9') /<^. Digitized by^the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/femalelifeamongmOOwardrich THE CHEAT SALT I.ACR CITY. v/ FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MORMONS; A NARRATIVE OF MjUJY YEARS' PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. BY THE WIFE OF A MORMON ELDER, RECENTLY FROM UTAH. NEW YORK: J. 0. DERBY, 119 NASSAU STREET, OINOINNATI : H. W. DEEBY. BUFFALO : WANZEE, M^'KIM & 00. CHICAGO: D. B. COOKE & CO. DETROIT: KEEE, MOELET & CO. ST. LOUIS: EDWARDS & BUSHNELL. 1855. * EsTRRKD according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S55, by J. C. DERBY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Soathem District of New York. W, H. TIX80!f, BTSWIOTTPnU FDDSIY « EUSSBLL, FBIXTXSg. 5-6-^1 3 INTRODUCTORY That " one half of the world cannot imagine how the other half live," is no less true than trite ; and the lesson the adage affords, our experience and observation daily tend to verify. • Then, too, when we consider the ever- varying phases of human passion, and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance ; or that crimes, both strange and unnatural, should be perpetrated in a far-off country, on the outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Knowing, as I do know, the evils and horrors and abomination^ iv Introduction. of the Mormon system, the degradation it imposes on females, and the consequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society, a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the following narrative, for the public eye. The romantic incidents connected with my experience, many may think bordering on the mai-vellous. To them I would say, that this narrative of my life only j)roves, what has so often been proved before, • that " Truth is stranger than Fiction/' The Author. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I . INTRODUCTORY. A False Angel— Magnetic Influence — Curiosity Awakened . . . , CHAPTER II. THE MORMON M E J5 T I N G . The Midnight Assemblage — Arrival of Joe Smith— The Fi'antic Mother— The Dead Quickened— Interruption of the Meeting— The Mob and is Victim— Female Heroism ........... FAOB 9 15 CHAPTER III. MORMON VEXATIONS. Grievous Annoyances — Ridiculous Catastrophe — Preparation to move West— A Startling Proposition ......... CHAPTER lY. SUNDRY MORMON MATTERS. Mr. Ward offers his Hand and Heart— The Young Wife has Strange Fears— Domes- tic Happiness Destroyed— A Wife's Duties Defined— Deplorable Results— The Doctrine of Spiritual Wives ........ CHAPTER V. MORMON REMOVALS. A Mormon Heroine— DiflSculties Encountered— A Mormon Ruse— The Stratagem Successful— The First Halt— The Abduction of Hannah— Ellen's Narrative— A Mother's Instinct — The Pursuit — Discomfiture of Mrs. Bradish 50 vi Contexts. CHAPTER VI. TBS BXCAPTCKK. PAQB De&th of Bounding Bet— Speculations concerning the Prophet — Alarming Intelli- gence — Hapless Fate of Poor Ellen — Arrival at the Promised Land . . 71 CHAPTER VH. THE IfOBMOX SETTLKXSHT. Mormon Merchandise— The Aaobitious Mormen— Startling Reyelations— Mrs. Mur- ray discloses Secrets ......... 81 CHAPTER Tin. MORMON FArrH AKD WOBSHIF. TheMormonMillenium— Interior Economy of Heaven ■ . . • ♦ . M CHAPTER IX. MORMON PROPHETS AND ELDERS. Quaint Portraits of Mormon Elders — A Missionary's Experience — ^Absurd Visions and Sore Temptations ......... 95 CHAPTER X . MORMON CHURCH OOTERNMKXT. Fools and Knaves — Mormon Tools — Mormon Estimate of Women — Sufferings of a Spiritual Wife— The Marriage Contract Annulled .... 99 CHAPTER XI. MORMON 0CTRAGB3. ftnrtematic RoWi)erie8— The " Regulators "-Tidings of Sirs. Clark . . .108 CHAPTER XII. EEGtrLATOBS. UnTrclcome Tislt<»8 — ^Midnight Murder— Escape of Mr. Ward . . » . 114 CHAPTER XIII. THE FOREST. Mr. Ward's Account of his Escape — The Regulators take Vengeance— The Dilemma — Agoniaing Suspense — Character of Mrs. Bradish ..... 120 CHAPTER XIV. EETURM OF THE MESSENOSB. Mrs. Bradish in a Dungeon— An Attack Contemplated .... 189 Contents. vii CHAPTER XV. THB LIBER1TI017, AND BOMHTHCTO EUDB. PAGB DeathoftheProphet— The Oath and its Penalty .... 185 CHAPTER XVI. THE NETV LEADER. Description of the New Leader— Heartless Conduct of the Prophet . . .140 CHAPTER XVII. Goma OTV. Preparations for Departing — Retiu-n of Mrs. Bradish— Mrs. Bradish relates her Adventures— Mode of making New Converts — Family Jars .... 144 CHAPTER XVIII. EMILY'S NARRATIVE. The Prophet's Favorite—Incipient Vanity— Scenes in a Poor-House— The Poor- House in an Uproar ......... I5f CHAPTER XIX. SUNDRY MATTERS. Polygamy encouraged by the Prophet— A Stampede — A Rain-storm in the Prairies —A Solemn Sight— The Closing Scene . . . . . . .166 CHAPTER XX. FORDING A RIVER AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. The First Great Difficulty— Perilous Passage— The Catastrophe — Alarmed by Indians 174 CHAPTER XXI. WOMEN LOST OR CAPTURED. Foolhardlness of Mrs. Bradish— Pears for the Missing "Women— The Fearless Scout —The Re-Capture .182 CHAPTER XXII. EMILY'S NARRATIVE CONTINUED. The BuflEaloos- The Bitter Taunt— Emily learns who She is— The Lost Will . . 191 CHAPTER XXII L FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. Strange Advice for a Woman to give — Trouble in Store for Louisa— The PainM Discovery— The Mischief Maker— Two of a Trade can't agree — The Listeners — The Voice of Nature wUl be heard— Fond Hearts re-united— The Disappointed Match-Maker 199 viii Contents. CHAPTER XXIV. tOTB IS THB WILDKRJIESS. FAGS Courting by the Camp-Fire— A True Woman— She Would and She Wouldn't . 215 CHAPTER XXY. A wife's tboublb. The Power of the Wni— Blissful Ignorance— Snake Indians and theiTj Captire-' Attempts at Ransom ......... 223 CHAPTER XXVI. AH UKXXPBCTBD ENCOUSTBB. The Intercepted Letter— Fan Catches a Tartar '.230 CHAPTER XXVII. A WrVf CHARACTBB. The Beau Ideal— Fraternal LoTe— A Childish Vision— Santa F6 Traders . 235 CHAPTER XXVIII. THB FUGITITBS. Anxiety for the Absent— A New Flora's Interpreter- Young Blood ««. An Old Head '-The Sacrificial Dance— Hide and Seek . . . . • . .248 CHAPTER XXIX. watbb! watbbI watbb! Munnurings in the Camp — Horrible Sufferings— More of Fan's Coquetries — Hostile Indians . 263 CHAPTER XXX. OTHEB DIFFICULTIES. A New Difficulty— Ethleen the Indian Girt— Picturesque Scenery— An Indian Altar The Last Trial 261 CHAPTER XXXI. BBAS BIVBB VAIXET. The Secret Enemy— Dissatisfaction Broods in Secret — ^The Sacred Garments — Mrs. Bradish Declines the Honor— The Promised Land— The Startling Missive . . 270 CHAPTER XXXII. OTHER BMIGRAXTS. Discourses on Polygamy— A Scene at •' Meal-Time "—Sport and Scandal— The Re« jected Loyer— The Prophet Brayed by a Woman— Destiny will Decide . . 3S1 Contents. CHAPTER XXXIII. A HOME IS THE DESERT. PAGH The Source of Mormon Stability— The New City— An Old Fool and a Young Flirt- Evil Results of Polygamy— Mrs. Haley in Trouble^The Bitter Sorrow— Ancient Practices Revived ......... 294 CHAPTER XXXIV. kmily's narrative continusd The Prophet and his Victim— The Bravado— Family Secrets— The Conspirators . 308 CHAPTER XXXV. CHURCH AND STATE. Primitive way of Choosing Preachers— Little Spirits in want of Bodies — Debasing tendency of Polygamy— A Father sells his Daughters— Brother Weldy's Chief Blessing— The Sale Consummated . . . . . . .815 CHAPTER XXXVI. THK SELF-ACCTJ6KR AND THE DYING HUSBAND. The Forsaken Wife— The Perfection of Meekness— Bitter Reflections— Mother and Daughter— The Poison Root CHAPTER XXXVII. A SCENE. The Ill-boding Wife— Meeting Troubles half way— She put it in his Head— A Domes- tic Scene— Diflaculties Thicken— Mutual Recriminations . . . .839 CHAPITER XXXVIII. EMILY AGAIN. The Missing Maiden— The Alarm Increases — An Expedition starts [in Search of Emily 850 CHAPTER XXXIX. MARRIAGES. She Mourns as for the Dead— A Hard-hearted Old Man— The Hoary Lover and Youthful Victims— A Model Father— Matrimonial Speculations . , . 366 CHAPTER XL. A CONSULTATION. The Unsuccessful Search— The Prophet's Mandate— The Prophet Suspected— Mrs. Bradish Utters Treason— Ambition Thwarted . . . . . .8(56 X Contents. CHAPTER XLI. SIFrSSEN'CES. PAG> A Gigantic Scheme — Mormonism Antagonistic to Kepublicanlsm— Mormon Hunters kill Btrange Game— Pecoliarities of Utah Indians . . . . .876 CHAPTER XLII. THB KETT TTIFE. A Discontented Mind— A Mormon Dinner-table — The Solution of the Riddle— A House divided again Itself— The Non-Intercourse System— The Tables Turned— The Quarrel . . . , 8S4 CHAPTER XLIII. KTHLEEii'S ADVKMTUaE. Grief of the Indian Wife— Harmer relates his Adrentarea— Sagacity of Sthleen . 899 CHAPTER XLIV. THB GOLD rSTEB XSD IfS EFFBCTS. The Gold Fever— Portrait of a Mormon Lady— Indian Vengeance— Awful Effects of the Poison— Return of the Gold Hunter 407 CHAPTER XLV. BEVELATI0N8. He8meri8m_in aid to Mormonism— Mrs. Bradish Rereals Secrets— Re-appearance of Emily— Harmer finds bis Betrothed . . . . . . .416 CHAPTER XLVI. MTSTEBIBS. Mysterious Disappearances — Gross Deceplion— Mormon Barbarities — ^Having Eyes they See Not— Interesting Dialogue . . . . . . .424 CHAPTER XLVII. LIGHT. Important Discovery— Murder of Gunison's Party— Dangerous Knowledge — Horrid Treachery— She is Doomed ........ 485 CHAPTER XLVIII. USCBBTAINTT— CONCLXTSIOK. Doubts and Fears— Escape of the Author— The Warning— Conclusion , . 445 FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MORMONS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. MY early life was passed in that beautiful and picturesque region, which borders the Skaneateles Lake, in the State of New York. The season of my childhood passed in compara- tive peace and happiness, but circumstances, over which I had no control, brought me into contact with enemies, who sought, by the most malicious and slanderous reports, to injure my repu- tation — ^in which they succeeded ; and smarting under the neglect of former friends, I determined to abandon my home, and privately visit some relatives of my mother, who were living near Albany. For this purpose I left the house of A J , in Spafiford, Onondaga County, New York, and took the stage for TJtica in the same State. I had not previously apprised my friends of this intended visit, because I feared that my enemies might thus be informed of my destination, and I could not feel safe from their malice, however great the distance, if they knew where I was. The only passenger in the stage except myself, was a gentle- 1* 10 Female Life among the Mormons. man, apparently middle-aged, of rather handsome features and prepossessing appearance. The Mormon Bible and opinions were at that time the general topic of discussion, in all society through this vicinity, and after a few general remarks on the state of the roads, weather, and kindred subjects, he inquired with a piercing look, what I thought of the Mormons. " I think it is all delusion," I replied. " And why do you think so ?" he inquired. *'Many reasons conspire to strengthen this opinion," I answered. " Please state them." " In the first place, then, I have seen this Joseph Smith, the author of the Mormon Bible, and I could discover nothing in his appearance at all corresponding with a divine character," *' Yet, if I have been rightly informed, many persons in your part of the country think otherwise." "It is true," I answered, "that many people of my acquain- tance, in Scott and Spaflford, have embraced Mormonism, but every delusion, however absurd, will have its believers." " There was a family in Coldbrook by the name of Cheeny, I think," suggested the man. " Yes," I answered, " Mr. Cheeny's family were considered very fine people, were members of the Free-will Baptist Church, and the Pulsifers too; Pulsifer, the Swamp Angel," and I burst into a laugh. " The Swamp Angel ?" said my fellow traveller, inquii-ingly, "who was that?" "There were two families by the name of Pulsifer, both believers in Mormon," I answered. " A child died in one of these families, and the Mormons gave out that, on a certain night, an angel would come and carry the body to heaven. The time appointed arrived, the relatives of the dead were assem- bled, when a figure in white, and with small bells attached to A False Angel. 11 its garments, appeared. A party of the unbelievers, lying in ambush, immediately gave chase. The figure ran for a neigh- boring swamp, but was pursued, taken, stripped of its angel robes, and proved to be Pulsifer, the uncle of the deceased." " False," said my companion. " I assure you it was the truth," I continued ; " and poor old Mr. Humphrey was deceived by them, too. The old man was determined to be right, if possible. He was first a member of the Free-will Baptists ; thon he joined the Seventh-day Baptists — left them, and was baptized to the faith and order of Mormon ; subsequently deserted the Mormons, and united with the Baptists again, and then finally returned to the Mormons, by whom be was dipped seven times in succession, on account of his apostasy. He remained faithful to them after that, but always observed the seventh day." " Well," observed the gentleman, " the Mormons were not chargeable with the absurdities of their devotee." " Oh, no I" I answered, " but they have enough of their own." *' Were you ever acquainted with Elder Gould ?" he inquired. ** I have seen him ; he used to preach in Spafiford." "He did, and with great acceptability, yet he joined the Mormons." " And poor Mrs. Maxson was induced to leave her husband and children and go with them ; and Maria Ripley, a young woman, left her aged and infirm parent, and went off, too." "For which they were wholly justifiable," said the man. "For he that loveth father, or mother, or husband, or wife, more than me, is not worthy of me." " Are you then a believer in Mormon ?" I inquired. " I am, or I am not," he answered. " Hardly a fair way of answering a question," I said ; and the conversation came to a pause. V 12 Female Life among the Mormons. At this time I was wholly unacquainted with the doctrine of magnetic influence ; but I soon became aware of some unac- countable power exercised over me by my fellow traveller. His presence seemed an irresistible fascination. His glittering eyes were fixed on mine ; his breath fanned my cheek; I felt bewil- dered and intoxicated, and partially at least lost the sense of consciousness, and the power of motion. The stage stopped to change horses. The weather was excessively cold, and my companion proposed that we should go into the inn to warm. I made no objection; indeed, I felt incapable of resistance to his wishes. We were ushered into a warm and comfortable parlor, the floor of which was covered by a cheap carpet, yet looking very neat and tidy ; and the papered walls, hung with several pictures, in oaken frames. My companion requested me to be seated, and called for refresh- ments. I obeyed mechanically, and when the wine and cakes were furnished partook sparingly. My companion became com- municative ; informed me that his name was "Ward, that he was a man of property, and a widower, with two children, that he was well acquainted with many people in Scott, my native place, and had frequently heard the name of my father men- tioned as a citizen of exalted reputation. Here I made some allusion to the length of time which the stage seemed stopping. He said it was nothing unusual in cold weather, and that, for his own part, he would prefer not to go farther that day. " I suppose, that you can stay if you wish," I said. " Not without you,^^ he answered, and again fixing on my face one of his piercing looks. I became immediately sensi- ble of some unaccountable influence drawing my sympathies towards him. In vain I struggled to break the spell. I was like a fluttering bird before the gaze of the serpent-charmer. At length, by a powerful effort of will, I succeeded in releasing myself from the captivation, and, rising, went towards Magnetic Influence. 13 the door, to ascertain when the stage would be ready. There I met a boy, and inquired of him : ^'Laws, ma'am, the stage has been gone this hour," he said, wonderingly. "'T won't be back neither 'fore day after next,'* he continued. Mr. Ward was just behind me. *"Tis strange," he said. "I wonder what the rascal of a driver was thinking of to leave us in this manner." I recollect at the moment that a faint perception that Ward was at the bot- tom of the matter, crossed my mind. I turned to accuse him of it, but the landlady just then came into the room, to inquire of what I stood in need. *' The stage has left us," said Ward, " but I consider it fortu- nate rather than otherwise. The weather is too cold to travel.'* "The weather is certainly cold," said the landlady, "and we shall be happy to entertain you both till the stage comes round again. Shall I have a fire made for Madam in a separate apart- ment ?" " Certainly," I said, and the landlady departed. " On more accounts than one," resumed Ward, " I regard this circumstance as fortunate. The Mormons are to have a great meeting here this very evening." " And what is that to me ?" I said, interrupting him. " It may, it must be something to you," he answered ; " I desire you to go and see, and hear for yourself." ** Go," I answered, astonished at the audacity of the pro- posal ; " go into such a company of entire strangers ?" " And what if they be strangers ; you have seen too much of the world, I imagine, to be afraid of strangers." " I am not afraid of strangers," I began. " Then what is there to hinder your going ?" he interrupted. *' It will be much more interesting than staying in this stupid place." 14 Female Life among the Mormons. *' Very likely." " To be sure it will ; you can go with me." Here Mr. Ward left the room for a short time, and I began to examine the books which lay on the table. The first one I took up was the Book of Mormon, and during my examination of it Mr. Ward returned. He commended my employment, and said that my room would soon be ready, which was a great mistake, as I heard no further mention of it. I have since had reason to believe that ho countermanded my orders, through fear of losing his influence over me. Be that as it may, the hours passed on, and the night came, while I yet remained the occupant of the parlor. Mr. Ward, in the meantime, had spared no pains to win my confidence, and ingratiate himself in my esteem. He bore letters of recommendation and introduc- tion to some of the first men in the country. These, I have since learned, were forgeries from beginning to end, being a species of Mormon imposture. "The landlady seems very dilatory in getting your room ready," he said, at length. " She certainly cannot expect that you are going to stay all night in the parlor." " I will go and inquh'e." " It is unnecessary, I will inquire for you." Before I could reply, he disappeared, but soon returned with the disagreeable information that the rooms were already occu- pied, and that it would be impossible for them to entertain me. This was in direct contradiction to what I had previously heard, and my astonishment was depicted on my countenance, when Mr. Ward, to reconcile the discrepancy, told me that a large wedding party, relatives of the landlord, had just arrived, and that the apartment designed for me, had been appropriated to the bride. " But," he continued, *' it will be some consolation for you to know, that I discovered the trunk containing your wardrobe standing in the hall. The rascally stage-driver must Curiosity Awakened. 16 have misunderstood your orders, .and thonght that yon were at the end of jour journey." " But the fare ?" I suggested. " If he has gone off without his pay, it will injure no one but himself. He was half-drunk, I suppose." " Is there no other inn in the village ?" I inquired. "Kone that I know of; however, if you will go with me I can introduce you to a worthy lady of my acquaintance, who will be happy to receive you." And I went with him ; what else could I do ? CHAPTER II. THE MORMON MEETING. ii innHE lady to whom I am about to introduce you," said \_ Mr. Ward, as we walked, in the pale, misty moonlight, along the slippery streets, "is a Mormon ; and the meeting to-night is to be held at her house." " Why did you not tell me of this before ?" I inquired. "What difference would that have made?" he answered, you are constrained to depart from the inn ; you have no acquaintance here ; I could not introduce you to a more hospi- table person ; and you must excuse me, but I considered it a fine opportunity to make you acquainted with some of our leading tenets." That word ^^ ourp'' he was, then, a Mormon, and I was mor- ally in the power of that fanatical sect. Yet it was too late to retreat : my sympathies were with Mr. Ward ; and then a strange and unaccountable feeling of curiosity took possession 16 Female Life among the Mormons. of my mind. I had heard much said about Mormon Meetings — the miracles and supernatural appearances said to attend them — and now was to have the chance of judging for myself. I felt half-pleased with the idea, but hesitated about telling my companion so. As we passed along, two or three persons came up to Mr. Ward, at different times, and exchanged with him rapid signs, and some inarticulate words, of which I could only distinguish "ready," on one side, and "soon" on the other. The house of Mrs. Bradish stood at some distance from the main road, in the midst of a large yard that was bounded on the north by a deep, dense wood. 'The building itself was a very large antique structure, built long before the Revolution, and serving, under the seigniorial tenures then in vogue, as the mansion-house of the hereditary lords of the soil. Some parts of it had fallen into decay, but enough remained in a good state of preservation to furnish a very handsome residence to a wealthy family. Mrs. Bradish received us with a stately and dignified hospi- tality, yet with such a conciliating manner as made me feel myself welcome, although she did not say so. She was a fine- looking woman, with a head and face decidedly intellectual. She conducted me to an elegant, yet old-fashioned, apartment in the eastern wing of the building, where a substantial supper was spread by one of the domestics ; her family having already partook of the evening meal. She sat, however, and served at the table. Her conversation was deeply interesting, and con- tained a long and full description of Mormon tenets. " And you will meet with us to-night. Miss B , will you not ?" she said, in conclusion. " I hardly know, Mrs. Bradish," I answered ; " something tells me that I had better not." "It is the evil spirit, my child," she answered, fervently; " depend upon it, the tempter seeks your destruction." The Midnight Meeting. IT I could scarcely forbear a smile. "Do not smile," she said, solemnly; *'do not tamper with your eternal interests. And then we are to' have a miracle to-night." ''A miracle?" , " Yes : the dead restored to life." ** Impossible I Mrs. Bradish, you jest." "I do not," she answered, solemnly. ''Was not Lazarus raised from the dead, and the son of the widow of Nain. Do you think that the arm of the Lord is shortened, that he can- not save, or that the miracles which attended his first revelation would be withheld from the second ? We are in expectation of even greater things than these." " What could be greater ?" I inquired. " The resurrection of the living." " Explain yourself." " By the resurrection of the living, I mean the adoption of the faith of Mormon. You understand me ?" I could not say that I did ; but when she again invited me to be present at the meeting, I signified my assent. She then retired to make preparations, informing me that, when the assembling-hour, which was that of midnight, arrived, she would call for me. Left alone with my thoughts, I was forcibly impressed with the singularity, not to say danger, of my situation, and more than once regretted my precipitate abandonment of home. But it never was my habit to indulge in unpleasant reflections ; so I looked around for some book of amusement. A volume of Swedenborg was all that the room contained in the shape of literature. The subject of this was new, and consequently interesting. Buried in the dreams and reveries it rehearsed, I took no note of the flight of time, until the clock chimed eleven. It yet wanted one hour of the time appointed for the meeting. 18 Female Life AiioxG the Mormons. I felt somewhat drowsy, and rose to examine my room. It con- tained a bed, with snow-white counterpane and curtains ; a large massive table, in antique style, with feet and legs carved to resemble the corresponding limbs of a bear or some other uncouth animal ; washstand of the same pattern, with furniture of more modern appearance ; two or three chairs, carved and stuffed ; a case of drawers, and a small murror. There was also a wide, old-fashioned open fireplace, in which a roaring fire was blazing and crackling. Xear the fireplace was a window hung with thick, heavy curtains ; at the further end of the apartment, and directly opposite the window, was a door. It was locked ; but immediately over it hung the key. Perhaps it was a breach of hospitality, but my curiosity overcame my discretion. I applied the key : the bolt flew back, and the door swung open I now perceived that this was the entrance to a long hall or passage, with doors on either side, communicating with other rooms. I advanced to one of them, and plainly perceived the trliraraering of light through the crevices, and heard the indis- tinct murmur of voices. At length, one louder than the others, in which I instantly recognized that of Mr. Ward, exclaimed : " How "wonderful !" " ^is more than wonderful," said another ; "'tis miraculous. Praise the Lord 1" The clock struck twelve, there was a movement as of rising in the room, and I retreated to my apartment, locking the door to prevent intrusion. Fifteen minutes elapsed before Mrs. Bradish arrived ; her countenance wore an expression of unusual solemnity, and taking me by the hand, she said in a low voice, that slightly trembled. " The power of the Most High God will be exhibited to-night, but do not be alarmed ; indeed, there is uo cause for fear." ** I am not afraid," I answered ; neither was I so far as per- sonal violence was concerned, though t*he remarkable character Arrival of Joe Smith. 19 of what I had heard, had certainly affected my nerves with a slight tremor. Having sufficiently adjusted my hair and apparel, we descended together. The room in which the Mormons were assembled, was a large oblong hall, with curtained windows. The furniture consisted of a few rude benches, and a table resem- bling a huge desk, stood at the upper end, on which a small candle was feebly burning. It was impossible to form anything like a correct calculation of the numbers assembled, on account of the obscurity. I could only perceive an indiscriminate mix- ture of men and women, many of whom were fantastically disguised. Some were seated, others standing ; but the High Priest of the ceremonies had not yet arrived. ^ " And who," said I to Mrs. Bradish, " conducts the meeting to-night ?" " Brother Smith," she answered. "What; Joe Smith!" " Brother Joseph Smith, and since the advent of Jesus Christ, the world has never seen a greater. I am ready to exclaim with Simeon of old ' Now, Lord, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.' " " Was it possible," thought I, " that a woman of such a dig- nified and intellectual countenance could be the dupe of a vile man. I remembered Joe Smith, as an ignorant, stupid dolt of a fellow, who presence was never tolerated in good society, Mrs. Bradish disturbed my revery by whispering that Brother Smith had arrived. There was a slight stir, a murmur of applause in the apartment ; I raised my eyes ; side by side with Mr. Ward, at the further end of the room, stood a tall, elegant-looking man, with dark piercing eyes, and features, which if not handsome, were imposing. His manners, too, were wonderfully improved. The centre of all eyes, he seemed neither shy, embarrassed, nor reserved, neither was there anything bold or forward in his appearance. How unlike the lazy, impudent Joe Smith, of my 20 Female liiFE among the Mormons. memory. I whispered to Mrs. Bradish, " whence came this Mr. Smith?" " He has been out West," she answered, " in company with a party of the saints, who hare settled in the Promised Land, the Canaan, on the other side of Jordan." This struck me as exceedingly laughable and ludicrous. Smith now commenced speaking, and the utmost silence pre- Tailed. His discourse was on the nature of miracles, and the promise of Christ to his followers, that miraculous powers should attend them, ctcu to the end of the world. I observed that he quoted much dk>re from the Hebrew Scriptures, than the Book of Mormon, and remarked the same to Mrs. Bradish. " That is perfectly consistent," she answered, **' since much that is contained in one Bible, is to be found in the other. They harmonize perfectly ; that is, we make them." The sermon was Tery short, in order that more time might be employed in the performance of miracles. At its close the light was removed from the desk, and placed in a socket directly over it. Smith then knelt, the others foUowed his example, and the whole company remained some time in silent prayer. At length he rose, the others still knelt. After a moment's silence he uttered the solemn and impressive words : *' It is my word, saith the Lord, ye shall be delivered from death, which is the power of the devil, from sorrow and sighing. T 'in the might of the Spirit, I command you, bring : . ^ r dead !" The deep stillness which succeeded these words was awfully impressive. The door slowly opened, and two men entered bearing a corpse. It was the body of a young and beautiful female, clad in the white habiliments of death, and looking, Oh I how ghastly and ghostly in the dim obscurity of the uncertain light. The limbs were stiff and rigid, the eyes and mouth partially open, and the whole aspect of the countenance that of The Frantic Mother. 21 death. The bearers stretched her on the desk. Smith turned to them with an expression of feature I could not fathom ; Ward stood beside him, and I detected him glancing more than once at myself. " Whose child is this ?" said Smith. " Mine," answered. one of the men, solemnly. " Did she die suddenly ?" " She did." " When ?" ** This afternoon." " Belieyest thou ?" *' I believe," said the man, impressively, " help thou my unbelief." " Did this child believe ?" " She was a believer." " 'Tis well ; thy child shall be restored." There was a faint shriek from the group of spectators, and a woman, whom I subsequently ascertained to be the mother of the dead, rushed forward and threw herself at the feet of Smith. " Restore my child," she cried, passionately ; " she was too young, too good, and too beautiful to die. Restore her, and I will worship you for ever." '* Woman, I said it," he replied ; then turning to the company he said, " let some one of the sisters look after this woman, she must not be permitted to interfere." Mrs. Bradish went forward, and raising the woman, led her to a seat. "Let the believers rise," resumed Smith, "and sing the Hallelujah Chant." A moment after the strain begun, low at first, but swelling out wild and tumultuous as the enthusiasm increased, and the passions of the assembly were brought into exercise. 22 Female Life among the Mormons. When Nephl came out of Palestine, And Tehi from among the heathen, The great and mighty ocean was driven back before them ; The mountains fled away ; The hills sunk in the lakes, And the rivers were dried up. Then was life brought back from death, And souls restored from the grave, By the mighty power of faith. Halleluiah ! And it shall be so again. Hallelujah ! Even now our eyes behold it, HaUeli^ah ! The pale, cold corpse is waking, HaUelujah I Strength is returning to its Ihnbs, Hallelujah ! We shall see her again as we have seen her. Hallelujah ! ■ - In the pride and beauty of life. Hallelujah I With jio cerements clinging to her bosom, Halleliuah t It comes, the power of the Most High God for ever, Halleliyah! He has listened to the voice of His servant and Apostle, Halleluiah ! He has arrested the might of death at His bidding, HaUelujah ! As He did at the bidding of Moses and El^ah, HaUelujah ! As he did at the bidding of Christ and Saal^f Tarsus, HaUelujah ! The intense interest of the scene, however, became too deeply absorbing for singing. Yoice after voice ceased until the whole company relapsed into the most profound silence. Smith meanwhile stood beside the apparently dead body. He pressed and stroked the head, breathed into the mouth, and rubbed the frigid limbs, saying in a deep, low tone, " Live thou again, young woman. Let sight return to these eyes, now sightless, and strength to these limbs, now nerveless. Let life, and vigor, and animation, inspire this wasted frame.'^ The Dead Quickened. 23 Presently there was a slight movement of the muscles, the eyes opened and shut, the arms were flung out and then brought together again ; and at last the body sat up. The effect on the assembly was electrical. The mother fell into violent hysterics ; many of the females shrieked, others sobbed, Mrs. Bradish trembled violently ; and what shall I say of myself ? 1 stood gazing, absorbed, almost incapable of sense or motion ; my reasoning faculties altogether at fault on such a subject. A voice breathed in my ear, " Dost thou now believe ?" I turned ; Mr. Ward was at my side. " I am astonished, if not convinced," I answered. " You have seen the dead restored to life. Look ; she speaks and walks." Wooked, it was indeed, as he said. She had descended from the table, and with her grave clothes on, was making the circuit of the room, leaning on the arm of Smith. Oh ! for language to express my feelings as she approached me. Oh 1 the awe, the reverence attending the presence of one who had tasted the mystery of death, and been plucked from the hand of the king of terrors ; who had known by awful experience the fearful com- bat with the last great enemy ; yet there was nothing pertaining to death about her now. Her cheeks were flushed with life and health, her eyes sparkled with animation, and her rounded and voluptuous form contrasted strangely with her ghastly habili- ments. She retired in company with a sister to change her dress, while Smith again took his station at the further end of the room. " If any believer is lame, or rheumatic, or deaf, or blind, let him have faith, and come forth to be cured. The power exer- cised on earth by Jesus of Nazareth is delegated to me," he said, in a loud voice. A moment after an old man hobbled along , he was lame with rheumatism. "Believest thou r said Smith. 24 Female Life among the Mormons. " Lord ; I believe 1'^ and lie laid his hand on his breast impressively. " How long have you been lame ?" " For a long time, I was a Revolntioner ." " Never mind that," said Smith, stooping to rub and manipu- late the part affected. " Have faith in God, and thou shalt be made whole." Could I believe my eyes ; in a few minutes he walked around the- room without crutch or staff. A deaf person next advanced. The same questions were propounded to him, and answered in the same manner. Smith breathed upon him, made a few strokes and passes, put his fingers in the ears of the patient, and then addressed him in a low voice. He heard perfectly well ; the deafness had departed. In the same manner a woman par- tially blind, was restored to sight, and others who were, or believed themselves to be sick, were restored to health. At that time I was ignorant of the power of mesmeric influence, and the strange proceedings enacted there and then, were conse- quently the more astounding and unaccountable.* I found it impossible to reconcile what I had seen with any known laws of physical agencies ; my mind was in a tumult of doubt and per- plexity. It was by the exercise of such power, and the performance of such deeds as these, that Smith acquired his wonderful influence. It is not strange that those who felt their diseases removed, who found their senses restored, and who even believed themselves to have been recovered from death, should attribute divine power and inspiration to the man, who so far exceeded ordinary mortals in that particular at least ; that they should fear to offend him, and obey his bidding with an alacrity that bordered on servility ; nor did the exhibition of his power cease with the recovery of diseases. " Brother Babcock," he said, " will you take this chair ?" a chair had been brought in for the purpose. " You have nothing to fear, you are my friend ; but I wish to * Joseph Smith wa* one of the earliest practitioner* io Akimai. &Uonxtism ; and it wai the oae of thk power at that time, that convinced his disciples of his supposed mincnloos gifta. Interruption of the Meeting. 25 manifest to all, the power which the Almighty has vouchsafed to me, and how, when I please, I can deal with my enemies." Babcock advanced timidly ; he feared to refuse, yet hesitated to obey. Seated in the chair, Smith took a station opposite, looked him directly in the face, motioned his arms towards him, passed his hands along the body and extremities of the subject, when the eyes of the latter closed, his limbs became palsied, without feeling or motion, and every sense and perception seemed closed to external objects. " You see now,'" said Smith, pointing towards Babcock, " you fsee the power which God has delegated to me, you cannot doubt how immediately with a motion of my hands and a glance of my eyes, I could transform my enemies to lifeless, senseless, lumps of clay ; how I could deprive them of their senses, or compel them to do my bidding, even to take their own lives." " But we are friends," called out several, who were evidently afraid that he would exercise his power over them. "Certainly, you be," he answered; "I heal my friends, but smite my enemies, even as Paul smote Elymus, the sorcerer." With a motion or two of his hands. Smith restored Babcock to his strength and senses ; others were then invited to come' forth to be operated on. But all declined on the ground that they were perfectly satisfied, and needed no further proof to convince them of the greatness of his power. Two or three times, during the last half hour, I had fancied something unusual was going on outside the house, such as the trampling of feet, and the drawing of a heavy body along the ground. Suddenly, at this juncture, a noise, loud as the loudest clap of thunder, or the discharge of artillery, resounded through the house, the windows rattled, the door flew open, and a party of half drunken men and boys rushed into the room. One single friendly voice, which I knew to be t'hat of Ward, called out to the Mormons, ** disperse for your lives." I heard the openiD( 2 26 Female Life among the Mormons. and shutting of doors, the screams of women, and the Tocifera- tions of men. The light had been immediately exthiguished, and all involved in utter darkness. I felt a strong arm thrown around my waist, and myself forcibly drawn along a passage into another apartment. Then a voice whispered, "be not alarmed, you are safe." It was Mrs. Bradish. " What does it all mean ?" I inquired. "We have long been obliged to hold our meetings in the latter part of the night, and to employ as much secresy as pos- sible, on account of the mobs, who seek every occasion to raise a disturbance. But the Saints must be content to endure per- secution. It has been their lot in all ages of the world." "My dear madam," I replied, "you view the matter in a very consolatory light." • " Troubles, and trials, and tribulations in this world, or until we reach the Promised Land ; peace and hajDpiness in the next." " But why does not Mr. Smith exercise his wondrous power for the destruction of his enemies ?" " Oh 1 he is too merciful, too lamb-like for that ; but hark, the ruflfians are returning in full force." We could plainly hear the trampling of many feet, a confused mixture of voices blending in curses and execrations ; next, a volley of stones were fired at the house, smash went the win- dows, the doors slammed and banged. " They are now in the house," said Mrs. Bradish, '^ but if we are perfectly still I scarcely think that they will discover us." I trembled from head to foot with apprehension. " Is it pos- sible," I said, " that they are looking for us ?" " Not exactly for us," she answered. " When the mob broke into the house, the brethren fled ; the mob pursued, and proba- bly not finding those they wished to abuse, have come back here to make further search." The Mob and its Yictim. 2t " Are any concealed in the house ?" "I suppose so/' she answered ; " heaven preserve them." " Amen !" was my hearty response, for the noise and confusion was becoming truly frightful. " They are destroying your furniture — hark I" " Yes, I hear." Another moment, and the piercing shrieks of a woman rose wild and shrill above the other voices, " Oh, mercy 1 mercy ! Indeed I cannot tell you, for I know not where he is*" " Fool ! liar ; you shall tell. I'll pull every lock of your hair out by the roots. Where is Joe Smith ? say : won't tell — then here goes," cried a sharp, stern voice. " Don't kill me ; don't kill me," shrieked the woman again. There was a wild burst of laughter, and the screams became shriller. "I cannot, and will not bear this," said Mrs. Bradish. " Stay here while I go to her assistance." " If you go, I go too." " Well take this, then," and she thrust a loaded pistol into my hand, and whispered : " Be perfectly silent." I took her arm, and we glided along to the room where the noise told us that the mob had assembled. We paused in the shadow of the door to reconnoitre. A bright fire was burning within, for the villains had broken the chairs and other furniture, and taken them for wood. In tlie centre of the apartment, surrounded by her tormentors, stood the helpless victim of lawless rage, and in her I instantly recog- nized the female who, in my presence that night, had been recovered from the power of death. They were crowding around her, pulling her hair, pinching, striking and abusing her iu every conceivable manner. The form of Mrs. Bradish seemed to dilate, her eye to burn, and every feature to glow with 28 Female Life among the Mormons.' intense passion, as slie advanced towards them, stood a moment like a Pythoness, and cried " Stop 1" Every eye turned towards her. "What do you mean," she continued, "breaking into my house at this time of night, and conducting in this manner ? Begone, every one of you I" " We are after Joe Smith. Where is he ?" they answered. . "I don't know where he is, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you." " You do know, and you shall tell us," said one, who appeared to be the leader. "Roast her in the fire, yonder, that will fetch her to her speech," said another. " Yes ! yes I roast her ; pretty woman she is, concealing that vagabond. I dare say he is in her bedroom." Here the ruffians set up a loud laugh, and advanced towards her. " The first one who lays the weight of his finger on me is a dead man," said Mrs. Bradish. " Show fight, eh ! but we ain't afraid of petticoats. On to her, boys." They rushed upon her ; two pistols exploded the same instant. Two of the villains reeled and fell groaning ; two more received the weapons themselves hurled by her hand with deadly effect ; the others drew back, for she stood calm, yet terrible with sup- pressed passion, and brandishing a long, glittering knife. " Come on," she cried, with the voice of a lioness, "come on, every mother's son of you. Oh I there'll be two or three vil- lains on this earth of knaves and fools the less. Thieves ! mur- derers 1 house-breakers ! you ain't prepared to fight. Cowards ! wretches ! how I hate and despise you I Now, sneak off home, poor, pitiful dogs, and tell youi* confederates that you were beaten by a woman." Female Heroism. 29 The poor girl, tlie moment she beheld Mrs. Bradish, rushed towards her, and now knelt clinging to her garments, and weep- ing like an infant. "Don't weep so, poor child,'' said the former, soothingly. " They shall torture you no more. Oh I they can amuse them- selves with the cries and agonies of the helpless ; cowardly knaves and midnight assassins as they be." One of the more resolute advanced towards her, and received a desperate wound in the shoulder. The whole party seemed satisfied with this, and gathering up their wounded companions beat a hasty retreat. "We are clear of them at last," said Mrs. Bradish. "Did they hurt you much, Ellen, dear ; that is, injure you seriously ?" she continued. " I don't know that they did ; they just wished to tease and torture me, and I was so frightened," said Ellen. " Well, dear, compose yourself ; and you, too. Miss B ," said Mrs. Bradish, turning to me, " I fear that this night's agitation will injure your health." I assured her that she need have no anxiety on that account, and that probably the excitement would do me good. "Well, at any rate, you require rest and slumber," she said, and lighting a small lamp, she accompanied me to my room. Ellen, I learned, would share her chamber, and both bade me " good-night " affectionately. The day was just breaking, but overcome by fatigue and excitement, I retired to bed, and after some time spent in thought, fell asleep. 30 Female Life among the Mormons. CHAPTER III. MORMON VEXATIONS. THE morning was far advanced, when a slight tap at the door awakened me. I instantly rose, finished my toilet hastily, and opened it, Mrs. Bradish extended 'her hand with a sweet smile, and "How do you find yourself this morning, dear ?" " Quite well, I thank you." She then informed me Ihat Ward had called, and inquired for me, and invited mo to walk down and meet him at breakfast. Is it necessary to say, that I felt gratified by the attention, or that I bestowed more than usual care on my toilet that morning ? We found Mr. Ward in the parlor with Ellen. He looked exceedingly well, and led me to a seat. *' I am very much concerned," he said, " that you should have been exposed to the reckless fury of the mob ; when the villains pursued us, I had no idea that they would return to attack the house." " For my part," said Mrs. Bradish, jocosely, " I think it will have a saliltary effect on Miss B . She has learned some- thing of the violence and lawless character of our enemies, and I tell you we have done things up for them." " Mrs. Bradish is brave as a lion," I said. "As to that," she answered, "Pll own to having some blood in my veins, and then the manner in which us, free citizens, have Grievous Annoyances. 31 been treated, just for presuming to exercise the right of opinion, is really outrageous. Miss B knows nothing about it yet. We were prevented from baptizing our converts in the day-time, by the multitudes of men and boys, who would gather with drums, horns, and frying-pans, and shout, yell, and dance, with all manner of hideous noises and antics. Then we concluded to have our baptisms privately in the night ; but the wretches found it out, and went and collected all the carrion in the coun- try, which was no small quantity, and taking it to the water, threw it in, precisely in the place where the administrators were accustomed to enter, with the expectation tha.t the holy man would thereby be defiled with filth. On another occasion, w4ien the night was very dark, and wo had only one small lantern, in order to avoid observation as much as possible, the trees along the bank of the stream were suddenly illuminated by the most hideous and awful-looking faces that mortal eyes ever beheld ; many were so frightened that they ran shrieking from the place." " What were they ?" I inquired. *' We subsequently ascertained that a party of boys had ascended the trees, with a parcel of gourd-shells cut in a fright- ful manner, with candles in the cavities, which, being lit on a preconcerted signal, gave them the terrifying appearance we witnessed." " Did you run, Mrs. Bradish ?" inquired Ward. '^ Now, Mr. Ward, you know better than to ask that ; you know very well that I did not ; you are perfectly aware, that if Anna Bradish ever runs from boys or gourd-shells, the time has yet to come." *' I believe so," said Ward. "Was any one of your people injured in the fracas of last night ?" I inquired. *' None mortally, that I have heard of, but Hannah Donnelly 32 Female Life among the Mormons. was nearly frozen by being thrown down, tied neck and foot^ and rolled in the snow for a foot-ball," said that gentleman. " The wretches," said Mrs. Bradish, " how I wish that I had been there." "ISo, Mrs. Bradish," I answered, "we could not possibly have done without you last night." "Then my presence was required in two places at one time." " In half a dozen places, you might have said," cried Ward ; " for they tied Betsy Basset to a stump, and then heaped snow on her, till she was buried five or six feet beneath the surface." " JLnd what else." " Stripped Hetty Camel entirely nude, and left her to make the best of her way home." " I shouldn't suppose she tarried long on the route," said Ellen, composedly. " Oh ! the wretches," said Mrs. Bradish, "but I done for two of them ; what next ?" " The last that I have seen of Brother Bradley, he was going off on a rail, borne by four stout fellows, who were singing lustily : " » Mormon came across the ocean, All through storm, and wind, and hail, And if we had him here this evening, We would ride him on a rail.' " " Oh I the blasphemous infidels 1" said Mrs. Bradish, " I wonder that fire don't come down out of heaven and devour them." Breakfast was now served, but the conversation continued. "I subsequently heard," resumed Ward, "that they carried that good brother to the Creek, cut a hole in the ice, and ducked him three or four times." " Horrible I" Ridiculous Catastrophe. 33 " He arrived at home, however ; but more dead than alive, with his clothes frozen to his body." "Did you ever hear the beat, Miss B ?" said Mrs. Bradish, indignantly. " And those people had done nothing at all to excite the malice of their tormentors, except, indeed, to differ from them in opinion." *' It was certainly too bad." ** You know how exceedingly timorous old Mr. Wood is," resumed Ward. *' I know that he is." " Well, the rufSans surrounded him, it seems through clear deviltry ; talked, hooted, halloed, and made him think that something dreadful was to pay. However, he succeeded in breaking from them, at last, and his thoughts naturally reverted to his son Neddy ; he tore down the street like a locomotive broke loose, for he is exceedingly fat, screaming at the top of his voice : ' Neddy ! Neddy I Neddy I' Arrived at his home, he was too badly frightened to wait and open the gate, so he burst through it ; and, instead of going into the house, could not find the door, and ran around it three times, when, seeing the hen- house open, he rushed into it, and carefully ensconced himself in one corner. The outraged poultry flew out, shrieking and Equal- ing, just as Neddy, who had discovered that something unusual was going on, came out of the house." "That was rather ludicrous than otherwise, as it seems no one was injured," I observed. Mrs. Bradish thought otherwise ; she could not see anything laughable in the affair : did not believe in frightening people out of their senses ; and, finally, ended with assuming there would be neither peace nor rest for the saints on earth. " Their inquiries here were for Smith, and I suppose that if they could have found him, they would have let the others alone," I observed. ,.--^ .. ^ 34 Female Life among the Mormons. " That may be ; but lie is altogether beyond their power." " Think so V "I know it. Christ was annoyed by the presence of the devil, but the enemy had no power over him. I have seen Brother Smith in situations of peril that would have alarmed an ordinary man, yet it never moved him a hair." "I believe," said Mr. Ward, "that we had better take Brother Smith's advice — dispose of our property as we best can, and remove West. We shall always be exposed to persecutions here, among these heathen ; there we can raise a pure and acceptable vineyard to the Lord, and sit under our own vines and fig-trees, with no one to make us afraid." " As to that," replied Mrs. Bradish, " I am not afraid here. The law allows rae the privilege of self-defence, and that is about all I ask." " But all are not so courageous as yourself," said Mr. Ward. " I remember very well when the crackers and blue-lights came dancing through the school-house, you were the only one who retained anything like presence of mind. You must pity the weaker brethren." Mrs. Bradish was never displeased with compliments on her superior courage ; and, beginning to be interested in the recital of these incidents, which, though vexatious to the Mormons, partook largely of a ludicrous character, I inquired in what way blue-lights and school-houses were connected. " It surpasses the bounds of belief," said Mrs. Bradish. "What infinite pains our enemies have taken to torment and perplex us. You see it was in the first' days of Mormonism, the devil had not become so rampant and roaring as he has since, and we were accustomed to hold meetings in the school-house. Brother Smith generally presided ; at other times, we had the services of Brother Harris. Both were present on the occasion of which I am speaking : the exercises were highly interesting, Proposition to Move West. 35 and Brother Smith was relating a vision with which he had been favored, when a large ball, apparently of fire, descended from a hole in the ceiling overhead. It was immediately followed by a discharge of innumerable small crackers and snap-dragons, which flew hopping, hissing, and fizzing in every direction. I believe every one in the house got out the best way they could, except myself. I stuck to the ship ; and, when the shower slackened, piled the benches one above the other, mounted them, and thrust my head through the aperture". About half-a-dozen youngsters ivere up in the loft, and the alarm had been occasioned for their amusement." " Many of the Mormons have gone West," said Mr. Ward, " and others are preparing to follow. The plan is, doubtless, a good one ; and believers cannot do better than fall in with it." " I have thought much of it lately myself," said Mrs. Bradish, *' and have come to the conclusion to go with the rest ; and, as I have neither child nor chick in the world, to leave my property to the church when I have done with it — thereby building up the temporal prosperity of Zion." " The plan is excellent," said Ward. " Your father will go, Ellen, will he not ?" said Mrs. Bradish. *' I suppose so," said Ellen, thoughtfully. " But, my love, why are you so sad and moody this morning ?" said Mrs. Bradish ; *' you have scarcely spoken a word, and we can all testify that you have eaten nothing." Ellen smiled sadly, and, after a short time, rose from the table and said she felt very ill. " The effects of your recent fright," said Mrs. Bradish. " Go to my chamber ; rest and compose yourself." Ellen left the room. •' Poor girl I I pity her," said Mrs. Bradish. " And I almost envy her." " Why so ?" said Mrs. Bradish, with a look of astonishment. 36 Female Life among the Mormons. " How can you ask, after what I witnessed last night ? How I longed to inquire of her what were the sensations of dying — what her knowledge of the Dread Unknown — and whether she did not regret her restoration to earth ; but fearing to agitato or distress her, I had not the heart to allude to the subject in her presence." A peculiar expression, which I found it impossible to inter- pret, flitted over the countenance of Ward. *' It is well you did not," said Mrs. Bradish ; "she has more trouble than some of us.'' " She seems young." " She is young ; but youth is rather favorable to love. Her afflictions are of that nature. In short, Ellen was betrothed to Henry Manners, about one year since. The young man appeared good-tempered and amiable, and there was every prospect of a happy match, till Ellen, with her family, embraced the truth of Mormon. This made him outrageous. He sought an interview with her, to ascertain the fact, and then sternly and at once revoked his promise — told her to go with the scoundrels, and never let him see her face again. But he softened a little, after that ; obtained another interview, and sought by threats, entreaties, and even tears, to change her purpose, but she remained inflexible ; and since that time, he has treated her with studied neglect. An effort was made to induce him to join with us, but he threatened to horsewhip the elder who visited him, accused Brother Smith of all manner of deceptions, and raved awfully." " Could not Ellen become his wife, and retain her creed ?_" I inquired. "Oh, no," said Mrs. Bradish. "The saints are not permitted to intermarry with the heathen." " And you regard all as heathens who are not Mormons ?" " So the Scriptures regard them," said Mrs. Bradish. A Startling Proposition. 3^ " Not exactly," said Mr. Ward, seeing that I rather winced under the appellation. A rapid glance was exchanged between the two, and the lady said : " Oh, well, maybe I was rather too fast in making that asser- tion. However, Miss B , we should be extremely happy to reckon you a sister. In short, why cannot you give up this idea of visiting your relatives, and become one of us V " I should not make a good devotee," was my reply. " I have little faith in dreams or visions ; and I understand that these are the chief bases of Mormonism." "But, my dear, you must not believe mere rumors without proof," said Mrs. Bradish. " You are the very person I desire for a companion on my journey. Your relatives cannot do better by you than I will. How long since you have seen them ?" " It has been some years," I replied. " Were they aware of your intended visit ?" " They were not." "Allow me, then. Miss B , as a person of more expe- rience than yourself, to suggest that you write them a letter with the information, desiring an immediate answer, and remain with me till you receive one." " Where is the necessity of that ?" I inquired. "If you receive an answer, with an invitation, you will be certain of an hospitable reception ; if no answer arrives, you will be spared the mortification of being treated with neglect or Indifference. I speak plain ; but a friend of mine was actually turned from the door of some relatives, who even refused to recognize her, though they had passed the previous season at her residence." Similar incidents had fallen beneath my knowledge ; and, thinking it probable that the vile breath of slander had reached even there, the plan appeared a feasible one ; so, thanking Mrs. 38 Female Life among the Mormons. Bradish for the interest she felt in my welfare, I informed her of my accedence to her proposal. " And while you are waiting for the answer, you must consent to be my guest," said the lady. This I readily concurred in. "The stage comes along to-morrow ; you can write the letter to-day, and I will bear it to the Post-office," said Mr. Ward. The letter was accordingly written and dispatched. CHAPTER IV. SUNDRY MORMON MATTERS. WHILE waiting for the invitation to visit my relatives, I had frequent opportunities of seeing the Mormon leaders. They professed great piety and great faith — talked much of their persecutions and troubles — and were loud in their praises and confident in their expectations of happiness in the Promised Land. Mrs. Bradish, as a person of large property, seemed to be held by them in great consideration. She delighted to be considered a sort of priestess among them, and they were willing to indulge her pardonable vanity. Smith came once or twice, but said little to me, or any one. He was not calculated by nature or education to shine in general conversation, and so he wisely forbore remark. Mr. "Ward was a constant visitor ; and, before a week had elapsed, made me a formal ofi'er of his hand, and introduced me to his children. I had expected as much, and was prepared with an answer. " I cannot embrace Mormouism." Mr. Ward offers his Hand and Heart, 39' ** I shall not require you to," he answered. " Be my wife and the mother of these orphans, and I shall be too happy to attempt your conversion to that faith." " But I thought marriage was interdicted between members of the church and unbelievers." "It is, if the husband, or he who aspires to that situation, is an unbeliever j but unbelieving females are gladly welcomed to the marriage rite with believing husbands." "And wherefore the difference?" " Circumstances alter cases, you know." He then drew a glowing picture of the western country ; said we need not live in the midst of the Mormon settlement, but only on the suburbs, and held out the various inducements of wealth, position, and respectability. " Mr. Ward," I answered, candidly, " there is no use in deny- ing that you have made an impression on my mind, and yet I cannot find it in my heart to consent to marry you on so short an acquaintance, especially when I recollect that you are a Mormon." "But you would not repudiate an honest man for his opinions ?" I made no answer. " You cannot, Miss B , you are too much of a republican, for that belief is not governed by will, but proof. You have seen with your own eyes the miraculous exhibitions of divine power that attends our doctrines. In your presence, the dead have been restored to life, the deaf made to hear, the blind to see, and the lame to walk. If I regard these evidences sufficient to substantiate my faith, and you look upon them as insufficient, wherefore is my credulity more to blame than your unbelief ?" " There is nothing to blame in either case," I answered; " but how can two walk together except they be agreed ?" " By agreeing to disagree ; you are to have perfect liberty to 40 Female Life among the Mormons. believe as you see fit; to attend the Mormon .meetings only when you see proper. I require the same liberty ; if granted all will go well." These, and similar arguments, silenced my objections ; but, requiring a week to consider of it, I determined to be governed by the circumstances connected with the proposed visit. How- ever, as no letter had arrived at the expiration of the week, I consented to be his wife. Mrs. Bradish was profuse in her congratulations, and insisted that we should abide with her till our removal West. The children of Mr. Ward were likewise domiciled in the same dwelling. The marriage took place privately. The ceremony being first performed by a gentleman who was introduced to me as a Justice of the Peace. It was then performed after the Mormon ritual, which, however, differs but little from the other, to satisfy the conscience of my husband. Mrs. Bradish was present as a witness. She shook my hand warmly, pressed my cheek, called me her spiritual sister, and said she was now certain of meeting me in heaven, as the unbelieving wife would be sanctified by the husband. * You ask if I was happy, and satisfied with th& lot I had chosen. At times I was not ; for it seemed that some undue influence had been exercised over me, though of its character I had no definite idea. I seemed to have been cajoled and brought into the measure, rather as a third person than chief actor ; but there was no retreat, and nothing remained but to make the best of it. My step-children were docile, amiable'and affectionate ; both girls, Mary and Martha ; both beautiful and well educated for their ages, which were seven and nine. Their mother died when the youngest was born ; but they had experienced a mother's care and attention from their aunt. The good lady wept bitterly when bidding them adieu; conjured me to be a The Young Wife has Strange Fears. 41 mother to them. I answered, "to the best of my ability, I will." "Your countenance is good,'' she said, observing me with tearful eyes ; "I am something of a physiognomist, and I fear that you have been deceived." " By whom ?" " The Mormons." " I am not one of them." " Yet you are amongst them, and exposed to all their arts, wiles and deceptions." " I hope to be able to take care of myself." "Probably you may, yet it is my greatest grief that these dear children must be brought up among them ;" then affection- ately kissing her darlings, she bade me farewell. Mrs. Bradish soon found a purchaser for her property. Mr. Ward also disposed of his possessions ; but, to my great aston- ishment, I was not required to be present at the consummation of the bargain. Mr. Ward said it was no matter ; that the purchaser felt no apprehension of trouble from my claims. " You are my wife spiritually ; my wife for this world and the next ; but you must cling to me, believe in me, and accept me as your spiritual head." " Excuse me, my husband," I replied, " but I fail to appre- hend your meaning. Am I not your temporal wife, as well as spiritual ?" Probably fearing to initiate me further into the mysteries of Mormon marriage at this early period ol oui union, he came towards me with his arms extended, " you are my beioved, * he said, "and no pov/er on earth, but our voluntary T^Utu *ni separate us." " And can our voluntary wills do it ?" " Certainly, we need not cohabit unless we choose.^ " But cohabitation is not marriage." 42 Female Life among the Mormons. " In one sense it is " In a legal sense it is not ; because married people, through life, are bound to each other, and neither absence nor distance can break the tie." " Oh well ; we will not dispute about trifles." " But marriage is no trifle." " If marriage in itself is not, the peculiar form in which it is celebrated is. However, make yourself easy ; consult Mrs. Bradish on matters of religion or domestic economy, and you will do well." Saying this, he arose and left the house. I pondered long on this conversation, but without coming to a definite conclusion as to his exact meaning, or the tenor of his remarks. I could not divest myself of the impression that more was implied than spoken. Then I knew nothing of Mormon views of marriage. I have since learned them to my cost. Though the Mormons held no more meetings, they had con- tinual accessions of new converts, chiefly the disaffected membfers of other churches, and several females. Among these latter was a Mrs. Clarke, who had become accidentally acquainted with Smith and his tenets. Her husband was a very fine man, in good circumstances; and herself the mother of three beautiful children. She came, in company with Smith, to the residence of Mrs. Bradish, and he introduced her to that lady as a well-beloved daughter of the church, who was ready to forsake all for the love of truth. They conversed together for some time, and it was finally decided that Mrs. Clarke should reside with her spiritual sister. I learned from Mrs. Bradish that her husband was ignorant of her destination or her attachment to the Mormons. He succeeded in discovering it, however ; for, in about a week, he came for her. At first she refused to see him ; but as he threatened to call in the oflacers of the law, Mrs. Bradish advised her to comply. Domestic Happiness Destroyed. 43 " Yon know, dear," she said, " that he cannot compel you to return with him, unless you wish to." " I must not, I cannot go back," she anwered ; " I have taken a fearful oath that I will not, I." "You regard your professions in a very serious light," said Mrs. Bradish, interrupting her. " I think any one would. My oaths " " Oh well, dear, you are agitated now, and your husband is coming in." Mr. Clarke came in. He looked pale, sad, and disconsolate ; and it even seemed that his eyes bore traces of recent tear?. He advanced towards his wife, who averted her face. " Look at me, Laura," he said ; " in what have I offended ?" " You are the serpent that would tempt me from my duty," she rephed. " Say rather to your duty. You have a family, it is your duty to care for it." "It is not." "Woman, are you crazy? is it not a mother's duty to care for her babes ?" " That depends on circumstances." " To what fiend's teaching have you been listening ?" Then changing his tones to those of entreaty, he said, extending his hand, " Oh I come, Laura, come, go home with me. Poor little Willie cries every day for mamma, while Caddy and Sarah were nearly frantic with joy when I told them that I had heard where you were, and was going to bring you home. Oh ! Laura, Laura, I cannot go back without you, to witness the sorrow and disappointment of the poor children ; indeed, I cannot ;" and the strong man, overcome by his emotions, sunk on his knees. Mrs. Bradish looked stern jind solemn ; Mrs. Clarke covered her face and trembled ; for myself, I sobbed aloud. " You will go, won't you ?" he said, at length, rising and advancing towards her. 44 Female Life among the Mormons. " Urge me no farther ; for I cannot go with you." " Is this your last resolve V he said, somewhat sternly. " It is." " Then you have no regard for me, no pity for your children, no respect for the solemn ties of marriage. For a heartless, wandering vagabond, who is beneath the dogs of the kennel, you abandon your family, your home, and your friends. Have I not always treated you well, provided for you in health, watched over you in sickness ; have I not kept and preserved you as the apple of my eye ?" " You have, you have," she almost shrieked ; "but why tor- ture me now ?" " It is your conscience that tortures you," he said, solemnly. " Heaven grant that it be not the foretaste of the quenchless flame and the deathless worm ; and mark my words " — "Don't curse me, don't curse me," she cried, imploringly; " you must not curse me." " I curse you ? you have cursed yourself ; as you have for- saken me, you shall be forsaken ; as you have deserted your children, you shall be deserted ; as you have abandoned your friends, you shall be abandoned. You will not pity our distress, neither shall any eye pity you. And, now, weak, sinful, erring creature, stay with your vagabond companion till he loathes and hates your presence ; stay with him till he thrusts you out in the tempest at midnight, and takes to his bosom a younger and fairer bride ; but let it strike like the knell of death to your soul, * that whatsoever measure ye mete shall be measured to you again,' " and turning, he strode from the room. Mrs. Clarke gave one long agonizing shriek, and fell senseless to the floor. "We hastened to her assistance. " Poor child 1" said Mrs. Bradish, " she has had a hard struggle with her duty, but the truth triumphed." A Wife's Duties Defined. 45 We lifted her to the sofa, and Mrs. Bradish busied herself in procuring and applying restoratives, meanwhile remarking that she loved to see great sacrifices made for duty ; that those only were worthy of the Crown, who had borne the Cross, and that she had faith to believe a glorious reward would attend her in this world, and a richer one in the next, " Mrs. Bradish, this is all nonsense and humbug,'' I said, at length, rather impetuously. " It was this woman's duty to go with her husband : ' What God hath joined together let no man put asunder.' ' Let not the woman forsake her husband.' You cannot pretend to believe that a woman's duty ever calls' her to abandon her helpless, innocent offspring, or her loving husband ; you cannot believe that duty ever compels her to plunge her friends and relatives in deep distress. Here is some- thing palpable and real ; there is mere shadow, opinion. If she wishes to believe in the faith of Mormon, let her do so ; but, at the same time, let her perform the relative and conjugal duties, which she assumed voluntarily. Let her comfort and cherish her husband, and bring up her children to virtue ; and in that path only can a wife and mother discharge her duty." Mrs. Clarke soon exhibited signs of returning conscionsness. She opened her eyes wildly. '' Where am I ?" she said, '' I thought my husband was here, and that he cursed me." '' Oh ! no," said Mrs. Bradish, soothingly ; " you have been dreaming, darling." " Is no one here ?" " Mrs. Ward and myself only." • " But there has been ; my husband has been ; my husband no longer. Oh, heaven ! that I should live to say it." " Compose yourself, love," said Mrs. Bradish. " Go to sleep, and you will feel better soon." Mrs. Clarke endeavored to obey, but it was clearly evident that she was suffering a violent mental conflict. When Mr. 46 Female Life among the Mormons. Ward was informed of the circumstances, he called her a heroine and martyr, and joined with Mrs. Bradish in trying to establish her wavering conviction, that she had chosen wisely. Oh ! how I longed to persuade her to go back to the friends she had abandoned ; but I feared to displease my husband, and so remained silent. Subsequently Mrs. Clarke informed me how she first became Acquainted with Smith, He visited her neighborhood, and held meetings, to which she was induced to go through curiosity, but •without the knowledge of her husband. And here, methought, was the first wrong step. He should have been her confidant and her companion. Half the evils of married life would be averted if wives would confide in their husbands more, and their strength less. Doubtless, she would have smiled, or consi- dered herself insulted, had any one at that time given her this friendly warning. Under the pretence of visiting a sick rela- tive, she left her home and her babes, and night after night listened to the teachings of Smith, witnessed his miraculous powers, and finally became a convert to his doctrines. He nar- rowly observed her, read in her countenance the operations of her mind, sought and obtained an interview. What then and there passed, heaven only knows, but she declared herself to be bound to him for time and eternity. And thus an error led directly to a heinous crime. One day, a gentleman, Brother Norris, came to the house of Mrs. Bradish. He did not look happy, and I mentioned it. " He can scarcely be sorrowing for his wife," said the lady. " Sorrowing for his wife ?" I repeated, "Is he then a widower ?" " Not exactly, his wife is only dead to him." " I hardly understand you." " In plain terms, he left his wife to become one of us." "And that family is broken up." Deplorable Results. 4T w " She went back to her father. They say that she is in a decline, and cannot live long ; if, indeed, she is not already dead.'^ . " How cruel in him to leave her, whom he had sworn to cherish and protect." " Such things must be. She would not yield to his wishes, and embrace our doctrines. He could not sacrifice his soul, and so they parted. They say that she was governed in her decision by the advice of her pastor." "And are such»things common?*' I said to Mrs. Bradish. "Not very common, yet there have been several such instances," she answered. " Brother Weatherby left his wife and ten children. Of course, some of them were able to take care of themselves. Others, however, were not, and one was an idiot." " What became of them ?" " They were put out, I believe, some to one place and some to another. The idiot went to the poor-house, and the youngest, Mrs. Weatherby supports, washing by the week." " Have they no property ?" " Some — principally in money ; but that belonged to him. Indeed it must have been a judgment upon her for refusing to receive the truth." "And a judgment will fall upon him, I fear for deserting her." " But he was commanded to do it." " By whom ?" " God." " And how by God ?" " Through Brother Smith." " Oh, Mrs. Bradish ! Can " " I see, Mrs. Ward," said the lady, interrupting me, " I see that you are yet ignorant of the most essential doctrines of 48 Female Life among the Mormons. ^ Mormonism. Brother Smith stands ia precisely the same rela- tioQ to us that Moses did to the children of Israel. In both cases God speaks through the mouth of his servaifts. Moses was empowered to work wonders, and do miracles, and lead the chosen people to the promised inheritance. Were not the Israel- ites commanded to spoil the Egyptians ? Suppose that some of the Jews had heathen wives, or that some of the Jewish women were united to Egyptian men. What would have been the command of God in this case ? Why, that the believers should abandon their heathen companions, and go forth with the child- ren of God." " But we are not Jews, neither are the others Egyptians." ** That makes no difference, as the circumstances arc exactly parallel. " I do not see them so." ** Then you arc one of those, who, having eyes, see not. The same as Moses and Elijah, Brother Smith is gifted with the fac- ulty and power of Revelation. Is any one doubtful what course to pursue, he can always explain to them the will of God in the matter." "Does he then profess to "have interviews with the Divine Being ?" " He sees Him as Moses saw Him in the bush ; understands His will by dreams and visions, and then interprets them in the language of men." Mr. Ward now came in. " I am trying to instruct Mrs. Ward in the principles and beauties of Mormonism, and she does not prove a very apt learner," said Mrs. Bradish, half reproachfully. Mr. Ward looked as if he considered it a matter of perfect indifference, and other company coming in, the conversation became general, but all relating to Mormon matters of local import ; what diseased persons had been healed, what heathen The Doctrine of Spiritual Wives. 49 converted, and what happiness would result to the faithful from their estabHshment in the Promised Land. I had recently seen but little of Ellen, yet the poor girl seemed suffering acutely, and no one pitied her. " How it is possible for Ellen to be so in love with that out- cast, is incomprehensible to me 1" said Mrs. Bradish. " An outcast ! I thought he was a very respectable man.-' "Oh, he is respectable in the eyes of the world, but an out- cast from the Saints. If her heart was where it should be, on spiritual things, she would cease grieving for him." " But all, my good friend, have not your mental stamina, and strength of purpose." "Neither do they try to have, but sit down and grieve over the first affliction. That is no way of doing." "I cannot help pitying her," I said ; "she seems so artless, gentle, and innocent ; so bowed down by sorrow. Could not your elders relax for once the stern discipline of their creed in her favor ? Indeed it would make me happy to see her united to her lover." " I am astonished, Mrs. Ward, at your dullness of comprehen- sion ; if, indeed, it is not, as I half suspect, assumed ; our elders are not the originators of our creed, neither can they change the expressed purposes of heaven. ■ Women can only be saved through their husbands. The husband is saved by faith — the wife is saved by the husband ; therefore, you see that she could not be saved if united to an unbelieving husband." " And if they have no husbands ?" " They must be the spiritual wives of some brother." " Will you please to enlighten me on the subject of this spirit- ual wifery ?" " I scarcely think you sufficiently initiated in the mysteries of a 50 Female Life among the Mormons. the faith to understand it fully. At some future time it will be expedient to inform you." Thus I was left in the dark. CHAPTER V. MORMON REMOVALS. SPRING came, soft, warm and balmy ; came as it will come when we haye returned to dust. The Mormons had made every preparation for removal. They numbered fourteen fami- lies, besides several others who had been separated from their families, or who had none. Smith was the life and soul of the party. He directed everything, and governed every one. In all cases of difference he urged a special revelation, and that set- tled the question. He was king, prophet, and High Priest ; consulted like an oracle, and obeyed like a god. A certain pro- portion of the property had been placed in the hands of Smith, for his disposal, while the remainder was retained in possession of the original proprietors. In order to avoid all contact with the heathen, it was decided to remove in wagons ; to take a large store of all necessary provisions ; and only to purchase such articles as were absolutely indispensable, and could not be other- wise obtained. Mrs. Bradish seemed in her element. It is impossible to form an adequate idea of that woman^s activity, or how she flew from thing to thing, and party to party, advising one, consoling another, and playfully chiding a third. One sis- ter wished to take her carpet, and this Mrs. Bradish considered preposterous. " Take her carpet, indeed, why I sold all mine, Brussels, A MonMON Heroine. 51 Ingrain and Turkey. Hers is nothing but rags, nohow great in bulk and weight, and nothing in value. I wonder what she is thinking of — but that's the way with some people ; they are so afraid of sacrificing something I they ought to known what I sacrificed; my fine set of Sevres China, elegant paintings, and antique furniture.'' However, the carpet was interdicted. Indeed, it seemed that almost every one had set his or her mind on some article, and designed to remove it ; and it was equally certain that the other members of the party would prohibit its removal ; for each family was subject to the supervision of all the rest. This occasioned numberless little delays and bickerings, in which either Mrs. Bradish or Smith would be called in to decide the matter. They wished to go off secretly in the night, and unknown to their enemies, especially as it was currently reported that a mob had been organized, and that the principal bridges in the neighborhood were closely watched. ' Mrs. Bradish armed herself with knives and pistols, and looked a very heroine of romance. She had a pet palfrey that she determined to take along, in order to alternate the long journey between riding in the wagon, and on horseback, no one presumed to interfere with her arrangements. Mr. Ward said the plan was a good one, and thus it was settled. *' By the by, Mrs. Bradish," said I, one day, " have you heard anything from those fellows you saluted so handsomely at the time of the riot ?" "jfs'ot a word," she answered, "they knew better than to make it known, and I hardly suppose they were desperately wounded." " If they were, they deserved it, and should we be attacked again, I suppose that you will be equally heroic." "I certainly shall; I have made preparations for such emer gencies. Be ye courageous, and faint not ; neither spare you. enemies, when ye go in to possess the good laud." 62 Female Life among the Mormons. Mrs. Bradish was to go in our wagou, which contained Mr. Ward, myself, and the two children beside. Another wagon was particularly appropriated to Mrs. Clarke, Ellen, and two other women, whom I had not seen before ; other wagons were entirely laden with goods, and the teams driven by men without families ; those having such incumbrances rode with them in other wagons. The order of march being decided upon, the cavalcade started about midnight. The heavens were perfectly dark with clouds, not a star, not a moonbeam, not a sound, but the heavy tramp of the horses, the roll of the wagon wheels, the snorting and running of the cows and oxen that were driven loose to furnish food by the way ; now and then a word of com- mand, as it passed in whispers along the line. There were several men on horseback, and the whole party was completely armed. We had gone some distance, and I began to hope that no danger was to be apprehended, when one of the horsemen rode up to our wagon, drew the curtains, and whispered some- thing to Mr. Ward. He instantly resigned the reins to the custody of Mrs. Bradish, who was accustomed to drive, dis- mounted without saying a word, and disappeared. " I wonder what can be the matter," said I. " We shall know soon enough, probably," she answered. We moved on slowly ; then a long low cry, like that of some night-bird echoed through the air. It was a preconcerted signal, and every wagon came to a halt. Five minutes probably elapsed; five minutes -of breathless suspense, when the curtains of our wagon were suddenly lifted, and a woman thrust in; I could not see her face, but heard the rustle of her dress, and the sound of her weeping. The curtains were pulled down again ; she found a seat somehow in the obscurity, and Mrs. Bradish addressed her by inquiring why she was weeping, but in a whisper so low and suppressed, that it scarcely seemed articulate. ♦' My husband is coming after me," said the woman, ** and I Difficulties Encountered. 53 am afraid of him. They brought me to this wagon as a place of greater safety. They have taken Irene to another. Oh, dear !" " And who is Irene ?" I was a very Eve in curiosity. " Irene is a young woman from our neighborhood. Her father was exceedingly angry when he found out that she had joined you, and actually threatened to shoot her, if he ever laid eyes on her again." Excited by conversation, the stranger had forgotten to weep. " I wonder what they are doing anyhow," said Mrs. Bradish, impatiently. " Pve a great mind to go and see. Who wants to stand here all night ? Pshaw ! I'd go on, and when an enemy appeared, I'd fight him. How absurd to be waiting here." Presently there was a movement among the wagons beyond ours, and the next minute the horses were taken by the head, softly spoken to, and turned off in another direction. " It's really too bad, that Mr. Ward don't come to tell us what it all means," said the lady. " Positively I'll never forgive him, as long as I live." " I can tell you what it means," said the woman. ** What is it then ?" said Mrs. Bradish, angrily. " Why the bridge down yonder, has been taken possession of by the mob, and they are turning off to go through the woods, and ford the creek higher up. I heard them say that they should have to do so." " Heard who say so ?" " The brethren," said the woman. I thought Mrs. Bradish was dissatisfied, because something had been undertaken without her advice and concurrence. We moved on through the woods, but silence was impossible. The wagons would creak, the cattle run and snort, the brushwood crackle, and the boys halloo. Yet we passed on without being attacked, and finally came to the ford. This was got over with* 64 Female Life among the Mormons. out diflBcalty, bnt when we had jouracyed two or three hundred yards farther, Mr. Ward came to the side of the wagon, and informed us that our enemies were collected, apparently in consi- derable numbers, at the Cross Roads, about half a mile distant ; " Mr. Gable," he continued, " and Harley Cook, appear to be the leaders. We have had a parley, and they demand that Irene Gable and Mrs. Cook, shall be immediately restored to their husband and father. If we accept these conditions, they will leave us to pursue our journey unmolested ; if not they will take the women by force." " That is, if they can get them," said Mrs. Bradish, " but what answer did you return ?" " That we knew nothing of such women ; and of course we shall not give up the ladies, if they decide to stay with us." " I should prefer to stay. I am afraid of my husband, he threatened to shoot me ; and yet, to avoid involving you in diffi- culties, and prevent violence and bloodshed, perhaps I had better go back." " Not on that account ; you shall not, Mrs. Cook. We can muster twenty men, well armed." " Count me two," said Mrs. Bradish. "Well, twenty-two, then," resumed Mr. Ward. "Bnt the greatest fear is, that the country will rise, and that we shall be pursued and harassed a great distance.' ' Mrs. Cook was sobbing again. " Dry your tears, woman," said Mrs. Bradish sternly. " This is the time for action. Mr. Ward, I have thought of a plan that will, I think, work well." " Let's have it, quick." " I will take Mrs. Cook behind me on Bounding Bet (this was the name of the palfrey); let some other courageous woman take Irene on another horse. We can strike out in an easterly direction along that dark, unfrequented road through the Maple A Mormon Ruse. 55 Woods, and which intersects the turnpike two or three miles beyond the Corner, where th*^ heathen are gathered." " Well, what then V " Go forward and tell the men that the women they are in pursuit of are not in the company." " We have told them so already, but they would not believe us." ** Invite them to come and search for themselves." "They swear that they will tar and feather Smith if they find him." " They had better say if they knew him." " I think so, too. He is so well disguised that his mother wouldn't know him." " He looks like a man a hundred and eighty years old," said Mrs. Bradish. " But come, I am in a hurry to be off." " Well, I must communicate your scheme, and see how the others like it. To me it looks feasible. But have you no fears ?" " Anna Bradish afraid ?" she said, contemptuously, " I know you are made of sterner stuff than any other woman I ever beheld." " Yes I yes ! I know all that too, but be off now, and let me know how about it soon." Mr. Ward obeyed. He returned in a few minutes, with the information that the plan was approved of, and that Mrs. Stone volunteered to go with Irene. " She is an excellent horsewoman," said Mrs. Bradish, *' and Roan is almost equal to Bounding Bet." The palfrey had been fastened behind the wagon. She was now brought round, and the two women quickly mounted. Another moment, and they were joined by Mrs. Stone and her charge. " Now give me a long rope," said Mrs. Bradish." 56 Female Life among the Mormons. " What can you want with that ?" I inquired. " Here, fasten this end to the pommel of my saddle. Now, give the other end to Mrs. Stone. We cannot possibly see each other in the dark woods, yet we must keep in company. I will put Bet in a steady easy canter. She goes like a cat. You do the same by Roan. And now, Mr. Ward, you know where the road that we are to follow intersects the other. Whichever party arrives there first must wait for the other. This shall be the signal," and she set up a cry exactly like some bird of night. " It shall be as you say," he answered, " and may Providence protect you." ,- " Amen !" they all responded fervently. .^ There was the sound of a low word, the easy shuffling of ambling feet, and the women were oflf. " I declare," said Mr. Ward, " the heroism of that woman makes me ashamed of myself. But now for the remainder of the drama." He then left the wagon. It is scarcely necessary for me to say that I felt not a par- ticle of that heroic spirit which animated Mrs. Bradish, or that I would have implored him to stay with me, had not shame restrained such an expression of fear. But he soon came back, saying that a delegation had been sent to the enemy, with an invitation for them to search the wagons for themselves. " But is there no danger of violence from them ?" I inquired. " I think not," he answered. " They are not the class that mobs are usually composed of, but several respectable and influ- ential men are among them. Brother Smith's female converts occasion us a good deal of trouble. These men care nothing about our faith as Mormons, but they say that we are carrying off their wives and daughters, and that they will not endure it. When they ascertain that the women are not here, they will probably disperse quietly." The Stratagem Successful. 67 The wagons moved on slowly, and we were soon met by the Committee of Search, who were headed by Cook and Gable. Lights were speedily produced, every curtain raised, and every wagon thoroughly searched, but neither wife nor daughter could be found. The searchers could not be satisfied. Again and again they looked, examined, hunted, retracing the same places over and over. At last Mr. Gable spoke. " Gentlemen," he said, addressing his comrades, " we are altogether at fault. It is certain that the persons we are look- ing for are not here. We have been led on a false scent, and now I think that we owe these gentlemen our apologies, for the unnecessary delay a,nd trouble we have put themjto." Mr. Ward expressed great gratification that they were satis- fied, and after the exchange of mutual good wishes, we were permitted to move on peacefully, and the others dispersed to their homes. " And now," said I, " where are we to meet Mrs. Bradish ?" •^ About three miles ahead." " It was hardly right to deceive them so." " Perfectly," he answered. " As the Israelites deceived and spoiled the Egyptians, we, as saints, may deceive and spoil the heathen." I was silenced, but not convinced, by this kind of argument. Mr. Ward indulged himself in laughing heartily at the expense of those who had been cheated, and deceived, as he quoted it, by a woman's wit. The clouds had partially broken, and now and then a little twinkling star peeped timidly through the firmament. Indeed, the darkness, to my great relief, was much less intense. My apprehensions, however, had been less for myself than Mrs. Bradish and her companions. My thoughts constantly referred to the long dark woods, and the lonely midnight ride. " Are there no wild animals in the Maple Woods ?" I inquired. 3* 58 Femat.k Life among the Mormons. *' There are," he answered, " or at least I suppose so.^' " Is Mrs. Bradish in no danger, then ?" " She is iu danger, doubtless. It is only a short time since a man was pursued by a pack of wolves. Nothing but th© fleetness of his horse saved him ; but Providence will protect her." " Providence protects those who take care of themselves," I answered : " but is there no danger of her taking the wrong road." "Not mucb, I guess," he replied. "To be sure there are many different paths, but she knows the direction." "However, it seems to me that we shall never see her again." "Weak and silly," he replied, "you judge of her by your- self." "We travelled on in silence. At length the wagons came to a full stop. We had arrived at the intersection of the roads. — The signal agreed upon was given. All listened breathlessly. It was not answered, but after a few minutes a dull sound was heard. It came nearer and nearer, settling at last in the long steady gallop of horses. Again the signal was given ; and this time answered. They soon came up. Mrs. Bradish and Mrs. Cook took places in our Wagon ; Mrs. Stone and Irene in theirs. " Thank heaven," I said, grasping the hand of the first lady, " thank heaven you are safe." " Safe, child ; did you dream that there was danger ?" " Certainly ; was not a man pursued through these very woods by a pack of wolves ?" " To be sure there was, but the wolves didn't pursue me. I had no fears of them." " And you got through perfectly safe and easy ?" said Mr. Ward ; " I had some misgivings myself." The First Halt. 59 " I had none ; but how did yon get along with the enemy ?" " First rate ; when they found that those they sought for were not among us, they even oflFered to apologize." '* Trust a woman's wit," said Mrs Bradish, bursting into a laugh. " Oh, it is too good." " I don't know what we should do without you," said Mr. Ward ; " I am very confident no one else would have thought of such a scheme." Mrs. Bradish received the congratulations of the whole com- pany, and it seemed to me on this, and on many occasions after- wards, that her shrewdness was more than a match for Smith's inspiration. We travelled the remainder of the night, and halted in a pleasant valley the next morning about sunrise. As it had been decided to have no dealings with the heathen, we prepared > to take breakfast on the green sward. The wagons were drawn up in a line, the teams unharnessed, turned loose, and fed ; the men, women, and children gathered into groups, preparing or partaking of their food. Smith still retained his disguise, and I observed that his attentions were divided between Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Cook. Ellen seemed neglected by every one. She sat apart from the rest, and looked so sad and disconsolate, that one's heart ached to behold her. Even her own mother rarely looked towards her, or spoke to her. I observed the same to Mrs. Bradish. She smiled, and said it was nothing. We rested for two hours, and then the teams were again har- nessed, the passengers mounted in the wagons, and we set off. Mrs. Cook was no longer in our company, but had returned to the wagon in which she had first ridden, and in which Smith also rode. There is very little romance in a journey out West. The dull monotony of the route ; the long interminable winding roads, through valleys, over hills, and beside water courses ; the strag- 00 Female Life among the Mormonsl, gling villages, looking so near like each other that you are almost tempted to believe yourself to be in the condition of per- sons, who, becoming bewildered in some forest, describe a circle instead of progressing onwards, and continually, though without consciousness of it, review the same scenes. Doubtless we were a godsend to many a villager half dying with ennui, who had retailed her last piece of scandal, reported the last short-coming of the pastor, and the last frailty of an erring sister. In many places the inhabitants turned out en masse to behold us. Groups would be stationed on the hills, the women holding aloft their infauts as if to show them a glimpse of some great natural curiosity, troops of children, staring and gaping at first, and then running and whooping like young savages when they had settled the question that we looked exactly like other people. But Smith was certainly the greatest curiosity, particularly with the women. The moment our encampment was made at night, if in a habitable neighborhood, we were thronged with visitors. Fat ladies came, sometimes bringing small presents, ofteuer with their pipes and snuff-boxes. Beautiful girls, with and without protectors, swarmed around us. Dirty men from their work, saturated with the fumes of tobacco and whisky, with now and then a gent, would insist on knowing all about Mormonism, or on being present at our morning and evening devotions. I believe that we should have got along very well, had not Smith, as usual, been possessed with the mania of making con- verts ; and on this occasion, as well as others, the subjects of his exertions were young and beautiful girls. One warm, beau- tiful evening, two sisters came to visit us in company with their parents. The place of our encampment was on the border of a wood, near the banks of a limpid stream. I had wandered off by myself, and sat down on a fallen log behind a clump of elders and laurels, yet in plain view of the encampment, and where I could see all that was going on without being seen. The The Abduction of Hannah. ^l parents were in deep conversation with some Mormon elders, when Irene laughingly approached the sisters, and asked them how they would like to be Mormons. "I think I should like it," said Hannah, a gay, sprightly creature ; and she glanced inadvertently towards a group of young men, who had come in from the village, and in which I suppose she had a lover. " Well, then," said Irene, " you had better go with us." "Wonder if I hadn't though?" she returned ; and thus the two girls kept up a sort of playful badinage. Smith was in disguise ; but I knew him, and determined, to watch his motions. He soon approached Hannah. " My daughter," he said, in a voice modulated exactly like that of an aged man, "sit down here, and converse with an aged grandfather, who is a Mormon, but who once had a beau- tiful daughter, exactly like yourself." " Had you ?" she said, archly. " Indeed, I had." " What became of her ?" "She died." " Died, dreadful I" " Dying is not dreadful to the good ; but sit here beside me and I will tell you about it." Sh6 sat down beside him. Irene drew the sister's arm within hers, and they took a short stroll together. What he said to her no other ear heard, what arts he employed upon her it is impossible to tell. It was something, however, of no ordinary character, as the result will show. Meanwhile a light gust of clouds swept over the sky ; it became quite dark, and the parents wished to go home, but Hannah was not to be found. Inquiries being made, Irene said that Hannah had gone with another young lady, her cousin, and would not return till the next day. tj2 Female Life among the Mormons. " That is strange, anyhow," said the old lady ; " why did she not speak to me about it ?" *' I know nothing abont that," returned Irene, coldly. " Well, we shall have to let her go, I s'pose ;" and they walked off. And where was Smith during this conversation ? He stood by like some quaint, antiquated grandfather. That night a special revelation directed that he should have a wagon especially appropriated to his own use ; and conse- quently the ladies who had occupied it formerly, were dis- tributed here and there. Ellen came to us, and I was glad of it, as it would give me an opportunity to have some conversation with her. Mrs. Bradish had gone to nurse and prescribe for a sick child belonging to the company. Mr. Ward took up his lodgings in a wagon exclusively occupied by men, and no one remained with us capable of appreciating or reporting our con- versation. " The old lady didn't seem to relish her daughter's going off so unceremoniously," I said, at length. " Her daughter didn't go anywhere," answered Ellen, quietly. " Where is she then r " In yonder wagon." " What one ?" " Ours." " Ellen, Miss Bradly, are you sure of what you say ?" " Sure, certainly, didn't I see him lift her in ; didn't I hear him tell Irene to forge that lie. Oh! Mrs. Ward, I could tell you things of that man which would make you shudder." " Tell me, Ellen, do," I said, soothingly. " I have long known that some dreadful burden was on your mind. I am your friend, confide in me as in a sister." *' Oh, I dare not ; he would kill me." " Who would kill you, my poor child ?" Ellen^s Narrative. 63 *' I am afraid to speak it ; it seems to me that he can read my thoughts, and I fear to look at him. My mother is angry with me, because she says I have no faith in him ; how can I have faith in a man whom I know to be so desperately wicked ? "I believe, she said, after a time, "I believe that I can confide in you. You are not one of them. You 'have not experienced the power of that dreadful man as I have." " No ; I am not a Mormon in belief, and yet I know that Smith at least possesses power, with which men generally are not endowed." " Yes," said Ellen ; " and itas that which frightens me." " I have longed wished to ascertain ^hat were your sensa- tions on that eventful night of the Mormon meeting. Excuse me, Ellen, but were you really dead ?" " I know not." " Had you been sick ?" " Be patient, and I will relate the whole. Smith had fre- quently given out that under peculiar circumstances, he could raise the dead. Two or three times some mother, agonizing over the loss of her offspring, had implored him to try, but a special revelation would always come in to forbid it. At length some of the brothers gave him to understand that they must see an exhibition of his work, or hear no more about it. He engaged to resurrectionize the first believer who fell beneath the power of the enemy, and there the matter rested. Smith came to our house on the day in question. I was entirely alone, and sat sewing by the window. His deportment was very grave, and something unusual seemed to weigh on his mind. I had a presentiment that it related to me, and whenever was a pre- sentiment at fault ? At length he spoke, and his voice sent a thrill of horror through my heart. " ' Ellen,' he said, ' you are about to die.' 64 Female Life among the Mormons. " * How — when V I answered, commanding my voice as well as I was able. " * Now, immediately. I had a special roTelation of it ; and, knowing that you were alone, came in to aid and comfort yon. But fear not, child ; the presence of God is with you — look at me.' " His words struck me with inexpressible dread. To die — to leave the beautiful earth, and all I loved ; the thought was hor- rible I yet I doubted not of its fulfillment, and looked towards him, as he bade me. I was fascinated by bis gaze, so deep, earnest and steady. A strange sensation of drowsiness over- powered my senses. I wished, but could not struggle against it. The consciousness thilt I was dying came over me ; and yet how diflferent from all that I had imagined of death. No pain, no torture, no agonizing convulsions, but all calm, sedate, and tran- quil. A gradual suspension of feeling and perception, a blending of indistinct images, like objects in a dream, that mingle and then melt to nothingness. Yet I knew that a warm hand closed my eyes ; that the same hand moved gently down my extremi- ties ; and that was the last." " And did Smith call your parents ?" " He did. He told them that Providence sent him to me to soothe my dying moments ; and that it had been revealed like- wise that I should rise from the dead." " 'Tis strange, His passing strange," I said involuntarily. " I once read," said Ellen, slowly, and with awful emphasis, " I once read of a man who had made a bargain with the Evil One : power was given on one side — on the other, the immortal soul was sold. It sometimes seems to me that he has employed the same fearful means to effect his purposes. That it comes from heaven, as he professes, I cannot believe." " But you are not a believer in him ?" "Once I was ; but now" Ellen's Narrative, Continued. 65 "But now, what?" "He must be a wicked man. It cannot be otherwise. I could unfold a tale. I have been among the initiated." . This was said incoherently, and more as a soliloquy than as if addressed to me. " What is it, Ellen ?" " When I first saw Joseph Smith, I was pure and happy — betrothed to an amiable young man, whom I loved, and who loved me. Smith, by his hellish arts, succeeded in making my parents believe that, to ensure my salvation, the marriage must be broken off, unless my lover could be converted to Mormon- ism. That, they well knew, was impossible ; and so we were forbidden to see or speak to each other. It is true that, hearing continually the praises of Smith, and witnessing the exhibitions of his power, astonished and filled me with awe and veneration. His presence was that of the basilisk. He exerted a mystical magical influence over me — a sort of sorcery that deprived me of the unrestricted exercise of free will. It never entered into my brain that he could cherish impure motives ; that one pro- fessing such sainted holiness could seek the gratification of law- less passions. No friendly voice was near to warn me, and I fell" "Oh I Ellen, you frighten me ; yet I suspected as much." " And it " frightened me ; but hear me out. I became a mother 1" " Worse and worse." " Indeed, you may well say that ; for the worst is yet to come." " What became of your child ?" " I know not. Into my mother's ear, I poured the tale of mr wrongs and* woes. Where else could I go with it ? yet, so deep was her reverence for that man, that she refused to believe me. My father mentioned it to Smith ; but he utterly and totally 66 Female Life among the Mormons. denied the whole. At length, however, it became necessary that something should be done, and a meeting was called. At that meeting only four persons were present." " And who were they ?" *' The knowledge will probably embitter your whole life — do you wish to know ?" " Certainly ."x "Your husband, Mrs. Ward, my father, Smith, and Mrs. Bradish." ^* Is it possible 1 But what was decided upon ?'* "That I only know- by the results. I was taken to the house of Mrs. Bradish. There my sickness occurred. I well knew ray condition — well knew the meaniug of the fierce pangs that seized me ; then I sunk into a state of partial unconsciousness, not totally oblivious to passing events, and yet incapable of speech or motion. I woke from this state to ask for my child, and they made strange of it — laughed, and said I was beside myself — wanted to know what made me imagine such an absurdity — and, finally, threatened to send me to the lunatic asylum, if ever I mentioned such a thing again. Imagine my anguish ; for description is powerless. I said no more, for I feared them ; but set myself to remember and connect the events of the few past hours. I had distinctly heard the feeble wail of an infant ; then it seemed that I heard or saw (for everything was confused) Mrs. Bradish go stealthily to the closet-door, open it, and remark : ' It can lay here a short time.' That the closet-door was then closed, when there was a slight whispering, and some one said : ' All for the best. It would have disgraced us in the eyes of the heathen.' My child was in that closet, dead I I knew', I felt that it must be so. Dead ! yet it was not stillborn ; for I heard its feeble wail. Dead now, nevertheless ; and how ? The thought was horrifying ! and thea I lay still — oh ! how still 1 — but my thoughts were busy, A Mother's Instinct. ' ■ W and they all revolved round that dead child ; and the intense burning desire to behold it grew stronger every moment, and seemed to give me a supernatural strength and energy as well as insight into their dark designs. Then it came to me that they would take and bury it while I slept. ' But I will sleep no more/ I said to the inward monitor, and resolutely refrained from slumber. Mrs. Bradish soothed and counselled me to rest, even recommended a narcotic ; but this time I had a purpose unfulfilled, and was not to be cajoled. Faint, sick, and weary, as I was, I overmatched these resolute and strong women. Oh, what is there that an unconquerable will cannot effect ! Mrs. Bradish seemed really exasperated, and chid me smartly for my wakefulness. She then went out and called the attendant. They whispered in suppressed tones ; but, on parting, one said to the other : ' Some time near morning, when she falls asleep ;' the other assented, and the attendant came back to watch with me." " And who was this attendant ?" *' I never saw her before or since ; she was probably one of those miserable women, who, for gold, will commit almost any crime. How I loathed her hateful presence ; but knowing that the success of my wishes depended on lulling her suspicions, I said nothing. At length she grew drowsy, for the muscles of her neck began to relax, and her head to nod. *You had better compose yourself into a comfortable position, and sleep,' I said, addressing her ; ' I can call you if necessary.' With a yawn or two she complied with the suggestion, and her heavy breathing soon made it apparent that she had fallen asleep. " And then I rose in the bed. Sickness and faintness over- powered me for a moment, but mastering these sensations by a strong effort of resolute will, I slipped from my couch. But my tottering limbs refused to support me, and I sunk to the floor. vThen dragging myself heavily along, I made my way to the 68 Female Life among the Mormons. closet, opened the door silently, and drew thence a small bundle, which my heart too plainly told me, was bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. Unwinding it carefully, an infant was dis- closed, with a thick piece of brown paper drawn tightly over its mouth. I knew the purpose of this, and no longer able to contain myself, I shrieked aloud, my brain swam, there was a noise like the rush of waters in my ears ; then all was darkness. " When I recovered, Mrs, Bradish was sitting beside me. I feared to look at her, and covered my face with the bed-clothes. " * Are you better, dear V she said, soothingly. ' You have been very ill.' " I dared not trust my voice to speak, and remained silent, while she continued ; * Will you not have an anodyne, or some little nourishment ? Oh I I perceive yon are too weak to answer,' and without ceremony she went to a small cupboard, poured out a glass of wine, and bringing it to me, raised my head slightly, and compelled me to swallow it." " And all this happened, and I an inmate of the same house ?" "All this, and much more," continued Ellen. "When I recovered, Smith consented to receive me as his spiritual wife, for a time. The same as he has received Irene and those foolish women, who have abandoned their homes for him. Now Hannah will be added to the number. When he tires of her, she will be cast off, or given to some one else." " Perhaps her relatives will reclaim her ?" " No hopes of it. Once in his hands, there is no rescue or remedy. Oh ! it is horrible 1" And what a revelation was this to me — me, so closely con- nected with the principal aiders and abettors in such deeds of crime. But after a violent struggle with my feelings, I concluded that silence and apparent ignorance would be the best poUcy, since the confidence of Ellen could not be betrayed, and I bad no other proof. The Pursuit. 69 The next morning the encampment was broken up, and the cavalcade under way two hours earlier than usual. I had a shrewd suspicion of the reason. Mrs. Bradish, however, said, that they wished to travel in the cool of the morning, in order to have a longer time for rest in the heat of the day. The words of Ellen had awakened my suspicions, and I determined to watch that woman, I soon discovered that something unusual was going on, and was not long in conjecturing the cause. Bounding Bet was brought forward, saddled and bridled for a ride. " I think a gallop this morning will be decidedly pleasant and exhilarating," said Mrs. Bradish. " Do you ride alone ?" I inquired. " I have hardly decided," she answered, '' some of the girls can ride with me if they choose." Then she mounted, and rode around in the direction of the leading wagons. I could not see at the time whether she took off any of the girls or not, but soon perceived her galloping off in a circular direction, with a woman, in whom I recognized Hannah, mounted behind her. We journeyed on probably four or five miles, when we heard the sound of an approaching company, and presently eight or ten young men, armed and mounted, came up. One, a little ahead of the others, ordered the wagons to halt, and demanded his sister. " Your sister ? what have we to do with your sister ?" said Smith, affecting utter indifference to the subject. "You know very well who I mean," said the^ young, man, unable to restrain his rising passion. " And if you don't tell me where she is, by G — d, I'll blow your brains out 1 that I will." Mr. Ward advanced to the young fellow, and said, in a con- ciliating manner, " Indeed, sir, how can we tell you where your sister is, when we don't know ourselves ?" 70 Female Life among the Mormons. " But you do know. She came last night ; that's certain. When mother wanted to go home, some of you told her that Hannah had gone off with her cousin. It was a lie, the whole of it Jacob Ware told me that he saw her get into one of your wagons." " Well, you can search the wagons.'^ " And we will search them." A thought struck me. I had been considered good at sketching ; could I not communicate to him a knowledge of his sister in that way ? Pencil and paper were handy, no one was with me but the children, and I began. In a few minutes I had formed a tolerable picture of a horse, with two women on his back, flying over the hills. When it came the turn of our wagon to be searched, I contrived to slip it unperceived into his hand, and by a gesture enjoined silence. He thrust the paper into his pocket, and a moment after retired beyond observation. Rejoining the others, he gazed earnestly and steadfastly at me, when I pointed the direction they had taken. He nodded assentingly. *' Are you now satisfied ?" inquired Mr. Ward, when the wagons were all searched. " I am not," answered the young man ; " your company are not all here." " Are not ? and who is missing, pray ?" " That tall, elegant woman, with such a dignified aspect and carriage, and that ambling pony, for which I ofifered two hun- dred dollars last night. That pony would carry double finely ;" and giving a significant whistle, his party mounted almost in a second, and set oflf at full speed. The Mormons appeared actually paralyzed. " Some one must have given him a hint," he said, soliloquiz- ing. " A hint of what ?" Discomfiture of Mrs. Bradish. "ll " Nothing/' he answered, suddenly recalled to consideration. ''Nothing, at least that concerns you." The cavalcade now moved on, but it was very evident that unusual apprehensions were entertained by the saints. Every countenance wore a look of anxiety, and every eye was occasion- ally strained far off in the distance, as if to discover if possible some traces of the fugitives. At least two hours elapsed, when we caught the sound of firearms, discharged apparently in a neighboring wood. Then loud voices, two or three screams, and all became silent. CHAPTER YI. THE RECAPTURE. ii T THINK," said Mr. Ward, ''that we must send some of _[_ our men off to see what is going on." Three of the horsemen were accordingly directed to ride off into the woods, and reconnoitre. They soon returned, bringing Mrs. Bradish severely wounded, and almost suffocated with rage. I was seriously alarmed, as the blood was flowing freshly from a deep wound in her arm. Her hair was dishevelled, her bonnet gone, her clothes torn, and in the wildest disorder The whole party crowded round her, asking a thousand ques- tions in a breath. " How had it all happened ?" " Where was Hannah ?" " Where was Bounding Bet ?" Mr. Ward thrust them aside, and kindly interrogated her as to the cause and extent of her misfortunes. 12 Female Life AiioNG the Mormons. " Oh, the wretcnes I" she shrieked, " that I should live to tell it — that Anna Bradish should be beaten by a parcel of boys." *' Never mind that," he said, " but tell us how it happened." " We rode pretty smart at first," she commenced, " but — oh, Mrs. Ward, you hurt my arm dreadfully. What are you doing ?" " I am trying to dress the wound, but I fear the bone is bro- ken, or the joint injured, or both," I answered. " Well, like enough ; the ball went right through it." " Let me see," said Mr. Ward. He examined the wound, and having some general knowledge of surgical affairs, soon decided that the bone was severely shattered. One of the party was instantly dispatched to a neighboring village for a surgeon, and an encampment made on _the border of the wood to wait his arrival. Mrs. Bradish refused to lie down, but sat in an arm-chair to rehearse her adventure. " Where is Smith ?" she said ; " I don't see him.'' The lady was irritated, and left off the cognomen of brother. " Round yonder, behind the wagons," said some one. " Oh ! I see," she said sarcastically. " He is ashamed of him- self. I don't wonder — these new converts of his are always getting us into trouble." " Mrs. Bradish, you forget yourself," said Mr. Ward. " At any rate I want him to hear just how I have been out- raged and insulted on his account." 'i On account of the truth," suggested Mr. Ward. Smith soon came up to the lady, and condoled with her mis- fortunes, said that he had been detained by a vision which assured him that she would speedily recover, and that great honors and rewords would recompense her in the next world for all she suffered in this. Some of the more zealous wished him to exert his miraculous powers, and restore her arm at once. Death of BoUxVDIxXG Bet. 13 He said that it was forbidden on account of their want of faith, that he believed there was an Aehan in the camp, and that the accursed thing must be found out and expunged. The countenance of Mrs. Bradish expressed anything but satisfaction at this harangue. At length she said : '' Brother Smith, my advice is that you attempt no more con- versions among these heathen women. Trouble always comes of it. Now Bounding Bet is killed, and I am wounded, for that silly thing, Hannah." " Bounding Bet killed ?" cried Irene, who had come up, and stood listening to the conversation. "To be sure she is. The wretches shot her as they would a hill sheep-dog." Smith, who probably feared that his sacredness in her eyes might suffer by the remarks of Mrs. Bradish, commanded her to retire. She obeyed with evident reluctance, as her curiosity was unsatisfied. According to the account of Mrs. Bradish, she had been pur- sued, and suddenly overtaken, while pausing to rest in the wood. Depending on the speed of her palfrey, she started off on a sharp gallop. The boys seeing the game so near, gave a loud halloo, and took after her. Bounding Bet, however, was dis- tancing them finely, when some one fired a ball at her with deadly effect. It was followed by another and another. The palfrey fell. Hannah screamed, and Mrs. Bradish with great difficulty extricated herself from the fallen horse, only to be seized and maltreated by her enemies. " And Hannah ?" '' The wretches took her with them ; her brother positively swearing that he would give her a horsewhipping when he got home." " Well, she deserves it ; that I know, miserable, sillv dupe," I remarked. 4 *li Female Life ajiong the Mormons. The countenance of Ellen glowed with an expression I could not fathom. It seemed a mixture of joy, sorrow, astonishment, and gratification. She stood near me when the surgeon came. He examined the wound, expressed his opinion of its severity, and his fears that an amputation would be necessary. This she steadfastly refused. Her body, she said, came into the world without any deficiency, it should go to the grave in the same condition. In vain we reasoned and argued. She would trust in Providence, and we were constrained to yield. He declared, however, that travelling was out of the question, and so it was decided to remain in the encampment two or three days. " This seems a very remarkable wound to have been made in the manner you describe," said the surgeon, when he came the next day. " I thought so, yesterday j it is still more apparent to-day. If I understood you aright, you were thrown from your horse ?" " I was thrown from my horse,'* said the lady briefly. " And yet here is every^ evidence of a pistol-shot wound." "Mr. Surgeon," said Mrs. Bradish, "I understand your Curiosity. Your village, the same as all others, has its gossip without any doubt. We, as Mormons, are despised and perse- cuted. Falsehoods are circulated, vile rumors raised and reported purposely to draw on us the contempt of the commu- nity. What you may have heard I cannot tell. The facts are these : I had a beautiful palfrey that I rode when weary and tired of jostling in the wagon. Yesterday morning I fancied it would be exceedingly pleasant to gallop through the woods. There I was waylaid, my horse shot under me, and myself wounded as you see." The surgeon, on hearing this, wondered what the country was coming to ; said it was hardly safe for a man to ride alone, much less a woman ; supposed that the rascals might be apprehended. Speculations concerning the Prophet. 75 as they certainly deserved to be ; and even offered to bring a lawyer to consult with them on the subject. Mrs. Bradish did not consider it desirable. For her part, she looked for justice to a Higher Power. The saints could not expect peace and happiness in this world, but their reward in the next was certain. " Great consolation in that," said the surgeon. I caught his eye that moment, when he turned away to con- ceal his laughter. He evidently understood the game. He subsequently informed me that the adventure of Mrs. Bradish had created a great sensation through the country. Indeed, how could it be otherwise ? " You were very popular,'^ said the httle man — "very popular before this happened ; everybody wanted to make you a visit. Your Prophet here was the principal talk of the women." " And yet very few of them knew anything about him, or, if they had visited us, ascertained his identity," said I. "Likely enough. I think, however, I have heard at least a dozen descriptions of him,'' returned the surgeon. "Some said he was a handsome man, tall and elegant in demeanor, that his hair and eyes were black, and that he wore magnificent whis- kers. Another asserted quite as positively that he was a small man, with light hair, blue eyes and red whiskers ; and yet another asserted that he wore no whiskers at all." "They were all deceived," I answered. "The fact is, he wishes to travel without being known. When people have visited the encampment, and requested to see him, some one of the Mormons has been pointed out to them, and they have gona away in the belief that they had seen and spoken to the great Mormon Prophet. This accounts for the discrepancies." " It does, indeed," he said laughing ; " but since that unfor- tunate adventure all the old women in the neighborhood regard you as a band of kidnappers, and not a few aro <3onMent in 76 Female Life among the Mormons. their assertions that Smith is in league with the Old One him- self. Old Mrs. Pettigree said she couldn't sleep at night for thinking of it ; all the girls are kept closely housed after dark, and very few men venture abroad. Some of them are even con- cerned about me, but I tell them that a physician can defy the devil I" " At any rate, such as belong to our company. Smith is possessed with a mania to make converts," said I. " And his greatest success is among the women. Excuse me, madam, but that is always the case. Fanatics of every class and character find their devotees in that class of the community. It matters not how great the absurdity, how ridiculous and con- trary to common sense the doctrine, women will be smitten with it, and many are weak enough to abandon comfortable homes and situations, in order to follow some mad fanatic, or be the dupe of some knavish impostor." The third morning after the disaster, the surgeon called again, examined his patient, expressed his gratification that the symp- toms were so favorable, and concluded by giving us a friendly warning to move. " And that wt will readily do," said Mr. Ward, "if this lady can be removed with safety." " The danger will be greater, perhaps, if she stays, than if she goes. The fact is, the country is getting too hot to hold you." "What's the matter?" said Mrs. Bratlish, who, from her litter could only catch a word or two of the conversation. " I'm telling these people that the country is getting too hot to hold you," said the surgeon. " I wish to the Lord we were out of it," she answered. " And the best thing you can do will be to get out this day." ** What new mine has been sprung ?" asked Mr. Ward. " Well, that Hannah of your acquaintance." " Not mine," said Mr. Ward. 'Alarming iNTELLiaENCE. *l*l " Your Prophet's, then, has made certain disclosures to her mother that set them all on fire — touched 'em off just like a powder magazine. There was a meeting about it last night, and it was settled that if you stayed another night in this locality, something should be done." " And what might the something be ?" " Yarious ugly and dirty tricks which it would be a disgrace to any community to have perpetrated in its midst, and by its members. But you know it's quite as difficult to disgrace some kinds of people as it is to spoil some kinds of meat," and the little surgeon laughed at his own wit. Thanking the surgeon for his friendly information, Mr. Ward at once proceeded to make immediate preparg-tions for our departure. Mrs. Bradish was placed in a bed, on one of the wagons, the goods packed away, the cattle collected, and before an hour had passed, the company had taken up its line of march. The surgeon, whose course lay for a short distance in the same direction, rode by the side of our wagon. When the place came to separate, we again thanked him, and Mrs. Bradish did not forget to remunerate him amply. " And now," he said, " as you confess that I have done you some little kindness, I have a favor to ask." " Name it, and if it is anything within the bounds of reason, you shall be gratified." " I wish to know which one of these men is the Prophet — not a spurious article, but the veritable man, himself." " You will betray his disguise while we are in the country ?" said Mr. Ward, inquiringly. " Indeed I would not." " He is that man, yonder, in the wagon with those women." " What, that very old-looking man ?" " Yes ; that's the one.'^ 78 Female Life among the Mormons. " Why, I suspected that he was young, not over middle-aged, certainly." " Have I not told you that he is in disguise ?" " Oh, I forgot ; yes, yes." The little surgeon, having looked and gazed at Smith till entirely satisfied, bade us farewell, and went on his way. There was a man in the company named Peter Short, who, to excessive boorishness of manner united a most repulsive counte- nance and forbidding disposition. He was extremely ignorant, having not even mastered the first rudiments of education. But, as might be expected, he was a great devotee, a firm believer in all the visions and miracles of the Prophet, and the firm adherent of all his doctrines. Peter, though already pos- sessing a wife and ten children, seemed to have been struck with the pensive grace and beauty of Ellen. He seemed never to weary of gazing at her, or talking to her, though it was equally perceptible that she loathed and hated him. She rarely looked towards him, answered his questions only by monosyllables, and otherwise manifested every symptom of dislike to him and his society. I had frequent opportunities for observing this, and it seemed to me, from the first, that some difficulty would grow out of it. I was walking a little apart from the others, when Ellen came to me, pale as death, and trembling with agitation. " Oh, Mrs. Ward I" she said, " I have come to you as the only person on earth in whom I can confide. What shall I do ? Can't you save me from this dreadful fate ?" " What is it, Ellen ?" I said, soothingly ; " what new trouble has happened to you ?" " Oh, that horrible Peter Short I They certainly wish to kill me, or they would save me from him." " My dear," said I, " compose yourself, and let me know the whole affair." ** And the whole affair can be summed up in a few words. Hapless Fate of Poor Ellen, 79 Peter Short has asked me of Smith for his spiritual wife. Smith has consented, and now commands me to accept him as my hus- band in the faith — him I loathe, and hate, and despise, as I never hated man before." ' " But your motjier — cannot she save you from this fate ?" " My mother is blinded and bigoted. She says that I must obey the commands of the Prophet, and that nothing he orders can be wrong. But it cannot be so. Has he not connived at murder, and deception, and all kinds of vice ? Has he not ruined me already, soul and body ? Has he not made me a thing to be pitied and abhorred by the pure ? But this has overflowed the cup. I might have borne the rest ; I might have hidden my shame and sorrow, and obtained peace and con- tent at last. But to be transferred from one villain to another, is awful — horrible." " What do they mean by spiritual wife P ''You know Smith teaches that women can only be saved through their husbands ; and that unmarried females must be ever debarred from the pleasures of the blest. Consequently every woman must be provided with a spiritual husband. In that capacity, myself, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Clarke, and Irene, have been the wives of Smith. Now he has tired of me. He will soon tire of them. Oh, misery !" Greatly as I pitied the poor girl, it was impossible, under the circumstances, to give her advice ; and so assuring her of my sympathy and friendship, and recommending her to put off the evil day as long as possible ; and that probably something might happen to prevent it altogether, I left her. The next morning, Ellen was missing ; and when search was made, her body was found in the cool depths of a pool that lay a short distance from the encampment. They laid her out on the smooth, green sward, and one after another came to look on the pale, sweet face, and to touch the pallid hand. Smith came 80 Female Life among the Mormons. among the rest, and so did Peter Short. Yet the wan lips uttered no cry of vengeance against them ; the dim eyes no longer turned from their presence. She slept to wake no more. " This is really death,'' I thought ; " beyond dispute or ques- tion, it is death ; and will Smith endeavor to restore her to life — she, his spiritual wife — the daughter of his church, and the companion of his journey to the Promised Land ?" Mrs. Bradley was strong in the faith. My daughter," she said, in the utmost confidence, " my daughter shall live again." " Not till the resurrection at the Last Day," said Smith, who heard the remark. " The suicide is accursed." The poor mother gave a faint shriek. ** Yes," he continued, with the most brutal indifference to her feelings, " an angel could not restore the life of a person who had thus voluntarily surrendered it." " But you don't know as she did — you don't know as she did ; she might have fallen in there," said the mother. " No one could be drowned where she was, unless the act was voluntary," said Smith. " And why should such an act be voluntary ?" I said, approaching where they were standing, and eyeing him sternly ; " to whose cruelty and depravity is it to be attributed, that one so young and beautiful became thus early tired of life ? Whose fanaticism blighted the hopes of that pure spirit, degraded her aspirations for love and truth, and turned the sweetness of her life to gall and wormwood ? * The suicide accursed !' Say, rather, that those men are cursed, whose vileness makes death a last resource to the weak, against crime and oppression." " And who shall say that this was the case with Ellen ?" inquired Smith. "-I say so. With her own lips she told me of her sorrows and persecutions, and your vileness. Yes, Joseph Smith, Pro- Arrival at the Promised Land. 81 phct and priest, as you pretend to be, of your vileness, your hateful arts and impostures ; but she is dead, now — you can torment her no more." Smith walked away muttering imprecations. Mrs. Bradley seemed actually frightened at my boldness. I could only regard her with pity and contempt. Ellen was buried in a green shady place beside the wood. Smith would not attend the' ceremony, and no prayer was uttered, not a passage of Scripture read. Was the wretch angry that his victim had escaped him ? Was he angry at me for questioning his authority and inspiration ? Probably both. CHAPTER YII. THE MORMON S E T T L,E M E N T . WHEN we reached the Mormon settlement, in Illinois, Mrs. Bradish had recovered from her injuries, A naturally strong' constitution, and remarkably firm will, had accomplished the cure independent of spiritual or ihiraculous agencies. She was active as ever again, going hither and thither, counselling one, commanding another, and reproving a third, yet all seem- ingly in the same breath. " And how do you like the Promised Land ?" said Mr. Ward to her one day, after she had been unusually busy for a long time, trying to overcome the stubbornness of some friends, who persisted in doing as they thought proper, contrary to her advice. " I should like it first rate, if these children would do as I bid them, but they're just like the heathen. Every one must have his own way.'' To me, however, the situation (Jf affairs looked anything but 4* 82 Female Life among the Mormons. promising. The Mormon village contained about fifty houses, and every house could number two or three families. They were of every imaginable size, shape, and description ; that is, to begin at ordinary log dwellings, and descend in regular gradation to the meanest and most contemptible of hovels. Many of them had neither floors nor chimneys, quite a propor- tion were without either doors or windows. When these accom- modations were possessed, the rudest materials had been employed in their construction. The people were generally poor, and the multitudes of children exceeded all belief. Yery few of these seemed at all acquainted with the appurtenances belonging to civilization. They certainly resembled young sava- ges much more than the offspring of the Faithful. With faces unwashed, hair uncombed, and feet so long ignorant of shoes or covering that they appeared of the color and consistence of huge toads. The females did not appear much better ; indeed, what could be expected of them ? All intercourse with the heathen having been precluded, thorns were used instead of pins ; there was but one needle in the village, and that was rarely called into exercise, it was so seldom that thread could be obtained. The most ordinary and indispensable toilet appendages were un- known. Great girls of ten or twelve had nearly forgotten the use of a mirror. The cheapest and coarsest calico was esteemed a real luxury. Wooden bowls served for cups, and plates of the same material were used instead of Queensware. To be sure, we enjoyed more comforts than the others, as having recently arrived, our stock was not exhausted. But we were plagued and worried incessantly by borrowers. One wanted the pot, another the kettle, a third the pail. Many household articles took a regular round through the village, and only arrived at home to commence a new start. Our house was superior to most of the others in many respects. It had a plank floor, a chimney of unhewn, unmortared stones, a covering of bark, a Mormon Merchandise. 83 door that had been transferred from a neighboring barn, a win- dow containing four panes of glass, and other things in confor- mity. The staircase was a ladder, the cupboard a couple of rude shelves, the wardrobe a corner, and the chamber a lumber- room. There were no conveniences. An oven was a thing unknown, but there were two churns, three washing-tubs, and one tin baker. Subsequently, however, matters changed. It was decided that the church should open a store. By the church we are to understand the elders and prophets, with Smith at their head. The goods were a joint concern. A young man, son of one of the proprietors, was shopman ; and we congratulated ourselves on the prospect of once more possessing the necessaries of house- keeping. We soon found ourselves mistaken. The goods were of the poorest quality, and the prices most enormous. Three- fourths of the articles were damaged. The dishes were cracked, the calico streaked, the clothing soiled. The ginger was a com- bination of red pepper and corn meal, the spice had been adul- terated, the black pepper mixed with something, it was impossi- ble to tell what ; and, to cap the climax, the tea, by some mis- chance or other, had become so deeply imbued with the taste of spirits of turpentine, that it was impossible for any mortal man, or woman either, to drink it. Mrs. Bradish finally became out- rageous. She had been accustomed to comforts and luxuries, and consequently felt the present restriction in a greater degree. For her part, she considered it too bad that the heathen should be permitted to appropriate all the good things ; she could see no reason why the saints were not entitled to a reasonable share, or, so far as that was concerned, to the whole. Smith, however, and the elders were inexorable, and the faithful were forbidden, under the penalties of excommunication and anathema, to have any dealings with the heathen. In fact, the store was nothing but a great swindling speculation on the part of the 84 Female Life among the MoRiiONs. Mormon leaders. They bonght np worthless articles for almost nothing, and then, exacting a great price, sought to compel the believers to purchase them. In this way they doubled and trebled their outlay. Soon after our arrival, a school was established, and Irene installed by Smith as teacher. This institution partook of the ludicrous in no small degree, and was certainly a great relief to the matrons of the place. But it is rarely the lot of man to witness such a combination of dirt, rags, filth and ugliness, as was there exhibited. All were sadly ignorant, and very few manifested any desire to learn. The exercises were chiefly oral, as books could not be obtained, neither would they have been admitted if obtainable. Smith formed a small volume in manu- script, which he gave to Irene, and from which she instructed the children in the duties and principles of Mormonism. In style and manner, it was a direct imitation of the Catechism. This, with instructions in reading from the Mormon Bible, and a little writing on thin greasy paper, completed the course of instruction. To secure their further independence, they determined to have a bank, of which the circulating medium was to be confined to themselves. But, although professing to despise the heathen, they were anxious to be considered by them in good circum- stances. Accordingly, when the building designed for the bank was ready, an unbeliever was employed to assist them to remove the specie into the vaults. This was contained in a great many kegs, all very heavy, and the coverings of some being removed, displayed the gold beneath. However, it was subsequently ascertained that the kegs were filled with lead, a very small quantity of gold being placed on the top. Mrs. Bradish took an active part in all the public business. She was a directress of the bank, and a visitor at the school. I even thought that her antipathy to the store was owing, in one The Ambitious Mormon. 85 sense, to the fact that her name was not included in the list of proprietors. But my domestic affairs were quite sufficient for me, and I meddled very little with them or their doings. I had one friend in the village — a good, kind woman, who had removed from her home in New York, the season previous. She had been accustomed to all the elegances and appliances of wealth ; but she bore the great change in her fortunes with sin- gular fortitude. Her dwelling, though rude and inconvenient like the others, was always scrupulously neat and clean. Her benches and tables were sweet and pure, from frequent ablu- tions ; and her children, though poorly furnished and coarsely. clad, were always clean. We enjoyed long and frequent conver- sations ; and I soon discovered that she was far from being pleased with the moral, or rather immoral, practices of the Mor- mons. Her husband and herself were among the first converts to the new doctrines. They had been deceived by the artful impositions of Smith, and his pretended power of working mira- cles. Impulsive, generous, and unsuspecting, both embraced the cause with ardor ; embarked their property in the enterprise, but found, when too late, that there was more pretence than reality — more appearance than substance. At least, such was the case with her. The husband became imbued with ambitious views ; he aspired to become an elder and leader, and even fancied himself to be the favored recipient of divine communications. " Oh, Mr. Murray," she said to him, one day, in my presence, after he had been relating his wondrous exercise of mind, " it seems to me that you must be deceived.'^ " Impossible," he answered, sharply. *' But it is very possible," she returned kindly. " What should a woman know of such things ?" he retorted. Mrs. Murray was too noble and high-minded to weep or change countenance at her husband's taunt. 86 IPemale Life among the MoRMoys. "Mr. Murray speaks rather slightly of the women," I remarked. " Yes ; it is a way he has acquired lately," she answered. ** I sometimes fear that my happiest days are past. We are so differently situated from what we were ; but maybe it is all for the best ;" and she tried to smile. " Of course, good may come out of evil," I said. " I frequently think," she said, " of what our good old pastor told me. He was a venerable man, near eighty years of age. He had carried me in his arms a thousand times, that I know. He baptised me and my husband, both in one day. "We had sat under his ministry, and partook of the bread of the Sacrament at his hands, for years ; and he actually wept when he learned that we were going with the Mormons. ' For your sake, Mary,' he said, when he came to bid us farewell, ' for your soul's sake, my dear, lost daughter, consider well this thing ; but more especially for the sake of your husband. Cast among that abandoned, outcast crew, for I must call them so, he will be exposed to temptations which you cannot understand, and of which, probably, you can have no perception. Oh, that you could be induced to remain with the friends of your youth ! for much I fear that this day will be to you the beginning of sor- row.' My husband is no longer what he was," she continued. " He is dissatisfied with me, and angry at the children often and often, when I find it impossible to divine in what manner I have displeased him. He spends much of his time away from home, and not unfrequently two or three nights at a time." A frightful thought seized me. " Mrs. Murray, excuse me for the question," I said, " but is your husband a convert to the theory of spiritual wives ?" " Indeed, Mrs. Ward, I know not ; but fear so." " Then, you had thought of it ?" " Certainly ; but I have no means of ascertaining. JSTeither Startling Revelations. 8T can I say that the knowledge would be agreeable to me. How could I bear to think of holding the second place in his affec- tions ? It seems to me that that doctrine is from the devil." " And so are the other Mormon doctrines, in my opinion." "At one time," said Mrs. Murray, "in the blindness of my enthusiasm, I attributed to Smith the power and attributes of a Divinity ; but the scales have fallen from my eyes, and he seems to me an impostor of the vilest character." " But would it be safe to speak thus plainly of him in public ?" " 1^0 ; it would not." " If it is discovered that one is disaffected, I suppose that he or she is excommunicated ?" "Something more than that is done with them;" and she approached so closely as to whisper the last sentence in my ear. I thought of Ellen's murdered infant, and asked — " What is it, Mrs. Murray ?" " They disappear !" "You alarm me, Mrs. Murray." " As I said, they disappear — how, or in what manner, has not been ascertained." " Are you certain of what you say ?" "Listen, and I will tell you; but remember not a word of it must be breathed to any one. A young man named Harrison, joined the Mormons some time ago. He was brave, upright, and intelligent, more so than ordinary. I perceived at once, that he had been deceived by their specious professions of piety, and meditated with myself on the result when he discovered their impositions. Everything went on smooth enough, for per- haps a month, when a regular breeze broke forth. I knew nothing about it, until Harrison came in here. His countenance was pale with suppressed passion, but he entered, though rather indifferently, into general conversation. At length, I inquired how he liked the Mormons, by this time. 88 Female Life among the Mormons. "'Not at all, Mrs. Murray; indeed, I have come to the con- clusiou to leave them entirely ; nor is that all, I design to expose them to the world. We had a regular breeze yesterday, Smith and I. I told him just what 1 had found him to be, a fool, knave, liar, and impostor. I talked pretty plain, I can tell you.' " * And what did he say V " ' He laughed; but such a laugh, it made me shudder. " Oh ! you can laugh if you please," said I, " but you will rather quail to have your villainies exposed to the world, and exposed they shall be. Yes, sir ; the world shall know all about you, your pretended miracles, your bank with lead instead of gold, and all the mean, contemptible trickeries, to which I have been a wit- ness." ' " * You will wait until you have an opportunity to expose me, won't you V said Smith. " * An opportunity will soon present itself,' I answered. " ' Smith muttered something to himself, as he turned away.' " * And where are you going, Harrison V I inquired. " ' Back to my father's,' he answered. " ' Oh I how I wanted to warn him !' at length, I said. " * You had better be careful how you offend Smith, and take good care of yourself.' " * To be sure, I will do that.' " He soon after took leave. The next day he started for his father's residence, and now read that " — as she spoke, she drew from her pocket a small piece of newspaper — " I picked it up along the street." I read, " FousD Dead. — A young man by the name of Harrison, was found dead in the woods day before yesterday. To all appearance he had been shot. We have no clue to the murderers." I returned her the paper without saying a word, and she conti- Mrs. Murray Discloses Secrets. ' 89 nued ; " Another circumstance happened about eighteen months ago, which came more immediately beneath my knowledge. It was during a former visit of Smith to this place, that he brought to my house a beautiful young woman, and introduced her to me as a new convert. Her appearance was highly interesting, and she had evidently been accustomed to good society. Her name was Sarah Sweet, and she stayed with me, until I felt for her almost the tenderness that a mother feels for her child. One day I left her to call on a friend. When I returned she was weeping and lamenting bitterly. " ' Why, Sarah, what is the matter V I inquired. " ' Oh ! Mrs. Murray, what shall I do V she almost shrieked, *' ' Smith has been here. The man whom I thought a prophet of the Lord, whose word I reverenced as of divine inspiration. And he seeks my ruin, soul and body ; I dare not tell you all he said, but oh ! I fear that I shall go mad V " * Compose yourself, my dear,' I said, * you can go back to your parents, and with them you will be happy,' " ' Yes, I will do so,' she replied. ' Oh I what a fool I was to leave them; and once there, I will expose him and all his wicked practices, to prevent others from falling into the snare.' '"Did you tell him so?' " ' To be sure I did, but he only laughed a hideous kind of laugh, and said " very well." ' "'Well, Sarah, my advice is, that you be very secret and cautious in your movements. How do you design to return to your father's ?' '"On foot, of course, there is no other way.' " Sarah busied herself in making preparations to depart. Two or three women came in. * What, Sarah, going to leave us ?' said one. ' What's in the wind now ?' inquired another. " Sarah gave them little satisfaction, but they saw enough, Mrs. Murray paused, overcame with emotion. 90 Female Life among' the Mormons. " And how did it end ?" I inquired. " The poor girl started for her home, but never arrived there. She was found drowned." At this stage of the conversation other visitors came in, and I took leave. A few days after, Mrs. Murray called on me. After the exchange of compliments, " I have found it all out,'' she said, sighing. " Found out what ?" " About my husband's spiritual wife." " Then it was as I suspected ?" *' Yes, and he told me of it himself, and even proposed to bring her to reside with us." *' And what did you tell him ?" "That if she came, I would go away; and he said, 'Xo, madam, you won't. Among the Mormons, husbands are lords They have the privilege of punishing disobedient wives, and enforcing their homage.' Oh I that I had listened to the voice of my pastor ; he foresaw all this." " Who is the woman, with whom your husband has formed that connection ?" " Why, a woman that came with Smith, in your company, one Mrs. Cook." "Is it possible?" " It is, and oh I that I should live to see it, should live to feel myself occupying the second place in my husband's heart." " Could you not return to your friends ?" "I would gladly do so, if I had the means, but it is the policy of these men, to keep everything like money out of the reach of the women; and then I suppose my fate would be like that of Sarah." " It is more than probable." " I could not leave my children," she said. " Oh ! I am The Mormon Millenium. 91 gorely tried, but I feel, I know, that it is just, I am only reaping thft reward of my doings." CHAPTER VIII. MORMON FAITH AND WORSHIP. THE idea of a temporal millenium is one of the most impor- tant principles of Mormonism, and the one most cherished by the believers. They speak of it on all occasions, and many of them indulge the most fantastic and absurd notions with respect to the state and degree of happiness to be enjoyed. The Mormons are no exception to the general rule, that the character and temper of a people may be safely judged by their opinions of what is to constitute their happiness hereafter. Thus, the warlike Scandinavians placed the souls of the heroBs in Valhalla, where they enjoyed the feast of victory perpetually, and never wearied of drinking mead from the skulls of their enemies. The Mahometan anticipates the balmy shades, cool- ing fountains, and black-eyed houris ; while the Indian is to enjoy an everlasting season of hunting, and chase the wild deer with dogs swifter than the wind. The Mormons, being generally devoted to simple customs, and agricultural habits, anticipate a millenium, in which the curse is to be removed from the earth, when all venomous beasts, and insects, and wicked men are to be destroyed ; all poisonous plants and noxious weeds eradicated ; and nature produce, in spontaneous abundance, all the good things of life. Their opinions on other subjects are no less fantastic and absurd. Their standard of morality is different from that of 92 Female Life among the Mormons. other sects. To give money to the church, preach the Gospel, and have dreams and visions, were considered the most merito- rious acts. And judged by this system of morals they are all over- righteous. They are all dreamers, but the elders only have the privilege of interpreting. Smith, while he lived, monopolized the business exclusively. Many of them prophesy, but only the elders can detect whether they are moved on by a truthful or a lying spirit ; and as to the preachers it is scarcely possible to discover anything like order or consistency in their discourses. They all turn on the everlasting hinge of living and reigning with Christ a thousand years. Their worship is a strange mixture of Jewish and Christian ceremonies. Their civil polity resembles that of the Jews in many particulars. The head of the church is temporal governor, and they acknowledge the force of no laws save those of their own formation. Mormonism is continually changing, and many doctrines are taught at present, which were unknown to the founders of the faith. Polygamy, was not openly advocated for some time. In the first place, the spiritual wife was said to be united to her husband, by a purely spiritual tie, independent of all sensual relations, and this once admitted, soon led to the other. And then the temple, which was designed to be the seat of their worship in after ages, and occupied the centre of what they were pleased to denominate the Promised Land, was to be a sort of Mecca, to which the pilgrims of future generations were to resort. Mrs. Murray said to me one day : — " I long ago became disgusted with the bombast and rant of the Mormon preachers, with their constant reference to dreams, and visions, and miracles ; with their abuse of the heathen, as they termed our neighbors. Sometimes, however, these things took a ludicrous character. Old Mrs. Harris came to our house Interior Economy of Heaven. 93 one day, in search of Smith. ' She had a marvellous dream the night before/ to employ her phraseology, and now was in pursuit of the interpreter. " ' And what was your dream, Mrs. Harris V I inquired. '" Oh ! I would like to tell you, that I would,' said the crone ; 'but the Lord has commanded, through the mouth of his prophet, that our dreams should first be told to him.' *" Oh 1 well,' I said, 'it don't matter.' " * But it does tho'. I want you to know what it is, and after it is interpreted I will tell you.' *' Smith made the interpretation of dreams a source of revenue ; for the interpretation was not given till the interpreter was rewarded, and the reward was always proportioned to the wealth of the dreamer. "For the same reason, I suppose, he endeavored to make them all converts to the doctrine of witchcraft. How well he succeeded will astonish no one who is acquainted with the super- stitious tendencies of human nature. In an incredibly short time a multitude of children were bewitched, or believed to be by their parents and friends. Smith in all cases undertook the cure, but only for a handsome consideration. "Trances were not at all uncommon. It was decidedly unfashionable not to have been in a trance. Almost every oue could give a tolerably fair description of Heaven, could tell exactly how Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob looked, the seats beside the throne they occupied, and the robes they wore. " Many of these descriptions were infinitely amusing. One old woman, who had been noted for industry, declared that Heaven, as it appeared to her, was a very nice cool room, where they had plenty of biscuit, and didn't have to work. Another said, * she didn't see any biscuit, but they had very fine garments, and sat in rocking-chairs all day.' *' * But is there any night, Becca V said a gaping listener. 94 Female Life among the Mormons. " ' Something like it ; kind of a night ; of course they want to rest/ " ' But they don't work V " * No ; yet they sing, and shout, and march round, you know, and that's nearly as tiresome/ " ' But who did you see there, Becca V " * Oh I a great many, but they were all Mormons/ " Smith here stepped forth and said, he supposed some good men had gone to Heaven before Mormonism was revealed. Indeed, he knew that was the case ; for once, and only a short time, too, after the blessed revelation had been made known to liim, he was travelling alone in a wood, when he heard his voice called, and turning, beheld an angeh This angel was commis- sioned to carry him to Heaven, that he might preach the good news of Mormonism there. He consented, and in two days' time had converted all the heavenly inhabitants. " Mormonism, perhaps, more than any other religion, is con- tinually changing its phases. It has no stereotyped dogmas to which its teachers are required to. give unqualified assent. It has no colleges, where its youth are trained to believe just what their elders tell them, and nothing more. If they will assert that Smith was a true prophet, the Book of Mormon a true history, and the Mormon people the only true church, little more is required of them. They are never asked, which is the most heinous, * the sin of omission or commission V whether the human heart is totally or only partially depraved ? whether grace is free or restricted ? or whether the saints can fall out by the way, or must persevere to the end. " In short," said Mrs. Murray, " take away the dreams, and visions, and miracles, and very little remains. Its author had not sufficient genius to form a system really great or noble, or one that should be an enduring monument of human ability, but it addrestis itself to the venal desires of men, encourages their Quaint Portraits of Mormon Elders. 95 superstitions, and gratifies their passions. Hence is the secret of its strength." CHAPTER IX. MORMON PROPHETS AND ELDERS. IT is questionable if ever, since the time that Saul was found among the prophets, such a heterogeneous mixture of inspired men, or those professing inspiration, had ever been collected together in one place as frequently assembled at Mormon meet- ings. Great fat burly men, little short puny men — men who in shape and stature reminded one of ostriches, men with small heads and little sense, or great heads without any sense at all ; men well-dressed and ill-dressed. Some had their lips stained with tobacco, the noses of others were smeared with snuff, and the breaths of not a few were rank with whisky. Different nations also were ably represented. Here was a thick-set square-backed Dutchman, eager to talk and take part in the meeting, and highly offended al everybody because they could not teil what he said. Kot far off was a Frenchman gabbling and gesticulating, as only a Frenchman can gabble and gesticu- late, to a tall raw-boned Irishman, who stood gaping and listen- ing. These men were all elders and prophets. They used to meet together to discuss questions of business, but Smith, who always directed the meetings, would only propose the most indifferent and puerile subjects, and these being hurried over, he would call on them to rehearse their dreams or visions, as well as their success in working miracles. As the sisters were usually permitted to be present, though generally forbidden to take part in the deliberations, I per- 96 Female Life among the Mormons. suaded Mrs. Murray to accompany me on one occasion. To add to the interest of the meeting several missionaries who had been oat preaching had returned, and were expected to give some account of their success. Smith opened the meeting with prayer, then a hymn of thanksgiving was sung, after which the missionaries, as most to be honored, were requested to speak, beginning with the eldest. The words were scarcely spoken, when a little, puny, withered creature, who, to judge from his phrenological developments, was only a few degrees removed from the idiot, arose. " Friends, prophets, saints, fellow-laborers, and co-workers," he began, in a sort of squeaking voice, that exceeded beyond all comparison the nasal twang of the Yankee, " I 'steem meself onered, greatly onered, in being ere this night, and, 'bove all, that I be permitted to 'dress this augush 'sembly. It duz me more good than I spress — duz, indeed. You know, brothren, you wern't willin' for me to go out preachin', but I felt it right here [and he laid his hand on his forehead], and here I felt it too [his hand was then applied to the region of the heart]. I knowed that I must tell the good tidings of our great Prophet here or be cursed — brothren, I don't say damned, because that is like the heathen, our enemies. Brothren, I sed I knowed that my duty called me to preach, but I didn't know that I should be called on to suffer martyrdom. Yes, brothren, a martyr and confessor both stands among you." All eyes were turned to the little speaker, and a smile rested on several countenances. " Brother Flitter will please be as explicit as possible," said Mr. Ward. " Tell us of your converts," suggested Smith. "It pleased the Lord and his Prophet," resumed Flitter, ** that I should suffer martyrdom, and three several times I fell into the hands of the enemy." A Missionary's Experience. 9t Mr. Ward rather fidgeted in his seat, and I saw him direct several glances towards Smith, in hopes, I suppose, that he would put a sto]) to the absurd harangue, but the Prophet, who sat with two confederates behind the altar, seemed perfectly indifferent to the affair. Flitter proceeded : W " My first martyrization v/as riding hossback ; I ain't use to riding that way, and it shook me up all over, I raly thought sometimes that my stomach would tumble out. T think it did get misplaced, and that's one reason why I can't eat corn-bread , the way I did once.'' " Eat more of it uow,^I reckon," said a voiceV ^ " No ; but just wait till I get through, as 1 am the oldest missioner, and the one what's suffered martyrdom. Where was I ? — let me see ? — Oh ! I know. Well, the next time was from -► young chickens. You see, I guv out word thit I'd hold a meeting at a school-house. Well, when I went there I didn't see anybody stirrin', so thinks I they hav'n't got here yet, but all of a suddent about twenty boys leaped up from behind the benches, and began firihg eggs at me with might and main. I opened my lips to speak, when plump, splash came one right into my mouth. It didn't taste sweet, but that ain't the wurst of it, I hav'n't been able to smell anything since, my nose was so completely numbed with the odor. Brothren, I hope I'm too polite to say stink, but you all know." Mrs. Bradish had sat for some time looking daggers at the speaker. At length she rose, and cried in a clear, ringing voice : '' Brother Smith, are you asleep ?" " Sister, Sister Bradish," whispered some of the elders. She paid no attention, but kept her stern black eyes on the face of Smith. " Brother Smith, are you asleep ?" she called, in a louder tone. " No, sister ; I am not," he answered. - " Then, why do you sit there, and hear us insulted in this 5 98 Female Life among the Mormons. manner," she said, "as if we cared anything about yon fooPs being martyrized with rotten eggs ? Now, Flitter, just sit down, and stop your clack, and let some one speak who can do so in a* sensible manner. Neither is that all : if you persist in allowing fools to go out and preach in our name, we shall become a laugh- ing-stock among the heathen, if we are not so already." Flitter seemed rather abashed at this speech, and took his seat in silence. "Now,'' continued Mrs. Bradish, "if any of you have any- thing to say that is edifying, let's hear it." No one spoke. " Brother Pratt, please tell us what you have been about," said Mr. Ward. Brother Pratt arose and looked around on the assembly, witji great complacency. " I cannot say," be began, " that any great success has attended my efforts ; neither have they been altogether fruitless. I have had the great satisfaction of baptising several into a knowledge of the truth. Several of my converts are making preparations to remove hither immediately. Bless the Lord I" There was a general response of " Bless the Lord," and " Amen." Amid the murmurs of congratulation, Brother Pratt sat down The little Frenchman rose next. He had been on a missionary tour to a colony of French emigrants in a neigh- boring State, " My friends, he commenced, " I hardly know what to say of myself." "Tell the truth," said Mrs. Bradish. " Yes, the truth ; but the truth an't what I wanted it to ttfe. Brethren, I done all I could, but it was very little. The miracle wouldn't work at all. I tried it over and over again ; and, because the miracle wouldn't work, they wouldn't believe ; and that's about all of it." Absurd Visions and Sore Temptations. 99 " Bat you made some converts, didn't you ?" inquired Smith. '' Oh, certainly, some few women believed." "Yery well; convert the women — the men will be sure to follow ; that's human nature," sa Incipient Vanity. 159 ** ' Well, you mus'n't think of such things/ '' ' I can't help it ; and then I want to know why mistress won't let us speak to Helen and Julia, and why she gives them pie and cake, and won't let us have any, and why ' " 'For mercy's sake, child, you frighten me. Now run and play.' " ' But you ha'n't told me yet.' " ' Oh I I can't tell you. You mus'n't ask such questions.' " ' At any rate, you can tell me, why there are so many more people here than I ever see at Mr. Mannington's ? and why these men keep coming to bring all sorts of sick, and lame, and ugly persons here, just as if there wasn't enough such DOW.' *' ' Souls alive I this is the poor-house.' " ' And what is the poor-house V " ' Why, it's where all the poor, and sick, and lame folks go to, to be took care of.' " * Did they bring me here V " * You was born here, as near as I can find out.' " After awhile I began to shrink from the presence of those with whom I had been accustomed to associate. I had a long- ing for higher pursuits and nobler pleasures. The imbecile and idiotic were the objects of my especial dislike ; my mind had not been trained sufficiently to pity them. *' One of the women up-stairs had a small mirror, in which I was sometimes permitted to look. " ' Child, do you know that you are beautiful V she said to me one day. " 'Beautiful; what is it?' I knew not the meaning of the word. " ' Do you know that you are pretty, then? nice, sweet, like the flowers and humming-birds.' " I caught a glimpse of her meaning. 160 FEiLA.LE Life among the Mormons. " * No ; no. I didn^t 'spect I was, my clothes is old, and my hair tangled.' " * Never mind that ; you are a thousand times more beautiful than Mrs. Bassett's girls, with all their finery and ringlets. Your hair would curl beautifully, too, with a little care. I know it would. Come, sit down here at my feet, and let me try it.' " I obeyed ^villingly, but it was no easy task that she had undertaken. The hair was tangled, matted, and almost felted ; it had not been combed for a month. " ' This beats all,' she said, after tugging and pulling at the refractory locks. " Warn't your hair never straightened in the world ? There, don't cry, child, or I shan't have the courage to go on with it ; but such a mat I never did see.' " I sobered up, determined to bear the infliction like a heroine, and have my hair curled once. What would the rest of them think when they saw me in ringlets ? " An hour probably elapsed before my hair-dressing was com- pleted, then, with the assistance of some soap and water, my hands and face were cleansed and smoothly polished. " ' I declare, child, it does my eyes good to see you. Look here, and she presented the small mirror. I looked, and screamed with delight.' " 'Now go down, and let 'em see you.' "I hesitated a moment, and then obeyed. A half-idiot woman was passing through the hall, bearing a huge tub of water, as I descended. At my unwonted appearance she gave a start of surprise, dropped the tub, and splashed the beautiful dress of the mistress, who was walking from the parlor, accom- panied by a visiting lady. "The servant stood pale and trembling ; the mistress glanced around and beheld me. But the visitor had seen me first, and the varying emotions of pity, admiration, and surprise were plainly visible on her features. Scenes in a Poor-House. 161 " ' Oh ! it's you, you hussy ; well, I don't wonder you frightened Sally, your hair fixed in that kind of style, exactly like — well, no matter ; but don't appear before rae again in that fashion.'' " ' On the contrary,' said the visitor, * I should be delighted to4)ehold such a beautiful child every day — to have her alway in my presence. Look here, darling ; I never saw such beauti ful ringlets and expressive eyes.' " The last remark was unfortunate, for Mrs. Bassett's two daughters had approached, and were standing by their mother. She glanced angrily towards me, and then at them. " ' Go ui>stairs, and stay till I send for you,' she said, and I obeyed with willingness. "At dusk, I heard the passionate sound of sobbing in the family room. My curiosity could not be restrained, and I crept softly down to listen. Presently, a voice, which \ knew to be Julia's, said, * Oh ! mother, it is too bad ; I can't, and won't bear it. Only to think that lady said her hah' and eyes were the most beautiful she ever beheld. Oh, dear !' " ' Don't cry, Julia. I'll take care that you are never insulted in that manner again, that I will,' and approaching the staircase, she cried at the top of her voice, * Em, come here.' " Trembling with apprehension, I came forward, " * How dare you appear in my presence, with your hair in such a fix to-day — exactly like Julia ? Didn't you know that it wasn't suitable nor fit for one in your condition ?' " ' No, ma'am.' <« 'Well, it isn't, and to prevent you from doing so here- after, I shall cut off your hair. Go, Julia, bring me my scissors.' " Julia was delighted to obey. " ' Now sit down here/ " I sat down before her, and the operation commenced. In a 162 Female Life among the Mormons. few minutes my hair was all cropped short, close to my head. Julia laughed outrageously. " ' There, Julia, hush,' said the mother. ' Vm sure it looks much more becoming and proper for a girl like you, whose mother was a' She stopped. " ' What was my mother V I inquired. " ' Nobody ; but now go to bed at once.' " I retreated, and Julia remarked as I passed out : * She won't look so beautiful to Mrs. Burney now.' " I went up stairs, and met Betsey at the entrance of her room. " * Sakes alive, child, what have they been doing to you V she cried out. " The lights were burning, and she could see very plainly. " ' Cutting off my hair.' " ' Heathens I Barbarians I Who done it ?' " 'The mistress.' " * What did she do that for ?' " * She said it wasn't proper for one in my statiou to wear her hair as Miss Julia wore hers.' " * Station, indeed I better talk about station I Her father, died in jail, and her mother was supported by the township for years ; and this lady here, who talks about station, worked around the country at pot-wrestling, till Bassett, an old widower, with a small house, and a large family, took pity on her,' and Betsey was obliged to pause, and take breath. " I stood listening, though unable to comprehend the full meaning of the words. " ' Betsey, what is that you are saying ?' called Mrs. Bassett, from the foot of the stairs. " ' The truth,' replied Betsey. " ' Well, don't you never dare to speak such words of me again. I won't bear it, indeed I won't.' The Poor-House in an Uproar. 163 " * Yes ; yoa will bear it/ replied Betsey, whose dander was fairly up. " You will bear it, because you can't help it ; and as for my telling it, I shall do that just when I please. Here, you've cut off this poor child's hair for no earthly reason, only because Mrs. Burney praised and noticed it. It's a real wonder that you didn't dig out her eyes, and smear corrosive sublimate over her face, to make her as ugly as your great red-faced, flat- nosed brats.' "Mrs. Bassett had several times attempted to -speak, but Betsey's eloquence effectually stifled her voice ; and half the persons in the house, hearing the unwonted noise, came rushing to the scene of action, demanding what was the matter V "'Why; just look I' said Betsey, 'just look!' and she dragged me forth in plain view. ' Just see how she cut off that poor child's hair, because it was so much prettier than Julia's ?' " ' Did the mistress do that ? — what a shame I — what a shame I' " Mrs. Bassett, provided with a long lash, which she laid lus- tily about her, finally succeeded in dispersing the crowd, when I retreated timidly to bed. " The next day, Mrs. Burney called again, and inquired for me. I heard her pleasant voice, and Mrs. Bassett's reply. " ' Excuse me, madam, but what can you want with the child?' " ' I want her to go home with me ; I have obtained a permit to take her, from the overseers.' " ' For a servant V suggested Mrs. Bassett. " ' No ; for a daughter. I wish to adopt her, and make her my heir.' " * You certainly do not wish to adopt a child whose mother was a' I could not hear the remainder of the sentence. " ' Mrs. Bassett, I have said it. The child is good and pure, and exceedingly beautiful. Will you please to call her V 164 Female Life among the Mormons. " Mrs. Bassett hesitated, as if seeking some excuse, but find- ing none, she ordered me into the parlor. " Mrs. Burney gazed on my shaven head with looks of min- gled surprise and pity ; then turning to Mrs. Bassett, she inquired : " * Who wrought all that ruin V " ' If you mean, who cut off her hair — I done it. I don't con- sider it proper for a child in her condition to wear curls.' " Tear& sprang to the eyes of Mrs. Burney, as she said : " ' Oh 1 Mrs. Bassett, how could you be so cruel ? Come here my darling — but your curls will grow again. We will have some tonic to start it.' " ' Am I going home with you V I said, nestling close to the kind lady. " ' Yes, darling ; you shall go with'me, and be my daughter.' " ' What is daughter V " ' I'll be a mother to you,' she answered. " ' Will you ? will you ?' I cried, dancing around the room. VOh ? I shall be so happy I' *' I had no experience of the love or tenderness of a mother, bui; yet an instinct of nature told me that it was something exceedingly pleasant and endearing." The account of the residence of Emily with Mrs. Burney, and her experiences in that situation, must be deferred to another place. Polygamy encouraged by the Prophet. 165 CHAPTER XIX. SUNDRY MATTERS. I T is scarcely necessary to remark that with the demise of Smith, Mormonism took a new aspect in many partio^rs. This is chiefly to be attributed to the difference in the characters of the leaders. B m, though professing to believe in mira- cles, rarely attempted the exhibition of them, and finally, ceased to talk of any such thing. Smith had introduced spiritual- wifery, under the pretence of a pure platonic, or rather spiritual affection ; B m openly advocated polygamy ; and, in order that his i)recepts and practices might coincide, he espoused three wives in one day. Before the demise of Smith, however, polygamy was slowly coming into practice, though the senti- ments of the ladies were divided on the subject. It was decided by the latter to be not simply a privilege, but a duty, and the virtues of the believers were estimated very much by the num- bers of their wives. During the journey, however, they had little time for marrying, or giving in marriage. Our guide was a young man, named Harmer, who bore the title of Captain, in consideration of his having once held that office in the Mormon legion, those first pioneers of that faith, who, in the service of the United States, had explored the region of the Great Salt Lake, in their overland route to Caliv fornia. It was chiefly through his representations of the health, and beauty, and fertility of the country, that the Mormons had 166 Female Life among the Mormons. been induced to emigrate thither. And Harmer seemed fully competent for the task he had undertaken. Hale, energetic, and robust, he appeared incapable of fatigue, and being endowed with great self-command, he readily acquired an unlimited influ- ence over the minds of others. We travelled for several days through a country sparsely inhabited by white people ; over great rolling prairies, with pro- bably a small house in the midst, like a solitary ship in a boundless expanse of ocean ; along the banks of muddy, marshy streams, and beneath the shades of the imposing cotton-wood trees. Here we had few adventures worth recording — perhaps a w|£Ou broke down, or a horse became lame. Not unfrequently we^^re entertained with the music of those family-organs, squjilling babies. Sometimes a refractory mule refused to do its duty, or a cow parted from our company without saying " good bye." On the whole, however, we had a fine time of it, espe- cially when compared with what was to come. We numbered one hundred and twenty wagons, each wagon being drawn by four mules ; fifty horsemen, and twenty-five led horses ; besides a great number of cattle, sheep, and hogs, designed to be slaughtered on the way for food, or to serve for stock when we arrived at our journey's end. When we arrived at St. Louis, we found several other wagons waiting to join us, and, after a short delay, proceeded to cross the Mississippi, and strike off through the uninhabited ocean of prairie. It may be as well to observe, in this place, that, in consequence of time and trouble, I have forgotten the names of many of the streams and mountains, and can only testify as to the general features of the country. We took the Santa Fe road, however, and, continuing that »day in the same direction, encamped at night on the borders of a small stream. During our journey, it was customary to encamp about an hour before sunset, when the wagons were so . A Stampede. 16t arranged as to form a sort of barricade, in a circular form, in the centre of which tents were pitched in military style. The mules and horses were then hobbled and turned loose to graze, in company with the stock, which the men w^atched and took care of by turns. At nightfall the horses, mules, and oxen were collected and picketed — that is, secured by a halter to a stake, one end of which was driven in the ground, while the cattle and sheep were brought into the enclosure. At day-break the camp was roused, the animals turned loose to graze, and breakfast prepared. Mrs. Bradish was exceedingly busy, and professed herself to be in raptures with such a nomadic mode of life. " Wasn't it nice and romantic," she said, looking round. " So many families all cooking and eating in the open air, exactly like gipsies." " It looks rather strange," I said. Mr. Ward brought in his usual comparison of the Israelites journeying to the Promised Land. " And once there," interposed B m, " we will show the heathen our power and independence of them and their devilish government. Yes, there " , and he nodded authoritatively. We halted at noon, for an hour or two, to rest and dine, and on the second day of our route forded a small stream. While making our encampment at night, one of the women became frightened at a huge spider. Her screams terrified the horses ; they commenced rearing and plunging, and finally broke loose, when they set off over the hills at full speed. Harmer and some others went in pursuit, but did not return with the fugitives till near morning. Mrs. Bradish could not conceal her vexation. " Now see what you have done I I'd be ashamed of myself — 'fraid of a spi- der. What if they should all get lost, and not return at all ? Pretty times we should have without Harmer, wouldn't we ?" 168 Female Life among the Mormons. Mr. Ward said he anticipated no danger of sacli a catastro- plie as that, yet he could not conceive what a woman saw in a spider to be frightened at. Her husband scolded her severely, and even threatened to use his lash about her back, at which B m smiled complacently. Indeed, I observed that the further we removed from the civil- ized settlements, the more tyrannical the husbands became, and I finally began to wonder what would be the end of it. Towards morning it began to rain heavily, and as our tents were formed of light and thin materials, they afforded but slight resistance to the watery element, and a more deplorable look- ing set than we presented, when morning came, can hardly be imagined. We were all wet as drowned rats, to use a familiar expression, and, though sharing the misfortune of the others, I laughed heartily at their doleful appearance. Some seemed to enjoy the scene with me, others cried, the babies squalled lustily, and not a few of the men employed language that sounded mar- vellously like swearing. " My young un's actually drowned," said a woman, coming forward and holding up a lean, pale child, that looked, indeed, as if it had been water-soaked. " Hold it up by the feet, then," said one of the men. " In that case its head will drop oflF," said another. "Oh, dear, just look at my bonnet I" screamed one of the girls. The bonnet had been stiffened with paste-board, and now it seemed a mass of wet paper and starch. " Well, it's too bad," said Mrs. Stillman, sen. " I never thought such things could happen." " I never thought such things could happen," echoed the old man. Louisa said that she expected just such things, and much worse. A Rain-Storm in tee Praibiks. 169 ** Then you was a fool," said Mrs. Beardsley, " for ever starting on such a barbarous journey. Only to think of it, I wonder what will come next. Here's my knitting-work, wet as a hog. I can do nothing at all with it.'' " Bat, mother, it will dry when the rain ceases." " Rain cease, indeed !" said the old lady ; " when will it ever cease ? Why, I've heard say that it rained two or three weeks, right straight ahead, sometimes." Harmer, who had returned, looked up with the utmost seri- ousness. , " Why, madam, that's nothing at all to what I've seen. Why, I've known it to rain for six months ; and we even got so used to the water once, that we went diving and paddling about, like a parcel of ducks," "Then heaven help me !" said the lady, "for I could never live through it." But the worst of it was, we could not light a fire to get break- fast, and such provisions as we had, were thoroughly soaked. B m took the thing with all the coolness of philosophy, or fanaticism. " The rain," he said, " was probably sent to try their faith and patience ; and he hojied and trusted that they would manifest the spirit of true believers." Mr. Ward suggested that a shelter for the fire should be made, by arranging in wigwam fashion some of the wagon- boards. This was soon done, and then one family after another prepared breakfast ; but it was eaten without much pleasure. The men stood round, with the water running from their slouched hats ; the garments of the females hung straight and dripping ; five or six infants, who crept instead of walking, were spatting and plashing in the little pools ; while the youngsters of eight or ten years were running, hallooing and whooping, like young savages, through the rain and mud. At length Harmer burst into a loud, uncontrollable laugh. ITO Female Life among the Mormons. " I declare, it's better than any show I ever witnessed, just to Bee how vou all look. Do see Mrs. Beardsley's hair !" The lady's hair, being false, had fallen down over her face, where it hung, dangling and dripping. Towards noon the rain ceased, and the sun came out very warm, which gave us an opportunity to dry our wet garments. Here, likewise, an ox was butchered for food, and the meat equally divided among the company. The consequences of the rain, however, lasted for some timat Several of the children, and some of the women, became sick. Fortunately, I had provided many little essentials of medicine and comfort, while in St. Louis, which were now extremely useful in ministering to the wants of the weak and diseased. Mrs. Mur- ray was of the latter, but though she had so kindly administered to her husband, when he was wounded, on the present occasion he paid little attention to her, but employed himself in caressing and riding with Mrs. Cook, Oh, the vanity and perversity of men I It cannot be denied, that the neglect of her husband, and the scorn of his companion sorely grieved her sensitive mind, and. had a great effect in shortening her life. Indeed, I attributed her disease to this, more than to any other cause. She grew melancholic, and would remain a whole day without speaking or noticing any one. Then one of her children was seized with malignant dysentery. The mother looked up joyfully, and smiled. " My children," she said, " have been the only ties that bound me to earth. I thank my heavenly Father that he has heard my prayers, and is about to remove them first. Yes, Father, I thank Thee," she exclaimed, lifting her eyes and hands to heaven, "that in the midst of judgment, thou hast remem- bered mercy, and art about to take us to Thyself." That night, the other children were attacked, and before the* sunset of the following day illuminated the tops of the distant mountains, the three had fallen . asleep. The mother neither A Solemn Scene. HI wept nor murmured ; indeed, she looked radiant with holy joy ; and the spiritual expression of her eyes was a rapture to behold. I prepared the snowy garments for the dead, and they were laid out in their soft, cold beauty, beneath the thousand stars, and the quiet moonbeams. Their grave had been prepared at the foot of a grassy hill, on the banks of a small stream, beneath the shade of a grove of poplars. Three attendants stood near, with flaming torches, whil» two by two came the long procession, to gaze on their pallid faces. Mr. Murray approached, the mother of the dead children hanging on his arm. Surely, conscience was at work in his soul ; for his knees trembled, and throwing himself on the ground, beside the dead, he groaned aloud. Not so with the mother : she stood calm and collected for a moment, then stooped and kissed the icy brows, smoothed the death-damp locks, and then raised a clear song of thanksgiving and triumph, that her darlings had gone before ; that she was about to fol- low. 'Twas a strange and impressive spectacle : the night ; the gleaming torches, showing, fitfully and indistinct, the gathered multitude ; then the dead children — -"the open grave — the weep- ing father, and that mother, raising a strain of victory and immortal hope. After the ceremony was concluded, I pressed forward to offer her ray hand. "Will you spend this night with me?" she asked ; "some- thing whispers that it will be my last." " I will, certainly, if you wish it ; but don't indulge in such gloomy reflections." " Gloomy ?" she said ; " Oh, they are ones of happiness to me !" Informing Mr. Ward of her wish, I retired to her tent. Mr. Murray came in and sat down in one corner, unperceived by her. She lay on a pallet, and now that the excitement of the past hour had worn off, she was pale and weak as a child. 172 Female Life among the Mormons. " I wished that you should be present with me, Mrs. Ward, in this, which I firmly believe to be my last hour. I have long had a presentiment that my death was near, and the thought was one of rejoicing. I had nothing on earth to live for but my children, and now they are removed, and I thank God — I thank God I" She lay still a moment and then resumed : " You have sym- pathized with me in my great affliction, an affliction which has been sanctified to my soul's eternal interest ; once I believed in Mormonism ; once I forsook the faith of my father, and forgot the dying admonitions of my mother. But the estrangement of my husband opened my eyes, and I felt — I knew — that a belief which sanctioned and promoted such sinful practices, must be of the Evil One ; and then I said, in the language of the patriarch, * Oh, my soul ! come not into their secret ; to their assembly, my honor, be thou not united.' But circumstances forbade my return to the friends of my youth, for T must be weaned from my idols." " You weary yourself, Mrs. Murray," I said ; " here, take this," and I administered a pleasant cordial. " Feel my pulse," she said. I did so ; there was not the least perceptible flatter. I saw that she was sinking rapidly. " Joy I joy 1" she said. " I go." Mr. Murray could contain himself no longer. He rose, and approached the bed. " Sarah, my wife," he said, "have you no regref for me ?" She opened her half-shut eyes, extended her thin, pale hand, and faintly murmured, "My husband, I pity and forgive you." " And is that all ?" he said, choking with emotion. " What more is necessary ?" " Wretched man that I am," he groaned. " Oh ! that I had remained true to you and virtue." The Closing Scene. 173 Mrs. Murray seemed to have forgotten his presence. " Bend near me, Mrs. Ward," she murmured. I stooped over the bed. " My last request is to be buried beside my children ; but don't let that man, B m, come near me. I forbade his attendance at the burial of my babes. Yes ; I knelt down, and implored and begged him to stay away. Oh I the Mormon faith will not do to die by." " In what faith do you die ?" I said, solemnly. " The faith in which I was born, and here," she said, " here is a letter which I wish you to send to my venerated pastor, should an opportunity ever occur," and she drew from the folds of her garment a sheet of paper, delicately traced. " You will send it ?" she murmured faintly. "If an opportunity ever occurs." " Now read." I opened a well-worn Testament that lay beside her on the bed, and commenced reading. Once or twice she attempted to speak, but her voice faltered. At length, I came to that inimi- tably beautiful passage, " I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord, whosever believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." Summoning all her strength, she articulated, " Amen I amen I Lord Jesus receive my spirit." There was a gurgling in the throat, a shadow passed over the countenance, and all was still. " Let me die the death of the righteous, let my last end be like his." Mr. Murray arose from his recumbent posture, gazed mourn- fully at the face of the dead, and prepared to go out. " Will you call Mrs. Stillman to my assistance ?" I asked. He assented, and in a few minutes that lady came in. That 114 Female Life among the Mormons. night we sat witli the dead, and when the morning dawned, the children's grave was opened to receive the body of their parent. As no clergyman was present, I read over the grave the beautiful and affecting burial service of the Church of England. Mr. Murray seemed deeply affected at the time, but his versa- tile mind could not long retain the impression of a painful sorrow. CHAPTER XX. FORDING A RIVER, AND US CONSEQUENCES. AS yet, we had found no difficulty in crossing the streams. They had been wide, but shallow, with hard bottoms, and the mules had easily drawn the wagons over them. However, the evil was yet to come. We came one day to the banks of a deep, tnrgid, and rapid river, two hundred yards wide, with au apparently rocky bottom. There was a general halt ordered, and a consultation took place. Some proposed to unload the wagons, take then! to pieces, and ferry the whole over in a small India rubber boat, that belonged to the company ; others proposed to build a raft capable of supporting the wagons and their loads ; while yet a third party were of the opinion that the mules could swim across, and draw the wagons after them. " xSo such nonsense as that," said Harmer ; " they'll certainly get tangled in the harness and drowned. I tell you, we must make a raft," and seizing his axe, started off for a poplar grove. He was soon joined by several others, and the raft was directly in process of construction. " I'd like to know how we are to get over anyhow," said The First Great Difficulty. 175 Mrs. Beardsley. " Heaven knows, I wish I were back again. What a dreadful soaking we had the other day, when it rained. Poor Mrs. Murray and her children actually died of it. Mrs. Crosman says, she hasn't been well since, and that two of her children came very near having the inflammation of the lungs. It's dreadful to think of." " So it is," said Mrs. Stillman, sen. '• So it is," echoed her husband. Mrs. Bradish, as usual, was all heroism. She would go over on horseback, she said ; and dressed in man's apparel, she rode up and down the stream to discover the safest place to enter. She even proposed that every horseman should take a woman behind him, and cross the stream with her, that being the safest and most expeditious mode of conveyance. ^'Have faith, and all will be well," cried B m ; "as for me and my wives we could walk over dry shod, if I willed -it ; but I don't." " I wish you would will it, and take us all over that way," said Mrs. Beardsley. " I'm sure I don't want my knitting-work to get wet again. It was two days drying, and in two days I might have knit a stocking." "If there was nothing o£ more value than your knitting- work getting wet, small damage would be done," said Louisa. Yet Louisa was wrong in her remark ; for things are valua- ble only as they are esteemed. " Can any one tell me what they are trying to make down there ?'^ said Mrs. Stillman, sgn., as she came round to the fire where I was preparing dinner. " They are building a raft," I answered. " What kind of a thing is that ?" she inquired. " Oh I I can't describe it ; but you will probably see before long." " Well, such work as we have I never did see." 176 Female Life among the Mormons. " I never did see," echoed the old man, who had followed his wife. "I don't see anything strange at all," said Mrs. Bradish. " It's nothing strange that there's a river, or that it has to be crossed, or that a raft should be built for that purpose. I made my calculations on these things." The raft was soon constructed. It consisted of middling-sized logs, bound together hj very strong ropes and chains, on which thick planks were laid, and fastened with iron spikes. One wagon only could be taken over at a time, and the process of crossing immediately commenced. Twenty-five horsemen were to go go over first, in order to carry the ropes attached to the raft. Mrs. Bradish declared that she would go with them, and insisted that twenty-five of the women should each choose her cavalier, and pass over on horseback. "JDon't think of such a thing," said a man by the name of Randolph, who had joined us at St, Louis, and who was infi- nitely fond of leading, directing, and giving advice. "Don't think of such a thing, ladies ; you can go over in the wagons with much less danger of getting wet. Don't you think so, Bro- ther B m ?" Mrs. Bradish gave him a look that might have withered him. " I don't see why you men must always interfere in the affairs of the women. I have decided on my course. What say the others ?" " Come, Emily, go with me ; I'll carry you over like a duck," said Harmer. Our stately hierarch approached, and advised Emily to wait and go with him. " I prefer to go with Mr. Harmer," said Emily. The two men exchanged glances. There was defiance and pleasure on one side, malice and envy on the other. From that day forth they were rivals. Perilous Passage. lit Many of the younger women decided to go over behind the men on horseback — it was so romantic. I preferred to remain in our wagon with my husband and his children. Mrs. Bradish mounted her steed with its sweeping mane and tail, and first plunged into the stream. She was followed by Harmer and Emily, and after them came the rest. Several of the horses became restive, and some of them seemed actually incapable of resisting the strength of the current. They were carried imperceptibly down the river. This was especially the case with the one Mrs. Bradish rode. Then he grew mad and frightened at the unwonted exertion, and began to rear and plunge in the water, sometimes striking the rocks with his fore-feet, and throwing himself above the waves, and then almost entirely disappearing beneath the turgid swells. The lady, however, kept her seat nobly, though the steed grew more unmanageable every moment. Trembling and frightened we beheld her danger from the shore, but could not go to her assistance. The horsemen were too deeply engaged with their own restive animals, and the partners of their danger, to afford her the protection she required. At length a huge wave, sweep- ing directly against her waist, carried her instantaneously from the saddle. She retained sufficient presence of mind, however, to buoy up herself for a moment, and, springing forward, she caught the horse by the neck ; neither did she quit her hold till both were safely landed on the opposite bank. She then took off her cap, wrung the water from her dripping hair and garments, and waved her handkerchief in token of success. A loud shout greeted her, and in a few minutes more we had the satisfaction to perceijre that the whole company were safely over. The wagons were then drawn over, one by one, on the raft, though not with- out danger and difficulty, in consequence of the strong current. , " We're sinking 1 we're sinking !" said Mrs. Stillman, sen. j " didn't you feel it then T' • 1-,, ■•••.'■• ^(r.v-.i 118 Female Life among the Mormons. • " Yes I didn't you feel it ?" echoed the husband as usual. " Feel what ?" inquired Louisa. " Why, the sinking I Lord help ! — it's all going to pieces !'* she cried. The raft had caught on a sharp, jagged rock, and the utmost exertions were required to get it loose. Randolph persisted that everything went wrong because his advice was not fol- lowed. *' The raft, I tell you, wasn't made right in the first place. Don't you say so, Brother B m T' " Randolph, shut up," said one of the others. " Here mount this mule, take a pole, and plunge into the stream, and help to work the raft ofiT. It's stuck on the rock fast as a roach." Randolph said he should do nothing, as the whole aflTair had been transacted contrary to his advice. "If you don't, by the devil," said the person addressed, "you may get your wagon over the best way you can, for I'll have nothing to do with it." " Xor I either," said another. ** Nor I," " Nor I," shouted a third and fourth. " Well, I think" — commenced Randolph. "Who cares what you think? Stop vour talk, and go to work." Randolph turned away sullenly, seized the pole, and com- menced operations. At length, after long-continued and great exertions, the raft was gotten clear, and the wagon landed. " Oh ! dear !" said Mrs. Stillman, rubbing her hands ; how glad I am that we are safe. I expected to go to the bottom every moment." " We expected to go to the bottom every moment," said the old man. " That was very foolish," said J^Irs. Bradish. " What was foolish ?" The Catastrophe. 179 *' Why, to be afraid when there was no danger." " Come here, mother, and warm yourself by this fire, and have a good cup of coffee." While they were partaking refreshments, we went over, and the raft being carried higher up, we had no difficulty. Mrs. Beardsley insisted on remaining till the very last wagon, because, she said, " if all the rest got over safely, there could be no danger for her." But the night was fast coming on, and in their anxiety to get all over before the darkness closed in, it was decided to put upon the raft the two remaining wagons, with their accompany- ing loads. The raft had evidently sustained an injury on the rocks, for the minute it was launched the last time, it parted in the middle, precipitating the wagon in which Mrs. Beardsley rode into the foaming torrent. It was instantly submerged. One wild piercing scream rose from the water, it was answered simultaneously from the shore. " Mother ! mother 1" shrieked Louisa. " Oh I mother will be drowned ; but she wouldn't come over when we did. Oh, dear I oh, dear 1" and rushing down to the water, she would have plunged in, regardless of the consequences, had not her hus- band prevented her. Twenty men were by this time in the water, and Louisa had the unspeakable satisfaction to see her mother drawn from the waves, though cold and insensible. , " She has only fainted," said one of the men, " she don't appear to have swallowed much water." " With warming, and rubbing, and the application of restora- tive, I think she will recover," said Mr. Ward. We removed her wet garments, wrapped her torpid limbs in warm flannels, bathed her face with camphor, and applied harts- horn to her nostrils. " Just the way," said Mrs. Bradish, *' a cowardly person is almost certain to run into danger." 180 Female Life among the Mormons, " But you are no coward, and I thought you were in some danger/' I said. " I in danger! not in the least. I felt no more frightened than I do this moment." " It's something dreadful to be upset in the water that way," said Mrs. Stillman, sen. "It was more of a setting down, I should think," said Harmer. By this time she had recovered sufficiently to open her eyes and commence speaking. " I shall never forgive myself in the world for persuading her to come with us, if she gets hurt," said Louisa. " Hurt," said the old lady, looking at her daughter. " Did you say I was hurt ?" " I hope not, dear mother." " But where am I ? what is the matter ?" she inquired. " Oh I I remember, the wagon tumbled from the raft into the water. Wasn't that it ?" Louisa nodded affirmatively. " And I was wet, water-soaked, wonder if it'll kill me, like it did poor Mrs. Murray and her children ?" While we were attending to her, the men had succeeded in driving the cattle over, and all were safely encamped by the time that the young moon arose over the hills. " And so I're been drowned and come to life again. It's a miracle of mercy. I can believe it," said Mrs. Beardsley, as myself and Mrs. Bradish entered her tent that evening. " Xonsense," said Mrs. Bradish, " you were no more drowned than I was — you were only wet and frightened ; that was all." " Oh I you needn't talk that way. I was drowned. I know that my sensations were those of a drowning person exactly." " And what were your sensations ?" /^ Alarmed by Indians. 181 "They wouldn't bear description," said the old lady, evidently a little piqued. Mr. Stillman soon came in, and informed us that some of the scouts had returned with information that a large party of Indians were stationed on a neighboring hill. " Are they enemies ?" inquired Mrs. Bradish, " To be sure they be," said Mrs. Beardsley, " Indians always are. Twice we've been drowned, now it comes our turn to be roasted; I only wonder what'll be next." " It is impossible to tell whether they be friends or enemies ; if the latter they will probably attack the camp to-night. It will be necessary to set a double watch, and be prepared for any emergency," said Mr. Stillman. " I knew we should never live to get there, and I said so from the first," said Mrs. Beardsley. '^ Did your knitting-work get wet ?" inquired Mrs. Bradish. " Yes ; it did, and the color run, so it's spoiled." " That's a great misfortune." I proposed returning, and we went to our tent. We found Mr. Ward somewhat alarmed about the Indians. He said, they were evidently a war party of the Sioux, who had been on an expedition against the Crows. It will hardly be supposed that we slept that night. The presence of a party of marauding savages was anything but pleasant, and when I remembered all the horrid things they were capable of doing, my apprehensions became intoleralSe. Two or three times in the night we were alarmed by the screams of some night-bird, and the distant howling of a wolf, but the morning dawned, and found us safe and sound. 182 Female Life among the Mormons. CHAPTER XXI. •WOMEN LOST OR CAPTURED. ii rpHANK heaven," said Mrs. Beardsley, while we were JL preparing breakfast. " Thank heaven that we are alive this morning. I expected to have been carried off bodily." " I had faith that we shouldn't be attacked. I prayed fer- vently that the Lord would discomfit these sons of Belial, and the fervent effectual prayer of the righteous availeth much," said B m, the leader. " Pugh !" said Harmer, " I know better than that, what started off the Indians. They found out that we had discovered them, and so they have slipped out of the bag. Now they will probably hang around, and like enough attack us at some inde- fensible point unawares. These red-skins are up to all sorts of deviltry." " Fiddle on the Indians," said Mrs. Bradish, " I ain't a bit afraid of them, and. now that they are gone I mean to have a good cancer over the prairie. The morning is fine, and I know that it will do me good after my wetting yesterday. Emily, you will ride with me, won't you ?" " The experiment will be attended with great danger," said Harmer. " Don't go." " You tliipk we can't take care of ourselves," said Mrs. Bradish, laughing, " we'll show you the contrary." " I think," said Harmer, solemnly, " that the Indians are lurking about. It will be their policy to cut off stragglers. FOOLHARDINESS OF MrS. BrADISH. 183 "But I ain't a straggler," said Mrs. Bradish. " The Indians might think you one, however, if they saw you alone." " I don't intend to be alone. Emily is going with me." We all used our best endeavors to dissuade Mrs. Bradish from her rash undertaking, but in vain. The very alarm we manifested seemed only to strengthen her resolution. " My steed carries double finely," she said. " He is famous on a race, and will easily distance the Indians, should there be any about, of -which I am doubtful." *'You will, possibly, find out to your cost,'^ said Harmer. "If Emily could only be induced to stay.'^ " Oh, it's Emily you care about." " I think you are running uselessly into danger," said Ran- dolph. " Don't you think so, Brother B m ?" "I have faith," said B m, "that the heathen have all been discomfited by an angel of the Lord ; and that the sisters may go forth with perfect safety." " There, there ; now you see," said Mrs. Bradish, laughing. " Come, Harmer, be my cavalier, and bring round the steed." " Mrs. Bradish, will you permit some of the men to ride with you," said Harmer, approaching where the lady was saddling her horse. " If you persist in going, allow me, at least, to send a guard with you." "With me I" and she laughed outrageously. "Indeed, Mr. Harmer, I think that you need a guard much more than I do. Timorous people, I almost said cowards, are always in danger." Harmer reddened, and, turning round, left her without saying a word. In five minutes more, she was scouring, with Emily, over the hills. " She is rushing on to certain destruction," said Harmer, " but I can't help it." 184 Female Life among the Mormons. " Well," said Mrs. Beardsley, *' we have more dangers and difficulties to encounter than any other travellers ever had." " Except the children of Israel, when they journeyed, like us, to the Promised Land," said B m. "I don't except any one," said Mrs. Beardsley. "It didn't rain where they were, aod even that Jordan, a little foolish river, had to be dried up by a miracle, that they might pass over dry-shod. There was not one drowned, like I was, nor killed, like poor Mrs. Murray and her children." " You didn't get injured, did you ?" inquired the Prophet. " And I understood that you lost nothing valuable." " Don't you call a great bag of sugar valuable ?" " Did you lose such a bag ?" To be sure I did. Sugar, too, of the finest quality, that I brought along on purpose to sweeten my coffee. And then only think of the disadvantage of having everything wet — my chest of stockings, all Louisa's little stores. Oh dear !" *' I hope that it will be made up to you ten-fold ; I will pray that it may," and B m walked away. Mrs. Beardsley did not look as it she cared much about his prayers. We halted for dinner on the banks of one of those small streams, which look like trenches dug in the prairie. ' The country around us was well timbered, and the air perfumed with the scents of innumerable wild flowers. I had long been uneasy at the continued absence of Mrs. Bradish, and could conceal my apprehensions no longer. " Mrs. Bradish is certainly lost or captured," I said. "It's trouble of her own seeking, but I pity poor Emily," said Harmer. " Let some of the men on horseback go out to look for her," I suggested. "It will be no more than right, on Emily's account; if no other." Fears for the Missing Women. 186 * The name of Emily interested Harmer, " Yes," he said, " let it be done for Emily's sake." " A party of picked volunteers, well armed and mounted, started off in pursuit of the fugitives. We had made our even- ing encampment before they joined us, and then they brought no certain tidings of the women. In a valley, however, about five miles distant, a skirmish of some kin'd had evidently taken place. The turf was broken and torn, as if from the violent plunging and rearing of horses, and near by they picked up a knife that was stained with blood. Harmer was nearly frantic, and Louisa wept in uncontrolla- ble grief. " Well, I knew it would be so,'* said Mrs. Beardsjey. " My wonder is, that we hain't all been carried off. I shan't sleep a wink to-night." " Oh, you're in no danger, not in the least. The Indians won't disturb us any more. They've had a grand dance around poor Emily's scalp before this time, I'll warrant." " Couldn't some of the men go out and try to rescue them ?" said Mrs. Stillman. ** 'Twould be of no usa," said Harmer. " The Indians roam over thousands of miles of territory. It would be impossible to even guess where they might be now." " Oh, but you might possibly find them," said Louisa. " Do try, do, Mr. Harmer ; have pity upon me. Emily was dear to me as one of my own children. Hew can I ever think of giv- ing her up so." " But, after all," said I, "we do net kL^ow of a certainty that they have been captured by the Indians. They may have wan- dered off and got lost in the woods and iiitovmins.l>le pf-^ies, where some friendly hunter or trapper may mes.^ ^)*4^^. We should always hope for the best." " Heaven grant that it may be so," said Louiffa. •186 Female Life among the Mormons. " And if such were the case, how much better would it be ?" said Mrs. Beardsley. " Not much, I fancy. They'd certainly starve, or be eaten by wild beasts, or " " Hold ! mother, hold I" said Louisa. " Don't torture me with such cruel coujectures. The God that notes even the fall of a Bparrow, must be with them. Kothing can happen to them without His permission. He will care for and protect them. In Him is my trust." "How silly you talk," said Mrs. Beardsley. "Don't you remember hearing of that poor child, whom the Indians cut into quarters, and roasted before its mother's eyes ; or that man whom they skinned alive, and who was nine hours dying ?" " Oh, Mrs. Beardsley, stop, stop, for heaven's sake I" exclaimed Mr. Ward, " you will frighten the women out of their senses." Louisa was weeping bitterly. Harmer was roaming about like one distracted ; and that night all was silence and loneliness in the camp. I watched B m narrowly, and saw.that though he evi- dently regretted the untoward fortune of Emily, he viewed the agonies of Harmer with a malicious pleasure. The next day we were agreeably surprised by the arrival of a friendly party of Cheyennes. Several of them brought us various esculent vegetables ; but Harmer only understood their language. They conversed with him some time, and their tones sounded strange and wild, harmonizing well with their appearance. The momeut they left us he came to me, his eye flashing, and his whole appearance bespeaking pleasure and agitation. "These Indians tell me," he said, "that the war-party of the Sioux, with the two women, are encamped about ten miles ahead on the banks of the Yermiliou river. If that is the case, we can overhaul them easily to-night." I* But won't they slip off?" I inquired. The Fearless Scout. 181 ''"No. They are waiting for a party of the Crows, who have been out on a plundering expedition against the Snakes, and who, according to their calculations, will return this way." " But great caution will be necessary." " Oh, certainly ; indeed I think it will be best to keep the matter a profound secret until all our arrangements are made, though I wish to consult Mr. Ward and some others ; but don't let Randolph know. We don't want his advice, and that is all he will be ready to give." The day was already far advanced, and it was decided to encamp in a smooth, green valley, which would afford excellent pasturage for the stock, and send forward a scout to recon- noitre. This task Harmer undertook himself. " If I can only save Emily," he murmured. '' But remember that the liberty of Mrs. Bradish is quite as valuable to her friends," said Mr. Ward. " I hope to be able to save both," he answered ; and putting spurs to his horse, was soon out of sight. " Where has Harmer gone ?" inquired Louisa. " To see if he can discover any traces of our friends." " Bless him for that ; I see he takes an interest in my Emily." " I think so, and I trust it may save her from a snare.'' " To what do you allude ?" " To B m, the hierarch ; he loves her, too." " Impossible ! He has three wives already." " And would gladly take a fourth, provided she was young and beautiful." Louisa's countenance changed, as she said, "Is not this horrid custom a dreadful temptation to men ?" " It seems to be," I answered. " Oh, it is, it is ; it must be," she exclaimed, passionately. "And it would certainly kill me if my husband should take another wife," 188 Female Life among the Mormons. Harmer soon returned with the information that the savages were there in great numbers, and that the greatest precaution would be necessary to avoid a general engagement. Emily was tied to a tree, looking more dead than alive. He could not perceive that she had suffered anygreat violence at their hands. But Mrs. Bradish was fastened up with a small piece of board on her head, at which they were shooting arrows. " And did they perceive you ?" I inquired. " No, indeed ; I left my horse tied in a thick grove, two miles off, and approached them noiselessly and cautiously on foot. They seem to be well-armed and mounted, and we shall proba- bly have sharp work." '* That may be ; at what time to-night will you set out ?" " Kot until after the moon sets, and the sky becomes dark, and the air very still, and then I wish to pick the men, and lead the expedition. Wonder if Mrs. Bradish will say any more about cowards ?" We kept the good news from all but Louisa, and those who were to join the enterprise. Two hours past midnight, when deep, unbroken silence reigned throughout the camp, a party of fifteen, well armed and mounted, were observed to emerge silently from the shady covert of a willow grove, and disappear almost immediately in the thick obscurity of a neighboring valley. Hence they rode in silence for several miles, along the smooth bottoms and over the grassy hills, till one, who seemed to be the leader, reined his steed at the entrance of a grove. " We will leave our horses here, and go forward on foot," he said, in a voice subdued to a whisper. *' The enemy is encamped just over the hill yonder. Now, don't speak, nor fire a gun, The Re-Capture. 189 nor raise the least alarm. They are probably sleeping, and should such be the case, we may possibly find an opportunity to release their prisoners without giving them any trouble." The company dismounted, tethered their horses to the trees, and advanced through the forest in the utmost silence. Once they were startled by the deep cry of a panther in the distance, and once some bird of night, roused from its perch by their pre- sence, flew away screaming, otherwise neither sight nor sound indicated the existence of an animated being. At length, after rising a hill with unusual precaution, Harmer motioned to his companions to remain in the background, while he crept steal- thily forward. Reconnoitering a moment, he then drew back, and beckoned for the others to approach. Cautiously parting the tall grass and shrubbery, they obeyed. The Indians were all apparently sleeping around the embers of a dying fire, their arms stacked, and the prisoners confined in the centre. Two or three kegs, either containing, or having contained, whisky, were lying about, and appearances seemed to indicate that they had been holding a drunken revel. Some were lying on their faces, others on their backs, and not a few were doubled in apparently uncomfortable postures. The feet of some were towards the fire ; the scalp-locks of others were evidently in danger of being singed. Once, when a breaking shrub made a slight noise, and he came fully into view. Harmer perceived one of the women raise her head, and glance around. It was a critical moment to him, A scream of surprise or pleasure would probably arouse the whole camp, but he made a gesture of silence, and sinking down again, she evidently communicated the pleasing intelligence to her compa- nion. Creeping along the ground like a cat, in the stillest possible manner, Harmer reached the Indian who lay stretched between himself and the women. One blow with a tomahawk, which lay contiguous, cleft through crown and skull, and peue- 190 Female Life among the Mormons. trating the brain, sent the savage instantaneously to his long account. He then cut the thongs which bound the prisoners, and assisting them to rise, the three made their way as expedi- tiously as possible from the Indian encampment. " Harmer, I can't go without my horse," said Mrs. Bradish, " he is tied yonder ; 1 know where, and I must have him." " For heaven's sake, hush,'' said Emily, in a subdued voice, though evidently in great alarm. "I, at least, shall not go after him," said Harmer, in the same low tone. " Let her go if she chooses, but the peril will be hers. I shall stay with you." " Of course, you will," said Mrs. Bradish. " And I desire that you should, but you will please inform me of the direction in which I can find our company ?" " Due east," said Harmer, and Mrs. Bradish was out of sight in a moment. " That woman is bent on running into danger," said one of the party. " I shan't concern myself after her, if she gets retaken," said Harmer, " and I told her as much." " You don't seem to like her very well," said Emily. " Well, I don't." It is scarcely necessary to repeat that this conversation was carried on in whispers, though Emily had assured her compa- nions that the savages were too drunk to be easily awakened. Hastily retracing their former course, they soon came to the grove in which their horses were tied. To loosen and mount them was only the work of a moment, and long before sunrise they had reached our camp. Mrs. Bradish came in about twenty minutes behind them. They were received with congratulations. " I had a revelation, my dear," said B m to Emily, " that you would be restored to us." The Buffaloes. 191 " Had yon, father ?" " Don't call ine father, that is not a suitable title." Emily shriuik from his gaze, and Harmer turned away, muttering something betweeu his clenched teeth. As we had conjectured, they had been overtaken and surrounded by the savages, while galloping over the hills. Mrs. Bradish, true to her character, refused to surrender at discre- tion, and wounded two or three of her assailants. Being dressed in a sort of male attire, they were ignorant of her sex, and when made aware of it, seemed greatly to admire her bravery, saying, in French, " Squaw good shoot ; squaw good shoot." CHAPTER XXII. Emily's narrative continued FOR a day or two nothing unusual occurred. We expe- rienced the daily routine of emigrant life, little varied in its dull monotony, and diversified only by change in natural scenery, or incidents whose only charm consists in their novelty. Some- times the streams were frequented by flocks of screaming plover, and other aquatic birds, while the smooth savannahs on their banks teemed with herds of antelope. Sometimes the prairie bottoms afforded us a very fair road ; but the long grass actu- ally teemed with myriads of mosquitoes and large greenflies from which the horses and cattle suffered severely. Generally/ the weather was pleasant, and the cool breezes were redolent with the perfume of a thousand flowers. One morning we came unexpectedly on an immense drove of buffalo, which were swarming, as far as the eye could reach, over 192 Female Life among the Mormons. the plains, where they had left scarce!}' a blade of grass remain- ing. In the presence of such a huge mass of animated beings, the beholder feels overcome by a strange emotion of grandeur. The continuous undulating motion, the dull, confused noise, unlike any other, and so admitting no comparison, struck us with awe and astonishment. Here a cow, separated a little from the others, stood quietly suckling her calf ; there a huge bull would be rolling and tumbling in the grass ; and, not far off, clouds of dust would prove the existence of au obstinately contested fight. Harmer and several others of the company were all exhilaration with the idea of a buffalo-hunt ; and, as noon was approaching, it was decided to halt, thus affording them an opportunity. They did not return so soon as expected, and, as several of our oxen took it into their heads to join the herds of buffalo, we remained in camp the whole afternoon. Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity, I induced Emily to resame her narra- tive. " My residence with Mrs. Birney would have been very plea- sant," she began, " had the good lady been living independent of domestics, or had these domestics possessed her genial tem- per and kindness of heart. On my first arrival at her house, Mrs. Birney had introduced me to the servants, informing them that she had adopted me as her daughter, and that she expected them to treat me with all the consideration and respect that relation would authorize. *', ' What I that little thing, there, from the poor-house V said Matson, the maid. ' You haven't adopted her V '"Certainly, I have,' said Mrs. Birney; 'and don't let me ever hear an illu.sion to that poor-house again.' " Matson turned up her nose, and left the room. I saw at once, however, that she would be an enemy. Probably she dreaded that my influence might supplant hers, in the mind of Mrs. Birney. At any rate, her taunts and sneers became the The Bitter Taunt. 198 torment of my life, and even more intolerable than the perplexi- ties I suffered at the poor-house. " ' They say you look like your mother, child ; but that ain't much credit to you,' she said one day. •' ' Who says so V I inquired. " I still felt a burning, unconquerable desire to know some- thing of my parentage. Matson had discovered this, and now it was part of her policy to harass and distress me on that score. " ' Somebody that know'd,' she answered, sneeringly. * Your mother was well known in these parts.' " ' Who know'd her ? — for mercy's sake, tell me of one.' '* ' Oh, I can't call names ; and then her character was so bad, nobody would wish to be thought acquainted with her.' " ' And what did she ever do V " ' That ain't telling. I often think, when Mrs. Birney is praising your beauty, and prides herself in dressing you so finely, that if she looked upon illegitimate children with the disgust that I do, she wouldn't have you about her house.' " The cruel words of Matson rankling in my heart and fester- ing in my brain, I sought the apartment of Mrs. Birney, and, walking up to her, requested to know the meaning of * illegiti- mate child.' « ' Why, what put that in your head ?' said the good lady, looking over her spectacles, and regarding me with an expression of sweet, yet curious benignity. " ' Because Matson says that, if you regarded such children as she does, you wouldn't have me about the house.' " ' Well, my child, Matson does very wrong to talk so. I wish you wouldn't pay any attention to what she says.' " ' But I can't help it. She begins to talk of my mother, and I long so to hear something about her. Oh I Mrs. Birney, do tell me of my mother. Matson says she was a bad woman, but 9 194 Female Life among the MoRiioxs. she was my mother ; and maybe her heart was right, after all/ " " Again Mrs. Birney looked up, and her eyes were filled with tears. *' * I can tell you all that I know of your mother, but that is from hearsay. Are you certain, however, that you wish to know V " ' Oh ! I do ; I do !' and I clasped my hands, eagerly. " * The curiosity of our first parents destroyed their happi- ness,* said the kind lady, ' and the knowledge of your mother's fate cannot be other than a bitter legacy.' " ' Not more bitter than this harrowing suspense.' " ' It may serve as a warning, too,' soliloquized the old lady ; * " for, beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold ;" ' then rais- ing her eyes, she continued : * Your mother was very beautiful. Like yourself, she inherited that pleasing, yet dangerous gift. She was the daughter of a widow, and they lived happily together, for many years. At length, a man professing great piety came to the neighborhood, and formed an acquaintance with the widow and the daughter. The old lady was pleased with his manners, and delighted that he preferred her child. He proposed marriage, and the offer was joyfully accepted. He then induced his betrothed to go with him to the city to pur- chase the bridal paraphernalia. There he refused to fulfill his engagements, or permit her to return to her mother, but kept her locked up in a house, whose inmates were lost to every sense of propriety or virtue, and finally left her without saying fare- well. Indeed, she knew nothing of his departure, till the landlady came to turn her from the house, telling her that the gentleman who had paid her board said that he should do so no longer, and that she must take care of herself. We can only imagine her misery and wretchedness — thus forsaken in a large Emily learns Who She Is. 195 city, without a friend or relative or acquaintance to whom she could apply. But then, in that hour of utmost desolation, her confidence in heaven did not forsake her ; and rising, without saying a word, she went forth into the streets.^ " Mrs. Birney paused in her narrative, and wiping her eyes, said, ' Child, the knowledge of your mother will be a bitter legacy.' " Choking with emotion I could only articulate, 'Go on ; go on.' " ' Of course,' continued Mrs. Birney, ' a woman in her condi- tion could only think of returning to her mother. She knew that the cruel, heartless world would only sneer at her sorrows, and insult her misfortunes ; but the mother would receive the poor lost wanderer with love and pity. And alone, and on foot, in the deep dark night, and through the rain, she started. Her strength, however, was inadequate to the successful prosecution of such a journey. She fainted by the roadside, and was found by a benevolent traveller, who lifted her to his carriage, and conveyed her to a neighboring inn. She was found to be violently ill, but her agonies were of short duration, and before the rise of another day, 'Her spirit had returned to the God who gave it." But she lived long enough to rehearse her pitia- ble story, and clasp you in her arms, with the request that you might be sent with a letter, which she wrote with her dying hand, to her mother. She was buried in the paupers' grave- yard, and inquiries made respecting the old lady, her mother. It was ascertained that, overcome with grief and anxiety, she departed this life on the same day that her daughter died. Her property had passed into the hands of strangers, aiM you were an object of charity.' *' ' And so they took me to the poor-house ?' *' * They did ; and now, child, one only chance remains for you to recognize your father should you ever meet him.' 196 Female Life among the Mormons. " ' What is that V " ' That is contained in the letter of which I spoke, and which will be placed in your hands when you are of sufl5cient age to understand its import/ " ' Oh, that my mother had lived,' I exclaimed, pas- sionately. " * I will be a laother to you,' said the good lady, embracing me. ' And don't worry or cause yourself unnecessary trouble.' "I thanked her for the information she had given me, and even felt much happier, that now I knew the worst. My mother had been the victim of misfortune, not of crime. She was good, and beautiful, and innocent, and I could love and revere her memory. And so I used to go out by myself, and, seated in some solitary place, look far away into the deep blue of heaven, and fancy that I could catch a glimpse of the glory there, or a faint echo of an immortal harp. Then I would picture to my imagination the meeting of those two disembodied spirits who had been separated so long on earth ; a^jd many a time, carried away by the blissful and iudescribable ecstasy, I threw myself on the ground, and, weeping tears of adoration and rapture, prayed that I might be permitted to join their blissful company. '* Then, from some source or other, I caught the beautiful idea that the spirits of departed relatives watched over and protected the living. Since then, it has always seemed that my mother is near me, that her presence surrounds me with a holy influence, that her breath is on my cheek, and her soft mild eyes looking into mine. "At' length Mrs. Birney became sick. It was spring; and the violets were just opening in the meadows, and the wrens building their nests in the little boxes which I had prepared for them; and the contrast between the pale wan mortal, hastening to dissolution, and the virgin freshness and beauty of nature, struck me as something inexpressibly painful. One day I made a The Lost Will. 197 remark to that effect in her presence, she smiled softly and sweetly, ' Then you think that dissolution and decay are dread- ful things V " ' Yes; dreadful,' I murmured, hiding my face in the bed- clothes. * Earth is so beautiful, and life so sweet.' " ' But we go to a place where the light is a thousand times clearer and richer than the sun's,' she said, in a clear ringing voice ; ' to a land before whose beauties the most glorious scenes of earth are tame and insipid. What is this life to that immor- tality of blessedness which awaits us there ? Oh 1 thanks, eternal thanks, be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ I' " ' But what will become of me when you die V I cried, burst- ing into tears. " ' I have made ample provision' for your support,' she answered. " ' You wiU have many friends, or many who will profess to be such, but never stray from the path of duty, never for a moment forget your God.' " And she died ?" '"Yes; died like one going to sleep, and I wept over her. Oh I how long and bitterly. Then a strange man came and took possession of her effects. I told him that she had left a will. He smiled incredulously, and demanded the proof. * Here in this drawer,' I said, going to the bureau. ' Here in this drawer, I saw her place it with her own hands.' " * You can look. Miss,' he answered, noddiiig his head between each sentence, * and if such a thing is found we shall see.' And I did look, and search, and rummage, while Matson stood by with her provoking tongue and insulting smile. ' Miss Pauper has no idea of giving up the title of heiress,' she said, ' but she may look till Doomsday and she'll find no will there.' *'. ' Matson,' I replied, ' if the will is not here, you have removed 198 Female Life among the Mormons. or destroyed it, because you only had the privilege of using the keys.' ** Her face colored to the temples : ' What motive could have prompted me to such a deed as that V "'Hatred of me; for you have always hated me, though I never did you any harm/ " ' That is little to our present purpose,^ said the man, * as the will cannot be found, if there ever was one, as the next of kin, I am lawfully entitled to take possession; you, Miss, can stay here, you can be of service to my wife/ " ' Well, I declare, the heiress sinks to a servant,' said Matson. " Without noticing her cruel words, I thanked the man coldly, and told him that I would think of it. " Mrs. Stillman offered me a home with her, which I gladly accepted; but yonder comes Harmer and the hunters, now for a supper of game." CHAPTER XXIII FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. FOR several days nothing unusual occurred. The men amused themselves with hunting buffalo ; the women with the common routine of a camp-life. Those who had babies to nurse had their hands full, as many of the juvenile members of our company had become sick. Those who had not, were never more disposed to thank Providence for the deprivation than on the present occasion. Mrs. Bradish went buzzing about from one wagon to another, like a bumble-bee among clover-blossoms; Strange Advice for a Woman to Give. 199 > consequently, she got all the news, and was made acquainted with every incident that possessed the least interest. She came to oar tent one evening, after supper. I was sitting alone, Mr. Ward having gone to join a council of the elders. " What on earth, Mrs. Ward," she began, " induces you to mope yourself in this manner ? Do you consider yourself better, or not so good as the rest, that you shun every- body ?" " I didn't know that I shunned any one," I answered. "Oh, well ; may be you don't 1 but I've got a good piece of news." What is it ?" " There's to be a wedding in our company, before long." - " Who ? Harmer and Emily ?" " What a simpleton you are !" she cried, laughing. "No; B m wouldn't let that take place." " Think not V " I know it ; he intends having Emily himself ; and then the man of whom I speak has one wife already, but wishes to take another — a perfectly reasonable wish." " I don't hear anything about spiritual wiv^s, as I used to." " Oh, no ; that's done away with. Brother B m had a revelation that all true believers should imitate the example of the patriarchs, and raise up large families to inherit the good land, as well as to be able, at some future day, to go out against the heathen." / ** I think polygamy to be an institution of Satan." "On the contrary, I think it an institution peculiarly adapted to increase our numbers, and, consequently, our strength. I am deeply interested in the prosperity of the church, and so I advise every man to take all the wives that he can get." " But suppose that you were married ; would you be pleased with the idea of having your husband take another wife ?'^ 200 Female Life ^mong the Mormons. " Oh, as to that, I can't tell. I should probably make a vir- tue of necessity." " Poor Mrs. Murray died of a broken heart, at the unkinduess of her husband ; and I doubt not that the wife of this man of whom you have been speaking, will nearly go beside herself." " Oh, she'll rave, I dare say, for she's spunk to the back bone I" " Who is it, anyhow ?" " Mr. Stillman, jr." " What I the husband of Louisa Beardsley ?" " Even so ; but you needn't look so dumbfounded about it," said Mrs. Bradish, laughing heartijy. " He can very well afford two, or even three wives. I told him so, myself. Indeed, I rather suspect the match was more than half of my making." I never knew, before, what it was to be struck dumb. Mrs. Bradish seemed really amused at my astonishment. " Why, what is there in it, so dreadful, after all ?" she said. "He will continue to love Louisa just as well, or probably better, than he does now. You know that a mother dearly loves one child, when she has but one ; when the second is born, she loves that just as well, though no sane person would suppose that her love for the elder was in the least diminished. So a man may take a second wife, though loving and reverencing the first one with his whole heart." " I can see no resemblance between the two cases," I said. " The love of a mother for her child, and a husband for his wife are very different things." " Well, no^v that polygamy is incorporated in our system, the women will have to make the best of it, as it is not likely that the husbands, after once tasting its pleasures and benefits, will be likely to relinquish it." " Does Louisa know ?" " I expect not. She has more than once made her brags to Trouble in store for Louisa. 201 me, that she wasn^t one bit afraid that her husband would take another wife. I could hardly help laughing, then, at her igno- rance of man's nature." " Who is the bride to be ?" " One of the prettiest little girls imaginable — gay and sprightly as a humming-bird — full of life and fun as an egg is full of meat." ** I should hardly think she would suit him, then. He seems to be a serious kind of man." " Have you never heard of the rule of contraries ?" she answered. '* Serious people are always charmed with your lively, versatile characters. Indeed, he is completely fascinated with her. I will tell you how it all came about. We were walking together, Mr. Stillman, Fanny, and myself. Fanuy had been unusually interesting, and I never saw her look so beautiful before. Exercise had given unwonted lustre to her eyes, and color to her cheeks. The gaze of Stillman followed her, and I saw that she was exerting herself to please him. When she parted with us, I said : " ' Mr. Stillman, what do you think of Fanny ?' " ' Why, I think that she is one of the most fascinating women that I ever beheld.' " ' I believe that she admires you quite as much.' " * Do you, indeed ? why, that is quite tempting. If I wasn't married already, I might profit by such condescension on her part.' 'V Married, to be sure you are ; but that need make no dif- ference. The church sanctions, and even promotes, the practice of polygamy. I think that Fanny loves you well enough to be happy even as your second wife.' " He certainly looked pleased ; then a shadow crossed his brow, and he said something, of which I only caught the last word, and that was ' Louisa.' 9* 202 Female Life among the Mormons. " ' If Louisa has the strength of mind, and the good sense that I give her credit for, she will see the expediency and right- eousness of the measure.' " He shook his head, and said nothing. " * Louisa,' I continued, * seems to be done bearing children. She should imitate the examples of Leah and Rachel, who, under the same circumstances, implored their husband to take other partners, in order, thereby, to raise np a numerous progeny.' " Mr. Stillman was too deeply absorbed in thought to answer, and I left him, to have a talk with Fanny. " ' Fanny,' said I, * Mr. Stillman is in love with you.' " * In love with me, delightful,' said Fanny, clasping her hands, ' I made a dead set at our Prophet B m, but little Emily yonder cut me out, though I know that she hates the old fellow like poison.' " ' Well now, Fanny, to be serious, do you really like Mr. Stillman well enough to become his wife, his second wife, for you know that he has another ?' '" As to that,' said Fanny, *I concluded a month since that if I ever married, it would be as a second wife.' " ' Indeed, and what led you to that sage conclusion V " ' Selfish conclusion, you might have said,' she answered, ' but little experience as I have had in the world, I am very well convinced that no man would be satisfied with one wife, where custom sanctioned the possession of two. Now- it must be excessively mortifying to the first wife to have another, brought in to share her empire and honors, and no less sat^'?fac- tory must it be to the vanity of the second, to find herself pre- ferred to that station. Then only think how jealous the first wife must be, while that very jealousy would be a matter of amusement to the second, as a tacit acknowledgment of her suc- cessful rivalship, and, consequently, superior charms.' " * I see, Fanny, that you wouldn't refuse the addresses of Mr. The Painful Discovert. 203 Stillman, aud I think that he would make a very good match/ " *I think so too, and then it would be fun alive to plague that proud wife of his. I always like to see your stiff, haughty things humiliated. Why, Louisa actually insulted me to my face the other day.' '' * How so V I inquired. " ' Oh, it don't matter,' said Fanny, ' but I thought then that I'd get the better of her. Oh, 'twill be too good ;' and she laughed and danced about like the very impersonation of mis- chief" "And is it possible that you could encourage the match under these circumstances ?" said I to Mrs. Bradish. *' It will render Louisa, your friend, miserable for life, and I confess my inability to perceive who is likely to be rendered happier thereby." " We don't expect happiness in this world, and whether or Qot we enjoy it in the next, depends on the self-denial we prac- tise here," said Mrs. Bradish ; and she Walked away. Several days passed away, and I heard no more about the wedding. I had observed, however, that Mr. Stillman and Fanny were frequently together, on which occasions, Fanny would invariably contrive to pass where Louisa could not help but see them. At length Mrs. Bradish came to me one day. " She 's found it all out," said the lady. " Who ? found out w^iat ?" I answered. "Louisa, I mean, has discovered that her husband is about taking another wife." "I could only sigh." " You take it solemnly yet, and so did she, poor thing ; Fanny, the rogue, rather overdid her part. In order that her triumph over Louisa might be complete, she told Margaret Shuff that Mr. Stillman sought her hand, and that she had pro- mised to give him a decisive answer that evening. As Fanny 204 - Female Life among the Mormons. anticipated, Margaret carried the news to Louisa, whose heart was already burning with hate and jealousy." "'They had better take care,' said Louisa, looking like. a thunder-cloud, 'Fan Simpkins is a little too naean and con- temptible for anything ; if my husband had chosen a respectable woman I might * ; but she did not finish the sentence. Under any circumstances, the idea of her husband possessing another wife would haye driven her nearly to distraction. "And knowing this, as you did, Mrs. Bradisb, how could you advise her husband to take another ?" " Because the happiness of an individual, especially when that happiness depends on a wrong estimate of the relative and social duties and privileges of life, sinks into comparative nothingness when compared with the prosperity and well-being of the Church." " Oh, Mrs. Bradish, 1 can't bear to hear you argue in that manner, said I, it seems cruel and heartless." . " When the wagons halted at noon, it occurred to me that I had better call on Louisa, and if she mentioned the circum- stance, endeavor to reconcile her to the match," she continued. " Louisa was preparing dinner. Mr. and Mrs. StlUman, sen Mrs. Beardsley and the children were beside her. She barely saluted me, and her eyes had such a wild, staring, ghostly expression, that I was half frightened." " ' Where is Mr Stillman V I inquired, by way of breaking the ice, ' I see that he is not of your party.' " ' We see very little of him now,' said Mrs. Beardsley, snap- ping her knitting needles, and black eyes at the same time. " ' Well, it's too bad,' said Mrs. Stillman, sen., ' I'd no idea that so steady a man, and admirable husband, would ever give way to such a doctrine of devils.' " 'It's too bad,' echoed the old man, *but as to its being a doctrmo of deyils, I don't know about that.' The Mischief Maker. 205 " For the first time in twenty years the old gentleman had ventured to disagree in opinion with his wife ; no wonder that her astonishment precluded a rebuke. " ' To what do you allude V I inquired, in pretended ignorance. " ' Fan Sirapkins, that despicable creature/ said Louisa, * has betrayed my husband,' and that was all she could say ; yet she didn't weep, didn't cry, nor sob, nor moan, but looked at her children like one demented," " I don't know how you could have the heart to witness her misery, I said." ' " ' It's just as I told Louisa it would be,' continued Mrs. Beardsley, ' her husband was no better than other men, but she wouldn't believe me ; said he was too much attached to her, and so on ; men, however, are all alike.' " ' Not exactly, neither,' said Mrs. Stillman, sen., * grandpapa here, wouldn't think of wanting a young wife, would you, dear V " ' Oh, I reckon not ;' but there was a tone of indecision in his voice that forcibly struck me, and I mentally exclaimed, " Before a twelvemonth we shall see." " * I tell Louisa,' continued Mrs. Beardsley, ' that now the worst has come to the worst — she'll have to make the best of it. If she'd took my advice in the first place.' — " * But as it is, Mrs. Beardsley, it will work round for the best. We have the promise, and Louisa should not be so selfish as to refuse sharing the blessings of a good husband with a sister in the faith/ said I. * We have no reason to suppose that Mr. Stillman has experienced any diminution of affection for her, though he finds- it to be his duty to contribute more effectually to the prosperity of the church by contracting another connec- tion.' *' Louisa moved round mechanically like one in a trance. I saw that some settled purpose had taken possession of her mind, though of its nature I had no definite idea. Mr. Stillman came 206 Female Life among the Mormons. up just as the two families were finishing their dinner. He seemed unusually merry, joked his mother about her cap, told Mrs. Beardsley that he had just made the acquaintance of a smart widower ; asked Louisa what was the matter, that she had advanced ten years at least in age during the past two days. Ko one seemed to partake his hilarity, however, neither was any allusion made in my presence to his approaching nuptials." Here Mr. Ward came up and told us that the scouts had descried an encampment of Indians a few miles ahead, but whe- ther friends or foes remained undecided. "And it don't make much difference which," said Mrs. Bra dish. " Indians and buffaloes are the poetry of camp life." The rumor that Indians were about excited no little agitation among the women. Usually gay groups of girls and children were out walking beside the wagons, or running over the mea- dows to botanize, or gathering pebbles and geological specimens from the hill-sides, or bottoms of the streams. " Oh ! dear Lord !" cried one. ** Indians round, and my gals out walking. They'll be captivated — I know they will." Another one, catching her Fun-b«nnet in her hand, ran a few paces from the wagons, and then stopping suddenly screamed, *' ludians I Indians !" with all her might. Th^n, running on ft short distance further, again stopped, and again brought her voice into requisition. The young people heard her (indeed she could easily have been heard a mile), and came flocking to the wagons like a bevy of young partridges, just as we discerned some dark-looking objects sweeping over the hills at some dis- tance. There was an abundance of fresh horse-tracks, and several carcases of buffaloes, from which the valued parts had been removed, were lying about. We went on quickly and cautiously, Harmer, and the other horsemen, in advance, with loaded rifles. In a few minutes more the Indians were rapidly approaching on their half-wild horses. At first there did not Two OF A Trade can't agree. 20t appear to be more than twenty-five or thirty, but group after group darted into view on the tops of the hills, till all the emin- ences seemed in motion, and in a few minutes, three or four hundred were scouring over the plains. They certainly looked picturesque, adorned with paint and feathers, and the manes and tails of their horses nearly sweeping the ground. Harmer and his companions had levelled their rifles, and I was expecting to see a general, and, perhaps, bloody engagement, when Buckley recognized, and addressed the chief in his own language. The savage seemed astonished, and, swerving his horse a little, passed by at full speed ; then wheeled, ^nd check'mg his steed, returned Buckley's salutation. They proved to be a Pawnee village, among whom Buckley had resided some time as a tra der. We were soon in the midst of the band, and as several of our company understood something of their language, the con- versation became general and exceedingly animated. The chief pointed out to us his village at some distance on our right, and showed us a herd of buffalo, just discernible, like a dark streak on the horizon, which he -said they were going to surround. They had been making a large circuit in order to avoid giving the animals an alarm, when they discovered our approach. In ten or fifteen minutes the women came galloping up on their horses ; they followed the men to assist in cutting and carrying the buffalo meat. As the wind was blowing very strong and fresh, the chief modestly requested us to halt, as he feared that we might raise the herd. We therefore stopped ; the men dismounted, and, as the night was rapidly approaching, it was proposed to form an encampment. One of the elders interfered to prevent this, saying that he had a revelation that we were in ilanger from the Indians. Here B m interposed that the saints were always in danger, but that it had been revealed to him that no harm should befall them on the present occasion, and so it was decided to remain. 208 Female. Life among the Mormons. Meanwhile, the Indians were busily engaged in the work of destraction. Having separated into two bodies, one party pro- ceeded directly across the prairie towards the hills, in an extended line, while the other went oflf in an opposite direction, and instantly the chase commenced. The buffalo started for the hills, but were intercepted, and driyen back, where they met the hunters approaching from the opposite direction. Clouds of dust soon covered the whole scene, preventing us from having other than an occasional view. At length the whole scene faded in the distance, and I turned away to busy myself in the domestic affair of prepj^ring supper. During my culinary operations Louisa Stillman came in, and, seating herself on a low chair, bowed mournfully with her face on her hands. ** You are in trouble, Mrs. Stillman ?" said I. " *' I am,'' she answered. " A trouble of which I never dreamed, deep, horrible and awful, has come upon me." I could find no words in which to console or sympathize with her, and so remained silent. " Mrs. Ward," she said, " I have come to ask a favor of you — a very great favor. You are not one of them, and hence I have confidence that you must feel for me.'' " Indeed I do sympathize with you, Mrs. Stillman," I answered. " I knew — I knew it ! and so I have come to you." " In what way can I assist you," I inquired. " They tell me," she answered, " that my husband and Fan. Simpkins meet to-night to appoint a day for their marriage. Certain it is, that they are to meet in that little grove of pop- lars yonder. Now I wish to know the worst. This suspense is more dreadful than the blackest reality, and so I have come to ask you to accompany me to a place of concealment near by, where I can hear their conversation, and be made acquainted with their schemes." ^ The Listeners. 209 " But, Mrs. Stillman," I began, for my mind rather recoiled from so dishonorable an act as private listening, " is there no other way by which your cariosity could be satisfied ?'* " No other, no other," she replied, bitterly. *' Nothing else will satisfy me. I must know what he says — what he says to her — yes, to her." "And then?" " If he loves me no longer," — she hesitated, and her counte- nance assumed an expression that was frightful to behold. " Well, Mrs. Stillman, I can go with you, if you so earnestly desire it, though I am. doubtful whether the knowledge thus obtained will conduce to your hapj)iness." " It cannot add to my misery ; then, too, 1 shall be relieved from this torturing suspense." Tears sprang to my eyes. *' And Mrs. Bradish," she continued, " my old and valued friend, through whose persuasion and influence we were induced to emigrate, advised my husband to this step. That seems the crudest of all." ** It is cruel," said I, " and how any woman can have the heart to look with such cool indifference on the miseries of another, is a mystery to me." Supper was soon ready, but Louisa refused to eat, saying that she had no appetite. Mr. Ward endeavored to entertain us with some Indian anecdotes, but no one manifestea any incli- nation to support the conversation, and so we relapsed into a gloomy silence. At length the supper was over, the children put to bed, and the usual arrangements made for the night, when I informed Mr. Ward that I wished to go out. He consented, only requesting me not to-be long absent. Louisa took my arm, and we went out The deep shadows of evening lay over the camp, whose large white tents and white 210 Femxle Life among the Mormons, covered wagons presented a strange and unique appearance. " This way," whispered Louisa " we can pass alpng here with- out being observed." We descended into a deep, yet narrow hollow, probably fifty yards from the camp, and, following it for a short distance, came suddenly to the rear of a poplar grove. Concealing ourselves behind a huge tree, which the tempest had overturned, we pre- pared to await the approach of the lovers. We were not neces- sitated to wait long. Steps were heard approaching, 4hen a light merry laugh burst on our tears, accompanied by words like the following : " Oh, fie, you don't expect me to believe that you, who have been a-married man these ten years ?" Louisa trembled like a leaf. " Well, what of that ?" said a voice that I knew to be Still- man's. " What of it ? sure enough. You try to make out that my presence is necessary to your happiness. Haven't you never been happy ? Your wife is beautiful, gentle, and loving. You have fine children. Can't you be happy with them, and without me ?" " Fanny," returned her companion, " how can you doubt my love ? Ever since I first saw you — ever since I first thought of you, you have been my world, my heaven ; your presence to me was what the sun is to the earth, and all is void and darkness without you. For your love, I would sacrifice my life, — I would change my%ery nature, if possible, if thereby I could render myself more agreeable to you. Wife, children, friends are noth- ing, nothing in comparison with your love." I shuddered at these words, so deeply, coldly cruel, and fraught with such horrible treason against an innocent and lov- ing family ; but Louisa uttered one wild, thrilling scream, and fell over with her face to the earth. That scream t — I could never describe it ; it was unlike any other human sound that I ever heard. It seemed the utterance of a long pent, unspeaka- The Voice of Nature will be Heard, 311 ble agony ; the wail of a heart bowed and broken in utter despair. No wonder that the lovers started from their seats ; and, turning round, Mr. Stillman beheld me and his prostrate wife. " What's all this mean ?" he said, in an angry voice. " It means that your unpardonable levity has murdered your wife," I answered. " And has my wife so far forgot herself as to act the eaves- dropper ?" he replied, tartly. " Let's leave these pleasant people to enjoy the discovery they have made," said Fan, taking hold of his arm. Mr. Stillman was turning away, when I called to him to stop. ** Your wife, here, requires assistance," said I ; "Do you prefer that vain, haughty, coquettish thing, to the mother of your children ?'' He turned round, looking somewhat abashed. Louisa had not yet risen from the ground, but lay in a death- like swoon. I raised her head on my lap, loosened her gar- ments, and chafed her burning hands. At length she opened her eyes, like one just awaking from a horrible dream. Still- man had approached, and was bending over her, his broad bosom heaving with emotion, whife Fanny stood, with a mock- ing curl on her lips, a few paces distant. *' Is it you, my hus- band ?" she said, faintly. " I dreamed that you had deserted me — that you no longer loved me. It is not so, is it ? — say, dearest ?'^ " Oh I no, no 1'^ said the miserable man, groaning with agony. "You know," continued Louisa, "that we have not been married a great many years, and yet how happy we have always been, in our old home, there beside the beautiful lake, where lit- tle Ada was born and died ? Methiuks I see it now, with its beautiful green lawn and maple woods, intersected by well-worn paths ? Don't you remember it, my husband ?" 212 ' Female Life among the Mormons. " Yes, yes !" " And how sick I was, and how you watched over me, night after night, fearing, as you said, that I would die ; then all your care and tenderness when I began to recover. Oh ! my hus- band, I have not forgotten it." There was a sound marvellously like weeping. "Mr. Stillman," said Fanny, haughtily, "is it your pleasure to return ?" Louisa caught the words ; half rising, &he cried impetuously, " Leave us, leave him ! you vile, wicked creature f and then she continued talking to her husband, and calling up the memory of old times. " I know I was not worthy of such love and ten- derness as you lavished upon me — that I was impetuous and passionate, and sometimes found fault without occasion, and I well know that I am plain, with very few of good looks to recommend me. I am not so bright and talented as some, and I am no longer young, and yet I loved you, my husband, with my whole heart and soul. 1 never knew what love, or life, or happiness was till I beheld you, and you have been the sum total of my world for years and years. There are many women far more beautiful, and rich, and gifted, yet they couldn't, they wouldn't love you as I have done." He bent over her drooping form ; it was too dark to discern clearly, but I fancied that their lips met. " I often thought that I wasn't good enough for you, and yet I studied to make your home happy, and be to you all that a wife could be, and you were happy and satisfied with me, my husband ; were you not ?" " I was, I was ; Heaven knows that I was," he answered. " And we will be happy again. Fanny can never be to me what you have been, though her beauty pleased my fancy, and my vanity was excited by her preference ; and then that woman, your friend, Louisa, advised me to take another wife." Fond Hearts Re-United. 213 ** I know it, I know it," said Louisa. " Heaven grant that I may find it in my heart to forgive her," I looked around for Fanny ; she was gone. " I cannot live to see you married to another," she said. " No, my husband, kill me outright ere you do this. It would be a mercy, a blessing to relieve me from such unspeakable misery." •i* Well, you never shall see it," he answered, seriously. " No, my wife, I have done wrong, have been weak, and silly, and foolish, but they told me that you wouldn't care, that you cared nothing particular about me, and I suffered myself to be tempted and deceived." Louisa still held him fast in her arms. " And those cruel words you were saying," she whispered. " What were they ? I forget," he said. " I have been drunk, fascinated, intoxicated with a wild, unholy passion, but your words have recalled me to reason. The illusion has vanished. I find in your love something real and tangible, something that I never will sacrifice to a mere passiug fancy for another woman, come what will." ♦' I blame myself more than you," continued Louisa ; " blame myself that I ever consented to emigrate with this people, knowing their habits of polygamy as I did, and knowing, too, that I could never live to see you married to another. The idea of that is infinitely more painful to me than povei-ty or want could ever be. But I loved you sp deeply, and placed such great confidence in your love for me, that I never dreamed such a thing could possibly occur. Oh I my husband, I judged you by myself, fancying that it would be quite as impossible for you to love another, as it would be for me." Stillman was deeply affected. He had loved his wife with all the tenderness of which his heart was susceptible. They had lived very happily together, and now that her words had 214 Female Life among the Mormons. recalled the memory of the past, he felt how much and how deeply he had wronged her, ** I feel that I have wronged you, grievously wronged you," he said, his cheeks wet with tears, and his bosom heaving with deep emotions. " I ought never to have thought of marrying again, because, however right it might be to possess two wives, if it had been distinctly understood by all parties beforehand that such was to be the case, no man should insult a first wife, whom he had married with an express understanding, * to keep himself to her, and to her alone,' by introducing a second to share her privileges and honors. I now see just where I stood," he con- tinued ; " and now, my dear wife, I love you better than before, better than I ever did. Put that love to the test ; there is nothing that I will not cheerfully undergo to satisfy you ; nothing that I will not promise as a recompense for the pain I have given you. Bid me swear that I will never again speak to Fanny, or propose marriage under any circumstances, to any woman whatever, and I will take the oath, nor ever break it while I draw the breath of life." He threw himself at her feet as he spoke ; I felt, I knew that he must be sincere. Louisa embraced him tenderly, and took his hands within her own. "Oh I my husband," she said, " you make me too happy, too happy ; you are, then, mine, and mine alone. And this is all that I ask of you : promise me, that while I live, you will never marry another^ that you will always remain in deed and thought true to me." He did as she bade him, and then, arm in arm and heart to heart, they sat in the cool shadows in all the blessedness of re-vivified affection. Feeling that my presence might possibly be a constraint, I left them, and stole back to our camp alone and unnoticed, yet with a sensation of happiness altogether indescribable. The Disappointed Match-Maker. 215 I found Mrs. Bradish conversing with Mr. Ward. She had been informing him of the wedding likely to take place through her auspices. "Why, bless my heart I" she exclaimed when I entered, " why, you look as if you had just come from a wedding. What remarkably pleasant thing has happened ?" "I have come from a scene better than any wedding," I replied; "the reconciliation of husband and wife. Louisa, your friend," I continued, addressing Mrs. Bradish, "is a happier woman to-night than she has been recently." " Explain yourself," said the lady. " I mean just what I say, that Louisa Stillman is a happy woman, and than Fan Simpkins may die an old maid. And that I am so delighted to think the abominable match is broken off." " Broken ofif ! Fan Simpkins' match broken off, when I pro- posed and advised it I Pray, Mrs. Ward, whose influence has interfered to prevent the consummation of my wishes ?" "Divine Providence, I believe, that opened Mr. Stillman's eyes to the heinousness of the crime he was about to commit." " Pshaw I in two days' time he will change his mind. Fan can manage him, I'll warrant." " On the contrary, Mrs. Bradish, he has taken a solemn oath never to marry another woman while Louisa lives ; I was a witness to it." Mrs. Bradish shook her head and murmured, "We shall see/' 216 Female Life among the Mormons. CHAPTER XXIV. LOVE IN THE WILDERNESS. LOYE in a wilderness — flirtations in a camp — bow agreeably tbey diversify tbe monotony of a long journey. A courtship carried on among Indians and buffalo — on the banks of rivers, at the feet of mountains, and in the bosom of rolling prairies — possesses, at least, the charm of novelty. So thought Harraer and Emily. And then it seemed so natural — so like the birds and gazelles — to love under such circumstances. What heart could avoid it? they could not. When their cosy '' iete-d-fete" was interrupted by some plumed and painted Indian, what could be more natural than for him to throw his arms about her, or for her to cling to him for protection? When the elders had retired to their tents, and the watch to their station, what could be more natural than for them to seek a cosy retreat beside a pile of burning embers, and whisper the soft nonsense, which, however silly to the lookers-on, is extremely interesting to all parties concerned ? '* Come, Emily," said Harmer, " come sit down here by the fire. The brethren have finished their discussion on theology, and the old ladies their pipes and snuff." Emily rather hesitated. The young man threw his arm around her, and drew her towards him. " Come, I want to tell you something." Emily suffered bis embrace, and the whisper sounded marvel- ously like a kiss. Courting by the Camp-Fire 211. " Oh, Emily," he continued, passionately, " why do you keep me in suspense ? Have I not sworn to renounce all my former tastes and habits and inclinations, because my wandering life was disagreeable to you ? Have I not consented to make any sacri- fice which you can demand ? What more can you ask ? You certainly cannot doubt my sincerity ?" " I have no doubts of your sincerity," said Emily. " Whew I what a shower of ashes ;" and she sprang from the arms of her lover. The^wind, suddenly changing, had .blown a hurricane of sparks and ashes over them. Harmer quickly followed, and both took a position to leeward. *' What were you saying, love ?" " That I h Sid no doubts of your sincerity, so far as the present time is concerned ; but your mind may change — that is what I fear. My husband must be domestic — I should moan and grieve, and perhaps die in his absence ; and you — you have become so deeply attached to a pioneer life, it seems to me impossible that you should ever settle down and be contented." " Because you depreciate your influence, my love," he answered. " Oh, you can make me anything — anything. Your power over me has something of the miraculous in it. Say that* you will be mine. Oh, say Confound the ashes !" Emily burst out laughing ; for the wind, having' veered again, sent another shower of ashes and sparks directly in their faces. Again they found it necessary to change their positions ; and, being comfortably seated, resumed the conversation. " I am not rich," said Harmer ; " I have neither gold nor silver nor fine houses. I can offer you nothing better than a hunter's lodge, at least till we get our farms cleared, and our dwellings made in that fine country to which we are journeying ; and yet, Emily, the homeliest dwelling with love, is preferable to a palace without." Emily sighed. ^ 10 218 Female Life among the Mormon& " Pardon me, Emilj," he said, *' but I have something on my mind which I must tell you. Two of the men were talking of you to-day." " Of me I what did they say of me ?" " Be patient, and you shall hear. They said that B m, our leader, was enamored of you ; that you hated and despised him ; but, notwithstanding this, you had consented to become his wife, for the consideration and importance that station would give you, as he had promised to exalt you above the others, something like chief sultana in the Turkish harems." Emily, laughed outright. "A very fine story," she said, " most admirably contrived. But were they the counsellors of the Prophet, or how were they made acquainted with his priva^te affairs ?" "Emily, it grieves me exceedingly to see you turn such a licrious affair into mirth." Emily laughed still louder. " There's nothing serious about it ; those fellows made it all up as they went along. Chief sul- tana, indeed — how ridiculous." " But hasn't B m ever sought your hand ?" " Oh, he has paid me much attention— has offered me several presents, though I always refused to accept them — has invited me to ride with him, and otherwise manifested a partiality for my company, though he never made a formal proposal for my hand." " And, suppose that he had ?" " Well, suppose it." " Would you have accepted him ?" " Pshaw 1 Mr. Harmer, you are not a priest, and this would make a strange confessional. Heigho." A gust of smoke filled the atmosphere with insalubrious soot and vapor. "But I want to know," said Harmer, "whether you would marry B m, or not ?" A True Woman. 219 " Fie I Mr. Harmer, you are getting jealous." Harmer looked as if going into a fit of sulks. Emily had a spice of the coquette in her disposition. She dearly loved to tease and vex her lover ; but she was fond of him, after all. She would tantalize him until he got angry, and then caress and coax him into good-humor. " Now, don't get mad," she said, when his brow began to lower. " Don't get mad, and I will tell you all about it." The gallant ranger slipped his arm familiarly around her waist. " Now, what will you tell me ?" " That nothing on earth should ever induce me to marry that man, who has three wives already." Harmer clasped her in his arms. " Stay ; I have not done speaking yet," said Emily. '' 1 should fear to marry any man among the Mormons ; because, in a few years, or perhaps months, he would weary of me and take another wife — that is something I couldn't bear." " And yon fear this of me ?" said Harmer. " Of you, of every man, who lives in a state of society where polygamy is admissible." *' Oh ! Emily, then you doubt my love." " Not exactly, but many men, and might we not say with pro- priety, that all men have a passion for variety ? Your love for me to-day, is no proof of what may be the state of your feelings in years to come. Urge me not ; I will be your sister, your friend, anything with honor that you wish me to be, except your wife, and that is impossible under the present circumstances." "And your objection is, because you fear that some time hence, I might fancy that another wife would increase my happi- ness V " Even so," and Emily hid her face in his bosom. " Well, I love you ten times better for it, after all," said the 220 Female Life among the Mormons. manly ranger, " ten times better. You want your husband to be all your own. You have no idea of sharing his caresses and affections with a rival. You are a true woman, and your woman's heart is worth possessing. Look up, love, and I will tell you what we can do." Emily looked up, smiling through her tears. "We shall soon be at our journey's end," he said. "When we have crossed those dark mountains which appear in the horizon, we shall enter the borders of the Promised Land. You know, love, that polygamy belongs essentially to the Mormon system, so we will leave the Mormons ; we will go back to those States, where the laws have made bigamy a capital offence. There you can have no fears on that account." " What I and travel this long distance over again." " You object, then," said Harmer ; " you do not love me." "Be reasonable," returned Emily, "many things are to be taken into consideration. I have not objected ; neither do I give an unqualified assent." Harmer was a fine specimen of the Western Ranger, tall, stout-built, and athletic ; accustomed to severe exercise, and passionately fond of buffalo-hunting and life on the prairie. He had never dreamed of love until the fair Emily crossed his path. At first, he thought her wondrously beautiful, and gazed upon her with much the same sensations as he gazed upon a beautiful bird or flower. This could not last, however, and long before he was aware of the true nature of his feelings, his eyes were for ever wandering off in search of Emily, and he experienced in her presence a new and indefinable emotion of bliss. Emily could not be insensible to his preference, and her heart soon became deeply interested in the handsome Ranger, yet she remembered the fate of her mother, and took good care that her passions should alway remain subservient to reason and judgment, " I can't possibly perceive what objection you can have to She Would aj?d She Wouldn^t. 221 returning with me to the settlements," continued Harraer, "I think jou told me that Mr. and Mrs. Stillman are not your parents." " They are not my parents. " You were an orphan, then ?" " Yes ; an orphan." ^ " And inclined to die an old maid ?" "Now you are getting silly again." " No such thing ; you refuse to marry in the Mormon country, but at the same time prefer to remain in it; what else can I make of it, only that you wish to die an old maid ?" "You misapprehend me altogether," said Emily, "but it makes very little difiference. I trust we shall always be very good friends." " Friends I" echoed Harmer. " Emily, is that all ?" Again she buried her face in his bosom. Dearly as she loved Harmer — and she did love him dearly, she almost feared to entrust her happiness to his keeping. Life on the prairies had little charms for her. Could she be contented in a hunter's lodge, living in Indian style, with none of the luxuries and very few of the comforts of civilization. Sleeping on skins, dressed in the rudest manner, feeding on roots and roasted buffalo-meat, a companion for female savages, and cut off from all intercourse with her race ? Even for love, she could not consent to all this; true, he had promised to abandon his border life, but then the query arose, would he be happy and contented under such a change of habits ? would her society console him permanently for the loss of all those pleasures, incident to a life of wild roving independence, and the spirit-stirring scenes of border strife ? Would he not become wearied with the dull monotony of toil and agriculture ? and would it not be her miserable fate to pine over his absence, or witness his dissatisfaction and discontent ? Full of these thoughts, it is not at all surprising that she was 222 Female Life among the Mormons. never ready to return a decided answer to Ms suit, or that she mentally ejaculated times without number,. " Oh' I I love the man, but not his way of life. Had he been some farmer's son, had he been brought up in entire ignorance of Indians and buffaloes, how happy we might have been." By this time the fire had all burned out. There was neither coals nor living embers. Emily proposed retiring. "Kot yet, Emily," answered the lover. " I am so happy when near you, that I never wish to be absent for a moment. I love you so truly — oh ! so truly — there is something so extra- ordinary and unexpected in my attachment, that it seenis impos- sible that you should doubt its fervor and lasting nature." "And perhaps," said Emily, though her heart belied what she was about to utter, " perhaps you have breathed the same vows to another before you saw me." " Oh ! Emily, how you wrong me ; me, who scarcely ever spoke to a woman, and certainly cared no more for them than for female buffaloes." " A true hunter's smiile," said Emily, laughing. "I never knew the language by which men of the world address the objects of their love," said Harmer. " I am utterly ignorant of all fine talking, and what I say my heart dictates; my words may be uncouth, or inexpressive, or unsuitable; yet they are, they must be sincere. Oh ! believe me, Emily, I would lay down my life to make you happy." "I do not doubt you," whispered Emily, "but a shower is rising, even now it begins to rain. Let me go to the tent." " And you wiU meet me again to-morrow night ?" " Guess so." And after kissing her hand, her arm, her neck, her bosom, and her eyes, he suffered her to depart. The Power of the Will. 223 CHAPTER XXV. A wife's trouble. WE rested several days in the neighborhood of some sylvan bluffs lying along the outskirts of a dark range of moun- tains. Rest had become actually necessary to preserve the lives of our weared and jaded animals. Some of these had already died from fatigue and over-exertion, others had been killed for food, a few had strayed, and several had been stolen ; so that our original number was greatly diminished. Some of the women, and many of the children, were sick, or rather worn out by the toils and fatigues incident to a long journey. Mrs. Bra- dish, however, was lively and active as at first. " She didn't want rest, not she ; she would much prefer going on. If people would only be resolute, and make up their minds not to become sick and wearied, they never would become so," " And do you suppose that if they were to make up their minds not to die, that they would live for ever ?" " That's quite another thing, and yet I believe that conceit has killed many a one. It requires the exercise of a strong will to be sure, but I have certainly performed many marvellous cures on myself, without the intervention of a drop of medicine. You need not laugh, the disease was actual and real, and so was the cure." " What were the diseases ?" " Cough, fever, dysentery, and such like." I could scarcely refrain from laughing. 254 Female Life among the Mormons. " You cured these diseases by the simple exercise of a strong will," I said. " Yes ; and working them off." " Working them off ?" "To be sure ; there is nothing remarkable in that. Yoi^ know that I had servants, and consequently was not necessi- tated to ever lift a finger in any kind of toil, but when I discovered that my health was suffering, J^ went right straight at the har- dest kind of work, washed, scrubbed, worked in the garden, and all such things, keeping my will firm and resolute meanwhile, that I would not be sick, and in this way I always recovered ; and it was much better, too, than to sit in idleness, and swallow doses of nauseous medicine." " To be sure it was." " I think now that if all these sick and complaining ones would just resolve to go on steadily, they could do so as well as not. Why, I have come as far as any, and my strength hasn't failed as I can perceive." "Mrs. Beardsley is very ill," I remarked. " And Fan has made a dead set at Mr. Stillman, sen.," said Mrs. Bradish laughing. '" She's determined to have one or the other." " Impossible I" " Why is it impossible ? To me it seems very natural. Fan declares that she won't die an old maid, and that she won't marry any man who has not another wife." " A strange taste truly." " Oh ! she gives the best of reasons." " I should like to hear them." "Well, she is a kind of coquette, you know, and she thinks it must be delightful to triumph over a first wife. I suppose she will esteem it a great achievement to make a conquest of that old man." Blissful Ignorance. 225 " Very like ; and yet what an abominable disposition." Mrs. Bradish laughed. " You will persist in viewing things according to the old stan- dard," she said. "J[ hope and pray that Fan will be disappointed again, but what does poor old Mrs. Stillman say ?" " Oh I I can't tell half that she said, nor which felt the worst, she or Louisa." " But how did it come about pray ?" ''Why, Fan, of course, was mortified at her failure in secur- ing Mr. Stillman, jun., not that she loved him, or cared any- thing about his affections, but she longed to humiliate Louisa, who she conceived had insulted her. She was outrageous at the result of Stillman's meeting with his wife in the grove that night, but swallowing her disappointment with admirably- affected indifference, she secretly vowed revenge. I inquired what she was up to, but she shook her head and laughed. You know how excessively fond the old man, Stillman, has been of his wife." " He has always appeared fond of her." "I always doubt such demonstrations of affection," said Mrs. Bradish. "The old man is really too weak and silly to feel much attachment for any one. Did you ever observe how he always echoes the old woman's words ?" " I have observed it." " Wasn't it ridiculous ? Yet the silly old coot couldn't think of anything himself ; and never was a husband so decidedly hen- pecked, and at the same time in such blissful ignorance of it, as this same gentleman. It was a common talk everywhere and with everybody, that ' his wife wore the breeches," but he stre- nuously denied it, af&rming that he always did on all occasions just as he pleased." *' ' But papa is pleased to act in accordance with my wishes,' 10* 226 Female Life ajiong the Mormons. she would say complacently. ' Papa is aware that I always advise him for the best.' * She always advises for the best/ the old man would answer, and no one ventured to dispute it. But if a man w^nt there to purchase a cow, a horse, or, in fact anything, 'mother' must be consulted about the bargain.* If any cash was wanted, * mother ' must be requested to get it, as she only knew where it was kept. . If he went out of an even- ing, ' mother' must be informed where he is going, and just how long he would be gone, but the idea of his having a secret would have driven her at once into strong hysterics. I told Fan something about the old fellow's habit of subservience to his wife, and it tickled her amazingly. * You know,' she said, ' that these silly old wretches are always excessively vain. I see a way to manage him famously, but won't the old woman explode, -won't she blow up. I declare it's ^o good. The very thought half kills me.' " * May be you'll get jilted again,' I remarked. " * Let me alone for that,' she answered laughing. " A short time after this," continued Mrs. Bradish, " I called on the Stillmans, and found that something unusual had occur- red. Louisa, though so recently reconciled to her husband, was weeping violently. Old Mrs. Stillman looked indescribably, and Mrs. Beardsley was thanking her stars that she had no man to be worried about. They refused to admit me to their confi- dence, however, and I soon bade them adieu, and seeking Fan, demanded to know what new mischief she had been perpetrat- ing. Her eyes sparkled with malice and pleasure, as she answered : " 'I have been sending that old fellow a billet-doux. The first that he ever received in his life, I presume. Probably the old lady has got on the track of it,' and she shook with suppres scd laughter. *M was really astonished at her boldness. Snake Indians and their Captive. 22t *' * Oh, you needn't look surprised ; it was admirable, I assure you — filled with love from top to bottom. I copied it from a book ; here it is,' and she drew a small volume from her pocket. * That one there, with the leaf turned down. Don't you think the«old fellow's eyes snapped when he read it V " ' Shouldn't wonder, I replied,' perusing the precious epistle, t^hich ended by asking an interview. " ' I knew,' said Fan, * that the old booby wouldn't have any chance to write an answer. He says they watch him as cats watch a mouse.' " ' You have had some conversation with him already, then V " ' Oh yes ; we have met several times,' she answered, * and I have petted and caressed him till his head is fairly turned. Was there ever a man that could resist a woman's caresses V " "Well, Mrs. Bra4ish, whatever you may think of it, to me it seems abominable ; and a system of religion that tolerates and even approves such conduct, must be in the highest degree impure." " It all depends on getting used to it," said Mrs. Bradish, " in the patriarchal age, the conduct of Fanny would have been considered virtuous. Witness that of Kuth. In these times, however, when the law, and public opinion both conspire to indulge women in their ridiculous habits of jealousy, the case is different. In Turkey, no woman considers herself slighted or insulted because her husband chooses to take another com- panion ; but yonder comes a party of Indians." " Perhaps some of your old acquaintances." '' I rather guess not," she answered, "but I mean to go and Lave a talk with the chief." They proved to be a war party of the Snakes, but what chiefly interested us was a beautiful Arapahoe girl, whom they had taken captive, and whom they expressed a determination to sacrifice. The poor creature had evidently been treated with 228 Female Life among the Mormons. the greatest rudeness, and huge scars on her back and limbs bore testimony to the violence and cruelty of her captors. They acted sulky, and we had occasion to suspect that they met with unusual losses. All our party sympathized deeply with the poor girl, and we endeavored to buy her ransom of the chief. t " Why, you haven't got nothing that a warrior wants " he said, " these, and these," pointing to the mules and horses, *' ain't worth nothing." We then offered him some tobacco and blankets, but he steadfastly refused, saying that they were accustomed to annu- ally immolate a human victim to their deity, and that they must keep the girl for that purpose. Emily, who had learned a few words of the Indian tongue, drew near the sufferer and commenced a conversation, partly oral, partly by signs. They presented a beautiful tableaux, these two girls, each a representative of a race. The time is night, the emigrant wagons and animals are in the back-ground. A bright fire of logs is burning, just outside a row of tents, and beyond gathers the party of plumed and painted savages. On the other side is a group of white hunters, leaning, on their fire- locks, with several large hounds crouching at their feet. Between the two stand the girls, Emily robed in the habiliments of civilization, her bright eyes sparkling, and every feature betraying unusual and sympathetic interest ; while the young Indian, nearly nude, displays her wounded arms and graceful figure to the best advantage, and though perfectly conscious of the horrible fate that awaits her, remembers likewise that the blood of warriors is in her veins, and comports herself with the dignity of a princess. She informed Emily that her people had slain many^of the Snakes, who came upon them suddenly; that she, the daughter of the chief, was captured while out gathering Yampah roots for food, that she expected to die, but would not weep. " No, Eth- Attempts at Ransom. 229 leen will sing the death song of the brave, and her fathers will welcome her to the happy island of the blest/' she said. " But you would rather live," said Emily, with tears in her eyes, " It is dreadful to die so young." " Ethleen will sing the death song of the brave," she said with a dignified aspect." Mrs. Bradish, who deeply admired heroism, was much struck with her manners and appearance. "I say chief," she exclaimed, advancing to the foremost savage, whose one lock of hair was decorated with the feathers of the war eagle, while from a belt around his waist two or three bloody scalpg were dangling. " I say chief, that you must give this girl to me." The chief shook his head, " Good squaw, can't." " But you must," said Mrs. Bradish, " see here," and she dis- played before him a keg of the fire-water. The chief touched it contemptuously with his foot, " ugh."' She then brought forth a quantity of glittering beads and trinkets, and even added her valuable watch to the store of baubles; but the Indian was not to be seduced fi^m his first resolution, and manifestly regarded her tempting treasures with the indiflference of a stoic. At length, wearied and disgusted with his resolute bearing, she abandoned the field with the determination to continue some scheme to rescue the prisoner by stratagem. Indian women are, generally speaking, far nglier than the men. In many cases they are likewise more savage and barbar- ous, Ethleen, however, had a Spanish look, and appeared lovely even to civilized eyes. Mrs. Bradish sought the Prophet. She wished, for particular reasons, to obtain his approbation. The stately hierarch condescended to inform her, that it had been revealed to hin^, that the Indian maiden was worthy of rescue. She then summoned old Buckley, and a young man 230 Female Life among the Mormons. named Charley Moore, and the three retired behind the tents for consultation.. The .Indians, meanwhile, after receiving various presents, departed with their captive. CHAPTER XXYI. AN UNEXPECTED ENCOUNTER. ii'T WOXDER what that woman is up to now," said Mr. JL Ward, as he saw Mrs. Bradish coming and going among the tents. " I hope she isn't laying a plan to embroil us with the Indians." " She would hardly do that," I answered ; " and yet I suspect that she designs to form some scheme by which to extri- cate that Indian girl." " She will hardly attempt so insane a project as that." " There is no knowing." " At any rate, I shall use my influence to prevent anything ^f the kind," said Mr. Ward ; "I will go immediately to discourage it," and he left the tent. He had been absent but a few minutes when Louisa entered. Her face was swollen with weeping, and she appeared exces- sively agitated. I readily conjectured the cause of her sorrow, and bringing a chair, invited her to be seated. "I have not time really, Mrs. Ward," she answered ; " I am looking for mother Stillman. Have you seen anything of her ?" I replied in the negative, and inquired how long she had been absent. ^ " For some time, and father is really concerned about her, as she is not in the habit of going out without his knowledge." • The Intercepted Letter. 231 " It strikes me that her absence may be connected with the affair of Fan Simpkins. Had you not thought of it ?" "No,'' said Louisa. '*How dumb I am ; but here is a letter that Fan sent to father, and which I verily believe will afford a clue to the whole mystery. Here it is, I found it in mother's reticule, though! have no idea that father has ever seen it." " Well, what is it ?" " It appoints an interview for this evening, by the spring, at the foot of the Bluff. Now, I shouldn't wonder in the least if mother had gone down there, with the idea of personating her husband, or chastising Fan.'^ " But would she venture out, when the Indians were around." " It's a great chance if she ever thought of the Indians at all, she was so deeply agitated with passionate jealousy. However, if you will accompany me, we will go down to the spring, and see what is going on." " Do you think it would be expedient under the circum- stances ?" " Certainly ; the Indians have all departed." "But wouldn't it be better to inform your husband or father ?" Louisa shook her head. " I think mother would prefer that they knew nothing of the circumstance." " Suppose, then, thaW I call Mr. Ward, I would prefer to have company." But Louisa persisted that there was no danger, and in com- pliance with her urgent solicitations, I consented to accompany her. The spring possessed a remarkable character, being apparently imbedded in a large, smooth rock, about fifteen yards in diameter, where the water was bubbling and boiling up in the midst of a white incrustation, with which it had covered a portion of the rock. The rock was overhung by currant bushes, which bore an abundance of half-ripened fruit, while a 232 Female Life among the Mormoxs. great variety of chenopodiaceoas shrubs were in the immediate neighborhood. The air was fragrant with a variety of sweet- scented blossoms, but the duskiness of the evening, and my apprehensions of an Indian ambush, prevented my enjoying the beautiful scene. I expected each moment to see a dusky warrior start from the shrubbery that environed our path, or to hear the horrid war-whoop re-echoing over the hills. " Hush I hark !" said Louisa, " what was that ?" We both paused to listen, our hearts beating audibly. " Murder ! murder I help ! help I" cried a voice, that we recognized as belonging to a woman. " What shall we do ?" said Louisa. " Why, go on to be sure," for now that the first excitement was over, I began to be ashamed of my weakness. The moon had just risen, and a flood of silvery light came pouring down upon us, just as we entered the little cove, in which the spring was embosomed. • The sounds still continued, screams, and trampling of feet. As we came nearer the words became clearly distinct, and we plainly heard a ringing sound of blows. " Oh ! I'll give it to you, you hussy ; I'll teach you to be teas- ing my man, and making appointments for him to meet you.'' " 'Tis mother," whispered Louisa. " I guess so." As we came nearer, the combatants^ecame visible, and such a scene, it would be impossible to depict its ludicrous effect. Mrs. Stillman, partially disguised in a long, black cloak, with a black handkerchief tied over her head, was laying a huge raw- hide with no trifling effect over Pan Simpkins's shoulders, interspersing her castigation with much spicy advice. Fan was kicking, struggling, and shrieking, but the old lady, who was a powerful woman, and a tiger when roused, held her safely by one arm. Neither noticed our approach, or that in their rencontre, they had advanced to the very edge of the basin of Fan catches a Tartar. 233 the spring. Fan was the first to perceive their situation, and springing suddenly forward towards her castigator, she precipi- tated Mrs. Stillmau with great force into the water. "jN'ow, lie there and drown, old devil, and then I'll have your man without any difficulty," and Fan shrieked with a wild, savage laugh, and turned away. This movement brought us into full view. " So you've come after the old jade. Well, its lucky ; for I wouldn't lift a finger to keep her from drowning," and she passed on. Mrs. Stillman was certainly more frightened than hurt, but the good lady, though an admirable housewife, and well skilled in the various branches of domestic economy, was entirely igno- rant of hydropathy, or that sublime science which finds in wet sheets and bathing-tubs a sovereign panacea for all the ills that flesh is heir to. She had always entertained a mortal horror of getting wet ; a damp stocking or apron would give her tooth- ache or rheumatism for, at least, a fortnight. 'No wonder then that her surprise and consternation at finding herself thus sud- denly engulfed in the spring, actually took her breath for a time, though her head and feet were both out of the water, being supported on either side of the rock. Her cloak and mask had fallen off in the melee, though she still retained her lash in a death-like grasp. " I don't know how we shall get her out," said Louisa, in a voice that slightly trembled, as I thought, with suppressed laughter. For my own part, I could scarcely restrain my risible propensities. " I gave it to her, didn't I?" said the old woman, opening her eyes. " She'll remember it one while, I'll bet." " I shouldn't wonder if you did, too," said Louisa. " But, mother, how are we to get you out ?" " I don't know." *' Can't you help yourself a little ?" inquired Louisa. 234 Female Life among the Mormons. Owing to the position in which she lay, with her back in the spring, it seemed impossible either for her to raise herself or for us to assist her to rise. The least movement might precipitate her extremities into the water, and we were utterly ignorant of the depth of the liquid element. " Here, take hold of my hands," she said, extending her arms. " I think you can easily pull me out." We grasped her hands, and partially lifted her out, when, by some mischance or another, Louisa let go her hold, and the frightened woman fell back, and this time with her feet and all her person in the water. Her clothes, however, buoyed her up, and, after an infinite amount of floundering, splashing, and tos- sing about, she succeeded, with our assistance, in establishing herself on terra firma. " Oh, dear, I've catched my death this night," she said, pant- ing with the unwonted exertion. " Fan Simpkins, the wretch, to plunge me in there so." " But, mother," said Louisa, " what on earth could induce you to wander off here, alone, too ? " Don't you never ask," said Mrs. Stillman ; " but, deary me, I can't walk with all these wet clothes hanging about me." "Let us wring the water out," said Louisa, and, stooping down, we wrung the moisture from her garments. " That wicked wretch. Fan Simpkins, that wicked wretch ; it's her what's brought me into this trouble." " Never mind her," said Louisa. "Never mind her, indeed ! think I'm going to pnt up with such impudence, and have my husband cajoled and persuaded into bad practices, before my eyes ?" " Who are these ?" said Louisa. As she spoke, three horsemen emerged into view from the broad shadow of the cottonwood grove, and, without noticing us, struck off across the plain, at the foot of the hills. The Beau Ideal. 235 CHAPTER XXYII. A NEW CHARACTER. THIS morning our camp was thrown into unusual excite- ment, by the absence of Mrs. Bradish, Buckley, and Charley Moore. Charley was a young man, about twenty-two years old, and the very beau ideal of a western ranger. When very young, he accompanied his father on various trapping expeditions into the Indian country and no one in our company was bettet acquainted with the manners, habits^ and language of the aborigines. Then, too, Charley possessed all the accom- plishments of a thorough-bred hunter, which, though widely dif- ferent, are quite as diversified and various as those of a Broad- way gent. If the latter must understand the exact manner of twirling a cane, or curling a moustache, the former must carry his rifle with a peculiar grace, and be able, at a moment's warn- ing, to bring down a deer or mount a wild horse.- Both are dressed in the extreme of fashion, but, in the one case the mate- rials are broadcloth and velvet ; in the other, they consist of a rich abundance of furs and moccasins, wide trowsers, and a blanket worn like a Mexican cloak. Both are fond of orna- ments — one of rings, chains, and glittering bijouterie ; the other of dirks, long knives and pistols thrust into a wide belt. One is enamored with splendid rooms, gorgeous furniture, and chan- deliers brilliant with light and beauty ; the other exults in a cosy nook among the rocks, with the everlasting mountains cov- 236 Female Life among tAe Mormons. ered with primeval forests, mingliDg with the starry heavens above him, and dimly reflected by the blazing camp-fire at his feet. Both are fond of adventures — the one of breaking inno- cent hearts, and betraying the artless, confiding youth of the weak and unsuspecting ; the other of fording rivers, climbing mountains, peering over precipices, hunting grizzly bears, or racing with Indians. One is heartless, deceitful, hypocritical ; a lord of soaps and essences and lavender j a connoisseur of gloves and neck-ties, an arbiter of dimples, and a leader of riot and dissipation. The other is an unsophisticated child of nature, bold, ardent, daring and honest. He is generous, for he will share his last morsel with a stranger. He will be the first to volunteer assistance for the weak and oppressed, and the last to give up an undertaking in which duty and honor are involved. He never forsakes a friend, never takes undue advan- tage of an enemy, never betrays the confidence of youth and innocence, and never wrongs the aged. Such was Charley Moore ; a hero in the estimation of his companions, and very generally known and beloved by the Indians. For even these savages can appreciate, as they always applaud, the nobler vir- tues of heroism, truth, and honesty. Born and bred in frontier life, accustomed to the spirit-stirring scenes of the chase, and passionately fond of all wild adventures, he had never found time to even dream of love. Though it is true that, in his calmer moments, a yearning for something, dearer and sweeter than he had known, would come over his spirit, and his bosom would heave and thrill with emotions he found it vain to attempt to analyze. Then he thought of his mother ; but he had never seen her. Though he could remember a little sister, with loving blue eyes and flaxen ringlets ; and how he used to gather all sorts of childish treasures for her, how he never wearied of her society, and with what pleasure he administered to her wants. Oh, the charm of gentleness, and how it tames man's Fraternal Love. 23 1, rugged nature. Of all the world of memory crowded into the life of this strong man, of all the daring adventures he had known and witnessed, of all the scenes of excitement, and blood, and strife in which he had borne a part, his mind only loved the thought of that gentle sister, so mild in her soft, sad, spiritual beauty ; and when the past came back, with its thronging images, it was hers, and hers alone, that he waved to stay. How well he remembered when she died ! He was but a boy ; and yet boys have strong affections ; and how often the passions of that youthful period cicatrize the heart with scars that are never erased ! They were several miles from civilized settle- ments — their hut had been the lodge o^ an Indian ; it was cold and uncomfortable, but he selected the nicest and softest skins for her couch, and then erected a sort of frame-work over the bed, on which he hung for curtains the clothes and blankets they had obtained from the traders ; and having heard his father tell of the comforts and luxuries of civilization, he induced a kind-hearted Indian female to stay with her, while he departed to obtain such necessaries as he fancied her invalid state required. With a delicate perception, remarkable in oue of his age and habits, he brought for the sick child the identical articles that a skillful and experienced physician would have dictated. -rTea, sugar, oranges, confectionery, crackers, and a pillow — yes, a pillow — soft, warm and downy, with a white, snowy cov- ering. "What is this for?'' said the invalid child, lifting her eyes, now grown so large and bright, to his face. " It's pj cushion for your dear head," he answered. " Raise up a little — there — now, ain't that nice and soft ?" " Oh, it is !" she said, " it is," as her head, with its super- abundance of soft, shiny hair, half buried itself in the downy mass. And then when he displayed his other treasures, and their purpose, she did not weep, she did not even smile, but an 238 Female Life among the Mormoxs. expression of unutterable thankfulness, and love, and gratitude, illumined her features ; and raising herself half up, she kissed him so tenderly and ferveatly, that the look and the kiss remained witli him to his dying day. And side by side with this, was the memory of her death in his mind — ^her death, so long looked for, and of which she W&s accustomed to speak with such tranquillity, that it awakened in him only the emotion of a gentle sorrow — a mild regret — altogether different from a passionate explosion of grief. One day, he was sitting, as usual, in the soft sunlight, by the door of their hut, when she called, in a voice so faint, so low and spirit- ual, that he rose, half-frightened, and went to her bed. Her eyes looked larger and brighter than ever, but her countenance had a pale and worn expression, that struck him as something new. " I have lain here a great while," she said in a whisper. " Yes, my sister," he answered, smoothing down the wealth of shining curls, and adjusting the pillow. " Well, I sha'n't remain long, not much longer," she answered. " I am going to die ; did you know it f^ and a bright smile of intelligence flitted over her innocent face. " I feared so," said the boy, half-choking with emotion. " I used to think I might perhaps get well, and go out with you to play with the lambs, and gather flowers, when the spring came airain ; but I know better now," she continued, " for last night I saw my mother." "You did?" said Charles, drying his eyes; "how did she look?" " Yery beautiful, with such a sweet face." " How was it — how was it ? Tell me just how it was, and why she came to you," he replied eagerly. " Well," said the child, "I thought I was lying here sick, just a;s I am now, and that, though my eyes were shut, I knew that A Childish Vision. 239 some one was hovering over me. Then I looked, and oh, such a pair of soft, mild eyes — so large and deep, and fraught with such an expression of love and tenderness ! It was not like any- thing I had ever seen ; her face, too, didn't look like earthly faces ; and a soft, ethereal radiance seemed ever beaming from it, "with a warmth that came right down here, into my heart." " Did she say anything ?" inquired Charley, with boyish curi- osity. " She didn't talk as we do," said the child, " and her voice did not sound like a human voice, but so much sweeter and plea- santer ; and though she didn't tell me so, I knew right away that she was our mother, and that I was going to her very soon ; and I felt, beyond a doubt, that all must be happiness where she is." " I wished I knew what kind- of a place it is," said the boy, in his straightforward manner ; " and whether there be birds, and flowers, and sunshine there — whether they hunt beaver and buf- falo, and sail over a beautiful lake, in canoes that can't overset, as the old Indian told me." ** I don't think that," said the invalid child ; "mother didn't look that way." " How then ?" Slie shook her head. " Can't you tell me ?" Again she shook her head. " I wish mother would come to me, too," said Charley ; " I always wanted to see her," "You are going to her, a little, every day," whispered the invalid. " Oh, that I might go when you do I" he said, and burst into a passionate fit of weeping. " I shall be all alone then," he con- tinued — no mother, no sister I" " But you will have a mother and a sister both,^' said the girl, 240 Female Life among the Mormons. with wonderful energy. " We shall only be a little way off, and sometimes, nay, often, we shall be with, and around you. I believe that mother has often been with me." Again tlie curiosity of the boy was aroused, and he exclaimed, wonderingly, " You do ?" " Yes ; because I have felt a thousand times, when I thought of my mother, just such a happiness as I felt last night, when looking at her, and when she was breathing over me. And now, Charley," she continued, after a moment^s pause, " I want you to lie down by me, for I feel very cold." Charley hesitated. He had a faint perception that the cold of which she spoke betokened the presence of death. " Oh ! do, Charley," she exclaimed, lifting her soft, suppli- cating eyes to his face ; " indeed, I shan't trouble you much longer. Lay down here by my side, and clasp me in your arms. I am cold and my heart is heavy." Charley hesitated no longer. He laid his head beside hers on the pillow, wound his arms around her, but half shrunk from her cold clammy lips that met his forehead, in a last embrace. " Now, be still," she whispered, " for I want to sleep." And they lay very still, that brother and sister : he listening to her low breathing, and thinking of all she had been saying, until he finally fell asleep. And they both slept, but wrapped in a different slumber. He dreamed of heaven and his mother ; and she — who shall depict the forms of imperishable beauty, the strains of unimaginable harmony, and the glorious reality of blessedness, that burst on her disembodied spirit ? The father had been out attending to his traps. He was a morose, unsociable kind of man, though good-hearted and fond of his children. He found the dead cradled on the bosom of the living — the blooming cheek of life pressed closely to the pallid one of death ! ' Santa Fe Traders. 241 Was it a fancied resemblance to his sister, in Ethleen, that excited the sympathy of the youthful hunter, and determined him to attempt her rescue ? It matters not. He was young, ardent, and excitable. She in her simple grace and beauty exceeded in lovable qualities many a damsel whose skin was fairer. He pitied and then admired her, and who is not aware that pity and admiration are near akin to love ? While waiting their return, we were somewhat alarmed by the appearance in our camp of a large party of Spaniards, Mexicans, and Erenchmen. They proved to be Santa Fe traders, who were making their annual peregrination through the country for the purpose of hunting, trapping, and purchasing furs from the Indians. They seemed a wild-looking set, talking a strange language, or rather a mingled dialect of four or five languages, and were accompanied by a number of Indian women, their wives as I supposed. They were all well mounted and armed, but several of the company appeared to be suffering from recent wounds. Their leader was a trapper noted in the West, and the horse he rode, and which he had named Charlemagne, was almost equally famous. It may not be generally known, and yet it is no less true, that . many of these western trappers with their steeds and rifles, are quite as distinguished among their compeers, as, according to romance, the knights of chivalry were in the times of old. B— ^— m, our Prophet, came forth to meet and talk theology, with the visitors, attended as usual by a large concourse of the ' elders and deacons. He informed the traders that we were journeying to the Promised Land, that our course through the day was directed by the revelation which he received in the night, and that with every step of our progress the power of the devil grew less and less. ** Stranger," returned the leading trapper, " as for the devil, 11 242 Female Life among the Mormons. I don't know anything about him, though I have often thought that if such a being existed at all, he must be an Indian." The Prophet shook his head, " You know," he said, " that Christ is to live and reign on the earth a thousand years. " I don't know any such thing," said the trapper. "Well, we know it, and so we are journeying from the land of the heathen, to establish a kingdom of the saints, and build a city in which righteousness shall dwell." It was very evident that the thoughts of our visitors were much more interested in hunting expeditions, than with religious affairs, aud the listlessuess of their demeanor told their indiffe- rence to this strange homily. They asked many questions, and among the rest, " Whence we came ?" B m pointed with his fingers to the various points of the compass, and then proceeded to explain, that converts to the faith were coming in from all parts of the world. That Asia and the islands in the sea had received the good news, and would soon send a multitude of proselytes. " We shall have the greatest kingdom in the world, and a city that will be more glorious than all others," he exclaimed fervently. "And we shall increase abundantly, and eat the fat of the land. Our wives shall be fruitful vines, and our children like olive plants." The women listened apparently with far deeper interest than the men. They mingled among us, examining our clothes, jewels, and domestic appurtenances with a strange mixture of surprise and curiosity. As I understand French, we had little difficulty in conversing, and so while the elders were discussing theology with the men, we readily entered into conversation with the women. They were greatly surprised on learning that a husband among us was permitted to marry all the wives he could get, and one of them expressed her eagerness to get away, for fear Anxiety for the Absent. 243 that if her husband heard of such a practice, he would follow it. " And what would you do in such a case ?" I inquired. She drew a small glittering stiletto, .an^imitated the motion of stabbing with it. From her I learned, that they were only the advance guard of a large company, who were travelling much in the manner of an Asiatic caravan. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE FUGITIVES. ¥E soon began to experience the deepest concern for tht fate of Mrs. Bradish, and her companions. We could not for a moment doubt the object of the enterprise, but their prolonged absence filled our minds with apprehension and dread It was proposed to send a party to look for them, but this Har mer steadfastly refused. We were in a hostile country, surrounded by Indians and Mexicans of murderous habits, and, consistent with our own safety, could not diminish the number of our available men, by dispatching a party on sucL a wild-goose chase among the mountains. So he argued, and the more cautious and prudent, coincided with him. "Charley Moore is a brave fellow, and can handle a rifle, break in a wild horse, and shoot a buffalo as skillfully as any man living, yet he is not so prudent as he will be when he gets twenty more years over his head," said Mr. Ward. "The' enterprise was a dangerous one, but Mrs. Bradish seems actually fond of danger. I never knew such a woman." "She certainly is brave to rashness," replied Harmer, "and 244 Female Life among the Mormons. yet I don't like her. I don't like to see a woman affect the manners of a man," and he glanced towards Emily. " Then you conceive cowardice to be a feminine accomplish- ment," she remarked, yrovokingly, "I shan't agree with you there. Nothing disgusts me so much as the silly habit some females acquire, of always being frightened at everything, and generally speaking, the fright is proportionate to the weakness and insig- nificance of the object. Thus a bug, a spider, or a worm, is quite sufficient to throw such delicate specunens of effeminacy into hysterics." " I contend for a medium," said Harmer, laughing, " I do not admire bravery in a woman, yet cowardice is shameful in either women or men." " Cowardice is shameful, and bravery not admirable, I am incapable of understanding the paradox." " Well, I admire bravery on all occasions, and in in either sex," said Mr. Ward, "It is one of the noblest qualifications, when conjoined with prudence, which I regret to say is not always the case with the lady of whom we were conversing." " I have been expecting all along that she would be out hunt- ing buffalo," I remarked. " Well, it would be fine pastime," said Emily, "I have been thinking how the stag-hunting English ladies would delight in it.*' " Suppose you go out with me some day," said Harmer. Emily shook her head, and said that she had not a trained hunter, "and then I should forfeit your good opinion by my boldness," she continued. " And would you esteem that a very great loss ?" he inquired. " How can you ask." " Because I wished to know." " Well, your answer must be that I decline to hunt." "But not to walk," he continued, "There are some beautiful specimens of heliauthi and a great variety of other wild- flowers A New Flora's Interpreter, 245 down in the valley yonder ; suppose we go and gather some, you are a botanist, and shall read me their language." Emily smiled, "a hunter and trapper , of the west, talking about the language of flowers." " And why not ? — the hunters and trappers of the far west have an eye and a soul that can perceive and appreciate the beautiful ; but come along." " Mrs. Ward, you go too," said Emily. Harmer looked rather displeased at this proposal, "Well, you go on, and I'll come presently," I answered, and they slowly walked away. Agreeably to my promise, I placed a sunrbonnet on my head and followed. When I came up with them, Emily was holding an arm-load of flowering plants, from which Harmer was arrang- ing a bouquet, while connecting a sentiment with each blossom, that, whether appropriate to the flower or not, was, doubtless, indicative of the feelings with which he regarded his companion. " Oh, it is too ridiculous," said Emily, as I approached, " you ought to hear the sentiments Mr. Harmer attaches to these blossoms. This ammole (soap-plant) he says is indicative of my love, — is all grace, beauty and cleanliness. And this beautiful blue flowering lupine means, according to him, that my love is without spot or blemish." " As Flora's interpreter, his sentiments are quite original, and very appropriate,'^ I remarked. " Oh, certainly, and this," she inquired, holding up a large poppy of a rich orange color. " That means, * my love is the chiefest among ten thousand and — altogether lovely,' I suggested, seeing that he had forgot- ten the sentence. ^ " Here is another," she said, selecting an elegant white flower, very sweet and fragrant, and much resembling a lily. " That is, my love is all innocence," she said. 246 Female Life among the Mormons. While engaged in this pleasant play, we were suddenly startled by a war-whoop, such as Indians make when returning from a Yictorious enterprise ; and soon Mrs. Bradish, followed by Charley Moore and Buckley, appeared. Mounted behind Charley was the beautiful Ethleen, her long hair floating over her rounded shoulders, and every feature glowing with happi- ness. We returned to the camp together, when they informed us that after the departure of the Indians, with whom Ethleen was detained as a captive, they determined on pursuit, and mounting their horses, took the trail, which, after winding about in several narrow valleys, led directly into the mountains. That night they followed it by moon-shine till near morning, when the whole party became weary, and concluded to halt for refresh- ment. They kindled no light, but supped on some dried beef, and then, concealed among the rocks, laid down to sleep in silence and darkness. At day-light they resumed the pursuit, and followed the trail all that day, through narrow glens and along the foot of a considerable mountain range. Just at sun- set they became satisfied that the Indians had encamped in the neighborhood ; consequently, they were under the necessity of proceeding cautiously. As Buckley had the most experience in Indian habits and warfare, he volunteered to go forward when it became dark, while his companions remained concealed in the glen. Moore at first objected to this arrangement, but the old man finally succeeded in convincing him that the success of their enterprise all depended on wariness and caution. " They are twenty to one of us, and we must outwit them some how, or the gal is lost," said the old man. " And how are we to do that ?" inquired Moore. "That all depends on circumstances, but I think we can come it ; Indians ain't quick-witted any way you can fix it." ' " I thought they were up to all sorts of mischief and strata- gem," said Mrs. Bradish. Young Blood vs. An Old Head. 247 " Well, they do try to be, but being and trying to be, are two things, you know." " Certainly." " You see, when I was trapping among the Ozark Moun- tains ; but I won't tell the story to night." " Why not ?" " Because it ain't a proper time, we must be ou the watch for them devils." And the old man bent his ear to the ground, and lay several minutes intently listening. " I hear 'em^" he said at length," the devils are preparing for a carouse, I guess." " Oh, God 1 for Ethleen's sacrifice," cried Moore, starting up. " Haste, haste, old man, we shall be too late." " Never fear that," said Buckley. " But I do fear, it," said Moore impetuously. " Young and hasty," answered the old man laughing, "just as I was when Bill Peters — but I won't tell it." "No you shan't. I don't want any of your stories till Ethleen is* rescued from her enemies. Come, what are you going to do ?" " Stay just where I be at least two hours." " Then I shall attempt her release without you.^' " And bring certain destruction on yourself and her." " I shall try at any rate. I should hear her death-shriek for eternity if I sat here while they were building her funeral- pile." " They are building it I" said the old man coolly, lifting him- self from the ground. " Old man," said Mrs. Bradish, " I shall have a very poor opinion of your bravery, and less of your humanity, if you suffer that poor girl to be sacrificed without making an effort to save her." 248 Female Life among the Mormons. " And do you suppose, ^madam, that I would have come here for no purpose at all ?" " And yet you seem very easy about that purpose." " Because I know my Qwn know." " You do indeed !" " Yes, which is more than can be said of everybody. You see I knowed all about these Indian sacrifices, and just how they manage 'em. You see they'll get everything ready for their hideous pow-wow. They'll dance, and hoot, and yell to their heart's content, and until they are fairly tired out. Then the intended victim will be led away from the stake, and confiued in a hut, or some other convenient place, while the devils will go to sleep, and by this means repair their exhausted energies preparatory to another scene. This slumber will be the time for us. If we can find the gal, we shall have no difficulty. It strikes me, however, that you had better stay here with the horses, and keep perfectly still, while I go on ahead. What do you say ?" They consented to be governed by his advice, when again putting his ear to the ground, he listened intently. * * " I think it's time for me to be off," he said, rising up ; and, divesting himself of all superabundant clothing, he disappeared noiselessly among the rocks. Moore looked after him long and wistfully, and then sunk down in an attitude of silence. " I wonder how long he will be absent?" said Mrs. Bradish, to whom the suspense was dreadful. Moore shook his head. " An hour ?" she continued, inquiringly. " Two or three of them, probably." " Oh, heavens ! I cannot begin to wait that long." "Unless you have to; but we must be still;" and both relapsed into silence. Meanwhile, the old man pursued his way, sometimes striking The Sacrificial Dance. 249 the trail, but generally guided by his ear, which he placed every few minutes to the ground. In this manner he proceeded a con- siderable distance, and having crept with more than usual cau- tion over the brow of an eminence, he came suddenly within sight of the Indians. They were dancing, yelling and howling, around their victim, who was tied to a stake, and who seemed to regard all their preparations with a stoical indifference. At length one of the warriors suddenly darted from the circle of dancers up to the prisoner, and commenced brandishing his tomahawk over her head, motioning to strike, now here, now there — in the forehead, on the face, and over the throat. She never flinched, but regarded his actions with a clear, steady countenance, and calm unshrinking eye. Yelling horribly, he darted back to his place in the circle, and swept around with the others. In a few moments another seized a firebrand, and, rushing up to the girl, motioned to touch her with it on the eyes, the cheeks, lips and chin. This time she laughed derisively. " You are no warrior," she said tantalizingly. " You don't know how to scalp an enemy. You are a squaw." Enraged beyond measure, he was about to fire the pile, when a second warrior struck the torch from his hands. They were not ready for the consummation of their vengeance. To describe these Indian dances would be impossible. No English words could possibly express the postures, the contor- tions and unnatural positions into which the performers throw themselves, and all this accompanied by yells, howls, screams, shrieks and noises, of the most terrific and horrible character. Presently the dance became less animated, the voices less wild and shrill. One after another of the dancers dropped off, evi- dently overcome with fatigue. At length the chief sprung for- ward, and severing the cord that bound the victim to the stake, he led her off into a hut. Buckley, from the close covert of a thicket, beheld the movement. His eye sparkled with delight 11* 250 Female Life among the Mormons. as he muttered, " They'll soon be quiet now." A few minutes proved his assertion, and the whole band were buried in the oblivion of slumber. Buckley crept cautiously towards the hut where he knew the girl to be confined. He understood perfectly the nature of his foe, and knew very well that no ordinary noise would awaken them, but he observed that the chief had a large dog, and, to judge from appearances, a sagacious one, which it might be difficult to elude. This canine warrior seemed aware of the proximity of a foe. Two or three times he had started up, snuffed the air, and barked loudly ; then, running to his master, he began pulling and tugging at his blanket. The chief partly awakened, scolded the dog, and ordered him to lie down, a command which the animal manifested no inclination to obey. Buckley conjectured that the slumber of the Indians would con- tinue probably an hour, when the victim would be again brought forth, and their horrible orgies consummated in her death. Every moment then was precious, but how was the dog to be quieted ? One only scheme presented an appearance of feasibi- lity. Raising himself up, and striking a light, he stood in the full view of his enemy, about one hundred yards from the camp. As he expected, the dog came bounding towards him, growling and gnashing his teeth. The old man received him valiantly with a drawn dagger. The struggle was violent, but brief, and Buckley beheld himself the master of the field. Gliding along to the hut without further delay, Buckley commenced removing the back side covering with extreme caution, and soon made an aperture through which, he could scan the inside of the cabin. The girl was alone, and pinioned in a most uncomfortable posi- tion. Having satisfied himself of this, he recommenced widen- ing the hole until it became sufficiently large for the ingress of a man. ■ Though Ethleen had detected the sound of his approaching footsteps, and even then, according to her statement, knew him Hide and Seek. * 251 to be a white man, she remained perfectly silent, conscious that her condition could not possibly be rendered any worse. Her heart bounded with exultation, when she read his features in the dim firelight, and heard the whispered words that assured her o£> the presence of a friend. With one stroke of the knife her thongs were removed, and she bounded to her feet like a young fawn. A moment after she was following him, with noiseless . step, from the Indian encampment. They had proceeded but a short distance, however, when they were startled by a tremendous whooping and yelling. " They have discovered your escape," whispered Buckley, in the Indian dialect, ** and will be down on us presently like so many devils." " I think," said Ethfeen, " that the noise we heard tells the arrival of a new party, who were coming in to-night." *' Probably, but even in that case your escape will be discov- ered." Ethleen trembled like a frightened bird. " Now dont be scary ; your condition is not desperate," said the old man, " But we must keep our wits about us ; can you climb a tree ?" " Like a squirrel." " Well, then, betake yourself to that pine yonder ; make no noise, let what will happen." " And you." " I will mount this one'; but hurry." Ethleen glided rapidly away, and Buckley ascended the tree he had chosen. It was a huge pine, thick at the top, with the growth of centuries. He was scarcely concealed among the branches, when a great demonstration of howling and yelling among the Indians, announced some new discovery — probably the massacre of the dog. The old man chuckled. " Don't it plague 'em, the copper colored devils," he muttered, unconsciously. 252 Feitale Life among the Mormons. The Indians were examining the ground for his trail, which discovered, they pushed on vigorously. Buckley had antici- pated this, and consequently had retraced his steps, walking backwards for a considerable distance, in which he was imitated by Ethleen. The Indians passed and re-passed, paused and hesi- tated, in their vain efforts to follow the trail, then finally aban- doned the attempt, and went back to their encampment. Descending noiselessly from his hiding-place, he was joined by Ethleen, who fell on her knees and embraced his hands in unspeakable gratitude. "Tut, tut," said the old man, "no time for that. Let's be getting away from the sarpents as fast as possible." Ethleen rose, and the two were soon safely concealed by the mountain gorges, though in the nearest and most direct way to rejoin his companions. CHAPTER XXIX. - waterI water!! water!!! WHEN the wounded men were sufi&ciently recovered, we recommenced our journey, and, notwithstanding all that the prophets and elders could say, and the encouragement they held out of our safety, peace, and happiness in the Promised Land, our people very generally had become low-spirited. B m rated them soundly for this. " Would you, then, return to the flesh-pots of Egypt?" he said. "Would you dwell among the heathen, rather than endure the trials and dif- ficulties incident to the possession of the Lord's goodly heri- tage ? Oh I for shame, for shame ! and I will pray for you, MURMURINGS IN THE CaMP, 253 even as Moses prayed for the children of Israel ; pray for you, that ye fall not out by the way." Such exhortations, however, were illy calculated to produce a pleasant effect, under the multiplicity of discouragements that attended the emigration. Food had become scarce — that is, such as we were accustomed to eat. One after another, the poor worn-out oxen had been slain, Mrs. Beardsley declared that she knew it would be so, and said that she would rather die than eat a morsel of horse or mule flesh. Mrs. Stillman, sen., was not certain about the dying, but pro- tested that she thought it horrible, and even reflected rather severely on the first mentioned lady for exposing herself to fore- seen difficulties. The prophets counselled resignation, and dwelt largely on the example of the Israelites. " Well, I can^t see any resemblance at all," said Mrs. Beards- ley. " The Lord sent them quails and manna, but he lets us take care of ourselves." " We are under another dispensation." " Another dispensation, is it ! — then why talk of resemblan- ces where none exist ?" and the good lady snapped her knitting needles with redoubled vigor. '' I don't see that you have anything to complain of, mother," said Harmer, jestingly. ** Your yarn seems to hold out well." "Not so very well, either," she answered. "I haven't but six balls." " Six balls, — and how many have>you knit since we started ?" " Twelve." " Why, mother, you will supply the whole colony with stock- ings." " But we can't eat stockings," said Fan Simpkins, " and the trouble now seems to be to get something fit to eat. This dried buffalo meat is actually abominable." 254 Female Life among the Mormons. It was so, in fact, being very little, if any, better than so much bark. That, however, was only the beginning of sorrow, for in a few days we entered a sandy and barren region, where, to our other ills and inconveniences, that most intolerable of all, the want of water, was added. The streams were all dried up, the rivers disappeared from their channels, there was neither rain nor dew. But, though the air seemed intensely hot, and the sky exhib- ited not a trace of clouds, there was a softness in the atmos- phere at night, a resplendent glory in the stars, altogether incomprehensible and most delightful. And this region, other- wise so sterile, was filled with flowers of the richest perfume and the brightest colors. In man}- places, where it would seem, from the gravelly, sandy nature of the soil, that no plant what- ever could take root, cactuses, literally covered with a profusion of large crimson flowers, thrived luxuriantly, thus presenting a remarkable contrast to the surrounding desolation. For one of the remarkable characteristics of this place, was the utter absence of animal life. Not a bird visited these resplendent blossoms, not a butterfly or insect enlivened the solitude. Nei- ther hares nor pheasants lurked beneath their coverts. Even the Indians seemed to avoid the country. Once, and once only, we caught the glimpse of a troop of wild horses, skirting the horizon. It was only a glimpse, and yet I shall ever remember the graceful agility of their motions, and the sleek sparkle of their glossy sides. But sadder sights than these awaited us. I had descended from the wagon to walk, in order that I might examine the beautiful flowers. I was particularly charmed by two or three huge plants of the cactus species, whicTi had grown so close together that they appeared compact. They were, at least, ninety feet in circumference, and large scarlet blossoms depended from the branches. But, while stooping to gather a bouquet, my fingers inadvertently touched a relic, the sight of Horrible Sufferings. 255 which filled me with horror. It was a human skeleton ; but -the skin, instead of falliag away, still clung to the bones, showing the veins, and muscles, and sinews, in a horrible state of preser- vation, yet with strict fidelity to nature. The long, lank, bony fingers, yet held a paper clutched tightly between them. Curi- osity was stronger than fear, and I removed it. There were a few lines written with a pencil, which I had much diCQculty in making out. They ran : " We can go no further. My wife and five children — all dying for want of water I Oh, God ! this death ia horrible !" The poor fellow had evidently sought the shelter of the cactus to shield himself from the burning sun ; and there died from burning, intolerable thirst. But the wife and children — where where were were they ? A little further on, in the same state of horrible attenuation, without decay. The mother yet clasped her infant in her bony arms, and the thin, tightly-drawn lips of the child were pressed to her cadaverous breast. Two of the children — a boy and a girl — had their fingers interlaced ; while the other two were twined in each other's arms, as if they sought to solace the agonies of thdt horrible death by the sweets of congenial affection. And who shall say that they were not happier, dying thus, than multitudes have been who departed this life surrounded by all the comforts of wealth and luxury, but with hatred gnawing, Prometheus-like, at their hearts ? But the best of us were in no condition to speculate or philo- sophize. Thirst, intolerable thirst, was burning our tongues and scorching our brains. Our poor animals suffered as much, or even more than ourselves ; and I half forgot my own miseries in witnessing theirs. B m, fond of instituting comparisons between ourselves and the children of Israel, began to talk about their sufferings 256 Female Life amoxg the Mormons, in the wilderness. Mrs. Beardsley, whose asperity increased with the difficulties, requested him to step forth and imitate the example of Moses, by bringing water out of the rock. He declined the attempt, however, excusing himself on the ground that his followers had too little faith. At length, after an inconceivably toilsome and weary march, one of the men discovered a spring. We crowded eagerly around it, both men and beasts, but imagine our sorrow, surprise and consternation, to find that the water was both salt and bit- ter. Truly, I thought of the waters of Marah, but no miracle interposed for us, as in that case, and while some murmured, and others prayed, a third party sat in sullen despair, and many wept. All around here were the skeletons of men and horses, which had not been able to find support for their lives. Buckley, with his great sagacity, and knowledge of the coun- try, declared he knew from infallible signs that water must be near. Accordingly, several of the men set off to look for it, and about a mile distant, found the bed of a stream, from which the water had disappeared, a little only remaining in holes, which was increased by digging, until we all received a comfortable supply. Our route the next day, was through a country equally dry and sterile, where the trail was literally paved with the skel- etons of men and horses. These latter were continually giving out, some from thirst, others from crippled feet. A dull and sullen despair pervaded the company, and this was considerably enhanced from the fact, that many had lost their confidence in the knowledge and sagacity of the leaders. " When, oh ! when, will this ever come to an end ?" said Louisa, one morning, as we commenced our weary march. " I had heard of the American deserts, where wild horses, rode by wilder Indians, roamed, but never thought to be myself a wan- derer over its sterile plains." Generally, however, the women bore their sufferings with a More of Fan^s Coquetries. 25t fortitude far surpassing that of the men. Some of them even affected a cheerfulness they were far from feeling, in order to support the sinking spirits of the party. Fan Simpkins still car- ried on her ridiculous coquetries, much to the amusement of Mrs. Bradish, but to the infinite chagrin of the victims. Sub- jected to this annoyance, old Mrs, Stilipian scarcely perceivec the presence of other ills. When the old gentleman walked Fan would take his arm; when he rode, she would sit besid him ; then she would present him with bouquets, talk to him, sing for him, and strive, by every means, to attract his attention. We might be hazarding too much, to say that the old man was charmed and fascinated, though it is certain that he was not displeased, and gave her far more encouragement than suitedjiis wife. " Mrs. Stillman cannot be a true believer," said Mrs. Bradish^ " or she would see the expediency and necessity of these things, and cease her ridiculous opposition, accordingly. Does she sup- pose that her puny resentment is to change a practice incorpo- rated with a system of divine truth ?" "It is impossible to tell what she supposes, or proposes. Indeed it is scarcely probable that she entertains the idea of any definite scheme whatever, but she hates and abhors the thought of sharing her husband's affections with a youthful rival." ]S'otwithstanding her errors and failings, Mrs. Bradish exhi- bited a strength of mind and purpose truly admirable. .Under all the dangers and difficulties of our tiresome journey, she main- tained the same serenity, counselled the same direct, straightfor- ward measures ; seeming to take the whole thing as a matter of course. When the others complained, she sung ; when they wept, she returned thanks ; when they cursed (for some of the men, notwithstanding their character of saints, did curse), she prayed ; when they sat in sullen despair, she laughed and chat- 258 Female Life among the Mormons. ted, told humorous stories, and otherwise sought to divert their attention. Then, too, she was kind and considerate, and, though in every- body's business, really counselled wisely. There are good points in every character ; amid a multitude of vices there are always some virtues, and it frequently happens that the most glaring defects are associated with the kmdest hearts. And this woman, so Amazon-like in her habits, would nurse the sick, especially children, with the fondest care. Above all others, she possessed the art so useful to nurses of getting the little rebels to take medicine. Was a nauseous dose of bitter tea to be administered, she must be called into requisition, and never failed, sometimes by coaxing, sometimes by scolding, and some- times by other means, in getting them to drink it. She seemed to delight in making her influence felt ; above all, she had a quickness of perception as to our necessities, with a ready skill in making the most of means. *" But all her cheerfulness and care could not render the heat and thirst less intolerable, while journeying over the hot yellow sands of this elevated country. It could not make the bisuada auy more palatable, or communicate a more grateful succulency to the leaves of the sour dock, with which we moistened our mouths; but when one day at sunset, we came to a bold running stream, we felt that Providence had not deserted us, for appearances led us to conclude that the wilderness of sand was passed. We now came to the Indian country, and their hostile demon- strations were far from pleasant. As there was an abundance of water and good grass, it was deemed advisable to rest and refresh the animals for a day or two. This gave the savages abundant opportuuity to harass and distress us. The men were obliged to keep arms in their hands continually. Towards even- ing they began surrounding the horses, which had been driven for pasture to a fresh hill-side. They were immediately driven into Hostile Indians. 259 cloae quarters. During the night we were much troubled with them, but being desirious of peace, we simply acted on the defensive. The next morning multitudes of them were seen in every direction. Some on the bottoms, others on the hills ; some silent, but many pointing at and haranguing us. Their language being probably a dialect of the Utah, Harmer could understand them very well. They were, evidently hostile towards us, and we were not very well disposed to them. They were almost nude, without either hats or shoes. Their hair being gathered into a knot behind, was ornamented by the plumes of eagles, or tufts of horse-hair. Besides his bow, each man carried a quiver with forty or fifty arrows, partially drawn out. Besides these, each man held two or three in his hand for instant service. These arrows were barbed with a translucent stone, a species of opal, nearly as hard, and quite as beautiful as the diamond ; and when shot from their long bows, were almost as effective as powder and ball. In these Indians I was forcibly struck with an animal appear- ance. Their motions, their countenances, and the expression of their eyes, were those of a wild beast. One, who appeared to be the chief, with two or three warriors, came boldly into our camp. When shown the weapons of our men, " Well," he replied, twanging his bow, " these are quite as good." " Pshaw I" said Harmer, aiming at a bird, which he shot dead. The Indian gave a derisive laugh, and brought down another. Eearful of the consequences likely to result, Mr. Ward went forward to expostulate, and bestowing a small present on the Indians induced them to leave the camp. These savages are a miserable and degraded race, infinitely inferior to their more warlike brethren of the Sioux, Pawnee and Snake tribes. They chiefly subsist on roots and lizards, and each man is furnished with a long stick, hooked at one end, with 260 Female Life among the Mormons. ■which they search for their favorite food in the crevices of the rocks. These they roasted and ate with great relish. Toothing delighted them more than to get hold of a worn-out horse or mule, the flesh of which, half cooked by the fire, and eaten without salt, afforded them a real luxury. To the Mormons, who regarded the Indians as descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel, these people offered a subject of curious and devout speculation, but though the Mormon Bible was brought forth, and its contents scanned with the closest scrutiny, no clue could be obtained to their origin, or the patriarch whence they sprung. Buckley, whose views of religion and philosophy were some- what original, declared that the Indians were a race by them- selves ; that they were produced in fact just where they were % found, and not at all attributable to our first parents. " How produced ?" said Harmer, "you do not suppose that they growed like a tree ?" ''Yes ; exactly like a tree. Did ye ever read the first chap- ter of Genesis ?" All said that they had. ' "Well don't you know that it reads there that God said. * Let the earth bring forth grass; the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind ;' and it was so." " But what has that to do with the Indians ?" " Nothing particularly, though it has something to do with the trees." " So we perceive." " Well, in another verse it says that God said, ' Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life ; ' and it was so ; now listen, in another verse still further on, we find that God said, * Let the earth bring forth abundantly the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the field after his kind ; ' and it was so. Now what I want you A New Difficulty. 261 to see is this, that the earth brought forth trees and animals, and that the waters brought forth fish, and such like, by the same process. Then if trees, and fish, and animals, were thus brought forth, why not Indians, too ?" " Then you think that the Indians are beasts V* " To be sure I do, beasts just as much as mules." " And have no souls ?" " Souls are something that I, for one, don't know anything about." The next morning B— — m . informed ^us that it had been revealed to him, that these savages were the tribe of God, and that their present degraded state was a judgment upon them, for their want of faith. As no one could disprove the truth of this statement, it remained undisputed. CHAPTER XXX. OTHER DIFFICULTIES. SAFELY beyond the sterile and desolate wilderness, and the hordes of wild, untutored savages, we began to congratulate ourselves on the prospect of future comfort, when a new diffi- culty presented, of a diametrically opposite character. We had been distressed with heat and the absence of moisture. We had experienced the dull monotony of arid plains, and now it was our lot to encounter the formidable obstacles of giant moun- tains covered with sno"v, and to feel the fiercer sufferings occa- sioned by wintry cold. Mrs. Bradish looked at the mountains, but her eye never blenched. 262 Female Life among the Mormons. " Is it possible," said Mrs. Beardsley, " that we are expected to cross these mouutaias ?" "To be sure, the land we seek lies beyond them," said Harmer. " And lie beyond them it may," returned the old lady, " but for my part, I know that it would be utterly impossible for any man, woman, or child to ever get to it." "You are greatly mistaken, mother," replied Harmer, "these mountains are not so formidable as they appear. We shall not attempt to clamber up the perpendicular ascent ; far from it, but seek for notches, and gaps, and passes, and" " Go wandering about for months, get lost, and starved to death, perhaps." "Oh, you are meeting trouble more than half way." "No such thing, I am only making preparations for an emer- gency that will surely come." " What makes you think so ?" " Because we are travelling the same road that other poor emigrants who perished have travelled." ^' And yet that is nothing. The road we have already passed is strewn with skeletons ; if others died, that is no proof that we shall." I saw that blank amazement and apprehension filled the minds of many. Some openly murmured, but the greater num- ber prepared to advance boldly into the mountains, and over- come the dangers, by facing them. " Cursed be he that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh back," said B m, " my friends and brethren I wish you to remember the fate of Lot's wife." " I wonder what good that would do ?" said Fan Simpkins, " we ain't pillars of salt." " I wish that you was," said Mrs. Stillman, sen., emphasizing the "you.'' Ethleen, the Indian Girl. 263 " Why so, mother ?" said Fan provokingly, " 'tis strange that while you love papa better than anybody else, you are not willing for other people to love him too." "Jezebel," muttered the old woman, and though hitherto con- sidered of a very remarkably peaceable disposition, she made a motion that seemed very much like shaking her fist. Emily, a great lover of nature, exulted in the picturesque scenery, and declared herself amply repaid for all her fatigue and suffering. She and Ethleen were inseparable, and the beautiful child of the desert was making a rapid acquaintance with the English language, under the tuition of her equally beautiful instructress ; while she amply repaid the debt by teaching Emily the use of the bow and arrow. Moore united his instructions to those of Emily, and the susceptible heart of Eth- leen readily acknowledged the claims of her deliverer. Side by side they wandered over the valleys and along the hills. Mrs. Bradish had designed for her a singularly beautiful and unique costume. It consisted of full Turkish trowsers of rich purple stuff, an orange vest or boddice, fastened with silk buttons, and worn over a cjiemisette of snowy muslin, to which was sometimes added, by jvay of full dress, a crimson sash. A delicately embroidered mo(j^|in protected her* graceful foot; while her long black hair was gathered into braids, and wound around her bead in the form of coronet, to which were appended the bright- est flowers and feathers. " OK, I would like to live here always,^' she saidio Moore and Emily, one day when they had climbed a hill that afforded a beautiful prospect, '' it is so beautiful, and looks so much like the scenery around my father's village.' "What was the name of your father, dear Ethleen? you never told me," Emily said, " My father was a chief and warrior," answered Ethleen, " his name is of no account." 264 Female Life among the Mormons. The youthful savage had learned sufficiently of our tongue to understand that its definition with us would be ridiculous, and so she refused to reveal it ; it was simply, the Buffalo's Horn. " Had you any brothers and sisters ?" continued Emily. " Two brothers, and one sister." " And do you not wish to go back and live with them ?" The poor girl made no answer, but burst into tears. "Emily, how cruel you are," exclaimed Charley, "her rela- tives were all slain by these savages, from whom we rescued her. At any rate, that is what she told me." "It was thoughtless in me," said Emily, "Ethleen, love, do not weep, you shall stay with us always, indeed you shall." " With me," suggested Charley. " Very well, with you, then." Ethleen soon wiped away her tears, and they descended to the valley, where we were encamped. This valley, which was about six miles wide, was bordered on either side by mountains from twelve hundred to two thousand feet high. On the north, broken and granite masses rose abruptly from the green sward, terminating in a line of jagged summits. On the south, the range was finely timbered, and at night luminous with fires, probably the \^4K* of the Indians, who were in the neighborhood. Among these masses, there were sometimes isolated hills and ridges, with green valleys opening between them, whose deep verdure and profusion of beautiful flowers presented a fine contrast to the sterile gran- deur of the rocks, and the barrenness of the sandy plains. The western part of this valley bore all the characteristics of an elevated plain, and. the ground was completely whitened with saline efflorescences that shone like a lake reflecting in the sun. Advancing still further along, we came to a number of isolated ^' cones about fifty feet high, consisting of layers of white clay and m^rl, in nearly horizontal strata. Several herds of antelope Picturesque Scenery. 265 made their appearance, and a grizzly bear was seen scrambling among the rocks. As we passed along, we caught the glimpse of mountain torrent, and subsequently, encamped on the banks of a river which Buckley asserted was a tributary of the Colo- rado. Here we found an abundance of soft green grass, with beautiful flowers, that made the bottoms look gay as a garden. Several of our young people went out to gather bouquets, while the hunters departed to look for game. The spirits of the whole party seemed agreeably refreshed with the salutary change from sterility to a plentiful supply of grass and water, while the bracing mountain air acted like a charm on our weak- ened frames, but we could not be insensible to the fact that our provisions were daily becoming scarcer, and that we should pro- bably have to encounter famine, accompanied with cold. But it would be useless and tedious to follow our line of travel. One day we were traversing an undulating country, consisting of greyish sand-stone and fine-grained conglomerates ; another, our route lay along a river valley, bordered by hills of moderate height ; while, again, we were passing among primi- tive rocks, characterized by wildness and disorder, with impetu- ous torrents tumbling over them. Sometimes the tall crags were utterly sterile and naked, and sometimes they were par- tially or completely covered with aspen, beech, willow, and tall pines, nodding in magnificent grandeur over their summits. In several places, we discerned traces of beaver on the streams ; remnants of dams, near which were lying trees which they had cut down. Sometimes we ascended hills, at others crossed ravines, or traversed deep valleys, filled with blocks of granite, mica slate, or milky quartz. We journeyed at frequent inter- vals over elevated prairies, whitened in occasional spots with small salt lakes, from some of which the waters had evaporated, leaving the ground covered with saline incrustations, while in others a bitter brine remained, standing about in littl« holes, or 12 266 Female Life among the Mormons. spread over a surface of considerable diameter, and probably two feet in depth. In this locality we made our fires of artemi- sia, which burned well, with a clear, oily flame. At length, after a weary and toilsome ascent of one hundred and twenty miles, we came to what has been denominated the South Pass. In this there is nothing of the gorge-like passes characteristic of the AUeghauies, in America, or the Simplon and St. Bernard, of Europe, but the ascent is so continual and gradual, that the traveller finds himself on the summit without being reminded of any change. And thence we obtained a magnificent view, in one direction, over a broken and champaign country, covered at short distances by isolated hills. In another, the Wind River Mountains appeared on the horizon, like a low mountainous ridge ; while directly before us we beheld the snow line of massive mountains, their white peaks glittering in the sun, and seeming to pierce the heavens. The air was extremely cold, the sky clear and beautiful, without a trace of cloud. The elders proposed a halt — and there, amid the wild magnificence of nature, with rocks and heights and mountains and granite boulders on all sides of us, they commenced a hymn of thanksgiving, and, whether or not we accede to the Mor- mon ritual, or have faith in the Mormon doctrine, all must con- clude that the tune, the scene, and the occasion were particu- larly well calculated to inspire devotional sentiments, and all heartily joined in the strain. Never had the magnificent moun- tains witnessed such a scene before. The ancient rocks had reverberated thousands of times to the war-shout of savages, and the howls of wild beasts, but never to the worship of God. Then all bowed, and prayers were offered, the rude trapper fer- vently joining, as did every one else. Though Ethleen under- stood little of the worship, she appeared struck with its appro-.> priateness and simplicity. Just as we commenced descending the inclined plane of the An Indian Alrar. 26T western side, we came to a pile of unhewn stone, whicli, consid- ering the size and appearance of the boulders, had evidently been brought with much labor and difficulty together. While we were speculating on its character and purpose, Ethleen approached. She shuddered at beholding it, and was hastening on, when, observing her agitation, I inquired if she knew its use. She replied in the affirmative, saying that it was an Indian altar, where they offered to their gods such sacrifices as could be obtained, with now and then a captive taken in war. Leaving this memento of an idolatrous belief, we passed on, and soon reached a river, said to be a tributary of the Colorado. It was broad and shallow, with a full, swift . current, over a rocky bed. It was timbered with a growth of low bushes and dense willows, among which were very little verdant spots, alfording fine grass for the animals, and many beautiful plants for my botanical collection. "We crossed several other streams, in the course of a few days, generally mountain torrents, flow- ing impetuously over a rocky bed ; and passed some isolated hills of a remarkable character. The Indians, according to Ethleen, have some interesting traditional legends connected with these places. They regard them as especially under the power and influence of evil spirits, who, they assert, frequently make themselves visible, particularly on the highest one, in the form of a cloud. We found the cold gradually increasing, and the air becom- ing purer and more bracing. Water froze at night, and fires were more comfortable. I am not over-fond of stirring early, but came out sooner than usual in order to witness the magnifi- cent sunrises. The sky is inexpressibly clear and blue. The first rays of the sun have tipped with gold the lofty snowy peak of the mountain, though they have not reached us. In the east a long mountain wall rises abruptly two thousand feet, behind which snowy peaks, belonging to another ridge, arc visible, 268 Female Life among the Mormon& though dark, and standing out clear against the glowing sky. A fog, just risen from the river, creeps along the base of the mountain at our feet. The scene becomes, every moment more grand, interesting, and magnificent. The sun surmounts the wall, with a broad, glowing disc, and instantly effects a magical change. The river glows like molten gold, the valleys gleam, and the snowy peaks seem clothed in garments of silver. Though these mountains have never been famed in song and story, they have a character of grandeur and magnificence, and will doubtless find pens and pencils to do them justice. In the scenery before us, we perceive how much a forest improves a view, as the dark pines of the mountains were a source of much additional beauty. We were now approaching a huge moun- tain chain, and consequently soon became involved in very bro- ken ground, among long ridges, covered with fragments of granite. Winding our way, with great difficulty, up a long ravine, we came, unexpectedly, in sight of a beautiful lake, set like a gem in the mountains, and which proved to be the head- waters of a large stream, tributary to Green River. The sheet of water lay transversely along the course we had been pursu- ing, and effectually blockaded all further passage. It became necessary to halt and call a council, and, as our jaded animals required rest, we encamped. While the elders were discussing the best and nearest route to turn the flank of the lake, I amused myself in listening to the remarks of Mrs. Beardsley, and admiring the stately magnifi- cence of the surrounding scene. "Just as I knowed it would be," said the old lady, knitting away with redoubled energy ; "I was confident that we should get lost." " For my part," said Mrs. Stillman, sen., " I believe we have been lost all the time." • " I begin to Ihink myself," said Buckley, " that we have come -^^SSBS'The Lost Trail, 269 considerably out of our way. I wonder what we have been thinking of all the time." " Of nothing at all but foolishness," said the irritated old lady. "Kever mind, mother," said Louisa — "but did you ever see such magnificent rocks ?" *' I never want to see them again," said the old lady, who cared very little for the magnificence of nature. The whole scene was one of surprising grandeur. With nothing to intercept or lessen the view, a mighty, ridge of snow- capped mountains rose before us, pile upon pile, glowing in the bright refulgence of an unclouded sky. Immediately beneath them, and between two ridges covered with dark pines, lay the lake, glittering in the rich sunlight, its banks of yellow sand, and the light foliage of the aspen groves contrasting with the gloomy grandeur of the shadowy pines. After a long discussion, it was decided that we should retrace our steps to the foot of the South Pass, and thence enter the valley which communicated immediately with the Green River, and thence inclining southward, led directly to Bear River, a tributary of the Great Salt Lake. A half-civilized Indian of the Black-feet tribe, who had been trapping for beaver among the hills, seeing our fires, came into the camp, and volunteered to be our guide. B m at first refused to receive him, but the people began to murmur, and he was forced to accede. Our misfortune, indeed, was chiefly attributable to the headstrong Prophet, who persisted in opposing Harmer, and making his crude revelations the guide of the people, though it appeared that the others had become somewhat bewildered among the Tarious intersecting trails. 270 Female Life among the Mormons. CHAPTER XXXI. BEAR RIVER VALLEY. DITRIXG our long journey I have had no occasion to allude to either Mrs. Cook, or Irene, the spiritual wife of Smith. The former, on the death of his wife, attached herself unre- servedly to Mr. Murray. It was rumored that they quarrelled, and even came to blows : one thing, however, is certain, illicit connexions uniformly terminate unhappily, and she manifested the utmost indifference at his death. After this event she became exceedingly intimate with Irene, who manifested the utmost pride and statehness, and gloried herself in keeping the relics of Smith. Every few days the precious garments were brought out and aired, and then returned to the place of depo- sit amid the perfume of musk and amber. During all this time Irene looked haughty and discontented, said very little to any one, and evidently regarded the wives of B m with no friendly feeling. She absolutely refused to accord them the tri- fling deference that courtesy required, remarking that the sur- viving relict of the Father of Mormonism, should rather receive than bestow homage. This formed the subject of a good jest, and then no more was said about it. But in our camp was one man, an elder, who had steadily, and from the first, opposed the election of B m to the leadership and temporal head of the church. Rumor hinted that he aspired to the dignity himself, but being foiled, grew envious and malicious towards his successful rival. However this might The Secret Enemy. 271 be, he had been to B m like Mordecai sitting in the king's gate to Haman, refusing to do him the outward homage which his heart refused. Doubtless, this was extremely unpleasant to one so tenacious of his dignity and honor," but he had the good sense to perceive that it would require punishment, if noticed, and this he was perfectly aware would place his enemy in a pro- minent situation that would augur well to his cause. Lawrence made his animosity and dislike felt in a thousand ways, though it would have been a difficult matter to express in plain language any one act that was reprehensible. Every intelligent observer knows, however, that almost every passion or emotion of the human breast can be expressed without words. Who has not read indifference, disgust, and dislike, as well as love and tenderness, in looks. Then, how much may be implied in' a shrug, a tone of the voice, or glance of the eye ? What an insinuation of hate, or malice, or slander, may be couched under the smoothest words ; and how much more certain are such of doing harm, since we imbibe the impression without being ■exactly aware of what it is ? Then Lawrence was exceedingly mnning and diplomatic, affecting a taciturnity and reserve, altoge- ther foreign to his character. He always kept himself in the oack-ground, said little, took no part in discussions or alterca- tions, and made himself familiar to no one, unless, indeed, we except Irene ; yet, few that looked into the deep unfathomable recesses of his eyes ; few that saw his brow wrinkled with thought, could keep from thinking that under this smooth exte- rior the pent-up fires of volcanic passion lay concealed. Recently he had paid more than ordinary attention to Irene. They had long conferences, took long walks, and associated together on all occasions. Mrs. Cook, though the friend and companion of Irene, was evidently a secondary personage with him. Mrs. Bradish, always awake to everything that was going on, 272 Female Ltfe among the Mormons. observed this, and soon came to a definite conclusion, as to its tendency. Coming to our tent, one day, she exclaimed ; "Depend upon it, Mr. Ward, there is something wrong about Lawrence and Irene I" " And what may it be ?" " I can^t exactly tell, though time will develop." " That he wants a wife — a very natural want, to be sure," said Mr. Ward, laughing. " And the mitre ?" " I hardly think he has any designs on that." " Well, we shall see. ^he fact is," continued Mrs. Bradish, "that B m committed a great niistake, in not marrying Irene, himself. I told him so, at the time. She is excessively ambitious, and standing in so near a relation to the first Pro- phet, considers herself entitled to fill a corresponding place to the second." " Is it too late, yet ?" " To be sure it is." "Think so?" " I know it. Yesterday, as in duty bound, I communicated my suspicions to him. He affected to treat the matter with indifference, though I could see that he really felt concern. When I mentioned Irene, and her former connection with the sainted dead, he smiled, and inquired if I supposed Irene consid- ered herself insulted by his neglect ; to which I replied in the affirmative. " ' Well,' he answered, complacently, * heaven has already bestowed upon me three wives, and when we arrive at the Promised Land, I design to propose for another ; but, rather than have any difficulty about that, I will propose for Irene, likewise.' " ' It is too late,' I replied ; * she would certainly refuse you.' Dissatisfaction Broods in Secret. 273 *' He lifted his eyes in astonishment. " ' Now, she would,' I continued ; ' four or five months ago, it would haye been different.' *' I saw that he was piqued, as he answered : ' Well, we shall see,' and walked off. And he did see. He went that very evening, and besought her to become his wife." " And she refused him ?" inquired Mr. Ward. *' Yes — scornfully." *' B m has gained the ill-will of several of the party,'^ said Mr. Ward. '' He is, in fact, both selfish and obstinate." It need scarcely be said, that there were murmurs, "not loud, but deep," when we began to retrace our march. " I thought," said Harmer, *' that we were going wrong, but, wrong or right, as the Prophet, there, urged his Revelations, I concluded that he might see where they would lead him." Fan Simpkins asserted that it made no difference to her ; it certainly did not to Ethleen, whose lover was continually beside bcr ; but the others exceedingly regretted that even a day's travel should be spent in vain. It had been the custom of B m to point out our direction, though, previous to his rup- ture with Harmer, he had been guided by his knowledge and experience of the country, but even that was rather limited. The Indian, for a valuable consideration, undertook to be our guide to the Bear River "Valley. He was a tall, athletic fellow, speaking English imperfectly, and professing great regard for the whites. Though he performed his duty manfully, pointing out the course, and assisting to remove obstructions, many of the more zealous Mormons considered it a great humiliation, to be necessitated to receive assistance from a heathen and idolater. Irene made herself very busy in disseminating and arguing such sentiments, Lawrence said nothing, at least publicly, though the two had several private conversations, of long contin- uance. 12* 2T4 Female Life among the Mormons. At length, night came on. "We made our encampment, and prepared supper. While we were eating, a loud, wild shriek was heard. Instantly starting to my feet, I ran out, and met Emily, just coming to tell me that Lawrence was dead — that he died very suddenly, after having informed Irene that such an event awaited him, and requesting of her to be laid out in the sacred garments of Smith, as a revelation had informed him, that in that manner he would be restored to life. I was not in the least astonished at this. Indeed, I had wit- nessed so much humbugery and jugglery, that I could not be surprised at anything, though I did wonder what new phase of deception was under way, "The plot is developing," said Mrs. Bradish, when informed of the circumstance. " I want to see the dead man — where is he ?" " In that tent, yonder, with Irene," said a bystander. Mrs. Bradish visited the dead man, but soon returned. " He is no more dead than I am," she said. " He has brought on a state of syncope, or trance. Any one can do it, who pleases to, though, probably, some persons easier than others." " I never heard of such a thing." " Well, I have, and seen it, too,'* she answered. " I was once acquainted with a man, who laid a wager that he would die and come to life agam. Some laughed ; others were horror-stricken, at what they denominated his presumption and impiety. I determined to watch him closely. Having a mattress, he lay down on his back, folded his hands across his breast, and then remained perfectly still. After a few minutes, there was, evi- dently, a sinking of the system ; the pulse rapidly declined ; the heart beat slow and heavily, and the breathing grew shorter and shorter, until it finally ceased. Then the extremities became cold ; the limbs stiff and rigid ; the under-jaw dropped ; the eye-winkers partially opened, revealing the ball turned upwards ; and all the symptoms were those of death." The Sacred Garments. 2T5 " Were you not frightened ?" " I was surprised and astonished, beyond measure ; the more so, when, after lying in this state four or five hours, there were evident marks of returning animation. The countenance, which had been livid, gradually resumed its natural color ; the eyes slowly opened, and the breathing became regular. After this, he recovered rapidly, sat up, and asked for food. Upon being questioned, he said that he could produce that state, at any time, merely by a strong effort of the will." *' But what inducement could Lawrence have, to produce this state V " In what light would you regard a man, who had risen from the dead ?" " As something wonderful, remarkable ; something to be ► evered and honored." **That is a sufficient solution of his motives. He requests the j^rments of Smith to be put on him, that is to give his waken- ing the character of a miracle. Then he will have to relate the wonderful scenes he has passed through, and the surprising revela- tions that have been made to him. This will give him the popu- larity that he desires, and I greatly fear will lead to a division in the church." "This might partly be avoided by refusing to permit the sacred garments to be put on him," said Mr. Ward. " But I scarcely imagine that B m would listen to anything I would say." " Whether or not he listens to me, I mean to tell him," said Mrs. Bradish, and she started off. In a short time she returned. "Well, what result ?" I inquired. " After I had informed B m of my suspicions, he went to the tent where Lawrence lay ; Mrs. Cook sat at his feet sobbing, and Irene had buried her face in a remarkably dry handkerchief. 276 Female Life among the Mormons. A large concourse of people, and several elders were standing or sitting around. The sacred garments had been removed from their perfumed resting-place, and were hanging up to air, prepa- ratory to being put on the dead man, agreeably to his request. Without saying a word B m walked into the tent, the assembled company involuntarily doing obeisance, which he coolly acknowledged, and then proceeded straight to the garments, gathered them up in his arms, and carried them off, before the spectators became fully aware of his intentions. He knew very well," she continued, " that there was no other way by which he could get them. They'll have a hard time to outwit him." " Did they send for the garments afterwards ?" "To be sure they did ; and Irene went herself, and coaxed, threatened, and scolded, but all to no purpose." '* He wouldn't give them up ?" " Not he ; he told her that they were the property of the church, and that himself, as the head of the church, was their proper keeper. Then she raved and stormed like a fury, called him a thief, and demanded to know, by what right he refused to permit the mh-aculous virtues in the garments to be tested." " And what did B m say ?" " Nothing at all. He sat perfectly calm and collected, reading his Bible, as if nothing had happened to disturb his serenity." After exhausting all her efforts to no purpose, she went back to the tent, and watched beside the sleeper. The next morning he began to recover slowly, exactly as Mrs. Bradish had pre- dicted, but the absence of the consecrated garments divested his reauimation of the character of a miracle, though it did not prevent his relating a wonderful vision, in which he stated that he had seen Smith, and received information, that the founder of Mormonism was greatly concerned that the affairs of the Church had fallen into such improper hands, and finally concluded by asserting that he had been chosen and delegated to lead the • Mrs. Bradish Declines the Honor. 277 saints to their destination. This announcement was evidently premature ; no one seconded the measure, or seemed prepared to accept him in that capacity. Cries of " No ! no I" resounded from all sides. " You are not a suitable person ; you shall not be our leader." " What God hath cleansed, you should not consider common or unclean,*' he said, " my vision ! my restoration to life I" " What proof have we of that ?" " I have always heard that seeing was believing," he answered. " A great many people witnessed my dissolution, and now I stand here perfectly restored." " It was all a trick, a jugglery, we have heard of such things before." Mrs. Bradish had taken the pains to inform the whole com- pany, that cases of suspended animation might be voluntarily superinduced, and nothing probably, but her knowledge and foresight had saved the Mormon Church from a revolution, so far as a new leader was concerned, and B m from losing his dignified position in the Mormon hierarchy. Overcome with gratitude, and probably thinking that such services merited a distinguished reward, he came to visit her that evening, and make his acknowledgments. After a long prefatory harangue, he said : — " There is but one reward, my dear madam, which I can offer you, that is at all commensurate with the very important service you have rendered me, and it is altogether uncertain, whether or not that will meet your approbation." Mrs. Bradish raised her eyes in astonishment, but finally remarked, that she neither wished nor expected a reward, having acted from the sole consciousness of duty, and being fully satis- fied with the approbation of her conscience. " That may sound well enough for you, madam, though it will hardly do for me. I do not choose to lie under unpaid obliga- 278 Female Life among the Mormons. tions to any one. It scarcely becomes me; and so I must at least make you an offer." " An offer," said the lady, " what kind of an offer ?" " An' offer of marriage, to be sure." "Of marriage to whom?" " To myself," he answered, " but I see you despise me." " Far from it, my dear sir," she said, offering her hand. "And ,et I doubt much, whether a marriage between us would con- \ribute to the happiness of either. You have three wives already." " And that should rather be an inducement to you, than otherwise." Mrs. Bradish smiled a meaning smile. "I fear," she said, " that my entrance into your household might not be relished by its present inmates." " And what of that ?" he replied, "you should be the first and greatest among them." • " No ; that privilege belongs of right to the first wife." " The husband has the liberty of conferring it on any one he pleases." " The husband may Assume that right, but I conceive that such an assumption of prerogative is unjust." "The husband is the head of the wife ; her temporal and eternal salvation depends on him." Mrs. Bradish, though she had taught the same lesson to me and others, seemed to shrink when it was brought back to her. Then bursting into a laugh, she said, " You see, good brother, that we cannot agree even in a short conversation, and though I feel greatly flattered by your good opinion, must decidedly and at once decline your proposal." " I have at least proved my gratitude," he said. "Certainly, certainly; no one will dispute that." "'And we are still to be friends, the same as formerly ?" The Promised Land. 219 " Indeed, 1 hope so." And the two separated, both better suited, and much happier than if they had been affianced lovers. After a somewhat toilsome march over a rugged and broken country, we came at length to level, dry, uninteresting plains. Here we struck a trail, which our guide informed us, led directly to the Great Salt Lake, through a well-watered country, where fine timber and some game abounded. Our Indian guide, whose knowledge of the country was much more exact and accurate than that of Harmer or Buckley, or even both put together, related many wild and beautiful stories of the different rivers, with their wild wooded islands, and roaring rapids. Under his guidance, we progressed finely, and entered at length the high and broken country, which terminates in the Utah chain of mountains. After several days' travel, in which nothing remarkable occur- red, we crossed a mountain ridge at a pass of great elevation, and descended immediately into the picturesque and fertile valley of Bear River. From the summit of this pass, we had an extensive view over a broken and mountainous region, whose rugged appearance was greatly increased by the smoky weather through which the broken ridges were darkly and dimly seen. The ascent to the summit of the gap resembles, in many charac- teristics, the pass of -the Alleghanies ; and the descent on the western side, though rather precipitous, was tolerably good. We were now entering a region which, for us, presented unusual interest. The Mormon Land of Promise, the Home of the Faithful, where they would be secure from the encroachments of the heathen ; the Holy Place, where the saints should build up a kingdom, and where Christ should descend to dispense the joys of millenium blessedness, during his reign of a thousand years. All unpleasant thoughts were merged in the joyous anticipation of ending our journey so soon. The errors of 280 Female LirE among the Mormons. B m were forgiven and forgotten, but the good Indian received a substantial tok^n of our gratitude. But independent of these considerations, the Great Salt Lake possessed, for me, a strange and extraordinary interest. It formed one of the most remarkable features in the geography of the country, and was the salient point around which centered innumerable traditional tales of hunters and travellers. Though Buckley had never visited its shores, he contended, that, accord- ing to accounts, it had no visible outlet, but that somewhere on its surface was a dreadful whirlpool, by which its waters descended, through subterranean passages, into the ocean. This Harmer disputed, and the Indian positively contradicted. However, it formed a theme for innumerable discussions, in which the women frequently joined. "No outlet," said Mrs. Beardsley, "just like the Dead Sea in Asia ; not just like it either, for Elder Scarow used to say that was the mouth of Hell." " The mouth of Hell ?" ejaculated Harmer. " Certainly, but you needn't be so surprised about that ; there's a Hell, to be sure, you won't pretend to deny that ; and there must be somewhere to get into it. This Elder Scarow declared to be that horrible sulphurous lake, where the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah stood." " And how did he know ?" " Oh, he had a dream, or vision, that told him so." " Well, who knows but what this lake communicates with the same place ? Of course it would be necessary to have a passage on each continent,'^ said Harmer. Emily looked reproachfully towards him, and said : " How can you talk so ?" Harmer only laughed, " I don't see anything wrong in that," said Charley Moore, " the supposition is perfectly natural." The Startling Missive. 281 The old lady, however, seemed to think that they were mak- ing a jest of her, and retired. Presently a little girl, the daughter of a woman in our com- pany, who waited on one of B m's wives, came with a note for Emily. I watched her countenance, and perceived that when she rose to obey the summons it contained, she appeared excessively agitated. Harmer noticed this, their eyes met, and she 4;hrust the letter into his hand. CHAPTER XXXII. OTHER EMIGRANTS. THE valley of Bear River is from three to four miles wide, bounded on either side by mountainous ridges, rising sud- denly from the plain. Shut out from the world, it reminded me continually of the happy valley, where the royal race of Abyssi- nia exhausted their lives in a round of endless enjoyment. These ridges, in some places, were sterile and naked ; in others, they were thickly wooded with dark pine forests. Sometimes a stream would smoothly descend along a narrow, fertile, and pic- turesque valley ; and sometimes mountain torrents would tumble impetuously over the rocks. Elk and antelope were abundant, and some of the hunters came suddenly on a trail of wagons and horses, by which we knew that another company of emigrants had passed. "They are of our people," said B m, "bless the Lord." " I am not certain of that, though it may be the case," said Mrs. Bradish. 282 Female Life among the Mormons. Journeying on over a small hill, we came suddenly in sight of them, encamped in a lovely situation, and joined them near night-fall. As our leader had anticipated, they proved to be Mormons, travelling to the promised land. We had a joyful meeting then, and the united companies sang the Hallelujah Chorus, with infinite animation. They had started from St. Louis a month subsequent to ourselves, by which we learned how much, and how far we had travelled out of our way. They informed us that other companies of emigrants, princi- pally Mormons, were reposing in a beautiful valley a short distance off, with whom they designed to unite. Our party concluded to do the same, and crossing a clear stream of water, about fifty yards in breadth, we ascended a wid^ ravine, between remarkable mountains, rising abruptly on either side. A few miles further on, we passed the point of a narrow spur, and descended into a valley, whose picture of home beauty touched our hearts. For several miles along the river, the edge of the wood was dotted with emigrant wagons, whose white covers reflected in the sun. They were collected in groups at different camps, where the smoke was rising lazily from the fires, around which the women were busily engaged in preparing the evening meal, the children rolling and tumbling in the grass, and the cattle feeding in quiet security. They had been reposing for several days in this delightful valley, in order to recruit the strength of their animals, on its luxuriant pasturage, after their long and toilsome travels, and prepare them to finish their journey. B m passed around among the different encampments, and received the homage graciously awarded to him as their spiritual father. He rejoiced greatly in the goodly number of his children thus happily brought together, and compared the different divi- sions of them to the different tribes of the Israelites. They had cx)me from several States, from Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and The Prophet Discourses on Polygamy. 283 Beaver Island. "And they shall continue to come/^ said B m, "from every part of the world — from Europe and Asia, and the islands of the sea. And we will build up a king- dom to the Lord, with a temple to which the nations shall come and worship." It was proposed to hold a meeting in the open air, at which B m was invited to preach. He consented, and the people all gathered, men, women and children. The pulpit was a plat- form raised on a wagon, beneath the wide-spreading branches of a green tree. The subject of his discourse, polygamy, which he attempted to justify from Scripture, and the example of the ancient patriarchs. His reasoning was something like this : That if it was right to have one wife, it was right to have two, or even more, since actions in themselves morally wrong — for instance murder, theft, or similar crimes — are not allowed, even in one instance. That the law of the United States, which allowed one wife to every man, and denied his right to more than one, was highly tyrannical ; that in many cases the prac- tice of polygamy was attended with many benefits, especially in cases of sickness, and where household burdens could not be otherwise than troublesome and onerous ; that the purpose of marriage being the perpetuation of the human species, it fol- lowed that when the wife ceased bearing, or was otherwise inca- pable or unwilling to raise a family, it became the husband's duty to take another wife. This he proved by the example of Abraham and Jacob. David, he said, had several wives, yet the Lord never reproved him for it, and if it was right then, it remains so yet. This doctrine, though nothing new to me, excited the surprise and consternation of many women. They were not prepared for such a state of things. They had been converted to Mormon- ism by the missionaries whom Smith had sent out, with instruc- tions to deal only in the pure milk of the Gospel, by which he 284 Female Life among the Mormons, meant those parts of Mormonism the most conformable to the generally-received opinions of the day, reserving the meat — such things as polygamy and spiritual wifeage — for those more advanced in the knowledge of the blessings designed for the Faithful. It was easy to perceive that these doctrines were rather unpalatable to the majority of the females, though the men seemed pleased, and many of them really exultant. Not a few began immediately to direct their 'glances where stood a bevy of blooming girls, and greatly to the chagrin of their com- panions, four or five passed directly over to them, and com raenced a conversation. While resting in this beautiful valley, the time to me passed happily. "We were divided into messes, three or four families in a mess, each being provided with a fire and cooking utensils, placed a short distance from their tents. When all were stir- ring, at meal times, we presented a very lively and animated appearance. Some were cooking, others eating, others prepar- ing a temporary table, and yet others, somewhat behindhand, just kindling their fires. To borrow a fire was not at all uncom- mon. Some families did all their cooking at borrowed fires. Perhaps a little blue-eyed girl would come bounding fawn-like over the grass : " Mother wants to borrow your fire to get breakfast. Can she have it P " Oh, certainly." " And your pot, and tea-kettle V* " Yery well." " The spider, too ?" " I reckon." And the girl goes bounding back to reporl the success of her message. Then a big boy, in tattered trowsers, and with a brimless hat, comes marching along with a huge annload of brush to replenish A Scene at ** Meal-Time." 285 the blaze, followed by a woman in a gingham sun-bonnet, and coarse calico dress, bearing a great fat baby in one arm, and a dish containing some slices of raw meat with the other. Within speaking distance, the salutation would be given : " Good morning, Mrs. Ward, I fear that we are putting you to a great deal of trouble, but it's so much handier to get break- fast by a fire already made, than it is to have to kindle one for yourself, that I told papa, seeing as how we were late, that I'd just come round here and get something to eat, though it's very little that we've got. How are you on it for coffee ?" " I have a little left, a very little, that I am saving until some of us get sick." " Come, John, don't be all day filling that tea-kettle. Sit still bubby there on the grass. A little coffee did you say ? — Well, it would do me good to even see some. Dear ! dear ! only to think what we have come to ; not a grain of coffee or particle of tea, and compelled to drink this slop — ain't it too bad, considering how we used to have all and everything ?" " It's neighbor's fare." *' So I suppose ; but that don't help it any. There, John, hang that kettle as it ought to be over the blaze. Now go and get the leaves I gave you yesterday, put them in the tea-pot, and bring it here ; the kettle will soon boil. There bub, you'r too noisy. I must get the meat broiling." The emigrants suppKed the place of tea, with a kind of wild sage, that made a palatable and nutritious drink. The meat is put broiling, but "bubby" is determined to be noticed. " Here, John," screams the mother, " come take ' bub ;' what's that you are saying ? — shan't, eh ? Don't talk your sauce to me. Come along, I say, here ; I can't leave this meat a minute ; 'twill burn up, certainly." 286 Female Life among the Mormons. John, however, wouldn't come, and " bubby," shrieking with madness, rolled about on the grass. Meanwhile, our breakfast is eaten — perhaps some boiled kamas or bitter root for bread, with fried or broiled venison, the flesh of the elk or antelope, and I rise up to put things *' to rights.'' " Do you want this spider ?" I inquired, raising my voice to the highest pitch, in consequence of " bubby 's" excessive din. " No,'' she answers. *' I thought I should when Malvinai Matilda camo round here, but I finally concluded that we'd drink our tea, and eat this meat, and leave the rest for dinner. Such good bread, and pound cakes and cookies as we used to have. Oh, dear !" " We suffer gfeat deprivations,'' I said, removing the spider. " Oh, I never thought it was half so far. Do hush your racket. What on earth ails the child ? — why, I cannot hear myself'think. But what did you think of the sermon t'other night ? I declare, I never was so beat." " Thought it pretty good, considering the subject." " And so did papa. He seemed really delighted with it, and actually declared that he meant to have another wife before a month." "'Another wife, indeed I' I answered, sharply. 'I guess one wife is quite as many as you can take care of.' " ' Oh, I want 'em to take care of me,' he said, laughing. " * Well, if you get another wife I won't do a hand's turn for you,' I replied. " * Yes you would, you'd love me all the better, and be in constant strife with the others, to see who could do the most.' " * Don't you believe anything of that kind ;' but, here, I've been talking, and let my meat burn. It's done, I believe," and, putting it in the dish, she took up "bubby," who had screamed himself into a good humor, and walked off. Sport and Scandal. 28T And such scenes were transpiring througli all the valley. Meats were being dressed iu an infinite variety of ways, or being eaten without seasoning or stuffing. Here, a group were using their utmost endeavors to masticate a boiled wild goose ; and there, another company, seated on the grass, like so many Turks, were feasting on a loin of elk. Some were bearing water from the river ; others carrying wood from the forest ; some were talking politics, and discussing the temporal kingdom of Christ ; while others were speculating on the quality of the soil, and its adaptation to agricultural produce. The breakfast was readily got over, as there was little to cook, and consequently it was soon eaten. This done, the men sallied out over the hills to explore the country, "some carrying their guns, others their fishing tackle, and some with neither. The young people amused themselves with roaming through the meadows, to search for edible roots. Lawrence and Irene, arm in arm, took a long walk, as Mrs. Bradish said, to plot new mis- chief ; while the women gathered into knots and groups, talked about their babies, the recent sermon on matrimonial affairs, or fresh bits of neighborhood gossip ; for no life is more favorable to scandal than the one we had been leading. " That's a fine child of your'n, Mrs. Dallas," said one of those milk-and-water women, of whom I am always afraid, they look so sleek and beautiful, yet tiger-like withal. " Eight months," said Mrs. Dallas, " and he's got four teeth." " Four teeth ! bless me, how smart he is, and beautiful tod," she continued. "Well, I always did admire beautiful children." The infant Dallas was one of the ugliest specimens of child- hood, with little grey eyes, a pug nose, and red hair. Even the mother had never considered him beautiful before now. " Your husband never ought to think of taking another wife, while you bring him such beautiful children." ^ The women were seated on a low bench. Female Life among the Mormons. " My husband take another wife !" said Mrs. Dallas, starting. " Does he think of such a thing ?" " I don't know how he can help thinking of it, after hearing that sermon. I'm thankful that I'm a widow." " I can't believe that my husband will ever want to insult me that way ; for 'twould be an insult, now, wouldn't it ?" " An insult ? I should think so." " The very thought of it makes me weep," said Mrs. Dallas, and she burst into tears. " I don't know as that will be the case, but then I shouldn't wonder if it was," said this prophetess of evil, and so, bidding the child comfort his mammy, and Mrs. Dallas not to care, she walked off. Mrs. Dallas was one of those women who are always expect- ing evil and meeting trouble. She was very fond of her hus- band, and the words of this pretended friend filled her mind with the most dreadful apprehensions. When Mr. Dallas returned from the chase, he found her in tears, which she vainly strove to hide, and of which he determined to discover the cause. But all his tenderness and caresses were unavaiUng. She could not be the first to mention her horrible foreboding to him, and he left her at length, very much displeased. It need not be supposed, however, that all the females enter- tained similar views of polygamy. Some declared that they were perfectly willing for their husbands to avail themselves of the privilege, and take other wives if they saw fit. Others said they knew not what to think of it, though the majority, it must be confessed, were anything but pleased with the pro- position. When the young people returned from gathering roots, Emily came to our tent. I saw that she had been weeping, and inquired the ca^. At first, she hesitated, but a little persua- sion overcame her reluctance, and she began : The Rejected Lover. 289 ** You know, probably, that I received a note from B m the other day." " I knew that you received a note, and circumstances led me to infer that it came from him." "Well, he requested me to visit him immediately, as he wished to communicate with me on a subject of vital impor- tance. I guessed its import, and nerved myself for a scene. " The Mormon dignitary was seated in a large stuffed, and cushioned chair, with all the emblems of his dignity about him. He wore a long, loose robe, embroidered slippers, and a mitre, beneath which, his repulsive countenance showed to the greatest disadvantage. His wives retreated from the apartment at my approach; and he motioned me to a seat on the stool at his feet. I sunk down upon it, glad to escape the burning gleam of his eyes, for his whole countenance glowed with the fervor of an August noon. " ' You aise very lovely,' he said, at length breaking the silence, and drawing back my head on his knee, he attempted to kiss me. I shrank from his touch, as from the sting of a serpent, and rising up, requested him to inform me of the business he wished to communicate, that I might depart. " 'Depart, indeed ; why no, my charmer, your home is hence- forth with me.' *' ''No, sir,' I answered, *you are mistaken there.' '' His countenance grew dark with suppressed passion, * It is my pleasure to take you for a wife,' he said. " ' But it is not my pleasure to receive you for a husband, you are well supplied with wives already.' " * Not so well as I wish to be, and then it was revealed to me that I must take you.' " '^NTothing of the kind has been revealed to me, and until it is, I must persist in declining yonr offer.' " He seemed really surprised at my audacity, in placing myself 13 290 Female Life among the Mormons. in equality with him, and there was an expression in his counte- nance, and a gleam in his eye, that made me shudder. " * And do women ever have revelations about these things V he said, after a moment's silence. " ' I suppose so. I know of no reason why they should nat.^ " * You require instruction, I see,' he said. " * And shall be happy to receive it, provided it is of the right kind.' " * And who shall be the judge of that ?' " ' Myself.' "He shook his head solemnly, and said, 'Your soul is in danger.' " * And yours may be too, for what I know.' *' I no longer feared, though I hated and despised him. ** * This is all folly on your part,' he said at length. * As my wife, your temporal and eternal salvation will be secured. You will be safe from the power of the devil, and beyond the danger of ever falling away. It is for your own good that I desire this, and now will you refuse V "a will.' " Again his countenance grew dark, and he inquired, " * Do you not know that I possess the power to enforce your obedience j that no one, especially a woman, may thwart my will with impunity V " ' But women have thwarted your will — Irene, Mrs. Bradish.' " ' Silence, I tell you, don't mention them to me,' he cried. * These were different cases. It was mere expediency that influenced my conduct with regard to them, but you I have learned to love,' and he attempted to take my hand. " I withdrew it. " * I see how it is,' he said. ' Harmer has been inveigling, you into a connection with him. Is it not so V " * By what right do you inquire ? I did not come here as to The Prophet Braved by a Woman. 291 a confessional. If the important business you named relates to this, you will please suffer me to depart.' " ' Kot till you have answered me.' " 'Well, then, he has not inveigled me.' " * Has he not asked you to become his wife V " ' He has.' " ' And you consented ?' '"I did.' *' * And you dare prefer him to me ?' "'I dare.' " ' But don't you know, that no marriage can be consummated among our people without my consent ?' " * I was not aware that such was the case.' " A gleam of malicious pleasure twinkled in his eyes, as he answered, ' Well, it is the case, and you may rest assured that I shall never consent to your marriage with him. Heaven, everything, forbids it. And now I command you, by the right in me vested — a right which extends to the control and supervi- sion of every female among us — that you cease to associate with him. Do you hear ?' " ' I hear.' " ' And will you obey V " I made no answer. " He looked threateningly, and muttered ' Beware !' " ' Beware of what ?' I said, affecting a cahnness and uncon- cern, that I was far from feeling. " ' Child,' he answered, and his countenance grew darker, and his voice sterner, ' what use is there in pretending all this igno- rance ? You know very well, that you are solely and wholly in my power. You have no parents, no relatives. These people with whom you live, have no legal claim over you, neither can they prevent the exercise of my undoubted right, to do with you as I please.' Female Life among the Mormons. "' Bat am I not under the protection of the laws of the land V " ' Laws of the land ! now that is too good — laws of the land ! indeed, what laws of the land are there, but my will ? What State ? what government has power or authority here ? No I my beauty, set your heart at rest in that quarter. Here I do as I please with my own. I consider myself amenable to no law, but the code of Mormon, and that places all authority in my hands.' " ' And you,' I said, * what, are you, a leader of the saints, a priest and prophet of the Most High, thus taking advantage of my unprotected situation, to force me to a connection which my soul abhors ? For shame, were you ten times more powerful than you be, I would hate and defy you.' " * Because you confide in my generosity not to injure you.' " ' Far from it. You have no generosity ; I know that you are as incapable of one true honorable feeling, as you are capable of perpetrating the grossest villanies ; but because I can bear all the penalties of your wrath, whatever they may be, with pleasurable satisfaction, compared to the endurance of a stated vilest concubinage, such as you wish to impose upon me.' " * And you call the holy state of marriage concubinage V " * I do, such marriage as you propose. Without love, with- out sympathy, without congeniality of mind, or appropriateness of age ; sensuality on one side and compulsion on the other, what else could it be ?' and I looked him directly in the face. " ' I see,' he said at length, ' I see that the true import of the marriage institution is altogether beyond your comprehension. These sympathies and congenialities of which you speak, are nothing, and only exist in the distempered fancy of silly young women. But you need a husband to protect and support you ; a husband by whom you can be saved from perdition. As my wife, you will be honored and honorable ; servants shall do your bidding— ah, and slaves, too.' Destiny will Decide. 293 "* Slaves? " * Yes, slaves — negroes. Is there anything wonderful in that V *' ' Not that I am aware of, only I don't know how you are to get them.' *" I can tell you. I left word with a slave-dealer in St. Louis, to send on thither a large gang of slaves. I presume they are coming now. Harmer cannot afford you any luxury ; why will you cling to him V " ' Because I am fond of his society, and have promised to become his wife. Let me go, I beseech you I' " ' Well, go ; but remember what I said. I do not desire your final answer, now ; that, I shall demand in one month from this date ; but the wife of Harmer, you shall never be. You ^may go to the grave, but never to his bed.' " 'Destiny may decide otherwise,' I answered, and hastened away. "And now, Mrs. Ward," said Emily, " do you suppose that this man possesses the omnipotence he imagines, or would have us believe ?" " That he possesses great influence, in many matters, is cer- tain," I replied, " as he says, we are beyond the administration of the civil law ; and yet, I should suppose that there were good and upright men among the Mormons, who would resent any great infringement of individual rights ; especially, when that individual was a helpless female orphan, and on that account, if no other, entitled to consideration and regard." " I never will be his wife, come what will !" said Emily ; " I'll run away to the wild Indians, first I" " What does Harmer say ?" " He raved like a madman," " I should suppose as much." . " And now, Mrs. Ward, what am I to do ?" ** The same as if nothing had occurred." 294 Female Life among the Mormons. " And manifest the same preference for Harmer ?" "Jiist the same. He has given you a month to decide. Many things may happen in that time, of which, at present, we have not the faintest perception, and which may materially change his mind, or place you beyond his power." " Heaven grant that it may be so !" said Emily, fervently. Mr. Ward and several others came in, and the conversation changed. CHAPTER XXXIII. A HOME IN THE DESERT. ¥E were alone in the desert — men, women and children. Many of us inspired by the most resolute fanaticism ; others, imbued with sentiments of religious veneration for their leader ; and all pledged to support a cause that, whether good or bad, whether conformable to their feelings or not, could not fail to redound to the glory of the Mormon hierarchy, and pro- mote the interests and views of the church. Doubtless, the Mormon exodus was a matter of rejoicing to the enemies of that people, or it may be that they regarded the matter with absolute indifference : though to that very fact, is owing their unaccuontable prosperity and rapid increase. That they stood alone, with no neighboring communities of a different faith, and possessing a social system founded on radically different princi- ples, whose influence might retard their growth, or prevent the full development of their designs, was remarkably in their favor. They were at liberty to form such laws as suited them ; to estab- lish precedents and decisions, conformable to their own views ; The Source of Mormon Stability. 296 and, above all, the utter impossibility of escape or appeal, exer- cised a wonderful influence over the dissatisfied, and aided, more than anything else, in causing them to abide by their fate, and conform to the circumstances in which they were placed. Had injured wives possessed the chance of redress by law, or even the opportunity of flying from the scene of such licentious habits, polygamy, even in its infancy, would have received a death-blow ; but these, the ones most interested in its suppression, and upon whom fell the burdens of its intolerable evils, were constrained to abide by it, and, in most cases, without murmur or complaint. The great influence which Mormonism has acquired in Utah, and the power by which it will yet make itself felt in the world, is solely attributable to the fact, that it has been left free to spread and develop itself, without any counteracting influences, which could not have been the case in a State whete the laws were already established. In Utah, it became the nucleus, around which society formed itself, and thus entered, at once, into all the organizations of domestic and political afl'airs. The Mormons, from the first, were settled in communities ; they were bound to each other by human sympathies, neighborhood attach- ments, and the ties of church relationship ; consequently, there was no waste of influence ; but a centre was created, possess- ing an attractive force, which could not fail of modeling, to a certain extent, all that came within its circle. The Mormon exodus, though not regarded at the time in such a light, was a missionary effort on a grand scale, and in the most effective form. The Mormon Church, thus established, became the germ of a city, and planted the seed of all its evils and abominations around it. How far into the future this movement will reach, in its^' influence upon the destinies of the western portion of our continent, or even upon our Republic, it is impossible at this time to decide. But it need not be supposed that all this has been accom- 296 Female Life among the Morjions. plished without effort, and labor, too, of the most zealous and untiring description ; and, in this respect, at least, other denom- inations of Christians might profit by their example. Settled in this wilderness, they have not only sustained themselves, but sent missionaries into every quarter of the world, and this with- out any of those appeals through the press, and without any of that system of begging which others habitually employ. Thus, in a few years, Utah has become the centre of the Mormon world, the basis of a powerful State, and the strong- hold of a church differing from Christianity in all its essential points. Looking back over the past, it scarcely seems possible that so much has been accomplished, in so few years, or that such great additions are constantly being made to the Mormon fra ternity. It is really marvellous in our eyes that, since we sat down, a band of hungry, half-starved emigrants, beside the Salt Lake, such great changes should have been wrought, as well in the physical features of the country as in the condition of our people. One, from an uncultivated desert, has become a region of great capabilities, budding and blossoming like the rose ; while the other, for poverty have found riches, for weakness have acquired strdhgth, are no longer despised, but feared. Did we think of such a consummation, as we sat that night by the camp-fires, and meditated over the dangers we had passed or escaped ? I, for one, did not. Blind and ignorant, indeed, we are, and incapable of perceiving what may be the result of our own actions. I had never been a believer in Mor- monism, yet I loved my husband, and for his sake was wilHng to abide anywhere. Time, and the participation of danger and dif- ficulty together, had wonderfully increased my affection for him. He was kind, considerate, and gentle, in his deportment towards me, and, though fully aware of the deceit that had been practised upon me in the beginning of our acquaintance, I The New City. 297 readily forgave him that, and would have forgiven him ten times more, in consideration of my happiness, in loving and being beloved. For many days after our arrival in Utah valley, the camp presented a busy spectacle. The site of the city, which was to be the centre of Mormonism, was first to be chosen ; then the lots to be measured off, subsequent to building houses. But the work progressed bravely, for all went at it with a hearty good will, and, in much less time than had been anticipated, we had comfortable homes. At first, two or three families were domiciled in one house, then the houses were increased to the number of the families, and finally, as the system of polygamy came into practice, the houses required to be multiplied to an almost indefinite extent. These houses were generally built of the adobe materials, though some were of logs, and large or small, according to the ability and taste of the possessor. Some of these dwellings were reared in picturesque and romantic situations, on the borders of beautiful streams, or the slight elevations of grassy knolls. Others were in the midst of broad fertile meadows, and all had an air of security and comfort that rarely belongs to a new settlement. Though far from the bor- ders of the civilized world, and beyond the reach of railroads or steamboats, we possessed the necessaries, and in many cases the luxuries, of life. The abominable system of Smith, to pur- chase nothing from the heathen, had been generally relaxed. Indeed, Mormonism, under his successor, had taken an entire new phase. Most of the tricks and juggleries and impostures had been abandoned, though probably because there was no further occasion for their exercise. Trafl&c with the heathen was encouraged, on condition that we always got the best of the bargain, thus spoiling them, as the Israelites were said to have spoiled the Egyptians. Added to this, other companies of emi- grants were continually arriving, who,' generally speaking, were 13* 298 Female Life among the Mormons. abundantly supplied with groceries ; for, it should be remem- bered that several years had elapsed, between the first propaga- tion of the Mormon creed, by Smith, and the exodus to Dese- ret, during which time many of the Mormon elders had done a large business in making converts. These had not been included in the restrictions imposed by the immediate presence of the Prophet, and, consequently, they came to us abundantly furnished with all things essential to living, with the exception of flour and potatoes. As a substitute, however, we obtained various edible roots, which, being baked, or otherwise prepared, were wholesome and nutritious. Mrs. Bradish was lively and active as ever, and it will readily be believed that she found enough to do. Though always curi- ous, and sometimes impertinent, she was really very useful, won- derfully attached to the church, and ready, at all times, to make any sacrifice to promote its welfare. Mrs. Beardsley was hap- pily domiciled with her daughter, with the privilege of knitting for all the village. Her needles were never idle for a moment ; never was woman so hurried before, for great numbers of little boys and girls were passing her door every day with naked feet ; while Mrs. Stillman, sen., found a source of infinite vexation and trouble in the derelictions of her husband from what she believed to be his matrimonial duty. " I declare," she said to me, a few days after our arrival, " I am completely bewildered ; that detestable Fan Simpkins is the torment of my life. She told me to my face yesterday that she was Mr. Stillman's wife as much as I was ; and that I might help myself if I could." "Well, have they been married, Mr. Stillman and her?" ''That is what I cannot find out. When I questioij him about it, he answers indifferently or harshly ; that it is none of my business, or something similar, and I can't nor won't bear it." An Old Fool and a Young Flirt. 299 "But what will you do?" "I would do anything almost to free myself from such a curse," she answered, "it is dreadful, horrible; a man of his age to be led astray by a blooming girl. Then, too, all she wants of him is to get his money." " Think so ?" " I know it ; you see he used to always give me his money to keep, and not a cent of it was ever laid out unbeknown to me. Now he manages entirely different ; I am nobody to all intents and purposes. He never consults me on any subject, never gives me the money, never " " Oh well, Mrs. Stillman," I replied, " if that is all the grounds of complaint you possess, I don't see anything to prevent your happiness. Mr. Ward never gave me his money, or consulted me about his business, and yet I have been very happy." " But I dont like it." "It is a great thing, Mrs. Stillman, to conform to circum- stances, and the sooner the women of Utah learn that, the better for them." " But it is hard for old people to learn new lessons." " I know it is, and yet what else can you do ?" From my heart I pitied the old lady, she was near sixty years of age ; still good-looking and highly venerable in appearance. She had been accustomed to the exclusive love and veneration of her husband. For nearly forty years they had been asso- ciated in conjugal relations. She had been his adviser and comforter, and now he turned away, bewitched and fascinated with the charms of a younger face. Night after night she was left alone, day after day she saw him not. When he came, his visits were short, and he was utterly unlike his former self. Who shall describe her utter loneliness of heart, her sense of deep humiliation ; the harder to bear, because unexpected ? Leaving her to grieve and bemoan, we must take some further 300 Female Life among the Mormons. notice of B in. His house had been built in grand style, one hundred feet long, and sixty broad. " I advise all the brothers," he said, " to build large houses, in order to supply the wants of their increasing families. Each brother should take at least four or six wives, and raise up speedily a pure and perfect generation for the Lord. In no other way can the kingdom of the saints be so rapidly estab- lished." I presume that all felt the truth of this, but one inquired where the women was to come from. " The Lord will provide them, even as he gave Eve to Adam." " I hope, at any rate, it will not be by the same process.'* " No danger of it," said Charley Moore. " For my part," answered Harmer, " I would be satisfied with one wife," and he glanced at Emily. The look was not lost on the Prophet, and he turned away with a frowning countenance. " To judge from the size and appearance of his house," said Mrs. Bradish, " our leader intends to practise the precepts that he teaches, so far as raising a large family is concerned." " I should think so." ^' It is capable of entertaining four large families, at least." " He probably designs to live a la Turk; each wife and her. family separate." " Most likely." "His three wives wouldn't do very well together. They quarrel desperately, and I understand that it requu*es all his authority to keep them within bounds." " Are they jealous of each other ?" " Xot exactly, but each one wishes to take precedence of the others. The eldest fancies that her age entitles her to the place of honor. The youngest, because she is a beauty, and a favorite ; and the middle-aged, on account of her wealth. They Evil Results of Polygamy. 301 will not eat together, because each one wishes to sit at the head of the table ; each one also aspires to superintend and direct the affairs of the household, while the others perform the labor. The husband promises them, that when the slaves that he has ordered, arrive, they shall all be exempt from household labor. That will probably make a difference, though it will scarcely remove all the heart-burnings and jealousies that render them miserable." " And which are the natural fruits of polygamy," " Not exactly the natural fruits," said Mrs. Bradish, " because several women of my acquaintance view the matter with perfect indifference. Mrs. Leach says that she would delight for her husband to take a new wife, so that he would allow her a sepa- rate maintenance ; that she had always worn the bonds of marriage as fetters, and would be glad at any moment to cast them off." "But if I understand the subject, the marriage of another wife by the husband, would not release her." " From his attentions it would, at any rate, in some degree." " Does she desire such a thing ?" " So she says." " Then she is certainly to be pitied." " Not so much as those who rise up in opposition to the over- mastering destiny, by which they will certainly be overwhelmed." " Then how can you, a woman, argue in favor of, and approve of a system that is destined to bring misery on your sex ?" "Your slowness of apprehension, Mrs. Ward, is remarkable. It is not polygamy that renders them miserable, but the false and perverted views in which they have been educated. The daughters of these very women, so outrageous against that system, will grow up accustomed to it, and incapable of perceiv- ing evil in it. It will neither offend their sense of right, nor seem degrading or humiliating. No one will shrink any more 302 Female Life among the Mormons. from being the third wife of a man, when the two former are living, than as though they were dead. It is custom and pub- lic opinion that regulate all these things. Under the Greek Empire it was considered disreputable to marry more than once. In more modern times, a man might lawfully take his twentieth wife, provided the nineteen were dead, which, in my view, is no better than to take the twentieth, the nineteen living." " "Were you a wife, you would probably think differently.'* " Possibly, but the business of marrying and giving in mar- riage goes on rapidly at any rate, and will, probably, while there remains a marriageable unmarried female in the district." "To me it looks extremely scandalous to see old withered white-haired men, walking the streets with young brides hang- ing to their arms, while at the same time an aged female, their true and lawful wife, is bewailing their absence at home." " That may be, because you have not become accustomed to it." "No, Mrs. Bradish," I answered, "you greatly mistake. It is the inconsistency of such a course, and even were it lawful, it cannot be expedient and proper." " There you differ from Abraham, and Jacob, and David, and Solomon, who all thought polygamy expedient and proper, and practised it without reserve." " Hush I here comes Elder Lucas." The brother mentioned advanced to the door, and spoke. We invited him in. At first he refused, but Mrs. Bradish insisted. " Yes, Brother Lucas, you must come in, and tell us about that wedding you went to the other night. There's been so much talk about it, that I am dying to know the particulars." " Well, I've a fancy that it wouldn't please you much if you did know. It didn't me, however. I would much rather have been away : I'll never undertake such a job again for any man living." Mrs. Haley in Trouble. 303 " Why, what was there so dreadful about it ?" " Well, you see," he answered, " Brother Haley has contem- plated taking another wife for some time, bat could never screw up his courage sufiiciently to tell Harriet of it, and so he comes to me the very day on which he was to be married at night, and says : " ' Brother Lucas, I once did you a favor — do you remem- ber it V " * I do, and will return it, if it is ever in my power. " ' It is in your power now,' he replied. " * How so V " * I am to be married to-night. My wife knows nothing of it. I want you to go and tell hg.'. Will you do so V " * But why haven't you let her know it before V '' * I couldn't tell her. A thousand times I have longed to do so, but my heart always failed me.' " ' Will she care much V " ' Not very much, I guess.' " I looked at him steadfastly, and saw that his countenance belied his words. " ' You will go V he asked again. " ' Certainly,' atid I immediately set out. " Mrs. Haley was busily engaged in her household avocations. She was singing a mournful song of her childhood's hoine, and her eyes looked red as if she had been weeping, but she received me cordially and kindly, and soon inquired if I had seen her husband, saying that he had been gone from home longer than usual. " ' And no wonder; he is detained by rather unusual business.' " ' What is it ?' she quickly inquired. " ' Can't you guess ?' " ' I don't think that I could ; I am not familiar with my husband's business.' 304 Female Life among the Mormons. " She looked towards me, and I made a feeble attempt to smile. " * You are jesting,' she said. '" I am not.' " ' Well, just tell me then. I am impatient under suspense.' " * You know that Mormon husbands assume a certain privi- lege in matrimonial affairs.' "The color forsook her countenance in a moment, her lips grew white and rigid. She clasped her hands till the blood half started from the clenched nails, and approaching me so closely that I felt her thick breathings on my face, she said in a hoarse voice : " 'Tell me all— instantly ! instantly I' " * Be composed, my dear madam,' I said. * Your husband assures me that his affection for you is undiminished, but' — " ' He is going to take another' — " The word stuck in her throat ; she could not speak it. " I nodded my head affirmatively. " She clasped her hands to her head. I thought she was going to faint, but such was not the case. That blessed obli- vion to sorrow was not for her. She sunk into a chair, not like Niobe in tears, for no tears came to her relief, yet such an expression of utter despair, such deep heartfelt misery, it is my prayer never to witness again." " And you made no attempt to comfort her ?" said Mrs. Bra- dish. " Oh, yes I did, my dear madam. I said, " ' Don't lay it to heart so seriously. You will be very happy together, I presume. The lady whom your husband has chosen is every way worthy of him and you. She will make an admi- rable companion. " She turned her head away as if the words pained her. ' " * Please don't talk now — ^please don't,' she said. The Bitter Sorrow. 305 " I sat a few minutes in silence, and then thinking to divert her mind, inquired, where she obtained that beautiful flower which was growing in the yard. " She clasped her hands with an expression of agony that will haunt me to the day of my death. It was so utterly desolate and woe-begone. It seemed to say, how can you think of flowers, or aught beautiful and pure ? Henceforth to me all is darkness and distress. But I continued : *" I saw some beautiful scarlet blossoms of a new species blooming in the valley yesterday. If you wish it I will get them for you V "She shook her head, and a cold shudder ran over her frame. " ' You do not want them ?' I said. " ' Oh, I don't know,' she answered ; ' but don't talk to me, and about such things as that.' " I saw then my stupidity ; saw how futile would be mere earthly comfart ; saw the husks that I had been offering to her bruised and wounded spirit, instead of the Bread of Life. " ' Shall we pray ?' I inquired. " She nodded her head. " We knelt down, and I commenced — " * Oh, not that way !' she almost shrieked ; * I can't bear that. Let me pray as I did in childhood.' "I then recollected that she had been brought up in the ritual of the Established Church, and listened for the words of that litany which for pathos and fervor can never be excelled. But the petition which she breathed, though equally beautiful, was quite different, " * Forsake me not, oh. Lord I' she prayed, ' in this my great extremity, but let me lean upon thee. Be thou my husband, my friend, and brother, and when all earthly hope fails, teach me to lovo thee more and more, to look to thee, and rest on thee. 306 Female Life among the Mormons. And oh I that it would please thee to sanctify this great affliction to my spiritual good ; that it might please thee to purify my heart from all vain and foolish desires.' " A slight noise at the door caused me to raise my eyes. Haley was standing there ; his young bride leaning on his arm, but the injured wife, in the "fervor of her devotion, heard nothing of his approach. " ' And above all, oh, Lord ! that thou wouldst forgive my husband for thus bruising and trampling on a heart that trusted in him, for betraying the confidence of one who loved and honored him above all others.' " Haley stood like one transfixed with shame and surprise. " ' That thou wouldst forgive him for sinning against thyself, and making thy holy institution of marriage a means of licen- tiousness ; that thou wouldst forgive and pity her, bis partner in sin ; that her eyes may be opened to tlie evil of her ways ; and that both may repent before it is too late.' " Silently and stealthily the young woman drew her husband from the door, and the two disappeared around the corner of the house. " Mrs. Haley finished her devotions, and arose calm and com- posed. Prayer has a wonderfully sedative influence, and when I came away her countenance had resumed its natural expression, only more sweet and sad. " Haley has since informed me, that when he returned home, she said nothing to him on the subject, indeed, that she scarcely spoke at tall. " But where is the bride ?" said Mrs. Bradish. "At her father's. She positively refused to go where Harriet lived ; said that the presence of such a woman would be a perpetual reproach on her, and that she couldn't nor wouldn't endure it." • "And so it would," I replied. "This polygamy is only Ancient Practices Revived. 307 another name for the most abhorrent licentiousness, and no pure- minded woman would ever consent to have any part or lot in such a system. It could easily be broken up, if every woman would decide to remain in a state of celibacy, unless she could be united to a husband who had no other wife.' " ' And suppose the women have not the privilege of a efusal." " I don't understand you." "Well, then," said Mrs. Bradish, "the perfect development of Mormonism will restore women to their primitive condition." " And what was that ?" " A state of utter and entire dependence on their male rela- tives. These relatives will have the power of disposing of them in marriage as they see fit. The husband, instead of receiving a dowry with the wife, will bestow a gift on her parents or guar- dians, which will be handed over to the church." " And so the church is to derive profit from the enslavement of its females ? Abominable !" "You can call it enslavement, or whatever you like," said Mrs. Bradish, "yet you must be aware that the practice is sanctioned by patriarchal usage. Jacob paid for his wives, so did David, and Hosea, according to the Scriptures you vene- rate, while the Book of Mormon expressly authorizes it." Brother Lucas soon after retired, and Mrs. Bradish departed to visit one of the elders, with whom she was becoming intimate, and whose mansion was shared by two buxom damsels in the character of wives. 308 Female Life among the Mormons. CHAPTER XXXIY. Emily's narrative continued. LEFT alone for a short time, I was glad to see Emily coming down the street. She was dressed with unusual care, and I never saw her look so beautiful. As she approached, it struck me that something in her manners and appearance resembled B ra, yet the idea was new, and to an indifferent observer would have seemed ridiculous. He was considered homely, but it is a fact, that certain resemblances can be traced between the handsomest and the homeliest people, even as a caricature will bear a very general resemblance to its living original, though every feature is strongly and grotesquely exaggerated. A thought, which I dare not for a moment entertain, flashed into my mind. Her countenance had recently acquired a fixed and energetic expression, which made the resemblance more notice- able and striking, and I half determined to tell her of it. After exchanging the usual compliments when she entered the house, she introduced the subject which seemed uppermost in her mind. " You are aware," she said, " that B m in my former inter- view with him, gave me one month, in which to decide whether or not I would accept him for a husband. The time expired some time ago, but he only demanded my decision yesterday, saying that he wished me to see how perfectly able he was to accommodate another wife ; that the best suit of rooms in his The Prophet and his Yictim. 309 mansion was designed for me, and that he had the power, not only to punish me, but all my friends,-^ I adhered to my first resolution. " And what did you tell him V " That he might punish me as much as he pleased, since I W9S determined to remain true to myself, and never marry a man who had another wife. That as to my friends, they were very few, but fully able to take care of themselves, so I entertained no fears on that score. " ' Take care how you despise my authority, or you shall feel it,' he said. " ' I neither despise you, nor your authority,' I replied; 'yet why should I fear it ? you are no more than a man, and all the power you possess as head of the church, is liable to be wrested from you at any moment, if you make a despotic use of it.' " " You were bearding the lion in his den." " It don't seem so to me. I can't tell how it is, but every time I see this man, my fear of him grows less and less. It will dis- appear entirely, I think." " I only hope that you will have no occasion to fear him ; but what did he say to that ?" '' That no one would interfere to prevent his doing with me as he pleased. " ' Have you then forgot that there is a Power who has promised to protect the fatherless, and whose promises never fail V I inquired. ' In Him is my trust.' " ' But you refuse and deride His protection, in refusing me,' said my tormentor. ' You thwart His will, and forfeit His care, in not becoming my wife. He will do nothing for you ; but to what other imaginary source do you look V " ' To death.' " The Prophet started wildly. * Who speaks of death V he inquired. 310 Female Life amoxg the Mormons. (< < I do !' and I fixed my eyes on his face, with a calm, unshrinking gaze. ' I dt) ; it is what we mast all meet, sooner or later ; it is something that equalizes and levels the oppressor and his victim — a sure and safe refuge against persecution, of whatever kind ; and I should prefer that — yes, even that — the damp, cold tomb — to being your wife.' " ' But people cannot always have what they would prefer,' he said, mockingly ; * especially, when that preference is con- trary to the will of heaven ; and you would not dare — no, you would not dare — to rush, unbidden, into the presence of your Creator V " I made no reply. " ' Do you refuse to answer me ?' he asked. " ' I do ; such questions as that, you have no right to ask.' " ' But I have a right to ask ; heaven has given me the right to know your most secret thoughts.' " ' Then heaven must give you the power to find them out, for it is certain that I shall never reveal them to you.' " He seemed really surprised at my audacity, and doubtless was ; but I had long before discovered, that the manifestation of a spirit of defiance was the only safe course to pursue with him. After a silence of several minutes, he said : " * You, it seems, are averse to a marriage with me, because I am already married. Now, suppose you marry Harmer, or any other young man; you have no guarantee that he will not, almost immediately, take other wives ; especially, when such a thing is considered a religious duty, besides its agree- ableness and expediency. Objections on that score, are alto- gether invalid.' " * My objections are many and great ; polygamy is only one of them,' I replied. ' Will you suffer me to depart ?' " ' If you will promise to hold no communication with Harmer.' The Bravado. 311 " * But I shall promise no such thing.' ** ' You won't V " 'H^o ] and you have no right to exact such a promise.' '''I haven't— eh?' " * To be sure you haven't ; and what is more, you have not the authority to enforce it. I shall talk with just who I please, notwithstanding your will to the contrary.' ** ' Your boldness becomes you admirably !' he said at length, regarding my flashing eyes and defiant countenance ; * I never saw you look so beautiful. I am fond of variety, and after the endless smiles with which I am accustomed to be treated by my other wives, it would be delicious to have one whose pretty lips could pout, or even scold a little. One gets tired of sugar, and a little tartness, sometimes, would not come amiss.' " ' With your permission, I will depart.' " ' But my permission will not be given.' " ' Then I shall go without it ;' and suiting the action to the word, I leapt through the window. " The portly form of the Prophet prevented his following, though he looked and called after me. " Passing around the house, and through a little gate, whence a foot-path communicated with the valley, I met a lady in whom I recognized one of B m's wives. She looked distressed and troubled, and, offering her my hand, I inquired after her health. " She politely answered that her health was good ; and then coming at once to the subject that engrossed her thoughts, observed : " ' B m wishes to make you his wife.' " ' He does,' I replied. " ' Well,' she remarked, surveying me from head to foot, * you are much too beautiful, and I believe, too good, to be the wife of such a brute. Oh, Miss ! if you knew him as well as I 312 Female Life among the Mormons. do, you would suffer martyrdom before consenting to become his wife.' " My curiosity was aroused. ' Is he not, tlien, a model hus- band V " ' Model husband I' she answered bitterly ; 'no man can be ft husband to more than one woman ; and much I doubt whether this man could be a husband to even one.' " ' Why not V '* ' Because he is too selfish — too utterly devoid of all the finer and gentler feelings. He is incapable of sentiment, and degrades marriage to a mere means of propagating the human species.' "'Is he fond of you?' ^ " ' How could he be fond of me, when duty, as he terms it, required him to divide his attentions between so many, and each wife was rigorous to exact her full share of his regards ? 'No ; he cares nothing about any of us. He is for ever smitten with new faces ; and that's the abomination of polygamy. Men are naturally inclined to variety, but habit, public opinion, every- thing, tends to restrain that inclination, in most communities. Among us, however, polygamy gratifies and encourages it. Wives may be multiplied like garments, and with every one that is worn, an old one must be thrown off. How I hate and despise myself, for ever sharing in such a system I' " * But you were not acquainted with its evils, antil you expe- rienced them.' " ' And yet, I ought to have been aware that polygamy would destroy all that was holy, and beautiful, and tender, in married life. I ought to have foreseen how all the sweet and familiar con- fidence of that most endearing relation, when rightly considered, all the reciprocal sympathies, and tendernesses, and cares, which constitute, more than anything else, the true happiness of the conjugal state, must be necessarily wantmg, where the affections Family Secrets. 313 were divided on bo many objects, whose views, and feelings, and opinions could not be other than diverse/ " ' Does he treat you all alike V " ' Pretty much ; it would hardly do for him to greatly prefer one to another. He bought me a ribbon one day that wonder- fully affronted Alice, and though he purchased a dress for her the next, she wasn't satisfied, but talked and scolded till he told her to shut her mouth, and never, while she lived, let him hear the word ribbon again.^ " ' And did she obey him V " ' She knew better than to disobey, but don't, for the world, let B m know that I have said a word to you.' " * 'No, of course not.' " * He would punish me somehow, if he knew it.' " ' Are you, then, afraid of him ?' " ' Perhaps you are not aware that those Mormon husbands, who have several wives, have a code of regulations by which they govern their families.' " I replied in the negative. " 'Well, such is the case, nevertheless, and to each of these rules is attached a penalty, that varies in. stringency according to the nature of the offence, and its heinousness in the eyes of the Mormon elders.'- " ' But how does it happen that I never heard of this before ?' " * Because you reside in a family where polygamy, practically speaking, is unknown, and a great penalty is attached to the least revelation of household affairs. I am telling you this, under the risk of severe punishment.' " * These rules ; I wish to hear more about them, — what are they ?' *' * The first one forbids the revelation of any incident that occurs in the household, provided it compromises the honor of 14 314 Female Life among the Mormons. the husband, or any of his wives, or can have a tendency to bring the institution of polygamy into disrepute/ " ' And the penalty V " ' Confinement in the cellar for a month.' ** * And have any of the Mormon wives been so confined ?' " ' That is more than I can tell ; however, it is not unlikely.' " * And the second rule ?' " 'Forbids all quarrelling and dissension among the wives ; the one who commences the quarrel, to receive the punishment, which varies in degree from three lashes to twenty-five.' " * And by whom are the lashes to be administered ?' " * Generally by the husband, though sometimes by a delegate whom he may appoint. " ' The third rule forbids one wife to injure or strike another, under the penalty of a dozen lashes, to be administered by the party aggrieved. " 'The fourth rule forbids one woman to strike, or otherwise correct the child of another, under penalty of receiving herself just as many blows, administered by the mother of the beaten child.' " ' And is that all ?' " ' Ko, indeed ; other offences of a similar character are classi- fied and arranged with their penalties ; yet all relate, more or less, to that abominable system, which makes the domestic altar a shrine of legal prostitution, sanctioned by the authority of a pretended revelation.' " It need scarcely be said," continued Emily, " how much my abhorrence of that hateful institution was strengthened by this account, and now it is my fixed resolution, never, upon any con- dition, to enter the married state, while in the Mormon territory." "Not with Harmer?" " Is^o, not even with him, unless a new state of things can b6 introduced." The Conspirators. 315 " And that is very improbable," " Though not impossible ; at any rate it can be attempted.^' "To what do you allude ?" " Never mind, you will find out ;" and Emily soon after bade me adieu, and departed. While meditating on her words, and what they were designed to insinuate, Harmer and Lawrence passed the window. They were conversing in a low, earnest tone, and then I remembered having observed them frequently together before. Mr. Ward that moment came in from an opposite direction. "These men," said I, pointing through the window, "are becoming very- intimate." "So I perceive," he answered, "they are probably hatching mischief of some kind or other." " Or they may be discussing something useful or good." Mr. Ward shook his head, and the subject was dropped, as I did not wish to excite or strengthen his suspicions. CHAPTER XXXY. CHURCH AND STATE. ESTABLISHED in Utah, as they supposed, beyond the cognizance or the authority of the government at Wash- ington, the Mormons quickly developed a 'ruling principle of their religion ; namely, the union of Church and State, which, as may be imagined, was an arbitrary and irresponsible despot- ism. B m was temporal governor, and spiritual ruler ; the maker and executioner of laws ; the prophet, priest, and king, so far as real power and authority was concerned. It is true that he counselled with the elders, but then he acted precisely 316 Female Life among the Mormons. as he pleased ; they might advise, but they could not direct. Certain it is, however, that many of his most important schemes were only confided to a few, and that messengers to various Indian tribes were coming and going, and that Indian chiefs were entertained, and mysterious treaties formed with them, of whose import, all but a select few were ignorant. Sometimes the ostensible motives was trade, though the most casual observer might have discovered something in this intercourse that indicated a deeper and more ambitious project. Meanwhile every means was taken to strengthen the hands of the church, and by the church B m clearly understood him- self. Taxes were levied, and various measures taken to enlarge its revenues, and the funds thus obtained, after deducting a very small proportion to support missionaries, were disposed of in some incomprehensible way, or appropriated to some secret ser- vice. The missionaries, too, were compelled to travel, and preach. Unlike the same class in other denominations of Chris- tians, they were never permitted to locate and remain in one place, at an immense expense and little profit. After the removal to Utah, they were particularly instructed to employ every effort to induce all favorable to the new faith to emigrate, and whether favorable or not, to point out the extreme beauty and healthfulness of the locality. They were directed to organ- ize churches, baptize converts, and accept presents, which might contribute to swell the general funds, while at the same time no church should be expected or required to sustain a settled pas- tor, as every brother was presumed to be competent to preach. The manner of their selection was rather original. The names of a certain number were written on small pieces of white paper, and these being put in a- hat, with an equal number of blank pieces, the whole were well shaken up, when the oldest brother, and after him the others, drew out, each one a piece, and the men whose names were thus drawn out, were considered Primitive Way of CnoosiNa Preachers. 317 as destined, by the Holy Spirit, to preach, in tarn. It was , regarded as the height of impiety, to attempt, by any means, to avoid this contingency, but no one was required to speak a greater length of time than comported with his inclination and ability. Some would talk an hour, but others onlv five minutes. Some would take a text; and others only exhort. This alternation, however, gave variety and interest to the entertainment. The missionaries to the heathen were chosen in the same manner, while those remaining at home were not suf- fered to remain in idleness, awaiting their turn, but expected to work at some kind of useful employment. Whatever might be his faults, B m, in this respect, manifested a laudable energy. Ministers or elders, who presumed on their sacred cal- ling, and wished to burden the church with their support, or to obtain a living independent of physical labor, he severely repri- manded, and if they remained contumacious, they were dismissed with contempt as drones and idlers. " He that reclaims a farm from the wilderness, and brings up a family in the fear of God and the faith of Mormon, has accomplished a great work, and he shall live and reign with Christ a thousand years," he would remark, on all occasions. " And what will be the condition of those who are restrained by nature, or misfortune, or untoward circumstances, from the performance of these duties ?" " They are to be pitied and forgiven ; but let no one minister, elder, or brother, who is capable of assuming the responsibility, shrink from it, lest he be denied a right to share the fruits of the tree of life." Under this discipline, the preachers found themselves necessi- tated to find employment. Many of them became the most iactive farmers. Others wrought at mechanical trades, and a few entered into mercantile affairs. The Prophet and Governor sought to encourage all such 318 Female Life among the Mormons. nndertakings, and his manner of reasoning was correct and apt to the purpose. " It is a fixed law," he woald say, " that every man, with few and rare exceptions, is intended to live on his own earnings, and not on those of another. JS"© man has a right to live, or eat his daily bread, without producing as much, on the scale of a life, as he consumes, and that, too, by some kind of honest physical labor. Indeed, it is every man's duty to quadruple himself in population, as well as to increase the fixed capital of the world for the next generation. A farmer should leave a farm cleared, cultivated, and stocked for the church. And if he has been a believer and preacher of the truth, so much the better. It shows that he has done his duty as an industrious and useful citizen. I praise and honor such a one, and my praise and honor is worth having. He shall be a king and priest to God ; it has been revealed to me." It was the general policy of B m to encourage preaching mostly, in those who were well off in temporal affairs. This obviated any necessity of assistance on the part of the Church. The rich men likewise monopolized the women, to a great extent, consequently, while one man enjoyed the honor of being a preacher and a rich man, with -a house full of women, all love- able and lovely, waiting to do his bidding, another, quite as good, or better probably in mind and heart, though with less of this world's goods, was doomed to the cold and joyless trials of celibacy. In this respect, however, it cannot be denied that some of the women were culpable, anc? that their conduct contributed, in no small degree, to the continuance of polygamy. Xot a few pre- ferred a rich man, with a dozen wives, to a poor one without any, and, though repentance must inevitably ensue, it would be too late. The Prophet encouraged this state of things, for various reasons ; indeed, he seemed to consider poverty as little short of Little Spirits in Want of Bodies. 319 crime, whose punishment consisted in the deprivation of social and domestic comforts. It seemed to be the poh"cy of B m, to give the Mormon creed a consistency, or rather a systematized form, such as it had never taken under the administration of Smith. Besides the wonders of millennial glory, on which the preachers loved to descant, they were fond of expatiating on spiritual life. They professed to believe, and they certainly taught, that Grod had constantly on hand a multitude of little spirits, who want to come, and whom he has ordained shall come, and assume mortal bodies, and sojourn on earth for a time ; human bodies being earthly tabernacles, temporary dwelling-houses for spirits. Yet, conjugal intercourse is necessary to accomplish the work, and hence, as God is very anxious that these spirits should be pro- vided with bodies, and as the spirits themselves are very anx- ious to get down here, it became the duty of all true believers to lend their aid and produce the bodies as fast as possible. And this doctrine, strange and ridiculous as it may seem, was openly taught from the pulpit as a defence of polygamy. " It has been revealed to me," said B m one day from the pulpit, '* It has been revealed to me, that there are millions on millions of little spirits, all waiting and wishing for mortal bodies. And when they come to take bodies, they wish to be of Mormon parentage. Of course the higher order would be disgusted with a low, mean descent, the same as a righteous man is disgusted with a wicked one, or a neat, tidy person with one of filthy habits ; hence, they would only be willing to go to the place where purity and righteousness dwell. The lower order of spirits will likewise go among the low and uncultivated, where the principles of virtue and integrity have been in part or wholly neglected. Good spirits do not want to partake of the sins of the low and degraded, hence they will stay in heaven until a way is opened for purity and righteousness to form a 320 Female Life among the Mormons. channel to which they can come and take honorable bodies in this world, and magnify that calling. Let us take that course, and we shall draw the brightest spirits to honor our generations. Try this, and your offspring will be the fairest specimens of the work of God's hand. Let the servants of God maintain the principles of holiness and inte- grity, and marry a multitude of wives, and by that means draw in their train more of those spirits that will glorify the God of Israel, since we are very well assured that all the good spirits must necessarily be born in Utah, or among true believers. The Almighty will never send his choice spirits to the low and degraded people of the thirty-one States, who restrict the holy and virtuous to the possession of one wife. Another argument which he advanced in favor of polygamy, was the idea of improving the stock. *' I have been looking about me," he said, ** as I always am, and have seen how anxious many of our farmers are to improve their stock of cattle ; to make them of better blood, and thus be all the time improving : but it is not a common thing for men to wish to improve their own species. I wish you to think for a moment. I have seldom heard that subject agitated, when indeed it is the most important one that was ever investigated. Let us go a little further into the philosophy of this : a man by having many wives, and thus mingling his blood with a variety, can improve his species the same as we can improve any other portion of the animal creation. It is said that we bear the image of God, and now, don't let us dwindle down by the one- wife system to the physical and mental degeneracy of the monkey." Blasphemous and absurd as these sentiments must appear, they were quite as new and ludicrous. The brethren, however, or all those who were able to take more wives, or to get them, seemed to think it was a capital idea. To Harmer it afforded a Debasing Tendency of Polygamy. 821 subject for an excellent jest, and whenever he heard of a bro- ther who was about to marry his second or third wife, he would remark that such a one intended to improve his stock. As ^he principles of Mormonism developed, it became evident that the females were to be regarded as an inferior order of beings. One by one the rights to which they had been accus tomed, as well as the courtesies generally conceded to them, were taken away. When the husband died, his property reverted to the church, instead of going to support his bereaved family, a regulation which occasioned an infinite amount of trouble and difficulty. However, if the husband and father was particularly interested in making provision for the future sup- port of his family, he could do so, by paying the church during his life-time a certain extra stipend, which would release its claim. Many widows were thus actually necessitated to take hus- bands on the first opportunity, and many young girls, not exceeding the ages of twelve and fourteen years, became the wives of men old enough to be their grandfathers, to save them from the streets. No family in Utah ever hires household service. Some few have slaves, but generally speaking when one wife is insuJOficient to perform the labor, another is taken, perhaps a third, or fourth, and so on, for the number is only limited by the discre- tion and desire of the husband. In all cases where the father was living, his consent was necessary to the marriage of a daughter, even though that daughter was a widow and a mother. In the case of his death, the head of the church acted in the capacity of guardian, and his consent was indispensable. The fathers, from the instruc- tion they constantly received, and other causes, paid Uttle atten- tion to the inclinations of their children, but were greatly influenced by the size of the nominal gift, though actually the importance of/ the price they were to receive. These bargains U* 822 Female Life among the Mormons. were not unfrequentlj the subjects of as much chicanery and intrigue, as if the object for sale was a horse, and the contract- ing parties two regular jockies. One blustery windy day in autumn, muffled in a warm cloak, and otherwise protected from cold, I sought the residence of Mrs. Melton, in order to pay that lady a visit which I had long promised. Mrs. Melton's family consisted of herself, her hus- band, and two beautiful daughters. They were in tolerable good circumstances, but the husband was a scheming, discon- tented man, possessed with the idea of becoming rich. He had never married but one wife, because he considered them expen- sive. His sole remark when Mrs. Melton required a new dress or shawl would be : " these women will ruin us all by their extravagance ;" and, though he generally gave her the money required, it evidently came grudgingly, than which nothing can more deeply wound a sensitive mind. He was even more hard and churlish to his daughters, and their great natural beauty was seldom heightened by the aid of ornament in childhood; though, some years later, the father, who thought of nothing but making money, determined to cause their beauty to subserve his selfish ends. Accordingly he bought them dresses, and laces, took them to meeting, and exposed their charms to the wanton eyes of the old polygamists. Of course they were soon noticed, and an old man, whose domestic establishment comprised a dozen wives and thirty chil- dren, came to the house while I was there to bargain for the eldest daughter. His appearance excited in the mind the most repulsive and abhorrent sensations. He was rude and ungainly in his manners, uncouth in form and feature, while his conversa- tion was a rare mixture of vulgarity and ignorance ; yet, he was well off, a circumstance which gave him great importance in his own eyes, though his property had been acquired in the most degrading manner. A Father sells his Daughters. 328 When he was an infant, his mother being left a widow, car- ried her son to the poor-house, and then travelled around the coun- try with a begging paper, and thus acquired a sum sufficient to purchase a farm. This farm he managed to obtain by swindling his aged parent, whom he caused to be supported by the town- ship until her death. After this he sold his farm, and with the proceeds removed to Utah, and became a very devout Mormon. Mr. Melton and this man, on the occasion of which I speak, occupied an apartment contiguous to the one in which I sat with Mrs. Melton, but the door being ajar, and the gentlemen talk- ing loudly, we could not help hearing the conversation. Mrs. Melton seemed nervously anxious, but said nothing. Several times I observed the tears trickling down her cheeks, as her husband enlarged on the various good points of the girls ; and his companion, though eager for the purchase, rather dissented from the extravagant gift demanded. " You sec. Brother Weldy," said the father, " my girls are no common piece of woman flesh. You might search the society of the saints from one end to the other, and not. find such others — so neat and trim, and handy at house-work, or any other kind of work, though, to tell the truth, they never done much at any- thing else, never earned me five dollars, while the expense of their bringing up has been great, very great, brother Weldy, conse- quently their husband must give me something commensurate. Beautiful girls like them should command rich husbands." "I consider myself as well off as any man in Utah," said Weldy. " Oh, certainly, you are well off, very well off, and conse- quently you can afford to give something handsome, especially as the girl is young, and yourself quite aged — excuse me, I don't think that any objection, but some folks might," and he endeavored to smile blandly. " Why, yes," said Weldy, drawing his words, " I might give 324 Female Life among the Mormons. something rather handsome, I s'pose, say that bay mare ; 111 give you her. She's a fine beast, very fine ; yon don't see a better round these diggings." " Say both horses, and its a bargain. They're just such a span as I've been wanting to get." " Couldn't, positively couldn't, unless you let me have both the girls ; what do you say to that, eh ?" " Both my daughters I really, I don't know ; would it be lawful for a man to marry two sisters ?" " Certainly ; the patriarch Jacob did, you know." Mrs. Melton wiped her eyes, and I was actually dumb with astonishment. " You would be welcome to the girls, both of them, provided you were willing to give me a suitable remuneration, but either one is worth both your mares, considering their age and beauty. I want to do well by them. I want them to marry a rich man, but I can't give them away ; that wouldn't look well — wouldn't look as if I had any regard for them." " You mustn't be too hard on a fellow, now j but I'm wiUing to do right about it. Say both the girls, and I'll throw in that Durham cow." . " That's more like it ; but >it strikes me that if you were to see the girls, you'd be still more liberal. Let me go and call them." Mr. Melton went out, but soon returned. ** They'll be in presently," he said, and the two men continued the conversation. " You must be getting quite a family, brother Weldy ?" said Melton. " Something of a family, it is true. I wish to do my duty in that respect, if no other." " How many helpmates has it ^leased heaven to bestow upon you I" Brother Weldy's Chief Blessing. 325 " At present I have twelve, and several more in view." " Ah ; but how do you manage to support 'em ? These women are generally extravagant." " I don't consider mine so, and as to their support, why a woman will earn her living, over and over again, in the course of the year. I carry on my large farm solely with their help, and it is much cheaper than to hire men. Why don't you take another wife ?" " I feared the expense of keeping them." " Pshaw, keeping them, indeed ; they'd keep you, if you wanted to live a gentleman. Generally speaking, they are much more active and industrious than men, much more trust- worthy, too. It's one of the blessedest things in the world, to have the laws all made by the church. Polygamy, as I take it, is the legitimate offspring of the union of Church and State. The Church is more careful and tender of the interests of believ- ers, than the State, when divorced from her, could ever be." " Likely enough." " Why, it is plain as day to me, and I bless the Lord for it. The heathenish statesmen, who make the laws of those States whence we came, care nothing about the church, the true inter- ests of believers, or other things in which we are deeply inter- ested. Mormonism can only flourish as a theocracy ; but so long as the head of the church makes the laws we are safe. We ought to have a constitution and government of our own ; we must have, too. It will never do for the saints to remain in virtual bondage to the heathen. They will come among us after a while, I expect, with the express purpose to deprive us of our superior privileges, because, of course, they won't be wil- ling for us to enjoy what they cannot possess themselves. I regard polygamy as the chiefest of our blessings, and that wUl be what the heathen will attempt to root out and destroy. Independence is the only thing that can preserve us. 326 Female Life among the Mormons. " It seems so to me." "Yes, independence and a theocratic government. I have got enough of republics. I don't like this freedom and equality in name, where none really exists." There was a sound of approaching footsteps, a rustle of female garments, then the door opened, and two girls made their appearance, arm in arm. Slightly abashed at the presence of Weldy, they were drawing back, when the father ordered them to advance. They timidly obeyed, when Weldy, without any recognition of their presence, raised his eyes, with a gaze of cool assurance, and surveyed them from head to foot ; first one, and then the other. " Rather beautiful," he said, at length. "They can go." " Leave the room," said the father ; and they obeyed, but came, in great surprise, to the room where we were sitting. " What is Weldy here for ?" said the eldest to her mother, in a whisper, " and what does he want of us ?" " To marry you I" " Oh, Lord I" said one of the girls, while the other ran from the apartment shrieking. " Which of us, mother T' said the remaining daughter. "Both I" " Worse and worse 1 who ever heard tell of such a thing ? but father will not consent ? that horrible man, too, looks like an ogre." " Your father has consented," said the mother. The girl clasped her hands in mute despair. " Then we are indeed, lost," she said. This conversation had been carried on in so low a tone, that the discourse of the men was plainly audible. " They are perfect houris to my view," said the father, " and all that induces me to part with them is a regard for the church, and a desire that they may become mothers in Israel. It is my The Sale 'Consummated. 327 wish that every female should fulfill her vocation to the utmost, that thereby the number of the Faithful might become as the sand of the sea." Weldy looked as if he understood perfectly the drift of such conversation, "Right fair girls, yet I don't admire such black eyes, and beauty after all isn't but skin deep. If I want 'em to work in the meadow, I dare say they'll be afraid of getting tanned." ** No, they won't ; they never tan, some complexions don't, you know, and I'm really astonished that you shouldn't like black eyes; most people are partial to them." " They are apt to be accompanied by a fiery temper, and quick tongue." " Ah I you're mistaken there ; many of the pleasantest women I ever knew, had black eyes." " And your pleasant women are mere devils when roused." " Well, if you don't want my daughters, say so ; there'll be enough, that will." " But I do want 'em ; all is, I think, you ask too big a price." " For the two best and likeliest girls in the settlement ?" " I do ; it seems to me that I have made you a very fair offer. These girls are not half the use to you, that two stout hearty wives would be. You know that mere beauty is of but small account, it fades so soon." "Well, considering all things, probably it is as mtfch as I could reasonably expect," said the father. " And we may consider the matter settled ?" " I guess so." " And when can I have the girls ?" " Whenever you choose." " Let me see; well, suppose I say this day week; will that be too soon ?" " No ; I don't think that it will." 828 Femai.e Life among the Mormons. " You will endeavor to reconcile the girls, it they make any objections ?" *' Certainly ; but they have been reared in habits of obedience; there will be no difficulty with them.'' Mrs. Melton turned her eyes to her daughter with a mute glance of despairing agony. The girl sat with her hands clasped, her cheeks blenched, the picture of utter despair. I heard the men rise, and knew that Weldy was going. Mrs. Melton made a motion mechanically, as if to rise, and then sunk back in her chair. " Oh I mother, mother I" said the girl, " you mast save us from this fate.*' " I would lay down my life to save you, darling, but the sacrifice would be of no avail." I was ready to exclaim^ in the language of the patriarch, " Oh ! my soul, come not into their secret ; to their assembly, my honor, be thou not united." Then I heard Weldy blessing that theocracy, or the power of the Church that, governing the State, conferred such privileges on believers. CHAPTER XXXVI. THE SELF-ACCUSER AND THE DYING HUSBAND. SOON after our arrival in Utah, Charley Moore and the beautiful Ethleen were united in marriage. She was blithe and happy as a bird, and no one could doubt his perfect felicity. The handsome hunter, the rover of the prairie and the wilder- ness, had become suddenly transformed to the domesticated man, who always came home at night, and preferred the society of his The Forsaken Wife. 829 wife to that of any other. They occupied a pleasant cottage on the brow of a hill, a beautiful garden in front, and a wide field, filled with various kinds of grain and edible roots, in the rear. Their fat, sleek cow pastured in the valley, and everything bore an air of quiet peace, and sweet contentment. But leaving this pleasant abode of love and bliss, let us look in on poor Mrs. Stillman. It is late at night, yet the old lady is sitting alone. She seems lonely, sad, and disconsolate ; for- saken by the husband of her youth, the companion of her riper years, and the support of her age. She is thinking over the past, and memory brings back faithfully all the toils and trials, and privations they had shared together. The long, long years of endearing love and confidence ; the anxieties, and cares, and watchings in sickness, the constant companionship, and reciprocal attentions in health, and sh-e felt from her inmost soul that he was her husband, and hers only ; that the ties which united them could only be severed by the hand of death, nor even by that, but that their spirits would meet and mingle to all eternity, ^he was no longer excited by passion ; jealousy, hate, madness, had all disappeared. She knew that a ceremony of marriage had been performed between her husband and the woman she had hated and still despised. She knew likewise that he had provided her with a lv)use, and money to furnish it. She knew likewise that the greater part of his time was spent there, and that he was completely fascinated and bewildered with the attractions of his new bride, yet she reviewed the subject in all its bearings with comparative calmness, and mentally inquires, " what is it best for me to do ?" A small fire is glowing on the hearth, and she sits in the shadow of its dim uncertain light. There is a cricket on the hearth, and its cheerful chirp, chirp, chirp, reminds her so forci- bly of the past, that she almost wishes it would hush. Yet there is something so companionable to the lonely, even in the 330 Female Life among the Mormons. chirp of a cricket, something so home-like and domestic, that it soothes and solaces the weary and suffering. Then came a gentle tap at the door, and the next moment Louisa entered, with a countenance that looked even unhappier than that of her mother-in-law. " Sitting here alone in the dark, mother, and father off with that bad, bad woman ? Oh ! it is too bad. Why will you not come and live with us altogether ? I feel concerned to have you stay here alone. You might be taken sick suddenly and die, before any person could find it out." ''No, Louisa, I prefer to remain here," said the old lady solemnly, *' he comes once in two or three days to see how I am getting along, and though his visits are short, they reconcile me in some degree to his absence, because they show that I am still remembered." "Such remembrance as that would not satisfy me," said Louisa, " it would be provoking rather than otherwise." " I think not, if you could feel as I have felt." " Why, mother, what has come over you ?" inquired Louisa, "it really astonishes me to see you so calm and collected. What have you heard ? what has happened ?" " I have heard nothing, and nothing has happened, only that nj mind has changed in some respects at least, and I no longer look on things as I did once, and that, though in the conduct of your father there may be something to forgive, there is also much to excuse." " Goodness, mother, I hope you will never attempt to excuse polygamy, under any circumstances." " Heaven forbid, and yet, though polygamy is inexcusable, the polygamist may be, or it seems so to me." Louisa shook her head. " He is my husband," continued the old lady, " he has always been kind, and gentle, and considerate ; I shall never forget that. The Perfection op Meekness. 381 He was so particularly tender and careful of me when I was sick or a little ailiug, that I would speak lightly of his faults, and regard them rather as human infirmities, than willful errors of heart or mind." Louisa was half tempted to look on her mother as demented ; the whole tone of her conversation being so different from what it had ever been before. " It is but right," resumed the old lady, " that you, who have known my anger, my jealousy, and hate, should know also of my better feelings, should know how heartily I have forgiven them, and that my best wishes are for their welfare." We may be sure that Louisa opened her eyes in supreme astonishment ; " But not till they have repented?" she said, " not till they change their mode of life ?" " Yes, even now, because it is our duty to pray for the unjust, even more than the just ; to love our enemies as our friends, and though to bid an evil-doer God-speed in his wickedness might make us partakers of the evil deed, we should wish for his welfare, and that he might do well." Louisa said nothing ; she could not find it in her heart to forgive a woman, whose fascinations had once bewitched her husband. " I have become aged," said Mrs. Stillman ; " I was never beautiful or clever. My conversation was ordinary and com- monplace. I had no education, and little talent, and my wonder is that he should ever love me at the first, that he loved me so .many years, that he submitted to my authority as he did, con- scious all the time of my defects, for he must have known them. It is strange that he never discovered before that I could not make him happy." "You are all wrong, mother, in thus undervaluing yourself," said Louisa. " So far as talents, or education, or cleverness are concerned, you are much his superior, as everybody acquainted dSS F£MALE Life among the Morkons. with you must acknowledge. He was never a smart man, though, till now, I always accounted him a good one." " And he is a good one ; heaven forgive me for not sooner finding it out. As I was sitting here alone," continued the old lady, " here alone, in the dull, dim shadows of the waning fire- light, thinking in the bitterness of my spirit how he had deserted me, and of all the wrongs and sufferings that I had endured in consequence, I fell asleep and dreamed of my mother." " Of your mother ?" " Of my mother ; she has long been dead, but methought she stood before me, just as she looked in life, only more radiant and beautiful. Then she questioned me of my trouble, and I told her all from first to last. Her countenance assumed a mournful expression, and she inquired, ' Didn't it never occur to you, my daughter, that a large proportion of the wrong was on your side V " ' On my side V " * Even so, your heart will tell you what I mean, examine it well,^ and I saw her no more." " Was the vision real ?" questioned Louisa. " Whether or not the vision was real, the result of it was. My eyes were opened at once to my long course of usurped authority and haughty exaction. I had aspired to rule and domineer over him, not by the gentle influence of love, but the pride of an overweening ambition. Not because it was for my good, or his good, or the good of our family, but because I loved to rule, and have my own way. I see it all now, the little consideration I paid to his judgment, the preference I always gave to my own pleasure, my blind perversity to his desire. Imagining myself possessed of his affection, I prized it little, and took no pains to secure and preserve it, hence it has passed from me, and nothing is left but the knowledge of my loss, and regret for the years of folly that caused it." Bitter Reflections. 388 It was a pitiable sight to behold that old woman, with her pale, wan face, and snowy hair, thus bringing home to her heart the errors of her younger years, and finding in her own derelic- tions from duty, an excuse for the infirmities of her husband. " I was told yesterday," she continued, " that Fanny pets and caresses him. Heaven knows that I never thought of doing such a thing ; that she talks to him of love, and apparently lives only in his presence ; while I made him feel always that his company was irksome to me, that his conversation displeased me. I have told him a thousand times that I regretted my marriage ; that if I were single again, nothing should ever induce me to enter that state ; that my burdens of house-keeping and family were troublesome, and that I would willingly be released. Buch things, I begin to perceive, must necessarily alienate a hus- band's heart." "But, mother," said Louisa, " all women are guilty of these things, more or less." " Then the more shame be to them." ** But they don't see it in the light that you do. Their tem- pers become soured with a multitude of petty cares and vexa- tions, and though the husband may not be to blame, he is the readiest object, and generally the victim on whom the wife vents her complaints." " I see," continued the old lady, " now that my husband has gone from me, I see, what I never understood before, that his society was a great comfort and blessing to me. True, he wasn't much of a talker, and rarely gave an opinion contrary to me, yet the consciousness of his presence and protection, so lightly regarded then, seems to me now to have been a great thing. If he didn't speak a word I wasn't lonely ; and then how strange that I never knew, that I never ascertained during the forty years of our companionship, that I loved him as I do." " As you did," said Louisa. *334 Female Life among the MoRMOxa " As I do," said the old woman sharply. " But only to think that I remained so long blind to the state of my feelings, even while we sat daily at the same board, and nightly by the same hearth, and participated hourly in the comforts of the same home." " The home he has now forsaken," said Louisa. " The home that his presence blessed, that his industry and forethought preserved from want, the home which but for him had never existed, and which his generosity and kindness made a quiet sanctuary for the stranger and the weary ; a seat for the exercise of holy and gentle virtues ; the centre of a thou- sand influences and associations, which bless and purify all within their reach." " And yet, mother, I could not thus plead for him." " Because you have never known him as I have ; because you can never apprehend how everything around me speaks of him. He has been familiar with every place that I have ; he has beheld the same countenances, and heard the same voices. Yet, he was more beloved than me ; I could see that plainly. Eyes that looked coldly to me, beamed pleasurably on him ; nor was it a wonder, he was gentleness and honesty, fearful of giving offence, and ever ready to do a kindness. And all this time," she continued, " I was well aware of his worth, but never laid it to heart. I understood perfectly well that he was grieved and wounded at my fault-finding, though he never said so, yet I delighted in it j it was making him feel my power, and power was the only thing on earth that I ever coveted." "But now," answered Louisa, "now that it is too late to make amends, the remembrance of these things, doubtless exag- gerated by distempered fancy, comes to aggravate your afflic- tion. What is done cannot be undone. No self-accusation can ever obliterate an action." " But actions if not obliterated may be atoned for." Mother and Daughter. 335 " Sometimes, and yet you can hardly make atonement to your husband." " Why not ?" " Because he has placed himself virtually beyond your reach." " Beyond my reach, when he visits me every two or three days ?" " Certainly, since you would scarcely humiliate yourself to begin the subject, considering the manner in which he has treated you." " The manner in which I have treated him is what concerns me now, and were the humiliation ten times greater than it is, I would cheerfully bear it, in order to make him some amends," replied the old lady. " Amends to him, mother, for what ?" " For all my folly and wickedness." " What folly and wickedness ?" " That which has been a part and parcel of my conduct all my life ; which shadowed and blighted the happiness of our mar- riage ; and whicli has finally driven him to the arms of another." " How can that be the case ?" " Because if I had conducted myself with moderation and con- siderate gentleness ; if I had trusted to his good sense of con- sistency and right, instead of my own violence, he would have treated her with the contempt she deserved." " I knew nothing of any violence." " Of course you did not. Outsiders rarely know what sights and sounds the domestic hearth witnesses." " You didn't attempt to give him a taste of the lash, as you did Fan ?" said Louisa laughing. " No ; my violence with him was all in words, and yet that la bad enough for a husband. Many men I believe would prefer stripes of the two." " That might be." 336 Female Life among the Mormons. " I didn't consider that the exhibition of my unlovable quali- ties was so much gained on her side ; that my sulkiness and silence contrasted extremely unfavorably with her cheerful humor ; that my selfishness, my everlasting desire to be pleased and waited on, was so different from her constant service and attendance, and desire to please, that no human heart could help being charmed with it." " And what do you design to do V " Make him all the reparation in my power, which will be little, though enough to show my motive and good will." " I hope that he will be satisfied now," said Louisa, " and not want to take another wife. It is such a common thing, when the barriers are Once overleaped, to keep on, that I fear he will aspire to increase the number." "If he is lost to me," said Mrs. Stillman ; " if I cannot win him back, why it won't make much difference." " Win him back I mother ; how strangely you talk. Of course you can't undo the marriage ceremony which has been performed between them, and I can't see, under the circumstan- ces, what he can ever be to you again." Mrs. Stillman, sen., was about to reply, when a sudden and violent rap at the door engaged her attention. The friendly " come in" was answered by the entrance of Har- mer. He was evidently in great haste. " What's the matter ?" demanded Louisa, the first word. He looked first at her, and then at the old lady. " You come with bad news ; what is it ?" said Mrs. Stillman, sen. " Your husband is lying at the point of death, and wishes to sec you." " At the point of death, and wishes to see me ?" she repeated mechanically, as if unable to comprehend the full meaning of the words. The Poison Root. 33t "Such is the fact," said Harmer. ''He is in great distress, and able to converse only a minute at a time." " Has he been sick long ?" inquired Louisa, while the old lady- was trying to find her bonnet and shawl. " No. He went out this afternoon to gather roots, and found one very large, and looking so good, that he tasted it, and firfally ate nearly the whole. It proves to be a mortal poison, and he cannot survive the effects." Mrs. Stillman, with the first knowledge of her husband's dan- ger, had lost all her presence of mind ; and her eager, anxious haste, as is usual in such cases, defeated her purpose of immedi- ate departure. She had flown to the cupboard for her bonnet. " Why, mother, you don't keep your bonnet in the cupboard," said Louisa, scarcely able to repress a smile. " Here, sit down — you are trembling, now, so that you can hardly stand. I will get your things. Don't suffer yourself to be overcome." Louisa, whose cool head and practised hand soon made the necessary preparations, concluded to go with them. " Your husband is there now," said Harmer. *' I called, on my way here, and informed him of the situation of his father." As they approached the house, several persons were coming and going, while lights were glancing about, and now and then a deep, heavy groan indicated the mortal agony of the sufferer within. "He is not yet dead ?" whispered Harmer to an attendant beside the door. The person shook his head, and Mrs. Stillman drew near, but her tottering limbs refused her support, and she fell heavily across the bed. *' Room ! room 1" cried a bystander ; " a lady has fainted." But she did not faint. 15 338 Female Life among the Mormons. " My husband I Oh, my husband ! can you ever forgive me ?" she faintly murmured. He answered not, for he was seized that moment with a frightful paroxysm of pain. His features grew livid ; great drops of cold sweat started from his forehead, as intense agony scorched and racked each shuddering limb. It passed over in a moment, however, and he spoke and smiled at the recognition of his wife, and then requested all but her to leave the room. Two or three of the elders hesitated, saying that he was not in his right mind, and did not understand the purport of his lan- guage. " He is in his right mind," said Harmer. *' He is just coming to his senses, I believe," glancing at Fauuy, who sat near the head of the bed. *' He wishes to converse privately with his lawful wife. Will you go, or must I put you out ?" he contin- ued, while they still lingered. *' Leave us alone I" shrieked the dying man, starting up in his bed ; for that moment the agony returned. They rose and left the room, all but Fan. " You, too," he said, motioning to her. She obeyed mechanically, casting a look of hate and contempt on the favored wife. And the two were left alone with God. What transpired ; what words were spoken ; what tears shed ; the bliss and agony of that meeting; reconciliation, and parting, it is not in the power of my weak pen to describe. When the attendants again entered the apartment, Mrs. Still- man was kneeling by the bed in silent prayer ; and with him the bitterness of death had passed. The wild and. burning agony that, an hour before, coursed like fire through his veins, had been succeeded by a torpid numbness, the precursor of imme- diate dissolution. • A tranquU smile had settled over his coun- tenance, and he seemed like one falling into a pleasant slumber. The Ill-boding Wife. 339 "Have you nothing to say to me, father ?" inquired Eanny, approaching the bed. He neither opened his eyes, nor answered her inquiry, and soon breathed his last. M' CHAPTER XXXVII. A SCENE. ■RS. DALLAS, we have already said, was disposed to meet and anticipate trouble. There was no evil that flesh is heir to, that she had not apprehended as likely to fall on her- self or her family. If the children were playing out of doors, she was in a state of nervous expectancy that they would be bit, or poisoned, or charmed by toads, spiders, or snakes. She never enjoyed a visit or a ride, on account of the liability of their house to take fire, or for fear that the children would tumble from the windows, or fall down the well, or experience some other accident, of which there was not a particle of danger. But now, everything else was forgotten in the probability that her husband would take another wife, " But what makes you think so ?" inquired Mrs. Merry, to whom she had been unburdening her mind. " He is no likelier to marry again than my husband, and I have scarcely ever given the subject a thought." "Oh, but he is, Mrs. Merry — a great deal likelier I" " Why so ?" " Because your husband is devotedly attached to you — every body can see that." " I never thought that he was." 840 Female Life among the Mormons. " You didn't ? — that is strange." " But Mrs. Binder, whose husband has just married his fourth wife, informed me that Mr. Binder was never so clever, and so fond of her, as when he contemplated a new marriage." " The hypocrite 1" said Mrs. Dallas. " But I know perfectly well, that my husband will marry another. I am well satisfied that he has already decided on the person." " You are ?" " To be sure I am. I have noticed his looks and glances all cast in a certain direction. Isn't it too bad, when I have borne him so many children ; and Mrs, Hope declares that they are the most beautiful flock of little ones that she ever beheld." Mrs. Merry smiled blandly, and inquired who was the person favered with Mr. Dallas's regards. " That great, ugly, heathenish-looking thing, who goes sailing about with a red shawl and bonnet," said Mrs. Dallas. "What, Polly High?" Mrs. Dallas nodded her head mysteriously. " Well, I don't wonder so much that you are worried, if that is the case," said Mrs. Merry. *' Why, I shouldn't never have thought it. Such a low-lived, vulgar creature ; and such a bad reputation, too I I wonder what the world is coming to, when respectable men marry such women ?" "Respectable men," said Mrs. Dallas, sharply, "no respect- able man would -marry more than one woman ; I don't call my husband respectable, I don't think there's a respectable man in Utah ; I know well enough that there isn't." " There are several men in Utah who remain true to their first wife." "But how long will their truth continue, — till they can get other wives, and not a moment longer. Women are getting scarce in Utah, the best ones have already left the market., I Meeting Troubles Halfway. 341 heard they were about to send to California for a fresh sup- ply." " Of what r ** Women, to be sure." " Abominable I" said Mrs. Merry, lifting her hands and eyes. Mrs. Dallas put on a patient, resigned expression ; " I long ago made up my mind," she said, " to bear it the best that I could, but when I think of that smirking, hateful creature, with her red dress and bonnet, my blood fairly boils." " How long is it since yoil first ascertained that Mr. Dallas was paying attention to her ?" " I cannot exactly tell, but not very long." This conversation continued for some time, and finally Mrs. Dallas began to weep, Mrs. Merry tried to soothe and quiet her, which only caused her to weep the harder. Another neighbor came in, who of course received intimation of the astounding fact, that Mr. Dallas was about being married to Polly High. " Well now, if that don't beat all, Polly High — who would ever have thought of such a thing ; I don't wonder that you are nearly killed about it," said this Job's comforter, " but really, much as I would like to, I cannot stay to condole with you," and the good neighbor walked off to unburden her budget of news ; Mrs. Merry soon followed, and Mrs. Dallas was left a lone to receive her husband. Though this woman had not the least ground for the suspicion or conjecture that preyed on her mind, and actually made her life miserable, she had communicated it to her friends in such a manner, that they received it as a settled fact, and told it as such ; everybody wondered at it ; the women raved, but the men laughed, and said that the intended bride deserved a good husband. Polly was certainly a favorite with the male portion of the community, which sufficiently accounts for the horror she inspired in their spouses. 342 Female Life among the Mormons. " If my husband was to marry such a thing as that," said one, a sort of Yirago^ " I'd actually take the butcher-knife to both of 'em, that I would." "ISTo you wouldn't," said the husband, "I'd take care that you didn't hurt her." " But I would hurt her, — if you don't believe what I say, just try it." " That's what I'm going to ; if she wasn't spoke for, I'd go straight there now." " Maybe you'd be preferred to Dallas, I'd go and see," said the wife, mockingly. " Guess I'd better," he said, and rising, he took down bis hat from the peg where it hung near the door, and went out whist- ling a Mormon melody : " Charley had a buxom wife, Charley thought Tie'd take another." Walking down the street, he saw Dallas just returning home. " The women are all in hot water about you," he said, ap- proaching the other. " About me, what about me ?" " Why, because you're going to marry that High gal." " High gal, I don't understand you." " You needn't look so dreadful innocent," said Poorly, burst- ing into a loud laugh, " I never seed a feller sham astonishment 80 d natural before, in my life." " There's no sham about it, I am astonished, and no mistake ; what is it that you have heard ?" " Ha'n't I told you ?" " No, you've been hinting at something that I know no more about than the man in the moon." " It came from your wife at any rate." "What did?" She Put it in his Head. 343 ** That you and Polly High were going to be married." " My wife never told that." " She did, though." " " Who did she tell it to ?" " Mrs. Merry, and I don't know who else." " I can't imagine why she would tell such a story as that," said Dallas, " you must have been misinformed." " It strikes me," said Poorly, "'that you need another wife ; it would certainly save you a good deal of running about after hired girls ; your wife always wants to keep one, don't she ?" " Yes, she would have one continaally if she could." " Then, all you have to do is to get another wife ; she'll work for her keep, which will be much cheaper than hiring girls ; then you'll have the pleasure of her society — on the whole it will be a first rate plan." " Like enough," said Dallas turning his face and his feet tow- ards home. Dallas had never seriously thought of marrying another wife before in his life. True, he lived in a community where the thing was common, but one woman seemed determined to make him the patriarch of a numerous flock, and now it occurred to him that it would be an act of benevolence to the overburdened wife to bring in another to share her labors and responsibilities. It would be much better than to depend on hired girls, with little chance of ever getting one to stay more than a day or two, it certainly would, and he walked towards home full of the new idea. " And suppose my wife does find fault with it," he mentally ejaculated, " she's apt to find fault and worry about nothing, so that on the whole, it won't make much difference, she'll get used to it, and be pleased with it, especially when she sees its advan- tages. Then, when she was sick there would be somebody to 344 Female Life among the Mormons. nurse her, without my spending all the time of her illness in looking for help. If the baby was cross, there would be some- body to assist in taking care of it. Upon the whole I think that the plan would be a good one." He could not decide to mention the matter to his wife, however. " I know just how she'll do," he continued, " cry and cough, snivel, and blow her nose, that's the way she always works it ; I never know whether she'll be pleased or not, though the chances are against it. She's for ever meeting trouble and expecting it, even when there's no likelihood of its coming, so, of course, I shan't make much account of her opposition one way nor t'other." Mrs. Dallas, as usual, was weeping when her husband entered the house. He was naturally a lively, volatile man, and the sight of her tears almost sickened him. Not because he was hard-hearted or unfeeling, or indifferent to her sorrow, when she really had occasion to grieve. But tears and murmurs and apprehensions of evil, when perpetually indulged in, weary and disgust the best of husbands. Dallas had found his wife in tears, probably twenty times, during the last two weeks. At first he kindly and affection- ately inquired, " What was the matter ?" " Nothing," accompanied by a great sob. " Was she sick ?" " No," with another sob. " Did she want anything ?" Another " no," and another sob. " Then what did ail her ?" " Nothing,'^ again. " But I know better ; something is the matter ; either tell what it is or quit crying." " She was sorry if people couldn't have the privilege of shed- ding tears whenever they chose. She had long known that hns- A Domestic Scene. ^ 345 bands wished to rule the tongues of their wives, but had hoped that the privilege of weeping would never be meddled with or infringed." After this rebuke, Dallas questioned her no more. She wept, or let it alone ; and he said nothing. He whistled, or sang, or read, while she sat sobbing ; but, on the evening already men- tioned, he naturally gave way to a burst of impatience. "I shall make it a bargain with my second wife that she never weeps. I am getting to hate the very sight of tears," he said. " It's a mystery to me what good it can do women to be always crying about nothing." Mrs. Dallas sobered up suflaciently to remark, that "men were not expected to understand the cause of a woman's tears." " And faith, I never want to understand them," he answered. " No one supposes that you do ; but when is this madam to make her appearance ?" "Pretty soon, I imagine, if you don't stop this everlasting snivel. I'm tired to death seeing it. I can't have a minute's rational conversation with you once a month, and, as for anything like mirth, I might as well expect a grave-yard to laugh." " Your cruelty is killing me," she sobbed. " My cruelty killing you ; you are killing yourself, more like, by this foohsh way you have got of grieving over imaginary troubles. What is it that I have done ?" She made no answer. " Tell me, madam, what it is that I have done." Still silent. " Well, I shall tell you what I am going to do, and that quickly, too. I'm going to marry another wife. I will have somebody to chat and converse with when I come home — somebody that will look on the bright side of things, and not try to plague and discourage me as you have done." 15* 346 Female Life among the Mormons. " I have not tried to plague and discourage you." "Well, you know that it does plague me to always find you weeping about nobody knows what. I want a wife for her society, but heaven knows that utter loneliness were preferable to constant tears." "I presume that your next wife will entertain you much better than I can hope to." " It is hopeful that she will better than you have." " Especially while she is a new thing." "Kew or old, I never like this crying over imaginary evils." "But the evil isn't imaginary." "What is it, then?" " Why, ha'n't you just told me that you were going to marry another ? and wouldn't that make any woman cry ?" " But I never thought of marrying again before to-day, and you have been crying, off and on, this two weeks, though as to the matter of that, you have always been at it." Again Mrs. Dallas was silent. "Who told you that I was going to marry another," he inquired, presently. "Nobody." "Then how did you know anything about it? Such a thought had never entered my head, till I understood that you had reported it for a fact." " That was a mistake." " What did you say, then ?" " That I suspected it, feared it ; nothing more." " Didn't you say that I had been paying attention to Polly High?" " Her name was mentioned, not exactly that way, though." "How thcA?" " I don't kijow what necessity there is for repeating the whole Difficulties Thicken. 34t of our conversation. Indeed, I can't remember half that was said.'' " A fine gossip, no doubt ; but I must be entertained with silence and tears. However, since you have made me think of it, I have concluded that it would be a good plan." " I made you think of it — think of what ?" " Of having another wife." Mrs. Dallas opened her mouth to speak. " Not one word,'^ he said ; " you are always a prophet of evil — always expecting misfortune of some kind or another, and I wish you to hear me." " I have no desire to hear you," she answered ; ** and what is more, I will not hear you, if you think or attempt to excuse this diabolical system of polygamy." " Capital," said Dallas, laughing ; " your anger becomes you mightily. "Well, a woman may storm and rave and scold just as much as she pleases, so she won't cry and snivel ; I'll think it first rate. But now, wife, I wan't you to consider this thing, and how nice and sisterly it would be to have some one to help you always — how nice it would be for me." *' No doubt of that," interposed the wife. " I shouldn't have to be running all over the country, vainly endeavoring to hire girls." ''You'd have to run more than you do now, like-enough. You'd have to hire girls to wait on both wives instead of one." " No, I shouldn't ; because one wife could wait on the other." " You wouldn't expect me to wait on your other wife ?" " If she needed it." "You'd expect something, then, that wouldn't ever transpire ; I'd never lift a finger to save her from perishing ;" and the sparkling eyes and animated countenance of Mrs. Dallas, told now much she was under the influence of passionate resentment. 348 Female Life among the Mormons. "Ah," retorted Dallas, "wives can be managed, if husbands are resolute. I should teach you better than that." "Doubtful." " Besides, when one wife's mad, another would think it for her interest to be pleased, when one scolded, the other would laugh, when one sulked and cried, the other would chat and be merry; so you would be certain of fair weather from some quar- ter ; a blessing not often experienced here." , " What did you ever marry me for ?" said Mrs. Dallas, ener- getically, " I never sought your attentions, never run after you through heat and cold, never coaxed and implored to be blessed with your love," and she looked him sternly in the face. " I knew then that 1 shouldn't suit you long, knew that our dispo- sitions were so different there could be nothing reciprocal between them, but you persisted in believing the contrary. I shed tears even, while consenting to be your wife, because I felt that our married life would be unhappy. I shed tears on our wedding day, because the same evil presentiment haunted me. You say I have met trouble, though that would have been impossible, if the trouble had not also met me. I have expe- rienced the very evils that I anticipated, and you, the author of them, would refuse me even the luxury of tears." " Because I have become weary of seeing you weep." " And don't you suppose that I am weary of weeping, weary of having anything to weep about ?" Dallas sat several moments in deep meditation, "I see it all now," he said at length; "our marriage has been unhappy, because I didn't sufficiently consider your temper and inclination in the first place, but now it is too late to repent. The ties between us can never be obliterated without crime on one side or the other. We must make the most of our bargain, and to do this, it is absolutely necessary for each one to conform his or her disposition to that of the other. I have had a pretty hard Mutual Recrim:inations. 349 trial sometimes, harder than you may imagine, to bufifet along with the world, and provide the comforts of life for my family, but I have always tried to keep up my spirits, to look on the bright side of everything, and to hope for the best. Neither have I ever distressed or troubled you with forebodings of evil : I have never come home with a cloud on my countenance, but you have met my smiles with tears, my hopes with presenti- ments, my delights with anticipated ills. When to-day has been bright, you have lost all the pleasure of it, because there might be clouds to-morrow, and thus it has always been," Mrs. Dallas sat perfectly silent, her face buried in her hands. She could not help feeling that his accusations were, in a measure, true, and that she had wearied him with tears and reproaches, for which there was really no occasion, but pride prevented a concession of that kind, and she only said, after a long silence : "You ought not to have been so importunate to marry a woman so reprehensible in temper and conduct." " I know it," he replied, gloomily, " I have often thought so lately." " I hope yo* will look out better next time, and that the coming bride will be a paragon of perfection," she said bitterly. " And so do I." Again there was a silence of several minutes, at length he spoke : " But, my dear wife, can't you restrain, in some degree, these faults of temper which are so aggravating to me ? Can't you cease this everlasting weeping, and meet me, when T return from my toils at night, with a smiling countenance ? Can't you let me see that my efforts to make you happy are duly appre- ciated, and not utterly and totally of no avail ?" " I shall make no promises," she answered, " because I am not confident of my strength to keep them." 350 Female Life among the Mormons. Dallas arose without ottering another word, and left the room. One week from that day, he brought Polly High to share the burdens and responsibilities of his household. CHAPTER XXXTIII. EMILY AGAIN. ^iTTAYE you seen anything of Emily?" inquu*ed Harmer Jjj^ one day, as I met him along the street. " Seen Emily ? no, not for several days." " Well, I'd like to know where she is, anyhow." " Why, is she lost ?" " Something has gone of her." ** You astonish me ; isn't she at Mr. Stillman's ?" " Louisa knows nothing about her. She says that it is nearly a week since Emily started to go to your house, and she has seen nothing of her since. Mrs. Beardsley is certain that the Indians have carried her off, and only wonders that they have not kid- napped somebody before." ** Have there been any Indians about ?" " Not very recently ; and what would the Indians want of her?" "The Indians are friendly, they wouldn't spirit her away." Mrs. Bradish approached, "What are you discussing, good people ?" she inquired. "I will answer that question by asking another ; have you seen anything of Emily ?" "Not lately." " Who has, I wonder." The Missing Maiden. 351 " I can't tell, indeed. Is she among the missing V' " So it seems." " I saw her last week going out to botanize in the valley, and I well recollect that our Prophet entertained some Indians that very day, because I saw them coming out of his house just after I parted with Emily." " Are you sure of this ?" " I am." " Then Mrs. Beardsley must be right ; the Indians have pro- bably carried her off, thinking to obtain a ransom. We must find out to what tribe they belonged. Can you recollect what day you saw them ?" Mrs. Bradish thought she could recollect, and volunteered moreover to go at once to B m, and inform him of the circumstance. Curious to hear and see for myself, I decided to accompany her. He received. us graciously, listened with apparent astonish- ment to our narration, but seemed perfectly at ease with respect to the Indians ; supposed that Emily was well enough off, pro- bably visiting somewhere, and would return when she got ready, did not think there was any probability that a misfortune could have happened to her, and counselled us to have faith, and all would go well. Mrs. Bradish was evidently dissatisfied with his cool manner of dismissing the subject. " Whatever you may think to the contrary notwithstanding, I am perfectly well convinced myself, that the Indians are at the bottom of the mischief, and it seems strange to me that you refuse to inform us of their tribe, or the name of their chief." "Because, madam, I fear that something might be said or done, that would embroil us with these people. It is for our interest to keep them friendly, and as there is scarcely a possi- 352 Female Life among the Mormons. bility that they know aught of the matter, I prefer that the names and tribe of my visitors should remain a mystery." " But somebody must know," said Mrs. Bradish. • " You have no evidence even of that." " Then what has gone of her ?" " That is a question which I am unable to answer, though I have no apprehension on her account. She is able to take care of herself." " It is possible that she has wandered off, and got lost among the mountains." " Oh I I guess not," replied B ^m coldly. " At any rate, I shan't rest," said Mrs. Bradish, " until I find out where she is. I can't. She was my particular friend, so good, and so beautiful ; excuse me, sire, but I fancied that the tender regards you entertained for her, would have made you sensibly alive to her danger." " Her danger ? I am not apprehensive that she is in danger," he said. '* You have no faith." I regarded the countenance of this man, so calm and sinister in its expression, and mentally inquired, if it could be possible that his indifference and unconcern arose from a knowledge of the place of her concealment. But I could scarcely find it in my heart to believe that such depravity actually existed, and forbore to mention or encourage such a suspicion. Leaving the habitation of the Prophet, who at parting exhorted us not to grieve or worry ourselves, for God and the angels would take care of our innocent and youthful sister, and doubtless restore her to us unharmed, though Mrs. Bradish the moment we were out of hearing, declared that he had used us shabbily, and that she didn't like it, we found Harmer waiting to hear the result of the interview. " Nothing ! nothing I" said Mrs. Bradish, anticipating his inquiries. " He refuses to tell us anything, though I marvel The Alarm Increases. 353 whether he knows himself; takes the matter amazing cool, thiAs she'll come back when she gets ready, and such like." "The villain !" ejaculated Harmer; "but I have found out, and no thanks to him. Charley Moore saw Emily go into the valley to gather flowers, the Indians were a tribe of the XJtahs, their chief's name is Walker, and the lands they infest are in the immediate neighborhood of the Wahsatch mountains; I start to go there this night." " Do nothing rashly," I said, for the thought forced itself on me, that Emily might be found nearer home, but having no evidence I feared to communicate my suspicions. " At what time will you start ?" " When the moon rises, which is near midnight." " Well," said Mrs. Bradish, glancing at the sun, " between now and then, I wilUvisit every house to alarm the inhabitants and make inquiries. You stop at Mr. Ward's. I will be there to report the result." He assented to the proposal, and she departed immediately to execute her plan. Returning home, I met Louisa dreadfully agitated. " Have you seen aught of Emily ?" she inquh-ed anxiously. " I have not." " It beats all ; I supposed her to be at your house until a short time ago. I thought, too, that she was making rather a long visit, and several times had it in my mind to come round there, but something hindered. Harmer, however, grew impa- tient, and started off to hunt her up, and I guess it was well he did." " She came to our house, I suppose, in my absence, and then went to the valley to gather flowers." " And has not been seen since ?" " Not that we can ascertain." " She must have been kidnapped by the Indians." 354 Female Life among the Mormons. " Or lost among the mountains." " In which case we shall never see her again," said Louisa, bursting into tears. " B m says that if we have faith all will be well." " How did he take it ?" inquired Louisa, wiping her eyes. " Cool as a cucumber, and even opposed our taking any mea- sures to discover her." " Why, that's strange." " It looked so to me, after the regard that he has professed for her." "But as she has always refused his addresses, he may be indifferent to her misfortunes, through a motive of revenge." " Or, or he may know more about the matter thau he chooses to tell." Louisa looked surprised, and a gleam ef intelligence passed over her features. We separated, and I went directly home. Of course my thoughts were with Emily, and her unaccountable absence. Then, too, the calm indifference of B m would rise to my memory, and overwhelm me with astonishment. Notwithstand- ing my endeavors to the contrary, I would find myself mentally forming conjectures as to his possible implication in the affair. Mr. Ward said that the Indians were probably the perpetrators of the outrage, or that she had become lost and bewildered in the deep intricacies of the hills and valleys. He related instan- ces of people having become lost even amid the most familiar scenes. " One lady of his acquaintance had started to visit a friend, who lived on the opposite side of a narrow piece of woods. She travelled some distance Along, as she thought, the accustomed paths, when she came in sight of a house that looked both strange and familiar. She noticed likewise the cows, the poultry, and the general appearance of things, how much they looked like those beloiiging to her, and, having become conscious An Expedition starts in Search of Emily. 355 by this time that something was wrong, she determined to enter, when, to her infinite surprise, she ascertained that it was her own home. Instances of females thus becoming lost were of almost daily occurrence, and it would not be in the least aston- ishing if such was the case with Emily," " A week in the mountains ; she can hardly be living then." "Never indulge in such forebodings as that," said Mr. Ward. " She could live many weeks in the woods, as the wea- ther is very mild, and there seems to be an abundance of roots." " Which she would scarcely dare to eat after their fatal effect on Mr. Stillman." " Hunger would banish fear, I imagine," he answered, just as Mrs. Bradish came in. My first words were : " What success ?" " None at all," she replied. " Nobody has seen or heard tell of her that I can find." " And what do the people think ?" " Some say that the Indians have taken her, others that she is lost in the woods. Of course there will be different opinions. A party of men are going out to-night to look for her— I never saw them so excited." Harmer soon came in, accompanied by Buckley and Charley Moore. Buckley had made preparations to depart for Califor- nia across the Sierra Nevada, but postponed his journey until the fate of Emily was ascertained. Consequently, they had both decided to accompany Harmer. They were well armed with rifles, pistols and knives, and provided with an abundance of ammunition. " God speed and prosper your way," said Mrs. Bradish. There was a hearty response of " amen " from all assembled, which comprised quite a number of young and old. It had been decided that the young, men should go with Harmer, as 'the 356 Female Life among the Mormons. Indian trail led directly through the valley, where she had last been seen. They were furnished with horns, whistles and dogs, and were evidently sanguine of success. " I doubt if her strength would hold out to travel a great way," said one. " We shall find her not far off, but overcome with fatigue, and sleeping- in a cave," said another. " She may have found some Indian settlement," suggested a third. At length the moon showed her broad bright disk over the adjacent hills, and the farewells being said, the party set off. CHAPTER XXXIX marriages. ii k YISITOR, ma," said our youngest daughter, now grown J\^ to be a woman. " Indeed ! Who is it ? " Mrs. Melton, I believe." The lady soon entered, habited in deep black. I involuntarily glanced at her unusual apparel. She noticed this, and not being a person to stand on ceremony, immediately began the relation of her troubles. " I have dressed in mourning, Mrs. Ward," she said, " and yet no outward form or ceremonial of sorrow can shadow forth the poignant anguish that weighs down my heart. It is dread- ful to lay a child in the damp cold earth, yet more so, much more so, to have her immolated on the altar of Mammon. And such marriages as are tolerated and approved here seem to me She Mourns as for the Dead. 35T actually horrible. I have argued and reasoned with Mr. Mel- ton, and used my utmost endeavors to get him to relent, but all in vain. He is determined to sell the girls to Weldy, and nothing but death will prevent the consummation of the sacri- fice," and the poor mother began to weep. " What do the girls say about it ?" I inquired. " Henriette is nearly distracted. Margaret said a good deal at first, but finding that her father was resolved, she relapsed into her gloomy and moody habit. She has all along been sub- ject to fits of melancholy, and I suppose that they will return on her now with accumulated strength." " We never knew that she was subject to such spells." " Few persons do know it, because we always tried to keep it still, but it will have to become public now, if she's going into all that family. It all comes from the cruelty of her father." '' How so ?" " He refused to let her marry an amiable young man, who was deeply attached to her, and whose passion she reciprocated. It nearly proved her death at the time, and she has never entirely recovered from its effects." "But why did Mr. Melton refuse to permit her to marry him ?" " Because he was not able to bestow a valuable gift in return." " I can scarcely understand what the man must be thinking of." " Of money, to be sure — money, that everlastingly fills his thoughts by day, and his dreams by night. He looks on his daughters as legitimate subjects of speculation, because, he says, that they have cost him so much. Heaven knows how, and it would puzzle any mortal to tell. Henriette knelt at her father's feet, and implored him with tears of agony to have pity 'upon her, and save her from such a dreadful fate, but he spurned 358 Female Life among the Mormons and reproached her, accused her of ingratitude in not consent- ing willingly to bis choice, especially when it brought such valuable gifts to his hands. At this she grew exasperated, and threatened to leave his house and protection, and go off among the Indians. He replied that he would find her, if he had to search the world over, and that she should be married to Weldy, if she went to the altar in chains. Henriette's temper being fully aroused, she asserted that they were all barbarians ; that the religion of Mormon was from the devil ; that polygamy was an abominable institution, and that though they might compel her to stand up with the man she hated, she would never by word or deed signify her assent to the contract — never. " 'Then you dare to disobey me?' he said. " 'I dare to disobey any man, who seeks to make me a slave, and whose tyranny would embitter my whole life. When you ask me to marry that hideous old man, who looks like an ogre, and acts like a fool — a man whose home is shared already by a dozen wives, good, bad, aud indifferent, two or three of whom are Indians, others Spanish, and several Dutch — is it possible that you expect me to consent willingly — more horrible still, when this same old man that wishes to become my husband, desires to take my sister in the same day — to purchase us, giv- ing in exchange horses and cows, can you expect us to conform, unless by actual compulsion V " ' Henriette,' said Mr. Melton, * you are certainly old enough to know that all this is folly. It makes no difference how many wives he has. Solomon married a king's daughter, though he had taken wive3 from all the nations about Judah. Do you fancy yourself superior to that princess of the royal house of Egypt. I am really ashamed of you.* " ' And I am ashamed of my father,' interposed Margaret, vehemently, ' ashamed that any man, professing to be influ- A Hard-hearted Old Man. 359 enced by a divine spirit, should make the marriage of his daugh- ters an occasion of enriching himself ; and such a marriage, too ; my soul is sickened by the thought of it/ " I told the girls subsequently that, though their father remained inexorable, it was possible that they might hope for release from the generosity of their lover, if such a heart could be considered capable of such a feeling. " ' I would just as soon,^ said Henriette, * trust to the com- passion of a hungry lion.' "Margaret, however, said that she was willing to make the attempt, and volunteered to commence the subject herself. " ' Here comes Weldy, now,' said Henriette, looking from the window. " ' Now, then, is your time, girls, now that your father is absent,' I exclaimed, 'and Heaven grant that you may soften his iron heart.' " Weldy came tn, saluted the girls with apparent fondness, made an attempt to compliment their beauty, which proved' exceedingly awkward, and then inquired for Mr. Melton. "'He is not at home, Brother Weldy ; and we consider his absence rather fortunate than otherwise on the present occasion. We wish to appeal to your good sense and generous feelings, as a man of honor and principle, to withdraw your suit for the hands of these girls, who are too young to assume the responsi- bilities of married life, and altogether unsuitable to your cir- cumstances.' "'Excuse me, madam,' he answered, 'but I must dissent from your opinions. These young ladies, in my house, at least, will have no responsibilities to assume. My establishment is well govei-ned and directed, by older and competent heads. Nothing will be required of them, but gentleness and obedience, and that deference which youth is always expected to render to seniority.' 360 Female Life among the Mormons. " Here I informed him that my girls had always been accus- tomed to have their own way. " ' Yes,' said Margaret, ' and I am the last one to bow to hoary hairs, when they cover a fool's skull, as is frequently the case.' " * I shall neither be gentle nor obedient,' said Henriette, 'because I loathe and despise both you and your wives. I won't do nothing that you wish me to, not a single thing. I expect you want me to be a sort of nurse and waiter, to run after your thirty young 'uns, but I shan't do it, I shan't touch the squalling, yelping brats. I never could bear 'em, I can't yet, and I won't have nothing to do with 'em.' " Weldy laughed at this, a regular loud horse laugh. He did not seem the least bit angry, as I expected that he would, but fairly shook the rafters with a hearty roar. " ' No, my beauty,' he said, ' I don't expect any such thing. You're much too slender and delicate to be hiking a great child about ; I know that very well. No one shall impose such duties on you, and I shall not wish you to do anything contrary to your pleasure, rest assured of that.' "'And don't you wish me to do anything contrary to my pleasure ?' she inquired, quickly. " But Weldy was not to be caught that way. ** ' I shall not, my dear, when you are mine — legally mine.' " ' Mr. Weldy, I beg, I entreat of you, to give up all design of marrying us,' said Margaret. 'You cannot conceive how much, how much and how deeply, we loathe and abhor the situ- ation you offer us. Our ages, your circumstances, everything precludes the possibility of happiness for either in that state. We cannot love you, neither can you love us, and \narriage without love must be unhappy.' " ' Pshaw, half the marriages in the world are consummated from motives of policy, or expediency,' said Weldy, and then he The Hoary Lover and Youthful Yictims. 361 went on to argue the point, that ' marrying for love was an anti- quated notion, altogether unsuitable for this utilitarian age ; that he had married for love once, and but once, and that the wife he then obtained had proved the least lovable of any one of the dozen, and he thanked heaven for the lesson it afforded him ; that, generally speaking, those marriages in which there was the least of what was romantically and sillily called love, were always the happiest ; and that, for his part, he anticipated the greatest amount of real, solid, steady-going bliss from his approaching nuptials, with two such beautiful and accomplished ladies.' *" But, Mr. Weldy, can't you, won't you give us up ? Won't you tell father that you have changed your mind, and no longer want us ? Do, do have pity upon us, and we will bless you for ever.' " * Have pity upon you, have pity upon you, my charmer, and why should I pity one so young and beautiful. I love, I adore, 'I admire you ; I would pity you and myself, too, as to that matter, if anybody else was to have you, because no one can be so sensible of your attractions as myself Nobody else could ever prize you as you deserve to be prized,' and he attempted to embrace her. '' Margaret sprang from his outstretched arms with a scream, and Henriette reminded him that he had just declared that he never made but, one love match. "'Which was the truth,' he answered, 'though it's a clear case, that in marrying you, any man would have to marry for love, because every man must love you at first sight.' "These silly and unmeaning compliments greatly disgusted the girls, and Margaret called out, ' Weldy, I believe that you are a fool.' " * If such is the case, it's all attributable to you,' he answered. ' What is the penalty when a girl turns the brain of a man V 16 362 Female Life among the Mormons. " 'Whether or not your brain is turned, Mr. Weldy, I believe that my girls are perfectly innoceut of it. Here you are, old enough to be their father, and with a dozen wives already, deal- ing your balderdash compliments. I am sick of it, sick of such nonsense, and impertinence, and folly. I had hoped something from your generosity, but I see that I was mistaken in the man.' " * Really, Madam,' he replied, ' you make this marriage with your daughters very expensive ; I have come down handsomely to your husband. Did you desire a new shawl or dress V " I was so offended at this pretended misunderstanding of my wishes," continued Mrs. Melton, " that I was half inclined to take the broom and drive him from the house." " I wonder that you didn't," I remarked ; " such imperti- nence I" " Wasn't it though, really outrageous ; when all I desired was to preserve my daughters from such an unnatural union ?" " He just said it to tantalize you," I exclaimed. " I knew that very well, and replied, that though my shawls and dresses were less stylish than might be, I regarded them as of no consequence, compared to the happiness of my children ; and then he had the impudence to assure me that their felicity would be secured by marriage with him. " ' Why, Madam,' he said, ' I am astonished at your objec- tions, they are so trivial and frivolous. You have nothing to say against my moral character, or that I am ineligible in a pecuniary point of view, because you are aware that on all these points I am good as the best. But you talk about age, as if many young wives hadn't been perfectly happy with old hus- bands, and as if what had happened once, couldn't happen again, I only expect them to honor and obey, and as I am not a man of sentiment, I shall be perfectly satisfied with that. Well as I love them, I neither ask, nor wish them to love me. All is. A Model Father. 363 they mustn't love somebody else, that would set the house on fire at once.' " A thought struck Margaret, and she said, ' Suppose we con- fess to you that we love another now ?' " ' I shoul(^ know the confession was false, because your father told me that you had never had a lover.' " * Then my father told you a falsehood ; mother, here, shall decide.' " * You have, my child,' I answered, addressing Margaret ; ' I don't know that Henriette ever had.' " ' Oh, well, it is nothing ; all I ask you to do is to honor and obey me.' '"And that I shall not do.' "Again he set up a roaring, screaming laugh, in which nobody joined ; when, greatly to our surprise and confusion, Mr. Melton entered the room. " He looked rather astonished, and said, addressing Weldy ; * You, sir, must find my wife and daughters very good company.' " * Oh, very good, charming ; but don't you think they have been trying to make me believe that our intended marriage will be unhappy, and all that sort of thing.' " Mr. Melton glanced angrily from one to the other j * I have forbidden any such suppositions or conversations,' he said, ' and yet they persist in disobedience.' " ' Women have been willful and perverse since the days of Adam,' replied Weldy. " * Then what do you want so many of them for V I inquired. " ' Oh,' he answered with a leer, * they are dear creatures, notwithstanding all their willfulness and perversity.' " ' And these stiff-necked and disobedient girls would refuse the honor you offer them,' said Mr. Melton, 'they deserve a Bevere punishment.' " ' No, don't punish them,' said Weldy, * I wouldn't, on any 864 Female Life among the Mormons. acconnt, that a hair of their beautiful heads should be injured, much less for auy contumely that they may offer me. Of course I am not worthy of them ; no one can be more sensible of his unworthiness, and for this reason, perhaps, more than any other, heaven has blessed me with so many wives, and seems to intend blessing me with more.' " * I should think/ said Margaret, ' that probably the other personage had more to do with it than heaven. Heaven only bestowed one wife on Adam in Paradise ; it would scarcely give a greater number to sinful men in their fallen state.' " ' What do you know of such thmgs V inquired Mr. Melton. ** * I had ought to know something about them, considering the circumstances in which I am- placed.' " * As for me, I think that the less a woman knows the better. Knowledge is not suitable for women, it makes them opiniona- tive and consequential. They are not so easily governed, and the proper government of the women, is the foundation of all domes- tic peace.' " Weldy laughed, and such a laugh, that his coarse ungainly features only looked uglier and more repulsive. * You can know but little about women, however, you, whose domestic expe- rience has been confined to the possession of only one wife.' " ' But now I am going to turn over a new leaf,' said Mr. Melton, glancing at me, 'I have been married this after- noon.' " * Been married this afternoon, Oh, Lord !' screamed Mar- garet, ' what will come next.' " * Your own happy nuptials, I suppose,' said Weldy ; and going to Mr. Melton, he congratulated him on the prospect of happiness for the future, with a hearty shake of the hand ; said he was always glad to see his friends evince a determination to enjoy life, and finally concluded by asking who might be the happy bride " Matrimonial Speculations. 865 " And was that the first intimation you receired that your family was to have an addition ?" " The very first." " And you didn't faint, nor grow sick ?" " Oh, no ; I thought, even then, more of the horrible fate to which my children were destined, than of what misery might result to me, under any possible circumstances." "Mr. Melton then condescended to inform us that, being likely to get rid of the burden of providing for his daughters, he fancied that he could support another wife in tolerable com- fort, especially, as she possessed a good round sum of money, which was to be placed in 'his hands, at the expiration of a month. " ' Well, you are one lucky dog, anyhow,' said Weldy. ' Now, here I have to pay you for these girls, while you go right off and bargain for a wife who has money. That's the advantage of marrying a wife who has no relations.' " ' Ain't it, though V " * I reckon you'll be for getting another, won't you V *' * Not at all unlikely, if I could come across one with money.' " ' You always look out for the main chance.' « ' Don't I ? Well, who has a better right V " ' Nobody.' " And thus they continued talking for a long time," continued Mrs. Melton, " and I discovered that on the same day when my daughters were to leave home for the house of their husband, Mr. Melton designed to bring his bride to fill their place — their place, indeed, as if my heart can ever receive, or look upon her, with any feelings save those of dislike and contempt." " I am astonished that Mr. Melton should take another wife, I did not even suppose that he would entertain the idea of such a thing." 366 Female Life among the Mormons. " Why, Mrs. Ward, there is not a man in Utah, who has not seriously revolved in his mind the expediency of such a course. Of course, they must think of it, when it is made the basis of sermons and conversations. Men are continually inquiring of one another, what they think of it, how they like it, and all such questions. And Mr. Melton, if he imagines that another wife will add to his happiness, I am perfectly satisfied that he should try the experiment ; but my poor, dear girls " — and the mother burst into tears. " It is possible, Mrs. Melton," I said, " that your girls may be much happier than you anticipate, though it is not at all wonderful, that you, or any person of rightly-constituted mind, should regard such an incestuous connection with horror. Weldy, even now, seems less heartless than Mr. Melton ; and I presume these girls might exercise twice the influence over him, that they coald over their father. They are young and beauti- ful, and"— " But the sin, Mrs. Ward — ^the wickedness of living in such a state ; that is dreadful in my eyes ; for, whatever they may say to the contrary, it is — ^it must be — a sin. I wish my daughters to be pure in heart ; I brought them up to virtue, and now that this must be the consummation, almost drives me mad. Some- times I have been tempted to act the part of the Roman matron, and at others, have been ready to arraign the justice of heaven, that thus permitted one portion of mankind to trample on the happiness and rights of the other." " It is all, I suppose, for some wise end." Mrs. Melton shook her head doubtingly, and soon after rose to take leave. The Unsuccessful Search. 86t CHAPTER XL. A CONSULTATION. CONTRAKY to the expectations of nearly all the village, the party who had accompanied Harmer in pursuit of Emily, returned, without having obtained any information of her. There was nothing in the valley to indicate that she had ever been there. There were no traces in the soft mud, by the brook-side ; neither broken flowers, nor shreds of garments. All concluded that, had she passed that way, there would have been something significant of the fact. Hence they determined to prosecute the search in another direction. Mrs. Beardsley declared that she had known, all along, that they would not find her. To be sure, they wouldn't ; wild beasts, or Indians, or something else, had destroyed her, long before this time. " May be not,'' said Mrs. Stillman, sen., who had taken up her residence with Louisa, since the death of her husband. " If it had been Fan Simpkins (for I will never call her Still- man)," said Louisa, " I actually wouldn't have cared at all ; but Emily — so beautiful, and amiable, and innocent — for such a dreadful thing to befall her, almost makes me doubt the goodness of Providence." . " She must be somewhere," said Mrs. Stillman, sen, ; " because these fellows did not find her, is no proof that she has not been lost ; and even if Harmer does not discover her among the Indi- ans, who were here that day, it will be no evidence to me, that 368 Female Life among the Mormons. she has not been kidnapped by some of them ;" and after deliv- ering these quaint and incontrovertible opinions, the good lady felt as if she had discharged an important dnty. Mr. Stillman had formed a company of twenty men, with whom he intended to explore the gorges and ravines aronnd the foot of the great Salt Lake, as he fancied that, becoming bewildered, she might have wandered oflf in that direction. The prepara- tions were all made, and the party assembled, when a messenger arrived from B m, forbidding them to depart, and ordering each man to go to his work. Mrs. Bradish was in the midst, encouraging the enterprise, and urging them not to abandon the prosecution of the search until they had found her ; consequently, this sudden and summary arrest of a proceeding, that she con- sidered just and necessary, filled her with the deepest indigna- tion ; and, notwithstanding her deference for the Head of the Church, she was not slow to manifest her displeasure. The men were equally dissatisfied, but they stood around in sullen silence, while she advanced boldly up to the messenger, and demanded the reasons for so extraordinary a proceeding. " He gave no reason, madam," said the messenger, " only that you were on a fool's errand ; that he would guarantee any pledge, that Emily was perfectly safe ; and that the men should go to work, instead of wandering about the woods." " But how does he know that she is safe ?" " He has had a revelation." Mrs. Bradish shook her head, and looked as if she doubted it. " What do you say ?" inquired one of the men, turning to Mr. Stillman, " are we going or not ?" " I should go," said Mrs. Bradish decidedly ; "no one can entertain a greater respect for B ^m than I do ; that is, in his legitimate sphere, as our spiritual leader ; but when it comes to lAterference with personal privileges, when he wishes to restrict The Prophet^s Mandate. 369 us ia the exercise of individual liberty, I hold that resistance is a necessary virtue.'^ Mr. Stillman said, that though he entertained the higliest regard and deepest reverence for the lady who had just spoken, he was compelled to dissent from her opinion. That their spir- itual leader was likewise their temporal governor, and that to disobey him in one respect, would show their want of confidence in his judgment and good sense. " I give it up,'' said Mrs. Bradish, " who can tell ? probably he knows more of Emily than we have imagined. It seems mar- vellous to me that he is so utterly indiflferent to her fate." " It may be best to wait till Harmer returns," suggested Mr. Ward, " he may bring some information of her, though I hardly expect it." " But he may be gone two or three days yet," said a bystander, " and the exposure and hunger of two or three days more, may cost Emily her life, if she be not already dead." " I move that we go, whether he wants us to or not," said another. ** So do I ," ejaculated a third, "it is none of his business, no how." " I don't know how it can be, we were not working for him." " Go, go, by all means," said Mrs. Bradish, and she made a motion towards the windows of B m that looked to me like snapping her fingers. Could it be in defiance ? but no one will dispute that her resolution and independence of spirit wer ^ remarkable. " If you hesitate," she continued, " I will collect a party of women and go myself." " A party of women, indeed, you'd all get lost," said one of the men ; B m, who could see from his windows the hesitancy of the company, came slowly forth, and approaching the group, accosted them in consolatory terms ; something like the fol- lowing : 16* 3 TO Female Life among the Mormons. " I can give you an earnest and hearty assurance, that our young sister is comfortably provided for, and what is more, that she has withdrawn from us voluntarily, and for reasons perfectly satisfactory to me, as they should be to you." " But where is she ?" " What be they ?" " How do you know ?" was anxiously inquired. " Where she is, and what were her reasons for going away, are secrets which I am not permitted to reveal, and I know by the spirit that is in me, to read secret and hidden things." " If that is the only way you know," said one, though in a low tone, " I wouldn't give much for the knowledge." B m had recently lost much of the prestige of his power and influence ; his revelations had become too common and absurd to attract much notice, or win any confidence. Then, too, his character for lying, sensuality, and hypocrisy had disgusted many of the best men in the church ; many wished to have him deposed, and some even went so far as to talk of it, but no measures had been taken to effect the purpose. True, he like- wise had many friends, generally speaking, those who derived honor or profit from his elevation, or those who were connected by marriage with him. It must be conceded, however, that much of the machinations against him was fomented by the animosity and envy of Lawrence. This man, whose character seemed a compound of mean duplicity and selfish cunning, took every occasion to enlarge on the faults and infirmities of his successful rival, descanted on his weaknesses, and actually turned his sermons, as well as his style of preaching into ridicule. When B ^m appeared in public, he usually managed to be somewhere not far off, and he always made it a point to criticise most unmercifully the language and sentiments of his opponent. On the present occasion, he was standing in the midst, and this time with Irene leaning on his arm ; they had, it seemed, been out walking together, and seeing the gathering, The Prophet Suspected. 371 had approached to ascertain what was going on. They obtained the information that they desired from a bystander, when Law- rence began his remarks. " And he forbids your going to look her up ?" " I believe so ; he says that she is in safety." ** If he knows that, he must know where she is." " He does, probably," suggested Irene, " I presume that he has her secreted somewhere in his house." "Think so?" " To be sure, I think so ; if such is not the case, why is he so indifferent and unconcerned ?" '' I will volunteer to lead a party to search the house, and see who is concealed in it," exclaimed Lawrence jk *' No, no," cried several voices. They had lost all confidence in B m, it is true, but Lawrence was almost equally unpopular. " I have not the least doubt," said Irene, " that this woman, whose absence has struck you all as something remarkable, is now confined in that hypocrite's dwelling, and I have good rea- sons for what I say." " What be they ?" " What be they ?" demanded the listeners. *' I have not time to relate them, but if you wish to find Emily, follow my husband, and search that house." During this scene, B m stood like one amazed ; his counte- nance changing from surprise to apprehension, from apprehension to anger. Two or three seemed inclined to second her proposal to search his house, though the most influential were evidently opposed to the perpetration of such a deed of violence. He was a skillful physiognomist, and the expression of the surrounding faces was not lost on him. He determined, therefore, to treat the accusations of Irene as the ravings of a maniac, and address- ing one of his friends and confidential advisers, requested him to look after that woman, thus become suddenly insane. This 372 Femai^e Life among the Morjions. request, made in a voice sufficiently loud to attract the attention of all assembled, caused them all to look round, and several women screamed at the bare supposition of being contiguous to a mad-woman. " Who is it?" inquired Irene, " who is it he means ?" " Yourself," said Hyde, the designated friend, " come along with me." " With you, I am not crazy." " Certainly you talk like a crazy person, you must be taken . care of," he replied. Irene, who possessed little courage or resolution, was over- whelmed with astonishment and consternation ; all she had ever Jieard or imagined of narrow cells, straight- waistcoats, chains and mad-house-scourges, flashed across her memory, as she clung shrieking to Lawrence, and entreated him to save her. " No woman in her right mind, would ever give way to such unlikely and unaccountable suspicion. I received intimation that she was mad some time ago, though I have never before to-day seen any exemplification of it," said B m, with a demeanor as cool and as calm as if nothing had happened. " Take me home," said Irene, clinging to Lawrence. " Take me home ; do, do." " Take her home," said B m authoritatively, " and keep her there. Home is the place for her; and that is not all, remember that I will not overlook or forget her insults, and if she puts herself in my way again, and stigmatizes me with such language another time, she will be taken care of in a manner that she won't fancy." Irene hurried away trembling. Mrs. Bradish, deeply as she was concerned for Emily, could not refrain from laughing heartily at the singular incident. " What do you think of Irene's suspicion ?" I said to her that evening, when we were in conversation about Emily Mrs. Bbadish utters Treason 313 " What do I think ?" she answered. " Yes ; don't it seem to you, as if there might be a possibility that her conjecture is correct ?" She nodded affirmatively. "It seems so to me, and everything tends to confirm the sus- picion," I said. " I shouldn't wonder at all, if Emily was confined in his house." "Nor I either." " I never thought of it, till a short time since," said Mrs. Bradish, " but his coolness and indifference do look like it." "And his objections to having her sought, with all his assurances that she is safe and well off." " I have a great mind to undertake the matter myself," said the lady. "If he has got Emily stowed away in some place of concealment, I'd soon bring her to light." " How so ?" " He has got many wives, and these wives must some of them know about her. By intriguing with them the whole mystery could be unravelled." " Probably." " T^o doubt at all of it," she replied. " To-morrow I mean to commence operations." I could not help regarding her with surprise. She had always been an advocate of polygamy, and never expressed the least sympathy or regard for its victims. Perhaps she read my coun- tenance, or herself felt the contradictory nature of her conduct. " Emily," she said, coming close to me, " has always been my loved and valued friend, and Anna Bradish prides herself on never forgetting to do good to those who have done good to her." " That's the rule you go by, is it ?" " The rule I go by, is always to treat people precisely as they 374 Female Life among the Mormons. treat me. If they use me well, I will, if possible, nse them better, but if they injure or insult me, I shall not promise what kind of treatment they'll receive in return." " Then you don't go by the golden rule ?" " The silver rule is good enough for me," she answered, laughing. " And what is that ?" " Why, haven't I just told you ? to treat people as they treat you." *' Has B m ill-treated you ?" I inquired. " His treatment has not been very kind." " But I thought that you were the best of friends." " So we were for a time, but not now." " That is strange, anyhow." " You know, Mrs. Ward," she observed, after a moment's though tfulness, " that Mormonism is continually changing its phases. Under the rule of Smith we had dreams, prophecies, and miracles. Spiritual wives were likewise in vogue. Since then, the characteristics of our faith have been polygamy and revelations. Now, it long ago occurred to me, that the absolute temporal and spiritual authority, which the leader and Head of our church exercised, might be wisely shared by a female of age and experience, whose moderation and judgment could scarcely fail of having a happy effect on the masculine counsels of her colleague ; Smith was favorable to such a scheme. He even proposed it to me as an inducement, when I hesitated about uniting with his church. 'Because,' he said, in plain words, * that the sister who made the greatest sacrifice, embarked the most property, and manifested the most zealous attachment to the faith, would of course be promoted to that situation.' I am naturally ambitious of distinction, and consequently I lent a will- ing ear to his flattering overtures, forsook my friends, abandoned piy principles, and in more than one instance, connived to con- Ambition Thwarted. 3t5 ceal his practices of vice, in order to share his authority at some future time. His death precluded the possibiUty of that, and though circumstances deprived me of the privilege of assisting in the choice of his successor, I had little doubt that my claims would be recognized, and the avowed purpose of the sainted dead respected in a proper manner. " You know, moreover, that B m acknowledged himself under obligations to me, and offered me his hand in consequence." " Which you should have accepted, if you wished to share his authority." " There you are mistaken again ; a wife according to the code of Mormon, can have no authority, her very existence being lost or merged in that of the husband. I didn't choose to resign my identity to so distinguished a man as our Prophet, but I did choose a few days since to inform him of my expectations, and the elders and leaders of the church were favorable to my plan." " And what did he say ?" " Commenced a long tirade about the unfitness of women for authority, and advised me to fulfill the design of my creation, by taking a husband and bearing children. Could anything be more insulting ?" " To some women it would have been goo