IRLF Efi fi3D THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS Elizabeth Delvine King GIFT OF THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS \OtodJiyYitoi4L j iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiuiiminiiiimitmiiiiimiini THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS BY ELIZABETH DELVINE KING Author of "Hlte Lotus PatK," Etc. SIXTEEN LESSONS Published by J. F. ROWNT PRESS Los Angeles, Cal. 1918 TiMiiiimiiiiniimiiimiiiiimiiHiiiiuumiiiiM IMIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIHP Copyright 1918 by ELIZABETH DELVINE KING Los Angeles, Cal. BOOKS BY ELIZABETH DELVINE KING THE LOTUS PATH, A book of deep spiritual sig- nificance. Its Message is direct to the individual, teaching him to find himself and to know God. 127 pages. Paper cover, 75 cts. Cloth bound, $1.25 DW OF AUM, THE COSMIC SILENCE, Assists the stu- dent-devotee to come into the Cosmic at-one- IS ment. 23 pages. Paper cover, 35 cts. SAYINGS OP JEHOVAH, Revealing the distinc- tion between Aum, the Cosmic Omnipresence, and God, the Individual expression of the Infi- nite. 44 pages. Paper cover, 50 cts. THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS. Consists of six- teen lessons, teaching the importance of clari- fying the mind of the carnal illusions. Paper cover, 75 cts. THE FLASH-LIGHTS OF TRUTH. Presenting the Scientific Truth; also, a deep spiritual Message, assisting the devotee to walk upon the Christ- Path, the Path of Love and Devotion. 560 pages. Cloth bound, $2.50. This set of books contains a message for the New I Age. For Sale at TRUTH CENTRE Phone West 1135 927 West 36th Place Los Angeles, Calif. 393293 DEDICATION IN THE LIGHT OP THE GOLDEN GLOW OF LOVE DIVINE, WE DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO ALL SEEKERS FOR ENLIGHTENMENT 393293 Table of Contents PART ONE TABLE OP CONTENTS 5 PREFACE 7 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 9 1 'MAN, KNOW THYSELF " 12 PRAYER 15 FAITH 19 APPLICATION 23 MAN AS HE Is AND AS HE SEEMS TO BE 28 REALITY 32 PART TWO " GOD RESTS IN ACTION " 35 WISDOM 37 ONE PRESENCE 40 BOUNTY 43 LOVE 45 THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS 48 REALIZATION 50 COMPLETENESS 51 MASTERSHIP . 54 PEEFACE [n presenting these sixteen lessons in The Higher Meta- physics, our hope is to assist those who so desire, to pass on- ward from the mental or intellectual perception (and prac- tice) of the working hypothesis of the Omnipresent Reality, into the spiritual or esoteric ; that sweet essence, the Father 's love, care and bounty, which is omnipotent. That men may, through enlightenment and devotion, rend the veil, and pierce the illusive shadows with the sword of truth. Thus anchored and enlightened, man is able to live his life ; and prove his God-given dominion over the tempter (his own carnal nature). When this is accomplished, man has passed out from the illusive forest, carnality. Then man's next effort is to bring his body (the temple) into redemption, according to the pattern, the example of Jesus. ' ' Follow thou me, ' ' said Jesus. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." Thus we perceive knowledge is necessary to man, as he moves along the Path toward enlightenment. In Love's vibration we send forth this book, to the hearts of Love, who respond to its instructions. PART ONE LESSON 1 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS GENERAL INTRODUCTION HE Truth Absolute, is the foundation upon which we stand. "We are presenting a Principle, the understand- ing and application of which will remove the web of the carnal illusions from man's mind. "When this is accom- plished, man 's soul-memory is restored ; his sight merged into Vision ; and he then sees himself the perfect being, just as God created him. He sees also, that he is in the midst of Perfec- tion; that God, and His Manifestations, is all there is in Reality. So we give these instructions clear, yet concise. We give The Higher Metaphysical instructions to assist man along the Path unto the heights where he visions the Absoluteness as it is in all its perfection, beauty and unchange- ableness; and to enable the student-devotee to understand, then to perceive, there is a Bock, upon which to stand, as he studies this Message and the scientific application of its rules, which is so firm and steadfast that neither the winds of Ages, Cycles, Periods nor Kalpas can shake it. That Rock is the Absolute. The Absolute is God, the Infinite, the limitless, the ALL. Then man can readily perceive that the Infinite fills all space. If it fills all space, none can escape from the Great Presence ; neither can he step beyond its bounds. God is Infinite in His Manifestations. We are easily con- vinced of this when we look about us ; because at our feet we see the blades of grass, the atoms of earth, the grains of sand ; we raise our eyes and behold the vast and ever rolling seas, we see the majestic mountain ranges, their snow-capped peaks towering high, in their seeming effort to reach and kiss the blue vault above them ; and, in their silent grandeur, they serenely remain, reminding man of the strength and unchange- ableness of the Infinite. As man continues to look about him, he sees men; and in every clime men live in innumerable numbers. In Genesis we rea'd, "God created man in His image and likeness." We also 9 ' > ^:T$E HIGHER METAPHYSICS r^a-.l in Holy Writ, that man is the highest manifestation of God, and, "God's crowning glory." When man has elimi- nated the carnal conception of himself from his mind, it is then he will perceive and understand himself as God expressed him into form from out the womb of the Infinite ; and, then, there being no more mist in his mind, he perceives he is living in the very heart of God, and that, throughout the never- ending aeons of Eternity, he dwells in the very center of God ; and that he, being an expression of God, the Father abides within him. "The Father within me, He doeth the works, " said the Master Jesus. The keynotes of these lessons ring strong and clear in the message of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He knew the Truth; therefore spake knowingly. He ever gave to God the glory, and manifested it among the children of men by living the Life and expressing God-Love and tender kindness to the family of men. The foundation upon which to stand is God; and the first thing for the awakened man to do is to study and pray until he gains an understanding of God, the Infinite. Then the next step is to understand man ; then sonship ; then Oneness. Man has scaled the heights ere he comes into the Realization of Oneness. From that lofty pinnacle he visions the Absolute- ness as it is. We read in the scriptures, that "God is All, and there is none beside Him." Also, that God is Omnipresent, Omnipo- tent and Omniscient, which means All-Power, All-Presence and All-Knowing. Knowing is Science; and Knowing is Action. We also read that, "God rests in Action." Then we see God as Scientific Action, filling all space here, there and everywhere; as an ancient Sage once said, "With center here, and circumference nowhere." We also read in the scriptures, "That man lives and moves and has his being in God." Also that, "God created man in His image and like- ness." Let us move slowly here, because we are touching the border- line of Light, "that Light which lighteth the illimitable Pres- ence, which is God ; and let us tread lightly, because this place where unto we are approaching is ' ' Holy Ground. ' ' When Moses saw this same Presence, when It manifested as fire in the bush, that Moses might heed the Presence of the Ever-Present God ; and, when Moses turned aside to look into the strangeness of the fire burning so strong, and not consum- ing the bush; then the Voice of God spake to him and said, 10 GENERAL INTRODUCTION "Take off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.'* So it is with all men, when they awaken sufficiently to turn aside into the way that leads into the vastness, the nearness, the greatness, beauty and glory of the Infinite the Father Mother God, and perceive the fire of God ever burning, but never consuming the Real; then it is that the Voice of the Infinite will say to them: ''Remove thy shoes from off thy feet, because the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. ' ' This is the awakening period in man, and feet are symbolical of understanding. Then the next requisite is, that man remove the outer, or old understanding, and, with clear insight, linger upon the Holy place, and listen to the still voice of God, that he may glean the light which man requires concerning God, the Infinite, in His unmanifest and manifest state. We read in a sacred Bible of ancient times, "God was the One; He desired to become the many; and the Spiritual creation sprang forth. " Jesus Christ, the Great Initiate, said, "I of myself can do nothing; the Father within me He doeth the works." Then let the student-devotee study, meditate and pray until he knows God, in His vastness and nearness, in His strength and tenderness; and, then, man's place in this Infinite Presence and his at-one-ment with It. It is realization which brings man into the full illumination of the Absolute, and it is illumination which brings man into the fullness of Realization. When man, using The Higher Metaphysics intellectually, it remains an intellectual perception only, until the Realiza- tion takes place; this brings him to the spiritual perception of the Spiritual man, Atman, the Divine Self. It is then that man has touched the mystic spring of the Infinite ; and, continuing upon the Path, he walks in the laby- rinth of the beauty, love and rhythm of the Father-Mother- God; and devotion, reverence and appreciation to the great Over-Soul spring forth from the soul; and the Key of Love sweeps over the strings of the Infinite Harp ; and the mist of confusion being removed from the mind, man sits serenely in the abiding consciousness of his nearness yea, at-one-ment with God. 11 LESSON 2 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS "MAN, KNOW THY-SELF" |AVING spoken in the previous chapter concerning the Absoluteness of God, we will add here, that man should stand firm upon that Eternal Rock, The Absolute, until he attains the Christ- Consciousness ; then the next step is God- Consciousness, which is the illumination into realization of the Oneness of all that IS. It is necessary for man to accept this Rock, and the Abso- luteness thereof, by faith ; but, through earnest study, sincere prayer and deep meditation, man will gain understanding so strong and clear, that faith and understanding join hands, and knowing becomes the quality which is manifest in his mind. Knowing is a quality of the mind. The Higher Meta- physics deals with man's own mind; that he may by denials of the false beliefs which form the fabric of the carnal illusion ; cause the mind to become emptied of them ; then, through and by affirming the Truth of man's Being, until the mirror, his mentality, is thoroughly polished ; then man can perceive the reality and perfection of the Real Self, as God created him, and caused him to step forth an individualized manifestation of the Living God. In this practical and scientific study, man is to become acquainted with himself; "Man know thyself." In Genesis, First Chapter, we read, "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. " Gen. 1:26. "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." Gen. 1:27. Thus we see by the allegory in Genesis, that man is a perfect being, or manifestation of God ; but St. Paul said, ' ' Man has sought out many inventions"; therefore, man finds himself, when he awakens, clothed upon with an outer temple, which does not express the perfection of the God-created man, "the body being the Temple of the Living God." 12 "MAN, KNOW THYSELF" Thus we perceive the allegory in Genesis to be the Voice of the Infinite speaking to man in as clear a way concerning man's being, as is possible for man to conceive of the Infinite in Action and Manifestation. These lessons are not written in an elaborate way, that the intellect may be fed, or, perhaps, pleased, but in a concise form; as it is the purpose that the student-devotee, after studying the Great Fabric of Truth concerning God, man and the Universe may feel his soul leap forth with a bound into conscious life; and as the Ego bursts its bounds, merge into the realization of his Real Self and his at-one-ment with God, which is Cosmic Consciousness in the individual. It is realization which we desire the reader and student- devotee to reach in the study of these lessons: therefore, be still in the silent chamber of your own soul, in your heart, and meditate upon God, the Infinite. Meditate upon the vast- ness and the Allness of that Presence in which you dwell ; its nearness and absoluteness; then on thyself, an individualized expression, or manifestation of this Presence Who Knows, Acts, and IS. Here man finds it necessary to control his mind. This requires patience and perseverance, as the carnal mind in man is like the surging sea. An ancient sage has likened it unto a "wild horse"; and, truly, it does seem as difficult to bring into subjection as the lariating and bringing into subjection of the horse which has roamed unharnessed over the broad plains. To accomplish concentration, first, voice a prayer to the Infinite ; then, quiet the mind and meditate upon Aum God. As long as the mind is stayed upon God, it is not creating thoughts. When the mentality is thoroughly purified of the carnal illusions, the God-Mind only is in operation in man. This is knowing into the realization of man as he is and things as they are. When thus illumined, man no longer permits thoughts to go from his mind to another's mind; neither any- where. He serenely abides at home, and God-Mind operates in and through his mentality; God's Holy Breath breathes him ; he, having found his Real Self and heard the still voice of God speaking to his soul, becomes a conscious being in the Cosmic ; then he soon will sincerely desire to learn his place in the Father's great plan. Man can here see the importance of prayer and silent medi- tation. Man, standing erect, meditating upon the Absolute- 13 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS ness of that which IS ; and desiring to pray to this ever-pres- ent Presence which, man has read in Holy Writ, created him in His image and likeness begins to turn the lens upon himself ; and this is well, for man 's work is with himself entirely. There is nothing to be changed or effected by this study, and the application of the rules scientifically and metaphys- ically, but man, himself ; and this is accomplished by cleansing his mind and staying it upon God. 14 LESSON 3 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS PRAYER AN, having learned that he, in the reality of his being is a divine man, an individual manifestation of God, who became manifest at the dawn of creation; a Divine Man in expression, then and now, and will ever remain thus, desires to communicate with God. But man, having passed out from the Garden of Eden into the mist, has lost his way ; and, in his outer consciousness, has strayed far away from God. But, when man has awakened and learned the Omnipres- ence, Omnipotence and Omniscience of God, and that man, in the reality of his being, is a Divine Man, and living in the Infinite, feeling a separation between himself and God, he desires to commune with the Father. Jesus taught, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within, ' ' and that the ' * Father within man, he doeth the works, ' ' but man, awakening in the concept of the Prodigal Son, is, in consciousness, far away from God and, feeling his inability to find his way, desires to talk with the Father-Mother-God. We read that King David, when thirsting for a drink of living water, exclaimed, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my Soul after thee, God/' Psalm 42:1. 1 i My Soul thirsteth for God, for the Living God ; when shall I come and appear before God?" Psalm 42:2. King David exclaimed, evidently, after his Soul was some- what refreshed, "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him ; and He shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37:5. When man is awakened sufficiently to hear the silent voice of his soul, which is Conscious Life, sufficiently strong, that its urge may penetrate the outer department of his mind, it will express its thirst for the water of Life; and prayer is the means of communication between man and God. Man's method of prayer changes as man's enlightenment increases ; but God ever knoweth the desire of man 's heart. Let us review the two prayers which we have in the New Testament record which portrays the different states of men 15 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS who pray. We have the Publican, he whom the Divine Con- viction had touched to such a depth, he began to examine him- self ; and, from the sincerity of his heart, he cried, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner ! ' ' We have the Pharisee, whom the Divine Conviction had not touched with a depth sufficiently deep to cause him to wear a robe of humility. He stood and prayed, "I thank thee, Father, that I am not as other men." St. Luke 18:11-13. Bigotry and conceit can never walk the streets of the Holy City. These need to be burned by the purifying fire, which is God. We read in Holy Writ, ' * God is a consuming fire. ' ' The Ocean consumes all impurities cast therein. The metaphysical or scientific prayer is practical ; but should not be devoid of devotion. Jesus said, "Unless man becomes as a little child, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. ' ' A little child has no enmity, malice nor revenge. Man, to approach the Sacred Presence of the Living God, in the christianly scientific prayer has a clean mind, and his heart is filled with love. Then in the quiet sanctuary of his own Soul, in silent meditation, he, recogniz- ing God as He is, and man as he is, in that sacred chamber, "Where none but God can hear" ; communes with his Father- Mother-God. God hath promised to answer prayer; and, as long as the bow spans the sky, God's promises will stand. In The Higher Metaphysics, man uses denials, understand- ingly, to eliminate hate, malice, revenge, selfishness, self-right- eousness, anger and confusion from his mind ; then he calls to his remembrance the Absoluteness of God, and Man, by affirm- ing the Truth, until a flash of light fills his consciousness and the place, which was occupied by these carnal concepts, is filled with the Reality. Man, then, can sincerely and rever- ently commune with the Omnipresent God. When man arrives at the Illumined State, he then, in sweet assurance and abiding confidence, enters the Great Silence and knows that the Father hath answered, "even before he calls. " Jesus Christ is our example here. We find that Jesus talked to the Father as familiarly, trustingly and confidingly as He could have done to an earthly father. His prayers were answered; He would say, "Father, I thank thee, that Thou hearest me ; and I know that Thou hearest me always. ' ' Jesus Christ 's prayer, was, and is, the highest form of prayer, which 16 PRAYER the men of earth have ; but to voice a prayer as He did, man must have mastered the carnal man's fears, doubts, lusts and passions, and stand, as He, a Conscious Son of God. The Scientific, or Metaphysical Prayer is applied to man's mind, that it may become clear, that he may arise above undesirable conditions or obstacles which he may encounter upon his path. When man realizes the Absolute Truth of God, man and the Universe, he understandingly rests in abiding peace, and Love becomes a reality to him; yea, that Love-Essence, Divine, which is the Ever-Present God. Man, having learned that God 's manifestations are perfect ; that the Universe and systems of Universes are perfect ; then proceeds, in his silent meditation, something like this; God, and God's manifestations, being all there is in reality; and God, filling all space; then perfection is in expression at all times and in all places: this is the premise from which to proceed, which is Truth Absolute. It is necessary that man realizes this Reality; and this will be in proportion to his sincerity and persistent application to the task. Then, to apply the Metaphysical Prayer, when overtaken with sickness, step firmly upon the Rock God. Knowing the Truth concerning God, man and the Universe, then deny the reality of sickness, and speak to it in a positive determination, with strong words of command, as Jesus did to the Tempter when he approached Him. Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, satan." That was quite a scientific thing to do, because when a thing is behind us, we no longer see it; then we can more clearly erase it from the memory. God created man perfect, upright, happy and content ; and placed him in the midst of that abode which is so sublime, man can only say it is Paradise ; and this, like all else, conveys to man its exquisiteness in proportion to his light. For man to become scientificially freed from the Wheel of Carnality and stand at Home, in consciousness, in the Heart of God, a redeemed son will find it necessary to deny from his own mentality (not another's), the reality of every carnal illusion until the Reality, which is always just back of the unreal, becomes the Real to his consciousness. How is man to know the Real, that which God created, from the illusion, or that which carnal mind created ? Return at once to the premise, and step upon that Rock The Absolute Truth God ; then look into the appearance, be it what it may; and, if it does not square with God's Perfec- 17 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS tion, His Love, His Purity, His Holiness, His Tenderness, His Mercy, His Abundant Bounty, then cross the appearance out by denials ; know it is in the illusive shadow of illusions ; and that its creator is carnal mind, and it, having no permanency, can soon be reduced to its native place nowhere. When man, through knowledge, insight and vision, meets and masters all the foes which dwell in the carnal mind, and the mind is washed by denials, until it is clear as a freshly washed window pane, and polished by affirmations of the Truth of Being until it is transparent; then it is God who giveth the increase and fills the place where the illusions seem to be with that influx of His Presence, "as though they were not " ; as when a pail of water is lifted from the lake, the water immediately fills the vacuum ; the water fills the place in God 's Scientific Law, which is in constant action, in all places and at all times. In the Metaphysical Application of this Great Principle, always know this is man 's own work ; washing from his mind the mist which began to form in it, in that long ago, when he chose a change ; or, used his inherent power within him, which some call free-will. This free-will being finite, man will sur- render it to the Infinite, our Father-Mother-God, before he is a redeemed Son of the Living God. Man's first effort toward that high state of consciousness, when he awakens sufficiently to desire freedom from the carnal concept, is to deny the false beliefs from his mind, as he learns of their unreality, until he attains the illumination into Freedom Divine. When man fully knows the Truth, he will have, through denials, thoroughly purged his mind of the beliefs of the carnal man ; then, by affirming the divineness and perfection of his Real Self, he perceives the Reality of all that is of God. Then it is, that man in this Illuminated State, when he feels the God Love overshadowing him and expressing in his own Soul bows in reverential prayer to the God that is, and in "Whom he lives, moves and has his Being." 18 LESSON 4 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS FAITH FTER man has studied deeply the Message of Truth, believes it to be true, knows the rules of application and understands concerning this, faith, then, becomes necessary to him that he may bring this Truth of Being into expression. Faith is not a fabric which can be manufactured by man, through taking thought, or making statements, because it is a gift from God; then, if man desires faith, "let him ask of God." For man to become conscious of Faith, deny all doubts, fears and superstitions from the mind ; then affirm the Truth, and faith will spring into evidence within the mind and heart, acting in that same Law, which governs the water when it instantly fills the place in the lake wherefrom the pail of water was lifted. Faith is necessary ; and the student-devotee should endeavor to so live and be, that he is conscious of faith continually. The knowing quality is not sufficient to burst into illumina- tion, until faith has united with it. St. James, in writing to the student-devotees of Truth, said, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. ' ' St. James 1 :2. "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience." St. James 1:3. "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire ; wanting nothing. ' ' St. James 1 :4. "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not ; and it shall be given him. ' ' St. James 1 :5. "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed." St. James 1:6. "For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord." St. James 1:7. "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." St. James 1:8. 19 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS St. James also adds: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man. ' ' St. James 1 :13. "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lusts, and enticed. ' ' St. James 1 :14. ' ' Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin ; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. ' ' St. James 1 :15. "Do not err, my beloved brethren, " St. James 1:16. 1 1 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. " St. James 1:17. "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." St. James 1:19. "For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." St. James 1:20. "For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass." St. James 1 :23. "But who so looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word, this man shall be blest in his deeds." St. James 1:25. 1 ' Even so Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. ' ' St. James 2:17. Thus we see in St. James' teachings that he shows clearly the importance of Faith ; but he sums it all up, and brings it into the scientific prayer, when he says, "Even so Faith if it hath not works is dead, being alone. ' ' As long as man has faith, strong enough in God to pray for the recovery of the sick, and they are healed ; for the awaken- ing of the Spiritual dead, and they are quickened into a recog- nition of the Father's Love, Care and Protection, 'tis well; and Infinite Love is pleased, that man is thus endued. St. Paul said, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Then, faith being the substance of things hoped for, from the fact that man has Faith, it is evident those things exist; but man must know this! and it requires understanding, united with faith, to bring it into a knowing in man's consciousness. When man knows a thing, he has the evidence of it ; there- fore, faith is no longer needed. Jesus Christ required not faith, because He knew God, man, and the Universe; and God's Law, which is in operation in and through them. 20 FAITH Jesus from the vantage ground of illumination, which is that Divine Seership, which is Vision, with understanding looked into humanity as He found it, when He lived in a body of flesh. Jesus Christ stood on the summit; He achieved the highest point of expression that the Divine Man can attain here upon this earth. He is the example, the way-shower, the Teacher. He called to the awakened man, "Follow thou me." Jesus would not have thus called, if it had not been possible for all awakened men to follow Him. We have Jesus Christ on the summit, with Illumination and Vision ; and see Him doing the works of healing the sick, rais- ing the dead, and feeding the hungry, (both material and spiritual hunger). Let the student ever keep before his mind's eye that Ideal, Jesus Christ, the Conscious Redeemed Son of God, as He stood on the summit of the mountain. But ever remember, if you desire to stand there, you must climb the mountain ; and you, yourself must do the climbing. Here is where faith is necessary ; and man is to ask of God, "Who giveth liberally, and upbraideth not." As you study and desire to understand, pray to God for guidance, for light, for wisdom. When man first begins to pray, most likely God will seem far away ; but if he will continue, Truth is so powerful that, little by little, man will know that he has touched that vital, yet invisible Presence. Man's faith increases at each victory over the obstacles which confront him upon his path. Count not the time con- sumed, because some day the student-devotee will touch the border-line of Eternity ; then soon the limitations of time are consumed, by the knowing quality which has become evident, springing first into Faith, then into Understanding, then into Knowing, then into Realization. When man knows absolutely, he then has the Christ Con- sciousness complete within him ; it having grown from infancy (its birth in man's consciousness) into the full stature of Jesus Christ, within him; this is the Divine Man, the Real Self of each man become manifest, here on the earth. This is man's destiny ; and it will be worked out unto a finish, here on this earth plane, just as Jesus Christ showed and proved. If it had been that man was to work out his salvation on some other plane, or planet, Jesus Christ would have taught differently. When man knows the Truth, he has solved his problems; 21 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS and no man knoweth the Truth, it matters not how eloquently he teaches it, until he can prove that he knows it ; and the proof is in living a holy life, and in healing sickness, pain, sorrow, poverty, old age and death. Some will say, this is a high standard ; and true it is. But not too high. Men, all down the Ages, have had gods many; and have been content with a few bright stones, which they have gath- ered along the shore of the illimitable Ocean of Truth; and content to dwell in the midst of carnality ; and continue in the Wheel which winds its way continually along amidst birth and death ; and in the Web of Time. Jesus Christ 's Message is, * ' Launch out into the deep ! ' ' And in Faith in God and yourself, in prayer, cut all ropes which bind you to carnality; and cast anchor in the Abso- lute ; where time is left behind on the land, where the shores are shifting sands: and sail, in the Eternality of that which IS ; and this is God ; the All in All Our Father-Mother. It requires Faith, for the awakened man to enter the Boat of Truth, where there are no oars, God being the helmsman ; and to abide in the Boat, believing God's hand is steering the bark. But, if man can gain faith sufficiently strong right there, he soon will feel the Presence of God ; and see the working of this Great Law so clearly, that he of a surety perceives God's Power and Presence. Then man, one by one, cuts the ropes which bind him to the illusions, which the false beliefs of the carnal mind have wrought; then he rests serenely in the Boat; he then knows God is at the helm ; and he abides continually and trustingly in the care of the Loving Father-Mother-God. At this place man is Conscious Atman, having the illumina- tion of his Divine Self. He has finished his problem when he Realizes his At-One-Ment with God. 22 LESSON 5 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS APPLICATION HE standard of this message is The Absolute : but for man to study these lessons as he would read a book, just cramming the intellect, it will avail him little indeed. The Cosmic is vibrant with the Infinite Principle, and, when man becomes alert to this great Truth and understand- ingly in tune therewith, he has learned many of the deep things of God; then, if he desires to become in at-one-ment with the great Cosmic Heart, and touch the secret spring thereof, that the perfect expression of the God Law become evident, he must apply the deep truths which he has learned. If he does not apply the rules, or voice the prayer, he stands in the same current as those who do not know concerning the principle of Truth. Therefore, if sickness seems to be, it will exhaust itself, or cause the body to succumb, and death take place with the one who understands the God-Law and its application, if he does not use it, (if he has not attained unto illumination so deep that it is Realization,) just the same as with the one who knows not of it. The one who studies The Higher Metaphysics, and daily applies its rules, will begin almost at once to pass into clearer light, and his health of body will become evident in proportion to his realization of the Truth which is the foundation. When man awakens from the carnal slumber, (we read in Genesis, that Adam went to sleep ; this signifies the carnal concept; as long as man is sleeping soundly, he is conscious only of the outer self;) but when he awakens, his Soul, the Real Divine Self, has begun to stir within him ; and his carnal mind feels that a change of heart has taken place ; then he no longer is satisfied with the life of the surface, (the carnal life) ; he then discovers he is, "In a far country ;" and, having awak- ened, he begins to think of that other clime from which he departed, even as Adam, when he stepped from the Garden of Eden. "My Soul panteth after thee, God," King David exclaimed. 23 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS "We give a practical application of the rules, which, if applied, will assist man to pass into a new country. This does not signify a change of locality, but a change in states of con- sciousness. Man will then live in the conception of the Truth, having passed away from the old conception of things. It is well to remember a man while asleep accomplishes nothing. Though in his dreams he may travel to far lands and have many dealings with his fellow man, when he awakens he is in the same place. Then he realizes that the dream was only the will-o '-the-wisp ; he even smiles at the reality it seemed to express. When God created man He caused him to become an indi- vidualized manifestation of Himself ; and this individuality is Divine man in expression; and he was placed in the perfect Spiritual Universe. Man gradually lost consciousness of this, as the mist formed in his mind, until all memory of his Divine Self is lost ; and he lives in the Adam-sleep ; but when man awakens and has gained understanding, he will smile at the seeming reality of the illu- sions which controlled him while he lived, asleep in the Adam- dream, which Jesus, in His parable, calls the Far Country. Jesus portrayed man at that place as feeding the swine. That is the state of concept, where man is living in the sense nature only. By man, we mean man and woman, because, ' ' Male and female created He the men of earth. ' ' But, when the Soul bursts its bounds and begins to express, it thirsteth for the Living Water, and hungers for Spiritual Bread. Man attains these here and now through faith, knowl- edge and understanding sufficiently deep that Love and Devo- tion spring forth from his heart to the Living God, the Omni- present One ; in Whom he lives, and has his being ; even as the spring of cool water bursts forth from the mountain side. When the student has become convinced that God, and God manifest is all there in reality IS, and desires to bring himself into that Realization, he can apply the rules given, and he will soon become convinced of the truthfulness of the Message of Jesus. When a student-devotee is called to one who is stricken with sickness, he may go direct to his bed-side, or, if the situa- tion requires, he can give the prayer from the distance, remem- bering always that God is Omnipresent ; and that the one, who is sick, is living in that very presence, even though he may be thousands of miles away. 24 APPLICATION When called to the bed-side of the afflicted, enter the sick chamber with the full understanding of the fundamental prin- ciple of Truth ; then the manifestation of disease, in any form, will not disturb you. The first thing, when called to the sick, either in body, mind or environments, is to go to God in Prayer. Enter the silent chamber of your own Soul. It is necessary you bring your thoughts under subjection, that the mind may become quiet, that you may become conscious that you are in the very pres- ence of God. It is well to clearly perceive, it matters not what the environment may be, be it the slums, or the palace of kings; for God is Omnipresent; which means everywhere. Ask of God, the great Over-Soul, and the indwelling Pres- ence, to sustain you as you minister to the afflicted; to over- shadow you; also, to be your indwelling strength and con- sciousness ; ask for wisdom to pray, and what to do and say, and close this prayer by saying, li Father, I request this in and through Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ." When the student-devotee enters the sick chamber, being thus equipped, he is calm, serene and confident. Then let him enter the silent precinct of his own Soul, and there, in con- scious at-one-ment with the Father, voice in the silence that prayer as the Father guides him. If he has arrived at vision, he clearly sees through the condition : and, if his vision is the Christ-Vision, which is ladened with conscious at-one-ment with the Father; and the Oneness of that which is; he can Vision the sickness into nothing in his own concept; and, in proportion to the attunement of the one who desires assistance from his prayer, will they receive the benefit. His only effort is with himself, that he realize the Truth as it forever is. Then it is the work of those who desire assistance to attune themselves, through insight, that they may receive the quick- ening from out the great Cosmic Heart, when the vibrations are responsive to the prayer of the illumined one. Never be anxious, neither especially concerned, if the one for whom you pray, responds or not. As the sage necessarily must understand the underlying laws which operate throughout car- nality. However, a sage only recognizes, as the Real, the God- Law ; knowing, that when the carnal delusion is cleaerd away, there is the God-Law in operation, even as it was when it was covered with the carnal debris, and the unawakened one only perceived the carnal expression. The Metaphysical Prayer, using it in the understanding of the princiole as portrayed, is to deny the disease, deny its 25 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS reality, and affirm the perfection of the Real Man. Thor- oughly knowing that the Real Self of each and all men cannot be sick ; from the very fact that a Divine thing, being divinity, could not be touched, therefore, never contaminated by sick- ness in any form; neither affected by undesirable environ- ments. In using the Scientific Prayer, be clear in your understand- ing, that it is God who doeth the works. His Law, ever being in action, when the spell of sickness is broken, the place is filled with the realization of health, which has ever been true of his Real Self. This realization comes from the God within, and not from the carnal mind. It comes in and fills the place where the belief of sickness was, just as the water of its own volition fills the vacuum wherefrom the pail of water was taken. None ask how the water immediately fills the vacuum, because man, being ever accustomed to seeing the water thus respond, does not give it a passing thought. When man fully ' ' Knows the Truth, ' ' and consciously lives in exercise of his God-given dominion, an individualized expression of the Living God; he will become so accustomed to seeing the Living God become evident at all places, and in all conditions, when he voices the denials which tear down the seeming structure called disease, pain or poverty ; and the expression of the good, the true, the perfect and harmonious become manifest; that, he, in that illuminated state, will rejoice ever. Then let man, in grateful humility, return thanks to the Infinite, our Father-Mother-God ; Whom he now knows is ever near, ever tender, ever true. When man is thus equipped to be of assistance to his fellow man, he is in the Will of the Infinite; and is truly walking upon the Sacred Path. As man moves along the Sacred Path, each step brings a clearer light, and a stronger realization, until he arrives at the place where he has left The Higher Metaphysics behind him; as it is only given to man that he may cleanse his own mentality of the carnal illusions, which all men inherit as a legacy from the carnal side of his being, and, when man 's mind is cleansed, and he in loving reverence and devotion turns to the Omnipresent God, then the place in his consciousness becomes filled with the Essence Divine, as he being a drop of the Ocean Absolute, is at-one with it. He then is a new creature, and old things (concepts) , have passed away ; because he has become conscious of his at-one-ment with God. The 26 APPLICATION carnal mind, having become merged into the God-mind, there is no more need for The Higher Metaphysics. Then man can commune as confidingly, serenely and sweetly with the Father- Mother-God, as our Elder Brother did. How then can the things of earth, they being dressed in the changing garb of nature, longer disturb him? They cannot! He is anchored in God. 27 LESSON 6 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS MAN As HE Is AND As HE SEEMS TO BE and His manifestation, is all there really is. In An- cient Scripture we read, "God was the One; He de- sired to become the many, and creation sprang forth, ' ' expressed in form, according to its degree of expression. The Infinite Universe is the impersonal and omnipresent God, from which, and into which, the myriad of systems of universes took form and exist. This is the First and only Cause of that which it expressed into form. There is only One ; * ' There is naught beside Him. ' ' This is the Absolute, "in whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. ' ' There are no shadows there, as relativity does not express there. Let the student get his mind filled, even unto perception complete, of the Absolute as it really is, which is the imper- sonal God, who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient; and, that this is the Ocean Essence Divine, the great Over- Soul and the Supreme Spirit of the Universe; and, that this greatness expressed Itself into forms of its own Essence (as there was no other), into universes and myriad systems of universes, and all forms within them. Man is the highest expression; because God expressed His conscious mind in him. Man is a reasoning, comprehending being, destined, when he is consciously the full-grown man in the statue of Jesus Christ, to stand forth in conscious under- standing, in full realization ; that he is an expression of God. Then it is that the carnal spell is broken, the shadow of illu- sion dispelled, and he perceives that he, too, is a son of the Living God, and that Jesus Christ is the Elder Brother who proclaimed to mankind the truth of man's being, and proved by His example, in His life and His works, that man is to return to the Father's House. Jesus said, "Follow thou me !" When the man whom God created, or caused to become manifest, began to take cognizance of the shadows of the Real, he gradually moved out into them, and became lost. When he 28 MAN AS HE Is AND AS HE SEEMS TO BE awakens from his long slumber, he finds himself as Jesus por- trayed in His parable, the Prodigal Son. When man awakens from the Adam Sleep, neither the things nor the experiences of carnality satisfy him. When man awakens, his Soul begins to express to his con- scious self; and the Soul desires the Bread from Heaven. Then it is man begins to search for the hidden manna, hidden from the carnal man, because he cannot perceive it. It is the Soul, that Divine Self, which God expressed into form at that dawn, " where man's mind runs not to the contrary." Thus we see man as he is and as he seems to be. The seeming is the great Carnal Illusion; and man, in the carnal concept of himself, lives and expresses in Maya, the Forest of Illusion. Nothing in carnality satisfies the Soul of Man, his Divine Self. Therefore, we find our brothers, even those surrounded with luxury and wealth at their command, ever feeling an unrest within them. This is the urge of the Soul, endeavoring to arouse the outer self who seems to be the man, but, in reality, is only the outer temple. "Ye are the Temple of the Living God." Man awakens in a far country. His face is turned away from God. He is looking in the opposite direction. Therefore has he in concept strayed into a far country. Having lost his conscious link with the Omnipresent God, he is as a rudderless ship upon the great ocean of carnality, with no anchor to cast ; therefore adrift upon a shoreless sea; but the sea is only the surface of the omnipresence that is God ; and the Real Self of man is ever the manifestation of God. Then let man right here bestir himself as the prodigal son did, by examining him- self ; for then, it is that man desires to draw closer to God, saying, "I will arise and go to my Father." There is the journey back to the Father's House. Having turned about, man begins his journey within himself, by using the shuttle of Life, and unweaving the part of the pattern that should be erased, and bringing into perfect expression that which is incomplete. When man awakens, he then begins to express his Real Self, the Self which God caused to become manifest at the dawn. This man continues to do, as he journeys toward Home, the Father's House, man's destination. When man arrives at full enlightenment, he expresses the Real Self, "which God created in His image and likeness." Gen. 1. This Real Self is a Soul of the great Over-Soul, and as inseparable from it as the ray is from the sun. Separate the 29 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS ray from the sun and it becomes extinct. Should man, God's self expressed into form, become disjoined from the Over- Soul, man would not be ; a thing which can never take place, because God, Himself, is expressed into forms; and God cannot become separated ; neither can any part of Him become extinct. What God has done, He has done; and, "He pro- nounced it finished. " Therefore, the Real Self, which is the Son of God (because God brought him forth from His formless Essence into form within himself, and God is the Infinite), has no place to dwell but in God. Man, in the dream of carnality, only perceives himself as the Adam Man, subject to birth, death, growth and limitations in general, because the finite is limited at all points. Freedom does not exist in the realm of carnality. The carnal man must pierce the veil, which hangs in the midst of the Temple, ere he perceives the possibility of the freedom of the Sons of God. When this takes place, he has been born again, and, as this Christ-child consciousness expands his outer concept, he will, in time, become conscious that he, too, is a Christed child of God, an Enlightened one. Then man has arrived at Home, as the Christ light of the Real Self shines brighter, the outer temple becomes quickened into a Light Divine, reflected from the Real Self, who is the sovereign that abides within ; and, as the Christ light of the Real Self shines brighter, the outer temple, the body, will become quickened into the vibration of the Soul, the Real Self, which is forever at-one with the great Over-Soul, which is Conscious Life in action; and the outer man, vibrating in the vibration of conscious Life, becomes Immortal, and stands forth a master over the last enemy, death. Jesus Christ brought this forth in His example to prove to man, when he has finished his wanderings in the forest of illusion and is ready to merge from the generation period into the regeneration period; that man will stand forth redeemed. Complete redemption is the message of the Abso- lute in the message and example of Jesus Christ. Then it is that man passes into the seventh heaven, or, as Gautama Buddha expressed it, Nirvana ; both of which mean the finished or redeemed state. Then it is man has consciously found himself, and that he is at Home in God. He then perceives that he has never departed therefrom ; but, by looking at the shadows, he became lost in their seeming reality, and wandered many weary years over a rough path. The sunlight being obscured by the 30 MAN AS HE Is AND AS HE SEEMS TO BE shadows, he lingered long upon the stony shore of the calm ocean of Life. This change in man is not brought about by passing through death, but through the Christ-Enlightenment, which first reveals to him that, he, being an expression of God, is a Son of God ; and in the full realization of this Truth of his being, he will, through this Light, it being ' ' That Light which light- eth every man who cometh into the world, " become that Con- scious Light. Through this Light which he is, he perceives that he is a grain of the Ocean Essence Divine, a drop in the Ocean of Omnipresence, which is God. This is the highest illumination for man on this planet, as it brings him to the mountain summit; and he there stands a radiant individual Soul of the great Over-Soul and, consciously forever at-one with the Omnipresent God. Jesus said, "The Father and I are one ; but the Father is greater than I. ' ' Therefore, when man thus stands, he is the greatness of God expressed; and humility is his robe, and brotherly kindness and compasison are his hand-maidens ; and, from that place divine, he proves a blessing to mankind. This is man's greatest privilege in the divine plan to serve ! Yes, to prove himself a blessing, even as the flowers do. They bloom in all perfection, dressed in the myriad hues of the rainbow, and radiate their fragrance, ever expressing their perfection ; and all who pass by, be they high or low, rich or poor, are welcome to behold their beauty and inhale their fragrance ; and the wise will appreciate them, if they be orchid or sunflower, violet or rose. A Sage, having attained enlightenment, dons the robe of humility while he is on the mountain summit. He, wearing this robe, returns to the valley where mankind is living, lost in the shadow of the carnal illusion. He smiles at their illu- sions, but with tolerance and compassion ; and so long as it is his privilege to so do he assists all who will permit him, that they may attain enlightenment and live the life of the God- conscious one here upon earth. The outer and the inner, the seeming, and that which is, will reveal themselves ; Illumination will pierce the veil, and then man perceives he is at Home. The Omnipresent God is the Ocean of Light, Life, Love, Intelligence, Power and Action, in which man forever abides. "There is naught to fear in all God's Holy Mountain." Climb to the mountain top, friends. Then, having drunk long and deep from the fountain there, return to the men of earth and give to them the refreshing draught. So be it. 31 LESSON 7 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS REALITY E still and know that I am God." "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High, shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1. If there were no Reality ; if there were no Omnipresence in the Ocean Divine, humanity's bark would be adrift upon an uncertain sea, and with no compass it would forever drift with the low tide, or ride upon the crest of the billowy waves ; no compass, no anchor, no guiding hand, no "Still Voice" to whisper, "Be still and know that I am God." The Reality is just back of the surface. The man is within his garment. Life is within the rose bush, and expresses the rose. There is but one Presence ; the Omnipresent God Essence, in form and unmanif est. In this very center of God, the vibra- tion of the Conscious Life Action is so great that a silent stillness seems to exist. Because it is such a high rate of Life Action, man cannot register it. As the earth and all expressed forms act in their individual capacity ; in the belief of separa- tion, the vibrations are lower; and continue to become lower until the outer surface is a very low rate of vibration ; and this is called nature ; and here we find trees clothed in bark, birds in dresses of feathers, animals with coats of fur, and man within an outer temple in the vibration of nature, which is, as it were, throughout the surface of infinity. When man is in a low or heavy rate of vibration (by man we here refer to the human family upon this, or any planet), the whole planet is vibrating low ; when the Spiritual Age, or cycle arrives, man comes into a more spiritual state of con- cept, and the vibrations of the planet greatly raise, and lo! the New Age. This is the age when mankind is to become redeemed from the thraldom of the Great Illusion, the surface; and seek the center where the vibrations of God vibrate in the certainty of the eternal Omnipresence of the Omnipotent God. 32 REALITY Then, as man awakens to the Truth of his own Being and perceives this is the Truth of every one's Being, and that God is a Living Reality, he, then, seeking for enlightenment, will wash the window of his Soul (his mind), through and by denials, until all accumulation of debris (past superstitions, prejudices, bigotry and conceit), are eliminated; and the polishing process has proceeded, until the mind is transpar- ency, and the Infinite ever expressing there; and the eyes, expressing the Light that radiates within his heart, it being the center where the spiritual self continues in conscious life action ; as the physical heart is the center of the physical life action; Blood! Yes! Vital indeed is blood to the physical man, and vital indeed is the River of Life which flows through the Real Self, the Spiritual Man. As man becomes enlightened into the Christ Life, the vibra- tion of God Life, Immortality, vibrates through the Temple, the physical man; and, as man through this inner light becomes balanced, poised and serene, the vibrations of the outer man raise, and, at the crucial time, when man is redeemed, in body, mind, soul and spirit, the vibration of the inner man, who is in the vibration of the Heart of God Conscious Life will become one. Then the outer becomes the inner, or the Real Self absorbs the outer self, and man becomes One, and the River of Life flows through his Being. The blood of the physical man, then, becomes merged into the River of Life. 'Tis God who giveth the increase; and man, acquiescing to the Will of God, becomes illumined into the Realization of the Reality, as it IS. Higher Metaphysics is that which assists the individual to first purify his own mind, then to so polish it, that the carnal mind of man becomes lost, merged into the God-mind, which is the Infinite Intelligence individualized in man. The con- fused mind of man is all that hangs between himself and his God. It is the veil in the Temple which must be rent in twain. In the light of this New Age, God is causing flash-lights of Truth to be revealed to man. Higher Metaphysics is that flash-light which assists man to eliminate from his conception the false ideas of carnality, that the Real may become evident in expression. The Higher Metaphysics does not deal with thoughts in any way, as they are the product of the carnal mind; and the carnal mind will become merged into that which is the Real, the Infinite Intelligence. This brings man into the state of 33 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS illumination where lie knows, even as God would have him to know. To attain unto this full illumination, man merges from the carnal intellectual concept into the Divine concept. This is before man. Attain thereunto, brothers, and thou canst rest in Peace. 34 PART TWO PART TWO LESSON 1 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS "Goo RESTS IN ACTION" S God rests in action, man, to express God, must rest in action. Here is where the learning process comes in. Knowledge is necessary to each individual ere he can understandingly place himself in harmonious rhythm with the vibration of the Infinite ; and, thereby, become attuned under- standingly, so he can live day by day, "as unto the Lord." Man through deep devotion at times touches the chord which causes him to vibrate in such rhythm that he is filled with ecstasy ; but often as the outer things claim his attention, he looses this conscious link, and sinks back into the previous state with only a sweet memory of having touched the Divine Chord. Through study man gains knowledge which, when guided by wisdom, brings him to the understanding which enables him to live in such close rapport with the Infinite, our Father- Mother-God, that he, vibrating in that vibration, is in accord with the Essence Divine ; and the God-conscious Beings, who are unceasingly and untiringly about the Father's business, come to assist the student-devotee as they move along the Path. God is Life. Life is Action. Life is ceaseless action. When man gleans the light sufficiently clear, so he can understand- ingly become Conscious Life, he then enters into the Ocean of Life Essence, which is Action ; and he understandingly abides there. Then it is man, too, "Rests in Action." To attain this state of Enlightenment, man has penetrated the mist and crossed the line which ever lies between the rela- tive that which seems to be the real and the Real that which God is in expression. The Higher Metaphysics assists man as he passes onward toward final illumination; as he, through understanding the working hypothesis, ever remembers to, through and by denials, erase all false beliefs and conceptions from, his mind. 35 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS In fact, little by little, the carnal concept of man's self is washed out, and in its place comes the perception of the Real Self. That which God caused to become manifest, and is destined, sometime, to stand redeemed, and to express the glory of God. "We read in Genesis, the first chapter, that "God created man in His image and likeness," and gave man dominion over the earth. This means man's outer, or carnal mind and body. The body, being the shadow of the beliefs in the carnal mind, the student can see to erase the false and undesirable beliefs from the outer mind, the body necessarily changes; as when the cause is removed, the shadow must change. When man reaches the place upon his path, where he is becoming the ripe fruit upon the carnal tree, then it is, when be cleanses his outer mind, through and by denials, that the One Mind, God's Mind, will become enthroned; and, finally, the carnal mind is gone and he lives in the Consciousness Divine. This is the illuminated state of a Sage; and he mourns neither for the living nor the dead. Death is a portal through which man passes into a broader life and greater freedom. Birth is stepping across the portal into limitation. Birth and death are the pairs of opposites which the Illum- ined Sage no longer sees upon his Path, as he has passed out from the great forest of illusions, carnality. As man nears the edge of the elusive forest, he begins to learn that God, the Omnipresent Aum, "Bests in Action." Man, having grown weary from his long dwelling in Maya, feels the desire for inaction. This is the carnal deceiver or adversary; and, if man will listen to its stupifying voice, he w T ill succumb to stagnation. This is the beginning of old age, and ends in death to the outer body; as stagnation is death. Let the inflow and outlet of a lake become blocked, and soon there is a stagnant pond of water; and fish, bird or reptile can no longer drink it. Open the outflow and inlet, and soon the water is pure again. Life is Action. Stagnation, or inaction, is death. By action, we do not refer to the outer action of the body or mind ; but inner understanding concerning the Eternality and unchanga- bleness of Action as God. This, being God's natural state, He rests in it. When man has the full Light, he, too, will understandingly rest in Action ; as this is Immortality. This state is calmness, peace, serenity, harmony, Love; yea, it is God-Consciousness. 36 LESSON 2 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS WISDOM HERE is a mystery, in the Realization of the Truth, to the uninitiated. It is easy for man to learn how to cleanse his mind, if he so desires. Then the next step is to learn how to con- centrate his mind, in the cleansed mentality; that it cease, while he is in this practice, from creating thoughts. When man learns, that all the thoughts which the carnal mind creates are of the earth, because the carnal mind in man knows only of the carnal man, his life and environments, which is as unstable before the God-conscious man, as the stubble is before the approaching fire ; then he will perceive the importance of con- centration. For man to become a conscious individualized son of God, it is absolutely necessary, that he learn to bring his outer mind, which is the carnal mind in man, into subjec- tion to the Soul-Ego, or Real Self consciousness, ere he moves out into the labyrinth of God's eternal varities of the Divine Mysteries, which have remained hidden from the unawakened man from the never beginning eternity. If man has not the Spiritual teaching in connection with the awakening and cleansing of his mind, and the concentra- tion thereof, which brings him into the Spiritual side of his Being, where he is taught until he desires the New Birth, or Spiritual Awakening, he may think the mind, and the thoughts of the carnal mind are the power, he having learned that the thoughts of his carnal mind are ladened with power for good; he may also learn this same mind can use its thoughts for harm, or to influence others* minds contrary to their desire; and sometimes, before some of the earnest stu- dents have had the proper spiritual instructions, they believe it to be right to use their power, which they have learned is in their carnal mind and its thoughts, unwisely. In so doing they are injurious. We are informed that many of the Atlan- tians understood this art. The carnal mind is not permanent ; because it is to be, and will become, merged into the God Mind, which in reality is the only mind. 37 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS When man works from the premise of the carnal mind, it is Mental Science, and has not the Christ within it. If the student is deeply in earnest, he will soon learn the folly of that mode of procedure; because, all thoughts sent from the mind, ladened with the desire to limit, harm, or destroy another, in the unerring Law of Compensation, will return to the one who created them ; if not today, in some other day; for the Law of Cause and Effect is ever in operation; and Jesus Christ said, "Man would pay even unto the very last farthing/' and their fruits will come into expression within themselves and their world. It is well for all to know, that it is impossible for one to escape the effect of an unrighteous thought, sent out malic- iously; for it will return. It acts in that "Law of Cause and Effect," which is, "As you sow, so shall you reap." No men- tal maneuvering can set this aside. It may form a protection for a time, but all things mental will crumble ; and the Law of Karma will not cease, "Until man has paid unto the very last farthing." This is the place where the tempter seems to get control of some before they are Spiritually Awakened. In the Bible this same thing is called by different names, the magicians of Egypt endeavored by their incantations to reproduce the miracles of Moses, and, up to a certain place, they did so; but they came to the limit of their power; and they said, " Of a surety this is the hand of God. ' ' The Prophets of Baal endeavored to prove that their many gods were as great as the One God which Elijah trusted, and prayed to ; but they failed ; their 's being the gods of the carnal mind's conception. Elijah had burst the bounds of his carnal mind, and made the Realization of the One God, and that He was his very life. In India, this same power of the carnal mind is called Black Magic. All of this power is carried on in the carnal mind ; it matters not who it is that thus does. The carnal mind is not regenerated. Therefore, all of this, be the object what it may (when the mind is used to harm mankind), is done in the darkness of ignorance of the Christ Truth. No man, when the Christ is born in his consciousness, will ever desire to do thus. Until the awakened man, whose mind only is quickened, is born again, he may be using the scientific application of the Truth, in a mental concept only. However, if he is in earnest, he will soon see that he is giving a stone, when man asks for bread. 38 WISDOM Man to come into the place, where he can have the Realiza- tion at all times, so vital that the appearance of disease (which seems to be), vanishes in answer to prayer, finds it is neces- sary to learn concerning the New Birth; then tarry until he has received it. He then has the Christ Mind expressing in him, and the Spirit of God, that Spirit which is God, estab- lished in his consciousness by that influx of Divine Power, which none but God understands. Man ever knows thereafter, that he is a son of God ; and in his prayer, meditations and moments of trustingly abiding, returns thanks to the Infinite, the Father-Mother-God. He Realizes the Truth of God's Being, the Truth of his Being, and the Reality of the Spiritual Universe. It is when man fully Realizes the Truth, that his heart overflows with gratitude, and his lips sing praises to the Infin- ite, our Father-Mother-God. When man comes into the Spiritual Illumination, he per- ceives that the Higher Metaphysics is only for man's own use within his own mentality, that he may sweep and garnish it so that the God Mind may thereafter operate there. There are many steps upon the Path, from the time man awakens, until he reaches the Mountain Summit of Illumina tion. 39 LESSON 3 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS ONE PKESENCE r N the Realization of the Truth as it IS, concerning God, in His fullness, His Oneness and Love, and man as the expression of God, and the Spiritual Universe ; and that One Law only is in operation in and through all, One intelligence, and that the Infinite, man is consciously upon the Sacred Path, which the Spiritually awakened have pro- claimed from the most ancient times even unto the present. It requires the awakening, then the searching for the Light, then studying until understanding is reached, then the bring- ing of it into outer expression through Realization. Concentration, meditation, reverence, devotion, apprecia- tion, and these expressed in prayer, bring man into rapport with the Omnipresent God; and, in proportion as man comes into the Realization of the Truth, the One Presence, he lives in the God Law, it being the only Law. When man is understandingly in rhythm therewith, he is in the Will of God, and all things, "Work together for his good," when man learns how to let them. "Be still and know that I am God," spake the voice of the Cosmic to an attuned Prophet, in the long ago. Not sentimentally, but through understanding, abide in the One Presence. Be still and meditate upon it, and you will become conscious of the One Presence, which is God. Solomon said, "With all thy getting, get understanding." In understanding you perceive there is no reason for fear; as, in the One Presence, there is naught but God and His manifestations. Then in abiding confidence man can "be still and know that God is!" Also, "That there is none beside Him." In that concept of the Absolute Truth, man loves his fel- low man, as he meets him upon life's highway. "He does unto his fellow man, as he would have him do unto him. ' ' His dealings are honest and fair with those whom he does busi- ness; because he remembers in the Truth, or Real of their Being, they are his brothers. 40 ONE PRESENCE The Christ Illumined man will never permit any of those who are living in the carnal mind concept to defraud him ; as he, perceiving the one God Law, knows it must balance evenly ; and, permitting one to defraud him, or he defrauding another, each brings the balance to an uneven balance and the Law ceases to act perfectly. Man, understanding this Law of the Cosmic, perceives he cannot gain anything in this Law for nothing ; there must be the recompense. Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Krishna and all other Divine Incarnations were in the Cosmic God Consciousness; and in this Cosmic Illumination they lived in the very Heart of the Cosmic, the Omnipresent God. This Heart, being Love, it multiplies to man from out the Essence, the One Presence. Then man has fulfilled the Law, and Law has merged into Love. In this consciousness, it being Love, man lives the golden rule, and * ' does unto others, as he would have them do unto him/ 7 This masterful state of consciousness forgets self in its desire to assist mankind. Truth necessarily is taught in paradox; we say there is but One Presence ; then we speak of the Son of God. The Son of God is the Infinite in individualized form ; The Infinite is the Father-Mother, the impersonal, God. When man catches a realization of this, the fetters fall. He is, then, no longer bound by the carnal beliefs. He walks the earth, a conscious son of God. Being conscious of his Soul freedom, he peacefully, lovingly and reverently abides in the very center of the Omnipresent God. Man, ever carrying his balance in this illuminated state, is a law abiding citizen; and ever has respect for the law of the land. Remembering that Jesus said, ''Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things which are Fanaticism has no place in Truth ; it only proves man's lack of understanding of the Great Truth, the One Presence. Peter in his zeal may have been called fanatical; but that is the record of a disciple who is studying and searching for the Truth. Peter did not perceive the Truth within him, until the day of Pentecost; and after he was endowed with power from on high, by that wonderful experience, when he was baptised in the Holy Spirit; and the Comforter, which Jesus had promised, came within him to abide. Peter spake boldly, and with power thereafter; but not with fanaticism. This is acting in the guidance of the One Presence, which is the Living God. 41 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS Then, be faithful at all times to that inner voice which ever speaks the words of wisdom required. It is necessary that man surrender his carnal mind before he can distinctly hear the sweet silent voice of the Over Soul, to his Soul ; and understand its language. Man, being an individualized expression of the Infinite, and expressing in that Presence, when man becomes conscious of this, he will move serenely along the Path ; and in contentment live in the Realization of the Truth of his Being, and of the One Presence. Man's mentality is a perfectly attuned instrument, ex- pressed by God Himself. Man can permit the carnal mind to operate in and through it, and rule him with a rod of iron. As long as this mind is the ruler, man is bound to the Wheel of Birth and Death. Through understanding man can cast the accumulations of false beliefs from his mind through denials; and then affirm the Truth of the Allness of the Omnipresence which is God, until God giveth the increase, and man realizes his True Being in God. In the One Presence which is God, there is Peace, Love, Harmony. In proportion as man perceives this, he lives in the Realm of the Real. 0, Living Presence Divine! We desire to feel thy throbbing Heart, As it pulsates throughout the Universe ; Quickening the heart of every living thing. 42 fill. LESSON 4 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS BOUNTY AN, being the manifestation of God, is in expressed form, and is living in the world of expression. The Universe, in which God placed man, is bounti- It is Bounty, because the Omnipresent Essence is there, and it is from this that the bountiful supply of God's bounty to man comes forth. The Spiritual Universe is God's storehouse; and, if man were spiritually illumined in the fullness of Eealization, the magnitude of God's bounty would be more wonderful than man's limited mind can comprehend. The student-devotee who desires to apply the rules of that principle, which brings into evidence that which is desired, stands upon the solid foundation, "The Truth Absolute." There, calling to remembrance the Omnipresence of the Bounty of God, and that he is heir there unto, he abides in his Divine Inheritance. Should lack of any good thing present itself to you for recognition, accept it, not as a reality; but instead of giving it a hearty recognition, renounce it as unreal. As it does not square with the fundamental principle God, refuse it a rest- ing place in your mind, and, if loss seems inevitable, deny its reality, because, in the Omnipresent Ocean of God Bounty and Love there can be no permanent loss. The Spiritual Universe is Spirit Essence, eternal and un- changable; and Bounty with its abundance is everywhere in evidence. When the opposite announces its presence, even if it seems so real that fear chills you, stop! and from the Rock of Truth, God, look into it boldly. Then deny fear from your mentality until all is removed. You will then be calm. Then affirm the Truth of your Being, and affirm that you abide in God. After denying the reality of fear, lack, or unsuccess or bad luck, or loss; then get down in earnest and affirm the Omnipresent God; and the Bounty that is; and that God caused you (man) to become an individualized manifestation, 43 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS a divine man in expression; and placed you (man), "The crowning glory of God," in the midst of God's Spiritual Uni- verse, and said, "Man is heir to the bounty herein. " When the mentality is filled with the consciousness of the Truth; then express your unselfish desire to the Father. Then it is, man can talk familiarly with the Father, knowing God, the Father, can in His great grace act in the spontaneity of the pulsating Heart of the Living God ; or in and through the Law of Action, which is in ceaseless action throughout the universe; and expresses in the outer garb called nature. Call to remembrance that Law which caused the life germ in the grain of corn that is planted in the earth to stir, and burst its encasement ; then to pass through the dark earth and greet the sunlight. Then you can perceive, "All things are pos- sible with God," in His great Love, Law and Power. Denial of lack washes that belief from the mind. The affirmation of the Truth of the abundance of God's Bounty is the method to bring the consciousness of this reality into expression within man's conception, into realization; and, even though man's bountiful supply may remain in the invis- ible, or unmanif est, be not disturbed, neither permit your faith to weaken; but learn a lesson from the kernel of corn. In speaking the prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, you are using an occult law; because the name means manifesta- tion, or, coming into expression here and now. This is the name of the conscious manifested Son of God. In the Bounty of God, there is abundance for all. There- fore, when man has illumination strong enough to bring him into the Eealization of the Absoluteness as it is, he can per- ceive the Key which touched the spring of the opulence of God, which Jesus used when He fed the multitudes. 44 LESSON 5 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS LOVE JOHN said, "God is Love." When man perceives I this, he can look into the Infinite with confiding trust, Iturn to the principle which solves all problems, and fearlessly proclaim the Omnipresence of God Love. In the Presence of Love, man expresses his perfection, his righteous- ness, his purity ; and man feels that nobility which is the very Presence, "In which he lives, moves and has his being. " There is no hate in Love. When man has reached the illum- ination into God Love, he has broken all barriers from his concept, and he, then, in the Eealization of freedom of Soul, expresses mastership ; as all Law melts before the consciousness of God Love, and man stands redeemed, in the Essence Ocean Divine ; at-home-in-God ; man 's permanent abode. When man has the Love, which is God, in operation in and through him, he will then become conscious of his Real Self, that Divine Being whom ' ' God created in His Image and Like- ness. ' ' He then will move erect and look into the depth of the blue sky and listen attentively to the song of the birds and appreciate the landscape, dressed in green and decorated with the flowers of many hues ; as all now speak to him of God, the Omnipresent Love. In Love Divine there is nothing but Love, and man can feel that Peace "which passeth material understanding. " The Love Essence is God in His impersonal or unmanifest form, that state of repose before creation came forth into expression. Man the manifestation, or individual expression, of the Infinite, lives and moves in the Ocean of Love, as the fish lives and moves in the ocean, or the bird in the air. When man has become fully awake, and Eealizes he is a son of God, he will perceive that man, * ' The image and likeness of God ; " is a divine man. Then the Love, which is God, will manifest in man. The human love is not considered here, it being that which abides in that land whose shores are shifting sand. 45 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS It is well for the student-devotee to understand distinctly between the human love and the Love which is God Love, the Ocean Essence of the Omnipresence, God ; Love. When God Love is fully expressed in the individual, per- sonality will have departed from his concept. He then with the eye of vision pierces the veil and lives in the recognition of God's perfect universe; amidst the individual expressions of God; and in the bounty which abounds at all points where his Path may lead. In Love Divine bounty abides, beauty expresses, and every living thing is in rhythm with the Living, Loving Heart of the Living God. For man to come into the clear perception of this he necessarily must cleanse his mentality of carnal beliefs and confusions, that he may perceive there is no dividing line, between man and God, only the carnal mind concept. When the heart is touched to such a depth that the Soul's Self is astir, and the mentality is cleaned ; then it is that man walks in the ever green fields of the Eternal God; and Love whispers the silent song of the Over Soul, to the Soul of man, and he responds in rapture grand, and vibrates Love, yes, the Love that is God. In Love Divine bounty abides ; and man, through the Christ Illumination, abides in Love Divine, and perceives its bounti- ful hand provides his every need ; he also knows the needs of his brothers are supplied. In this state of Spiritual concept, man in kindness remem- bers his brothers who need the encouraging smile, or hand- clasp, or a prayer. In Love there is trust, abiding confidence and contentment. This is the state of the Real man, the Divine man of each one. If the appearance is other than this, use The Higher Meta- physics until the mentality is clear of carnal false concepts, by denying their seeming reality. Then affirm the Truth of Being into Realization. Remember always that Jesus Christ is the way-shower, our Elder Brother, and He spake the prayer that cast out the evil spirits, which raised the dead as Lazarus, the widow's son, and others ; as well as the spiritually dead. When Nicodemus came to Jesus, although a learned man, ("a ruler of the Jews") he was dead as to spiritual things. Jesus said to him, "Ye must be born again." Those words were the notes which awoke Nicodemus. He asked, ' ' How can it be ? How can a man enter the second time into his mother 's 46 LOVE womb and be born?" We can see by these questions that Nicodemus had not the full awakening; Jesus answered, ''Ye must be born from above." Man will not fully understand the Love, which is God Love, until he is born from above. This is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. After man has received the New Birth he knows his at-one- ment with the Father. Before this he accepts it as a great Truth by and through Faith. After this change has taken place in man, he forever knows that he and the Father are inseparable. Then he realizes the Oneness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit; he then no longer doubts, because he knows. Then in confiding trust, he abides in the Presence of God Love, and Realizes he is an expression of God Love, and his abiding place is the Ocean Essence Divine Love. 47 LESSON 6 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS |HEN man is born again and the Christ Consciousness is expressing in him, he may believe he has accom- plished his work, and that he now can sit down ; how- ever, he will soon discover his work has just really begun. Should a student feel a lethargy overtake him, he should arise and stand firm and strong upon the One Rock, The Absolute Truth. It is well for man (symbolically speaking) to enter the silence in a standing attitude ; and, in that silent chamber of the Infinite, which is ever present, retire into the silent cham- ber of his own Soul. In this silent communion with God, real- izing the Truth, man can shake off any lethargy, be it called by any name it may, by denying its power and reality while realizing the Truth of Being. Sometimes the new born man has so many seeming trials that he will find it necessary to do as Jesus did when tempted by the adversary. He commanded the tempter (the carnal mind's beliefs, fears, doubts and anxieties), to depart; "Get thee behind me, Satan. ' ' Should any one become discouraged, or even expect to fully escape the testing time, when he sees the Great Master did not escape ? Here is where man begins to "Hew to the line." Isaiah said, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever." Is. 40:8. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings as eagles ; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." Is. 40:31. "Keep silence before me, islands; and let the people renew their strength; let them come near; then let them speak ; let us come together to judgment. ' ' Is. 41 :1. "Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteous- ness." Is. 41:10. 48 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Isaiah, having pierced the veil of carnal illusion, could receive the revelations which God desired him, as God's Prophet, to give to the men of earth, that they might learn the way out from the forest of illusions. Not that God is a God of wrath ; but that man may glean the fullness of Truth and learn that God is Love. Besides, being that indwelling Presence, which is the Divine man, the Real Self of each man, God is that over-shadowing Presence which, though invisible, ever responds in answering man 's prayer. In the full Christ Consciousness, man appreciates the Father ; and, in humility, stands in reverence in the Presence of the Greatness, the All-ness and Absoluteness of the Infinite. Then it is that he can thankfully say, " Father, I thank thee, that I, an individualized expression of thyself, have solved my problem, and have arrived at Home." Man, to become en rapport with God and His perfect crea- tion and remain there, must vibrate in rhythm therewith. Life is Action. Stagnation is death. Then, to live in con- scious unity with God and His Spiritual Universe, man must ever be in action in the Spiritual Law while it is operating in and through him, and the Holy Breath is breathing him. When all men arrive at that state in conscious understand- ing and spiritual abiding, it will be as Isaiah prophesied. ' l The lamb and lion will lie down together, and a little child shall lead them. ' ' Innocence, Purity, Love and Peace will then abound. May that day speedily come ! 49 LESSON 7 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS REALIZATION VER remember ; it is the Realization of the Truth that brings the fruitful results. Man can make statements of Truth, hold good thoughts, or pray, and he will gain very little until he comes into the realization of the Truth. When man Realizes the Allness of God, His nearness, power and perfection, and that man is an individualized manifesta- tion of this, that he is living in this very Presence, that God's Law is ever in operation, and that God giveth the increase, as the water fills the vacuum, from which the pail of water was taken, then has he achieved the fruitful results. So, the Substance Spirit of God becomes evident in Realization ; and health takes the place where sickness was ; joy, where sorrow ; bounty, where lack seemed to abound ; and life fills the place of death. Realization is a meaningless word to the one who has not experienced it. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." When man is born into the Spirit Concept, he must gain understanding until he "Knows the Truth." When man knows the Truth he will have the Realization thereof ; and, when man has the Realization full and complete, he knows the Truth. When man awakes and perceives he is living in and express- ing something quite the opposite from that which is God, man's work really begins, that he may gain his bearing where he is and set about to solve his own problems. Man, then, will soon discover there is nothing gained by passing through the door called death. Realization brings Life into conscious expression and man becomes a conscious son of the Living God. Then his next step is conscious One-ness of the Great All. This is God Con- sciousness, or full Realization. 50 LESSON 8 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS COMPLETENESS HE message of Truth, which God has caused to be revealed to the men of earth, is full and complete. When man knows the inner, or Spirit of it, as well as the outer, the letter, he can with understanding pierce the veil of mist and perceive the Omnipresent God, which is complete- ness. When man is taught in The Higher Metaphysics to deny the reality of sickness, pain, poverty, age and worry, because they are not the Real, the Permanent, it is necessary that a student understands clearly concerning this, ere he has the illumination which delivers him from the thraldom of the carnal man's life, as he lives it upon earth in the midst of carnality. Why did God choose the Hebrew people as His chosen people ? Because they were one-pointed, in this, they believed in one God. God had dealt with other peoples all down the Ages, accord- ing to their ongoings in the cyclic events of the family of men as they lived in the carnal web of illusions. So we see God permitted the Hebrew people to work out their problems as a nation or people, and the history of their ongoings was kept step by step ; this is called the Old Bible. The Prophets of God were raised up, one after another, that the Spiritual Message of the Infinite to the men of the earth could come hand in hand with the historical, the letter. The Spirit, being invisible, many, indeed, have caught only the letter; but some there have been all down the centuries who have caught the Spirit which lies just behind the letter, and these have lived close to God and enjoyed that sweet peace which comes to the man who can know the very Presence of the Father-Mother-God. Jesus taught humanity the Message which the Father gave Him. He proved the Divineness thereof by the "signs fol- lowing." 51 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS When Jesus was nearing the close of His ministry He told His disciples that He would go from them. He said to them, ' ' It is expedient that I go. " They, then, had reached the place where they must lean upon themselves, and God, alone; but He promised them He would ask the Father to send the Comforter (The Holy Spirit). He added to that promise, ''When He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will lead and guide you into all Truth. ' ' After the disciples received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentacost, they spoke the Truth boldly, as they had seen it proven. This is the dawn of another cycle, the Third Dispensation ; and the Spirit of Truth is the Great Teacher. It comes into, and abides within, man's consciousness and heart when man is born again. The quickening comes from above. Then, in the Silent Chamber of the Soul, the heart talk to the Father-Mother- God, that you may receive this wonderful quickening. As man moves forward upon the Path he perceives the completeness in the message of Christ; and that man's body is to be redeemed. Jesus proved that if man understood God's message to man, from the first chapter in Genesis to the last in Revelation, he could see that he has not completed his individual problem in the school of experience until he has mastered each law of the carnal illusions, which binds man to the Wheel of Birth and Death. This man does through insight, perception and perseverence. Thus man, if a student-devotee, and in earnest sufficiently deep to study, pray, meditate, concentrate and live the Life as unto righteousness, can see that the whole web of Truth, com- plete and perfect from the Garden of Eden to the Redeemed Son, is for the individual ; and that each and every man must work out their own salvation or solve his individual problem. The Message of Truth is complete; and, when man has solved his problem and worked it out within himself, he is, in consciousness, a complete son of the Living God. In this con- sciousness of completeness, man lives in Peace, Contentment and Divine Satisfaction forever more. "So God created man in His own image ; in the image of God, created He him ; male and female created he them. ' ' Gen. 1 :27. "And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." Gen. 1:31. 52 COMPLETENESS We now turn to Revelation. "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." Rev. 21:1. "And I, John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. ' ' Rev. 21 :2. "And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." Rev. 21:6. ( l He that overcometh shall inherit all things ; and I will be his God: and he shall be my son." Rev. 21:7. "And the Spirit and the Bride say, come. And let him that heareth say, come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Rev. 22:17. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all." Amen. Rev. 22:21. 53 LESSON 9 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS MASTEKSHIP ASTERSHIP is a word which can be interpreted in many ways; but the wise will not place a relative interpretation upon it, being placed here at the climax of these instructions; which have been given that man may become illumined into the Christ Light, which lights him into the one Essence Divine, where he becomes illumined into the consciousness of the "Oneness of the All," and the "Allness of the One." This we term God Consciousness. In this state of illumina- tion man looks into the heart of every living thing, and sees the One Presence there; his vision being divine, he sees through the outer garb of all, yea, he penetrates the depths, and lo, he finds One Presence there. What is this One Pres- ence? The Omnipresent God which is the center of all, and draped in a mantle of nature ; we admire nature in its differ- ent garbs, different tones and blending of colors. However, a master knows if there were not the omnipresent reality just back of nature, there would be no mantle of nature. A master understands nature is a lower vibration of the Infinite; as when a planet loses its key-note of rhythm with the harmonious vibration of the infinite universe, it thereby losing its equilibrium, will finally become disintegrated by the intertwining of cross vibrations, and merge back into the first cause, the Essence Divine, the Omnipotent God; there to remain until one by one each individual atom again becomes en rapport with the forming vibration of Life Action. How long doth this require? No man knoweth. God is Omni- present, God is Love, Life, Action, Intelligence, Power, Har- mony, Peace; therefore, a master perceives it matters not what the process seems to be, whether destruction or construc- tion ; as none can stray beyond God 's Love and Care ; and in the Infinite there is a place for all. Therefore, it matters not what place any man may be upon the Path of experience, even though it is the depth of the illu- sive forest ; and he being in the illusion of Maya, may believe 54 MASTERSHIP there is no God ; his belief has no power to change that which is ; and a master knoweth God is right there ; and that, should that brother become aroused sufficiently to turn his mind within, and be still, he will hear the "Still Small Voice/' the voice of God is ever speaking to man; in the mountain still- ness, the roaring of cataracts, the desert, or in the great city. It is a tender voice, so tender, the carnal mind must become quiet, that man may hear ; when man hears, then stops to lis- ten, soon his heart becomes astir; for the Real Self is ever desirous to express his consciousness to the outer self, that his work may become finished ; for his task is to redeem his temple, or lower self. Here is where Mastership begins to come into expression; there is no mastership for any individual except that which God commanded man at the dawn of creation to bring into expression; which is the Real Self. "That man which God created in his image and likeness," is to master his outer, or carnal mind, through purifying it into transparency; and bring his body into redemption through enlightenment; and Love and Devotion to the great Over Soul, the Supreme Spirit of the Universe. The Divine Incarnations of all Ages have expressed master- ship. That is, they themselves have overcome the propensi- ties of the lower self, thereby elevating it to the place of one- ness, where union, or Yoga takes place; when this is accom- plished mastership being expressed, man becomes an adept. First man, in his ongoings toward full redemption as in the fullness of the message of Jesus Christ, becomes the awakened one, then the earnest seeker, then the student-devotee, then the Enlightned Sage, then Adept ; and man merging into enlight- enment becomes a Master. Not over his fellow man, no ! But over his outer self, which has kept him so long in the forest of Maya; and bound by chains of Karma to the wheel which rolls therein. A master is Redeemed ; and stands in conscious illumination in that Realization, as Jesus proclaimed when He said, ' ' The Father and I are one. ' ' Oneness means unity; there can be no separation in one- ness. Mastership is conscious Freedom ; through spiritual illumin- ation into the consciousness Divine. A Master hath nothing more to do with Higher Metaphys- ics ; neither Scientific Truth ; he has merged into the conscious- ness of the Ocean Essence Divine ; he is one with it, one in it, 55 THE HIGHER METAPHYSICS and it in him; "The dew-drop is in the shining sea, and the shining sea within him. ' ' Oneness. In this state of illumination, man lives in the world, as one in it, but he is not of it; he ever wears a robe of humility; although his vesture may be fine linens, or purple velvets ; and jewels of value, and sparkling brilliancy may be his; he, a Master, ever seeth those things of carnality as fleeting and changing; and they have no illusive power to entrance him; he is free from their fascinating brilliancy. A Master, has overcome, ere he is a Master; and he, to remain a Master, expresses his mastership at all times, over any illusive temptation of carnality. Conscious Mastership is constant alertness, conscious action ; in serenity, rhythm, peace and love ; he is anchored ; his heart is melted into Love Divine and united with the Cosmic Heart ; as the Cosmic Heart beats in Love's vibration into the heart of all men, and every living thing; a Master vibrates there- with ; and he becomes an objective center for the Cosmic Love to vibrate through to the children of men. When in the process of man's ongoing upon the Sacred Path, he comes to Yogi, where the heart and head are united, then he adapts himself through understanding to that which the Father desireth of him. And in time unity takes place and man is merged into the Ocean Essence Divine and man becomes At-one in God; as the drop in the ocean becomes at- one in the ocean. The call from the Cosmic Heart is vibrating throughout the earth ; the New Age is here, and the Spiritual vibrations are refreshing the earth and all living things; and man, "God's crowning glory," will ever find he is in the very presence of the Loving, Living God. And that He, ever hath a place pre- pared for all. A Master may stand upon the summit, and some of his brothers be afar in the desert; but he knoweth the Father ever heareth and answers prayer ; therefore, the master is ever about his Father's business; and he prays that the Light of God will enlighten his brothers who are in the desert or wilder- ness; and the Love that is God, hold them secure until they awake, arise, and return Home. God 's grace is great ; His Love Omnipotent ; therefore, the enlightened ones sing praises to Him, in ' ' Whom all live, move and have their being. ' ' One by one the individuals cast anchor in the home port, the Father's House, man's destination. 56 MASTERSHIP Death does not assist man into this port ; but enlightenment into the Christ Light, which guides man into the ocean of God Love ; where he perceives the Truth of Being, and the Omni- presence, Omnipotence and Omniscience of God. Mastership ! When man knows the Truth, he is ever desir- ous of service ; this is the mark of mastership ; he looks not to fruits of action, but consciously abides and radiates his bless- ing to all who pass along. He in understanding dives into the depth of the deep; and there abides ; knowing this is the very Heart of God. THE END 57 TRUTH CENTRE WHERE A MESSAGE OF THE NEW AGE is GIVEN Individual Instruction by Appointment 927 W. 36th Place PKone, West 1135 Los Angeles, Cal. We give special attention to tKe Correspondence Course of Instructions upon tKe teachings of this book, and Welcome inquiries pertaining to tKis course. *Trte first course of seven lessons is fifty cents each, or three dollars for the course. *Tne second course of nine lessons is fift$ cents each, or, four dollars for the course. THE LOTUS PATH A book of deep spiritual significance, written by Eliza- beth Delvine King, by inspiration, is our text book. Its mes- sage is Truth Absolute; and is direct to the individual, to assist Mm fo find himself, and to knov? God. Price: Taper cotfer, 75 c. Cloth hound, $1.25 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHI RROWED kn VX f 1 1 V %X Lw I 10 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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