3^ .\\AL I ,NlVLIt^. ^1 i::^ " — <-/ , , , . , '■":■' ■] ! UR CL_ JU ; I At it <1 t- Vr FJTAl %^^MNfl]\AV^ %0jriV3J< ^im-ANl^tLfj^ ^\3I lALirU/ /Ann A livin 1\\V .XV- '-"^"^ "' ■ ^r_X r><' •-•^•^•y' "I ■ ^yr %0:IITV3JO' ,M V nu}//j :^$^^^' ^6^AavHan# OPCAilF0% ^MEi^NivtR^: ■v^PrnruA/. AT^V -//■ \WEUNIVERi/7 -"-, ^ '^ ^ -Ai-l!BRARY6/. '^(f/OJiTV.lJO^' ^ jx: \WE UN'IVERVa v>cl.OS-ANGEL£j: ^^r71]DNVS01^'" '^//.VyiMNn^WV' ,OFCALIF0% , , , J o ■^^AWHan-i^^ ^ .^1-L1BRARY6// ^N^^llBRARY.f:^: •_>. V \\\EUNIVER% ^s ZJ^;; <0 '-X_ ^'(yojnv:>jo^^ %ojnv3JO^ ^.m]:]N\/soi V^ ^OECALIFO/?/^ ^OFCALIF0% I lililifltljfra DfttDEienHiK: CATALOGUE THE PRINTED BOOKS EELATING TO THE COUNTY OF DEVON. BY JAMES DAVIDSON. (Bxtitx: WILLIAM ROBERTS, 197, HIGH STREET. 1852. PEEF ACE. The following Catalogue originated in tlie compilation of a List of Books relating to Devonshire in a private Library ; but it has been thought worthy of extension and of pubhcation for the use of those who take an interest in the Topography, History, or Biography of the County, and as an accessory to the labours of future Historians. An attempt has not been made to include works of general interest, though containing incidental or particular reference to Devonshire. Many of these, it is certain, comprise original matter of considerable value, but the hst of such books would itself alone have extended to a volume perhaps as large as the present. This may be concluded by only adverting to the several Histories, Encyclopaedias, Gazetteers, Dic- tionaries, and Peerages — the Archaeologia— the Yetusta Monumenta — the Philosopliical Transactions of the Eoyal Society— the Gentleman's Magazine, and many other periodical works — the various books of Tours and Travels, Letters and Journals— the Reports of the Geologi- cal, Medical, and many other learned and scientific bodies — Law Re- ports — ^Parliamentary Papers, and Blue Books. A short List will be found of temporary Periodical Works pubhshed in the County, which ought not to be forgotten, as, amongst a variety of ephemeral matter, they contain many scraps of local and biograpliical interest. 87Rl.^fi IV Where the size of a Book is not stated, it may be considered as octavo or smaller. The initial letters, placed after the titles of the rare or curious books, indicate the Library in which a Copy of the Work is deposited, in accordance with the following list : — B.iM. The British Muscimi. L. The London Institution. /r. Dr. Williams' Library. B. The Bodleian. £.0. Balliol CoUege, Oxford. CO. Christ-Church, Oxford. C.C.O. Corpus Chi-isti College, Oxford. £.0. Exeter College, Oxford. J.O. S. John's College, Oxford. L.O. Lincoln CoUege, Oxford. 3L0. Magdalen College, Oxford. Q.O. Queen's College, Oxford. TF.C.O. Wadhani CoUege, Oxford. 1F.0. Worcester, College, Oxford. C'.II.C. Catherine Hall, Cambridge. E. C. Emmanuel CoUege, Cambridge. J.C. S. John's CoUege, Cambridge. P.C. S. Peter's CoUege, Cambridge. Q.C. Queen's CoUege, Cambridge. S.C. Sidney-Sussex CoUege, Camb. T.C. Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. U.C. The University Library, Camb. L.P. The Public Library, Plymouth. C. Crediton Church Library. F. Private Library. In such a work as the present, entire completeness can scarcely be hoped for. It will be seen that some few books are mentioned the exact titles of which have not been ascertained, and yet they may not be more rare than many others which have been found in our great National Library and other places. Any additions or corrections as to books, dates, persons, or places, will be thankfully received. J. 1). Si.:(-ktor House, Axminster. 1st September, 1852. *** J{formation is solicited as to any existing Manuscripts, ancient or modern, which relate to jplaces, persons, or things, in co7inection tcith the Count ij of Devon. CONTENTS General History and Topography Local History and Topography . . . Political History Ecclesiastical History Agriculture — Stannary — Manufactures Poetry Biography and Family History . . . Addenda Periodical Works Local Acts of Parliament Index to Names of Places Index to Names of Persons Medicine — Natural History PAGE, 1 13 60 92 109 120 134 205 207 208 213 215 jA' liA^u^^i>L^-*-'J^ K?l wro ' 5Bi(ilifltljrni DiHuuiiensiE. GENERAI- HISTORY AND TOPOGEAPHY. AN ACTE for the Preseruation of Hauens and Portes in the Coun- ties of Deuon and Cornwall, 37 Hen. 8. c. 23. Pol. 1535. P. A YIEW of Devonshire in 1630, with a Pedigree of most of its Gentry. By Thomas Westcote, Gent : Edited by the Rev. George Ohver, D.D., and Pitman Jones, Esq. 4to. Exeter, 3 845. Several Copies of this work : live at least, exist in manuscript. A PLAIN and Easie Method shewing how the Office of Overseer of the Poor may be managed, whereby it may be £ 9000 per annum advantage to the County of Devon, &c. By Richard Dunning, Gent. London, 1685. J)edicated to the Justices of the Peace for the County. Another edition. 1686. Mr. baron LOVELL's Charge to the Grand Jury for the County of Devon, &c. London, 1710. IF. Mr. BA(RON) L(OVEL)L^s Ch(ar)ge to the Grand Jury for the County of Devon, &c. 1711. T'. A Parody in verse. A I. ■3)wtHoc^y Lord Graves. A LETTEll to a Eriend in Devonshire on the present situation of the Country. By A. H. Holdsworth, Esq., M.P. for Dartmouth. London, 1816. A SECOND Letter to a Eriend in Devonshire on the present situa- tion of the Country. By A. H. Holdsworth, Esq., M.P. for Dart- mouth. London, 1816. THE Addresses, Speeches, Squibs, Songs, &c. at the General Election of Members for the City of Exeter and County of Devon — 1816 and 1818, &c. Compiled by R. Cullum. Exeter, 1818. A LETTER to Sir. T. D. Acland, Bart., M.P., containing hints for improving the condition of the Labouring Classes, &c. By Samuel Banfill. 2nd Edition. Exeter, 1818. A SECOND Letter to Sir. T. D. Acland, Bart., M.P., on the means of improving the condition of the Labouring Classes, &c. By Samuel Banfill. Exeter, 1818. AN Address delivered to the Grand Jury at the Exeter Sessions by William Courtenay, Esq., M.P., Recorder, on the dissemination of Sedi- tious and Blasphemous Doctrines, &c. Exeter. 1819. HISTORIC Collections, relating to the Monasteries in Devon. By the Rev. George Ohver, of Exeter. Exeter, 1820. PICTURESQUE Scenery of the River Dart, from its Som-ce in the Wilds of Dartmoor to its Mouth in the Enghsh Channel, in Eac-simi- les of the Drawings. By E. C. Lewis. Eol. 38 Plates. London, 1821. THE Scenery of the Rivers Tamar and Tavy, in 47 Subjects, ex- hibiting the most interesting A'^iews on their Banks, from the Source to the termination of each ; including a View of the Breakwater at Ply- mouth : drawn and Engraved by E. C. Lewis. The Views ou the GENERAL lllSTOKY AND TOl'OGllAPHY. tJ Tamar dedicated to the Duke of Bedford^ those on the Tavy to the Mar- quis of Tavistock. Imp. 4to. A List of Subscribers. Iiondon. 1823. SCENERY on the Devonshire Rivers, with introductory Remarks. Illustrated by a Series of Sketches and Studies drawn from Nature and engraved by F. C. Lewis, Engraver of Drawings to the Queen. Eol. 25 Etchings and a Vignette. London, 1823. THE Scenery of the River Exe. By E. C. Lewis. Dedicated to Sir T. D. Acland, Bart., M.P. Imp. 4to. 27 Etchings and 1 Mezzotint. London, 1827. These Works were printed on small and large papei- : the latter with proof iinprcssions. i PROCEEDINGS of a County Meeting— at Exeter— 5 April, 1821— on the Causes of the present Distresses — and the state of the Represen- tation, &c. Exeter, 1821. MAGNA Britannia; being a concise Topographical Account of the5L\/.(Cc^£»V9Jix^o|' several Counties of Great Britain. Volume the Sixth, containing De- vonshire. By the Rev. Daniel Lysons, and Samuel Lysons, Esq. 4to. Map. 33 Plates. London, 1822. HISTORICAL and Monumental Antiquities of Devonshire. By the Rev. J. P. Jones of North Bovey. 1823. THE Practice of the Sheriff^s Court of the County of Devon : with a Collection of the most modern Forms of Precedents of Process, and useful Pleadings, &c. By George Blaxland Rogers, a Commissioner in His Majesty's Court of King's Bench, &c. Exeter, 1824. Dedicated to R. B. Dickenson, Esq., High Sheriff of the County. DEVONSHIRE Scenery, or Directions for visiting the most pictu- resque Spots on the Eastern and Southern Coast from Sidmouth to Ply- mouth. By a Devonian. 1826. THE Report of tlie Commissioners concerning Charities, containing that part which relates to the County of Devon. 3 vols. Exeter, 1826—1832. B 10 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. ECCLESIASTICAL Antiquities of Devon : being Observations on many Churches in Devonshire, &c., with a Letter on the preservation and restoration of our Churches. Exeter, 1828. By the Rev. George Oliver of Exeter, and the Rev. J. P. Jones of North Bovey. A SKETCH of the Rise and Progress of the Principal Towns in the North of Devon. By T. li. Cornish. London, 1828. A SKETCH in humble Imitation of the celebrated Poetical, Prosai- cal. Philosophical, Historical, Biographical, Metaphysical, and altoge- ther remarkable " Rise and Progress of Principal Towns and Villages in tiie North of Devon ! " &c., &c. Bideford, 1829. THE History of Devonshire from the earliest period to the present. By the Rev. Thomas Moore. Illustrated by a series of views, drawn and engraved under the direction of William Deeble. An engraved Title, 2 Maps, Woodcuts, and 94 Plates. London, 1829—1836. This Work was published iu parts, and it is nuu'h to be regretted that it was not carried to the extent proposed. Of the Parocliial History the first sheet alone was printed. There are no Title-pages ; an Index of reference only to the Biograpliy comprised in the second volume. REPORT of the Proceedings at the Devon County Meeting held 15th Jan., 1830, to consider the propriety of petitioning the Legisla- ture to take into its deliberation the present state of the Tithe Laws. 8vo. Exeter, 1830. AN Encjuiry as to the Expediency of a County Asylum for Pauper Lunatics. By the Rev. W. Palmer, D.D., a Magistrate for the Coun- ties of Devon and Somerset. Exeter, (1830.) A second edition considerably enlarged. AN Historical Sketch of the Danraonii, or ancient Inhabitants of Devon and Cornwall, with a short Vocabulary of the Cornish '^rongue. By Joseph Chattaway. London, 1830. REMARKS and Saihng Directions relative to Lundy Island, and GENERAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. H the North Coast of Devonshire, between Hartland Point and Combe Martin, including the Bar and Ports of Barnstaple and Bideford, with Bfracombe Harbour, by Lieut'- H. M. Denham, E.N., 183^. Pub- lished (to accompany his Chart of the same) by Nathaniel V. Lee, Esq., and Commander Geo. P. Herbert, E.N., under sanction of the Right Hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Liverpool. No date. DEVONSHIRE Illustrated, from Original Drawings by Thomas Allom, W. H. Bartlett, ^c, with Historical and Topographical Des- criptions by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley. 3\ Xb'J, 4to. Map, Vignette, 94 Plates. London, 1829—1831. DEVONIJ^i Index Parochialis, containing the names of Hundreds, Parishes, &c. By Pitman Jones, Attorney-at -Law. Pol. Exeter, 1836. Another edition. 1843. AN Act for the Recovery of Small Debts within the Southern Divi- sion of the Hundred of Roborough, the Hundred of Plympton, and the Southern Division of the Hundred of East in Cornwall. 7 W. 4, and 1 Vict. c. 62. 1837. A DIALOGUE in the Devonshire Dialect (in three parts). By a Lady; to which is added a Glossary by J. P. Palmer. London, 1837. The writer was Mrs. Palmer of Great Torrington, a sister to Sir. J. Reynolds. A DEVONSHIRE Dialogue in four Parts. To which is added a Glossary, for the most part by the late Rev. John Phillipps of Membury, Devon. Edited by Mrs. Gwatkin. London, 1839. This is a perfect work £i-om the manuscript of i\Irs. Palmer, edited by her daughter. THE Beauties of the Shore : or a Guide to the Watering-places on the South East Coast of Devon, &c. By D. M. StirHng. Exeter, 1838. TRADITIONS, Legends, Superstitions, and Sketches of Devonshire, on the borders of the Tamar and the Tavy, &c. In a Series of Letters to Robert Southey, Esq. By Mrs. Bray. 3 Vols. London, 1838. 12 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. ECCIiESIASTICAL Antiquities iu Devon, being Observations on several Churches in Devonshire^ &c. By the Rev. George Oliver. 3 Vols. 8 Prints. Exeter, 1839—1842. THE Charities iu the County of Devon. Selected from the Reports of the Commissioners for Inquiry concerning Charities, &c. Eol. 2 vols. London, 1839. This is not an independent work, but the Vcorious Reports for the County, collected and arranged, with Title-pages prefixed. DIGEST of the Reports made by the Commissioners of Inquiry into Charities, &c., as far as relates to the County of Devon. Fol. London, 1841. THE History of Teetotalism in Devonshire. Devonport, 1841. COLLECTANEA Curiosa Antiqua Dunmonia : or an Essay on some Druidical Remains in Devon, and also on its noble ancient Camps and Circumvallations, &c. By W. T. P. Shortt. 7 Prints. Exeter, (1841.) AN Act for the more easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts with- in the Town and Borough of Launceston and other places in Cornwall and Devon. 4 and 5 Vict. c. 76. 1841. PICTURESQUE Sketches of the Churches of Devon. By W. Spreat, with Descriptions. Oblong 4to. 74 Prints. Exeter, 1842. TRANSACTIONS of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. Numerous Plates. 3 volumes. 4to. Exeter, 1843 — 1847 — 1849. AN OUa Podrida : or Scraps, numismatic, antiquarian and literary. By Richard Sainthill of Topsham, Devon. 33 Portraits and Prints. London, 1844. Printed for private distribution only. This is not strictly a Devonshire book, but it contains much of interesting matter relating to the County. It is dedicated to Sir T. D. Acland, Bart, THE Route-Book of Devon: a Guide for the Stranger and Tourist to the Towns, Watering Places, &c. of the County. Map and Plans. Exeter, 1845. Two subsequent editions. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 13 REFLECTIONS on Names and Places in Devonshire. London, 1845. MONASTICON Dioecesis Exoniensis, being a Collection of Records and Instruments illustrating the Ancient Conventual, Collegiate, and Eleemosynary Foundations, in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, &c. By George OHver, D.D. Fol. 5 Prints. Exeter, 1846. LETTERS in the Devonshire Dialect. By Nathan Hogg. Exeter, 1847. By Henry Baird. LEGENDS of Devon. Frontispiece. London, 1848. A THOUSAND Facts in the Histories of Devon and Cornwall, in chronological order, &c. By John C. Bellamy. Plymouth, (1850.) A HAND-BOOK For Travellers in Devon and Cornwall. 2 Maps. London, 1850. TRIPS by Rail, or Hand-Book to South Devon. Map and 10 Prints. Devonport, 1850. THE History, Gazetteer and Directory of Devonshire. By W. White. Map. Sheffield, 1850. LOCAL HISTOET AND TOPOGEAPHY. THE Case of Richard Reynell, Esq., against Roger Tuckfield and Robert BaU, Esquires, touching the Election for Ashburton. Fol. Single sheet. London, (1708.) A GUIDE to the Scenery in the neighbourhood of Ashburton, Devon. By the Rev. J. P. Jones, of North Bovey. Exeter, 1823. P. Another edition Exeter, 1830. P. 14 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS, CORRESPONDENCE relative to a Refuge Harbour, &c., with an Account of a Sunken Vessel discovered in the Estuary of the Ax. London, 1839. P. By J. H. HaUett, Esq. THE Book of the Axe, containing a piscatorial description of that stream, &c. By G. P. R. Pulman. London, 1841. A second edition. 1844. RULES of the Axminster Branch Bible Society estabhshed in the year 1814, with the Speeches spoken on the occasion, &c. 4to. Axminster, (1814.) REMARKS on Sunday Vestries and Ecclesiastical Intolerance, in a Letter to the Vicar and Parishioners of A '^ '^ ^ By Oliver Henwood. Axminster, 1832. P. THE British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity of Axminster. By James Davidson. 7 Prints. London, 1833. THE History of Axminster Church. By James Davidson. Frontispiece, Exeter, 1835. \1l^ uj- THE History of Newenham Abbey in the County of Devon. By James Davidson. 6 Prints. London, 1843. A COLLECTION of Correspondence, &c., relative to the Election of an Organist for Axminster Church. By G. P. R. Pulman. Axminster, 1849. AXMINSTER during the Civil War. Axminster, 1851. THE Churchyard the cause of the prevailing Sickness, — addressed to the Inhabitants of Axminster. Axminster, 1851. PROJECTED Extension and Improvement of Axmouth Harbour, and Railway from thence to the Town of Axminster, Devon, with the Report of Erancis Giles, Esq., an eminent Civil Engineer thereon. Colyton, 1826. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGEAPHY. 15 THE Woollen-Labourers' Advocate, being a Defence of their Tragi- cal Case, against their Masters' cruel and detestable practices of oppres- sion. By Charles Peard of Barnstaple in Devonshire. 1733. An Act to indemnify Persons who shall give Evidence before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, on the Bill for preventing Bribery and Corruption at the Election of Members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Barnstaple. 1819. EEPOET from the Select Committee on the Barnstaple Election. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. Pol. 9th March, 1819. MEMORIALS of Barnstaple ; being an Attempt to supply the want of a History of that ancient Borough. By Joseph Besly Gribble. A Plan. 1 Print. Barnstaple, 1830. THE North of Devon, Barnstaple, Bideford, Ilfracombe, Lynton, Lynmouth, Tiverton, South-Molton, Crediton, Torrington, &c. ( Ex- tracted from the Route-Book of Devon.) Exeter, 1846. AN Act for the Exoneration from, or Commutation of, Tithes in the Parish of Berrynarbor. 49 Geo. 3. c. 50. 1809. A CATALOGUE of the Library at Bicton House, Devon. 4to. Oxford, 1850. P. A very limited number printed for private use only. A TRUE and Impartial Relation of the Informations against three Witches, viz. Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards, who were indicted, arraigned, and convicted at the Assizes holden for the County of Devon, at the Castle of Exon, Aug. 14, 1682, with their several confessions taken before Thomas Gist, Mayor, and John Davie, Alderman of Biddiford in the said County, where they were inhabitants : as also their Speeches, Confessions, and Behaviour, at the time and place of Execution, on the 25th of the said month. 4to. London, 1682. B.M. 16 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Tryal Condemnation and Execution of three Witches, viz'- Tem- perance Eloyd, Mary Eloyd, and Susanna Edwards, who were Arraigned at Exeter on the 18th of August, 1682. And being proved Guilty of Witch-Craft, were Condemned to be HangM, which was accordingly Executed in the view of many Spectators, whose strange and much to be lamented Impudence is never to be forgotten. Also how they Con- fessed what Mischiefs they had done, by the assistance of the Devil, who lay with the abovenamed Temperance Floyd Nine Nights toge- ther. Also, how they Squeezed one Hannah Thomas to death in their Arms. How they also caused several Ships to be cast away, causing a Boy to fall from the top of a Main Mast into the Sea. With many Wonderful Things, worth your Reading. 4to. (London) 1682. B.M. The real names of these unfortunate women were Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards. They were committed by the Magistrates of Bideford. AN Essay towards a History of Bideford in the County of Devon. Exeter, 1792. By John Watkins, L.L.D. AN Act Enabling the Trustees under the Marriage Settlement of Bouchier Marshall and EHzabeth his wife, deceased, to effect a Sale of the Advowson of the Church of Bow, otherwise Nymet Tracy. 11 Geo. 4. & 1 W. 4. c. 24. 1830. ACCOUNT of the Parish of Bradstone in the County of Devon. 4to. Tavistock, 1840. P. Printed by the Tavistock Statistical Society, and the only fruit of their labours. A TRUE Relation of two most strange and fearfull accidents lately happening ; the one at Chagford in Devonshire, by the falling of the Stannary Court-house, the 6th day of March last : the other at Branson in Staflbrdshirc, frc. 4to. London, 1618. B. AN Act for Better and more easy Rebuilding the Town of Chud- leigh, determining Differences touching Houses demohshed by the late Fire, and preventing future danger by fire. 48 Geo. 3. c. 89. 1808. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOUKAPHY. 17 A PLAIN and affectionate Addi-ess to the Inhabitants of the late Town of Chudleigh, Devon : occasioned by the late dreadful Fire. Dock, May 22, 1807. P. LETTERS, Historical and Botanical, relating to places in the Vale of Teign, particularly to Chudleigh, Lustleigh, Canonteign, and Bovey- Tracey. By Dr. Eraser Halle, with some Geologic Notices by Dr. Croker. * London, 1851. AN Act Enabling the Trustees for the time being of Hele's Charity Estates to grant Leases of certain Estates vested in them in the Parishes of Clist St. Lawrence, Broadclist, Stokeinteignhead, Bovey Tracey and Newton Eerrars, confirming Leases of Parts of sach Estates already granted, and fixing the Proportions in which the Rents and other pro- fits of the said Estates shall be divided and enjoyed, and for other pur- poses. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 40. 1842. AN Act Transferring the Endowments of the Domestic Chapel of Sir T. D. Acland, Bart., at Columb-John in Broadclist, to a Chapel at KiUerton. 7 W. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 33. . 1837. BLOODY News from Devonshire : Being a true though Lamenta- ble Relation of four barbarous and horrid Murders committed by an in- human Father upon the bodies of his Son and three Daughters, at a Village near Combe in the County of Devon, on the 30 of March, 1694, by beating out their Brains with a Mattock whilst they were on their knees begging for their Lives ; and how afterward thro' Remorse and Reluc- tancy of Mind, he attempted to hang himself, but was prevented by the timely coming in of his neighbours : Also the deplorable condition his Wife is in, whom he pursued with an intent to murder. Together with his Confession before a Justice of peace, and commitment to Exon Jayl, as it was communicated by a Letter from an eminent dealer in Combe to a worthy Citizen in London. 4to. London, 1694. B. A TRUE and Strange Relation of a Boy, who was entertained bv C IS I'.IBIJOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. the Devill to be servant to liim ^^itli the consent of his Father, about Crediton in the West, and how the Devill carried him up in the aire, and showed him the torments of Hell, and some of the Cavaliers there, and what preparation there was made for Goring and Greenvile against they came. Also, how the Cavaliers went to robbe a Carrier, and how the Carrier and his Horses turned themselves into Flames of Fire. With a Coppie of a Letter from Major General Massie, concerning these strange and wonderfull things, with a certain Box of Eeliques and Cru- cifixes found in Tiverton Church. 4to. A print representing Mercury. London, 1645. B. A SEEMON at Crediton, on the great Storm. By the Rev. Thomas Ley. 4to. 1704. P. AFFLICTIONS Improved. A Sermon preached at Crediton in Devon, Aug. 21, 1743, being the Lord's Day after the dreadful Fire which consumed the greatest part of that large and populous town. To which is prefixed a short account of that terrible conflagration. By Micaiah Towgood. London, 1743. B. A Second edition in the same year. Eepriuted also in a volume entit- led "Tracts on Important Subjects, &c., by Micaiah Towgood late Pastor "of the two united Congregations, Exeter," &c. Harlow, 1812. L, A STATEMENT of Facts respecting the Crediton Tithe Trust, &c. 4to. Exeter, (1809.) P. AN Act to enable the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exeter, and their Farmers and Tenants, to make Leases of and in the Manor of Culmstock. 1701. THE Prisoner's Memoirs, or, Dartmoor Prison, containing a Com- plete and Impartial History of the Entire Captivity of the Americans in England, from the Commencement of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, until all Prisoners were released by the Treaty LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 19 of Ghent. Also a Particular Detail of all occurrences relative to that Horrid Massacre at Dartmoor, on the fatal evening of the 6 th of April, 1815. The whole carefully compiled from the Journal of Charles An- drews, a Prisoner in England from the commencement of the War, un- til the Release of all the Prisoners. frontispiece — a folding Yiew of Dartmoor Prison. New York, printed for the Author, 1815. P. To the Preface is appended a Certificate signed by many t'ellow-pxisoners of Andi'ews at Dartmoor. LA Prison de Dartmoor, ou Re^it Historique des Infortunes et Eva- sions des Prisoimiers Erangais en Angleterre, sous FEmpire, depuis 1809 jusqu'en 1814. Par L. Catel. 2 Tomes. Paris, 1847. P. An absurd mixture of narrative, personal adventure, and tbe most improbable fiction. At the same time the Book bears traces of having been compiled either from the Author's own experience or from the Journals of others who had been imprisoned at Dartmoor. ANTIQUARIAN Investigations in the Eorest of Dartmoor, Devon, By S. Rowe, B.A. 2 Plates. Plymouth, 1829. This is one of the Papers in the Transactions of the Plymouth Institution, published se- parately. A JOURNAL of Eighteen Days' Excursion on the Eastern and Southern Borders of Dartmoor, &c. By Miss Dixon. Plymouth, 1830. A JOURNAL of Ten Days' Excursion on the Western and Northern Borders of Dartmoor. By Miss Dixon. Plymouth, 1830. A PERAMBULATION of the Ancient and Royal Eorest of Dart- moor, and the Venville Precincts ; or a Topographical Survey of the Antiquities and Scenery, &c. By Samuel Rowe, A.M., Vicar of Cre- diton. " Map. 11 Prints. Plymouth, 1848. A GUIDE to the Eastern Escarpment of Dartmoor, with a descrip- tive Map. London, 1851 THE Petitioners' Case. Touching the Elecliou for Dartmouth. 20 BIBLIOTITF.CA DKVONIENSIS. 'riio. Veruoii, Esq., aiul AVil. Balle, Esq., Petitioners : Fred. Heme, Esq., Nath. Heme, Esq., Sitting Members. Fol. single page. London. THE Case of Nathaniel Heme relating to his Election at Dartmouth in Devon. Pol. single sheet. (1702?) THE Speech of a Burgess of Dartmouth on the right of Election for that Borough. London, 1809. A SPEECH delivered in the Guikl-hall at Daituiouth, on moving an Address to the King, Dec. 27, 1820. By A. H. Holdsvvorth, Esq. Exeter, 1821. A KEPLY to the Speech dehvered by A. H. Holdsworth, Esq., &c. By Smith. Dartmouth, 1821. DARTMOUTH : The Advantages of its Harbour as a Station for Foreign Mail Packets, and a short Notice of its ancient and present Condition. In a Letter to Sir J. B. Yarde Bullcr, Bart., M.P. By A. H. Holdsworth, Esq. A Chart. London, 1841. AN Act for exonerating the Manor of Dawlish from the claims of the Crown against the Estate of John Inglett Fortescue, Esq. 59 Geo. 3. c. 68. 1819. DESCRIPTION and Exegesis of the Drews-Teignton Cromlech, &c. P. By Williain Chappie. Exeter, 1779. This "Work is without Title-page, and was left unfinished on the death of the Author. AN Acte concernynge the xVmendynge of the River and Port of Exe- ter. 31 Hen. 8. c. 4. 1539. P. THE Discription of the Cittie of Excester, collected and gathered by John Vowel alias Hooker, Gentleman, and Chamberlain of the same Cit- tie. 4to. ( No date or imprint. London, 1575?) B.M. On the Lack of the Title-page is a wood-cut print of the Arms of the City of Exeter with four small Shields in the corners, of Arms borne by the Author. ORDERS enacted for Orphans and for their Portions within the LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 21 Citie of Excester, with sundry other instructions incident to the same Collected and set foorth by John Vowell alias Hooker, Gentleman, and Chamberlain of the same Citie. 4to. London, 1575. B.M. Tliis Book coutains an Epistle dedicatory to the Mayor and Senators. " The Charter for " the Order for the Oi"phans within the Citie of Excester, graunted by the most gracious " Queene Elizabeth." — " An Act of Parlement for the confirmation of the Charter of the " Citie of Excester for the order of the Oi-phanes within the same." — " The Statutes, decrees " and ordinances, made, decreed and established by the Mayor and the xxiiii of the Common " Councel of the Citie of Excester for and concerning the ordering of Orphans." &c. THE Order and Ysage of the keeping of a Parlement in England ; and the description of tholde and ancient Cittie of Excester. Collected by John Vowel ahas Hooker, Gentleman. 4to. ( London, 1580?) B.M. At the back of the Title-page the Anns of the City of Exeter and fom- other Coats, then a Dedication to the " Maior and Senators," then a Coat of Arms of the Author in six quar- terings, then another Title-page — "The olde and auncient order of keeping of the Parlement in Eng- " land vsed in the time of king Edward the Confessor.^^ After 27 leaves the Coat of Arms as before, and another Title-page, viz. — " The Discription of the Cittie of Excester, collected and gathered by " John Yowel alias Hooker, Gentleman and Chamberlain of the same "Cittie." With the Arms of Exeter at the back, followed by a half-title and fourteen leaves of text. Black letter. AN Act that Gavelkind Lands in the City of Exeter may be inhe- rited as Lands at the Common Law. 1581. A PAMPHLET of the Offices and Duties of euerie particular sworne Officer of the Citie of Excester : Collected by lohn Vowell alias Hoker, Gentleman, and Chamberlaine of the same. 4to. London, 1584. B.M. Dedicated " To the Maior of Excester." On the reverse of the Title-page are the Arms of the City and the Anns of VoweU. A CATALOG of the Bishops of Excester with the Description of 22 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. the Antiquitie and first Foundation of the Cathedrall Church of the same. Collected by John Vowell alias Hoker, Gentleman. 4to. Black letter. London, 1584. B.M. Dedicated to Bishop "Wolton and the Dean and Chapter. On the reverse of the Title-page is a Shield with the Arms of the Author in six quarterings. THE Description of the Cittie of Excester. By John Vowell alias Hooker. 4to. London, 1611. U.C. REASONS humbly offered by the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the City of Exeter against the passing a Bill for the uniting the Churches there and raising a maintenance for their Ministers. Eol. Single sheet. (1667.) AN Humble Defence of the Exeter Bill for the uniting the Parishes, and settling a Maintenance upon their Ministers : Shewing the Equity and Easiness of it, by way of Letter to a Member of the Hon'''^ House of Commons. 4to. London, 1674. J.C. REMAEKABLE Antiquities of the City of Exeter ; giving an Ac- count of the Laws and Customs of the Place : the Offices, Court of Ju- dicature, Gates, Walls, Rivers, Churches and Priviledges. Together with a Catalogue of all the Bishops, Mayors and Sheriffs from the year 1049 to 1677. Collected by Richard Izacke, Esq., Chamberlain thereof. Map and Prints of Arms. London, 1677. B. Another edition. London, 1681. B.M. Some copies on large paper. REMARKABLE Antiquities of the City of Exeter : giving an Ac- count of the Laws and Customs of the Place; The Offices, Court of Ju- dicature, Gates, "Walls, Rivers, Churches and Immunities ; The Titles and Privileges of tlie several Corporations and their distinct Coats of Arras finely engraven on Copper Plates : With a Catalogue of all the Bishops, Mayors and Sheriffs from the Year 1049 to 1677. Originally Collected by Richard Izacke, Esq., heretofore Chamberlain thereof. Now Enlarged and Continued to the Year 1723 by Samuel Izacke, Esq., the present Chamberlain thereof. Map and Prints of Arms. London, 1723. B.M. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 23 The same. To which is added a New Map of the City, a Prospect of the Cathedral ; and the Freeman s Oath. Map, View, and Prints of Arms. Loudon, 1724. This is entitled the Second Edition. The same. London, 173L With a new Title-page, entitled the Third Edition. The same. London, 1734. With a new Title-page, also entitled the Third Edition. Some on large paper. , The same. London, 174L With a new Title-page, entitled the Second Edition. This was the last edition published. THE Wonder of this Age : or God's Miraculous Revenge against Murder : Being a Relation of an undoubted Truth out of the West. How the Skull of a Person (murdered about Thirty years agoe, in an Inn) was found with a Linnen Cap thereon, still whole, with the two Letters wherewith it was marked, plain to be seen ; though it had lain so many years in the Earth. How likewise an Apparition oblig'd one that was lately come to live in that House to divulge it; telhng him where he might find Money, and promising that God would pro- vide Witnesses to make good the Prosecution ; or otherwise that it, viz. The Ghost, would itself appear at the Assizes. As also, how a Woman that had in those dayes been a servant there, being now Examined ; and denying upon Oath, that she knew any thing of the business was suddenly smitten, and Dyed. With the Confession of another Servant still alive, and other very wonderful Circumstances. The Truth of this Relation will be attested by many Whole-sale Men that were at the Lent Fair at Exeter, it being the common Discourse of those parts. And now, upon the Licenser's Enquiry, since the writing of this Paper, the Particulars have been verifi'd by divers other Persons, and by one that affirms he was present at the Examination. Licensed Jan. the 4th, 1677, Roger L'Estrange, and Entered accord- ing to order. 4to. London, 1677. P. 24 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIE^fSIS. THE Great llobbery in the West: or, the Innkeeper turn'd High- wayman. A perfect narrative how an Innkeeper* neer Exeter, drawing in two others into his confederacy, lately robbed the Exeter carrier of Six Hundred pounds in money, and for the same were executed at the said city the 18th of this instant August, 1678. With the remarkable Speech of the said Innkeeper on the ladder. To which is added Sad News from Glocestershire. Being a Relation how a Lion at Winch- comb devoured its keeper, and the manner of the said Lion^s being kil- led iior the same. With allowance. 4to. London, 1678. B. * John Barnes, who kept the Black Horse lun near South-gate. STRANGE and Wonderful News from Exeter, giving an Account of the dreadful Apparition that was seen by Mr. Jacob Seley of Exeter, on Monday Sept. 22, 1690, who gave the full account to the jurlges the next day, who were going to the western Circuit. Fol. London, (1690.) BREAD for the Poor ; or a Method shewing how the Poor of Exe- ter may be Maintained and duly provided for, in a far more plentiful and yet cheaper manner than they now are. Exeter, 1698. THE Speech of Sir B. Shower at Exeter. 1698. ADVERTISEMENT that a Post will run twice in every Week from Exeter to Chester, through Tiverton, Welhngton, Taunton, Bridgewa- ter. Wells, Bristol, Wotton under edge, Gloucester, Tewkesburj', Wor- cester, Kidderminster, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury and Whitchurch. Pol. Single page. Exeter, (1700.) AN Act to enable Her Majesty to grant the Scite of the Castle of Exon, Parcel of her Duchy of Cornwall, for 99 years, for the use and benefit of the County of Devon. 1710, REASONS Offered by the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the City of Exeter against the passing a Bill for uniting the Churches there. Single sheet. (1720.) \(f\ ftK-vwH^r l^l^^i-U LOCAL HlfTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 25 THE Address of Sir Copleston Warwick Bampfylde and Alderman Snell to the Freemen of Exeter, &c. Eol. (1727.) A LETTER from Exeter to a Friend in London. 1735. P. AN Alphabetical Register of divers Persons who by their last Wills, &c., have given Tenements, Rents, &c. towards the Relief of the Poor of the County of Devon, and City of Exon, &c. By Richard Izacke, Esq. Heretofore of the Inner Temple, and Clerk of the Peace for the City and County of Exeter. Faithfully printed from his Original Ma- nuscript, — with Remarks, &c. By Samuel Izacke, Gent. Grandson of the Author. London, 1736. B.M. Reprinted with another Title, viz. — RIGHTS and Priviledges of the Freemen of Exeter, with an Ac- count of all Legacies left to the Poor of the said City from 1164 to 1674, &c. London, 1751. Another edition. London, 1757. Another edition, with Remarks detecting the misapplication of the said Charities, a copious Index, &c. By T. Brice. 4to. Exeter, 1785. Another edition, with Additional Remarks and an Appendix, &c. By William Carwithen, A.M. Rector of St. Mary Steps, Exeter. Exeter, 1820. Ten copies of the last edition were printed on large paper. THE Ancient History and Description of Exeter, compiled from Hooker, Izaacke and others. Exeter. (No date.) AN Account of the Devon and Exeter Hospital which is proposed to be erected &c. Fol. Dated July 11, 1741. A LETTER from Stephen Bishop of Exeter to the Dean, and the Governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital. Fol. Dated Sept. 24, 1741. A LETTER to the Clergy of the County of Devon respecting the D 26 BIBLIOTHECA DEVON|ENSIS. Devon and Exeter Hospital. By the Rev. Alurecl Clarke, Chairman of the Court of Governors. Fol. Dated Exeter Sent. 24, 1741. CONSIDERATIONS upon the important Question, Whether it is absolutely necessary and expedient to open the Port of Exeter, &c. for exporting and importing Irish AYool and Yarn. By a Lover of his Country. London, 1753. A PLAIN and effectual Scheme for enabhng the Merchants of Exe- ter to take up whatever Money they may want every Eriday in the year, without paying any exchange. , Exeter, 1754. A SHORT Essay on the Scheme lately set on Eoot for Lighting and Keeping clean the Streets of the City of Exeter ; demonstrating the pernicious and fatal Effects witli which it would have been attended. Exon, 1755. P. A humourous ii'onical tract, apparently from the pen of Andi'ew Brice. AN Answer to a Short Essay on the Scheme lately set on foot for Lighting and Keeping clean the Streets of the City of Exeter : demon- strating the pernicious and fatal Effects with which it would have been attended. Exon, 1755. B. THE Statutes of the Devon and Exeter Hospital. 4to. Frontispiece. Exeter^ 1764. THE Antique Description and Account of the City of Exeter : in three Parts (1 of the City. 2 of the Cathedral Church. 3 of the Offi- cers &c.) All written purely by John Vowell, aUas Hoker, Gent. Chamberlain, and Representative in ParHament of the same. 4to. Plan of tlie Cathedral. Exon, 1765. B. THE Ancient History and Description of the City of Exeter &c. A curious Account of St. Peter's Catlicdral Church, with a Catalogue of all the Bishops &c. Compiled and digested from the Works of Hooker, Izacke, and others. Exeter, 1765. P. LOCAL HlfTOEY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 27 AN Act to impower the Justices of the Peace for the county of De- von, to apply money out of the county Stock, for opening, making, &c. a Highway from the High Street to the Castle of Exeter. 1770. AN Act for taking down the Shire Hall of the County of Devon, and for building a New Shire Hall in a more commodious Manner. 13 Geo. 3. 1773. A TRANSLATION of a Charter granted to the Inhabitants of the City of Exeter by King Charles the first, &c., by a Citizen of Exeter. 4to. 1785. AN Act for Erecting Hospitals and Workhouses within the City of Exon, &c. 9 & 10 W. 3. 1697. London, 1785. AN Act to explain and amend the Act of 1697 for Erecting Hospi- tals and Workhouses in the City of Exon, &c. 31 Geo. 2. 1757. London, 1785. AN Act to explain and amend the two Acts of 1697 and 1757 for Erecting Workhouses and Hospitals in the City of Exon, &c. 14 Geo. 3. 1774. London, 1785. AN Act to render more effectual several Acts of Parliament for Erecting Workhouses and Hospitals in the City of Exon, &c. 25 Geo. 3. 1785. London, 1785. AN Act for the better Relief of the Poor of the City of Exon, and to explain and amend the Act of 1785, &c. 28 Geo. 3. 1787. London, 17S8. A COPY of the Clauses of Two Acts of Parhament (1 785 and 1787) relating to the Election &c. of Commissioners for the Relief of the Poor of the City of Exon, &c. London, 1806. AN Act for making and declaring the High Gaol a Publick Gaol, and for discharging Denys Rolle and John Rolle Esquii'es, and their respective Heirs and Assigns, from the Office of Keeper of the said 28 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Gaol; and for improving the same or building a New one, and also for taking down the Chapel in the Castle of Exeter, &c. 37 Geo. 3. 1787. TREWMAN'S Exeter Journal. Exeter, 1790 to 1852. An Annual Register and Dii-ectory. TO the Inhabitants of Exeter. An Address by many Considerable Freeholders. Eol. Exon, 1795. Relating to Commissioners for Improvenicnls. SOME Account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter ; illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections, of that building, by John Carter. Architect. With remarks by Bishop Lyttelton and Sir Henry Engle- field, Bart. For the Society of Antiquaries. Atlas Fol. 1] Plates. London, 1797. A LETTER to a College Friend relative to some late Transactions of a Literary Society at Exeter. With a Postcript. London, 1798. By the Rev. R. Polwhele. A TRACT on the Novel County-Rates. Exeter, &c. Exeter, 1800. By W. Holmes. (ADDRESS) To the Electors of Representatives to serve in Parlia- ment for the City and County of Exeter : with a Postcript, The origin of the Titulary Borough of Ide, &c., by William Holmes. Exeter, (1802.) STATUTES and Constitutions of the Lunatic Asylum near Exeter. 4 to. Exeter, 1802. THE History and Description, Ancient and Modern, of the City of Exeter. By Thomas Brice. One rude print. Exeter, 1802. This Work was intended to he issued periodically, hut ceased after the appearance of the second part. A CONCISE Account of the City of Exeter, its neighbourhood and adjacent watering places, &c. By S. Woolmer. 2 Plates. Exeter, 1805. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 29 A second edition, with additions. Exeter, 1811. A third edition. 1821. THE History and Description of the City of Exeter, and its Envi- rons, ancient and modern, &c. By Alexander Jenkins. 5 Maps and Plans. 7 Plates. Exeter, 1806. Twelve copies were printed on large paper. A second edition. Portrait. 14 Plates. Exeter, 1841. This edition does not precisely accord with the former. A GUIDE to Exeter Cathedral. Exeter, 1807. EXON, (to wit.) Cooke's 110 Nuisances, &c. Pol. 2 pages. Exeter, July 10, 1809. P. AN Act for Repairing the Parish Church of St. SidweU in the City of Exeter. 52 Geo. 3. c. 19. 1812. Enlarged by 54 Geo. 3. c. 110. 1814. A LETTER to the Two Hundred and Ninety-three Electors of the City of Exeter, who voted for Thomas Northmore, Esq., at the late General Election, June, 1818, &c. By Pluleleutherus Devoniensis. Exeter, 1818. THE History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter. By J. N. Brewer : with Engravings by J. and H. S. Storer. 8 Plates. London. (1818.) AN Act for Building a new Gaol and House of Correction for the City and County of Exeter. 58 Geo. 3. c. 51. 1818. A VINDICATION of Exeter School, by its Master. J. L. Exeter, 1818. By Dr. Lempriere. A GUIDE to the Cathedral Church of Exeter, &c. Printed for the Vergers. Plymouth-Dock, 1818. 30 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A REPORT on the Alteration of the Turnpike Road between Exeter and Plymouth, &c. By J. Green. 8vo. Map. Exeter, 1819. A PETITION to the House of Commons on the Conduct of the Trustees of Exeter School. By J. Lempriere, D.D. With Notes and Observations. Exeter, 1820. THE History of Exeter. By the Rev. George Oliver. Exeter, 1821. A NEW Guide to the City of Exeter and its environs, &c. Frontispiece, Exeter, 1824. THE Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities, containing that part which relates to the City of Exeter. Exeter, 1825. A GUIDE to the Cathedral Church of Exeter, with an Account of its Antiquities, Monuments, &c., to which is added a short sketch of the Lives of the Bishops. Printed for the Vergers. Exeter, 1825. THE History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter : illustrated by a Series of Engravings, &c. Including Biographical Anecdotes of the Bishops of the See. By John Britton, E.S.A., &c. 4to. 22 Plates. London, 1826. The same on large paper. 1827. RULES and Orders of the Exeter Tradesman and Mechanic's Insti- tution for the promotion of useful knowledge among the working classes. Established Dec. 7, 1825. Exeter, 1826. AN Act vesting in the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exeter, certain Messuages and Lands, situate within the Close of the said Cathedral, belonging to the Archdeaconries of Totnes, Barnstaple and Cornwall, founded in the said Cathedral ; in considera- tion of certain perpetual yearly sums to be payable to the said Archdea- cons and their Successors ; and for enabling the said Dean and Chap- ter to grant leases of the same premises. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 10. 1827. THE Exeter Guide and Itinerary. By Besley. Exeter, 1828. Frequently reprinted with additions and corrections of names. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 31 A GUIDE to Exeter and its Environs. Exeter, 1838. A GUIDE to the Cathedral Church of Exeter, &c. Exeter, 1828. A EEPLY to the Directors of the Institution at Mount Eadford. By E. L. Burrow, D.D. Exeter, 1828. REPORT of an Attempt made in the parish of St. Thomas, since the year 1818, for the better rehef and employment of the Poor. Exeter, 1828. EXETER Itinerary and General Directory. A Walk through the City. — An abridged History of the Cathedral, &c. Map. Exeter, 1828. AN Act Enabhng the Mayor and Corporation of Exeter to sell two Houses in the parish of St. Stephens, and to purchase other Estates for performing the charitable purposes of the Will of Joan Tuckfield, deceased. 1 & 2 W. 4. c. 11. 1831. EXETER Itinerary and General Directory, with a List of the Voters, and how they voted at the contested Election in 1831. Exeter, 1831. (A LETTER) To the Citizens of Exeter. By Ralph Barnes. Exeter, 1831. On the eifects of the Reform Bill in regard to the Franchises of that City. (A LETTER) To Ralph Barnes, Esq. By James Terrell. Exeter, 183L In reply to the foregoing. A LIST of the Voters at the Exeter Election (the first under the Reform Bill), December lOth and 11th, 1832, &c. Map. Exeter, 1833. AN Act for Better Supplying with Water the City and County of the City of Exeter, and such part of the parish of St. David as is situ- ated in the County of Devon. 3 & 4 W. 4. c. 31. 1833. Mr. Golsworthy empowered to collect water and supply the Inhabitants. AN Act for More effectually Supplying with Water the City and 32 BLBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. County of the City of Exeter, and Places adjacent. 3 & 4 W. 4. c. 32. 1833. Incorporating the Exeter Water-Company. Amended by 5 & 6 W. 4. c. 98. 1835. AN Act amending the above two Acts. 3 & 4 Vict. c. 58. 1840. AN Abstract of the New Market Bill. Single sheet. Exeter, (1834.) BESLEY's Exeter Directory, with the List of Voters polled at the Contest for the representation of the City in Jan. 1835. Exeter, 1835. Another edition. 1837. THE Exeter Guide and Itinerary : comprising an Account of the Pubhc Buildings, Institutions, Walks, &c. ; to which is prefixed a con- cise History of the City from the earHest period. Exeter, 1836. There has been a subsequent edition of this work. AN Act for the More easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts within the City and County of the City of Exeter. 4 & 5 Vict. c. 73. 1841. A DESCRIPTIVE Account of the Cathedral Chm-ch of Exeter. Plates. Exeter, 1841. One part of " Winkle's Cathedrals." SYLVA Antiqua Iscana, numismatica, quinctiam figulina, or Roman and other Antiquities of Exeter, &c. By W. T. P. Shortt. 12 Prints, Exeter, (1840.) AN Act Enabling the Trustees of Hele's Charity in Exeter to grant Leases of their Estates. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 40. 1842. AN Elucidation of the Principles of English Architecture usually denominated Gothic. By John Kendall, Architect. 23 Plates. London, 1842. Thr, illustrations of this work arc taken almost exclusively from Exeter Cathedral. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 33 LETTERS to Her Majesty's Attorney General, on the Mal-Practices in the Crown Courts at Exeter. By Charles Bird, Esq., Barrister at Law. Portrait. Exeter, 184-2. TO the Hon. the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parhament assembled. The humble Petition of Charles Bird, Esq., Barrister at Law. Exeter, 1845. On the same subject. A LETTER to the Qtizens of Exeter. By Charles Bird. V Exeter, 1847. DESCRIPTION of the GuUdhall, Exeter. By the Rev. George OHver, D.D., and Pitman Jones, Esq., Frontispiece. Exeter, 1845. THE Hand-Book of Exeter : with an account of the Cathedral, &c. (Extracted from the Route Book of Devon.) Exeter, 1846. THE Ball — The Mayor— and the Bishop. A Letter to the Mayor of Exeter on the proposed grand Easter Ball. By Clericus Ignotus. Exeter, 1847. A BRIEP History and Description of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Exeter. By J. W. Hewett. Plan. Exeter, 1848. Four Appendices to the above work. 16 Prints. Exeter, 1848. A LETTER to the Mayor of Exeter (T. Shapter, Esq., M.D.), by John Ingle. Exeter, 1848. A second edition, shghtly altered. 1848. EXETER Diocesan Board of Education. A Plea for the Training CoUege, &c. By Joseph T. Toye, M.A., Rector of St. Stephens, Exe- ter. Exeter, 1849. ROYAL Agricultural Society of England, 1850. The Hand-Book of Exeter, and Visitor's Guide to the Show, &c. By Llewellyini Jewitt, Member of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Plan, 4 Prints. Exeter, 1850. E 34 EIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. ROYAL Agricultural Society of Englaud, 1850. The ITand-Book of Exeter, and Visiter's Guide to the Show, &c. By a Member of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Map, Tables, 7 Prints. Exeter, (1850.) AN Act for Inclosing and Vesting in His Majesty a Part of the Eorest of Exmoor in the counties of Somerset and Devon. 55. Geo. 3. c. 138. 1815. By Ihis Act an allotment is reserved for a Chui'cli and Cemetery whenever the popidation of the Forest may be such as to render it necessaiy, a Chiu'ch to be erected and called the Parish Church of Exmoor, and the Forest constituted a Parish ; the Chm:ch to be subject to the Ecclesiastical Laws of the Church of England, and the Parish to be subject to the general Laws relating to Parishes. The Parish may thereafter be divided into To^vusliips. AN Act Vesting certain Lands belonging to the Earl Eortescue in the parish of FiUeigh, and a Parsonage House to be built on the same, in the Rector of the Parish, in exchange for the old Parsonage House and certain Glebe Lands. 54 Geo. 3. c. 204. 1814. A VISIT to Ford Abbey, &c. By E. H. Tomlinson. Frontispiece. Lyme, 1825. A HISTORY of Eord Abbey, Dorsetshire : late in the County of Devon. Frontispiece. London, 1846. By Mrs. Allen. AN Act Enabling the Governors of the Charterhouse Hospital in London to endow the Perpetual Curacy of Hartland with a fixed provi- sion out of the Tithes of the Rectory of Hartland, and to sell the rights of Presentation to the said Curacy and Rectory and Tithes, and also certain Lands at Hartland, and to invest the monies arising, in the pur- chase of other lands for the benefit of the said Hospital. 5 & 6 Vict, c. 12. 1842. HONYTON. The Case of James Shcppard, Esq., against Sir Walter Yonge, upon the Double Return of the said Borough. Mr. Sheppard is returned duly Elected by the Majority of the Inhabitants, Householders LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. ^5 paying Scot and Lot : Sir Walter Yonge by a Majority of the other Inhabitants. Fob Single page. (1710.) BJL THE Case of Sir Walter Yonge^ upon the double Return for the Borough of Honiton in the County of Devon. To be heard at the Committee of Elections on Eriday the 26th of this Instant January. Eol. Single page. (1710.) B.lM. THE Wisdom and Righteousness of Divine Providence. A Sermon preached at Honiton on Occasion of a dreadful Eire which happened there on Wednesday the 21 of August, 1765, which consumed 140 Houses, a well-built stone Chapel, and a Meeting-House. By R. Har- rison. 4to. Buckland, 1765. P. AN Act for Building a new Parish Church in the town of Honiton. 5 & 6 W. 4. c. 17. 1835. A GUIDE to Ilfracombe and the neighbouring towns, &c. Map. Ilfracombe, 1838. A third edition. 2 Maps, 5 Plates. (No date.) THE Instow Tithe-Case, as made special, under the Act for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. By the Rev. A. E. Lloyd, Rector of Instow. London, 1843. AN Act for the Commutation of Tithes in the Parish and Manor of Kenn. 1 & 2 Geo. 4. c. 18. 1821. A DREADEUL Alarm upon the Clouds of Heaven, mix'd with Love. An Address to England, &c. Warnings and Admonitions — particularly to the Town of Kingsbridge, &c. Dedicated to Queen Anne. By Henry Hingeston. Exeter, 1703. P. The author was a Quaker. KINGSBRIDGE and Salcombe with the intermediate Estuary his- torically and topogi-aphically depicted. By A. Hawkins, Esq. 4 Plates. Kingsbridge, 1819. P. 36 BIBLIOTUECA DEVONIENSIS. TEANSCRIPT and Translation of the Charter granted in the reign of Henry VI, to hold a Market and Fairs at Kingsbridge and Buck- fastleigh^ Devon. Eol. Single page. Kingsbridge. P. AN Extract from the Will of Thomas Crispin of the City of Exeter, and a Copy of the Will of William Duncombe of Kingsbridge, for founding and endomng Free Schools and a Lectureship in Kingsbridge. Kingsbridge, 1842. P. A FULL, True and Particular Account of the Awful Death of a Witch at Membury, &c. 4to. Single page. Taunton, (1841.) P. A TEANSCRIPT of the Parish Expenditure of Milton-Abbot for the year 1588, drawn in the order, and exactly after the letter of the Original, 1588. Transcribed in 1796. Plymouth, 1808. P. It is uot known by wliom this was transcribed, or for what purpose it was published. Towards the end of the year's account is this entry in large letters, " The Byblc Kespetyd," app;u-ently in allusion to the defeat of the Armada. The Rev. Jolm Jago, D.D., was the resident Vicar of the Parish in 1796 and 1808. OBSJi^IIVATIOjSI'S on the Scenery and Antiquities in the neigh- bourhood of Moreton-Hampstead and on the Forest of Dartmoor, Devon. By the Rev. J. P. Jones of North Bovey. Exeter, 1823. P. A WALK round Mouut-Edgcumbe. Plymouth-Dock, 1812. A WALK round Mount-Edgcumbe ; with a folded Map of the Grounds. Stonehouse, 1819. A WiVLK round Mount-Edgcumbe ; with an engraved Title-page ; entitled " Eight Views of Mount-Edgcurabe." Eight Plates. London, 1820. A WALK round Mount-Edgcumbe; with a Plan and eight Views. 1821. A WALK round Mount-Edgcumbe; with eight Views. Seventh edition, with alterations and additions. Plymouth-Dock, 1821. An eighth edition. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGllAPHY. 37 A WALK round Mount-Edgcumbe ; with a Plan of the Park and Grounds. Ninth edition. Devouport, 1836. A tenth edition. Devonport, 1837. An eleventh edition. Devonport, 1840. A twelfth edition. Devonport, 1840. A thirteenth edition. Devonport, 1841. AN Act for vesting several Lands in Netherex, Rew, Silverton, and Thorverton, in the County of Devon, in Trustees, to be sold for the pur- poses therein mentioned. 1711. A HISTORY of Newton-Abbot and Newton-Bushel, &c. By the Rev. D. M. Stirling. Newton- Abbot, 1830. AN Act for the Recovery of Small Debts within the Township of Newton- Abbot, and other Townships, Parishes, and Places in Devon. 3 & 4 Yict. c. 25. 1840. HARRIS and the Borough of Okehampton, against John Dibble, Esq., and others. — Petitioners' Case to be heard at the Bar of the House of Commons. Pol. Single sheet. About 1709. SOME Account of the Barony and Town of Okehampton ; its An- tiquities and Institutions, &c. By W. B. Bridges. Edited by the Rev. C. Thomas. Plymouth, (circ. 1839.) P. Some copies on large paper. This Work was published in parts, of which three only appeared. The talented writer died in 1845, in extreme poverty. OBJECTIONS to the Appropriation of the Barton Town Allotment to the endowment of a British and Foreign School, plainly set forth. By the Rev. John Downall, M.A. Okehampton, (1850.) A LETTER to the Inhabitants of Okehampton, in reply to the Ob- jections of the Rev. John Downall, &c. By William Ashley. Okehampton, 1850. 38 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. SOME Remarks on a Letter from Mr. W. Ashley, kc, by the Rev. J. Dowiiall. Okchamptou, (1850.) REMARKS on certain recently published Observations of the Rev. Jolm Downall, &c. By John Marsh Burd, Solicitor. Okehampton, 1850. SOME Remarks on a Letter from J. M. Burd, Esq. By the Rev. J. Downall. Okchampton, (1850.) REPLIES <() the Remarks of the Rev. J. Downall, &c. By J. M. Burd. Okehampton, 1850. A EEW Questions that have arisen out of the Controversy respect- ing the appropriation of the Okehampton Barton Town Allotment plainly answered. By William Ashley. Okehampton, 1850. AN Acte concernynge the amendynge and mayntenaunce of the ha- vens and portes of Plymmouth, Dartmouthe, Tcyngmouth, Ealmouth, and Eowey, in the counties of Deuonshyre and Cornewall. 23 Hen. 8. c. 8. Pol. 1531. P. AN Act concerning the Town of Plv^nouth, containing a Discharge of payment of £29. 6. 8. to the Prior of the Monastery of St. Peter and St. Paul in Plympton, and that the Parsonages of Ugburgh and Blarkaveton shall be appropriated to the said Prior and his successors in lieu thereof. Eol. 1533. AN Act concerning the Privileges of the Town of Plymouth. 25 Hen. 8. c. 4 Fol. 1534. AN Act for Preservation of the Haven at Plymouth. — Liberty to make the necessary Cuts for preserving the course of tlie River Men open to the Town. Eol. 1585. AN Act for bringing a fresh Stream of Water into the Town ol' Stonehouse in tlie county of Devon. Eol. 1593. LOCAL HISTORY ANT) TOPOGRAPHY. 39 AN Act for the Confirmation of His Majesty's Letters Patents to the Town of Plymouth^ and for dividing the Parish, and building a new Church there. Pol. 1640. TO the' Right Honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, The humble Petition of the Major, Magistrates, Ministers and Commons of the Town of Plymouth, and others well-affected and desirous of the Peace of God to rule in this Kingdom — (To look strictly to the performance of the solemn Covenant.) Ordered by the Com- mons to be printed and published. Aug. 25, 1648. Pol. Single sheet. B.M. HORRID News of a Barbarous Murder committed at Plimouth on the bodies of an Ancient Woman and her daughter, by the mahcious contrivance of a Nurse they entertained in the house, and an apprentice Maid, who agreed to poyson their two Mistresses, and accordingly ef- fected it by boyling Mercury in their broth upon a Sunday as they were at church, insomuch that having eaten but a little of the broth they dyed within a very few hours. With an account of the obstinate and stedfast denials of Elizabeth Cary the nurse, notwithstanding the im- peachment of Ann Evans the apprentice maid, who hath confessed that they were both guilty of the murder, and accordingly they are sentenced, one to be hang'd the other to be burned to death, at Plimouth afore- said upon the 30 of this instant March 1676. B.O. A -Ito tract of foiu- leaves : ou the last page are two rude wood-cuts of the burning and hanging. HELL Open'd, or the Infernal Sin of Murther Punished. Being a True Relation of the Poysoning of a whole Family in Plymouth, &c. By J. Q. (John Quicke,) Minister of the Gospel. Prontispiece. London, 1676, B. STRANGE News from Plymouth : or a wonderful and tragical Re- lation of a Voyage from the Indies : where by extraordinary Hardships, and extremeties of the late great Prosts, several of the Seamen and others, miserably perished : and, for want of provision, cast Lots for 40 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. their Lives, and were forced to cat one another : and how a Dutch mer- chant eat part of his own Children and then murdered liimself because he would not kill Ms Wife : With the miraculous preservation of George Carpinger an English Seaman, and the Dutch merchant's Wife, now ashore at Plymouth. In a Letter to Mr. D. B. of London, Merchant. 4to. London, 1684. B.M. THE Poysoners Eewarded, or The Most barbarous of Murthers de- tected and Published, containing a sad and lamentable account of the most treacherous poysoning a whole Family at Plymouth in the county of Devon. By the means of one Philippa Gary a Nurse, and Ann Evans a Maid-servant in the house, of which poysoning, two died. &c. (London) 1687. B.M. TO the Hon. The Commons of England — Capt. George St. Loo his proceedings against Eobert Gaselee, Storekeeper of H. M. Dockyard near Plymouth. Pol. 7 Jan. 1698. THE Case of Eichard Strode, Esq. — concerning the Lambhay at Plymouth. Pol. No date. AN Act for vesting certain Lands and Tenements lying contiguous to the Citadel of Plymouth, being the Estate of WilUam Strode, an In- fant, in Trustees, in order to sell and convey the same to or for the use of His Majesty. 7 Geo. IL Pol. 1734. AN Act relative to a Lease of Ground for the Improvement of His Majesty's Dock Yard at Plymouth. 1766. AN Act for Building a Chapel at Plymouth Dock in the parish of Stoke Damarell, co. Devon. 1768 — 9. AN Act for Eebuilding the Chapel of East Stonehouse in the county of Devon. 1787. MEMOIEES Secrets dc Eobert Comte dc Parades. Paris, 1789. B.M. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 41 SECRET Memoirs of Eoberfc Count de Parades written by himself on coming out of the Bastille^ &c., lye, with the real causes of the failure of the Expedition against Plymouth in 1779. London, 1791. P. AN Act enabling George Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and Reginald Pole Carew, Esq., to establish and maintain a common Ferry across the river Tamar between Plymouth Dock and Tor Point. 1790. REPORTS of three Committees appointed by the Guardians of the Poor's portion to investigate the Accounts of the Plymouth Workhouse, &c. Plymouth, 1791. A SERMON preached April 37, 1791, at the opening of the New Chapel in George Street, Plymouth Dock, by Joshua Toulmin. 1791. P. A STATEMENT of Facts, with some observations, relative to the opposition which was made last Session of Parliament, and is still con- tinued, by the Corporation of the Borough of Plymouth, to a Bill now soliciting by Mr. Thomas Bryer and Co. for supplying His Majesty's Dock Yard, the Ordnance, the Town of Plymouth Dock, and places ad- jacent, with water. 4to. October 10, 1792. PLYMOUTH DOCK. Statement of the Case of Mr. Thomas Bryer and Company. 4to. Oct. 10, 1792. AN Act for supplying the Towns of Plymouth Dock, Stoke Dama- rel, Stonehouse, and the parts adjacent, with Water. 1793. THE Plymouth Dock Guide, &c. Plymouth Dock. Another Edition. Plymouth Dock, 1796. AN Act for Building a new Chapel at Plymouth Dock, in the parish of Stoke Damarel. 1797. AN Act to enable His Majesty to grant certain parcels of Land, si- tuate between Great Prince Rock and the Village of Crabtree, called Tothil Bay and Lipson Bay, near Plymouth, to certain persons therein F 42 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. named, for the purpose of eiiibunkiug and preserving the same from the Sea. 42 Geo. :3. c. 32. 1802. A LETTER to Nir William Elford containing Observations on his Speech on the subject of the dismissal of the Officers from Plymouth Dock Yard. London, 1803. AN Act for enabling His Majesty to grant a certain Creek called Chelson Bay, otherwise Shilston Bay, in or near the parish of Plympton St. Mary, and for vesting the same, for a valuable consideration, in the Right Honourable John Lord Boringdon and his heirs. 45 Geo. 3. c. 116. 1805. PAPERS relating to the Moorings in Catwater. Plymouth, 1807. By Lord Boringdon. THE Beggar and his Benefactor : a History in which is introduced a Description of Plymouth and its beautiful Environs. By Miss M. C. Squire. 1809. MUNICIPAL Reform : or the Old Guiled all and the New Gilled all. By R. W. S. Baron. Plymouth. OUR Charter Week or the Hebdomadary Cycle of Saints Lambert and Michael. By R. W. S. Baron. Plymouth. THE Picture of Plymouth, &c. Plymouth, 1812. Compiled by Ilcniy Woollconibc, Esq. A YIEW of Plymouth Dock, Plymouth, and the adjacent Country ; being a Description of every Object in the Yicinity that can interest the Stranger or the Tourist. In two Parts. A folded Map. Plymouth Dock, 1812. THE Charter of the Borough of Plymouth and the Case of Rock against Berry in the Queen's Bench. 1712. Plymouth, 1813. L.P. TO the Mayor of Plymouth. Pol. Broadside. Plymouth, 30th Aug. 1813. A long address on the subject of disorders in the Theatre, signed " Verax." LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 43 TO the Inhabitants of Plymouth, Plymouth-Dock, and Stonehouse. Eol. Broadside. Plymouth, (1813.) A reply on the subject of the last, signed " Cui'sor." "EAGLES view the unclouded Sun." To the Mayor of Plymouth. Pol. Broadside. Plymouth, Sept. 10, 1813. A rejoinder on the same subject, signed " Verax." PLYMOUTH Exchange. — Copies of the Eesolutions of the Commit- tee. — Deed of Trust of the Associated Company, and the Declaration of the Uses of Lands bought for the purposes of the said Association. 8vo. Plymouth, 1814. REVIEW of the Mercantile, Trading and Manufacturing State, In- terests, and Capabilities of the Port of Plymouth. By WiUiam Burt. Plymouth, 1816. THE Practice of His Majesty's Court of Record of the Borough of Plymouth, with Precedents particularly applicable to its Practice, and which may easily be adapted to the use of every other Court of Record of inferior Jurisdiction. By Charles Bird, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister at Law. Royal 8vo. Plymouth, 1817. A DISCOURSE delivered on the Opening of the Plymouth Atlie- nfeum, Peb. 4, 1819. By Robert Dampen, M.A. Plymouth, 1819. BIRD on the Plymouth Water Question. A collection of Letters reprinted from a Newspaper for private circulation only. SUBSTANCE of a Statement made to the Chamber of Commerce, Plymouth, on the 3rd of Nov., 1818, concerning the Pormation of a Rail-Road from the Porest of Dartmoor to the Plymouth Lime-Quarries, with Additional Observations and a Plan of the intended Line. By Sii- Thomas Tyrwhitt. Plymouth Dock, (1819.) THE Panorama of Plymouth, &c. In two Parts. By the Rev. Samuel Rowe. Two Maps. Plymouth, (1821.) A second edition. Plymouth, (1832.) 44 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THREE Acts of Parliament of the lOtli, 12tli and 14th Geo. 3. for Paving, Lighting and AV^atching the Town of Plymouth. Plymouth, 1821. PLYMOUTH, Plymouth-Dock, Stoneliouse, Morice-Town and Stoke Directory ; with a List of Public Offices, Institutions, &c. By N. Taperell. Plymouth, 1823. THE Devonshire Union and West of England Benefit Insurance Institution, Established March 25, 1823. Plymouth, 1823. THE Tourist^s Companion. A Guide to Plymouth, Dock, Stone- house, &c. Two Maps, London, 1823. OUR Act Week, or the Hebdomadary Cycle of the New Year and St. Theodore. By R. W. S. Baron. ' Plymouth. CORRESPONDENCE between Lord Ebrington, Mr. Pendarves and Mr, T. Woollcombe relating to the Election at Devonport. AN Act relating to His Majesty's Victualhng Establishment near Plymouth. 1824. THE Violent Storm at the Port of Plymouth, on the night of the 22nd and morning of the 23rd of November, 1824. Two Plates. London, 1825. P. A TOUR round Devonport and Plymouth, &c. By John Sanford. Map and 4 Plates. Devonport, 1828. THE Plymouth and Devonport Guide : with Sketches of the sur- rounding Scenery. By Henry E. Carrington. Five Prints. Devonport, 1828. THE Tourist's Companion — in the vicinities of Plymouth, Devonport, Stouehouse, Mount Edgcumbe, Saltram, &c. Map. 4 Prints. Plymouth, (1829.) LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 45 THE Tourist's Companion; being a Guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice-Town, Stonehouse and Plymouth, &c. By John Sanford. Three Maps. 9 Prints. Devonport, 1830. THE Plymouth, Stonehouse, and Devonport Directory, &c. By Eobert Brindley, Ai'chitect and Surveyor. Map. Devonport, 1830. TRANSACTIONS of the Plymouth Institution. Map. 7 Prints. Plymouth, 1830. A FAITHFUL Statement of all the Facts and Circumstances which have recently occurred relative to the Burial-ground within the parish of Stoke Damarel. By Richard Rodd. Devonport, 1832. THE Topograph or Pedestrian's Companion, &c., within nine miles of Devonport and Plymouth. Devonport, 1833. THE Plymouth and Devonport Directory. By Thomas. Plymouth, 1836. NETTLETON'S Guide to Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport, and to the neighbouring Country, &c. By George Wightwick, Architect. 3 Maps. 11 Prints. Plymouth, 1836. THE Pubhc Buildings erected in the West of England, as designed by John Foulston. Imp. 4to. Portrait. 117 Prints and Vignette. London, 1838. This Work relates almost exclusively to Buildings erected at Plymouth and Devonport. A CORRECT Copy of the Charter of Incorporation of the Borough of Devonport, granted by Her Majesty Victoria the First. Together with a List of the &st Council elected, agreeably to its provisions, in the year 1837. To which is added an Appendix containing notes, forms, &c., relating to the Municipal Incorporations' Act. A Map of the Borough. Devonport, 1838. HEARDER'S Guide to the River Tamar, &c. Two Prints. Plymouth, 1841. 46 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Stranger's Hand-Book to the Western Metropolis, &c. — Ply- mouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, &c. By a Naval Officer. Map. Devonport, 1841. HISTOlllCAL Sketch of Plymouth.— A Lecture delivered at the Mechanics' Institute. By Courtenay C. Prance. Plymouth, 1844. BTE-LAWS passed by the Council of the Borough of Plymouth, 9th Nov. 1844. Plymouth, 1844. THE Literature and Literary Men of Plymouth, &c.; being a Lec- ture delivered in the Mechanics' Institute. By Alfred Eooker. Plymouth, 1845. ELINTOEE'S Directory and Guide Book to Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, &c. " Plymouth, (1845?) THE Acts of Parliament relating to the Workhouse and the Poor of Plymouth, of the 6th Anne, 32 Geo. 2, and 26 Geo. 3. Plymouth, 1846. MAYOES and Mayoralties : or the Annals of the Borough. By the Poet Corporate, Eobert Webb Stone Baron. Plymouth, 1846. THE Hand-Book of Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, &c. (Ex- tracted from the Eoute-Book of Devon.) Plan. Exeter, 1846. PRIZE Essay on the Supply of Eresh Water to Devonport. By Joshua Truscott. Devonport, 1847. SAILING Directions for the Port of Plymouth, Hamoaze, Catwater, and the Eddystone, &c. Plymouth. A second edition. Plymouth, 1847. IIEPOET on the Sanitary Condition of Plymouth. By the Rev. W. J. Odgers. Plymouth, 1847. A LETTER to Viscount Ebrington, M.P., on proposed modifica- tions and extensions of the Water Supply to the Borough of Plymouth, &c., by Nathaniel Beardmore, Civil Engineer. Map. Plymouth, 1848. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 47 REPORT of the Plymouth Workhouse. By Messrs. Arthur and Dwelley, Architects. Plymouth, 1849. The Stranger's Hand-Book to Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, and the River Taraar, &c. 2 Maps. 11 Prints. Devonport. Fourth edition. Devonport, 1850. A BRIEP History of the Plymouth Unitarian Congregation. By W. J. Odgers. London, 1850. NEW SaiHng Directions for Plymouth Sound, with the corrected Rates of Pilotage and a List of Pilots, including the whole navigation from the Start to the Lizard, Salcombe Harbour, Yealm, Catwater, &c. Plymouth, 1851. THE Advantages and Capabilities of the Port of Plymouth as a Packet Station, with some suggestions for its improvement. By T. Harris, C.E. Plymouth, 1851. PROPOSED Plymouth New Workhouse. The late Competition. A Letter " To the Guardians and Ratepayers of the Borough."' By Walter Damant. Plymouth, 1851. REASONS for Rebuilding the Eddystone Lighthouse. Single sheet, Pol. AN Act for Rebuilding the Eddystone Lighthouse. 1705. AN Act for explaining the Act of 1705 for Rebuilding the Eddy- stone Lighthouse. 1709. AN Act for Vesting the Estate and Interest late of Robert Cheatham, Esq., in the duties granted for maintaining a Light House on the Eddy- stone Rock, in Trustees, to raise Money to be applied towards rebuild- ing the said Light House. 1757. A NARRATIVE of the Building, and a Description of the Con- 48 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. struction of the Eddystone Lighthouse with Stone, &c. By John Smeaton, Civil Engineer, F.R.S. Imp. Pol. 23 Plates and Vignette. London, 1791. Q.C. A second edition. 1793. Another edition. London, 1813. Styled also the second in the Title-page, but without any variation of text or plates. LETTERS and Important Documents relative to the Eddystone Lighthouse, &c. By Robert Harcourt Weston, Esq. 4to. 2 Plates. London, 1811. AN Account of the Eddystone Light-House and Rocks. 2 Plates. Plymouth, 1824. AN Account of the Eddystone Lighthouse, by W. M. K. Plate. Oxford, 1825. REPORT for a Breakwater in Plymouth Sound, submitted to the Board of Admiralty, Sep. 7, 1812, &c. By Samuel Moyle, Civil En- gineer. 4to. London, 1813. A SKETCH of the Breakwater and Plymouth Sound, engraven by George Banks, Goldsmith, copperplate and seal engraver. No. 49, Fore Street, Dock. Also a Description and History of the Breakwater from its commencement to the present period. Map. Plymouth-Dock, 1819. B.M. INTERESTING Particulars relative to that great National under- taking the Breakwater now constructing in Plymouth Sound, &c. 3 Plans. Plymouth-Dock, 1820. B.M. This includes the Keport of Mr. .John Rennie and Mr. .Joseph Whidbey to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated London, 21st April, 1806. PARTICULA.RS relating to the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound. Plymouth, 1823. AN Historical Account of the Plymouth Breakwater, &c. By the Rev. S. Rowe. Chart. 2 Plates. Plymouth, (1824.) LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 49 INTERESTING Particulars relating to the Plymouth Breakwater. By Cooke. 2 Plates. 1824. A SKETCH of the Plymouth Breakwater. By Banks. Plymouth, 1824. A COMPANION to the Plymouth and Devonport National Break- water. By George Granville. A Print. Devonport, 1825. DESCRIPTION of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound, and of Bovey- sand Bay. GUIDE to the Plymouth Breakwater, &c. By J. Claringbull. 2 Maps, 4 Prints. Devonport, 1840. A DESCRIPTION of the Plymouth Breakwater, &c. Plan and Section. Plymouth, 1847. AN Historical, Practical, and Theoretical Account of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound. By Sir John Rennie, P.R.S., &c., President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Atlas fol. Portrait and 25 Plates. London, 1848. B.M. COTTAGE Scenes during the Cholera. Being Extracts from a Di- ary written in July and August, 1832. By the Rev. W. J. Coppard, M.A., Incumbent of Plympton St. Mary. 2 Prints. London, 1848. CATALOGUE of the Pictures, Casts, and Busts, belonging to the Earl of Morley at Saltram. Plymouth, 1819. P. SAMPEORD Ghost. A Plain and Authentic Narrative of those extraordinary occurrences, &c. By the Rev. C. Colton, M.A., Reg. Col. Soc. Tiverton, (1810.) P. SAMPEORD Ghost. Stubborn Pacts against Vague Assertions: being an Appendix to a Plain and Authentic Narrative, &c. By the Rev. C. Colton, M.A., Col. Reg. Soc. Tiverton, (1810.) P. SAMPEORD Ghost ! Pacts attested and dehvered to the Public G 50 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS, relative to tliose extraordinary occurrences, &c., as attested by the Rev, C. Colton. A rude cut. London, (No date.) P. SAMPFORD Ghost!!! A Full Account of the Conspiracy at Sampford Peverell near Tiverton : containing the Particulars of the pre- tended Visitations of the Monster — the Affidavit of the Eev. C. Colton and the circumstances connected with the detection of the Plot, as de- tailed in the various Numbers of the Taunton Courier. Taunton, (1810.) P. THE Beauties of Shute, &c., with a Biographical Account of the Family of Pole. By D. Mc Nee Stirling. Exeter, 1834. P. THE Beauties of Sidmouth Displayed, &c. Folding plate. Sidmouth, 1810. AN Epitome of the Public Charities of the Parish of Sidmouth, ex- tracted from the Commissioners' Report. Sidmouth, 1829. A NEW Guide, descriptive of the Beauties of Sidmouth, &c., inter- spersed with authentic Anecdotes. By the Rev. Edmund Butcher. Exeter, (No date.) Four editions. A DESCRIPTIYE Sketch of Sidmouth, comprising its ancient and modern History, &c. By Theodore H. Mogridge, Esq., M.D. Map and Tide Table. Sidmouth, (1840 ?) THE Tourists and Visitor's Hand-Book to Sidmouth and its neighbourhood, &c. London, (1845.) HARVEY'S Guide to Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth, the villa ornee of T. L. Fish, Esq. Sidmouth, (No date.) THE South East of Devon — Sidmouth, Exmouth, Budleigh-Salter- ton. The Landslip, Honiton, Ottery St. Mary, Topsham, &c. (Extract- ed from the Route Book of Devon.) Exeler, 1846. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 51 A NARRATIVE of the Demon of Spraiton. In a Letter from a Person of Quality in the County of Devon, to a Gentleman in London, with a Relation of an Apparition or Spectrum of an Ancient Gentleman of Devon who often appeared to his Son's Servant. With the strange Actions and Discourses happening between them at divers times. As likewise, The Daemon of an Ancient Woman, Wife of the Gentleman aforesaid. With unparalell'd Varieties of strange Exploits performed by her : Attested under the Hands of the said Person of Quahty, and likewise a Reverend Divine of the said County. With Reflections on Drollery and Atheism, and a Word J;o those that deny the Existence of Spirits. 4to. London, 1683. B.M. A CATALOGUE of the Library at Stevenstone, North Devon. 4to. Oxford, 1850. A very limited uuiuber printed for private use ouly. AN Act for discharging the Manors of Stodscomb and Holwell and other Lands in the county of Devon from ihe Trust of 150 years, made unto John Earl of Exeter, John Earl of Bridgewater, and Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke. 1662. A STRANGE Metamorphosis in Tavistock, or the Nabal-Naboth improved a Judas. Set fortli in Reply to a scurrilous Pamphlet, called Judas, &c. 4to. London, 1658. B.M. This tract and the next relate to a polemical dispute. THE Tavistocke Naboth proved Nabal : an Answer to a Narrative by Tho. Larkham in the name of the Church of Tavistocke in Devon. By E G. D P. W G. N W. W H. &c. 4to. London, 1658. B. By Francis Glanvile, Dig. Polwheele, Walt. Godbear, Nic. Watts, Wm. Hore, &c. NOTICES of Tavistock and its Abbey. By Alfred John Kempe. Illustrated with two Plates. Erom the Gentleman's Magazine for 1830. 4to. r. Of this Work only twenty copies were printed for private distribution. It has neilhcr place, date, nor publisher's name. 52 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A LETTER on tlie recent Clmrcli-Rate Contest in Tavistock. Plymouth, (1833.) By R. Slceman. AN Act for the Recovery of Small Debts within the Town of Tavis- tock and other Places in Devon and Cornwall. 3 & 4 Vict. c. 68. 1840. HOME Scenes : or Tavistock and its Vicinity. By Rachel Evans. 23 Plates. London, 1846. AN Act Altering and Amending the Acts of 13 Edward 1, and 13 Richard 2, for the Preservation of Salmon and other Pish in (he Rivers Teign, Dart, and Plym. 43 Geo. 3. c. 61. 1803. AN Act for Enlarging and Repairing the Parish Churches of East and West Teignmouth, and for authorizing the sale of Divers Heredita- ments in East and West Teignmouth, Ilsington, and High Week, in the said County. 55 Geo. 3. c. 68. 1815. A GUIDE to the Watering Places on the Coast between the Exe and the Dart, including Teignmouth, Dawlish and Torquay. In 3 parts. Coloured plates. Teignmouth, 1817,1818. THE Teignmouth, Dawlish, and Torquay Guide ; with an Account of the surrounding neighbourhood, &c. By N. T. Carrington and others. Map. Teignmouth, (1830.) AN Act for Supplying the Town of Teignmouth with Water. 6 & 7 W. 4. c. 59 1836. THE Survey of Teignmouth Harbour. By Lieut. T. A. B. Spratt. R. N. THE true lamentable Discourse of the burning of Teuerton in De- uonshire, the third day of Aprill last past about the houer of one of the Clocke in the Afternoone being Market day 1598. At what time there was consumed to ashes about the Number of 400 houses with all the LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 53 money and goods that was therein : and Fyftie persons burnt ahue through the vehemencie of the same Fyer. 4to. At London, (1598.) ^. WOFVLL NeweSj from the West-parts of England. Being the la- mentable Burning of the Towue of Teuerton, in Deuon^hire, vpon the lift of August last, 1613. Whereunto is annexed, the former burning of the aforesaid Towne, the third of Aprill 1598. 4to. Wood-cut. London, 1612. B. THE Declaration of a Congregational Church at Tiverton in Devon, against the late horrid Insurrection and Rebellion in London. 4to. 1661. P. THE Lawfulness and Use of Organs in the Christian Church assert- ed, in a Sermon preached at Tiverton in the County of Devon, on the 13 Sept. 1696, on occasion of an Organ^s being erected in that parish Chm-ch. By John Newte, M.A., Eector of Tiverton, sometime Fellow of Balliol College. 4to. Oxford, 1696. CO. A second edition, with a Dedication to Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exeter. 4to. London, 1701. B.M. A LETTEU to a Friend in the Country, concerning the Use of In- strumental Musick in the Worship of God : in Answer to Mr. Newte's Sermon preached at Tiverton in Devon, on the occasion of an Organ being erected in that parish Church. 4to. London, 1698. A DISCOURSE shewing the Duty of Honouring the Lord with our Substance, together with the Impiety of Tithe-Stealing. By John Newte, M. A., Rector of Tiverton. Portrait. London, 1711. ^.(9. A remarkable mstance of saciilege at Tiverton, is recorded in the preface. MEMOIRS and Antiquities of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, &c. Faithfully collected from the Ancient Records. By a Gentleman, Native thereof. Exeter, 1712. By Johu Bhuulell. 54 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS, RULES for the Courts held in the Hospital of Tiverton. Tiverton, 1730. AN Account of the late dreadful I'ire at Tiverton in the county of Devon : The losses sustained by the Inhabitants and others : The Con- tributions made for the Sufferers and the manner how they have been applied towards the relief of the most necessitous. With an Address of thanks to those who have already been contributors, and assurances to those who shall hereafter be so, that their charities shall be faithfully distributed according to their good intentions. By Samuel Smith, M.A., Master of the Free School, Tiverton. London, 1732. B. AN Act for the better and more easy Rebuilding of the Town of Tiverton in the County of Devon, and for determining differences touch- ing Houses and Buildings burnt down and demolished by reason of the late dreadful Fire there, and for the better preventing Dangers from Fire for the future. 1732. AN Act for making a Chapel in the Town of Tiverton in the County of Devon, a perpetual Cure, and for providing a maintenance for the Ministers who shall officiate therein. The said new Chapel made a perpetual Cure, and vested in the present four Ministers and their suc- cessors, as a Body Corporate. 1733. THE Respect due to a Church of God. A Sermon preached Octo- ber 11, 1733, at the Consecration of St. George^s Chapel in Tiverton, CO. Devon, by the Rt. Rev. Stephen, Lord Bishop of Exon. By George Baker, Prebendary of St. Peter^s in Exeter, and Chaplain to his Lord- ship. London, 1733. A SERMON preached the lltli of October, 1733, at the Consecra- tion of St. George's Chapel at Tiverton by the Bishop of Exon : by George Parker, Prebendary of St. Peter's in Exon. London, 1733. THE l^verton AVoolcombers' Defence, &c. By the Rev. W. Daddo. London, 1750. .Mr. Uaddo was J lead Master ol' Tiverton School seveutceu years, and died in 1765. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 00 This tract alludes to a dispute between the Masters and their 'Workmen -. the tormer wish- ing to prevent the latter associating in Clubs. HISTORICAL Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, &c., by Martin Dunsford, Merchant. 4to. 2 Maps, 3 Plates. Exeter, 1790. A second edition in the same year. A new edition, remodelled and continued by George Boyce. Portrait, 3 Prints. Tiverton, 1836. Issued in parts, of which three only were published. DONATIONS of Peter Blundell, and other benefactors to the Free Grammar School at Tiverton. Compiled by Benjamin Incledon, Esq. Exeter, 1792. S.C. DONATIONS of Peter Blundell (founder) and other benefactions to the Free Grammar School at Tiverton : Originally compiled by the late Benj. Incledon, Esq., &c. : now ordered by the Feoffees to be re- printed with notes and additions, &c., 29 June, 1802. 8vo. Exeter, 1804. S.C. THE Resolutions adopted by the Trustees of the Tiverton Turnpike, &c. By the Rev. John West Carew. Tiverton, 1813. CURSORY Observations on the Charters granted to the Inhabitants of Tiverton, &c. By a Friend to local jurisdiction. Tiverton, 1823. THE Charter granted to the Inhabitants of Tiverton by K. George I. &c. Exeter, (1S24.) THE Charter of Incorporation of Tiverton. 10 Geo. I. with a pre- face and notes. By G. Coles. 1824. THE Donations of Peter Blundell and other Benefactors to the Free Grammar School at Tiverton. By Benjamin Incledon, Esq. Exeter, 1826. A LETTER to the Inhabitants of T*iverton ; with an Appendix con- 56 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. taining Observations on the Hon. Spencer Perceval's Letter to the Elec- tors of Tiverton, &c. By a Friend to Local Jurisdiction. London, 183i. U.C. THE History of Tiverton, in the County of Devon. By Lieut. Col. Harding, P.G.S. 2 vols. 2 Maps, 19 Prints. Tiverton, 1845, 1847. Some copies on large paper. BLUNDELL's Free Graramar-School, Tiverton. Judgment of the Vice-Chancellor, &c. Tiverton, 1846. A TRUE and Exact Account of the Eetaking a Ship, called The Friend's Adventure of Topsham, from the French ; after She had been taken six days and they were upon the Coasts of France with it four days. When one Englishman and a Boy set upon seven Frenchmen, killed two of them, took the other five prisoners, and brouglit the Ship and them safe to England. Their Majesties' Customs of the said Ship amounted to £1000 and upwards. Performed and written by Robert Lyde, Mate of the same Ship. 4to. London, 1693. B.M. REASONS for making a Harbor or Mould in Tor-bay. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of both Houses of Parhament. By Arthur Robinson, Gent. Fol. Single page. B.M. Another edition which has at the head "A new Chart of Torbay." B.M. SKETCH of Torbay and its Environs, &c. Paington, 1848. AN Act Establishing Leases granted by Sir L. Y. Palk, Bart., of certain parts of the Manor of Tormohun, parcel of his settled Estates, and enabling him to grant Leases of other parts of the said Manor. 6 Geo. 4. c. 29. 1825. AN Act for Establishing Leases granted by George Carey, Esq., of certain Lands and Hereditaments in the Parishes of Tormohun and St. Marychurch, parcel of his settled Estates, and enabling him to grant Leases of other parts thereof. 7 Geo. 4. c. 40. 1826. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. ^1 THE Panorama of Torquay. A Guide to the Institutious, Scenery, and Antiquities of Torquay and its Vicinity. Torquay, 1830. BJI. THE Panorama of Torquay. A descriptive and historical Sketch of the District comprised between the Dart and Teign. By Octavian Blewitt. Second edition. Map, Vignette, 8 Prints, 15 Cuts. London, 1832. B. THE South of Devon. — ^Torquay, Teignmouth, Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Kingsbridge, &c.; including a Trip on the South Devon Railway. Exeter, 1846. Extracted from the Route Book of Devon. THE Torquay Guide. — The Excursions and Walks, Geology, CHmate, Botany, &c. By several literary Gentlemen. Map and 17 Prints. Three editions. Teignmouth, 1848. LEGENDS of Torquay, &c. Prontispiece. Torquay, 1850. HAND-BOOK for Torquay; or Visitor's Guide to the Town and Neighbourhood : to which is added, a Short History of Torquay, &c. Torquay, 1851. AN Act to enable the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Great Torrington to grant part of the Common to William Gallon pursuant to an agreement for that purpose. 1777. A BLAZING Starre scene in the West at Totneis in Devonshire, on the fourteenth of this instant November 1642. Wlierein is mani- fested how Master Ealph Ashley, a deboyst Cavalier, attemted to ravish a young Virgin, the Daughter of Mr. Adam Pisher, inhabiting neare the said Towne. Also how at that instant, a fearefuU Comet appeared, to the terrour and amazment of all the Country thereabouts. Likewise declaring how he persisting in his damnable attemt, was struck with a tiaming Sword which issued from the Comet, so that he dyed a fearefull example to al his fellow Cavaliers. 4to. London, 1642. JBJL SELF Murder Asserted to be a very heinous Crime; in opposition to H 58 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. all Arguments brought by the Deists to the contrary. To which is added, a Prodigy of Providence, containing The Wonderful Preserva- tion of a Woman of Totnes, who endeavour'd Jan. 25, 1707, to drown herself by leaping over the Bridge, near 20 Foot high, into the River running by that town. A story well attested, yet hardly to be paral- leird in History. With many necessary instructions how to avoid a Sin of this Nature. By John Prince, M.A. Vicar of Berry Pomeroy, in the County of Devon. London, 1709. B.M. Dedicated to Bishop Blackall. TOTNES Roads. The Case and Allegations of the Trustees of the Totnes Road Act and the Creditors on the Tolls against the Bill for a Turnpike Road from Traveller's Rest in the parish of Ashburton to the town of Newton Bushell, &c. Poh A Plan of the Roads. London, (1761?) AN Account of the Festivities at Totnes, occasioned by the return of Peace. June 22, 1814. Totnes, (1814.) P. A TRANSLATION of a Charter of Incorporation of the Borough of Totnes granted by Queen EHz''- 1596, &c. with a prefatory com- ment. Totnes, 1832. L.P. ARTICLES entered into by the Totnes Annuitant Society June 10, 1782. Totnes, 1834. RULES entered into by the Totnes third Annuitant Society. Nov. 26, 1804. Totnes, 1834. THE History of Totnes, its neighbourhood, and Berry-Pomeroy Cas- tle. Totnes. (No date.) DEED of Settlement of the Totnes Gas Company, established the 23rd day of February, 1835. Totnes, 1836. AN Act for the Recovery of Small Debts within the Town of Tot- nes, and other Places in Devon. 4 & 5 Vict. c. 80. 1841. LOCAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 59 A GRAPHIC and Historical Sketch of the Antiquities of Totnes. By WiUiam Cotton, r.S.A. Wood-cuts. 4to. London, 1850. Some copies have the coats of arms coloured. AN Act to enable Sir William Morrice, Bart., to grant to the In- cumbent of the parish Church of Werington, in the county of Devon, and his Successors, and the parishioners of the said Parish, a Piece of Ground belonging to the Capital Messuage of Werington in the said county. 1740. A SERMON preached in the Parish Church of Werrington, Devon, at the Consecration of that Church on Wednesday Sep. 7, 1743. By William Hole, M.A. Pellow of Exeter College in Oxford, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Exeter. Published by Order of His Lordship and at the desire of some Gentlemen who were present. Oxford, 1743. B.M. AN Act Authorizing the Endowment of the Curacies of Werrington and St. Giles-in-the-Heath, and the Alienation and Conveyance of the Rights of Patronage of the same Curacies respectively, to Persons who shall further endow the same. 7 & 8 Vict. c. 46. 1844. TO His Highness the Lord Protector, and to the Parliament of Eng- land. 4to. (No place or date.) B.M. This is a letter without signature, writteu apparently by a Quaker, giving a curious ac- count of Gloucester Cathedi-al. An engraved Frontispiece represents a Church, with its interior visible, struck by lightning and the congregation scattered. Beneath it is the fol- lowing inscription, " A most prodigious and fearefull Stornie of winde lightning and thiin- " der mightily defaceing Withicomb Church in Deuon burning and slayeing diverse men " and women all this in service-time on the Lord's day Oct. 21, 1638." This plate seems to have been intended for one or the other of the two foUowiug tracts, but it has not been found affixed to any copy of either of them. A TRUE Relation of those sad and lamentable Accidents which happened in and about the Parish Church of Withycombe in the Dart- moores, in Devonshire, on Sunday the 31 of October last, 1638. 4to. London, 1638. B.M. 60 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A SECOND and most exact Eelation of those sad and lamentable Accidents, whicli happened in and about the Parish Church of Wyde- combe neere the Dartmoores, in Devonshire, on Sunday the 21 of Oc- tober last, 1638. 4to. London, 1638. P. AN Act for the Commutation of Tithes in the Manor and Parish of Yarcombe. .54 Geo. 3. c. 190. 1814. POLITICAL HISTORY. HISTORICAL TEACTS, 1549 to 1690. The following list oi works relating to the County of Devon during a stormy period of our histoiy, is the result of long and diligent search through many hhraries. The investiga- tion of the catalogues alone of the more than 40,000 tracts relating to this era in the Bri- tish Museiun is, itseK, an arduous task, and after all is not entu'cly satisfactory. In many instances the titles of books, in accordance with the periphrastical taste of the times, are very wide of the infomiation contained in them, and a few leaves often embrace scraps of intelligence from several quarters of the Kingdom ; so that the historian who is in search of minute points of record, must not be content to run over a catalogue, but must be prepared to toil thi'ough a vast extent of dusty lore. The papers regular and occasional, with news real or conjectural, which appeared dming the civil war, and afterwards, till the waters of strife had subsided, were almost innumerable. Many of them are thoroughly disgusting, not only by the violent spirit of partisanship, but by the grossness of their language — " In countless myriads swarming from the press Like Egypt's insects from the mud of Nile." Specimens of more than seventy periodical news-letters have been foimd, of which some ran a course of a few years, while others perished on coming into the light of day. About forty of them bear the title of a " Mercury" of one quality or other, enough to record the wisdom, wit, and wickedness, not only of the Herald of Olympus, but of all the family. For instance, we have Mercurius Aulicus, M. Bclgicus, M. Civicus, M. Rusticns, M. Clericus, M. Poeticus, M. MUitaris, M. Melancholicus, M. Domesticus, &c., &c. ; and besides them POLITICAL HISTORY. 61 were the occasional tracts, among which the following come within our compass. CoUec- tions of such as these lie hid in great numbers among the treasures of learning and literature in the libraries of many of the Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, but in some instances they are all but inaccessible ; not only in consequence of the ancient restrictions on the time and manner of consulting the libraries, but because the tracts are not separately entered in catalogues, and have no land of reference to them. MESSAGE sent by the Kynge's Maiestie to certain of his people as- sembled in Deuonshire, Black letter. London, 1549. J.C. A COPYE of a Letter contayning certayne newes, & the articles or requestes of the Deuonshyre & Cornyshe rebelles. Black Letter. mdxHx. C.C.O. This book is of 13 leaves, not paged, and has a wood-cut of the Royal arms on the back of the title-page. It ends thus, " From a village, nygh Sainct Mary Otery, the xxvii of " JuHi. Yours euer sure. B. L. Then foUow, — " The Articles of us the Commoners of Deuonshyre and Cornwall in " diners Campes by East and West of Excettor/' Comprised in 3 leaves, and signed " By us Hmnfrey Arundell, Berry, Thomas Vnderhyll, Jhon " Sloeman, WUlyam Seygar, Chief Captaynes ; Jhon Thompson, Priest, " Henry Bray Mayer of Bodman, Henry Lee Mayer of Torriton, Eoger " Barret Prieste, the foure Gouemours of the Campes.'' THE XI daie of July Anno III Edwardi VI. A Proclamacion for the punishment of the rebeUes of Deuonshire and Comewall. Pol. London, 1549. ANNO III Edwardi VI The XII daie of July. A Proclamacion concemyng the effecte of the Kynges Maiesties Pardon geuen to the Rebelles. Pol. London, 1549. These two Proclamations have been reprinted. B.M. A VALOUROUS and PeriUous Sea-fight. Fought with three Turk- ish Ships, Pirats or men of Warre on the coast of Cornwall, (or Wes- terne Part of England) by the good Ship named the Elizabeth of Plim- 62 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. mouth, She being of the Burthen of 200 Tuns, which fight was bravely fought, on Wednesday the 1 7 of June last past, 1 640 . (By John Taylor.) A Frontispiece of a Ship. 4to. London, 1640, B.M. TO The Right Honourable the Lords and Commons in Parliament, The Humble Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Councell of the City of Exeter. Pol. Single page. 1641. B.M. No name is aflaxed to this petition, which is against the Popish Party and Bishops voting in Parliament, and for the remedy of distresses in Ireland. SOME late Occurrences in Shropshire and Devonshire. Dated Sep- tember the last. 4to. London, October 5, 1641. B.M. THE Petition of the Knights, Gentlemen and Yeomanry of the County of Devonshire, Humbly desiring That they may have an Autho- rised Power speedily to raise Armes, to suppresse the tumultuous meet- ings of Recusants, Church Papists, and other desperate and suspitious persons, which, if not timely prevented, may much endanger their peace and safety. Also that Plimouth may be dayly guarded with a Traine- Band ; Certaine priests and Jesuits being lately come over in Merchants habbit, and royally entertained by the popish faction. Together, with their humble motion concerning Bishops and Scandalous Ministers : as it was Presented to the Honourable House of Commons, January 5, 1641. 4to. London, 1642. B.M. AN Exact and True Relation how eighteene Prench and Irishmen, whose Names are set downe, were apprehended at Salt-come in Devon- shire neere Plymouth, and from thence by order of Parliament, brought up to New-Gate, on Munday the 7th March 1641, upon a suspition that they had an intention to transport victuals and munition to the Rebels in Ireland. Whereunto is added very good Newes from Ireland, brought over by the last post. 7 Mar. 1641. 4to. London, 1641 (1642). B.M. THE Protestation taken by the Commissioners of Cornwall and De- von at Stone House ncare Plymouth on the 5 of March 1642 with their Propositions, Replies, and Answers. 4to. ] 642, B.M. POLITICAL HISTORY. 63 THE Resolution of Devonshire and Cornwall and other adiojTiing Counties : with the names of the Forts and Castles given up to the King, &c. 4to. August 13, 1643. B.M. AUGUST 17, 1642. A Relation from Belfast, sent to a Friend, mentioning some late successe against the Rebels by Colonell Clotwor- thy about Mount-Joy, in the county of Tyrone, With a Letter of the Deputy Lieutenants of Devonshire to the Gentlemen of Cornwall. 4to. London, 1642. B.M. CERTAIN Information from Devon and Dorset concerning the Commission of Array. 4to. August 27, 1642. B.M. A letter from ColliimptoE signed T. M. 22 Aug. 1642. THREE Petitions presented by the Grand Inquest at the Assizes held in the Castle of Excester, in the county of Devon. The one to the Right Hon'''^- Sir Robert Foster Knight, His Majesty's Justice of Assize for his westerne Circuite, and another to the Right Hon''^®* Henry Earl of Bath. A Third to three worthy Members of the Hon'''''- House of Commons now attending the services of the Parliament in Devon. 4to. London, 1642. B.M. A DECLARATION made by the Right Hon»''«- the Earle of Bath one of His Majesties Commissioners of Array, to the whole Country of Devonshire, with their answer thereunto annexed. Also the manner how the said Earle of Bath endeavoured to put the Commission of Ar- ray in Execution, at Southmoulton in Devonshire, and how his men were driven out of the Town by the Inhabitants thereof. Whereunto is added, A true Relation of the great Battle between Prince Robert''^ and the Parhament's Forces at Worcester, with their happy Victory over his Cavaliers. 4to. London, Sept. 29 (1642.) B.M. * Robert, i. e. Rupert. A REMONSTRANCE or Declaration of the names of the Knights and Gentlemen that take part with Sir Ralph Hopton and other Dehn- quents, in Devonshire and Cornwall with the number of their Forces. 64 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Also the names of the Knights and Gentlemen that stand well affected to the ParHament. The names of those which stand for the King. Sir Charles Wray, Sir Robert Raynton, Mr. Pollard, Mr. Ingleby, Sir John Yenner, Mr. Portescue, Mr. Drake and others, in the North part of the County. Mr. Berry, Mr. Acland, and others opposers of these Malignants. Sir John Baulet, Mr. Ash, in the East part, opposed by Sir George Chudleigh, Capt. Gifford, and divers other well affected Gen- tlemen, which stand for the King and ParHament. 4to. London, Octob. 29, 1642. B.M. TO The Most Honovrable The Hovse of Peeres and the Honovrable Hovse of Commons Assembled in Parliament. The Humble Petition of the Baronets Justices and Gentlemen of the County of Devon at their Generall Sessions. Pol. Single page. 1642. B.M. No names are afced to this document, wMch is directed against Papists and the temporal jurisdiction of Prelates. A DECLARATION of the Lords and Commons to the Petition of Devonshire and Cornwall. Nov. 1st. 4to. London, 1642. B.M. BY the King. A Proclamation of His Majesties Grace Pavour and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of His Citty of Exceter. — Given at Our Court at Maydenhead, this ninth day of November in the Eighteenth yeare of our Reigne, God save the King. Pol. Single page. (1642.) B.M. Sir Geo. Chudleigh and Sir John Northcote, Baronets ; Sir Samuel Rolle and Sir Nicho- las MartyHj Knights ; are excepted by name from pardon, in this proclamation. A VIEW of the Proceedings of the Western Counties for the Paci- fication of their present troubles : as also of the Plots and purpose to disturbe the same. 4to. Printed in the yeare 1642. L.O. TRUE and loyfvll Newes from Exceter Shewing how Sir Ralph Hopton, Sir Bevil Greenvill, Avith divers of the Cornish Malignants, made their approaches thither with .5000 Horse and Poot, intending to plunder that great and rich City, and how they were manfully repulst POLITICAL HISTORY. 65 by the Valour of the Oitizens, with the losse of fifteen hundred of their Men, on Munday last being the one and twentieth of November. 4to. London, (1642.) BJL A LETTER from Exceter, sent to the Deputy Lievtenants of Som- mersetshire, subscribed, George Chudley and Nicholas Martin. Shew- ing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth, and hath taken Sir Edward Eortescue, Sir Edward Seymore and divers other Gentlemen of note, prisoners. With the Covenant entred into by the Mayor, Deputy Lievtenants and Common Councell of the City and County of Exeter. Also the true Copy of a Letter sent from BristoU, declaring the manner and means how that City was secured from the Cavaliers. 4to. London, 1642. B.M. EXCEEDING Joyfull Newes from Plymouth and Devonshii-e Sent in a Letter from the Deputy Lieutenants to the House of Commons Decemb. 8. Wherein is declared the full proceedings of the Cavaliers against the Parhament Eorces in the said county from the 4 of Decemb. to the 9, 1642. Also a full Relation of the besieging of Plymouth by the Lord Grandison, the L. Digby and Commissarie Wilmot, with 9000 men, and how they were beaten ott' by the parliament forces that were within the Town, killing about 8.50, the Lord Digbie being shot through the shoulder, with a musquet bullet. 4to. December 10, 1642. B.M. A TRUE Relation of the present Estate of Cornwall. With the true Proceedings of Captaine Pym ; who is with his Forces at Plimouth, hindering the passage of the Lord Mohoue, which with seventeen Thou- sand Cavaliers endeavoureth to joyne his Eorces with his Majesty. Whereunto is annexed severall remarkeablc passages concerning the Cavaliers behaviour, since their abode in Oxfordshire. 4to. December 10, 1642. B.M. A TRUE and Perfect Relation of a great and happy Victory Ob- tained by the Parliament's Eorces under the Command of Colonell Ru- thin over Sir Ralph llopton, and his Cavaliers, neer Plymmoulh, with I 00 ■ BTBLTOTHECA DEVON [ENSIS. the Names of the Prisoners they liave taken in the Battel), and diverse other passages of extraordinary importance. As it was sent in a Letter from the Committee at Dartmouth, directed to the Eight Honourable the Lords and others of the Committee for the safety of tlie Kingdome; and read at a Conference of both Houses of Parliament on Tuesday the 13 of December 1643. John Browne, Cler. Parliament. Subscribed unto by William E-uthyen, Alex Pym, Lovis Dicke, George Thompson, Anthony House. 4to. December 14, 1642. B.M. EEMARKABLE Passages newly received of the great overthrow of Sir Ealph Hopton and his Forces at Madburie twelve miles from Pli- mouth ; with the taking of the Higli Sherife^ prisoner, and divers others of Note, their names being here inserted. The which particulars were sent in two Letters to gentlemen of good Credit here in London. 4to. London, Decemb. 14, 1642. B.M. * Sir Edmond Fortescue. A DECLAEATION of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Par- liament Por the Protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John North- cott, Sir Samuel Eolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn in the Countie of De- von who have lately been Proclaimed Traytors by his Majestic. 20 De- cember 1G42. Pol. Single page. 1642. BJI. A VICTOEY obtained by the Inhabitants of Barnestaple against Capt"' Paulet. 4to. London Decemb. 20, 1642. B.M. THE True Copie of a Letter sent from Sir Ealph Hopton, Col. Ash- bvrnham, and Sir John Berkley, to Mr. Christopher Clarke, IMajor of the City of Excester, Por the laying downe their Armes, raysed for the Parliament, and the delivering up the City to the King. AVith the Answer which the Major returned to them. Published by command. 4to. London, 1642. B.M. THE Answer of the Deputy Ijciftcnants of Devonshire to Sir Ei- chard Hopton's Declaration. 4to. 21 Decemb. 1642. B.M. TEUE Newes from Devonshire and Corn\\all. Being a Collection POLITICAL HISTORY. 67 of severall Letters sent to the Gentlemen and Attorneyes of Lyon's-Inue in London, this weeke by the last Post, from the Western Counties of England, &c. Whereunto is annexed a Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the Protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel RoUe, and Sir Nicholas Martyn, in the county of Devon, who have lately been Proclaimed Tray- tors by his Majesty. 4to. Decemb. 31, 1642. B.M. THE Association Agreement and Protestation of the Counties of Cornwall and Devon. Jan. 5, 1643. 4to. Bristoll, 1643. THE Association, Agreement and Protestation of the Counties of Cornwall and Devon. Jan. 5, 1643. Printed by His Majesty's Com- mand. 4to. Oxford Jan. 18, 1643. L. A DECLARATION of the Lords and Commons assembled in Par- liament for the prevention of a most horrid wicked and unnatural de- signe pursued by Sir Ralph Hoptou and his adherents, Rebells and Tray- tors, in a warlike manner in Cornwall and Devon, &c. 4to. Loudon, Jan. 30, 1642. (1643.) B.M. A TRUE and Perfect Relation of the Passages in Devonshire this Weeke (24 Eeb. 1642.) How all the Devonshire Forces met at King's- Bridge, and marched to Modburie, being eight or nine thousand ; where they joyned with BastoU^ and Biddiford^s men, where they set upon Sir Ralph Hopton's Forces, and slew many of them, and tooke a thousand Armes from them. As also how the Cavalliers are forced to leave siege of Plymouth, and in their flight left three great Guns. 4to. London, 1642. (1643.) B.M. * EastoU, i. c. Bai-nstaple. A TRUE Relation of the late Victory Obtained By the Right Hon'"^- the Earl of Stanford at Phmmouth and Modbury, the 21'''- of February 1643. Being extracted out of a Letter sent by his Lordship to his Excellency at Windsor, and printed to prevent all other false Relations. Uo. 161-3. BJI. OS BIBLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. A MOST true Relation of divers notable Passages of Divine Provi- dence in the great deliverance and wonderful Victory obtained by the Parhaments Forces under the command of the Earle of Stamford in the County of Devon against the army of Cavaliers raised by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents rebels and traitours Cornish-men and others, upon Tuesday the 15 of April 1G13, &c. 4to. London, 1643. J^JL A MOST Miraculous and Happy Victory Obtained by James Chud- legh Serjeant Major Generall of the forces under Ihc E. of Stamford, against Sir Ralph Hopton and his Forces, who with 108 Horse did rout and put to flight 5000 Foot and 500 Horse, tooke divers ])risoners, arms, Ensignes, their Standard, with a Portmantell of Letters, War- rants and privy Scales, with many remarkable Passages concerning the same. As also a Letter to Sir Ralph Hopton with a Command signed C. R. written upon a silken Cloth. 4to. 29 Aprill, 1643. BJL This affair took place near Okcliampton. EXPLOITS Discovered, in a Declaration of some more proceedings of Serjeant Major Chvdley Generall of the Forces under the Earle of Stamford : against Sir Ralph Hopton. Fully relating the great over- throw given to him : as it was sent in a Letter from Exon (Aprill 29) to a man of note in London. Also a bricfe rehersall of the several! Victories, which the Enemy, (to their great discouragement) hath of late received by the Parliament Forces. 4to. London May, 2, 1643. RM. A FULL Relation of the great defeat given to the Cornish Caval- hers, by Sergeant Major Generall Chudley. Confirmed by divers Let- ters from those parts to severall Merchants in London. 4to. London May 3, 1643. B.M. THE Truth of our bad Newes from Exeter. Sent in a Letter dated May 20 1643, from a considerable man there to an eminent Merchant in London : and may serve as a Confutation of our Malignants' boast- ing, who take all advantages to discourage the wcll-airected Party. 4to. London May 24, 1643. B.M. POLITICAL HISTORY. 69 A LETTER from the Earl of Warwick relating the taking of all the Forts, and 16 Pieces of Ordnance from the Malignant Cornish Men, that had before besieged the City of Exeter. 4to. London July 29, 1643. THE Copie of a Letter sent from Exeter, by a Gent, of quality to a worthy friend of his dwelling in London Shewing how the Enemy have besieged the said City, and how they lye quartered about it : with a true Relation of a Fight between the Citizens and the Cavaliers, wherein the Citizens took 80 Prisoners from them : Moreover how the Earl of Warwick arriving at a place called Apsom,^ sent to the high Sheritle to raise the county, which he denied : Whereupon the Earl sent 3 or 4 small ships, who battered down a Fort where the Cavaliers harboured, to the ground, and slew 60 or 70 of them. Together with other re- markable matters of special! Note and consequence. 4to. London, 1643. BM. * Apsom, i. e. Topsham. This letter is subscribed, J. S. Exeter, Aug. 3, 1643. ARTICLES of Agreement between His Excellency Prince Maurice and the Earl of Stamford Vpon the dehvery of the City of Excester, the fifth of September 1643. Together with a Letter relating the Earle of Stamford's proceedings in the West. Sept. 20, 1643. 4to. London, 1643. B.M. GOOD Newes from the Traine-Bands and Auxiliaries, being a true Relation of their meeting with the Lord General's Forces : also of the raising of the Siege of Exeter, and the successful Skirmishes at Glou- cester. Sent from a Souldier there bearing date Sept. 2 and writ upon his knee without Doores, wanting House Room, lest he (loosing that opportunity) had kept his Friends from the Truth. 4to. London, 1643. STRANGE, true and lamentable Newes from Exceter and other Parts of the Western Countreyes, shewing how cruelly the resolute Ca- valiers have dealt with the Inhabitants since the departure of that Right Noble Commander the Earl of Stamford, now Sir John Berkley is chief 70 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Governor of Exceter, placed there by his Majesty. Testified under the Hand of William Warren, Citizen of London, living in Thread Needle Street, an Eye-Witnesse thereof. 4to. London, 1643. B.M. Ou the Title-page is a cut representing a Female kneeling over a label with the word " Devonshire : " another label fi'om her mouth on which is inscribed the 21st verse of the 19th chapter of Job. On the reverse of page 17 is a wood-cut of a man being flogged, con- tined against a post. A LETTER from Plymouth concerning the late Occurrances and Affaires of that place. Directed to Captaine Joseph Yaughan in Lon- don and received Novemb. 2, 1643. 4to. London Novemb. 4, 1643. B.M. THE Copie of a Letter, Sent from the Commander in Chiefe of the Town and Port of Plymovth to the Honourble Mr. Lenthall Esq Speak- er of the House of Commons : concerning the late great fight at Mount Stanford. Together with a true Relation of the Persons there killed ; and what condition the said Towne and Port now are in. Also a Copie of the Vow and Covenant, which all the Deputy Lieutenants Comman- ders, Townesmen, and Souldiers took, to live and dye in defence of the said Town. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Letter and Protestation be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Pari. D. Com. 4to. London Novemb, 19, 1643. B.M. AN Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parhament Eor and concerning one Tenth part more of Customes and Subsidies to be paid according to this Ordinance : Eor the Defence of the Towns and Ports of Plymouth, the Isle of St. Nicholas, the Towns of Poole and Lyme, and places near adjacent. Ordered by the Commons assem- bled in Parliament to be printed. 4to. Novemb. 20, 1643. B.M. A TRUE Relation of the Proceedings of the Cornish Forces under the command of the Lord Molmne and Sir Ralph Hopton, Wherein is contained a List of the Commanders in Chiefe, the Colonels, Lievte- nant Colonels, Serjeant Majors, and Captains, with the Totall of their POLITICAL HISTORY. 71 Strength and Garrison townes. Also the names of those Delinquents that have left their habitations in that county to follow the army. 4to. London, 1648. (1644.) B.M. A PAMOUS Victory Obtained before the City of Exeter, on Sun- day January 1, by Captaine Pym, Against Sir Ralph Ilopton, and the Cornish Cavahers where after foure houres fight, he obtained a glorious Victory, and slew above a thousand of the Cavaliers and tooke 88 Pri- soners, and seven pieces of Ordnance with the losse of a hundred men at the most. Being the Copie of a Letter, sent from Lievetenant Hy- word to his worthy Friend inhabiting in the Citie of London. Bearing date January 2, 1643. 4to. January 6, 1643. (1644.) B.M. GOOD Newes from Plymouth : being a True Relation of the Death of Sir Ralph Hopton and many of His Commanders, who by treachery sought to surprise the good Towne of Plymouth. Pol. London 20 Peb. 1643. (1644.) A TRUE Relation of the Siege of Plymouth. 4to. London, 1643. B.M. AN Authentic Narrative of the Siege of Plymouth, by the Royalist Troops in the year 1643 with a Notice of the Fortifications of the Town at that period, &c. Plymouth, 1843. JOYPULL Newes from Phmouth. Being an exact Relation of a great Victory obtained against the Cornish Cavaliers, by the Parlia- ment's Forces in those parts, also a wonderfull Token of God's mercy to the Parliament's Forces, for during the Fight, the Lord sent Fire from Heaven, so that the Cavaliers Powder in their Bandaliers, Flasks and Muskets took Fire, by which Meanes they hurt and slew each other to the Wonder and Amazement of the Parliaments Forces. Pubhshed at the request of some persons of Eminencie, which were partakers of this wonderful mercy and mighty deliverance. Whereunto is annexed 72 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. au Abstract of severall letters, sent from severall parts of the Kingdome to good liands in the City, containing many worthy particulars. 4to. London, 1643. B.M. A DECLARATION Published in the County of Devon. By that Grand Ambo-dexter, Sir George Chudleigh Baronet, To delude his country-men in their Judgement and affections, touching the present differences between his Majestic and the Parliament. Together with a full and satisfactory Answer thereunto, transmitted from thence under the Hand of a Judicious and well affected Patriot. Printed according to Order. 4to. London, 1644. B.M. THE Association Agreement and Protestation of the Counties of So- merset Dorset Cornwall and Devon. Printed by His Majesty's Com- mand at the Desire of the Lords and Commons of Parliament at Oxford. 4to. 1644. L.O. ORDER of the Lords and Commons in Parliament 10 March 1644. (that the Collections on the generaU Thanksgiving day, the 12 of March, be employed for the relief of Widows, maimed Soldiers, and other poor, in the Towns of Plymouth, Weymouth and Melcomb) Signed Jo. Brown, Cleric, H. Elsynge Cler. Pari. D. Com. Pol Single page. B.M. A TRUE Narration of the most observable Passages in and at the late Seige of Plymouth from the 15 day of Sept. 1643, untill the twen- ty fift of December following. Attested from thence under the hands of most credible Persons : wherein is manifested to the World the han- dy-work of God and his gi-acious assistance to the United Forces of that Towne and Garrison. Together with an exact Map and Description of the Town and Fortifications thereof; with the approaclies of the Ene- mie. As also the Summons of the Cavaliers to the Major and Gover- nour of the said Towne. And Prince Maurice his Warrant to tlie Countrey since the raising of the Seige. 4to. Folding Map. Lontlon, 1614. B.iU. POLITICAL HISTORY. 73 A CONTINVATION of the Trve Narration of the most observable Passages in and about Plymouth, from January 26, 1643, till this pre- sent : Wherein you may observe how the Lord doth allwaies work for that poore and remote Garrison. Together with The Letter of Sir Richard Greenvile with the Answer to it, as also the burning of a booke inclosed in his Letter, by the hand of the Hangman, the Book being in- tituled " The Iniquity of the Covenant. With the discovery of a shee " Traytor together with the Articles prooved on Oath against Her at a " Councell of Warre.^' Pubhshed by Authoritie. 4to. London, May 10, 1644. B.M. A RELATION of the great Victories and Successes of the Garrison of Plymouth, since the last account, given you in the Continuation of the true Narration, May 10. Truly expressed from thence in two seve- ral! Ijetters, the one from Leivetenant Collonell Martin, Commander in Chiefe there, to a Priend of his in London. The other by a Captaine there, to a worthy Minister of this Citie. 4to. London, June 4, 1644. B.M. AN Exact and True Relation in Relieving the resolute Garrison of Lyme in Dorsetshire, By the Right Honourable Robert Earle of War- wicke, Lord High Admirall of England Beseiged by Prince Maurice, the Lord Inchiquin and his Irish Rogues, together with the Lord Paw- let. As also the particular passages in many gallant Sallyes and as- saults betwixt the Enemy and themselves, with the brave courage of many female Souldiers : As also the taking two sliips of great value, that were commiug to relieve the enemy : and the present condition in which the Town at this instant is, with other remarkable News from Exceter. As it was sent by a speciall and faithfull hand, from His Majestie's Ship called the lames riding now at Anchor before Lyme Dated June the first. 4to. June 10, 1644. B.M. A LETTER from the Right Hon'^'^- Robert Earle of Warwicke, Lord High Admirall of England, to the Speaker of the House of Peeres. Witli an exact Diurnall of all the most speciall and remarkable passacres K 74 BIBLIOTHRCA DEVONIENSIS. ■which have liapncd during tlie Siege of Lyme in Dorsetshire by Pr. Maurice his Forces, from the 21 of February to the present. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament to be printed. 4to. London June 11, 1644. B.M. A LETTER sent from the Right Honorable Robert Earl of War- wick to the Right Honorable the Speaker to the House of Peers ; con- cerning the present state and condition with the manner of the Raising of the Siege of Lyme : with a Relation of divers other remarkable pas- sages, concerning the Queen, the Prince, and the Lord Hopton, with the delivering up of Weymouth to the ParHament. Printed according to order. 4to. June 18, 1644. B.M. A LETTER by The Lord GeneraFs direction from CoUonell Carre Governour of Plimouth, to the Lord Admirall. Also good News from Ireland, &c. 4to. London August .5, 1644. B.M. AN Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parharaent, For the Associating the Counties of Wilt^, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, and the Cities of Bristoll and Exeter, and the Town and Coun- ty of Poole. And for putting of them into a Posture of Defence. 20 Aug. 1644. 4to. August 22, (1644.) B.M. HIS Majestie^s most earnest and sincere desire for Peace. Express- ed in two most gracious Messages to the Lords and Commons of Parliament. The first from Evesham July 4, 1644, and the second from Tavestock Sept. 8, 1644, since the victory over the Earle of Essex. 4to. Oxford, 1644. L.O. A NARRATIVE of the Affairs of the West since the Defeat of the Earl of Essex, &c. By Sir R. Grenville. 4to. 1644. A TRUE Relation of the sad Passages between the two Armies in the West, shewing the perfidious Breach of Articles by the kiug^s Par- tie, their horrid cruelties offered to the Lord GcncralFs Souldiers in their march from Foy : as it is certified by severall Letters under the POLtoCAL HISTORY. 75 liaucis of judicious Godly meuj commanders in the Army, who were themselves eye-witnesses and present sufferers in all the cruelties herein expressed. Published by G. S. 4to. London, Oct. 2, 1644. JF.O. This tract relates events about Plymouth and Okehampton. THE Saints Support in these sad Times, Delivered in a Sermon at Tiverton in Devonshire, in the time his Excellencie^s Army raised for King and Parliament quartered there ; by Tho. Palmer, Minister to the jjQj^bie. jyXajor Generall Skippon^s Regiment. 4to. London, 1644. B.M. THEEE Severall Letters of great Importance. The First containing the brave Exploits of the Lyme Men at Axmister in Devonshire ; To- gether with a perfect List of the number of Prisoners, Ordnance, Armes, and Ammunition taken there. The Second, (relating to Ireland). The Third, (relating to Monmouth). 4to. London Decemb. 6, 1644. BJL A PETITION to his Maiesty : Of the three revolting Counties in the West, Wilts, Somerset and Devon. With the Cause and reason, and how they intended to spend their last blood in his Majestie's cause. Also their resolution to defend themselves with their swords, except His Majesty returnes to his Parliament at Westminster. Pubhshed by Authority. 4to. London, 1645. B.M. A COPY of a Petition commended to the Peacemaking Association in the West, by Col'- Blake and CoP- Pyne to be subscribed and pre- sented by them to Sir Thomas Fairfax. Instead of subscription, they returned this brief and moderate answer, &c. 4to. Exeter, 1645. B.3I. SIR Thomas Fairfax's Account of the Taking of Sherborne Castle, with a List of the Ordnance, Prisoners, &c. Also the Oath taken by the Inhabitants of Exeter. 4to. London, 1645. A TRVE Relation of A Brave Defeat given by the Forces in Pli- 76 BIBLIOTilECA DEVONIENSIS. mouth to Skcllum^ Greenvile, on Tuesday the eighteenth of Febru- ary 1644. Written thence by a sure Hand to a speciall friend in Lon- don, and confirmed by many that were eye-witnesses of the same. With tlie taking of one Lieutenant Colonell, one Major, foure Captaines, foure Lieutenants, two Ensignes, 92 common Souldiers : There were also taken about 300 Armes, good store of Mattocks, Shovels and Paggots. Pubhshed according to Order. 4to. London, 1645. B.M. * Skellum. Tliis opprobious term, derived from tlie German " Schelme," a scoundrel, and now obsolete, was commonly applied to Sir Ilicbard Grenvillc in cousecpience of a pro- clamation against him by the Parliament, in which he was designated "traytor, rogue, vil- lain and skellum." Burns has the term in " Tam o'Shanter," — " She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum." A DEFEAT given by the Plyrnmouth Forces to Sir Eichard Green- vill att Mount Stamford. March 1. 4to. London, 1644. (1645.) B.M. A RELATION of the Proceedings of Sir Thomas Fairfax from July 6th to July 11th. 4to. London, July 14, 1645. B.M. GEORGE Lord Goring Generall of all His Majesty's Forces of Horse that are or shall be raised in the kingdom of England and Do- minion of Wales and Lieut. Generall to His Highnesse Prince Rupert of the Western Army. Fol. Single sheet. Exon 20 Sept. 1645. B.M. An address to the Inhabitants of Devon and Somerset. THE Taking of Tiverton, with the Castle, Church and Fort, by Sir Thomas Fairfax on the Lord's dale Oct. 19, 1645, with the Prisoners taken. With several Defeats to Goring by His Excellencie. 4to. London, 1645. A LETTER sent to the Hon'"^- W™- Lenthal Esquire Speaker of the llon'''*^- House of Commons, concerning the miraculous taking of Tiverton Castle with the Church. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament to be printed. Fol. Single page. London October 23, 1645. B.3L GENERALL Fairfax's Letter to the honorable William Lenthall Esquire Speaker of the Hon**'*- House of Commons concerning the POLITICAL HISTORY. 77 storming and taking of Tiverton Castle and Church. Together with a perfect List of the Commanders and Souldiers that were taken Prison- ers. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament to be printed. 4to. London, Octob. 25, 1645. B.M. A TRUE Relation of the Routing of the Lord Generall George Digby by Sir John Browne, by an Expresse from Devon. 4to. London, Nov. 3, 1645. B.M. BY His Highnesse the Prince of Great Brittain, Duke of Cornwall and Albany, Highest Captain Generall of all His Majesties Forces raised and to be raised within the kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick, &c. A Proclamation for all Persons within Our Quarters in the County of Devon able to bear Arms not being otherwise imployed by His Highnesse or dispenced withall, to attend his High- nesse now advancing in Person to meet the Rebels. As Also For a Generall Supphcation to be made in all Churches of Devon and Exeter, on Sunday the 4 of January, for God's blessing on His Highnesse and his Forces. Given at our Court at Tavistoke the 39 of Decemb. 1645 Charles. P. By his Highnesse Command in Councell. Rich. Fanshawe. Imprinted at Exeter by Rob. Barker and John Bill. Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. Fol. Single page. 1645. B.M. SIR John Digby's Letter to Colonel Kerr, Governour of Plymovth, perswading him to betray his Trust, and deliver up the Town and Forts of Plymouth to the King's Party. Together with Colonel Kerr's An- swer. Wherein is exprest his faithfull Resolution in keeping the Trust he hath undertaken. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. 4to. London, Jan. 2, 1645. (1646.) B.M. A TRUE Relation of the Fight at Bovy-Tracy between the Parlia- ment's Forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and three Regiments of the King's Horse ; Wherein were taken Four Hundred Horse and several Horse-colours, with divers Officers and Souldiers. As it was sent in two Letters, the one to the Hon'''*- William Lenthal Esq. Speaker to the Hon'''*' House of Commons, the other to the Honored 78 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Edm. Prideaux Esq a Member of the said House. Ordered by the Commons assembled iu Parliament to be printed. 4to. Loudon, January 15, 1645. (]646.) B.M. AN Ordinance for Comittees to apprehend such of Sir Thomas Pair- fax his Souldiers as runne away from their Colours. January 16. 4to. London, 1645. (1646.) B.M. THE Parliament's severall late Victories in the West, obtained by Sir Thomas Fairfax's Army : As it was certified by several Letters sent unto the House of Commons, and read in the said House. Together with a List of the several Prisoners taken, and the number of Men and Horse. Ordered by the Commons assembled iu Parliament to be printed. 4to. London, January 21, 1645. (1646.) B.M. A PULL and Exact Relation of the Storming and Taking of Dart- mouth, with above Pive hundred Prisoners, Sixty peece of Ordnance great store of Ammunition and Ships belonging to the said Town. As it was sent to the Honble WilHam Lenthal Esq. Speaker of the Hoilble House of Commons. Together with an Order of both Houses of Par- liament for Thursday come Portnight to be a day of Thanksgiving within the Lines of Communication, and ten miles about : and Thurs- day come three weeks in all other places in the Countrey- Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament to be printed. 4to. Loudon Januar. 23, 1645. (1646.) B.M. SIR Thomas Fairfax. Letter to Both Houses of Parliament : more exactly and fully relating the Storming and Taking of Dartmouth with the Castle, Ports, Officers in Chief, and Souldiers therein. Sent by Mr. Peters. Ordered by the House of Commons assembled in Parliament to be printed. 4to. London, January 24, 1645. (1646.) B.M. MR. PETERS Message Delivered in Both Houses. To the Lords and Commons in Parliament: from Sir Thomas Fairfax. With the Narration of th(3 taking of Dartmouth. And a List of the Names of the Chief Officers and Gentlemen, and the Cullers, Arms, Ordnance, POLITICAL HISTORY, 79 Powder and other Ammunition and purchase : and the severall Victo- ries of the Army, and their scattering of the Enemy to' severall places : With other proceedings concerning Prince Charles and other passages of great concernment. This Narration of Mr. Hugh Peters, Minister of God's Word, commanded to be printed, is published according to'Or- der, to prevent false Copies. 4to. London, 1646. B.M. SIR Thomas Fairfax's Letter to both Houses of Parliament more exactly and fully relating the Storming and taking of Dartmouth. With the Castles, Ports, Officers in Chief and Soldiers therein : sent by Mr. Peters ; Together with a List of the names of the several Commanders Officers and Soldiers taken in the said Town, Castle and Ports. Jan. 20. 1645. (1646.) Dartmouth. Printed from the original printed copy. (No date.) SIR Thomas Fairfax's Proceedings about the Storming of Exeter : the Majors House taken, and four Companies of Foot put into it. A Bridge made over at Apsom.^ The Prince's Horse forced back towards Barnstable. A Major, and divers Prisoners and Horse taken. Nine of Gorings Life-Guard, and many others brought in. Fifty Souldiers ran away out of one Regiment; and all those raised by the Posse gone home ; and the Prince and his Forces flying further into Cornwall : and one piece of Ordnance left at the Prince's Quarters at Launceston, with the state of the whole accompt of the West. In a Letter brought to the Hon^'^- Wilham Lenthal Esq Speaker of the Hon^'^- House of Commons, commanded to be printed. 4to. London, Feb. 9, 1645. (1646.) B.M. * x\psoin, i. c. Topshain. POWTHERAM Castle at Exeter. Taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax : in which was the Governour, a Major, and 120 Inferiour Officers and common Souldiers, 5 Barrels of Gunpowder taken, with great stove of Match and Bullet, and all the Prince's Arms and Ammunition therein. Sir Richard Greenvil taken Prisoner at Langsdown in Cornwall and Tothill Horse'^ taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax. Also forty horse taken * Qy. House. 80 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. in persuit of the Enemy. With the Lord Wentworth's Letter, and a Copy of the Scout-Master General's Letter : and other Letters taken that were sent from Prince Charles unto the King. Commanded to be printed and is published according to order. 4to. London, 1646. B.M. A FAMOUS Victorie obtained by Sir Thomas Fairfax against the Lord Hopton, and the Prince his Army at Torrington in the West. 3000 Armes taken, 50 Colonels, Majors, Captains and other Officers, 1700 Common Souldiers, 150 Horse, 100 Barrels of Powder. The Magazine and all the Enemies Bag and Baggage. Two Trunks of the Lord Hopton's Plate and Money taken. The Lord Hopton, The Lord Wentworth, Sir John Digby, Major General Harris, and others fled, and the manner of the pursuit. Torrington Church blown up, and the great danger his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax escaped. There was also in the said Church one hundred Barrels of Powder, and one hundred and forty of the Enemie's Officers and Souldiers, which were all destroyed in the said place. Certified by Letters to the Speaker of the House of Commons on Thursday last, the 19th of this instant Fe- bruary, and the Heads thereof published in severall Churches about London. 4to. London February 20, 1646. B.M. A TRUE Relation concerning the late Fight at Torrington, between the Forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Forces under the command of the Lord Hopton and others. Sent in a Letter to the Hon^'«- WilHam Lenthal Esq Speaker of the Hon'''^- House of Commons and by him appointed to be printed. 4to. London Feb. 20, 1645. (1646.) B.M. A FULLER Relation of Sir Thomas Fairfax's Rovting all the King's Armies in the West, under Prince Charles, the Lord Hopton, the Lord Goring, and all the rest at Torrington : With the manner of the Fight, and the number Kill'd and taken on both sides. As also The blowing up of Torrington Church : Hopton's Horse shot under him ; and the great dangers his Excellency escaped during the Fight. With Copies POLITICAL HISTORY. 81 of Letters to Members of the House of ( "onnnonSj and from Scoutmas- ter-General's quarters. Witli a List of all the particulars since the coming of the former Letter. Commanded to be Printed and are Pub- lished according to Order to prevent all false Copies. 4.to. London Febr. 21, 1645. (1616.) B.M. SIR Thomas Fairfax's Letter to the Hon'''''- William Lenthal Esq. Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, concerning all the Pas- sages of his Army since his advance from Exeter, and the manner of Routing the Prince's and the Lord Hopton's Forces at Torrington. To- gether with all the particulars in that Expedition. Also another Letter from a Gentleman of quality, of the whole Passages of this great Vic- tory. Both which were read in the House of Commons. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament to be printed, &c. 4to. London, Feb. 24, 1645. (1646.) B.WL THE Discovery of the wonderfull preservation of his Excellencie Sir Thomas Fairfax, the Army, the Records of the Town, the Library, and blessed Bible under the hands of the Major, Aldermen, Capt. and Schoolmaster of Torrington in Devon. In an Epistle to his Excellency, (and also in the end of a Book entituled Man's Badnesse and God's Goodnesse : or. Some Gospel Truths laid down, vindicated, and explain- ed) by his Excellencie's speciall Command. Never printed heretofore by any. By John Heydon Minister of the Gospel. A Portrait "Vera et viua Effigies Johanis Heydon. Nat. 1629.'' London, 1647. B.M. A MORE Fvll Relation of the continved Svccesses of His Excel- lency Sir Thomas Fairfax, at, and since the Routing of the Enemies Forces at Torrington. With a punctuall and perfect List of the Names of the chiefe Commanders, Officers and common Souldiers, killed, wounded and taken in the fight and pursuit. The taking of two Ships, 10 Pieces of Ordnance, 500 Tun of Salt and other provisions, bound for Barnstable and entended for the Reliefe of Exeter; With the resolu- tion and proceedings of our Army, for a present assault against Barn- L ^'^ BIBLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. stable. Also iutercepted Letters from rrance, &c. and the surprisall of Cavdiffe, kc. 4to. London, 1G45. (1646.) SJL MAN'S badne^ and God's goodnes, or some Gospel truth's laid down, explained and vindicated, &c. by John Heydon, Minister of the Gospel. The third Impression revised, amended, enlarged, and licensed by Mr. John Downehara, and entered in the Hall, according to order. Together with a discovery of the wonderfull preservation of his Excel- lency Sir Thos. FairfaXj the Army, the Records, the blessed Bible, and the Library of the Town, attested by the Mayor, Aldermen, Capt. White, and Mr. Semor, Schoolmaster of Torrington in Devon. By his Excel- lencies appointment. Lond. 1647. B.M. MASTER Peter's Messuage from Sir Thomas Fairfax. Delivered in both Houses of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled : AYith the whole state of the West, and all the particulars about the dis- banding of the Prince's and Sir Ralph Hopton's Army. Also the totall routiftg of Sir Jacob Ashley himselfe, and 1500 taken prisoners, their Carriages and Ammunition also taken by Colonell Morgan and Sir Wil- liam Brereton. Commanded to be printed at the desire of divers Mem- bers of Parliament and published according to order. 4to. London, 22 March, 1645. (1646.) CO. TWO Letters sent to the Hon*''^- William Lenthal, Esq. Speaker of the Hon'''^* House of Commons, concerning the Total Disbanding of Sir Ralph Hopton's Army in Cornwal and Sir Thomas Fairfax his Advance towards Execter. Appointed by the Ilon^^''- W. Lenthal, Esq. Speak- er of the Hon''''^- House of Commons, to be printed and published. 4to. London, March 27, 1646. BJL ORDER of the Commons in Parliament — Die Sabbathi 7 Martii, 1645. Whereas Thursday next is appointed for a day of Publique Thanksgiving for the great mercy of God in giving successe to the Par- liament's Eorccs against the Enemy at Torrington in Devonshire : &c. It is thereupon ordered That the respective ]\fiiiisl('rs within the Limits POLITICAL UISTOIIY. ^ 83 where the said day of Thanksgiving is ajjpointed to be observed and -kept; do make mention of tliese sevefall mercies and successes, and stirre up the People to a due thankfulnesse for the same, &c. Fol. Single page. London. 1645. (1646.) BJL SIR Thomas Fairfax his Victorious proceedings in the taking of Launceston with the Magazine and Armes. The Enemy driven from Taverton-bridge and the rest of their passages upon Tamar, three hun- dred Horse taken, and Major Generall Webb routed, and the Enemy fled and dispersed to severall parts in Cornwall. With a List of the particulars thereof. Also how Prince Rupert entred Abbington, &c. 4to. London 4 March, 1645. (1646.) B.M. COLONELL Welden^s Taking of Inch-House nee.re Plimouth: foure piece of Ordnance taken there, with the number of the Armes, and all their Bag and Baggage. Together with the Articles of Conditions, and a List of the Names of the Chiefe of the Lords, Knights and Colo- nells of the Prince's Army disbanded in the West, and to what places they are severally dispersed. Also, Sir Thomas Fairfaxes advance against Exeter and Barnsable to take them in for the Parliament. Printed by the Originall Papers, and published according to Order of Parliament. 4to. London 30 March, 1646. BJL A LETTER Written by Su' Richard Greuvill (under his own hand) To an Honorable Person in the City of London concerning the Aflairs of the West. Published by Authority. 4to. London April 17, 1646. B.M. THE Treatie for the Surrendring of Exeter to Sir Thomas Fairfax by Commissioners on both sides, who met at Poltimore House on Friday last, and how farre they proceeded therein, with other news from the Prince and divers others of his Lords and Gentlemen, with the Flouts and Jeeres put upon them that went over to Saint Mallowes. And other Passages of all the affaires at Barnstable, Pendennis, and the 81 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Mount. These being the true Copies of Letters Ikamined and Printed according to order ol" Parliament. 4to. London April 9, 1646. B.M. SIR Thomas Pairfaxes Letter or Summons sent to Sir John Berkley for the Surrender of the City of Exeter. With his Answer, and the transaction of the Treaty, and the Names of the Commissioners on both sides. As also the Summons sent unto Newark and their Answer. With the routing of 900 Oxford Horse at Paringdon : 500 Horse, pri- soners, and arms taken by the Abbington Porces. Also other News from Oxford and taking of Portland Castle by Captaine Batten. Printed by the severall originall Papers and published according to order of Parlia- ment. 4to. London 6 A])nl, 1646. B.M. THE Agreement Por the Surrender of the City of Exeter, to Sir Thomas Fairfax : With all the Ordnance, Armes and Ammunition. And a briefe of the transaction of the whole Treaty, and what is agreed about the Princes. The Letter sent by Sir Thomas Fairfaxes Trumpet- er to Prince Charles to Silly. With the Copy of the Articles for sur- render of Portland, and the taking of Ilfordcomb, a Garrison of the Enemies neere Barnstable. 4to. London 13 Aprill, 1646. B.M. A TRUE Copy of the Articles agreed on at the Surrender of Exe- ter ; Examined, perused and signed by his Excellency Sir Thomas Pair- fax. With a punctuall Relation of the sctlement and condition of that City by his Excellency. The particulars at large of the further gallant proceedings of his Exccllencic^s Army in the West, their daily motions and advance for Oxford. The surrender of St. Michaers Mount, &c. 4to. London, 1646. B.M. THE Articles of Exeter, made on the Rendition thereof. With the Vote of the Honourable House of Commons, in the approbation of them of the 6th of May, 1646. With the Order and Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled for the Approbation, Publica- tion, and Observation of them by all Committees, J udgcs, and Officers, POLITICAL HISTORY. 85 and others concerned in them, of the 4th of this instant Novemb. IG-i?. 4to. London, 1647. B.M. The Articles are " Dated at Exeter the 8 day of April at 10 of the clock at night, 1646." SEVERAL Letters to the Hon''''^- WilHam Lenthal, Esq. Speaker to the Hon**'^' House of Commons. Concerning The Gallant Proceedings of Sir Thomas Fairfax Army in the West, viz, The Surrendering of Ex- eter on this present Monday : The taking of 80 Prisoners, with the Works and Line about Pendennis Castle by Col. Hamond ; the taking of 60 Prisoners of the Mount, which is the greater part of that Garri- son ; and the probabiHty of the Delivery up of Barnstable. Also very good News from Ireland. 4to. London April 13, 1646. B.M. SIR Thomas Fairfax's Further Proceedings in the West at St. Michael's Mount Also the names of the chiefe of those that staid in Exeter, of those that went with the Princesse ; and that marched with Sir John Berkley, the manner of the Enemies marching out, and our marching in, and setling thereof. With the Proceedings against Dunster Castle, &c. 4to. London, Aprill 22, 1646. B.M. BARNSTABLE agreed to be surrendred to Sir Thomas Fairfax: with all the Ordnance, Armes, and Ammunition, and upon what tearmes ; With a Copy of seven Articles (of the chiefe of those) for sur- rendring of Exeter; and the manner of the Armye's march towards Oxford. These being true Copies of Letters examined, and Printed according to order of Parliament. 4to. London, 16 April, 1646. B.M. THE Copie of the Articles agreed on for the Surrender of Barnsta- ple. April 27. 4to. London, 1646. B.M. FOURE strong Castles taken by the Parhament's Forces : with the Copies of the Severall Ai'ticles, and Letters of the Particulars thereof. 1 Titbury Castle, &c. 2 Dunster Castle, &c. 3 The Copie of the Ar- ticles for the surrender of Barnstaple with all the Ordnance, Ammuni- tion, bag and baggage. 4 Abarastwith Castle, &c. 4to. London Aprill 27, 1646. B.M. 86 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Articles of Agreement, for the Surrender of Charles Fort, the onely considerable and remaining Garrison of the Enemie's in the West, the Castle of Pendennis excepted. Wliich Articles were agreed upon between Colonell Ralph Welden Governour of PUmmoth for the Par- liaments side, and Sir Edmund Eortescue Governor of Charles Port, Major Peirce, and Captain Hall for the other part. With the last ad- ditionall Articles sent out from the Lords of the Privy Councell, and the Governor of Oxford for the surrender of the said City and Univer- sity. 4to. London 4 June, 1646. B.M. PIVE Wonders Seene in England. Two at Barnstable, one at Kirkham, one in Cornwall, one in Little Britain in London. Li all which places whereby God's Judgements are miraculously seene upon some. Severall Miraculous Accidents have hapned to the amazement of all those that have beene eye-witnesses thereof. The second Impres- sion with additions, and Certificate from those who were eye-witnesses thereof. Published according to order. 4to. London, 1646. B.M. A Fauatical report of judgments on certain royalists. AN Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parhament for raising of £20000 a monetli for the relief of Ireland. 16 Peb. 1647. 4to. London, Peb. 24, 1646. CO. By tlis ordinance the following assessments were made : — The County of Devon the monthly sum of £1176. 8s. SJd. The County and City of Exon the monthly sum of £42. 9s. 9d. THE Copy of a Letter to His Excellency Sir Thomas Pairfax : sub- scribed by the Justices of the Peace, and Committee of Devonshire, concerning the Souldiers. And the Generall's Answer thereunto : with His Excellencie's Propositions. Also Heads of New Propositions sent from tlie Army to the Parliament. Nov. 10, 1647. 4to. London, 1647. B.3L A BEIEP Declaration of The Severall Passages in the Treaty con- cerning the Surrender of the Garrison of Lvndy. Now under the Com- mand of Tho. Bushcll, Esq. Governour thereof for His Majestic. 4to. Loudon, J 647. B.M. POLITICAL HISTORY. 87 A BRIET" Declaration of the Severall Passages in the Treaty con- cerning the Surrender of the Garrison of Lvndy, formerly commanded by Tho. Bushell, Esq ; Governour thereof for His Majestic. — Die Sab- bathi 10 Julii 1647. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parhament, That upon the delivering up of the Isle of Lundy to the Lord Viscount Say and Seal, or his Assignees, by Mr. Tho. Bushell, the Dehnquencie of the said Tho. Bushell be taken off, and all se- questration in respect thereof be discharged, and he and his Assignes restored to all such rites as he or they had or ought to have in the Mines in Devonshire, Wales, and Cornewall, and to all other his es- tates and rights whatsoever ; And that the men that were with hiui in the Island, being not Souldiers of estate and fortune, be pardoned and freed from delinquencie. H. Elsing, Cler. Par. Dom. Com. 4to. London, 1647. B.M. SIR Hardress Waller^s Clear Representation or Declaration to the Counties of Devon and Cornwall. March 14, 1648. L. THE Desires of the Countie of Surrey about the late Tumult at Westminster. The further proceedings in the county of Kent and a discouery of the intentions for securing of London Bridge. With a Letter from Excester, and the landing of some eminent persons in Corn- wall, a Rising there, and the Eorces which are gone to suppresse it. 4to. London, 1648. L. THE Declaration of the Right Hon"'^- Ralph Lord Hopton, Lifte- nant Generall of all His Majestie^s Forces designed for the West of England. To all his Majesties loving Subjects inhabiting in the severall counties of Cornwall, Devonshire, Summerset, Wilts, Bristoll, Bath and Wells, and the Counties adjacent. Prom Pl\Tnouth May 20, 1650. 4to. 1650. B.M. A GREAT and bloody Fight at Sea on Monday the 16th of August neere Plimouth, between Sir George Ayscue and the Holland Fleet. 4to. London, 1652. B.M. 88 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A TRUE Relation of the last Great Fight at Sea, July 29 and 31, between the English and the Dutch, as it was presented to the Councill of State in two Letters sent from General Monck. As also an Estimate of the Enemies Ships taken, fired, and sunk, with the Number of Pri- soners, together with what loss we sustained on our side. 4to. London, 1653. B.M. Two Letters from the Fleet at Sea, touching the late Eight : The one written by Generall Monck to the Commissioners of the Admiralty sit- ting at AVhitehall. The other by Capt. Bovrn, Captain of the Resolu- tion, to his wife. In which fight Generall Deane is killed by a great Shot, and a Dutch Adrairall blown up, and three or four of their ships sunk. 4to. London, 1653. B.M. A LETTER to His Highness the Lord Protector from Captain Un- ton Crooke, signifying the totall defeat of the Cavaliers in the West un- der the command of Sir Joseph Wagstafi'e. Published by His High- nesse special commandment. 4to. London, 1654. (1655.) B.M. Dated from South Moulton March 15, 1G54. This aud the tha-ee following articles relate to the counter revolution attempted by the Royalists in 1655. It was conducted by the Earl of Rochester in the north, and by Sir Joseph Wagstaife at Salisbury, but was veiy promptly suppressed. A SECOND Letter to His Highness the Lord Protector from Captain Unton Crooke, signifying the totall defeat of the CavaUers in the West under the command of Sir Joseph Wagstafi'e. Published by His Highness special commandment. 4to. London, 1654. (1655.) B.M. Dated Exou March 16, 1654. THE Trial of the honourable Colonel John Penruddock of Compton in Wiltshire and his Speech which he delivered the day before he was beheaded in the Castle of Exon being the 16 day of May 1655, to a gentleman whom he desired to publish them after his death. Together with his prayer upon the Scaffold, and the last Letter he received from his vertuous Lady, with his Answer to the same. Also the Speech of POLITICAL HISTOrvY. 89 that Piously-resolved Geiitlciiiau Hugh Grove of Chisenbury in the parish of Enford and couuty of Wilts Esq : beheaded there the same day. Printed by order of the gentleman interested. 4to. 1655. B.M. THE Speech of CoUonel Hugh Grove upon the ScaJi'old at Exceter on Munday last immediately before his head was severed from his Body. With his prayer a little before Death and his declaration and Protest to the People touching a Loyal Heart, a faithful Conscience, a Bloody Scaf- fold, and a Fatal Axe. Taken by an impartial Hand, and transmitted to the Press to the end it might be printed, published, and dispersed throughout the three Nations of England, Scotland and Ireland. 4to. London, 1655. BJI. THE Humble Petition of many well-affected Persons of Somerset, Wilts, and some part of Devon, Dorset and Hampshire to the Parlia- ment of llie Commonwealth of England against Tythes, together with the Parliaments answer thereunto and Resolves thereupon. Ito. London, 1659. B. A LETTER from Exeter, advertizing the State of Affairs there. Also a Letter to the Right Hon. William Lenthall, Esq. Speaker of the Parliament. Exon. Jan. 14. Eol. Single page. (1660.) BJL A LETTER of General George Monck's, Dated at Leicester 23 Jan. and directed unto Mr. Rolle to be communicated unto the rest of the Gentry of Devon : occasioned by a late Letter from the Gentry of Devon, dated at Exceter 11 Jan. and sent by Mr. Bamptield to the Speaker, to be communicated unto the Parliament. Read in Parliament Jan. 26. 4to, London, 1660. BJL A LETTER from the Gentlemen of Devon dated Jan. 28, 1659, to His Excellency General Monck, in answer to His Lordship's of Jan. 23, to them directed froiii Leicester. Single page. Eol. 1660. A LETTER to General Monck, in Answer to his of the 23rd of M 90 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Jan, directed to Mr. Rolle to be communicated to flic Gentlemen of the county of Devon. By one of the excluded Members of Parliament. Ito. London, 1659. (1660.) B.M. By Sir William Morice of Werrington. ANIMADVERSION upon Generall Monck's Letter to the Gentry of Devon. Wherein his Arguments for Anarchy are considered, and the weaknesse of his Harringtonian Principle detected. By M. W. 4to. London, 1659. (1660.) B.M. By Sir William Morice. THE Fair Dealer : or a Modest Answer to the Sober Letter of His Excellency the Lord General Monck : Being a brief Discovery of the meetest Expedient, and most Sovereign Remedy for our present Dis- tempers. By the private hand of a Gent, of Devon. Ito. London, ]659. (1660.) B.M. A EAITHEUL Remembrance and Advice to the General Council and Officers of the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ireland, from di- vers in Cornwall and Devon, in behalf of themselves and sundry hun- dreds, cordial friends to the blessed cause of Righteousness, &c. 4to. London, (4 May) 1659. B.M. AN Account of the Proceedings against the Rebels at an Assize holden at Exeter on the 14 of this Instant, September, 1685, where to the number of 26 Persons were tryed for High Treason and found guilty. As also an Account of the several Persons Names that were appointed to be executed, and the Places they are to be executed at. Pol. Single sheet. London, 1685. A TRUE and Exact Relation of the Prince of Orange his Publick Entrance into Exeter. Pol. Single sheet. (1688.) B. Reprinted in Soraers' Tracts, vol. Ji. B.M. THE Speech of the Prince of Orange to some principle Gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire, on their coming to Joyn his Highness at Exeter the 15 of Nov. 1688. Pol. Single sliect. Exeter, 1688. B. POLITICAL HISTORY. 91 THE Prince of Orange's Speech to the Gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire coming to joyii his Highness at Exeter, Nov. 15, 88. No. Ill in "A fourth Collection of Papers relating to the present Junc- " ture of Affairs in England.'' 4to. London, 1688. CO. Reprinted in a Volume of State Tracts. Pol. London, 1692. C.H.C. BY the King. A Proclamation Prohibiting the keeping of Exeter Fan*, and other Pairs thereabouts for some time. 16 Nov. 1688. Pol. Single page. London, 1688. B.M. Prohibiting the Fair holden at Exeter on the 6th of Dec. and all other Fairs within twenty miles. THE General Association of the Gentlemen of Devon, to his High- ness the Prince of Orange. Pol. Single page. Exon, 1688. B.M. The names of the subscribers to this document are not given. THE Copy of the Association, signed at Exeter by the Lords and Gentlemen that went to the Prince of Orange. Pol. Single sheet. (1688.) B. AN Engagement of the Noblemen, Knights and Gentlemen at Exe- ter to assist the Prince of Orange in the Defence of the Protestant Reli- gion, Laws and Liberties of the People of England, Scotland and Ireland. No. IV in "A second Collection of Papers relating to the present Junc- " ture of Affairs in England." 4to. (London.) 1688. CO. Reprinted in a Volume of State Tracts. Pol. London, 1692. C.H.C. THE Expedition of the Prince of Orange for England, giving an account of the most remarkable passages thereof, from the day of his Setting Sail from Holland to the first day of this instant December. A FURTHER Account of the Prince's Army, in a Letter sent from Exon, dated Nov. 24. NUMBERS I and II in "A third Collection of Papers relating to " the Present Juncture of Affairs in England." 4to. London, 1688. CO. 02 BIBLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. AN Exact Diary of tlie late Expedition of Ilis Illustrious ITiglmcss the Prince of Orange (now King of Great Britain) from his Palace at tlie Hague to his landing at Torbay, and from thence to his arrival at Wliitehall ; giving a particular account of all that happened, and every day's marcli. 4to. London, 1689. M.O. GREAT News from Tingmouth, Torbay and Exon; giving an Ac- count of the several Actions of the French Invaders and their Majestes Forces of Devonshire. The surrendring of several Eonian Catholicks, and other Material Occurrances. In a Letter ij-om Exon. Eol. London, ICOO. BJL iiC^tt,^ ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. THE Examination of John Walsh before the Bishop of Exeter liis Comisary, toucliing Witchcraft and Sorcery. London, 1566. ARTICLES to bee enquired of . . by the Churchwardens and Sworae men : . . in the ordinary Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Excester, within the Dioces of Excester, in Anno Dom. 1599. 4to. Black Letter. London, (1599.) B.M. REASONS for refvsal of Svbscription to the Booke of Common Praier, vudcr the hands of certaine Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, word for word, as they were exhibited by them to the right reverend Father in God William Cotton Doctor of Divinitic, Lord Bishop of Exceter. With an Answere at severall times returned them in pubhke Conference and in diverse Sermons vpon occasion preached in the Ca- thedraU Church of Exceter, by Thomas llvtton Bachilcr of Divinitic ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 93 and Fellow of St. John's College in Oxon. And now pvblished at the very earnest intreatie of some especiall friends for a farther content- ment of other the King's Maiestie's good and loyall Subjects, 4to. Oxford, 1605. B.M. ANSWERE to the several Reasons for RefusaU of Subscription to the Boke of Common Praier, exhibited by certaine Ministers of Devon and Cornwall. By Thomas Hvtton Bachiler of Divinitie and Eellow of St. John's College in Oxon. 4to. Oxford, 1605. W. THE second and last part of Reasons for Refusall of Subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer, vnder the hands of certaine Ministers of Deuon and Cornwall, as they were exhibited by them to the right reve- rend Father in God William Cotton Doctor of Divinitie and Lord Bi- shop of Exeter. As also an Appendix or Compendious Briefe of all other Exceptions taken by others against the Bookes of Communion, Homilies, and Ordination, word for word, as it came to the hands of an Honorable Personage. With an Answere to both at severall times re- turned them in publicke conference, and in diverse Sermons vpon occa- sion preached in the Cathedrall Church of Exceter, by Thomas Hutton, Bachiler of Divinitie & Fellow of S. John's College in Oxon. 4to. London, 1606. BJL AN Answere to the second and last part of the Reasons for the Refu- sall of Subscription to the Book of Common Prayer, exhibited by cer- taine Ministers of Devon and Cornwall. By Thomas Hutton Bachiler of Divinitie and Fellow of St. John's College in Oxon. 4to. London, 1606. W. THE Remoouall of Certaine Imputations laid vpon the Ministers of Devon and Cornwall by one M. T. H. (Hutton) and in them vpon all other Ministers els-wherc refusing to subscribe. 4to. 1606. B. Privately printed. A DEFENCE of the Ministers Reasons for Refvsall of Subscription 94 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. to the Booke of Common Prayer, and of Conform itie, against the seve- rall Answers of T. Ilutton B.D. in his two ]3ookes against the Ministers of Devon and Cornwall. Wm. Covel, D.D. and T. Spark, D.D. &c. 4to. Imprinted, 1607. BJL By S. Ilieron. THE Second Part of the Defence of the Ministers Reasons for Re- fusal of Subscription and Conformity to the Book of Common Prayer, against the several Answers of Tho. Ilutton B.D. in his two Books against the Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, &c. 4to. 1608. }F. other Works followed ou this controversy. ARTICLES to be enqvired of within the Diocesse of Exeter, in the generall and TrienniaU Visitation of the Reverend Eather in God, Jo- seph Lord Bishop of Exeter, holdeu Anno Domini 1638. 4.to. London, 1638. B.M. THE Joint-Testimonie of the Ministers of Devon, whose names are subscribed : with their Reverend Brethren the Ministers of the Province of London, unto the truth of Jesus. With a brief Confutation of the Errors, Heresies, and blasphemies of these times, and the toleration of them. In pursuance of the Solemn League, and Covenant of the three Nations. 4to. London, 1648. B.M. Written by George Hughes, Vicar of St. Andi-ews, Plymouth, and signed by 73 of the Clergy of Devon. SOVERAIGNE Balsome gently applied in a few weighty Consider- ations, by way of Qurerie for healing the distempers of such Professors of Religion as Satan hath wounded and drawn aside (under the notion of living in Cod) to the utter renouncing and casting oil' the use of Divine Ordinances, and Gospel Institutions of Worship, &c. As also a true Relation of (Jod's extraordinary working upon one of this way very lately in Plimouth : to the sight of his error, for the good of others pul)lished„ By Will. Bartlet, an unworthy Minister of the Gospel and Lecturer at Bythcford in Devonshire. 4to. London, 1649. P. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 95 A WARNING from the Lord to the Teachers and People of Pli- mouth : With a few Queries to the Parish Teachers of this Nation, that have Great sums of money for teaching the people. From them which are scornfully called Quakers, but witness the Teaching of Christ, 4to. London, 1G56. B.M. A WARNING to the Priests, Magistrates, Rulers, and Inhabitants of Exon : that they may forsake the Wrath at hand ; with some of the Effects of the Priests Ministry in Devonshire, whose fruits have exceed- ed many, and are now brought to hght, that the simple may return from them (who profit not) unto Christ the Light, who teacheth all to profit, and is come to teach. Signed the 30th day of the eighth moneth, 56. Written by a Servant of Jesus Christ, a Witness against Deceivers, a Prisoner at Exon, known by the name of Humphry Smith. 4to. (1656.) B.M. THE Leaper clensed : or the Reduction of an Erring Christian. Being a Narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism, and of his returning to the Truth, with the causes and oc- casions of both. Wherein he is not onely cleared from the Anabaptists unjust Excommunicating of him for leaving them, but their unchristian wayes and wildes to deceive are also laid open. By him published, to caution young ignorant Christians against the error of that way. London, 1657. P. SVSANNA^S Apologie against the Elders; or a Vindication of Svsan- na Parr, one of those two women lately excommunicated by Mr. Lewis Stvcley, and his church, in Exeter. Composed and Published by her- selfe for the clearing of her own innocency, and the satisfaction of all others who desire to know the true Reason of their so rigorous Pro- ceedings against her. 4to. 1659. B.M, JOANNIS Episcopi Exoniensis Consilia & voce et scripto Tradita xliiii Fratribus Filiisque, Sacris ordinibus per Ipsum Episcopura & pri- mores Presbyteros in Ecclesia Cathedrali Exoniensi more patrio prisco & Catholico initiatis. Januarii 13, 1660. Fol. Londini, 1661. B.M. 96 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Couusell which the Bisliop of Excestcr dehvcred to xliv Pres- byters and Deacons, after they had been ordained by him (with the as- sistance of other grave Ministers) in the Cathedral Church of Excestcr, after the primitive, CathoHck, and Lawful Way of the Church of Eng- land, Jan. 13, 1660. Eol. (London,) 1661. ^Jf. AN Ignoramus found upon the last rVrticle of the Humble Present- ment and desires of the Grand Jury of the County of Devon, at the As- sizes held at Exon 26 March 1661, viz. that the Laws may be put in execution against Popish Eecusants, who, with the Sectaries, Tub Preachers, Quakers, &c. are the most pernicious Enemies and subtil underminers of the established Religion. 4to. Printed in the year 1661. A single sheet on the same subject. 1661. ARTICLES of Visitation and Enquiry concerning Matters Ecclesi- astical, exhibited to the Ministers, Churchwardens, and Sidemen of every Parish within the Diocese of Exeter, in the primary Episcopal Visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth, By Divine Pro- vidence Lord Bishop of Exeter. 4to. London, 1662. B.M. A TRUE and Eaithful Narrative of the Unjust and lUegal Suffer- ings and Oppressions of many Christians (injuriously and injudiciously called Eanaticks) &c, since the 10 of May 1670, &c. As also of the most malicious prosecution of nine innocent persons at the Assizes held at Exon, in the County of Devon April 1671. 4to. Printed in the year 1671. W. This rai-c and oiu'ious book was written by John Hicks, Minister at Kingsbridgc. In Dr. Calamy's Nonconformists' Memorial is a remarkable account of an intemcw which the Author had witli Kiuu; Charles the Second, and of the conversation which passed on the sub- ject of this book, with tlie results of it. See Piilmer's edition 1775, vol. i. p. 288. At pages 31 and 32 of one copy of this work twenty-one lines of the original text have been attempted to be cancelled by a substituted paragraph pasted over them. A NARRATIVE of the Persecutions against Dissenters in Kings- ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 97 bridge and other places iji Devonshire^ under the reign of Charles II. Eevised from an old work })ublished in 1G71. Kingsbridge, 1S21. P. ARTICLES of Visitation and Enquiry concerning Matters Ecclesi- astical, exhibited to the Ministers, Churchwardens, and Sidemcn of every Parish within the Diocese of Exeter in the Episcopal Visitation of the right reverend Father in God Anthony By Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Exeter. 4to. London, 167-L B.M. ARTICLES of Visitation and Enquiry concerning Matters Ecclesias- tical, exhibited to the Ministers, Churchwardens, and Sidemen of every Parish within the Diocese of Exeter in the primary Episcopal Visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas By Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Exeter. 4.to. London, 1G77. B. THE Trial and Examination of Old Father Chi-istmas, together with his Clearing by the Jury at the Assizes held at the Town of Dillerence in the County of Discontent, with the Afternoon Trial, written according to legal proceedings. By Josiah King. ( Dedicated to Dr. John Hodge and Philip Pearce of Modbury, Antony SL' inner and John Block of Ply- mouth, Captain Thomas Prynne of Wembury, &c.) A frontispiece containing a Portrait. 1678. RESOLUTIONS made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Devon, to put in Execution the Severest of the Laws against Sectaries and Phanaticks. RESOLUTION, with the Advice of the Bishop of Exeter, to give for the Beautifying of the Chapel in the Castle of Exeter c€IO, and £6 yearly to any one whom the Bishop shall appoint, to read Divine Ser- vice, and to preach a Sermon, exhorting to obedience ; in the said Cha- pel on the first day of the Sessions, to begin precisely at eight in the morning. Fol. Exeter, 1683. N 98 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. ORDER of the Justices of the Peace at the Quarter Sessions held at the Castle of Exeter 6 Oct. 3 685. Eol. Single page. London, 1685. B.M. This was issued against Sectaries, Phanaticks, &c. It begins thus, — " We think it oiir duty after sueh an execrable Rebellion as we have lately had," &c. It has also at foot, an order signed "The. Exon." (Bp. Lamplugh) requiring all the Clergy of his Diocese to publish this Order the next Sunday after it shall be tendered to them. A RARE Show : lately seen in the West ; by one that wondred to behold such a sight in a Protestant Church! (Exeter Cathedral) where for several years past it hath been exposed to view, and still is, if it was not but a few days since removed. That is. The carved Image of a White Dove, vainly supposed to be the figure of what appeared at Jor- dan, after Christ had been there baptized. 4to. London, 1703. B. AN Apology for the Clergy of the Diocese of Exon endeavouring to choose their own Proctors to represent them in the ensuing Convocation. May, 1705. Eol. C.C.O. REASONS in particular why the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Exon cannot comply with his Lordship's present recommendation of Proctors to represent them in the ensuing Convocation. Eol. London, 1705. C.C.O. ARTICLES of Visitation and Enquiry concerning Matters Ecclesias- tical, exhibited to the Ministers, Church-Wardens, and Sideraen of every Parish witliin the Diocese of Exeter, at the primary Visitation of the right Reverend Eather in God Ofspring, By Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Exeter, in the year of our Lord 1709. 4to. Exon. 1709. C. SOME Considerations oflered to the Bishop of Exeter (Bishop Blackall) on occasion of his Lordship's Sermon March 8, 1708. By Benjamin lloadly, D.D. London, 1709. CO. This tract commenced the wcU-known Bangorian Controversy which extended to so great a length. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 99 THE Case of Mr. Michael Peach: or a Faithful Relation of the Hardships he has lately met with at Dartmouth. In four Parts. By M. Peach, M.A. Minister of St. Petrox, and Master of the Pree-School in Dartmouth. ^ Exeter, 1714. P. This tract relates to a Presentment exhibited to the Bishop of Exeter against the writer, by Mr. Prichard to whom he was curate, and others, for having performed the services of the Church without wearing a surplice, &c. A CAVEAT against the new Species of Anabaptists lately sprung up at Exon, shewing the novelty and schism, the absurdity and danger- ous tendency of their principles and practices, who were concerned in the rebaptization of Mr. Benjamin Read. In a Letter to a friend. London, 1714. JF. A REPLY to a Pamphlet entitled a Caveat against the new Sect of Anabaptists lately sprung up at Exon. In a Letter to a friend. By Benjamin Reed, Commoner of Baliol College, Oxon. Exon, 1714. C. A DEFENCE of the Caveat against the new Sect of Anabaptists, &c. in Answer to Mr. Reed^s Reply. By Hubert Stogdon. Exon, 1714. JF. A NARRATIVE of the Differences among the Dissenters at Exeter. London, 1719. P. THE Case of the Ministers ejected at Exon. By James Peirce, one of them. London, 1719. P. THE Western Inquisition or a Relation of the Controversy which has been lately among the Dissenters in the West of England. By James Peirce. London, 1720. The Arian Controversy at Exeter in 1719 — 20, which occasioned so gi-eat a disruption among Dissenters there and elsewhere, gave rise to Sermons, Pamphlets, and Tracts, pub- lished in London and Exeter, to the nmnber of 50 or more. The following Ministers, among others, took a prominent part in it : James Peirce, John Enty, and Joseph Hallet of Exeter ; Josiah Eveleigh of Crediton ; John Walrond of Ottery ; Joshua Bowchier, Kector of Nymet-Tracy ; Matthew Huddy and John Moore of Tiverton. TOO BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A LETTER to a Dissenter in Exeter occasioned by tlie late Heats in tliosc parts, upon some clifl'ercncc of sentiments among the brethren. London, 1719. W. AN Account of a Riot at Exeter, about the Methodists, by J. Cennick. 1745. A BllIEE Account of the late Persecution of the ]\Iethodists at Exeter. 1745. A BRIEF Account of the late Persecutions and barbarous Usage of the Methodists at Exeter, &c. By an Impartial Hand. Exon, 1746. Q.C. A LETTER to Mr. Z yM ge. (Zachary Mudge.) Being a Vindication of his late ingenius Sermon, PreacliM at the Primary Visi- tation of G e L d B p of E ;r, and publisli'd at the Re- quest of tlie B p and C y. Containing a full and distinct Ac- count of a Controversy upon the said Sermon, between the Author and some Dissenters : wherein the Wliole of their Objections are fairly sta- ted, their fallacious Reasoning exposal, and the Book rescued from those unjust Aspersions cast upon it. Si Po])ulus vult decipi decipiatur, supposed to be spoken by Mr. M...ge at the opening of his discourse. By a Ericnd to the Hottentots. Exon, 1748. ADDRESS to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter on the Institution of an Annuitant Society for making provision for their Widows, with a Plan and Scheme of Subscriptions. Plymouth, 1775. THE Old Woman's Letter to her respected and valued Friends of the parish of Barnstaple, 1819. B. REASONS for withdrawing from the National Establishment. By the Rev. Robert Harkness Carne. Exeter, (1819 ?) BRIEF Notices of the Rev. R. H. Carnc's Reasons for withdrawing, &c. By the Rev. Francis Huyshc. Exeter, 1820. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 101 A BRIEF Reply to Brief Notices, &c. By the Rev. R. H. Carnf . Exeter, 1820. AN Appendix to a Brief Reply, &c. By the Rev. R. H. Carne. Exeter, 1821. STRICTURES on the Plymouth Antinoinians. By Joseph Cottle. London, 1824. A second edition enlarged. 1824. THE Reviewer reviewed. An Examination of the Remarks in the Christian Observer of Nov. 1823, on Cottle's Strictures on the Plv- mouth Antinomians. By the Rev. J. Babb, M.A. &c. Lyme, 1824. A SPEECH delivered by the Rev. Jonas Dennis, A.B. on the Elec- tion of Clerks to represent the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter in Con- vocation. Exeter, 1835. REPORT of the Case of the Queen v. the President and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, in Exeter, regarding the Deanery of Exeter, in the Queen's Bench, in Easter and Trinity Terms, 1840. By Ralph Barnes, Chapter Clerk. London, 1841. A LETTER to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter on the use of the Offertory, &c. By Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter, London, 1843. THE Widow's Mite : a Sermon preached in the Church of St. An- drew's, Plymouth, 14th Jan. 1844, in behalf of the National Society. To which is prefixed a Pastoral Letter to the Inhabitants of Plymouth. By llem-y Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1844. LETTER to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter on Observance of the Rubric in the Book of Common Prayer. By Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1844. A LETTER to the very Rev. the Dean of Exeter on a Memorial from him and certain Resideutiaries of Exeter to his Grace the Arch- 103 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. bislicp of Canterbury, aucl on other recent matters. By Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1844. COEEESPONDENCE on the subject of Innovations introduced in the celebration of Divine Worship in St. John's Chapel, Torquay ; be- tween the Congregation of that Chapel , the Lord Bishop of Exeter, and the E/ev. W. G. Parks Smith, with prefatory observations. Torquay, 1845. PLYMOUTH Brethrenisra examined. By John Cox. London, (1845.) SCEIPTUEE Eeaders. Letter to the Venerable the Archdeacons of the Diocese of Exeter on the proposed Office of Scripture Eeaders. By the Eight Eeverend Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1847. EXAMINATION before Admission to a Benefice by the Bishop of Exeter, &c. Edited by the Clerk examined, George Cornelius Gorham, B.D. &c. . London, 1848. THE Argument of Dr. Bayford on behalf of the Eev. G. C. Gorham, in the Arches Court of Canterbury, March, 1849. London, 1849. A second edition, corrected. 1849. THE Judgment of Sir H. J. Eust, Knt., dehvered in the Arches Court of Canterbury, 2nd Aug. "1849. London, 1849. THE Letters of a Diocesan Practitioner on Baptismal Eegeneration. Exeter, 1849. SUBSTANCE of a Speech, before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, &c., by Edward Badely, Esq., M.A., E.E.S. London, 1850. THE Judgment of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council, deliv- ered March 8th, 1850, reversing the Decision of Sir H. J. Fust. London, 1850. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 108 A LETTER to the Archbishop of Cauterbuiy from tlie Bishop of Exeter. London, 1850. A LETTER to the Bishop of Exeter ; containing an Examination of his Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury ; from William Goode, M.A., E.S.A. London, 1850. A LETTER to the Churchwardens of the Parish of Brampford Speke, from Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1850. PROTEST of the Lord Bishop of Exeter. (Delivered in the Arches Court on Saturday, July 20th, 1850, upon bringing in Her Majesty^s Letters of Presentation agreeably to the monition of that Court, for the purpose of Instituting Mr. Gorham to the Yicarage of Brampford-Speke in the Diocese of Exeter, &c.) ( London, 1850.) A BRIEF Analysis of the Doctrine and Argument in the Case of Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter ; and Observations on the present Po- sition of the Church of England with reference to the recent Decision. By Lord Lindsay. London, 18*50. THE Practical Effect of the Gorham Case : a Charge to the Clergy of the East Riding. By Archdeacon Wilberforce. London, 1850. THE Case of the Rev. G. C. Gorham against the Bishop of Exeter, as heard and determined by the Judicial Committee of H. M. Privy Coun- cil on Appeal from the Arches Court of Canterbury ; with a full Report of the Proceedings and Judgment in the Arches Court, and of the Ar- guments of Counsel before the Judicial Committee ; and notices of all the authorities, both in Divinity and Law, referred to in the argument, and the ultimate judgment thereon, &c. By Edmund E. Moore, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. London, 1852. The above-mentioned are chief among the publications relating to the important case of Gorham against the Bishop of Exeter, on admission to the Vicarage of Brampford-Speke. The progress of this case through the different Courts of Law, called forth a large number of pamphlets on the legal view of the subject, and on both sides of the question respecting the efficacy of Baptism. 104 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. EEPORT of the Enquiry instituted by the Right Reverend the TiOrd Bishop of Exeter, as Visitor of the Orjihans' Home estabhshcd by tlie Sisters of Mercy at Morice Town, Dcvonj)ort, into the truth of certain statements pubhshed in the "Devonport Telegraph" Eeb. 10, 1849. ( With an Appendix.) Plymouth, 1849. THE Sisters of Mercy at Devonport. Report of an Enquiry held by the Lord Bishop of Exeter on the 15th Feb., 1849, into the principles of the above Sisterhood and the Constitution of the Charity termed the "Orphans' Home." Willi an Appendix. Edited by Richard C. Rogers. Devonport, 1849. A VOICE from the place of S. Morwenna, in the rocky land, utter- ed to the Sisters of Mercy, at the Tamar Mouth ; and to Lydia their Lady in the faith, whose heart the Lord opened. By the Vicar of Mor- wenstow, a priest in the Diocese of Exeter. London, 1849. MISS SELLON and the " Sisters of Mercy." An Exposure of the Constitution, Rules, Rehgious Views, and practical working of their So- ciety : obtained through a " Sister" who has recently seceded. By the Rev. .lames Spurrell, A.M., Vicar of Great Shclford, Cambridgeshire. London, 1852. REPLY to a Tract by the Rev. J. Spurrell, Vicar of Great Shelford, containing certain Charges concerning the Society of the Sisters of Mer- cy of Devonport and Plymouth. By the Superior of the Society. London, 1852. liETTER to Miss Sellon, Sujjerior of the Society of Sisters of Mercy at Plymouth. By Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1852. SISTERS of Mercy, Sisters of Misery : or Miss Sellon in the Fa- mily ; with some Remarks on "A Reply to the Rev. James SpurreU ; " "Two Letters to the Rev. Edward Coleridge," &c. By the Rev. W. M. Colles, A.B., Curate of Melton Mowbray. London, 1852. A REJOINDER to the Reply of the Superior of the Society of the ECCLESIASTICAL IIISIOHY. 105 Sisters of Mercy of Devouport and Plymoiitli, to a Pamphlet entitled "Miss Sellon, and the Sisters of Mercv." By th(^ Rev. James Spurrell, A.M. By the same. London, 1852. MISS SELLON and the Sisters of Mercy. Further Statement of the Rules, Constitution, and working of the Society called " The Sisters of Mercy," together with an exact Review of Miss Sellon's Reply. By Diana A. G. Campbell, a Novice lately seceded. London, 1852. THE Anglo-Cathohcs of Plymouth. A few Remarks upon Miss Sellon's "Reply'' to the Rev. J. Spurrell's "Exposure." By the Rev. Henry T. J. Bagge. London, 1852. LETTERS on the Plymouth Sisters, suggested by the recent pamph- lets and letters of the Rev. J. Spurrell, Miss Sellon, and the Bishop of Exeter. London, 1852. These Letters were fii^t printed in Hie "Exeter Flying Post," and were republished with a postscript. A STATEMENT of tlie Proceedmgs of the Bishop of Exeter m the case of the Rev. J. Shore, M.A. London, 1848. THE Case of the Rev. Mr. Shore — A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, by Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. Two editions. London, 1849. THE Case of the Rev. J. Shore, M.A., by himself, in reply to the Case as stated by the Bishop of Exeter, &c. London, 1849. AN Appeal to my fellow townsmen in Torquay, and through them to the people of Devonshire and of the three Kingdoms, on behalf of the Rev. James Shore, &c., by Sir C. E. Eardley, Bart. Torquay, 1849. THE Case of the Rev. J. Shore, as between the Patron and the Vicar, by the Rev. W. B. Coscns, M.A. Exeter, 1849. PROCEED I N(iS of the Great Meeting at Bristol, oOth March, 1849, on the Imprisonment of Mr. Shore. Bristol, 1849. O 100 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. SOME Papers relative to the State of tlie Pai-ish of St. Mary Church, near Torquay, Devou. Pubhshed by Sir Culling E. Eardley, Bart., iu- cludiug a Correspondence with the Bishop of Exeter. Torquay, 1850. A second edition, and a third, including the resolutions of a Meeting of "Protestant Heads of Faraihes/' and a Corresj)ondence with the Rev. W. MaskeU. Torquay, 1850. A LETTER from the Rev. Hugh Kelly, Minister of the Eree Church, St. Mary Church, to his Diocesan, the Bishoj) of Michigan, in justifica- tion of his officiating at St. Mary Church. With a j)refatory Letter by Sir C. E. Eardley, Bart. Torquay, 1850. CORRESPONDENCE of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Exeter with the Rev. W. MaskelL* London, 1 850. * '\'icar of St. Mary Clnu'oh. REPLY to the Addresses of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Exe- ter on the recent Romish Aggression. By the Lord Bishop of Exeter. Dehvered iu the Chapter-House Nov. 18, 1850. (By authority of his Lordship.) London, 1850. EXTRACTS from Books taught in Salcombe-Regis National School ; with Remarks on their Popish Character. By T. W. Christie, Esq. Sidmouth, 1850. A LETTER to the Inhabitants of Salcombe-Regis. Sidmouth, 1851. By T. W. Christie, Esq. On the subject of the National School. CORRESPONDENCE of the Rev. J. W. Burrough, Yicar of Tot- ues, with the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter, on the nomination of a Curate by the former, &c. To which is added a Copy of the Peti- tion of the Rev. J. "VY. Burrough, presented to the House of Commons, &c. • Totnes, (1851.) A PASTORAL Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter on the present state of the Church. By Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1851. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 107 A LETTER to the Bishop of Exeter, containing Strictures on his Pastoral Letter. By the Rev. Sir Erasmus WiUiams, Bart. London, 1851. A SHORT Address to the Laity of Torquay and its vicinity upon the subject of a recent Pastoral Letter from the Bishop of this Diocese, containing his proposition for holding a clerical Synod at Exeter. By the Torquay Protestant Association. Torquay, 1851. A LETTER to the Bishop of Exeter on the Diocesan Synod con- vened by his Lordship in the Chapter House of Exeter, June 25, 1851. With an Appendix, &c. By G. C. Gorham, B.D., &c. London, 1851. A second edition with additional prefatory Remarks on the Synod since its session. London, 1851. REMARKS on some portions of the recent Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Exeter. By a Clergyman of the Diocese. London, 185 L THE Coming Conflict. A Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter, occasioned by his recent Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of his Diocese. By a Lay Member of the Clmrch of England. London, 1851. THE Church and the Synod. A Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter. By one of his Clergy, the Rev. R. W. Needham, Minister of St. Paul's, Stonehousc. London, 1851. A LETTER to the Bishop of Exeter. By an aged Curate. London, 1851. THE Exeter Diocesan Synod reviewed, its pernicious and schismati- cal tendency explained, &c. By Miles Coverdale. Exeter, 1851. THE Synod no Treason. A few Words in reply to the opponents of Synodical Action in the Diocese of Exeter. By John Ingle, B.A. Jiondon, 1851. A second edition in the same year. 108 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE two Synods. A Loiter to Lawrence Palk, Esq., on the Meet- ing held at Exeter in opposition to the Diocesan Synod. By the Rev. John Ingle, E.A. Exeter, 1851. ACTS of the Diocesan Synod held in the Cathedral Church of Exe- ter by Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 25, 26, 27, of the year of our Lord 1851. By Authority. London, 1851. A second edition in the same year. A ]\IETRICAL Record of the Exeter Synod of 1851. By one in the Diocese. London, (1851.) A LETTER to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter, on certain State- ments of the Archdeacon of Middlesex, in the " Prefatory Epistle " to the second edition of his Charge. By Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1851. AN Address to the Inhabitants of Exeter on the way in which the Eifth of November has of late years been observed in their City. Exeter, 1851. Signed by fourteen Clergymen. INTONING : or the Possibihty of "Saying" Prayers without making " a slow protracted noise, " duly considered, in a correspondence between the Churchwardens and Incumbent of Woodbury ; with their mutual appeals to their Ordinary, and his replies thereto. Exeter, 1852. Printed for private distribution only. (AN Address) To the Inhabitants of Berry Pomeroy. ( By the Rev. W. B. Cosens, Yicar of Berry Pomeroy.) 1852. A REPLY to the Rev. W. B. Cosens' Address to the Inhabitants of Berry Pomeroy. ( By a Devonshire Seceder.) 1852. A SECOND Letter to the Rev. W. B. Cosens, in reply to the se- cond part of his Letter to the Inhabitants of Berry Pomeroy. ( By a Devonshire Seceder.) 1852. A WORD to Two. (From a Stranger to both.) 1852. AGRICULTURE^ ETC. 109 THE Diocese of Exeter ; its state and its remedies. An Address de- livered at St. Mary Church, Devon, on April 29th, 1852; with an in- troductory Letter to the Earl of Ducie. By Sir C, E. Eardley, Bart. London, 1852. AGRICULTURE.-STA1SNARY-MANUFACTURES- MEDICINE.-NATURAL HISTORY. A TREATISE on Cyder-making, founded on long practice and ex- perience, with a Catalogue of Cyder-Apples, &c. By Hugh Stafford, Esq., of Pyues in Devonshire. Frontispiece. 4to. London, 1753. P. A second edition with additions. 4to. London, 1755. B.M. THE Case of the County of Devon with respect to the Consequences of the new Excise Duty on Cyder and Perry, &c. 4to. London, 1763. B.M. By Benjamin Heath, Recorder of Exeter. The oppressive Excise Duty of four shillings a Hogshead, on Cyder, to be paid by the maker of it, which was imposed by the Government in the year 1763, occasioned a great ferment in the Coimties of Devon and Hereford, and gave rise not only to several large meetings of the people, but to a great number of most violent attacks both in prose and verse on Lord Bute the prime minister of the day. Dr. Heath took an active and influen- tial, but calm and determined, part against the impost, and became vciy popular in conse- quence. The House was beset with petitions, and the duty, not being found so productive as was expected, was shortly afterwards repealed. 110 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONEENSIS. OBSERVATIONS on that part of a late Act of Parliament which lavs an additional Duty on Cyder, &c. By T. Alcock. Plymouth, 1763. F. GENEKiUj View of the County of Devon, &c. Drawn up for the Board of Agriculture. By Robert Praser, A.M. 4to. Map. London, 1794. £. THE Kural Economy of the West of England : including Devon- shire, &c. By Mr. Marshall. 2 vols. Map. London, 1796, P. This work relates almost exclusively to Devonskirc. GENERAL View of the Agriculture of the County of Devon, &c., for the Board of Agriculture. By Charles Vancouver. Map, Tables, 22 Plates. London, 1808. The same with a new Title-page. Map, Tables, 29 Plates. London, 1813. A LETTER to the Editor of the St. James's Chronicle on the Price of Agricultural Labour. By a Magistrate of the County of Devon. Dartmouth, 1831, BJL A LETTER addressed to the Parmers of the South Hams, with some Remarks on a Speech delivered by Jasper Pai-rott, Esq., M.P. for Totnes, at a Meeting held in Exeter on the 11th Dec, 1833. By the Rev. J. Yonge, Rector of Newton-Perrers. Plymouth, 1833. P. A LETTER from the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe to his Tenantry. Plymouth, 1846. L.P. MEMORANDUM of Tenancy Regulations intended to be adopted as a System on Lord Mount Edgcumbe's Estates in Devon and Corn- wall. Plymouth, 1846. Z.P. THE Devon Herd-Book, containing the Names of the Breeders, the Ages and Pedigrees, of the Devon Cattle, with the prizes they have gained. Arranged by John Tanner Davy. Vol. 1. Loudon, 1851. STANNARY, ETC, 111 HERE foloyth the Confirmation of the Charter perteynynge to all the tynners wytliyn the Coiitey of Deuonshyre with there Statutes also made at Crockeryntorre by the hole Asset and Cosent of al the sayd tynners Yn the yere of the reygne of our soueraygne Lord Kynge Henry viij the sec^d yere (1510.) Here endyth the statutes of the stannary. Imprented yn Tauystoke ye xx daye of August the yere of the reygne off our soueryne Lord Kynge Henry ye viij the xxvj yere. God saue tlie Kynge. (1534.) E.G. On the sides of the last leaf are two wood-cuts — -The martyrdom of St. Andrew and a seated figure to represent Tlie Ahnighty ; wth the symbols of the four Evangelists. ALL the Statutes of the Stannary. ■Ito. 1562. THE Olde Lawes and Statutes of the Stannarie of Deuon : as many as were in Eorce and heretofore Imprinted. Wherevnto are added cer- tayne other newlie made, in the yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth, the xvj. 4to. London, 1574. B.M. This begins with " The Charter graunted to the Tynners of the Countie of Deuon by " Kynge Edwarde the thirde," and ends with a Table of Contents. On the last leaf is a shield with the arms of the Earl of Bedford, then Lord Warden of the Stannaries. THE Lawes and Statutes of the Stannarie of Deuon. EoL Engraved Title. London, 1600. B. This book begins with " The Charter graunted to the Tynners of the Countie of Deuon " by King Edwarde the thirde, and since confii'med by diuers Kynges of thys Realme as " followyth, Henry by the grace of God," &c., and ends with the "Actes made in the 42 " yeare of Queene Elisabeth." On the last leaf is a shield with the arms of Sir Walter Ralegh, who was then Lord Warden of the Stannaries, and his motto " Amore et vii-t.ute." THE Charter graunted to the Tynners of the Countie of Deuon by Kinge Edwarde the thirde, and since confirmed by diuers Kinges of thys Realme as followyth, &c. 4to. London, 1657. BJL This ends with the Statutes of the 16th Elizabeth, a brief Table of Contents, and the Names of the Jm-ats. A PLEA for the bringing in of Irish Cattel, and keeping out Fish caught by Foreigners, with an humble Address of the Members of Par- 112 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. liament of the Counties of Cornwall and Devon about the advancement of Tin, Fishery and divers Manufactures. 4to. 1680. AN Address to the King, with several Letters from Cornwall and Devonshire relating to Stannary affairs. 4to. Single sheet. 1696. P. THE Proposal for raising the price of Tin in Cornwall and Devon : presented to the King. 4to. (London, 1697.) CO. THE Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in the Counties of Corn- wall and Devon, &c. In two Parts. By Tho. Pearce, Gent. Fol. London, 1725. B.M. There is a chasm in the paging of this book, from 9 to 20 iuchisive, the text is neverthe- less perfect. A PROPOSAL for raising a fund of £150,000 to encourage the Tinners in Cornwall and Devonshire, and for better carrying on and improving the Tin trade in general. Fol. 1750. B. TREATISE on the Law relating to Mines, chiefly as to the peculiar mining Customs of Devon and Cornwall, with Statutes and Forms. By R. P. Collier. London, 1849. AN Act to Enable the Inhabitants of the Hundreds of Lifton, Ta- uestockc and Rowburgh to mix Flocks in their WooUen Cloths, &c. 7 Edw. 4. c. 2. 1467. AN Acte concernyng true makynge of Clothes in Deuon called White Straytes. 6 Hen. 8. c. 2. 1514. P. BY the Queeiie. A Proclamation for the reformation of sundry abuses about making of Clothes, called Devonshire Kersies, or Dozens, whereby the Statutes made in Queene Marie's time for the weight, length, and bi-eadth thereof, may be duely obserued hereafter. . . . Given at our Palace of Westminster the xx day of Januarie, in the xxxiiii yere of our reigni^ 1591. God saue the Queene. Fol. Single sheet. B.M. MEDICINE. 113 TWO most strange Births. One a Girl born at Modbury, 27 Nov. 160S, without eyes, nose, or cars, tlie body striped with red, and the breast joined at the ribs with a seam of flesh ; the other a Boy, son of Andrew White, a butcher at Plymouth, born Dec. 3, 1608, with a kind of fleshy cap over his forehead. 4to. London, 1608. A TRVE and certaine Relation of a Strange Birth, which was borne at Stone-house in the Parish of Plimmouth, the 20 of Oct. 1635. To- gether with the Notes of a Sermon, preached Octob. 23, 1635, in the Church of Plimmouth at the interring of the sayd Birth. By Th. B. B.D. Pr. PI. Ito. London, 1635. P. This rare Ti-act has a curious wood-cut on the back of the Title-page representing the strange bu-th. AN Account of a Male Child twelve inches and half long, taken af- ter the Mother's death out of the left Pallopiau Tube, in Tiverton, No- vember, 1714, after having been there near three years. With a Cop- per cut exactly describing the figure of the Child. By Tho. Henley, M.D. ' Exon, 1715. B.M. SOME Reflections on the Causes and Circumstances, tliat may re- tard or prevent the putrefaction of dead Bodies ; occasioned by an ac- count of a Body found entire and imputrid at Staverton in Devonshire, eighty-one years after its interment ; in a Letter to the Society of Navy- Surgeons. With an attestation of the fact, and of the similar state of three bodies, discovered fourteen years since in St. Martin's, Westmin- ster, and interred there last century. By J. Kirkpatrick, M.D. Honorary Member of the Society of Navy-Surgeons. London, 1751. B.M. The Body above mentioned was that of Simon "Worth, Esq., found in Staverton Chm'ch in 1750. A correspondence on the subject between Dr. Huxham of Plymonth and Mr. Tripe of Ashburton, may be foimd in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. 47. p. 253. For details of a similar discovery near Totnes, see Nichols' Lit. Anec, ii. 696. OBSERVATIONES de Acre et Morbis Epidemicis, ab Anno 1728 ad P 114 BIBLTOTTIECA DEVONTKNSIS. finem Anni 1737, Plymutlii factse. His acccdit Opusculum De Morbo Colico Danmoiiiensi. Auctore Joanne Huxlmm, M.l). E.S.S. Londini, 1739. B.M. OBSERVATIONUM de Aere, &c. ab Anno ] 73S ad fincni Anni 1748; A^olumen altermn. Auctore Joanne Huxliara, M.D. E.R.S. Londini, 1752. T.C. OBSERVATIONUM, kc, ab Anno 1749 ad exitura Anni 1752. Tomus Tertius. Auctore J. Huxbam, M.D., IMl.S. Edit. J. Cor. Huxham, Londini, 1770. OBSERVATIONS on tbe Air and Epidemic Diseases, from 1728 to 1737; and on the Devonshire Cohc. By John Huxham, M.D., F.R.S. London, 1759. A bail trauslatiou of Dr. Huxham's work, made without his knowledge. OBSERVATIONS on the Air and Epidemic Diseases from the year 1728 to 1737 inclusive; made by Dr. Huxham, at Plymouth: toge- ther with a Short Dissertation on the Devonshire Colic. Translated from the Latin Original and now published with the Doctor's approba- tion. London, 1759. 1\ Dedicated to Sir Hans Sloanc and the Members of the Royal Society. It has a diagram of the names of the winds at the several j)oiuts of the coininiss. AN Essay concerning the Causes of the Endcmial Colic of Devon- shire, which was read in the Theatre of the College of Physicians in London, on tlic 29th day of June, 17G7, by George Baker, E. C. Physi- cians, and R. S. and Physician to Her Majesty's Household. London, 1767. B.M. Dedicated to Sir R. "\V. Bampfylde, Bart., and J. Parker, Esq., Members of Parliament for Devon. SOME Observations on Dr. Baher's Essay on the; Endemial Colic of Devonshire. By Francis Geach, Surgeon of Plymoudi and E.R.S. To Avhich are added some Remarks on the same subject by the Rev. Mr, Alcock. London, 1767. B.M. MEDICINE. 115 CURSORY Remarks on Dr. Baker's Essay on the Endemical Colic of Devonshire. By Thomas Alcock^ M.A., Yicar of Runcorn. Plymouth, 1767. U.C. AN Answer to the Observations of Mr. Geach, and to the cursory Remarks of Mr. Alcock, on Dr. Baker's Essay on the Endemical Colic of Devonshire. In a Letter from Dr. Saunders to Dr. Baker. London, 1767. B.M. A REPLY to Dr. Saunders' Pamphlet relative to the Dispute con- cerning the Devonshire Cyder. By Francis Geach, Surgeon at Ply- mouth, and r.R.S. London, 1768. B.M. ESSAI sur les difforentes especes de Eievres, avec plusieurs autres Traites : scavoir, Histoire et traitment d'une Epidemique qui regna in 1724, dans le Devonshire, &c. par Jean Huxham, Docteur en Medicine. a Paris, 1768. B.M. MISCELLANEOUS Tracts of the late Dr. John Huxham, E.R.S. &c. 1. A Short Statement of the Anomalous Epidemic Small Pox be- ginning at Plymouth in August, 1721, and continuing to June, 1725. Plymouth, 1769. This volmuc recites other medical cases iu and near Plj'mouth. THE Endemical Colic of Devonsliire not caused by a Solution of Lead iu the Cyder, &c. By Thomas Alcock, M.A., Yicar of Runcorn. Plymouth, 1769. A CANDID Examination of what has been advanced on the Colic of Poitou and Devonsliire, with Remarks on the most probable, and Ex- periments intended to ascertain the true. Causes of the Gout. By James Hardy, M.D. of Barnstaple, Devonshire. London, 1778. B.M. Dedicated to the Rt. lion. ^Yilmot, Earl of Lisburne. AN Answer to the Letter addressed by Prancis Riollay, Physician of Newbury to Dr. Hardy, on the Hints given concerning the Origin of the Gout, in his Publication on the Colic of Devon, &c., by James Hardy, M.D. London, 1780. B.M. 116 BIBLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. A SHORT Detail of some Circumstances connected with Vaccine Inoculation which lately occurred in the neighbourhood of Plymouth, with a few relative Remarks; by Richard Dunning, Surgeon, Plymouth- Dock. London, 1806. L.P. REMARKS on Irritative Pever, commonly called the Plymouth Dock-Yard Disease, with Mr. Dryden^s detailed Account of the Patal Cases, including that of the lamented Surgeon Dr. Bell. Dedicated to Commissioner Shield. By John Butter, M.D., P.R.S. Devonport, 1825. B.M. THE History of the Cholera in Exeter in 1832. By Thomas Shap- ter, M.D. Map, 30 Prints. London, 1849. Dedicated to W. Kennaway, Esq. A PEW Observations on the Leprosy of the Middle Ages, proving its identity with certain cutaneous diseases of the present day. By T. Shapter, M.D. Privately printed. Exeter, 1835. Tliis volume contains an account of the Magdalen Charity in Exeter. THE Climate of the South of Devon, and its Influence upon Health ; with short accounts of Exeter, Torquay, Babbicombe, Teignmouth, Dawhsh, Exmouth, Budleigh-Salterton, Sidmouth, &c. By Thomas Shapter, M.D. ]\Iap. London, 1842. TABLES of the Climate of Sidmouth, compiled from Observations kept by the Rev. N. S. Heineken, by W. H. Cullen, M.D. Sidmouth, 1843. REMARKS upon the Mortality of Exeter; &c. A Letter addressed to Henry Hooper, Esq., Mayor of Exeter. By Thomas Shapter, M.D. London, 1844. HEALTH of Towns Commission. Report on the State of Exeter. By Thomas Shapter, M.D. Plans and Sections. London, 1845. MEDICINE an Art, and its truths to be attained : being an Ad- dress read on Jan. 31, 1848, at the opening Meeting of the "Library NATURAL HISTORY. 117 of the Exeter Dis^pensary " and the " Devon and Exeter Pathological Society/' By Thomas Shapter, M.D. London, 1848. STATISTICS of Cholera in Plymouth during its prevalence in 1849, &c. By J. Wyatt and H. H. Heydon. Plymouth, 1849. On a sheet in a case. COEEESPONDENCE between the Poor Law Commissioners and Mr. Edward Christopher Holland, of Houiton, Devon, Medical Officer, &c. Honiton, (1850.) Relating to Homoeopatliy. THE Chmate of Sidmouth. By W. H. CuUen, M.D. Sidmouth, 1851. THE Natural History of the District of Teignmouth, Dawhsh, and Torquay, &c., by W. Turton, M.D., and J. E. Kingston. Teignmouth, (1830.) P. This Work, which is not paged, is the concluding Portion of Canington's Guide to Teign- mouth, &:c., vaih a new Title-page. THE Natural History of South Devon. By J. C. Bellamy, Surgeon. 5 Maps, 89 Prints. Plymouth, 1839. CATALOGUE of Works in the Library of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. Plymouth, 1 849. A SUCCINCT Account of the Lime Eocks of Plymouth, &c. By the Eev. Eichard Hennali, Chaplain to the Garrison. ]1 Prints. Plymouth, (1822?) ^. SKETCH of the Geology of Exeter and the neighbourhood. By T. Shapter, M.D. Exeter, 1838. TEN Plates comprising a Plan, Sections, and Yiews, representing the Changes produced on the Coast of East Devon between Axmouth and Lyme-Eegis, by the subsidence of the Land and elevation of the bottom of the Sea, on the 26th Dec, 1839, and 3rd Eeb., 1840 : from Drawings by W. Dawson, Esq., Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Exeter, 118 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. the Eev. W. D. Conybeare, and Mrs. Buckland ; with a Geological Me- moir and Section^ descriptive of these and similar Phenomena, by the Rev. W. D. Conybeare. The whole revised by Professor Buckland. Long fol. London, 1840. B. AN Account of the Mighty Landslip at Dowlands and Bindon near Lyme-Regis, Dec. 25th, 1839, &c. By George Roberts. Lyme, 1840. Five editions of tliis Tract appeared iu the same year, the last of them with illustrations. A GUIDE to the Land-Shp near Axmouth, &c. By Peter Orlando Hutchinson. Two Prints. Sidmouth, 1840. A second and a third edition in the same year. YARIOUS Accounts of the Great Convulsion at Axmouth, in De- vonshire, &c. Exeter, 1840. Edited hy J. H. Hallett, Esq. A BRIEP Account of the Earthquake near Axmouth, &c. London, 1840. THE Geology of Sidmouth and of South Eastern Devon, by Peter Orlando Hutchinson. 5 Prints, 15 Cuts. Sidmouth, 1843. A BOTANICAL Tour through various Parts of Devon and Corn- wall. Exeter, 1820. P. By the Kcv. J, V. Jones. ELORA Devoniensis. A Catalogue of Plants growing wild in the County of Devon. By the Rev. J„ P. Jones and J, E. Kingston. London, 3 829. B. THE Plymouth and Devouport Elora : or a Description of Plants indigenous to the neighbourhood of those Towns. By Geo. Banks, E.L.S. Plymouth, 1830, 1832. L.P. Issued in parts, of whieh eight only appeared. KATURAL HISTORY. 119 WEST Devon and Cornwall Flora. By the Rev. J. Jacob, L.L.D. Vol. 1. Coloured Plates. London, 1836. B.M. Dedicated to Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. Published in parts, but discontinued after 18 were issued. THE Elowering Plants and Perns of Sidmoutli and its vicinity. By the Rev. R. Creswell. London, 1846. PLORA Sidostiensis : or a Catalogue of the Plants indigenous to the vicinity of Sidmouth. By W. H. Cullen, M.D. Sidmouth, 1849. PLORA Tottoniensis : a Catalogue of the Plowering Plants and Perns growing wild in the vicinity of Totnes. By Samuel Hannaford, Jun. London, (1851.) ALG^ Devonienses. Dried Specimens of Marine Plants principally collected in Devonshire, carefully named, &c. By Mary Wyatt. 4 Vols. 50 Specimens in each volume. Torquay. ORNITHOLOGIA Danmoniensis. A History of the Habits and Economy of Devonshire Birds. By A. G. C. Tucker. 4to. Coloured Plates. London, 1809. In parts, of which two only were issued. ON the Ornithology of the South of Devon. By E. Moore, M.D., P.L.S. " Plymouth, 1830. This is one of the Papers in tlic Transactions of the Plymouth Institution, published se- parately. THE Housekeeper's Guide to the Pish-Market for each Month of the Year ; and an Account of the Pishes and Pisheries of Devon and Cornwall. By J. C. Bellamy, Surgeon. London, 1843. TROUT Plies of Devon and Cornwall, and when and how to use them. By G. W. Soltau, Esq., Little Efford, Devon. 2 Prints, 3 Cuts. Plymouth, 1847. 120 POET E Y. A PAREWELL. I'.ntituled to tlie famous and fortunate Generalls of our English forces : Sir John Norris and Syr Prauncis Drake, Knights, and all tlieyr braue and resolute followers. AVhereuuto is an- nexed a Tale of Troy. Doone by George Peele Maister of Artes in Oxforde. 4to. At Loudon, 1589. BJL THE Life and Death of the famous Thomas Stukelie, an English Gallant in the time of Queen Elizabeth, who ended his dayes in a Bat- tel of three Kings in Barbary. Pol. Single sheet. Black Letter. 3 wood-cuts. JB.M. A Ballad of 23 verses. Stulcelcy was a native of Devon. THE Devonshire Nymph, or the Knight's happy Choice. Shewing how a young rich Knight fell in love with the Daughter of a poor Wea- ver of Devonshire and lor her beauty and virtue married l\er. Fol. London. BJL A BaUad of 14 verses. THE Two Loyal Lovers of Exeter. Broadsheet. (Coventr}\) No date. A Ballad of 2fl verses with a rude wood-cut. THE Lamentation of Master Page's Wife of Plimmouth, who being enforced by her Barents to wed him against her will, did most wickedly consent to his Murtlier, for the love of George Strangwidge ; for which fact she suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire. Written with her own hande a little before, her death. ' Eol. Black Letter. London, (1590.) B.M. A Bidlad of 24 verses. THE Lamentation of GJcorge Strangwidge who for consenting to the death of Master Page of Plimmouth sufl'ered death at Barstable. Pol. Black Letter. Loudon, (1590.) B.M. A Ballad of 1 2 verses. POETRY. 121 THE Sorrowfull Complaint of Mistris Page for causing her husband to be murdered for the love of George Straugwidge, who were executed together. Fol. Black Letter. London, (1590.) B.M. A Ballad of 12 verses. MRS. page's Complaint for causing her husband to be murthered for the love of Mr. George Strangwidge. Pol. Single sheet. London, (1590.) BJL A Ballad of 12 verses. Another edition printed at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (1590.) B.M. ME. GEORGE STRANGWIDGE's Lamentation for coTisenting to Mr. Page's death for the love of Mrs. Ulalia, Mr. Page's wife. Pol. Single sheet. London, (1590.) B.2L A Ballad of 12 verses. Another edition printed at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (1590.) B.3I. THE Lamentation of Mr. Page's Wife of Plymouth, who being forced to wed him, consented to his murder for the love of Mr. George Strangwidge, for which they suffer'd death at Barnstaple in Devonshire. Pol. Single sheet. London, (1590.) B.M. A Ballad of 2-1: verses. Another edition printed at Newcastle upon Tyne. (1590.) B.3L The three last mentioned together on a broad sheet. London, (1590.) P. The Event on which several foregoing Ballads were founded was one which made a great sensation at the time, and, according to CoUier, formed the subject of a Drama, entitled " The lamentable Tragedy of Page of Plymouth." Paje, who was a rich merchant and a penurious man, resided in Woolster Street, in a house eallt;d the Mayoralty, which was taken down when the Gmldhall was rebuilt. His Wife, Ulalia, is said to have belonged to Tavis- tock, as did also her paramour and the maid-servant who shared their crime and punish- ment. Tradition recites the particulars of the tale to this day, but the assertion that Mrs. Page was a daughter of Judge Glanville could scarcely be the fact, and that he passed the sentence of death on her is not true. Prince mentions his fom- daughters by other names, Q 122 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. and laakes no mention or refereuce to so remarkable a cireumstance. Glanville was made Ser- jcant-at-Law ouly in 1590, the year of this transaction ; aud it was Judge Anderson who tried the prisoners. The similarity, perhaps the identity, of name gave rise to the report. In one of the ballads Mr, Page's maiden name is stated to have been Glansfield, and the family may have been related to that of the Serjeant. He was present at the trial, which took place at Barnstaple, the Assizes being held there in consequence of the plague having broken out at Exeter. The following are extracts from the town records of Barnstaple with reference to this Assize.—" 15S9. March. Great pvison making for holding ye Assizes in thistownc. — " The places for the Judges to sit in, one against the key hall, and the other by the North " end of Mr, Collibear's house, both covered with rcede. — There come hither but 1 judge " Ld Anderson he came to town the monday in the afternoon ; to the key hall place there " read the commission, charged the grand jm-y and adjoiirned. — The tuesday the Judge, Ld " Bath, & other gent, dined with Mr. Maior. — Martyne, the goaler, kept some of his pri- " soners in house late Bailiif 's, & others in Castle Green, under tyltes with sayles. — Judge " lodged at Mr. Doddridge's, Sherifl" at Mawdlene, Scrjt. Drue at GiU. Harris, Serjt. Glan- " dyl at Roger Cades, Serjt. Harrys at j\Ir. W. Collibear's, Mr. Heale at Mr. Welche's " house. — Rest of the lawyers accomodated elswhere. — Tuesday sat on nisi prius. Wed- " nesday by 5 o'clock, the judge tried ii or iii causes of nisi prius, and then upon the goal, " and gave judgment upon those who were to be executed. Friday and Saturday sat on " nisi prius & ended. The giboct was set up on the Castle Green and xviii prisoners hanged, " whereof iijj of Plymouth, for a murder '' The Parish Register of Barnstaple contains the following entry, — " Here foUoweth the names of them Prysoners wich were Burj'ed in " the Church yearde of Baraistaple ye syce (Assize) week. March 1590. — George Stronge- " withe, Buryed the xxth daye — Vlalya Page, Burycd at Bishopc tawton ye xxth daye." The names of seven other men are added, but no other woman. Sec Mrs. Bray's " Traditions of Devonshire," vol. II. pp. 310, 32(), and Cribble's "History of Barnstaple," p. 620. THE Plymouth Tragedy, or Tair Susan's Overthrow. Tol. London. ( No date.) B.M. A Ballad of 38 verses, with a rude wood-cut of ship])ing. THE Plymouth Tragedy. Broad sheet. Coventry. ( No date.) A Ballad of 42 verses. THE Plymouth Tragedy : being a full and particular Account of the wonderful apj)earing of Madam E. .Johnson at Plymouth. P. SWEET William of Plymouth. J'ul. London. (No date.) BM. A Ballad of 50 verses. POETRY. 123 SIR Francis Drake, His Honorable lifer's commendation, and his Tragicall Deathe's lamentation. Dedicated to the beavteovs and vertu- ous Lady Elizabeth late wife unto the highHe renowmed Sir Francis Drake, deceased, by Charles Titzgeffrey. At Oxford, 1596. B.M. THRENI Oxoniensium in Obitum Illustrissimi Viri D. Jo. Petrei Baronis de Writtle, &c. 4to. Oxon. 1613. U.C. A collection of Poems in the Hebrew, Greek, Latin and other languages, by members of the University. Among the Authors are the names, Grenville, Prideaux, Petre, Gale, Co- nant, Polvvhele, Glanville, Fortescue, Cotton, Vivian. The family of Petre rose in Devon- shire, and at that time had large Estates in the county. AN Eligie on the Death of Sir Arthur Chichester, Knight, &c. 4to. London, April 12, 1613. B.M. SIX Verses on the Death of Sir Bevill Greenfield. 4to. London, August 12, 1613. B.M. VERSES on the Death of the Right Valiant Sir Bevill Greuvill, Knight, who was slaine by the Rebells on Landsdown hill neare Bath, July 5, 1613. 4to. Printed 1613. L.O. VERSES by the University of Oxford on the death of Sir Beville Grenville, alias Granville, Knight, who was slain by the Rebells on Lansdown Heath, July 5, 1613. 4to. (Oxford,) 1643. Q.O. VERSES by the University of Oxford on the death of the Most No- ble and Right Valiant Sir Bevill Grenvill, Alias Granvill, Knt., who was slain by the Rebells at the Battle on Lansdown Hill near Bathe, July the 5th, 1643. 4to. Oxford, 1643, and now Reprinted at London, 1684. B.M. A Portrait "fctat 39. 1640," and a Dedication to the Right Honble. John Earl of Bath his son, containing various historical particulars, signed " Henry Birkhead, Inner Temple, Nov. 1, 1684." Appended to this edition are copies of Letters of King Charles II, and Grants, &c., in favour of the Earl of Bath, for the services of the noble family of Grenville down to the Restoration ; also a Report, by Sir W. Ralegh, of a Sea Fight off the Azores, betwixt the Revenge, commaaded by Sir Richard Grenville, and the Armada of the King of Spain, in August, 1591. 124 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Penitent Tray tor, or tlie humble Confession of a Devonshire Gentleman who ■was coudcmnecl for High Treason and executed at Ty- borne for the same, in the Eaigne of King Henry the third, the nine- teenth of July, 12G7. — You may sing tliis if you please to the Tune of Fortune my Foe. Fol. Black Letter. Single sheet. (1647 ?) B.M. A diill political song of 37 verses. A WARNING for Married Women. Being an Example of Mrs. Jane Reynolds, a west-country woman, born neer Pilmouth, who having plighted her troth to a Seaman was afterwards married to a Carpenter, and at last carried away by a Spirit, the manner how shall presently be recited. Fol. Black Letter. London, (1650 ?) J5.1f. A Ballad of 32 verses. An Alphabet of Elegiack Groans upon the truly lamented Death of that rare Exemplar of Youthful Piety John Fortescve of the Inner Tem- ple, Esquire. By E. E. ( Edmund Elys.) 4to. London, 1656. (1654?) B.M. A PANEGYRICK to His Excellency the Lord Generall Monck. By Sir William Davenant. Fol. Single sheet. London, 1659. B.M. THE Muse^s Congratulatory Address to His Excellency the Lord General Monck. Fol. Single sheet. (London, 1660.) ^.Jf: THE Noble Monk, or an Acrostical Panegyrick to the memory of His Excellency the Lord General George Monk. Fol. Single sheet. London, 1660. B.M. ANAGRAM of His Excellency the Lord General Monck, by W. Drumond. Fol. Single sheet. London, 1660. B.M. SORROWS Funerall. An Elegie on the Death of that lovely Child Mris Joanna Reynell, who died of a Consumption at the age of seven years and an half, having been sicke near twentie weeks. Jan. 26, 1661. 4to. B.3L MUSARUM Cantabrigiensium Threnodia in Obitum Incomparabi- lis Herois ac Ducis Hlustrissimi Georgii Ducis Albaemarlse, Regiarum POETRY. 135 copiarum Archistrategi, Eegis, & Eegnorum Magnse Britannise Felicissimi Restauratoris. 4to. Cantabrigise, 1670. W. IN Obitura Illustrissimi Ducis Albemarliae, nobilissimo Paterni Splen- doris Hseredi Filio, et Posteris. Authore Midi, lloberts, S.T.P. Oxon. 4to. Londini, 1670. B. TO His Grace Christopher Duke of Albemarle, &c., lately elected Chancellour of the University of Cambridge. A Piudarick Poem. Pol. Cambridge, 1682. BJl. WITCHCRAPT discovered and punished, or the Tryals and Con- demnation of three Notorious Witches, who were Tryed the last Assizes holden at the Castle of Exeter in the County of Devon : where they re- ceived Sentance of Death for bewitching several Persons, destroying Ships at Sea, and Cattel by Land, &c. Pol. Single page. Black Letter. (London, 1683.) B.3L Such was the taste of the times that the fate of these poor women, who were committed from Bideford, was made the subject of this soBg of 17 vei'ses, printed before their execu- tion. It is adorned with three rude wood-cuts of Witches, and Satan in a cii'cle of witches dancing round him. THE Devonshire Bo/s Courage and Loyalty to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary ; in defending their County from the Invasion ofthePrench. Pol. Single page. Black Letter. (London, 1690.) J5.ili. This is a Song of 18 verses, relating to the bm-ning of Teignmouth by the French in 1690. It is adorned with three rude wood-cuts of King Wilham on horseback and soldiers marching. TORBAIA digna Caragenis. Ad Gulielraum Tertium Begem, &c. Gratissimum Ecclesise Anglicanse conservatorem. Authore Phi- lippe Avant, minimo, indiguissimoque Ecclesise Anglicanse Presbytero. Londini, 1692. P. A rare tract, comprising several Latin Poems in praise of Torbay and in honor of King WiUiam and Queen Mary ; others to Bishop Bm'uet, to the Rev. G. Walker, on the faU of Belgrade, and on the burning of Teignmouth by the French in 1690. The Author was "Vicar of Salcombe in this County. 126 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Parmer's Son of Devonshire. Being the Vahant Coronet^s Return from Flanders, &c. Fol. Black Letter. Single page. (1695 ?) B.M. A Song of 9 verses, with two rude cuts of a Soldier and a Fanner. A LETTER to Monsieur Boileau Despreaux occasioned by the Vic- tory at Blenheim. Eol. London, 1704. CO. MARLBOROUGH, or the Pate of Europe, a Poem. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Master Godolphin. By Samuel Wesley, M.A. Pol. London, 1705. C. THE Hero of the Age, or the Duke of Marlborough. A Poem, in three parts. 4to. London, 1705. W. THE Triumph, or Warriour's "Welcome. A Poem on the Successes of the last year. With the Ode for New Year's Day, 1705. By Mr. Tate, Poet Laureat to Her Majesty. 4to. London, 1705. C. A second edition in the same year. THE Double Welcome ; a Poem to the Duke of Marlborough. 4to. London, 1705. W. BLENHEIM, a Poem inscribed to the Right Honourable Robert Harley, Esq. By Mr. Philips of Christ-Church, Oxon. Pol. London, 1705. JF. THE Campaign. A Poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. By Mr. Addison. Pol. Loudon, 1705. CO. ADVICE to the Poets. A Poem occasioned by the wonderful success of Her Majesty's Arms under the command of the Duke of Marlborough in Planders. 2nd edition corrected. Pol. London, ]706. CO. A PINDARIQUE Ode humbly ofTcr'd to the Queen on the victo- rious progress of Her Majesty's Arms under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough. To which is prefix'd a Discourse on the Pindarique Ode. By Mr. Congreve. Pol. London, 1706. CO. POETRY. 127 A MODERN Inscription to the Duke of Marlborough's Fame, oc- casioned by an Antique in imitation of Spencer^ with a Preface unveil- ing some of the beauties of the Ode, which has passed for Mr, Prior's. Pol. London, 1706. B. BLEINHEIM. A Poem, inscribed to the Eight Honorable Eobert Harley, Esq. ' London, 1709. W. THE Campaign. A Poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. By Mr. Addison. 5th edition. London, 1713. W. Frontispiece representing the Diike on horseback. LUCTUS Aulse Westmonasteriensis in Obitum invictissimi Herois Joannis Ducis Marlburiensis, &c., cui adjicitur Epitaphium. Pol. Londini, 1722. B. A FUNERAL Poem to the memory of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. London, 1722. B.M. THE British General. A Poem sacred to the memory of His Grace John Duke of Marlborough. Inscribed to the Right Hon. William Earl of Cadogan. By N. Amhurst. London, 1722. 5. J/. CARMEN Elegiacum in mortem clarissimi Ducis Marlborough, Ro- mani Imperii Principum. Collegio pro meritis suis aggregate. Londini, 1723. U.C. AN Essay to the Memory of the Revd. George Trosse of Exeter. A Poem by J. M. 4to. 1713. THE Country Seat. A Description of Langdon, one of the Seats of Shilston Calmady, Esq., near Plymouth. A Poem. 4to. 1715, ♦ THE Totness Address versified, to which is annexed the original Ad- dress as presented to His Majesty. 4th edition. Pol. London, 1727. B. FREEDOM : a Poem, Written in time of Recess from the rapacious 128 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Claws of Bailiffs, and devouring Pangs of Goalers. By Andrew Brice, Printer. To which is annexed the Author's Case. Exon, 1730. P. THE Torbay Expedition. A Poetical Satire. Second edition. ko. London, 1740. A POEM on the recovery of the Hon. IMrs. Elizabeth Courtenay from her late dangerous Illness, humbly inscribed to Kellond Courte- nay, of Painsford, Esq., and his Lady. Written in the year 1743. (By B. Kennicott.) Oxford, 1747. B.M. A second edition in the same year. This Poem appears to have been the first puhlication of the afterwards learned and cele- brated Author, and to it he attributed liis advancement in life. An earlier production, en- titled " Bidwell," does not seem to have been printed in a separate form. POMEKY Hill, a Poem in blank verse, with other Poems, English and Latin, 1754. P. TIVEETON. A Poem. By Henry Kiddell. 4to. London, 1757. B.M. POEMS. By John Gerrard, Curate of Withycombe-on the Moor. 4to. London, 1770. THE Mobiad, or Battle of the Voice, an Heroi-Comic Poem, &c., being a Description of an Exeter Election, &c., by Andrew Brice. Exeter, 1770. P. SOWTON. A Village Conference : occasioned by a late Law Deci- sion. By a Journeyman Woolcomber. (C. Jones.) 4to. Crediton, 1775. P. Relating to an alleged Will-fraud. UGBROOKE Park, a Poem. Vignette. 4to. London, 1776. P. UGBROOKE Park, a Poem by the Rev. Joseph Reeve. 2nd edition. Vignette. Exeter, 1794. P. AN Elegiac Poem in blank verse on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Augus- POETRY. 129 tus Montague Toplady, A.B. By John Fellows, Author of the History of the Bible, in verse, &c. London, (1778.) AN Elegy on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Augustus Montague Toplady, A.B. ByT. W. London, (1778.) JUVENILE Poems, written in the years 1771 and 1772. London, 1778. P. A curious vignette view of Totnes on the Title-page. AN Elegiac Poem, &c., on William Shepherd, Merchant of Ply- mouth, &c. 4to. Plymouth, 1784. L.P. A MONODY upon the Death of Lord Ashburton. 4to. London, 1784. ODE on the proposed Visit of their Majesties to the City of Exeter. By Lawrence Hynes Halloran, D.D. 4to. Exeter, 1791. ELEGY to the Memory of George W. A. Courtenay, Esq., Captain of His Majesty's Ship the Boston, who fell at Sea in an Engagement with the French Ship Ambuscade, August 1st, 1793. 4to. Privately printed. London, 1793. BJI. THE Eoyal Visit to Exeter ; a Poetical Epistle by John Ploughshare, a farmer of Morton Hampstead in the County of Devon. Published by Peter Pindar, Esq. (Dr. Wolcot.) 4to. London, 1795. THE Stag-Hunt : selected as a Specimen from a Poem entitled " The Annual Diversions of the Banks of the river Taw." By the Eev. Charles Hill, M.A., Rector of Trentishoe. 8vo. Barnstaple. . . POEMS by the late Mr. and Mrs. Johns of Plymouth. Plymouth, (1800?) B.M. STOVER Lodge, a Poem ; including a short Sketch of the surround- ing Country. 4to. 2 Etchings. Exeter, 1801. P. BICKLEIGH Vale, with other Poems. By Nathaniel HoAvard. 2 Etchings. York, 1804. P. Another edition. London, 1808. R 130 BIBTJOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. NORTHERNHAY : a Poem. The Promenade Ibi- tlio Inhabitants of that City. Addressed to Solitude, With an introductory Sonnet. By James Kemp. 4to. Exeter. A second edition. 1808. MOUNT Edgcumbe, a Poem. By Cyrus Eedding. London, 1811. P. HONITON-HILL. A Poem. By the Eev. William John Tucker, A.M., Eector of Widworthy, Devon. * 4to. Bath, ISIL P. A second edition with some additions. Bath, 1812. THE Commemoration of Reynolds, in two parts, with notes, and other Poems: by Martin Archer Shee, R.A. London, 1814. £JI. BABBICOMBE; or the Eatal Gale: a Poem by W. H. Tonkin, jun., Esq. 4to. Frontispiece. Teignmouth, 1816. Descripti\-e of the loss of three Fishermeu off Babbicomhe, 5 Dec, 1816. A EEW Leaves from my Eield Book, containing some Pictures in Miniature. By WiUiam Woolcot. Late Royal Military Surveyor. London, 1818. JB.M. Short Poems, with notes, some of which relate to local sccneiy in Devon. Dated at South Molton. DEVONIA : a Poem in Five Cantos, descriptive of the most inte- resting Scenery, natural and artificial, in the County of Devon : inter- spersed with Historical Anecdotes and Legendary Tales. By the Rev. G. Woodley, of St. Mar/s, Scilly; author of "Cornubia." 1820. THE Banks of Tamar : a Poem, with other Pieces. By N. T. Car- rington. Plymouth-Dock, 1820. Another edition. 1826. DART]\100R, and other Poems. ( With Notes on Dartmoor.) By Joseph Cottle. London, 1823. BJL POETRY. 131 EDDY STONE Light-House, a Poem, with a Chronological History of the same. 1823. MAYOE Choosing Day (at Plymouth) ; or the Lambertine of the Angels : with other Poems. By Kobert "Webb Stone Baron. Frontispiece. Plymouth, 1824. DEVON. A Poem. By J. Gompertz, Esq. ( With Notes.) Teignmouth, 1825. B. RURAL Employments iu Spring : or the Pleasures of a Country Life in Devonshire. A Poem in three Parts. Illustrated with Notes selected from various Authors, &c. By W. Mann, of Ashburton; Author of " The Asylum for the BHnd,^' and other Poems. Ashburton, 1825. P. DARTMOOR : a Descriptive Poem. By N. T. Carriugton. With Notes by the late W. Burt, Esq., 12 Prints. London, 1826. A second edition in the same year, in which the Preface by Mr. Burt was omitted. THE Eddystone Light-House, a Poem, &c. Frontispiece. London. PEN Tamar. By H. M. Bowdler. 4 views of Plymouth, 1830. THE Lay of the Desert. A Poem in two Cantos. By Henry Sewell Stokes. London, 1830. B.M. On Dartmoor, with notes. MY Native Tillage, and other Poems. By N. T. Carrington. Loudon, 1830. THE Decayed but Reviving Churchyard Yew. Offwell, Devon. 3 Vignettes. 1832. P. A Poem, with notes, by the Rev. J. G. Copleston. Printed for private circulation. The Collected Poems of the late N. T. Carrington. Edited by his Son, H. E. Carrington. 2 vols. London, 1834. 132 BIBLIOTliECA DEVONIENSIS. SEATON Beach, a Poem, &c., Mith notes. By the Eev. J. B. Smith. London, 1835. P. LYNMOUTH : or Sketchings and Musings in North Devon, by a Sojourner. London, 1835. P. Lines by tlie Rev. J. G. Copleston, printed at a private press at Awliscombe. by W. Sawyer, Esq. EEMINISCENCES of the Life and Death of Captain Henry Clark, who was interred in Bideford Church-yard, 1836. 4to. AVhole length Portrait. Bideford. No date. A Ballad of 30 verses, with an Epitaph ; to which is appended a descriptiou of the town of Bideford in 46 verses. POETICAL Eemarks on hearing of the Great" Landslip of Dowlands and Bindon, &c. South Petherton, (1840.) SHUTE Park; a descriptive Poera. By J. B. Smith, Colyton. Inscribed to Sir "VV. T. Pole, Bart. A second edition. Colyton, 1841. P. THE Sculptor's Daughter. A Poem. Exeter, 1842. P. Occasioned by a Monument of peculiar interest in the chancel of St. Thomas' Church. BABBICOMBE, and other Poems. By M. Bridges. Frontispiece. 1842. P. TWELVE Sonnets on Colyton Church, with Notes illustrative and descriptive : and a View of the Church. By John Parmer. London, 1842. P. THE Royal Visit to Loyal Plymouth. Plymouth, (1843.) Verses on the visit of H. M. the Queen and the Prince Albert. THE Torquay Guide. By Democritus Tertius. Frontispiece. 1843. P. POETRY. 133 SOIVIE Account of the renowned William Collacott of Shebbear, Devon, 1844. 4to. Whole length portrait. Bideford. A Ballad of 24 verses. THE Budleigh Ballad. A Tale of Threatened Woe and Merciful Deliverance : from the Chronicles of the year of our Lord 1845. Plymouth, (1845.) P. A short narrative and a Poem by George Wightwick, relating how six infant cliildren drifted out to sea in an open boat, and were found safe and asleep the next morning. THE War of the Surplice. A Poem in three Cantos, &c., by Anti- Empiricus. London, 1845. POETICAL Extravaganza. On the late Charitable Eetes at Mount Edgcumbe, Saltram, etc. Plymouth, 1846. THE Life of Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars. Part the first. A wood-cut portrait, and a print of a ship. Bideford. No date. This Poem ceased with the twelfth page, and the embarkation of its hero for Nevrfoundland. MEMOIR of Mr. John Hobbs, a native of Bideford, Devon, forty- five years porter on the Quay at that Port. Pol. Single sheet. Bideford, 1846. A Ballad of 36 verses, with a whole length wood-cut profile. LAYS and Legends of the West. By P. Curson. Exeter, 1847. A CHARITABLE Address relative to past awful Accidents, parti- cularly those of the I6th Peb. 1847. A broad sheet. Bideford. No date. This is a Ballad of 18 verses on the death of eight persons di-owned in an omnibus in the river Torridge. At the head is a wood-cut view of the bridge and town of Bideford, with 24 stanzas of descriptive verse. REMINISCENSES of the Life, Travels, Trials, Wanderings, Suf- ferings, and Eccentricities of Master George ^tavely), son of a respect- able tradesman of Bideford, Devon. Two rude wood-cut portraits. Bideford, 1848. 134 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. ROGER REEFE, the Fisher of Sutton. Plymouth, 1849. THE Humble Reply of the Churchwardens of Bampford-Speeke to His Honor the Bishop of Exeter. No printer's name or place. 1850. P. This is an effusion in afTectcd rustic doggerel, with a preface and notes. AN Address on the opening of the Plymouth Mechanics' Institute, dehvered at the New Hall, Princess Square, 22nd Sept., 1851. By Hampden Wotton. Plymouth, 1851. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. Some Books wilJ be found noticed under this head which would not strictly be styled Biographical, such as funeral Sermons and works which have introductory biographical no- tices ; but it has not been thought fit to adhere so closely to rule as to exclude them, seeing that they will often be foimd to comprise the best, and sometimes the only, particulars to be gained respecting an individual person. As to some great public men, such as Monk and Marlborough, the paraplilets relating to their political lives, with speeches and addresses to them, are, as might be expected, almost innimierable. Those among them which ai-e here noticed are, wdth few exceptions, such as are rare, and such as relate to the personal and private life of the individual, or to events connected with this Coxmly in pailicular. COLLECTIONS towards a Description of the County of Devon. By Sir Wilham Pole of Colcombe and Shute, Knt. (who died A.D. 1635,) &c. 4lo. London, 1791. B.M. This work relates to genealogy, and tlie family' -histoiy of the County, rather than to its topography and antiquities. DANMONII Orientales Illustres ; or The Worthies of Devon, &c. By John Prince. Fol. Cuts of Arms. Exeter. 1701. i?.Jf. M^iJ BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 135 A new edition with Notes. 4to. 6 Portraits, 5 plates of Arms. London, 1810. This last edition was edited by the publisher, Mr. Rees of Plymouth, who received mate- rial assistance from Dr. Woollcombe and Henry Woollcombe,Esq. The late Lord Grenville contributed the materials for the notes on that family, and the Rev. J. Swete of Oxton fur- nished the note on Sir N. Martyn. THE Soule^s Sentinel, discovering the Sicke Man's devout Resolu- tion : a Sermon preached at the Funeral Solemnities of Sir Arthur Ack- land, Knt.. 9 Jan. 1611-12. By Richard Carpenter, Rector of Shir- well and Loxhore, in Devon. London, 1612. A TRUE and Impartial Account of the Parliamentary Conduct of Sir T. D. Acland, Bart. By a Freeholder of the County of Devon. Exeter, 1819. By the Rev. J. Jones of North Bovcy. A LETTER to the Rev. Thomas Alcock, Vicar of Runcorn in Che- shire, and of St. Budeaux, Devon. By Sir Harry Trelawney, Bart. 1780. CASE before the House of Lords of John Anstis, Garter King of Arms, against John Gandy and Frances his Wife, niece of Anstis, and the Rev. John Penneck, Chancellor of the Church of Exeter, who were left Guardians of the said Frances Gandy and Mary her Sister, Daugh- ters of William Hooper and Mary Anstis his Wife, of Cornwall. Fol. Two single sheets, 3 734, 1735. A SERMON Preached on the Death of the Rev. Mr. John Ashwood, with an Account of his Life and Character, &c. By Thomas Reynolds. London, 1707. JF. Mr. Ashwood was Vicar of Axniinster. CASE between Anne Salter and Francis Kite relative to the Will of Michael Salter Asshe of Crediton, to set aside the same ; also relating to the Manor of Barton, and other Lands in Heavitree, Sowton other- wise CHst Formeson, &c., in the County of Devon. Fol. 1773. 136 BIBLTOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. CASE between Anue Salter, Francis Kite, Edward Ramshay, Mary Salter, John Partridge and Samuel Mare, relative to the same, with Ex- tracts from the Will of Michael Salter Asshe. Fol. 1774. A DISCOUESE occasioned by the much lamented Death of the Eev. Mr. Samuel Atkins, late Minister of the Gospel in Exon, who dyed July 4.th, 1702. By Isaac GilHng, V.D.M. (of Newton Abbot.) Exon, 1703. W. A SERMON preached at Newton- Abbot Aug. 25, 1702, at the Fu- neral of Samuel, son of the late Eev. Mr. Samuel Atkins, Minister of the Gospel in Exon. By Isaac Gilling. Exon, 1703. JF. THE Life and Adventures of Captain John Avery, the famous Eng- lish Pirate, raised from a Cabbin-boy to a King, now in possession of Madagascar, &c. 4to. London, 1709. B.M. THE Famous Adventures of Captain John Avery of Plymouth, a no- torious Pirate. Falkirk, 1809. £JL A rude wood-cut on tlic Title-page. THE Character of a Good Minister. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Eev. Mr. John Ball, who died May 6, 1745, in the 91st year of his age : preached at Honiton in the County of Devon, by John Walrond. Exeter, 1745. TF. SHEM ACHEE (in Hebrew). A Name, an After-one; or Ovofix Kctivou. A Name, a New one. In the Later-Day Glory : or, an Histo- rical Declaration of the Life of Shem Acher, Especially as to some more eminent Passages of his Day, relating to his more thorow lawful Call to the Office and Work of the Ministry, for about Twenty Years last past. &c. Fol. London, 1681. B.M. His own Life, by the learned but eccentric Francis Bampfield, third son of John Bamp- field of Poltimore, Esq., by Eli/abeth, daui^hter of Thomas Brake, of Buckland, Esq. A JUST Appeal from Lower Courts on Earth to the Highest Court in Heaven, or the Case of F. B. the Lord's Free Prisoner, truly in the BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 137 main reported, as to the Matter of Fact at liis Examination and Tryal in the open Quarter Sessions at the old Bayly, vulgarly the 12th and 13th days of the 8th month in the year 1683, &c. From Newgate Prison, the 17th day of the 8th month, 1683. Francis Bampfield. Fol. London, 1683. B.M. A CONTINUATION of a former Just Appeal from lower Courts on Earth to the Highest Court in Heaven, in the case of E. B. about his not taking the Oath of Allegiance under his circumstances. New- gate Prison, 20th day of 11th Month, 1683-4. Erancis Bampiield. Eol. (1684.) B.M. AN Act for the Sale of Part of the Estate of Sir Coplestone War- wick Bampfylde, Bart., and for Settling another Estate of greater value to the same uses. STATE of a Reinsurance underwritten by Mr. Charles Baring, Mer- chant, for Sir John Duntze, &c. Exeter, (1783.) P. THE Whole State of the Case, or Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled "State of a Reinsurance," &c. By C. Baring. Exeter, 1783. P. A REPLY to Mr. Charles Baring's "Whole State of the Case." By Sir John Duntze, Bart. London, 1783. P. A LETTER to Henry Porter, of Winslade, Esq., from John Bar- tholomew, A.M., Archdeacon of Barnstaple, on matters connected with the Rectory of Lympstone during his incumbency. Exeter. 1852, AN Act for Vesting certain Lands, Tenements, Rents, and Heredi- taments, in the Parish of Tavistock and elsewhere, in His Grace John Duke of Bedford, and for settling and assuring in lieu thereof a Rent- charge of greater value to be issuing out of Lands and Tenements be- longing to the said Duke for the purposes in the Bill mentioned. 1763. AN Act Vesting certain parts of Estates in Cornwall and Devon, devised by the Will of Hannah Bedford, in trustees for sale, and invest- ing the purchase monies in other Estates to be settled to the same uses. S • 1806. 138 KIHTJOTUl'lCA DEVONIENSIS. CHEISrS Reward of a Christian's Watch aiul Ward : or a Sermon preached at the Burial of Mr. John Berry, of Thorverton in the Countie of Devon, Aug. 23, 1G54, by John Preston, Minister of the Gospel there. 4to. London, 1655. IF. Dedicated to Thomas Brown, Esq., Aklcrniaii oi' London. A BILL for Yesting the Estates in the Parish of Berrynarber, the property of Thomas Berrie, Esq., deceased, in Trustees for sale : for dis- charging his Debts and laying out the surplus Money for the benefit of Henrica his Widow and Dorothy and Henrietta his infant Daughter.-;. (Temp. Q. Anne.) A SHORT Account of George Bidder, the celebrated Mental Calcu- lator (born at Moreton-Hampstead, June 14, 1806), with a variety of the most difficult questions proposed to him at the principal Towns in the Kingdom, and his surprising rapid Answers : with extracts from the Newspapers on the subject. Exeter, 1821. B. A second edition with additions. Norwich. THE Apprentice's Warning-piece. Being a Confession of Peter Moore, formerly servant to Mr. Bidgood, Apothecary in Exeter, exe- cuted there the last Assizes for poysoning his said Master. Wherein is observed such lamentable expressions proceeding from him, as may pro- duce a trembling to all who reade or heare thereof, and be a warning to such leud servants who walk the same steps, lest they receive the same punishment. 4to. London, 1641. £.M. PRACTICAL Discourses upon our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, by Ofspring Blackall, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Exeter : with a Preface giving some account of the Work, ^vit]l some Memoirs of the Author. By the most Reverend Pather in God, William (Dawes) Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan. 8 volumes. Portrait, London, 1717. B.M. THE Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Ofspring Black- all, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Exeter, &c. With a Preface giving some BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 13 9 account of the Author, by the Most Eevereud Father in God, William (Dawes) Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England and Metropo- litan. 2 vols. fol. London, 1723. B.M. ORATIO Fvnebris habita in Schola Theologica ab Oratore pvblico, in obitv clarissimi equitis Thomse Bodleii. 4to. Oxonise, 1613. B.M. IVSTA fvnebria Ptolemaei Oxoniensis Thomae Bodleii equitis avrati, celebrata in Academia Oxoniensi; Mensis Martij 29, 1613. 4to Oxonise, 1613, B.M. BODLEIOMNEMA. 4to. Oxonian, 1613. B.M. To which is added, ORATIO Fvnebris habita in Collegio Mertoneusi a Johanne Halesio, M.A., &c. Anno 1613, Martii 29°- quo die Clarissimo Equiti D. Thomse Bodleio funus ducebatur. THE Life of S'- Thomas Bodley the Honovrat)le Founder of the Pvblique Library in the Vniversity of Oxford. Written by Himselfe„ ( Ending thus, "Written with my owne hand Anno 1609, December the 15. Tho. Bodley.^0 " 4to. Oxford, 1647. B.M. BODJiEIUS. Orationes duaj in obitum ejus. In " Vitaj Selecto- " rum aliquot virorum qui Doctrina, Dignitate, aut Pietate inclaruere.^' 4to. Londini, 1681. C.C.O. RELIQUIAE Bodleianse : or some genuine remains of Sir Thomas Bodley, containing his Life, the lirst draught of the Statutes of the Pub- hck Library at Oxford, in English, and a Collection of Letters to Dr. James, &c. Published from the Originals in the said Library. ( By T. Hearne.) 8vo. London. 1703. B.M. ORATIO in Pubhcis Academise Oxoniensis Scholis, in laudem cla- rissimi doctissimique viri Thomse Bodleii, Equitis aurati, Publicse ibidem Bibliothecse Fundutoris, habita, ab insignissimo viro tam ingenio quam doctrina excellent i, Ediuundo Smith, A.M. 4lo. Londiiii, 17 LI. L. 140 BIBLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. CIIRIS'PS Watch-word : occasioned on the Eunerall of the truly Revd. Mr. Laurence Bodley, B.D., late Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford, and Rector of Clist Hidon in Devon. By Richard Peeke, M.A., and Minister of God's Word in Columpton. 4to. London, 1635. P. Dedicated to Mrs. IMary Reynell at Credywogcr in Devon. REPORT of the Proceedings — in an Action — Lord Boringdon v. Sir Arthur Paget. London, 1808. P. AN Act for Dissolution of the Marriage of John Lord Boringdon with Augusta Lady Boringdon. 1809. SOME Account of Lord Boringdon's Accident on 21st July, 1817, and its consequences. 4to. Portrait and Plate. 1818. F. A vei-y limited number of this woik was printed for private circulation only. CASE between Philip Abell and Humphrey Dene relative to the Estate of Peter Bound called Old hill or Odlehill in the Parish of Den- bury in the County of Devon. Pol. 1729. CASE between H. Bennett and John Bailey, of Northleigh in the County of Devon, relative to the Estates of Mary Bowdage, called How- berhayne and others, in Colyton, OfFwell, and Kilmington, in the said County, &c. Pol. 1737. DETAILS of the Arrest, Imprisonment, and Liberation of an Eng- lishman, by the Bourbon Government of France. London, 1823. B.M. By John Bowring. A FUNERAL Sermon preached at Bideford for Mr. Brayley ; by Samuel Short; with a recommendatory Preface by Mr. Joseph Mullet of Exeter. 1701. SERMONS by the late Rev. Joseph Bretland, to which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life. ( By W. B. K.) 2 vols. Portrait. Exeter, 1820. W. A SERMON preached in the Temple Chappel at the Funeral of the BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 141 Right Rev. Father in God, Dr. Brounrig, late Lord Bishop of Exceter, who died Decern. 7. and was solemnly buried Decemb. 17, in that Chap- pel. With an account of his Life and Death. Both dedicated to those Honorable Societies by the Author, Dr. Gauden. 4to. London, 1660. The same Work in 8vo. with a Portrait of the Bishop. London, 1660. W. THE Memorials of the Life and Death of the R. Rd. Eather in God Dr. Brounrig, late Lord Bishop of Exceter, as they were in great part delivered after the Sermon preached at his Euneral in the Temple Chap- pel. By Dr. Gauden. London, 1660. P. THE Works of William Browne, with a Life of the Author. 3 vols. 1772. SELECT Poems by William Browne, with a Life of the Author. By Ezekiel Sanford. Philadelphia, 1819. B.M. MEMOIR of the last Illness and Death of the late William Tharp Buchanan, Esq., of Ilfracombe. By the late William Shepherd, Esq., of llfracombe, Devon. London, 1837. A LETTER to the Lord ^^^ from Eustace Budgell, Esq., &c. London, 1719. This Pamphlet contained a Statement of the Writer's Case on his dismissal from Office in Ireland, and so great was the public curiosity or sympathy with his misfortunes, that a thousand copies of it were sold in one day. A ROD for the Hyp-Doctor made out of his own Broom, or Half a Dozen Lashes on the side of Mr. BudgeU, &c., by Timothy Scrub of Rag-Eair, Esq. London, 1731. P. LIBERTY and Property : A Pamphlet highly necessary to be read by every Englishman who has the least regard for those two invaluable blessings ; containing several curious Stories and Matters of Fact, with original Letters and other papers ; and some observations on the state of the Nation. The whole in a Letter to a Member of the House of Commons. By Eustace Budgell, Esq. London, 1732. L. A narrative of the Author's Law-suits aud Imprisonments. 142 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A COPY of the Will of Dr. Matthew Tindal, with an account of what pass'd concerning the same between Mrs. Lucy Price, Eustace Budgell, Esq, and Mr. Nicholas Tindal. London, 1733. B.M. A VINDICATION of Eustace Budgell, Esq., from some Aspersions thrown upon him in a late Pamphlet entitled "A Copy of the Will of Dr. Matthew Tindal," &c. London, 1733. B.M. AN Act to enable the Et. Hon. Eliz""- Viscountess Bulkeley, of Cashels in the Kingdom of Ireland, to sell certain Lands in the County of Devon and City of Exeter, for the payment of Debts. 1700. A STATEMENT of the manner in which the Rev. E. I. Burrow, D.D., became connected with the Institution at Mount Radford, and of the circumstances which led to his removal. By the Directors of the College School. Exeter, 1828. B. CHRISTIANITY. A Poem in three Books, with miscellaneous Notes, by the late William Burt, Esq., of Plymouth, Devon, Author of several prose works. Edited, together with a short Memoir of the Au- thor, by his nephew Major T. Seymour Burt. London, 1835. B. AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of John Hook Campbell of Banges- ton in the County of Pembroke, and Ehzabeth Eustasia Basset of Heai\- ton Court, Devon. Fol. 1778. CARABOO. A Narrative of a singular imposition practised by a young Woman of the name of Mary Willcocks, alias Baker, &c. 2 Portraits. London, 1817. P. A SERMON preached at the Eunerals of Syr Gawen Carewe, very worshipfully buried in the Cathedral Church of Exeter, 22 April, 1584. By John Charldon, D.D. Exeter, 1586. SELECT Poems of Thomas Carew, with a Life of the Author. By Ezekiel Sanford. Philadelphia, 1819. B.M. A BRIEE Relation of tlie Adventures of M. Bampfyeld Moore Carew for more than forty years past the Xing of the Beggars. London. (No date.) B.M. A iiidr WDOfl-cut I'oiiniit on Ihe Titlc-paco. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 148 AN Apology for the Life of Bampfylde Moore Carew (son of the Eev. Mr. Carew of Bickley), commonly known throughout the West of England by the title of King of the Beggars and Dog-Merchant Gene- ral, &c. The whole taken from his own mouth. London. (No date.) B.M. An Address to the reader, signed B. M. Carew. THE Life, Voyages and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew ; commonly called the King of the Beggars, &c. Collected and amended from his own Writings, by Thomas Price, of Poole, in Devon. To which is added a Dictionary of the Cant Language used by Mendicants. Portrait. London. (No date.) B.M. ADVENTUEES of Bampfylde Moore Carew, for more than Forty Years King of the Beggars. A rude wood-cut. Newcastle P. THE Adventures of Bampfylde Moor Carew, for more than forty years King of the Beggars. Edinburgh. B.M. A rude wood-cut Portrait on the Title-page. THE Life and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew, the noted Devonshire Stroller and Dog Stealer, as related by Himself during his Passage to the Plantations in America, containing a great variety of re- markable Transactions in a Vagrant Course of Life, which he followed for the space of thirty years and upwards. 4to. Portrait. Exon, 1745. B.M. THE Accomplished Vagabond : or Compleat Mumper : exemplifyM in the bold and artful Enterprizes, and merry Pranks of Bampfylde Moore Carew. Oxford, 1745. AN Apology for the Life of Bampfylde Moore Carew. London, 1749. AN Apology for Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Mendicants. London, 1749. AN Apology for the Life of Mr. Bampfylde Moore Carew, commonly calFd the King of the Beggars, &c. Folding Portrait. London. B.M. An Address to the reader, signed B. M. Carew, and dated Feb. 10, 1750. 144 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSTS. APOLOGY for the Life, of Bampfylde Moore Carew (Son of the Rev. Mr. Carew of Bickley), commouly known as the King of the Beg- gars, and Dog-Merchant General. London, (1750?) B.M. APOLOGY for the Life of Bampfylde Moore Carew, containing his Life from the age of 15, his Travels in Europe and America, with an Account of the Origin, Language, Laws, Customs, &c., of the Gypsies. Ninth edition. A large folding Portrait. London, 1775. P. THE Life of Bampfylde Moore Carew sometime King of the Beg- gars, &c. To which is added a Dictionary of the Mendicants' Cant Phrases. London, 1804. B.M. A BRIEF Relation of the Adventures of Mr. Bampfylde Moore Ca- rew, for more than forty years the King of the Beggars. (A rude wood-cut on the Title-page.) Glasgow, 1808. B.M. THE Surprising Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars, &c. Portrait. Vignette. 2 Plates. London, (1813.) P. Editions of this popular book, in various fonns and titles, sometimes with a Portrait, and other prints, appeared in the years 1779, 1789, 1793, 1803, 1805, 1812, 1835, 1847, and probably in many others, but those above mentioned comprise perhaps all, whether of fact or fiction, which has been recorded respecting this remarkable personage. MEMOIR of Robert Carey, Earl of Monmouth. Written by him- self. London, 1729. Q.O A SERMON preached at the Eunerall of Mr. John Cawse of Plym- mouth, by Alexander Crosse. June 3. 4to. London, 1645. B.M. AN Act to enable the Rev. R. Harington to be receiver of the Es- tates of Arthur Champernowne, of Dartington in the County of Devon, Esq., a minor. Pol. 1778. AN Act for Sale of Part of the Estate of Sir John Chichester, Bart. AN Act for the Settlement of the Rectory of Chudleigh in the Coun- ty of Devon, upon Thomas Lord Chfford and others. 1672. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 145 CLIFFORDIANA. Exeter. F. This Work, dedicated to Charles Lord Clifford, and priuted for private circulation only, by the Rev. George Oliver, is a detailed account of the uoble House of Cliiford in its various branches. COLLECTANEA Cliffordiana. In three Parts: containing, 1. Anec- dotes of Illustrious Personages of the name of Clifford. 2. Historical and Genealogical Notices respecting the Origin and Antiquity of the Clifford Eamily. 3. Chfford, a Tragedy. By Arthur Clifford, Esq. Paris, 1817. P. AN Act for Vesting certain Settled Estates of the Right Hon. Lord Clinton and Saye in Trustees, to be sold, for paying off Incumbrances, and for purchasing other Estates to be settled to the same uses. 3 Geo. 4. c. 35. 1822. AN Act for the same purposes and amending the Act 3 Geo. 4. 6 Geo. 4. 1825. A NEW Charge against Sir John Clotworthy. 4to. London, 1648. B.M. BIOGRAPHIA Literaria, or Sketches of my Literary Life and Opini- ons. By S. T. Coleridge. 2 vols. London, 1817. AN Oration on the Death of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Esq., delivered at the Russell Institution on Friday, August 8, 1834, by Abraham Johu Heraud. London, 1834. L. SPECIMENS of the Table-Talk of the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Portrait and Frontispiece. 2 vols. London, 1835. THE Poetical and Dramatic Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, with a Life of the Author. London, 1836. LETTERS, Conversations, and Recollections of Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge. 2 vols. London, 1836. EARLY Recollections; chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge during his long residence in Bristol. By Joseph Cottle. T 2 vols. Portraits. London, 1837. 146 BIBLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS, THE Life of Samuel Tayloi' Coleridge. l>y James Cillinan. ' 3 vols. London, 1838. BIOGEAPHIA Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 2nd Edition. Pre- pared for publication in part by the late Henry Nelson Coleridge, com- pleted and published by his Widow. 3 vols. London, 1847. The second volume contains a Biograplucal Supplement by II. N. Coleridge, Esq. REMmiSCENCES of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. By Joseph Cottle. Portraits. London, 1847. AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of Sir John Colleton (of Exeter), Baronet, with Anne Eullford his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 12 Geo. III. Pol. London, 1772. PABLES and other Pieces in Verse. By Mary Maria Colling, With some Account of the Author, in Letters addressed to Robert Southey, Esq., by Mrs. Bray. Portrait. London, 1831. A PAMPHLET : called " Old England for ever." By John Cooke. (Exeter, 1819.) P. A Sketch of his Life. THE Life of WilHam Coombs, of Buckfastlcigh, Devon. By the Rev. R. Hawker, D.D., Vicar of Charles. London, 1802. A SHORT Account of the Work of Grace in the Life of William Coombs of Buckfastlcigh in the County of Devon, aged 13. By Robert Hawker, D.D., Vicar of Charles, Plymouth. London, 1820. MEMOIR of Edward Cop'.eston, D.D., Bishop of Llandafl'; with Selections from his Diary and Corrcs])ondencc, &c. By W. J. Cople- ston, M.A. London, 1851. AN Admonition to Youth. A Funeral Sermon preached at Bideford, 4th February, 1714, on the death of Mr. Phihp Cornish. By William Bartlet. London, 1714. P. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTOKY. 147 MEMORIALS of the Eight Reverend Father in God, Myles Cover- dale, sometime Lord Bishop of Exeter, who first translated the whole Bible into English, together with divers matters relating to the promul- gation of the Bible in the reign of Henry the Eighth. Portrait. London, 1838. B.M. REMAINS of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. George Pearson. ( With a Biographical Notice.) Cambridge, ]846. REQVESTE presentee av Roy par Messievrs de Courtenay le quin- zieme Januier, mil six cens trois. (A Paris). B.M. REPRESENTATION dv mcrite de Tinstance faicte par Messieurs de Courtenay pour la conseruation de la dignite de leur Maison. A Paris, 1603. B.3L MEMOIRE adjovste sur I'instance faicte par Messieurs de Courtenay, avec vne remonstrance au Roy sur les Requestes par eux presentees a sa Majeste. A Paris, 1603. B.M. DISCO VRS svr la Genealogie et Maison de Covrtenay issve de Lovys le Gros sixiesme du nom, Roy de Erance. Avee les requestes presen- tees au Roy sur ce subiect & ensemble vne representation du merite de cette instance. A Paris, 1603. P. REQVESTE presentee av Roy par Messievrs de Courtenay le quin- ziesme Decembre, mil six cens trois. (A Paris, 1603). P. REMONSTRANCE av Roy du 7 Janvier 1605, par Messieurs de Courtenay, sur les requestes par eux cy deuant presentees a sa Majeste. A Paris, 1605. B.M. DE Stirpe et origine domvs de Covrtenay, qva3 cfepita Ludouico cras- so huius nominis sexto Prancorum Rege Sermocinatio : cvi iuserti svnt supplices libelli Regi ad banc rem oblati, vna cum reprasentatione iuris & meritorum prsesentis instantise. Addita sunt responsa ccleberrimorum Europae Jurisconsultorum. Carta genealogica. Parisiis, 1607. B.M. The several opinions of the Tiawyers appenrlcrl In this work amount lo twenty in number. They are all s('])ara(cly jiafied. U8 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. REQUESTE presentee au Hoy par Messieurs de Courtenay, le 22 Jaiiuier mil six cens & huict. (A Paris, 1608). P. REPRESENTATION du procedd tenv en ^instance faicte devant le Roy par Messieurs de Courtenay pour la conservation de Khonneur de lour ]\Iaison ct droit de leur naissance, &c. A Paris, 1608. £.M. REPRESENTATION du precede' tenv en ^instance faicte deuant le Roy par Messieurs de Courtenay pour la conseruatiou de I'lionneur & dignite de leur Maison, Branche de la Royalle Maison de Erance. En- semble les Noms des Docteurs & Jurisconsultes qui out cste consult ez sur ce subiect, aucc vn resultat abrege des aduis qu'ils cii out donne. Carte Geneaologique. A Paris, 1613. B.M. REPRESENTATION du subiect qui a por'.e Messieurs des Salles & de Erauuille de la Maison de Courtenay, Branche de la Royalle Maison de France, a se retirer liors du Royaume. (A Paris?) Imprime 1614. £.31. REQUESTE presentee av Roy par Messievrs de Courtenay I'vnzicsme de Mars, mil six cens vingt deux. (A Paris, 1622). £.M. REMONSTRANCE presentee av Roy par Messieurs de Courtenay le seizieme Mars mil six cens vingt six. (A Paris, 1626). B.M. HISTOIRE Genealogiqve de la Maison Royale de Covrtenay. Jus- tifiee par plvsievrs Chartes de diuerscs Eglises, Arrests du Parlement, Titres du Tresor du Roy & de la Chambre des Comptes, Ilistoires impri- mees & manuscriptes, & autres Preuues digues de foy. Par Monsieur Dv Bovcliet, Cheualier de I'Ordre du Roy, son Conseiller & Maistre d'llostel ordinaire. Eol. A Paris, 1661. £.3L This volmiic contains numerous plates which represent 3 Portraits, 4 Monuments, 32 Seals, anil 101 Shields olArins. THE State of the Godly both in this Life, and in the Life to come : delivered in a Sermon at Chudleigh in Devon, at the Euneralls of the Right Worsliipfull the Ladie Elizabeth Courtney, the 11 of Nov. 1605, and Published for the Instruction and Consolation of the Eaithfull. By Robert Wolcombe, Minister. Whcrcunto is annexed the Christian Life BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 149 and Godly Death of the sayd worshipfull Ladye Ehzabeth Courtney. With a Dedication to the worshipfull his good friend Thomas Clifford, Esq. • 4to. London, 1606. AN Act for Vesting certain Manors and Lands in the counties of Devon and Kent, the Estate of Sir W. Courtenay, Bart., in Trustees to be sold, and with the money to purchase other Lands in Devon, conti- guous to the Family Seat, Powderham Castle. 1714. The Trustees were the Bertie Family; on Sir William's marriage with the Lady Amie Ber- tie, daughter of the Earl of Abingdon. A GENEALOGICAL History of the Noble and Illustrious Family of Courtenay. In three Parts. I. Of the Counts of Edessa. II. Of that Branch that is in France. III. Of that Branch that is in Eng- land. By E. Cleaveland, B.D. Sometime Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford, and Kector of Honiton in Devon. Pol. Exon. 1735. B.M. AN Act to Establish and Confirm an Agreement made between Sir William Courtenay, Bart., and his Brother Henry Reginald Courtenay, Esquire, and to render the same effectual. 1739. A SHORT Memoir critically illustrating the Histories of the Noble Families of Tracy and Courtenay, of Devonshire, exhibiting likewise the Ancient Usage or Variation of Coat Armour in that of Tracy. Canterbury, 1796. BJL On the Title-page the Arms of Tracy, on page 5 the Arms of Viscount Tracy, and on page 17 the Arms of Viscount Courtenay. Dedication to Henry Lord Viscount and Baron Tracy, also to the Right Rev. Henry Reginald Coiu^enay, Lord Bishop of Bristol, by John Tracy (the editor), dated Brompton in Gillingham, Kent, 6th March, 1796. IN the House of Lords. The Case of Wilham Viscount Courtenay on his claim to the title and dignity of Earl of Devon. Fol. 1830. P. Printed by order of the House, and not for sale. MINUTES of Evidence taken before the Committee for Privileges to whom the Petition of Wilham Viscount Courtenay, &c., to His Ma- jesty praying that his right to the Earldom of Devon may be recognized by His Majesty, &c., was referred. Fol. 1831. P. Printed by order of the House of Lords, and not for sale. 150 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A LETTER to the Right Hon. The Lord Brougham and Vanx, &c.. &c., on the late Decision of the Earldom of Devon. London^ 183L P. By Sir T. C. Banks. REPORT of Proceedings on the Claim to the Earldom of Devon in the House of Lords. With Notes and an Appendix. By Sir Harris Nicolas, Barrister at Law. London, 18ii2. P. AN Act Authorizing the Raising by Mortgage of the Estates devised by the Will of the Right Hon. William late Earl of Devon, a limited Sum of Money, to be applied in repaying to the present Earl and Lord Courtenay the whole or a portion of the Monies already expended by them for the repair and restoration of the Castle of Powderham and the buildings belonging thereto, and towards completing such repair and restoration, making provision for payment of the Interest of the money so to be raised, and the liquidation of the Principal, and extending the power to grant building Leases contained in the Will of the late said Earl. 1842. THE Works of Mrs. Cowley. (With a prefatory Memoir of her Life). 3 vols. London, 1813. B.M. THE King v. Cox. For a Libel. The above Trial, as taken in Short Hand. Exeter, 1821. A LASTING Jewell for Religious Women ; a Sermon preached at Barnstaple in the County of Devon, 11 Nov. 1628, on Prov. xxxi. 10, at the Funerall of Mrs. Mary Crosse, wife of Henry Crosse of Barnsta- ple. With a Description of her Life and Death. By Wilham Cromp- ton. 4to. London, 1629. A SERMON preached at the Funeral of the Rev. William Crorap- ton. Lecturer at Barnstaple, by George Hughes, M.A., Yicar of St. An- drews, Plymouth. 4to. London, 1642. THE Blessedness of Departed Saints; in their immediate enjoyment of (Jod in Glorie, projiounded and impvnvod in a ]*\n\eral Sermon upon BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 151 Krcvel. 14, 13, March 3, 1651. By Joseph Rowe, Minister of the Gospel andPastor of Buckland-Monachorum inDevon. 4to. London, 1654. B.M. On the death of Mary, wile of Elizeus Crymes, Esq. A SEEMON on Deut. xxxii. 29 ; preached at the funeral of the Rev. Mr. John Culme, Vicar of Knowstone and Molland, in Devon, Dec. 2, 1691. By Lewis Sovthcomb, Rector of Rose Ash. 4to. London, 1692. B.M. Dedicated to Philip Shapcote, of Shapcote, Esq. DIVINITY, or Discourses on the Being of God, &c. By the Rev. W. Davy, A.B., Vicar of Winkleigh. With a Memoir of his Life by the Rev. C. Davy. 3 vols. Portrait. Exeter, 1827. P. The Life of the Author presents one of the most ciu'ioiis examples on recoi-d of perseve- rance in literary lahour under extreme difficulties. AN Act for vesting certain Estates the property of Sir John Davie, Bart., in Trustees, &c. 18 — . AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of G. C. Degen, of Exeter, Mer- chant, with Catherine Eurlong his wife. Pol. 1778. A LETTER to the Rev. Prebendary Dennis. By Cornehus. Exeter, 1819. A SPEECH delivered by the Rev. John Dennis, A.B., at a Meeting held at Teignmouth, May 14, 1827, for the purpose of Petitioning both Houses of Parliament to grant no further concessions to the Catholics. Teignmouth, 1827. The same, with Political Aphorisms. London, 1827. THE Grand Assizes : a Sermon preached at St. Mary^s, in Cam- bridge, by Thomas Puller, B.D. 1654. This contains a Panegyric of Judge Doddridge. A SERMON preached at the Puneral of Mr. Abraham Donn, Teach- er of writing, arithmetic, astronomy and navigation, in Bideford, Devon, by the late James Harvey, A.M., Rector of Weston Pavel. Now pub- hshed from the Author's Manuscript. With a Biographical Address to 152 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. the Reader, and a List of Works written by Benjamin Donn, younger Brother of the deceased. London, 1775. CERTAINE Treatises of the late reverend and learned Divine Mr. John Downe, Eector of the Church of Instow in Devonshire, Bachelour of Divinity, and sometimes Fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Uo. Oxford, 1633. To which is prefixed, THE Evnerall Sermon on behalfe of the Avthor of these ensuing Workes, preached by George Hakewill, D""- of Divinity and Archdeacon of Surrey, a neere neighbour and deere friend vnto him. 4to. Oxford, 1633. R3f. NEWES ovt of the Coast of Spaine. The true Report of the honour- able seruice for England, perfourmed by Sir Eravncis Drake in the moneths of Aprill and May last past, 1587, upon Cales; and also since that in the Cape St. Yincent and Cape Saker ; discoursed at large with euerie severall exploit of their fortunate successe, according to their owne Letters, which likewise is confirmed by those that came from thence. 4to. Black letter. London, 1587. RM. Dedicated to Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham. EXPEDITIO Erancisci Draki Equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales A. 1585. Qua. Urbes, Fanum D. Jacobi, D. Dominici, D. Augustini et Carthagena, captge fuere. Additis passim regionum locorumque omni- um tabulis Geographicis quam accuratissimis. 4to. Portrait. Leydse, 1588. B.M. This is the earliest and hest edition of Drake's West India Voyage ; with four maps. A SVMMARIE and trve discovrse of Sir Frances Drake's West In- dian Voyage, Wherein were taken the Townes of Saint Jago, Sancto Do- mingo, Cartagena, and Saint Augustine. With Geographicall Mappes exactly describing each of the Townes, with their scituations, and the maner of the Armies approching to the winning of them ; diligently made by Baptista Boazio. Ito. London, 1589. B.M. Another e(htion. 4to. London, 1596. JF.O. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 153 RELATION, oder Bescliriebuiig der Eeiss vnd ISchill'alirt auss Eii- gellandt, iu die (gegen dem vndergang der Sonne gelegnen) Indien gethan, durch einen Englischen Eitter Franciscum Drack genant, &c- Fol. Plates. 1589. B.M. A TEVE Coppie of a Discourse written by a Gentleman employed iu the late Voyage of Spaine and Portingale, &c. 4to. Black Letter. London, 1589. B.M. This is an account of a descent in Spain and Portugal by Admiral Drake and Sir John \' orris, who fitted out a fleet at their own charges and made that expedition in 1589. EPHEMEEIS expeditionis Norreysii et Draki in Lusitaniam. 4to. Loudini, 1589. B.M. BEEVIS et fida Narratio et Continuatio Eerum omnium a Drako et Norreysio (post felicem ex Occidentalibus insulis reditum) in sua expe- ditione Portugallensi singulis diebus gestarum. 4to. Erancofurti, 1590. B.M. NAEEATIONES duse admodum Memorabiles, quarum prima con- tinet Diarium Expeditionis Erancisci Draki Equitis Angli in Indias Oc- cidentales susceptse, Anno 1585. Altera omnium Eerum ab eodem Drako et Norreysio in Lusitanica irruptione gestarum fidelem continua- tionem subjicit. Emendationes quam antea editse. Additis insupcr tabulis Geographicis accuratissimis. 4to. 4 Maps. Noribergse, 1590. B.M. SIE Erancis Drake his Voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde, toge- ther with the Spanish Account of Drake^s Attack on Puerto Eico. Edited from the original manuscripts by W. D. Cooley. Printed for the Hakluyt Society. London, 1849. FEANCISCUS DEACUS Eedivivus, &c. (In the German lan- guage.) 4to. 2 Portraits and 2 Plates. Amsterdam, 1596. B.M. A LIBELL of Spanish Lies : fovnd at the Sacke of Gales, discours- ing the fight in the West Indies, twixt the Enghsh Nauie being four- teene Ships and Pinasses, and a fleete of twentie saile of the King of U XL\b u^ \tj^-- 1764, by Jonathan Wheeler. London, 1765. B.M. A SERMON preached at Bideford April 26"'- 1807, on the death of the Rev. Samuel Lavington, who died April 18, aged 81, by Richard Evans of Appledore : To which is added an Extract from a Sermon de- livered also at Bideford on the same occasion, by William Rooker of Tavistock. London, 1807. INSCRIPTIONS for three Tablets to be placed on (he sidgs of a triangular room in Jjawrcnce Castle on Pen Hill ; the Statue of General Lawrence, as large as the life, being erected on a pedestal in the midst. 4to. (1788.) B. AN Act for Sale of part of the Estate late of Sir John Lear, Bart, deceased, in the county of Devon, for payment of his Debts and for other purposes. 1738. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 175 AN Act to Enable Richard Lee, an Infant, to grant Leases of some of his Estates in Devonshire, settled at the Marriage of his Father Richard Lee, of Winslade, with Agnes Wolston, of Staverton. 1714. AN Act for the Sale of part of the Estates of John Leigh, Esq., in the Isle of Wight, Ottery St. Mary and Hemyock in the county of Devon. Fol. 1776. THE Case of Yeoman Lott, late Agent to the Royal Hospital at Plymouth, superseded in July 1774. By Y. Lott. London, 1775. DICTION ARIUM Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum. By Edward Lye, M.A. Edited by the Rev. Owen Manning. 2 vols. fol. Loudon, 1772. A Memoir of the Author in the Preface. REMAINS of the late Rev. Henry Francis Lyte, M.A., Incumbent of Lower Brixham, Devon ; with a prefatory Memoir by the Editor, A. M. M. H. London, 1850. LYNE and Tucker's Correspondence. Plymouth, 1816. A second edition with a Supplement mutually formed by the two Parties. London, 1816. This relates to a family dispute. AN Act for Vesting part of the Estate late of Richard Lusco Esq., deceased, in the county of Devon, in Trustees, to be sold for pay- ment of his Debts and Legacies. 1745. MEMOIR of Lieut-Col. John Macdonald, F.R.S., M.R.A.S., &c. Privately printed. London, 1831. P. Tliis gentleman was not a native of Devon, but was highly respected in the City of Exeter, in the Cathedral Chiu'ch of which he lies buried. AN Essay upon the Character of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. 4to. London, 1707. Q.C. A SHORT Narrative of (he Life and Actions of His Grace John 176 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Duke of Marlborough from the beginning of tlic Ecvolution to this present time. With some Ilemarks on his conduct. By an Old Officer in the Army. London, 1711. B.M. THE Case of his Grace the D of M as designed to be represented by him to the House of Commons in vindication of himself from the charge of tlie Commissioners of Accounts, in relation to the two and a half per cent Bread, and Bread-Waggons. London, 1712. W. A SPEECH without doors concerning the two-and-a-half per cent. London, 1712. W. THE Information against the Duke of Marlborough and his Answer. London, (1713.) TF.O. CHURCHILL'S Annals : Being a Compleat View of the Duke of Marlborough's Life and Glorious Actions both in the Field and Cabi- net. London, 1714. B.M. ABREGE de la Vie du Due de Marboroug et du Prince Eugene de Savoie. Traduit de I'Anglois. 2 Tomes. Erontispice et portraits. A Amsterdam, 1714. B. THE Duke of Marlborough's Return. Wherein is published his Grace's Epitaph, both in Latin and Enghsh ; the former supposed to have been written at Antwerp, by a converted Monk, (upon a Report of His Grace's death, June 3, 1714). The latter having been printed before, as a Translation from the original. 4to. London, 1715, B.M. CHURCHILL'S Annals. Being a Short History of the Great Duke of Marlborough. With his Character by several Emperors, Kings, Princes and Parliaments of Great Britain. Portrait. London, 1722. B.M. CHURCHILL'S Annals. Being a Compleat View of the Glorious Actions of the Great Duke of Marlborough both in the Field and the Cabinet, &c. The second edition. London, 1722. B.M. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY, 177 APOTHEOSIS. A Funeral Oration; sacred to the Memory of the Most Noble John Duke of Marlborough. As it was spoken on the day of his Interrment. Formed upon the manner of the Antients. By Mr. Henley. London, 1723. B.IL AN Epistle to Mr. Pope on the Death and ensuing Funeral of the Duke of Marlborough. Fol. London, 1722. B.M. THE Order of the Procession at the Funeral of his Grace John Duke of Marlborough, with an exact List of the names of all who are to assist at that ceremony. 4to. London, (1722.) B.3I. THE Life of the late Victorious and Illustrious Prince, John Duke of Marlborough and Prince of Mindelheim, &c. By an Impartial Hand. Portrait. Dublin, 1723. IF. CO. THE Monumental Inscription on the Column at Blenheim House ; Erected to the Immortal Memoiy of the late Duke of Marlborough. Fol. London, 1731. B.M. THE Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, Prince of the Roman Empire ; illustrated with Maps, Plans, and Medals, &c. By Thomas Lediard, Gent. Portrait. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1736. B.M. THE Military History of Prince Eugene and John Duke of Marl- borough. By Claude du Bosc and John -Campbell, L.L.D. 4 vols. DubHn, 1737. U.C. THE Life of John, Duke of Marlborough (in the Dutch Language), by Abraham de Vryer. 4 vols. 8vo. 1738. THE History of John, Duke of ]\iarlborough, &c. By the Author of the History of Prince Eugene. Portrait and Map. London, 1741. B.M. A third edition. 1755. TRUE and Authentick Copies of the last Wills and Testaments of John Duke of Marlborough and Sarah his Duchess, with the Codicil annexed. London, 1753. B.M. X 178 BIBLTOTIIECA DKVONIENSIS. THE Life and Military History of John Duke of Marlborougli. Fol. lioiulon, 1754. HISTOIRE de Jean Churcliill Due cle Marlborough, &c. Imprimee par ordre de sa Majeste Imperiale. 3 Tomes. Portrait et des Cartes geograpliiques. A Paris, 1806. B.M. " Composee principalcment par Madgett, intcrprete au miuisterc Je la Marine, redigee et " angmeatee par I'Abbe H. Dutems." Said to have been written by commaud of Buoua- parte with the view of exalting his own vic-tories in comparison with those over the generals of Lonis XIV. MEMOIES of Johu Duke of Marlborough with his original Corres- pondence collected from the family Records at Blenheim, and other au- thentic sources. Illustrated with Portraits, Maps, and Military Plans. By William Coxe, M.A., E.R.S., E.S.A., Archdeacon of Wilts.' 3 vols. 4to. London, 1818-1819. The same Work in 6 volumes, 8vo, witli a 4to volume of Portraits, Maps, and Plans. London, 1820. LIFE of John Duke of Marlborough, &c. Abridged from the Quar- terly Review. London, 1822. THE Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. By Charles Bucke. (Pamily Library, No. 67.) London, 1839. THE Military Life of John Duke of Marlborough. By Archibald Alison, P.R.S. Maps and Plans. Edinburgh, 1848. A second edition. 2 vols. 18.51. AN Act for the Sale of the Manor of Man worthy with its Appurte- nances in the county of Devon, being the Lands and Estate of Nicholas Martyn, Esq., by Trustees, for the payment of the Debts of the said Nicholas Martyn. 1691. THE Present and Future State of the Human Frame : a Sermon preached at Honiton, June 24, 1781, on the Dcnih of Mr. Maynard; bv Joshua Toulmii), D.D. Taunton, 1781. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 179 A SERMON preach'd at the Euiieral of Joliu Melford, Esq., of Ny- met Episcopi, in the Diocess of Exeter, who dyed (aged 18 years) the 21 day of June, through the sad occasion of a fall from a Horse; and was buryed at South Molton the 27 day of the same month, 1692. By Thomas Easton, A.M., Vicar of Nymet Episcopi. 4to. London, 1692. B.M. AN Act for Vesting the Fee of certain of the settled Estates of Ann Elizabeth Meyrick, deceased, in Devon, Dorset, and Wilts, in Trustees, to be sold for discharging incumbrances. 1826. THE Pedegree and Descent of His Excellency General George Monck, Setting forth how he is descended from King Edward the third by a Branch and Shp of the AVhite Eose, the House of York ; and likewise his extraction from Richard King of the Romans. With the State, Ti- tle, and Descents of the Houses of York and Lancaster in their several Branches. 4to. London, 1659. B.M. MODERN Policy Compleated -, or the Public Actions and Councils, both civil and mihtary, of his Excellency the Lord General Monck under the general Revolutions since 1639 to 1660. By the Rev. David Lloyd. London, 1660. ANGLORUM Singultus, or the Sobbs of England poured out. To be presented to General Monck. 4to. London, 1660. CO. THE Christian's Victory over Death. A Sermon at the Funeral of the most honourable George Duke of Albemarle, &c., in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, on the 30 of April, 1670, by Seth Lord Bishop of Sarum. Portrait. 4 ^■'^'' " ^''™-'^- ^"- ">^^--'> of M. Gu zot^ Translated and edited with additional notes and illustra- tions by the Hon. J. Stuart Wortley. Portrait. London, 1838. „„!,°™;°V''^/'"" °f ">^ J^l'^Wic and the Restoration of the Mo- IZtVi: Tt^W'"- ByM-Go-o'- Translated from the French by Andrew R. Scoble. p^trait. London, 1851 AN Act for the Sale of the Manor of HalwiU and Beckct in the County of Devon, the Estate of John Moor for payment of Debts 1699! A SERMON preached at the Punerall of Mrs. Rebekah Moore at Buekland-Monachorum, Peb. 2, 165B, being the daughter of Ge Moore, of Peckham, eo. Surry, Esq. By Joseph Rowe. 4to. London, 165B. 183 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A SEEMON preached at Collumptou, Sept. 21, 1794, on the Death of the Rev. Samuel Morgan with the Address at the Interment. By Joshua Touhnin, D.D. ^ 1704. AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of Sir Wilham Morice (of Werring- ton)^ Baronet, with Lady Lucy Wharton, and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 11 Geo. 2. Pol. London, 1738. A PULL Statement of the Case (from the Original Documents), and cause of Action brought by the Rev. S. Tenison Mosse, late Rector of Dodbrook, against Captain Eortescue Wells, of Slade, in the County of Devon. 4to. Kingsbridge. 1852. TWO SERMONS, the former preached at Exon before an Assembly of the united Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, Sept. the 7th, 1709. The latter at Totnes on the day of Thanksgiving for the happy Union of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, May the 1^*- 1707. By the Reverend Mr. Samuel MulUns, late Minister of the Gospel in Tot- nes. 4to. London, 1710. P. The Preface contains some biographical notices of the Author. A SERMON preached June 27*'" 1710, at the Euneral of Mr. Samuel MuUins, late Minister of the Gospel in Totness, who departed this life June 24'*'- in the 33*'' year of his age. By Isaac Gilling. Exon, 1711. IF. THE True Intention of D"" Musgrave's Address to the Ereeholders of Devonshire. Exeter, 1769. P. A I'olitical Tract endeavouring to prove that Dr. Musgrave, a weU-kuown Physician in Exeter, and the more celebrated Chevalier D'Eon, were confederates in an atrocious design arising from the treaty of peace in 1763. D' MUSGRAVE'S Reply to a Letter published in the Newspapers by the Chevalier d'Eon. 4to. Plymouth, 1769. .&. A SERMON preached in George's Mecting-llouse, Exeter, Nov. 15, 1818, upon the death of Mrs. Nation, relict of the late Kello BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 183 Nation, Esq., who died Nov. 3, in the SS*'" year of her age. By the Rev. Thomas Jervis. Exeter, 1819. A Dedication to W. Nation, Esq., dated Lympstouc, Jan. 24, 1819. ELIAH'S Fiery Charet, or the holy Man's tryump after Death : a Sermon preached at Plymouth the 19 of Aug. 1031, at the Fuuerall of the late faithfull and worthy Minister of Jesus Christ, Matthias Nicols, B.D., and late preacher to the Towne of Plymouth. By Alexander Grosse. 4to. London, 1632. A SERMON occasioned by the Death of M^ Henry Noble, late Stu- dent in Divinity at Ottery, Devon, who died Jan. 30, 1757. To which are added some of his expressions during his illness. By John Lavington, Jun'- London, 1757. CONVERSATIONS of James Northcote, Esq., R.A. By William Hazlitt. Portrait. London, 1830. AN Act to enable Trustees to grant Leases of the lands of Henry Northleigh, of Peamore, Esq., lately deceased for the payment of his debts and providing a maintenance for his children. 1695. AN Act for Sale of part of the Estate of Joseph Oliver, Gent., lying in the county of Devon, and city of Exon, for payment of his Debts, and for making provision for Maintenance and Education of his Daughter. 1713. A VINDICATION of the Proceedings of Gabriel Treves against Joseph Solomon Ottolenghe, now a Prisoner in South-Gate, Exon. By G. Treves. Exeter, 1735. AN Advertisement (on the same subject). By G. Treves. Exeter, (1735.) AN Answer to two Papers lately pubhsh'd by Gabriel Treves, a Jew of the City of Exeter, &c. Wherein is contained . . Joseph Ottolenghe's Vindication of himself against the Aspersions cast on him in the said papers, together with an Account of his Conversion from the Jewish to t\\e Christian Rehgion, and also of the Hardships which he hath Suffered 184 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. from llie said Gabriel Trevos bi? Uncle, &c., since bis conversion. Bj^ Josepb Ottolengbc. Exeter, (1735.) P. THE Excellencies of tbe Kindness of Onesipbovus to S'- Paul, wben be was a Prisoner in Eome, exemplified in a Discourse preacbed before tbe Inbabitants of tbe parisb of S*- Petrock in Exeter, on Sunday tbe 6 of July, 1735 ; occasioned by tbeir delivering Jose])b Ottolengbc, a poor convert Jew, out of Soutb-Gate Prison, into wbieb be was cast by a Jew after bis conversion to Cbristianity : Publisbed at tbe request of tbe Pa- risbioners of S*' Petrock^s for tbe benefit of tbe said poor convert Jew. By Lewis Stepbens, Arcbdeacon of Cbester, and Canon Residentiary of tbe Cburcb of S*- Peter, Exon. 4to. Exon, (1735.) P. A TEUE Relation of an Apparition in tbe likenesse of a Bird witb a wbite brest, tbat appeared bovering over tbe Deatb Beds of some of tbe cbildren of Mr. James Oxenbam of Sale Monacborum, Devon, Gent. Confirmed by sundry witnesses as foUowetb in tbe ensuing Treatise. 4to. London, 1641. B.M. An engraved Frontispieee to this Book is divided into foiu" compartments, reprcseutinj; three persons in beds, and a child in a cradle, over each of whom is a bird hovering. Be- neath them are the following inscriptions: — "John Oxenliam gentleman aged 21 died with " the apparition above. Witnesse Robert Woodley and Himiphrcy King." — " Rebeeka " Oxenham aged 8 died with the same aparition. Witnesse Eliz. Auerie widdow and Mary " Stephens." — Tomasiu the wife of James Oxenham the younger, gentleman, aged 22, died " with ye like Aparition. Witnesse Elizabeth Frost and Joane Tooker." — "Tomasin a child " in a cradle, died with the like aparition. Witnesse Eliz. Auerie and Mary Stephens." See some further particulars on this subject in Dr. Mogridge's " Sidmonth." p. 48. MERRIE conceited Jests of George Peele, Gentleman, sometimes Student in Oxford, wberein is sbewed tbe course of bis life bow he lived. A man very well knowne in tbe Citie of London and elsewbere. 4to. Black letter. London, 1627. THE Works of George Peele : now first collected. Witb some ac- count of bis writings, and notes. By tbe Rev. Alex""- Dyce^ A.B. 2 vols. London, 1829. B.M. The introdui'fi'Hi ciiiitaiiw ^oiiip rircounl nl' tin' VutliDr. 'I'\v(^]vc copies were printed on large paper. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 185 A SERMOX preached in Exeter, April S, upon the occasion of the Death of the late Eeverend and learned M*"- James Peirce, who died March the 10, 1726, in the 53''- year of his age. By Joseph Hallet, Jun^- London, 1726. B.M. A second edition. AN Act for Dissolution of the Marriage of PownoU Bastard Pellew, Esq., with Eliza Harriet Pellew. 1820. THE Last dying Speech and Confession of Henry Penson, Esq., on whom the Sentence of the Law was executed at Exeter, on Monday, April 6, 1801, for stealing a Sheep the property of Mr. Thomas Mills of West Teignraouth, Devon. Pol. Broadside. Eeprinted at Lynn, (1801.) P. A LETTER to Sir Robert Inglis, Bart., M.P., on certain statements in an Article of the Edinburgh Review, No. 193, entitled "Bishop Philpotts," by Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1852. A second edition in the same year. A REJOINDER to the Bishop of Exeter's reply to the Edinburgh Review. By the Edinburgh Reviewer. London, 1852. A TRUE Outhne and Sketch of the Life of Samuel Eyles Pierce, Minister of the everlasting Gospel. Written by himself in the year 1S22, in six sections, &c. With an Appendix, and his Euneral Ser- mon written by himself, &c. London, (1824.) B.M. Privately printed. A SHORT Reply to the Palshood and Slander published against D'- Andrew, by M'- Pitfield, and his Witnesses. Exeter, 1761. A STATE of the Dispute between D-"- Andrew and ]\P- Pitfield. With free Remarks upon the behaviour and arguments of Counsellor Shapleigh. By Richard Tremlett. Exon, 1761. A REPLY to a Pamphlet, intitled, a State of the Dispute between Y ISO BIBLTOTIIECA UEVONIRNSfS. D'- Andrew and M''- Pitfield: wherein M'- Ticmlett's great Candonr, gen- teel Behaviour, and most conscientious Regard for Trutli is fully and freely displayed, and exhibited to the PubHc. By John Andrew, M.D. Exeter, 17()2. (A Statement by WiUiam Chappie, and one by Wilham Pitfield on the same matter.) Pol. Exeter, yO June, 1762. M'- PITEIELD'S Eeason for charging D'- Andrew with a Design to cheat him in the purchase of his estate examined and disju'oved : witli the Writer's Motives for meddling in this dispute. To which is added a Postcript iu Answer to a Paper dated June 30, and pubhshed under the names of Wilham Chappie and William Pitfield. By J. S. A. C. (John Sleech, Archdeacon of Cornwall.) Exeter, 1762. REMAEKS on a Pamphlet lately published by the Rev. M'- Arch- deacon Sleech. By William Pitfield. To which are subjoined, by Wil- liam Chappie, some further Observations on so much of the said Pamph- let as relates to himself and his Evidence. Exon, 1762. A LETTER to the Reverend M^- Archdeacon Sleech, occasion'd by his Pamphlet called " M""- Pitfield's Reasons," &c., examined and dis- proved : with " the Writer's Motives for Meddhng," &c. By Richard Tremlett. ' Exon, 1762. AN Act for Vesting part of the settled and devised Estates of Sir John William De la Pole, Bart., deceased, in Trustees for sale, and set- ting the remainder. 1808. TO the Right Honovrable the House of Commons The Humble Pe- tition of Sir Hugh Pollard which was lately taken prisoner in Somerset- shire and brought up to London, and committed to the Counter for leavying AVarrc against the Parliament, &c, •Ito. London, Oct. 28, 1642. BJI. AN Act for Sale of several Lands and Chattel Estates in the county of Devon, and City of Exeter, of Joseph Price, for payment of his debts and Legacies charged upon his estate, and for a provision for Himself, his Wife, and Family. 1704. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY, 187 A TRUE Breviate of the great Oppressions and Injuries done to Evan Vanglian, Post Master of Ireland ; by Edmond Prideaux, Esq., Attorney Generall and Post Master of England, since March, 1648. 4to. London, 1653. BM. THE Life of John Prideaux, (Bishop of Worcester). By R. A. Davenport. (Family Library, No. 79.) London, 1841. AN Act to enable Eeymundo Putt, Esq., to make and fill up Leases of the Estate late of Sir Thomas Putt, Bart., deceased, in the counties of Devon, Dorset, and Somerset. 1731. THREE to One : Being, an English Spanish Combat performed by a Westerne Gentleman of Tauystoke in Deuonshire with an English Quarter- Static, against Three Spanish Rapiers and Poniards at Sherries in Spaine, the fifteene day of November, 1635. In the presence of Dukes, CondeSj Marquesses, and other great Dons of Spaine, being the Counsell of Warre. The Author of this Booke, and Actor in this En- counter, Richard Pyke. 4to. London, (no date.) B. On the Title-page is a rude wood-cut of the comhat. This rare tract has been repriuled. AN Act relating to the Estate of Walter Radclyffe, Esq., of Franck- lyn. ' 1739. AN Act for Sale of several settled Estates of Walter Radcliffe, Esq., lying in the county of Devon, and for laying out the Monies arising from such Sale in the Purchase of other Lands in the said county of Devon, of equal value, to be settled to the same uses in lieu thereof. 1743. THE Discoverie of the large rich and bewtiful Empyre of Gviana, with a Relation of the Great and Golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El Dorado,) and of the Prouinces of Emeria, Arromia, Amapia, and other Countries, with their riuers adioyning. Performed in the yeare 1 595 by Sir Walter Ralegh, Knight, Captaine of Her Ma- iesties Guard, Lo : Warden of the Stannaries, and Her Highnesse Lieu- tenant Generall of the Countie of Cornwall. 4to. London, 1596. B.M. 188 BIRLIOTIIECA DEVONIENSIS. Another edition. — Eepiiiited hum the edition of 1596, with some unpnbhshcd Documents. Edited, with explanatory notes and a biogra- phical memoir of Ralegh, by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk. For the Hak- luyt Society. Map. London, 1848. BREVIS et admiranda Descriptio Regni Guiante, auri abuudantissimi, in America, seu novo orbe sub linea lEquinoctiali siti : quod nuper ad- modum annis, nimirum 1594, 1595, et 1596, per (iaulterum Ralegh, &c., detectum est : paulo post jussu ejus, duobus libellis comprehensa : ex quibus Jodocus Houdius tabulam geographicam adornavit, additur explicatioue Belgico sermoue scripta, nunc vero in Latinum sermonem translata, et ex variis authoribus huic inde declarata. 4to. Map and plates. Noribergce, 1599. B.M. The same in German. Noribergcc, 1603. B. NEWES of Sir Walter Rauleigh : with the true description of Gvi- ana; as also a relation of the excellent government, and much hope for the prosperity of the voyage. Sent from a gentleman of his fleet to a most especiall friend of his in London. Erom the river of Caliana, on the coast of Guiana, Nov. 17, 1617. A wood-cut portrait on the Title-page. 4to. London, 1618. £.M. A DECLARATION of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigli, Knight, as well in his Voyage, as in, and sithence his Returne; and of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to Proceed in doing Justice vpon him as hath bene done. 4to. London, 1618. IIM. TO the King's Most Excellent Majestic : The humble petition and information of Sir Lewis Stucley, K*- Vice Admiral of Devon, touching his owne behauiour in the charge committed vnto him for the bringing vp of Sir Walter Raleigli, and the scandalous aspersions cast vpon him for the same. 4to. London, 1618. B.M. THE Arraignment and Conviction of S''- Walter llawlcigh at the King's Bench Barre at Winchester on the 17"'' of November, 1603; BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 189 Before the right Hon''^^- the Earle of Suffolke Lord Chamberline, the Earle of Devonshire, Lord Henry Howard, Lord Cecill, Lord Wotton, Sir John Stanhope Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas, Topham and Andrews, Justice Gandy, Justice Warburton, Sir Wilham Wade, Commissioners. Coppied by Sir Tho : Overbury. 4to. London, 1648. BJI. A BEIEF relation of Sir Walter Ealegh's troubles, in the taking away of the lands and Castle of Sherborne in Dorset from him and his Heires, being his indubitable inheritance. 4to. London, 1669. B.M. Prefixed is a Petition to tlie House of Commons by Carew Ralegh, Esq. THE Life of the VaUant and learned Sir Walter Ealeigh, Knight, with his Tryal at Winchester. ( By Benjamin Shirley.) London, 1677. B.M. AN Historical Account of the Voyages and Travels of Sir Walter Raleigh, with the Discoveries and Conquests he made for the Crown of England, &c. Humbly proposed to the South Sea Company. London, 1719. B.M. THE Tryal of Sir Walter Ealeigh, K'- with his Speech on the Scaf- fold. Portrait. 4to. London, 1719. B.M, MEMOIES of Sir Walter Ealeigh; his Life, his Military and Naval Exploits, his Preferments and Death : in which are inserted. The Private Intrigues between the Count of Gondamore, the Spanish Ambassador, and the Lord SaHsbury then Secretary of State. Written by Mr. Theo- bald. London, 1719. B.3L THE Life and Trial of Sir Walter Ealegh. By WiUiam Oldys. Fol. London, 1735. THE History of the World, in five Books, written by Sir Walter Ealegh, K*- To which is prefix'd the Life of the Author newly compU'd from Materials more ample and authentick than have yet been publish^. By M^- Oldys : also his Tryal, &c. 2 vols. Portrait. 11th edition. Pol. London, 1736. B.M. 190 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. THE Life of Sir Walter Ealegh from liis Birth to his Death on the scaffold. ^ London, 1740. P. THE Works of Sir Walter Ealegh, K'* political, commercial, and philosophical, together with his Letters and Poems, &c. To which is prefixM a new Account of his Life, by Thomas Birch, M.A., E.R.S. 2 volumes. Portrait. London, 1751. B.M. THE Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, Knt. By Arthur Cayley, Jun-^- Esq. 4to. 3 vols. Portrait. London, 1805. B.M. The same in 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. THE Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh now first collected ; with a Bio- graphical and Critical Introduction : By Sir Egerton Brydges, K.J. 4to. 1813. B.M. 100 copies only, printed at the private press of Lee Priory. THE Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh now first collected. With a Bio- graphical and Critical Introduction by Sir Egerton Brydges, K.J. 2nd edition. London, 1814. B.M. SELECT Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh, with a Life of the Author from Campbell. By Ezekiel Sanford. Philadelphia, 1819. B.M. THE Works of Sir Walter Raleigh now first collected. To which are prefixed The lives of the Author by Oldys and Birch. 8 vols. Oxford, 1829. MEMOIRS of the Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, with some Account of the period in which he lived ; by M''^- A. T. Thomson, Author of Memoirs of the Court of Henry the eighth. Portrait. London, 1830. B.M. LIFE of Sir Walter Raleigh, founded on original and authentic Do- cuments, &c. By P. F. Tytler, Esq., E.R.S., E.S.A. Portraits and vignette seal. Edinburgh, 1833. B.M. MEMOIRS of a Smuggler. Compiled from his Diary and Journal. — (John Rattenbury of Beer.) Portrait and Map. Sidmouth, 1837. P. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 191 A LETTER from M^- Eawlings, Solicitor, of Cullompton, to M'- Ro- bert Wreford, Solicitor, of Exeter. Exeter, 1849. A second letter from the same to the same. Exeter, 1850. These letters relate to a dispute on a money matter. A SERMON preached at the Eunerall of losiah Reyuel, Esquire, the 13 of August, 1614, in East Ogwell in Devon, by John Preston, Minis- ter of God's Word in East Ogwell. 4to. London, 1615. Dedicated to the Right Worsliipful Sir Thomas Reynel, Sir George Reynel, Sir Carew Reynel, Knights, and to Richard Reynel, Esquii-e. THE Life and Death of the religious and virtuous Lady the Lady Lucie Reynell of Eord in Devon, who dyed the 18 of Aprill, 1652. Whereunto is annexed a Consolatory Epilogue for dejected Soules. Written by Edward Reynell, Esq. London, 1654. C. Dedicated to I^ady Mary Coiirtenay. This Lady Reynell was the founder of the Widow's House at Wolborough. She died aged 74 ; leaving an only daughter and heir, married to Sir William Waller, the famous Parliamentary General. A SERMON preached at the Funeral of M'^- Svsanna Reynell, who departed this life Novemb. 21, 1703. By Isaac Gilhng,- Minister of the Gospel in Newton Abbot, Devon. Exon, 1704. B.M. This lady was daughter of John Reynell, Esq., and died aged about 27 years. TESTIMONIES to the Genius and Memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds. By the Author of " Imperfect Hints towards a new Edition of " Shaks- peare." 4to. London, 1792. B.M. By Samuel Felton. THE Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knt., Late President of the Royal Academy, &c. To which is prefixed an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By Edmond Malone, Esq., one of his Exe- cutors. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait. London, 1794. Some on large paper. Another edition. 4to. London, 1797. Another edition. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1809. 102 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. MEMOIRS of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, Knt., L.L.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., &c., Late President of the lloyal Academy ; comprising original Anec- dotes of many distinguished Persons^ liis contemporaries; and a brief Analysis of his discourses, &c. By James Northcote, Esq., R.A. 4to. Portraits and one plate. London, 1813. SUPPLEMENT to the Memoirs of the Life, Writings, Discourses, and professional Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knt., Late President of the Royal Academy ; comprising Additional Anecdotes of his distin- guished contemporaries. By James Northcote, Esq., R.A. Ito. London, 1815. THE Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, L.L.D., F.R.S., E.S.A., &c.. Late President of the Royal Academy, comprising Original Anecdotes of many distinguished Persons, his contemporaries ; and a brief Analysis of his discourses. By James Northcote, Esq., R.A. The second edition, re- vised and augmented. 2 vols. Portraits and one plate. London, 1818. MEMOIRS of the Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, with some observa- tions on his Talents and Character. By Joseph Farington, R.A. In addition to the Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds originally prefixed to his Works by Edmond Malone, Esq., one of his Executors, and now printed separately for the accommodation of the purchasers of the first four edi- tions. London, 1819. THE Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, first President of the Royal Academy : To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author ; with remarks on his professional Character illustrative of his principles and practice. By Henry Wilham Beechey. Portrait. 2 vols. London, 1835. Another edition. London, 1846. A SHORT Abstract of the case of John Finney, D.D., and Henry Roberts, Esq., deceased. No i)lace, date, or name of printer or publisher. Circ. 1745. P. AN Address to the Gentlemen and others of the county of Devon. An engraving. No place or publisher's name. 1748. B. On the case of Mr. Roberts. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 193 DIGITUS Dei : or an horrid Murtber strangely detected, declaring the suspicion, apprehension, arraignement, tryal, confession, and execu- tion of Richard Rogers, late of Havitre, in the county of Devon, for murtheriiig one Ruth Anton, his sweetheart : having first begotten her with child of two children. Published for satisfaction of some, and ad- monition of others, by Abraham Jenings, Physician and Foreman of the Inquest, upon view of the body, before the Coroner. 4to. London, 1G64. P. Dedicated to Sir John Archer, one of the Justices in the Common Pleas. A SERMON preached at the Funeral of the Hon'"^- Colonel Robert RoUe, of Heanton Sachville in the county of Devon, Esqr. By WiUiam Trevethick, M.A., and Pastor of Petrockstow in the same county. London, 1661. B.M. Dedicated to Mr. Samuel IloUe, the only son and heir of the deceased. A BILL to Yest in and Enable Trustees to sell some out Parts of the Estate of the late Sir John Rollc, K.B., deceased, for the Payment of Debts, Legacies and younger Children's Portions, and for settling of other Lands equal in Value to the same uses. Temp. Q. Anne. OBSERVATIONS intended to prove that the Judgment of His Honor, the Master of the Rolls, in the gi'eat Cause of the Marquis Chol- mondeley and the Hon. Mrs. Damer, versus Lord Clinton, is unfounded in Law and inconsistent with Equity. By A. G. C. Tucker. Exeter, 1817. P. This case related to the KoUe Estate. AN Act for Vesting certain Messuages and Lands, in the counties of Devon and Cornwall, of Nicholas Row, Esq., in Trustees, to be sold, and applying the greatest Part of the Purchase Money to the Uses of his Marriage Settlement, and the Residue for Payment of his Debts. 1705. THE Life and Death of M'- John Rowe of Crediton in Devon. (By Theophilus Gale.) London, 1673. B.M. A SERMON preached at Crediton, Oct. 12, 1798, on the death of M'^- Elizabeth Rowe. By the Rev. Joseph Bretland. Exeter, 1798. Z 194 BIBLTOTHECA DEVONTENSIS. LETTERS of the late Thomas Rundle, E.L.D., Lord Bisliop of Derry in Ireland, to M"- Barbara Sandys — with introductory Memoirs, by James Dallaway, M.A., of Trinity College, Oxford. 2 vols. Gloucester, 1789. B.M. A SERMON occasioned by the death of the Rev. M^- John Rutter, preached at Honiton, May 14, 1769, by John Turner. Exeter, 1769. A BILL to Enable Edward Sainthill, (late Edward Yard,) Esq., to change his sirname from Yard to Sainthill, &c. Temp. Q. Anne. A TREATISE on some practical Points relating to the Diseases of the Eye. By John Cunningham Saunders, Esq. With a Memoir of the Author. By Dr. Earre. London, 1810. B.M. THE Blessedness of those who die in the Lord set forth in a Sermon preach'd on the funeral of Sarah the wife of M'- John Score of the pa- rish of the Holy Trinity in Exeter, in the Church of the said parish Sept. the 1, 1728. By Walter Hewgoe, Rector of the parish of the Holy Trinity in Exeter. 4to. Exon, 1728. JF. AN Act for Setthng an Annuity on Lord Scaton and the two next surviving Heirs male of his body to whom the title of Lord Seaton shall descend, in consideration of his important services. ] 840. THE Baronets Bvriall, or a Evnerall Sermon preached at the solem- nitie of that Honourable Baronet S'- Edward Seymovr's buriall. By Barnaby Potter, Bachelor in Divinitie, Eellow of Queen's College in Oxford, and Preacher to the Towne of Tottness in Devon. 4to. Oxford, 1613. B.M, " Dedicated to the right worshipfvl Sr. Edward Giles, Kt., High Sheriff of Devon, and to " his right vertnous and Religious Lady, the Lady ^lary Giles." COLONELL Shapcott ( Knight of Devonshire), His Speech in Par- liament the 30 of October, 1654. With the Case of the secluded Mem- bers of this Parliament. 4to. 1654. ^.ilf. MEMOIRS of the Pillory ; being a Consolatory Epistle to D^- Sheb- beare. Second Edition. To which is added a Postcript occasioned by BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 195 some peculiar circumstances attending his late public appearance at Charing Cross. London, 1759. B.M. DEATH'S Deliverance, and Eliah's Fiery Charet, or the holy Man's Tryumph after Death : delivered in two Sermons preached at Plymouth, the one on the IG^'^-the other on the 19*"- of August, 1631. The for- mer at the Funerall of Thomas Sherwill an eminent and pious Magis- trate of that place, and the other at the Funerall of Matthias NicoUs, Bac. of Div,, Preacher to the Town of Plymouth. By Alexander Grosse, Pastor of Plympton S'- Mary. 4to. London, 1632. (7.0. Dedicated to the Right Worshipful John Waddon, Mayor of Plymouth. DEATH^S Deliverance and Eliahes Fiery Charet, or the holy Man's Triumph after Death. Delivered in two Sermons preached at Plymouth, the one the 16, the other the 19 of August : the former at the Funerall of Thomas Shirwill, an Eminent and pious Magistrate of that place. 1631. By Alexander Grosse, now Pastor of Bridford S. Mary. London, 1610. B.M. SOME Memoirs of the Life and Death of the Rev. M-"- John Shower, Late Minister of the Gospel in London, &c. Together with his Funeral Sermon— July 10, 1715. ByW.Tong. Portrait. London, 1716. /T. BRIEF Memoirs of the Right Honourable Henry Addington's Ad- ministration through the first fifteen months from its commencement. London, 1S02. B.M. THE Life and Correspondence of the Right Hon. Henry Addington, First Viscount Sidmouth. By the Hon. George Pellew, D.D., Dean of Norwich. 3 vols. Portraits and vignette. London, 1847. A SERMON preached at CuUiton; March 8, 1752, on occasion of the Death of M"- Mary Slater wife of the Rev. M--- Samuel Slater, who died March 2''- in the 30 year of her age. By the Revd. Thomas Amory, D.D. 1752. P. FACETLE. "MusarumDeliciae: or the Muses Recreation : contein- " ing severall pieces ofpoetique Wit," by S'- J. M. and Ja. S., 1656, 196 BIBLIOTHECA UEVONIENSIS. and " Wit rostoi-'d in sevorciU select poems, not formerly publish't," 1658. Al^ " Wits llecreations, selected from the finest fancies of mo- " derne Muses^ with a Thousand Outlandish Proverbs." Printed from Edition 161-0, with all the Wood Engravings, and Improvements of subsequent editions. To which are now added Memoirs of Sir John Mennis and J)r. James Smith, with a Preface. 2 vols. London, 1817. B. Edited by Edward Dubois, Esq. Dr. Smith was Cauon of Exetur ('atliedral and Rector of Alpliiogtou. A GENUINE Account of the Trial of William Smith and John Richards, &c., for the murder of Pliihp Smith at Stoke, on the 21 July, 1787, &c. Plymouth, 1788. P. Twenty tliousaud copies of this tract were sold arouud the gallows near Stoke Church, where the bodies of the convicts were hung in irons. Another edition, to which are added some Remarks on the Effects of Capital Punishments. Plymouth, 1846. P. Another, entitled the second edition. A rude Frontispiece. Plymouth, 1847. V. THE Case of Nicholas Somers, before the House of Lords, against D. Goswill, Administratrix of Nathaniel Eranklin, his late Partner, as Merchants at Exeter. Pol. Two single Sheets. 1733. THREE Sermons, l*^'- The Good Eight, preached at the Punerall of Henry Sommaster of Pensford in the county of Devon, Esquire, Jan^- 1606. Dedicated "To the right worshipful Sir William Strode " of Newingham in the countie of Deuon, Knight." By Samuel llieron. 4to. Cambridge, 1607. B.M. MEMOIRS of the Life and Mission of Joanna Southcott. Portrait. London, 1814. P. HYPOCRISY and Imposition detected in the modern Delusions of Joanna Southcott. Maidstone, (1814.) P. Biography and family history. 197 MIDNIGHT Dialogue between Joanna Southcott and Satan. London, 1814. P. LIPE of Joanna Southcott the Prophetess, her astonishing Writino-s ®^' Caricature Portrait. London, 1814. P. THE Life of Joanna Southcott the Prophetess, &c. Portrait and view of a child's crib. London, 1814. B.M. A second edition in the same year. THE Trial of Joanna Southcott during seven days which commenced on the b'^' and ended on the ll^"- of Dec. 1804, at the Neckinger House Bermondsey near London. London, 1804. (1814.) B.M. EAIRBUEN'S edition of The Prophetess, containing an impartial Record of Facts concerning Joanna Southcott, &c. In four parts. Portrait and prints. London, 1814. B.M. MEMOIRS of the Life and Mission of Joanna Southcott interspersed with authentic Anecdotes, &c. To which is added a Sketch of the Rev. W. Tozer, M.J.S. Portrait. London, 1814. B.M. THE Life and Prophecies of Joanna Southcott from her infancy to the present time, &c. Portrait. London. B.M. THE Case of Joanna Southcott as far as it came under his profes- sional observation impartiaUy stated. By P. Mathias, Surgeon and Apothecary, Mabledon Place. Portrait. London, (1815.) B.3L THE Life and Death of Joanna Southcott with the particulars of her Will, and an Account of her dissection. A rude wood-cut. London. B.M. THE Life of Joanna Southcott : illustrative of her supposed Mission; &c. By D. Hughson, L.L.D. Portrait. London, 1814. B. PULL Particulars of the last Moments of the pretended Prophetess Joanna Southcott, &c. L^^^^^^ 1S15_ p 198 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. A CORRECT Statement of the Circumstances that attended the last illness and death of Mrs. Southcott, &c. By Richard Rcece, M.D. London, 1815. B.M. THE Extraordinary Case of a Piccadilly Patient ; or Dr. Recce phy- sick'd by six female Physicians. London, 1815. B.M. By Elias Carpenter. A COMPLETE Refutation of the Statements and Remarks pubhshed by Dr. Reece relative to Mrs. Southcott, &c. London, (1815.) B.M. UNBELIEF and Credulity. A Sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Joanna Southcott, preached at her native place Ottery S** Mary, Devon, on Lord's day evening the 8""' Jan^- 1815, by Joseph TurnbuU, B.A. Chard, 1815. B.M. SOME Account of the Life and Writings of the right reverend Father in God Thomas Sprat, D.D. Late Lord Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster, with a true Copy of his last Will and Testament. London, 1715. B.M. THE Poetical Works of Dr. Thomas Sprat, &c. "^o which is pre- fixed a Life of the Author. ( In vol. VI of Anderson's Poets of Great Britain.) Edinburgh, 1793. B.M. SELECT Poems of Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester, with a Life of the Author by Ezekiel Sanford. Philadelphia, 1819. B.M. A BILL relating to the Estate of Hugh Stafford of Pyncs, Esq. Temp. Q. Anne. AN Act to enable Roger Stafford, Esq., and his Issue male to change their Sirname to Wollocombe according to the Will of Roger Wollo- combe, Esq., deceased. Fol. London, 1716. THE Best Portion : being a Sermon preached at the Funeral of M^«- Mary Steed, in the city of Exon, Nov. 16, 1699, by T. W. (Whin- nel) a Lover of Peace and Truth. Dedicated to M"^"- Frances Steed. 4to. Exon, (1699.) BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 199 A COPY of the Will of the Rev. Lewis Stephens, D.D., U Novem- ber, 1745. Fol. Single sheet. Exeter. P. Relating to the IVee-School at Exeter. A SERMON occasioned by the death of the late Rev. M'- Hubert Stogdon, preached at Trowbridge in the county of Wilts, on Jan^' 7^^- 1727-8. With Memoirs of his Life and Character. By Nicholas Bil- lingsley. London, 1728. JF. POEMS and Letters of the late Rev. M^- Hubert Stogdon, collected from his original papers. London, 1729. JF. AN Acte concernynge Rycharde Strode. Anno Quarto Henrici Oc- tavi. Cap. viii. (1512.) P. TMs curious enactment was made under circumstances which can scarcely be conceived in the present day, having been passed for the relief of R. Strode " geutyl. of the countie of " Deuonshyre, one of the burgeis of this honorable house for the burgh of Plymton," who, in consequence of his conduct in parliament, had, by an Act of the Stannary Court held at Crockentor, been imprisoned for thi'ee weeks " in a dongeon and a depe pytte vnder the " grounde in the castell of Lydforde, the whiche prison is oue of the mooste aunoyous, " contagious and detestablest places within this realme." THE Trve Gvide to Glory, A Sermon preached at Plympton Mary in Deuon, at the Punerall of the Right Worshipful! and truely Rehgious Lady the Lady Strode of Newingham, by Jo. Barlow. 4to. London, 1619. £.M. Dedicated to Sir Wm. Strode with his Sous and Daughters. COPY of a Correspondence between John Sweetland, Esq., and Mr. Woolmer, and John Sweetland, Esq., and W. Tucker, Esq., in conse- quence of a Paragraph, &c. Exmouth, 1824. Relating to the Report of a Trial at the Sessions. A BILL for Vesting the Estates, late of John Tanner, Esq., deceas- ed, in Trustees, to be sold, comprising the Manors of Thornbury, Mil- ton Damarel, Portlemouth, &c., in Devon and Cornwall. 1714. THE Life and Writings of the late Rev. Henry Tanner of Exeter. 300 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Published from liis own Manuscripts. By tlie Rev. Eobert Hawker, D.D. Portrait. London, 1807. B.M. A third edition (small). London, 1836. P. AN Act for Dissolving the Marriage of William Doidge Taunton with Henrietta Taunton. 1811. AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of George Taylor, Gentleman, (of Totnes) with Catherine Birchall Taylor, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 41 Geo. 3. Fol. London, 1801. THE Question of Apparitions and Supernatural Voices considered. A Sermon occasioned by the extraordinary circumstances which immedi- ately followed the death of Ann Taylor : delivered in Steps Meeting, Tiverton, June 26, 1814, by the Rev. WilHam Vowles. Tiverton, 1814. AN Act for Enabling the Trustees of the Rev. John Templer, de- ceased, to exchange certain real Estates in Devon for certain other Es- tates in the same county. 1839. MEMOIRS of the Life and Writings of Matthew Tindal, L.L.D. With a History of the Controversies wherein he had been engaged. London, 1733. Compiled from Materials furnished by Mrs. Price, a friend of Dr. Tindal. A MEMOIR of some principal Circumstances in the Life and Death of the Reverend and learned Augustus Montague Toplady, B.A., late Vicar of Broad Hembury, Devon ; to which are added, written by him- self, " The dying Believer's Address to his Soul," and his own last Will and Testament. London, 1778. B.M. A third edition. 1779. B. THE Reverend M""- Toplad/s dying Avowal of his rehgious Senti- ments. London, 1778. //'. MEMOIRS of Augustus Toplady, A.B., Vicar of Broad Hembury, BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 201 Devon : with his last Will and Testament, and an Elegy on his Death by John Fellows. London, 17D4. A third edition in 1813, and several subsequent editions. THE Works of Augustus Toplady, A.B., late Vicar of Broad Hem- bury, Devon. Memoirs of his Life. 6 vols. Portrait. London, 1794. Another edition. 1825. A COURSE of Prayer for each day in the Week, by the Rev. Augus- tus Montague Toplady. With an Essay on his Life and Writings by J. Watkins, L.L.D. London, 1832. U.C. A SKETCH of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Micaiah Towgood. By James Manning. Exeter, 1792. P. AN Act for Sale of the Estates of John Tregagle, Esq., deceased, in the counties of Devon and Cornwall, for payment of Debts, and making Provision for his Children by the daughter of Sir Paul Whichcote, &c. 1714. AN Act to Enable Trustees to Grant, Renew, and fiU up Leases of the Estate of Arthur Tremayne, Esq., an Infant, during his minority. Circ. 1712. AN Act for raising Portions for younger Children provided by the Marriage-Settlement of Sir George Trevelyan, Bart., and Dame Julia Calverley his wife. Pol. 1765. The Estates comprise several in Cornwall, with Seaton, Whitewell, Farway and others in Devonshire. THE Life of the Rev. M'- Geo. Trosse, late Minister of the Gospel in the City of Exon, who died Jan. 11, 1712-3, in the 82^* year of his age, &c. To which is added the Sermon preached at his Euneral, By J. H. (John Hallet.) Portrait. Exon, 1714. BJL THE Life of the Rev. M'- George Trosse, late Minister of the Gospel in Exon, &c. By Isaac Gilling. With a recommendatory Preface by the Rev. D'- Calamy, Mr. Tong and Mr. Evans. Aa Portrait. London, 1715. B.M. 202 BIBLTOTHKCA DEVONIENSIS. LIFE of the Reverend George Trosse of Exeter. ( Religious Tract Society.) London. (No date.) A VINDICATION of M^- Trosse from the charge of uncharitable- ness, &c. By Josiah Eveleigh. London, 1719. JF. THE Observator ObservM : or, a Scourge for An Ingrateful Rebel, To riaug him thro' London, instead of Devonshire ; which was once his Sentence in the West ; but PardonM by King James, whose Mercy he has Requited, by Abusing his Memory, like a True Member of the Calve's-Head-Club. In a Letter to a Eriend in the Country. Eol. London 1702. P. This is a denunciation of John Tutchin, a political writer, who was sentenced by Jei&eys, on the bloody Assize, to be whipped through all the market towns of Dorsetshire (not De- vonshire), yearly, for seven years. He obtained a pardon and lived to advocate liberty in licentious language. Pope in the Dunciad thus perpetuates his name — " Careless on high stood unabash'd, De Foe, And Tutchin, flagrant from the scourge, below." The Observator was begun in 1702 and called forth many animadversions, reproofs, and Letters. . THE Trial of Miss Mary Aim Tucker for a Libel on Mr. R. Gurney, Vice- Warden of the Stannary Court, Devon. 1818. P. AN Act for Sale of the Estate of John Viccary, deceased, in Rock- bear in the county of Devon, for Payment of his Debts charged there- upon, and for maintenance of his Widow and Children. 1705. A SERMON preached at the Euneral of M'- Arthur Upton, Esq., of Lupton in Devon, By John Preston, Minister of God's Word. 4to. London, 1619. JF. Dedicated to Mr. John Upton, Esq., and Mistresse Dorothy I'pton his wife. THE Balm of the Covenant appHed to the bleeding Wounds of afflicted Saints, To which is added a Sermon preached for the funeral of tliat Excellent and Rehgious Gentleman John Upton, of Lupton, Esq. By John Elavel. (Circ. 1687.) THE Life and Ministry of tlic Rev. Samuel Walker, 13.A. By the Rev. Edwin Sidney, A.M. London, 1835. A second edition enlarged. 1838. BIOGRAPHY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 303 THE Life of the right reV^- Father in God Seth (Ward) Loi'd Bishop of SaHsbuiy (1^'- of Exeter) and Chancellor of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c. Written by D^- Walter Pope, E.E.S. London, 1697. B.M. AN Appendix to the Life of Seth Ward Bishop of Salisbury, written by C- Walter Pope, F.R.S., in a Letter to the Author. London, 1697. ILO. DURUS Sermo, or (Enigma Moriendi : the Mystery of Dying Daily : in a Sermon preached in Plimouth, at the Funeral of Mistress Joan Warren. By William Pyke, M.A., and Rector of the Parish of Stoke- climsland in the county of Cornwal. 4to. London, 1680. B.M. CASE of Mary and Frances West, Infants, and Mary Erisey, and T. Barrable, Infants, relative to certain Estates in Devon and Cornwall, settled upon the Marriages of Richard Erisey and Frances Daughter of Sir Peter Kilhgrew, with Remainder to the Heirs of Charles Vivyau, Esq., by Mary his Wife daughter of the said Richard Erisey. Fol. 1727. A SERMON preached at Willand, 7 Feb. 1799, at the interment of John Westcott, Yeoman, who died of a melancholy accident. By the ReV- J. Dennis. London, 1799. AN Act to enable the Lessees and Farmei-s of Daniel Whitby, D.D., Prebendary of Teignton Regis in the Cathedral Church of Sarum, and all succeeding prebendaries of the said Prebend, to make Leases of the Copyhold Lands of the Manors of Preston and Churchland, alias Par- son^s land, in the county of Devon. 1710. THE Visible Vengeance : or, a true Relation of the suddaiue, mise- rable end of one White, late Mayor of Exceter : who, the first of this instant December, wickedly reviling our Soveraigue Lord King Charles, was, in the very moment, punished by the Divine Justice, with a violent and strange Death. Ito. (London), 1618. ^.J/. A JUST Vindication of the Reputation of M"^- White, Alderman of the City of Exon, in answer to a scurrilous Pamphlet cald the Visible 201 BIBLIOTllECA DEVONIENSIS, Vengeance, &c. Wlicrcin is discovered the many falsities and untruths in that Rchition, attested under the hand of liis own servant that was with him in his journc}' till the day of his death : As also a true Eelation of the sad accident that befell him, with the Circumstances thereof. 4to. London, 1649. B.M. THE Cases of Mary Wichalse, Henry Champernowne, &c., John Lord Carteret, George Parker, Thomas Lewes, and Roger Chamberlayne. (Nine papers.) Fol. 1703. 1713. AN Act to dissolve the marriage of John Williams of the City of Exeter, Gent., with Elizabeth ( Melhuish) his now wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1783. AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of John Wilmot, Esq., with Eanny Sainthill his now wife, and to Enable him to marry again, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1792. TWO Trials of W. Winterbotham, Minister at Plymouth, for Sedi- tious Words. London, 1793. P. A second and a third edition. 1794. THE Trial of Peter Pindar for Crim. Con., &c., June 27"'- Knight, Plaintiff. With a Biographical Sketch of the Life of Peter Pindar. (Dr. Wolcot.) London, 1807. BM. LETTERS to a Christian Friend : Comprising the Life of Joseph Woolmer. Sherborne, (1826.) P. THE Christian Manual ; or Of the Life and Manners of True Chris- tians. By John Woolton, D.D., ]3ishop of Exeter. ( With a Biogra- phical Notice.) For the Parker Society. London, 1851. AN Act for Selling Part of the Estate of John Worth, Esq., a Lu- natick, for discharging Debts, &c. 1739. THE Case of Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart. Fol. London. . . . ADDENDA. 205 A BILL to enable Trustees to sell some outlying parts of the Estate of Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart. About 1712. THE Poetical Works of Thomas Yalden, with a Life of the Author. ( Anderson's British Poets, vol. vii.) Edinburgh, 1794. B.M. SELECT Poems of Thomas Yalden, D.D. With a Life of the Au- thor. By Ezekiel Sanford. Philadelphia, 1819. BM. AN Act to dissolve the Marriage of William Yonge, Esq., with Mary Heathcote, and for other purposes. DIAEY of Walter Yonge, Esq., Justice of the peace, and M.P. for Honiton. Written at Colyton and Axminster, co. Devon, from 1604 to 1628. Edited by George Roberts. 4to. London: for the Camden Society. 1848. ADDENDA THE ObUging Husband and imperious Wife, or the West-Country Clothier undone by a Peacock. In dialogues, one of which is between M'- Wilmot a West-Country Clothier at Crediton in Devonsliire, and a Gentlewoman of good fortune in Exeter, and Honest Humphrey the Clo- thier's man, with the Intrigues of their Courtship. London, 1722. P. DYING Speech of Thomas Smale, executed at Heavytree near Ex- eter, for the murder of John Harris of the Swan at Drew-Stenton. Eol. Single sheet. Exeter. ( No date.) DYING Speeches of Charles Darras and four others executed at Heavytree Gallows for murdering John Eennelle. Pol. Single sheet. ( No date.) SENTENCES on the Criminals tried at tlie Castle of Exon. Aug. 1764. Pol. Single sheet. 206 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. (AN Address) To those remaining Electors of the City of Exeter, whom defeat, occasioned by coalesced Factions, has failed to dishearten, self-interest to seduce, despotic Laws to intimidate, and the cries of of- fended Justice to divert from the constitutional demand of their ancient Rights and Liberties. By Thomas Northmore. Exeter, 1820. P. WLLSON'S View of the Universe, &c., including the History of Bi- deford. Pol. Single sheet, with a wood-cut view of the bridge and town. Bideford. (No date.) A SHORT Sketch of the interesting Scenery and Historical Records of Bideford and its vicinity. 4to. Wood -cuts. Bideford. ( No date.) A VISION ; or the Romish interpretation of " Be ye converted." London, 1851. A di-amatic Poem, the scene of which is laid in the Episcopal Palace at Exeter. THE Diocese of Exeter : its State and its Remedies. By Sir CulHng E. Eardley, Bart. Second edition ; with a Correspondence between the Bishop of Exeter, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and the Author. London, 1853. MISS Sellon and the Sisters of Mercy. A Contradiction of the al- ledged Acts of Cruelty exercised by Miss Sellon, and a Refutation of cer- tain Statements put forth in the Tracts of the Rev. Mr. Spurrell, Miss Campbell, and others. By Commander Sellon, R.N. London, 1852. A second and a third edition. A DIRECTORY of Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport, Stoke, and Morice-town. Compiled from actual survey. Plymouth, 1852. SUPPLEMENTUM Mor£c Tottoniensis. July, 1852. (By Sam. Hannaford, Jun.) (1852.) 207 PERIODICAL WORKS FORMERLY PUBLISHED IN DEVONSHIRE. THE Plymouth Magazine. 1772. THE Selector. Three numbers only. Plymouth, 1809. Edited by Dr. Bidlake. THE Plymouth Literary Magazine or Devon and Cornwall Scientific Repository. Two or three numbers only. 1814. THE Devonshire Adventurer. Twelve numbers only. Tavistock, 1814. Conducted by the Eev. G. J. Freeman, L.L.B. THE Magnet, or Plymouth Monthly Magazine. 3 vols. 1822— ] 825. THE Philo-Danmonian. One number only. Plymouth, 1830. THE South Devon Monthly Museum. 7 vols. Cuts. Plymouth, 1833—1836. THE Plymouth Health of Towns Advocate. A few numbers. 1845. THE South Devon Literary Chronicle. Plymouth, 1846, 1847 THE Parthenon. Fifteen numbers. Exeter, 1847, 1848. THE Western Miscellany. Thii-teen numbers. Exeter, 1849, 1850. THE Danmonian Chronicle. THE Exeter Register. THE Devon Agricultural Magazine. Pour parts. 208 DATES OF LOCAL ACTS OF PAKLIAMENT, Down to 1837. Towns. — Paving, Liglitiiig, Watching, Improving. — Markets, Hospitals, Workhouses, &c. Alphington . . . 1816 1836 Newton Abbot 1836 Barnstaple 1811 Plymouth 1707 1758 1769 Brixham 1799 1837 1770 1772 1774 Crediton 1697 1836 1786 1805 1811 Dartmouth . . . 1815 1813 1822 1823 Devonport 1781 1805 1814 1824 1825 1822 1835 1843 Plymouth Dock. See Bevowport. Exeter 1697 3757 1760 Stoke 1781 1814 1774 1785 1787 Stonehouse . . . 1805 1822 1806 1810 1816 Teignmouth . . . 1836 1820 1832 1834 St. Thomas . . . 1836 1836 Tiverton 1697 1794 1822 Heavitree 1836 1825 Honiton 1790 1794 Topsham 1836 St. Leonard , . . ... 1836 Tormoham . . . 1835 ES. 1835 Harbours, Canals, Ph :rs, Bridges, Eerri Axmouth, Harbour ... 1830 Beer cove, Harbour 1792 1820 Bideford, Quay ... 1828 Bridgetown, Bridge 1824 1835 Brixham,Pier,Harbourl799 1837 Bude, Harbour & Canal 1819 Countess Wear, Bridge 1803 1815 1826 1831 ACTS Oi' PARLIAMENT. Dart Eiver, Navigation 1834 Dartmouth, Moating Bridge 1830 Emmett, Bridge 1805 1809 English and Bristol Chan- nels, Ship Canal 1825 Exeter, Wear 1609 Exe Bridge 1768 1773 1803 1815 1826 1831 Bridge, Shillhay 1835 Exe River & Canal 1801 1829 1833 Grand Western Canal 1796 1811 1812 Highwick, Bridge ... 1835 Hfracombe, Harbour ... 1731 Kingsteignton, Bridge 1835 Lary, Embankment ... 1803 Bridge 1823 1824 Morwellham, Canal 1796 1803 209 Plymouth, Harbour 1709 1811 1812 1832 EoUe Canal 1835 Seaton, Ship Canal ... 1825 Sidmouth, Harbour 1825 1836 Stonehouse, Bridge 1767 1830 Tamar, Floating Bridge 1832 Tavistock, Canal ... 1803 Teign River 1836 Teignmouth, Harbour 1836 Bridge ... 1824 Teigugrace, Bridge ... 1835 Topsham, Canal 1796 1811 1812 Torquay, Pier and Quay 1803 Torrington, RoUe Canal 1835 Totnes, Bridge 1824 1835 River Dart ... 1834 Wolborough, Bridge ... 1835 Inclosures. Aller Peverel Axmouth Berry Narbor Braunton Brenton Broadclist Burlescombe Bb The Acts marked * were not piinted. ^1810 1828 *1809 1811 1835 1829 1809 Chudleigh ... n813 Churchstanton ... 1799 Clayhidon ... ^1812 Dunkeswell . . . ... 1801 East DowTi . . . ... ^1811 Exmoor 1815 Halberton 1809 *1815 210 BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS. Heathfield ... ... 1835 Sampford Peverel . n809 Hemlock ... n8i4 Stokeinteignhead . *1809 Ilsingtou ... n809 Tavistock 1835 Kenn ... ... *1821 Teignmouth ... . *1813 Kentismoor . . . ... 1801 Uflfculm . ^815 Lamertoii ... *1835 Upottery . -^1819 Membury ... nsoi Willand .. n815 Milton Abbot. . . 1817 1835 Yarcombe 1814 Morwell Down ... 1828 Roads. Ashburton 1754 1755 1760 Brixham 1823 1825 1826 1761 1763 1776 Broadclist 1813 1784 1802 1805 Cherrybrookl762 1772 1784 1809 1820 1830 1835 1791 1813 1826 1825 1833 Axminster 1753 1765 1792 Cbudleigli 1820 1825 1831 1822 1829 1830 1836 Bampton 1823 1824 1825 Collumpton . . . 1813 1826 1828 1830 Countess Wear 1827 Barnstaple 1763 1784 1806 Crediton 1831 1827 1829 Railway ... 1832 Bideford 1758 1763 1780 Dartmoor 1772 181^ 1826 1785 1807 1824 1828 1833 1825 1828 1835 Railway 1819 1820 Bishop's Nympton 1826 1830 1821 Braunton 1829 Dartmouth 1823 1824 1825 Brent Bridge . . . 1757 1777 1826 1828 1834 1779 1802 1814 Dawhsh 1823 1825 1831 Bridgetown 1762 1780 1803 1836 1824 1835 1835 Dean Prior 1802 ACTS 0"F PARLIAMENT. 211 Dunsford 1772 1791 1813 Modbury 1758 1781 1803 1833 1823 1824 1828 Elford, Quay... 1803 1825 1829 1834 1836 Egg Buckland 1803 1825 Moreton Hampsteac 11772 1791 Railwa} 1819 1820 1813 1826 1833 Exeter 1753 1756 1758 1836 1768 1773 1780 Morwellhaml762 1772 1784 1803 1815 1820 1804 1825 1821 1825 1826 Newbridge 1762 1772 1784 1827 1831 1836 1804 1825 Railway 1832 1836 Newton Abbot 1765 1784 Exminster 1823 1787 1808 1809 Exmouth 1832 1821 1823 1825 Gittisham 1816 1836 Harberton 1803 Newton Bushell 1754 1760 Hennock 1755 1761 1776 1802 Highwick 1760 1802 1809 1826 1836 Holbeton 1823 1836 Okehampton 1759 1782 Honiton 1753 1765 1792 1803 1823 1829 1807 1816 1822 Plymouth 1757 1762 1772 1828 1829 1777 1784 1799 Kenton 1823 1803 1804 1805 Keyberry, Bridge 1765 1808 1825 1813 1820 1824 1822 1825 Kingsbridfi •elS24 1828 1834 Railway 1819 1820 Kingsteiguton 1836 1821 Kingswear 1765 1784 1809 Ply mouth -Dock 1762 1772 1823 1825 1826 1784 1804 1805 LairyBridgel823 1824 1836 1813 1822 Liskeard 1826 Plympton 1758 1781 1803 Lyme Reg ts ... 1821 1823 1836 Lympstonr 1832 Rattery 1802 S. Mavycliurch 1825 Roborough Down 1812 212 BIBLIOTHECA DKVONIENSIS. Salcombe 1824 1828 1834 Teignmouthl823 1825 1831 Saltash 1833 1836 Shaldon 1765 1787 1808 Thorncombe ... 1829 1830 1821 1823 1825 Tiverton 1757 1767 1801 Sidmouth 1816 1811 1813 1825 South Bovey . . . 1826 1836 1830 South Brent . . . 1755 1802 Torquay 1765 1787 1808 South Molton 1758 1779 1821 1823 1825 1802 1814 1825 Torrington 1765 1786 1807 1830 1824 1828 1830 Southtown 1825 1831 1836 Totnes 1763 1765 1784 Starcross 1823 1805 1809 1820 Stonehouse 1784 1805 1822 1823 1824 1830 Tavistock 1762 1772 1784 1835 1835 1836 1804 1813 1825 Two Bridges . . . 1812 1826 Ugborough 1823 1836 Tedburn 1831 Uplyme ... 1821 Teignbridge 1762 1780 Upottery Yarcombe 1807 1829 1829 1830 1830 INDEX— Places. 213 PAGE Aller Peverell 209 Alphingtou 196, 208 Appledore 174 Apsom 69 79 Ashburton 13, 57, 58, 210 AwHscombe 132 Axe Kiver 14 Axminster 14, 75, 135, 205 210 Axmouthl4, 117, 118,208 209 Babbicorabe ...0, 116, 130 133 Bampton 210 Barnstaple6, 11,15,66, 67 79, SI, 83, 85, 86 115,120,121,122 150, 208, 210 Barton 135 Becket 181 Beer 190, 208 BerrjTiai-bor 15, 138, 209 Berry Pomeroy ...58, 108 Bickleigh...l29, 143, 144 Bicton 15 Bidefordll,15, 16, 67,94 125, 132, 133, 140 151, 174, 206, 208 210 BidweU 128 Bindon 118, 132 Bishops Nymptou ... 210 Bishops Tawton 122 Blackauton 38 Boveysand 49 Bovey Tracy... 17, 77, 161 Bow 16 Bradstone 16 Brad worthy 174 liramptbrd Speke 103, 134 Hnmnton 209, 210 Breakwater 48, 49 Brent Bridge 210 Brentou 209 Bridford S. Mary ... 195 Bridfietown 208, 210 Brixham ...175, 208, 210 Broadclist ...17, 209, 210 I'AfiK Broad Herabnry 200 Buckfastleigh 36 Buckland ^Moiiachorum 151 181 Budr 208 S. Budeaux 135 Bndleigh 50, 116, 133 Biirlescombc 209 Canonteign 17 Catwater 42,46, 47 Chagford 16 Charles Fort 86 Chelson Bay 42 Cherrybrook 210 Chillingtou 168 Chudleigh...6, 16, 17, 144 148, 209, 210 Churchland 203 Churchstauton 209 Clayhidon 209 Clist S, LawTCuce ... 17 Clist Formeson 135 Clist Hidon 140 Collumpton...63, 140, 159 182, 210 Columb John 17 Colyton 132, 140, 195, 205 Combe 17 Comberaartin 11 Countess Wear... 208, 210 Crabtrec 41 Creditou 3, 15, 18, 99, 135 205, 208, 210 Credywoger 140 CrockernTor ...111, 199 Culmstock 18 Dart River 8, 52, 57, 209 Dartington 144 Dartmoor 6, 8, 18, 19, 36 43, 59, 00, 130 131, 210 Dartmouth... 8, 19, 20, 38 57, 66, 78, 79, 99 161, 208, 209, 210 S. David's 31 Dawlishe, 20, 52, 57,116 117, 210 Dean Prior 210 PAGE Denbury 140 Devoiiport ...44—47, 104 118,206, 208 Dodbrook 182 Dowlauds 118, 132 Drews-Teigutou . . . 20, 205 Dunkesweli 209 Duusford 211 East Down 209 East Ogwell 191 Eddystone 40, 47, 48, 131 Elford Quay 211 Eag Buckland 211 Enimett 209 Exe River 9 Exeter2,6— 9, 18,20— 33 61, 62, 64, 65, 60 68—71,73,74,75 77, 79, 81, 82, S3 —101, 116, 117 120,125,128,129 142, 162, 172, 173 175,182-185,194 196, 203 209 211 Exminster 211 Exmoor 3, 4, 34,209 E.xmouth 50,116, 211 Faringdon 168 Farway 201 Filleigh 34 Ford 191 Ford Abbey 34 Fordland 6 FranMyn 187 S. GUes 59 Gittesham 161, 211 Halberton 209 Halwill 181 Hamoaze 46 Harberton 211 Hartland 11, 34 Heanton Sach^alle ... 193 Heathfield 210 Heavitree...l35, 193, 205 208 Hemyock 175, 210 Hennock 211 214 INDEX — PLACES. PAGE Hisrh Wick 52, 161, 209 211 Holbeton 211 Holwoll 51 Hoiiit.)ii84,35,50,117,130 149,178,194,208,211 Howberhayue 140 Idc '. 7, 28 IltVacoiube 11, 15, 35, 84 141, 209 Ilsiugtou 52,210 lucli House 83 lustow 35, 152 luwiudkigh 168 Kcnu 35, 210 Kentisiaoor 210 Kenton 211 Keybeny Bridge 211 Kiilerton 17 KUniington 140 Kiugsbi-idge 35, 36, 57, 67 96, 211 Kingsteignton ...209, 211 Kiugswear 211 Kuowstone 151 Lamertou 210 Laugdon 127 Larv Bridge 211 Lai-y River 2C9 Launceston 12, 83 Lawi-ence Castle 174 S. Leonard 208 Liftou 112 Lipsou Bay 41 Liskeard 211 l/oxhore 135 Luudy 10,86, 87 Lupton 202 Luseonibe 6 l.ustlcidi 17 lA.llord 199 Lviiji; lleiris ...70,73,74, 117, 211 Lympstone 137, 170, 211 l,ynii)ovith 6, 15, 132 Lyutoii 6, 15 Manworthy 178 S. Marvchiu-ch ...56, 106, 109,211 MembuiT 11,36, 210 Miltou Abbot 36, 210 PAGE Milton Daiiiarcl 199 Modbury 66,67, 113, 168 211 Holland 151 Moreton Hampstead 36 138, 211 j\Iorice Town 44, 45, 104 206 Morwell Down 210 MorweUliam 209, 211 Mount Edgcumbe...36, 37 44, 130, 133 Mount Radford ...31, 142 Mount Stanford 70,76 Netlierexe 37 Newbridge 211 Newenliam...l4, 196, 199 Newton Abbot 37, 191,208 211 Newton BusheU 37, 58,211 Newton Ferrars 17 S. Nicholas Island ... 70 Nortliernhay 130 Nortlileigh 140 Nymet Episcopi 179 Nyinet Tracy 16, 99 OffweU 131, 140 Okehanipton37, 38, 68, 75 211 Old Hill 140 Ottery S. Mary 50, 61, 99 174,175,183,198 Paignton 164 Painsford 128 Parsonsland 203 Peamore 183 Pen HiU 174 Pensford 196 Pctrockstow 193 Plym River 52 Plymouth 8, 9, 38—49, 61 62, 65, 67, 70—77 83, 86, 87, 94, 95 101,102,105,113 114,116-120,122 131,132,134,136 155,160,168,175 183,195,201,206 207,208,209,211 Plymouth-Dock ...41 — 44 208, 211 PAGE Plympton...!], 38, 42, 49 199, 211 PoUesloe 172 Poltiraorc 83 Portlcmonth 199 Powderham Castle 79, 149 150 Preston 203 Pyivorthy I7I Rattcrv 211 Rew ' 37 Roborough...ll, 112, 211 Rockbcar 202 Rose Ash l5l Salcombe 35, 47, 62, 106 125, 212 Sale Monachorum ... 184 Saltash 212 Saltram 44,49, 133 Sampford Pevcrel...49, 50 210 Sand 170 Seaton 132, 201, 209 Shaldon 212 Shebbear 133 Shilston Bav ■ 42 ShirweU ...'. 135 Shute 50, 132 Sidbury I70 Sidmouth 9, 50, 116, 119 209, 212 S. SidweU's 29 Silverton 37 South Bovev 212 South Brent 212 Southmolton .15, 63, 88 130, 179, 212 Southtowu 212 Sowton 128, 135 Spraiton 51 Starcross 212 Start 47 Staverton 113, 175 S. Stephen's 31 Stevenstone 51 Stodscomb 51 Stoke Damarel 40, 41 — 45 168, 196, 206 208 Stokeinteignhead 17, 210 Stokenham 168 INDEX — PERSONS. 215 PAGK Stonehousc3S,4U,4l,43— 47, 62, 113, 200 208, 209, 212 Stover 129 Suttou 134 TaUatou 173 Tamar River 8, 11, 41, 45 47, 83, 130, 209 Tarcross 168 Taverton Bridge 83 Tavistock... 16, 51, 52, 74 77, HI, 112, 121 137,174,187,207 209, 210, 212 Ta\7 River 8, ll Taw River 129 Tawstock 6 Tedburn 212 TeignRiverl7,52,57,209 Teis;n Bridge 212 Teigngrace 209 Teignmouth 6, 38, 52, 57 92, 116, 117, 125 PAGE Teii^umouth lol, 208, 209 210, 212 S. Thomas ...31, 132, 208 Thorubuiy 199 Thorncombe 212 Thorverton 37 TivertonlS, 18,24,52— 56 75, 76, 77, 95, 99 128,200,208,212 Topsham 50, 56, 69, 79 208, 209 Tor Bay 56, 92, 125, 128 Tormohun 56, 208 Torquay 52, 57, 102, 116 117,132,209,212 Torridge River 133 Torrington 15, 57, 80, 81 82, 209, 212 TothilBay 41 TothiH House 79 Totnes 57, 58, 59, 106, 113 119,127,128,129 182, 194, 206, 209 PAGE Totaes 212 Two Bridges 212 UfFculm 210 Ugborough 38, 212 Ugbrooke 6, 128 Uplyme 212 Upottery 210, 212 Watcombe 6 Werrington 59, 171 Wbitewell 201 Widdicombe 168 WiUand 203,210 Winkleigh 151 Winscot 2 Winslade 175 Witliycombe..,59, 60, 128 Wolborough 191, 209 Woodburv 108 Wydeconibe 59, 60 Yarcombe ...60, 210, 212 Yealm River 47 Zeal Monachornm ... 184 INDEX— Persons. AbeU 140 AbiugdoD, E 149 Acland ...8, 9, 12, 17, 64, 135 Addington 195 Addison 126,127 Albemarle, D. See Monk. Alcock 109, 114, 115, 185 Alison 178 Allen 34, 170 Allom 11 Amhurst 127 Amory 195 Anderson 122 Andrew 185, 186 Andrews 19 Anstis 135 Anton ' 193 Archer 193 Arthur 47 Arundel 61 Ash 64 Asshe 135, 136 Ashbumham 66 Ashburton, L 129 Ashley 37,38, 57, 82 Ashwood 135 Atherlev 159 Atkins.'. 136 Avant 125 Aveiy 136, 184 Ayre 172 Avscue 87 B'abb 101 Badeley 102 Bagge 105 Bailey 140 Baird 13 Baker.. .54, 114, 115, 142 Ball 13, 136 BaUe 20 BaHamie 95 BaUer 163 Bampfield 89,136,137,164 Bampfylde... 25, 114, 137 Bancroft 171 Banfin 8 Banks ...48,49, 118, 150 Barmg 137 Barlow 168, 199 Barnes 24, 31, 101 Baron 42, 44, 46, 131 Barrable 203 Barret 61 Barrow 158 Bartholomew 137 Bartlett 11,94, 146 BaskerviUe 154, 155 Basset 7, 142 Bath, E 63, 122, 123 216 INDEX PERSONS PAGE Batten 84 Baulet 64 Baji'ord 102 Beardmore 46 Bedford, D 9, 137 Bedford, E Ill Bedford 137 Beechev 192 Bell...! 116 BeUamy 13,117, 119 Bennett 140 Berldey 66,69,84, 85 Berualdino 154 Berric 138 Berry 42, 61, 64, 138 Bertie, L 149 Beslev 30, 32 Bidder 138 Bidgood 138 Bidlake 207 Billiugsley 199 Birch ..'. 33,43 Birkhead 123 Black-all 58,98,138 Blake 75 Blew-itt 57 Block 97 Blundell 53, 55, 56 Boazio 152 Bodley 139, 140 Bolingbroke, E 51 Boringdon, L 42, 140 Bound 140 Bourn 88 Bowchier 99 Bowdage 140 Bowdler 131 BowTing 140 Boyce 55 Bray 11, 61, 146 Brayley 7, 11, 140 Brereton 82 Bretland ...140, 173, 193 Brewer 29 Brice 25,26,28, 128 Bridges 37, 132 Bridgewater, E 51 Brindley 45 Bristol, C 174 Britton 7, H, 30 Brougham, L 150 PAGE Brouurig 141 Brow-n 138 Browne 77, 141 Brydges 190 Bryer 41 Buchanan ]4l Bucke 178 Bucklaud 118 Bud-ell 141, 142 Bulkeley, V l42 Buller 20 Burd 38 Burnet 125 Bnrrough 106 BuiTow 31, 142 Burt 43, 131, 142 Burton 156, 157, 165 Bushell 86, 87 Butcher 50 Butter 116 Cade 122 Cadogan, E 127 Calamy 201 Cahnady 127 Calverlev 201 Campbell ...105, l42, 177 190, 206 Candish 157 Caraboo 142 Carew ...41,55, 133, 142 —144 Carey 1 44 Carleill 155 Carue 100, lOl Carpenter 135 Carpinger 40 Carre 74 Carrington ...44, 52, 117 130, 131 Carter 28 Cai-teret, L 204 Carwithen 25 Cary 39. 40, 56, 161 Catel 19 Cavendish 157, 158 Cawse 144 Cayley 190 Ceely 154 Cennick lOO Chamberlayne 204 Cham])eniowne...l44, 204 PAGt, Chappie 5, 20, 180 Charldon 142, 162 Charles, P 77, 79, 80 Chattaway 10 Cheatham 47 Chichester 123,144 Cholmley 165 Cholmoudeley 193 Cholvvich 7 Christie 106 Chudleisrh 64—68, 72, 173 174 Churchill. See Marlho- rouffh, D. Claringbull 48 Clark.'; 132,156 Clarke 26,66 Cleaveland 149 Clifford, L 144, 145 Clifford 145, 149, 155 Clinton, L 145, 193 Clotworthy 63, 1 45 Coleridge ...104, l45, J46 Coles 55 Collacott 133 Colics 104 Colleton 146 Collibear 122 Collier 112 Colling 146 Colton 49, 50 Conant 123 Congreve 126 Conybeare 118 Cooke 7, 29,49, 146 Cooley 153 Coolidgc 159 Coombs 146 , Copleston...l31, 132, 146 Coppard 49 Cornish 10, 146 Cosens 105, 108 Cottle 101, 130, 145, 146 Cotton ...59, 92, 93, 123 Covel 94 Coverdale 107, 147 Courtenav 8, 128, 129 147—150,161,191 Cowley 150 Cox 102, 150 Coxe 163, 177 INDEX — PERSONS. 217 PAGE Creswell 119 Crispiu 36 Croker 17 Crompton 150 Crooke 88 iInG'-.X Crosse 144,150 Cruwys 159 Crymes 151 CuUen IIG, 117, 119 Culluni 8 Culme 151 Ciirsou 133 Daddo 54 Dallaway 194 Damant 47 Damer 193 Dampier 158 Darras 205 . Davenant 124 Davenport 163, 187 Davidson 14 Davie 15, 151 Davy 110, 151 Dawes 188, 139 DavFson 117 Deane 88 Deeble 10 DeFrauville 148 Degen 151 De la Pole 186 Dene 140 Denham 11 Dennis 101, 151, 203 D'Eon 182 Derry, Bp 194 Des Salles 148 Devon, E 149, 150 De Vryer 177 Dibble 37 Dicke 66 Dickenson 9 Digby, L 65,77 Digby 77,80 Dene 140 Dixon 19 Dobson 170 Doddridge 122, 151 Donn 151,152 Downall 37,38 Downe 152 Downeham 82 Cc Drake... 64, 120, 123, 136 152—159 Drew 159 Drewe 122, 159 Dnimond 124 Dryden 116 Dubois 196 Du Bosc 177 Du Bouchet 148 Duckworth 1.59 Duncombe 36 Duudas 180 Dunuing 1, 116 Dunsford 5, 55 Duntze 137 Dutenis 178 Dwelley 47 Dyce 184 Dymond 159 Eardley 105, 106, 109, 206 Eastcott 159 Eastou 179 Ebriugton, V. ...8, 44, 46 Edgecombe 159 Edwards 15, 16 Egremont, E 160 Elford 42 Ellis 154 Elys 124 Englefield 28 Enty 99 Erisey 203 Evans 39, 40, 52, 174, 201 Eveleigh 99,202 Essex, E 74 Exeter, E 51 Exeter, Bp.5, 25, 53, 92— 108, 134, 141, 159 185, 204, 206 Exmouth, V 160 Fail-fax 75—86 Fane, V 160 Eanshawe 77 Fariugton 192 Farmer 132 Farre 194 Featley 171 Fellows 129, 201 Felton 191 Pennelle 205 Finney 192 PAGE Fish 50 Fisher 57 Fites 160 Fitz 160 Fitz2;effry 123 Flavd ,161, 202 Fleetwood 167 Fleming 161 Fletcher 155,156 Flindell 161 Flintoff 46 Flood 161 Floyd 16 Forbes 161 Ford 161 Fortcsc-ue, E 34, 173 i'oitescue...20, 64, 65, 66 86, 123, 124 Foster 63, 161 Foulston 45 Fovvnes 161 Francis 161, 162 Frauklin 196 Eraser 110 Freeman 207 Frobusher 155 Frost 184 Fry 162 Fulford 162 Fullford 146 Fuller 151, 171 Fiu-long 151 Fuge 162 Fust 102 Gale 123, 193 Gandy 135 Gascoigne 163 Gaselee 40 Gauden 141, 169 Gay 163 Geach 114, 115 Gerrard 128 Gifford 64,161,163 Gilbert 163, 164 Giles 14, 194 GiUing 136, 182, 191, 201 Giliman 146 Gist 15 Glausiield 122 Glanville 51, 121, 122, 123 Godbear ,.... 51 218 INDEX — PERSONS PAGE Godolphia 126 Golsworthy 31 Gompertz 131 Goode 103 Goodridge 164 Gorliam ...102, 103, 107 Goring, L. 18, 76, 79, 80 Goswill 196 Gould 163,164 Grandison, L 65 GraE%-ille 49, 120 Graves, L 8 Graves 164 Green 30 Greenfield 123 Grenville, L 135 Grem-ille ...18,64,73, 74 76,79,83,123,165 Gribble 15 Griffin 165 Grosse 183,195 Guizot 181 Gmiible 180 Gm-ncy 202 Gwatkin H Gvrya 165 Hacche 165 HakevviU 152 Hales 139 HaU 86,165,166,167 Halle 17 Hallet 99,185,201 HaUett 14, 118 HaUoran 129 Hamilton 166 Hamond 85 Hanbmy 169 Hannaford 119,206 Harding 56, 171 Hardy 115 Haringtou 144 Harley 126,127 Harris ...37,47,80,123 167, 170, 205 Hamson 35 Harrys 122 Har\'ey 50, 151, 174 Haussonllicr 167 Hawker 146, 167, 168, 200 Hawkins 35, 155 Hawley 168 I'AGF, Haydon 168 Hazlitt 183 Hearder 45 Heanie 139 Heath 109 Heathcotc 205 Heincken 116 Hele 17,32, 122, 168 Henley 113, 177 Hennah 117 Henwood 14 Hei-aud 145 Herbert 11 Heme 20 Hewett 33 Hewgoe 194 Heydon 81,82, 117 Hicks 96 Hieron 94,168,196 HiU 129 Hine 168 Hingeston 35 Hingston 168 Hixon 154 Hoadly 98 Hobbs 133 Hockin 168 Hodge 97 Hogg 13 Holdsworth 8, 20 Hole 59, 168 Holland 117 Holmes 28 Hondius 188 Hone 167 Hooker 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 169 Hooper 116, 135 Hopton, L 74, 80, 87 Hopion 63—71, 82 Hore 51 Hort 170 Howard, L 152 Howard 129 Howorth 170 Huddy 99 Hughes 94, 150 Hughson 197 Huish 170 Ilumfrcy 171 Hutchinson 118 PAGE Hutton 93, 93, 94 Huxham ...113,114,115 Huyshe 100 Hyett 7 Hyword 71 Jacob 119 Jago 36 James 139 Jefliys 171 Jenimat 171 Jcnings 193 Jenkins 29 Jervis 170,183 JeweU 171,172 Jewitt 33 Inchiquin, L 73 Incledon 55 Ingle 33, 107, 108 Inglis 185 Ingleby 64 Johns 6, 129, 172 Johnson 122,163 Jones 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 33 36, 118, 128, 135 166, 172 Isaac 172 Isaacson 172 Judd 174 Jm-dain 172> Izacke 22,25, 26 Keblc 170 Kckwich 162 Kelly 106 Kcnip 130 Kempe 51 Kendall 32 Kinnaway 116, 173 Kcnnicott 128 KeiT 77 KiddcU 128 Killigrew 203 King, L 173 King 97, 184 Kingston, D 173 Kingston 117, 118 Kirkj)atrick 113 Kite 135, 136 Knight 204 KnoUis 155 Lanipcn 43 Laniphigh '. 98 INDEX — PERSONS. 319 PAGE Laad 168 Lane 170 Laug 174 Larkhain 51 Jiavington 174, 183 LawTence 174 Lear 174 LeBas 172 Lediard 177 Lee 11, 61, 163, 175 Leigh 175 Lemprierc 29, 30 Lewes 204 Lewis 8, 9 Ley 18 Lindsay, L 103 Iiipscomb 5 Lisbiune, E 115 Lott 175 Lovell 1 Louvencomi 154, 155 Lloyd 15, 16, 35, 179 Luscombc 175 Lyde 56 Lye 175 Lyne 175 Lysous 9 Lyte 175 Lyttelton 28 Macdonald 175 Madgett 178 Malone 191, 192 Mann 131 Manning 175,201 Mare 136 Marlborough, D. 126, 127 134, 175, 178 Marlborough, L 162 MarshaU 16, 110 Martin 65, 73 Martyn64,66, 67,135, 178 Mai-tync 122 MaskeU 106 Massie 18 Matliias 197 Mam-ice, P. 69, 72, 73, 74 Maynard 153, 178 Melford 179 Mclhuish 204 Mennis 196 Meyrick 179 Dd PAGE Midliope 164 Miege 180 Mills 185 Mogridge 50 Mohun, L 65, 70 Monk88, 89, 90, 124, 125 134, 179, 180, 181 Monmouth, E 144 Moor 181 Moore ...10, 99, 103, 119 138, 161, 181 Morden 3 Morcman 3 Morgan 82, 182 Morley, E 49 Morice 90, 171, 182 Morrice 59 Morton 171 Mosse 182 Mount Edgcumbe, E. 41 110 Moyle 48 Mudge 100 Mullett 140 Mullins 182 Musgrave 182 Nation 182, 183 Needham 107 Nettleton 45 Newte 53 Nichols 154, 156 Nicolas 150 Nicolls 172, 195 Nicols 183 Noble 183 Norris 120, 153 Northcotc 64, 66, 67, 183 192 Northleigh 140,183 Northmore 29, 206 Odgers 46, 47 Oldys 189,190 OUver 1, 8, 10, 12, 13,30 33, 145, 183 Orange, P 90, 91, 92 Osier 160 Ottolcnghc 183, 184 Ovcral 171 Overbmy 189 Oxcnham 184 Page 120, 121, 122 MORUAH'- LA- VAGE 140 Palk 5, 56, 108 Palmer 10, 11, 75 Parades 40, 41 Parker 54,114,204 Parr 95,168 Parrott 110 Pai'tridge 136 Paulet 64, 66 Pawlet, L 73 Peach 99 Peacock 3,205 Pcarce 97,112 Peard 15 Pearson 147 Peeke 140 Peele 120,184 Peii-ce 86, 99, 185 PcUew 185, 195 Pendarvcs 44 Penneck 135 Penruddock 88 Penson 185 Perceval 56 Peters 78,79, 82 Petre 123 Philips 126 Phillipps II Philpotts 185 Pierce 185 Pilkiuton 158 Pindar, P 129, 204 PitMd 185, 186 Pole ...50, 132, 134, 186 PoUard 64, 186 Polwhele ...5, 28, 51, 123 167, 168 Pope 177,203 Porter 137 Potter 194 Prance 46 Pratt 166 Preston 138, 191, 202 Price... 141, 143, 180, 186 200 Prichard 99 Prideaux 78, 123, 187 Prince 58, 134 Prynnc 97 Pulman 14 Putt 187 220 INDEX — PERSONS. PAGE Pyke 187, 203 Pym 65, G6, 71 Pyue 75 Qmck 39, 167 RadclifFe 187 Radnor, C 167 Ralegh 111, 123, 165, I87 190 Ramshay 136 Ratteiibiuy 190 Rawlings 191 Raynton 64 • Read 99 Redding 130 Reece l98 Reed 99 Reefe I34 Rces 3, 135 Reeve 128 Rennie 48, 49 Reynell 13, 124, 140, 191 Reynolds 11, 124, 130, 135 191, 192 Richards 196 Riollay 115 Risdon 2, 3, 5 RobertsllS, 125, 192,205 Robinson 56 Rochester, E 88 Rochester, Bp 198 Rock 42 Rodd 45, 95 Rogers 9, 1C4, 193 RoUe, L 7 Rolle 5, 27, 64, 66, 67, 89 90, 193 Rooker 46, 174 Rouse 66 Row 193 Rowe 19, 43, 48, 151, 181 193 Rundle I94 Rupert, P 63, 76 " Ruthin 65, 66 Rutter 194 S. Aubyn 119 Sainthi'll 12, 194, 204 S. Loo 40 Salter 135, 136 Sanford...44, 45, 141,142 163, 166,190,198 205 PAGE Sandford 179, 180 Sandys 194 Saunders 115, 194 SawTcr 132 Say'and Sele. V 87 Schoniburgk 188 Scoble 18J Score 194 Seaton, L 194 Selcy 24 Sellon 104, 105, 206 Senior 82 Seygar 61 Seymour 65, 194 Shaftesbm-y, E 206 Shapcotc 15 1 Shapcott 194 Shapleigh 185 Shapter 33, 116, 117 Shebbeare 194 Shee 130 Shepherd ...129, l4l, 184 Sheppard 34 Sher\\dll 195 Sherwin 181 Shield 116 Shirley 189 Shore 105 Short 4,140 Shortt 12,32 Shower 24, 195 Sidmouth, V 195 Sidney 202 Skinner 97, 181 Shippon 75 Slater 195 Sleech 186 Slecman 52 Sloeman 61 Sraale 205 Snieaton 48 Smilh20, 54, 95, 102, 132 139, 196 SucU 25 Soltau 119 Somers 196 Sommaster 1 96 Southcouib 151 Soulhcott ...196, 197, 198 Southey 11, 146 Spark 94 PAGE Spiccr 2 Sprat 198 Spratt 52 Spreat 12 SpiuTcIl ...104,105,206 Squire 42 Staflbrd 109, 198 Stamford, E. ...67, 68, 69 Stavcly 133 Steed 198 Stephens 184, 199 Stirling 11, 37, 50 Stokes 131 Stogdon 99, 199 Storcr 29 Straugwidge 120, 121, 122 Strode 40, 196, 199 StiTpe 169 Stuckley 95, 188 Stidicley 120 Sweetland 199 Swete 3, 135 Tanner 199 Taperell 44 Tate 126 Tavistock, M 9 Taunton 200 Taylor 3,62,200 Templer 200 TerreU , 31 Theobald 189 Thomas 16, 37, 45 Thompson 61, 66 Thomson l90 Tindal 142, 200 Tomlinson 34 Tong 195, 201 Tonkin 130 Tooker 1 84 Toplady ...129,200,201 Toidmiu 41, 178, 182 Towgood 18, 201 Toye 33 Tozcr 197 Tracy 149 Trcgagle 201 Trclawncy 135 Tremayne 201 Trembles 15, 16 Tremlctt 185, 186 Trcvclvau 201 INDEX — PERSONS. 221 PAGE Treves 183, 184 Trevethick 193 Trewman 28 Tripe 113 Tripp 160 Trist 167 Trosse 127, 201, 202 Ti-uscott 46 Tucker 119,130, 175,193 199, 202 Tuckfield 13, 31 Tui-nbull 198 Turner 194 Tiu-ton 117 Tutchin 202 Tyrvvliitt 43 Tytler 190 Vancouver 110 Vaughan 70, 161, 162, 187 Vernier 64 Vernon 20 Viccary 202 Vivian 123 Vivyan 203 Underhill 61 VoweU 20,21, 22, 26 Vowles 200 Upton 202 Waddon 195 Wagstaffe 88 Walker 125, 202 WaUer 87,191 PAGE Walrond 99, 136 Walsh 92 Walton 169, 170 Ward 203 Wardlaw 166 Warren 70, 203 Warwick, E. ...69, 73, 74 Watkins 16, 201 W^atts 51 Webb 83 Webster 181 Welche 122 Welden 83,86 W^eUs 182 W^entworth, L 80 Wesley 126 West 203 Westcote 1 Westcott 203 Weston 48 Wharton 182 Whear 172 Wheeler 174 Whichcote 201 Whidbey 48 Whinnel 198 W^hitaker 171 Whitby 203 White ...13,82, 113,203 Whitefoote 165 Wichalse 204 Wightwick 45, 133 PAGE Wilberforce 103 WiUcocks 143 WiUiams 6, 107, 167, 204 Wilmot ...3, 65, 204, 205 WUson 206 Winkle 33 Winterbothani 204 Wolcombe 148 Wolcot 129,204 WoUocombe 198 Wolston 175 Wolton 23 Woodley 130, 184 Woolcot 130 WooUcombe 3, 42, 44, 135 Woobner ...28,199,204 Woolton 204 Wordsworth 173 Worth 113, 204 Woi-tley 181 Wotton 134 Wray 64 W^-eford 191 Wrey 204,205 Wright 157 Wyatt 117,119 Yalden 205 Yard 194 Yeo 171 Yonge ...34, 35, 110, 205 Zouch 170 223 SUBSCRIBERS. Acland, Sir T. D., Bart., M.P., Killertoii, 2 copies. Acland, Rev. P. L. J)., Broadclist. Aberdein, R. H., Esq., Houiton. Ames, John, Esq., Pinney, Lyme-Regis. Bartholomew, The Venerable Archdeacon, Morchard Bishop, Baker, Mrs. Lloyd, Manston Terrace, Exeter. Balle, Mr. WiUiam, Exeter. Bayley, William, R. Esq., Cotford House, Sidbury. Bateman, H., Esq., The Elms, Clapton, 2 copies. Basleigh, Capt., Honiton. Besley, Mr. Henry, Exeter. Besly, Rev. John, D.C.L., Vicarage, Long Benton. Bent, Mrs. Frances, York Buildings, Exeter. Bellamy, J. C, Esq., George Street, Plymouth. Bond, Rev. J. Hamilton, Romansleigh. Boger, Deeble, Esq., Wolsden, Antony. Bowring, Mr. John, Exeter. Bowden, Henry, Esq., Bradninch. Borlase, Rev. W., Zennor Vicarage, St. Ives, Cornwall. Brent, Robert, Esq., M.D., Woodbury. Brutton, Charles, Esq., Exeter. Brickdale, J. Eortescue, Esq., Newland, Monmouth. Bray, Rev. E. A., The Vicarage, Tavistock. Buck, L. W., Esq., M.P., Moreton, Bideford. Burridge, W., Esq., Wellington, Somerset. Courtenay, The Right Hon. the Lord, Powderham Castle. Churchill, The Hon. the Lady Henrietta, The Barton, Morchard Bishop. Carew, J. H. Pole, Esq., Antony House, Torpoint. Canton, G. A., Esq., St. Martin's Lane, London. Cary, George, Stanley, Esq., FoUaton Park, Totnes. Cary, Mrs., Torre Abbey, Torquay. Clifford, Mr. W., Exeter, 2 copies. Cole, Robert, Esq., Upper Norton Street, London. 224 SUBSCRIBERS. Coleridge^ Francis George, Esq., Ottery St. Mary. Coldridge, Rev., S. P., Ottertou. Collyiis, W., Esq., Moss Cottage, Alpliiiigton. Coppard, Rev. W. J., Plympton St. Mary. Cotton, Richard, W., Esq., Barnstaple. Coham, Holland, Esq., Dunsland House, Bradford. Cosens, W. Esq., Langdou, Dawlish. Croydon, Mr. Edward, Torquay. Dunboyne, The Right Hon. the Lord, Conservative Club, London. Duckworth, Sir J.T. B., Bart., M.P., Wear House, Topsham. Dawson, W., Esq., Dix's Field, Exeter. Dawson, Rev. George, Woodleigh. Dayman, Rev. E. A., Shillingstone, Blandford. Drayton and Sons, Messrs., Exeter, 2 copies. Drake, T. E., Esq., Exeter. Drewe, E. Simcoe, Esq., The Grange, Honiton. Dredge, Rev. John Ingle, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. Durant, R., Esq., Sharpham, Totnes, 2 copies. Elton, Sir E. Marwood, Bart., Widworthy Court. Earle, Rev. J., Oriel College, Oxford, 2 copies. Exeter College Library, Oxford. Fortescue, The Right Hon. the Earl, Castle Hill. Giffard, Edward, Esq., The Admiralty, London. Gibbs, Henry, H., Esq., Frognal, Hampstead. Gordon, Charles, Esq., Wiscombe Park. Gorham, Rev. G. C, Brampford Speke. Gould, Daniel, Esq., Honiton. Gray, Mr. Robert John, Exeter. Harding, Lieut. Col., Magdalene Hill, Exeter. Harrison, Mr. S. G., London. Hassard, John, Esq., Enfield Villa, Clifton. Hannaford, Mr. P. A., Cambridge. Harvey, Mr. J., Sidmouth. Herring, Miss, Worden, Shebbear. Hedgeland, Rev. Philip, Bridestowc. Hele, Rev. George Selby, liishopsteignton. Holden, Mr., Exeter, 26 copies. Hole, Henry, Esq., Ebberly House, Torrington. Holland, Rev. R., Spreyton. SUBSCRIBERS. 225 Hotlge, Mr. H., Exeter. Hutchinson, Peter Orlando, Esq., Sidmouth. Ilbert, W. Roupe, Esq., Horswell House, Kingsbridge. Ingham, Mr. John, Exeter. Jones, Rev. J. P., Rector of Butterleigh. Kennaway, Sir John, Bart., Escot House. Kerslake, Mr., Bristol. Kingdon, G. Boughton, Esq., Compton Hall, Plymouth. Lopes, Sir Ralph, Bart., M.P., Maristow, 2 copies. Lasbury, Mr., Bristol, 2 copies. Lester, Alfred, Esq., Exeter. Lethbridge, John King, Esq., Tregear, Launceston. Ley, William, Esq., Woodlands, Kenn. Lidstone, Mr. R., Plymouth, 13 copies. Loveridge, W., Esq., Paradise House, Chard. Luscombe, John, Esq., Coombe Royal, Kingsbridge. Mackey, Capt., Fairhill, Exeter. Macray, J., Esq., Librarian to the Taylor Institution, Oxford. Matthews, W., Esq., Regent Park, Heavitree. Martyn, Mr. R., Broadclist. Miller, Patrick, Esq., M.D., Exeter. Miles, W., Esq., Dix's Field, Exeter. Moore, Mr. W., Exeter. Newman, Sir. R. L., Bart., Mamhead Park. Nettleton, E., Esq., Plymouth. Newton, J. G., Esq., Millaton House, Bridestowe. Oliver, Rev. G., D.D., Exeter, 2 copies, Prideaux, Sir E. Sanderson, Bart., Netherton Hall. Parker, ^Montagu E. N., Esq., Whiteway. Parker, Mr. J. IL, Oxford. Patteson, S. R., Esq., Launceston. Parkhouse, Mr., Tiverton. Petheram, Mr., High Holborn, London, 4 copies. Pennell, Richard Lewin, Esq., Venbridge House. Pearse, George, Esq., Bradninch House. Pitman, J. S., Esq., Dunchideock. Pigott, J. U.S., Esq., P.S.A., The Grove, Weston Super-Mare. Prideaux, G., Esq., Hewer's Row, Plymouth. Prance, C. R., Esq., M.D., Princess Square, Plymouth. Pring, T.; Esq., Clerk of the Peace for Devonshire, Crediton. 22(5 SUBSCllIBERS. Pulmaii, James Esq., Clarencieux, Herald's College, London. Pulmaii, Mr. 0. P. R., Crewkerne Pyke, llev. John, Parracombe. Radclifle, Rev. Walter, Warlegh, Plymouth. Eawlings, James, Esq., Cullompton. Rickard, J. L., Esq., Teigmnouth, 2 copies. Rowe, Rev. S., Crediton. Roberts, George, Esq., Lyme Regis. Rogers, the Rev. Canon, Penrose, Cornwall. Rudge, Rev. J., D.D., Hawkchurch Rectory, Axminster. Rvde, J. G., Esq., Baring Crescent, Exeter. Shapter, T., Esq., M.D., Barn Field, Exeter. Smith, Mr., J. R., Soho Square, London, 2 copies. Smirke, Edward, Esq., Temple, London. Stevens, The Venerable Archdeacon Moor(5, Otterton. Taylor, Major Gen., Lieut. Gov. Royal Mihtary College. Terrell, John H., Esq., Exeter. Toms, Rev. H. W., Combmartin. Treby, H. H., Esq., Plympton. Troyte, A. H. D. A., Esq., Huntsham Court. Tucker, Charles, Esq., Marlands, Heavitree. AValrond, Bethell, Esq., Dulford House. Walkey, Rev. C. E., Clyst St. Lawrence. Wellington, Rev. W., Upton Hellions. Whitehead, Arthur, Esq., Exeter. Whitaker, Mr. J., 41, Pall Mall, London. Willesford, Rev. Bedford, Awliscombe. Yardc, Thomas, Esq., Culver House, Chudleigh. Yarde, John, Esq., Trobridgc House, Crediton. Yardc, Thomas, Esq., Whitestone House, 2 copies. \\. 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