, young Mr. Quintard saved his earnings, allowed no temptations of pleasure to distract him from honest and diligent prosecution of business, and after five or six years of labor in a subordinate position was able to embark in business on his own account. For four years, he carried on a successful trade of his own. Meanwhile, Feb. 15, 1844, he had married Frances, a daughter of the late Charles Morgan, and this circumstance finally -gave another direction to his life. He had already shown himself to be a sound, upright, progressive and capable man, and, in 1847, he gave up mercantile pursuits to enter one branch of that field of enterprise, in which his energetic father in law had already made a reputation. In the year named, the no less energetic son in law identified himself with T. F. Secor & Co. , owners of The Morgan Iron Works on the East River. This establishment was engaged in the manufacture and repair of engines for steamboats and ocean shipping and the produc- tion of heavy castings and machinery. In its operations, Mr. Quintard found a con- genial field of labor. In 1850, he became one of the proprietors of the works in partnership with Charles Morgan, and remained in the active management until 1867, with the exception of a period of two years. At these works, Mr. Quintard built a large number of ponderous engines for coasting, lake and river steamers, mainly of the walking beam type, and others for ships of war both for the American and foreign governments. During the Civil War, these shops were of great service to the Federal authorities, who employed them to construct the engines of the following Navy vessels: Onondaga, Chenango, Ascntney, Wachusett, Ticonderoga, Idaho, Seminole, Ammonoosuc, Tioga, Muscoota, Katahdin, Kineo. For the merchant service, up to 1867, Mr. Quintard also built the engines of many famous steamers, including those of the Golden Rule George Law, Golden Age, Herman Livingston, Orizaba, Nautilus, Manhattan, W. G. Hawes, Villa Clara, Raleigh, Flushing, Peruano, Albemarle, Rapidan, Ocean Queen, Cambridge. De Soto, Peiko (China). City of Hartford, Hatteras, Yang See (China), Everglade. Island Home, Fah Hee (China). Mississippi, Alabama, Bienville, Charles Morgan, Eastern Queen, Southern Michigan (Lakes). Granite State, Continental, Western Metropolis (Lakes), San Francisco, Villa Clara, Northern Indiana (Lakes), Fulton, Cosmopolitan, Crescent City (Lakes), New Brunswick, Commonwealth. Mr. Quintard was essentially a manager. He had received no mechanical train- ing and was far from able to execute personally some of the simplest mechanical oper- ations. But he knew how things should be done. His mind grasped broadly the general principles of construction, and he was able to direct the energies of others in order to accomplish what he had in view. He never attempted to do that which he could employ a draftsman or a mechanic to do better than he, but devoted himself entirely to the general direction of the operation of the works, with marked success. 532 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. In 1867, Mr. Quintard sold The Morgan Iron Works to John Roach, the ship builder, in order to devote his own attention to The New York & Charleston Steamship Co., of which he had become president and part proprietor. He managed the company well, but did not find in its operations sufficient scope for his overflowing energy. In 1869, accordingly, he established The Quintard Iron Works, occupying a site at No. 742 East i2th street, extending through to East nth street, on the East River, a few blocks above The Morgan Iron Works. Here he resumed the construction of marine engines and machinery, and in a short time developed the plant into an extensive establishment, making it in time one of the most prominent in the United States. Mr. Quintard finally retired from the active management of the works, retaining, however, an interest in the firm of Nicholas F. Palmer & Co. , the present proprietors. He is at present occupied with the management of banks and corporations, in which he has investments and into the direction of which he has been invited, owing to his financial strength, ability and uprightness of character. He is a director of The Manhattan Life Insurance Co., The Butchers' & Drovers' Bank, The New England & Nova Scotia Steamship Co., The Eleventh Ward Bank, and The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, and holds that relation with The Pennsylvania Coal Co. , The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., The State Trust Co. and The Union Ferry Co. It fell to the lot of Mr. Quintard to become one of the assignees of his old friend, John Roach, the great ship builder, whose fortunes had been impaired by the hostile action, since repented of, of the Navy Department under William C. Whitney. Mr. Quintard was, with his colleagues, able to extricate the affairs of Mr. Roach from diffi- culties, to reopen The Morgan Iron Works and the iron ship building establishment both of which had been closed, and place them once more upon a prosperous basis. Mr. Quintard has served his fellow citizens in the positions of Emigration Com- missioner and Park Commissioner, but has declined all other tenders of public office. A few years ago, he resigned from all his clubs except the Lawyers', New York and American Yacht, but has retained membership in the former for the sake of luncheon privileges down town, and in the latter two on account of his fondness for the sea. He is a man of dignified bearing and spotless personal character, and at the age of seventy- three, preserves unimpaired the vigor of his earlier years, owing to his judicious mode of living and an abundance of occupation in the open air. Mr. Quintard is the father of three children, Frances Louise, who died July 28, 1863, in her eighteenth year; James W., born Sept. 3, 1848, and Laura Adele, born June 7, 1852. Mrs. Quintard died Nov. 14, 1894. R. JOHN SY/1ONDS RADWAY, H. D., manufacturer, born Feb. 17, 1858, in New York city, is a son of the late Dr. John Radway and Anna E. Lewis, his wife. The senior Radway came to New York in 1832 from Chedworth, England, where he was born in a manor house, which had been in possession of the family for generations. The family name is derived from a parish in Warwickshire. In 1848, Dr. Radwa)-, in conjunction with Dr. Pierre C. Van Wyck, a druggist friend, began in a small way, under the name of Radway & Co., the manufacture of Rad way's Ready Relief, a medi- cine which is now known throughout the two Americas and beyond. His brother, Richard G. Radway, was also a member of the firm. Dr. Radway died in 1870, his brother in 1884, and Dr. Van Wyck in 1883. After the death of the last of the three founders, the business was incorporated under the presidency of John S. Radway. The latter began life with an excellent education, having graduated from the University of the City of New York and the College of Physicians & Surgeons, receiving from the latter the degree of M. D. He has continued the business founded by his father with marked success. One of the largest advertisers in America, he has left no newspaper reader in any part of the various countries, in which his remedy is sold, unaware of its merits : and his prosperity is based largely upon his liberal expenditures in this direc- tion. Dr. Radway is a member of the Delta Phi and Manhattan Athletic clubs. He was married in Xewburgh, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1884, to Man,' A. Mailler, and their children are John Oakley, Gladys C., and Edward Mailler Radway. JAflES IRVING RAYilOND, merchant, head of the importing house of A. A. Vantine & Co., was born in Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1843. His father was Edward Raymond, a prosperous farmer. The boy attended the public schools and academy of his native town and spent his time, not needed for study, in the work of the farm. In 1864, he came to New York city to enter commercial life, i equipped with a good education and a determination to merit success. His first and only engagement was with the house of A. A. Vantine & Co. Here, he applied himself earnestly, studying the details of the extended business of the firm and evincing a rectitude and capability, which soon brought promotion. In 1875, he became a partner. After the death of Mr. Vantine, founder of the business, Mr. Raymond purchased 1 the entire interest. He is now sole owner of an unequaled establishment. The house has been and is to-day the greatest of the kind in the United States, making a specialty of the finest rugs and other goods of China, Japan, Turkey, India and other Oriental countries. A retail and wholesale business is done, extending to every section of the country and requiring representatives in nearly all the markets of Europe and Asia. While Mr. Raymond is personally of modest and retiring temperament, the fame of his business is world wide and the reputation of the house for solidity and exact busi- ness methods is enviable. In 1875, Mr. Raymond married Grace, daughter of Col. John Quincy Adams of Brooklyn, the union resulting in one son, Irving Edward Ray- mond, now eighteen years of age and preparing for a collegiate course. Mr. Raymond is a member of the Presbyterian church and lives in Stamford, Conn., in a home which exemplifies all which is artistic and tasteful. He is a member of the Union League club and the Stock Exchange, and a director of The New York Real Estate Trust Co. 534 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. WILLIAfl GARDNER READ, merchant, was born Oct. n, 1823, in Newport, R. I. The family was planted in America by two brothers, William and John Read, who ar- rived from England in 1636 at the request of Governor Winthrop, one settling finally in Vermont, the other in Connecticut. From the former, William G. Read descends. After an education at Newport and Kingston, R. I., the boy engaged as clerk in a retail store in Georgetown, S. C., with his father. Coming to New York in September, 1839, he entered the employment of D. A. Cushman & Co., dry goods merchants, and later had the courage to embark in the dry goods business at his own risk. Later yet, he entered into partnership with Jasper T. Van Vleck in the banking business on Wall street and in this field met with great success. The house was successively known as Van Vleck & Read, Van Vleck, Read & Drexel, and Read, Drexel & Co. During the war, Mr. Read bid most successfully for government bonds and in his prime was well known to all the prominent bank officers in the city. He retired in 1863 and has since led a quiet life with his family, refusing many positions of trust. He was, however, a director of The National City Bank for twelve years and of The Fireman's Insurance Co. for thirty years. In politics, he has always been a Republi- can. His father and grandfather were Whigs. In 1855, Mr. Read married Emeline G., daughter of James Taylor and member of an old and highly esteemed family. Their children are Kate Wilson, wife of Valentine A. Blacque ; William G. Read, jr. ; and Helen S., wife of William Oothout, jr. The family live in Mamaroneck but Mr. Read is a member of the Union League and Lotos clubs of this city. JOSEPH RECKENDORFER, manufacturer, who originated in Furth, Bavaria, Sept. 18, 1836, dying in Long Branch, N- J., July 7, 1883, made his reputation and for- tune by coming to the United States at the age of eighteen and embarking in the lead pencil industry. While the beginning was exceedingly modest, he succeeded so well that in a few years' time he was able to compete with foreign manufacturers strongly and forced a reduction of the prices of lead pencils. For many years, he manufactured only the well known cheaper grades of his goods, but in 1878, added patented automatic action and aniline pencils to his productions, the latter proving especially popular. The industry grew rapidly and to large proportions. For many years, the business occupied a factory on East i4th street, covering nearly an entire block. Mr. Reckendorfer lived in a handsome residence at No. 20 East 74th street. The year before his death, he took great interest in Russian emigration and acted as treasurer of a society which has the matter in charge. He was a devoted student, spending his evenings over his books, and was one of the directors of The Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and of the Harmonic club. In 1860, he married Babette, daughter of Samuel Frank, and was the father of Mrs. Daisy R. Strauss and Louis J. and Samuel J. Reckendorfer. JOSEPH W. REINHART, railroad president, born Sept. 17, 1851, in Pittsburgh, Pa. , is the son of Aaron Grantley Reinhart, by occupation a merchant, and Katharine McHenry, his wife, both descended from old families in Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Maryland. Tutored in the Western University of Pennsylvania, at the age of eighteen Mr. Reinhart became a clerk for the division superintendent of The Allegheny Valley Rail- road at Pittsburgh, and by his ability, integrity and strict attention to business, soon rose to great prominence in the field of railroad transportation. By hard labor and in- telligence of mind, he gained promotion, and, in 1875-80, was advanced to the position THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RE. 535 of superintendent of rolling stock of that road. He grasped the requirements of rail- roading intuitively and soon became known as a thoroughly competent railroad man. During 1880-83, he served as Auditor for The Richmond & Allegheny Railroad at Richmond Va., which position he filled with such ability that, in 1883-86, he was made General Auditor of The New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway, with offices in Xew York city, and the following year for the receivers of the road. During 1886-87, he was General Passenger and Ticket Agent of The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway at Chicago. His service in this position reflected increased credit upon him, and in 1887, he established his headquarters in New York city as a railroad expert in the service of many different corporations. Nov. i, 1888, under contract with important foreign and American financial inter- ests, Mr. Reinhart became associated with the The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- road system, with offices in Boston, as expert and as General Auditor. It was upon his recommendation that the then scattered properties of that great aggregation of capi- tal were brought together under practically one central management, thereby saving to the parent or controlling company many hundreds of thousands of dollars per annum in operating expenses alone. Under authority and direction of the board of directors, Mr. Reinhart personally carried out the whole and complete detail of this great work. As General Auditor and Vice President of the Company, he formulated in 1 889 the plan lor financial re-organization of The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, and carried it out with such success that the company, recognizing his sagacity and fore- sight, advanced him through different stages to the presidency in 1893. Mr. Reinhart is now president of The Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe, The St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado, The Atlantic & Pacific, The Colorado Midland, The Wichita & Western, The Southern California, The New Mexico & Arizona, and The Sonora Railroads. His abilities in organization and concentration, for effective and economical results, of great forces and large bodies of men, led to his selection in 1893, by the United States Government, as Chief Expert of the Commission to revise the methods of the Departments in Washington. He was given full power of selection of his assistants, and the results of the work of his small corps of experts is an annual saving to the United States of over $600,000 per annum in the expense of carrying on the vast work of the Government. He was married October 21, 1875, at Sewickley, Pa , to Miss Lizzie Taylor Allison, and his children are Caroline Allison, Katharine McHenry, Mary Anderson, and Fran- cis Ormond Reinhart. He is a member of the Riding, Manhattan, New York, Vaude- ville, Lawyers' and Westchester Country clubs, and of Mecca Temple, Mystic Shrine, in Xew York, the Algonquin and Myopia Hunt clubs, of Boston, the Union County Country club of Plainfield, N. J., the Commonwealth club of Richmond, Va., the Chi- cago club of Chicago, and the St. Louis club in St. Louis. WILLIAM RE/ISEM, realty owner and trustee, born Jan. 13, 1815, in New York city, died at his home, 26 Waverley Place, March 3, 1895. He belonged to an old Knickerbocker family, known in old times in Germany and the Netherlands by the cognomen of Vanderbeeck, a title which signified Vander's Brook. In 1162, the Em- peror Frederick Barbarossa granted to Mr. Remsen's ancestor, a knight, a coat of arms displaying the waving lines which suggested the waters of the brook. The pioneer of 536 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. the family in the new world, Rem Jansen Vanderbeeck, from whom, it is said, all the Remsens in this country descend, emigrated, probably from Westphalia, in the early days of settlement and after living some time in Albany, N. Y., married, in 1652, Jannette, daughter of Joris Jansen de Rapalie. Removing afterward to Wallabout on Long Island, he settled upon a farm which has descended in the family and is now owned by Jeremiah Johnson, his great great grandson. The pioneer was a magistrate during the second occupancy by the Dutch. He died in 1681, survived by his wife and fifteen children. In accordance with a custom of. the times, which is in fact yet prev- alent in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, the sons of the pioneer adopted their father's Christian name as a surname, adding the suffix which indicated that they were his sons, and thus became known by the name of Remsen. Several of the family were prominent in early days in New York city. From the pioneer, the line descended to Henry Remsen in the sixth generation. Henry Remsen, born in. New York, Nov. 7, 1762, dying in February, 1843, was in early life private secretary to John Jay, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and later to Thomas Jefferson, while Secretary of State. In 1790, he became a partner in the firm of Henry Remsen & Son, and in 1793, the teller of The United States Bank. June 3, 1799, he entered the bank of The Manhattan Company as cashier, with which institution he remained for twenty-seven years. In 1808, he married Eliza, daughter of Capt. Abraham R. De Peyster, and the same year became president of The Manhattan Bank, retaining this position until 1826. To Henry Remsen were born nine children, of whom Willliam, the subject of this memoir, was one. William Remsen received his preliminary tuition in New York city and gradu- ated from Princeton College in 1835. In 1838, after study with Johnson & Kent, he was admitted to the bar. Five years of active practice followed, and he was then com- pelled to abandon his profession to devote himself to the management of his father's large estate. This property, a portion of which became his by inheritance, consisted largely of real estate, improved and unimproved, scattered throughout the city, some of it in the region of Cherry Hill. Mr. Remsen was an excellent manager and materially increased his possessions by the sound and cool judgment and careful foresight which always characterized him. He was a director of The Third Avenue Railroad, The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., The Harney Peak Tin Mining & Smelting Co., and The Holland Trust Co., president of The Cannelton, W. Va., Coal Co., first vice president of The Greenwich Savings Bank, and interested in other institutions. Jan. 13, 1841, he married Jane, daughter of John Suydam, and to them were born eight children, of whom five are living, Robert George Remsen; Charles Remsen M.D. ; Jane, wife of Joseph Todhunter Thompson; Elizabeth, and Sarah, wife of William Manice. Mr. Remsen was one of the founders of the St. Nicholas Society, and chairman of The American Geographical Society. He shunned the strife of politics and had little taste for clubs, but was warden and vestryman of St. Mark's Church and found his greatest enjoyment in travel and the company of friends. JAHES RENWICK, architect, born in this city, Nov. i, 1818, died at his home, 28 University place, June 23, 1895. Graduating in 1836 from Columbia College, in which his father, James Ren wick, LL.D. , was professor of chemistry and mechanics, Mr. Renwick devoted himself to the profession of engineering and architecture, beginning work while yet under age upon the Erie Railroad and later serving as assistant engi- neer on the Croton Aqueduct. The reservoir on Fifth avenue and 42d street was THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RE. 537 built under his supervision. At the age of twenty-three, he drew the plans, which were accepted, for Grace Church on Broadway at East loth street and had charge of the build- ing of that structure, completing it in 1845 with the exception of the spire. From that time forward for more than thirty years, Mr. Renwick was associated with the building of important edifices. Among those which he designed are the Smithsonian Insti- tution and the Corcoran Art Gallery of Washington; St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth avenue, begun in 1853; Calvary, St Stephen's, St. Bartholomew's, and the Second Presbyterian churches, the Church of the Puritans in Union Square and the Church of the Covenant in this city; St. Ann's Church in Brooklyn; Vassar College; Booth's Theatre, The Young Men's Christian Association building on 23d street, public buildings on Blackwell's and Randall's islands, The Fulton Bank, and the new front of the Stock Exchange, as well as many private residences. One of his latest works was the restoration of the old Spanish Cathedral at St. Augustine, Fla. Mr. Renwick amassed a fortune and filled his house on University place with treasures of art. By will, he left a part of his collections of paintings to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. His wife died before him, leaving no children. WILLIAfl RHINELANDER RENWICK, merchant, who died in this city, May 13, 1883, in the sixty-seventh year of his age, was a member of the firm of Battelle & Ren- wick, manufacturing chemists, established in 1840, at No. 163 Front street. He was prominent in the wholesale drug and chemical trade, owing to his large interest in The Niagara Laboratory in Jersey City, The Brooklyn Sulphur Works and The New York Dyevvood Extract & Chemical Co. Mr. Renwick did not confine his enterprise to the field of chemistry, however, but was president of The New York & Saugerties Trans- portation Co., and a director of The Gallatin National Bank. He was largely inter- ested in city real estate, also, being one of the heirs of William Rhinelander, and owned wharf property between Barclay and Canal streets, although it should be said that his fortune was mainly of his own making. In 1841, he married Eliza S. Crosby, a sister of Chancellor Crosby. She died in 1877. Five children survived their father, William C. and Philip R. Renwick; Emily A., wife of Ed. Abdy Hurry; Mrs. Helen S. Schaff and Mrs. Mary C. Strong. WILLIAfi RHINELANDER, born in New York city in September, 1827, is a descendant of Philip Jacob Rhinelander, a Huguenot and first of the name in America, who, driven from France by religious persecution, settled in New Rochelle in 1686 and bought a large tract of land there. Prior to the American Revolution, the pioneer moved to New York city and engaged in business. William Rhinelander, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, inherited property from two brothers and augmented his possessions by importing and refining sugar. He left a large property in real estate in New York city to his sens, William C., Philip and Frederick, which included almost the whole area bounded by 86th and 93d streets, Third avenue and the East River, and large tracts in Chrystie, Canal, Broome, Rivington, Allen, Cherry, Monroe, William, Spruce, Beach, Washington, West Greenwich and other streets. William C. Rhine- lander, who died June 20, 1878, at the age of eighty-eight, was an officer in the War of 1812 and a trustee of the entire Rhinelander estate, which has been kept together more than a hundred years. The old " prison house," in which the patriots of the American Revolution suffered such horrors, had always been owned by the family, who kept it as an interesting landmark until compelled by the city government to demolish 538 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. it, a few years ago. The subject of this sketch, a son of William C. Rhinelander, re- ceived his first business training in his father's office and has since been active both in the management of his own properties and in a fiduciary capacity for others, being a trustee under his father's will. Although never negligent of his duty as a voter and always interested in the welfare of the city, Mr. Rhinelander has never held public office. He married in 1853, Miss Cruger Oakley, a descendant of the famous Colonel Cruger family, which held prominent positions of trust in the early days of the city for nearly a hundred years. Her grandfather, Henry Cruger, was Mayor of Bristol and Member of Parliament under George III., while her father was Chief Justice Oakley, whose decisions are yet remembered on account of their soundness, and who served for many years in the State Legislature and in Congress. ENOS RICHARDSON, manufacturer, born in 1819 in Attleborough, Mass., now one of the principal seats of the manufacture of jewelry in this country, entered this trade at the age of sixteen. Going to Philadelphia with his employer, he toiled in the factory for a time and, in 1838, became a traveling salesman, making two trips to the West, every year. In 1841, he engaged in the manufacture of jewelry in Attleborough in partnership with S. S. Daggett and took charge of the New York office of the firm at No. 9 Cortlandt street. In 1848, the firm name was changed to Palmer, Richardson & Co., and upon Dec. 31, 1865, to Enos Richardson & Co. With different partners, Mr. Richardson has continued in business down to the present time. Since 1848, he has manufactured in Newark, N. J., under the name of The Richardson Manufacturing Co., and since 1849, the office of the house has been in Maiden Lane. Mr. Richardson is now one of the most prominent makers of popular jewelry in the United States. Frank H. Richardson, managing partner in the firm, is his son. JOSEPH RICHARDSON may truthfully be said to have been the architect of his own fortunes to an extent rarely achieved by those to whom that credit is accorded. Born in England, Sept. 7, 1814, he came to this country at a very early age and when only ten years old was apprenticed to a mason in Albany, N. Y. While yet, a young man, he established himself in business as a master builder; and, although expanding interests, attendant. upon enlarged capital and liberal investment in various directions, have necessarily diverted his attention in some degree, he yet regards as his serious oc- cupation that in which he laid the foundation of his fortune. A builder he has been for more than half a century and a builder he intends to be while he lives. Practically all of New York, as it is to-day ; has grown up under his observation. Wall street, for instance, he has seen rebuilt three times, with the exception of the United States Treasury building and Custom House, and the latter is the second edifice he has seen on that ground. In promoting these changes, he has done much important work. But his building operations have not been confined to this city. In 1852-53, he erected the water works at Bridgeport, Conn., the third in this country, the first and second having been respectively in Philadelphia and New York. Of all those associ- ated with him in the corporation, which built the Bridgeport works, he is the only one now living. All new enterprises promising material advancement in the progress of civilization have found in Mr. Richardson earnest sympathy and liberal aid. His money helped the first trans-Atlantic steamship, the Great Western, when that enterprise was looked upon as so chimerical that means had to be sought on both sides of the ocean to defray JOSEPH RICHARDSON. 540 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. the cost. He also invested liberally with Cyrus W. Field to aid the laying of the first Atlantic cable. The first elevated railroad in New York, the "one-legged " structure on Greenwich street from the Battery to Cortlandt street, the small and then much ridiculed beginning from which our present magnificent elevated railroad system has developed, was partly due to Mr. Richardson's prescient faith in its future and his gen- erous backing of the enterprise. Thirty years ago, he established a line of steamboats between New York and Bridgeport, Conn., which he yet controls, and which, notwithstanding the sharp rail- road rivalry it encounters, he has made profitable through keeping it fully up to all the requirements of modern traffic. Mr. Richardson was a liberal investor in the Credit Mobilier, which supplied the means for building the Union Pacific Railroad, and not only aided that gigantic national enterprise in this manner, but also gave for its furtherance the not less impor- tant service of building at Laramie City, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains, the mill in which a portion of the rails for the road were rolled. It was the first rolling mill west of the Missouri river. The water works at Laramie City are another monu- ment to his enterprise, he having been their originator and builder. He also built the water works at Houston, Texas. Vigorous in mind and body, at an age specified by the Psalmist as the limit of active human life, Mr. Richardson is an excellent demonstration of the preservative effect of a well regulated and well occupied life. He has been twice married and is deservedly cited by those who know him best as a model of conjugal fidelity. In various good ways, Mr. Richardson may be deemed an exceptional man, but in none more so, perhaps, than in his ability to affirm, as he does, that if he had his life to live over again, with all his experience consciously retained, he would not wish to live otherwise than he has lived. EDWARD RIDLEY, merchant, born in Leicestershire, England, who died in New York city, July 31, 1883, in his sixty-seventh year, was the son of James Moseley Ridley, gentleman. While educated for the law, the young man preferred a mercantile career and, obtaining his father's reluctant consent, began life as apprentice to a merchant. When he finally opened a dry goods store in his native town, he learned a sharp lesson by endorsing the paper of other business houses, which resulted in an obligation to pay various debts for which he was not responsible. Having settled honorably with creditors, he removed to America, located in Albany, N. Y. , opened a dry goods store, made excellent progress and soon established a branch store in Saratoga. He closed both houses in 1849 to bring his capital to New York city, where he established a little retail millinery and dry goods store at the corner of Grand and Allen streets. At the end of the first decade, he was worth not over $50,000. In 1869 and 1875 respectively, he took his two sons, Edward Albert and Arthur John Ridley, into partnership, with the happiest results. The business prospered exceedingly and soon became one of the most prominent in the trade. When Mr. Ridley died, his store covered four and a half acres of ground, employed 1,700 clerks and salesmen, and ranked as one of the most conspicuous retail houses on the east side of the city. He was twice married first to Miss Elizabeth Smith of Leicestershire, England, Oct. 23. 1837. The children born to them were James Moseley Ridley, deceased ; Edward Albert and Arthur John Ridley, now the proprietors of the store; Fannie Louise Hughes and Emma Elizabeth Ridley. &w,w i THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RI. 541 After the death of his wife, Mr. Ridley married Caroline Wilhelmina Yevance of Philadelphia. Their daughter is Clara W. Ridley. Mr. Ridley was an upright, chivalric, public spirited and enterprising man. He lived in Gravesend on Long Island. DANIEL 5. RIKER, merchant, born at the old Riker homestead on Bowery Bay, died at his home, Bowery Bay, L. I., June 10, 1890, in his fifty-fifth year. After com- pleting his education, he entered the drug commission house of Benjamin H. Field & Co., where he remained a long time. He was next placed in charge of the St. Louis branch of Hall, Bradley & Co. of this city, dealers in paints. In 1861, he returned to New York and formed a partnership with his brother, John L. Riker, in the commission drug and chemical business and was occupied in extending and managing their very prosperous trade until his death. The firm were known as J. L. & D. S. Riker. Their sales amounted to about $5,000,000 a year and the house has long held a leading position in its field. Mr. Riker was married about 1866 to Miss Field of Poughkeepsie. This union brought them five children, three sons and two daughters, who with his wife survived him. He owned a winter home at No. 303 Madison avenue, which he occupied for twenty-four years. FRANCIS ROBERT RIVES, lawyer, born in Albemarle county, Va., Feb. 16, 1821, died at his country house, New Hamburg, Dutchess county, N. Y., July 16, 1891. His father, William C. Rives, studied law under President Jefferson, was twice appointed Minister to France, and three times elected United States Senator, twice for incomplete terms, and served as an aid de camp during the War of 1812. Graduating from the University of Virginia in 1841, Francis R. Rives served as secretary of lega- tion in London under Mr. Everett until 1845, anc ^ then came to New York city to prac- tice law. For many years, he was associated with Alexander Hamilton, especially in real estate cases, and met with so much success as to be enabled to retire thirty years before his death. His home in the city was at No. 8 Washington Place. He was a prominent member of The Southern Society and once its president, a member of the Knickerbocker, Coaching and Farmers' clubs, and actively interested in the annual Horse Show in this city in Madison Square Garden. His wife, Matilda, was the only daughter of George Barclay, a prominent old merchant. She died several years before him. His children were George L. Rives, a well known lawyer and Assistant Secre- tary of State under Thomas F. Bayard; Francis R. Rives, who died in January, 1890; Reginald W. Rives; Ella R. , wife of David King, of Newport; Constance, wife of John Borland, of New Hamburg, N. Y., and Maud, wife of Walker B. Smith, of Tuxedo. JOHN ROACH, shipbuilder, was an historic figure and has left the impress of an elevated character and extraordinary powers of mind upon the thought and history of the nation. He was born in Mitchellstown in County Cork, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1813, and traced his early ancestry to gentle blood. His father, once a prosperous merchant, had bsen financially ruined by endorsing for friends ; and so great was the adversity, which this disaster brought upon the family, that John Roach, the son, was denied the advan- tage of even a fairly good education. With a meagre equipment of book knowledge, the lad came to the United States at the age of fifteen, in the steerage of a sailing ship, landing in New York to find himself unknown, without friends, without capital, in the crowds and rush of a great city. The sturdy Irish lad, who thus made his modest entrance into the metropolis, was destined, however, to become an eminent, patriotic, and remarkable citizen of the new world, and, by his genius and indefatigable 542 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. exertions, to bestow a prestige upon the flag of his adopted country at sea, conferred during the prime of his life by few, if any, of the descendants of the oldest families of the country. His first employment was in The Howell Iron Works in the woods of Monmouth county, New Jersey, then owned by James P. Allaire. He dwelt in the quaint little village, which had grown up around that furnace and foundry, accepted such work as he could do, learned the iron worker's trade and spent his nights in diligent study. He was noted then, as always in after life, for his overflowing energy, his honesty, good nature and strictly temperate, almost abstemious, habits. He was saving and placed all that he could spare of his wages in the keeping of Mr. Allaire, with whom he remained for ten years. Then, affected by the Western excitement, he made his way to Illinois to explore the possibilities of that region. Drawing a few hundred dollars of his money from Mr. Allaire, he purchased a farm where the city of Peoria now stands and made a payment upon it. Sending East for the balance of his money, he then learned that Mr. Allaire had failed. Mr. Roach thus lost every dollar he had in the world, including what he had paid on the farm, and was obliged to work his way back to New York, having no money to pay his fare. It may be said here that while he failed in his first attempt to become a farmer, he succeeded in later life and became the owner of ten or more farms in Westchester county and along the Hudson river. Upon his return from the West, too sturdy to be discouraged, Mr. Roach then, in association with other mechanics, started what was practically a co-operative foundry pn Goerck street in this city. It was a business which involved competition with well established rivals but was pushed with energy and was successful. Machine work and boiler making were in due time added to the foundry; and, through Mr. Roach's in- cessant activity, his ingenious management, honesty and excellence of his workman- ship, The ^Etna Works began to make an enviable reputation. At this juncture, their boiler exploded. Overwhelmed with the disaster, most of his partners withdrew. Mr. Roach was left alone. His ability and integrity enabling him to borrow capital, he resumed the business and soon created a large, profitable and increasing industry. It was he, who, in 1860, obtained the contract for and then constructed the bridge over the Harlem river at Third avenue, only recently removed. A massive iron drawbridge, it was- one of the most important works of its class at the time, and its strength and perfect working during its thirty-three years of existence afforded conclusive evidence of painstaking and thorough workmanship. At the end of the Civil War, Mr. Roach was in possession of a flourishing busi- ness. His mind, ever busy with the opportunities of his industry, strongly inclined to large and important affairs, was then considering the condition of the American mer- cantile marine. He was especially struck with the predominance of the British flag among the shipping of this great American port, and came ardently to desire the res- toration of the American merchant marine to its once proud position in the trade to Europe. Inspired by the thought of playing a part in securing for American ships a share of the enormous foreign commerce of the United States, he began the realization of his plans in 1868 by buying The Morgan Iron Works and thereafter The Neptune Works, The Allaire Works, and The Franklin Forge, all in New York city, some of them devoted to marine engine building. They were all consolidated under the name of The Morgan Iron Works. THE CITY OF NEW YORK.. RO. 543 During this period, he was investigating minutely and carefully the methods of iron ship building on the Clyde. In 1871, he purchased the ship yard of Reaney, Son A: Archbold at Chester, Pa., and engaged in iron ship building. Mr. Roach then entered upon that career of intrepid effort and inspiring achievement, which has made his work forever a part of our country's history. In February, 1872, the yard took the name of The Delaware River Iron Ship Building & Engine Works. His first iron vessels were built for the coasting trade, and later he launched many large and costly steamers for the service to foreign ports. It was characteristic of a man who did nothing hap-hazard, that every ship he built was the product of previous thorough investigation and careful reflection. If a steamer were desired for the trade to a shoal water harbor on the Southern coast, or for Long Island Sound, or for a transoceanic line, the exact practical depth of water, the distance from port to port, the nature of the traffic, the tonnage and bulk of the cargo, and even- other con- ceivable fact which would govern the shape and speed of that particular vessel was pre- viously ascertained; and the ship was designed and built for its own especial service. As a consequence, his ships were successful; and with growing experience, he pro- duced successively better and better vessels, until his reputation as a builder was securely established. Large contracts were awarded to Mr. Roach by the Federal government as well as by the various American steamship lines. In the nearly twelve years of his active work, he launched from his yards 126 steam and war ships. As orders came to Mr. Roach's yard, he enlarged his works until they covered a space of twenty- three acres, were superbly equipped, employed more than 2,000 men, and represented an investment of about $3,000,000. His sons as they successively reached their majority became assistants of their father in the business. Another exceed- ingly valuable coadjutor of Mr. Roach was his confidential practical man of affairs, Mr. George E. Weed, who became associated with him in 1861. Mr. Weed's ability, cool- ness, clear judgment and untiring energy led to his promotion to the practical man- agement of The Morgan Iron Works and he remains to this day one of the most valued officials of the company. During all this period, Mr. Roach was active with voice, pen and personal influ- ence, in awakening a public opinion, favorable to the establishment of American steam- ship lines to foreign lands. He was the author of many pamphlets of great value, made several important addresses, promoted the holding of conventions, and pressed his views strongly on public men, with many of the most distinguished of whom he had an inti- mate acquaintance. It may be said here, that to the end of his life, Mr. Roach felt keenly the lack of some of those details in a finished education, which can only be sup- plied by the schools; but, in a strange way, nature had made up for the deficiencies of his formal training by endowing him with a mind, strong, penetrating and original, and with a rare ability to array facts in an orderly grouping, to comprehend their broad bearings, and to utilize them so as to awaken the interest of others. Having learned early in life to think and act for himself, his active mind was continually pre- senting to his contemplation new, fresh and vigorous ideas. It was impossible to con- verse with Mr. Roach for an hour, without being powerfully impressed with the nobility of character inherited from some gentle ancestor, the fertility of mind, the greatness of the man and his absolute loyalty to the flag of his adopted country. In the long and hard fight for recognition of the American mercantile marine by the American people 544 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and their Congress, upon which he entered in 1871, he became the most influential, most active and most highly respected authority on this subject in America. Mr. Roach did not live to realize his ambition to found a line of splendid steamers to ply between New York and Liverpool, but he did aid the establishment of various lines of American steamships, which carried the American flag to Brazilian and other foreign ports. At his death, ninety per cent, of the American steamers in the foreign trade of the United States had been built by him. Of the occurrences of the three years preceding his death, it is difficult to speak with moderation. Mr. Roach had long been a Republican, a consistent advocate of Protection to American labor, and the author of "An Unanswerable Argument " in defense of that policy (which remains unanswered to this day) and had often subscribed generously to Republican campaign funds. In 1884, a Democratic President and Cabinet, then newly installed in Washington, immediately entered upon a policy apparently designed to crush that brave, true and able patriot, John Roach. He had built the beautiful dispatch boat, the Dolphin, for the navy. A partisan Secretary of the Navy refused to accept this ship, alleging " structural weakness, " withheld pay- ment of large sums of money due, made war upon Mr. Roach, and compelled him to assign and close his works. There was never a particle of structural weakness in the Dolphin. She proved her strength and sea-going qualities triumphantly upon many trials, and, when too late, was duly accepted. But, meanwhile, the heart of John Roach had been broken by the closing of his works. His depression of mind developed a fatal malady and he died Jan. 10, 1887. The cruelty shown to him, although since repented of, will never be forgotten by the American people. Mr. Roach was married, in 1836, to Emeline Johnson and the union brought them nine children, William H. Roach, now deceased; John B. Roach; Sarah E. Roach; Garrett Roach, now deceased; Garrett Roach, 2d, now deceased; James E. Roach, de- ceased; Stephen W. Roach, deceased; Stephen W. Roach, 2d, and Emeline Roach. His sons, with George E. Weed, now conduct the business which he established. ELI ROBBINS, merchant, born Sept. 22, 1821, in West Cambridge, Mass., on the road famous as the route of Paul Revere, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., June n, 1883. At an early age, Mr. Robbins began his career by visiting the country towns with horse and wagon, and buying poultry, which he dressed with his own hands for the Boston market. Nathan and Amos, his brothers, were marketmen in Faneuil Hall. In 1836, when Simeon Boyden of Boston, a hotel keeper, came to New York to take charge of the Astor House, that gentleman suggested to the brothers Robbins that the New York market lacked a supply of the best poultry and might be a good field for them. Amos came on at once to New York to establish the business here. Eli joined him in 1839, and the firm of A. & E. Robbins, formed with only a few hundred dollars of capital, enjoyed a long and honorable existence. They located at the old Fulton Market, dealt in poultry on a large scale, and found their fortunes in catering to the public demand. Mr. Robbins made his home in Brooklyn. He was a director of The Mon- tauk and The Firemen's Trust Insurance Co's, and used his means generously for pub- lic objects. May 13, 1845, he married Maria C. Farmer, of his native town. He had two children, Warren and Clinton, who died at the ages of 23 and 14 respectively. Mr. Robbins gave about $300,000 to public institutions, and his wife, who survived him, became noted also for the extent of her gifts and the beauty of her character. She THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. 545 paid the debts of the Church of Our Father, in Brooklyn, gave large sums for philan- thropic work, and by her will left $150,000 to finish a public library, at Arlington, Mass., which she had already begun. HARSHALL OWEN ROBERTS, merchant, born on Oliver street, New York city, March 22, 1814, died in the United States Hotel, Saratoga Springs, Sept. n, 1880. His father, Owen Roberts, a Welsh physician, came to New York in 1798, with his wife, Miss Newell, of Birmingham, England. Marshall, the fourth and youngest son, began life as boy and clerk in a grocery house at Coenties Slip. Later, he served as clerk first to a saddler and then to a ship chandler. In 1830, before coming of age, his prox- imity to the wharves, a love of ships and his native enterprise, led him to open a ship chandlery store on his own account, in partnership with another youth. Through a contract with the Government to supply oil to Navy vessels and his own foresight in anticipating a fall in the price of oil, he made what was at the time considered a large sum of money. In 1841, he became Naval Agent at New York under appointment by President Harrison. Successful as a merchant from the start, he soon accumulated sufficient funds to engage in independent operations. He bought lands on the flats of the Xe\v Jersey shore, across the river, at a nominal price, which he held for many years and 'finally sold to a corporation for $1,500,000. Engaging in the steamboat traffic of the Hudson, he met with success and built for service in the line the Hendrick Hudson, the largest steamer then employed upon that river. Later, he became an ad- vocate, a large owner of the stock and influential director of The New York & Erie Railroad, and in The Long Dock Co., which provided that company with terminal facilities in New Jersey. The Scranton coal mines were in part developed by him and Mr. Roberts always considered himself the projector of The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. Moses Taylor and he were associated in many different enterprises. One product of his energy was The Aspinwall Steamship Co., known later as the United States Mail Steamship Co., and finally as The Pacific Mail Steamship Co., which took part in the early struggles for the control of the California service. He lost consider- able money in these rivalries, but at last obtained from Congress a grant of $1.000,000 in payment of his claims. He was at one time president of The North River Bank and also joined Peter Cooper, Cyrus W. Field and others in building a telegraph line to Newfoundland to obtain the first news of maritime arrivals and was also interested in the Atlantic cable. When the Civil War broke out, he bought all the rosin in the mar- ket and disposed of it at a large profit. He was a strong Union man, and the Star of the West, sent in January, 1861, to provision Fort Sumter, was his steamer. Mr. Roberts took great pride' in displaying the flag of the Star of the West thereafter from his private residence. Later, the steamship America was sent with 1,500 men to Fortress Monroe at his own expense. All of his vessels were placed at the service of the Government during the War. He invested $2,000,000 in The Texas Pacific Rail- road, had large interests in other transportation lines, and was the leading spirit of the Tehuantepec Canal enterprise. A great admirer of Abraham Lincoln, he sent $10,000 to Mrs. Lincoln at her husband's death. Politics always awakened his interest, and in recognition of the material aid he had given the party, the Republicans nominated him in 1865, for Mayor of New York. He was, however, defeated. Mr. Roberts was vehem- ent, driving and energetic as a business man. His ventures often cost him large sums of money, but he saw the way to recoup his losses and steadily amassed wealth. A dis- 546 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. position affectionate and benevolent and an unusual knowledge of human character made him indulgent in judging others. His charities were innumerable, especially toward the institutions of the Episcopal church. Although a member of the Union club, he preferred home life and surrounded himself there with a splendid collection of paint- ings and a fine library. He was three times married, first to Miss C. D. Amerman of New York; next to Miss C. D. Smith of Hartford, Conn., and then to Susan Lawrence Endicott. His children were Mary M., Isaac K., Caroline M., wife of Ames Van Wart, the sculptor, and Marshall, the first two of whom survived him. Isaac K. Roberts died in February, 1888. MAJOR JOSEPH L. ROBERTSON, banker, broker and dealer in investment securities at No 7, Nassau street, is a representative Southern man, to whose compre- hensive knowledge of a special field of enterprise, energy and personal influence, is to be credited a great share of the material progress in development of the resources of the South and Southwest through the aid of Eastern capital, in recent years. He may be regarded one of the important links uniting the large financial interests of the me- tropolis with the most conspicuous enterprises, which distinguish the "new South" at the present time. On the maternal side, Mr. Robertson is a descendant from the old Huguenot nobility of France, one of his ancestors having been the gallant Marquis de Calmeis, a pioneer of the ' 'dark and bloody ground. " A granddaughter of the Marquis was Miss Emily Richardson, who was Mr. Robertson's mother. The Robertsons were promi- nent among the early settlers of Kentucky and Tennessee. From that family, sprang, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Robertson was born Oct, 4, 1838, on the family estate in Montgomery county, Ky. His schooling was confined to the local educational institutions but was sufficiently thorough to qualify him for admission to the Military Academy at West Point, to which he was appointed by the Hon. John C. Mason. His career as a cadet was, however, destined to be abbreviated by the breaking out of the Civil War. He was one of those to whom the theory of State's rights appealed strongly, and his convictions impelled him to renounce the advantages he enjoyed that he might give himself to the cause with which his sympathies were enlisted. Returning to his native State, full of youth- ful enthusiasm, he aided in enlisting for the Confederate service a company which was mustered in as Co. H, 4th Ky. Vols. He became its First Lieutenant. Technical mil- itary knowledge was not abundant in the early days of the War on either side of the line and Lieutenant Robertson's training was so far above the average that, added to his natural capacity for the service, it speedily won distinction for him. Very soon, he was made Adjutant of the regiment, the first step in his rapid promotion. In a short time, he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General of the brigade, commanded by Gen. John C. Breckinridge. All his service was active in the field but in its hazards uniform good fortune attended him. In 1863, he was ordered to the Trans- Mississippi Depart- ment, where he served on the staff of General Hawes of Kentucky, afterward on that of General Waul of Texas and finally with General Magruder, to whose command he was attached until the close of the war. Upon the restoration of peace, Major Robertson realized that the condition in which the South had been left by the War was such as to offer little immediate choice for con- genial and profitable employment; but, fortunately, in view of his later career, he 548 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. elected to identify himself with Southern railroad interests. His first connection was with The Sehna, Rome & Dalton Railroad Later, he joined The Virginia & Tennes- see Air Line Railroads. During his association with the management of those import- ant lines of traffic, he enjoyed ample opportunities for becoming thoroughly conversant with the natural resources of the most favored parts of the Southern and Southwestern country and of attaining a perfect comprehension of their requirements for develop- ment. This knowledge was not merely general but specific, and included information upon promising enterprises already in being but languishing for lack of energetic direction. Armed with knowledge and confident of his ability, he came to New York in 1877 and established himself as a broker and dealer in investment securities, princi- pally those based upon enterprises in sections, concerning which he was well informed and upon which his representations were speedily recognized as authoritative. He influenced the investment of millions of dollars in development of the iron and coal re- sources of Alabama and Tennessee. It is not too much to say, that the present great importance of those industries as factors in the prosperity of the " new South " is due in a great measure to Major J. L. Robertson. His aid has also been valuable in build- ing up the railway systems of the South, notably in connection with The Chattanooga Southern Railway, for which, as financial agent, he procured the means for construc- tion and equipment. He was also president of the construction company by which the road was built. Incidentally, Major Robertson has amassed a fortune for himself in these large enterprises by legitimate interest in substantial enterprises. All the mani- fold directions in which his energies have been applied have tended to enhance the prosperity of the country by bringing forth its hidden wealth, providing new fields of profitable employment for labor, increasing its facilities for traffic and encouraging the development of the productiveness and consequently the larger settlement of formerly sparsely populated districts. To such service, he has not only brought the aid of others' capital but has applied his own. Major Robertson is not only one of the most successful Southern business men resident in New Ycrk, but enjoys high social standing. His personal worth, geniality and culture command for him the esteem of an exceptionally wide circle of acquain- tances among the best people of the metropolis. Of course, he has been prominent in The Southern Society of this city, as one of the highly respected members; and not a few gentlemen from the South, coming here to repair fortunes damaged by war, have found in him their most considerate, influential and efficient friend. He is also a member of the New York club. Naturally, as a Kentuckian, Major Robertson has a decided penchant for fine horses, and his ample means have enabled him to gratify his tastes in the raising of thoroughbreds on his splendid "Meadowland" stock farm, in Monmouth County, N. J., as satisfactorily as he might in the famous "blue grass" region of his native State. Major Robertson was married on Jan. 5, 1869, to Miss Mary Webb Pollard, of Montgomery, Alabama, daughter of William H. Pollard, and niece of Charles T. Pol- lard, two of the most prominent citizens of that State. By this union he has four chil- dren, William Pollard Robertson, Benjamin J. Robertson, jr., Miss Mary Elizabeth Robertson, and Miss Clara Pollard Robertson. JEREMIAH POTTER ROBINSON, merchant, born Aug. 18, 1819, in South Kings- ton, R. I., died in Brooklyn, Aug. 26, 1886. His family had been residents of Rhode THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. 549 Island for many generations and one of his ancestors Governor of the State. His father was captain of a ship in the trade with China. Brought up as a child on his grandfather's farm, the boy left at the age of twelve to become a clerk and bookkeeper for his uncle, Stephen A. Robinson, a grocer in Newport. In less than three years, he returned to the farm. In 1836, he came to New York with $50 in money and, after a long search, found employment with E'. P. & A. Woodruff, merchants of fish, provi- sions, groceries and salt. Hard work resulted at the end of four years in his admission to partnership, the firm finally taking the name of A. Woodruff & Robinson. Having become interested in the warehouse business, the firm gradually abandoned all their former trade, except the importation of salt. Later, he engaged in the storage busi- ness for himself under the name of J. P. & G. C. Robinson. The firm are known at present as J. P. Robinson & Co. About 1843, Mr. Robinson entered upon the develop- ment of the South Brooklyn water front, where he bought large blocks of unimproved land and built warehouses and piers. The Robinson stores were built by him. A few years later, with William Beard, he began to develop the region now known as the Erie Basin but sold his interest therein later to Mr. Beard. Mr. Robinson was a director and first president of the Brooklyn Bridge and a friend of every other enterprise having in view the welfare of Brooklyn. He belonged to the Chamber of Commerce, the Produce and Maritime Exchanges, and the Brooklyn and Hamilton clubs. By his mar- riage with Elizabeth De Witt, of Cranberry, N. J., he was the father of four children, Isaac R., Jeremiah P., Elizabeth De Witt, and Harriet W. JOHN DAVISON ROCKEFELLER, one of the founders of The Standard Oil Co., was born in Richford, N. Y., July 8, 1839, tne oldest son of William Avery and Eliza Davison Rockefeller. The family removed to Cleveland, O., in 1853, where John completed his studies at the age of sixteen at the high school. As clerk in the forward- ing and commission house of Hewitt & Tuttle, he then entered modestly upon a career, possible only in a country like ours, which gives free scope to the talents of every young man and binds no one to a life of obscurity, who has the ability to rise above it. After fifteen months, he became cashier and bookkeeper in charge of the office of the firm. When not yet nineteen years old, he engaged in a commission business on his own account in partnership with Morris B. Clark, as Clark & Rockefeller, continuing with various partners until the spring of 1865. Meanwhile, Mr. Rockefeller had entered upon the enterprise, which the com- mercial genius of himself and his associates was to develop to worldwide proportions. As early as 1860, the firm of Clark & Rockefeller, with others, had established the oil refining business of Andrews, Clark & Co. Selling his interest in the commission house in 1865, Mr. Rockefeller, with Mr. Andrews, bought the interest of their- associates in oil refining, establishing the firm of Rockefeller & Andrews. This business developed with great rapidity. With William Rockefeller as an added partner, the firm of William Rockefeller & Co. was established in Cleveland and shortly thereafter all the partners united in founding the firm of Rockefeller & Co. in New York, for the sale of the products of their refineries. Two years later, these companies were consolidated under the name of Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler, in association with Henry M Flagler. with whom the Rockefellers had had several years of pleasant intercourse. In 1870, The Standard Oil Co. of Ohio was organized with a capital of 1,000,000, with John D. Rockefeller as president, William Rockefeller vice president and Henry 55 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. M. Flagler secretary and treasurer. Many other refineries in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York associated themselves with The Standard Oil Co. from time to time, and in 1882, The Standard Oil Trust was formed with a capital of $70,000,000, afterward in- creased to $95,000,000, which, within seven or eight years, came into possession of the stocks of the companies controlling the greater part of the petroleum refining business of the United States, and, in addition, of large oil producing interests. In 1892, the Supreme Court of Ohio decided the Trust to be illegal, and it was dissolved, the business being now conducted by the separate companies, in each of which Mr. Rockefeller is a shareholder. The Standard Oil companies have been able to reduce the cost of oil to consumers, and they now own thousands of acres of oil lands, an extensive system of wells, refineries, pipe lines, oil steamships, and business houses in all the principal cities of the United States and the representative cities of nearly every civilized country on the face of the globe. They control the greater part of the petroleum business of this country and export much of the oil used in other countries. They give employment to a vast army of men, among whom strikes are unknown. Mr. Rockefeller has invested largely in various other industrial enterprises, thus contributing in many directions to the prosperity of the country. He is moreover a man of public spirit. From the time he began life as a boy, he has in each year en- larged his contributions to philanthropic and religious work throughout this and other countries. His benefactions are as a rule not made public, and their consideration has for many years required more time and attention than his business affairs. His largest gift to any one institution has been over $4,000,000. He is actively engaged in church work, enjoys home life and belongs to few clubs or other social organizations. WILLIAM ROCKEFELLER, president of The Standard Oil Co. of New York, born in Tioga county, N. Y., May 31, 1841, is the second son of William A. and Eliza Davidson Rockefeller. He received his education at the academy in Owego and the public schools in Cleveland, O. The family moved to Cleveland early in the '503. Be- ginning his business career in 1858, modestly, as a bookkeeper for A. Quinn, a promi- nent miller of Cleveland, with whom he remained for two years, Mr. Rockefeller then served in the same capacity the forwarding and commisson house of Hughes & Lester. At the end of the second year, upon the retirement of Mr. Lester, Mr. Rockefeller became his successor in the firm under the name of Hughes & Rockefeller. For several years, he carried on a successful produce commission business and gained therefrom the means to engage in the famous operations, with which he then became identified. This firm dissolved in 1864, and he formed a co-partnership with his brother, John D. Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews, as Wm. 'Rockefeller & Co., to engage in oil refining, and built the Standard Oil Works in Cleveland. His brother and Mr. Andrews were already in the same business under the name of Rockefeller & Andrews, conducting the Excelsior refinery. In 1865, Mr. Rockefeller came to New York and established the firm of Rockefeller & Co. to sell and handle in this market the oils of the two concerns in Cleveland. The success of his operations bore elo- quent testimony to his ability as a merchant. In 1867, all three firms were dissolved to be succeeded by Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler of Cleveland and New York city, William Rockefeller taking charge of the business in New York. In 1870, the firm of Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler dissolved and organized The Standard Oil Co of Ohio, with John D. Rockefeller as its president and William Rockefeller, vice president, the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. 551 latter in charge of the mercantile and financial business in New York. In 1881, The Standard Oil Trust was formed and with it The Standard Oil Co. of New York. William Rockefeller was elected vice president of the Trust and president of The Standard Oil Co. of New York, and has continued to be president of the latter until the present time. In the creation of the enormous business of this company, Mr. Rockefeller has played an important part. He is famous for exact knowledge of all the details of the operations of the >company, close discrimination and clear and correct judgment, and his opinions have always had great weight in the affairs of his corpora- tion. He was married in 1864, in Fairfield, Conn., to Miss Almira Geraldine Goodsell, and has four children living, Emma, Wi'liam G., Percy A very and Ethel Geraldine. In 1875, he built the house on the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and 54th street, which has ever since been the family residence. His splendid country seat is on the North river between Tarrytown and Scarborough, upon the old Aspinwall estate, of which he is now owner. Large wealth has enabled him to extend his interests and he is a director of The Consolidated Gas Co. of New York, The United States Trust Co., The National City Bank, The Hanover National Bank, The Leather Manufacturers' National Bank and The New York, New Haven & Hartford, The Delaware, Lack- wanna & Western and The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroads. He is a man of retiring disposition, an enthusiastic horseman, and a member of the Union League, Metropolitan, and Gentlemen's Riding clubs. CORNELIUS VAN SCHAICK ROOSEVELT, merchant, born Jan. 30, 1794, died July 17, 1871. He was a conspicuous member of an old Dutch family, which has pro- duced many men distinguished both in private life and public affairs. The first repre- sentative of the name, Claes Martinsen Van Roosevelt, came from Holland to New Amsterdam in 1649. From Martinsen, the line came down by direct descent through Nicholas, Johannes, Jacobus, and Jacobus I., (known as James), to Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt. Jacobus I. Roosevelt, father of Cornelius, was a Commissary during the entire War for Independence, giving his services without reward, and Nicholas, an uncle of the subject of this memoir, brought out the steamboat simultaneously with (the family claim before) Fulton and ran vessels of this class on the Mississippi river while Fulton was operating them on the Hudson. Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt was one of the most eminent of this family and in his day was one of the four or five richest men in New York city. He was for many years engaged in the importation of hardware and plate glass, and also the inheritor of large means from the Roosevelt family. In the judgment of his contemporaries, he ranked as a man of the soundest opinions and most accurate discrimination. He was one of those who founded The Chemical Bank on the single principle of honesty, a trait not so common as it should have been in banks in those days, and the institution has never failed to pay its obligations in gold. During the War. it redeemed its notes at one time at 280 in greenbacks. He introduced in business a principle even more rare, by giving out no notes. The United States Bank he fought from start to finish. While a very rich man, Mr. Roosevelt never valued money for its own sake. He made money through the power of his own mind and then gave it away to his family and in unknown charities. By his marriage with Margaret Barnhill, he was the father of Silas Weir Roosevelt, an excellent lawyer and famous wit, who died about twenty years ago ; James A. Roosevelt ; Cornelius V. S. Roose- velt, who died Sept. 30, 1887, in his sixtieth year, without issue; Robert B. Roosevelt; 552 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. Theodore Roosevelt, Allotment Commissioner, now deceased; and William W. Roose- velt, the latter dying while young. JAflES ALFRED ROOSEVELT, banker, son of Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt, was born in New York city, June 13, 1825. Educated at home by private tutors, he began business for himself at the age of 21 as a member of Roosevelt & Son, importers of hardware and plate glass, but soon abandoned the hardware branch of the business as unprofitable. For a number of years, the firm continued the importation of plate glass, being the leading house in that business. Mr. Roosevelt and his brother Theo- dore both acquired a fortune. After his brother's death, he established in 1878, with his two sons, Alfred and William Emlen Roosevelt, the bank of Roosevelt & Sons, under the old firm name, at No. 33 Wall street. Alfred died July 3, 1891, in conse- quence of a railroad accident, but the remaining partners yet conduct the bank at the location above named. Mr. Roosevelt is one of the best known citizens of New York, and is vice president of The Chemical National Bank and director in The New York Life Insurance & Trust Co. , The New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad, The Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., and The Eagle Fire Insurance Co , president of The Roosevelt Hospital, and trustee of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. He has extensive holdings in real estate, and was once president of The Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway. He possesses shrewd judgment and fine executive ability, which have made his services valuable in all the corporations with which he is identified. He is sound, conservative and much admired "in the street." During the Civil War, the Government received his cordial support, and he served on the Committee of Seventy at the time of Tweed's overthrow. By appointment to the Park Board under Mayor Strong, Mr. Roosevelt has recently entered the public service. He rides much on horseback in the Park and promises to make as good a public official as a business man can. Several of the best clubs in town bear his name upon their rolls, including the Metropolitan, City, Century, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Riding and Down Town clubs. Mr. Roosevelt .married in 1847, Elizabeth N., daughter of Wm. F. Emlen, of Philadelphia, and there have been born to them, May, Leila, Alfred, and William Emlen Roasevelt. The summer home of the family is at Oyster Bay, on Long Island. JAflES I. ROOSEVELT, lawyer, born in this city, Dec. 14, 1795, died at his home. No. 836 Broadway, April 5, 1875. He was a son of James I. Roosevelt, plate glass and hardware merchant, and brother of Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt. In 1815, he graduated from Columbia College, and was admitted to the bar in 1818. He took part in much notable litigation, and was remarkable as a cross-examiner. Inherited means then enabled him to devote his time almost wholly to public affairs. He identi- fied himself early in life with the Democratic party in the days when Tammany Hall was good, and was fora time treasurer of the Tammany General Committee. In 1828, he was elected to the Common Council and re-elected in 1830, and served for several years upon the Public School Board. In 1835 and 1840, he was elected to the Legisla- ture, serving both times upon the Judiciary Committee. Going to Congress in 1841, he entertained splendidly while there and declined renomination. In 1851, he became a Justice of the Supreme Court by a large majority and filled this responsible position on the bench for eight years, during one year being ex-officio a member of the Court of Appeals. At the close of his judicial career, President Buchanan appointed him to the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. office of United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, which he re- tained until the close of that administration, when he retired to private life. Judge Roosevelt possessed a purity of character which was stainless and an integrity which was unimpeachable. His wife was a leader in society. A large farm in Westchester county formed his favorite retreat from the cares of business. ROBERT BARNWELL ROOSEVELT, lawyer and banker, born at No. 31 Cort- landt street in this city, Aug. 7, 1829, is a son of the late Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt and springs from pure Holland Dutch stock. As a boy, Mr. Roosevelt gave early indications of marked ability and at sixteen years of age had written a play, which was accepted by John Brougham and would have been produced, had it not been destroyed in the fatal fire in Winter Garden Theatre. He wrote several contributions for the press, among them an account of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, then hardly known, which appeared in the old Knicker- bocker Magazine. The first article for which he ever received pay was written for THE TRIBUNE. At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Roosevelt was admitted to the bar and prac- ticed law with success for about twenty years, thereafter relinquishing his practice to his son. Inherited wealth then enabled him to devote his time largely to literature and public affairs. His property has consisted largely of real estate, an investment greatly in favor in his family since the days of the Roosevelt farm on this island in the neigh- borhood of Roosevelt street. He is a large owner and director in improvements at Brigantine Beach, N. J., and has been an officer of various companies, including The Jefferson Insurance Co., and for several years president of The Holland Trust Co., and of The Shenango & Allegheny Railroad, The Brigantine Beach Railroad, The Mercer Mining & Manufacturing Co., and The Broadway Improvement Co. Always fond of field sports, Mr. Roosevelt was among the first to visit some of the then more remote portions of the United States in pursuit of wild game. He wrote, "Superior Fishing," "A Trip to the Laval," and a number of kindred works, and took an active part in the organization of societies for the protection of game. For many years, The Xew York Association for the Protection of Game made him its president and in 1868. he became, with Horatio Seymour and Seth Green, a member of the first Com- mission of State Fisheries. Mr. Roosevelt served on that Commission for twenty years, writing all the reports and supervising the work, a part of the time being its president. His repeated successes in winning first prize in the annual fly casting tourna- ments were the despair of his competitors. In recent years, he has served as one of the Commissioners of New York State to codify the game laws. While a member of Con- gress, to which he was elected in 1872, he proposed the creation of the United States Fishery Commission and secured the passage of the law. In 1888, Mr. Roosevelt re- signed from the State Fish Commission to become American Minister to the Nether- lands and filled this position for nearly two years. He has been an Alderman and one of the Commissioners of the Brooklyn Bridge. Various public positions have been declined by him, including those of Mayor of New York, Judge and Assistant Treasurer of the United States. Among his published works are "Game Fish of North America," "Game Birds," "Fish Hatching and Fish Catching." -'Florida and the Game Water Birds," "Five Acres Too Much," a satire on scientific farming; "Progressive Petticoats," a satire on female strongmindedness; and " Love and Luck," an idyl of the Great South Bay. 554 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. In politics always a Democrat, he has been a leader in every reform movement since 1862. Loyal to the Union during the War, he became one of the founders of the Union League club and joined the thirty days men who went to the support of Washington. He served on the Committee of Seventy, which brought about the downfall of the Tweed ring, and was one of the two Democrats who spoke at the meeting when the committee was organized. Of his speech in that famous movement, half a million copies were printed by the committee for distribution. He has been the founder and godfather of half a dozen clubs, first vice president, later president, and always one of the most enthusiastic members of The Holland Society, president of the Arcadian club, manager of the Manhattan and Lotos clubs, first vice president of the Reform club, and member of the Century, Press, New York Yacht and Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht clubs. He is also vice president of The Sons of the American Revolution in New York. In 1850, he married Elizabeth Ellis, daughter of John S. Ellis. To them have been born Margaret, John Ellis, Helen L., who died while young, and Robert B. Roosevelt, jr. After the death of his wife, he married, in London, Marion T. Fortescue, widow of R. Francis Fortescue and daughter of John O'Shea of Nenagh, Ireland. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, merchant and philanthropist, born in New York city, Sept. 22, 1831, died at his residence, No. 6 West 57th street, Feb. 9, 1878. He was a son of Cornelius V. S. and Margaret Barnhill Roosevelt, from whom he inherited a fortune which, added to his own, acquired by diligent enterprise, made him a man ot large wealth. For many years and until 1876, he was engaged in the importation of glass with his brother, and was, perhaps, the first to start the idea of a trust. He made a combination in the glass trade, which he kept up to taw by a dinner every Saturday at Delmonico's and which brought to book any member of the combination chargeable with underhand work. One or two such experiences was enough for the most recalci- trant. Although a millionaire, when the Civil War broke out and it was discovered that families of many volunteers were destitute, he organized the Allotment Commission and visited personally every regiment of every corps from the East and saved millions to the destitute women and children. He served without compensation in an almost desperate cause and the tremendous labor which he performed was never recognized by the public, although for that matter he never sought to have it recognized. He did it because it was the right thing to do. In January, 1876, he devoted himself to banking as head of the firm of Theodore Roosevelt & Son. For many years, he was promi- nently identified with public charities. He was especially interested in The Newsboys' Lodging House which he founded and for a time he supported the uptown branch entirely. He was also interested in The Young Men's Christian Association and a liberal giver to many charities, always interested in increasing their efficiency. He was one of the founders of the Union League club, the Patriarchs, and The Orthopedic Hospital and The Children's Aid Society, one of the organizers of The Bureau of United Charities, and a member of the State Board of Charities. Although not a professional politician, Mr. Roosevelt was always active in political life as an anti-machine Republican. When nominated by President Hayes as Collector of the Port of New York, he was rejected by the Senate because he was a Civil Service reformer. In 1853, he married Miss Martha Bulloch, who with four children survive him, the latter being Anna L. ; Theodore, long United States Civil Service Commissioner and now head of the Police Commission of this city; Elliott, now deceased; and Corinne, wife of Douglas Robinson. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. 555 ELEAZER WMEELOCK RIPLEY ROPES, merchant, usually known as Ripley Ropes, born in Salem, Mass., Sept. 30, 1820, died in Brooklyn, May 18, 1890. He was a son of Benjamin and Frances Wilkins Ropes and the youngest of five brothers, and began to earn his living at the age of ten, as a newspaper carrier for The Salem Register, the delivery route being owned by his four brothers. At the age of 12, he was apprenticed to Taylor & Fox, the leading tailors of Salem, and spent three years in their employment, thereafter traveling in the South upon mercantile business. At the age of 20, he settled down in Salem and with his brother Reuben engaged in the South American trade. At one time, he was an alderman of the city. The growth of their interests compelled the brothers, in 1863, to remove their business to New York and their homes to Brooklyn. Ripley was a good merchant, energetic, clear-headed and upright, and prosperity attended his enterprise. The firm dealt in hides, grain, wool and leather, and owned large interests in vessels. Although a Republican in political faith, he believed in non-partisan government locally and, as a reformer, was elected an Alderman of Brooklyn, being re-elected in 1874. In 1877, he was appointed to a vacancy in the Board of Supervisors. In 1871 and 1881, he became a member of the State Board of Charities and served thereon until, a few weeks before his death, he declined reappointment. In this office, he cut off useless expenses, exposed the abuses practiced by the local bureau of charities, and saved the county nearly $2,000,000. In 1881, he was nominated for Mayor of the city but with- drew in favor of Seth Low, whom he placed in nomination himself and helped to elect. He accepted the position ot Commissioner of City Works under Mayor Low. Conscientious in the performance of every duty, he never wearied in trying to bring good out of evil. In 1873, he became president of The Brooklyn Trust Co., and held this position iintil his death, and was a member of the Brooklyn club and The New England Society. By his marriage, Oct. 22, 1846, to Elizabeth Graves, he was the father of Grace Frances, Elizabeth Graves, Frederick, Albert Gardiner, Alice, Charles Arthur, Walter Pierce, Lincoln and Louis Wheelock, twins, and Anna Caroline Ropes. REUBEN WILKINS ROPES, merchant, born in Salem, Mass., July 16, 1813, who died in Brooklyn, N. Y. , July 30, 1890, came from an old English family, his ancestors having settled in Salem in 1632. The family originated in America with two of the Pilgrim Fathers. Captain Benjamin Ropes, 1772-1845, a shipping merchant of Salem and father of Reuben, fought at Lundy's Lane in Canada against the British in the War of 1812, as Captain of the 2ist Inf., while the grandfathers of the subject of this memoir, on both sides of the family, Benjamin Ropes and Reuben Wilkins, were offi- cers in the American Revolution. Reuben W. Ropes began life in the pursuits in which his father was engaged, and, later formed the shipping firm of R. W. Ropes & Co., in Salem, in which his brothers were interested. The firm operated a packet line between Salem, Boston, New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Finally, the firm removed to New York city, where they carried on a constantly increasing business in the building known as the old colonial stage house at 73 Pearl street. Mr. Ropes retired from business about fifteen years before his death, and devoted his life there- after to charitable work. He was of a modest and retiring disposition, and his many acts of charity were done without ostentation. He supported many poor families through periods of distress, often going among them and searching out cases where his sympathy and money would bring relief It was his favorite idea to aid the poor with- 556 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. out degrading them. He was one of the founders of The Brooklyn Eye & Ear Hos- pital, vice president of The Long Island College Hospital, president of The Seaman's Friend Society, and for over a quarter of a century president of The Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. In all these offices, as in less responsible ones in many other societies, he proved himself a careful man of business, a wise counselor and a valuable executive. For many years, he was a member of the Chamber of Com- merce and The New England Society. When Mr. Beecher began preaching in Brook- lyn in 1847, Mr. Ropes was greatly impressed with him and joined Plymouth Church, with which he remained connected until his death. He was a trustee and a deacon, and one of the most constant attendants upon church services. Mr. Beecher said that he had not in his congregation a more saintly man. Mr. Ropes sent his Bible class at Warren street mission to the front during the Civil War. All returned in safety, and he gave each one a bank account and established them in business. In 1849, he mar- ried Maria L., daughter of Judge Jacob Thompson, a prominent resident of Monson, Mass. Two sons and one daughter survived him, their names being William, Edward Wilkins, and Fanny, wife of George R. Hallett Thorn, of New York. ALBERT S. ROSENBAUM, merchant, a native of Cassel, Germany, who died in this city, Feb. 17, 1894, in his sixty-fourth year, came to this country while young and settled in California. Engaging in business there, he accumulated means by dint of business tact, shrewdness and industry, and invested a part of his capital advantage- ously in San Francisco real estate. After he had made this city his permanent home, he engaged in the importation and manufacture of tobacco, taking a leading position in the trade and becoming one of the richest Germans in America. He was a director in The Manhattan Trust Co., The Fulton Market National Bank, The Third Avenue Railroad, The Twenty-third Street Railroad, and other corporations, and owned the Hotels Albert and St. Stephens and other important realty. A man of energy and ability, well informed on all economic and public questions and personally attractive. he enjoyed the acquaintance of a large circle of friends. JACOB ROTHSCHILD, merchant, a native of Rothenkirchen, Hessen, Germany, was born May 26, 1843. He came from a family of trades people of moderate means "but of excellent character and reputation. Two of his maternal uncles were men of great learning. In 1856, at the age of thirteen, he came to the .new world and was ap- prenticed to a jeweler. This trade was too confining and he found more congenial em- ployment in mercantile business, and finally established a store at 333 Sixth avenue and entered upon the importation and sale of millinery. His success has been marked. He now has branch stores in New York, Boston, Brooklyn and Philadelphia, each one under the direction of a member of his family. The period from 1874-79 is well re- membered in this city on account of a reaction in the values of real estate. Many men wanted to sell and few had the courage to buy. Mr. Rothschild foresaw that the growth of New York city would revive values and invested largely in lots and build- ings on the best business streets, acquiring some property also near Central Park. His judgment was proved by the subsequent great appreciation in value of his proper- ties. His most notable venture has been the construction of the building on the corner of 72d street and Central Park West, known as the Hotel Majestic, twelve stories in height, at a cost of about $3,500,000. Mr. Rothschild married his cousin, Regina, daughter of H. Rothschild, and is the father of Joseph Jacquin, Helene Rosalind, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. 557 Florence Sylvia, and Elsa Beatrice Rothschild. His contributions to charity have been generous, and his name is a tower of strength to the Montefiore Home, Mount Sinai Hospital, Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum, United Hebrew Charities, St. John's Guild and other institutions. He belongs to the Progress and Freundschaft clubs. VICTOR HENRY ROTHSCHILD, manufacturer and merchant, has attained a deservedly high rank among the self-made men of America. Born at Nordstetten, in the depths of the Black Forest, Wurtemberg, Germany, April 6, 1835, he was the oldest of a family of seven children. He received at that place a public school educa- tion and then entered the employment of his father, a retail dry goods merchant. He remained with him four years, working hard and devoting his spare hours to study and self-cultivation. Like hundreds of other young Germans, however, he longed for a more extended sphere in which to display the business ability, which he felt he pos- sessed, and, preparatory to his starting for this country, devoted himself industriously to the study of English. Thus, when he emigrated, in 1852, he had a fair command of the language, and this he continued to improve by study and practice at his new home in Fort Wayne, Ind. By dint of unwearying energy and the knowledge of American business methods he had managed to acquire, aided by the strictest economy (his purse contained only- eight silver dollars on his arrival in Fort Wayne), he was enabled in a comparatively short time to start in business on his own account. His first independent essay as a merchant was in the sale of optical goods, with which he traveled from town to town in Ohio and Indiana, his modest wagon being his store and warehouse. Gradually, he added fancy goods and notions to his stock in trade and before long was in a condition to sell with advantage to consumers and small country stores. In 1854, he was induced by his brother-in-law to go to Mount Carroll, 111 , where the latter established a dry goods store in Mr. Rothschild's name. Meantime, the young merchant, determined not to abandon his old business because of his change of location, continued his sales of optical and fancy goods in the then new West, and prospered so well that he sent for his younger brother, Marx, to join him in the new world. But, while he prospered, his brother-in-law met with disaster, and in the panic of 1857 went into bankruptcy, causing Mr. Rothschild the loss of about $18,000 which he had advanced from time to time, as well as $38,000 of debts contracted in his name. Undaunted by disaster, Mr. Rothschild and his brother Marx started South as soon as they could get clear of the wreck, and finally settled in Georgia, trying Macon first, and then Hawkinsville. In the latter place, they opened a general store, stocking it with dry goods, groceries and miscellaneous merchandise, and were soon once more on the road to prosperity. This was just before the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion. At about this time, news was received from Germany of the illness of their father; and Marx instantly started for his old home, although his presence here was greatly needed. Then came the War with all its horrors, and Mr. Rothschild was compelled to abandon his prosperous business and go to New York. Here, finding that the indebt- edness of $38,000, accumulated in his name by his brother-in-law, had not been met, he settled it at great personal sacrifice, dollar for dollar, out of his Southern savings. For a year or more, his business activity was suspended, but in 1863, and through a mere coincidence, he began the manufacture of neglige 1 shirts, then an entirely new THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RO. 559 industry, at No. 122 Chambers street. This enterprise was markedly successful from the very start and has gradually attained large dimensions. About this time, his brother returned from Germany and for the next four years their trade increased with wonderful rapidity. In 1868, they found it necessary to enlarge their plant greatly and accordingly rented additional quarters at No. 48 Leon- ard street, which were further supplemented in 1870 by another addition at No. 46 Leonard street. This gave their establishment a frontage of seventy-five feet and added largely to their manufacturing facilities. Up to 1869, the firm did business under the name of Rothschild Bro's, but. in that year, Simeon Gutman was admitted to partnership and the name changed to Rothschild Bro's & Gutman. In 1877, the partnership dissolved by mutual consent, V. Henry Rothschild liquidating its affairs and continuing alone until 1880, when Isaac Dreyfus was admitted as a partner, and the firm became V. Henry Rothschild & Co. During this year, 1880, The Central Real Estate Association erected the building at the corner of Leonard street and West Broadway, especially designed for the manu- fa^ture of shirts, and this building was leased by the firm for a term of years. In 1892, Mr. Rothschild bought the building, and realizing that yet more room was needed, the firm rented a large modern factory building, Nos 5 to 15 Sullivan street, to be used for manufacturing, warehousing and shipping. The premises at West Broadway and Leonard street were then changed into a well equipped office building, the firm retaining the second floor for their sale and counting rooms. It is now known as the "Rothschild Building," and ranks high among the spacious, costly and convenient office buildings, with which New York is equipped. Mr. Rothschild is also a large holder of other valuable real estate in the city of New York. The firm in recent years have added largely to the variety of goods they manufacture, and now make shirts of every kind, trousers, ladies' waists, etc. , etc. Some idea of the vastness of this business may be gathered from these figures: The salesrooms at Leonard street and West Broadway and the factories on Sullivan street employ directly and indirectly over 1,500 people, while an additional factory at Freehold, N. J., gives employment to over 1,500 more. In addition to this, the Board of Trade of Trenton, N. J., contemplate the con- struction of another factory, which, when completed, will employ as many hands as the Freehold factor}-. It may safely be said then that the firm gives work directly and indirectly to about 7,000 persons. Mr. Rothschild has always taken a deep and kindly interest in the welfare of the people who work for him, and many of the Freehold operatives live in modern houses, built expressly for them, each accommodating a family of six or eight persons. These are let to employes at a nominal rental of $6 or $7 a month, according to size. While Mr. Rothschild has been too busy a man all his life to take any active inter- est in politics, no man is more keenly alive to the affairs of the city, of which he is one of the highly respected citizens, wielding a commanding influence in the business world. In the recent fight for reform in New York, he was not backward in lending aid to the good cause. During 1889, he served as a director of The Seventh National Bank, but resigned as soon as the year expired, explaining that the demands of his enormous business were so pressing that he had no spare time at his disposal. He has often been solicited to take part in the management of prominent financial institutions, but for the same reason has been compelled to decline. But he does find 5&o AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. time for charity, and in a quiet way has done a large amount of good among the poor, during the last quarter of a century. Since 1872, he has been a director of Mt. vSinai Hospital and the Montefiore Home for Incurables and is interested in many other lead- ing institutions. He married Miss Josephine Wolfe, daughter of Jacob Wolfe, a retired merchant of New York, in 1866, and lives at No. 4 East 57th street, and his handsomely appointed home, his fine library, and collection of paintings bear witness to his artistic tastes. His eldest son, V. Sydney Rothschild, is a graduate of Harvard and will later be- come a member of the firm. A daughter was married April 3, 1895, to Mr. S. R. Gug- genheim, president of The Great National Smelting Co. , of Monterey, Mexico. The other members of the family are the Misses Gertrude and Constance Lily, two excep- tionally attractive girls, the latter at present a student at Wellesley College, and Clar- ence G., a younger son. Mr. Rothschild is essentially a home man and has never been what is generally called a club man. He has, however, long been a member of the Harmonic and Play- ers' clubs and the Board of Trade & Transportation. He is a man of strong presence, with a determined will and a kindly manner, which carries everything before it. His imtiring energy and his enthusiastic manner of forging ahead, always into new and un- explored fields, are the envy of the younger men about him. Stern and severe at times, asserting his opinions whether right or wrong, by a kindly smile he at once dispels any ill feeling and adds his recent opponent to his large retinue of steadfast friends. JOHN RUSZITS, merchant, a native of Baja, Hungary, died at St. James, Long Island, Oct. 18, 1890, at the age of eighty-one. His parents being poor, the boy, at the age of twelve, went to London, England, found employment in the furrier's trade with difficulty, and after a period of poverty and hard work found himself finally, at the age of thirty-five, the owner of about $2,000 saved from his earnings and a master of his craft. Partly to gain a renewal of his health and partly to improve his position he came to New York city in 1851. Here, after looking about, he engaged a loft at No. 99 Maiden lane at a small annual rental, and in this modest place became the pioneer manufacturer of seal skin garments in America and founder of The John Ruszits Fur Co. He met with great success in his industry and became a prominent merchant, the owner of a warehouse and other realty in this city and a rich man. Having made his home in Brooklyn, he took a strong interest in the public affairs of the city, but declined many offers of public office. He was a director of The Pruden- tial Fire Insurance Co., a member of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and otherwise active. Clara Frederica, his wife, survived him. The family had a country residence at St. James, Suffolk county, Long Island. Mr. Ruszits was always liberal in his gifts to charities and by his will left about $125,000 to public in- stitutions. Mrs. Ruszits is now the wife of Welcome G. Hitchcock, president of The John Ruszits Fur Co. THOMAS RUTTER, a native of Holywell, Wales, died in this city, May 3, 1895, in the seventy-first year of his age. Oldest son of Thomas Rutter, he came to America while a boy, and after leaving Mount Pleasant Academy, in Sing Sing, began life as a civil engineer. This occupation he followed for years and until ample means led him into the management of corporations. Through the execution of contracts for the excavation of the Allegheny and other railroad tunnels, and the building of '!<>/. . THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RY. 561 important railroad works in various parts of the country, he was aole finally to retire from labors of this class. At the time of his death, he was a director 'of The Louisville & Nashville Railroad, The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. , The American Pig Iron Storage Warrant Co., The Bank of the State of New York, The Housatonic Railroad Co. , and other corporations. Some of the best clubs in town admitted him to membership, including the Metropolitan, Union League, Down Town and Church clubs, and he belonged also to the Chamber of Commerce and St. George Society. His wife, Georgina Renaud, and four children survived him. THOflAS F. RYAN, is one of the younger Southern men, who came North at the close of the Civil War to make fame and fortune and succeeded. He was born in Nel- son county, Va., on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge, Oct. 17, 1851. His ancestors on his mother's side were the McAlexanders, of Scotch-Irish descent, who settled in the famous Valley of Virginia, which comprises the counties of Rockland and Augusta. His paternal ancestors came from the North of Ireland, while America was yet an English colony, and settled in the section which is now Nelson county. Losing his mother at the age of five, young Ryan went to live with his maternal grandmother on the old family estate, where he remained during his boyhood. At the age of fifteen, he assumed charge of his grandmother's estate and managed it as well as the disastrous consequences of the Civil War permitted. For two years, the young man struggled manfully to raise the property out of the slough of despond into which the entire section had been plunged by the great War, but, at the end of that time, was forced to realize that the attempt was hopeless. In 1868, therefore, he left the ances- tral homestead and, although penniless, too proud to seek aid from family friends, he set forth to make his own way in the world. Reaching Baltimore at the age of seven- teen, he found scores of other Southern boys in like condition seeking employment of whatever kind. Day after day, he walked the streets, applying at store after store in vain, until his last dollar was reached. Finally, when prospective starvation was fast giving way to despair, he was fortunate enough to find a vacancy in the large commis- sion dry goods store of John S. Barry and was told to report for work on the following morning. Experience had already taught the danger of an opportunity neglected, and, taking off his hat and coat, he calmly announced his attention to begin work at once. For two years, he subsisted on a small salary but at the end of that time, his employer, attracted by his fidelity and persistence, offered him a place in a banking house, which he was about to establish in New York. He accepted gladly and in the two following years learned the first principles of finance, which formed the foundation of his subse- quent success as an executive financier. Upon attaining his majority, Mr. Ryan secured a partnership with a member of the Stock Exchange and did so well that, two years later, he was able to buy a seat for himself on the Exchange and materially broaden his sphere of activity. His capacity won quick recognition and he soon numbered among his business and personal friends, William R. Travers, Samuel J. Tilden, John R. Garland, John B. Trevor, Robert L. Cutting and many other large Wall street operators of those days. During the next ten years, operating through his firm, he carried through many of the largest trans- actions of that time. In 1885, although retaining his membership in the Stock Exchange, he retired from business for the purpose of taking a much needed rest, but before a year had elapsed 562 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. he joined hands with William C. Whitney in securing and consolidating the various street surface railroads in New York, which now comprise the large system owned by The Metropolitan Traction Co. His attention having been turned in this direction, he also acquired and held control of the Milwaukee street railroads long enough to make a large amount of money. Subsequently, he became associated with A. J. Cassatt, Frank Thomson, John D. Crimmins and others in building tip the vast Consolidated Traction Co. of New Jersey. After the downfall of The Richmond Terminal Co. , which controlled The Rich- mond & Danville, The East Tennesse, Virginia & Georgia, The Georgia Pacific and other Southern railroads, he became a director in these companies and ultimately took an active part in the successful reorganization of the roads into the great Southern Railway system of to-day. He also acquired control of The Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo Railroad, and is at present effecting a reorganization of The Central Railroad & Banking Co. of Georgia. He is a director in The Southern Railway, The Hocking Valley, The Flint & Pere Marquette and The Georgia Central Railroads, The Metropolitan Traction Co., The Consolidated Traction Co., The Bank of New Amsterdam, and many other corporations of like nature. The success of his business career, culminating in a fortune estimated at several millions, is obviously due to indomitable will power, unrelenting perseverance and breadth of mental vision. Not only has his strict integrity won the esteem of all with whom he has been associated, but it is universally conceded that, as an executive rail- road and corporation financier, he is probably without a superior to-day in the United States. Mr. Ryan married, Nov. 25, 1873, Miss Ida M. Barry, daughter of his first em- ployer in Baltimore, and his family consists of five sons. He has always been a stanch Democrat and has taken an active interest in National and State politics since 1876, and is a member of the Union, Manhattan, Riding, Lawyers', Catholic and other clubs, and The Southern Society, chairman of the Finance Committee of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum and an active supporter of many charitable organizations. s. RUSSELL SAGE, financier, railroad president, stockbroker, public leader, and man of affairs, is one of the mqst unique personages in Wall street. The circum- stances even of his birth were unusual, and, while these pages speak of many other entertaining and remarkable careers, it will be hard to find a life story in which the interest is more sustained from the beginning. The War of 1812 having ended and tranquillity having returned to the country, there occurred about 1816 an exodus of population from the East to the new regions of the West. During that year, a company of Connecticut farmers might have been seen making their way by ox team through Mohawk valley in New York State, bound for distant Michigan. Elisha Sage and Prudence Risley, his wife, were of this company. During a halt at the hamlet of Schenandoah in the township of Verona, Oneida county, X. Y., Aug. 4, 1816, there was born to Elisha and Prudence Risley Sage, in one of the houses of the hamlet, the subject of this biography. Before his wife could recover strength to resume the journey, Elisha Sage discovered that he had already reached a goodly land and he settled in the town of Verona. Two years later, he removed to a farm near Durhamville, where, after an honorable and useful life, he died at the old homestead, April 23, 1854. Russell Sage spent his early boyhood, a bright, careless, hearty lad, upon his father's farm, attending school in the winter time and occupied at home in summer with the work and sports of the farm. While gaining inexhaustible physical Vitality in the healthful existence of the farm, the boy already displayed a talent for trading, which marked him as a born business man. At the age of twelve, he began life without means as a hard working errand boy in the grocery of his brother, Henry Risley Sage, in Troy, N. Y. The hours of duty were long and full of humdrum occupation, but the boy had his evenings and im- proved them by studying useful books. When he had gained in knowledge and experi- ence, his brother made him a clerk and salesman. Mr. Sage made many trades of his own during this period, and, both from enforced economy, resulting from a small sal- ary, and his ingenuity in bargaining, gained a little capital of his own, so that at the age of twenty-one, when he became the partner of another brother, Elisha Montague vSage, in a retail grocery, he was already in the possession of a small surplus. Shrewd, active, saving and courageous, he soon bought his brother's interest, became sole pro- prietor, expanded his sales and finally sold the business to excellent advantage. In '839, with a partner, he established a wholesale grocery store of his own at No. 139 River street, in Troy. His partner, John W. Bates, was a good merchant. In a short time, the firm became commission merchants of produce, which they shipped to New York, employed several sailing vessels of their own on the Hudson river, and by their enterprise came to control the markets of Troy and Albany for Canadian and Vermont horses. Mr. Sage never spared himself any labor necessary to bring to a successful issue any transaction in which he was engaged. In 1844, he bought his partner's inter- est and carried on a large wholesale grocery trade on his individual account. One fea- ture of his enterprise consisted of extensive operations in beef, pork, flour and grain THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SA. 565 and to some extent in the packing of meats in the West. Mr. Sage was successful from the start but not without a struggle with rivals in trade, the temptation to expend one's savings, and the influences which lure a man to a commonplace existence. Mr Sage rapidly became one of the best known merchants in Troy, and his genial and spirited manner, lively interest in affairs, clear head, and sturdy character produced the result of making him a leader in local politics. As a Whig, his fellow citizens made him, in 1845. in a Ward which had long been Democratic, an alderman of the city and later treasurer of Rensselaer county. He held both offices for seven years He also became one of the founders and directors of The Commercial Bank of Troy. Every public spirited man in the State was at that time interested in the project of uniting the cities of the Mohawk valley and those beyond, as far as Lake Erie, with a series of short railroads. The Erie canal had been of immense benefit to the State, but the new transportation projects promised to be of greater value. When The Albany & Schenectady Railroad was finally opened for travel, Mr. Sage accompanied the official party in a tour of inspection on the first regular train. Captivated with what he saw, he arranged affairs for a long absence and then made an extended trip through Central New York, during which he inspected road beds and the work of construction and studied the probable advantages of the new railroads. From that time forward, the subject of transportation filled his mind. About 1852, The Troy & Schenectady Rail- road, then the property of the city of Troy, was sold to E. D. Morgan of New York city for a low figure, only to be sold later to the company into which the chain of connect- ing railroads, extending to Lake Erie, was consolidated, known as The New York Cen- tral. Mr. Sage, at that time a member of the Common Council of Troy, bore a prominent part in this transaction. In order to induce Senator Morgan to purchase this road, which had never earned a dollar (and has not to the present time, 1895), Mr. Sage agreed to purchase a portion of the stock with Mr. Morgan and relieve the tax payers of the city of a heavy burden. His original interest in railroads grew out of a desire to obtain the best facilities for promoting his mercantile interests, and his success in the sale of a small railroad property, and various loans which he made at a later date to a Western corporation, finally resulted in Mr. Sage devoting, for a time, his almost exclusive attention to this class of properties. During his stay in Troy, Mr. Sage continued to be active in politics. In the summer of 1847, he was appointed with Recorder Olin of Troy to go to New York to meet Gen. John A. Wool upon the latter's return from the Mexican War. At the dinner table upon the Hudson river steamboat, North America, a toast was offered, accompanied with a short and brilliant speech, proclaiming General Wool as the "real hero of Buena Vista," to which the General modestly responded, without objecting to the compliment named. Alderman Sage was then called upon to speak and said he would not permit anyone to surpass him in cordial feelings towards their distinguished guest and fellow townsman, General Wool, but the fact was that another general in command of the American army in Mexico was entitled to the reputation which had been given to General Wool. In justice to his superior officer, Gen. Zachary Taylor, the real and acknowledged hero of Buena Vista, Mr. Sage proposed three cheers for the latter, which were given with enthusiasm by the company. In 1848, Mr. Sage attended the national convention of the Whig party. Of the 32 delegates from New York State, 28 were for Mr. Clay. Mr. Sage held strongly for Mr. Clay until General 566 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Taylor attained a majority of the votes, when the full strength of the delegation was brought to General Taylor, who was then nominated and afterward elected. The night before the day of the decisive struggle, Mr. Sage went with Thurlow Weed to see General Taylor's brother, who answered fully for the General. Mr. Sage and Mr. Weed were assured that the General, if nominated and elected, would faith- fully carry out the wishes of the Whig party. The anti-slavery feeling had grown to a marked degree, especially among the delegates from Massachusetts and Western New York and Ohio, and the claim had been made that General Taylor would not support the Whig platform. Mr. Sage was positively assured by the General's brother that this was not true; and next day, when he saw that Mr. Clay would be outstripped by Taylor, Mr. Sage made the motion to nominate Taylor unanimously. While the vote was not entirely unanimous, it was carried. These incidents gave Mr. Sage great influence with President Taylor, which he employed later for the benefit of Senator Seward. The "Silver Grays" of the Whig party were jealous of anti-slavery leaders, such as Seward, Weed, Sumner, and Chase, and, seeking to prevent the nomination of Senator Seward's men for important offices in Albany, Troy, Rochester, Buffalo, and other cities, had managed to influence Presi- dent Taylor to such a degree that he was ready to appoint men opposed to Mr. Seward. Alexander H. Stevens and Robert Toombs, members of Congress from the South, had been especially active in prejudicing the President by assertions of Mr. Seward's insin- cerity in avowed support of the administration. Mr. Sage, then a young man, age thirty-one, had never visited Washington, but was chosen as the best representative of the Seward element to change the attitude of the members of the Cabinet and the President. He accepted the responsibility, repaired to Washington, and pointed out the dangers of the course so successfully that his full mission was accomplished Mr. Sage never did anything by halves. It was not in his nature to be faint hearted in anything he ever undertook. The directness of his labors on this occasion, his intre- pidity, the shrewdness and convincing nature of his arguments, and his success, were thoroughly characteristic. Reverdy Johnson, Thomas Ewing and Jacob Collamore, members of the Cabinet, favored Mr. Seward's appointments, but the rest of the Cabi- net were against them. President Taylor recognized the zeal and ability of the young politician and frequently spoke of him afterward. The full list of Mr. Seward's selec- tions was finally approved. In 1850, the Whigs of Troy nominated Mr. Sage for Congress, but, owing to the defection of the Silver Grays, could not elect him. They gave him a small majority in 1852 and in 1854 a majority of 7,000, the most emphatic ever known in the district. During his four years in Congress, Mr. Sage served upon the Ways and Means and other important committees, and labored diligently for all the famous measures of Whig policy then under discussion. He advocated the homestead law, the effort to organize Kansas and Nebraska as free territories, and the election of Mr. Banks as Speaker; opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, making a speech of some ability on the subject in August, 1856; and was active in all the exciting struggles of the four historic years, which led to the final disruption of the Whig party and the organization of its greater successor, the Republican party. While, as a soldier in the ranks, Mr. Sage did excellent service for his party, the incident of his Congressional career which actually brought him the most fame was the appointment of a committee THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SA. 567 by Congress, due entirely to his efforts, which reported upon the condition of Washing- ton's old estate of Mount Vernon in Virginia. Out of this action, The Mount Vernon Association came into being, followed by the purchase of Mount Vernon and its dedica- tion as a permanent memorial of the father of his country. Meanwhile, Mr. Sage was too prudent to neglect his practical interests at home. He made many flying trips to Troy, and it was during one of these that, in the railroad station in Troy, he first met Jay Gould, then on a visit to Troy in the interest of The Rutland & Washington Railroad. The two men made an impression upon each other, which afterward deepened into a friendship, famous in financial history. The interests of Mr. Sage had become widely extended and now demanded his entire attention. Shrewd, cool, untiring and persistent labor, coupled with keen good judgment, enabled him to pass through the disasters of that period almost unscathed; and when the Civil War broke out, he was already worth more than three quarters of a million dollars. The panic of 1857 led him, however, to relinquish public life and mercantile business, and devote his attention to finance. This change came about through advances which he had made to The La Crosse Railroad. To protect his loans, he found himself obliged to advance yet larger sums, and, through legal proceedings in which he engaged to save his investments, he became an owner of the stock of the road, now forming The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul system, and then a director and vice president of the company. About 1 86 1, Mr. Sage began to operate in Wall street, and in 1863 he removed to New York, and thereafter gave himself wholly to operations in stocks and the con- struction and promotion of his own and other railroads. Establishing a business office on William street, he gave his first attention to Milwaukee & St. Paul securities, but later to those of other railroads and finally to nearly the whole range of stocks at the Exchange. He purchased a seat in the Stock Exchange in 1874. While it should be noted that Mr. Sage has himself seldom been seen on the floor of that wild whirlpool of speculation, the fact remains that for more than thirty years he has been one of the most notable figures "in the street." A large operator at different times and an asso- ciate of Jay Gould and other giants in finance in several historic and successful cam- paigns, his methods have been as a rule mainly his own. He has seldom incurred the tremendous risks to which others have exposed themselves, but has preferred a rapid succession of moderate risks and quick returns. About 1872, Mr. Sage originated the sale of privileges, and he has dealt upon a large scale in what are known, in the vocabu- lary of the street, as "puts," "calls," and "straddles." Cool in the period of most frantic excitement, cautious, never losing his head, serene as a rock on shore lashed by the waves, he has made his way with dogged persistence and almost unvarying success from the day of his debut in Wall street. Scarcely a day has passed upon which he has not been able to record some accession to his capital. It is believed that only upon one occasion, that memorable day in 1884, upon which the failure of Grant & Ward was announced, did Mr. Sage ever meet with a considerable loss in Wall street. It is reported that the crash cost him $6,000,000. The excitement of that day and his per- sonal anxiety were very great, but he promptly met all demands with cash as they came, and endured his losses like a man. His operations require the possession of a large amount of ready capital, but he has always kept his resources well in hand, and in an emergency commands almost unlimited means. He has been exceedingly help- 568 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. ful to his brother brokers in the way of loans, has never repudiated a contract, and is one of the few men in Wall street who have been willing to give a valuable "point" to a friend. Several men of position unhesitatingly ascribe to the friendship of Mr. Sage the origin of their fortunes. It would be impossible to relate in the brief space here set aside all the striking incidents, which could be told of Mr. Sage's long Wall street career. Suffice it to say, that beginning life a poor boy and winning his first success in mercantile pursuits, he has now spent more than thirty years in the fierce life of Wall street, and accumulated a large fortune, estimated at various sums, by straightfor- ward business methods. Mr. Sage early became an intimate friend of the late Jay Gould and, after 1866, these two men maintained offices adjoining each other, first at No's 78-80 Broadway, now the site of The Union Trust Co., afterward at No. 71 Broadway, Mr. Sage's present .office, the most famous corner in the financial center of the city. They co- operated in the development of lines of transportation in the West and elsewhere, and Mr. Sage has, in fact, taken an active part in the construction of over 5,000 miles of American railroads. He was called the father of the railroad construction companies in Wisconsin and Minnesota, being president of more than 25 corporations for the construction and extension of railroad lines. His fortune, like that of Mr. Gould, has risen mainly from the advance in value of the securities of corporations, after they had come under their joint management. The friendship between those two men was remarkable. Each had implicit confidence in the other. Each aided the other in gigantic schemes, and the fortune of each was at the instant command of the other in times of need. If the facts could be fully known, it would probably be found that Mr. Gould was saved in critical moments by the help of Mr. Sage. The two men were associates in telegraphic enterprises, also. Mr. Sage was especially active in the pro- motion of The Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Co., and its consolidation with The Western Union. He is now connected with 27 corporations, embracing over 40 railroads, is a large shareholder in all, and president of The Iowa Central Railway; director of The Missouri Pacific, The Union Pacific, The Wabash, The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, The Texas & Pacific, The Manhattan, The Troy & Boston, The Troy & Bennington, and other railroads; The Pacific Mail Steamship Co.; The Im- porters' & Traders' National Bank, The Mercantile Trust Co. ; The Western Union Telegraph, The Gold & Stock Telegraph, The International Ocean Telegraph, The American Telegraph & Cable and The New York Mutual Telegraph CD'S; The New York Bank Note Co., and The Standard Gas Light Co Of The Fifth Avenue Bank, he is a director and the only surviving founder, and has been for four years the only living original director of The New York Central Railroad. He has also been a director of The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, The New York, Lackawanna & Western, and The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railroads. An incident which startled the United States, occurred in Mr. Sage's office Dec. 4, 1891. Upon that day, he was visited at No. 71 Broadway by Henry F. Norcross of Boston, a man of unbalanced mind, who demanded an immediate gift of $1,200,000 for himself. When the offer was refused, Mr. Norcross dropped a dynamite bomb upon the floor, the explosion of which blew Mr. Norcross to atoms, killed one of the clerks, and wrecked the whole office. Mr. Sage was severely injured by the explosion. His recovery was a marvel but was due to a vigorous constitution, strengthened by THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SA. 569 his early life and maintained by judicious living and the entire abstention from stimu- lants. Mr. Sage is tall and spare, with heavy eyebrows and keen blue-gray eyes, which are often lighted with a sense of humor. He wears no beard. He is genial in manner, prompt and decided in action, clear headed, sagacious, and in speech reticent. One of his peculiarities, the plainness of his attire, has prompted harmless merriment at his expense among the wits of Wall 1 street. Wall street brokers are proverbially the best dressed men in the city, but Mr. Sage looks more like a quiet farmer ; and this entire lack of display has led several times to attempts by bunco men to beguile him. The surprise of these gentlemen upon discovering the identity of their illustrious victim has afforded Mr. Sage much entertainment, and has been frequently paralleled by the sensations of rivals in Wall street, after an attempt to engineer a speculation to Mr. Sage's disadvantage and upon being confronted by the results of their attempt. Mr. and Mrs. Sage have long attended the West Presbyterian Church. Mr. Sage has been married twice, first in 1841 to Miss Maria Winne, daughter of Moses I. Winne of Troy. His wife died in New York city in 1867; and in 1869, he married Margaret Olivia, daughter of the Hon. Joseph Slocum of Syracuse, N. Y., a merchant of high character and man of marked spirit. They have no children. On her father's side, Mrs. Sage is in the eighth generation of descent from Capt. Miles Standish of colonial fame and was inspired by her lineage to become one of the founders of The Society of Mayflower Descendants of New York city. Through the maternal line, she is in the eighth generation from Col. Henry Pierson of Sag Harbor, N. Y., conspicuous in found- ing the public school system of America about 1787. Mrs. Sage is a woman of fine education, intellectual force and gracious manners, notable for her tact and sweetness, and prominent in advocacy of suffrage for women. She is a member of The Women's Suffrage League and active in the agitation to secure the ballot for her sex. Among the thousands of people, scattered throughout the United States, who revere the memory of Mrs. Emma Hart Willard, founder of Troy Female Seminary, no one has been more sincere than Mrs. Sage. She is a graduate from that institution and during her stay in school enjoyed personal instruction under Mrs. Willard. In honor of his wife, Mr. Sage has recently presented a handsome dormitory to this seminary at a cost of $120,000. This structure was dedicated to the service of educa- tion, May 16, 1895, with public ceremonies, and in the presence of thousands of people. Dr. Taylor, president of Yassar College, made an exhaustive and able address in the morning at the unveiling of the Emma Willard statue. President Stryker of Hamilton College made the address presenting the Sage dormitory on behalf of Mr. Sage, and Chauncey M. Depew delivered an eloquent oration. The enthusiastic and prolonged applause with which Mr. and Mrs. Sage were greeted convinced them of the public appreciation of their generous gift. Russell Sage Hall, as it is called, is four stories in height, the lower story being made of New Jersey sandstone, the upper three of buff colored pressed brick. The construction is fire proof and in beauty of design, within and without, the building exceeds the finest ever before erected in Troy. The two parlors are finished in ivory white woodwork, and the hallways, library, dining room, dormitories, kitchens and other apartments are models of their class and designed with reference both to architectural effect and the uses to which thev are assigned. The citizens of Troy planned an evening reception, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. 570 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. Sage, endorsed by the Common Council of the city, and committees of prominent people were appointed to make all necessary arrangements. The reception was attended by a large concourse of people, who were presented in regular order for over two and one half hours. An interesting incident occurred about 9:30 p.m., when the venerable Father Haverman of Troy, accompanied by two assistants, was pre- sented to his old time friend. While Mr. Sage shook his hand, the company present cheered and waved their handkerchiefs. Father Haverman in his ninety-first year yet has a parish in Troy. He has originated and built more hospitals and churches than any other man in that city. JAflES HENRY SALISBURY, H.D., born in Cortland county, N. Y., Oct. 13-14, 1823, descends from mingled Bavarian, English and Welsh ancestry. His grandfather, Nathan Salisbury, engaged in the attack on the Gaspee just before the American Revo- lution as a lieutenant in Captain Burgess's company. A student in Homer Academy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1846), Dr. Salisbury graduated from Albany Med- ical College in 1850 and received the degree of A. M: from Union College in 1852. His scientific studies were begun before that time, however, in the State Geological Survey as an assistant to Prof. Ebenezer Emmons, whom he succeeded in 1849. Having en- tered upon the practice of medicine, Dr. Salisbury made a study of diseases of the diges- tive organs and carefully evolved a system of treatment based upon the relation of alimentation to disease, which demanded skillful management of the diet and included the drinking of hot water. This as set forth in his work, now finally perfected, has gained for him a reputation and an extensive practice. He is prominent as one of the earliest American students of microscopy and was elected president of the Ameri- can Institute in 1878. He laid bare the germ theory of disease in 1849, anc i i n '865 Hallier of Jena confirmed his deductions, thus antedating Pasteur, Huxley, Tomasi and the later experiments. He owns a farm and park in Cleveland, O., where most of his experiments are conducted. Several prizes have been awarded to him by medi- cal bodies for essays on "Malaria," "Morphology," "Investigations in Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever," etc., and he is a member of The Philosophical Society of Great Britain and The Antiquarian Society, and numbers among his correspondents and personal friends Mivart, Beale, the Duke of Argyle, Huxley and Pasteur. In 1860, Dr. Salisbury was married to Clara, daughter of John T. Brasee of Lancaster, O. They have two children, Minnie B. and Trafford B., the latter a medical student in New York city. HENRY BERTON SANDS, M.D., eminent as a surgeon, born Sept. 27, 1830, died Nov. 18, 1888, in this city. His preparatory education was obtained in a high school in New York city, and, in 1854, he graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. After a medical and surgical course in Bellevue Hospital, he went abroad for eight months, returning in 1857 to assume the demonstratorship of anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was subsequently professor of anatomy and then of surgery. For about ten years, he was associated with the late Dr. Willard Parker, and although he had a large general practice in the early part of his pro- fessional life,, his interest was always in the achievements of surgery a work which he was able to enjoy to its fullest extent the last twelve years of his life. He was success- fully attached as attending surgeon to The New York Eye Infirmary, St. Luke's, Bellevue, and The New York and Roosevelt hospitals, and in the latter he had for five years previous to his death the largest surgical service in this city. Dr. Sands was THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SA. 57! among the first in this country to recognize the significance and value of antisepsis in its application to surgery. In the revolution which it produced in the surgical art, he was among the foremost and most zealous spirits, doing more perhaps than any of his contemporaries to perfect the technique and demonstrate the success of antiseptic operations. His career as a teacher began with his entrance into professional life, his interest being so keen in this work that he was able to lay, by his precept and example, the foundation of the success of many of the most distinguished surgeons in this city. None of his predecessors or contemporaries, excepting the late Dr. Willard Parker, numbered so many private pupils, and it was always gratifying to him that among them were the ablest students of the college. Although his whole life was devoted to his profession, it was always a pleasure to come in social relation with him, as he was possessed of a most responsive mind and an unusual magnetic power. In his leisure moments, he derived the keenest enjoyment from music, and in his early life was an excellent pianist. Dr. Sands was a member of The New York Academy of Medicine, The County Medical Society, The Pathological Society, The Physicians' Mutual Aid Association, The Society for the Relief of Widows & Orphans of Medical Men and of The Medical & Surgical Society. He was also connected with The New York Philharmonic Society. Although his contributions to surgical literature were not voluminous, they were of great value as detailing the results of a remarkably extensive practice. Dr. Sands was twice married, his first wife being a Miss Sarah M. Curtis of Brooklyn, by whom he had four children, two surviving him Robert Alfred and Josephine S. His second marriage was to Mrs. Alice Reamey (born Hayden), by whom he had one son, Henry Hayden, who alone survives him. Dr. Sands outlived both his wives. SAMUEL 5TEVENS SANDS, banker, born in 1826, died in New Hamburg, X. Y., July 24, 1892. His family was one of the earliest and best known in New York city, several of the name being conspicuous at the time of the American Revolution and later as merchants and men of affairs. Mr. Sands entered business life at an early age and having married a daughter of Benjamin Aymar, the shipping merchant, formed a partnership afterward with Benjamin R. Aymar, his brother-in-law, as S. S. Sands & Co., and engaged in banking and stock brokerage. For more than forty years he was the controlling spirit of the house, after 1854 a member of the Stock Exchange, and for thirty years the principal banker of John Jacob Astor. He shared in the management of The Colorado Midland, The Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Southern, The Boston & New York Air Line, and The Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield Railroads, and The Lehigh Valley Coal Co., and in all relations displayed perfect integrity, rare judgment and fine ability, enjoying in a high degree the confidence of those whose affairs were entrusted to him. He was the father of ten children, of whom eight survived him. EDWARDS SEWALL SANFORD, born in Medway, Mass., died at the country home of his son-in-law, N. W. T. Hatch, at Glenholden, near Philadelphia, Sept. 9, 1882, in his sixty-sixth year. His father, a clergyman, belonged to an old New Eng- land family. In 1842, Mr. Sanford became an agent in New York for Alvin Adams, of Boston, founder of the express business, and displayed such energy and ability that Adams & Co. selected him to superintend the extension of their business to Washing- ton. After this task had been completed, he was sent as general agent to Philadelphia and soon afterward made general superintendent there. Thereafter, he became one of 572 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. the recognized powers in the express business, and when, July i, 1854, The Adams Express Co. was organized, with Alvin Adams as president and William B. Dinsmore as vice president, Mr. Sanford was given a seat in the small board of directors. In 1867, when Mr. Adams died and Mr. Dinsmore succeeded to the presidency, Mr. San- ford became vice-president, which position he held until his death. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Mr. Sanford, then at the head of The American Telegraph Co., was appointed supervisor of military telegraph lines and in this position exercised absolute censorship over all dispatches. After the absorption of his company by The Western Union, he became a director of the latter. , He was also a director of The International Ocean Telegraph Co. and had coal mining interests in Nova Scotia. Mr. Sanford was a man of remarkable executive ability, circumspect and correct in all his business relations, and greatly admired for his uprightness of character and kindly disposition. He was liberal, fond of society and a lover of books. GEORGE HENRY SARGENT, manufacturer, is a native of Massachusetts but has long been a resident of New York city. Among the hardware manufacturers and hard- ware merchants of the country, the name of Sargent has now been prominent and pop- ular for forty years and reasonably so, because earnest and zealous endeavor, promo- tion of the welfare of one's country, continuity of purpose and persistent application in any given line of honest effort, always win attention and are entitled to approval. Mr. Sargent descends from Puritan stock and traces his line to William Sargent, lay preacher, who emigrated to Maiden, Mass., in 1638, and to the Denny, Jones and Baldwin families. He is the son of Col. Joseph Denny Sargent and Mindwell Jones, his wife, and was born Oct. 29, 1828, in the county of Worcester, Mass., in the town of Leicester, in the organization of which hamlet early in the last century his ancestors were prominent and helpful. The descendants of the Puritan pioneers of the family in the next generation equaled their fathers in brain and brawn and were active and stead- fast in the affairs which led up to the War of the Revolution, doing duty as soldiers when the ' ' war was on " and sharing in the honors and glory which came to the ' ' heroes of '76." Of such ancestors one may reasonably be proud and from such blood should come, and in the case of Mr. Sargent did come, the sterling qualities of industry, in- tegrity, frugality and temperance combined with ambition, nervous energy and sagacity. Mr. Sargent was educated at Leicester Academy and Harvard College, being a member at Harvard of the somewhat famous class of 1853, having for classmates men who have become noted in their professional, literary and business callings. Inherit- ing a strong constitution and remarkable physique and observing ' ' temperance in all things," he began life under promising auspices and has since accomplished such re- sults as come to one possessed of an industrious and patient disposition, an active and well stored mind, persistent application, a genial manner and pleasing address. Re- moving to New York city in 1853, he joined his brother, Joseph Bradford Sargent, in the manufacture of hardware. Comparatively little hardware was then produced in this country, but now the reverse is true, and this assertion can have no illustration more marked and convincing than the fact that the original shop of the Sargents in New Britain, Conn., in the fifties, was but a "wart on Olympus" compared with their present extensive works in New Haven. These latter factories were established in 1863, and being enlarged from time to time now represent an investment of millions of dollars and stand as a monumental instance of the progress and growth of American 574 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN manufactures during the past forty years. They manufacture a great variety of hard- ware and disburse large sums of money annually for raw materials and wages. The business of Sargent & Co. in New York city is now chiefly confined to the sale of the ever increasing variety of goods made at their New Haven factories, although they are large distributors at their stores of such articles, produced* by other manufac- turers, as are requisite for a complete assortment in any line of their own production. For many years, Mr. Sargent, in partnership with his brothers, Joseph B. and Edward, was engaged in the manufacture of cards used for carding cotton and wool by hand, at their factory in Leicester, Mass. , a town noted for more than a century as the place of origin and continuance of the card making industry. This business was in- herited from their father, whose name as a careful and painstaking manufacturer, was well known and highly honored by all dealers in these articles of domestic economy. Mr. Sargent is a Republican and Unitarian. Close attention to business has kept him out of any effort for public office. He is a member of the Union League, Harvard and Hardware clubs and The New England Society, and a director in The Mercantile National Bank. He was married in 1855 to Sara Shaw, daughter of the Hon. John H. Shaw, of Nan tucket, Mass. EDWARD CHARLES SCHAEFER, brewer and banker, born Dec. 16, 1850, is a son of Frederick Schaefer, especially successful as a brewer. The senior Schaefer, a native of Wetzlar, Prussia, came to New York in 1838. Edward obtained a public and private school education and graduated at Bryant & Stratton's Business College in 1868. He then entered a Broadway commercial house, and later, in 1874, the employ- ment of Messrs. F. & M. Schaefer. Upon the opening of The Germania Bank, he entered that institution as a clerk, leaving in 1873 and going into business for himself for one year, since which period he has been continually in the brewing business although yet connected with The Germania Bank. Of the latter he was elected president, twenty- three years to the day after his entry in this institution as a clerk. In 1878, The F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Co. incorporated with a capital of $650,000 and in 1884, Edward C. Schaefer became its president. Associated with him in the management are Emil, Rudolph J., George G. (who is treasurer), Frederick and Max Schaefer. This con- cern was one of the pioneers in introducing lager beer to America. It was established in 1842 and now carries on a large business. Their brewery at Park avenue, 5ist and 52d streets, attracts the attention of every traveler entering New York from the north- ward. Mr. Schaefer is president of The Germania Bank and a member of the Lieder- kranz, Arion, Manhattan, Democratic, and Terrace Bowling clubs. AUGUSTUS SCHELL, lawyer and financier, a native of Rhinebeck, N. Y., born Aug. i, 1812, died in New York city, March 27, 1884. Christian Schell, his father, a merchant of German descent, was during the War of 1812 an officer in a New York regiment. Augustus Schell's brothers, Richard, dry goods merchant and Wall street operator, who died in November, 1879, Edward and Robert all rose to prominence. Graduating from Union College in 1830, Mr. Schell studied law and being admitted to the bar attained prominence in his profession. Early in life he went into politics, being chairman of the Tammany General Committee in 1852, and in a race with Horatio Seymour for a nomination for Governor, losing the prize by two votes only. In 1852, he became chairman of the Democratic State Committee and was twice re-elected. In 1854, his Tammany associates tendered him the Mayoralty of New York but he de- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SC. 575 clined. He rendered active service in the campaign of 1856 and received the appoint- ment as Collector of the Port of New York, which office he held until the election of Abraham Lincoln. He was one of those who went upon the bail bond of Jefferson Davis. After the war, Mr. Schell gave his attention to railroads, becoming a director of The Harlem Railroad in 1872 and of The Hudson River Railroad in 1874 and an in- timate friend of Commodore Vanderbilt. The consolidation of The New York Central & Hudson River system brought him large means and he became a director successively of The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, The New York, New Haven & Hartford, The Chicago & Northwestern, The Union Pacific, and The Canada Southern Railroads, as well as of The Union Trust Co., The Western Union Telegraph Co., and The Manhattan Life Insurance Co. He was also a trustee of many philanthropic in- stitutions. Politics continued to exert a strong fascination upon Mr. Schell. A mem- ber of the State Constitutional Convention in 1867, he helped reorganize the Tammany Society in 187172, accepting the office of Grand Sachem in 1872 and holding it until his death. He was chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 1872 and 1876 and a member of the new Constitutional Convention in 1872 In 1877, he was defeated for the State Senate by Mr. Morrissey and in 1878 for Mayor by Edward Cooper. Mr. Schell helped organize the Manhattan club in 1865, and was manager 1865-71, presi- dent 1871-77, and vice president 1878-84. He was also a governor of the St. Nicholas club. His wife, Anna M., survived him They were married in 1873 and had no children. Mr. Schell was a man of kindly disposition, easy of approach, calm in temperament, with many friends. Several public bequests appeared in his will. WILLIAM HENRY' SCHIEFFELIN, merchant, born Aug. 20, 1836, in New York city, died in town June 21, 1895. His family traces its ancestry for seven centuries back to Norlingen, Germany. One branch of the family became conspicuous in Switzerland as owners of land and Syndics of Geneva. The pioneer in America, Jacob Schieffelin, sailed from Germany to Philadelphia in 1740 and returned to the father- land, but his son, Jacob, came to Philadelphia in 1745 and remained in the new world. Jacob, son of the latter, served on the staff of Gen. Henry Hamilton and won the affec- tion of a beautiful American girl, whom he married. He settled in New York city in 1780 and here established on Pearl street, after a time, what subsequently became the famous wholesale drug business of the Schieffelins. His wife was Hannah, daughter of John Lawrence, land holder of Queens county, and Mr. Schieffelin took John B. Lawrence, his wife's nephew, into partnership in the drug business. Mr. Schieffelin wished to own ships as well as sell drugs and a disagreement on this point resulted in a separation of the partners. After the retirement of Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Schieffelin carried on business on his own account. In 1813, his son Henry Hamilton Schieffelin succeeded to the management under the name of H. H. Schieffelin & Co., to be in turn succeeded, in the '505, by the four sons of the latter, Samuel Bradhurst, Sidney Augustus, James Lawrence and Bradhurst Schieffelin, as Schieffelin Bro's & Co. In 1849, the stock and business of Hoadley, Phelps & Co., were acquired by purchase. William H. Schieffelin was the only son of Samuel B. and Lucretia Hazard Schieffelin. He grew up in his father's firm and was early admitted to partnership, but enlivened his career with early exploration and adventure. In 1860, he crossed the Rocky Mountains in Montana with a party of men, who, being captured by the Indians, came near losing their lives. In 1862, Mr. Schieffelin went to the front with the 7th N. Y. militia, re- 576 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. ceived a commission while in Baltimore as Major of the ist N. Y. Mounted Rifles, and served until July, 1863, under General Wool, near Suffolk, Va. , being- often in action. He then returned to New York in time to aid in suppressing the draft riots and there- after applied himself to the wholesale drug business of his firm. Since 1854, the house has occupied a site at the corner of William and Beekman streets. A large laboratory- has been developed there and the firm make a specialty of synthetic drugs, in which they have an extended trade. Mr. Schieffelin had been senior partner since 1865. Originally a Republican and a member of the Union League club, Mr. Schieffelin be- came a supporter of President Cleveland in 1892. He belonged to the Century and City clubs and the Loyal Legion. Oct. 15, 1863, he married Mary, daughter of the Hon. John and Eleanor Jay. CHARLES A. SCHIEREN, merchant, a native of Rhenish Prussia, was born in 1842 and came to this country with his parents in 1856. The future Mayor of Brook- lyn took his place behind the counter of his father's cigar and tobacco store on Atlantic avenue in that city, when old enough, and, in 1864, became clerk for Philip S. Pasquay, manufacturer of leather belting in New York. In 1868, with a capital of only $2,000, he started a leather belting and tanning business of his own and has been active in that trade ever since. He has invented many improvements upon the old style of leather belts. In 1882, Jacob R. Stine and Fred A. M. Burrell, two faithful employe's, became his partners, the former retiring in 1887. The firm are known as Charles A. Schieren & Co., and under skillful management have extended their operations widely and now have branch houses in Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, with large tanneries both in Brooklyn and in Adamsburg, Pa., and Bristol, Tenn. Mr. Schieren is an authority upon belting and has written a number of excellent essays on the subject for publica- tion. He is vice-president of The Hide & Leather National Bank and a member of the Commonwealth and Hide & Leather clubs of this city and the Union League and Hamilton clubs of Brooklyn and the Chamber of Commerce. Always active in affairs in Brooklyn, especially in the leading charities and politics, the Young Men's Republican Club, the erection of the Beecher and Stranahan statues, etc., he was elected in 1893 Mayor of Brooklyn by a combination of the Republicans and reformers. JACOB HENRY SCHIFF, banker, was born of German Hebrew ancestry in Frank- fort on the Main, in 1847. His father was a successful merchant. Jacob went to school in Frankfort and at the age of eighteen came to the United States, where, at an early age, he associated himself with the brokerage firm of Budge, Schiff & Co. Few of his countrymen have made their mark more rapidly than he in this bustling city. In 1875, ne became a member of the private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which gave wide scope for the exercise of his abilities. This house has good connec- tions abroad and has placed large issues of government bonds and investment securities among European and home investors. Since 1885, Mr. Schiff has been the head of the house. He has been prominent in The New York, Lake Erie & Western and The Louisville & Nashville Railroads, and is at present a director of The Great Northern Railroad, The Equitable Life Assurance Society, The Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Co., and a large holder of real estate in New York city. He is also president of the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, treasurer of The New York Free Circulating Library, a trustee of Barnard College and numerous philanthropic institutions and a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Committee of Seventy (1894-95) as well THE CITY OK NEW YORK. SC. 577 as of the City, Reform, Lawyers' and Liederkranz clubs. With praiseworthy public spirit, he contributes to the support of various museums and public undertakings and has served for a number of years on the Board of Education. In 1875, he married Theresa, daughter of Solomon Loeb, his senior partner, and has two children, a son and a daughter. GRANT BARNEY SCHLEY, banker, born in Chapinsville, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1845, conies from Dutch ancestry and te a son of Evander Schley. a retired merchant of dry goods and wool of Canandaigua, N. Y. From the academy of Canandaigua, the future banker went to Syracuse, N. Y., in 1861, and secured a place at $30 a month in the express office of Wells, Butterfield & Co. A year and a half later, the firm sent him to its office in Suspension Bridge. Unusually bright, intelligent and quick in compre- hension for a young man and faithful in performance of his duty, he was soon promoted to a salary of 30 a week. In 1866, The American Express Co. was formed by the consolidation of a number of companies, among them Wells, Butterfield & Co., and four years later, Mr. Schley was transferred to the consolidated company's money department in its head office in Xe\v York. In 1874, he retired from the service of the express company to accept a position with The First National Bank of New York, where he remained six years. When he left the bank, he was in charge of its foreign exchange department. That department was abolished soon after his retirement. In 1880, Mr. Schley was elected a member of the New York Stock Exchange, and with Ernest Groesbeck, another member, formed the firm of Groesbeck & Schley for the transaction of a general stock brokerage and banking business. The new firm soon became prominent on the Stock Exchange. In 1885, Moore & Schley succeeded to the business, the senior partner being John G. Moore. The house has enjoyed an exceedingly successful career, and is now one of the wealthiest and most active of those represented on the Stock Exchange. The firm's customers are men of large means, and the house has many business connections of the first importance and has more than once been entrusted with the conduct of enormous transactions and delicate negotia- tions, involving the control and financing of corporations. In all these matters, as well as in the management of the large business of the firm, with its connections in Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and other commercial centers, Mr. Schley's quick, yet invariably sound judgment and his forcefulness, combined with great patience and unfailing good humor, to say nothing of his marvellous capacity for work, have been of inestimable value to his principals and have contributed largely to the fortunes accumulated by himself and his associates. Mr. Schley is a member of several of the principal clubs of New York, including the Manhattan, Union League, New York, Riding, Lotos, New York Athletic, New York Yacht and Vaudeville. In 1879, Mr. Schley married Miss Elizabeth Baker, daughter of George E. Baker, who at one time was private secretary to William H. Seward. Mrs. Schley is a sister of George F. Baker, president of The First National Bank of New York. The home of the family is a handsome country seat at Far Hills, N. J. Mr. Schley also has a town house in Madison avenue. FRANCIS P. SCHOALS, banker, born in Lancaster, Pa., died in New York city, Oct. ii, 1881, in his eighty-first year. Having learned the bookbinder's trade, he came THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SC. 579 to New York in 1882 and engaged in the business here with success. The American Bible Society was one of his profitable patrons. About 1850, he retired with a comfort- able fortune, and then devoted himself to real estate investments and to The Broad- way Savings Institution, with which he had been connected since organization, serving as president without compensation. He was a director and large stockholder of The National Broadway Bank and of several insurance companies and a trustee of several charitable and educational institutions. A man of unimpeachable integrity, keen in judgment and careful in investment, he was conspicuous also for benevolence and gained the general regard of the community. His wife, Ellen B., survived him, but they had no children. Under the will of Mr. Schoals, the public institutions and charities of the Presbyterian Church were enriched by$285,ooo. He gave $25,000 each to The Ameri- can Tract Society, The American Home Missionary Society, and The American Bible Society, and $5 0,000 each for home and foreign missions. ABRAHAM SCHOLLE, merchant, a native of Bavaria, born in 1817, died in New York city, March 15, 1880. Having learned the trade of a weaver, he emigrated to America in 1839. Finding no occupation in his trade and being a born merchant, he invested the little money he had in small wares, which he peddled among families in the suburbs of the city. When, in 1847, he had accumulated sufficient money, he opened a small dry goods store on Division street, taking his brother William into part- nership shortly afterward under the name of Scholle Bro's. The keen, shrewd, push- ing ways of the brothers gained for them a good trade, and in 1850, in need of better accommodations, they moved to a store on the Bowery. In 1857, they went into the clothing trade in John street. A younger brother, Jacob, came into the firm the same year, and a branch house was opened in California. The firm prospered rapidly, and Mr. Scholle's business and investments brought him a fortune. In 1863, he retired. He was a man of strict probity and a leading member of the Temple Emanu-El, and bore a high reputation among business men. His wife, Babette, and four children, Matilda, Samuel, Charles and Flora Scholle survived him. FREDERICK A. SCHROEDER, merchant, born in Trier, Prussia, March 19, 1833, is the son of Michael and Salome Abel Schroeder, the former a civil engineer and sur- veyor of taxes. The family came to this country in 1848 in consequence of political troubles in Germany and settled in Brooklyn. Frederick began life as a cigar maker,, worked early and late to better his condition, and fared so well that, at the age of nine- , teen years, he started a cigar factory on Norfolk street in this city, and carried it on subsequently in Cortlandt street, corner of Greenwich, and for twenty-nine years at No. 178 Water street. The panic of 1857 interrupted his prosperity, but he struggled through and by hard work and strict economy met his liabilities and established a large business. In 1863, he entered into partnership with Isidore M. Bon, late president of ;The Wallabout Bank, and engaged in the importation of leaf tobacco, transacting a -thriving and lucrative business for many years. Mr. Bon withdrew in 1893, since which time the partners of Mr. Schroeder have been his son, Edwin A. Schroeder, and his ;son-in-law, Frank M. Arguimbau, the firm being Schroeder & Bon. In 1867, when The Germania Savings Bank of Brooklyn was founded, Mr. Schroeder took the presidency nd yet retains that position. In 1870, he was elected Comptroller of Brooklyn by the Republicans and in that office introduced simpler and improved methods of book- teeping, greatly to the public welfare. His high character, experience and public S 8 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. spirit led to his election as Mayor of Brooklyn in 1875. In 1878, he was elected to the State Senate In 1854, Mr. Schroeder married Mary Jane, daughter of John Rusher, and has seven children living Edwin A. ; Harriet Louise, who married Frank M. Arguimbau; Leonore, married to W. A. H. Stafford of New York; Mary Jane, married to William T. Anderson of Brooklyn; Adelaide, married to Knowlton Ames of Chicago, and two unmarried daughters, Alice and Frances. Mr. Schroeder has traveled much with his family and is an unusually well-; informed man. He belongs to the Riding & Driving club, The Institute of Arts and Sciences, and The Long Island Historical Society. JACKSON 5. SCHULTZ, merchant, born in Hyde Park, Dutchess county^ Nov. 9, 1815, the son of a farmer, died at No. 303 East i?th street in this city, March i, 1891. In 1824, his father, Abraham I. Schultz, went out into the woods at Middle- town, Delaware county, and built the Lafayette tannery and there the son toiled fo: three years to learn the trade. In 1827, the lad went to New York to enter the sto of Smith & Schultz, his father's firm. No leather came to New York in the winter months, and this enabled the youth to attend Gould Brown's Academy for six seasons| He then spent two years in Waterville College in Maine, returned to Smith, Schults & Co. in 1836, and when, in 1837, the firm failed, he became the assignee. He settled all debts at about 98 cents on the dollar. In 1838, with $5.000 which he had saved, he joined Edmund M. Young, formerly bookkeeper for Smith & Schultz, who had borrowed $3,000 for the purpose, and established the leather and tanning firm of Young & Schultz. Union sole leather originated with Mr. Schultz. His combination of hemlock and oak bark, enough of the latter being used to give the leather a beau- tiful color, proved a happy conception and laid the foundation of the fortunes of the house, of which for forty-seven years Mr. Schultz was the master spirit. In 1861, John C. South wick was admitted to Young, Schultz & Co, and warehouses were opened at No. in Cliff street. After Mr. Young's death in 1864, Theodore Schultz joined the firm, which became known as Schultz, South wick & Co. Through all changes, the house kept extending its btisiness to all parts of the world under the guiding genius of Mr. Schultz. In May, 1882, Mr. Schultz established the business of extracting tannin from hemlock bark at Daguscahonda, Pa. Oct. 17, 1883, he retired from business. His son, Louis H., succeeded him, and the firm took the name of Schultz, Innes & Co. Mr. Schultz was a man of massive build, tall and well formed. He wore no beard. He was unselfish, public spirited and always highly respected. During the Civil War, he performed valuable work in promoting the cause of the Union, giving liberally from his means and being active in organizing two negro regiments, the 2oth and 26th. In March, 1866, he was appointed by the Governor a Sanitary Com- missioner for the Metropolitan Police District, was president of the Board, and later became a member of the Committee of Seventy which overthrew the Tweed Ring. Originally a Democrat, he became a Republican later and was for many years a member of the Union League club, at one time its president, and was also a member of the Reform club. While a Commissioner to the Vienna International Exposition in 1873, Mr - Schultz upheld the dignity of his country with sincere earnestness and refused to dine with the Emperor on one occasion, 'because the Emperor would not receive Mr. Schultz's official associate, a Hebrew. He was married twice, and his second wife, Mary F., and three children survived him, the latter being- Louis H. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SC. 581 Schultz, Kate C., wife of E. W. Richardson, and Gertrude, wife of William K. Baxter. QUSTAV SCHWAB, merchant, born in Stuttgart, Germany, Nov. 23, 1822, who died at his home near Morris Heights, Aug. 21, 1888, came from a family, well known both in America and Germany for their attainments in science and literature. His grandfather, John Christopher Schwab, was called by Frederick the Great to be a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and professor in the Military School at Berlin, but declined, preferring to remain professor of philosophy and mathematics in Stuttgart. The father of Mr. Schwab was well known to Germans as a writer of prose and verse and the center of a circle of literary men. At the age of seventeen, young Mr. Schwab entered the counting house of H. H. Meier & Co., merchants of Bremen. In 1844, became to New York to enter the employment of Oelrichs & Kruger, who were closely connected with the German firm, and about five years later, established himself in business in the firm of Wichelhausen, Recknagel& Schwab. In 1859, he en- tered as a partner in Oelrichs & Co., successors of Oelrichs & Kruger, who soon after- ward became agents of the North German Lloyd Steamship line. The original suc- cess of that company in this country was largely due to Mr. Schwab, who was an able, active and competent man. While business engaged the most of his attention, he found time, nevertheless, to interest himself in The German Hospital and other phil- anthropic works. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, at one time Com- missioner of Education, one of the managers of the Produce Exchange and a trustee of its gratuity fund, and a director of The Central Trust Co., The Washington Life In- surance Co., and The Orient Mutual Insurance Co , and the oldest director and vice president of The Merchants' National Bank, and warden of St. James' Protestant Epis- copal Church in Fordham. In 1850, he married Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of the late L. H. von Post, of New York, who with a large family survived him. ALFRED BOWNE SCOTT, merchant, born Feb. i, 1846, in Orange county, N. Y., is a son of Thomas B. Scott, a farmer, and descends from English ancestry. Begin- ning 1 ife as a farmer's boy and gaining his education in country schools near his home, he came to New York in 1867 at the age of twenty-one to seek his fortune. In 1873, he established the firm of Scott & Bowne, druggists and chemists. Their means were small, not exceeding $1,000, but after several years of experiment and labor, they made a commercial success of an agreeable preparation of cod liver oil, known as Scott's Emulsion, and thereafter rose rapidly to prominence. They have since added , to their catalogue several other medicinal preparations and have copyrighted a number of valuable trade marks. The sale of their preparations now extends virtually to every part of the civilized world. The London business finally became so large, that, in 1892, their branch house there was incorporated with a capital of $500,000. They have factories in London, Paris. Barcelona, Oporto, and Milan. Scott & Bowne now consume about one-half of all the medicinal cod liver oil, imported from Norway. The success of their preparations is due to their excellence and to persistent, ingenious and lavish advertising. It is said that they have spent over half a million a year, for this purpose alone. The firm have recently completed a building at the corner of Rose and Pearl streets, at an expense of about $600,000, and now occupy the premises with their laboratory and sales rooms. Mr. Scott is a member of the Colonial club and a supporter of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. In 1873, he married Ella, daughter of A. D. Puffer, of Boston, and they have two children, Alice and Alfred. Mr. Scott I I 582 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. has recently retired from the active management of the firm and taken up his residence abroad, leaving its affairs entirely under the control of his partner, Samuel W. Bowne. CHARLES SCRIBNER, publisher and bookseller, born in New York city in 1821, died at Luzerne, Switzerland, Aug. 26, 1871. His grandfather was a Congregational minister and a graduate of Yale College, and his father, Uriah R. Scribner, a prosper- ous merchant of this city. After graduating from Princeton College in 1840, Mr. Scrib- ner spent three years in the sttidy of law. Owing to delicate health, he reluctantly gave up the profession and, in 1846, formed a partnership with Isaac D. Baker for the publi- cation of books. The firm of Baker & Scribner occupied a store on the site of the old Brick Church property, where The Times office now stands. Mr. Baker died in 1850, and Mr. Scribner carried on the business alone until 1857. when he purchased the Eng- lish importing trade of Banks, Merwin & Co. , taking in Charles Wclford as a partner. His sales steadily increased until the business became one of the largest in the country. Under the name of Charles Scribner & Co. , the firm engaged largely in the publication of American books, while as Scribner, Welford & Co. , they ranked as the chief house importing the productions of the English press. In 1865, Mr. Scribner began the pub- lication of a monthly magazine entitled Hours at Home, which in 1870 was merged into the well-known Scribner 's Monthly, the latter being founded by Scribner & Co. , a stock company in which Dr. J. G. Holland and Roswell Smith were also interested. The death of Mr. Scribner in 1871 came as a shock to hundreds of literary and business men, who had learned to honor him for his intelligence, uprightness and sympathetic temperament. In 1848, he married Emma C., daughter of the Hon. John I. Blair, of New Jersey. To them were born John Blair Scribner; Emma L., who married Walter C. Lamed; Charles and Arthur H. Scribner, and Isabella, now Mrs. Carter H. Fitz- Hugh. GEORGE J. SEABURY, manufacturing chemist and pharmacist, born Nov. 10, 1844, was reared and educated in New York city. His ancestors were of the revolu- tionary class, which has contributed its share to human progress and modern civilization. After graduating from the public schools, the young man studied medicine, chemistry and pharmacy. When the Civil War threatened the life of the nation, he enlisted in 1861, served in the New York Volunteers in several positions a^id was twice wounded in the Peninsular campaign at the battles of Games' Mills and Malvern Hill. After the war, he continued his studies at home and abroad, and became in the course of a few years the pioneer of an original American industry, founding the firm of Seabury & Johnson, of which he is president, and which is known to-day throughout the world as manufacturers of medical, surgical and antiseptic materials of exception- ally excellent quality. Mr. Seabury will be known in history as the father and organizer of his branch of pharmaceutical chemistry, chiefly for his original work, inventions and improvements on old methods. The great success achieved by him has made his name familiar to every physician, surgeon and druggist throughout the world. His firm have invariably received the highest awards over all American and European competitors, notably in Paris, London, Vienna, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Liverpool, Melbourne, Montreal and at many other world's exhibitions, forty-nine gold medals and special diplomas having thus far been awarded. The Seabury pharmacal laboratories are THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SE. 583 larger and better equipped than any others known in their class. In 1885, Mr. Seabury became the sole owner of the works and trade marks of the firm. He also introduced in this country the lithographing on tin for commercial purposes and organized the successful firm of The Mersereau Manufacturing Co. in that specialty, of which he is president. He is an aggressive Republican, and a member of the Republican City and State clubs, and was one of the Committee of Thirty which re-organized the Republican party in the city of New York into a solid phalanx by election districts. He has been a delegate to National, State and County conventions and is a member of a score of scientific, educational and benevolent societies, having held every position within their gift from committeeman to president. He was president of The Drug, Chemical and Paint Organization during the centennial celebration and a vice president of the Republican Business Men's Association, which has paraded in Presidential years over 60,000 strong. The demoralized relations betwen the pharmacist and the public and the public and the pharmacist led Mr. Seabury into labors, which resulted in the creation of pharmacy laws in nearly every State in the Union, so that to-day no person can practice unless he has graduated from a college of pharmacy or passed an examination before a legally appointed board of druggists For this service, he has been made an honorary member of many State societies. He is a member of the New York College of Pharmacy and president of The New York State Pharmaceutical Association. He is a voluminous and versatile writer on economic, trade, political and public questions and problems and has won reputation as an author on the protection of industrial and productive interests. Several forcible and convincing pamphlets have been written by him, notably: "The Tariff Bugbear," "Prosperity versus Poverty," "The Tariff is Not a Tax," "How a Protective Tariff Protects the Farmer and Wage Earner, and Cheapens the Cost of Home Products to the Consumer," and "Low Tariff Destroys our Manufactures and Introduces Fraud and Undervaluations by Importers," as well as many articles on allied topics. Mr. Seabury is a sharpshooter and enthusiastic rifleman, and was honorary secre- tary and a director of The National Rifle Association when Generals Grant and Han- cock were its presidents. He was instrumental in bringing rifle practice in the National Guard to its present state of perfection, and took great interest in the Creedmoor range. He is a member of the New York Athletic club and of the famous "Old Guard " of New York city. With all of his devotion to practical affairs, he is nevertheless gifted with the attri- butes of the poet and has worshipped the muse in an "Ode to Black Bass," in two cantos, to the delight of every true disciple of Isaak Walton. His affection for pisca- torial pleasures has called forth many meritorious articles on the protection, behavior and habits of game fish. His life thus far has been an unusually busy one, overflowing with energy and vivacity. He is popular, liberal in every direction, enthusiastic in art and music, of sterling character, one of the successful men of affairs, whose "word is as good as his bond," aggressive in a good cause, and an orator. Summed up, he represents a typical New Yorker, and one of the characteristic products of self-made metro- politan life. 584 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. CLARENCE WALKER SEAMANS, manufacturer, the son of Abner Clark Sea- mans, also a manufacturer, was born in Ilion, N. Y., June 5, 1854. He attended school in his native town until the age of fifteen, and then secured employment with The Remington Arms Co. , the principal industry of the village and then the main source of its prosperity. He has since attained celebrity in the firm of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, formed in 1882 to manage the sale of the Remington typewriter. When, in 1886, his associates and he incorporated under the old title, Mr. Seamans became treasurer and later general manager of the concern. Since the recent death of Mr. Wyckoff, senior partner in the old firm and president of the incorporated company, Mr. Seamans and Mr. Benedict have been the principal managers of the business The story of the house is told more fully elsewhere in these pages. JOSEPH SEIDENBERQ, one of the leading manufacturers of cigars in the United States and pioneer of the industry in Key West, Fla. , originated in the northern part of the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, in the little town of Schwetzingen, where he was born, Nov 2, 1832. His early youth was .spent quietly in the fatherland, but in the early forties he crossed the Atlantic ocean, located in New York city, and soon found occupation here in the cigar business. To this industry, he has applied himself ever since and with marked success, and he now occupies a strong position in the front rank of those energetic sons of old Germany, who have made New York city their home. Mr. Seidenberg began life with a good store of physical health, mental energy, and common sense. Feeling a very strong desire to make a good place for himself in the business world, he soon created by diligent enterprise an excellent trade in cigars, imported them in considerable quantity from Germany, soon became able to extend his enterprise to other channels, and finally became extensively interested in the industry in Florida. Through his relations with the sponge fishing industry on the Florida coast and the shipment of groceries to the then small island city of Key West, his attention was at length attracted to the quality of the cigars, which were being made upon, a small scale from Cuban tobacco in Key West. Mr. Seidenberg was an excellent judge of a good cigar, and when, after a careful study of the subject, he realized the fact that Key West possessed special advantages for the manufacture of Cuban tobacco, he established upon the island, in 1867, its first regular cigar factory. It may be said here that this bold venture was regarded with curiosity and interest by the whole tobacco trade of the country, and the example of Mr. Seidenberg, being promptly followed by other manufacturers, led in a few years to the development of a great cigar making industry in Key West. Before that time, the population of Thompson's Island, upon which the city is located, had derived their subsistence chiefly from the sponge and coral industries and the gathering of other products of the sea. A new and valuable industry was now established among them, which came in time to give employment to more than 6,000 operatives and sustain perhaps half of the residents of the city of Key West. At first, Mr. Seidenberg spent a great deal of his time in Key West in personal supervision of the factory and organization and management of its operations. The sale of his productions was carried on wholly by the firm of Seidenberg & Co., in New York city. The energy, skill and good judgment of the head of the firm made the new enterprise prosper exceedingly, and Seidenberg & Co. rapidly rose THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SE. 585 to a prominent position among the leading and most reputable purveyors of cigars in the United States They were among the first to manufacture pure Havana cigars in the United States, and while, as above intimated, various energetic men resolved that Seidenberg & Co. should not occupy this field alone, yet they have been able easily to maintain the lead; and their immense factories in Florida and New York city have finally come to manufacture more cigars, all grades considered, than any other firm in the country, perhaps in the world. For more than twenty-five years, Mr. Seidenberg carried on the industry in Key West with great profit to the town, and with results satisfactory to himself. But, in 1894, foreseeing a broader field, Mr. Seidenberg resolved to remove the Florida branch of the industry to the city of Tampa, Fla. Ground was broken for a large new brick factor}- there, and, pending its completion, a frame building on Lafayette street was occupied for the making of clear Havana cigars, and in another building on Franklin street a large force was set to work producing Sumatra wrapper cigars. The new factory was supplied with the best of modern facilities and the Florida industry is now consoli- dated in this structure. The entire product is forwarded to New York city for sale. In Tampa, Seidenberg & Co. now employ about six hundred excellent operatives and manufacture about 15,000,000 cigars a year from the finest Havana tobacco, which the money and experience of a skillful and well informed buyer can secure from the planters in the famous Vuelta Abajo district of Cuba. In Havana, at 171-5 Estrella street, they maintain a large warehouse and employ about two hundred operatives in stripping the enormous amount of raw material, required for the manufacture of 50,000,000 cigars a year by the Tampa and New York houses. It has been discovered that the aroma of the leaf is improved by stripping the tobacco in Havana. The New York factory, located at the corner of First avenue and East 74th street, now employs about twelve hundred operatives and manufactures about 40,000,000 cigars from mixed tobacco every year. While low priced cigars are made at the New York establishment, the Seidenbergs allow none to go out of inferior quality. The filler of every cigar consists of pure Havana tobacco, the wrapper being made from Sumatra leaf. The Figaro five cent cigar, made by Seidenberg & Co. in New York, has proved a popular brand and the sale now reaches about 25,000,000 a year. The Lillian Russell and Duke Orlando cigars, also made in New York from pure Havana tobacco, both enjoy a large sale. In Tampa, La Rosa Espanola is the principal brand and has given the house a special reputation, but Librador and Lorenzo cigars are also made in large quantities, all from the purest Havana leaf. Success in the commercial field does not depend entirely upon the excellence of the goods sold by a particular firm, although quality is, of course, an important element. In modern times, great success depends partly upon the vigor, ingenuity and extent of the advertising done by the firm. It is a fact of interest that Seidenberg & Co. are undoubtedly the greatest advertisers among cigar manufacturers in the United States, and there are probably no brands of cigars more extensively and ingeniously pressed upon the public notice than the Lillian Russell, Figaro, La Rosa Espanola, Librador, and Lorenzo. The name of Seidenberg is borne upon at least ninety-five per cent. of the boxes and is now known in every part of the United States. In recent years, Mr. Seidenberg has made his home in New York city. William J. Seidenberg, his son, is an active member of his firm. 586 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Mr. Seidenberg married Theresa M. Dooley, daughter of John Dooley of St. John, .N. B., and to them have been born seven daughters and one son. JAMES SELIQMAN, banker, born in Baiersdorf, Bavaria, April 14, 1824, is one of the eight notable sons of David Seligman, a woolen merchant. In 1841, he canie to America at the suggestion of his brother Joseph and engaged in business. In 1848, several of this remarkable group of brothers removed from widely separated parts of the country to New York city, James among the number, and here established the importing firm of Seligman & Stettheimer. Beginning life with no advantage of cir- cumstances but guided by conspicuous native ability, Mr. Seligman aided materially in making the new enterprise successful. In 1865, the Seligmans retired from mercan- tile life and transferred their capital to a banking business on Wall street. The name of J. & W. Seligman & Co., then adopted, has been retained until the present day.J Branches were established in Europe, with various of the brothers in charge of each. Joseph, James and Jesse remained in New York. Leopold and Isaac took charge of the London branch, William the one in Paris, and Henry and Abraham the bank in Frankfort on the Main. James is now the head of the New York house. In 1851, he i married Rosa, daughter of Simon Content, and is the father of eight children : De Witt J., Samuel, Washington, Eugene, Jefferson, Fannie, Angeline and Florette. JESSE SELIQflAN, banker, born in Baiersdorf, Bavaria, Aug. 1 1, 1821, died at the Coronado Beach Hotel, Coronado Beach, Cal., April 23, 1894. He was fourth of eight notable brothers and came to America in 1841. Investing his little means in a peddler's outfit, he started to sell small goods through the suburbs of New York city. By hard work he saved $1,000, and joining his brother Joseph, then went to Selma, Ala., tc open a general store. In 1848, he came north to Watertown, N. Y , where he remaine a short time, and then, settling in New York, opened a wholesale clothing store or Church street In 1850, upon the discovery of gold, he opened a general store in San Francisco, Cal., soon amassing a fortune. While on the coast, he became a member of the famous committee of twenty-one, formed to obtain clean and efficient govern- ment in San Francisco. In 1854, in Munich, he married Miss Henrietta Hellman. After his return to California, he saw a wider field in New York city and in 185; joined his brothers, Joseph and James, here in the wholesale clothing and importing business. Although the Civil War contracted their business, the firm did not suffer severely, because they took a number of army contracts. In 1865, the brothers joined in organizing the banking house of J. & W. Seligman & Co. They paid particular attention to national finance and soon became known among the ablest bankers of their time. Jesse Seligman took a personal interest in many of the financial schemes of the Government, and was a trusted adviser of more than one Secretary of the Treasury. He was largely concerned in placing United States bonds abroad, and when, in 1879, Secretary Sherman offered $150,000,000 of refunding bonds for sale, the Seligman brothers took $20,000,000. They have since been prominent in every im- portant syndicate. In the '703, Mr. Seligman invested some of his means in prominent commercial enterprises. He was a prominent Republican and for many years a mem- ber of the Union League club, a trustee and patron of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The American Museum of Natural History and a member of The American Geographical Society. In religion, a conscientious Hebrew and a prominent member of the Temple Emanu-El, he helped to found The Hebrew Orphan Asylum and gave THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SE. 587 liberally to the charities maintained by the people of his faith. Well known and liked in social, club, charitable and business circles, he left many friends. His family con- sisted of his wife, Henrietta, daughter of A. Hellman, and six children, David Theodore, Max Henry, Joseph Albert, Frances Alice, Emma and Madeline. JOSEPH SELIQMAN, founder of the Seligman banking house, born in Baiersdorf, Bavaria, Nov. 19, 1819, died in New Orleans, La., April 25, 1880. A graduate of the University at Erlangen, he came to this country in 1838, the pioneer of his family. Finding first a place as private secretary with Asa Packer, who was then entering upon his career as a contractor at Neshquehoning, Pa. , he became later cashier of a small bank owned by Mr. Packer. When of age, he embarked in mercantile business in Greensborough, Ala. As soon as he had the means, he generously sent home for three of his brothers, whom he urged to come to America. Others came later. Jesse and Henry settled in Watertown, N. Y., Joseph remaining in the South. In 1848. the brothers all gave up their business in small cities, and opened an importing clothing house in New York city, and after the Civil War established the banking house of J. &W. Seligman & Co., which soon became famous. Joseph was the head and inspiring genius of this enterprise. In 1872, he went to San Francisco, and for a time conducted a branch office, which subsequently united with The Anglo-Californian Bank. As the counsellor and leader of the brothers and the founder of their great banking house, Mr. Seligman illustrated many phases of personal character which excited admiration. He was a director of The St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, The Equitable Life Assur- ance Society, The Real Estate Trust Co., The German American Bank, The Shoe & Leather Bank, and The Home Fire Insurance Co. Generous in charity, he founded the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, gave 70,000 to The Society of Ethical Culture, and pro- moted industrial schools and kindergartens, and was a genial, refined and courteous man. At one time, vice president of the Union League club, he also joined the Harmonie club as a member. He was married in 1848, and to him were born David J., George W., Isaac N., Edwin R. , and Alfred L. Seligman; Frances, wife of Theodore Hell- man, of New Orleans; Helen, wife of E. Spiegelberg, of New York; Sophia, wife of M. Walter, of New York; and Isabella, wife of Ph. Lilienthal, of San Francisco. ISRAEL SHELDON, merchant, born March 22,^ 1797, originated in Pawtucket, R. I., and died in Orange, N. J., Sept. 23, 1884. The descendant of an old and patriotic family, he graduated from the academy in Woodstock, Conn., and entered mercantile life first in Providence and then in Wilmington, N. C , as clerk for S. & A. B. Arnold, shipping merchants. Energy, good sense and honesty secured for him speedy recogni- tion, and caused him to be sent while young to the West Indies as supercargo of a pro- vision ship. Trading expeditions to South American countries led to exciting adven- tures, owing to local revolutions He was once taken prisoner. Returning to North Carolina, he made his name there a synonym for honesty, sagacity and energy. Dur- ing eight years, he was clerk of the court in Hyde county, N. C., and in 1834, emi- grated to Alabama, and engaged in business, with success. The outbreak of the Civil War sent him North and he lost much of his property in consequence. In New York, he resumed business with characteristic energy and his knowledge of the cotton market and the value of corporate shares enabled him to gain a second fortune. He was a large operator in Western lands and gas stocks. Mr. Sheldon was married several times. He had no son. Four daughters were born to him, Mrs. Robert W. Aborn, who died 588 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. in 1860; Mrs. Woolsey R. Hopkins, Mrs. William M. Franklin, and Georgianna E., wife of John S. Tilney. JAMES OWEN SHELDON, merchant, banker and farmer, retired, descends from an old and excellent family of the State of Connecticut, planted in the beautiful village of Windsor in the early days by a lineal descendant of Archbishop Sheldon, founder of the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford, England. He was born in Windsor, June 25, 1823. During early youth, he studied the text books of the period first in the schools of Wind- sor and Suffield, Conn., and later in New York city, to which place his father, James Sheldon, a merchant, had removed to enter business life. The senior Sheldon was active in affairs here and well known to all the older generation of merchants. The best opportunities of that time were afforded by mercantile life in New York city, and Mr. Sheldon entered upon a practical career and received his first instruction in business principles as clerk in a wholesale dry goods house, with which he remained until the age of twenty-one. Connecticut has been frequently called the " land of steady habits," but this pithy phrase does not entirely indicate why it was that, during the period in which the subject of this sketch made his entrance into affairs, there came forth from the ranks of the Connecticut men, who came to New York city in such large numbers, so many merchants, who, during their active and useful lives, became conspicuous for success and the qualities which ennoble human nature. Steady habits are good, but that which promoted them was the character of the old American element in Connecti- cut, its intelligence and religious earnestness, the sound home training the people gave their sons and the spirit which led them to fasten the minds of the young upon mental, moral and physical excellence, as of far more importance than wealth. During the first half of the present century, a throng of young and capable men came to New York from Connecticut, among them Edwin D. Morgan, the Meads, the Hoyts, Junius S. Morgan, and others, who became conspicuous for their character, energy and position. Mr. Sheldon began in the same modest way as did the other sons of his native State, and, in the same short time, displayed the soundness of his training, the vigor of his mind and body, and the perfect probity of his character. At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Sheldon entered mercantile life on his own account as member of a wholesale grocery firm, and succeeded so well that, five years later, he became a banker and commission merchant. In this field, also, he conducted his business with energy, skill and profit, and was rapidly rising into prominence, when, in 1855, illness in his family compelled him to give up his residence in New York city and retire to a rural home in the central part of the State. In the year named, he purchased the celebrated White Spring farm near Geneva, N. Y., upon which he dwelt for sixteen years. Here, he devoted himself to the improve- ment of his property and the breeding of Short Horn cattle from his own importations and from purchases from other American herds. About 1856, he bought the bull, Grand Duke of Oxford, from Lord Ducie of England, who owned the finest herd of Short Horns then existing, and in 1867 Mr. Sheldon acquired for $42,300 about forty animals from Samuel Thorne of Thornedale, N. Y., whose herd also was derived from that of Lord Ducie. Mr. Sheldon purchased other Short Horn cattle from Lewis G. Morris. He was very successful in the business part of this enterprise and accomplished a great deal for the improvement of the breed of cattle in this country. His splendid herd of 59 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Short Horns gained a world wide reputation. The sales made therefrom are historic and should be referred to. Mr. Sheldon sold nine sound and excellent young heifers and bulls from the herd of Mr. Thome to go to England for from $2,000 to $3,000 each, and, in 1867, to English buyers the young bull, 3d Duke of Geneva, for $2,750, the white heifer, 7th Duchess of Geneva, for $3,500, and six Oxford heifers at an average of $2,290 each. Owing to the heavy mortality among English Short Horns during this period, the stock upon Mr. Sheldon's farm suddenly attained great value. Breeders in the British Isles looked to his farm as the source upon which they could recruit their own stocks. In 1870, he sold the roan bull calf, 8th Duke of Geneva, for $4,000, and two heifers, Duchesses of Geneva, for $2,500 each in gold coin, gold being then at a premium of 40 per cent. These large prices were for the cattle delivered on board the ship in New York harbor. Two other animals of Mr. Sheldon's breeding were sold at auction to go to England, one for $40,600 and the other for $35,000, while several brought from $20.000 to $30,000 each. Late in 1870, the entire herd was bought by a firm at New York Mills, Oneida county, at an average of about $1,000 each for eighty head. While opportunities so profitable as that which made Mr. Sheldon's farm historic do not often come to American farmers, yet the story here narrated should remind them that he who works his farm with brains is likely to attain the best results. While a resident at Geneva, Mr. Sheldon took an active part in the management of the State Agricultural College and was for several years one of its trustees. He also devoted considerable time to the management of the State Agricultural Society, being a vice president and a member of the executive committee for some time and in 1864 accepting election as president of the society. The farming interests of the State were fortunate in enlisting the interest of a man so capable and of such extended experience in affairs. In 1870, having parted with his herd of Short Horns, Mr. Sheldon sold the White Spring farm, constrained so to do by the health of his family, and spent several years thereafter in Europe. In 1878, he returned and made his home in New York city, where he has since resided. While not now engaged in active business, he is sufficiently occupied with corporate enterprises and is a trustee of The Manhattan Trust Co. and The Kings County Elevated Railroad, in which he has investments. He is too vigorous a man to remain idle and devotes much time to public spirited work and is a governor of The New York Hospital and The Bloomingdale Asylum, trustee of the Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and The Protestant Half Orphan Asylum and the promoter of other philanthropic enterprises. Strong and sturdy in frame, a gentleman of courtly demeanor and spotless character, his mind stored with entertaining informa- tion, and a member of the Union League and Down Town clubs and New England So- ciety, he enjoys the friendship and respect of a large circle of cultivated acquaintances. ELLIOTT FITCH SHEPARD, lawyer and publisher, born in Jamestown. N. Y., July 25, 1833, died in New York city, March 24, 1893. He came from old American stock, and was a grandson of Theodore May, a surgeon in the American Revolution, and son of Fitch Shepard, who rose to be cashier of The Jamestown National Bank and president of The National Bank Note Co. of New York city. Mr. Shepard graduated from the University of the City of New York in 1855, studied law, and being admitted to THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SH. 591 practice in 1858, devoted himself to his profession. During the Civil War, he was appointed an aid upon the staff of Gov. Edwin D. Morgan and given charge of the recruiting station in Elmira, N. Y. While Colonel Shepard held this position, 40,000 men were enrolled and sent to the front. He presented a flag to the 5ist New York Vols., which took the name of the Shepard Rifles. Declining a commission as Brigadier General tendered by President Lincoln, he spent much time in recruiting for the gth ' Army Corps, and aided in securing laws permitting soldiers to vote in the field and the allotment of their pay to their families. He also promoted the great Fair in New York city, which earned $1,300,000 for the Sanitary Commission. After the War, he prac- ticed mercantile and municipal law, and with E. B Shafer codified the city ordinances, their version going into effect Jan. i, 1881. In his latter years, Colonel Shepard was known as an editor. He bought The Mail and Express, March 26, 1888, from Cyrus W. Field." The management of this Republican journal excited his enthusiastic inter- est, and he was its real as well as nominal head. It was he who introduced the idea of printing a text from Scripture every day upon the editorial page. He was liberal in charity, a Presbyterian, and a strong advocate of Sunday observance. Active in the formation of The Bar Association, he became its president in 1884, and helped secure the legislation to create the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commeice, of which he was a member. Colonel Shepard made several visits to Europe, explored his native land thoroughly, and frequently related the story of his travels in public lectures. He wrote several pamphlets, one of which, entitled ' ' Labor and Capital are One," was translated into various languages and had a circulation of 250,000 copies. Among his clubs were the Union League, Republican, Lawyers', Twilight, Riding, Congregational, Pi'ess, New York Athletic, New York Yacht and Adirondack League, and he also joined the Bar Association, The Sons of the American Revolution, Presby- terian Union and The New England Society of this city and the Union League club of Brooklyn. He married Feb. 18, 1868, Margaret Louisa, daughter of William H. Van- derbilt, who survived him with five children, Maria Louisa, wife of William Jay Schieffe- lin; Edith; Alice Vanderbilt, wife of David Hennon Morris; Margaret and Elliott F. Shepard, jr. By his will, he left $100,000 each to the Presbytery of New York city and St. Paul's Institute at Tarsus, Asia, and $50,000 to the Seventh Presbyterian Church. FREDERICK MICHAEL SHEPARD, manufacturer, a native of Norfolk, Conn., born Sept. 24, 1827, is a son of the late John A. Shepard, farmer, hotel keeper and postmaster, and of Margaret J. Mills, his wife. Edward Shepard came from old England with his family in 1638 and settled in Cambridge, Mass., and one of his sons, removing to Hartford, Conn., there established the branch of the family from which Frederick M. Shepard springs. The subject of this sketch spent his ear'ylife in Norfolk, attend- ing school, aiding his father and serving as clerk in a country store. Finally, how- ever, Norfolk became too small for a young man of his motive power and he found em- ployment in Hartford and later in New York city. In 1853, he was elected treasurer and secretary of The Union India Rubber Co., and from that time to the present has been active in the manufacture of rubber goods. He is president of the company now and of The Rubber Clothing Co., The Goodyear Rubber Co., of New York, and The Goodyear Rubber Co., of Middletown, Conn., all of which are owned and controlled by him, and a director of The United States and The National Rubber Go's. He is also a director of The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., The Orange Water Co., The 59 2 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. East Orange Safe Deposit & Trust Co. , The East Orange National Bank, and The Norfolk, Conn., Water Co. and has been Commissioner of Juries and of Parks in Essex county, N. J. Mr. Shepard has proved a very able manager of the large interests con- centrated in his hands. He has read THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE from the day of its first publication. Sept. 28, 1854, he married Annie C. Rockwell and is the father of six children, Annie Rockwell, Frederick M., Clara Margaret, Joseph Minott, John Andrus, and Edith Mills. SIDNEY SHEPARD, capitalist, long prominent in the commercial life of Buffalo but in later years closely identified with financial affairs in New York city, was born in the village of Cobleskill, Schoharie county, N. Y. , Sept. 28, 1814. He died in New Haven, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1893. He was descended from a line of hale and upright ancestors, which reached back to the earliest days of the settlement of the new world. Ralph Shepard, the first of his father's family to remove from England to this country, came in 1635. William Hamilton, his mother's ancestor, a Scot, came later, and emigrated from Glasgow in 1668. His grandfather, Hosea Hamilton, in this line, was a surgeon in the American Revolution and a personal friend of George Washington. Jesse Shepard, Sidney's father, was a physician, who practiced the healing art for many years in Cobleskill and the farming towns surrounding. A worthy representative of these two families, the young man thus had the good fortune to begin life with a vigorous nature, an upright character, and a strong intellectuality, inherited from a sound ancestry. During boyhood, he gained only the education which falls to the usual lot of the youth of a country town, but he was compensated in subsequent years for lack of a college education, by his receptive mind, constant reading, extended travel, alert observation and retentive memory. The lad found his first employment at the age of fourteen, as clerk in a hardware store in Dansville, N. Y. He entered upon his duties there with youthful enthusiasm, was quick to learn and faithful to duty, and the liking which he gained then and there for the hardware trade decided his vocation. After additional experience in a store in Rochester, N. Y., he went to Bath, in 1831, and associated himself for three years with his brother. He made his first mercantile venture on his own account in 1835, when not yet twenty-one years old, assuming the responsibilities of a merchant, by purchasing a hardware store in the same town. From the very beginning, he showed his quality, by energetically devoting to his business all the time which was necessary to ensure success. He was resolute in a determination to make his way, honest in all transac- tions, and able to deny himself the luxuries, upon which many other young men, less wise than he, expended their savings. Five years of mercantile life in Bath brought him a little capital. Aspiring to a larger field, he then, in 1836, removed to Buffalo. He first bought an interest in a hardware store on Main street, the oldest business house in that city, which was changed to Crane & Shepard. In the following year, he became sole pro- prietor under his own name. This enterprise soon developed into the firm of Sidney Shepard & Co., which rose from local to much wider distinction. A manufactory of sheet metal ware was established at the corner of Clinton and Union streets. The young merchant soon won the good opinion of other men in the hardware trade and pushed the sale of his productions with such persistency and energy, that before ten years had THE CITY OF NEW YORK.. SH. 593 passed his business had become thoroughly established. Not only did the thriving city of Buffalo and the counties tributary thereto supply him with a ready market, but the West spread out before him, inviting him to extend his enterprise in that direction also. During his early years, he made several prolonged trips through this region and established business connections in the then comparatively uninhabited but rapidly growing States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, opening business houses in Detroit and Milwaukee. About, 1840, he made one tour by way of Chicago and St. Louis to New Orleans, returning through Mobile, Savannah and Charleston. In 1849, he became the proprietor of The Shepard Iron Works, on Ohio street, and thereafter gradually added to his undertakings, until he finally became one of the largest im- porters of tin plate, manufacturers of stamped metal ware, and dealers in hardware and tinners' supplies in the United States. Mr. Shepard's activity was not confined to his industry in Buffalo. As he gained the means, he embarked in other important enterprises. He was one of the earliest to realize the advantages of the electric telegraph to the merchants of the country, and he not only promoted some of the pioneer lines in the West, but, by gradual investment, became one of the largest owners of the stock of The Western Union Telegraph Co., tinder which the earlier lines were consolidated. Until within a few weeks of his death, he was a director in that corporation, resigning on account of his illness. He was prominent also in railroad affairs and for many years a large stockholder and director in The Alabama Central, The Mobile & Ohio, and The New Jersey Central Railroads, having declined a similar position in many others of equal prominence. He accepted only a few of the proffered places of trust in religious, banking and other institutions. He was married June 12, 1851, in Buffalo, to Elizabeth De Angelis Wells, daughter of Chester R. Wells. This union brought them three children, Elizabeth Wells Shep- ard, who died at the age of ten; Charles Sidney Shepard; and Ralph Hamilton Shepard, who survived his farther a few months only. In 1865, Mr. Shepard relinquished the active supervision of the details of his business to his partners and spent several years with his family in foreign travel and recreation. He visited nearly every capital in Europe, besides Egypt, the Holy Land and Asia Minor. Upon the family's return, the} r settled in the homestead of his wife in the village of New Haven, Oswego county, N. Y., and made that his country residence the remainder of his days. In 1885, he transferred to C. Sidney Shepard, his son, his interest in the old firm. Though urged to be a candidate for important offices, he studiously avoided such publicity. Mr. Shepard's success should be an inspiration to every young man cf ability and character. It was due to the good name which he established early in life, a clear head, sound judgment and untiring energy. Keen powers of observation guided him in his enterprise and investments and his habit of mastering every new question thoroughly saved him from errors. His capacity for organization amounted almost to genius. His judgment of men was remarkable and he was seldom deceived in his estimates. In integ- rity, he was rigid and unswerving. Capable of continued exertion, his courage also was equal to even- emergency. In private life, he was a sincere Christian gentleman His faith in divine things was strong and for about twenty -five years he was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Buffalo. Wealth brought him the ability to bestow happiness on others less fortunate and he did so freely but quietly and with the same 594 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. discretion which had regulated his whole life, often in such a way that even the recipi- ents did not know the source. He aided liberally several institutions in Buffalo, but his principal benefactions were distributed over this and other countries, while his private charities were large. His name is greatly honored. ISAAC SHERMAN, manufacturer and banker, born in North Adams, Mass., died in this city, Jan. 21, 1881, in his sixty-third year. After studying law in Albion. N. Y., for a year, Mr. Sherman abandoned the prospect of a legal career and went into busi- ness. He became interested at an early age in the making of staves in Buffalo for ex- port, and was in the habit of going to Michigan and making contracts for the purchase of staves, while the timber stood in the forests. If there were sufficient snow to haul the staves from the woods, they were drawn out in the winter time. If not, they some- times remained standing for a year or two. This practice led to a discussion on taxa- tion with the Attorney General of Michigan. The statutes of the State exempted prop- erty in transit and Mr. Sherman claimed that his staves were legally in that condition, until they were taken out of the woods and started for Port Huron, his usual point of shipment to the East. He finally induced the Attorney General to accept his view of the matter and frequently referred to this case as one of his earliest triumphs. He re- tired from business in Buffalo, at the age of thirty, with large means. Coming to New York about 1856, he then established a private bank, remaining in its management until 1865, after which time he devoted himself to investments. The only railroad securities he ever bought were first mortgage bonds. His knowledge of railroad law was inti- mate and extensive. In politics originally a Democrat and prominent in the Barn- burner movement, Mr. Sherman took a prominent part in the founding of the Repub- lican party. During Mr. Lincoln's administration, he was one of the President's con- fidential advisers, and it is generally understood that he declined the offer of Secretary of the Treasury. He was a genial and courteous man, generous in charities and very modest. His wife and one daughter, the latter, Mrs. Bradley Martin, survived him. WATTS SHERHAN, banker, born in Utica, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1809, died on the Island of Madeira, Feb. 20, 1865. A descendant of one of the oldest families in the State, his first important position was that of cashier of a bank in Geneseo. Removing to Herkimer, he conducted a banking institution there. Later, he removed to Albany and became cashier and general manager of The Albany City Bank, which became one of the soundest institutions in the country xmder his management. In 1851, he came to New York and in partnership with Alexander Duncan founded the well known bank- ing house of Duncan, Sherman & Co., in the active management of which he continued until about eighteen months before his death. Cultivated and refined in mind and liberal in disposition, he had a large circle of devoted friends. In politics, he sided with the Democrats. His wife, Sarah M., a daughter of Henry B. Gibson of Canan- daigua, N. Y., with four sons survived him, the latter being William Watts, Duncan, Harry Gibson and Frederic Sherman. Mrs. Sherman died in March, 1878. JOHN HINF1AN SHERWOOD, merchant and realty owner, a native of Guilford, Chenango county, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1816, died in New York city, March 17, 1887. Energetic from youth, he began life at home as a shoemaker. At the age of twenty, he established a hide and leather business in Monroe, Mich. Three years later, he returned to Greene in Chenango county, and carried on a dry goods store, but removed in 1852, to New York, to enter the firm of Wesson, Vanderhoff & Co., in the boot and THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SH. 595 shoe trade. In 1857, he withdrew and opened a real estate office, applying his means to operations which ultimately made him a rich man. First and last, more than a hundred business and residence houses were erected by him. The Sherwood apart- ment house was one of his ventures and, with several associates, he built the block of houses on Fifth avenue between 43d and 44th streets, upon the site of the Colored Orphan Asylum, burned by the mob during the draft riots of 1863. Some of his prop- erty lay north of the Park. Principal owner and an officer of The Fifth Avenue Bank, he also shared in the management of The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , The Washington Life Insurance Co. , and The Real Estate Exchange, and was a stockholder of The New York Sun, being a warm friend of Mr. Dana. An Episcopalian, a Republican, liberal in his charities and a man of sound qualities, he was highly esteemed. His wife, Nancy L. , and one daughter, Mary E., wife of J. H. A. Blodgett, survived him. HENRY F. SHOEMAKER, banker and railroad president, had the advantage in his earh- career of an influential and prosperous father, but his great success in life is due mainly to his own undisputed ability. He was born March 28, 1845, in Schuylkill county, Pa. His ancestors came from Germany, landing in Philadelphia, June 20, 1683, and forming part of the settlement of Pastorius, the German Quaker and friend of William Penn. The family has been prominent in Philadelphia and the Schuylkill and Wyoming valleys of Pennsylvania for several generations. John Shoemaker, his great grandfather, served in the American Revolution ; both his grandfathers were soldiers of 1812 ; while Henry F. Shoemaker himself was a Union volunteer in the Civil War. The men of the family engaged at an early period in the mining for anthracite coal, and Col. George Shoemaker, of Pottsville, Pa. , a great uncle, was the first to introduce this fuel to market, bringing it to Philadelphia by wagon. His father was John W. Shoemaker, an operator of anthracite coal mines at Tamaqua, Pa , his mother being Man- A. Brock, daughter of William Brock. Mr. Shoemaker was fitted for an active career by education in the schools at Tamaqua, Pa., and in the Genesee Seminary in Lima, N. Y. He acquired a liking for the coal business at an early day, boyish curiosity leading him to visit his father's colliery almost daily during his vacations. He was a young man of great promise and his manly nature was shown in 1863. when Pennsylvania was invaded by General Lee and the Confederate army. Governor Curtin called for volunteers to defend the State. The young man, then only eighteen years of age, went to his father's mines, gathered together a company of sixty volunteers and took them in haste to Harrisburg Although elected captain of the company, he exercised the good judgment characteristic of him in after life, and declined, owing to his youth, in favor of an older man, accepting the rank of first lieutenant instead. The company was mustered into the Federal sen-ice as part of the 2 7th Pa. Vols. attached to the 6th Corps, and served until the Confederate army had been beaten at Gettysburgh and retreated south of the Potomac. The emergency over, the detachment from the mines returned to their homes. At the age of nineteen, Mr. Shoemaker went to Philadelphia and entered the wholesale coal shipping house of Hammet, Van Dusen & Co., where he mastered the mercantile department of the coal business. He then began the coal shipping business on his own account under the firm name of Shoemaker & Mclntyre, succeeding from the start. A progressive man, he formed in 1870 the firm of Fry, Shoemaker & Co., and engaged in the mining of anthracite coal at Tamaqua, Pa. The property consisted of / THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SH. 597 the Newkirk colliery, one of the largest in the locality. Mr. Shoemaker continued to reside in Philadelphia in charge of the shipping and sales branch of the business, while his partners devoted themselves to operating the mines. The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. having entered upon a policy of acquiring control of the mining of anthra- cite coal along its lines by an ownership in the collieries, Mr. Shoemaker disposed of his coal interests to the railroad company in 1875. Early in 1877, he entered the world of transportation as secretary and treasurer of The Central Railroad of Minnesota, and late in that year removed to New York city. In 1878, he became interested in the construction of The Rochester & State Line Rail- road, now known as The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh, and was largely instrumental in its extension to the coal fields of Pennsylvania. In 1881, he embarked in Wall street and established the banking house of Shoemaker, Dillon & Co. The firm made a specialty of large issues of railroad bonds and met with great success in several exten- sive negotiations. In 1886, Mr. Shoemaker entered a syndicate which assumed control of The Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, and thereafter he pushed on and became an active spirit in a number of important roads. In 1887, he was elected president of The Mineral Range Railroad, and in 1888, he bought a large interest in the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad, and later, with others, became one of the dominant spirits in the company and was made chairman of its executive committee. In 1893, for himself and associates, he purchased a majority of the shares of The Cleveland, Lorain& Wheeling Railroad, which under the new management has become one of the most prosperous coal roads in Ohio. Several lines in which he is interested are coal carrying roads, and Mr. Shoemaker is largely interested in the mines adjacent thereto. He has been successful in his undertakings and is now president of the The Day- ton & Union and The Cincinnati, Dayton & Ironton Railroads; chairman of the executive committee of The Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad, and a director in The Cincinnati, Hamilton & Indianapolis, The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific, and The Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroads, and The Alabama Great Southern Railroad, Limited, of London, England. He was also at one time engaged in the mining of bituminous coal in the Kanawha valley, W. Va. He was a large owner and director in The New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co., whose factories are located at New Brunswick, N. J., with a capacity of 10,000 pairs of boots and shoes per day which has now become a part of The United States Rubber Co. , one of the largest mercantile and manufacturing corporations in the country. Mr. Shoemaker was married April 22, 1874, to Miss Blanche, daughter of the late Hon. James W. Quiggle of Philadelphia, at one time Consul at Antwerp and later Minister to Belgium. As a result of this union, there are three children, two sons and one daughter. He resides in New York city, and by reason not only of his financial standing, but his refinement of character, courteous manners and spotless record, has gained the confidence and esteem of the business world. He is a member of the Union League, Lotos, Riverside Yacht and American Yacht clubs of New York city, The Sons of the Revolution, and Lafayette Post, No. 140, of the Grand Army of the Republic. JOHN H. SHOENBERQER, manufacturer, a native of Huntington county, Pa., died in New York city, Nov. 12, 1889, in his eightieth year. He was a son of Dr. Peter Shoenberger, who began the manufacture of iron in Pittsburgh in 1824. The AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. son succeeded to the business, owned The Huntington furnace and was for many years the head of John H. Shoenberger & Co., and a driving, able and successful man. For several years, he managed The Exchange National Bank of Pittsburgh as its presi- dent, and became largely interested in The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago and The Allegheny Valley Railroads. He was a leading member of the Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, and the wealth due to his incessant enterprise enable him to make large gifts in its interest and help build St. Peter's and Trinity churches. About 1880, he removed to New York city. By his will he left $35,000 each to The Church Home in Pittsburgh and The Bishop Seabury Mission in Minnesota; $30,000 for Episcopal mis- sionary work in Pittsburgh; and $50,000 for The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal church, as well as $900, ooo and a large tract of ground in Pittsburgh for St. Margaret Memorial Hospital, in memory of his deceased wife. GEORGE GARRETT SICKLES, merchant, born in William street, New York city, Sept. 10, 1800, died in New Rochelle, March 18, 1887. After an experience in this city as a printer and dry goods clerk, he went to Philadelphia at the age of twenty to enter the employment of The A urora, one of the best known papers of that period. Subsequently, he started a newspaper of his own in Belvidere, N. J., called The Bclvi- dere Apollo. Later, he made a little money in New York in the publishing business at Broadway and Liberty street, but lost it all in a mercantile venture in Glens Falls, N. Y. When he returned to New York, he had only ten cents in his pocket. Making a new start, he entered the real estate business and followed it for a quarter of a cen- tury, realizing a fortune. He gradually came to own about thirty houses in New York and Brooklyn and various other properties, including a farm at New Rochelle. For- tunate operations in Wall street added to his means. When about forty years of age, he studied law and practiced it for twenty-five years, becoming an expert in patent cases. The Democratic party won his earnest allegiance and he was one of the oldest Free Masons in the city, being a charter member of Kane Lodge. By his first marriage with Miss Susan, daughter of Edgar Marsh, he became the father of Gen. Daniel E. Sickles. In 1881, he married Mrs. Henry Sheridan Sawyer, and their children are Roma Meade, Perie A. and Alta H. Sickles. BENJAHIN DOUGLAS SILLIMAN, LL.D., lawyer, was born in Newport, R. I., Sept. 24, 1805. His family removed to New York when he was a child, and since that time he has been a resident mainly of the city of Brooklyn. He descends from Pil- grim stock, and on the side of his father's mother, traces his lineage to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. Gen. Gold Selleck Silliman of Connecticut was his grandfather. Gold S. Silliman, his father, died in Brooklyn, N. Y. , in 1868, at the age of ninety-one. Benjamin D. Silliman was sent in 1820 to Yale College, received his diploma in 1824, and is now sole surviving member of that notable class. Having studied law in the office of Chancellor Kent and his son, Judge William Kent, Mr. Silliman was admitted to the bar in 1829, and began practice in New York city. Among the clients who placed their legal business in his hands were large corporations, and in the course of his sixty years of active professional life, Mr. Silliman ranked among the leaders of the bar and practiced both in the highest courts of the State and the United States. His industry was remarkable, his success almost unbroken. It is said that he never lost his temper in court and he won his cases by none except dignified and honorable methods. The esteem of his professional associates was exhibited at the time of his retirement by THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SI. 599 the voluntary tender of a public banquet at Delmonico's, May 24, 1889. In early life a Whig, Mr. Silliman represented his party in the Legislature from Brooklyn in 1838 and was often a delegate to local, State and National conventions. In 1854, as a Republican, he accepted the office of United States District Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, but resigned in 1866, because the duties of the office interfered with his practice. In 1872, he became a member of the commission for revision of the State Constitution, and in 1873 was defeated as candidate for Attorney General. In 1873, Columbia College, and in 1874, Yale College, conferred upon Mr. Silliman the degree of LL.D. He is a director of numerous literary and benevolent associations, and was for nearly twenty years a manager of The House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents- in New York city, as well as one of the founders and vice president of the Bar Association. He was for twenty years president of the Brooklyn club and long president of the Yale Alumni Association. He is unmarried. J. EDWARD SIMMONS, one of the most prominent and highly respected bankers of New York city, began life with the intention of devoting himself to the law. There is every reason to believe that he would have reached a high position in that profession, but his tastes led him into the field of practical business and he has made therein a record of which he may be proud. He was born in the city of Troy, N. Y., in 1841. The remote paternal ancestor of the family came from Holland and settled in the new world about 150 years ago. On his mother's side, his descent is from an old New Hampshire family, his great grandsire having been one of the sturdy supporters of Independence in that State and a soldier of the American Revolution. Mr. Simmons was educated first in the public schools and the academy in Troy. He spent three years at a well known boarding school ?.t Sand Lake, and then enjoyed the advantage of a four years' course at Williams College, graduating in 1862. Thus fitted for the battle of life, he studied law at the Albany Law School. The Bachelor of Arts of Williams College then became a Bachelor of Laws ; and it may be said that, later, in compliment to his services in the cause of education, he became a Doctor of Laws by act of a New England university. Until 1867, Mr. Simmons lived in the growing city of Troy. He practiced law for two years, and then engaged with his father in the more profitable business of a whole- sale grocer. Ambitious to rise, he finally determined to settle in New York and try his metal in the field of banking and brokerage Locating in Wall street, he succeeded from the start but in 1872 a too devoted application to business compelled him to seek rest from overwork in Florida. In that pleasant clime, he gained renewed vigor. In 1874, he returned to Wall street thoroughly restored in health and devoted him- self anew with all the ardor of a vigorous mind to his old business of banking and brokerage. His transactions in the exciting field of finance were remarkable for sturdy integrity, ability and honor. A sound, successful man, with large resources which he had accumulated by his own efforts, he soon became one of the most respected and popular members of the Stock Exchange. June 2, 1884, he was elected president of the Exchange. He was chosen for this place at a time when the country was trembling upon the verge of a crisis, owing to a panic w r hich had taken place in the street and the suspension of the firm, of which the previous president of the Exchange was a member. So great was the confidence felt in Mr. Simmons, that he was elected by 600 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. a vote remarkably large. His services restored confidence and won the most cordial approbation. He occupied the position of president for two terms, and was asked to accept it for a third, but declined. His intense application to business then compelled him to rest and he spent some time in foreign travel to recruit his health. In 1888, Mr. Simmons was called to the presidency of The Fourth National Bank, one of the most important financial institutions in the country, having a capital of over $3,000,000 and deposits averaging the enormous sum of $30,000,000. His services as president of this bank have been brilliant and successful. Partly because of his legal training and partly from natural predilection, Mr. Simmons has always been greatly interested in public affairs. He is an ardent Democrat of the old school of Jefferson and the fathers of the Republic. In 1881, he consented to serve the city as a Commissioner of common schools of New York city, and in 1886, he was made president of the Board of Education, in which capacity he served for five successive terms. He has always taken an active part in the larger politics of the day, especially in national contests, but has persistently refused to hold office. In his chosen profession of banking, Mr. Simmons has made an unusual record. He has never failed to keep a contract, never suspended, and never been sued. In the exciting field of Wall street finance nothing is said except to his credit. In the panic of 1890, he was one of the valued members of the Executive Committee of the Clearing House, and in the panic of 1893 a member of its Loan Committee. His high standing led to his selection as receiver of The American Loan & Trust Co., when that organ- ization was forced to suspend. Mr. Simmons is president of The New York Infant Asylum, one of the largest and most beautiful charities of the city. He is also a governor of the New York Hospital, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, president of The Panama Railroad, and of the Columbian Line of steamships, and a director in some of the largest and most successful corporations of the country. Mr. Simmons is a Free Mason of high rank. In 1883, he was chosen unanimously Grand Master for the State of New York, and in 1885 was advanced to the Thirty-third Degree, the highest degree known to the Masonic order. In this city, his social position is indicated by membership in some of the most exclusive of its first-class clubs, including the Manhattan, Riding, Metropolitan, Players', University, Lawyers', and New York Athletic. He is also a member of the St. Nicholas Society, The New England Society and of the Williams Alumni Association. He was married in 1866 to Julia, daughter of George Greer, of New York city. Of the seven children born to them two survive : a son, Joseph Ferris Simmons, and a daughter, Mabel Simmons. A man of serious aims, shrewd in business, broad in views, cherishing generous ideals, entertaining in society, conscious of the dignity of life- these are traits which shine in his character and make him an object of universal esteem. WILLIAH SIHPSON, pawnbroker, born May 2, 1837, at No. 21 Chatham street (now Park Row), New York city, upon the site of the present entrance to Brooklyn Bridge, is a son of the late William Simpson, a native of Cumberland, England, and of Ximena Hains, his wife. William Simpson, sr., came to America about 1827 with his brother, John B., and, after a short experience as a dry goods merchant on Chatham street, bought from a cousin, about 1836, a small money loaning business, which had THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SI. 6oi been established as early as 1822 by Walter S. Simpson, his uncle. The new proprietor, with his brother John B., who soon joined him, developed the business greatly. Both men became famous and from their loan offices on Chatham street and the Bowery realized fortunes which they invested largely in real estate. William died at West Farms in Westchester county, April 8, 1879. William Simpson, jr., received a private school education, and at first engaged in the furniture business and later in the manage- ment of a general store in New Hudson, N. Y., and in importing and breeding Jersey cattle. During the Civil War, he saw service in the Union army. In 1865, he embarked in the loan business in New York city, at No. 27 Chatham street and No. 181 Bowery, and has ever since followed this occupation. "Simpson's," seen on more than one sign board, is now certainly one of the best known names in the city. Mr. Simpson retains his breeding business on a farm of 1,200 acres at New Hudson, with training stables at Cuba, both in Allegany county, N. Y., but now devotes the establishment in part to trotting horses, under the name of the Empire City stud. He also owns a farm of one hundred acres at Hunt's Point, N. Y. He is a veteran of the 7th Regiment and a member of Lafayette Post, G. A. R., a Republican and in religion an Episco- palian. In 1864, he married at Dryden, N. Y., Sarah Jane McGraw, who died in 1876, leaving two sons, William J. and Frederick B. In 1887, he married Teresa L. Allen of this city. JOHN SINCLAIR, merchant, originated in Belfast, Ireland, where he was born Jan. 4, 1841. He is a son of the late Thomas Sinclair, merchant of meats and pro- visions. The family are of Scottish and Irish ancestry. Thomas Sinclair gave his son a careful education in Belfast and Liverpool and then an apprenticeship in the pro- visions business in Belfast, which, while it had not yet attained the magnitude of these later years, was already well established. A ready, earnest, capable young man, Mr. Sinclair learned every requirement rapidly and, after a few years, took a place in the office of a large firm in Liverpool in order to increase his range of experience. It was during this period that Great Britain began to depend upon the United States of America for supplies of food. Ireland had produced immense quantities of meats and grain for generations, but the low-priced lands of America developed new sources of supply, which England could not overlook, and her merchants found it to their ad- vantage to establish connections in the United States. Accordingly, in 1862. the parent house of the Sinclairs in Belfast sent Thomas Sinclair, jr., and Thomas M. Sinclair to New York city, where they established the firm of Sinclair & Co. , for the exportation of produce to England. In 1864, John Sinclair came to New York and associated himself with the business. Here he quickly made his mark. In 1866, the present firm of John Sinclair & Co., composed of John and Thomas M. Sinclair, suc- ceeded to the one first established. They are now extensively engaged in packing meats in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the house there having been started in 1871, by the junior partner of the firm. Mr. Sinclair is an upright, driving, straightforward and capable merchant. He has entered heartily into the spirit of the life of the metropolis, has gained the respect of a large circle of friends, and while a member of those excel- ent social organizations, the Century, Reform, City, Riding, Presbyterian and Down Town clubs, has shown his public spirit by joining Good Government Club A. WILLIAM LL'DLAM SKIDflORE, at present the oldest coal merchant of the city, was born on a farm in Foster's Meadows, beyond Jamaica, Long Island, Sept. 25, 1822. 602 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Jeremiah Skidmore. his father, a native of Valley Stream, then known as Rockaway, born March 23, 1797, had moved into New York city the early part of the century and become a coal merchant. The youth of William L. Skidmore was spent partly on the farm, partly at the family home in this city on Orchard street. Educated in the public schools, he began life at the age of thirteen in the employment of his father's coal firm of Lang & Randolph. He ran on errands, swept the office, and performed a variety of other modest duties. When the senior Skidmore succeeded to the business, he took his boys Joseph and William into partnership, as Jeremiah Skidmore & Sons. In 1877, the young men became the proprietors and thereafter adopted the title of Jeremiah Skid- more's Sons, which is yet preserved. Joseph died Dec. 30, 1882, and William L. Skidmore then became head of the house. He retired a few years ago but retains a special interest, and is the only one of the thirteen partners of the three coal firms above named who is living, as well as the only member of his branch of the Skidmore family. He is a Republican in politics and in personal appearance closely resembles the late James G. Elaine. Until about 1890, Mr. Skidmore held many directorships in the city and had declined similar positions in many others. He resigned from all about five years ago. He has also been a member of many prominent public institutions and charities. He married, June "15, 1847, and became the father of two sons, Alfred Tremont Skidmore, who died at the age of nineteen, and Jeremiah, who died at the age of twenty-three. Mr. Skidmore became early in life a member of the old Rutgers Street Presbyterian Church, but in later years he has been a member of Dr. John Hall's church on Fifth avenue. He is liberal in his gifts, and has done much to promote the happiness of his fellow men. HENRY BARTHOLOMEW SLAVEN, capitalist, who has won fame and fortune by his wonderful enterprise and work in connection with the great Panama Canal, was born near Pictou, Ontario, Oct. 19, 1853. He is a son of Patrick Slaven, a farmer and stock raiser, and his early education was gained in the common schools. Leaving the farm when he was thirteen years of age, he secured a posjtion as druggist's assistant, and after his day's work, spent the evenings in study at the local school. He was a graduate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy at the age of seven- teen, and in order to take a further course in medicine, he went to Philadelphia and attended a university there for nearly two years, but was too young to graduate. He then accepted a position in a large wholesale and retail drug house in the Quaker City, which gave him his first experience in mercantile life. Returning to Canada in 1873, he took the management of a large wholesale drug concern there, remaining with it for a period of three years. Early in 1876, the young man joined a party of engineers, who were making a trip to the British Northwest. The journey was made by way of the great lakes to what is now Port Arthur, and thence to Winnipeg, Manitoba. As this was an entirely unexplored country, inhabited only by Indians, the dangers and hardships of the undertaking were great, but Mr. Slaven and his party of twenty-five men arrived safely at their destination. Making a short stay in Winnipeg, he traveled further west through Manitoba and the British Northwest, returning again to Winnipeg and journeying thence to St. Paul. From the last named place he went to San Francisco, where he arrived in the fall of 1876. In San Francisco, he established a large drug and manufacturing business, which proved to be a successful venture. The business grew with amazing rapidity 604 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and in time became the most widely known concern of its kind on the Pacific coast. In 1878, Mr. Slaven became interested in public works, with his brother, M. A. Slaven, who was a successful contractor in California and the far West. It was about this period that Ferdinand De Lesseps paid a visit to San Francisco in the interests of the Panama Canal. The fame of the Slaven Brothers, as successful contractors, having reached his notice, he determined to seek their aid in carrying out the vast and diffi- cult work he had in hand. The acceptance of this proposition practically shaped Mr. Slaven's future life. The brothers assumed entire control of the American Pacific coast business, besides contracting for the buildings and other preliminary work on the Isthmus, which involved millions of dollars. Mr. Slaven went to Panama in 1880, to initiate the work, taking a large force of men and sent supplies and materials sufficient to fill two steamers. Work was at once begun on the line of the canal. The undertaking was attended with great hardships and suffering on the part of the men, who were afflicted with malaria, of which many died, while others sickened and returned to their homes in the States. Their places being filled with native labor, the great work prospered. In the year 1882, the firm of Slaven Brothers closed a contract for the actual con- struction of the Atlantic division of the Panama Canal from Colon or Aspinwall to Bohio Soldado, a distance of sixteen miles, as well as for the difficult and seemingly impossible task of changing the course of the great Chagres River for a similar dis- tance. The magnitude and importance of this contract rendered it necessary for the contractors to remove their headquarters to New York city. In September of the same year, they organized The American Contracting & Dredging Co., and associated with them the late Eugene Kelly. The officers of the company were H. B. Slaven, president; Eugene Kelly, treasurer; M. A. Slaven, general manager, and Jas. J. Phelan, secretary. They began work on the construction of the plant, which was necessary to the successful carrying out of the contract, the principal piece of machinery being what is known as the Slaven dredge, the largest, most effective and most expensive dredge ever built. Eight of these mammoth ma- chines were constructed at an average cost of $150,000 each. The plant was completed and placed on the Isthmus in a few months and the actual digging of the Panama Canal was begun by an American company. During the period of seven years, from 1882 to 1889, most of Mr. Slaven's time was spent on the isthmus, where he personally superintended the enormous enterprise. The result of his operations constituted one of the greatest industrial and financial successes of modern times. The stock of The American Contracting & Dredging Co. became worth more than four times its face value, and shares which were at one time offered and sold for $30 were in great demand at $400 and over. When a crisis came in the affairs of The Panama Canal Co. , and it failed in 1889, Mr. Slaven had successfully completed his contract and his company had been paid about $25,000,000 and was about to be awarded a contract for finishing the entire canal. After the failure, all work having come to an end in Panama, Mr. Slaven removed his great plant to Nicaragua and became treasurer of the company there. The Panama Canal scheme takes rank among the greatest engineering and con- tracting enterprises in the history of the world, and the progress of the work was watched with absorbing interest by every civilized nation. Had the other interests in THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SL. 605 connection with the project been handled as skillfull}- and judiciously as the part operated by Mr. Slaven and his company, the canal would have been, in the judgment of Mr. Slaven, carried to a successful completion and have resulted in revolutionizing the shipping and commercial interests of many countries. Mr. Slaven has been heavily interested in American railroads and a director in several banking and financial institutions, but of recent years has largely withdrawn from active connection with these concerns. He is president of The Chase Granite Co. Bluehill, Maine, and is the principal owner and a director in The American Union Life Insurance Co. Mr. Slaven, who is in the prime of life, is a man of quiet and domestic tastes. He has been an extensive traveler, both at home and abroad, and there are few parts of the world which he has not visited. He speaks several languages. His career has certain!}- been full of unusual interest, and the great success that has attended his labors has been the result of his untiring enterprise and remarkable ability. WILLIAfl SLOANE, merchant, born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, who died in this city, May 23, 1879, in his sixty-ninth year, came to America in 1834 and founded here an important mercantile house and a conspicuous and influential family. He began life modestly in the employment of a carpet firm in this city. Nine years of dili- gent attention to business made him a proficient merchant and enabled him to accumu- late sufficient means to start a carpet house of his own in 1843 on Broadway. A few years later, he admitted his brother John to partnership, and the firm name of W. & J. Sloane, then adopted, has never since been changed. Ability, good character, great natural shrewdness and persistent enterprise brought the brothers a growing and prosper- ous trade. The uptown movement led them finally to No. 501 and then to No. 597 Broad- way, and in 1867, they erected an excellent building at 649-655 Broadway, which they occupied. Mr. Sloane retired about 1 864, but his brother carried on the business until within a few years of his death. At the time of his death, Mr. Sloane was a director and shareholder in The Bigelow Carpet Co. and in The Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Co., t\vo of the leading establishments in the country. He was a member of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church after 1845, and during his last four years was its treasurer. He steadfastly refused to accept positions in the management of corporations, on the ground that he could not allow his name to appear, unless he were in a position to vouch for the entire management. A just man, of spotless character, he was highly esteemed. His wife survived him with five children, John, William D., Henry T. and Thomas C. Slone, and Euphemia, wife of Edmund Coffin, jr. Mr. Sloane left $140,000 to philan- thropic objects. The old firm has in recent years become incorporated with a capital of $3,000,000. John Sloane is president, William D. Sloane, treasurer, and Henry T. Sloane a director. Thomas C. Sloane was a member of the firm, but died June 17, 1890, leaving $200,000 to Yale College and other institutions. GEN. HENRY WARNER SLOCUfl, lawyer, a native of Delphi, N. Y., born Sept. 24, 1826, died April 14, 1894, in Brooklyn. He was the son of Matthew B. and Mary O. Slocum and the family had originally for three generations lived in Newport, R. I. A school teacher and clerk in a post office in early life, he graduated from West Point in 1852, entered the army, and while on duty at Fort Moultrie, S. C., read law. He resigned in 1857 to practice law in Syracuse, N. Y., where he soon attained a reputa- tion. From the manufacture of salt in that city, he gained some capital and Syracuse 606 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. gave him a seat in the Legislature in 1858. The Civil War called him to the front in 1861 as colonel of the 27th N. Y. Vols. He proved to be a gallant, fearless and able officer. Severely wounded at Bull Run, he was then promoted to be a Brigadier General and commanded a brigade under General McClellan. After the seven days' fight before Richmond, he received a commission as Major General and took part in the historic actions of South Mountain, Antietam and Gettysburgh. Later, in consequence of consolidation of the i2th Corps with another as the 2oth, he was placed in command of the Department of the Mississippi at Vicksburgh. He marched into Atlanta at the head of the 2oth Corps, led Sherman's left wing in the march to the sea, and commanded the army of Georgia until the end of the war. In 1865, he resigned and in 1866, after declin- ing a colonelcy in the regular army, made his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he re- siimed the practice of his profession. He was thrice sent to Congress from Brooklyn, namely in 1868, 1870 and 1883, the last time as Congressman at large. In 1876, Mayor Schroeder appointed him president of the Department of City Works of Brooklyn. He was one of the stockholders in the Brooklyn Bridge and in 1875 entered the board of trustees of the bridge, being reappointed several times. In local corporations, he was especially active and served as president of The Cross Town Railroad of Brooklyn for several years, besides being director of The Chatham National Bank, The Wil- liamsburgh City Fire Insurance' Co. , The Brooklyn City Railroad, The Hecker-Jones- Jewell Milling Co. , The Coney Island & Brooklyn Railroad and The Phenix Insurance Co. By his marriage with Clara R. , daughter of Israel Rice, he was the father of Henry W., Clarence R., and Florence E. Slocum. General Slocum was popular and a member of the Hamilton and Brooklyn clubs and The New England Society. ADON SMITH, merchant, born in Troy, N. Y., June 4, 1804, died in New York city, March 23, 1874. The son of Samuel Smith and a descendant of a pioneer who came to America from Scotland in 1662 and settled near Boston, Mass., Mr. Smith was educated at the public schools and began life as a farmer. Later, he came to New York city and engaged in business ar: a produce merchant. Energetic, t:ntiring and shrewd, he made his way with great success and retired a few years before his death, a man of fortune. A love of liberty, inherited from his ancestors, made him prominent and active as an abolitionist from the beginning of that movement. For many years, he was a member of the Tabernacle Congregational Church. He was also president of The Hamilton Bank of Hamilton, N. Y., from its organization until his death. He married Louisa Fuller of Troy, and left five children, Jonah D. F. Smith of Hamilton, Mrs. Dr. McMurtrie, and Adon, Harlan P. and J. Hunt Smith. CHARLES STEWART SMITH, merchant, long senior partner in the dry goods commission firm of Smith, Hogg & Gardner, is a progressive and highly respected resi- dent. He began life a poor boy, and by talent, industry, and honorable methods has bravely won his way to fortune, position and the highest honor in the gift of the mer- chants of New York, the presidency of the Chamber of Commerce. His family, founded by English emigrants, settled in the valley of the Connecticut in early times. His mother was a daughter of the Hon. Aaron Dickinson Woodruff, of Trenton, N. J., a distinguished lawyer, for many years Attorney General of that State, and his father was a minister of the Congregational church in Exeter, N. H. In the city last named, Charles was born, March 2, 1832. He had the advantage of early training in a cultivated family of superior minds and character, and from his father learned " ; " " 608 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Latin and Greek. After a course at the public school and the academy, the youth at fifteen years of age taught a district school in Connecticut. Coming then to New York, he secured a place as clerk in a dry goods jobbing house. He proved industrious, learned the business thoroughly and rose rapidly. At the age of twenty-one, he was admitted to partnership in the well known house of S. B. Chittenden & Co. For sev- eral years, he lived abroad as their European buyer. His experience in Europe has proved of great value to him in later life as a man of affairs. Returning to America, he formed the firm of Smith, Hogg & Gardner, which came by succession into the dry goods commission business of A. & A. Lawrence of Boston, and for a quarter of a century was actively and successfully identified with the whole- sale dry goods trade in New York and Boston. In 1887, he retired from active labor, although retaining his interest in the firm. Interested in public policies, though never desirous of office, Mr. Smith has labored always for the welfare of the metropolis. His ability was recognized in 1884 by his election as vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. In 1887, he became the twenty-sixth president of that influential body and was unanimously elected to the office seven times. At one time tendered a nomination to the Mayoralty of New York, he declined the honor. An excellent financier, Mr. Smith has been prominently connected with a number of prominent corporations. He was one of the founders of The Fifth Avenue Bank and of The German American Insurance Co. He is a director in The United States Trust Co., The Fourth National Bank, The Merchants' National Bank, The Fifth Avenue Bank, The Greenwich Savings Bank, and The Equitable Life Assurance Society. He is also trustee of The Presbyterian Hospital and of the Broadway Tabernacle Church. Mr. Smith belongs to many of the most exclusive clubs, being vice president of the Union League club and a member of the Merchants', Metropolitan, City, Law, Players', and the Century, and of The New England Society. He is highly esteemed in them all, possesses the savoir faire in a marked degree, and has repeatedly been called to preside at public dinners at that famous old resort, Deimonico's. Mr. Smith owns a small but choice and well known collection of paintings, including fine examples of the old masters. He is a life member of The National Academy of Design and a trustee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. On a recent visit to Japan, he purchased the remarkable collection of Japanese porcelains and other objects, made by Captain Brinkley during a residence of twenty-five years in Tokio, and presented them to the Metropolitan Museum. Mr. Smith is one of the regular writers for The North American Review. His topics are those which would naturally be looked for from a man of affairs. They relate to emigration and public policies, and indicate close observation, sound judg- ment, and an ardent patriotism. He has two sons. FRANCIS S. SfllTH, publisher, born on Division street in New York city, Dec. 29, 1819, died in town, Feb. i, 1887. Capt. Moses Rogers Smith, his father, a native of Huntington, L. I., followed the sea from the age of nineteen, became a large ship owner, married Mary Reed Wall and during the War of 1812 served as a paymaster in the Navy. Anxious to earn his own living, Francis S. Smith learned the trade of a printer, beginning in 1833 m the office of The Albion, a literary and political weekly, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SP. 609 and practiced it in the composing rooms of The Spirit of the Times, THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, The Globe, and The Sunday Dispatch. Of the latter newspaper, he became a reporter and his vivid narrative style soon gained many compliments from his employer, Amor J. Williamson, and opened his own eyes to the possibility of a literary career. Promoted to an editorial chair, he wrote many poems and stories in addition to his editorials Later, Mr. Smith became the editor of The New York Weekly, a paper devoted to fiction of a high order, founded in 1843 by Amor J. Williamson, as The Weekly Universe, and later known as The Weekly Dispatch. With the bookkeeper of the establishment, Francis S. Street, Mr. Smith bought the paper in 1859 for $40,000, without payment of cash. The two men could muster scarcely $100 in cash between them, but Mr. Williamson agreed to wait for his money until the new proprietors had earned it. Street & Smith devoted themselves with the greatest energy to their paper, Mr. Smith being the editor, and paid their debt before five years had elapsed. After 1859, especially, they met with great success, having in that year bought from Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, for their paper, the story of "Marian Grey," at an expense of $50,000. This story increased their circulation in two months time from n,ooo to 47,000 copies a week. They were printing about 100,000 copies when the Civil War broke out. Their sales fell off during the War, but on the return of peace, a rapid expansion fol- lowed and they printed 200,000 copies a week. Circulation was promoted by securing famous writers and paying them enormous prices. The firm also printed a weekly, Good News, and various serial issues of books. In 1853, Mr. Smith married Mary Jellette Duff, daughter of George C. Duff, and was the father of Francis S., George C., Ormond G. and Cora A. Smith. Mr. Smith was a devoted Christian, and his poems and stories bore the stamp of a fertile fancy and manly, charitable and sympathetic nature. His poems will be long remembered. Artless and ingenuous as a child, with many merits and few faults, a staunch friend, detesting shams and meanness, fearless for the right and an affectionate husband and father, he played well his part, and is borne in affectionate memory by a multitude of friends. HENRY FOSTER SPAULDING, merchant, born in Brandon, Vt, April 24, 1817, died July 17, 1893, universally regretted in business and social circles in this city. He was a son of Samnel G. and Anne Grey Spaulding. Arriving in New York city at the age of fifteen, with less than $20 of capital, he sought employment from store to store and found it in the house of Clark, Weyman & Co., importers of woolen goods. Hav- ing thus secured a foothold, he rose by unsparing labor from one position to another. About 1850, his name appeared in the title of the firm, which then became Weyman, Spaulding & Co. When the firm reorganized as Spaulding, Vail & Fuller, the clerk had at last risen to the head of a house into whose employment he had entered a poor lad. Owing to changes in the partnership, the house was known later as Spaulding, Hunt & Co., and Spaulding, Swift & Co. Mr. Spaulding was the first president of The Central Trust Co., and held the office for eight years. His salary went entirely to charity. He remained a director the rest of his life and was also a director of The Con- tinental Insurance Co. and The Mechanics' National Bank and a member of the Cham- ber of Commerce and of the Committee of Seventy. The stone upon which the bronze statue of Washington stands at the Sub-Treasury building is the identical one, upon which Washington stood at his first inauguration. It was traced and rescued by Mr. Spaulding from a place in the walls of Bellevue Hospital. He was exceedingly phil- 6io AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. anthropic and served as treasurer of the fund for the pedestal of Bartholdi's statue of Liberty, president of The Home for Incurables and Commissioner for Appraisal of Lands for the new Croton Aqueduct, and belonged to the Century, Manhattan, Reform, Country and Down Town clubs and New England Society, and aided in the support of the public museums of the city. In 1850, he married Rose Thompson, of Penn's Manor, Pa., who died four years afterward. Of her three children, two are living, Thomas Hunt Spaulding and Margaret Thompson, wife of Dr. J. M. Schley. In 1857, he married Miss Kate Devereux Beckwith, of Petersburgh, Va. ELIHU SPICER, shipping merchant, born in Mystic, Conn., April 13, 1826, died Feb. 15, 1893, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was a son of Elihu Spicer, shipmaster, and Jemima Fish, his wife, both members of old Connecticut families of English descent. At the age of sixteen, the young man sailed as a cabin boy from the same pier in the East River, at which he subsequently located to engage in business, on the ship John Minturn, and at the age of twenty-four, was given command of the bark Fanny, owned by Charles Mallory and others, which sailed in the Mobile line of packets. In 1850, this bark was chartered by A. A. Low & Co., and Captain Spicer sailed in the Califor- nia and China trades until 1862. Having bought an interest meanwhile in several vessels, he then left the sea to engage in the management of ships in partnership with Charles H. Mallory. During the War, he was a captain of government transports. In 1865, Mr. Mallory and he established the Galveston line of steamers as The New York & Texas Steamship Co. Of this company, Mr. Spicer was president at his death. The line was well managed and brought the owners good returns. By his marriage with Mary M., daughter of Lyman Dudley of Mystic, Conn., Captain Spicer was the father of three children, none of whom survived him. He was noted for his shrewd, keen, kindly, sensible character, his charities and public spirit. He belonged to the Oxford, Brooklyn and Hamilton clubs and New England Society of Brooklyn and the Chamber of Commerce and Produce and Maritime Exchanges of New York. He was at one time a Pilot Commissioner and a trustee of Sailors' Snug Harbor. He gave away a great deal of money, including $30,000 to the Polytechnic Institute in Brooklyn, a $25,000 library to Mystic, Conn., and a farm with buildings at Groton, Conn., for the Indigent Poor. Various other sums were granted to public objects by his will. PAUL SPOFFORD,, merchant, son of Joseph and Mary Chaplin Spofford, farmers, born in Georgetown, Mass., Feb. 18, 1792, died at Elmwood, his country home, Oct. 28, 1869. John Spofford, his first American ancestor, a descendant in the twenty- first generation from Gamelbar de Spofford, whose estates in England were confiscated by William the Conqueror, occupied a farm in Massachusetts, a part of which has been owned by the family for 250 years. Paul Spofford began life as a clerk in Haverhill, Mass., and in 1818, with his friend, Thomas Tileston, an editor of the same place, came to New York and established the commission house of Spofford & Tileston. The export of domestic manufactures to Cuba brought them almost immediately an import trade in coffee, sugar, etc. , and resulted, first, in their employment of the vessels of other merchants and next in the possession of several of their own. The firm sold large quantities of cotton from the Southern States and in 1846 launched the steamship Southerner, which they employed in the trade with Charleston, adding the Northerner and two other steamers to the line soon afterward. This was the first successful ven- ture with an American line of ocean steamers. In 1848, they bought the Liverpool THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SP. 6ll packets Roscius, Garrick, Siddons and Sheridan and increased the fleet by the addition of the Webster, Henry Clay, Calhoun, Orient and other large and handsome clippers. The firm had now become one of the most influential shipping houses of this port. When gold was discovered in California, they were among the first to send their ships and an agent to San Francisco, and during the Civil War they established a steamship line to New Orleans. During the War, their steamship Nashville was captured by the Confederates. Mr. Spofford was an energetic man, keen in judgment, quick in move- ment, slow of speech, but telling in repartee. Closely devoted to his business and always opposed to taking part in public life, he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and director of several financial corporations. His wife, a daughter and five sons survived him. COL. NATHAN TURNER SPRAQUE, banker, born in Mount Holly, Yt, June 22, 1828, is the son of a father of the same name, a merchant, bank president, and long a member of the Vermont Legislature. The family descends from William Sprague, who came from Dorsetshire, England, to Salem, Mass., in 1629. At the age of eighteen, young Mr. Sprague took charge of a general country store in Brandon, Yt , but abandoned mercantile business in 1851, and for five years from 1852 devoted him- self to farming. Then he returned to Brandon to aid his father in the management of the latter's property, but continued to farm and maintained his interest in agriculture, being president of the Brandon Farmers' & Mechanics' club for nine years and of The Vermont Merino Sheep Breeders' Association five years. In 1864, he helped organize The First National Bank of Brandon In 1867, he succeeded his father as its president and holds the office down to the present time. In 1870, he took part with H. H. Baxter and others in organizing The Baxter National Bank in Rutland, and held a seat in the directorate for twelve years. For ten years after 1867, he was the successful president of The Brandon Manufacturing Co., now known as The Howe Scale Co., and was for a time president of The Northwest & Florida Railroad, whose shares doubled in value under his management. Colonel Sprague's financial undertakings having brought him constantly to the metropolis, he finally became a resident, and in 1883 established The Sprague National Bank of Brooklyn, of which he is president, and in 1886 The City Savings Bank of Brooklyn. He now divides his time about equally be- tween Brooklyn and Brandon, Vt., having a home in each city. He owns real estate in Brooklyn, is a member of the Chamber of Commerce in New York, president of The East Greenwich, R. I., Water Supply Co , and interested in the water company which supplies Patchogue, Sayville, Islip, Bay Shore and Bayport with water, and in several other companies of this class. He has been a member of the Vermont Legis- lature for several terms, was elected a State Senator in 1872, and has been a colonel on the Vermont military staff. Colonel Sprague has been thrice married, first on Nov. i, 1849, to Minerva M. Hull of Wallingford, Yt., who died in 1856 leaving one daugh- ter; then to Melinda J. Evans of Springfield, O., in October, 1857, who died Jan. 28, 1885, leaving one son. Colonel Sprague's present wife is Miss Elizabeth Harrison. JOHN HENRY STARIN, proprietor of Starin's City, River & Harbor Transporta- tion Co., was born in Sammonsville, N. Y , Aug. 27, 1825. Nicholas Starin (or Stern, as he spelled his name), who founded the family in America, an emigrant from Ger- many in 1720, settled in the Mohawk valley upon the German Flats. Ten of his lineal descendants fought in the American Revolution under Washington. Myndert Oi2 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Starin, father of John H. Starin, born in Glen, Montgomery county, in 1786, an enter- prising man, built the factories which formed the nucleus of the village of Sammonsville, and, later, laid out and established Fultonville, now one of the most charming places of residence in the State. His wife Rachel, whom he married in 1810, was a daughter of Maj. Thomas Sammons of Johnstown, N. Y. The Sammons family supplied many soldiers for the War for Independence. The subject of this biography left the Esper- ance Academy in Schoharie county to study medicine under Dr. C. C. Yates of Albany, but his tastes tended in a different direction and he finally accepted a clerkship in the drug store of his brother Delancy at Fultonville. He was postmaster of the village 1848-52. In 1856, he came to New York city and began the manufacture of medicines and toilet articles, and next conceived a general agency in New York to solicit freight for the trunk lines. This innovation was welcomed by the railroad managers, and Mr. Starin succeeded so well therein, that he soon sold his drug business and devoted himself to freighting and harbor transportation By re-investment of his earnings, Mr. Starin gradually came into the possession of a fleet of harbor and river vessels, now second in extent probably to no other in the world. It includes steam tugs, passenger steam- boats, propellers, lighters, barges, floats, grain boats and other vessels. His fleet of excursion boats is operated in conjunction with several parks and picnic grounds on the Hudson river and Long Island Sound, which are under his control. To maintain his fleet, Mr. Starin has established a ship yard, dry dock and iron works on Staten Island. He has retained a home at Fultonville, N. Y., with an observatory, a farm of about 800 acres, and a stock raising establishment. The district in which Fultonville is situated sent him to Congress as a Republican in 1876 and 1878. In New York city, he has long served on the Rapid Transit Commission, and is conspicuous by reason of opposition to schemes in the interest of the elevated railroad monopoly. Mr. Starin's liberality is well known. Every summer, he gives free excursions to veterans of the late War, to newsboys and bootblacks, and to other classes of the population, and his private acts of generosity are numerous. He is a member of the Lawyers', Down Town, New York Athletic and New York Yacht clubs, New England and Holland Societies, and The Sons of the American Revolution, and helps support the public museums of the city. WILLIAM STEINWAY, a man of marked ability and purity of character, and president of the old house of Steinway & Son, is one of the best known, most useful and most highly respected citizens of New York. He was born in Seesen, near the city of Brunswick, Germany, March 5, 1836, and came from a family of good reputation, some of whose members had served their country with distinction as soldiers and magistrates. His father, Henry Engelhard Steinway, was a prosperous piano manufacturer of Seesen. William was educated at the excellent and thorough schools of his native town, finish- ing at the celebrated Jacobsohn High School. At the age of fourteen, he was proficient in English and French as well as in German and had already begun to display remark- able aptitude for music, a trait which, in practical America, is often a token of weakness in a busy man, but with him was an indication of genius. At fourteen, he could play the most difficult compositions upon the piano, and his unerring ear enabled him to tune the instrument perfectly. His father, Henry E. Steinway, a successful artisan and manufacturer of pianos in Seesen, a man of active mind and extended reading, was awake to opportunities, and he conceived the idea of transferring his business to the new world. In 1849, nc 614 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. his second son, Charles, to the United States to investigate. Charles returned with a favorable report. After full consideration, Mr. Steinway removed his business and his family to New York city, leaving his oldest son, C. F. Theodore Steinway, to succeed him in the business in Seesen. They reached New York, June 9, 1850, and became residents of a city in which they were destined to win fortune and a world wide renown. William Steinway, then fourteen years of age, was offered the choice of a trade or an edu- cation as a musician. He preferred the former and was apprenticed to William Nunns & Co., of 88 Walker street. March 5, 1853, his seventeenth birthday, he joined his father and his brothers, Charles and Henry, in founding the house of Steinway & Sons. Father and sons had sufficient capital to manufacture on an extended scale, but they wisely began in a small way in a rear building on Varick street, rented for the purpose. Many cultivated people then thought no piano good which was not imported from Europe. With four or five workmen, the Steinways built one square piano a week, father and sons taking part, as artisans, in their production. William made the sounding boards. Their pianos soon attracted the attention of musicians and the pub- lic, and the beauty, power and fine workmanship shown in the instruments were recog- nized at once. The Steinway pianos conquered their way by their own indisputable merits, and the demand for them rapidly increased. More extensive quarters soon became necessary and were engaged in 1854 at No. 88 Walker street. Mr. Nunns had failed and the Steinways rented the quarters he had occupied. It may be said here that William Steinway lost $300 by Mr. Nunns' failure. He forgave the debt, how- ever, and through affection and respect even assisted Mr. Nunns with monthly contributions until the latter's death about 1864, at the age of eighty, thus early in life displaying the largeness of heart and generosity of character, which have always been conspicuous traits. The growing magnitude of the business now compelled father and sons to resign the fascinating work at the bench and to devote their whole attention to the general management of the affairs of the rising house. It fell to the lot of William Steinway to conduct the mercantile and financial affairs of the firm ; and he brought to his department an ability and force which insured the continual triumphant growth of the business. In 1859, the Steinways built their present factory on Fourth avenue from 52d to 53d street, taking possession in April, 1860. In March, 1865, Charles and Henry, jr., died; and Theodore, giving up the flourishing business in Brunswick, Germany, came to New York and became a partner in the New York house. In 1866, the firm began the construction of the large marble building, known as Steinway Hall, on i4th street, to be used as headquarters offices for the firm and containing a large Music Hall, which, until 1890, when the space was rebuilt for their growing business, was famous in musical annals. The Steinway pianos soon began to challenge the attention of the world. After being awarded thirty-five American medals, they won a first prize medal at the World's Fair in London in 1862. In 1867, at the Paris Exposition, they won the first of the grand gold medals of honor for their square, upright and perfect grand pianos, after a close and exciting contest with the best makers of Europe. This was a remarkable success; and the Steinway system of construction thereupon became the standard with the piano makers of the world. Not only did large orders for Steinway pianos but distinguished honors now pour in upon the firm from all quarters. The Steinways THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. became successively the court piano manufacturers to the Queen of England, the Queen of Spain, the Emperor of Germany, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Queen of Italy. Illustrious composers and artists bought and used their instruments, inchiding Liszt, Wagner, Helmholtz, Rubinstein, Paderewski, Theodore Thomas, Patti, Gerster, Joseffy and others. The public of America were conquered, and the firm prospered in fortune and in reputation with each succeeding year. The completion of piano N,o. 25,000, made for the Czarowitz of Russia, was cele- brated by the firm and its one thousand workmen, May 4, 1872. Piano No. 50,000, believed to be the finest grand ever produced by the house up to that time, was bought by Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild of Vienna, and dispatched by the Hamburg steamer Bohemia, Sept. 15, 1883. Henry E. Steinway died in 1871, at the age of seventy-four, and Albert Steinway, the youngest son, died in 1877. The firm have, however, admitted the grandsons of the founders to membership, one after the other, and have always retained the time- honored name of Steinway & Sons. C. F. Theodore died in 1889, and William now remains alone at the head of the house. In 1872, the firm were compelled to establish additional works in Steinway, Astoria, for the constant open air and kiln drying of 7,000,000 feet of the finest lumber for the cases of their pianos, and for making each grand piano case of bent wood of one con- tinuous length, as also the vibrating parts of each. Model houses have since been, erected with good ventilation, pure water, perfect drainage and gas. Always high minded and public spirited in the treatment of their men, the firm built a public school for one thousand children in Long Island City in 1877 and have maintained, at their own expense, in addition to the English course of instruction, which is furnished by the city, a teacher for free tuition in the German language and music. There are also a free circulating library and a model free kindergarten. In 1881, a public bath was built at the expense of the firm at Steinway, Long Island City, with fifty dressing rooms, and, surrounding the same, a fine park was opened, with a fountain of drinking water, the whole lighted by gas. The Protestant L T nion Church there has also been endowed by the firm and presented with the cathedral organ from Steinway Hall. Besides his educational benefactions at Steinway, Long Island City, William Stein- way has, by his influence and pecuniary assistance, made it possible for many young people of both sexes to enjoy a thorough musical training. In his native town of Seesen, he has founded six annual prizes for the best three male and three female students, and pays the annual school money for the children of no less than seventy-five parents. He has also presented that city with a lovely park, which the grateful in- habitants, by official vote, call "Steinway Park," besides making William Steinway an honorary citizen. William Steinway has also, in 1894, founded two annual prizes, gold watches of $75 value each, one to be awarded to the most proficient student in German, and the other to the student showing the greatest progress in the same language. He has also founded two annual prizes of $30 and $20 at St. Paul's School, in Garden City, Long Island. Besides a number of charitable societies, he is also assisting schools and libraries with annual contributions in money and has presented many educational institutes with piano fortes. The relations between Mr. Steinway and his great army of employes are pleasant 616 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and harmonious. The mechanics are all highly skilled and intelligent, and they appre- ciate the fatherly care which he bestows upon them and their families. It is an important and striking fact that the success of the Steinways has put an end completely to the importation of pianos to America. It is also a remarkable fact that seventy per cent, of the pianos now exported to Europe are made by the Steinways. The house has created a large foreign trade, and is compelled to maintain warehouses in London, Hamburg and other European cities. It would fill a goodly sized book to mention and describe the many honors and distinctions, which have been showered upon William Steinway in person. Want of space prevents the mention of more than a few of them. In 1867, after the close of the Paris Exposition, William Steinway and his brother, C. F. Theodore Steinway, were unanimously elected members of the Royal Prussian Academy of Fine Arts at Berlin, Germany. In the same year, the Grand Gold Medal was bestowed upon William by His Majesty, King Charles of Sweden, accompanied by an autograph letter of Prince Oscar of Sweden, now King. June 12, 1892, Emperor William II. of Germany, appointed William Steinway piano forte manufacturer for the imperial court of Germany. During a pleasure trip abroad, an audience was granted to him by the Emperor and Empress of Germany, in the marble palace in Potsdam, Sept. n, 1892. The Emperor presented Mr. Steinway with his portrait and the imperial autograph, "Wilhelm, German Emperor and King of Prussia, Marble Palais, n-ix, 1892," written in the presence of his guest. The Empress also wrote him an autograph letter, thanking him for his gift to the Emperor William I. Memorial Church building at Berlin. This honor was followed, June 12, 1893, by the bestowal upon him by the Emperor of the Order of the Red Eagle, third class, the highest distinction ever conferred upon a manufacturer. In April, 1894, William Steinway was elected Member of the Royal Italian Academy of St. Cecilia of Rome, the oldest and most renowned academy in the Old World, having been founded by Palestrina, the celebrated composer, in 1584.' The diploma of membership is in itself a work of art. Mr. Steinway has prospered in his individvial fortune with the growth of the great house, which he has done so much to establish. But he has never been so closely identified with practical business affairs as to be oblivious to the public interests of the city and country in which he became a resident June 9, 1850. Always a lover and a patron of the fine arts, he has also taken an active and successful part in public affairs. In 1871, he was an active member of the Committee of Seventy, appointed by the citizens of New York, to bring to justice the Tammany ring, which had robbed the city of millions of money. The magnificent success of the prosecutions of William M. Tweed and his associates is now a part of the permanent history of New York city. Oct. 29, 1886, Mr. Steinway presided at an immense meeting of citizens at Cooper Institute, which endorsed the nomination of Abram S. Hewitt for Mayor. He made a fine address and conducted the meeting with great tact and success. The triumphant election of Mr. Hewitt crowned its efforts. In 1888, he was the member of the Democratic National Committee of the United States, representing the State of New York, and a delegate to the convention which nominated Mr. Cleveland for a second term. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 617 In February, 1889, under his guidance as president, a large fair was held at the American Institute for the benefit of the German Hospital. This enterprise was a most unprecedented success. The receipts were $i 18,000, and the net profits $i 12,000. In February, 1890, he was one of the committee of the citizens of Xew York appointed to secure the World's Fair of 1893 for New York city. At a meeting at the City Hall, he opened the subscription list for a fund to secure the Fair with a subscrip- tion for $50,000. When Congress finally decided that the Fair should be held in Chicago, his patriotism and liberality were exhibited by a subscription of $25,000, which he subsequently paid, toward the success of the great exhibition there. Oct. 27, 1892, Mr. Steinway presided at the immense mass meeting of German Americans at Cooper Institute, Grover Cleveland, Carl Schurz, Oswald Ottendorfer and Dr. Joseph Senner being the other speakers. Upwards of 20,000 people were assembled. Mr. Steinway 's speech was reported in full all over the United States and in synopsis cabled to Europe. In the Presidential election of 1892, Mr. Steinway was one of the Democratic electors for the State of New York ; and he was unanimously elected president of the Electoral College at the capitol at Albany, when it met Jan. 9, 1893, to cast the vote of the State of New York for President of the United States. His activity, influence and ability were recognized by President Cleveland by the offer of a number of important Federal offices, which, however, he preferred not to accept. Of the grand Music Festival in New York, at Madison Square Garden, June 24-28, 1894, he was the honorary president, and on June 23 made a splendid opening address, and introduced Gov. Flower and Mayor Gilroy to the audience. As Rapid Transit Commissioner of the city of New York, the name of Mr. Stein- way has been on every tongue in this population of nearly 2,000,000 souls for several years. The problem the Commissioners have been called upon to solve is one of the utmost public importance. It is a difficult problem. A number of rival interests have presented conflicting propositions. Patient, far seeing and patriotic, Mr. Stein- way has given to them all a profound and willing study. The labors of the Commis- sion are far from being ended ; but it is, meanwhile, the verdict of the public, that the Commission has been the gainer by the uprightness, ability and discretion which Mr. Steinway has shown in its counsels. In the new Rapid Transit act, which became a law Ma}' 22, 1894, among other things abolishing the old Commission. Mr. Steinway was unanimously reappointed by the Legislature as a member of the new Commission. Mr. Steinway has been twice married. He lost his first wife by death in 1876. His second wife, Elizabeth C. Ranft, died March 4, 1893, while he was himself confined to his bed by a severe illness. His married life has been a happy one. His children are George A. Steinway; Paula, wife of Louis von Bernuth; William R., Theodore E. and Maud S. Steinway. A man of strong financial standing and of varied talents, his activities in the busi- ness world have not been confined to the labors of Steinway & Sons. He was one of the founders of The Bank of the Metropolis, and is is now a director. He is also vice president of The German Savings Bank, New York, and The Queens County Bank of Long Island City, a director in The Steinway Railroad Co. of Long Island City and The New York & College Point Fern- Co. He is also president of The New York 618 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Pianoforte Manufacturers' Society. His social standing is illustrated by his member- ship in the Manhattan club; the Liederkranz Society, of which he has been twelve times president; the Arion, of which he is an honorary member; The American Geo- graphical Society, and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Berlin. More than a dozen musical societies have elected him an honorary member. A sound, enterprising, clear-headed, benevolent and versatile man, and a ready speaker in both English and German, the metropolis is constantly the gainer by his remarkable abilities. PARAN STEVENS, hotel man, born in Claremont, N. H., in 1803, died in New York city, April 25, 1872. Modest circumstances compelled Mr. Stevens to rely upon himself from early youth, and discipline and natural gifts made him shrewd, sensible, practical and energetic. Having learned the hotel business in Boston, he acquired con- trol of the Revere House there and conducted it successfully, and then extended his enterprise to the management of the Tremont House in Boston, the Continental Hotel in Philadelphia and the Battle House in Mobile, Ala. In 1858, with associates, he leased the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York city and from this fashionable and success- ful house derived a large income for many years. New York became his permanent home after 1862", and he purchased the residence at No. 244 Fifth avenue, which after- ward became one of the centres of the fashionable life of the city. As Tie accumulated means, he invested them mainly in real estate. One of the first to adopt the fire proof plan of construction, he built shortly before his death the Fifth Avenue apartments on 2 ad street, from Fifth avenue to Broadway, which were notable for beauty and solidity. This building took the name afterward of the Stevens Apartment House and later of the Victoria Hotel. He also owned a large amount of other city real estate as well as property in Lowell, Mass., and a house in Newport. He was a liberal man, refined in tastes, a patron of art and a kind and genial gentleman. At his death, he gave $40,000 to Claremont, N. H., for a Stevens High School. Mr. Stevens was twice married. His first wife died while he was yet a young man and left one daughter, Ellen, wife of John Lowell Melcher. A few years later, he married Miss Marietta Reed of Lowell, who survived him for many years, dying in New York, April 3, 1895, after a long and event- ful life. She made her home the scene of many fashionable entertainments and had become a leader in social life. Her two children were a son, Henry Leiden Stevens, and a daughter, Mary Fiske, who married Col. Arthur H. F. Paget of England. DAVID STEVENSON, brewer, born in New York city, Aug. 2, 1846, died at No. 7 East 26th street, Oct. 6, 1892. He grew up in the Ninth Ward and at an early age went to work in his father's brewery at 39th and 4oth streets and Tenth avenue. On the death of his father, he became sole heir of the property and managed the brewery with great success the rest of his life. He owned a malt house in Oswego, and pro- duced about 175,000 barrels of beer annually. He was one of the founders of The Mutual Bank and its president from its organization in June, 1890, until his death. He was also a trustee of The Excelsior Savings Bank and a member of the Man- hattan, Phoenix and Lotos clubs. Mr. Stevenson invested his savings largely in real estate, especially on and near West sgth street. He left a widow, Sewannee M., and several young children. ALEXANDER TURNEY STEWART, merchant, in his day one of the richest men in New York city, born Oct. 12, 1803, in Lisburn, near Belfast, Ireland, died in New THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 619 York city, April 10, 1876. While of Irish birth, he descended from Scottish ancestry. Left an orphan before the age of eight by the death of both his parents, he lost his other near relatives also before he left Trinity College in Belfast at the age of twenty. The lonely young man then emigrated to America, arriving in New York in 1823. Being entirely without experience in business, he began life as teacher in a private school in Roosevelt street. At the end of the year, he spent his vacation in Ireland, obtained a small inheritance, and returned to New York in 1825 with a carefully selected stock of Belfast laces, opening a store at 283 Broadway at a rental of $250 a year, Sept. 2, 1825. Success came to Mr. Stewart from the first as a consequence of his indefatigable labor and his keenness as a merchant. In 1826, he moved to a larger store at No. 262 Broadway and shortly afterward to No. 257 Broadway. From the start, he established the rule of fair but invariable prices and made a great hit therewith. In 1848, having gained a fortune, he built the handsome marble store at the corner of Broadway and Chambers and Reade streets. This was the most notable building in the city at the time and proved a tremendous advertisement for him. Mr. Stewart was a large importer of the finest qualities of foreign goods and gradually added an extensive wholesale business to his operations. In 1862, the center of retail trade having moved up town, Mr. Stewart completed a retail store on the site bounded by Broadway, Fourth avenue, gth and loth streets, at a cost of nearly $2,750,000 and this magnificent building for many years ranked as one of the finest retail stores in the world. After this time, Mr. Stewart was perhaps the wealthiest and most influential merchant in the country. He established branch stores, warehouses or mills in all of the principal trade centers of the world and for many years until his death carried on an enormous and profitable business. In his later years, he invested large sums in business and residence property in the city and owned the Grand Union Hotel in Sara- toga Springs. His marble mansion on Fifth avenue at 34th street, considered a wonder in its day, was adorned with one of the finest art collections in the country. During the Civil War, he was a supporter of the Union and an admirer of Gen- eral Grant. In 1867, he went to the Paris Exposition as chairman of the United States Commission. This was the only public office he ever held. He was nominated in 1869 by President Grant for Secretary of the Treasury, but declined the office, because of the law prohibiting an importer in active business from holding that position In his public charities he was always liberal. At the time of the Irish famine in 1846, he chartered a ship and sent it to Ireland loaded with provisions, bringing back a cargo of selected emigrants, for most of whom he had provided situations before they reached New York. After the Franco-German war, he sent a cargo of 3,800 barrels of flour to the sufferers in the manufacturing districts of France. He gave $50,000 for the relief of the sufferers in Chicago, after the great fire, and in many other ways displayed the philanthropy of his nature. Shortly before his death, he built the iron building on Fourth avenue, now known as the Park Avenue Hotel, which he designed originally as a home for working women, and he expended large sums of money in purchasing the land and developing the village of Garden City on Long Island, which he designed for the benefit of the working classes. Here he built schools and other structures. The village has since become a place of residence for the prosperous. In early life he married Cornelia, daughter of Jacob Clinch. His wife survived him, without children. 620 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. JOHN AIRMAN STEWART, banker, was born in Fulton street, New York city, Aug. 22, 1822. John Stewart, his father, a native of Lewis Island, in the Hebrides, and descendant of the famous Highland clan of Stewart, emigrated from Stornaway to the new world, in 1815, worked for a while as a ship carpenter and then established himself in business. He died in 1849, at the age of fifty-eight. John A. Stewart graduated from Columbia College in 1840 in the literary and scientific course and found occupation in an engineering corps, engaged in building The New York & Lake Erie Railroad. In 1842, he was appointed clerk of the Board of Education and remained in this position until 1850. After three years' service as actuary of The United States Life Insurance Co., Mr. Stewart resigned in 1853 and devoted himself to organizing The United States Trust Co., which he has since made a sound, conserva- tive and influential corporation. A charter was secured from the Legislature largely through Mr. Stewart's labors and he became secretary of the company. Well fitted for this position, he devoted himself with fidelity and great energy to the opera- tions of his company and became known as a careful and successful financier during his eleven years in this position. Thrice urged to accept appointment as Assistant Treasurer of the United States, Mr. Stewart complied in June, 1864, at the sacrifice of personal interests, solely as a patriotic duty, and had the satisfaction of being able to perform public services of value. After the War, Mr. Stewart felt anxious to return to his former occupation. At this time, Joseph Lawrence, president of The United States Trust Co., having resigned his office on account of age arid impaired health, Mr. Stewart was in 1865 unanimously elected to the place and thereupon withdrew from public life. He has remained at the head of the institution down to the present time. He is a director of The Equitable Life Assurance Society, The Merchants' National Bank, The Greenwich Savings Bank, The London & Liverpool & Globe Insurance Co., The Bank of New Amsterdam and The Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., and a vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. His interest in religion and education, a marked trait, has led him into the directorate of The New York E) e & Ear Infirmary and he is a trustee of The John F. Slater Fund, The Brick Presbyterian Church, and Princeton College. His clubs are the Metropolitan, Union League, Lawyers' and Riding. In May, 1845, Mr. Stewart was married to Sarah Youle Johnson of New York. To them were born William A. W. and John A. Stewart ; Mary, wife of George S. Sheffield; Emily S., wife of Robert Waller, and a child who died in infancy. Mr. Stewart was married again in 1894 to Mary Olivia Capron of Baltimore. JAFIES STILLMAN, merchant, a native of Brownsville, Texas, was born June 9, 1850, during a temporary stay of his parents in that city. He traces his line to George Stillman, who, born in London in 1654, came to Hadley, Mass., removing later to Wethersfield, Conn. His maternal ancestor, John Goodrich of Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk county, England, emigrated to Wethersfield, Conn., in 1640. All four of his great grandfathers fought for Independence in the War of the American Revolution, two as officers, and his father, George G. Stillman, made a fortune as a merchant and operator in Southern railroads. Mr. Stillman's youth was spent in Hartford, Conn., and at a private school in Sing Sing, N. Y. In 1871, he joined the firm of Smith, Woodward & Stillman, commission cotton merchants in this city, and in 1873, their successors, Woodward & Stillman. Mr. Stillman is now the senior partner. He has been successful as a merchant, and now has various additional interests, being president of THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 621 The National City Bank and director of The United States Trust Co., The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., The New York Security & Trust Co., The Hanover National Bank, The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, The Consolidated Gas Co., and The Queen Insurance Co. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Cotton Exchange, and the Union, Metropolitan, Century, Union League, Manhattan, Reform, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Eastern Yacht, St. Augustine Yacht, Jekyl Island and Storm King clubs, The New York Historical Society, and the Metropolitan club of Washington. GEORGE WASHINGTON STOCKLY, retired manufacturer, born in Cleveland, O., Dec. 20, 1843, is a son of the late John Gait Stockly and a descendant of John Stockly, who came from England and settled in Virginia in 1609 at the first occupation by John Smith. Ayres Stockly of this family settled in Philadelphia about 1783, where John G. Stockly was born in 1799, the latter going to Cleveland in 1838 and dying there in 1863. The subject of this sketch left the public schools of Cleveland to spend five years in the law office of Willey & Cary and in the transportation business in Cleveland. For seven years, he served as teller of The Commercial National Bank. In 1873, he gave up banking to undertake the management of The Telegraph Supply & Manufacturing Co., of which afterward he became president. In 1876, Mr. Stockly called the atten- tion of Charles F. Brush to the subject of illumination and subsequently arranged with him to undertake the production of a system of electric arc lighting. The first Brush plant was made and tested in the factory and at the expense of The Telegraph Supply Co., and an arrangement was made whereby the company took active control of the business under the Brush patents, paying Mr. Brush a royalty. During the next four- teen j'ears, The Brush Electric Co. , which succeeded The Telegraph Supply Co. , with Mr. Stockiy as president and manager, achieved immense success as pioneers of public electric lighting. During 1880-90, the profits exceeded $2,000,000 in cash. In 1890, the proprietors sold the entire stock of the concern to The Thomson-Houston Electric Co., of Massachusetts, for about $3,000,000 in cash. The business has since been merged in The General Electric Co., of New York. Mr. Stockly was probably the first man of business to appreciate the importance of the telephone. Long before the first practicable instrument was publicly exhibited, he applied to Gardiner G. Hubbard for and obtained control of the business in Ohio and Indiana. He introduced the telephone in Ohio and built and operated the first telephone exchange in the country. The Brush Electric Co. was also a pioneer in electric railways, and built the first experimental line in Cleveland. There are now over a thousand such railways in the country, represent- ing an investment of about $600,000,000. In 1890, Mr. Stockly retired from business and removed to Lakewood, N. J. Of too active a nature to remain idle, he has latterly resumed business in New York city. He is a member of the Lotos club here, The Society of Mechanical Engineers and The Society of Electrical Engineers. JAHES STOKES, merchant, born at No. 45 Wall street, New York city, Jan. 31, 1804, died at his home on Orange Mountain, N. J., Aug. i, 1881. His father, Thomas Stokes, a wealthy merchant in England and founder of The London Missionary Soci- ety, emigrated to America in 1803, coming in his own ship. He settled in New York city, led a quiet life for many years, and lost the greater part of his fortune by lend- ing money on bad security. Later, he opened a clothing store on Broadway and took his son James into partnership. About 1837, James Stokes married Caroline Phelps, a 622 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. daughter of Anson G. Phelps, senior partner in Phelps, Dodge & Co., metal import- ers, and about a year later became a member of the firm. In 1879, he withdrew to form the banking house of Phelps, Stokes & Co., the firm consisting of Isaac N. Phelps, James Stokes, Anson Phelps Stokes, and Frederic P. Olcott. He was a man of marked ability and energy and prospered in all his business transactions. Public life never tempted him from the field of practical pursuits and in 1857 he declined the nomination for Mayor on the Democratic ticket. He was at first a strong Whig and afterward a Democrat. With Peter Cooper and other citizens, he did much to promote the old Public School Society. In religion at first a Baptist, he afterward became a Presbyterian. The charities of the city and of the religious body to which he belonged, received from Mr. Stokes liberal gifts. He was at one time president of The Ansonia Brass & Copper Co., and The Ansonia Clock Co. , and had an interest in several other firms, being also director of The Liberty Insurance Co., and The Mercantile Trust Co. He had a house in Ansonia, several stores in the lower part of the city and lands in Michigan and Pennsylvania. His wife survived him with seven children, Anson G. Phelps Stokes, James Stokes, jr., Col. Thomas Stokes and William E. Dodge Stokes; Dora, now deceased, wife of Henry Dale, and Caroline Phelps and Olivia Stokes. There were numerous bequests to charity in his will. His son, WILLIAH EARL DODGE STOKES, realty owner, born Jan. 5, 1884, descends through the maternal line from Lieut. Thomas Phelps of the Continental army in the American Revolution. Graduating from Yale College in 1874, Mr. Stokes received his first training as a clerk in the New York branch of The Canadian Bank. He was then admitted to the count- ing room of Phelps, Stokes & Co., and later to partnership, remaining a member until the house retired from Wall street and went into liquidation. Mr. Stokes was born to fortune and prepared himself carefully for the responsibilities which were to fall upon him. A large property came into his possession in due time by devise from his father and mother. He has shown ability in its management and made a fortune for himself by aiding to develop that now attractive part of the city lying west of Central Park. When city lots in that region ranged in value from $4,000 to $5,000 each, he "bought largely and has since built many residences for rental to substantial residents. Prop- erty in that part of the city has more than tripled in value since he began operations. Mr. Stokes was among those who labored for the location of the World's Fair in 1893 in New York city and was secretary of the local Committee on Organization and Site. He helps sustain the great public museums of the city, and is the father of the plan of introducing asphalt pavements to this metropolis. Jan. 3, 1895, Mr. Stokes was married to Miss Rita Hernandez De Alba De Acosta, daughter of Ricardo De Acosta. He is a man of cultivated tastes and courteous manners and a number of the best clubs have been glad to admit him to membership, including the Union League, Manhattan, Colonial, Country, St. Nicholas, New York Yacht, Meadow Brook, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Down Town and Lawyers'. He is also a member of The Sons of the Revolution and The New England Society. AUGUSTUS STORRS, merchant, born in Mansfield, Conn., June 4, 1819, died at Oak Grove Farm, Mansfield, March 3, 1892. Early in life, he became a merchant and carried on business in Mansfield, Willimantic and Hartford, Conn., until 1851, when he removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. Shortly afterward, in 1854, he united with his brothers, Charles and Royal O. Storrs, under the firm name of Storrs Bro's, to carry THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 623 on a commission business in staple American goods in New York city. This business was conducted by him and his brother Charles, under the same firm name for twenty- five years, with excellent and enlarging success. Agriculture awoke in Mr. Storrs an enthusiastic interest and led him to purchase and cultivate the old homestead at Mans- field, Conn., comprising over 500 acres. The Storrs Agricultural School at that place, which owes its foundation to him and to his brother Charles, lies just north of this farm, its lands adjoining; and his well managed country home showed its students what care and tillage would do for Connecticut fields. Soon after coming to Brooklyn, Mr. Storrs united with Plymouth Church, of which for many years he was treasurer and a trustee, being an intimate and trusted friend of Henry Ward Beecher. He also contributed liberally to the church at Mansfield. He left one daughter, Mrs. Marie A. Storrs Valentine, wife of Benjamin Eyre Valentine. Their home is in Brooklyn. CHARLES STORRS, merchant, born in Mansfield, Conn., Jan. 24, 1822, died in Brooklyn, Sept. i, 1884. He was the son of Royal Storrs, a hard working farmer, and gained what little schooling he could in the intervals of farm work. For one or two winters, he taught school himself. In 1842, six months before he was of age, he obtained a substitute to take his place on the farm, and, without a dollar of capital, engaged in the sale of American made sewing silk on commission, his native town of Mansfield being then one of the chief places of its manufacture. He was so engaged for three years, and his success in this venture laid the foundation of a subsequent large fortune. Removing to Hartford, Conn. , he became agent for a large manufacturing and commission house, and in 1850, transferred his residence to Brooklyn, retaining the agency. The firm made him a partner in 1853, but the panic of 1854 overwhelmed the house, whereupon Mr. Storrs assumed its liabilities of over $300,000, and paid them in full. In December, 1854, he began business for himself as a commission mer- chant, forming a partnership with his brothers, Augustus and Royal O., under the firm name of Storrs Bro's. The latter remained in the firm only a short time, but the others continued a large and profitable business, with Charles Storrs as the active head, until 1879. Then, his health having become impaired by the many years of active work, Mr. Storrs retired from business. A warm friendship existed between Horace Greeley and the subject of this memoir, and when the former died, Mr. Storrs was one of his executors and helped settle the complicated estate. He was a man of cultivation and charity and great nobility of character. His home in Brooklyn was a storehouse of rare works of art and literature, and his library, one of the finest in the city, became a favorite resort for literary men. He gave to the State of Connecticut an endowment fund, which his brother Augustus supplemented with lands and buildings, to establish and maintain the Storrs Agricultural School in Mansfield, his native town. July 4, 1844, he married Miss Maryett M. Cook of Coventry, Conn., who, with one daughter, Sarah Maria, wife of David Choate Proctor of Henniker, N. H , survived him. RUFUS STORY, merchant, born in Milan, Dutchess county, N. Y., Feb , 6, 1813, died at his home at Bergen Point, N J., Oct. 6, 1887. When a boy of thirteen, Mr. Story came to New York city and entered a grocery house as a clerk and in a very short time engaged in the grocery business for himself, later giving his attention mainly to the trade in pepper and spices. His energy made him one of the leading merchants of the city. Judicious purchases of real estate which he made proved for him a profitable investment. He was a director of The Broadway National Bank, 624 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and conspicuous in a test lawsuit against The Manhattan Elevated Railway, brought in consequence of the elevated roadway shutting out the light from his buildings. The case was carried through several courts and finally won by Mr Story. Although never in politics, Mr. Story was always ready to uphold the cause of good government. He was twice married, first to Eliza Rue and later to Ursula Ayres. Four daughters sur- vive him, Mary Elizabeth, wife of the late Walter B. Palmer, and Emily Louise, wife of John Paret, daughters of his first wife, and Alice, wife of David Hall Rowland, and Abbie, wife of Charles Marshall. ANDREW VARICK STOUT, merchant and banker, a native of this city, died in Bernardsville, N. J., Sept. 5, 1883, in his seventy-first year. At the age of eighteen, Mr. Stout was appointed an assistant teacher in old Public School No. 2, and of Public School No. 13, in Madison street. After several years of pedagogy, he accepted the management of the New York Orphan Asylum for a few years. He then entered business life and engaged in the wholesale shoe trade in Stout & Ward, later known as A. V. Stout & Co. , and in this vocation met with excellent success. While yet a merchant, he accepted the vice presidency of The Shoe & Leather Bank, and on April 3, 1855, the presidency. Retiring from mercantile life, he held the position of bank president for twenty- eight years, failing health then compelling his resignation. Among his other trusts were seats in the directorates of The New York Mutual Gas Light Co., The Phenix Fire Insurance Co., The American Bank Note Co., The New York and Brooklyn Ferry Co., The Broadway Fire Insurance Co., and The Loan & Improvement Co. He was at one time a member of the Board of Education, and while Fernando Wood was Mayor, City Chamberlain. During the disturbances over the police force at that time, he had the spirit to pay the salaries of the policemen from his private funds, being afterward reimbursed by the city. Originally a Democrat, during the War he became a Republican and was ever afterward a staunch supporter of that party. A few years before his death, he gave $40,000 each to Wesleyan University and Drew Theological Seminary, of which institutions he was a trustee. He was also a member and trustee of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church at Fourth avenue arid 22d street. The survivors of his family were his wife, Almira H.; a son, Joseph S. Stout, head of the firm of Stout & Co., brokers, and two daughters, Jane K. , who married John N. Ewell, a banker of New York, and Almira H., who married A. Francis Southerland. Mrs. Stout died July 26, 1890. His son, JOSEPH SUYDAH STOUT, banker and stockbroker, born at the home of the family on Ridge street, New York city, Dec. 27, 1846, attended the local schools during boyhood and, for two years, the College of the City of New York. Before the age of seventeen, he was given a clerkship in The Shoe & Leather Bank and at the age of nineteen was made assistant cashier. At the age of twenty-one, he began business for himself in Wall street and has ever since followed the vocation of banking. Successively a member of the firms of Wiley & Co., Stout & Dickinson, and Ewell, Stout & Co., he has been since 1876 the capable head of Stout & Co. His reputation has never been tarnished by wrong doing, and he has on the contrary won the confidence and regard of the whole financial world by excellent abilities and elevated character. He is vice president of The New York Mutual Gas Light Co. , and a director of The National Shoe & Leather Bank, The American Bank Note Co. , The Broadway Insurance Co., The Holland Trust Co., The Toledo, and The St. Louis & Kansas City Railroads. He is also a member of the Union League and Metropolitan THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 625 clubs, The New England Society, the Stock and Produce Excnanges and the Chamber Commerce, and The Methodist Episcopal Hospital of Brooklyn. While devoted to Dusiness pursuits, Mr. Stout has given important aid to education and the Christian religion. He is a trustee of Wesleyan University and Drew Theological Seminary, reasurer of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church and of the Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, and by no means passive in the work of those institutions. April 21, 1868, he married Julia Francis Purdy of this city, and is the father of Newton E., Andrew V., Joseph S. and Arthur P. Stout. JAflES SAFIUEL THOHAS STRANAHAN, financier, whose name is identified rith the creation of Prospect Park and Brooklyn Bridge, is in so many respects the foremost resident of the city of his home, that the " First Citizen of Brooklyn" is his recognized title in the leading newspapers as well as in ordinary allusion. Pre-eminent influence in the history of the United States is due not to the Puritan ilone. Without detracting from the qualities which the austere followers of Cromwell lisplayed in founding a new nation, due credit must also be given to the hardy and idustrious Scotch-Irish, who, at the close of the seventeenth century, fled to the new rorld in considerable numbers from the increasing oppression of the British crown. ?hey settled in the New England colonies and what are now the Middle States. They brought to the struggling communities of the new world those three secrets of success which have made the Scotch-Irish famous the world over : skilled labor in its truest sense, unflagging industry, and deep and intelligent religious conviction. From this sturdy stock have sprung many large minded and large hearted men, whose names are prominently identified with American progress, among them, James S. T. Stranahan. His ancestor, James Stranahan, born in 1699, settled in Scituate, R. I., in 1725, and removed later to Plainfield, Conn. , where, a prosperous farmer, he died at the advanced age of ninety-three. Samuel, the fifth son of James of the second generation, removed to Peterboro in Madison county, N. Y., then a wilderness, and there amid the rude surroundings of a pioneer's life, his son James Samuel Thomas Stranahan was born, April 25, 1805. Samuel Stranahan died in 1816. Early in life, the subject of this sketch was awakened to the stern necessities of his career. His boyhood was spent in school and upon the farm. Later, he attended the local academies. The first money he ever earned came from teaching. He fitted him- self for the profession of a civil engineer, but this pursuit he abandoned, in 1827-28, to become a frontier trader, and he made a trip to the great lakes, then the far western wilderness. After several interviews with Hon. Lewis Cass, then Governor of the Territory of Michigan, and after several adventurous explorations of the forest regions, during which he found no desirable field for his enterprise, he resolved to return east. In 1832, there was presented to the young man an opportunity for the display of his especial talent for organization. Gerrit Smith, the well known land owner and famous abolitionist, invited young Stranahan to aid him in founding a manufacturing village in a town owned by the former in Oneida county. The flourishing village of Florence to-day attests Mr. Stranahan's success. From this village, in 1838, the tireless young founder was sent to the Assembly, having been elected on the Whig ticket from a Democratic county. In the Legislature, he was associated with many men of exceptional ability, who afterward became eminent in public affairs. In 1840, Mr. Stranahan removed to Newark, N. J., and engaged extensively in rail- 626 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. road construction, in which he was exceedingly successful. By shrewdly accepting a portion of his compensation in the stock of his various roads, he laid the foundation of a subsequent large fortune. In 1844, he removed to Brooklyn, where he has since re- sided and with whose interests he has become intimately identified Here he engaged largely in real estate improvements. A man of striking ability and exceptional popu- larity, he was elected to the Board of Aldermen in 1848; nominated but defeated for Mayor in 1850, and elected to Congress in 1854. In 1857, when the first Metropolitan Police Commission was organized, covering New York city, Brooklyn and Staten Island, Mr. Stranahan became a member of the board and was a participant in the famous struggle, which took place between the new regime and the old municipal police, the latter led by Fernando Wood, then Mayor of the city. He was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1860 and urged the nomination of Abraham Lincoln. He was also a member of the Convention of 1864, again voting for Mr. Lin- coln, and later a Lincoln and Johnson Presidential Elector. The cause of the Union received his ardent support during the War and he was chosen to the position of presi- dent of the War Fund Committee of his city. His wife was at the same time president of the Woman's Relief Association. These organizations were of enormous service to the country. They not only raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Union cause, but they performed a much more notable service in rallying public opinion, en- couraging enlistments, rendering practical aid to the volunteers, and sustaining the government in its efforts to carry on the War. The War Fund Committee was com- posed of one hundred of the most prominent and loyal men of Brooklyn. From its councils, originating in the determination that there should be at least one loyal news- paper in the city of Brooklyn, was called into existence The Brooklyn Union newspaper. Since 1865, Mr. Stranahan has been identified with almost every important im- provement in his adopted city. He was at the head of the Brooklyn Park Commission for twenty-two years, becoming its president by act of the Legislature in 1860. He remained at the head of the Commission until 1882. To him, Brooklyn is indebted more than to any other man for Prospect Park, the Ocean Parkway, Eastern Parkway and the city's beautiful system of boulevards. The plans were matured entirely tinder his direction and carried out by him. As president of the Commission, which laid out and developed the Park, he displayed a foresight and a capacity of patient waiting for results, which revealed a remarkable nature a "longanimity" it has been aptly termed. His management of the Park employes for twenty-one years was a practical exhibition of civil service reform. Many who began service in its opening work were found yet employed at the end. No man ever won an unsolicited tribute to his public services by labor more disinterested than Mr. Stranahan; and it was no more than a proper recognition of hard endeavor in many lines of benefit for his city, that on June 6, 1891, a bronze statue of Mr. Stranahan of heroic size was unveiled at the entrance of Pros- pect Park. Designed by Frederick McMonnaies, a pupil of St. Gaudens, and erected by the gratified citizens of Brooklyn, it stands for all time a permanent memorial of useful service wisely performed. The founder of the Park and his wife were both present at the unveiling. Mr. Stranahan also foresaw the future of Coney Island as a seaside resort ; and it was due to his energy and arguments, that in spite of much opposition, Brooklyn claimed the Atlantic Ocean as her southern boundary. Coney Island Boulevard and THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 627 the Concourse are tributes to his sagacity, judgment and public spirit. Mr. Strana- han's genius for large planning and undaunted effort to attain results evident to his foresight, are now prompting him to the consolidation of the group of towns lying adjacent to New York harbor into the 'greater New York. " For many years, he was president of The Union Ferry Co., which owned the ferry franchise between New York and Brooklyn and transacted an enormous business, being one of the most profitable companies of its class in the harbor of New York. The Atlantic Docks, on the lower water front of Brooklyn, and the warehouses surrounding the same were built at his suggestion and by a corporation, which he was successful in organizing and in which he was the largest owner. It was always characteristic of the man, that he should engage in operations which, while judiciously planned as commercial ventures, should confer upon the community in which he dwelt even larger benefits than upon the stockholders. Thus, appreciating the value of the enterprise to his adopted city, although its construction would be injurious to his own business interests, he was one of the first subscribers to the stock of the Brooklyn Bridge. He became a member of its first board of directors, and also served continu- ously as trustee and president, after the bridge came under the more immediate con- trol of the two cities, until 1885. In the work of the board he exerted great influence. His ideas were always original and far reaching. Among other improvements upon the earlier plans of which he is the author, was the raising of the middle trusses of the bridge to a height sufficient to permit the passage of a Pullman palace car of full size. He has been associated as director with various financial institutions. Mr. Stranahan was married in 1837 to Mariamne Fitch, daughter of Ebenezer R. Fitch of Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y. This union brought them two children. Mrs. Stranahan was active in patriotic enterprises during the war and figured promi- nently in charitable, religious and social circles for many years. Her noble nature and philanthropic toil hastened her death, which occurred in August, 1866. The present Mrs. Stranahan was Miss Clara C. Harrison, a native of Massachusetts. Prior to her marriage, she was well known in Brooklyn as one of the principals of an import- ant private seminary for young ladies. Possessed of fine natural powers developed by a most careful and thorough education, combined with great executive ability and a desire to serve, as she may, in promoting human welfare, Mrs. Stranahan has filled important roles in philanthropic, civic and social relations. Some of her receptions take historic rank in the social life of Brooklyn. She is a trustee of Barnard College; vice president of the alumnae association of her alma mater, Troy Female Seminary, the pioneer in the higher education of women ; president of The State Charities Aid Association for Kings county, and vice president general for New York State of The Daughters of the Revolution. She was also vice president of the New York State Board of Women Managers for the Columbian Exposition. Mrs. Stranahan has also won honor as an author, her chief work, "A History of French Painting," having received complimentary notice in both Europe and America, one English quarterly giving it thirty-six pages of review. A critic says, "Were it called ' The History of French Painting, ' it would abundantly sustain the title. " It occupies the rank of a classic on the subject. At the advanced age of eighty-six, Mr. Stranahan, in vigorous health, retains an active interest in the financial and political affairs of his city and country. His long 628 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. life has included the rise of his country from infancy to its present marvellous pros- perity. To this, beginning as a frontier trader in the wilderness of the Northwest, he has contributed in no mean degree. A man of fine personal appearance, of a nature so genial and sympathetic as to possess a rare magnetism, refined and ctiltivated, his business life free from the slightest blemish, he has long enjoyed the absolute confidence and highest esteem of the community. WILLIAfl THOMAS ALBERT STRANGE, manufacturer, known in business circles by the shorter name of William Strange, was born March i, 1838, in Chichester, England. He is a son of the late Albert B. Strange, well known in this city as a merchant and manufacturer, who removed to the United States to engage in business. As a youth, William Strange received a sound and thorough education in America, France and Germany. He made his first acquaintance with the elements of business manage- ment as clerk in the employment of Naylor & Co., merchants, on John street, New York. A few years later, he became identified with the firm of Strange & Bro. The wholesale house of Strange & Bro. was started in 1838, at the corner of William and Beaver streets, New York, and is at present located at No. 96-98 Prince street, to which premises it removed from those formerly occupied at Park Place, the corner of Broadway and Reade street, Walker street, and No. 423 Broome street respectively. In the incipient stages, the proprietors of the house were E. B. and Albert B Strange, the latter the father of William Strange. After thirty years of mercantile experience as silk importers and dealers, the Stranges became manufacturers of silks, convinced that they could successfully produce in this country the class of goods which they had been importing. Their first factory, started in 1863, occupied a site in Williamsburg. Five years later, the works were transferred to Paterson, N. J., and there conducted under the name of William Strange & Co., and the management of William Strange. At the death of A. B. Strange, in 1887, E. B. Strange having died previously, the firm incorporated under the style of The William Strange Co. William Strange has always been the president _of this concern, and William C. Kimball is treasurer, Mr. Strange being also now the sole representative of the firm of Strange & Bro. in this city. An anecdote exemplified the habitual and just confidence of the Stranges in the future of their business undertakings. While the great Paterson factory was yet in its infancy, William Strange attempted to sell its products to a leading New York ribbon house, but was told that it was impossible to make as good ribbons in Paterson as abroad and that there was no use in seeking the custom of the concern for such goods, because they purchased only the best quality. To this objection, Mr. Strange replied: "All right, gentlemen, we shall see in the future." The event justified his expectations. For many years now, the concern which then declined to buy American goods has ceased buying ribbons exclusively from abroad and has purchased largely from the Strange factory in Paterson. The growth of America during the last century has been marvellous. In the transformation which has taken place, no incident has been more remarkable and no in- fluence more potent in producing the result, than the creation of new American indus- tries and the transplanting of foreign branches of manufacture to this continent. The United States have now passed from the condition of buyers, dependent upon other countries for articles of necessity or luxury, to that of independent producers, relying N THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 629 on the skill of their own citizens and upon native materials for supplies. One of the most striking of the new industries is that of the manufacture of silks During the past few years, American products have attained such excellence as to dispute the palm with those of the most celebrated establishments of Lyons and other manufacturing centers in the old world. These industrial transplantations have not been the result of chance or the accidental outcome of the labors of adventurous tyros in the realm of mercantile endeavor. They are the fruit of the deliberate and patriotic enterprise of men of great experience, who have seen an opportunity of saving, for American account, the profits which had been made by foreign manufacturers in the American market. In the silk industry, Mr. Strange and his father ranked amorg the pioneers and the subject of this sketch is now one of the leading men in the trade. Mr. Strange devotes his time mainly to the industry, founded by his house, but is also part proprietor of The Read & Lovatt Co , and a director of The Paterson National Bank and The Paterson Safe Deposit & Trust Co. He is a man of cultivated mind and agreeable manners and in social life exceedingly popular, a fact which is illustrated in part by his membership in the Union League, Republican, German Liederkranz, United Service, Princess Anne, Orange County Country, Merchants' Central, Hamilton and Amebelish Fishing clubs, and The Blooming Grove Park Association, Joppa Lodge, Xo. 29, F. & A. M. and Cataract City Chapter, No. 10, R. A. M. In consequence of his interest in their objects, he is also connected with The American Protective Tariff League, The Paterson Board of Trade, The Paterson Ribbon Manufacturers' Associa- tion, The Silk Association of America, and The Washington Association of New Jersey. He is president of the Park Commission of Paterson and Lieutenant Colonel of the Division staff of the National Guard of New Jersey. Mr. Strange married Mary Elizabeth Read and is the father of Albert Breslin and Blanche Louise Strange ISIDOR STRAUS, merchant, oldest son of Lazarus and Sara Straus, was born in Rhenish Bavaria, Feb. 6, 1845, and came to this country with the family in 1854. At the age of sixteen, in Georgia, he enlisted in the volunteers and was chosen lieutenant, but the Confederacy refused to accept him on account of his age. A clerk, first in a paper mill in Columbus, Ga., and later in his father's store, he finally went to Europe as secretary for Hon. John E. Ward, of Savannah, whom the Confederacy had dis- patched to purchase supplies for the army. In 1864, Mr. Straus took a clerkship in the office of a ship owner in Liverpool, but in 1865 joined his father in New York city to engage in the china and crockery business of L. Straus & Son. In 1874, this firm en- larged their operations by taking charge of a glassware and china department in the store of R. H. Macy & Co. on i4th street. This venture met with much success and in 1888 Mr. Straus and his brother Nathan became partners in R. H. Macy & Co., with Charles B. Webster as head of the house. Mr. Straus retains his interest in the old china and crockery firm, but devotes considerable attention to R. H. Macy & Co., and has helped develop the i4th street establishment into a large department store. He was a member of the committee of fifty New York importers, who went to Washington in June, 1890, to protest against the McKinley bill. Mr. Carlisle, then a Senator but now Secretary of the Treasury, declared that the speech of Mr. Straus was the best made by an opponent of the McKinley bill. During the silver agitation, Mr. Straus addressed the Coinage Committee of the House ably in favor of a sound currency. A member of the original World's Fair Commission in New York and t>3 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. of the committee in charge of the local Columbian celebration of 1893, he has also been a Hudson River Bridge Commissioner from the beginning. For his active part in the campaign of 1892 in favor of Mr. Cleveland, he was prominently named for the place of Postmaster General, a position, however, for which he had no aspirations. He was led finally, in 1893, owing to the fight over the Wilson tariff bill, then at its hot- test, to accept a nomination at a special election for member of Congress, and after a hotly contested campaign was elected. In 1892, Mr. Straus became a partner in the dry goods house of Abraham & Straus in Brooklyn. He is a memher of the Chamber of Commerce, president of The Pottery & Glassware Board of Trade, a director in The Hanover National Bank and The New York County National Bank, vice president of The Birkbeck Investment, Savings & Loan Co., and a member of the Manhattan, Reform, Commonwealth, Nineteenth Century and Free Trade clubs. He married in 1871, and has six children, Jesse Isidor, Percy S., Sara, Minnie, HerbertN. and Vivian. LAZARUS STRAUS, merchant and a prominent Hebrew, comes from a learned family, his father having been one of the Sanhedrim selected by Napoleon Bonaparte as advisers, when that emperor was considering the emancipation of the Hebrew race in his dominions. Born in Otterberg, Rhenish Bavaria, in 1809, Mr. Straus began life as a farmer and prospered in this occupation until the revolution of 1848. That struggle awakened his sympathy and absorbed most of his property. He gained many recruits for the revolution, and was one of a committee to assist Carl Schurz and Pro- fessor Kinkel, when they came to Otterberg in the interest of a famous uprising. Mr. Straus made a patient effort to regain his prosperity, but in vain, and in 1854, he landed in America, accompanied by his wife and four children. Settling in the little village of Talbotton, Ga., he began business there as a dry goods merchant, made money, and in 1862 removed to Columbus, Ga. In 1865, he came to New York, the most of his modest fortune having been swept away by the Civil War. He brought with him about $25,000, however, paid his debts, and for the third time, began the world anew. In 1865, almost without capital, he started a china and crockery store at No. 165 Chambers street. Close attention to his business, untiring labor and the good will won by honest payment of debts, soon brought him a large reward. To his stock of staple goods, he soon added costly foreign china, clocks, vases and bronzes. The firm of L. Straus & Sons now control three large factories in Europe, which produce fine ware, namely at Rudolstadt, Carlsbad and Limoges. They have also entered upon the do- mestic manufacture of cut glass. The business has expanded to large proportions and the warehouses on Warren street occupy several buildings. Although advanced in years, Mr. Straus yet takes an active interest in his business and visits the store daily. His sons, Isidor, Nathan and Oscar S. Straus are members of the firm and relieve him from much of the labor of actual management. NATHAN STRAUS, merchant and philanthropist, was born in Otterberg, Rhen- ish Bavaria, in 1848. He came to America with his father, Lazarus, and his brothers, Isidor and Oscar, in 1854. His education was obtained at Collinsworth Institute, at Talbotton, Ga., and Packard's Business College in New York. He then entered the china business with his father and brother, Isidor, and the name of L. Straus & Son then became L. Straus & Sons. His early work in the interest of the firm was as a travel- ling agent. He became a member of the firm of R. H. Macy & Co., in 1888, and of Abraham & Straus in Brooklyn in 1893. He is a member of the Manhattan club, was THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 631 made one of the Park Commissioners of New York city by Mayor Grant, and had pre- viously been offered a seat in the Board of Education, which he declined. Among the well known charities which Mr. Straus has originated and maintained at his own ex- pense is the providing of stations in various parts of the city, where the poor can obtain at less than cost sterilized milk and modified milk sterilized for infants. This work has reduced the mortality among infants in the tenement house district, and Mr. Straus intends that it shall be permanent. In the winter season, Mr. Straus maintains stations where the poor can obtain coal at cost price. He has also opened cheap grocery houses and supported numerous other charitable enterprises. At one time he owned a number of fast horses, including the well known Majolica. His horses were frequent winners, and all the profit he made from them he devoted to charity. He has built a cottage at the Trudeau Sanitarium, at Saranac Lake, X. Y., which is devoted to invalids. The hotel at Lakewood, N. J., owned by The Lakewood Hotel Co., of which he is the president, was built because the other hotels at. that winter resort excluded a certain class of guests, thus depriving many invalids who were compelled to go to Lakewood for their health of suitable accommodation. Mr. Straus's indignation was so thoroughly aroused that he invested a large sum in the Lakewood. which is open to all respectable persons, irrespective of race or religion. He is an energetic man, and his brain is constantly devising new schemes, which he puts into shape for practical purposes. In 1894, he was made the Democratic candidate for Mayor of New York city, but declined to run because David B. Hill insisted that his name should remain at the head of the Independent Democratic ticket. On this ticket w r as a name, similar to Straus at a hasty glance, and Mr. Straus concluded that this deal would defeat the Democratic municipal ticket if he remained upon it. WlLLIAfl A. STREET, merchant, a native of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , born in 1843, descends from the Rev. Nicholas Street, a dissenting clergyman of England, who came to the new world in 1630. The Rev. Samuel Street, son of the latter, was a graduate of Harvard College, receiving his degree in 1661. Caleb Street, great grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a merchant in New York city. Through the maternal line, Mr. Street derives descent from Joseph Reade, his great grandfather, who was a warden in Trinity Church from 1721 to 1770. His father was a well known lawyer and brother of Albert B. Street, the poet, while on his mother's side he is related to the Stuyvesant, Watts, Livingston and Kearny families. Major Gen. Phil. Kearny was his second cousin. The sister of Mr. Street married Levi P. Morton. After a proper education, and at the age of fifteen, Mr. Street entered the office of R. W. Cameron, shipping merchant in this city, as a clerk. The modest salary of $50 a year was paid at the start, but young Street displayed so much interest in the labors of the house and was so honest and capable, that the firm were repeatedly obliged to write a larger sum against his name in recognition of his merits. In 1862, he visited Australia to fulfill certain missions, and spent three years in travelling to China, the Straits Settlements, Singapore, Java, the Malayan Islands, New Zealand and South America. This excursion resulted in greater knowledge of the world, which has since proved of service. In 1870, his employer and he established the shipping and commission firm of R. W. Cameron & Co., and have since been actively engaged in trade, mainly with Australia and New Zealand. Mr. Street is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Union club, and a supporter of several important public institutions. 632 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. WILLIAH L. STRONG, merchant, born on a farm in Richland county, O., March 22, 1827, began life as a dry goods clerk in the employ of Lake & Jones in Wooster, O., at the age of sixteen. After two years in the trade in Wooster and eight more in Mansfield, O. , he came to New York, arriving in December, 1853. Here, he made a start as a salesman for L. G. Wilson & Co., dry goods commission merchants, to whose affairs he gave the closest attention, mastering every detail of the business. In 1857, his employers were swept down by the panic. Next year, Mr. Strong entered the commission dry goods store of Farnham, Dale & Co., a highly successful firm, and re- mained with them until the close of 1869. Jan. i, 1870, he engaged in the dry goods commission business upon his own responsibility, founding the firm of W. L. Strong & Co., which succeeded to the trade of Farnham, Dale & Co. He has met with excellent success and the house has branches in Boston and Philadelphia. Mr. Strong is a Republican and has always taken a lively interest in public affairs, but until recently has refused public office. Preferring to work in the ranks, he has been especially active in the organization of campaign clubs. In 1894, a combination of the Repub- licans and reform Democrats of the city elected him Mayor of New York. Mr. Strong is president of The Central National Bank, The Homer Lee Bank Note Co. and The Griswold Worsted Co., vice president of The New York Security & Trust Co , and a director in The New York Life Insurance Co. , The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, The Adirondacks Railroad, The Hanover Fire Insurance Co., The Plaza Bank, The Mercantile Trust Co., The Nassau Fire Insurance Co. and other corpora- tions, and a member of the Union League, Metropolitan, Merchants', Republican, Ohio, Colonial, Law, Riding, Racquet and Players' clubs. His sympathy with men who must earn their living by labor has been repeatedly shown in arbitrations of disputes between labor and capital. The fairness of his decisions have never been questioned. JOSEPH STUART, banker, born in County Armagh, Ireland, Nov. 25, 1803, died in New York city, Nov. 18. 1874. Emigrating to this country in 1827, Mr. Stuart settled in Philadelphia and established the dry goods firm of Stuart Bro's in 1828. In 1833, he removed to New York and took charge of the house of J. & J. Stuart & Co., which had been started here in 1831, showed himself to be an excellent merchant and prospered through diligence, force and sagacity. In 1851, the firm changed their occu- pation to banking. Mr. Stuart was trustee of The Emigrant Savings Institution until the passage of the law prohibiting the holding of official positions in more than one institution. He was a director of The National Mercantile Bank and connected with The Hanover National Bank, and was vice president of The Fourth National Bank and various insurance companies. A large circle of friends esteemed him highly. By his marriage with Anna, daughter of Robert Watson, he was the father of Anna Whiteside and Margaret Stuart Eakin and Joseph and Robert Watson Stuart. ROBERT L. STUART, sugar refiner, born at No. 40 Barclay street, in this city, July 21, 1806, died in town Dec. 12, 1882. Kinloch Stuart, hisfather, was a Scot, anda manufacturer of candy, who, failing in business in Edinburgh, came to America in September, 1805, and resuming business here with a capital of $7,000, had the satis- faction of finally paying his debts, and, at his death in 1826, of leaving about $100,000 and a profitable business to his two sons. Robert was the older one, Alexander Stuart being the younger. The latter was born about 1810, and died at his home, No. 167 Chambers street, Dec. 23, 1879. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ST. 633 Robert had not yet attained his majority when his father died, but he took charge of the business as administrator of the estate, and, when legally free to do so, organized with his brother the firm of R. L. & A. Stuart, which became in time one of the most prosperous in the city. To candy making, they added, in 1832, the refining of sugar by steam, and, after 1855, the latter industry engaged their entire attention. The use of steam in refining was an innovation and called forth predictions of disaster from friends. They made the process work, however, and carried it on successfully for forty years. Their office at 169 Chambers street occupied a building erected by them in 1831, the first dwelling in the city into which gas was introduced. The business in- creased so rapidly, however, that they were compelled to build extensive quarters, first at the corner of Greenwich and Chambers streets, and in 1849, at Greenwich and Reade streets. They were aided in their enterprise by the fact that their product ranged in price from twenty-two to twenty-four cents per pound only, while imported sugar, no better in quality, cost forty-four cents a pound. Three stores on the north side of Reade street, and a large warehouse on the south side of Chambers street, were finally aided to their plant. Their force of 300 men manufactured about 40,000,000 pounds of refined sugar annually. When the store houses at the Atlantic Docks were unroofed by a storm, they had 1,000,000 worth of sugar there. Alexander had charge of the actual work of manufacture ; Robert, of the finances of the firm. In 1872-73, both brothers retired with large fortunes. They were always kind and considerate to em- ployes, and at the time of the draft riots in 1863, their men stood by them and pre- pared the sugar houses against a threatened assault, which, however, was not made, owing to the precautions taken. During the War, the Stuarts were staunch supporters of the Government and large subscribers to the first million of the War loan. After 1852, the brothers set aside a certain sum each year for charitable purposes. Up to 1879, they had given 1,390,000 in benefactions, and, after that year, Robert L Stuart gave over 500,000 more, devoting himself almost entirely to philanthropy. He was a Presbyterian, a member of the Union League club from its organization and of the Century and Union clubs, an officer of various public institutions and a liberal patron of art. Alexander Stuart never married, and lived during his whole life in the old fashioned three story brick dwelling at No. 167 Chambers street. His fortune descended to his brother Robert. The wife of the latter was Mary, daughter of Robert Macrae, an old merchant of New York, who had a different partner in several different cities of the United States. Mrs. Stuart died Dec. 31, 1891. She had made large gifts to public institutions during her life time, amounting to about $1,500,000, and nearly the whole of her fortune of about 8,000,000 was, at her death, distributed among schools, colleges, religious bodies and charities. JOHN JAY STUDWELL, merchant and banker, born in North Salem, West- Chester county, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1813, died in Brooklyn, Dec. 12, 1884. Baird's History of Rye, N. Y., records the fact that his earliest American ancestor, Studwell, was one of the eighteen original proprietors of Rye. His father, Joseph Studwell, was a car- penter, and his mother, Rebecca Mead, who came from the Mead family of Greenwich, a type of New England character, full of faith and good works. Trained to his father's trade, he went from the plain old homestead with a Puritan mother's blessing and in- junctions, and by his own labors, coupled with a good constitution and equally sound principles, rose to position and fortune. Occupied with his trade above the Harlem 634 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. River, he finally received an offer of capital and influence from a resident of Harlem, and availed himself thereof to the pecuniary advantage of both. Early in the '405, he became a lumber merchant on Third avenue, near 12 8th street, selling his business later to William Colwell, who continued it for about fifty years. In 1842, Mr. Studwell moved to Brooklyn and resumed there the lumber business, which he managed with profitable results. About 1857, he became president of The Montauk Insurance Co., and later bought a controlling interest in The National City Bank of Brooklyn, of which he was president until his death. He was also one of the original directors and vice president of The Mechanics' Bank of Brooklyn and a director of The Brooklyn Gas Light Co., The Atlantic Avenue Railroad, and The Citizens' Gas Light Co. He joined no clubs and was for more than forty years a member of Sands Street Methodist Episcopal Church and steward and trustee at his death as well as trustee of The Brook- lyn Hospital. During the Civil War, he served on the local Committee of Relief. For twelve years he sat in the Board of Supervisors of Kings county, being most of the time Chairman of the Committee on Accounts. In 1836, Mr. Studwell married Elizabeth La Farge Moore, daughter of Peter Moore, of Woodbridge, N. J. Their only child, Sarah Frances, is the wife of George W. Mead, the lawyer. JONATHAN STURQES, merchant, born in Southport, Conn., March 24, 1802, died in New York, Nov. 28, 1874. His family was founded in this country by a pioneer from England prior to 1640. After a period of probation in the employment of R. & L. Reed, grocers in Front street in this city, beginning in 1821, Mr. Sturges became a partner in 1828, the house taking the name of Reed & Sturges. In 1843, the firm name was changed to Sturges, Bennett & Co., and in 1865 to Sturges, Arnold & Co. Mr. Sturges was an excellent merchant, reached the position of leader in the tea and coffee trade, and retired in 1868 with large means. He promoted several enter- prises with his capital and was a founder and director of The Bank of Commerce, The Illinois Central Railroad, and The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. A strong Union man during the Civil War, he was active in organizing the Union League club, served as its president in 1863, and, like other prominent business men, labored actively to break up the Tweed Ring. He was twice elected vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and, loving fine art, became one of the founders of the Century club. During his whole life, he gave liberally to Christian work and charities. In 1829, he married Mary, daughter of John Cady, and was the father of Virginia R.. wife of William H. Osborn; Frederick Sturges; Amelia, first wife of J. Pierpont Mor- gan ; Edward, Arthur P. and Henry C. Sturges. His son, FREDERICK STURGES, merchant and financier, born June i, 1833, was educated in the local schools. In 1849, he entered the office of his father and followed mercantile life prosperously until 1868, when he retired simultaneously with his father. He has, however, since been active in financial affairs and is a director of The National Bank of Commerce, The Atlantic Trust Co., and The Seamen's Bank for Savings, and was for many years direc- tor of The Illinois Central Railroad. 'This family has always been noted for its good works, and Mr. Sturges devotes much time to the Presbyterian Hospital, The Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled, The American Bible Society, The Seamen's Fund Society and other institutions. He is a member of the Century, Down Town, and Grolier clubs. In 1863, he married Mary Reed, daughter of Dudley B. Fuller, and is the father of Jonathan, Emily M., Arthur P., Mary Fuller and Frederick Sturges. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SU. 635 ALFRED SULLY, capitalist, a gentleman of education, refinement and marked ability, has risen by his own exertions to an enviable position in the financial world. The majority of men who climb to the top are those who begin at the foot of the hill. Early disadvantages serve merely to inspire an ambitious spirit and forceful character with heroic energy and unconquerable resolution to overcome all obstacles. In such cases, the man is trained from his youth to the subjugation of adverse circumstances, and he usually becomes a capable, progressive, and successful figure in his field of action. There are few more conspicuous examples of this among prominent men of affairs in Wall street, than is furnished by Alfred Sully. He was not born rich, nor was his path in life smoothed by good luck and favorable circumstances. He blazed his own way from the first step he took, and can look back over a life of endeavor, which courage, energy, and ambition have made triumphant. Mr. Sully was born in Ottawa, Canada, May 2, 1841. His first salary was six dollars a week, when, although a mere boy, he served as night watchman in a railroad yard. He studied law in the office of Bellamy Storer in Cincinnati, afterward gradu- ated from the Cincinnati Law School, and was admitted to the Ohio bar in 1863. He began the practice of his profession in Davenport, Iowa, succeeding Austin Corbin in the old law firm of Corbin, Dow & Brown, Mr. Corbin retiring from the firm and from the practice of law at that time to enter the banking business Mr. Sully remained active in the law in Davenport until 1872, enjoying a large and lucrative practice. He came to New York in 1872 as cashier and general manager of The Corbin Banking Co. His first connection with railroads was as counsel to The Davenport & St. Paul, now part of the St. Paul system. In 1878, he became connected with The Indiana, Bloomington & Western Railroad as secretary, and soon afterward became one of its principal owners and chief managers. In 1876 and for several years thereafter, he was largely interested in building and operating The Manhattan Beach Railroad, and in connection therewith organized The Eastern Railroad of Long Island, for the purpose of extending the Manhattan Beach road the entire length of the Island. In this enterprise, Austin Corbin was associated with him. After two years of continual warfare with The Long Island Railroad people, Mr. Corbin and Mr. Sully united in buying a control of the entire Long Island Railroad system from Drexel, Morgan & Co. The stock of the road was then selling at from 1 8 to 20 cents a share. The property was in the hands of a receiver and utterly bankrupt. Nearly all the different issues of its bonds were in default. The equipment was almost worthless and the track in dangerous condition, and it was thought impos- sible to resuscitate the road without a complete reorganization. But as soon as Mr. Sully and his associates obtained control, a new 5,000,000 mortgage was placed upon the property and the proceeds therefrom used in putting the road into first-class condi- tion. The stock was at the same time increased from $3,200,000 to $10,000,000 and has paid regular dividends ever since, despite the increased capitalization. These operations brought Mr. Sully large profits. In 1 88 1, he purchased a coal road in Ohio, about 130 miles in length, reorganized it as The Ohio Southern, put the property into first class physical condition, and estab- lished it on a paying'basis. He was elected president in 1883 and held that position until his retirement in April, 1892. What he accomplished by a wise and vigorous administration of the affairs of this company is best illustrated by the statement that, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SU. 637 without any addition to the mileage, the net earnings of The Ohio Southern were increased from a surplus at the close of the first fiscal year of $599 in excess of first mortgage interest, to a surplus of nearly $200,000 in excess of such interest in the final year, the annual net earnings being nearly trebled in the space of eight years. Upon the retirement of Mr. Sully and his associates from the management of this property, the stockholders, in annual meeting assembled, embodied in resolutions an unqualified expression of their appreciation, of the high standard of credit and efficiency resulting from the ability, zeal and fidelity of the retiring management. In 1885, Mr. Sully went into the Reading property and was at one time the largest individual owner of its stocks and bonds. At that time, Franklin B. Gowen was president and Mr. Sully his principal supporter. Mr. Gowen's remarkable fight with the Drexel-Morgan syndicate, which proposed to reorganize that property on a plan, which he thought was without due regard to the rights and interests he repre- sented, attracted much attention among railroad men all over the United States. The property involved was second of its kind in the world, its actual cash value being esti- mated at nearly $200,000,000. More than 160,000,000 have been expended in the Reading Railroad and its coal and iron properties. After a year of bitter warfare, the Drexel-Morgan syndicate were brought to terms by Mr. Sully and Mr. Lauterbach, who represented Mr. Gowen, and the security owners of the Reading property, elated by this victory, initiated a boom in Wall street which lasted for months. In 1886, The West Point Terminal Co., then capitalized at 15,000,000, was in debt over 3,000,000, and the president, William P. Clyde, had given notice to the stockholders that unless they supplied him with means, the property would have to be sold for its debts. Mr. Clyde and all the directors of the Terminal were members of The Richmond & Danville syndicate and also members of The Richmond & Danville board of directors, and it seemed to them that the Terminal Company had become a useless appendage. A committee of Terminal stockholders worked for over a year to re-establish their property, but made no progress. Seeing the stock in imminent dan- ger of being annihilated by a trustees' sale of its assets, these stockholders induced Mr. Sully, through mutual friends, to join their committee as chairman, and, within ninety days thereafter, The Terminal Company was renewed in its strength and credit. Soon afterward, The Richmond & Danville and The East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroads were merged into the company, which thus became the greatest railroad power in the South, absolutely owning, controlling and operating over four thousand seven hundred miles of railroad. In acknowledgment of his valuable ser- vices and consummate ability, Mr. Sully was elected president of the entire Terminal System, from which position he retired early in 1888, finding himself opposed on ques- tions of policy to a majority of the board of directors. Subsequent events demon- strated fully the wisdom of Mr. Stilly's views. In recent years, Mr. Sully has devoted himself quietly to the development of sev- eral properties in which he is a large owner with his associates, notably The Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad, The Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railway, and The New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. To give anything like a comprehensive account of Alfred Sully is not to the present purpose. Who and what he is have been hinted at only. The breadth of his usefulness, the scope of his influence, the brilliancy of his success and the strength of AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL MEN. his character cannot be dwelt upon within the limits of the present work. He is a man of ample fortune and possesses the talent for accumulating more. He is generous but not prodigal. He has no extravagant tastes but on the contrary delights in habits and mode of life extremely modest. In manner, he is reserved and thoughtful. In talk, he is impressive but never wasteful of words. He is patient and untiring in work- ing out a plan. He has no special aptitude for unimportant and minute details, but his genius asserts itself in solving the perplexing problems of conflicting interests and ad- justing wisely the controlling forces for gigantic organizations. These combined qual- ities fit him for large undertakings and positions of high trust and grave responsibility. WILLIAH J. SYriS, a native of New York city, who died in town April 2, 1889, in his seventy-first year, was a son of John Syms and, when a youth, became a member of the firm of Blunt & Syms, for many years well known gunmakers. After thirty years of successful prosecution of this industry, the partnership dissolved and Mr. Syma retired. While actively engaged in business, Mr. Syms helped found The Metropolitan Gas Co., and The 42d Street & Grand Street Railroad. In later years, he was presi* dent of The Franklin Telegraph Co., vice president of The Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Co. and a director of The Western Union Telegraph Co., being at the time of his death a large stookholder in each of these concerns. His profits were invested largely in. real estate, of which he owned a large quantity. He was liberal to charities and re. spected for his judgment in art matters. During his later years, he traveled exten. sively in Europe. He was twice married, and his second wife, Catherine E., survive? him. He left no children and Roosevelt Hospital received a legacy of $350,000. T. EDWARD NEUFVILLE TAILER, merchant, born in the city of New York, July 20, 1830, is a grandson of Sir William Tailer, for seventeen years lieutenant governor of the colony of Massachusetts before the War of the Revolution. He is a son of Edward N. Tailer, born at the 'family home on lower Broadway in 1796, and of Ann Amelia Bogert, his wife. The ancestors of the latter came from Harlem in Holland, settled in Harlem on the upper part of the Island of Manhattan, and had large poses- sions in land in that vicinity in the i8th century. Mr. Tailer's father, a member of the firm of Tailer & White, brokers in W T all street, retired with a fortune in 1837. The subject of this biography was educated at Penquest's famous French school in Bank street in this city, which was resorted to not only by the children of New Yorkers but by the sons of prominent families from Cuba and South America. He began his mercantile career, Dec. 8, 1848, as a clerk with the well known firm of Little, Alden & Co. at No. 29 Broad street. This region was then the center of the wholesale dry goods trade of New York and was occupied by the stores of many merchants, famous in their day and active factors in establishing the commercial supremacy of this metropolis. During his early business career, Mr. Tailer was con- nected as buyer and salesman with the firms of W. & S. Phipps & Co., of Boston and New York, Fanshaw, Milliken & Townsend, Reimer & Meche, and Sturges, Shaw & Co. , and the experience gained in those concerns enabled him in due time to found the successful importing and commission house of Winzer & Tailer, now known as E. N. & W. H. Tailer & Co. During his business career of thirty-six years, he has witnessed great changes upon the lower part of this island, not the least notable of them being the removal of the wholesale dry goods trade from Broad, Pine, Cedar and Pearl streets, Exchange place and lower Broadway, to its present location, extending from Duane to Spring streets. After a business life of great activity, Mr. Tailer retired from practical affairs, Jan. i, 1892, not, however, worn out in the service, but to give the benefit of his busi- ness experience to the management of some important trusts and large estates, of which he is the executor. His first business voyage to Europe was made in the steamer Arago of the Fox & Livingston Line in 1857; his last one with Captain McMicken in the Umbria. He has crossed the Atlantic Ocean more than forty times. In December, 1855, Mr. Tailer married Miss Agnes Suffern, daughter of Thomas Suffern, who lived for over fifty years at No. 1 1 Washington Square. Mr. Tailer is the father of Mrs. Henry L. Burnett, Mrs. Robert R. Livingston, Miss Fannie B. Tailer and Mr. T. Suffern Tailer. He has never held political office, but is a director in The German-American Bank and The Northern Dispensary and a member of the vestry of Ascension Church. His social standing is shown by his membership in the Union, Union League, Tuxedo, Country, Westchester Polo, and Merchants' clubs and The New England and St. Nicholas Societies. In 1874, he joined the Patriarchs, succeeding the late James A. Hamilton, who was one of the founders of that organization. < THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TA. 641 FREDERICK LYflAN TALCOTT. born Feb. 22, 1813, who died in New York city, Nov. i, 1884, was a member of the Connecticnt family which gave birth to Noah Talcott, Governer of Connecticut, 17 24-41. Graduating from Columbia College in 1832, he was in 1834 with a brother, Daniel W., taken into partnership by his father, Noah Talcott, an old merchant of cotton, sugar, coffee, hides, etc. The sign of Noah Talcott & Sons indicated a store in which gentle manners, keen business ability and great enterprise characterized the proprietors. Noah Talcott died in 1839, and the sons continued the business until 1858, when Frederick retired. He acquired the title of "cotton king "from the fact that, before 1850, he was the only man who had ever "cor- nered " the cotton market. About 1859, with two of his sons, Frederick L. and August Belmont Talcott, he established the stock brokerage and banking house of Talcott & Sons, which continued in business until 1880, when Frank Staley and Edward B. Talcott be- came partners. A. B. and E. B. Talcott are members of the Stock Exchange. Mr. Talcott was at one time a director of The Pacific Mail Steamship Co., and president of the organization of cotton merchants, which finally developed into the Cotton Ex- change. In 1842, he married Mrs. Harriet Newell Burnham and his family consisted of four sons and three daughters, Frederick L., August Belmont, Edward Baker and James Carleton Talcott, and Mary Alice, wife of Charles F. Palmeter, Harriet Elliott and Florence Louise. They are all now married. JAMES TALCOTT, merchant, a native of West Hartford, Conn., born in 1835, i s the son of a manufacturer and farmer. The family traces its line to John Talcott, of Colchester, England, 1558. John Talcott, third of the name, came from Braintree to Massachusetts in the ship Lion in 1632 and was one of the founders of Hartford, Conn. At the age of nineteen, James Talcott left the farm and established himself in New York city, without previous apprenticeship, as agent for a knitting mill in New Britain, Conn., managed by his older brother. The present dry goods commission house of James Talcott, which originated in this modest manner, forty-one years ago, having then only a single account, now includes nine distinct departments, devoted to underwear, domestic hosiery, woolens, cotton goods, satinets, broad silks, ribbons, dress goods, etc., represents a number of the leading mills of the United States, and maintains stores at 1 08 Franklin and 66 Greene streets and several warehouses. Mr. Talcott is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a director of The Manhattan, The Broadway National, and The Broadway Savings Banks, and a member of the Republican, Riding and Patria clubs and The New England Society. In 1860, he married Henrietta E., daughter of the Rev. Amzi Francis, of Bridgehampton, L. I., and has five children living, the Rev. J. Frederick, Francis Edgar, Grace, Edith Charlotte and Arthur W. Talcott. J. HONROE TAYLOR, manufacturer, born in Pompey, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1818, died in New York city, May 22, 1892. He was a son of Richard and Phoebe Clark Taylor, farmers, and came from Norman stock, which emigrated from Count}- Kent in England to London and thence to New Jersey in 1692, where the family owned a large possession in land including Sandy Hook. Judge John Taylor, grandfather of the subject of this memoir, was a prominent jurist and politician of Saratoga county, N. Y. At a very early age, Mr. Taylor began to earn his own support, engaging while a minor in business for himself as a dry goods merchant, finally establishing and carry- ing on at the same time several stores in Onondaga county and the first wholesale gro- cery store in Syracuse, as well as the first saleratus factory in this country. Beginning 642 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. life at a time when energy, self dependence, and personal activity were of more impor- tance than capital, he successfully overcame all difficulties and when necessary prac- ticed the most rigid economy with an energy which overcame temporary reverses. He was a natural born trader, shrewd and quick in judgment. Indomitable will made him a leader in all his enterprises. The saleratus industry proved so successful that Mr. Taylor finally removed it to New York city. While in Syracuse, he served as Alder- man for four years for some local personal object. In New York, he founded The J. Monroe Taylor Chemical Co., and his large soda factory in Brooklyn, erected in 1878, grew into a valuable industry. While interested in various enterprises, he devoted himself during the latter part of his life to real estate in this city, owning at the time of his death the handsome twelve story Taylor office building on the site of the old Mer- chants' Hotel at 39-41 Cortlandt street, constructed in 1892, and several apartment houses, including the Gramercy Park Hotel, where he lived. He was also one of the largest owners in the Gramercy apartment house. Mr. Taylor was a lover of fine horses, and, being conspicuous on account of his striking resemblance to the late Henry Ward Beecher and the old fashioned blue coat with brass buttons and ruffled shirt, which he always wore, became a familiar figure on the drives in this city. He was married Jan. 15, 1840, in Delphi, N. Y., to Charlotte E., daughter of William Davis, and was survived by one child, Laura Maria, wife of Charles C. Pope. Charlotte E., wife of George Doheny, of Syracuse, N. Y. , is now deceased. flOSES TAYLOR, merchant and banker, born in New York city, at the corner of Broadway and Morris street, Jan. n, 1806, died here May 23, 1882. He was in the third generation of descent from an Englishman of the same name, who came to America from London in 1736. Mr. Taylor, his father, and his grandfather, carried on business all their lives practically within a stone's throw of one spot in this city. Mr. Taylor's father started in business as a cabinet maker, and in later years became known as the confidential agent of John Jacob Astor, in whose service he died. Moses Taylor began life at fifteen as a clerk and was soon transferred to the firm of G. G. & S.. How- land, a conspicuous mercantile house. Always active, zealous and self-reliant, he started for himself about 1832, as a broker of Cuban sugar. The cholera epidemic retarded his success the first year and in 1835 the great fire swept away his store. While saving nothing except his books, he opened an office, nevertheless, the next day and was ready for business among the first. In the profitable years which followed, he prospered so rapidly that he was finally able to turn aside to other fields of enterprise. During this period, he became a large owner of vessels. In 1855, he was elected pres- ident of The City Bank, a position he retained until his death. During the war, Mr. Taylor was a warm supporter of the Government and chairman of the loan committee of the Clearing House Association in 1861. It is said that he was offered the posi- tion of Secretary of the Treasury, after the resignation of Mr. Chase, but refused it. A prominent trait of his character was reluctance to enter into any enterprise until after exhaustive investigation. If the venture commended itself to his judgment, he stood ready to back it to the full extent of his ability. Such matters he regarded as permanent investments, not as speculations, and the results proved the wisdom of his course. His interest in The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, amounting to virtual ownership, was gained by the purchase of large amounts of the stock at a low price, some of it at $5 per share. Within seven years, the shares were worth $240 THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TE. 643 each. He operated also in The Lackawanna Coal & Iron Co., and The Manhattan Gas Light Co., with similar success. Mr. Taylor had many business transactions with Commodore Vanderbilt but was never associated with him in any large operations. He had investments in banks and many other companies and was one of the five men who formed the company to lay the Atlantic cable. Throughout life, Mr. Taylor was noted for the close attention he gave to the affairs in which he was interested. He was remarkable for activity and' promptness, being always at the bank by 9 A.M., unless prevented by sickness. Although known to be a man of large wealth, it was not until after his death that the public learned that he had amassed a fortune of $36,000,000. In 1832, he married Catherine A Wilson, who, with five children, survived him, the latter being Albertina S., wife of Percy S. Pyne; Mary Lewis, Catherine Winthrop, George C. and Henry A. C. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor died Dec. 31, 1892. CHARLES HENRY TENNEY, merchant, a native of Salem, N. H., bora July 9, 1842, descends from an old and excellent family, founded upon this continent in 1638 by Thomas Tenney and his wife Anne, who sailed from the port of Hull, England, in the company of the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers and, landing at Salem, made a settlement in Rowley, Mass. , so named after their former home in Yorkshire. The descendants of the hardy pioneer assisted in subduing the wilderness and the red man and in creating amid the primeval forests the commonwealths of Connecticut, New Hampshire and Ver- mont. They took a prominent part both in civil and military affairs. Gen. Daniel J. Tenney, a soldier of the American Revolution, who left Connecticut to make his home in Xew Hampshire, was a lineal ancestor of the subject of this sketch. The father of the latter was John F. Tenney, merchant and farmer. A sturdy, wide awake and wholesome lad, young Mr. Tenney gained his prelimi- nary education in the Xew Hampshire Conference seminary in the then village of Til- ton, and, until the age of sixteen, was employed in his father's pursuits Then, for a business training, he entered the thorough primary school, from which have graduated hundreds of the best business men of the United States, namely, a general country store. After five years therein, Mr. Tenney determined to learn the art of manufactur- ing hats of wool. This industry engaged his attention until the age of twenty-five, when, in 1868, having become intimately acquainted with the trade, he established him- self in the city of Xew York as a commission merchant of woolen hats. His success in this city has been almost unexampled. Thoroughly versed in methods of production, a close observer of the markets, clear headed, enterprising, sagacious, and prompt, he has added to these qualifications an attractive presence and genial nature and his progress has been rapid from the start. While owning an interest in the hat industry, he is pre- eminently a commission merchant ; and in this capacity, he now represents upward of forty hat manufacturing concerns, among them the largest not only in the United States but in the world. He occupies a large store at No. 8 Washington Place and is among the most enterprising and highly respected merchants of the metropolis. Mr. Tenney displays excellent public spirit as a citizen and supports every movement which com- mends itself to his judgment, without regard to partisan considerations. He is an active member of the Union League, Manhattan, Reform, and New York Athletic clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, New England Society , and many scientific and benevolent associations and contributes to sustain The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The town of Methuen, his summer home, has been largely benefited by his gener- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TE. 645 osity and public spirit. This lovely town, a few miles from Lawrence, already orna- mented by the library building erected by the Nevins family, has been greatly beautified by Mr. Tenney. His magnificent estate, laid out by the best masters of modern land- scape, is a beautiful park, which extends over a large area and is always open to the public. The mansion, modeled after the chateau Yquem, the ancestral seat of the learned Montaigne, crowns the crest of a hill and is approached by a terraced drive- way, half a mile in length, winding by easy grades up the slope. Southwest of the mansion is an unenclosed quadrangle in the Italian style, two sides of which form an open corridor, its roof supported upon pillars of richly colored marble, from which a wide expanse of beautiful country is seen, the view stretching over and beyond Law- rence and the historic Andovers. Prominent in the town is a shaft in granite and bronze, erected by Mr. Tenney, at a cost of $20,000, to commemorate the memory of the men of Methuen who fell on Southern battlefields. The town supplied a company of the 6th Mass. Inf., the first regiment to pass through Baltimore for the defense of Wash- ington upon the outbreak of the war. Nov. 23, 1866, Mr. Tenney was married to Fannie H. Gleason, daughter of Daniel Gleason, and has one child, Daniel G. Tenney. JOHN TAYLOR TERRY, banker, a native of Hartford, Conn., born Sept. 9, 1822, comes from the best Puritan stock, being descended through both parents directly from Gov. William Bradford, of Mayflower fame. He also traces his line to John Haynes, Governor of Massachusetts in 1635 an ^ Governor of Connecticut in 1639, and to Samuel Wyllys, Governor of Connecticut in 1642. Various others of his lineal ancestors were conspicuous in official life in Connecticut and Massachusetts as Senators and Represen- tatives and as officers and soldiers of the War of the Revolution from the two States named. His father, Roderick Terry, was a merchant of Hartford, Conn., and Presi- dent of The Exchange Bank. The young man gained an excellent education in the schools of Hartford, West- field, Mass. , and Ellington, Conn. , and then with the thrift and resolution, which char- acterize the best type of the people of New England, applied himself to work, as clerk for his father, in Hartford. After a trip to Europe, he came to New York city in December, 1841, to enter the employment of E. D. Morgan, who was then engaged in extensive commercial enterprises, and made such rapid progress that he was admitted to partnership in 1844, and has now rounded out a full half century as an active spirit in this great house, having been a partner since the date above. In time, the opera- tions of this house were extended to banking, the negotiation of railroad securities, and the reorganization and promotion of important lines of transportation, in addition to the importation of merchandise from every part of the w r orld. Mr. Tern- has taken a conspicuous and successful part in many large transactions. It was he who aided Cyrus W. Field, during the latter's famous speculation in Manhat- tan Elevated Railway stock, in obtaining the friendly support of Jay Gould, which saved Mr. Field's fortune at the time from annihilation. He is vice-president of The Mercantile Trust Co., and director of The Western Union Telegraph Co., The Ameri- can Exchange National Bank, The Metropolitan Trust Co., The Bank of New Amster- dam, The American Fire Insurance Co., The Texas & Pacific Railroad, The Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad, The International Ocean Telegraph Co. , The American Telegraph & Cable Co., The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, The tHE CITY OF NEW YORK. TE. 647 Commercial Insurance Co., of London, The American Fire Insurance Co., of New York, and other corporations. While Mr. Terry was not burdened in his earlier life with the serious struggles which retard the progress of many young men, his success is not due to that fact, but to the purity of character, the self reliance, clearness of mind, sound judgment and energy, which were the noteworthy features of his subsequent career. He has made his own way, borne many responsibilities and passed many critical periods with entire prudence, calmness and 1 success. Few among the bankers of the city now enjoy so completely the respect and confidence of the financial world. He is a strong sup- porter of philanthropic work in town, and a trustee of The Presbyterian Hospital and The New York Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, as well as a member of the Union League club, The New England Society, and, by virtue of lineal descent from several ancestors, of The Sons of the Revolution. In 1846, he was married to Elizabeth Roe Peet, of Brooklyn, and has two sons living, the Rev. Roderick Terry, D. D., of Brook- lyn, and John T. Terry, jr. LEWIS GREENE TEWKSBURY, banker, a native of Manchester, N. H., was born March 31, 1862, the son of Elliott Greene Tewksbury, a bookseller, and Submit Roberts, his wife. Graduating from the local High School, Mr. Tewksbury secured a place as clerk in Perry's drug store in his native city, at the age of fifteen, at $100 a year salary, and entered upon labors, which kept him busy about sixteen hours a day. Three years later, by means of a loan of $9,000 from his family physician, he bought the store, \\orked harder than ever, paid off the loan, and built up the second largest prescription trade in New England and probably the largest drug business in New Hampshire. Then, selling on favorable terms, he made a tour through the West, investing most of his money in real estate in Kansas and Nebraska. Later, he settled in New York city, where he opened a stock brokerage office on New street. Beginning with no assistants except an office boy, he advertised his business with so much energy that in a few years increasing business compelled him to move to the Tower building on Broadway, of which he was the first tenant, and he now occupies a whole floor and employs a force of about seventy-five clerks. He now conducts an extensive and lucrative business and is a man of fortune. His success is due to adherence to the old maxim that if a man does not attend to his own business no one else will perform that favor for him. He has established excellent connections abroad. Mr. Tewksbury is not married and is a. member of several prominent clubs here and elsewhere. EDWARD VINCENT THEBAUD, merchant, born at the corner of Greenwich and Albany streets, New York city, Jan. 29, 1824, descends from an old family of shipping and commission merchants, established by Joseph Thebaud, a native of France, who carne to America about 1793, as agent for The East India Co. of France and of various other French merchants. He settled first in Boston, later in New Haven, where he married a daughter of Philip Le Breton, a Martinique merchant, and finally removed tj New York city. Here he engaged in foreign trade, rose to high rank as a merchant, an.l, in his home on Beekman street, became noted for his hospitality and passionate love of flowers. He owned extensive greenhouses on Orchard street. Of his two sons, John J. and Edward Thebaud, the latter, after a training in the house of Gardner G. Howland, engaged in foreign trade with Joseph Bouchaud, his step father, in the firm of Bouchaud & Thebaud. The firm imported native goods from France, shipped 648 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. abroad large quantities of American products, and also owned many vessels in the trade with France and Mexico. Edward Thebaud married in 1823 Emma, daughter of Vincent Classe van Schalkwyck de Boisaubin, a noble exile from France, member of the body guard of Louis XVI., who settled in Madison, N. J., in 1793, coming from the Island of Guadaloupe. His son, Edward V. Thebaud was educated in St. Mary's College in Baltimore and then entered the counting room of Bouchaud & Thebaud in 1841. In 1850, he was admitted to partnership, the firm then being Bouchaud, Thebaud & Co. The senior partner retired shortly afterward, when the house took the name of Edward Thebaud & Son and in 1858 became, through the retirement of the then senior partner and the admission of Paul L. and Delphin E. Thebaub, Edward Thebaud's Sons. In 1859, the business was united with that of Moller & Rieva as Rieva & The- baud. The connections of the house were originally with France, but as time went on their operations extended gradually, and for many years they transacted an excellent trade with Mexico, South America, etc. Various changes took place in the personnel and title of the firm, and in 1874, the three brothers again united under the new name of Thebaud Bro's. These gentlemen have commended themselves by their fine char- acter and excellent abilities. The senior partner retired Dec. 31, 1892, and now spends his time in well earned leisure at a country seat in Madison, N. J., near which place his father dwelt before him. First married to Julia Moller, he had three children, Louisa, Edward and Emilia. In 1889, Mr. Thebaud was married to Elizabeth Hewlett, daughter of Townsend Scudder, of the law firm of Scudder & Carter, and they have one son, Leo Hewlett Thebaud. GEN. SAflUEL THOnAS, financier, manufacturer and soldier, is a native of Ohio. His parents were from Eastern Virginia and. of Scotch-Irish descent. Capt. James Thomas, his father, a man of marked ability and great force of character, settled in Lawrence county, Ohio, in 1807, and married a daughter of Capt. John Callihan, whose family emigrated from the banks of the Potomac to Ohio soon after the War of 1812, in which he was engaged. After his school life in Marietta, the subject of this biography, at the age of seven- teen, accepted a position as junior clerk with The Keystone Iron Co. During the four years of his service with the company, he won the commendation and confidence of his employers and was promoted to the highest position except one in the service. The exciting political questions of this period, from Fremont's campaign in 1856 to that of Lincoln in 1860, made politicians of the young men of the State. General Thomas became an ardent Republican when that party was formed and has been a zealous opponent of the Democratic party and its principles to the present time. Since his removal to New York, he has been prominently connected with Republican politics, as a member of State and National conventions, treasurer of the State Committee and member of the County Committee. In August, 1 86 1, he enlisted with one hundred of his associates, most of whom had occupied positions in the iron works under his control, and was elected First Lieutenant of the company. This became subsequently a part of the 27th Ohio Vol's, forming afterward a part of the famous Ohio brigade, commanded by Gen. John W. Fuller. General Thomas served with distinction in this regiment until the spring of 1863, when he left the command, having in the meantime become a Captain by pro- motion, to engage in the organization of colored troops, previously authorized by the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TH. 649 War Department. In Sherman's famous "march to the Sea," he was with the reserve forces, which probably did more hard fighting than those who formed the victorious advance. He organized the 6jd and 64th United States Colored Infantry, and was promoted to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the former and afterward to the position of Colonel of the latter regiment. So successful was General Thomas as Provost Marshal and commanding officer, that he was warmly recommended by Gen. George H. Thomas, and this resulted in his promotion to brevet Brigadier General. When, after the War, the United States Government appointed a Commission for the care and pro- tection of the freedmen in the Southern States, General Thomas was made Assistant Commissioner for Mississippi and acted in that capacity during the first year of the reconstruction period. In May, 1866, he became Assistant Adjutant to General O. O. Howard, who was then in charge of the Freedmen 's Bureau in Washington, which position he held until January, 1867, when he resigned and returned to civil life. He began business again with Gen. M. Churchill, who was extensively engaged in the iron industry in Zanesville, Ohio. In 1872, the coal and iron interests of the Hocking Valley having assumed im- portant proportions, he was selected by the late Governor W T illiam Dennison to go to Columbus and take control of the construction and operation of rolling mills and blast furnaces at that point. He soon became prominent in Columbus as a member of the city government, banker and manufacturer, and was active in all efforts to promote the welfare of the city and State. Through the management of large iron interests, he became engaged in mining and was the leading spirit in developing the coal and iron properties of the Hocking Valley. This work brought him into contact with prominent railroad men, and, in 1878, he joined a syndicate of Columbus capitalists and engaged in railroad building in the South and West. He was one of the originators and constructors of the "Nickel Plate " road, The Ohio Central from Toledo to Charleston, the roads from Columbus to Toledo, from Columbus to Gallipolis, Springfield and Pomeroy, and The Lake Erie & Western, as well as many other lines in Kentucky, Virginia and Georgia. Owing to his large interest in railroad properties in the South, he accepted -the presi- dency of The East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia, The Knoxville & Ohio and The Memphis & Charleston Railroads, and saw these roads grow from insignificant prop- erties to one of the most important and extensive railroad systems in the country, reaching almost every point of the South and operating over 3,000 miles of line. He became president of The Cincinnati Southern and The Alabama Great Southern, and a director in The Richmond & Danville, The Georgia Central and The Richmond & West Point Terminal systems. He took an active part in the reorganization of these properties as The Southern Railway Co. During this period, also, he became a leading contractor in building the Croton Aqueduct for New York city, and in connection with The Canadian Pacific Railway, of which he is a director, he built The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad and became its president. He is also president of The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railway -and The American Straw Board Co. . and a director in The Texas & Pacific, The Knoxville & Ohio, The New York & New England, and The Southern Railway companies, The Pacific Mail Steamship Co. and The National Linseed Oil Co Business interests induced General Thomas, in 1881, to remove to New York city, 650 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. where he is largely engaged in banking. He is a director in The Chase National Bank, and The Manhattan and The Metropolitan Trust Go's, and a member of the Stock Exchange. He belongs to many of the best clubs in town, including the Union League, Republican, Riding, Lawyers', New York Yacht, and Adirondack League, and The Ohio and Southern Societies, as well as the Loyal Legion and Grand Army of the Republic. COL. WILLIAM P. THOHPSON, manufacturer and financier, a scion of one of the excellent old families of Virginia, and born in Wheeling, then in Virginia, Jan. 7, 1837, is of Irish extraction. His father, the Hon. George W. Thompson, member of Congress, and from 1852 to 1861 Judge of the Circuit Court, was a man of brilliant abilities, being not only a jurist but a student of philosophy, an extensive reader and the author of refined and graceful verse. Although a supporter of the Union of the States, Judge Thompson came into conflict with the Federal authorities in 1861 on questions growing out of the Civil War and was in consequence deprived of his judicial office. The mother of Colonel Thompson, a daughter of the Hon. Daniel Steenrod, long a member of Congress from the Wheeling district, was a social leader in her city and noted for her beautiful character and superior talents. Colonel Thompson's delicate health during boyhood gave no promise of the robust physical vigor,- into which he grew in time. He possessed an active mind and was fond of books and, in the Wheeling public schools and at Jefferson College in Pennsylvania, where he spent one term, showed a marked aptitude for study. Failing health com- pelled him to leave college before graduation ; and he then spent a year profitably in recruiting his vitality in the backwoods life of Marshall county, Va., where he engaged in lumber operations. The woods suited his adventurous nature and gave him agreeable employment until larger affairs pressed upon his attention. In every Southern family, politics has been from time immemorial a theme of con- stant discussion, but Colonel Thompson was especially born to politics, owing to the fact that his father and uncle had been Congressmen, active leaders of their party, and keenly interested in public affairs. He grew up in an atmosphere in which politics was constantly talked and was honored with his father's entire confidence in these mat- ters at an early age. While in Marshall county, the young man's kindness to the rough farmers and country people of the woodland region and the many homely services he performed for them in writing their letters, drawing up their legal documents, and aid- ing them with sagacious advice, so endeared him to the people, that his friends volun- tarily brought his name forward in 1856, for a nomination to Congress. The young man was in reality ineligible to the office, not having yet attained his majority; but his friends made his candidacy a serious one. As a result, a strong combination was formed in opposition to him, and the usual slanders upon a rising man's reputation came into circulation. When he heard that his opponents had set afloat various mis- representations, the young man traded a work horse for a spirited mare and galloped to the district school house in which a caucus was being held, determined to meet his opponents in open battle and have it out with them. He met the people just leaving the school house, where, in response to hostile oratory, they had agreed to oppose Colonel Thompson's nomination. At his request, the meeting reconvened to hear his defense. He declared that he had neither sought nor desired a nomination, but that he did demand a vindication of his character from those who knew him. The meeting reversed its action. Later, after a spirited contest, the Democratic convention of the 652 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. district finally placed him in nomination for Congress. Colonel Thompson then came before the convention, thanked the delegates for the honor conferred upon him, but declined to accept, and commended to the suffrages of his friends another nominee. His stiggestion was promptly ratified, much to the chagrin of his opponents. The life of Marshall county having restored his health, Colonel Thompson fitted himself in Wheeling for practice of the law and in 1857 was admitted to the bar. Resolving to establish his office in a part of the State over which his father had no jurisdiction, in order to relieve both father and son from embarrassments during the trial of cases in court, Colonel Thompson removed to Fairmont in Marion county and formed a law partnership with Alpheus F. Raymond, and here he spent the next four years in the tranquil pursuit of his profession. The agitation which preceded the Civil War found both Judge Thompson and his son strongly opposed to secession. They favored an appeal to reason and a fair com- promise of the questions at issue between the North and South. When, however, Vir- ginia had taken the decisive step and declared her withdrawal from the Union, both father and son cast in their fortunes with their native State and Colonel Thompson enlisted in the Confederate service. His first service took place upon the staff of Gen. Thomas S. Haymond of the West Virginia militia, as aide de camp; and in that and other positions he served until the end of the war. It was he who bore to the author- ities at Richmond the suggestion, made by a private conference of leading citizens of West Virginia, that a demonstration should be made to save their part of the State, which ended in Stonewall Jackson's famous descent upon Harper's Ferry. Returning from Richmond to West Virginia, Mr. Thompson organized the Marion Guards, became their captain and developed a boldness and energy, which foreshadowed the brilliant career which fate had in store for him after the War. He took possession of Fetter- man with three companies, and later led the Marion Guards in the battle of Phillippi, and took part in the engagements at Laurel Hill, Cheat Mountain, Greenbrier River, and Alleghany Mountain. In this last battle, his brother, Lewis S. Thompson, was killed while gallantly leading a charge. He served in the memorable campaigns of Stonewall Jackson, Breckinridge and Early; and, as colonel of the igth Va. Cav., established a reputation as a daring and brilliant commander, figuring in the hottest engagements in Virginia and around Richmond until the return of peace. After the War, he resumed the practice of the law but was diverted therefrom by an unexpected difficulty. West Virginia was yet moved with the passions of the civil conflict, and Colonel Thompson's sympathy with the Confederacy aroused so much antag- onism that Judge Stewart of Doddridge county was the only judge in the State who would allow him to practice; and when the residents threatened this courageous official with impeachment, Colonel Thompson withdrew, unwilling to bring persecution upon his friend. But this unforeseen occurrence did not daunt the Colonel or compel him to retire from active participation in affairs. A good lawyer is always more than half a capable business man, and Colonel Thompson now threw himself with energy into com- mercial pursuits. In July, 1866, he removed to Parkersburgh and engaged in the petroleum business in company with his brother-in-law, the Hon. J. N. Camden, United States Senator, and with W. N. Chancellor, under the style of J. N. Camden & Co. Owing to the preoc- cupation of Senator Camden and his necessary absence from the State on public busi- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TH. 653 ness, the practical management of the works soon devolved almost entirely upon Colonel Thompson. Through his enterprise and excellent management, the petroleum interests of the firm were greatly promoted. When a vein of lubricating oil was dis- covered near Parkersburgh, J. N. Camden & Co. bought the land and soon became the largest dealers in oil suitable for lubricating purposes in the world. They established refineries of their own, and rose to such importance in the industry as to attract the attention of The Standard Oil Co. In 1875. the firm allied their interests with the great corporation named, and re-organized their own business under the name of The Cam- den Consolidated Oil Co. , Senator Camden taking the place of president and Colonel Thompson that of vice president. The latter now found ample scope for the energy, organizing ability and power of management, the possession of which in a marked degree had been disclosed by experience. He bought practically all the refineries in Parkersburgh and Marietta, aided in securing desirable connections throughout the West, and otherwise greatly extended the operations of his company. In 1882, Colonel Thompson became secretary, and in 1884, succeeded Oliver H. Payne as vice president of The Standard Oil Co., having general charge of the affairs of the company throughout the States west of Buffalo. The growing business of the corporation compelled his removal to New York city in 1887, and \vhen The Standard Oil Trust was formed by a union of a number of separate companies, he became chair- man of the Domestic Committee, having charge of its internal affairs. He identified himself heartily with the financial and social life of the metropolis, and although a very busy man soon gained a large circle of friends here. In 1889, he sought to retire from business, but this intention, long cherished, circumstances forbade him to carry out. A few years before, arrangements had been made for a consolidation of all the leading factories of white lead, red lead and litharge, sheet lead and lead pipe, and several smelting plants and linseed oil factories, scattered throughout the United States, into The National Lead Trust. But the affairs of the combination were not in satis- factory condition, and the leading spirits of the trust united in inviting Colonel Thomp- son to undertake the task of re-organizing the new corporation. Having with some reluctance accepted the presidency of the corporation, with its enormous responsibilities, he engaged in the very delicate and important task entrusted to him. The trust had been capitalized with $90,000,000 of stock, a sum four times as great as the actual value of the properties, which were assessed at about $23,000,000, and the combination had been effected under an agreement, which the managers feared would not stand in law. The duty of reorganization involved protracted labor, great tact and a talent for organi- zation, but Colonel Thompson was equal to the occasion. He succeeded in reducing the capital stock to $30,000,000, and Jan. i, 1892, organized The National Lead Co. to take over the assets of The National Lead Trust and carry on its business. By energetic labors, every dollar of indebtedness was soon liquidated, and the company placed on a solvent basis; and dividends have since been paid to the amount of several millions of dollars. The net earnings in 1892 were over $1,900,000. The corn- pan}' now controls over ninety-five per cent, of the white lead production of the United States, and a number of allied industries. Unprofitable plants have been closed, and matters have been managed with so much prudence, that an active competition, which was at one time threatened, has vanished. Colonel Thompson has accepted a share in the management of various other cor- 654 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. porations and is a director of The United States National Bank, The Southern National Bank, The Ohio River Railroad, The Monargough Railroad, The Monauga Coal Co., and The Huntington & Big Sandy Railroad, and is a charter member of The American Pig Iron Warrant Co. In the spring of 1893, he bought the beautiful estate of Brookdale, in Monmouth county, N. J., including 840 acres of land, 140 head of fine horses, and a 1 large number of cattle, belonging to the late David D. Withers, who had created there the most per- fect breeding establishment in the country. The present proprietor lays aside the cares of business and finds recreation in the agreeable task of managing this property. In 1864, Colonel Thompson was married to Evelyn, daughter of Col. Henry Moffat of Virginia, a member of one of the oldest families in the State. Three children have been born to them, two sons and a daughter. The family spend their summers at Brookdale, their winters at their home on Fifth Avenue in this city. The Colonel is greatly liked in social life. A tall, dignified, affable man, eloquent in speech, a good deal of a philosopher, and one who while never hesitating a moment to encounter and defeat opposition, nevertheless prefers to moderate the friction of life as far as possible, he has won the cordial respect and affection of a very large circle of friends. He is a member of the Manhattan, Lawyers', Players', Tuxedo and Racquet clubs and The Southern Society. JONATHAN THORN E, merchant, a native of Washington, Dutchess county, N. Y., born April 20, 1801, died in New York city, Oct. 9, 1884. His father, Samuel Thome, was originally a merchant, later a farmer, living at Thornedale in Dutchess county. The family were members of the Society of Friends. Jonathan, the only son, was destined for a mercantile career and left his school books and the farm to learn the dry goods business in the city of New York. A few years later, the leather trade presenting greater opportunities, in consequence of his marriage with a daughter of Israel Corse, he learned the art of tanning leather and devoted the larger part of his active life to the management of large tanneries in the States of New York and Penn- sylvania, and the sale of leather in this city in that part of the municipality known as "the swamp," first in Jacob street, where the firm were known as Israel Corse & Son, and finally in Ferry street, under the name of Thorne, Watson & Co. He was long at the head of the latter firm. By his sound judgment, spotless character and great ability, Mr. Thorne commended himself to the entire respect of the business community and he was elected to the direction of a number of business corporations. Of The Leather Manufacturers' National Bank he was forty years a director. The Sixth Avenue Railroad, The Central Trust Co. , The Pennsylvania Coal Co. he was also associated with for many years, as well as The Mutual Gas Co. From his father he inherited a large farm in Dutchess county which was at one time stocked with a valuable herd of imported cattle, he being one of the pioneers of their introduction into this country. Mr. Thorne was survived by his second wife, Eliza Fox, and five children by his first marriage, Edwin, Samuel, Jonathan, William and Phebe Anna Thorne. His son, JONATHAN THORNE, jr., merchant, was born in the city of New York, April 5, 1843. After graduating from Haverford College in Pennsylvania, he went into the leather business in this city with James McFarlan. This copartnership lasted a num- ber of years. Then, having gained a thorough knowledge of the leather industry, Mr. Thorne, with his brother William, established the firm of J. & W. Thorne. Highly THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TI. 655 respected for his character and abilities, he remained an active and successful member of the firm until he retired from business two years ago. The firm sold their tannery properties at that time, as did the majority of others in the trade, to The Union Tanning Co., a union of twenty-seven concerns of Pennsylvania. Mr. Thorne is a gentleman well known among substantial residents of the city and is a member of the Metropolitan, Union League and Down Town clubs. His summer home is in Black Rock, Conn. SAflUEL THORNE, retired merchant, son of the late Jonathan Thorne, sr. , was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1835. He was educated in the schools of New York city and began business life as a leather merchant. After the death of his father, Mr. Thorne succeeded to a number of the latter's trusts and has since managed them with the well known ability of this conspicuous family. He is a director of The Sixth Avenue Railroad, The Pennsylvania Coal Co., The Bank of America, The New York Mutual Gas Light Co., and The Central Trust Co. In 1860, he was married to Phebe, daughter of William Van Schoonhoven of Troy, N. Y., and their children are Edwin, Margaret B. , William V. S., Joel W., and Samuel Thorne, jr. An agreeable com- panion, Mr. Thorne has been elected to membership in several of the leading clubs of the city, including the Metropolitan, Union League, Down Town, Riding, Tuxedo, and Westminster Kennel. DANIEL FAWCETT TIEMANN, manufacturer, was born on Nassau street, near Beekman, in this city, Jan. 9, 1805, and is a son of Anthony Tiemann, a native of Hesse- Cassel, Germany, and manufacturer of paints in this city. His mother came from Cam- bridgeport, Mass As a lad, he first attended the school of the old Lutheran Church at Frankfort and William streets, and later, when his father had moved up to a small farm on 23d street, the school of Ebenezer Whiting. Jan. 31, 1818, his father brought him to the city and found him a place as clerk in the wholesale drug house of the Schieffelins at No. 193 Pearl street. There he remained six years, boarding in the meantime with the other clerks in Mr. Schieffelin's house. In 1824, a customer of the Schieffelins from Georgia offered him a clerkship and 250 a year with his board, but his father made him a similar offer and he therefore entered the employment of A. Tiemann & Co. After a year of carting goods, he was assigned to duty in the factory and devoted him- self earnestly to the labor of learning every essential detail of the manufacture of paints and colors. He increased the production of the works materially, was given charge of the factory, discharged every man addicted to drinking, and in 1827, when his uncle went to Germany, became a partner in the firm. In 1848, his father retired, and Mr. Tiemann then organized the firm of D. F. Tiemann & Co. to succeed to the business. Their factory in the old village of Manhattanville, now almost indistinguishable as a locality from the rest of the city, has grown into a large establishment, which gives em- ployment to a large force of workmen and is an important local industry. The office is on West Broadway. Mr. Tiemann was for forty years or more greatly interested and active m local politics as a Democrat. Elected from the i6th Ward as Assistant Alder- man, he became an Alderman in 1839. One of his acts was to stop the sale of liquor in the City Hall. In 1840, he moved up town to Manhattanville, from which place, after refusing office for some time, he was elected Assistant Alderman in 1849 and Alderman in 1850, holding the office until 1855. A Governor of the Alms House, 1854-57, he accepted reluctantly in the latter year a nomination for Mayor by the Citizens' Committee and defeated Fernando Wood in the election. As Mayor, he was 656 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. noteworthy for non-partisan appointments and with him originated placing the names of streets upon street lamps. In 1871, he became a State Senator. Mr. Tiemann is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, The New York Historical Society and The St. Nicholas Society, and a trustee of The Eye, Ear & Throat Infirmary and since its or- ganization of Cooper Union. Aug. 30, 1826, he married Martha W. Clowes, a niece of Peter Cooper. The names of their children are Peter Cooper, Mary Newell, Julia Antoinette; Mary Clowes and John Anthony, both deceased; Sarah Cooper; Robert Pettigrew, deceased; Martha Clowes, Daniel and Benjamin Field Tiemann. CHARLES LEWIS TIFFANY, founder of the house of Tiffany & Co., a man of great force of character and of remarkably quick and accurate judgment, is a prominent representative of the sixth generation of descent from Squire Humphrey Tiffany of England. The family lived for several generations in Massachusetts. Comfort Tiffany, the father of Charles L. Tiffany, married Chloe Draper and moved to Danielsonville, Conn., to engage in the manufactiire of cotton goods, and here Charles L., his oldest son, was born, Feb. 15, 1812. He received his primary education at Danielsonville in a typical New England school, followed by a course at the Plainfield Academy and the Brooklyn, Conn., school. His first business training young Tiffany received in his father's cotton mill and country store. In 1837, at the age of twenty-five, he conceived the idea of going to New York, then a city of 200,000 inhabitants, to join his school- mate and friend, John B. Young, who had six months before obtained employment in a stationery and fancy goods store in that city. Mr. Tiffany's father agreed to loan the young men $1,000, and they formed a partnership. Sept. 18, 1837, under the firm name of Tiffany & Young, in the face of perhaps the greatest commercial crisis in the history of the metropolis, they opened a little fancy goods and stationery store at No. 259 Broad- way, in the lower half of an old-fashioned double dwelling house, with a front of about fifteen feet. From this small beginning has sprung the present house of Tiffany & Co. Mr. Tiffany was quick to see the artistic and popular value of the Chinese and Japanese goods, which at that time began to be imported into this country at Boston, and he was the first to introduce them prominently before the New York public. In addition, the store was stocked with many other novel and unique goods, umbrellas, walking sticks, cabinets, fans, pottery and curiosities of every description. His idea proved a success from the start. Although the first three days' sales amounted only to $4.98, the following year saw a steady growth of the business, and early in 1841 it was necessary to rent an adjoining store on the corner of Warren street. Bohemian glass- ware, French and Dresden porcelain, cutlery, clocks and fancy Parisian jewelry, in the order named, were added to the display. In 1841, J. L. Ellis was admitted to the firm, which then took the name of Tiffany, Young & Ellis. The business had now assumed such proportions that the disadvantage of importing, without thorough personal knowledge of the European markets, made it expedient to send one of the members of the firm abroad annually, to secure the choicest novelties for their exclusive trade. In 1847, continued growth led to a removal to No. 271 Broadway. The firm undertook the manufacture of their own jewelry and silverware in 1848, and soon made this an important branch of their business. Their productions were, from the beginning, unique, fashioned with the highest skill, and designed to appeal to the best taste. Diamond jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware and bronzes soon became the lead- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TI. 657 ing elements in the sales. The year 1848 was a notable one with this firm. Political disturbances in Paris caused diamonds to depreciate about fifty per cent, in value. All the available funds of the house were invested in diamonds. Large and valuable pur- chases were made abroad, and Tiffany, Young & Ellis at once took 'first rank as dia- mond merchants in the United States. This first large purchase of precious stones was followed by many others. In 1887, at the sale of the crown jewels of France, they bought for 500,000 one-third of th'e entire quantity offered. In 1850, Gideon F. T. Reed, formerly of Lincoln, Reed & Co., the leading jewel- ers of Boston, was admitted into partnership, and immediately afterward the first branch house was established at 79 Rue Richelieu, Paris, Mr. Reed becoming the resi- dent partner and conducting the branch house under the firm name of Tiffany, Reed & Co. This branch house proved an invaluable acquisition to the firm, Mr. Reed's residence abroad enabling him to take prompt advantage of fluctuations in foreign markets, and it developed a large and profitable local trade in Paris. The Parisian branch now occupies spacious quarters at Avenue de 1'Opera 36 bis. Since the retire- ment of Mr. Reed, it has been continued under the name of Tiffany & Co. One of the first of Tiffany & Go's innovations was to use the highest practicable grade of silver in all their productions. They introduced the English standard of sterling siver, 925-1000 fine, and their example was immediately followed by all the other leading silversmiths of that period. Under the direction of the late Edward C. Moore, the originality and artistic beauty of the Tiffany silverware soon became so marked that prizes and extraordinary commendation were won at every successive World's Fair. At the recent Columbian Exposition, the house received fifty-six awards. Mr. Moore was a thoroughly practical silversmith and an artist of the highest order. His work created a new school of art metal workers, whose products were marked by an individuality and strength of character wholly different from that of any other manufacturer. The house developed a large business in the making of special presentation pieces. The modest little shop in which manufacturing was begun has grown to almost an entire block in Prince street, giving employment to about five hundred men. In 1853, Mr. Young and Mr. Ellis retired. New partners were then admitted, and from that day the firm has been known as Tiffany & Co. In 1854, they moved to 550 Broadway, and then, in 1861, leased the adjoining building at No. 552. During the War, Mr. Tiffany was a staunch Union man and his store became a large depot for military supplies. In 1868, the firm were incorporated, with Charles L. Tiffany, president and treasurer; Gideon F. T. Reed, vice president; Charles T. Cook, general superintendent and assistant treasurer; and George McClure, secretary. Upon Mr. Reed's retirement in 1875, Mr. Cook succeeded as vice president. Charles T. Cook's connection with the house, of which he is now vice president, dates back to 1847, and, with forty-seven years' service to his credit, he heads the list as the oldest employ^ of the company. He entered the employ of Tiffany, Young & Ellis at the age of twelve, his business capital consisting of an extraordinary capacity for work, a marvelous memory, and uniformly good health. Since the incorporation of the business, he has shared with Mr. Tiffany the responsibility of its general management. To his execu- tive abilities and judgment, Mr. Tiffany attributes much of the success which has come to the house. 658 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. Tiffany & Co. established a branch house in London in 1868. In 1870, they erected their present building at Fifteenth street and Union Square. Other new de- partments were added to the business, and the manufacture of electro-plated silverware was undertaken at works in Newark, N. J. There seems to be no limit to the expan- sion of the business of this great firm. Its operations are a marvel of the day. They are all, however, -simply the outgrowth of the discriminating sagacity, the originality, and the energy exercised in the management of the business. Mr. Tiffany is universally esteemed. He has never aspired to public office but has risen to a high position in the financial and social life of the city. A founder of The New York Society of Fine Arts and of the Union League club, he has also been a patron of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and a trustee of The American Museum of Natural History. His strong financial standing has caused his name to be sought by financial institutions, and he is a director in The Bank of the Metropolis, The Pacific Bank, The American Surety Co., and The State Trust Co. He is also a member of The National Academy of Design, American Geographical Society, New York His- torical Society, the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. In 1878, whea the house was awarded the Grand Prix at the Paris Exposition, he was created Chevalier of the National Legion of Honor, and from the Emperor of Russia, Mr. Tiffany received the Gold Medal Praemia Digno, an exceptional tribute. The list of royal appointments is a long one, and practically includes all the royal courts of Europe. SAMUEL JONES T1LDEN, lawyer, born in New London, N. Y.. March 15, 1814, died Aug. 4, 1886, at Greystone on the Hudson river. He came from Saxon stock and Nathaniel Tilden, his ancestor, was one of nine Puritans, who sailed from Kent for America in the ship Ann in 1634, and as commissioner aided in locating the town of Scituate, Mass. Joseph, his younger brother, was one of the consignors of the May- flower. Mr. Tilden entered Yale College in 1832 but overtaxed by study returned to the old homestead. An open air life restored his health and he made several speeches upon President Jackson's contest with The Bank of the United States. In 1834, he entered the University of New York. He was admitted to the bar in 1841, began prac- tice on Pine street, and, owing to his interest in politics, soon made his office the resort of the leaders of the Democratic party of this city. In 1844, with John L. O'Siillivan, he started a Democratic newspaper called The Morning News and paid personal atten- tion to that journal for several months. After election, he gave his interest to Mr. O'Sullivan, declined the New York naval office, and resumed the practice of law. Mr. Tilden was one of the ablest and most respected leaders of the Democratic party of this State, and, although defeated for Attorney General in 1855, was elected Governor by the Democrats in 1874, in recognition of his services to the party. In 1876, he nar- rowly failed of election as President of the United States. No extended account of the excited controversy over that famous election is necessary here. But mention may be made of the fact, that Mr. Tilden and his friends declared indignantly that they were beaten in 1876 by fraud and maintained the claim so strenuously for years, that the public mind was in doubt as to the right of the matter until THE NEW YORK TRIDUNE obtained possession of several hundred cipher dispatches, which had passed between th< Democratic leaders North and South during the campaign. These were translated b) THE TRIBUNE and revealed an actual attempt to buy the electoral votes of severa rE CITY OF NEW YORK. TI. 659 States in favor of Mr. Tilden. During his active business career, Mr. Tilden gave his attention chiefly to railroad and corporation law. He received large fees for his ser- vices and by operations in stocks gained a large fortune. His funds sought the securi- ties of The Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad, The International & Great Northern Rail- road, The Delphic Iron Co, and other corporations. In the days of the consolidation of the elevated railroads, he was a heavy owner in their stocks also, but sold his shares in exchange for their bonds. He also invested largely in mineral lands in the Northwest, and being remarkably shrewd in investment, rarely lost money. He was never married. Mr. Tilden left a part of his fortune for a public library in this city. The will was not sustained by the courts, but by agreement among the heirs, the sum of 2,000,000 was set aside for this purpose. WILLIAfl TILDEN, manufacturer, born in West Lebanon, N. H., died in New York city, June 26, 1869, at an advanced age. The family moved to Oneida county, N. Y., when William was a lad. During early life, he was a trusted friend of DeWitt Clinton, and aided him in the work of completing the Erie canal. In later years, he became widely known as a conspicuous manufacturer of varnish in New York city. Previous to 1830, all the finer varnishes seen in America came from Eng- land and France, but, in that year, Mr. Tilden began their manufacture here and until 1836 was the only producer of varnishes in America. As the pioneer and a successful one, he maintained the lead in the industry during a long period, although thirty or more competitors sprang up, one after the other, as soon as he had demonstrated the possibilities of the industry. He was the largest consumer of copal gum from Zanzibar and Africa and the first exporter of American varnish to South America and Mexico. William Tilden Blodgett, a nephew, was admitted to partnership in 1847, under the name of William Tilden & Nephew. After 1862, a branch house was established in Canada. Mr. Tilden served The Pacific Bank for many years as its president, and was largely interested in real estate, doing much to improve many of the newer parts of the growing metropolis. His greatest service to the public was the establishment of the Tilden Female Institute in West Lebanon, N. H. , his birthplace. THOnAS TILESTON, merchant and banker, born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 13, 1793, died in New York city, Feb. 29, 1864. He was born amid humble circumstances, and at the age of thirteen learned the trade of a printer in Boston, beginning on a salary of $30 a year and board. He grew up with the firm, rose to positions of responsibility, and when, in 1815, the firm became embarrassed, having meanwhile removed to Haver- hill, he took charge of the establishment. By energy and good management, the debts were paid off in a few years' time and the business placed upon a profitable basis. In 1818, he came to New York with Paul Spofford to represent a number of the manu- facturers of Haverhill and established the firm of Spofford & Tileston. In 1822, Spofford & Tileston accepted the agency of a line of packet vessels, trading between Boston and New York, and soon began trading on their own account to Cuba and South America, exporting American goods and importing coffee and tropical products. Next, they bought vessels of their own for this trade, many of them clippers, and in 1850 engaged in the trade with Liverpool as owners of the Dramatic line of packets, for which they constructed many beautiful and famous clipper ships of the largest size. They were among the first to employ steamers in their Southern trade and became in time large owners of ocean tonnage, well known in Europe and America, 660 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. both partners gaining large fortunes. Upon his election as president of The Phoenix Bank in 1840, Mr. Tileston entered the field of financial affairs and was as succcessful therein as in other pursuits. He actively promoted the formation of the Clearing House Association and was long a director of The Atlantic Insurance Co., whose affairs he closed up in 1859. FRANK TILFORD, merchant, is the youngest son of the late John M. Tilford, one of the founders of the widely known mercantile corporation of Park & Tilford, and of his wife Jane, daughter of William White. He was born in New York city, July 22, 1852. He attended the schools of the metropolis, completing his education at the Mount Washington Collegiate Institute. Inheriting his father's aptitude for trade, he manifested a proclivity in this direction in his early youth ; and although other avenues of usefulness were opened to him, had he desired to pursue them, he followed the natural bent of his mind in selecting the field in which his father had gained a con- spicuous place among the great merchants of the country. Animated by a laudable desire to emulate his father, he entered the store of Park & Tilford, at the corner of pth street and Sixth avenue, accepting the humblest position among his fellow workmen. The value of a thorough knowledge of the business, such as his father had himself acquired by systematic apprenticeship, was so great, that the son of the proprietor was required to begin at the right place, to do his work thoroughly and to look for advancement only when he had become perfectly familiar with each successive department. In this practical manner, the young man employed his time until a new store was opened at the corner of 38th street and Sixth avenue, in October, 1873. He was placed in charge of this store and found himself in a position of responsibility, such as was well calculated to try the mettle of a young merchant, who was then only twenty-one years of age. His careful training had well fitted him, how- ever, for the task. He paid the closest attention to the business and proved himself a capable and successful manager. Mr. Tilford soon attracted attention by his fine character and business ability. In 1874, he had the honor to be elected one of the directors of The Sixth National Bank, being at that time the youngest bank director in the city. For ten years, he served in this capacity. At the death of Francis Leland, the president of the bank, he resigned. In 1876, he joined the Real Estate Exchange, and, from that time to the present, has been an extensive operator in real estate, both in Harlem and on the West Side above 59th street, displaying in this field a keen business foresight and discriminating judgment, which have been rewarded with success. In 1885, he was elected a trustee of The North River Savings Bank. During the same year, Park & Tilford opened a branch store at 59th street and Fifth avenue, and Mr. Tilford was placed in charge of this establishment. Even this additional increase of labors was not sufficient to employ all of his active energies; and in 1889, together with George G. Haven, he organized The Bank of New Amsterdam, of which Thomas C. Acton is president. Mr. Tilford has been vice president of the bank from the day it opened. The business of Park & Tilford had developed to such large proportions that, in 1890, it was thought advisable to conduct it thereafter as a close stock corporation. The change was consummated in October, 1890. John M. Tilford was elected vice president of the company, but he died Jan. 7, 1891, and his son Frank was then elected to succeed him. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TI. 66 1 Mr. Tilford leads a busy life, but his work is congenial to his tastes, and he is so well adapted both mentally and physically for his labors, that he finds nothing except enjoyment in his activity. Besides his grocery, banking, and real estate business, he is a director in a railroad and gas company, treasurer of The Hancock Memorial Asso- ciation, president of The New Amsterdam Eye & Ear Hospital, a school trustee, and, since 1887, an active member of the Chamber of Commerce. As a member of the Executive Committee of The Grant Monument Association, Mr. Tilford did much able and successful work in raising the money for the completion of the monument. For the past fifteen years, he has been a regular attendant and vestryman of the Rev. R. Heber Newton's church. He is also a trustee of two summer homes for children. As a business man, Mr. Tilford posesses ability of a high order. In energy, execu- tive force, quickness of business conception, and that rare power necessary to the suc- cessful management at the same time of complex and varied interests, he has shown himself a worthy successor of his father. While his time is so thoroughly taken up with the engrossing demands of his business, he treats with unfailing courtesy the humblest claimant upon his time and attention. A man of natural kindliness of heart, his sympathies are easily excited and are never appealed to without generous response. He finds time even amid business cares to become interested in public questions, and cheerfully contributes both his time and means to advance whatever in his opinion is in the interest of the public good. He has, however, disregarded all suggestions for entering political life, preferring the more congenial field of a strictly business career. He is of a social and happy disposition but plain in his tastes and avoids everything which partakes of the least appearance of ostentation. He was married Nov. 16, 1881, to Miss Julia Greer, daughter of the late James A. Greer, and granddaughter of the late George Greer, who was for many years a sugar refiner in this city. They have two daughters. Domestic in his tastes and devotedly attached to his family, Mr. Tilford, although a member of many clubs, can always be found at his home after business hours, preferring the enjoyment of the home circle to any other place on earth. By hard work, close application and genuine merit, he gained for himself, early in life, a well recognized position in the mercantile world. Not only has he proved worthy of the name he bears, but judged by his past he will add to the power and success of the great business house which his father aided to found and did so much to establish. He is a member of the Union League, Colonial, Republican, Vaudeville, Rocka- way Hunting, and other clubs and of The Sons of the Revolution. WESLEY HUNT TILFORD, director in The Standard Oil Co., a representative of one of the old families of Kentucky, was born in Lexington, Ky., July 14, 1850. His father, John B. Tilford, was a banker there and in New York city for over twenty-five years. Wesley came to the metropolis at the age of fifteen and attended the school of George Payne Quackenboss, well known on account of his numerous school text books, and afterward became a student at Columbia College. He engaged in business in New York city at the age of nineteen, first entering the employment of his brother, who was a partner in the firm of Bostwick & Tilford, petroleum merchants. In 1872, the firm was dissolved and a new one succeeded under the title of J. B. Tilford, jr. & Co., composed of the two brothers Tilford. They transacted a large business, and in 1875, had become of so much importance that they were invited to identify themselves 662 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. with The Standard Oil Co. Mr. Tilford is now an officer and director in a number of corporations, which act in harmony with The Standard Oil Co. Of The Standard Oil Co., of Indiana, which controls petroleum production and refining in Indiana and Illinois, he is the president. Mr. Tilford is popular among his associates, a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Metropolitan and Manhattan clubs and The Southern Society. WILLIAM JAY TINGUE, manufacturer, born in Fort Plain, N. Y., on March 21, 1837, entered the arena of life with an excellent constitution and a good education received at Canandaigua Academy. The school of experience through which he passed in young manhood aided him to attain the success which has attended his later years. His father, Simon Tingue, one of the early settlers of Fort Plain, N. Y., and a leading merchant of the place, was one of the foremost in all enterprises which built up that village and gave it^the standing, which it now enjoys as the most successful town of the Mohawk Valley. Behind the counter of his father's store, the son took his first lessons in business, and there displayed an interest in the welfare of the store which was soon appreciated. After two years' trial, his father gave him a share in the firm and, at the age of nine- teen, the sign of S. Tingue & Son appeared. Business grew each year under the new management. Three years later, the lather retired and the firm became Tingue Bro's, composed of the subject of this sketch and his younger brother, John H. Tingue. The retail trade having become the largest in the Mohawk Valley, a jobbing trade was finally added. Jobbing of goods then became the ambition of the firm and New York city was to be the point. A customer was soon found to take the stock with the good will of the well established business at a fair price, and this accomplished the brothers brought their capital to New York and the firm of Tingue, Harbison & Shiner, jobbers of cloths, was established in 1866. Five years of success led the subject of this sketch to the manufacturing of woolen goods. The mills at Glenville, Conn., were bought from Hoyt, Sprague & Co., the firm taking the name of Tingue, House & Co., in 1874. The purchase of the mills at Glenville caused Mr. Tingue to take up his residence at Portchester, N. Y. , in order to be near his works. The mills had been standing idle for two years and the resumption of operations was felt in the extra trade it gave to Portchester, while the development of property by Mr. Tingue in and around Portchester opened up some of the most beautiful locations for country residences which are to be found about New York. His foresight in discovering the availability of the crags and rocks, which skirt Long Island Sound near Portchester, has resulted in the construction of beautiful suburban residences, which grace the shore and which through his efforts have been established there. Among the prettiest of these is the summer residence of Mr. Tingue. " Glen Airlie " on the Sound is known far and wide for its beauty and the hospitality of its occupants. Mr. Tingue is senior member of the firm of Tingue, House & Co. ; president of The Hawthorne Mills Co., having woolen mills at Glenville, Conn., and The Tingue Manu- facturing Co. , having plush mills at Seymour, Conn. ; president of the board of trustees of the Clinton Liberal Institute at Fort Plain, N. Y , and the Church of the Divine Paternity (formerly Dr. Chapin's), New York; and member of the Union League club. New York. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Tl. 663 CHARLES ALMERIN TINKER, a descendant of John Tinker, one of the early settlers of Windsor, Conn., was born in Chelsea, Vt., Jan. 8, 1838. Taken to Michigan in infancy, he grew up in that State, tried to gain a good education, and left Seabuiy College in Vermont before graduation, owing to illness. Securing a place as post office clerk in Northfield, Vt., in 1852, he learned telegraphy and after 1855 served as oper- ator successively in Boston, on Cape Cod, and in Pekin, 111., and after 1857 in the employment of The Chicago & Rock Island Railroad. In 1859, he became bookkeeper and operator for The Galena & Chicago Union Railroad. During the War, he declined a Lieutenant Colonelcy and served as operator at the front under Generals McClellan, Banks and Wadsworth, later becoming in turn cipher operator at Washington, manager of the military telegraph lines, and manager of the Washington office of The Western Union Telegraph Co. In January, 1872, he removed to St. Albans. Vt., to take charge of dispatches for The Vermont Central Railroad, but in 1875 was called to the higher position of general superintendent of The Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Co., giving this up in 1879 to become superintendent of the lines of The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. He aided Jay Gould and J. N. Bates in organizing The American Union Telegraph Co. and took charge of one of its divisions. In 1881, he entered the service of The Western Union Telegraph Co., with which he has since remained. He is interested in various telephone and telegraph companies. In 1863, Mr. Tinker married Miss Lizzie A. Simp- kins of Ohio, who died in 1890, leaving three children. DANIEL TORRANCE, banker, a native of Montreal, Canada, died in New York city, Nov. 19, 1884. His father was an importer of tea in Montreal and later in New York city. Daniel grew up in the mercantile business of his father and carried on the trade here. He was a capital merchant and met with marked success. Through his marriage with Sophia, daughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mr. Torrance gradually came to take an interest in transportation enterprises, and was at one time vice presi- dent of The New York Central Railroad, but gave up that position after the consolida- tion with The Hudson River Railroad. Afterward, he was president of The Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. He retired from business in 1876, and spent his latter years principally in Europe. He was a man of excellent ability but quiet tastes, and spent most of his spare time quietly at his home in this city and at Newport. His wife sur- vived him. SINCLAIR TOUSEY, president of The American News Co., bora in New Haven, July 18, 1815, died in New York city, June 16, 1887. He came from a New England family. His father was Zerah Tousey, and one of his ancestors was the Rev. Thomas Tousey, a graduate from Yale College in 1707, the first clergyman in Newtown, Conn., and for many years a man of note. Left an orphan when a boy and thrown upon his own resources, Sinclair received a common school education only and at different times during his early career lived in Poughkeepsie and Pleasant Valley, N. Y. In 1853, he became a wholesale news agent and bookseller in New York, in the firm of Ross, Jones & Tousey, and the later firm of Ross & Tousey, afterward becoming sole proprietor. In 1864, Mr. Tousey helped form The American News Co., which bought the trade of himself and several other wholesale dealers. Elected president of the new company, Mr. Tousey occupied the office until his death. He joined the Republican party when it came into existence, and at one time declined the nomination for Mayor of this city. He was an enthusiastic anti-slavery man and with all his power aided the cause of free- 664 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. ing the slaves He enjoyed the acquaintance and friendship of Gerrit Smith, Horace Greeley and other prominent anti-slavery men, and was a member and at one time vice president of the Union League club, vice president of The Hahnemann Hospital and a member of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. For many years, he was chairman of the executive committee of The Prison Association and devoted a large portion of his time to its work. A good speaker and debater, Mr. Tousey was also the author of " Papers From Over the Water," a series of letters from Europe, and of " Indices," the latter being letters and articles on questions of the times. HENRY ROBINSON TOWNE, manufacturer, a native of Philadelphia, and born Aug. 28, 1844, is a son of John Henry Towne, mechanical engineer and proprietor of the Southwark foundry and part owner of the Port Richmond Iron Works, both of Philadelphia, and famous for having given $1,000,000 at his death, in 1875, to the scientific department of the University of Pennsylvania. The family descends from William Towne, who emigrated from Yarmouth, England, to Salem, Mass., about 1640. Educated in a private school and the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Towne entered the Port Richmond Iron Works, represented the firm in building the engines of the monitors Monadnock and Agamenticus, made a trip to Europe, was for a time with William Sellers & Co., of Philadelphia, and then rejoined the Port Richmond Iron Works. In October, 1868, Linius Yale, jr., and he established a small factory in Stam- ford, Conn., to manufacture the inventions of Mr. Yale. The Yale & Towne Manu- facturing Co., whose works are yet located in Stamford, with others in Branford, Conn., was practically founded and has been entirely developed, by Mr. Towne. Mr. Yale died in December, 1868. The principal products of the company are the celebrated Yale locks, which have proved a safeguard against thieves, are immensely popular, and have an extended sale. The present works cover more than twenty acres of ground, and employ about 1,200 men. Mr. Towne is interested in The American Dredging Co., and is a director in several corporations, and member of The American Society of Civil Engineers and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In 1868, he' was married to Cora E., daughter of John P. White, of Philadelphia, and their children are John Henry and Frederick Tallmadge Towne. He is a very capable and clear headed man. He spends much of his time in Stamford, but, since 1892, his winters in New York city, and is a member of the Century, Engineers', Reform, St. Anthony, Lawyers and Hardware clubs. SAnUEL TITUS TOWNSEND, realty owner, born in this city at the corner of Duane and William streets, April 20, 1830, died at his home, No. 108 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn, Jan. 29, 1893. His father, Benjamin Townsend, was a general provisions and shipping merchant, an Alderman of New York city and a member of the Tammany Society, while his mother was Mary A. Bennett. The family is a branch of the one in Norfolk county, England, of which Marquis Townshend of Raynham Hall is the head. The American founders of the family came to Massachusetts Bay early in the seventeenth century and were first settlers of Oyster Bay, L. I., and prominent during the Revo- lution and subsequently. Samuel was well educated at Nazareth Hall, Bethlehem, Pa. Being left an orphan before reaching his majority, he devoted himself with much good judgment and foresight to the care and development of the family estate, com- posed in part of many pieces of business property in the lower part of New York city, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TR. 665 keeping step with progressive real estate advancement. He was never engaged in purely mercantile pursuits, but, governed by faith in the national resources, took an active interest in railroad and other important enterprises and was the holder of a large amount of securities. He was a life member of The Long Island Historical Society. April 20, 1852, he married Antoinette Augusta Olmsted, of Hartford, Conn., and was the father of Mar}- E. F. , wife of W. G. Frazee, and Nora A. and Sherman B. Town- send. A gentleman of much leisure, he partook rationally and freely of the pleasures of travel and hospitality. WILLIAfl R. TRAVERS, stock broker, born in Baltimore, Md., in July, 1819, died at Hamilton, in Bermuda, March 19, 1887. Educated in part at West Point and a graduate from Columbia College in 1838, Mr. Travers then spent some time upon a farm to recruit his health. Fully recovered, he returned to New York, and both here and in Baltimore carried on a trade with the West Indies and South America as a commission merchant, with much success. In 1853, reverses came and he was forced to discontinue. He then came to New York and connected himself with a stock brokerage firm, becoming a member of the Exchange in 1856 At first, success did not crown his efforts, but later, in partnership with Leonard W. Jerome, he gamed a fortune. He continued in Wall street until his last sickness. Mr. Travers met with as much success in the social world as in Wall street, and he left an indelible mark on his generation. He was a born club man, and to him the Racquet and the New York Athletic clubs owed much of their prosperity. He was a member of about twenty other clubs and sporting organizations and the life of all. Famous as a raconteur, re- markably quick at repartee, his slight impediment in speech brightened the wit of the numberless anecdotes told by him, which are yet current. In early life, he married Maria Louisa, the fourth daughter of Reverdy Johnson, who, with a family of nine children, survived him: Man' Mackall Travers, wife of John G. Hecksher; Maria Louisa, wife of James W. Wadsworth; Harriet, wife of George R. Fearing; John Travers; Ellen T.. wife of William A. Duer; Matilda E., Susan B., William R., and Reverdy J. Travers. JOHN BOND TREVOR, banker, born March 27, 1822, in Philadelphia, Pa., died Dec. 22, 1890, in New York city. His father was John B. Trevor, a life long resident of Philadelphia, a member of the Legislature for several terms and a man of high character. The son attended private schools and gained a knowledge of business methods during five years as clerk in a wholesale dry goods house in Philadelphia. He came to New York in 1849, and, Jan. 15, 1850, obtained a seat in the Stock Ex- change, where he soon gained prominence for his brilliant abilities. In 1852, James B. Colgate and he associated themselves as Trevor & Colgate, stock brokers and bank- ers. Five years later, the house engaged in bullion dealings also and carried on bnsi- ness for nearly thirty years at No. 47 Wall street, upon the site now occupied by The United States Trust Co. Mr. Trevor was an adviser of many prominent capitalists, and, while adverse to acting in boards of directors, his influence was felt in the mould- ing of policies and the promotion of financial schemes. He was charitable in disposition and several institutions enjoyed his especial benevolence, the principal ones being the University and the Theological Seminary of Rochester. The Madison University also received gifts from him, and in conjunction with his partner, Mr. Colgate, he contrib- uted the funds for building the Warburton Avenue Baptist Church in Yonkers, of 666 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. which he was a member, one of the most handsome places of worship in the country, His benefactions amounted to several hundred thousand dollars. In early life, he was a member of the Sansom Street Baptist Church of Philadelphia. He was fond of liter- ature and of travel, modest, sagacious, a charming companion and a Christian gentle- man. Mr. Trevor married twice, his first wife being a daughter of Lispenard Stewart. His second was Emily, daughter of A. G. Norwood of the firm of Norwood & Lock- wood. His wife and their four children survived him, the latter being Henry G. Trevor; Mary T., now Mrs. Grenville L. Winthrop; Emily H. and John B. Trevor. The family home was " Glenview," Yonkers on the Hudson, which he built in 1878. THOflAS EDWARD TWEEDY, manufacturer, born Nov. 4, 1832, in Danbury, Conn., died in New York city, Nov. 4, 1887. He started in business with his father, who was an extensive manufacturer of hats in Danbury. After his father's death, the business was carried on by a corporation called The Tweedy Manufacturing Co. , and Mr. Tweedy was treasurer of the concern until his death. For twenty-five years, he represented the business in New York city as head of the sales department. For the last twenty years of his life, he was an invalid and unable to walk but was well known and highly esteemed in the hat trade. In 1862, he married Anna M., daughter of T. P. Richards, of New York. Their daughter, Edith, married James W. Pryor. u. EDMOND URQUHART, manufacturer, one of the pioneers in the creation of the valuable cotton seed oil industry in the United States, is a native of the old city of Kingston, in the province of Ontario, Canada. He was born outside, but under the guns, of Fort Henry, April 5. 1834. His father, Edward Urquhart, was a conspicuous officer in the British army and held the rank of Quartermaster General. Both the father and Elizabeth, the mother of the subject of this biography, as indeed all of his ancestors, were natives of Scotland and Wales, and from them he inherited the spirit of restless enterprise, the purity of character, and keenness of mind, for which he has always been distinguished. The lad applied himself to his books in the district schools of Kingston until he had reached the age of twelve. Destined to a practical career, his father having died when the boy was quite young, he was apprenticed to a forwarding and shipping firm in Hamilton, Ont. This early start in practical affairs proved of very great advantage to the ambitious youth, because, at the age of eighteen, when his apprenticeship was over, and when such lads as are favored with wealthy parents are yet attending school, young Mr. Urquhart had already become well grounded in the requirements of busi- ness pursuits. He then entered upon the career which was to lead him on to fortune. At the end of his five years, released from his indenture, he secured a position as con- tractor's paymaster during the construction of The Great Western Railroad from Sus- pension bridge at Niagara Falls to Detroit, Mich., a very responsible position for so young a man. The Great Western Railroad is now the Southern division of The Grand Trunk Railroad. During the three years of this service, Mr. Urquhart gained a valua- ble experience and acquired the habit of accuracy and the strength to endure respon- sibility. After leaving The Great Western Railroad, he established the shipping house of Urquhart & Bowen in St. Catherine's, Canada, where be built several vessels to engage in the grain trade between the upper lakes and Montreal. Mr. Urquhart then removed to St. Louis, Mo., and engaged in the rectifying of liquors until 1861, when he went to Memphis, Tenn., in which city he remained during the great four years' war. After the surrender of the Southern armies in 1865, he was one of the first to apply himself toward a revival of the prostrated interests of the South and promptly undertook the hardware business and the manufacture of cotton seed oil in Memphis. He met with excellent success from the start. For the latter industry, he utilized an old government building in the Navy Yard, which was fitted up with special machinery for crushing and extracting oil from the cotton seed. He paid the closest attention to his business, developed it step by step, spared himself no labor of any kind, and had the satisfaction of witnessing the constant growth of his trade. Finally, finding it necessary to increase his operations, he removed to Little Rock, Ark., in 1876, and there established The Little Rock Oil Works, becoming president of the company and among the pioneers of the cotton seed oil industry in Arkansas. His energy produced an effect almost electrical in this old State. Cotton fields covered a large part of the territory of Arkansas and cotton seed could be obtained in ample supply. His mill in Little Rock provided a local market for the seed, gave THE CITY OF NEW YORK. UR. 669 employment to a number of workmen, and by its expenditures for materials and labor quickened every other form of business. The results were so satisfactory, that the establishment of mills in other parts of the State speedily became a foregone conclusion. In 1878, Mr. Urquhart built a third mill, the second in Arkansas, under the name of The Argenta Oil Works at Argenta, and became president of this company also. Even this did not suffice, and Mr. Urquhart then rapidly added to his plant a fourth cotton seed oil mill, which he built in Arkansas City on the Mississippi river, in 1879; another, under the ownership of The Fort Smith Oil and Compress Co. , in 1 880 ; the mill of The Texarkana Oil & Manufacturing Co., in 1881 ; and, in 1882, the mill of The Newport Oil & Manufacturing Co. In all these companies, he was the motive power and inspiring spirit. Refining was begun at the Little Rock plant in 1880. At several of the points where mills were located, Mr. Urquhart established cotton compresses and ginneries. Since 1882. he has extended his manufacturing interests yet further, and was elected president of The Anchor Oil Co., of Helena, Ark., in 1885; of The Brinkley Oil Co., of Brinkley, Ark., and The Emma and The Xeel Oil Co's, of Pine Bluff, Ark., in 1886. Mr. Urquhart is now president of no less than twelve excellent companies in this industry, having an aggregate capital of $2.088,400. All of them have been, with numerous others in the United States, merged into The American Cotton Oil Trust, which came into being Oct. i, 1885. The consolidation of the cotton oil industry into the hands of this trust took place in Mr. Urquhart 's office in Little Rock, and he has been the vice president and a trustee of the trust from its organization down to the present time. He is also at present vice president of several large associations, having a combined capital of many millions. At the time of the consolidation, his Arkansas properties were utilizing 500 tons of cotton seed daily and producing 20,000 gallons of oil per day, 250 tons of oil cake and 10,000 pounds of lint cotton. This industry has proved of immense value to the South and its pioneers and pro- moters are entitled to be known as benefactors of their race. While other enterprising and energetic men have devoted themselves to utilizing the immense unexploited mineral resources of the South, the reconstruction of its railroads, the operation of cotton mills and tobacco factories, and the revival of trade, those who established the manufacture of cotton seed oil have performed a service of direct importance to those engaged in the especial branch of production which at present overshadows all others in that region. Previous to the building of oil mills, cotton seed was thrown away by all the planters. It is now scrupulously saved, finds a ready market, and it is so valuable that it repays planters for hauling it long distances by wagon to shipping points and for transporta- tion by rail and water to the mills. The American Cotton Oil Trust now grinds about sixty per cent, of all the seed ground in the South, which amounts to millions of tons. The additional employment given to workmen in the South and the new forms of food, which have been added to those previously known, are not the least valuable of the benefits conferred by the cotton seed oil industry. While the industry, which he has done so much to promote, occupies his principal attention, he has taken an active part in organizing other important enterprises. In Memphis, where he lived for fifteen years, Mr. Urquhart became known as a pro- gressive, public spirited and valuable man. He aided in organizing and for a number of years held a seat in the directorates of The Fourth National Bank and The Home 670 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Insurance Co. After his removal to Little Rock, the impulse of his energy was felt in various ways. He organized and served as president for several years of The Ladies' Building & Loan Association, one of the most successful ever known in Arkansas. He also organized a company with a capital of $125,000, became its president, and built the Quapaw Cotton Mills, and served for some time as a director of The First National Bank. He was also drawn into extensive cotton planting interests and yet owns the beautiful Cummins and Maple Grove plantations in Lincoln county, Arkansas, having an area of 10,000 acres and nine miles of frontage upon the Arkansas River. Here 300 to 400 negroes are employed. Some extensive sawmills are now operated upon this property. The Varner branch railroad, of which he is the owner, connects the saw mills and plantations with The Missouri Pacific system Mr. Urquhart is also president of The Wilcox Lard & Refining Co., having offices in the Produce Exchange building, New York city, but the cotton oil industry, in which he has a large pecuniary interest, engages his principal attention. Since 1887, Mr. Urquhart has found it necessary to live in New York city, owing- to the magnitude of his interests in the Cotton Oil Trust, of which he is one of the active managers. It is scarcely necessary to say, in view of his distinguished success, that he is a man of more than ordinary business ability, shrewd, intelligent and systematic, a born organizer, and possessing an almost boundless capacity for work. Although he has the faculty of selecting valuable assistants and managers for his own properties, the large responsibilities now imposed upon him exact his constant attention. He wastes no time on politics or clubs, but is a qualified voter of New York City and casts his ballot in every election, intelligently, for men of clean records irrespective of party. Oct. 12, 1864, he was united in marriage in Memphis, Tenn., to Miss Henrietta Blood, who, while born in Hamilton, Ont. , is the daughter of a native of Worcester, Mass. They have two children, Lizzie Haywood and Maggie Mackenzie Urquhart. A third daughter, Minnie Simmons Urquhart, died in infancy. V. HENRY HOBART VAIL, a descendant of Jeremiah Vail, who was one of the early settlers of Southold, Long Island, N. Y., was born in Poinfret, Vt., May 27. 1839. His father, Joshua Vail, was a farmer. Henry was educated at Middlebury College, taught school for several years, and served one summer as a Union soldier in the Civil War. In 1867, he entered the service of a publishing house in Cincinnati, O., and later became a partner in the firm of Wilson, Hinkle & Co., publishers of school books, and one of the partners in their successors, Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. This house rose to great prominence in the West. When the leading school book publishers of the country united under the name of The American Book Co., the Cincinnati firm joined in the enterprise. Mr. Vail is now a director and chairman of the board in that organization, and has made his home in New York city since 1890. He is president of the Aldine club, and a member of the Grolier, Colonial and Twilight clubs, and The New England, Ohio, and New York Geneological and Biographical Societies and The Society of Colonial Wars. THEODORE NEWTON VAIL, born July 16, 1845, in Carrolton county, Ohio, belongs to the Morris county family of Vails in New Jersey, descendants of John Vail, a Quaker preacher, who settled in New Jersey in 1710. The family has always been one of position and influence. Lewis Vail, civil engineer, grandfather of Theodore N. Vail, early went to Ohio and was a pioneer in the building of canals and highways. Stephen Vail, an uncle, founded The Speedwell Iron Works, near Morristown, N. J., at which was built most of the machinery for the first steamship which crossed the Atlantic Ocean, sailing from Savannah, Ga. Here, also, Morse perfected and first successfully operated the magnetic telegraph, Stephen Vail and his sons, George and Alfred, supplying Morse with the money, and Alfred the mechanical ingenuity. Alfred Vail invented the dot and dash alphabet, which has always been used in tele- graphing. William P. Vail of this family was a leading physician and church worker in Northern New Jersey at Blairstown, and George Vail represented his section in Congress and was one of the lay Judges of the New Jersey Court of Pardons. Davis Vail, son of Lewis Vail, and father of the subject of this biography, born in Ohio, came East at an early age, was connected with The Speedwell Iron Works, and married Phoebe Quinby, daughter of Judge Isaac Quinby of Morris county. By this, marriage, he became related to three notable brothers in law, General Quinby, a grad- uate of West Point, a leading mathematician, Professor of Mathematics at the Roch- ester University, and general in the Civil War; Dr. William Quinby; and Dr. Augustus Quinby, all sons of Judge Isaac Quinby. After marriage, Davis Vail went to Ohio, remaining there several years. His son, Theodore, was born during the stay of the family in that part of the country. When the lad was about four years old. Davis Vail returned to the East and was again connected with The Speedwell Iron Works. In 1866. he removed to Iowa, where he operated a large farm. Theodore N. Vail was educated in the old academy in Morristown, and then studied medicine with his uncle, Dr. William Quinby, but, having learned telegraphy at the telegraph office in Headly's drug store in Morristown, he left medicine and went THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 673 to New York, where he became manager of a local office, being afterward attached to the staff of J. C. Hinchman, then general superintendent of the metropolitan and east- ern divisions of The United States Telegraph Co. He went West with his father in 1866. and engaged in farming, but in the fall of 1868, went yet farther west and was made operator and afterward agent at Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, on The Union Pacific Railroad. Pine Bluffs was at that time the principal supply point for wood for The Union Pacific, which had not then been completed. In the Spring of 1869, Mr. Vail received an appointment as clerk in the railway mail service between Omaha and Ogden, and in August, 1869, he married Miss Emma Righter, of Newark, N. J. He devoted himself with great diligence to the improve- ment of the railway mail service, then in its infancy, and his good work in the perfec- tion of schemes for the distribution of the mails, and especially his services in forward- ing the mails during the long snow blockade of 1870, called the attention of the Depart- ment to him, with the result that he was assigned to duty between Chicago and Iowa City in the railway post office. On this line, the entire distribution of overland mails was made prior to the establishment of railway post office cars on The Union Pacific Railroad. When the railway post office was established on The Union Pacific, Mr. Vail was assigned to duty as head clerk. In March, 1873, the Department called Mr. Vail to Washington and assigned him to duty in the office of the General Superintendent of Railway Mail Service, where he was charged with special oversight of distribution of the mails and arrangement of "schemes" or charts of distribution. During this period, the questions of the compen- sation of railroads and carriage of merchandise in the mails were being agitated in Congress, and the Department placed upon Mr. Vail the responsibility of preparing the post office statements, statistics and answers to Congressional inquiries. His intimate knowledge of the service, energy and capacity were recognized in June, 1874, by his appointment as Assistant Superintendent of Railway Mail Service. In 1875, ne was assigned to duty as Assistant General Superintendent, and when, in February, 1876, Mr. Bangs resigned to go into other business, Mr. Vail was appointed General Superintendent. He had thus reached the highest grade in this branch of the Federal employment. Mr. Vail was the youngest of the officers of the Railway Mail Service, both in years and terms of service, and when the final appointment was handed to him by Marshall Jewell, Postmaster General, the latter said that his only objection to Mr. Vail was his youth. As General Superintendent, Mr. Vail established upon a firm basis the civil service policy, which had been initiated by Mr. Bangs. The superiority of the results attained under the rules adopted for the railway mail service were recognized by all the civil service commissions in Washington, to the extent that until very recently the employe's of the railway post offices were not included in the general civil service laws and regu- lations. Mr. Vail established the system of six months' probationary appointments, which have since been so generally adopted. It was during the incumbency of Mr. Vail that a reduction took place in the pay of the railroads for mail transportation. In the controversy which followed, some of the railroads threw the postal cars out of their trains. Within six months, however, relations were re-established with all the leading lines and increased car and train service obtained. Thereafter, more cordial relations existed between the Post Office Department and the railroad managers. 674 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. An incident of this time may be referred to. Senator Beck of Kentucky was much interested in having the southwestern mails go over Kentucky routes, and made many efforts to induce the Postmaster General to order them so sent. Being referred by the head of the Department to Mr. Vail, Mr. Beck accused Mr. Vail of being under the influence of certain railroads. In an interview with Mr. Beck, Mr. Vail explained the situation and gave the reasons which governed him. Mr. Beck left apparently not satisfied. Soon after, however, when a proposition to reduce Mr. Vail's pay was pend- ing in the Senate, Senator Beck took occasion to compliment Mr. Vail very highly, and, in a five minutes speech, said that if there were an honest and efficient officer in the employment of the Government, Mr. Vail was the man. After the invention of the telephone and its reduction to practice, The American Bell Telephone Co. was organized by Gardiner G. Hubbard, father in law of Prof. Alexander G. Bell. Mr. Hubbard had been engaged against the Post -Office Depart- ment before Congress on the question of merchandise in the mails and was chairman of the commission appointed by Congress to investigate methods of payment to rail- roads for mail transportation. Believing Mr. Vail to be the right man for the place, he tendered him the position of general manager of The American Bell Telephone Co. Believing in "the futiire of the "toy," as it was then termed, and against the protest of all his friends, he accepted the position in 1878 and devoted himself to the work with his accustomed zeal and ability. The task was at times discouraging. The public were slow to recognize the great value of the instrument, and strong opposition was manifested by The Western Union Telegraph Co., which denied that Professor Bell was the inventor and set up opposition exchanges at every point. Mr. Vail introduced the methods which have proved so successful and have resulted in The American Bell Telephone Go's phenomenal growth. A settlement was finally effected with The Western Union Telegraph Co. after years of fighing and negotiating, in which The Western Union conceded every point of importance. Mr. Vail established the long distance telephone service, against the opposition of all his associates in the company. The first line which was built to New York was called the "Vail's side show." He also introduced the use of copper wire in telephone and telegraph lines, since so generally adopted, having in this matter the assistance of Mr. Mason of Bridgeport, whom he induced to experiment with drawing copper wire in such a way as to give it the tensile strength necessary to withstand the stretching from pole to pole. In 1888, Mr. Vail retired from the telephone business after having occupied the managing position for ten years. He has since traveled most of the time abroad and has introduced the telephone in many countries. Farming in Vermont now occupies a part of his time and upon his estate of 1,500 acres, called the "Speedwell Farms," he raises French coach horses, including some of the finest in the United States, Jersey cattle, Shropshire and Dorsett horned sheep, and Welsh ponies. He is a member of the Union League club of New York and the Algonquin club of Boston. He has one son, Davis R. Vail, a student in Harvard Law School in Cambridge. COL. JOHN DASH VAN BUREN, lawyer and merchant, born in New York city, March 18, 1811, died suddenly at his home in Newburg, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1885. His father, Michael Van Buren, was a merchant on Dey street, and a relative of President Van Buren, the family being of old Dutch pedigree. John graduated from Columbia THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 675 College, studied law and began practice as early as 1835 on Pine street. The same year, he married Elvira Lynch, the oldest daughter of Benjamin Aymar, and in 1836 was taken into the firm of Benj. Aymar & Co., and identified himself with the ship- ping interests and West India trade of that house. In 1841-43, he became secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Van Buren prospered to such an extent that he retired before forty years of age. He was well known among politicians of later times, and during the Civil War accepted the office of Paymaster General of the State troops under Governor Seymour, holding that office from May 26, 1863, to Jan. 2, 1865. The New York Evening Post and The Albany Argus printed many contributions from his pen. He was private secretary to Governor Hoffman from Jan. i, 1869, to Jan. i, 1873, and served under Governor Hoffman as a member of the Constitutional Conven- tion of 1872. John D. Van Buren, jr., was State engineer from Nov. 2, 1875, to Nov. 5, 1877, and also one of the Commission to investigate the management of canals in 1875. Another son, Robert, was chief engineer of the Department of City Works of Brooklyn, 1877-95. His other children were Aymar, who became a farmer on account of ill health; Frank Roe, a lawyer, now deceased; and Elizabeth A., who married Dr. Thomas H. White, of New Haven, Conn CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, railroad president, known for more than forty years as Commodore Vanderbilt, was born on Staten Island, May 27, 1794. Port Richmond and Stapleton both claim the honor 6f having been his birth place, but there is no doubt that Port Richmond was the spot. He died in New York city, Jan. 4, 1877. The first of the name in America, Jan Aertsen Van der Bilt, a worthy Protestant from Holland, settled upon a farm on Long Island near the present city of Brooklyn about 1650, and planted there the race of farmers, from which the Vanderbilts derived their descent. In 1715, a grandson of Jan, great grandfather of Commodore Vander- bilt, removed to a farm on Staten Island near the little hamlet of New Dorp and is said to have owned considerable land. In religion, he became a Moravian and the cemetery at New Dorp now occupies a field on the Vanderbilt farm. During the early boyhood of Cornelius Vanderbilt, who was the oldest of nine children, his father changed his residence to Stapleton, at which place the family grew up. The senior Vanderbilt was a farmer, who owned a tract of land near by and who found it to his advantage to devote his fields to the growing of vegetables for sale in the city of New York, then a rising town of 80, ooo inhabitants. Like other market gar- deners on Staten Island, he was his own boatman; but, unlike others, he had the thrift to carry to New York not only his own produce but that of several of his neighbors, and, between the island and the city, an occasional traveller; and this was the origin of the Staten Island Ferry. Cornelius made many trips in charge of his father's boat. The young man was one of the most handsome lads upon the island. He was tall, athletic and brave, not over fond of books, but devoted to open air life and sports, a fine swimmer and a good oarsman and horseman. At the age of six, he had already driven a race horse at full speed, a fact which he often referred to in later years. In the quiet life of the farm, the sailing of boats, fishing and other amusements, the future railroad president gained the physical and mental vigor, which, added to his striking appearance and a steady and resolute character, made him a prince among men. The constraints of his early life were keenly felt by Mr. Vanderbilt, and, with a view to gain greater independence, he finally offered to plow, harrow and plant an 676 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. eight acre lot for his mother, if she would lend him $100, with which to buy a boat of his own. His mother, the financier of the family, had, upon one occasion, saved her husband's farm from sale for debt, by making use of $3,000 from her own savings. Mrs. Vanderbilt agreed to the proposition of Cornelius, provided that he should com- plete his contract before his seventeenth birthday, then only twenty-seven days away. The time was short, the undertaking a physical impossibility for one youth ; but Cornelius, with a spirit all his own, quickly secured the aid of a number of playmates and earned in 1810 the $100, which led him on to splendid fortune. His new boat, a better one than his father's, began its career inauspiciously by running against a rock on its first trip ; but it was repaired, and by sailing it back and forth between New York and Staten Island, its owner earned in three years over $3, ooo. Most of this money he gave to his mother, but a small part being retained was invested in two other boats; and Mr. Vanderbilt thus became the master of three handy vessels, one of them a periagua, one capable of carrying twenty people and the best of her class in the harbor. This ' 'musquito' ' fleet he continued to operate for several years. The fare for a passenger at that time was eighteen cents. When the War of 1812 occurred, a large increase of travel to Staten Island followed, owing to the placing of garrisons at the Narrows. In 1814, Mr. Vanderbilt secured a contract to carry men and supplies to the harbor forts, after a lively competition with others. He was not the lowest bidder but his reputation for energy brought him the contract; and trips between Ward's Island, Hell Gate, Harlem and the Narrows occupied him constantly for many months. At the age of nineteen, he married Sophia Johnson, a second cousin, and, inducing his mother to relinquish her claim to the principal part of his earnings, he saved $500 and moved to New York city. He continued to employ his sailing boats on the Staten Island ferry route ; but the originality and vigor of his mind soon displayed itself in plans, which he made and carried out, for employing vessels in the trade to various cities on the Hudson river and Long Island Sound. His first schooner, the Charlotte, built in 1815, in partnership with a brother in law, went into this coasting trade and in winter he sailed the vessel himself. He owned several boats, sloops and schooners, sailed them to every point in the harbor and the waters contiguous thereto and learned to know every inch of the geography of this coast. It was during this period that Fulton on the Hudson and Roosevelt on the Ohio were developing the steamboat as a carrier of freight and passengers. Nothing which occurred in the harbor ever escaped the eye or failed to awaken the interest of Mr. Vanderbilt. When the steamboat had passed the experimental stage, he saw that the time had come to adapt himself to a new order of things. In 1818, therefore, he ac- cepted the place of captain of the steamboat Bellona, operated by a company of which Thomas Gibbons of New Jersey was the head. The salary of $1,000 a year was less than he was then earning, but diminishing receipts from his Hudson river sloops warned him of the coming triumph of steam. He remained with Mr. Gibbons for twelve years. The Bellona was employed in conveying passengers from New York to New Brunswick on their journey to Philadelphia, the rest of the trip being made in stage coaches to Trenton and thence by boat to Philadelphia. For the first six years, Mr. Vanderbilt had many exciting experiences The State of New York had granted to Fulton and Livingston the exclusive right to navigate the waters of this State with steamboats and trespassers were liable to arrest and their boats to confiscation The tHF. CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 677 Gibbons line fought the grant with great vigor, carrying the case to the Supreme Court of the United States, where, in 1824, they gained a decision from Chief Justice Marshall, declaring the grant unconstitutional and void. Mr. Vanderbilt entered into this fight with enjoyment, and invented many schemes and stratagems to outwit the adversary and secure unmolested landings in New York city. In 1827, Mr. Vanderbilt leased on his own account the ferry between New York and Elizabeth, N. J., and built for it new and improved boats. In 1829, having saved about $30,000, he refused favorable offers of partnership, etc., and resolved to engage in the navigation of the Hudson river. His first boat, the Caroline, became in later years the basis of an international incident in connection with the Canadian insurrection of 1837. Having passed into the hands of the insurrection- ists, she was captured by the Canadian authorities, while at her wharf upon the Ameri- can shore, and a citizen of the United States was killed in the encounter. An apology from Great Britan resulted from the ensuing negotiations. At first active on the Hudson river, he finally parted with his interests there to Robert L. Stevens, and confined his steamboat enterprise for a while to Long Island Sound. For twenty years, he devoted himself to the establishment of new lines in the river, sound and coastwise trades, in the face of strong competition. During that time, there were built for and operated by him in the neighborhood of a hundred steam vessels, and it was at this time that as commander of his fleet, he acquired the title of Commodore. This remarkable man never feared opposition. On the other hand, he seemed to love and court it and always knew how to meet it. His boats built largely under his own plans and supervision were swifter, finer, and more attractive than those of his rivals, and were in the main successful. He gained the goodwill of employes by treating those who were capable generously, while merciless in replacing with better men those who were incompetent, and he pleased the public by the superior facilities supplied. He operated his own foundries and repair shops, and by shrewd and energetic management gradually gained considerable means. The discovery of gold in California heralded the dawn of a new phase of maritime enterprise in America and led all the bolder spirits to engage in ocean transportation to the Pacific coast by way of the isthmus. A monoply of the traffic by way of Panama having been gained by various companies, and the fare to California being 600, Com- modore Vanderbilt resolved to establish a competing line. Having built the steamship Prometheus, he sailed in 1850 for Nicaragua, personally explored a new route to the Pacific and secured a charter from the Nicaraguan government. In 1851, a semi- monthly line, of which Mr. Vanderbilt was at first agent and later president, began opera- tions on this route In 1853, he sold his interest upon excellent terms and then, a wealthy man, prepared to enjoy a vacation, to which he deemed himself entitled after more than thirty years of incessant labor. In accordance with his own plans, the splendid steamer North Star was built for him, and, with his family, he made an extended European tour, lasting four months and covering fifteen thousand miles of travel. The British isles, Copenhagen, St. Petersburgh, Moscow, and other regions in the North of Europe and the Mediterranean as far as Constantinople were visited in turn, and both the native and American residents of several cities were entertained in the most hospitable manner. In some ports, the arrival of the North Star caused public agitation, it being at that time difficult for Europeans to conceive the possibility of a private citizen of the United 678 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. States traveling- in such magnificence, unless as a cover for dangerous political designs. During Commodore Vanderbilt's absence abroad, the management of The Nicara- gua Transit Co. passed out of his hands to Cornelius K. Garrison and Charles Morgan, and upon his return, he found the purchasers of his interest in the Nicaragua steam- ship line disposed to evade the conditions of sale. This called forth a display of char- acteristic energy. A line of steamers between New Orleans and Galveston was at once established, and, in 1854, another line from New York to Aspinwall. A sharp and merciless struggle forced the rival corporation into bankruptcy, and Commodore Vanderbilt regained possession of The Nicaragua Transit Co. During the eleven years which followed, his profits were $11,000,000. Upon the breaking out of the Crimean War, Commodore Vanderbilt resolved to establish a line of American steamers to ply between New York and Europe, intending to engage in a determined campaign to secure to the American flag the Atlantic carry- ing trade. The Government did not accept his offer to run to England, alternately with the Collins steamers, and thereupon he started a line to Havre. He believed that the energy which had been resistless in American waters would triumph over the com- petition with foreign rivals, but, if he did not overlook, he certainly underrated the power of his English adversaries. He did, indeed, drive the old Collins and Mills lines of American steamers from the sea by offering to carry the United States mails without compensation, but, when this had been done, he found that he could not operate his ships at a profit against the heavily subsidized European lines and his short but bril- liant campaign failed. During this period of his life, Commodore Vanderbilt con- structed the ocean steamers Prometheus, Ariel, Daniel Webster, Star of the West, Northern Light, North Star, Grenada, Ocean Queen, Galveston, Opelousas, Vander- bilt, Magnolia, Matagorda, Champion, Costa Rica, Port Jackson and New York. During the Civil War in 1862, the Vanderbilt, which had formerly plied in the ocean ferry to Havre and was the swiftest and best appointed steamer afloat, was pre- sented to the Federal Government as a patriotic gift. This vessel gave valuable service as a cruiser during the War, and its donor received, in 1866, the thanks of Congress and a gold medal, inscribed " A grateful country to her generous son. " In order to set free his capital, then amounting to at least $30,000,000, Commodore Vanderbilt began to sell his steamboat interests on Long Island Sound about 1856-57, and later sold or chartered to the Federal government all his then remaining vessels. As early as 1854, he had begun quietly to buy shares in The New York & Harlem Railroad, a large number of which he bought as low as $8, $9, and $10. In the same silent manner, while shares were low in price, he acquired a large interest in The New York & New Haven Railroad. Among his first operations in Wall street was a corner in Norwich & Worcester railroad stock. In 1860, he sought control of The New York & Harlem Railroad, and in 1863 was elected its president, The stock, then $30 a share, rose to $92 in July and in August, to $179, in consequence of a campaign planned by John Tobin and Leonard W. Jerome. Commodore Vanderbilt's plans, which contemplated several street railroads in this city, connecting with his road, including one on Broadway, aided to advance the price of the stock. But a combination was made against him by a group of acute men in Wall street, who put forth strenuous efforts to induce the Common Council to cancel the grant for a line on Broadway. As a result, the stock of the Harlem road fell heavily in value Speculators made enor- tHE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 679 mous short sales. The Commodore's brokers bought steadily until they had purchased the entire stock of the road. Opponents were compelled to settle at "two prices." The next year, he managed another corner, this time in the stock of The Hudson River Road. Having bought a controlling interest, he proposed to unite the line with the Harlem under one charter, and sent a bill to that effect to the State Legislature. Once more, a combination was made against him. The stock, then held at $150 a share, was depressed by the bears to a low figure. Again, Commodore Vanderbilt bought every share offered until his 'purchases covered 27,000 more shares than the road had ever issued. He had cornered the market and could have dictated any terms but to avert a panic settled at $285 a share. Both operations brought him enormous profits. Once in possession of The Hudson River Railroad, he united it with the Harlem and instituted vigorous reforms in the management. A campaign planned by Commodore Vanderbilt in the winter of 1865. enabled him to buy at a reduced price a controlling interest in The New York Central Railroad. In 1867, he became president of the road, and in 1869 of the consolidated New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, placing 1,000 miles of track and over $100,000,000 of capital under his control. In 1868, an 80 per cent, scrip dividend was declared on the stock of both roads, in spite of which shares rose to $200 each. The control of the entire line between New York and Chicago was secured when, at the annual meeting of the Lake Shore Railroad, it was shown that the Vanderbilt party had possession of a majority of the stock. Commodore Vanderbilt possessed the constructive temperament in a marked degree, and his great wealth came mainly from creating corporations, which, under his management, were made to yield large dividends, the capital then being increased in harmony with the earnings. To accomplish these remarkable results, he brought into play all of the hard sense and Dutch thrift inherited in his blood. Useless expenses were stopped, ornaments and decorations were stripped from locomotives and cars, and idlers were discharged. New trains were established, new depots built, and tracks were doubled ; and he made the railroads under his control one of the great trunk line systems of the country. The erection of the Hudson street freight depot was his first great work on this system and the adoption of the four track plan his last. His fight for the control of The Erie Railroad is historic and supplied one of the most stirring chapters in the history of Wall street. The Erie was the one line necessary to enable him to gain complete control of the railroad system of the State, and he went into the market with a resolution to obtain it at any cost, backed by the prestige of pre- vious triumphs. At the outset, his success seemed a foregone conclusion. Daniel Drew, his most powerful adversary, seemed to have been won over to his side on promise of restoration to the board and even,- indication pointed toward success. Mr. Drew did not keep his promises, however, and then Commodore Vanderbilt resolved to "corner" the Drew interest, an undertaking the more difficult because Mr. Drew and his friends had control of the company and could issue stock in any amount to meet emergencies. A war ensued both in Wall street and the courts, in the midst of which 50,000 shares of Erie stock were issued and placed on the market. Mr. Vanderbilt bought all the new stock, before the trick was discovered. The result was that Erie dropped from $83 to $7 1 a share. The Erie directors fled to Jersey City with their prof- its, taking 7,000,000 of the Commodore's money, and extraordinary legal complica- 680 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. tions ensued. Mr. Vanderbilt had 100,000 shares of Erie, and one court would appoint a receiver of those shares only to have his hands tied by another court. Injunctions and counter injunctions were issued and the Erie litigation fell into a hopeless maze. In the end, Mr. Vanderbilt and Mr. Drew were compelled to adjust their differences between themselves, and the control of the Erie road passed into the hands of Jay Gould and James Fisk, jr. In this campaign, Commodore Vanderbilt lost $7,000,000 but recovered nearly $5,000,000 by legal proceedings. In later years, his operations in Wall street were not conspicuous, although he re- mained constantly on the alert to protect his interests. His faith in The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad was strong to the last, and he advised his friends always to buy and hold that stock. In 1872, he became a large buyer of the securities of The Western Union Telegraph Co., also. When he rested from his labors he had accumulated an enormous fortune, estimated variously at from $60,000,000 to $100,000,000. As he felt his end approaching, Commodore Vanderbilt made thorough prepara- tions and left his great properties carefully disposed of. He was a man of great physical vigor and striking personality, six feet tall, handsome and with clear com- plexion. He dressed plainly but was fond of white cravats and was abstemious in his tastes. For the last twenty-five years, he lived in a plain brick house in Washington Place. He was a man of few words. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress was one of his favorite books, and " There is rest for the weary " his favorite song. Politics did not interest him. He was fond of driving fine horses and was frequently to be seen driving in the Park or on Harlem lane and on trotting days at Fleetwood Park. His stables contained some of the best roadsters in the country, among them his favorite, Mountain Boy, Post Boy, Plow Boy, Mountaineer, Mountain Girl, Doctor, Princess, and the Flying Dutchman. He derived great enjoyment from a social game of cards both at Saratoga, whither he repaired every summer, and in town as member of several whist clubs. Among large gifts which he made may be mentioned $1,000,000 to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., and the edifice of the Mercer Street Church in ,honor of the Rev. Charles F. Deems, its pastor. He was the father of thirteen children by his first wife: Phebe Jane, wife of James M. Cross; Ethelinda, wife of Daniel B. Allen; Elizabeth, wife of George A. Osgood; William H. Vanderbilt; Emily, wife of William K. Thorn; Sophia J., wife of Daniel Torrance; Maria Louise, wife of Horace F. Clark; Frances, and Cornelius Johnson Vanderbilt; Mary Alicia, wife of Nicholas La Bau; George W. Vanderbilt; Mrs. Katharine Johnson, wife of Smith Barker, jr.; and George W. Vanderbilt, zd. The latter died in 1866 from disease contracted in the Corinth campaign. Mrs. Vanderbilt died in 1867, and the Commodore in 1868 married Miss Frank A. Crawford, a Southern lady, who survived him. WILLIAH HENRY VANDERBILT, railroad president, oldest son of Commodore Vanderbilt, born in New Brunswick, N. J., May 8, 1821, died at his New York house, Dec. 8, 1885. For nine years after his birth, the family lived in New Brunswick, then a small town. William attended country school for a while, but, after the removal of the family to New York, was sent to Columbia Grammar School until he had acquired a sound elementary education. He then found employment in a ship chandlery store, kept by a relative, and at the age of eighteen, became a clerk in the banking house of Drew, Robinson & Co., at a salary of $150 for the first year, which was increased to THE CITY OF XEW YORK. VA. 68l $300 the second year, and $1,000 at the beginning of the third. When twenty years of age, he married Miss Maria Louisa Kissam, the daughter of a clergyman of the Dutch Reformed Church at Albany. By diligent attention to the interests of his employers, Mr. Yanderbilt won their regard and an offer to make him junior partner. Sedentary occupation had begun to affect his health, however, and he was forced both to decline the offer and give up his position. It is said that Commodore Vanderbilt did not fore- see the splendid business man which his son was destined to become, and it is certain that, at that period, he thought' farming better suited to the young man's ability. He therefore helped William to buy an unimproved farm of seventy acres near New Dorp, on Staten Island, and there the latter established himself with his young wife to enter upon the laborious life of a farmer. After various trials, so successful did he become in the cultivation of this land that, within a few years, he had two hundred and fifty acres under cultivation and was making 12,000 per year from the sale of produce Here he remained tranquilly and prosperously employed until the time had arrived for him to take part in the management of some of his father's properties. A farmer of middle age seldom succeeds in financial and corporate undertakings, unless he has had previous training in their management ; and it is a remarkable illustration of the energy, soundness of judgment and capacity of William H. Vanderbilt, that, from his first association with any of his father's interests, he not only did not let them suffer under his management but made them prosper. In 1853, he visited Europe with his father and the rest of the family. Three years after this, The Staten Island Railroad, from Stapleton to Tottenville, was chartered, with Commodore Vanderbilt as principal stockholder. Finished in 1858, the road proved a losing investment from the start and in two years was bankrupt. William H. Vanderbilt, then one of the most prominent men on the island, was made receiver of the road, in compliance with the wishes of the stockholders. This little line was only thirteen miles long, but it served to acquaint Mr. Vanderbilt with the details of railway management and to show his ability. He quickly mastered the situation. By reducing expenses, stimulating excursion travel from the city to the fishing grounds, establish- ing an independent ferry from Stapleton to New York and systematizing the business of the road, he rescued the company from bankruptcy within two years and became its president. He had demonstrated his ability in the most unexpected manner. No living man at that time was a better judge of the value of such services than Commo- dore Vanderbilt, and although he was slow to acknowledge the greatness of his son, yet he did in time. In 1864, William H. Vanderbilt was elected vice president of The New York & Harlem Railroad and entered upon a career in which he gained distinction. From that time forward, until his father's death in 1877, Mr. Vanderbilt was responsible in large part for the oversight and execution of many of the great operations undertaken by his father and gained an intimate knowledge of the mysteries of railroad manage- ment. In 1877, he succeeded to the presidency of The New York & Harlem, The New York Central & Hudson River and The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail- roads and to the possession of nearly nine-tenths of his father's fortune, with its tremendous responsibilities. But he was well fitted for the position. One of his early acts was to add to the bequests of his sisters a personal gift of $500,000 each, delivering it to them himself, when he gave them their shares under the will. 682 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. From the beginning of 1877 to the fall of 1881, the business history of Mr. Vander- bilt was identical with that of the system of roads which bears his name and was a sea- son of great activity in railroad matters. During 1877, he bought The Canada Southern and The Michigan Central Railroads and added them to the Vanderbilt system. He also took part, the same year, in the vigorous war over westward bound freight rates between the trunk lines. This war had hardly subsided before the historic railway strikes and riots of 1877 began. On account of the rate war, the companies had not been able to maintain their scale of wages, and, in July, The New York Central made a reduction of ten per cent. As there were 12,000 men in the employ of the system, it was feared that trouble and violence would ensue. Mr. Vanderbilt, at the time in Saratoga, acted with prompt decision. He summoned to his presence in August a few officers and directors of the road, laid before them his plan of action, and after a brief conference sent out by telegraph a proclamation, that the company would give to its employes the sum of $100,000 to be divided among them pro rata, and at the same time promised a restoration of the ten per cent, as soon as the business of the road would warrant. The result was that none of the men struck, and the old scale of wages was eventually restored. This was only one of the numerous instances, many of them of far greater importance, in which he showed himself capable of meeting an emergency. During his active career, Mr. Vanderbilt engaged in many large operations in stocks, especially in Philadelphia & Reading and Chicago & Northwestern, which were undertaken mainly to sustain the properties in which he was especially interested. Clear headed, sagacious, and resolute, and possessing abundant capital, he was usually successful in these and other undertakings and practically doubled his fortune. In November, 1879, Mr. Vanderbilt, to protect his road from the attacks of great rivals and at the same time change the character of a part of his investments, in order to make them more ready of distribution in case of his death, made the largest sale of railway stock in history by an individual owner. He sold, at this time, to a syndicate representing a number of foreign capitalists, 250,000 shares of New York Central stock at $120 a share and invested the proceeds in Government bonds. ' He was known to be the holder of 400,000 shares, worth, in the market, $130 each. In the midst of the next great railroad war, that of 1881, Mr. Vanderbilt withdrew from the actual labor of railroad management and transferred the financial administra- tion to his son, Cornelius, and oversight of the practical operations to his son, William K. Vanderbilt. May 4, 1883, Mr. Vanderbilt finally surrendered the presidencies of his various railroads, making arrangements, however, for harmony in their management and a continuance of the policies, which had theretofore met with the approval of the stock- holders. Under the reorganization, he provided for election of a chairman of each Board, who, in union with the executive and finance committees, should have immedi- ate and constant supervision of all the affairs of the companies. James H. Rutter was elected president of the New York Central, retaining the office until his death, when he was succeeded by Chauncey M. Depew. Shortly after completing these arrange- ments, Mr. Vanderbilt sailed for Europe to recruit his health, which had become undermined by the labors of preceding years, and during the remainder of his life spent more time in the enjoyment of his horses and art collections than in the financial world. His last achievement was the leasing of the West Shore road in order to put THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 683 an end to competition, and this was accomplished only a day or two before his death. Mr. Vanderbilt was a man of large physique, nearly six feet in height, erect, sturdy, well proportioned, and active in movement Sometimes abrupt in speech, he was as a rule genial in business affairs and easy almost to graciousness in social conver- sation. He was a hard worker, an excellent judge of character, quick in intuition, generally correct in his judgments, fearless of the dangers which surround a man of his prominence, and exceedingly regular in his daily routine. He had that quality, inherited from his father, of being able to select the right man for any position and to leave its work to him with confidence that it would be well done. He was a domestic man, fond of the society of his wife and children, and enjoyed family gatherings at his house. His family life was always of the most pleasant character; and his wife, upon whom devolved the duty of bringing up their large family of nine children, only one of whom died in youth, was the same loving spouse and mother amid the magnificence which surrounded their latter days as in earlier times on the Staten Island farm. He never attended any large social gatherings or many big dinners. One of his later undertakings was the building of his Fifth Avenue mansion, which was the most handsome private dwelling in America, and contained, besides numerous works of art, a magnificent collection of paintings, most of which had been selected by himself or painted to his order. His taste ran mostly toward brilliant historical pictures, although many other subjects were represented, and upon many occasions he permitted the public to view his collection. Like his father, he was a great lover of fine horses and was spoken of by the older set of horsemen as one of the best drivers who ever lived. His stable at 5zd street and Madison Avenue was a model of elegance, and sheltered at different times some of the best trotting stock that could be procured. Every clear afternoon, he could be seen on the driveways of upper New York behind his favorite team. One of his first feats was to drive Small Hopes and Lady Mac, a mile to a top road wagon in 2. 23^ on Fleetwood Park track. This time had never been deemed possible and created a sensation in the trotting world. Later, he bought the celebrated Maud S. , and one time drove her with Aldine to a top road wagon over the same course in 2.15^, the fastest time ever made by a trotting team under any cir- cumstances. Mr. Vanderbilt kept Maud S. for several years and then sold her to Robert Bonner. While a liberal donor to philanthropic work (some of his gifts being too great to remain unknown), Mr. Vanderbilt avoided publicity wherever possible. Many of his benefactions have never been made public. On the presentation of the obelisk to this city by the Khedive of Egypt, Mr. Vanderbilt defrayed the entire cost of its transpor- tation and erection in Central Park. He also gave $100,000 to the Vanderbilt Univer- sity at Nashville, Tenn., for the erection of a Theological Hall. His other gifts to this institution at various times amounted to as much more, and he left it $200,000 in his will. He was also a large contributor to the Deems fund for the education of indigent students at the University of North Carolina, and made several generous gifts to the University of Virginia In 1884, he gave $500,000 to The College of Physicians & Surgeons of New York for a site and the erection of a new building. His generosity towards General Grant at the time of the disastrous failure of Grant & Ward, is well known. By his will, he gave $100,000 to the Metropolitan Museum of Art; $300,000 for Episcopal missions; $100,000 each to St. Luke's Hospital, The Young Men's 684 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Christian Association, and The United Brethren's church on Staten Island; and $500,000 more to other institutions, a total of a million dollars. His religious feelings were strong and well founded. He was a life long communicant of St. Bartholomew's church, having become a member of that body when he first came to the city. For many years he served as a vestryman. When that church removed up town, he was a member of the building committee for the new structure and gave liberally of both his time and money to this work. His children were Cornelius, William K., Frederick W. . and George W. Vanderbilt ; Margaret Louisa, wife of Elliott F. Shepard ; Emily Thorn, wife of William D. Sloane; Florence Adele, wife of Hamilton McK. Twombly; and Eliza O , wife of William Seward Webb. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, railroad president, oldest son of William H. Vander- bilt, was born Nov. 27, 1843, on his father's farm on Staten Island. After an academic education, he left his books to enter The Shoe & Leather Bank as a clerk, and, after a time, became clerk for the Wall street firm of Kissam & Co. Even at this early stage of his career, it was evident that he possessed the remarkable business ability of his family and would make his mark in any calling. In 1865, his father called him to a clerkship in tne office of The New York & Har- lem Railroad, in order that his training in railroad management should begin at the beginning and be thorough and comprehensive. Making himself perfectly familiar with the system of accounts, he became, in 1867, treasurer of the company, a position he held for ten years. In 1877, he was elected vice president of The New York & Harlem Railroad and first vice president of The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. In these important stations, Mr. Vanderbilt displayed excellent capacity for dealing with important subjects, sound and keen judgment, and the ability to decide safely and without hesitation. During the following years, before his father's practical retirement had placed upon him the weight of enormous trusts, he served in an official capacity in the direction of others of the Vanderbilt railroads. He was treasurer of The Michigan Central Railroad, 1878-83; vice president, 1880-83; an d treasurer and vice president of The Canada Southern Railway, 1878-83. Delighting in the study of railroad problems, systematic, industrious and rapid in the execution of work, he discharged every trust committed to him with fidelity and success; and when, in 1883, he became the especial represetative of the Vanderbilt interests, he was universally recognized as a trained and competent railroad man. In 1883, he was elected president of The Canada Southern Railway and chairman of the board of directors of The New York Central & Hudson River and The Michigan Central Railroads, and in 1886, president of The New York & Harlem Railroad and vice president of The Beech Creek Railroad. He is now connected in an official capacity with every one of the magnificent system of railroads, founded by his grandfather and developed by his father and himself. Of all the persons in the service of these corpor- ations, no one labors with closer application or more conscientious spirit than the man upon whom, in reality, rests the principal responsibility of directing the policy of 16,000 miles of railway line and the labor of nearly one hundred and twenty thousand men. He pervades the whole system with his activity, deals with a great variety of prob- lems, is thorough in his investigation of each one, and, while aided by men of distin- guished ability who have charge of various branches of the service, is himself the in- spiration of most that is done. He is now president of The Canada Southern & THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 685 Michigan Central Railroad, and director in about forty-five different companies, among them The New York & Harlem, The West Shore, The Dunkirk, Alleghany Valley & Pittsburgh, The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, The Chicago, St. Paul, Minne- apolis & Omaha, The Pine Creek, and The New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroads, and is also a director of Union Trust Co., The New York Mutual Gas Light Co., and various other corporations. While practical affairs necessarily absorb the most of his time, Mr. Vanderbilt has made himself one of the most useful and public spirited residents of this city by his sympathetic interest in and cordial support of every institution, which will advance the prestige of the metropolis or carry on a noble and philanthropic work. He is a trustee of Columbia College, The General Theological Seminar}-, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and The American Museum of Natural History, and chairman of the executive committee of St. Luke's Hospital and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. These insti- tutions, most of which have received from him generous gifts, would alone consume all the time a busy man could ordinarily spare for public labors, but his attention to these interests does not comprise a moiety of his activity in the field of philanthropy. He is a devoted churchman, a regular attendant of St. Bartholomew's P. E. Church on Madi- son avenue, of whose vestry he is a member, and a manager of The Board of Domestic and Foreign Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and The Seaman's Mission- ary Society, vice president of The Young Men's Christian Association and The Eye & Ear Infirmary, and director of The Home for Incurables, The College of Physicians & Surgeons, The Sloane Maternity Hospital, and The Hospital for the Relief of the Rup- tured & Crippled, and a contributor not only to them but to many other societies and charities. He is also chairman of the railroad branch of The Young Men's Christian Association, founded by him in 1877, for which he has erected a most attractive build- ing on Madison avenue at the corner of 45th street at an expense of several hundred thousand dollars. In the social life of the city, he occupies a Very eminent position. His wife is Alice Gwynne, daughter of the late Abram E. Gwynne, and the children born to them have been Alice G., William H., Cornelius, Gertrude, Alfred G., Reginald C., and Gladys. Mrs. Vanderbilt is a devoted mother and a gracious and charming woman, refined, dignified and cultivated in mind, and a worthy companion of her distinguished husband. While not especially fond of the life of clubs, Mr. Vanderbilt belongs to manj- and is occasionally seen in the houses of the Metropolitan, Union, Union League, Tuxedo, Knickerbocker, Grolier, St. Nicholas, City, Players', Century, Riding, Country, Racquet, Lawyers', New York Yacht, Westchester Polo and Down Town clubs, of which he is a member. He is also a member of The St. Nicholas Society and various other social organizations. He is happiest in his home life and has contributed in the construction of his dwelling to the splendor of the metropolis. He has occupied for many years a house on the northwest corner of Fifth avenue and 57th street, the latter being the most desirable side street up town, owing to its greater width, the beauty of the mansions with which it is lined, and its nearness to Central Park, only two blocks away. This house was, in 1893-94, greatly enlarged, and the yard extended through to 58th street, several dwellings and the house of the Seventh Regiment Veteran club having been removed to make way for the new portions of the mansion. In its completed form. 686 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. the mansion is now the largest private residence in America. It is of brick, five stories high, its ornaments, pinnacles, sills and trimmings made of light colored stone. In style, it follows the architecture of the Chateau du Blois in France, and, while impres- sive from its size and beauty, avoids ostentation and possesses an air of substantial comfort which is very pleasing. Within, Mr. Vanderbilt has spared no pains to endow his house with every attraction within the range of the powers of the architect, the sculptor, the artist, and the decorator. Carpets have been woven and furniture de- signed especially for each of the principal rooms by a celebrated firm of Paris. " Hos- pitality " is inscribed upon one of the walls and pervades the conduct of the estab- lishment. A strip of lawn borders the Fifth avenue side of the mansion, and a garden and an impressive carriage porch adorns the s8th street front. The building is a not- able contribution to the architecture of the city. ABRAHAfl R. VAN NEST, merchant, a native of Somerset county, N. J., who died in New York city, June 25, 1888, in his seventy-ninth year, was Dutch in ped- igree. In early life, he came to the city and engaged in business with his uncle, Abraham Van Nest, son of William Van Nest, and a well known dealer in saddlery and later a manufacturer. To this trade the young man succeeded and his firm of A. R. Van Nest & Co. became one of the strongest in the city. The old house is yet in business and completes the one hundreth year of its existence in 1895. Mr. Van Nest has never sought public office, but in the business world, in which he was active for sixty years, he held many trusts At the time of his death, he was a director of The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., The Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., The New York, New Haven & Hart- ford Railroad, The Western Union Telegraph Co. , The Sixth Avenue Railroad, The Seventh National Bank, The Stuyvesant Safe Deposit Co., and The Greenwich, Fire- men's, Mercantile, Pacific and Guardian Insurance Go's. He had also served at various times as a director of The Illinois Central, The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, and The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroads. His children were a son and three daughters, Alexander, Mary, Anna and Jane. WARNER VAN NORDEN, president of The National Bank of North America, is a descendant of two of the oldest families on the Island of Manhattan. There are few residents of the United States more thoroughly American than he, his family having lived in his native city continually since the year 1633 or more than 261 years. On his father's side, Mr. Van Norden is a representative of one of the ancient Holland Dutch families, so many of which have been conspicuous in the history of the State, the Van Nordens having come to America from Amsterdam about the year 1640. On his mother's side, he is descended from the famous Rev. Dr. Everardus Bogardus, who began preaching the gospel in the old church within the fort on what is now the Battery. He was the first regular Presbyterian pastor in the United States. Dominie Bogardus was a fearless preacher of the gospel and a determined champion of the people in their conflict against the arbitrary rule of the Governor, William Kieft. In 1638, he married the rich widow Anneke Jans, who owned what is known as the "Trinity Church pro- perty." Two of Mr. Van Norden's mother's ancestors were Abraham de la Noy and Jean Mousnier de La Montagnie, French Huguenots, who had fled from religious per- secution to Holland and who with other colonists came to New Amsterdam in the early days. De La Montagnie belonged to the ancienne noblesse of France and was a man of great learning, unusual accomplishments and elegant manners. His three THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 687 daugnters were the most charming and attractive women in the colony. He was Councillor to Governor Kieft, a sort of prime minister. After Petrus Stuyvesant became Governor, de La Montagnie was Vice Governor and ruled the northern portion of the province, establishing his seat of government at Fort Orange, now Albany. Other old New York families, with whom Mr. Van Norden is connected by blood and marriage ties, are the Roomes, Kiersteds, Kips, Van Nests, Waldrons and Vermilyes. His great great grandfather, Adriance Hoghland, once owned all the land now occupied by Riverside Park and Drive and long known as the De Kay farm. Mr. Van Norden was born in the city of New York, July 2, 1841. He was edu- cated in the preparatory school of the University of the City of New York, in the grand old building, recently removed, which stood opposite the Washington parade ground. His father was a wholesale produce merchant on the west side of the city, and the young man entered a house engaged in a similar line of business at No. 3 Front street. This concern was the largest of its kind in the country', the principal part of the business being with English shippers. Here, Mr. Van Norden received a thorough training in commercial life. He was noted for his fidelity to duty, diligence and intelligence. In a brief period, he had risen to be a partner in the house and later he became its representative in the South. His mercantile career was attended with marked success. Untiring, upright, commanding the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in contact, he was able to enlarge the trade of his firm and he shared in the prosperity which he was instrumental in creating. In 1876, he retired from mercantile business and engaged in private banking, becoming interested in a variety of railroad and other enterprises. In the early eighties, the subject of this sketch became interested, with some Pacific coast friends, in the Plymouth gold mine of California and was the president of the company. The Plymouth was then the best gold mine in the United States and produced in the entire period of its existence over six millions of dollars. Visiting such a mine, sixteen hundred feet under ground, is attended with risks and casualties are frequent. Though dangerously near to accident a number of times, Mr. Van Norden was never injured. The same Providence has watched over him on more than a score of long ocean voyages and in travels through many lands. His most thrilling experi- ence was in August, 1864, when voyaging up the Mississippi on the passenger steamer Empress. At Games' Landing, Arkansas, a hidden Confederate batten- suddenly opened fire on the steamboat. Over one hundred shots were fired. The captain and a number of passengers were killed and many wounded. The boat was disabled and was on the point of being captured, when the United States gunboat Prairie Bird, coming to the rescue, drove off the enemy and towed the Empress to a place of safety. The surgeon came aboard, and, with the help of Mr. Van Norden and other passengers who were unhurt, cared for the injured. At sundown, a little group tenderly laid away in newly made graves under a great cypress tree the remains of those whose lives had been taken, and offered a prayer for their loved ones at home. In January, 1891, Mr. Van Norden was elected president of The National Bank of North America, one of the oldest financial institutions in the country, and has since remained at its head. Besides conducting the affairs of this bank, Mr. Van Norden has been led by his progressive nature and intelligent interest in affairs to become a mana- ger in other important corporations. He is president of The South Yuba Water Co. ; 688 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. president of The Land & River Improvement Co. ; vice-president of The Holland Trust Co. ; and a director of The Home Insurance Co. , American Savings Bank, The North- ern Trust Co., of Superior, Wis., and several other organizations. He is also a receiver of The Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad Co., and of The Norfolk, Albemarle & Atlantic Railroad Co. He is president of The Holland Society and a member of the Metropolitan and Lawyers' clubs as well as of the Chamber of Commerce. Like his famous ancestor, Dr. Bogardus, Mr. Van Norden is a Presbyterian church- man and is active and prominent in religious circles. He is a trustee both of his Pres- bytery and Synod. He ranks among the foremost of ruling elders, has frequently served in the judicatories, and is president of The Presbyterian Union of New York city. He has been active in the Presbyterian General Assembly as well as in the Presbytery and Synod, and is a member of the Assembly's Committee on The Church Magazine and the Presbyterial Committee on Church Extension. Besides this, he is a prominent member of The Board of Foreign Missions, and a director of The American Tract Society and The New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Mr. Van Norden has been specially fitted for the great burden of work imposed upon him by his extended interests, by the possession of a magnificent physique and robust constitution, inherited from his sturdy ancestors. Moreover, he has never irritated these natural powers by the use of tobacco or ardent spirits. In addition to shrewd business ability and religious activities, Mr. Van Norden is possessed of rare social qualities. Refined, agreeable in manner, with a mind well stored with information by travel, observation and reading, and possessing a racy humor, he is in demand both as a con- versationalist and an after dinner speaker. His home is beautified with rare works of art, showing a cultivated taste, but the atmosphere of family affection which pervades it is its rarest and most enviable adornment. He is deeply devoted to the welfare of the metropolis and has contributed his share in maintaining those two notable institutions, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The American Museum of Natural History. CORTLANDT SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER, lawyer and realty owner, born in Albany, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1859, is a son of Gratz and Catherine Van Cortlandt Van Rensselaer and in the seventh generation of descent from Kilian Van Rensselaer, who bought from the Indians the land now comprising the counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Delaware, Greene and Columbia and became first patron of Rensselaerwyck. The parents of the subject of this sketch removed to New York city, while he was a lad. Graduat- ing from Hobart College, he afterward attended Columbia Law School in New York, but, before graduating, went to Eau Claire, Wis., and was admitted to the bar there. He practiced law with success for a while but returned to New York city in 1884 and entered the office of Elihu Root, then United States District Attorney. He became Assistant District Attorney under William Dorsheimer, Mr. Root's successor, and later, under Stephen A. Walker and Edward Mitchell. A delegate to various State conven- tions of the Republican party, Mr. Van Rensselaer once ran for Congress against General Spinola in the Xllth District, and, although defeated, made a vigorous and determined campaign. In 1891, he became counsel for The American Surety Co., and yet holds that position, being an active, sound and capable lawyer. He is the proprietor of considerable real estate, mainly acquired by successful investment, the basis of which was an inheritance from John Van Rensselaer, his grandfather, and Stephen Van Cortlandt, his great grandfather, and has managed hi? properties with excellent judg- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VA. 689 ment. In 1891, he married Miss Horace, daughter of William Macaulay, a Scot and a writer of distinction and a descendant in her mother's line from Capt. John Underbill. He is a member of the Metropolitan, Country, University, St. Nicholas and Sigma Phi clubs, The Society of Colonial Wars, The Colonial Order, The Sons of the Revo- lution and the Huguenot Society. ASHLEY ABRAHAM VAN TINE, one of the most notable of the up-town mer- chants of this city, was born Oct. 12, 1821, in Chazy, N. Y., and died at his home, No. 153 West 57th street in this city, Jan. 25, 1890. He traced his family line back to old Holland stock, and his father, David Van Tine, followed the occupation of a farmer. It was upon the farm that Ashley A. Van Tine began life. He grew up rugged in health, practical and energetic, and, with a country school education, took the first step in the way of bettering his condition by becoming captain of a canal boat, while yet under age, graduating from this latter service to engage in teaching a school in Platts- burgh. This latter experience was useful to Mr. Van Tine, and by constant study he became a well informed man. Early in life, the subject of this memoir joined the throng of residents of the Eastern States, who were pouring into California, drawn by the glowing tales of dis- coveries of gold. Being detained on the Isthmus of Panama, a hundred days, he followed a custom usual with him and not often followed, of making the most of every minute of time, and at once began to study the Spanish language, becoming so pro- ficient that the Alcalde offered him great inducements to remain. But the glitter of California gold proved too tempting to the New Yorker, and he pressed onward to San Francisco. For a number of years he carried on a profitable trade in general mer- chandise in the cities of Marysville and San Francisco, during which period he experi- enced some of the hardships of life in a region in which the comforts of civilization had not yet been introduced, but steadily gained ground and made his way without serious interruption. It was during his mercantile experience upon the Pacific coast, that Mr. Van Tine became acquainted with the beauty of the ceramic and textile productions of the two great nations beyond the western ocean. About 1866, he came to New York city and with small capital began to import Chinese and Japanese goods, and to introduce the beautiful productions of Asiatic art to the attention of local buyers. He may thus be said to have become for the second time a pioneer, and, as before, in an almost unex- plored field. Little was then known by the public at large concerning the variety and beauty of Chinese and Japanese goods, because scarcely anything of this nature had ever been received in New York up to that time beyond a few invoices of silk, por- celains and lacquered ware. Mr. Van Tine entered upon his new enterprise with his accustomed good judgment and after prudent study of the markets. A love of beauti- ful objects, formerly cherished by a few, had finally taken possession of the people of New York city and the American public at large, and the adornment of the home was leading to the purchase of every article, which would gratify a refined taste, including hangings, pictures, decorated pottery and elegant trifles of all kinds. Mr. Van Tine opened his store just at the right time and throngs of buyers rewarded his enterprise. His first day's sale amounted to $50 only. Although insig- nificant in itself, this result was a surety of success to his mind and he prosecuted his business with vigor and confidence. When he finally began to order hundreds and &' THE CITY OF NEW YORK.. VA. 69! thousands of the various articles which composed his stocks, the Japanese merchants looked at him with amazement, while buyers in New York were captivated by the variety and extent of the goods he spread before them. In time, he finally added the importation of Turkish rugs to his business and rose to be the leading merchant in this field in New York city. His operations compelled him to maintain branches and representatives in every part of the United States and in many countries abroad. At one time, he had customers in every State of the Union. In 1870, he admitted to partnership, under the name of A. A. Van Tine & Co., James F. Sutton, who remained with him for twelve years and then retired. James I. Raymond was made a partner in 1875. Various other changes took place in the firm, and finally, in 1887, Mr. Van Tine retired, after an honorable career of nearly fifty years in practical business He was able to enjoy a few years of well earned rest before his death. His wife and two daughters survived him. PHILIP VAN VOLKENBURGH, merchant, a native of Ghent, Columbia county, N. Y., born May 14, 1813, died in New York city, Feb. 18, 1889. He received a common school education and, at the age of twenty-one, took charge of the business of J. & B. Marshall at Stockport, N. Y. At the end of two years, he had saved enough to purchase the business outright. Having carried on the store with success until 1844, he then came to New York and entered the employment of Rufus R. Skeel & Co., and after two years became a member of the wholesale dry goods firm of Skeel, Hurburt & Sweetser, continuing as a partner through various changes until Jan. i, 1885, when a new sign announced the firm name as P. Van Volkenburgh & Co. Marked probity of character, courteous demeanor and persistent enterprise made his firm conspicuous in the dry goods trade. Edward and Thomas, sons, became members of the firm in course of time. Mr. Van Volkenburgh was one of the founders and first president of The Fifth Avenue Bank, a director of The Importers' and Traders' Bank, a trustee of The Greenwich Savings Bank and The United States Life Insurance Co. , and one of the governors of The Women's Hospital He possessed to a marked degree the confidence and respect of the business community. To him and his wife, Ann S., were born four children, Edward, Thomas S. and Philip Van Volkenburgh, and Emma, wife of Edward S. Rapallo. JOHN DAVIS VERflEULE, merchant, banker and manufacturer, was born Sept. 21, 1822, in Plainfield, N. J., to which place his great grandfather, formerly of Bergen, had removed in 1736. His father and grandfather both bore the name of Frederick Vermeule, and the latter for many years served as Presiding Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Somerset county Judge Vermeule's father was Cornelius Vermeule, a large land owner, proprietor of an estate comprising over one thousand two hundred acres. He was a member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey and an active patriot in the Revolution. His four sons, including Judge Vermeule, were all in the service as soldiers or officers. Cornelius was a son of Adrian Vermeule, Voorleser and Town Clerk at Bergen, N. J., and a grandson of Jan Cornelissen Vermeule, town officer, church elder and a prominent citizen of Vlissengen in Zeeland. Adrian came to America orig- inally on a visit, but was persuaded by his friends to remain and accept the position of Voorleser at Harlem. He was afterward called to Bergen and there married Christina Cadmus, whose paternal grandfather, Thomas Fredericksen Cadmus, and maternal grandfather, Anclries Hopper, were both residents of New Amsterdam and owners of 692 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. real estate, prior to 1650. Including- Jan Cornelissen, representatives of six successive generations in the Vermeule family and of the name have served as elders in the Church or ministers of the gospel. Until eighteen years of age, John D. Vermeule was a student of Morton's School in Middlebrook, N. J. He then decided to become a merchant and entered a dry goods store in New Brunswick. Since acquiring his business training there, most of his time has been spent as a manufacturer and banker. In 1844, The Goodyear 's India Rubber Glove Manufacturing Co. was formed to carry on the manufacture of rubber boots, shoes and clothing. For the past thirty-five years, Mr. Vermeule has success- fully managed the affairs of this corporation, and is the principal stockholder and presi- dent and treasurer of the company. As a merchant, he is capable ; as a manufacturer, he is enterprising, vigorous and practical ; as an executive officer, efficient and thorough. Under his direction and supervision, The Goodyear's India Rubber Glove Manufactur- ing Co. has developed its operations and extended its trade until the business is conti- nental. To meet its requirements, large factories have been built in Naugatuck, Conn., employing 2,000 operatives in what is now the largest industry of its class in the United States, manufacturing 18,000 pairs of boots and shoes per day and in addi- tion a large amount of rubber clothing and other articles. The capital of the company is $500,000, and its surplus largely in excess of this amount. In devising new and valuable applications of rubber to the production of clothing and the manufacturing of boots and shoes, Mr. Vermeule has led the trade. His success has resulted from the exceptional combination of a clear mind with tenacious perseverance, a high character and unceasing enterprise. Notwithstanding the great scope and responsibility of his principal occupation, Mr. Vermeule has also been associated with other important institutions in New York. He is president of The Holland Trust Co., vice president of The American Savings & Loan Association, and a director in other money institutions. He is also president of The York Cliffs Improvement Co., The York Water Co., and of other industrial corporations. As a busy man of affairs, he has found in public life few attractions. He has not cared to neglect the great business interests under his management, because he finds greater happiness in the field of legitimate enterprise than can come to a man of his temperament in public office. While he once consented to serve as Supervisor of the town of Castleton in Richmond county, he has refused other suggestions looking to his selection for the public service Mr. Vermeule was married, April 15, 1846, to Mary C., daughter of John W. Kelly, a merchant of Philadelphia, from which union there are no children now living. He has joined a few of the best clubs in town, including the Manhattan, Reform, Riding, Commonwealth and Merchants' Central. He is also an interested member of The Holland Society, being associated there with numerous other descendants of the early Dutch inhabitants. JACOB DYCKMAN VERMILYE, banker, born July 15, 1817, on John street in this city, died at his home on 5ist street, Jan. i, 1892. He was descended from Huguenot stock, and began life, at the foot of the ladder, as clerk in an office on Wall street, where, and in a clerkship in The Merchants' Exchange Bank and later in The Hide & Leather Bank, he gained a knowledge of the elements of finance. Although repeatedly THE CITY OF NEW YORK. VE. 693 promoted, he finally left to become paying teller of The Bank of the United States. A better offer led him finally to Newark, N. J., to become cashier of The Newark State Bank, where he served with credit until 1858, being also for four years cashier of The Newark Banking & Insurance Co. Recalled to New York in 1858 as cashier of The Mer- chants' Bank, he became president of that institution in 1868, retaining this office until his death. During the Civil War and the issue of Government bonds and later, Mr. Ver- milye shared in many of the largest financial operations of the day. He was one of the originators and, at the time of his death, treasurer of The Equitable Gas Light Co. ; for many years chairman of the executive committee of the Clearing House; and a di- rector of The Bank of North America, The Central Trust Co., The Royal and The Con- tinental Insurance Go's., and about twenty other banking and insurance corporations. At one time, he declined an offer of appointment as Assistant Treasurer of the United States in New York city. An active nature and vigorous health permitted him to extend his activity in many directions, and a philanthropic nature ensured his interest in labors for the public good. He served on the School Board, 1873-90, gave largely to the Rober^ College in Constantinople, and the Theological School of Princeton College, and was useful in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, the Boards of Home and Foreign Missions, and The Home for Incurables. He delighted in private acts of benevolence. Married in 1840 to Mary Cornelia, a daughter of Gerard Lathrop, he was the father of William G. Vermilye and Mary Ann, wife of Henry W. Baldwin. After the death of his wife in 1879, ne married Mrs. Annie C. Baldwin, who survives him. COL. WASHINGTON ROMEYN VERfllLYE, banker, born in New York city in 1810, died at his home in Englewood, N. J. , Dec. 23, 1876. He was a son of William W. Ver- milye, and a brother of the Rev. Thomas E., Jacob D., the Rev. Robert G. and William M. Vermilye, and through his father of Huguenot and by his mother, Mary Montgom- ery, of Dutch ancestry. First a clerk for The New York Bible Society, he afterward entered the office of Rufus Nevins in Wall street, where he remained until he went into business for himself, shortly after he became of age. Later, he formed a partnership in banking with George Carpenter under the name of Carpenter & Vermilye, which continued until shortly after the breaking out of the Civil War, when the name was changed to Vermilye & Co. The house is yet in existence. Having military tastes, Mr. Vermilye in 1830 joined the sth Company of the 7th Regiment of militia. Pro- moted to be a captain in 1833 and major in 1840, he became colonel in 1845. He also was a member of the Veteran Association down to the time of his death, being at one time its colonel. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted as a private in the Sth Company for a three months campaign in 1862. After long service in the regiment, he retired, but retained his interest and took an active part in the building of a new armory. He was president of The Greenwich Savings Bank and a director of The Merchants' National Bank and The Presbyterian Hospital, a member of the Board of The American Bible Society and The Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Englewood. He made liberal bequests in his will to religious and charitable organizations In 1834, Col. Vermilye married Elizabeth D., daughter of the Hon. Samuel Lathrop, of West Springfield, Mass. Two children survived him, Washington Romeyn Vermilye and Emily A., wife of Elbert A. Brincker- hoff. He was the soul of honor, a good friend, a useful citizen, a staunch patriot and a trusted banker, and as a Christian, sincere and devout. w. JOHN BRISBEN WALKER, Ph. D., LL.D., editor and publisher, born on the Monongahela river, Pa., Sept. 10. 1847, springs from an old American family. His grandfather, Major John Walker, was the first commissioner for the improvement of Western rivers, and established the first ship yards west of the Alleghanics. Gen. S. G. Krepps, his mother's father, was a conspicuous figure in the Pennsylvania Senate between 1817 and 1827. From Georgetown College in 1865, Mr. Walker went to West Point. He resigned in 1868 to accompany J. Ross Browne, the United States Minister, to China, where he entered the military service of the Empire. In 1870, he returned to his home and engaged in manufacturing in West Virginia, his popularity there resulting in 1872 in a nomination by the Republicans for Congress. He was not, however, elected. The panic of 1873 rediiced Mr. Walker to poverty and he began life anew as a special writer for The Cincinnati Commercial. He was shortly afterward made managing editor of The Pittsburgh Telegraph, and in 1876, managing editor of The Washington Daily Chronicle." In 1879, ne removed to Colorado and engaged in alfalfa farming. He was the first to introduce alfalfa farming on a considerable scale into Colorado, and, during the following ten years not only developed this interest but redeemed from overflow a large tract of bottom lands on the Platte river within the city limits. The Berkeley Farm became the largest plantation of this perfumed giant clover in the State. These enterprises brought him a second fortune, which was due to his own efforts. In 1889, he came to New York, purchased The Cosmopolitan Magazine, then an insolvent property, having a circulation of 16,000 copies, infused great life into the magazine, and brought its circulation up to nearly 400,000 copies a month. In 1871, he married Emily Strother, daughter of Gen. David Hunter Strother, of Virginia, famous under the nom de plume of "Porte Crayon," and their children are, John Brisben, jr., David Strother, James Randolph, Justin, Harold, Wilfred, Ethel and Gerald. Mr. Walker is a member of the Century and Aldine clubs of New York, and the University club of Chicago. ANTHONY WALLACH, manufacturer born in Freystadt, Hungary, May 13, 1834, is one of the men of foreign birth who have made a conspicuous success of life in New York city. He received a thorough education at a private school, and learned from his father the trade of manufacturing jeweler. At the age of nineteen, he became associated with his brother, who had preceJed him to this cotintry by five years, in the manufacture of gold chains. Commencingin a small way and pushing the sale of their goods with the greatest skill and energy, they gradually enlarged their business until they became one of the largest firms in that specialty in the country, employing from two hundred to three hundred hands. They established a reputation of their own for their class of goods, by adopting a uniform price for the various patterns and weights and being careful of the quality of all their productions. During his thirty years' expe- rience, Mr. Wallach enjoyed uninterrupted success. He was known throughout the entire business community as a man of the highest probity. He passed through more than one great financial crisis, but his paper was never once dishonored, because he met all his financial obligations promptly. 696 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Every man of European birth, who is upright, practical and of good repute, and who identifies himself cordially with the affairs of the country, finds opportunities in America for making his mark, fully equal to those enjoyed by the native born. In New York city especially little else is asked concerning a business man. except this. Is he competent, honest and judicious? Mr. Wallach's career is one more proof of this: He became a director in The Importers' & Traders' National Bank in 1875, and in The United States Life Insurance Co. in 1876, in both of which institutions he is yet associated with many of the most prominent business men in New York city, who recognize his business ability and sound judgment. During a period of over a quarter of a century, Mr. Wallach has been also identified with various benevolent and charitable organizations and has been especially active in aiding his compatriots, who have sought an asylum under the free government of the United States. He gave employment in his works to a large number of them, among them being the secretary and personal friend of the distinguished Kossuth. Mr. Wallach visited his native country in 1866, where he married Emma Sessler, a highly educated and accomplished lady, whose brother is yet a prominent officer in the Austrian army. Mr. Wallach has contributed liberally from his own means to various benevolent enterprises, and during the great inundation at Szegedin, in Hun- gary, raised the largest amount of money for relief of any individual. He retired from business in 1883, and has since devoted his time and energies to aiding his fellow men. He has been for many years connected with the Masonic fra- ternity, in which his moral and social qualities are highly appreciated. JAMES EDWARD WARD, shipping merchant, a native of New York city, was born Feb. 25, 1836, and died at his country home at Great Neck, L. I., July 23, 1894, in the prime of a creditable and successful life. His father was James Otis Ward, a shipping merchant. The founder of his family in America was William Ward, born in Derbyshire, England, in 1603, who came to America before 1639, represented Sudbury, Mass., in the General Court of the colony in 1644, and died in Marlboro, Mass., Aug. 10, 1687, Suitably educated in the schools of New York city, Mr. Ward began his active career at an early age as a clerk in his father's office. The young man displayed marked force of character from the outset and started, in 1856, at the age of twenty, on his own account, a line of sailing packets from this port to Havana, operating them under the name of James E. Ward & Co. This name is retained to the present day. Mr. Ward was an excellent manager, soon gained almost a monopoly of the carriage of freight and passengers between New York and Cuba, and by 1875 had afloat about forty sail of vessels, including a few steamers, employed mainly in the trade of the West Indies His ships were always model carriers. After the war, Mr. Ward resolved to employ steam in the Havana trade and became indeed the pioneer therein. In 1866, he launched the steamship Cuba and with her established the first regular steam communication between New York and Havana. The use of steam justified the enter- prise so promptly, that Mr. Ward then chartered the Liberty and later yet a number of freight steamers. About 1875, he began disposing of his sailing tonnage, and, after 1877, confined his operations almost wholly to steam. In 1877, John Roach built for him under contract the two iron steamers, Saratoga and Niagara, of 2,300 tons each, both in all respects greatly in advance of any then THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WA. 697 afloat under the American flag. The Saratoga, bought shortly afterward by the Russian government, is yet in service, an object lesson of the value of the merchant marine as a naval reserve. Her place in the line was taken in 1878 by a new iron steamer of the same name. The Santiago was added to the fleet in 1879 and employed in trips to the South coast of Cuba. The Newport of 2,800 tons was built in 1880, and in 1883, the Cienfuegos, the latter for the trade to the south side of Cuba. In 1888, he bought the excellent steamers of the Alexandre line and gradually extended the service of his fleet to Mexico, Honduras and Yucatan, until to-day the line comprises ten iron and steel steamships aggregating about 30,000 tons, all flying the flag of James E. Ward & Co., and the banner of the United States. Mr. Ward made his office at No. 113 Wall street and was for forty years a familiar figure in that part of the city. In 1857, he married Harriet A. Morrell, daughter of William Morrell, and was sur- vived by one daughter, Florence A., wife of Alphonse H. Alker of this city. He spent every winter in New York city and the summer season either in travel or at his country home on Great Neck, L. I. The New York, Manhattan and Down Town clubs elected him to membership. Always a strong advocate of the American flag over the American built ship, Mr. Ward took a most active and patriotic interest in every effort to promote the extension of the American merchant marine in the foreign trade, and was an active promoter and supporter of the American Shipping and Industrial League, an intimate friend of John Roach, the veteran ship builder, and a stirring, intelligent and successful man, loyal to his country, a staunch friend and an upright citizen. WILLIAM T. WARDWELL, oil refiner, originated in Bristol, R. I., where he was born Feb. i, 1827. He is descended from William Wardwell, an English immi- grant, who settled in Boston in 1633 and planted here a family, which has given birth to many influential men. When he was nine years of age, the family of the subject of this sketch moved to a farm near Niles, Mich., and the lad began life as a farmer and mechanic. At the age of thirteen, he went to Buffalo, N. Y., to become a clerk for his uncle, Samuel W. Hawes, then engaged in the oil business. When of age, Mr. Wardwell embarked in the same business on his own account. The discovery of petro- leum effected an entire revolution in the oil trade of the country. Mr. Wardwell adapted himself to the situation, started a refinery in Buffalo, and by his energy and commercial ability made the enterprise successful. To enlarge his operations, he came to New York shortly afterward, bought an old building and established the pioneer oil refinery at Hunter's Point on Long Island. The works soon became the largest on Newtown Creek and in 1875 were purchased by The Standard Oil Co. Mr. Ward- well then became a controlling owner and treasurer of The Devoe Manufacturing Co. This is one of the largest oil refining concerns in the country and exports hundreds of shiploads of oil to foreign countries every year. He is treasurer of The Standard Oil Co. and a very active and energetic man. Mr. Wardwell joined the Prohibition party in 1884 and has since become prominent by his advocacy of abolition of the sale of liquors. He has been nominated several times for office, and was in 1886 candidate of his party for Mayor of New York city. By his marriage in 1852 with Miss Eliza W. Lanterman, of Binghamton, N. Y., who died in 1887, he had eight children, of whom only two survive, a son and a daughter. In 1889, he married Martha Wallace, daugh- ter of Dr. Samuel Wallace Ruff, U.S.N. 698 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. DR. LUCIEN CALVIN WARNER, manufacturer and philanthropist, is one of those energetic descendants of old families in New England, who have forced their way to the front in commercial pursuits in New York city, and, by their talents and character, won not only a commanding position in finance but the good will of busi- ness associates and the cordial respect of the public at large. On his father's side, he traces his lineage to Abel Warner, who was born about 1760 and lived in Harwich, Mass. Through Abel Warner's wife, he descends from Francis Cook, a Pilgrim of the Mayflower and a relative of Capt. John Cook, the celebrated navigator. His family has produced many men of distinction, among whom may be named Charles Dudley Warner, the author. Dr. Warner was born in Cuyler, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1841. His father died when the boy was three years old, leaving the mother with less than $500 of worldly goods and with two sons to rear and educate. As in the case of many another of America's suc- cessful men, Dr. Warner's early life was one of struggle. He obtained an excellent education, although with difficulty. Preparing for a classical course in the district school and local academy, he graduated from Oberlin college in 1865, defraying the entire expense of his education with the proceeds of his own labor. Resolved to become a physician, he spent two years in the medical department of New York University, and graduated in 1867, practicing medicine thereafter for six years with marked success. In 1873, he decided to follow the natural bent of his mind and go into business. Removing to New York he began his career here with his brother, Dr. I. De Ver Warner, of Bridgeport, Conn., as a partner, in the manufacture of corsets, and founded the now eminent firm of Warner Bro's, and has always had the financial management of its business. When they began, the entire capital of the two brothers did not ex- ceed $5,000. Their operations were at first conducted upon a modest scale, but met with great success, and, in five years, they had taken the place of leading manufac- turers of corsets in the United States. Their business has been managed with sagacity and business address, and has expanded steadily until, at the present time, the firm of Warner Bro's employ about 2,000 operatives in their large factory in Bridgeport and enjoy an enormous sale of their productions The two brothers have both amassed large fortunes by legitimate enterprise in their chosen field and by that diligent, un- tiring and intelligent industry, which is the corner stone of worthy success. Their principal factory is in Bridgeport, but they are also interested in another in McGraw- ville, N. Y., and have a depot in Chicago for the sale of their products in the West. Dr. Warner is the master of his business. He has never let his business be the master of him. He has pushed his enterprise into many lines of outside effort. In addition to the active management of the business of Warner Bro's, he is president of The McGraw Corset Co. and The International Phosphate Co., vice-president of The Twelfth Ward Savings Bank, and director in The Hamilton Bank, The Mount Morris Bank, and The Home Fire Insurance Co. He is an interested member of the Chamber of Commerce of New York. He is widely known for public spirit, although never desirous of political office, his preference being for philanthropic work. For ten years, president of the Harlem branch of The Young Men's Christian Association, he has also been chairman of the State Committee of the order, and a member of the International Committee. He is a 700 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. trustee of his old college at Oberlin, and of local, State, and international Young Women's Christian Associations, besides being a member of the executive committee of The American Missionary Association and one of the trustees of Congregational Church Building Society. His gifts to public objects have been generous. He gave a $100,000 building to his alma mater at Oberlin for a Conservatory of Music ; was active and liberal in the erection of a $150,000 building for the Harlem branch of The Young Men's Christian Association ; and in partnership with his brother, has built an admirable club house in Bridgeport, Conn., at a cost of $100,000, for the use of the girls in the employment of the firm. Dr. Warner was married in 1878 to Keren S. Warner, a daughter of the late Judge Noah Humphrey Osborne and a descendant of Michael Humphrey, an Englishman who settled in Windsor, Conn., as early as 1643. This union has been a happy one, and has brought them four children, Agnes Eliza, Franklin Humphrey, Lucien Thompson and Elizabeth Converse Warner. His home is too attractive and his life too full of con- genial occupation to permit him to become an extreme club man, yet he has found it convenient to accept membership in those excellent organizations, the Merchants', Harlem, Congregational and Patria clubs. He spends his winters in the city of New York at his residence at 2,042 Fifth Avenue, and his summers at a fine country house at Irvington on the Hudson. JAMES MONTAUDEVERT WATERBURY, manufacturer, born Sept. 5, 1851, in New York city, and member of an old family, descends through both the maternal and paternal lines from early Puritans of England, who emigrated to the new world in 1631 and settled in Massachusetts and Connecticut. He is in the seventh generation of descent. His father, Lawrence Waterbury, was a manufacturer and capitalist. The subject of this biography graduated from Columbia College in 1873, receiving his diploma of Master of Arts three years later. He enjoyed the advantage of beginning life in an established business, and, in 1874, joined his father in the industry, then car- ried on under the name of L. Waterbury & Co., which is now changed into a corpora- tion, called The Waterbury & Marshall Co. Having served his probation in a subordi- nate capacity, he became in due time a member of the firm and has for years been senior partner in the house. The office of the concern is on Front street, while the factories managed by them are in Brooklyn. During the early history of this house, the industry was carried on prosperously, exposed to no trials more severe than those to which all others were subject. But, about the time that Mr. Waterbury made his entrance into affairs, new conditions arose, which called for the exercise of greater sagacity and energy than the founders of the house had ever been called on to display. The success of a few well established old concerns, the adoption of binding twine for use in harvesting grain, the invention of labor saving machinery and the general growth of the country, had brought into the field after the Civil War an increased number of firms, engaged in the manufacture of cordage. Originating in the seaport towns of the Atlantic coast, this industry has spread to the grain growing states of the West; and in 1880, no less than about thirty- five concerns were competing for the business of the American market. The growth of the industry, fostered by a protective tariff, had resulted in practically excluding from the American market all cables and cordage made abroad. It had given employ- .THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WA. 701 ment to a large force of American operatives, kept at home large sums of American money, and gradually reduced the price of cordage to every consumer. But, while thus conferring positive benefits upon the public, the manufacturers themselves had been forced into so keen a competition, that the industry had ceased to be as profitable as formerly. This state of affairs was finally solved by an arrangement whereby various leading manufacturers united under the name of The United States Cordage Manufacturers' Association. Mr. Waterbury took an active part in bringing about this arrangement. There remained in business, however, about thirty-five independent concerns : thirteen in New England, seven in New York, four in New Jersey, four in Pennsylvania, four in Ohio, one in Illinois, one in Kentucky, and one in New Orleans. To absorb these companies, The National Cordage Co., was formed is 1887 to succeed the previous association and promptly took in fifteen of the independent concerns. In 1891, it absorbed fourteen more, only five remaining outside in the whole country. Again, Mr. Waterbury was active in these proceedings and was made president of the company. The corporation fulfilled its mission for a time, but the-growth of new con- cerns and the panic of 1893 caused the company to go into receiver's hands and be re-organized. Mr. Waterbury's concern now continues the distribution of cordage for the company. An excellent man of business, clear headed, enterprising and alert, Mr. Waterbury has not confined his activities to cordage, but is president or director of many corpora- tions both here and in Canada. In the social world, he has long been conspicuous. He was president of the Coun- try club of Westchester for ten years and is yet a member of the governing committee, and is a governor of the Metropolitan club and life member of the Knickerbocker and New York Yacht clubs, his uncle having been one of the nine founders of the latter, July 30, 1844. He is also a member of the Union, Calumet, Players', Riding, Racquet, Down Town, Rockaway Hunting, Meadow Brook, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, the Patri- archs and other clubs. He was married in 1874 to Kate Anthony Furman, daughterof John M. Furman, and their children are Catherine Livingston, James Montaudevert, Lawrence, John Cunningham, Elsie, Cleveland Livingston, Grenville and Reginald Fur- man Waterbury. The family have a country home at Baychester, N. Y., having recently sold their house in Fifth avenue. COL. JOHN WATSON, merchant, born in Rensselaerville, Albany county, N. Y., in 1807, died at his home in Montrose, South Orange, N. J., June 13, 1891. He came from old Colonial ancestry and was the son of Wheeler Watson. After a common school education, he was taken into his father's tannery, and remained there until of age, when he removed to Prattsville, to enter into partnership with Col. Zadoc Pratt, the tanner, his brother in law. This firm built up a large business, so that when the partnership was dissolved in 1846, Colonel Watson possessed what was then a large fortune. He then removed to New York, and at once organized the business in which he attained his later success. The firm displayed the sign of Thorne, Watson, Corse & Co., and was established at No. 18 Ferry street, where they remained for over a generation, becoming one of the most successful leather houses in this city. The personnel of the firm changed several times, but there was always a Thorne or a Watson in the membership until the final dissolution in 1879, when Colonel Watson retired. Colonel Watson was a member of Grace Church until 1875, when he removed 702 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. to a country seat at Montrose, which he laid out in the finest style, living there until his death. Retiring and modest, averse to clubs and fashionable life, he was fond of flowers and devoted much time and pains to their cultivation. Many fine horses found a home in his stables. He received his military title while a resident of Pratts- ville, in the command of a Greene county regiment. He was a life long Democrat and served one term in the Assembly while residing in Prattsville. Married early in life to Miss Mary Watson, who died about 1873, he was survived by two children, Miss Emily A. Watson and Mary J., wife of Evan T. Walker. WILLIAH WATSON, merchant, who died at his country home in Westchester, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1877, at the age of sixty-six, was, in his day, one of the most conspic- uous men in the wholesale dry goods district of this city. He rose by perseverance, the power of organization, and scrupulously honest methods into great prominence. Fol- lowing the example of other judicious merchants, he invested his savings mainly in real estate ; and the growth of the city, which he did so much to promote, gave his holdings large value in the course of a few years. Also the possessor of some excellent land north of the city, he occupied a farm of about 240 acres in Westchester county, and it was his desire that all of his children should establish their own homes upon this beautiful estate. To him and his wife Maria were born nine children, Lydia, wife of Dr. Henry G. Houghton, of England; Anna, wife of W. H. Caswell; Mrs. Maria C. Foster; Mrs. Emily Williams; Eliza G., Robert C., Francis A., Henry R. C. and William Watson. HENRY WALTER WEBB, railroad official, was born May 6, 1852, in Tarrytown on the Hudson, N. Y., and is a son of the late James Watson Webb. He was educated in Mr. Churchill's school in Sing Sing and the School of Mines and the Law School of Columbia College, and began life as an ambitious young lawyer in the firm of Webb & Sprague. In 1882, he joined the banking and brokerage firm of W. S. Webb & Co. in Wall street. In 1886, he entered the service of The Wagner Palace Car Co. as vice president and in this responsible position displayed such unusual executive ability that three years later, in 1889, Mr. Depew, president of The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, made Mr. Webb his assistant. Having in this capacity rapidly gained a thorough acquaintance with the details of administrative management and revealed anew his sound judgment, coolness and power of work, he was in 1890 elected third vice president of The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad and continues to occupy this position until the present time. The burden of a vast amount of labor and responsibility has been placed upon Mr. Webb during the past five years, but he has discharged every duty and met every emergency with firmness, ability and success. He has recently became identified with a number of financial corporations and is a director of The Terminal Warehouse Co., The Mutual Life Insurance Co., The Lincoln National Bank, The City National Bank, The Hudson River Bank, The New York Security & Trust Co., The Lincoln Safe Deposit Co., The Common- wealth Insurance Co. and a number of railroads. Quiet, genial and well informed, he is a pleasant companion in private life and a valued member of the Union, Metro- politan, Calumet, Century, Engineers', City, Commonwealth, Riding, Country, Univer- sity, Racquet, Westminster Kennel and Lawyers' clubs, and by virtue of lineal descent from Col. Samuel Blatchley Webb of Connecticut, a member of The Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution. In 1884, he married Leila Howard Griswold, daughter of John A. Griswold of Troy, and their children are Henry Walter and John Griswold Webb. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 703 WILLIAM H. WEBB, veteran ship builder and successful man of affairs, is one of those Americans of original genius and unusual force, whose stainless character, broad mind, public spirit, and splendid services in the practical arts, his countrymen are glad to recognize as typical of the best of their race. He was born in the city of Xe\v York, June 19, 1816, the year in which Robert Fulton died. A descendant of old American families, he was reared in a city which has gradually become cosmopolitan in its population and foreign in its tastes, but his nature has always been too sturdy and his patriotism too intense to yield to any influ- ence not American; and he has, from the very beginning of his remarkable career, been distinguished for his affection for his native land and his ardent efforts to promote its fame and prosperity. The emigrant ancestor on his father's side, Richard Webb, was made a freeman in Cambridge, Mass., in 1632. The family moved to Connecticut in early days, and its branches settled in the vicinity of Norwalk and Stamford. Col. Charles Webb, ancestor of William H. Webb, was a prominent officer in the American Revolution. His mother's family were Huguenots and settled in New York in the very early days of the country. Mr. Webb inherited his love of shipbuilding from his father, and his life, in fact, connects the race of builders, who produced the famous ships of the War of 1812, with their able successors of the period before the Civil War, when American ship building was in its prime. His father, Isaac Webb, was first an apprentice and afterward a partner of Henry Eckford, a famous ship builder of the first part of this century. The boy was educated at Columbia College Grammar School and displayed a marked talent for mechanics, construction and mathematics. He was fend of playing around his father's ship yard on the East River, and built his own skiff, when twelve years old. During his vacations in the next two years, he built other boats, one of them propelled by paddles. His father would have been glad to see his son choose some other vocation in life than his own, but the boy was resolved to become a ship builder ; and he studied the scientific and practical features of the art for six years, not only by day in the ship yard but by night over his books and drawing table. Isaac Webb saw that William had talent, and finally entrusted him with the direction of various branches of the work of the yard. While yet a young man of twenty, he entered into a sub-contract with his father to build for the latter the Liverpool packet Oxford. This work was successfully accomplished to the satisfaction of all concerned. He then became sub-contractor for the construction of other vessels, including the Havre packet Duchesse d'Orleans, the Liverpool packet New York, and two smaller vessels. At the age of twenty-three, his health had become impared by intense application, and he went abroad to seek relief from overwork in travel. He was suddenly recalled by the death of his father. Soon after his return, he formed a new partnership with Mr. Allen, his father's associate, under the title of Webb & Allen, in order to retain for a while the name of Mr. Allen. Three years later, the firm was dissolved, and Mr. Webb then entered alone upon a successful and remarkable career. His ability was recognized from the start. Afraid of no problems in construction, untiring labor and faithful performance of con- tracts soon won the confidence of the best merchants of the city. Orders poured in upon him for every species of vessel afloat, from fishing smacks to barks, brigs to packet ships, and ferry boats to steamers. There were at all times several vessels building at once THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 705 in his large yards on the East River, and one ship was launched from the ways into the stream merely to witness the stretching of a keel for a new one. On one occasion, two ships ard one large steamer were launched from his yard on the same tide, all within twenty minutes, a spectacle never seen before or since. The first vessel was the brig Malek Adhel, which was built in 1840 for Peter Harmony, of New York, and the next was the ship James Edwards, for James O. Ward. These two merchants, as well as Charles fl. Marshall, Fox & Livingston, N. L. & George Griswold, Rowland & Aspin- wall, and other houses famous in the annals of the city, were his constant clients. Mr. Webb employed hundreds of skilled workmen, and during the twenty-eight years ^>f his active management disbursed millions of dollars in the city of New York for labor and supplies. His packet ships were among the most handsome and popular of their day. The era of the clipper sailing ships brought to America world- wide renown. These wonderful vessels scoured every sea in the world, distanced every foreign competitor, won the yearly tea races from China, and finally attained such absolute preeminence, that every European maritime nation stood aghast at the ruin which threatened their commercial prestige, and every warlike nation looked to America as the producer of the fleetest and most powerful vessels of war. Mr. Webb built man}- famous clippers for the California and other trades during this period, among them the Young America, Challenge, Comet, Sword Fish, Flying Dutchman, Black Hawk and Invincible. Every one of these was a good, swift and beautiful ship. The Young America, the most famous of them, was 235 feet long on deck, 44 feet beam, and 25^ feet in depth of hold, and was a popular ship, the idol of her owners, the delight of the underwriters, and the reliance of the owners of her cargoes. The Young America ran repeatedly from three hundred and forty-five to three hundred and seventy knots in twenty-four hours. She made the passage, loaded, from San Francisco to New York in ninety-two, ninety-eight and ninety-nine days; from New York to Liverpool in eighteen days; from San Fran- cisco to Liverpool in one hundred and nine days; and from Liverpool to Melbourne in eighty-one days. This ship made more very rapid passages than any other ship ever built. The Comet made the trip from San Francisco to New York in seventy-six days and many other very rapid trips, and was a most beautiful ship, appearing like a yacht. In May, 1847, Mr. Webb built the steamship United States of 3,000 tons, the first one for the trade between New York and New Orleans, which was subsequently sold to the German Confederation and converted by Mr. Webb into a powerful man of war. In 1848, he built the Cherokee, the first steam packet which ran from New York to Savannah, which presented new problems in construction, owing to the shoal water in the Savannah river. He also launched in 1848 the large ship Guy Mannering, the first full three decked ship ever built in the United States. The discover}' of gold in California and the rush of population thither brought a great deal of work to Mr. Webb's yard. He built the first and several subsequent steamers for The Pacific Mail Steamship Co. The California, the first steamer to enter the Golden Gate, was his; and he also built the Panama, San Francisco, Golden City, Sacramento and Constitution, and finally the China to run across the Pacific Ocean to the Celestial Empire. His versatility was remarkable. No problem connected with nautical science ever daunted him, and he produced vessels for the deep sea and shoal water trades, yo6 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. and both the argosies of peace and ships of war, with equal ease and success. Among his productions were the two famous Long Island Sound steamers, Bristol and Provi- dence, which embodied novel points in construction, and upon which experts withheld their judgment until the boats had been put under steam and compelled their praise. They each ran twenty miles an hour continuously, carried 1,000 tons of freight on deck, and were fitted with sumptuous accommodations for 1,200 passengers, and proved to be two of the most popular, profitable and successful boats on the Sound, and are not excelled, except in size, up to this date. One of his sailing vessels was the ship Ocean Monarch, 2,145 tons, the largest wooden carrier ever built up to that time. It was 255 feet long with 46 feet beam, and 30.25 feet depth of hold. This ship was an enormous carrier, having taken on board over 7,000 bales of cotton with 18 1-2 feet draft of water. The contract to build the steam revenue cutter, Harriet Lane, was awarded to Mr. Webb after a severe competition. There were eighteen models offered by various builders, but the government narrowed the choice down to three, and finally gave the order to Mr. Webb. During the Rebellion, this famous boat was captured by the Con- federates and converted into a blockade runner. About 1850, Mr. Webb conceived the idea of building a war ship, on new and im- portant plans of his own. The government took great interest in his proposals but Insisted on having the ship built in a government yard. Mr. Webb refused to build the ship anywhere except in his own yard and under his own direction. Application was then made to the Emperor of the French, but precisely the same difficulty presented itself. The Emperor entertained Mr. Webb's proposition favorably, but finally said the opposition was too great for him to surmount. Determined to carry out his idea and build the ship himself, Mr. Webb sent an agent to St. Petersburg in 1851, to confer with the government of the Czar, and in 1853, he visited Russia in person. Nicholas, then Czar, was at first influenced against Mr. Webb by Mr. Bodisco, Russian Minister at Washington, who had previously had trouble with Americans with reference to certain other contracts. The American Minister at St. Petersburg was absent and the American Consul advised Mr. Webb to abandon the scheme as hopeless. A long delay followed, but it was written that that ship should be built. Mr. Webb was not the man to abandon his lines upon the first fire of the enemy. He made new pro- posals, now with the concurrence of Mr. Bodisco. The Grand Duke Constantine finally promised to bring the subject to the attention of the Czar, if Mr. Webb would build his ship and agree to deliver it at Cronstadt, an arrangement which involved enormous risk and responsibility for an individual. But it was made to a dauntless man. He agreed to the terms. Six weeks later, he left St. Petersburg with several orders, one of them for a large steam line-of-battle ship, to be built upon his model and after his design. Preparations were begun at once, but the Crimean war then broke out in Europe, and it was a question whether neutrality laws would permit the building of the vessel. Mr. Webb received the consent of President Pierce and Secretary Marcy to continue the work; but he pursued the plan of arranging with Russia for a suspension of the work until peace was restored rather than proceed with the construction of a vessel of war and involve his own Government in questions of neutrality with England and France, then at war with Russia. After the peace, he changed his model and proposed to construct the ship upon new and improved designs, with larger THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 707 guns and fewer decks. Russian officers who had been detailed to watch the construction of the ship, alarmed at the bold and audacious changes, withheld their approval, and Mr. Webb completed the ship at his own risk. When she was launched, the Russian officers were delighted at her draft, and her subsequent behavior at sea won their unqualified approval. She was completed as a steam frigate, rigged as a ship, and named the General Admiral, in honor of the Grand Duke Constantine. She was of 7,000 tons burden, the largest then built, and 72 guns, and proved the fastest ship afloat. Mr. Webb delivered^his powerful craft at the port of Cronstadt in person in 1859, after a remarkably rapid and successful voyage, and received valuable testi- monials from the Russian authorities for his success. The General Admiral attracted the attention of all the foreign powers, and resulted in Mr. Webb bringing more millions of money to New York city for the construction of ships of war for foreign powers than can be placed to the credit of all other builders. The General Admiral completely revolutionized the construction of vessels of war, other governments adopting the design immediately. Spain made a large contract with Mr. Webb soon afterward, but revoked it at the outbreak of our Civil War, influenced by Mr. Preston of Kentucky, then Minister to Madrid. Italy then ordered two ironclad screw frigates, each of 36 guns of large calibre and 6,000 tons burdens, the Re d'ltalia and Re don Luigi di Portugallo, each 282 feet long, 54 feet beam, and 22 1-4 feet draft. Many difficulties attended the progress of these vessels during the Rebellion in the United States, but they were surmounted, and the ships were finished and delivered in time. The Re d'ltalia was the first iron- clad steamer which ever crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Her sea going qualities and speed were remarkable for that day, and she ran from New York to Naples, a distance of 5,000 miles, in the winter time, in 18 days and 20 hours. Victor Emanuel was greatly pleased with the two powerful ships which American genius had placed in his possession, and he bestowed on Mr. Webb the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus,, one of the oldest in Europe. Mr. Webb now planned his masterpiece of naval architecture, the ironclad ram Dunderberg. His models and plans, carefully matured, were laid before the Navy Department at Washington ; and the naval constructors, intensely jealous of a civilian who could build better than they, condemned his plans heartily and promptly. This, did not disconcert him, however. He had conquered opinion before. He persevered,, until Secretary Welles gave him a contract. The ship was then begun. She was a monster, 378 feet long, 68 feet beam, and 32 feet hold, with a displacement of 7,200. tons, and the largest ironclad ever yet built, having more room inside and floating on a, lighter draft of water than any of her class. The Rebellion in the United States having ceased before the completion of the vessel, and the Government not being in special need of her, questions between the Government and Mr. Webb arose ; and finding the jealousy and hostility of the officials of the Bureau of Construction great, Mr. Webb finally became disgusted, and he applied for an act of Congress which would release him from his contract on return of the $1,025,000 which had been advanced on ac- count. General Grant, Secretary Stanton and others opposed this, believing that so powerful a vessel of war should never be allowed to become the property of any foreign power. But Mr. Webb secured his release ; and he sold the ship to the Government of France for nearly double the sum that the United States had agreed to pay. He de- 78 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. livered the ship in person at Cherbourg after a rough voyage of fourteen days, and she took her place in the French navy, under the new name of Rochambeau, and afforded to all Europe an impressive lesson of the originality and ability of the ship builders of America. This steamer was shown in all the dock yards, that she might be examined and copied by the builders of the navy of France. In 1869, he launched his i35th ship, the Charles H. Marshall, and this was his last. He had earned fame and fortune, and he now retired permanently from the art in which he had won a distinguished position. About this time, Mr. Webb was extensively engaged, as a large owner of ocean tonnage, in the importation of guano from several islands in the Pacific Ocean, dispos- ing of the cargoes in the Southern States and in Europe. The opposition to the sale of this guano (purely phosphatic) in Europe by the Peruvian guano interests was so great, that Mr. Webb was obliged to build his own warehouses in Bordeaux, Havre and Hamburg, in which to store his cargoes. Mr. Webb triumphed over all opposition and his guano was sold freely in Europe, chiefly on the Continent. The breaking out of the Civil War in the United States entailed extraordinary risks for American ships and increased insurance and other unusual expenses. This, with the loss of a market in the Southern States, finally caused Mr. Webb to abandon this business, which has not since been resumed by anyone. For several years after 1869, Mr. Webb operated steamships in the ocean trades, becoming one of the largest owners of ocean tonnage in the United States. He ran a line of steamers from New York via both Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Panama to San Francisco, in opposition to The Pacific Mail for several years, finally merging his interests with that company. He next operated the then only American line of steamers in the European trade, and sent the first American passenger steamer which ever traded to the Baltic. He afterward owned a line of steamers which plied from San Francisco to Australia by way of the Sandwich and Samoan Islands, a route of 6,500 miles, the longest of continuous steaming in the world. The success of this venture required government aid, however, which Congress refused, although urged by President Grant. In this enterprise he persevered at a loss for two years and then withdrew. In 1872, Mr. Webb retired from active business. Although pre-eminently a ship- builder, he was also a man of affairs, and had had many investments in other lines of enterprise. He was one of the original directors of The Pacific Mail Steamship Co., and is now the only survivor of the original board. He subscribed as much money as any other individual toward the building of The Panama Railroad. Like all his invest- ments, except the line to Australia, this one yielded him a large return. He sold his interest in 1872 for $316 a share. Mr. Webb has always been deeply interested in public affairs, but has steadfastly refused public office. Three times the Mayoralty of New York was offered to him, twice by the Republicans, once by the Democratic party, but declined. For fourteen years, he was president of the Council of Political Reform in this city, which succeeded the famous Committee of Seventy. He attacked many abuses and secured better laws on taxation. One of his greatest achievements was the defeat of a scheme which had been planned by Tammany officials, for building a great dam at the mouth of the Croton river to increase the water supply of New York city. His argument was that the vast THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 709 body of water which would be collected behind this dam would receive all the impuri- ties of the Croton watershed and endanger the health of the city, while the expense of the dam would be enormous. He fought the scheme for five years, insisting that small reservoirs should be created at the headquarters of the source of supply. He won the fight and with it the gratitude of the people of the city. Mr. Webb's philanthropy has recently been exhibited by the purchase of fourteen acres of land on Fordham Heights and the building and endowment of "Webb's Academy and Home for Ship Builders," where young mechanics can learn every branch of ship building and marine engineering, free of cost for tuition and board, and in which old and decrepit ship builders can spend their remaining days in comfort, amid noble surroundings, in company with their wives. He is a large owner of real estate in the city, including the large Hotel Bristol, at the corner of Fifth avenue and 4zd street. He lives in the winter at a comfortable home on Fifth avenue, and in the summer at a beautiful country house near Tarrytown, surrounded by ninety-seven acres of grounds. This charming place he calls "Waldheim." He is a director in The Central Trust Co., The Pennsylvania Coal Co., The Atlan- tic Mutual Insurance Co., The New York Balance Dock Co., The Third Avenue Rail- road Co. , and other important corporations, and a member of the Union League and Republican clubs and the New England Society. He is also a trustee in The Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled, an original trustee in The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and also (until lately) a trustee, for nearly a quarter of a century, in The Hospital for the Diseases of Women for the State of New York. WILLIAM SEWARD WEBB, M.D., president of The Wagner Palace Car Co., born in New York city, Jan. 31, 1851, is a son of the late James Watson Webb, and his wife, Laura Virginia, the latter a daughter of Jacob L. Cram. General James Watson Webb, editor of Tlie Courier and Enquirer, was a very able and distinguished man, who, after refusing appointment as Minister to Austria and to Turkey, accepted the mission to Brazil and performed valuable service for his government during his official term abroad. The family is an old one. It was represented in the American Revolution by that splendid soldier and favorite of Washington, General Samuel Blatchley Webb of Connecticut, and has given birth to many other men of reputation. In his early youth, Dr. Webb was educated by private tutors, followed by five years at Colonel Churchill's Military School at Sing Sing, N. Y. He then spent two years at Columbia College, leaving there to go abroad and study medicine in Vienna, Paris and Berlin. Returning to New York, he took a regular course at the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, graduating in 1875, when he entered St. Luke's Hospital and remained for two years in charge of that institution. He then began practice in this city, but finding that professional life offered no attractions for his active spirit, he entered Wall street as a stock broker in the firm of W. S. Webb & Co., in company with one of his brothers. He was doing well at the Stock Exchange, when, in 1883, at the request of William H. Vanderbilt, his father in law, he retired from Wall street to accept the presidency of The Wagner Palace Car Co. This corporation needed an en- ergetic head, and Dr. Webb took hold of its affairs with great earnestness, improved its rolling stock, extended its territory, and largely increased its earnings. He is yet its president and maintains the company in a highly prosperous condition. He has also engaged in railroad construction in the Adirondack region, and, as president of The 710 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Adirondack & St. Lawrence Railway Co., built 233 miles of track in the northern part of this State. His interests are now quite extended, and he is a director of The Lin- coln Safe Deposit Co., The Continental Trust Co., The National Life Insurance Co., The Fitchburg Railroad, The Bennington & Rutland Railroad, The Central Vermont Railroad, The Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western Railroad and other corporations. He owns a large amount of land in the Adirondack region, and a. beautiful farm at Shel- burne, Vt., finely cultivated and carefully laid out. In 1881, Dr. Webb married Eliza Osgood, daughter of William H. Vanderbilt, and his children are Frederica Vanderbilt, James Watson, William Seward, jr., and Van- derbilt. He is a member of most of the best clubs in town, including the Metropoli- tan, Union League, Republican, University, Manhattan, Knickerbocker, Calumet, Players', Church, Country, Jockey, Racquet, New York Yacht, Coaching, Riding, Tuxedo, Westminister Kennel, and Down Town. By virtue of lineal descent, he is a member of The Sons of the American Revolution and was President General of the order for three terms, thereafter declining re-election. He is also a member of The Society of Colonial Wars, and has been secretary and treasurer of The American Hackney Horse Society since its organization. He is an aide-de-camp on the staff of the Governor of Vermont, with the rank of Colonel. A sanitarium for persons suffer- ing from pulmonary diseases is about to be built in the vicinity of Saranac Lake, N. Y., upon 100 acres of land contributed for the purpose by Dr. Webb, whose gift has finally made the project practicable. THURLOW WEED, editor, born in Cairo, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1797, died in New York city, Nov. 22, 1882. He sprang from an obscure but respectable family and began life at the age of nine as cabin boy on a Hudson river sloop. This life occupied him for three years and he then became a printer in the office of The Catskill Record. The family moved soon afterward to a farm in Cincinnatus, N. Y., and went to farming. The vocation did not suit him. Soon, he found his way to another printing office, served as a volunteer at Sackett's Harbor in the War of 1812, then found work as a printer in New York city, and, at the age of nineteen, having already seen a great deal of life, started a weekly newspaper in Norwich, N. Y. In 1821, he moved to Manlius, N. Y., started another weekly, sold it in 1824, went to Rochester and established there The Daily Telegraph. All of these ventures were prosperous. The Rochester enterprise made him famous. Taking an active part in politics, he joined the Anti-Masonic party and was especially outspoken concerning the disappear- ance of William Morgan, who was supposed to have been assassinated by the Masons. Shortly thereafter, the body of a drowned man was found on the shore of Lake Ontario. It was recognized as that of William Morgan, but at an official inquest, various wit- nessed came forward, who swore that it was not. When asked by the lawyer of the Free Masons, what he would do for a Morgan now, Mr. Weed replied, "This man is a good enough Morgan, until you produce the man who was drowned." Henry O'Reilly declared in The Rochester Advertiser that Mr. Weed had said, "He is a good enough Morgan until after election. " The saying, repeated in this incorrect form all over the State, created tremendous excitement and originated the proverb yet in common use in political literature. Mr. Weed was magnanimous enough to forgive the slanderer and even to aid him with loans of money and influence. In 1831, Mr. Weed established The Albany Evening Journal, and during the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 711 following thirty-five years ranked as one of the great Republican leaders of the State. His paper acquired an extended circulation and brought him a fortune. Until 1860, the political destinies of New York State were swayed by the famous partnership of "Seward, Weed & Greeley." The junior "partner" withdrew in 1854. Mr. Weed promoted the aspirations of William H. Seward, and aided to make him Governor of the State and United States Senator. In 1861, Mr. Lincoln sent Mr. Weed with Bishop Hughes of New York and Bishop Mcllvain of Ohio, as commissioners to France and England to propititate public sentiment in those countries in favor of the American government, and they rendered important services in that direction. After the War, Mr. Weed moved to New York, where he received "the freedom of the city." He enjoyed a large income from his newspaper, a portion of which he invested carefully every year in stocks and securities, making purchases when prices were low and gaining a large accretion by subsequent advances in value. He was a large owner and director in The Dry Dock, East Broadway & Batter}', The Third Avenue, The Central Park, North & East River, The Twenty-third Street, The Christopher & Tenth Street and The Broadway & Seventh Avenue Railroads, and at one time a director of The Erie & Kalamazoo Rail- road, which was leased to The Lake Shore. April 26, 1818, he married Catherine, daughter of Moses Ostrander of Utrecht, Holland. She died July 3, 1858. Their four children were James Weed, who died young ; Harriet, who never married ; Emily, the wife of William Barnes of Albany, N. Y. ; and Maria, who married Ogden M. Alden, of the Puritan family. A memoir of Thurlow Weed, written by his grandson, Thurlow Weed Barnes, has been published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. of Boston. His other grandson, William Barnes, jr., of Albany, has succeeded Mr. Weed as editor and proprietor of The Evening Journal. As a boy, Mr. Weed saw Fulton's first steamboat on its first trip up the Hudson. In 1830, he rode on the first railway train in this country, from Albany to Schenectady, and later, he witnessed Morse's experiments in telegraphy. JACOB WENDELL, head of the dry goods commission house which bears his name, is one of the prominent business men for whom New York is indebted to New England. He was born in Portsmouth, N. H., July 24, 1826. He traces his descent from Evert Jansen Wendell, who immigrated to the new world from Holland in 1640. His father was Jacob Wendell, a native of Portsmouth, and a highly respected mer- chant of that city. Mr. Wendell received his education at the academy of his native place, under the tutelage of William C. -Harris, then one of the most efficient instructors in New Eng- land. At the age of sixteen, having finished his course there, he entered the office of Goodwin & Coues, in Portsmouth. The former of these gentlemen became well known later, as New Hampshire's war governor. This firm had the management of seven ships, six of which were engaged in carrying freight from Southern ports to Europe, the other sailing in the East India trade. It was in this office that Mr. Wendell re- ceived the rudiments of his mercantile training; and in August, 1843, he left Ports- mouth to seek a place in Boston. Recommended as he was by his first employers, he had no difficulty in obtaining a position with an active dry goods jobbing house. Upon the dissolution of this firm, which occurred not long afterward, a new partnership was formed, in whose employ- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 713 ment Mr. Wendell continued for several years, leaving it, finally, to take advantage of a better position which had been offered to him by another firm in the same line of business. He was an earnest and faithful clerk, and a hard, conscientious worker, and rapidly acquired a full knowledge of the dry goods trade. He left this concern, at the expiration of about two years, and accepted an offer which had been made to him by the domestic commission house of J C. Howe & Co., which was widely known at that time in mercantile and financial circles. The firm was composed of Jabez C. Howe, George O. Hovey, Samuel R. Payson and John B. Hutchinson. Mr. Wendell remained with them in the capacity of salesman for several years, and on the ist of January, 1854, he was admitted to partnership. In the autumn of 1857, at the request of his partners, Mr. Wendell came to New York, and had general oversight of the business here during the panic of that year. In the course of the next few years, the sales of the New York branch increased so largely that, again at his partner's request, he" removed with his family to this city in the autumn of 1863 and became a permanent resident. Mr. Wendell and Mr. Hutchinson continued to manage the business in New York until the close of the year 1873, when, upon the death of Mr. Howe and the retirement of Messrs. Hovey and Payson, the firm of J. C. Howe & Co., was dissolved. It had been in existence about forty years, during which time it had always maintained the highest mercantile credit, the partners being conspicuous for their ability and integrity. The firm of Wendell, Hutchinson & Co. was then formed, and had a successful career until Mr. Hutchinson's retirement in 1880, when the firm name was changed to Jacob Wendell & Co., under which style it yet exists, retaining the high and honorable commercial standing which ever characterized its predecessors. Mr. Wendell was married on Oct. 24, 1854, to Mary Bertodi Barrett, daughter of N. A. Barrett, of Boston, and they have four sons, one of whom, Gordon Wendell, is a member of his father's firm, and another, Barrett Wendell, is a professor in Harvard University. The others are, Evert Jansen Wendell and Jacob Wendell, jr. Mr. Wendell is a director in The Merchants' National Bank, The Continental Fire Insurance Co., The North British & Mercantile Insurance Co., The New York Real Estate Association, and The Manhattan Real Estate Association. He is president of The. Merchants' Real Estate Co., and has various commercial interests in other sections of the country, notably, in New England. He is a member of the Union League, Century and Metropolitan clubs, and of The New England Society, The New York Historical Society and The Holland Society of New York, and is a supporter of various public institutions of the city. JAMES MONROE WENTZ, capitalist, is one of the class of the older merchants, who, by their integrity and energy, have done so much to establish the commercial prosperity of New York city. His paternal ancestors emigrated to this country from Germany soon after the close of the American Revolution and settled in eastern Penn- sylvania. His father, William Wentz, born in 1788, resided there until about the age of thirty years, when he removed to New York State and located at the then village of Binghamton, in Broome county. Here, upon the death of his wife, he married Abigail, a daughter of Joseph Manning, who was descended from an old and highly respected New England family, this union resulting in the birth of James M. Wentz, the subject (if this sketch, Dec. 15, 1824. The boy's education was limited to the common schools. 714 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. His preference for an early business life and the ambition to embark on a mercan- tile career induced him to accept a clerkship in a village store, which he continued to fill until his eighteenth year, when, with the best of credentials, he left home and went to New York city, where he was destined to meet with success. His first employment in the metropolis was with a wholesale dry goods jobbing- house in Hanover Square, at that time the heart of the wholesale district. He remained with this concern for six years, gaining a practical experience in the dry goods busi- ness, which was to be of benefit to him in later years. He then accepted a position with the new house of E. T. Tefft & Co., and continued there for a period of eighteen years, during the last nine of which he was a partner in the firm. In 1866, he formed the firm of Wentz, Hartley & Co., which style was maintained for four years and then became J. M. Wentz & Co. This business was successfully conducted until 1879, when Mr. Wentz retired from active mercantile life, after a business career which had been characterized by energy, able and skillful management and the strictest integrity. By close application and provident management of his business, he had accumulated a competency. During all these years of business, in which he saw many and vast changes in the commerce of this city, his firm stood invariably high in credit and justly earned an enviable reputation among the best houses in the trade. For many years now, he has resided on his estate at Balmville, near Newburgh, N. Y., overlooking the Hudson River, and his time is chiefly occupied in the conduct of his private affairs. While Mr. Wentz is a staunch Republican and an ardent believer in the policy and principles of that party, he has never sought or held public office. He is a director in The Mercantile National Bank of New York and- has been for many years one of the trustees of The Newburgh Savings Bank, and is first vice president of that institution and gives much time to its business interests. Mr. Wentz was married, March 15, 1848, to Miss Amelia L., daughter of James De Le Ree, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and has two sons and a daughter, James G., The- odore and Mrs. Thomas F. Balfe. Mr. Wentz is quiet and domestic in his tastes and is essentially a lover of home. During his whole business life, he has been steadily successful and enjoys wide acquaintance in the commercial and financial world. In addition to wealth, he has won the higher regard of the business community by a reputation for honorable dealing, prompt fulfillment of all his engagements and a ready and honest discharge of liabilities. These qualities, combined with keen judgment and caution, carried him safely through all financial troubles and kept him in the tide of success throughout his whole career. GEORGE WEST, manufacturer, Member of Congress and a man of affairs, although of English birth, has spent nearly his whole active life in the United States and is now even more warmly attached to his adopted country than some of those who are to "the manner born." He was born in Bradnitch in Devonshire, Feb. 17, 1823. At eleven years of age, he was apprenticed in a paper mill in his native land, and began life a sturdy, hearty lad, with a large head and striking personality, giving promise from the start of a future career of great interest. No labor was too hard for the lad, and he soon learned all the different processes for making paper of all grades and kinds, includ- ing writing and colored papers. He had a progressive spirit and determined early in life to become the master of his own business. Great energy and will power, close 716 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. application, correct habits, and marked proficiency, won for him advancement; and, at the age of eighteen, he was placed in charge of the most important department of the mill. His genial temperament and athletic strength made him a favorite with all classes, and an acknowledged leader in the sports and fun of the day. Had Mr. West remained in England, he might have risen to an important position in spite of the trammels and social conventions of the old world. But he finally decided to remove to America. His employer strove to detain him, first, by offers of salary, and next by painting the terrors of life in America, where, he said, people were shoot- ing each other every day. Not in the least shaken in his decision, Mr. West reached the United States as a steerage passenger in February, 1849. He found employment at once in a New Jersey paper mill, remaining about a year, and then removed to Tyringham, near Lee, Mass., where he entered a writing paper mill. It was in this establishment that he attended the machine which, in February, 1850, made the first water-mark writing paper in the United States. With an early development of talent, Mr, West became the inventor of the machinery for cutting the water mark. In the Summer of 1852, he left Tyringham on account of ill health, and in the Fall, with his vigor fully restored, took charge of a mill in Russell, Mass., owned and operated by J. R. Smith & Co., remaining there until March, 1858. Meanwhile, he had become widely known for superior qualifications as a paper maker, and, by carefully saving his earnings, had finally gained the means to operate with on his own account. It is thus that the workman becomes a proprietor. In March, 1858, Mr. West heard of a paper mill in Cummington, Mass., whose owners wanted to arrange with a practical man to buy a share and run the mill. Mr. West visited the property and after examination bought a quarter interest, took entire charge of the mill, did the buying and selling and conducted affairs with excellent results until October, 1860, when he sold his inter- est to his partners. When, in May, 1861, an interest in the old Empire mill at Rock City Falls, in Saratoga county, was offered to him, he declined at first to buy; and, although he had been the proprietor of his own mill, he resolved to work in Rock City Falls on wages-, until he could judge of the excellence of the bargain. Within a year, he had made up his mind to buy, and in June, 1862, as proprietor of the Empire mill, he entered upon a most prosperous and successful career. Untiring labor and skillful management having brought some surplus means, Mr. West was enabled to extend his enterprise, and with excellent judgment ho invested his savings in the business which he thoroughly understood. In fact, he did not go outside of the paper industry for investment for many years. In 1866, he built the Excelsior paper mill in Rock City, and in the fall of the same year joined the Messrs. Taggart in the ownership of a paper mill in Watertown, N. Y. In the latter enter- prise, while associated with men of the highest character, who enjoy the deserved respect of every inhabitant of their part of the State, Mr. West was anxious to control his own business, and he accordingly sold his interest in Watertown in 1870. In the summer of the same year, he bought the ruins of the old Pioneer mill at West Milton in Saratoga county, rebuilt and enlarged the structure, fitted it up, and set a large force to work therein making paper. The same year, he also formed a partnership with Robert Gair, as Gair & West, to carry on a commission paper trade in New York city. Having secured the object he had in view, he sold his interest to Mr. Gair in 1876. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 717 During the financial depression of 1874, Mr. West bought what is now known as the Eagle paper mill in Factory Village, Saratoga county. It will be noted that his manufacturing enterprise has been largely confined to this beautiful county, its near- ness to the Adirondack forests ensuring him an abundant supply of low priced fibre for his operations. In August, 1875, ne bought all the cotton and woolen factories of all kinds in Ballston Spa, including the Glen, Union and Island mills. From that time forward, Ballston Spa became his summer home. Mr. West now owns eight paper mills in Saratoga count}-, including the seven above named and one at Hadley Falls, on the North river above Palmer's Falls. At Luzerne, on the Hudson river, he also owns and conducts the largest factory of manila paper in the world. When he bought the little Empire mill, in 1862, he had ten employes and a monthly pay roll of about $300, and produced about half a ton of paper a day. The capacity of the nine mills of which he is now the owner is forty tons a day, and the paper bag factory is capable of producing 2,500,000 bags a da}*. He employs 400 men, women and children, the pay roll amounting to more than 14,000 a month, has no partner and is sole owner of the business. Through his incessant activity, his liberality and public spirit, Ballston Spa and other communities in Saratoga county have in thirty years materially increased in prosperity. Their people are busy and happy and regard Mr. West as a public benefactor. He himself shares with all about him the rewards of his energy and enterprise. His uprightness of character is pro- verbial. He has been an active member of the Methodist Church for many years but a generous giver to all churches and deserving organizations. Few appreciate all that he has done, because, though his gifts are free, they are never given with ostentation. Among other gifts which are known, was the contribution of half the cost of a new Methodist church structure in Ballston Spa, which, dedicated in December, 1893, by Bishop Newman, is the largest and finest edifice of its class in the city. As treasurer of The Round Lake Association, he devotes much time to the interests of Round Lake, and at one time saved the camp meeting grounds from the auctioneer's hammer. Time and again, he has aided other denominations. In later years, Mr. West's interests have become more extended. He is a stock- holder and director of The Utica Herald, owns The Schenectady Union, and is a stock- holder, one of the original incorporators, and, with D. S. Walton, one of the two proprietors of the firm of D. S. Walton & Co., wholesale merchants of paper, paper bags, etc., at the corner of Varick and Franklin streets in New York city. One of those who helped establish The First National Bank of Ballston Spa, he became its vice president in 1876 and in 1880 its president, which position he yet holds. Mr. West makes a very good banker as well as a successful business man and is known to be sound and conservative in his management. He is also a director of The National Folding Box & Paper Co. , of New York, and owns a creosote factory, mines in the West and excellent real estate, and has various other interests of consequence. He spends much time in New York city, and is a member of the Republican club, Board of Trade & Transportation and American Geographical Society. But there is another side of his career, which must be mentioned. In political faith a Republican and a believer in the protective tariff, not only for his own sake but for that of his employes, Mr. West is qualified for public office both by his sentiments and his clear head ; and he has been five times elected to the State Assembly from Sara- 718 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. toga county, namely, in 1871-75, and by steadily increasing majorities. In 1876, the Speaker of the House appointed him chairman of the Railway Committee. He has also sat in Congress three times, having been elected in 1880, 1884, and 1886 respec- tively, as Representative from the XXth district of this State. In Congress, he served on the Committees on Agriculture, Manufactures, and Enrolled Bills. The business man in politics seldom makes a strong display as an orator but is always capable of a large amount of work. Mr. West left to the political giants of the House all active part in the debates, but was always present, shared in the labor of his committees, voted to the entire satisfaction of his constituents, and increased his reputation as a wise Representative steadily during his three terms. Congress needs a quota of just such alert and far seeing business men. His district sent him in 1880, 1884, and 1888, as a delegate to the national convention of the party. In his campaigns in Saratoga county, Mr. West has showed himself to be a ready and well informed speaker, and, while making no claims to classic excellence in oratory, has repeatedly surprised his friends by his force and ease on the platform. April 7, 1844, he was married in Devonshire, England. Of his six children, two are yet living, the oldest and the youngest, George West, jr., born in England, Feb. 16, 1845, who is associated with his father in the general management, and Florence Louisa, born in Russell, Mass. , and now the wife of D. W. Mabee, the right hand man of Mr. West in the actual oversight of the paper mills. A few years ago, Mr. West visited the place of his birth in England, spending many pleasant hours in recalling and recounting the scenes of his boyhood. The homes of several of his fellow workmen, who had met with little success, were brightened by substantial aid, which will not be forgotten, while the city of his birth now contains many a monument of his generosity and regard. In 1883, during a visit to Brandnitch, the city tendered him a public recep- tion and banquet, surpassing anything of the kind previously given to a private indi- vidual there. Upon his return home, he received a public welcome from the citizens of Saratoga county without regard to party, not less flattering than that given him abroad. For a few years past, he has combined pleasure with business, travelling much, and proving an interesting companion to those who have shared his company. His busi- ness has been so systematized that he can direct it without being present in the places where it is conducted. A man of sound and liberal views and wide range of knowledge, he commands respect among all who know 'him. In personal appearance, he is short and stout, with full beard, broad shoulders, large mouth and large head, and is remarkable for genial humor and exuberant spirits. He is fond of telling that many consider him the home- liest man in the Empire State, although he is not that in the least. He is, however, one of those men, in delineating whom the caricaturists have loved to employ their pen- cils. At one time, an effort was made to defeat him for office by circulating a grotesque portrait, representing him asleep in a chair with his feet on a desk. Nearly ten thou- sand of these caricatures were distributed in his district, inscribed, "Hon. George West, as he appears daily, legislating for his constituents." Upon this occasion, his opponents overreached themselves by their own cunning policy. Thousands of voters who had never seen Mr. West thronged to his meetings to see him, tempted by the por- traits. They stayed to hear him speak, were captivated by his witty and apposite re- marks and sound sense, and went home only to increase his next majority. THE CITY OF NEW YORK.- WE. "19 GARDNER WETHERBEE, one of the proprietors of the Windsor Hotel, born Nov. 8, 1838, in Harvard, Mass., is of English ancestry and descends from a family of hotel men. His father, Zophar Wetherbee, his grandfather and several uncles all con- ducted hotels in the States of Massachusetts and Ohio during their life times, covering a total period of seventy-five years. After graduating from Lawrence academy in Groton, Mass., Mr. Wetherbee entered mercantile life for a while, acquiring there an acquaintance with business methods and habits of economy and thrift. This experience lasted a short time only and he then accepted a position in the Gibson House in Cincinnati, of which an uncle was one of the first proprietors. He continued his apprenticeship in the American Hotel in Phila- delphia and from close application gained a thorough knowledge of the elementary requirements of hotel keeping. The opportunity which gave him his first distinct promotion came with the con- struction of the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York city in 1859. Messrs. Hitchcock & Darling had taken a lease of this magnificent building, aided by the experience and capital of Paran Stevens, and they opened the hotel in August of the year named. Mr. Wetherbee was offered a position in the hotel where he remained in charge of the office until 1867, performing the duties allotted to him with great success and winning an excellent reputation by untiring attention to the desires of guests and his unaffected cordiality of manner. It was not an uncommon thing for visitors to say that they would rather take "No" from Mr. Wetherbee than "Yes" from other men. In 1867, he crossed the continent with a fellow clerk, and entered upon a two years' experience as manager of the Occidental Hotel in San Francisco, then as now one of the best known houses on the Pacific coast and enjoying a virtual monopoly of the patronage of Australian and New Zealand travellers. Mr. Wetherbee had now obtained a thorough, all round experience in hotel keeping, and felt himself qualified to engage in business on his own account. For four 3'ears, 1869-73, he conducted the Revere and Tremont Houses in Boston, receiving a suitable reward for his enterprise. The poor boy, relying entirely upon his own efforts, and pressing constantly forward, with a vigor of ambitious youth, had now reached a position of influence in the hotel world and was recognized as a rising man. In 1873, he returned to New York to lease from John T. Daly the Windsor Hotel on Fifth avenue at 47th street, in partnership with Samuel Hawk, under the firm name Hawk & Wetherbee. This was a new and exceedingly handsome hotel, situated in the heart of the fashionable residence section of the city, requiring skillful management, but promising good returns to a firm, competent to conduct one of the finest public houses in the metropolis in a proper manner. The entire success of the Windsor Hotel is a sufficient commentary upon the excellence of its management. Mr. Wetherbee has never taken any part in politics, but is active in less conspicuous fields, a director of The Fifth Avenue Bank, a trustee of the Kensico Cemetery and The New York Infant Asylum, and a member of the Union League club, New England Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. He was married in Sandwich, Mass., in 1868, to Hannah G., daughter of Thomas Nye, and to them have been born Grace D. and Alice N. Wetherbee. Mr. Wetherbee is of medium height and sturdy build. He is one of the most courteous and affable of men, his warm heart and cheerful disposition making many THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WE. 72! friends and greatly promoting the success of his hotel. He is a public spirited man, also, as may be attested by examining the rolls of the supporters of the great public museums of the city, and many other important institutions. APOLLOS RUSSELL WETMORE, merchant and philanthropist, born in Dan- bury, Conn., Nov. n, 1796, died in this city, Jan. 21, 1881. The family was founded in this country in 1635 by Thomas Wetmore, an Englishman, who settled in Hartford, Conn. The Rev. Noah Wetmore, grandfather of Apollos R. Wetmore, married Submit Russell, became an ardent patriot and chaplain in the American Revolution, was pastor of the Presbyterian church in Bethel, Conn., and later wascalled to Brook Haven, L.I., where he died in March, 1796. Noah Wetmore, son of the latter, married Winifred Smith, Feb. 14, 1792, and was long superintendent of The New York Hospital. Com- ing to New York in 1808 with his family, the subject of this memoir spent two vears in Columbia College, but ill health forced him to abandon his studies, and he entered the hardware store of Kip & Ingraham in 1815. In 1818, he engaged in the hardware trade at his own risk, forming a partnership with his brother, D. W. Wetmore. Wil- liam Green, jr., was admitted six years later, the firm adopting: the name of Green & Wetmore. They carried on business at the corner of Washington and Vesey streets, until Mr. Green retired in 1835. Mr. Wetmore continued the firm of Wetmore & Co., removing in 1869 to 363-7 Greenwich street, with his son, George C., and his nephew, David Wetmore, as his partners. He retired in 1875. In 1830, he became a member of the Laight Street Presbyterian Church, changing in later life to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, of which he was a member and trustee. He was perhaps most widely known from his interest in benevolent institutions. He helped found The City Mission & Tract Society, and acted as its president for seven years, and was also a governor of The Women's Hospital, The Presbyterian Hospital and The Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled. He was president of that institution, a founder of The Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, and chairman of the Board of Managers of The Home for Fallen and Friendless Girls, but his greatest work was the founding and, by his large collection of funds from those who had confidence in him, establishing The New York Juvenile Asylum, whose extensive buildings at i?5th street usually contain over 1,000 children. Mr. Wetmore was president for over thirty years. He married Miss Mary Carmer, of New York, April 30, 1822, and celebrated his golden wedding in 1872. Mrs. Wetmore died in 1876. They had six children: Henry, who died before him; George Carmer, Theodore Russell, William, Elizabeth Carmer, widow of Henry Mesier, who died in 1881 at Wappinger's Falls, and Mary Russell, wife of Charles E. Carryl. ROBERT CHARLES WETflORE, merchant, native of Pequannock, Conn., died in South Orange, N. J., May 9, 1890, at the age of ninety-one. His family was an old one in Connecticut and his ancestors were clergymen for five generations. Educated in a private school, he lived in Bridgeport until 1819, when he came to New York and entered the employment of his brother in law, Tredwell, a dealer in crockery. In 1830, he formed a partnership with his brother, Gen. Prosper Montgomery Wetmore, and carried on the crockery business under the name of R. C. Wetmore & Co. until 1849, when, having amassed a fortune, he retired. During the Harrison and Tyler campaign, Mr. Wetmore was a recognized leader of the Whig party and served as chair- man of the general committee of Whig Young Men. President Tyler appointed him 722 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Naval Agent at New York. Mr. Wetmore was a warm personal friend of Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and other well known men of that generation, and his literary attain- ments caused his house to be the resort of Bancroft, N. P. Willis and many other writers of reputation. To him and his wife, Adeline, daughter of Seth Geer, were born three children, two daughters and one son, who survived him. JEROME BYRON WHEELER, merchant, smelter and financier, was born in the city of Troy, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1841. Both his parents were born in New England and of English descent. His mother, whose maiden name was Emerson, is of the family which produced Ralph Waldo Emerson, of Concord. They were both excellent people of strong minds and good character, and their boy grew to young manhood under ex- cellent influences. During his early youth, the family moved to Waterford, a small town four miles north of Troy. Jerome was educated at the public schools, and at fifteen became a clerk in one of the village stores. Later, he found employment in one of the factories of Waterford. Thus early trained in the practical work of life, he be- came ambitious, self reliant, energetic and capable. His business career was inter- rupted by the War for the Union. When Sumter was fired upon, the young man, in common with generous and patriotic youth all through the North, was anxious to go to the front with the first volunteers and impatient because he could not. Sept 3, 1861, the day he came of age, he joined Co. D, 6th N. Y. Cav., and proudly marched to the front with his regiment. The service of this regiment was a brilliant one, lasting until the end of the war. Mr. Wheeler was with the command in all the great campaigns of the Army of the Potomac and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah valley, at Gettysburgh and Appomattox. En- listing as a private, his business ability was too valuable not to be utilized, and he was promoted successively to sergeant in the quartermaster's department, second lieutenant on the staff of Colonel Devin, acting quartermaster of his regiment, first lieutenant, brigade quartermaster, and then, before the end of the war, to captain and brevet major. The young quartermaster won an enviable reputation by his services in the field. He displayed dash, ability, and determination in all his work, repeatedly at- tracted the attention of general officers who did not know him, and was complimented many times in official reports, especially by Colonel Devin, who was greatly attached to him. It is said that after an engagement or forced march, Quartermaster Wheeler was usually the first man to bring up his trains of supplies for the relief of the half famished men. His service as a staff officer was without a flaw, and when, in Septem- ber, 1865, the 6th N. Y. Cav. received its muster out, the young officer returned to Troy, without a dollar indeed in the world but with an honorable discharge and a reputation which had preceded him, and promptly gained him a position. Accepting what was offered, he became a bookkeeper in Troy. He had not been long in this place, however, before the man of action and adventure found that his nature had been broadened and his mind awakened by the war, and he aspired to a larger field. He came to New York seeking occupation and was fortunate enough to find it with a comrade of his regiment, John F. Barkley, then engaged in a small grain business. The place was not remunerative but it gave him an opportunity to learn the business, and finally, in response to the friendly suggestion of General Devin to Robert S. Holt, of Holt & Co., flour and commission merchants, that firm offered him a desir- able clerkship. He accepted the appointment, threw his whole energy into the work THE CITY OF NEW YORK. \VH. 723 of the house, was rapidly promoted, and remained with the firm until 1878, meanwhile having been admitted to partnership. His first capital was gained in the business of this house. In 1879, through the death of his brother in law, R. M. Valentine, Mr. Wheeler became connected with the great uptown dry goods firm of R. H. Macy & Co. Hav- ing been made executor of Mr. Valentine's estate, Mr. Wheeler finally joined with Charles B. Webster, the senior partner, in the purchase of the entire business of the firm. In R. H. Macy & Co., Mr. Wheeler became exceedingly successful. One of the best known and most progressive retail dry goods firms in the city, the house transacted an enormous business and brought large profits to its proprietors. In 1882, while on a visit to Colorado for recreation, Mr. Wheeler became interested in behalf of a friend in the new mining camp at Aspen, then a rough frontier settle- ment of about six hundred inhabitants. Mining interests were then at a low ebb. Mr. Wheeler bought a controlling interest in two mines, without looking at them, as an act of friendship, and gave a share of his holdings to the friend in whose behalf he had made the investment. The following year, the possibilities of Aspen having gradually dawned upon him, he returned to Colorado with his friend, Robert S. Holt, for a careful and serious inspection. The result was that he bought an abandoned smelter and an in- terest in the Spar mine and then organized The Aspen Smelting Co., with a capital of 150,000, in partnership with Charles B. Webster and Robert S. Holt, and entered upon the energetic development of Aspea. After due deliberation, he began the purchase of ore from the miners, taking all that came, good, bad, and indifferent. This created a market for the ore of the Aspen mines and proved the especial stimulus to the mining camp, which had long been needed. Mr. Wheeler had now embarked upon an enter- prise, which was destined to dissociate him from New York city and secure for Colorado the exclusive services of a financier of great ability. One problem which confronted Mr. Wheeler at the start was the question of fuel supply. It was necessary at that time to bring coke one hundred miles from Crested Butte on the backs of mules. Coal having been discovered at Jerome Park, however,, suitable for coke, thirty-five miles from Aspen, Mr. Wheeler purchased land there,, opened a coal mine, and in 1884 built coking ovens, the most costly ever erected in Colorado, and from them has since obtained a continuous supply of excellent coke for the smelting works. This investment insured the success of The Aspen Smelting Co. With wise judgment, Mr. Wheeler added to his investments by the purchase of an interest in many of the mines at Aspen, some of which afterward proved among the bonanzas of the camp. He had an interest in the Aspen mine, one third of which,, before it began to pay, was sold for a load of lumber, but which, in January, 1885,, reached a rich deposit of silver and yielded 500,000 ounces of the metal in six weeks, and has since produced as high as $225,000 monthly. He also became an owner in the Emma mine, which produced $411,000 in fourteen months, and in the Spar, Vallejo, Hidden Treasure, and many others, all of them paying properties. Largely through the stimulus given to enterprise by Mr. Wheeler's investments, and in part by the compromise of 1888 in the litigation in which the mines were involved, the output of the camp sprang from $850,000 in 1887 to $7,500,000 in 1888 and has since continued at the rate of many millions a year. With the prosperity of the camp, Mr. Wheeler has risen to a position of great financial strength. 724 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. But there was yet more to be done for Aspen. Railroad facilities were needed. Largely through his active influence, The Colorado Midland Railway Co. was indiiced to extend its line to Aspen; and this road, begun in 1886, was in 1888 finished to Aspen and Glenwood Springs. Mr. Wheeler made an investment in the company, became its first vice president, and was its earnest and untiring promoter. The benefits which this road has conferred on Aspen could not be described in moderate language. Mr. Wheeler gradually became deeply interested in the interests of Colorado, and he has extended his investments in the State in many directions and always with excel- lent judgment and success. The Grand River Coal & Coke Co., an outgrowth of his pioneer effort at Jerome Park to obtain a supply of coke for his smelting works, has now become a most important enterprise. The company was organized by him as president and now owns 5,000 acres of coal lands, possessing veins of unusual thick- ness, one of them forty-five feet in width, and yielding coking coal of excellent quality. The product of these mines finds a market as far east as the Missouri river. At an early day, Mr. Wheeler established The J. B. Wheeler Banking Co. at Aspen and has since founded The J. B. Wheeler Banking Co. at Manitou. He has also built an opera house at Aspen. He aided actively to develop the Glenwood hot springs on the western slope of the range as a resort. Surrounded by noble mountains, possessing an inspiring climate and springs of great medicinal value, this beautiful spot is destined to a brilliant future. He has also engaged in land operations at Colo- rado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Lake City. For six years, Mr. Wheeler made the 2,000 mile trip from New York to Colorado several times a year, in order to retain his connection with R. H. Macy & Co. Bur- dened with business cares, he was finally confronted with an ultimatum from his physician, who declared that he must abandon either Colorado or New York. Fas- cinated with Colorado, he chose the former, and on Jan. i, 1888, retired from his New York firm and has since devoted his undoubted abilities to his Western investments. In 1870, Mr. Wheeler was married to Harriet Macy Valentine, of Nantucket, Mass. , who had become a resident of New York city. This union has brought them fo'ur children, two sons, who passed away at an early age, and two charming daughters. Mr. Wheeler maintains a business office in New York, and yet has large interests in the city. An agreeable associate in social life, he is a member of several important clubs, including the Union League, Goethe, Manhattan, Lawyers' and Commonwealth. He is also, by virtue of his descent, an interested member of The New England Society. Mr. Wheeler is yet in the prime of life. A man of fine presence, he is public spirited and philanthropic, given to acts of unostentatious charity, and particularly mindful of his old comrades of the 6th N. Y. Cav., many of whom have been placed by him in the avenues which open to them the road to success. WILLIAM ALflY WHEELOCK, merchant and financier, for fifteen years presi- dent of The Central National Bank, is a man who is held in the highest esteem for his undoubted probity and high character. He has won his way to a high position in New York city by a long life of untiring labor and legitimate methods. He was born in the thriving city of Providence, R. I., March 23, 1825, and passed his early youth there, attending the excellent schools of the place. His father, Joseph Wheelock, a native of Westboro, Mass., having been born there, June 25, 1788, was of Welsh descent and for many years cashier of The Merchants' Bank of Providence. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WH. 725 His mother came from an English family and was born in Groton, Mass. , April 9, 1788. Her maiden name was Amelia Ames. The family moved to New York city when William was a boy of twelve. The boy was educated at the University of the City of New York, graduating in 1843 m the same "class with William Allen Butler, Aaron J. Vanderpoel and other young men who afterward rose to prominence. He did not find the road to learning an easy one, however, and was indebted to his own exer- tions for the advantage of a college course. He was obliged to support himself during the larger part of his four years in college by teaching. In the last year of his course, he was the assistant classical teacher in the University Grammar School. At the age of nineteen, the young man took a clerkship in the dry goods importing and jobbing house of Merritt, Ely & Co , sen-ing for two years without compensation, in order to learn the business. This was a period of hard labor and self sacrifice for Mr. Wheelock. His expenses were met with borrowed money. But his hard appren- ticeship not only taught him the elements of the business in which he was destined to make his fortune, but made him energetic and self reliant. In three years more, he became a partner in the firm, the title of which was then changed to Merritt, Bliss & Co. His character, energy and shrewdness led to his being commissioned to make the foreign purchases of this firm, and he resided from 1850 to 1855 in Manchester, England, where both of his children were born. As the resident partner abroad, his record was one of great success. During this period, in February, 1850, he was happily married to Miss Harriet Efner, daughter of Elijah D. Efner, then one of the oldest residents of Buffalo, N. Y. In 1858, his firm was re-organized as Bliss & Wheelock, and in 1863, Mr. Wheelock retired with ample means to enjoy a period of rest. Too active and efficient to be contented with a life of pleasure, Mr. Wheelock accepted, in 1865, the position of a director in The Central National Bank, and in June, 1866, became president of the institution. The bank was a new one, and required the services of a driving and judicious head. Mr. Wheelock proved to be an admirable and sagacious president; and he developed its business and conducted its affairs with great success for a period of fifteen years. To secure needed recreation, after a long and laborious service, and to obtain the time required by the management of his own pro- perty and of several estates which had been entrusted to him, he then, June i, 1881, resigned his position. A vigorous effort was made to secure a reconsideration, but Mr. Wheelock's decision was unalterable, and he retired, followed by testimonials from the bank of the most complimentary nature. If possible, Mr. Wheelock has been more actively employed since that period than he was before. Philanthropic work has occupied much of his time but he has con- tinued to perform effective service in the direction of great corporations. He was for two years president of The American Surety Co. , one of the largest and most progressive enterprises of recent years. He accepted the office reluctantly and only until a suitable successor could be found, but yet remains the chairman of its Executive Committee. He has for many years been a director of The Equitable Life Assurance Society and chairman of its Committee on Investments. He is chainnan of the finance committees of many large institutions, has been a director in The New York, Lake Erie & Western Railway for the last ten years, and is a director in The Gold & Stock Telegraph Co., The Central National Bank, and other corporations. 726 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. A man of refinement, high character, and social disposition, Mr. Wheelock would at any time be regarded as an acceptable member of any first class social organization, but he has no taste for club life, pure and simple, and he has allied himself only with the Union League and Lawyers' clubs. He is an interested member and ex-director of The New England Society, and is fond of the annual reunions at which the descend- ants of New England in this city meet to regale themselves with choice oratory and a banquet. He has been a member of the council of the University of the City of New York for twenty-five years and was treasurer for about fifteen years. At present, he is chairman of the finance committee. He is honorary vice president of The American Tract Society now, and has been an elder in the Presbyterian Church on Washington Heights for thirty-two years. He has also been an active member of the Church Exten- sion Committee of the Presbytery of New York, being vice chairman and chairman of the finance committee. For many years, he served in the directorate of The Deaf and Dumb Institute. He lives in a beautiful residence on the Heights, with ample grounds covering the space of two city blocks, and commanding a noble view of the Hudson river. His country residence is at East Hampton on Long Island. Mr: Wheelock has two children, Dr. William E. Wheelock, who married the only daughter of the Rev. John Hall., D. D., pastor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, and Harriet E., wife of George A. Strong, a partner in the law firm of Martin & Smith, lawyers, at 54 Wall street. ALBERT TREDWAY WHITE, merchant, born in Brooklyn, May 28, 1846, is a son of Alexander M. White, a merchant of furs of long standing, who in the firm of W. A. & A. M. White, and in operations in real estate and railroads, has gained alarge reward for his enterprise. The subject of this sketch received his education in the Brooklyn Polytechnic and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutes, graduating from the former in 1862 and the latter in 1865, with the degree of civil engineer. He has not followed engineering as a profession, however, but began business life as a clerk in his father's firm in 1866, and became the partner of his father and of his brother, the present William A. White, in 1868. This old house, founded over sixty years ago, by William Augustus White, uncle of Alfred T. , imports its own goods, manufactures in a shop in Danbury, Conn., and has two stores in this city at 130 Water street and 24 Washington Place respectively. Mr. White is an efficient factor in the operations of the house. He is conspicuous for his interest in philanthropic work and has been for many years president of The Brooklyn Bureau of Charities and other societies. The attention of Mr. White having been drawn by his work in this field to the need of better homes for the working classes, he built in 1876 dwellings for forty-four families upon an improved plan. These proved successful, whereupon Mr. White enlisted other aid and the asso- ciation thus formed built the Tower, Home and Riverside buildings, with apartments for 550 of the families of workmen. These structures have attracted attention as the largest and most successful experiment of the sort in the United States, and, for his part in creating them, Harvard University has bestowed upon Mr. White the honorary degree of M. A. His acceptance of the Commissionership of City Works in Boooklyn tinder Mayor Schieren has now temporarily withdrawn him from active participation in the interests of previous years. Mr. White belongs to the Hamilton, Montauk and Riding & Driving clubs and the Century and Down Town clubs of New York. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WH. 727 STEPHEN VAN CULEN WHITE, stock broker, is a native of Chatham count}-, N. C., where he was born, Aug. i, 1831. His mother, Julia Brewer, was a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell and a member of an old North Carolina family, while his father, Hiram White, was a farmer and on his mother's side descended from mem- bers of the Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, who moved South after the American Revolution. In 1831, the family being hostile to slavery, moved to Jersey county, 111., and Stephen spent his boyhood in what was then a wilderness. His first earnings came from the sale of furs, the product of his own traps. Graduating from Knox college in 1854, he went to St. Louis, served as a bookkeeper in a wholesale store, studied law, and was admitted to the bar, Oct. 4, 1856. He practiced his profession with success in Des Moines, Iowa, until 1856, and then removed to New York and helped Charles B. Marvin establish the stock brokerage and banking, firm of Marvin & White. Two years later, the firm retired from business. Mr. White joined the Stock Exchange in 1869 and went on alone until 1882, when the house of S. V. White & Co. was organized with several partners. Meanwhile, there had been in 1872 a serious setback and a recovery of lost ground, with full payment of debts. Mr. White's operations in stocks were for a long period among the most daring and successful in the street. One specu- lation in Lackawanna stock made him a rich man. In 1891, he failed for a million dol- lars. He resumed business with 50,000 capital, being released from obligations upon a verbal promise to pay, made about a million dollars in 1892 at the Stock Exchange, paid every debt in full, and found himself again a man of fortune. This was one of the most extraordinary incidents in Wall street. In politics a Republican, Mr. White has figured since 1856 in public affairs. He has been a Park Commissioner of Brook- Ivn and became a member of the Lth Congress. He has been receiver of The Grocers' Bank and The Sugar Trust, and long treasurer of Plymouth church in Brooklyn, and is a member of the Stock Exchange, the Union League, Lincoln, Hamilton and Brook- lyn clubs in that city and the Lawyers' club of New York. Feb. 24, 1857, he was married to Eliza M., daughter of Hiram Chandler, and their children are Jennie Chandler, who married Franklin W. Hopkins, and Arthur White. WILLIAM WHITLOCK, born in New York city, Jan. 23, 1791, died at his resi- dence here, July 10, 1875. He was a son of William Whitlock, prominent as a ship owner and ship master, and was descended from Thomas Whitlock, who came from England in 1640, and after a few years of residence in Massachusetts, became one of the first settlers of Gravesend, Long Island, in 1646. William Whitlock, jr., received a fair education, and, in 1812, entered the shipping business and soon created a large trade. At one time, he ranked among the largest individual owners of ocean tonnage in the United States. He did not have the control of as large a number of vessels as some others but owned most of his ships entirely. In 1825, he established a line of packet ships between New York and Havre, which flourished until the beginning of the Civil War, when the competition of steamships drove it from the sea. Mr. Whit- lock exported cotton extensively and imported East India goods, particularly Manila hemp. He was a director of The Bank of America and had high credit in the chief commercial cities of the world. He retired in 1872. In 1818, he married Miss Eliza H. Scott of Catskill. N. Y., and had one son and four daughters. Religious and chari- table work occupied much of his time. For many years, he served as treasurer of St. George's Church and an officer of The American Bible Society. 728 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. SAMUEL WILLETS, merchant, born in Westbury, L. I., June 15, 1795, died in New York, Feb. 6, 1883. The son of Robert and Mary Willets, respectable farmers, he came to this city early in life. A clerk with Robbins & Hicks, flour dealers, for three years, he engaged in the hardware business, at the age of twenty, with his elder brother, Amos, under the firm name of A. & S. Willets. These two, by economy, prudence and good management, gradually built up a concern, well known and re- spected, and the house at No. 303 Pearl street, was regarded as an example of deserved mercantile success. In 1850, the elder brother withdrew, and Samuel, with his brother, Robert R. , and others of the family, organized the firm of Willets & Co. Samuel remained senior partner until the close of 1867, when he retired, having spanned fifty-two years with an uninterrupted and honorable career. For a few years more, his name appeared as a special partner. Starting with general hardware, the firm had gradually added interests of a different nature and became prominent as owners and agents in the whale fishery. California connections came later, with exten- sive consignments of the staples of that State, while a Mexican trade, embracing ship- ments of cotton, was also developed. A line of business with Texas was a subsequent acquisition, and, in 1862, the hardware department was relinquished, and exclusive attention given to the commission business, which, with the addition of a large leather interest, continues the calling of the house to this day. At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Willets married Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Hicks, a neighbor of his father. Mrs. Willets died in January, 1881. Their children were Jacob H., Robert, Amelia and Edward, all now deceased. In early manhood, Mr. Willets was an active and courageous member of the " Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves and Protecting such of them as have been or may be Liberated," was exceedingly active in its affairs, freed many slaves, and united with his friend, Isaac T. Hopper, in an effort before the Legislature to secure a law, granting to persons claimed as slaves a trial by jury. Early called into many corporations, he was for over thirty-five years a director in The American Exchange Bank and at one time its president. He was one of the trustees of The Union Trust Co. , a director of The Second Avenue and Third Avenue Railroads, vice president of The Stuyvesant Insurance Co., and president of The Williamsburgh Gas Light Co., governor of The New York Hospital, president of The New York Infant Asylum, The Working Women's Protective Union, and The New York Infirmary for Women and Children, and one of the advisory committee of The Association for the Relief of Colored Orphans. To the support of all of these he generously contributed. He also aided The Woman's Medical College and was especially generous to Swarth- more College. Industry, energy and punctuality were conspicuous in his administra- tion of business, and an indomitable will nerved him with uncommon spirit. He was upright and conscientious, prompt and decisive, and a good friend and neighbor, and his familiar garb and figure will long be missed from the walks of life. By his will, he left $25, ooo each to The Association for the Benefit of Negro Orphans, The Society for Improving the Condition of the Poor, The New York Juvenile Asylum, The Children's Aid Society, and The Working Woman's Protective Union; $50,000 each to The Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, The New York Infirmary for Women and Children, and The New York Hospital; $100,000 to Swarthmore College, and $85,000 to other charities; total, $460,000. CITY OF NEW YORK. WI. 729 GEORGE GILBERT WILLIAflS, banker, one of the soundest, most conservative and best known financiers in New York, is the worthy president of the famous old Chemical Bank. This great institution was founded in 1824 as The Chemical Manu- facturing Co., with banking privileges, by a number of leading members of the drug trade in this city. In 1844, its original charter expired and it was then at once reorgan- ized as The Chemical Bank. During the war, the institution became a national bank. Of the original company, John Mason was one of the most prominent presidents. John Quentin Jones was made first president of the bank in 1844, and Mr. Williams succeeded him in 1878, and during his long, wise and successful management, the institution has become the soundest, as it is the most famous, in the city. Mr. Williams was born in the town of East Haddam, Conn., in 1826. He descends from Welsh ancestry. His family is the one which gave birth to Roger Williams of colonial fame. His own ancestor was Robert Williams, who came to America about the time of the Pilgrims. The family has always been distinguished by its high social position and the public spirit of its members. More than thirty of its men held com- missions in the armies of the American Revolution. The father of Mr. Williams was Dr. Datus Williams, a practicing physician of East Haddam for more than forty years. George first aspired to the career of a lawyer, and during his early years of careful education at home, in the district school, and the village academy, he kept this object in view. But a different career was opened to him by circumstances. Among the patients of his father was a brother of the cashier in The Chemical Bank in New York city. The lad attracted the attention of Mr. Jones, who offered to secure for him a position in the bank. The arrangement was made, and young Mr. Williams came to New York in December, 1841, and entered the employment of The Chemical Manufac- turing Co., then established on the site of the present National Park Bank. He began as assistant to the paying teller. Honest, ambitious, and clear headed, he applied himself to his work with so much intelligence and success, that, at the age of twenty, he was made paying teller, and was the youngest man in the city occupying such a responsible position. Among the directors and depositors of The Chemical Bank were many of the foremost men in New York, including A. T. Stewart, Robert and Peter Goelet, John D. Wolfe, Cornelius S. V. Roosevelt, Robert McCoskrey and Japhet Bishop, a fact which renders apparent the nature of the compliment, when, in 1855, Mr. Williams was elected cashier of the bank, and when on Jan. i, 1878, after the death of John Quentin Jones, he was elected to the presidency of the institution. Mr. Williams has always made finance the subject of diligent study and has proved a capable and valuable manager of his great institution. Its deposits have now reached the sum of 30,000,000. His judgment and conservatism have won the implicit confi- dence of leading merchants and capitalists and he has been called to many positions of trust outside of his bank. He is now director in The Union Trust Co. , The Fidelity & Casualty Co., The United States Life Insurance Co., The Eagle Fire Insurance Co., The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., The Institution for Savings of Merchants' Clerks, and The Pennsylvania Coal Co. Modest, reserved and quiet in demeanor, Mr. Williams is a cultivated gentleman and an agreeable companion in social life. He has little taste for club life, but has joined the Metropolitan and Riding clubs for certain advantages they afford, and is an enthusiastic member of The New England Society. His public spirit has been shown 73 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. by his support of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and The American Museum of Natural History, and in many other ways. Nov. 14, 1867, he was married to Miss Virginia King, daughter of Aaron King of New York city. His wife is a woman of great cultivation and refinement. Their union has brought them five children, one of whom is living. Mr. Williams is a prominent member of St. Bartholomew's P. E. church on Madison avenue and one of the governors of The Lying-in Hospital. JAnES WINSLOW, banker, born in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 17, 1815, died at his residence, 44 West 2oth street, New York city, July 18, 1874. This energetic and capable man was of New England ancestry, and a lineal descendant of a brother of Gov. Edward Winslow of the Plymouth colony. He started in life as clerk in the hardware store of Erastus Corning, in Albany. Removing to New York shortly after- ward, he engaged in the hardware business, which he carried on for several years with excellent success. He then entered the banking firm of Winslow, Lanier & Co., which had been established by his brother and father-in-law, and rendered important service in the promotion of Western railroad enterprises, and the negotiation of war loans for the government during the administration of President Lincoln. He was subsequently con- nected with national banks, and at the time of his death was vice president of The Third National. By his marriage in 1847, with Margaret, daughter of James F. D. Lanier, he became the father of Margaret Lanier, Edward, James Norton, and Annie Gardner Winslow. His son, EDWARD WINSLOW, banker, was born in New York city, Jan. 14, 1850. His mother traced her line to Huguenot ancestry, and thus, in the veins of Edward Winslow flows the best blood of the Puritans of New England and the Hugue- nots of France. Receiving a thorough education in his native land, Mr. Winslow en- tered the banking house of Winslow, Lanier & Co., in Wall street in 1873 and has ever since remained identified with the firm. They are now one of the largest houses in the street and active" in the re-organization of corporations. Founded, in part, to promote railroad enterprise in Indiana, this house has continued to transact a large and conserva- tive business in investment securities to the present day. Mr. Winslow is a cultivated gentleman, exceedingly well liked in social life, and is a member of the Metropolitan, Reform, Country, City, Tuxedo, and the Larchmont, Atlantic, New York, and Corin- thian Yacht clubs. He is public spirited and philanthropic, and a trustee of The New York Skin & Cancer Hospital. By his marriage with Emma Corning Sweetser, daughter of J. A. Sweetser, in 1873, he has one child, Marguerite Lanier Winslow. FREDERICK SEYflOUR WINSTON, insurance president, a native of Ballston Spa, N. Y., born Oct. 14, 1806, died in Fernandina, Fla., March 27, 1885. He was a son of Frederick Winston, a Virginian, and of Susan 'Seymour, of Connecticut, who settled early in life in Saratoga county, N. Y. The Winstons came originally from Wales and settled in Virginia. Patrick Henry's mother was a member of this family. Educated in the academy in Utica, Mr. Winston began life at fifteen as clerk for Halsted, Haines & Co., wholesale dry goods merchants of New York. A breezy vigor and purity of charac- ter greatly enhanced his success, and led the firm to take him into partnership. In a few years' time, he opened a store of his own on Pine street, opposite the present building of The Mutual Life Insurance Co. While at one time among the most prominent wholesale dry goods merchants of the city, he finally failed. In 1846, he was elected a director of The Mutual Life Insurance Co., organized four years before, settled the THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WI. 731 affairs of his firm, and thereafter gave his undivided attention to the insurance com- pany. In 1853, he succeeded John B. Collins as president, and held this position till his death, a period of over thirty years. In 1864, he transferred the offices from the Trinity Building on Broadway to a home at the corner of Liberty street and saw the assets increase under his administration from $2,000,000 in 1853 to $100,000,000 in 1885. Mr. Winston was a staunch Union man during the Civil War. In 1866, he became a Commissioner of Emigration for five years, discharging this duty from con- scientious motives. A member of the Protestant Episcopal chuich, he was also vice president of The American Bible Society and of The Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society, and otherwise an active influence in philanthropic work. A thick set, genial, man, with ruddy face, heavy iron gray hair and side whiskers, he was a notable figure. In 1833, he married Lucy Cotton, of New York, who died March 14, 1886. Of their children, four survived him, Gustavus S. Winston, M.D., Frederick M., James Sands, Mary Hoadley and Sarah Cotton. BENJAMIN ROBERT WINTHROP, realty owner, born in New York in January, 1804, died in London, England, July 26, 1879. He traced his descent from John Win- throp, the first English Governor of Massachusetts, and, on his mother's side, from Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dxitch Governor of New York. Occupied in early life as clerk in the' banking office of Jacob Barker, he there met the poet Halleck as a fellow employe. Mr. Winthrop inherited a large estate from both his father and mother, which he increased by his own labors, investing his means almost wholly in real estate. He was president at one time of a marine insurance company, a trustee of the old Public School Society, and up to the time of going abroad a vice president of The New York Historical Society. He had an interest in The Bank for Savings of Merchant Clerks and at the time of his death was its first vice president. He also served as one of the governors of The Lying-in Hospital and had been for many years its treasurer. In the performance of official duty, Mr. Winthrop was extremely punctilious, often making long journeys to attend a board meeting, and once coming from Europe for that purpose. Twelve years of his life were spent abroad. By his marriage with Elizabeth A. C., daughter of William Neilson, merchant, he became the father of five children, Egerton Leigh and Neilson W T inthrop ; Eliza S. , wife of William Kernochan ; Benjamin R. Winthrop; and Mrs. Anne Neilson Curtis, of Boston. SILAS HEMINWAY WITHERBEE, manufacturer, born in Bridport, Vt, not far from the shore of Lake Champlain, Jan. 27, 1815, died at his home in New York city, June 8, 1889. Of the large family of his father, Jonathan, a farmer, the subject of this memoir was next to the youngest child. The Witherbees are of English descent, and their ancestors were rewarded by the crown for valiant services during the Cromwellian period, receiving recognition by the gift of a title. Some of the family removed to New England in the earliest days of settlement. Mr. Witherbee received a common school education, such as most farmers' sous began life with at that time, and as soon as he was old enough to work engaged as apprentice to a blacksmith. While his first experience was not without influence in determining his' subsequent career, he did not like blacksmith's work. After a year or two, he accepted a position as clerk in the store of his brother in law at Port Henry, N. Y., just across the lake from his former home. Here he remained for ssveral years, until he took a position as clerk with The Bay State Iron Co , whose furnaces were THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WI. 733 located in Port Henry. About this time, June 23, 1842, he married Sophia C. Goff of Orange county, N. Y. , and began housekeeping on a salary of $600 a year. After a few years with The Bay State Iron Co., he was removed because of the jealousy of the superintendent. Mr. Witherbee had been making himself too valuable to the com- pany and people had come to prefer dealing with him, rather than with the man actually in charge. He then went to Westport, N. Y., remaining for a while at the blast furnace located there, but The Bay State Iron Co. soon sent for him and gave him the place of the superintendent who had dismissed him. After a few years, he formed an alliance with his nephew, J. G. Witherbee, to engage in a small way in the transportation business on Lake Champlain, and a little later the}' bought an interest in the iron ore mines near Port Henry, which, largely through their exertions, became famous as iron properties. Successively, the firms organized were, S. H. & J. G. Witherbee, Lee, Sherman & Witherbee, and Witherbees & Fletcher; and finally George Sherman and he, having bought all other interests, they organized the firm of Witherbee, Sherman & Co., which has always had the highest standing for integrity and financial soundness, not only in the iron trade, but through- out Northern New York. At his death, Mr. Witherbee was yet at the head of this copartnership. He was vice president of The First National Bank of Port Henry; director of The Port Henry Iron Ore Co., and president of The Lake Champlain & Moriah Railroad, besides being interested in other business ventures, local and other- wise. He became, in 1887, president of The Port Henry Furnace Co., successors of the original company, from which he had in his early life been dismissed by the super- intendent. In 1868, Mr. Witherbee removed to New York, and in the following year bought the house in which he lived until his death. He early joined the Union League club, and was one of its regular although unostentatious supporters, and a member and trustee of the Brick Presbyterian Church. In the '705, he became interested in prop- erty in Westchester county, near New Rochelle. Largely through his instrumentality, the attractive suburb of Pelham Manor came into being. Part of his property was taken by the city for the Pelham Bay Park. He never held public office, being of an unobtrusive nature, but was always a staunch supporter of the Republican party. Of a most generous disposition, man}' men were helped by him in a quiet way. It was a boast of his early life, that, if he ever had more than $20,000, all sums above that should go towards educating young men; and while this was not literally fulfilled, many young men and boys had reason to thank him for their start in life and his continued encouragement. Mr. Witherbee had three children, Elizabeth V., wife of the Rev. Lewis Francis; Mary G. W., wife of Robert C. Black, and Walter C. Witherbee. DAVID DUNHAM WITHERS, born Jan. 22, 1822, on Greenwich street in this city, died at the Brevoort House, February 18, 1892. He was a son of Reuben Withers, a Virginian, who came to New York a boy and made a fortune in the trade with China and was at one time president of The Bank of the State of New York. The family lived at one time in a little white cottage on the site of the present statue of Washington in Union Square, then away out in the country. Graduating from Dr. Muhlenberg's school, the young man went South as a representative of the shipping house of Rowland & Aspinwall, making his home in New Orleans and man- 734 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. aging their whole Southern business admirably. Alive to the opportunities of the South, he acquired an interest in a cotton plantation near Natchez, borrowing $20,000 for this purpose on notes endorsed by his father. Later, he bought more land and in all finally owned about 2,000 acres in Louisiana and Mississippi. Several speculations in cotton resulted favorably and gave an impetus to his fortune. Investing his surplus means in corporations, gas works, railroads, etc., he finally retired from active business to enjoy the fruits of his labors. During the Civil War, he lived in Paris and elsewhere abroad, and after the return of peace established his home in New York city. Mr. Withers began in 1866 to take a lively interest in the amusements of the turf, and in 1870, in the breeding of fine horses. From the latter date, he discontinued betting on races. The Brookdale stable in Monmouth county, N. J., which he created, soon became famous as one of the most complete and excellent establishments of its class in the East. Mr. Withers invested probably $1,000,000 in turf interests. The racing track at Monmouth Park in New Jersey came into existence largely through his efforts and expenditures. He was a member of the Knickerbocker, Metropolitan, Union and Whist clubs. No family survived him, other than his brothers and sisters. CHARLES FREDERICK WOERISHOFFER, banker, originated in Glenhausen, province of Hesse, Germany, where he was born, Aug. 5, 1844. He died in Manhat- tanville, May 10, 1886: His family were worthy and reputable people but very poor and did not possess the means to give their boy a start in business life. Confronted with the stern struggle for existence at an early age, he was compelled to depend upon himself from boyhood; and this circumstance no dotibt did much to develop the self reliance, the habit of thinking for himself, and the enterprise, which distinguished his subsequent career. Trained to the requirements of business in Frankfort and Paris, he sailed for the new world in 1865 to seek his fortune. Settling in New York city, he entered the office of August Rutten as a clerk. His native capacity brought him rapidly forward, and Mr. Rutten soon made him the cashier. Not long after that, he pushed out for himself and in 1868 associated himself with M. C. Klingenfeldt, and a year or so later - with others, finally becoming a member of the Stock Exchange. He then transacted very important business for L. von Hoffman & Co., who found their trust in him amply repaid by his energetic, prudent and successful ways. With them, he began to lay the foundation of a fortune. Emboldened at last to engage in business under his own name, he established in the summer of 1870 the firm of Woerishoffer & Co., stock brokers and bankers. The house was prosperous from the start, and two of the origi- nal partners soon retired rich. The firm have always been noted for their enterprise and influence. One of the operations which won reputation for Mr. Woerishoffer was a fight he waged in 1879 with Jay Gould, Russell Sage and others for the control of The Kansas Pacific Railroad. Woerishoffer, representing a ntimber of Frankfort investors, contracted to sell certain Denver bonds to the Gould-Sage syndicate at 80 on the hundred, but the latter repu- diated the contract and named $70 as their price. Mr. Woerishoffer made prompt and effective use of the telegraph cable to Europe, and before the syndicate had fully pre- pared for his campaign, he had safely gathered within the hands of The United States Trust Co., more than a majority of the bonds, which the syndicate were after. He then had the satisfaction of telling his rivals, calmly, that as their foreclosure scheme de- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WO. 735 pended on securing control of the bonds, they would have to pay full price for their coquettishness. The syndicate failed to shake his determination and were obliged to pay par value for the bonds. This operation made Mr. Woerishoffer famous in Ger- many and London as well as in New York. From that time forward, he enjoyed the implicit trust of every German investor in American securities; and as a result of that successful deal, Frankfort came largely into the New York stock market. About $6,000,000 were involved in the case. Mr. Woerishoffer was also identified with a famous campaign in Wall street, over Northern Pacific Railroad securities. While the stock of that road ranged at a high price, he declared that the earnings of the company did not warrant the fancy quota- tions at which the stocks were held. With the courage of his convictions, he openly sold the w r hole line short, standing in this operation single handed against many influ- ential men and heavy bankers. Seeing that arguments were of no avail, his opponents decided to whip Mr. Woerishoffer into line; and a syndicate was formed to buy 100,000 shares of the stock and squeeze him out of the market. That speculation proved a merry dance for the street, but Mr. Woerishoffer led the way. Nothing seemed to daunt him. No rise or fall in quotations provoked more than a look of indifference. Countless friends assured him that he stood iipon a volcano, which might wreck his fortunes and those of his friends. With a rush, the 100,000 shares were bid up to a high quotation. The whole order was filled by his own brokers, and he had cleared millions by his allegiance to the fact that stock cannot be sustained for any length of time with net earnings out of the question. Mr. Woerishoffer led to success a dozen noted campaigns which followed in Wall street. He was conspicuous in The West Shore Railroad settlement, and his transac- tions in special speculations ranged at tremendous figures. Where others bought or sold thousands of shares, he handled tens and hundreds of thousands. Cool, reticent, and observing, he possessed a judgment of values intrinsic and speculative, which sel- dom erred and was usually exact. He knew all the resources of speculation and em- ployed them with success both in bulling and bearing stocks. Operating through many different offices, his brokers were often ignorant of the fact that other members of the Stock Exchange, with whom they were at cross purposes, had the same client. Fortune came to him in large operations and his generosity was proverbial. His clerks were the envy of every office in Wall street. Thousands went even- month to help other men ; and Mr. Woerishoffer is credited with the unexampled liberality of giving over twenty Stock Exchange seats, without reserve, to men whom he had found faithful to his interests. It was not exceptional for him to give $1,000 checks as Christmas presents to his clerks. The charities of the city also received from him frequent and large contributions. To The German Hospital he was a large donor. At the time of his death, he had been a power in Wall street for over twenty years. His speculations were noted for their dash, fearlessness and success. No great operator in Wall street was ever more popular among those with whom he came in contact. His life was full of dramatic incidents and his career in Wall street paralleled by few. Starting as a poor clerk, without friends or influence in America, at the age of twenty-one, at forty-three he had risen to be a power in money centres, a ruler of corporations, a maker of markets and possessed of a fortune of millions. Every iota of his far reaching influence he made for himself. 736 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. He retired from active partnership in the firm of Woerishoffer & Co., Jan. i, 1886, but retained a special partnership and gave the succeeding firm the benefit of his frequent advice. He was also a special partner in the firm of Walsh & Hackman, at 27 William street. In 1873, he was married to Anne, the daughter of the late Mrs. Anne Ottendorfer. He had two daughters. JOHN WOLFE, son of the late Christopher Wolfe, wholesale hardware merchant, was born on Fulton street in this city, opposite St. Paul's Church, in December, 1821. Educated in leading private schools of this city and in France, he succeeded his father in 1842 in the wholesale hardware importing and jobbing business. The trade of the house was mainly with merchants of the Southern States and the late Civil War made it necessary in 1864 to liquidate the business, then carried on under the name of Wolfe, Dash & Fisher. Mr. Wolfe then travelled extensively in Europe, visiting Egypt, the Holy Land, Constantinople, etc. He lived for several years in Dresden, Germany. He gratified a taste for the fine arts while in Europe, by the purchase of many original oil paintings, principally by leading artists of the modern French schools, a number of which are now in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. He is a member of the Century and Tuxedo clubs and a strong supporter of the public museums of the city. He was married in 1866, to Miss Angonetta B. Dash, daughter of the late Daniel B. Dash of this city. Their children were three sons and three daughters, only two of whom at present survive, Christopher Wolfe, his oldest son, and Margaret, married to Grenville, son of the late Pierre Kane of this city. JOHN DAVID WOLFE, merchant, a native of this city, born July 24, 1792, died in New York, May 17, 1872. He bore the name of the founder of the family, who emigrated from Saxony to this city during the sixteenth century and died in 1759. David Wolfe, son of the pioneer, was an assistant quartermaster in the American army during the War for Independence and thereafter carried on a hardware trade in this city on Maiden Lane. John David Wolfe, his son, succeeded to his father's business and carried it on with success. At the age of fifty, he retired. By investment of his means in real estate, he gained a large accession to his fortune. Mr. Wolfe was a - strong Episcopalian, a vestryman of Trinity church and later senior warden of Grace church, and one of the most liberal donors of his time to the institutions of his church and the new 'dioceses beyond the Mississippi river. With Mrs. Peter Cooper, he founded the Sheltering Arms in New York City. Wolfe Hall, a school for girls in Denver, Col., was also founded by him, and he built the theological seminary of Ken- yon College, gave the fund for the College of the Sisters of Mercy in Topeka, Kan. , and built homes for crippled children and destitute Christians in Suffolk county, N. Y. He aided many other charities and was first president and an organizer of St. John- land, president of The Working Women's Protective Union, and vice president of The .New York Hospital. His wife was Dorothea Ann, daughter of the second Peter Lor- illard, and two daughters survived him. One of them, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, inherited a large fortune from her father and grandfather. Born in New York, March 28, 1828, she died April 4, 1887. Cultivated, serene, and a Christian woman, her life was one of the strong influences for good in this city and a long record of gracious kindness. During her last fifteen years, she gave away more than $4,000,000 to col- leges, churches, charities and schools, not only in New York City, but in various other parts of the country. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WO. 737 BENJAMIN WOOD, journalist, or, as he is almost universally known, the Hon. Ben. Wood, whose life affords one of the most interesting examples of successful journalism in the metropolis, originated in Shelbyville, Ky., where he was born, Oct. 13, 1820. Henry Wood, the first American ancestor, a Quaker, immigrated to this country in 1616 and after enjoying persecution by the Puritans in Massachusetts, settled in New Jersey, where he purchased from the Indians a large tract of land, a part of which is now occupied by the city of Camden, opposite Philadelphia, Having preceded William Penn, it' was Henry Wood who smoothed the way for that eminent man and assisted in the negotiations with the Indians which followed. It may be mentioned that the name of Benjamin appears to have been a favorite in the family, in- asmuch as it is found in every generation in Colonial and Revolution times. The subject of this sketch entered active business life when a youth and as super- cargo of a trading vessel made several voyages to the West Indies and Central America. Subsequent!}-, he had occasion to visit every State in the Union, and it was during this period of travel that he acquired a knowledge of human nature and habits of inde- pendence, which served to qualify him at the threshold of his career for the successes of his maturer years. He was engaged in various business enterprises for a number of years, with much success, and finally, in 1860, bought The New York Daily News, with which he has ever since been identified. This newspaper has always been governed by intensely Democratic convictions, and its proprietor and editor, Mr. Wood, has never hesitated, at whatever cost to himself, to champion extreme Democratic doctrines. At the time of its purchase, a national election was pending, and as events subsequently proved, the editor of the newspaper was destined to play no inconspicuous part in the struggle. Mr. Wood was quick to recognize the situation. He had already become an active factor in the field of politics, being a member of the Democratic State Central Committee, chairman of the committee appointed to unite the divergent interests of Stephen A. Douglas and John C. Breckinridge in their candidacy, and likewise chair- man of the convention of Democratic editors, which met in the Astor House in this city to determine upon the policy of their party. Through these various circumstances, the eyes of public men came to be concentrated upon him as one of the important leaders in the struggle which was about to ensue. In the autumn of 1860, Mr. Wood was elected Representative in Congress from what is now the Vth District of New York. No man in that body pleaded more strongly with voice and pen than he in behalf of the unity of the nation and against armed coercion of the South. His bold language and aggressive attitude attracted general attention throughout the Union, and it is not a matter of surprise, that, under the conditions of the time, Tlu Daily News was denied admission to the United States mails and for eighteen months remained under the ban of the Federal author- ities. That the people of his district were with him, however, is shown by the fact that in 1862, Mr. Wood was re-elected to Congress by an overwhelming majority, and had he not positively refused to accept the honor, he would have been again nominated in 1864. In 1880, his constituents would not accept a declination, and, for the third time, he was triumphantly elected a Representative of his district. He was never defeated when running for office, but has repeatedly refused political honors. That the influence of The Daily News must have been powerful during the War is indicated by the ability and character of its editorial staff, which comprised such men THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WO. 739 as John Mitchell, the Irish patriot, ex-Governor Wall of New Jersey, Wiliam Mann and Isaac G. Pray. Among the contributors whose names did not appear were James A. Bayard, Charles O'Conor, Samuel J. Tilden, Robert Garrett, sr., Jeremiah Black and Josiah Randall. After the War, Mr. Wood was instrumental in establishing on their feet several of the journalists of the South, who had been ruined, and it was due to his liberal ad- vances of funds that they were enabled to resume publication. The Cliarleston News of South Carolina, now The 'News and Courier, was one of the offspring of this generosity. Mr. Wood now believed that opportunity was ripe for a new departure in American journalism. Accordingly, April 29, 1867, The New York Daily News made its first appearance as a one cent evening newspaper, and in the form now familiar to more than half a million daily readers. The cost of printing paper was then ten cents a pound. Notwithstanding the heavy expenses, Mr. Wood made the venture a success, and it is believed, from that time until the present, Tlie News in point of circulation has distanced every other morning or afternoon journal in the United States. In fact, it may be safely said that with the exception of the Petit Journal of Paris and The London Telegraph, it probably leads the press of the world in point of circulation. About five months prior to the change of price, Mr. Wood decided to publish a Sunday News at a price which would bring it easily within the reach of the masses. The other great Sunday newspapers had more or less of a circulation in the country towns and villages, but in not one were the columns wholly devoted to subjects of special local and personal interest. The field was comparatively unoccupied and invit- ing. Advertisers who aimed to reach the largest possible number of metropolitan readers, appreciated the value of the new medium and flocked to its standard, while an enormous circulation attested the welcome with which the paper was received by the public. Yet farther enlarging his system of low priced newspapers, Mr. Wood began the publication of the New Yorker Tagcs Nachrichten in March, 1870, and when the Franco- Prussian war broke out, the German population of this city, who had no evening jour- nal, were for the first time able to read dispatches from the fatherland in their own language in a one cent paper. Two years later, in 1872, the New Yorker Sonntags- Naclirichten, an eight page German weekly, was issued. All these publications have since moved smoothly in their several channels of prosperity and have afforded an ex- ample, which has been followed in many parts of the country. One of the reasons why The New York Daily News has proved so successful is to be found in the fact that it has always been in close touch with the common people. It aided reforms and the election of public men with large, broad and wholesome ideas; and those who find it important to discern public opinion accurately cannot now neglect Tlie Daily News. During a quarter of a century, every candidate it has sup- ported for Mayor of New York, save one, has been elected. Over and over again, its influence in public affairs has been acknowledged, and more than once men of Demo- cratic faith in the metropolis have had occasion to be grateful for its decisive strokes in periods of grave concern. With lightning presses capable of printing 150,000 copies an hour, and in pos- session of every other detail of mechanism necessary for the rapid production of a newspaper, no occasion has yet arisen when Mr. Wood's facilities have been overtaxed. 74 AMERICA S SUCCESSFUL TVIEN. Mr. Wood's first wife died in 1849, leaving him two sons. In 1867, he married Miss Ida E. Mayfield, daughter of Henry T. Mayfield. The early records spell the name Maifield. On her mother's side, she is of distinguished Scotch ancestry, a descendant of a branch of the Earls of Crawford. By this second wife, Mr. Wood had one daughter, a beautiful, distinguished looking girl, who inherits to a remarkable degree her father's traits of character. Although Mr. Wood's wife is many years his junior, the marriage proved a happy union; he is a most devoted husband and indul- gent father, and is very proud of his accomplished wife and daughter. In person, Mr. Wood is of robust and sinewy frame, a trifle above medium height. In his early years he must have been a man of powerful muscular development. Strength of character is conveyed in the firm lines around the mouth. During the draft riots in this city, Mr. Wood performed signal service on several occasions in facing and turning back the angry and unreasoning crowd. On one occasion, Mr. Wood drew his revolver, and in tones whose meaning was unmistakable shouted to the crowd: " Men, you know that The Daily News has always been with you for the maintenance of your rights, but it is not your right to destroy the property of your fellow citizens, and you shall not pass here while I am alive to prevent it." Recognizing the old editor and knowing his determination, the leaders fell back, and in the pause which ensued the police found an opportunity to secure control. It would require many pages to chronicle the inter- esting incidents which form a part of the story of the venerable editor of The Daily News, but enough has been told to indicate the character of the oldest active proprietor of a New York newspaper, who from the start has been continuously and unchangeably true to the journal which has been the passion of his life. SAflUEL WOOD, merchant, born in East Rockaway, Long Island, died in this city, March 20, 1878, eighty-three years of age. He was one of four brothers, the others being David, Abraham, and Epenetus, all of them bachelors and sons of a farmer. The boys came to this city about 1816 and began business 'as grocers on Fulton street on the site of what is now Fulton market. When their store burned down, they moved across to No. 6 Fulton street. Later, they imported liquors on a large scale. The brothers were plain men but they made a great deal of money. Epenetus died first, leaving his accumulations to his brothers. David invested his means in bonds and mortgages largely, and when he died, leaving his property to Samuel and Abraham, Samuel called in the mortgages and engaged in real estate investments, becoming a large owner in this class of property. Abraham died next, leaving a life interest in his estate to Samuel. Thus by his own efforts and inheritance from his brothers, Samuel Wood became possessed of a large fortune. He founded the village of Woods- burg on Long Island, about a mile west of his birthplace. A large portion of his estate was devoted by his will to the establishment of The Samuel Wood Benevolent Insti- tute in this city. He had contemplated the endowment of a Free College of Music but changed this intention by a codicil. The will was declared void by the courts. Abra- ham Hewlett, a nephew, was his only heir at law. WILLIAfl WOOD, one of the oldest and best known residents of this city, born in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 21, 1808, died in New York city, Oct. i, 1894. His father was John Wood, a banker, of the firm of Buchanan, Wood & Co., in Charleston, S. C., with headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland. William was expected to enter the law and received an excellent education at the Universities of Glasgow and St. Andrew; but THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WO. 741 he preferred a practical career and came to New York city in 1828 to start a branch of the Glasgow house. The firm name then was Dennistoun, McGregor & Co., but Mr. McGregor soon withdrew, Mr. Wood taking his place. He had been in New York two years, when he married Harriet A. Kane, daughter of John Kane, of New York. He then returned to Glasgow and thence to Liverpool, where he remained for several years before becoming a New Yorker for life. His banking business prospered and before the War there was hardly a house better known in this city than Mr. Wood's. At one time, he took an active part in important public movements and was interested in politics, although not an office seeker. In 1869, he retired from business. He was appointed hi that year, a Commissioner of Education by Mayor Hall, and, on the passage of the new city charter the same year, the Mayor appointed him a Commis- sioner of the Dock Department. He always labored for the cause of education and was the founder of the Normal College. Before and during the late Civil War, Mr. Wood was an Abolitionist, in so far as he was always in favor of free trade, free speech, free religion, and of course of free labor. In 1860, the Collegiate Reformed Church of this city made him an elder. From his mother, who had inherited the place from her father, William Wood, the subject of this memoir inherited the ancestral home at Elie, Fifeshire, Scotland. The place was built about 700 years ago and has been in possession of the Wood family over 100 years. It faces the Firth of Forth, a tributary of the North Sea, and now passes to J. Walter Wood, jr. , a grandson of William Wood. Mr. Wood was a member of the St. Andrew's Society and at the time of his death its oldest member. His death was due to old age. He was thrice married, his second and third wives being Miss Margaret Lawrence and Miss Helen Mason. The names of his surviving children are, J. Walter Wood, Charlotte M. Bell, Elizabeth D. Kane, Harriet M. Wood, Helen W. Watts, Dennistoun Wood, H. Duncan Wood, Chalmers Wood and V. H. L. Wood. LORENZO GUERNSEY WOODHOUSE, merchant, retired, and capitalist, was born at Westmoreland, N. H., July 16, 1839. His father was the late Rev. Charles Woodhouse, a well known Universalist minister. His parents moved with their family in 1844 to Clarendon, Vt. , and in 1849, to Fitchburg, Mass. It was here in the common schools that Lorenzo, the youngest son, received the greater part of his education. His preference for an early business life induced him at the age of thirteen and a half years to leave home and take a position in the store of his uncle, L. G. Guernsey, of the firm of Guernsey & Terry, at Hudson, N. Y. He remained there a little over three years, when he sought a larger field of oppor- tunities and came to New York city in January, 1856. where he entered the employment of George Bliss & Co., one of the leading dry goods jobbing houses of the metropolis. The experience gained here proved to be of great benefit to him afterward, and helped to lay the foundation of his future success. He remained for seven years with this firm, where his services were highly appreciated. When Sumter was fired on in April, 1861, with the patriotic enthusiasm of youth he enlisted in the 7th Regiment, New York National Guard, and followed the fortunes of this regiment in its campaigns of 1861 and 1862, and saw subsequent service in riot duty. He served his full term and resigned his commission in 1868, since which time he has been one of the most active members and officers in the 7th Regiment Veteran Association. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WO. 743 In the summer of 1863, he associated himself with the dry goods firm of Cooley, Farwell & Co., of Chicago, as their New York representative. He continued with their successors, Farwell, Field & Co. , Field, Palmer & Leiter, Field, Leiter & Co. , and Marshall Field & Co. , covering a period of twenty-seven years, retiring from the latter firm in 1890. During all this time, he was their representative and for many years the manager and resident New York partner. This firm developed from a modest begin- ning into a mammoth concern, conducting an enormous business which is equaled by very few mercantile houses in the world. Their trade reaches every section of this country and their fame and reputation extend over several continents. The New York end of the business was under the management of Mr. Woodhouse and an important factor of this vast industry. Since his retirement from active business, he has spent much time in travel both at home and abroad. Mr. Woodhouse was married in 1866 to Miss Emma D. Arrowsmith, daughter of Dr. J. E. Arrowsmith, of Keyport, N. J. He has always lent discriminating aid to charity, and a recent gift, worthy of special mention, is the sum of $3,000 for an organ which he had built and placed as a memorial in the church in Fitchburg, Mass., of which his father was formerly the pastor, and which is known as the Woodhouse Memorial Organ. Mr. Woodhouse enjoys a wide acquaintance in financial circles and possesses shrewd judgment and fine executive ability, which have rendered his services valuable to all the corporations with which he has been connected. He is now thoroughly iden- tified with the commercial and social life of the metropolis, and a member of the Union League, Players', Lotos and Seventh Regiment Veteran clubs and The New England Society. Genial, courteous and clear in his judgments, he is a most agreeable associate in private life and ranks with the eminently successful, self-made men of the time. FRANK WORK, stockbroker, born in Chillicothe, O., Feb. 10, 1819, is a brother of the late John C. Work. At the age of ten, he became a clerk in a general store. This was the period of State canal building in Ohio, and the lad secured a place in 1835 as a civil engineer in the construction department, remaining in that employment until, the funds of the State being exhausted, all the engineers were discharged. In 1838, Mr. Work came to New York city and entered the dry goods jobbing house of Clark, Smith & Co. , as a clerk. In two years' time he was made a partner, under the name of Clark, Work & Co. In 1851, Mr. Work retired from the dry goods district and entered Wall street as an operator in stocks, establishing a stock brokerage office of his own in 1859. In 1870, the name was changed to Work & Co., bankers and stock brokers, and in 1875 to Work, Strong & Co. This well known house was for forty years active in the operations which center in Wall street and always bore a very high reputation. Mr. Work retired in 1891. He has been conspicuous on the American turf and the owner of many thoroughbreds. His stables, finished in oak and brass, illustrate the taste of a man of refinement, who loves the noble animals which are sheltered in that enclosure. Mr. Work is a member of the Manhattan, New York Yacht, and South Side Sportsmen's clubs and The Ohio Society. JOHN CLINTON WORK, merchant, bora in Baltimore, Md., died in this city, Nov. 29, 1887, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. Beginning life at the age of fifteen, as clerk in the dry goods store of Robert W. McCoy, in Columbus, O., he made every effort to fit himself for promotion, received it, and became a partner of 744 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. Mr. McCoy at twenty-one. By close economy and faithful application, he gained a little means, and coming to New York city in 1843, he formed the dry goods firm of Baldwin, Dibblee & Work, the store being then on Chambers Street. He was success- ful as a merchant and transacted a prosperous business until 1867, when the partners all retired. A member of the Union League club and fond of social life., he was con- spicuous for his fine manner and vigorous health. EBENEZER KELLOGG WRIGHT, bank president, rose by the possession of an unblemished character and business ability of a high order to become the honored head of one of the strongest financial institutions in the United States. He was born July 28, 1837 in Wright Settlement, a suburb of Rome, N. Y. and died in New York city, August 4, 1895. His father, Ebenezer William Wright, was a farmer, whose ancestors were among the earliest settlers of Wethersficld, Conn. In 1789, they removed to New York State and settled in Oneida county. Sophia Denio, mother of the subject of this sketch, is a sister of the distinguished Judge Denio of the Court of Appeals of New York State. One of Mr. Wright's ancestors was a signer of the original charter of Connecticut, while Benjamin Wright, a cousin of his father, was associated with Gov. Clinton in promoting and constructing of the Erie Canal. From capable, upright and worthy parents, Mr. Wright inherited a sound constitu- tion and an honest nature, while, from his early life upon the farm, he gained a phys- ical vitality, which enabled him in later years to perform an amount of labor appalling to a man of lesser strength. He attended the local district schools in this State and Connecticut during boyhood, enjoyed one year at the academy in Rome, and then, in 1855, exhibited his ambition by making his entrance into business life for a few months as clerk in a store. He then became clerk in The Utica City Bank in Utica, N. Y. , of which his uncle, Judge Denio, was president. The salary was small, only $100 a year, but the new clerk proved himself a willing, ambitious and faithful youth. He gained a strong liking for the banking business, soon winning the entire respect of the officers of the bank. In 1859, Mr. Wright came to New York and secured the position of assistant teller in The Park Bank, then located at No. 5 Beekman street. He paid the strictest attention to every detail of his work and discharged every duty in his usual painstaking manner. In 1865, the institution was reorganized as The National Park Bank of New York. By 1863, the income of Mr. Wright had become sufficient to warrant his marriage, and he was united to Josephine L. Hamilton of New York, a lady of distinguished parentage, whose family were prominent in colonial times and the American Revolution and bore their part bravely in the early wars. This union brought them four children, of whom three are living: Blanche Denio, wife of Edward Bright; Beatrice Orne, and Lawrence Worth Wright. In 1866, the bank promoted Mr. Wright successively to the positions of receiving and paying teller, and two years later, moved to its present location on Broadway. Mr. Wright's abilities having attracted attention, he was promoted in 1876 to the im- portant post of cashier. In this responsible position, he acquitted himself with great credit. To his untiring labor and watchfulness, his genial manners, cool judgment, and thorough understanding of finance, the subsequent success of the bank was largely due. In 1878, the stockholders elected him a director; in 1888, second vice president; in 1889, vice president; and on June 20, 1890, president. After the recent death of Eugene Kelly, Mr. Wright became the senior director of the bank. This great insti- ^ 746 AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. tution has now risen to an important position. Its capital is $2,000,000 and its surplus $3,000,000, while its deposits, which are upwards of $37,000,000, are not excelled in magnitude by any other bank in the United States. It has often been said that The National Park Bank is emphatically an institution of the people. Its accounts are largely those of merchants, manufacturers and firms in practical business, and on this account its periodical statements are watched by the public as a faithful indication of the condition of general business. Mr. Wright's connection with the bank brought him opportunities for legitimate investment. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and trustee of The State Trust Co., of which he was an incorporator, and of other important organizations. Although not a graduate, he was honored by Ham- ilton College, at Clinton, N. Y., in 1894, with the degree of M.A., owing to his general culture and qualifications. In politics a Republican, he was in religion an Episcopalian, and a vestryman of Trinity Church of this city, a member of the Church club, The Empire State Society of Sons of the American Revolution, and The Society of Colonial Wars. Mr. Wright's whole career was passed in the field of finance. He never allowed social organizations or the attractions of public life to interfere with his devotion to the bank. His success was due to concentration of effort, high character, and com- plete mastery of his chosen occupation. JAMES HOOD WRIGHT, banker, born in Philadelphia, died suddenly in this city, Nov. 12, 1894, at the Rector street station of the elevated railroad, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. While a youth, he learned the methods of business as a dry goods clerk, and remained in the dry goods business for several years, leaving it to become a clerk in the Philadelphia banking house of Drexel & Co. He showed ability as a financier and the managers of the firm evinced their appreciation of his capacity by frequent promotions. About 1864, he was taken into the firm as a partner. When the house of Drexel, Morgan & Co. was established in this city in 1871, he became one of the partners and soon removed to New York. Mr. Wright was interested in many business corporations and accepted the place of director of The Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railroad, The New York & West Shore Railroad, The Southern Railroad, The Edison Illuminating Co. and The New York Guaranty & Indemnity Co. He was also president of The Manhattan Hospital, in which he took a great interest, and a member of the Union League, Metropolitan, City, Riding and New York Yacht clubs. He married Mrs. Mary P. Robinson, widow of John Robinson, a former partner in Drexel, Morgan & Co., who survived him. Always public spirited in life, he left generous bequests for public objects, including $100,000 for the public library on Washington Heights, and a yet larger sum to The Manhattan Dispensary. WILLIAfl OZHUN WYCKOFF, manufacturer, born on a farm in the town of Lansing, Tompkins county, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1835, died at the Thousand Islands, N. Y., July n, 1895. He was a son of Ira Wyckoff, a prominent citizen and farmer. His mother was Julia A., daughter of William Ozmun, a farmer of the same town, while his early ancesters were Holland farmers, who came to this country about 1675, settling on Long Island. Mr. Wyckoff spent his early life in farming, receiving a common school education, and attending the Ithaca academy a few terms. In 1856, he settled upon a quarter section of land in Blue Earth county, Minn., with a view of securing means to attend college; but the reaction of 1857 put this out of the question, and he returned to Ithaca and took up the study of law. During the Civil War, he served two v THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WY. 747 years in the 320! N. Y. Inf., going in as a private and rising to the rank of captain. He was admitted to the bar, Nov. 16, 1863, and in the meantime had attended and received a diploma from Ames Business College in Syracuse. In 1866, he became official court stenographer of the Supreme Court for the 6th Judicial District of the State and held the position for sixteen consecutive years. The purchase of a Rem- ington type writing machine, in 1875, for use in transcribing court reports, drew his attention to the machine itself, and, obtaining an agency for their sale, he found that he could dispose of them so successfully that he resolved to turn from professional pursuits to a practical career. First, a salesman for The Remington Standard Type- writer Co., of Ilion, he finally, about 1882, established the firm of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, with about $20,000 of capital, and made a contract with E. Remington & Sons, whereby the firm became sole agents for the sale of the machines. They were successful from the start. In 1886, they bought the whole plant and patent rights of the Ilion concern. Their business continuing to expand, Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict were incorporated May 19, 1892, with a capital stock of $3,000,000. Mr. Wyckoff was president of the company, which manufactures the Remington type writing machine. He was for years a resident of the metropolis and after that made his home in Brooklyn. He was a member of the Republican club and the Loyal Legion of this city and the Union League club of Brooklyn, and for several years a member of the executive com- mittee of the latter; and a trustee of The Union Type Writer Co., and a member of the executive committee. He was married Oct. 20, 1863, to Frances V., daughter of Almon C. Ives, of South Lansing, N. Y., and their children are Edward G., now a prominent merchant of Syracuse, N. Y., and Clarence F. Wyckoff, of the class of '98, Cornell University. Ubriy Y. JOHN SHERLOCK YOUNG, merchant and financier, born in Baltimore, Md., Aug. 24, 1814, died in New York, June 24, 1880. A son of William Loney Young, shipping merchant, in partnership with Robert Gilmore, a prominent citizen of those days in Baltimore, John S. Young came to New York when fourteen years of age, and as a boy entered a wholesale grocery house. When eighteen years old, he estab- lished a shipping house as Palmer & Young, and for the forty or more years during which he remained in business was distinguished for unceasing activity and honorable dealing. He retired from mercantile life soon after the close of the Civil War, and later became a special partner in the banking house of J. B. Summerfield & Co., in which he continued until his death. Investing his fortune largely in real estate, he gave his attention to the care of this property during the closing years of his life. Mr. Young was one of the founders and original directors of The Marine Bank, and a mem- ber of Adelphic Chapter, F. & A. M. He married Ann Smith Post, daughter of Peter R. Post, an importing merchant of this city, and was survived by his wife and four children, the latter being John Day and William Henry Young; Annie P., wife of Charles E. Bogert, and Caroline Amelia, wife of M. T. Brundage. ANTONIO YZNAQA DEL VALLE, merchant and planter, born in Cuba, Sept. 8, 1823, died in this city, May 6, 1892. He came to this country while a boy, and obtained his education near New York, his early training making him thoroughly American in feelings and sympathies. Although he returned to Cuba and remained there for sev- eral years, he finally came back to the United States in 1847 or 1848. He then estab- lished a commission business, trading exclusively with Cuba, and for twenty-six years had his office on Broad Street. He was also a large sugar refiner. Though he owned a great deal of real estate in Cuba, including large sugar plantations on the south side of the island, he took no part in the political affairs there. When the first signs of the civil strife appeared in this country, he at once became an enthusiastic supporter of the Union. He had large interests in the South, but cast his whole influence in favor of the North. He was one of the first merchants who subscribed to raise $60,000,000 when Mr. Chase, then Secretary of the Treasury, came to New York to obtain this amount. z. ANDREW CHRISTIAN ZABRISKIE, realty owner, born in New York city, May 30, 1853, is a son of Christian A. Zabriskie and Sarah Jane Titus, his wife. The founder of this family in America was Albert Zborowski, a nobleman, who emi- grated from Holland in 1650, having previously fled from Poland, his native land, to escape political tyranny. He settled on the banks of the Hackensack river in New Jer- sey and married a daughter of one of the Dutch settlers. His five sons founded the numerous branches of the Zabriskie family in this country. The evolution of the sur- name was effected through a long series of years, until the present spelling was finally adopted. The paternal grandfather of Andrew C. Zabriskie, after whom he was named, was a well known New York merchant in the early part of this century and Adjutant of a squadron of horse in the county of Bergen, N. J., in 1798. The maternal grand- father, William M. Titus, also for many years a well known merchant in New York, served during the war of 1812 in the nth Artillery of New York, and was on duty in the forts which guarded the mouth of New York harbor. Subsequently, he became a Captain in the same regiment. The State authorities renamed this regiment in after years as the 27th N. Y. Inf. and it is now known as the 7th Regiment, N. G., N. Y. Christian A. Zabriskie never engaged in active business but preferred the quiet enjoyments of country life, spending much time at Paramus, N. J., upon a farm which comprises part of the estate which has now been owned by the family for more than two hundred years. His death, which took place in July, 1879, was particularly sad as he was instantly killed by the cars at Central Morrisania. One of the New York papers in its notice of the event called attention to the fact that sudden death was a mysterious heirloom in the Zabriskie family, both uncles of Andrew C. Zabriskie Martin and John Jacob having died suddenly. It also remarked that their family had always exerted a potent influence for good both in its native State and New York City in Church and Sunday School work. The wife of Christian A. Zabriskie was well known for large hearted charity and liberality. Possessed of an ample fortune in her own right, which she inherited from her mother, who was a daughter of Thomas Gardner, she took delight in assisting all good works, both within and without the Episcopal Church. Her devotion to her children was also one of her marked characteristics. Andrew C. Zabriskie received an excellent education in private schools and Co- lumbia College and early in life assumed charge of the large real estate interests of his family, a portion of which he inherited. He is a capable and enterprising man, the soul of honor, and highly regarded for ability and character by all who are admitted to his acquaintance. Possessing the military tastes of his family, he now has a long record of military service to his credit. He enlisted in 1873 in Company B., 7th Regiment, N. G., N. Y., and served over seven years in that historic and favorite organization. Subsequently, he was elected Captain of Company C, 7ist Regiment, N. G., N. Y., which position he resigned only to accept, a few years later, the position of Inspector of Rifle Practice on the staff of the same organization. Captain Zabriskie is the donor of a handsome bronze trophy, which is annually shot for by the various companies of the 7ist Regiment and is known as the Zabriskie Trophy. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ZA. 7$I Although a Republican, he has held aloof from active participation in practical politics, his only appearance in that arena having been in 1879, when he served as treasurer of the Independent Republicans in the revolt against Governor Cornell's re- election. He has joined a few good clubs and is a member of the Metropolitan, City and United Service clubs, The Holland, New York Historical, and American Geo- graphical Societies, and The Seventh Regiment Veteran Association, and is vice presi- dent of The American Numismatic & Archaeological Society, in whose work he takes a very great interest. In c6mmon with other cultivated New Yorkers, he has been zeal- ous in the promotion of the higher interests of the metropolis, and is a supporter of many public institutions, including the great museums in Central Park and The National Academy of Design, both of which bear an important relation to the growth of taste in the metropolis. His collection of coins and medals, is, in certain departments, unrivalled in this country. The early history of New York city, as illustrated by its medals and tokens, has received his particular attention, as well as the Presidential and political medals of the United States. Another department in which his collection stands pre-eminent is that of Polish coins and medals. The rise and fall of the unhappy country of Poland can be traced in a most interesting manner by an examination of this collection. In religion, Mr. Zabriskie is an Episcopalian and a delegate to the Diocesan Con- vention from the Church of the Incarnation, with which he has been connected since early childhood. He is treasurer of The American Church Missionary Society, treasurer of the Church German Society, and is a trustee of St. Luke's Hospital, The Sheltering Arms and other charities. Of The Bergen Turnpike Co., an ancient and powerful New Jersey corporation, he is president, and is much interested in developing his property interests there, which are very extensive. His contributions to literature have been mostly of an historical character, and embrace a " Descriptive Catalogue of the Medals Struck in Honor of Abraham Lincoln" and various articles contributed to the magazines. A valued relic in his possession is a page taken from the sum book of Lincoln when a boy, which is properly authenticated by his law partner, William H. Herndon. Captain Zabriskie owns a large island embracing over one hundred acres, in Lake Memphremagog, called Province Island, from the fact that the international boundary line passes across it. Here it is his custom to pass part of the summer, enjoying the sailing and fishing, as well as the pure invigorating air of that region. He was married to Miss Frances Hunter, youngest daughter of the late Charles F. Hunter, president of The People's Bank of New York, on the sixth of June, 1895, at the Madison Square Presbyterian Church. CORNELIUS ZABRISKIE, banker, born in that part of Bergen county, N. J., known as Cherry Hill, Feb. 24, 1839, i s a son f the l ate David A. Zabriskie, a promi- nent and influential citizen and great grandson of a paymaster in the Continental army ; noted both for his bravery and careful supervision of the finances. The family is an old one and its members have always borne a high reputation and shown marked public spirit in their respective generations. Leaving home at the age of fifteen, Mr. Zabriskie moved to Jersey City, where, after completing his studies at the public schools, he gained a thorough knowledge of chemistry and was for nine )'ears connected with the oldest drug house in Jersey City. 75 2 AMERICAS SUCCESSFUL MEN. In 1863, he decided upon a change of vocation and entered the large mercantile estab- lishment of Terhune Bro's, of Jersey City, as a clerk, and rose by excellent abilities to the head of one of the important departments of the concern. In 1871, the firm lost their place of business by fire. With limited resources, Mr. Zabriskie then engaged in banking in Jersey City and found in finance an excellent and congenial field for his abilities. His business has grown, through persevering and intelligent labor, until now his transactions aggregate millions of dollars a year, constituting, in fact, probably the largest banking business in New Jersey. Among the noteworthy incidents of his financial career was his suc- cessful effort for the formation of a syndicate, composed of himself and other men of pecuniary strength, for the rescue of Jersey City from impending bankruptcy. Bonds to the amount of several hundred thousand dollars were about to mature and there was no money in the treasury of the city with which to pay them. Mr. Zabriskie came promptly to the aid of the authorities and supplied a sufficient sum of money to relieve the city treasury from embarrassment. He is a recognized authority upon the subject of city and coimty securities and one of the soundest and most respected bankers of the State, with whose history for so long a period the Zabriskie family have been identified. Mr. Zabriskie has interested himself in a large number of local enterprises of Jersey City and vicinity, and is a director of The Hudson County National Bank of Jersey City, The First National Bank of Hoboken, The Jersey City Gas Light Co., and The Hackensack Gas Light Co., and an element of strength in them all. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of New York and The Washington Association of New Jersey, which was organized at a meeting of incorporators in Morristown, N. J., May 5, 1874. He is also a member of the Union League club of New York city and the Hamilton club of Brooklyn. Always a public spirited man, he has illustrated his interest in the welfare of his fellow citizens in many ways. After the destruction of the village of Cherry Hill, N. J., by a tornado in the summer of 1895, Mr. Zabriskie contributed $500 for the relief of the sufferers. Since 1882, he has been a resident of the city of Brooklyn. In that year, he married O. Addie Emerson, daughter of Edward Emerson, a native of Boston. He has three children, Madeline, Orlena A. and Elvia. AUGUSTUS ZEREQA, merchant, born in Martinique, Dec. 4, 1803, died in this city, Dec. 23, 1888. His family emigrated from Genoa about the middle of the last century and his father was a shipowner and man of large wealth and scholastic tastes. Edu- cated first in London, he went afterward to a college in France, wheie he had for a school mate the late Francis S. Skiddy. Returning to his home at the age of fifteen, he made several voyages in his father's ships and learned the art of practical navigation. When seventeen years old he determined to begin life for himself, and, going to St. Thomas, purchased a small schooner, which he sailed between the islands, carrying on a lucrative trade. When twenty-one years old, he married the daughter of a Danish nobleman. Shortly afterward he took command of a Baltimore clipper ship, and sailed it under Government convoy between St. Thomas and La Guayra. In 1835, ^e reached Philadelphia, and that city "not stirring enough," as he expressed it, for a man of his energy, he came on to New York. In a short time, he had established himself as a shipping merchant on South street, and there laid the foundations of the "Z" line of THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ZI. 753 clipper sailing vessels. His only partner died a few years ago in this city. Among the vessels of this line were the Queen of Clippers and the Antarctic. The latter, com- manded by Captain Stauffer, won celebrity by rescuing over 300 United States soldiers from the steamer San Francisco, when the latter foundered at sea. In 1855, Mr. Zerega retired from business with a fortune. He was a man of remarkable memory, especially for dates and figures, and retained this faculty almost to the day he died. His charities were liberal and always unostentatious. His wife survived him with nine children. WILLIAfl Z1EGLER,' manufacturer, a son of Francis Ziegler, manufacturer, was born in Beaver county, Pa., Sept. i, 1843. While William was yet a child, the family moved to the West and settled on a farm near Muscatine, Iowa. His mother, Ernestina, being left a widow when William was three years old, afterward married Conrad Brandt, an influential resident of Sweetland township in Muscatine county. In 1858, William learned the printer's trade in the office of The Muscatine Journal and followed varied employments for a few years, being after 1861 a druggist's clerk. In 1862-3, he gradu- ated from Eastman's Business College in Poughkeepsie, and then came to New York, where after a struggle he secured a place in a wholesale drug store, with which he remained five years, in the meanwhile graduating from the New York School of Phar- macy. By economy, he managed to save a little capital, and in 1868, engaged on his own account in supplying bakers and confectioners with extracts, drugs, etc. , not hav- ing at the time sufficient means to start a store. From this trade, sprang the enormous business in baking powder, which he subsequently developed. In 1870, he organized The Royal Chemical Co., and began the manufacture of baking powder, and in 1873, incorporated The Royal Baking Powder Co. These interests he managed with remark- able success, finally selling them in 1886. He has since invested largely in corporations. He owns a large interest in The W. B. Hislop Co., of Syracuse and Auburn, N. Y. In 1890, he bought The Price Baking Powder Co., of Chicago, now very profitable, and, in March, 1891, The Tartar Chemical Co., of Jersey City. He is also interested in The Lake Street Elevated Railroad of Chicago and The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, but has not been actively engaged in business since 1886. Prior to and upon withdrawing a large amount of capital from the baking powder industry, Mr. Ziegler engaged in large real estate operations and improvements in Brooklyn, especially in the 23d and 25th Wards, amounting to millions of dollars. He has also bought 2,000 lots at Morris Park, 1,500 lots in Flatbush and New Utrecht, known as the Martense Farm, 2,500 lots in Flushing and Corona, 2,000 lots on Staten Island, 6,000 lots at Linden, N. J., and much other property, including improved realty on Liberty and Cedar Streets, and Fifth and Madison Avenues in New York city. July 22, 1886, he married Mrs. E. M. Gamble, sister of Mrs. W. Jennings Demorest, of New York. He is a member of the Union League club of Brooklyn and Chicago, Atlantic, Larchmont and New York Yacht clubs, Down Town, Brooklyn and Robins Island clubs, and is a famous hunter, his house being decorated with splendid moose, caribou and deer and other trophies from the woods Mr. Ziegler came into great prominence in Brooklyn a few years ago by his long and successful fight to prevent the extravagant purchase of The Long Island Water Supply Co., by the city. He saved the city $1,500,000. He has been twice offered the Mayoralty of Brooklyn by the Republicans, but refused to make the can- vass, the last time being governed by the failure of the Democrats to renominate Mayor Chapin, with whom he wished to contest the campaign. INDEX. PACK ABBEY, HENRY E 5 ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM 5 ACKER, DAVID D 6 ACKER, CHARLES L 7 ACKER, FRANKLIN k . 7 ACKERMAN, WARREN 7 ADAMS, EDWARD D 8 ADEE, GEORGE T 10 ADRIAN, MICHAEL} n AGATE, FREDERIC K 12 AITKEN, JOHN W 12 ALDRICH, HERMAN D 13 ALEXANDER, JUNIUS B.... 13 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM C 14 ALEXANDRE, FRANCIS 14 ALLAIRE, JAMES P 15 ALLEN, GEORGE H 15 ALLEN, HENRY 15 ALMIRALL, JOSEPH J 15 ALSTYNE, JOHN 15 ALTMAN, BENJAMIN 16 AMSINCK, GUSTAV 17 ANDERSON, ELBERT J 17 ANDERSON, JOHN 18 ANDERSON, LORING 18 ANDREWS, CONSTANT A 19 ANDREWS, WALLACE C ig ANSBACHER, ADOLPH B 21 ANTHONY, EDWARD 21 ANTHONY, RICHARD A 22 ANTHONY, RICHARD K 22 APARICIO, JUAN 23 APPLEBY, REMSEN 23 APPLETON, DANIEL. 23 APPLETON, COL. DANIEL 23 APPLETON, WILLIAM H 24 APPLETON, WILLIAM W . . . . 24 ARBUCKLE, CHARLES 25 ARBUCKLE, JOHN 25 ARCHBOLD, JOHN D 25 ARCHER, OLIVER H. P 26 ARGUIMBAU, DANIEL V 26 ARKENBURGH, ROBERT H. . . 26 ARMOUR, HERMAN 27 ARMOUR, PHILIP D 28 ARMOUR, SIMEON B 29 ARMSTRONG, PHILANDER B., 29 ARNOLD, AARON 30 ARNOLD, HICKS 31 ARNOLD, RICHARD 30 ASPINWALL, WILLIAM H. . . . 31 ASPINWALL, GEN. LLOYD... 31 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, ist 32 ASTOR, WILLIAM B 34 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, 3d 35 ASTOR, WILLIAM WALDORF., 35 ASTOR, WILLIAM 37 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, 4th .... 39 PAGE AUCHINCLOSS, HUGH. . . 42 AUCHINCLOSS, JOHN 42 AUSTIN, ROBERT F 42 AVER, FREDERICK F 43 AYRES, MARSHALL 45 B. BABBITT, BENJAMIN T 46 BABCOCK, GEORGE H 46 BABCOCK, PAUL, JR 52 BACHK, SEMON 52 BAILEY, JAMES A 52 BAILEY, JAMES S 53 BAIRD, COL. ANDREW D. . . 53 BALLIN, OSCAR E 54 BAMBERGER, JACOB F 54 BANCKER, WILLIAM D 54 BANKER, JAMES H 55 BANKS, CHARLES 55 BANKS, JAMES LENOX 55 BARBER, AMZI L 56 BARBOUR, THOMAS 58 BARCLAY, HENRY 59 BARLOW, CHARLES 59 BARLOW. PETER T 60 BARLOW, SAMUEL L. M 59 BARMORE, ALFRED to BARNES, ALFRED S 60 BARNES, DEMAS 61 BARNES, JOHN S 61 BARNEY, CHARLES T 61 BARNEY, WILLIAM J 62 BARRON, DR. JOHN C 62 BARTRAM, JOSEPH B 64 BATES, EDWIN 65 BATTERMAN, HENRY 65 BAUDOUINE, CHARLES A 65 BAXTER, HORACE H 65 BEACH, ALFRED E 67 BEACH, MOSES Y 66 BEARD, OLIVER T 67 BEARD, WILLIAM H 68 BECHTEL, GEORGE. 68 BECK, CHARLES B 70 BECKWITH, NELSON M 70 BEDLOW, HENRY 70 BEEKM AN, HENRY R -71 BEEKMAN, JAMES W 72 BEER, JULIUS 74 BEERS, EDWIN 74 BELDEN, JOSIAH 74 BELDING, MILO M 75 BELKNAP, ROBERT L 77 BELL, GEORGE 79 BELL, ISAAC, JR 79 BELMONT, AUGUST 79 BELMONT, AUGUST, JR 80 BELMONT, PERRY 80 PAGE BENEDICT, ELI AS C 81 BENEDICT, HENRY H 81 BENNETT, JAMES GORDON, . . 83 BENNETT, JOSIAH S 83 BERNHEIMER, ADOLPH 84 BERNHEIMER. ISAAC 84 BERNHEIMER, SIMON 84 BERNHEIMER, SIMON E 84 BERNSTEIN, NATHAN 85 BETTMAN, DAVID 85 BETTMAN, MARCUS A 85 BEUTHNER, SOLOMON 86 BIERMAN, ISAAC 86 BININGER, ABRAHAM 86 BISCHOFF, HENRY 86 BISSELL, GEORGE H 87 BISSELL, PELHAM ST. G 87 BIXBY, JOHN M 88 BIXBY, ROBERT F 88 BLACKFORD, EUGENE G . . . . 88 BLAKEMAN, BIRDSEYE 89 BLEECKER, ANTHONY J 89 BLISS, CORNELIUS N 91 BLISS, ELIPHALET W 92 BLISS, GEORGE. 93 BLISS, WILLIAM 94 BLISS, WILLIAM M 95 BLOOMINGDALE, JOSEPH B. . 95 BLOOMINGDALE, LYMAN G. . 96 BODMAN, EDWARD C 96 BONNER, ROBERT 97 BONNETT, PETER R 97 BOODY, DAVID A 98 BOORAEM, HENRY A 98 BOOTH, EDWIN 99 BOOTH, HE.NRY P 99 BORDEN, GAIL 101 BORDEN, MATTHEW C. D. . . 101 BOSHER, CHARLES H . , 103 BOSKOWITZ, IGNATZ 103 BOSTWICK, JABEZ A 103 BOULTON, WILLIAM G 104 BOWDOIN, GEORGE S 104 BOWEN, HENRY C 105 BRAGG, CALEB S 106 BRAND, JOHN 106 BRANDRETH, BENJAMIN 106 BREVOORT, JAMES C 107 BREWSTER, HENRY 107 BRJCE, CALVIN S 108 BRINCKERHOFF, ELBERT A., in BROKAW, ISAAC V in BROOKMAN, HENRY D 112 BROOKMAN, JOHN U 112 BROOKS, CLARENCE 113 BROOKS, ELISHA 113 BROWER, JOHN H 113 BROWN, JAMES 114 BROWN, JAMES M 114 BROWN, JOHN L 115 5Hjirs.u3saite.-s K07T on* IJJWIV ttUl Buna,. tfc'siajiWK JL. ..... sac k,. JlWIHS. A BBS I(9H. TOy, TIWfMHi* BS ETJ .- na? Bum;. BtafKr A. irac , dm.. JUOH& n2b , H^gum. E. M6 ^IBfinrnMi X CM HtaiJB X .................. EaJ- fftont, .................. ira* . iHUHliH W. ....... EZgi l;cH.i3 L ......... caj rt. -JiR HiTDKHIKItW EM JfcOH*. ...................... ___ Djr BorHivan F ............ c;ju JHHIK . . Jtatms-. " ............ 134; BamKn A. . irjj- -jiMKirf B^ . ... 1140 JOS^SH: HE .............. 140 Jmsaai*. ................. 1148! HBuRAirB B; ............ njai , 'uHUWffl P. ................. . EJJE CWiKGH JL... ........... r.^p- Hr)H..-H K ................ C4JF . C r . (Inn, ff' CHA'flLHS C ____ JAMHS B..._ tloHKHT ....... 144; n[)|' 1144. Ti, JIIHL Jrt... ........... 145- B, DA'.'IK". ...... 145- ^%lSHIfTnif. E. . . I4IJ. JAMHS M3 ...... _____ 1351: , OHN- ffi, ...... ______ B53C HKW/ HE. ...... .......... BSE , PHTHH. f2lHJHH, AMffmt,., GnHitmi, fnm ft... GlMMBLL. JTflHl* St.- PBTHB C Cosarr, PUHDEHICK BE. ..... 035 OHTIKHK, Snaotwrs. tt. C*WMIS>, JUuraajD A.. Ctwrnxss,. IU OfcMR., J.TB8 a^ W , BlIMII F- 057 .1 i ' ... ; ; OHoar n J|aaEBKP_.. ....... ------- its --------- ClisHrmik-v. Eos; A (Dnnnrns,, ffi*stn B; ___________ (DnnnmE,. BUBKaT L, . ..... l ______ ff ______ cao ffHOTin,. *nniunirr A ____ .. _____ ofife Bfttainnir tTiiminT IT __________ aSS . BOWIE. ......... ______ 1170. ID/wo.. Joffi* ffi ____________ ...... _ BTB> H&WHB, JAMHS 5C. .... ........ ----- 070 DA.T. B&ISH-Z ...... ---------- ...... ir^i DH BAA~Z.. FHSDHMEX:. .......... BTJE H)K CaHDU^.l, JLLFBSD'.,.. ..... E7Z DH ?" KJHJ nj4i rgg iqg HJT: c<)}, DOBS. Anrancv Dmau;, Dncma^ Dnuair. THE*.** C. HBKAJB BttTOA. " - :".i - Anas T . . BL Wnuuuai F ....... TMBHIU:* C Taaa* A.. Eases,. _ aia 214 EiDHH. D.UUHl. ft EiDBH. (UBDffiKW. , Jasgpa I s, SrxpfflE* B'' Emus,, jioasf^, St.JDi __________ H.. Jloint W ____________ ____ zi; Htaair. ELY, AMBBOSH E aa aa ,. KBSIIT G> _____ __________ 33.1 ELY, SanrnB.... ..... , .......... ______ xsx EGLJ, JOIE ------- ..... ..... aa$ E3, A.MUS Bt. ...... _____ .... ..... 335 ESTHVEZ, RAMON ML ___ _____ 225 y Jtaaa. ........ ------- 036. F. FAHRJI, , Joaat EaaRHABD ______ 237 , EGIHTJO P ................. 337 . EassaTo G ,,, ... 338 Joaasac^ ........ r ........... 339 EOWABD & ____ _. . ..... aay , BtoJAJtE* I , CH AHLH.S S TAUIC, Aasoii FAIJC, CtCSTAV FA8ISH, 230 130. 3JB 331 WtttE*se D'... .... 33* WAV, SlBOUBNttY W. ...... .., 3331 , ...... , 3.33. , DATHL B 33+ ^ _________ 234; iii - a 5tryr; ''- Ftcfi^ ^ ?LaWmt ?OGS^ ^ K ^fc- -:, - -. fo.immTt. . ar 237" 3* X... * JT._ J* 3.. ESS r. . 2Sg- 2& - - - 239 250 230 : 25* rBL. !'!!".'. 251 rrSLl.. I^s ft.. i5SC T: 153: LiIIS- 5.. . . 25 * T. KT. 1 Saonr. j<3(mu>. ' jaos'.a GdMUBb. l JilSTA.\' S (Siuuav TAX- ^ urn. TOOK ff i *.. 255- 2ST 25* 25* 2Bt 2t 2*b 2* 2TS ^OMKteK . . jtj KKLCOM8-&. . 3t*. t.^ *r T" T. *E* (^ftA ia.^ G&fl jai 'Su 'T3U t. 270- ir K. SL ... Ssm- '..,. - ..-. H>. . 2iie- rear ax ; -20 jxmts- yt ;.ai a- * j^t i: v.> 3*y " isuttua .^ 323 s 35* ant at ^.vi Hi ' ' . I-fAAVKJE-. 305. . . . -UO- 3 CSV PAGE KINGSLAND, GEORGE L 370 KINNEY, FRANCIS S 371 KISSEL, GUSTAV E 372 KISSEL, GUSTAV H 371 KNAPP, SHEPHERD 372 KNAPP, SHEPPARD 373 KNOWLTON, EDWIN F 373 KUEHNE, FREDERICK 375 L. LADEW, EDWARD R 378 LADEW, HARVEY S 378 LADEW, JOSEPH H 378 LAKE, GEORGE G 379 LAMBERT, CATHOLINA 379 LANDON, CHARLES G 379 LANGDON, WOODBURY 380 LANIER, CHARLES 381 LANIER, JAMES F. D 380 LAPHAM, HENRY G 381 LASAK, FRANCIS W 383 LAW, GEORGE 383 LAWRENCE, JOHN W 384 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM B 384 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM E . . . . 385 LEARY, JAMES D 385 LEE, WILLIAM F 388 LEE, WILLIAM H 389 LEGGETT, ABRAHAM 389 LEGGETT, FRANCIS H 389 LEHMAN, EMANUEL 390 LEHMAN, MAYER 392 LENOX, JAMES 392 LIBBEY, WILLIAM 394 LlCHTENSTEIN, BENJAMIN. . . 397 LINTON, EDWARD F 397 LITTLE, JOSEPH J 398 LIVINGSTON, ANSON 398 LIVINGSTON, ROBERT E.... 399 LOESER, FREDERICK 399 LOEW, EDWARD V 400 LOOMIS, ALFRED L., M.D.. 402 LORD, DANIEL 403 LORD, SAMUEI 403 LORD, THOMAS 403 LORILLARD, PETER 404 LOUNSBURY, PHINEAS C. . . . 404 Low, ABIEL A 406 Low, JOSEPH T 406 LOWREY, JOSEPH S 407 LUMMIS, WILLIAM ........ 407 LYMAN, EDWARD H. R.. . . 408 LYON, WILLIAM H 409 M. MCALPIN, DAVID H 412 MCALPIN, GEN. EDWIN A.. 415 MCCONVILLE, JOHN 417 McCosKRY, ROBERT 417 MCCREADY, NATHANIEL L'H 418 McCuRDY, ROBERT H 418 PAGE McGHEE, CHARLES McC. . .. 418 McGiLL, GEORGE W 419 McHARG, HENRY K 420 MclNTYRE. THOMAS A.. .. 420 McKiE, THOMAS 420 McLouGHLiN, JOHN 421 MACKAY, JOHN W 421 MACLAY, ROBERT 424 MACY, JOSIAH 42 5 MACY, WILLIAM H 425 MAGOUN, GEORGE C 425 MAIRS, JOHN D 426 MAIRS, WILLIAM H 426 MAITLAND, THOMAS 426 MALLORY, CHARLES H 426 MARQUAND, FREDERICK 427 MARSHALL, CHARLES H... 427 MARTIN, JOHN T 428 MASURY, JOHN W 428 MATTHEWS, JOHN 431 MAXWELL, EUGENE L 432 MAXWELL, HENRY W 432 MEAD, EDWIN H 432 MEAD, FREDERICK 433 MEAD, RALPH 435 MERRITT, ISRAEL J 437 MEYER, CHRISTOPHKR 438 MILLIKEN, SETH M 439 MILLS, DARIUS 440 MILMINE, GEORGE 444 MINTURN, ROBERT B 444 MOORE, JOHN G 445 MOORE, JOHN P 447 MORGAN, CHARLES 448 MORGAN, DAVID P 449 MORGAN, EDWIN D 449 MORGAN, GEORGE D 450 MORGAN, HENRY T 451 MORGAN, HOMER 451 MORGAN, TUNIUS S 451 MORGAN, J. PIERPONT 452 MOROSINI, GIOVANNI P..... 452 MORRIS, JOHN A 455 MORTIMER, RICHARD 456 MORTON, LEVI P 456 MOTT, HOPPER S 462 MOTT, JORDAN L 465 MOTT, JORDAN L. , JR 468 MOTT, VALENTINE. M. D... 469 MUNN, WILLIAM H 469 MUNN, WILLIAM H., M.D. 470 MUNOZ, JOSE M 470 MUNRO, NORMAN L 470 MURCHISON, KENNETH M.. 471 MYERS, THEODORE W 471 N. NATHAN, BENJAMIN 473 NAUMBURG. ELKAN 473 NEWBORG, DAVID L 473 NEWCOMB, H. VICTOR 474 NORRIE, ADAM 477 NORTON, ECKSTEIN . . . . 477 NORTON, JOHN 478 NOYES, JULIUS M 478 O PACK OAKES, THOMAS F 479 O'BRIEN, JOHN 479 O'BRIEN, WILLIAM 480 O'DAY, DANIEL 480 O'DoNOHUE, JOSEPH J 480 OELRICHS, HERMANN 484 OGDEN, WILLIAM B 484 OLCOTT, FREDERIC P 485 O'NEILL, HUGH 485 OPDYKE, GEORGE 486 ORR, ALEXANDER E 487 OSBORN, CHARLES J 487 OSGOOD, GEORGE A 488 OTIS, NORTON P 488 OTTENDOKFER, OSWALD. ... 489 OWEN, THOMAS 492 OWEN, THOMAS J 492 1'. PALMER, COURTLANDT 493 PALMER, COURTLANDT, JR.. 493 PARISH, HENRY 494 PARK, JOSEPH 494 PARK, TRENOR W 494 PARKER, JAMES H., M.D. .. 495 PARMLY, ELEAZER 495 PARSONS, WILLIAM H 496 PEARSALL, DENTON 497 PEASE, GEORGE L 497 PEMBROOK, WILLIAM A 498 PETTIT, FOSTER 500 PHELPS, ISAAC N 501 PHELPS, ROYAL 503 PICKHARDT, WILLIAM 504 PIERREPONT, HENRY E 504 PITCHER, JAMES R 505 PLANT, H ENRY B 506 PLATT, JOHN R 508 PLATT, SAMUEL R 509 POLHEMUS, HENRY D 509 POOR, EDWARD E 510 POOR, HENRY W 511 PORTER, HORACE 515 POTTER, CLARKSON N 515 POTTER, ORLANDO B 516 POTTIER, ADRIEN A 521 POTTS, FREDERIC A 521 POUCH, ALFRED J 521 PRATT, CHARLES 522 PRATT, CHARLES M 523 PRATT, DALLAS B 523 PRATT, JULIUS H 523 PRENTICE. FREDERIC 524 PRIME, EDWARD 527 PRIME. RUFUS 527 PULITZER, JOSEPH 527 PYNE, PERCY R 528 Q. QUEREAU, ABRAM 529 QUINCY. JOHN W 529 QUINTARD, GEORGE W 529 PAGE R. RADWAY, JOHN S., M.D... 533 RAYMOND, JAMES 1 533 READ, WILLIAM G 534 RECKESDORFER, JOSEPH. .. 534 REINHART, JOSEPH W 534 REMSEN, WILLIAM 535 RENWICK, JAMES 536 RENWICK, WILLIAM R 537 RHINELANDER, WILLIAM... 537 RICHARDSON, ENOS 538 RICHARDSON, JOSEPH 538 RIDLEY, EDWARD 540 RIKER, DANIEL S 541 RIVES, FRANCIS R 541 ROACH, JOHN 541 ROBBINS, ELI 544 ROBERTS, MARSHALL O... 545 ROBERTSON, JOSEPH L 546 ROBINSON, JEREMIAH P 548 ROCKEFELLER, JOHN D 549 ROCKEFELLER, WILLIAM. .. 550 ROOSEVELT, CORNELIUS V. S 551 ROOSEVELT, JAMES A 552 ROOSEVELT, JAMES 1 552 ROOSEVELT, ROBERT B 553 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 554 ROPES, REUBEN W 555 ROPES, RIPLEY 555 ROSENBAUM, ALBERTS... . 556 ROTHSCHILD, JACOB 556 ROTHSCHILD, VICTOR H 557 RUSZITS, JOHN 560 RUTTER, THOMAS 560 RYAN, THOMAS F 561 S. SAGE, RUSSELL 563 SALISBURY, JAMES H., M.D. 570 SANDS, HENRY B., M.D 570 SANDS, SAMUEL S 571 SANFORD, EDWARDS S 571 SARGENT, GEORGE H 572 SCHAEFER. EDWARD C 574 SCHELL, AUGUSTUS 574 SCHIEFKELIN, WILLIAM H. . . 575 SCHIEREN, CHARLES A 576 SCHIFF, JACOB H 576 SCHLEY, GRANT B 577 SCHOALS, FRANCIS P 577 SCHOLLE, ABRAHAM 579 SCHROEDER, FREDERICK A. . 579 SCHULTZ, JACKSON S 580 SCHWAB, GUSTAV 581 SCOTT, ALFRED B 581 SCRIBNER, CHARLES 582 SEABURY, GEORGE J 582 SEAMANS. CLARENCE W 584 SEIDENBERG, JOSEPH 584 SELIGMAN, JAMES 586 SELIGMAN, JESSE. 586 SELIGMAN, JOSEPH 587 SHELDON, ISRAEL 587 SHELDON, JAMES 588 SHEPARD, ELLIOTT F 590 PAGE SHEPARD, FREDERICK M 591 SHEPARD, SIDNEY 592 SHERMAN, ISAAC 594 SHERMAN, WATTS 594 SHERWOOD, JOHN H 594 SHOEMAKER, HENRY F 595 SHOENBERGER, JOHN H 597 SICKLES. GEORGE G 598 SILLIMAN, BENJAMIN D 598 SIMMONS, J. EDWARD 599 SIMPSON, WILLIAM 600 SINCLAIR, JOHN 601 SKIDMORE, WILLIAM L 601 SLAVEN, HENRY B 602 SLOANE, WILLIAM 605 SLOCUM, HENRY W 605 SMITH, ADON 606 SMITH, CHARLES STEWART.. 606 SMITH, FRANCIS S 608 SPAULDING, HENRY F 609 SPICER, ELIHU 610 SPOFFORD, PAUL 610 SPRAGUE, COL. NATHAN T.. 611 STARIN, JOHN H 611 STEINWAY, WILLIAM 612 STEVENS, PARAN 61 8 STEVENSON, DAVID 618 STEWART, ALEXANDER T 618 STEWART, JOHN A 620 STILLMAN, JAMES 620 STOCKLY, GEORGE W 621 STOKES, JAMES 621 STOKES, WILLIAM E. D 622 STORRS, AUGUSTUS 622 STORRS, CHARLES 623 STORY, RUFUS 623 STOUT, ANDREW V 624 STOUT, JOSEPH S 624 STRANAHAN, JAMES S. T 625 STRANGE, WILLIAM 628 STRAUS, ISIDOR 629 STRAUS, LAZARUS 630 STRAUS, NATHAN 630 STREET, WILLIAM A 631 STRONG. WILLIAM L 632 STUART, JOSEPH 632 STUART, ROBERT L 632 STUDWELL, JOHN J 633 STURGES, FREDERICK 634 STURGES, JONATHAN 634 SULLY, ALFRED 635 SYMS, WILLIAM J 638 T. TAILER, EDWARD N 639 TALCOTT, FREDERICK L 641 TALCOTT, JAMES 641 TAYLOR, J. MONROE 641 TAYLOR, MOSES 642 TENNEY, CHARLES H 643 TERRY, JOHN T 645 TEWKSBURY, LEWIS G 647 THEBAUD, EDWARD V 647 THOMAS, SAMUEL 648 THOMPSON, WILLIAM P... 650 THORNB, JONATHAN 654 PAGE THORNE, JONATHAN, JR 654 THORNE, SAMUEL 655 TIEMANN, DANIEL F 655 TIFFANY, CHARLES L 656 TILDEN, SAMUEL J 658 TILDEN, WILLIAM.. 659 TILESTON, THOMAS 659 TILFORD, FRANK 660 TILFORD, WESLEY H 661 TINGUE, WILLIAM J 662 TINKER, CHARLES A 663 TORRANCE, DANIEL 663 TOUSEY, SINCLAIR 663 TOWNE, HENRY R 664 TOWNSEND, SAMUEL T . . . . 664 TRAVERS, WILLIAM R 665 TREVOR. JOHN B 665 TWEEDY, THOMAS E 666 U. URQUHART, EDMOND 667 V. VAIL, HENRY H '671 VAIL, THEODORE N 671 VAN BUREN, JOHN D 674 VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS 675 VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS... 684 VANDERBILT, WILLIAM H... 680 VAN NEST, ABRAHAM R. . . . 686 VAN NORDEN, WARNER. . . . 686 VAN RENSSELAER, C. S 688 VAN TINE, ASHLEY A 689 VAN VOLKENBURG, PHILIP. . 69! VERMEULE, JOHN D 691 VERMILYE, JACOB D 692 VERMILYE, WASHINGTON R. 693 W. WALKER, JOHN BRISBEN 694 WALLACH, ANTHONY 694 WARD, JAMES E 696 WARDWELL. WILLIAM T. . . 697 WARNER, DR. LUCIEN C. . . . 698 WATERBURY, JAMES M 700 WATSON, JOHN 701 WATSON. WILLIAM 702 WEBB. H. WALTER 702 WEBB, WILLIAM H 703 WEBB, WILLIAM SEWARD. . 709 WEED, THURLOW 710 WENDELL. JACOB 711 WENTZ, JAMES M 713 WEST, GEORGE 714 WETHERBEE, GARDNER 719 WETMORE, APOLLOS R 721 WETMORE, ROBERT C 721 WHEELER, JEROME B 722 WHEELOCK, WILLIAM A 724 WHITE, ALBERT T 726 WHITE, STEPHEN VAN C... 727 WHITLOCK, WILLIAM 727 PAGE BROWN, WALSTON H 115 BROWNING, JOHN H 117 BROWNING, WILLIAM C 118 BRUCE, GEORGE 1 19 BUCHANAN, WILLIAM 119 BULKLEY, EDWIN 121 BULL, WILLIAM L 122 BURDEN, JAMES A 122 BURKE, JOHN 123 BURNHAM, THOMAS B . . . 123 BURR, CALVIN 125 BURR, HENRY A 125 BURT, COL. JAMES 126 BUTLER, THERON R 126 BUTLER, WILLIAM A 126 BUTTERFIELD, DANIEL 127 C. CAMP, HUGH N 128 CAMPBELL, FELIX 128 CAMPBELL, GEORGE W. ... 129 CAMPBELL, RICHARD L 129 CAMERON, SIR RODERICK W 129 CAREY, JOHN 130 CARHART, THOMAS F 130 CARMAN, RICHARD F 130 CARNEGIE, ANDREW 131 CARTER, OLIVER S 132 CASPARY, WALDEMAR 133 CASWELL, JOHN 133 CATLIN, JULIUS 133 CHAPIN, CHESTER W 134 CHAPMAN, ISAAC F 136 CHASE, NELSON 136 CHESEBROUGH, ROBERT A. . 137 CHITTENDEN, SIMEON B... 140 CHOATE, JOSEPH H 140 CHURCH, AUSTIN 141 CLAFLIN, HORACE B 141 CLAPP, GEORGE P 142 CLARK, GEORGE A 142 CLARK, HORACE F 143 CLARK, WILLIAM 143 CLARKE, BENJAMIN G 143 CLAUSEN, HENRY 144 CLEWS, HENRY 144 CLYDE, WILLIAM P . ... 144 COE, GEORGE S 145 COLBY, CHARLES L 145 COLGATE, JAMES B 146 COLGATE, ROBERT 147 COLGATE, SAMUEL 147 COLGATE, SAMUEL J 147 COLLAMORE, DAVIS 147 CONNOR, WASHINGTON E. . . 149 CONSTABLE, JAMES M 151 CONTOIT, JOHN H 151 COOK, HENRY H 152 COOPER, EDWARD 153 COOPER, PETER 152 CORBIN, AUSTIN 153 CORNELL, JOHN B 154 CORNELL, JOHN M 154 CORNELL, PETER C 155 CORNING, HANSON K 155 COSSITT, FREDERICK H 155 PACK COSTELLO, PATRICK C 155 COSTER, CHARLES H 156 COTTING, AMOS 156 COVAS, STAMATY 156 COWDIN, ELLIOT C 156 COWLES, ALFRED A 157 CRABTREE, LOTTA M 157 CRAM, JACOB 158 CRAWFORD, WILLIAM 158 CREADO, RAMON F 158 CRIMMINS, JOHN D 159 CROMWELL, FREDERICK 161 CROSBY, JOHN P 163 CROSBY, WILLIAM B 162 CURTIS, JEREMIAH 163 CUSHMAN, DON A 163 CUSHMAN, JAMES S 164 CUTTING, FRANCIS B 164 CUTTING, ROBERT L., sr. . . . 165 CUTTING, ROBERT L 165 D. DAMBMANN, CHARLES F.... 166 DANA, CHARLES A 166 DARLING, ALFRED B 168 DARRAGH, JAMES 169 DASH, BOWIE 170 DASH, JOHN B 170 DAVIDSON, JOHN 171 DAVIS, JAMES M 171 DAY, HENRY 171 DE BARY, FREDERICK 172 DE CORDOVA, ALFRED 172 DE FOREST, CORNELIUS V. . 172 DE GRAFF, HENRY P 173 DELAFIELD, HENRY 174 DE LA MAR, JOSEPH R 175 DE LAMATER, CORNELIUS H. 178 DE LAMATER. JOHN 1 79 DELAPLAINE, JOHN F 180 DE LIMA, DAV.ID A 180 DELMAR, JOHN 180 DELMONICO, CHARLES C. ... 181 DELMONICO, LORENZO 181 DEMUTH, WILLIAM 182 DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M 182 DE PEYSTER, FREDERIC J. 185 DE PEYSTER, JOHN WATTS. 185 DE PEYSTER, NICHOLAS 186 DETMOLD, CHRISTIAN E. . . . 187 DETTMER, JACOB G 187 DEVLIN, CHARLES 187 DEVOE, FREDERICK W. ... 188 DEXTER, HENRY 191 DICKERMAN, WATSON B. . . . 192 DICKIE, PATRICK 192 DICKINSON, JOHN B 192 DILLON, SIDNEY. ... 193 DINSMORE, WILLIAM B 193 DITSON, CHARLES H 194 Dix, ALFRED P 194 DODGE, WILLIAM E 195 DODGE, WILLIAM E., jr 195 DOLGE, ALFRED 197 DOLLARD, JOHN 199 DOUGLAS, WILLIAM P 199 PAGE Dows, DAVID 200 DREXEL, JOSEPH W 203 DRIGGS, EDMUND 204 DUER, DENNING 204 DUGRO, ANIHONY 205 DUGRO, PHILIP H 205 DUN, ROBERT G 205 DUNCAN, DAVID 207 DUNLAP, ROBERT. : 208 DUNTON, FREDERICK W... . 208 DURANT, CHARLES W 208 DURANT, THOMAS C 209 DURYEA, HIRAM 209 DURYEA, SAMUEL B 210 DURYEA, WRIGHT 210 DUTCHER, JOHN B 211 DWIGHT, AMOS T 211 E. EARI.E, WILLIAM P 212 EASTMAN, TIMOTHY C 212 EDISON, THOMAS A 212 EDSON, FRANKLIN 213 EICHLER, JOHN 213 EINSTEIN, DAVID L 214 EINSTEIN, EDWIN 2-14 EINSTEIN, LEWIS 214 ELDER, DANIEL R . 214 ELDER, GEORGE W 214 ELDER, JOSEPH L 215 ELIAS, HENRY 215 ELKINS, STEPHEN B 215 ELLIS, JOHN, M.D 219 ELLIS, JOHN W 219 ELSWORTH, EDWARD 220 ELSWORTH, HENRY 220 ELY, AMBROSE K 221 ELY, DAVID J 221 ELY, HENRY G. .. 221 ELY, SMITH 222 ENGLIS, JOHN 223 ENO, AMOS R. 225 ESTEVEZ, RAMON M 225 EVERARD, JAMES 226 F. FABER, EBERHARD 227 FABER, JOHN EBERHARD. . . . 227 FABBRI, EGISTO P 227 FABBRI, ERNESTO G 228 FAHYS, JOSEPH 228 FAILE, EDWARD G 229 FAILE, THOMAS H 229 FAIRCHILD, BENJAMIN L . . . 230 FAIRCHILD, CHARLES S 230 FALK, ARNOLD 230 FALK, GUSTAV 231 PARISH, JOHN T 231 FARREL, FRANKLIN 231 FARWELL, WILLIAM D 232 FAY, SIGOURNEY W 233 FAYE, THOMAS 233 FAYERWEATHER, DANIEL B 234 FEARING, CHARLES N 234 ii. PACE FECHEIMER, MARTIN S 235 FELLOWES, WILLIAM 235 FIELD, BENJAMIN H 235 FIELD, CYRUS W 236 FIELD, HICKSON W 237 FISCHER. BENEDICKT 237 FISCHER CHARLES S 238 FISH, HAMILTON 238 FISH, NICHOLAS 238 FISH, STUYVESANT 239 FISHER, ROBERT C 239 FITCH, BENJAMIN 240 FLAGLER, HENRY M 240 FLEISCHMANN, MAXIMILIAN. 241 FLEITMANN, EWALD 241 FLINT, BENJAMIN 241 FLINT, CHARLES R 242 FLINT, WALLACE B 245 FLOWER, ROSWELL P 245 FOGG, WILLIAM H , . . . 246 FOLSDM, GEORGE 246 FORD. JOHN R 247 FORREST, GEORGE J 248 FOSDICK, CHARLES B 248 FREEMAN, FRANCIS P 249 FRIEDMAN, LEONARD 249 FULLER, DUDLEY B 249 FULLER, GEORGE W 250 PUNCH, CHRISTIAN F 250 FURNISS, WILLIAM P 250 G. GABLER, ERNEST 251 GALE, THOMAS W 251 GALLATIN, ALBERT R 251 GALLATIN, JAMES 251 GALLAWAY, ROBERT M 252 GARNER, THOMAS 252 GARNER, WILLIAM T 252 GARRISON, CORNELIUS K... . 252 GATES, EPHRAIM C 253 GERARD, JAMES W 254 GERRY, ELBRIDGE T 254 GIBB. JOHN 255 GILBERT, GEORGE Y 257 GILSEY, PETER 258 GINNELL, HENRY 258 GOBLET, PETER 259 GOELET, ROBERT 261 GOOD, JOHN 261 GOOD, BRENT 263 GORDON, GEORGE? 264 GOSSLER, GUSTAV H 264 GOULD, JAY 265 GOULD, JOHN P 271 GRACE, WILLIAM R 272 GRAHAM, JOHN L 275 GRAVES. ROBERT 275 GRAVES, RUFUS R 276 GRAY. JOHN A. C 276 GREEN, EDWARD H. R 277 GREEN, MRS. HETTY H. R. 277 GREEN, JOHN C 279 GREEN, NORVIN 280 GREENOUGH, JOHN 281 GRIXNELL, MOSES H 282 PACE GUGGENHEIMER, RANDOLPH 262 GUNTHER, CHARLES G 283 GUNTHER, ERNEST R 283 H. HADDEN, WILLIAM A 286 HAGEMEYER, GEORGE 286 HAGGIN, JAMES B ... 288 HAIGHT, DAVID H 288 HAIGHT. EDWARD ,. 288 HALL, JOHN H '. 289 HALL, WILLIAM H 289 HALLGARTEN. ADOLPH 289 HALLGARTEN. JULIUS 290 HALSEY, JOHN 290 HAMERSLEY FAMILY 290 HAMERSLEY, JAMES HOOKER 290 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER 295 HAMILTON, JOHN C 295 HARD, ANSON W. SR 269 HARGOUS, Louis S 296 HARKNESS, CHARLES W 297 HARPER, JOSEPH H 297 HARRIMAN, EDWARD 297 HARRIS, WILLIAM H 297 HAVEMEYER, FREDERICK C. 298 HAVEMEYER, HECTOR C.... 302 HAVEMEYER, HENRY 299 HAVEMEYER, THEODORE A.. 298 HAVEMEYER, WILLIAM F... 299 HAVENS, CHARLES G 303 HAWK, WILLIAM S 303 HAWLEY, HENRY E 306 HEALY, AARON 306 HECKER. JOHN V 306 HEGEMAN, WILLIAM 307 HEIDELBACH, ALFREDS 307 HEILNER, GEORGE C 308 HEILNER, MARCUS G 308 HENDERSON, PETER 308 HENDRICKS, JOSHUA 309 HENTZ, HENRY...". 309 HERRING, SILAS C 309 HERRMANN, HENRY 310 HESS, SELMAR 310 HEWITT, ABRAM S 311 HIGGINS, ALVIN 312 HIGGINS, ANDREW F 312 HIGGINS, ELI AS S 313 HILL, EDWARD 313 HITCHCOCK, THOMAS 313 HITCHCOCK, WELCOME G. .. 314 HOADLEY, RUSSELL H 314 HOAGLAND, CORNELIUS N.. 314 HOAGLAND, JOSEPH C 317 HOE, ROBERT 317 HOFFMAN, SAMUEL V 318 HOGAN, TIMOTHY 319 HOLMES, DANIEL H 319 HOPKINS, ROBERT E 320 HORNTHAL, LEWIS M 321 HORTON, JAMES M 321 HOUGHTALING, DAVID H. . . 322 HOYT, COLGATE 322 HOYT, EDWIN 323 HOYT, GEORGE A 323 PAGE HOYT, HENRY S 324 HOYT, JESSE 324 HOYT, JOSEPH B 325 HOYT, MARK . 325 HOYT, OLIVER 327 HUBBELL, HENRY W 327 HUDSON, CHARLES 1 329 HULBERT. HENRY C 331 HUMPHREYS, FREDERICK... 334 HUMPHREYS, SOLON 336 HUNT, NOAH S 336 HUNT, WILSON G 337 HUNTINGTON, COLLIS P.... 337 HURLBUT, HENRY A 339 HUSTED, SEYMOUR L 342 HUSTED, WILLIAM H 344 I. ICKELHEIMER, ISAAC 34$ INMAN, JOHN H 345 ISELIN, ADRIAN 346 IVES, BRAYTON 346 IVISON, DAVID B 347 J- JACKSON, JOHN C 348 JACKSON, THEODORE F 348 JAFFRAY, EDWARD S 348 JAMES, DANIEL 349 JAMES, FREDERICK P 349 JAMESON, JOSEPH A 349 JAY, JOHN 350 JENNINGS, OLIVER B 350 JESUP, MORRIS K 351 JEWETT, HUGH J 352 JOHNSTON, CHARLES 354 JOHNSTON, JOHN 354 JOHNSTON, JOHN TAYLOR. .. 354 JOHNSTON, WILLIAM McE.. 355 JONES, DAVID 355 JONES, EUGENE 355 JONES, GEORGE 356 JONES, JOHN Q 356 JONES, JOSHUA 357 JOURNEAY, HENRY T 357 K. KALBFLEISCH, MARTIN 358 KEENE, JAMES R 358 KEEP, HENRY 361 KELLOGG, CHARLES. 361 KELLOGG, EDWARD H 361 KELLY, EUGENE 362 KEMP, GEORGE 364 KENDALL, ISAAC C 364 KENDALL, WILLIAM B 365 KENNEDY, HARVEY 365 KENNEDY, JOHN P 366 KENT, HENRY A 367 KETELTAS, EUGENE 367 KILMER, CHAUNCEY 367 KING, ARCHIBALD G 369 iii. PAGE KINGSLAND, GEORGE L . . . . 370 KINNEY, FRANCIS S 371 KISSEL, GUSTAV E 372 KISSEL, GUSTAV H 371 KNAPP, SHEPHERD 372 KNAPP, SHEPPARD 373 KNOWLTON. EDWIN F 373 KUEHNE, FREDERICK 375 L. LADEW, EDWARD R 378 LADEW, HARVEY S 378 LADEW, JOSEPH H 378 LAKE, GEORGE G 379 LAMBERT, CATHOLINA 379 LANDON, CHARLES G 379 LANGDON, WOODBURY 380 LANIER, CHARLES 381 LANIER, JAMES F. D 380 LAPHAM, HENRY G 381 LASAK, FRANCIS W 383 LAW, GEORGE 383 LAWRENCE, JOHN W 384 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM B 384 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM E . . . . 385 LEARY, JAMES D 385 LEE, WILLIAM F 388 LEE, WILLIAM H 389 LEGGETT, ABRAHAM 389 LEGGETT, FRANCIS H 389 LEHMAN, EMANUEL 390 LEHMAN, MAYER 392 LENOX, JAMES 392 LIBBEY, WILLIAM 394 LlCHTENSTEIN, BENJAMIN. . . 397 LINTON, EDWARD F 397 LITTLE, JOSEPH J 398 LIVINGSTON, ANSON 398 LIVINGSTON, ROBERT E.... 399 LOESER, FREDERICK 399 LOEW, EDWARD V 400 LOOMIS, ALFRED L., M.D.. 402 LORD, DANIEL 403 LORD, SAMUEI 403 LORD, THOMAS 403 LORILLARD, PETER 404 LOUNSBURY, PHINEAS C.... 404 Low, ABIEL A 406 Low, JOSEPH T 406 LOWREY, JOSEPH S 407 LUMMIS, WILLIAM ........ 407 LYMAN, EDWARD H. R. . . . 408 LYON, WILLIAM H 409 M. MCALPIN, DAVID H 412 MCALPIN, GEN. EDWIN A.. 415 MCCONVILLE, JOHN 417 McCosKRY, ROBERT 417 MCCREADY, NATHANIEL L'H 418 McCuRDY, ROBERT II 418 PAGE McGHEE, CHARLES McC 418 McGiLL, GEORGE W 419 MCHARG, HENRY K 420 MclNTYRE, THOMAS A. . .. 420 McKiE, THOMAS. 420 McLoucHLiN, JOHN 421 MACKAY, JOHN W 421 MACLAY, ROBERT 424 MACY, JOSIAH 425 MACY, WILLIAM H 425 MAGOUN, GEORGE C 425 MAIRS, JOHN D 426 MAIRS, WILLIAM H 426 MAITLAND, THOMAS 426 MALLORY, CHARLES H 426 MARQUAND, FREDERICK 427 MARSHALL, CHARLES H... 427 MARTIN, JOHN T 428 MASURY, JOHN W 428 MATTHEWS, JOHN 431 MAXWELL, EUGENE L 432 MAXWELL, HENRY W 432 MEAD, EDWIN H 432 MEAD, FREDERICK 433 MEAD, RALPH 435 MERRITT, ISRAEL J 437 MEYER, CHRISTOPHER 438 M ILLIKEN, SETH M 439 MILLS, DARIUS 440 MILMINE, GEORGE 444 MINTURN, ROBERT B 444 MOORE, JOHN G 445 MOORE, JOHN P 447 MORGAN, CHARLES 448 MORGAN, DAVID P 449 MORGAN, EDWIN D 449 MORGAN, GEORGE D 450 MORGAN, HENRY T 451 MORGAN, HOMER 451 MORGAN, TUNIUS S 451 MORGAN, J. PIERPONT 452 MOROSINI, GIOVANNI P 452 MORRIS, JOHN A 455 MORTIMER, RICHARD 456 MORTON, LEVI P 456 MOTT, HOPPER S 462 MOTT. JORDAN L 465 MOTT, JORDAN L., JR 468 MOTT, VALENTINE. M. D... 469 MUNN, WILLIAM H 469 MUNN, WILLIAM H., M.D. 470 MUNOZ, JOSE M 470 MUNRO, NORMAN L 470 MURCHISON, KENNETH M.. 471 MYERS, THEODORE W 471 N. NATHAN, BENJAMIN 473 NAUMBURG. ELKAN 473 NEWBORG, DAVID L 473 NEWCOMB, H. VICTOR 474 NORRIE, ADAM 477 NORTON, ECKSTEIN . . . . 477 NORTON, JOHN 478 NOYES, JULIUS M 478 O PAGE OAKES, THOMAS F 479 O'BRIEN, JOHN 479 O'BRIEN, WILLIAM 480 O'DAY, DANIEL 480 O'DoNOHUE, JOSEPH J 480 OELRICHS, HERMANN 484 OGDEN, WILLIAM B 484 OLCOTT, FREDERIC P 485 O'NEILL, HUGH 485 OPDYKE, GEORGE 486 ORR, ALEXANDER E 487 OSBORN. CHARLES J 487 OSGOOD, GEORGE A.... 488 OTIS, NORTON P 488 OTTENDORFER, OSWALD 489 OWEN, THOMAS 492 OWEN, THOMAS J . 493 PALMER, COURTLANDT 493 PALMER, COURTLANDT, JR.. 493 PARISH, HENRY 494 PARK, JOSEPH 494 PARK, TRENOR W 494 PARKER, JAMES H., M.D... 495 PARMLY, ELEAZER 495 PARSONS, WILLIAM H 496 PEARSALL, DENTON 497 PEASE, GEORGE L 497 PEMBROOK, WILLIAM A.... 498 PETTIT, FOSTER 500 PHELPS, ISAAC N 501 PHELPS, ROYAL 503 PICKHARDT, WILLIAM 504 PIERREPONT, HENRY E 504 PITCHER, JAMES R 505 PLANT, HENRY B 506 PLATT, JOHN R 508 PLATT, SAMUEL R 509 POLHEMUS, HENRY D 509 POOR, EDWARD E 510 POOR, HENRY W 511 PORTER, HORACE 515 POTTER, CLARKSON N 515 POTTER, ORLANDO B 516 POTTIER, AORIEN A $21 POTTS, FREDERIC A 521 POUCH, ALFRED J 521 PRATT, CHARLES 522 PRATT, CHARLES M 523 PRATT, DALLAS B 523 PRATT, JULIUS H 523 PRENTICE. FREDERIC 524 PRIME, EDWARD 527 PRIME. RUFUS 527 PULITZER, JOSEPH 527 PYNE, PERCY R 528 Q- QUEREAU, ABRAM 529 QUINCY. JOHN W 529 QUINTARD, GEORGE W 529 PAGE R. RADWAY, JOHN S., M.D... 533 RAYMOND, JAMES 1 533 READ, WILLIAM G 534 RECKENDORFER, JOSEPH. .. 534 REINHART, JOSEPH W 534 REMSEN, WILLIAM 535 REXWICK, JAMES 536 RENWICK, WILLIAM R 537 RHISELANDER, WILLIAM... 537 RICHARDSON, ENOS 538 RICHARDSON, JOSEPH 538 RIDLEV, EDWARD j . 540 RIKER. DANIEL S 541 RIVES, FRANCIS R 541 ROACH, JOHN 541 ROBBINS, ELI 544 ROBERTS, MARSHALL O... 545 ROBERTSON, JOSEPH L 546 ROBINSON, JEREMIAH P 548 ROCKEFELLER, JOHN D 549 ROCKEFELLER, WILLIAM. .. 550 ROOSEVELT, CORNELIUS V. S 551 ROOSEVELT, JAMES A 552 ROOSEVELT, JAMES 1 552 ROOSEVELT, ROBERT B 553 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 554 ROPES, REUBEN W 555 ROPES, RIPLEY 555 ROSENBAUM, ALBERTS... . 556 ROTHSCHILD, JACOB 556 ROTHSCHILD, VICTOR H 557 RUSZITS, JOHN 560 RUTTER, THOMAS 560 RYAN, THOMAS F 561 S. SAGE, RUSSELL 563 SALISBURY, JAMES H., M.D. 570 SANDS, HENRY B., M.D 570 SANDS. SAMUEL S 571 SANFORD, EDWARDS S 571 SARGENT, GEORGE H 572 SCHAEFER. EDWARD C 574 SCHELL, AUGUSTUS 574 SCHIEFKELIN, WILLIAM H. . . 575 SCHIEREN, CHARLES A 576 SCHIFF, JACOB H 576 SCHLEY, GRANT B 577 SCHOALS, FRANCIS P 577 SCHOLLE, ABRAHAM 579 SCHROEDER, FREDERICK A. . 579 SCHULTZ, JACKSON S 580 SCHWAB, GUSTAV 581 SCOTT, ALFRED B 581 SCRIBNER, CHARLES 582 SEABURY, GEORGE J 582 SEAMANS. CLARENCE W 584 SEIDENBERG, JOSEPH 584 SELIGMAN, JAMES ,. 586 SELIGMAN, JESSE. 586 SELIGMAN, JOSEPH 587 SHELDON, ISRAEL 587 SHELDON, JAMES 588 SHEPARD, ELLIOTT F 590 PAGE SHEPARD, FREDERICK M 591 SHEPARD. SIDNEY 592 SHERMAN, ISAAC 594 SHERMAN, WATTS 594 SHERWOOD, JOHN H 594 SHOEMAKER, HENRY F 595 SHOENBERGER, JOHN H 597 SICKLES. GEORGE G 598 SILLIMAN, BENJAMIN D 598 SIMMONS, J. EDWARD 599 SIMPSON, WILLIAM 600 SINCLAIR, JOHN 601 SKIDMORE, WILLIAM I 601 SLAVEN, HENRY B 602 SLOANE, WILLIAM 605 SLOCUM, HENRY W 605 SMITH, ADON 606 SMITH, CHARLES STEWART.. 606 SMITH, FRANCIS S 608 SPAULDING, HENRY F 609 SPICER, ELIHU 610 SPOFFORD, PAUL 610 SPRAGUE, COL. NATHAN T. . 611 STARIN, JOHN H 611 STEINWAY, WILLIAM 612 STEVENS, PARAN 618 STEVENSON. DAVID 618 STEWART, ALEXANDER T 618 STEWART, JOHN A 620 STILLMAN, JAMES 620 STOCKLY, GEORGE W 621 STOKES, JAMES 621 STOKES, WILLIAM E. D 622 STORRS, AUGUSTUS 622 STORRS, CHARLES 623 STORY, RUFUS 623 STOUT, ANDREW V 624 STOUT, JOSEPH S 624 STRANAHAN, JAMES S. T. . . . 625 STRANGE, WILLIAM 628 STRAUS, I si DOR 629 STRAUS, LAZARUS 630 STRAUS, NATHAN 630 STREET, WILLIAM A 631 STRONG. WILLIAM L 632 STUART, JOSEPH 632 STUART, ROBERT L 632 STUDWELL. JOHN J 633 STURGES, FREDERICK 634 STURGES, JONATHAN 634 SULLY, ALFRED 635 SYMS, WILLIAM J 638 T. TAILER, EDWARD N 639 TALCOTT, FREDERICK L.... 641 TALCOTT, JAMES 641 TAYLOR, J. MONROE 641 TAYLOR, MOSES 642 TENNEY, CHARLES H 643 TERRY, JOHN T 645 TEWKSBURY, LEWIS G 647 THEBAUD, EDWARD V 647 THOMAS, SAMUEL 648 THOMPSON, WILLIAM P... 650 THORNK, JONATHAN 654 PAGE THORNE, JONATHAN, JR 654 THORNE, SAMUEL 655 TIEMANN, DANIEL F 655 TIFFANY, CHARLES L 656 TILDEN, SAMUEL J 658 TILDEN, WILLIAM 659 TILESTON, THOMAS 659 TILFORD, FRANK 660 TILFORD, WESLEY H 661 TINGUE, WILLIAM J 662 TINKER, CHARLES A 663 TORRANCE, DANIEL 663 TOUSEY, SINCLAIR 663 TOWNE, HENRY R 664 TOWNSEXD, SAMUEL T... . 664 TRAVERS, WILLIAM R 665 TREVOR. JOHN B 665 TWEEDY, THOMAS E 666 U. URQUHART, EDMOND 667 V. VAIL, HENRY H 671 VAIL, THEODORE N 671 VAN BUREN, JOHN D 674 VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS 675 VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS... 684 VANDERBILT, WILLIAM H.. . 680 VAN NEST, ABRAHAM R 686 VAN NORDEN, WARNER. .. . 686 VAN RENSSELAER, C. S 688 VAN TINE, ASHLEY A 689 VAN VOLKENBURG. PHILIP. . 69! VERMEULE, JOHN D 691 VERMILYE, JACOB D 692 VERMILYE, WASHINGTON R. 693 W. WALKER, JOHN BRISBEN 694 WALLACH, ANTHONY 694 WARD, JAMES E 696 WARDWELL. WILLIAM T.. . 697 WARNER, DR. LUCIEN C 698 WATERBURY, JAMES M 700 WATSON, JOHN 701 WATSON, WILLIAM 702 WEBB. H. WALTER 702 WEBB, WILLIAM H 703 WEBB, WILLIAM SEWARD.. 709 WEED, THURLOW 710 WENDELL. JACOB 711 WENTZ, JAMES M 713 WEST, GEORGE 714 WETHERBEE, GARDNER 719 WETMORE, APOLLOS R 721 WETMORE, ROBERT C 721 WHEELER, JEROME B -722 WHEELOCK, WILLIAM A 724 WHITE, ALBERT T 726 WHITE, STEPHEN VAN C. .. 727 WHITLOCK, WILLIAM 727 WILLETS, SAMUEL WILLIAMS, GEORGE G WINSLOW, EDWARD WINSLOW, JAMES WINSTON, FREDERICKS.... WINTHROP, BENJAMIN R. . . WlTHERBEE, SlLAS H WITHERS, DAVID D WOERISHOFFER, CHARLES F. WOLFE, JOHN PAGE PAGE 728 WOLFE, JOHN D 736 729 WOOD, BENJAMIN 737 730 WOOD, SAMUEL 740 730 WOOD, WILLIAM 740 730 WOODHOUSE, LORENZO G.. 741 731 WORK, FRANK 743 731 WORK, JOHN C 743 733 WRIGHT, EBENEZER K 744 734 WRIGHT, J. HOOD 746 736 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM 746 Y. PAGE YOUNG, JOHN S 748 YZNAGA, ANTONIO D. V 748 Z. ZABRISKIE, ANDREW C 749 ZABRISKIE, CORNELIUS 751 ZEREGA, AUGUSTUS 752 ZIEGLER, WILLIAM 753 vi. INDEX TO PORTRAITS. PAGE ANDREWS, WALLACE C 20 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, 4th 40 ASTOR, WILLIAM 38 AVER, FREDERICK F 43 BABCOCK, GEORGK H 47 BARBER, AMZI L ' 57 BARRON, DR. JOHN C 63 BECHTEL, GEORGE 69 BEKKMAN, HENRY R 73 BELDING, MILO M 76 BELKNAP, ROBERT L 78 BENEDICT, HENRY H 81 BLISS, CORNELIUS N 90 BORDEN, M. C. D too BRICE, CALVIN S 109 BROKAW, ISAAC V no BROWNING, JOHN H 116 BUCHANAN, WILLIAM 120 BURNHAM, THOMAS B 124 CHFSEBOROUGH, ROBERT A. 138 CONNOR, WASHINGTON E. .. 148 CRIMMINS, JOHN D 159 DARLING, ALFRED B 169 DE LA MAR, JOSEPH R 176 DEPEW, CHACNCEY M 183 DEPEYSTER, ABRAHAM 185 DEPEYSTER, FREDERIC 185 DEPEYSTER, GEN. J. WATTS. 185 DEVOE, FREDERICK W 189 DOLGE, ALFRED 196 Dows, DAVID 201 DUN, ROBERT G 206 ELKINS, STEPHEN B 216 ENGLIS, JOHN -. ... 223 FARREL, FRANKLIN 231 FLINT, CHARLES R 243 GIBB, JOHN 256 GOOD, JOHN 260 GOULD. JAY 265 GRACE WILLIAM R 273 GREEN. EDWARD H. R 278 GUNTHER, ERNEST R 284 HAGEMEYER, GEORGE 287 HAMERSLEY, JAMES HOOKER 2^3 PAGE HAWK, WILLIAM S 304 HOAGLAND, CORNELIUS N.. 315 HOE, ROBERT 317 HOY r, COL. MARK 325 HUDSON, CHARLES 1 330 HULBERT, HENRY C 331 HUNTIXGTON, COLLIS P 337 HURLBUT, HENRY A 340 HUSTED, SEYMOUR L. 343 JEWETT, HUGH J 353 KEENE, JAMES R 359 KF.LLY, EUGENE 363 KILMER, CHAUNCEY 368 KNOWLTON. EDWIN F 374 KUEHNE, FREDERICK 376 LAPHAM, HENRY G 381 LEARY, JAMES D 386 LEHMAN, EMANUEL 391 LEHMAN, MAYER 393 LOEW, EDWARD V 401 LYON, WILLIAM H 409 MCALPIN, DAVID H 413 MCALPIN, GEN. EDWIN A. . 416 MACKAY, JOHN W 422 MASURY, JOHN W 429 MEAD, FREDERICK 434 MILIKEN, SETH M 439 MILLS, DARIUS 441 MOORE, JOHN G 446 MOKOSIM, GIOVANNI P 453 MORTON, LEVI P 457 MOTT, HOPPER S 463 MOTT, JORDAN L 465 NEWCOMB, H. VICTOR 475 O'DONOHUE. JOSEPH J 481 OTTENDORFER, OSWALD. . . . 490 PEMBROOK, WILLIAM A. 499 PHELPS, ISAAC N 502 POOR, HENRY W 512 POTTER, ORLANDO B 517 PRENTICE, FREDERIC 525 QUINTARD, GEORGE W. . . . 530 REINHART, J. W 535 RICHARDSON JOSEPH 539 PACE ROACH, JOHN 541 ROBERTSON, JOSEPH L 547 ROTHSCHILD, VICTOR H.... 558 RYAN, THOMAS F 561 SAGE, RUSSELL 564 SARGENT, GEORGE H 573 SCHLEY, GRANT B 578 SEABURY, GEORGE J 583 SHELDON, JAMES 589 SHEPARD, SIDNEY 593 SHOEMAKER, HENRY F 596 SLAVEN, HENRY B. . 603 SMITH, CHARLES STEWART. . 607 STEINWAY, WILLIAM 613 STRANAHAN, J. S. T 625 SULLY, ALFRED 636 TAILER, EDWARD N 640 TENNEY, CHARLES H 644 TERRY, JOHN T 646 THOMPSON, COL. WM. P 651 TIFFANY, CHARLES L 657 TILFORD, FRANK 661 URQUHART, EDMOND 668 VAIL. THEODORE N 672 VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS.... 675 VANDERBILT, WILLIAM H... 681 VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS 685 VAN NORDEN, WARNER 687 VAN TINE, ASHLEY A 690 VERMEULE, JOHN D 692 WALLACH, ANTHONY 695 WARNER, LUCIEN C 6g3 WATTS, JOHN 185 WEBB, WILLIAM H 704 WEBB, WILLIAM SEWARD. . . 709 WENDELL, JACOB 712 WEST, GEORGE 715 WETHERBEE, GARDNE* 721 WHEFLER, JEROME B 723 WlTHERBEE, SlLAS H 732 WOOD, BENJAMIN 738 WOODHOUSE, LORENZO G.. 742 WRIGHT, EBENEZER K 745 ZABRISKIE ANDREW C 750 Tii. ctcc n < irarrc < c rer