M >J THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES - I THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS THE Poetry of the Psalms FOR READERS OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE BY HENRY VAN DYKE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE IN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY SEVENTH THOUSAND NEW YORK THOMAS Y. CROWELL & COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1000, By Thomas V. Crowkli & Company. URL A/ l£ THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. This little book is intended as a brief and An intro- simple introduction to the study of the Psalms, Auction. in English, as poetry. There are three ways in which we may study Three the Bible : as a revelation, as a document, and wa V s io as literature. ^ the We may study it as the divinely inspired and perfect rule of faith and conduct. This is the point of view from which it appears most precious. For this is what we need most of all : the word of God to teach us what to believe and how to live. We may study it as a collection of historical books, written under certain conditions, and re- flecting, in their contents and in their language, the circumstances in which they were produced. This is the aspect in which criticism regards the Bible ; and its intellectual interest, as well as its religious value, is greatly enhanced by a clear vision of the truth about it from this point of view. We may study it also as literature. We may see in it a noble and impassioned interpretation of nature and life, uttered in language of beauty and sublimity, touched with the vivid colours of 5 904585 6 THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. human personality, and embodied in forms of enduring literary art. Harmony None of these three ways of studying the Bible of these j s i 10S tile to the others. On the contrary, they are helpful to one another, because each of them ways. gives us knowledge of a real factor in the mar- vellous influence of the Bible in the world. True love The true lover of the Bible has an interest in for the a jj ^g e i emeri ts of its life as an immortal book. ... , He wishes to discern, and rightly to appreciate, the method of its history, the spirit of its philos- ophy, the significance of its fiction, the power of its eloquence, and the charm of its poetry. He wishes this all the more because he finds in it something which is not in any other book : a vis- ion of God, a hope for man, and an inspiration to righteousness which are evidently divine. As the worshipper in the Temple would observe the art and structure of the carven beams of cedar and the lily-work on the tops of the pillars the more attentively because they beautified the house of his God, so the man who has a religious faith in the Bible will study more eagerly and carefully the literary forms of the book in which the Holy Spirit speaks forever. The value We shall do wisely to consider and appreciate of poetry tne p oe tical element in the Psalms. The com- " , e fort, help, and guidance that they bring to our spiritual life will not be diminished, but increased, by a perception of their exquisite form and finish. If a king sent a golden cup full of cheering THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. 7 cordial to a weary man, he might well admire the twofold bounty of the royal gift. The beauty of the vessel would make the draught more grateful aud refreshing. And if the cup were inexhaustible, if it filled itself anew as often as it touched the lips, then the very shape and adornment of it would become significant aud precious. It would be an inestimable posses- sion, a singing goblet, a treasure of life. John Milton, whose faith in religion was as John Mil- exalted as his mastery of the art of poetry was ion on tfie perfect, has expressed in a single sentence the s m ' spirit in which I would approach the poetic study of the Book of Psalms : " Not iu their divine arguments alone, but in the very critical art of composition, the Psalms may be easily made to appear over all kinds of lyric poetry incompar- able." I. Let us remember at the outset that a consider- Draw- able part of the value of the Psalms as poetry backs to will lie beyond the reach of this essav. We can the study i -j_ . ' ,, of the not precisely measure it, nor give it a full appre- '' ciation, simply because we shall be dealing with £ n giish. the Psalms only as we have them in our English Bible. This is a real drawback ; and it will be well to state clearly the two things that we lose in reading the Psalms in this way. First, we lose the beauty and the charm of The form verse. This is a serious loss. Poetry and versu of verse are not the same thing, but they are so intimately ts lost ' 8 THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. related that it is difficult to divide them. Indeed, according to certain definitions of poetry it would seem almost impossible. Suppose, for example, that we accept this defi- nition : ' ' Poetry is that variety of the Literature of Emotion which is written in metrical form." 1 How, then, can we have poetry when the form is not metrical? Yet who will deny that the Psalms as we have them in the English Bible are really and truly poetry ? Relation The only way out of this difficulty that I can of poetry see j s to distinguish between verse as the formal to verse. e i eme nt, and rhythmical emotion as the essential element, in poetry. In the original production of a poem, it seems to me, it is just to say that the embodiment in metrical language is a law of art which must be observed. But in the transla- tion of a poem (which is a kind of reflection of it in a mirror) the verse may be lost without altogether losing the poem. Take an illustration from another art. A statue has the symmetry of solid form. You can look at it from all sides, and from every side you can see the balance and rhythm of the parts. In a photograph this solidity of form disappears. You see only a flat surface. But you still recog- nize it as the reflection of a statue. Hebrew The Psalms were undoubtedly written, in the versifica- or ig ma i Hebrew, according to a system of versi- tton. 1 " Principles of Literary Criticism." C. T. Winchester, p. 232. THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. 9 ficatiou, and perhaps to some extent with forms of rhyme. The older scholars, like Lowth and Herder, held that such a system existed, but could not be re- covered. Later scholars, like Ewald, evolved a system of their own. Modern scholarship, rep- resented by such authors as Professors Cheyne and Briggs, is reconstructing and explaining more accurately the Hebrew versification. But, for the present at least, the only thing that is clear is that this system mast remain obscure to us. It cannot be reproduced in English. The metrical Metrical versions of the Psalms are the least satisfactory, versions. The poet Cowley said of them, •' They are so far from doing justice to David that methinks they revile him worse than Shimei." ' We must learn to appreciate the poety of the Psalms without the aid of those symmetries of form and sound in which they first appeared. This is a serious loss. Poetry without verse is still poetry, but it is like a bride without a bridal garment. The second thing that we lose in reading the The shad- Psalms in English is something even more im- ing of the portant. It is the heavy tax on the wealth o£ ori 9 inal its meaning, which all poetry must pay when it an 9 va 9 e is imported from one country to another, through the medium of translation. The most subtle charm of poetry is its sugges- Thepower tiveness ; and much of this comes from the magi- of associ- — ation in 'The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. 3 vols. London, 1710. » Preface to " 1'iodniique Odes," vol. i, p. 184. 10 THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. cal power which words acquire over memory and imagination, from their associations. This inti- mate and personal charm must be left behind when a poem passes from one language to another. The accompaniment, the harmony of things re- membered and beloved, which the very words of the song once awakened, is silent now. Nothing remains but the naked melody of thought. If this is pure and strong, it will gather new associ- ations ; as, indeed, the Psalms have already done in English, so that their familiar expressions have become charged with musical potency. And yet I suppose such phrases as " a tree planted by the streams of water," " a fruitful vine in the inner- most parts of the house," " the mountains round about Jerusalem," can never bring to us the full sense of beauty, the enlargement of heart, that they gave to the ancient Hebrews. The poetry survives this two- fold loss. One ele- ment of poetic form retained. But, in spite of this double loss, in the passage from verse to prose and from Hebrew to Eng- lish, the poetry of the Psalms is so real and vital and imperishable that every reader feels its beauty and power. It retains one valuable element of poetic form. This is that balancing of the parts of a sentence, one against another, to which Bishop Lowth first gave the familiar name of " parallelism." ' The effect of this simple artifice, learned from Nature i Lowth. 1753. De Sacra Poesi Ilebraeorum Praelectiones." Oxon., THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. 11 herself, is singularly pleasant and powerful. It is the rise and fall of the fountain, the ebb and flow of the tide, the tone and overtone of the chiming bell. The twofold utterance seems to bear the thought onward like the wings of a bird. A German writer compares it very exquis- itely to " the heaving and sinking of the troubled heart." It is this " parallelism " which gives such a familiar charm to the language of the Psalms. Unconsciously, and without recognizing the nature of the attraction, we grow used to the double cadence, the sound and the echo, and learn to look for its recurrence with delight. " come let us sing unto the Lord ; Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation, Let us come hefore his presence with thanksgiving; And make a joyful noise unto him with psalms." If we should want a plain English name for Thought- this method of composition we might call \t rhyme, thought -rhyme. It is easy to find varied illustra- tions of its beauty and of its power to emphasize large and simple ideas. Take for instance that very perfect psalm with Psalm I. which the book begins — a poem so complete, " ^he so compact, so delicately wrought that it seems ° like a sonnet. The subject is The Two Paths. The first part describes the way of the good The Paih man. It has three divisions. of Peace. The first verse gives a description of his con- 12 THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. duct by negatives — telling us what he does not do. There is a triple thought-rhyme here. " Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." The second verse describes his character posi- tively, with a double thought-rhyme. " But his delight is in the law of Jehovah; And in his law doth he meditate day and night." The third verse tells us the result of this char acter and conduct, in a fourfold thought-rhyme " He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water : That bringeth forth his fruit in his season : His leaf also shall not wither : And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." The Path The second part of the psalm describes the of Sor- wa y £ ^ ne gv q man . i n the fourth verse there is a double thought-rhyme. " The ungodly are not so : But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away." In the fifth verse the consequences of this worthless, fruitless, unrooted life are shown, again with a double cadence of thought, the first referring to the judgment of God, the second to the judgment of men. " Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment : Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous." row. THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. 13 The third part of the psalm is a terse, power- The ful couplet, giving the reason for the different contrast. ending of the two paths. " For Jehovah knoweth the way of the righteous : But the way of the ungodly shall perish." The thought-rhyme here is one of contrast. A poem of very different character from this Psalm brief, serious, impersonal sonnet is found in v the Forty-sixth Psalm, which might be called a . national anthem. Here again the poem is an them. divided into three parts. The first part (vs. 1-3) expresses a sense of National joyful confidence in the Eternal, amid the tern- f a ' ith - pests and confusions of earth. The thought- rhymes are in couplets ; and the second phrase, in each case, emphasizes and enlarges the idea of the first phrase. " God is our refuge and strength : A very present help in trouble." The second part (vs. 4-7) describes the National peace and security of the city of God, surrounded security. by furious enemies, but rejoicing in the Eternal Presence. The parallel phrases here follow the same rule as in the first part. The concluding phrase is the stronger, the more emphatic. The seventh verse gives the refrain or chorus of the anthem. "The Lord of hosts is with us : The God of Jacob is our refuge." 14 THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. National deliver- ance. A sugges- tion for study. Alpha- betic Psalms. The last part (vs. 8-10) describes in a very vivid aud concrete way the deliverance of the people that have trusted in the Eternal. It begins with a couplet, like those which have gone before. Then follow two stanzas of triple thought-rhymes, in which the thought is stated and intensified with each repetition. " He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth : He hreaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder : He burneth the chariot in the fire." " Be still, and know that I am God : I will be exalted among the heathen : I will be exalted in the earth." The anthem ends with a repetition of the chorus. A careful study of the Psalms, even in Eng- lish, will enable the thoughtful reader to derive new pleasure from them, by tracing the many modes and manners in which this poetic form of thought-rhyme is used to bind the composition together, and to give balance and harmony to the poem. Another element of poetic form can be dis- cerned in the Psalms, not directly, in the English version, but by its effects. I mean the curious artifice of alphabetic arrangement. It was a favourite practice among Hebrew poets to begin their verses with the successive letters of the alphabet ; or sometimes to vary the device by THE POETRY OF THE PSALMS. 15 making every verse in a strophe begin with one letter, and every verse in the next strophe with the following letter, and so on to the end. The Twenty-fifth and the Thirty-seventh Psalms were written by the first of these rules ; the One H un- dred and Nineteenth Psalm follows the second plan. Of course the alphabetic artifice disappears entirely in the English translation. But its effects remain. The psalms written in this manner usually have but a single theme, which is repeated over and over again, in different words and with new illustrations. They are kaleido- scopic. The material does not change, but it is turned this way and that way, and shows itself in new shapes and arrangements. These alpha- betic psalms are characterized by poverty of action and richness of expression. II. Milton has already reminded us that the Psalms Lyrical belong to the second of the three orders into